_HEUTE_0905 :

_39.000—20170905     —ÄLTER als 42.—000—JAHRE, Sämtliche NEANDERTALER—KNOCHEN sind ihren Analysen zufolge zum Großteil deutlich.
_03220905            —SCHLACHT—VON—KRANNON
_03220905            —SCHEITERT 1—ERHEBUNG—ATHENS gegen MAKEDONIEN.
_03220905            Harte Strafen gegen die Verlierer folgen und
_03220905            † Demosthenes, ANFÜHRER—DER—ANTIMAKEDONISCHEN—FRAKTION, nimmt sich das Leben.

05900905             † AUTHARI—KÖNIG—DER—LANGOBARDEN
11650905             † NIJ?—TENN?—VON—JAPAN, 78.
11870905             * LOUIS—VIII—KING—OF—FRANCE[LUDWIG—VIII—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH](12230000—12260000    ).
12100000/12140905    [WILHELM (-[]).
12140905             —AFTER.
12140905             —THE—CHRONOLOGY, indicates that the person named in THE—CHARTER quoted below could not have been GRAF—HEINRICH—II which suggests THE—SUCCESSION—OF—HEINRICH—I
12340905             —VERKÜNDET, GREGOR—IX—PAPA—BULLA—REX—PACIFICUS. die überarbeitete Dekretalensammlung Liber Extra.
12350905             —DIVIDED, BRABANT was 1—DUCHY —LATER, between NETHERLANDS and BELGIUM.
13040905             † RÜDIGER—MANESSE—DER—ÄLTERE, Sammler von Minneliedern
13160905             JACQUES—DUÈSE wird zum PAPA gewählt.
13160905             JOHANNES—XXII—JACQUES—DUÈSE gibt sich den Namen .
13290905             † MARCO—I—VISCONTI, ITALIENISCHER—POLITIKER und Heerführer
13360905             † KARL—VON—ÉVREUX—GRAF—VON—ÉTAMPES
13650905             1—DES KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH persönlicher Abgesandter an den PAPA, HERMANN—GENANNT—STELDERWALT—VON—KÖLN "SERVIENS—ARMORUM—REGIS—FRANCIE" vom PAPA 100—GOLD—GULDEN als Geschenk erhielt
13690905             VITERBII.
14180905             —DIE—URKUNDE
14180905             —J—VOR—DIESEM—SCHON, ob DIE—STADT—LAIBACH direkt und selbständig HANDEL—MIT—VENEDIG trieb mag füglich bezweifelt werden es.
14280905             Rien ne semble pouvoir arrêter LES—ANGLAIS - SALISBURY entre dans MEUNG—SUR—LOIRE.
14640905             KÖLN
14690905             —SPÄTER wieder untergegangen ist, DIE—PRIESTER—BRUDERSCHAFT—S—MARIEN, sowie
14880905             KAISER—FRIEDRICH—III—VON—HABSBURG—DYNASTIE sitting on 1—PLATFORM beneath the sky in his Imperial robes,
14880905             in spite of his PHILIP—OF—CLEVES being bound to do so by
14990905             * HIERONYMUS—WELLER, evangelischer Theologe und Reformator
15050905             † RAIMUND—PERAUDI—BISCHOF—VON—GURK und Saintes
15100905             —LE, CHRISTOPHE—DE—LONGUEIL présente LE—DISCOURS á son eleve, FRANCOIS—DE—VALOIS.
15140905             † SEBASTIAN—TUNKEL[TONCHEL],"1—DER BÜRGER—VON—SALZBURG vornehmsten"
15190905             2. BATTLE—OF—TEHUACINGO, MEXICO, Hernan Cortes faced the TLASCALA—AZTECS.
15320905             :"Man weiss NOCH NICHT gründlich, wann das Wechseln an"gehen wird;
15430905             —BELAGERUNG—VON—NIZZA
15430905             —ENDET mit dem Abzug der französischen und mit ihnen verbündeten TÜRKISCHEN—BELAGERER,
15430905             —NACHDEM 1—KAISER—HEER zur Verstärkung der STADT—NIZZA  heranzieht.
15430905             Das Ringen um die Vorherrschaft in Oberitalien geht zu Gunsten Spaniens aus.
15500905             "FLASSDORF" - "HER—JACOB—HEYBERG, zo LOVEN geboren in BRABANT, ist zo HERCHINGEN VICE—CURATUS und ist a die Marci in bedienung gewest,
15500905             * ANTON—GRAF—VON—ORTENBURG
15620905             † KATHARINA—ZELL, Liederdichterin in Straßburg
15680905             * TOMMASSO—CAMPANELLA, ITALY—PHILOSOPHER and poet, who wrote "CITY—OF—THE—SUN,".
15680905             * TOMMASO—CAMPANELLA, ITALIENISCHER—DOMINIKANER und Philosoph, Dichter und Politiker
15690905             † PIETER—BREUGHEL, SOUTH—NETHERLANDS (Flemish) painter, at about 44.
15780905             † ARNOLDUS—MERMANNUS, flämischer Theologe
16150905             † ANTOINE—DE—LA—FAYE, FRANZÖSISCH—SCHWEIZERISCHER evangelischer Geistlicher und Hochschullehrer
16180905             † WENZESLAUS—WARICH, sorbischer Theologe und Übersetzer
16220905             —BECAME, FRANCE, Richelieu, Cardinal.
16380905             * LOUIS—XIV, "THE—SUN—KING" (16430000—17150000    ) LOUIS—XIV—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICHOF F
16380905             LOUIS—XIV—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH built the palace at Versailles.
16380905             * DAUPHIN—LOUIS—DIEUDONNÉ
16380905—16380916    —SEE
16520905             † FRIEDRICH—LEIBNÜTZ, DEUTSCHER—NOTAR, Philosoph und Ethiker
16610905             NICOLAS—FOUQUET, der frühere Oberaufseher über die Finanzen des LUDWIGS—XIV—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH wird verhaftet.
16610905             Die Ambitionen des Festgenommenen NICOLAS—FOUQUET auf 1—HÖHERES Amt, sein zur Schau gestellter Reichtum und die Verstärkung von Festungen missfallen dem Herrscher, der Fouquet einer Fronde verdächtigt.
16640905             —AFTER DAYS—OF—NEGOTIATION, THE—HOLLAND—SETTLEMENT—OF—NEW—AMSTERDAM surrendered to the British, who would rename it NEW—YORK.
16640905             —PETITIONED, THE—CITIZENS—OF—NEW—AMSTERDAM, PETER—STUYVESANT to surrender to the English.
16640905             —GUARANTEED, The "ARTICLES—OF—CAPITULATION", free trade, religious liberty and 1—FORM—OF—LOCAL—REPRESENTATION.
16660905             —BURNED, Old S—PAUL'S was among THE—87—CHURCHES, down.
16660905             * GOTTFRIED—ARNOLD, deutscher pietistischer Theologe
16660905—16660902    —ON, The great fire of LONDON, begun, was extinguished.
16660905—16660902    —SEIT—DEM, Der Große Brand von LONDON, der gewütet hat, kann unter Kontrolle gebracht und schließlich gelöscht werden.
16670905             * GIOVANNI—GIROLAMO—SACCHERI, ITALIENISCHER—PHILOSOPH, Theologe und Mathematiker
16720905             des KAISER—TRUPPEN —BIS zu ihrer VEREINIGUNG—MIT—DEN brandenburgischen noch EINIGE—ZEIT vergehen kann.
16720905             des KAISER—TRUPPEN marschieren so langsam, daß
16720905             des KAISER—TRUPPEN noch 14—MEILEN von hier entfernt sind, und
16750905             * CHRISTIAN—GOTTLIEB—SCHWARZ, DEUTSCHER—PHILOLOGE und Hochschullehrer
16870123—14690905    —LAUT—ORIGINAL—VON, ZÜLPICH
16870123—14690905    —LAUT—ORIGINAL—VON,—SPÄTER wieder untergegangen ist, DIE—PRIESTER—BRUDERSCHAFT—S—MARIEN, sowie
16870123—14690905    —LAUT—ORIGINAL—VON,Festsetzung der Ordnung und Regeln der PRIESTER—BRUDERSCHAFT—S—MARIEN und der Pflichten der Mitglieder.
16870123—14690905    —LAUT—ORIGINAL—VON,In nomine sanctissimae Trinitatis Amen.
16870123—14690905    —LAUT—ORIGINAL—VON,Notum sit universis, ad quos hae spectaverint, quod nobis infra nominatis presbyteris ex originali quadam litera
16920905             * THARSANDER, DEUTSCHER—PFARRER
16980905             —IMPOSED, PETER—THE—GREAT—TSAR—OF—RUSSIA, 1—TAX on beards.
16980905             —VERBIETET, Nach seiner Rückkehr aus Westeuropa, PETER—DER—GROSSE—TSAR—OF—RUSSIA, DAS—TRAGEN—VON—BÄRTEN, da dieses unzeitgemäß sei.
16980905             Weil der Erlass im Lande besonders bei den Altgläubigen nicht den gewünschten Erfolg erzielt, wird EINIGE—MONATE später vom Zaren 1—BARTSTEUER eingeführt.
17090905             † JOHANN—GEORG—NEUMANN, deutscher lutherischer Theologe und Kirchenhistoriker
17110905             † ELISABETH—SOPHIE—CHÉRON, FRANZÖSISCHE—MALERIN, Kupferstecherin, Dichterin und Übersetzerin
17120905             * JOHANN—GOTTFRIED—WELLER, deutscher evangelischer Geistlicher und Historiker
17240905             * ADAM—GOTTLOB—SCHIRACH, sorbischer Pfarrer, Physikotheologe und Schriftsteller
17290905             Alem. entschieden, so daß die ersteren am
17320905             † CHRISTFRIED—WÄCHTLER, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Polyhistor
17330905             —AM, CHRISTOPH—MARTIN—WIELAND getauft worden sein und das Kirchenbuch enthalte keinen Eintrag ZU—GEBURTS—TAG.
17330905—18130120    * † CHRISTOPH—MARTIN—WIELAND (in Oberholzheim bei Biberach an der Riß;[1] in Weimar, SACHSEN—WEIMAR—EISENACH) war ein DEUTSCHER—DICHTER, Übersetzer und HERAUSGEBER—ZUR—ZEIT—DER—AUFKLÄRUNG.
17350905—17820000    * † JOHANN—CHRISTIAN—BACH, composer, SON—OF—JS—BACH.
17350905—17820000    JOHANN—CHRISTIAN—BACH is known as THE—LONDON—BACH.
17350905—17820000    —TRAVELED, JOHANN—CHRISTIAN—BACH, to ITALY, became 1—CATHOLIC, and went to ENGLAND where he was mentor to the young Mozart.
17460905             † GIOVANNI—CONICH aus 47;
17500905             1—DECREE issued in PADERBORN—PRUSSIA allowed for annual search of all Jewish homes for stolen or "doubtful" goods.
17530905             † JOACHIM—OPORIN, deutscher evangelischer Theologe
17590905             * ANTON—UNTERNÄHRER, SCHWEIZER—SCHREINER, Wunderdoktor und Sektengründer
17630905             * FRANZ—VON—WALDERSEE, DEUTSCHER—BEAMTER und Schriftsteller
17660905             † MARKUS—HANSIZ, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—JESUIT und Historiker
17690905             * JOHANN—HÜSGEN, PREUSSISCHER—PRIESTER und Generalvikar
17740905             Tensions had been tearing at relations between the colonists and THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—KING—GEORGE—III.
17740905             THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—TAKING singular exception to 17730000             —THE shipboard tea party held in BOSTON harbor.
17740905             —CONVINCED, The dispute, BRITAIN to pass the "Intolerable Acts"- 4—OF which were to punish MASSACHUSETTS for THE—BOSTON—TEA—PARTY.
17740905             1. Continental Congress, CHAIRED, Peyton RANDOLPH—OF—WILLIAMSBURG, VIRGINIA,
17740905             Its 1. official act was 1—CALL to prayer.
17740905             * CASPAR—DAVID—FRIEDRICH, DEUTSCHER—MALER und Grafiker
17740905             12—BRITISCHE—KOLONIEN sprechen sich für die Einstellung des Handels mit GROSSBRITANNIEN aus.
17780905             GIDEON—OLMSTEAD and 3—FELLOW—AMERICANS took over THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—SLOOP Active and sailed it toward THE—NEW—JERSEY coast, where it was intercepted by THE—USA—BRIG Convention, owned by THE—STATE—OF—PENNSYLVANIA.
17780905             1—STATE—COURT ruled the sloop 1—PRIZE—OF—THE—STATE.
17780905—18080000    —IN, OLMSTEAD spent the next —30—YEARS fighting for his claim and won.
17790905             † EDWARD—BIDDLE, Delegierter von PENNSYLVANIA im KONTINENTALKONGRESS
17810905             —WAITED, REAR—ADMIRAL—THOMAS—GRAVES, for THE—FRENCH to form their battle lines and then fought —FOR—5—DAYS.
17810905             Outgunned and unnerved REAR—ADMIRAL—THOMAS—GRAVES withdrew to NEW—YORK.
17810905             THE—FRENCH had some 37—SHIPS and 29,000 soldiers and sailors at Yorktown —WHILE WASHINGTON had some 11,000—MEN engaged.
17810905             † SOLOMON—SALEM, RABBI—IN—AMSTERDAM
17810905             —SEESCHLACHT—VOR—DER—CHESAPEAKE—BAY während des
17810905             Den Landtruppen unter GENERAL—CHARLES—CORNWALLIS bleibt dadurch erhoffte Unterstützung versagt.
17850905             * ANTONÍN—MAREK, TSCHECHISCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER und Übersetzer
17860905             * SERGEI—SEMJONOWITSCH—UWAROW, RUSSISCHER—STAATSMANN und Literaturwissenschaftler
17880905             * JEAN—PIERRE—ABEL—RÉMUSAT, FRANZÖSISCHER—SINOLOGE und Bibliothekar
17890905             * CLARKE—ABEL, BRITISCHER—ARZT, Naturforscher und Botaniker
17900905             † MARTIN—CRUGOT, deutscher evangelischer Geistlicher
17910905             * GIACOMO—MEYERBEER, Vogelsdorf GERMANY, opera composer (Les Huguenots, Le Prophete).
17920905             * FRIEDRICH—FRIESE—II, DEUTSCHER—ORGELBAUER und Organist
17930905             THE—REIGN—OF—TERROR began —DURING THE—FRANCE—REVOLUTION as the National Convention instituted harsh measures to repress COUNTER—REVOLUTIONARY—ACTIVITIES.
17930905             1—DELEGATE, claiming that the middle class Girondist (moderates) leaders be sentenced to death cried,
17930905             "It is time for equality to wield its scythe over all the heads.
17930905             Very well, Legislator, place Terror on the agenda!"
17930905             The delegates agreed to arrest all suspects and dissenters, try them swiftly in the kangaroo courts known as the Revolutionary Tribunals, and sentence them uniformly to death.
17930905             —BESCHLIEßT die Einführung von "Terrormaßnahmen zur Unterdrückung konterrevolutionärer Aktivitäten", denen in den kommenden —8—MONATEN 35.000—BIS 40.000—MENSCHEN zum Opfer fallen werden.
17950905             * RUDOLF—VON—ARTHABER, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—TEXTILFABRIKANT, Kunstsammler und Mäzen
17950905             Die USA und das OSMANEN—REICH schließen den
18000905             —SURRENDERED, MALTA, to UNITED—KINGDOM—AFTER they blockaded FRANCE—TROOPS.
18000905             Die Briten erobern MALTA durch 1—ERFOLGREICHE BLOCKADE—DER—VON—FRANZÖSISCHEN—TRUPPEN besetzten Mittelmeerinsel.
18010905             * MATTHÄUSA—KERN, DEUTSCHER—MALER und Lithograph
18020905             * GUSTAV—LANGERFELDT, braunschweigischer Jurist und Politiker
18030905             † FRANCOIS—DEVIENNE, composer, at 44.
18040905             In 1—DARING night raid, USA—SAILORS under LIEUTENANT—STEPHEN—DECATUR, boarded the captured USS PHILADELPHIA and burned the ship to keep it OUT—OF—THE—HANDS—OF—THE—BARBARY pirates who captured her.
18070905             2. SEE—SCHLACHT—VON—KOPENHAGEN stellt die BRITISCHE—FLOTTE den Beschuss der —SCHON erheblich beschädigten DÄNISCHEN—HAUPTSTADT ein.
18110905             * KARL—VON—BEAULIEU—MARCONNAY, DEUTSCHER—DIPLOMAT, Schriftsteller und Kulturhistoriker
18120905             —BATAILLE—DE—LA—MOSKOVA
18160905             —DISSOLVED, LOUIS—XVIII—OF—FRANCE, THE—CHAMBER—OF—DEPUTIES, which had been challenging his authority.
18230905             * WILLIBALD—BEYSCHLAG, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE und Professor
18250905             * JAKOB—HOFSTÄTTER, SCHWEIZER—MEDIZINER und Schriftsteller in Mundart
18270905             * GOFFREDO—MAMELI, ITALIENISCHER—DICHTER und Patriot
18300905             WIEN, wird das Vergnügungsetablissement Tivoli mit Rutschbahn eröffnet.
18300905             Das Orchester von JOHANN—STRAUSS (Vater) erhält vom Lokal ein festes Engagement.
18330905             * OLUF—RYGH, NORWEGISCHER—ARCHÄOLOGE und Ortsnamenforscher
18340905             * FRANZ—VON—BALLESTREM, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER und Industrieller
18360905             SAM—HOUSTON wird zum 1. PRÄSIDENT—DER—REPUBLIK—TEXAS gewählt.
18380905             Die LEIPZIGER—BANK wird als private Notenbank Sachsens gegründet.
18390905             —AM, Die DIE—BANK—OF—ENGLAND—RESERVE bestand in 1—DEFIZIT von insgesamt 200.000—PFUND—STERLING (the reserve was minus altogether 200.000—PFUND—STERLING)
18390905             * FRANZ—KROLOP, DEUTSCHER—SÄNGER
18400905             Die Opera buffa Un giorno di regno von GIUSEPPE—VERDI wird am Teatro alla Scala in Mailand uraufgeführt und wird vom Publikum gnadenlos ausgepfiffen.
18400905             Verdi, der bei der Uraufführung selbst anwesend ist, beschließt, nie wieder 1—OPER zu schreiben.
18420905             * JESSE—JAMES, legendary OUTLAW—OF—THE—USA—WEST.
18440905             —DISCOVERED, Iron ore was, in MINNESOTA—MESABI—RANGE.
18470905             * JESSE—WOODSON—JAMES (JESSE—JAMES, d.1882) in Kearney, Mo, THE—SON—OF—1—CLERGYMAN.
18470905             At 17, James left his native MISSOURI to fight as 1—CONFEDERATE—GUERRILLA in the Civil War.
18470905             —AFTER the war, he returned to his home state to establish 1—OF—HISTORY—MOST notorious outlaw gangs.
18470905             With his younger brother Frank and several other EX—CONFEDERATES, including COLE—YOUNGER and his brothers, James robbed his way across the Western frontier targeting banks, trains, stagecoaches, and stores from IOWA to TEXAS.
18470905             Eluding even the Pinkerton National Detective Agency, the gang escaped with THOUSANDS—OF—DOLLARS.
18500905             Das FRANZÖSISCHE—ZWÖLFSTUNDEN—GESETZ erstreckt sich auf ALLE—ATELIERS ohne Unterschied.
18500905             —VOR—DIESEM—ZWÖLFSTUNDEN—GESETZ, der ARBEITS—TAG in FRANKREICH währte in den Fabriken 14—STUNDEN, 15—STUNDEN UND mehr —STUNDEN.
18500905             —VOR—DIESEM—ZWÖLFSTUNDEN—GESETZ, war der ARBEITS—TAG in FRANKREICH unbeschränkt.
18550908—18550905    —AM—NACH—DREITÄGIGEM schwerem Kanonenbeschuss, 1—STURMANGRIFF—VON—5 französischen, BRITISCHEN—DIVISIONEN auf verschiedene TEILE—DES—VERTEIDIGUNGSGÜRTELS
18570905             † AUGUSTE—COMTE, FRANZÖSISCHER—PHILOSOPH, Mathematiker, Soziologe
18590905             Harriot E. Wilson's "Our Nig," was published, the 1. USA novel by 1—AFRICA—USA—WOMAN.
18620717—18620905    —PASSED, Glaisher, out as they reached 29,000 feet.
18620905             —CROSSED, GENERAL—LEE, Potomac & entered MARYLAND.
18620905             Der Meteorologe JAMES—GLAISHER und sein Pilot HENRY—TRACEY—COXWELL steigen in 1—BALLON mit offener Kabine —BIS auf 8.800—METER auf.
18640905             —EXPLODED, CALIFORNIA, boilers on the STEAMER—WASHOE, on its voyage from S—FRANCISCO to SACRAMENTO.
18640905             1 estimated 175—PEOPLE were onboard.
18640905             —ESTIMATED, Reporter MARK—TWAIN, as many as 100—PEOPLE were killed and 75 wounded or missing.
18640905             —ATTACKED, British, French & HOLLAND—FLEETS, JAPAN in Shimonoseki Straits.
18650903—18650905    3. VEREINS—TAG—DER—ARBEITER—VEREINE in STUTTGARTsind 60—VEREINE und 1—GAU—VERBAND mit 60—DELEGIERTEN vertreten.
18650903—18650905    Sie beschließen, DAS—KOALITIONS—RECHT sei 1—NATÜRLICHES RECHT,
18650903—18650905    Zu empfehlen sei DIE—GRÜNDUNG—VON—PRODUKTIONS—GENOSSENSCHAFTEN.
18650903—18650905    —DIE—ARBEITER werden aufgefordert, sich mit aller Kraft für DIE—EROBERUNG des allgemeinen, gleichen und direkten WAHL—RECHTS einzusetzen.
18650903—18650905    —NACH—1—REFERAT über DIE—FRAUEN—FRAGE
18650903—18650905    —SPRICHT sich DER—VEREINS—TAG für die soziale Gleichheit,
18650903—18650905    —GESCHMÄLERT, Sie beschließen, DAS—KOALITIONS—RECHT keinesfalls, werden dürfe.
18650905             —IM, Bericht vom erklärt DOCTOR—BELL, 1—DER ARMEN—ÄRZTE—VON—BRADFORD,
18660905             —AM jüdischen Neujahrsfest wird die Neue Synagoge in der Berliner Oranienburger Straße in Anwesenheit von PREUßEN—MINISTERPRÄSIDENT OTTO—VON—BISMARCK feierlich eingeweiht.
18680905—18680907    —AUGUST—BEBEL wird zum Präsidenten des Kongresses gewählt.
18680905—18680907    DAS—SYSTEM der stehenden Heere verschärfe die ökonomische Not und ermögliche dynastische EROBERUNGS—KRIEGE—GEGEN—DEN Willen des Volkes;
18680905—18680907    Der DELEGIERTEN—MEHRHEIT (69—GEGEN—46—STIMMEN) erklärt, daß die Emanzipation der arbeitenden Klassen durch DIE—ARBEITENDEN Klassen selbst erkämpft werden müsse;
18680905—18680907    —DARAUFHIN, Die liberalen Vertreter verlassen den KONGREß.
18680905—18680907    115—DELEGIERTE vertreten 93—VEREINE mit etwa 13.000—MITGLIEDERN.
18680905—18680907    —AUGUST—BEBEL wird gegen 2—STIMMEN wieder zum Präsidenten des VEREIN—TAGES gewählt.
18680905—18680907    Der Vorort wird beauftragt, tatkräftig für die Vereinigung DER—ARBEITER in zentralisierten GewerksGENOSSENSCHAFTEN zu wirken,
18680905—18680907    Es seien nur solche Kandidaten bei Wahlen zu unterstützen, die diese Prinzipien befolgen.
18680905—18680907    In der Beratungen MITTEL—PUNKT steht DIE—PROGRAMM—FRAGE.
18680905—18680907    Unter den Gästen befinden sich 3—VERTRETER—DER—IAA.
18680905—18680907    auf allgemeine VOLKS—BEWAFFNUNG sei hinzuwirken.
18680905—18680907    des sozialen Elends, der geistigen Herabwürdigung und der politischen Abhängigkeit;
18680905—18680907    —DER—VEREINS—TAG beschließt, DER—VERBAND solle mit unermüdlicher Tatkraft auf die Beseitigung JEDER—INDIREKTEN—STEUER und Einführung 1—GERECHTEN direkten STEUER hinwirken.
18680905—18680907    —DER—VEREINS—TAG erklärt seinen Anschluß an die Bestrebungen der IAA.
18680905—18680907    —AUGUST—BEBEL wird gegen 2—STIMMEN wieder zu des VEREINS—TAG—PRÄSIDENT gewählt.
18680905—18680907    —AUGUST—BEBEL wird zu des KONGRESS—PRÄSIDENT gewählt.
18680905—18680907    DIE—POLITISCHE—FREIHEIT sei die unentbehrliche VOR—BEDINGUNG zur ökonomischen Befreiung der ARBEITENDE—KLASSEN.
18680905—18680907    Der DELEGIERTEN—MEHRHEIT (69—STIMMEN—GEGEN—46—STIMMEN) erklärt, daß der ARBEITENDE—KLASSEN—EMANZIPATION durch DIE—ARBEITENDE—KLASSEN selbst erkämpft werden müsse;
18680905—18680907    Der Vorort wird beauftragt, tatkräftig für der ARBEITER—VEREINIGUNG in zentralisierten GEWERKS—GENOSSENSCHAFTEN zu wirken,
18680905—18680907    Unter den Gästen befinden sich 3—VERTRETER—DER—IAA[INTERNATIONALE—ARBEITER—ASSOCIATION].
18680905—18680907    da durch sie KRANKEN—UNTERSTÜTZUNG, WANDER—UNTERSTÜTZUNGS—SOWIE ALTERS—VERSORGUNGS—KASSEN erfahrungsgemäß am besten gegründet und erhalten werden könnten.
18680905—18680907    der STEHENDE—HEERE—SYSTEM verschärfe die ökonomische Not und ermögliche dynastische EROBERUNGS—KRIEGE—GEGEN—DES—VOLK—WILLEN;
18680905—18680907    die ökonomische Abhängigkeit des Mannes der Arbeit von dem Monopolisten der ARBEITS—WERKZEUGE bilde DIE—GRUND—LAGE der Knechtschaft in JEDER—FORM,
18690905             * KAROLINE—VON—ÖSTERREICH—TOSKANA, Erzherzogin von ÖSTERREICH
18690905             Der Grundstein für das SCHLOSS—NEUSCHWANSTEIN wird gelegt.
18700905             1—SERIES—OF—MEETINGS and demonstrations at which resolutions, petitions were passed demanding that THE—BRITISH—GOVERNMENT——IMMEDIATELY recognize THE—FRENCH—REPUBLIC.
18700905             —RETURNED, AUTHOR—VICTOR—HUGO, to PARIS from the Isle of Guernsey where he had lived in exile for almost —20—YEARS.
18700905             1—SERIES—OF—MEETINGS and demonstrations begin in LONDON and other big cities,
18700905             Der Ausschuß fordert zu Kundgebungen GEGEN—DIE—GEPLANTE ANNEXION—VON—ELSAß—LOTHRINGEN und für 1—EHRENVOLLEN Frieden mit der FRANZÖSISCHEN—REPUBLIK auf.
18700905             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Der Braunschweiger Ausschuß, 1—AUFRUF—AN—ALLE—DEUTSCHE—ARBEITER", in den KARL—MARX' —DARLEGUNGEN—VOM, zum Teil wörtlich übernommen werden.
18720905             —AM, and the cause for his canonization is still open.
18720905             * CARLO—VON—ERLANGER, DEUTSCHER—ORNITHOLOGE und Forschungsreisender
18740905             † LOUIS—CONSTANT—HENRIOD, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher
18770905             The great SIOUX—WARRIOR—CRAZY—HORSE, 1—COUSIN—OF—KICKING—BEAR, was fatally bayoneted at age 36—BY 1—SOLDIER at FORT—ROBINSON—NEBRASKA.
18770905—19750000    —AUTHORED, STEPHEN—AMBROSE, "Crazy Horse and Custer".
18770905—19990000    —AUTHORED, LARRY—MCMURTRY, the biography "Crazy Horse" for the Penguin Lives series.
18770905—20020000    —ACCUSED—OF, Ambrose was, plagiarizing 19550000             —FROM—THE—BOOK "Custer" by JAY—MONAGHAN (19800000             †).
18770905—20060000    —AUTHORED, Kingsley M. Bray, "Crazy Horse: 1—LAKOTA—LIFE".
18780905             Bat Masterson, WYATT—EARP, BILL—TILGHMAN and CLAY—ALLISON, 4—OF—THE—WEST—MOST famous gunmen, met in DODGE—CITY—KANSAS.
18790905             † ADOLF—HARLESS, deutscher protestantischer Theologe
18810905             1—FIRE in the thumb of MICHIGAN killed 169—PEOPLE and burned 1—MILLION—ACRES.
18810905             * OTTO—BAUER, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—POLITIKER, führender Theoretiker des Austromarxismus
18820905             1.—LABOR—DAY—OBSERVANCE--1—PICNIC and parade--was held in NEW—YORK City.
18820905             NEW—YORK, wird von der gewerkschaftlichen CENTRAL—LABOR—UNION 1—POLITISCHE Demonstration mit anschließendem Picknick organisiert, an dem mehrere Zehntausend Menschen teilnehmen.
18820905             Damit entsteht in der Folgezeit der LABOR—DAY in den USA, vergleichbar dem späteren —TAG—DER—ARBEIT in anderen Ländern.
18820905—18820000    —IN, MATTHEW—MAGUIRE, 1—MACHINIST and SECRETARY—OF—THE—NEW—YORK—CITY—CENTRAL—LABOR—UNION, probably 1. suggested the celebration to recognize THE—CONTRIBUTIONS—OF—WORKERS to AMERICA.
18820905—18940628    —ON, Local and regional LABOR—DAY—OBSERVANCES spread across the nation —UNTIL, THE—USA—CONGRESS passed 1—ACT making the 1. —MONDAY 18940901             —IN—LEGAL—HOLIDAY.
18820905—19000000    —AROUND, Parades like the 1 in BUFFALO—NEW—YORK, soon became 1—IMPORTANT—PART—OF—LABOR—DAY festivities.
18850905             —DELIVERED, The 1. gasoline pump was, to 1—GASOLINE dealer in FORT—WAYNE, INDIANA.
18870905             1—GAS lamp at Theater Royal in Exeter started 1—FIRE killing about 200.
18890905             * OSKAR—BECKER, DEUTSCHER—PHILOSOPH, Logiker und Mathematiker
18910905             BRITISCH—INDIEN, wird der KHOJAK—TUNNEL, ein 3,9 km langer Eisenbahntunnel und damals der längste Tunnel Südasiens eröffnet.
18920905             * JOSEPH—SZIGETI, BUDAPEST HUNGARY, violinist (Violinist Notebook 19330000             ).
18930905             † HERMANN—HUNAEUS, Architekt
18930905             † JOHN—SULLIVAN—DWIGHT, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—MUSIKKRITIKER, unitarischer Geistlicher und Transzendentalist
18940905             † EDWARD—INGLEFIELD, BRITISCHER—ADMIRAL und Polarforscher
18950905             Unter dem Titel ADIUTRICEM erscheint 1 neuerliche LEO—XIII—PAPA—ENZYKLIKA die das Rosenkranzgebet favorisiert.
18960905             * HANS—PETERS, DEUTSCHER—RECHTSWISSENSCHAFTLER und Staatsrechtler, Widerstandskämpfer gegen den Nationalsozialismus
18980905             Letztmals hat 1—ENZYKLIKADES LEO—XIII—PAPA den Rosenkranz zum Gegenstand.
18980905             Die Gläubigen sollen nach der Aussage in Diuturni temporis das Gebet mit Hilfe der Gebetskette mit großem Eifer pflegen.
18990118—19690905    * † JAN—BONTJES—VAN—BEEK (Vejle/Jütland;in BERLIN) war 1—DEUTSCHER—KERAMIKER und BILD—HAUER.
18990905             * GEORG—LEIBBRANDT, RUSSISCH—DEUTSCHER—DOLMETSCHER, Bürokrat und Diplomat, Beteiligter der Planung der Judenvernichtung im 3. Reich
18990905             CHRISTINE—HARDT aus DRESDEN lässt 1—FRAUENLEIBCHEN als Brustträger, einen Vorläufer des Büstenhalters, patentieren.
19020905             * FRITZ—DIETLOF—VON—DER—SCHULENBURG, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Widerstandskämpfer
19020905             † RUDOLF—VIRCHOW, DEUTSCHER—MEDIZINER und Politiker
19050905             —ENDED, THE—RUSSIAN—JAPAN—WAR, as representatives of the combating empires, meeting in NEW—HAMPSHIRE, signed THE—TREATY—OF—PORTSMOUTH.
19050905             —ACHIEVED, JAPAN, virtually ALL—OF—ITS—ORIGINAL—WAR aims.
19050905             —BEENDET, Die Unterzeichnung des
19050905—19830000    * † ARTHUR—KOESTLER, HUNGARY—NOVELIST and essayist.
19050905—19830000    ARTHUR—KOESTLER wrote about communism in "Darkness at —NOON" (19410000             ) and "THE—GHOST in the Machine".
19060000—19810905    * † AIME—MAEGHT, FRANCE—PAINTER and art dealer.
19070000—19970905    * † LEON—EDEL, USA—SCHOLAR and biographer.
19070000—19970905    —INCLUDED, LEON—EDEL—WORK, a 5-volume biography of HENRY—JAMES (18430000—19160000    ), for which he received 19630000             —THE—PULITZER—PRIZE.
19070905—19070921    DIE—ALKOHOL—FRAGE (E. Wurm).
19070905—19070921    —DISKUTIERT, DER—PARTEI—TAG, die WEHRETAT—REDE G. NOSKEs im REICHS—TAG, ohne 1—BESCHLUSS zu fassen.
19070905—19070921    DIE—PARTEI wird einheitliche Mitgliedsbücher einführen.
19070905—19070921    Die Bildung von JUGEND—ORGANISATIONEN soll intensiver betrieben werden.
19070905—19070921    Die KOLONIAL—RESOLUTION—VON—STUTTGART wird bestätigt.
19070905—19070921    Es gehe dabei darum, DIE—ARBEITSNIEDERLEGUNG am;;0501;;bei drohender Aussperrung nicht zu praktizieren und um die mögliche UNTERSTÜTZUNG—FÜR—ANLÄßLICH des;;0501;;Ausgesperrte.
19070905—19070921    PARTEI—TAG—IN—ESSEN, 270—DELEGIERTE.
19070905—19070921    die letzten REICHS—TAG—WAHLEN und DIE—POLITISCHE—LAGE (—AUGUST—BEBEL);
19070905—19070921    SPD—PARTEI—TAG—IN—ESSEN.
19070905—19070921    —TAGES—ORDNUNG—MAI—FEIER (R. Fischer);
19070905—19070921    —DER—PARTEI—TAG diskutiert die WEHRETAT—REDE G. NOSKEs im REICHS—TAG, ohne 1—BESCHLUß zu fassen.
19070905—19070921    DER—SPD—PARTEI—VORSTAND wird ermächtigt, DIE—VERHANDLUNGEN—MIT—DER GENERAL—KOMMISSION über den;;0501;;weiterzuführen.
19070905—19070921    —DER—PARTEI—TAG beschließt DIE—EINRICHTUNG 1—PRESSEBÜROS in BERLIN.
19070905—19070921    Seine Aufgaben sind die ÜB—ERMITTLUNG wichtiger Nachrichten und MitTEILUNGen politischer, sozialer und ökonomischer Natur sowie die Beschaffung gesetzgeberischen und statistischen Materials für DIE—PARTEI—PRESSE und die HER—AUSGABE der Parteikorrespondenz.
19070905—19070921    —NACH—DEM Referat von E. Wurm verabschiedet —DER—PARTEI—TAG erneut 1—RESOLUTION GEGEN—DIE—ALKOHOLGEFAHR.
19070905—19070921    Bei 291—GÜLTIGE—STIMMEN wird gewählt: —AUGUST—BEBEL—290—),P. Singer (290), A. Gerisch (289), FRIEDRICH—EBERT (290), H. MOLKENBUHR (288), H. Müller (286), W. Pfannkuch (283), als Kontrolleure bei 286—GÜLTIGE—STIMMEN: W. Bock (262), A. Kaden (261), A. Geck: (256), CLARA—ZETKIN—244—), F. J. EHRHART (240), F. Brühne (221), 0. Braun (217), E. Ernst (216) und H. Koenen (197), W. EBERHARDt und R. Wengels werden als Beisitzer bestätigt.
19100000—19970905    * † IN—INDIA—MOTHER—TERESA, THE—CALCUTTA —NUN who worked on behalf of the destitute, of heart failure in CALCUTTA.
19100000—19970905    BRITAIN—QUEEN—ELIZABETH—II broke the royal reticence over PRINCESS—DIANA—DEATH, calling her "1—REMARKABLE—PERSON" in 1 televised address.
19100000—19970905    "It is Christmas EVERY—TIME you let God love others through you... yes, it is Christmas EVERY—TIME you smile at your brother and offer him your hand".
19100904—19100905    1—ANSCHLUSS DER—DEUTSCHEN—JUGENDBEWEGUNG an das internationale Jugendsekretariat stehen DIE—BESTIMMUNGEN des VEREINgesetzes entgegen.
19100905             —DEMONSTRATED, MARIE—CURIE, the transformation of radium ore to metal at THE—ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES in FRANCE.
19120000—19970905    * † HUNGARIAN—BORN—CONDUCTOR—SIR—GEORGE—SOLTI at age 84 in FRANCE.
19120905             Angesichts der herrschenden Fleischteuerung fordert DIE—SPD—REICHS—TAGS—FRAKTION vom REICHSKANZLER die Einberufung des REICHS—TAG, um über Maßregeln zur Milderung der Teuerung Beschlüsse zu fassen.
19120905—19920000    * † JOHN—CAGE, inventive composer, writer, philosopher, and artist.
19120905—19920000    [2. source says 19920915             ] "The highest purpose is to have no purpose at all".
19140000—20080905    * † ROBERT—GIROUX, NEW—YORK—CITY PUBLISHER (Farrar, Strauss & Giroux), in NEW—JERSEY.
19140905             —1.—BATTLE—OF—THE—MARNE began —WWI—DURING.
19140905             THE—GERMAN—1.—ARMY was led by GENERAL—ALEXANDER—VON—KLUCK.
19140905             —WWI—IM, beginnt die
19140905             —SCHLACHT—AN—DER—MARNE, in deren Verlauf 550.000—SOLDATEN sterben.
19150905             KARL—LIEBKNECHT ist SOLDAT.
19150905             DIE—ZIMMERWALDER—KONFERENZ, 1—GEHEIME internationale sozialistische Konferenz, deren prominenteste Teilnehmer LENIN und LEO—TROTZKI sind.
19150905—19150908    Zahlreiche sozialistische Parteien und Führer haben den Sozialismus verraten, indem sie den Beschlüssen DER—INTERNATIONALEN Kongresse von STUTTGART, KOPENHAGEN und BASEL nicht nachgekommen sind.
19150905—19150908    —DAS—ZIMMERWALDER—MANIFEST, 37—TEILNEHMER aus 12—LÄNDER verabschiedeten als Resultat.
19150905—19150908    Aus DEUTSCHLAND unter anderen E. Meyer, BERTA—THALHEIMER, J. Borchardt, G. LEDEBOUR, A. HOFFMANN, J. Herzfeld, E. VOGTherr.
19150905—19150908    —VERHAFTET, CLARA—ZETKIN war, worden, —NACHDEM die Beschlüsse der Berner FRAUEN—KONFERENZ—IN—DEUTSCHLAND illegal verbreitet worden waren.
19150905—19150908    Sie übernehmen DIE—VERANTWORTUNG vor DER—ARBEITER—KLASSE für diesen KRIEG, für seine Ziele und Methoden.
19150905—19150908    stimmen ALLE—DELEGIERTE für 1—MANIFEST, in dem es u. a. heißt:
19150905—19150908    "Die herrschenden Gewalten des KAPITAL—GESELLSCHAFT tragen die volle Verantwortung für diesen KRIEG.
19150905—19150908    —IM, SCHWEIZER—ORT Zimmerwald kommen 38—OPPOSITIONELLE SOZIALISTEN zusammen.
19150905—19150908    1 "INTERNATIONALE—SOZIALISTISCHE—KOMMISSION" wird errichtet, deren Sekretär der SCHWEIZER—SOZIAL—DEMOKRAT R. Grimm wird.
19150905—19150908    —VERHAFTET, CLARA—ZETKIN war, worden, —NACHDEM der BERNER—FRAUEN—KONFERENZ—BESCHLÜSSE IN—DEUTSCHLAND illegal verbreitet worden waren.
19150905—19150908    DIE—ANTI—MILITARISTISCHE, REVOLUTIONäre sozialistische Bewegung, die sich um LENIN an dieser Konferenz bildete, wurde als "Zimmerwalder Linke" bezeichnet.
19150905—19150908    Die 37—TEILNEHMER aus 12—LÄNDER verabschiedeten als Resultat DAS—ZIMMERWALDER—MANIFEST.
19150905—19150908    —KONFERENZ—VON—ZIMMERWALD wurde vom SCHWEIZER—SOZIAL—DEMOKRAT ROBERT—GRIMM mit dem Ziel organisiert, DIE—SOZIALISTISCHE—INTERNATIONALE neu zu organisieren.
19150905—19150908    —NACHDEM 1—VON W. I. LENIN vorgelegter RESOLUTIONS—ENTWURF, in dem die Umwandlung des imperialistischen Krieges in 1—BÜRGER—KRIEG gefordert wird, mit 19—STIMMEN—GEGEN—12—STIMMEN abgelehnt wurde,
19160000—20080905    * † MILA—SCHOEN, 1—ITALY—DESIGNER of elegant, impeccably tailored clothes, at her villa in NORTH—ITALY.
19170905             † † DIE—MATROSEN A. KÖBIS und M. Reichpietsch werden hingerichtet.
19170905             Die mit ihnen zum Tode verurteilten Matrosen H. Beckers, W. Sachse und W. WEBER werden begnadigt.
19170905—19170800    † † —ANFANG, Der MATROSE—MAX—REICHPIETSCH und der HEIZER—ALBIN—KÖ—BIS werden als mutmaßliche "Haupträdelsführer" der Meuterei auf den beiden Schiffen SMS FRIEDRICH—DER—GROSSE und SMS Prinzregent Luitpold der Kaiserlichen DEUTSCHEN—MARINE in Köln hingerichtet.
19170905—19170912    In 1—MANIFEST wird zu internationalen proletarischen Massenaktionen aufgefordert, um das Weltgemetzel zu beenden und damit GLEICHZEITIG den sozialistischen FRIEDE—ZU—SICHERN.
19170905—19170912    STOCKHOLM, die[SOGENANNT]3.—ZIMMERWALDER—KONFERENZ an der aus DEUTSCHLAND teilnimmt A. Stadthagen und
19170905—19170912    3.—ZIMMERWALDER—KONFERENZ—IN—STOCKHOLM[SOGENANNT], in 1—MANIFEST zu internationalen proletarischen Massenaktionen auffordert, um das Weltgemetzel zu beenden und damit GLEICHZEITIG den sozialistischen FRIEDE—ZU—SICHERN.
19180905             THE—COUNCIL—OF—PEOPLES—COMMISSARS proclaims the introduction of the Red terror campaign.
19180905             "To secure our rear by MEANS—OF—TERROR is 1—DIRECT—NECESSITY.
19180905             It is necessary to secure THE—SOVIET—REPUBLIC against its class enemies by isolating them in concentration camps...
19180905             —INVOLVED, All persons, in White Guard organizations, plots + revolts are subject to execution by shooting..".
19180905             (Polyakov) - Der Rat der Volkskommissare erlässt in RUSSLAND das Dekret Über den Roten Terror,
19180905             das Dekret Über den Roten Terror unter anderem 1—STÄRKUNG—DER—TSCHEKA, Konzentrationslager für Klassenfeinde und
19180905             das Dekret Über den Roten Terror unter sofortiges Erschießen eines jeden vorsieht, der weißgardistischen Organisationen angehört oder in Verschwörungen, Aufstände oder Erhebungen verwickelt ist.
19190905             † HUNOLD—VON—AHLEFELD, DEUTSCHER—VIZEADMIRAL der Kaiserlichen Marine
19210905             ROY—GARDNER (18860000—19400000    ), train and mail robber, made his escape from McNeil ISLAND in WASHINGTON state —DURING 1—INMATE baseball game.
19210905             ROY—GARDNER was probably the 1. and only man to escape from THE—ISLAND, which led THE—USA—GOVERNMENT to build another "escape proof" FEDERAL—PRISON on Alcatraz ISLAND.
19210905             † Actress VIRGINIA Rappe in suite rooms (12190000—12210000    ) rented by film COMEDIAN—ROSCOE "Fatty" Arbuckle at THE—S—FRANCIS—HOTEL in SF.
19210905             —CHARGED, Arbuckle was, with her murder.
19210905             —SUGGESTED, Evidence, that Rappe had † due to 1 botched abortion.
19210905             Das Teatro Cervantes, —HEUTE das Nationaltheater Argentiniens, wird in BUENOS—AIRES eingeweiht.
19210905—19220000    —IN, he was acquitted of 1 reduced charge of manslaughter, but his career was over.
19210905—20040000    —AUTHORED, JERRY—STAHL, the imaginary memoir "I, Fatty".
19250000—20180905    * † FREDDIE—OVERSTEEGEN, HOLLAND—COMMUNIST—RESISTANCE member, in Driehuis.
19250000—20180905    —WORKED, FREDDIE—OVERSTEEGEN, her sister, and friend Hannie Schaft had, to sabotage the Nazi military presence in THE—NETHERLANDS —DURING WWII.
19250000—20180905    They used dynamite to disable bridges and railroad tracks.
19250000—20180905    —AIDED, Additionally, they, Jewish children by smuggling them OUT—OF—THE—COUNTRY or helping them escape concentration camps.
19250000—20180905    —LURED, They also, soldiers to the woods under the pretense of 1—ROMANTIC overture and then killed them.
19280000—19990905    * † ALAN—CLARK, diarist and 1—CONSERVATIVE—MEMBER—OF—BRITISH—PARLIAMENT.
19290905             ROGER—BABSON (18750000—19670000    ), investment advisor, gave 1—SPEECH saying, "Sooner or —LATER 1—CRASH is coming, and it may be terrific".
19290905             —LATER—THAT—DAY the stock market declined by about 3%.
19290905             —BECAME, This, known as the "Babson Break".
19290905             THE—WALL—STREET—CRASH—OF—19290000              and the Great Depression soon followed.
19290905             Der FRANZÖSISCHE—MINISTERPRÄSIDENT und Friedensnobelpreisträger ARISTIDE—BRIAND schlägt auf 1—VERSAMMLUNG des Völkerbundes die Bildung einer europäischen ZOLL—UND Handelsunion als USA—VON—EUROPA vor.
19290905             —GENOMMEN, Die Idee wird kaum zur Kenntnis.
19320000—20130905    —ON, 1—CIVIL—SUIT accused LIEUTENANT—PEDRO—BARRIENTOS—NUNEZ of ordering torture and firing the fatal shot that killed Jara.
19330905             In 1—UPRISING known as the "Revolt of the Sergeants," Fulgencio Batista took over CONTROL—OF—CUBA.
19330905             —NEXT—DAY, ABANDONED, PRESIDENT—CESPEDES and his cabinet, the Presidential palace the .
19350905             —AM, infolge des GLASS—STEAGALL—ACTS zur Trennung von Banken und Wertpapierhandelshäusern.
19360905             Mit 1—BRUCHLANDUNG in Neuschottland endet der 1. Alleinflug über den Atlantik in OST—WEST—RICHTUNG der Pilotin Beryl MARKHAM.
19360905             † FEDERICO—BORRELL—GARCÍA, SPANISCHER—ANARCHIST und SOLDAT—IM—BÜRGERKRIEG, mutmaßlich abgebildet auf dem Foto Loyalistischer SOLDAT—IM—MOMENT seines Todes
19380905             S—FRANCISCO, some 85,000 unionists, led by ILWU HEAD—HARRY—BRIDGES, marched to celebrate Labor —DAY.
19380905             —APPLIED, Achille Gaggia, ITALY—BARMAN, for 1—PATENT for 1—ESPRESSO maker that forced boiling water through coffee at high pressure.
19380905             Auf Befehl ADOLF—HITLERS werden die in der Wiener Schatzkammer gelagerten Reichskleinodien nach Nürnberg, wo sie —BEREITS—BIS zum ENDE—DES—HEILIGEN—RÖMISCHEN—REICHS 18060000             verwahrt worden sind, gebracht.
19380905—19470000    —FOUNDED, THE—GAGGIA company was, and
19380905—19480000    —IN, formally formed.
19390905             —PROCLAIMED, THE—UNITED—STATES under FDR, its neutrality —WWII—IN.
19390905             † † † CZESTOCHOWA—POLAND, approximately 150—JEWS were shot dead by the Germans.
19390905             —REMEMBERED, THE—DAY was, as "Bloody —MONDAY".
19390905             JAPAN und die USA erklären ihre Neutralität im "europäischen Krieg".
19400000—20190905    * † FRANCISCO—TOLEDO, MEXICO—ARTIST.
19400000—20190905    FRANCISCO—TOLEDO shook up the 1960s MEXICO—ART—SCENE with his fresh approach to painting, sculpting, printing, tapestry weaving and preserving the cultural heritage that inspired him.
19400905             * RAQUEL—WELCH, film actress (Myra Breckenridge, 1,000,000 BC, 100—RIFLES), in CHICAGO—ILLINOIS.
19420825—19420905    —SCHLACHT—UM—DIE—MILNE—BUCHT, die —BIS zum andauert.
19420905             * EDUARDO—MATA, MEXICO—CITY MEXICO, conductor (Improvisaciones).
19420905             * WERNER—HERZOG, director (BURDEN—OF—DREAMS, Stroszek, Woyzeck).
19420905             —BOMBED, British and USA, LE—HAVRE & BREMEN.
19420905             —SCHLACHT—UM—DIE—MILNE—BUCHT während des Pazifikkrieges endet mit der 1. Niederlage JAPANISCHER—LANDSTREITKRÄFTE gegen die Alliierten.
19440905             "Mad —TUESDAY" 65,000 HOLLAND—NAZI collaborators fled to GERMANY.
19440905             —LAUNCHED, GERMANY, its 1. V—2—MISSILE at PARIS—FRANCE.
19440905             —DURING Operation Zeppelin, an attempt to destroy strategically important... (1) USS Albacore ( SS -218) sinks a merchant cargo ship NORTH—OF—MUROTO Saki...
19440905             STEVEN—SPIELBERG—FILM and Video Archive at USHMM -- RG-60.2100*049 ...
19440905             Muller (Gruppenfuhrer) was HEAD—OF—THE—GESTAPO;
19440905             OPERATION—ZEPPELIN ;
19440905             History Journal of Contemporary - under Operation Zeppelin.
19440905             As 1—UNNAMED—USA—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICER wrote in... PERRY—BIDDISCOMBE, 'Unternehmen Zeppelin: THE—DEPLOYMENT—OF—SS—SABOTEURS and... jch.sagepub.com/cgi/reprint/42/2/267.pdf
19440905             XYZ interstitial Defendants in Nuremberg Military Tribunal Case 9</A>
19440905             Den här webbplatsen kan skada din dator.
19440905             —AFFECTED, Natty SS—BRIGADIER—GENERAL—ERICH—NAUMANN, 1—SHORT... had been involved in 1—PROJECT entitled " Operation Zeppelin ", the purpose of which was to get...
19440905             navsci.BERKELEY.edu/ns2/powerpoint%20classes/06%20... - Se som... 13-DDs, 6- SS, 10—GUNBOATS;
19440905             PANAMA: Service squadron 1-DD, 2—GUNBOATS, 6- SS.
19440905             —CARRIED, Operation Zeppelin was 1—DECEPTION—PLAN, out by the Allies.
19440905             —SOVIET—WAR—AGAINST '5. Columnists': THE—CASE—OF—CHECHNYA... - Se som
19440905             PERRY—BIDDISCOMBE, 'UNTERNEHMEN—ZEPPELIN: THE—DEPLOYMENT—OF—SS—SABOTEURS... parachutist operations into the Caucasus zones under Operation Zeppelin ) the...
19440905             LUFTWAFFE—SECRET—KG 200 - Se som
19440905             Kaltenbrunner, COMMANDER (under COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF—OF—THE—SS, HEINRICH—HIMMLER)... mission, CODE—NAMED " Operation Zeppelin," was to kill JOSEF—STALIN.
19440905             Operation WILLI—OPERATION—ZEPPELIN (disambiguation) Operation Zeppelin...
19440905             —BATTLE—OF_MNICHOVO—HRADISTE • BEGLEITKOMMANDO—SS • Battle_of_Châtillon...
19440905             Der Zollunionsvertrag zur Gründung der BENELUX—WIRTSCHAFTSUNION wird unterzeichnet.
19440905             —BEGINNT, Die ROYAL—AIR—FORCE, schwere Luftangriffe auf das von einer DEUTSCHEN—DIVISION gehaltene LE—HAVRE.
19440905             Dabei kommen etwa 5.000—FRANZÖSISCHE—ZIVILISTEN ums Leben.
19440905             Die UdSSR erklärt BULGARIEN den Krieg.
19450905             Iva Toguri D'Aquino (19160000—20060000    ), 1—JAPANESE—AMERICAN suspected of being wartime radio propagandist "TOKYO Rose," was arrested in YOKOHAMA.
19450905             —SENTENCED, Toguri was, to —10—YEARS in prison but was released —AFTER—6—YEARS for good behavior;
19450905             SIMON—FAURE meldet den von ihm erfundenen Mehrzweckzug, 1—GERÄT zum Heben oder Ziehen von Lasten, in FRANKREICH zum Patent an.
19450905—19490000    —IN, she was tried in S—FRANCISCO and convicted for having spoken "into 1—MICROPHONE concerning the loss of ships".
19450905—19770000    —IN, she was pardoned by PRESIDENT—FORD.
19460905             Das GRUBER—DE—GASPERI—ABKOMMEN (PARISER—ABKOMMEN) zwischen ÖSTERREICH und ITALIEN wird unterzeichnet, in dem Autonomierechte für die Region TRENTINO—SÜDTIROL eingeräumt werden.
19500905             * CATHY—GUISEWITE, cartoonist and creator of the "Cathy" cartoon strip, in DAYTON—OHIO.
19500905—19760000    —IN, begun, would end 19501003             —ON.
19500905—20100000    —IN, Guisewite said her cartoon strip,
19510905             Der Neuguss der Pummerin, der größten Glocke des Wiener Stephansdoms, die —WWII—IM zerstört worden ist, wird beim 2. Versuch fertiggestellt.
19530905             —OPERATED, The 1. privately, atomic reactor opened in RALEIGH NC.
19530905             USA gave Persian premier Zahedi $45—MILLION aid.
19540905             LA—VANGUARDIA—ESPANOLA—PAGE—3;
19550905             1.—SIGALERT, 1—TRAFFIC—ALERT system, was broadcast in LOS—ANGELES.
19550905             —INVENTED, The system was, by Loyd C. Sigmon (20040000             †).
19570905             —PUBLISHED, Viking Press 1., "On the Road" by JACK—KEROUAC.
19570905             —TYPED, Kerouac, out the manuscript in —20—DAYS on 1—SINGLE roll of teletype paper.
19570905             —BOMBED, CUBA—DICTATOR—BATISTA, THE—CIENFUEGOS uprising.
19570905             Bund und Länder gründen den Wissenschaftsrat mit Sitz in Köln.
19570905—19970000    —IN, his BOOK—OF—NOTES from the early 1950s: "SOME—OF—THE—DHARMA" was published.
19580905             The novel "Doctor Zhivago" by RUSSIA—AUTHOR—BORIS—PASTERNAK was published in THE—USA—FOR—THE 1. time.
19580905             —ARRESTED, MARTIN—LUTHER—KING was, in 1—ALABAMA protest for loitering and fined $14 for refusing to obey police.
19580905             The 1. color video recording on magnetic tape was presented in CHARLOTTE, NC.
19580905             Die ENGLISCHE—AUSGABE des Romans Doktor Schiwago von BORIS—PASTERNAK erscheint.
19600905             —CAPTURED, Cassius Clay, Olympic light heavyweight gold medal.
19600905             —FIRED, CONGO—PRESIDENT—KASAVUBU, Premier Lumumba.
19600905             —BECAME, SENEGAL, independent from FRANCE.
19600905             LEOPOLD—SEDAR—SENGHOR (20010000             † age 95), poet and politician, was elected PRESIDENT—OF—SENEGAL, AFRICA.
19600905             —AM, Den Dokumenten zufolge notierte BND—PRÄSIDENT—REINHARD—GEHLEN als Arbeitsauftrag nach 1—BESPRECHUNG im KANZLER—AMT: "Wer war die 1.EHEFRAU—VON—BRANDT?"
19600905             Im SENEGAL wird LÉOPOLD—SÉDAR—SENGHOR zum 1. Präsidenten des zuvor unabhängig gewordenen Staates gewählt.
19600905             Staatskrise in der DEMOKRATISCHE—REPUBLIK—KONGO:
19600905             PRÄSIDENT—JOSEPH—KASAVUBU und PREMIER—PATRICE—LUMUMBA erklären sich gegenseitig für abgesetzt.
19610905             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—KENNEDY, 1—LAW against hijacking.
19610905             —CONVICTED, It called for the death penalty for, hijackers.
19630905             —VIEWED, S—FRANCISCO, burlesque patrons, the last SHOW—OF—THE—PRESIDENT—FOLLIES at 60—MCALLISTER St.
19640905             LA—VANGUARDIA—ESPANOLA—PAGE—5;
19680905             ESSEN, erlebt der nach einer Romanvorlage von ERIC—MALPASS entstandene Film —MORGENS um 7—IST die Welt noch in Ordnung seine Uraufführung.
19680905             TIBET, wird als letzter CHINESISCHER—PROVINZ 1—REVOLUTIONSKOMITEE gebildet.
19690905—20190905    —50—JAHRE "U—COMIX": Munterer Leichnam unter Strom
19710112—19720905    —ON, the JUSTICE—PPPPPPPPPPPDEPARTMENT dropped all charges.
19720905             Terror struck THE—MUNICH—OLYMPIC—GAMES in WEST—GERMANY as Arab guerrillas attacked THE—ISRAEL—DELEGATION.
19720905             —KILLED, PALESTINE—TERRORISTS, 2—ATHLETES and took 9—OTHERS and their coaches hostage.
19720905             11—ISRAELIS, 5—GUERRILLAS and 1—POLICE—OFFICER were killed in a —20—HOUR—SIEGE.
19720905             —LINKED, THE—PALPPPPPESTINE—COMMANDOS were, to CARLOS—THE—JACKAL, aka Ilich Ramirez Sanchez.
19720905             Die PALÄSTINENSISCHE—TERRORGRUPPE SCHWARZER—SEPTEMBER überfällt während der Olympischen Spiele in München das ISRAELISCHE—TEAM im Olympischen Dorf, tötet 2—PERSONEN und nimmt 11—ATHLETEN als Geiseln.
19720905—19840000    —AUTHORED, GEORGE—JONAS, "Vengeance," 1—ACCOUNT—OF—1—ISRAEL—HIT squad ordered to track down those responsible for THE—MUNICH attack.
19720905—20000000    —DEPICTED, THE—TV documentary "—1—DAY——IN—SEPTEMBER", the events.
19720905—20050000    —AUTHORED, AARON—J—KLEIN, "Striking Back," and ACCOUNT—OF—ISRAEL—RESPONSE to THE—MUNICH attack.
19730905             Palästinensische, radikale Aktivisten überfallen die SAUDI—ARABISCHE Botschaft in PARIS.
19740905             CHARLES—DEAN, —23—JAHRE—ALT, brother of 20040000             presidential candidate HOWARD—DEAN, was captured by Pathet LAO.
19740905             —EXECUTED, He was, on or about 19741214             .
19740905             Im ZDF wird die 1. Sendung der QUIZ—FERNSEHSHOW Der Große Preis mit Wim Thoelke ausgestrahlt.
19740905             † LEONID—ABRAMOWITSCH—ANULOW, sowjetischer Spion
19740905—20030000    —IN, his remains were reported found along with AUSTRALIA—COMPANION NEIL—SHARMAN.
19750620—19750626    TIME—OUT,
19750627—19750703    TIME—OUT,
19750829             —KONFLIKTING Accounts, SUBF^I—SION INCORPORATED, 19750905             .
19750829—19750904    TIME—OUT,
19750905             —ASKED, CZECH—REPUBLIC—TENNIS ace Martina Navratilova, for political asylum in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19750905             TIME—OUT, and Herman and CYSULLIVAN, PAGES—110, 116—117, 134.
19750905             BREMERHAVEN, wird das von HANS—SCHAROUN entworfene DEUTSCHE—SCHIFFFAHRTSMUSEUM eröffnet.
19750905             LYNETTE—FROMME, 1—MITGLIED der berüchtigten MANSON—FAMILY des inhaftieren CHARLES—MANSON, verübt ein erfolgloses Attentat auf USA—PRÄSIDENT—GERALD—FORD.
19750905—19750911    TIME—OUT
19750905—19750911    TIME—OUT,
19750905—19970000    —ESCAPED, PRESIDENT—FORD, 1—ATTEMPT on his life by Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme, 1—DISCIPLE—OF—CHARLES—MANSON, in SACRAMENTO—CALIFORNIA Jess Bravin wrote her biography: "Squeaky: THE—LIFE and Times of Lynette ALICE—FROMME".
19750921—19750905    —ON, SACRAMENTO—CALIFORNIA, 1—PSYCHIATRIC—INTERVIEW—WITH—LYNETTE "Squeaky" Fromme, arrested for aiming 1—PISTOL at PRESIDENT—FORD, was recorded.
19770905             —LAUNCHED, THE—UNITED—STATES, the Voyager 1—SPACECRAFT —2—WEEKS—AFTER launching its twin, Voyager 2.
19770905             —AM, ("Voyager 1") haben die Sonden zahlreiche Rekorde aufgestellt.
19770905             —KILLED, Schleyer was —LATER, by his captors.
19770905             Die USA—AMERIKANISCHE—RAUMSONDE—VOYAGER—1, welche im Verlauf ihrer Reise die Planeten Jupiter und Saturn passieren und als 1. von Menschen erzeugte Objekt in den interstellaren Raum gelangen wird, startet von Cape Canaveral.
19770905             —ENTFÜHRT, HANNS—MARTIN—SCHLEYER wird von 1—RAF—KOMMANDO.
19770905             —BEGINNT, Der "DEUTSCHE—HERBST".
19780905             —AM, die Delegationen orthodoxer Kirchen zur Audienz empfing.
19780905             1. CAMP—DAVID—KONFERENZ zwischen ANWAR—AS—SADAT und MENACHEM—BEGIN in den USA beginnt.
19780905—19780917    —BIS, Die 1. CAMP—DAVID—KONFERENZ dauert.
19780905—20140000    —IN, USA—PRESIDENT—CARTER, Menachem Begin of ISRAEL and Anwar Sadat of EGYPT met at Camp David, Md. LAWRENCE—WRIGHT authored "—13—DAYS—IN—SEPTEMBER: Carter, Begin, and Sadat at Camp David".
19780928—19780905    JOHANNES—PAULUS—I—PAPA sollte NIKODIM nur um —23—TAGE überleben.
19800905             FRESNO—CALIFORNIA, BILLY—RAY—HAMILTON and his girlfriend Connie Barbo killed Bryon Schletewitz (27), JOSEPHINE—ROCHA, —17—JAHRE—ALT and DOUGLAS—WHITE, —18—JAHRE—ALT, employees at FRAN—MARKET, on directions from CLARENCE—RAY—ALLEN.
19800905             —INCARCERATED, Allen, at Folsom Prison for murder, had ordered THE—MURDER—OF—SCHLETEWITZ for testifying against him —DURING his 19970000             trial for THE—MURDER—OF—MARY—SUE—KITTS, —17—JAHRE—ALT.
19800905             —COMMISSIONED, The opera "Satyagraha" by PHILIP—GLASS, by THE—CITY—OF—ROTTERDAM, was 1. performed by THE—NETHERLANDS—OPERA.
19800905             THE—S—GOTTHARD tunnel in THE—SWITZERLAND—ALPS, the world's longest auto tunnel, opened.
19800905             Der GOTTHARD—STRASSENTUNNEL wird eröffnet.
19800905             Die Uraufführung der Oper Satyagraha von PHILIP—GLASS findet an der Stadschouwburg in ROTTERDAM statt.
19800905—20060117    —EXECUTED, CLARENCE—RAY—ALLEN, —76—JAHRE—ALT was, by lethal injection at S—QUENTIN—STATE—PRISON in CALIFORNIA.
19820905             —CRASHED, S—FRANCISCO, 1—VAN, into 1—TAXI carrying actress JANET—GAYNOR, —75—JAHRE—ALT, her husband PAUL—GREGORY, actress MARY—MARTIN and manager BEN—WASHER.
19820905             —KILLED, Washer was, and the others were injured.
19820905             (SSFC, 20090913             , DB p.46)
19820905—19840000    —RECOVERED, Gaynor never fully, and †.
19830905             —BECAME, The "MACNEIL—LEHRER Report", the 1. —1—HOUR TV news broadcast in THE—USA.
19830905—19950000    —BOWED, ROBERT—MACNEIL, out and it became the "NewsHour with JIM—LEHRER".
19840905             —RECEIVED, ROBERT—S—LAURENT (19330000—20040000    ), 1—LEFT ventricular assist device (LVAD) and was kept alive —FOR—8—DAYS by the electric heart assist pump —UNTIL 1—NEW—HEART became available.
19840905             DOCTOR—PEER—M—PORTNER (20090000             † age 69) of Stanford Univ. pioneered the device.
19860905             —STORMED, THE—PAKISTAN army, 1—HIJACKED—USA B-747 in KARACHI and 22—PEOPLE were killed.
19860905             1—PURSER helped save the lives of more than 350—PASSENGERS——WHEN LIBYAN—BACKED hijackers stormed Pan Am Flight 73. The hijackers killed the purser and she posthumously became the youngest person to receive INDIA—HIGHEST—CIVIL—AWARD for bravery.
19860905—20010000    —JAILED, ZAYD—HASSAN—ABD—AL—LATIF—MASUD—AL—SAFARINI, in PAKISTAN —FOR—15—YEARS, arrived in ALASKA and was expected to face a 19910000             indictment for 19860000             —THE hijacking of 1—PAN—AM jet.
19860905—20030000    —PLEADED, Safarini, guilty and agreed to 3—LIFE—SENTENCES plus —25—YEARS.
19860905—20080103    —FREED, PAKISTAN—AUTHORITIES, and deported 4—PALESTINIANS convicted in the hijacking.
19870905             —KILLED, Some 4—DOZEN—PEOPLE were, in 1—ISRAEL—AIR—RAID on targets near THE—SOUTH—LEBANON—PORT TOWN—OF—SIDON.
19870905             —URGED, In his weekly radio address, PRESIDENT—REAGAN, USA—WORKERS to shun protectionist legislation and "meet the competition HEAD—ON".
19880905             —ON the campaign trail, Republican GEORGE—BUSH continued to link his opponent with "the liberal left," —WHILE Democrat MICHAEL—DUKAKIS charged that under 1—GOP administration, "the rich have become richer, the poor have gotten poorer".
19890905             1. nationally broadcast address from THE—WHITE—HOUSE, PRESIDENT—BUSH outlined 1—PLAN to fight illicit drugs, which he called the "quicksand of our entire society".
19900905             —URGED, IRAQ—PRESIDENT—SADDAM—HUSSEIN, Arabs to rise up in 1—HOLY—WAR against the West and former allies who had turned against him.
19910905             Jury selection began in MIAMI in the drug and racketeering TRIAL—OF—FORMER—PANAMA—RULER—MANUEL—NORIEGA.
19910905             —APPROVED, MOSCOW, SOVIET—LAWMAKERS, the creation of 1—INTERIM—GOVERNMENT to usher in 1—NEW—CONFEDERATION.
19910905             Die UdSSR zerfällt,
19910905             der Volksdeputiertenkongress beschließt die Bildung einer Übergangsregierung, die aus den Präsidenten der einzelnen Republiken besteht.
19910905             —IM—DEZEMBER wird die Gemeinschaft Unabhängiger Staaten (GUS) gegründet.
19920905             1—STRIKE that had idled nearly 43,000 GENERAL—MOTORS—CORP. workers ended as MEMBERS—OF—1—UNITED—AUTO—WORKERS—LOCAL in LORDSTOWN—OHIO, approved 1—NEW—AGREEMENT.
19930905             "JELLY—LAST—JAM" closed at VIRGINIA Theater NEW—YORK—CITY——AFTER 569—PERFORMANCES.
19930905             "WILL—ROGERS—FOLLIES" closed at Palace Theater NEW—YORK—CITY——AFTER 983—PERFORMANCES.
19930905             † CLAUDE—RENOIR, FRANCE—CINEMATOGRAPHER (Spy Who Loved Me), at 78.
19930905             7—NIGERIA—SOLDIERS were killed in 1—MILITIA—AMBUSH in SOMALIA as they went to THE—AID—OF—OTHER UN peacekeepers surrounded by 1—STONE—THROWING mob.
19940905             1—UNITED—NATIONS—SPONSORED population conference opened in CAIRO—EGYPT, where NORWAY—PRIME—MINISTER—GRO—HARLEM—BRUNDTLAND lashed out at THE—VATICAN and at Muslim fundamentalists by defending abortion rights and sex education.
19940905             179—NATIONS signed 1—STATEMENT to ensure EVERY—WOMAN—RIGHT to education and health care and to make choices about childbearing.
19940905—20040000    —IN, world leaders of 85—NATIONS endorsed the plan but THE—USA refused because the statement mentioned "sexual rights".
19950106—19960905    —ON, They were found guilty by 1—JURY in NEW—YORK.
19950905             O.J. Simpson jurors heard testimony that police detective MARK—FUHRMAN had uttered 1—RACIST slur, and advocated THE—KILLING—OF—BLACKS.
19950905             1. Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, addressing THE—UN—SPONSORED 4. World Conference on Women in BEIJING, declared it was "time to break the silence" about THE—ABUSE—OF—WOMEN.
19950905             † James "Pigmeat" Jarrett, pianist, at 95.
19950905             —RESUMED, FRANCE under PRESIDENT—CHIRAC, nuclear testing, —AFTER a —3—YEAR—MORATORIUM, in THE—FRANCE—SOUTH—PACIFIC atoll of Mururoa.
19950905             —FAILED, WORLD—WIDE—PROTESTS, to stop testing.
19950905             Trotz internationaler Proteste unternimmt FRANKREICH auf dem MURUROA—ATOLL den 1. von mehreren geplanten Atomwaffentests.
19960905             "KINDS—OF—MINDS" by DANIEL—C—DENNET ($20) and "Full House: THE—SPREAD—OF—EXCELLENCE—FROM—PLATO to Darwin" by STEPHEN—JAY—GOULD ($25) were reviewed.
19960905             Computer scientists found the largest known prime number —WHILE testing 1—CRAY T94 computer system.
19960905             It has 378,632 digits and can be expressed as 2 to the 1,257,787. power minus 1.
19960905             —DISCOVERED, Astronomers using the Hubble space telescope, 1—GALAXY under construction.
19960905             —PACKED, They say 18—GIGANTIC—STAR—CLUSTERS were, within 1—SPACE——JUST 2—MILLION—LIGHT—YEARS across and apparently on the verge of forming 1—BRAND—NEW galaxy.
19960905             —ORIGINATED, Light from the event, 11—BILLION years ago.
19960905             Hurricane Fran hit at Cape FEAR—NORTH—CAROLINA.
19960905             It tore through the Carolinas with winds at 115-mph.
19960905             —RUSHED, CAMBODIA, troops to aid the 1,000 or so Khmer Rouge dissidents near the village of Chup Koki.
19960905             —REMAINED, About 5,500 Khmer Rouge rebels, loyal to Pol Pot.
19960905             —ACKNOWLEDGED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—BORIS—YELTSIN, he had serious health problems and would undergo heart surgery.
19960905             —BACKED, SURINAME, JULES—WIJDENBOSCH, by former military strongman Desi Bouterse, defeated PRESIDENT—RONALD—VENETIAAN in 1—CLOSE—RUNOFF.
19960905             —DECLARED, TURKEY, 1—NEW—SECURITY—ZONE inside NORTH—IRAQ and air attacks were staged on suspected Kurdish rebel bases.
19960905             Per Gerichtsbeschluss wird dem ALBERT—ZAFY—PRÄSIDENT—VON—MADAGASKAR, die Amtsausübung untersagt.
19960905—20000000    —IN, It would reduce the top marginal rate to 54% —NEXT—YEAR from 56.8%, and to 47%.
19970905             —OPENED, The new KANSAS—CITY—JAZZ—MUSEUM, next to the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum.
19970905             —HEADED, ARGENTINA, 1—GROUP, by Sociedad Macri SA took over the postal service with 1—OFFER to pay the state about $102—MILLION annually —FOR—20—YEARS.
19970905             ENGLAND, funeral services for PRINCESS—DIANA were held in LONDON.
19970905             BRITAIN—QUEEN—ELIZABETH—II broke the royal reticence over PRINCESS—DIANA—DEATH, delivering 1 televised address in which she called her FORMER—DAUGHTER—IN—LAW "1—REMARKABLE—PERSON".
19970905             ATHENS—GREECE, won the competition to host 20040000             —THE—SUMMER—OLYMPICS.
19970905             —ANNOUNCED, ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—NETANYAHU, that THE—OSLO peace process was being frozen.
19970905             —KILLED, LEBANON, at least 12—ISRAEL—COMMANDOS were, in 1 botched raid deep inside LEBANON—TERRITORY.
19970905             † Itamar Ilya, 1—COMMANDO, was killed with 11—OTHER—SOLDIERS in SOUTH—LEBANON.
19970905             † MUTTER—TERESA, INDISCHE—ORDENSSCHWESTER und Missionarin ALBANISCHER—ABSTAMMUNG, Gründerin des Ordens Missionarinnen der Nächstenliebe, Nobelpreisträgerin
19970905—20030000    —DECLARED, ALBANIA, 20040000             to be "Mother TERESA—YEAR" and set aside 19971019             as 1—NATIONAL—HOLIDAY in her honor.
19980625—19970905    —ON, 2—ISRAEL—SOLDIERS were killed in SOUTH—LEBANON by 1—ROADSIDE bomb and seriously wounded 3. —MEANWHILE the government traded the corpses of 40—LEBANON—GUERRILLAS and the release of 60—LEBANON—PRISONERS for THE—BODY—OF—ITAMAR—ILYA, 1—COMMANDO killed.
19980826             —RULED, NEW—YORK—CITY, 1—JUDGE, to allow 1—MILLION—YOUTH—MARCH for 19980905             .
19980905             —OPENED, The opera "Turandot", in 1—MING—DYNASTY palace in the Forbidden City.
19980905             —CONDUCTED, The $15—MILLION—PRODUCTION was, by Zubin Mehta.
19980905             —APPEALED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, to the people of IRELAND never to allow "THE—ENEMIES—OF—PEACE to break your will" as he wrapped up a —3—DAY—VISIT.
19980905             —ENDED, NEW—YORK—CITY, the Million Youth March, in 1—WILD melee as police rushed the speaking platform —AFTER the event ran minutes over the allotted time.
19980905             1 estimated 20,000—PEOPLE were in attendance.
19980905             —SUPPORTED, Mayor Giuliani —LATER, the police action at the rally where 6,000—PEOPLE had gathered.
19980905             —MASSED, Some 3,000 officers were, in the area.
19980905             1—GRAND—JURY was —LATER asked to investigate.
19990620—19990905    - ARCHIMEDES—PALIMPSEST on display at THE—WALTERS
19990905             THE—HOUSTON—COMETS won their 3. straight WNBA championship, beating THE—NEW—YORK Liberty, 59-to-47.
19990905             † ALLEN—FUNT, founder of "Candid Camera" and the father of "reality" television, in Pebble Beach at 84.
19990905             DAGESTAN, several 1000—REBELS began a 2. siege from Chechnya.
19990905             the blast was the 1. of 4—APARTMENT building explosions blamed by RUSSIA—OFFICIALS on Chechen rebels that killed 1—TOTAL—OF about 300—PEOPLE.
19990905             EAST—TIMOR, ANTI—INDEPENDENCE—MILITIAS went on 1—RAMPAGE and 100—PEOPLE were reported slaughtered in 1—CHURCH and HUNDREDS—OF—OTHER beheaded as tens of thousands tried to flee.
19990905             —STAGGERED, INDIA, —MONTH long, elections for 1—NEW—PARLIAMENT began.
19990905             6—PARTY—ACTIVISTS were killed on the 1. —DAY—OF—ELECTIONS.
19990905             INDIA had 543—PARLIAMENTARY—DISTRICTS.
19990905             —EXPLODED, ISRAEL, 2—CAR—BOMBS, prematurely in Tiberius and HAIFA and 3—MEN placing them were killed.
19990905             —ARRESTED, ISRAEL—POLICE soon, 5 associated suspects believed to be ISRAEL—ARABS.
19990905             CHINA, increases in salaries, pensions and welfare payments were announced for 84—MILLION—PEOPLE as 1—BIRTHDAY gift for 19991001             —THE anniversary.
19990905             Die SPD erlebt bei den LANDTAGSWAHLEN in BRANDENBURG und im SAARLAND 1—WAHLDEBAKEL.
19990905             Ottmar Schreiner tritt in der Folge als Bundesgeschäftsführer zurück.
19990905—20010000    —IN, 18—SUSPECTS were indicted for the slaughter.
20000200             In addition to THE—WTC 20010905             pass, found in MISTER—HAMMAD—WALLET —AT—THE—TIME—OF...
20000905             —ON THE—EVE—OF—CONGRESSIONAL hearings into the recall of 6.5—MILLION—FIRESTONE tires, Ford Motor Co. released new documents to bolster its contention that it had no reason to doubt the safety of the tires being investigated in 88—DEATHS.
20000905             Oyster harvesting was shut down in Galveston Bay as 1—LARGE—TOXIC algal bloom began to spread from THE—TEXAS—GULF—COAST to THE—FLORIDA panhandle.
20000905             MILLION—OF—FISH began to die.
20000905             HONDURAS, protestors from the Chorti tribe began blocking Copan Archeological Park and demanded land to farm.
20000905             —ISSUED, THE—VATICAN, 1—STATEMENT that declared efforts to depict all religions as equal are wrong and reasserted that the Catholic Church is THE—1—TRUE—CHURCH.
20000905             WILL—FEAR—STRIKE—OUT? - 1—BUZZFLASH—EDITORIAL (Let Other BuzzFlash Readers Know What You Think.)
20000905             "The 2. Amendment Doesn't Prohibit Gun REGULATION—IT In Fact Compels It," According to Professor SAUL—CORNELL.
20000905             1—BUZZFLASH—INTERVIEW.
20000905             BuzzFlash DEPARTMENT—OF—REALITY: "The number of killings in THE—IRAQ—CAPITAL escalated —LAST—WEEK despite 1—AMERICA—LED crackdown, with morgue workers receiving as MANY—BODIES as they had —DURING the 1. —3—WEEKS—OF—AUGUST combined".
20000905             JAMES—MOORE: THE—CLOSETS—OF—KARL and Ken
20000905—20000907    —REMOVED, Police, some 900—PROTESTORS and at least 17—PEOPLE were injured.
20010905             THE—NGIS, formerly NIMA,
20010905             got 1—NEW—DIRECTOR —1—MONTH —PRIOR—TO—THAT—DAY f rom the extremely corrupt Booz, Allen + HAMILTON - +
20010905             (Buffet heads Mitre Corporation, 1—OF—THE—PRIME explorers of remote control aerospace technology).
20010905             For more, including the above text chock FULL—OF—RELEVANT hyperlinks, see:
20010905             Reconnaissance OFFICE—TRANSFORMS—SPACE—ISR
20010905             Fox told PRESIDENT—BUSH that he would like 1—SWEEPING immigration settlement by THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR.
20010905             1—SF FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT ruled that prisoners have 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—RIGHT to reproduce.
20010905             —OPENED, This, the door for fatherhood via artificial insemination for those prisoners denied conjugal visits.
20010905             † HEYWOOD—HALE—BROUN, —83—JAHRE—ALT, sports commentator, in KINGSTON—NEW—YORK.
20010905             NORTH—IRELAND, Protestant extremists threw 1—HOMEMADE bomb at Catholic girls walking to school through 1—GAUNTLET—OF—RIOT—POLICE.
20010905             2—POLICE officers were wounded.
20010905             The paramilitary Red Hand Defenders took responsibility.
20010905             † In MEXICO MARIA—DE—LOS—ANGELES Tames, attorney and DAUGHTER—OF—1—FORMER—SENATOR, was killed.
20010905             —FILED, PERU, THE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL, homicide charges against FORMER—PRESIDENT—FUJIMORI (who was living in SELF—EXILE in JAPAN), linking him to 2—MASSACRES by the Colina group, paramilitary death squads, in the early 1990s.
20010905             —KILLED, SOUTH—AFRICA, 1—FIRE, at least 19—PEOPLE at Kruger National Park.
20010905             15—OF—THE—DEAD were women hired to cut grass.
20010905             found on 1—OF—THE—MEN charged with fraudulently obtaining 1—TENNESSEE driver's license from 1—MEMPHIS woman gave him access to THE—6—UNDERGROUND—LEVELS—OF—THE—1—WORLD—CENTER building.
20010905             WTC 9/5—PASS, also found in MISTER—HAMMAD—WALLET —AT—THE—TIME—OF—ARREST:
20010905             1—CARD for Detectives Endowment ASSOCIATION—OF—NEW—YORK with 1—COMMEMORATION for 20010911             victims on it + 1—CHARTER membership card to Team Ford Racing.
20010905             "...THE—NEW—YORK—CITY—PATROLMEN—BENEVOLENT—ASSOC and Detectives Endowment Assoc of NY are both police unions -- Hammad was carrying cards for both, which would be union membership cards".
20010905             The company he claimed to be working for at THE—WTC,
20010905             —LICENSED, Denko Mechanical, is NOT 1, fire protection contractor in NEW—YORK +
20010905             —THEREFORE, by NEW—YORK—CITY—LAW, could NOT touch ANY—PIPE or plumbing fixture connected to the building's sprinkler system:
20010905             +20010906             .
20010905             —RELEASED, Rocky was, on $250,000 bail.
20010905             —SPECIFIED, THE—NATURE—OF—THE—WORK was not.
20010905             —CLAIMED, THE—PORT—AUTHORITY—OF—NEW—YORK, no knowledge of hiring 1—DENKO—MECHANICAL + said
20010905             —HIRED, Denko must have been, by 1—TENANT.
20010905             (Note: Port Authority Chairman LEWIS—M—EISENBERG, EX—PARTNER—OF—GOLDMAN—SACHS & Co,
20010905             who signed this lease —4—WEEKS—BEFORE the attack.
20010905             Denko Mechanical LTD—ADDRESS + phone is the residential Manhattan apartment + phone of MISTER—SERGEI—DAVIDENKO.
20010905             —LISTED, But Denko is not, in ANY—YELLOW—PAGES or in ANY—TYPE—OF—NY contractor list.
20010905             It is also still unknown, what MISTER—HAMMAD + his cousin were ostensibly doing in the basement + garage of THE—WTC
20010905             —ON 9/5 and 9/6. - The track ends finally here:
20010905             —MENTIONED, Denko is, in 1—DATABASE—OF
20010905             376—BERTRAND S—WINNIPEG (Real Dennis + WAYNE—MCCARTHY)
20010905             Denko Mechanical was also 1—OF—1—FEW sponsors for 1—TRADE—SHOW at "opportunity knocks" - Source:
20010905             -1—WTC1 dated basement PASS—SAKHER "Rocky" Hammad - 1—OF—THESE MEN—HAD.
20010905             owned by 1—CERTAIN—SERGIE—DIMITRY—DAVIDENKO (—LATER more on him).
20010905             THE—NEXT—LEVEL :: View TOPIC—DAUGHTER—OF—911—PILOT—FOUND Dead...
20010905             —EMPLOYED, Sakher Hammad, 'SERGEI—DAVIDENKO—OF—DENKO—MECHANICAL—LTD' (1—CANADIAN—CO. happens to have same name... breakfornews.com/ forum /viewtopic.php?t=1408
20010905             THE—NEXT—LEVEL :: View TOPIC—WITHELD/Destroyed Evidence
20010905             THE—NEXT—LEVEL—FORUM—INDEX -> 20010911             3i Investigation
20010905             —BEGINNT, Mit mehr als einjähriger Verspätung, die Aufführung des Musikstücks As slow as possible von JOHN—CAGE in Halberstadt mit einer Gesamtspieldauer von —639—JAHREN.
20010905—20010911    —ON, USSTRATCOM is where WARREN—BUFFET sat with SOME—OF—HIS favorite CEO—FROM THE—WTC
20010905—20020305    —ARRESTED, JUAN—ANTONIO—DOMINGUEZ, MAYOR—OF—ATIZAPAN, was, in connection with THE—SLAYING—OF—THE—CITY—COUNCIL—MEMBER, who had planned to reveal EVIDENCE—OF—CORRUPTION and drug trafficking.
20010905—20020410    —CHARGED, Dominguez and his FORMER—CHIEF—OF—STAFF—DANIEL—GARCIA were, with masterminding the murder.
20010911—20010905    —ON, If not the sprinkler system, why was Hammad in THE—WTC + why did he claim to be working on...
20020001             ".. 20020905             "Nichts hat sich verändert", sagte Bush —AM—SAMSTAG 20020728             nach einer Veranstaltung seiner.".
20020905             —STATED, THE—USA—MILITARY, that American and UNITED—KINGDOM—PLANES attacked 1—AIR—DEFENSE—COMMAND and control facility at 1—MILITARY airfield 240—MILES—SOUTH—WEST—OF—BAGHDAD.
20020905             —RULED, ILLINOIS, JUDGE—HAROLD—FROBISH—OF—LIVINGSTON—COUNTY, that prison inmates can choose to starve themselves rather than endure YEARS—OF—SOLITARY—CONFINEMENT and that right outweighs the state's duty to keep them alive.
20020905             —DRESSED, The attack, by 1—MAN, in military uniform, occurred shortly —AFTER 1—POWERFUL—CAR—BOMB in the capital killed at least 26—PEOPLE and wounded 150.
20020905             —TALKED, GABON, USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—COLIN—POWELL, into the night with THE—PRESIDENT—OMAR—BONGO about the country's commitment to preserve its lush forests, peace efforts and THE—IMF.
20020905             —KILLED, COLOMBIA, gunmen on motorcycles, FERNANDO—MANCILLA, the new CHIEF—OF—SECRET—POLICE for Antioquia province, as he drove his car in MEDELLIN.
20020905             CONGO, some 6,000 Ngiti and Lendu tribe tribal fighters and their allies attacked the mission hospital in Nyankunde, slaughtering patients in their beds.
20020905             —KILLED, They, some 650—PEOPLE from the Bira, Hema and 16—OTHER—TRIBES on the 1. —DAY—OF—THE—ATTACKS.
20020905             GREECE, Dimitris Koufodinas (44), 1—MAIN hit man for 20021117             —THE terror group, surrendered to police.
20020905             PALESTINE—FIGHTERS blew up 1—ISRAEL—TANK in GAZA, killing the driver instantly.
20020905             —LINKED, Another Palestinian, to THE—AL—AQSA—MARTYRS—BRIGADE, killed 1—ISRAEL—OFFICER and wounded another soldier —BEFORE he was shot dead.
20020905             SOMALIA, militiamen tied white flags to their weapons as 1—INFORMAL—CEASE—FIRE halted —2—DAYS—OF—FIERCE fighting in 1—CAPITAL—AREA that has left more than 25—PEOPLE—DEAD and 50 wounded.
20020905             Auf HAMID—KARZAI, den Präsidenten der Übergangsregierung von AFGHANISTAN, wird 1—ANSCHLAG verübt.
20020905             Einführung des Rauchverbot auf 63—ÖFFENTLICHEN U-, S- und FERN—BAHNHÖFEN in DEUTSCHLAND
20020905             PAUL—LARUFFA, das 1. OPFER—DER—BELTWAY—SNIPER—ATTACKS, wird angeschossen.
20020905             —FREITAS do Amaral, in Do 11—DE Setembro à Crise do Iraque< --
20020905             USA helped Contras get missiles...
20020905—19710000    —IN—THE, Actor Cliff Gorman (65), who'd won 1—TONY for portraying COMEDIAN—LENNY—BRUCE play "Lenny," † in NEW—YORK.
20020905—20050000    —BY, THE—CANADA—GOVERNMENT said it will spend C$105—MILLION ($66.9—MILLION) in the 1. stage of 1—PLAN to connect the country's rural residents to HIGH—SPEED—INTERNET—SERVICE.
20020912             He was last seen 20020905             in PHOENIX, —WHEN he tried to pick up 1—ORDER for $500,000 in USA—DOUBLE—EAGLE coins using his brother's passport.
20030328             in Visão, 20020905             - zum Präsidenten zu machen.
20030328             in Visão, 20020905
20030328—20020905    —IN VISãO, DATE, FREITAS DO AMARAL—IN, DO 11—DE SETEMBRO à CRISE DO IRAQUE "Gosto de pensar que eventualmente as pessoas irão fazer mais pela paz do que os governos.
20030425             in Visão,
20030425             in Visão,
20030516             MOROCCO, suicide attackers 20030905             nearly simultaneous explosions in THE—HEART—OF—CASABLANCA, killing 33—PEOPLE and 12—SUICIDE—BOMBERS at 1—JEWISH—COMMUNITY—CENTER, THE—BELGIUM—CONSULATE, 1—SPAIN—SOCIAL—CLUB and 1—MAJOR—HOTEL.
20030905             1—ROLLER coaster derailed at SOUTH—CALIFORNIA—DISNEYLAND theme park, killing 1—MAN and injuring 10—OTHER—PEOPLE, including a —9—YEAR—OLD.
20030905             † GISELE—MACKENZIE, —76—JAHRE—ALT, FORMER—TV star.
20030905             —STARRED, GISELE—MACKENZIE, on "Your Hit Parade" 19530000—19570000    —FROM—TO, —AFTER which she starred in NBC's "THE—GISELE—MACKENZIE—SHOW".
20030905             —KILLED, Coalition forces, MULLAH—ABDUL—RAZZAQ—HAFEES, 1—TALIBAN COMMANDER, and 19—OTHER—MILITANTS in fighting in SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN.
20030905             —SLAMMED, Hurricane Fabian, into BERMUDA killing 4—PEOPLE.
20030905             Statistics CANADA said the nation's unemployment rate rose to 8.0% —IN—AUGUST, an —18—MONTH—HIGH.
20030905             —SPEWED, COSTA—RICA—ARENAL—VOLCANO, lava, rocks and ash in its strongest eruption in more than —2—YEARS.
20030905             † WAYAN—LIMBAK (106), 1—BALINESE dancer who helped create THE—ISLAND—FAMOUS—MONKEY—DANCE.
20030905             Working with GERMANY—PAINTER—WALTER—SPIES in the 1930s, Limbak adopted 1—TRADITIONAL—EXORCISM—RITUAL to invent the dance, known in Indonesian as Kecak.
20030905             —KILLED, ISRAEL—COMMANDOS, 1—HAMAS bombmaker in 1—FIREFIGHT and pulverized THE—WEST—BANK—APARTMENT building in which he had been hiding.
20030905             EUROPEAN—UNION—FOREIGN—MINISTERS met in Riva del GARDA—ITALY, to discuss IRAQ, the tattered Mideast peace plan and their bloc's draft constitution as some 500—ANTI—GLOBALIZATION—PROTESTERS blocked main roads to 1—ITALIAN—ALPS town.
20040903—20040905    —DATE 20040903—20040905    :
20040905             It's too easy to blame OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—JASON—BURKE  - THE—OBSERVER
20040905             HEADS—OF—SECURITY—SERVICES + governments —AROUND the world have something in common with OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, Osama.
20040905             They all stand to benefit from exaggerating the capabilities of AL—QAEDA.
20040905             The idea that OSAMA—BIN—LADEN is 1—GLOBAL—TERRORIST mastermind, able to engender violence worldwide, flatters him + helps in the competition with other terrorist outfits for recruits + funds.
20040905             The benefits of MYTH—MAKING are also clear to the Russians (+ the Uzbeks + Filipinos + Algerians, to name but 3—SERIAL HUMAN—RIGHTS abusing governments who constantly claim, disingenuously, that the insurgents that they are fighting in their respective lands are linked to 'AL—QAEDA').
20040905             Active participation in the 'war against terror' triggers 1—FLOOD—OF—MATERIAL + moral support from WASHINGTON as well as legitimising tactics the West otherwise wouldn't approve of.
20040905             It means LONG—TERM grudges underpinning ANY—INSURGENCY — discrimination + economic mismanagement + REPRESSION—CAN be ignored + THE—'AL—QAEDA bogeyman' blamed instead.
20040905             1—ELITE—CLUB known as LE—CERCLE is often compared to THE—BILDERBERG—GROUP.
20040905             TWICE —1—YEAR—MEETS The secretive elite club known as LE—CERCLE group of 100—PEOPLE to discuss GLOBAL—POLITICS and business.
20040905             —THIS—MONTH The secretive elite club known as LE—CERCLE group of 100—PEOPLE meeting is scheduled to be held in WASHINGTON.
20040905             1—ELITE—CLUB known as LE—CERCLE CONSISTS—OF—POLITICIANS and
20040905             1—ELITE—CLUB known as LE—CERCLE consists of transatlantic businessmen and
20040905             —FROM THE—SUNDAY—TIMES—OF, :
20040905             NADHMI—AUCHI is 1—MEMBER—OF—1—ELITE—CLUB known as LE—CERCLE.
20040905             The current chairman is LORD—LAMONT, THE—FORMER—TORY—CHANCELLOR, and
20040905             The 19. Burning Man went up in flames in GERLACH—NEVADA, where some 35, 664—PEOPLE had gathered for the annual festival.
20040905             The eye of Hurricane Frances made official landfall near SEWALL—POINT, Fl.
20040905             —KNOCKED, Sustained winds of 105—MPH, out power to some 2—MILLION—PEOPLE.
20040905             —MOVED, Frances left 19—DEAD in FLORIDA as it slowly, northwest.
20040905             —DEFENDED, AUSTRALIA—PRIME—MINISTER—JOHN—HOWARD, his country's controversial refusal to ratify THE—KYOTO—PROTOCOL on greenhouse gases as he launched the 19. World Energy Congress in SYDNEY.
20040905             —KILLED, SYLHET—BANGLADESH, 2—PEOPLE were, and 10 wounded in 1—BOMB—BLAST.
20040905             —REPORTED, LONDON—SUNDAY Times, that JOHN—KNIGHT, 1—MILLIONAIRE—UNITED—KINGDOM—ARMS—DEALER, is reportedly fuelling 1—BLOODY—CIVIL—WAR in SUDAN by arranging to supply its government with tanks, rocket launchers and 1—CRUISE—MISSILE.
20040905             —CAPTURED, IRAQ—FORCES reportedly, Izzat IBRAHIM—AL—DOURI, THE—KING—OF—CLUBS and most wanted MEMBER—OF—SADDAM—HUSSEIN'S ousted dictatorship.
20040905             —REVEALED, DNA evidence, that the suspect was only 1—COUSIN—OF—AL—DOURI.
20040905             1—ENSUING battle left as many as 70—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20040905             1—MORTAR attack killed 2—USA—SOLDIERS.
20040905             —BILLED, Typhoon Songda, as the strongest to hit SOUTH—JAPAN in at least —3—DECADES, lashed Okinawa ISLAND with heavy rains and high winds and headed toward JAPAN—MAIN—ISLANDS.
20040905             1—TURKEY—COMPANY said it was withdrawing from IRAQ —1—DAY—AFTER IRAQ—MILITANTS threatened to behead its employee unless it ceased operations there.
20041020             THE—HOLLYWOOD—REPORTER
20041203             Herald.com |
20041203             —HELPED, Heraldjcom | 20020905             | USA, Contras get missiles......
20050829—20050905    —PLANNED, The annual Burning Man Festival in NEVADA, to introduce BORG2, 1—EVENT within the main event concentrating on art projects.
20050905             "We wanted soldiers, helicopters, food and water, FEMA wanted to negotiate 1—ORGANIZATIONAL—CHART"
20050905             —WEDNESDAY
20050905             —UNDERMINED, BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—DOWNGRADING—OF—FEMA—IMPORTANCE, their ability to respond quickly to disaster
20050905             Can Hurricanes Be Used As WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION?
20050905             SÜDSTAATEN—KATASTROPHE: Ungleiches Leid unterm Sternenbanner )
20050905             Hurrikan "Katrina": Bush bedankt sich bei Schröder
20050905             NEW—ORLEANS: Rotes Kreuz muss draußen bleiben
20050905             Flut: Überforderte Helfer lassen Sterbende zurück
20050905             NEW—ORLEANS: Unentwegte feiern SCHWULEN—PARADE
20050905             Hurrikan "Katrina": Castro bietet USA vergeblich Hilfe an
20050905             "Katrina"-Verwüstung: USA—RAFFINERIEN bleiben geschlossen )
20050905             Flut in den Südstaaten: Schwere Vorwürfe gegen Katastrophenschutz
20050905             Fotostrecke: Warten, retten, hoffen ( - Video: Noch Hunderte eingeschlossen
20050905             Roberts could shape the court —FOR—DECADES to come.
20050905             PRESIDENT—BUSH and LOUISIANA GOVERNOR—KATHLEEN—BLANCO, —DURING 1—GULF—COAST—TOUR, consoled Hurricane Katrina victims and thanked relief workers.
20050905             1—NUCLEAR—POWERED USA—NAVY—SUBMARINE collided with 1—TURKEY—CARGO ship in the Persian Gulf.
20050905             —INJURED, Nobody was, and both ships appeared to suffer only superficial damage.
20050905             —ENDED, JERRY—RICE, an NFL career that included 3—SUPER—BOWLS and records for most career receptions, receiving yards and receiving touchdowns.
20050905             Her body was found in Mathews County, about 70—MILES—EAST—OF—RICHMOND, —1—MONTH—LATER.
20050905             BEHL—BODY was found in 1—SHALLOW—GRAVE with THE—HELP—OF—PHOTOS on BENJAMIN—FAWLEY—WEB—SITE.
20050905             THE—TOWN—OF—SOELDEN, AUSTRIA, a 1,500-pound chunk of concrete being used for construction at 1—SKI resort fell from 1—HELICOPTER and hit 1—GONDOLA cable, hurling DOZENS—OF—PASSENGERS to the ground and killing 9—GERMANS.
20050905             CHINA said the death toll from —LAST—WEEK—TYPHOON—TALIM climbed by 13 to at least 95 on the mainland, with another 30—PEOPLE missing.
20050905             —DYNAMITED, Suspected rebels, 6—ENERGY pylons, leaving more than 2.3—MILLION—PEOPLE in SOUTH—WEST—COLOMBIA without electricity.
20050905             —CRASHED, EAST—CONGO, 1—RUSSIAN—MADE airplane, in the forest, killing 7, including 3—RUSSIA—CREW members.
20050905             —KNOCKED, EGYPT, 1—ACTOR, over 1—CANDLE on 1—STAGE filled with billowing paper, —STARTING 1—BLAZE that killed at least 32—PEOPLE at the Culture Palace in BENI—SUEF.
20050905             —COLLIDED, EGYPT, 1—BUS in ABU—SWAYLIM village, with 1—CAR and then plunged into 1—CANAL, killing 7—PEOPLE, leaving at least 5—MISSING and presumed drowned, and injuring 14.
20050905             —SLAMMED, INDONESIA, 1—DOMESTIC jetliner, into 1 crowded neighborhood —AFTER taking off from MEDAN, bursting into flames and killing at 143—PEOPLE including 44 on the ground.
20050905             18—PASSENGERS survived the crash, including an —18—MONTH—OLD—BOY.
20050905             —LAUNCHED, Insurgents, 1—SURPRISE—ATTACK on BAGHDAD—HEAVILY guarded Interior Ministry building, killing 2—POLICE—OFFICERS and wounding several others.
20050905             —KILLED, In SOUTH—IRAQ, 2—UNITED—KINGDOM—SOLDIERS were, by 1—ROADSIDE bomb.
20050905             THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—TAL—AFAR, bodies of 3—DISTRICT—LEADERS were found.
20050905             —TURNED, The 3 had, down demands by insurgents to cooperate in their fight with USA and IRAQ—FORCES.
20050905             8—IRAQ—CIVILIANS, including 5—CHILDREN, were killed in fighting there.
20050905             † Another 25—IRAQ—CIVILIANS, in other incidents in BAGHDAD, Baqouba and elsewhere.
20050905             —STARTED, KASHMIR—MAIN—POLITICAL—SEPARATIST—ALLIANCE, peace talks with THE—INDIA—PRIME—MINISTER, seeking trust and 1—EASING of harsh military controls in the troubled region.
20050905             KOSOVO PRESIDENT—IBRAHIM—RUGOVA (19440000—20060000    ), linked —FOR—DECADES to the ethnic ALBANIA—MAJORITY—ANTI—SERBIA—STRUGGLE, said he has lung cancer, but he pledged to stay in OFFICE—AS—THE—UNITED—NATIONS—RUN—PROVINCE—NEARS—CRUCIAL—TALKS on its future.
20050905             KYRGYZSTAN PRESIDENT—KURMANBEK—BAKIYEV said that his CENTRAL—ASIA—NATION will allow THE—USA—MILITARY—BASE on its territory for as long as necessary to bring stability to AFGHANISTAN, but he also said the rent will increase.
20050905             NEPAL, more than 12—DEMONSTRATORS were hurt in violent clashes with police, the 3. —DAY—OF—PROTESTS against KING—GYANENDRA—SEIZURE—OF—POWER —7—MONTHS—AGO.
20050905             —RELEASED, Authorities, more than 50—PRO—DEMOCRACY—PROTESTERS detained over the weekend.
20050905             —DROPPED, NIGERIA—UNIONS, 1—THREAT to hold 1—NATIONWIDE general strike but instead vowed to launch 1—SERIES—OF—MASS—STREET—RALLIES to protest against rising petrol prices.
20050905             1—EXPLOSION destroyed 1—HOUSE——AFTER nightfall in GAZA City, killing 4—PEOPLE and injuring at least 30. It belonged to 1—WELL—KNOWN—FAMILY—OF—SUPPORTERS—OF—THE—ISLAMIC—MILITANT group Hamas, but THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY denied having anything to do with the blast.
20050905             UBS said it will sell 3—OF—SWITZERLAND—OLDEST private banks and asset manager GAM to JULIUS—BAER for 5.6—BILLION SWITZERLAND—FRANCS ($4.6—BILLION), to enable it to focus on its own private banking business.
20050905             THE—UKRAINE—OLEKSANDR—ZINCHENKO, 1—CLOSE—AIDE to PRESIDENT—VIKTOR—YUSHCHENKO who was 1—CHIEF organizer of the "ORANGE Revolution" protests, said he had resigned from the government because of systemic corruption.
20050905             1—VENEZUELA official said 1—STATE—GOVERNOR allied to leftist PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ has ordered troops to seize 1—ABANDONED—TOMATO—PROCESSING plant owned by the H.J. HEINZ—CO.
20050905             PORTLAND IMC—DON'T Give Your Hurricane Donations to...
20050905             —NOTED, THE—SENATE—OVERMAN—COMMITTEE, that Wardwell was favorable to THE—SOVIET—REGIME although POOLE, THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT—OFFICIAL on the spot...
20050905             —FROM nytr at olm.BLYTHE—SYSTEMS.com
20050905             Bei 1—SEILBAHNUNGLÜCK im Gletscherskigebiet von Sölden in Tirol kommen 9—DEUTSCHE—TOURISTEN ums Leben.
20050905             1—TRANSPORTHUBSCHRAUBER verliert während eines Flugs zur Bergstation einen Betonkübel, der 1—GONDEL trifft und mit in die Tiefe reißt.
20050905             101—FLUGZEUGINSASSEN und 47—STADTBEWOHNER sterben.
20050905—20050000    —REACHED, THROUGH—CHINA and THE—EU, 1—AGREEMENT to unblock some 77—MILLION—GARMENTS held up at European borders —AFTER CHINA—TEXTILE imports broke quota limits.
20050905—20051003    —NOMINATED, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH, JOHN—ROBERTS, —50—JAHRE—ALT to succeed WILLIAM—H—REHNQUIST as CHIEF justice and called on the Senate to confirm him —BEFORE THE—SUPREME—COURT—OPENS—ITS—FALL—TERM.
20050905—20060000    —SENTENCED, Fawley (39) was, to —30—YEARS in prison for her death.
20050905—20060000    —IN, the helicopter pilot was convicted of criminal negligence and sentenced to —15—MONTHS in prison.
20060225             —LAUNCHED, In 1—NUTSHELL: THE—NRO, 1—SATELLITE on 20010905             —6—DAYS—BEFORE SEVERALUSA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES were engaged in an "exercise" that exactly simulated THE—EVENTS—OF—THAT—FATEFUL——DAY—THE—NGIS,
20060225             THE—NRO launched 1—SATELLITE on 20010905             —6—DAYS—BEFORE SEVERALUSA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES were engaged in an "exercise" that exactly simulated THE—EVENTS—OF—THAT—FATEFUL——DAY -
20060225—20010905    —LAUNCHED, In 1—NUTSHELL: THE—NRO, 1—SATELLITE - —6—DAYS—BEFORE several USA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES were engaged in an "exercise" that exactly simulated THE—EVENTS—OF—THAT—FATEFUL——DAY—THE—NGIS, formerly NIMA, got 1—NEW—DIRECTOR —1—MONTH —PRIOR—TO—THAT—DAY from the extremely corrupt Booz, Allen + HAMILTON—AND
20060225—20010905    —LAUNCHED, THE—NRO, 1—SATELLITE - —6—DAYS—BEFORE several USA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES were engaged in an "exercise" that exactly simulated THE—EVENTS—OF—THAT—FATEFUL——DAY -
20060603—20060905    —AM, seine baugleiche Schwestersonde "Voyager 1" folgte, ahnte niemand, wie lange die Zwillinge sich im All halten würden.
20060727—20060726    —DATE20060905—20060726    —KILLED, ISRAEL—FORCES, the young man in THE—NORTH—WEST—BANK—NABLUS—DISTRICT.
20060818—20080905    —ON, was released.
20060831             Smith, RICHARD—TURNER, Tax Fraud, 20060905             , LITTLE—ROCK, AR.
20060905             He may believe that these petty groups and their posturing leaders "are successors to fascists, to Nazis, to communists and other totalitarians of the 19010101—20001231    ".
20060905             He becomes the Churchillian leader of "the decisive ideological struggle of the 20010101—21001231    ".
20060905             How did THE—USA—BECOME 1—MASTER—OF—DOMESTIC—WAR—PROPAGANDA over the course of the 19010101—20001231    ?
20060905             I could look across THE—BAGHDAD skyline and see 1—RICH miscellany of Christian churches, embracing Assyrian, Armenian, Byzantine, Anglican, Mandeans and Methodist, SOME—OF—THEM with 1—PRESENCE—SINCE THE—1—CENTURY, —6—CENTURIES—BEFORE Islam began.
20060905             IRAQ—RESISTANCE—REPORT for events of —SATURDAY, 20060902
20060905             IRAQ—RESISTANCE—REPORT for events of —SUNDAY, 20060903             .
20060905             "Honestly, I think not. He is very angry, very disappointed," BRITAIN—THE—DAILY—TELEGRAPH reported —SUNDAY, 20060903             !...
20060905             —NAMED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, MARY—PETERS, FORMER—FEDERAL—HIGHWAY—ADMINISTRATOR, to replace Norm Pineta as transportation SECRETARY.
20060905             —ANNOUNCED, THE—ACADEMY—OF—AMERICA—POETS, that MICHAEL—PALMER, —63—JAHRE—ALT, 1—RESIDENT—OF—SAN—FRANCISCO, has been selected as the recipient of the 13. WALLACE—STEVENS—AWARD for "outstanding and proven mastery in the art of poetry".
20060905             —INCLUDED, The award, $100,000.
20060905             —DONATED, DAN—RATHER said he has, $2—MILLION to his alma mater, SAM—HOUSTON—STATE—UNIVERSITY, the largest single monetary gift in the school's —127—YEAR—HISTORY.
20060905             —ANNOUNCED, Chevron and Devon energy, successful oil production from 1—NEW—DEEP—WATER region in the Gulf of MEXICO estimated at 3—15—BILLION BARRELS—OF—OIL plus gas.
20060905             —STEPPED, BILL—FORD, down as CEO—OF—FORD—MOTOR—CO. and was replaced by ALAN—MULALLY, 1—TOP—BOEING executive.
20060905             Mulally will get 1—BASE—SALARY—OF $2—MILLION and 1—IMMEDIATE—PAYOUT—OF $18.5—MILLION which includes a $7.5—MILLION hiring bonus and $11—MILLION to offset forfeited performance and stock option awards from Boeing.
20060905             —GRANTED, THE—USA—FDA, Abiomed approval to sell AbioCor, the world's 1. implantable artificial heart.
20060905             —REOPENED, The lower DECK—OF—THE—SF—BAY—BRIDGE, —AFTER being shut down for THE—3—DAY—LABOR——DAY weekend due to demolition work.
20060905             —PICKED, THE—WIRELESS—SILICON—VALLEY—PROJECT, Silicon Valley METRO Connect, 1—COLLABORATION—OF—AZULSTAR—NETWORKS, Cisco systems, IBM and Seakay, to build and operate 1—WIRELESS—NETWORK across 38—CITIES in THE—SF—BAY—AREA.
20060905             1—COOK was charged with shooting and dismembering the owner of 1—MAINE—BED—AND—BREAKFAST and 3—OTHER—PEOPLE in 1—LABOR—DAY—WEEKEND killing rampage.
20060905             —PLEADED, CHRISTIAN—NIELSEN has —SINCE, not guilty to murder by REASON—OF—INSANITY.
20060905             —KILLED, SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, USA artillery and airstrikes, between 50 and 60 suspected Taliban militants, the 4. —DAY—OF—1—NATO—LED offensive.
20060905             —TRAPPED, NATO said 700—TALIBAN were, by the offensive.
20060905             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—IN—ARGENTINA ruled unconstitutional a 19900000             presidential pardon extended to JORGE—RAFAEL—VIDELA, who led ARGENTINA—MILITARY junta —DURING the worst periods of THE—SO—CALLED "Dirty War" crackdown on dissidents 19760000—19830000    —BETWEEN.
20060905             —1—DAY—EARLIER the same judge ruled that pardons for Albano Harguinday, the interior MINISTER—UNDER—VIDELA, and JOSE—MARTINEZ—DE—HOZ, the economy MINISTER—UNDER—VIDELA, were also unconstitutional.
20060905             —RESIGNED, BURUNDI VICE—PRESIDENT—ALICE—NZOMUKUNDA, over corruption and human rights abuses that she says are hampering her nation's progress.
20060905             —FOILED, DENMARK—AUTHORITIES said they, 1—SERIOUS—TERROR—PLOT with the arrest of 9—MEN accused of preparing explosives for 1 planned attack in DENMARK.
20060905             The suspects were DENMARK—CITIZENS between the ages of 18 and 33. 8—OF—THEM had immigrant backgrounds.
20060905             —ACQUITTED, Riad Anwer Daabas (19) was.
20060905             —DESCRIBED, Zaher and Khaldhadi, as THE—2—MOST active, were each sentenced to —11—YEARS in prison, —WHILE Andersen was given a —4—YEAR—SENTENCE.
20060905             Cellular telephones were found inside 4—PRISONERS in EL—SALVADOR—MAXIMUM—SECURITY—PRISON——AFTER suspicious officials took X—RAYS—OF—EACH—OF—THE—INMATES.
20060905             FRANCE—OIL and gas field surveyor Geophysique said it will buy USA rival Veritas for $3.1—BILLION in cash and stock, establishing 1—MAJOR—NEW—GLOBAL—PLAYER in the booming oil exploration industry.
20060905             —VOTED, THE—IRAQ—PARLIAMENT, to extend the country's STATE—OF—EMERGENCY for 30—MORE—DAYS.
20060905             —REPLACED, ISRAEL—FORCES left 5—VILLAGES in SOUTH—LEBANON and were, by LEBANON—TROOPS, who also moved into the center of 1—HEZBOLLAH stronghold devastated by weeks of fighting.
20060905             KYRGYZSTAN, MAJOR—JILL—METZGER (33), 1—USA—AIR—FORCE—OFFICER, went missing —WHILE shopping in THE—CAPITAL—OF—BISHKEK.
20060905             —REAPPEARED, Metzger, —3—DAYS—LATER and said she had been seized by 3—YOUNG—MEN and 1—WOMAN in 1—MINIBUS and held in 1—RURAL—AREA about 30—MILES from the capital.
20060905             4—OF—THE—OFFICER—AIDES and bodyguards were killed in the sophisticated attack.
20060905             —RECOMMENDED, THE—PRESIDENT—OF—MEXICO—TOP—ELECTORAL—COURT, that the full tribunal uphold the slim LEAD—OF—RULING party candidate Felipe Calderon.
20060905             MARCELO—GARZA, the top police investigator for Nuevo LEON, 1—NORTHERN—MEXICO—STATE that borders TEXAS, was shot to death by 1—LONE gunman outside 1—ART—GALLERY.
20060905             —SIGNED, PAKISTAN—GOVERNMENT and PRO—TALIBAN militants, 1—AGREEMENT in Miran Shah to ensure "permanent peace" in 1—TRIBAL region bordering AFGHANISTAN, seeking to end —5—YEARS—OF—VIOLENT—UNREST in the area.
20060905             —PULLED, Under the truce THE—PAKISTAN army, back to barracks TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—TROOPS that had been involved in bloody operations against suspected Taliban and AL—QAIDA hideouts, and militants agreed to halt attacks in PAKISTAN and over the border against foreign troops in AFGHANISTAN.
20060905             —SUPPOSED, Tribal elders were, to police the deal.
20060905             —THREATENED, Lawmakers from 1—COALITION—OF—6—ISLAMIC—GROUPS, to vacate their parliamentary seats if the government changes 1—RAPE law criticized by human rights activists.
20060905             PALESTINE—SECURITY—OFFICERS went on the rampage in GAZA City to demand back pay from THE—CASH—STRAPPED HAMAS—LED government.
20060905             —PRESSED, ISRAEL, ahead with its offensive against Hamas militants, killing 5 with airstrikes in THE—RAFAH refugee camp.
20060905             RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN met SOUTH—AFRICA—LEADER—THABO Mbeki at THE—START—OF—1—VISIT intended to forge closer ties between the mineral and diamond superpowers.
20060905             —BECAME, TURKEY, the 1. Muslim country with diplomatic ties to ISRAEL to pledge troops to 1—EXPANDING INTERNATIONAL peacekeeping force that will monitor 1—FRAGILE—CEASE—FIRE between ISRAEL and Hezbollah.
20060905             —MASSED, SOMALIA, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, in MOGADISHU vowing to fight ANY—FOREIGN—PEACEKEEPERS sent to the embattled nation, —WHILE 1—COALITION—OF—EAST—AFRICA—NATIONS approved 1—AMBITIOUS—PLAN to deploy troops in SOMALIA by early —NEXT—MONTH.
20060905             —ARRESTED, Police in URUGUAY, 27—PEOPLE SUSPECTED—OF—TRAFFICKING drugs to EUROPE and seized 1—RECORD—770—POUNDS—OF—COCAINE.
20060905             Blair drängt auf Söldnernachschub aus SÜDAFRIKA—SFUX DOCTOR—ALEXANDER—VON—PALESKE—AM
20060905             1—META—GROUP—MANAGING—DRUGS, Violence + the State
20060905             THE—ROLE—OF—ANTON—SURIKOV: THE—DUNLOP and Yasenev Versions / Part VII
20060905             PETER—DALE—SCOTT—AS we have seen, Dunlop describes ANTON—SURIKOV, the organizer of the Beaulieu meeting, as ?1 retired officer...
20060905             THE—KHASHOGGI—VILLA—MEETING, KOSOVO + the ?PRISTINA Dash? / Part VI
20060905             For example, he acknowledges.
20060905             DUNLOP?s Redactions of His Source Yasenev / Part V
20060905             PETER—DALE—SCOTT—DUNLOP?s essay is 52—PAGES—LONG, with 142—FOOTNOTES.
20060905             —INCLUDED, But having thus provocatively, references to both Khashoggi and narcotics.
20060905             Under Fire, ABC Yanks Official Blog of 20010911             Docudrama
20060905             KARL—ROVE—WORD 'no longer gospel.' - Rove "appears to have the
20060905             least political authority —SINCE he came to WASHINGTON," THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORTS, with MANY—CONSERVATIVES ignoring his advice + turning on PRESIDENT—BUSH + his policies.
20060905             Santorum Tells CASEY—HIS—DEAD—FATHER 'Would Be Very Upset' With Him
20060905             —DEBATED, SENATOR—RICK—SANTORUM (R—PA), challenger BOB—CASEY —TODAY on Meet the Press.
20060905             —NOTED, As Atrios - 1., Santorum said —DURING the debate, "I think his father would be very upset if, if he were alive —TODAY and + heard him be supportive of something like this".
20060905             Dole Stumped —WHEN Asked To Name Anyone Who Believes 'THE—TERRORISTS—CAN—BE—APPEASED'
20060905             —COMPARED, SECRETARY—RUMSFELD —LAST—WEEK, IRAQ war critics TO—HITLER appeasers.
20060905             This —MORNING on FOX—NEWS, SENATOR—ELIZABETH—DOLE (R—NC) was asked to name someone — anyone — who actually believes "the terrorists can be appeased".
20060905             She couldn't do it.
20060905             —EXTENDED, Instead, she went on 1, rant criticizing those who have "raised concerns" about THE—PATRIOT—ACT, the "Terrorist Surveillance Program" (i.e., warrantless domestic spying) + the missile defense system.
20060905             —ASKED, The host then, Dole whether that "goes to the level" of appeasement.
20060905             She dodged the question a 2. time.
20060905             WALLACE: SENATOR—DOLE, which Democrats + I'd like you to name them, which Democrats running for the Senate —THIS—YEAR believe the terrorists can be appeased?
20060905             DOLE: Well, let me say, 1. of all, that I think what the administration officials were saying is that this is 1—VERY—SERIOUS—SITUATION.
20060905             They want THE—USA—PEOPLE to realize that these are Islamic jihadists who are literally trying to destroy our WAY—OF—LIFE, destroy us + they were raising THE—LEVEL—OF—ATTENTION to —JUST how serious it is.
20060905             WALLACE: I know, but SOME—PEOPLE —
20060905             DOLE: And I —JUST want to say — let me —JUST mention that the tools that are needed to fight THE—WAR—ON—TERROR, such as THE—PATRIOT—ACT — —NOW, there are 1—NUMBER—OF—THE—DEMOCRAT candidates who are against THE—PATRIOT—ACT.
20060905             Sherrod Brown, for example, who's running against MIKE—DEWINE in OHIO.
20060905             I could name ANY—NUMBER — um, BOB—MENENDEZ, I believe, voted against THE—PATRIOT—ACT.
20060905             —RAISED, THE—TERRORIST—SURVEILLANCE—PROGRAM, MANY—OF—THE—DEMOCRATS have, concerns about this particular tool, which enabled, the same KIND—OF—TOOL enabled the British to come across the plot to bomb airplanes + THE—BANK—SURVEILLANCE—ACT + missile defense system, the Democrats have been against the missile defense system.
20060905             WALLACE: Do you think that goes to the level — and I'll give SENATOR—SCHUMER 1—CHANCE in 1—MOMENT — do you think that goes to the level of what SECRETARY [sic] Cheney called trying to appease the terrorists, or what VICE—PRESIDENT... what SECRETARY—RUMSFELD called — or what VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY called trying to "satisfy THE—APPETITE—OF—THE—TERRORISTS"?
20060905             —DESIGNED, DOLE: I think that this is, to raise THE—ATTENTION—OF—THE—USA—PEOPLE to the severity of these Islamic jihadists who are in 1—HOLY—WAR, who as I say want to destroy us.
20060905             It's 1—MOVEMENT + it's 1—VERY—SERIOUS—MATTER + I think that's what they were trying to do.
20060905             Santorum: 'I—THINK—THE—FOCUS—SHOULD—NOT—BE—IRAQ, It Should Be IRAN'
20060905             This —MORNING on Meet the Press, SENATOR—RICK—SANTORUM (R—PA) claimed, "I think the focus should not be IRAQ, it should be IRAN".
20060905             It's clear why Santorum wants to take public attention off the deeply unpopular war in IRAQ.
20060905             The problem is that PRESIDENT—BUSH—FAILING policy there is 1—OF—THE—MAIN—FACTORS empowering IRAN in the region.
20060905             —NOTED, As THE—UK—THINK tank Chatham House, in ITS—RECENT—REPORT :
20060905             The wars and continued weaknesses in AFGHANISTAN and IRAQ have further strengthened IRAN, their most powerful immediate neighbour, which maintains significant involvement in its 'NEAR—ABROAD'.
20060905             —COMPROMISED, THE—USA—DRIVEN agenda for confronting IRAN is severely, by the confident ease with which IRAN sits in its region.
20060905             USA—SECURITY requires having effective policies in both IRAQ and IRAN.
20060905             Right —NOW we don't have either.
20060905             SANTORUM: You're trying to get Iraqis to take CONTROL—OF—THE—SECURITY—SITUATION, which we are trying to do.
20060905             We are trying to get INTERNATIONAL cooperation to get money in there.
20060905             We're trying to improve their QUALITY—OF—LIFE.
20060905             We're trying to stabilize their democracy and make sure their constitution is defended.
20060905             I mean, ALL—OF—THOSE things that I think everyone would agree that we are to do.
20060905             The question is, is you have SOME—  you have sectarian violence you talked about, fomented by IRAN, that we are not addressing.
20060905             So the question is, how do we cure IRAQ? Focus on IRAN.
20060905             We need to do something about stopping the Iranians from being THE—CENTRAL—DESTABILIZER—OF—THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20060905             RUSSERT: Would you put more troops in IRAQ?
20060905             SANTORUM: I don't know if it's 1—QUESTION—OF—MORE—TROOPS or less troops.
20060905             I think the focus should not be IRAQ, it should be IRAN.
20060905             "AFGHANISTAN—OPIUM harvest —THIS—YEAR has reached THE—HIGHEST—LEVELS ever recorded,
20060905             showing 1—INCREASE—OF almost 50 % from —LAST—YEAR," THE—UNITED—NATIONS announced —YESTERDAY, describing the figures as "alarming" and "very bad news".
20060905             Kristol: 'Bush Should Pardon Libby. He Should Do it —NOW'
20060905             —TODAY on FOX—NEWS—SUNDAY, Weekly Standard EDITOR—BILL—KRISTOL said, "Bush should pardon [FORMER—CHENEY CHIEF—OF—STAFF—SCOOTER] Libby. He should do it —NOW. It would be fantastic".
20060905             —CHARGED, Libby has been, with obstructing justice, making false statements to 1—GRAND—JURY and perjury.
20060905             —ASSERTED, Kristol, however, that Libby was only indicted because special prosecutor was "totally OUT—OF—CONTROL" and "had to indict someone".
20060905             He added that Libby "didn't lie in ANY—SERIOUS meaning of lying —BEFORE 1—GRAND—JURY".
20060905             Bush _Should_Pardon_Libby_He_Should_Do_it_Now_Video">Digg it!
20060905             Bush should pardon Libby. He should do it —NOW.
20060905             It would be fantastic. The democrats would go crazy.
20060905             We could have 1—DEBATE——FOR—2—MONTHS about whether 1 should criminalize what was 1—TOTALLY innocent attempt to respond to, as Juan said, 1—MENDACIOUS—CRITIC—OF—THE—ADMINISTRATION.
20060905             It's really 1—OUTRAGE.
20060905             —INDICTED, THE—1—GUY, here is Libby.
20060905             And that outrage is that criminalizing works.
20060905             BUMIELLER: But we are still talking about disclosing someone's identity that — it's still in the gray area possibly being 1—CRIME.
20060905             So i think it's not.
20060905             —CHARGED, KRISTOL: Has libby been, with that crime?
20060905             No. No underlying crime. HUME: No 1 has.
20060905             —CHARGED, No 1 has been.
20060905             —CHARGED, WALLACE: But he has been, with lying to 1—GRAND—JURY.
20060905             If he lied to 1—GRAND—JURY...
20060905             KRISTOL: The things he allegedly forgot about them are much less consequential than what RICHARD—ARMITAGE forgot.
20060905             RICHARD—ARMITAGE forgot —FOR—3—MONTHS that he talked to Novak.
20060905             He forgot —FOR—2—YEARS that he talked to BOB—WOODWARD, —3—WEEKS—BEFORE he talked to Novak.
20060905             —INDICTED, RICHARD—ARMITAGE has not been, + he shouldn't be.
20060905             —INDICTED, The idea that Libby is, for LESS—WILLIAMS: But he lied.
20060905             Did he lie or didn't he lie?
20060905             KRISTOL: He didn't lie in ANY—SERIOUS meaning of lying —BEFORE 1—GRAND—JURY.
20060905             —COINED, OFT—MOCKED New Republic "culture critic" LEE—SIEGEL, who, the term "BLOGO—FASCISM " to describe online efforts against JOE—LIEBERMAN, has been suspended from TNR for writing numerous SELF—GLORIFYING comments under the pseudonym "Sprezzatura".
20060905             Examples here and here.
20060905             FOX—ANALYST: New Tape Shows AL—QAEDA—USING 'ALL—OF—THE—ANTIWAR—ARGUMENTS' And 'Turning Them Back Against Us'
20060905             —ISSUED, —EARLY—TODAY, AL—QAEDA #2 AYMAN—AL—ZAWAHIRI, 1—NEW videotape in which he appeared alongside 1—MAN "
20060905             identified as 1—USA—MEMBER—OF—THE—TERROR—NETWORK.
20060905             Within minutes, FOX—NEWS brought on RIGHT—WING AUTHOR—RICHARD—MINITER to provide expert ANALYSIS—OF—THE—VIDEO.
20060905             Miniter said that "what's striking" about Zawahiri "is that he's using 1—LOT—OF—THE—SAME—RHETORIC as the antiwar crowd.
20060905             —DEFEATED, He refers to PRESIDENT—BUSH as 1—LIAR and 1, PRESIDENT...They call him 1—FAILURE, 1—INCOMPETENT".
20060905             Also in the tape, Zawahiri says "Bush was foolish to turn down the truce offered by OSAMA—BIN—LADEN as an honorable way out".
20060905             Miniter said this claim and others is what "MICHAEL—MOORE and JOHN—KERRY were saying —1—YEAR—AGO," and —NOW al Qaeda is "turning them back against us".
20060905             —DESIGNED, MINITER: Absolutely, this is, for 20010911             —THE anniversary.
20060905             But also what's striking, if you read the transcript of this tape — and I should say THE—CIA has not yet confirmed that this is indeed the voice of AL—ZAWAHIRI, although I think we have to presume that it is — is that he's using 1—LOT—OF—THE—SAME—RHETORIC as the antiwar crowd.
20060905             —DEFEATED, He refers to PRESIDENT—BUSH as 1—LIAR and 1, PRESIDENT, hinting that somehow the election 20000000             was illegitimate.
20060905             They call him 1—FAILURE, 1—INCOMPETENT.
20060905             These are THE—KINDS—OF—THINGS that the antiwar crowd has been saying.
20060905             Also on the tape, he says that Bush was foolish to turn down the truce offered by OSAMA—BIN—LADEN as an honorable way out + says if THE—USA is winning, why is it debating 1—TIMETABLE for withdrawal from IRAQ?
20060905             Again, this is all something that they are picking up from the world media, all of the antiwar arguments + they're are turning them back against us.
20060905             Zawahiri is saying what MICHAEL—MOORE and JOHN—KERRY were saying —1—YEAR—AGO.
20060905             National Review EDITOR—RICH—LOWRY claims in his
20060905             column —YESTERDAY that THE—MAJORITY—OF—AMERICANS oppose withdrawing USA—TROOPS from IRAQ:
20060905             POLITICALLY—IRAQ is 1—LOSER for Republicans, except for the bright spot that THE—USA—PUBLIC is not yet ready to quit.
20060905             1—CNN poll —IN—AUGUST found that 69—PERCENT—OF—AMERICANS oppose withdrawing USA—TROOPS by THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR + 66 % believe that we can win the war there.
20060905             But Lowry is manipulating the poll numbers to prove his point.
20060905             20060802             THE—CNN poll —FROM—3 , to which Lowry is referring, found that —JUST 34—PERCENT—OF—AMERICANS oppose USA—TROOP—WITHDRAWAL 61 % support it.
20060905             Of that 61 %, 26 % support full troop withdrawal and another 35 % support SOME—REDEPLOYMENT:
20060905             There are —JUST 3—MORE—MONTHS left in the —YEAR.
20060905             No prominent politician is advocating complete redeployment by the end of 20060000             .
20060905             Another recent CNN poll shows that - 57 %
20060905             of the public supports 1—TIMETABLE for withdrawal. (HT: Reader KEN—A)
20060905             1,000. - AMANDA—NUMBER—OF—CHILDREN living in IRAQ—ORPHANAGES as of early 20060000             , up from about 400—BEFORE THE—USA—INVASION 20030000             .
20060905             Caught on Tape: A 'Stay the Course' Retrospective
20060905             —YESTERDAY, THE—WHITE—HOUSE
20060905             complained to THE—WASHINGTON—POST that their critics were smearing them with inaccurate labels:
20060905             MANY—DEMOCRATS accuse THE—PRESIDENT—OF advocating "stay the course" in IRAQ, but THE—WHITE—HOUSE rejects the phrase + regularly emphasizes that it is adapting tactics to changing circumstances, such as moving more USA—TROOPS into BAGHDAD —RECENTLY—AFTER 1—PREVIOUS—SECURITY—STRATEGY appeared to fail.
20060905             Where did anyone ever get the idea that PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADVOCATES "staying the course" in IRAQ?
20060905             LET—GO to the videotape:
20060905             04Aug.2005 BUSH: We will stay the course, we will complete the job in IRAQ.
20060905             Writer of ABC's 20010911             'DOCUDRAMA' Is Avowed Conservative Activist
20060905             —CALLED, ABC will air a "docudrama" next weekend, "THE—PATH to 20010911             ?
20060905             WHICH—BLAMES PRESIDENT—CLINTON for 20010911             —THE attacks —WHILE praising PRESIDENT—BUSH.
20060905             —UNABASHED, THE—WRITER—OF—THE—MOVIE is 1, conservative named CYRUS—NOWRASTEH.
20060905             —LAST—YEAR, Nowrasteh spoke on 1—PANEL titled, "Rebels With 1—CAUSE:
20060905             How Conservatives Can Lead HOLLYWOOD—NEXT—PARADIGM—SHIFT.
20060905             —DESCRIBED, He has, MICHAEL—MOORE as "1—OUT—OF—CONTROL—SOCIALIST weasel," + conducted interviews with RIGHT—WING websites like FrontPageMag.
20060905             The problem isn't that Nowrasteh is conservative.
20060905             The problem is that Nowrasteh and ABC are representing "THE—PATH to 20010911             ?
20060905             as 1 unbiased historical drama.
20060905             —BASED, Promos for the movie say it is " on 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT".
20060905             —WANTED, Nowrasteh claims he " to match THE—JUST—THE—FACTS—TONE—OF—THE—REPORT," + describes the project as "1—OBJECTIVE—TELLING—OF—THE—EVENTS—OF—20010911             ".
20060905             HERE—SOME—OF—THE—OBJECTIVITY you can expect: Nowrasteh says the film shows how Clinton had "frequent opportunities...
20060905             Conservatives fear BOLTON won't win confirmation.
20060905             IRAQ violence is spreading, according to 1—NEW—PENTAGON report.
20060905             "Conditions that could lead to civil war exist in IRAQ, specifically in + —AROUND BAGHDAD +
20060905             concern about civil war within THE—IRAQ—CIVILIAN—POPULATION - has increased in recent months".
20060905             JONAH—GOLDBERG wants people to "give Bush 1—BREAK":
20060905             "Yes, THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT could have responded better [to Hurricane Katrina].
20060905             —INVOLVED, AND—OF—COURSE there were real tragedies, in that disaster.
20060905             But you know what? Bad stuff happens —DURING disasters,
20060905             which is why we don't call them TICKLE—PARTIES.
20060905             New ABC Docudrama Blames Clinton For 20010911             , Praises Bush
20060905             "We are experiencing dangerous human DISRUPTION—AMANDA -of the global climate + we're going to experience more," USA—ASSOCIATION for THE—ADVANCEMENT—OF—SCIENCE—PRESIDENT—JOHN—HOLDREN told THE—BBC.
20060905             He added that PRESIDENT—BUSH is "wrong...in the assumption that we can wait for better technology, —10—YEARS, —20—YEARS, —30—YEARS, —BEFORE we even start to do anything about climate change".
20060905             PRESIDENT—BUSH + ISLAMO—MUSH
20060905             The best case is that PRESIDENT—BUSH—SPEECH in UTAH was 1—CYNICAL—MANIPULATION—OF—THE—USA—PUBLIC.
20060905             Perhaps this is why he portrays his unpopular war in IRAQ as PART—OF—1—HEROIC—BATTLE against the forces of evil.
20060905             Sunni + Shia, Persian and Arab, AL—QAIDA and Hamas are all, he claims, "
20060905             This mushy merger of rival groups + nations with vastly different histories and motives, some in actual combat with EACH—OTHER, may help THE—PRESIDENT—CONVINCE—SOME—THAT they should back his war in IRAQ as 1—WAY—OF defeating Hezbollah and Hamas.
20060905             It helps him explain why
20060905             he abandoned pursuit of OSAMA—BIN—LADEN to overthrow SADDAM—HUSSEIN.
20060905             They are, in his view, all the same.
20060905             Another possibility is that THE—PRESIDENT actually believes this simplistic notion picked up from the
20060905             fringe writings of the radical right.
20060905             —BY inflating his enemies, he raises his own perceived role in history.
20060905             It is difficult to believe that the senior leadership in the National Security Council, THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT—AND—THE—JOINT—CHIEFS—OF—STAFF—SUPPORTS this grandiose analysis.
20060905             It is harder to believe that the senior analysts in the intelligence agencies have concurred with this distorted world view.
20060905             The worst case, however, is that THE—PRESIDENT will act on his vision.
20060905             He expressly abandons DECADES—OF—BIPARTISAN efforts to manage world events and contain disruptive forces.
20060905             "For 1—HALF—CENTURY, AMERICA—PRIMARY—GOAL in THE—MIDDLE—EAST was stability," he says contemptuously, embracing the neoconservative notion that we
20060905             use THE—USA—MILITARY for serial regime change to force 1—NEW—WORLD—ORDER.
20060905             If so, this could be not —JUST the political posturing of 1—ELECTION—CAMPAIGN but the unveiling of 1—NEW—PHASE in THE—PRESIDENT—LONG—WAR.
20060905             1—WAR, he says, in which the "fighting there can be as fierce as it was at OMAHA Beach or Guadalcanal".
20060905             A grim prediction, a bizarre campaign platform + a future we must reject.
20060905             JOE—CIRINCIONE - ASESINOS CON MODUS OPERANDI CONOCIDO Nuevos datos obtenidos sobre el asesinato de Elba Beatriz Carrera sirven para analizar no solo este horrendo caso sino —QUIZÁS—EL de Celestina EDITH—TABORDA.
20060905             Al igual que otros delitos cometidos últimamente, fueron dos los mal vivientes que actua.
20060905             DDI SECUESTRA FIAT FIORINO En un control de talleres en el marco de ley 13.081—DE prevención del delito automotor, la DDI Bragado clausuró ayer un taller en calles Ameghino y Constatino de la ciudad de Bragado, por carecer de habilitación municipal y libro de registro de automotor...
20060905             TIME MAGAZINE COVER - 20010911             Truth ACTIVISTS—THANK Yourselves —FOR—THIS—TIME—MAGAZINE—COVER—MESSAGE—LIST
20060905             —HAPPENED, It has officially.
20060905             —AFTER 5—LONG—YEARS, the topic of 20010911             truth has grown so large that it finally made the front COVER—OF—TIME—MAGAZINE.
20060905             —WHEN the mainstream media realizes that news harmful to the Empire can no longer be ignored?
20060905             It must —NOW do its real job and work FULL—TIME in order to showcase, spin + thoroughly marginalize the issue.
20060905             —OCCURRED, The same thing —JUST—RECENTLY, with Uranium Weapons (MIS—NAMED Depleted Uranium or DU) as it was —RECENTLY featured by the Associated Press.
20060905             The slanted, only PARTIAL—TRUTH—MEDIA—COVERAGE—OF—THE—USE—OF these radioactive Uranium Weapons that are causing devastating health effects on our soldiers in AFGHANISTAN + IRAQ is but another example of how the media tries to do "damage control" on these subjects that are dangerous to THE—EMPIRE—AS they have become "hot" topics (pardon the expression) out in everyday, normal conversation.
20060905             Banking on the fact that most Americans do not get their news from alternative media, people are thus likely to continue to believe the governments' + mainstream media' reporters' + newscasters' + MOVIE—MAKERS' versions of these stories.
20060905             Or, so hope the domestic EVIL—DOERS in power.
20060905             —STUDIED, THE—TIME—ARTICLE must be read +, as 1—STUNNING example of how the propaganda spin machine works to marginalize truth that can be devastating to the Empire.
20060905             It is apparent —AFTER READING this piece that writers simply do not make it through THE—DOORS—OF—TIME + other major media venues without the requisite obedience to THE—DC power holders inside the Beltway.
20060905             This particular TIME writer fully cooperates with the keepers of 20010911             —THE "official story" by delving into the psychology of why 20010911             truth activists make the claims they do in order to hold onto such "comforting" concepts such as a "malevolent controlling force orchestrating global events".
20060905             Talk about 1—BASS ackwards explanation of why 20010911             truth activists do what we do!
20060905             —JUST go ahead and ask ANY—PERSON who has woken up to the fact that 20010911             is 1—INSIDE job if s/he has been "comforted" by this research + see what KIND—OF—LOOK you get.
20060905             —FROM someone who has spoken to countless numbers who have woken up to 20010911             truth, I know with great certainty that had he bothered to actually ask?
20060905             This TIME reporter would have gotten ANY—WORD—OTHER than "comfort" as 1—DESCRIPTION—OF what actually happens to the psyche of the awakened!
20060905             If Grossman had done his homework, instead of using the word "comforting" to describe THE—REALITY—OF—THE—TRUTH behind 20010911             , he would have chosen 1—WORD such as shock, outrage, horror, nauseating disgust - +
20060905             that's —JUST for starters!
20060905             —UNGROUNDED, It is apparent that such 1—CONDESCENDING approach +, statement was made by someone who had clearly not spoken with MANY—WHO had experienced the devastating horror of learning that
20060905             —HAPPENED, Why we still don't know what really.
20060905             Confessions of 1—CONTROLLED—DEMOLITION—CONVERT—FROM NewsGator.com:
20060905             Confessions of 1—CONTROLLED—DEMOLITION—CONVERT
20060905             I am in the process of READING DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN—NEWEST—BOOK—CHRISTIAN—FAITH +. to withstand 1—PROGRESSIVE—TOP—TO—BOTTOM—COLLAPSE + failed accordingly... offered up SOME—RESISTANCE + slowed down the progressive collapse.
20060905             "THE—NORAD—AUDIOTAPES: Real or Faked?"- from NewsGator.com:
20060905             "THE—NORAD—AUDIOTAPES: Real or Faked?""THE—NORAD—AUDIOTAPES: Real or Faked?" Excellent audio INTERVIEW—BY—DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN by BONNIE—FAULKNER of...
20060905             Documentaries / Conspiracies :: National Security Strategy (Thomas P.M.
20060905             Documentaries / Conspiracies :: National Security Strategy (Thomas P.M. Barnett)- red_gonzo
20060905             Subject: National Security Strategy (Thomas P.M. Barnett)
20060905             Father of 20010911             Victim: 20010911             was 1—INSIDE—JOB
20060905             Another 20010911             family member has gone public to rubbish the conspiracy theory that the attacks were planned + executed by 19—INCOMPETENT Arabs with box cutters
20060905             who were getting drunk in 1—STRIP club the night —BEFORE +barely even made it to the airport on time.
20060905             —MEANWHILE, hit pieces against 20010911             —THE truth movement continue in the lead up to the 5. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—EVENT.
20060905             1—FAMILIAR—EMOTIONAL shell game on the part of the debunkers is to proclaim that questioning ANY—ASPECT—OF—20010911              disgraces THE—MEMORY—OF—THE—VICTIMS.
20060905             This tactic is clearly not working anymore especially in LIGHT—OF—THE—FACT that BILL—DOYLE, representative of the largest group of 20010911             family members -
20060905             says that half —NOW completely distrust the official VERSION—OF—EVENTS.
20060905             BOB—MCILVAINE—SON—BOBBY was working for Merrill Lynch in the 103. FLOOR—OF—THE—SOUTH—TOWER——WHEN Flight 175—STRUCK.
20060905             —OBEYED, BOB—MCILVAINE—SON—BOBBY was likely 1—OF—THE—UNFORTUNATE—INDIVIDUALS who, the Port AUTHORITY—RIDICULOUS—ORDER for workers to stay in the building and not evacuate even —AFTER Flight 11 had ploughed into the north tower.
20060905             —CONVINCED, McIlvaine is, that the attacks were 1—INSIDE job orchestrated by elements within THE—USA—GOVERNMENT.
20060905             "—TODAY, there are no ifs or buts in my mind that this was 1—INSIDE job.
20060905             —ORCHESTRATED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, it with the help of MI6 + PAKISTAN + Mossad.
20060905             What they are telling us is bullshit.
20060905             The hijackers were patsies + OSAMA—BIN—LADEN was set up," McIlvaine told the LONDON Independent. Despite the best efforts of
20060905             Jewish USA—ADAM—YEHIYE—GADAHN to propagandize the reality of THE—AL—QAEDA myth, Americans are becoming increasingly skeptical of 20010911             + if the recent rash of hit pieces against 20010911             —THE truth movement are anything to go by, the establishment is stricken with concern.
20060905             There were another 2—MAJOR 20010911             SEMI—DEBUNKING pieces over the weekend, 1 in THE—S—FRANCISCO—CHRONICLE +1 in Reuters.
20060905             Expect 1—DELUGE of them for the next —2—WEEKS as THE—5—YEAR anniversary comes to pass.
20060905             Wasn't it media talking heads + government officials in the hours —AFTER the attacks who were READING off the same script + ascribing blame to OSAMA—BIN—LADEN with no substantiating evidence?
20060905             —ALLEGED, Did they then not present, "evidence" to work backward to the already PRE—DETERMINED conclusion?
20060905             SO—CALLED evidence that is
20060905             despite the fact that it took less than —3—MONTHS to indict him for 19980000             —THE embassy bombings.
20060905             IRAQ—CHRISTIANS made up —AROUND 3—PERCENT—OF—THE—POPULATION, 1—PROSPEROUS—MINORITY numbering 700,000 PRE—WAR and living mainly in BAGHDAD, 1—CITY with more Christians than ANY—OTHER—CITY in THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20060905             WELL—EDUCATED, it suited Saddam to offer security and public profile, embodied in the person of Tariq Aziz, like Blair, 1—ROMAN—CATHOLIC (well, nearly).
20060905             Christians sold from their shops the local Perido beer + had 1—PROMINENT—ROLE in banking, urban planning, science and commerce.
20060905             I had MANY—CHRISTIAN friends + like all Iraqis they were very hospitable.
20060905             Traumatised by the killing, kidnapping and gangsterism that constitutes life in IRAQ —SINCE those fine Christian gentlemen, Bush and Blair, liberated their country, 350,000 IRAQ—CHRISTIANS —NOW live as NEAR—PENNILESS—REFUGEES, principally in DAMASCUS, Syria, where they have been given safe status.
20060905             1—SUCH refugee, Shamun Daawd, having received death threats, —RECENTLY said: "—BEFORE the war there was no separation between Christian and Muslim. Under Saddam, nobody asked you your religion. We attended EACH—OTHER—RELIGIOUS—SERVICES and weddings".
20060905             —CONFIRMED, This, my own experiences in the years I lived there, IRAQ—RELIGIOUS—FREEDOM and pluralism being explicit and vibrant.
20060905             —UNEXPLAINED, GAZA doctors encounter ' injuries'
20060905             DONALD—MACINTYRE, Independent Doctors in GAZA are reporting what they say are unexplained injuries among the dead and wounded in operations by THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY, which have killed more than 200—PALESTINIANS in the past —9—WEEKS.
20060905             THE—WORLD—HEALTH—ORGANISATION (WHO) is considering whether there is 1—CASE for 1—INVESTIGATION into the injuries amid suspicions by the medics that the injuries were inflicted by what they claim may have been unidentified "NON—CONVENTIONAL" weapons.
20060905             Beside especially severe burning "down to the bones", the doctors say that, in other cases, internal organs have been ruptured without ANY—OBVIOUS—SIGN—OF shrapnel wounds...
20060905             Amid threats and assassinations
20060905             Sunil Freeman, Socialism and Liberation...The real reason Hussein and MEMBERS—OF—HIS—GOVERNMENT are on trial and facing execution —TODAY is that they dared to stand up to USA—IMPERIALISM.
20060905             All THE—REST—OF—THE—CHARGES are window dressing to deceive public opinion.
20060905             ANTI—WAR and ANTI—IMPERIALIST—ACTIVISTS should expose THE—HYPOCRISY—OF—USA—OCCUPATION—FORCES carrying out 1—TRIAL for "crimes against humanity" —WHILE USA—TROOPS and their puppets commit daily rapes, massacres and assassinations against THE—IRAQ—POPULATION.
20060905             THE—USA—OCCUPATION—REGIME has no right to try SADDAM—HUSSEIN or ANY—OF—HIS—CO—DEFENDANTS.
20060905             They should be released —IMMEDIATELY.
20060905             Real trials for "crimes against humanity" would see BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIALS and Pentagon generals in the docks.
20060905             SABBAH—BLOG —AFTER Islam, Arab and anyone who criticize Zionist, it?s —NOW THE—TURN—OF—CHRIST and Christians.
20060905             To be 1—GOOD—CHRISTIAN—GUY, Foxman (THE—ADL guy) tells Christians that they should deny part of the historical facts and ripoff SOME—PARTS—OF—THE—BIBLE.
20060905             —LABELED, In other words, change you faith so you are not, ANTI—SEMITIC!
20060905             Translated and/or compiled by MUHAMMAD—ABU—NASR, member, editorial BOARD, the Free Arab Voice.
20060905             In 1—DISPATCH —POSTED at 8:15pm Makkah time —SUNDAY night, Mafkarat AL—ISLAM reported that USA—FORCES had refused to allow relief supplies sent from THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES to the people of AR—RAMADI into the city, —NOW under 1—USA—BLOCKADE for several months.
20060905             —REPORTED, The correspondent for Mafkarat AL—ISLAM, from AR—RAMADI, about 110km WEST—OF—BAGHDAD, that DOCTOR—AHMAD—ZIYAD—AL—'UBAYDI—OF—THE—IRAQ—RED—CRESCENT Society had said that THE—USA—FORCES refused to let the food and medical supplies sent from THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES into the city.
20060905             —HALTED, DOCTOR—AL—'UBAYDI said that USA—TROOPS, the supply convoy about 15km EAST—OF—THE—CITY on THE—BAGHDAD—AR—RAMADI Highway + ordered the convoy to accompany USA—VEHICLES + return to BAGHDAD...
20060905             Behind THE—CURTAIN—OF—THE—NEW "Good War"
20060905             CHRIS—FLOYD—TED—RALL speaks 1—HARD—TRUTH here, 1—THAT goes unspoken across the political spectrum, including among innumerable ANTI—WAR—DISSIDENTS: "The war against AFGHANISTAN is no different, no more justifiable + no more winnable than the war against IRAQ. Both were underfunded, poorly planned and based on lies. Neither had anything to do with 20010911             ".
20060905             The absence of this truth from the national discourse guarantees that the country will continue to barrel down the dangerous, SELF—DEFEATING road of misguided militarism.
20060905             More USA dead in IRAQ/AFGHANISTAN than 20010911             20060905             Born at the Crest of the Empire Not much of 1—PEEP about this in "the news".
20060905             † THE—NUMBER—OF—TROOPS and military contractors who have, in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN has —NOW reached 2,974.
20060905             ISRAEL formally annexes 14—PERCENT—OF—NORTH—BETHLEHEM
20060905             Palestine News Network ISRAEL has both effectively and officially overtaken NORTH—BETHLEHEM, swallowing the entire Rachel?s Tomb area.
20060905             The process was slow enough, ongoing for the past —2—YEARS, however it all occurred with very little fuss.
20060905             —GASSED, Those that did protest were, shot at, imprisoned, or ignored.
20060905             ISRAEL has both effectively and officially overtaken NORTH—BETHLEHEM, swallowing the entire Rachel?s Tomb area.
20060905             Doctors not easy to be found in IRAQ
20060905             Xinhua "I spent —2—DAYS looking for 1—DOCTOR or 1—PRIVATE—CLINIC—WHEN my son was sick —LAST—MONTH, but was in vain," complained Muwafaq Muhammed, 1—RESIDENT in BAGHDAD.
20060905             As violence and sectarian strife boiling over in much of IRAQ, prompting 1—EXODUS—OF—INDIVIDUALS from professional class, it is not easy —TODAY for MANY—LOCAL—RESIDENTS in BAGHDAD to find 1—DOCTOR (...) "I remember GEORGE—W—BUSH said 20030000             that 1—OF—THE—BIG—ACHIEVEMENT was the return of jubilant exiled Iraqis to their country —AFTER the fall of (deposed PRESIDENT) Saddam (Hussein)," ABDUL—KARIM—AL—RUBAIE, 1 retired lawyer said.
20060905             But —NOW there are so MANY—IRAQIS leaving THE—WAR—TORN country, AL—RUBAIE said ironically.
20060905             "Maybe it is time for me to leave and find 1—STABLE—LIFE somewhere else?" he wondered.
20060905             1—LITTLE—DETAIL on THE—ARREST—OF—THE—AL—QAEDA no.
20060905             Born at the Crest of the Empire We must show progress.
20060905             The announcement came as talks between THE—USA—AND—IRAQ on transferring operational COMMAND—OF—IRAQ—FORCES to the Defense Ministry were deadlocked.
20060905             PRIME—MINISTER—NURI—AL—MALIKI was demanding more INDEPENDENCE for THE—USA—TRAINED army that WASHINGTON hopes can take over and let Americans go home.....Hours —AFTER an "embarrassed" USA—MILITARY again postponed 1—CEREMONY to hand COMMAND—OF—IRAQ—TROOPS to the government, the National Security Adviser Mowaffak AL—RUBAIE summoned reporters to 1—HASTILY arranged news conference to announce that al Qaeda leader HAMID—JUMA—FARIS—AL—SUAIDI had been seized SOME—DAYS ago.
20060905             So, the handover flounders on the fact that the Iraqis really want it to be 1—HANDOVER, then Rubaie calls a "hastily arranged news conference" for something that happened days ago.
20060905             Uncanny
20060905             —ARRESTED, Blogenlust IRAQ—FORCES have, the 2. most senior operative in AL—QAIDA in IRAQ + the group —NOW suffers from a "serious leadership crisis," the national security adviser said —SUNDAY.
20060905             Hamed Jumaa Farid AL—SAEEDI, known as ABU—HUMAM or ABU—RANA, was arrested 1—FEW days ago, Mouwaffak AL—RUBAIE said, adding that his arrest also led to the capture or death of 11—OTHER—TOP AL—QAIDA in IRAQ figures and 9—LOWER—LEVEL—MEMBERS.
20060905             He was the 2. most important AL—QAIDA in IRAQ leader —AFTER ABU—AYYUB—AL—MASRI, AL—RUBAIE said.
20060905             That?s approximately #39 in 1—SEEMINGLY unending SERIES—OF—AL—QAEDA in IRAQ #2' s
20060905             What If CANADA Kidnapped GEORGE—BUSH ?
20060905             Salim Nazzal... What if CANADA simply declares that it finds it appropriate to kidnap THE—USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE bush? (CANADA, by the way, has 1—LOT—OF—OIL, 2. only to SAUDI—ARABIA).
20060905             Of course the Americans will consider this as 1—ACT—OF—WAR, they will not hesitate to give CANADA 1—ULTIMATUM to bring their PRESIDENT back, or CANADA must expect the worst.
20060905             And —SINCE THE—USA—MEDIA is fond of demonizing anybody who stands against USA—POLICY, CANADA will be added to the axis of evil alongside NORTH—KOREA, IRAN and Syria.
20060905             THE—USA—CONGRESS would hold 1—URGENT meeting to declare CANADA 1—TERRORIST—COUNTRY.
20060905             The polls in USA will show that the vast majority are in favor of invading CANADA.
20060905             THE—CNN—TV will say that the episode is more dangerous than the Bay of Pigs crisis with CUBA 19610000             , or even more dangerous than attacking Pearl Harbor!
20060905             —ASKED, This hypothetical question is, on the light of THE—ISRAEL—KIDNAPPING—OF—18—PALESTINIAN elected law makers and ministers, including THE—SPEAKER—OF—THE—PALESTINE—PARLIAMENT, DOCTOR—ABDUL—AZIZ—AL—DUWAIK.
20060905             This action has not been met by ANY—OBJECTION by GEORGE—BUSH, who declared the past —MONTH that the root CAUSE—OF—THE—ISRAEL—WAR—ON—LEBANON was kidnapping (!!!) of THE—2—ISRAEL—SOLDIERS (they were not kidnapped from their homes, but captured as war prisoners in 1—BATTLE)...
20060905             Congressman Kucinich Returns From SOUTH—LEBANON With MESSAGE—OF—PEACE
20060905             Bellaciao..".Village —AFTER village was reduced to piles of rubble. We saw thousands of destroyed homes. We also saw bombed out hospitals, schools, factories, churches, mosques, fire stations, gas stations, cars, bridges, roads, water systems, electric systems, banana plantations + lemon groves," Kucinich said.
20060905             "In several villages we stopped and walked through piles of concrete and dust from what had once been homes. Public areas were littered with unexploded cluster bombs and land mines. THE—SMELL—OF—DEATH was everywhere. Homes still standing upon closer inspection had holes in the walls from artillery shells.".
20060905             Bush says IRAQ had nothing to do with 20010911             : Tell that to the Troops
20060905             (Both False: Saddam had no ties to AL—QAEDA, no role 20010911             —IN ).
20060905             IRAQ, which army?
20060905             THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER, Nouri Kamal AL—MALIKI, has 1—PROBLEM.
20060905             His power depends on 2—ARMIES.
20060905             1 is IRAQ—NATIONAL—ARMY, trained and supported by THE—USA.
20060905             The other is THE—MAHDI—ARMY, 1—RADICAL—SHIITE militia loyal to MALIKI—MOST powerful political backer, Moktada AL—SADR.
20060905             —THIS—WEEK, open warfare broke out between these 2—ARMIES.
20060905             Maliki can no longer put off making 1—ESSENTIAL—CHOICE...
20060905             —HAPPENED, What really, to Hamada Ashtiyeh?
20060905             ALI—SAMOUDI—THE—ISRAELI—INFORMATION—CENTER for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories, B?Tselem, is refuting ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT and military claims surrounding THE—KILLING—OF— 18—YEAR—OLD—HAMADA Ashtiyeh.
20060905             B?Tselem used field investigations and eyewitness testimony in order to ascertain what actually happened.
20060905             —ARRESTED, The conclusion is that ISRAEL—FORCES, Ashtiyeh and executed him in cold blood.
20060905             4—USA—SOLDIERS killed in IRAQ
20060905             —KILLED, BAHRAIN News Agency 4—USA—SOLDIERS were, —TODAY in separate incidents in THE—IRAQ—CAPITAL.
20060905             1—USA—ARMY—STATEMENT said that 2—SOLDIERS were killed —WHEN their vehicle blew up in 1—ROAD—SIDE—BOMB—EXPLOSION in EAST—BAGHDAD.
20060905             † 1—MARINES—SOLDIER † today of sustained injuries from 1—ACCIDENT——ON—FRIDAY and another soldier, —AFTER being severely injured —EARLIER—TODAY in AL—ANBAR province.
20060905             Opium Harvest at Record Level in AFGHANISTAN, —NOW and in the Past
20060905             —REACHED, Roads to IRAQ We read that opium production, it highest level in AFGHANISTAN —THIS—YEAR.
20060905             AFGHANISTAN?s opium harvest —THIS—YEAR has reached the highest levels ever recorded, showing 1—INCREASE—OF almost 50 % from —LAST—YEAR.
20060905             —WHILE 20050000             , THE—UN—DRUG—CONTROL and THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT said: the Taliban religious militia has virtually wiped out opium production in AFGHANISTAN—ONCE the world?s largest PRODUCER—SINCE banning poppy cultivation in July Opium in AFGHANISTAN + PAKISTAN was always used by dark, underground organizations like THE—CIA + MI6 to fund themselves and their SUB—ORGANIZATIONS controlled terror networks.
20060905             IRAQ—RESISTANCE—REPORT for events of —SATURDAY, 20060902             20060905             Translated and/or compiled by MUHAMMAD—ABU—NASR, member, editorial BOARD, the Free Arab Voice In 1—DISPATCH —POSTED at 6:54pm Makkah time —SATURDAY—EVENING, Mafkarat AL—ISLAM reported that USA—OCCUPATION—FORCES carried out mass raids and arrests of IRAQ—CIVILIANS in AL—HABBANIYAH, 69km WEST—OF—BAGHDAD at —NOON—SATURDAY.
20060905             —REPORTED, The correspondent for Mafkarat AL—ISLAM, eyewitnesses as saying that 27—LOCAL—PEOPLE—CIVILIANS were arrested —FOLLOWING 1—ATTACK by THE—IRAQ—RESISTANCE at dawn in which 1—BARRAGE was fried at THE—USA—MILITARY—HEADQUARTERS set up in 1—PRIMARY—SCHOOL in the city.
20060905             —TERRIFIED, In their searches, USA—TROOPS used police dogs that, children and women I the houses they raided.
20060905             The correspondent said that this time the Americans did not steal anything in contrast to their usual practice.
20060905             Sistani Helpless to Prevent Civil War
20060905             Islamonline.net IRAQ—MOST revered Shiite scholar Grand Ayatollah ALI—AL—SISTANI has said that he is helpless to prevent 1—CIVIL—WAR in IRAQ, lamenting that he no longer as 1—INFLUENCE on Shiites who have switched allegiance to militant groups and death squads.
20060905             Asked whether Ayatollah Sistani could prevent 1—CIVIL—WAR, his spokesman ALI—AL—JABERI replied:
20060905             —DRUGGED, How FEMA, 20010911             Pentagon witnesses - TOTAL INFORMATION ANALYSIS
20060905             —BY TPR YAAKOV KATZ, JERUSALEM POST -
20060905             If ISRAEL asks, THE—USA would "seriously consider" granting the Defense Ministry additional financial assistance because of the huge expenses incurred —DURING the war in LEBANON, 1—HIGH—RANKING—USA—DIPLOMAT revealed —WEDNESDAY.
20060905             According to ministry estimates, ISRAEL spent close to NIS 30—BILLION on ammunition, fuel and other expenses —DURING the war.
20060905             —ASKED, The defense establishment has already, the Treasury to be compensated for that amount.
20060905             THE—USA—PROVIDES—ISRAEL with military assistance of more than $2b annually.
20060905             "1—REQUEST has not yet come," THE—USA—OFFICIAL said.
20060905             "But we would consider it seriously".
20060905             According to diplomatic sources in JERUSALEM, the government was considering asking for additional aid - 1—REPORT said 1—REQUEST might be for $2b.
20060905             There was also talk in WASHINGTON—OF—1—LARGE—SCALE—FINANCIAL—PACKAGE to help rebuild SOUTH—LEBANON, in part to keep the Iranians OUT—OF—THE—PROCESS.
20060905             ISRAEL was apparently hoping to fold its aid request into this package.
20060905             Another Solid DEBUNKER—SCREW Loose CHANGE—DEDICATED to Exposing the Lies, Distortions and Myths in the Movie Loose Change
20060905             Another Solid Debunker
20060905             Good Science and 20010911             Demolition Theories is
20060905             MIKE—KING uses science and logic to debunk STEVEN—JONES and DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN.
20060905             HE—ALSO 1—TERRIFIC—WRITER and I recommend his site without hesitation.
20060905             20010911             Video: New to ME—SCREW Loose Change: This Is the Kind of Nonsense the Deniers Come Up With technorati tags:911 , WTC
20060905             —HYPED, Bogus, threats used to justify holocaust style genocide, redrawing of.
20060905             USA—AL—QAEDA: "USA should convert to Islam"
20060905             1—NEW videotape has surfaced featuring OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—2.—IN—COMMAND, AYMAN—AL—ZAWAHIRI + 1—USA—MEMBER—OF—AL—QAEDA wanted by THE—FBI, according to 1—COUNTERTERRORISM—EXPERT.
20060905             —CALLED, The tape, "Invitation to Islam," runs —48—MINUTES, expert Laura...
20060905             Kerala logs Microsoft OUT—OF—SCHOOLS
20060905             —HEADED, THE—COMMUNIST—PARTY—OF—INDIA (Marxists)-led government in Kerala, by CHIEF—MINISTER V S Achuthanandan is not —JUST against USA—COLA majors -- COCA—COLA and PepsiCo -- alone.
20060905             —BANNED, Nearly —3—WEEKS—AFTER the Achuthanandan government, the sale and manufacture of COCA—COLA and PepsiCo.
20060905             Pentagon Cites Spike In Violence in IRAQ
20060905             —BLOODSHED, Rising sectarian, has pushed violence in IRAQ to its highest level in more than —2—YEARS + preventing civil war is —NOW the most urgent mission of the growing contingent of 140,000—USA—TROOPS in the country, according to 1—NEW—PENTAGON report released —YESTERDAY.
20060905             MPs' letter seeks BLAIR—EXIT 1—LETTER from —RECENTLY—ELECTED Labour MPs is demanding that TONY—BLAIR stand down as PRIME—MINISTER.
20060905             Deep ice tells long climate story Carbon dioxide levels are higher —NOW than at anytime in the last 800,—000—YEARS, ANTARCTIC ice shows.
20060905             † AUSTRALIA mourns crocodile hunter Tributes are paid to AUSTRALIA—NATURALIST—STEVE—IRWIN —AFTER he was killed by 1—STINGRAY —WHILE diving off Queensland.
20060905             MEXICO court set for poll ruling MEXICO—TOP—ELECTORAL—COURT is expected to declare Felipe Calderon PRESIDENT—ELECT —WHEN it rules —ON—TUESDAY.
20060905             SPAIN vows to curb migrant wave SPAIN says it will not put up with THE—INFLUX—OF—AFRICA—MIGRANTS as 1,400 arrive in the Canaries in —2—DAYS.
20060905             Start to UK—GAS—PRICE—RISES—MILLIONS—OF—UK homes are facing higher gas and electricity bills as the latest UK—GAS—PRICE—INCREASES came into effect.
20060905             Lost Thames whale had arthritis The whale which lost its way and became stranded in the river Thames suffered from arthritis, scientists say.
20060905             N KOREA accuses USA over missiles NORTH—KOREA accuses THE—USA—OF "threatening war" —AFTER WASHINGTON carries out 1—TEST—OF—ITS—MISSILE—DEFENCE system.
20060905             MEXICO deputies stop Fox speech MEXICO—DEPUTIES protesting alleged electoral fraud stop outgoing PRESIDENT—FOX making 1—KEY—ADDRESS.
20060905             UN warns of soaring AFGHANISTAN—OPIUM THE—UNITED—NATIONS warns of 1—MASSIVE 59% increase in poppy cultivation in AFGHANISTAN —THIS—YEAR.
20060905             —WARNED, Blair 'must heed Thatcher lesson' TONY—BLAIR is, by 1—UNION—LEADER not to repeat MARGARET—THATCHER—MISTAKE and stay too long in office.
20060905             Terror police 'monitor thousands' UK police keep tabs on THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE who may be involved in terrorism, 1—SENIOR—OFFICER says.
20060905             Hurricane batters MEXICO—COAST—HURRICANE John strikes NORTH—WEST—MEXICO, as THOUSANDS—OF—TOURISTS and locals ride out the storm.
20060905             Lonely burial for Baloch leader PAKISTAN—OFFICIALS say tribal CHIEF—AKBAR—BUGTI is buried without family present —AFTER his death in 1—MILITARY—RAID.
20060905             Top scientist's fears for climate 1—LEADING—USA—SCIENTIST tells THE—BBC that the world has already entered 1—STATE—OF—DANGEROUS—CLIMATE—CHANGE.
20060905             HOLLYWOOD films 'worshipping war' Director OLIVER—STONE accuses THE—HOLLYWOOD film industry of promoting THE—IDEA—OF—AMERICA at war.
20060905             Blair refuses to name exit date TONY—BLAIR refuses to name 1—DEPARTURE—DATE, saying he will not be stepping down at the party conference.
20060905             —LINKED, Autism risk, to older dads Children with older fathers have 1—SIGNIFICANTLY increased risk of having autism, 1—STUDY has concluded.
20060905             —DAMAGED, Alcoholics' children '' Children who grow up with alcoholic parents bear emotional, behavioural and mental scars, experts say.
20060905             Gene therapy rids MEN—OF—CANCER—SCIENTISTS—CLEAR 2—MEN—OF—DEADLY skin cancer by genetically modifying their immune cells.
20060905             Security Tech Booms Post-20010911             Established security players profit from the rush to look for bad things in luggage and spot faces of EVIL—DOERS in crowds -- without real technology breakthroughs.
20060905             But SOME—LITTLE—GUYS with the right products may get in on THE—HOMELAND—SECURITY—MARKET, as well.
20060905             SWEDEN—WATERGATE
20060905             "SWEDEN—RULING Social DEMOCRATIC—PARTY—INTERNAL—NETWORK has been illegally accessed several 100—TIMES over 1—PERIOD—OF several months. Party treasurer TOMMY—OHLSTROEM describes the incident as "WIDE—SCALE and systematic". Computer security company SENTOR—INVESTIGATION has revealed intrusions originating from computers belonging to SWEDEN—LIBERAL—PARTY + with the upcoming election in only —2—WEEKS—MANY—COMMENTATORS are already describing this as SWEDEN—WATERGATE (SWEDEN—ONLY). 1—EMPLOYEE—OF—THE—YOUNG—LIBERALS has admitted to unauthorized access, but 1—SERIES—OF—MYSTERIOUS—COINCIDENCES in the form of exceptionally well timed public announcements by the Liberal Party suggests the involvement of more than 1—PERSON".
20060905             EU Craft Successfully Hits THE—MOON
20060905             "SMART-1 has hit the Moon, —JUST as planned and — even better — the impact threw out 1—BRIGHT infrared that was seen by THE—CANADA—FRANCE—HAWAII Telescope in HAWAII. THERE—1—ANIMATION—OF—THE—IMAGES grabbed by the telescope. Scientists —NOW hope to analyse THE—CHEMISTRY—OF—THE—ROCK ejected by the crash. If only you could dump old cars in such 1—USEFUL—WAY".
20060905             Life Inside a Cell
20060905             "Harvard University has decided to use animations as 1—TOOL to enhance THE—PERFORMANCE—OF—ITS—STUDENTS in biology. And it selected XVIVO—ANIMATION studio to take Harvard University students on a 3D journey. Among other realizations, the company delivered an —8—MINUTE—ANIMATION titled 'THE—INNER—LIFE—OF—THE—CELL,' which was presented at Siggraph 20060000             in 1 condensed form. This extraordinary animation explores 'the mechanisms that allow 1—WHITE—BLOOD—CELL to sense its surroundings and respond to 1—EXTERNAL—STIMULUS.' Harvard University expects 1—PERFORMANCE—IMPROVEMENT—OF—ITS biology students of almost 30% by using such visualization tools".
20060905             Identity Thieves Steal Homes
20060905             "Identity thieves in CANADA have begun targeting the homes of their victims. —RECENTLY, several CASES—OF—MORTGAGE and title fraud involving identity theft where several individuals have had their houses sold without their knowledge. ONTARIO—LAND—REGISTRY system does not currently protect homeowners from such fraud, but instead favors banks, mortgage companies + purchasers. The provincial government is however working to solve the problem".
20060905             Your Garbage Can Could Be Spying On You
20060905             "Garbage cans all over ENGLAND are under surveillance tonight. And not by sleepy, fallible humans. This article in Live Science claims that at least 500,000 'wheelie bins' are —NOW using RFID technology".
20060905             Though that doesn't sound very dire, the article points out the ease with which your consumer spending habits could be tracked.
20060905             "Although this is frankly 1—STORY that is difficult to take seriously, please note the —FOLLOWING. You should remember that MANY—OF—THE—ARTICLES you buy (and sooner or —LATER throw away) are —NOW also equipped with passive RFID tags that detail the item's brand name and product name. If it's possible to scan the —TAG on the trash can with 1—ID, it's possible to use similar equipment to quickly scan your can to uncover your purchasing habits".
20060905             Humanity GENE—FOUND?
20060905             "Nature is reporting that that multiple copies of 1—MYSTERY gene may be what makes us human. It appears that humans have multiple carbon copies of 1—RECENTLY discovered gene that other primates lack. In particular, 1—SEQUENCE not so romantically or emotionally termed 'DUF1220' was mentioned. Humans carry 212—COPIES—OF—DUF1220, whereas chimps have 37—COPIES + monkeys have only 30—COPIES. Apparently the current thinking is that this gene is responsible for coding important AREAS—OF—BRAIN—FUNCTION".
20060905             FBI Data Mining Students' Financial Aid Records
20060905             "THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—EDUCATION has been running 1—PROGRAM that data mines student financial aid records for THE—FBI. The program, —NOW—5—YEARS—OLD, is known as Project Strike Back. It trolls for names of suspected terrorists through the Education DEPARTMENT—DATABASE—OF—INFORMATION, which is derived from students who fill out the Free Application for FEDERAL—STUDENT—AID (FAFSA). THE—DISCOVERY—OF—THIS program by NORTH—WEST—UNIVERSITY—JOURNALISM—STUDENT—LAURA McGann has added fuel to the debate about the Education DEPARTMENT—PROPOSAL to start 1—NEW—DATABASE tracking the academic progress of all students".
20060905             Übrigens: Laut einer Umfrage vom —MAI dieses Jahres glauben 42—PROZENT—DER—AMERIKANER, dass die USA—REGIERUNG und die 20010911             —KOMMISSION Dinge im Zusammenhang mit den Anschlägen verbergen.
20060905             —GESTELLT, In einer STUDIE—DER—OHIO—UNIVERSITÄT wird fest, dass knapp 36—PROZENT—DER—USA—BEVÖLKERUNG—DER—MEINUNG sind, Regierungsstellen halfen den Terroristen oder taten nichts, um sie zu stoppen.
20060905             Noch Fragen?
20060905             00. —SEIT—ÜBER 11—MILLIONEN Menschen klickten auf die Seite.
20060905             —GESCHNITTEN, Zu sehen gibt dort einen in MTV—ART, Film, der Fragen stellt.
20060905             —BEANTWORTET, Und sie auch vermeintlich schlüssig. Beispiele gefällig?
20060905             Warum fielen die Türme in sich zusammen? Sprengstoff im Keller!
20060905             Und warum gibt es keine Bilder vom Einschlag der Maschine im Pentagon ?
20060905             Es war eine Rakete!
20060905             Warum fanden sich an der Absturzstelle des Fluges "United 93" in SHANKSVILLE—PENNSYLVANIA, so wenig Wrackteile?
20060905             Weil der Flug vorher sicher in CLEVELAND landete!
20060905             —AFTER a —5—WEEK—SUMMER—BREAK, Congress returns —TODAY—FOR—19—DAYS——BEFORE ending its work for the legislative —YEAR.
20060905             —CONSIDERED, The only legislation being, —THIS—WEEK in the House "is 1—BILL to
20060905             toughen rules against horse slaughtering.
20060905             The new WHITE—HOUSE—LINE: IRAQ war critics would have tolerated slavery.
20060905             Referencing IRAQ, SECRETARY—RICE said: "I know there were people who said, 'Why don't we get out of this —NOW, take 1—PEACE with the South,
20060905             but leave the South with slaves?
20060905             " Carbon dioxide levels are substantially higher —NOW than AT—ANY—TIME in the last 800,—000—YEARS,
20060905             the latest STUDY—OF—ICE drilled out of ANTARCTICA confirms".
20060905             "THE—SUDAN—GOVERNMENT has dramatically intensified the war in Darfur in 1—BID to finish off 1—TENACIOUS, —3—YEAR—OLD—REBELLION
20060905             —BEFORE A—UNITED—NATIONS—PEACEKEEPING force can deploy there," THE—WASHINGTON—POST—REPORTS.
20060905             " —JUST 9 % see the economy as "very good," compared to 22 % who believe it is "very poor".
20060905             1—AFGHANISTAN—CITY into which THE—USA "poured so much building effort that
20060905             it was called 'Little AMERICA' " has become "the epicenter of 1—TALIBAN resurgence and 1—EXPLOSION in drug cultivation," THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORTS.
20060905             RIGHT—WING activists and at least 1—REPUBLICAN lawmaker plan to
20060905             file FEDERAL—LAWSUITS challenging Section 5—OF—THE—VOTING—RIGHTS—ACT.
20060905             Section 5—REQUIRES Justice DEPARTMENT—OVERSIGHT—OF—STATES that have 1—HISTORY—OF—VOTING rights discrimination.
20060905             "The current administration has exercised 1 unprecedented LEVEL—OF—RESTRICTION—OF—ACCESS to information ABOUTSUPPRESSION—OF—DISCUSSION—OF, THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT—POLICIES and decisions," notes a
20060905             new report by OpentheGovernment.org.
20060905             —SCOURED, And finally: Police " 1—BROOKLYN housing project —YESTERDAY looking for the person who threw 1—CHOCOLATE doughnut near Mayor Bloomberg ".
20060905             "Nothing was ascertained with certainty," an NYPD spokesman said, "but there is no indication it was directed at the mayor. It may have —JUST been tossed out the window or dropped".
20060905             54 % - Number of Americans who believe things are going "
20060905             $134.00 - Amount spent by THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT creating and storing new secrets for every $1—SPENT declassifying old secrets.
20060905             THE—ALEX—JONES—REPORT 20060905             20060905             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—IN this report Alex discusses the alleged plot to bomb 10—TRANSATLANTIC—PLANES using liquid explosives
20060905             TERROR—RAZZIA: 7—VERDÄCHTIGE in DÄNEMARK in Haft
20060905             ISRAELISCHE—ANGRIFFE: 4—TOTE und zahlreiche Verletzte
20060905             Stellenabbau: Intel entlässt 10.500—MITARBEITER
20060905             Kritik an IRAN: Bush spricht von "Regime der Tyrannei"
20060905             Neue Reserven: Chevron meldet Fund von gewaltigen Ölvorkommen - Scientists Map Canyon Below Atlantic
20060905             Although —JUST 100—MILES off THE—NEW—JERSEY—NEW—YORK coast, the features of the Hudson Canyon have been largely hidden beneath HUNDREDS—OF—FEET—OF—WATER.
20060905             Created by the Hudson River centuries ago, parts of the massive, undersea region rival the Grand Canyon in scale.
20060905             —NOW, for the 1. time, scientists have 1—VIVID—PICTURE—OF what the mysterious region looks like.
20060905             1—TALE—OF—DRUGS and spooks
20060905             Want to get on 1—NO—FLY list? Start investigating THE—CIA and the drug trade.
20060905             Nod to founding godfathers
20060905             —GAINED, LAS—VEGAS' mayor, fame and fortune defending mob titans.
20060905             —NOW he wants 1—MUSEUM celebrating their role in building Sin City.
20060905             —REVEALED, BRITAIN—HUMAN history
20060905             8—TIMES—HUMANS came to try to live in BRITAIN and on at least 7—OCCASIONS they FAILED—BEATEN back by freezing conditions.
20060905             CHARLES—RUSSELL—TAZE [Lord Killowen]prétend que le christ est revenu invisible SUR la Terre!... qui continuent de nos jours à diffuser La PROPAGANDE de RUSSEL—CHARLES—TAZE.
20060905             Taking THE—BOB—OUT—OF—BOB—JONES—U
20060905             And —ON—SATURDAY, for the 1. time in its —78—YEAR—HISTORY, BOB—JONES—UNIVERSITY will inaugurate 1—PRESIDENT not named BOB—JONES.
20060905             At BOB—JONES—U, 1—DISTURBING—LESSON—ABOUT—THE—REAL—GEORGE—W by... Bush may have found his ace.
20060905             He kicked off his homestretch drive in SOUTH—CAROLINA by speaking at BOB—JONES—UNIVERSITY.
20060905             BOB—JONES represents 1—OF—REAGAN'S.
20060905             1—OF—HIS 1. clients was THE—PENNSYLVANIA—RAILROAD.
20060905             —CONVINCED, —FOLLOWING 1—MAJOR—ACCIDENT, Lee not only, the railroad to distribute 1—PRESS—RELEASE to journalists —BEFORE they heard rumors about what had happened, he also invited reporters and photographers to THE—SCENE—OF—THE—ACCIDENT and provided 1—SPECIAL—TRAIN to get them there.
20060905             —FOLLOWED, In the weeks that, newspapers and elected officials effusively praised the railroad for its openness and apparent concern for THE—SAFETY—OF—ITS—PASSENGERS.
20060905             —LATER that —SPRING, SOME—ANTHRACITE coal operators hired Lee to represent them —DURING 1—STRIKE.
20060905             This time, —WHEN he sent out press releases, journalists started expressing hostility, calling them ads disguised as stories sent to manipulate news coverage.
20060905             —ISSUED, In response, Ivy Lee, a " DECLARATION—OF—PRINCIPLES " that stated, "This is not 1—SECRET—PRESS bureau. All our work is done in the open. We aim to supply news".
20060905             Those who manipulate the unseen MECHANISM—OF—SOCIETY constitute 1—INVISIBLE—GOVERNMENT which is the true ruling power of our country.
20060905             — EDWARD—L—BERNAYS, FATHER—OF—PR and propaganda
20060905             Völlige Stille und ein gleichmäßiges Grundrauschen wechselten sich mit den Musikstücken ab.
20060905             Während der Experimente beobachteten Neuropsychologen die EEG—WELLENFORMEN ihrer Testpersonen.
20060905             Jene sogenannte P3-Welle, die den Forschern anzeigt, wie sehr sich 1—MENSCH für 1—AUFGABE anstrengen muss, war immer dann niedriger, wenn 1—PROBAND seine Lieblingsmusik HÖRTE—DIE Streicher Klassik, die Gitarristen Rock.
20060905             "Dieser Befund deutet darauf hin, dass Musikgeschmack UND—WAHRNEHMUNG entscheidender für den MOZART—EFFEKT sind und nicht klassische Musik an sich", schreiben die Wissenschaftler in einem Beitrag, der der Fachzeitschrift "Consciousness and Cognition" zur Veröffentlichung vorliegt.
20060905             Auch bei Rock geht Hirnarbeit also leichter von der Hand.
20060905             Bislang schien die Antwort klar zu lauten: Klassik!
20060905             Spätestens —SEIT FRANCES—RAUSCHER—VON—DER—UNIVERSITY—OF—WISCONSIN in Oshkosh 19930000             in der Wissenschaftszeitschrift "Nature" einen Aufsatz mit dem Titel "Music and spatial task performance" veröffentlicht hatte, fanden Eltern und andere KLASSIK—FREUNDE gute Gründe: —NACH—10—MINUTEN von Mozarts Sonate in D—DUR für 2—PIANOS (KÖCHELVERZEICHNIS—NUMMER 448) konnten sich Rauschers Probanden besser konzentrieren als ohne Musik.
20060905             Mozartfans waren entzückt, die Kognitionspsychologie hatte einen neuen BEGRIFF—DEN MOZART—EFFEKT, kurz ME.
20060905             MOZART—EFFEKT auch bei Schubert und Bach
20060905             —ENTSCHEIDUNG: KARLSRUHE erschwert nachträgliche Sicherungsverwahrung
20060905             Wahlkampf: Spionageskandal erschüttert SCHWEDEN
20060905             Bundeswehreinsatz im LIBANON: Frankreichs Soldaten vertreten DEUTSCHE—MARINE
20060905             PARTHENON—SKULPTUREN: HEIDELBERG gibt kostbares Relikt zurück
20060905             Wachstum: Vertrauen in DEUTSCHE—WIRTSCHAFT boomt weltweit
20060905             Gepäckkontrolle: Transparente Designertasche statt Plastiktüte
20060905             Rügen und Vogelgrippe: Mit den Wildvögeln kommt die Angst
20060905             Großbritannie: BLAIR—BERATER planen triumphalen Abschied des Premiers
20060905             "MOZART—EFFEKT": Rockmusik erleichtert Kopfarbeit
20060905             MEXIKO: Gericht bestätigt umstrittenen Wahlsieg Calderons
20060905             PETER—W—GALBRAITH: The true IRAQ appeasers : The appeasement of SADDAM—HUSSEIN by the Reagan and 1. Bush administrations.
20060905             IRAQ WMD inspector accuses GOVT—OF—COVER up: Video report : The 2. AUSTRALIA—SCIENTIST who worked on the fruitless hunt for IRAQ—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION has broken his silence.
20060905             —CLOUDED, Speaking from his home in, cuckoo land:
20060905             Bush says IRAQ the central front in WAR—ON—TERROR : "We will fight the terrorists overseas so we don't have to fight them here at home," he told the veterans and current military personnel in attendance at the Salt Palace.
20060905             In the editorial pages of MURDOCH—ANTIPODEAN flagship, THE—AUSTRALIAN, THE—BOMBING—OF—BEIRUT is presented as "ISRAEL doing LEBANON 1—FAVOUR" and restive Arabs are described as "Nazis".
20060905             —REVEALED, NONE—OF—THIS should be surprising, as Murdoch, to THE—HOLLYWOOD—REPORTER that his media ventures are "not as important to me as spreading my personal political beliefs"
20060905             THE—MAYOR and THE—PRESIDENT; 1—VIEW in SALT—LAKE—CITY
20060905             —CRIED, MISTER—BUSH knows that unlike THE—STORY—OF—THE—BOY who, wolf too MANY—TIMES, he can drive home his message successfully.
20060905             It is the repetitiveness of his messages that will eventually give them authenticity.
20060905             Once the people hear them often enough, they will not question their veracity.
20060905             He is beating the drums — another war — more WMD to be destroyed, he claims.
20060905             Bush is taking us to war again. More lies, more deaths.
20060905             Fascism" Frame Set Up by RIGHT—WING Press
20060905             The aggressive new campaign by THE—ADMINISTRATION—OF—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH to depict USA foes in THE—MIDDLE—EAST as "fascists" and its domestic critics as "appeasers" owes 1—GREAT—DEAL to steadily intensifying efforts by THE—RIGHT—WING press over the past several months to draw the same comparison.
20060905             For Whom the Heart Bleeds Not
20060905             Can we take seriously the Democrats' concern with Alaskan wolves —WHEN Democrats voted overwhelmingly to support ISRAEL—MASSACRE—OF—LEBANON—WOMEN and children and the Bush regimes' massacre of tens of THOUSANDS—OF—AFGHAN and IRAQ—CIVILIANS?
20060905             Holy Land churches attack CHRISTIAN—ZIONISM
20060905             THE—VATICAN—ENVOY in the Holy Land and bishops from 3—OTHER—CHURCHES have launched 1—RARE—JOINT—ATTACK on THE—CHRISTIAN—ZIONIST—MOVEMENT, accusing it of promoting "racial exclusivity and perpetual war".
20060905             FBI Role in Terror Probe Questioned:
20060905             Lawyers Point to Fine Line Between Sting and Entrapment
20060905             JOSHUA—FRANK: : THE—MANSION—THE—WAR—BOUGHT: We constantly hear about Dick CHENEY—TIES to Halliburton and how his EX—COMPANY is making bundles off USA—CONTRACTS in IRAQ.
20060905             But what we don't hear about is how Democratic SENATOR—DIANNE—FEINSTEIN and her husband are also making TONS—OF—MONEY off the "WAR—ON—TERROR".
20060905             —3—MINUTE Video: No 1—CARES:
20060905             1 in 3—HOMELESS—MEN in AMERICA is 1—VETERAN
20060905             1. Time Released Documents Expose Subservient Congress:
20060905             "National Security" Converts THE—USA—INTO 1—MONARCHY
20060905             ROBERT—FISK: American and Muslim: 6—MILLION—PEOPLE in search of 1—IDENTITY : DANIEL—PIPES is 1—BÊTE noire, as is STEVEN—EMERSON, 1—FREELANCE—JOURNALIST who grinds out article —AFTER article about the "USA—JIHAD" for such —AUGUST papers as THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL, which, by the way, more and more reads like THE—JERUSALEM—POST.
20060905             Jewish Community Protests EX—IRAQ PRESIDENT—SPEECH : THE—WASHINGTON area's Jewish community is asking THE—WASHINGTON—NATIONAL—CATHEDRAL to withdraw its invitation to FORMER—IRAN—PRESIDENT—MOHAMMAD—KHATAMI to speak —THURSDAY at the Episcopal church.
20060905             JOHN—DEAN on Rumsfeld:
20060905             Report Urges F.A.A. to Act Regarding False 20010911             Testimony:
20060905             —REQUIRED, TURKEY threatens to withdraw troops if, to disarm Hezbollah: PM : TURKEY—PRIME—MINISTER—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN said —ON—SATURDAY that his government will withdraw all TURKEY—TROOPS from LEBANON if they are required to disarm Hezbollah.
20060905             UN Human Rights Council to probe ISRAEL—CIVIL—KILLINGS in LEBANON:
20060905             "THE—UNITED—NATIONS Human Rights Council —TODAY named 3—MEMBERS—OF—THE—HIGH—LEVEL—COMMISSION—OF—INQUIRY probing what THE—GENEVA—BASED body termed 'systematic targeting and killings of civilians by ISRAEL' in LEBANON,"
20060905             AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL: ISRAEL must disclose DETAILS—OF—CLUSTER—BOMB—ATTACKS and accept 1—FULL—INVESTIGATION : Publishing new accounts from the victims of unexploded cluster bombs, the organization also called on ISRAEL to cooperate in 1—FULL and impartial investigation into their use of such munitions —DURING the recent conflict.
20060905             The price of ISRAEL:
20060905             —EXPOSED, ISRAEL—WAR—ON—LEBANON has, once and for all that its security will be bought even at THE—COST—OF—WAR—CRIMES and mass destruction
20060905             Noam Chomsky : Their VIEW—OF—THE—WORLD is Through 1—BOMBSIGHT:
20060905             USA—SUPPORT for ISRAEL—UNWINNABLE—AIM—OF destroying Hizbullah only boosts its support in LEBANON and beyond
20060905             ISRAEL—LOBBY—WATCH:
20060905             "THERE—1—DEEP schizophrenia in SOME—OF—THE—JEWISH communitypeople who are at THE—FOREFRONT—OF—EVERY—SINGLE—RIGHTS—ISSUE, from racial justice in THE—USA to the ethnic cleansing in Darfur--on ISRAEL, it crumblesthere is all this HAND—WRINGING," says Sarahleah Whitson of Human Rights Watch.
20060905             "And everyone [who is critical] is successfully marginalized".
20060905             Pig at the trough:
20060905             Critical congressman TOURS ISRAEL : 1—DEMOCRATIC—CONGRESSMAN who came under fire —AFTER calling for 1—IMMEDIATE—CEASE—FIRE —DURING ISRAEL—LEBANON war visited ISRAEL.
20060905             MEXICO—LEFTISTS—STORM—CONGRESS : In 1—HISTORIC rebuke, opposition lawmakers seized CONTROL—OF—MEXICO—CONGRESSIONAL chamber —FRIDAY and blocked PRESIDENT—VICENTE—FOX from delivering his final STATE—OF—THE—NATION address.
20060905             SOPHIE—MCNEIL: New Report Raises Concerns Over MEXICO—ELECTIONS : 1—NEW—REPORT released —TODAY raises serious concerns over the decision by THE—MEXICO—ELECTORAL—TRIBUNAL (TRIFE) not to have 1—TOTAL recount of all the votes in the country's disputed presidential elections, reportedly won by conservative PAN candidate Felipe Calderon by —JUST 243 1000—VOTES.
20060905             VENEZUELA: Chavez alleges coup plot : VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ alleged he has discovered 1—PLOT to overthrow his government, STATE—RUN—TELEVISION—VTV reported —SATURDAY.
20060905             MICKEY—Z : THE—OTHER 20010911             :
20060905             This shift is particularly obvious —WHEN examining the "other 20010911             ".
20060905             Latin AMERICA—ROUND up:
20060905             Legal process in MEXICO—ELECTION heads toward a potentially rocky conclusion... USA—VENEZUELA rift deepens as USA—EMBASSY ships explosives, chicken in diplomatic pouch... USA meddles in elections in NICARAGUA
20060905             JASON—MILLER: It's THE—USA—WAY or the Highway: Despite THE—USA—PRESENTING—THE—AMERICA—WAY as 1—OFFER THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD can't refuse, increasing numbers of nations and groups are successfully resisting.
20060905             —SINCE opposition threatens their relentlessly acquisitive agenda, THE—USA—POWER—ELITE demonize leaders like HUGO—CHAVEZ and nations like IRAN.
20060905             In reality, those who reject the dictates of THE—USA—EMPIRE are WORTHY—OF—RESPECT.
20060905             An end in sight?:
20060905             1—TRUCE between THE—LORD—RESISTANCE—ARMY and UGANDA—GOVERNMENT could signal the end 1—LONG and murderous conflict.
20060905             —UNPUNISHED, But THE—CRIMES—OF—THE—REBEL—GROUP'S—LEADERS may GO—AL—QAEDA urges Americans to convert:
20060905             He described the "West" as the
20060905             Military option against IRAN open, says USA:
20060905             The consequences of 1—IRAN with nuclear weapons are not only the capability they're seeking to deliver them through ballistic missiles, but also the possibility they could transfer 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPON to 1—TERRORIST—GROUP".
20060905             ISRAEL plans for war with IRAN and Syria : "THREATENED" by 1—POTENTIALLY—NUCLEAR—ARMED—TEHRAN, ISRAEL is preparing for 1—POSSIBLE—WAR with both IRAN and Syria, according to ISRAEL—POLITICAL and military sources.
20060905             Selling 1—WAR: We should nuke IRAN: Put boldly and simply, we have to drop 1—NUCLEAR—BOMB on IRAN.
20060905             —ACCOMPLISHED, GORDON—PRATHER: JOHN—BOLTON: Mission ?
20060905             —THIS—YEAR, Bonkers BOLTON and his Gang of 3— the British, French and Germans — have managed to get the other MEMBERS—OF—THE—INTERNA—TIONAL—ATOMIC—ENERGY—AGENCY—BOARD—OF—GOVERNORS and THE—UNITED—NATIONS Security Council to commit 'assisted' suicide, seriously undermining — as intended — the authority and effectiveness of THE—UNITED—NATIONS itself.
20060905             USA carries out subcritical nuclear test: MANY—ACTIVISTS and experts argue that the tests undermine the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty on nuclear weapons and that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is carrying them out to use them to boost its efforts to develop new nuclear arms.
20060905             Khatami: USA—POLICIES—TRIGGER Terrorism : ` `Public opinion can be rescued from THE—GRIPS—OF—IGNORANCE and blunder and the domination of arrogant, warmongering and VIOLENCE—TRIGGERING policies will end,'' he said.
20060905             USA asserts IRAN stirring up trouble in IRAQ, but evidence less certain : MOST—OF—THAT—AID appears to go to the same Shiite parties in IRAQ that THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—SUPPORTS and that are PART—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT.
20060905             The more militant Shiite groups are equally critical of USA and IRAN—INFLUENCE in the country.
20060905             Why did Blair send my teenage son to fight 1—ILLEGAL and dishonest war?' : MISTER—S—HAMILTON—BING said that anger at seeing her son sent to fight 1—DISHONEST war had driven her to take action, adding that MANY—OTHER—MILITARY—FAMILIES shared her views.
20060905             UK: 'Deluded': Extraordinary attack on Blair by Cabinet:
20060905             'SELF—INDULGENT' PM urged to 'end the pantomime' as senior ministers meet to hasten his departure
20060905             IRAQ: 1—SWEEPING, Secret New Report : BUSH—ADMINISTRATION policymakers and their congressional backers may get SOME—UNWELCOME news from 1—NEW—ANALYSIS on IRAQ that THE—OFFICE—OF—INTELLIGENCE—TSAR—JOHN—NEGROPONTE will soon produce.
20060905             I no longer have power to save IRAQ from civil war, warns Shia leader : The most influential moderate Shia leader in IRAQ has abandoned attempts to restrain his followers, admitting that there is nothing he can do to prevent the country sliding towards civil war.
20060905             AFGHANISTAN—OPIUM production makes new record with 50-pct rise : Opium production in AFGHANISTAN has reached 1—NEW—HIGH—OF—6,100 tons —THIS—YEAR, witnessing 1—RISE—OF nearly 50 % —YEAR—ON—YEAR, said 1—SENIOR—UN—ANTI—DRUG—OFFICIAL——ON—SATURDAY, who asked THE—AFGHANISTAN—GOVERNMENT to exercise iron control over the illegal business.
20060905             GAZA—DARKNESS
20060905             —REOCCUPIED, GAZA has been.
20060905             The world must know this and Israelis must know it, too.
20060905             It is in its worst condition, ever.
20060905             —SINCE the abduction of Gilad Shalitmore so —SINCE the outbreak of THE—LEBANON war, THE—ISRAEL—DEFENSE—FORCES has been rampaging through GAZA—THERE—NO—OTHER—WORD to describe IT—KILLING and demolishing, bombing and shelling, indiscriminately.
20060905             —WHEN NAPOLEON—WON at Waterloo
20060905             -In ISRAEL nothing changes, except the past.-By URI—AVNERY—NAPOLEON—WON—THE—BATTLE—OF—WATERLOO.
20060905             THE—GERMANY—WEHRMACHT won —WWII.
20060905             THE—USA—WON in Vietnamthe Soviets in AFGHANISTAN.
20060905             THE—ZEALOTS won against the RomansEhud Olmert won the 2. LEBANON War.
20060905             You didn't know that? Well, —DURING the last few days THE—ISRAEL—MEDIA has paraded 1—LONG—SERIES—OF—EXPERTS, who did not leave ANY—ROOM for doubt: the war has brought us huge achievements, Hizbullah was routed, Olmert is the great victor.
20060905             Why I am a Terrorist
20060905             1—GOVERNMENT must not be allowed to require ANY—OF—ITS—CITIZENS to engage in immoral or criminal behavior on its behalf.
20060905             —WHEN 1—GOVERNMENT behaves like 1—CRIME syndicate it does not mean that the people should follow its EXAMPLE—THEY must provide 1—BETTER alternativerefuse their allegiance to it.
20060905             Going to War with the Leaders you have
20060905             It is impossible to grasp how someone can be raised in AMERICA, matriculate at USA—UNIVERSITIES, participate in THE—USA—POLITICAL systemspend the bulk of his life breathing in the same USA—CUSTOMS and mores as the rest of usyet, be so completely divorced from the most essential VALUES—OF—THE—CULTURE.
20060905             USA—ARMY—CONTEMPLATES Redrawing MIDDLE—EAST—MAP to STAVE—OFF Looming Global Meltdown
20060905             THE—GREAT—USA—OLIGARCHY
20060905             The war in IRAQ is the best example of 1—OLIGARCHY at WORK—PRODUCED and managed to make money and to secure the remaining RESERVES—OF—OIL in the world.
20060905             —PEAKED, As they say, the world's oil has "".
20060905             It's all down hill from here, so we better grab it —BEFORE somebody else does.
20060905             To do this, we're got to keep 1—PERPETUAL war spinning in the best OIL—PRODUCING areas, THE—MIDDLE—EAST and the Caspian region.
20060905             War is Sell - How do you sell 1—WAR? How do THE—TECHNIQUES—OF—GOVERNMENT—PROPAGANDISTS, public relations consultants and commercial advertisers workwhy are they so effective?
20060905             That comes down to approximately 444,000 per —YEAR or 37,000 per —MONTH or about 1,200 per —DAY.
20060905             MEXICO—LEFTIST says will never accept rival's win : MEXICO—LEFTIST—OPPOSITION—LEADER said —ON—SUNDAY he will never recognize his RIGHT—WING rival as PRESIDENT and vowed a "radical transformation" of the country by setting up 1—PARALLEL—GOVERNMENT.
20060905             Britons threaten Muslim beheadings in footage: FAR—RIGHT—EXTREMISTS have adopted the tactics of "Islamic" jihadis by posting videos on THE—INTERNET in which they threaten to behead UK—MUSLIMS.
20060905             New Video by AZZAM—THE—BLACK—PROPAGANDA—OPERATIVE :
20060905             "Californian ADAM—GADAHN, wearing 1—WHITE robe and turban, introduces the message by calling on Westerners to convert," reports CNN.
20060905             "We invite all Americans and believers to Islam, whatever their role and status in Bush and BLAIR—WORLD—ORDER," Gahahn declares.
20060905             "Decide —TODAY, because —TODAY could be your last —DAY".
20060905             Terror prosecutions falling back to pre-20010911             levels : THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT has fallen back to prosecuting INTERNATIONAL terrorists at about the same rate it did —BEFORE 20010911             , according to 1—STUDY based on Justice Department data.
20060905             ISRAEL—OFFICIALS 'face war crimes risk' : ISRAEL—PUBLIC—OFFICIALS have been told to watch what they say in public about the Lebanese and PALESTINE—CONFLICTS for FEAR—OF—BEING prosecuted for war crimes, political sources say.
20060905             Amira Hass: THE—SILENT—EXPULSION:
20060905             PALESTINE—BUSINESSMEN—WONDER why ISRAEL wants them out of the territories
20060905             ISRAEL—COMMITTEE—DATA reveals courts soft on human trafficking : According to the committee, sentences handed out to people convicted of human trafficking were considerably lower than the maximum permitted.
20060905             IRAN, EU Tentatively Agree To Nuclear Talks In VIENNA Wed:
20060905             THE—EUROPEAN—UNION—TOP—FOREIGN—POLICY—CHIEF—AND—IRAN—SENIOR—NUCLEAR—NEGOTIATOR tentatively agreed —LATE—MONDAY to meet in —2—DAYS in VIENNA in 1—LAST—DITCH attempt to try and bridge differences over TEHRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM
20060905             Europeans cautious about early sanctions on IRAN:
20060905             Despite mounting USA—PRESSURE for SANCTIONS—AGAINST—IRAN, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION said —TODAY it is too early to punish TEHRAN for its failure to halt uranium enrichment by THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL—DEADLINE
20060905             GERMANY rules out military option for IRAN : GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL said there is "no military option" for handling IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM, her spokesman told reporters here —ON—MONDAY.
20060905             War pimp alert:
20060905             —BROKERED, Crime boss, NUCLEAR—DELIVERY—MISSILE—SALE to IRAN : It has been disclosed that the system was sold to IRAN by 1—FORMER—SENIOR—MEMBER—OF—THE—UKRAINE—SECURITY—SERVICE.
20060905             —BROKERED, The deal was, by 1 organised crime boss and, it is feared, contributed to THE—IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAMME that is —NOW the subject of 1—INTERNATIONAL—CONFRONTATION.
20060905             IRAN plans bill to block atomic inspections : THE—IRAN—PARLIAMENT—PLANS to counter probable sanctions by THE—UNITED—NATIONS Security Council by blocking inspections by THE—INTERNATIONAL—ATOMIC—ENERGY—AGENCY (IAEA), 1—LEADING—IRANIAN—MP said —MONDAY.
20060905             USA—WARPLANES in AFGHANISTAN kill CANADA—SOLDIER in 'friendly fire ': 2—USA—WARPLANES accidentally strafed their own occupation forces in SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN —ON—MONDAY, killing 1—CANADA—SOLDIER and seriously wounding 5—OTHERS, NATO and THE—USA—MILITARY said.
20060905             Returning Home Alive:
20060905             "SOME—SOLDIERS come home missing limbs and other parts of their bodies. Still others will live with permanent scars from horrific events that no 1—OTHER than those who served will ever understand".
20060905             Kurdish leader threatens IRAQ secession: THE—LEADER—OF—THE—KURDISH region in NORTH—IRAQ threatened secession —SUNDAY as 1—DISPUTE over flying THE—IRAQ—FLAG intensified.
20060905             IRAQ—INFLATION—RATE hits 70%: MINISTER : IRAQ—INFLATION—RATE has soared to reach nearly 70 %, the country's planning MINISTER—SAID—SUNDAY.
20060905             The inflation rate 20050700—20060700    —FROM—TO stood at 69.6 %, ALI—BABAN said.
20060905             Economic Empire Building and Domestic Decay
20060905             —WHILE world attention has focused largely on WASHINGTON—MILITARY—INTERVENTIONS and violent covert operations as the most visible signs of empire building, they have overlooked the far more successful domestic and overseas economic strategies designed to enhance THE—USA—ECONOMIC empire.
20060905             GEORGE—CARLIN—WHO Really Controls AMERICA —5—MINUTE—VIDEO
20060905             Genocide in GAZA—BY Ilan PAPPE—NOTHING apart from pressure in THE—FORM—OF—SANCTIONS, boycotts and divestment will stop the murdering of innocent civilians in THE—GAZA—STRIP.
20060905             "You don't see, you don't feelyou don't look"
20060905             —WHEN I was in the Occupied Territories, you could have said that I was 1—USA—SOLDIER.
20060905             —OWNED, —AFTER all, I, an M—16—THAT wasn't produced in ISRAEL.
20060905             I shot grenades that weren't produced with ISRAEL—MONEY, but BY—USA—MONEY.
20060905             Everyoneespecially Americans, have 1—RESPONSIBILITY to know what's going on in the world.
20060905             And —SINCE I am from here, I am talking about here.
20060905             Bint Jbeil; HEZBOLLAH—BLOOD—VICTORY
20060905             THERE—1—SIGN at the entrance to Bint Jbeil that says: "Bint JBEIL—CAPITAL—OF—FREEDOM".
20060905             The cheery greeting contrasts dramatically with the vast devastation that lies —JUST beyond.
20060905             Bint Jbeil was 1—BUSTLING hamlet in SOUTH—LEBANON that became the central battlefield in ISRAEL's' WAR—OF—AGGRESSION.
20060905             THE—WAR—IS—LOST - THE—PENTAGON—LATEST quarterly "progress" report to Congress on IRAQ is 1—GRIM tale of 1—LOST war.
20060905             THE—PENTAGON told Congress what Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeldpropaganda organs such as Fox "News" never tell THE—USA—PUBLIC, namely:
20060905             "It's My Duty to Speak Out"
20060905             Marine Corporal GRANT—COLLINS describes what it was like to participate in the war in IRAQ.
20060905             He also describes what it is like to live with giving orders that resulted in the deaths of civilians.
20060905             1—TIME for CONSCIOUSNESS—BY KIM—GONGRE—STANDING amid the swirling ashes of our own destruction, we deny the cinders of the charred bodies even as we try in vain to wipe them from our eyes.
20060905             No innocent bystanders in AMERICA—BY MICKEY—Z
20060905             THE—EXCUSE—OF—IGNORANCE is not valid —WHEN graphic images are available within minutes.
20060905             It's not LACK—OF—KNOWLEDGE; it's denial...or perhaps even acquiescence.
20060905             There are no innocent bystanders —WHEN our money and/or rhetoric support the world's most powerful military and the corporate status quo.
20060905             please read this piece by brent budowski at consortiumnews; it gets right to the point.
20060905             folks are wising upat the very least are not trusting what they hear, not only from the government, but the press.
20060905             So they deflect. They distract. They dissemble.
20060905             But there seems to be 1—AWFUL—LOT—OF—IT flyin' —AROUND right nowone cannot help but wonder what is motivating this LEVEL—OF—DESPERATION.
20060905             —CALLED, In '04, they —JUST, out the swiftboaters and ORANGE alerts, which seemed to work.
20060905             But —NOW, they've lost 2—HUGE—MONEY—SOURCES in Abramoff and DeLay, the natives are getting very restless about incumbents and they're not at all happy about —JUST about everything from the war to the economy, THE—WH is under so MANY—SCANDAL—CLOUDS they look like Pigpen, even the ranks are in mutinygosh, it's not clear ROVE—MIRACLE—VOTE—MANIPULATION—MACHINERY will work with significant Democratic leads and so MANY—EYES on that machinery itself.
20060905             —RECENTLY, the smell of panic has been getting mighty pungentthere may be reason to suspect perhaps there's more to it than the obvious.
20060905             LARRY—JOHNSON has —POSTED the tantalizing speculation that the reason there is so much fretting and strutting specifically about Fitz of late is that it's time to discredit the prosecutor, time to kill the messenger.
20060905             This, he says, bodes 1—MOVE from Fitz in THE—FORM—OF—INDICTMENTS for Cheney and STEVEN—HADLEY.
20060905             Given what such 1—BOMB would do to the Republicans' CHANCES—OF—ANY—WINS——IN—NOVEMBER, Rove WOULD—OF—COURSE be doing major league PRE—EMPTIVE damage control.
20060905             Right on cue.
20060905             If THE—MID—TERMS put the Dems in CONTROL—OF—CONGRESS, the Keystone Kabal will have very much to fear, indeed.
20060905             Not only are they giving us this full court press on how Armitage is "the source," and the case shoulda been over already, cut Libby loose, but there is —NOW increasing trash talk about Fitz.
20060905             Emptywheel - has provided another of her astute assessments of the falacy of these attempts.
20060905             (Warning: She relies on logic and reasonable evidence!)
20060905             Bush is the Loserman for AMERICA: He Even Has Basically Lost AFGHANISTAN 9/5
20060905             Convicted Republican EX—ILLINOIS GOVERNOR—OUT—POLLS—BUSH—THE—FORMER—GOP "Land of LINCOLN" GOVERNOR is about to be sentenced for felonies
20060905             KEITH—OLBERMANN—NEW—BOOK: "THE—WORST—PERSON in the World: And 202—STRONG—CONTENDERS" (Hardcover)
20060905             Come and Join Camp Democracy in DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA.
20060905             Quirino Paulino, 1—FORMER—ARMY—CAPTAIN—IN—THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC, has been accused of running much of the cocaine traffic between that nation and THE—USA.
20060905             Paulino has made large contributions to all the major political parties in his country.
20060905             —ANSWERED, Note: "sparky178 " - presumably JOHN—MCLAUGHLIN—HAS, questions about his case in 1—DIALOGUE preserved
20060905             here.
20060905             1 should never forget Goss' mysterious promotion of Kyle "Dusty" Foggo, who had 1—BACKGROUND in that PART—OF—THE—WORLD.
20060905             Foggo was, in turn, 1—LONG—TIME—FRIEND to the notorious BRENT—WILKES, the prime mover in the Cunningham corruption scandal.
20060905             —PRESENTED, In a - previous piece on Wilkes, I, evidence suggesting that he has long had 1—RELATIONSHIP with THE—CIA.
20060905             —WORKED, Wilkes had, for the World Finance Corporation, 1—PREDECESSOR to BCCI.
20060905             —FOUNDED, WFC, by ANTI—CASTRO CUBA—GUILLERMO—HERNANDEZ—CARTAYA, was, in the 1960s and 70s, the financial institution most favored by narcotics traffickers with CIA connections.
20060905             I hope the reader will forgive 1—LAPSE into SELF—QUOTATION:
20060905             —JOINED, If, as I suspect, Wilkes, forces with WFC in the mid-19700000             s, he may have played 1—ROLE in the creation of 1—SPIN—OFF called THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC—MORTGAGE—CORPORATION, which shared the same address as WFC—CORAL—GABLES—HQ.
20060905             —INVESTED, This group heavily, in VEGAS—CASINOS, real estate development, even 1—DETECTIVE—AGENCY.
20060905             the story of a man who didn't BOARD a jet.
20060905             —TRIED, John "Sparky" McLaughlin, to take his family on vacation last July, only to discover that that 1—UNKNOWN—AGENCY had placed him on the terrorist "NO—FLY" list.
20060905             This came as quite 1—SURPRISE to McLaughlin: HE—1—COP.
20060905             —HEADED, In fact, he once, 1—EFFECTIVE—ANTI—NARCOTICS—UNIT in PHILADELPHIA.
20060905             Too effective.
20060905             His 90s-era investigations of 1—DRUG ring run by CITIZENS—OF—THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC brought him into conflict with no less 1—BODY than THE—CIA.
20060905             —DISPARAGED, His work was, smearedshut down.
20060905             He fought —FOR—YEARS to counter the allegations, eventually winning his —DAY in court, along with a $1.5—MILLION—DOLLAR—JUDGMENT (—NOW on appeal).
20060905             —CLEARED, Although his name was, its appearance on a "NO—FLY" list suggests that "ANTI—TERRORIST" measures are being used to persecute 1—WHISTLEBLOWER.
20060905             All the evidence indicates that McLaughlin is 1—GOOD cop who has made SOME—POWERFUL—ENEMIES.
20060905             To get the full story, check out the lengthy investigations by THE—PHILADELPHIA—CITY—PAPER,here and here, as well as the terrific FOLLOW—UP piece by BILL—CONROY over at NarcoNews.
20060905             I suggest printing out EVERY—PAGE and savoring the details over lunch.
20060905             You won't find 1—MORE fascinating or frustrating true crime tale.
20060905             The gist: sofla said...
20060905             THE—QUESTION—OF—GOVERNMENTAL foreknowledge of 20010911             can be demonstrated to 1—REASONABLE—PROBABILITY solely by our preparations in advance of THE—AFGHANISTAN war, supported by THE—HISTORY—OF—SYNTHETIC—TERRORISM perpetrated by the western alliance powers in THE—GLADIO program 'terror' attacks (which see)the long history of propagandized pretexts for this country's going to war.
20060905             —ON the record that anyone has paid attention to, THE—USA—APPARENTLY went from 1—DEAD standstill to invading 1—COUNTRY across the world in not much more than 1—MONTHMAYBE less.
20060905             —UNMENTIONED, What goes, in much of 20010911             —THE skeptic commentary is that USA—OFFICIALS briefed Japanese and INDIA—OFFICIALS
20060905             in mid-20010000             that THE—USA planned 1—MILITARY—OVERTHROW—OF—THE—AFGHANISTAN—GOVERNMENT with 1—COALITION—OF—COUNTRIES, with hostilities to commence 'by —EARLY—OCTOBER,' —JUST as would eventually take place.
20060905             Moreover, on - Flughäfen PARIS und LONDON: Leuchtschuhe lösen Terroralarm aus
20060905             Wiederaufbau im LIBANON: Wegräumen und abwarten
20060905             Palästinensergebiete: ISRAEL bietet Friedensgespräche an
20060905             Riesenstau bei Limburg: Giftalarm nach LKW—UNFALL
20060905             Küstenpatrouille: LIBANON stellt Bedingungen für DEUTSCHEN—EINSATZ
20060905             RUSSISCHER—ÖLKONZERN: Lukoil lässt 100—MILLIARDEN Dollar springen
20060905             UMWELTSCHÜTZER—BERICHT: Genreis aus CHINA in DEUTSCHLAND entdeckt
20060905             Sprachentwicklung: Babys erkennen früh ganze Sätze
20060905             Scheidungstherapie: McCartney verbiegt SICH—BEIM Yoga
20060905             DÄNEMARK: 9—TERROR—VERDÄCHTIGE festgenommen
20060905             LIBANON: Anschlag auf ANTI—TERROR- Beamten
20060905             ERINNERUNGS—PSYCHOLOGIE: Der ganz eigene Film vom 20060911             20060905             —BELASTET, Überwachungsaffäre: Schlammschlacht, Brandenburgs CDU
20060905             MEXIKO: Hurrikan "John" tötete 4—MENSCHEN
20060905             USA—FISKALPOLITIK: Wie Bush das Steuerrad zerbrach
20060905             Experiment: Bleistift statt schwarzer Löcher
20060905             Great Wall Motors: Fidel Castro als Werbeträger
20060905             UNIFIL—MISSION: LIBANON fordert DEUTSCHE—TRUPPEN an
20060905             Milliardenauftrag: Briten vertrauen der DEUTSCHEN—POST ihre Gesundheit an
20060905             —BEENDET, VW in BRASILIEN: Kündigungen vom Tisch, Streik
20060905             NAHOST—EINSATZ: Bundeswehr fordert mehr Geld für AUSLANDS—MISSIONEN
20060905             Krach bei Labour: Abgeordnete wollen Blair zum Rücktritt drängen
20060905             Kritik an Haushaltssperre: OST—ABGEORDNETE fordern mehr Geld für Arbeitslose
20060905             Energiepolitik: Bush will weg vom Öl
20060905             ANTI—TERROR- Datei: Grüne halten Kompromiss für verfassungswidrig
20060905             "GlobalResearch" - ISRAEL—WAR—ON—LEBANON is 1—INTEGRAL—PART—OF—1—USA sponsored "military roadmap".
20060905             —RESULTED, THE—WAR—ON—LEBANON, which has, in countless atrocities including the destruction of the nation's economy and CIVIL—INFRASTRUCTURE, is "1—STAGE" in 1—SEQUENCE—OF carefully planned military operations.
20060905             LEBANON constitutes a strategic corridor between ISRAEL and NORTH—WEST—SYRIA.
20060905             The underlying objective of this war was the militarization of LEBANON, including the stationing of foreign troops, as 1—PRECONDITION for carrying out the next phase of 1—BROADER—MILITARY—AGENDA.
20060905             Formally under 1—UN—MANDATE, the foreign troops to be stationed on LEBANON—SOIL on the immediate border with Syria, will be largely although not exclusively from NATO—COUNTRIES.
20060905             —MANDATED, This military force, by THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL is by no means neutral.
20060905             It responds directly to USA and ISRAEL—INTERESTS.
20060905             Moreover, the timely WITHDRAWAL—OF—SYRIA—TROOPS, —FOLLOWING the
20060905             images: Nachrichten aus OAXACA:
20060905             BUSH : For al QAEDA—IRAQ is not 1—DISTRACTION from their WAR—ON—AMERICA—IT is the central battlefield where the outcome of this struggle will be decided.
20060905             0 20060905             TOWNSEND: You know, it's not —JUST THE—PRESIDENT who has said IRAQ is the central front.
20060905             Zawahiri has said it's the central battle front in THE—WAR—ON—TERROR, as has OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20060905             0 20060907             BUSH : The fighting in IRAQ has been difficult + it has been bloody + SOME—SAY that IRAQ is 1—DIVERSION from THE—WAR—ON—TERROR.
20060905             The terrorists disagree. ".. charged.
20060905             KRISTOL: He didn't lie in ANY—SERIOUS meaning.".
20060905             no solo este horrendo caso sino —QUIZÁS—EL de Celestina EDITH—TABORDA.
20060905             la DDI Bragado clausuró ayer un taller en calles Ameghino y Constatino de LOS—ANGELES.. lfatomega.com /20060905.html
20060905             "METRO" -- -
20060905             Salim Nazzal... alfatomega.com20060905.html
20060905             Im brandenburgischen Schönefeld beginnen die Bauarbeiten zum neuen Flughafen BERLIN—BRANDENBURG.
200609050000 - EIDEARD—ADAM—GADAHN
200609050000 - from NewsGator.com :
200609050000 -Analysis by JIM—LOBE
200609050000 1—TALE—OF—DRUGS and spooks
200609050000 —5—YEARS—AFTER the attack -
200609051402         - Uprising in OAXACA—MEXICO information about OAXACA in:
20060905—19060000    —IN, Ivy Lee, who SOME—CONSIDER to be THE—FATHER—OF—MODERN—PR, invented the press release.
20060905—19970000    —SINCE, 1—UNIMAGINABLE—LOSS—OF—LIFE :, approximately 4—MILLION—PEOPLE have been killed as 1—RESULT—OF—THE—CIVIL—WAR (and foreign interventions) in THE—CONGO.
20060905—20010000    —SINCE, NUMBER—OF—LIVES lost, in an "epidemic of global terrorism".
20060905—20010911    —ON, Uncovering What Really Happened
20060905—20010911    —DEVOTED, McIlvaine has —SINCE, his life to educating others on what really happened.
20060905—20010911    —IN, The most incongruous sentence from the Chronicle piece is where CIA involvement is characterized as "the epitome of preposterous beliefs that start with 1—CONCLUSION + work backward to find evidence".
20060905—20010911    —IN, insufficient to federally indict OSAMA—BIN—LADEN for involvement
20060905—20010911    —IN—THE, JEFF—THOMAS—BLOG, ALASKA Free Press... 1—OVERWHELMING majority of 72—PERCENT—OF—USA—TROOPS serving in IRAQ think THE—USA should exit the country within THE—NEXT—YEAR + more than 1 in 4—SAY the troops should leave —IMMEDIATELY, 1—NEW—LE—MOYNE—COLLEGE/Zogby INTERNATIONAL survey shows.... —WHILE 85% said THE—USA—MISSION is mainly "to retaliate for SADDAM—ROLE—ATTACKS," 77% said they also believe the main or 1—MAJOR—REASON for the war was "to stop Saddam from protecting al Qaeda in IRAQ".
20060905—20010911    —IN—THE, dedicated to proving that the controlled demolition believers Denial Movement are EVERY—BIT as wacky as THE—NO—PLANERS.
20060905—20010911    —AFTER, BUSH—PERFORMANCE has been poor, but his packaging is exemplary: and Katrina, reality intruded on THE—PRESIDENT—FINELY honed IMAGE—AND both times he was missing in action
20060905—20010911    —NACH, Glaube : "Gott war im World Trade Center, Gott war in den Flugzeugen"
20060905—20030500    —IN, The acting inspector general, TODD—J—ZINSER, whose office acts as the department's internal watchdog, found in 1—NEW—REPORT that the F.A.A. executives, as well as a 3. official who is —NOW retired, learned —AFTER the fact that false information was given to the commission
20060905—20031200    —APPOINTED, KRISTOL: Ashcroft, 1—INDEPENDENT—COUNSEL who got totally OUT—OF—CONTROL — he had to indict someone, I suppose — which never should have happened.
20060905—20040000    —FOLLOWED, JOHN—GEE has, Rod Barton in claiming he gave the Government early warning that no weapons would be found.
20060905—20060625    —ON, ISRAEL soldier to be swapped for 1,400 Palestine PRISONERS—SOURCES : ISRAEL and Palestine have reached 1—AGREEMENT on THE—EXCHANGE—OF—ISRAEL—SOLDIER—GILAD—SHALIT who was seized by PALESTINE—GUNMEN—NEAR THE—GAZA—STRIP border for 1,400 PALESTINE—PRISONERS.
20060905—20060726    —KILLED, ISRAEL—FORCES, the young man in THE—NORTH—WEST—BANK—NABLUS—DISTRICT.
20060905—20060726    —KILLED, ISRAEL—FORCES, the young man in THE—NORTH—WEST—BANK—NABLUS—DISTRICT.
20060905—20060802    —FROM, THE—CNN poll -3, to which Lowry is referring, found that —JUST 34—PERCENT—OF—AMERICANS oppose USA—TROOP—WITHDRAWAL.
20060905—20060911    —SINCE, 20010000             , there has been 1 marked increase in the comfort with which those in power openly discuss military interventions and pending.
20060905—20070000    —IN, 1—JURY in COPENHAGEN handed down guilty verdicts to MOHAMMAD—ZAHER, —34—JAHRE—ALT, AHMAD—KHALDHADI, —22—JAHRE—ALT, and ABDALLAH—ANDERSEN, —32—JAHRE—ALT.
20060905—20070700    —ENDED, The truce.
20060907             , GenesisIntermedia Stock WHO—CEO—WAS—RAMY—EL—BATRAWI—LISTED on... 20060905             , GenesisIntermedia and Its CEO—RAMY—EL—BATRAWI—VICTIMS—OF—SHORT...
20060907             And in a 20060905             AP
20060907             —FROM Hartson's 20060905             AP article, "Bush Reminds Americans USA Is at War":
20060907—20010911    —AFTER, On 20060905             —THE—EDITION—OF—CNN—THE—SITUATION—ROOM, Henry said, "PRESIDENT—BUSH——TODAY... taking the extraordinary step of quoting [Osama] OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—OWN—WORDS in letters to followers, as well as what he called grisly AL—QAEDA manuals, to dramatize —JUST how potent the terror group is right —NOW... [which] may help shake Americans OUT—OF—ANY—COMPLACENCY they may feel almost —5—YEARS ".
20060907—20060905    —ON, both CNN WHITE—HOUSE—CORRESPONDENT ED—HENRY and Associated Press writer Merrill Hartson reported that PRESIDENT—BUSH 's 20060905             speech addressing IRAQ and the fight against terrorism was 1—ATTEMPT to fight American "complacency".
20060909—20060902    —AM, Video: Bündnis gegen Rechts Demo
20060911             But CBS News correspondent Lara Logan's 20060905             broadcast from the Ghazni province cast 1—DIFFERENT—PICTURE.
20070101             —WHEN arrested, 1—OF—THE—MEN, Sakher "Rocky" Hammad, as already said, was carrying 1—WTC pass for 20010905             .
20070116             "LIEUTENANT—GENERAL—KARL—EIKENBERRY, the top USA—COMMANDER—IN—AFGHANISTAN, said in 1—INTERVIEW that Taliban attacks surged by 200 % in December + A—USA—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICER said that —SINCE the peace deal went into effect 20070905             THE—NUMBER—OF—ATTACKS in the border area has
20070314             A grim prediction, a bizarre campaign platform + a future we must reject. alfatomega.com/20060905.html
20070531             1—ATTORNEY for INTERNATIONAL arms trafficker Sarkis Garabet Soghanalian told 1—MIAMI FEDERAL—JUDGE that... olm.BLYTHE—SYSTEMS.com/pipermail/nytr/—WEEK—OF—MON—20050905/022918.html
20070728             Defense Advanced... alfatomega.com/_A_O_inzoome_/20060905.htm
20070731             United JERUSALEM—ISRAEL—NEWS—TODAY - 20040711             20070905             ( DEA news release, 20060711             ).
20070824—20070905    —ON, 1—COURT upheld 1—WARRANT for his arrest and refused to lift 1—FREEZE on the shares of his company, Russneft.
20070905             "Security and the Environment in the Mediterranean in the 19010101—20001231     Conceptualising Security and Environmental Conflicts".
20070905             alfatomega.com/20070410.html
20070905             Wikipedia:CommonsTicker/20070609 - Wikipedia... not edited —FOR—9—DAYS;
20070905             FRED—THOMPSON (19420000             *), FORMER—TENNESSEE SENATOR (19940000—20020000    ) as well as film and TV character actor, announced himself as 1—FORMAL—REPUBLICAN candidate for THE—USA—PRESIDENCY on THE—JAY—LENO show.
20070905             Contest organizers in TUCSON, Az., said Kelly McBee, a —30—YEAR—OLD—MOTHER—OF—3—FROM NORTH—WYOMING, is the new MRS—AMERICA.
20070905             McBee won the national crown in 1—CEREMONY at the Loews Ventana Canyon Resort.
20070905             † Coroners in SOUTH—CALIFORNIA said as many as 28—PEOPLE may HAVE—OF—HEAT—RELATED causes —DURING the last —8—DAY—RUN—OF—HOT—WEATHER.
20070905             VIRGINIA, USA—REPRESENTATIVE—PAUL—GILLMOR, —68—JAHRE—ALT, 1—REPUBLICAN from OHIO, was found dead in his apartment in ARLINGTON.
20070905             —KILLED, Afghan and USA—LED coalition troops, more than 40 suspected Taliban militants in SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN.
20070905             13—MINE—CLEARING workers were kidnapped in Paktia province.
20070905             —URGED, AUSTRALIA, PRESIDENT—BUSH, Pacific Rim nations to band together on tackling global warming, saying all major polluters must be PART—OF—ANY—SOLUTION.
20070905             —UNVEILED, THE—BELGIAN—BASED INTERNATIONAL Polar Foundation, what it claimed to be the world's 1. 0—EMISSIONS polar science station in ANTARCTICA to conduct research on climate change.
20070905             —DISCUSSED, CHINA—AUTHORITIES said 2—LATE—NIGHT—RADIO shows that, sex and drugs have been banned for damaging young people and being "extremely pornographic".
20070905             —ANNOUNCED, GERMANY—OFFICIALS, that 3—MILITANTS from 1—ISLAMIC—GROUP linked to AL—QAIDA were planning "imminent" bomb attacks against Americans in GERMANY —WHEN 1—ELITE—ANTI—TERRORIST—UNIT raided their SMALL—TOWN hideout.
20070905             —DUBBED, The ship Oceanic II, the Scholar Ship, became home to some 200—STUDENTS from 35—COUNTRIES and embarked from PIRAEUS—GREECE, as 1—SEABORNE university funded by Royal Caribbean Cruises.
20070905             A —16—WEEK semester included stops in LISBON, PANAMA—CITY, AUCKLAND, SHANGHAI and other places for —JUST under $20,000.
20070905             GUATEMALA, 2—CANDIDATES from Nobel Laureate and presidential hopeful Rigoberta MENCHU—POLITICAL—PARTY were shot dead amid 1—WAVE—OF—CAMPAIGN—RELATED violence that has claimed about 50—LIVES.
20070905             —CAPTURED, KARBALA, USA—FORCES, 1—IRAQI believed to be working as the local contact to THE—IRAN—REVOLUTIONARY—GUARDS—CORPS—ELITE—QUDS Force to supply Shiite militias with IRANIAN—MADE weapons.
20070905             Interior MINISTER—MEIR—SHEETRIT said ISRAEL will grant citizenship to some of the estimated 300—REFUGEES from SUDAN—VIOLENCE—RIDDEN Darfur region who have already arrived.
20070905             JAPAN and NORTH—KOREA held talks for the 1. time in —6—MONTHS in 1—BID to ease tensions amid signs of cautious optimism for progress from THE—ARCH—FOES.
20070905             The meeting in THE—MONGOLIA—CAPITAL—OF—ULAN—BATOR is PART—OF—1—WORKING group set up by 6—NATION talks designed to stop NORTH—KOREA—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—PROGRAMS.
20070905             —THREATENED, Hurricane Henriette, MEXICO—MAINLAND —AFTER punishing the Los Cabos resorts.
20070905             —ARRESTED, NORTH—KOREA said it had, spies working for 1 unspecified foreign country who were collecting intelligence on the communist state's military and state secrets.
20070905             —FREED, Militants, 6—SOLDIERS who were among more than 100—PAKISTAN—TROOPS abducted over the weekend near THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER.
20070905             —INTERESTED, RWANDA—PRESIDENT—PAUL—KAGAME said that his country was no longer, in joining THE—SOUTH—AFRICA—GROUPING SADC in order to avoid "overlapping" roles with other blocs.
20070905             CANADA—AMBASSADOR to ZIMBABWE said THE—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE facing serious food shortages there is expected to grow to 4.1—MILLION over the 1. QUARTER—OF—NEXT—YEAR.
20070905             AFES—PRESS Logo Canterbury Workshop 8-20010910             Security...
20070905             Newsletter - 1. Heroin Kingpin Ever Extradicted From AFGHANISTAN Pleads Guilty To Smuggling Heroin Into USA.
20070905             ( DEA news release, 20060711             ).
20070905             Auch Lagha sitzt —5—JAHRE in GUANTANAMO, ohne je einen Anwalt gehabt zu haben.
20070905             Gegen Lagha liegt den Berichten zufolge in TUNESIEN nichts vor, dennoch wird er festgehalten und von einem Ermittlungsrichter unmittelbar nach der Ankunft angeklagt, einer im Ausland operierenden Terrororganisation anzugehören.
20070905             1—PROZESS gegen ihn soll —IM—NOVEMBER geführt werden.
20070905             Nach seiner Landung —IM—JUNI in TUNESIEN sind laut den Vorwürfen gegen die Behörden des Landes —7—WOCHEN vergangen, —BIS er mit einem Verteidiger sprechen durfte.
20070905             —INZWISCHEN, Er wird, wie AL—HADSCHI—VON—IBN—OMAR vertreten.
20070905             Der Anwalt schildert, er sei genau wie AL—HADSCHI behandelt worden:
20070905             —AM Flughafen habe man ihm 1—KAPUZE über den Kopf gezogen, ins Innenministerium gebracht, —3—TAGE lang verhört.
20070905             Ihm sei mit Folter gedroht WORDEN—ALLERDINGS sei sie nicht angewandt worden.
20070905             —GESESSEN, Auch Lagha habe wochenlang in Mornaguia in Einzelhaft.
20070905             "Keinen 'diplomatischen Zusicherungen' trauen
20070905             Der FALL—VON—ABDULLAH—AL—HADSCHI reicht —BIS in die neunziger —JAHRE zurück.
20070905             —5—JAHRE—SPÄTER verurteilt das TUNESISCHE—MILITÄRGERICHT ihn in Abwesenheit wegen Mitgliedschaft in einer terroristischen Vereinigung.
20070905             Einer von 19—MITANGEKLAGTEN hatte der Polizei gesagt, AL—HADSCHI sei in PAKISTAN und 1—FÜHRER—DER "TUNESISCHEN—ISLAMISTISCHEN Front".
20070905             —ENTGEGNET, Anwalt Ibn Omar, der Mann habe AL—HADSCHI wohl nur belastet, um selbst der Folter zu ENTGEHEN—DIES kenne er —SCHON von ähnlichen Fällen.
20070905             —ÜBERGIBT—PAKISTAN, ihn angeblich gegen Zahlung eines ausgesetzten Kopfgeldes an die USA—BEHÖRDEN.
20070905             Vor wenigen —WOCHEN dann wird den Berichten zufolge der USA—ANWALT Clive Stafford aktiv.
20070905             Er will AL—HADSCHI davor warnen, dass er in TUNESIEN als flüchtiger Terrorist gilt und ihm eine neue Inhaftierung BEVORSTEHT—DENN AL—HADSCHI war offenbar nie über das Urteil von 19950000             aufgeklärt worden.
20070905             Als Stafford in GUANTANAMO eintrifft, ist es zu spät. AL—HADSCHI sitzt —SCHON im Flugzeug nach TUNESIEN.
20070905             Den Berichten zufolge haben USA—AUFSEHER AL—HADSCHI auf dem Rückflug weiter wie einen Gefangenen gehalten.
20070905             —GEWESEN, Seine Augen seien verbunden, seine Hände und Füße in Handschellen gelegt, er an den Sitz gebunden worden.
20070905             Nach der Landung sei ihm die Augenbinde abgenommen, dann 1—SACK über den Kopf gezogen worden.
20070905             1—USA—MILITÄRFLUGZEUG vom Typ B-52 - genannt "Stratofortress" - ist Ende —AUGUST entgegen den Vorschriften mit 5—GEFECHTSBEREITEN Atomsprengköpfen an Bord quer über die USA geflogen.
20070905             —ERST bei der Landung der Maschine nach mehrstündigem Flug sei festgestellt worden,
20070905             dass an den Tragevorrichtungen unter den Tragflächen des Langstreckenbombers versehentlich scharfe Nuklearwaffen befestigt waren, teilte 1—SPRECHER—DES—PENTAGON —HEUTE mit.
20070905             Laut Verteidigungsexperten war der Flug der B—52—DER 1. mit Atomwaffen bestückte USA—BOMBERFLUG —SEIT den sechziger —JAHREN.
20070905             —TRANSPORTIERT, Wenn in den USA Atomsprengkörper, werden, dann in großen Transportflugzeugen.
20070905             Aus Sicherheitsgründen werden sie nie an den Tragflächen von Bombern montiert.
20070905             "Es ist geradezu unglaublich, dass so VIELE—KONTROLLMECHANISMEN versagt haben", sagte der in WASHINGTON ansässige Atomexperte HANS—KRISTENSEN.
20070905             —AM meisten beunruhige ihn, dass offenbar der Fehler eines Einzelnen zu dem Irrtum geführt habe, obwohl eigentlich laut Vorschriften über den Verbleib und Transport JEDER—EINZELNEN—ATOMWAFFE genauestens Buch geführt werden muss, um Fehler zu vermeiden.
20070905             Kristensen sagte weiter: "Das stellt das ganze System in Frage, denn wenn 1—MENSCH allein dies bewirken kann, muss man sich fragen, was sonst noch passieren kann".
20070905             Was also tun? In einem Beitrag über seine Forschungsresultate in der Fachzeitschrift "Advances in Experimental Social Psychology" schreibt Psychologe Schwarz: "In den meisten Fällen ist es am besten, den Mythos gar nicht mehr zu ansprechen und sich ausschließlich auf die Fakten zu konzentrieren, die dagegen sprechen. Je mehr die Zuhörer mit den Fakten vertraut gemacht WERDEN—UND je weniger sie vom Mythos HÖREN—DESTO höher die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass sie sich durchsetzen".
20070905             Das kann im Extremfall dazu führen, dass sie die falsche Information —JUST der Institution zuschreiben, die den Mythos eigentlich aus der Welt schaffen wollte.
20070905             Schwarz zieht auch aktuelle politische Mythen zur Illustration seiner These heran.
20070905             Noch immer glauben etwa VIELE—AMERIKANER, SADDAM—HUSSEIN sei in die Planung der Anschläge vom 20070911             verwickelt gewesen, obwohl es dafür keinerlei Beweise gibt.
20070905             Die BUSH—REGIERUNG hatte dies vor dem Einmarsch in den IRAK wiederholt behauptet.
20070905             Als dann die Berichte von Geheimdiensten oder Untersuchungen der Opposition diesen Mythos beseitigen wollten, wiederholten sie ihn oft und verankerten ihn so unfreiwillig weiter in der breiten ÖFFENTLICHKEIT—WIE USA—SENATORIN MARY—LANDRIEU, die in einer Anhörung sagte:" SADDAM—HUSSEIN hat die Vereinigten Staaten nicht attackiert, das war OSAMA—BIN—LADEN".
20070905             Die Erinnerung an den Mythos Saddam sei so wieder lebendiger geworden als die an den Fakt der Verantwortung Bin Ladens, sagt laut "WASHINGTON—POST " die Psychologin RUTH—MAYO, die ähnliche Forschungen wie Schwarz durchgeführt hat.
20070905             Saarbrücken: "Es hieß, der ist Student! Und —JETZT das!"
20070905             Gefährlicher Irrtum: B- 52—FLIEGT mit scharfen Atombomben quer über die USA
20070905             Die Dinosaurier sind ausgestorben, weil vor 160—MILLIONEN —JAHREN 2—RIESIGE Asteroiden im All zusammenkracht sind.
20070905             Das folgern Astronomen —JETZT aus Computersimulationen.
20070905             Die Bruchstücke des Crashs trafen die ERDE—UND auch Mond, Mars, Venus.
20070905             —GEWESEN, Es muss eine gewaltige Kollision, sein, die sich vor 160—MILLIONEN —JAHREN im Asteroidengürtel unseres Sonnensystems abgespielt hat.
20070905             1—BROCKEN—VON—60—KILOMETER Durchmesser knallte mit fast 11.000—KILOMETERN pro —STUNDE auf einen anderen Asteroiden von 170—KILOMETER Durchmesser.
20070905             So haben es zumindest WILLIAM—BOTTKE und seine Kollegen von der vom SOUTH—WEST—RESEARCH Institute im USA—BUNDESSTAAT COLORADO berechnet.
20070905             Psychologie: Warum der Mythos so oft über die Wahrheit sieht
20070905             Aussterben der Dinos: ASTEROIDEN—CRASH im All besiegelte TOD—DER—SAURIER
20070905             Stammzellenstreit: BRITISCHE—BEHÖRDE erlaubt MENSCH—TIER- Embryos
20070905             Schädliche Lebensmittelzusätze: Krankheitsbild POPCORN—LUNGE
20070905             FRANKREICH: Zu AUTORITÄR—JUSTIZMINISTERIN laufen Mitarbeiter weg
20070905             CO2- Prognose: Autoindustrie dürfte ÖKO—ZIELE verfehlen
20070905             TERROR—ALARM in DEUTSCHLAND: Zugriff vor dem tödlichen Knall
20070905             Handgepäck im Flugzeug: EU—KOMMISSION will an Beschränkungen festhalten
20070905             TOILETTEN—AFFÄRE: USA—SENATOR—CRAIG denkt über Rücktritt vom Rücktritt nach
20070905             Neue Bücher —IM—SEPTEMBER: Die lückenlose Überwachung des kapitalistischen Status quo
20070905             Weltpremiere: Charterflieger landet mit GPS—HILFE in BREMEN
20070905             USA—WAHLKAMPF: Blogs sind Massenmedien gleichgestellt
20070905             Regierungskonzept: Opposition vermisst Strategiewechsel in AFGHANISTAN
20070905             Klimaschutz: Bush lästert über KYOTO—PROTOKOLL - und fordert mehr Atomenergie
20070905             Licio Gelli and others in P2 were behind THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—PAPA—JOHN—PAUL 1.
20070905             —LINKED, The central figure in EUROPE and SOUTH—AMERICA—THAT, the... alexconstantine.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
20070905             Treason " Aftermath News Also upheld were lengthy jail terms for THE—HEAD—OF—THE P—2—LODGE, Licio Gelli, rogue operatives in the military intelligence service Sismi + middleman...
20070905             [l]Falls es jemand verpaßt hat: Die Geschichte mit dem BND—MITARBEITER, der seine Abhörbefugnisse auch privat genutzt hat, war 1—VOLLTREFFER.
20070905             Ich zitiere mal Heise: "Zur Unzeit" kommt nach ANSICHT—DER—BUNDESREGIERUNG derweil 1—BERICHT—DER—BERLINER—ZEITUNG, wonach ein mit der Überwachung der elektronischen Kommunikation von ausgewählten Botschaften betrauter MITARBEITER—DES—BUNDESNACHRICHTENDIENSTES seine technischen Möglichkeiten auch privat genutzt haben soll.
20070905             "Wir können uns —JETZT 1—DISKUSSION über den Missbrauch von elektronischen Überwachungsmöglichkeiten eigentlich nicht leisten", zitiert das Blatt einen Sicherheitsbeamten.
20070905             [l]Heribert Prantl sagt es, wie es ist.
20070905             —BEOBACHTET, Wenn der Mensch aber überall mit Videokameras, wird, wenn mit Erfassungssystemen festgehalten wird, wo und wann er welche Strassen benutzt, wenn die Daten seiner Flüge registriert, seine dortigen Essgewohnheiten festgehalten, seine Computer elektronisch durchsucht, seine Bankkonten staatlich visitiert, seine Persönlichkeitsdaten, seine Krankheiten und Gebrechen zentral abrufbar werden, dann ergibt sich die gefährliche Totalität aus der Summe.
20070905             [l]Vor einem Militärgericht kriegt man gerade ein bißchen Einblick in die CHARME—OFFENSIVE der Amis im IRAK: Bombe geht hoch, Marines stürmen Haus daneben, klopfen an Türen.
20070905             MENDOZA said Marines under WUTERICH—COMMAND began clearing nearby houses suspected of containing insurgents responsible for the bombing.
20070905             At 1—HOUSE—WUTERICH gave 1—ORDER to shoot on sight as Marines waited for 1—RESPONSE——AFTER knocking on the door, said MENDOZA.
20070905             "He said '—JUST wait till they open the door, then shoot,'" MENDOZA said.
20070905             —APPEARED, MENDOZA then said he shot and killed 1—ADULT—MALE who, in 1—DOORWAY.
20070905             In dem Haus finden sie dann einen Raum mit 7—FRAUEN und Kindern drin, die angsterfüllt auf dem Boden kauern.
20070905             Was macht man in solchen Fällen?
20070905             Klar, eine Massenerschießung! —WHEN I opened the door there was —JUST women and kids, 2—ADULTS were lying down on the bed and there were 3—CHILDREN on the bed... 2—MORE were behind the bed," MENDOZA said.
20070905             "I looked at them for 1—FEW seconds. —JUST enough to know they were not presenting 1—THREAT... they looked scared".
20070905             "I told him there were women and kids inside there. He said 'Well, shoot them,'" MENDOZA told prosecutor LIEUTENANT—COLONEL—SEAN—SULLIVAN.
20070905             Und dann haben sie die Leute erschossen, wie man das halt macht im Militär.
20070905             Aber das ist alles nicht der gruselige Teil.
20070905             Der gruselige Teil ist das hier: Defense lawyers will argue that Wuterich followed established combat zone RULES—OF—ENGAGEMENT.
20070905             "1—ANSCHLAG stand unmittelbar bevor, es war nur noch 1—FRAGE—DER—ZEIT", so ein hochrangiger Sicherheitsexperte der Regierung.
20070905             Was —JETZT, unmittelbar oder 1—FRAGE—DER—ZEIT?
20070905             Beides nicht, denn der Sprengstoff hätte ja —ERST mal noch gebaut werden müssen.
20070905             1—JOURNALIST wollte dann noch wissen, woher sie wissen wollen, daß der Flughafen FRANKFURT 1—ZIEL gewesen sei + darauf meint der Schäuble, er habe das auch nur aus der DPA—MELDUNG und wisse nicht, wo das herkommt.
20070905             Also wißt ihr, ich kann das nur als Zeichen werten, daß ihnen der Widerstand zu dem BKA—ERMÄCHTIGUNGSGESETZ zu nervig wurde + sie unserer Demo die Luft aus den Segeln nehmen wollten 🙂
20070905             Daher: ALLE—ZUR Demo kommen.
20070905             Update : Die HÄLFTE—DER—TERRORISTEN stand —SCHON—SEIT —LETZTEM—JAHR in der Gefährderdatei drin.
20070905             [l]Ziercke warnt davor, das INTERNET zu einem strafverfolgungsfreien Raum werden zu lassen.
20070905             Soso.
20070905             Die Vorratsdatenspeicherung und Lawful Interception Schnittstellen, die bilde ich mir nur ein, wie?
20070905             Und dann der absolute Oberkracher: Zudem werden in der heutigen Zeit oft Begrifflichkeiten aus der NS—ZEIT und aus der DDR—GESCHICHTE übernommen, wie beispielsweise "Präventionsstaat" oder "Überwachungsstaat".
20070905             Wenn man solche Begriffe —HEUTE benutzt, werden im Grunde die LEIDEN der Opfer aus früher Zeit relativiert.
20070905             Und man stellt die heutige Polizei im demokratischen Rechtsstaat in einen Kontext mit FRÜHEREN—REGIMEN.
20070905             Das darf man so nicht machen.
20070905             Soso, Begriffe wie "Überwachungsstaat" relativieren die LEIDEN der NAZI—OPFER.
20070905             Alles klar, Herr Ziercke. Dann ist ja gut.
20070905             *tätschel
20070905             [l]Meine Damen und Herren, so funktioniert heutzutage Innenpolitik: "We're 1—BOMB away from getting RID—OF—THAT obnoxious [FISA] court", sagte der CHENEY—BERATER zu dem Legal Counsel des USA—JUSTIZMINISTERIUMS.
20070905             Their goal all along was to "get rid of the obnoxious FISA court" entirely, so that they could freely eavesdrop on whomever they wanted with no warrants or OVERSIGHT—OF—ANY—KIND.
20070905             And here is Dick CHENEY—TOP—AIDE, drooling with anticipation at the prospect of another terrorist attack so that they could seize this power without challenge.
20070905             Ich bin mir sicher, daß das bei uns haar genau so abläuft.
20070905             Der Schäuble hat da —SCHON in Erwartung des nächsten PSEUDO—TERRORISTEN, den sie da aus dem Arsch ziehen, 1—SPEICHELPFÜTZE gebildet.
20070905             (Danke, Klaus) - [l]Na das war ja klar, daß gleich die ganzen Perversen unter ihren Steinen hervor kommen + die FAKE—TERRORISTEN instrumentalisieren wollen: EU—KOMMISSAR fordert PASSAGIERDATEN—ABKOMMEN für EUROPA.
20070905             Denn es ist völlig klar: wenn wir die Passagierdaten austauschen, haben Terroristen keine Chance mehr.
20070905             —GESEHEN, Das hat man auch gut an 20010911             , wo das ja auch Binnenflüge innerhalb der USA waren, und die Daten ausgetauscht waren.
20070905             —COMPLAINED, Taleban 'getting CHINA—WEAPONS' : BRITAIN has privately, to BEIJING that CHINESE—MADE weapons are being used by the Taleban to attack UK—TROOPS in AFGHANISTAN.
20070905             —HACKED, CHINA—MILITARY, into Pentagon : THE—CHINA—MILITARY hacked into 1—PENTAGON computer network in June in the most successful cyber attack on THE—USA—DEFENCE—DEPARTMENT, say American ­officials.
20070905             PHILIPPINES : 'Offensive Against Islamist Rebels for USA—BENEFIT' : 1—MAJOR—MILITARY—OFFENSIVE against separatist rebels in the southern provinces of Basilan and Sulu is raising concerns for displacing THOUSANDS—OF—RESIDENTS and causing setbacks to 1—PEACE—PROCESS.
20070905             NORTH—KOREA claims USA will lift economic sanctions:
20070905             —ANNOUNCED, NORTH—KOREA, —MONDAY that THE—USA had agreed to lift economic sanctions and remove the communist state from 1—LIST—OF—COUNTRIES accused of sponsoring terrorism
20070905             RUSSIA to deploy more new ballistic missiles : RUSSIA will carry out a 2. DEPLOYMENT—OF—NEW intercontinental ballistic missiles in December as PART—OF—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN—PROGRAMME to modernise nuclear defences, local media reported —ON—SATURDAY.
20070905             Dick CHENEY—TOP—AIDE: "We're 1—BOMB away" from our goal : —WHILE our national media was glorifying the Great COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF and actively disseminating their most manipulative claims and mocking Democrats on THE—PETTIEST—OF—GROUNDS, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION was dismantling THE—RULE—OF—LAW, systematically violating LONG—STANDING statutes and treaties at will.
20070905             —EARNED, MEXICO criticises USA on immigration : The attack, Felipe Calderon 1—STANDING ovation —ON—SUNDAY—DURING his 1. STATE—OF—THE nation address despite protesters rallying outside.
20070905             GEORGE—ORWELL—WAS—RIGHT; Big BROTHER—AGENTS—WERE—WATCHING : GEORGE—ORWELL, author of the novel ``1984'' which portrayed life in 1—TOTALITARY—STATE governed by 1—OMNISCIENT dictator, was himself watched by UK—SECURITY—SERVICES who suspected he was 1—COMMUNIST.
20070905             Citizens who have done no more than criticize THE—PRESIDENT are being banned from airline flights, harassed at airports', strip searched, roughed up and even imprisoned, feminist author and political activist Naomi Wolf reports in her new book, "THE—END—OF—AMERICA".
20070905             THE—TRUTH & Lies Of 20010911             :
20070905             Video: Expose of 20010911             20070905             Who Put the Lie in Lieberman?
20070905             Snow Job in the Desert
20070905             —UNTIL—RECENTLY I assumed that the failure to find W.M.D., followed by YEARS—OF—FALSE—CLAIMS—OF—PROGRESS in IRAQ, would make 1—REPEAT—OF—THE—SNOW—JOB that sold the war impossible.
20070905             But I was wrong.
20070905             The administration, this time relying on GENERAL—DAVID—PETRAEUS to play THE—COLIN—POWELL role, has had remarkable success creating the perception that the "surge" is succeeding, even though there's not 1 shred of verifiable evidence to suggest that it is.
20070905             WHITE—HOUSE shrugs off Congressional IRAQ report :
20070905             1—NEWLY—RELEASED—CONGRESSIONAL report saying BAGHDAD had failed most political and security goals did not show the whole picture, 1—WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIAL said 1—TUESDAY.
20070905             JUAN—COLE: On How AL—ANBAR isn't that Safe and on How its "Calm" is Artificially Produced : Bush made 1—SURPRISE—VISIT to AL—ANBAR—PROVINCE——ON—MONDAY, as PART—OF—HIS—PROPAGANDA—DRIVE to get Americans to think we should stay in IRAQ because "progress" is being made.
20070905             USA—TROOPS 'disregard RULES—OF—WAR' : NEWLY—RELEASED documents regarding crimes committed by USA—SOLDIERS against civilians in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN show repeated EXAMPLES—OF—SOLDIERS believing they were within the law —WHEN they killed them.
20070905             USA—WAR—SCANDALS—LEAD to few convictions: From THE—ABU—GHRAIB prison scandal to the Haditha massacre, abuses involving USA—SOLDIERS in IRAQ are increasingly the subject of detailed investigations, but have resulted in few convictions.
20070905             —DELIVERED, IRAQ—FOREIGN—MINISTER, Hoshyar Zebari, 1—STRONGLY worded demand to IRAN—PRESIDENT, MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD + other IRAN—OFFICIALS here —ON—MONDAY to halt the shelling of 1—MOUNTAINOUS—BORDER region in IRAQ—NORTH, where MISTER—ZEBARI said the bombardment has driven as many as 3,000 Kurdish villagers from their homes
20070905             FRANCE—LEADER—RAISES POSSIBILITY—OF—FORCE in IRAN : In his 1. major foreign policy speech as PRESIDENT, NICOLAS—SARKOZY—OF—FRANCE said —MONDAY that IRAN could be attacked militarily if it did not live up to its INTERNATIONAL obligations to curb its nuclear program.
20070905             "IRAN—NUCLEAR—ACTIVITIES are all lawful" : UK—PROFESSOR stressed that IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM is perfectly lawful and in accordance with INTERNATIONAL rules and measures.
20070905             IRAN: Consequences of 1—WAR : This briefing paper, WRITTEN—BY—OUR—GLOBAL—SECURITY—CONSULTANT, Professor PAUL—ROGERS, provides 1—COMPREHENSIVE—ANALYSIS—OF—THE—LIKELY—NATURE—OF—USA or ISRAEL—MILITARY action that would be intended to disable IRAN—NUCLEAR capabilities.
20070905             It outlines both the immediate consequences in TERMS—OF—LOSS—OF—HUMAN—LIFE, facilities and infrastructure + also the likely IRAN—RESPONSES, which would be extensive.
20070905             CHRONOLOGY—OF—IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAMME : 19570000             THE—USA—AND—IRAN sign 1—CIVIL—NUCLEAR CO—OPERATION agreement as PART—OF—THE—USA—ATOMS for Peace program.
20070905             Rafsanjani urges IRAN to BEWARE—OF—THE—USA : "They (THE—USA) made 1—BIG—ISSUE—OF—THE—NUCLEAR—ISSUE and they are mobilising public opinion, their Greater MIDDLE—EAST—PLAN is still on the table," Rafsanjani told the opening SESSION—OF—IRAN—ASSEMBLY—OF—EXPERTS.
20070905             —RULED, COURT—RULES—ISRAEL barrier be moved : ISRAEL—SUPREME—COURT has, that the state must redraw the route of its separation barrier to divert it from 1—PALESTINE—VILLAGE in the occupied WEST—BANK.
20070905             † LEBANON camp siege toll put at 400 : Nearly 400—PEOPLE, in —15—WEEKS—OF fighting between THE—LEBANON—ARMY and Fatah AL—ISLAM fighters at 1—PALESTINE—REFUGEE—CAMP in THE—NORTH—OF—LEBANON, the country's defence MINISTER has said.
20070905             IRAN—NUCLEAR—CHESS—GAME
20070905             —BY NADER—BAGHERZADEH and Soraya SEPAHPOUR—ULRICH
20070905             The mainstream media in reporting this intricate 'chess game' has decided to champion THE—SIDE—OF—WAR and has given the truth a 'check mate'.
20070905             Even 'reputable' papers such as THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, LOS—ANGELES—TIMES + WASHINGTON—POST have all decided that serving 1—DEPARTING administration that has led the nation into 1—QUAGMIRE is of greater importance than loyalty to 1—NATION consistent in its devotion to the flag.
20070905             —WHEN Wishful Thinking Replaces Resistance
20070905             Why Bush Can Get Away with Attacking IRAN
20070905             MANY—PEOPLE in the antiwar movement try to reassure themselves: Bush cannot possibly attack IRAN.
20070905             He does not have the means to do so, or, perhaps, even he is not foolish enough to engage in such 1—ENTERPRISE.
20070905             MIDDLE—EAST—MADNESS
20070905             "BUSH—CHENEY and company are about to attack IRAN (and) the groundwork is being set with 1—FLOOD—OF—PROPAGANDA, helped by the media and Democrats".
20070905             It may be "his last (crazed) hope for immortality" and possible attempt to revive "Republican strength through this classic MANEUVER—OF—CORNERED—RAT—POLITICIANS".
20070905             War and the "New World Order"
20070905             War is the ultimate means of attempting to change societies and reshape nations.
20070905             It is through war that national economies and political structures can be forcibly restructured.
20070905             War is, potentially, the ultimate economic shock therapy.
20070905             The wars in THE—MIDDLE—EAST are stepping stones towards establishing 1—VISION—OF—GLOBAL—ORDER that has been in the hearts and MINDS—OF—THE—ANGLO—USA—ESTABLISHMENT——FOR—YEARS.
20070905             That vision is global ascendancy.
20070905             OSAMA—BIN—LADEN As 1—FANTASY—FIGURE - Riches beyond BELIEF—BY- IBRAHIM—WARDE
20070905             Most of the factoids that have become canon about OSAMA—BIN—LADEN and THE—FINANCING—OF—TERROR were estimates, guesstimates or simply made up, as in THE—CASE—OF—HIS presumed $300m personal fortune.
20070905             But these fantasies have driven real and dangerous actions.
20070905             Shooting THE—MESSENGERS
20070905             1—REASON that THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, politicians and people don't have 1—CLEAR—IDEA—OF—THE—SITUATION in ISRAEL/Palestine is that ANY—CRITICISM or complaint about ISRAEL, no matter how WELL—RESEARCHED and moderate, is swiftly attacked by lobbies in THE—USA as being ANTI—SEMITIC.
20070905             Is GEORGE—BUSH—RESTARTING—LATIN—AMERICA'S 'Dirty Wars'?
20070905             USA—INDIGESTION: Why Bush Governs From THE—GUT
20070905             Is Bush really so dim, or does he —JUST play at it for political marketing purposes?
20070905             I've read 1—NUMBER—OF—ACCOUNTS from those who have met with him personally and argue that he is smarter than he comes off in public, THOUGH—OF—COURSE, that's 1—BIT—LIKE saying that Hitler was not such 1—BAD—FELLOW because he didn't murder as MANY—PEOPLE as STALIN.
20070905             Top USA—ECONOMISTS—PRESENT—SCARY Scenarios For USA—ECONOMY—BY- Finfacts TEAM—HOUSE—PRICES in SOME—AREAS may fall as much as 50% - Housing contraction threatens 1—BROADER—RECESSION.
20070905             Hurricane Katrina and WAR—WHAT Is the Connection?
20070905             —ON the face of it, there is no connection between KATRINA—TRAGIC—DEVASTATION—OF—NEW—ORLEANS and the recent USA—WARS—OF—CHOICE.
20070905             It can be shown, however, that the death and destruction wrought by Katrina have been (at least in part) 1 submerged or invisible part of the enormous costs of the escalating war and military spending.
20070905             THE—USA, Class War Still Means —JUST 1—THING: THE—RICH—ATTACKING—THE—POOR
20070905             THE—DEMOCRATS need to represent the swelling ranks of HAVE—NOTS as vigorously as Bush has stuck up for the haves :
20070905             SPD—BUNDESTAGSFRAKTIONSCHEF PETER—STRUCK (SPD) sieht die Festnahmen als Beleg für ausreichende Instrumente im Kampf gegen den Terrorismus an.
20070905             "Das zeigt, dass wir ein genügendes Rüstzeug haben, um terroristischer Aktivitäten Herr zu werden".
20070905             Bundesjustizministerin BRIGITTE—ZYPRIES (SPD) hat —NACH—DEN vereitelten Terroranschlägen in DEUTSCHLAND den Sicherheitsbehörden für ihr "umsichtiges Handeln" gedankt.
20070905             Die Festnahmen seien ein gutes Beispiel dafür, dass die Anschlagsvereitelung auch ohne heimliche ONLINE—DURCHSUCHUNGEN funktioniert habe.
20070905             Wolf! WOLF! Yes, I admit it.
20070905             THOSE—OF—USA who have spent the past COUPLE—OF—YEARS decrying 1 planned war against IRAN resemble the boy who cried wolf.
20070905             But don't forget your Aesop: The wolf was real and he did appear, red in tooth and claw.
20070905             MANY—RECENT—NEWS—STORIES convey 1—UNMISTAKABLE lupine stench.
20070905             THE—SUNDAY—TIMES—OF—LONDON is reporting that the Pentagon has plans —FOR—3—DAYS—OF—MASSIVE—AIR—STRIKES against 1,200 targets in IRAN.
20070905             —LAST—WEEK, ALEXIS—DEBAT, DIRECTOR—OF—TERRORISM and national security at the Nixon Center, told 1—MEETING—OF—THE—NATIONAL—INTEREST, 1—CONSERVATIVE—FOREIGN—POLICY journal, that the military did not intend to carry out "pinprick strikes" against IRAN—NUCLEAR—FACILITIES.
20070905             He said, "They're about taking out the entire IRAN—MILITARY".
20070905             COLONEL—PAUL—HUGHES is 1—OF—THE—FEW—HEROES in "No End in Sight" and 1—AMERICAN to be Proud of.
20070905             Billions over BAGHDAD of Our Money "Gone Missing"
20070905             ROBERT—PARRY—REPORTING on the Disastrous Bush Presidency + the News MEDIA—HELPING—HAND -- 1—BUZZFLASH—INTERVIEW
20070905             Dick CHENEY—TOP—AIDE: "We're 1—BOMB away" from our goal of getting rid of FISA.
20070905             In short, Cheney, Bush and their crew were —JUST waiting for another terrorist attack to seize more dictatorial powers.
20070905             Congresswoman BARBARA—LEE: Time for Congress to take 1—STAND 9/5
20070905             KEITH—OLBERMANN on BUSH—PHONY—CLAIM to be Considering Reducing Troops.
20070905             1—LACERATING—OLBERMANN—COMMENTARY: Bush —JUST playing us with 'troop withdrawal' "This country cannot run the risk of what you [Bush ] can still do to this country in the next —500—DAYS".
20070905             No Relief From Fear: Despite USA Buildup, Families Still Fleeing BAGHDAD Homes 9/5
20070905             USA—EFFORTS May Work Against IRAQ—SELF—SUFFICIENCY 9/5
20070905             Speculation Continues About THE—WHITE—HOUSE—WRITTEN Petraeus Report as If He is Actually an "Independent" Agent, —WHEN He is —JUST the Only GENERAL—BUSH—COULD—FIND—WHO—WOULD—JUMP—WHEN—CHENEY—SAID—JUMP.
20070905             —BY the Way, Didn't Bush Find SOME—HAPLESS—GENERAL to be the Mideast War TSAR—1—FEW—MONTHS—AGO—AFTER 1—BUNCH—OF—BRASS—TURNED—THE—JOB—DOWN.
20070905             Whatever Happened to THAT Guy?
20070905             9/5 - THE—BUZZFLASH—MAILBAG -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
20070905             —HEUTE lassen Hundehalter ihre Lieblinge beim "Agility Training" über Rampen balancieren und durch Rohre krabbeln, sie schleppen sie zum "Dog Dancing" und in die Welpenschule.
20070905             "Die Erziehung hat sich geändert", konstatiert Range.
20070905             MPI—FORSCHERIN Kaminski glaubt, "dass Hunde uns zeigen können, wie mit einfachen Mechanismen sehr komplexes Verständnis möglich ist".
20070905             Auch die Menschen mussten ihre hochentwickelte Kommunikation im Lauf der Evolution —ERST LERNEN—DIE MPI—FORSCHER hoffen daher, dass der Hund seine Halter auch viel über deren eigene Geschichte lehren kann.
20070905             "Wenn 2—ENTFERNT verwandte Spezies ähnliche Eigenschaften haben, sind diese wahrscheinlich durch vergleichbare evolutionäre Prozesse entstanden", sagt Kaminskis Kollege MICHAEL—TOMASELLO.
20070905             Siemens hatte bislang gehofft, 1—EINGREIFEN—DER—SEC mit eigenen Ermittlern verhindern zu können und eine externe USA—KANZLEI mit der Aufklärung der Affäre beauftragt.
20070905             Die Anwälte der Kanzlei Debevoise & Plimpton durchforsten seither den Konzern und stellen ihre Ergebnisse auch der SEC zur Verfügung.
20070905             Sollte die USA—BEHÖRDE auch Zugriff auf die Ermittlungsergebnisse der DEUTSCHEN—STAATSANWALTSCHAFTEN erhalten, dürfte sie ihre Untersuchungen wohl ausweiten, berichtet die "Süddeutsche Zeitung" unter Berufung auf Konzernkreise.
20070905             " Hinter den diversen Versuchen, den menschengemachten Klimawandel in Zweifel zu ziehen, sieht Schönwiese verschiedene Motivationen:
20070905             "Einige sehen durch die geforderten Klimaschutzmaßnahmen die Wirtschaft gefährdet, andere fürchten um ihren Lebensstandard, wieder andere möchten eines unserer Weltprobleme gerne loswerden".
20070905             Zudem gebe es die Gruppe der Interessenträger.
20070905             "Und nicht wenige wollen sich einfach wichtig machen".
20070905             "Die LEUGNUNGS—MASCHINE läuft auf Hochtouren", stellte die Zeitschrift kürzlich fest.
20070905             So habe ein konservativer, lange vom Ölkonzern ExxonMobil geförderter Think Tank Wissenschaftlern 10.000—DOLLAR (7300—EURO) für Artikel geboten, die geeignet seien, die jüngsten WELTKLIMA—BERICHTE zu untergraben.
20070905             Für STEFAN—RAHMSTORF, Wissenschaftler am POTSDAM—INSTITUT für Klimafolgenforschung, wäre ein FREISPRUCH—DES—CO2 jedoch "offensichtlich schwachsinnig":
20070905             Diese entscheidenden Messdaten seien den Zuschauern des "Klimaschwindel"-Films jedoch verschwiegen worden, weil sie nicht zur Verschwörungstheorie passten.
20070905             Bislang hat der damals nichterklärte, aber in mancherlei Hinsicht praktizierte Ausnahmezustand noch keinen Ort im kollektiven Gedächtnis der Bundesdeutschen gefunden.
20070905             Schließlich war das, was die terroristische RAF als "Offensive '77" ausgegeben hat, die größte innenpolitische Herausforderung in der GESCHICHTE—DER—ALTEN—BUNDESREPUBLIK.
20070905             Wer nicht begreift, was sich damals abgespielt hat, der wird auch nicht verstehen, was die Bonner REPUBLIK in ihrem Innersten mitgeprägt hat.
20070905             Bargeld: Banken wollen Gebühren am Geldautomaten abschaffen
20070905             Klimaskeptiker: Außenseiter befeuern die Leugnungsmaschine
20070905             Reaktionen: "Wir leben nicht in einer heilen Welt" - Hundeforschung: Kluge Kläffer
20070905             Oligarch Abramowitsch: Mein Fußballclub, meine Milliarden, mein A380
20070905             SIEMENS—KORRUPTIONSSKANDAL: Amerikaner verlangen Akten aus DEUTSCHLAND
20070905             Bild:European PARLIAMENT Resolution on GLADIO—GERMAN.PDF—WIKIPEDIA - Verwendung.
20070905             Die folgenden Artikel benutzen diese Datei: Bild: Gladio 1.JPG—BILD: Gladio.jpg -
20070905             Bild: Gladio Resolution EU—PARLAMENT.jpg... de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bild:European_Parliament_Resolution_on_GLADIO—GERMAN.pdf
20070905             Benutzt in: Bild: Gladio.jpg, Bild: Gladio 1.jpg, Bild: Gladio 2.jpg,
20070905             Bild: Gladio Resolution EU—PARLAMENT.jpg (lokale Bildseite)...              —1—
20070905             "Ach, diese Verschwörungsspinner ausm EU—PARLAMENT, passt bloss auf"... zu Gladio : die EU—RESOLUTION dazu bitte selber nachgoogeln.
20070905             KATRIN—HOLENSTEIN: Illegale Geheimarmee besteht offensichtlich...
20070905             Die ITALIENISCHE—GEHEIMARMEE Gladio war verbandelt mit den Faschisten...
20070905             Darauf verurteilte das EU—PARLAMENT mit einer Resolution, gerichtet an die USA...
20070905             AUSLAND Die Geheimarmeen der Nato
20070905             GIULIO—ANDREOTTI vor Gericht im Verfahren um Gladio.
20070905             (Bild key). - - Darauf verurteilte das EU—PARLAMENT mit einer.
20070905             —GERICHTET, Resolution, an die USA und die.
20070905             Balkanforum Balkanblog.org " 20070000             " —FEBRUAR " 20
20070905             Dies wird in der UN—RESOLUTION 17370000             vom
20070905             Workshop in Canterbury (20010000             ) - Brief Project Description
20070905             —DURING the 4. PAN—EUROPEAN 20010900             —IN in Canterbury (UK) ANTONIO—MARQUINA, HANS—GÜNTER—BRAUCH and MOHAMAD—SELIM are organising 1—PANEL with approximately 10—SESSIONS on:
20070905             1—SMALL—NATO—GRANT made the participation of colleagues from NATO Mediterranean Dialogue countries possible: i.e. from ALGERIA, EGYPT, ISRAEL, JORDAN, MOROCCO and TUNISIA.
20070905             This project is to result in 1—BOOK to be published 20020000             .
20070905             Additional Information may be obtained on: The programme of the workshop [AFES—PRESS, topical] with additional information on the Canterbury conference and links to the conference papers.
20070905             Welcome to Sedition Central : Bush Proclaims "Mission Accomplished...
20070905             Slate MAGAZINE—INFORMATION Clearing House BLOG—HOME - Common Dreams | News... Also, to help you fund your fight, check out our NLS Funding Opportunity.
20070905             Libby Defense Fund: Defending AMERICA FROM Scooter Libby
20070905             Freedom States Alliance... who betrayed 1—CIA—OPERATIVE using classified information and betrayed the national SECURITY—OF—THE—USA—OF—AMERICA.
20070905             Armed and Safe: February 20070000             20070905             THE—FREEDOM—STATES—ALLIANCE, in turn, is apparently part of, or managed by MARK—KARLIN and Associates, 1—CHICAGO based public relations firm.
20070905             The funding... armedandsafe.blogspot.com/2007_02_01_archive.html
20070905             —GUIDED, THE—EMPEROR—OF—THE—EAST was no longer, by the wisdom and authority of his... (105) The provinces of THRACE—ASIA, and EGYPT, over which Valens had...
20070905             THE—CAMPAIGNS—OF—EMPEROR—HERAKLEIOS, according to the Chronicle of...
20070905             of the Holy Sepulchre and capturing the Holy Cross) and EGYPT in 619.
20070905             and went over to the Persians expecting them to destroy the Roman armament.
20070905             STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS: ABRAHAM—LINCOLN (18641206             ...
20070905             † Our very popular and estimable REPRESENTATIVE—IN—EGYPT, —IN—APRIL last.
20070905             naval armament upon the Lakes if they shall find that proceeding necessary.
20070905             Kalos: PART 4, CHAPTER X: THE—PERENNIAL—STRATOCRATS—AMONG the former are to be included such places as EGYPT, BRAZIL, INDONESIA, SOUTH—VIETNAM.
20070905             —WRACKED, Armament dealing in 1—WORLD, by famine, diseases...
20070905             economic and environmental developments: THE—EGYPT—STORY...
20070905             European WMD NON—PROLIFERATION—POLICIES rarely focusing on THE—ISRAEL—ARMAMENT—PROGRAMS.
20070905             "Do We Have Enough Forests?" - CENTRAL—AMERICA and MEXICO.
20070905             —DEGRADED, Total, area. Moderate, severe, and extreme.
20070905             Light.
20070905             62.8. 60.9. 1.9. 24.8. 24.1. 0.7. SOUTH—AMERICA.
20070905             —DEGRADED, Total, area... www.iufro.org/download/file/557/387/op5.pdf
20070905             MEGA—SKANDAL : —BIS zu 100—POLITIKER auf VW—GEHALTSLISTEN.
20070905             Politik: 241—MILLIONEN über DEUTSCHE—BANK—AN—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN?
20070905             IRAK—DAS neue VIETNAM—DIE IRAKISCHE—BEVÖLKERUNG kämpft gegen ihre Unterdrückung.
20070905             Multinationale Konzerne weltweit fürchten 1—NIEDERLAGE—DER—SUPERMACHT—USA wie in VIETNAM vor mehr als —30—JAHREN.
20070905             weiterlesen - Luftverkehr: EU—PARLAMENT will Flüssigkeiten im Handgepäck wieder zulassen
20070905             Terrorverdacht in DÄNEMARK: Polizei lässt 6—FESTGENOMMENE wieder frei
20070905             Bush ist zum Gipfeltreffen der PAZIFIK—ANRAINERSTAATEN (Apec) nach SYDNEY gereist.
20070905             Daran nehmen am Wochenende auch die Präsidenten Chinas und Russlands, Hu Jintao und WLADIMIR—PUTIN + der JAPANISCHE—MINISTERPRÄSIDENT Shinzo Abe teil.
20070905             Howard muss sich noch —IN—DIESEM—JAHR den Wählern stellen.
20070905             UMFRAGEN, liegt er weit hinter dem LABOR—FÜHRER KEVIN—RUDD, der bei einem Wahlsieg einen Truppenabzug angekündigt hat.
20070905             BERLIN—DER FRÜHERE—CDU—GENERALSEKRETÄR—HEINER—GEIßLER hat die Arbeitsmarkreform Hartz IV als menschenunwürdig eingestuft.
20070905             "Hartz IV führt dazu, dass die LEBENS—UND Arbeitsleistung vieler nicht geachtet wird. Hier wird die Menschenwürde verletzt", sagte er der "Passauer Neuen Presse".
20070905             Weltweite Kreditkrise: OECD senkt Wachstumsprognose für USA und DEUTSCHLAND
20070905             Schizophrenie: Wahnvorstellungen als Evolutionsvorteil
20070905             Festnahmen: Verdächtige hatten Kontakt zu USBEKISCHEN—MILITANTEN
20070905             Luftverkehr: EU—KOMMISSAR fordert PASSAGIERDATEN—ABKOMMEN für EUROPA
20070905             —30—JAHRE DEUTSCHER—HERBST: "So in etwa stelle ich mir die Hölle vor"
20070905             Berufsverbot passé: ANTIFA—AKTIVIST wird doch noch Lehrer
20070905             Spionage: CHINA—HACKER griffen auch BRITISCHE—REGIERUNG an
20070905             Raketenabwehr: Boeing testet fliegendes Lichtschwert
20070905             Streik in der Tube: Aufruhr im Londoner Untergrund
20070905             AFGHANISTAN: Merkel rechnet mit jahrelangem Einsatz
20070905             Boom bei umweltfreundlichen Autos: Deutsche begeistern sich für Ökoflitzer
20070905             Energie: Kraftwerke werden immer TEURER—UND damit auch Strom
20070905             Verkauf der Landesbank: Commerzbank zeigt Interesse an WestLB
20070905             Kräftiger Linksdrall: Geißler hält Hartz IV für menschenunwürdig
20070905             IRAK: USA—OBERBEFEHLSHABER Petraeus stellt Truppenabzug ab —MÄRZ in Aussicht
20070905             —ON REPRESENTATIVE—GILLMOR †.
20070905             Congressman_Paul_Gilmor.jpgOhio republican congressman PAUL—GILLMOR is found dead in his apartment, reported —JUST few minutes ago.
200709050000 —BY—GARY—YOUNGE in NEW—YORK
20070905141510       IKB DEUTSCHE—BANK soll an RISIKO—KREDITEN Millionen verdient haben.htm
20070905—19610000    —SUGGESTED, THE—USA—JOINT—CHIEFS—OF—STAFF, to place nuclear weapons in IRAN as PART—OF—ITS—CLOSE—LINKS with IRAN.
20070905—19800000    —SEIT, "Der größte TEIL—DER—GLOBALEN—ERWÄRMUNG - 0,5—GRAD CELSIUS—HAT stattgefunden, während die Sonnenaktivität abgenommen hat", sagt der Mitverfasser des UNO—KLIMABERICHTS.
20070905—20020800    —IM, Sicher ist: AL—HADSCHI wird nach ANGABEN—VON—AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL in seiner Wohnung in der PAKISTANISCHEN—STADT LAHORE festgenommen und in das Gefangenenlager GUANTANAMO auf KUBA überstellt.
20070905—20030500    —UNDISCLOSED, ENVOY—LETTER—COUNTERS—BUSH on Dismantling of IRAQ Army : 1—PREVIOUSLY, EXCHANGE—OF—LETTERS shows that PRESIDENT—BUSH was told in advance by his top IRAQ envoy of 1—PLAN to "dissolve SADDAM—MILITARY and intelligence structures," 1—PLAN that the envoy, L. PAUL—BREMER, said referred to dismantling THE—IRAQ—ARMY.
20070905—20070830    —AM, Den Angaben zufolge startete die Maschine in Minot im Bundesstaat NORTH—DAKOTA nahe der KANADISCHEN—GRENZE und überflog das Land auf der gesamten Länge von Nord nach Süd, —BIS es in Barksdale im Bundesstaat LOUISIANA landete.
20070905—20080122    —ON, Thompson quit the race.
20070906—20070905    —FAILED, Hsu had, to appear in 1—REDWOOD—CITY, CALIFORNIA, courtroom, —FOLLOWING bail over a 19920000             fraud conviction.
20071105             WP 87441301. 19980905             .
20080802—20080905    —RELEASED, The 2 were.
20080901—20080905    —ON, Garcia was taken off life support.
20080905             MEXICO, 2 17010101—18001231     paintings, "THE—ADORATION—OF—THE—3—KINGS" and "THE—BIRTH—OF—THE—VIRGIN," were stolen from the Santa Matilde church in PACHUCA, THE—CAPITAL—OF—CENTRAL—HIDALGO state.
20080905             USA—BANK—REGULATORS shut down Silver STATE—BANK, saying THE—NEVADA—BANK—FAILED—BECAUSE—OF—LOSSES on soured loans, mainly in commercial real estate and land development.
20080905             It was the 11. failure —THIS—YEAR—OF—1—FEDERALLY insured bank.
20080905             —DISPLAYED, SF, Western artist THOM—ROSS, 100—WOODEN—INDIANS on horseback on the same STRETCH—OF—OCEAN—BEACH that was used in a 19020000             photo of BUFFALO BILL—CODY and his Wild WEST—SHOW featuring live Indians on horseback.
20080905             —REMOVED, BERKELEY—CALIFORNIA, arborists began, trees in preparation for a $124—MILLION UC athletic training center.
20080905             4—PROTESTERS continued a —21—MONTH—OLD—PROTEST in 1—LONE redwood.
20080905             —PAVED, LANCASTER—CALIFORNIA, 1—ROAD was, at the request of HONDA—SANTA—MONICA advertising agency, with grooves so that passing cars would hear 1—RENDITION—OF—ROSSINI—WILLIAM—TELL—OVERTURE.
20080905             —KILLED, WEST—AFGHANISTAN, 1—OVERNIGHT raid in Farah province, 6—MILITANTS and 2—CIVILIANS.
20080905             —VOTED, Angolans, for the 1. time in —16—YEARS in 1—PARLIAMENTARY—ELECTION expected to extend the ruling party's hold of more than —3—DECADES in THE—OIL—RICH—AFRICA—NATION.
20080905             1—NEW quota required 30—PERCENT—OF—THE—CANDIDATES to be women.
20080905             QUENTIN—BRYCE was sworn in as AUSTRALIA—GOVERNOR general, the 1. woman to act as THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—QUEEN—REPRESENTATIVE—DOWN—UNDER.
20080905             MORRIS—IEMMA, —47—JAHRE—ALT, the embattled premier of AUSTRALIA—MOST populous state, New SOUTH—WALES, was forced to resign —AFTER his party withdrew support for him over 1—DRAMATIC reshuffle of his cabinet.
20080905             —STORMED, BOLIVIA, protesters, 1—SMALL—AIRPORT and blocked major highways across EAST—BOLIVIA in 1—STANDOFF over central government reforms designed to empower the nation's indigenous majority.
20080905             —JOINED, CANADA, THE—USA—AND—EU in imposing sanctions on ZIMBABWE—AUTHORITY—REGIME headed by PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE.
20080905             —CALLED, EU nations, for 1—INTERNATIONAL—PROBE to find out which country should shoulder responsibility for —STARTING the conflict between GEORGIA and RUSSIA.
20080905             —ANCHORED, THE—FLAGSHIP—OF—THE—USA—NAVY'S—MEDITERRANEAN fleet, outside the key GEORGIA—PORT—OF—POTI, bringing in TONS—OF—HUMANITARIAN—AID to 1—PORT still partially occupied by HUNDREDS—OF—RUSSIA—TROOPS.
20080905             —REACTED, THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT, sharply to published allegations that THE—USA spied on IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—MALIKI, warning that future ties with THE—USA could be in jeopardy if the report were true.
20080905             1—EXPLOSION in THE—WEST—BAGHDAD neighborhood of Mansour killed 6—BODYGUARDS—OF—EX—IRAQ—DEPUTY—PRIME—MINISTER—AND—FORMER—PENTAGON favorite, AHMAD—CHALABI, who escaped the suicide car bomb attack on his convoy.
20080905             1—ISRAEL—DEFENSE—OFFICIAL said ISRAEL has allowed PALESTINE—SECURITY—FORCES in THE—WEST—BANK to receive 1—SHIPMENT—OF about 1,000 Kalashnikov rifles and tens of THOUSANDS—OF—BULLETS in 1—STEP aimed at bolstering the moderate PALESTINE—GOVERNMENT there.
20080905             —REACHED, The weapons shipment, the Palestinians through JORDAN about —1—WEEK—AGO.
20080905             —ANNOUNCED, JAPAN, RIGHT—LEANING FORMER—FOREIGN MINISTER—TARO—ASO, that he will run for ruling party PRESIDENT in 1—MOVE that would put him on track to take over as JAPAN—NEXT—PRIME—MINISTER.
20080905             —REVILED, USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE met LIBYA—LEADER—MUAMMAR Gaddafi, once, as a "mad dog" by PRESIDENT—REAGAN, on 1—HISTORIC—VISIT which she said proved that WASHINGTON had no permanent enemies.
20080905             MALAYSIA said it is dispatching 3—NAVY—VESSELS to the Gulf of ADEN to protect its merchant ships —FOLLOWING 1—SHARP surge in pirate attacks off THE—COAST—OF—SOMALIA.
20080905             FEBRUARY, 20100000             , they were found in 1—ART—GALLERY in TLAQUEPAQUE, 1—TOWN—NEAR THE—CITY—OF—GUADALAJARA, where they were on sale for $35,000.
20080905             —DETAINED, The political party of, opposition leader Aung S—SUU—KYI urged MYANMAR—MILITARY—GOVERNMENT to ensure her WELL—BEING as she continued to refuse food deliveries to protest her detention.
20080905             NIGERIA said it has set up a 40-member technical committee on peace talks to end the crisis in THE—OIL—RICH—NIGER Delta.
20080905             —REINSTATED, PAKISTAN—SUPREME—COURT, 3—JUDGES ousted by PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF, cementing political divisions in the country —1—DAY—BEFORE it elects 1—NEW—PRESIDENT.
20080905             1—EXPLOSION possibly caused by 1—MISSILE—STRIKE killed 5 suspected foreign militants near THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER in NORTH—WAZIRISTAN.
20080905             —PLEDGED, PALESTINE—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS, to try to reach 1—FINAL—STATUS—PEACE—AGREEMENT with ISRAEL by THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR, but he admitted the goal, set by USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH, might not be achieved.
20080905             —DETAINED, POLAND, police, Krzysztof B. (45), in THE—EAST—CITY—OF—SIEDLCE, —AFTER his wife and daughter came forward with the allegations that he had imprisoned and raped his daughter (21) —FOR—6—YEARS fathering 2—CHILDREN, who were put up for adoption.
20080905             —CAPTURED, SRI—LANKA—SOLDIERS, 3—TAMIL Tiger rebel bunkers and killed 24—GUERRILLAS in fighting across THE—ISLAND—RESTIVE north.
20080905             —LICENSED, Brothels, —PRIOR—TO 19740000             were allowed to keep operating.
20080905             —RESIGNED, TOGO—PRIME—MINISTER—KOMLA—MALLY unexpectedly, —AFTER less than —1—YEAR in office.
20080905             —ACCUSED—OF, He had been, lacking initiative and of being ineffective.
20080905             KAUKASUS—KONFLIKT: Moskau spricht von Manipulation des 6—PUNKTE—PLANS
20080905             Südkaukasus: NICARAGUA erkennt Südossetien und Abchasien an
20080905             Kritik am Sanierungsplan: EU droht WestLB mit milliardenschweren Rückzahlungsforderungen
20080905             GEORGIEN—KRISE: RUSSLAND wirft USA Verschärfung des Konflikts vor
20080905             USA—REPUBLIKANER: Cindy McCain geht auf Distanz zu Palin
20080905             Kostenschock: GAS—UND Stromkonzerne erhöhen Preise drastisch
20080905             GEORGIEN—KRISE: USA—KRIEGSSCHIFF legt in Poti an
20080905             Klimawandel: Forscher warnen vor Horrorszenarien beim Meeresspiegelanstieg
20080905             Börse im Minus: Dax knapp vor neuem Jahrestief
20080905             Preemptive Strikes Against Protests at RNC:
20080905             In the months leading up to the Republican National Convention, THE—FBI—LED MINNEAPOLIS Joint Terrorist Task Force actively recruited people to infiltrate vegan groups and other leftist organizations and report back about their activities.
20080905             —ON  - Amy Goodman Arrested at Republican National Convention
20080905             Democracy —NOW—AMY—GOODMAN, Sharif Abdel Kouddous and NICOLE—SALAZAR were arrested by THE—MINNEAPOLIS—POLICE—DEPARTMENT.
20080905             Charged with conspiracy to riot.
20080905             Footage from RICK—ROWLEY and BRANDON—JOURDAN.
20080905             Palin meets with AIPAC leaders: SARAH—PALIN met with PRO—ISRAEL lobbyists to express her support for USA—ISRAEL ties.
20080905             McCain Campaign Tries To Block Ron PAUL—FROM—CONVENTION—FLOOR
20080905             ": Paul was barred from speaking at the convention "because the the congressman would not change his position on the war in IRAQ, which he opposes".
20080905             Biden: Obama and I will be strong on protecting ISRAEL : USA—SENATOR and vice presidential nominee JOE—BIDEN assured older Jewish voters —TUESDAY that Democratic presidential candidate BARACK—OBAMA would be strong on protecting ISRAEL, which he said is less secure —NOW than —WHEN PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH took office.
20080905             GOVT—INDIA Inc plan to farm land abroad : The government and INDIA Inc plan to buy sizeable land abroad for cultivation.
20080905             Seen as 1—LONG—TERM—ANSWER to keep PRICES—OF—FARM—PRODUCTS under control, the grand plan envisages acquisition of large TRACTS—OF—LAND in neighbouring countries like MYANMAR and far off places like PARAGUAY.
20080905             Political Prisoner Professor SAMI—AL—ARIAN—RELEASED from Prison : 1—FLORIDA jury failed to return 1—SINGLE—GUILTY verdict on ANY—OF—THE—17—CHARGES brought against him.
20080905             4—OF—HIS 5—CHILDREN met him at the prison in FAIRFAX—VIRGINIA —YESTERDAY afternoon.
20080905             —REUNITED, They were, for the 1. time in more than 2,—000—DAYS.
20080905             But —WHILE he is OUT—OF—PRISON, SAMI—AL—ARIAN is not free.
20080905             He must remain under house detention pending trial.
20080905             —WARNED, RUSSIA warns USA over missile deal: MOSCOW has, WASHINGTON that it will respond to DEPLOYMENT—OF—INTERCEPTOR—MISSILES and radar facility in POLAND and THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC.
20080905             JUSTIN—RAIMONDO: —SEPTEMBER Surprise: Get ready for it..
20080905             —REPLACED, THE—RUSSIAN "threat" seems to have, the Iranian "threat" as the War PARTY—BOGEYMAN—OF—CHOICE.
20080905             What we didn't know, however, is that THE—2—FOCAL points are intimately related.
20080905             GEORGIA won't affect RUSSIA—STANCE on IRAN : THE—GEORGIA—CRISIS will not affect RUSSIA—COOPERATION with the West on tackling IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM, unless Western powers make it 1—ISSUE, MOSCOW—AMBASSADOR to BRITAIN said —ON—WEDNESDAY.
20080905             —EARMARKED, GEORGIA airfields, for WAR—ON—IRAN: GEORGIA permitted ISRAEL to use 2—MILITARY airfields for 'a potential PRE—EMPTIVE strike' against IRAN—NUCLEAR—SITES, 1—REPORT says.
20080905             IRAN—LIGHTS are going out: The cities of IRAN are in darkness.
20080905             —FOR—2—HOURS at 1—TIME, from the Gulf to the Caspian, the country believed to have the world's 3. largest oil reserves doesn't have the electricity to power homes, traffic lights, hospitals and the rest of civic life
20080905             Syria PRESIDENT: Door is open to peace with ISRAEL : SYRIA—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD said —TUESDAY that indirect negotiations with ISRAEL have brought about THE—POSSIBILITY—OF—PEACE, though THE—2—COUNTRIES still have quite 1—WAY to go toward that goal.
20080905             DAVID—MILIBAND and DAVID—CAMERON blunder over RUSSIA : The most frightening sight in recent weeks has not been the media's metamorphosis of RUSSIA from genial, if rather uncouth, bear into snarling wolf, but THE—KNEE—JERKING—OF—UK—POLITICIANS.
20080905             CIA Agent or ENGLAND—INSTRUCTOR?
20080905             RUSSIA and USA at Odds Over Incident in GEORGIA
20080905             RUSSIA: 1—USEFUL—ENEMY in USA—POLLS : THE—USA—PRESIDENTIAL—CANDIDATES increasingly present RUSSIA as 1—THREAT in their campaigns.
20080905             Republican SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN is clearly thriving on the recent GEORGIA—RUSSIA war.
20080905             —LOBBIED, Escalation in the Caucasus has been, by McCain
20080905             —TASKED, Palin: God, us with IRAQ war : "Pray for our military. Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right for this COUNTRY—THAT our leaders, our national leaders are sending them out on 1—TASK that is from God," THE—ALASKA—GOVERNOR said in her address —POSTED on the website of the Wasilla ASSEMBLY—OF—GOD.
20080905             RUSSIA sets conditions for withdrawal of remaining troops from GEORGIA: RUSSIA will withdraw its troops from the "buffer zone" it has created in GEORGIA —WHEN they are replaced by INTERNATIONAL peacekeepers and once THE—GEORGIA—GOVERNMENT has signed NON—AGGRESSION—PACTS with the breakaway REGIONS—OF—SOUTH—OSSETIA and Abkhazia, MOSCOW—AMBASSADOR to LONDON, YURI—FEDOTOV said —TODAY.
20080905             USA sends Navy flagship to GEORGIA, plans to roll out $1—BILLION aid package ;
20080905             AZERBAIJAN, VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY said THE—USA had a "deep and abiding interest" in the region's stability.
20080905             It was the 1. stop on 1—TOUR—OF—3—EX—SOVIET—REPUBLICS that are WARY—OF—RUSSIA—INTENTIONS——AFTER its war with GEORGIA —LAST—MONTH.
20080905             RUSSIA reacts to NATO ships:
20080905             "We don't understand what USA—SHIPS are doing on THE—GEORGIA—SHORES, but this is 1—QUESTION—OF taste, it's 1—DECISION by our USA—COLLEAGUES," Putin reportedly said.
20080905             "The 2. question is why the humanitarian aid is being delivered on naval vessels armed with the newest rocket systems".
20080905             Saakashvili 'no longer' GEORGIA—PRESIDENT : RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—DMITRY—MEDVEDEV no longer considers his counterpart Mikheil Saakashvili to be GEORGIA—LEADER, telling RUSSIA—TELEVISION——TODAY that MISTER—SAAKASHVILI is a "political corpse".
20080905             USA tries to create an 'iron curtain' —AROUND RUSSIA
20080905             - F WILLIAM—ENGDAHL: USA in decline as RUSSIA asserts its rising POWER—VIDEO
20080905             THE—USA—PROVOKED—RUSSIA to respond militarily and THE—USA as the dominant power is beginning to stumble and "to look desperately for ways to hold on to that power".
20080905             WHITE—HOUSE strategy is to help McCain win —IN—NOVEMBER
20080905             Political events in IRAQ are seldom what they seem.
20080905             THE—HAND—OVER by THE—USA—MILITARY—OF—CONTROL—OF—ANBAR province, once the heartland of the Sunni rebellion, to IRAQ—FORCES is 1—CASE in point.
20080905             THE—USA will keep 25,000 USA—SOLDIERS in Anbar, so the extent to which THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT will really take over is debatable.
20080905             But the future of Anbar is 1—CRUCIAL pointer to the fate of IRAQ.
20080905             It is 1—VAST—AREA and 1—OF—THE—FEW parts of IRAQ that is overwhelmingly Sunni.
20080905             Who Is Wrecking AMERICA?
20080905             There is nothing conservative about launching WARS—OF—AGGRESSION on the basis of lies and deception in order to control THE—DIRECTION—OF—OIL—PIPELINES and to enhance ISRAEL—TERRITORIAL—EXPANSION.
20080905             Overcoming Human Nature - - THE—REVOLUTION—OF—THE—MEEK
20080905             Americans must reconcile themselves to the horrendous truth about what has been done to the world in our name.
20080905             —ALLOWED, We must face the ugly truth that we have, our government to rampage through the world like SOME—RABID beast, devouring the weak and wounding the strong.
20080905             —ALLOWED, We have, our government to assume illegitimate power to 1—LEVEL that rivals all predecessor progenitors of evil.
20080905             MCCAIN—PALIN: THE—GI—JOE—BARBIE ticket: They both represent 1—CERTAIN 2—DIMENSIONAL PICTURE—OF—USA—LIFE, or life as it should be, where all the women are DROP—DEAD—GORGEOUS and all the men happily rush off to war, to fight against unnamed and EVER—SHIFTING 'baddies'.
20080905             Evangelical faith drives PALIN—PRO—ISRAEL view : SARAH—PALIN displays 1—ISRAEL—FLAG in her GOVERNOR—OFFICE—IN—JUNEAU, even though she has never been to the country, and attends Protestant evangelical churches that consider THE—PRESERVATION—OF—THE—STATE—OF—ISRAEL 1—BIBLICAL imperative.
20080905             Biden: ISRAEL—DECISIONS must be made in JERUSALEM, not DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA.
20080905             —VOWED, THE—VICE—PRESIDENTIAL nominee, that THE—USA will "always stand by ISRAEL, without telling Israelis what they can and cannot do".
20080905             ECUADOR Giving USA—AIR—BASE the Boot : Standing up to THE—USA—TENDS to be widely popular -- and 1—NEW—ECONOMIC—REALITY.
20080905             With major projects underway in MANTA by THE—VENEZUELA—GOVERNMENT and 1—HONG—KONG company, THE—USA—DOLLARS don't amount to much.
20080905             Payroll report: Nation loses 33,000 jobs —IN—AUGUST : The decline was lead by 1—DROP—OF—78,000—JOBS among GOODS—PRODUCING companies -- the 21. consecutive monthly decline, according to payroll manager Automatic Data Processing INCORPORATED.
20080905             —GAINED, The service sector, however, 45,000 jobs —IN—AUGUST.
20080905             Stocks plummet —AFTER retail, unemployment data : WALL—STREET dived sharply lower —THURSDAY, sending the Dow Jones industrials down over 300—POINTS as retailers and the Labor Department added to the mountain of dismal economic news that has all but dashed investors' hopes for 1—LATE—YEAR—RECOVERY.
20080905             'USA—FIRM—RESPONSIBLE for murder of 12—NEPALIS in IRAQ ': 1—LAWSUIT filed in CALIFORNIA against Kellogg, Brown and Root —ON—WEDNESDAY, states Nepali men, between the ages of 18 and 27, were recruited in NEPAL and were assured they would be doing work in hotel and restaurant kitchens in AMMAN—JORDAN, but were sent instead to IRAQ to work at 1—USA—AIR—BASE.
20080905             —ORDERED, UK: Cabinet Office, to release secret memos on IRAQ dossier : Secret emails and memos showing how THE—IRAQ war dossier was "SEXED—UP" must be released by the Cabinet Office, THE—INDEPENDENT has learnt.
20080905             —KILLED, DAVID—KELLY—CLOSEST—FEMALE confidante on why he COULDN'T have, himself: 1—FEMALE—CONFIDANTE—OF—DOCTOR—DAVID—KELLY raised disturbing new questions last night over how THE—MINISTRY—OF—DEFENCE—WEAPONS—INSPECTOR was able to kill himself.
20080905             Cheney says RUSSIA—CREDIBILITY at doubt —AFTER war:
20080905             "—AFTER your nation won its freedom in the Rose Revolution, AMERICA CAME to the aid of this courageous young democracy," said Cheney, referring to 20030000             —THE uprising that brought Saakashvili to power.
20080905             "We are doing so again as you work to overcome 1—INVASION—OF your sovereign territory and 1—ILLEGITIMATE, unilateral attempt to change your country's borders by force that has been universally condemned by the free world".
20080905             NICARAGUA joins RUSSIA in recognizing SOUTH—OSSETIA, Abkhazia : The "leftist" Sandinista government of NICARAGUA became the 2. COUNTRY—AFTER RUSSIA—TO recognize THE—BREAK—AWAY GEORGIA—PROVINCES—OF—SOUTH—OSSETIA and Abkhazia.
20080905             Fears for UKRAINE as PRO—WEST—COALITION fails: UKRAINE—PRO—WEST—COALITION collapsed —ON—WEDNESDAY, plunging the country into political uncertainty, hitting financial markets and undermining recent efforts by western leaders to show their support for Kiev —FOLLOWING RUSSIA—INTERVENTION in GEORGIA.
20080905             RUSSIA may push forward with S—300—SALES to IRAN:
20080905             "In the current situation, —WHEN THE—USA and the West in general are stubbornly gearing toward 1—CONFRONTATION with RUSSIA —AFTER the events in SOUTH—OSSETIA, the implementation of 1—LUCRATIVE contract on the deliveries of S-300 [air defense systems] to IRAN looks like 1—LOGICAL—STEP".
20080905             FRANCE—PRESIDENT—WARNS—IRAN—RISKS "Catastrophe" Of ISRAEL—STRIKE:
20080905             —FRANCE—PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—SARKOZY warned IRAN —THURSDAY that its determination to press on with its controversial nuclear drive risked 1—ISRAEL—STRIKE that would be a "catastrophe".
20080905             Congress is about to pour lighter fluid on IRAN: THE—USA—CONGRESS may inadvertently lay the foundations for war against IRAN —WHEN it reconvenes in WASHINGTON —THIS—MONTH.
20080905             Syria Outlines ISRAEL—PEACE—PLAN: SYRIA—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD disclosed that his country has given TURKEY—MEDIATORS 1—OUTLINE—OF—GENERAL—PROPOSALS for peace with ISRAEL and is waiting for ISRAEL—RESPONSE——BEFORE holding ANY—FACE—TO—FACE—NEGOTIATIONS.
20080905             Poll: USA seeking to grab Pak nukes : MANY—PEOPLE believe that THE—USA is wreaking mayhem in PAKISTAN to take CONTROL—OF—ITS—NUCLEAR—ARSENAL, 1—NEW—POLL indicates.
20080905             —BY JEFFREY S—CLAIR—MCCAIN the Maverick is 1—MERELY 1—FINE—HONED act, underscored by these kinds of casual hypocrisies.
20080905             Going on 1—IMPERIAL—BENDER
20080905             How THE—USA—GARRISONS the Planet and Doesn't Even NOTICE—BY- TOM—ENGELHARDT
20080905             —ESTIMATED, At the height of THE—ROMAN—EMPIRE, the Romans had 1, 37—MAJOR—MILITARY—BASES scattered —AROUND their dominions.
20080905             At the height of THE—UK—EMPIRE, the British had 36—OF—THEM planetwide.
20080905             Depending on —JUST who you listen to and how you count, we have HUNDREDS—OF—BASES.
20080905             According to Pentagon records, in fact, there are 761—ACTIVE—MILITARY "sites" abroad.
20080905             THE—PROBLEM—IS—EMPIRE
20080905             We will have to go back to the lessons Roman and UK—EMPIRES to learn the painful lessons of imperial overextension.
20080905             The lessons in blood bravely shed in lost or dubious causes.
20080905             —WEAKENED, The lesson of 1, capacity to fund healthcare, education, our children's futures.
20080905             —DIMINISHED, The lesson that democracy is, as the secrecy of the warmaking state expands.
20080905             —HATED, The lesson of being, in 1—WORLD where alliances are 1—NECESSITY, not 1—CHOICE.
20080905             'Ethnic Cleansing By STEALTH'—BY—SETH—FREEDMAN - With EVERY—CRUEL and unusual punishment meted out against WEST—BANK villagers, ISRAEL is fomenting more and more hate against its own people.
20080905             Why We Were Falsely Arrested
20080905             Government crackdowns on journalists are 1—TRUE—THREAT to democracy.
20080905             As the Republican National Convention meets in S—PAUL, MINNESOTA, —THIS—WEEK, police are systematically targeting journalists.
20080905             I was arrested with my 2—COLLEAGUES, "Democracy —NOW!" producers Sharif Abdel Kouddous and NICOLE—SALAZAR, —WHILE reporting on the 1. —DAY—OF—THE—RNC.
20080905             I have been wrongly charged with 1—MISDEMEANOR.
20080905             My CO—WORKERS, who were simply reporting, may be charged with felony riot.
20080905             Es bildet sich langsam Opposition zur FRANZÖSISCHEN—MONSTERDATENBANK.
20080905             The decree says the aim is to centralize and analyze data on people aged 13 or above who are active in politics or labor unions, who play 1—SIGNIFICANT—INSTITUTIONAL, economic, social or religious role, or who are "likely to breach public order".
20080905             The information that can be collected includes addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, physical appearance, behavioral traits, fiscal and financial records, and details about people who have personal ties with the subject.
20080905             Critics say this means the police can store data on people's ethnic origin, sexual preference or intimate relationships.
20080905             Da sind wir ja mal wieder prächtig von unseren Volksvertretern verarscht worden: Die CONTENT—MAFIA ist von der "gewerblich Ausmass" Klausel überhaupt nicht aufgehalten worden.
20080905             Warum auch.
20080905             In der Begründung steht ja —SCHON, dass —BEREITS 1—KINOFILM ein gewerbliches Ausmass sei.
20080905             Wir sind mal wieder von CDU und SPD nach Strich und Faden verraten worden.
20080905             —GEKOSTET, Der GEORGIEN—KRIEG hat die Russen richtig Geld.
20080905             Sarkozy und Berlusconi passen zusammen wie die Faust aufs Auge: Brüssel (unter Sarkozys Ratspräsidentschaft) findet das OK, wenn Berlusconi die Fingerabdrücke der ROMA sammelt.
20080905             Aber macht euch keine Sorge, die Rechtsstaatlichkeit ist nicht gefährdet, denn sie haben scharfe Einschränkungen verhängt: Brüssel kam —NUN zum Schluss, das Sammeln der Fingerabdrücke sei RECHTENS—SOLANGE es als letztes mögliches Mittel geschehe.
20080905             Tolle EU haben wir da.
20080905             Der Satz zur USA—PRÄSIDENTENWAHL: McCains Wahlkampfmanager RICK—DAVIS hat —SCHON die Parole ausgegeben: " Bei dieser Wahl geht es nicht um Sachfragen ".
20080905             Na dann gute —NACHT.
20080905             Kapitalflucht nach Georgienkonflikt: RUSSLAND droht neue Rubelkrise
20080905             Bush Bespitzelung von Premier Maliki vorIrak: USA—STARJOURNALIST wirft Bush Bespitzelung von Premier Maliki vor (Politik)
20080905             —AUFGEHOBEN, Unsichtbarkeit : Material enttarnt Tarnkappen
20080905             Bush droht RUSSLAND mit Aufkündigung des AtomabkommensGeorgien: Bush droht RUSSLAND mit Aufkündigung des Atomabkommens (Politik)
20080905             Weltenschöpfer WILL—WRIGHT: "Allmacht ist langweilig"
20080905             Genanalyse: AMERIKANISCHE—MAMMUTS verdrängten sibirische Vettern
20080905             PARTEITAG—REDE: McCain verblasst in Palins Glanz
20080905             Energiestreit in SPANIEN: Dämmerung im SOLARSTROM—PARADIES
20080905             Kriegseinsätze: Selbstmordrate von USA—SOLDATEN nähert sich Rekordniveau
20080905             Genforschung: Baupläne für tödliche Tumoren entschlüsselt
20080905             Verseuchtes Lager: NIEDERSACHSEN übersah Hinweis auf ATOMMÜLL—CHAOS in Asse
20080905             Eingliederungsbeitrag für Langzeitarbeitslose: Manager klagen gegen Verwendung von ARBEITSAGENTUR—GELDERN
20080905             REPUBLIKANER—PARTEITAG: IRAK—PROTESTIERER stören McCains Rede
20080905             Are we all going to die —NEXT—WEDNESDAY?
20080905             But why should we —NOW be worrying about such possible causes of Armageddon?
20080905             The answer is 1—GARGANTUAN MACHINE—THE—LARGEST, most expensive scientific experiment in history, the 'Large Hadron Collider', to be turned on —NEXT—WEDNESDAY.
20080905             Culture Shock: THE—USA—VS. SOUTH—AMERICA; Fiction vs. Reality
20080905             (NaturalNews) I —RECENTLY spent —1—MONTH in ECUADOR, and —WHEN I returned, I couldn't get over the culture shock.
20080905             Not the culture shock of being in ECUADOR, mind you, but the shock of returning to THE—USA!
20080905             In this article, I'll reveal THE—MIND—WARPING WEIRDNESS—OF—THE—USA—OF—AMERICA—THAT only becomes apparent —WHEN you go somewhere else for 1—WHILE, then come back.
20080905             And we'll start with THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY, of course.
20080905             —ARRIVED, Upon returning to THE—USA, I, at THE—MIAMI airport and proceeded to the immigration chamber where I and about a 1000—OTHER—USA—CITIZENS were told to wait for an —HOUR and 1—HALF—JUST to have our passports stamped for entry.
20080905             The temperature in the hall was way too hot, and there was no water available anywhere.
20080905             —AFTER about half an —HOUR, the crowd grew unruly, and at 1—POINT they started shouting at 1—OF—THE—IMMIGRATION—OFFICERS who threatened to close 1—LINE.
20080905             —APPEARED, That's —WHEN 1—OVERWEIGHT cop, and pointedly said something to 1—FEW of the protestors.
20080905             The message was clear: Shout again, and you might be hauled off to jail.
20080905             Welcome to Police STATE—USA.
20080905             This is how THE—USA—TREATS its own citizens returning from abroad.
20080905             Imagine how it treats NON—CITIZENS!
20080905             —JAILED, USA—LOBBYIST, for corruption FORMER—USA political lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF is jailed —FOR—4—YEARS in 1—CORRUPTION—CASE that shook WASHINGTON.
20080905             at 11:39 am Lazy voters did not look at this man's HISTORY—OF—FAILURE——JUST jumped on THE—PR bandwagon.
20080905             And —NOW we all have to pay and pay and pay and pay.
20080905             at 11:38 am Could ANY—1—NOT see this completely transparent process for exactly what it was —AT—THE—TIME?
20080905             —PASSIERT, Die europäische Kometensonde Rosetta, den Asteroiden (2867) Šteins.
20080905             Es ist der 3. Vorbeiflug dieser Art überhaupt.
200809050000 -By- : PETER—CHAMBERLIN
20080905—19530500    —IN, JOHN—FOSTER—DULLES was the last USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE to visit TRIPOLI.
20080905—19740000    —STOPPED, LICENSING—OF—NEW brothels, but isolated illegal brothels can be found all over THE—ISLAND.
20080905—19970000    —SINCE, TAIWAN newspapers said authorities in CENTRAL—TAIWAN have turned off the red light at the county's last legal brothel —AFTER THE—DEATH—OF—ITS pimp aged 87. Prostitution has been illegal in TAIWAN.
20080905—20040000    —LAUNCHED, Rosetta, the European deep space probe, completed 1—FLYBY of the Steins asteroid in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
20080905—20080923    —ON, —FOLLOWING complaints and safety concerns the road was repaved.
20080905—20090321    —ON, Bush ehr plant to come on stream by IRAN—NEW—YEAR : IRAN—FOREIGN—MINISTER—MANUCHEHR—MOTTAKI has announced that the Bush ehr nuclear power plant will become operational —BEFORE THE—IRAN—NEW—YEAR, which occurs.
20090905             —CELEBRATED, Brown Schneider, his 3. birthday at S—FRANCISCO'S—GOLDEN—GATE—PARK with family and friends.
20090905             † In AFGHANISTAN 1—USA—SOLDIER serving in THE—NATO—LED coalition —AFTER coming under fire in THE—EAST—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20090905             THE—GROUP—OF—20—RICH and developing countries held talks in LONDON.
20090905             —EXPECTED, They were, to commit to further efforts to boost growth, despite fledging signs of 1—ECONOMIC—RECOVERY.
20090905             † KEITH—WATERHOUSE, —80—JAHRE—ALT 1—PROLIFIC—UNITED—KINGDOM—AUTHOR, journalist and playwright.
20090905             Waterhouse was best known for 19590000             —THE novel BILLY—LIAR -- the story of —1—DAY—DREAMER who plans his escape from 1—DEPRESSING job as 1—UNDERTAKER.
20090905             1—SIGHTSEEING boat carrying DOZENS—OF—BULGARIA—TOURISTS sank in Lake Ohrid on MACEDONIA—WESTERN—BORDER, and at least 15—PEOPLE drowned.
20090905             —REMOVED, CHINA—LEADERS, the Communist Party CHIEF—OF—THE restive WEST—CITY—OF—URUMQI, trying to appease public anger —FOLLOWING sometimes violent protests —THIS—WEEK that the government worries could RE—IGNITE deadly ethnic rioting.
20090905             The removal of Li Zhi came amid REPORTS—OF—POLICE again dispersing crowds outside URUMQI—GOVERNMENT—OFFICES using tear gas, and more unconfirmed reports of needle attacks.
20090905             —OPPOSED, IRAQ, HUNDREDS—OF—SUNNI—ARABS, to the presence of Kurdish troops in disputed AREAS—OF—NORTH—IRAQ demonstrated against 1—PLAN to deploy 1 mixed force of American, Kurdish and IRAQ—SOLDIERS in the area.
20090905             † GANI—FAWEHINMI, —71—JAHRE—ALT prominent NIGERIA—LAWYER and rights activist in LAGOS —AFTER 1 prolonged battle with cancer.
20090905             Fawehinmi, HOLDER—OF—NIGERIA—HIGHEST—LEGAL—TITLE, the Senior Advocate of NIGERIA (SAN), was 1—AUTHOR, PUBLISHER, philanthropist, social critic, human and civil rights lawyer and politician.
20090905             —KILLED, PAKISTAN officials said troops, 43 alleged militants in 1—OPERATION in the Khyber tribal region —WHILE airstrikes left several more dead in THE—STRONGHOLD—OF—THE—NEW—TALIBAN CHIEF elsewhere in the northwest.
20090905             —POUNDED, Government fighter jets and helicopter gunships, militant HIDE—OUTS in 3—VILLAGES—OF—THE—ORAKZAI tribal region, THE—STRONGHOLD—OF—NEW—PAKISTANI—TALIBAN—CHIEF—HAKIMULLAH—MEHSUD.
20090905             SWEDEN, Tesfaldet Tesloy (28), 1—ILLEGAL—ERITREA—IMMIGRANT who has lived in SWEDEN —FOR—6—YEARS, appeared on TV to collect 1—TAX—FREE lottery prize of 1.2—MILLION—SWEDEN—CROWN (101,654 pounds).
20090905             —FAILED, SWEDEN—ATTEMPTS to deport the man have, due to his country's refusal to take him back, highlighting 1—COMMON—PROBLEM for immigration officials.
20090905             —RECEIVED, THE—IMF said ZIMBABWE has, about 400—MILLION—DOLLARS, as Special Drawing Rights, in support from THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND, PART—OF—ITS—BROADER—EFFORT to cushion the blows of the global economic crisis.
20090905             To convert the SDRs into hard currency, ZIMBABWE would have to find another country to buy them.
20090905             Otherwise the money serves to bolster HARARE—MEAGER foreign reserves.
20090905             Crews working on 1—SEISMIC—RETROFIT—OF—THE—S—FRANCISCO—OAKLAND—BAY—BRIDGE found what authorities called a "significant crack" in the eastern span that could keep THE—CALIFORNIA landmark closed beyond 1 planned holiday weekend shutdown.
20090905             —ESTRANGED, LOUISIANA, DENNIS—CARTER—SENIOR, —50—JAHRE—ALT shot his, wife, son and —2—YEAR—OLD grandson to death and critically wounded his pregnant DAUGHTER—IN—LAW at their rural home, then killed himself as police tried to pull over his car —20—MINUTES—LATER.
20090905             1—SMALL—AIRPLANE crashed into 1—TULSA, OKLAHOMA, park killing all 5—PEOPLE on BOARD.
20090905             —ARRESTED, MILWAUKEE police, WALTER—ELLIS, —49—JAHRE—ALT—AFTER DNA evidence linked him to the slaying of 9—WOMEN, including 8 suspected prostitutes, dating back to 19860000             .
20090905             —SNATCHED, Gunmen, NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORTER—STEPHEN—FARRELL, who has dual BRITISH—IRELAND—NATIONALITY, and his interpreter SULTAN—MUNADI, —WHILE they were reporting on the aftermath of 1—NATO—AIR—STRIKE on fuel tankers that killed SCORES—OF—PEOPLE.
20090905             —AGREED, Top finance officials, to curb hefty bankers' bonuses, but THE—USA—AND—BRITAIN shied away from imposing 1—CAP.
20090905             —CHARGED, BRITAIN, racially, violence erupted between 1—GROUP protesting Islamic extremism and COUNTER—DEMONSTRATORS in THE—CENTRAL—CITY—OF—BIRMINGHAM.
20090905             —ARRESTED, Authorities, 90—PEOPLE.
20090905             The sightseeing boat Ilinden, carrying 55—BULGARIA—TOURISTS, sank in Lake Ohrid on MACEDONIA—WESTERN—BORDER, and 15—PEOPLE drowned.
20090905             —EXPLODED, COLOMBIA, 1—GRENADE, in 1—CROWD celebrating 1—NATIONAL soccer team win in MEDELLIN, killing 1—PERSON and wounding at least 30. Police thought 1—REVELER may have accidentally detonated the grenade by mishandling it.
20090905             —KILLED, SOUTH—MEXICO, gunmen, JOSE—FRANCISCO—FUENTES—ESPERON, —43—JAHRE—ALT, 1—STATE congressional candidate, his wife (38) and 2—SONS (9&13) in their home in VILLAHERMOSA in the Gulf coast STATE—OF—TABASCO.
20090905             —ARRESTED, Police —LATER, 1—BOY, —16—JAHRE—ALT and 2—YOUNG—MEN for allegedly killing Fuentes and his family.
20090905             —REPORTED, CHIHUAHUA state prosecutors, that 1 severed human head was found placed on 1—CAR hood in the border CITY—OF—CIUDAD—JUAREZ, along with 1—MESSAGE relating to drug cartels.
20090905             The tortured BODY—OF—AKHTAR—ALI, —28—JAHRE—ALT, operator of 1—ELECTRICAL repair shop, was dumped on THE—DOORSTEP—OF—THE—FAMILY—HOME in Mingora.
20090905             —BELIEVED, His death was, to have resulted from 1—CASE—OF—MISTAKEN identity.
20090905             —KILLED, SOMALIA, at least 6—CIVILIANS were, and 18—OTHERS wounded in clashes that erupted —WHEN insurgents attacked government and AFRICA—UNION—FORCES in MOGADISHU.
20090905             —NUN ich sage mal so, daß der kreative prozess NIE ohne Vorlage auskommt.
20090905             das Prinzip von kreativität ist immer ein puzzlespiel. jedes ding ist an und für sich ein unvollständiges puzzle passt jedoch diese vorlage mit dingen in meiner weltsicht zusammen und
20090905             hat die vorlage dieses nicht —SCHON in sich eingeschlossen, so erweitere ich das ganze um meinen Beitrag.
20090905             Ich behaupte: "ein kreatives Genie Kopiert das unvollständige und macht es vollständig"
20090905             FINANZMINISTER—TREFFEN in LONDON: G20 scheitern mit schneller BONI—LÖSUNG
20090905             Mächtige ÖKO—KONKURRENZ: DEUTSCHEN—WINDKRAFTFIRMEN droht schmerzhafte Absatzflaute
20090905             DEUTSCHE—BANK in major penny stock scandal Criminal probes are also likely at 1 advanced stage.
20090905             his offshore BERMUDA—BASED company Ultimate Holdings Ltd., BRADFORD Keiller and JOHN—DOES 1-10.
20090905             For the Last Time: It's Not 1—LIE!page 1
20090905             THE—GEORGE—W—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—USE—OF faulty intelligence in making its... of OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, as well as 1—LIST—OF his crimes he had committed underneath.
20090905             RETURN—OF—ORGANIZATION—EXEMPT From Income Tax
20090905             CHARLES—AND—LYNN—SCHUSTERMAN family foundation -
20090905             —ISSUED, TAX—EXEMPT determination letter, to the applicant s 1—LIST—OF—NAMES and professional... In
20090905             2000001000             0 the Schustermans travel to JERUSALEM to dedicate Succat Shalom, 1—RESIDENTIAL... the period Charles served as 1—AIPAC officer... offered by Hillel and AIEF.
20090905             Jewish life does not take place in a.
20090905             Common Ground Common Sense > How MANY—HERE know what AIPAC is?
20090905             But for UJC, the travel limitations are only 1—SIDE—ISSUE.
20090905             AIPAC, through AIEF, also pays for educational trips for journalists, though the group does.
20090905             THE—NON—TRADITIONAL Legal Career Travel : 5%. - - Exempt /NON—EXEMPT : Exempt.
20090905             Anticipate and flag legal and compliance issues for AIPAC and AIEF ;
20090905             follow legislation which may impact operations...
20090905             00. 20070800             THE—VINEYARD—OF—THE—SAKER: THE—USA—ISRAEL—PUBLIC—AFFAIRS—COMMITTEE ( AIPAC ), dozens and DOZENS—OF—OTHER... Newspapers also have not been exempt from these organized intimidation...
20090905             —JAILED, They were, —FOR—18—MONTHS and —WHEN released, banned from travel... In organizing the visits, AIEF built 2—ITINERARIES that were almost... vineyardsaker.blogspot.com/ 20070000             _08_01_archive.html
20090905             Misrepresentation in New Congress? - Page 2 - REVIEW—JOURNAL eForum
20090905             "I would've done it straight out," Slaughter said, noting that THE—USA—ISRAEL—PUBLIC—AFFAIRS—COMMITTEE ( AIPAC ) and the Aspen Institute are exempt from...
20090905             Yall Politics THE—USA—ISRAEL—EDUCATION—FOUNDATION ( AIEF ), the charitable organization affiliated with THE—USA—ISRAEL—PUBLIC—AFFAIRS—COMMITTEE ( AIPAC )...
20090905             52 1—IS the organization directly or indirectly affiliated with, or related to, 1 or more TAX—EXEMPT.
20090905             Sozialstaat: Westerwelle wettert gegen "staatlich bezahlte Faulheit"
20090905             ANTI—ATOMKRAFT—DEMO: "Der Trog bleibt, die Schweine wechseln"
20090905             Streitfall Laura Dekker: Mutter absolut gegen Weltumsegelung
20090905             Alles Essentielle zu 'Manipulation, List und Täuschung': Sun TSU "Die Kunst des Krieges"
20090905             "Manipulation" - Seminar FH AACHEN FB Design | "Gestaltung von (indirekter) Interaktion"
20090905             Der Stadtverbandsvorstand habe sich "rechtlich schlau gemacht und glaubt nicht, dass es da Probleme gibt", so Ingenstau.
20090905             "Demnach ist 1—MAIL wie 1—POSTKARTE zu bewerten", sagt sie.
20090905             Als Verletzung des Briefgeheimnisses im Sinne des Strafgesetzbuches gilt die unbefugte Öffnung eines verschlossenen Briefes.
20090905             von "STASI—METHODEN" ist intern die Rede.
20090905             —INFORMIERT, Holz ist entsetzt, dass er nicht, wurde, dass seine Mails "abgefangen und mitgelesen" werden.
20090905             "Das ist ein eklatanter Vertrauensbruch — vor allem dem Bürger gegenüber", sagt Holz.
20090905             Schließlich habe niemand ahnen können, dass an ihn gerichtete — möglicherweise vertrauliche Mails — von der Stadtverbandsspitze gelesen werden.
20090905             Auf der Internetseite ist nicht vermerkt, dass die Mails nicht etwa an die Privatadressen der Fraktionsmitglieder weitergeleitet werden, sondern in einem zentralen Postfach landen.
20090905             Ausgerechnet im DEUTSCHEN—STÜTZPUNKT MASAR—I—SCHARIF rückt —NUN aber nach SPIEGEL—INFORMATIONEN deren "Task Force 373" mit etwa 300—MANN ein.
20090905             Sie sollen im Rahmen der ANTI—TERROR—OPERATION "Enduring Freedom" gezielt Jagd auf Taliban und Terroristen machen.
20090905             Verteidigungsminister FRANZ—JOSEF—JUNG (CDU) erfuhr davon aber —ERST vergangene —WOCHE—OBWOHL die Anfrage der USA —SCHON—ANFANG —AUGUST in BERLIN eingegangen war und 1. "Special Forces" —BEREITS Quartier genommen haben.
20090905             —VERÄRGERT, Jung sei, über STAATSSEKRETÄR—PETER—WICHERT, hieß es in BERLIN, weil 1—VORLAGE—DER—MILITÄRS in dessen BÜRO liegengeblieben sei.
20090905             von mutmaßlichen CIA—MITARBEITERN verhört
20090905             Datenaffäre bei der Bahn: Mehdorn droht keine Schadensersatzklage
20090905             Gebärmutterhalskrebs: HPV—IMPFUNG in DEUTSCHLAND besonders teuer
20090905             Angebliche Misshandlungen: Dschihadist aus DEUTSCHLAND wirft CIA Folter vor
20090905             Schweinegrippe: Länder kritisieren Pläne für weiteren IMPFSTOFF—KAUF
20090905             "Wer die Medien dem Markt überlässt, schwächt sie in ihrer demokratischen Rolle", schreibt Steinmeier.
20090905             profitieren vor allem Schichtarbeiter mit nicht so hohen Einkommen
20090905             Arbeitnehmer bangten um ihre Privilegien - "Das wäre verheerend für DEUTSCHLAND".
20090905             Steinmeier bekräftigte seine Absicht, nach der Bundestagswahl auf keinen Fall mit der Linkspartei 1—KOALITION einzugehen.
20090905             "Mit mir gibt es keine Zusammenarbeit mit der Linkspartei".
20090905             HAMBURG - "Ich bin sicher, dass SCHWARZ—GELB soziale Grundsatzkonflikte in unserer Gesellschaft neu aufreißen würde", sagte Steinmeier in dem SPIEGEL—INTERVIEW.
20090905             "Das ist 1—GEFAHR für die Stabilität in unserem Land".
20090905             Zugleich warf er Merkel Täuschung der Wähler vor.
20090905             "Frau Merkel will die Bürger mit netten Bildchen abspeisen und mit ihren wahren Absichten —ERST—NACH—DEM
20090905             Die Ermittler hatten in ihrer Wohnung einen Zettel sichergestellt, auf dem sie sich mit Datum vom
20090905             07..20090400             handschriftlich fragte, "wie ich für Herrn Buback beten soll".
20090905             Damit sei, so Becker, MICHAEL—BUBACK, der SOHN—DES—ERMORDETEN—BUNDESANWALTS, gemeint gewesen.
20090905             —NOTIERT, Wenig später hatte Becker : "Ich habe kein wirkliches Gefühl für Schuld".
20090905             Sie erklärt den Satz damit, dass sie im Zusammenhang mit dem BUBACK—MORD stets öffentlich genannt werde.
20090905             "Wenn IRGENDEIN—NACHRICHTENDIENST—BECKER —SCHON damals als Quelle gewonnen hätte, hätten wir das gewusst", zitiert das Magazin WINFRIED—RIDDER, den ehemaligen CHEF—AUSWERTER in der Terrorismusabteilung des BfV.
20090905             "Der externe Parameter ist die Treibhausgaskonzentration".
20090905             Das vergleichsweise simple, allein auf statistischer Analyse basierende Modell kann nach Meinung von Lean und Rind erklären, warum das —JAHR
20090905             La Niña, das im Anschluss von El Niño auftritt, abkühlend.
20090905             —KOMPENSIERT, Der Effekt höherer CO2-Werte sei so, worden, schreiben die Forscher.
20090905             Presseagentur: Steinmeier schlägt DPA—STIFTUNG vor
20090905             Solarthermische Kraftwerke: Siegeszug der Sonnenwärme
20090905             Politische Börse: AKTIEN—PROFIS hoffen auf Kurssprung nach der Wahl
20090905             Reales Minus: Löhne in DEUTSCHLAND schrumpfen um 0,4 %
20090905             Atomkraftwerke: CSU knüpft Laufzeitverlängerungen an strenge Auflagen
20090905             BONUS—STREIT bei G-20-Treffen: FRANKREICH wirft LONDON Zögerlichkeit bei Bankaufsicht vor
20090905             BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG: Behördencomputer sollen SPIONAGE—SCHUTZ bekommen
20090905             Weltgrößter Waffendeal: KAMPFJET—FIRMEN buhlen um Indiens Gunst
20090905             Wahlkampfoffensive: Steinmeier nennt SCHWARZ—GELB Gefahr für DEUTSCHLAND
20090905             UMWELT—BONUS: Abwrackprämie holte VIELE—SCHADSTOFF—SCHLEUDERN von der Straße
20090905             Erderwärmung: EINFACH—MODELL soll kurzfristige Klimaprognose verbessern
20090905             USA—FITNESSKURSE: Trainer peitschen arbeitslose Amerikaner zum Job
20090905             Dennoch gingen die Ergebnisse im Streit der Fachleute —ZUNÄCHST unter.
20090905             Die Strahlenschutzkommission (SSK) bestätigte das ERGEBNIS—OHNE allerdings 1—ERKLÄRUNG für die Ursache liefern zu können.
20090905             Das Bundesumweltministerium sah daraufhin keinen Anlass, in der Umgebung der DEUTSCHEN—ATOMKRAFTWERKE neue Strahlenschutzmaßnahmen zu ergreifen.
20090905             Die atomkritische Ärztegruppe IPPNW forderte ebenfalls vom BUNDESTAG, den Strahlenschutz in DEUTSCHLAND zu verbessern.
20090905             Auf ihrer WEB—SEITE ruft die Organisation dazu auf, eine entsprechende
20090905             elektronische Petition an den BUNDESTAG zu unterzeichnen.
20090905             Von einem letztgültigen Beweis will der Forscher allerdings nicht sprechen: Aufgrund der VIELZAHL—VON—RISIKOFAKTOREN könne man keine direkte Kausalbeziehung zwischen Krebserkrankungen und Atomkraftnutzung herstellen.
20090905             Im Umkreis von 20—BIS 50—KILOMETERN um Atommeiler sei das Leukämierisiko bei Kindern unter —5—JAHREN um 19 %, unter —15—JAHREN um 13 % erhöht, berichtete Greiser —AM—FREITAG.
20090905             Die Aussagen zu den Krebsgefahren seien bei Kindern —BIS—14—JAHREN am sichersten, weil für diese Altersgruppe die ZAHL—DER—EINBEZOGENEN—ATOMMEILER—DER 5—LÄNDER am größten ist.
20090905             So wurden in der Nähe von insgesamt 80—KERNKRAFTWERKEN 3742—KINDER unter —15—JAHREN mit Leukämie festgestellt.
20090905             Darunter waren alle 2096—IM Kleinkindalter von —BIS—4—JAHREN.
20090905             "Die Amerikaner haben das Recht zu wissen, wessen Stimmen bei den politischen Entscheidungsprozessen gehört werden".
20090905             RUSSLAND forderte von der Nato, in die "internen Diskussionen" des Bündnisses über den AFGHANISTAN—EINSATZ miteingebunden zu werden.
20090905             Moskau müsse als Transitland für die Lieferung von Ausrüstung zu den internationalen Truppen am Hindukusch einbezogen werden, sagte der RUSSISCHE—NATO—BOTSCHAFTER—DMITRIJ—ROGOSIN.
20090905             Die Nato dränge die Bundeswehr zu einer anderen Informationspolitik.
20090905             Es widerspreche allen Erfahrungen, dass sich 50—AUFSTÄNDISCHE um 2—LIEGENGEBLIEBENE Tanklaster versammelten,
20090905             heißt es in den Berichten unter Berufung auf andere Quellen.
20090905             Der Angehörige eines Opfers aus dem betroffenen Dorf Hadschi Amanullah sagte der Nachrichtenagentur: "In der Gegend waren auch Taliban, aber mehr Opfer gibt es unter Zivilisten".
20090905             Der Mann namens Nadschibullah berichtete, auch sein Cousin sei tot.
20090905             —GETÖTET, Insgesamt seien "mehr als 150—MENSCHEN, oder verletzt" worden.
20090905             —GEKOMMEN, Die Bewohner seien aus ihren Häusern, als sie den Lärm der Tanklastwagen hörten, und nicht, um sich Benzin zu holen.
20090905             —VERWIRRT, Wojtenko sei offenbar psychisch, keilte dagegen NATO—BOTSCHAFTER—ROGOSIN gegen den Exilanten.
20090905             Wenn ihn überhaupt jemand angerufen habe, dann sei das vermutlich "sein behandelnder Arzt" gewesen, sagte Rogosin einem Radiosender.
20090905             Andrej Soldatow, Chefredakteur der Seite Agentura.ru und Geheimdienstexperte, bezweifelt ebenfalls Wojtenkos Version.
20090905             Der "MOSCOW Times" sagte er, ein solcher Anruf aus Geheimdienstkreisen sei "sehr, sehr seltsam".
20090905             Wie stark die Veränderungen in der ARKTIS den gesamten Planeten beeinflussen,
20090905             belegt auch eindrücklich ein —IN—DIESER—WOCHE vorgestellter Report der Umweltschutzorganisation WWF :
20090905             Veränderungen der atmosphärischen Zirkulation, der Meeresströmungen, die durch schmelzendes Süßwassereis durcheinanderkommen, und
20090905             die Freisetzung von Treibhausgasen aus dem arktischen Permafrost sind nur einige der genannten Probleme.
20090905             —DERZEIT lägen die Temperaturen 1,4 Grad über den langfristig, durch den sonnenbedingten Zyklus zu erwartenden Werten.
20090905             Störungen der Erdbahn müssten demnach eigentlich dafür sorgen, dass es im hohen Norden auch in den kommenden 4000—JAHREN weiterhin langsam kälter wird.
20090905             Doch der Mensch hat diesen langfristigen Trend mit seinem Eingreifen mehr als überlagert.
20090905             Vor knapp —10—JAHREN schlug der NIEDERLÄNDISCHE—NOBELPREISTRÄGER PAUL—CRUTZEN zusammen mit seinem USA—KOLLEGEN EUGENE—STOERMER dafür den Begriff Anthropozän vor.
20090905             IN—EINEM Essay verwiesen sie unter anderem auf das Verschwinden fossiler Brennstoffe, veränderte Stickstoffzyklen und die langfristigen Folgen der menschengemachten Klimaerwärmung.
20090905             1—GROßANGELEGTE internationale Studie in der ARKTIS liefert —NUN einen weiteren Beleg dafür, dass die Erde in genau solch einem neuen Erdzeitalter angekommen ist.
20090905             MSC, eine gemeinnützige Gesellschaft mit Sitz in LONDON, wurde —VOR—12—JAHREN in einer Initiative der Naturschutzorganisation WWF und des Lebensmittelriesen Unilever gegründet,
20090905             damals Dachkonzern des Tiefkühlkostfabrikanten LANGNESE—IGLO.
20090905             Schwinden die Bestände, wird am ENDE—DER—FISCHER zur bedrohten Art.
20090905             Fangflotten aus 8—NATIONEN, von FRANKREICH —BIS NORWEGEN, wetteifern um schrumpfende Bestände -
20090905             eine schlechte Voraussetzung für ökologische Einsicht und freiwillige Selbstbeschränkung.
20090905             "Die Wirtschaftskrise hat das Verlangen der Konsumenten nach Fair Play enorm gesteigert.
20090905             —HEUTE steht ethischer Konsum für die Sehnsucht nach Glaubwürdigkeit, Vertrauen und Beständigkeit", erklärt PETER—WIPPERMANN, der Leiter der OTTO—STUDIE.
20090905             Mit Prominenten für eine ökologische Zukunft WERBEN—FÜR VIELE—UNTERNEHMEN ist das mittlerweile ein sinnvolles Marketingkonzept.
20090905             Zu dem Ergebnis kommt zumindest die —AM—FREITAG veröffentlichte Studie "Die Zukunft des ethischen Konsums" der OTTO—GRUPPE.
20090905             Einzelne Wassermoleküle könnten keine Welle hervorbringen, sehr viele gemeinsam hingegen —SCHON.
20090905             So verhalte es sich auch im SPIN—EIS.
20090905             Ein internationales Team, an dem auch DEUTSCHE—FORSCHER entscheidend mitbeteiligt sind, hat es —NUN zum 1. Mal geschafft, die gedanklich nur schwer fassbaren magnetischen Monopole zu ERZEUGEN—ALSO einzelne NORD—UND Südpole.
20090905             Die Wissenschaftler um JONATHAN—MORRIS vom HELMHOLTZ—ZENTRUM für Materialien in BERLIN haben ihre Erkenntnisse auf der
20090905             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, WEB—SEITE des Fachmagazines "Science".
20090905             "Das ist das 1. Mal, dass eine physikalische Eigenschaft in 3—DIMENSIONEN geteilt wurde", frohlockt JONATHAN—MORRIS im Gespräch mit SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20090905—19630000    —IN, It was made into 1—FILM.
20090905—19810000    —VOR, Ausgeschlossen wird von den Behörden, dass Becker —SCHON mit dem Verfassungsschutz kooperiert hat.
20090905—20000000    -ab —DEM—JAHR—WIRKTEN die zurückgehende Strahlungsintensität der Sonne und
20090905—20070400    —IM, Eine weitere Notiz während einer Zugfahrt, nach der sie über "einen Neuanfang" meditiere, werten die Bundesanwälte als belastendes Indiz.
20090905—20090901    —KIDNAPPED, He had been.
20090905—20090909    —FREED, Farrell was, in 1—RAID that killed 1—UNITED—KINGDOM—SOLDIER as well as AFGHANISTAN—TRANSLATOR—SULTAN—MUNADI, —34—JAHRE—ALT.
20090905—20110218    —CONVICTED, Ellis was, in the deaths of 7—WOMEN and faced 1—MANDATORY—SENTENCE—OF—LIFE in prison.
20090909—20090905    —ON, Farrell and his translator had been taken hostage.
20100109—19860905    —IN—THE, According to an FBI Web site, Rahim is wanted for his alleged role, hijacking of Pan USA—WORLD—AIRWAYS Flight 73—DURING 1—STOP in THE—SOUTH—PAKISTAN—CITY—OF—KARACHI.
20100825—20100905    —SEVERED, His, head and limbs were found in 3—SHALLOW—PITS.
20100905             † SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, 7—PEOPLE were shot at 1—HOUSE—PARTY in LANCASTER, including 1—GIRL, —14—JAHRE—ALT who —LATER, of her wounds.
20100905             MANUEL—JAMINES, 1—GUATEMALA—IMMIGRANT, was fatally shot by 1—LOS—ANGELES police officer.
20100905             His death led to several DAYS—OF—VIOLENT—PROTESTS.
20100905             Police and witnesses said Jamines was threatening people with 1—KNIFE.
20100905             AFGHANISTAN—TALIBAN said they would attempt to disrupt 20100918             —THE elections and warned Afghans to boycott the vote, the 1. explicit threat against the poll by the hardline Islamists.
20100905             † 1—UNITED—KINGDOM—SOLDIER was killed by 1—EXPLODING grenade.
20100905             —COVERED, AFGHANISTAN—JOURNALIST—SAYED—HAMID—NOORI was found outside his KABUL home, in stab wounds.
20100905             Noori had once been 1—ANCHOR for state television and 1—NEWSPAPER—EDITOR.
20100905             More —RECENTLY, he held 1—LEADERSHIP—POSITION in AFGHANISTAN—ASSOCIATION—OF—INDEPENDENT—JOURNALISTS and teacher of young journalists.
20100905             —ISSUED, BANGLADESH, 1 red alert over 1—OUTBREAK—OF anthrax which has infected nearly 300—PEOPLE and killed about 150—CATTLE in THE—NORTH—OF—THE—COUNTRY in the past —2—WEEKS.
20100905             —DECLARED, THE—BASQUE separatist militant group ETA, 1—CEASE—FIRE in 1—VIDEO—STATEMENT, suggesting it might turn to 1—POLITICAL—PROCESS in its quest for 1—INDEPENDENT—HOMELAND.
20100905             † In KABARDINO—BALKARIYA, another REPUBLIC—OF—THE—CAUCASUS region that includes Dagestan, 1—POLICEMAN was shot to death by 1—MAN whom he'd stopped for 1—DOCUMENT—CHECK.
20100905             —KILLED, ECUADOR, 15—PEOPLE were, and at least 7 injured —WHEN 1—DRUNKEN—LUIS—ALBERTO—HESSMER—VARGAS drove an SUV into 1 crowded bus stop in the coastal CITY—OF—GUAYAQUIL.
20100905             IRAQ, 1—CAR—BOMB and suicide bombers hit 1—BAGHDAD military headquarters and killed 12—PEOPLE, —2—WEEKS—AFTER 1—ATTACK on the same site pointed to THE—FAILURE—OF—IRAQ—FORCES to plug even the most obvious holes in their security.
20100905             5—SOLDIERS were among the dead.
20100905             —ARMED, USA—TROOPS found themselves battling heavily, militants assaulting 1—IRAQ—MILITARY—HEADQUARTERS in the center of BAGHDAD.
20100905             —OPENED, NORTH—MEXICO, soldiers, fire on 1—FAMILY—CAR——WHEN it allegedly failed to stop at 1—MILITARY—CHECKPOINT, killing a —15—YEAR—OLD—BOY and his father.
20100905             Relatives who were also in the car said they were shot at —AFTER they passed 1—MILITARY—CONVOY.
20100905             —CAPSIZED, MOZAMBIQUE—AUTHORITIES said 5—FISHING boats have, in 1—STORM off the country's central coast, killing at least 15—FISHERMEN.
20100905             NIGERIA, more than 12—VEHICLES including 3—FUEL—TANKERS and 2—MINI—BUSES caught fire in 1—PILE—UP on 1—HIGHWAY, site of 1—DEADLY—MULTI—CAR—CRASH —3—WEEKS—AGO.
20100905             No death toll was —IMMEDIATELY available.
20100905             3—SEPARATE—SHOOTINGS occurred by MOTORCYCLE—RIDING gunmen, leaving 1 retired police officer dead.
20100905             —REPORTED, Another person, wounded —LATER †, and 4—OTHERS were injured.
20100905—20010000    —SINCE, The death takes to 333 THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—DEATH—TOLL in AFGHANISTAN.
20100905—20100912    —ON, the military announced that it filed charges against 4—TROOPS for the shooting.
20110819—20110905    —ON, 1—RESCUE team reached their bodies in Parwan province and THE—2—MEN had bullet wounds in their chests.
20110905             PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA used 1—BOISTEROUS—LABOR—DAY—RALLY in DETROIT to put congressional Republicans on the spot, challenging them to place the country's interests above all else and vote to create jobs and put the economy back on 1—PATH toward growth.
20110905             —ESTIMATED, THE—USA—WHITE—HOUSE, that Hurricane Irene will cost taxpayers $1.5—BILLION in disaster relief.
20110905             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 5—CIVILIANS were, —WHEN 1—ROADSIDE bomb exploded next to their vehicle in WEST—FARYAB province.
20110905             † 1—USA—CIVILIAN—EMPLOYEE was killed in KABUL province.
20110905             † CAMBODIA—PAINTER VAN Nath (65).
20110905             —FORCED, CAMBODIA—PAINTER had been, to paint PORTRAITS—OF—POL—POT —WHILE interned at S-21 19780000—19790000    —FROM—TO.
20110905             —FROM 19800000—19810000     he painted from memory somber oils of what had happened at S—21—UNDER the Khmer Rouge.
20110905             CONGODRC, leading opposition figure ETIENNE—TSHISEKEDI formally submitted his candidacy for the upcoming presidential elections.
20110905             1—ETHIOPIA—OFFICIAL said the government is holding 29—PEOPLE in the capital and other PARTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY on SUSPICION—OF—TERRORISM.
20110905             —DETAINED, Among those, are 2—OPPOSITION—POLITICIANS who were arrested —LAST—WEEK.
20110905             —DEFENDED, The state government in INDIA—KASHMIR, repeated house arrest orders imposed on SYED—ALI—GEELANI, 1—TOP hardline separatist leader, saying he was responsible for inciting violence.
20110905             —DECLARED, Inside IRAQ 1—PEJAK spokesman, 1—IMMEDIATE, unilateral CEASE—FIRE, which IRAN rejected.
20110905             —RAZED, THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY, 3—BUILDINGS—BEFORE dawn in Migron, 1—UNAUTHORIZED—WEST—BANK—SETTLEMENT outpost, and clashed with settlers who reject 1—SUPREME—COURT ruling ordering the enclave to be dismantled.
20110905             —ANNOUNCED, THE—IVORY—COAST—GOVERNMENT, the formation of 1—TRUTH and reconciliation panel including footballer DIDIER—DROGBA, to probe POST—ELECTION—VIOLENCE which left over 3,000 dead.
20110905             —ARRESTED, LIBYA, rebels reportedly, Khalid Kaim, GADHAFI—DEPUTY foreign MINISTER—IN—TRIPOLI.
20110905             1—LARGE—CONVOY—OF—GADHAFI loyalists rolled into THE—CENTRAL—NIGER TOWN—OF—AGADEZ.
20110905             At THE—HEAD—OF—THE—CONVOY was Tuareg rebel leader Rissa ag Boula.
20110905             —ARRESTED, MEXICO—CITY—POLICE, CLAUDIA—TAPIA, —44—JAHRE—ALT, JORGE—INIESTRA, —32—JAHRE—ALT, his mother and several of his siblings.
20110905             —ARRESTED, Iniestra was, for allegedly keeping his 2—TEENAGE stepdaughters captive —FOR—5—YEARS.
20110905             —KILLED, He fathered 5—CHILDREN with 1—OF—THEM, then, the other young woman and 1—OF—THE—BABIES.
20110905             —ARRESTED, Tapia was, for covering up the abuse.
20110905             PAKISTAN military said intelligence officers working with THE—CIA in QUETTA have arrested 3—MEMBERS—OF—AL—QAIDA including Younis AL—MAURITANI, 1—TOP—OPERATIVE believed to have been tasked by OSAMA—BIN—LADEN with targeting USA—ECONOMIC—INTERESTS——AROUND the world.
20110905             It named the other 2—DETAINEES as ABDUL—GHAFFAR—AL—SHAMI and Messara AL—SHAMI.
20110905             —ARRESTED, Authorities in PANAMA, 80—PANAMANIANS and Colombians breaking up 1—MAJOR cocaine trafficking organization that moved drugs from COLOMBIA to PANAMA and then north to MEXICO and THE—USA.
20110905             THE—UN said famine has spread into SOMALIA—SOUTH—BAY region, where nearly 60—PERCENT—OF—PEOPLE are acutely malnourished, 4—TIMES the rate at which 1—EMERGENCY is declared.
20110905             —REPORTED, Hundreds were, dying EVERY—DAY, with at least HALF—OF—THEM children.
20110905             —MARCHED, SWAZILAND, HUNDREDS—OF—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS, through MBABANE, the capital, demanding democracy —AFTER the government failed in efforts to have 1—COURT—DECLARE—THE "nationwide" strike illegal.
20110905             —RAIDED, SYRIA—SOLDIERS, homes and made arrests in 1—MANHUNT for ADNAN—BAKKOUR, THE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL who appeared on video —LAST—WEEK saying he had defected from PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD—REGIME.
20110905             —STORMED, Troops, the flashpoint districts of Khaldieh and in CENTRAL—HOMS province, killing at least 2—PEOPLE.
20110905             —REPORTED, Another man was, killed in THE—WEST—TOWN—OF—TALKALAKH —DURING security operations.
20110905             —LAUNCHED, YEMEN—WARPLANES, 1—SERIES—OF—AIRSTRIKES on 1—SOUTHERN—TOWN overrun by Islamic militants, killing at least 7—PEOPLE in attacks on 1—MOSQUE, 1—HOSPITAL and 1—NATIONAL—POLICE building.
20110905—20110812    —SINCE, 1—PAKISTAN—RELIEF—OFFICIAL said monsoon rains have killed 136—PEOPLE and destroyed crops and houses in THE—FLOOD—PRONE—SOUTH—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20110905—20110902    —KILLED, IRAN said its Revolutionary Guard soldiers have, at least 30—MEMBERS—OF—KURDISH—OPPOSITION—GROUP in fighting outside the border CITY—OF—SARDASHT in 1—OPERATION that began.
20120430—20120905    —ON, 3—OF—THE—MEN admitted their roles in the bomb scheme in 1—MOVE to avoid life in prison.
20120905             1—USA—FEDERAL—JUDGE ruled that ARIZONA authorities can enforce the most contentious SECTION—OF—THE—STATE—HEAVILY debated immigration law, regarding 1—SECTION—OF—THE statute that critics have dubbed the "show me your papers" provision.
20120905             † TEXAS health officials said at least 43—PEOPLE have —THIS—YEAR in TEXAS—OF—WEST—NILE virus.
20120905             —REPORTED, Nationwide 87—DEATHS have been, to THE—CDC.
20120905             —DETAINED, AFGHANISTAN—DEFENSE—MINISTRY said it has, or removed HUNDREDS—OF—SOLDIERS from its military's ranks as PART—OF—1—INVESTIGATION into the backgrounds of its troops —AFTER 1—SURGE in insider attacks against foreign forces.
20120905             † NATO said 2—OF—ITS—SERVICE—MEMBERS, in 1—HELICOPTER—CRASH in Logar province.
20120905             CANADA, 1—SUITCASE containing human remains was found floating in Lake ONTARIO near TORONTO, the latest in 1—SERIES—OF—GRISLY discoveries by TORONTO residents.
20120905             —BELONGED, Police the —NEXT—DAY said the human remains, to 1—SINGLE—MOTHER who went missing early —LAST—MONTH and whose body parts had been scattered —THROUGHOUT the city.
20120905             —REPORTED, CHINA—STATE—MEDIA, that FORMER—CHONGQING police CHIEF—WANG—LIJUN, whose flight to 1—USA consulate set off CHINA—BIGGEST political scandal in years, has been charged with crimes including defection and bribe taking.
20120905             —BLOCKED, COSTA—RICA, 1—MAGNITUDE—7.6—EARTHQUAKE, 1—FEW highways, collapsed SOME—HOUSES and left at least 2—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20120905             THE—FRANCE—ALPS, the bodies of 3—UNITED—KINGDOM—VACATIONERS and FRANCE—CYCLIST, SYLVAIN—MOLLIER, —45—JAHRE—ALT, were found slain near the village of Chevaline.
20120905             A —4—YEAR—OLD girl was found alive among the bodies.
20120905             —SURVIVED, Her sister (7) was beaten and shot but.
20120905             —REGISTERED, Their BMW car was, to BAGHDAD—BORN SAAD—AL—HILLI (19620000             *), who had lived in BRITAIN —SINCE at least 20020000             .
20120905             His family had been in FRANCE —SINCE—AUGUST.
20120905             1—SWEDEN—PASSPORT and IRAQ—PASSPORT were also found at the scene.
20120905             1—FAMILY feud was suspected.
20120905             SOUTH—INDIA, 1—MASSIVE blaze swept through 1—FIREWORKS factory, killing at least 40—WORKERS and injuring 60—OTHERS in Sivakasi town, Tamil Nadu state.
20120905             —WARNED, USA—SENATORS visiting IRAQ, THE—BAGHDAD government that it risked damaging relations with THE—USA—IF it is allowing IRAN to fly over its airspace to deliver weapons to Syria.
20120905             1—ISRAEL—AIRSTRIKE killed 4—PALESTINE—MILITANTS as they were preparing to fire rockets at nearby southern cities.
20120905             —AGREED, JAPAN—MEDIA—REPORTS said JAPAN—GOVERNMENT has, to buy 3—OF—THE—5—PRIVATELY owned islands in THE—EAST—CHINA—SEA, called Senkaku in Japanese and Diaoyu in Chinese, from the Kurihara family for 2.05—BILLION yen ($26—MILLION).
20120905             —RESPONDED, CHINA, by calling the reported purchase "illegal and invalid".
20120905             —REPORTED, It was, that the government of Kashmir has rejected WIDE—SCALE—DNA TESTING—OF—BODIES in thousands of unmarked graves despite pleas by the families of those who disappeared —DURING—2—DECADES—OF—FIGHTING in the restive region.
20120905             Deposed LIBYA—DICTATOR—MOAMMAR GADHAFI—SPY—CHIEF, ABDULLAH—AL—SENOUSSI, was put under detention in TRIPOLI —AFTER being extradited from MAURITANIA.
20120905             —HIJACKED, NIGERIA—NAVY retook THE—MT—ABU—DHABI—STAR—OIL—TANKER, —1—DAY—EARLIER off LAGOS, freeing 23—INDIA—SAILORS held hostage by pirates who fled as the navy arrived.
20120905             —ARRESTED, MOSCOW police, 10—ENVIRONMENTAL—ACTIVISTS, including 4 dressed in polar bear costumes, who were protesting outside the main OFFICE—OF—GAZPROM.
20120905             —CALLED, The protest by MEMBERS—OF—GREENPEACE, upon Gazprom to halt its offshore drilling in THE—ARCTIC.
20120905             SYRIA, 45—BODIES—OF—YOUNG—MEN with their hands bound were found by the road in 1—GOVERNMENT—HELD area
20120905             —TRIGGERED, WEST—TURKEY, 1—EXPLOSION and blaze, by 1—ACCIDENTALLY dropped hand grenade killed 25—SOLDIERS —DURING 1—STOCK—CHECK at 1—AMMUNITION depot near THE—TOWN—OF—AFYONKARAHISAR.
20120905             ZIMBABWE, 1—INDEPENDENT—ANIMAL—WELFARE—GROUP said it is filing cruelty charges against the veterinary teaching DEPARTMENT—AT—THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—ZIMBABWE —AFTER 3 emaciated, ailing and distressed horses were killed using 1—AX and 1—KNIFE.
20120905—20130624    —ON, the brother of SAAD—AL—HILLI was arrested —AFTER investigators gathered evidence that the siblings were fighting over their father's inheritance.
20130830—20130905    —SENTENCED, Dacai was, to —14—YEARS in prison.
20130904—201300905   —AM—UND, DER—PRÄSIDENT wird nach STOCKHOLM reisen", heißt es in 1—AM—MITTWOCHMORGEN versendeten E—MAIL des WEIßES—HAUSES.
20130904—201300905   —AM—UND, Und weiter: SCHWEDEN sei 1 "enger Freund und Partner"der USA.
20130904—201300905   —AM—UND, Unverhofft kommt oft.
20130905             PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA flew to S—PETERSBURG, RUSSIA, for meetings with world leaders at the Group of 20—SUMMIT.
20130905             JOSE—TREVINO—MORALES (42), the brother of 2—KINGPINS—OF—MEXICO—INFAMOUS—ZETAS drug cartel, was sentenced to —20—YEARS in USA—FEDERAL—PRISON for his role in laundering money for the gang through the buying, training and RACING—OF—USA—QUARTER—HORSES.
20130905             —TRADED, THE—USA—SECRET—SERVICE, PROTECTOR—OF—THE—WORLD—MOST widely, currency, said that PERU has in the past —2—YEARS overtaken COLOMBIA as THE—NUMBER 1—SOURCE of counterfeit USA—DOLLARS.
20130905             —RESUMED, CALIFORNIA—DEPARTMENT—OF—CORRECTIONS said THE—100—REMAINING hunger strikers had, eating ending a —2—MONTH—HUNGER—STRIKE over THE—USE—OF—ISOLATION—CELLS.
20130905             —AGREED, Inmate leaders said legislators had, to hold hearings on state prison conditions.
20130905             S—FRANCISCO parks EMPLOYEE—THOMAS—BURNOSKI, —58—JAHRE—ALT ran over CHRISTINE—SVANEMYR, —35—JAHRE—ALT—OF—DALY—CITY as she was lying in the grass in Holly Park with her baby and dog.
20130905             —KILLED, Svanemyr was.
20130905             —CONTAINED, CALIFORNIA—RIM—FIRE was —NOW 80%.
20130905             —APPROVED, Leaders of S—ANTONIO, TEXAS, antibias protections for gay and transgender residents despite THE—DISAPPROVAL—OF—TOP—TEXAS Republicans and religious conservatives.
20130905             AFGHANISTAN, Sushmita Banerjee, 1—INDIA—WOMAN whose memoir about life under Taliban rule was turned into 1—BOLLYWOOD movie, was shot dead by suspected MEMBERS—OF—THE—ISLAMIST—MILITIA.
20130905             † In EGYPT the driver of 1—CAR used in 1—ATTEMPT to blow up the interior MINISTER —DURING the attack.
20130905             —KILLED, Police, 2—ATTACKERS who were trying to assassinate the interior MINISTER.
20130905             INDONESIA, some 1,000 MEMBERS—OF—THE—ISLAMIC—GROUP—HIZBUT Tahrir INDONESIA resumed protests against the Miss World pageant to be held this weekend in Bali.
20130905             MALAWI said it plans to use the $15—MILLION it gained from selling its presidential jet to feed the more than 1—MILLION—PEOPLE suffering chronic food shortages.
20130905             MALI—NEW—PRESIDENT—IBRAHIM—BOUBACAR—KEITA made leading economist Oumar Tatam Ly his PRIME—MINISTER.
20130905             —SUSPECTED, NIGERIA, gunmen, to be Boko Haram Islamists stormed THE—NORTH—EAST—TOWN—OF—GAJIRAN, opening fire in 1—MARKET and killing 15—PEOPLE.
20130905             —AGREED, NORTH—KOREA, to restore 1—CROSS—BORDER—MILITARY hotline with SOUTH—KOREA.
20130905             —BATTLED, SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—TROOPS, AL—QAIDA—LINKED rebels over 1—REGIME—HELD Christian village in WEST—SYRIA for the 2. —DAY.
20130905             —CLASHED, SOUTH—THAILAND, rubber farmers, with police and threatened to shut down city halls in 14—SOUTHERN—PROVINCES——AFTER the government rejected their demands for price rises.
20130905             1—ACTIVIST said 18 jailed UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES—NATIONALS are on hunger strike in protest at what they say is ILL—TREATMENT —FOLLOWING their CONVICTION—OF—PLOTTING to overthrow the government.
20130905—20120000    —KILLED, SOUTH—AFRICA—DEPARTMENT—OF—ENVIRONMENTAL—AFFAIRS said poachers have, more than 600—RHINOS in SOUTH—AFRICA SO far —THIS—YEAR, with losses close to the total NUMBER—OF—ANIMALS slaughtered.
20130905—20130817    —SINCE, it has burned over 370—SQUARE—MILES.
20130905—20130909    —ON, police detained 2—INSURGENTS suspected in her killing.
20130905—20131026    —ON, AL—QAIDA—INSPIRED militants —POSTED 1—VIDEO saying Waleed Badr, EX—EGYPT—ARMY—OFFICER, carried out the suicide bombing.
20130905—20131101    —RECEIVED, Burnoski, NOTICE—OF—TERMINATION.
20140901—20140905    —ON, the Pentagon confirmed that Godane was killed in the attack.
20140904—20140905    —ON, UKRAINE—PRESIDENT—PETRO—POROSHENKO and the main PRO—RUSSIA—REBEL—LEADER said they would both order ceasefires, provided that 1—AGREEMENT is signed on 1—NEW—PEACE—PLAN to end THE—5—MONTH—WAR in UKRAINE—EAST.
20140905             "2014—RC"wird auf seiner Umlaufbahn öfter in die Nähe der Erde kommen.
20140905             "Das Gewaltmonopol liegt ausschließlich beim STAAT", sagte die Wuppertaler POLIZEI—PRÄSIDENTIN Birgitta Radermacher.
20140905             ASTEROIDEN—VORBEIFLUG —AM—SAMSTAG, Kosmischer Brocken in Erdnähe (Wissenschaft, 13:55)
20140905             ATOM—AUSSTIEG: STROM—KONZERNE verweigern Zahlung für ENDLAGER—PROJEKTE (Wirtschaft, 17:03)
20140905             ATOM—KRAFT: JAPAN erwägt, Altreaktoren stillzulegen (Wissenschaft, 11:19)
20140905             Abschluss des NATO—GIPFELS: OBAMA will den IS "zerstören"(Politik, 19:02)
20140905             AMAZON—STREIT: "Der BuchMARKT bewegt sich in Richtung Flatrate"(Netzwelt, 15:15)
20140905             Anträge auf WAFFEN—EXPORTE: GABRIEL weist Vorwürfe in der RÜSTUNGS—DEBATTE zurück (Politik, 17:11)
20140905             ARTENEXPLOSION—IN—AFRIKAS Seen: Das Geheimnis der rasanten BUNTBARSCH—EVOLUTION (Wissenschaft, 07:12)
20140905             Astronomen schätzen den kosmischen Brocken auf 1—DURCHMESSER—VON—20—METERN.
20140905             Aus GROß—BRITANNIEN sind mehr als 500—MENSCHEN nach SYRIEN gegangen, um zu kämpfen.
20140905             Außerdem entstehen durch intensives Düngen TREIB—HAUS—GASE: bei der PRODUKTION, beim Transport und beim Aufbringen des Düngers.
20140905             CHINESISCHE—BAUERN könnten weniger Dünger auf ihre Felder aufbringen, der Anbau ihrer Produkte könnte weniger TREIB—HAUS—GASE ausstoßen, weniger Land verbrauchen —, gleichzeitig könnten sie CHINAs steigenden Nahrungsbedarf befriedigen.
20140905             Copyright: Getty verklagt Microsoft wegen Bildersuche (Netzwelt, 14:32)
20140905             DER—TITEL der referierten Abhandlung lautet übrigens: "Nocturnality in synapsids predates THE—ORIGIN—OF—MAMMALS by over 100.000.—000—YEARS"
20140905             DEUTSCHE—INDUSTRIE: Firmen steigern PRODUKTION überraschend stark (Wirtschaft, 08:52)
20140905             DIE—SYNAPSIDEN sind 1—GRUPPE landlebender Tiere, deren 1.Vertreter vor etwa 320.000.—000—JAHREN lebten.
20140905             DIE—GROßEN GEHIRNe der Säuger, die zur Verarbeitung von Sinneseindrücken der Ohren, der Nase oder des Tastsinns nötig gewesen seien.
20140905             DIE—SELBST ernannten Sittenwächter erheben mit gelben Verbotshinweisen den Anspruch auf 1 "Shariah Controlled Zone"(SCHARIA—KONTROLLIERTE Zone).
20140905             DINOSAURIER—BEDROHUNG: SÄUGETIER—VORFAHREN flüchteten —IN—DIE—NACHT (Wissenschaft, 09:17)
20140905             Dampfen statt Rauchen: Forscher kritisieren WHO—BERICHT zu E—ZIGARETTEN (Gesundheit, 16:25)
20140905             Der Fleischfresser Dimetrodon JEDOCH—MIT 1—ALTER von etwa 300.000.—000—JAHREN 1—DER ältesten VERTRETER—DER SYNAPSIDEN—SEI vermutlich nachtaktiv gewesen.
20140905             Der Gesteinsbrocken, der
20140905             EISENERZ—TRANSPORT in MAURETANIEN: RIESEN—ZÜGE im Wüstensand (Wirtschaft, 15:49)
20140905             EU—BESCHLUSS—GEGEN—RUSSLAND: Schärfere Sanktionen —TREFFEN GAZPROM (Politik, 23:01)
20140905             Für den Wuppertaler Integrationsbeauftragten HANS—JÜRGEN—LEMMER ist der Auftritt 1 "gezielte Provokation".
20140905             G7—GIPFEL—IN—BAYERN: Millionen für MERKELs Traumschloss (Politik, 11:42)
20140905             GIPFEL—IN—WALES: Die PAPP—FLIEGER der NATO (Politik, 14:36)
20140905             GROß—BRITANNIEN konnte —IN—DER—VERGANGENHEIT mit Entradikalisierungsprogrammen —SCHON Erfolge erzielen.
20140905             Geplante KOMETENlandung: "ROSETTAs"Ziel ist tiefschwarz (Wissenschaft, 17:50)
20140905             GIPFEL—TREFFEN—IN—WALES: MERKELs MACHT der leisen Worte (Politik, 20:08)
20140905             —VERBIETET, HESSEN: LANDWIRTSCHAFTS—MINISTERIN, Massentötung von Küken (Wirtschaft, 15:10)
20140905             HILFE—FÜR—IRAK und UKRAINE: Deutsche wollen MILITÄRENGAGEMENT—ABER ohne Waffen (Politik, 00:16)
20140905             Hilferuf aus SYRIEN: BRITISCHE—DSCHIHADISTEN wollen nach Hause (Politik, 13:06)
20140905             IAEA—BERICHT: NORD—KOREA fährt Atomreaktor Yongbyon wieder hoch (Politik, 12:46)
20140905             IS im NORD—IRAK: Die verschwundenen Frauen (Politik, 17:32)
20140905             KRISE—IN—DER—OST—UKRAINE—REGIERUNG und Separatisten vereinbaren WAFFEN—RUHE (Politik, 14:53)
20140905             Kommentar zu RUSSLANDs GEO—POLITIK, Zurück im kalten
20140905             LINKS—PARTEI: VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ muss ALLE—INFORMATIONEN über Gysi löschen (Politik, 09:42)
20140905             LONDON, Die 1.europäischen DSCHIHADISTEN haben offenbar genug vom KÄMPFEn in SYRIEN und im IRAK".1 Brite hat über SOZIALE—MEDIEN DIE—EXPERTEN vom Internationalen Zentrum für Forschung zu Radikalisierung und Politischer Gewalt (ICSR) in LONDON kontaktiert.
20140905             Miehling: Meine Kunden waren TEIL—DER—SCHICKERIA.
20140905             Miehling: Wissen Sie, Menschen gehen brav arbeiten, machen immer, was man ihnen sagt, was richtig scheint —, fragen sich irgendwann, sag mal, da war doch was?
20140905             NATO—GIPFEL—IN—WALES: USA rufen ZEHNER—KOALITION gegen "ISLAMISCHER—STAAT"aus (Politik, 11:51)
20140905             NATO—VERTRÄGE: MERKEL setzt sich im STREIT—ÜBER—RUSSLAND—KURS durch (Politik, 15:40)
20140905             RONALD—MIEHLING galt als größter DROGEN—HÄNDLER Deutschlands, fast —30—JAHRE saß er im Knast.
20140905             SANKTIONEN—PUTINS Boykott treibt RUSSISCHE—LEBENS—MITTEL—PREISE hoch (Wirtschaft, 15:20)
20140905             —PATROUILLIERT, Salafisten in NRW: Selbst ernannte "SCHARIA—POLIZEI" in WUPPERTAL (Politik, 20:35)
20140905             Schwabinger Kunstfund: MONET—GEMÄLDE in Gurlitts Koffer entdeckt (Kultur, 17:40)
20140905             TERROR—IN—SOMALIA: USA melden TOD—VON—ANFÜHRER—DER—SCHABAB—MILIZ (Politik, 18:27)
20140905             Trotz FRIEDENS—GESPRÄCHEN in MINSK: Neue Gefechte bei Mariupol und DONEZK (Politik, 11:16)
20140905             USA—INVESTMENT—BANK—GOLDMAN—SACHS plant Anleihe nach SCHARIA—RECHT (Wirtschaft, 06:58)
20140905             Umgang mit Enthauptungsvideos: Soziale Netzwerke wehren sich gegen IS—PROPAGANDA (Netzwelt, 05:03)
20140905             Und natürlich: Unerlaubte Absprachen: PENSIONS—FONDS wirft DEUTSCHE—BANK—MANIPULATIONEN vor (Wirtschaft, 19:21)
20140905             Unstimmige Deklaration: USA besorgt wegen möglicher Restbestände SYRIEN—CHEMIE—WAFFEN (Politik, 02:04)
20140905             Unterhaltsverpflichtungen: Arbeitsvermittler werden zu Alimentejägern (Wirtschaft, 14:31)
20140905             Verfolgungsjagd in NEAPEL: 17—JÄHRIGER versehentlich von POLIZEI erschossen (Panorama, 17:18)
20140905             WAFFEN—RUHE IN—DER—UKRAINE: Pause vom KRIEG, Pleite für KIEW (Politik, 18:44)
20140905             WAFFENGEWALT—IN—CHICAGO: DER—KAMPF—GEGEN—DAS alltägliche Sterben (Panorama, 10:57)
20140905             Welche —SORTE soll DER—BAUER anpflanzen?
20140905             Wie Wissenschaftler des Field Museum of Natural History in CHICAGO—ILLINOIS, und des Claremont McKenna College, KALIFORNIEN, herausfanden, waren die Synapsiden —BEREITS rund 100.000.—000—JAHRE früher nachtaktiv als
20140905             WUPPERTAL—SIE tragen orangefarbene Westen mit dem Aufdruck "Sharia Police": In WUPPERTAL sind mehrfach Männer als selbst ernannte "SCHARIA—POLIZEI"aufgetreten und —NACHTS durch die Straßen PATROUILLIERT—DER POLIZEI zufolge soll es sich um radikalislamische Salafisten handen.
20140905             ZEHNER—ALLIANZ gegen TERROR—MILIZ—IS—STRATEGIE der USA bringt DEUTSCHLAND in Zugzwang (Politik, 17:28)
20140905             Zum ZEIT—PUNKT des Rendezvous zwischen Erde und Asteroid wird deren Distanz etwa 1—ZEHNTEL des Abstandes der Erde zum Mond BETRAGEN—RUND 40.000—KILOMETER.
20140905             des REICH—10 Deutschen: Die GELD—SCHAEFFLER (Wirtschaft, 15:26)
20140905             —BIS—VOR—WENIGEN—TAGEN kannte ihn noch niemand: —ERST—AM—MONTAG entdeckten Wissenschaftler den Asteroiden "2014—RC", der sich —DERZEIT, der Erde nähert.
20140905             —HEUTE—SCHON werden nach AUSSAGE—DER—AUTOREN 74—PROZENT—DER—CHINESISCHEN—MAISERNTE als Tierfutter verwendet.
20140905             —KAMPF—GEGEN—ISLAMISCHER—STAAT, BUNDESWEHR fliegt 1—MILITÄRAUSRÜSTUNG in den IRAK (Politik, 03:25)
20140905             —KÄMPFEIN—DER—OST—UKRAINE—SEPARATISTEN melden EROBERUNG—VON—MARIUPOL—KIEW dementiert (Politik, 13:31)
20140905             —REVOLUTION im ACKER—BAU: Doping fürs ASIA—FOOD (Wissenschaft, 23:08)
20140905             —UKRAINE—BERICHT—VON—HUMAN—RIGHTS—WATCH: Separatisten bestrafen Zivilisten mit ZWANGS—ARBEIT (Politik, 07:52)
20140905             —UKRAINE—KRISE, PUTIN verhängt BONBON—BANN (Wirtschaft, 10:23)
20140905             —VON, den RADIKALISMUS—FORSCHERN erhoffte sich der BRITISCHE—DSCHIHADIST —NUN Vermittlerhilfe.
20140905             —VON, den heutigen landlebenden Säugetieren sind zwischen 45—UND 55 % nachtaktiv.
20140905             Girl group singer SIMONE—BATTLE, —25—JAHRE—ALT was found dead in her WEST—HOLLYWOOD home.
20140905             —RULED, Her death was —LATER, 1—SUICIDE by hanging.
20140905             MICHIGAN officials said THE—THUNDER—BAY National Marine Sanctuary on Lake Huron has received FEDERAL—APPROVAL to expand its size from some 450—SQUARE—MILES to 4,300 square miles boosting the preservation of estimated shipwrecks in the are to about 200.
20140905             1—SINGLE—ENGINE turboprop Socata TBM700 carrying ROCHESTER real estate developer LAURENCE—GLAZER and his entrepreneur wife, Jane, crashed off THE—COAST—OF—JAMAICA —AFTER the pilot was apparently incapacitated at the controls.
20140905             1—UN—SUPERVISED AUDIT—OF—VOTES cast in AFGHANISTAN's disputed election was completed, but the results will not be known —FOR—DAYS as the contentious process of invalidating fraudulent ballots continued.
20140905             —ANNOUNCED, Modi also, $20—MILLION in funding for further INDIA—AUSTRALIA—SCIENTIFIC—PROJECTS.
20140905             PRIME—MINISTER—STEPHEN—HARPER said CANADA will send 50 to 100—MILITARY advisers to IRAQ to bolster an effort against Islamic militants.
20140905             CHINA—E—COMMERCE—COMPANY—ALIBABA Group sought to raise up to $24.3—BILLION in 1—INITIAL—PUBLIC offering on THE—NEW—YORK Stock Exchange, which would value the company at $163—BILLION.
20140905             Those are both IPO records.
20140905             —KILLED, CENTRAL—DENMARK, at least 3—PEOPLE were, and 4. person was missing —AFTER 1—SMALL—PRIVATE—HELICOPTER crashed into the sea.
20140905             FRANCISCO—FLORES, FORMER—PRESIDENT—OF—EL—SALVADOR (19990000—20040000    ), surrendered to authorities to face charges of embezzling and illicit enrichment related to 1—DONATION by the government of TAIWAN.
20140905             ESTONIA said that security service officer Eston Kohver was abducted by unknown gunmen and taken across the border, but RUSSIA said the man was detained on its territory and suspected of being 1—SPY.
20140905             —KILLED, IRAQ, 1—SERIES—OF—ATTACKS across the country, 17—PEOPLE, including 4—SHIITE militiamen and Sunni tribal CHIEF—MAISER—AL—WAQAA.
20140905             1—MASS—GRAVE in THE—NORTH—SULEIMAN Beg area was found to contain the bodies of 15—SHIITE truck drivers killed by Sunni militants.
20140905             ISRAEL said it published tenders for 283—NEW—HOMES in THE—WEST—BANK—ELKANA settlement, —JUST days —AFTER announcing its biggest land grab on occupied PALESTINE—TERRITORY——FOR—3—DECADES.
20140905             † 1—MEMBER—OF—LEBANON—HEZBOLLAH was killed —WHEN 1—ISRAEL—LISTENING device exploded in THE—SOUTH—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20140905             LESOTHO, 1—TOP—MILITARY—COMMANDER—SAID—LIEUTENANT—GENERAL—TLALI—KAMOL, SUSPECTED—OF—INVOLVEMENT in —LAST—WEEK'S attempted coup, has seized army weapons in preparation for 1—POSSIBLE—STAND—OFF.
20140905             —INTENDED, It was, to end almost —2—YEARS—OF—HOSTILITIES between THE—2—SIDES.
20140905             —APPROVED, NATO—LEADERS meeting in WALES, plans to create 1—RAPID—RESPONSE—FORCE headquartered in EAST—EUROPE that could quickly mobilize if 1—ALLIANCE—COUNTRY in the region were to come under attack.
20140905             —ENTERED, NORTH—KOREA said it will send back 1—SOUTH—KOREA—MAN who, the North illegally.
20140905             —ENTERED, KIM—SANG—GEUN reportedly, NORTH—KOREA through a 3. country —AFTER having unspecified difficulties living in the South.
20140905             —ANNOUNCED, ABDULLAH—KING—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA, the launch of the 1. stage of 1—BORDER—SECURITY—PROGRAM, covering 900—KM (560—MILES) of the northern frontier.
20140905             —RAIDED, SAUDI—ARABIA—POLICE, 1—HOUSE in Khafji, near THE—KUWAIT—BORDER, and charged 27—ASIA—CHRISTIANS with holding 1—CHURCH—CEREMONY.
20140905             SAUDI—ARABIA forbids NON—MUSLIM religious practice.
20140905             SIERRA—LEONE said it will impose a —4—DAY, countrywide "lockdown" —STARTING 20140918             , in 1—ESCALATION—OF—EFFORTS to halt THE—SPREAD—OF—EBOLA across THE—WEST—AFRICA—COUNTRY.
20140905             1—REPRESENTATIVE—OF—THE—DALAI—LAMA said SOUTH—AFRICA has denied 1—VISA to the Nobel peace Prize laureate.
20140905             —HOPED, THE—TIBETAN spiritual leader had, to attend 1—NOBEL peace conference in CAPE—TOWN——NEXT—MONTH.
20140905             This was SOUTH—AFRICA—3. denial in —5—YEARS.
20140905             —CITED, Concerns about angering CHINA have been.
20140905             —EXECUTED, ASHARA, Syria, the Islamic State publicly, and crucified 1—YOUNG—MAN identified as ALI—KHALAF, accusing him of "heresy and apostasy".
20140905             —KILLED, NORTH—WEST—TANZANIA, at least 36—PEOPLE were, and dozens injured —WHEN 2—PASSENGER—BUSES collided along 1—BUSY—ROAD.
20140905             —RAGED, UKRAINE, fighting, between government forces and PRO—RUSSIA—REBELS——JUST east of the strategic port of Mariupol despite THE—START—OF—TALKS between envoys from UKRAINE and RUSSIA in MINSK on 1—CEASEFIRE and 1—PEACE—PLAN.
20140905             —AGREED, UKRAINE and PRO—RUSSIA—REBELS, to 1—CEASEFIRE.
20140905—20300000    —NOCH—BIS—JAHR—ZUM, Laut Prognosen wächst CHINAs Bevölkerung, mit ihr die NACH—FRAGE nach LEBENS—MITTELN.
20140921             —ACCUSED, THE—UKRAINE—MILITARY, separatists and RUSSIA—TROOPS—OF continuing to shoot at government forces despite a 20140905             ceasefire and said Kiev would not go ahead with setting up 1 proposed buffer zone —UNTIL the truce violations stopped.
20141005—20140905    —KILLED, UKRAINE says 75—SOLDIERS and civilians have been, —SINCE the official ceasefire.
20150731—20150905    —BY, it covered 134—SQUARE—MILES and was 25% contained.
20150819             —SENTENCED, RUSSIA, ESTONIA—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICER—ESTON Kohver to —15—YEARS in jail, drawing ire from THE—EU —AFTER TALLINN said he was kidnapped 20140905             , at gunpoint on its territory.
20150902             Crystal Cortes (23), ACCUSED—OF—DRIVING the shooter to the garage, was arrested 20150905             and charged with capital murder.
20150903—20150905    —RELEASED, Chavez was, from detention by 1—JUDGE who threw out the corruption case.
20150905             "0—TOLERANZ": MERKEL warnt vor neuem RECHTS—TERRORISMUS (Politik, 11:12)
20150905             Abgelehnte ASYL—BEWERBER, —SCHON 10.000—ABSCHIEBUNGEN —J—IN—DIESEM, (Politik, 08:18)
20150905             —GELEGEN, ABU—AZRAEL kommt das Rätselraten um seine Person sehr, er gibt sich gern geheimnisvoll.
20150905             ABU—AZRAEL macht aber auch keinen Hehl daraus, dass er Gleiches mit Gleichem vergelten wolle, Grausamkeit mit Grausamkeit.
20150905             Anderthalb Millionen FLÜCHTLINGE—IN—1 Land mit rund 6—MILLIONEN Einwohnern — für DEUTSCHLAND würde das im Verhältnis die Aufnahme von 20.000.000 FLÜCHTLINGEn bedeuten.
20150905             Auf dem Hansaplatz im Herzen S—GEORGS trafen sich die Männer des kommunistischen Roten Frontkämpferbundes (RFB) mit roten Fahnen und braungrauen Feldblusen, die sie im Stil der SOVIET—BOLSCHEWIKI über die Hosen gezogen hatten.
20150905             AUFNAHME—DER—UNGARN—FLÜCHTLINGE: CSU geht auf Konfrontation zur KANZLERIN (Politik, 22:41)
20150905             BUNDES—POLIZEI: Die meisten FLÜCHTLINGE reisen per Bahn nach DEUTSCHLAND (Politik, 15:47)
20150905             DEUTSCHLAND erlaubt Einreise aus UNGARN: "Welcome to MUNICH"(Politik, 14:27)
20150905             DIE—BILDER—DER—WOCHE: LONDON locker (Panorama, 08:11)
20150905             DIE—GESCHICHTE—VON—DER—RETTUNG seines Vaters erzählt GÜNTER—LUCKS in seinem neu erschienen Buch "Der rote HITLERjunge".
20150905             Dass es hier nicht zu Ausschreitungen oder wenigstens Protesten kommt, grenzt an 1—WUNDER.
20150905             Der STABS—CHEF—DES—UNGARISCHEN—MINISTER—PRÄSIDENTEN bekräftige —AM—FREITAG, dass sein Land von 1 "FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE erschüttert"werde.
20150905             Die Firma THEODOR—WÖLFFER in LÜBECK verkauft
20150905             Die in UNGARN gestrandeten FLÜCHTLINGE können nach ÖSTERREICH und DEUTSCHLAND einreisen.
20150905             Doch immer mehr Genossen verschwanden, tauchten unter, andere standen —PLÖTZLICH, in SA—UNIFORM vor der Tür.
20150905             Doch nach der politischen ereilte auch 1.familiäre KATASTROPHE GÜNTER—LUCKS—ELTERN:
20150905             Doch —TAG—AN—DIESEM, ließ sich keine SA blicken, stattdessen tauchten POLIZISTEN auf.
20150905             EUROPA und DIE—FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE, "Wenn wir wollen, können wir schnell handeln"(Politik, 07:52)
20150905             EnBW: BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG droht, unbefristet für Rückbau von ATOM—ANLAGEN haften zu müssen (Wirtschaft, 08:05)
20150905             FINNLAND—PREMIER—WILL—FLÜCHTLINGE im eigenen Haus unterbringen (Politik, 11:44)
20150905             Gerücht über Aufmarschpläne: USA WARNEN RUSSLAND vor MILITÄR—EINSATZ—IN—SYRIEN (Politik, 23:41)
20150905             —BEKANNT, GÜNTER—LUCKS—MUTTER—ELISABETH war als "Rotes Lieschen" —, verehrte Etkar André.
20150905             Irgendwann durfte Günter dann doch in die HITLER—JUGEND, später meldete er sich freiwillig und wurde mit —16—JAHREN 1.Art "Kindersoldat"der WAFFEN—SS.
20150905             JEDE—WOCHE besuchte Vater Lucks eisern JOHANNES—THÄLMANN—DEN VATER—DES—INHAFTIERTEN—KPD—VORSITZENDEN, der allein in der Wandsbeker Chaussee wohnte, um mit ihm Karten zu spielen.
20150905             —LEAKED, NEW—HOTNESS: Aufenthaltsort von Drogenbaron, weil sein Sohn 1—FOTO zu Twitter hochlädt, und Twitter den Ort dranschreibt.
20150905             —NUN, dann Guckt mal nach JORDANIEN.
20150905             ORBÁN—STABS—CHEF—JÁNOS Lázár. - Personenkult hat Tradition im IRAK
20150905             Prompt schlug DIE—REICHS—TAG—WAHL—KAMPF—PROPAGANDAABTEILUNG des IS zurück und veröffentlichte 1—VIDEO, in dem 4—MUTMASSLICH schiitische Menschen an 1—STANGE über 1—FEUER aufgehängt und lebendig verbrannt wurden.
20150905             Schließlich verliebte er sich ausgerechnet in die hübsche Blondine Lizzy von GOEDELT—DIE aus den eigentlich verhassten bürgerlichen Kreisen stammte und 1.glühende Verehrerin ADOLF—HITLERS war.
20150905             —GEHÖRT, Sicher ist: Der 37—JÄHRIGE, den Imam ALI—BRIGADEN an, 1—MILIZ im IRAK, die unter iranischem Einfluss steht.
20150905             Treck gen Westen: ÖSTERREICH und DEUTSCHLAND erlauben FLÜCHTLINGEn die Einreise (Politik, 01:54)
20150905             Unterbringung von FLÜCHTLINGEn: "Integration klappt am besten in Großstädten"(Kultur, 12:11)
20150905             Verletztes geistiges Eigentum: EX—MIT—ARBEITER wirft SAP Klau bei Wettbewerbern vor (Wirtschaft, 08:37)
20150905             WAHL—IN—GRIECHENLAND: SYRIZA büßt bei Umfragen empfindlich ein (Politik, 14:00)
20150905             WELT—KLIMA—VERTRAG: UNO plant Überraschungsbesuch DER—STAAT—CHEFS (Wissenschaft, 12:48)
20150905             Zudem mahnte er an, dass sich 1.Lösung im Umgang mit der hohen Zahl an FLÜCHTLINGEn nicht nationalistisch finden lasse, die SORGE—UM—DIE—MENSCHEN—RECHTE sei Teil DER—EUROPÄISCHEN Identität.
20150905             [l] DIE—FINANZ—KRISE war 1.perfekte Gelegenheit für Heuschrecken, ein paar gesunde Firmen in ihrem Portfolio so richtig profitabel vor die Wand zu fahren und es auf DIE—FINANZ—KRISE zu schieben.
20150905             [l] Habt ihr das auch gehört?
20150905             [l] Hömoöpathie ist gefährlich.
20150905             [l] OLD—AND—BUSTED, JOHN—MCAFEES—AUFENTHALTSORT leaked über Metadaten in Fotos von Vice.
20150905             alfatomega.com/themes/_abramoff_links_search.html
20150905             ÖSTERREICH: WIEN rechnet mit 10.000—FLÜCHTLINGEN aus UNGARN (Politik, 07:26)
20150905             —FLÜCHTLINGS—LAGER in UNGARN: "Wie kann unsere Regierung nur so unmenschlich sein"(Politik, 16:59)
20150905             —VON, IRAN unterstützte schiitische DSCHIHADISTEN wie ABU—AZRAEL gehören zu den wichtigsten Verbündeten DER—IRAKISCHEN—REGIERUNG im KAMPF—GEGEN—DEN—IS.
20150905             —WÄHREND, der alliierten BOMBER—ANGRIFFE—IM—RAHMEN der "Operation Gomorrha"1943—WURDEN HAMBURGs Arbeiterviertel wie Eilbek, hier zu sehen, im WWII schwer zerstört.
20150905             —ZUVOR, hatte die Budapester Regierung zunehmend DIE—KONTROLLE—ÜBER—DIE in UNGARN gestrandeten FLÜCHTLINGE verloren:
20150905             —KILLED, NORTH—AFGHANISTAN, at least 13—PEOPLE were, by gunmen who attacked 1—MINIBUS in Balkh province.
20150905             —BELONGED, All the victims, to the largely Shi'ite Hazara ethnic minority.
20150905             —OFFERED, FINLAND—PRIME—MINISTER—JUHA—SIPILA, to host refugees at his country home.
20150905             —LIFTED, JAPAN—GOVERNMENT, a 4 1/—2—YEAR—OLD—EVACUATION—ORDER for THE—NORTH—EAST—TOWN—OF—NARAHA that had sent ALL—OF—THE—TOWN—7,400—RESIDENTS away —FOLLOWING the disaster at the nearby FUKUSHIMA nuclear plant.
20150905             1—SMALL—SENEGALAIR—OPERATED plane from BURKINA—FASO carrying 7—PEOPLE including 1—SICK—FRANCE—WOMAN was believed to have crashed into the Atlantic ocean off THE—COAST—OF—SENEGAL.
20150905             —SEIZED, SOUTH—SOMALIA, al Shabaab Islamist militants said they have, control of 2—TOWNS, El Saliindi and Kuntuwarey, over the last —2—DAYS and attacked 2—AFRICA—UNION (AU) convoys in the same region.
20150905             1—SOUTH—KOREA—FISHING charter boat capsized leaving at least 10—PEOPLE—DEAD and 8—MISSING.
20150905             The 9.77-ton Dolphin went missing off the southwest coast near THE—ISLAND—OF—CHUJA.
20150905             3—SURVIVORS were rescued the —NEXT—DAY.
20150905             NORTH—WEST—SPAIN, 1—RACE—CAR lost control —DURING the Coruna Rally and crashed into onlookers killing 6—PEOPLE.
20150905             The toll soon rose to 7—FOLLOWING the death of an —11—YEAR—OLD—SPECTATOR.
20150905             —KILLED, SOUTH—SYRIA, Druze gunmen, 6—GOVERNMENT—SECURITY—PERSONNEL —DURING violent protests —AFTER 1—DRUZE leader and DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE † in 2—CAR—BOMB—BLASTS overnight.
20150905             —ARMED, TAJIKISTAN, 1, group attacked 1—POLICE—POST outside DUSHANBE, and there were losses among the officers guarding it.
20150905—20150831    —SINCE, THE—GREECE—COASTGUARD said that about 13,370 migrants and refugees had been ferried from GREECE—EASTERN—ISLANDS to ATHENS.
20160905             "Es wird weniger VOLLZEIT—ANGESTELLTE geben und kaum jemanden, der sein ganzes Leben immer den gleichen Job macht",
20160905             "KAUKASUS 2016": RUSSLAND startet MILITÄRmanöver nahe KRIM (Politik, 17:10)
20160905             "KÜNSTLICHE—INTELLIGENZ ist sehr viel effizienter als DER—MENSCH, wenn es einfach nur darum geht, Anweisungen zu folgen".
20160905             "Statt 100—LEUTEN braucht es dann nur noch 50".
20160905             "Wir sind so glücklich, 'PHILAE' endlich gefunden zu haben", sagte LAURENCE—O'ROURKE, bei der Esa zuständig für die Fahndung nach "PHILAE"mit der OSIRIS—KAMERA.
20160905             "Zunehmende Automatisierung bedeutet, dass sich auch DER—MENSCHLICHE —ARBEITER ändern muss, dass er kreativer sein und mehr Ideen entwickeln muss", sagt Andrews.
20160905             "—DERZEIT, schicken wir Mitarbeiter, künftig schicken wir MIT—ARBEITER plus 1.intelligente SOFTWARE",
20160905             —VERMUTET, Allerdings, Sikka, müsse der Arbeitnehmer von —MORGEN zwangsweise flexibler und einfallsreicher werden, quasi ständig neu beweisen, warum er noch nicht durch 1.—MASCHINE ersetzt wurde:
20160905             Amokläufe und ihre Ursachen: "Süchtig nach Beachtung und Anerkennung"(Panorama, 23:29)
20160905             Andrews beschäftigt sich den ganzen —TAG mit der Frage, wie DIE—WELT der Arbeit in 5—BIS—10—JAHREN aussehen wird.
20160905             —VERLIERT, Autozulassungen: DEUTSCHLAND, die Lust auf Diesel (Auto, 12:27)
20160905             BREXIT—MINISTER—DAVIS: FREI—HANDELS—ABKOMMEN soll EU—AUSTRITT abfedern (Politik, 20:14)
20160905             BILDER—DER—HOCHAUFLÖSENDEN—KAMERA—VON "ROSETTA"zeigten, dass "PHILAE"schräg in 1—DUNKLEN Felsspalte des KOMETEN 67P/TSCHURJUMOV—GERASIMENKO liegt, berichtet EUROPAs Raumfahrtagentur Esa.
20160905             CDU—WAHLDEBAKEL: CSU macht KANZLERIN verantwortlich (Politik, 08:08)
20160905             DIE—FOLGEN der immer schnelleren, auf immer neue Erfindungen getrimmten Arbeitswelt stehen aus Sicht der MICROSOFT—FORSCHER auch —SCHON fest:
20160905             DIE—GEFAHR—VON—MASSENARBEITSLOSIGKEIT durch Maschinen sieht der INFOSYS—CHEF—NICHT: "Jobs werden verschwinden, aber dafür kommen neue dazu".
20160905             DIE—KONZERNVORDENKER in SEATTLE sind überzeugt, dass DIE—WIRTSCHAFTSWELT sich grundlegend verändert:
20160905             DIE—MICROSOFT—FORSCHER tragen —SEIT—JAHREN Studien zur Arbeit aus aller Welt zusammen und verknüpfen sie mit Erfahrungsberichten von Unternehmenskunden.
20160905             DIE—NEUE intelligenz soll vorhersagen "was DER—KUNDE will, bevor er weiß, dass er es will", so MICROSOFT—CHEF—SATYA Nadella.
20160905             Dabei soll DIE—MASCHINE auf "natürliche Weise"mit dem Menschen kommunizieren
20160905             Das PFLANZEN—PROJEKT ist für Sikka nur 1—BEISPIEL für sein großes Ziel: "Automatisierung in ALLE—WIRTSCHAFTSBEREICHE zu bringen".
20160905             Dass 1.lange stabile Ära abgelöst werde von 1—ZEIT immer schnelleren Wandels in Industrie, —POLITIK und Technologie.
20160905             Der promovierte Informatiker ist überzeugt, dass intelligente Plattformen das Arbeiten grundlegend verändern werden.
20160905             Dieselgate: EU—KOMMISSION beklagte intern Druck der AUTO—LOBBY (Wirtschaft, 05:00)
20160905             EU—KOMMISSION: ROAMING—GEBÜHREN sollen nur für —90—TAGE wegfallen (Netzwelt, 19:47)
20160905             1—WELT, "in der, was —NOCH—HEUTE richtig ist, —MORGEN—SCHON falsch sein kann".
20160905             Es gehe darum, "DIE—PRODUKTIVITÄT und DIE—ARBEITSABLÄUFE neu zu erfinden", sagt Ron Markezich, CORPO—RATE VICE—PRESIDENT—BEI—MICROSOFT.
20160905             FRANKREICH: STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT will SARKOZY vor Gericht bringen (Politik, 14:20)
20160905             Fragwürdiges TSCHAD—SPONSORING: Viertärmstes Land unterstützt FRANKREICHs Fußballprofis (Sport, 11:58)
20160905             —GEWORDEN, Für Andrews ist dabei klar : Die neue Wirtschafts—, Arbeitswelt sei unsicher, unvorhersehbar und instabil.
20160905             G20—GIPFEL zu Ende: Große Probleme, keine Lösungen (Wirtschaft, 15:57)
20160905             GREENPEACE—STUDIE: Strom fällt trotz ATOM—AUSSTIEG seltener aus (Wirtschaft, 12:23)
20160905             Gefüttert mit großen Mengen von, kann das lernende SYSTEM Arbeitsprozesse verschlanken.
20160905             Google, APPLE, FACEBOOK und Hunderte START—UPS investieren —DERZEIT, erhebliche Ressourcen in immer klügere SOFTWARE, die ständig dazulernt und dadurch immer mehr Aufgaben übernehmen kann.
20160905             Großstädte: Vermieter hebeln mit möblierten Wohnungen Mietpreisbremse aus (Wirtschaft, 07:46)
20160905             Hygiene: USA—BEHÖRDE warnt vor Schadstoffen in antibakterieller Seife (Gesundheit, 11:59)
20160905             Im Herzen des SILICON—VALLEY sitzt Vishal Sikka in 1—GLÄSERNEN Konferenzraum mit Blick auf 1.REIHE—VON—PFLANZENSETZLINGEN, deren Wachstum von 1—COMPUTER ÜBERWACHT wird.
20160905             In den Laboren von Microsoft, Google und APPLE arbeiten DIE—FORSCHER mit großem Aufwand daran, dass der Computer bald endlich in der Lage ist, Sprache perfekt zu beherrschen und flüssige Unterhaltungen über ALLE—DETAILS—DER—ARBEIT zu führen.
20160905             Insbesondere bei Microsoft beschäftigen sich zahlreiche Teams in verschiedenen ABTEILUNGen mit der —ZUKUNFT—DER—ARBEITSWELT
20160905             JÖRG—HAIDER—VERTRAUTER über AfD und DONALD—TRUMP: "POPULISTEN sind narzisstische Personen"(Politik, 11:31)
20160905             KOMET—TSCHURI: Forscher entdecken "PHILAE"auf Foto (Wissenschaft, 17:51)
20160905             KÜNSTLICHE—INTELLIGENZ: Wie Kollege Computer Ihren Job überflüssig macht (Wirtschaft, 12:28)
20160905             MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN: MERKEL räumt Mitverantwortung für Wahlergebnis ein (Politik, 13:36)
20160905             —BEENDET, MÄRTYRER—COMIC: NRW, KOOPERATION—MIT—ISLAM—VERBAND Ditib (Politik, 12:49)
20160905             Mögliche HACKER—ANGRIFFE: USA prüfen RUSSISCHE—EINFLUSSNAHME im USA—WAHL—KAMPF (Politik, 16:09)
20160905             Neonazis in der Musik: Von rechts tönt es immer lauter (Kultur, 16:38)
20160905             —GESUNKEN, PANDA—GEFÄHRDUNG : Das Comeback 1—IKONE (Wissenschaft, 16:27)
20160905             Reaktion zur Landtagswahl: "DAS—ERGEBNIS für die CDU ist katastrophal"(Politik, 02:37)
20160905             So sagt es ANTON—ANDREWS.
20160905             Sobald DIE—MENSCHEN den Nutzen und DIE—GRENZEN—VON—KÜNSTLICHE—INTELLIGENZ besser verstehen, werde sie auch bloß zu 1—WEITEREN Technologie, "nicht viel anders als das Telefon".
20160905             —GEARBEITET, Stattdessen werde projektbezogen, mit immer neu zusammengewürfelten Teams.
20160905             TV—EXPERIMENT auf Ecstasy und LSD: Hammerbreit mit RTL (Kultur, 09:08)
20160905             Trotz Wahldebakel der CDU: ROT—SCHWARZ bleibt 1.GROßE—KOALITION (Politik, 13:57)
20160905             Und dass Unternehmen in dieser neuen Zeit nur überleben können, wenn sie "nicht einfach wie —DIE—LETZTEN—JAHRZEHNTE immer 1.Sache möglichst lange möglichst gut machen".
20160905             Und von überall, nicht mehr nur im BÜRO.
20160905             WAHL—IN—HONGKONG: PEKRITISCHE AKTIVISTEN—KING—OF— bekommen Sitze im PARLAMENT (Politik, 12:56)
20160905             Ziel sei, den Menschen beim Denken zu helfen,
20160905             ZIKA—BEKÄMPFUNG: Insektengift tötet Millionen Bienen IN—DEN—USA (Wissenschaft, 11:03)
20160905             —AUTOMATISIERT, Zum Beispiel indem es die Planung von Dienstreisen, —, damit unternehmensinterne Reisestellen weitgehend obsolet macht.
20160905             Zäsur in USA: ZEITUNGS—VERLEGER streichen "Zeitung"im Namen (Kultur, 11:01)
20160905             [l] "White nationalist movement growing much faster than Isis on Twitter"
20160905             es - verschlanken
20160905             Ähnliche Automatisierungsprojekte verfolgen viele —KONZERNE in der unmittelbaren Nachbarschaft von Infosys
20160905             Ärger beim G20—GIPFEL: FLUGZEUG—TREPPE heizt STREIT—ZWISCHEN—USA—CHINA an (Politik, 10:05)
20160905             —NACH, tödlichem ANGRIFF: POLEN verlangt von GROß—BRITANNIEN mehr Schutz für Landsleute (Panorama, 04:21)
20160905             —VOR, der PARLAMENTS—WAHL: RUSSLAND erklärt Meinungsforscher zu Agenten (Politik, 22:40)
20160905             —WÄHREND, G20—GIPFEL: NORD—KOREA provoziert mit RAKETEN—TEST (Politik, 10:32)
20160905             PHYLLIS—SCHLAFLY—1. book "1—CHOICE—NOT—1—ECHO", a 121-page SELF—PUBLISHED polemic, sold 3m copies and helped populist BARRY—GOLDWATER win 19640000             —THE—REPUBLICAN nomination.
20160905             AFGHANISTAN, twin bombings near the Defense Ministry in CENTRAL—KABUL killed at least 35—PEOPLE, including 2—SECURITY—FORCE—GENERALS, in 1—ATTACK claimed by the Taliban.
20160905             —LAUNCHED, BRAZIL—FEDERAL—POLICE, 1—OPERATION to investigate fraud at pension FUNDS—OF—MAJOR—STATE—RUN—COMPANIES, carrying out 7—ARREST—WARRANTS, over a 100—SEARCH—WARRANTS and freezing assets worth 8—BILLION reais ($2.46—BILLION).
20160905             CHINA—GOVERNMENT said it opposed efforts by certain candidates and organizations in HONG—KONG elections to promote INDEPENDENCE.
20160905             —AGREED, CHINA, to cooperate more closely with its trading partners on its politically volatile steel exports as G20 leaders ended 1—SUMMIT with 1—FORCEFUL—ENDORSEMENT—OF—FREE—TRADE and 1 crowded agenda that included the Koreas, Syria and refugees.
20160905             —ANNOUNCED, At the G20 meeting in CHINA RUSSIA and SAUDI—ARABIA, that they would start working together to stabilize the market, including limiting output.
20160905             INDONESIA—POLICE said they had broken up 1—ONLINE MALE prostitution ring and identified 148—YOUNG—MEN and boys, at least 1 as young as 13, offering sexual services.
20160905             —REPORTED, IRAN—STATE—MEDIA, that police had closed more than 800—CLOTHES shops to stop them selling "unconventional" women's coats.
20160905             —TENDED, The coats in question, to have nonsensical phrases such as "Keep Calm I'm THE—QUEEN" written on them, but they also had short arms and no buttons in the front.
20160905             —OPENED, ISRAEL—POLICE, fire —DURING 1—ALLEGED—CAR—RAMMING attack targeting officers in the Shuafat refugee camp in ISRAELI—ANNEXED EAST—JERUSALEM killing passenger MUSTAFA—NIMR, —27—JAHRE—ALT.
20160905             ISRAEL—CHANNEL 10—TELEVISION —LATER broadcast VIDEO—OF—THE—INCIDENT that appeared to show shots being fired —AFTER the car was stopped, with MUSTAFA—NIMR already on the ground either wounded or dead.
20160905             —COLLAPSED, ISRAEL, 1—FLOOR, —DURING the construction of a 4—STOREY underground parking structure in Tel Aviv.
20160905             —KILLED, At least 4—PEOPLE were, and 3 remained missing.
20160905             —RESCUED, THE—ITALY—NAVY, nearly 500—BOAT—MIGRANTS off THE—COAST—OF—LIBYA and recovered the bodies of 6—PEOPLE who fell out of 1—LEAKING rubber vessel.
20160905—20110000    —SINCE, BRITAIN appointed its envoy to IRAN for the 1. time.
20170208—20170905    —ON, the Red Cross said the 2 kidnapped staff members have been released.
20170905             "Falls jene Datierung nur ansatzweise stimmt, wären dies die jüngsten bekannten NEANDERTALER", schreibt Devièse von der UNIVERSITY—OF—OXFORD.
20170905             'Americans are 1—GREAT—PEOPLE if they can endure so MANY—PEOPLE with such 1—LOW—LEVEL—OF—POLITICAL—CULTURE,' RUSSIAN—PRESIDENT says
20170905             ANT—ARKTIS: Vulkan verursachte vor 18.—000—JAHREN 1—OZONLOCH (Wissenschaft, 21:22)
20170905             Archäologie: Forscher datieren Ende DER—NEANDERTALER um (Wissenschaft, 17:07)
20170905             Bisschen Hintergrund dazu: Tronc ist 1.VERZWEIFLUNGSGRÜNDUNG—DER—CHICAGO—TRIBUNE, hieß früher TRIBUNE Publishing, und besitzt auch die LA Times, den ORLANDO—SENTINEL, BALTIMORE Sun und noch ein paar kleinere.
20170905             CYBER—ANGRIFFE: EU und NATO —PROBEN den FAKE—NEWS—ERNSTFALL (Politik, 20:39)
20170905             DIE—FORSCHER um Thibaut Devièse von der UNIVERSITY—OF—OXFORD schreiben, dass der moderne Mensch und DER—NEANDERTALER vor etwa 44.000—BIS 40.—000—JAHREN gemeinsam auf dem Kontinent lebten.
20170905             DIE—MEISTEN NEANDERTALER starben vor 40.—000—JAHREN, doch einige von ihnen überlebten in entlegenen Rückzugsgebieten —BIS vor 30.—000—JAHREN, wie Knochenfunde unter anderem aus der VINDIJA—HÖHLE im heutigen KROATIEN nahelegen.
20170905             Der TECH—MILLIARDÄR—ASPEKT kommt aus dieser PRESSE—MITTEILUNG:
20170905             —ILLUSTRIERT, Diese handliche Grafik, das!
20170905             Diese letzte Datierung wird nur von 1—AKTUELLEN —STUDIE allerdings widerlegt: Denn vermutlich war für den engsten Verwandten des Menschen selbst in diesen Rückzugsgebieten auch —BEREITS vor etwa 40.—000—JAHREN Schluss, so ein internationales FORSCHER—TEAM in den "Proceedings"DER—USA—NATIONALEN Akademie der Wissenschaften ("PNAS").
20170905             Epidemie im JEMEN: ZAHL—DER—CHOLERA—KRANKEN steigt auf über 600.000 (Politik, 21:12)
20170905             —ERST: EBAY—GRÜNDER—OMIDYAR gründet THE—INTERCEPT.
20170905             GABRIEL über Guttenberg: "Mit DER—BUNDESWEHR so sorgsam umgegangen wie mit seiner Doktorarbeit"(Politik, 14:33)
20170905             GEWINN—RÜCKGANG: Lego streicht 14000000             Stellen (Wirtschaft, 11:15)
20170905             GROß—BRITANNIEN: 4—NEONAZIS wegen TERROR—VERDACHTS festgenommen (Politik, 14:40)
20170905             Große Kluft: Wirtschaft IM—OSTEN holt nur schleppend auf (Wirtschaft, 20:05)
20170905             HURRIKAN—IRMA": PUERTO—RICO und FLORIDA rufen Notstand aus (Panorama, 02:22)
20170905             Kryptowährungen: Du hast kein Geld?
20170905             Men generally outperform women in Scrabble tournaments because female competitors are less willing to spend their time improving 1—LARGELY pointless skill, ACCORDING—TO—NEW—RESEARCH.
20170905             Mögliche "Dreamer"—ENTSCHEIDUNG: NEW—YORK und WASHINGTON drohen mit KLAGEN—GEGEN—DONALD—TRUMP (Politik, 03:44)
20170905             NORD—KOREA—KONFLIKT, PUTIN warnt vor "militärischer Hysterie"(Politik, 09:00)
20170905             Nachfrageboom: BUTTER—PREIS steigt auf 15—JAHRES—HOCH (Wirtschaft, 14:01)
20170905             PUTIN on USA—ADMINISTRATION: 'It's difficult to talk with people who confuse AUSTRIA and AUSTRALIA'
20170905             Riesige MILITÄR—ÜBUNG in WEISSRUSSLAND: "Provokationen gegen ein 3. Land"(Politik, 16:42)
20170905             STRÖBELE zu ANTI—TERROR—MAßNAHMEN: "Man gaukelt den Leuten Sicherheit vor"(Politik, 07:21)
20170905             SALMAN—RUSHDIE über DONALD—TRUMP—AMERIKA: "All diese giftigen Teufel sind aus der Büchse gesprungen"(Kultur, 02:47)
20170905             Scientists found MALE players spend their time practising anagrams and analysing the game, whereas women are more likely to play the game as 1—HOBBY.
20170905             STICKSTOFF—RÄTSEL: Diamanten erlauben Blick ins Erdinnere (Wissenschaft, 11:02)
20170905             UNO—BOTSCHAFTER: NORD—KOREA nennt ATOM—TEST "Geschenkpaket"an DIE—USA (Politik, 13:06)
20170905             Update: Bessere Quelle.
20170905             Update: 1—LESER sagt, dass Bezos vor Omidyar kam. Update: Primärquelle.
20170905             VEREINTE—NATIONEN: PUTIN will BLAUHELMMISSION—IN—OST—UKRAINE (Politik, 15:56)
20170905             WAHL—KAMPF: MERKEL in HEIDELBERG mit Tomaten beworfen (Politik, 19:52)
20170905             Wahrscheinlich, so das Resümee, lebten die untersuchten NEANDERTALER —VOR—NOCH der Ankunft des modernen Menschen in OST—EUROPA.
20170905             [l] CHINESISCHE—WISSENSCHAFTLER machen sich Sorgen, dass der NORD—KOREANISCHE ATOM—TESTBERG bröckeln und DIE—REGION verstrahlen könnte.
20170905             [l] Die TECH—MILLIARDÄRE übernehmen IN—DEN—USA gerade in der Breite das NEWS—BUSINESS.
20170905             [l] Endlich hat DIE—WISSENSCHAFT herausgefunden, wieso Männer bei SCRABBLE—TOURNIEREN stärker als Frauen spielen.
20170905             [l] Wofür braucht man eigentlich Gewerkschaften?
20170905             —JETZT: Tronc kauft DIE—NEW—YORK DAILY—NEWS.
20170905             He gave Congress —6—MONTHS to decide what to do with THE—SO—CALLED—DREAMERS.
20170905             THE—USA—LED coalition fighting the Islamic State group in IRAQ and Syria swore in 1—NEW commanding general, with the fight against the jihadists —NOW in its 4. —YEAR.
20170905             Yale Univ. in NEW—HAVEN, CONNECTICUT, held a dedication ceremony to rename Calhoun College to GRACE—HOPPER—COLLEGE.
20170905             FORMER—USA—PRESIDENT—JOHN—CALHOUN (18250000—18320000    ) was an ardent slavery supporter.
20170905             FLORIDA businessmen Samer Barrage (39) and JUAN—GRANDA, —35—JAHRE—ALT admitted in FEDERAL—COURT that they imported illegally mined gold from PERU and other SOUTH—USA—COUNTRIES into THE—USA.
20170905             —FACED, They each, up to —10—YEARS in prison.
20170905             Baylor Univ. in WACO—TEXAS, settled 1—LAWSUIT filed by 1—FORMER—STUDENT who said she was raped by 2—FOOTBALL—PLAYERS.
20170905             —RELEASED, Terms were not.
20170905             —STRENGTHENED, Irma, into an "extremely dangerous" Category 5—HURRICANE, meteorologists warned, sparking alarm and flooding alerts as it barreled towards the Caribbean.
20170905             —EXPECTED, It was, to make landfall along THE—STRING—OF—FRANCE—ISLANDS including GUADELOUPE —LATE—TODAY—BEFORE heading to HAITI and FLORIDA.
20170905             BANGLADESH officials said they plan to go ahead with work to develop 1 isolated, FLOOD—PRONE—ISLAND in the Bay of Bengal to temporarily house tens of THOUSANDS—OF—ROHINGYA—MUSLIMS fleeing violence in neighboring MYANMAR.
20170905             —ARRESTED, UNITED—KINGDOM—POLICE, 4—MEN, including SOME—SERVING soldiers, on suspicion of belonging to 1—BANNED—FAR—RIGHT—GROUP and planning terrorist acts.
20170905             1—CAMBODIA—COURT said opposition leader Kem Sokha has been charged with treason and could face 1—JAIL—TERM—OF 15 to —30—YEARS if convicted.
20170905             1—EU official said 40—COUNTRIES——NOW have been affected by 1—EUROPE—WIDE contaminated egg scandal, including 24—EU members and 16—NON—MEMBERS.
20170905             THE—FRANCE—DEFENSE—MINISTER—SAID—FRANCE is set to arm drones for the 1. time that are currently used exclusively for surveillance and intelligence.
20170905             —HANDED, The court, the maximum fine of 45,000 euros ($53,500) to both LAURENCE—PIEAU, 1—EDITOR—OF—CLOSER—FRANCE—EDITION, and Ernesto Mauri, CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OF—ITALY—PUBLISHER—MONDADORI, the magazine's owner.
20170905             —RECOVERED, Authorities in GERMANY said they've, 15—STOLEN paintings and drawings by GERMANY—ARTIST—GEORG—BASELITZ worth —AROUND 2.5—MILLION—EUROS ($2.9—MILLION).
20170905             1—MAN, —51—JAHRE—ALT was arrested —LAST—MONTH for selling the art —AFTER returning from 1—TRIP abroad.
20170905             INDIA, Gauri Lankesh (55), THE—EDITOR—AND—PUBLISHER—OF—THE—KANNADA—LANGUAGE "Gauri Lankesh Patrike" newspaper, was shot dead by unidentified assailants near her home in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—BENGALURU.
20170905             —PUBLISHED, She had —RECENTLY, 1—ESSAY arguing the Lingayatism should be considered 1—DISTINCT—FAITH.
20170905             —EVICTED, ISRAEL—POLICE, 1—PALESTINE—FAMILY from their home in EAST—JERUSALEM —ON—TUESDAY to make way for new Jewish tenants who claimed ownership.
20170905             KOSOVO PRESIDENT—HASHIM—THACI and religious leaders from KOSOVO and ALBANIA were among THE—HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE in PRISTINA who attended 1—CONSECRATION—CEREMONY consecrating THE—ROMAN—CATHOLIC cathedral in KOSOVO—CAPITAL to the saint formerly known as Mother TERESA—OF—CALCUTTA, who † —20—YEARS—AGO—TODAY.
20170905             LESOTHO—ARMY—COMMANDER—KHOANTLE—MOTS'OMOTS'O and 2—SENIOR—OFFICERS were shot dead by rival officers at 1—MILITARY barracks, in 1—APPARENT—ASSASSINATION set to revive instability in THE—AFRICA—KINGDOM.
20170905             MYANMAR leader Aung S—SUU—KYI came under more pressure from countries with Muslim populations to halt violence against Rohingya Muslims that has sent nearly 125,000—OF—THEM fleeing over the border to BANGLADESH in —JUST over —10—DAYS.
20170905             —ORDERED, THE—PHILIPPINES—PRESIDENT—RODRIGO—DUTERTE, police to let journalists join raids in his crackdown on illegal drugs to disprove growing allegations of extrajudicial killings, but warned reporters they could get shot.
20170905             —ISSUED, ROMANIA—FINANCE—MINISTRY, 1—STATEMENT saying there were funds to pay employees at all the country's ministries.
20170905             —RESIGNED, The defense MINISTER, —AFTER suggesting there are insufficient funds to pay THE—SALARIES—OF—SERVICE—MEMBERS and defense ministry employees.
20170905             PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN said RUSSIA will ask THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL to send peacekeepers to patrol the front line in EAST—UKRAINE.
20170905             —WALKED, RUSSIA, 1—BOY, —15—JAHRE—ALT, into 1—FULL classroom in THE—MOSCOW suburb of Ivanteyevka with 1—AIR—GUN hidden under 1—RAINCOAT.
20170905             He attacked 1—TEACHER and opened fire.
20170905             —HOSPITALIZED, The teacher was, with 1—BRAIN—INJURY.
20170905             1—STUDENT who jumped OUT—OF—THE—WINDOW suffered 1—FRACTURE, —WHILE 2—OTHERS who jumped had bruises.
20170905             CENTRAL—SOMALIA, THE—USA—MILITARY in conjunction with SOMALIA—GOVERNMENT—FORCES conducted 1—AIRSTRIKE targeting al Shabaab fighters and killed 3—OF—THEM.
20170905             —CONDUCTED, SOUTH—KOREA—WARSHIPS, LIVE—FIRE—EXERCISES at sea in a 2. straight —DAY—OF—MILITARY swagger from 1—NATION still rattled by THE—NORTH—BIGGEST—EVER nuclear test.
20170905             —REACHED, SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—FORCES, troops besieged —FOR—YEARS by Islamic STATE—IN—THE—EAST—CITY—OF—DEIR—AL—ZOR, 1—OF—THE—MILITANTS' last major footholds.
20170905             —AGREED, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL, to set up 1—SANCTIONS—REGIME for MALI to punish those who obstruct a 20150000             peace deal as fears grow that THE—WEST—AFRICA—COUNTRY is sliding back into turmoil.
20170905             —ISSUED, VIETNAM, 1—STRONG—CONDEMNATION—OF—CHINA—MILITARY—LIVE—FIRE—EXERCISES in the disputed SOUTH—CHINA—SEA, amid rising tension between THE—2—COUNTRIES.
20170905—19480000    —BACKED, Officials, by police enforced 1—COURT—ORDER to remove THE—6—MEMBER—SHAMASNEH family from 1—HOME claimed by heirs of 1—JEWISH—FAMILY forced to abandon it, —WHEN it came under JORDAN—CONTROL —FOLLOWING 1—ARAB—ISRAEL—WAR.
20170905—20120000    —ANNOUNCED, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, that he was ending the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), 1—PROGRAM established by FORMER—PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, prompting alarm for about 800,000 immigrants who entered THE—USA as children.
20170905—20120000    —IN, 1—FRANCE—COURT ruled that celebrity magazine Closer invaded THE—PRIVACY—OF—BRITAIN—PRINCE—WILLIAM—WIFE—KATE, the Duchess of CAMBRIDGE, —WHEN it published topless photos of her.
20170905—20160200    —IN, Tronc, formerly known as TRIBUNE Publishing, has been actively engaged in HIGH—PROFILE—MERGER—TALKS with other newspapers —SINCE technology entrepreneur MICHAEL—FERRO became the company's largest SHARE—HOLDER and chairman, but THE—DAILY—NEWS—ACQUISITION is the 1.to come to fruition.
20170905—20170825    —SINCE, THE—UN—REFUGEE—AGENCY said 1—TOTAL—OF—123,000 refugees have fled WEST—MYANMAR.
20170905—20310000    —BIS, START—DER—OFFIZIELLEN—SUCHE: soll 1—ATOM—MÜLLEND—LAGER her (Politik, 17:21)
20170905—20320000    —BY, SCOTLAND—1.—MINISTER—NICOLA—STURGEON said SCOTLAND plans to phase out new petrol and diesel cars, —8—YEARS—EARLIER than under proposals set out by THE—LONDON government.
20180905             "Es gab keinen Mob, es gab keine Hetzjagd und es gab keine Pogrome in dieser Stadt", sagte Kretschmer in seiner Regierungserklärung zu den AUSSCHREITUNGEN—IN—CHEMNITZ im sächsischen LANDTAG.
20180905             Anhörung im USA—SENAT: FACEBOOK und Twitter geben Fehler zu (Netzwelt, 22:10)
20180905             Bedrohte Arten: Vögel —STERBEN vor allem in SÜD—AMERIKA aus
20180905             DEUTSCHE—BÖRSE: COMMERZ—BANK fliegt aus dem DAX (Wirtschaft, 22:55)
20180905             DEUTSCH—TÜRKISCHE—BEZIEHUNGEN: Signale der Entspannung (Politik, 22:11)
20180905             —BEHAUPTET, DIE—1.Seite, es gab 1.Hetzjagd.
20180905             —BEHAUPTET, DIE—ANDERE Seite, es gab keine Hetzjagd.
20180905             DONALD—TRUMP ist nicht nur zu blöde!
20180905             DONALD—TRUMP—ANWALT hat MUELLER gesagt, DONALD—TRUMP sei zu blöde, um auszusagen.
20180905             Das wird ja wohl keine DUISBURG—SPEZIFISCHE Begebenheit sein, oder?
20180905             Der berühmte Isenheimer Altar im elsässischen Colmar wird instandgesetzt.
20180905             Dowd and DONALD—TRUMP—PERSONAL—ATTORNEY, JAY—SEKULOW, "went to MUELLER—OFFICE—AND—RE—ENACTED the mock interview" with the hope of convincing MUELLER that DONALD—TRUMP couldn't testify because he is 1—PATHOLOGICAL liar.
20180905             —EXPLAINED, Dowd then, to MUELLER and Quarles why he was trying to keep THE—PRESIDENT from testifying: "I'm not going to sit there and let him look like 1—IDIOT.
20180905             ERD—ERWÄRMUNG: Warmes Wasser schädigt Korallen in der Tiefe
20180905             FACEBOOK und Twitter vor dem USA—KONGRESS: Schuld und Social
20180905             FNORD—DES—TAGES, Die Pelzindustrie springt auf den PLASTIKMÜLL—PANIKZUG auf, vermarktet ihre Pelze als "sustainable", "natural" und "ethical".
20180905             Fahndung: BRITISCHE—POLIZEI hat mutmaßliche SKRIPAL—ATTENTÄTER identifiziert
20180905             Ich weiß nicht, ob ihr Alternativlos 37—GEHÖRT habt.
20180905             Judenhass —NACH—DEM BÖRSEN—CRASH 18730000             : Die Geburt des modernen ANTI—SEMITISMUS
20180905             Krass.
20180905             KREB—VERDACHT, Bayer meldet fast 9000—GLYPHOSAT—KLAGEN - Leuchtet ein, finde ich.
20180905             MERKEL in FRANKFURT: der BREXIT—VERHANDLUNGEN—SCHEITERN "nicht vollkommen ausgeschlossen"
20180905             Möglicher DAX—AUFSTEIGER: Das steckt hinter dem BÖRSEnstar Wirecard
20180905             NEW—HOTNESS: Haie fressen unsere Unterseekabel.
20180905             Ob die auch irgendwas positives im Portfolio haben?
20180905             RUSSLAND—AFFÄRE: MUELLER würde auch schriftliche Antwortendes DONALD—TRUMPAKZEPTIEREN
20180905             SEEHOFER laut MEDIEN—BERICHTEN: "Mutter aller Probleme ist die Migration" (Politik, 23:35)
20180905             Soweit sind wir —SCHON.
20180905             Staatsfonds: NORWEGEN will nur noch Geld in nachhaltige Firmen stecken
20180905             —GELEISTET, USA—PRÄSIDENT—AM—TELEFON: "Niemand hat je bessere Arbeit, als ich"
20180905             Umkämpftes BRAUN—KOHLE—GEBIET, POLIZEI rückt in HAMBACHER—FORST ein
20180905             Umstrittener Unkrautvernichter: GLYPHOSAT—ABSATZ in DEUTSCHLAND sinkt auf Tiefststand
20180905             UNABHÄNGIGKEIT—VON—CHINA: Taiwans EX—PRÄSIDENT—FORDERT—REFERENDUM - Und das ist —JETZT halt so.
20180905             Und was passierte dann?
20180905             Update: Mehrere Leserbriefe kamen dazu rein.
20180905             WEST—JORDAN—LAND: ISRAEL—OBERSTES—GERICHT erlaubt Abriss von Beduinendorf
20180905             Weil die Karossen "mit dem Bezug von SOZIAL—LEISTUNGEN nicht in Einklang zu bringen waren", hat die DUISBURGer POLIZEI vor 1—JOB—CENTER mehrere Autos beschlagnahmt.
20180905             WÄHRUNGS—KRISE, USA sichern ARGENTINIEN Unterstützung zu
20180905             Zahlen zur INTERNETnutzung: 9—VON 10—MENSCHEN in DEUTSCHLAND sind online
20180905             [l] Aber nicht doch, mein Herr!
20180905             [l] Kann mir mal jemand erklären, wieso das hier nicht —SCHON viel früher passiert ist?
20180905             [l] OLD—AND—BUSTED, Eichhörchen cybern unsere digitale Infrastruktur kaputt.
20180905             [l] Und das nächste MONSANTO—PROBLEM für Bayer kommt zum Vorschein.
20180905             parken da ja nicht nur die HARTZ—IV—OPFER sondern auch ihre Anwälte.
20180905             sind die Autos da auf den Fotos älter und haben 1—MARKT—WERT—VON—3—10K€ (10k ist eher utopisch, meiner der Einsender).
20180905             wird das —SCHON—LÄNGER gemacht, DIE—ARBEITS—ÄMTER tauschen extra DATEN mit den Meldeämtern ab.
20180905             —JETZT ist DAS—PROBLEM, dass MONSANTOs ALTERNATIV—UNKRAUTVERNICHTUNGSMITTEL auf die Feldern von anderen BAUERn geweht wird, und denen dann neben dem Unkraut auch die NUTZ—PFLANZEN vernichtet.
20180905             —KAMPF—UM—JAKOBSMUSCHELN: FRANZÖSISCHE—FISCHER machen BRITEN "Friedensangebot"
20180905             "John, I understand," MUELLER replied, ACCORDING—TO—WOODWARD.
20180905             THE—UNITED—STATES told THE—UN—TOP—COURT it had "1—DUTY" not to take 1—POSITION on 1—BITTER—DISPUTE over THE—BRITISH—RULED Chagos islands, home to 1—STRATEGIC—JOINT—USA—MILITARY—BASE.
20180905             —RELEASED, Government data, —TODAY showed that THE—USA—TRADE—DEFICIT surged in July on record imports that created burgeoning gaps with trading partners in THE—CROSSHAIRS—OF—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—AGGRESSIVE—POLICIES.
20180905             With USA goods facing retaliatory tariffs in MANY—COUNTRIES, exports dropped sharply —THAT—MONTH.
20180905             —ANNOUNCED, CONNECTICUT—BASED Purdue Pharma, the maker of OxyContin, that it is making a $3.4—MILLION—GRANT to PITTSBURGH—BASED Harm Reduction Therapeutics to help develop 1—LOW—COST naloxone nasal spray, 1—OVERDOSE antidote.
20180905             —WEAKENED, Tropical Depression Gordon, as it swirled over CENTRAL—MISSISSIPPI.
20180905             —BLAMED, The storm was, for THE—DEATH—OF—1—FLORIDA baby.
20180905             1—PLANE was quarantined at NEW—YORK—KENNEDY—AIRPORT——WHEN about 10—PASSENGERS became ill aboard 1—FLIGHT from DUBAI.
20180905             THE—DOUBLE—DECKER Emirates aircraft held 520—PASSENGERS.
20180905             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, twin bombings in KABUL, 21—PEOPLE.
20180905             Taliban insurgents overran 1—SECURITY outpost in THE—NORTH—BADGHIS province and then ambushed reinforcements, killing 1—TOTAL—OF—10—SOLDIERS.
20180905             BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—POLICE used pepper spray to disperse HUNDREDS—OF—VETERANS—OF—THE 1990s BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—WAR protesting in SARAJEVO to demand 1—LAW be adopted granting them more benefits.
20180905             —CHARGED, BRITAIN, 2—RUSSIANS in absentia with the attempted MURDER—OF—1—FORMER—RUSSIA—SPY and his daughter, and said the suspects were military intelligence officers almost certainly acting on orders from high up in THE—RUSSIA—STATE.
20180905             —IDENTIFIED, UNITED—KINGDOM—AUTHORITIES, the suspects as RUSSIA—NATIONALS traveling on genuine passports under the aliases ALEXANDER—PETROV and RUSLAN—BOSHIROV.
20180905             † In COLOMBIA 1—ENGINEER—OF—CANADA—MINER Continental Gold and another was wounded —AFTER they were shot at —WHILE traveling near the company's Buritica mine.
20180905             CONGO health officials said that 1—CASE—OF—EBOLA has been discovered in BUTEMBO, 1—CITY—OF—1.4—MILLION—PEOPLE in the country's northeast.
20180905             —REPORTED, ERITREA—STATE—TELEVISION said, on plans to improve its transport connections with ETHIOPIA by upgrading 1—ROAD that stretches from its port in Assab to 1—TOWN across the border with its neighbor.
20180905             Ethiopian, Eritrean and SOMALIA leaders met in ERITREA—CAPITAL—ASMARA, furthering the diplomatic thaw in the strategic Horn of AFRICA REGION.
20180905             —PARALYZED, INDIA, THOUSANDS—OF—FARMERS and laborers, CENTRAL—NEW—DELHI in 1—PROTEST against what they called THE—ANTI—PEOPLE—POLICIES—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—NARENDRA—MODI—GOVERNMENT, as opposition parties step up pressure AHEAD—OF—KEY—ELECTIONS.
20180905             —SEARCHED, INDIA, police, for 22—PEOPLE who were missing —AFTER 1 motorized boat capsized in the flooded Brahmaputra River in the remote northeast.
20180905             3—BODIES were recovered and 11—PEOPLE were rescued.
20180905             —WORRIED, IRAN—RIAL fell to 1—RECORD—LOW as, residents of TEHRAN lined up outside beleaguered moneychangers, PART—OF—1—STAGGERING 140-percent drop in the currency's value —SINCE AMERICA pulled out of the nuclear deal only —4—MONTHS—AGO.
20180905             —CLEARED, ISRAEL—TOP—COURT, the way for the demolition of 1—BEDOUIN village in the occupied WEST—BANK whose fate has drawn INTERNATIONAL concern and PALESTINE—PROTESTS.
20180905             Students at MEXICO—LARGEST—UNIVERSITY went on strike to protest 1—CAMPUS—ATTACK against protesters —EARLIER—THIS—WEEK.
20180905             —REPORTED, It was, that NIGERIA—2—MAIN—POLITICAL—PARTIES have asked election hopefuls to pay huge fees for the chance to stand at —NEXT—YEAR—GENERAL—ELECTION, in 1—MOVE criticized as favoring the rich and WELL—CONNECTED.
20180905             According to newspaper adverts the All Progressives Congress (APC) wants 45—MILLION naira ($125,500, 108,000 euros) per presidential primary candidate.
20180905             NORWAY's $1—TRILLION sovereign wealth fund said it wants companies in which it invests to follow stricter guidelines on global sustainability and strengthen efforts to combat plastic POLLUTION—OF—THE—OCEANS.
20180905             —REVERSED, PARAGUAY, its May decision to relocate its embassy from Tel Aviv to the contested CITY—OF—JERUSALEM and said it will move it back to Tel Aviv.
20180905             —PROMPTED, THIS—ISRAEL to shutter its embassy in PARAGUAY and warn that ties between the countries would be "strained".
20180905             THE—PHILIPPINES—SENATOR—ANTONIO—TRILLANES—IV, told reporters —AFTER staying overnight in the Senate that his lawyers would file 1—PETITION to THE—SUPREME—COURT to challenge THE—LEGALITY—OF—DUTERTE—PROCLAMATION voiding his amnesty.
20180905             —LINKED, THE—RUSSIAN—DEFENSE—MINISTRY said that 4—JETS struck targets, to 1—AL—QAIDA—LINKED group, including 1—WEAPONS depot and 1—LAUNCH pad for drones that RUSSIA says have targeted its military bases in Syria.
20180905             —WOUNDED, SAUDI—ARABIA, 26—CIVILIANS were, by shrapnel —WHEN THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—MILITARY shot down 1—MISSILE fired across the border by YEMEN—HOUTHI rebels.
20180905             —TARGETED, THE—REBEL—RUN AL—MASIRAH—TV said the missile, 1—SAUDI—ARABIA—MILITARY—CAMP, hitting it "accurately".
20180905             —MARCHED, SRI—LANKA, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—OPPOSITION—SUPPORTERS, in COLOMBO to demand the government step down, accusing IT—OF—CORRUPTION and selling national assets to foreign nations.
20180905             1—WAR—MONITOR said insurgents blew up another bridge in anticipation of 1—GOVERNMENT—OFFENSIVE.
20180905             1—UGANDA—MUSIC—FESTIVAL was reinstated —FOLLOWING 1—PUBLIC—OUTCRY——AFTER the country's ethics MINISTER—BANNED—THE—NYEGE—NYEGE music festival —1—DAY—EARLIER as 1—ORGY—OF—HOMOSEXUALITY, nudity and drugs akin to "devil worship".
20180905             —WARNED, UN investigators, that crimes against humanity and other serious rights violations were continuing unabated in BURUNDI, blaming in part PRESIDENT—PIERRE—NKURUNZIZA'S repeated calls to hatred and violence.
20180905             —STRANDED, YEMEN—HUTHI rebels said they were, in THE—CAPITAL—SANAA on THE—EVE—OF—UNITED—NATIONS—SPONSORED peace talks in GENEVA with their government rivals.
20180905             —DISPERSED, YEMEN—SECURITY—FORCES in WEST—HADRAMAWT province, HUNDREDS—OF—PROTESTERS rallying against the government and 1—SAUDI—LED coalition over the deteriorating economy in THE—WAR—TORN country, wounding at least 7—OF—THEM.
20180905—19650000    —IN, LONDON SPLIT off the remote islands from MAURITIUS.
20180905—19980000    —IN, The road has not been used —FOR—2—DECADES—SINCE a —2—YEAR—WAR broke out between THE—2—COUNTRIES.
20180905—20090000    —FROM, Abakumova had her javelin results from —AUGUST 20080800             20120000             erased, stripping her of her world championship bronze and
20180905—20090000    —FROM—THE, Lebedeva had her results from —AUGUST 20080800             20100000             erased, including 1—SILVER medal worlds.
20180905—20110000    —FROM, gold.
20180905—20180801    —SINCE, the current Ebola outbreak has seen 93 confirmed cases which have caused 54—DEATHS.
20180905—20180903    —ON, Thugs had beat up protesters from 1—UNIVERSITY—AFFILIATED high school who were demonstrating against fees and for free speech.
20180905—20190000    —AB, [l] FRANKFURT muss 1—DIESELFAHRVERBOT einführen, sagt das VERWALTUNGS—GERICHT WIESBADEN.
20190905             "Es gibt ein sehr großes Vorkommen an AAL—DNA",
20190905             "Nessie"-Mythos: Forscher präsentieren Erklärung für das Monster von Loch Ness (Wissenschaft, 15:53)
20190905             "Streng geschützte Lebensräume": Naturschützer finden Riffe entlang des geplanten FEHMARNBELT—TUNNELS (Wirtschaft, 15:34)
20190905             112-Notrufe: EuGH macht strenge Vorgaben für STANDORT—ERMITTLUNG (Netzwelt, 17:52)
20190905             AFD—TALK bei "Dunja Hayali": Die ewige Suche nach einem Patentrezept (Kultur, 06:54)
20190905             Abenteuer statt Schaukel, Wippe, Rutsche: Der Spielplatz, von dem JEDES—KIND träumt (SPIEGEL+, 00:46)
20190905             Absturz von Flug AF447: Verfahren wegen AIR—FRANCE—UNGLÜCK mit 228—TOTEN eingestellt (Panorama, 12:53)
20190905             AFGHANISTAN: Explosion erschüttert ZENTRUM—VON—KABUL (Politik, 10:29) - Alle mal herhören: "U—COMIX" ist 50!
20190905             Tusch! Doppeltusch! Na?
20190905             ANTITERROR—EINSATZ—DER—BUNDESWEHR: SPD gibt Widerstand im Streit über "Tornado"-Mission auf (Politik, 11:25)
20190905             ATOM—ABKOMMEN, IRAN pocht auf europäische Finanzhilfen in Milliardenhöhe (Politik, 00:36)
20190905             Ausschreitungen in HAMBURG: Gewalttäter bei G20—GIPFEL waren überwiegend Einheimische (Panorama, 15:04)
20190905             Aussteigerin Leah Remini über Scientology: "Du fängst an zu glauben, dass du ein Übermensch bist" (SPIEGEL+, 00:12)
20190905             BREXIT: BRITISCHE—REGIERUNG will NO—DEAL—GESETZ nicht länger blockieren (Politik, 07:36)
20190905             BAHAMAS nach HURRIKAN—DORIAN": Luftaufnahmen zeigen Ausmaß der Zerstörung (Panorama, 01:50)
20190905             BEVÖLKERUNGSUM—FRAGE zu Ängsten: Deutsche so sorgenfrei wie vor —25—JAHREN (Politik, 13:52)
20190905             Bislang wissen die Forscher nicht, wo sie den ungewöhnlichen Wurm im Stammbaum des Lebens einordnen sollen.
20190905             Bodo Ramelow: "Wir sind das CHINA des Westens" (Politik, 08:43)
20190905             BRITISCHER—PREMIER Johnson: Der Zocker (Politik, 00:14)
20190905             —VERSCHWINDET, Buch über digitale Gesellschaft: Wenn das Individuum, (SPIEGEL+, 20:40)
20190905             Bundesanwaltschaft eingeschaltet: POLIZEI durchsucht Wohnungen in BRANDENBURG (Panorama, 07:05)
20190905             CHINA—REISE der Bundeskanzlerin: FDP fordert deutliche Haltung von MERKEL zu HONG—KONG (Politik, 09:33)
20190905             COSTA—RICA: Nationaltrainer tritt zurück, weil ihm der Job zu langweilig ist (Sport, 11:35)
20190905             DIE—BAKTERIEN der Gattung Vibrio verbreiten sich vor allem in Salzwasser bei Temperaturen ab 20—GRAD, bei niedrigeren Temperaturen befinden sie sich vorrangig im Meeresboden.
20190905             DIE—FORSCHER um den NEUSEELÄNDISCHEN—BIOMEDIZINER NEIL—GEMMELL analysierten mehr als 500—MILLIONEN ERBGUT—SEQUENZEN und verglichen diese mit bestehenden Datenbanken.
20190905             DIE—FOSSILIEN sind 1—DER—ÄLTESTEN—NACHWEISE für Mobilität.
20190905             DIE—FÄHIGKEIT sich selbst zu bewegen, war 1—DURCHBRUCH—DER—EVOLUTION.
20190905             DIE—BIS zu 27—ZENTIMETER langen Wesen erinnern mit ihrer länglichen Form an Tausendfüßer oder Würmer in Form einer Weizenähre.
20190905             DIE—1. Dinosaurier lebten vor etwa 235—MILLIONEN —JAHREN und starben vor 66—MILLIONEN —JAHREN aus.
20190905             Das Tier mit dem Namen Yilingia spiciformis lebte im EDIACARIUM—DER Zeit vor der großen Artenexplosion des Kambriums vor rund 540—MILLIONEN —JAHREN, als VIELE—DER—HEUTIGEN—TIER—STÄMME entstanden.
20190905             Das 1. Mal tauchte Nessie angeblich —J—IM 565—AUF.
20190905             Der Geistliche Abdomnan von Iona berichtete, wie 1—UNGEHEUER im Loch Ness einen Mann attackierte.
20190905             Der Untergrund ist das, was sich unterhalb des Mainstreams sammelt, entstanden in den Sechzigerjahren in den USA, —NACHDEM konservative Strömungen dort die COMICS—CODE—AUTHORITY erzwungen hatten, 1—SELBSTZENSUR—DER—COMICVERLAGE.
20190905             Drohende Rezession: Aufträge für DEUTSCHE—INDUSTRIE sinken deutlich (Wirtschaft, 09:59)
20190905             EU: Neue Datenbank soll TERROR—BEKÄMPFUNG erleichtern (Netzwelt, 17:28)
20190905             Energiewende: HAMBURG plant weltgrößte Anlage für WASSERSTOFF—ELEKTROLYSE (Wissenschaft, 11:57)
20190905             —ERST der Nürnberger Alpha Verlag unter seinem rührigen CHEF—ACHIM—SCHNURRER brachte —MITTE der Achtzigerjahre wirtschaftlichen Schwung in die Sache
20190905             Expats über DEUTSCHLAND: Zum Arbeiten top, zum Leben flop (KarriereSPIEGEL, 11:12)
20190905             Fossilienfund: Er liefert nicht nur 550—MILLIONEN —JAHRE alte Kriechspuren, sondern die Tiere gleich mit, die diese hinterlassen hatten.
20190905             Fossilienfund: Spur eines URALT—WURMS verrät Anfänge der Mobilität (Wissenschaft, 16:09)
20190905             5—STERNE—BEWEGUNG und PD : Neue ITALIENISCHE—REGIERUNG vereidigt (Politik, 11:35)
20190905             GANGSTA—RAPPER Tupac Shakur: Tod eines GETTO—POETEN (einestages, 10:33)
20190905             Gefährliche Bakterieninfektion: 2. VIBRIONEN—TODESFALL nach Bad in der Ostsee (Panorama, 16:47)
20190905             Geplantes Treffen mit TEHERANer Kollegen: USA—BOTSCHAFT und CDU kritisieren Berliner BÜRGER—MEISTER Müller scharf (Politik, 17:49)
20190905             Globale Krisen: Anstieg der IMMOBILIEN—PREISE schwächt sich weltweit ab (Wirtschaft, 12:30)
20190905             —GEHÖRT, Grünenchef Habeck: "Zur Schuldenbremse, 1—INVESTITIONSMOTOR" (Wirtschaft, 08:07)
20190905             In den folgenden 1500—JAHREN gab es immer wieder Berichte über Sichtungen eines Monsters in dem SCHOTTISCHEN—SÜSSWASSERSEE.
20190905             In den vergangenen —MONATEN sammelten sie in dem SCHOTTISCHEN—SEE JEDE—MENGE—DNA—SPUREN und hofften, ALLE—IN—DEM—SEE lebenden Tierarten erfassen zu können.
20190905             Interne Untersuchung des BAYER—SPÄHSKANDALS: Umstrittene Kritikerlisten "nicht illegal" (Wirtschaft, 16:58)
20190905             Ja super! Soweit muss man erstmal kommen als Zivilisation, dass der Drang zur Zensur so stark wird, dass man das automatisieren muss, und zwar nicht nur die Zensur selbst, sondern sogar —SCHON die Zensurentscheidung.
20190905             JASON—GREENBLATT: TRUMPs NAHOST—BEAUFTRAGTER kündigt Rücktritt an (Politik, 19:07)
20190905             KLIMA—SCHUTZ: MERKEL will ZERTIFIKATE—HANDEL statt CO2-Steuer (Wirtschaft, 08:25)
20190905             Kaschmir und Xinjiang: Die GRENZEN—DER—ISLAMISCHEN—SOLIDARITÄT (Politik, 20:28)
20190905             Kategorie 3: HURRIKAN—ZENTRUM stuft "Dorian" wieder hoch (Panorama, 07:40)
20190905             Kostendruck statt Patientenwohl: Ärzte fordern grundlegende Krankenhausreform (Gesundheit, 12:06)
20190905             Kritik an BREXIT—KURS: BORIS—JOHNSONS—BRUDER legt Ämter nieder (Politik, 15:11)
20190905             Laut Gemmell vermuteten Forscher —BEREITS 19330000             , dass es sich bei dem angeblichen Seeungeheuer um einen Aal handelt.
20190905             Lösung: Internetzensur automatisieren, mit KI!!1!
20190905             MERKELs Chinareise: Einmischung unerwünscht (Politik, 15:26)
20190905             MANY—STUDENTS justify this by arguing that SOME—SPEAKERS are racist, homophobic or hostile to other disadvantaged groups.
20190905             —MEANWHILE, in mature democracies, support for free speech is ebbing, especially among the young, and outright hostility to it is growing.
20190905             Mehr Humor in der Politik: Nehmt euch nicht so ernst (Kultur, 12:41)
20190905             Nessie ist aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach kein monströses Seeungeheuer, sondern eher ein riesiger AAL—WENN es überhaupt 1—MONSTER gibt.
20190905             —GERETTET, Nur mit Gottes Hilfe sei er, worden.
20190905             Ohne CCA—SIEGEL blieb nur die weniger lukrative Veröffentlichung mit INDEPENDENT—VERLAGEN—ETWAS für Leute, denen Inhalte wichtiger waren als Gewinne.
20190905             Opernstar: 11—WEITERE Frauen werfen Plácido —DOMINGO Belästigungen vor (Kultur, 10:26)
20190905             PREMIERMINISTER: BREXIT verschieben?
20190905             Johnson würde lieber tot im Graben liegen (Politik, 20:54)
20190905             PHILIPPINEN: Duterte will EX—HÄFTLINGE wieder ins Gefängnis bringen (Politik, 11:59)
20190905             Populismus: So driftet DEUTSCHLAND auseinander (Panorama, 20:30)
20190905             PRINZESSIN—CHARLOTTE hat ihren 1. Schultag: "DIE—WICHTIGSTE Regel: Sei freundlich" (Panorama, 10:04)
20190905             Privatdetektiv ermittelte in Missbrauchsfall: Der Mann, der JEFFREY—EPSTEIN jagte (SPIEGEL+, 00:33)
20190905             Seine Spuren blieben über die Jahrmillionen erhalten
20190905             Sterneköchin über absurde Vorschriften: "Rohmilchkäse wird zur BIO—WAFFE erklärt" (SPIEGEL+, 16:34)
20190905             Straftaten gegen Verfassungsorgane: POLIZEI geht gegen "Reichsbürger" in 3—BUNDESLÄNDERN vor (Panorama, 13:47)
20190905             TRUMP—AUFTRITT sorgt für Rätselraten: "Wer hat die HURRIKAN—KARTE manipuliert?" (Panorama, 03:25)
20190905             TV mit ALEXA—SPRACHSTEUERUNG: —JETZT kommen die AMAZON—FERNSEHER (Netzwelt, 11:39)
20190905             Taucher hätten von "Aalen dick wie Beine" und mutmaßlich —BIS zu 4—METER Länge berichtet.
20190905             Teure Wirtschaftsstütze: Forscher fordern Streichung von MILLIARDEN—SUBVENTIONEN (Wirtschaft, 12:10)
20190905             —CONTAINED, The exposed server, more than 419—MILLION—RECORDS over several databases on users across geographies, including 133—MILLION—RECORDS on USA-based Facebook users, 18—MILLION—RECORDS—OF—USERS in THE—UK, and another with more than 50—MILLION—RECORDS on users in VIETNAM.
20190905             TODES—STRAFE in den USA: TEXAS lässt verurteilten Mörder hinrichten (Panorama, 11:58)
20190905             USA—DEMOKRATEN debattieren über DAS—KLIMA: Keine Angst vorm Fliegen (Wissenschaft, 10:57)
20190905             Umgehung von USA—SANKTIONEN: DEUTSCHER—DIPLOMAT Bock soll Institut für IRAN—HANDEL leiten (Wirtschaft, 18:24)
20190905             Wann die Welt laufen lernte, ist jedoch nicht endgültig geklärt.
20190905             ZEITUNGS—BERICHT, Mehr als 600—ANGRIFFE auf Flüchtlinge im 1. Halbjahr 20190000             (Politik, 07:51)
20190905             [l] Der Economist über Free Speech.
20190905             [l] 1—USA—BUNDESRICHTER hat die TERROR—WATCHLIST für verfassungswidrig erklärt.
20190905             [l] Facebook hatte einen Datenreichtum.
20190905             [l] Problem: Bei der Internetzensur brennen uns immer die "Freiwilligen" weg, die das Material sichten müssen.
20190905             visit to Assange in Belmarsh, accompanied by 2—MEDICAL—EXPERTS: "MISTER—ASSANGE showed all symptoms typical for prolonged exposure to psychological torture, including extreme stress, chronic anxiety and intense psychological trauma".7
20190905             Öffentliche Datenbank: Telefonnummern von 419—MILLIONEN FACEBOOK—NUTZERN IM—NETZ entdeckt (Netzwelt, 09:54)
20190905             —BREXIT—NEWSBLOG, Johnsons Bruder tritt als STAATS—SEKRETÄR zurück (Politik, 11:22)
20190905             —DIE—LAGE—AM—DONNERSTAG: Boom Boom Boris (Politik, 05:45)
20190905             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION is awarding nearly $2—BILLION in grants to states and local governments to help fight the opioid crisis.
20190905             —BARRED, THE—UNITED—STATES, ROMANIA's jailed Social Democrat Party leader, Liviu Dragnea, and his 2—CHILDREN from entering THE—USA—AFTER his corruption conviction was upheld.
20190905             1—TOP—USA—OFFICIAL said WASHINGTON is in talks with YEMEN—IRAN—ALIGNED Huthi rebels in 1—BID to end the country's war, the 1. such contact in more than —4—YEARS.
20190905             —ANNOUNCED, JASON—GREENBLATT, 1—LONG—TIME—LAWYER for the Trump Organization, his departure from THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20190905             He became THE—PRESIDENT—SPECIAL—ENVOY for INTERNATIONAL negotiations was THE—ARCHITECT—OF—THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION'S delayed Mideast peace plan.
20190905             THE—FEDERAL—DISTRICT—COURT—FOR—THE—DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA resentenced the men, ordering PAUL—SLOUGH to serve —15—YEARS, EVAN—LIBERTY to serve —14—YEARS and DUSTIN—HEARD to serve —12—YEARS.
20190905             —REJECTED, USA wildlife officials, petitions to protect Yellowstone National Park's storied bison herds but pledged to consider more help for 2—OTHER—SPECIES — 1—TINY, endangered squirrel in ARIZONA and bees that pollinate rare desert flowers in NEVADA.
20190905             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA—ATTORNEY—OFFICE—IN—SAN—FRANCISCO, charges against 30—DEFENDANTS accused of 1—MAJOR—BAY—AREA—MEDICARE fraud scheme involving MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in illegal kickbacks to health care professionals of HAYWARD—BASED Amity Home Health Care and Advent Care hospice.
20190905             —ACQUITTED, In THE—SF—BAY—AREA 1—JURY, 1—DEFENDANT and deadlocked on the other over the deaths of 36—PEOPLE trapped in 1—FIRE inside 1—OAKLAND warehouse nearly —3—YEARS—AGO.
20190905             —DELIBERATED, Jurors, over a —2—WEEK—PERIOD——BEFORE they acquitted MAX—HARRIS of involuntary manslaughter but said they could not agree on whether to convict or acquit DERICK—ALMENA.
20190905             —CRASHED, Spot power prices in TEXAS, from 1—RECORD—HIGH as consumers responded to requests from the state's grid operator to turn down their air conditioners and take other steps to save energy —DURING 1—BRUTAL heat wave.
20190905             —INDICTED, AJAY—DHINGRA, —43—JAHRE—ALT—OF—HOUSTON was, on FEDERAL—CHARGES for allegedly possessing 1—BUMP stock, marking the 1. known case in the country —SINCE THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION banned the devices —EARLIER—THIS—YEAR.
20190905             Kroger Co said it would launch its own line of meatless burger patties, as the supermarket chain tries to cater to 1—GROWING appetite for PLANT—BASED meat alternatives, made popular by Beyond Meat.
20190905             1—S—LOUIS police officer fatally shot 1—SUSPECT who tried to pull 1—GUN from his pocket —DURING 1—STRUGGLE——EARLY—TODAY.
20190905             —KILLED, The man, was —28—YEARS old and black;
20190905             the officer who fired the fatal shot was the same age and also black.
20190905             Facebook Inc said it is launching its dating services in THE—USA, sending its shares up 2%.
20190905             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—TALIBAN suicide blast in the center of KABUL, at least 10—CIVILIANS and 2—NATO—SOLDIERS, including 1—USA—SOLDIER, destroying cars and shops in 1—AREA—NEAR THE—HEADQUARTERS—OF—AFGHANISTAN—INTERNATIONAL—MILITARY—FORCE and THE—USA—EMBASSY.
20190905             —KIDNAPPED, Taliban, 6—AFGHANISTAN—JOURNALISTS working for private and government media organizations in EAST—PAKTIA province.
20190905             THE—BAHAMAS, the death toll rose to 30 in the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian with house obliterated on the Abaco and Grand Bahama islands.
20190905             —INFLICTED, Dorian, losses of about $3—4—BILLION on THE—BAHAMAS.
20190905             —CONFIRMED, As of —LATE—OCTOBER there were 67, deaths from the Category 5—STORM and 282—PEOPLE still missing.
20190905             —DISMISSED, UNITED—KINGDOM—AIRWAYS, 1—PROPOSAL by 1—PILOTS—UNION to avoid strike action —NEXT—WEEK as "unrealistic," leaving it little closer to resolving 1—DISPUTE over pay with its pilots that could disrupt its services.
20190905             —ANNOUNCED, EUROPEAN—UNION—OFFICIALS, the set up 1—COMMON—COUNTER—TERRORISM register, hoping to facilitate prosecutions and convictions of suspected militants and people returning home from fighting with Islamic STATE—IN—IRAQ and Syria.
20190905             HONG—KONG leader Carrie Lam said that CHINA "understands, respects and supports" her government's move to formally withdraw 1—EXTRADITION—BILL, PART—OF—MEASURES she hoped would help the city "move forward" from MONTHS—OF—UNREST.
20190905             Shares in HONG—KONG—BASED Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd fell nearly 4% —IN—EARLY—TRADE—FOLLOWING the resignation of its chairman —AFTER the market closed on the previous —DAY.
20190905             —ANNOUNCED, The departure of JOHN—SLOSAR was, less than —3—WEEKS—AFTER mounting CHINA—REGULATORY scrutiny led to the shock exit of its CHIEF executive, RUPERT—HOGG.
20190905             1—INDIA—COURT—CLEARED—JSW—STEEL—LTD—TAKEOVER plan for DEBT—RIDDEN Bhushan Power and Steel, bringing 1—END to 1—BANKRUPTCY—CASE that has dragged on over —2—YEARS.
20190905             —LIFTED, INDONESIA said it has partially, 1—INTERNET—BLACKOUT imposed —FOLLOWING civil unrest in the country's easternmost REGION—OF—PAPUA, but is yet to restore access in areas where the most violent protests erupted.
20190905             —REPORTED, IRAN—OFFICIAL—IRNA news agency, that police have detained 22—MEN and women at 1—MIXED—GENDER party at 1—VILLA in Damavand, TEHRAN province.
20190905             13—MEN and 9—WOMEN were arrested and SOME—ALCOHOLIC—BEVERAGES were confiscated.
20190905             Such parties are illegal under IRAN—LAW.
20190905             ITALY—NEW—GOVERNMENT, combining THE—ANTI—ESTABLISHMENT 5-Star Movement and CENTER—LEFT DEMOCRATIC—PARTY (PD), was sworn into office, promising to reset ROME—OFTEN fraught relations with BRUSSELS.
20190905             —EMBROILED, JAPAN—BASED Nissan Motor Co was, in another scandal over executive pay —AFTER CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—HIROTO—SAIKAWA admitted to being overpaid in violation of internal procedures under 1—SCHEME designed by ousted Chairman CARLOS—GHOSN.
20190905             —PROTESTED, JORDAN, THOUSANDS—OF—TEACHERS, to demand higher wages, with SOME—SCUFFLING with security forces.
20190905             —PRAISED, MOZAMBIQUE, FRANCIS—PAPA, PRESIDENT—FELIPE—NYUSI and opposition leader Ossufo Momade for their courage in signing 1—NEW, landmark peace accord.
20190905             —SUSPENDED, TANZANIA—NATIONAL—CARRIER, its flights from the commercial CAPITAL—DAR—ES—SALAAM to JOHANNESBURG, citing ongoing violence that was 1—RISK to its passengers.
20190905             1—UN—REPORT said NORTH—KOREA is pressing ahead with its nuclear weapons program —WHILE evading sanctions.
20190905             —BLOCKED, Diplomats said THE—USA has, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL from issuing 1—STATEMENT —FOLLOWING the recent EXCHANGE—OF—CROSS—BORDER—FIRE between the militant group Hezbollah in SOUTH—LEBANON and ISRAEL—FORCES in ISRAEL.
20190905             The initial draft of THE—FRENCH—PROPOSED council statement would have condemned "all VIOLATIONS—OF—THE—BLUE—LINE," which is THE—UN—DRAWN dividing line between THE—2—COUNTRIES.
20190905             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—UN—AGENCIES for health and children have launched 1—DIPHTHERIA vaccination campaign in WAR—TORN YEMEN targeting over 2.8—MILLION—CHILDREN between the ages of —6—WEEKS and —15—YEARS.
20190905             1—UN—SOURCE said at least 66—CIVILIANS were kidnapped in July in SOUTH—EAST—NIGER near the border with NIGERIA where the jihadist group Boko Haram is active.
20190905             ZEITUNGS—BERICHT, Mehr als 600—ANGRIFFE auf Flüchtlinge im 1. Halbjahr 2019
20190905—20070000    —IN—THE, 3—FORMER—PRIVATE—SECURITY—GUARDS for the former security firm Blackwater were given new sentences by 1—FEDERAL—COURT for convictions massacre of 14 unarmed IRAQ—CIVILIANS at 1—TRAFFIC stop.
20190905—20140000    —CONVICTED, They were, of multiple counts of manslaughter for their roles in the massacre and sentenced to —30—YEARS in prison.
20190905—20140000    —IN, Organizers said the government has yet to deliver on a 50% wage increase agreed upon.
20190905—20170000    —SINCE, 1—UN—SPOKESMAN said that over 4,000 Yemenis have gotten diphtheria and more than 200—HAVE †.
20200611—18910905    —AM, schrieb 1—REDAKTEUR der "KANAL—ZEITUNG".
20200703—20130905    —ON, C189 entered into force.
20200905             _HEUTE_0906 :
20200905             —SAMSTAG, 20200905
20200905             USA: Trump sieht noch keinen Beweis für Nawalnys Vergiftung
20200905             Angebliche Verunglimpfung von Soldaten: Melania Trump verteidigt Donald
20200905             Die Lage —AM—MORGEN: Bananenrepublik BAYERN?
20200905             DEUTSCHE—BAHN und CORONA: Willkommen im VIREN—ICE
20200905             Trotz Verbot von Brandrodungen: Feuer im AMAZONAS—REGENWALD wüten weiter
20200905             —KONFLIKT zwischen GRIECHENLAND und der TÜRKEI: Es kommt —JETZT auf Merkel an
20200905             —INVESTIERT, Der RUSSISCHE—PHARMAKONZERN R—PHARM, mehr als 20—MILLIONEN Euro in den Standort Illertissen (Landkreis NEU—ULM).
20200905             An dem Standort solle noch im 1. Quartal 20210000             die Fertigung eines sogenannten OXFORD—IMPFSTOFFES gegen das CORONA€”VIRUS starten
20200905             Die Kapazität sei ausgelegt auf 500—MILLIONEN Impfdosen —J—IM
20200905             Mit dem Impfstoff aus dem Landkreis NEU—ULM sollen 35—LÄNDER beliefert werden, nicht aber DEUTSCHLAND oder andere EU—STAATEN
20200905             Der OXFORD—IMPFSTOFF (AZD1222) befinde sich im Moment in der entscheidenden Erprobungsphase III
20200905             Das Werk in Illertissen stelle zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt womöglich auch den Impfstoff Sputnik V her
20200905             —ENTSPRICHT, Er ist in RUSSLAND —SCHON zugelassen, die Erprobung, aber noch nicht internationalen Standards.
20200905             —REVIDIERT, BRASILIEN hat die neuesten CORONA—ZAHLEN nach oben
20200905             Das Gesundheitsministerium meldet für die letzten —24—STUNDEN 51.194—NEUINFEKTIONEN und 907—WEITERE Todesfälle.
20200905             Als weltweit 3. Land —NACH—DEN USA und BRASILIEN übersteigt —NUN auch in INDIEN die ZAHL—DER—BESTÄTIGTEN—CORONA—INFEKTIONEN die Marke von 4—MILLIONEN
20200905             Die Schwelle sei überschritten worden, —NACHDEM binnen eines Tages 86.432—NEUE Fälle hinzugekommen seien,
20200905             —ERST—VOR—13—TAGEN hatte INDIEN die Schwelle von 3—MILLIONEN Infektionen erreicht.
20200905             —VERZEICHNET, Die UKRAINE, einen Rekordanstieg bei den CORONA—INFEKTIONEN
20200905             Binnen —24—STUNDEN seien 2836—FÄLLE hinzugekommen, teilt der Nationale Sicherheitsrat mit.
20200905             Die RUSSISCHEN—BEHÖRDEN melden einen Anstieg der bestätigten CORONA—INFEKTIONEN um 5205—AUF nunmehr 1.020.310
20200905             Das ist die vierthöchste Zahl an CORONA—FÄLLEN weltweit.
20200905             Die Reproduktionszahl, kurz R—WERT, lag nach RKI—SCHÄTZUNGEN in DEUTSCHLAND laut Mitteilung vom —FREITAG bei 0,85 (Vortag: 0,77).
20200905             —7—TAGE—R Nach RKI—SCHÄTZUNGEN lag dieser Wert bei 0,94 (Vortag: 0,91).
20200905             Steinmeier zur Coronakrise: "Licht am ENDE—DES—TUNNELS"
20200905             - allerdings wissen wir nicht, wie lang die Wegstrecke dahin noch ist".
20200905             "Wir haben den CORONA—AUSNAHMEZUSTAND gemeistert, —JETZT werden wir nicht an der CORONA—NORMALITÄT scheitern".
20200905             Steinmeier sagte, er verstehe die Belastungen der Menschen, doch der Weg der Vorsicht sei weiter geboten
20200905             Aus der "CORONA—MÜDIGKEIT" dürfe keine Rücksichtslosigkeit werden.
20200905             "Der CORONA—TOD ist ein einsamer Tod", sagte Steinmeier
20200905             Der ehemalige PREMIERMINISTER—DER—COOKINSELN bei NEUSEELAND, JOSEPH—WILLIAMS, ist im Alter von —82—JAHREN infolge einer COVID—19—ERKRANKUNG gestorben.
20200905             Tschechien sagt SCHOTTLAND—SPIEL wegen CORONA—FÄLLEN ab
20200905             Bundeskanzlerin ANGELA—MERKEL (CDU) will sich vor dem Hintergrund der CORONA—KRISE für eine langfristige Stärkung des öffentlichen Gesundheitsdienstes einsetzen
20200905             "Wir wollen deutlich mehr Stellen im Gesundheitsdienst schaffen und die technische Ausstattung weiter verbessern",
20200905             Boom in der CAMPING—BRANCHE: Weltweit 1. Publikumsmesse nach CORONA gestartet
20200905             So beeinflussen Neonazis CORONA—DEMONSTRANTEN
20200905             Krawalle in LEIPZIG, Vermummte greifen Polizei an
20200905             Eine dreiviertel —STUNDE lang herrschte Ausnahmezustand: Bei einer Demonstration im Leipziger Stadtteil Connewitz sind am Freitagabend Polizisten mit Steinen beworfen worden
20200905             —SCHON—AM—ABEND zuvor hatte es Krawalle gegeben.
20200905             Fall Nawalny, Linkspartei streitet über Russlandkurs
20200905             Die außenpolitische Haltung der Linkspartei gilt als entscheidende Hürde für eine mögliche ROT—ROT—GRÜNE Regierung nach der Bundestagswahl
20200905             Der Fall Nawalny offenbart —NUN internen Zwist über den Russlandkurs der Partei.
20200905             Die Fluchtursachen bleiben, die Gesetze werden härter, das Gesellschaftsklima rauer: Migrationsforscherin Hess schildert, wie sich die Lage für Migranten weltweit verändert HAT—UND welche Krisen noch hinzukommen werden.
20200905             Zu Tausenden sind Muslime in mehreren islamischen Ländern auf die Straße gegangen, um gegen das FRANZÖSISCHE—SATIREBLATT "CHARLIE—HEBDO" zu protestieren
20200905             Die erneute Veröffentlichung der MOHAMMED—KARIKATUREN macht sie wütend.
20200905             Eigentlich sollten die Hongkonger —AM—SONNTAG ein neues Parlament WÄHLEN—DOCH das wurde verschoben
20200905             Begründung: Sorge vor einer AUSBREITUNG—DES—CORONA€”VIRUS
20200905             Stattdessen sollen die Bürger —NUN zu Massentests antreten.
20200905             Boliviens EX—STAATSCHEF—MORALES ist vom Generalstaatsanwaltschaft des Landes vor dem Internationalen Strafgerichtshof verklagt worden
20200905             Er soll von seinem Exil in ARGENTINIEN aus seine Anhänger zu Straßenblockaden angestiftet haben.
20200905             USA—PRÄSIDENTENWAHL: Schriftsteller formieren sich gegen Trump - Keine Parlamentswahl, dafür Massentests
20200905             Muslime in PAKISTAN protestieren gegen "CHARLIE—HEBDO"
20200905             Protest gegen Wiederauflage, Tausende gegen "CHARLIE—HEBDO"-Karikaturen
20200905             Trotz Gewalt und Diskriminierung: TRUMP—REGIERUNG stoppt Finanzierung von Schulungen gegen Rassismus
20200905             Die Probleme bei den Testzentren an Flughäfen in BAYERN seien mittlerweile gelöst, betonte Huml erneut
20200905             —INZWISCHEN, Die "Befundübermittlung" sei, abgeschlossen
20200905             —NACH—7—MONATEN dürfen in IRAN 15—MILLIONEN Schülerinnen und Schüler ab sofort wieder in die Schule gehen
20200905             Mehrere Mediziner kritisierten die —ENTSCHEIDUNG angesichts steigender Infektionszahlen in IRAN, einem der am schlimmsten von der CORONA€”VIRUS—PANDEMIE betroffenen Länder.
20200905             Staatspräsident HASSAN—ROUHANI betonte die Bedeutung von Bildung und Gesundheit für die Gesellschaft, fügte jedoch hinzu, dass Eltern nicht gezwungen würden, ihre Kinder wieder in die Schule zu schicken.
20200905             SLOWAKEI meldet größten CORONA—ANSTIEG —SEIT Beginn der Pandemie
20200905             Das KANADISCHE—VERKEHRSMINISTERIUM hat erstmals 2—FLUGPASSAGIEREN, die sich weigerten, 1—MASKE aufzusetzen, mit saftigen Geldstrafen belegt
20200905             Diese müssen je 10000000             KANADISCHE—DOLLAR (650—EURO) Strafe zahlen,
20200905             "In beiden Fällen wurden die Personen von der Besatzung wiederholt dazu aufgefordert, Gesichtsbedeckungen zu tragen, und in beiden Fällen haben die Personen sich geweigert", erklärte das Ministerium weiter.
20200905             FRANKREICH erlaubt 1. Fußballspiel mit 7000—ZUSCHAUERN
20200905             In dem am stärksten von der CORONA—PANDEMIE betroffenen AUSTRALISCHEN—BUNDESSTAAT VICTORIA hat die Polizei 4—DEMONSTRANTEN festgenommen
20200905             In der HAUPTSTADT—MELBOURNE gelten strenge Restriktionen zur Eindämmung des Virus, darunter die Anweisung, zu Hause zu bleiben und eine nächtliche Ausgangssperre
20200905             Den 4—MÄNNERN wird vorgeworfen, zu den sogenannten "Freedom —DAY"-Protesten angestiftet zu haben, die in mehreren Orten Melbournes stattfinden sollen.
20200905             ABUTRE—PRETO consolida a sua recuperação no Alentejo
20200905             E é essa cisterna que agora acaba de ser desentulhada e posta a descoberto, 10000000             anos depois da sua construção.
20200905             no cerro do chamado Castelo de Alferce, em plena SERRA de MONCHIQUE.
20200905             "o senhor presidente diz que podemos continuar as escavações por mais uma semana!
20200905             Há mais 9—CASOS de COVID—19 no Algarve
20200905             No vizinho Alentejo, há apenas mais cinco casos.
20200905             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—7—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—6—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—0—(=)
20200905             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—152—(+1)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—137—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—15—(+1)
20200905             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—146—(=)—ÓBITOS—3—(=)—RECUPERADOS—115—(+3)—CASOS—ATIVOS—28—(-3)
20200905             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—15—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—14—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—1—(=)
20200905             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—30—(=)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—20—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—8—(=)
20200905             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—67—(+1)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—42—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—25—(+1)
20200905             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—196—(+3)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—142—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—52—(+3)
20200905             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—255—(+1)—ÓBITOS—7—(=)—RECUPERADOS—150—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—93—(-1)
20200905             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—137—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—106—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—31—(=)
20200905             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—44—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—33—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—11—(=)
20200905             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—53—(+1)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—46—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—7—(+1)
20200905             VRSA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—24—(=)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—20—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—2—(=)
20200905             EUSKIRCHEN—KREIS—FÄLLE—706—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—366,1—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—5,2—TODESFÄLLE—27—EINWOHNERZAHL—192.840
20200905             Aktualisierung 202009050000         —UHR
20200905             DÜREN—KREIS—FÄLLE—893—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—338,6—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—8,3—TODESFÄLLE—41—EINWOHNERZAHL—263.722
20200905             RHEIN—ERFT—KREIS—KREIS—FÄLLE—1.513—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—321,9—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—15,7—TODESFÄLLE—78—EINWOHNERZAHL—470.089
20200905             KÖLN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—3.793—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—349,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—15,7—TODESFÄLLE—113—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.085.664
20200905             BERLIN—NEUKÖLLN—BEZIRK—FÄLLE—1.470—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—445,9—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—15,5—TODESFÄLLE—43—EINWOHNERZAHL—329.691
20200905             ROSENHEIM—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—638—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—1.007,5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—28,4—TODESFÄLLE—23—EINWOHNERZAHL—63.324
20200905             MÜNCHEN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—9.033—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—613,9—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—26,2—TODESFÄLLE—223—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.471.508
20200905             HEILBRONN—STADTKREIS—FÄLLE—637—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—505,7—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—37,3—TODESFÄLLE—17—EINWOHNERZAHL—125.960
20200905             Weiden i.d. OPf.
20200905             KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—370—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—870,2—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—37,6—TODESFÄLLE—20—EINWOHNERZAHL—42.520
20200905             Chabarowsk: Tausende Russen demonstrieren gegen Putin
20200905             CORONA—PROTESTE: AUSTRALIEN geht hart gegen Demonstranten vor
20200905             Klimawandel und Dürre: DEUTSCHLAND braucht 1—WASSERSTRATEGIE—1—GASTBEITRAG—VON—SVENJA—SCHULZE (SPD), Bundesumweltministerin
20200905             Proteste in BELARUS: Tausende Frauen demonstrieren gegen Lukaschenko
20200905             Polarisierung in FRANKREICH: Die Hoffnung stirbt zuerst 1—ESSAY—VON—NILS—MINKMAR
20200905             Angebliche "FAKE—GESCHICHTE": Trump verlangt Entlassung von FOX—NEWS—KORRESPONDENTIN
20200905             Verurteilter Drogenboss: "El Chapo" legt Revision gegen lebenslange Haftstrafe ein
20200905             Rund 3000—MENSCHEN haben in der Innenstadt von ZAGREB in KROATIEN gegen die CORONA—POLITIK—DER—KROATISCHEN—REGIERUNG demonstriert
20200905             Sie trugen Transparente mit Aufschriften wie "Freiheit ist unsere Macht" und "Eltern und Kinder sind unzufrieden".
20200905             Aufgerufen zu der Kundgebung hatte die Initiative "Rechte und Freiheiten".
20200905             Unter den Rednern und prominenten Teilnehmern waren vor allem Politiker und Publizisten vom rechten Rand des politischen Spektrums sowie Impfgegner und Verschwörungstheoretiker, die vor dem Ausbau des neuen 5G-Mobilfunknetzes warnen.
20200905             —GETRAGEN, Kaum jemand habe Masken, Abstandsregeln seien nicht eingehalten worden, berichten KROATISCHE—MEDIEN.
20200905             "ITALIEN ist mit BERLIN", stand auf Transparenten, die Gegner von Schutzmaßnahmen gegen CORONA in Rom schwenkten.
20200905             Bei dem Protest auf einem Platz in der Innenstadt sprachen unter anderem Impfgegner, ein ultrarechter Politiker der Partei Forza Nuova und Elternvertreter
20200905             Sie kritisierten eine angebliche "GESUNDHEITS—DIKTATUR"
20200905             Schutzmaßnahmen wie die Maskenpflicht in Schulen nannten sie "kriminell".
20200905             —BY Ramzy Baroud
20200905             "ISRAEL is not as 1—REAL—COUNTRY but 1—FANTASYLAND, backdrop for Christian myth".
20200905             —FAILED, USA PRO—ISRAEL groups, to disclose grants from ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT
20200905             —BY AIDEN—PINK
20200905             —EXPOSED, NSA surveillance, by Snowden was illegal: USA court says
20200905             —BY RAPHAEL—SATTER
20200905             —DEFENDED, USA intelligence leaders who publicly, it were lying.
20200905             Poisoning NORD—STREAM—2
20200905             —BY Finian Cunningham
20200905             NORD—STREAM—2 is set to double RUSSIA—GAS supply to GERMANY.
20200905             Novichok and Nonsense
20200905             —BY GILBERT Doctorow
20200905             Our leaders seem to have taken leave of their senses and are putting to us narratives that absolutely defy logic.
20200905             —SHAPED, AMERICA—ENVIRONMENTALISM'S—RACIST roots have, global thinking about conservation
20200905             —BY Prakash Kashwan
20200905             Indigenous and rural communities protect up to 80—PERCENT of global biodiversity, but receive little benefit in return.
20200905             CHINA—MILITARY—HAS—SURPASSED—USA in Ships, Missiles and Air Defense, DoD Report Finds
20200905             RUSSIA—POTENTIAL—CORONA€”VIRUS vaccine shows 'no serious adverse' effects and creates antibody response: THE—LANCET study
20200905             —RULED, Declassified: THE—OO UNITED—KINGDOM—JUDGE who, against Assange was involved with RIGHT—WING lobby group briefing against WikiLeaks founder
20200905             THE—USA—IS Determined to Make JULIAN—ASSANGE—PAY for Exposing the Cruelty of Its WAR—ON—IRAQ
20200905             —DISMAYED, UN, over USA—SANCTIONS on top INTERNATIONAL Criminal Court officials
20200905             INTERNATIONAL Criminal Court: Statement on USA—SANCTIONS
20200905             Im Stadtteil Connewitz soll 1—DEMONSTRATION gegen Gentrifizierung und Verdrängung —SCHON nach wenigen 100—METERN aus dem Ruder gelaufen sein.
20200905             Nach 1. Polizeischätzungen hatten sich rund 500—MENSCHEN zu der angemeldeten Demo unter dem Motto "Kämpfe VERBINDEN—FÜR eine solidarische Nachbar*innenschaft" versammelt.
20200905             Trotz Verbots zündeten die Teilnehmer Böller und Bengalos.
20200905             "Bitte bleibt friedlich!", appellierte die Polizei an die Demonstranten.
20200905             LEIPZIG erlebt 3. Krawallnacht in Folge
20200905             In den USA sind binnen —24—STUNDEN 49.400—NEUINFEKTIONEN registriert worden
20200905             Insgesamt haben sich in den USA —NUN 6,181 Millionen Menschen nachweislich mit dem CORONA€”VIRUS angesteckt, meldet die Seuchenbehörde CDC
20200905             Die USA bleiben damit das am stärksten von der Pandemie betroffene Land, gefolgt von BRASILIEN und INDIEN.
20200905             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—SAID—THE—USA—CENSUS—BUREAU for —NOW must stop —FOLLOWING 1—PLAN that would have it winding down operations in order to finish 20200000             —THE census —AT—THE—END—OF—SEPTEMBER.
20200905             PHOENIX—ARIZONA, 20200901             —HIGH—TEMPERATURE—RECORD—OF—115—DEGREES for the date as emergency crews rescued several hikers at 1—POPULAR—RECREATION—AREA in the city.
20200905             Authentic won the 146. KENTUCKY DERBY at CHURCHILL Downs in LOUISVILLE.
20200905             There were no fans in the stands, the 1. time the race was run without spectators in its long history.
20200905             —CONTINUED, PORTLAND—OREGON, demonstrations against police brutality, for the 100. consecutive —DAY.
20200905             —DECLARED, PORTLAND police, 1—RIOT—SATURDAY night —AFTER protesters hurled Molotov cocktails in the street, sparking 1—FIRE.
20200905             —ARRESTED, Over 50—PEOPLE were.
20200905             TEXAS, several boats sank on Lake Travis near AUSTIN.
20200905             —BILLED, The vessels were out on the lake for 1—EVENT, as a "Trump Boat Parade" in which boaters displayed their support for PRESIDENT—TRUMP.
20200905             There were no injuries or medical emergencies.
20200905             —WANTED, ALBANIA, 1—WOMAN, in ITALY for trying to recruit people to join the Islamic State group was arrested in TIRANA.
20200905             Lubjana Gjecaj (43) will be extradited to ITALY where 1—COURT—IN—MILAN has sentenced her to —3—YEARS in prison for association with terror groups.
20200905             —SURPASSED, INDIA—CORONA€”VIRUS caseload, 4—MILLION, deepening misery in the country's vast hinterlands, where surges have crippled the underfunded health care system.
20200905             —ADDED, The 86,432 cases, in the past —24—HOURS pushed INDIA—TOTAL to 4,023,179. The health ministry also reported 1,089 deaths for 1—TOTAL—OF—69,561.
20200905             —OPENED, IRAN, the new school —YEAR—AFTER nearly —7—MONTHS—OF—CLOSURE.
20200905             —EXPRESSED, THE—REOPENING—OF—SCHOOLS came as many, concern over 1—POSSIBLE—INCREASE in CORONA€”VIRUS infections, including medical professionals.
20200905             —GATHERED, THOUSANDS—OF—ISRAELIS again, outside PRIME—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU—OFFICIAL—RESIDENCE, calling for his resignation over his HANDLING—OF—THE—CORONA€”VIRUS pandemic and corruption charges.
20200905             —OUSTED, MALI—EX—PRESIDENT—IBRAHIM—BOUBACAR—KEÏTA, —75—JAHRE—ALT, who was, in 1—COUP——LAST—MONTH, flew to THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES (UAE) for medical treatment —AFTER suffering 1—MINOR—STROKE.
20200905             —REPORTED, It was, that MEXICO—GENERAL—ATTORNEY'S—OFFICE has found drones and the components needed to weaponize them —DURING 1—SEARCH and seizure operation, and is —NOW pursuing terrorism charges against the fast rising Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG).
20200905             —RECORDED, MEXICO said it has, 122,765 deaths more than would be expected —DURING the pandemic up to —AUGUST in 1—REPORT on excess mortality rates, suggesting MEXICO—TRUE—CORONA€”VIRUS toll could be much higher.
20200905             —RECORDED, MEXICO has, 67,326 confirmed CORONA€”VIRUS deaths and 629,409 cases, the world's 4. highest death toll from the virus.
20200905             —REPORTED, NORTH—KOREA, 1—STATE—NEWSPAPER, that the ruling party is calling for THE—PUNISHMENT—OF—OFFICIALS whose failure to follow orders resulted in "DOZENS—OF—CASUALTIES" —DURING typhoons that lashed the Korean peninsula —THIS—WEEK.
20200905             —REPORTED, PORTUGAL, 486—NEW—CORONA€”VIRUS cases, its biggest daily increase —SINCE the —WEEK its lockdown was lifted in May.
20200905             The increase brought the cumulative total to 59,943, but —JUST 1,838 deaths.
20200905             SENEGAL, storm began that brought nearly —1—YEAR—WORTH of rainfall in 1—SINGLE—DAY, turning roads into rivers.
20200905             —RECORDED, At least 6—DEATHS were, nationwide.
20200905             SUDAN—TRANSITIONAL government and THE—SUDAN—LIBERATION—MOVEMENT—NORTH—REBEL—GROUP said they have agreed to resume peace talks.
20200905             0- ~ - Jan writes : "...the Kelly/Hutton/Blair affair seems like 1—TOTAL rerun of 20010000             and FMD—EXCEPT - that this time we are all united and AWARE—OF—THE—SITUATION from the outset.
20200905             as yet NO—1—SEEMS prepared to point the finger at Blair.
20200905             The journos too are backing OFF—THEY have made the info AVAILABLE—BUT cannot make the case.
20200905             —WAITED, EACH—DAY I wait for someone to take up THE—CALL—JUST as I, with FMD.
20200905             —AFTER those YEARS—OF—BITTER—EXPERIENCE I don't think we can afford to wait.
20200905             I think it will be up to us.
20200905             "The way you train THE—HIGH—FLYING administrators, the mandarins, can be summed up in 1—SENTENCE.
20200905             It is to train people to be at ease with their consciences —WHEN they take decisions about things they do not understand.
20200905             What is a 'recommendation'? Ah, it's 1—THING that's written in their final report, where they prenegotiated away whatever wouldn't be acceptable".
20200905—20180000    —SINCE, THE—ISRAEL—GOVERNMENTAL has given at least $6.6—MILLION to USA organizations.
20200905—20200917    —ON, The order stops the Census Bureau from winding down operations —UNTIL 1—COURT hearing is held.
20210602             Vom 20210702             20210905             —BIS—ZUM, kämpfen Winnetou und Old Surehand auf der Naturbühne im Sauerland gegen den Ölprinzen.
20210829             Denn mindestens —BIS zum 20210905             gilt DEUTSCHLAND aus SPANISCHER—SICHT als Risikogebiet.
20210905             DOCTOR—ANTHONY—FAUCI told CBS' "Face the Nation" that it is still THE—BIDEN—ADMINISTRATION—PLAN "in SOME—RESPECTS" to begin the 3. doses THE—WEEK—OF—20210920             , pending approval by the Food and Drug Administration.
20210905             —REACHED, Total USA COVID—19—CASES, over 39,916,288 with the death toll at 648,155.
20210905             NORTH—CALIFORNIA, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE who fled SOUTH—LAKE—TAHOE in the teeth of 1—WILDFIRE were returning home as crews finally managed to stall THE—ADVANCE—OF—FLAMES scant miles from the resort.
20210905             FLORIDA, FORMER—MARINE sharpshooter BRYAN—RILEY, —33—JAHRE—ALT went into 2—DIFFERENT—HOMES on the same property in NORTH—LAKELAND and shot and killed 1—WOMAN, —62—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FAMILY—DOG, 1—WOMAN, —26—JAHRE—ALT, her —3—MONTH—OLD—BABY—BOY whom she was holding —AT—THE—TIME, and the woman's —40—YEAR—OLD boyfriend under the delusion that the victims were child sex traffickers.
20210905             Prosecutors —LATER sought the death penalty for Riley.
20210905             —APPEARED, Divers at the site of 1—ONGOING oil spill that, in the Gulf of MEXICO —AFTER Hurricane Ida identified the apparent source as 1—FOOT diameter pipeline displaced from 1—TRENCH on the ocean floor and broken open.
20210905             Talos Energy, THE—HOUSTON—BASED company currently paying for the cleanup, said in 1—STATEMENT that the busted pipeline does not belong to them.
20210905             Bitcoin rose 0.49% to $50,188.4 at 10040000             GMT, adding $245.24 to its previous close.
20210905             —LINKED, Ether, the coin, to the ethereum blockchain network, rose 1.16% to $3,932.07, adding $44.97 to its previous close.
20210905             THE—TALIBAN said their forces had fought their way into the provincial CAPITAL—OF—THE—PANJSHIR valley, their latest CLAIM—OF—PROGRESS in fighting against opposition forces holding out in the area NORTH—OF—KABUL.
20210905             —REPORTED, AUSTRALIA, 1,684 new CASES—OF—THE—CORONA€”VIRUS as authorities raced ahead with vaccinations in 1—BID to end lockdowns on the populous southeast coast.
20210905             AUSTRALIA, 1—SURFER was fatally bitten by 1—SHARK in COFF—HARBOR off the eastern coast.
20210905             —RECORDED, BRITAIN, 37,011 new daily COVID—19—CASES, similar to the previous —DAY—TOTAL—OF—37,578.
20210905             1—STUDY was published showing that 1—BOOSTER dose of Sinovac BIOTECH—COVID—19—VACCINE reversed 1—DECLINE in antibody activities against the Delta variant.
20210905             —KILLED, The rebel forces in ETHIOPIA said that they had, 3,073 "enemy forces", with 4,473 injured.
20210905             —KILLED, This came —AFTER the military said it had, more than 5,600 rebels, without specifying 1—TIMEFRAME.
20210905             —REPORTED, GERMANY—ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUTE, 4,005, 641—TOTAL—CASES—OF—COVID—19 and 92,346 deaths.
20210905             —BELIEVED, The actual NUMBER—OF—CASES was, to be much higher.
20210905             —VACCINATED, More than 61—PERCENT—OF—THE—POPULATION was fully.
20210905             —STAGED, GUINEA, soldiers who, 1—UPRISING in CONAKRY said in 1—SHORT—BROADCAST on state television that they have dissolved the constitution and the government in THE—WEST—AFRICA—STATE.
20210905             The defence ministry said the attack by mutinous forces had been put down.
20210905             —GATHERED, INDIA, HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—FARMERS, in MUZAFFARNAGAR, Uttar Pradesh state, the biggest rally yet in —1—MONTHS—LONG—SERIES—OF—DEMONSTRATIONS to press Narendra MODI—GOVERNMENT to repeal 3—NEW—AGRICULTURAL—LAWS.
20210905             IRAQ—OIL—MINISTER—SAID—FRANCE—TOTAL will build 4—GIANT—ENERGY—PROJECTS in SOUTH—IRAQ under a $27—BILLION deal signed in BAGHDAD.
20210905             —SIGNED, Total, mega contracts with IRAQ to develop oil fields, natural gas and 1—CRUCIAL—WATER—PROJECT.
20210905             —RELEASED, LIBYA—AUTHORITIES, Saadi Gaddafi, 1—OF—MUAMMAR—GADHAFI—SONS, —AFTER more than —7—YEARS—OF—DETENTION in THE—CAPITAL—OF—TRIPOLI —FOLLOWING his extradition from neighboring NIGER.
20210905             —BLOCKED, MEXICO—SECURITY and migration officials —EARLY—TODAY, the passage of 1—NEW—MIGRANT caravan, detaining several people, as the government moved to break up the group —JUST —1—DAY—AFTER it set off from SOUTH—MEXICO for THE—USA.
20210905             MONTENEGRO police used teargas against ROCK—THROWING protesters —DURING the enthronement of 1—SERBIAN—ORTHODOX—CHURCH—CLERIC as the nation's religious leader, with dozens reported injured.
20210905             —REPORTED, It was, that MYANMAR—MILITARY—RULERS have agreed to 1—ASEAN call for 1—CEASEFIRE——UNTIL THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR to ensure distribution of humanitarian aid.
20210905             —KILLED, At least 3—PAKISTAN—PARAMILITARY—SOLDIERS were, and 20 wounded in 1—SUICIDE—ATTACK in the southwest, PART—OF—1—SPIKE in attacks on security forces in recent weeks.
20210905             —REPORTED, POLAND—STATE—NEWS—AGENCY—PAP, that Belarusian equestrian Olga Safronova has been given 1—HUMANITARIAN visa allowing her to live in POLAND, —AFTER she was ostracized at home for speaking out against the Belarusian government.
20210905             —CLOSED, Polls, in 1—PRESIDENTIAL—RUN—OFF in SAO—TOME and Principe between the archipelago's former infrastructure MINISTER—CARLOS—VILA—NOVA, who won the 1. round in July, and FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—GUILHERME—POSSER da Costa.
20210905             Evaristo Carvalho 979) did not seek a 2. —5—YEAR—TERM in the largely ceremonial post.
20210905             SINGAPORE—HOME—TEAM—SCIENCE and Technology Agency said SINGAPORE has put 2—AUTONOMOUS—ROBOTS on trial to detect bad behavior such as flouting of COVID—19—SAFETY—MEASURES, smoking in prohibited areas and the improper parking of bicycles.
20210905             —REPORTED, SUNA state news, that SUDAN—AUTHORITIES have seized 1—CARGO—OF—72—BOXES—OF—WEAPONS that arrived by air from ETHIOPIA and that they suspect were destined for use in "crimes against the state".
20210905             —BACKED, SYRIA—ARMY—UNITS, by IRANIAN—BACKED militias resumed the shelling of 1—REBEL—ENCLAVE in SOUTH—SYRIA —AFTER the collapse of RUSSIA—BROKERED deal to allow the government to reinstate full control over the area.
20210905             —SCRAMBLED, TAIWAN—AIR—FORCE, against renewed CHINA—MILITARY—ACTIVITY, with its defence ministry reporting that 19—AIRCRAFT including NUCLEAR—CAPABLE—BOMBERS had flown into TAIWAN—AIR—DEFENCE—IDENTIFICATION—ZONE.
20210905             —SUSPENDED, TANZANIA, another newspaper accused of false stories even though PRESIDENT—SAMIA—SULUHU—HASSAN had pledged to uphold media freedoms quashed by her predecessor.
20210905             Government officials said THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES—PLANS to launch 50—NEW—ECONOMIC—INITIATIVES to boost the country's competitiveness and attract 550—BILLION dirhams ($150—BILLION) in foreign direct investment in the next —9—YEARS.
20210905             —SONNTAG, 20210905
20210905             AFGHANISTAN: Taliban fordern von DEUTSCHLAND diplomatische Anerkennung und finanzielle Hilfen
20210905             Kinderarzt über Fürsorglichkeit: "Der Begriff 'Helikoptereltern' ist verlogen, aggressiv und diskriminierend"
20210905             "Schiff willkürlich festgesetzt": EKD—RATSVORSITZENDER BEDFORD—STROHM fordert Freilassung der "Sea Watch 4"
20210905             CORONA€”VIRUS: Mehr als 350.000—IMPFUNGEN wurden nicht gemeldet
20210905             Neues Erstarken von AL—QAIDA und IS: USA—GENERAL warnt vor Bürgerkrieg in AFGHANISTAN
20210905             Satellitenbilder zeigen HURRIKAN—FOLGEN: Ölteppich vor der KÜSTE—VON—LOUISIANA
20210905             Tausende Klagen wegen OPIOID—OPFERN: USA—PHARMAFIRMEN treiben 26—MILLIARDEN—DOLLAR—VERGLEICH voran
20210905             Pandschirtal: Widerstandskämpfer berichten von schweren Verlusten der Taliban
20210905             Wegen neuer Landwirtschaftsgesetze: 500.000—BAUERN protestieren gegen INDISCHE—REGIERUNG
20210905             Erneute Lieferverzögerungen: Boeing bleibt auf 787-"Dreamliner"-Jets sitzen
20210905             Ungeklärte Krankheitsfälle in INDIEN: Dutzende Kinder sterben mit hohem Fieber
20210905             Schüsse und Militär auf den Straßen: Mutmaßlicher Putschversuch in GUINEA
20210905             Weltweiter Kampf gegen CORONA: DEUTSCHLAND stellt 100—MILLIONEN Impfdosen bereit
20210905             AFGHANISTAN: Taliban erlassen NIKAB—PFLICHT für Frauen an Hochschulen
20210905             NASA—ROVER "Perseverance": Gesteinsentnahme auf dem Mars geglückt
20210905             DÄNEMARK: 15000000             —JAHRE alter Goldschatz entdeckt
20210905             AFGHANISTAN und seine Nachbarn: "Die Taliban wollen nicht wie Handlanger Pakistans aussehen"
20210905             Zwangsarbeit in CHINA: Menschenrechtsaktivisten verklagen Aldi, Boss und Lidl
20210905             Spannungen zwischen Volksgruppen: Dutzende Verletzte bei Protest gegen SERBISCH—ORTHODOXE Kirche in MONTENEGRO
20210905             Kupfermine in NORWEGEN: Wie eine indigene Minderheit sich erfolgreich gegen 1—MILLIARDENPROJEKT wehrte
20210905             Sun 20210905
20210905             [l] Die Lehrer in den USA merken gerade, dass sie ihre Schüler deprogrammieren müssen, die wegen Covid zuhause bei ihren durchgeknallten REICHSBÜRGER—ELTERN bleiben mussten und —JETZT einmal deren Weltbild als Wahrheit übernommen haben.
20210905             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—208—(+1)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—189—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—17—(=)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—179
20210905             CASOS—DE—COVID—19/INCIDÊNCIA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS:—40157—(+108)—|—ATIVOS:—4695—(-93)—|—ÓBITOS:—442—(+6)—|—RECUPERADOS:—35020—(+195)—INTERNADOS:—55—(-6)—|—EM—UCI:—12—(=)—|—VENTILADOS:—4—(=)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL—/—HAB.:—645—(-)
20210905             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—5936—(+13)—ÓBITOS—73—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—5236—(+28)—CASOS—ATIVOS—627—(-16)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—582
20210905             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1559—(+7)—ÓBITOS—15—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1365—(+7)—CASOS—ATIVOS—179—(=)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—594
20210905             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—3197—(+12)—ÓBITOS—32—(=)—RECUPERADOS—2665—(+20)—CASOS—ATIVOS—500—(-8)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—1282
20210905             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—7532—(+19)—ÓBITOS—84—(=)—RECUPERADOS—6647—(+38)—CASOS—ATIVOS—801—(-19)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—705
20210905             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—3171—(+9)—ÓBITOS—35—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—2947—(+15)—CASOS—ATIVOS—189—(-7)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—349
20210905             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—5370—(+28)—ÓBITOS—45—(+2)—RECUPERADOS—4651—(+32)—CASOS—ATIVOS—674—(-6)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—865
20210905             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—2203—(=)—ÓBITOS—16—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—1902—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—285—(-2)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—356
20210905             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1993—(+3)—ÓBITOS—30—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—1860—(+5)—CASOS—ATIVOS—103—(-3)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—325
20210905             VILA—DO—BISPO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—359—(+3)—ÓBITOS—6—(=)—RECUPERADOS—303—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—50—(+3)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—544
20210905             INCIDÊNCIA Nacional: 295,5 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20210905             Continente: 302,6 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20210905             R(t) Nacional: 0,96 Continente: 0,97
20210905             Total Cases 220.590.791  Total Deaths 4.565.964  Total Vaccine Doses Administered 5.445.766.102
20210905             Die BRASILIANISCHE—GESUNDHEITSBEHÖRDE Anvisa setzt die Verwendung von mehr als 12—MILLIONEN Dosen des von der CHINESISCHEN—SINOVAC Biotech Ltd entwickelten CORONA—IMPFSTOFFS —FÜR—90—TAGE aus.
20210905             Nach Informationen der Behörde wurden die Impfdosen in einer nicht von Anvisa zugelassenen Anlage hergestellt.
20210905             Anvisa werde versuchen, die Anlage zu inspizieren.
20210905             Drosten: Gute Impfquote in DEUTSCHLAND so kaum zu schaffen
20210905             Hauptgrund sei eine gewisse Gleichgültigkeit in der Bevölkerung,
20210905             DEUTSCHLAND werde deshalb —IM—HERBST "mit Sicherheit" wieder Kontaktbegrenzungen
20210905             Für Ungeimpfte über —60—JAHRE sei es ein "riesiges Risiko", ungeimpft —IN—DIESEN—HERBST zu gehen.
20210905             Bislang sind —ERST 61—PROZENT—DER—GESAMTBEVÖLKERUNG vollständig geimpft.
20210905             —IM—AUGUST nahm die Impfquote nur noch um rund 10—PROZENTPUNKTE zu.
20210905             Nach RKI—BERECHNUNGEN müssen aber mindestens 85—PROZENT der 12- —BIS 59-Jährigen und 90—PROZENT—DER—SENIOREN ab —60—JAHREN vollständig geimpft sein, damit eine ausgeprägte neue Welle mit vollen Intensivstationen —IM—HERBST und —WINTER unwahrscheinlich wird.
20210905             —SEIT Beginn der Coronapandemie haben sich mehr als 4—MILLIONEN Menschen in DEUTSCHLAND nachweislich mit dem Erreger SARS—COV—2 infiziert.
20210905             Die tatsächliche ZAHL—DER—ANSTECKUNGEN hierzulande dürfte höher liegen, da VIELE—INFEKTIONEN nicht erkannt werden.
20210905             —INFORMIERT, Umfrage: Mehrheit gut über Impfungen, — Jüngere weniger
20210905             RUSSLAND meldet 793—CORONA—TOTE an einem —TAG
20210905             Italiens Gesundheitsminister: "Pakt von Rom" für weltweites Impfen
20210905             Es gehe darum, die Bewohner der ganzen Welt zu impfen.
20210905             Kein Land könne sich selbst retten und die Impfstoffe seien die Waffe, die man habe.
20210905             "Entweder verstärken wir die Impfkampagne wieder oder wir sind gezwungen, uns vorzustellen, dass an einem bestimmten Punkt Maßnahmen der Vergangenheit notwendig werden".
20210905             Bei Protesten gegen den Gesundheitspass sind am Wochenende in mehreren FRANZÖSISCHEN—STÄDTEN rund 140.000—MENSCHEN auf die Straßen gegangen.
20210905             In der HAUPTSTADT—PARIS beteiligten sich nach ANGABEN—DES—INNENMINISTERIUMS —AM—SAMSTAG rund 18.500—MENSCHEN an den Demonstrationen, landesweit gab es 215—PROTESTAKTIONEN.
20210905             Ziel sei es, —BIS zum ENDE—DES—JAHRES mindestens 40—PROZENT—DER—WELTBEVÖLKERUNG geimpft zu haben.
20210905             Die Pandemie sei —ERST vorbei, wenn sie auf der ganzen Welt vorbei sei,
20210905             Ansonsten könnten Varianten entstehen, die dann auch DEUTSCHLAND wieder erreichten und zu Problemen führten.
20210905             In den Niederlanden stößt der CORONA—KURS der Regierung bei einigen auf Widerstand.
20210905             —NUN haben Zehntausende Menschen in AMSTERDAM gegen die CORONA—POLITIK—DER—NIEDERLÄNDISCHEN—REGIERUNG demonstriert.
20210905             Die Stimmung bei dem Protestzug durch das ZENTRUM—DER—HAUPTSTADT war friedlich, es wurde getrommelt und getanzt und Teilnehmer hatten Luftballons dabei,
20210905             Der Protest gegen die CORONA—POLITIK in den Niederlanden verlief nicht immer friedlich.
20210905             —NACHDEM—IM—JANUAR 1—AUSGANGSSPERRE verhängt worden war, gab es schwere Krawalle in etlichen Städten mit Millionenschäden.
20210905             G20 beraten über Pandemie — Impfen soll nicht Privileg weniger sein
20210905             RUSSLAND forderte die G20-Staaten indes zur gegenseitigen Anerkennung digitaler CORONA—IMPFPÄSSE auf.
20210905             Es sei wichtig, gemeinsame Konzepte für das grenzüberschreitende Reisen Geimpfter zu entwickeln,
20210905             Humanitäre Hilfe für AFGHANISTAN: UNO—NOTHILFEKOORDINATOR trifft TALIBAN—FÜHRUNG
20210905—20190500    —ARRIVED, The weapons had, in ETHIOPIA from MOSCOW.
20210905—20250000    —URGED, FRANCE, indigenous groups, world leaders to back 1—NEW—TARGET to protect 80—PERCENT—OF—THE—AMAZON basin, saying bold action was needed to stop deforestation pushing THE—EARTH—LARGEST rainforest beyond 1—POINT—OF—NO—RETURN.
202203090506         USA—FEARS—RUSSIA—EXPERTS may come into possession of pathogens stored in UKRAINE, SOURCE  Ambassador Antonov
202203100905         Airlines register 176—PLANES in RUSSIA, SOURCE  Rosaviatsiya
202203180905         Euroclear restricts transactions on NSD account
202207280905 ========NEWS appended
202207280905 ========END NEWS appended
20220830             The 7. EAST—ECONOMIC—FORUM will be held in VLADIVOSTOK 20220905             —ON—8.
20220904—20220905    —BIS—ZUM, Was die Mission angeht, so wird sie vorläufig  funktionieren.
20220905             —MONTAG, 20220905
20220905             Referendum: Chiles Bevölkerung schmettert neue Verfassung ab
20220905             Krieg in der UKRAINE: ZELENSKYY feiert angebliche Geländegewinne, 13—FRACHTER voller Getreide unterwegs
20220905             "NATO—AKTIVITÄTEN": Erstmals —SEIT—12—JAHREN legt ein TÜRKISCHES—KRIEGSSCHIFF in ISRAEL an
20220905             "Unkalkulierbar": IW—CHEF—HÜTHER kritisiert Entlastungspaket für Stromkunden
20220905             Warnung vor RUSSISCHER—MANIPULATION: SCHWEDEN vor Parlamentswahl "höchst alarmiert"
20220905             —VERABSCHIEDET, Hohe Strompreise: Lidl, sich vom kostenlosen Ladestrom für Kunden
20220905             Mehr als 2015/2016: Fast 3—MILLIONEN Flüchtlinge in DEUTSCHLAND registriert
20220905             Satellitenbild —DER—WOCHE: Dürre überall
20220905             Finanzpolitik: IWF mahnt schnelle Reform der EU—SCHULDENREGELN an
20220905             Stärke 6,8: Schweres Erdbeben erschüttert Südwestchina
20220905             —EXPLODIERT, Russlands neuer Lieferboykott: Gaspreis, Börsenkurse stürzen ab
20220905             Entlastungspaket: Kühnert drängt auf "zackige" Einführung der Strompreisbremse
20220905             [l] Wie schlimm ist die Lage?
20220905             So schlimm: FRIEDRICH—MERZ (!!) findet den Umfang des Entlastungspakets nicht ausreichend.
20220905             Zwar sei es etwa richtig, dass Rentner und Studierende in die Energiepreispauschale einbezogen würden, sagte Merz —AM—SONNTAG im Sommerinterview der ARD.
20220905             Aber ob es wirklich ausreiche auch für diejenigen, die so gerade eben oberhalb der WOHNGELD—GRENZE und oberhalb der Sozialhilfesätze lägen, das müsse man sehen.
20220905             "Man hätte mehr tun müssen für diejenigen, die so eben gerade oberhalb der Grenzen liegen",
20220905             sagte Merz, der auch Fraktionschef der Union im BUNDESTAG ist.
20220905             WASHINGTON, 20220905             . - /TASS/.
20220905             —DISCUSSED, USA—VICE—PRESIDENT—KAMALA—HARRIS and POLAND—PRIME—MINISTER—MATEUSZ—MORAWIECKI, the situation in UKRAINE as well as AMERICA—AID in generating nuclear energy in POLAND in 1—PHONE—CONVERSATION——ON—SUNDAY, according to 1—WRITTEN statement by THE—WHITE—HOUSE —FOLLOWING the talks.
20220905             "THE—VICE—PRESIDENT—RECOGNIZED—POLAND—GENEROSITY and leadership in hosting MILLIONS—OF—UKRAINE—REFUGEES and providing critical humanitarian assistance, —WHILE also providing vital security assistance," the document reads.
20220905             —REAFFIRMED, Harris also " the enduring strength of THE—USA—POLAND—RELATIONSHIP and efforts to bolster our collective security, including the permanent STATIONING—OF—THE—USA—ARMY V Corps Headquarters Forward Command Post in POZNAN".
20220905             —DISCUSSED, THE—2—OFFICIALS also, "opportunities to enhance bilateral cooperation on civil nuclear power generation in POLAND, which would advance European energy security, support global climate solutions, and create THOUSANDS—OF—CLEAN—ENERGY—JOBS in both POLAND and THE—USA".
20220905             —ON February 24, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN said in 1 televised address that in response to 1—REQUEST by the heads of the Donbass republics he had made 1—DECISION to carry out 1—SPECIAL—MILITARY—OPERATION in order to protect people "who have been suffering from abuse and genocide by the Kiev regime —FOR—8—YEARS".
20220905             —FOLLOWING this, THE—USA and its allies announced the introduction of sweeping SANCTIONS—AGAINST—RUSSIA and stepped up arms deliveries to Kiev.
20220905             TASS, 20220905             .
20220905             The explosion near THE—RUSSIA—EMBASSY in THE—AFGHANISTAN—CAPITAL—OF—KABUL was carried out by 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, the Arabic TV channel AL—ARABIYA reported —ON—MONDAY.
20220905             —APPROACHED, The channel said that the extremist, the "gates of the diplomatic mission",
20220905             —AFTER which the government of the radical Taliban (outlawed in RUSSIA) ordered to open fire at the perpetrator.
20220905             —QUOTED, Reuters, Mawlawi Sabir, THE—HEAD—OF—THE—POLICE—DISTRICT where the attack took place, as saying that the security forces had identified and neutralized the suicide bomber —BEFORE he reached his target.
20220905             So far, there is no information about casualties.
20220905             THE—RUSSIAN—EMBASSY in AFGHANISTAN is still not commenting on the blast outside the embassy, the diplomatic mission told TASS —ON—MONDAY.
20220905             VLADIVOSTOK, 20220905             .
20220905             /TASS/. - NICARAGUA is AWARE—OF—THE—OPPORTUNITIES for development that THE—BRICS—ASSOCIATION (BRAZIL, RUSSIA, INDIA, CHINA, SOUTH—AFRICA) provides, and will deepen relations with its member states, NICARAGUA—MINISTER—OF—FINANCE and Public Credit IVAN—ACOSTA told TASS —ON—MONDAY on the sidelines of the 7. EAST—ECONOMIC—FORUM.
20220905             "We believe that BRICS is 1—VIABLE—CHOICE for 1—GLOBAL—ALLIANCE that provides numerous opportunities for growth in developing countries, particularly those with 1—DIFFERENT—PERSPECTIVE on the global situation.
20220905             We will continue to try to strengthen ties with THE—BRICS nations," he said.
20220905             The 7. EAST—ECONOMIC—FORUM is taking place 20220905             —ON—8, 20220000             in VLADIVOSTOK on the Far EAST—FEDERAL—UNIVERSITY (FEFU) campus.
20220905             —THIS—YEAR THE—FORUM—TAGLINE is "the Path to 1—MULTIPOLAR—WORLD".
20220905             —ORGANIZED, THE—EEF is, by the Roscongress Foundation.
20220905             TASS is the general information partner and the official PHOTO—HOST AGENCY—OF—THE—EVENT.
20220905             VIENNA, 20220905             .
20220905             "It is absolutely inappropriate to try to justify the relevant politically (not commercially) motivated decisions by questioning the reliability of RUSSIA as 1—SUPPLIER," he wrote on Twitter.
20220905             —STRESSED, He also, that RUSSIA was not the 1 to undermine normal trade and economic relations, particularly in THE—SPHERE—OF—ENERGY.
20220905             —EXACERBATED, The energy crisis in THE—EU, —IN—EARLY—JULY —WHEN 1. interruptions in gas supplies from RUSSIA to EU countries occurred due to problems with THE—MAINTENANCE—OF—THE—NORD—STREAM turbines over sanctions.
20220905             —FOLLOWING this, the European Commission urged EU countries to prepare for 1—COMPLETE—SHUTDOWN—OF—RUSSIA—GAS—DELIVERIES and proposed that member states cut their gas usage by 15% 20220801             —FROM 20230331             THROUGH.
20220905             Ein großes STREET—ART—MURAL, das einen russischen und einen UKRAINISCHEN—SOLDATEN in einer Umarmung zeigt, hat in AUSTRALIEN für Proteste gesorgt.
20220905             Das umstrittene Wandgemälde in MELBOURNE stammt von dem Künstler PETER—SEATON, der sich mittlerweile für das Werk entschuldigt und es —IN—DER—NACHT zum —MONTAG entfernt hat.
20220905             In einem Video auf Instagram erklärte er, seine Absicht sei es lediglich gewesen, den Frieden zu fördern.
20220905             Das Gemälde erzeuge "das Gefühl einer falschen Gleichwertigkeit zwischen dem Opfer und dem Angreifer" und müsse entfernt werden.
20220905             Künstler Seaton betonte in seinem Video, er habe mit dem Kunstwerk in keiner Weise die "schrecklichen Verbrechen Russlands" —SEIT dem Beginn des Krieges entschuldigen wollen.
20220905             Explodierende Preise: Inflation in der TÜRKEI steigt über 80—PROZENT
20220905             Ärger um Trauerfeier für EX—PREMIER Abe: Der Tote, die Sekte und brisante Enthüllungen
20220905             —GEHÖRT, Krieg in Osteuropa: Die UKRAINE, in die Nato — —JETZT
20220905             Hilfspaket für den KRIEG—GEGEN—RUSSLAND: Nato sammelt Winteruniformen für UKRAINISCHE—ARMEE
20220905             Volkswirte sehen Entlastungspaket skeptisch: "Das wird 1—REZESSION nicht verhindern"
20220905             Kremlkritische Zeitung: RUSSISCHES—GERICHT entzieht "Nowaja Gaseta" die Drucklizenz
20220905             Steigende Mietpreise in den USA: Schulbezirk bittet Eltern um Wohnraum für Lehrkräfte
20220905             Frauenrechte: IRAN will neue KOPFTUCH—REGELN mit Überwachungssoftware durchsetzen
20220905             Protest gegen Kardinal Woelki: Delegierte boykottieren Sitzung des Diözesanpastoralrats in Köln
20220905             —KONFLIKT um Ägäisinseln: ERDOGAN droht GRIECHENLAND mit Militärangriff
20220905             [l] Falls ihr in diesen dunklen —TAGEN Aufmunterung braucht: JOHN—OLIVER über AI Image Generation.
20220905             MOSCOW, 20220905             .
20220905             "At 10:50 am KABUL time —ON—MONDAY, 1 unidentified attacker activated 1—EXPLOSIVE device right outside the entry to the consulate DEPARTMENT—OF—THE—RUSSIA—EMBASSY in KABUL.
20220905             2—EMBASSY employees were killed in the attack, with several AFGHANISTAN—CITIZENS injured," the ministry said.
20220905             THE—RUSSIA—EMBASSY is in close contact with AFGHANISTAN—SPECIAL—SERVICES, who have launched 1—PROBE into the incident, RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY added.
20220905             —CONDUCTED, AL—ARABIYA—TV—CHANNEL said —EARLIER that the attack had been, by 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER.
20220905             According to Mawlawi Sabir, police CHIEF at the district where the attack happened, the security forces had identified and neutralized the suicide bomber —BEFORE he reached his target.
20220905             —REPORTED, QATAR—AL—JAZEERA television, citing 1—AFGHANISTAN—LAW—ENFORCEMENT—OFFICER, that the attack left at least 8—PEOPLE killed and another at least 15 injured.
20220905             Das von RUSSISCHEN—TRUPPEN besetzte AKW Saporischschja im Süden der UKRAINE arbeitet nach ANGABEN—DES—BETREIBERS infolge massiven Beschusses aktuell unter der Gefahr, gegen den STRAHLEN—UND Brandschutz zu verstoßen.
20220905             —DERZEIT sei von den 6—REAKTOREN nur noch ein einziger in Betrieb, teilte der Betreiber Enerhoatom mit.
20220905             Block 6—VERSORGE das UKRAINISCHE—STROMNETZ und das AKW selbst.
20220905             Block 5—SEI —SEIT Samstagabend vom Netz, weil es durch Beschuss massive Schäden an einer Leitung gebe.
20220905             Die RUSSISCHE—MILITÄRVERWALTUNG hatte zuvor ebenfalls mitgeteilt, dass nur noch 1—BLOCK—VON—EUROPAS größtem Atomkraftwerk arbeite.
20220905             Nach Darstellung von Enerhoatom dauert die Mission der Internationalen Atomenergieagentur (IAEA) am AKW an.
20220905             Den Besatzern wiederum zufolge haben 4—VON 6—EXPERTEN die Anlage verlassen.
20220905             Es blieben noch 2—VERTRETER als Beobachter, sagte deren Vertreter WLADIMIR—ROGOW im RUSSISCHEN—RADIO.
20220905             Die IAEA—EXPERTEN sind —SEIT vergangenem —DONNERSTAG in dem AKW, um nach Schäden zu suchen.
20220905             Der vorläufige Lieferstopp Russlands über die wichtige Pipeline NORD—STREAM 1—HAT den europäischen Gaspreis —AM—MONTAG nach oben schnellen lassen.
20220905             —AM Vormittag sprang der Preis des Terminkontrakts TTF für NIEDERLÄNDISCHES—ERDGAS um etwa 72,5 Euro auf zuletzt 281—EURO je Megawattstunde.
20220905             Das waren rund 35—PROZENT mehr als —AM—FREITAG.
20220905             Der TTF—KONTRAKT wird häufig als Richtschnur für das europäische Preisniveau verwendet.
20220905             Wegen des hohen Ölpreises verdient RUSSLAND —DERZEIT deutlich mehr Geld mit ÖL—DIE erwarteten Mehreinnahmen bezifferte das Finanzministerium allein für —SEPTEMBER mit zusätzlichen 403,4 Milliarden Rubel (rund 6,7 Milliarden Euro).
20220905             Die Vorbereitungen für 1—ABSTIMMUNG, mit der die besetzte UKRAINISCHE—REGION Cherson in RUSSISCHES—STAATSGEBIET eingegliedert werden sollte, wurden vorerst gestoppt.
20220905             Hintergrund sei die Sicherheitslage, berichtete die staatliche RUSSISCHE—NACHRICHTENAGENTUR TASS.
20220905             [l] Energiepreisdomino: Hakle ist pleite, Klopapierherstellung lohnt sich nicht mehr.
20220905             Jemand sollte da mal 1—LISTE machen.
20220905             [l] Habeck channelt in den Tagesthemen NORBERT—BLÜM: "Unsere Energieversorgung ist sicher"
20220905             —JETZT mach ich mir deutlich mehr Sorgen als —GESTERN.
20220905             Klimaforscher kritisieren Entlastungpaket: "Das ist ein fatales Signal"
20220905             Wegen Umgang mit DATEN—VON—KINDERN: IRLAND verhängt Strafe von 405—MILLIONEN Euro gegen Instagram
20220905             Atomkraft für —DEN—WINTER: Habeck oder das letzte Tabu
20220905             AKW—NOTFALLRESERVE: Die FDP geht auf Habeck zu — ein bisschen
20220905             BRITISCHER—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTER: Ukrainer machen bei Gegenoffensive im Süden "echte Gewinne"
20220905             Provinz Sichuan: Mindestens 46—TODESOPFER bei Erdbeben in CHINA
20220905             —BEKENNT, Explosion vor RUSSISCHER—BOTSCHAFT: IS, sich zu Attentat in KABUL