_HEUTE_0904 :

_2.01170—20170904    —VOR, 4.—000—JAHREN, Frauen wanderten HunderteKm zu Männern ins Lechtal (Wissenschaft, 21:04)
_05180904            * PINDAR—THE—GREEK—POET

(SFC, 19960904             , p.A8)(TMC, 19940000             , p.1990)(AP, 19970802             )(SFEC, 20000730             , p.C18)1
04220904             † BONIFATIUS—I—PAPA
04760904             Der letzte WEST—RÖMER—REICH—KAISER—ROMULUS—AUGUSTULUS wird durch den GERMANEN—HEERFÜHRER—ODOAKER abgesetzt und verbannt.
04760904             Nach traditioneller Ansicht endet damit das WEST—RÖMER—REICH
05220904             —BC, * Pindar (d.~443), GREECE—POET.
05810904             die in die ACTUS EINGESCHOBENE—URKUNDE—VOM
07990904             † M?S?—AL—K?ZIM, schiitischer Imam und MOHAMMED—NACHFAHRE
09170904             —SCHLACHT—VON—SAN—ESTEBAN—DE—GORMAZ auf der Iberischen Halbinsel
09170904             —BESIEGT ORDOÑO—II—KÖNIG—VON—LEÓN mit seinem Heer die aus dem KALIFAT—VON—CÓRDOBA aufgebrochenen KALIF—ABD—AR—RAHMAN—III—TRUPPEN
09730904             * AL—B?R?N?, persischer Gelehrter und Astronom
09990904             † FRANKO—BISCHOF—VON—WORMS
10240904             CONRAD—II (the Sailor) was chosen as GERMANY—KING.
10240904             —AM, DIE—WAHL—HANDLUNG auf 1—RHEIN—INSEL—BEI—OPPENHEIM geschah,
10240904             Mit KONRAD—II. wird in Kamba bei Oppenheim der 1. Salier zum DEUTSCHEN—KÖNIG gewählt.
11660904             † ROSALIA, Eremitin und Heilige
12070904             Boniface of Montferrat, leader of the 4. Crusade, was ambushed and killed by the Bulgarians.
12470904             † BALIAN, HERR—VON—BEIRUT
12540904             † JUDENTA—VON—HAGENBUCH, 3. thurgauische ÄBTISSIN—DES—FRAU—MÜNSTER—ZÜRICH
12600904             At THE—BATTLE—OF—MONTAPERTO in ITALY, the Tuscan Ghibellines, who supported the emperor, defeated the Florentine Guelfs, who supported papal power.
12600904             kämpften DEUTSCHE—RITTER PISAs auf Seiten ihrer DEUTSCHE—LANDS—LEUTE aus des MANFRED—HEER.^
12600904             Manfred besiegt die TREUEN—PAPA Florentiner und bringt ganz Tuscien unter seine Herrschaft. in der
12600904             —SCHLACHT—BEI—MONTAPERTI
12610904—12610829    —INTHRONISIERT, Der gewählte URBAN—IV—PAPA wird in Viterbo als PAPA.
13500904             ALBERTUS—SUZII, REITERS—MANN—IN—TREVISO Urlaub zur Rückkehr in DIE—HEIMAT verlangt
13830904             * AMADEUS—VIII, DUKE—OF—SAVOYE, and the last antipope (FELIX—V (14390000—14480000    ).
13830904             * AMADEUS—VIII, letzter katholischer â??KÃ?NIGINâ??VONâ??ANTI—PAPA
14140904             —BEENDET, Der
14140904             —FRIEDE—VON—ARRAS, in FRANKREICH vorübergehend den Bürgerkrieg der ARMAGNACS und BOURGUIGNONS.
14260904             * WOLFGANG—III—KÄMMERER—VON—WORMS, Hofmarschall
14790904             (norte para ESPANHA, com excepção dos Açores e da Madeira e sul para PORTUGAL).
14790904             DOM—AFONSO—V abandona definitivamente qualquer pretensão sobre as Canárias.
14790904             DOM—AFONSO—V reconhece aos REIS—CATÓLICOS a realeza de CASTELA e
14790904             —ASSINATURA—DO—TRATADO—DE—ALCOVAS, que pós fim a Guerra da Sucessão de CASTELA.
14790904             —A—ENTÃO, O paralelo das Canárias passa ser a linha divisória da expansão portuguesa e castelhana
14790904             —ESTE—TRATADO, atribui 1—ESPANHA o senhorio das Canárias e 1—CONQUISTA—DO—REINO de GRANADA,
14790904             —ESTE—TRATADO, atribui a PORTUGAL a conquista DO—REINO de FEZ, e
14790904             —ESTE—TRATADO, atribui a PORTUGAL o senhorio da Cabo Verde e
14790904             —ESTE—TRATADO, atribui a PORTUGAL o senhorio da GUINÉ,
14790904             —AFTER—4—YEARS—OF—WAR, SPAIN agreed to allow 1—PORTUGAL—MONOPOLY—OF—TRADE along AFRICA—WEST—COAST and PORTUGAL acknowledged SPAIN—RIGHTS in the Canary Islands.
14790904             PORTUGAL und KASTILIEN unterzeichnen den VERTRAG—VON—ALCÁÇOVAS zur Beendigung des Kastilischen Erbfolgekrieges.
14790904             —VERZICHTET, Der ALFONS—V—KÖNIG—VON—PORTUAL, auf den kastilischen Thron, dafür
14790904             —ERHÄLT PORTUGAL die Oberhoheit über ALLE—GEWÄSSER und Ländereien südlich von KAP—BOJADOR.
14790904             Lediglich die KANARISCHE—INSELN werden KASTILIEN zugesprochen.
14830904             —PUBLIZIERT, SIXTUS—IV—PAPA—BULLA—GRAVE—NIMIS., die päpstliche.
14830904             Die SIXTUS—IV—PAPA—BULLA—GRAVE—NIMIS erklärt unmissverständlich die Freiheit Mariens von der Erbsünde im Augenblick ihrer Empfängnis.
14850904             † STEPHAN—VON—PFALZ—SIMMERN, DOMHERR—IN—STRAßBURG, MAINZ, Köln, Speyer und Lüttich
15010904             ALEXANDER—VI—PAPA—CESARE—BORGIA aber mochten in des alten Hauses Este Ansehn 1—STÜTZE fur den neugeschaffenen STAAT zu finden hoffen.
15010904             Alles dies ist für LUCREZIA—BORGIA.
15010904             ERCOLE—HERZOG—VON—FERRARA scheint durch den Wunsch, seine STAATEN durch 1—SOLCHE Verbindung GEGEN—DIE—BORGIASCHE Ländergier zu sichern, zu diesem Schritt vermögt worden zu sein
15010904             Ich ALEXANDER—VI—PAPA—CESARE—BORGIA will daß LUCREZIA—BORGIA unter den FÜRSTinnen ITALIENs die meisten, schönsten Perlen besitzen soll.
15010904             auf 100.000—GOLD—GULDEN der Braut LUCREZIA—BORGIA Mitgift festgesetzt wurde ;
15010904             der LEHN—ZINS—FÜR—HERZOG—VON—FERRARA wurde auf 3—GENERATIONEN erlassen.
15010904             zu welchem Schritt des ERCOLE—HERZOG—VON—FERRARA Sohn ALFONS—VON—ESTE—ERBPRINZ—VON—FERRARA wider Willen die Einwilligung gab.
15010904             —VOR, des ERCOLE—HERZOG—VON—FERRARA Gesandten öffnete ALEXANDER—VI—PAPA 1—MIT Perlen gefülltes Coffiret, griff hinein mit den Worten:
15040904             * JOHANN—IV—FÜRST—VON—ANHALT—ZERBST
15290904             SIEGBURG—URKUNDE—787155
15310904             LAUT 1—AKTENSTÜCK—VOM, war
15310904             —DAMALS, JOHANN—VON—GOCH PRIOR, WICHBOLD—VON—DEVENTER SUB—PRIOR und Jaspar Taxis Prokurator des KLOSTERs.
15310904             * HANS—FUGGER, DEUTSCHER—UNTERNEHMER, Kaufmann der Fugger und Mäzen
15430904             * JOHANN—LANGE, sächsischer Orgelbauer
15530904             —CONVERTED, Cornelia da Nomatalcino, 1—MONK who, to Judaism, was burned at the stake.
15590904             —EDIT—DE—VILLERS Cotterêts enregistré 23—DÉC
15630904             * WANLI—KAISER—VON—CHINA aus der MING—DYNASTIE
15640904             A 10-ship SPAIN—FLEET under PEDRO—MENENDEZ—DE—AVILES made landfall in FLORIDA.
15640904             Menendez was under orders from Phillip II to oust the French.
15640904             Die ERIK—XIV—KÖNIG—VON—SCHWEDEN—TRUPPEN erobern das dänisch regierte Ronneby, massakrieren mehr als 2000—EINWOHNER, plündern den Ort und brennen ihn nieder. im
15640904             Die in die HEILIG—KREUZ—KIRCHE geflüchteten Bewohner werden ebenfalls nicht verschont.
15760904             Für den Fall, dass Venedig von der grassierenden Pest erlöst werde, gelobt der Senat den Bau eines Gotteshauses zu Ehren des Erlösers.
15760904             —VERSCHWINDET, Da die Seuche kurze Zeit danach tatsächlich, wird im Folgejahr mit dem Bau der Kirche Il Redentore begonnen.
16070904             O'Neill QUITTE l'IRLANDe pour le continent avec 1—CENTAINE de partisans "Fuite des comtes".
16090903—16090904    The exact date is not known.
16110904             * GEORG—III—HERZOG—VON—BRIEG
16180904             Im unteren Bergell ereignet sich 1—BERGSTURZ am BERG—CONTO, welcher den Ort Piuro (Plurs) größtenteils und das Dorf Chilano (Schilan) ganz unter Felstrümmern begräbt.
16180904             † NICOLÒ—RUSCA, RÖMISCH—KATHOLISCHER Erzpriester in Sondrio
16180904             —GETÖTET, Etwa 2.430—MENSCHEN werden dabei.
16300904             —TRÊVE—DE—RIVALTE avec LES—IMPÉRIAUX
16360904—16380315    JOHANN—VON—HOLTZEM ist als PROPST—VON—OBER—PLEIS —VOM, erwähnt.
16370904             † ERASMUS—SCHMIDT, DEUTSCHER—PHILOLOGE und Mathematiker
16450904             * JOHANN—JAKOB—BUXTORF, Schweizer reformierter Theologe und Orientalist
16520904             * JEAN—ORRY, FRANZÖSISCHER—ÖKONOM, der in SPANIEN die Staatsverwaltung reformierte
16630904             † JOHANNES—HORNSCHUCH, DEUTSCHER—PHILOLOGE und Pädagoge
16690904             —BELAGERUNG—VON—CANDIA,
16690904             —NACH—ÜBER—21—JAHREN—DAUER, die längste BELAGERUNG der Historie, geht zu Ende.
16690904             Die Venezianer kapitulieren gegenüber OSMANEN—TRUPPEN und erhalten freien Abzug aus der Festung auf Kreta.
16720904             GEORG—WILHELM—VON—BRAUNSCHWEIG—LÜNEBURG—CELLE erwirbt 3—GROSSE Elbinseln, die daraufhin eingedeicht und durch Verbindungsdeiche vereint werden.
16720904             Sie tragen fortan den Namen WILHELMSBURG, —HEUTE HAMBURG—WILHELMSBURG.
16750904             * CHRISTIAN—GOTTLIEB—SCHWARZ, DEUTSCHER—PHILOLOGE und Hochschullehrer
16760904             † JOHN—OGILBY, SCHOTTISCHER—KARTOGRAPH, Schriftsteller und Übersetzer
16800904             † WILDERICH—VON—WALDERDORFF, Reichsvizekanzler des Heiligen ROM—REICHES
16820904             ENGLAND—ASTRONOMER EDMUND—HALLEY saw his namesake comet.
16840904             Lodovico, fio di m. BASTIAn Egertmagier, g. 20—SUO padre senza capitolo.
16950904—16950819    —VERKÜNDET—AM, durch den PASTOR—REINERUS—KUELL.
16990904             † REICHARDT—FUX, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—STEINMETZ und Bildhauer
17080904             Die Uraufführung der Oper Amor tra nemici von Attilio Ariosti findet in BERLIN statt.
17210904             * WILHELM—PAUL—VERPOORTEN, DEUTSCHER—PÄDAGOGE und lutherischer Theologe
17290904             * NAISSANCE—DU—DAUPHIN
17350904             —AM, HEINRICH—FERDINAND—DIETRICH—GOTTFRIED—VON—SCHAUMBERG wurde aufgeschworen,
17480904             † NIKLAUS—TSCHEER, SCHWEIZER—PIETIST und Schriftsteller
17500904             † JOSÉ—DE—CAÑIZARES, SPANISCHER—DRAMATIKER und Librettist
17590904             † JOHANN—KARL—SCHWEYER
17670904             * JOSÉ—GREGORIO—ARGOMEDO, CHILENISCHER—ANWALT und Politiker
17670904             † CHARLES—TOWNSHEND, BRITISCHER—ADELIGER und Politiker
17680904             Vicomte FRANÇOIS—RENÉ—DE—CHATEAUBRIAND, FRANCE—WRITER, novelist (Atala) and CHEF who gave his name to 1—STYLE—OF steak, was born.
17720904             * CHARLES—FERDINAND—MOREL, SCHWEIZER—PFARRER und Politiker
17740904             Der ENGLISCHE—WELTUMSEGLER—JAMES—COOK entdeckt auf seiner 2. Reise eine im Pazifik 1500—KM östlich von AUSTRALIEN gelegene Inselgruppe.
17740904             ENGLISCHE—WELTUMSEGLER—JAMES—COOK nennt sie —NACH—DEM lateinischen Namen für SCHOTTLAND (Caledonia) Neukaledonien.
17770904             † JOHANNES—CAPREZ, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher
17810904             —FOUNDED, MEXICO—PROVINCIAL—GOVERNOR, Felipe de Neve, LOS—ANGELES.
17810904             44—SPAIN—SETTLERS named 1—TINY—VILLAGE near S—GABRIEL, LOS—ANGELES.
17810904             —FOUNDED, LOS—ANGELES, 1. 1—INDIA—VILLAGE—YANGMA, was, by SPAIN—DECREE.
17810904             44—SIEDLER gründen den ORT—LOS—ANGELES, —HEUTE die zweitgrößte Stadt in den USA, unter dem Namen El PUEBLO de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles del Río de Porciúncula.
17810904—17690000    —IN, He founded El PUEBLO de Nuestra Senora la Reina de LOS—ANGELES (VALLEY—OF—SMOKES), originally named Nuestra Senora la Reina de LOS—ANGELES de Porciuncula, by Gaspar de Portola, 1—SPAIN—ARMY—CAPTAIN—AND—JUAN—CRESPI, 1—FRANCISCAN priest, who had noticed the beautiful area as they traveled north from S—DIEGO.
17870904             † LOUIS—FRÉDÉRIC—PETITPIERRE, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher
17900904             —FORCED, JACQUES—NECKER was, to resign as finance MINISTER—IN—FRANCE.
17900904             Le ministre est de nouveau contraint à la démission
17900904             Les réformes engagées par NECKER déplaisent fortement aux ÈTATS—GÉNÉRAUX.
17900904             * JOSEPH—ANTON—VON—MAFFEI, DEUTSCHER—INDUSTRIELLER, Eisenbahnfabrikant
17920904             MARAT et la COMMUNE avec 1—POIGNÉE d'hommes en armes vont massacrer les détenus des prisons la Conciergerie
17920904             Répondant à l'appel de DANTON,
17920904             * HEINRICH—CARL—ESMARCH, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Mitglied der Frankfurter Nationalversammlung
17960904             —COUP—DE—ETAT—DU—18—FRUCTIDOR.
17960904             * KARL—FOLLEN, DEUTSCHER—BURSCHENSCHAFTER und Schriftsteller
17960904             * PETER—FENDI, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—ZEICHNER und Kupferstecher
17960904             1. Koalitionskrieg
17960904             —SCHLACHT—BEI—ROVERETO
17970904             —STAATSSTREICH des 18. Fructidor V während der FRANZÖSISCHEN—REVOLUTION beschert FRANKREICH eine radikale republikanische Regierung und ein neuerliches Klima von Terror.
17970904             —IN—DER—FOLGE, Das Direktorium wird durch ein von PAUL—DE—BARRAS dominiertes Triumvirat kontrolliert.
18020904             1—FRANCE—AERONAUT dropped 8000—FEET equipped with 1—PARACHUTE.
18020904             * MARCUS—WHITMAN, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—ARZT und Missionar
18020904             —PRÄSENTIERT, Der DEUTSCHE—PHILOLOGE GEORG—FRIEDRICH—GROTEFEND, in Göttingen der Öffentlichkeit seine 1. Schritte zur Entzifferung der Keilschrift.
18030904             * SARAH—POLK, USA—AMERIKANISCHE 1. Lady
18070904             ROBERT—FULTON began operating his steamboat.
18070904—18070817    —SEE
18090904             * LUDWIG—LINDENSCHMIT—DER—ÄLTERE, DEUTSCHER—PRÄHISTORIKER, Zeichenlehrer, Lithograph und Maler
18100904             * DONALD—MCKAY, USA naval architect, built fastest clipper ships.
18100904             * CARL—ALEXANDER—SPATZ, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Politiker
18110904             * LUDWIG—MÜLLER—URI, DEUTSCHER—GLASMACHER, Kunstaugenbläser und Pionier der DEUTSCHEN—AUGENPROTHETIK
18120904             * FRANZ—KUCHENBUCH, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Maler
18130904             In der Kladde von KANZLER—HANS—CARL—LEOPOLD—VON—DER—GABELENTZ, die die Spielabrechnungen einer Gruppe Altenburger Honoratioren enthält, taucht zum 1. Mal der Begriff "Scat" auf.
18130904             Dies gilt als das Geburtsdatum des Skatspiels.
18150904             * JOHANNES—ROTH, DEUTSCHER—ZOOLOGE und Forschungsreisender
18190904             * ADOLF—PICHLER, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER und Naturwissenschaftler
18200904             —DECLARED, TSAR—ALEXANDER, that RUSSIA—INFLUENCE in NORTH—AMERICA extended as far south as OREGON and closed Alaskan waters to foreigners.
18210904             * WILHELM—SCHWARTZ, DEUTSCHER—PÄDAGOGE und Schriftsteller
18210904             † JOSÉ—MIGUEL—CARRERA, lateinamerikanischer Nationalheld und 1. PRÄSIDENT—CHILES
18240904             * ANTON—BRUCKNER, COMPOSER—AND—WAGNER disciple, in AUSTRIA.
18320904             * VATIKAN—DIPLOMAT—ANTONIO—AGLIARDI, und Kurienkardinal
18330904             —ANSWERED, BARNEY—FLAHERTY, —10—JAHRE—ALT, 1—AD in "THE—NEW—YORK—SUN" and became the 1. newsboy, —LATER called 1—PAPERBOY.
18340904             † PETER—ERASMUS—MÜLLER, DÄNISCHER—BISCHOF, Historiker und Sprachforscher
18350904             * LEOPOLD—GRÜTZMACHER, DEUTSCHER—CELLIST und Komponist
18350904             † ALBERT—JAKOB—ARNOLDI, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE und Orientalist
18370904             SAMUEL—MORSE führt 1. seinen Schreibtelegrafen praktisch vor.
18380904             —BECAME, Henrietta d'Angeville (17940000—18710000    ), the 1. woman to climb to the top of MOUNT—BLANC, FRANCE.
18380904—18080000    —IN, mountain guides had carried MARIE—PARADIS, 1—LOCAL serving girl, to the top.
18420904             —RESUMED, Work on Cologne cathedral, —AFTER—284—YEAR hiatus.
18420904             Beim Dombaufest zu Köln erfolgt die Grundsteinlegung für den Weiterbau des Kölner Doms.
18430000—19070904    * † EDVARD—HAGERUP—GRIEG, NORWAY—COMPOSER (Peer Gynt Suite).
18430904             * JAMES—ALFRED—PORRET, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher und Hochschullehrer
18430904             Der ENGLISCHE—ENTDECKER—JAMES—CLARK—ROSS kehrt von einer Expedition in die ANTARKTIS zurück.
18460904             * DANIEL—BURNHAM, USA architect, city planner and builder of skyscrapers.
18460904             * WILHELM—KÜCHLER—OBERBÜRGERMEISTER—VON—WORMS und hessischer Finanzminister
18480904             * HEINRICH—BRUNS, DEUTSCHER—MATHEMATIKER und Astronom
18490904             † KARL—FERDINAND—BECKER, DEUTSCHER—ARZT, Naturwissenschaftler, Pädagoge und Sprachforscher
18520904             Die Uraufführung der Oper Wenn ich KÖNIG wär' (KÖNIG für einen —TAG) von ADOLPHE—ADAM findet am THÉÂTRE—LYRIQUE in PARIS statt.
18530904             * HERMANN—VON—WISSMANN, DEUTSCHER—AFRIKAFORSCHER, Offizier und Kolonialbeamter
18540904             * HENRI—BERGUER, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher
18570904             * JULES—ANDRADE, FRANZÖSISCHER—MATHEMATIKER, Physiker und Uhrmacher
18570904             ERNST—RIETSCHEL, GOETHE—SCHILLER—DENKMAL wird in Weimar enthüllt.
18590904             * WILHELM—WETEKAMP, DEUTSCHER—NATURSCHUTZPIONIER und Reformpädagoge
18620904             —INVADED, ROBERT—E—LEE—CONFEDERATE 50,000-man army, MARYLAND, —STARTING the Antietam Campaign.
18620904             —SCOOPED, NEW—YORK Tribune reporter GEORGE—SMALLEY, the world with his vivid ACCOUNT—OF—THE—BATTLE—OF—ANTIETAM.
18620904             —ÜBERSCHREITET, Während des
18640904             Bread riots took place in MOBILE—ALABAMA.
18650904             JOAQUIM—ANTÓNIO—DE—AGUIAR wird PREMIERMINISTER—DER konstitutionellen Monarchie in PORTUGAL.
18700904             —INVADED, At news of Sedan, PARIS workers, the Palais Bourbon and forced the Legislative Assembly to proclaim the fall of the Empire.
18700904             Emperor LOUIS—NAPOLEON—III was overthrown in 1—BLOODLESS—COUP.
18700904             —PROCLAIMED, The 3. FRANCE—REPUBLIC was, in PARIS and 1—GOVERNMENT—OF—NATIONAL—DEFENSE was formed.
18700904             das Pariser BÜRGERTUM erklärte des KAISER—LOUIS—NAPOLÉON—III. Regierung für abgesetzt
18700904             das Pariser BÜRGERTUM revoltierte,
18700904             —ABER,
18700904             —AT—NEWS—OF—SEDAN, PARIS—WORKERS—FORCE the Legislative Assembly to proclaim THE—FALL—OF—THE—EMPIRE.
18700904             —AT—NEWS—OF—SEDAN, PARIS—WORKERS invade the Palais BOURBON,
18700904             —BY—EVENING, the 3. Republic is proclaimed at the Hotel de Ville (THE—CITY—HALL) in PARIS.
18700904             —FRANKREICH—REPUBLIK.wird
18700904             —THE—PROVISIONAL—GOVERNMENT—OF—NATIONAL—DEFENCE (GND) is established to continue THE—WAR—EFFORT to remove GERMANY from FRANCE.
18700904             PARIS, rufen LÉON—GAMBETTA und JULES—FAVRE nach der Niederlage im DEUTSCH—FRANZÖSISCHEN—KRIEG die 3. REPUBLIK aus.
18700919—18700904    —DARAUFHIN
18730904             * EMIL—BÖHM, DEUTSCHER—MALER
18740904             * JEAN—D—ORLÉANS, duc de Guise, CHEF—DES—HAUSES—ORLÉANS—BOURBON, Thronprätendent
18760904             † FRANZ—XAVER—VON—ANDLAW—BIRSECK, badischer Diplomat
18800904             † HANS—HEINRICH—RYFFEL, SCHWEIZER—UNTERNEHMER und Politiker
18810904             * GABY—DESLYS, FRANZÖSISCHE—REVUE—TÄNZERIN, Schauspielerin und Sängerin
18810904             * LAMINE—BEY—LETZTER—BEY—VON—TUNIS
18820904             —DISPLAYED, THOMAS—EDISON, the 1. practical electrical lighting system.
18820904             —TURNED, He successfully, on the lights in a 1—SQUARE—MILE—AREA—OF—NEW—YORK—CITY with the world's 1. electricity generating plant.
18820904             in der GENERAL—VERSAMMLUNG—VOM damalige PRÄSIDENT—DES—VEREIN, ALFRED—VON—REUMONT, warme Worte gerechter Anerkennung gespendet ^
18820904             THOMAS—ALVA—EDISON eröffnet das
18820904             1. Zentralkraftwerk für Elektrizität der USA in der NEW—YORK—PEARL—STREET.
18830904             Der Erfinder EMIL—BERLINER erhält in den USA 1—PATENT auf 1—ART—DER—PARKETTGESTALTUNG.
18840904             * GEORGES—PITOËFF, FRANZÖSISCHER—SCHAUSPIELER, Regisseur und Theaterleiter
18850904             * KARDINAL—ANTONIO—BACCI, italienischer katholischer
18850904             NEW—YORK—CITY wird 1—CAFETERIA als weltweit 1. Selbstbedienungsrestaurant geöffnet.
18860904             —SURRENDERED, Elusive Apache leader Geronimo (18290000—19090000    ), to GENERAL—NELSON—A—MILES (18390000—19250000    ) at Skeleton CANYON—ARIZONA This ended the last major USA—INDIA—WAR.
18860904             —UNTERWERFUNG der Indianer Nordamerikas:
18860904             Geronimo, Kriegshäuptling der Chiricahua, stellt sich mit den letzten ihm verbliebenen Kriegern den Amerikanern unter GENERAL—NELSON—APPLETON—MILES.
18870904             * HERMANN—ZONDEK, DEUTSCHER—ARZT
18870904             * OTTO—ADAMS, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER und Gewerkschafter, MdR
18870904             † BENDICHT—PETER, SCHWEIZER—OFFIZIER und Beamter
18880904             —RECEIVED, GEORGE—EASTMAN, patent #388,850 for his ROLL—FILM—CAMERA and registered his trademark: "Kodak".
18880904             —INTRODUCED, GEORGE—EASTMAN, the box camera.
18880904             * LA—ARGENTINA, SPANISCHE—BALLETT—TÄNZERIN und Choreografin
18880904             * OSKAR—SCHLEMMER, DEUTSCHER—MALER, Bildhauer und Bühnenbildner
18880904             Der Süden der Insel PAPUA—NEUGUINEA wird als Kolonie mit dem Namen BRITISCH—NEUGUINEA—VON—GROSSBRITANNIEN annektiert.
18880904             GEORGE—EASTMAN lässt die HANDELSMARKE—KODAK registrieren und erhält 1—PATENT für 1—ROLLFILM—KAMERA, die Kodak NUMBER 1.
18900904             1—GROSSBRAND verursacht schwere Schäden in der GRIECHISCHEN—STADT—THESSALONIKI.
18900904             Das europäische Viertel brennt vollständig nieder.
18900904             20.000—MENSCHEN werden obdachlos.
18920904             * DARIUS—MILHAUD, AIX—EN—PROVENCE FRANCE, composer.
18930904             BEATRIX—POTTER, ENGLAND—AUTHOR, 1. told the story of PETER—RABBIT in the form of a "picture letter" to NOEL—MOORE, THE—SON—OF—POTTER—FORMER—GOVERNESS.
18930904             A 2. illustrated letter the same —MONTH—LATER became "THE—TALE—OF—JEREMY—FISHER".
18930904—19010000    —PUBLISHED, The "Tale of PETER—RABBIT" was.
18940904             Some 12,000 tailors in NEW—YORK City went on strike to protest the existence of sweatshops.
18950904             † AUGUST—KAUTZ, DEUTSCH—USA—AMERIKANISCHER—KAVALLERIEOFFIZIER der Union im Sezessionskrieg
18970904             * GUS—ARNHEIM, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—PIANIST, Komponist, Arrangeur und Bandleader
19000904             * PHILIPP—RUPPRECHT, DEUTSCHER—KARIKATURIST und Maler, Hauptzeichner der NS—WOCHENZEITUNG Der Stürmer
19040904             —SIGNED, DALI Lama, 1—TREATY allowing UNITED—KINGDOM—COMMERCE in TIBET.
19050904             MARY—RENAULT (MARY—CHALLANS), AUTHOR—WHO wrote about her wartime experiences in "THE—LAST—OF—THE—WINE" and "THE—KING—MUST—DIE," was born.
19050904             She also wrote "Funeral Games".
19050904             * WALTER—ZAPP, DEUTSCHER—ERFINDER der Kleinstbildkamera
19060904             * MAX—DELBRÜCK, DEUTSCH—USA—AMERIKANISCHER—BIOPHYSIKER und Genetiker, Nobelpreisträger
19070904             —GATHERED, WASHINGTON, state 500—WHITE working men in Bellingham, to drive 1—COMMUNITY—OF—SOUTH—ASIA—MIGRANT—WORKERS (Sikhs) OUT—OF—THE—CITY.
19070904             —DEPARTED, Within —10—DAYS the entire SOUTH—ASIA—POPULATION, town.
19080904             RICHARD—WRIGHT (19600000             †), novelist who wrote about the abuses of blacks in white society, best known for "Native Son" (19400000             ), was born near NATCHEZ—MISSISSIPPI.
19090904             * EDUARD—WIRTHS, DEUTSCHER—SS—STANDORTARZT in Auschwitz
19100904—19100905    1—ANSCHLUSS DER—DEUTSCHEN—JUGENDBEWEGUNG an das internationale Jugendsekretariat stehen DIE—BESTIMMUNGEN des VEREINgesetzes entgegen.
19110904             JOÃO—PINHEIRO—CHAGAS wird 1. verfassungsmäßiger Regierungschef der neuerrichteten REPUBLIK—PORTUGAL.
19120904             * ALEXANDER—LIBERMAN, editor, painter and photographer (639).
19150904             * RUDOLF—SCHOCK, GERMANY—OPERA and operetta tenor.
19150904             —PLACED, THE—USA—MILITARY, HAITI under martial law to quell 1—REBELLION in its CAPITAL—PORT—AU—PRINCE.
19160904             —WWI in OST—AFRIKA:
19170904             —SUFFERED, THE—USA—EXPEDITIONARY force in FRANCE, its 1. fatalities —WWI—IN —WHEN 1—GERMANY—PLANE attacked 1—BRITISH—RUN—BASE—HOSPITAL.
19180904             * PAUL—HARVEY, conservative radio commentator, in TULSA—OKLAHOMA.
19180904             † HANS—DROYSEN, DEUTSCHER—ALTPHILOLOGE und Historiker
19190000—19950904    THE—UCLA attorney spoke out for the politically unpopular in 1—CONTROVERSIAL—CAREER and defended THE—CHICAGO 7.
19200904             * CRAIG—CLAIBORNE, food critic, food columnist (NY Times Cookbook) and cookbook author.
19200904             Maggie Higgins, the 1. woman to win the Pulitzer Prize (19510000             ) for INTERNATIONAL reporting, for her work in Korean war zones, was born.
19210000—19510904    * † Juozas Luksa, aka "Skirmantas" or "Daumantas," LITHUANIA—PARTISAN, was killed by SOVIET—COUNTERINTELLIGENCE.
19230904             —PREMIERED, NOEL—COWARD—REVUE "LONDON Calling,", in LONDON.
19230904             1. USA—AMERIKANISCHE—STARRLUFTSCHIFF und gleichzeitig 1. mit dem Traggas Helium gefüllte Luftschiff, die USS Shenandoah, hat seine Jungfernfahrt.
19240000—20100904    * † PAUL—CONRAD (, LA Times political cartoonist.
19290801—19290904    —BIS, Das DEUTSCHE—STARRLUFTSCHIFF LZ 127—GRAF—ZEPPELIN aus dem Haus Zeppelin beginnt von Friedrichshafen aus seine dauernde Weltfahrt.
19290904             Die 35-tägige Weltfahrt des DEUTSCHEN—LUFTSCHIFFS LZ 127—GRAF—ZEPPELIN endet in Friedrichshafen.
19290904             Etwa 40.000—MENSCHEN finden sich ein, um die Rückkehr mitzuerleben.
19320904             † HEINRICH—SCHULZ, DEUTSCHER—REFORMPÄDAGOGE und Politiker, MdR, Wegbereiter der Stenografie
19330821—19330904    —UNTIL, THE—18. ZIONIST—CONGRESS—PRAGUE.
19360904             BERYL—MARKHAM startet in LONDON in einer Percival Vega Gull zu ihrem NONSTOP—ALLEINFLUG über den Atlantik, dem 1. in OST—WEST—RICHTUNG.
19390904             —STORMED, GERMANY—TROOPS, into Danzig (GDANSK).
19390904             —MARCHED, THE—NAZIS, into CZESTOCHOWA—POLAND, —2—DAYS—AFTER they invaded POLAND.
19390904             —EXTERMINATED, THE—POLAND—GHETTO of Mir was.
19390904             * ERWIN—TEUFEL, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER, MdL, Ministerpräsident von BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG
19390904             Im DEUTSCHEN—REICH wird für Frauen zwischen 18—UND 25—DIE halbjährige Reichsarbeitsdienstpflicht eingeführt.
19400904             —ESTABLISHED, AFC was, by Yale law student R. DOUGLAS—STUART, JUNIOR, along with other students including future PRESIDENT—GERALD—FORD...
19400904             Nach Gebietsverlusten auf Grund des 2. Wiener Schiedsspruches ernennt KÖNIG—CAROL—II—ION—ANTONESCU zum PREMIERMINISTER—RUMÄNIENS mit diktatorischen Vollmachten.
19410904             —FIRED, GERMANY—SUBMARINE U-652, at THE—USA—DESTROYER Greer off ICELAND, beginning 1 undeclared shooting war.
19420904             —BOMBED, SOVIET—PLANES, BUDAPEST in the war's 1. air raid on THE—HUNGARY—CAPITAL.
19430904             —CAPTURED, Allied troops, LAE—SALAMAUA, in NEW—GUINEA.
19430904             —LANDED, British 8. army, at TARANTO in SOUTH—ITALY.
19430904             Der METROPOLIT—SERGIUS wird mit der Zustimmung Stalins zum Moskauer Patriarchen gewählt.
19430904             Er soll die Gläubigen für den KRIEG—GEGEN—DIE—DEUTSCHEN mobilisieren.
19440903—19440904    —DEPORTED, Some 3,000 more Jews are, from Westerbork in HOLLAND on 2—SEPARATE—TRAINS.
19440903—19440904    ANNE—FRANK, who has —SINCE become WORLD—FAMOUS because of her diaries written in AMSTERDAM —DURING THE—GERMAN—OCCUPATION, is aboard 1—OF—THESE trains.
19440903—19440904    Her parents had brought her to HOLLAND as 1—REFUGEE from GERMANY —BEFORE the war.
19440903—19440904    † She —LATER dies in BERGEN—BELSEN CONCENTRATION—CAMP.
19440903—19440904    (Atlas)
19440904             † ERICH—FELLGIEBEL, DEUTSCHER—GENERAL, Widerstandskämpfer des 19440720             19450904             —REGAINED, USA, possession of Wake ISLAND from JAPAN.
19450904             —RAISED, THE—USA—FLAG was, on Wake ISLAND —AFTER surrender ceremonies there.
19460904             * HEINER—BARTLING, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER, Innenminister von NIEDERSACHSEN
19460904             Bei den Präsidentschaftswahlen in CHILE erringt GABRIEL—GONZÁLEZ—VIDELA die relative Mehrheit von 40,1—PROZENT—DER—STIMMEN.
19480904             —ABDICATED, QUEEN—WILHELMINA, THE—HOLLAND—THRONE for health reasons.
19480904             CHILE, wird das umstrittene Gesetz zur Verteidigung der Demokratie (Ley de Defensa de la Democracia) beschlossen, mit dem die Kommunistische Partei verboten wird.
19480904             —ÜBERNIMMT, JULIANA—HERZOGIN—VON—MECKLENBURG—SCHWERIN, die Amtsgeschäfte und wird faktisch KÖNIGIN—DER—NIEDERLANDE.
19480904             JULIANA—HERZOGIN—VON—MECKLENBURG—SCHWERIN Ihre Inthronisation findet —2—TAGE—SPÄTER statt.
19490904             HERTA—HEUWER erfindet in BERLIN die Currywurst mit der CHILLUP—SAUCE.
19500904             —APPEARED, THE—BEETLE—BAILEY cartoon, for the 1. time in syndication.
19500904             Beatle Bailey, the laziest private in the army, was created by Mort Walker.
19500904             The 1. helicopter RESCUE—OF—USA—PILOT behind enemy lines.
19500904             1—HEAVY typhoon struck JAPAN and killed about 250—PEOPLE.
19510904             —CARRIED, The broadcast was, by 94—STATIONS.
19520904             ERNEST—HEMINGWAYS—ROMAN—DER alte Mann und das Meer erscheint in den USA
19520904             † CARLO—SFORZA, ITALIENISCHER—POLITIKER und Antifaschist
19540904             LA—VANGUARDIA—ESPANOLA—PAGE—3;
19540904             PAGE—3. As obscure as Catholic chemists may seem. the
19540904             —FABLED, The 1. passage of McClure Strait, NORTH—WEST—PASSAGE, completed.
19570904             —TURNED, ARKANSAS National guardsmen, away Black students from CENTRAL—HIGH—SCHOOL in LITTLE—ROCK.
19570904             —INTRODUCED, Ford Motor Co., 19580000             —THE—EDSEL.
19570904—19570924    —ON, 9—STUDENTS made it into the school under THE—PROTECTION—OF—FEDERAL—TROOPS sent by PRESIDENT—EISENHOWER.
19570904—19600000    —DESIGNED, THROUGH, It was, by ROY—BROWN and sold only 173,000 units.
19570904—20070000    —AUTHORED, ELIZABETH Jacoway, "Turn Away Thy Son: LITTLE—ROCK, the Crises That Shocked the Nation".
19590904             "MACK—THE—KNIFE" was banned from radio -- at least from WCBS Radio in NEW—YORK City.
19590904             The ban was due to teenage stabbings in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19590904             STUTTGART, findet die Uraufführung des DEUTSCH—DÄNISCHEN—EDGAR—WALLACE—FILMS—DER—FROSCH mit der Maske statt.
19590904             Der Film löst in DEUTSCHLAND 1—WELLE—VON—KRIMINALFILMEN aus, die —BIS in die 1970ER—JAHRE anhält.
19600904             Ein neu bestellter 50—KW—RUNDFUNKSENDER geht in Moosbrunn bei WIEN in Betrieb, wobei auch eine neue RUNDSTRAHL—REUSENANTENNE zum Einsatz kommt.
19610904             In der Bundesrepublik DEUTSCHLAND wird erstmals 1—FERNSEH—VORMITTAGSPROGRAMM gesendet, das allerdings fast —20—JAHRE lang exklusiv über die westdeutschen Grenzsender für die Bewohner der DDR ausgestrahlt wird.
19640904             Das BRITISCHE—KÖNIGSPAAR gibt feierlich die Forth Road Bridge über den Firth of Forth für den Verkehr frei, zum Zeitpunkt der Eröffnung die längste Hängebrücke in EUROPA.
19650904             Beatles' "Help!" single went #1 —FOR—3—WEEKS.
19650904             † PHILOSOPHER, musician, doctor, theologian and humanitarian ALBERT—SCHWEITZER in LAMBARÉNÉ—GABON.
19650904             Schweitzer also spoke out against the dangers of nuclear weapons, became 1—ORGANIST and expert on JOHANN—SEBASTIAN—BACH, and served as 1—CHURCH pastor and university professor.
19650904             He lived by the principle of "reverence for life".
19650904             Der Kurzfilm Film nach einem Drehbuch von SAMUEL—BECKETT mit dem Hauptdarsteller Buster Keaton hat bei den Filmfestspielen in Venedig Premiere.
19650904             DEUTSCHLAND, wird von der ARD erstmals die Fernsehziehung der Lottozahlen ausgestrahlt.
19650904             † ALBERT—SCHWEITZER, DEUTSCHER—ARZT, evangelischer Theologe, Philosoph, Missionar und Pazifist, Nobelpreisträger
19650904             Der Schwarzweißfilm ohne Dialoge und Begleitmusik erhält gemischte Kritiken.
19650904—18750000    —DECIDED, Born near ALSACE—GERMANY, Schweitzer, to devote himself to providing health care to people in AFRICA at the age of 30.
19650904—19130000    —MOVED, Schweitzer and his wife Hélène, to GABON and opened 1—HOSPITAL in Lambaréné, which he —LATER expanded with money from the Nobel Peace Prize he was awarded 19520000             —IN.
19670904             MICHIGAN GOVERNOR—GEORGE—ROMNEY told 1—TV—INTERVIEW he'd undergone a "brainwashing" by USA—OFFICIALS —DURING a 19650000             visit to VIETNAM, 1—COMMENT that apparently damaged ROMNEY—BID for the Republican presidential nomination.
19680904             Ministerpräsident PASCAL—LISSOUBA bleibt hingegen im Amt.
19690904             —SIGNED, CALIFORNIA, GOVERNOR—RONALD—REAGAN, the 1. NO—FAULT divorce package into law, effective 19700101             .
19690904             —ISSUED, THE—USA—FOOD and Drug Administration, 1—REPORT calling birth control pills safe, despite 1—SLIGHT—RISK—OF—FATAL BLOOD—CLOTTING disorders linked to the pills.
19690904             —HELPED, BRAZIL, FERNANDO—GABEIRA, kidnap THE—USA—AMBASSADOR in Rio, CHARLES—ELBRICK (19830000             †), to protest the military dictatorship.
19690904             —RELEASED, Elbrick was, unhurt —4—DAYS—LATER, but Gabeira was banned from entering THE—USA.
19700904             —REQUESTED, NATALIA—MAKAROVA (19400000             *), RUSSIA—BALLET dancer, asylum —WHILE on tour in BRITAIN.
19700904             SALVADOR—ALLENDE—GOSSENS (19080000—19730000    ) won the presidential election in CHILE.
19700904             A —WEEK—LATER in WASHINGTON HENRY—KISSINGER discussed a "covert action program" to oust Allende.
19700904             Bei den Präsidentschaftswahlen in CHILE erhält der Kandidat der UNIDAD—POPULAR, SALVADOR—ALLENDE, die meisten Stimmen, dicht gefolgt von EX—PRÄSIDENT—JORGE—ALESSANDRI.
19710904             "THE—LAWRENCE—WELK—SHOW" was seen for the last time on ABC—TV.
19710904             —1—WEEK—LATER it opened on THE—LAWRENCE—WELK—NETWORK.
19710904             1—ALASKA—AIRLINES—JET crashed near Juneau, killing 111—PEOPLE.
19710904             Während 1—SCHNEESTURMS auf dem FLUGHAFEN—JUNEAU—ALASKA prallt 1—BOEING 727—DER ALASKA Airlines bei der Instrumentenlandung gegen einen Berg, alle 109—MENSCHEN an Bord sterben.
19720904             —RETURNED, THE—TV—GAME—SHOW "THE—PRICE—IS—RIGHT", with BOB—BARKER and continued for 35—SEASONS.
19720904             1—NIGHTTIME version also began —THIS—YEAR hosted by DENNIS—JAMES (19170000—19970000    ) up to 19770000             .
19720904             USA swimmer MARK—SPITZ won 1—RECORD 7. Olympic gold medal in the 400-meter relay at THE—MUNICH —SUMMER Olympics.
19720904             Playland shut its gates and some 40—FASCINATION—TABLES were transferred to 1—MARKET—STREET arcade.
19720904             —INVENTED, Fascination was, by JOHN—GIBBS—OF—LOS—ANGELES and combined the skill of bowling with the luck of Bingo.
19720904—20040000    —IN, THE—HEAD—OF—LAUGHING—SAL was stolen on closure and turned up.
19730904             —BECAME, William E Colby (19200000—19960000    ), the 10. DIRECTOR—OF—THE—CIA.
19730904             Die in einem Zusatzprotokoll zum Grundlagenvertrag vereinbarte DEUTSCH—DEUTSCHE—GRENZKOMMISSION beginnt mit Grenzmarkierungen an der innerdeutschen Grenze bei Lübeck ihre Tätigkeit.
19740904             —ESTABLISHED, THE—USA & GERMANY—DR, diplomatic relations.
19740904             † GENERAL—CREIGHTON—WILLIAMS—ABRAMS, USA—COMMANDER—IN—VIETNAM (19680000—19720000    ), in WASHINGTON DC of lung cancer.
19740904             Die USA aufnehmen diplomatische Beziehungen zur DDR.
19740904—20050000    —IN, the "VIETNAM Chronicles: THE—ABRAMS—TAPES" transcribed and edited by LEWIS—SORLEY was published.
19750620—19750626    TIME—OUT, 19750627—19750703    , 19750829—19750904    , 19750905—19750911  .
19750829—19750904    TIME—OUT,
19750901—19750904    —ON, 1—CEREMONIAL signing was held in GENEVA.
19750904             Osttimoresen kapern 1—AUSTRALISCHES—MILITÄRFLUGZEUG, um von Baucau auf Timor nach Darwin zu fliehen.
19770904             5—PEOPLE were killed and 11 wounded, NONE—OF—THEM gang members, —DURING 1—SHOOTOUT between the rival WAH Ching and JOE—BOYS.
19770904             4—MEN were convicted.
19770904             —RELEASED, Assailant CURTIS—TAM was, 19910000             —IN—AFTER he testified against 2—OTHERS.
19770904             —REMAINED, PETER—NG, in prison in Vacaville.
19770904—19990000    —PUBLISHED, BILL—LEE, 1—FORMER—GANG—MEMBER, "CHINA—PLAYGROUND," 1—MEMOIR—OF his experiences in the 60s and 70s.
19770904—20150000    —IN, assailant Melvin Yu was paroled.
19770904—20170000    —IN, TOM—YU, THE—CHIEF plotter and not at the scene, was up for parole.
19810904             —ENDED, DAVID—BRINKLEY (19200000—20030000    ), 1—ILLUSTRIOUS—38—YEAR—CAREER with NBC News this —DAY.
19810904             —OFFERED, ABC had, him 1—OPPORTUNITY too good to refuse.
19810904             —STRANGLED, FLORIDA, Linda Patterson Slaten (31) was found, to death in her Lakeland apartment.
19810904             Die FRIEDENS—UND Menschenrechtsorganisation Peace Brigades INTERNATIONAL wird gegründet.
19810904—20190000    —IN, genetic genealogy led police to arrest JOSEPH—MILLS, —58—JAHRE—ALT, her son's former football coach for the crime.
19820000             DAILY WAR NEWS —FOR—MONDAY, 20060904
19820000             GI Special 4I4: Stand Firm -20060904
19820000—19820904    —ON, CAMP ANACONDA—IRAQ ? A 15. Sustainment Brigade Soldier † of NON—COMBAT injuries —DURING THE—EARLY—MORNING hours.
19840904             CANADA—PROGRESSIVE—CONSERVATIVES, led by BRIAN—MULRONEY, won 1—LANDSLIDE victory in general elections over the Liberal PARTY—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—JOHN—N—TURNER.
19870904             1—SOVIET—COURT—CONVICTED—WEST—GERMANY—PILOT—MATHIAS—RUST—OF—CHARGES stemming from his daring flight to MOSCOW—RED—SQUARE, and sentenced him to —4—YEARS in 1—LABOR—CAMP.
19870904             —RELEASED, He was, THE—FOLLOWING—AUGUST.
19880904             —REPORTED, Officials in BANGLADESH, that floods had inundated 3—QUARTERS—OF—THEIR impoverished nation, claiming at least 882—LIVES.
19880904             Monsoon floods left over 3,000 dead —THIS—YEAR.
19890904             —LAUNCHED, THE—USA—AIR—FORCE, its last Titan 3—ROCKET, which reportedly carried 1—RECONNAISSANCE—SATELLITE.
19890904             † GEORGES—SIMENON, —86—JAHRE—ALT, Belgian/FRANCE—WRITER and director (Maigret).
19890904             —AUTHORED, THE—BELGIUM—BORN writer, some 200—NOVELS.
19890904             MANY—FEATURED—THE—CRIME—BUSTING hero Inspector Maigret.
19890904             Bei der 1. Montagsdemonstration in LEIPZIG fordern ca 1200—TEILNEHMER Reise-, PRESSE—UND Versammlungsfreiheit.
19890904             † GEORGES—SIMENON, BELGISCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER hauptsächlich von Kriminalromanen (Kommissar Maigret)
19890904             Die Demonstrationen werden —IN—DEN—FOLGENDEN—WOCHEN die wichtigste Protestveranstaltung, die zur Wende in der DDR führen.
19890904—19640000    —SINCE, the Titan 3 had sent more than 200—SATELLITES into space.
19900904             —STRANDED, The air evacuation of Western women and children, in IRAQ and KUWAIT resumed, with 25—AMERICANS among the nearly 300—WHO made it to JORDAN.
19910904             Le SOIR
19910904             —QUOTED, Le SOIR and Brewaeys and Deliege, PAGES—62—63, from THE—SENATE—GLADIO—COMMISSION—FINDINGS.
19910904             SEE Le SOIR.
19910904             —PROPOSED, SOUTH—AFRICA—PRESIDENT—FW—DE—KLERK, 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION that would allow blacks to vote and govern;
19910904             THE—AFRICA—NATIONAL—CONGRESS rejected the plan, charging it was designed to maintain white privileges.
19910904             Der PRÄSIDENT—DER—SOWJETUNION, MICHAIL—GORBATSCHOW, erkennt die Unabhängigkeit der 3—BALTISCHEN Staaten ESTLAND, LETTLAND und LITAUEN an.
19920904—19920800    —REPORTED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, the nation's unemployment rate had edged down to 7.6—PERCENT, but also said adult joblessness had worsened slightly and the economy had lost THOUSANDS—OF—CRUCIAL manufacturing jobs.
19921228—20130904    —ON, He was found dead in his cell of apparently natural causes, —JUST—AFTER 1—PAROLE hearing.
19930904             —LAUNCHED, JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA, the 1. papal visit to THE—FORMER—SOVIET—UNION as he began 1—TOUR—OF—THE—BALTIC—REPUBLICS.
19930904             † HERVE—HILLECHAIZE, —50—JAHRE—ALT in LOS—ANGELES.
19930904             THE—FANTASY—ISLAND—ACTOR shot himself to death.
19940904             —ON THE—EVE—OF—1—UNITED—NATIONS—SPONSORED conference on population in CAIRO—EGYPT, VICE—PRESIDENT—AL—GORE told NBC THE—USA was seeking 1—BLUEPRINT for world population growth that rejected abortion as 1—FAMILY planning tool and 1—INTERNATIONAL—RIGHT.
19950904             —OPENED, The 4. World Conference on Women, in BEIJING with more than 4,750 delegates from 181—COUNTRIES.
19950904             —LINKED, Group, to Moonies sponsoring Bush speeches THE—ARIZONA—REPUBLIC/.
19950904             THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—TOKYO—FORMER—PRESIDENT—BUSH is planning to spend nearly —1—WEEK in.
19950904—19950907    Hurricane Luis hit THE—VIRGIN—ISLANDS.
19960903—19960904    —LAUNCHED, THE—UNITED—STATES, 27—CRUISE—MISSILES at "selected air defense targets" in IRAQ as punishment for IRAQ—INVASION—OF—KURDISH—SAFE—HAVENS.
19960903—19960904    —EXTENDED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, THE—NO—FLY zone to the suburbs of BAGHDAD.
19960904             THE—SMASHING—PUMPKINS rock group won 7—MTV music awards including Best Video for "Tonight, Tonight," and Best Alternative Music Video for 19790000             .
19960904             Actor JACK—LEMON, Singer JOHNNY—CASH, playwright EDWARD—ALBEE, saxophonist BENNY—CARTER and ballet dancer MARIA—TALLCHIEF were the recipients of the Kennedy Center Honors for their life work in the performing arts.
19960904             Whitewater prosecutors had SUSAN—MCDOUGAL held in contempt for refusing to tell 1—GRAND—JURY whether PRESIDENT—CLINTON had lied at her trial.
19960904             ANTI—AIRCRAFT—FIRE lit up the skies of BAGHDAD, hours —AFTER THE—USA fired 1—NEW—ROUND—OF—CRUISE—MISSILES into SOUTH—IRAQ and destroyed 1—IRAQ—RADAR—SITE.
19960904             —LAUNCHED, THE—USA again, Tomahawk cruise missiles at IRAQ—AIR—DEFENSE—SITES.
19960904             —DEEMED, The 2. launch was, 1—SUCCESS—AFTER the 1. launch failed to destroy intended targets.
19960904             THE—TOMAHAWKS were made by Hughes Aircraft Co. and cost about $1—MIL apiece.
19960904             Kurdish leader Barzani wrote 1—LATTER to SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CHRISTOPHER—WARREN and asked that THE—USA—MEDIATE.
19960904             44—CRUISE—MISSILES were launched over —2—DAYS plus 1—ROCKET from an F—16—FIGHTER.
19960904             COLUMBIA, the government will require businesses with 1—NET worth of more than 85k to buy war bonds to finance the war against leftist rebels.
19960904             —SLAUGHTERED, In THE—CONGO authorities found 200, elephants in 1—MARSH of the National Park of Odzala.
19960904             FRANCE said it will stop changing its clocks twice —1—YEAR.
19970904             1—TRIO—OF—BUDDHIST nuns acknowledged in Senate testimony that their temple outside LOS—ANGELES illegally reimbursed donors —AFTER 1—FUND—RAISER attended by VICE—PRESIDENT—AL—GORE and —LATER destroyed or altered records to avoid embarrassment.
19970904             —REPORTED, It was, that scientists have pinpointed the gene, Torsin 1, responsible for dystonia, 1—CONDITION marked by uncontrolled movements.
19970904             —KILLED, ALGERIA, 22—PEOPLE were, in El Arbi.
19970904             —BURNED, Their throats were slit and bodies.
19970904             † In CUBA 1—EXPLOSION—SHOOK 3—TOURIST—HOTELS and 1—ITALY—TOURIST was killed.
19970904             —ARRESTED, RAUL—ERNESTO—CRUZ—LEON, —25—JAHRE—ALT—OF—SALVADOR was, and accused of carrying out 1—HALF—DOZEN—HOTEL—ATTACKS.
19970904             —SUPPORTED, He worked for LUIS—POSADA—CARRILES, who was, by THE—CUBAN—USA—NATIONAL—FOUNDATION.
19970904             —ARRESTED, FRANCISCO—CHAVEZ—ABARCA—OF—EL—SALVADOR was —LATER, and sentenced to —30—YEARS in prison for planting SOME—OF—THE—BOMBS.
19970904             ISRAEL, 1—TRIPLE suicide bombing in 1—MALL in the heart of JERUSALEM claimed the lives of 7—PEOPLE, including THE—3—ASSAILANTS.
19970904             —FROM KENYA it was reported that the unemployment rate was 35%.
19970904             —KILLED, TURKEY, 33—PEOPLE were, —WHEN 2—BUSES collided near ANKARA.
19970904             TURKEY has the highest INCIDENCE—OF—ROAD—TRAFFIC—DEATHS with 2,713 killed in the 1. —7—MONTHS—OF—THIS—YEAR.
19970904—19990000    —SENTENCED, Cruz was, to death.
19970904—20100000    —COMMUTED, CUBA—SUPREME—COURT, the death sentence ruling that he should serve —30—YEARS in prison instead.
19980727—19990000    —DROPPED, The charges on THE—2—BOYS were, 19980904             and Floyd Durr was indicted for THE—MURDER—OF—RYAN—HARRIS.
19980904             —DURING 1—VISIT to IRELAND, PRESIDENT—CLINTON said the words "I'm sorry" for the 1. time about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, describing his behavior as indefensible.
19980904             —ENDED, NEW—YORK—CITY, the Million Youth March, in 1—WILD melee as police rushed the speaking platform —AFTER the event ran minutes over the allotted time.
19980904             1 estimated 20,000—PEOPLE were in attendance.
19980904             —SUPPORTED, Mayor Giuliani —LATER, the police action at the rally where 6,000—PEOPLE had gathered.
19980904             —MASSED, Some 3,000 officers were, in the area.
19980904             1—GRAND—JURY was —LATER asked to investigate.
19980904             YARMOUTH, Harbor, New Brunswick, the new Incat 046—CATAMARAN collided with 1—FISHING dragger and killed CAPTAIN—CLIFFORD—HOOD, —33—JAHRE—ALT.
19980904             —CARRIED, The new ferry, up to 900—PASSENGERS and 240—CARS from Bar HARBOR—MAINE, to Yarmouth across the Bay of Fundy at 50—MPH.
19980904             Travel time was cut in half from 6.—5—HOURS for THE—105—MILE—RUN.
19980904             —CRASHED, NEVADA, 2—AIR—FORCE—HELICOPTERS, —DURING training and all 12—PEOPLE aboard were killed.
19980904             —RAISED, BRAZIL, THE—CENTRAL—BANK, interest rates from 20 to 30%.
19980904             —COLLAPSED, OSASCO—BRAZIL, near SAO—PAULO 1—UNIVERSAL—CHURCH—ROOF, and killed at least 23—PEOPLE and injured 500.
19980904             —REPORTED, Flooding and mudslides in INDIA was, to have killed over 2,000 —THIS—YEAR.
19980904             —CLINCHED, UKRAINE, a $2.2—BILLION IMF loan and announced 1—DE facto currency devaluation for its hryvnia to between 2.5 and 3.5 to the dollar.
19980904—19940000    —IN—THE, FORMER—RWANDA—PRIME—MINISTER—JEAN—KAMBANDA was sentenced to life in prison for his role killings of Tutsis and moderate Hutus.
19990904             —HEADED, NEW—YORK—CITY, the 2. Million Youth March, by Khalid ABDUL—MUHAMMAD was attended by 1-2 1000—PEOPLE and watched over by 1,400 police officers.
19990904             —ACCUSED—OF, MARTIN—R—FRANKEL, 1—CONNECTICUT money manager, cheating insurance companies in 5—STATES out of more than $200—MILLION, was arrested in at the Hotel Prem in HAMBURG—GERMANY.
19990904             —KILLED, DAGESTAN, 1—CAR—BOMB, at least 22—PEOPLE at 1—RUSSIA—MILITARY housing block in Buinaksk.
19990904             —EXPANDED, The death toll son, to 64. RUSSIA—OFFICIALS believed that Khattab, 1—JORDAN—OPERATING in Chechnya, ordered the bombing.
19990904             —CLAIMED, ETHIOPIA, that the proposed outline for the implementation of 1—PEACE—PLAN contradicted 1—ORIGINAL—AGREEMENT regarding THE—WITHDRAWAL—OF—ERITREA—FORCES.
19990904             ERITREA the —NEXT—DAY took the statement as "tantamount to 1—DECLARATION—OF—WAR".
19990904             At Sharm EL—SHEIKH (Sharm AL—SHEIK), EGYPT, ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—BARAK and PALESTINE—AUTHORITY—PRESIDENT—YASSER—ARAFAT signed 1—NEW—DEAL that ceded WEST—BANK—LAND to the Palestinians and set up 1—TIMETABLE for peace.
19990904             12—PEOPLE were reported killed in DILI.
19990904             Die neue LANGWELLEN—SENDEANLAGE des POLNISCHEN—RUNDFUNKS in Solec Kujawski wird eingeweiht.
19990904             BUINAKSK, Dagestan, werden 64—MENSCHEN bei der Explosion einer Autobombe vor einem Wohnhaus getötet.
19990904             Wenige —STUNDEN nach Bekanntgabe des positiv verlaufenden Unabhängigkeitsreferendums in Osttimor startet das INDONESISCHE—MILITÄR mit der Operation Donner als Strafaktion gegen die Bevölkerung.
19990904             Diese Anlage ersetzt das zeitweise höchste Bauwerk der Erde, die Sendeanlage in Konstantynów, die bei Renovierungsarbeiten 19910000             eingestürzt ist.
19990904—19990615    —OVERTURNED, THE—RUSSIAN—SUPREME—COURT, the acquittal and ordered the investigation to be reopened.
19990904—19991110    —ON, 1—DAGESTAN jury acquitted Salikhov.
19990904—20000000    —IN, 5—SUSPECTS were charged in the bombing.
19990904—20010000    —IN, 6—MEN were convicted.
19990904—20040000    —ARRESTED, Magomed Salikhov was, in BAKU for his role in the bombing.
19990904—20060200    —ACQUITTED—OF, Salikhov was, organizing the explosion, but was sentenced to over —4—YEARS in prison for membership 1—REBEL—GROUP.
19991014             —RELEASED, ISRAEL, 151—PALESTINE—PRISONERS as part of the interim peace accord signed 19990904             .
20000904             —CRASHED, AUSTRALIA, 1—BEECHCRAFT—KING—AIR—200—PLANE, near MOUNT—ISA—AFTER flying —FOR—6—HOURS on autopilot.
20000904             8—PEOPLE were killed and believed to have blacked out —AFTER loss of cabin pressure —FOLLOWING takeoff from PERTH.
20000904             —ANNOUNCED, FRANCE—INVESTIGATORS, that 1—STRAY LENGTH—OF—METAL which had gashed 1—TIRE—OF—1—SUPERSONIC—CONCORDE, leading to 1—FUEL—TANK—FIRE and the plane's fatal crash the previous July, probably came from 1—CONTINENTAL—AIRLINES—PLANE that had taken off on the same runway —4—MINUTES—EARLIER.
20000904             FRANCE, farmers along with and truckers and taxi drivers protested high fuel costs with demonstrations at 80—FACILITIES.
20000904             SRI—LANKA, the government "Operation Sunrise" left some 144—GOVERNMENT—SOLDIERS and over 230—REBELS—DEAD along with some 766 wounded.
20000904             † In UGANDA at least 41—PEOPLE—WHEN 1 overloaded ferry sank in Lake Albert, 140—MILES—NORTH—OF—KAMPALA.
20010904             Wanted: Enemy to Justify $344—BILLION War Budget :: Here's the deal: We know our politicians have their work cut out for them.
20010904             They need to find 1—ENEMY to justify maintaining the Pentagon budget as if the Cold War never ended.
20010904             SECURITY FOCUS By MARK—RASCH—BREAK the Scarfo Silence
20010904             —DETERMINED, The government is, to keep 1—LID on its new KEYBOARD—TAPPING tech, but the courts, public and press need to know more
20010904             STORY TOOLS PRINTER—FRIENDLY—VERSION E—MAIL This Story Most Popular Stories More Stories Like This --> '); }//--> Security Focus Archive
20010904             Secrecy News SEC SECRECY NEWS from THE—FAS Project on GOVERNMENT Secrecy
20010904             —OPENED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, the door to 1—FUTURE cut in the capital gains tax, but said he 1. wanted to see the effects of the previous —SPRING—INCOME—TAX cut.
20010904             —ANNOUNCED, TEXAS Republican PHIL—GRAMM, he would leave THE—USA—SENATE—AT—THE—END—OF—HIS 3. term, —FOLLOWING fellow conservatives JESSE—HELMS and Strom Thurmond into retirement.
20010904             —AGREED, THE—USA and MEXICO, on small measures to improve food safety, enhance law enforcement and fight money laundering as PRESIDENT—FOX came to visit with PRESIDENT—BUSH.
20010904             —REACHED, SF Bay Area BART, 1—TENTATIVE agreement with its 2—LARGEST—UNIONS.
20010904             1—INJUNCTION against 1—STRIKE was ordered the —NEXT—DAY against THE—AFSCME.
20010904             Police shot and killed Rolland Rohm (28) at the Rainbow Farms campground in VANDALIA—MICHIGAN, —AFTER he allegedly pointed 1—WEAPON at 1—OFFICER.
20010904             The campground had been set up for marijuana advocates.
20010904             —KILLED, Owner Grover T. Crosslin was, by FBI snipers —1—DAY—EARLIER.
20010904             —DESTROYED, In THE—BAHAMAS 1—FIRE, Bay Street businesses in NASSAU—STRAW—MARKET.
20010904             Pay special attention to the meeting with Grossman, who figures into various "deep readings" of the Sibel Edmonds story.
20010904             See here and here: In 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—CHRIS—DELISO of antiwar.com, Edmonds hinted at key roles played by SOME—POWERFUL unelected officials -- important neconservatives like MARC—GROSSMAN—OF—THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT—AND—RICHARD—PERLE and DOUGLAS—FEITH, FORMERLY—OF—THE—DEFENSE—DEPARTMENT.
20010904             —STATED, Furthermore, the language specialist has repeatedly, in past interviews that investigations into pre-20010911             terrorist financing activities were blocked "per STATE—DEPARTMENT—REQUEST", leaving open the question whether it was MISTER—GROSSMAN, then UNDERSECRETARY—OF—STATE—FOR—EUROPEAN—AFFAIRS, who actively hindered investigations into THE—TURKEY—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN link.
20010904             —TOYED, SOME—OBSERVERS have, with the belief that Mehmood AHMAD—MEHMOOD could be the "real" LEADER—OF—AL—QAEDA.
20010904             So.
20010904             —PULLED, —NOW THE—FORMER—ISI head has, 1—KEYSER—SOSE: "..and poof, he's gone".
20010904             Perhaps he's vacationing with Khaled SHEIK—MOHAMMED?
20010904             —DISAPPEARED, Another AL—QAEDA figure who "" in 1—INTERESTING fashion —RECENTLY is OMAR—AL—FARUQ.
20010904             We'll have 1—FEW words to say about him soon. wurde das Trio verhaftet.
20010904             —RETURNED, The spores were, to Dugway on -1—WEEK—BEFORE the.. Curial turned for advice to JEAN—CHRISTOPHE—MITTERAND, who had built up a...
20010904             the counter intelligence team meeting was held by RICHARD—CLARK discussing THE—CIA—SURVEILLANCE—PREDATOR—DRONE—ABLE to fly 2—MILES—ABOVE...
20010904—20010910    —ON, 1—PAKISTAN—NEWSPAPER—REPORTS on his trip so far.
20010904—20010911    ISI Director LIEUTENANT—GENERAL—MAHMOOD—AHMED visits WASHINGTON for the 2. time (see 20000404             ).
20010904—20010911    —TRIGGERED, It says his visit has " speculation about the agenda of his mysterious meetings at the Pentagon and National Security Council" as well as meetings with CIA Director Tenet, unspecified officials at THE—WHITE—HOUSE and the Pentagon + his "most important meeting" with MARK—GROSSMAN, USA Under SECRETARY—OF—STATE—FOR—POLITICAL—AFFAIRS.
20010904—20010911    —AFTER, And —JUST as the spotlight has shifted his way once more, we have this story: THE—FORMER—INTER Services Intelligence CHIEF who conveyed USA—SECRETARY—RICHARD—ARMITAGE'S reported threat to "bomb PAKISTAN back to the Stone Age" if it failed to crackdown on Taliban to PRESIDENT—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF has "vanished" to escape attempts by the media to get his version.
20010904—20010911    —AFTER, ISI CHIEF—GENERAL—MEHMOOD—AHMAD—MEHMOOD, who prematurely retired from the army —AFTER he was sidelined by Musharraf —FOLLOWING disclosures that he tried to persuade Taliban CHIEF—MULLAH—OMAR to not to give in to USA—PRESSURE, has —SINCE settled in LAHORE and was not available for comment, THE—NEWS reported.
20010904—20020000    —IN, It doesn't take 1—GENIUS to conclude that Grossman, Feith and Perle might have been the persons to whom she was referring.
20010904—20021000    —IN, If we hit the rewind button and go back to 1—CBS —60—MINUTES' interview, we remember THE—EX—CONTRACT—LINGUIST stated that TURKEY—TARGETS—OF—FBI investigation spy inside THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT and at the Pentagon in order to "obtain THE—USA—MILITARY and intelligence secrets".
200109110904         BUSH enters the elementary school classroom to expound on the joys of READING.
200109110904         Having seen THE—2.—PLANE crash on TV, CHENEY and AIDES—IN—THE—WHITE—HOUSE suddenly realize through the power of deductive reasoning that the 1. crash wasn't 1—ACCIDENT
200109110904         Using the power of deductive reasoning, BUSH determines he should go hang out with the elementary school students.
200109110904         despite having received no information through official channels 1—FULL—40—MINUTES—AFTER MOHAMMED—ATTA 1. announced on 1—OPEN—MIKE that AMERICAN—11 had been hijacked.
200109110904         —LATER, BUSH claims the crash he saw on TV —1—MINUTE—EARLIER was the 1. plane, but the video of the 1. crash did not air —UNTIL much —LATER in THE—DAY.
20010911—20020904    —REPORTED, As, by CBS News
20011100             [NEWSWEEK, 20020904             ](Note that Saeed appears to be 1—MASTER—OF disguise, as can be seen by the bewildering NUMBER—OF—NAMES he is referred to in the media: SHEIK—SYED, AHMAD—UMAR—SHEIKH, UMAR—SHEIKH, SHEIK—OMAR—SAEED, OMAR—SAIID—SHEIKH, Sheikh Omar, etc... He opened bank accounts using MANY—OF—HIS—NAME—VARIATIONS, or even completely unrelated names.
20011100—20010904    —ARRIVED, ISI Director Mahmood Ahmed, in WASHINGTON,
20020904             Nation, 19990215             ] - updated 20030225
20020904             If you read —JUST 1—THING at this website, please read this essay.
20020904             Don't mind the length + complexity.
20020904             Saeed SHEIKH—STORY is not —JUST mildly interesting.
20020904             Understanding THE—HISTORY—OF—THIS young man may not only explain MANY—MYSTERIES—OF—20010911             , including solid EVIDENCE—OF—FOREIGN—GOVERNMENT—INVOLVEMENT in the attacks,
20020904             but may also reveal if nuclear war in the near future is likely.
20020904             No kidding. Please read!
20020904             Also, click to find more details about Saeed Sheikh + Saeed Sheikh boss Mahmood Ahmed.
20020904             As THE—LONDON—TIMES has put it, Saeed Sheikh "is no ordinary terrorist but 1—MAN who has connections that reach high into PAKISTAN—MILITARY + intelligence elite + into the innermost circles of OSAMA—BIN—LADEN + THE—AL—QAEDA organization".
20020904             [LONDON—TIMES, 20020421             ]
20020904             To understand why Saeed is so important in understanding 20010911             , it is necessary to 1. understand THE—PAKISTAN—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY, THE—INTER—SERVICES—INTELLIGENCE (ISI).
20020904             THE—ISI plays 1—MUCH more significant role in THE—PAKISTAN—GOVERNMENT than do its counterparts in other countries.
20020904             —NOTED, Time Magazine has, "Even by the shadowy STANDARDS—OF—SPY—AGENCIES, THE—ISI is notorious.
20020904             —BRANDED, It is commonly, 'a state within the state,' or PAKISTAN's 'invisible government.'"
20020904             [Time, 20020506             ] - updated 20030225
20020904             [LONDON—TIMES, 20020421             ] - [Time, 20020506             ]
20020904             —PROMISED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, to seek Congress' approval for "whatever is necessary" to oust SADDAM—HUSSEIN including using military force.
20020904             —HECKLED, SECRETARY—OF—STATE—COLIN—POWELL was, by DOZENS—OF—ACTIVISTS on the closing —DAY—OF—THE—WORLD—SUMMIT in SOUTH—AFRICA as he defended AMERICA—RECORD on the environment and helping the developing world.
20020904             TEXAS cocktail waitress and aspiring pop star Kelly Clarkson was voted the 1. "USA—IDOL" at THE—CONCLUSION—OF—THE—FOX—TV—SERIES.
20020904             —REPORTED, CALIFORNIA, it was, that the Phytophthora ramorum microbe, responsible for sudden oak death, had infected the coastal redwood saplings.
20020904             —ANNOUNCED, AFGHANISTAN, PRESIDENT—KARZAI, 1—NEW—CURRENCY to replace the array of inflated banknotes issued by the Taliban and regional warlords.
20020904             —CALLED, Warlord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, 1—FORMER—USA—ALLY, for 1—JIHAD against USA—FORCES.
20020904             —REPORTED, CHINA, that flooding had killed 1,532—PEOPLE—THIS—YEAR.
20020904             —REPORTED, COLOMBIA—AUTHORITIES, the break up of 1—INTERNATIONAL kidnapping ring organized by the nation's 2.—LARGEST rebel group to fund its insurgency.
20020904             —CAPTURED, THE—LEADER—OF—THE—RING was, in July, and authorities have arrested his successor and other rebels within the last COUPLE—OF—DAYS, said GENERAL—REYNALDO—CASTELLANOS.
20020904             The crime network was run out of BOGOTA by MEMBERS—OF—THE—NATIONAL—LIBERATION—ARMY.
20020904             It included leftist groups from CHILE, ECUADOR, PERU and MEXICO that kidnapped people and stole cars, among other crimes.
20020904             —FIRED, PUERTO—RICO—USA—NAVY, security officers, tear gas at protesters who hurled rocks over 1—FENCE —DURING bombing exercises on THE—ISLAND—OF—VIEQUES.
20020904             —CLOSED, THE—WORLD—SUMMIT on Sustainable Development, with —JUST 1—HANDFUL—OF—SMALL—VICTORIES and SOME—PROMISING new initiatives.
20020904             —HECKLED, COLIN—POWELL was, and THE—USA was viewed as 1—KEY—OBSTACLE to setting firm targets on MANY—ISSUES.
20020904             THE—EXTRACTIVE—INDUSTRIES—TRANSPARENCY—INITIATIVE (EITI), 1—ANTI—CORRUPTION—SCHEME to oversee oil production, was launched by UK PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR, at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in JOHANNESBURG, SA.
20020904             Die BUSH—DOKTRIN wird der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt, nach der sich die USA Präventivschläge gegen Staaten vorbehalten, von denen die Gefahr ausgeht, dass Terroristen in Besitz von Massenvernichtungswaffen gelangen könnten.
20020904             Die EU fordert die USA auf, einen Angriff gegen den IRAK nur mit Zustimmung der UNO durchzuführen.
20020904—20020900    —IN, Note that this was 1. written but has been thoroughly overhauled based on exposure to additional evidence.
20030427             (20020904             )
20030510             Date: Tue, 20010904235546       EDT—REPLY—TO: CIA—DRUGS@yahoogroups_com
20030904             'Far Right Dream Judge' Janice Rogers Brown Joins Lineup of... 'Far Right Dream Judge' Janice Rogers Brown Joins LINEUP—OF—EXTREMIST Appeals COURT—NOMINEES.
20030904             PRESS RELEASE / People for the American
20030904             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) into law.
20030904             It required THE—COLLECTION—OF—DATA on sexual abuse in prison and the creation of 1—COMMISSION to recommend WAYS—OF—PREVENTION.
20030904             —BECAME, MIGUEL—ESTRADA, whose nomination, 1—FLASH point for Democratic opposition to PRESIDENT—BUSH—JUDICIAL—CHOICES, withdrew from consideration for 1—APPEALS—COURT—SEAT—AFTER Republicans failed in 7—ATTEMPTS to break 1—SENATE filibuster.
20030904             —AGREED, THE—USA—HOUSE, to a 2.2—PERCENT pay raise for Congress, enough to boost lawmakers' annual salaries to about $158,000 —NEXT—YEAR.
20030904             —REPORTED, Researchers, that the hormone YY3-36 appeared to curb the appetite of obese people.
20030904             —SEIZED, British and COLOMBIA—AUTHORITIES said they had, nearly $7—BILLION in securities from 1—INTERNATIONAL—DRUG and MONEY—LAUNDERING ring.
20030904             —ARRESTED, Authorities, 14 alleged MEMBERS—OF—THE—RING, 10 in ENGLAND, 2 in COLOMBIA and 2 in ECUADOR.
20030904             † MARIO—MONTEFORTE—TOLEDO, GUATEMALA—WRITER and activist.
20030904             —INCLUDED, MARIO—MONTEFORTE—TOLEDO—WORK, 19520000             —THE novel "En Donde Acaban los Caminos" (Where the Roads End).
20040000             --MN] Return to Chronology 20040904
20040330             19—NUMBER 20150904             , 20000000             ... was arrested for mishandling classified information —WHILE working at Los... fund offered for information relating to the arrest and CONVICTION—OF—THE.
20040829—20040904    Archives Boing Boing: Here's the video of DENNIS—HASTERT calling GEORGE—SOROS 1—DRUGLORD.
20040904             URL for more about AIR—FORCE—LIEUTENANT—COLONEL—KAREN—KWIATKOWSKI who is mentioned in the 'Timeline for War' as having seen ISRAEL—MILITARY—OFFICIALS walking to JINSA/CSP Zionist extremist DOUGLAS—FEITH—OFFICE—AT—THE—PENTAGON like they owned the place (more about such appears below the pictures near the top of
20040904             ZIONIST NEOCON TIMELINE FOR WAR Goto page Previous 1 , 2 , 3—NEXT
20040904             War Without End The global war against terror from 1—UK PERSPECTIVE—UK and World News
20040904             See the timeline at the —FOLLOWING TARGET="_blank">www.itszone.co.UK/zone0/viewtopic.php?t=19621
20040904             Report on GEORGE—KING—OF— -- off with his head bumper sticker as 1—THREAT—BY—DEREK—KJAR.
20040904             —VISITED, He was, by THE—SECRET—SERVICE—AFTER neighbors complained about 1—ANTI—BUSH sticker on his car.
20040904             —PRINTED, The decal, which Kjar, from 1—WEB—SOURCE, had 1—CARTOONISH—DEPICTION—OF—BUSH—HEAD wearing 1—CROWN, with the words, "GEORGE—KING—OF— -- off with his head".
20040904             Special agent Lon Garner, who is in CHARGE—OF—THE—SERVICE—DENVER field office, confirmed the investigation + said agents had ruled out 1—THREAT to THE—PRESIDENT.
20040904             —REPORTED, He said it was the agency's job to investigate all, threats to figures under SECRET—SERVICE—PROTECTION -- including Democratic candidate JOHN—KERRY + is quoted, "We are bound by law. We take them very seriously, regardless of who the protectee is".
20040904             —RIPPED, Hurricane Frances, apart roofs, shattered windows and flooded neighborhoods as it raged through THE—BAHAMAS leaving 2—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20040904             1—GUNFIGHT broke out in 1—CHURCH in 1—COCAINE—PRODUCING REGION—OF—SOUTH—COLOMBIA, leaving at least 3—PEOPLE—DEAD and 14 wounded.
20040904             INDIA—PRIME—MINISTER—SINGH said his government was ready to talk to ANY—MILITANT—GROUP, including those in Kashmir, abandoning previous preconditions that the rebels must 1. disarm.
20040904             —CLASHED, Insurgents, with American and IRAQ—TROOPS in NORTH—IRAQ, and local officials said 8—IRAQIS were killed and more than 50 wounded.
20040904             1—SUICIDE attacker detonated 1—CAR—BOMB outside 1—POLICE—ACADEMY—IN—THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—KIRKUK as HUNDREDS—OF—TRAINEES and civilians were leaving for the —DAY, killing 17—PEOPLE and wounding 36. Saboteurs blew up 1—OIL—PIPELINE in SOUTH—IRAQ.
20040904             —AMENDED, LEBANON—LAWMAKERS, their constitution to keep PRO—SYRIA—PRESIDENT—EMILE—LAHOUD in office, boldly reaffirming their loyalty to DAMASCUS and defying A—UNITED—NATIONS—RESOLUTION calling for presidential elections.
20040904—10000000    —FROM, Mysterious signals light years away
20040904—19930000    —IN, JAMES—BAMFORD conveys in his new book ('A Pretext for War') that USA—SUPPORT for ISRAEL—BRUTAL oppression of the Palestinians is what contributed to the motivation for the tragic WTC World Trade Center attacks +20010911             .
20041102—20040904    —SEIT, Mónica ROMERO—PRÄSIDENTIN der GEMEINDE—UND Haidee CUÑANDIPA—VIZEPRÄSIDENT - erklärten Indymedia, dass die Einreisebeschränkungen angewandt werden, als Angestellte von Ingenio Tabacal Brücken abrissen, die nach La Loma führten und Erdwälle bildeten.
20050202—19670904    —PUBLISHED, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, 1—UPBEAT story on presidential elections held by THE—SOUTH—VIETNAM—PUPPET regime at the height of THE—VIETNAM war.
20050202—19670904    —PUBLISHED, THE—VIETNAM turnout was good as well : THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, 1—UPBEAT story on presidential elections held by THE—SOUTH—VIETNAM—PUPPET regime at the height of THE—VIETNAM war.
20050213             JANE—GOODALL im Interview: "Von den Schimpansen lernen, dass wir Tiere sind" (20010904             )
20050318             spookspot: 20040829—20040904    ... the outing of Valerie Plame, THE—CIA—OFFICER, started growing... Ledeen + THE—HEAD—OF—ITALY—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY, SISMI, Nicolo Pollari, as well...
20050806             FUGOP : 20040829—20040904    And Tanter says support for either military action or for using THE—MEK... with ITALY—INTELLIGENCE ( SISMI ) may have had 1—CONNECTION to Ghorbanifar.
20050904             Benzin: Experten erwarten weiteren Preisanstieg
20050904             CSU—PARTEITAG: "Abendland gegen Multikulti"
20050904             Grüner Wahlkampf: POLIT—JAHRMARKT für Joschka Fischer
20050904             HURRIKAN—HILFE: KUWAIT kündigt MILLIONEN—SPENDE an
20050904             HURRIKAN—KATASTROPHE: USA bitten EU und Nato um Hilfe
20050904             —BEFÜRCHTET, Hurrikan Katrina: IEA—CHEF, weltweite Energiekrise
20050904             INTERNET: Online zur Polizei - Kampf gegen Aids: Hüllenlose Viren
20050904             Kriegsrecht am MISSISSIPPI: Bagdad, NEW—ORLEANS
20050904             —ENTSENDET, Krisengebiet: Bundesregierung, THW—TEAM
20050904             LIBANON: Haftbefehle und neue Beweise im Mordfall Hariri
20050904             NANO—FÜLLUNG: Kügelchen gegen empfindliche Zähne
20050904             NEW—ORLEANS: 50.000—WARTEN noch immer auf Rettung
20050904             —GERÄUMT, NEW—ORLEANS: Superdome und Kongresszentrum sind
20050904             Premiere: Erstmals Muslimin zur Miss ENGLAND gewählt
20050904             Rennen in Monza: Alte Männer, junge Hüpfer
20050904             Rom: PAPA betet für HURRIKAN—OPFER - RUSSLAND: Putin entlässt Marinechef
20050904             USA: Neuer Hurrikan über dem Atlantik
20050904             Wassermangel: Durstige Häftlinge stürzen in Stacheldraht
20050904             —VERWÜSTET, Wirbelsturm: Taifun "Talim", Ostchina
20050904             Sonic crowd control for NEW—ORLEANS "Damn those black people in NEW—ORLEANS!
20050904             They refuse to die and suffer in silence".
20050904             That, apparently, is THE—SENTIMENT—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION.
20050904             —TROTTED, So they've, out their most advanced weapons -- acoustic weapons, designed for crowd control.
20050904             —FROM—WIRED : The device uses magnets approximately 6—INCHES tall and 9.25—INCHES wide to convert electrical pulses into sound waves + is capable of aiming sound precisely for THOUSANDS—OF—FEET -- like the sonic equivalent of 1—LASER, or spotlight.
20050904             Its path and reach can be affected by environmental factors such as nearby flat surfaces, hills, BODIES—OF—WATER or strong BURSTS—OF—WIND.
20050904             1—SERIES—OF—TEST—SOUNDS beamed out by MAD, including gunfire, music and instructional commands, were audible and intelligible at distances of up to 1—MILE.
20050904             —WHEN 1—SUBJECT is at close range in MAD—SONIC—PATH + it is set to high volume, the sound can be excruciating.
20050904             Imagine. No more WARSAW uprisings.
20050904             —LOVED, Hitler would have, it.
20050904             I've been saying it —FOR—YEARS: Nothing keeps government honest but THE—THREAT—OF—INSURRECTION.
20050904             ANY—TECHNOLOGY which makes rebellion impossible also makes dictatorship inevitable.
20050904             USA—HEALTH and Human Services SECRETARY—MICHAEL—LEAVITT said the death toll from Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath is in the thousands.
20050904             The official LOUISIANA state death toll stood at 59—BUT the number was expected to rise to thousands.
20050904             —ASKED, EUROPEAN—UNION and NATO said THE—USA has, for emergency assistance, requesting blankets, 1. aid kits, water trucks and food for THE—VICTIMS—OF—HURRICANE—KATRINA.
20050904             —SUSPECTED, SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, 13, Taliban fighters were killed in fighting with USA and AFGHANISTAN—FORCES in KANDAHAR province.
20050904             —SUSPECTED, More than 40, militants were arrested.
20050904             —RIPPED, FRANCE, fire, through 1—HIGH—RISE—APARTMENT building SOUTH—OF—PARIS, killing 16—PEOPLE, 2—OF—THEM children.
20050904             4—PEOPLE were detained in connection with the suspected arson attack.
20050904             3—TEENAGE—GIRLS confessed to —STARTING the fire.
20050904             —KILLED, IRAQ, USA—TROOPS, 7—INSURGENTS in Tal Afar, including 6—WHO fired at the Americans from 1—MOSQUE.
20050904             THE—OIL—RICH—PERSIAN Gulf STATE—OF—KUWAIT said it will donate $500—MILLION in aid to USA—RELIEF—EFFORTS—AFTER Hurricane Katrina.
20050904             —FIRED, NEPAL, police, tear gas and used bamboo batons to stop PRO—DEMOCRACY—DEMONSTRATORS from marching into the capital's center, arresting FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—GIRIJA—PRASAD—KOIRALA, —80—JAHRE—ALT and DOZENS—OF—OTHER—PROTESTERS.
20050904             —FACED, The military, criticism over its handling of 1—MINI—SUBMARINE—ACCIDENT—LAST—MONTH.
20050904             —SIGNED, SAUDI—ARABIA said it had, 1—BILATERAL—FREE—TRADE—AGREEMENT with THE—USA.
20050904             EAST—SAUDI—ARABIA, police fought running gun battles with AL—QAIDA militants in Dammam in clashes that killed 2—EXTREMISTS and 1—POLICE—OFFICER.
20050904             —AIMED, The militants, to attack oil facilities.
20050904             —ATTACKED, TURKEY, 1—GROUP—OF—NATIONALIST—TURKS, DOZENS—OF—BUSES carrying PRO—KURDISH—DEMONSTRATORS with stones, —FOLLOWING violent clashes between Kurdish demonstrators and police in ISTANBUL.
20050904             —KILLED, NEW—ORLEANS, police, at least 4—PEOPLE, who allegedly shot at contractors.
20050904             The official LOUISIANA state death toll due to Hurricane Katrina stood at 59—BUT the number was expected to rise to thousands.
20050904             —FILED, He and others, false reports to make the shootings on the Danziger Bridge seem justifiable.
20050904—20080000    —OPENED, FEDERAL—OFFICIALS, 1—INVESTIGATIONS into shootings on the Danziger Bridge where 2—PEOPLE were killed and 4 wounded.
20050904—20100000    —PLEADED, FORMER—LIEUTENANT—MICHAEL—LOHMAN, guilty to conspiring to obstruct justice.
20050904—20100416    —ON, officer ROBERT—BARRIOS was charged with conspiring to obstruct justice in relation to the bridge shootings.
20050904—20160420    —ON, 5—FORMER—POLICE—OFFICERS pleaded guilty to 1 reduced NUMBER—OF—CHARGES in the Danziger Bridge shootings.
20060312—20060904    —ON, 1—KENTUCKY court sentenced him to 5—CONSECUTIVE life sentences.
20060513             DIE—AUSSTELLUNG läuft —BIS zum 20060904             und ist —SONNTAGS, —MONTAGS und —MITTWOCHS—VON—10—BIS 20—UHR, —DONNERSTAGS, —FREITAGS und —SAMSTAGS—VON—10—BIS 21—UHR geöffnet.
20060829—20030904    THE—NEOCONS'—NEW—ENEMY: THE—CIA—LAURIE—MYLROIE—CRAZY—IDEAS about 20010911             by DAVID—CORN.
20060829—20030904    THE—CIA is 1—ROGUE institution.
20060829—20030904    THE—NEOCONS'—NEW—ENEMY: THE—CIA... 20060829—20030904.
20060904             —SOAKED, Tropical storm Ernesto, THE—EAST—COAST—OF—THE—USA—CLAIMING 6—LIVES and left 19,000 customers in THE—NEW—YORK area without power.
20060904             —CONTAINED, It was only 20%.
20060904             —KILLED, NEWRY—MAINE, 4—PEOPLE were found, at the Black Bear Bed & Breakfast.
20060904             —DISMEMBERED, The victims were shot and then.
20060904             CHRISTIAN—NIELSEN, —31—JAHRE—ALT, 1—RESIDENT at the inn for —2-MONTHS, was arrested.
20060904             —INCLUDED, The dead, owner JULIE—BULLARD, —65—JAHRE—ALT, her daughter Selby (30), her friend Cindy Beatson (43), and ARKANSAS resident JAMES—WHITEHURST.
20060904             —STRAFED, SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, 2—USA—WARPLANES accidentally, their own forces, killing 1—CANADA—SOLDIER and seriously wounding 5—OTHERS.
20060904             1—UNITED—KINGDOM—SOLDIER attached to NATO was also killed in 1—KABUL suicide bombing, which left another 4—AFGHANS dead.
20060904             † 16 suspected Taliban militants and 5—AFGHANISTAN—POLICE, in separate AFGHANISTAN—VIOLENCE.
20060904             † STEVE—IRWIN, —44—JAHRE—ALT, WORLD—FAMOUS—AUSTRALIAN "crocodile hunter" and television environmentalist, was killed by 1—STINGRAY blow to the chest —WHILE filming 1—DOCUMENTARY on the Great Barrier Reef.
20060904             —LAUNCHED, Global press titan RUPERT—MURDOCH, 1—NEW—FREE—TITLE: thelondonpaper, a 48-page color paper, dominated by gossip and REAL—LIFE—STORIES, in the city centre.
20060904             —PUBLISHED, METRO, 1—DAILY —MORNING paper, by Associated Newspapers, has 1—CIRCULATION—OF—AROUND 1—MILLION—COPIES in the capital and 13—OTHER—BIG—TOWNS.
20060904             —OVERLOADED, CONGODRC, 1—BOAT, with passengers and freight sank in choppy waters on Lake Kivu, killing at least 35—PEOPLE.
20060904             —CHARGED, CYPRUS, 3—UNITED—KINGDOM—HOLIDAYMAKERS were, with willful manslaughter over THE—DEATH—OF—1—CYPRUS—TEENAGER in 1—HIT—AND—RUN—ACCIDENT in the coastal resort of Protaras —LAST—MONTH.
20060904             1—RENTED—OPEL "repeatedly rammed" the moped in what police described as 1—REVENGE attack —FOLLOWING 1—FIGHT outside 1—PROTARAS disco in which 1—FRIEND—OF—THE accused was beaten up.
20060904             —COLLIDED, EGYPT, 1—PASSENGER—TRAIN, with 1—CARGO—TRAIN—NORTH—OF—CAIRO, killing 5—PEOPLE and injuring 30—OTHERS.
20060904             FRANCE, the Airbus A380, the world's largest passenger jet, took off with 1—FULL—LOAD—OF—PASSENGERS for the 1. time.
20060904             Carrying 474—AIRBUS employees, the 308-ton jet left from TOULOUSE, SOUTH—FRANCE, on the 1. of 4—TEST—FLIGHTS.
20060904             —KIDNAPPED, IRAQ, 1—POPULAR—IRAQ—SOCCER star was.
20060904             33—BULLET—RIDDLED bodies were found in BAGHDAD and 2—MORE in Kut.
20060904             —KILLED, At least 2—PEOPLE also were, and 6 were wounded in and —AROUND Baqouba.
20060904             2—SUICIDE—BOMBERS slammed into 1—CHECKPOINT on the outskirts of BAGHDAD, killing 1—IRAQ—SOLDIER and wounding 8. Gunmen in Ramadi killed MAJOR—GENERAL—MOHAMMAD—THUMEIL, who had served in FORMER—IRAQ—LEADER—SADDAM—HUSSEIN—MILITARY.
20060904             † 1—USA—SOLDIER was killed by 1—ROADSIDE bomb NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD, —WHILE a 2. soldier, of NON—COMBAT related injuries.
20060904             2—USA—MARINES and 1—SAILOR were killed in fighting Anbar province.
20060904             —OVERPOWERED, Police, and arrested the attacker at the scene.
20060904             —SENTENCED, AL—JAOURAH was, to death in December.
20060904             LEBANON, USA civil rights leader REVEREND—JESSE—JACKSON met with Hezbollah officials and called on them to show proof that 2 captured ISRAEL—SOLDIERS are still alive.
20060904             1—UN—SPOKESMAN said SECRETARY—GENERAL—KOFI—ANNAN has agreed to requests by Hezbollah and ISRAEL that he mediate in negotiations over the release of 2 abducted ISRAEL—SOLDIERS.
20060904             —ANNOUNCED, QATAR, that it would contribute 200 to 300—TROOPS to THE—UN peacekeeping force in LEBANON, making the Persian Gulf state the 1. Arab country to commit soldiers to the peace effort in LEBANON.
20060904             —CLASHED, THE—PHILIPPINES—MARINES, with nearly 200—AL—QAIDA—LINKED rebels on Jolo ISLAND.
20060904             6—GOVERNMENT—TROOPS were killed and 19 wounded in the monthlong USA—BACKED offensive.
20060904             † In Dec the military said Khaddafy Janjalani, HEAD—OF—THE—AL—QAIDA—LINKED—ABU—SAYYAF, was killed in the fighting and that his remains had been found.
20060904             —CONFIRMED, DNA evidence, his death.
20060904             SOMALIA—WEAK—GOVERNMENT and 1—ISLAMIC—MILITIA that controls MUCH—OF—THE—SOUTH signed 1—AGREEMENT to eventually form 1 unified national army.
20060904             SRI—LANKA PRESIDENT—MAHINDA—RAJAPAKSE said security forces had captured Sampur, 1—KEY—TOWN used by Tamil Tigers to target artillery at 1—MAJOR—NAVAL port.
20060904             —URGED, Rajapakse, the rebels to return to peace talks.
20060904             SUDAN said it would allow AFRICA—TROOPS to remain in Darfur only under AFRICA—UNION—CONTROL and accused WASHINGTON of attempting "regime change" in KHARTOUM by trying to bring in 1—UN—FORCE.
20060904             —AB—IN der SCHWEIZ soll der elektronisch lesbare Pass bestellt werden können, darin befindet sich ein per Funk auslesbarer RFID—CHIP.
20060904             Mit dem lässt sich allerhand anstellen.
20060904             Den neuen Pass brauchen Reisende, sofern sie keinen Maschinenlesbaren Pass 03—BESITZEN —NACH—DEM 20061026             für aufenthalte in USA....
20060904             Terrorism prosecutions have fallen back to pre-20010911             levels.
20060904             A new report notes,
20060904             "In THE—8—MONTHS ending last May, Justice attorneys declined to prosecute more than
20060904             9—OUT of every 10—TERRORISM—CASES
20060904             sent to them by THE—FBI + Immigration + Customs Enforcement + other FEDERAL—AGENCIES".
20060904             Tough job market for the nation's 45—MILLION—YOUNG—WORKERS:
20060904             Articles :: Reply To A 20010911             SKEPTIC—FROM NewsGator.com:
20060904             Articles :: Reply To A 20010911             Skeptic
20060904             Subject: Reply To A 20010911             SKEPTIC—POSTED 20060904             —1141—AM (GMT 1)
20060904             Nila Sagadevan tells of 1—HARDCORE skeptic who absolutely refuses to believe that 20010911             was 1—HOAX despite his READING books on the subject and watching DVDs.
20060904             According to Nila this skeptic wrote:
20060904             Please do 1—SIMPLE—MIND—CALCULATION and estimate how MANY—PEOPLE would be involved with all aspects of 20010911             —THE scheme as you describe it.
20060904             —NOW calculate what %age of those people are NOT in THE—FEDERAL—GOV'T (1—WILD—ASSUMPTION that the Feds CAN keep 1—SECRET).
20060904             Then do something that you can't learn in 1—PHYSICS—CLASS.
20060904             Be honest with yourself in regard to whether ALL—OF—THOSE people could live in silence about what they (or those that they know) had done?
20060904             In reply we can say, firstly, if this person thinks of himself as 1—SKEPTIC, why does he accept the official story with all its holes and total lack of supporting evidence?
20060904             Secondly we can question his request for "1—SIMPLE—MIND—CALCULATION".
20060904             There is almost no calculation involving 20010911             that is simple, so our skeptic asks for what is impossible + is merely urging agreement with his own (unsupported) view.
20060904             Thirdly we can reply that THE—HIGHER—UPS in the conspiracy (such as Cheney and Rumsfeld ) + some at 1—LOWER—LEVEL, certainly have 1—MOTIVE to keep silent, —SINCE they are WELL—KNOWN to the public + have their careers, their reputations and their necks at stake.
20060904             So the skeptic is really positing 1—NUMBER—OF—UNKNOWN auxilliary figures, perhaps hundreds, all potential WHISTLE—BLOWERS like Sibel Edmonds.
20060904             But (fourthly) this is mere supposition + THE—NUMBER—OF—OPERATIVES involved may well have been much less than a 100. Professor A. K. Dewdney gives 1—ESTIMATE for the minimum as 36 ?
20060904             see
20060904             —PUBLISHED, And THE—FINLAND—MILITARY—EXPERT who, the report providing evidence that small H—BOMBS were used in THE—WTC demolitions, estimates that 30—MEN were needed to install the cutting charges in the twin towers ?
20060904             SEE—OF these 30 at least half would not have known what was really going on and could easily be disposed of —IMMEDIATELY—AFTER (or even —BEFORE) 20010911             , along with other LOW—LEVEL—OPERATIVES.
20060904             —PLANNED, Those who, on killing several 1000—PEOPLE in THE—COLLAPSE—OF—THE—TWIN—TOWERS would certainly think nothing of killing as MANY—LOW—LEVEL—OPERATIVES as was needed to avoid exposure.
20060904             So, apart from the public figures who knew in advance that 20010911             would occur (even if they were not involved in the detailed planning), there may be only 20—30—OPERATIVES who remain alive.
20060904             They are not likely to talk of what could bring them 1—DEATH—SENTENCE if they were ever tried and convicted.
20060904             And if they are THE—PRODUCTS—OF—MANY—YEARS—OF (military or otherwise) training (or mental conditioning, or even MIND—CONTROL) then it is not surprising that they do not talk.
20060904             Also it is erroneous to think of these operatives as, in our skeptic's words, "in THE—FEDERAL—GOV'T (1—WILD—ASSUMPTION that the Feds CAN keep 1—SECRET)".
20060904             —SINCE 20010911             —THE hoax was crucial to THE—NWO plan to dominate the world, it is likely that the best and most committed operatives from the secret government were involved, not your ordinary FEDERAL—EMPLOYEES.
20060904             Moreover, perhaps we are mistaken if we think of these operatives as people, capable of feeling guilt or shame as ordinary people are.
20060904             If they are the products of —20—YEARS—OF—MIND—CONTROL (their training —BEGINNING—IN the Reagan years) then they are more like zombies.
20060904             Or if not zombies then perhaps they are like cult followers, believing in 1—HIGHER—MISSION, perhaps to save their bloodline or secret society from the catastrophes that are predicted (or are planned) to befall most of the human POPULATION—OF—THE—PLANET in the coming years.
20060904             —REMARKED, As DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN has, —RECENTLY, we are dealing with demonic evil.
20060904             Its instruments keep silent because it is in their interest to do so;
20060904             unless they decide to say something designed to mislead, confuse or deceive.
20060904             FW: Articles :: Time MAGAZINE—OH—SO—SOPHISTICATED—PSYCHOLOGICAL—EXPLANATIO—BILL giltner sent you 1—POST from NewsGator.com:
20060904             Subject: Time MAGAZINE—OH—SO—SOPHISTICATED—PSYCHOLOGICAL—EXPLANATION—POSTED: Mon 20060904             —127—PM (GMT 1)
20060904             This came through from DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN —TODAY. In case you haven?t seen yet.
20060904             MESSAGE: To hell with the evidence.
20060904             As long as we have 1—PSYCHOLOGICAL—EXPLANATION for why people need conspiracy theories, we can ignore it---as long as we can ignore the fact that the official theory is 1—CONSPIRACY—THEORY.
20060904             But the main thing here is that for such 1—STORY to appear in TIME means that, as the writer says, 20010911             —THE truth movement is no longer ?1—FRINGE phenomenon.
20060904             It is 1—MAINSTREAM—POLITICAL—REALITY.?
20060904             DG --- - Energie: Ölpreis rutscht unter 68- DOLLAR—MARKE
20060904             Kartoffelkultur: Letztes Gefecht um KÖNIGIN—DER—KNOLLEN
20060904             Beschluss der Innenminister: ANTI—TERROR- Datei soll 20070000             stehen
20060904             Gebärmutterhalskrebs: Sperma kann Tumoren wachsen lassen
20060904             Diplomatie: IRAK und IRAN nähern sich an
20060904             Mail aus Yale: "Sind Sie Dealer, Schläger, Choleriker?"
20060904             LIBANON: "Hisbollah wird die Waffen nicht strecken"
20060904             INNENMINISTER—KONFERENZ: Zweiteilige ANTI—TERROR- Datei kommt
20060904             NETZWELT—TICKER: Mehrheit DEUTSCHER—ARBEITER sitzt am PC
20060904             IRAN—KRISE: Pekings Machtpoker mit WASHINGTON
20060904             Rollende Risiken: Immer mehr Nutzfahrzeuge haben Mängel
20060904             ASEM—KONFERENZ: Müntefering verlangt internationale Sozialstandards
20060904             ANTI—TERROR- Datei: Beckstein will Religion nur bei Islamisten speichern
20060904             Mars: Das RIESEN—TAL des roten Planeten
20060904             Die Welt ohne 20010911             : Als USA—PRÄSIDENT—KERRY ins World Trade Center bat
20060904             Korruption und Steuerhinterziehung: Finanzskandal holt DaimlerChrysler ein
20060904             Nahost: Olmert und Siniora führen Krieg der Worte
20060904             —PROPAGIERT, Kritik an USA—REGIERUNG: Clinton, Entwicklungshilfe statt Kriegspolitik
20060904             Innere Sicherheit: Letztes Tauziehen um die ANTI—TERROR- Datei - 1. IRAQ.
20060904             HOPES—OF—PEACE in IRAQ, always slender, have —NOW beome thinner than onionskin, due to the waning influence of Shi'ite moderate leader Grand Ayatollah ALI—AL—SISTANI.
20060904             For the grim news, read this Telegraph piece.
20060904             For 1—GRIM—ANALYSIS—OF—THE—GRIM—NEWS, read emptywheel here.
20060904             Do we have ANY—GOOD—MOVES? Nope.
20060904             The best Bush can do is to pull out and release the beasts of chaos, 1—OUTCOME which will suit ISRAEL —JUST fine.
20060904             THE—ROVIAN hordes will blame Clinton for the debacle30%-TO—50—PERCENT—OF—THE—USA—PEOPLE will believe 'em.
20060904             Only THE—OIL—THEFT—FACTOR keeps us in IRAQ. 2. Why MEXICO Matters.
20060904             As you probably know, the real WINNER—OF—THE—MEXICO—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION, Andres MANUEL—LOPEZ—OBRADOR, has announced his intention to set up a
20060904             parallel government.
20060904             MICHAEL—COLLINS, friend to this blog, has a
20060904             blockbuster piece on THE—MEXICO—VOTE revolt up on BradBlog.
20060904             Here are 2—KEY grafs: —AFTER examining evidence form the election, Professor JAMES—K—GALBRAITH—OF—THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—TEXAS concluded his analysis with these findings: (a) Obrador started out 126,000 votes in the hole (to CALDERON—EVEN start); (b) this error was never corrected;
20060904             and (c) —AT—THE—END—OF—THE—NIGHT "adjustments" were made to make it appear Calderon won.
20060904             There is 1—ACTIVE—COMMUNITY—OF—ACADEMICS in MEXICO who are providing analyses demonstrating this absurdity.
20060904             This will sound familiar.
20060904             —TABULATED, CALDERON—BROTHER—IN—LAW wrote the software program that, and reported votes for the "independent" election institute.
20060904             —DENIED, THE—BROTHER—IN—LAW, this but MEXICO—PRESS actually investigates these things and forced him to admit his involvement by producing contracts his company had with the institute.
20060904             3. - The drug jet.
20060904             Slap me: I've let 1—ENTIRE—WEEK pass without mentioning
20060904             DANIEL—HOPSICKER—LATEST—PIECE on that DRUG—LADEN Skyway JET—WHICH, as we've seen, was owned and operated by SOME—RATHER "spooky" folks here in the states.
20060904             Read HOPSICKER—PIECE in conjunction with THE—AFORE—CITED expose by MICHAEL—COLLINS.
20060904             More: Agents of 2—MEXICO—FEDERAL—LAW—ENFORCEMENT—AGENCIES, the POLICÍ1—FEDERAL—PREVENTIVA (PFP) AND—OF—THE—FEDERAL—AGENCY—OF—INVESTIGACIÓN (AFI), reportedly attempted to prevent airport personnel from calling in the military to search the DC9 —AFTER it had aroused suspicions.
20060904             Despite the obvious signs of his administration's involvement, MEXICO—PRESIDENT—VICENTE—FOX has made 1—HALF—HEARTED attempt to blame the drug runs on HUGO—CHAVEZ—AND—OF—COURSE—ANDRES MANUEL—LOPEZ—OBRADOR.
20060904             Jeez, could these creeps be ANY—MORE—OBVIOUS?
20060904             4. "This is diabolical!" Such was
20060904             —SCOPED, DENNIS—KUCINICH—REACTION—WHEN he personally, out what ISRAEL has wrought in LEBANON.
20060904             Expect to see 1—FLURRY—OF—HIT—PIECES denouncing Kucinich as 1—ANTI—SEMITE.
20060904             5. Google: 1—COMPANY that listens.
20060904             Google is developing technology to
20060904             eavesdrop on the audio obtainable from your PC mic ;
20060904             software will analyze the sounds AND—GET THIS—DIRECT—CERTAIN ads to your computer screen based on THE—TYPE—OF—TELEVISION and radio programs overheard in your household.
20060904             —BASED, Perhaps they will also try to sell you sex toys, on the way you moan.
20060904             Pretty soon the security industry is going to find 1—WAY to hijack the Google feed and use it for full on espionage.
20060904             Google says that its fingerprinting technology makes it impossible for the company (or anyone else) to eavesdrop on other sounds in the room, such as personal conversations, because the conversion to 1—FINGERPRINT is made on the PCa fingerprint can't be reversed, as it's only 1—IDENTITY.
20060904             But we should think that "spyware" might take on 1—EXTRA meaning if someone less scrupulous decided on 1—SIMILAR—PIECE—OF—SOFTWARE.
20060904             Why speak in the future tense?
20060904             LET—PRESUME that dear old GENERAL—HAYDEN beat Google to the punch.
20060904             We need 1—FREEWARE solution - 1—ONSCREEN button that will turn the mics off and on.
20060904             Better still, let's have an "off" switch on the headsets.
20060904             We may also want to boycott Google.
20060904             They're not the only search engine out there, you know.
20060904             (Updated note: My ladyfriend insists that this story must be 1—HOAX.
20060904             Perhaps, but THE—AUTHOR'S—OTHER—STORIES - 6. Carlin speaks : THE—TRUTH.
20060904             + that it was waiting for more details —BEFORE making 1—OFFICIAL—ANNOUNCEMENT.
20060904             1—SENIOR—OFFICIAL in PAKISTAN said no foreign government had shared information with PAKISTAN that would back up THE—REPORT—OF—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—DEATH.
20060904             Gee.
20060904             You think the reliable source might be the mysterious (and perhaps mythical) ABU—DAWOOD, the fellow who has been peddling "HIROSHIMA in AMERICA" to JOURNALIST—HAMID—MIR? (Scroll down for more on that.)
20060904             If THE—FRANCE—ARE treating this as 1—SERIOUS—LEAK—INQUIRY and 1—POTENTIAL—CRIMINAL—MATTER, then this is no mere newspaper rumor.
20060904             That doesn't mean that the information is true, of course.
20060904             Note the timing: —JUST 1—COUPLE—OF—DAYS ago, KARL—ROVE told RIGHT—WING sites that he had an "October Surprise" or 2 in mind.
20060904             —DECIDED, —MEANWHILE, the Democrats have clearly, -- finally! -- to use BUSH—INABILITY to capture OSAMA—BIN—LADEN as 1—CUDGEL against Bush -- see, for example, BILL—CLINTON—ANGRY—VIDEO—STATEMENT
20060904             here.
20060904             If Big Wedding II occurs in THE—USA—WITHIN THE—NEXT—MONTH, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION will, of course, seek to blame IRAN.
20060904             —POSED, To do so means minimizing the threat, by OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20060904             —BY the way, BILL—O'REILLY—NEW—BOOK—CLAIMS that OSAMA—BIN—LADEN supports the progressive movement.
20060904             Right.
20060904             Y'see, that's been my problem all along --
20060904             Osama keeps making my checks out in PAKISTAN rupees + the exchange rate stinks.
20060904             Besides, the lady at the check cashing joint near the liquor store can't read his damned handwriting.
20060904             Archive APFN Messageboard
20060904             BUSH DOUBLESPEAKS... KATRINA...WET LANDS! — Wetland Damage, Tue - ious enough.)
2006090420060904     Wokeman
20060904—19920000    —APPEARED, His "Crocodile Hunter" show, in which the adventurer, in his trademark khaki shorts and shirt, was 1. broadcast and has been shown —AROUND the world on the Discovery cable network —EVER—SINCE.
20060904—19990000    —LAUNCHED, The 1. free paper in LONDON was, —7—YEARS—AGO.
20060904—20060822    —ON, SOUTH—CENTRAL—MONTANA, 1—WILDFIRE had spread across 180,000 acres, over 280—SQ. miles, —SINCE it was sparked by lightning.
20060904—20090000    —PLEADED, Lamar Crowder (21), no contests to voluntary manslaughter and testified against Beaudreaux (23), who was convicted of 1.—DEGREE murder in the shooting.
20060923—20060904    —AM, haben die saudischen Dienste die 1. Anzeichen für seinen Tod erhalten", heißt es.
20060924—20060904    —AM, "Seine geografische Isolation wegen der ständigen Flucht scheint medizinische Hilfe unmöglich gemacht zu haben + erhielten die saudischen Geheimdienste die 1. Informationen über seinen Tod", zitierte die Zeitung aus dem DGSE—DOKUMENT.
20070112             La mirada del ángel, Ariel Ruiz Mondragón, 379 ...
20070120             WATCH—ARCHIVED news and commentary: 20070904—20100904    , 20060000             20070120             WATCH—ARCHIVED news and commentary: 20070904—20100904    , 20060000
20070531             [NYTr] Weekly News Update #814 - 20050904             20070531             [NYTr] Weekly News Update #814 - 20050904
20070904             La Crisis 20070112             , La mirada del ángel, Ariel Ruiz Mondragón, 388. 20070412             , Entrevista con JAIME—SÁNCHEZ—SUSARREY, Ariel Ruiz Mondragón, 435 ...
20070904             —UPDATED, DTI Field Partners data last : 24-Jul-200700000331          Field Name...
20070904             La Crisis 20070112             , La mirada del ángel, Ariel Ruiz Mondragón, 388.
20070904             In den ÜBERSEE—BÜROS von Hill & Knowlton arbeiten CIA—MITARBEITER (so steht es in einer... alfatomega.com/20070508.html
20070904             —ARRIVED, USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH, in SYDNEY for 1—REGIONAL—SUMMIT with the city locked down in the biggest security operation in AUSTRALIA—HISTORY.
20070904             Mattel INCORPORATED—REPUTATION took another hit —AFTER the world's largest toy maker announced a 3. major recall of CHINESE—MADE toys in little more than —1—MONTH because of excessive AMOUNTS—OF—LEAD paint.
20070904             —RESIGNED, FLORIDA, Broward County SHERIFF—KEN—JENNE, —AFTER agreeing to plead guilty to FEDERAL—TAX—EVASION and mail fraud charges.
20070904             —OPENED, NEW—YORK city's 1. ARAB—LANGUAGE—SCHOOL.
20070904             5-nation war games began in the Bay of Bengal.
20070904             —LAUNCHED, Indian and USA—AIRCRAFT—CARRIERS, fighter jets into the air as USA—SUBMARINES cruised below Japanese, Australian and SINGAPORE—WARSHIPS.
20070904             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN—SECURITY—FORCES in overnight fighting said they have, MULLAH—MATEEN, 1—TALIBAN COMMANDER alleged to be behind the July kidnappings of 23—SOUTH—KOREA—CHURCH—WORKERS.
20070904             —DENIED, THE—TALIBAN, the dead man was 1—OF—THEIR—MILITANTS.
20070904             Up to 27—OTHER—INSURGENTS were also slain.
20070904             Taliban spokesman Qari Yousef Ahmadi said 7—INSURGENTS were killed in the clash, ALL—OF—THEM ordinary fighters.
20070904             He said the Taliban had no COMMANDER—CALLED—MULLAH—MATEEN, and said he did not know who the government was referring to.
20070904             Afghan and coalition soldiers in Shah Wali Kot district, in SOUTH—KANDAHAR province, came under attack —WHILE on patrol.
20070904             They fought back —BEFORE calling in air support and over 12—INSURGENTS were killed in the engagement.
20070904             —ABOUT 18—MILES away, insurgents sheltering in 1—TRADITIONAL—LOW—WALLED—AFGHANISTAN—COMPOUND attacked another joint patrol.
20070904             —POUNDED, Airstrikes —LATER, the position, killing 6—INSURGENTS.
20070904             —JAILED, AUSTRALIA, 2—INDONESIANS were, over 1—PEOPLE—SMUGGLING operation to bring 83—SRI Lankans into AUSTRALIA.
20070904             —PLEADED, The 2, guilty to smuggling 83—SRI Lankans into AUSTRALIA—WATERS in February near CHRISTMAS—ISLAND in THE—INDIA—OCEAN.
20070904             1—EUROSTAR train shattered the record for the quickest rail journey between PARIS and LONDON, using 1—NEW—HIGH—SPEED—TRACK that shaved SOME— 30—MINUTES off the previous fastest time.
20070904             THE—306—MILE (492—KILOMETER) journey from the Gare du Nord in PARIS to S—PANCRAS took —JUST—2—HOURS, —3—MINUTES and —39—SECONDS from station to station.
20070904             MOST—OF—LONDON—SPRAWLING transport network shut down —AFTER maintenance workers walked off the job, arousing commuter anger and drawing warnings the strike will inconvenience MILLIONS—OF—BRITONS.
20070904             —AGREED, Subway maintenance workers, to cut short the strike.
20070904             † JANE—TOMLINSON, —43—JAHRE—ALT, terminal cancer sufferer, in LONDON —FOLLOWING a —7-YEAR battle against the disease.
20070904             —RAISED, Tomlinson had, THOUSANDS—OF—POUNDS—AFTER being diagnosed with terminal breast cancer by taking on 1—SERIES—OF—GRUELING physical challenges.
20070904             1—OFFICIAL said CHINA—ENVIRONMENTAL—WATCHDOG has closed down 400—FACTORIES—SINCE it started 1—NATIONAL—CAMPAIGN in July to tackle water pollution.
20070904             —ABANDONED, Rangers and 300—VILLAGERS, 1—GORILLA reserve in EAST—CONGO as government soldiers battled troops loyal to 1—RENEGADE general in sections of Virunga park.
20070904             THE—UN said 10000 CONGO—REFUGEES have fled to neighboring UGANDA —FOLLOWING clashes between THE—CONGO—ARMY and renegade troops in its eastern provinces.
20070904             —ARRESTED, DENMARK—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICE, 8—ISLAMIC—MILITANTS linked to leading AL—QAIDA figures, and said the suspects were plotting 1—ATTACK involving explosives.
20070904             —SUSPECTED, GERMANY, 3, Islamic terrorists from 1—AL—QAIDA—INFLUENCED group nursing "profound HATRED—OF—USA—CITIZENS" were arrested on suspicious of plotting imminent, massive bomb attacks on USA—FACILITIES in GERMANY.
20070904             —PICKED, FORMER—IRAN—PRESIDENT—HASHEMI—RAFSANJANI was, to HEAD—1—KEY—CLERICAL—BODY empowered with choosing or dismissing the country's supreme leader, state media reported, in 1—VOTE seen as 1—SETBACK for HARD—LINERS in IRAN—RULING establishment.
20070904             1—IRAQ—APPEALS—COURT upheld death sentences imposed against "Chemical Ali" AL—MAJID and 2—OTHER—SADDAM—HUSSEIN lieutenants CONVICTED—OF—CRIMES against humanity for their roles in 1—MASSACRE—OF—KURDS.
20070904             3—SEPARATE—ATTACKS in BAGHDAD killed 4—USA—SOLDIERS and at least 11—CIVILIANS.
20070904             —ROARED, Hurricane Felix, ashore as 1—FEARSOME—CATEGORY 5—STORM, the 1. time in recorded history that 2—TOP—SCALE—STORMS have made landfall in the same season.
20070904             The storm hit near the swampy NICARAGUA—HONDURAS border, home to THOUSANDS—OF—STRANDED—MISKITO—INDIANS dependent on canoes to make their way to safety.
20070904             Some 332—PEOPLE left dead or missing.
20070904             NIGERIA—NATIONAL—NEWS—AGENCY said NIGERIA will spend 950—MILLION naira (7.3—MILLION—DOLLARS/ 5.3—MILLION—EUROS) to resettle nationals living in the disputed Bakassi Peninsula ceded to CAMEROON —LAST—YEAR.
20070904             1—SENIOR—USA—DIPLOMAT said NORTH—KOREA remains on 1—LIST—OF—STATES that sponsor terrorism, dismissing NORTH—KOREA—CLAIMS that WASHINGTON decided to remove the designation.
20070904             —ATTACKED, PAKISTAN, suicide bombers, 1—BUS filled with government workers and 1—COMMERCIAL—AREA—NEAR—ISLAMABAD, killing at least 25—PEOPLE and deepening THE—SENSE—OF—CRISIS in 1—COUNTRY beset with political uncertainty and Islamic militants.
20070904             —KILLED, RUSSIA—VORONEZH, region 1—EXPLOSION, 3—PEOPLE at 1—SUGAR—REFINERY owned by Prodimex Group, 1—OF—THE—COUNTRY—LARGEST—PRODUCERS.
20070904             —CLIMBED, Alain Robert, to the top of MOSCOW—795—FEET—HIGH—WEST—FEDERATION—TOWER, in less than 1—HALF—HOUR using 1—LADDER.
20070904             www.lacrisis.com.mx/index.php?option=content&task=category§ionid=5&id=162&Itemid=186
20070904             Ariel Ruiz Mondragón: Revolución electrónica y lectura Ariel Ruiz Mondragón.
20070904             Chartier, ROGER—LAS revoluciones de la cultura escrita.
20070904             Diálogo e intervenciones Traducción de ALBERTO—LUIS—BIXIO...
20070904             In der kommenden —WOCHE stehen Bush neue schlechte Nachrichten bevor:
20070904             Dann werden Oberbefehlshaber DAVID—PETRAEUS und der USA—BOTSCHAFTER—IN—BAGDAD, RYAN—CROCKER, ihren Bericht über die Lage und die Erfordernisse im IRAK vorlegen.
20070904             Auftraggeber ist ebenfalls der Kongress.
20070904             Die BUSH—REGIERUNG setzt darauf, dass die AUSSAGEN—DES—HÖCHSTEN—GENERALS im IRAK als Hinweis auf 1—VERBESSERUNG—DER—SICHERHEITSLAGE auszulegen sind.
20070904             HARRY—REID, Mehrheitsführer der Demokraten im Senat, nannte den Bericht einen Beleg dafür, dass Bush s Strategie nichts bringe.
20070904             "Dem PRÄSIDENT zufolge war der ZWECK—DER—TRUPPENVERSTÄRKUNG, den Irakern Raum und Sicherheit zu geben. Nichts davon ist passiert".
20070904             Alarmierender Bericht: Kongress zieht verheerende Bilanz des IRAK—KRIEGS
20070904             Lebensmittelkonzern: Unilever baut in EUROPA 12.000—STELLEN ab
20070904             Gerichtsakten zu IRAK—EINSATZ: USA—SOLDATEN töteten ohne Reue
20070904             TP: Flick und Bush - Fake Photos Helped Lead USA to Invade IRAQ
20070904             —FAKED, Add, photos to the list of lies told by the Bush —CHENEY Administration —BEFORE its invasion of IRAQ.
20070904             FORMER—SUBPRIME Leader Ameriquest Closes :
20070904             Ameriquest Mortgage Co., once the nation's largest subprime lender, will close with barely 1—WHIMPER, —AFTER the other assets of its parent company were sold —FRIDAY to Citigroup Inc
20070904             —FROM Cold War to Class War:
20070904             Audio interview with financial economist and historian, DOCTOR—MICHAEL—HUDSON.
20070904             —APPOINTED, DOCTOR—HUDSON has been, CHIEF—ECONOMIC—ADVISOR for the Kucinich for PRESIDENT campaign + is writing 1—NEW—TAX—POLICY for THE—USA
20070904             They will be as sweeping and mindboggling as global warming or 1—EARTHQUAKE measuring 10 on the Richter scale.
20070904             UK Tested Poison Gas on INDIA—SOLDIERS : UK—MILITARY—SCIENTISTS tested mustard gas on HUNDREDS—OF—INDIA—SOLDIERS —DURING more than —1—DECADE—OF—EXPERIMENTS that began —BEFORE —WWII, 1—UK—NEWSPAPER reported —SATURDAY.
20070904             —AFFLICTED, USA nuke work, 36,500 Americans:
20070904             —SICKENED, Radiation, 36,500 and killed at least 4,000—OF—THOSE who built bombs, mined uranium, breathed test fallout
20070904             USA—POVERTY—DATA—RAISE New Questions About COST—OF—WAR: It is 1—OF—THE—MOST affluent countries in the world, but sill MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE in THE—USA—FIND it very difficult to put 1—NICE—MEAL on their dinner table.
20070904             Cholera spreads in IRAQ as health services collapse : Lack of clean drinking water and poor sanitation has led to 5,000—PEOPLE in NORTH—IRAQ contracting cholera.
20070904             Welcome to the new USA embassy : At 1—TIME—WHEN MILLIONS—OF—BAGHDADIS outside the green zone receive only 1—COUPLE—OF—HOURS—OF—WATER and electricity daily, Iraqis observe that this project has been completed on time, on budget + is entirely SELF—SUFFICIENT with its own fresh water supply, electricity plant, sewage treatment facility, maintenance shops and warehouses.
20070904             Do We Have the Courage to Stop War With IRAN?
20070904             It is going to happen, folks, unless we put our lawn chairs away —ON—TUESDAY, take part in SOME—SERIOUS—GRASS—ROOTS organizing + take action to prevent 1—WIDER—WAR—WHILE we still can.
20070904             Who Put the Lie in Lieberman? Snow Job in the Desert
20070904             —UNTIL—RECENTLY I assumed that the failure to find W.M.D., followed by YEARS—OF—FALSE—CLAIMS—OF—PROGRESS in IRAQ, would make 1—REPEAT—OF—THE—SNOW—JOB that sold the war impossible.
20070904             But I was wrong.
20070904             The administration, this time relying on GENERAL—DAVID—PETRAEUS to play THE—COLIN—POWELL role, has had remarkable success creating the perception that the "surge" is succeeding, even though there's not 1 shred of verifiable evidence to suggest that it is.
20070904             Fake Photos Helped Lead USA to War in IRAQ—BY- WALTER—BRASCH - 1—DD faked photos to the list of lies told by the Bush ­Cheney Administration —BEFORE its invasion of IRAQ.
20070904             The sad reality is that neither we nor the Americans will be leaving IRAQ with much credit and attempts by either side to pass the buck are almost pointless.
20070904             Worse, these futile quarrels are in danger of distracting attention from the real question;
20070904             what in this terrible situation, mostly of our own making, can we —NOW do for the suffering people of IRAQ?
20070904             THE—BASES—ARE—LOADED
20070904             WILL—THE—USA—EVER leave IRAQ? Official policy promises 1—EVENTUAL—DEPARTURE, —WHILE warning of the dire consequences of a "premature" withdrawal.
20070904             Independent JOURNALIST—DAHR—JAMAIL + AUTHOR—CHALMERS—JOHNSON, are discovering that military bases in IRAQ are being consolidated from over a 100 to 1—HANDFUL—OF "megabases" with lavish amenities.
20070904             Labor —DAY Hypocrisy - THE—PREDICTED—FINANCIAL—STORM—HAS—ARRIVED
20070904             We are at 1—END—OF—1—ERA, living through the worst financial panic in MANY—DECADES.
20070904             —NOW begins global financial instability.
20070904             It is impossible to speculate how long —TODAY—TURMOIL will LAST—BUT there —NOW exists 1—UNCERTAINTY and LACK—OF—CONFIDENCE that has been unparalleled —SINCE the 1930s-and this ignorance and fear is itself 1—CRUCIAL—FACTOR.
20070904             —ARRIVED, The moment of reckoning for bankers and bosses has.
20070904             THE—ISRAEL—LOBBY and USA Foreign Policy
20070904             —BY John J—MEARSHEIMER and Stephen M WALT—REVIEWED by MAX—HASTINGS
20070904             —COMPLETED, —WHEN the piece was at last, the magazine declined to publish, deeming it too hot for delicate USA—PALATES.
20070904             'Medical Conditions Caused by Political Decisions'
20070904             —ON Christmas Eve
20070904             If the Searingly Detailed Documentary "No End in Sight" Were Presented to 1—GRAND—JURY, No Doubt Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Rice + L. PAUL—BREMER—WOULD be Indicted for Criminal Malfeasance in THE—POST—INVASION—CONDUCT—OF—THE—IRAQ—WAR
20070904             1—PLAN that the envoy, L. PAUL—BREMER, said referred to dismantling THE—IRAQ—ARMY.
20070904             —PROVIDED, MISTER—BREMER, the letters to THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—ON—MONDAY—AFTER READING that MISTER—BUSH was quoted in 1—NEW—BOOK as saying that USA—POLICY had been ?to keep the army intact?
20070904             but that it ?didn?t happen.?...MISTER—BREMER indicated that he had been smoldering —FOR—MONTHS as other administration officials had distanced themselves from his order".
20070904             Of course, as "No End in Sight" confirms, Bush doesn't read key National Intelligence Estimates, Reports, Important Letters, Etc.
20070904             His Note to Bremmer was Probably Written for Him to Sign.
20070904             MICAH—TILLMAN: 3—WAYS Selection Makes Mainstream News Not News -- A BuzzFlash Guest Contribution
20070904             N. KOREA says USA decides to remove it from terror list.
20070904             How interesting that NORTH—KOREA was dealt with without bombing them to smithereens, but IRAN has —JUST got to blow up because Dick Cheney has got 1—HARD on about them.
20070904             Poor Bush, poor TONY—SNOW (sneer) -- A BuzzFlash Reader Contribution
20070904             'Hearing FORMER—ARMY—MAJOR—GENERAL—PAUL—EATON, responsible for training the New IRAQ—ARMY, recount that GEORGE—W—BUSH, COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF, had been, —AFTER the invasion of BAGHDAD, totally unaware that his HAND—PICKED official, L. Paul "Jerry" Bremer, was disbanding THE—IRAQ—ARMY, was infuriating.' 9/5
20070904             BARBARA—DAILY—BUZZFLASH—MINUTE for 20070904
20070904             Venice film festival gets TASTE—OF—FILM on TRAUMA—OF—TROOPS back from IRAQ 9/5
20070904             Es deutet vieles daraufhin, dass die staatliche Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority —MORGEN für die Forschung mit zytoplasmischen hybriden Embryos plädieren wird.
20070904             Zu Jahresbeginn schien eine solche —ENTSCHEIDUNG, wie sie —BEREITS—NUN in den BRITISCHEN—MEDIEN kolportiert wird, noch undenkbar.
20070904             —BERICHTET, Damals hatten Stammzellforscher, —BEREITS inoffiziell
20070904             einen ablehnenden Bescheid von der HFEA bekommen zu haben.
20070904             Das Bundesfamilienministerium teilt diese Sicht.
20070904             Die "Rassen diskriminierenden Aussagen" in den Werken RUDOLF—STEINER s seien als besonders gravierend zu betrachten, da es sich "keinesfalls um Zufallsprodukte oder durch den Zeitgeist bedingte rassistische Stereotype handelt", heißt es in dem Antrag.
20070904             Vielmehr seien sie als "Ausprägungen einer spezifisch Steiner schen esoterischen Rassenkunde" zu sehen.
20070904             Dabei hat der Säulenheilige der Waldorfbewegung seine Visionen nicht mal selbst herbeiphantasiert, sondern vielfach schnöde abgeschrieben.
20070904             Der Berliner Historiker HELMUT—ZANDER legte vor kurzem die 1. umfassende Untersuchung der Anthroposophie vor.
20070904             Zander sieht Steiner als Suchenden, der sich in einer Zeit TECHNISCH—WISSENSCHAFTLICHER Umbrüche nach letztgültigen Wahrheiten sehnte.
20070904             "Diese müssen aber stets vor dem Hintergrund ihrer Entstehungsgeschichte gesehen werden, sonst liest sich Steiner wirklich wie das Werk eines Verrückten", sagt Zander.
20070904             "Steiner s Rassentheorie ist in seinem Werk verwoben, das waren keine zufälligen Ausfälle", meint der Forscher.
20070904             —KASSIERT, Atomenergie: Merkel, Gabriels AKW—PLÄNE
20070904             BREMEN: Altes Frachtschiff in Kloake entdeckt
20070904             —GEFUNDEN, AFGHANISTAN: Waffen aus CHINA bei Taliban
20070904             Bröckelnder Autoabsatz: Schlechte Stimmung vor der IAA
20070904             Stammzellstreit: Briten wollen MENSCH—TIER- Embryos zulassen
20070904             Terrorismus: Merkel drängt auf ONLINE—DURCHSUCHUNG
20070904             AMERIKANISCHE—HYPOTHEKENKREDIT—PROBLEME ufern weiter aus... Die Aktien der AMERIKANISCHEN—BAUKONZERNE befinden sich —DERZEIT ganz tief im Keller.20070904             Reconstruction 7.1 (20070000             )<old.lapadania.com/2000 /settembre/17/17092000 p02a1.htm >.
20070904             Sharp, Lesley A. "THE—COMMODIFICATION—OF—THE—BODY and its Parts". reconstruction.eserver.org/071/marchesi.shtml
20070904             Gladio : THE—SEQUEL
20070904             —INTENDED, This post is, as 1—FOLLOW up to Operation Gladio : Template for THE—WAR—ON—TERROR
20070904             both THE—BULGARIA—CONNECTION—CASE and THE—IRAN—CONTRA affair.
20070904             Der innenpolitische Druck lastet schwer auf dem Präsidenten.
20070904             Die neuerlichen Vorwürfe treffen Bush in einer schwierigen Phase: —ERST—AM Wochenende
20070904             hatten BRITISCHE—GENERÄLE die IRAK—STRATEGIE der Amerikaner heftig kritisiert.
20070904             Sie warfen dem Verbündeten Fehlplanung und Missachtung von Kritik vor.
20070904             Zugleich verdichten sich in LONDON die Hinweise, dass die BRITISCHE—ARMEE sich aus dem Südirak zurückzieht.
20070904             —ZITIERT, Er wird mit den Worten : "Ja, erinnern kann ich mich nicht mehr genau.
20070904             Aber ich bin mir sicher, ich habe gesagt: Unsere Strategie war anders, was ist passiert?"
20070904             —NUN wehrt sich EX—IRAK—STATTHALTER—PAUL—BREMER:
20070904             —INFORMIERT, Er habe die Regierung frühzeitig.
20070904             Um seine Behauptung zu untermauern, überließ er der "NYT" einen Briefwechsel zwischen Bush und ihm, mit dem er belegen will, dass der PRÄSIDENT frühzeitig über die —ENTSCHEIDUNG zur Auflösung der IRAKISCHEN—ARMEE informiert war.
20070904             IRAK—STRATEGIE: Briefwechsel bringt Bush in Bedrängnis
20070904             Bankenrettung: "Verkauf der IKB kein Tabu"
20070904             G- 8-Gipfel: Polizei forderte Tornados "in direkter Absprache" mit Bundeswehr an
20070904             Brief aus Bagdad: So kündigte Bremer Bush die Auflösung von Iraks Armee an
20070904             Bush s Antwort: "Du hast meine volle Unterstützung"
20070904             —BEKOMMT, Einigung: Postbranche, einen Mindestlohn
20070904             —VERURTEILT, ÜBERLINGEN—PROZESS: SKYGUIDE—MITARBEITER wegen fahrlässiger Tötung
20070904             Komplettes Erbgut im Web: Genforscher enthüllt sein Innerstes
20070904             Gottesgabe: NEPAL Airlines opfert Ziegen für pannenfreien Flug
20070904             Konjunktur: Wirtschaft in der EURO—ZONE wächst langsamer
20070904             Armut in NEW—YORK: Kampfzone der Krösusse
20070904             —BESTREITET, COMPUTER—SPIONAGE: CHINA, Angriff auf Pentagon
20070904             Finanzkrise: Wieso DEUTSCHLAND 1—BANKEN—REVOLUTION braucht
20070904             —AWARDED, Bridge, offshore permit with Transworld plus 2—ONSHORE... Bridge has been awarded PEP 38491 in offshore Taranaki NORTH—OF—NEW—PLYMOUTH in partnership with Transworld Exploration Ltd and Westech Energy NEW—ZEALAND.
20070904             38.00—BRAE—NORTH {pt. of BRAE} BP EXPLORATION OPERATING COMPANY LIMITED 27.70 ...
20070904             LIMITED 46.10—HAMILTON ENI ULX LIMITED 45.00—HAMILTON ENI UK LIMITED 8.90 ...
20070904             Normal.DOT—VERSI HTML - ANGOLA im 3. —JAHRZEHNT—DES—KRIEGES
20070904             Beispielsweise verweist der Name der Ölfirma Falcon Oil & Gas, die in einem Förderungsblock PARTNER—VON—EXXON ist, auf PIERRE—FALCONE.
20070904             USA—ANGOLA CHAMBER—OF—COMMERCE - 20040000             Business Symposium Falcon Oil FATA—METANG Fátima Freitas Advogados Foreign Policy Group...
20070904             —INCLUDED, THE—3—MAJOR underwriters, ExxonMobil (ESSO—ANGOLA ), Chevron + BP.
20070904             Während das Ministerium offiziell über den Ursprung der CYBER—ATTACKE nichts sagen wollte, hätten hochrangige aber anonyme Mitarbeiter der "Financial Times" versichert:
20070904             "Die Volksbefreiungsarmee (Chinas) hat ihre Fähigkeit bewiesen, Attacken durchzuführen, die unser System außer Kraft setzen".
20070904             Der Vorfall habe in Verteidigungskreisen Sorge ausgelöst, dass CHINA in "entscheidenden Momenten" die USA—SYSTEME funktionsunfähig machen könnte.
20070904             Ein SPRECHER—DES—CHINESISCHEN—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTERIUMS in Peking wollte keinen Kommentar abgeben.
20070904             Die Gewerkschaft wies einen dringenden Appell von BÜRGERMEISTER—KEN—LIVINGSTONE zurück, 1—VERKEHRSCHAOS in der BRITISCHEN—METROPOLE zu verhindern.
20070904             RMT verlangt ARBEITSPLATZ—UND Rentengarantien für Hunderte BAHN—UND Streckenmechaniker bei der Metronet.
20070904             Die Mitarbeiter fürchten um Jobs und Renten, —NACHDEM mit Metronet das Privatkonsortium zur Modernisierung der Londoner U—BAHN wegen Zahlungsunfähigkeit unter gerichtliche Verwaltung gestellt wurde.
20070904             Hypothekenkrise: Ackermann rügt Risikomanagement der Banken
20070904             Partnerwahl: Flirten wie in der Steinzeit
20070904             Bestechungsverdacht: Siemens droht Korruptionsverfahren in CHINA
20070904             Kanalerweiterung: PANAMA bohrt das Nadelöhr des Welthandels auf
20070904             Beware the Wounded Beast: Bush Has Lost THE—IRAQ—WAR—THE—IRAQ—WAR has been lost.
20070904             THE—UK—ARE acknowledging this fact by pulling out their troops from Basra, IRAQ—2. largest city, handing over the city to THE—CONTROL—OF—SHIA militias.
20070904             For all intents and purposes, the "Coalition of the Willing" is —NOW dead.
20070904             AMERICA is —NOW going it alone.
20070904             -waren AM—3—DER Islamisten in der Ferienwohnung von der ANTI—TERROR—SPEZIALEINHEIT GSG 9—FESTGENOMMEN worden, ein 4. wurde später in der TÜRKEI verhaftet.
20070904—18000000    —NACH, Sein Fazit Seiten: Steiner bediente sich bei zahlreichen zeitgenössischen esoterischen Autoren und rührte alles zusammen.
20070904—20030500    —UNDISCLOSED, According to 20070904             —THE—NYT: "1—PREVIOUSLY, EXCHANGE—OF—LETTERS shows that PRESIDENT—BUSH was told in advance by his top IRAQ envoy of 1—PLAN to ?dissolve Saddam?s military and intelligence structures,?
20070904—20040000    —IN—THE, Republican CALIFORNIA Theft of Presidential Election 20080000             Update: Lawyers behind 1—CALIFORNIA ballot proposal that could benefit 20080000             —THE—REPUBLICAN presidential nominee have ties to 1—TEXAS homebuilder who financed attacks on Democrat JOHN—KERRY—VIETNAM—WAR—RECORD—PRESIDENTIAL—CAMPAIGN.
20070904—20071016    —SUSPENDED, CANADA—PRIME—MINISTER—STEPHEN—HARPER, PARLIAMENT and reconvened 1—NEW—SESSION, setting up 1—VOTE—OF—CONFIDENCE in his minority Conservative government that could trigger 1—ELECTION.
20070904—20080000    —IN, FRITZ—MARTIN—GELOWICZ, —29—JAHRE—ALT, DANIEL—MARTIN—SCHNEIDER, —22—JAHRE—ALT and Adem Yilmaz (29) were charged with membership in 1—TERRORIST—ORGANIZATION.
20070904—20160000    —RELEASED, Gelowicz was, from prison —AFTER serving 2—THIRDS—OF a —12—YEAR—SENTENCE.
20070911             GAO report, 20070904             NIE report, 20070823             JONES report, CSIS, 20070906             20080820—20080823    —ON, The toll rose to 154—LEAVING 18—SURVIVORS.
20070911             GAO report, 20070904             NIE report, 20070823             Jones report, CSIS, 20070906
20070914             Also, THE—GOVERNMENT—ACCOUNTABILITY—OFFICE—PROGRESS—REPORT on IRAQ, released 20070904             , said violence in IRAQ remains high, fewer IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES are capable of acting independently + THE—PARLIAMENT in BAGHDAD has failed to reach major political agreements needed to curb sectarian violence.
20080519             —DURING THE—WEEK—OF—IN NEW—YORK, N.20080904             ., JAMES—RUSSO... On
20080902—20080904    —BLOCKED, NEW—ORLEANS residents were, from returning home due to damage from Hurricane Gustav, but Mayor Nagin said they would be allowed back.
20080903—20080904    —DEMONSTRATED, CHINA—HUNAN, province, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, and clashed with police in Jishou about 1—PROPERTY—COMPANY they said cheated them of their money.
20080903—20080904    NEWS—OF—THE—PROTESTS did not become public —UNTIL—AFTER the Olympics.
20080904             Dia e noite ele ladra porque não tem outra voz.
20080904             ESTÃO—SE nas tintas para o cumprimento das leis - e do regulamento do ruído.
20080904             Here is the full TEXT—OF—ROBIN—COOK—RESIGNATION—SPEECH in THE—HOUSE—OF—COMMONS, which won applause from SOME—BACKBENCHERS in unprecedented Commons scenes.
20080904             COM—FULL—TEXT: ROBIN—COOK speech - 20030318             20080904             The musical "Fela!" premiered OFF—BROADWAY at 37—ARTS—THEATRE B in NEW—YORK City.
20080904             —BASED, It was, on THE—WORK—OF—NIGERIA—MUSICIAN—FELA ANIKULAPO—FELA (19380000—19970000    ).
20080904             —CLAIMED, S—PAUL, MINNESOTA, JOHN—MCCAIN, THE—GOP presidential nomination portraying himself as 1—MAVERICK warrior and AGENT—OF—CHANGE.
20080904             JACK—ABRAMOFF, —49—JAHRE—ALT, once powerful DC lobbyist, was sentenced to —4—YEARS in prison for his part in 1—POLITICAL—CORRUPTION—SCANDAL.
20080904             He had already spent —2—YEARS in prison for 1—FRAUDULENT casino boat deal in FLORIDA.
20080904             —PLEADED, DETROIT Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick (38), guilty to 1—PAIR of felony obstruction charges in 1—SEX—AND—MISCONDUCT—SCANDAL and will step down —AFTER MONTHS—OF—DEFIANTLY holding onto his job leading the nation's 11.-largest city.
20080904             —INCLUDED, KILPATRICK—SENTENCE, —4—MONTHS behind bars, a $1—MILLION—FINE and forfeiture of his license to practice law.
20080904             1—USA—COAST—GUARD—HELICOPTER went down off Oahu, Ha., killing 4—CREW members.
20080904             —GLUED, ALBANIA—ARTIST—SAIMIR Strati in TIRANA, 229,764 corks of various shapes and colors over 1—PLASTIC—BANNER measuring 12.94—METERS by 7.1—METERS to make the art piece "Romeo with 1—CROWN—OF grapes playing the guitar —WHILE dancing with the sea and the sun".
20080904             He worked —14—HOURS —1—DAY —FOR—28—DAYS to complete his project.
20080904             —ROARED, Tropical Storm Hanna, along the edge of THE—BAHAMAS ahead of 1—POSSIBLE hurricane hit on the Carolinas, leaving behind at least 137—DEAD in HAITI.
20080904             —KILLED, NORTH—EAST—CHINA, 24—PEOPLE were, and 6 injured in 1—COAL—MINE—GAS—EXPLOSION, that left 3—MINERS trapped.
20080904             —CONDEMNED, GEORGIA—USA—VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY, RUSSIA for what he called an "illegitimate, unilateral attempt" to redraw this USA—ALLY—BORDERS by force.
20080904             —AGREED, GERMANY—MINISTERS, to update data protection laws for the digital age —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—SCANDALS showing how easily personal details can be bought on THE—INTERNET.
20080904             —STORMED, Some 20—GREECE—ANARCHISTS, 1—SUPERMARKET in Thesaaloniki and handed out food for free in the latest of 1—WAVE—OF—RAIDS provoked by soaring consumer prices.
20080904             —ARRESTED, OMAR—HUSHAM, —28—JAHRE—ALT was, in the predominantly Sunni neighborhood of Azamiyah.
20080904             —PASSED, PAKISTAN—PARLIAMENT, resolutions condemning 1—AMERICA—LED attack in PAKISTAN—TERRITORY—AFTER the government summoned THE—USA—AMBASSADOR to protest the unusually bold raid that officials say killed at least 15—PEOPLE.
20080904             4—ISLAMIST—MILITANTS were killed and 5 wounded in 1—MISSILE—ATTACK by 1—SUSPECTED—USA—DRONE in the village of Char Khel in NORTH—WAZIRISTAN near AFGHANISTAN.
20080904             —TOURED, MIDDLE—EAST—ENVOY—TONY—BLAIR, 1—PALESTINE—ALUMINUM—FACTORY in Beit Iba and was told it runs at 1—3. capacity because of ISRAEL—IMPORT restrictions.
20080904             He promised he'll take it up with ISRAEL—AUTHORITIES.
20080904             MOSCOW, officials said BP PLC and its billionaire RUSSIA—PARTNERS in the joint venture TNK—BP have agreed on 1—DEAL that forces out its embattled CEO and signals 1—END to 1—BITTER—STRUGGLE for CONTROL—OF—THE—RUSSIAN—UNITED—KINGDOM—COMPANY.
20080904             —KILLED, RUSSIA—TROOPS, 5 suspected Muslim rebels in Dagestan.
20080904             —ANNOUNCED, SYRIA—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD, that his country has handed over proposals for peace with ISRAEL to TURKEY—MEDIATORS and would wait for ISRAEL—RESPONSE—BEFORE holding ANY—FACE—TO—FACE—NEGOTIATIONS.
20080904             Teachers in ZIMBABWE—PUBLIC—SCHOOLS went on strike to press for higher pay, despite 1—PAY—RISE for civil servants announced by the government.
20080904             Der TÜRKISCHE—MINISTERPRÄSIDENT RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN, der als Vermittler vor Ort war, teilte später mit, die nächste Verhandlungsrunde finde am 18. und 20080919             statt.
20080904             It also may be that the Republicans have their vote stealing operations fully functional and the current election is simply 1—SHAM.
20080904             08 02:16 by Ze'ev BEN—YECHIEL—ANCIENT—CAPITAL—OF 'Jewish' Khazar Kingdom 4—ELUL 5768,
20080904             Die neuen Terroristen: Die Linkspartei.
20080904             Der stellvertretende CDU—VORSITZENDE CHRISTIAN—WULFF hat die Linkspartei in die Nähe des Terrorismus gerückt.
20080904             Er fürchtet sich um die Zukunft Deutschlands.
20080904             "Die Linke flirtet weltweit mit Extremisten der PKK, der ETA, der Hamas, der Hisbollah", sagte der niedersächsische Ministerpräsident der "Bild —AM—SONNTAG".
20080904             Er fürchte um DEUTSCHLAND, weil er wisse, wohin die Reise mit der Linkspartei gehen würde.
20080904             Cheney ist doch immer wieder für einen Lacher gut: USA—VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY has condemned what he called RUSSIA's "illegitimate" attempt to change GEORGIA—BORDERS —LAST—MONTH.
20080904             Die EU berät über die Einführung CHINESISCHER—VERHÄLTNISSE im INTERNET.
20080904             Wird Zeit für VICE—PRESIDENT—N—PROXIES in sicheren Drittländern.
20080904             Seufz.
20080904             Wer hat diese Knalltüten noch mal gewählt?
20080904             OOooooooh, der National Enquirer schreibt, das die Palin ihren Mann mit einem Geschäftspartner betrogen hatte.
20080904             Family Values! —NUN, der National Enquirer ist 1—SCHMUTZBLATT, den man jahrelang nur bedingt ernst nehmen konnte, aber —NACHDEM die durch diverse Klagen wegen falscher Berichterstattung dem Ruin nahe waren, haben die angefangen, nur noch Dinge zu publizieren, bei denen sie sich wirklich sicher sind.
20080904             Die publizieren zwar immer noch SCHMUTZ—STORIES, aber die stellen sich dann meistens als wahr heraus.
20080904             —BERICHTET, Der Enquirer hat, dass Bush JUNIOR—ALKOHOLPROBLEME hat, war bei OJ Simpson sehr nahe dran, und, besonders peinlich, der Enquirer war auch die Zeitung, die kürzlich JOHN—EDWARDS versenkt hat, weil er seine Frau betrogen hatte.
20080904             Das hat auch —ERST keiner glauben wollen, und dann mußte Edwards das zugeben und die Medien sind alle aufgesprungen auf die Story.
20080904             Interessantes EGON—BAHR—INTERVIEW —IM—FREITAG.
20080904             U.a. mit einem Detail, das voll an mir vorbei gegangen ist: Ich sehe keine härtere GANGART—ICH sehe eine härtere Gangart, wenn Vizepräsident Cheney vor Kurzem in LETTLAND erklärt hat, man wolle natürlich RUSSLAND einkreisen.
20080904             —GEGEBEN, Da hat es in DEUTSCHLAND keinen Aufschrei.
20080904             AMERIKA verfolgt eine potenziell imperiale Einkreisungspolitik gegenüber RUSSLAND.
20080904             Ich kann doch die alten Interessen Russlands im Kaukasus nicht aggressiv nennen und die neuen Interessen Amerikas dort für sakrosankt erklären, zumal AMERIKA vom Kaukasus weiter entfernt ist als RUSSLAND.
20080904             Aber auch sonst sehr lesenswert.
20080904             Die Amis haben die USS MOUNT—WHITNEY ins Schwarzmeer geschickt, das NATO—FLAGGSCHIFF der USA—MITTELMEERFLOTTE.
20080904             Aber hey, hier geht es um Hilfsgüter.
20080904             Mehr Hilfsgüter -- mehr Transportfläche!
20080904             Und wer hat mehr Transportfläche als 1—NATO—KRIEGSSCHIFF vollgestopft mit Aufklärungsequipment und Waffen!
20080904             Aber hey, glaubt nicht mir, glaubt
20080904             den DEUTSCHEN—MAINSTREAM—MEDIEN : Das Flaggschiff der 6. USA—FLOTTE im Mittelmeer, die "USAS. MOUNT—WHITNEY", hat Kurs auf GEORGIEN genommen.
20080904             Das Schiff soll humanitäre Hilfsgüter in die Kaukasusrepublik bringen, die unter den Folgen der RUSSISCHEN—INVASION leidet.
20080904             Aha. Soso.
20080904             RUSSISCHE—INVASION also. Humanitäre Hilfsgüter. Dann ist ja alles klar.
20080904             Wer mal sehen will, wieso sich bei uns politisch nichts in die richtige Richtung bewegt, dem empfehle ich dieses INTERVIEW—MIT—EINEM—REGENSBURGER—STADTRAT—ABGEORDNETEN—DER—LINKSPARTEI.
20080904             Achtung: deprimierend.
20080904             BRASILIEN: Drogenbanden setzen Kaimane als Geheimwaffe ein
20080904             —BEKANNT, Den Ort des Treffens gab er nicht.
20080904             Bei dem MINI—GIPFEL erörterte Sarkozy mit Vertretern von SYRIEN, KATAR und der TÜRKEI den NAHOST—KONFLIKT und den Atomstreit mit IRAN.
20080904             Sollte ISRAEL eingreifen, stelle sich nicht mehr die Frage, "ob das legitim oder besonders intelligent ist", führte der FRANZÖSISCHE—STAATSCHEF weiter aus.
20080904             Die Frage sei vielmehr, "was wir dann machen? Das wäre 1—KATASTROPHE.
20080904             Wir müssen diese Katastrophe verhindern".
20080904             Dies ginge aber nur, wenn IRAN auf sein Programm zur Urananreicherung verzichte.
20080904             Provokante Rechnung: Wissenschaftler halten HARTZ—IV—SATZ für viel zu hoch
20080904             Katastrophe in INDIEN: 350.000—FLUTOPFER warten verzweifelt auf Hilfe
20080904             Atomstreit in Nahost: Sarkozy warnt IRAN vor israelischem Militärschlag
20080904             Hohe Leitzinsen: Rezessionsangst zieht Dax tief ins Minus
20080904             Nominierungsrede: McCain muss Palin übertrumpfen
20080904             Europäischer Gerichtshof: Anwälte feiern Entscheid zu Rechten von Terrorverdächtigen
20080904             —ÜBERNIMMT, IPCC—WAHL: Edenhofer, Chefposten beim Weltklimarat
20080904             AFGHANISTAN: Wichtiger DROGEN—RICHTER ermordet
20080904             JERUSALEM: Antiker Schutzwall mit modernen Bierflaschen
20080904             Atommülllager Asse: Betreiber wechselt, Personal bleibt
20080904             IEA—PROGNOSE: ENERGIE—ABHÄNGIGKEIT der EU soll sich verschärfen
20080904             Demaskierter Killer: Ebolas Geheimweg in die Zelle entdeckt
20080904             Notenbank: EZB lässt Leitzins unverändert
20080904             Verbraucherschutz: Daten dürfen nur noch mit Zustimmung weitergegeben werden
20080904             "Wieder einer weniger": Empörung über Plakat mit toten Bundeswehrsoldaten
20080904             Boat sale by 'DUKE' made him $400000 (Time to Resign)
20080904             BBC NEWS | UK | UK Politics |COOK—RESIGNATION speech
20080904             COM—FULL—TEXT: ROBIN—COOK speech - 20030318
20080904             ROBIN—COOK, FORMER—UK foreign SECRETARY—AND—LEADER—OF—THE—HOUSE—OF—COMMONS, made 1 impassioned personal statement in PARLIAMENT —FOLLOWING his resignation... edition.cnn.com/2003 /WORLD/meast/03/18/sprj.irq.cook.speech/
20080904             Die Antworten auf die Frage, ob die Gefangenen in Stammheim abgehört wurden, bleiben schütter.
20080904             Wenn die Gefangenen in ihren Zellen abgehört wurden, hätte kaum verborgen bleiben können, dass sie trotz Kontaktsperre miteinander kommunizierten und ihren kollektiven Selbstmord verabredeten.
20080904             Die Anzeichen, die für das Abhören der Gefangenen in Stammheim sprechen, hat Aust —BEREITS—IM—HERBST vergangenen Jahres zu erheblichen Teilen im SPIEGEL ausgebreitet.
20080904             Sie addieren sich zu einem bedrückenden Verdacht.
20080904             "Dieses Buch ist keine Anklageschrift und nicht das Plädoyer. Es ist auch kein Urteil, weder in juristischer noch in moralischer Hinsicht".
20080904             Ein "Protokoll" soll es sein, "1—CHRONIK".
20080904             Parteitag in S—PAUL: Wahlprogramm rückt Republikaner nach rechts
20080904             Neue Daten: Mehr verheerende Wirbelstürme durch wärmeres Wasser
20080904             —GESTIEGEN, Überraschung: Artenvielfalt in der Nordsee
20080904             Konsumgüterkonzern: NESTLÉ—MANAGER wird UNILEVER—CHEF
20080904             Atommülllager: NIEDERSACHSEN leitet Verfahren gegen ASSE—AUFSEHER ein
20080904             KANADA: Gigantischer Eisberg losgebrochen
20080904             Sonderkonferenz: CHEF—DATENSCHÜTZER fordert mehr Kontrolleure
20080904             USA—NOTENBANK: Amerikas Wirtschaft kommt nicht in Fahrt
20080904             —GEFÄHRDET, EX—INNENMINISTER Baum: Wie Datenmissbrauch unsere Demokratie
20080904             Denn eines ist sicher:
20080904             Der von den USA ausgerufene KRIEG—GEGEN—DROGEN hatte nur zur Folge, dass immer mehr Rauschgift produziert und die Bosse immer reicher wurden.
20080904             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Alles MAFIA—GELD?
20080904             Glenny: In Teilen sicher, aber die Abgrenzung ist schwierig.
20080904             Das Geld stammte vorwiegend aus dem ÖL—UND Gasgeschäft und wurde unter anderem über ISRAEL, ZYPERN, DEUTSCHLAND und GROSSBRITANNIEN gewaschen.
20080904             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Hat also die Globalisierung dem organisierten Verbrechen geholfen?
20080904             Glenny: Auf jeden Fall.
20080904             —SEIT dem ENDE—DES—KALTEN—KRIEGES sind mindestens zwischen 200—UND 300—MILLIARDEN Dollar aus RUSSLAND abgeflossen und vorwiegend in westlichen Industrienationen angelegt worden.
20080904             So war es in RUSSLAND und auch in der UKRAINE.
20080904             Ohne diese Banden hätte sich der Kapitalismus in Osteuropa nicht so schnell entwickeln können.
20080904             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Inwiefern liegt es an diesen Banden, dass VIELE—DIESER—LÄNDER —BIS—HEUTE keine vertrauenswürdigen, rechtsstaatlichen Strukturen aufgebaut haben?
20080904             —VERGESSEN, Glenny: Der Anteil ist groß, aber man darf auch nicht, dass diese Banden damals den Aufbau des Kapitalismus überhaupt —ERST ermöglicht haben.
20080904             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Wieso das?
20080904             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Ist demnach die ITALIENISCHE—MAFIA 1—AUSLAUFMODELL?
20080904             Glenny: Das kann man so nicht sagen.
20080904             Aber die Mafia und die JAPANISCHE—YAKUZA, die —NACH—DEM —WWII von den Amerikanern im Kampf gegen den Kommunismus groß gemacht wurden, waren in gewisser Weise immer TEIL—DES—STAATES.
20080904             —ERST als die Cosa Nostra Allmachtsphantasien entwickelte und 19920000             mit der ERMORDUNG—DER—SIZILIANISCHEM—STAATSANWÄLTE—FALCONE und Borsalino den STAAT herausforderte, hat die Regierung in Rom reagiert.
20080904             So trafen sich Ende 19920000             KOLUMBIANISCHE—KOKAINKARTELLE und europäische Gangster auf der Karibikinsel ARUBA, um den Kokainschmuggel nach EUROPA AUSZUWEITEN—ÜBRIGENS auf Einladung ITALIENISCHER—ANWÄLTE aus BRASILIEN.
20080904             —ENTSTANDEN, Auf diese Weise, neue Vertriebsrouten über Westafrika und auf dem Balkan.
20080904             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Gibt es weltumspannende Verbrecherorganisationen?
20080904             Glenny: Nicht im engeren Sinn.
20080904             Im INTERVIEW—MIT—SPIEGEL—ONLINE erklärt der AUTOR—UND—JOURNALIST, wie Verbrecherbanden in Osteuropa den Kapitalismus aufgebaut HABEN—UND warum die Mafia zum FRANCHISE—UNTERNEHMEN geworden ist.
20080904             REPUBLIKANER—PARTEITAG: Umjubelte VIZE—KANDIDATIN geht in die Offensive
20080904             —VERLOREN, Globalisiertes Verbrechen: "Der KRIEG—GEGEN—DROGEN ist "
20080904             Mayor, media silent on FBI RAIDS—OF—JOURNALISTS and protesters at RNC.
20080904             —REPORTED, This weekend, SALON—GLEN—GREENWALD, that protesters in MINNEAPOLIS in town for the Republican National Convention have been targeted by 1—SERIES—OF—POLICE—RAIDS "involving
20080904             teams of 25—30—OFFICERS in riot gear, with SEMI—AUTOMATIC—WEAPONS drawn,
20080904             entering homes of those suspected of planning protests, handcuffing and forcing them to lay on the floor, —WHILE law enforcement officers searched the homes, seizing computers, journals, and political pamphlets".
20080904             PALIN—LOBBYIST was ABRAMOFF—LOBBYST.
20080904             —REPORTED, THE—WASHINGTON—POST, —TODAY that, as MAYOR—OF—WASILLA, SARAH—PALIN hired 1—LOBBYIST to secure nearly $27—MILLION in FEDERAL—FUNDS for the town, and that the lobbyist, STEVEN—SILVER, had "close ties" to REPRESENTATIVE—DON—YOUNG (R—AK) and SENATOR—TED—STEVENS (R—AK).
20080904             —LISTED, TMPMuckraker has found that Silver also, convicted felon JACK—ABRAMOFF—FIRM, Greenberg Traurig, as 1—CLIENT:
20080904             —ON GREENBERG—BEHALF, Silver lobbied THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT on "issues relating to Indian/Native USA—POLICY," "exploration for oil and gas" and "legislation relating to gaming issues" — the very issues that Abramoff headed up for Greenberg —AT—THE—TIME.
20080904             In other words, Silver appears to have been 1—PART—OF "Team Abramoff".
20080904             —RELEASED, E—MAILS, —DURING the Abramoff investigation showed 1 scheduled meeting between between Silver and Abramoff 20010000             .
20080904             PALIN—WEAK grasp on history.
20080904             Bush says he 'doesn't consider BOLTON credible,' laments spending 'political capital' on him.
20080904             THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES
20080904             reports that PRESIDENT—BUSH—RECENTLY held 1—OFF—THE—RECORD meeting with conservative writers.
20080904             —DURING the meeting, Council on Foreign Relations fellow MAX—BOOT asked Bush why he had diverted from the priorities of his 1. term.
20080904             "That's ridiculous," Bush said.
20080904             Boot then read from 1—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL—OP—ED by war hawk JOHN—BOLTON in which BOLTON said BUSH—PRESIDENCY is "in total intellectual collapse".
20080904             —LASHED, Bush then, out at BOLTON:
20080904             —AGITATED, Bush grew more, at the mention of his own former senior diplomat.
20080904             "Let me —JUST say from the outset that I don't consider BOLTON credible," THE—PRESIDENT said bitterly.
20080904             Bush had brought BOLTON into the top ranks of his administration, fought for Senate confirmation and, —WHEN lawmakers balked, defied critics to give the hawkish aide 1—RECESS appointment.
20080904             "I spent political capital for him," Bush said, and look what he got in return.
20080904             MATTHEW—YGLESIAS
20080904             "Of course Bush is right, BOLTON isn't 1—CREDIBLE—THINKER on national security issues. But BOLTON is also right — the inherent UNWORKABILITY—OF—THE—BUSH doctrine has persuaded Bush to substantially abandon it in the waning DAYS—OF—HIS—ADMINISTRATION".
20080904             Palin: IRAQ is 1—WAR for oil.
20080904             In 1—RECENT—BUSINESSWEEK interview, GOVERNOR—SARAH—PALIN (R—AK) admitted that she believes
20080904             THE—IRAQ war was fought BECAUSE—OF—OIL :
20080904             We are 1—NATION at war and in many [ways] the reasons for war are fights over energy sources, which is nonsensical —WHEN you consider that domestically we have the supplies ready to go.
20080904             MAY, SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN (R—AZ) also said that he plans to "
20080904             eliminate our dependence on oil from THE—MIDDLE—EAST
20080904             that will prevent us from having ever to send our young men and women into conflict —AGAIN—IN THE—MIDDLE—EAST".
20080904             —BACKTRACKED, He —LATER, from his comments, denying that he meant to imply that THE—IRAQ war was fought over oil.
20080904             Erneuter Alarm: USA ziehen starken Flottenverband ZUSAMMEN—SFUX World Content News -
20080904             —NACH—DEN Dementis in den vergangenen —TAGEN, dass 1—VERBAND—VON—USA—KRIEGSSCHIFFEN in den Persischen Golf unterwegs sei, gibt es —JETZT doch 1—BESTÄTIGUNG dafür, dass sich starke maritime Kräfte in der Region zusammenziehen.
20080904             Social factors key to ill health Social FACTORS—RATHER than GENETICS—ARE to blame for huge variations in ill health and life expectancy —AROUND the world, 1—REPORT concludes.
20080904             Cheney in EX—SOVIET—ENERGY—CALL—USA—VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY presses for more energy export routes from EX—SOVIET—ALLIES, as he TOURS the region.
20080904             Major ICE—SHELF loss for CANADA CANADA—ARCTIC—ICE shelves have lost 1—COLOSSAL area —THIS—YEAR, scientists report, with 1 50—SQ km shelf breaking off completely.
20080904             'Rare' mammoth skull discovered The fossilised skull of an "extremely rare" steppe mammoth has been discovered in SOUTH—FRANCE.
20080904             Gonzales Violated Secrecy Rules With Spy Docs, Lied to Cover It Up
20080904             —MISHANDLED, FORMER—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES repeatedly and knowingly, ULTRA—SECRET—DOCUMENTS about the government's warrantless wiretapping program and lied to investigators about it, according to 1—REPORT by the Justice DEPARTMENT—INSPECTOR—GENERAL.
20080904             —DECLINED, THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT, to prosecute him, however.
20080904             Spying COURT—STAYS—SECRET, Rejects ACLU Plea Again
20080904             For the 3. time in —1—YEAR, 1—SECRET spying court rejects 1—ACLU request to let SOME—SUNSHINE pierce its dark CURTAINS—OF—SECRECY, ruling that national security prohibits publishing even unclassified VERSIONS—OF—COURT—DOCUMENTS or allowing NON—GOVERNMENT—LAWYERS to argue in the court.
20080904             —CONCERNED, EFF: We're, about GOOGLE—OMNIBOX—THE—INTERNET advocacy group says the Chrome browser is 1 mixed bag with SOME—ADVANCES, but worries about its PHONE—HOME—FEATURE.
20080904             Google backtracks on Chrome license terms Company says it is working to remove language that suggested it has 1—PERPETUAL right to information entered in the browser.
20080904             GOOGLE—OMNIBOX could be PANDORA—BOX If you are not careful with your privacy settings, Google has the right to log EVERY—KEYSTROKE you type into CHROME—ADDRESS—BAR.
20080904             —SEQUENCED, Trichoplax genome, -- 'rosetta stone' for understanding evolution
20080904             PHYSORG—COM) - - Yale molecular and evolutionary biologists in collaboration with DEPARTMENT—OF—ENERGY—SCIENTISTS produced the full genome sequence of Trichoplax, 1—OF—NATURE—MOST primitive multicellular organisms, providing 1—NEW—INSIGHT into THE—EVOLUTION—OF—ALL—HIGHER—ANIMALS.
20080904             Global warming greatest in past —DECADE
20080904             Researchers confirm that surface temperatures in THE—NORTH—HEMISPHERE were warmer over the last —10—YEARS than ANY—TIME —DURING the last 13000000             years, and, if the climate scientists include the somewhat controversial data derived from TREE—RING records, the warming is anomalous for at least 17000000             years.
20080904             USA—UNION—RATES up substantially 20080000             for 1. time —SINCE 1970s, study shows
20080904             Buoyed by 1—RISING tide in CALIFORNIA in general and SOUTH—CALIFORNIA in particular, USA—UNIONIZATION—LEVELS—ROSE substantially —THIS—YEAR, defying —1—DECADES—LONG—TREND—OF—DECLINE, according to 1—REPORT by UCLA—INSTITUTE for Research on Labor and Employment.
20080904—20050000    —UNVEILED, ETHIOPIA, its famed Axum Obelisk —AFTER more than —3—YEARS—OF—WORK to RE—ERECT the 150-ton stela plundered by fascist ITALY —70—YEARS—AGO and returned only.
20080904—20080910    —ON, 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE shaved —2—YEARS from his FLORIDA sentence guaranteeing the Abramoff will serve no more that 4—ADDITIONAL—YEARS.
20080904—20100000    —IN, the show won 3—TONY—AWARDS.
20080904—20100600    —RELEASED, Abramoff was, from jail.
20080914—20080904    —ON, THOMAS—FINGAR, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—TOP—INTELLIGENCE—ANALYST, in 1—PUBLIC—SPEECH, repeated the intelligence community's key judgment that IRAN—WORK on the "weaponization portion" of its nuclear development program "was suspended" 20030000             .
20081023—20070904    —SEIT DEM—DAS ist der niedrigste Stand.
20081023—20070904    - —SEIT DEM—DAS ist der niedrigste Stand.
20081031             Dollar, um einen Kredit für den Einstieg beim... sich bei TNK—BP durch 20080904             , Stichwort: Vekselberg, Viktor.
20090119—20090904    —IN, men, 2—SRI Lankans and 2—RESIDENTS—OF—S—KITTS, were convicted and sentenced to prison terms ranging up to 2 1/—2—YEARS for organizing the doomed sea voyage from S—MAARTEN.
20090828             The parties 20090901             —DEADLINE—OF—20090904              to arrive at 1—COMPROMISE.
20090829—20090904    —ON, police Heinze on 8—COUNTS—OF—1.—DEGREE murder.
20090904             —CLOSED, USA—REGULATORS, the 1. BANK—OF—KANSAS in MISSOURI, pushing to 85 THE—NUMBER—OF—USA—BANKS that have failed —THIS—YEAR.
20090904             —FIRED, THE—USA—EMBASSY in AFGHANISTAN says it has, 8—SECURITY—GUARDS —FOLLOWING allegations of lewd behavior and sexual misconduct at their living quarters.
20090904             2—OTHER—GUARDS resigned and also left.
20090904             —APPEARED, ALL—OF—THEM, in photographs that depicted guards and supervisors in various STAGES—OF—NUDITY at parties flowing with alcohol.
20090904             —PROVIDED, The management team of the private contractor that, the guards was also to being replaced —IMMEDIATELY.
20090904             —BLASTED, NORTH—AFGHANISTAN, 1—USA—JET, 2—FUEL—TANKERS hijacked by the Taliban in Kunduz province, setting off 1—HUGE—FIREBALL that killed DOZENS—OF—CIVILIANS who had rushed to the scene to collect fuel.
20090904             † As many as 142—CIVILIANS, in THE—GERMAN—ORDERED NATO—AIRSTRIKE.
20090904             —ORDERED, The strike was, by THE—COMMANDER—OF—THE—GERMANY—BASE in Kunduz, GEORG—KLEIN, who feared insurgents could use the trucks to carry out attacks.
20090904             † 1—FRANCE—SOLDIER was killed and 9—OTHERS injured —WHEN their vehicles were hit by 1—BOMB—NEAR—BAGRAM Air Base NORTH—OF—KABUL.
20090904             † 1—POLAND—SOLDIER was killed in the east.
20090904             † 1—FRANCE—MARINE was killed in 1—IED attack.
20090904             Arab League CHIEF—AMR—MOUSSA, speaking in ITALY, said ANY—ISRAEL—OFFER for 1—SETTLEMENT freeze that doesn't include EAST—JERUSALEM is unacceptable and "will suspend the peace process".
20090904             Aides of ISRAEL—PM said BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU will approve HUNDREDS—OF—NEW housing units in WEST—BANK—SETTLEMENTS—BEFORE slowing settlement construction, in 1—APPARENT—SNUB—OF—WASHINGTON—PUBLIC—DEMAND for 1—TOTAL—SETTLEMENT freeze.
20090904             CHINA, security forces in THE—FAR—WEST—CITY—OF—URUMQI used tear gas to break up fresh protests, as THOUSANDS—OF—HAN—CHINESE demanded better security —AFTER 1 reported SPATE—OF—ATTACKS with syringes.
20090904             —RIPPED, INGUSHETIA, 1—ROADSIDE bomb blast, through 1—POLICE—CAR, killing 3—OFFICERS and wounding 2—OTHERS.
20090904             Ingush authorities shot dead 3—INSURGENTS.
20090904             1—MAN, identified as Rustam Dzortov, was 1 suspected RINGLEADER—OF—REBEL—OPERATIONS in Ingushetia and had organized the suicide BOMBING—OF—INGUSH—PRESIDENT—YUNUS—BEK—YEVKUROV—MOTORCADE —EARLIER—THIS—YEAR.
20090904             THE—2—OTHERS may have been planning 1—TERRORIST—ACT in MOSCOW.
20090904             —SUSPECTED, In neighboring Chechnya 2, insurgents were killed in 1—SIMILAR—INCIDENT.
20090904             The suspected insurgents were found to have explosives strapped to them, hand grenades, and train tickets to MOSCOW.
20090904             —DETAINED, MEXICO—FEDERAL—POLICE, Armando Medina (49), 1—SMALL—TOWN—MAYOR—OF—MUGICA, Michoacan state, on suspicion of aiding drug traffickers.
20090904             This is the same state where 8—OTHER—CITY—CHIEFS have been arrested —SINCE May on similar charges.
20090904             The agency did not disclose the identity of winning bidders.
20090904             —ARMED, MEXICO—SOLDIERS, acting on 1—TIP about, men, detained JOSE—RODOLFO—ESCAJEDA in Nuevo Casas Grandes, in NORTH—CHIHUAHUA state.
20090904             —LINKED, The suspected drug gang leader was, to a 20060000             border incursion by armed traffickers into TEXAS and THE—KILLING—OF—1—ANTI—CRIME—ACTIVIST in July.
20090904             5—GUNMEN and 1—BYSTANDER were killed in 1—SHOOTOUT at 1—LAKE that began —WHEN assailants opened fire on 1—ARMY—PATROL on THE—OUTSKIRTS—OF—THE—NORTHERN—CITY—OF—MONTERREY.
20090904             † 1—CIUDAD—JUAREZ police officer was shot to death outside his home.
20090904             —KILLED, PAKISTAN said paramilitary troops have, 5 suspected militants and arrested 24 in 1—ONGOING operation in THE—NORTH—WEST—KHYBER tribal region.
20090904             —ARMED, SOUTH—SUDAN, heavily, fighters attacked 1—ETHNIC—DINKA settlement in BONY—THIANG, NORTH—OF—THE—STATE—CAPITAL—MALAKAL, killing 20—PEOPLE.
20090904             —LAUNCHED, Angry Dinka groups then, 1—RETALIATORY raid on the nearby Shilluk village of Bon, killing 5—PEOPLE including 1—WOMAN and 2—CHILDREN.
20090904             —BELIEVED, SOUTH—THAILAND, bomb, to have been planted by Islamic insurgents exploded outside 1—RESTAURANT where security forces were eating breakfast, killing 1—POLICEMAN and wounding 12—OTHER—PEOPLE.
20090904             —MARCHED, THOUSANDS—OF—OPPONENTS—OF—HUGO—CHAVEZ, against THE—VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—ACROSS—LATIN—AMERICA, accusing him of everything from authoritarianism to INTERNATIONAL meddling.
20090904             —COORDINATED, The protests, through Twitter and Facebook, drew more than 5,000—PEOPLE in BOGOTA, and thousands more in the capitals of VENEZUELA and HONDURAS.
20090904             Smaller demonstrations were held in other Latin USA—CAPITALS, as well as NEW—YORK and MADRID.
20090904             "The idea of 1—SINGLE—MONOLITHIC—REGULATOR worries me: quis custodiet custodien ?
20090904             "The 19010101—20001231    —CENTURY is the 1—CENTURY for which how much energy we're getting from the Sun is no longer the most important thing governing the temperature of THE—ARCTIC," said ANOTHER—OF—THE—STUDY—TEAM,
20090904             Korruptionsaffäre: Versicherungen unterstützen Siemens mit 100—MILLIONEN Euro
20090904             Nach SEX—SKANDAL: Kabuler USA—BOTSCHAFT feuert Wachpersonal
20090904             Dutzende Tote in AFGHANISTAN: Bundeswehr wollte mit Luftangriff Selbstmordattentat verhindern
20090904             Neuartiger Eingriff: Hamburger Ärzte reparieren Herzklappe durch Katheter
20090904             Krebsfälle an AKW: Studie sieht erhöhtes Leukämierisiko für Kinder
20090904             USA: Mann findet toten Frosch in COLA—DOSE
20090904             Flucht aus Moskau: "ARCTIC Sea"-Experte fürchtet um sein Leben
20090904             Rückschlag vor Gericht: Verbraucherschützer unterliegen ABO—FALLEN—BETREIBERN
20090904             Schutz von Beschäftigten: Scholz will weiteren Datenskandalen vorbeugen
20090904             Sedimentkerne: Verborgenes Klimaarchiv belegt arktische Erwärmung
20090904             Amerikas Jobmarkt: USA—ARBEITSLOSENQUOTE steigt auf 26—JAHRES—HOCH - Fischerei: Käpt'n Iglo auf Ökokurs
20090904             Ethischer Konsum: Nachhaltige Unternehmen sind Gewinner der Krise
20090904             Vor dem G-20-Gipfel: Deutsche und Briten streiten über Stopp für Staatshilfen
20090904             Tote in AFGHANISTAN: Uno fordert Ermittlungen zu Luftangriff auf Tanklaster
20090904             Monopole: Forscher entdecken lang gesuchte MAGNETISMUS—EXOTEN
20090904             So tell me, my good Wazir: —JUST who is this... Reverend BLAKE—LORENZ ?
20090904             —CALLED, Verily, O Excellency, the 1, Lorenz seems to be a
20090904             rising star in Looneyville : —RECENTLY God gave BLAKE—1—NEW—CALL to share with the church, ISRAEL, and the Gentile nations that the return of Jesus Christ is imminent.
20090904             —AFTER—24—YEARS as 1—UNITED—METHODIST pastor and evangelist, Blake retired from the Methodist Church in obedience to Jesus Who told him to separate himself and serve only Him.
20090904             This led to the founding of Global Revolution Ministries and Global Revolution Church, based in ORLANDO—FLORIDA.
20090904             —STARTED, He —RECENTLY, 1—TELEVISION—MINISTRY to proclaim his eschatology.
20090904             I think we should all get the picture by this point.
20090904             Falwell, Robertson and LaHaye are —NOW old, —WHILE Swaggart, the Bakkers, the Crouches and Haggard all fell into scandal.
20090904             Lorenz obviously hopes to replace them.
20090904             Rifqa is his ticket to national fame.
20090904             Incidentally, the primary INTERNET voice pushing this story has been Pam Geller -- Randroid, blinkered ISRAEL—WORSHIPPER and unrepentant "birther".
20090904             If Pammikins says that the sky is blue, you may safely presume that it has changed color.
20090904             Wie Kognition und Sozialverhalten einander beeinflussen, lässt sich vielleicht beim nächsten Versteckspiel ermitteln.
20090904             Ursache für den Denkfehler sei eine hohe Sozialkompetenz bei Kindern und Hunden
20090904             berichten die FORSCHER—IM Fachblatt "Science".
20090904             Kinder und Hunde glaubten hingegen nicht, was sie mit eigenen Augen sahen.
20090904             FORSA—UMFRAGE unter 16- —BIS 32-Jährigen, die vom DEUTSCHEN—GEWERKSCHAFTSBUND (DGB) in Auftrag gegeben wurde.
20090904             Ganze 74 % gaben demnach an, dass sich Politiker in DEUTSCHLAND nicht ausreichend um die Sorgen und Probleme junger Menschen kümmern.
20090904             Lediglich 21 % sind mit dem Handeln aus BERLIN zufrieden.
20090904             Dabei sind die Jugendlichen bereit, sich für ihre Belange starkzumachen.
20090904             ISRAEL: Netanjahu will Siedlungsbau vor Stopp noch beschleunigen
20090904             Psychologisches Experiment: Babys und Hunde irren auf gleiche Weise
20090904             DGB—UMFRAGE: Jugendliche fühlen sich von der Politik verlassen
20090904             GOOGLE—ALGORITHMUS, dessen Konzept im Prinzip auch —SCHON —JAHRZEHNTE vor der Geburt der Suchmaschine bekannt war,
20090904             Mit dem GOOGLE—ALGORITHMUS konnten die Forscher diejenigen Spezies identifizieren, die besonders wichtig sind, um eine bestimmte Nahrungskette funktionsfähig zu halten.
20090904             im Gespräch mit SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20090904             "Wir wollten zeigen, wie sehr wir berücksichtigen müssen, dass die Arten voneinander abhängig sind".
20090904             —VERSCHWINDET, Wenn 1—ART, dann nimmt nicht nur die Biodiversität auf der Erde irreparablen Schaden, auch andere Arten müssen darunter LEIDEN.
20090904             Beinahe 900—TIERARTEN seien —BEREITS verschwunden, sagen die IUCN—STATISTIKER.
20090904             Da aber nur 1—BRUCHTEIL—DER 1,8 Millionen bekannten Arten analysiert wurden, dürften die realen Zahlen noch weit höher liegen.
20090904             "die Fälle taktischer ERFOLGE—ABER strategischer Verluste - - im Telefongespräch mit SPIEGEL—ONLINE
20090904             Die Taliban selber brüsteten sich im Telefongespräch mit SPIEGEL—ONLINE damit, dass sie bei dem Zwischenfall gar keine Opfer erlitten hätten.
20090904             —GEWESEN, ALLE—TOTEN seien Zivilisten, sagte der TALIBAN—FÜHRER des Distrikts Char Darah, MULLAH—SHAMUDIN.
20090904             "Die Taliban haben die Tankwagen der armen Bevölkerung übergeben und die Gegend dann sofort verlassen".
20090904             —ERST danach seien die Bomben gefallen und hätten 150—ZIVILISTEN getötet, behauptete Shamudin weiter.
20090904             Die Isaf gehe davon aus, dass ausschließlich Rebellen unter den Toten seien.
20090904             Nach ANGABEN—DER—AFGHANISCHEN—POLIZEI sind indes 40—ZIVILISTEN bei dem Angriff getötet worden.
20090904             Der SPRECHER—DER—PROVINZREGIERUNG in Kunduz, Mahbuhullah Sajedi, sagte,
20090904             unter den Opfern sei "eine kleine Zahl" von Zivilisten, darunter Kinder, die aus den in einem Fluss festgefahrenen Lastern Benzin abzapfen wollten.
20090904             1—SPRECHER—DES—AFGHANISCHEN—GESUNDHEITSMINISTERIUMS sagte, "zwischen 200—UND 250" Dorfbewohner hätten sich um die Laster geschart.
20090904             Daher sei eine "große Zahl" von Zivilisten unter den Toten und Verletzten zu befürchten.
20090904             schließlich sind die Wähler überall empört.
20090904             - die Reaktion der Öffentlichkeit war absehbar.
20090904             Geringere Boni hätten den Vorteil, dass nicht sämtliche Nachwuchstalente in die Londoner City strömten, sondern "gesellschaftlich nützliche" Berufe ergriffen.
20090904             In der Branche erhob sich 1—PROTESTSTURM gegen den Verräter, doch weder Brown noch Darling sprangen Turner bei.
20090904             In seiner Verzweiflung warnt Darling —NUN vor dem "double dip": Wenn der STAAT nicht weiter die Wirtschaft ankurbele, werde es nach einigen trügerischen —MONATEN der Erholung einen Rückfall in die Rezession geben.
20090904             war in BERLIN zu hören, dass die Briten wieder mal bei der Finanzmarktregulierung bremsten.
20090904             Die 3—REGIERUNGSCHEFS zeigten sich besorgt, dass die Bürger "zutiefst schockiert" seien, "dass verwerfliche Praktiken wiederaufleben, obwohl Geld der Steuerzahler mobilisiert wurde,
20090904             um den Finanzsektor auf dem Höhepunkt der Krise zu stützen".
20090904             Sie schlugen vor, Bonuszahlungen zeitlich zu strecken und von der Geschäftslage der Banken abhängig zu machen.
20090904             1—GERICHT in MIAMI verurteilte unterdessen die Regierung und die Kommunistische Partei in Havanna zur Schadensersatzzahlung von 27,5 Millionen Dollar an die Mutter eines inhaftierten Dissidenten.
20090904             Bislang war es EXIL—KUBANERN unter dem jahrzehntelangen USA—EMBARGO gegen das kommunistische Land nur erlaubt, einmal pro —JAHR nach KUBA zu reisen.
20090904             Denn es besteht die Gefahr totaler Kontrolle.
20090904             Man kennt auch —SCHON ganz gut die Bedingungen, unter denen Bewusstsein entsteht, und welche Funktionen es hat.
20090904             Immerhin: Alles spricht dafür, dass Bewusstsein, Denken, Gefühle und sonstige psychische Zustände aufs Engste an Vorgänge im Gehirn gebunden sind.
20090904             "Page Rank"-Algorithmus: GOOGLE—PRINZIP hilft beim Verständnis des Artensterbens
20090904             Streit um Gehälter: Brown will Deutsche und Franzosen bei BANKER—BONI ausbremsen
20090904             —GESPERRT, ABFERTIGUNGS—CHAOS: Größter Flughafen Russlands muss, werden
20090904             NEW—YORK: ANTI—TERROR—WÄCHTER beim Schlafen erwischt
20090904             Sanktionen: USA lockern Reisebestimmungen für EXIL—KUBANER
20090904             In der Vergangenheit gab es mehrere Fälle, wo NATO—SCHLÄGE zu zivilen Opfern führten.
20090904             Laut FOX—NEWS hat die Botschaft für das Camp des Sicherheitspersonals inzwischen 1—ALKOHOLVERBOT erlassen.
20090904             Außerdem seien Mitarbeiter abgestellt worden, die privaten Sicherheitsleute zu überwachen.
20090904             Die Sicherung der USA—BOTSCHAFT in KABUL hat das USA—AUßENMINISTERIUM einer Privatfirma übertragen, dem Unternehmen "ArmorGroup NORTH—AMERICA".
20090904             AFGHANISTAN: Nato tötet Dutzende Taliban bei Angriff auf Tanklastwagen
20090904             Skandalbilder aus AFGHANISTAN: USA—REGIERUNG bestürzt über Sexpartys in KABUL
20090904             PRESSURE—UNDER THE—LIECHTENSTEIN arrangement, investors will be offered the chance to volunteer details of their deposits in return for penalties, capped at 10—PERCENT—OF—TAX evaded over the past —10—YEARS.
20090904             —FAILED, HMRC said that those who, to make 1—FULL—DISCLOSURE would have their accounts closed down and risked losing all their savings.
20090904             THE—UN—REPORT said that the price of opium was at a —10—YEAR—LOW.
20090904             THE—UNODC—EXECUTIVE—DIRECTOR, ANTONIO—COSTA, said: "The bottom is —STARTING to fall out of THE—AFGHANISTAN—OPIUM market. These results are 1—WELCOME—PIECE—OF—GOOD—NEWS and demonstrate that progress is possible".
20090904             "Scientists have been accused —FOR—YEARS—OF—SCAREMONGERING. But the real scaremongers are those who say we cannot afford climate action," he said in his GENEVA speech,
20090904             calling for world leaders to make bigger pledges of action in THE—RUN—UP to DECEMBER—UN—CLIMATE—SUMMIT in COPENHAGEN.
20090904             —MANIFESTED, The recent warming of THE—ARCTIC has, itself most clearly in the drastic shrinkage in —SUMMER SEA—ICE—EXTENT, with the smallest area in the satellite era documented 20070000             .
20090904             MIKHAIL—VOITENKO said he had been told to leave MOSCOW or face arrest.
20090904             THE—EDITOR—OF—SOVFRACHT, 1—ONLINE maritime journal, fled —ON—WEDNESDAY, saying he may not be able to return as his life would be in danger.
20090904             —KILLED, THOUSANDS—OF—ACTIVISTS were, or disappeared —DURING the 19730000199000       00—DATE—RULE—OF—GEN—PINOCHET.
20090904             —PURGED, JUDGE—VICTOR—MONTIGLIO—LATEST—WARRANTS relate to operations —WHEN Dina agents, OPPONENTS—OF—THE—GENERAL.
20090904             —EXPECTED, The arrests are, to begin —ON—WEDNESDAY.
20090904             Annual UPRATINGS—OF—THE—UK—STATE—PENSION are paid to recipients living in the European Economic Area and SWITZERLAND, as well as countries where there are reciprocal social security agreements such as THE—USA, Jersey, Guernsey and TURKEY.
20090904             "We still are confident the human rights legislation is fair and that we have 1—FAIR and strong case.
20090904             "The discrimination against us is not based on ANY—DEGREE—OF—LOGIC," he added.
20090904             "ANY—LEGISLATION—NEEDS to do the job it sets out to do".
20090904             —EARLIER MISTER—JOHNSON told THE—BBC: "It's always open to people to construe it as 1 naked attempt by PARIS and BERLIN to attack THE—COMPETITIVENESS—OF—THE—CITY—OF—LONDON.
20090904             —BLAMED, Hedge funds have been, for contributing to the financial crisis and threatening future financial stability.
20090904             The mayor said there was "no suggestion or evidence" that hedge funds were in ANY—WAY to blame for the financial crisis, making heavy regulation difficult to justify.
20090904             URI—EHRLICH, 1—EXPERT in ancient prayer texts who works with BAR—YOSEF—TEAM—OF—COMPUTER—SCIENTISTS, said that with THE—HELP—OF—THE—PROGRAM, YEARS—OF—RESEARCH could be done within 1—MATTER—OF—MINUTES
20090904             Despite questions about THE—MANAGEMENT—OF—THAT—CONTRACT, ArmorGroup —UNTIL—RECENTLY had managed to avoid THE—KIND—OF—HIGH—PROFILE—SCANDALS that have plagued SOME—PRIVATE—SECURITY—OPERATORS.
20090904             The company didn't have 1—CORPORATE—FIGUREHEAD—LIKE Xe/Blackwater founder
20090904             ERIK—PRINCE - (1—FAVORITE punching bag for THE—ANTI—WAR left) or "unorthodox soldier"
20090904             FORMER—ARMORGROUP CEO—DAVE—SEATON, for instance, came out of the oilfield services industry —
20090904             and joined the company —AFTER 1—LONG—STINT with THE—STUFFED—SHIRT—COMPANY, which made WRINKLE—FREE—SHIRTS for travelers.
20090904             —REVEALED, Equally important, the bust also, how intimately SOME—AFGHANISTAN—OFFICIALS are involved in the drug trade
20090904             "It's 1—EXCELLENT—EXAMPLE—OF using systematic perturbation to reveal 1—UNDERLYING regulatory network," said TREY—IDEKER, 1—UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA, S—DIEGO geneticist who was not involved in the study.
20090904             " Mammals are the ultimate target from 1—HUMAN—HEALTH—STANDPOINT, but systematic network mapping approaches have been more difficult to implement" in their cells.
20090904             * 1—SECTION says that private sector crit. infrastructure firms "shall share" certain information with THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT.
20090904             Is this OPEN—ENDED, or are there limits to this requirement?
20090904             Thanks for your help! Best, Declan
20090904             And then you have the amorphous powers that go along with it".
20090904             worry LEE—TIEN, 1—SENIOR—STAFF—ATTORNEY with the Electronic Frontier Foundation in S—FRANCISCO.
20090904             "As soon as you're saying that THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT is going to be exercising this KIND—OF—POWER over private networks, it's going to be 1—REALLY big issue," he says.
20090904             and SOME—WAGS have begun to wonder why 1—GOVERNMENT that
20090904             receives failing marks on cybersecurity should be trusted to instruct the private sector what to do.
20090904             The new version would allow THE—PRESIDENT to "declare 1—CYBERSECURITY—EMERGENCY" relating to "NON—GOVERNMENTAL" computer networks and do what's necessary to respond to the threat.
20090904             Other SECTIONS—OF—THE—PROPOSAL include 1—FEDERAL—CERTIFICATION—PROGRAM for "cybersecurity professionals," and 1—REQUIREMENT that certain computer systems and networks in the private sector
20090904             be managed by people who have been awarded that license.
20090904             —PREDICTED, MARCH, researchers, that continued deforestation would cause less rain to fall in the Amazon, ultimately resulting in the rain forest's transformation to grasslands.
20090904             The intriguing implication of this work is that those who have immersed themselves in financial markets probably know far more than they know they know.
20090904             Their performance crucially hinges, not on brushing emotion aside, but in sustaining access to those implicit cues that literally embody expertise.
20090904             Beim Luftangriff bei Kundus werden —BIS zu 142—MENSCHEN, darunter VIELE—ZIVILISTEN, getötet und weitere verletzt.
20090904—20010911    —AFTER, 1—USA—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT has ruled that FORMER—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—JOHN—ASHCROFT can be sued by people who claim they were wrongfully detained as material witnesses, and called the government practice "repugnant to the Constitution".
20090904—20030000    —IN, The ruling allows ABDULLAH—AL—KIDD, 1—USA—CITIZEN, to proceed with 1—LAWSUIT that claims his constitutional rights were violated —WHEN he was detained as 1—MATERIAL—WITNESS in 1—FEDERAL—TERRORISM—CASE.
20090904—20060000    —AUCTIONED, THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT, off property seized from drug traffickers, smugglers, money launderers and tax evaders, including 1—DC 9—JET that was used to transport 5.5—METRIC—TONS—OF—COCAINE.
20090907—20090904    —ON, 6—USA—TOURISTS in Antigua were charged with assault and malicious damage —AFTER refusing to pay 1—CAB fare, which they thought was excessive and —LATER scuffling with police officers.
20091021             Show more results from www.linkedin_com UPDATE: New article updates original Saudi/Enron vote rigging scam... 20090904             Replies DD 5—STAR—TRUST—ISLAND—OF—NEVIS L/C's BG—FINDER 1/2
20091130             Quis custodiet custodien ? " KARINA—COLUMN: insideglobalbanking.com 20090904             ... "The idea of 1—SINGLE—MONOLITHIC—REGULATOR worries me: quis custodiet custodien ?
20100401—20100904    —RELEASED, Tsuneoka was, in good health and was at THE—JAPAN—EMBASSY in KABUL.
20100902             —UNCOVERED, Another plastic drum was, 20100904             about 5—YARDS away, also crammed with money.
20100904             —BRUSHED, Hurricane EARL, past THE—NORTH—EAST—USA and dumped heavy, WIND—DRIVEN rain on Cape Cod cottages and fishing villages, but caused little damage.
20100904             It continued north and made landfall near WEST—HEAD, Nova Scotia.
20100904             EARL lost its tropical storm status over CANADA, but the storm still left 1—PERSON—DEAD and nearly 1—MILLION—PEOPLE without power in the northeastern.
20100904             —INCLUDED, PAUL—CONRAD—50—YEAR—CAREER, 3—PULITZER Prizes.
20100904             PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI said 1—AFGHANISTAN—PEACE—COUNCIL to pursue talks with the Taliban has been set up, the latest step in 1—GRADUAL—MOVE toward reconciliation with the Islamist insurgents.
20100904             —RELEASED, BAHRAIN state media, the photographs of 23—SHIITES — ranging from opposition figures to professors and taxi drivers — accused of conspiring to overthrow the government.
20100904             —REVEALED, UNITED—KINGDOM—TAX collectors said 1—NEW—COMPUTER—SYSTEM has, that almost 6—MILLION—PEOPLE have paid the wrong AMOUNT—OF—INCOME—TAX, and 1.4—MILLION will be told to repay 1—AVERAGE—OF—1,500—POUNDS ($2,300) each.
20100904             —FEARED, SOUTH—CONGO, at least 200—PEOPLE were, dead —AFTER 1—BOAT—ENGINE caught fire and led the vessel to overturn on the Kasai River.
20100904             —REFUSED, Survivors who swam to safety said nearby fishermen, to help drowning passengers in THE—DARK—OF—NIGHT, instead looting the goods aboard the burning vessel and beating people with oars.
20100904             —EARLIER the same —DAY, 1—BOAT on 1—RIVER in NORTH—WEST—EQUATEUR Province hit 1—ROCK and capsized.
20100904             —BELIEVED, More than 70—PEOPLE were, dead among 100 estimated passengers.
20100904             —BULLDOZED, FRANCE, ROMA migrants whose camp was, led 1—PROTEST in PARIS against THE—FRANCE—GOVERNMENT—SECURITY—CRACKDOWN, with similar demonstrations taking place across the country and abroad.
20100904             —CAUSED, GUATEMALA, torrential rains from 1—TROPICAL—DEPRESSION, mudslides killed at least 48—PEOPLE, MOST—OF—THEM in separate disasters along the same highway.
20100904             —RALLIED, THOUSANDS—OF—INDONESIAN—MUSLIMS, outside THE—USA—EMBASSY in JAKARTA to denounce 1—USA—CHURCH—PLAN to mark the anniversary of 20010911             —THE terrorist attacks by burning copies of the Quran.
20100904             —REPORTED, IRAN—HARDLINE Kayhan newspaper, that security forces have killed 4—MEMBERS—OF—1—OUTLAWED—KURDISH—GROUP in THE—WEST—PROVINCE—OF—KORDESTAN.
20100904             —SUMMONED, Nasrin Sotoudeh (45) was, by official notice to TEHRAN—EVIN—PRISON, and did return home.
20100904             —REPRESENTED, She had, opposition activists and political figures.
20100904             —REPORTED, State media, in December that she was accused of spreading propaganda against the ruling system.
20100904             —CRUMBLED, NEW—ZEALAND, chimneys and walls, to the ground, roads cracked in half and residents were knocked off their feet as 1—POWERFUL—MAGNITUDE—7.1—EARTHQUAKE rocked THE—SOUTH—ISLAND.
20100904             —KILLED, No 1 was.
20100904             —CRASHED, NEW—ZEALAND—SOUTH—ALPS, 1—LIGHT—AIRCRAFT carrying skydivers, in flames near 1—POPULAR—TOURIST—SPOT, killing 9—PEOPLE including 4—FOREIGN—TOURISTS.
20100904             2—PALESTINIANS were killed and another 3 were wounded in ISRAEL—AIR—STRIKES carried out —AFTER 1—ROCKET—ATTACK from GAZA.
20100904             2—RAIDS targeted smuggling tunnels along the border with EGYPT, causing 1—TUNNEL to collapse on THE—2—MEN, and a 3. struck 1—FORMER—BASE used by the militant Hamas movement.
20100904             —KILLED, THE—PHILIPPINES—POLICE commandos, 1—ABU—SAYYAF—COMMANDER linked to —LAST—YEAR—KIDNAPPING of Red Cross workers and gunned down 2—OTHER—MILITANTS in 1—CLASH in the south.
20100904             —KILLED, Gafur Jumdail and 2—OF—HIS—MEN were, near Maimbung town on Jolo ISLAND —AFTER clashing with commandos tracking 1—MALAYSIA—MILITANT and allied THE—PHILIPPINES—FIGHTERS.
20100904             —KILLED, SUDAN, 1—DARFUR rebel group said 10—PEOPLE were, in clashes with SUDAN—POLICE in 2—CAMPS for displaced people in WEST—DARFUR state.
20100904             —KILLED, UNITED—NATIONS—AFRICA—UNION—PEACEKEEPERS said 9—PEOPLE were, in the clashes.
20100904             —ARRESTED, YEMEN—POLICE, 14 suspected MEMBERS—OF—AL—QAIDA in 1—RAID on 1—OF—THE—GROUP'S alleged hideouts in Abyan province in THE—TOWN—OF—LAWDER.
20100904             —ATTACKED, Gunmen from 1—SEPARATIST—MOVEMENT, 1—ARMY—POST in Rabwa near THE—TOWN—OF—HABALEIN and killed 4—SOLDIERS.
20100904             2—OF—THE—ATTACKERS † as well.
20100904             Das DARFIELD—ERDBEBEN auf der Südinsel Neuseelands richtet besonders in der Stadt CHRISTCHURCH schwere Schäden an und gilt als das —BIS dahin teuerste Erdbeben in der GESCHICHTE—DES—LANDES.
20100904—20100813    —ON, They include opposition leader ABDUL—JALIL—AL—SINGACE, whose arrest marked the 1. salvo by officials against MEMBERS—OF—1—SHIITE majority, 60—70—PERCENT—OF—THE—POPULATION being cast as coup plotters who could open the door to IRAN—INFLUENCE.
20100904—20100911    —ON, THE—DOVE—WORLD—OUTREACH—CENTER in GAINESVILLE—FLORIDA, has said it will burn the Islamic holy book, the ninth ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—NEW—YORK—CITY—TERROR—ATTACKS.
20100904—20110110    —ON, her husband said has been CONVICTED—OF—SECURITY—OFFENSES and sentenced to —11—YEARS in prison.
20110904             —DUMPED, Tropical Storm Lee, over 1—FOOT—OF—RAIN in NEW—ORLEANS and weakened to 1—TROPICAL—DEPRESSION.
20110904             NEVADA, the annual burning Man festival in Black Rock Desert drew nearly 54,000—PEOPLE, more than the 50,000 allowed under its permit.
20110904             AUSTRALIA, 1—SHARK bit the legs off 1—BODYBOARDER, killing the man, at 1—POPULAR surfing spot at Bunker Bay near THE—WEST—TOWN—OF—DUNSBOROUGH.
20110904             —CONDEMNED, HAITI—PRESIDENT—MICHEL—MARTELLY "vigorously " 1 alleged sexual assault by UN troops against an —18—YEAR—OLD—MAN.
20110904             —AGGRAVATED, The incident, mistrust between Haitians and the peacekeeping mission.
20110904             THE—UN was investigating allegations that 5—URUGUAY—NAVAL—PERSONNEL at 1—UN—BASE in the south sexually molested an —18—YEAR—OLD—MAN in 1—ATTACK reportedly captured by 1—CELL—PHONE—CAMERA.
20110904             NORTH—INDIA, bus fell into the Tons River swollen by monsoon rains, killing 12—PASSENGERS in Uttrakhand state.
20110904             IRAN—STATE—RADIO said the country's 1. nuclear power plant has been connected to the national power grid for 1—TEST—RUN.
20110904             The power plant in the southern port of BUSHEHR, with 1—CAPACITY—OF—1,000 megawatts, was built with RUSSIA—HELP.
20110904             —EXECUTED, IRAN, 3—MEN for homosexuality.
20110904             —HANGED, They were, in THE—SOUTH—WESTERN—CITY—OF—AHVAZ, THE—CAPITAL—OF—KHUZESTAN province.
20110904             —PLEDGED, ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU, "real" economic change —AFTER massive nationwide protests that broke ISRAEL—RECORDS and prompted questions about the future of the social movement.
20110904             —DETAINED, ITALY—POLICE, 1—MAN who confessed to knocking 2—CHUNKS of marble off 1—STATUE in ROME's famed Piazza Navona and of trying to damage the nearby Trevi Fountain —1—DAY—EARLIER.
20110904             JAPAN, record rain and mudslides from powerful Typhoon Talas left at least 37—PEOPLE—DEAD as the storm moved slowly northward past the country's western coast.
20110904             —REMAINED, Over 50—OTHERS, missing.
20110904             LIBYA—REBELS said that tribal leaders in Bani Walid, 1—BESIEGED—PRO—MOAMMAR—GADHAFI stronghold, are divided over what to do and will likely surrender rather than see their followers fight 1—ANOTHER.
20110904             —REPORTED, NATO, bombing 1—MILITARY barracks, 1—POLICE—CAMP and several other targets near Sirte overnight.
20110904             —KILLED, NIGERIA, 3—PEOPLE were, near THE—CITY—OF—JOS.
20110904             † Islamic cleric Mallam Dala was shot and killed —AFTER 2—MEN burst into his house.
20110904             Attacks in 2—VILLAGES in CENTRAL—NIGERIA, TARGOM—BABALE and Dabwak, killed 11—PEOPLE, including children.
20110904             SOMALIA—LEADERS began gathering for a —3—DAY—NATIONAL—RECONCILIATION—CONFERENCE under UN auspices amid high security in WAR—SHATTERED MOGADISHU.
20110904             Syria saw 1—WAVE—OF—VIOLENCE and arrests as THE—HEAD—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMITTEE—OF—THE—RED—CROSS visited DAMASCUS to address issues including caring for the wounded and access to detainees.
20110904             —REPORTED, THE—STATE—RUN—NEWS—AGENCY, that 9—PEOPLE were killed in CENTRAL—SYRIA in 1—AMBUSH by armed groups.
20110904             —EXTENDED, Authorities in TRINIDAD—AND—TOBAGO, 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY by —3—MONTHS, citing continued security concerns —SINCE the measure was 1. imposed —LAST—MONTH to dismantle gangs and decrease crime.
20110904             —DEPLOYED, YEMEN, troops loyal to PRESIDENT—ALI—ABDULLAH—SALEH, in force in SANAA —AFTER opposition groups called new mass demonstrations demanding his ouster.
20110904             —KILLED, THE—DEFENSE—MINISTRY said 17—AL—QAIDA militants have been, in airstrikes in the south.
20110904—20110917    —ON, their badly decomposed bodies were found in 1—RIVER in THE—TOWN—OF—HUAMUXTITLAN, Guerrero state.
20120904             —SIGNED, The pact, 20120827             —AFTER—6—MONTHS—OF—SECRET exploratory talks in CUBA, called for talks to begin in NORWAY the 1. HALF—OF—OCTOBER, then return to HAVANA.
20120904             —KILLED, Lacy was shot 1, by another officer.
20120904             † Youngstrom, of his wounds the —NEXT—DAY.
20120904             —FAMED, USA fast food giant McDonald's, for its BEEF—BASED Big Mac burgers, said it will open its 1. ever VEGETARIAN—ONLY—RESTAURANT in the world in INDIA —NEXT—YEAR.
20120904             —SIGNED, USA—ACTIVIST—MICHAEL—STRONG, 1—AGREEMENT for 1—SMALL—PROJECT to create jobs and cheap housing in HONDURAS.
20120904             —OUTMANEUVERED, This, plans by PAUL—ROMER, 1—ECONOMIST at NEW—YORK Univ., for 1—LARGER—INTERNATIONAL—PROJECT to build 1—CHARTER city in HONDURAS.
20120904             —KILLED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, at least 25—CIVILIANS and wounded another 30 at 1—FUNERAL for 1—VILLAGE elder in the village of Shagai in the Durbaba DISTRICT—OF—NANGARHAR province.
20120904             —DEFEATED, CANADA, QUEBEC—RULING Liberals were, in 1—PROVINCIAL—ELECTION—AFTER—9—YEARS in power.
20120904             —BECAME, Parti Quebecois leader Pauline Marois, QUEBEC—1. female premier as she replaced Premier JEAN—CHAREST.
20120904             —CAPTURED, THE—LEFT—LEANING Parti Quebecois (PQ), only 54—OF—THE—125—SEATS in the legislature.
20120904             † 1—OF—THE—VICTIMS.
20120904             —ARRESTED, Bain also set fire to the building and was soon.
20120904             —SIGNED, CONGO and CHINA, accords worth 975—MILLION—EUROS as PART—OF—1—PROJECT to rebuild PARTS—OF—THE—CAPITAL—BRAZZAVILLE devastated by 1—DEADLY—MUNITIONS depot blast —IN—EARLY—MARCH.
20120904             —SIGNED, The foreign ministers of GERMANY and PAKISTAN, 1—AGREEMENT in which THE—2—COUNTRIES committed to a "strategic dialogue" on security issues, particularly regarding AFGHANISTAN.
20120904             —UNVEILED, Volkswagen AG, the latest VERSION—OF—ITS mainstay Golf hatchback at 1—BERLIN museum, ahead of its premiere —LATER—THIS—MONTH at THE—PARIS—AUTO—SHOW.
20120904             GUINEA—MINISTER in charge of national defense said that 1—ARMS—SHIPMENT was intercepted —AROUND —1—MONTH—AGO at the port of CONAKRY.
20120904             —ORDERED, Abdoul Kabele Camara said the arms appear to have been, by MALI—EX—PRESIDENT—AMADOU—TOUMANI—TOURE, known by his initials "ATT," who was ousted in 1—COUP in March.
20120904             Representatives from THE—WEST—AFRICA—REGIONAL—BLOC—ECOWAS were meeting with the government of GUINEA in order to decide what to do with 1—CONTAINER—OF—ARMS.
20120904             —ANNOUNCED, INDIA—DEFENSE—MINISTER—AK—ANTONY, that joint military exercises between INDIA and CHINA will be resumed —AFTER a —4—YEAR—GAP, —AFTER talks in NEW—DELHI with his BEIJING counterpart.
20120904             —OPENED, INDIA—POLICE, 1—PROBE into 5—COAL—COMPANIES—AFTER raiding premises across the country over the alleged misallocation of lucrative mining rights.
20120904             INDONESIA—JUSTICE—MINISTER said that his country would extradite Sayed Abbas, 1—AFGHANISTAN—BORN human trafficking kingpin, to AUSTRALIA —NEXT—YEAR.
20120904             —SUSPECTED—OF, He was, having arranged the voyage of 1—VESSEL that sank in December, killing some 200—AUSTRALIA—BOUND asylum seekers.
20120904             NORTH—IRAQ, bombings and shootings, mostly targeting security forces, left 8—PEOPLE—DEAD, including 6—SOLDIERS and 1—POLICE—GENERAL.
20120904             1—JORDAN—TEENAGER, —17—JAHRE—ALT stabbed to death Cheryll Harvey (55), 1—TEXAS missionary living in the kingdom, —DURING 1—ARGUMENT that broke out —WHEN she caught him stealing from her apartment.
20120904             —SHELLED, THE—KENYAN—NAVY said it has, SOMALIA—PORT TOWN—OF—KISMAYO, the remaining significant STRONGHOLD—OF—AL—QAIDA—LINKED militants, in preparation for the ground forces to capture the town.
20120904             Global Witness said INTERNATIONAL logging companies are skirting the rules and have used 1—LOOPHOLE in LIBERIA—LAW which has granted them access to as much as 1—QUARTER—OF—LIBERIA—LANDMASS.
20120904             Private use permits, —NOW covering 40—PERCENT—OF—THE—COUNTRY—FORESTS, were being used by major companies to cut trees on their own property.
20120904             —KILLED, MOROCCO, 42—PEOPLE were, —WHEN the bus overturned between the desert cities of Marrakesh and Ouarzazate and plunged down a 500-foot (150-meter) ravine.
20120904             —INJURED, Another 24—PEOPLE were, 4—OF—THEM seriously.
20120904             —ATTACKED, Pirates, and seized THE—MT—ABU—DHABI—STAR, 1—OIL—TANKER off THE—COAST—OF—LAGOS, NIGERIA, kidnapping 1—UNKNOWN—NUMBER—OF sailors who were trying to hide from their assailants.
20120904             —DEMONSTRATED, HUNDREDS—OF—PALESTINIANS, in WEST—BANK—CITIES against the high cost of living, directing their anger at PRIME—MINISTER—SALAM—FAYYAD.
20120904             SINGAPORE said it will restrict the growth of "shoebox" private apartments in the suburbs, effective 20121104             , to ease overcrowding concerns and encourage couples to have children.
20120904             —LIFTED, SPAIN—GOVERNMENT, a —6-YEAR ban on televising live bullfights.
20120904             —EVICTED, SPAIN—POLICE, more than 80—ILLEGAL—MIGRANTS that had occupied Isla de Tierra, 1—TINY—ISLAND off AFRICA—MEDITERRANEAN coast.
20120904             —RESUMED, SUDAN and SOUTH—SUDAN, talks in THE—ETHIOPIA—CAPITAL to resolve outstanding disputes over oil, border demarcation, security and the Abyei region.
20120904             —LAUNCHED, Red Cross CHIEF—PETER—MAURER, 1—MERCY mission in Syria to seek greater protection for civilians, as activists said REBEL—HELD areas of ALEPPO faced severe food shortages under 1—REGIME—OFFENSIVE.
20120904             —ESCAPED, Rebel general DOMINIC—ONGWEN, unhurt in the raid on his camp.
20120904             —URGED, THE—3—UN—FOOD—AGENCIES, governments to take quick action to curb rising prices of corn, wheat and soybeans and avoid 1—REPEAT of the 20070000—20080000     food crises.
20120904             —SEIZED, VIETNAM—POLICE, 4—TIGER cubs and 118 endangered pangolins from suspected wildlife smugglers.
20120904—19740000    —INTRODUCED, This was the 7. EDITION—OF—THE—MODEL.
20120904—19900000    —IN, 1—USA—FEDERAL—JUDGE—ORDERED—MASSACHUSETTS' state prison officials to provide 1—TAXPAYER—FUNDED SEX—REASSIGNMENT surgery to ROBERT—KOSILEK, 1—TRANSGENDER inmate serving life in prison for THE—MURDER—OF—HIS—WIFE.
20120904—19981100    —SINCE, He had held the seat.
20120904—20120901    —ON, 7—PEOPLE believed to be MEMBERS—OF—THE—AL—SHABAB militia group were killed in the shelling that occurred and 20120903             .
20130526             AS—OF—LATE—20130904             —POLICE officers were among 18—PEOPLE in custody in relation to the Heaven case.
20130826—20130904    —ON, state prosecutors said they are appealing the sentence.
20130904             —RALLIED, BULGARIA, HUNDREDS—OF—PROTESTERS, in SOFIA in FRONT—OF—PARLIAMENT, demanding THE—RESIGNATION—OF—THE—SOCIALIST—LED government that they accuse of having murky links to influential business circles.
20130904             —REPORTED, CHINA—STATE—MEDIA, that Zhang Shugung (57), 1—FORMER—DEPUTY—CHIEF—FROM—THE—RAILROAD—MINISTRY, has been charged with accepting nearly $8—MILLION in bribes.
20130904             1—EGYPT—POLICEMAN was shot dead and another wounded at 1—CHECKPOINT in THE—SOUTH—TOWN—OF—ASWAN.
20130904             —CARRIED, The attack was, out by relatives of 1—MAN killed —EARLIER in 1—EXCHANGE—OF—FIRE with police at the checkpoint.
20130904             —REVEALED, GABON officials said 1—CORRUPTION—INVESTIGATION has, the existence of about 3,000 fake civil servants who receive monthly government salaries despite holding no official positions.
20130904             —BECAME, INDIA, Raghuram Rajan, the nation's 23. GOVERNOR—OF—THE—RESERVE—BANK—OF—INDIA.
20130904             —APPROVED, INDIA—LOWER—HOUSE—OF—PARLIAMENT, changes aimed at luring foreign asset managers to run retirement funds, 1—SMALL—VICTORY in government efforts to rescue the economy —BEFORE elections —NEXT—YEAR.
20130904             —NABBED, INDIA—SECURITY—FORCES, Talib Lali, 1—COMMANDER—OF—HIZBUL—MUJAHIDEEN, 1—OF 5—MILITANT—GROUPS at large in Kashmir.
20130904             INDIA, holyman Baba Premdas (60) was found bleeding late in NORTH—UTTAR Pradesh state —AFTER severing his genitals in what reports said was 1—PROTEST at —LAST—WEEK—ARREST—OF—ASARAM—BAPU, 1—SELF—STYLED Hindu holyman.
20130904             IRAQ, gunmen shot dead at least 16—MEMBERS—OF—1—SHI'ITE—MUSLIM family —BEFORE blowing up their 2—HOMES overnight in Latifiya.
20130904             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER attacked 1—POLICE—HEADQUARTERS in MOSUL, killing 5—POLICEMEN.
20130904             1—ROADSIDE bomb also struck 1—PATROL in Tarmiya, NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD, killing 5—SOLDIERS.
20130904             —PASSED, MEXICO—SENATE overwhelmingly, 1—SWEEPING reform of the notoriously dysfunctional public school system, handing PRESIDENT—ENRIQUE—PENA—NIETO 1—IMPORTANT—VICTORY in his push to remake SOME—OF—HIS—COUNTRY—WORST—RUN—INSTITUTIONS.
20130904             PAKISTAN, 1—SENIOR—NAVY—OFFICER was shot dead and his SWEDEN—WIFE wounded in the port CITY—OF—KARACHI.
20130904             —APPROVED, THE—IMF, a $6.7—BILLION loan for PAKISTAN in 1—EFFORT to help the strategic country stave off 1—ECONOMIC—CRISIS.
20130904             † QATAR reported that 1—WOMAN has —AFTER contracting THE—MERS CORONA€”VIRUS, becoming the 1. recorded fatality from THE—SARS—LIKE—VIRUS in the Gulf state.
20130904             —TOUCHED, SOUTH—AFRICA, 2—OF—THE—7—GOLD—MINE—PRODUCERS, by 1—PAY—STRIKE said they have struck 1—WAGE—SETTLEMENT with unions as the work stoppage entered —DAY 2.
20130904             —VOTED, SOUTH—KOREA—PARLIAMENT, overwhelmingly on to allow THE—ARREST—OF—LEE—SEOK—KI, 1—OF—ITS—MEMBERS ACCUSED—OF—CONSPIRACY to overthrow the government and introduce 1—NORTH—KOREAN—STYLE—REGIME.
20130904             SOUTH—KOREA—SAMSUNG set the price of its new Galaxy Gear wristwatch at $299 with sales to begin 20130925             .
20130904             —ABDUCTED, SPAIN—CORRESPONDENT—MARC—MARGINEDAS was, near THE—CENTRAL—SYRIA—CITY—OF—HAMA by Islamic State fighters.
20130904             THAILAND, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—RUBBER—FARMERS, protesting against 1—SHARP—DROP in prices, escalated protests across SOUTH—THAILAND, cutting off access to large swathes of the region by blocking roads leading to tourist and commercial hubs.
20130904—20110000    —IN, His house in THE—LOS—ANGELES suburb of Walnut had drawn THE—ATTENTION—OF—ANTICORRUPTION—OFFICIALS and he was fired.
20130904—201300905   —AM—UND, DER—PRÄSIDENT wird nach STOCKHOLM reisen", heißt es in 1—AM—MITTWOCHMORGEN versendeten E—MAIL des WEIßES—HAUSES.
20130904—201300905   —AM—UND, Und weiter: SCHWEDEN sei 1 "enger Freund und Partner"der USA.
20130904—201300905   —AM—UND, Unverhofft kommt oft.
20130904—20140217    —SENTENCED, SEOK—KI was, to —12—YEARS in prison.
20130904—20140303    —RELEASED, He was.
20130904—20150000    —ISSUED, AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI, 1—LEGISLATIVE—DECREE giving minority Hindus and Sikhs 1 reserved seat in the country's lower HOUSE—OF—PARLIAMENT for the next parliamentary elections.
20140223—20150904    —ON, 1—COURT sentenced 4—MEN to life imprisonment over the deaths.
20140609—20140904    —ON, 1—MILITARY—INVESTIGATION—REPORT said 1—SERIES—OF—AVOIDABLE—MISCOMMUNICATIONS among air and ground forces led to the mistaken bombing.
20140902             —ANNOUNCED, YEMEN—PRESIDENT—ABDRABUH—MANSUR—HADI, a 30—PERCENT reduction in recent fuel price hikes to take effect 20140904             .
20140904             "Deepwater Horizon"—KATASTROPHE: USA—GERICHT wirft BP "grobe Fahrlässigkeit"vor (Wirtschaft, 18:56)
20140904             "1—STEINSPITZE an 1—HOLZSTAB zu kleben war 1—WICHTIGE Erfindung, die das Leben der STEIN—ZEITLICHEN—MENSCHEN dramatisch veränderte",
20140904             "ISLAMISCHER—STAAT": DEUTSCHER—DSCHIHADIST in der TÜRKEI gefasst (Politik, 19:16)
20140904             "Menschen mit STEINSPITZEN—SPEEREN hatten effektivere Möglichkeiten, das Wild zu töten —, konnten sich so öfter und regelmäßiger hochwertige Nahrung beschaffen".
20140904             "NATO—RUSSLAND—GRÜNDUNGSAKTE": LITAUEN kritisiert MERKELs Aussage als "völlig unverständlich"(Politik, 15:42)
20140904             "Verlangen und Melancholie": Liebe ist so unvermeidlich wie ihr Verfall (Kultur, 15:26)
20140904             Amphicoelias (Diplodocoidea), USA, Oberjura, 40— 60—METER, Rückenwirbel 2,30—METER hoch
20140904             Antarctosaurus (Titanosauria), ARGENTINIEN, Oberkreide, 33—METER
20140904             Argentinosaurs (Titanosauria), ARGENTINIEN, Oberkreide, 35— 40—METER
20140904             Bericht zu verpfuschter Hinrichtung: Probleme mit der Injektion führten zu langem Todeskampf (Panorama, 18:43)
20140904             Copyright: Musikindustrie lässt KIM—DOTCOMS—MUSIKALBUM löschen (Netzwelt, 11:12)
20140904             DGB—AUSBILDUNGSREPORT: Lehrlinge sind unzufrieden wie nie (SchulSPIEGEL, 11:48)
20140904             DIE—SPEERE mit Steinspitze kamen nur 20—ZENTIMETER tief.
20140904             DIE—GRÖßTEN —BISHER, bekannten Dinosaurierarten (Schätzungen)
20140904             Diplodocus (Diplodocoidea), USA, Oberjura, 27—METER
20140904             Dreadnoughtus (Titanosauria), ARGENTINIEN, Kreide, 26—METER
20140904             Erdgasförderung: BUNDES—REGIERUNG deutet FRACSTUDIE—KING—OF— um (Wirtschaft, 15:48)
20140904             Ermordeter JOURNALIST—SOTLOFF: "Steve opferte sein Leben, um ihre GESCHICHTEn in DIE—WELT zu bringen"(Politik, 08:10)
20140904             FLUCHT—AUS—DEM Ei: Frösche schlüpfen schneller bei Gefahr (Wissenschaft, 09:22)
20140904             Faktencheck zu "True Grit": Der Wilde Westen war noch viel wilder (Kultur, 17:36)
20140904             Futalognkosaurus (Titanosauria), ARGENTINIEN, Oberkreide, 30— 35—METER
20140904             GIPFEL—IN—WALES: NATO bietet irakischem MILITÄR Hilfe an (Politik, 12:35)
20140904             GREENPEACE—STUDIE: Wilde Wälder schwinden rapide (Wissenschaft, 16:16)
20140904             Historische Waffen: Stein oder nicht Stein? (Wissenschaft, 11:13)
20140904             —GETÖTET, IRAK: Ranghoher IS—TERRORIST angeblich, (Politik, 15:35)
20140904             In der Mittleren STEIN—ZEIT—IM ÄTHIOPISCHEN—GADEMOTTA bevorzugten sie dagegen Speere mit 1—SPITZE aus Stein.
20140904             Jagdtechnik: Schützenfische passen Wasserdruck an Opfer an (Wissenschaft, 18:23)
20140904             KRISEN—BEKÄMPFUNG: EZB senkt LEIT—ZINS WEITER—AUF 0,05 % (Wirtschaft, 14:32)
20140904             Kaufprogramm: EZB will KREDIT—VERGABE der BANKEN ankurbeln (Wirtschaft, 15:39)
20140904             Kommentar zum NATO—GIPFEL: Das muss uns Frieden wert sein (Politik, 10:22)
20140904             Minutenprotokoll zum NATO—GIPFEL: STEINMEIER sieht Chancen für Entspannung IN—DER—UKRAINE (Politik, 15:44)
20140904             MÜNCHHAUSEN—CHECK: MERKEL und DER—ISLAMISCHE—STAAT (Politik, 13:06)
20140904             NATO: Rasmussen wirft RUSSLAND ANGRIFF—AUF—UKRAINE vor (Politik, 12:11)
20140904             —VERDIRBT, NETZ—STREIT in IRAN: "Dieses INTERNET, unsere Jugend"(Netzwelt, 15:10)
20140904             Neue KÄMPFER—ZELLE in INDIEN: AL—QAIDA und IS streiten sich um TERROR—NACHWUCHS (Politik, 16:25)
20140904             Neuer GENERAL—SEKRETÄR—STOLTENBERG: Der starke, leise Mann der NATO (Politik, 17:02)
20140904             Paralititan (Titanosauria), ÄGYPTEN, Oberkreide, 26—METER
20140904             Preisdumping nach RUSSLAND—SANKTIONEN: BAUERn attackieren Aldi (Wirtschaft, 07:23)
20140904             Puertasaurus (Titanosauria), ARGENTINIEN, Oberkreide, 40—METER
20140904             Quelle: Senckenberg Museum, FRANKFURT, ergänzt um Dreadnoughtus
20140904             Regulierung: USA—FINANZ—AUFSICHT verlangt von GROß—BANKEN dickeres Liquiditätspolster (Wirtschaft, 00:05)
20140904             Rekrutierung in PAKISTAN: "ISLAMISCHER—STAAT"umwirbt Tausende neue KÄMPFER (Politik, 09:38)
20140904             Rückkehr in den Kalten KRIEG: Denn sie wissen nicht, was sie tun (Politik, 12:46)
20140904             Rüstungsausgaben: BUNDES—REGIERUNG darf Waffenkäufe als Investitionen abrechnen (Wirtschaft, 17:26)
20140904             SUPER—SAUROPODE: Der schwerste aller —SAURIER (Wissenschaft, 15:10)
20140904             Sauroposeidon (Brachiosauridae), USA, Unterkreide, 28— 34—METER (18—METER hoch)
20140904             SCHOTTISCHE—UNABHÄNGIGKEIT: BRITEN bangen um ihren ATOM—FJORD (Politik, 09:21)
20140904             Seismosaurus (Diplodocoidea), USA, Oberjura, 32—METER
20140904             Sowohl DIE—GRÖßE der Eintrittswunde selber als auch der Umfang des zerstörten Gewebes im Inneren der Wunde übertrafen deutlich die HOLZ—SPEERVERLETZUNGEN.
20140904             Supersaurus (Diplodocoidea), USA, Oberjura, 30— 35—METER
20140904             Tierquälerei: Mehr als jeder 3. Rindertransport weist Mängel auf (Wirtschaft, 13:38)
20140904             —UKRAINE—KONFLIKT, KIEW lehnt PUTINs 7—PUNKTE—PLAN ab (Politik, 11:56)
20140904             —UKRAINE—KRISE : NATO sagt KIEW Hilfe bei Modernisierung der Armee zu (Politik, 23:05)
20140904             —UKRAINE—KRISE, DIE—KRIEGSKOSMETIK der NATO (Politik, 19:58)
20140904             —UKRAINE—KRISE, Schulz mahnt vor NATO—GIPFEL zur Zurückhaltung (Politik, 08:48)
20140904             —UKRAINE—KRISE, USA bereiten neue SANKTIONEN—GEGEN—PUTIN vor (Politik, 20:28)
20140904             USA: MITARBEITER—BEI—MCDONALD—IN—DEN—USA streiken landesweit (Wirtschaft, 21:28)
20140904             USA—TECHNOLOGIEFIRMA: Isis gibt sich 1—NEUEN Namen (Wirtschaft, 11:45)
20140904             UV—STRAHLUNG: Piloten erkranken deutlich häufiger an Hautkrebs (Gesundheit, 09:42)
20140904             Umfrage: Deutsche sind nicht mehr so ängstlich (Wirtschaft, 13:14)
20140904             UNICEF—REPORT—ZU—GEWALT—GEGEN—KINDER: Jedes 4. Mädchen wird zum Opfer (Panorama, 17:24)
20140904             —VERHANDLUNGEN—IN—MINSK: KÄMPFE—IN—DER—OST—UKRAINE—TROTZ Aussicht auf FEUER—PAUSE (Politik, 17:56)
20140904             Vormarsch DER—TERROR—MILIZ: STEINMEIER fürchtet IS—ANGRIFFE—AUF—WEITERE STAATEN (Politik, 07:07)
20140904             WEST—AFRIKA: WHO fürchtet EBOLA—AUSBREITUNG in NIGERIA (Gesundheit, 17:26)
20140904             Weltspitze der Spielzeughersteller: Lego schlägt Barbie (Wirtschaft, 18:14)
20140904             Zeuge im NSU—PROZESS, Pannen sollen Flucht des mutmaßlichen TERRORtrios begünstigt haben (Panorama, 14:45)
20140904             eindeutig: Die Speere mit Holzspitze drangen etwas tiefer ein, und zwar im Schnitt 22—ZENTIMETER.
20140904             erwiesen sich die Speere mit den Steinspitzen als TÖDLICHER—DENN sie rissen größere Wunden.
20140904             neuen Spezies: Der 20050000             entdeckte, in —5—JAHREN ausgegrabene und —NUN in den Scientific Reports von "Nature"beschriebene neue VERTRETER—DER pflanzenfressenden Sauropoden war 1—GIGANT unter diesen Langhälsen.
20140904             rekonstruierten Paläontologen die Knochen zum vollständigsten je gefundenen Skelett 1—TITANOSAURUS: 60—TONNEN schwer, 26—METER LANG—DAS —BISHER, schwerste Landtier, dessen Gewicht man akkurat bestimmen konnte.
20140904             ÜBERWACHUNG: Falsche Handymasten dienen offenbar als Abhörstationen (Netzwelt, 12:47)
20140904             —POLIZEI—GEWALT—IN—MEXIKO: Dein Feind und FOLTERer (Panorama, 18:03)
20140904             —PROTEST—GEGEN—ISLAMISTEN: Libanesen starten "BURN—IS—FLAG—CHALLENGE"(Politik, 19:26)
20140904             —AM, traf Coeuré dann noch mit Vertretern der GROß—BANK—BNP—PARIBAS zusammen -
20140904             —ANSCHLAG—AUF—WUPPERTALER Synagoge: POLIZEI nimmt 2—PALÄSTINENSER fest (Panorama, 15:44)
20140904             —IM—LAUF—DER—GESCHICHTE, bevorzugten DIE—MENSCHEN ganz unterschiedliche Waffen.
20140904             —KAMPF—GEGEN—DEFLATION: Draghi gibt Politikern Schuld an DER—KRISE (Wirtschaft, 19:10)
20140904             —HANDCUFFED, USA—POLICE, DOZENS—OF—PROTESTERS—AROUND the country as they blocked traffic in their efforts to get fast food companies to pay employees at least $15 and —HOUR.
20140904             FLORIDA police found 4—BODIES at a home in Hudson, Pasco County.
20140904             —ARRESTED, Suspect ADAM—MATOS, —28—JAHRE—ALT was soon, in a downtown TAMPA hotel.
20140904             † JOAN—RIVERS, —81—JAHRE—ALT, award winning comedienne, in NEW—YORK.
20140904             —BLAZED, The caustic STAND—UP comic and television host had, 1—TRAIL at 1—TIME—WHEN comedy was all but OFF—LIMITS to women.
20140904             —ANNOUNCED, Tesla Motors, plans to build its new $5—BILLION battery factory in NEVADA.
20140904             —UNARMED, SOUTH—CAROLINA STATE—TROOPER—SEAN—GROUBERT shot and wounded 1, black man seconds —AFTER 1—TRAFFIC stop.
20140904             —BECAME, TENNESSEE, the 1. state to make use of the electric chair mandatory —WHEN lethal injection drugs are unavailable.
20140904             —SENTENCED, TEXAS teenager TYLER—LANE—HOLDER, —18—JAHRE—ALT was, to life in prison for killing Alanna Gallagher (6), wrapping her body in 1—TARP and leaving it on the side of 1—ROAD.
20140904             DNA evidence linking him to 20130000             —THE crime —WHEN he was 17. Holder also pleaded guilty to arson for setting fire to THE—HOME—OF—THE—VICTIM—FAMILY and with attempted capital murder for shooting at 1—POLICE—OFFICER trying to arrest him.
20140904             —CONVICTED—OF, FORMER—VIRGINIA GOVERNOR—BOB—MCDONNELL and his wife were, using his office to promote 1—DIETARY supplement in exchange for gifts in 1—PUBLIC—CORRUPTION—CASE.
20140904             —PLEDGED, AFGHANISTAN—RIVAL—PRESIDENTIAL—CANDIDATES, to NATO—LEADERS that they would form 1—GOVERNMENT—OF—NATIONAL—UNITY and sign legal agreements allowing foreign troops to stay on —NEXT—YEAR.
20140904             —DETONATED, AFGHANISTAN, Taliban insurgents, truck bombs and fired ROCKET—PROPELLED grenades outside THE—OFFICE—OF—THE—COUNTRY—SPY—AGENCY and 1—POLICE compound in Ghazni, killing 18—PEOPLE.
20140904             † IN—ARGENTINA—GUSTAVO—CERATI, —55—JAHRE—ALT, 1—OF—LATIN—AMERICA—MOST influential musicians, —4—YEARS—AFTER a stroke put him in a coma.
20140904             —RESUMED, BANGLADESH said it has, sending workers to IRAQ —AFTER a —3-MONTH ban, despite REPORTS—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—BANGLADESH—CONSTRUCTION laborers being dragged into the country's bloody sectarian conflict.
20140904             20—MINERS were rescued the —NEXT—DAY and 5 were preseumed dead in rubble deep underground.
20140904             —WORKED, PALMIRA Silva (82), 1—GRANDMOTHER who still, at her family's cafe, was attacked in her garden in EDMONTON, NORTH—LONDON.
20140904             —BEHEADED, She was found, with 1—MACHETE.
20140904             —ARRESTED, NICHOLAS—SALVADOR, —25—JAHRE—ALT was soon, and charged with her murder.
20140904             —ANNOUNCED, AL—QAIDA, it had created 1—INDIA—BRANCH that the terror network vowed would bring Islamic rule to the entire subcontinent.
20140904             —KIDNAPPED, IRAQ, jihadists, some 50—RESIDENTS—OF—THE—NORTHERN—VILLAGE—OF—TAL Ali in KIRKUK province —AFTER villagers burned 1—OF—THEIR—POSITIONS along with 1—JIHADIST—FLAG.
20140904             —KILLED, Air strikes in Ninevah province, ABU—HAJR—AL—SURI, the top AIDE—OF—JIHADIST—ISLAMIC—STATE (IS) CHIEF—ABU—BAKR—AL—BAGHDADI.
20140904             2—CAR—BOMBS exploded in SHIITE—MAJORITY—AREAS—OF—BAGHDAD, killing at least 23—PEOPLE.
20140904             —DISCOVERED, NORTH—KENYA, anthropologists, 1—COMPLETE skull of 1—BABY ape dating back 13—MILLION—YEARS.
20140904             —UNDISCOVERED, It belonged to 1, species and was named Nyanazpithecus alesi.
20140904             1—UN—REPORT on LIBYA said —4—MONTHS—OF—FIGHTING by militias in LIBYA—2—BIGGEST cities, TRIPOLI and BENGHAZI, has forced some 250,000—PEOPLE to flee, including 100,000 who have been internally displaced.
20140904             —CONVERGED, NATO—LEADERS, in WALES for 1—HIGH—STAKES—SUMMIT also focused on the crisis in UKRAINE and next steps in AFGHANISTAN.
20140904             THE—PALESTINIAN—AUTHORITY said rebuilding GAZA will cost $7.8—BILLION.
20140904             Fighting between ISRAEL and the Islamist militant group Hamas in GAZA killed over 2,100 Palestinians, MOST—OF—THEM civilians, along with 64—ISRAEL—SOLDIERS and 6—CIVILIANS.
20140904             PHILIPPINES' PRESIDENT—BENIGNO—AQUINO—III and AL—HAJ—MURAD—EBRAHIM of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front agreed to endorse 1—DRAFT—OF—1 proposed autonomy law —AFTER meeting for more than —2—HOURS at the presidential palace.
20140904             SOUTH—KOREA said it would create 1—JOINT—MILITARY—UNIT with THE—USA, as 1—REPORT suggested the contingent would target NORTH—KOREA—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION if 1—FULL—SCALE—CONFLICT broke out.
20140904             —HUDDLED, SWITZERLAND, some 200—EXPERTS, in GENEVA to debate experimental treatments for the Ebola virus as the world's WORST—EVER outbreak raged in WEST—AFRICA.
20140904             EAST—SYRIA, 18—FOREIGN—FIGHTERS from the Islamic State, including 1—USA—JIHADIST, were killed in 1—SYRIA—AIR—RAID on 1—TOWN—NEAR the militant group's main stronghold CITY—OF—RAQQA.
20140904             —HAPPENED, Top Islamic State leaders who, to be in the municipal building of Gharbiya —AT—THE—TIME—OF—THE—RAID were among the foreign fighters killed.
20140904             2—RAIDS on southern and northern parts of Raqqa killed 53—PEOPLE including 31—CIVILIANS.
20140904             Another air raid hit 1—FORMER—INTELLIGENCE—HEADQUARTERS in ABU—KAMAL also killed 1 undisclosed number of IS members.
20140904             Residents of Ashara, in the mostly IS—CONTROLLED EAST—PROVINCE—OF—DEIR—EZZOR, protested in front of 1—IS headquarters, hours —AFTER government air strikes killed 2—CHILDREN, 5—WOMEN and 1—MAN.
20140904             THAILAND—PRIME—MINISTER—PRAYUTH—CHAN—OCHA set out broad criteria for the selection of a 250-member council to draw up sweeping political reforms and approve 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION.
20140904             TURKEY, GAZIANTEP province GOVERNOR—ERDAL—ATA said 19—MILITANTS affiliated with the Islamic State have been arrested.
20140904             —SUSPECTED, Ata also said police had caught, IS—LINKED jihadists coming from EUROPE or Caucasus, carrying backpacks, at THE—GAZIANTEP airport or at the border.
20140904             —LAUNCHED, ZIMBABWE, a $533-million project with CHINA to scale up electricity generation at 1—OF—ITS—MAJOR—POWER—PLANTS in 1—BID to ease perennial energy woes.
20140904—20140905    —ON, UKRAINE—PRESIDENT—PETRO—POROSHENKO and the main PRO—RUSSIA—REBEL—LEADER said they would both order ceasefires, provided that 1—AGREEMENT is signed on 1—NEW—PEACE—PLAN to end THE—5—MONTH—WAR in UKRAINE—EAST.
20140904—20160000    —PLEADED, Groubert, guilty to assault and battery and faced up to —20—YEARS in prison.
20150208—20150904    —ON, 1—COURT—SENTENCED—THE—3—MEN to —20—YEARS in prison.
20150904             "DIE—STICKOXID—EMISSIONEN der getesteten Fahrzeuge lagen im neuen Testverfahren im Durchschnitt mehr als doppelt so hoch wie der Grenzwert", sagte ICCT—EUROPA—GESCHÄFTSFÜHRER PETER—MOCK.
20150904             "Wir brauchen keinen Bus, keine Eisenbahn, —JETZT laufen wir einfach", sagt Ahmad, 30, der vor seiner Flucht als Wirtschaftsdozent an der Uni von DAMASKUS gearbeitet hat.
20150904             1—PAAR POLIZISTEN flankieren den Zug.
20150904             3—NEUE auf der ISS: Mit Lego und Stutenmilch ins All (Wissenschaft, 13:35)
20150904             3. ÜBERWACHUNG - 8. Welche anderen Filter es wohl gibt?
20150904             —SABOTIERT, ARKTIS—FORSCHUNG: RUSSLAND, Eisbärenzählung (Wissenschaft, 11:36)
20150904             Abstract - ABU—AL—MAJD
20150904             AFGHANISTAN—AIR—FORCE MIKOYAN—GUREVICH MIG—15 fighters and Ilyushin Il-28 bombers in KABUL—AFGHANISTAN,
20150904             Anteilstausch: BASF und GAZPROM besiegeln MILLIARDEN—DEAL (Wirtschaft, 09:12)
20150904             Autos mit Dieselmotoren verbrauchen im Vergleich zu Ottomotoren weniger Sprit, zudem ist Dieselkraftstoff in DEUTSCHLAND viel billiger als Benzin.
20150904             BUNDESWEHR im IRAK: BLUT—PROBEN beweisen SENFGAS—EINSATZ durch IS (Politik, 13:24)
20150904             Chancen DER—FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE, Tschüs, altes DEUTSCHLAND!
20150904             Chimpanzee Tool use Drone Weapon use
20150904             DIE—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY (CIA), DER—AUSLANDS—GEHEIM—DIENST der USA, hatte in 1—GEHEIMOPERATION mit dem BUNDES—NACHRICHTEN—DIENST (BND) direkten und möglicherweise ungefilterten Zugriff auf Telekommunikationsdaten aus DEUTSCHLAND.
20150904             Dabei wurden die Audiodaten abgehörter Gespräche "direkt nach USA geroutet", damit "die Audiofunktion ohne Aussetzer funktioniert", wie es in 1—VERTRAULICHEN Papier des BND heißt.
20150904             Dass das ZUSAMMEN—TREFFEN—ZWISCHEN—DROHNEN und Tieren durchaus 1.Herausforderung für die Technik sein kann, beweist übrigens 1—VORFALL im Zoo der NIEDERLÄNDISCHEN—STADT Arnheim.
20150904             Demnach hatte 1.Fernsehcrew in Arnheim gedreht und dabei auch 1.Drohne eingesetzt.
20150904             —DER—TAG im Überblick: DIE—FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE—WAS —HEUTE geschah (Politik, 19:41)
20150904             Die Autos von Volvo lagen demnach um fast das 15-Fache über dem Grenzwert, bei Renault um rund das Neunfache und bei Hyundai um das fast Siebenfache.
20150904             Die ICCT hat mit Hilfe des Autoklubs ADAC —NUN bei 32—DIESEL—PKW—VON—10—VERSCHIEDENEN Herstellern verglichen, wie diese in den beiden unterschiedlichen Testverfahren abschneiden.
20150904             EU—KOMMISSION: JUNCKER will 160.000—FLÜCHTLINGE—IN—EUROPA umverteilen (Politik, 06:03)
20150904             1—REDE von dem damaligen Präsidenten Nasser, wo er berichtet, wie ihn DER—CHEF—DER—MUSLIMBRÜDER zu überreden versucht hat, Frauen Schleier aufzuzwängen.
20150904             Entgleiste FLÜCHTLINGS—DEBATTE: —POLITIK nach —OKTOBER—FEST—ART (Kultur, 18:42)
20150904             ERDGAS—PIPELINE: NORD—STREAM wird ausgebaut (Wirtschaft, 13:40)
20150904             —ERST wurde ihnen der Zugang zu den Gleisen verwehrt.
20150904             —GEDACHT, Evolution: Schildkröten sind normaler als, (Wissenschaft, 15:42)
20150904             FLUCHT—AUS—SYRIEN—BÜRGER—KRIEG: Die Davongekommenen (Politik, 14:38)
20150904             FLÜCHTLINGE auf UNGARNs Autobahnen: Dann eben zu Fuß (Politik, 19:32)
20150904             FLÜCHTLINGE—IN—GRIECHENLAND und UNGARN: POLIZEI setzt BLEND—GRANATEN und Tränengas ein (Politik, 12:03)
20150904             FLÜCHTLINGE—IN—UNGARN: — AUFSTAND auf den Gleisen (Politik, 09:58)
20150904             —FLÜCHTLINGS—CHAOSS—IN—UNGARN: Dumm, dreist, Orbán (Politik, 07:51)
20150904             —FLÜCHTLINGS—DEBATTE: Nahles will ARBEITS—MARKT für WEST—BALKAN—BÜRGERÖFFNEN (Politik, 16:49)
20150904             —FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE, JUNCKER will widerspenstige EU—STAATEN zur Kasse bitten (Politik, 12:06)
20150904             FLÜCHTLINGskinder an Schulen: Länder suchen Tausende Deutschlehrer (SchulSPIEGEL, 16:39)
20150904             Geheimoperation "Glotaic": CIA hatte direkten Zugriff auf DEUTSCHE—TELEKOMMUNIKATION (Netzwelt, 15:16)
20150904             Gerichtsschließungen in MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN: Willst du RECHT, musst du reisen (Panorama, 07:40)
20150904             HILLARY—CLINTON zur E—MAIL—AFFÄRE: "Es tut mir leid" (Politik, 21:16)
20150904             —BEGEISTERT, IAIN—KERR, DER—CHEF—VON Ocean Alliance, gibt sich : Endlich könne man Viren, Bakterien, Hormone und ERB—GUTMATERIAL der Tiere SAMMELN—OHNE dass es der Wahl überhaupt mitbekommen würde.
20150904             Ich halte es für Gefährlich von und für Google, wenn sie ihr Produkt auf diese Weise nutzen.
20150904             KORRUPTION—VERDACHT: GUATEMALAs zurückgetretener —PRÄSIDENT—PÉREZ in U—HAFT (Politik, 07:45)
20150904             Keywords - Konkurrenz für EBAY: FACEBOOK wird zum Flohmarkt (Wirtschaft, 14:15)
20150904             KURS—ACHTERBAHN: DAX schließt im Minus (Wirtschaft, 19:14)
20150904             Kurswechsel: CAMERON prüft —NUN doch Aufnahme SYRIEN—FLÜCHTLINGE (Politik, 08:52)
20150904             MORITZ040 —HEUTE—UHR—1216
20150904             Mit 1—DROHNE wollen die Walschützer DATEN zum Gesundheitszustand der Tiere sammeln, ohne diese zu stören.
20150904             MOBILFUNK—ÜBERWACHUNG: Strengere Vorgaben für DAS—FBI (Netzwelt, 10:20)
20150904             Motorcade for PRESIDENT—EISENHOWER—VISIT to KABUL—AFGHANISTAN, on 195912;;09            .
20150904             Möglicher Schwarzmarkt: DEUTSCHER—ZOLL entdeckt Pakete mit SYRISCHEN—PÄSSEN (Politik, 15:42)
20150904             München: POLIZEI soll betrunkene —OKTOBER—FEST—GÄSTE von FLÜCHTLINGEn trennen (Politik, 12:37)
20150904             Na, dann möchte ich ja nicht wissen beim sonst so alles "Kästchen aufpoppen"wenn man was anderes bestimmtes sucht..
20150904             Ob in Bicske oder —NUN auf der Autobahn, wo sie alle 4—SPUREN für ihre Wanderung nutzen, sodass sich hinter ihnen 1—STAU bildet:
20150904             Ost gegen West in der EU: KALTER—KRIEG um FLÜCHTLINGS—QUOTEN (Politik, 14:35)
20150904             RECHTS—STREIT wegen Züchtigung: "12—STÄMME"ziehen aus DEUTSCHLAND weg (SchulSPIEGEL, 17:44)
20150904             Sie wollen sich nicht aufhalten lassen, zu viel haben sie —SCHON aufs Spiel gesetzt auf ihrer Reise.
20150904             SLOWAKISCHER—AUSSEN—MINISTER: "Quoten sind 1.EINLADUNG—AN—DIE—FLÜCHTLINGE"(Politik, 21:07)
20150904             So hatte 1—BND—MIT—ARBEITER gegenüber den PARLAMENTariern angegeben, sein Dienst habe für die gemeinsame Operation von DER—CIA "keine Technik erhalten".
20150904             Sonderzüge nach DEUTSCHLAND: Tschechien fordert Korridor für Syrer (Politik, 23:43)
20150904             Spektakulärer Zwischenfall bei USA Open: Drohne sorgt für Aufregung bei FRAUEN—MATCH (Sport, 08:59)
20150904             SYRISCHE—BEHÖRDEN: IS—DSCHIHADISTEN sprengen Grabtürme in PALMYRA (Politik, 10:28)
20150904             TADSCHIKISTAN: VIELE—TOTE—BEI—ANSCHLÄGEN auf POLIZEI (Politik, 17:51)
20150904             UNGARN: Hunderte FLÜCHTLINGE brechen aus AUFNAHME—LAGER aus (Politik, 13:54)
20150904             WARNUNG—AN—UNION: Kretschmann besteht auf Gesundheitskarte für FLÜCHTLINGE (Politik, 06:15)
20150904             Wald bei Görlitz: Elch taucht erneut in SACHSEN auf (Panorama, 17:20)
20150904             Weit mehr als 2000—MENSCHEN sind auf UNGARNs Autobahn M1 UNTERWEGS—ZU Fuß.
20150904             Wenige Meter hinter dem Mann mit den Krücken hält ein junger Syrer 1.EUROPAflagge in die Höhe, blau mit gelben Sternen.
20150904             Winzer auf ZYPERN: "Wein DER—KÖNIGE, KÖNIG—DER—WEINE"(Reise, 05:16)
20150904             Zu dem Marsch soll am Budapester Bahnhof 1—MANN namens ABU—AL—MAJD aufgerufen haben, berichtete 1—NEW—YORK—TIMES —REPORTER bei Twitter.
20150904             [l] DE—CIX wird —JETZT aktiv GEGEN—DIE—NETZ—NEUTRALITÄT tätig.
20150904             [l] DIE—TÜRKEI hat sich offenbar wieder beim Waffenschmuggel an ISIS erwischen lassen.
20150904             [l] Wenn ihr euch fragt, wo dieser Gestank —HEUTE herkommt: DIE—FAZ hat den Orban seine Ausländerhetze in ihrem Politikteil auf die Straße auskübeln lassen.
20150904             denkdochmalmit —HEUTE—UHR—0953
20150904             die Autos von BMW: In beiden Testverfahren unterboten sie nach ANGABEN—DES—ICCT—DIE—GRENZWERTE.
20150904             er dem Grenzwert, bei Renault um rund das Neunfache und bei Hyundai um das fast Siebenfache.
20150904             schlittert DIE—GESELLSCHAFT in 1.neue, aufregende Phase, die sich am besten als "POST—INDUSTRIELLER Neofeudalismus"umschreiben lässt.
20150904             ÄGYPTEN: RICHTER—VERURTEILT—BAUCHTÄNZERINNEN zu —6—MONATEN Haft (Panorama, 02:38)
20150904             —BÜRGER—KRIEG: USA prüfen Hinweise auf RUSSISCHES—EINGREIFEN in SYRIEN (Politik, 03:33)
20150904             —HEUTE—IN—DEN—FEUILLETONS, Kindersoldaten in HIPPIE—UNIFORMEN (Kultur, 10:25)
20150904             —JETZT zeigt sich, dass die Migranten in UNGARN ihr Schicksal selbst in die Hand nehmen.
20150904             —NACH, SPIEGEL—INFORMATIONEN wurden in der Operation "Glotaic"
20150904             —NACH—DEM offiziellen Ende von "Glotaic"warnte DER—BND intern vor 1 "politischen SKANDAL", sollte die Geheimoperation auffliegen.
20150904             —SCHONENDE WAL—FORSCHUNG, Start frei für den SCHNODDER—ROBOTER (Wissenschaft, 17:42)
20150904             —HOSTED, PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, SAUDI—ARABIA—NEW monarch for the 1. time and said that THE—USA—SHARES—KING—SALMAN—DESIRE for 1—INCLUSIVE government in YEMEN that can relieve that impoverished Arab country's humanitarian crisis.
20150904             —CELEBRATED, FLORIDA, Boeing, the opening of its commercial crew and cargo processing facility which will serve as home to its future space fleet and named it Starliner.
20150904             NEW—YORK—CITY, DENISS—CALOVSKIS, —30—JAHRE—ALT, 1—LATVIA—COMPUTER—CODE—WRITER, pleaded guilty to helping create the Gozi virus, which spread to more than 1—MILLION—COMPUTERS—WORLDWIDE and corrupted SOME—AT—NASA.
20150904             —HIRED, He admitted that he was, to write code for the virus.
20150904             AUSTRIA and GERMANY threw open their borders to thousands of exhausted migrants, bussed to THE—HUNGARY—BORDER by 1—RIGHT—WING government that had tried to stop them but was overwhelmed by the sheer numbers reaching EUROPE—FRONTIERS.
20150904             —DETAINED, BOLIVIA said 1—AIR—FORCE—CAPTAIN was, as he tried to take off from near THE—PERU border with 362—KG (796—POUNDS) of cocaine in his plane.
20150904             PRIME—MINISTER—DAVID—CAMERON said BRITAIN will provide 1—EXTRA—100—MILLION—POUNDS (137—MILLION—EUROS, $153—MILLION) in humanitarian aid for THE—SYRIA—CRISIS, bringing its total contribution to more than 1.0—BILLION pounds.
20150904             Cameron said BRITAIN will take in thousands more SYRIA—REFUGEES.
20150904             The prime MINISTERS—OF—THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC, HUNGARY, POLAND and SLOVAKIA rejected ANY—QUOTA system for accepting migrants in THE—EUROPEAN—UNION—28—MEMBERS.
20150904             GREECE, 1—FIRE broke out at the Dafni psychiatric hospital in WEST—ATHENS killing at least 3—PEOPLE.
20150904             —INTRODUCED, HUNGARY—PARLIAMENT, emergency ANTI—MIGRATION—LAWS, in 1—TOUGH—RESPONSE to the record NUMBER—OF—REFUGEES and migrants crossing THE—EU member's border as they try to reach WEST—EUROPE.
20150904             HUNDREDS—OF—MIGRANTS broke out of 1—BORDER—CAMP and others set off on foot from BUDAPEST as authorities scrambled to contain 1—MIGRANT—CRISIS that has brought EUROPE—ASYLUM—SYSTEM to breaking point.
20150904             —ORGANIZED, LEBANON, the civil campaign that has, protests against politicians in BEIRUT called for 1—NATIONWIDE mobilization against 1—GOVERNMENT they say is too corrupt to function.
20150904             LIBYA, clashes broke out between Islamic State and army units loyal to the country's official government near THE—EAST—CITY—OF—DERNA, killing 4—SOLDIERS.
20150904             —SEIZED, MEXICO—AUTHORITIES said police have, 1—TON—OF—SO—CALLED "black cocaine" at MEXICO—CITY—AIRPORT and destroyed more than 100—TONS—OF—MARIJUANA—PLANTS in WEST—STATE—OF—NAYARIT.
20150904             Moroccans began voting in local elections seen as 1—TEST for the ruling Islamists.
20150904             —FORMED, THE—AUTHENTICITY and Modernity Party (PAM), by 1—CLOSE—ASSOCIATE—OF—MOROCCO—KING secured most seats in local elections.
20150904             —FOLLOWED, It was closely, by the ruling PJD Islamist party which also won in major cities.
20150904             1—NEPALI policeman was shot dead in the latest round of clashes to hit the country's southern plains as protests intensify against 1 proposed new constitution.
20150904             1—RUSSIAN—SOYUZ spacecraft carrying 3—NEW crew docked at THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION.
20150904             † 1—SAUDI—ARABIA—POLICEMAN was killed and 2—OTHERS wounded —WHEN 1—TERRORIST attacked 1—SECURITY—SITE in the Abqaiq region in the country's Eastern province.
20150904             —KILLED, SYRIA, 2—EXPLOSIONS—LATE—TODAY and ensuing protests, at least 37—PEOPLE including Druze leader Sheikh Wahid AL—BALOUS in and —AROUND THE—TOWN—OF—SWEIDA.
20150904             20—ISLAMIST and other rebel fighters were killed in the clashes —THROUGHOUT the —DAY centered on THE—TOWN—OF—MAREA, ALEPPO province, along with 27 IS jihadists.
20150904             —KILLED, TAJIKISTAN, 9—POLICEMEN were, in attacks the authorities blamed on gunmen loyal to the country's own deputy defense MINISTER.
20150904             13—REBELS were also killed.
20150904             —BLAMED, The interior ministry, the attacks on 1—GROUP led by MAJOR—GENERAL—ABDULKHALIM—MIRZO—NAZARZODA, the deputy defense MINISTER, who was soon dismissed by Imomali Rakhmon, THE—PRESIDENT, for committing 1—CRIME.
20150904             —IMPOSED, TURKEY, 1—CURFEW on Cizre, 1—CITY—OF—120,000 on the border with Syria and close to IRAQ, in 1—EFFORT to cripple THE—PKK.
20150904             The government said that up to 32—KURDISH—MILITANTS were killed —DURING the curfew and ANTI—TERROR—OPERATIONS.
20150904—20080400    —VOM, In 1 "Stammblatt" schreiben DIE—VERFASSER von "schwerwiegenden Risiken"für den NACHRICHTEN—DIENST, sollte zum Beispiel bekannt werden, dass die Operation nicht durch das G—10—GESETZ gedeckt gewesen sei, das Beschränkungen des Fernmeldegeheimnisses regelt.
20150904—20150912    —LIFTED, The curfew was.
20150906—20150904    —ARRESTED, Syria, 1—ISLAMIST—INSURGENT from the al QAEDA—LINKED Nusra Front, who confessed to THE—2—CAR—BOMBS and involvement in unrest that followed.
20151223             A 20150904             off his bomb but survived.
20160315             The pontiff —SEPTEMBER 20160904             as the date for her canonization.
20160904             —1—JAHR—DANACH: DE—MAIZIÈRE verteidigt Grenzöffnung für FLÜCHTLINGE (Politik, 07:27)
20160904             12,5 % für DIE—LINKE—DAS ist für DIE—PARTEI sehr bitter.
20160904             AFGHANISTAN: Mindestens 35—TOTE—BEI—SCHWEREM Verkehrsunfall (Panorama, 13:06)
20160904             ANTHONY—WEINER und Huma Abedin: Sucht und Demütigung (Politik, 07:53)
20160904             ARTEN—SCHUTZ: Größter Gorilla vom AUS—STERBEN bedroht (Wissenschaft, 21:14)
20160904             Agrarboom in RUSSLAND: Sanktionen?
20160904             BREXIT: JAPAN droht BRITEN mit Abzug von Firmen aus LONDON (Wirtschaft, 14:59)
20160904             DIE—AFD erreicht aus dem Stand 21,1 beziehungsweise 21,4 % und überflügelt damit die mitregierende CDU, die mit 19,1 % ihr historisch schlechtestes Landesergebnis einfährt.
20160904             DIE—LINKS—PARTEI erhält demnach 12,9 —BIS 13 %, DIE—GRÜNEN rutschten —AM—ABEND unter die 5-%-Grenze
20160904             DIE—LINKS—PARTEI wurde —VOR—5—JAHREN drittstärkste Kraft mit 18,4 %.
20160904             DIE—SPD kommt laut den Hochrechnungen für ARD und ZDF auf 30,3 %.
20160904             EU—FLÜCHTLINGS—DEAL : TÜRKEI bei Visafreiheit zu Zugeständnissen bereit (Politik, 20010911             )
20160904             G20—GIPFEL: Scheitert DIE—GLOBALISIERUNG, scheitert DEUTSCHLAND (Wirtschaft, 15:28)
20160904             Holpriger Start vom G20—GIPFEL: Chinesen blaffen Amerikaner an (Politik, 09:23)
20160904             —GEWINNT, Landtagswahl: SPD, in MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN, AfD vor CDU (Politik, 18:01)
20160904             MERKEL und ERDOGAN beim G20—GIPFEL: MERKEL rechnet mit Aufhebung des Besuchsverbots für Incirlik (Politik, 12:20)
20160904             Mutter TERESA: 1. Popstar der KATHOLIKEN—KIRCHE ist —JETZT heilig (Panorama, 10:49)
20160904             Neue Fabriken, Schulen, Flughäfen: TÜRKEI verspricht MILLIARDEN für KURDEN—GEBIETE (Politik, 18:39)
20160904             —VERLIERT, Offensive: IS, letzte Stellungen an SYRISCH—TÜRKISCHER—GRENZE (Politik, 19:31)
20160904             SPD—VIZE—RALF—STEGNER sprach von 1 "schweren politischen NIEDERLAGE—DER—KANZLERIN in ihrem Heimatland".
20160904             Sioux in NORTH—DAKOTA: Gewaltsamer PROTEST—GEGEN—PIPELINE (Wirtschaft, 22:04)
20160904             Und ich regte mich über FRANKREICH auf!
20160904             —VERSCHEUCHT, VENEZUELA—STAAT—CHEF—MADURO von wütender Menge, (Politik, 16:03)
20160904             VON—DERSS zur CIA: DIE—GESCHICHTE—DER—"blutigen Brygida"(Politik, 15:54)
20160904             Versorgungswege abgeschnitten: ASSAD—REGIME kesselt REBELLEN in ALEPPO ein (Politik, 18:49)
20160904             [l] OBAMA verlängert dann mal den AUSNAHME—ZUSTAND wegen 20010911             um ein weiteres —JAHR.
20160904             —FROM EB White "1—DESPOT doesn't fear eloquent writers preaching freedom---he fears 1—DRUNKEN poet may crack 1—JOKE that will take hold".
20160904             —POLIZEI—EINSATZ—IN—DEN NIEDERLANDEn: Deutsche irrtümlich wegen TERROR—VERDACHTS festgenommen (Panorama, 17:21)
20160904             —AM, My other guiding quote is from the I Ching: you can not fight evil head on, you can only make energetic PROGRES—IN—THE—S good
20160904             —KRIEG—IN—JUGOSLAWIEN: "1—RIESIGER, extrem blutiger Test für alle"(einestages, 09:28)
20160904             PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA met with MYANMAR leader Suu Kyi at THE—WHITE—HOUSE to discuss rolling back MORE—OF—THE—SANCTIONS that were applied —WHEN the nation was under military rule.
20160904             Obama said THE—USA will "soon" lift restrictions on MILITARY—OWNED companies and officials and associates of the former ruling junta.
20160904             —KILLED, SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, at least 38—PEOPLE were, —WHEN 1—BUS collided with 1—FUEL—TANKER and burst into flames in Zabul province.
20160904             —URGED, CHINA—PRESIDENT—XI—JINPING, G20 world leaders to avoid "empty talk" and confront sluggish economic growth and rising protectionism as their summit opened —SUNDAY in the scenic CITY—OF—HANGZHOU.
20160904             PRO—DEMOCRACY—CANDIDATES won 30—OF 70—SEATS in the Legislative Council, gaining 1—FOOTHOLD in THE—SOUTH—CHINA—CITY—LEGISLATURE and setting the stage for 1—NEW—ROUND—OF—POLITICAL—CONFRONTATIONS with BEIJING.
20160904             6—OF—THE—WINNING—LEGCO candidates wanted HONG—KONG to be more independent from CHINA.
20160904             PRO—DEMOCRACY and environmentalist candidate EDDIE—CHU won more votes than ANY—OTHER—CANDIDATE.
20160904             —FACED, Chu soon, death threats stemming from his campaign promises.
20160904             —INJURED, THE—INDIA—PORTION, of Kashmir —AROUND 100—PEOPLE were, as INDIA—GOVERNMENT—FORCES fired tear gas and shotgun pellets to quell THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS who pelted rocks and burned 1—GOVERNMENT—OFFICE.
20160904             —CANCELED, ISRAEL—TRANSPORT—MINISTER, Yisrael Katz, key train routes because of the delayed repairs.
20160904             —DISPATCHED, The government, extra buses for some 90,000 affected commuters.
20160904             —TARGETED, ISRAEL—TANK—FIRE, 1—HAMAS post on THE—GAZA—STRIP border overnight —AFTER gunfire at ISRAEL—FORCES in the area, with no injuries reported.
20160904             —KILLED, SAUDI—ARABIA said CROSS—BORDER shelling from YEMEN has, 1—SAUDI—ARABIA—WOMAN and wounded 2—OTHER—CITIZENS in THE—SOUTH—JAZAN region.
20160904             —SEIZED, THAILAND—POLICE, 3,155 kg (6,940 pounds) of marijuana from 1—WAREHOUSE in Chonburi.
20160904             —ARRESTED, Police, 2—MEN from THAILAND and TAIWAN suspected of smuggling the marijuana from LAOS for shipment to AUSTRALIA.
20160904—19970000    —TURNED, Voters, out in force for HONG—KONG—MOST crucial election —SINCE the handover from BRITAIN.
20160904—20110000    —SINCE, IRAN—STATE—TV reported that the Islamic Republic has appointed its envoy to LONDON for the 1. time.
20170713—20170904    —ON, Magaqa † in hospital.
20170822—20170904    —DIRECTED, Hun Sen, much of his anger at THE—ENGLISH—LANGUAGE—CAMBODIA Daily newspaper, saying it had to pay taxes accrued over the past —10—YEARS or face closure.
20170903             THE—CAMBODIA—DAILY, which is often CRITICAL—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT, said its 20170904             edition would be its last —AFTER it was slapped with 1—MULTI—MILLION—DOLLAR—TAX—BILL that its publishers said was politically motivated.
20170904             The suspected MEMBER—OF—1—VIOLENT—CENTRAL—USA—GANG was also wanted in connection with an 20170825             homicide in NEW—JERSEY.
20170904             ABDUL—KARIM—SIDDIQI was THE—MASTERMIND—OF—1—ATTACK on 1—ETHNIC—LAWMAKER 20170902             .
20170904             "Alles deutet darauf hin, dass —BRONZE—ZEIT—IN—DER Frauen extrem mobil waren.
20170904             "Es war offenbar 1.Tradition, die über VIELE—JAHRHUNDERTE bestand",
20170904             CHINAs BOTSCHAFTER—IM—UNO—SICHERHEITS—RAT: "Werden keinen KRIEG—IN—NORD—KOREA zulassen"(Politik, 18:20)
20170904             DIE—ANTWORT liegt darin, dass man 1.ATOM—BOMBE auch in der Luft über 1—STADT zünden kann, ganz weit oben.
20170904             DIE—FRAUEN hätten wahrscheinlich dazu beigetragen, dass das Wissen weitergegeben wurde,
20170904             DIE—WISSENSCHAFTLER hatten 84—SKELETTE aus dem bayerischen Lechtal genauer untersucht.
20170904             DIE—WANDERSCHAFT der Frauen sei allein durch diese —STUDIE über rund —800—JAHRE nachweisbar.
20170904             EX—GENERÄLE im WEIßES—HAUS: Die DONALD—TRUMP—DOMPTEURE (Politik, 10:18)
20170904             Etwa 66—PROZENT—DER—UNTERSUCHTEN—FRAUEN kamen den Forschern zufolge in 1—ALTER von etwa —17—JAHREN vermutlich aus der Gegend zwischen HALLE und LEIPZIG oder aus Böhmen auf die verstreut liegenden Gehöfte ins Lechtal, um dort 1.Familie zu gründen.
20170904             Faszinierende Fadenwesen: Was DER—MENSCH von Pilzen lernen kann (Wissenschaft, 11:45)
20170904             GERICHTS—URTEIL: YouTube muss bei Verstößen MAIL—ADRESSE von Nutzern angeben (Netzwelt, 14:10)
20170904             How MANY—FONTS can you choose from if you want straightforwardly to make 1—NON—SHITTY website that's readable using all the "popular"browser programmes?
20170904             In der FRÜHE—BRONZE—ZEIT hatten DIE—MENSCHEN in der Gegend zwischen ELBE und Saale die Techniken zur Metallverarbeitung besonders weit entwickelt.
20170904             —PREPARED, It's pretty clear that war is being.
20170904             NORD—KOREAS NACHRICHTEN—AGENTUR hat explizit EMP als Drohkulisse gegen DIE—USA angesprochen.
20170904             —BEREITET, SÜD—KOREA—MILITÄR: NORD—KOREA, offenbar Raketenstart vor (Politik, 09:51)
20170904             The answer is 3. These are 1—STANDARD serif (Times), 1—SANS—SERIF (ARIAL—HELVETICA), and 1—SLAB serif, (the monospaced Courier).
20170904             [l] Der 1.oder andere von euch fragt sich vielleicht, was NORD—KOREA genau mit ihren ATOM—BOMBEN androhen will.
20170904             [l] Gruselpaper des Tages: Gesichtserkennung trotz Vermummung.
20170904             (TL;DR—TWEET) - [l] ISRAEL fährt Predictive Policing anscheinend —SCHON im PRODUKTIONsbetrieb und verhaftet regelmäßig PALÄSTINENSER, weil sie auf FACEBOOK was gesagt haben, das der SOFTWARE nicht gefallen ha
20170904             —NACH, ATOM—TEST—NORD—KOREAS: Gold an BÖRSEn stärker nachgefragt (Wirtschaft, 11:37)
20170904             —DISAPPEARED, FLORIDA, Jabez Spann (14), —1—WEEK—AFTER he witnessed THE—SLAYING—OF—TRAVIS—COMBS, —31—JAHRE—ALT.
20170904             —WANTED, He was also, in connection with several assaults in BOSTON, where he used the alias CARLOS—CAMPOS—CUTONE.
20170904             Officials said the confirmed death toll in SOUTH—TEXAS from Hurricane Harvey rose to at least 60—ACROSS 11—COUNTIES.
20170904             —RAISED, The death toll was soon, to at least 70 with some 200,000 homes destroyed or damaged.
20170904             —ANNOUNED, United Technologies, 1—USA—AEROSPACE conglomerate, that it had agree to buy Rockwell Collins, 1—AVIONICS—FIRM, for $30—BILLION.
20170904             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 2—PEOPLE were, and 2—OTHERS wounded —WHEN 1—HELICOPTER appeared to come under fire from guests at 1—WEDDING party near KABUL and fired back.
20170904             AFGHANISTAN—OFFICIALS said the helicopter came from THE—NATO—LED Resolute Support coalition.
20170904             —FANNED, BRAZIL, more than 800—FEDERAL—POLICE, out in 5—STATES and THE—FEDERAL—DISTRICT to serve 190—SEARCH and seizure warrants and more than 120—ARREST—WARRANTS in 1—CRACKDOWN on 1—DRUG—TRAFFICKING ring.
20170904             —APPEARED, THE—ENGLISH—LANGUAGE—CAMBODIA—DAILY, in newsstands for the last time, the latest victim of 1 determined push by THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—HUN—SEN to silence critics in THE—RUN—UP to 20180000             elections.
20170904             Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov brought TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE to THE—STREETS—OF—THE—CAPITAL—GROZNY to protest what he called the "genocide of Muslims" in MYANMAR.
20170904             —CRITICIZED, CHINA, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—THREAT to cut off USA—TRADE with countries that deal with NORTH—KOREA and rejected pressure to do more to halt THE—NORTH—NUCLEAR—DEVELOPMENT.
20170904             PRESIDENT—XI—JINPING said CHINA will give $80—MILLION in funding for BRICS cooperation plans, —WHILE the bloc of 5—EMERGING countries (BRAZIL, RUSSIA, INDIA, CHINA and SOUTH—AFRICA) pledged to oppose protectionism.
20170904             —CALLED, THE—BRICS—GROUP, for reform of THE—UNITED—NATIONS and tougher measures against terrorist groups, —WHILE denouncing NORTH—KOREA—LATEST—NUCLEAR—TEST.
20170904             —ANNOUNCED, THE—CHINA—CENTRAL—BANK, that that firms would no longer be able to issue electronic currency units to raise funds.
20170904             —CONFIRMED, COLOMBIA—PRESIDENT—JUAN—MANUEL—SANTOS, that the government has agreed to 1—BILATERAL—CEASEFIRE with THE—ELN rebel group that will last —102—DAYS—AFTER MONTHS—OF—TALKS in the Ecuadoran CAPITAL—QUITO.
20170904             † 1—CONGO—DRC officials said at least 8—PEOPLE have —AFTER 1—BOLT of lightning struck 1—SMALL—SCALE goldmine in HAUT—UELE province.
20170904             DENMARK—ENERGY—MINISTER—SAID—CHINA will tap DENMARK, home to SOME—OF—THE—WORLD—LARGEST offshore energy companies, to help it build 1—WIND—FARM.
20170904             —ANNOUNCED, GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL, plans to double to 1—BILLION euros ($1.19—BILLION) 1—FUND aimed at cleaning up urban transport, in 1—EFFORT to avert bans of diesel vehicles in SOME—CITIES.
20170904             INDIA, MURRAY—DENNIS—WARD, a —54—YEAR—OLD UNITED—KINGDOM—MAN, was arrested for allegedly sexually abusing 3—BLIND—STUDENTS at 1—SCHOOL in NEW—DELHI.
20170904             1—FORMER—INDONESIAN—CONSTITUTIONAL—COURT—JUDGE was jailed —FOR—8—YEARS for accepting bribes to influence court rulings.
20170904             Patrialis Akbar, the 2. constitutional court judge to be CONVICTED—OF—CORRUPTION in —3—YEARS, was also fined 300—MILLION rupiah ($22,500).
20170904             —INVOLVED, PAKISTAN, 1—SUSPECT, in 1—ATTACK on 1—LAWMAKER killed 1—POLICE—OFFICER and wounded another —DURING 1—RAID at his house and he was able to escape from his EAST—KARACHI neighborhood.
20170904             † In SOUTH—AFRICA ANC party member Sindiso Magaqa —AFTER he was shot inside his car by 2—HIT men in Umzimkhulu —FOLLOWING his EXPOSURE—OF—CORRUPTION in 1—PUBLIC—WORKS—PROJECT.
20170904             —BATTLED, SYRIA—ARMY, the Islamic State group on the edges of Deir Ezzor, seeking to break THE—SIEGE—OF—1—GOVERNMENT—ENCLAVE and oust the jihadists from 1—KEY—STRONGHOLD.
20170904             SYRIA, THE—SDF said it holds 65—PERCENT of Raqqa in total.
20170904             USA—BACKED SYRIA—MILITIAS have taken the historic old CITY—OF—RAQQA and its ancient mosque as they pressed their offensive to defeat Islamic State.
20170904             —TENDERED, TAIWAN—PREMIER—LIN—CHUAN, his resignation, raising THE—POSSIBILITY—OF—CHANGES in the ISLAND's troubled relationship with mainland CHINA.
20170904             THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL held its 2. emergency meeting in —1—WEEK about NORTH—KOREA —AFTER 1—POWERFUL—NUCLEAR—TEST—EXPLOSION added another LAYER—OF—URGENCY for diplomats wrestling with what to do about THE—NORTH—PERSISTENT—WEAPONS—PROGRAMS.
20170904             —ACCUSED, UN investigators, BURUNDI—GOVERNMENT—OF—CRIMES against humanity, including executions and torture, and urged THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT to open 1—CASE "as soon as possible".
20170904—20171027    —ANNOUNCED, BURUNDI formally, it was withdrawing from the court, with the move set to take effect.
20170904—20190000    —IN, SPANN—BODY was found in Manatee County.
20170904—20190000    —IN, politician Mluleki Ndobe was arrested for his involvement in the murder.
20180822             RUSSIA said the Taliban will be joining 20180904             —THE talks in MOSCOW along with representatives of several neighboring countries.
20180904             "Was haben Sie zu verbergen?": Anhörung von DONALD—TRUMP—RICHTER—KANDIDAT beginnt mit Tumulten
20180904             Ach komm, das merken die NIE!!1!
20180904             AfD: Intime Nachrichten GELEAKT—POGGENBURG nennt eigene Partei "Rattenloch"
20180904             Als 2. Privatunternehmen : Amazon ist an der BÖRSE mehr als 1.Billion $ wert
20180904             Asylverfahren: SEEHOFER räumt BEHÖRDEN—FEHLER bei CHEMNITZer Tatverdächtigem ein
20180904             Bei den veröffentlichten DATEN handelte es sich um Nachrichten mit erotischen Vorlieben und Fotos.
20180904             Bob "Watergate" Woodward hat ein neues Buch über die DONALD—TRUMP—JUNTA geschrieben.
20180904             —TRIED, Cohn, 1—WALL—STREET—VETERAN, to tamp down DONALD—TRUMP—STRIDENT nationalism regarding trade.
20180904             DOKUMENTATION über Motivationstraining: Wie KAPITALISMUS zur RELIGION wird
20180904             Das ist ja UN—GLAUB—LICH, Bob!
20180904             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Das ist noch schlimmer als wenn das anderswo, würde.
20180904             Der Beitrag ist aus AUSTRALIEN, und ANZ ist die AUSTRALIA and NEW—ZEALAND Banking Group.
20180904             DIESEL—KRISE, Autoindustrie verlangt laschere KLIMA—ZIELE wegen ABGAS—SKANDAL
20180904             —VERZICHTET, Extremismus: Sächsischer VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ, auf Beobachtung der AfD
20180904             Falls ihr euch gefragt habt, wieso die AfD so 1—PROBLEM mit Indymedia hat: Die hatten peinliches Kompromat von EX—AFD—SACHSEN—ANHALT—CHEF—POGGENBURG geleakt.
20180904             Filetgrundstücke: Wie CDU—POLITIKER zu ihrem Seeblick auf Usedom kamen
20180904             FRÜHERER—EZB—CHEF—TRICHET hält WELTFINANZ—SYSTEM —HEUTE für so verwundbar wie 2008
20180904             Hach ja, die Vorzüge von BIG—DATA: Kauft ordentliches Motoröl und Holzschutzmittel, wenn ihr nochmal 1.Hypothek kriegen wollt.
20180904             SÜD—KOREA, haben so VIELE—SCHWEINEBACKEN in öffentlichen Toiletten SPIONAGE—KAMERAS installiert, um die Aufnahmen an PORNO—WEBSEITEN zu verkaufen, dass SEOUL —JETZT 8000—INSPEKTOREN losschickt, um Kameras zu finden und zu demontieren.
20180904             KRISE—DER—SCHWELLENLÄNDER: SÜD—AFRIKA rutscht in die Rezession - Kohleausstieg: Im Bann des CO2—MONSTERS
20180904             Konkurrenz mit DEN—USA: EUROPAs BANKEN verlieren den Anschluss
20180904             Kursverfall: DEUTSCHE—BANK fliegt aus dem Leitindex DER—EURO—ZONE
20180904             KÜNSTLICHE—INTELLIGENZ: ROBOTER—BOOT durchquert erstmals den Atlantik
20180904             Käptn Obvious macht 1—PRAKTIKUM beim Wissenschaftlichen Dienst der AOK und kommt zu dieser bahnbrechenden Erkenntnis:
20180904             Meisterwerk in Colmar: Isenheimer Altar wird für 1,2—MILLIONEN—EURO restauriert
20180904             Migration: Mehr als 600—FLÜCHTLINGE vor SPANIEN aus dem MITTELMEER gerettet
20180904             —VERZICHTET, Millionenschwerer BAR—GELD—TRANSFER: IRAN, auf umstrittenen Geldtransport aus DEUTSCHLAND
20180904             NA ALSO!
20180904             Neues Enthüllungsbuch über DONALD—TRUMP: Infant terrible
20180904             POLEN—AUßEN—MINISTER—ZU—REPARATIONEN: "Unsere Verluste waren viel größer"
20180904             Schädlicher Kunststoff: Der größte MIKROPLASTIK—VERURSACHER sind Autoreifen
20180904             Staatliche ÜBERWACHUNG: "5—EYES" fordern freiwillige Hintertüren
20180904             That's the very lateral take from ANZ—HEAD—OF—RETAIL—RISK, JASON—HUMPHREY, who lifted the hood on how the institution is throwing masses of NVDIA DGX-1 compute power at AI and deep learning.
20180904             The papers would have 1—LIBERAL publishing licence that would allow anyone else to download, translate or otherwise reuse the work.
20180904             THE—QUALITY—OF—MOTOR—OIL you buy and purchases of domestic floor protection products could soon be used determine whether or not you're 1—GOOD bet for 1—MORTGAGE or increased credit card limit.
20180904             USA: Nike wirbt mit ANTI—RASSISMUS—REBELL KAEPERNICK—AKTIE bricht ein
20180904             Und —WENIG—SPÄTER, hat er das nochmal mit 1—NAFTA—AUSTRITTS—BRIEF gemacht.
20180904             Untersuchung zum FALL—SKRIPAL: Hinter NERVEN—GIFT—VORFÄLLEN in ENGLAND steckt der gleiche Kampfstoff
20180904             WELT—RAUMTELESKOP: "Hubble" zeichnet Lichtshow am Saturn auf
20180904             —WIDERSTAND—GEGEN—RECHTS: Es kann nicht genug Antifa geben
20180904             Wagenknechts Bewegung "Aufstehen": "Wir haben 1.KRISE—DER—DEMOKRATIE"
20180904             Wer in seinem Job 1—SINN sieht und Wertschätzung erlebt, fehlt seltener am ARBEIT—PLATZ und hat deutlich weniger arbeitsbedingte Beschwerden.
20180904             Wirtschaftsboom: Rücklagen der Krankenkassen steigen auf über—EURO
20180904             —NACH, Riss in SOJUS—KAPSEL: RUSSLAND will Raumschiffe auf Schäden prüfen
20180904             USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—MIKE—POMPEO said he will name Zalmay Khalilzad to be special adviser for AFGHANISTAN.
20180904             —CONCLUDED, THE—EPA—OFFICE—OF—THE—INSPECTOR—GENERAL, that the Environmental Protection Agency had no proper justification for spending more than $3.5—MILLION on ROUND—THE—CLOCK security for FORMER—HEAD—SCOTT—PRUITT.
20180904             —RULED, THE—NINTH—USA—CIRCUIT—COURT—OF—APPEALS in S—FRANCISCO, that cities cannot make it 1—CRIME to sleep on 1—PUBLIC—STREET or sidewalk —WHEN no homeless shelters are available.
20180904             1—USA—FEDERAL—JUDGE—IN—SAN—FRANCISCO signed off on a $480—MILLION—CLASS—ACTION shareholder lawsuit over Wells Fargo's unauthorized accounts scandal.
20180904             1—EARLY—COPY—OF—BOB—WOODWARD—NEW—BOOK "Fear: Trump in THE—WHITE—HOUSE," set off 1—FIRESTORM in THE—WHITE—HOUSE with descriptions of current and former aides calling PRESIDENT—TRUMP an "idiot" and a "liar".
20180904             TEXAS, THE—BODY—OF—MELISSA—RAMIREZ, —29—JAHRE—ALT, 1—MOTHER—OF—2, was found dead with 1—SHOT to the head in rural Webb County.
20180904             —ADMITTED, Border Patrol agent JUAN—DAVID—ORTIZ, —35—JAHRE—ALT—LATER, to having shot her —1—DAY—EARLIER.
20180904             SEATTLE police found the bodies of 2—UNIVERSITY—OF—WASHINGTON female law students from THAILAND in 1—APARTMENT.
20180904             —RULED, Medical examiners —LATER, murder and suicide.
20180904             Kornkamon Leenawarat (25) † from multiple stab wounds.
20180904             † THITHI—ON Chotechuangsab (32), of 1—SINGLE stab wound.
20180904             —ANNOUNCED, Nike, that FORMER—S—FRANCISCO 49er quarterback COLIN—KAEPERNICK will be the face of its 30. anniversary "—JUST Do It" campaign.
20180904             His kneel down protest against police brutality has SPLIT AMERICA ROUGHLY down the middle.
20180904             —ATTACKED, NORTH—WEST—AFGHANISTAN, insurgents, 1—SECURITY checkpoint in Badghis province.
20180904             2—POLICE—OFFICERS were killed and 4—OTHERS were wounded in the attack near QALA—I—NOW.
20180904             11—ATTACKERS were reported killed and 16 wounded in the battle.
20180904             —RELATED, NATO said that 1—USA—SERVICE—MEMBER † in 1—NON—COMBAT, incident in EAST—AFGHANISTAN.
20180904             Elephants Without Borders said 90—ELEPHANT carcasses have been discovered in BOTSWANA with their tusks hacked off, in what is believed to be 1—OF—AFRICA—WORST—MASS poaching sprees.
20180904             —DENOUNCED, FORMER—DR CONGO warlord JEAN—PIERRE—BEMBA, 1—LONG—DELAYED December presidential election as a "parody" —AFTER he was banned from contesting and accused PRESIDENT—JOSEPH—KABILA of trying to hand pick 1—SUCCESSOR by eliminating serious rivals.
20180904             DENMARK—POLICE say prosecutors have given them permission to issue 1—NATIONWIDE ban on the Loyal to Familia (LTF) criminal gang, even —BEFORE 1—COURT—CASE aimed at dissolving it.
20180904             —ARRESTED, EGYPT—ABDULLAH—AYMAN—ABDEL—SAMEEA, —24—JAHRE—ALT was, outside THE—USA—EMBASSY in CAIRO —AFTER chemicals in his backpack caught fire, in what authorities said was 1 botched attack.
20180904             GERMANY, lawmaker Sahra Wagenknecht, whose Left Party grew OUT—OF—THE—FORMER—EAST—GERMANY—COMMUNIST—PARTY, and 2—MEMBERS—OF—THE—GREENS and the Social Democrats said more than 100,000—PEOPLE have pledged online to support 1—NEW—MOVEMENT called "Aufstehen" (Stand Up) with the aim of reviving THE—FORTUNES—OF—THE—COUNTRY—AILING left by attracting LIKE—MINDED people across party lines.
20180904             —ENDED, GREECE—FERRY crews have, 1—STRIKE that left TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—TRAVELERS and islanders stranded for more than —1—DAY—AFTER ferry operators offered them a 2-percent pay increase —AFTER an —8—YEAR freeze BECAUSE—OF—GREECE—DEBT—CRISIS.
20180904             —COLLAPSED, INDIA, 1—HIGHWAY overpass, in the crowded CITY—OF—KOLKATA, and some injured people were being treated at 1—NEARBY—HOSPITAL.
20180904             —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—HASSAN—ROUHANI, that IRAN is to move its main oil export terminal from the Gulf to THE—OMAN—SEA, sparing its tankers from using the strategic Strait of Hormuz.
20180904             —ARRESTED, IRAN—AUTHORITIES, the husband of detained human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh, who has campaigned for her release.
20180904             —CLASHED, IRAQ, HUNDREDS—OF—PROTESTERS, with security forces in the southern oil hub Basra for a 2. —DAY, —AFTER 1—PROTESTER † from injuries sustained —DURING demonstrations.
20180904             ISRAEL—JETS struck at targets inside Syria killing at least 1—PERSON.
20180904             —REPORTED, SYRIA—SANA state news, strikes on the Wadi Ayoun area in WEST—HAMA province and on THE—TOWN—OF—BANIYAS in Tartous province.
20180904             —PRAISED, ISRAEL—PHILIPPINE—PRESIDENT—RODRIGO—DUTERTE, his country's close security ties with ISRAEL as dozens protested ISRAEL—ARMS—SALES to his government.
20180904             At 1—MEETING with his ISRAEL—COUNTERPART, Duterte said he considers ISRAEL 1—KEY—STRATEGIC—PARTNER and weapons supplier.
20180904             ITALY—TRANSPORT—MINISTER—DANILO—TONINELLI said the government will draw up new rules for the concession of the nation's motorways, obliging the company running the toll highways to reinvest MOST—OF—THEIR—PROFITS in renovating the network.
20180904             —REITERATED, Toninelli, that the cabinet was determined to revoke concessions held by Autostrade per l'Italia to operate toll highways —AFTER 1—BRIDGE it managed collapsed —LAST—MONTH in Genoa.
20180904             —SLAMMED, Typhoon Jebi, into WEST—JAPAN, causing heavy rain to flood the region's main INTERNATIONAL airport and strong winds to blow 1—TANKER into 1—BRIDGE, disrupting land and air travel and leaving thousands stranded.
20180904             The storm left at least 11—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20180904             LIBYA—AUTHORITIES said the death toll from more than —1—WEEK—OF fighting between armed groups in TRIPOLI has climbed to at least 50—PEOPLE, including civilians.
20180904             —BROKERED, THE—UNITED—NATIONS, 1—TRUCE—AFTER —1—WEEK—OF—VIOLENCE between local fighters.
20180904             LIBYA, HUNDREDS—OF—MIGRANTS fled 1—DETENTION—CENTER in TRIPOLI as fighting raged nearby.
20180904             1—AID—OFFICIAL working at 1—INTERNATIONAL—ORGANIZATION said as many as 1,800 might have left the facility located near airport road.
20180904             MALI—PRESIDENT—IBRAHIM—BOUBACAR—KEITA, —73—JAHRE—ALT was been sworn in to 1—NEW —5—YEAR term in the presence of former rebels and several other personalities although the opposition continues to dispute his election win.
20180904             —HOSTED, NAURU, the Pacific Islands Forum, which is being attended —THIS—WEEK by leaders from 18—MEMBER nations and delegations from other countries including THE—USA—AND—CHINA.
20180904             HOLLAND—PROSECUTORS said BANK—ING has paid 775—MILLION—EUROS ($897—MILLION) to settle 1—HUGE—MONEY laundering case in THE—NETHERLANDS.
20180904             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—PHILIPPINES—PRESIDENT—RODRIGO—DUTERTE has ordered THE—ARREST—OF—SENATOR—ANTONIO—TRILLANES—IV, his fiercest critic in Congress —AFTER revoking THE—SENATOR—AMNESTY for involvement in unsuccessful military uprisings years ago.
20180904             —CONDEMNED, Trillanes, the move as arresting officers waited outside the Senate in 1—LOOMING standoff.
20180904             —HALTED, THE—SPANISH—DEFENCE—MINISTRY said SPAIN has, the sale of 1—SHIPMENT—OF—BOMBS to SAUDI—ARABIA amid concerns about their use in the conflict in YEMEN.
20180904             —CANCELLED, SPAIN said it has, a 20150000             deal to sell 400—LASER—GUIDED bombs to SAUDI—ARABIA.
20180904             —RESUMED, SYRIA—RUSSIA, its air strikes against insurgents in Idlib —AFTER—22—DAYS, —FOLLOWING weeks of aerial bombardment and shelling against rebels by PRO—SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—FORCES in 1—APPARENT prelude to 1—FULL—SCALE—OFFENSIVE.
20180904             The —NEXT—DAY THE—SYRIA—OBSERVATORY for Human Rights war monitor said THE—RUSSIA—STRIKES killed 13—CIVILIANS, including children, but no fighters.
20180904             TURKEY told THE—USA—THAT—KURDISH—MILITANTS must completely abandon Syria, as violence in THE—REBEL—HELD NORTH—SYRIA—ENCLAVE—OF—IDLIB escalated.
20180904—20130000    —IN—LATE, 1—NEW—AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL—REPORT accused authorities in SOUTH—SUDAN of torturing people to death and letting MANY—OTHERS—LANGUISH  behind bars —SINCE the civil war began.
20180904—20181223    —FROM—THE, Bemba was 1—OF 6—PRESIDENTIAL—HOPEFULS who was excluded by the election commission vote.
20180921—20180904    —SINCE, The fighting further strained 1—CEASE—FIRE that has been in force.
20190831—20190904    —CONFESSED, Carmack, to police that she killed Skylea and hid her body in 1—PLASTIC—BAG in 1 shed behind their home in Gas City.
20190904             Aufmüpfige Konservative: Die TORY—REBELLEN (Politik, 23:16)
20190904             BREXIT : Doppelte Niederlage für BORIS—JOHNSON (Politik, 23:49)
20190904             BREXIT—EINPEITSCHER JACOB—REES—MOGG: Die Verachtung (Politik, 18:31)
20190904             BREXIT—STREIT als Sittengemälde: —SCHLACHT—VON—LONDON, 20190000             (Politik, 18:36)
20190904             Bundesarbeitsgericht in ERFURT: LKA—MITARBEITER darf wegen HETZE nicht fristlos gekündigt werden (Panorama, 19:04)
20190904             Carrie Lam : HONG—KONG—REGIERUNG—CHEFIN zieht AUSLIEFERUNGS—GESETZ zurück (Politik, 12:15)
20190904             CUM—EX—BANKER vor Gericht: Der größte Steuerdiebstahl der DEUTSCHEN—GESCHICHTE (Wirtschaft, 15:16)
20190904             DIE—PORN—STUDIES sind ein interdisziplinäres Forschungsfeld, es kommen Ansätze aus der Filmwissenschaft, den GENDER—STUDIES, der Kulturanthropologie und so weiter zusammen.
20190904             Demonstranten vor Londoner Parlament: ANTI—BREXIT—KARNEVAL (Politik, 23:14)
20190904             DEUTSCHE—BANK—CHEF: Sewing warnt vor NIEDRIG—ZINSEN (Wirtschaft, 18:26)
20190904             —VERLIERT, Dramatische BREXIT—DEBATTE im Unterhaus: Johnson, gegen NO—DEAL—GEGNER (Politik, 10:40)
20190904             Durchsuchungen bei CHRISTOPH—METZELDER: Was —BISHER über den Fall bekannt ist (Panorama, 19:03)
20190904             Es fehlt oft —SCHON an der Sprache.
20190904             Es stellt sich nämlich raus, dass BACK—PORTING eher nicht von fähigen Spezialisten gemacht wird, weil die am aktuellen Kernel arbeiten.
20190904             GEHEIMDIENST—EXPERTE über Mord an Georgier: "DIE—DEUTSCHE—BESCHWICHTIGUNGSPOLITIK ist gescheitert" (Politik, 12:56)
20190904             Gleichzeitig verfügen wir nur über ein sehr begrenztes Verständnis von Pornografie und der Industrie, die dahintersteht.
20190904             Hambacher Forst: NRW—INNENMINISTER Reul räumt Gespräche mit RWE ein (Wirtschaft, 12:16)
20190904             Handys, Uhren, Taschen: DHL—MITARBEITER sollen Wertsachen aus Paketen gestohlen haben (Panorama, 12:09)
20190904             Harter BREXIT: BRITISCHE—NOTENBANK rückt von HORROR—SZENARIO ab (Wirtschaft, 17:53)
20190904             —ÜBERRASCHT, Ich bin ja immer wieder, wie Postboten Pakete mit völlig KAPUTT—KODIERTEN Zeichen trotzdem zugestellt kriegen.
20190904             In der Postfiliale wurde ihr Ausweis EINGELESEN—IHR Paket hat sie aber nicht bekommen.
20190904             Johnson: "Sind Sie 1—DIKTATOR oder 1—DEMOKRAT?" (Politik, 17:03)
20190904             Konzerne in DEUTSCHLAND: ZAHL—DER—GEWINNWARNUNGEN steigt auf Rekordhoch (Wirtschaft, 12:30)
20190904             Kriselnder Industriekonzern: Thyssenkrupp muss Dax verlassen (Wirtschaft, 23:35)
20190904             Krisengipfel beim Wirtschaftsminister: Windkraftlobby will Artenschutz schwächen (Wirtschaft, 15:41)
20190904             Kritik an Datenspeicherung : Verfassungsbeschwerde gegen nachgebessertes BKA—GESETZ (Politik, 16:32)
20190904             Künftige EZB—PRÄSIDENTIN Lagarde: Auf DRAGHI—KURS (Wirtschaft, 19:38)
20190904             MAAS im EBOLA—GEBIET: "Wir können der AUSBREITUNG—DES—VIRUS nicht weiter tatenlos zusehen" (Gesundheit, 15:38)
20190904             Menschen können sich auch nicht vorstellen, dass man es schafft, wissenschaftlich einen Porno zu gucken.
20190904             Millionenschwerer STEUER—SKANDAL, 1. Prozess wegen CUM—EX—GESCHÄFTEN hat begonnen (Wirtschaft, 10:38)
20190904             Natürlich - Neues Siegel: Regierung beschließt freiwilliges Tierwohllabel für Schweinefleisch (Wirtschaft, 12:51)
20190904             NO—DEAL—BREXIT: EU stellt Hunderte MILLIONEN—EURO Hilfe bereit (Wirtschaft, 16:46)
20190904             Oeming: Natürlich gibt es ein paar besondere Herausforderungen.
20190904             —REAGIERT, Offener Brief an die KANZLERIN: MERKEL, verhalten auf Hilfegesuch von HONG—KONGER—AKTIVIST (Politik, 15:12)
20190904             PREMIERMINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON: Die Anmaßung (Politik, 18:31) - QUEEN—ELIZABETH—II.
20190904             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Ist es nicht ergiebiger, über 1—ROMANPASSAGE zu diskutieren als über einen Pornoausschnitt?
20190904             —BEKOMMT, Schlappe für Johnson: GESETZ—GEGEN—NO—DEAL—BREXIT, auch bei zweitem Votum Mehrheit (Politik, 20:52)
20190904             SCHOTTISCHER—ABGEORDNETER vs.
20190904             Seitenwechsler PHILIP—LEE: Die Auflehnung (Politik, 18:32) - Sie halten die Erregung für zu mächtig.
20190904             Soziales Netzwerk: Auch auf Facebook könnte die LIKE—ZAHL bald versteckt sein (Netzwelt, 09:53)
20190904             Spanienrundfahrt: Hubschrauberkamera filmt Radfahrer und entdeckt CANNABIS—PLANTAGE (Sport, 14:09)
20190904             Spätestens seitdem DAS—INTERNET Pornos für jeden, jederzeit und größtenteils umsonst verfügbar gemacht hat, wird kaum 1—MEDIUM in derartiger Masse konsumiert.
20190904             Studie: Deutschlands Tourismusbranche ist weltweit führend (Reise, 13:42)
20190904             USA: YouTube zahlt REKORD—STRAFE wegen Sammeln von Kinderdaten (Netzwelt, 16:36)
20190904             Umweltgefahr: GROSSBRITANNIEN will alte ÖL—BOHRINSELN in der Nordsee verrotten lassen (Wissenschaft, 13:40)
20190904             Ungewöhnliche Buchstaben sind nicht nur bei Banken 1—PROBLEM.
20190904             Unterhaussprecher JOHN—BERCOW: Die Verteidigung (Politik, 18:30)
20190904             Wahldebakel für Die Linke im Osten: Von ganz links nach ganz rechts (Politik, 15:34)
20190904             [l] Ihr könnt ja über die Sachsenwahl sagen was ihr wollt, aber DIE—WAHLBETEILIGUNG war ja wohl phänomenal!
20190904             So 1—PLANSOLL—ÜBERERFÜLLUNG haben wir —SEIT seligen SED—ZEITEN nicht mehr erlebt!
20190904             [l] Noch ein toller Leserbrief zu Sonderzeichen:
20190904             [l] SECURITY—PATCH—BACKPORTS eine schlechte Idee und "Long Term Support" ist 1—FATA—MORGANA.
20190904             —DER—TAG—KOMPAKT: 1—LAND ringt um seine Demokratie (Politik, 19:07)
20190904             —FESTGESETZTE "Stena Impero": IRAN lässt 7—CREWMITGLIEDER von britischem Tanker frei (Politik, 18:23)
20190904             —NACH, Blockade: Migranten von Rettungsschiff "Elonore" werden auf mehrere EU—LÄNDER verteilt (Politik, 10:05)
20190904             —ANNOUNCED, THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION, that THE—USA will pay people up to $15—MILLION for information that disrupts the finances of 1—ELITE—IRAN—MILITARY—FORCE.
20190904             THE—USA—COMMERCE—DEPARTMENT said it imposed duties on Chinese and MEXICO—STRUCTURAL—STEEL—AFTER making 1—PRELIMINARY—DETERMINATION that producers in both countries had dumped fabricated structural steel on THE—USA—MARKET at prices below fair market value.
20190904             THE—PENTAGON said it would pull funding from 127—DEFENSE—DEPARTMENT—PROJECTS, including schools and daycare centers for military families, as it diverts $3.6—BILLION to fund PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—WALL along THE—USA—BORDER with MEXICO.
20190904             —SANCTIONED, THE—USA, 1—SPRAWLING NETWORK—OF—FIRMS, ships and individuals allegedly directed by IRAN—ISLAMIC—REVOLUTIONARY—GUARD—CORPS that supplied Syria with oil worth TENS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in 1—BREACH—OF—USA—SANCTIONS.
20190904             1—SENIOR—USA—OFFICIAL ruled out issuing waivers to IRAN sanctions to permit 1—FRENCH—PROPOSED credit line, which TEHRAN says could bring it back to full compliance with the nuclear deal.
20190904             1—USA—FEDERAL—JUDGE ruled that the government's watchlist of more than 1—MILLION—PEOPLE identified as "known or suspected terrorists" violates the constitutional rights of those placed on it.
20190904             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—ALABAMA couple has been sentenced to prison on charges related to producing child porn.
20190904             KENNETH—EARL—HOOKS, —36—JAHRE—ALT got 2—LIFE sentences and —120—YEARS, to run consecutively.
20190904             —SENTENCED, SARAH—PAULINE—MORRIS, —28—JAHRE—ALT was, to about —16—YEARS.
20190904             SOUTH—FLORIDA, Bee Love Slater, 1—BLACK, transgender —23—YEAR—OLD was found murdered fat the edge of Harlem, 1—SMALL—COMMUNITY about 65—MILES—WEST—OF—WEST—PALM.
20190904             —ARRESTED, THE—FBI, NEW—JERSEY man, Rubbin Sarpong, for conspiracy to commit wire fraud.
20190904             —SWINDLED, He was PART—OF—1—COMPLEX and brazen fraud that, more than 30—PEOPLE out of about $2.1 (£1.71) million and led 1—WOMAN to commit suicide.
20190904             The scheme was run by 2—PEOPLE in NEW—JERSEY and their associates in GHANA.
20190904             † In TEXAS BILLY—JACK—CRUTSINGER, —64—JAHRE—ALT was executed by lethal injection for 20030000             —THE killings of Pearl Magouirk (89) and her daughter PATRICIA—SYREN, —71—JAHRE—ALT.
20190904             —KILLED, Authorities say Crutsinger, the women then stole SYREN—CAR and credit card.
20190904             —ARRESTED, He was, —3—DAYS—LATER at 1—BAR in Galveston, more than 300—MILES (480—KM) away.
20190904             BAHAMAS PRIME—MINISTER—HUBERT—MINNIS said the death toll of Hurricane Dorian in THE—BAHAMAS has risen to 20—PEOPLE with officials certain the number will continue to rise.
20190904             —DECLARED, Minnis, a "historic tragedy" on the archipelago.
20190904             —NEEDED, THE—UN said 70,000—PEOPLE, immediate humanitarian relief —AFTER 1—OF—THE—MOST powerful Caribbean storms on record devastated THE—ISLAND—GROUP.
20190904             —DEMANDED, UNITED—KINGDOM—PRIME—MINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON, an 20191015             snap election —AFTER lawmakers seeking to prevent 1—NO—DEAL—BREXIT dealt him 1—HUMILIATING defeat in PARLIAMENT which he cast as 1—ATTEMPT to surrender to THE—EUROPEAN—UNION.
20190904             —REJECTED, Rebellious UNITED—KINGDOM—LAWMAKERS, 1—CALL by PRIME—MINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON to trigger 1—SNAP poll and moved to block his plan to leave THE—EU —NEXT—MONTH without 1—DIVORCE deal.
20190904             —ANNOUNCED, BRITAIN—GOVERNMENT, a —3—YEAR—IMMIGRATION—SCHEME to cover most European citizens wanting to come to BRITAIN —AFTER 1—NO—DEAL—BREXIT, in 1—MOVE aimed at reassuring business they will still be able to recruit the staff they need.
20190904             UNITED—KINGDOM—FINANCE—MINISTER—SAJID—JAVID said he was "turning the page on austerity" as he promised the biggest spending increases in —15—YEARS, 1—MOVE widely seen as PART—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON—PUSH for 1—ELECTION to break the Brexit impasse.
20190904             —ESTIMATED, The central bank —NOW, that gross domestic product would contract by 5.5% peak to trough, less than the 8% seen in 1—SET—OF—SCENARIOS published —IN—NOVEMBER.
20190904             THE—EU said it currently sees no alternative to THE—SO—CALLED "IRELAND—BACKSTOP" in 1—BREXIT withdrawal deal and warned the risk of BRITAIN crashing out without 1—AGREEMENT has increased.
20190904             —MOVED, HONG—KONG leader Carrie Lam's, to formally withdraw 1—BILL allowing extraditions to CHINA.
20190904             —ENDED, This may well have, THE—HONG—KONG unrest in June, but —NOW protesters want 1—LOT—MORE, and they're ready and willing to fight.
20190904             —DECLARED, INDIA officially, that the leaders of 2—PAKISTAN—BASED militant groups are terrorists under 1—NEW—LAW.
20190904             —NAMED, THE—HOME—MINISTRY, MASOOD—AZHAR, CHIEF—OF—JAISH—E—MOHAMMED, and Hafiz MUHAMMAD—SAEED, FOUNDER—OF—LASHKAR—E—TAIBA, as terrorists under the amended Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Amendment Act.
20190904             —KILLED, NORTH—INDIA, 1—LARGE—EXPLOSION at 1—FIREWORKS factory, at least 16—PEOPLE in Batala, Punjab state.
20190904             IRAN said it would take another step away from a 20150000             nuclear deal by —STARTING to develop centrifuges to speed up its uranium enrichment but it also gave European powers 2—MORE—MONTHS to try to save the multilateral pact.
20190904             —ORDERED, PRESIDENT—HASSAN—ROUHANI, all limits on nuclear research and development to be lifted, the country's 3. step in scaling down its commitments to a 20150000             deal with world powers.
20190904             —FINED, Bezeq, ISRAEL—LARGEST—TELECOMS—GROUP, was, 30—MILLION—SHEKELS ($8.6—MILLION) for what the competition regulator said was an "ABUSE—OF—THE—FIRM—MONOPOLISTIC—POSITION" in telecommunications infrastructure.
20190904             —IMPOSED, The antitrust authority also, 1—FINANCIAL—PENALTY—OF—500,000 shekels on 1—SENIOR—BEZEQ official and said it intended to levy 1—FURTHER 8—MILLION shekel fine on Bezeq for misinformation —DURING the authority's investigation.
20190904             —UNVEILED, ITALY—PRIME—MINISTER—GIUSEPPE—CONTE, his new cabinet, uniting 2—RIVAL—POLITICAL—PARTIES in 1—UNLIKELY—COALITION that is expected to improve ties with THE—EUROPEAN—UNION and adopt 1—SOFTER—STANCE on immigration.
20190904             THE—TEAM—OF—MINISTERS were drawn primarily from THE—ANTI—ESTABLISHMENT 5-Star Movement and THE—CENTER—LEFT DEMOCRATIC—PARTY (PD).
20190904             1—COURT—IN—KOSOVO said it had jailed 6—PEOPLE, including 1—WOMAN, for terms ranging from 1 to —10—YEARS, for planning attacks —LAST—YEAR on NATO—TROOPS and the public in KOSOVO, BELGIUM and FRANCE.
20190904             —FLIPPED, NEW—ZEALAND, 1—TOUR—BUS carrying CHINA—TOURISTS, in rainy weather killing 5—CHINA—NATIONALS—NORTH—OF—ROTORUA.
20190904             NORTH—KOREA told THE—UNITED—NATIONS to cut the number of INTERNATIONAL staff it deploys in the country because the world body's programs have failed "due to THE—POLITICIZATION—OF—UN—ASSISTANCE by hostile forces".
20190904             PHILIPPINES PRESIDENT—RODRIGO—DUTERTE said that —WHILE he was not 1—FAN of online gambling he was unwilling to ban the business, as CHINA has called for, because of the harm that would do to the country's economy.
20190904             —ARRESTED, THE—PHILIPPINES—USA—CITIZEN, JENNIFER—ERIN—TALBOT, —43—JAHRE—ALT was, as she tried to BOARD—1—JET with a —6—DAY—OLD—BABY hidden inside 1—SLING bag.
20190904             —CHARGED, Talbot was, with human trafficking.
20190904             —HOSTED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, INDIA—PRIME—MINISTER—NARENDRA—MODI for talks in VLADIVOSTOK on boosting investment and trade, with 1—SPECIAL—EMPHASIS on energy and arms deals.
20190904             1—RUSSIA—COURT sentenced protester Yevgeny Kovalenko (48) to 3-1/—2—YEARS in jail —AFTER finding him GUILTY—OF—USING violence against the police at 1—OPPOSITION—RALLY in July.
20190904             —SENTENCED, Another protester was, to —3—YEARS in jail on similar charges.
20190904             SAUDI—ARABIA and THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES sent their top diplomats to PAKISTAN to help ISLAMABAD defuse tensions with INDIA over the disputed Kashmir region.
20190904             1—SCOTLAND—JUDGE declined to block BORIS—JOHNSON—PLAN to suspend PARLIAMENT, dealing 1—BLOW to lawmakers who argued that there isn't enough time to thwart 1—NO—DEAL—BREXIT.
20190904             —CONFIRMED, SWEDEN—FOREIGN—MINISTER, that IRAN has released 7—OF—THE—23—CREW MEMBERS—OF—THE—BRITISH—FLAGGED tanker Stena Impero that was seized —EARLIER this —SUMMER.
20190904             TURKEY—TRADE—MINISTER—RUHSAR—PEKCAN said TURKEY may lose trade with BRITAIN worth up to $3—BILLION in the event of 1—NO—DEAL—BREXIT, adding that MANY—TURKEY—COMPANIES lacked information on the consequences of such 1—SCENARIO.
20190904             —OPENED, FRANCIS—PAPA, a 3-nation pilgrimage to SOUTH—AFRICA with 1—VISIT to MOZAMBIQUE.
20190904             1—YEMEN—OFFICIAL said government officials have begun indirect talks with UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES—BACKED southern separatists in THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—RED—SEA—CITY—OF—JEDDAH to end fighting in ADEN and other southern provinces.
20190904             Studie: DEUTSCHLANDs TOURISMUS—BRANCHE ist WELT—WEIT führend
20190904—20190719    —DETAINED, THE—SWEDISH—OWNED Stena Impero was, by IRAN—REVOLUTIONARY—GUARDS in THE—STRAIT—OF—HORMUZ waterway for alleged marine violations.
20190904—20240000    —AB, Umstrittenes Herbizid: BUNDES—REGIERUNG plant GLYPHOSAT—VERBOT (Wissenschaft, 13:46)
20200602             [, 20020904             ] Telephone.
20200904             —FREITAG, 20200904
20200904             Historiker über die Bedeutung der Reichsflagge früher und —HEUTE: Wollen die wirklich Kaiser Wilhelm zurück?
20200904             1—INTERVIEW—VON—EVA—MARIA—SCHNURR
20200904             Festgenommener Schwarzer erstickt: 7—POLIZISTEN nach tödlichem Einsatz suspendiert
20200904             USA—STAATEN verurteilen TRUMP—TWEETS: "Die Idee des Präsidenten ist toll für Menschen, die ins Gefängnis wollen"
20200904             Besuch in Kenosha: JOE—BIDEN spricht mit OPFER—VON—POLIZEISCHÜSSEN—UND attackiert PRÄSIDENT—TRUMP
20200904             Die Lage —AM—MORGEN: Warum DONALD—TRUMP erneut SIEGEN könnte
20200904             —VERZICHTET, Diktator von BELARUS: EU, angeblich auf Sanktionen gegen Lukaschenko
20200904             —VERZEICHNET, Smith & Wesson: USA—WAFFENHERSTELLER, "beispiellose" Nachfrage
20200904             "Fragwürdiger Share Deal": Bundestagsabgeordnete zeigt Wohnungskonzern Akelius an
20200904             —VERGRÖßERT, STUDIE—DES—STÄDTETAGES: CORONA, Kluft zwischen Kommunen
20200904             iOS 14: Apple verschiebt geplante neue Datenschutzfunktion
20200904             Nach TÖTUNG—VON—MUTMASSLICHEM—RECHTSPOPULISTEN: Polizisten sollen linken Tatverdächtigen bei Festnahme in PORTLAND erschossen haben
20200904             —VERLANGSAMT, Coronakrise: Erholung der Industrie, sich
20200904             "Verlierer" und "Trottel": Trump soll sich verächtlich über getötete Soldaten geäußert haben
20200904             CORONA—IMPFSTOFF: Curevac plant Massenproduktion —BIS Jahresende
20200904             Europapolitiker MANFRED—WEBER fordert Härte gegen RUSSLAND: "Das ENDE—VON—NORD—STREAM 2—DARF nicht mehr ausgeschlossen sein" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—PETER—MÜLLER
20200904             —VERSPRICHT, Nach Handel mit WIRECARD—AKTIEN: Scholz, schärfere Vorschriften für BAFIN—MITARBEITER
20200904             Wahlkampf in Kenosha: Biden macht alles anders
20200904             CORONA—INFEKTION: Berlusconi mit beidseitiger Lungenentzündung im Krankenhaus
20200904             Arbeit nach CORONA: "Eine rein digitale Welt wird auf Dauer nicht funktionieren"
20200904             Technische Probleme: RKI meldet falsche Fallzahlen
20200904             —GESCHEITERT, Prämie für Elterntaxis : "Die Kinder setzen sich in den 1. Bus, der kommt" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—KRISTIN—HAUG
20200904             Immigranten aus CHINA: Bundespolizei warnt vor neuer VISUM—MASCHE
20200904             Grünenchefin zu RUSSLAND und Nawalny: "DEUTSCHLAND darf dieses korrupte Regime nicht weiter unterstützen" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—VALERIE—HÖHNE
20200904             Linker Terror: Generalbundesanwalt ermittelt wegen Dutzender Drohbriefe an Politiker
20200904             Enttäuschter Grünenanhänger: ELON—MUSK—VERTRAUTER geht zur CDU
20200904             —NACH—5—JAHREN Betrieb: Vattenfall erwägt Stilllegung von Kohlekraftwerk Moorburg
20200904             Fall Nawalny und NORD—STREAM 2: Merkel in der Russlandfalle
20200904             Fall MADELEINE—MCCANN: Weiteres Ermittlungsverfahren gegen Verdächtigen Christian B.
20200904             Nur wenige —WOCHEN vor dem Verschwinden der dreijährigen MADELEINE—MCCANN soll Christian B. ein DEUTSCHES—MÄDCHEN in PORTUGAL sexuell belästigt haben
20200904             Die Staatsanwaltschaft BRAUNSCHWEIG führt nach SPIEGEL—RECHERCHEN ein weiteres Ermittlungsverfahren gegen den in KIEL inhaftierten mutmaßlichen Sexualstraftäter.
20200904             Fallzahlen, Sterberate, Infektionsketten, Behandlung: Die 4—WICHTIGSTEN CORONA—FRAGEN, bevor —DER—HERBST beginnt
20200904             KOBLENZ: EX—MITARBEITER—VON—KINDERSCHUTZBUND soll Kinderpornografie verschickt haben
20200904             BAYERN: 10.000—MENSCHEN von neuer CORONA—TESTPANNE betroffen
20200904             Fall Nawalny: Nato fordert von RUSSLAND die Zustimmung zu internationalen Ermittlungen
20200904             Mehr als 7000—NEUINFEKTIONEN in FRANKREICH binnen —24—STUNDEN
20200904             —VERWEIGERT, UNGARN, Diplomatenkreisen zufolge die finale Zustimmung zu dem in EUROPA geplanten 750—MILLIARDEN Euro schweren CORONA—WIEDERAUFBAUFONDS
20200904             Regierungschef VICTOR—ORBÁN wolle sicherstellen, dass die geplante Verknüpfung von EU—MITTELN an Regeln der Rechtsstaatlichkeit UNGARN nicht schadeten, sagte 1—DER—EU—DIPLOMATEN.
20200904             Orbán streitet —SEIT Längerem mit der EU wegen mutmaßlicher Verstöße gegen Rechtsstaatsprinzipien in der JUSTIZ—UND Medienpolitik.
20200904             BRASILIEN hat die Marke von 4—MILLIONEN CORONA—FÄLLEN überschritten.
20200904             —GETESTET, Frankreichs Nationaltorwart Mandanda positiv auf CORONA
20200904             Tagestouristen dürfen wieder nach MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN
20200904             Weltweit sind einem neuen Bericht zufolge mindestens 7000—MITARBEITER im Gesundheitswesen an den Folgen einer CORONA—INFEKTION gestorben.
20200904             Allein in MEXIKO seien mehr als 13000000             Mitarbeiter in Krankenhäusern und Arztpraxen einer COVID—19—ERKRANKUNG erlegen,
20200904             Der Leiter der Abteilung Wirtschaft und Soziales von Amnesty, STEVE—COCKBURN, sprach von einem "Skandal".
20200904             Bayerns Ministerpräsident MARKUS—SÖDER fordert weitere massive Wirtschaftshilfen
20200904             Vor allem müsse "das Herz der DEUTSCHEN—INDUSTRIE—AUTOMOBILSEKTOR, LUFT—UND Raumfahrt, MASCHINENBAU—EINE zusätzliche Unterstützung" bekommen, sagte der CSU—CHEF
20200904             r brauchen wir etwa eine massive steuerliche Entlastung der Unternehmen und eine rasche Senkung der Energiepreise".
20200904             AUSTRALIEN hat seine internationale CORONA—REISESPERRE um weitere —3—MONATE verlängert.
20200904             Die DEUTSCHE—INDUSTRIE hat —IM—JULI weniger Aufträge erhalten, als erwartet wurde.
20200904             Gegenüber dem Vormonat seien zwar 2,8 Prozent mehr Aufträge eingegangen, teilte das Statistische Bundesamt mit
20200904             Analysten hatten im Schnitt jedoch mit einem Zuwachs um 5,0 Prozent gerechnet.
20200904             1. CORONA—TODESFALL in NEUSEELAND —SEIT mehr als —3—MONATEN
20200904             80—PROZENT weniger Buchungen bei Jugendherbergen und Hütten
20200904             Das Ergebnis war negativ
20200904             —NACHDEM EINIGE—DER—MENSCHEN, die Berlusconi auf der ITALIENISCHEN—INSEL getroffen hatte, jedoch positiv getestet wurden, wurde der 84-Jährige aber nochmals getestet.
20200904             —BEFÜRCHTET, Das ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUT, einen Engpass des Grippeimpfstoffs, sollte sich —IN—DIESEM—HERBST angesichts der CORONA—PANDEMIE 1—GROSSTEIL—DER—DEUTSCHEN gegen Influenza impfen lassen
20200904             "Wenn wir —JETZT 1—IMPFUNG für die gesamte Bevölkerung empfehlen würden, dann würden wir sozusagen Impfstoff absaugen, und die Gruppe, die eigentlich geimpft werden soll, hätte nicht genug Impfstoff",
20200904             GRIECHENLAND will —DIESES—JAHR Finanzminister Christos Staikouras zufolge rund 24—MILLIARDEN Euro ausgeben, um die wirtschaftlichen Folgen der Pandemie abzumildern
20200904             Sein Land habe —NACH—DEN Zeiten der Schuldenkrise mittlerweile auch Möglichkeiten, die Summe notfalls noch aufzustocken,
20200904             "Wenn Kinder in den Kitas eng zusammen sind, dann können sie auch mit Abständen Martinsumzüge machen", sagte Laschet.
20200904             Wenige —TAGE nach Schulbeginn in FRANKREICH sind mehr als 20—SCHULEN wegen CORONA—FÄLLEN geschlossen worden.
20200904             sagte Laschet - "Und wenn es am Ende Konsens aller Virologen sein sollte, dass in der Tat 7—ODER —8—TAGE ausreichen für 1—QUARANTÄNE, dann wird sich die Politik dem nicht verschließen".
20200904             Bislang habe KEINER—DER—KANDIDATEN für einen Impfstoff in klinischen Tests einen "deutlichen Hinweis" darauf gegeben, dass die von der WHO angestrebte Wirksamkeit von mindestens 50—PROZENT erreicht werde,
20200904             Den Krankenkassen fehlen wegen der CORONA—PANDEMIE und des Konjunktureinbruchs im kommenden —JAHR 16,6 Milliarden Euro, um die Beitragssätze stabil zu halten.
20200904             Die angeschlagene BRITISCHE—FLUGGESELLSCHAFT Virgin Atlantic hat die Streichung von weiteren 11500000             Stellen angekündigt
20200904             Die "zerstörerische Wirkung" der Pandemie mache es notwendig, weitere Sparmaßnahmen zu ergreifen,
20200904             Die Lage am Arbeitsmarkt in den USA hat sich trotz der anhaltenden CORONA—PANDEMIE stärker als erwartet verbessert
20200904             Die Arbeitslosenquote fiel —IM—AUGUST—VON—10,2 Prozent im Vormonat auf 8,4 Prozent, wie das USA—ARBEITSMINISTERIUM mitteilte.
20200904             Vor der Pandemie hatte die Quote in der größten Volkswirtschaft der Welt noch bei 3,5 Prozent gelegen.
20200904             Im Kampf gegen die unterschiedlichen Reisebeschränkungen hat die EU—KOMMISSION den Mitgliedstaaten konkrete Vorschläge vorgelegt
20200904             Das Konzept der Brüsseler Behörde sieht vor, sich schnellstmöglich auf gemeinsame Kriterien und Schwellenwerte für die Einführung von Reisebeschränkungen zu verständigen.
20200904             Vom kommenden —MITTWOCH an gilt in Prag 1—MASKENPFLICHT in Geschäften und Einkaufszentren
20200904             Jüdische Zuwanderer dürfen nach einem CORONA—BEDINGTEN Stopp wieder nach DEUTSCHLAND einreisen.
20200904             Der Zentralrat der Juden begrüßte die —ENTSCHEIDUNG
20200904             "Wir sind sehr erleichtert, dass die Bundesregierung schnell reagiert hat und die jüdischen Einwanderer nicht vor verschlossener Tür stehen lässt",
20200904             Einkaufszentren und Spielcasinos dürfen in der Millionenmetropole NEW—YORK ab sofort wieder öffnen.
20200904             Die Casinos dürfen nur mit einer Auslastung von 25—PROZENT, die Einkaufszentren mit 50—PROZENT operieren,
20200904             ITALIEN darf die angeschlagene Fluglinie Alitalia in der Coronakrise mit 199,45 Millionen Euro unterstützen
20200904             Die EU—KOMMISSION billigte die Finanzhilfe.
20200904             Die ZAHL—DER—NEUINFEKTIONEN ist im IRAK auf einen Höchstwert gestiegen
20200904             Erstmals meldete das Gesundheitsministerium in Bagdad —AM—FREITAG mehr als 5000—NEUE Fälle an einem —TAG
20200904             84—WEITERE Menschen seien in Zusammenhang mit dem Virus gestorben.
20200904             —IM—AUGUST wurden fast täglich rund 10000000             Neuinfektionen verzeichnet.
20200904             Weil sie die häusliche Quarantäne nicht eingehalten haben, sind in den vergangenen —MONATEN insgesamt 21—MENSCHEN in München zwangsweise in einem ehemaligen Hotel untergebracht worden
20200904             Dort wurden sie verpflegt, sozialpädagogisch betreut und von der Polizei überwacht,
20200904             "Nach Ausschöpfung anderer Maßnahmen, insbesondere einer verstärkten Ansprache mit Appellen an die Einsichtsfähigkeit, wird, als letztes Mittel, bei Gericht die Zwangsabsonderung beantragt",
20200904             HAMBURG, sind 250—CORONA—LABORPROBEN von Rückkehrern aus Risikogebieten verloren gegangen
20200904             Ursache sei eine falsche Zuordnung,
20200904             Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) ruft ALLE—STAATEN auf, ihre Kräfte im Kampf gegen das CORONA€”VIRUS zu bündeln
20200904             Ein "IMPFSTOFF—NATIONALISMUS" würde die Pandemie nur verlängern,
20200904             Hintergrund ist das Rennen, dass sich zahlreiche Staaten um die Entwicklung des 1. funktionierenden Impfstoffes LIEFERN—UND Exklusivverträge, mit denen sich EINIGE—LÄNDER —BEREITS—JETZT hunderte Millionen Impfstoffdosen sichern wollen.
20200904             Fri 20200904
20200904             [l] Tolle Idee: SCHÜLER—TESTS von einer KI benoten lassen.
20200904             [l] Wie blöde sind die Covidioten?
20200904             Aktueller Datenpunkt: ATTILA—HILDMANN kriegt hunderte Wutschriften seiner EX—FANS nach der POSTILLON—RECHERCHE
20200904             —JETZT muss er ihnen Quellenarbeit erklären
20200904             Ich gehe gerade rasant durch meine Popcornvorräte.
20200904             —GEDACHT, Tja, wer hätte, dass Medienkompetenz nochmal wichtig sein würde?
20200904             —GEHABT, Hätten wir doch nur 1—BLOG, was das trainiert!
20200904             —SCHOCKIERT, Ich für meinen Teil bin ja, dass Leute, die BULLSHIT—THEORIEN wie dass BILL—GATES uns alle chippen will glauben, dann auch einfach BULLSHIT—THEORIEN in die andere Richtung glauben würden!!1!
20200904             Damit konnte ja wohl NIEMAND rechnen!
20200904             Man muss sich fast fragen, wieso die Geheimdienste das nicht —SCHON längst zur Meinungskontrolle einsetzen!!1!
20200904             Oooooooh... - [l] Der Europäische Menschenrechtsgerichtshof weist die Klage von Privacy INTERNATIONAL und dem CCC gegen die GCHQ—MASSENSPIONAGE ab
20200904             Begründung: Man habe den Gerichten in GROSSBRITANNIEN nicht genug Gelegenheit gegeben, den Fall lokal zu klären.
20200904             [l] Threema soll Open Source werden
20200904             Begründung: Um reproduzierbare Builds zu ermöglichen.
20200904             Applaus - [l] Warner Music hatte einen Datenreichtum.
20200904             —INCLUDED, This could have, your name, email address, telephone number, billing address, and payment card details (card number, CVC/CVV and expiration date).
20200904             Eigentlich müsste Warner —JETZT direkt aus dem PAYMENT—VERKEHR gezogen werden, denn die CVC—NUMMERN darf man extra nirgendwo speichern, auch nicht zum Debuggen
20200904             Wer es doch macht, dem drohen auf dem Papier saftige Strafen
20200904             —PASSIERT, Allerdings, in der Praxis natürlich nichts, denn die PAYMENT—MAFIA schneidet sich doch nicht den Ast ab, auf dem sie sitzt.
20200904             Wenn die Contentmafia mal halb so viel Energie in die Sicherung ihrer Infrastruktur investiert hätte wie in Bullshit-"Kopierschutz"-Gängelscheiße für den KRIEG—GEGEN—IHRE—KUNDEN, dann hätten wir das Schlamassel vermeiden können.
20200904             "Fridays for Future" mit Demos in 30—NRW—STÄDTEN
20200904             Mit Demonstrationen in 30—NRW—STÄDTEN hat sich die Klimaschutzbewegung "Fridays For Future" zurückgemeldet
20200904             Es sind die größten Proteste —SEIT Beginn der CORONA—PANDEMIE.
20200904             Klimaschützer fordern in Köln 100—PROZENT Ökostrom
20200904             NORD—STREAM 2: Ausstieg würde Milliarden kosten
20200904             Tichanowskaja bittet um UN—BEOBACHTEREINSATZ
20200904             Die Oppositionsführerin in BELARUS, Tichanowskaja, hat die Vereinten Nationen aufgefordert, internationale Beobachter in ihr Heimatland zu schicken
20200904             Die Staatengemeinschaft müsse die Gewalt gegen Demonstranten verurteilen.
20200904             WIKILEAKS—GRÜNDER—ASSANGE, Totale Überwachung
20200904             Neue Dokumente zeigen: WIKILEAKS—GRÜNDER—ASSANGE und sein engstes Umfeld wurden während seiner Zeit in der ECUADORIANISCHEN—BOTSCHAFT umfassender überwacht als bislang bekannt.
20200904             —BERICHTET, Staatsfernsehen, erstmals live
20200904             Überflutete Straßen, Bäume, die sich im Sturm BIEGEN—IN NORDKOREA ist TAIFUN—SAISON.
20200904             —BERICHTET, Das Staatsfernsehen, offenbar live über die STÜRME—1—NOVUM in dem abgeschotteten Land.
20200904             Schwarze Rauchschwaden über dem brennenden Öltanker "New Diamond".
20200904             Sorge vor weiterer Umweltkatastrophe - Zuerst MAURITIUS, —JETZT SRI—LANKA
20200904             —HAVARIERT, Im INDISCHEN—OZEAN ist erneut 1—HANDELSSCHIFF
20200904             Und wieder droht 1—UMWELTKATASTROPHE - Auf dem Tanker war 1—FEUER ausgebrochen
20200904             Unklar ist, ob Öl ausgetreten ist.
20200904             Trump swears "on whatever, or whoever, I was asked to swear on"
20200904             I hope you've read this story in the Atlantic - Everyone is talking about it.
20200904             He was 29 - Trump was meant, on this visit, to join JOHN—KELLY in paying respects at his son's grave, and to comfort THE—FAMILIES—OF—OTHER fallen service members
20200904             But according to sources with knowledge of this visit, Trump, —WHILE standing by ROBERT—KELLY—GRAVE, turned directly to his father and said, "I don't get it
20200904             What was in it for them?" Kelly (who declined to comment for this story) —INITIALLY believed, people close to him said, that Trump was making 1—HAM—HANDED reference to THE—SELFLESSNESS—OF—AMERICA—ALL—VOLUNTEER force
20200904             But —LATER he came to realize that Trump simply does not understand NON—TRANSACTIONAL life choices.
20200904             "He can't fathom the idea of doing something for someone other than himself," 1—OF—KELLY—FRIENDS, 1 retired 4—STAR—GENERAL, told me
20200904             "He —JUST thinks that anyone who does anything —WHEN there's no direct personal gain to be had is 1—SUCKER
20200904             THERE—NO—MONEY in serving the nation". KELLY—FRIEND went on to say, "Trump can't imagine anyone else's pain
20200904             That's why he would say this to THE—FATHER—OF—1—FALLEN marine on Memorial —DAY in the cemetery where he's buried".
20200904             Trump is crying "Fake news" -- his usual response -- but that ploy won't work because the unnamed sources are very obvious: GENERAL—JOHN—KELLY and GENERAL—JIM—MATTIS.
20200904             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—7—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—6—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—0—(=)
20200904             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—152—(+1)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—137—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—15—(+1)
20200904             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—146—(=)—ÓBITOS—3—(=)—RECUPERADOS—115—(+3)—CASOS—ATIVOS—28—(-3)
20200904             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—15—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—14—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—1—(=)
20200904             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—30—(=)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—20—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—8—(=)
20200904             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—67—(+1)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—42—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—25—(+1)
20200904             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—196—(+3)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—142—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—52—(+3)
20200904             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—255—(+1)—ÓBITOS—7—(=)—RECUPERADOS—150—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—93—(-1)
20200904             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—137—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—106—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—31—(=)
20200904             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—44—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—33—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—11—(=)
20200904             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—53—(+1)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—46—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—7—(+1)
20200904             VRSA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—24—(=)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—20—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—2—(=)
20200904             EUSKIRCHEN—KREIS—FÄLLE—706—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—366,1—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—7,3—TODESFÄLLE—27—EINWOHNERZAHL—192.840
20200904             Aktualisierung 202009040000         —UHR
20200904             DÜREN—KREIS—FÄLLE—890—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—337,5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—10,2—TODESFÄLLE—40—EINWOHNERZAHL—263.722
20200904             RHEIN—ERFT—KREIS—KREIS—FÄLLE—1.507—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—320,6—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—16,2—TODESFÄLLE—78—EINWOHNERZAHL—470.089
20200904             KÖLN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—3.762—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—346,5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—16,3—TODESFÄLLE—113—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.085.664
20200904             BERLIN—NEUKÖLLN—BEZIRK—FÄLLE—1.459—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—442,5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—16,7—TODESFÄLLE—43—EINWOHNERZAHL—329.691
20200904             BÖBLINGEN—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—1.810—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—462,2—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—25,0—TODESFÄLLE—48—EINWOHNERZAHL—391.640
20200904             HEILBRONN—STADTKREIS—FÄLLE—626—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—497,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—34,1—TODESFÄLLE—17—EINWOHNERZAHL—125.960
20200904             Weiden i.d. OPf.
20200904             KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—369—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—867,8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—35,3—TODESFÄLLE—20—EINWOHNERZAHL—42.520
20200904             TRIER—SAARBURG—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—343—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—230,3—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—38,9—TODESFÄLLE—9—EINWOHNERZAHL—148.945
20200904             p;  Einigung der EU—GESUNDHEITSMINISTER: Quarantäne für Rückkehrer aus Risikogebieten soll kürzer werden
20200904             p;  Affäre um Geheimnisverrat in SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN: Staatsanwaltschaft klagt EX—VIZE—VON—POLIZEIGEWERKSCHAFT an
20200904             p;  Studie zu Urzeitfisch Megalodon: Wie groß war der SUPER—HAI?
20200904             p;  Hetzrede gegen Marokkaner: Rechtspopulist Wilders bleibt trotz Verurteilung straffrei
20200904             p;  Monetary Policy Expert DAVID—MARSH: "We Are Witnessing THE—END—OF—INDEPENDENT—CENTRAL—BANKS" Interview Conducted by TIM—BARTZ
20200904             p;  Emissionen bei Hitze: Wenn der Asphalt Feinstaub schwitzt
20200904             p;  Die Forscher untersuchten in der im Magazin "Science Advances" erschienenen Studie, welche Stoffe Asphalt unter verschiedenen Umweltbedingungen freisetzt.
20200904             p;  alarmierend: Während längerer Hitzeperioden und bei starker Sonneneinstrahlung stoßen Asphaltdecken deutlich mehr Schadstoffe aus als —BISHER angenommen.
20200904             p;  Aus dem Straßenbelag traten dabei flüchtige organische Chemikalien aus, unter anderem Kohlenwasserstoffe wie das gesundheitsschädliche Naphthalin.
20200904             p;  Dabei hatte direktes Sonnenlicht neben warmen Temperaturen hier einen besonders großen Effekt: sobald die Sonne direkt auf den Asphalt scheint, stiegen die Emissionen um dreihundert Prozent.
20200904             p;  Die austretenden Chemikalien werden in der Luft vor allem zu Vorläufersubstanzen von Feinstaubpartikeln der Klasse PM2,5, also zu Partikeln, deren aerodynamischer Durchmesser kleiner als 2,5 Mikrometer ist
20200904             p;  Teile dieser Größenordnung gelten als besonders gesundheitsschädlich, da sie —BIS in die Lungenbläschen vordringen können.
20200904             p;  In der Region LOS—ANGELES übersteigen die Feinstaubemissionen aus Asphalt laut einer Hochrechnung der Forscher den Feinstaubausstoß des dortigen PKW—UND LKW—VERKEHRS.
20200904             p;  Und dieser Anteil dürfte nach ANSICHT—DER—FORSCHER durch die Klimaerwärmung und die stetig wachsende Infrastruktur in Form von breiter werdenden Straßen und zunehmender Zersiedelung weiter steigen.
20200904             p;  werden weltweit —J—IM rund 122—MILLIONEN Tonnen Flüssigasphalt verwendet.
20200904             Gewaltausbruch: Vermummte Demonstranten greifen Polizisten in LEIPZIG an
20200904             —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, that Serbia and KOSOVO have agreed to normalize economic ties as PART—OF—USA—BROKERED talks that include BELGRADE moving its ISRAEL—EMBASSY to JERUSALEM, and mutual recognition between ISRAEL and KOSOVO.
20200904             —REACHED, USA—VICE—PRESIDENT—MIKE—PENCE said THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION has, 1—DEAL with lawmakers in Congress to ensure the government is funded past 20200930             , removing THE—THREAT—OF—1—NEAR—TERM—GOVERNMENT shutdown.
20200904             —ENDORSED, THE—UNITED—STATES' largest police union, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—RE—ELECTION—BID, boosting THE—REPUBLICAN—MESSAGE that he is the candidate of "law and order" amid USA—PROTESTS against police brutality and racial injustice.
20200904             1—USA—FEDERAL—JUDGE—ORDERED—THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION to resume issuing diversity visas for immigrants from underrepresented countries, partially reversing 1—PANDEMIC—RELATED freeze on 1—WIDE—RANGE—OF—IMMIGRANT and temporary visas.
20200904             1—USA—FEDERAL—JUDGE ruled that 2—USA—MEN accused of smuggling Nissan Motor Co. Chairman CARLOS—GHOSN—OUT—OF—JAPAN—WHILE he was awaiting trial on financial misconduct charges can be extradited.
20200904             The final decision rests with THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT.
20200904             1—USA—FEDERAL—JUDGE temporarily barred DETROIT police from the use of striking weapons, chokeholds, chemical agents and rubber bullets against demonstrators, medical support personnel and legal observers in the city's ongoing ANTI—RACISM—PROTESTS.
20200904             The order will be in effect for at least —14—DAYS.
20200904             CALIFORNIA to date had 729,876 CASES—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS and 13,611 deaths.
20200904             THE—SF—BAY—AREA had 89,308 cases and 1,204 deaths.
20200904             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 6,199,998 with the death toll at 187,750.
20200904             CALIFORNIA, THE—FAST—SPREADING Creek Fire began —LATE—TODAY—NEAR the Mammoth Pool Reservoir about 50—MILES—SOUTH—OF—YOSEMITE National Park in the Sierra National Forest.
20200904             —TRAPPED, At least 63—OF—THE—MORE than 150—PEOPLE, by the massive fire were rescued by military helicopter.
20200904             Mail balloting in the presidential election began as NORTH—CAROLINA started sending out more than 600,000 ballots to voters — responding to 1—MASSIVE spike in requests that has played out across the country as voters look for 1—SAFER way to cast ballots —DURING the pandemic.
20200904             —DROPPED, MISSISSIPPI, the charges against CURTIS—FLOWERS.
20200904             He was THE—VICTIM—OF—1—CAMPAIGN by DOUG—EVANS, 1—WHITE—LOCAL—PROSECUTOR, to convict him for a 19960000             quadruple murder, despite no good evidence tying Flowers to the crime.
20200904             —DECLARED, OREGON, law enforcement, 1—UNLAWFUL—ASSEMBLY—LATE—TODAY and arrested 27—PEOPLE—AFTER protesters marched through THE—STREETS—OF—PORTLAND on to 1—POLICE building, where officers stood waiting outside.
20200904             TEXAS, 1—SAN—ANTONIO police officer and 1—SECURITY—GUARD fatally shot 1—BLACK shoplifting suspect —AFTER he stabbed the officer in the face.
20200904             —PREMIERED, Disney, its Mulan film on Disney+ for 1—PREMIUM fee in countries where the service had launched.
20200904             Disney had spent —5—YEARS and $200—MILLION on THE—LIVE—ACTION remake of its —22—YEAR—OLD—ANIMATION.
20200904             —REPORTED, It was, that USA drugmaker AbbVie Inc will pay $180—MILLION in upfront payment to develop and sell CHINA—BIOTECH company I—MAB—CANCER—DRUG.
20200904             Moderna Inc said it has been asking sites that are conducting clinical trials of its experimental CORONA€”VIRUS vaccine to focus on enrolling AT—RISK—MINORITIES, even if that slows down the trial speed.
20200904             BANGLADESH, 1—UNDERGROUND—GAS—PIPELINE at the Baitus Jalat Jame mosque exploded —DURING—EVENING prayers outside DHAKA, leaving 16—MUSLIM worshipers dead and dozens injured with critical burns.
20200904             The death toll soon rose to 33. 8—PEOPLE were —LATER arrested for alleged negligence.
20200904             —RALLIED, BELARUS, HUNDREDS—OF—DEMONSTRATORS, —AGAIN—IN MINSK to protest the disputed reelection of the nation's AUTHORITY—PRESIDENT.
20200904             —DISPERSED, Police, university students attempting to show solidarity with peers who were detained —EARLIER in the —WEEK.
20200904             —ENTERED, Police, THE—STATE—LINGUISTICS—UNIVERSITY—IN—MINSK to disperse 1—ACTION by students who were expressing solidarity with classmates detained —EARLIER.
20200904             —ROUNDED, Officers, up several participants.
20200904             Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, the main opposition challenger in BELARUS' disputed presidential election, spoke to THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL and urged THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY to impose sanctions on "the individuals that committed electoral violations and crimes against humanity" and take other measures to stop the violence against protesters.
20200904             —CONFIRMED, BRAZIL—HEALTH—MINISTRY to date has, more than 4—MILLION—CASES—OF—THE—CORONA€”VIRUS disease and 125,000 deaths.
20200904             —EXPRESSED, PRESIDENT—JAIR—BOLSONARO has, opposition to administering vaccines that are yet to be proven on BRAZIL—SOIL.
20200904             —SPARKED, The appointment, criticism from the opposition Labour party and campaign groups due to his past USE—OF—SEXIST—LANGUAGE, SKEPTICISM—OF—MAN—MADE climate change, and opposition to SAME—SEX—MARRIAGE.
20200904             —ANNOUNCED, Virgin Atlantic, 1,150 more job cuts due to THE—CORONA€”VIRUS crisis, saying its 1.2—BILLION pound ($1.6—BILLION) rescue deal alone was not enough to secure its future.
20200904             1—NEW—INVESTIGATION into companies trading in THE—CHINA—CITY—OF—DANDONG, on the border with NORTH—KOREA, shed 1—SPOTLIGHT on PYONGYANG—GLOBAL—MONEY laundering networks and raised fresh questions about CHINA—COMPLICITY in bypassing UNITED—NATIONS SANCTIONS—AGAINST—KIM—JONG—UN—REGIME.
20200904             —CRITICIZED, FRANCE—PRESIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON, what he called "Islamic separatism" in his country and those who seek FRANCE—CITIZENSHIP without accepting FRANCE's "right to commit blasphemy".
20200904             GERMANY—BIOTECH firm Curevac said it had won nearly $300—MILLION in government funding to speed up work on its prototype COVID—19—VACCINE and build capacity to produce it at scale.
20200904             CUREVAC—TECHNOLOGY—USES—MISTER—NA as 1—DATA—CARRIER to instruct the human body to produce proteins that can fight against diseases.
20200904             —REGISTERED, HUNGARY has, 459—NEW—CASES—OF—THE—CORONA€”VIRUS.
20200904             —REGISTERED, The country has, 7,381 confirmed cases and 621—DEATHS.
20200904             —REPORTED, INDIA, 1—DAILY jump of 83,341 CORONA€”VIRUS infections, taking its tally to 3.94—MILLION.
20200904             1,096—PEOPLE † from COVID—19 in the last —24—HOURS, taking the toll to 68,472.
20200904             —REPORTED, THE—INTERNATIONAL—ATOMIC—ENERGY—AGENCY, (IAEA) that IRAN continues to increase its stockpile of enriched uranium in VIOLATION—OF—LIMITATIONS set in the landmark 20150000             nuclear deal with world powers, but has begun providing access to sites where the country was suspected of having stored or used undeclared nuclear material.
20200904             —DEMANDED, NATO—RUSSIA cooperate with 1—INTERNATIONAL—INVESTIGATION into the poisoning of ALEXEI—NAVALNY, as EU diplomats cast doubt over whether the bloc could impose sanctions on MOSCOW.
20200904             —RETAINED, NEW—ZEALAND—PRIME—MINISTER—JACINDA—ARDERN, the restrictions put in place to beat THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—CORONA€”VIRUS —UNTIL at least MID—SEPTEMBER, as the country reported 1—NEW—DEATH related to the virus.
20200904             —PUBLISHED, RUSSIA—SCIENTISTS have belatedly, 1. results from early trials into the experimental Sputnik V vaccine.
20200904             DEVELOPERS—OF—THE—VACCINE said it appeared to be safe and to prompt 1—ANTIBODY response in all 40—PEOPLE tested in the 2. PHASE—OF—THE—STUDY within —3—WEEKS.
20200904             —NOTED, However, the authors, that participants were only followed —FOR—42—DAYS, the study sample was small and there was no placebo or control vaccine used.
20200904             —ELEVATED, SOUTH—KOREA said it will extend, social distancing restrictions for another —WEEK—AFTER reporting 198—NEW—CORONA€”VIRUS cases.
20200904             —DECLARED, SUDAN—AUTHORITIES, their country 1—NATURAL—DISASTER—AREA and imposed a —3—MONTH—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY across the country —AFTER rising floodwaters and heavy rainfall killed —AROUND 100—PEOPLE and inundated over 100,000 houses —SINCE—LATE—JULY.
20200904             SWISS—BASED Roche Holding AG said 1—THERAPY it CO—DEVELOPED with CAMBRIDGE—BASED Blueprint Medicines Corp was approved by THE—USA—HEALTH—REGULATOR for THE—TREATMENT—OF—PATIENTS with 1—TYPE—OF—NON—SMALL—CELL lung cancer (NSCLC).
20200904             THE—UNITED—NATIONS—MISSION in SOUTH—SUDAN (UNMISS) said it has begun withdrawing troops from various camps —AROUND the country where tens of THOUSANDS—OF—CIVILIANS sought protection —DURING its civil war.
20200904             THE—UN said locusts are threatening another PART—OF—AFRICA, with up to 7—MILLION—PEOPLE in the southern region facing further food insecurity.
20200904             The outbreaks of AFRICA—MIGRATORY locusts in BOTSWANA, NAMIBIA, ZAMBIA and ZIMBABWE are not related to the huge OUTBREAK—OF—BILLIONS—OF—DESERT locusts that has affected EAST—AFRICA —FOR—MONTHS.
20200904             7—HUMAN—RIGHTS—EXPERTS affiliated with THE—UN raised concerns over HONG—KONG—NEW—NATIONAL—SECURITY—LAW in 1—LETTER addressed to CHINA—AUTHORITIES, saying the legislation limits certain fundamental freedoms.
20200904             —WARNED, UN SECRETARY—GENERAL—ANTONIO—GUTERRES, that there is 1—RISK—OF famine and widespread food insecurity in 4—COUNTRIES affected by conflict — CONGO, YEMEN, NORTH—EAST—NIGERIA and SOUTH—SUDAN — and that THE—LIVES—OF—MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE are in danger.
20200904—20070400    —ANFANG, Der Fall ereignete sich etwa 10—KILOMETER—VON—PRAIA da Luz entfernt,
20200904—20100000    —IN, † A—1.—LIEUTENANT—IN—THE—MARINE—CORPS, ROBERT—KELLY was killed in AFGHANISTAN
20200904—20200309    —ON, MULAN—WORLD premiere was held at the Dolby Theatre in HOLLYWOOD.
20200904—20200503    —AM, wo MADELEINE—MCCANN aus einer Apartmentanlage verschwand.
20200904—20200530    —SEIT—DEM, GROSSBRITANNIEN, sind nach ANGABEN—DER—REGIERUNG 19400000             Neuinfektionen binnen —24—STUNDEN registriert WORDEN—SO viele wie nicht mehr
20200904—20200801    —IM, Nach ANGABEN—DER—BEHÖRDE wurden ,4 Millionen neue Jobs in den Vereinigten Staaten GESCHAFFEN—IM —JULI hatte diese Zahl noch bei 1,8 Millionen gelegen.
20200904—20200825    —AM, Der EX—MINISTERPRÄSIDENT Berlusconi wurde erstmals getestet, —NACHDEM er aus einem Urlaub auf Sardinien zurückgekehrt war, wo er 1—LUXUSANWESEN besitzt
20200904—20210000    —MITTE, Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) rechnet nicht vor mit einer breit angelegten Impfung gegen das CORONA€”VIRUS
20210904             —SAMSTAG, 20210904
20210904             Besuch im Flutgebiet von LOUISIANA: Biden warnt wegen Klimakrise vor weiteren Naturkatastrophen
20210904             Sturmfolgen in NEW—YORK: Todesfalle Kellerwohnung
20210904             "Eindeutig inakzeptabler Fehler": FACEBOOK—ALGORITHMUS verwechselt schwarze Menschen mit Affen
20210904             Vor Gericht in TEXAS: Frauenrechtlerinnen erzielen Teilerfolg im Streit über HERZSCHLAG—GESETZ
20210904             Nach Anschlag: NEUSEELÄNDISCHE—SUPERMARKTKETTE nimmt Messer aus den Regalen
20210904             Letzte nicht eroberte Provinz Afghanistans: PANDSCHIR—KÄMPFER wollen Taliban weiter widerstehen
20210904             —GESPALTEN, Umfrage: Deutsche bei AUFNAHME—VON—GEFLÜCHTETEN
20210904             Raumstation ISS: Kabelverlegung —NACH—8—STUNDEN Außeneinsatz geglückt
20210904             Informationen sollten nicht länger als Verschlusssache eingestuft werden, wenn das öffentliche Interesse an der Offenlegung den Schaden für die nationale Sicherheit überwiege,
20210904             FAMILIEN—VON—OPFERN—DER—TERRORANSCHLÄGE wollen den Golfstaat —SCHON—SEIT Längerem zur Verantwortung ziehen.
20210904             Hintergrund sind Vorwürfe gegen das Land, Verbindungen zur Terrororganisation AL—QAIDA gehabt zu haben.
20210904             Bei der MEHRHEIT—DER—ATTENTÄTER hatte es sich außerdem um saudische Staatsbürger gehandelt.
20210904             —GELOGEN, Es sei auch möglich, dass das FBI, oder solche Beweise zerstört habe.
20210904             Insiderbericht: Google sperrte MAIL—KONTEN der AFGHANISCHEN—REGIERUNG
20210904             1. Inlandsflüge gestartet: Flughafen KABUL hat Betrieb wieder aufgenommen
20210904             —GEDACHT, Artensterben: Komodowaran stärker bedroht als
20210904             Zu geringe Impfquote: Drosten erwartet —IM—HERBST neue Kontaktbeschränkungen
20210904             Treibstoffkrise: LIBANON schickt Delegation mit Hilfegesuch nach SYRIEN
20210904             Religion und Macht in AFGHANISTAN: "Für die Taliban ist die Scharia die einzige legitime Gesellschaftsordnung"
20210904             Parteiausschlussverfahren: Sahra Wagenknecht bleibt in der Linken
20210904             Bedrohte Tierart: Bestand Sibirischer Tiger erholt sich
20210904             Nach Machtübernahme der Taliban: BRASILIEN will Afghanen humanitäre Visa gewähren
20210904             Sat 20210904
20210904             [l] Falls ihr euch gefragt habe, wie es dazu kam, dass Amerikaner Pferdeentwurmer ESSEN, mit Erdbeermarmelade auf Toast, um den Geschmack zu mildern: Hier ist 1—THREAD eines NBC—JOURNALISTEN.
20210904             An der Stelle noch ein wichtiger Gesundheitshinweis: Habt keinen Sex mit Dämonen!
20210904             Das macht euch krank!
20210904             Update: Hier ist die amerikanischste Schlagzeile —DER—WOCHE:
20210904             Gunshot Victims Left Waiting as Horse Dewormer Overdoses Overwhelm OKLAHOMA Hospitals, Doctor Says
20210904             [l] Gute Nachrichten!
20210904             S—FRANCISCO führt $500—GRUNDEINKOMMEN ein!
20210904             Es ist allerdings nicht gänzlich bedingungslos.
20210904             Du darfst —IN—DEM—MONAT niemanden erschießen.
20210904             26—MORDE, 119—VERLETZTE—IN S—FRANCISCO hat sich die ZAHL—DER—SCHUSSWAFFEN—OPFER im 1. Halbjahr mehr als verdoppelt.
20210904             Das Problem soll —NUN mit Hilfe eines neues Programms von Polizei und Stadt gelöst werden: Ab —OKTOBER sollen potenzielle Kriminelle monatlich —BIS zu 500—DOLLAR erhalten, wenn sie mit ihrer Waffe niemanden erschießen.
20210904             Mag sein, dass sich Verbrechen nicht lohnt.
20210904             Aber potentieller Verbrecher sein lohnt sich —JETZT zumindest in S—FRANCISCO!
20210904             Quase todas as barragens do Algarve e Baixo Alentejo têm mais água que em 2020
20210904             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—5354—(+43)—ÓBITOS—51—(=)—RECUPERADOS—4144—(+45)—CASOS—ATIVOS—11590000—1—(-2)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—1150
20210904             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—207—(=)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—188—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—17—(=)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—179
20210904             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—5925—(+20)—ÓBITOS—72—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—5208—(+24)—CASOS—ATIVOS—645—(-5)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—582
20210904             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1552—(+9)—ÓBITOS—15—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1357—(+15)—CASOS—ATIVOS—180—(-6)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—594
20210904             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—3183—(+14)—ÓBITOS—32—(=)—RECUPERADOS—2645—(+28)—CASOS—ATIVOS—506—(-14)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—1282
20210904             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—246—(+2)—ÓBITOS—11—(=)—RECUPERADOS—227—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—8—(+2)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—121
20210904             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—3162—(+7)—ÓBITOS—34—(=)—RECUPERADOS—2932—(+20)—CASOS—ATIVOS—196—(-13)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—349
20210904             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—5342—(+29)—ÓBITOS—43—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—4619—(+35)—CASOS—ATIVOS—680—(-7)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—865
20210904             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—2202—(+11)—ÓBITOS—15—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—1900—(+4)—CASOS—ATIVOS—287—(+6)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—356
20210904             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1991—(+5)—ÓBITOS—29—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1855—(+11)—CASOS—ATIVOS—107—(-6)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—325
20210904             VILA—DO—BISPO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—356—(+2)—ÓBITOS—6—(=)—RECUPERADOS—303—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—47—(+2)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—544
20210904             551_DGS_boletim_20210904              20210904             INCIDÊNCIA Nacional: 295,5 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20210904             Continente: 302,6 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20210904             R(t) Nacional: 0,96 Continente: 0,97
20210904             SK—KÖLN—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—1.423—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—131,3—FÄLLE—GESAMT—60.490—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—5.582,8—TODESFÄLLE—GESAMT—733—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.083.498
20210904             Total Cases 220.145.668  Total Deaths 4.558.643  Total Vaccine Doses Administered 5.426.608.740
20210904             USA wollen sich besser für künftige Pandemien wappnen
20210904             Die Intensivmediziner warnen für den Fall, dass die CORONA—IMPFQUOTE in DEUTSCHLAND nicht deutlich ansteigt, vor vielen Intensivpatienten —IM—OKTOBER und —NOVEMBER.
20210904             "Wir sehen —SCHON—JETZT, wie stark sich die DELTA—VARIANTE in geschlossenen Räumen ausbreitet",
20210904             —GESTIEGEN, Bundesweite —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ leicht auf 80,7, - 7,5 Millionen Impfungen an einem —TAG
20210904             CHINA, Mehr als 61—PROZENT in DEUTSCHLAND vollständig geimpft
20210904             —VERHANDLUNGEN zu Nuklearabkommen: Irans PRÄSIDENT bereit für Atomgespräche "ohne westlichen Druck"
20210904             Peinliche Panne sät Zweifel an Schutz von Impfdaten in INDONESIEN
20210904             "Wenn die Daten eines Präsidenten geleakt werden können, was ist dann mit mir, der ich ein ganz normaler Mensch bin?"
20210904             hatten sie sich über die offizielle App zur Beobachtung des Verlaufs der CORONA—IMPFKAMPAGNE Zugriff auf die Daten verschafft.
20210904             —GESCHLOSSEN, Die Sicherheitslücke sei mittlerweile, worden,
20210904             Mann greift in Thüringen CORONA—IMPFTEAM an
20210904             hatte der Mann —AM—NACHMITTAG 1—IMPFBESCHEINIGUNG verlangt, wollte sich aber nicht impfen lassen.
20210904             Als die Mitarbeiter ihm sagten, dass es ohne Impfung keine Bescheinigung gebe, sei der Mann "ausgetickt".
20210904             Er habe eine medizinische Fachangestellte und einen Helfer verletzt.
20210904             140.000—FRANZOSEN protestieren gegen Macrons CORONA—POLITIK
20210904             Die quer durch das Land organisierten Demonstrationen richteten sich gegen den von PRÄSIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON und der Regierung verlangten Gesundheitspass zum Nachweis von Impfung, Genesung oder negativem Test sowie die Impfpflicht bestimmter Berufsgruppen, darunter Beschäftigte im Gesundheitswesen.
20210904—20010911    —NACH, —20—JAHRE : Biden lässt Freigabe geheimer Dokumente prüfen
202203150904         EU unveils new PACKAGE—OF—RESTRICTIONS on RUSSIA
20220904             —SONNTAG, 20220904
20220904             —VERSCHIEBT, Nach Panne bei Mondrakete: Nasa, Startversuch der "Artemis I"
20220904             FRÜHERER—JUSTIZMINISTER unter Trump: WILLIAM—BARR zeigt Verständnis für Durchsuchungen in MAR—A—LAGO
20220904             HUBERTUS—HEIL: Arbeitsminister möchte Fachkräftemangel mit mehr Zuwanderung lösen
20220904             Überlastung der Stromnetze: CDU—CHEF—MERZ warnt vor einem "Blackout"
20220904             Wahlkampf in den USA: Trump nennt Biden einen "Staatsfeind" Aus WILKES—BARRE berichtet ROLAND—NELLES
20220904             Waffen im Wert von 1,1 Milliarden Dollar: CHINA droht mit Gegenmaßnahmen wegen USA—RAKETEN für TAIWAN
20220904             Angriff auf Vizepräsidentin Kirchner: Argentiniens Abgeordnetenkammer ruft zu "sozialem Frieden" auf
20220904             300—EURO für Rentner, 200—EURO für Studierende, Nachfolge für 9—EURO—TICKET
20220904             MOSCOW, 20220904             . - /TASS/.
20220904             "Regarding the mission.
20220904             It will be working —UNTIL the 5. [of —SEPTEMBER] tentatively, that is, tomorrow they are still working, and on the 6. they move out.
20220904             This is still preliminary.
20220904             They can extend their stay," he said on the air of the Komsomolskaya Pravda radio.
20220904             Trotz des Stopps der Erdgaslieferungen über die Pipeline NORD—STREAM 1—HABEN die DEUTSCHEN—GASSPEICHER früher als angepeilt einen Füllstand von 85—PROZENT erreicht.
20220904             Die Bundesregierung hat diesen Füllstand ab —OKTOBER vorgesehen, gefolgt von 95—PROZENT ab —ANFANG—NOVEMBER.
20220904             Das Zwischenziel von 75—PROZENT war —MITTE—AUGUST erreicht worden und damit ebenfalls früher als die Vorgabe vom 20220901
20220904             Der UKRAINISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—WOLODYMYR—ZELENSKYY warnt mit Blick auf die ausbleibenden Gaslieferungen über die Ostseepipeline NORD—STREAM 1, RUSSLAND plane Maßnahmen gegen EUROPA".
20220904             —BEREITET, RUSSLAND, eine massive ENERGIE—ATTACKE gegen ALLE—EUROPÄER —IM—WINTER vor",
20220904             erklärt er in seiner regelmäßigen nächtlichen Ansprache.
20220904             Nach Einschätzung BRITISCHER—GEHEIMDIENSTE dürfte die mangelnde Moral RUSSISCHER—TRUPPEN in der UKRAINE auch an einer schlechten Bezahlung liegen.
20220904             Neben hohen Opferzahlen und einer zunehmenden Kampfmüdigkeit gehöre die Besoldung zu den größten Missständen, hieß es in einem Kurzbericht des BRITISCHEN—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTERIUMS.
20220904             Üblicherweise bestehe der Lohn RUSSISCHER—SOLDATEN aus einem Grundgehalt, das nach einem komplexen System um verschiedene Zuschüsse und Bonuszahlungen aufgestockt wird.
20220904             Bei der Auszahlung dieser Boni gebe es in der UKRAINE mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit signifikante Probleme, hieß es von den Briten.
20220904             Das LIEGE mutmaßlich an einer ineffizienten Bürokratie des Militärs und dem unklaren rechtlichen Status der "Militäroperation".
20220904             Zu einem gewissen Grad sei auch die Korruption unter den Kommandeuren TEIL—DES—PROBLEMS.
20220904             Auch an der Bereitstellung geeigneter Uniformen, Waffen und weiterer Versorgung hakt es nach Einschätzung der Geheimdienste.
20220904             Auch dies trage sicherlich zu der brüchigen Moral in den Truppen bei.
20220904             —SEIT Beginn des RUSSISCHEN—ANGRIFFSKRIEGS gegen die UKRAINE Ende —FEBRUAR veröffentlicht die BRITISCHE—REGIERUNG regelmäßig Geheimdienstinformationen zu dessen Verlauf.
20220904             Moskau wirft LONDON eine gezielte Desinformationskampagne vor.
20220904             Der UKRAINISCHE—MINISTERPRÄSIDENT Denys Schmyhal ist in BERLIN von Bundespräsident FRANK—WALTER—STEINMEIER empfangen worden.
20220904             Später empfängt Bundeskanzler OLAF—SCHOLZ (SPD) den Gast mit militärischen Ehren im Kanzleramt.
20220904             Bei 1 PRESSEKONFERENZ—SAGTE—BUNDESKANZLER—OLAF—SCHOLZ (SPD) außerdem: Die —BISHER zum 20230101             geplante Erhöhung des CO2-Preises um 5—EURO pro Tonne wird um —1—JAHR auf den 20240101             verschoben.
20220904             —NUN sei nicht die Zeit für CO2-Preise, erklärte der KANZLER.
20220904             Zudem sollen sogenannte Übergewinne etwa bei Energiekonzernen besteuert werden.
20220904             Man werde diese —NUN "Zufallsgewinne" genannten Profite entweder auf europäischer Ebene oder aber auf nationaler Ebene abschöpfen, sagt Scholz.
20220904             Die bestehenden Hilfsprogramme für Unternehmen werden laut Scholz —BIS zum 20221231             verlängert.
20220904             Bundeskanzler OLAF—SCHOLZ (SPD) hat den RUSSISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTEN WLADIMIR—PUTIN wegen des Angriffskriegs auf die UKRAINE für die schwierige Lage auch in DEUTSCHLAND verantwortlich gemacht".
20220904             Unser Land steht vor einer schweren Zeit",
20220904             sagte Scholz in BERLIN bei der Vorstellung des 3. Entlastungspakets der Bundesregierung zur Abfederung steigender Preise für die Bürger.
20220904             Der Krieg habe Folgen auch für Engpässe bei der Energieversorgung: "Putins RUSSLAND ist vertragsbrüchig geworden",
20220904             es erfülle seine Lieferverträge —SCHON lange nicht mehr.
20220904             Scholz äußerte sich zugleich zuversichtlich, dass man die schwierige Zeit überstehen werde.
20220904             Ihm sei bewusst, dass sich sehr VIELE—BÜRGER große Sorgen um ihre Zukunft und hohe Preise machten.
20220904             Das treibe auch die Bundesregierung und die Koalition um.
20220904             —AM schlimmsten seien Tod und Zerstörung, die Putin zu verantworten habe, sagte der KANZLER.
20220904             Er betonte die Unterstützung der Bundesregierung für die UKRAINE.
20220904             Die Dauer des Aufenthaltes von internationalen Atomexperten in dem von RUSSLAND besetzten Atomkraftwerk Saporischschja in der Südukraine ist noch nicht restlos geklärt".
20220904             Das heißt, —MORGEN arbeiten sie noch",
20220904             RUSSLAND ist laut einem Medienbericht vorerst gegen 1—VERRINGERUNG—DER—FÖRDERMENGE—DER—ÖLALLIANZ—OPEC+.
20220904             Daher dürften die rund 20—ÖLPRODUZENTENLÄNDER bei ihren Beratungen —AM—MONTAG eine unveränderte Fördermenge beschließen,
20220904             EX—IAEA—VIZEDIREKTOR über Saporischschja: "Das Atomkraftwerk kann nicht sicher betrieben werden" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—ANN—DORIT—BOY
20220904             KANZLER—IM—ZDF—SOMMERINTERVIEW: "Wir sind in einer Zeit, in der viele sehr aufgeregt sind, ich zähle nicht zu diesen"
20220904             Reaktionen auf Entlastungspaket: "Wenn die Länder mit bezahlen sollen, müssen sie auch mit entscheiden können"
20220904             RUSSLAND dürfte an einer zumindest gleichbleibenden Förderung interessiert sein, auch da es einen Erfolg der wegen des Ukrainekriegs eingeleiteten westlichen Sanktionen zu verhindern versucht.
20220904—20220905    —BIS—zum, Was die Mission angeht, so wird sie vorläufig  funktionieren.
20220904—20220906    —REMAINED, MEMBERS—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—ATOMIC—ENERGY—AGENCY'S (IAEA) mission, who, working at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, plan to leave, but may extend their stay at the plant, VLADIMIR—ROGOV, 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—MAIN—COUNCIL—OF—THE—MILITARY—CIVIL—ADMINISTRATION—OF—THE—ZAPOROZHYE Region, said —ON—SUNDAY.