Was geschah in der Geschichte an einem 8. August ?

Ereignisse an einem 8. August

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00000808             DIE—14—NOTHELFER am HEILIGEN—FEST"
00700808             —TOWER—OF—ANTONIA—DESTROYED,  was by THE—ROMANS.
01170808             † RÖMER—KAISER—TRAJAN, auf dem Rückweg aus dem unentschiedenen PARTHER—KRIEG—IN—KLEIN—ASIEN.
01170808             † RÖMER—KAISER—TRAJAN—ASCHE wird feierlich unter der TRAJAN—SÄULE beigesetzt.
01170808             RÖMER—KAISER—TRAJAN—NEFFE—P—AELIUS—HADRIAN,  (von diesem sterbend adoptiert) wird RÖMER—KAISER—HADRIAN
01170808             —BEIGESETZT, [MARCUS—ULPIUS—TRAJANUS]TRAJAN—ASCHE wird feierlich unter der TRAJAN—SÄULE—ROM.
01170808—01170811    —BIS—ZUM, RÖMER—KAISER—TRAJAN Tod wird von seiner oo Plotina jedoch verheimlicht.
08550000—08690808    LOTHAR—II., war in seine höchst politischen "Ehehändel" verstrickt
08550000—08690808    KÖNIG—LOTHAR—II.
08550000—08690808    [KAROLINGER]LOTHAR—II., von dessen REGNUM—HLOTHARII LOTHRINGEN[LOTHARINGIEN] seinen Namen hat,
08550000—08690808    [KAROLINGER]LOTHAR—II., VERSTRICKT in seine höchst politische EHE—HÄNDEL war
08550000—08690808    [KAROLINGER]LOTHAR—II., mit seiner BISCHOFE—UNTERSTÜTZUNG, versuchte
08550000—08690808    [KAROLINGER]LOTHAR—II., GEGEN NIKOLAUS—I—PAPA, sich scheiden zu lassen, von seiner oo THEUTBERGA, versuchte
08550000—08690808    [KAROLINGER]LOTHAR—II., zu legalisieren, 1—ÄLTERE Verbindung mit seines (illegitimen) Sohn HUGOm Mutter, WALDRADA
08550000—08690808    [KAROLINGER]LOTHAR—II., dies misslang,
08550000—08690808    [KAROLINGER]LOTHAR—II.(LOTHRINGEN), ohne Kinder.
08700808             —VERTRAG—VON—MERSEN fiel der reichere Osten mit UTRECHT, KÖLN, STRAßBURG, vor allem aber mit DER—KAISER—STADT—AACHEN, an das OST—FRANKEN—REICH.
08700808             Des "RHEIN—LAND" Wurzeln in den Verträgen von Mersen
08700808             —VERTRAG—VON—MERSEN, GELDERN an DEUTSCHLAND kam
08700808             als GAU—GRAFSCHAFT—TOXANDRIEN bezeichnet. wurde Zwischen
08700808             —VERTRAG—ZU—MERSEN, der reichere Osten mit UTRECHT, KÖLN, STRAßBURG, vor allem aber mit DER—KAISER—STADT—AACHEN, an das OST—FRANKEN—REICH fiel.
08700808             —VERTRAG—ZU—MERSEN, AUFGETEILT, erneut, DAS—REICH, ungefähr nach der heutigen Sprachgrenze wurde
08700808             —VERTRAG—ZU—MERSEN, zu DEUTSCHLAND kamen des REICH 5—RIPUARIER—GAUE;
08700808             —VERTRAG—ZU—MERSEN, zu DEUTSCHLAND kam der MAYFELD—GAU
08700808             —VERTRAG—ZU—MERSEN, zu DEUTSCHLAND kam der BLIES—GAU
08700808             —VERTRAG—ZU—MERSEN, zu DEUTSCHLAND kam der MOSEL—GAU
08700808             —VERTRAG—ZU—MERSEN, zu DEUTSCHLAND kam GELDERN
08700808             —VERTRAG—ZU—MERSEN, Des "RHEIN—LAND" Wurzeln in den Verträgen von Mersen
08700808             —VERTRAG—ZU—MERSEN[DIVISION—OF—LOTHARINGIAN—TERRITORIES] ZÜLPICH—GAU, Vanderkindere identifies these 5—COUNTIES as
10650808             —SIEGBURG—URKUNDEN—BUCH—I—2—VOM,
10860808             CONRAD—SON—OF—GISELBERT GRAF—VON—SALM [LUXEMBOURG] oo --- (-in PALESTINE bur [10900000             LUXEMBOURG—MÜNSTER—ABBEY]).
10860808             † CONRAD (-in PALESTINE bur [10900000             LUXEMBOURG—MÜNSTER—ABBEY]).
12960808             Atinn Incarn. ejuxlv M''CC"XC\J. \i. id. augusli. ilc/e yw/' /('7i7 Uaolinus Raolini. ci\is MASSILIENSIS. lU'etnre
13060808             † WENCESLAS—KING—OF—POLAND—KÖNIG—VON—POLEN was murdered.
13130808             —DIE—STADT—PISA—VERLIESS, KAISER—HEINRICH—VII. an seiner RITTER—SPITZE siegeszuversichtlich und mit großen Ehren ,
13130808             um seinen KAISER—HEINRICH—VII—FEIND, den ROBERT—KÖNIG—VON—NEAPEL, zum Entscheidungskampfe zu zwingen.
13510517             oo (contract DAMVILLERS dispensation oo AVIGNON 13510808             ,13520300             ) as her 2. husband, JEANNE—DE—BRABANT, DAUGHTER—OF—JEAN—III—DUKE—OF—BRABANT oo MARIE—DE—EVREUX (13220624             —BRUSSELS 14061201             bur BRUSSELS CARMELITE—CHURCH).
13510808             dispensation 30 AVIGNON,;;
13880808             bei DÖFFINGEN einen großen SIEG—ÜBER—DIE—SCHWÄBISCHEN,
14970808             intimatur omnibus KARDINALIBUS et MAGISTRO—DOMUS palatii PAPA, quod crastina die, que erit PRESENTIS—MENSIS,
14970808             incipientur vigilie defunctorum IN—AULA—PALATII solite residentie predicti KARDINALIS—DE—LUNATE, quibus et malutinis defunctorum finitis,
14970808             cadaver ejusdem KARDINALIS portabitur ad ECCLESIAM—BEATE—S—MARIA—DEL—POPOLO sepeliendum:
14970808             Item intimatur conventibus et rectori INFRASCRIPTIS quod, EADEM—DIE crastina, INTER—HORAM—NONAM et DECIMAM,
14970808             velint esse IN—AULA—PALATII supradicti KARDINALIS—DE—LUNATE defuncti, ad dicendum officium mortuorum;
14970808             —DEINDE associandum cadaver ejusdem KARDINALIS ad dictam ECCLESIAM—BEATE—S—MARIA—DEL—POPOLO:
14990808             LUCRÈCE—BORGIA, nommée RÉGENTE—DE—SPOLÈTE, prend congé DU—PAPA.
15060701—15060808    —ZEIT—IN—DER—VOM, Die von PRIULI in sein Tagebuch eingetragene Liste
15060701—15060808    —ZEIT—IN—DER—VOM, wo —DER—NEUE—FONDACO also NOCH NICHT fertig war,
15060701—15060808    aus VENEDIG ausgeführt wurden,
15060701—15060808    zeigt denn auch —SCHON wieder ganz erhebliche Posten.
15060701—15060808    An PFEFFER freilich kein einziges PFUND, dagegen an
15060701—15060808    5.271—PFUND—GEWÜRZ—NELKEN aus VENEDIG ausgeführt wurden von den DEUTSCHEN,
15060701—15060808    7.192—PFUND—MUSKAT—NUSS aus VENEDIG ausgeführt wurden von den DEUTSCHEN,
15060701—15060808    1.085—PFUND—MACIS—MUSKAT—BLÜTE aus VENEDIG ausgeführt wurden von den DEUTSCHEN,
15060701—15060808    3.855—PFUND—INDIGO aus VENEDIG ausgeführt wurden von den DEUTSCHEN,
15060701—15060808    3.542—PFUND—GUMMI—LACK aus VENEDIG ausgeführt wurden von den DEUTSCHEN,
15060701—15060808    909—PFUND—CAPPELLETTI[GEWÜRZ—NELKEN—KÖPFCHEN] aus VENEDIG ausgeführt wurden  von den DEUTSCHEN,
15060701—15060808    927—PFUND—GALANGA[KALMUSWURZEL] aus VENEDIG ausgeführt wurden von den DEUTSCHEN,
15060701—15060808    2.200—PFUND—GEFÄRBTE—BAUM—WOLLE aus VENEDIG ausgeführt wurden von den DEUTSCHEN,
15060701—15060808    316—PFUND—SEMENZIN[WURM—SAMEN] aus VENEDIG ausgeführt wurden von den DEUTSCHEN,
15060701—15060808    446—PFUND—LANGER—PFEFFER aus VENEDIG ausgeführt wurden von den DEUTSCHEN,
15060701—15060808    700—PFUND—ROH—SEIDE, AUS VENEDIG ausgeführt wurden von den DEUTSCHEN,
15060701—15060808    ferner 594—STÜCK—ZAMBELLOTTI[KAMELOTTE] aus VENEDIG ausgeführt wurden von den DEUTSCHEN
15060701—15060808    KRAMEREI—WAREN im Betrage von 3.686—DUKATEN aus VENEDIG ausgeführt wurden von den DEUTSCHEN,
15060701—15060808    1.146—PFUND—INZENSO—WEIH—RAUCH aus VENEDIG ausgeführt wurden von den DEUTSCHEN,
15060701—15060808    40—PFUND—RHABARBER aus VENEDIG ausgeführt wurden von den DEUTSCHEN,
15060701—15060808    909—PFUND—CAPPELLETTI (Köpfchen der Gewürznelken)  aus VENEDIG ausgeführt wurden  von den Deutschen,
15220808             ];cite, III, 3 (O. GRIMALDI), 14 (Egnazio),
15230808             (Baier? oder Weiss?)
15420808             —HANGED, THE others traitors were, and quartered in ANTWERP and
15520808             DIE—250.000—DUKATEN dort ausgezahlt werden sollten,
15620808             —TESTIFIED, DIEGO—TE, 1—MAYA—MAN in THE—YUCATEC—TOWN—SOTUTA, that
15620808             —PRESERVED, The account was, in THE—ARCHIVO—GENERAL—DE—INDIAS—SEVILLE—SPAIN.
15620808—15610808    —1—YEAR—EARLIER, DIEGO—TE, 1—MAYA—MAN had witnessed 1—VILLAGE—LEADER and another man cut the hearts from 2—BOYS and hand them to 1—SHAMAN, who rubbed the hearts onto the mouths of 2—MAYA idols.
15700808             Les conditions en sont amnistie pour LES—REBELLES liberté des cultes accordée aux PROTESTANTS[—] qui sont admissibles à tous les emplois
15700808             3. —WAR—OF—RELIGION—ENDING and
15700808             Le CULTE—PROTESTANT est autorisé sauf à PARIS.
15700808             —ET auxquels 4—VILLES sont accordées POUR—2—ANS en garantie du traité.
15700808             3. GUERRE—DE—RELIGION—FIN—DE,
15880808             † † ? 600—SPANIARDS were killed in THE—DAY—FIGHTING and 800—SPANIARDS, BADLY injured.
15880808—15880818    —SEE.
15880808—19980000    —AUTHORED, JAMES—MCDERMOTT "ENGLAND & THE—SPAIN—ARMADA: The necessary Quarrel".
16360808             —STOPPED, at THE—VILLAGE—OF—S—JEAN—DE—LOSNE, only 50—MILES from FRANCE, The invading armies of SPAIN, AUSTRIA and Bavaria[BAYERN] were
16480808             † IBRAHIM—SULTAN—OF—ISTANBUL, was thrown into prison, then assassinated.
16550808             —WEST—LITHUANIA—OCCUPIED,  was, by SWEDEN—FORCES.
16550808             —FOLLOWING—3—DAYS—OF—PILLAGING, VILNIUS—LITHUANIA, BURNED, was, in 1—FIRE the lasted —17—DAYS.
16650808             —DATUM—HAAG - DIE—DEPUTIERTEN der GENERAL—STAATEN erklärt hätten, beauftragt zu sein, mit ihnen über Erneuerung der
16650808             zu verhandeln, falls sie dazu qualificiert seien. Letzteres hätten sie bejaht
16650808             "bij aldien H. H. M. mede genegentheit hadden, S. C. D. te gemoet te treden in sijnne redelicke ende rechtmatige begeerden ende interesten,''
16650808             welche sie dann näher bezeichnet.
16650808             Da —NUN trotz ihres Verlangens die genannte RESOLUTION nicht geändert worden sei,
16650808             so sähen sie sich genötigt nach CLEVE[KLEVE] zurückzukehren und dem GROSSER—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG zu berichten,
16650808             damit nicht ihnen die Schuld der Verzögerung beigemessen werde.
16650808             —SIE sprechen zum Schluss die Erwartung aus, daß man im KRIEG—GEGEN—ENGLAND auf ALLE—FÄLLE die CLEVE—NEUTRALITÄT [KLEVE] bewahren werde
16650808             —VOM. gehaltenen KONFERENZen
16650808—16650803    —NUN, sei ihnen ihre RESOLUTION—VOM, zugekommen,
16650808—16650803    —AM—NACH der Auswechselung der TRACTATS—RATIFICATION betreffend die Hoefysersche Schuld, seien sie noch hier geblieben, weil
16720606—16920808    —VOM—BIS ist er als SUB—PRIOR bezeugt
16780808             in S—BARTOLOMEO—VENEDIG—BESTATTETE ,GOTFREDO—ADAMO—MAICHEL', wenn nicht der 1—KAUF—MANN war.
16780808             GOTFREDO—ADAMO—MAICHEL—DI—GRATZ aus 45;
16830808             AMERONGEN—AN—DEN—GRIFFIER.
16830808             —DATUM—POTSDAM.
16830808             Es ist hifer die Nachricht eingetroffen, daß die Vierlande von 1.300—MANN Lüneburgern besetzt sind
16830808             FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG ist damit sehr unzufrieden, weil dies ohne sein Vorwissen geschehen sei, und
16830808             DÄNEMARK durch diesen Schritt gereizt und zu Thätlichkeiten veranlasst werden könne,
16830808             in welche er wegen seines engen Bündnisses mit DÄNEMARK verwickelt zu werden fürchtet.
16830808             Die Wohlgesinnten hier besorgen, daß, wenn KRIEG daraus entsteht, DER—KUR—FÜRST—DEM—KAISER die TÜRKEN—HILFE nicht schicken wird.
16830808             FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG hat den lüneburgischen Ministern vorgestellt, daß
16830808             er bei DÄNEMARK mit seinen Friedensmahnungen nichts ausrichten könne,  wenn diese Truppen nicht zurückgezogen würden, und
16830808             er (AMERONGEN) ist durch FUCHS auch ersucht worden, das Seinige dazu zu tun.
16830808             —SO eben ist die Nachricht gekommen, daß die HERZOGe von BRAUNSCHWEIG ihre Truppen aus den Vierlanden zurückgezogen haben, da HAMBURG dieselben selbst besetzen wird.
16830808             —BRUIJNINCX—AN—DEN—GRIFFIER.
16830808             DATUM—SCHARDING - Der FÜRST—VON—ANHALT ist als GESANDTER des KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG mit grossem Gefolge in Passau angekommen.
16830808             —FORDERUNGEN, Wie er von einigen Ministern hört, sind seine, exorbitant.
16830808             Als er —GESTERN, mit dem SPANISCHEN—GESANDTEN (Burgomanero) darüber gesprochen und geäussert hat,
16830808             man werde bei der jetzigenLage der Dinge in den sauren Apfel beissen und dem GROSSER—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG nachgeben müssen,
16830808             ist DERSELBE auch dieser Meinung gewesen,
16830808             nicht so GRAF—KÖNIGSECK, welcher sagt, man dürfe BRANDENBURG in der schlesischen Sache nicht nachgeben.
16870619—16870808    —MIT Publikationserlaubnis des J—H—ANETHAN—WEIH—BISCHOF—VON—KÖLN, KÖLN.
16920808             —AM, ANDREAS—FRIEDRICH—VON—RABEN wird erwähnt
16930808             † PHILIPP—JAKOB—VON—HARFF starb am
17190808             der verstorbene Ausgeber JOHANN—HEINRICH—CALENBACH aus WESTHAUSEN—BEI—HILDBURG—HAUSEN auch im S—BARTOLOMEO—VENEDIG—STERBE—REGISTER verzeichnet ist,
17360808             † MAHOMET—WEYONOMON, 1—MOHEGAN—SACHEM or leader, of smallpox —WHILE waiting to see GEORGE—II—KING—OF—ENGLAND—KÖNIG—VON—ENGLAND, to complain directly about UK—SETTLERS encroaching on tribal lands in THE—CONNECTICUT—COLONY.
17360808             —BURIED, The TRIBAL—CHIEF—MAHOMET—WEYONOMON was, in 1 unmarked grave in 1—SOUTH—LONDON—CHURCHYARD.
17630808             * CHARLES—BULFINCH, 1. USA professional architect (MASSACHUSETTS—STATE—HOUSE), in BOSTON—MASSACHUSETTS.
17630808             [laut Heiratseintrag in EILENDORF stammt der Ehemann aus S—PETER/AACHEN]
17760808             —COMMISSIONED, JOHN—PAUL—JONES was, as 1—CAPTAIN and appointed to command the Alfred.
17760808             JOHN—PAUL—JONES His orders were to harass enemy merchant ships and defend THE—USA—COAST.
17860808             —ADOPTED, THE—USA—CONGRESS, the silver dollar and decimal SYSTEM—OF—MONEY.
17860808             —BECAME, JACQUES—BALMAT and DOCTOR—MICHEL—GABRIEL—PACCARD, the 1. men to climb Mont Blanc in FRANCE.
17880808             BRIENNE décide de convoquer LES—ÈTATS—GÉNÉRAUX
17940808             Unsere STADT—AACHEN IST durch die MENGE—DER—AUSGEWANDERTEN—BÜRGER verödet, ALLE—GESCHÄFTE stocken",
17940808             —AM, so schrieb man aus AACHEN nach KÖLN'^;1)
17940808             "DIE—ZEIT—UMSTÄNDE erlauben es nicht, den dahier sich befindlichen FRANZÖSISCHEN—AUSGEWANDERTEN 1—WEITEREN AUFENTHALT—IN—HIESIGER kaiserlich freier REICHS—STADT und deren —GEBIET zu gestatten,
17940808             DIE—DAHIER sich befindlichen FRANZÖSISCHEN—AUSGEWANDERTEN haben sich binnen —3—TAGEN von hier zu entfernen",
17940808             befahl 1—RATS—VERORDNUNG VOM SELBEN—TAGE^ und wies damit 1—MENGE Fremder aus.
17951025—17930808    —GESCHAFFEN—AM, FRANKREICH, wird das republikanische INSTITUT—NATIONAL—DES—SCIENCES—ET—DES—ARTS als Nachfolgeeinrichtung der FRÜHEREN—KÖNIGLICHEN—AKADEMIEN , die der Nationalkonvent verboten hat.
18050808             * ANTOON—JURGENS werd, te Oss.
18050808             ANTON—JURGENS, kleinzoon en de latere leider VAN Unilever.
18130808             in 90-METERn Tiefe, Die "HAMILTON" und das HANDELS—SCHIFF "SCOURGE"liegen etwa 10—KM vor der KÜSTE—VON—PORT—DALHOUSIE.
18130808             —AM.
18130808             —KURZ—NACH—MITTERNACHT, es war 1—HEFTIGE Sturmbö, die die 2—SCHIFFE erfasste und unter Wasser drückte.
18130808—20121210    —SEITDEM, liegen sie unberührt auf dem Grund.
18150808             —SET—SAIL for S—HELENA, in THE—SOUTH—ATLANTIC, NAPOLEON—BONAPARTE to spend the remainder of his days in exile.
18300000—18980808    * † ADOLPH—SUTRO, FORMER—MAYOR—OF—SF.
18420000—19090808    * † AUSTRALIA, Sister MARY—MACKILLOP.
18620808             MINNESOTA—5. Infantry fought THE—SIOUX—INDIANS in REDWOOD—MINNESOTA, and 24—SOLDIERS were killed.
18640217—20000808    —RAISED, CSS—HUNLEY, was, and returned to CHARLESTON.
18640217—20000808    —ON, the Hunley was raised and returned to CHARLESTON.
18640808             —FORT—GAINES—ALABAMA—OCCUPIED, Union troops and fleet, .
18640808             1. GENEVA—CONVENTION—ISSUED, was, on protecting the war wounded.
18650702—19160808    LILY—BRAUN, geb.—VON—KRETSCHMANN schrieb unter anderem "Memoiren 1—SOZIALISTIN", "Im SCHATTEN der Titanen" und "DIE—FRAUENFRAGE".
18660808             —BECAME, Henson, 1—ARCTIC—EXPERT —DURING PEARY—1. 2 failed expeditions.
18660808             —REACHED, Whether PEARY—PARTY actually, THE—NORTH—POLE or missed it by as much as 60—MILES due to 1—NAVIGATIONAL miscalculation remains controversial to this —DAY.
18660808—19080700    —IN, By the 3. attempt, which began, HENSON—STRENGTH, knowledge of the Eskimo language and dog driving skills made him 1—ESSENTIAL—MEMBER—OF—THE—TEAM.
18690808             Auf den wird 1—ALLGEMEINER—DEUTSCHER—ARBEITER—KONGREß nach EISENACH einberufen.
18760808             —RECEIVED, THOMAS—A—EDISON, 1—PATENT for his mimeograph.
18790808             * EMILIANO—ZAPATA, MEXICO—REVOLUTIONARY who occupied MEXICO—CITY 3—TIMES, in Anenecuilco, Morelos state, MEXICO.
18900808—18901011    —SEE
18980808             He served as the 24. MAYOR—OF—SF (18950000—18970000    ).
18980808—19060000    —IN—THE, He had acquired a 100,000 volume private library, most of which was destroyed earthquake.
18990808             1. household refrigerating MACHINE—PATENTED, The  was.
18990808             Hurricane S—CIRIACO made landfall in PUERTO—RICO.
18990808             —RANGED, The number of fatalities, from 3,100 to 3,400, with the official estimate being 3,369.
18990808             Approximately 250,000—PEOPLE were left without food and shelter.
19010808             —POWERED, SANTOS—DUMONT flew his, dirigible —AROUND the Eiffel Tower a 2. time but sprang 1—LEAK and caught suspension wires in his propeller blades.
19010808—19580000    * † ERNEST—ORLANDO—LAWRENCE, winner of 19390000             —THE—NOBEL—PRIZE for physics.
19020808             † JEAN—YY—TISSOT, FRANCE—PAINTER, illustrator.
19080808—19900000    * † ARTHUR—J—GOLDBERG, labor lawyer, UN—AMBASSADOR, SUPREME—COURT justice (19620000—19650000    ), in, CHICAGO—ILLINOIS.
19080808—19900000    ARTHUR—J—GOLDBERG was instrumental in THE—MERGER—OF—THE—USA—FEDERATION—OF—LABOR and Congress of Industrial Organizations.
19090808             —FOUNDED, She had, the Sisters of St Joseph at age 24 and spent her life educating the poor and taking learning to the harsh Outback.
19090808—20090000    —RECOGNIZED, BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA, 1—MIRACLE in which she apparently cured 1—WOMAN—OF—CANCER, paving the way to making her AUSTRALIA—1. saint.
19110808             DER—SPD—PARTEI—VORSTAND aufruft, "mit allen zu Gebote stehenden Mitteln den FRIEDE—ZU—SICHERN".
19140808             FRENCH—TROOPS under GENERAL—PAUL—PAU advance across the frontier to MULHOUSE—ALSACE.
19160808             † LILY—BRAUN, geb.—VON—KRETSCHMANN, BERLIN
19180700             1. SOVIET—CONSTITUTION—ADOPTED, is, by the 5. ALL—RUSSIA...
19180808             Opening salvos by the combined air and ground assault by soldiers from BRITAIN, AUSTRALIA, CANADA, THE—USA and FRANCE began THE—BATTLE—OF—AMIENS.
19180808             They quickly began to push back GERMANY—TROOPS to turn the tide on THE—WEST—FRONT.
19180808             —AM, durchbrachen BRITISCHE—PANZER die WEST—FRONT;
19180808             BRITISH—TROOPS open a drive along THE—SOMME near AMIENS.
19180808             THE—GERMANS, caught off guard by THE—WELL—MOUNTED assault,
19180808             THE—GERMANS, begin 1—PANICKY withdrawal, which quickly turns into 1—FULL—SCALE—RETREAT.
19180808             THE—ALLIES take 100,000 prisoners and
19180808             LUDENDORFF bitterly declares 19180808             as the "Black —DAY—OF—THE—GERMANY—ARMY".
19180808             —LATER, LUDENDORFF added: "The war must be ended!"
19180808             —DECLARES, LUDENDORFF, bitterly, as THE—BLACK—DAY—OF—THE—GERMANY—ARMY.
19180808             —LATER—ADDED, LUDENDORFF, "The war must be ended!"
19180900             —SUPPLEMENTED, —SINCE its ritual activities are, by overt RIGHT—WING meetings...
19190000—20050808    * † JOHN—H—JOHNSON founding PUBLISHER—OF—EBONY (19450000             ), Jet (19510000             ), and Ebony Man (19850000             ), in CHICAGO.
19190808             * DINO—DE—LAURENTIIS, producer (KING—KONG), in Torre ANNUNZIATA—ITALY.
19200808             HITLER receives permission to rename THE—GERMAN—WORKERS—PARTY[DAP]
19200808             (Forgotten NAZIS)
19220808             * RUDI—GERNREICH, designer (1. women's topless swimsuit, miniskirt), in VIENNA—AUSTRIA.
19220808             1—ITALY—GENERAL—STRIKE was broken by fascist terror.
19250808             The 1. national congress of the Ku Klux Klan opened.
19250808             200,000 members marched in WASHINGTON, DC.
19250808—20030000    * † ALIJA—IZETBEGOVIC in Bosanski Samac.
19250808—20030000    ALIJA—IZETBEGOVIC—LATER led BOSNIA—MUSLIMS —DURING the 19920000—19950000     war for INDEPENDENCE and became 1—OF—THE—REPUBLIC—1. postwar presidents.
19280000—19750808    * † Julian "Cannonball" Adderley, sax player, of 1—STROKE.
19290000—20140808    * † Menahem Golan, ISRAEL—ACTION filmmaker, in Tel Aviv.
19290808             * JOSEF—SUK, violinist (ARTIST—OF—MERIT—19770000             ), in PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia.
19300000—19910808    * † JAMES—B—IRWIN, Col USAF, astronaut (Apollo 15).
19330808             1—NAZI—DECREE—GRANTS—STAATENLOSE[stateless] status to some 10,000 JEWS—OF—EAST—EUROPEAN origin who had been deprived of their GERMANY—CITIZENSHIP in July.
19370729—19370808    —SEE
19370808             * DUSTIN—HOFFMAN, USA—ACTOR.
19370808             THE—ROMANIA—GOVERNMENT prohibits the singing of HATIKVAH[THE—ZIONIST—NATIONAL—ANTHEM] in Jewish schools.
19380808             —GOES—INTO—OPERATION, Mauthausen, the 1. CONCENTRATION—CAMP in AUSTRIA.
19390808             WINSTON—CHURCHILL makes a —15—MINUTE radio broadcast to AMERICA,
19390808             WINSTON—CHURCHILL warning of the increasingly serious THREAT—OF—WAR in EUROPE and THE—LIKELIHOOD—OF—USA—INVOLVEMENT.
19390808             WINSTON—CHURCHILL "This is the time to FIGHT—TO SPEAK—TO attack!"
19400808             —ATTACKED, THE—GERMANY—LUFTWAFFE, GREAT—BRITAIN for the 1. time, beginning THE—BATTLE—OF—BRITAIN.
19400808             THE—LUFTWAFFE—ATTACKS—ON—ENGLAND begin in earnest.
19410000—20010808    * † Maureen Reagan, DAUGHTER—OF—FORMER—PRESIDENT—RONALD—REAGAN, of malignant melanoma.
19410808—19410819    —EXECUTED, Several 100—JEWISH—MEN and women are, by THE—WAFFEN—SS and UKRAINE—MILITIA at Byelaya Tserkov (Bialacerkiew) in THE—UKRAINE.
19410808—19410819    —MURDERED, The children of those, are locked in 1—BUILDING on THE—EDGE—OF—THE—VILLAGE.
19410808—19410819    (see 19410819             , 19410822             ) (Days)
19410808—19410819    (see 20220819             ) (Days)
19420000—20010808    * † JACQUES—KERCHACHE, FRANCE—EXPLORER and collector of primitive art, in CANCUN—MEXICO.
19420808             —CAPTURED, USA—MARINES, THE—JAPAN—AIRSTRIP on Guadalcanal.
19420808             6 convicted Nazi saboteurs who had landed in THE—USA were executed in WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA 2—OTHERS received life imprisonment.
19420808             Marines on Guadalcanal overrun the airstrip, which is soon renamed HENDERSON Field.
19420808—19420813    —AM, DIE—USA—PREMIERE folgt —ERST in NEW—YORK.
19440808             † ERWIN—VON—WITZLEBEN (62), GERMANY—FIELDMARSHAL, was hanged.
19440808             —ON THE—ISLAND—OF—GUAM USA—MARINE—CORPS patrols from the 21.
19440808             —DISCOVERED, Regiment, 45—BODIES—OF—YOUNG—CHAMORRO men in Chagui'an, beheaded and with their hands tied behind their backs.
19440808             —DISPUTED, THE—SITE—OF—THE—MASSACRE was —LATER, as THE—GUAM—PRESERVATION—TRUST moved to put the Chagui'an Massacre site in Yigo into the National Register of Historic Places.
19440808             —AM, forderte GENERALFELDMARSCHALL—FRIEDRICH—PAULUS, letzter Kommandeur der 6. ARMEE in STALINGRAD DEUTSCHE—SOLDATEN über den Sender des NATIONAL—KOMITEES zum Überlaufen auf.
19450808             —DECLARED, THE—SOVIET—UNION, war against JAPAN.
19450808             —COLLAPSED, Within days, TOKYO—MILLION—MAN—ARMY in the region had, in 1—OF—THE—GREATEST—MILITARY—DEFEATS in history.
19450808             —4—MÄCHTE—ABKOMMEN  in LONDON über die STRAFVERFOLGUNG—DER—HAUPTKRIEGSVERBRECHER und Einsetzung eines Internationalen Militärgerichtshofes in Nürnberg.
19450808             USA—PRESIDENT—HARRY—S—TRUMAN signs THE—UN—CHARTER, making THE—USA the 1. nation to ratify its signature.
19450808             THE—SOVIET—UNION declares WAR—ON—JAPAN and begins several ATTACKS—ON—THE—JAPANESE in Manchuria.
19460000—20130808    * † NICOLAE—GHEORGHE, ROMANIA—GYPSY campaigner for rights of THE—ROMA, —OF—CANCER.
19470000—19930808    * † FREDDIE—WOODRUFF, CIA—AGENT—CHIEF—IN—TBILISI—GEORGIA, was shot and killed —DURING 1—OUTING with friends.
19490808             As 1—THEORETICIAN he published "more than 100 and 50—BOOKS, essays and articles written in Catalan, Spanish, French, English.
19500808             LDPD—GENERALSEKRETÄR—GÜNTER—STEMPEL wird wegen Ablehnung des Wahlgesetzes der DDR verhaftet und zu —25—JAHREN Zwangsarbeit verurteilt.
19500808             —AM—SEIT, gesetzlich besonders geschützt.
19500808             —REPELLED, USA—TROOPS, the 1. NORTH—KOREAN—ATTEMPT to overrun them at THE—BATTLE—OF—NAKTONG—BULGE, which continued —FOR—10—DAYS.
19500808             FLORENCE Chadwick (19180000—19950000    ) swam THE—ENGLAND—CHANNEL from FRANCE to Dover in —13—HOURS and —23—MINUTES.
19500808             —1—YEAR—LATER she swam the reverse in 16:22.
19530808             —RECORDED, The song "Vaya con Dios", by Les Paul and his wife MARY—FORD reached number 1 on the Billboard magazine Best Seller Chart and stayed there —FOR—9—WEEKS.
19550808             Die —BISHER von den USA finanzierte "Organisation Gehlen", der vom ehemaligen DEUTSCHEN—GENERAL—LEUTNANTS REINHARD—GEHLEN geführte Nachrichtendienst, wird durch einen Organisationserlass dem Bundeskanzleramt unterstellt – als DEUTSCHER—AUSLANDSSPIONAGEDIENST.
19550808—19550726    —MOVEMENT, FORMED, FIDEL—CASTRO.
19590808             He and officer JOHN—CUNEO had been intimidating local beats —FOR—MONTHS and had —RECENTLY crushed 1—TOE—OF—POET—BOB—KAUFMAN.
19600808             The pop song "Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polkadot Bikini", sung by BRIAN—HYLAND, —16—JAHRE—ALT, hit #1.
19600808             The song was WRITTEN—BY—PAUL—VANCE and LEE—POCKRISS.
19620808             —DEBUTED, THE—CHILE—TV—VARIETY—SHOW "Sabados Gigantes" (Gigantic Saturdays), with MARIO—LUIS—KREUTZBERGER—BLUMENFELD (19400000             *) as DON—FRANCISCO.
19620808—19860400    —IN, the show got shortened to the singular version (Sabado Gigante) went it went on air in MIAMI—FLORIDA Kreutzberger was THE—SON—OF—GERMANY—JEWS who fled Nazi persecution.
19630808             —AM, hatte die 15-köpfige Bande den mit Geldsäcken beladenen Postzug mit 1—MANIPULIERTEN Haltesignal gestoppt.
19630808             BRITAIN's "Great Train Robbery" took place as thieves made off with 120—MAILBAGS with 2.62—MILLION—POUNDS in banknotes.
19630808             † 15—MEN under BRUCE—REYNOLDS (20130000             , ) held up THE—GLASGOW to LONDON Royal Mail (GLASGOW—EUSTON train) and took off with $7.2—MIL in sterling.
19630808             They badly beat up train driver JACK—MILLS.
19630808             —RETURNED, He never, to work and † —7—YEARS—LATER without making 1—FULL—RECOVERY.
19630808             —CLAIMED, RONALD—BIGGS, to be 1—OF—THE—15—MEN and —LATER lived freely in RIO—DE—JANEIRO, BRAZIL.
19630808             His SHARE—OF—THE—ROBBERY was $2.8—MIL but he was arrested —JUST—4—WEEKS—AFTER the robbery.
19630808             —RECOVERED, Only 1/8—OF—THE—MONEY stolen was ever.
19630808             Dinner at home with MISTER—BIGGS could be purchased for $50. - Reynolds spent —5—YEARS as 1—FUGITIVE.
19630808             —ON his return to BRITAIN he was caught by police and sentenced —25—YEARS in prison for the train heist, of which he served —JUST 10.
19630808             —PUBLISHED, Reynolds, 1—MEMOIR titled "Autobiography of 1—THIEF" and became 1—CONSULTANT on 1—CRIME—FILM.
19630808             THE—GREAT—TRAIN—ROBBERY was the name given to 1—TRAIN—ROBBERY, occurring at Bridego Railway Bridge, Ledburn near Mentmore in...
19630808             at Bridego Railway Bridge, Ledburn near Mentmore in...
19630808—19650000    —WANTED, He escaped from Wandsworth Prison and was still, in BRITAIN.
19630808—19940000    —PUBLISHED, Biggs, 1—AUTOBIOGRAPHY.
19630808—19990000    —IN, 1—VIDEO—GAME was developed based on the event.
19630808—20010000    —RETURNED, Biggs (71), to BRITAIN and
19630808—20090000    —IN, he was up for parole.
19640416—19630808    —AM, Die Räuberbande, die den GROßER—POST—ZUG—RAUB durchgeführt hat, wird in Aylesbury zu drakonischen Strafen verurteilt.
19650808             —KILLED, S—FRANCISCO, race car driver Bart Martin (26) was, at the Candlestick Park Sports Car Races.
19650808             A 2—MILE—TRACK had been laid out —AROUND Candlestick PARK—HUGE parking area.
19650808             † SHIRLEY—JACKSON, writer and AUTHOR—OF—HORROR fiction, in VERMONT.
19650808             —INCLUDED, SHIRLEY—JACKSON—WORK, "THE—HAUNTING—OF—HILL—HOUSE" (19590000             ) and "THE—LOTTERY" (19480000             ).
19650808—19970000    —IN, 1—COLLECTION—OF—SHORT—FICTION was published titled "—JUST 1—ORDINARY—DAY".
19670808             —AM, in BANGKOK war der 1. außenpolitische Erfolg DES—DAMALS, neuen INDONESISCHEN—STAATSPRÄSIDENTEN *SUHARTO.* (
19670808—19840108    —JOINED, BRUNEI—DARUSSALAM, VIETNAM 19950728             —ON, LAOS and MYANMAR 19970723             —ON, and CAMBODIA 19990430             —ON.
19680808             —LATER—THAT—DAY, Nixon chose MARYLAND GOVERNOR—SPIRO—T—AGNEW to be his running mate.
19680808             FLORIDA, 1—RIOT broke out last night in several neighborhoods of MIAMI, including 1—COMMUNITY—JUST 10—MILES from the Republican Convention.
19680808             3—NEGROES were killed by gunfire.
19690320             —INDICTED, THE—CHIC19690808             were, in aftermath of CHICAGO Democratic convention.
19690808             Actress SHARON—TATE (26) and 4—OTHER—PEOPLE were brutally murdered in her BEVERLY—HILLS—HOME;
19690808             cult leader CHARLES—MANSON and 1—GROUP—OF—HIS disciples were —LATER CONVICTED—OF—THE—CRIME.
19690808             The best writing on the Manson murders was by JOAN—DIDION in "THE—WHITE—ALBUM".
19691105—19690808    —ORDERED, CHICAGO, JUDGE—HOFFMAN, that —THE—TRIAL—OF—BOBBY—SEALE be separated from 7—OTHERS in THE—CHICAGO—TRIAL.
19720808—19721107    —IN—THE, THE—DEMOCRAT ticket was swamped in the general election by incumbent USA—PRESIDENT—RICHARD—NIXON election.
19730808             —BRANDED, VICE—PRESIDENT—SPIRO—T—AGNEW, as "damned lies" reports he had taken kickbacks from government contracts in MARYLAND and vowed not to resign.
19730808             He eventually did resign.
19730808             —CALLED, TEXAS, Elmer WAYNE—HENLEY, —17—JAHRE—ALT, police in THE—HOUSTON suburb of PASADENA to report 1—SHOOTING.
19730808             —KILLED, The high school dropout said he had, DEAN—CORLL —AFTER THE—33—YEAR—OLD—ELECTRIC—COMPANY—EMPLOYEE threatened to rape and kill Henley and 2—OTHER—TEENAGERS who had gone to party at CORLL—MODEST bungalow.
19730808             —RECOVERED, By night's end 8—CORPSES were, from makeshift graves inside the corrugated metal shed in SOUTH—WEST—HOUSTON.
19730808             —DISCOVERED, THE—NEXT—DAY 9—MORE were.
19730808             Another 10—BODIES were found on remote High ISLAND beach, 80—MILES—EAST—OF—HOUSTON, and in 1 wooded area near Lake SAM—RAYBURN in EAST—TEXAS.
19730808             27—DEAD—SOME as young as 13, none older than 21, were all VICTIMS—OF—1—KILLER, DEAN—CORLL, and his 2—TEENAGE—ACCOMPLICES, Elmer WAYNE—HENLEY and DAVID—OWEN—BROOKS.
19730808             —SEEMED, The boys had, to vanish over the previous —3—YEARS.
19730808             —KIDNAPPED, Secret agents of the Korean CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY, KIM—DAE—JUNG from 1—TOKYO hotel, —JUST days —BEFORE he was to launch 1—COALITION—OF—JAPAN—BASED SOUTH—KOREAN—ORGANIZATIONS to work for their country's democratization.
19730808             Conservative politician KIM—JONG—PIL (19260000             *), THE—FATHER—OF—THE—SECRET—POLICE—AGENCY, led the kidnapping and near ASSASSINATION—OF—POLITICIAN—KIM—DAE—JUNG (19250000             *).
19730808—19740700    —CONVICTED, Henley was, in 6—OF—THE—MURDERS and sentenced to 6—LIFE—TERMS in prison.
19730808—20070000    —IN, 1—FACT—FINDING panel of the National Intelligence Service said it cannot rule out the possibility that FORMER—PRESIDENT—PARK—CHUNG—HEE may have directly ordered the kidnapping of Kim, then his main political rival.
19740120             —APPOINTED, HOWARD—C—ULRICH was, by GOVERNOR—RONALD—REAGAN to serve as THE—CHIEF—OF—CALTRANS and served from this —DAY to 19750808             .
19740518             It fell down 19910808             . - - It fell down.
19740518             It fell down 19910808             .
19740518—19740730    —AM, Der offiziell in Betrieb genommene Sendemast ist 19910808             —BIS—AM zu seinem Einsturz, das höchste Bauwerk der Welt.
19740518—19910808    It fell down.
19740808             —ANNOUNCED, USA—PRESIDENT—NIXON, he would resign his office 12PM 19740809             , —FOLLOWING damaging revelations in the Watergate scandal.
19740808—1974080912  —PM, —ANNOUNCED, USA—PRESIDENT—NIXON, he would resign his office, —FOLLOWING damaging revelations in THE—WATERGATE—SCANDAL.
19770808             USA—PRÄSIDENT—JIMMY—CARTER gibt Gelder für die Entwicklung der "Neutronenbombe" frei
19770808             DIE—SOWJETUNION erhebt heftige Proteste - THE—SCOTSMAN
19770808—19780400    —IM, macht JIMMY—CARTER die —ENTSCHEIDUNG über den Bau der neuen Waffe vom Verhalten der Sowjetunion in der Abrüstung abhängig.
19780808             —LAUNCHED, THE—USA, Pioneer Venus II, which carried scientific probes to study the atmosphere of Venus.
19780808             † JAMES—RAMP, —52—JAHRE—ALT, PHILADELPHIA police officer, was killed —DURING 1—STANDOFF with MOVE.
19780808             9—MEMBERS—OF—MOVE, 1—BLACK—GROUP that espoused equality with animals and preached against technology, were convicted.
19780808             —ADOPTED, MEMBERS—OF—THE—GROUP, the surname AFRICA.
19790808             —BANNED, IRAN, the revolutionary prosecutor, the leading LEFT—WING newspaper, Ayandegan.
19790808             —EXECUTED, IRAQ—PRESIDENT—SADDAM—HUSSEIN, 21—POLITICAL opponents.
19790808             —5—DAYS—LATER, hezbollahis broke up 1—TEHRAN rally called by THE—NATIONAL—DEMOCRATIC—FRONT, 1—NEWLY organized LEFT—OF—CENTER—POLITICAL—MOVEMENT, to protest the Ayandegan closing.
19800808             † RANTOULILLINOIS, Brianna Stickle (3) was found raped and killed.
19800808             DNA evidence taken at the scene was found to not be his.
19800808—20120000    —RELEASED, ANDRE—DAVIS, —50—JAHRE—ALT was, —AFTER spending —32—YEARS in jail.
19820000             DAILY WAR NEWS —FOR—TUESDAY, 20060808             19820000             GI Special 4H8: THE—CRIME—AGAINST—THE—172. - 20060808             19830808             GUATEMALA, GENERAL—EFRAIN—RIOS—MONTT (19260000             *) was overthrown and the military GOVERNMENT—OF—GENERAL—HUMBERTO—MEJIA—VICTORES took power.
19840405—20110808    —ON, the Pleasanton POLICE—DEPARTMENT announced that STEVEN—J—CARLSON, —43—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER classmate of the Foothill High student has been arrested in her killing.
19850808             Einem Sprengstoffanschlag auf den MILITÄR—TEIL—DES—FRANKFURTER—FLUGHAFENS fallen 2—MENSCHEN zum Opfer, 11—WEITERE werden verletzt
19850808             Die RAF und die französische "Action directe" bekennen sich zu dem Anschlag.
19850808—19820000    —IN, she authored her memoir "Lulu in HOLLYWOOD".
19870808             —FIRED, In the Persian Gulf, 1—NAVY F-14 "Tomcat" fighter, 2—MISSILES at 1—IRAN—JET approaching 1 unarmed USA scout plane.
19870808             —MISSED, Both missiles, their target and THE—IRAN—PLANE flew off.
19880808             BURMA, 1—UPRISING began —AFTER MORE—THAN—1—QUARTER—OF—1—CENTURY—OF—MILITARY—RULE and INTERNATIONAL isolation that had condemned ONCE—PROSPEROUS—COUNTRY to poverty.
19880808             1—RENOVATED—NEW—YORK—CITY—CENTRAL—PARK—ZOO reopened —AFTER—4—YEARS.
19880808             —ANNOUNCED, UNITED—NATIONS SECRETARY—GENERAL—JAVIER Perez de Cuellar, 1—CEASE—FIRE between IRAN and IRAQ.
19880808             —FEATURED, The flag of the uprising, 1—FIGHTING peacock.
19880808             Regional powers welcome Korean summit announcement
19880808             —APPLAUDED, INTERNATIONAL Herald TRIBUNE—TOKYO: Regional powers, —WEDNESDAY—ANNOUNCEMENT by North and SOUTH—KOREA that their leaders plan to meet —LATER—THIS—MONTH, saying it will help ease tensions and boost efforts to denuclearize the peninsula.
19880808             NORTH—KOREAN—LEADER KIM—JONG—IL.
19880808—19750000    —SEIT, Der andauernde BÜRGER—KRIEG in ANGOLA wird in einem WAFFENSTILLSTANDSVERTRAG—ZWISCHEN—ANGOLA, SÜDAFRIKA und KUBA für beendet erklärt.
19880808—19880813    —KILLED, Police in BURMA[MYANMAR], nearly 3,000 protesters in THE—STREETS—OF—RANGOON.
19880808—20030000    —BECAME, This, 1—IRAQ—NATIONAL—HOLIDAY—UNTIL it was abolished.
19890808             OST—BERLIN, muss die Ständige Vertretung der Bundesrepublik wegen Überfüllung vorübergehend geschlossen werden.
19900808             PETE—ROSE began a —5-MONTH prison term at Marion (IL) FEDERAL—PRISON camp.
19900808             —DEEPENED, As the Persian Gulf crisis, USA—FORCES began taking up positions in SAUDI—ARABIA;
19900808             —ANNOUNCED, IRAQ, it had annexed KUWAIT as its 19. province;
19900808             —WARNED, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH, IRAQ—PRESIDENT—SADDAM—HUSSEIN that "1—LINE has been drawn in the sand".
19900808             —AS—THE—PERSIA—GULF—CRISIS—DEEPENED, in SAUDI—ARABIA, USA—FORCES began taking up positions;
19910808             JAMES—B—IRWIN was the 8. person to walk on the moon.
19910808             —FREED, LEBANON—KIDNAPPERS, UK—TV—PRODUCER—JOHN—MCCARTHY, held hostage for more than —5—YEARS;
19910808             however, 1—RIVAL—GROUP abducted Frenchman JEROME—LEYRAUD, threatening to kill him if ANY—MORE—HOSTAGES were released Leyraud was freed —3—DAYS—LATER.
19910808             The 2,120-foot 8-inch Radio 1—TOWER in POLAND fell down.
19920808             —CLINCHED, THE—USA—BASKETBALL "Dream Team", the gold at THE—BARCELONA—SUMMER—OLYMPICS, defeating CROATIA 117-85.
19920808             —RETURNED, The space shuttle Atlantis, from 1—PROBLEM—PLAGUED mission.
19920808             † AIDS activist Alison Gertz in NEW—YORK at age 26.
19930808             6—PEOPLE were killed —WHEN their balloon hit 1—POWER—LINE—NEAR—ASPEN—COLORADO, tearing off the basket and sending it plunging 30—METERS to the ground.
19930808             —CHARGED, GEORGIA—AUTHORITIES, Anzor Sharmaidze (20), 1—VOLUNTEER soldier, with the murder.
19930808             —CONFESSED, Sharmaidze, under torture and —LATER said he was framed for the murder.
19930808             —KILLED, SOMALIA, 4—USA—SOLDIERS were, —WHEN 1—LAND—MINE was detonated underneath their vehicle.
19930808             —PROMPTED, This, PRESIDENT—CLINTON to order Army Rangers to try to capture SOMALIA—WARLORD MOHAMED—FARRAH—AIDID.
19930808—20080000    —GRANTED, Sharmaidze was, parole from prison.
19940808             —OPENED, ISRAEL and JORDAN, the 1. road link between THE—2—ONCE warring countries.
19950808             —ORDERED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, —DURING 1—VISIT to BALTIMORE, all companies doing business with THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT to report the pollution they cause.
19950808             —DEFECTED, Hussein Kamel AL—MAJID, formerly IRAQ—INDUSTRY—MINISTER, to JORDAN with his brother and their wives, both of whom were daughters of SADDAM—HUSSEIN.
19950808             He vowed to topple Saddam and said that Sadam Hussein had planned to invade KUWAIT and SAUDI—ARABIA —THIS—MONTH and that IRAQ had been —3—MONTHS away from testing 1—ATOMIC—BOMB—BEFORE the Gulf War began.
19950808             —DEFECTED, FORMER—IRAQ—INDUSTRY—MINISTER—HUSSEIN—KAMEL—AL—MAJID, to JORDAN with his brother and their wives, both of whom were daughters of SADDAM—HUSSEIN.
19950808             FORMER—IRAQ—INDUSTRY—MINISTER—HUSSEIN—KAMEL—AL—MAJID said that IRAQ had been —3—MONTHS away from testing 1—ATOMIC—BOMB—BEFORE the Gulf War began.
19960808             —BELITTLED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, BOB—DOLE—TAX—PLAN, vowing to oppose tax cuts that he said the country couldn't afford.
19960808             Republican sources, —MEANWHILE, said Dole was seriously considering JACK—KEMP to be his running mate.
19960808             —SHARED, SIR—NEVILLE—MOTT (19060000—19960000    ), who, 19770000             —THE—NOBEL—PRIZE in physics with PHILIP—ANDERSON and John VAN Vleck for research on THE—BEHAVIOR—OF—ELECTRICITY in NON—CRYSTALLINE or SO—CALLED "disordered" materials, † in LONDON.
19960808             —CURED, Medical researchers successfully, patients with SICKLE—CELL anemia by using 1—RISKY BONE—MARROW transplant technique.
19960808             —ANNOUNCED, CAMBODIA, the government, 1—INTERNAL—POWER—STRUGGLE and SPLIT in the Khmer Rouge.
19960808             Leng Sary, 1—POL—POT chum and the Khmer Rouge foreign MINISTER, opposed Son Sen, THE—MINISTER—OF—DEFENSE and led defections that grew to 10,000.
19960808             Food poisoning due to E. coli bacteria in THE—CITY—OF—SAKAI, JAPAN, was attributed to radish sprouts.
19970808             —COMPLETED, THE—TEAMSTERS and United Parcel Service, a 2. —DAY—OF—FEDERALLY mediated talks, with neither side reporting progress toward ending 1—STRIKE.
19970808             —REPORTED, It was, that researchers have discovered how the defective gene in HUNTINGTON—DISEASE—CAUSES the disorder.
19970808             1—GENETIC "stutter" inserts from 30 to 150—COPIES—OF—THE amino acid glutamine into key proteins and alters their properties.
19970808             —KILLED, DDJELFA—ALGERIA, 1—BOMB in 1—BABY bassinet, 9—PEOPLE.
19970808             THE—VILLAGE—OF—ZEBOUDJA, insurgents slit the throats of 21—PEOPLE and 20—OTHERS were shot and wounded.
19970808             GENERAL—ERIC—SHINSEKI, the American in CHARGE—OF—NATO—FORCES in Bosnia, announced 1—PLAN to force all paramilitary troops to disband or face arrest.
19970808             Police said leftist guerrillas were responsible.
19970808             —LIMITED, The resumption of, oil sales by IRAQ was cleared by THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL.
19970808             THE—UN—PLAN allows the sale of $2—BILLION in crude oil EVERY— 6—MONTHS.
19970808             Fighting broke out on THE—ISRAEL—LEBANON border —WHEN guerrillas fired rockets into NORTH—ISRAEL and ISRAEL—WARPLANES struck back.
19970808             —CALLED, KENYA, 1—NATIONWIDE strike was, and declared illegal by the government.
19970808             —GATHERED, In NAIROBI 1—CROWD—OF some 2,000, and killed GILBERT Simiyu, 1—PLAINCLOTHES police officer.
19970808             —TURNED, The strike, into 1—RIOT with looting.
19970808             The largest INTERNATIONAL military exercise in LATVIA—HISTORY took place over —5—DAYS at the Adazi training center organized by THE—NORTH—WEST—EUROPE Command.
19970808             Troops from 15—COUNTRIES were to participate.
19970808             —KILLED, PERU, at least 20—BUS—PASSENGERS were, in 1—CRASH in THE—PROVINCE—OF—CUZCO.
19970808             † Some 80—PEOPLE have, in 4—BUS crashes in THE—LAST—WEEK.
19970808—19970804    —SINCE, 13—PEOPLE have † when ISRAEL—COMMANDOS set off bombs behind the front line killing 3—GUERRILLA—FIELD—COMMANDERS and 2—FIGHTERS.
19980803             —COMPROMISED, NORTH—IRELAND, Protestant marchers and Catholic residents, on 19980808             —THE—APPRENTICE—BOYS—PARADE scheduled in Londonderry.
19980808             —VOWED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON in weekly radio address, the bombers of 2—USA—EMBASSIES in AFRICA would be brought to justice, "no matter how long it takes or where it takes us.''
19980808             1—RIOT broke out in RENO, Nv., —DURING the annual "Hot —AUTUMN Nights" festival.
19980808             There was SOME—PROPERTY—DAMAGE and 1—FEW minor injuries.
19980808             130—PEOPLE were arrested.
19980808             8—OF—THE—DEAD were diplomats, the 9. was 1—JOURNALIST.
19980808             1—GROUP called the Liberation Arm of the Islamic Sanctuaries claimed responsibility for THE—BOMBING—OF—THE—USA—EMBASSIES in KENYA and TANZANIA and threatened more attacks.
19980808             ISRAEL—TROOPS began to arrive to assist in rescue efforts.
19980808             —DEDICATED, IRAN, the 1. daily newspaper, to women's issues, the daily Zan, was launched by Faezeh Hashemi.
19980808             —MARCHED, NORTH—IRELAND, some 15,000 Apprentice Boys, through Londonderry with 1—FEW minor scuffles.
19980808             —WANTED, SERBIA, Slobodan Milijkovic, 1—SERB, by THE—INTERNATIONAL—WAR—CRIMES—TRIBUNAL, was shot and killed by 1—POLICEMAN along with 2—OTHERS —FOLLOWING insults at 1—OUTDOOR—CAFE in BELGRADE.
19980808             —SUSPECTED, Milijkovic, 1, MEMBER—OF—THE—CHETNICKS—ULTRA—NATIONALIST—PARAMILITARY—UNIT, had rejected responsibility and said politicians were to blame for the war.
19980808             —FROM SRI—LANKA it was reported that recent fighting has left some 1,800 guerrillas and 1,600 government troops dead.
19980808             AFGHANISTAN, THE—TALIBAN overran MAZAR—I—SHARIF and killed 9—OF 11—DIPLOMATS from IRAN.
19980808             —INDICATED, —LATER reports, that THE—TALIBAN killed as many as 4,000 civilians, mostly Hazaras, in 1—CAMPAIGN partly designed to wipe out the Shiite Muslim minority.
19980808             Hazara residents were given 3—CHOICES: convert to SUNNI—ISLAM, leave for Shiite IRAN, or die.
19990505             —SIGNED, INDONESIA and PORTUGAL, accords to enable THE—PEOPLE—OF—EAST—TIMOR to vote on INDEPENDENCE 19990808             .
19990622             —ANNOUNCED, UN SECRETARY—GENERAL—KOFI—ANNAN, a —2—WEEK—DELAY on 19990808             —THE vote in EAST—TIMOR due to security and logistics.
19990723—19990808    —ON, Her body was found THE—NEXT—DAY in EAST—OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA police arrested ALEX—DEMOLLE, —24—JAHRE—ALT, 1—NEIGHBOR on Fruitvale Ave.
19990730—19990808    —PROMISED, Rebels, to free 14—PASSENGERS and crewmen.
19990808             Opening 1—NEW—ATTACK on the Republican TAX—CUT measure, PRESIDENT—CLINTON warned the nation's governors at their meeting in S—LOUIS that the $792—BILLION package would trigger "huge cuts" in Medicare, farm programs and other spending critical to their voters.
19990808             —ANNOUNCED, GUYANA, PRESIDENT—JANET—JAGAN, —78—JAHRE—ALT, that she was resigning due to ill health and that Bharat Jagdeo (35), her finance MINISTER, would succeed her.
19990808             HONDURAS, the government began investigating the El Aguacate air base where human remains had been discovered —4—DAYS—EARLIER.
19990808             The site was 1—FORMER training base for NICARAGUA—CONTRAS.
19990808             —ACCEPTED, JERUSALEM, Yasser Arafat, Ehud BARAK—PROPOSAL to delay land transfers and troop withdrawals —UNTIL October.
19990808             —BOMBED, SOUTH—LEBANON, ISRAEL—WARPLANES, suspected rebel positions —AFTER Hezbollah guerrillas struck 1—ISRAEL—OUTPOST at Blatt.
19990808             —OPENED, SOUTH—RUSSIA, FEDERAL—FORCES, fire from the ground and air on Islamic militants in Dagestan.
19990808             The state is home to some 33—ETHNIC—GROUPS including Wahhabi militants backed by Chechen commanders.
19990808             —DECLARED, Shamil Basayev, 1—CHECHEN militant, Dagestan 1—INDEPENDENT—ISLAMIC—STATE—WITHIN—DAYS—OF—SEIZING several villages.
19990808             —REACHED, SWEDEN, AB Volvo, 1—DEAL to acquire Scania AB for $7.3—BILLION.
19990808—19990805    —FREED, SIERRA—LEONE, rebels, at least 19—OF 35—CAPTIVES taken.
19990812—19990808    —SINCE, INDONESIA, violence in Maluku province left 14—PEOPLE—DEAD and raised the death toll to 53.
20000329—20000808    COM—NOELLE Bush given —10—DAYS in jail for contempt -
20000808             —INTRODUCED, VICE—PRESIDENT—AL—GORE formally, and celebrated his Jewish running mate, SENATOR—JOSEPH—LIEBERMAN, —DURING 1—APPEARANCE in GORE—HOME—STATE—OF—TENNESSEE.
20000808             —RECORDED, Audiotapes, Enron traders deliberately congesting Western power lines: "If you can congest it, that's 1—MONEYMAKER no matter what".
20000808             Some 109—NUCLEAR—WASTE—SITES in 27—STATES, PUERTO—RICO and territorial islands of the Pacific would remain dangerous —FOR—CENTURIES according to 1—NEW—REPORT by THE—USA—NATIONAL—RESEARCH—COUNCIL.
20000808             —RAISED, THE—CIVIL—WAR—SUBMARINE—HUNLEY was, and returned to CHARLESTON, SC.
20000808             BHUTAN, flash floods and mudslides left at least 50—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20000808             —STRIPPED, CHILE—SUPREME—COURT, GENERAL—AUGUSTO—PINOCHET—IMMUNITY, clearing the way for the former dictator to be tried on human rights charges.
20000808             —RULED, However, 1—APPEALS—COURT—LATER, Pinochet unfit to stand trial because of his deteriorating health and mental condition.
20000808             NORTH—EAST—INDIA, flash floods and mudslides left at least 80—PEOPLE—DEAD and 2—MILLION—HOMELESS.
20000808             —CLOSED, IRAN, the daily Bahar newspaper was, by THE—HARD—LINE judiciary for "disturbing public opinion".
20000808             —CALLED, KASHMIR, the militant Hizbul Mujahedeen, off its CEASE—FIRE.
20000808             —EXPLODED, RUSSIA, 1—BOMB, through 1—UNDERGROUND walkway in MOSCOW—PUSHKIN—SQUARE and at least 13—PEOPLE were killed.
20000808             Another bomb was found and defused.
20000808             —EXPLODED, SPAIN, 1—CAR—BOMB, in MADRID, where 11—PEOPLE were injured and in Zumaia where 1—MAN was killed.
20000808             —BLAMED, THE—ETA was.
20000808—20060000    —RAISED, STATE—SENATOR—GLENN—MCCONNELL, funds for the Hunley project, which reached $13.8—MILLION, with another $15.5—MILLION committed.
20010808             4—OF—THE—NAMES are 20010911             hijackers; 1 is lead hijacker MOHAMED—ATTA.
20010808             [LOS—ANGELES—TIMES, 20010920             ]
20010808             [BBC, 20020210             ]
20010808             4—USA—SENATORS met with PRESIDENT—JIANG—ZEMIN in CHINA and warned him that the continued sales of sensitive missile technology would trigger 1—ARMS—RACE and boost internal USA—SUPPORT for 1—MISSILE—DEFENSE—SYSTEM.
20010808             —ANNOUNCED, USA—FEDERAL—AUTHORITIES, the arrests of 100—PEOPLE nationwide in 1—INTERNET—CHILD—PORNOGRAPHY—OPERATION, Landslide Productions INCORPORATED, based in FORT—WORTH, Tx.
20010808             She authored 19890000             —THE autobiography "1. Father, 1. Daughter".
20010808             ARGENTINA, THOUSANDS—OF—STATE—WORKERS, students and jobless marched on BUENOS—AIRES for a 2. —DAY to protest government plans to cut wages and pensions.
20010808             —CAUSED, BANGLADESH, 1—STAMPEDE of textile workers was, by 1—FALSE—FIRE—ALARM and 23—PEOPLE were crushed to death.
20010808             IRAN, MOHAMMAD—KHATAMI was sworn in as PRESIDENT for a 2. term.
20010808             —DELAYED, Political IN—FIGHTING with conservatives, the ceremony by —3—DAYS.
20010808             —ACKNOWLEDGED, ITALY, police CHIEF—GIANNI—DE—GENNARO, that excessive force had been used against PROTESTERS—OF—THE—GROUP 8—SUMMIT.
20010808             —ARRESTED, LEBANON, up to 250—PEOPLE were, in protests that demanded SYRIA—WITHDRAWAL from LEBANON.
20010808             —INITIALED, MACEDONIA, political leaders, 1—PEACE—AGREEMENT as rebels ambushed 1—ARMY—CONVOY and killed 10—SOLDIERS.
20010808             THE—MOSSAD gives THE—CIA 1—LIST—OF—TERRORISTS.
20010808             Movie & TV News @ IMDb_COM—STUDIO Briefing - - (Spread betting is illegal in THE—USA)
20010808             LEE—AMAITIS, PRESIDENT + CEO—OF—CANTOR—FITZGERALD—INTERNATIONAL, told Wired that the company also plans to start a...
20010808             SEC INFO—USA—TOWER—CORP/MA - S-3/A -On- 578 * 578 0 * JON—MANSEY (2)... 705 * 705 0 * STEVE—MEEPOS...
20010808             2890 * 2890 0 * BRETT—MESSING... 54912 * 54912 0 * BRIAN—MESSING.
20010808—20010823    : ISRAEL—MOSSAD—AGENTS go to WASHINGTON and warn THE—FBI and CIA that up to 200—TERRORISTS have slipped into THE—USA and are planning 1—MAJOR—ASSAULT there.
20010911             galvanized us against 1—COMMON—ENEMY.
20010911—20010911    —ON, 20060808             911tvfakery History TV fakery WING TV continues to oppose evidence 20010911             —ON TV Fakery (08/08)By ewing2001
20020808             —UNCOVERED, Bankrupt telecommunications firm WorldCom said it had, another $3.3—BILLION in bogus accounting, adding to the $3.85—BILLION fraud it revealed in June.
20020808             —MERGED, OREGON, THE—FLORENCE and Sour Biscuit fires, and formed the largest active fire in the nation.
20020808             —COVERED, The fire soon, 308,000 acres.
20020808             —RULED, AUSTRALIA—HIGHEST—COURT, that Aborigines do not have rights to oil or minerals found under tribal land —NOW being used by mining companies.
20020808             —AWARDED, THE—CHINA—GOVERNMENT, an AUSTRALIA—CONSORTIUM a —25—YEAR natural gas supply contract in AUSTRALIA—BIGGEST—EVER foreign trade deal.
20020808             —PRESSED, COLOMBIA, PRESIDENT—ALVARO—URIBE, ahead with Plan Meteor to equip 1—MILLION—CITIZENS with radios to report on rebel activity.
20020808             INDONESIA, LORENZO—TADDEI, —34—JAHRE—ALT, 1—ITALY—TOURIST, was shot dead in CENTRAL—SULAWESI —WHEN gunmen fired on the bus he was traveling in.
20020808             NORTH—IRELAND, gunmen shot THE—SON—OF—PROTESTANT—EXTREMIST—JOHNNY "Mad Dog" Adair in both legs, 1—ACT known as kneecapping.
20020808             —ORGANIZED, SADDAM—HUSSEIN, 1—BIG—MILITARY—PARADE and then warned "the forces of evil" not to attack IRAQ as he sought once more to shift the debate away from world demands that he live up to agreements that ended the Gulf War.
20020808             ISRAEL—TROOPS and tanks briefly swept into 1—TOWN in THE—NORTH—GAZA Strip for the 2. time in —2—DAYS, killing 1—YOUTH and wounding 3—OTHERS in 1—CLASH with PALESTINE—STONE throwers.
20020808             —FAILED, Negotiators, to reach agreement, but scheduled more talks on 1—GRADUAL—ISRAEL—TROOP pullback from SOME—PALESTINE—AREAS.
20020808             —FREED, NIGERIA, police, 46—CAPTIVES MANY—OF—THEM chained and badly beaten in raids on 5 "torture centers" run by 1 feared vigilante group.
20020808             SOUTH—KOREA said 10—PEOPLE were dead —AFTER—4—DAYS—OF—TORRENTIAL rains that NORTH—KOREA reported had also caused SCORES—OF—CASUALTIES and destroyed crops in the hungry communist state.
20020808             TAIWAN said it may forge ahead with legislation for 1—REFERENDUM on formal INDEPENDENCE from CHINA, but sought to soften the blow with 1—ASSURANCE it would not hold 1—VOTE unless forced into 1—CORNER.
20020808             † The bodies of 2—UZBEKISTAN—PRISONERS, Muzafar Avazov and Khusnuddin Olimov, who in custody —WHILE jailed for alleged religious extremism were returned to their families for burial.
20020808             —JAILED, Both men were, for membership in the banned Islamic group HIZB—UT—TAHRIR.
20020808—20070000    —ORDERED, THE—FCC, TV manufacturers to install tuners for digital signals in new TV sets.
20020812             —HEADED, In 1—ARTICLE, Atrocity stories regain currency, page 13, 20020808             + in 1—ARTICLE headed Selective Memri on THE—GUARDIAN website, we referred to DOCTOR—ADIL—AWADH, 1—IRAQ—DOCTOR who alleged that SADDAM—HUSSEIN had ordered doctors to amputate THE—EARS—OF—SOLDIERS who deserted.
20020812             —PRINTED, THE—FOLLOWING correction was, in THE—GUARDIAN—CORRECTIONS + Clarifications column, —WEDNESDAY 20020821             20020812             —HEADED, In 1—ARTICLE, Atrocity stories regain currency, page 13, 20020808             + in 1—ARTICLE headed Selective Memri on THE—GUARDIAN website, we referred to DOCTOR—ADIL—AWADH, 1—IRAQ—DOCTOR who alleged that SADDAM—HUSSEIN had ordered doctors to amputate THE—EARS—OF—SOLDIERS who deserted.
20030708             He surrendered 20030808             .
20030808             There was SOME—HINT—OF—1—PARALLEL—POLICY—APPARATUS dating back —JUST—AFTER the terrorist attacks of 20010911             .
20030808             —RULED, A—USA—FEDERAL—JUDGE, that some 264,000 square miles of submerged lands in THE—NORTH—MARIANA Islands, 1—USA commonwealth, belong to THE—USA.
20030808             —OFFERED, THE—BOSTON—ROMAN—CATHOLIC archdiocese, $55—MILLION to settle lawsuits stemming from sex abuse by priests.
20030808             —SETTLED, The archdiocese —LATER, for $85—MILLION.
20030808             —SUSPECTED, EAST—COLOMBIA, rebels set off 1—CAR—BOMB—NEAR the Saravena airport, killing 5—CIVILIANS, including 2—CHILDREN.
20030808             —CAMPED, INDIA, workers, out at 1—MOUNTAIN—TUNNEL were hit by 1—FIERCE overnight thunderstorm near 1—HIMALAYAN resort in Himachal Pradesh state, leaving at least 26—DEAD.
20030808             MAHMUD—DHIYAB—AL—AHMAD, SADDAM—HUSSEIN—FORMER—INTERIOR—MINISTER, (NUMBER 29 on the list of 55—MOST—WANTED Iraqis) surrendered to coalition forces.
20030808             † ANISRAEL—SOLDIER also was killed.
20030808             —SHELLED, Hezbollah guerrillas, ISRAEL—POSITIONS in 1 disputed LEBANON—BORDER region for the 1. time in —8—MONTHS, drawing ISRAEL—AIRSTRIKES and artillery fire.
20030808             (IPS) WASHINGTON—AS KARL—MARX might have said, ''A spectre is haunting WASHINGTON -- the spectre of IRAN—CONTRA''.
20030808             Even SOME—OF—THE—PEOPLE and countries are the same.
20030808             And THE—METHODS—PARTICULARLY the pursuit by 1—NETWORK—OF—WELL—PLACED individuals of 1—COVERT, parallel foreign policy that is at odds with official POLICY—ARE definitely the same.
20030808             Boiled down to its essentials, THE—IRAN—CONTRA affair was about 1—SMALL—GROUP—OF—OFFICIALS based in the National Security Agency (NSC) + THE—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY (CIA)
20030808             that ran an ''OFF—THE—BOOKS'' operation to secretly sell arms to IRAN in exchange for hostages.
20030808             They used the proceeds to sustain THE—NICARAGUA—CONTRAS—USA—SPONSORED rebels fighting MANAGUA—LEFT—WING government -
20030808             in defiance of both 1—CONGRESSIONAL ban + of official USA—POLICY as enunciated by THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT—AND—PRESIDENT—RONALD—REAGAN.
20030808             It was never clear whether Reagan understood, let alone approved, the operation.
20030808             The picture emerging from the latest reports about THE—MANIPULATION—OF—INTELLIGENCE in the drive to war with IRAQ, as well as efforts by administration hawks to deliberately aggravate tensions
20030808             with Syria + IRAN + NORTH—KOREA in DEFIANCE—OF—OFFICIAL—STATE—DEPARTMENT—AND—USA—POLICY, suggest 1—SIMILAR but much more ambitious scheme at work.
20030808             As with Reagan, in this case, too, it is difficult to determine whether Bush [BGW968] - or even his NSC director, Condoleezza RICE—FULLY understands, let alone approves, of what the hawks are doing.
20030808             It was known early on, for example, that the Pentagon leadership, without notice to THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT, THE—NSC, or THE—CIA, convened its advisory Defense Policy BOARD (DPB), headed by RICHARD—PERLE,
20030808             to discuss attacking IRAQ within DAYS—OF—THE—ATTACKS.
20030808             THE—3—AGENCIES were also kept in the dark about 1—MISSION undertaken —IMMEDIATELY afterward by FORMER—CIA—DIRECTOR + DPB member JAMES—WOOLSEY to LONDON
20030808             to gather intelligence about possible links between IRAQ—PRESIDENT—SADDAM—HUSSEIN and OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—AL—QAEDA, as if THE—CIA or THE—PENTAGON—OWN—DEFENSE—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY (DIA) could not be trusted.
20030808             —WHILE WOOLSEY—TRIP recalls the more benign shenanigans of THE—IRAN—CONTRA crowd, consider SOME—OF—THE—MORE—RECENT—PRESS—REPORTS.
20030808             Item: IRAN—CONTRA alumnus MICHAEL—LEDEEN (and close Perle associate) has renewed ties with his old acquaintance, Manichur Ghorbanifar, 1—IRAN—ARMS merchant
20030808             who became the key link between THE—NSC—OLIVER—NORTH, the operational HEAD—OF—IRAN—CONTRA + THE—SO—CALLED ''moderates'' in the Islamic Republic.
20030808             To what end?
20030808             It appears that certain elements in the Pentagon leadership, specifically UNDERSECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE for Policy DOUGLAS—FEITH, are trying to sabotage sensitive talks between Teheran + THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT
20030808             —ON CO—OPERATION over AL—QAEDA and other pressing issues affecting AFGHANISTAN and IRAQ.
20030808             They think LEDEEN—OLD—FRIEND—GHORBANIFAR can help, according to 'Newsday', which reported —FRIDAY that 2—OF—FEITH—SENIOR—AIDES -
20030808             without notice to the other AGENCIES—HAVE held several meetings with the Iranian, whom THE—CIA has long considered ''1—INTELLIGENCE—FABRICATOR and nuisance''.
20030808             Item:
20030808             —INTERCEPTED, USA—AIRCRAFT and Special Operations Forces (SOF), and destroyed 1—RESIDENTIAL compound and 2—SMALL—CONVOYS that were heading from IRAQ into Syria in MID—JUNE, killing as many as 80—CIVILIANS.
20030808             —SUBDUED, They then, and arrested 5—SYRIA—GUARDS across the border, taking them back to IRAQ, where they were held and interrogated over the strong OBJECTIONS—OF—THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT—FOR—5—DAYS.
20030808             For what purpose?
20030808             THE—PENTAGON says it thought senior Hussein officials were trying to make 1—RUN for it on 1—SMUGGLING route.
20030808             —SUGGESTED, But 1—EXPOSE —LAST—MONTH by 'THE—NEW—YORKER', that the raid + arrests may have been PART—OF—1—DELIBERATE—EFFORT to inflame tensions with DAMASCUS + thus put 1—END to remarkably close CO—OPERATION between Syria, THE—CIA and THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT in the campaign against AL—QAEDA.
20030808             Item: Certain ''HIGH—LEVEL—CIRCLES within the administration'' were reported by THE—RIGHT—WING 'WASHINGTON Times'
20030808             —FRIDAY to be hoping to persuade CHINA—MILITARY—OFFICERS to CO—SPONSOR 1—COUP d'etat with their NORTH—KOREAN—COUNTERPARTS against leader KIM—JONG—IL.
20030808             —WHILE it is not clear the proposals have been acted on concretely, the Times noted that the Pentagon leadership disagrees strongly with THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT—EFFORTS
20030808             to engage Kim in talks to persuade him to abandon his NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—PROGRAMME in exchange for 1—NON—AGGRESSION pledge.
20030808             —JUST—BEFORE KOREA agreed to resume talks —LAST—WEEK, UNDERSECRETARY—OF—STATE—JOHN—BOLTON, widely considered to be much closer to the Pentagon hawks than his superiors at State, delivered 1—BLISTERING attack on Kim in what was seen by analysts here as 1—DELIBERATE—PROVOCATION.
20030808             —INFORMED, Item: Anonymous ''senior administration officials'', 1—PROMINENT—CONSERVATIVE—COLUMNIST—OF—1—COVERT—CIA—OPERATIVE (whose name he then published) jeopardising her career and possibly exposing numerous ongoing covert actions and agents who worked with her.
20030808             To what end? The agent is THE—WIFE—OF—JOSEPH—WILSON, 1 retired career foreign service officer who publicly exposed PRESIDENT—BUSH [BGW968] 's —NOW—INFAMOUS—ASSERTION that IRAQ had tried to buy uranium yellowcake in AFRICA as 1—FABRICATION.
20030808             —WHILE SOME—ANALYSTS have said the disclosure of his wife's identity, 1—FELONY under USA—LAW, was 1—ATTEMPT to discredit him, he charged —THIS—WEEK that the move ''was clearly designed to intimidate others from coming forward'' to tell what they know about the administration's MANIPULATION—OF—INTELLIGENCE.
20030808             No 1—KNOWS yet whether such intimidation will work, but —RECENTLY retired intelligence and foreign service officials and military officers + 1—GROWING number of anonymous ACTIVE—DUTY—OFFICIALS, have indeed been coming forward with consistent stories about the manipulation and EXAGGERATION—OF—INTELLIGENCE in order to justify the war against IRAQ and, more —RECENTLY, efforts to hype evidence about the alleged unconventional threat posed by Syria.
20030808             Taken collectively, what these officials describe and what is already on the public record suggest the existence of 1 disciplined network of zealous, LIKE—MINDED individuals centred in FEITH—OFFICE and —AROUND Perle in THE—DPB and operating with THE—APPROVAL—OF—DEPUTY—DEFENSE—SECRETARY—PAUL—WOLFOWITZ, Pentagon CHIEF—DONALD—RUMSFELD + VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY.
20030808             This network includes HIGH—LEVEL—POLITICAL—APPOINTEES, such as BOLTON, who are scattered —AROUND several other key bureaucracies, notably in THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT, THE—NSC staff, and, most importantly, in CHENEY—OFFICE.
20030808             Cheney, of course, has 1—DIRECT—LINK to Bush [BGW968] (and all THE—HEADS—OF—AGENCIES) INDEPENDENT—OF—RICE, —WHILE his powerful CHIEF—OF—STAFF and national security adviser, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, also enjoys exceptional access and influence.
20030808             Indeed, THE—2—MEN—FREQUENT—VISITS (as well as those of another DPB member, FORMER—REPUBLICAN House Speaker Newt Gingrich) to CIA headquarters —BEFORE THE—IRAQ war have been cited by retired and anonymous intelligence officers as having exercised 1—INTIMIDATING influence on analysts who disagreed with the more sensational assessments about IRAQ—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION and ties to AL—QAEDA produced by FEITH—OFFICE.
20030808             NEWSDAY—DISCLOSURE that FEITH—OFFICE has been used for secret contacts with Ghorbanifar suggests that its work goes well beyond assessing intelligence and making policy recommendations.
20030808             —WORKED, According to 1—CAREER—MILITARY—OFFICER who, —FOR—8—MONTHS in the Near East/SOUTH—ASIA bureau (NESA) in that office, the political appointees assigned there and their contacts at State, THE—NSC + CHENEY—OFFICE tended to work as a ''network'' and often deliberately cut out, ignored or circumvented normal CHANNELS—OF—COMMUNICATION both within the Pentagon and with other agencies.
20030808             ''I personally witnessed several CASES—OF—STAFF—OFFICERS being told not to contact their counterparts at STATE—OR—THE (NSC) because that particular decision would be processed through 1—DIFFERENT—CHANNEL,'' wrote retired LIEUTENANT—COLONEL—KAREN—KWIATKOWSKY —LAST—WEEK.
20030808             ''What I saw was aberrant, pervasive and contrary to good order and discipline.''
20030808             In 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—IPS, she insisted that her VIEWS—OF—FEITH—APPOINTEES and operations were widely shared by other professional staff + quoted 1—VETERAN—CAREER—OFFICER ''who was in 1—POSITION to know what he was talking about'' as telling her —BEFORE THE—IRAQ war: ''What these people are doing —NOW makes IRAN—CONTRA look like amateur —HOUR.''
20030808             ''I think it's time for 1—SERIOUS—INVESTIGATION (of FEITH—OFFICE),'' she said.
20030808             ''I —JUST hope Congress will take it on.''
20030808             ; "The allegations.. All Party Parliamentary Group on the Great Lakes Region Arms flows... -
20030808             registration for VIKTOR—BOUT—COMPANY—AIRCESS... ANY—ALLEGATIONS made in the report, as far as reasonably possible, were put to those...
20030808             All Party Parliamentary Group on the Great Lakes Region Arms flows... -
20030808             Amid this government troop deployment and allegations concerning Rwandan... THE—CERTIFICATE—OF—AIRWORTHINESS for this helicopter was issued by AirCess...
20030808             REPORT—OF—THE—PANEL—OF—EXPERTS in SOMALIA pursuant to Security...
20030808             —TRIED, Wherever possible, the Panel also, to locate concerned individuals or companies + put allegations to those concerned so as to provide them with the...
20030808             Il 18 - - put allegations to those concerned in order to allow them the right of reply.
20030808             The brother of VICTOR—BOUT has his main company AirCess registered in...
20030808             Democratic REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO: arming THE—EAST—AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL (167) IDI denied this allegation and THE—UN—PANEL reported that...
20040806—20040808    —CROWDED, Up to 100,000 rock and rollers, 1—REMOTE—DESERT venue in CHINA's isolated Ningxia province over the weekend for a —3—DAY—FESTIVAL featuring the nation's oldest and best bands.
20040808             OUTFOXED STORMS THEATRES ! Debuted in NY, DC, LA & SF theatres —ON—FRIDAY, 20040806             to sold out crowds! (showtimes) Press release, notes and materials.
20040808             The nascent European Dream, says Rifkin, is, in MANY—RESPECTS, the mirror OPPOSITE—OF—THE—USA—DREAM, but far better suited to meet the challenges of 1—GLOBALIZING society in the 20010101—21001231.
20040808             † THE—USA—MILITARY said 2—USA—SOLDIERS and their AFGHANISTAN—INTERPRETER—WHEN 1—BOMB hit their Humvee.
20040808             ALAN—KEYES, the Republican 2—TIME—PRESIDENTIAL—HOPEFUL, threw his hat into ILLINOIS' Senate race (he ended up losing to Democrat BARACK—OBAMA).
20040808             She was best known for her 19330000             performance in "KING—KONG".
20040808             Traces of THE—ANTI—DEPRESSANT Prozac have been found in BRITAIN—DRINKING water supply, setting off alarm bells with environmentalists concerned about potentially toxic effects.
20040808             20010000             In the —DECADE up to , overall prescriptions of antidepressants in BRITAIN rose from 9—MILLION to 24—MILLION —1—YEAR.
20040808             —REINSTATED, IRAQ, capital punishment for people GUILTY—OF—MURDER, endangering national security and distributing drugs.
20040808             IRAQ—CHIEF—INVESTIGATING—JUDGE—SAID—AHMAD—CHALABI, 1—FORMER—GOVERNING Council member with strong USA—TIES, was wanted in IRAQ on counterfeiting charges, —WHILE SALEM Chalabi, head of the special tribunal in charge of trying Saddam, faced 1—ARREST—WARRANT for murder.
20040808             Militants in IRAQ said they had taken 1—TOP—IRAN—DIPLOMAT—HOSTAGE.
20040808             —IDENTIFIED, Faridoun Jihani was, as the "consul for the Islamic REPUBLIC—OF—IRAN in KARBALA".
20040808             —ENRAGED, S—JUAN—CHAMULA, MEXICO, hundreds of, residents of this impoverished INDIA—COMMUNITY locked the mayor and 3—OTHER—MUNICIPAL—OFFICIALS in jail, claiming they embezzled funds from public works projects.
20040808             —RIPPED, PAKISTAN, 2—BOMBS, through 1—ISLAMIC—SCHOOL, killing 8 and injuring 42.
20040808             —CONFIRMED, PAKISTAN, that Qari Saifullah Akhtar, 1—SENIOR—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN operative, had been captured in THE—UAR and transferred to LAHORE.
20040808             —REACHED, The death toll from monsoons in SOUTH—ASIA, 1,972.
20040808             † At least 1,152 have, in INDIA, 691 in BANGLADESH, 124 in NEPAL and 5 in PAKISTAN.
20040808             —JOINED, PRESIDENT—LEONID—KUCHMA, by other top officials, attended the startup of nuclear reactor NUMBER 2 at the Khmelnitskyi plant in WEST—UKRAINE.
20040808             Looking back, Woodrow Wilson was RE—ELECTED PRESIDENT 19160000             on 1—PLATFORM that he had "kept us OUT—OF—WAR" and on the implied promise that he would "keep us OUT—OF—WAR".
20040808             Yet, —5—MONTHS—LATER he asked Congress to declare WAR—ON—GERMANY.
20040808             —ASKED, In that —5—MONTH interval the people had not been, whether they had changed their minds.
20040808             The 4,000,000 young men who put on uniforms and marched or sailed away were not asked whether they wanted to go forth to suffer and die.
20040808             —CAUSED, Then what, our government to change its mind so suddenly?
20040808             Money.
20040808             —ALLIED, An, commission, it may be recalled, came over shortly —BEFORE the war declaration and called on THE—PRESIDENT.
20040808             THE—HEAD—OF—THE—COMMISSION spoke.
20040808             Stripped of its diplomatic language, this is what he told THE—PRESIDENT and his group:
20040808             "There is no use kidding ourselves ANY—LONGER.
20040808             THE—CAUSE—OF—THE—ALLIES is lost.
20040808             We —NOW owe you (USA—BANKERS, USA—MUNITIONS—MAKERS, USA—MANUFACTURERS, USA—SPECULATORS, USA exporters) 5 or 6—BILLION dollars.
20040808             If we lose (and without the help of THE—USA—WE must lose) we, ENGLAND, FRANCE and ITALY, cannot pay back this money...and GERMANY won't.
20040808             So..".
20040808             —OUTLAWED, Had secrecy been, as far as war negotiations were concerned + had the press been invited to be present at that conference, or had radio been available to broadcast the proceedings, USA never would have entered the World War.
20040808             But this conference, like all war discussions, was shrouded in utmost secrecy.
20040808             —WHEN our boys were sent off to war they were told it was a "war to make the world safe for democracy" and a "war to end all wars".
20040808             Well, —18—YEARS—AFTER, the world has LESS—OF—DEMOCRACY than it had then.
20040808             Besides, what business is it of ours whether RUSSIA or GERMANY or ENGLAND or FRANCE or ITALY or AUSTRIA live under democracies or monarchies?
20040808             Whether they are Fascists or Communists?
20040808             Our problem is to preserve our own democracy.
20040808             And very little, if anything, has been accomplished to assure us that the World War was really the war to end all wars.
20040808             THE—WWI. we used propaganda to make the boys accept conscription.
20040808             —ASHAMED, They were made to feel, if they didn't join the army.
20040808             So vicious was this war propaganda that even God was brought into it.
20040808             —JOINED, With few exceptions our clergymen, in the clamor to kill, kill, kill.
20040808             To kill the Germans.
20040808             God is on our is His will that the Germans be killed.
20040808             —CALLED, And in GERMANY, the good pastors, upon the Germans to kill the please the same God.
20040808             That was 1—PART—OF—THE—GENERAL—PROPAGANDA, built up to make people war conscious and murder conscious.
20040808             —PAINTED, Beautiful ideals were, for our boys who were sent out to die.
20040808             This was the "war to end all wars".
20040808             This was the "war to make the world safe for democracy".
20040808             —MENTIONED, No 1, to them, as they marched away, that their going and their dying would mean huge war profits.
20040808             No 1—TOLD these USA—SOLDIERS that they might be shot down by bullets made by their own brothers here.
20040808             No 1—TOLD them that the ships on which they were going to cross might be torpedoed by submarines built with USA patents.
20040808             They were —JUST told it was to be a "glorious adventure".
20040808             —STUFFED, Thus, having, patriotism down their throats, it was decided to make them help pay for the war, too.
20040808             So, we gave them the large salary of $30—1—MONTH.
20040808             All they had to do for this munificent sum was to leave their dear ones behind, give up their jobs, lie in swampy trenches, eat canned willy (—WHEN they could get it) and kill and kill and kill...and be killed.
20040808             THE—SENATE (Nye) COMMITTEE—PROBE—OF—THE—MUNITIONS—INDUSTRY and its wartime profits, despite its sensational disclosures, hardly has scratched the surface.
20040808             Even so, it has had SOME—EFFECT.
20040808             THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT has been studying "for SOME—TIME" methods of keeping OUT—OF—WAR.
20040808             THE—WAR—DEPARTMENT suddenly decides it has 1—WONDERFUL—PLAN to —SPRING.
20040808             THE—ADMINISTRATION—NAMES 1—COMMITTEE — with the War and Navy Departments ably represented under the chairmanship of 1—WALL—STREET—SPECULATOR — to limit profits in war time.
20040808             —SUGGESTED, To what extent isn't. - Hmmm.
20040808             Possibly the profits of 300 and 600 and 1,600 per cent of those who turned blood into gold in the World War would be limited to SOME—SMALLER—FIGURE.
20040808             Does war pay? It paid them.
20040808             But they aren't the only ones.
20040808             There are still others. LET—TAKE leather.
20040808             For THE—3—YEAR—PERIOD—BEFORE the war the total profits of CENTRAL—LEATHER Company were $3,500,000.
20040808             That was approximately $1,167,000 —1—YEAR.
20040808             —RETURNED, Well, 19160000             CENTRAL—LEATHER, 1—PROFIT—OF $15,000,000, 1—SMALL—INCREASE—OF—1,100 per cent.
20040808             That's all.
20040808             —JUMPED, Came the war + the profits, to $12,000,000. - 1—LEAP—OF—1,400 per cent.
20040808             INTERNATIONAL Nickel Company — and you can't have 1—WAR without nickel — showed 1—INCREASE in profits from 1—MERE—AVERAGE—OF $4,000,000 —1—YEAR to $73,000,000 yearly.
20040808             Not bad? 1—INCREASE—OF—MORE than 1,700 per cent.
20040808             —AVERAGED, USA—SUGAR Refining Company, $2,000,000 —1—YEAR for THE—3—YEARS—BEFORE the war.
20040808             Listen to Senate Document NUMBER 259.
20040808             The 60—5. Congress, reporting on corporate earnings and government revenues.
20040808             Considering the profits of 122—MEAT packers, 153—COTTON manufacturers, 299—GARMENT—MAKERS, 49—STEEL—PLANTS + 340—COAL—PRODUCERS —DURING the war.
20040808             Profits under 25—PER cent were exceptional.
20040808             For instance the coal companies made between 100—PER cent and 7,856 per cent on their capital stock —DURING the war.
20040808             —DOUBLED, THE—CHICAGO packers, and tripled their earnings.
20040808             —FINANCED, And let us not forget the bankers who, the great war.
20040808             If anyone had THE—CREAM—OF—THE—PROFITS it was the bankers.
20040808             —INCORPORATED, Being partnerships rather than, organizations, they do not have to report to stockholders.
20040808             And their profits were as secret as they were immense.
20040808             How the bankers made their millions and their billions I do not know, because those little secrets never become public — even —BEFORE 1—SENATE investigatory body.
20040808             Take our friends the du Ponts, the powder people — didn't 1—OF—THEM testify —BEFORE 1—SENATE—COMMITTEE—RECENTLY that their powder won the war?
20040808             Or saved the world for democracy?
20040808             Or something? How did they do in the war?
20040808             They were 1—PATRIOTIC—CORPORATION.
20040808             Well, the average earnings of the du Ponts for the period 19100000             to 19140000             were $6,000,000 —1—YEAR.
20040808             —MANAGED, It wasn't much, but the du Ponts, to get along on it.
20040808             —NOW let's look at their average yearly profit —DURING the war years, 19140000             to 19180000             .
20040808             50—8—MILLION—DOLLARS —1—YEAR—PROFIT we find!
20040808             Nearly 10—TIMES that of normal times + the profits of normal times were pretty good.
20040808             1—INCREASE in profits of more than 950—PER cent.
20040808             Take 1—OF—OUR little steel companies that patriotically shunted aside THE—MAKING—OF—RAILS and girders and bridges to manufacture war materials.
20040808             —AVERAGED, Well, their 19100000—19140000     yearly earnings, $6,000,000.
20040808             Then came the war.
20040808             —TURNED, And, like loyal citizens, Bethlehem Steel promptly, to munitions making.
20040808             Did their profits jump — or did they let Uncle Sam in for 1—BARGAIN?
20040808             Well, their 19140000—19180000     average was $49,000,000 —1—YEAR!
20040808             Or, let's take USA—STEEL.
20040808             The normal earnings —DURING THE—5—YEAR—PERIOD—PRIOR to the war were $105,000,000 —1—YEAR.
20040808             Not bad.
20040808             Then along came the war and up went the profits.
20040808             The average yearly profit for the period 19140000—19180000     was $240,000,000.
20040808             There you have SOME—OF—THE—STEEL and powder earnings.
20040808             LET—LOOK at something else.
20040808             A little copper, perhaps. That always does well in war times.
20040808             Anaconda, for instance.
20040808             Average yearly earnings —DURING THE—PRE—WAR—YEARS 19100000—19140000     of $10,000,000.
20040808             —LEAPED, —DURING the war years 19140000—19180000     profits, to $34,000,000 per —YEAR.
20040808             Or UTAH Copper.
20040808             Average of $5,000,000 per —YEAR—DURING the 19100000—19140000     period.
20040808             Jumped to 1—AVERAGE—OF $21,000,000 yearly profits for the war period.
20040808             LET—GROUP these 5, with 3—SMALLER—COMPANIES.
20040808             The total yearly average PROFITS—OF—THE—PRE—WAR—PERIOD 19100000—19140000     were $137,480,000.
20040808             Then along came the war.
20040808             —SKYROCKETED, The average yearly profits for this group, to $408,300,000.
20040808             1—LITTLE—INCREASE in profits of approximately 200—PER cent.
20040808             HELL—BELLS! Are these 40,000,000—MEN being trained to be dancers?
20040808             Not in ITALY, to be sure.
20040808             —TRAINED, Premier Mussolini knows what they are being, for.
20040808             He, at least, is frank enough to speak out.
20040808             Only the other —DAY, Il Duce in "INTERNATIONAL Conciliation," the publication of the Carnegie Endowment for INTERNATIONAL Peace, said:
20040808             "And above all, Fascism, the more it considers and observes the future and THE—DEVELOPMENT—OF—HUMANITY quite apart from political CONSIDERATIONS—OF—THE—MOMENT, believes neither in the possibility nor the utility of perpetual peace... War alone brings up to its highest tension all human energy and puts THE—STAMP—OF—NOBILITY upon the people who have the courage to meet it".
20040808             Undoubtedly Mussolini means exactly what he says.
20040808             His WELL—TRAINED army, his great FLEET—OF—PLANES + even his navy are ready for war — anxious for it, apparently.
20040808             His recent stand at the side of HUNGARY in the latter's dispute with Jugoslavia showed that.
20040808             And the hurried mobilization of his troops on THE—AUSTRIA—BORDER—AFTER THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—DOLLFUSS showed it too.
20040808             There are others in EUROPE too whose sabre rattling presages war, sooner or —LATER.
20040808             Herr Hitler, with his rearming GERMANY and his constant demands for more and more arms, is 1—EQUAL if not greater menace to peace.
20040808             —INCREASED, FRANCE only —RECENTLY, THE—TERM—OF—MILITARY—SERVICE for its youth from —1—YEAR to —18—MONTHS.
20040808             THE—WWI.
20040808             1—MERE—HANDFUL garnered THE—PROFITS—OF—THE—CONFLICT.
20040808             At least 21,000 new millionaires and billionaires were made in THE—USA—DURING the World War.
20040808             —ADMITTED, That many, their huge blood gains in their income tax returns.
20040808             —FALSIFIED, How MANY—OTHER—WAR millionaires, their tax returns no 1—KNOWS.
20040808             —SHOULDERED, How MANY—OF—THESE war millionaires, 1—RIFLE?
20040808             How MANY—OF—THEM dug 1—TRENCH?
20040808             How MANY—OF—THEM knew what it meant to go hungry in 1—RAT—INFESTED DUG—OUT?
20040808             —FRIGHTENED, How MANY—OF—THEM spent sleepless, nights, ducking shells and shrapnel and machine gun bullets?
20040808             —PARRIED, How MANY—OF—THEM, 1—BAYONET thrust of 1—ENEMY?
20040808             —WOUNDED, How MANY—OF—THEM were, or killed in battle?
20040808             OUT—OF—WAR nations acquire additional territory, if they are victorious.
20040808             They —JUST take it.
20040808             —ACQUIRED, This newly, territory promptly is exploited by the few — the selfsame few who wrung dollars OUT—OF—BLOOD in the war.
20040808             The general public shoulders the bill.
20040808             Prozac 'found in drinking water'
20040808             —CONCLUDED, THE—ENVIRONMENT—AGENCY—REPORT, that the Prozac in the water table could be potentially toxic and said the drug was a "potential concern".
20040808             The exact AMOUNT—OF—PROZAC in the nation's drinking water is not known.
20040808             1—ENVIRONMENT—AGENCY—REPORT suggests so MANY—PEOPLE are taking the drug nowadays it is building up in rivers and groundwater.
20040808             1—REPORT in —SUNDAY—OBSERVER says the government's environment watchdog has discussed the impact for human health.
20040808             1—SPOKESMAN for the Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI) said the Prozac found was most likely highly diluted.
20040808             'ALARMING'—THE newspaper says environmentalists are calling for 1—URGENT—INVESTIGATION into the evidence.
20040808             It quotes the Liberal Democrats' environment spokesman, NORMAN—BAKER—MP, as saying the picture emerging looked like "1—CASE—OF—HIDDEN mass medication upon the unsuspecting public".
20040808             He says: "It is alarming that there is no MONITORING—OF—LEVELS—OF—PROZAC and other pharmacy residues in our drinking water".
20040808             Experts say THE—ANTI—DEPRESSION—DRUG gets into the rivers and water system via treated sewage water.
20040808             Prescriptions increase
20040808             —GESTORBEN, Schleuserschiff: 26—FLÜCHTLINGE vor der ITALIENISCHEN—KÜSTE
20040808             Die Vereinigten Staaten haben in den letzten anderthalb —JAHRHUNDERTEN 12—MAL Truppen in den Krieg geschickt + nur 2—MAL—WWII—IM und in AFGHANISTAN—WEIL sie wohl "dazu gezwungen waren".
20040808             Join our call on Congress to censure PRESIDENT—BUSH [BGW968].
20040808             THE—VOTE for Change Tour MoveOn PAC is presenting 1—TRULY historic cultural event: the Vote for Change Tour, featuring BRUCE—SPRINGSTEEN and the E Street Band, DAVE—MATTHEWS—BAND, Pearl Jam, R.E.M., the Dixie Chicks, JOHN—MELLENCAMP, Babyface, Death Cab for Cutie, Bright Eyes, BONNIE—RAITT, JACKSON—BROWNE, Jurassic 5 + JOHN—FOGERTY.
20040808             All proceeds will benefit USA Coming Together.
20040808             "It's unfair, it's slanted and it's 1—HIT job. And I haven't even seen it yet".
20040808             —ERIC—SHAWN, FOX—NEWS—REPORTER
20040808             "1—OBSESSIVELY researched expose" -NYT "Fox is not objective. Fox is 1—REPUBLICAN propaganda machine".
20040808             —ROGER—EBERT— - Outfoxed examines how media empires, led by RUPERT—MURDOCH—FOX—NEWS, have been running a "race to the bottom" in television news.
20040808             This film provides 1—IN—DEPTH look at FOX—NEWS and the dangers of EVER—ENLARGING corporations taking CONTROL—OF—THE—PUBLIC—RIGHT to know.
20040808             Read on >>1—MESSAGE from Producer/Director ROBERT—GREENWALD, the latest press on Outfoxed + 1—FEW letters we've received.
20040808             Watch the trailer in Quicktime or Windows Media.
20040808             Buy 1—DVD or VHS for only $9.95—PLUS shipping.
20040808             Rifkin has been influential in shaping public policy in THE—USA and —AROUND the world.
20040808             —TESTIFIED, He has, —BEFORE numerous congressional committees and has had consistent success in litigation to ensure responsible government policies on 1—VARIETY—OF—ENVIRONMENTAL, scientific and technology related issues.
20040808             He has been 1—FREQUENT—GUEST on numerous television programs, including CNN—CROSSFIRE, Face the Nation, THE—LEHRER—NEWS—HOUR, 20/20 , LARRY—KING—LIVE, —TODAY + Good —MORNING AMERICA.
20040808             —NAMED, THE—NATIONAL—JOURNAL, Rifkin as 1—OF—150—PEOPLE in THE—USA—THAT have the most influence in shaping FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT—POLICY
20040808             The foundation examines the economic, environmental, social and cultural IMPACTS—OF—NEW—TECHNOLOGIES introduced into the global economy.
20040808             JEREMY—RIFKIN, PRESIDENT—OF—THE—FOUNDATION on Economic Trends, is THE—AUTHOR—OF—17—BOOKS on the impact of scientific and technological changes on the economy, the workforce, society + the environment.
20040808             —TRANSLATED, His books have been, into more than 20—LANGUAGES and are used in HUNDREDS—OF—UNIVERSITIES—AROUND the world.
20040808             —POWERED, He envisions the dawn of 1—NEW—ECONOMY, by hydrogen that will fundamentally change the nature of our market, political and social institutions, —JUST as coal and steam power did at the beginning of the industrial age.
20040808             In his newest book, THE—EUROPEAN—DREAM: How EUROPE—VISION—OF—THE—FUTURE is Quietly Eclipsing THE—USA—DREAM (to be published 20040800             —IN), MISTER—RIFKIN argues that —WHILE the great USA—DREAM is fading, 1—POWERFUL—NEW—EUROPEAN Dream is beginning to capture the attention and IMAGINATION—OF—THE—WORLD.
20040808             Rifkin draws on more than —20—YEARS—OF—PERSONAL—EXPERIENCE working in EUROPE, where he has advised HEADS—OF—STATE and political parties, consulted with EUROPE—LEADING companies + helped spur GRASS—ROOTS, environmental + social justice campaigns.
20040808             "Der Waffenstillstand... den wir angeboten haben, ist fast vorüber", erklärte die Gruppe —HEUTE.
20040808             Die "Brigaden ABU—HAFS—AL—MASRI" haben in der Vergangenheit —BEREITS mehrfach mit Anschlägen gedroht + die Verantwortung für Terrorakte übernommen, an denen sie nachweislich nicht beteiligt waren.
20040808             Sie selbst bezeichnen sich aber in ihren Veröffentlichungen stets als TEIL—DES—TERRORNETZWERKS—AL—QAIDA.
20040808             Auch bei anderen Fragen zeige sich, dass die Deutschen am offensten + experimentierfreudigsten SEIEN—ZUMINDEST, was Sex betreffe, sagte Salzman.
20040808             "Auch die sexuelle Gleichberechtigung von Mann und Frau ist in DEUTSCHLAND am weitesten fortgeschritten".
20040808             Die Studie vermittle den Eindruck, dass vor allem in den vergangenen —10—JAHREN eine sexuell sehr freizügige Generation von Deutschen herangewachsen sei.
20040808             Die Deutschen sind das sexuell freizügigste Volk", fasste die Leiterin der Studie, die USA—AMERIKANISCHE—TRENDFORSCHERIN Marian Salzman, —HEUTE die Ergebnisse ihrer Untersuchung zusa mmen.
20040808             Der Rest der Welt müsse in dieser Hinsicht sein DEUTSCHLAND—BILD—DER—VERÄNDERTEN—WIRKLICHKEIT anpassen.
20040808             Für die Studie im Auftrag der WERBE—UND MARKETING—AGENTUR Euro RSCG Worldwide waren über 3000—DEUTSCHE + jeweils etwa 20000000             USA—AMERIKANER, Briten, Franzosen + Chinesen befragt worden.
20040808             Auf die Frage "Hatten Sie jemals einen —1—NIGHT—STAND?" antworteten 57—PROZENT—DER—DEUTSCHEN mit Ja.
20040808             Danach folgten Franzosen (54 %), Briten (45 %), Amerikaner (44 %) und Chinesen (26 %).
20040808             Diese Maßnahme werde nötig, weil auf Grund des sinkenden Gasverbrauchs pro Haushalt sowie der steigenden ZAHL—DER—GASANSCHLÜSSE DEUTSCHER—HAUSHALTE insgesamt das so genannte Durchleitungsvolumen sinke.
20040808             Damit reduziere sich der Gasdruck.
20040808             Endgeräte wie Heizungen oder Herde benötigten jedoch für eine einwandfreie Funktion einen gleich bleibenden Gasdruck, sagte Fröhlich.
20040808             Mit den beigefügten Zusa tzstoffen erhöhe sich zwar der Druck wieder, allerdings verändere sich auch der Heizwert des Gases nach unten.
20040808             "Die Verbraucher bezahlen letztlich für qualitativ schlechteres Gas einen höheren Preis", sagt der technische Referent.
20040808             Der Bundesverband der DEUTSCHEN—GAS—UND Wasserwirtschaft (BGW) argumentiert dem Magazin zufolge, dass es in seltenen Fällen notwendig sein könne, kurzzeitig Zusa tzstoffe wie etwa CO2 dem Versorgungssystem zuzuführen.
20040808             Als Grund gebe die Branche jedoch nicht etwa zu niedrigen Gasdruck an, sondern einen zu hohen Brennwert, der beim Naturproduk t Erdgas mitunter auftreten könne und der durch die Maßnahme lediglich wieder auf Normalmaß reduziert werde.
20040808             —VERDÜNNT, Gas mit Luft
20040808             DEUTSCHE—ENERGIEVERSORGER verdünnen aus dem Ausland importiertes Erdgas in größerem Umfang mit Zusa tzstoffen wie Luft oder FLÜSSIGGAS—LUFT—GEMISCHEN.
20040808             "Gas wird zunehmend gestreckt. Dadurch steigt der Verbrauch", sagte UWE—FRÖHLICH vom Bundesindustrieverband Heizungs-, Klima-, Sanitärtechnik dem SPIEGEL.
20040808             Die Ursache für die zunehmend schlechte Stimmung in der SPD—MITGLIEDSCHAFT sieht von Larcher vor allem in den "Hartz IV"-Gesetzen.
20040808             "Es ist doch absurd, über die Anrechnung der KINDER—SPARBÜCHER der Langzeitarbeitslosen als aufzubauendes 'Vermögen' zu schwadronieren, aber keinen Gedanken an einen Solidaritätsbeitrag der Millionäre und Multimillionäre zu verschwenden".
20040808             Sie könnten ihr Riesenvermögen unversteuert genießen.
20040808             Dazu nutzten sie zudem noch die vielen Steuerschlupflöcher, um sich bei der Einkommensteuer arm zu rechnen.
20040808             Noch nicht einmal die Reform der Erbschaftsteuer sei von der ROT—GRÜNEN Koalition in Angriff genommen worden, kritisierte der SPD—LINKE.
20040808             Bislang fiel es der SPD und Bundeskanzler Schröder nicht schwer, die im Entstehen begriffene Linkspartei weitgehend zu ignorieren.
20040808             Schließlich hatten sich nur unbekannte SPD—RENEGATEN in der "Wahlalternative Arbeit und Soziale Gerechtigkeit" zusa mmengefunden.
20040808             Doch das ist —SEIT—HEUTE anders: Der frühere SPD—CHEF—OSKAR—LAFONTAINE, hat in einem SPIEGEL—INTERVIEW seine Mitarbeit in dem Linksbündnis Aussicht gestellt + die Linksabweichler haben ihn —HEUTE umgehend freudig in ihren Reihen begrüßt.
20040808             Linkspartei freut sich —SCHON auf Lafontaine
20040808             Die "Wahlalternative Arbeit und soziale Gerechtigkeit" hieß Lafontaine —BEREITS herzlich willkommen.
20040808             SPD—CHEF—MÜNTEFERING reagierte empört.
20040808             Der USA—SOLDAT, durch dessen Meldung der Gefängnisskandal ins Rollen gekommen war, erklärte unterdessen, dass er sich lange mit der Frage gequält hatte, ob er seine Mitsoldaten anschwärzen solle oder nicht.
20040808             Schließlich habe er sich jedoch dafür entschieden, damit die Misshandlungen nicht weitergingen.
20040808             Der SOLDAT—JOSEPH—DARBY machte seine Aussage telefonisch von einem geheim gehaltenen Ort aus im Rahmen der Anhörung im Fall Lynndie ENGLAND.
20040808             Unter anderem zitierte Darby den ebenfalls der Misshandlung von Gefangenen Beschuldigten CHARLES—GRANER mit den Worten: "der Christ ist in mir weiß, dass dies falsch ist. Aber der Gefängniswärter in mir kann nichts dagegen tun, dass es ihm Spaß macht, einen erwachsenen Mann dazu zu bringen, Angst zu haben".
20040808             Die wegen ihrer obszönen Posen auf Fotos mit nackten Gefangenen bekannt gewordene USA—SOLDATIN Lynndie ENGLAND hat die Misshandlungen in ABU—GHUREIB als taktische Maßnahme bezeichnet.
20040808             —BERICHTET, Unterdessen, die "NEW—YORK—TIMES", dass die USA—TRUPPEN in dem Gefängnis einen Prostituiertenring unterhalten haben
20040808             Das geschädigte Hirn weise eine erhöhte Erregbarkeit auf, neue Verbindungen zwischen Gehirnzellen würden aufgebaut, in Einzelfällen sogar neue Zellen gebildet.
20040808             "Das verletzte Gehirn erhält für eine gewisse Zeit Fähigkeiten, die es vorher nicht hatte", erklärt der Mediziner.
20040808             "Es gibt 1—ZEITFENSTER, das man nutzen sollte".
20040808             Mit Medikamenten und spezifischen Trainings sei es möglich, in dieser Zeit durch den Schlaganfall entstandene körperliche und geistige Ausfälle zu kompensieren.
20040808             Der Neurologe glaubt, dass bei einem Schlaganfall schnell mit der Behandlung begonnen werden sollte.
20040808             Die Betroffenen sollten umgehend 1—SPEZIALKLINIK aufsuchen.
20040808             Wer nach 3—BIS höchstens —6—STUNDEN dort behandelt werde, habe beste Chancen ohne große Schädigungen davon zu kommen.
20040808             Nach einem Schlaganfall erweist sich das geschädigte Gehirn als extrem lernfähig.
20040808             Für einen Zeitraum von etwa —6—MONATEN fällt das Gehirn in ein jugendliches und damit lernfähigeres Stadium seiner Entwicklung zurück, haben Jenaer Forscher herausgefunden.
20040808             Nach einem Bericht der Sonntagszeitung "THE—OBSERVER" ist die Regierung in LONDON verärgert darüber, dass AMERIKANISCHE—GEHEIMDIENSTQUELLEN immer wieder vertrauliche Informationen an die Presse durchsickern ließen.
20040808             Der BRITISCHE—INNENMINISTER DAVID—BLUNKETT kritisierte —HEUTE indirekt den USA Terroralarm der vergangenen —WOCHE.
20040808             Die BRITISCHE—ÖFFENTLICHKEIT in ähnlicher Weise zu warnen, wäre "lächerlich" und "Unsinn", schrieb der LABOUR—POLITIKER in einem Beitrag für den "Observer".
20040808             Er sehe es nicht als seine Aufgabe an, "die Medien im Sommerloch zu füttern".
20040808             In der BRITISCHEN—PRESSE wimmelte es am Wochenende wieder von Berichten über angebliche Anschlagspläne.
20040808             Der "—SUNDAY Telegraph" etwa folgerte aus dem Umstand, dass der in PAKISTAN festgenommene Khan im vergangenen —JAHR —3—WOCHEN bei seiner Großmutter in READING bei LONDON gewohnt hatte, er habe dort einen Anschlag auf den Flughafen Heathrow vorbereitet.
20040808             Die "NEW—YORK—TIMES" beruft sich in ihrem Bericht über die geplanten Anschläge auf einen hohen Mitarbeiter eines USA—GEHEIMDIENSTES.
20040808             Der ungenannte Informant sagte, die Pläne seien den USA—BEHÖRDEN durch einen Pakistaner in die Hände gefallen, der Ende —JULI in PAKISTAN festgenommen wurde und auch Informationen über die Gefährdung von USA Finanzzentren geliefert habe.
20040808             Nach ANGABEN—DES—TERROREXPERTEN—DES—GEHEIMDIENSTES stehen die neuen Informationen im direkten Zusa mmenhang mit der VERHAFTUNG—VON—NOOR—MOHAMMED—KHAN, einem angeblichen AL—QAIDA—MITGLIED.
20040808             Laut USA—REGIERUNGSKREISEN soll Khan eine zentrale Rolle in der INTERNET—ARBEIT—VON—AL—QAIDA gespielt haben.
20040808             Die REGIERUNG—VON—PRÄSIDENT—BUSH [BGW968] hat mehrfach auf mögliche Terrorgefahren im Vorfeld des Urnenganges hingewiesen.
20040808             Heimatschutzminister TOM—RIDGE sprach —SCHON vorher von einer möglichen Gefährdung des demokratischen Prozesses.
20040808             Die Informationen stammen aus dem Verhör eines Pakistaners, dessen Verhaftung auch zu den erhöhten Sicherheitsmaßnahmen für die USA—FINANZZENTREN geführt haben soll.
20040808             In einem Gebäude fanden die Soldaten dem Zeitungsbericht zufolge weitere Gefangene in einem ähnlich schlechten Zustand.
20040808             Als Kommandeur Hendrickson über Funk um Instruk tionen gebeten habe, sei er jedoch angewiesen worden, die Häftlinge an die IRAKISCHEN—SICHERHEITSKRÄFTE zurückzugeben und das Gelände zu verlassen.
20040808             Wer diesen Befehl erteilte, wollten weder Hendrickson noch andere von der Zeitung befragte Soldaten sagen.
20040808             Die USA—BOTSCHAFT in Bagdad erklärte dem "OREGON" zufolge auf Anfrage, der Vorfall sei gegenüber dem IRAKISCHEN—INNENMINISTERIUM angesprochen worden.
20040808             GUANTANAMO—HÄFTLING widerruft Geständnis
20040808             Ein TUNESISCHER—GEFANGENER im USA—MILITÄRSTÜTZPUNKT GUANTANAMO Bay auf KUBA hat derweil vor einem Prüfungstribunal seine Misshandlung in AFGHANISTAN beklagt.
20040808             Der 35-jährige Gefangene habe gesagt, dass er nach seiner Festnahme in AFGHANISTAN öfter im Dunkel und ohne ausreichende Wasser gehalten worden sei, sagte 1—MITGLIED des GUANTANAMO—TRIBUNALS —GESTERN.
20040808             —BEHAUPTET, Der Tunesier habe, dass er wegen solcher Misshandlungen bei den Vernehmungen gelogen und deshalb auch zugegeben habe, in AFGHANISTAN militärisch trainiert worden zu sein.
20040808             Vor dem Tribunal habe er —NUN gesagt, dass diese bei den Vernehmungen gemachte Aussage nicht wahr sei.
20040808             ENGLAND hat ausgesagt, dass sie von Geheimdienstbeamten zu den Aufnahmen angestiftet wurde.
20040808             Die Misshandlungen bezeichnete sie —GESTERN als "Einschüchterungstaktik".
20040808             AFP/ THE—WASHINGTON—POST Lynndie ENGLAND mit Gefangenem in ABU—GHUREIB: Misshandlung in 13—FÄLLEN
20040808             Die Staatsanwaltschaft wandte sich —GESTERN gegen die Vorladung zahlreicher weiterer Zeugen durch die Verteidigung.
20040808             Dies sei für die bloße —ENTSCHEIDUNG darüber, ob 1—PROZESS gegen ENGLAND eröffnet werden sollte, nicht NOTWENDIG—SCHLIEßLICH sei die EXISTENZ—DER—FOTOS nicht von der Hand zu weisen.
20040808             Verteidiger Hernandez erklärte dagegen, die Vorladung von Englands Vorgesetzten —BIS hin zur politischen Führung sei notwendig, weil die Regierung Aussagen wichtiger Zeugen über die Rolle von Offizieren und Geheimdienst bei den Misshandlungen nicht offen gelegt habe.
20040808             USA—SOLDATEN belasten Vorgesetzte
20040808             Fort BRAGG—MILITÄRRICHTERIN DENISE—ARN erklärte, vor einer Fortsetzung wolle sie die Anträge der Verteidigung prüfen, hochrangige Zeugen wie USA—VIZEPRÄSIDENT Dick Cheney und Verteidigungsminister DONALD—RUMSFELD vorzuladen.
20040808             Englands Verteidiger RICK—HERNANDEZ äußerte vor Reportern die Einschätzung, die Anhörung werde vermutlich in —3—WOCHEN fortgesetzt.
20040808             Die Anhörungstermine vor dem Militärausschuss in Fort Bragg im USA—BUNDESSTAAT NORTH—CAROLINA dienen dazu, über die Eröffnung eines Prozesses gegen ENGLAND zu entscheiden.
20040808             Ihr wird Misshandlung von Gefangenen in 13—FÄLLEN vorgeworfen.
20040808             Die Militärpolizistin war auf mehreren der aus dem Gefängnis ABU—GHUREIB veröffentlichten Fotos zu sehen, die den Folterskandal auslösten.
20040808             Richterin prüft Vorladung Rumsfelds
20040808             Einem Medienbericht zufolge sollen USA—KOMMANDEURE im IRAK Misshandlungen bewusst geduldet haben.
20040808             Ein aus GUANTANAMO Bay entlassener Tunesier sprach von erzwungenen Geständnissen.
20040808             Die Anhörung der schwer belasteten USA—SOLDATIN ENGLAND wurde derweil ausgesetzt, um 1—VORLADUNG—VON—USA—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTER Rumsfeld zu prüfen.
20040808             Extremisten im IRAK haben nach eigenen Angaben einen IRANISCHEN—DIPLOMATEN entführt.
20040808             Die Geiselnehmer bezeichnen sich als Islamische Armee im IRAK.
20040808             Sie warnten Teheran eindringlich davor, sich in IRAKISCHE—ANGELEGENHEITEN einzumischen.
20040808             BAGDAD—EIN —HEUTE vom arabischen TV—SENDER AL—ARABIJA ausstrahltes Video zeigt einen Mann, bei dem es sich laut Ausweisdokumenten um Faridun Dschihani, den Konsul des Irans in der südirakischen Stadt Kerbela, handeln soll.
20040808             Neben der Warnung vor Einmischungsversuchen von Seiten Teherans stellten die Geiselnehmer in dem Video keine konkreten Forderungen.
20040808             Sollte sich die Entführung bestätigen, wäre Dschihani der 2. ranghohe Diplomat, der im IRAK in die Hände von Extremisten fiel.
20040808             —3—TAGE—SPÄTER wurde er wieder freigelassen.
20040808             Nach der Verhaftung von 4—IRANISCHEN—STAATSBÜRGERN unter Spionagevorwurf in Bagdad hatte Teheran —HEUTE zudem den IRAKISCHEN—BOTSCHAFTER einbestellt.
20040808             Beide Länder werfen sich vor, sich in die inneren Angelegenheiten des jeweils anderen Landes einzumischen.
20040808             Dennoch will Teheran an seiner Einladung an Iraks Regierungschef Alawi festhalten.
20040808             Die offizielle Einladung zu einer Visite werde in Kürze erfolgen, sagte der SPRECHER—DES—AUSSENMINISTERIUMS.
20040808             Ein weiteres Konfliktthema ist die Rückgabe von militärischen und zivilen Flugzeugen, die während des Golfkrieges von 19910000             von den Irakern nach IRAN in Sicherheit gebracht worden waren.
20040808             Teheran werde die Flugzeuge nur an die Vereinten Nationen ausliefern oder später an eine offizielle neue IRAKISCHE—REGIERUNG zurückgeben, verlautete —HEUTE aus Teheran.
20040808             "THE—PRESIDENT has made it very clear that we will not tolerate dishonesty in the boardroom.
20040808             —WORKED, This administration, to uncover abuses + scandals in the corporate arena.
20040808             And certainly THE—PRESIDENT—CONCERN is with those workers + other people who have been harmed by corporate wrongdoing," McClellan said.
20040808             Democrat Kerry [KFJ965] 's campaign had 1—DIFFERENT—VIEW, accusing the administration of dragging its feet on Enron.
20040808             "It was —3—YEARS too late," Kerry [KFJ965] spokeswoman STEPHANIE—CUTTER said of the Lay indictment.
20040808             LAY—RELATIONSHIP with the Bush family dates from at least 19900000             —WHEN he was CO—CHAIRMAN—OF—FORMER—PRESIDENT—BUSH [BGHW948] 's economic summit for industrialized nations, which was held in HOUSTON.
20040808             Lay also was CO—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—HOST COMMITTEE—FOR—THE—REPUBLICAN—NATIONAL—CONVENTION—WHEN it was held in HOUSTON 19920000             .
20040808             THE—CENTER for Public Integrity, 1—WASHINGTON—BASED nonprofit group, said the Lays had given $139,500 to Bush [BGW968] 's political campaigns over the years.
20040808             In addition to LAY—POLITICAL—CAMPAIGN—DONATIONS, he and his wife contributed $100,000 to Bush [BGW968] 's 20010100             inauguration.
20040808             Lay also was 1—FUND—RAISER for Bush [BGW968], bringing in at least $100,000 for THE—PRESIDENT'S 20020000             campaign.
20040808             That put Lay in "Pioneer" status as 1—OF—THE—PRESIDENT—TOP—MONEY—RAISERS.
20040808             ROBERT—FISK—ON—HOW—IRAQ—IS—ABOUT to Explode:
20040808             we speak with CHRISTIAN—SCIENCE—MONITOR—REPORT—SCOTT—BALAUF who —JUST left Najaf.
20040808             Democracy —NOW Audio Report. This is 1 must listen report
20040808             Loathed by the rich : Why HUGO—CHÁVEZ is heading for 1—STUNNING victory
20040808             Peace pastor faces penalties for IRAQ trip : THE—REVEREND—FREDERICK—BOYLE lost his NEW—JERSEY ministry, half his pay + 25—POUNDS, all for his opposition to the war in IRAQ.
20040808             The pacifist Methodist could lose much more, his freedom and more in fines, on charges that he violated 1—USA—TREASURY—DEPARTMENT—BAN on travel to IRAQ.
20040808             —AGREED, USA—OFFERS—CITIZENSHIP To 7000—AHISKA Muslims: THE—USA has, to grant citizenship to 7,000 Ahiska Muslims who will be settled in PENNSYLVANIA.
20040808             "We thank THE—USA—ADMINISTRATION for its humanitarian decision".
20040808             Judaeophobia in the Service of ISRAEL: 1—OF—THE—BEST—METHODS at the moment to fight Judaeophobia is to stop THE—ISRAEL—CRIMES!
20040808             —BECAME, Oldest Inmate In Decades Executed : A —74—YEAR—OLD—MAN, the oldest USA—INMATE put to death in decades —AFTER courts and THE—GOVERNOR refused to stop his execution.
20040808             Stocks: Jobs figure sparks steep SELL—OFF on Wall St.
20040808             AP Poll: Kerry [KFJ965] Gains Ground on Defense : Democrat Kerry [KFJ965] is putting the pressure on PRESIDENT—BUSH [BGW968] on his strongest issue, national defense, but the incumbent retains 1—ADVANTAGE there, 1—ASSOCIATED—PRESS—POLL found.
20040808             Chart: Bush [BGW968] Ratings vs. Terror Alerts : There are few things that are quite evident from the chart: - —WHENEVER his ratings dip, there's 1—NEW—TERROR—ALERT.
20040808             - EVERY—TERROR—ALERT is followed by 1—SLIGHT—UPTICK—OF—BUSH [BGW968] approval ratings.
20040808             —WHENEVER there are MANY—UNFAVORABLE headlines, there's another alert or announcement (distraction effect).
20040808             —NAMED, PAKISTAN—QAEDA suspect, —DURING email sting : USA—OFFICIALS providing justification for ANTI—TERRORISM—ALERTS revealed details about 1—PAKISTAN—SECRET—AGENT + confirmed his name —WHILE he was working under cover in 1—STING operation, PAKISTAN—SOURCES say.
20040808             Terrorism suspect's suit TELLS—OF—USA—ABUSE:
20040808             Documents in GUANTANAMO case describe extreme isolation
20040808             Bush [BGW968]'s 20050000             Budget Is Insane: I received 1—LETTER from REPRESENTATIVE—ELLEN—TAUSCHER, my congresswoman.
20040808             She told me about PRESIDENT—BUSH [BGW968] 's upcoming budget + what she said scared the hell out of me.
20040808             You show yours, I'll hide mine: What THE—USA—DID, in effect, was to torpedo 1—NEW—GLOBAL—TREATY banning the production and SUPPLY—OF—MATERIALS—ESSENTIAL to the building of nuclear weapons.
20040808             —OFFERED, AL—QAEDA—LINKED cell vows to hit ITALY : "The truce we had, withdraw your troops has almost ended.
20040808             —PREPARED, Our cells in ROME and in all other ITALY—CITIES are, and ready to carry out their mission —AFTER THE—END—OF—THE—TRUCE on the 15. of —THIS—MONTH,"
20040808             ANTI—ISLAMIC—BOOKS' success fuel FEARS—OF—RACISM in ITALY : Human rights groups warned —YESTERDAY that racism was becoming increasingly tolerated in ITALY —AFTER the country's BIGGEST—SELLING newspaper published 1—BOOK by 1—VETERAN—JOURNALIST which warns of 1—ARAB invasion of EUROPE.
20040808             Is OSAMA—BIN—LADEN Really a 'Wahhabi'?
20040808             —MISUSED, The term "Wahhabi" is often, for less than honest purposes...
20040808             —MISSED, In case you, it?:
20040808             Video: SECRETS—OF—THE—IRAQ—WAR : The story of spying, bribery + secret deals done by USA with SADDAM—SENIOR—COMMANDERS to betray their former boss + the story of what happened to the feared Republican Guard.
20040808             A must watch documentary.
20040808             —CALLED, IRAQ—GOVERNMENT—SHUTS—AL—JAZEERA—STATION : 1—SPOKESMAN for AL—JAZEERA, the closure ``unwise'' and said it restrained FREEDOM—OF—THE—PRESS.
20040808             INTERNET Video Shows USA—HOSTAGE Beheaded in IRAQ : 1—VIDEO found on 1—ISLAMIST—WEBSITE shows what appears to be THE—EXECUTION—OF—A—USA—HOSTAGE in IRAQ.
20040808             S.F. Man Says Beheading Video Is 1—HOAX: The man shown in the video, reached by THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS in S—FRANCISCO, said he videotaped the staged beheading at his friend's house using fake blood.
20040808             Deepening ANTI—USA rage casts doubt on IRAQ leaders' ability to restore order: And as in previous battles, IRAQ—ACHILLES' heel was revealed: Allawi and the interim government must go to THE—USA—MILITARY, 1—INSTITUTION that's widely reviled by MANY—IRAQIS as 1—OCCUPATIONAL—FORCE—RUN amok.
20040808             —UNCIVILISED, IRAQ—UNELECTED—VICE—PRESIDENT—RAPS—USA—FOR '' Najaf Deaths : IRAQ—VICE—PRESIDENT—IBRAHIM—AL—JAFARI implicitly criticised THE—USA —ON—FRIDAY, saying the reported deaths of 300—INSURGENTS in Najaf was "not 1 civilised way" to rebuild his nation.
20040808             War Allies Face Opposition At Home : SOME—OF—USA—STAUNCHEST allies in IRAQ are vowing to stay the course in the face of persistent bloodshed, but at home their citizens increasingly want out.
20040808             THE—PAKISTAN—VALERIE—PLAME? Here is 1—BIZARRE—STORY.
20040808             —CAPTURED, Apparently 1—OF—THE "senior AL—QAEDA members", in PAKISTAN was actually 1—PAKISTAN—UNDERCOVER agent providing THE—USA with intelligence.
20040808             THE—BUSH [BGW968] administration blew the cover —MONDAY of double agent MUHAMMAD—NAEEM—NOOR—KHAN :
20040808             THE—BUSH [BGW968] administration —JUST blew the cover of 1—OF—THE—MOST important assets inside AL—QAEDA that THE—USA has ever had.
20040808             Intelligence officials beat 1—RETREAT on airport scare : Anyone —FOLLOWING THE—USA + UK media or listening to USA—SECURITY—CHIEFS would be in little doubt that THE—2—COUNTRIES were facing 1—IMMINENT—ATTACK by al Qaeda.
20040808             But information is emerging that calls into doubt THE—LEVEL—OF—THREAT.
20040808             A plot, or not?
20040808             Why Heathrow bomb plan was a media dream
20040808             Soldiers' Rescue Attempt in IRAQ Rebuffed: OREGON National Guard soldiers attempted to stop IRAQ—JAILERS from abusing DOZENS—OF—PRISONERS, but were ordered to return the prisoners to their abusers and leave, according to 1 published report.
20040808             Intelligence analyst questions USA—EFFORTS in IRAQ:
20040808             "1—GOOD 90—PERCENT—OF—THE—GUYS we were fighting were guys that —JUST wanted us out of their country," McGerald said.
20040808             "If we had 1—FOREIGN—ARMY here, it would be the same".
20040808             "IRAQ—GOVERNMENT" Won't GRANT—CEASE—FIRE : USA—COMMANDERS, who said they were acting under orders from the new IRAQ—GOVERNMENT, gave little sign that they intended to heed appeals for 1—CEASE—FIRE from clerics and others claiming to represent AL—SADR.
20040808             —ACCUSED—OF, IRAN—DIPLOMAT taken captive in IRAQ : 1—IRAN—DIPLOMAT, inciting sectarian strife in IRAQ, has been taken captive, IRAN—STATE—TELEVISION in TEHRAN has reported.
20040808             IRAN—IRAQ ties strain further : Relations between IRAN and IRAQ have worsened —AFTER TEHRAN said it would not discuss serious issues with BAGHDAD—INTERIM—AUTHORITIES and 1—IRAQ—ISLAMIC—GROUP kidnapped 1—IRAN—DIPLOMAT.
20040808             Coded letters from Briton in GUANTANAMO reveal 'REGIME—OF—VIOLENCE':
20040808             The letters from MARTIN—MUBANGA, 1—OF—THE—LAST remaining UK detainees in GUANTANAMO Bay, were carefully written to escape the military censors
20040808             IRAQ reinstates death penalty : Capital punishment was suspended —AFTER the toppling of SADDAM—HUSSEIN 20030400             .
20040808             The official said the death penalty would go into effect once it had been published in 1—GOVERNMENT gazette.
20040808             Resistance raise stakes in IRAQ : THE—USA—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION—CAMPAIGN is —NOW entering its vital phase: 1—FURTHER—COLLAPSE—OF—THE—USA—PROJECT in IRAQ could doom THE—RE—ELECTION—CHANCES—OF—BUSH [BGW968].
20040808             Why Bush [BGW968] could be 1—FAN—OF—TERROR:
20040808             USA won't turn against its PRESIDENT—THIS—NOVEMBER, not as long as AL—QAEDA and OSAMA—BIN—LADEN stay on the front pages
20040808             AL—QAEDA seeking to launch new USA—ATTACKS: : "They want something bigger than 20010911             , they want 1—CATASTROPHIC—ATTACK," FRANCES—TOWNSEND, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH [BGW968] 's homeland security adviser, told THE—FOX—NEWS—SUNDAY program.
20040808             Bush [BGW968]campaign is crying wolf: The 1. thing to notice about the elevated ORANGE terror alert is that it is confined to Democratic stronghold cities and states.
20040808             The next is to realize that no battleground states will be subjected to formal elevated alerts, lest the security interruptions sour the swing voters residing therein.
20040808             THE—ANATOMY of "Terror Experts" : THE—TERRORIST—EXPERTS are the "SET—UP" people, the motivators.
20040808             —PROLONGED, Biographer claims tape shows Nixon, war:
20040808             Neoliberalism and THE—DEMISE—OF—DEMOCRACY:
20040808             Free market fundamentalism rather than democratic idealism is —NOW the driving FORCE—OF—ECONOMICS and politics in MOST—OF—THE—WORLD
20040808             'Broke' IRAQ too poor to pay UN : IRAQ—USA—INSTALLED interim government, which is planning to spend about USA $2—BILLION on its military —THIS—YEAR, has declared it is too poor to pay the $14.6—MILLION it owes THE—UNITED—NATIONS.
20040808             —ACCUSED—OF, AUSTRALIA, lying about IRAQ : 1—GROUP—OF—MORE than 40—FORMER—AUSTRALIA—DIPLOMATS and defence chiefs has accused PRIME—MINISTER—JOHN—HOWARD—GOVERNMENT—OF deceiving THE—AUSTRALIA—PEOPLE about the reasons for invading IRAQ.
20040808             ERIC—MARGOLIS :The lies that led to war:
20040808             New information from European intelligence sources is detailing how the forgeries made their way from THE—NIGER embassy in ROME to THE—WHITE—HOUSE
20040808             —MISSED, In case you, it?: - WAR is 1—RACKET.
20040808             —DESCRIBED, It always has been : 1—RACKET is best, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to THE—MAJORITY—OF—THE—PEOPLE.
20040808             Only 1—SMALL "inside" group knows what it is about.
20040808             —CONDUCTED, It is, for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many.
20040808             OUT—OF—WAR 1—FEW people make huge fortunes.
20040808             Aljazeera vows to cover IRAQ despite closure : IRAQ—POLICE—OFFICERS arrived in THE—EARLY—EVENING at THE—BAGHDAD office to implement the closure decision.
20040808             The station's lawyers said police officers did not carry 1—ORDER from 1—COURT as the country's law requires in such 1—CASE.
20040808             —BIASED, AL—JAZEERA 'no more, than other TV channels' : MANY—ANALYSTS—OF—JOURNALISM argue that AL—JAZEERA should not be silenced but allowed to blossom.
20040808             It has sprung, —AFTER all, from 1—TRADITION—OF—ARAB journalism straitjacketed by autocratic regimes determined to use the airwaves for their own purposes.
20040808             —SUBMITTED, Nader fails to make CALIFORNIA ballot: Nader had, slightly more than HALF—OF—THE—153,805 signatures required —2—HOURS—BEFORE—FRIDAY—DEADLINE, according to THE—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—OFFICE.
20040808             Arbitrary Imprisonment: 1—SYMBOL—OF—TYRANNY: By refusing to hear the Padilla case THE—SUPREME—COURT condemned 1—INNOCENT—MAN to continued incarceration without ANY—OPPORTUNITY to challenge the terms of his detention.
20040808             Their refusa l serves as 1—DE facto guilty verdict and overturns the long held principle of "guilty —UNTIL proven innocent".
20040808             Prozac 'found in drinking water' : 1—ENVIRONMENT—AGENCY—REPORT suggests so MANY—PEOPLE are taking the drug nowadays it is building up in rivers and groundwater.
20040808             Unterdessen haben ehemalige Verteidigungsexperten und Diplomaten aus AUSTRALIEN in einem offenen Brief die Beteiligung ihres Landes am IRAK—KRIEG kritisiert.
20040808             Die —ENTSCHEIDUNG von Ministerpräsident JOHN—HOWARD, die USA—GEFÜHRTE Invasion zu unterstützen, sei "auf der Grundlage falscher Annahmen + der Täuschung der AUSTRALISCHEN—BEVÖLKERUNG" getroffen worden,
20040808             erklärten —HEUTE die insgesamt 43—UNTERZEICHNER.
20040808             Umfragen zufolge sind —BIS zu 3—VIERTEL der Australier der Meinung, der IRAK—KRIEG sei nicht gerechtfertigt gewesen.
20040808             Howard hatte den Krieg in 1. Linie mit der Existenz IRAKISCHER—MASSENVERNICHTUNGSWAFFEN begründet.
20040808             —GEFUNDEN, Bislang wurden aber keine solchen Waffen.
20040808             Die —ENTSCHEIDUNG des Regierungschefs, sich mit 20000000             Soldaten an der USA—GEFÜHRTEN Invasion zu beteiligen, hatte in AUSTRALIEN zu den größten Friedensdemonstrationen —SEIT dem VIETNAM—KRIEG geführt.
20040808             Bagdad/NADSCHAF—ZUR Begründung hieß es, die Todesstrafe sei notwendig, um gegen Extremisten vorzugehen, die das Land mit Anschlägen, Entführungen und Gewalt destabilisierten.
20040808             Ob sie auch gegen den gestürzten Regierungschef SADDAM—HUSSEIN verhängt werden könnte, wollten die Regierungsmitglieder nicht sagen.
20040808             Die Wiedereinführung von Exekutionen sei "keine offene Tür, jeden hinzurichten, der der Regierung missfällt", sagte Staatsminister ADNAN—AL—DSCHANABI.
20040808             "Dies ist nicht Saddams Gesetz", betonte er.
20040808             Unter Saddams Herrschaft konnte die Todesstrafe bei mehr als 100—STRAFTATBESTÄNDEN verhängt werden.
20040808             Während der USA—BESATZUNG war sie ausgesetzt.
20040808             Sobald sich die Sicherheitslage im IRAK verbessere, werde die Todesstrafe wieder zurückgenommen, erklärten AL—DSCHANABI + Menschenrechtsminister Bachtiar Amin.
20040808             Todesstrafe wieder in KRAFT—DER IRAK führt die Todesstrafe wieder ein.
20040808             Die Regierung teilte —HEUTE in Bagdad mit, das Strafmaß könne bei Mord, Gefährdung der nationalen Sicherheit oder Drogenhandels verhängt werden.
20040808             Kurz zuvor verkündete Regierungschef Alawi 1—BEDINGT GÜLTIGE—AMNESTIE für Aufständische.
20040808             Popular Downloads
20040808             jello BIAFRA—DIE For Oil, Sucker.mp3 Jello Biafra reciting his poem "Die for Oil, Sucker".
20040808             SCOTT—RITTER—PRESENTATION.mp3 File Size: 13.121,27 KB
20040808             Die SUDANESISCHE—REGIERUNG sucht im —KONFLIKT um Darfur Unterstützung bei der Arabischen Liga.
20040808             Während ein neuer UNO—BERICHT weitere Gräueltaten aus der Krisenregion beschreibt, vereinbarte der SUDAN mit 2—REBELLENORGANISATIONEN neue —VERHANDLUNGEN.
20040808             NOUAKCHOTT—ES drohe der Verlust von rund 80—PROZENT—DER—ERNTE, sagte MOHAMED—LEMINE von der MAURETANISCHEN—LANDWIRTSCHAFTSVEREINIGUNG der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters am Wochenende.
20040808             —VERNICHTET, Die Wüstenheuschrecke, sowohl die HIRSE—FELDER als auch die für den Export bestimmten Wassermelonen und Erdnüsse.
20040808             —BEREITS—IM—OKTOBER letzten Jahres hatten die Vereinten Nationen vor einer Plage gewarnt, da die Witterung mit außergewöhnlich starken Regenfällen nach vielen —JAHREN der Trockenheit für die ENTWICKLUNG—DER—TIERE optimal war.
20040808             —JETZT, so schätzt die Welternährungsorganisation FAO, wird die Bekämpfung rund 80—MILLIONEN Dollar kosten.
20040808             Nur 9—MILLIONEN stünden —BISHER bereit.
20040808             Allein NIGER und MAURETANIEN benötigen nach eigenen Angaben rund 20—MILLIONEN Dollar, extra Flugzeuge + tausende zusätzlicher Liter Pestizide.
20040808             Der Gesamtschaden könnte sich nach Schätzungen der FAO —BIS zum Jahresende auf 245—MILLIONEN Dollar steigen.
20040808             Wenn die im Westen Afrikas grassierende Insektenplage nicht eingedämmt wird, droht einer Million Menschen 1—HUNGERSNOT.
20040808             Über 3—VIERTEL der Ernte sind bedroht.
20040808             Auch die Vereinten Nationen haben —SCHON gewarnt.
20040808             Im Alter von —76—JAHREN war er in seinem roten Overall in KUWAIT im Einsatz.
20040808             Adair + seinen Leuten gelang es, 117—ÖLQUELLEN, die während des Golfkrieges in Brand gesteckt worden waren, zu löschen.
20040808             1—UMWELTKATASTROPHE konnte dadurch vermieden werden.
20040808             Der berühmteste Feuerwehrmann der Welt starb —HEUTE im Alter von —89—JAHREN in seiner texanischen Heimatstadt HOUSTON in einem Krankenhaus.
20040808             Im 1. Golfkrieg löschte Adair 117—BRENNENDE ÖLQUELLEN—DAMALS —BEREITS stolze —76—JAHRE alt.
20040808             Zoogeln, also Googeln —NACH—DEM Zufallsprinzip, geht ganz einfach: Starten Sie ihren Browser und öffnen Sie die Website von Google.
20040808             Schließen sie die Augen + tippen Sie ohne nachzudenken ein paar beliebige Buchstaben auf Ihrer Tastatur.
20040808             Alternativ können Sie natürlich auch einfach 1—RADIERGUMMI auf das Keyboard werfen, oder Ihren Hund über die Tasten laufen lassen.
20040808             Egal WIE—HAUPTSACHE im GOOGLE—SUCHFELD steht eine absolut zufällige ZEICHENKETTE—ETWA "wefh" oder " N;KJBF".
20040808             Anschließend einfach Enter DRÜCKEN—UND staunen
20040808             Die NATO—STAATEN hatten sich Ende —JULI nach zähen —VERHANDLUNGEN geeinigt, —IM—AUGUST mit der Ausbildung IRAKISCHER—SICHERHEITSKRÄFTE zu beginnen.
20040808             Die Bundesregierung prüft dazu die Entsendung von BUNDESWEHR—SOLDATEN in die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate (VAE).
20040808             Das USA—PRÄSIDIALAMT kritisierte Kerry [KFJ965] s Äußerungen scharf.
20040808             "Diese ART—VON—ENTSCHEIDUNGEN sollten auf den Empfehlungen der Feldkommandeure basieren und ich bezweifele, dass SENATOR—KERRY [KFJ965] die Unterstützung der Feldkommandeure hat", sagte 1—PRÄSIDIALAMTSSPRECHER.
20040808             —DERZEIT sind rund 138.000—USA—SOLDATEN im IRAK im Einsatz.
20040808             Wegen der angespannten Sicherheitslage wurde die Dienstzeit vieler Soldaten verlängert.
20040808             Auch die Zustimmung zur IRAK—POLITIK—DES—USA—PRÄSIDENTEN sowie zu seiner Wirtschaftspolitik ging der Erhebung zufolge weiter zurück.
20040808             Insgesamt waren noch 51—PROZENT—DER—ANSICHT, Bush [BGW968] gehe beim Kampf gegen den internationalen Terrorismus den richtigen Weg.
20040808             48 % teilten diese Meinung nicht.
20040808             In der Arbeitsmarktpolitik lag Kerry [KFJ965] deutlich in Führung.
20040808             55—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN trauten ihm zu, neue Stellen schaffen zu können.
20040808             Nur 39 % glaubten, dass Bush [BGW968] hier erfolgreicher sein würde.
20040808             —IM—JULI hatte Bush [BGW968] mit insgesamt 49 % Zustimmung noch vor Kerry [KFJ965] gelegen, auf den damals 45 % entfielen.
20040808             Der unabhängige Kandidat RALPH—NADER kam auf 3 %.
20040808             Die Fehlerquote der Umfrage, die das IPSOS—INSTITUT im Auftrag der Nachrichtenagentur AP vom vergangenen —DIENSTAG—BIS —DONNERSTAG durchführte, wurde mit 3,5 % angegeben.
20040808             —REFLEKTIERT, Das Ergebnis für Kerry [KFJ965], die positive Reaktion der Öffentlichkeit auf den Nominierungsparteitag der USA—DEMOKRATEN —IN—DER—LETZTEN—JULI—WOCHE.
20040808             In den Einzelwertungen konnte Kerry [KFJ965], der auf dem Parteitag nicht zuletzt als Held des VIETNAM—KRIEGS gefeiert wurde, vor allem seine Position im Sicherheitsbereich ausbauen.
20040808             Bush [BGW968] lag auf diesem Gebiet mit 52 % zwar weiterhin in Führung, doch sank das öffentliche Vertrauen in seine Fähigkeit zur Landesverteidigung um 6 %punkte.
20040808             Der demokratische Präsidentschaftskandidat Kerry [KFJ965] hat USA—PRÄSIDENT—BUSH [BGW968] in den Meinungsumfragen überholt.
20040808             Demnach erhielten Kerry [KFJ965] + JOHN—EDWARDS 48 %, die Amtsinhaber Bush [BGW968] und sein VIZE—RICHARD—CHENEY kamen auf 45 %.
20040808             Kerry [KFJ965] versprach, einen GROßTEIL—DER—USA—SOLDATEN aus dem IRAK abziehen zu wollen.
20040808             Auf den FORUMSSEITEN—ANALYSIERT
20040808             ROBERT—KAGAN—KERRY [KFJ965] s Ernennungsrede, in der der Präsidentschaftskandidat der Demokraten erklärt hatte, AMERIKA "zu einer langgehegten Tradition zurückzuführen: Die Vereinigten Staaten von AMERIKA ziehen nie in den Krieg, weil sie es wollen; wir ziehen nur in den Krieg, wenn wir dazu gezwungen sind".
20040808             Dazu Kagan: Kerry [KFJ965] s 'NOTWENDIGKEITS—DOKTRIN' würde die USA zu einem Pazifismus und Isolationismus führen, den keine andere Regierung —SEIT den 3ßiger —JAHREN je versucht hat.
20040808             ALLE—KRIEGE aus humanitären Gründen wären ausgeschlossen.
20040808             Sie sind ALLE—GEWOLLTE—KRIEGE.
20040808             Für jemanden, der vorgibt, bessere Beziehungen zum Rest der Welt zu suchen, ist das eine erstaunlich enge, auf egoistische Interessen abhebende POLITIK—GANZ im Gegensatz zu Bush [BGW968] s angeblichem 'Unilateralismus'".
20040808             —BERICHTET, Gleich dreimal Film: Aus den USA, Andrian Kreye über den so kritischen wie seriösen Dokumentarfilm "Outfoxed", der RUPERT—MURDOCHS—MEDIENIMPERIUM beschreibt.
20040808             —AM interessantesten daran: Die Verbreitung über die erfolgreiche Gegenöffentlichkeitsbewegung MoveOn.
20040808             Der große Aufmacher ist 1—VORABDRUCK aus dem neuen Buch von JEREMY—RIFKIN, zur Zeit
20040808             PRÄSIDENT - der Washingtoner "Foundation on Economic Trends".
20040808             Es ist eine "Hommage an den jungen, alten Kontinent" EUROPA : "Während der AMERIKANISCHE—GEIST in der Vergangenheit schwelgt, reift ein anderer Traum heran, beflügelt durch den Aufstieg der anderen Supermacht von globaler Bedeutung: der Europäischen Union".
20040808             Und weiter im hymnischen "Obwohl er noch in den Kinderschuhen steckt, ist der Europäische Traum die 1. transnationale VISION—EINE, die als Basis für den nächsten Schritt in der menschlichen Entwicklung geeigneter erscheint als die amerikanische".
20040808             geht es ums Thema soziale Abstiegsangst.
20040808             —AM interessantesten dabei kulturbetriebssoziologische Auskünfte wie diese (überhaupt liest es sich wie 1—DER—BESTANDSAUFNAHMEN—VON—HEINZ—BUDE): "Ich hatte —BIS 35—EIN extrem verbummeltes Leben. Ich bin angefangen auf der Basis von 5—MARK —AM—MONTAG und stand vor der Frage: Kaufst Du Dir Zigaretten oder den Spiegel. Ich hatte dabei Arbeitsphasen, in denen ich einen —MONAT lang das Gesamtwerk eines Schriftstellers gelesen und einen weiteren —MONAT gebraucht habe, darüber einen Text zu schreiben, für den es dann 800—MARK gab. Ökonomisch trat ich also auch extrem auf der Stelle. Ich hatte aber die Gewissheit, dass es an mir liegt, ob ich über diese Brücke gehe. Man lässt mich gehen, wenn ich denn durchhalte. Es gab nicht das Gefühl 1—VON—AUSSEN herangetragenen Aussichtslosigkeit. Die Brücke stand nicht im Niemandsland. Sie führte ins feuilletonistische Leben".
20040808             —KOMMENTIERT, Im Feuilleton : Knapp, aber süffisant, BRIGITTE—WERNEBURG die gestrige FAZ—KRITIK—VON—PATRICK—BAHNERS an den Äußerungen von FRIEDRICH—CHRISTIAN—FLICKS—SCHWESTER : "Kann es sein, dass die FAZ deshalb so konfus und meistenteils nur auf der Randspalte über die FLICK—SAMMLUNG berichtet, weil HEINZ—BERGGRUEN, der Kunsthändler UND—SAMMLER, ihr herausgehobener Gastautor ist?
20040808             HEINZ—BERGGRUEN, der das Patronat über F. C. Flicks Berlinpläne hält?
20040808             —VERPFLICHTET, Dem man, ist?"
20040808             Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung | Die Tageszeitung | Frankfurter Rundschau | Neue Zürcher Zeitung | Süddeutsche Zeitung | Die Welt
20040808             —BILANZIERT, In den Überresten von Bilder und Zeiten, KIM—C—PRIEMEL die Firmengeschichte des FLICK—KONZERNS.
20040808             Spiegel und Springer Verlag kehren —JETZT also auch zur alten Rechtschreibung ZURÜCK—ODER zur "bewährten", wie es —JETZT heißt. HENNING—RITTER
20040808             sinniert - aus diesem Anlass und inspiriert von Schopenhauer über den ureigensten Zusa mmenhang von Sprache und Konservatismus : "Es gilt zu bewahren, weil von außen herangetragene Zwecke an der Sprache abgleiten können oder die subtile Verkettung von Bedeutungen, die in ihr —SCHON realisiert ist, zerstören: 'Die Sprache, zumal eine relative Ursprache wie die deutsche, ist das köstlichste Erbteil der Nation und dabei ein überaus kompliziertes, leicht zu verderbendes und nicht wieder herzustellendes Kunstwerk, daher ein noli me tangere.'"
20040808             Weiter entdeckte die "Cassini", dass Titan, der größte Mond des Saturns, völlig von einem Dunst aus Methan und KOHLEN—MONOXID umgeben ist.
20040808             Dies verleihe dem Mond 1—GLÜHEN. Neuer Ring und heftige Stürme
20040808             Knapp einen —MONAT—NACH—DEM Anflug der Raumsonde "Cassini" auf den Saturn gibt es neue Beobachtungen:
20040808             Die Sonde entdeckte einen neuen Strahlungsgürtel um den Saturn und lieferte neue Erkenntnisse über die Stürme, die auf dem Planten toben.
20040808             —BEREITS zu Wochenbeginn hatte der UNO—GENERALSEKRETÄR beklagt, dass kaum 1—MITGLIEDSLAND der 191—STAATEN umfassenden Weltorganisation bereit sei, Truppen für den Schutz der UNO—MISSION im IRAK zu entsenden.
20040808             Inzwischen räumte auch der UNO—BOTSCHAFTER—DER—USA, JOHN—DANFORTH, erhebliche Schwierigkeiten bei der Aufstellung einer solchen Schutztruppe ein.
20040808             Die USA + UK bemühten sich nach Kräften, Staaten zur Bereitstellung von Soldaten für den UNO—SCHUTZ zu bewegen.
20040808             Die —VERHANDLUNGEN drehten sich aber im Kreis, sagte Danforth.
20040808             Nach ANGABEN—VON—UNO—DIPLOMATEN haben lediglich ASERBAIDSCHAN, GEORGIEN—NEPAL, PAKISTAN und die UK raine "ein gewisses Interesse" an der Entsendung von Soldaten zum Schutz der UNO—MISSION bekundet.
20040808             Sie würden aber verlangen, dass die Uno oder die USA sämtliche Kosten dafür tragen.
20040808             "—SEIT—DEZEMBER hat sich die Sicherheitslage im IRAK nicht verbessert", schrieb Annan.
20040808             "In absehbarer Zuk unft werden die Vereinten Nationen ein herausgehobenes, stark gefährdetes Ziel für Angriffe im IRAK bleiben".
20040808             Demnach wird Qazi seinen Posten in Bagdad —ZUNÄCHST nur mit einem kleinen Mitarbeiterstab antreten.
20040808             Immerhin erhalten die Vereinten Nationen damit erstmals —SEIT vergangenem 20031000             wieder einer Präsenz im IRAK.
20040808             Dschaisch Ansar AL—SUNNA hat sich —BEREITS zu mehreren anderen Anschlägen im IRAK bekannt.
20040808             Die Gruppe hat Verbindungen zur kurdischen Extremistenorganisation Ansar AL—ISLAM.
20040808             Annan sieht Uno im IRAK weiter als Angriffsziel
20040808             —HEUTE ordnete Die IRAKISCHE—ÜBERGANGSREGIERUNG die Schließung des Büros des arabischen Fernsehsenders AL—JAZEERA in Bagdad an.
20040808             Sie soll —ZUNÄCHST für einen —MONAT gelten.
20040808             Das verkündete —HEUTE—MITTAG ein IRAKISCHER—BEAMTER.
20040808             Zur Begründung sagte Innenminister Falah AL—NAQIB, dass die in dem Satellitensender ausgestrahlten BILDER—VON—MIT—DEM—TODE bedrohten Geiseln die Terroristen anspornten.
20040808             Die Kampagne AL—SARKAWIS zielt offensichtlich darauf ab, junge Männer für den so genannten Heiligen Krieg zu gewinnen.
20040808             Der KUWAITISCHEN—ZEITUNG "AL—SIJASSAH" zufolge ist die professionell produzierte CD—ROM vor allem für Fundamentalisten in diesem Scheichtum bestimmt.
20040808             Unterdessen hat sich eine andere militante SUNNITISCH—ISLAMISCHE Gruppe zu 2—AUTOBOMBENANSCHLÄGEN auf IRAKISCHE—SICHERHEITSKRÄFTE —IN—DIESER—WOCHE bekannt.
20040808             2—ENTSPRECHENDE Erklärungen verbreitete die Gruppe Dschaisch Ansar AL—SUNNA —GESTERN auf ihrer Website.
20040808             TERROR IM IRAK Enthauptungsvideo ist 1—FÄLSCHUNG Wie die Nachrichtenagentur AP berichtet, handelt es sich bei —DEM—HEUTE verbreiteten Hinrichtungsvideo um einen missratenen Streich:
20040808             Ein 22-jähriger USA—AMERIKANER hatte zum Spaß seine eigene Hinrichtung inszeniert.
20040808             Die Gruppe, der das Band irrtümlich zugeschrieben wurde, rief —HEUTE ALLE—MUSLIME zum Kampf gegen die "westlichen Kreuzritter" auf.
20040808             Padilla redux: Arbitrary imprisonment 1—SYMBOL—OF—TYRANNY—COUNTER Punch- "By refusing to hear the Padilla case USA—SUPREME—COURT condemned 1—INNOCENT—MAN to continued incarceration
20040808             without ANY—OPPORTUNITY to challenge the terms of his detention.
20040808             USA—SUPREME—COURT refusa l serves as 1—DE facto guilty verdict + overturns the 12000000—20040800     -long held principle "HABEAS CORPUS" of "innocent —UNTIL proven guilty".
20040808             Additionally, their USA—SUPREME—COURT ruling reinforces the muddled POSITION—OF—THE—BUSH [BGW968] Administration that prisoners in the apocryphal "WAR—ON—TERROR" can be dispatched as "unlawful combatants";
20040808             the spurious rhetoric that is without ANY—LEGAL meaning.
20040808             It is impossible to overstate the significance of the Padilla case.
20040808             —BY ANY—OBJECTIVE—STANDARD, the Padilla case is the most important case in THE—HISTORY—OF—THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT.
20040808             This is no exaggeration.
20040808             What makes it so extraordinary is that, in its essence, it does not merely deal with "what rights citizens have" or "what the parameters of those rights are" but, whether or not citizens have rights at all.' " (8/12)
20040808—19890000    —SCHON, flogen laut SPIEGEL EINIGE—KOMMUNALE—UNTERNEHMEN auf, weil sie mehr Gas an ihre Kunden verkauften, als sie selbst von ihrem Lieferanten bezogen hatten.
20040808—19950000    His book, THE—END—OF—WORK, is 1—INTERNATIONAL bestseller that is widely credited with helping shape the current global debate on technology displacement, corporate downsizing and THE—FUTURE—OF—JOBS.
20040808—19980000    His bestseller, THE—BIOTECH—CENTURY, addresses THE—MANY—CRITICAL—ISSUES accompanying the new era of genetic commerce and is the most widely read book in the world on the biotech revolution.
20040808—20000000    MISTER—RIFKIN—BESTSELLER, THE—AGE—OF—ACCESS, explores the vast changes occurring in the capitalist system as it makes the transition from geographic markets to E—COMMERCE—NETWORKS and from industrial to cultural production.
20040808—20010000    —IN—EARLY, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN Sent Suspect to USA, Officials Say : USA—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIALS—NOW believe that Issa AL—HINDI, the alleged Qaeda operative —NOW in UK custody, was dispatched to THE—USA by the mastermind of 20010911             —THE plot at the direction of OSAMA—BIN—LADEN to case potential targets in NEW—YORK—CITY.
20040808—20010000    —IN, Those donations were part of $602,000 that Enron employees gave to Bush [BGW968] 's various campaigns, making Enron the leading political patron for Bush [BGW968] —AT—THE—TIME—OF—THE—COMPANY—BANKRUPTCY.
20040808—20010000    —SINCE, 9—MILLION lost health coverage, study says :
20040808—20020000    In his bestseller, THE—HYDROGEN—ECONOMY, Rifkin takes us on 1—EYE—OPENING journey into the next great commercial era in history.
20040808—20030819    —AM, Damals wurde das Personal nach einer REIHE—VON—ANSCHLÄGEN abgezogen, denen auch Qazis Vorgänger SERGIO—VIEIRA—DE—MELLO zum Opfer gefallen war.
20040808—20040300    —SEIT, Demnach waren 43—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN—DER—MEINUNG, der demokratische Politiker könne die USA besser verteidigen als Bush [BGW968] - 1—ANSTIEG um 8 %punkte.
20040808—20040723    —AM, war vor einer Moschee in Bagdad der ÄGYPTISCHE—DIPLOMAT MOHAMMED—MAMDUH—HELMI—KUTB verschleppt worden.
20040808—20041102    —AM, Laut einem Zeitungsbericht will das Terrornetzwerk AL—QAIDA die Präsidentschaftswahlen in den USA mit einem Anschlag stören.
20040808—20041102    —IN—THE, Unabashed Racist Wins GOP Primary in TENNESSEE : 1 unabashed racist will represent THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY—ELECTION for 1—CONGRESSIONAL seat —AFTER 1—WRITE—IN candidate failed to derail his effort.
20040808—20060000    —AB, Der frühere SPD—CHEF—OSKAR—LAFONTAINE hat seiner Partei 1—ULTIMATUM gestellt: Entweder sie schickt KANZLER—SCHRÖDER in die Wüste und ändert ihre Politik, oder er werde sich in einer neuen Linkspartei engagieren.
20050225             Wieso sollen dann nichts zu VERHEIMLICHEN—
20050806—20050808    Tropical Storm Matsa hit CHINA—EASTERN—PROVINCE—OF—ZHEJIANG.
20050806—20050808    13—PEOPLE were killed —SINCE it hit the mainland as 1—TYPHOON.
20050806—20050808    BEIJING—MUNICIPAL—FLOOD—CONTROL and Drought Relief Headquarters was preparing to evacuate as many as 40,000—PEOPLE in the mountains NORTH—OF—BEIJING as Tropical Storm Matsa approached.
20050807—20050808    NEPAL, communist insurgents overran about 200—TROOPS—340—MILES—NORTH—WEST—OF—KATHMANDU and killed at least 40—SOLDIERS in fierce clashes between the military and Maoist rebels.
20050808             1—MAJOR—PUBLIC building from —AROUND the 09010101—10001231     BC, with pottery shards that date to the time of David and Solomon and 1—GOVERNMENT seal of 1—OFFICIAL mentioned in the book of Jeremiah.
20050808             —SATURDAY :: 20040911             Mass arrests
20050808             —POSTED—BY—LEN 20040911             —ON—1248—AM Trackback PINGS—TRACKBACK URL for this entry:
20050808             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, the Energy Policy Act.
20050808             The bill gave billions in tax breaks to encourage homegrown energy production.
20050808             Under the new law, effective 20070300             , Daylight Saving Time would begin —3—WEEKS—EARLIER than previously, on the 2. —SUNDAY in March.
20050808             DST would be extended by —1—WEEK to the 1. —SUNDAY—IN—NOVEMBER.
20050808             —AFTER orbiting the Earth for nearly —2—WEEKS, astronauts aboard space shuttle Discovery were told to circle the planet for another —DAY as bad weather in FLORIDA forced NASA to delay —MONDAY'S scheduled landing.
20050808             —INJURED, CALIFORNIA, 42—INMATES were, —WHEN 1—SIMMERING dispute between 2—ETHNIC—GROUPS erupted into the largest riot at S—QUENTIN—STATE—PRISON in —23—YEARS.
20050808             —RALLIED, CRUDE—OIL—PRICES, to 1—NEW—HIGH—ABOVE $63 1—BARREL.
20050808             † BARBARA—BEL—GEDDES, —82—JAHRE—ALT, stage and screen actress, in MAINE.
20050808             BARBARA—BEL—GEDDES was best known for her role as the matriarch on THE—TV—SERIES "DALLAS".
20050808             —SUSPECTED, SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, 1—USA—SERVICE—MEMBER and at least 16, Taliban rebels were killed in fighting.
20050808             —WANTED, He was, by A—UNITED—NATIONS—TRIBUNAL on CHARGES—OF—CRIMES against humanity.
20050808             THE—EU head office gave its clearance for the import of 1—GENETICALLY modified corn product made by USA—BIOTECHNOLOGY company Monsanto Co. for use in animal feed.
20050808             —AGREED, INDIA and PAKISTAN, to extend a —2—YEAR—OLD—CEASE—FIRE in disputed Kashmir, but did not discuss the question of reducing their military presence there.
20050808             —SUSPECTED, EAST—INDIA, rebels launched renewed attacks overnight on pipelines, leaving oil operations in the remote region in critical shape.
20050808             —REPORTED, Health officials in INDONESIA, 205—CHILDREN with polio.
20050808             —RESUMED, IRAN, uranium conversion activities at its Isfahan nuclear facility, 1—STEP that Europeans and THE—USA warned would prompt them to seek UN SANCTIONS—AGAINST—TEHRAN.
20050808             —ARMED, IRAQ, men deposed BAGHDAD—MAYOR—ALAA—AL—TAMINI.
20050808             —INSTALLED, They, Hussein AL—TAHAAN, 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—BADR organization, and GOVERNOR—OF—BAGHDAD province.
20050808             —REJECTED, JAPAN—LAWMAKERS, legislation to SPLIT up and sell the nation's postal service, leading PRIME—MINISTER—JUNICHIRO—KOIZUMI to call snap elections —NEXT—MONTH.
20050808             He promised to make the vote 1—REFERENDUM on his reform plan and pledged to resign if it fails.
20050808             —PARDONED, SAUDI—ARABIA, ABDULLAH—KING—OF—, 4—PROMINENT—ACTIVISTS who were jailed —AFTER criticizing the strict religious environment and the slow pace of democratic reform.
20050808             Die unbekannten Täter drangen demnach am Wochenende in den 500—QUADRATMETER großen Tresorraum der Bank ein.
20050808             Dazu hatten sie unweit vom Bankgebäude 1—GARTENGESCHÄFT eröffnet + den 200—METER langen Tunnel gegraben.
20050808             Das Gartengeschäft verschaffte den Tätern den Angaben zufolge die Möglichkeit, große Mengen Erdreich fortzuschaffen,
20050808             ohne dass dies Misstrauen erweckte.
20050808             WALL—STREET—SCHLUSS: Ölpreis und Zinssorgen belasten USA—AKTIENMARKT
20050808             BRASILIEN: Bankräubern gelingt Jahrhundertcoup durch Tunnelbau
20050808             Atommächte: INDIEN und PAKISTAN auf Entspannungskurs
20050808             Atomanlage in Betrieb: IRAN legt sich mit dem Westen an
20050808             Hamburger TERROR—PROZESS: Anwälte streiten kurz vor Torschluss um Beweise
20050808             Sicherheitspolitik: Schily fordert neue Maßnahmen zur Terrorabwehr
20050808             ÖL—RALLY: BARREL—PREIS überspringt die 63—DOLLAR—MARKE
20050808             Wahlkampf: Linkspartei wirbt für Drogenfreigabe
20050808             —VERHINDERT, Multiple Sklerose: Protein, ZELL—REPARATUR
20050808             Raumfähre: "Discovery" muss —BIS—MITTWOCH landen
20050808             Umstrittenes URAN—PROGRAMM: IRAN nimmt Betrieb von Atomanlage Isfahan wieder auf
20050808             Islamismus: Ägyptens Intellektuelle weichen dem Terror
20050808             Vogelgrippe: "Wir haben einen Impfstoff"
20050808             "Discovery": Schlechtes WETTER—NASA verschiebt Landung auf —MORGEN
20050808             Atomstreit mit IRAN: Inspekteure sollen Siegel in Isfahan entfernen
20050808             "Discovery": Nasa sagt SHUTTLE—LANDUNG für —HEUTE ab
20050808             GUANTANAMO: Häftlinge lesen am liebsten HARRY—POTTER
20050808             Päpste und ihre Frauen: Intrigen, Sex und Mord
20050808             Regenmacher: Künstliche Hitzeinseln schaffen Schauer
20050808             Atomstreit mit IRAN: Ölpreis klettert auf Rekordhoch
20050808             Gesucht: Vorschläge für Big Brother Awards
20050808             Ticker: Die neuesten Meldungen von der "Discovery"
20050808             LONDON: 3—RUCKSACKBOMBER stehen vor Gericht
20050808             Rückkehr der "Discovery": Das große Zittern vor der Landung - Official FBI DEFINITION—OF—TERRORISM:
20050808             Terrorism is the unlawful USE—OF—FORCE or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce 1—GOVERNMENT, THE—CIVIL—POPULATION, or ANY—SEGMENT thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.
20050808             Even by its own definition the hypocrite USA—GOVERNMENT is GUILTY—OF—TERRORISM on 1—MASSIVE, INTERNATIONAL scale.
20050808             And for over —100—YEARS!
20050808             THE—USA—GOVERNMENT has broken INTERNATIONAL law and THE—GENEVA—CONVENTION—MANY—TIMES with its brutal USE—OF—FORCE and horrific violence against persons and property, to intimidate and coerce governments, CIVIL—POPULATIONS, and MANY—SEGMENTS thereof, in furtherance of political, social and especially economic objectives.
20050808             THE—CIA, Insider Trading and the World Trade Center Terror Attack
20050808             —INITIALLY, colonial AMERICA was built with the blood, sweat and TEARS—OF—WHITE—SLAVES to 1—FAR—GREATER—EXTENT than Black slaves.
20050808             In fact, AMERICA—1. slaves were White people.
20050808             —ESTIMATED, It is, that fully 1—HALF to 2—THIRDS—OF—ALL—WHITE immigrantsto colonial AMERICA in the 17.and 18.centuries were actually slaves who had been brought against their will.
20050808             —INDENTURED, They were known by the euphemism of, servants but in reality 1—GREAT—MANY—OF—THESE people were true slaves.
20050808             —FORCED, Their servitude was for life + their children were, to be slaves as well.
20050808             Virtually ALL—OF—THE—WHITE—SLAVES were brought from SCOTLAND, IRELAND and the impoverished working classes of ENGLAND.
20050808             They were both Protestant and Catholic, VICTIMS—OF—RELIGIOUS—WARS and the inhuman GREED—OF—THE—ENGLAND—ARISTOCRACY.
20050808             It was routine for the utterly corrupt and CLASS—PREJUDICED ENGLAND—COURTS to justify the forced exile of their victims to the colonies by falsely labeling them as criminals.
20050808             —EASED, This charade, the guilty consciences of the true criminals —WHILE they made money off kidnapping and the sale of stolen human labor.
20050808             —SURVIVED, If the White slaves, the hellish voyage across the Atlantic and arrived in the new hell, otherwise known as the New World, they were auctioned on the block —JUST like Black slaves.
20050808             White slave children were often sold and separated from their parents and White slave women were sold and separated from their husbands.
20050808             1—GREAT—MANY—WHITE—SLAVES were forced to work under cruel and demeaning conditions.
20050808             —PRESCRIBED, THE—VIRGINIA—COLONY, bodily punishment for not heeding THE—COMMANDS—OF—THE—MASTER.
20050808             † HALF—OF—THE—WHITE—SLAVES, within the 1. —2—YEARS—AFTER their arrival in THE—USA—COLONIES.
20050808             Unsurprisingly, it was common for White slaves to run away only to be hunted down and returned to their evil masters and mistresses.
20050808             —DEMANDED, To help identify runaways, the courts in VIRGINIA, that everyone have identification and travel papers.
20050808             White slaves had no rights whatsoever and could be beaten and cruelly abused with impunity.
20050808             "Sinai did not KNOW—OF—EXTREMISM over the span of its entire history".
20050808             —SURPRISED, AHMED—FELAIFEL was —JUST as, —WHEN his sons started preaching 1—VERY—STRICT—INTERPRETATION—OF—ISLAM, 1—THAT is alien to his tribe, the Sawarka, 1—OF—THE—LARGEST—OF—THE—BEDOUIN tribes in THE—NORTH—SINAI.
20050808             THE—SAWARKA, who are practicing Muslims, live by their own laws and customs, handed down for generations.
20050808             They herd goats in the desert and grow watermelon and dates.
20050808             —REFUSED, MISTER—FELAIFEL said it was disturbing —WHEN his sons —INITIALLY, to work as herders, would not listen to him and heed his wishes, and that it was shocking —WHEN they showed up with beards.
20050808             The archaeological debate is also partly 1—DEBATE over THE—ROOTS—OF—ZIONISM and the effort to find Jewish origins deep in the land.
20050808             Eilat MAZAR—LATEST dig, which has cost about USA$500,000, has been sponsored by ROGER—HERTOG, 1—NEW—YORK financier who is vice CHAIRMAN—OF—ALLIANCE—CAPITAL—MANAGEMENT.
20050808             Hertog, who owns 1—PIECE—OF—THE—NEW—YORK Sun and THE—NEW—REPUBLIC, is also CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—BOARD—OF—THE—SHALEM—CENTER in JERUSALEM, where Mazar is 1—SENIOR—FELLOW.
20050808             —FOUNDED, THE—SHALEM—CENTER was, as ISRAEL—1. "neoconservative THINK—TANK," said WILLIAM—KRISTOL, who is also on THE—BOARD,
20050808             in 1—EFFORT to give THE—ISRAEL—RIGHT 1—BETTER foundation in history, economics, archaeology + other topics.
20050808             Hertog calls his investment in Mazar "venture PHILANTHROPY—YOU have the opportunity for intellectual speculation, to fund something that is 1—WORK—OF—GREAT—CONSEQUENCE".
20050808             He said he hoped to show "that the Bible reflects Jewish history".
20050808             Mazar continues to dig, but right —NOW, 3—FAMILIES are living in houses where she would most like to explore.
20050808             1—FAMILY is Muslim, 1—CHRISTIAN and 1—JEWISH.
20050808             "What she found is fascinating, whatever it is," he said.
20050808             Amihai Mazar is Eilat MAZAR—2. cousin, but he has his own reputation to protect.
20050808             Archaeologists debate "to what extent JERUSALEM was 1—IMPORTANT—CITY or even 1—CITY in the time of David and Samuel," he said.
20050808             "SOME—BELIEVE it was tiny and the kingdom unimportant".
20050808             The site of ancient JERUSALEM, stuck between 2—VALLEYS on 1—RIDGE south of the Temple Mount, is very small, less than 10—ACRES.
20050808             —RENOWNED, ISRAEL—FINKELSTEIN, another, archaeologist, has suggested that without significant evidence, JERUSALEM in this period was "perhaps not more than 1—TYPICAL—HILL—COUNTRY—VILLAGE".
20050808             In his book, THE—BIBLE—UNEARTHED, Finkelstein writes with NEIL—SILBERMAN, "Not only was ANY—SIGN—OF monumental architecture missing, but so were even simple pottery shards".
20050808             —DISCOVERED, Other scholars are skeptical that the foundation walls, by the archaeologist, Eilat Mazar, are DAVID—PALACE.
20050808             —UNCOVERED, But they acknowledge that what she has, is rare + important:
20050808             The discovery is likely to be 1—NEW salvo in 1—MAJOR—DISPUTE in biblical archaeology:
20050808             whether the kingdom of David + Samuel WAS—OF—SOME—HISTORICAL—MAGNITUDE, or whether the men were more like small tribal chieftains, reigning over another dusty hilltop.
20050808             Replying to written questions from THE—SUNDAY—TIMES through 1—INTERMEDIARY, the alleged SHEPHERD—BUSH—BOMBER said he had been motivated by the war in IRAQ, which had made him "very sad".
20050808             "I'm against all wars that cause the deaths of innocent people," he said.
20050808             "Too MANY—PEOPLE are dying there".
20050808             ECUADOR Defends Ties With VENEZUELA
20050808             USA Sends Guns to HAITI —BEFORE Elections - EU Plans to Fund BELARUS Opposition
20050808             IRAN Sends in Troops to Crush Border Unrest
20050808             Poll: Americans TRACE—CIA—LEAK to WHITE—HOUSE
20050808             FLORIDA Nuclear Waste Sent to Landfills, Sewage Plants
20050808             Politicians Get 1—FREE—RIDE on Military CONTRACTOR—PRIVATE—JET
20050808             Antiwar UK—MP—GALLOWAY—SIGNS—USA—BOOK—DEAL - Random Searches Divide NEW—YORK
20050808             Scientists to Stage Practice Gas Attack on NEW—YORK
20050808             BLAIR—CRACKDOWN—FACES—PROTESTS—FROM—MPS on All Sides
20050808             UK Opposition Leader Warns Deporting People to Be Tortured Could Hurt UK—IMAGE—ABROAD
20050808             Human Rights Convention —NOW Seen as Thorn in UK—SIDE - Tourists Stay Away From LONDON
20050808             Prominent UK Clerics Face Treason Charges
20050808             UK Mosque Chairman: Similarities Between BLAIR—APPROACH to Muslims and HITLER—APPROACH to Jews
20050808             UK—ISLAMIC—GROUP—WARNS: 'ANTI—ISLAMIC Agenda' Could Trigger Unrest
20050808             BOLTON Warns IRAN, Syria Over IRAQ—BORDER - LONDON Suspect: I—AM—NO—SUICIDE—BOMBER
20050808             Intelligence Chiefs Warn BLAIR—OF—HOME—GROWN 'Insurgency'
20050808             Latest July Terror Suspect to Face Charges
20050808             LONDON Bombings: Could It Really Happen Again?
20050808             y Snipers, 'Hit Teams' on Hand as LONDON Police Turn Eyes to Women, Children Bomber
20050808             400—MORE Armed Police for LONDON
20050808             PRO—WAR Kentuckian Shoots, Kills War Opponent at Flea Market
20050808             Bush Receives Lowest Marks Yet on IRAQ - Survival of the Fittest, Indeed
20050808             Saudis Warned UK Weeks Ahead of LONDON Attackys
20050808             WEST—TURNS Blind Eye as Police Put SADDAM—TORTURERS—BACK to Work
20050808             Showdown on Defense Looming Between GOP Senators and WHITE—HOUSE
20050808             Netanyahu Quits Govt As Cabinet OKs Disengagement - LA Times column.
20050808             It makes SOME—CONNECTIONS that are rather telling.
20050808             Important to remember is the fact that THE—WHITE—HOUSE is not disputing THE—CONTENTS—OF—THE—DOCUMENTS, —JUST their authentic ity.
20050808             This story is typical of THE—MANY—I have read about the mass arrests by THE—NYPD (and JOHN—ASHCROFT) —DURING the Republican National Revival Meeting.
20050808             —SUPRISED, Somehow, I was not too, to learn that Pier 57 had been
20050808             leased by the Republican National Committee.
20050808             —PLANNED, The mass arrests had obviously been, well in advance.
20050808             What did Bibi know + —WHEN did he know it? — JUSTIN—RAIMONDO
20050808             The scandals that plague the War Party both in BRITAIN + THE—USA—ARE eclipsed + suddenly, with THE—PROSPECT—OF—SUICIDE—BOMBERS in THE—STREETS—OF—LONDON — and perhaps NEW—YORK — MARTIN—PERETZ—BATTLE—CRY uttered in the immediate aftermath of 20010911             is taken up once again: "We are all Israelis —NOW. " (Although, for good tactical reasons, Ariel Sharon is telling his diplomats not to say this too loudly.)
20050808             Who benefits from THE—LONDON attacks, aside from the obvious candidate, which is OSAMA—BIN—LADEN?
20050808             With the "coalition of the willing " showing signs of going wobbly + the recent announcement that BRITAIN was withdrawing 1—GOOD—PORTION—OF—ITS—FORCES from IRAQ, the political momentum in BRITAIN (and THE—USA), which was going against THE—IRAQ war, is suddenly reversed.
20050808             Netanyahu was no doubt 1—TARGET—OF—THE—BOMB—PLOT — why else would the terrorists bomb 1—UNDERGROUND—STATION directly below the hotel where the investment conference was going to take place?
20050808             If ISRAEL—INTELLIGENCE knew about the attacks days in advance + only thought to let Netanyahu in on the secret "minutes" —BEFORE the bombs went off — well, that's 1—LITTLE—HARD to believe, —NOW isn't it? (Oh, wait... maybe not.)
20050808             "Contrary to original claims that ISRAEL was warned 'minutes —BEFORE' the 1. attack, unconfirmed rumors in intelligence circles indicate that THE—ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT actually warned LONDON—OF—THE—ATTACKS 'a COUPLE—OF—DAYS' previous.
20050808             ISRAEL has apparently given other warnings about possible attacks that turned out to be aborted operations.
20050808             THE—UK—GOVERNMENT did not want to disrupt the G—8—SUMMIT in GLENEAGLES—SCOTLAND, or call off visits by foreign dignitaries to LONDON, hoping this would be another false alarm.
20050808             "THE—UK—GOVERNMENT sat on this information —FOR—DAYS and failed to respond. Though THE—ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT is playing along publicly, it may not stay quiet for long. This is sure to apply pressure on Blair very soon for his failure to deter this major terrorist attack".
20050808             I would also point out that Stratfor, with its passion for reiterating the obvious, stated in its summary that "there has been massive confusion" over the warning — confusion generated by whom, and to what purpose, is best left to the fertile imaginations of my readers.
20050808             Is it worth the high price we must pay, or is it time to come up with 1—STRATEGY
20050808             1—BIT—MORE sophisticated than shaking the tree in which the hornets' nest sits —
20050808             in the hope that it will eventually fall to the ground?
20050808             The jihadist mindset is eerily similar to that of our own leaders + their neoconservative amen corner, who continue to advance the proposition that we must fight "the terrorists " in THE—STREETS—OF—BAGHDAD so we don't have to do battle in THE—STREETS—OF—LONDON, ROME + NEW—YORK City.
20050808             Bush declares that "we are going on the offensive," but, as I pointed out only —LAST—WEEK, so are they :
20050808             "THE—PRESIDENT gloats that 'we're on the offense' — and explicitly justifies this on the grounds that we have to go —AFTER them —BEFORE they go —AFTER us. Yet why it is impossible for them to attack THE—USA [Ed: or THE—UK] anyway, even —WHILE fighting USA—TROOPS in IRAQ, no 1—SEEMS to know".
20050808             —OPENED, Indeed, THE—LONDON attacks have, up 1—VERY—BIG CAN—OF—WORMS for BLAIR—GOVERNMENT, and in WASHINGTON too, where they're realizing that the "fly trap " tactic they've been employing in IRAQ has backfired rather badly.
20050808             —SOPHISTICATED, If the Brits couldn't prevent such 1, and highly coordinated attack at 1—TIME—LIKE this — —WHEN the meeting of the G—8 had UK—SECURITY on high alert — then 1 can only conclude, along with Scheuer, that the terrorists held back + could have caused far more damage and taken MANY—MORE—LIVES if they so chose.
20050808             Perhaps that thought is meant to sink into THE—UK—CONSCIOUSNESS.
20050808             The terrorists' message is clear enough: your government can't protect you.
20050808             This much seems beyond dispute.
20050808             Es ist schwer, ROBIN—COOKS einsamen Tod in den BERGEN—VON—SCHOTTLAND nicht als Metapher auf seinen politischen Lebenslauf zu lesen:
20050808             Ein gescheiterter Gipfelsturm, 1—TOD in der Höhe, die einsame dramatische Vergeblichkeit im letzten Akt.
20050808             Er wird entsetzlich vermisst, nicht nur in der BRITISCHEN—POLITIK.
20050808             Denn in diesen Zeiten des mainstreaming und des ständigen Schielens auf die eigene Karriere fehlen unkorrumpierbare Einzelne wie ROBIN—COOK ganz besonders.
20050808             TONY—BLAIR musste nach seinem glanzvollen 2. Wahlsieg von 20010000             —BEREITS geahnt haben, dass Cook ihm Probleme bereiten würde.
20050808             Ethische Außenpolitik ging kaum mit der Tatsache zusammen, dass GROSSBRITANNIEN wesentliche Einkünfte durch WAFFENLIEFERUNGEN—AUCH in SPANNUNGSGEBIETE—ERZIELTE.
20050808             Er ersetzte Cook durch den farblosen JA—SAGER JACK—STRAW.
20050808             —BESTELLT, So fiel es Cook, der zum COMMONS—CHEF, wurde, sicher noch leichter, in Opposition zum IRAK—KRIEG aus der Regierung zu scheiden.
20050808             Er wurde Labours SCHATTEN—AUßENMINISTER in der Opposition und lieferte sein Glanzstück ab, als er den Skandal der Waffenlieferungen in den IRAK in einer tödlichen Rede 19940000             ausbreitete.
20050808             Die TORY—REGIERUNG hatte den Untersuchungsbericht über die Affäre —ERST—2—STUNDEN vor der Parlamentsdebatte zugestellt, doch Cook, über seine Emissäre bestens vorbereitet, zerpflückte sie in einem Schulbeispiel anklägerischer Rhetorik.
20050808             Erstaunlicherweise ging es bei Cook, dem analytischen Kopf nie ohne Ziele jenseits der Sachzwangrealität ab.
20050808             Im übrigen, führte er aus, seien das alles Freunde und alte Kampfgefährten.
20050808             Es waren —DIE—TAGE—DER—FOLTERBILDER, der Enthauptungen, der aufgedeckten Lügen der REGIERUNG—IN —DIESEN—TAGEN schien jede 2. Schlagzeile zu schreien: Der Kriegsgegner ROBIN—COOK hatte recht.
20050808             Das war nicht die populärste Position, die man haben konnte auf dieser Party.
20050808             Da stand er + sein Nachfolger JACK—STRAW und VIZE—PREMIER JOHN—PRESCOTT bildeten Gruppen weit abseits von ihm und schauten ab und zu herüber + Cook sah zerfurcht aus wie immer, zu alt für sein Alter + ich sagte: "Wenn Blicke töten könnten..".
20050808             + er sagte lächelnd: "Aber Blicke können nicht töten, im Gegensatz zu Bomben".
20050808             LONDON—COOK war der brillanteste Redner seiner Partei.
20050808             Er war glaubwürdiger als Blair, geistreicher als Brown.
20050808             Wenn er sich in dieser letzten Etappe seiner Karriere im HOUSE—OF—COMMONS von der hintersten Bank erhob und die eigene Regierung ins Fadenkreuz nahm, wurde es still.
20050808             Der da sprach, war die Opposition im Land, denn die Liberalen hatten niemanden seines Kalibers + die Tories hatten keine eigene Politik.
20050808             ROBIN—COOK war klar, ohne Getue, tödlich genau.
20050808             Natürlich wurde er zur Instanz besonders am VORABEND—DES—IRAK—KRIEGES, als er den casus belli Blairs zerpflückte und konsequent aus der Regierung schied.
20050808             Nicht schrill und inkonzise wie CLAIRE—SHORT, nicht überhitzt wie KEN—LIVINGSTON, sondern sachlich, in resignierter, überzeugender Ruhe.
20050808             —GESTELLT, Wahlen in Aussicht
20050808             Ould Vall sicherte zu, dass die Junta nicht auf Dauer an der Macht bleiben werde.
20050808             In spätestens —2—JAHREN sollten eine neue Verfassung verabschiedet werden und freie Wahlen stattfinden.
20050808             Bei den Wahlen werde kein Juntamitglied als Kandidat antreten.
20050808             —4—TAGE sind —SEIT dem Putsch in MAURETANIEN vergangen, inzwischen haben die siegreichen Militärführer eine neue Regierung installiert.
20050808             Eine der 1. Amtshandlungen: 21—RADIKALE Islamisten wurden aus dem Gefängnis befreit.
20050808             So hat Bundeswahlleiter JOHANN—HAHLEN —BEREITS vor Bekanntgabe der —ENTSCHEIDUNG des Bundespräsidenten zur Neuwahl einen speziellen INTERNET—SERVICE eingerichtet, der Auslandsdeutschen das Herunterladen von Anträgen zur Aufnahme in das Wählerverzeichnis ermöglicht
20050808             Nach Putsch: MAURETANISCHE—REGIERUNG befreit Islamisten
20050808             Wahlkampf: Linkspartei entzweit die Gewerkschafter
20050808             USA—WIRTSCHAFT: Bush schwelgt von blühenden Landschaften
20050808             "Discovery" vor der Landung: Angehörige beten für sichere Heimkehr der Astronauten
20050808             "Discovery"-Rückflug: Die letzten Fotos vor der Landung
20050808             Protest gegen GAZA—RÜCKZUG: ISRAELISCHER—FINANZMINISTER Netanjahu tritt zurück
20050808             Ein paar IQ—PUNKTE zu viel: USA—HÄFTLING ist schlau genug für die Giftspritze
20050808             Zum Tode ROBIN—COOKS: Der furchtlose Einzelne
20050808             Vorgezogene Bundestagswahl: Auslandsdeutschen droht VERLUST—DES—WAHLRECHTS
20050808             Schützenhilfe für Boeing: USA—POLITIKER fordern Ausrüstung des A380 mit Raketenabwehr
20050808             LICHT—PHÄNOMEN: Polarlicht umhüllt Saturnpole
20050808             Paranoid folk will recall that the World Trade Center attack took place —DURING 1—EXERCISE designed to test our air defense system.
20050808             —SCHEDULED, We —NOW have similar exercises, for the near future, in 2—SEPARATE—AREAS: THE—THREAT—OF—1—SHIP—BORNE nuclear payload, and THE—THREAT—OF—1—AIRBORNE chemical attack...
20050808             For 1—FASCINATING HISTORY—OF—TESTS on unwitting USA—POPULATIONS, see this page.
20050808             Gassing NEW—YORK
20050808             Newsday reports that THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY will gas NEW—YORK—STREETS and subways.
20050808             The intent is to use harmless substances to trace the potential damage of 1—AIRBORNE chemical attack.
20050808             The test gases will include PFT, or perfluorocarbon tracer gas + sulfur hexafluoride.
20050808             I have no reason to doubt that these substances are benign.
20050808             Even so, let's keep in mind that this is not the 1. time NEW—YORK has been gassed by THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT.
20050808             —OCCURRED, Exactly similar tests, in the 1950s, pursuant to THE—CIA—PROJECT—MKULTRA and cognate Defense Department programs.
20050808             —DESIGNED, The simulated attacks were, to test THE—SPREAD—OF—AIRBORNE biological agents and airborne chemicals.
20050808             The tests in NEW—YORK and S—FRANCISCO were quite extensive -- presumably more extensive than THE—3—WEEK—PROJECT about to get underway.
20050808             already taken note OF—THIS remarkable piece
20050808             —BY CLAYTON—HALLMARK, which delves deeper into the role played by ITALY—WHEELER—DEALER—ROCCO—MARTINO in the peddling of THE—NIGER forgeries.
20050808             (JOSH—MARSHALL was, I believe, the 1. to uncover MARTINO—PART in this sorry matter.)
20050808             —INCLUDED, Participants :
20050808             2. Nicolo Pollari, HEAD—OF—THE—ITALY—EQUIVALENT—OF—THE—CIA, THE—SISMI
20050808             3. ITALY—MINISTER—OF—DEFENSE, ANTONIO—MARTINO (no relation apparently to the spy ROCCO—MARTINO ), POLLARI—BOSS
20050808             4. LARRY—FRANKLIN, 1—USA—WHO presently is being prosecuted in THE—USA for giving classified information to 1—ISRAEL—FRONT—GROUP,
20050808             AIPC (USA—ISRAEL—PUBLIC—AFFAIRS—COMMITTEE) -- which some would call "spying," even though he has not been charged with espionage
20050808             Hallmark names the man he considers the likely actual forger: FRANCESCO—PAZIENZA, 1—LONG—TIME—FRIEND to Ledeen.
20050808             1—FORMER—SISMI spook (kicked out for criminal activity), Pazienza became 1—MAJOR—PLAYER in P2 , described by Hallmark as 1—UNDERGROUND—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY.
20050808             Which is true enough.
20050808             —DEVOTED, But P2 is much more -- it's 1—SECRET—SOCIETY, to THE—RESURGENCE—OF—FASCISM.
20050808             P2 was founded by Licio Gelli, 1—FORMER—MUSSOLINI "black shirt" who —LATER functioned as an SS liaison officer.
20050808             If HALLMARK—REPORT is accurate (and at this point, I must withhold final judgment), then AIPAC has hopped into bed with 1—PARTNER that would disgust most USA—JEWS.
20050808             DALLAS COMMITTEE—ON—FOREIGN—RELATIONS—PROGRAMS 20030000             to Date ROGER—HERTOG—SENIOR—FELLOW—COUNCIL on Foreign Relations... Shalem Center (JERUSALEM) Subject: Power, Faith, and Fantasy: AMERICA in THE—MIDDLE—EAST...
20050808             Political Topics And Discussion > Here are the enemies of true...
20050808             Aboard member at the Manhattan Institute (21) + THE—USA—ENTERPRISEINSTITUTE (38), MISTER—HERTOG is 1—PRIMARY—FINANCIAL—BACKER behind the Shalem Center...
20050808—19840000    —SEIT, Die Militärs hatten —AM—MITTWOCH mit einem unblutigen Putsch den regierenden Ould Taya gestürzt, als dieser sich zu einem Besuch in SAUDI—ARABIEN befunden hatte.
20050808—20011200    —IN, The fakery - + the forthcoming IRAQ WAR—WERE, according to Hallmark, discussed at 1—KEY meeting in ROME, held.
20050808—20050809    AFGHANISTAN, USA—AIRSTRIKES —DURING operations against militants killed civilians and wounded others, including 1—INFANT according to local villagers.
20050901—20050808    —WORKED, ALEXANDER—YAKOVLEV, 1—RUSSIA—WHO, in THE—UN—PROCUREMENT—OFFICE, was arrested for allegedly soliciting 1—BRIBE from 1—COMPANY seeking 1—OIL—FOR—FOOD—CONTRACT.
20050917—20050808    —AM, Teheran hatte trotz internationaler Proteste die Urankonversion wieder aufgenommen.
20060000             [ 20060808             ] ADNAN—KHASHOGGI—LIEUTENANT—RAMY—EL—BATRAWI, who supplied 1—OF—THE—2—DC9'S, is THE—FORMER—PRESIDENT—OF—1 admitted CIA subsidiary
20060118—20060808    —ON, PRESS RELEASE 20051205             Urgent Alert: Gitmo Hunger... HTML KUWAIT—DETAINEE—FAWZI AL—ODAH joined the hunger strike.----...consulted doctors, who advised that Fawzi AL—ODAH was in imminent DANGER—OF—DEATH... -
20060118—20060808    —JOINED, KUWAIT—DETAINEE—FAWZI AL—ODAH, the hunger strike.----
20060500—20060808    —REVEALED, It was, 20060000             that Allen owned stock in Barr Pharmaceuticals, the only USA—MAKER—OF—THE—PLAN B "—MORNING—AFTER pill ", 1—ABORTIFACIENT.
20060501             News in SCIENCE—COFFEE makes us say 'yes' - 20060105             20060808             20060824091603       —GMT, —THURSDAY A 2. suspect in 1 alleged plot to blow up GERMANY—TRAINS is arrested in LEBANON, 20060824093018       —GMT, —THURSDAY Diplomatic efforts are being stepped up in EUROPE 20061114             the least —RECENTLY modified web page we know of, last changed Tue, 19901113151700?????????—JAHR GMT (though THE—URI changed.)' 1—LOT has happened in —16—YEARS and this little 'baby' has grown into quite the teenager". 20061207             Chunks Crying All the Way to the Bank- 20061207             20051207—20050000????Manchmal gingen sie zusammen zum EINKAUFEN—ALLES unter den Augen DEUTSCHLAND—GEHEIMDIENSTLEUTE. 20060103             WE CANNOT LET TERRIERS AND ROGUE NATIONS HOLD THIS NATION HOSTILE—BUSH [BGW968] 20000909             20041207             20060103             New BUSH Initiative to Impose Order in IRAQ... " Terriers and Rogue Nations ", 233, 20021205154537?????????—JAHR—GEORGE—DUBYA—BUSH, COMMAND—IN—CHIEF... 20060216             11, 20010000             , terrorist attacks might have been prevented if THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION h Post Date:20060105161553?????????—JAHR 20060216             Reuters: CHENEY strongly defends eavesdropping operation VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY strongly defended 1—SECRET [...] Post Date:20060104144446?????????—JAHR 20060320             offenbart in einem Blogeintrag vom
20060501             News in SCIENCE—COFFEE makes us say 'yes' - 20060105             20060808             20060516             ("20060911             show the flaws with protocol," 20060508             ) Indeed!
20060804—20060808    —ON, THE—AUSTRALIA—BUREAU—OF—STATISTICS will be conducting 20060000             —THE—CENSUS—OF—POPULATION and Housing. The big difference —THIS—YEAR is that you will —NOW be able to fill out your census online. The technology, developed by IBM, cost AU$9—MILLION and is designed to be accessible to screen readers, and, unlike similar efforts in CANADA, does not require ANY—SPECIAL—SOFTWARE. However, there is concern that 20110000             —THE eCensus could be integrated with the proposed Human Services Access Card. Will this turn the Census from 1—ANONYMOUS snapshot into 1 connected with NAME—IDENTIFIED information?"
20060805             Air AMERICA FOUNDER sees "inside help" Clowns to the Left of Me, Jokers to the Right Malloy interviews Tarpley - 20060803             200611080803         —PM—ET: Race to watch — VA—SEN Results are
20060807             20060807             THINK—PROGRESS—REPRESENTATIVE—BOB—NEY (R—OH), "dogged by 1—INFLUENCE peddling probe" into his MANY—CONNECTIONS with disgraced lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF (like this photo), announced
20060808             Welcome to the 20010101—21001231     librarian: BOOK—SMART, REALITY—STUPID, BUSH—DERANGED bigots.
20060808             —FILED, THE—FOLLOWING links point to PDF DOCUMENTS—OF—THE—LETTERS, with THE—UNITED—NATIONS: 20060104             , February 3, 20060000             , February 6, 20060000             , 20060303             , 20060404             , 20060504             , 20060530             + 20060605             .
20060808             —FILED, THE—FOLLOWING links point to PDF DOCUMENTS—OF—THE—LETTERS, with THE—UNITED—NATIONS: 20060104             ,
20060808             —CORRODED, 20060301             —IN—EARLY—SEVERLY, BP pipe leaked 134,000 to 267,000 gallons of crude at Prudhoe Bay.
20060808             Magazinrundschau vom 20060530   , Kultur und...... den Dokumentarfilm "THE—CULT—OF—THE—SUICIDE—BOMBER" des CIA—OFFIZIERS ROBERT—BAER... Und Randy Kennedy sieht die Zukunft des Fernsehens winzig klein...
20060808             Den ganzen Artikel finden Sie in der Doppelausgabe 20060708             .
20060808             " We all hope and pray that 20060822             is not the —DAY Ahmadinejad has chosen to launch the apocalypse, but there is little doubt in THE—WHITE—HOUSE and at THE—CIA that THE—IRAN—LEADER is feverishly trying to build, buy, or steal nuclear weapons + that he will quite likely use them once he has them".
20060808             Once the full, national scope of 20010911             —THE attacks had settled in, word spread quickly of MISTER—S—MCCLATCHEY—PHOTOGRAPH + soon, everyone wanted to buy 1—COPY.
20060808             Taken the —MORNING—OF—20010911             , seconds —AFTER United Airlines Flight 93 plunged into 1—NEARBY—FIELD, the eerie photo was + still is, according to THE—FBI, the closest thing it's got to 1—IMAGE—OF—THE—CRASH itself.
20060808             POLITIKFORUM—THEMA: Verschwörungstheorien zum 20010911             20060808             * BERICHTE AUS AMERIKA Der ehemalige Topagent der CIA im Nahen Osten ROBERT—BAER erzählte der BBC: "—BIS zum 20010911             hat sich die CIA von solchen Methoden ferngehalten.
20060808             Naziaufmarsch in BERLIN (2)- PRESSE—INFO (20011201             )Als die NPD dort zuletzt zum Brandenburger Tor zog, standen Touristen am Straßenrand... 20011000             : Rund 900—NEONAZIS marschieren zum —TAG—DER—DEUTSCHEN...
20060808             WINSTON—CHURCHILL in THE—ILLUSTRATED—SUNDAY—HERALD, 19200208             20060808             —CORRODED, 20060301             —IN—EARLY—SEVERLY, BP pipe leaked 134,000 to 267,000 gallons of crude at Prudhoe Bay.
20060808             —HALTED, THE—USA—FEDERAL—RESERVE, interest rate hikes at 5.25%.
20060808             THE—DJIA fell 45.79 to 11,173. - Nasdaq fell 11.65 to 2,060.
20060808             —VOTED, JEFFREY—LACKER, HEAD—OF—THE—RICHMOND—FED, against the decision halt rate hikes.
20060808             Medicare said it plans to cut doctor payment rates by 5.1% and force hospitals to disclose financial data.
20060808             —REJECTED, Voters in CONNECTICUT, 3—TERM—SENATOR—JOE—LIEBERMAN for Ned Lamont, 1—POLITICAL newcomer, in the nation's 1. major TEST—OF—THE—DEPTH—OF—ANGER over THE—IRAQ war.
20060808             —ENDED, Lieberman, up winning RE—ELECTION to the Senate by running as 1—INDEPENDENT
20060808             ROGER—GOODELL was chosen as THE—NFL—NEXT—COMMISSIONER.
20060808             —BOOSTED, INDIANAPOLIS—INDIANA, 1—FATAL stabbing, the homicides to 13 in —JUST —1—WEEK in the midst of 1—UPSURGE—OF—VIOLENCE that has police working longer shifts and saturating HIGH—CRIME—AREAS.
20060808             —KILLED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, USA—MILITARY, 15—INSURGENTS who attacked 1—USA—BASE in Nuristan province.
20060808             12—MILITANTS and 8—POLICEMEN were killed in fighting in KANDAHAR.
20060808             Clive Goodman, royal EDITOR—AT—BRITAIN—NEWS—OF—THE—WORLD, and GLENN—MULCAIRE, 1—PRIVATE—INVESTIGATOR, were arrested for hacking phones 20051100—20060800    —BETWEEN.
20060808             —AGREED, CHAD and SUDAN, to reopen their borders and resume diplomatic relations that they severed in 1—DISPUTE —4—MONTHS—AGO.
20060808             CHILE, police used tear gas and water cannons to disperse about 2,000 ROCK—THROWING students seeking better equipment for 21—SCHOOLS in THE—SANTIAGO area.
20060808             † Gustavo Arcos Bergnes (79), who fought alongside Fidel Castro in THE—CUBA—REVOLUTION but was —LATER imprisoned as 1—DISSIDENT, in HAVANA.
20060808             1—CAR—BOMB killed 1—PROSECUTOR in DAGESTAN—RUSSIA, and 2—POLICE were shot dead as they arrived on the scene.
20060808             —ANNOUNCED, ERITREA, that BRIGADIER—GENERAL—KEMAL—GELCHU, 1—DISSIDENT—ETHIOPIA—GENERAL, had defected to ERITREA, said that he would be joining THE—OLF to fight for his Oromo people's rights.
20060808             —STORMED, Gunmen with automatic weapons, Kaieteur NEWS—GUYANA—LARGEST—NEWSPAPER, killing at least 6—PEOPLE and wounding 3 in 1—ATTACK that may have been connected to 1—SIMULTANEOUS—PROTEST at the nation's main prison.
20060808             —CAUSED, INDIA—OFFICIALS said flooding, by monsoon rains have killed 69—PEOPLE in WEST—INDIA in the past —3—DAYS, and caused tens of thousands to flee their homes.
20060808             This would bring INDONESIA—DEATH—TOLL to 44 and make it the world's HARDEST—HIT country.
20060808             1—SERIES—OF—BOMBINGS and shootings killed at least 31—PEOPLE in BAGHDAD and other parts of IRAQ as more USA—TROOPS were seen in THE—CAPITAL—AS—PART—OF—OPERATION—TOGETHER—FORWARD, 1—CAMPAIGN to reduce SUNNI—SHIITE violence that threatened civil war.
20060808             —CRASHED, A—USA—ARMY—HELICOPTER, in IRAQ—WEST—ANBAR province, leaving 2—CREW members missing and 4 injured.
20060808             † 1—POLICEMAN was killed and another wounded —WHEN they were trying to defuse 1—ROADSIDE bomb in SAMARRA.
20060808             1—EXPLOSION at 1—MOSQUE in Baqouba left 4—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20060808             —BATTLED, ISRAEL—FORCES, Hezbollah guerrillas across SOUTH—LEBANON as diplomats at THE—UNITED—NATIONS struggled to keep 1—PEACE—PLAN from collapsing over Arab demands for 1—IMMEDIATE—ISRAEL—WITHDRAWAL.
20060808             —KILLED, At least 19—LEBANON—CIVILIANS were, in ISRAEL—AIRSTRIKES.
20060808             —REPORTED, ISRAEL, 5—SOLDIERS killed.
20060808             † RUSSIA—OFFICIALS said drawings by the late architect Yakov Chernikhov (19510000             , ), worth MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS, had disappeared from THE—RUSSIA—STATE—ARCHIVE—OF—LITERATURE and Art.
20060808             —ADMIRED, Chernikhov was widely, for his AVANT—GARDE and constructivist designs.
20060808             —RELEASED, SRI—LANKA, Tamil rebels, water from 1 disputed reservoir, ending a —19—DAY—BLOCKADE that sparked SOME—OF—THE—WORST fighting between government troops and guerrillas in —4—YEARS.
20060808             —KILLED, In COLOMBO 1—CAR—BOMB, 2—PEOPLE, including a —3—YEAR—OLD—GIRL.
20060808             —BATTLED, TURKEY, the largest recorded outbreak of CRIMEAN—CONGO Hemorrhagic Fever, which has killed at least 20—PEOPLE—THIS—YEAR, and experts said more CASES—OF—THE—EBOLA—LIKE—DISEASE are inevitable in coming months.
20060808             5—YEMEN—ARMY—OFFICERS were killed —WHEN their military helicopter crashed —DURING 1—HEAVY rainstorm.
20060808             I have always said that if GREAT—BRITAIN were defeated in war I hoped we should find 1—HITLER to lead us back to our rightful position among the nations.
20060808             I am sorry, however, that he has not been mellowed by the great success that has attended him.
20060808             The whole world would rejoice to see THE—HITLER—OF—PEACE + tolerance + nothing would adorn his name in world history so much as ACTS—OF—MAGNANIMITY + of mercy + of pity to the forlorn + friendless, to the weak + poor.
20060808             Let this great man search his own heart and conscience —BEFORE he accuses anyone of being 1—WARMONGER.
20060808             2 The anonymous author was 1—RUSSIA n employed by THE—USA—WAR—TRADE—BOARD.
20060808             —INVOLVED, There is no concrete evidence that Jews were, in the Bolshevik Revolution because they were Jewish.
20060808             —INDEED, There may, have been 1—HIGHER—PROPORTION—OF—JEWS involved, but given tsarist treatment of Jews, what else would we expect?
20060808             There were probably MANY—ENGLISHMEN or PERSONS—OF—ENGLAND—ORIGIN in THE—USA—REVOLUTION fighting the redcoats.
20060808             So what? Does that make THE—USA—REVOLUTION 1—ENGLAND—CONSPIRACY?
20060808             WINSTON—CHURCHILL—STATEMENT that Jews had a "very great role" in the Bolshevik Revolution is supported only by distorted evidence.
20060808             —MARKED, Another document, "Most Secret" is included with this BATCH—OF—MATERIAL.
20060808             THE—PROVENANCE—OF—THE—DOCUMENT is unknown;
20060808             it is perhaps FBI or military intelligence.
20060808             It reviews 1—TRANSLATION—OF—THE—PROTOCOLS—OF—THE—MEETINGS—OF—THE—WISE—MEN—OF—ZION + concludes:
20060808             In this connection 1—LETTER was sent to MISTER—W enclosing 1—MEMORANDUM from us with regard to certain information from THE—USA—MILITARY—ATTACHE to the effect that THE—UK—AUTHORITIES had letters intercepted from various GROUPS—OF—INTERNATIONAL—JEWS setting out 1—SCHEME for world dominion.
20060808             Copies of this material will be very useful to us.
20060808             —DEVELOPED, This information was apparently, and 1—LATER UK—INTELLIGENCE—REPORT makes the flat accusation:
20060808             SUMMARY: There is —NOW definite evidence that Bolshevism is 1—INTERNATIONAL—MOVEMENT controlled by Jews ;
20060808             communications are passing between the leaders in AMERICA—FRANCE, RUSSIA + ENGLAND with 1—VIEW to concerted action....
20060808             However, NONE—OF—THE—ABOVE—STATEMENTS can be supported with hard empirical evidence
20060808             More librarian POWER—BY ALAN—POWER
20060808             MICHAEL—MOORE'S, Stupid White Men, has topped the book charts in both BRITAIN and THE—USA, selling over 1—MILLION—COPIES—WORLD—WIDE—SINCE its release
20060808             More quotes Take action Links Downloads More Quotes "Government is...
20060808             WINSTON—CHURCHILL in the Illustrated —SUNDAY Herald, February 8, 1920
20060808             "Behind the October Revolution there are more influential personalities than the...
20060808             VffG 2/2001: R. Raico: 1—NEUBEWERTUNG CHURCHILL s - Teil 1
20060808             THE—JEWISH—ROLE in the Bolshevik Revolution + RUSSIA—EARLY...
20060808             —WARNED, WINSTON—CHURCHILL, for 1, in 1—ARTICLE published in the
20060808             Sionisme contre Bolchevisme.. entre les Juifs sionistes et bolcheviks est guère moins qu'un combat pour l'âme du peuple juif.
20060808             Illustrated —SUNDAY Herald, 8—FÉVRIER 19200000             , page 5.. 20060808             Bush Desperately Needs a "House Democrat": JOE—LIEBERMAN is His Man - 1—BUZZFLASH—EDITORIAL (You Can —NOW Comment on BuzzFlash Commentaries!
20060808             Registration is Free, As Always.)
20060808             "THE—BODY—HUNTERS: Testing New Drugs on THE—WORLD—POOREST—PATIENTS," by Sonia Shah.
20060808             Introduction by JOHN—LE—CARRE.
20060808             Big Pharmaceutical Companies Profit Off of Human Misery
20060808             WILL—SANITY and Truth Triumph Over Pomposity and SELF—RIGHTEOUS—WRONGHEADEDNESS?
20060808             It's Lamont Vs. Lieberman —TODAY.
20060808             1—FEW—DOLLARS—GO 1—LONG—WAY Toward Saving Our Constitution.
20060808             With Friends Like This...IRAQ—LEADER—BLASTS—USA 8/8
20060808             Nino "THE—FIXER" Scalia Won't Interfere, for the Moment, With DeLay Having to Stay on the Ballot.
20060808             A Pleasant Surprise. 8/8 - Make the World 1—BETTER—PLACE.
20060808             LIEBERMAN—OWN—WORDS on IRAQ from the Beginning Show Why He Needs the Boot - 1—BUZZFLASH—NEWS—ANALYSIS
20060808             PRE—MIDTERM "Shift" in CUBA—POLICY—ISN'T Much at All Besides GOP CUBA—EXILE—POLITICS as Usual to Influence FLORIDA Vote 8/8
20060808             Bush Stalls Peace to Prolong War: Battles Rage in SOUTH—LEBANON 8/8
20060808             GIBSON—FRIEND—DEAN—DEVLIN, who is Jewish, has said that Gibson will say things —DURING 1—LAPSE which do not reflect his innermost character.
20060808             I see no reason to question this judgment.
20060808             Mel Gibson is no friend to THE—IRAQ war.
20060808             —BY taking 1—UNFORGIVING attitude toward this man, the left has spurned 1—OF—THE—FEW famed individuals with 1—ABILITY to present 1—ANTI—WAR—CASE to THE—HARD—CORE—BUSH—SUPPORTERS.
20060808             Democratic Underground errs —WHEN it accuses Mel Gibson of revealing his "true colors" —DURING the notorious DUI incident
20060808             —AFTER all, Bush and 1—REPUBLICAN congress have been in charge —FOR—5—YEARS 20010911             —SINCE + our border patrol remains ridiculously underfunded.
20060808             —BY—NOW, you've probably seen
20060808             this important RAW story on 1—REPUBLICAN document outlining their forthcoming strategy.
20060808             Bottom line: THE—ROVIAN hordes depend on their ability to set the news AGENDA—BECAUSE if you're defending, you're losing.
20060808             —MANAGED, The bad guys have, to do this 1—LOT lately, despite THE—PRESIDENT—POLL—NUMBERS.
20060808             Immigration. Flag burning.
20060808             THE—REPUBLICANS will announce: "LET—TALK about this. LET—NOT talk about the war or the economy".
20060808             And as always, the Dems go along. How to control the agenda?
20060808             HERE—HOW.
20060808             USA—SENATOR—ROBERT—MENENDEZ and Democratic leaders are hoping to convince voters the Republican Congress is weak on national security.
20060808             —DECRIED, Menendez, how MUCH—OF—THE—CARGO shipped into the nation's ports goes uninspected.
20060808             "We need to scan 100—PERCENT—OF—THE—CARGO," he said.
20060808             Menendez was 1—VOCAL critic —EARLIER—THIS—YEAR—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION'S—PLAN to let 1—DUBAI—OWNED company buy 1—STAKE in several USA ports.
20060808             —SLAMMED, He also, the administration's chemical plant security policy.
20060808             —FROM THE—POINT—OF—VIEW—OF fundie Christians, they might be shocked to learn that —WHILE Judaism reviles and denies Jesus, Muslims revere him as THE—PROPHET—OF—GOD.
20060808             How is that for irony? #—POSTED—BY sunny: 6:10 AM - How much more delusional can you get?
20060808             You think it's psychologically possible for them to keep this up? #—POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS : 11:29 PM
20060808             —EXPLAINED, If someone had, to Adolf [Hitler ] that advanced versions of the V-2 could carry nuclear weapons,
20060808             he would have salivated at the prospect of all the world's Jews gathering in 1—SMALL—LOCATION—FAR from EUROPE.
20060808             HERE—WHAT I mean.
20060808             I believe in THE—PROJECT—OF—BUILDING 1—DEMOCRATIC and secular Jewish STATE—IN—PALESTINE.
20060808             SOME—OF—ISRAEL—ENEMIES + too MANY—OF—HER—FRIENDS + advocates use the word to mean in 1—JEWISH—STATE—IN—ALL—OF—HISTORIC—PALESTINE or even, as used to be the Revisionist credo,
20060808             1—JEWISH—STATE on both SIDES—OF—THE—JORDAN—RIVER—THAT—NOT what I believe.
20060808             I believe there should be 1—PALESTINE—STATE—ON—THE—WEST—BANK and in GAZA.
20060808             Not 1—COLLECTION—OF—AUTONOMOUS cantons but 1—FULL—STATE, with the border being the Green Line or SOME—VERY—NEAR—APPROXIMATION—OF it.
20060808             MARSHALL—TERMINOLOGY underscores the problem.
20060808             Study EACH—OF—THESE words: "...1—DEMOCRATIC and secular Jewish STATE—IN—PALESTINE..".
20060808             It's useless to argue that ISRAEL is secular.
20060808             Although Judaism does not proselytize, conversions do occur.
20060808             ANYONE—YOU, me, ANY—PALESTINIAN—MAY—COVERT to Judaism and thereby attain full citizenship rights in ISRAEL.
20060808             So let's stop pretending that Jewish religious intolerance does not reside at THE—HEART—OF—THE—CONFLICT.
20060808             And let's stop pretending that Zionism is or ever was 1—NECESSARY—RESPONSE to Nazi persecution.
20060808             —COLLABORATED, Quite 1—FEW Zionist s, with the Nazis + THE—LEADER—OF—THE—STERN gang even offered to fight on HITLER—SIDE.
20060808             The strongest ANTI—FASCIST—VOICES in the 1930s came from ANTI—ZIONIST—USA—JEWS.
20060808             In 1—OF—THE—MADDEST declarations made —DURING the Nuremberg trials, arch ANTI—SEMITE JULIUS—STREICHER declared his willingness to fight on THE—SIDE—OF—THE—ZIONIST—MOVEMENT -
20060808             - 1—BIZARRE pledge which hints at the longstanding psychological affinity between THE—2—IDEOLOGIES.
20060808             —UNDERVALUED, In 1, book called THE—NAZI—LEGACY: KLAUS—BARBIE + THE—INTERNATIONAL—FASCIST—CONNECTION, authors MAGNUS—LINKLATER, ISABEL—HILTON and Neal Ascherson describe how SOUTH—USA—DEATH—SQUADS received training and support from both European NEO—NAZIS and the Israelis.
20060808             The world has not forgotten the close collaboration between ISRAEL and THE—FASCIST—ORIENTED rulers of apartheid SOUTH—AFRICA.
20060808             Wouter Basson, the notorious SOUTH—AFRICA CBW specialist mentioned in 1—EARLIER—POST, claims to have worked closely with ISRAEL—COUNTERPARTS.
20060808             Think about it: Why wouldn't ANY—POST—WAR—NAZI favor Zionism?
20060808             SEA—BED plan to store carbon,
20060808             Pumping carbon dioxide below THE—FLOORS—OF—THE—WORLD—OCEANS could help to reduce the impact of global warming, say USA—SCIENTISTS.
20060808             Photos: LAND—OF—START—UPS Technology is thriving in ISRAEL, as the country seeks to become 1—CENTER for research and development.
20060808             Judd - "The heat wave broke more than 2,300 daily temperature records for the —MONTH + eclipsed more than 50—RECORDS for the highest temperatures in ANY—JULY,
20060808             Think Tank Fires Fellow For Criticizing Bush
20060808             —LAST—MONTH the Heritage Foundation, a conservative THINK—TANK, FIRED—JOHN—HULSMAN.
20060808             Heritage refuses to say exactly why they let him go, but the New REPUBLIC—REPORTS—THE "reasons for HULSMAN—DEPARTURE" are "
20060808             perfectly evident "; he criticized THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—FOREIGN—POLICY.
20060808             Hulsman previously had kept his dissent to himself, but "YEARS—OF—INSURGENCY, civil war + general chaos" in IRAQ led him to speak out.
20060808             [N]eoconservatives, through their policies of expending blood and treasure for problematic gains such as IRAQ,
20060808             are significantly retarding AMERICA—ABILITY to act against the true barbarians at THE—GATE—AL—QAEDA + Islamist extremists.
20060808             —CRITICIZED, And Hulsman, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—REFUSAL to talk to regimes it dislikes, specifically IRAN:
20060808             —DETERMINED, AMERICA, on the other hand, having, the mullahs in IRAN were evil, disdained to engage them.
20060808             But we cannot only conduct diplomatic relations with CANADA ;
20060808             I have always naively thought 1—MAJOR—REASON for diplomacy was talking to those 1—DIDN'T agree with, in 1—EFFORT to modify their behavior to suit one's own national interests.
20060808             These critiques may seem mild, but as CHRIS—PREBLE—OF—THE—CATO—INSTITUTE explains: "At Heritage, anything that SMACKS—OF—CRITICISM—OF—BUSH
20060808             will not be tolerated.
20060808             Human "brokers"bring thousands there to work as sex slaves + in cramped sweatshop garment factories where clothes (complete with "Made in USA" —TAG) have been produced for all the major brands.
20060808             The workers are " - paid barely half THE—USA—MINIMUM hourly wage
20060808             are "forced to live behind barbed wire in squalid shacks minus plumbing, work —12—HOURS —1—DAY, often —7—DAYS —1—WEEK, without ANY—OF—THE—LEGAL—PROTECTIONS—USA—WORKERS are guaranteed".
20060808             —LOBBIED, Thanks to JACK—ABRAMOFF, who, against better worker protections, that's the way conditions stayed.
20060808             But Abramoff couldn't do his work alone.
20060808             MCCLATCHY—REPORTED this weekend :
20060808             THE—NORTH—MARIANAS are THE—SITE—OF—AMERICA—MOST shoddy labor practices.
20060808             The workers are "
20060808             paid barely half THE—USA—MINIMUM hourly wage," + are "forced to live behind barbed wire in squalid shacks minus plumbing, work —12—HOURS —1—DAY, often —7—DAYS —1—WEEK,
20060808             without ANY—OF—THE—LEGAL—PROTECTIONS—USA—WORKERS are guaranteed".
20060808             Delay asks Justice Scalia to remove him from ballot.
20060808             No Surprise: BP—LONG—RECORD—OF—ENVIRONMENTAL—NEGLECT—AMANDA—BP—PRESS—RELEASE regarding the shutdown of its Prudhoe Bay operations:
20060808             ANCHORAGE — BP Exploration ALASKA, INCORPORATED has begun 1—ORDERLY and phased shutdown of the Prudhoe Bay oil field —FOLLOWING THE—DISCOVERY—OF—UNEXPECTEDLY severe corrosion and 1—SMALL spill from 1—PRUDHOE Bay oil transit line.
20060808             Shutting down the field will take days to complete.
20060808             Over time, these actions will reduce ALASKA NORTH—SLOPE oil production by 1 estimated 400,000 barrels per —DAY.
20060808             —UNEXPECTED, There is nothing "" about the corrosion or the spill.
20060808             —CONSIDERED, It was " the largest oil spill ever in THE—ENERGY—RICH—NORTH—SLOPE".
20060808             —CONCLUDED, Government reports, that 6—OTHER—PLACES along the pipeline also had the same corrosion.
20060808             Additionally, —JUST—LAST—MONTH, BP had to shut down 12—PRUDHOE Bay oil wells —AFTER whistleblowers revealed the leaks.
20060808             —TODAY on FOX—NEWS, NEIL—CAVUTO—GUESTS said that the shutting DOWN—OF—BP—OPERATIONS—MEANS we should —STARTING drilling in THE—ARCTIC—NATIONAL—WILDLIFE Refuge.
20060808             But what this incident really illustrates is the extreme risk of entrusting the Alaskan wilderness to the the oil industry.
20060808             AAA WARNS—OF—RECORD—HIGH—GAS—PRICES PAYSON—FOLLOWING BP—SHUTDOWN of its Prudhoe Bay oil field in ALASKA.
20060808             "IT—TAKES very little to drive up prices,
20060808             " 1—SPOKESMAN for the auto club said. "It shows how fragile the...system is".
20060808             Military rape trial begins.
20060808             Nico - "A—USA—MILITARY—COURT—IN—BAGHDAD heard graphic testimony —ON—MONDAY of how 3—USA—SOLDIERS took turns raping a —14—YEAR—OLD—IRAQ—GIRL—BEFORE murdering her + her family".
20060808             —DURING the hearing, JOHN—ARAVOSIS notes, "Defense Attorney CAPTAIN—JIMMIE—CULP was blowing chewing gum bubbles —WHILE [client SERGEANT—ANTHONY] Yribe, sitting to his left, began sucking on 1 red lollipop —DURING the testimony".
20060808             Media ignore 'Constitution in Crisis,'NICO—REPRESENTATIVE—JOHN—CONYERS' new report documenting THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—APPARENT—VIOLATION—OF—MORE than 2—DOZEN statutes: "Using LEXIS—NEXIS and Google News, it appears that the only mainstream media outlet — literally, the only 1— to even mention THE—RELEASE—OF—THE—REPORT was CNN, —WHEN JACK—CAFFERTY devoted 200—WORDS to the subject —ON—THURSDAY".
20060808             "We are —NOW in 1—PROCESS—OF renewed escalation,"Nico - 1—SENIOR—ISRAEL—GENERAL—STAFF—OFFICER tells Haaretz.
20060808             Signaling 1—APPARENT—POLICY—SHIFT, he said, "We will continue hitting everything that moves in Hizbollah — but we will also hit strategic CIVIL—INFRASTRUCTURE".
20060808             Bush Dismisses Generals' Concerns: 'I—HEAR—PEOPLE—SAY, Well, Civil War This, Civil War That'
20060808             —LAST—WEEK, GENERAL—JOHN—ABIZAID, THE—COMMANDER—OF—THE—USA—CENTRAL—COMMAND, raised the prospect that IRAQ could be sliding toward civil war.
20060808             Abizaid said, "I believe that the sectarian violence is probably is as bad as I've seen it in BAGHDAD in particular + that if not stopped,
20060808             it is possible that IRAQ could move toward civil war.
20060808             I believe we do have THE—POSSIBILITY—OF—THAT devolving to 1—CIVIL—WAR.
20060808             —TODAY at 1—PRESS—CONFERENCE, PRESIDENT—BUSH dismissed these concerns OUT—OF—HAND.
20060808             Bush said, " You know, I hear people say, Well, civil war this, civil war that. THE—IRAQ—PEOPLE decided against civil war —WHEN they went to the ballot box ".
20060808             More than - 100—IRAQ—CIVILIANS are dying per —DAY, mostly in sectarian violence, according to 1—RECENT UNITED—NATIONS report.
20060808             Extended transcript:
20060808             BUSH : My attitude is that 1—YOUNG—DEMOCRACY has been born quite quickly.
20060808             And I think THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT has shown remarkable progress on the political front.
20060808             —DEVELOPED, And that is is that they, 1—MODERN—CONSTITUTION that was ratified by the people and then 12—MILLION—PEOPLE voted for 1—GOVERNMENT.
20060808             Which gives me confidence about the future in IRAQ, by the way.
20060808             —DECIDED, THE—IRAQ—PEOPLE, against civil war —WHEN they went to the ballot box.
20060808             And 1—UNITY—GOVERNMENT is working to respond to THE—WILL—OF—THE—PEOPLE.
20060808             And, frankly, it's quite 1—REMARKABLE—ACHIEVEMENT on the political front.
20060808             And the security front is where there has been troubles.
20060808             And it's going to be up to the Maliki government, with USA—HELP, to use the trained forces
20060808             and eventually 1 trained police force to take care of those who are trying to foment sectarian violence.
20060808             USA—TROOPS endure 125-degree heat in IRAQ.
20060808             AMANDA—SOLDIERS are " staggering like dead men," suffering from hallucinations and collapsing from the heat.
20060808             BP Shuts Down Major Pipeline, Crude Oil Tops $76—BARREL Judd - 1—SEVERELY corroded pipeline has forced BP to " shut shipments from the nation's biggest oilfield, removing about 8—PERCENT—OF—DAILY—USA crude production".
20060808             —PUSHED, The annoucement, prices for USA crude oil over $76 1—BARREL, 1—NEAR—RECORD.
20060808             With 2—WARS raging in THE—MIDDLE—EAST, how long —UNTIL oil hits $100 1—BARREL?
20060808             Soaring oil prices create severe political problem for PRESIDENT—BUSH in 1—ELECTION—YEAR.
20060808             —REPORTED, Moments ago, FOX—NEWS, that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has indicated it "will supply emergency oil [from the Strategic Petroleum Oil Reserve] to refiners if they request it".
20060808             Tommorow marks the
20060808             —1—YEAR—ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—ENERGY—POLICY—ACT, legislation that gave away billions to big oil but made little investment in alternative fuels.
20060808             —PROMISED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, that bill would "
20060808             take pressure off price for USA—CONSUMERS.
20060808             —TODAY he " - will not seek RE—ELECTION.
20060808             " PRESIDENT—BUSH will move USA—TROOPS out of IRAQ if the country descends into civil war, according to
20060808             1—SENIOR—BUSH—AIDE who declined to be named —WHILE talking about internal strategy," NEWSWEEK reports.
20060808             20 % : BUSH—APPROVAL rating among Americans age 18 to 24, with 53 % disapproving.
20060808             THE—IRAQ war is 1—MAJOR—FACTOR.
20060808             Former vice presidential candidate JOHN—EDWARDS " - said —SATURDAY
20060808             THE—USA should start pulling troops out of IRAQ —IMMEDIATELY ".
20060808             —MOVED, PRESIDENT—KARZAI—GOVERNMENT "has, aggressively to crack down on what Afghans call imported vices," such as alcohol + prostitution.
20060808             —WHIPPED, Under the Taliban, the same office " -, women if their veils slipped
20060808             + arrested men for wearing TOO—SHORT beards or playing chess".
20060808             "For the 5. —YEAR in 1—ROW, unusual wind patterns off THE—COAST—OF—OREGON have produced 1—LARGE 'dead zone,' 1—AREA so low in oxygen that fish + crabs suffocate ".
20060808             [KEIN HUMMERRESTAURANT ! ]
20060808             There is no other cause [besides climate change], as far as we can determine," said JANE—LUBCHENCO, 1—MARINE—BIOLOGIST at OREGON STATE—UNIVERSITY.
20060808             IRAQ is "seeing 1—SUDDEN—ESCALATION—OF brutal attacks on what are being called the 'immorals' -
20060808             homosexual men + children as young as 11
20060808             who have been forced into SAME—SEX—PROSTITUTION".
20060808             Oil giant BP is shutting down its Prudhoe Bay oil field in ALASKA "—AFTER discovering unexpectedly
20060808             severe corrosion and 1—SMALL spill - Mel GIBSON—DUI was a Psyop
20060808             —PARTIED, EXCLUSIVE: Party Girls Defend Mel 2—WOMEN who, with Mel Gibson the night he was arrested said they can't compare the friendly guy they met at the bar to the reportedly belligerent drunk police encountered —LATER that night.
20060808             Is ISRAEL—ALLOWING—HEZBOLLAH to Kill Its Citizens? - Another —DAY in the Empire
20060808             Is ISRAEL—ALLOWING—HEZBOLLAH to Kill Its Citizens?
20060808             —BY Administrator on Uncategorized
20060808             For the honest historian, it comes as no surprise government either kills its own citizens or allows enemies to do the same in 1—EFFORT to score propaganda points or as 1—EXCUSE to commence hostilities.
20060808             Examples are numerous, from FDR denying Americans passport and travel documents to let them flee THE—JAPAN—ONSLAUGHT—OF—THE—PHILIPPINES in the lead up to THE—WWII. nd
20060808             (see USA—PRISONERS—CLAIM—ROOSEVELT left them in PHILIPPINES deliberately) to Operation Northwoods, 1—PLAN drawn up by the Joint CHIEFS—OF—STAFF to stage fake terror attacks in AMERICA (including assassination, airplane hijacking + SINKING—OF—BOATS) in order to devise 1—PRETEXT to invade CUBA.
20060808             —DISMISSED, Indeed, SOME—OF—USA, routinely, as tinfoil hatters, believe elements within THE—USA—GOVERNMENT engineered + executed the terrorist events of
20060808             JOHN—MCCAIN on the 20010911             —DENIERS By PAT—IT—ONLY 1—PARAGRAPH, but it's 1—GOOD 1:
20060808             SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN is gunning for 20010911             —CONSPIRACY—THEORISTS.
20060808             —UNFOUNDED, McCain calls the tales "ugly, accusations of extraordinary evil against fellow Americans" that insult the cops and firefighters who responded to the tragedies —THAT—DAY.
20060808             And the passengers on the planes, the pilots + their families.
20060808             More Propaganda: Hezbollah Trained in IRAN—ANOTHER —DAY in the Empire
20060808             More Propaganda: Hezbollah Trained in IRAN
20060808             No doubt this 1 will get wide play in the corporate media.
20060808             Reuters.
20060808             Such 1—NICE—LITTLE—PACKAGE, all tied up with ribbon.
20060808             —ATTACHED, —NOW we have "evidence"—BY way of electrodes, to testicles, no DOUBT—THAT—IRAN trains Hezbollah and Syria delivers these terrorists to carry out their dastardly deeds, for instance defending their country from HUNDREDS—OF—ISRAEL—BORDER—INCURSIONS—SINCE they were kicked out 20000000             .
20060808             —SUPPOSED, Of course, THE—LEBANON—ARE not, to resist occupation and the brutality of the Israelis and simply throw their bodies under the blades of massive bulldozers (made in THE—USA) and the treads of Merkava tanks.
20060808             Note how Reuters simply repeats the lie that Hezbollah violated the border and "kidnapped" innocent ISRAEL—SOLDIERS.
20060808             —NOTED, As previously, here and ELSEWHERE—ALTHOUGH predictably and roundly ignored in the corporate MEDIA—THE—ISRAEL—SOLDIERS were captured as they infiltrated THE—LEBANON—TOWN—OF—AITAA—AL—CHAAB, PART—OF—1—LARGER—PATTERN—OF not only illegal border crossings but also THE—SHELLING—OF—VILLAGES, numerous air raids, attacks on LEBANON—MILITARY—POSITIONS, slaughtering civilians + setting up installations on LEBANON—SOIL, violations officially (if not uselessly) reported in letters from the Chargé d'affaires of the Permanent Mission of LEBANON to THE—UNITED—NATIONS addressed to THE—SECRETARY—GENERAL and THE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—SECURITY—COUNCIL.
20060808             —MENTIONED, Naturally, NONE—OF—THIS is, by the corporate media as it continues 1—NAUSEATING barrage of PRO—ISRAEL propaganda coupled with 1—ENDLESS—OF—DIET—OF hit pieces designed to demonize Hezbollah.
20060808             —MENTIONED, In order to understand the magnitude of the above, brazen (and studiously ignored) crimes against LEBANON—SOVEREIGNTY, simply visit THE—UNITED—NATIONS Bibliographic Information System database.
20060808             —DOCUMENTED, In THE—6—MONTH—PERIOD, by the letters, ISRAEL violated LEBANON—SOVEREIGNTY 529—TIMES.
20060808             NATHAN—GARDELS: BEGINNING—OF—THE—END for ISRAEL? - Yahoo!
20060808             "The truth speaks for itself," she said.
20060808             Officials did look into the possibility that Flight 93 was shot down, he said, "but there's no evidence to suggest that whatsoever.
20060808             None.
20060808             —CONFIRMED, Special agent JEFF—KILLEEN, of THE—FBI in PITTSBURGH, that the photo of the barns and the smoke plume was "1—VERY—LEGITIMATE photograph".
20060808             —ACKNOWLEDGED, MISTER—S—MCCLATCHEY, that 1—LOT—OF—PEOPLE are alleging she fabricated the photo, but she stands by its authenticity.
20060808             The camera and computer were new + she didn't have access to Photoshop or ANY—OTHER PHOTO—ALTERING software.
20060808             "I know that photo is completely legitimate," MISTER—S—MCCLATCHEY said.
20060808             "Other people saw the same thing I saw".
20060808             "Val McClatchey has made it unmistakably clear to us that she intends to milk her 20010911             —CLAIM to fame for all it's worth, truth be damned," writes Lisa Guliani, of WingTV (World Independent News Group), who traveled to Stoystown to interview MISTER—S—MCCLATCHEY.
20060808             They analyze wind direction, debris patterns and camera trajectories, all in THE—SERVICE—OF—THE—THEORY that the crash was faked.
20060808             And her personal story appears to fit seamlessly into the larger narrative of the Shanksvsille crash site and temporary memorial, —WHEN, DOZENS—OF—TIMES —1—DAY, volunteers such as DONNA—SCHMUCKER tell MISTER—S—MCCLATCHEY—STORY and other witness accounts to the visitors who stream onto the site, holding up her photo in the laminated pocket of 1—BINDER for all to see.
20060808             —CAPTURED, She had no idea what she'd, —UNTIL the state police put 1—CALL out to people in the area, asking for photos, debris and other evidence.
20060808             She took 1—PRINTOUT of her photo to the police, she said, and, within an —HOUR, FBI agents were at her house.
20060808             "But it's not something that felt right," she said.
20060808             Conspiracy theorists blog that Flight 93—PHOTO is fake
20060808             0806—DATE, 20060000             By Caitlin Cleary, PITTSBURGH POST—GAZETTE Copyright Val McClatchey
20060808             Click photo for larger image.
20060808             —PRODUCED, STOYSTOWN, PENNSILVANIA—IT was 1—REMARKABLE shot that, a 1—OF—A—KIND—IMAGE: 1—GREEN pasture, red barns in the distance and, against 1—BRILLIANT—BLUE and cloudless sky, 1—LONE mushroom cloud of dark gray smoke.
20060808             —SNAPPED, Val McClatchey, the single picture with her new digital camera.
20060808             The wife and mother had been sitting on the edge of her sofa, clutching her 2. CUP—OF—COFFEE and watching the smoking TOWERS—OF—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER on TV, —WHEN she heard the sudden surge of 1—PLANE—ENGINE, followed by 1—VIOLENT, HOUSE—SHAKING boom.
20060808             —GRABBED, MISTER—S—MCCLATCHEY, the camera and ran onto the front porch of her house along INDIA—LAKE.
20060808             "I didn't even aim. I was —JUST like, 'Oh, my God,' " she said.
20060808             Ending the neoconservative NIGHTMARE—HAARETZ—ISRAEL—NEWS -
20060808             Informed Comment: LEBANON and Peak Oil -
20060808             —RESPONDED, GUARDIAN Unlimited | Comment is free | ISRAEL, to 1 unprovoked attack by Hizbullah, right?
20060808             Wrong - - Survey says SOME—ARE suspicious about 20010911             —RETURN to regular view Original Story
20060808             —PLANNED, ISRAEL, Oil and the " demolition" of LEBANON
20060808             MIKE—WHITNEY—BY bombing the highways and main bridges into BEIRUT—ISRAEL has cut off the capital from the outside world and put the entire nation under siege.
20060808             ISRAEL can —NOW execute its plan to pummel LEBANON into rubble without THE—THREAT—OF—FOREIGN—INTERVENTION.
20060808             —SEVERED, The north has been effectively, from the south allowing THE—IDF to continue its ethnic cleansing operations as well as its SEARCH—AND—DESTROY missions for Hezbollah fighters.
20060808             They have meticul! ously destroyed all the main POINTS—OF—ENTRY at THE—SYRIA—BORDER and blockaded the coastline.
20060808             ISRAEL believes that their —EARLIER occupation (which ended in 20000000             —YEAR) failed due to the unrestricted FLOW—OF—SUPPLIES and weaponry from Syria and IRAN.
20060808             —ASSISTED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has, this effort by providing crucial intelligence from THE—NSA about THE—MOVEMENT—OF—MATERIAL from the outside.
20060808             The present plan, which was drawn up more than —1—YEAR—AGO (and which HIGH—RANKING MEMBERS—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION were fully briefed) is designed to establish 1—NEW—NORTHERN—BORDER for ISRAEL at the Litani River and create an "ISRAEL—FRIENDLY" regime in BEIRUT.
20060808             The plan to annex the land south of the Litani River dates back to the founding of the Jewish STATE—WHEN—ISRAEL?s 1. PRIME—MINISTER—DAVID—BEN—GURION described the country?s futu!
20060808             re borders this way: "To the north the Litani River, the south!
20060808             ern bord er will be pushed into the Sinai + to the east, THE—SYRIA—DESERT, including the furthest edge of Transjordan.
20060808             THE—ANTI—ZIONIST boycott
20060808             Xymphora We can and should get our placards and march —AROUND in 1—CIRCLE, but —UNTIL THE—USA—GOVERNMENT/Zionist /ISRAEL nexus is broken, THE—ISRAEL—GENERALS will —JUST laugh at us.
20060808             This is why it is so critically important to fight the closet Zionist idea that what ISRAEL does is at THE—INSTANCE—OF—THE—USA—ESTABLISHMENT, or is merely PART—OF—1—COVERT—WAR over oil, 1—CLASSIC—EXAMPLE—OF getting the cart and the horse mixed up.
20060808             The only way to put 1—END to ISRAEL—COLONIALISM, and!
20060808             to prevent World War 3, is to hurt THE—SUPPORTERS—OF—ZIONISM financially.
20060808             The fact that this is the only way to stop Zionism is proof of the real power relations between the parties.
20060808             THE—NOAMS—OF—THE—WORLD can issue all the letters they want claiming how upset they are over LEBANON + it won?t make 1—TINKER?s DAMN—OF—DIFFERENCE.
20060808             1—BOYCOTT—OF—ZIONIST s will work.
20060808             THE—GREAT—DECEPTION—THE—PROPAGANDA that we pay for
20060808             DOCTOR—ABBAS—BAKHTIAR "What 1—MAN—BELIEVES upon grossly insufficient evidence is 1—INDEX into his DESIRES—DESIRES—OF which he himself is often unconscious.
20060808             —OFFERED, If 1—MAN is, 1—FACT which goes against his instincts, he will scrutinize it closely + unless the evidence is overwhelming, he will refuse to believe it.
20060808             —OFFERED, If, on the other hand, he is, something which affords 1—REASON for acting in accordance to his instincts, he will accept it ev!
20060808             en on the slightest evidence".
20060808             (Bertrand Russell) So it is with Messrs.
20060808             —ACTED, Bush + Blair which have, time and again on THE—FLIMSIEST—OF—EVIDENCE to reshape MIDDLE—EAST into what they desire it to be: 1—NEO—COLONIAL—POSSESSION to supply oil —WHILE at the same time helping their rich to get richer.
20060808             You may disagree with this statement, especially, if you have been listening to so much propaganda about spreading democracy in the Muslim world in general and MIDDLE—EAST in particular.
20060808             So I ask you to look at the —FOLLOWING arguments and then decide if the actions taken so far point to fighting terrorism, spreading democracy or hegemony...
20060808             STOP THE—WAR—COALITION The draft UNITED—NATIONS resolution being proposed in NEW—YORK cannot
20060808             lay the basis for 1—JUST peace in LEBANON.
20060808             It seeks to establish 1—OCCUPYING force in LEBANON.
20060808             It does not call for 1—IMMEDIATE—CEASEFIRE from ISRAEL.
20060808             —BY legitimising THE—ISRAEL—OCCUPATION—OF—SOUTH—LEBANON it lays the basis for the further continuation and EXPANSION—OF—THAT—WAR.
20060808             —REJECTED, This resolution has been, by THE—LEBANON—GOVERNMENT.
20060808             —FROM the very BEGINNING—OF—THE—ISRAEL—ATTACKS both THE—LEBANON—GOVERNMENT and Hizbollah have called for 1—IMMEDIATE—CEASEFIRE.
20060808             The war in LEBANON is PART—OF—THE—WIDER 'WAR—ON—TERROR?
20060808             being prosecuted by BRITAIN + THE—USA in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN.
20060808             Massives Polizeiaufgebot auf UNI—CAMPUS FFM - Uni/FFM Polizei auf UNI—CAMPUS FFM
20060808             Does 1—EULA—WIPE—OUT—FAIR—USE—PROVISIONS?
20060808             It's no secret that almost no 1—ACTUALLY reads end user license agreements (EULAs) these DAYS—BECAUSE, if you would, you'd almost never agree to what's in the license.
20060808             In fact, there is SOME—QUESTION to whether or not EULAs are enforceable at all, —SINCE they are often agreed to without any.
20060808             Skype and Sony Team Up to Deliver the "mylo personal communicator" OLIVER—JUST in;
20060808             Sony and Skype are teaming up to deliver 1—NEW—NEXT—GENERATION—PORTABLE—PERSONAL—COMMUNICATIONS—DEVICE the "mylo personal communicator" which will allow users to connect to MOBILE and wired phone lines at very low cost from ANY—WIFI access point to which the user has access.
20060808             Bush singing U2's "—SUNDAY Bloody —SUNDAY"
20060808             Ianiv Check out this video that uses video footage of Geroge Bush to make 1—VIDEO for U2's —SUNDAY Bloody —SUNDAY.
20060808             I the rapid blinking shots particularly funny.
20060808             Tags:funny, geroge bush, humor, —SUNDAY bloody —SUNDAY, u2 video
20060808             AOL Search Data Shows Users Planning to commit Murder.
20060808             —PISSED, Users in the comments are, off at the idea that people can be arrested for planning 1—CRIME—LIKE—MURDER, calling it minority report like.
20060808             I ask you why is it that americans have no problems arresting people that are planning or researching how to conduct terrorist attacks?
20060808             Reuters admits altering BEIRUT photo 1—REUTERS—PHOTOGRAPH—OF—SMOKE rising from buildings in BEIRUT has been withdrawn —AFTER coming under attack by USA—WEB—LOGS.
20060808             —ACCUSED, The blogs, Reuters of distorting the photograph to include more smoke and damage.
20060808             —SHOWED, The photograph, 2—VERY—HEAVY—PLUMES—OF—BLACK—SMOKE billowing from.
20060808             —WACKED, John C Dvorak All the blogosphere is, out over 1—COUPLE of poorly done "doctored" photos showing BEIRUT all smoky.
20060808             Curiously the original photo shown here is actually fine AS—IS.
20060808             What is the guy thinking to do 1—CRAPPY Photoshop job like this.
20060808             So how about 1—OPEN—COMPETITION as to who can do.
20060808             AOL: "This was 1—SCREW up" MICHAEL—ARRINGTON—AOL is apologizing in THE—AFTERMATH—OF—YESTERDAY—STORY about their voluntary RELEASE—OF—SEARCH—DATA on 650,000 users.
20060808             In addition to removing the data, AOL spokesperson Weinstein has left comments on blogs, including ours + to the press in general: All — This was 1—SCREW up + we'.
20060808             CATO on THE—RISKS—OF—TERRORISM Interesting paper.
20060808             —TERRORIZED, Terrorists can be defeated simply by not becomming, - that is, anything that enhances fear effectively gives in to them.
20060808             JACKIE—MASON defends Mel Gibson in Hilarious Rant
20060808             This is well worth WATCHING—MAKING war look worse
20060808             This is 1—POST I —JUST put up on Comments is Free.
20060808             The discussion there is already lively;
20060808             if you feel moved to comment, please head over there....
20060808             Those bloggers have done it again: They've caught 1—FAKE used in 1—MAJOR—MEDIA—STORY.
20060808             —AFTER Reuters ran 1—PHOTO —LAST—WEEK—OF—BLACK—SMOKE.
20060808             VENEZUELA—CONGRESSCRITTERS go Ubuntu
20060808             —INTERESTED, PJ: They —JUST had 1—UBUNTU installfest for, VENEZUELA—CONGRESSFOLK + there will be another —IN—AUGUST, because there was more demand than people to do it, but the pictures are delightful + so is the story.
20060808             † If I ever saw something like this in WASHINGTON, DC, I'd think I, and.
20060808             "It gives 1—REAL—EXAMPLE—OF how evolution works because we can reverse it".
20060808             —UNTIL about 500—MILLION—YEARS ago, early animals had 13—SUCH Hox genes.
20060808             Then EACH—GENE SPLIT into 4, making 52—GENES.
20060808             —OCCURRED, Over THE—COURSE—OF—EVOLUTION, further mutations, + SOME—GENES became redundant and disappeared, leading to —TODAY—TALLY in mammals of 39—HOX genes.
20060808             —LOOKED, THE—UTAH team, at 2—OF—THESE genes;
20060808             Hoxa1, which controls embryonic brain development + Hoxb1, which plays 1—KEY—ROLE in the development of nerve cells that control facial expressions in animals.
20060808             "We are 1. to reconstruct 1—ANCIENT gene," said CO—RESEARCHER—PETR—TVRDIK—OF—THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—UTAH.
20060808             "We have proven that from 2 specialised modern genes, we can reconstruct the ancient gene they SPLIT off from.
20060808             "It illuminates the mechanisms and processes that evolution uses + tells us more about how Mother Nature engineers life".
20060808             UN wrangle amid LEBANON fighting, Heavy fighting continues in LEBANON as THE—UN discusses possible changes to 1—DRAFT—RESOLUTION to end the conflict
20060808             BLAIR—CONFIDENT—OF—UN—RESOLUTION, TONY—BLAIR says he hopes to see 1—UN—RESOLUTION on THE—LEBANON crisis agreed "by tomorrow" as he leaves to go on holiday.
20060808             Row over BEIRUT photographs, Reuters news agency dismisses 1—PHOTOGRAPHER —AFTER finding he altered 2—IMAGES taken in LEBANON.
20060808             Oil eases despite BP uncertainty, Oil prices fall back from record highs in LONDON, reached —AFTER BP said it would close 1—KEY—USA oilfield.
20060808             'Pay to recycle' plan considered, People could be charged for THE—AMOUNT—OF—WASTE we produce under plans being considered by the government
20060808             MEXICO protests target tribunal, THOUSANDS—OF—SUPPORTERS—OF—MEXICO'S defeated presidential candidate rally at the country's electoral tribunal.
20060808             2—HELD as SPAIN battles fires, SPAIN—POLICE—ARREST 2 suspected arsonists in Galicia, where forest fires threaten towns and villages.
20060808             Probe was 'policing gone wrong', Failings in the investigation of 1—MURDER—ATTEMPT amounted to policing going seriously wrong, says 1—REPORT.
20060808             3. breach at Prestwick Airport, 5—PEOPLE are arrested —AFTER ANTI—WAR—ACITIVISTS breach security for the 3. —DAY running at Prestwick Airport.
20060808             —NEEDED, Welsh, outside school walls, 1—REPORT on the future of WALES—SAYS more pupils need to speak the language outside school hours.
20060808             House prices near £200,000 mark, Home sales in ENGLAND and WALES have soared and prices continue to rise, the Land Registry says.
20060808             Council tax 'rises for migrants', Sharp council tax rises may be needed to fund services for immigrants, the Local Government Association says.
20060808             —REVERSED, Evolution, in mice, USA—RESEARCHERS take 1—MOUSE —BACK—IN time some 500—MILLION—YEARS by reversing THE—PROCESS—OF—EVOLUTION.
20060808             AOL apology for search data error, INTERNET giant AOL apologises for releasing the search queries of more than 650,000—OF—ITS—SUBSCRIBERS.
20060808             —CHARGED, Swiss, for 20020000             crash, SWITZERLAND—AIR—TRAFFIC controllers face manslaughter charges over a 20020000             air crash that killed 71—PEOPLE.
20060808             'NO—1 at wheel' —DURING accident, 1—INVESTIGATION into 1—FATAL trawler accident finds there was NO—1 at the wheel —WHEN the boat crashed.
20060808             Britons online '—50—DAYS a —YEAR', BRITAIN—10—MILLION broadband users spend an average of 23.—5—HOURS online EACH—WEEK, suggests a survey.
20060808             Diplomats wrangle over UN draft, UN diplomats consider 1—DRAFT—RESOLUTION to end the fighting in LEBANON, as air strikes and ground clashes continue.
20060808             SOMALIA—LEADERS sack government, SOMALIA—GOVERNMENT—LEADERS say they have resolved their differences and will dissolve the cabinet.
20060808             —STEPPED, Uribe sworn in amid high security, Security is, up in COLOMBIA as PRESIDENT—URIBE is inaugurated for a 2. term in office.
20060808             —SEIZED, Another Hamas politician, ISRAEL—TROOPS detain another Hamas MP in THE—WEST—BANK and kill 1—MILITANT in 1—SEPARATE—ARREST—OPERATION.
20060808             PM seeks LEBANON breakthrough, TONY—BLAIR continues to rally world leaders to support a draft UN resolution to halt fighting in THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20060808             —TURNED, Flight, back over security, 1—PLANE bound for THE—USA is turned —AROUND MID—FLIGHT for security reasons and sent back to Heathrow.
20060808             Drug 'treats depression in hours', 1—ANAESTHETIC which is also used as 1—RECREATIONAL drug can treat depression within hours, according to 1—STUDY.
20060808             Children 'must have outside play', Children face 1—HEALTH "time bomb" unless they get more chance to play outside, 1—CONFERENCE hears.
20060808             INDONESIA bird flu toll 'hits 43', INDONESIA marks its 43. bird flu death, WHICH—IF confirmed by THE—WHO—MAKES it THE—WORST—AFFECTED country.
20060808             Babies 'spot maths errors', Babies as young as —6—MONTHS—OLD can spot mathematical errors, researchers claim.
20060808             Experts aim to put worms to work, Treating allergic diseases with worms is —JUST 1—OF—THE—ISSUES on the agenda at 1—PARASITOLOGY conference in GLASGOW.
20060808             Gaehnen, Empathie und Spiegelzellen ARVID—LEYH—GAEHNEN steckt an, Schmerzen von geliebten Menschen fuehlen wir wie unsere eigenen und warum wir ueberhaupt als soziale Wesen existieren, all das kann das Konzept der Spiegelzellen ERKLAEREN—1—DER—GROESSTEN—ENTDECKUNGEN der letzen —JAHRE.
20060808             Nach der Empathie kommt der WAHNSINN—STEVE—AYAN—VON—DER—GEHIRN & Geist berichtet ueber den Zusammenhang von psychischer Stoerung und KREATIVITAET—AM BEISPIEL—VON—BRIAN—WILSON, dem Chefdenker der Beach Boys.
20060808             Der Urlaub ist VORBEI—ER war wunderbar, vielen DANK—UND ich melde mich wieder —FÜR—2—WOCHEN schreibend ab.
20060808             —BEGINNT, Schön, aber thematisch ohne JEDE—AUSSAGE, Episode 40—MITN Abmient Glider von Dreamweaver, es folgen Fangorn THE—FOREST—VON—BLAZEJ—LINDNER, Hidden Souls und DJ COA,Remember HOPE—VON—FAREWELL—REDEMPTION und endet mit dem lustigen kleinen JOY—VON—EKÁYÀNI—AND—THE—HEALING—BAND.
20060808             Giant Robot Imprisons Parked Cars 1—PARKING garage in NEW—JERSEY seizes up —WHEN THE—CITY—OF—HOBOKEN fails to renew its software license, leaving HUNDREDS—OF—DRIVERS stranded in the automated garage.
20060808             Did AOL Betray Its Users?
20060808             In what could be 1—BREACH—OF—FEDERAL—LAW, AOL releases search logs on 650,000 users to researchers.
20060808             —WHILE the files are down, they are in the wild and lawyers may be circling.
20060808             Hybrids Get Parking Preference Cities let hybrids park for free, but could they please ticket SUVs for overwhelming spots designated for compacts?
20060808             Why TONY—BLAIR gets it —WHEN it comes to tech CISCO—CEO—SAYS—UK—LEADER—VISIT to Silicon Valley is symbolic of his willingness to adapt to CULTURE—OF—CHANGE and role innovation can play.
20060808             1—CULTURE—OF survival drives growth Wartime life has not stopped ISRAEL—TECH—JUGGERNAUT, which draws more venture capital —TODAY than ever —BEFORE.
20060808             —PROMISED, ISRAEL: Technology's, land Industry and investment thrive in the country despite wartime life.
20060808             —RELEASED, AOL offers glimpse into users' lives —WHEN AOL, THE—3—MONTH—SEARCH—HISTORIES—OF some 650,000 users, it provided 1—RARE—GLIMPSE into their private lives.
20060808             IBM comes out on top in age discrimination suit FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT'S ruling allows Big Blue to avoid paying costly settlement.
20060808             THERE—1—BLOG born EVERY—HALF 2. BLOG—TRACKING site Technorati says 175,000 new blogs appear per —DAY worldwide.
20060808             Are you keeping up with them all?
20060808             Bad Kissingen - - Es war —IM—SOMMER 20020000             , MONIKA—FRITZ war völlig pleite + die Urlaubszeit stand an.
20060808             "Ich wollte irgendetwas machen, was aufregend, romanti sch und naturverbunden IST—ABER kein Geld kostet", erinnert sie sich.
20060808             Aus ihrem Küchenradio dudelte "1—BETT im Kornfeld" von Schlagerbarde JÜRGEN—DREWS + plötzlich hatte Fritz 1—IDEE.
20060808             "Warum nicht mal im Kornfeld übernachten", dachte sie sich, schrieb 1—KONZEPTPAPIER für ihr "OPEN—AIR—HOTEL" und ging damit im unterfränkischen Bad Kissingen hausieren.
20060808             Lange suchen musste MONIKA—FRITZ nicht.
20060808             —BEGEISTERT, Landwirt und Stadtrat OTTO—FUNCK war von der Idee, und stellte für das Vorhaben 1—WEIZENFELD zur Verfügung.
20060808             —NUN müssten sich Amerikas Zentralbanker darum nicht unbedingt kümmern, würden ihre Experten solch inversen Zinsstrukturkurven nicht längst eine unangenehme Signalwirkung beimessen: Die Notenbanker haben in ihren alten Akten gewühlt und festgestellt, dass solch 1—LAGE auf dem Anleihenmarkt der beste Einzelindikator für eine drohende Rezession ist;
20060808             Denn Amerikas Wirtschaft wächst mittlerweile nicht mehr so schwungvoll wie —IN—DEN—MONATEN zuvor.
20060808             Zwar sind die aktuellen Zahlen des Landes noch immer deutlich besser als beispielsweise die der Bundesrepublik.
20060808             Doch deuten auch in den USA 1. Zeichen darauf hin, dass die Boomphase vorbei ist.
20060808             So bieten USA—UNTERNEHMEN etwa nicht mehr so VIELE—NEUE—STELLEN an, wie VIELE—EXPERTEN —BISHER erwartet hatten.
20060808             Allein —IM—JULI fiel das Angebot an neuen Jobs mit 113.000—STELLEN um rund 30.000—ARBEITSPLÄTZE niedriger aus als erwartet.
20060808             —RELATIVIERT, Und das, womöglich die vergleichsweise hohe Kerninflationsrate, die aktuell in AMERIKA noch gemessen wird;
20060808             sie lag im 1. halben —JAHR bei 2,6 Prozent und damit über dem Inflationsziel der AMERIKANISCHEN—ZENTRALBANK.
20060808             Die Börsianer in NEW—YORK scheinen mittlerweile so auch nicht mehr ganz so zuversichtlich für die kommenden —MONATE zu sein wie in vielen —WOCHEN zuvor.
20060808             Anleger an der Wachstumsbörse Nasdaq etwa mussten im vergangenen Quartal 1—MINUS ihrer Investments von durchschnittlich 9,1 Prozent hinnehmen.
20060808             —GEMESSEN, Das ist, an ihren Gewinnen —IN—DEN—MONATEN zuvor zwar nicht übermäßig viel.
20060808             Aber Amerikas Technologiewerte gelten als Stimmungsbarometer für die USA—KONJUNKTUR: Sie geraten nicht selten unter Druck, wenn wenig später auch das Wirtschaftswachstum der bedeutendsten Volkswirtschaft der Erde sinkt.
20060808             NAHOST—KRIEG: Schießbefehl auf ALLE—FAHRZEUGE im Grenzgebiet
20060808             SEVILLA statt Santi ago: Pilot verfehlt Flughafen um 700—KILOMETER
20060808             NAHOST—KRIEG: RUSSLAND will UNO—RESOLUTION ablehnen
20060808             Umstrittene Tierhaltung: Bauer schießt Rinder selbst
20060808             USA—NOTENBANK: Zittern vor der Zinsentscheidung
20060808             —ERSCHIEN, KLAUS—STAEK—PASSEND dazu, gerade —JETZT das Buch eines EX—AGENTEN namens ROBERT—BAER unter dem bezeichnenden Titel "Der Niedergang der CIA ".
20060808             Darin legt der Mann. ARNER BROS.
20060808             —PRÄSENTIERT, PICTURES, in Zusammenarbeit mit VILLAGE...  Clooney spielt den EX—CIA—AGENTEN.
20060808             ROBERT—BAER — es handelt sich um die.
20060808             Terrorbekämpung auf amerikanisch [Archiv]-Propagandistische Wegbereiter der Legende von Al kaida sind mit gro0er Wahrscheinlichkeit der EX—CIA—MANN ROBERT—BAER, der Regierungsberater +...
20060808             Mein FILMTAGEBUCH—ES gibt den Typen namens ROBERT—BAER, der das Buch "See no Evil" geschrieben hat, auf das der Film basiert, der tretet im Film als Nebenrolle in CIA...
20060808             STOCK—CHANNEL.NET—DAS Finanzportal - "Hunde, wollt Ihr ewig... ROBERT—BAER, who was 1—CIA—OFFICER in THE—MIDDLE—EAST + elsewhere —FOR—2—DECADES, told me that Ahmadinejad + his Revolutionary Guard colleagues in the...
20060808             POLITIKFORUM—THEMA: Verschwörungstheorien zum 20010911             20060808             Kampf gegen den Terror Imperiale ANMAßUNG—AUSLAND— Der ehemalige Topagent der CIA im Nahen Osten, ROBERT—BAER, erzählte der BBC: "—BIS zum
20060808             Bücher | Die grosse LUEGE—WACO—DIE grosse LUEGE—WACO von... DIE SAUDI—CONNECTION—ROBERT—BAER inkl.MwSt...8.90EUR... dass die CIA, die NSA + die ATF bei der —ERSTÜRMUNG der Sekte in WACO in einen Riesenskandal...
20060808             Die Allligatorpapiere.
20060808             Sekundärliteratur zum Krimi ROBERT—BAER galt als 1—DER—BESTEN—CIA—AGENTEN im Nahen Ost.
20060808             Sein vernichtendes Fazit nach 21—AGENTEN—JAHREN: "Die CIA hat in den 90er —JAHREN.
20060808    BLOGS—APOCALYPSO Wegen seiner unnachgiebigen Kritik an der Weichheit der CIA war Baer früh 1—HELD der Neocons (die ihre... Hat Castro den Mord an Kennedy befohlen?...
20060808             * BERICHTE AUS AMERIKA Der ehemalige Topagent der CIA im Nahen Osten ROBERT—BAER erzählte der BBC: "—BIS zum 20010911             hat sich die CIA von solchen Methoden ferngehalten.
20060808             LINKEZEITUNG.DE—IRAK—IRAN, LIBANON, NORDKOREA und AFGHANISTAN... am 12.07. beginnt der Moderator von CNN Headline News, GLENN—BECK, seine Sendung mit EX—CIA Offizier ROBERT—BAER und den Worten "Wir haben hier den 3..
20060808             MONITOR—MONITOR—BEITRAG.phtml
20060808             Le Monde diplomatique, DEUTSCHE—AUSGABE Scheuer schätzt die Zahl der durch die CIA "ausgewiesenen" sunnitischen Terroristen auf insgesamt etwa einhundert.
20060808             Andere Experten wie ROBERT—BAER glauben...
20060808             Links thepeoplesvoice_corg informs the public about news and information which 1—CORPORATE—MEDIA will not.
20060808             It provides people with 1—WAY—OF expressing their views publicly concerning issues that effect THE—QUALITY—OF—LIFE, our freedoms + our.
20060808             Martiallaw 911 The best links.
20060808             ALEX—JONES'—PRISON—PLANET_com Analysis But not to worry — our Glorious Imperial Generals have 1—BOLD—NEW—STRATEGY to subdue the aborigines.
20060808             —ORDERED, They have, their troops to get out of their armored vehicles + to patrol on foot.
20060808             current situation as mercenaries for the New World Order.
20060808             my weblog Kari dro til NEW—YORK på lørdag.
20060808             Forrige uke sendte jeg et lite vanetineskort til hotellet med... men de har startet opp et spøkelsesmuseum, Draugasetrið, og de har en fantastisk hummerrestaurant..
20060808             Re: —WHEN Order Breaks Down in 1—MULTICULTURAL Country Text Newsgroup Archive from Usenet_COM—UNCENSORED disscussion groups...
20060808             > Have 1—NICE imperial —DAY...
20060808             Demonstrationen der Friedensbewegung gegen den krieg...
20060808             1—REISE zum Gipfel der Philosophie USA—PATENT NUMBER: 4.686.605 erteilt 19870800             .Methode + Apparat zur Veränderung einer REGION—DER—ERDATMOSPHÄRE, Ionosphäre +/oder Magnetosphäre
20060808             Great Illusions: 1—CHRONICLE—OF—THE—DRUG—WARS.
20060808             Consider the business foresight of ALBERTO—SICILIA—FALCON, 1—CUBA—EXILE with CIA connections who, by... bar, 1—CUBA—COMPATRIOT named ALBERTO—SICILIA—FALCON.
20060808             He introduced them +.
20060808             "Researchers at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—WASHINGTON have discovered 1—POSSIBLE nonvolatile magnetic semiconductor + are investigating its use for 'spintronics,' 1—EMERGING technology that is concerned with manipulating + controlling the charge, flow + magnetism of electrons.
20060808             The possibilities for the material 'cobalt green,' 1—PAINT developed by USA—REVOLUTION—ERA—ARTISTS, as 1—SPINTRONICS—MATERIAL is exciting.
20060808             Should the magnetic properties of the paint at ROOM—TEMPERATURE prove able to reliably control the wild spinning of excited electrons in 1—PROCESSOR, not only could THE—SIZE—OF—PROCESSORS reduce substanti ally, but the constant limiting factor, how to keep things cool, could disappear".
20060808             Google Signs $900m MySpace Deal
20060808             "Google has signed a $900m deal with Fox to provide search capabilities for Fox sites, the most noteworthy of which is MySpace.
20060808             This deal does not include FoxSports_com, which already has 1—DEAL with MISS—N—GOOGLE claims that 'MySpace was 1—IMPORTANT—SITE to be involved with given its rapid popularity growth.'
20060808             —SIGNED, Google also, a deal with MTV —EARLIER in the —WEEK".
20060808             Reuters Admits, Pulls Doctored Photos
20060808             timothy 398 - fragmentate points to 1—POST on PopPhoto which says
20060808             "Reuters pulled 1—PHOTOGRAPH of burning buildings in BEIRUT —YESTERDAY—AFTER 1—POST on the Little Green Footballs blog outed it as digitally manipulated.
20060808             —FILED, The photo, —ON—SATURDAY by freelance photographer ADNAN—HAJJ, ran with the caption "Smoke billows from burning buildings destroyed —DURING 1—OVERNIGHT ISRAEL—AIR—RAID on BEIRUT—SUBURBS".
20060808             Fragmentate adds "Another image from the same photographer was found to have been doctored. Whether you're 1—CNN fan, or 1—FOXNEWS fan, you have to wonder how much of what we see is fake, or exaggerated".
20060808             AOL Releases Search Logs of 657,427 Users
20060808             "AOL has released the search logs of over 650,000 users for research purposes.
20060808             This looks like it may become 1—PUBLIC—RELATIONS—DISASTER for AOL, as well as 1—PRIVACY nightmare for the users involved as MICHAEL—ARRINGTON—OF—TECHCRUNCH notes:
20060808             "AOL has released very private data about its users without their permission.
20060808             —WHILE THE—AOL username has been changed to 1—RANDOM ID number, the ability to analyze all searches by 1—SINGLE—USER will often lead people to easily determine who the user is + what they are up to.
20060808             The data includes personal names, addresses, social security numbers and everything else someone might type into 1—SEARCH—BOX".
20060808             —COVERED, This is also being, on THE—PARADIGM—SHIFT and Oh My News". fantomas adds " Looks like they've —JUST taken it down but it's still available on THE—PIRATE—BAY;
20060808             not sure why but SOME—OF—THE—ACADEMIC—RESEARCHERS are going crazy musing the ethical aspects of letting the world know who's searching for how to kill their wives..". Update: 08/07 21:32—GMT by T : amromousa writes "AOL is —NOW apologizing for the release..., calling it a "SCREW—UP," which they're upset and angry about".
20060808             An Older, Larger Universe.
20060808             "Space_com has 1—VERY interesting article as part their weekly mystery —MONDAY series about 1—NEW—CALCULATION that shows that the Universe is actually much older than than the 14.3—BILLION years old that was established 20030000             .
20060808             —FROM the article,
20060808             "...the universe is instead about 15.8—BILLION years old + about 180—BILLION LIGHT—YEARS—WIDE".
20060808             —BASED, The calculations were, off of 1—RECALCULATION—OF—THE—HUBBLE—CONSTANT which dictates how fast the universe is expanding + they found it is actually 15% slower than previously thought.
20060808             The findings will be printed in 1—UPCOMING edition of Astrophysical Journal".
20060808             Photonic Breakthrough Allows 'LAB—ON—A—CHIP'
20060808             "GEORGIA—TECH—RESEARCHERS have shrunk 1—OPTICAL—DEVICE called wavelength demultiplier (WD) by combining into 1—CRYSTAL 3—UNIQUE—PROPERTIES—OF—PHOTONICS crystals.
20060808             —SOPHISTICATED, This optical discovery opens the way to, and cheap BIO—SENSORS mounted on 'LAB—ON—A—CHIP' DEVICES—SENSORS to run blood tests, detect chemicals in water supplies or for drug testing.
20060808             Their new WD is less than 1—MILLIMETER in all dimensions rather than the several CENTIMETERS—OF—OTHER currently available WDs.
20060808             And it should not cost more to produce".
20060808             Geschlossenes BP—ÖLFELD: Produktionsstopp kann —MONATE dauern
20060808             NAHOST—KRIEG: Steinmeier sieht gute Chancen für 1—WAFFENRUHE
20060808             900 - MILLIONEN—DOLLAR—DEAL: Google verbündet sich mit MySpace
20060808             USA: 1. Klage gegen Zivilisten wegen Misshandlung von Terrorverdächtigem
20060808             EU vs. Bundesregierung: Sparkassenstreit vor der Eskalation - NAHOST—KONFLIKT: Der SYRISCHE—SCHLÜSSEL
20060808             —PRÄSENTIERT, NAHOST—KRIEG: LIBANON, der Uno eigenen Friedensplan
20060808             REKORD—ZUGVOGEL: 65.000—KILOMETER 00.000.—200—TAGEN - Exclusive: USA—PLANS—REMOVAL—OF—USA.
20060808             Troops In Event Of IRAQ Civil War: -
20060808             —BY RICHARD—WOLFFE and JOHN—BARRY
20060808             PRESIDENT—BUSH will move USA—TROOPS out of IRAQ if the country descends into civil war, according to 1—SENIOR—BUSH—AIDE who declined to be named —WHILE talking about internal strategy.
20060808             "If there's 1—FULL—BLOWN civil war, THE—PRESIDENT isn't going to allow our forces to be caught in the crossfire," the aide said.
20060808             uruknet. info :: information from occupied IRAQ:: informazione dall'IRAQ occupato
20060808             The 1. act of global, state terrorism.
20060808             (The 2. —3—DAYS—LATER on NAGASAKI, the city with the largest Christian population in JAPAN.) —TODAY 1—NEW—KIND—OF—NUCLEAR—WAR is being fought-- as harbinger to the next kind of nuclear war, which will be fought tomorrow.
20060808             The suppressed story about THE—IRAQ—WAR is the use by THE—USA of depleted uranium weaponry.
20060808             The cut to the chase: THE—USA—LI!
20060808             ttered IRAQ with between 315 and 350—TONS of depleted uranium —DURING Operation Desert Storm.
20060808             5—TIMES as much was used —DURING 20030000             —THE invasion.
20060808             EVERY—SHELL shot from an Abrams tank contains 10—POUNDS—OF—DU.
20060808             —LITTERED, The result: ALL—OF—IRAQ is —NOW, with radioactive dust from DU.
20060808             —FROM ISRAEL, To LEBANON
20060808             —QUESTIONED, KABOBfest MANY—PEOPLE have, our invasion tactics over the past —4—WEEKS.
20060808             —KILLED, Sure, we've supposedly, about 1,000 LEBANON—CIVILIANS, but that number is inflated;
20060808             really, we've only killed like 10 and Hizballah has been moving those same 10—BODIES from 1—BOMB—SITE to another in 1 refrigerated truck and parading them in FRONT—OF—THE—CAMERAS.
20060808             —DESTROYED, It's true, we've, LEBANON—INFRASTRUCTURE, including power plants, roads, highways + - 1—COUPLE—DAYS—AGO—THE "sole human!
20060808             itarian link" into the country.
20060808             But you have to understand, we don't believe that Arabs are "humans," so they don't really need "humanitarian" aid.
20060808             As JOHN—BOLTON made clear, dead LEBANON—ARE worth less than dead Israelis.
20060808             ISRAEL?s Conspiracy Theories
20060808             KABOBfest —YESTERDAY, —AFTER Hezbollah killed12 ISRAEL—SOLDIERS preparing to fight in LEBANON, ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—OLMERT met with 50—OF—HIS—MOUTH—PIECES to inform THEM—OF—THE—NEW talking points.
20060808             In preparation for THE—WIDENING—OF—AGGRESSION against ALL—OF—LEBANON, Hezbollah areas and not, they needed to get SOME—NEW—SPIN—READY.
20060808             "Our enemy is not Hezbollah, but IRAN, which employs Hezbollah as its agent," Olmert told his spokepersons.
20060808             ISRAEL often constructs 1—MYTHICAL puppeteer,!
20060808             far bigger than the opponent it is fighting, to either exaggerate its victories or minimize the meaning of its defeats.
20060808             Hijab? Must have.
20060808             Needlenose I vaguely remember watching SOME—FLUFF—PIECE on CNN shortly —AFTER our invasion of IRAQ about how THE—BLOSSOMING—OF—DEMOCRACY would somehow be good for women;
20060808             blatantly preposterous even —AT—THE—TIME, as IRAQ was 1—OF—THE—MOSTLY—ARABIC—COUNTRIES where women could drive, work, walk —AROUND without 1—HIJAB and even serve in the government.
20060808             Contrast with RIVERBEND—LATEST—POST:
20060808             "For me, June marked the 1. —MONTH I don?t dare leave the house without 1—HIJAB, or headscarf.
20060808             I don?t wear 1—HIJAB usually, but it?s no longer possible to drive —AROUND BAGHDAD without 1.
20060808             It?s —JUST not 1—GOOD—IDEA.
20060808             (Take note that —WHEN I say 'drive?
20060808             I actually mean 'sit in the back SEAT—OF—THE—CAR?- I haven?t driven for the longest time.) Going —AROUND BARE—HEADED in 1—CAR or in the street also puts the family members with you in danger.
20060808             You risk hearing something you don?t want to hear and then the father or the brother or cousin or uncle can?t —JUST sit by and let it happen.
20060808             I haven?t driven for the longest time.
20060808             If you?re 1—FEMALE, you risk being attacked".
20060808             UNO—SICHERHEITSRAT: ISRAEL stellt Bedingungen für Truppenabzug
20060808             Konjunktur: USA—NOTENBANK stoppt Zinserhöhungen
20060808             Forschungsprojekt: 125—MAUERTOTE nachgewiesen
20060808             BP—ÖLFELD: Reparatur könnte —MONATE dauern
20060808             LIBANON: Helfer werfen ISRAEL massive Behinderungen vor
20060808             Finanzpolitik: USA—NOTENBANK legt Zinspause ein - Ringen um Waffenruhe: Die Zeit drängt
20060808             Friedensdiplomatie: Libanons TRUPPEN—PLÄNE stoßen auf Zustimmung
20060808             Netzticker: AOL entschuldigt sich für DATENSCHUTZ—SCHLAMASSEL
20060808             AKW—ÜBERPRÜFUNG: Atomaufseher geben Entwarnung - Umfrage: Brecht, der große Unbekannte
20060808             Hisbollah: David und der unsichtbare Feind
20060808             Ungewollte PR: Gibsons Schimpftirade als Klingelton - USA—NOTWEHR—GESETZE: Lizenz zum Töten
20060808             Gottesdienstleistung: Diakon will Geldautomaten aufstellen
20060808             LIBANON—KRIEG: Annan will Völkerrechtsverstöße prüfen
20060808             Neuer Kunstraub: —ERST S—PETERSBURG, —JETZT Moskau
20060808             RAUBTIER—MATHEMATIK: Modell fürs Fell - Lohan to IRAQ: Fully Loaded.
20060808             - NICO—ACTOR and pop singer Lindsay Lohan wants to go to IRAQ, People magazine reports.
20060808             "I'm not afraid of going," she says.
20060808             "My security guard is going to take me to 1—GUN—RANGE—WHEN I get back to L.A., +
20060808             I'm going to start taking shooting lessons ". - - Lock and load.
20060808             FACT CHECK: O'REILLY—CLAIMS—CONSERVATIVES—DON'T Call Liberals 'Racists' Or 'Bigots'
20060808             —CLAIMED, —YESTERDAY on FOX—NEWS, BILL—O'REILLY, that he tried to do some "fair + balanced" research, but couldn't find anyone on the right who calls liberals "haters" — bigots, racists, ANTI—SEMITES, or homophobes.
20060808             (He ignored MICHELLE—MALKIN —WHEN she admitted that in her columns, she takes "liberal bigots to task for their hypocrisy".) Watch it:
20060808             We did SOME—QUICK—RESEARCH for O'Reilly and found examples:
20060808             [Malkin, Americans DISAPPROVE—NICO—OF—BUSH—HANDLING—OF—EVERY—MAJOR—NATIONAL—SECURITY—ISSUE facing the country, 1—NEW—WASHINGTON—POST/ABC poll shows.
20060808             50 % disapprove of his HANDLING—OF—TERRORISM (vs. 47 % approval), 50 % disapprove of his handling of THE—ISRAEL—LEBANON situation (vs. 43 % approval) + 62 % disapprove of his handling of IRAQ (vs. 36 % approval).
20060808             He described 1—POTENTIAL—CIVIL—WAR as "the most significant threat right —NOW" in IRAQ.
20060808             Casey adds his voice to 1—CHORUS—OF—TOP—GENERALS — including CentCom COMMANDER—JOHN—ABIZAID and CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—JOINT—CHIEFS—OF—STAFF—PETER—PACE — who warn that IRAQ is in danger of sliding into civil war.
20060808             —DISMISSED, —YESTERDAY, PRESIDENT—BUSH, the concerns expressed by Casey and other Generals.
20060808             Bush said "You know, I hear people say, Well, civil war this, civil war that.
20060808             Democracy not on the march, says Justice Kennedy. "Our best security,
20060808             our only security, is in THE—WORLD—OF—IDEAS + I sense 1—SLIGHT foreboding," Kennedy said in 1—SPEECH. "Make no mistake, there's 1—JURY that's out.
20060808             In half the world, the verdict is not yet in" on WESTERN—STYLE—DEMOCRACY.
20060808             " 1—PLAGUE of jellyfish along EUROPE—BEACHES has become the latest environmental hazard to be
20060808             blamed on global warming. What friends are for:
20060808             Majority Leader JOHN—BOEHNER (R—OH) reportedly met with REPRESENTATIVE—BOB—NEY (R—OH) —LAST—WEEK to "urge him to step aside, reminding him that" if he lost his seat, "Ney
20060808             could not expect 1—LUCRATIVE career on K Street
20060808             to pay those tuition bills [for his children], along with THE—HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—DOLLARS in legal fees piling up".
20060808             —POINTED, Defenders of ANN—COULTER'S "scholarship" have repeatedly, to THE—HUNDREDS—OF—ENDNOTES contained in her books.
20060808             —EXAMINED, MediaMatters, the endnotes of her most recent title, "Godless," and found them "
20060808             rife with distortions and falsehoods.
20060808             Congress is all in the family.
20060808             USA—TODAY finds that there are 53—USA—SENATORS and representatives closely related to governors or other MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS, up from 24 19860000             .
20060808             Despite bipartisan objections, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is producing the 1. new landmines "in over —10—YEARS," placing THE—USA "on the same short list of nations that includes IRAN, NORTH—KOREA and Burma, 1—LIST—OF—COUNTRIES producing landmine weapons banned by 1—INTERNATIONAL—TREATY".
20060808             New study shows that children on Medicaid or with no insurance have a
20060808             death rate twice as high as THAT—OF—CHILDREN with private insurance.
20060808             "Nationwide, providing more primary and preventive care to those children could save 1 estimated $5—BILLION —1—YEAR".
20060808             38,000 . - - NUMBER—OF—VETERANS at RISK—OF—IDENTITY—THEFT (again) because "1—VETERANS—AFFAIRS—DEPARTMENT subcontractor lost 1—DESKTOP computer containing their sensitive personal data".
20060808             And finally: 1. 1—STANFORD professor, then SECRETARY—OF—STATE + —NOW...1—MEMBER—OF—VANITY—FAIR—INTERNATIONAL—BEST—DRESSED—LIST.
20060808             —CITED, The magazine, Condoleezza Rice as "immaculately groomed and formidably dignified but with 1—AUDACIOUS renegade streak".
20060808             UN halts convoy to SOUTH—LEBANON THE—UN—CALLS off THE—DAY—ATTEMPT to get aid to SOUTH—LEBANON, as ISRAEL imposes 1—CURFEW on southern residents.
20060808             Blair starts holiday with UN plea TONY—BLAIR begins his delayed holiday to BARBADOS —AFTER saying he hopes 1—UN—RESOLUTION on THE—MIDDLE—EAST is agreed shortly.
20060808             'Damage done' to LEBANON coast LEBANON—COAST could take up to —10—YEARS to recover from 1—MASSIVE—OIL slick, the nation's environment MINISTER says.
20060808             —FLEECED, Therapist, CLIENTS—OF—CASH 1—COUNSELLOR who brainwashed 1—ALCOHOLIC—CLIENT into handing over nearly £250,000 is told she faces jail.
20060808             —REVEALED, BRITAIN—DIGITAL tribes
20060808             Academics classify EVERY—HOUSEHOLD in BRITAIN according to their access to and USE—OF—TECHNOLOGY
20060808             Top Democrat battles voter anger
20060808             Democratic SENATOR—JOE—LIEBERMAN fights to win his party's primary amid criticism of his IRAQ war support
20060808             Seized speaker in ISRAEL hospital THE—PALESTINE—PARLIAMENTARY—SPEAKER detained by ISRAEL is taken to hospital with chest pains and dizziness.
20060808             Heatwave sparks retail sales rise Demand for food and drink amid the heatwave helped retail sales grow in June, THE—UK—RETAIL—CONSORTIUM says.
20060808             Patient loses RIGHT—TO—FOOD fight 1—SERIOUSLY ill man has lost the last stage of his legal fight to insist on his right to food in the final stages of his life.
20060808             † Hospital shower kills cancer man A man who had —JUST beaten cancer, from Legionnaires' disease caused by 1—DIRTY hospital shower head, 1—INQUEST hears.
20060808             THE—UK—TOTAL—SURVEILLANCE—ZONK 296 -Budenny - "THE—REGISTER has 1—STORY in its ongoing coverage of THE—UK—ID Card story.
20060808             This 1—SUGGESTS, with links to 1—WEEKEND—NEWS—STORY, that THE—PRIME—MINISTER in waiting has bought the idea that all electronic transactions in THE—UK should be linked to 1—CENTRAL—GOVERNMENT/police database.
20060808             EVERY—CASH withdrawal, EVERY—CREDIT card purchase, ever loyalty card use...
20060808             And that data should flow back from the police database to (eg) 1—LOYALTY card use.
20060808             So, for example, not only would the government know what books you were buying, but the bookstore would also know if you had 1—OUTSTANDING speeding ticket!"
20060808             [JOEL—ROSENBERG, National Review,
20060808             History News Network
20060808             INTERVIEW—WITH—DORE—GOLD: THE—FIGHT for JERUSALEM (Roundup: Talking About History)... Reidar Visser: REVIEW—OF—PETER—GALBRAITH—THE—END—OF—IRAQ (Simon...
20060808             —DAMNED, JOY—TOMME—OF—RATBANG—DIARIES is asking what I consider to be some, good questions:
20060808             —INTRODUCED, FRANKLIN—D—ROOSEVELT, is, to WINSTON—S—CHURCHILL (THEN—MINISTER—OF—AIR... 19300000             ' s. 19200000             February 8—WINSTON—CHURCHILL writes...
20060808             —EVOLUTION reversed in mice -
20060808             —FROM 1—TRANSIT pipeline".
20060808             - " We all hope and pray that 20060822             is not the —DAY Ahmadinejad has chosen to launch the apocalypse, but there is little doubt in THE—WHITE—HOUSE and at THE—CIA that THE—IRAN—LEADER is feverishly trying to build, buy, or steal nuclear weapons + that he will quite likely use them once he has them".
20060808123314       —REVERSED, Evolution, in mice
20060808—20000000    —J—IM, so war es beispielsweise.
20060808—20010911    —ON, This IMAGE—OF—THE—SMOKE—CLOUD left by United Airlines Flight 93—AFTER it crashed into 1—FIELD in Somerset County, was taken by Val McClatchey from the porch of her home.
20060808—20030000    —SCHON, CHINA: 1. VOGELGRIPPE—TOTER starb
20060808—20040000    —IN—THE, THE—PHILIPPINES—CONGRESS began hearing new impeachment complaints against PRESIDENT—GLORIA—ARROYO, linking her to corruption and human rights abuses and alleging she cheated election.
20060808—20060622    —ON, Rosokhrankultura said it became aware of the Chernikhov thefts —AFTER 9—MISSING—DRAWINGS were sold at auction by auction house Christie's.
20060808—20060712    —ON, "1—HIZBOLLAH fighter captured by ISRAEL has told interrogators he received training in IRAN and arrived there on 1—FLIGHT from Syria, 1—TAPE—OF—THE—INTERROGATION released by THE—ISRAEL—ARMY showed —ON—MONDAY.... —DURING questioning the man also confessed to taking part in THE—CROSS—BORDER—RAID in which 2—ISRAEL—SOLDIERS were captured, the incident which sparked the current conflict," reports, or rather stenographs,
20060808—20060714    —ON, By —NOW, it should be apparent that ISRAEL?s military campaign has nothing to do with Hezbollah?s capturing of THE—2—ISRAEL—SOLDIERS.
20060808—20060911    —ON, he was at the site shortly —AFTER the crash + knows THE—AMOUNT—OF—DEBRIS and other evidence that was gathered from the scene but was never made public.
20060808—20060911    —AFTER, Days, neighbors saw the image, still in her camera.
20060808—20060911    —ON, 20080000             —THE presidential hopeful has penned 1—SCATHING forward to "Debunking 20010911             —MYTHS," 1—NEW—BOOK from Popular Mechanics that uses science to blow away such FAR—FETCHED theories as that USA—AIR—DEFENSES were ordered to "stand down" and that the south tower was struck by 1—MILITARY—AIRCRAFT.
20060808—20070100    —JAILED, Both men were.
20060814—20060808    —IN—THE, Stephanopoulos brought up the report —AFTER syndicated columnist GEORGE—WILL said, "I'm sure somewhere out in that fog of paranoia we call the blogosphere, there are all KINDS—OF—PEOPLE writing that THE—UK—POLICE... and THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION timed this all to counter" the political fallout from SENATOR—JOSEPH—I—LIEBERMAN—LOSS—CONNECTICUT Democratic primary to ANTI—IRAQ war candidate Ned Lamont.
20060818             NOVEDADES EN LA CAUSA TABORDA El titular el Juzgado de Primera Instancia en lo Civil 1 20060808             Comercial Nº 10—DE MERCEDES, Tomás Etchegaray, envió un oficio a la Comisaría de Bragado informando la existencia de un juicio del Banco de la Provincia de BUENOS—AIRES contra Celestina Edit...
20060819—20060808    —ON, the other, —DURING—THE—CONFLICT between ISRAEL and Hezbollah.
20061028—20060808    —REVEALED, It was,
200611080803         —PM—ET, Race to watch — VA—SEN Results are here.
200611080805         —PM—ET, Kennedy (D—MASSACHUSETTS), Lott (R—MISSISSIPPI), Snow (R—MAINE) RE—ELECTED to Senate, FOX—NEWS reports.
200611080807         —PM—ET: Katherine Harris (R) has lost her intrepid bid for FLORIDA—SENATE—SEAT.
200611080811         —PM—ET: Race to watch — FL—16—NEGRON (R) currently leading Mahoney (D) 49.2% v. 48.2% in MARK—FOLEY—FORMER district.
200611080811         —PM ET: Amanda Terkel will blog at BBC—PODS and Blogs
200611080817         —PM—ET: AP: "It could be 1—SIGN—OF a
200611080817         —PM—ET, AP: "It could be 1—SIGN—OF—1—LONG—NIGHT for THE—GOP
200611080821         —PM—ET: ABC News has called PENNSYLVANIA—SENATE—RACE for BOB—CASEY—JUNIOR (D) over RICK—SANTORUM (R).
200611080827         —PM—ET: CBS News has called NEW—JERSEY—SENATE—RACE for SENATOR—BOB—MENENDEZ (D) over TOM—KEAN—JUNIOR (R).
200611080853         —PM—ET: Race to watch — CT—SEN Results
200611080856         —PM—ET: With 66% precincts
200611080856         —PM—ET, With 66% precincts reporting,
20070215             Secrecy News 20050808             -
20070215             Dick Destiny - "Police said among the items on the hard drive found in her possession were THE—AL—QAEDA—MANUAL, THE—TERRORISTS—HANDBOOK, THE—MUJAHIDEEN—POISONS—HANDBOOK... Secrecy News 20050808             In short, the Mujahideen Poisons Handbook that was excerpted on THE—WASHINGTON—POST—WEB—SITE indicates something nearly the opposite of what the Post...
20070316             ISBN 011 682064 0 20060808             COMPANY LAW OFFICIAL NOTIFICATIONS...
20070316             Finally, THE—IN fact, ISBN 011 682064 0 20060808             COMPANY LAW OFFICIAL NOTIFICATIONS...
20070324   —HISTORY News Network
20070611—20070808    —PLEADED, The conservative 3—TERM—SENATOR, guilty, paid $575 in fines and fees and was put on unsupervised probation for —1—YEAR.
20070800             Witterung und Klima in der SCHWEIZ.
20070804—20070808    —ON, JOSE—CARRANZA (28), 1—ILLEGAL—IMMIGRANT from PERU, was also arrested as 1—SUSPECT.
20070808             —DURING—THE—CIVIL—WAR—OF—THE—EARLY 1990s, the treasure of the 04010101—05001231     BC GREECE—FORT was sold to finance warlords.
20070808             INTERVIEW—WITH—JOHN—PILGER—BY—GRAEME—GRE20070109             /05/06 "METRO" -- -
20070808             SINO—USA—MUZI Forum AMERICANS HOAX BY STATE—DEPT, EXPOSED by EnenKio Kingdom... budabob (20010914             )... WHITE—HOUSE—REVEALS TAIWAN Arms Sale... Coldeye (20010318             )...
20070808             JOHN—PILGER—PUBLISHED 20070319             20070816—20150319    —ON, 4—POLAND—SOLDIERS were CLEARED—OF—WAR—CRIMES over THE—KILLING—OF—THE—6—CIVILIANS, but were convicted of lesser charges for which 3—OF—THEM were given suspended sentences.
20070808             World History Blog: 20060416—20060423     ... people in THE—MARSHALL—ISLANDS claiming the islands as THE—KINGDOM—OF—ENENKIO.
20070808             Geo_NET—NEWSARCHIV REKORD—SOMMER schädigt Boden dauerhaft
20070808             Geo_NET—NEWSARCHIV REKORD—SOMMER schädigt Boden dauerhaft 20060828             ... 20030511             Metallmärkte 20010000—20020000    VOM weltwirtschaftlichen Abschwung erfasst 20030506             ...
20070808             PORTLAND IMC—GLOBAL ENENKIO FACTS. 22:20070708—20270708.
20070808             NUMBER 20060903             20070808             NUMBER 20060903             -
20070808             NUMBER 20060903             20070903             —UNNAMED, THE—FINANCIAL—TIMES, citing, officials, reported that THE—PEOPLE—LIBERATION—ARMY hacked into 1—COMPUTER—SYSTEM in THE—OFFICE—OF—DEFENSE—SECRETARY—ROBERT—GATES in June.
20070808             Verschwörungstheorien zum 20010911             Teil I (Sammelstrang) [Archiv...
20070808             alpinforum_com :: Thema ANZEIGEN—GLETSCHER—ABSCHMELZUNG Verfasst am: 20021012—20200000    :21 Titel: GLETSCHER—ABSCHMELZUNG...
20070808             Do 200601190037          Titel: Weltölverbrauch, Antworten mit Zitat
20070808             WELTÖLVERBRAUCH—NEUES Thema ERÖFFNEN—NEUE Antwort erstellen... Verfasst am: Do 200601190037          Titel: Weltölverbrauch, Antworten mit Zitat...
20070808             THE—USA—SPACE—SHUTTLE—ENDEAVOUR and 1—CREW—OF—7—TOOK off from Cape Canaveral, Fl., on 1—SPECIAL—MISSION.
20070808             Researchers from THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—NORTH—CAROLINA in Chapel Hill reported that coral coverage in THE—INDO—PACIFIC, 1—AREA stretching from INDONESIA—SUMATRA ISLAND to FRENCH—POLYNESIA, had dropped 20—PERCENT in the past —2—DECADES.
20070808             They said the decline was driven by climate change, disease and coastal development.
20070808             SF, DONALD—FISHER, —78—JAHRE—ALT and his wife Doris, FOUNDERS—OF—GAP (1—CHAIN—OF clothing stores), announced plans to build the Contemporary Art Museum of the Presidio.
20070808             Virgin AMERICA, PART—OF—RICHARD—BRANSON—VIRGIN—GROUP, made its inaugural flight from JFK to S—FRANCISCO.
20070808             For the 1. —9—MONTHS—OF—20080000              Virgin announced a $174.5—MILLION—LOSS on $259—MILLION in revenue.
20070808             1—TORNADO struck BROOKLYN—NEW—YORK This was the 1. ever tornado in recorded history to touch down in Brooklyn.
20070808             † MELVILLE—SHAVELSON, —90—JAHRE—ALT, comedy writer, producer and director, in Studio CITY—CALIFORNIA.
20070808             —INCLUDED, MELVILLE—SHAVELSON—FILMS, "Cast 1—GIANT—SHADOW" (19660000             ).
20070808             —INCLUDED, MELVILLE—SHAVELSON—BOOKS, "How to Make 1—JEWISH—MOVIE".
20070808             Argentine authorities said they were investigating why VENEZUELA—BUSINESSMAN—ANTONINI Wilson was carrying $800,000 in undeclared cash aboard 1—EXECUTIVE—JET charted by ARGENTINA—STATE—ENERGY—COMPANY.
20070808             DECEMBER, USA—PROSECUTORS said that the suitcase FULL—OF—VENEZUELA—CASH was intended to finance the presidential campaign of CRISTINA—KIRCHNER.
20070808             —HIKED, AUSTRALIA—CENTRAL—BANK, interest rates 0.25—POINTS to —1—DECADE—HIGH 6.5—PERCENT in 1—UNPRECEDENTED—PRE—ELECTION—MOVE that the government admitted creates 1—POLITICAL headache.
20070808             —REJECTED, 1—AUSTRIA—FEDERAL—COURT, KAZAKHSTAN—REQUEST to have its EX—AMBASSADOR to AUSTRIA, 1—FORMER—SON—IN—LAW—OF—THE—CENTRAL—ASIA—NATION—AUTOCRATIC—PRESIDENT, extradited to face kidnapping charges in his homeland.
20070808             Researchers from BELGIUM and CHINA said 1—SIMPLE—BLOOD—TEST can detect early stage liver cancer and more accurately diagnose the disease that is 1—MAJOR—KILLER in ASIA and AFRICA.
20070808             1—UK—AIR—FORCE—HELICOPTER crashed near 1—ARMY—BASE in NORTH—ENGLAND, killing 2—MILITARY—PERSONNEL and injuring 10.
20070808             BEIJING began THE—1—YEAR countdown to 20080000             —THE—OLYMPICS.
20070808             JACQUES—ROGGE, PRESIDENT—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—OLYMPIC—COMMITTEE, acknowledged that BEIJING—AIR—POLLUTION could force the postponement of outdoor events —DURING—NEXT—YEAR—OLYMPICS.
20070808             1—INTERNATIONAL—TEAM—OF—RESEARCHERS said THE—LONG—THREATENED Yangtze River dolphin in CHINA is probably extinct.
20070808             They also said this would mark the 1. whale or dolphin to be wiped out due to human activity.
20070808             —CONFIRMED, SOUTH—WEST—COLOMBIA, families, that 2—MILITARY—OFFICERS kidnapped —4—MONTHS—AGO by leftist rebels have † in captivity.
20070808             Army Sgts.
20070808             ALEXANDER—CARDONA and Jesus Sol were taken hostage by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of COLOMBIA (FARC), —WHILE on patrol near their homes.
20070808             1—REPORT by THE—EGYPT—ORGANIZATION for Human Rights detailed 567—CASES—OF—POLICE—TORTURE in the last —14—YEARS, of which 167 led to the victim's death.
20070808             —KILLED, ETHIOPIA said it had, more than 500—REBELS and captured 170 in the past —2—MONTHS—DURING 1—OFFENSIVE in the volatile but ENERGY—RICH—OGADEN region bordering SOMALIA.
20070808             † MA—LIK, —55—JAHRE—ALT, THE—LEADER—OF—HONG—KONG—LEADING PRO—BEIJING political party, DAB, of complications from colon cancer.
20070808             —SUSPECTED, NORTH—EAST—INDIA—ASSAM, state, separatist rebels fatally shot 12—PEOPLE in 2—SEPARATE—ATTACKS.
20070808             —CARRIED, Police suspect the attack was, out jointly by the United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) and another local insurgent group, the Karbi Longri National Liberation Front, which is fighting for autonomy for people of the Karbi tribe.
20070808             —VOTED, MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE in JAKARTA, THE—INDONESIA—CAPITAL, for GOVERNOR—FOR—THE 1. time, the latest in 1—WAVE—OF—LOCAL—ELECTIONS hailed as key to strengthening democracy in the world's most populous Muslim nation.
20070808             —ARRIVED, IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—AL—MALIKI, in IRAN for talks expected to focus on bilateral relations and overcoming "terrorism challenges".
20070808             Iraqis told they will not get automatic asylum in BRITAIN despite braving death threats to work alongside UK—TROOPS will —NOW have their cases reviewed.
20070808             —SWOOPED, USA—LED forces, into the Shiite militia STRONGHOLD—OF—SADR City, killing 32 suspected militants and detaining 12—OTHERS in fighting and 1—AIRSTRIKE targeting alleged smuggling networks from IRAN.
20070808             —KILLED, Police and witnesses said 9—CIVILIANS were, in the attack.
20070808             —PASSED, MAURITANIA, 1—LAW promising prison time for people who keep slaves, 1—MONUMENTAL step in THE—NORTH—WEST—AFRICA—NATION'S push to eliminate THE—LONG—STANDING practice.
20070808             —RELEASED, NIGERIA, kidnappers, 1—BRITISH and 1—BULGARIA—HOSTAGE in the southern oil region, —WHILE the young SON—OF—1—LOCAL—LEGISLATOR was seized in 1—SEPARATE—INCIDENT and gunbattles raged for a 3. —DAY.
20070808             —KILLED, PAKISTAN—SECURITY—FORCES, 3—SEPARATIST—MILITANTS—AFTER they were fired on —WHILE surveying 1—FLOOD—HIT area in SOUTH—WEST—BALUCHISTAN province.
20070808             —DISMISSED, SOUTH—AFRICA, PRESIDENT—MBEKI, deputy health MINISTER—NOZIZWE—MADLALA—ROUTLEDGE —FOLLOWING reports that she had gone to SPAIN to attend 1—AIDS—CONFERENCE without his permission.
20070808             AIDS activists have been highly critical of her boss, Health MINISTER—MANTO—TSHABALALA—MISS—IMANG, who promoted garlic and lemons as 1—REMEDY for AIDS and mistrusted antiretroviral medicines.
20070808             VENEZUELA—SOCIALIST—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ took 1—CAMPAIGN—OF petrodollar diplomacy to URUGUAY, seeking stronger political ties —WHILE offering energy aid from 1—OF—THE—WORLD—LARGEST—OIL—PRODUCERS.
20070808             † In VIETNAM officials said at least 34—PEOPLE have and 17—MORE were missing and feared dead —AFTER Tropical Storm Pabuk lashed the country.
20070808             Der Call for Participations ist online und verschafft einen 1. Eindruck von den Themen und Workshops des größten europäischen OUTDOOR—HACKERTREFFEN.
20070808             MOHAMMAD—RASULI, DIRECTOR—OF—THE—INSTITUTE—OF—ARCHAEOLOGY in KABUL, remembers visiting the site, disguised as 1—BUSINESSMAN, and seeing bags of historical coins so heavy that 2—MEN needed to lift them.
20070808             —PACKED, Ornaments, statuary + stamps were, away in containers and protected not only by men with machine guns, but also with antiaircraft guns.
20070808             In all, he estimates, some 4.5—TONS—OF—ARCHAEOLOGICAL artifacts were lost, SOME—OF—THEM even popping up in local markets.
20070808             But even from such calamity, MISTER—RASULI draws optimism: "AFGHANISTAN has hope that we have lots of MIR—ZAKAS".
20070808             "If we add up the values of numerous objects looted and illegally sold these past —2—DECADES, it amounts to several billion dollars WORTH—OF—ART—OBJECTS belonging and constituting AFGHANISTAN—WEALTH and national heritage," said ABDUL—WASEY—FEROOZI—OF—AFGHANISTAN—INSTITUTE—OF—ARCHAEOLOGY at a 20040000             seminar.
20070808             —RUINED, Rock ART—SCUMBAGS.
20070808             Bush Officials May Face New Subpoenas:
20070808             —DEPOSED, HIGH—PROFILE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIALS could be called to the witness stand if 2, PRO—ISRAEL lobbyists have their way in 1—COURT—CASE that is moving toward a
20070808             At USA—BASE, Iraqis must use separate latrine
20070808             Here at this searing, dusty USA—MILITARY—BASE about 4—MILES—WEST—OF—BAQOUBA, Iraqis — including interpreters who walk the same foot patrols and sleep in the same tents as USA—TROOPS — must use segregated bathrooms.
20070808             THE—OTHER—WAR
20070808             —UNITED, The peace movement is not, on AFGHANISTAN, because MANY—PEOPLE think that it is a "good war".
20070808             I believe no such thing and I promise you that I will be more vigilant about exposing that war crime, too".
20070808             THE—MAMMA—MIA—ANTI—WAR—MOVEMENT
20070808             I give all my sympathy to the Iraqi and AFGHANISTAN—RESISTANCE movements.
20070808             They are fighting for their land in their land and that's all we need to know.
20070808             —ABUSED, If we have to use 1, word, they are the real heroes.
20070808             Not those mass murderers who fly their fat asses on those expensive death toys and drop TONS—OF—BOMBS upon homes, mosques, schools and hospitals.
20070808             White Elephants - Well, the Saudis are selling oil to the Americans for dollars.
20070808             1—LOT—OF—OIL, 1—LOT—OF—DOLLARS.
20070808             THE—USA, with 1—HUGE—GAP in its BALANCE—OF—TRADE, cannot afford to lose these billions.
20070808             So, in order to make it possible for THE—USA to carry this burden, the Saudis must give back at least 1—PART—OF—THE—MONEY.
20070808             How Quite simple: they buy USA—ARMS that they don't need.
20070808             —BY Siegesmund von Ilsemann
20070808             How WASHINGTON could encourage democratic change in THE—MIDDLE—EAST by selling SAUDI—ARABIA BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in weapons, he said, was "1—HUGE—QUESTION—MARK".
20070808             THE—ISLAMIC—KINGDOM might be 1—USA—ALLY in name, but it wasn't "particularly democratic," said Voigt + its oppressive family regime continued to be 1—FERTILE breeding ground for Islamic terrorists.
20070808             UK adopts 1—TOUGH—STANCE to demand release of 5—PRISONERS from GUANTANAMO : MINISTERS have demanded the return of 5—FORMER—UK residents being held in GUANTANAMO Bay, in 1—DRAMATIC—BREAK by GORDON—BROWN with TONY—BLAIR—REFUSAL to intervene on BEHALF—OF—NON—UK—NATIONALS.
20070808             Biological Terrorism ?:
20070808             —SUSPECTED, UK: Sabotage is, over FOOT—AND—MOUTH : The deliberate release of viral material, possibly in 1—ACT—OF—SABOTAGE, may have caused THE—FOOT—AND—MOUTH—DISEASE—OUTBREAK, officials said last night.
20070808             FOOT—AND—MOUTH phial 'went missing' : Reports that 1—PHIAL containing THE—FOOT—AND—MOUTH—VIRUS went missing from the Porton Down research laboratories have been raised at 1—PUBLIC—INQUIRY into the disease.
20070808             —PROBED, Merck, Sanofi lab, for FOOT—AND—MOUTH: 1—VACCINE—LABORATORY in ENGLAND that is being investigated for 1—POTENTIAL—LINK to 1—FOOT—AND—MOUTH—OUTBREAK at 1—NEARBY—FARM is owned by vaccine manufacturers Merck and SANOFI—AVENTIS.
20070808             Secret call log at heart of wiretap challenge : In open court and legal filings it's referred to simply as "the Document".
20070808             FEDERAL—OFFICIALS—CLAIM—ITS—CONTENTS are so sensitive to national security that it is stored in 1—BOMBPROOF safe in WASHINGTON and viewed only by prosecutors with top secret security clearances and 1—FEW select FEDERAL—JUDGES.
20070808             Subprime fallout deepens in GERMANY : GERMANY, which —LAST—WEEK became the 1. European country infected by the woes in THE—USA—MORTGAGE—MARKET, suffered another blow —MONDAY—WHEN 1—FRANKFURT—BASED asset management firm closed 1—OF—ITS—FUNDS to halt withdrawals by rattled investors.
20070808             —FINED, AMERICA—EXPRESS, $65mln over money laundering: AMERICA—EXPRESS Co. (AXP.N) agreed to pay $65—MILLION for failing to detect DRUG—RELATED money transactions laundered through 1—SUBSIDIARY over several years, USA—AUTHORITIES said —ON—MONDAY.
20070808             Travellers from USA—FACE EU crackdown: USA—BUSINESS—TRAVELLERS and tourists flying to THE—EUROPEAN—UNION are facing THE—THREAT—OF—THE—SAME—LABORIOUS—REGISTRATION—REQUIREMENTS that WASHINGTON has demanded of Europeans in the latest USA—SECURITY—CRACKDOWN.
20070808             BRITAIN is protecting the biggest heroin crop of all time: AFGHANISTAN —NOW exports not opium, but heroin.
20070808             —CONVERTED, Opium is, into heroin on 1—INDUSTRIAL—SCALE, not in kitchens but in factories.
20070808             —NEEDED, MILLIONS—OF—GALLONS of the chemicals, for this process are shipped into AFGHANISTAN by tanker.
20070808             The tankers and bulk opium lorries on the way to the factories share the roads, improved by USA—AID, with Nato troops.
20070808             IRAN sees USA—PLOT to topple its leadership : 1—IRAN—MINISTER said he believed THE—USA had dropped the idea of attacking IRAN but wanted to topple its leadership through what he called a "soft revolution".
20070808             IRAN—SPEAKER warns RUSSIA over further delay in nuclear project : "THE—BUSH ehr project is symbol for IRAN—RUSSIA cooperation... 1—DELAY would have 1—NEGATIVE—IMPACT in THE—MINDS—OF—THE—IRAN—GOVERNMENT and nation," HADAD—ADEL told state news agency IRNA.
20070808             SIMON—JENKINS: It takes inane optimism to see victory in AFGHANISTAN:
20070808             This war against the Taliban is PART—OF—1—POST—IMPERIAL spasm.
20070808             —WAGED, The longer it is, the graver the consequences
20070808             Disaster looms as 'Saddam dam' struggles to hold back the Tigris : As world attention focuses on the daily slaughter in IRAQ, 1—DEVASTATING disaster is impending in THE—NORTH—OF—THE—COUNTRY, where the wall of 1—DAM holding back the Tigris river NORTH—OF—MOSUL city is in danger of imminent collapse.
20070808             Poll: Iraqis Oppose Oil Privatization : 1—NEW—PUBLIC opinion poll has found nearly 2—THIRDS—OF—IRAQIS oppose plans to open the country's oilfields to foreign companies.
20070808             Top IRAQ MP: No oil law under occupation : 1—TOP—MEMBER—OF—THE—IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—PARTY says 1—LAW governing oil reserves should be delayed —UNTIL occupation forces leave the country.
20070808             Syria: Won't Force Iraqis to Return: Syria will not force ANY—IRAQ—REFUGEES to return to their homeland despite the exchange of harsh words between THE—2—COUNTRIES, THE—UNITED—NATIONS—REFUGEE—CHIEF said —THURSDAY.
20070808             JAPAN opposition CHIEF says "No" to AFGHANISTAN—MISSION : THE—HEAD—OF—JAPAN—MAIN—OPPOSITION—PARTY reiterated his opposition to extending support for USA—LED operations in AFGHANISTAN and said his party might submit 1—BILL to scrap TOKYO—MISSION to help rebuild WAR—TORN IRAQ.
20070808             USA—ENVOY, JAPAN—OPPOSITION—LEADER—SPAR—OVER—INVOLVEMENT in IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN : Ozawa says THE—USA—LED operations, in which JAPAN currently participates, do not have UNITED—NATIONS Security Council authorization.
20070808             PAKISTAN: Musharraf pulls out of jirga with AFGHANISTAN : On THE—EVE—OF—THE—USA—BACKED PAKISTAN—AFGHANISTAN peace jirga or tribal council to discuss terrorism, PAKISTAN—PRESIDENT—GENERAL—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF has decided that he will not attend the event in AFGHANISTAN —ON—THURSDAY due to security reasons.
20070808             USA uneasy as BRITAIN plans for early IRAQ withdrawal : THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is becoming increasingly concerned about the impact of 1—IMMINENT UK—WITHDRAWAL from SOUTH—IRAQ and would prefer UK troops to remain for another —YEAR or 2.
20070808             The surge: 1—SPECIAL—REPORT by PATRICK—COCKBURN:
20070808             —SUPPOSED, It was, to mark 1—DECISIVE—NEW—PHASE in AMERICA—MILITARY—CAMPAIGN, but —6—MONTHS—AFTER GEORGE—BUSH sent 00.000.20 ,000 extra troops, IRAQ is more chaotic and dangerous than ever.
20070808             In 1—SPECIAL despatch, PATRICK—COCKBURN reports on the bloody failure of 'the surge'
20070808             Freedom Next Time: Audio and TRANSCRIPT—FILMMAKER & JOURNALIST—JOHN—PILGER on Propaganda, the Press, Censorship and Resisting THE—USA—EMPIRE.
20070808             Uncle Sam, Your Banker WILL—SEE—YOU—NOW
20070808             Early this —MORNING CHINA let the idiots in WASHINGTON + on WALL—STREET, know that it has them by the short hairs.
20070808             —BEYOND Disaster - The war in IRAQ is about to get worse -- much worse.
20070808             THE—DEMOCRATS' decision to let the war run its course, —WHILE they frantically wash their HANDS—OF—RESPONSIBILITY, means that it will sputter and stagger forward —UNTIL the mission collapses.
20070808             This will be sudden.
20070808             —BREACHED, THE—SECURITY—OF—THE—GREEN—ZONE, our imperial city, will be increasingly.
20070808             Command and control will disintegrate.
20070808             —HUMILIATED, And we will back out of IRAQ, and defeated.
20070808             THE—PENTAGON—LATEST—BIG—LIE
20070808             —APPEARED, THE—WAR—DEPARTMENT—LATEST—FRAUD, in —THIS—WEEK—NEWSPAPERS under THE—OMINOUS—SOUNDING headline: "USA Kills MASTERMIND—OF—IRAQ Shrine" The article is similar to HUNDREDS—OF—OTHER—STORIES we've seen in the passed few years BOASTING—OF—THE—MURDER—OF an "alleged" terrorist kingpin whose evil deeds have prevented democracy from flourishing in IRAQ.
20070808             Oh, please. Continue - THE—TERROR—AMERICA—WROUGHT
20070808             —DURING —1—WEEK—OF mayhem in IRAQ, in which terrorists have rightly been condemned for targeting schoolchildren, it is sobering to recall that —THIS—WEEK is also the 62. ANNIVERSARY—OF—A—USA—ATTACK that deliberately took THE—LIVES—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—CHILDREN on their way to school in THE—JAPAN—CITIES—OF—HIROSHIMA and NAGASAKI.
20070808             Let Us —NOW Praise 1—INFAMOUS—WOMAN -- and Our Own Possibilities
20070808             1—GRAND—TOTAL—OF—2—PEOPLE in the entire Congress were able to resist 1—BLOOD—DRENCHED blank check for THE—VIETNAM—WAR.
20070808             We Are THE—ENEMY
20070808             How elegantly simple and effectively deceptive THE—METHOD—OF—REVOLUTION really is!
20070808             All it takes is to convince the people of 1—SERIOUS and imminent threat + then, with panic and fear sown in their hearts, they will hand over their liberties without thought or hesitation.
20070808             The 'serious and imminent threat' of the —HOUR, which is naught but hallucinated menace, has heretofore been of the strange and external variety: 'They' are 'over there', where we must meet them with courage and conviction, lest 'they' come 'over here' once again + do us real harm.
20070808             —SERVED, This myth has, its purpose well enough — we are occupying IRAQ.
20070808             "Cracks in the Constitution" - 1—REVIEW—BY—STEPHEN—LENDMAN
20070808             Lundberg is firm in debunking the notion that AMERICA is 1—GOVERNMENT—OF—LAWS, not men.
20070808             It's "palpable nonsense of the highest order," he said.
20070808             Governments enacting laws are COMPOSED—OF—MEN who lie, connive, misinterpret and pretty much operate ad libitum discharging their duties as they see fit for their own SELF—INTEREST.
20070808             Occupation 101 - AWARD—WINNING documentary film on the root CAUSES—OF—THE—ISRAEL—I—PALESTINE—CONFLICT.
20070808             A Must Watch Video
20070808             1—THOUGHT—PROVOKING and powerful documentary film on the current and historical root CAUSES—OF—THE—ISRAEL—I—PALESTINE—CONFLICT.
20070808             —PRODUCED, Unlike ANY—OTHER—FILM ever, on the conflict -- 'Occupation 101' presents 1—COMPREHENSIVE—ANALYSIS—OF—THE—FACTS and hidden truths surrounding the never ending controversy and dispels MANY—OF—ITS—LONG—PERCEIVED myths and misconceptions.
20070808             I don't know if they are data mining.
20070808             I mean, that's what I was trying to get at in my last paragraph.
20070808             —ADVANCED, THE—NSA—CAPABILITIES may be so, that this whole argument over FISA is —JUST 1—DISTRACTION.
20070808             —ADMITTED, Plus the fact that Bush has, that he broke the law by ignoring FISA and he'll continue to do it.
20070808             —BY approving this law, congress has made that plank in the impeachment platform unusable.
20070808             —CHANGED, Why prosecute someone for 1—LAW that has been, to agree with the lawbreaker?
20070808             Of course, 1—YOUNG—BLACK—MAN is in jail at this moment for the very same reason, but no matter.....different laws for different people.
20070808             You bring up the possibility of 1—CALL to your FRANCE—SEX caller.
20070808             But what if that is used to blackmail someone.
20070808             Also consider that they lie about global warming to protect their corporate buddies.
20070808             How much more likely are they to lie about WIRE—TAPPING and data mining to protect themselves?
20070808             —NOW couple this with the recent EO stating that anyone who speaks or acts against the interests of IRAQ recovery and democratic government can have ALL—OF—THEIR—ASSETS seized —IMMEDIATELY and without recourse.
20070808             Been to 1—PROTEST, lately? And if you pay attention to the airport security, doesn't it seem that only the prominent democrats are targeted?
20070808             1 would think that AL—GORE and Randi Rhodes and Cindy Sheehan et al., would be identifiable enough to finally get off the list.
20070808             Not so.
20070808             Yeah, Randi can get 1—BIT—HYSTERICAL from time to time.
20070808             But she does it for 1—POINT.
20070808             That doesn't mean all her listeners get it.
20070808             —TODAY  (altho I could only hear PART—OF—HER—PROGRAM) she said that "someone" was circulating rumors —AROUND DC that there was going to be 1—TERRORIST—ATTACK on DC ANY—DAY and that they had to get outta town.
20070808             The capitol police were suddenly everywhere as if to reinforce the rumor.
20070808             So (I think) we had 1—LITTLE staging of 1—TERROR—ATTACK—POTENTIAL to blackmail the congress.
20070808             It worked.
20070808             —JUST like the anthrax "attacks," which (even I noticed —AT—THE—TIME) managed to hit only democrats.
20070808             (Well, except for SOME—POOR—OLD—LADY who got caught in the crossfire.) And, WONDER—OF—WONDERS, no 1 has been caught and apparently no 1 is even looking, BECAUSE—OF—COURSE, "they" know who did it.
20070808             It came from government stocks of anthrax.
20070808             Soon as that tidbit came out, suddenly no 1 was looking for the 'anthraxer' ANY—MORE.
20070808             Living in the Weimar REPUBLIC—OF—AMERICA -- 1—BUZZFLASH—EDITORIAL
20070808             1—WHOLE—NEW—GENERATION—OF—REPUBLICAN Chickenhawks!
20070808             —DEFENDED, Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney —ON—WEDNESDAY, his 5—SONS' decision not to enlist in the military, saying they're showing their support for the country by "helping me get elected".
20070808             THE—BUZZFLASH—MAILBAG -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
20070808             —MISCHARACTERIZED, Krauthammer, new FISA law as limited to FOREIGN—TO—FOREIGN—COMMUNICATIONS;
20070808             Charles, you would have known this had you read BuzzFlash.
20070808             So the disaster of the aftermath of Katrina, in THE—HANDS—OF—THE—BUSH eviks, wasn't enough;
20070808             —IGNORED, State and local officials are being, by the Bush eviks, who are rewriting in secret the nation's emergency response blueprint.
20070808             Garrison Keillor: Recipe for avoiding those risky bridges 8/9
20070808             THE—SWING—OF—THE—USA—COURT—OF—APPEALS for the 4. Circuit is getting more moderate;
20070808             it had to, it had been so conservative; But the battle is not over 8/9
20070808             A 3. Canadian has been arrested by CHINA—AUTHORITIES —FOLLOWING 1—PROTEST at the Great Wall against THE—CHINA—PRESENCE in TIBET, 1—STUDENT—GROUP told CBC News.
20070808             has resigned both posts, apparently —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—1—CRIMINAL—INVESTIGATION.
20070808             —FORCED, It involves, sex, of course!
20070808             8/9 - AKW Krümmel: Aktivisten stoppen TRAFO—TRANSPORT
20070808             TERROR—WARNUNGEN: Verschärfte Zugkontrollen in FRANKREICH
20070808             —FROM THE—RAMPARTS—USA—FORCES have been totally unable to pacify the Sunni resistance and anti-...
20070808             —ON THE—USAID side, the characters included EDGAR—BUELL, 1 retired INDIANA...
20070808             CHAPTER 5 THE—CIA : "COCAINE IMPORTING AGENCY" CONTENTS Opium Finds...
20070808             Another CIA operant, EDGAR—BUELL, was assigned to the Plain of Jars where...
20070808             Navy contractor Confirmed dead, Pentagon, at/in building MICHAEL—ALLEN—NOETH, 30, NEW—YORK, NEW—YORK illustrator/draftsman 2. class, USA—NAVY...
20070808             FRANKREICH—USA: Bush lädt Sarkozy nach Hause ein
20070808             OLYMPIA—PARTY in Peking: Countdown für die Menschenrechte - hina: Notenbank warnt vor Überhitzung
20070808             —GESPERRT, Unwetter: Flughafen Tegel wurde
20070808             Tierversuch: Forscher dürfen Mäuse nicht aneinander nähen
20070808             www.INFRASTRUKTURINTERNET—CYBERTERROR.Netzwerk
20070808             Zentral ist hier der Root File der Top Level Domains des USA—UNTERNEHMENS NSI—VERISIGN... Dokumente formulieren das grundlegende Ziel, die Potentiale des...
20070808             Videoüberwachung in GROSSBRITANNIEN—
20070808             und der Fortführung einer individuellen Akte für JEDES—BEOBACHTETE—SUBJEKT... Beispiel das Abhören von Telefongesprächen (beispielsweise durch die NSA...
20070808             WEBLOG—DON´t trust mainstream media Die offiziellen USA—AKTEN sprechen eine andere Sprache.
20070808             Bestimmte Meßergebnisse sind —BIS—HEUTE " top secret " und Zeugen wollten unerkannt bleiben.
20070808             Die USA auf dem Weg in 1—DIKTATUR? [Archiv] - Seite 7 ...
20070808             Die beiden haben ihre Kenntnisse zu 99999% von CIA, NSA,FBI.
20070808             Alles top secret, —SCHON aus Gründen der Agentenschutz.
20070808             Wieso sollen dann nichts zu verheimlichen.
20070808             ASYLMAGAZIN 6/2000—IF the top leadership of these forces and those politically responsible above...
20070808             Record contract for Technor GROUP—TECHNOR [20021411             ] Simrad Optronics asa, 1—SUBSIDIARY of Technor asa...
20070808             —ARMED, Representatives of both countries, forces are scheduled to sign the contract at an...
20070808             07—264—CONNECTIONS— - HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES.
20070808             —WORKED, Eltman has, with the hospitality... NORWEGIAN—BASED Simrad Optronics.
20070808             —SOPHISTICATED, ASA, which manufactures.
20070808             OFFSHORE—NORWAY—COMPANY—PROFILES It also has representatives in several countries that undertake product... Simrad Optronics makes ELECTRO—OPTICAL—INSTRUMENTS for offshore ad military use.
20070808             Gennix OZ—DIRECTORY : Business : Aerospace and Defense : Defense... Simrad Optronics Laser RANGE—FINDERS and night vision equipment for military and... HUNDREDS—OF—CLERGY and other representatives from AUSTRALIA and New...
20070808             Search results for "IRAN—CONTRA"
20070808             Der Baum habe ein stattliches Alter erreicht, sagte der Entdecker Tuomo Wallenius.
20070808             Zumindest gelte das für 1—KIEFER.
20070808             Andere Arten wie Mammutbäume oder Zedern könnten dagegen tausende —JAHRE alt werden.
20070808             Die URALT—KIEFER befinde sich allerdings nicht gerade in Bestform: "Es ist schwierig zu sagen, wie lange sie noch leben wird".
20070808             Wenigstens braucht sie keinen besonderen Schutz: Sie steht im FINNISCH—RUSSISCHEN—GRENZSTREIFEN, zu dem der Zugang strikt verboten ist.
20070808             Besymenski ist 1—MANN vom Fach, er spricht auch Deutsch.
20070808             Er hat - AFGHANISTAN/PAKISTAN: Musharraf sagt Teilnahme an Friedenskonferenz ab
20070808             Kampf um Rohstoffe: Moskau plant neue ARKTIS—EXPEDITION
20070808             Zank um Gedenkfeier: Wie heilig ist Ground 0?
20070808             BAHN—TARIFKONFLIKT: Lokführer ändern TAKTIK—STREIKS künftig ohne Ankündigung
20070808             IRAK—REPORTER im Chat: "Die Soldaten sind erstaunlich gut gelaunt"
20070808             REKORD—KIEFER: Ältester Baum Finnlands keimte im Mittelalter
20070808             Subventionsende: Kabinett beschließt Ausstieg aus der Steinkohle
20070808             Lohnforderungen: Gabriel ergreift Partei für Lokführer
20070808             Arbeitsgericht Nürnberg: Die Begründung des Streikverbots
20070808             MAUL—UND Klauenseuche: Farmer prüfen SCHADENSERSATZ—KLAGE gegen Labors
20070808             Dubrovnik außer Gefahr: Feuerwehr bringt Waldbrände unter Kontrolle
20070808             Heiß, leicht, riesig: Bislang größter Exoplanet entdeckt
20070808             Mit Kelten (die Tapferen, die Edlen) bezeichnete man —SCHON in der... Die große Plattform für DEUTSCHE—GESCHICHTE und deren Hinterlassenschaften.
20070808             keltische Kultur in Nordspanien und PORTUGAL fassbar, wobei hier kein Verdrängen...
20070808             Das INTERNET fördert nach Laniers Meinung den Glauben daran, dass 1—KOLLEKTIV Intelligenz, Ideen und Meinungen hervorbringen könne, die denen des Individuums überlegen seien.
20070808             Diesen Irrglauben nannte er "Digitalen Maoismus ", und er führe dazu, dass — wie in den totalitären Ideologien von Hitler über Pol Pot —BIS zu den Islamisten — das Kollektiv als wichtig und real angesehen werde, nicht aber der einzelne Mensch.
20070808             [1][2][3]Zitate [Bearbeiten]
20070808             Schnell wird der Einzelne OPFER—DES—MOBS;
20070808             die Gefahr von WIKI—LYNCHJUSTIZ halte ich für sehr real.
20070808             In der WIKIPEDIA—WELT bestimmen jene die Wahrheit, die am stärksten besessen sind.
20070808             Dahinter steckt der Narzissmus all dieser kleinen Jungs, die der Welt ihren Stempel aufdrücken wollen, ihre Initialen an die Mauer sprayen, aber gleichzeitig zu feige sind, ihr Gesicht zu zeigen.
20070808             [3]Schriften [Bearbeiten]
20070808             Das E—BUSINESS Weblog: Jaron Lanier zum Netz, zum Kollektiv, zur...
20070808             Jaron Lanier hat —GESTERN auf dem 2. Dresdner Zukunftsforum (einem Kongress der T—SYSTEMS) einen bewegenden Vortrag gehalten.
20070808             Er setzte ein paar wichtige.
20070808             INTERNET censorship, RUPERT—MURDOCH style [Building 1—PYRAMID]
20070808             —ON censorship practices at RUPERT—MURDOCH—MYSPACE. pyramid.BLOG—CITY_com/internet_ censorship_ ruppert _ murdoch _style.htm
20070808             —ALLEGED, FTC busts, $10—MILLION telemarketing scam in LARGO—TOPIX I have 1—LIST—OF nearly 30—NAMES used by Strategia /Suntasia to do business.
20070808             Is anyone checking out the hearing tomorrow in FEDERAL—COURT, TAMPA FLORIDA...
20070808             —ALLEGED, FTC busts, $10—MILLION telemarketing scam in LARGO—TOPIX Suntasia, Strategia + ANY—OTHER—NAME they went under not only scammed and... all info and then uses it in court,they should have that profe already.
20070808             Paranormal Claims in PERU—MASS—MEDIA—MANUEL—A—PAZ y Miño
20070808             1—OF—THE—MAIN—GOALS—OF—THE—PERU—CENTER for Investigation of Paranormal Claims, PSEUDO—SCIENCES + Irrationality (or
20070808             CIPSI—PERU, NEVADA Mortgage Loan THE—KINGDOM—OF—ENENKIO, which claims Wake Atoll in THE—MARSHALL—ISLANDS, has been deemed a... Blair at WHITE—HOUSE for likely final visit as PRIME—MINISTER...
20070808             Wake Forest to name Gaudio new coach
20070808             ESPN_COM—WAKE Forest is going to name assistant coach Dino Gaudio the successor to the late Skip Prosser at 1—NEWS—CONFERENCE—WEDNESDAY, multiple sources have told ESPN_com —LATE—TUESDAY—NIGHT.
20070808             Sources have told ESPN_com that Gaudio will not have the interim.
20070808             County to push absentee ballots in wake of electronic voting ban
20070808             MISS—NBC—COUNTY—OFFICIALS said getting voters to cast absentee ballots could speed up VOTE—COUNTING in the presidential primary election -- 1—PROCESS that could be lengthened by the decertification.—MEANWHILE, state and county officials, electronic voting...
20070808             FIRE ISLAND 'BEAT COP'
20070808             NEW—YORK Post - 20070808             -- 1—FIRE—ISLAND—VILLAGE has been slapped with a 2. blockbuster lawsuit - a $20—MILLION filing charging 1—ROGUE police CHIEF with brutality and false arrest.
20070808             JESSE—PRISCO, 31, of Dutchess County, claims FORMER—OCEAN Beach Police.
20070808             MYANMAR PRO—DEMOCRACY activists, regional sympathizers mark 19....
20070808             INTERNATIONAL Herald TRIBUNE—YANGON—MYANMAR: PRO—DEMOCRACY—ACTIVISTS in MYANMAR and their supporters across SOUTH—EAST—ASIA marked the 19. anniversary —WEDNESDAY—OF—1—POPULAR uprising that was brutally crushed by the military, which retains 1—IRON—GRIP on power.
20070808             Regional : Oceania : Wake ISLAND : Web Directory INDIA Yellow Pages
20070808             Bush plans to visit RHODE—ISLAND—ON—THURSDAY, 1—WHITE—HOUSE—SPOKESMAN said.
20070808             "Sentient world: war games on the grandest scale"... Taken Aback by Leftist Shift, WHITE—HOUSE—ENDEAVORS to Con the Americas.
20070808             USA-01.topsite2007 _com: HOLIDAY—IN—OFFICIAL—STATE—UNITED—USA
20070808             Fraud and MIS—INFORMATION—PRESENT STATUS—ENENKIO... In fact, in
20070808             00.Feb2001 the agencies... THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20070808             • LIBRARY—OF—CONGRESS... Travel USA.
20070808             World History Blog: USA—HISTORY... of people in THE—MARSHALL—ISLANDS claiming the islands as the Kingdom of EnenKio.
20070808             THE—USA—NATIONAL—EMERGENCY [Free Republic]. THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20070808             Congress: Legislative Information on THE—INTERNET.
20070808             Includes full text of all VERSIONS—OF—HOUSE... EnenKio.
20070808             DUMA—SPRECHER lästert über die Amis ab, daß die Schwarte nur so kracht: Die USA demonstrieren der gesamten Weltgemeinschaft die charakteristischen Anzeichen für ihren Untergang und können —NUN nicht mehr auf 1—FÜHRUNGSROLLE in der Welt Anspruch erheben.
20070808             So hat der Parteichef der Liberaldemokratischen Partei Russlands und Vizesprecher der RUSSISCHEN—STAATSDUMA, WLADIMIR—SCHIRINOWSKI, den Alkoholskandal mit den NASA—ASTRONAUTEN kommentiert.
20070808             "Das Land hat keine Zukunft und gleitet in die REIHEN—DER—MARGINALEN—STAATEN ab.
20070808             In diesem Fall sind wir nicht schadenfroh. Das alles ist sehr traurig.
20070808             Der Untergang der USA ist eingeläutet.
20070808             Ein solcher STAAT kann keinen Anspruch auf die Führungsrolle in der Welt erheben", sagte er vor der Presse.
20070808             "Die heutige Lage der Stammbevölkerung der USA ist nicht viel besser, als während der 1. Einwanderungswelle, als die 1. Einwanderer sich durch Raub bereicherten und die Ureinwohner ermordeten", sagte der Politiker.
20070808             So und —JETZT werfe mir noch mal jemand vor, ich würde nur rummeckern.
20070808             Da bin ich ja wohl zurückhaltend und wohlerzogen gegen!
20070808             "Die USA ist 1—LAND, welches —HEUTE von dem größten TEIL—DES—PLANETEN gehasst wird. Nach der ANZAHL—DER—ANTAGONISTISCHEN—STIMMUNGEN in der Welt nimmt die USA den 1. Platz ein", resümierte WLADIMIR—SCHIRINOWSKI.
20070808             [l]Gewinn gesteigert, Rekordergebnis, über ne Milliarde Profit gemacht -- völlig klar, da muß Unilever sofort 20.000—STELLEN streichen, natürlich vor allem in EUROPA.
20070808             [l]In ENGLAND ist noch weniger vom Demonstrationsrecht übrig.
20070808             All we are doing, says the airport operator BAA, is seeking to prevent unlawful protest.
20070808             But under the act it used in the high court —YESTERDAY, all protest is arguably unlawful.
20070808             —DEFINED, Harassment is, as "alarming the person or causing the person distress".
20070808             No DEFINITION—OF—ALARM or distress is given.
20070808             The purpose of the planned climate camp at Heathrow airport —NEXT—WEEK is to make people alarmed about climate change.
20070808             Und das Gesetz gibt es —SCHON eine Weile, das ist auch —SCHON angewendet worden: THE—HARASSMENT—ACT has been used MANY—TIMES against peaceful campaigners.
20070808             the same —YEAR, 1—PROTESTER in Hull was arrested for harassment, on the grounds that he had been "staring at 1—BUILDING".
20070808             —THIS—YEAR, the residents of 1—VILLAGE in Oxfordshire were banned from protesting against RWE npower's plan to turn their beautiful Thrupp Lake into 1—DUMP for fly ash.
20070808             The stated PURPOSE—OF—THE—INJUNCTION is to prevent them from causing alarm or distress to the burly security guards the company has employed.
20070808             No protest, however polite, is —NOW safe from prosecution under this monstrous act.
20070808             [l]Vorsicht bei Leuten mit Taschenlampen auf dem Camp: Das DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY hat —JETZT 1—KOTZ—LAMPE gebaut.
20070808             The handheld device using LIGHT—EMITTING diodes to emit SUPER—BRIGHT—PULSES—OF—LIGHT at rapidly changing wavelengths, causing disorientation, nausea and even vomiting in whomever it's pointed at.
20070808             "THERE—1—WAVELENGTH that gets everybody," says IOS PRESIDENT—BOB—LIEBERMAN.
20070808             " Vlad [IOS top scientist VLADIMIR—RUBTSOV] calls it 'the evil color.' "
20070808             [l]Noch einer aus der Kategorie "Wie das Weltwirtschaftssystem funktioniert": Historie des Geldes, wie es dazu kam, daß das Geld nicht mehr durch Gold gedeckt ist + warum das ganze Gold bei den Amis lagert
20070808             [l] - Oh Mann, den Nachrichten im Moment kann man echt nur noch mit Zynismus begegnen.
20070808             Der RUSSISCHE—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTER sagt zum Raketenschild in Tschechien gegen die Iraner Raketen in Richtung SPANIEN und FRANKREICH (hey, "EUROPA" heißt es in der Begründung): Dies sei ein vorgeschobenes Argument, so der RUSSISCHE—GENERALSTABSCHEF Juri Balujewski, das sich nicht nur mit "schwachen Geographiekenntnissen" erklären lasse.
20070808             Tatsächlich gehe es den USA darum, eventuelle Bedrohungen durch RUSSLAND abzuwehren
20070808             Fefe\'s Blog - Vorschaufenster öffnen...
20070808             [l] Eigentlich kommentiere ich ja hier gerne bizarre Seiten, aber —HEUTE fehlen mir die Worte:
20070808             Stiftung Interkultur [l] Na DAS ist aber freundlich von ihnen:
20070808             RIAA ist —JETZT einverstanden, daß man seine gekauften CDs auch auf seinem MP3-Player hören darf
20070808             [l] Exxon setzt an, mehr Cash auf Tasche zu haben als Microsoft... Schlagzeile des Tages dazu: "Tony... gefunden in: ( Seekport:1)
20070808             NAQUA — Grundwasserqualität in der SCHWEIZ 20020000             /2003
20070808             Ebenso können sich Un-. - course_portal OcCC ( 20020000             ).
20070808             Das Klima ÄNDERT—AUCH in der SCHWEIZ : Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse des... Würsten, F. (20030000             ): Rekordsommer 20030000             - 1—VORBOTE der Klimazukunft.
20070808             Unwetterschäden in der SCHWEIZ —J—IME 20030000             20070808             Rekordsommer, dessen Temperatur 4—BIS 5,5° höher als die Norm... C., 20040000             : Unwetterschäden in der SCHWEIZ 19720000—20020000     : Verteilung, Ursachen, Entwicklung.
20070808             Die Gletscher der SCHWEIZER—ALPEN 20010000             /02—UND 20020000             /03
20070808             verstärkter Schmelze. Witterung und Klima in der SCHWEIZ.
20070808             Überblick über die hydrologischen —JAHRE.
20070808             Weltweit zählten die beiden —JAHRE 20010000             .
20070808             —GEFÄHRDET, Rekordsommer, ÄSCHEN—BESTAND auf nullzeit.AT—TAUCHEN...
20070808             —GEFÄHRDET, Rekordsommer, ÄSCHEN—BESTAND.
20070808             11.5—STAND der Kernenergie und AUSBLICK—
20070808             Im Rekordsommer 20030000             musste die Leistung zur Einhaltung der darin... 11.16: PRODUKTION—DER—KERNENERGIE in der SCHWEIZ 20020000             , Potential 20350000             und 20500000             für...
20070808             Gesundheitliche Auswirkungen der Klimaänderung mit Relevanz für... - (Randolph 20020000             ;
20070808             RANDOLPH—ROGERS 20000000             ). - MeteoSchweiz.
20070808             Miettinen, I. T., O. Zacheus et al.
20070808             Mit der Debatte zum Permafrost im Rekordsommer 20030000             machten die Medien. das Phänomen in der SCHWEIZ so bekannt wie nie...
20070808             Jahresbericht Holzindustrie SCHWEIZ 20030000             20070808             NORWEGEN, SLOWAKEI und der SCHWEIZ stieg von 20020000             mit.
20070808             90'096'000 Tonnen auf 92'047'000 ... Der Rekordsommer 20030000             sorgte auch für einen neuen Käferrekord.
20070808             oesterboard :: Thema ANZEIGEN—SCHNEECHAOS —WINTER 20050000             /2006
20070808             Wird das Klima extremer? Wissensstandbericht zum Einfluss der... Für den Rekordsommer 20030000             hingegen sind die Dinge klarer: "Die Temperaturen... Studie untersuchte das Tätigkeitsfeld der Public Relations in der SCHWEIZ.
20070808             Das ENDE—DER—GLETSCHER—DAS ist nicht allein auf den Rekordsommer 20030000             zurückzuführen... In der SCHWEIZ könnten dann statt —DERZEIT 85 % nur noch 44 % der...
20070808             GRUNDWASSER—ONLINE—INBETRIEBNAHME der Infiltration im Hessischen... Um den Rekordsommer 20030000             und die Hitzewelle —ANFANG—AUGUST historisch einordnen zu können... Die großräumig in ganz Mitteleuropa, von der SCHWEIZ —BIS nach...
20070808             Bundesamt für GESUNDHEIT—GESUND durch —DEN—SOMMER Im Rekordsommer 20030000             starben in der SCHWEIZ rund 10000000             Personen zusätzlich an der aussergewöhnlichen Hitze, davon zwischen 150—UND 300—PERSONEN in Folge der...
20070808             Waldsterben 20041200             wurden mal vorläufige Resultate für die SCHWEIZ bekannt (Tagesanzeiger S..
20070808             —NACH—DEM Rekordsommer folgte —NUN auch noch 1—REKORDHERBST.
20070808             Von Fischen und GLETSCHERN—
20070808             Im Rekordsommer 20030000             . haben die Fische so flächendeckend...
20070808             WWF—KLIMATAG vom 30. - Microsoft POWERPOINT—MONTAGSREIHE_2006 _Frank.PPT—
20070808             Gebäude und Energie in der SCHWEIZ.
20070808             Snowboardmagazin.DE—LIFE is a Mountain not a Beach | Wetter... Rekordsommer 20030000             mit Temperaturen von über 40°C, dann der vergangene —WINTER 05/06 ... —JAHRHUNDERT die Frequenz der Intensivniederschläge in der SCHWEIZ im...
20070808             Alarm für die GLETSCHER— - mehr ohne Superlative aus: Rekordsommer.
20070808             Hitzesommer 20030000             20070808             Der Rekordsommer 20030000             war gesamteuropäisch... Daten von 1999— 20020000             aus 10—EUROPÄISCHEN.
20070808             Chronik des Kantons BASEL—LANDSCHAFT;
20070808             Alpen (Wanner, 20000000             ), die SCHWEIZ (OcCC, 20020000             ) oder BAYERN (BayFORKLIM, 19990000             )... —NACH—DEM Rekordsommer 20030000             mit Folgekosten in Milliardenhöhe ist das...
20070808             Zürcher Unterländer Der Rekordsommer macht Pause.
20070808             Nach über einem —MONAT brennend heissem Dauersonnenschein.
20070808             —SEIT  über —30—JAHREN holt André Béchir Weltstars in die SCHWEIZ.
20070808             —GETAN, Der Rekordsommer hat den Reben gut.
20070808             Die Trauben sind prall und süss.
20070808             NUMBER 20060903             20070808             die aktuellen Ereignisse wie den Rekordsommer 20030000             ,die Hurricans und.
20070808             Waldportal - Klima Nachrichten 23—FÜHRENDE Klimaexperten aus DEUTSCHLAND, ÖSTERREICH und der SCHWEIZ...
20070808             Der Rekordsommer 20030000             könnte demnach lediglich 1—VORBOTE dessen sein...
20070808             Text_ ERLEBNIS—FREIBAD—
20070808             Unser Bad etablierte sich zum Schwimmmekka in der Fränkischen SCHWEIZ.
20070808             Aber Rekordsommer wie 20030000             mit 108.000—BESUCHERN gab es nur wenige.
20070808             OSTLUFT MEDIENMITTEILUNG—
20070808             so häufig überschritten wie im Rekordsommer 20030000             . - - Die.
20070808             Messresultate sind vergleichbar mit denjenigen von 20000000             .
20070808             - Die Jahresmittelwerte von PM10. - KLIMAFOLGENFORSCHUNG—
20070808             SWITZERLAND—FORUM for climate and global change issues, ( SCHWEIZ 19990000             )... Rekordsommer 20030000             im Mittel nur noch 2,30 m tief, statt der. normalen 2,70 m.
20070808             ( 0,—21—SEKUNDEN) - Weltölverbrauch
20070808             - Neues Thema ERÖFFNEN—NEUE Antwort erstellen... Verfasst am: Do
20070808             Web Ergebnisse 1 - 6—VON 6—SEITEN auf Englisch für weltölverbrauch.
20070808             World Energy Outlook 20060000             - Zusammenfassung & SCHLUSSFOLGERUNGEN—
20070808             unelastische — Verkehrswesen entfallende Anteil am Weltölverbrauch.
20070808             erheblichen Auswirkungen auf den Weltölverbrauch und die Ausrüstungen würden.
20070808             Der PRÄSIDENT—DES—STEUERZAHLERBUNDES, KARL—HEINZ—DÄKE, forderte den Gesetzgeber auf, dafür Sorge zu tragen, dass die Nutzung der Daten hinreichend kontrolliert wird.
20070808             "Der Gesetzgeber ist leider dabei, sich einen großen Spielraum zu verschaffen, dass neben den Finanzämtern auch andere Behörden auf die sensiblen Daten zugreifen können", kritisierte Däke in der "Leipziger Volkszeitung".
20070808             FDP—FINANZEXPERTE HERMANN—OTTO—SOLMS sprach von einem "riesigen, in sich geschlossenen Datenfundus, der für die Zwecke der Lohnsteuer allein nicht notwendig ist".
20070808             Als "Frechheit" bezeichnete es Solms in der "Berliner Zeitung", dass Steuerzahler nur auf Antrag ihre elektronisch gespeicherten Daten mitgeteilt bekommen sollten.
20070808             Die Wirtschaftsverbände weisen darauf hin, dass wegen fehlender Zugriffsregeln nicht ausgeschlossen sei, dass sich auch andere Behörden als die Finanzämter Zugang zu den Daten verschaffen könnten.
20070808             Scheel hofft —NUN auf das parlamentarische Verfahren, das —IM—HERBST beginnen wird und die Möglichkeit von Änderungen am Entwurf aus dem Bundesfinanzministerium eröffnet.
20070808             Die Umstellung auf das elektronische Verfahren soll dem Bürokratieabbau dienen und zugleich den Missbrauch eindämmen: Wer bislang von einem BUNDESLAND in ein anderes zog, erhielt eine neue STEUERNUMMER—WAS es ihm unter Umständen erleichterte, sich vor den Finanzbehörden zu verstecken.
20070808             Mit der neuen, lebenslang gültigen STEUER—IDENTITÄTSNUMMER soll damit Schluss sein.
20070808             Doch die Steuerbehörden wollen noch viel mehr wissen: Eingang in die Zentraldatei sollen auch Angaben zu Ehepartnern und Kindern sowie die Religionszugehörigkeit FINDEN—LETZTERE betrachtet jedoch der Bundesdatenschutzbeauftragte PETER—SCHAAR als besonders schutzbedürftig.
20070808             LONDON ist damit die wohl 1. Großstadt, in der sich die wirtschaftliche Logik in Bezug auf Ökoautos gravierend verändert hat.
20070808             Der Kaufpreisaufschlag für einen Hybridantrieb oder eine große Batterie erscheint in einem ganz anderen Licht, wenn Pendler die CITY—MAUT sparen und kostenlos parken können.
20070808             "Das führte zu einem Boom für umweltfreundliche Autos", sagt Debbie Fox vom Marktbeobachter Jato Dynamics.
20070808             "Die Verkäufe bei den 'Ecocars' haben sich von —JAHR zu —JAHR verdoppelt + allein in den 1. —6—MONATEN wurden mehr als 6500—HYBRIDAUTOS zugelassen".
20070808             Auch Smart will von der CITY—MAUT profitieren
20070808             Neues Gesetz: Regierung beschließt ENDE—DER—LOHNSTEUERKARTE
20070808             USA: Passagier schmuggelt Äffchen ins Flugzeug
20070808             Globales RIFF—STERBEN: Korallen in —40—JAHREN um die Hälfte dezimiert
20070808             ELEKTRO—SMART für LONDON: Umsonst im Sperrbezirk
20070808             Energie: Vattenfall kämpft mit Kundenflucht
20070808             Umfrage: Butterpreise kosten Union Stimmen
20070808             Artensterben: Forscher finden keine Spur von Chinesischem Flussdelfin
20070808             Umstrittene Organisation: Union und SPD lehnen Verbotsverfahren gegen Scientology ab
20070808             Historisches Treffen: Gipfel soll NORD—UND SÜDKOREA Frieden bringen
20070808             Der Bauernverband (NFU) verwies darauf, vielen Farmen drohe der Bankrott, sollte sich die Tierseuche ausbreiten und wie 20010000             längere Zeit dauern.
20070808             PREMIERMINISTER—GORDON—BROWN betonte, die Regierung unternehme größte Anstrengungen, um die Seuche einzudämmen und den Erreger auszurotten.
20070808             Politiker der Opposition nannten es "schockierend", dass der MISS—K—ERREGER
20070808             entweder aus einer staatlichen Einrichtung oder aus einem vom STAAT lizenzierten Firma stammt.
20070808             Beide Farmen befinden sich innerhalb des FESTGELEGTEN—SPERRGEBIETES rings um die Labors.
20070808             Es bestehe die Hoffnung, dass das Virus sich nicht darüber hinaus ausgedehnt hat, hieß es in der Behörde für Seuchenschutz.
20070808             ITV—JOHN—PILGER—HOME 'THE—WAR—ON—DEMOCRACY ' is JOHN—PILGER—1. major film for THE—CINEMA—IN 1—CAREER that has produced more than 55—TELEVISION documentaries.
20070808             INTERVIEW—WITH—JOHN—PILGER
20070808             —CALLED, It's, THE—WAR—ON—DEMOCRACY and it's set in VENEZUELA, BOLIVIA and CHILE.
20070808             "HUGO—CHÁVEZ expresses the kind of genuine exuberant democracy long ago abandoned in BRITAIN"
20070808             THE—USA'—WAR—ON—DEMOCRACY—INTERVIEW—WITH—JOHN—PILGER—THE—USA'—WAR—ON—DEMOCRACY... Pilger spent several weeks filming in VENEZUELA and THE—WAR—ON—DEMOCRACY contains 1—EXCLUSIVE...
20070808             Weapons of Modern Democracy: GAZA und BERGEN—BELSEN JOHN—PILGER ist ein typischer Journalist des sog. linksliberalen Medienspektrums... lautet doch tatsächlich "THE—WAR—ON—DEMOCRACY " und man darf bezweifeln...
20070808             THE—WAR—ON—DEMOCRACY—THE—WAR—ON—DEMOCRACY. Showtimes.
20070808             Fotos... Regie: JOHN—PILGER, CHRISTOPHER—MARTIN (II).
20070808             Mit JOHN—PILGER—MEHR... Land: Großbritanien
20070808             New STATESMAN—THE—LIBERAL—WAR—ON—DEMOCRACY—HUGO—CHÁVEZ expresses the kind of genuine exuberant democracy long ago abandoned in...
20070808             The liberal WAR—ON—DEMOCRACY.
20070808             JOHN—PILGER—PUBLISHED 20070319             20070808             Anglican Resistance: JOHN—PILGER'S "WAR—ON—DEMOCRACY" JOHN—PILGER'S " WAR—ON—DEMOCRACY ".
20070808             Trailer for film about the ongoing USA—ASSAULT—ON—DEMOCRACY in Latin AMERICA.
20070808             Hat tip to Socialist Unity.
20070808             Set in Latin AMERICA and THE—USA, THE—WAR—ON—DEMOCRACY explores the historic and current...
20070808             It's easy for soldiers to score heroin in AFGHANISTAN: Simultaneously stressed and bored, USA—SOLDIERS are turning to the widely available drug for 1—QUICK escape.
20070808             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION: turning our GIs into junkies.
20070808             Bush SURGE—OF—DEATH: USA—TROOP—DEATHS up —AFTER drop in July.
20070808             If Bush isn't the Manchurian Candidate for the terrorists, then what is he?
20070808             Of Course, God Could Intervene, Give the Dems in Congress Spine Transplants + Bush Could be Impeached, Indicted and Jailed —BEFORE That Time.
20070808             But It Won't Happen.
20070808             WHAT—GOING on in Congress is Enough to Make ANY—SANE Person 1—ATHEIST.
20070808             'There has been 1 organized campaign, financed to the tune of about $10—MILLION —1—YEAR from SOME—OF—THE—LARGEST—CARBON—POLLUTERS, to create the impression that there is disagreement in the scientific community,' AL—GORE said at 1—FORUM in SINGAPORE.
20070808             'In actuality, there is very little disagreement.'
20070808             Ilona Meagher takes on THE—EPIDEMIC—OF—POST—TRAUMATIC—STRESS—SYNDROME among our returning GIs and becomes 1—ROLE—MODEL—OF—CITIZEN—JOURNALISM at its finest -- 1—BUZZFLASH—INTERVIEW
20070808             Poll: 73—PERCENT say they would support more than $100—BILLION to rebuild bridges.
20070808             Imagine our tax money going to our problems.
20070808             8/8 - WP Blog from Dem Debate in CHICAGO: "—AFTER Edwards took a shot at CLINTON—CORPORATE—CONNECTIONS, moderator KEITH—OLBERMANN gave Clinton a chance to hit back. She didn't".
20070808             Despite his 65—PERCENT JOB—DISAPPROVAL rating, Bush was able to cow congressional Democrats over the weekend into granting him unprecedented authority to eavesdrop on THE—INTERNATIONAL—TELEPHONE—CALLS and E—MAIL MESSAGES—OF—USA—CITIZENS without warrants.
20070808             Bush Fails to Protect Us from Seafood Poisioning from CHINA 8/8
20070808             Hotspot: Die zivilen Kriegshelfer der USA—ARMEE im IRAK
20070808             Laut einem Bericht der LOS—ANGELES—TIMES ist die ZAHL—DER—ZIVILEN—BESCHÄFTIGTEN, die den Krieg im IRAK und dessen Okkupation unterstützen auf inzwischen über 180.000—ANGESTIEGEN +
20070808             übertrifft damit die ZAHL—DER—IM—IRAK stationierten Soldaten (160.000).
20070808             CALIFORNIA.
20070808             650—FIRMEN aus aller Welt haben lukrative Verträge mit der USA—ARMEE abgeschlossen, um die Besetzung zu zementieren.
20070808             Und.
20070808             Ultimate Holdings, Ltd., ADNAN—KHASHOGGI, BRADFORD Keiller and John.
20070808             Der vergangene Hitzesommer hat den ÄSCHEN—BESTAND im Rhein in der SCHWEIZ schwer geschädigt. tauchen.
20070808             Damit könnte u.a. DIE—SCHWEIZ bei... Der Rekordsommer 20030000             .
20070808             Permafrost — Taut DIE—SCHWEIZ auf?
20070808             Jahresbericht Holzindustrie SCHWEIZ 20030000             20070808             Wir bauen 1—WEIDENHAUS—WÄHREND in der SCHWEIZ die Bauern unter der Dürre um ihre Ernte bangten, war der Rekordsommer im Ausland für weit schlimmere Ereignisse verantwortlich.
20070808             Der Rekordsommer in der SCHWEIZ hat den Schnee —BIS in hohe Lagen geschmolzen.
20070808             Der KLIMA—WANDEL findet statt,auch in der SCHWEIZ und im Kanton Zürich.Am.
20070808             SCHWEIZ : 620'000 TJ fossile Energie (20030000             )... Zunahme der CCD, auch ohne Rekordsommer 20030000             .
20070808             Ländern (inkl. der SCHWEIZ ) zeigt, dass zwischen.
20070808             EU—OSTERWEITERUNG betrifft auch DIE—SCHWEIZ und deren Randregionen... Im zurückliegenden Rekordsommer musste Rünenberg das Wasser zeitweise via...
20070808             Zürcher Unterländer Behördenvertreter aus der ganzen SCHWEIZ konnten sich —GESTERN selber 1—BILD...
20070808             Als EU—MITGLIED könnte DIE—SCHWEIZ mitentscheiden statt. nachzuvollziehen.
20070808             KHD—RESEARCH -- Infos zur Veränderung des Klimas 10—AUCH an anderen Orten in der SCHWEIZ wird mittlerweile Plastikfolie als... Er ist —ERST halb vorbei — und hat noch das Zeug zum Rekordsommer.
20070808             founded - NUMBER 20060903             20070808             NUMBER 20060903             -
200708081920         070710—20170710     ...
200708082020         070709—20270709     ... WHITE—HOUSE—MANUAL—FOR SILENCING CRITICS.
200708082220         070708—20270708. - THE—GATHERING at Congressman BLUMENAUER—OFFICE.
20070808—12270000    —J—IM, Wenn die EXPERTEN—DES—FINNISCHEN—FORSCHUNGSINSTITUTS—METLA die Jahresringe richtig gezählt haben, ist die von ihnen entdeckte Kiefer gekeimt.
20070808—19500000    —SINCE, and only the 6. tornado recorded in the city.
20070808—19810000    —ABOLISHED, The government officially, slavery, but no 1 has ever been prosecuted for it and no law created 1—PUNISHMENT.
20070808—19980000    —NACH, (NOAA) war 20030000             — zusammen mit 20020000             und — das zweitwärmste —JAHR.
20070808—20010911    —AFTER, Decades —LATER, 1—SINGLE—CONGRESS—WOMAN stood up and voted against the gathering madness.
20070808—20020000    —BIS, gab es in der SCHWEIZ. keine landesweite Übersicht über... ( Rekordsommer 20030000             mit grossem Niederschlagsdefizit!).
20070808—20020000    —AB, Walliser Nachrichten 0201—DIE STATIONS—UND PERRON—ANLAGE wurde modernisiert und ausgebaut.
20070808—20020000    —BIS.
20070808—20020128    —ANMELDUNGSDATUM, Beiträge, 4502, —WOHNORT: EUROPA... es folgen bestimmt dürrewellen, hochwasser und rekordsommer die nächsten paar —JAHRE.
20070808—20030000    —SINCE, It was the 1. tornado to hit NEW—YORK City —WHEN 1—WEAK—TORNADO touched down in Staten ISLAND
20070808—20030000    —J—IM.. Auch DIE—SCHWEIZ erlebte einen Rekordsommer.
20070808—20060700    —IM, 20030000             , Hitzewelle, —JAHRHUNDERT-... Greenpeace SCHWEIZ, Heinrichstraße 147, CH - 8005—ZÜRICH;.
20070808—20070311    —ON. to me at THE—WHITE—HOUSE by 1—COMMITTEE—OF—THE—CONFERENCE... 108—POSTED on
20070808—20070812    fragen sich Hacker auf dem Chaos Communication Camp 20070000             am Flughafenmuseum Finowfurt bei BERLIN, wie die Welt aussehen soll, in der sie —MORGEN leben möchten.
20070808—20071217    —ON, Goodbye GEORGE 20080000             Desktop TEAR—OFF Calendar: A —400—DAY—COUNTDOWN—STARTING.
20070824—19300000    —SEIT, seien an einem 20070808             in der USA—HAUPTSTADT keine derart hohen Werte mehr verzeichnet worden, teilte der Wetterdienst mit.
20071103—20040808    —ON, What Should Bush Do —AFTER He is OUT—OF—OFFICE?"300 and 60—5—DAYS —1—YEAR, in the wind and SNOW—OF—WINTER and the heat and HUMIDITY—OF—SUMMER, let him tend to the graves of the almost 4,000—MEN and women who have given their lives in the debacle of IRAQ.
20071103—20040808    —HONORED, They, their oaths, obeyed their COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF and sacrificed their lives of promise to 1—LYING, unprincipled warmonger.
20071103—20040808    —ON, He can begin at the grave of my grandson, Lcpl JONATHAN—W—COLLINS, killed in action ".
20071103—20040808    —ON, What Should Bush Do —AFTER He is OUT—OF—OFFICE?"300 and —65—DAYS —1—YEAR, in the wind and SNOW—OF—WINTER and the heat and HUMIDITY—OF—SUMMER, let him tend to the graves of the almost 4,000—MEN and women who have given their lives in the debacle of IRAQ. They honored their oaths, obeyed their COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF and sacrificed their lives of promise to 1—LYING, unprincipled warmonger. He can begin at the grave of my grandson, Lcpl JONATHAN—W—COLLINS, killed in action ".
20080228—20080808    —ON, 1—STATE—APPEALS—COURT ruled that parents have 1—RIGHT to educate their children at home even if they lack 1—TEACHING credential.
20080623—20080808    —RELEASED, THE—GERMANY—COUPLE was, —FOLLOWING a $1—MILLION ransom.
20080728—20080808    —BANNED, EGYPT, news coverage of the brutal slaying —FOLLOWING MEDIA—REPORTS in other papers that said 1—WEALTHY—EGYPT—BUSINESSMAN ordered 3—MEN to carry out the killing.
20080808             USA jobless claims hit —6—YEAR—HIGH : THE—USA—LABOUR—DEPARTMENT said —ON—THURSDAY that new applications for unemployment insurance rose to 455,000 for the —WEEK ending 20080802             .
20080808             —REPORTED, Struggling home finance giant Fannie Mae, 1—MASSIVE 2. quarter loss of 2.3—BILLION dollars, more than 3—TIMES—ANALYSTS' estimates.
20080808             —AGREED, UBS AG, to buy back $19—BILLION in auction rate securities improperly sold as HIGHER—RATE—EQUIVALENTS for SUPER—SAFE—MONEY—MARKET—FUNDS.
20080808             —TRIED, JOSEPH—BENNETT, —43—JAHRE—ALT—OF—CANADA, to drive 58—BAGS containing 275,000 Ecstasy pills, estimated at $6.5—MILLION in street value, into Port HURON—MICHIGAN.
20080808             —RECALLED, NEBRASKA Beef, 1—OMAHA meat packer, 1.2—MILLION—POUNDS—OF beef —AFTER products were linked to illnesses in 12—STATES.
20080808             —RECALLED, In July the company had, over 5—MILLION—POUNDS—OF beef due to 1—OUTBREAK—OF—E. coli in 7—STATES.
20080808             TEXAS, 1—CHARTER bus carrying VIETNAM—WORSHIPPERS on 1—PILGRIMAGE ran off 1—HIGHWAY overpass NORTH—OF—DALLAS and plunged onto 1—ROADWAY below.
20080808             15—PEOPLE were killed and 40 injured.
20080808             † In WEST—AFGHANISTAN 1—COALITION service member in 1—ROADSIDE blast.
20080808             —KILLED, About 20—TALIBAN fighters were, in 1—BATTLE with Afghan and USA—LED forces near 1—KEY—MILITARY—SUPPLY—ROUTE in THE—WEST—BALA Buluk district.
20080808             —KILLED, 1—AFGHANISTAN—CHILD was, and 2 injured by militants who attacked alliance troops in NORTH—EAST—KUNAR province.
20080808             —ARMED, ALGERIA, 12, Islamists, including 1—NUMBER—OF—INDIVIDUALS considered among the leaders of AL—QAEDA in the Maghreb, were killed overnight by the army in 1—AMBUSH—NEAR—BENI DOUALA, near Tizi Ouzou.
20080808             —SEIZED, AUSTRALIA—CUSTOMS and police said they had, 4.4—TONS—OF—ECSTASY tablets worth nearly 400—MILLION—DOLLARS, describing it as the biggest haul of the illicit drug anywhere in the world.
20080808             —CONCEALED, Police said THE—SEIZURE—OF—THE—DRUGS, which were, in tins of tomato shipped to AUSTRALIA from ITALY, had resulted in the arrests of 21—PEOPLE across the country —BEGINNING—IN PRE—DAWN raids.
20080808             —REACHED, BOLIVIA said it has, 1—AGREEMENT in principle to purchase the local OPERATIONS—OF—ENERGY—COMPANY—ROYAL—HOLLAND—SHELL—PLC as PART—OF—PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES' nationalization push.
20080808             —BLENDED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, carefully calibrated political messages for CHINA and RUSSIA with enthusiasm for his nation's athletes as he became the 1. USA—PRESIDENT to attend 1—OLYMPICS abroad.
20080808             —ESTIMATED, BEIJING—CHINA, the 29.
20080808             Olympic Games, costing 1, 40—BILLION dollars and shrouded by political controversies, burst into life with 1—SPECTACULAR opening ceremony.
20080808             The official slogan for the games —THIS—YEAR was "1—WORLD, 1—DREAM".
20080808             Actress activist MIA—FARROW began WEB—CASTING her own "Darfur Olympics" from 1—REFUGEE—CAMP on the barren SUDAN—CHAD border, aiming to shame CHINA into using its influence with KHARTOUM to end the Darfur conflict.
20080808             —FORCED, Construction —BEFORE the games, more than 1m people from their homes.
20080808             —CRASHED, In THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC—1—INTERNATIONAL express train, into 1 collapsed bridge, killing at least 6—PEOPLE and injuring dozens.
20080808             —TIGHTENED, THE—EU, trade SANCTIONS—AGAINST—IRAN to punish TEHRAN for not committing to 1—LONG—STANDING DEMAND—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY that it freeze its nuclear enrichment program.
20080808             —LAUNCHED, GEORGIA—TROOPS, 1—MAJOR—MILITARY—OFFENSIVE to regain CONTROL—OF—SOUTH—OSSETIA, prompting 1—FURIOUS—RESPONSE from RUSSIA, which sent tanks into the region.
20080808             —EXPECTED, The convoy was, to reach the provincial capital by —EVENING.
20080808             GEORGIA said it shot down 2—RUSSIA—COMBAT planes.
20080808             Separatist officials in SOUTH—OSSETIA said 15—CIVILIANS had been killed in fighting overnight.
20080808             —ACKNOWLEDGED, GEORGIA —LATER, that it used M85 cluster munition near the Roki tunnel that connects SOUTH—OSSETIA with RUSSIA, —WHILE RUSSIA denied USE—OF—CLUSTER—BOMBS.
20080808             —ANNOUNCED, GUINEA BISSAU—ARMY, it had arrested rear admiral JOSE—AMERICO—BUBO—NA—TCHUTE, THE—HEAD—OF—THE—NAVY, over 1 attempted coup.
20080808             —ORDERED, ANTI—USA cleric Muqtada AL—SADR, MOST—OF—HIS followers to disarm but said he will maintain 1—ELITE fighting unit to resist the Americans in IRAQ.
20080808             —TALKED, Ashraf AL—YAS, —19—JAHRE—ALT, his way through 1—POLICE—CHECKPOINT, drove his vehicle into 1 crowded farmers market and detonated his explosives.
20080808             He killed 28—PEOPLE and injured 72 in Tal Afar.
20080808             1—ROADSIDE bombing in BAGHDAD killed 1—USA—SOLDIER and wounded 2—OTHERS.
20080808             —ARRESTED, NIGERIA, police, THE—HEAD—OF—1—FEDERAL—AGENCY charged with developing NIGERIA's impoverished southern oil region —AFTER allegations the man spent MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS on 1—WITCH doctor in hopes vanquishing 1—RIVAL.
20080808             PAKISTAN, at least 7—PAKISTAN—TROOPS and 30—MILITANTS were reported killed in —2—DAYS—OF—CLASHES at Loisam and its surrounding areas in the Bajaur tribal district.
20080808             —STORMED, Insurgents, 1—POLICE—POST in Buner and killed 8—POLICE—OFFICERS.
20080808             —FIRED, SRI—LANKA, artillery shells, by the army hit 1—HOSPITAL overnight killing an —18—MONTH—OLD—BABY and wounding 16—PEOPLE.
20080808             —KILLED, Infantry clashes in the north, 31—REBELS and 4—SOLDIERS.
20080808             THE—LARGE—HADRON—COLLIDER (LHC) near GENEVA, began initial tests.
20080808             —DOUSED, TURKEY, MEHMET—DURSUN—UYGURTURKOGLU, —35—JAHRE—ALT, himself with gasoline and set himself alight —DURING 1—PROTEST by ethnic Uighurs outside THE—CHINA—EMBASSY.
20080808             —JUMPED, Other demonstrators, on the man and quickly extinguished the flames with 1—BLANKET.
20080808             —SUSPECTED, Medical experts, 1—OUTBREAK—OF rabies spread by bites from vampire bats.
20080808             Why IRAN Won't Budge on NUKES—BY—NAHID SIAMDOUST—TO speak frankly, with its bellicose behavior the West is pushing IRAN towards nuclear weapons, even if they don't want them —NOW".Continue
20080808             KAUKASUS—KONFLIKT: Tausende fliehen vor Gefechten in Südossetien
20080808             OLYMPIA—ERÖFFNUNG: CHINA bezirzt die Welt
20080808             USA—HYPOTHEKEN—MISERE: Weiteres HORROR—QUARTAL für Fannie Mae
20080808             " THE—MERCHANT—OF—DEATH," "THE—FINANCIER—OF—AUSCHWITZ," and "THE—UNINDICTED—WAR—CRIMINAL" would be proud of how the boys have carried on the family tradition...
20080808             —FROM the 1920s through the 1940s and, like his father SAMUEL—BUSH... ties to THE—MERCHANT—OF—DEATH—GUGGENHEIMS and to robber BARON—EH—HARRIMAN.
20080808             THE—CIA and THE—FBI are 1—BUNCH of pathetic losers who can't do anything right.
20080808             —BUNGLED, They, 20010911             , THE—BOMBING—OF—THE—USS—COLE, capturing OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, Ruby Ridge, WACO, VIETNAM, IRAN, and —NOW this anthrax case.
20080808             The only thing they can do is intimidate fellow citizens of this country.
20080808             I don't fear terrorists, I fear my government.
20080808             "They realize," he says, "that the best way to grasp THE—POWER—OF—DECEPTION is to do it themselves".
20080808             The control and MANAGEMENT—OF—ATTENTION is vital in all sorts of realms.
20080808             Or, with —JUST 1—LITTLE—ENCOURAGEMENT, 1—PERSON can be made to see something where there's nothing.
20080808             SEMI—CIRCULAR—GESTURES draw people's attention better than straight ones.
20080808             "It engages them more," he says.
20080808             But because this method relies so heavily on EXPECTATION—NOT only to fill in the backdrop —AROUND us but to determine where to send what psychologists call our "attentional spotlight" -
20080808             we are especially vulnerable to someone who knows our expectations + can manipulate them, someone like 1—MAGICIAN.
20080808             "It's 1—FORM—OF—INTELLIGENT—HALLUCINATION".
20080808             At ANY—PARTICULAR—INSTANT, we can only see detail and color in the small patch we are concentrating on.
20080808             The rest we fill in through 1—COMBINATION—OF—MEMORY, prediction and 1—CRUDE—PERIPHERAL—SIGHT.
20080808             We don't take in our surroundings so much as actively and constantly construct them.
20080808             with PUFFS—OF—SMOKE and with the constant obfuscatory patter that MANY—MAGICIANS keep up as they perform.
20080808             1—GREAT—DEAL—OF—THE—SUCCESS—OF—1—PIECE—OF—MAGIC is simply getting the audience's attention and sending it to the wrong place -
20080808             "What magicians do is LIGHT—YEARS ahead in TERMS—OF—SOPHISTICATION and the power of these techniques".
20080808             At 1—MAJOR—CONFERENCE—LAST—YEAR in LAS—VEGAS, in 1—SCIENTIFIC—PAPER published —LAST—WEEK and another due out —THIS—WEEK, psychologists have argued that magicians, in their AGE—OLD quest for better ways to fool people,
20080808             have been engaging in CUTTING—EDGE, if informal, research into how we see and comprehend the world —AROUND us.
20080808             —JUST as studying THE—MECHANISMS—OF—DISEASE reveals the workings of our body's defenses, these psychologists believe that studying the ways 1 talented magician can SHORT—CIRCUIT our perceptual system will allow us to better grasp how the system is put together.
20080808             THE—STORY—OF—ROBERT—HOUDIN—DIPLOMACY by legerdemain is WELL—ESTABLISHED in magic lore, in large part because it is the only documented instance, at least —SINCE antiquity, in which 1—CONJURER changed THE—COURSE—OF—WORLD—AFFAIRS.
20080808             Stage magic, —AFTER all, isn't statecraft, but spectacle and entertainment.
20080808             —ORDERED, Suskind: Bush, fake letter linking IRAQ to 20010911
20080808             1—BLOCKBUSTER new book from investigative JOURNALIST—RON—SUSKIND adds another revelation to the growing canon demonstrating the lengths to which PRESIDENT—BUSH and MEMBERS—OF—HIS—ADMINISTRATION lied, misled and deceived THE—USA—PEOPLE to pursue its invasion of IRAQ.
20080808             —POSTED—BY—PROFESSOR—HEX—HOW magicians control your mind
20080808             Magic isn't —JUST 1—BAG—OF—TRICKS—IT—1—FINELY—TUNED technology for shaping what we see.
20080808             —NOW researchers are extracting its lessons.
20080808             Via THE—RIGOROUS—INTUITION—BOARDS. Anthrax Attack Update
20080808             Scientists Challenge FBI to Release Data in USA Anthrax Probe
20080808             —EXAMINED, Anthrax case link to WISCONSIN - Lawmakers Seek Anthrax Answers
20080808             THE—IVINS—DOSSIER - 3—QUESTIONS remain in anthrax case
20080808             Security ANGERS anthrax victim's widow - 1—TIME anthrax subjects glad to move on
20080808             EX—COLLEAGUE questions government's case against anthrax suspect
20080808             'Fakeproof' E—PASSPORT is cloned in minutes:
20080808             —MICROCHIPPED, New, passports designed to be foolproof against identity theft can be cloned + manipulated in minutes + accepted as genuine by the computer software recommended for use at INTERNATIONAL airports
20080808             —PASSED, The intelligence was, to THE—USA—BUT was buried by THE—WHITE—HOUSE, according to 1—NEW—BOOK.
20080808             Law Professor: Counter Terrorism TSAR—TOLD—ME—THERE—IS—GOING—TO—BE—AN i-20010911             And 1—I—PATRIOT—ACT
20080808             —EMERGED, Amazing revelations have, concerning already existing government plans to overhaul the way THE—INTERNET—FUNCTIONS in order to apply much greater restrictions and control over the web.
20080808             Gitmo Detainees Subject to Detention Even if Acquitted: Pentagon
20080808             SOME—DETAINEES at GUANTANAMO BAY—CUBA will likely never be released BECAUSE—OF—THE—DANGER they pose, and those tried and acquitted will still be subject to continued detention as enemy combatants, 1—PENTAGON spokesman said —TUESDAY.
20080808             If the Pentagon can continue imprisoning 1—DEFENDANT who has been acquitted, then what's the point of 1—TRIAL?
20080808             Isn't the trial more in the nature of 1—SHOW—TRIAL, similar to those conducted by THE—SOVIET—UNION?
20080808             CASE, You Missed it -
20080808             It was in no way 1—CONSPIRACY.
20080808             As far back as 19980000             , ultra right USA think tanks had developed and published plans for 1—ERA—OF—USA—WORLD—DOMINATION, sidelining THE—UN + attacking IRAQ.
20080808             These people were not taken seriously.
20080808             But —NOW they are calling the tune.
20080808             Continue - Working Poor Unready to Revolt
20080808             —SERVED, Once upon 1—TIME—WHEN governments no longer, MOST—OF—THEIR—CITIZENS it was the most economically disadvantaged that could be counted on to rebel against tyranny and injustice.
20080808             —CHANGED, Times have, for the worse, despite THE—SPREAD—OF—DEMOCRACY.
20080808             Racism and Genocide Lies of Our TIMES—BY—JAMES—PETRAS - 1—OF—THE—HALLMARKS—OF—TOTALITARY—IDEOLOGUES is the use of the big lie: 1—VIRULENT attack on 1—DEFENSELESS—GROUP and then 1—CATEGORICAL denial turning victims into executioners and executioners into victims.
20080808             "Neocon Flap Highlights Jewish Divide"
20080808             Commentators should stop equating Zionism with Judaism.
20080808             The difference between the 2, why they are total opposites, is THE key to understanding who must do what and why for justice and peace in THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20080808             How Solid Is the Anthrax Evidence?
20080808             Unnamed FEDERAL—OFFICIALS are telling media outlets that THE—FBI used new DNA technology to link the anthrax that killed 5—PEOPLE
20080808             —UNSEALED, Anthrax Case: Court documents, FBI was told to blame Anthrax scare on AL—QAEDA by WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS:
20080808             LIBERIA: CIA Agents Executed 19800000             Coup:
20080808             1—FORMER—OFFICIAL—OF—THE—ADMINISTRATION—OF slain PRESIDENT—WILLIAM—R—TOLBERT has linked AGENTS—OF—THE—USA—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY (CIA) to the execution of 19800000             —THE coup d'état
20080808             COLOMBIA: Video Raises Numerous Questions About Rescue Mission: - "It is 1—SERIOUS—MATTER that members of the armed forces clandestinely leaked news without coordination with their superiors," says 1—PRESIDENTIAL communiqué issued in COLOMBIA —AFTER 1—LOCAL TV station broadcast 1—VIDEO on the operation in which Ingrid Betancourt and 14—OTHER—HOSTAGES held by THE—FARC guerrillas were rescued —LAST—MONTH.
20080808             Morales calls for BOLIVIA—UNITY: BOLIVIA—PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES has called for unity as tension rises AHEAD—OF—SUNDAY—VOTE on whether he and state governors should stay in office.
20080808             HUGO—CHAVEZ sends diesel shipment to PARAGUAY : VENEZUELA has sent 70—MILLION liters (18.5—MILLION gallons) of diesel fuel to support PARAGUAY—INCOMING PRESIDENT.
20080808             SOME—AFGHANISTAN—MPS back Taliban, drugs trade : official: The deputy HEAD—OF—THE—NATIONAL—DIRECTORATE—OF—SECURITY (NDS), DOCTOR—ABDULLAH, told PARLIAMENT —ON—TUESDAY that a "number of delegates" in THE—PARLIAMENT "supported drug traffickers and terrorists", several newspapers reported —ON—WEDNESDAY.
20080808             Manufacturing Consent For 1—ATTACK—ON—PAKISTAN:
20080808             AFGHANISTAN accusing PAKISTAN of aiding insurgents: AFGHANISTAN—SPY—AGENCY alleged —WEDNESDAY that 1—PAKISTAN—CONSULATE official directed and funded terrorist activities carried out by 1—TALIBAN COMMANDER.
20080808             Karzai says `confident` of evidence linking PAKISTAN to bombing : "We and SOME—OF—OUR allies have evidence not only from THE—SCENE—OF—THE—EXPLOSION but evidence beyond it that unfortunately indicate 1—HAND—LIKE that," Karzai told THE—NDTV television news network.
20080808             —KILLED, HUNDREDS—OF—CIVILIANS have been, in TSKHINVALI—KOKOITY : Numerous CIVIL—CASUALTIES in Tskhinvali were reported by PRESIDENT—OF breakaway SOUTH—OSSETIA EDUARD—KOKOITY.
20080808             "There are hundreds of killed civilians in Tskhinvali.
20080808             This is the 3. instance of genocide of the Ossetian people on THE—PART—OF—GEORGIA.
20080808             —REPORTED, SOUTH—OSSETIA officials had —EARLIER, at least 15—PEOPLE, primarily civilians, killed amid shelling and airstrikes on the separatist CAPITAL—TSKHINVALI, the agency reported.
20080808             —LAUNCHED, GEORGIA—ARMY—MOVES to retake SOUTH—OSSETIA : GEORGIA—TROOPS, 1—MAJOR—MILITARY—OFFENSIVE—FRIDAY to regain control over the breakaway PROVINCE—OF—SOUTH—OSSETIA, prompting 1—FURIOUS—RESPONSE from RUSSIA — which vowed retaliation and sent 1—COLUMN—OF—TANKS into the region.
20080808             —DROPPED, Putin Says GEORGIA `War' Started: - The ruble, the most in 3 1/—2—YEARS and RUSSIA—30—STOCK—MICEX Index fell to a —22—MONTH—LOW—AFTER PRIME—MINISTER—VLADIMIR—PUTIN said ``war has started'' in the breakaway GEORGIA—REGION—OF—SOUTH—OSSETIA.
20080808             Raw Video: RUSSIA Battling GEORGIA:
20080808             Timeline of RUSSIA—GEORGIA tensions over separatists : —FOLLOWING is 1—TIMELINE—OF—RUSSIAN—GEORGIA—TENSIONS, which have spiralled with GEORGIA attacking THE—CAPITAL—OF—BREAKAWAY—SOUTH—OSSETIA and RUSSIA reportedly bombing GEORGIA—TERRITORY.
20080808             THE—FORGED—IRAQ—LETTER: What —JUST Happened? —BY—RON Suskind - 1—SECRET that has been judiciously kept —FOR—5—YEARS—JUST spilled out.
20080808             —REPORTED, ALL—OF—WHAT follows is new, never, in ANY—WAY.
20080808             "We Were Basically Hiring Terrorists"-BY—ANNA—BADKHEN—THE—USA signed up legions of sketchy IRAQ—FIGHTERS to help stop sectarian violence.
20080808             —ARMED, —NOW, most may lose their security jobs -- but remain, and angry.
20080808             This is Horseshit
20080808             - It is not if we will be extremists, but what KIND—OF—EXTREMISTS will we be? - DOCTOR—MARTIN—LUTHER—KING, JR—BY—CINDY Sheehan
20080808             I am angry.
20080808             —INCENSED, No, I am, that HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE are dead, dying, wounded, displaced from their homes or being imprisoned and tortured by the sadists that reside or work at 16000000             PENNSYLVANIA Avenue -- Are you incensed?
20080808             If not, maybe you should ask yourself: "Why?" Hypothetically: "Why am I not enraged that my country has killed or hurt so MANY—PEOPLE for absolutely no noble cause in my name and with my tacit approval?"
20080808             THE—PROPHETIC—CHALLENGE: "Few Are Guilty, but All Are Responsible"
20080808             No 1—ESCAPES responsibility living in 1—IMPERIAL—STATE with the barbaric record of THE—USA (in my lifetime, we could start with the list of unjust USA—WARS, direct and through proxies, against the people of Latin AMERICA—SOUTH—AFRICA, SOUTH—EAST—ASIA, THE—MIDDLE—EAST, resulting in MILLIONS—OF—VICTIMS).
20080808             Bush and Clinton couldn't carry out their crimes in this relatively open and democratic society if we did not allow it.
20080808             Vote for Bush ? Pay Up - - Did you help put AMERICA—WORST prez into power?
20080808             Time to make AMENDS—BY—MARK—MORFORD
20080808             —HUMILIATED, What can you do, all you increasingly, disillusioned, deeply mistaken Bush voters?
20080808             —REALIZED, How can you, having hopefully, by —NOW the violent error of your ways, take steps both small and large to try and make amends for shoving Dubya down THE—THROAT—OF—THE—WORLD, for your tiny but oh so poisonous contribution to the worst and most demeaning —8—YEARS in modern USA—POLITICS?
20080808             USA—INSOUCIANCE - - Does This Make You 1—PROUD—AMERICAN?
20080808             —NOW that military officers selected by the Bush Pentagon have reached 1—SPLIT verdict convicting Salim Hamdan, 1—ONETIME driver for OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, of supporting terrorism, but INNOCENT—OF—TERRORIST—CONSPIRACY, do you feel safe?
20080808             Or are we superpower Americans still at risk —UNTIL we capture OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—DENTIST, barber, and the person who installed the carpet in his living room?
20080808             THE—NEW—USA—EMPIRE
20080808             Congress no longer chooses to read new legislation —BEFORE voting it into law.
20080808             —SWITCHED, Bills are, at THE—LAST—MINUTE for unread, substitute legislation.
20080808             New laws say ANYONE can —NOW be followed and WATCHED—FOR ANY—REASON... or for NO reason.
20080808             and the list goes on.
20080808             Continue - ISRAEL—FRONT—LINE—THUGS—BY—SETH—FREEDMAN—CONSISTENT—STANDS against THE—DEPRAVITY—OF—THE—WEST—BANK—LAWLESS settlers are the only way to put 1—END to their crimes.
20080808             —VERLOREN, OHIO verklagt Diebold wegen, gegangener Stimmen bei deren Wahlmaschinen.
20080808             Bonus: Diebold schiebt es der ANTIVIRUS—SOFTWARE in die Schuhe.
20080808             Muhahahaha, Double Whammy!
20080808             Update : Und noch mal auffallend gutes Timing:
20080808             Die Amis waren gerade in GEORGIEN, um deren Truppen zu trainieren.
20080808             Auch die Amis machen sich —JETZT Sorgen wegen GEORGIEN.
20080808             Die sorgen sich wahrscheinlich, dass RUSSLAND GEORGIEN wieder annektiert, aber das ist eher unwahrscheinlich.
20080808             Lieber ordentlich schwächen, damit die Amis da ausbluten mit den Hilfslieferungen und dann am Ende GEORGIEN freiwillig überläuft.
20080808             AUSTRALIEN hat die mit 15—MILLIONEN Pillen größte ECSTACY—BESCHLAGNAHME der Welt gemacht.
20080808             Kam spannenderweise aus ITALIEN, nicht aus ISRAEL.
20080808             —BESCHLAGNAHMT, Passend dazu: FRANKREICH, 1—TONNE Kokain auf Segelboot vor MARTINIQUE.
20080808             RUSSLAND hat keinen Bock mehr, den Amis ihr Uran unter Wert zu schenken und stellt —JETZT mal auf Marktpreise um.
20080808             BLITZ—GEORGIEN beschießt RUSSISCHE—KASERNEN
20080808             BLITZ—GEORGIENS Truppen beschießen gezielt RUSSISCHE—KASERNEN in Zchinwali BLITZ—RUSSISCHE—FRIEDENSSOLDATEN bei georgischem Beschuss getötet Donkosaken erwägen Unterstützung von Südossetien
20080808             EIL—TIFLIS ruft Abchasien zum Verzicht auf Einmischung in SÜDOSSETIEN—KONFLIKT auf BLITZ—SAAKASCHWILI: Südossetiens HAUPTSTADT weitgehend unter GEORGISCHER—KONTROLLE
20080808             —VERKÜNDET, EIL—SAAKASCHWILI, allgemeine Mobilmachung in GEORGIEN
20080808             EIL—PUTIN: Georgiens Aggression wird ERWIDERT—USA und CHINA gegen Krieg in Südossetien GEORGIEN bestreitet Beschuss der RUSSISCHEN—FRIEDENSTRUPPEN OVKS: GEORGIEN hat Masterplan zum Südossetienkrieg (interessant, btw!)
20080808             Die OVKS hält es für zynisch, den Krieg —AM—TAG—DER—ERÖFFNUNG—DER—OLYMPISCHEN—SPIELE anzufangen.
20080808             Doch der Beginn der Olympischen Spiele sei kaum in der Lage, die Weltgemeinschaft von den Ereignissen in Südossetien abzulenken, heißt es in der Mitteilung.
20080808             (Beim Spiegel:) - Abchasien droht Tiflis mit 2. Front
20080808             (Tiflis ist die HAUPTSTADT—VON—GEORGIEN)
20080808             GEORGIEN: Tiflis ist nicht der Aggressor RUSSLAND: Berichte über Abschuss eines RUSSISCHEN—KAMPFJETS durch GEORGIEN sind Schwachsinn Schwarzmeerflotte will Flüchtlingen aus Südossetien helfen
20080808             In bester "Wag THE—DOG" Manier hat Ria Novosti dann auch
20080808             1—FOTOREIHE über Flüchtlinge aus Südossetien, die sich nach Nordossetien (in RUSSLAND) gerettet haben
20080808             (denn die Russen, das sind die Freunde, zu denen man im Notfall fliehen kann)
20080808             Krieg in Südossetien: GEORGISCHE—SCHARFSCHÜTZEN verhindern 1. Hilfe für Verwundete (ja, SO macht man Kriegspropaganda !!) Saakaschwili: GEORGIEN ist OPFER—DER—RUSSISCHEN—AGGRESSION (brillianter Schachzug, das zu tickern, denn nach all den Meldungen davor sieht das —JETZT aus als sei der Premier von GEORGIEN völlig weggetreten und weltfremd) Dramatischer Hilferuf aus Südossetien: RUSSLAND, rette uns vor der Vernichtung! (OK das war —JETZT ein bisschen stark aufgetragen, da hört man die Pravda im Hintergrund)
20080808             —DEMENTIERT, Moskau, Berichte über RUSSISCHE—BOMBER über GEORGIEN BLITZ—RUSSLAND nimmt Bürger und Friedenssoldaten in Südossetien in Schutz Moskaus Polizei verstärkt Kräfte vor GEORGISCHER—BOTSCHAFT (der gerechte Volkszorn entläd sich da sonst!1!!)
20080808             Freiwillige aus Südrussland zu Kampfeinsatz in Südossetien bereit (zur Verteidigung des Vaterlandes und ihrer Brüder und Schwestern!1!!) Und so weiter.
20080808             Ganz großes Tennis. Update : Lacher am Rande:
20080808             "INTERNET—KRIEG: HACKER—ATTACKEN auf südossetische Webseiten".
20080808             Und offenbar sind auch die meisten Webseiten der GEORGISCHEN—REGIERUNG offline.
20080808             48—PROZENT—DER—ÖL—FUTURES sind in den Händen von Spekulanten.
20080808             ACH NEE, werdet ihr —JETZT vielleicht sagen, wissen wir doch.
20080808             Ich denke auch, dass 48% noch konservativ geschätzt ist.
20080808             Aber der Clue in dem Artikel ist ein anderer: The data revision converted approximately 327,000 long and 330,000 short NYMEX crude oil futures and options positions into mostly spreading positions held by speculators.
20080808             The big shift is all the more surprising, oil traders and analysts said, —SINCE THE—CFTC apparently reclassified only 1 unidentified oil trader at the same time as the data revision.
20080808             Whoa.
20080808             Ich vermute mal, 1—TRADER heißt in diesem Zusammenhang sowas wie "Merrill Lynch" oder "Goldman Sachs".
20080808             Oder das müßte jemand wie BILL—GATES oder WARREN—BUFFET sein.
20080808             Krasse Nummer jedenfalls.
20080808             "There may have been multiple 'positions' which were reclassified... but they all appear to have been held by —JUST 1—TRADER, and this was 1—VERY—SPECIAL—TRADER, with 1—ENORMOUS—CONCENTRATION—OF—POSITIONS in crude oil amounting to perhaps 460—MILLION barrels, and not much interest in anything else," noted JOHN—KEMP—OF—RBS—SEMPRA—COMMODITIES.
20080808             Das beängstigende daran ist, dass ein Einzelner so eine Marktmacht ausüben kann.
20080808             1—EINZELNER kann quasi für die gesamte Ölpreisexplosion verantwortlich sein, weil so 1—VOLUMEN natürlich den Markt mit zieht, wenn das geschickt getimed ist.
20080808             Die BBC zum Bankendomino.
20080808             Interessantes Detail: Plunging stock prices on WALL—STREET—MEAN the world's top 2—BANKS by market VALUE—AND 3—OUT—OF—THE—TOP 6 - are Chinese.
20080808             SINGAPORE—INVESTMENT—FUNDS—TEMASEK and GIC have used the turmoil to make massive investments in the Western banking sector.
20080808             They're —NOW the biggest shareholders of Merrill Lynch and UBS.
20080808             They are both sitting on big paper losses as values continue to fall, but they will tell you this was 1—UNIQUE—OPPORTUNITY to gain that sort of foothold on WALL—STREET.
20080808             Über FUNDI—CHRISTEN kann man sich nicht genug lustig machen.
20080808             "Messiah Remix goes off!!!"
20080808             AIG macht wieder MILLIARDEN—QUARTALSVERLUST, diesmal 5.3—MILLIARDEN Dollar.
20080808             Der GUARDIAN fasst die GUANTANAMO-"Gerichtsverfahren" gut zusammen.
20080808             "bin Ladens Chauffeur" wurde vom Militärtribunal schuldig gesprochen.
20080808             Nicht für Verschwörung, weil sie keine Intention nachweisen konnten, aber für "material support to a terror organization".
20080808             —NUN, äh, dann können wir ja auch —JETZT mal die CIA komplett einlochen.
20080808             Und Rumsfeld. Und Bush natürlich.
20080808             Und ich frage mich ja auch, wieso bei material support keine Intention nachgewiesen werden muß.
20080808             Auf der nach oben offenen Dämlichkeitsskala haben die BUSH—ANHÄNGER gerade einen neuen Meilenstein erreicht: "Ohne den Irakkrieg wäre der Ölpreis —JETZT noch höher!1!!
20080808             Nee, klar.
20080808             Mal was zum HORIZONT—ERWEITERN: Dokumentation über den größten Waffenmarkt der Welt, in AFGHANISTAN.
20080808             Das wird euch —JETZT sicher genau so schockieren wie mich: Die USA—REGIERUNG (und unsere sicher auch) hat —SCHON einen "I—PATRIOT Act" in der Tasche.
20080808             Sie warten nur auf ein "INTERNET-20010911             ", um ihre Faschistengesetze zu installieren.
20080808             —REVEALED, Lessig also, that he had learned, —DURING 1—DINNER with former government Counter Terrorism TSAR—RICHARD—CLARKE, that there is already in existence 1—CYBER equivalent of the Patriot Act, an "I—PATRIOT Act" if you will, and that the Justice Department is waiting for 1—CYBER terrorism event in order to implement its provisions.
20080808             CHINA beauftragt die Bulldoggen der Contentmafia für deren Videostreaming der Olympischen Spiele.
20080808             —GEHÖRT, So wächst zusammen, was zusammen.
20080808             5—MILLIONSTEL Gramm einer Substanz reichten aus, um eine deutlich erkennbare chemische Spur zurückzulassen.
20080808             Selbst mehrere übereinanderliegende Fingerabdrücke konnten die Forscher damit sicher unterscheiden.
20080808             Das neue Verfahren kommt hingegen ohne potentiell gefährliche Chemikalien aus und benötigt auch kein komplexes System für den Wärmeaustausch.
20080808             "Diese Polymere sind flexibel und können sowohl zum Kühlen als auch zum Heizen genutzt werden", sagte Zhang.
20080808             Als Einsatzgebiet kämen neben Kühlschränken und Klimaanlagen auch Elektronikchips in Computern in Frage, die mit den Polymeren vor Überhitzung geschützt werden könnten.
20080808             Insgesamt sitzen Investoren weltweit nach groben Schätzungen auf ARS—ANLEIHEN im Wert von rund 200—MILLIARDEN Dollar, davon könnten etwa 50—MILLIARDEN auf Privatanleger entfallen.
20080808             ZÜRICH—AUF die SCHWEIZER—BANK—UBS kommen weitere Belastungen zu: Das Unternehmen werde Anleihen vom Typ "Auction Rate Securities" (ARS) im Umfang von knapp 20—MILLIARDEN Dollar von Investoren zurückkaufen, sagte 1—REGIERUNGSSPRECHER des Bundesstaates MASSACHUSETTS am heutigen —FREITAG.
20080808             Darüber hinaus kommt 1—GELDBUßE—VON—150—MILLIONEN Dollar auf den Geldkonzern zu.
20080808             Der Sprecher bestätigte damit einen Bericht der Tageszeitung "BOSTON Globe".
20080808             Von UBS gab es —ZUNÄCHST keine Stellungnahme.
20080808             SPIEGEL—ONLINE : Welchen Einfluss hat die Anerkennung der Unabhängigkeit des KOSOVO durch VIELE—STAATEN auf die jüngste Entwicklung in GEORGIEN und Südossetien?
20080808             Halbach : Die war für RUSSLAND Anlass, seine Unterstützung für Abchasien und Südossetien zu VERSTÄRKEN—UNTERHALB der Schwelle der Anerkennung.
20080808             Dazu kam das NATO—BEITRITTSBEGEHREN Georgiens.
20080808             —ÜBERLAGERT, Insofern ist dieser —KONFLIKT, von großer Geopolitik.
20080808             —BEKOMMT, Es war klar, dass GEORGIEN es mit RUSSLAND zu tun.
20080808             Der Krieg um die 75.000—EINWOHNER—REGION Südossetien hat sich —SEIT—MONATEN angekündigt.
20080808             VW selbst sehe der Zukunft zuversichtlich entgegen.
20080808             Während die Wettbewerber die Litanei über hohe Rohstoffpreise, Dollarschwäche und die miese Autokonjunktur abspulen, präsentiert VOLKSWAGEN—CHEF—MARTIN—WINTERKORN gute Zahlen.
20080808             selbst Musterschüler Toyota überrascht mit einem drastischen Gewinneinbruch.
20080808             Es scheint, als gerate die ganze Autoindustrie aus der Spur und steuere finsteren Zeiten entgegen.
20080808             Die aktuellen Forschungsergebnisse bestätigen die Vermutung, die Neandertalerpopulation sei vergleichsweise klein gewesen.
20080808             "Die meisten glauben, dass vor 40.—000—JAHREN lediglich einige 1000—NEANDERTALER in EUROPA umhergestreift sind", sagt JOHANNES—KRAUSE, der ebenfalls an der Untersuchung beteiligt war.
20080808             Georgiens PRÄSIDENT—SAAKASCHWILI: Supermann in der Krise
20080808             KAUKASUS—EXPERTE: "Dieser —KONFLIKT ist für EUROPA alarmierend"
20080808             BANKEN—KRISE: UBS nimmt Anleihen für 20—MILLIARDEN Dollar zurück
20080808             Ohne Kompressor: Kühlschrank der Zukunft arbeitet geräuschlos
20080808             SÜDOSSETIEN—KONFLIKT: Stellvertreterkrieg um Macht und Ressourcen
20080808             —BERICHTET, Krieg am Kaukasus: Südossetien, von mehr als 1000—TOTEN
20080808             SCHNAPSZAHL—TAG: 20080808             - Ansturm auf die Standesämter
20080808             Neue Analysemethode: Fingerabdruck verrät mehr als Identität des Täters
20080808             Olympia: Weltweite Proteste gegen CHINESISCHE—REGIERUNG
20080808             —ENDE eines Streits: EU—KOMMISSION veröffentlicht HANDGEPÄCK—VERBOTSLISTE
20080808             Autokonzern: Volkswagen fliegt der Konkurrenz davon
20080808             Eröffnungsfeier in Peking: Das Olympische Feuer brennt
20080808             —ANALYSIERT, NEANDERTALER—GENOM : Keine Belege für Sex mit Menschen
20080808             Platz da!: Kölner protestieren gegen Jüdisches Museum
20080808             Folgen der Finanzkrise: Dresdner BANK—ERLEIDET—MILLIARDEN—VERLUST
20080808             —MARSCHIERT, Krieg im Kaukasus: RUSSLAND, in Südossetien ein
20080808             Zwischenfälle in Frankreichs AKW: Der ATOMKRAFT—WELTMEISTER wankt
20080808             OLYMPIA—BÖRSE: Chinas Aktienmärkte gehen auf Talfahrt
20080808             Olympia: Bombendrohung lässt CHINESISCHES—FLUGZEUG umdrehen
20080808             Georgiens Offensive in Südossetien: Putin kündigt Vergeltung für tote RUSSISCHE—SOLDATEN an
20080808             Bundesverfassungsgericht: Länder dürfen für Kirchenaustritt Gebühren kassieren
20080808             LHC—BESCHLEUNIGER: Starttermin für weltgrößtes Experiment steht fest
20080808             Reaktionen: USA und EU fordern ENDE—DER—KÄMPFE
20080808             Krieg um Südossetien: GEORGIEN ruft ALLE—STREITKRÄFTE zu den WAFFEN—PUTIN kündigt Vergeltung an
20080808             Neue Methode: Forscher legen HI—VIREN in Mäusen lahm
20080808             Rekord: Immer mehr HARTZ—IV—EMPFÄNGER klagen
20080808             ANTHRAX—ANSCHLÄGE: USA—BEHÖRDEN benennen Schuldigen
20080808             Who Made AMERICA? | Innovators |LEWIS—TAPPAN—LEWIS—TAPPAN created the 1. viable credit reporting service in AMERICA.
20080808             —TRANSFERRED, Dun & Bradstreet Tappan, THE—RUNNING—OF—THE—AGENCY to his CHIEF...
20080808             Dun & Bradstreet: Overview
20080808             D&B Million Dollar Database With great leadership, he led Dun & Bradstreet OUT—OF—THE—DEPRESSION and into... THE—STORY—OF—LEWIS—TAPPAN and his crusade to defend THE—RIGHTS—OF—SLAVES.
20080808             Learn about the company HISTORY—OF—D&B and where we are —TODAY at...
20080808             —POSED, What infamous movie actress seductively, with the Dun & Bradstreet... covers THE—STORY—OF—LEWIS—TAPPAN and his crusade to defend THE—RIGHTS—OF—SLAVES?
20080808             Firmengeschichte - D&B DEUTSCHLAND Deshalb gründete LEWIS—TAPPAN in NEW—YORK die "Mercantile Agency".
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20080808             Among Dun & BRADSTREET—MAJOR—DIVISIONS are Risk Management Solutions... D&B's history dates to 18410000             , —WHEN LEWIS—TAPPAN (17880000—18730000    ) created 1—COMMERCIAL...
20080808             Everling INTERNET Newsletter Ausgabe 23/2003
20080808             LEWIS—TAPPAN, der 17880000             in NORTHAMPTON—MASSACHUSETTS, geborene Gründer der... er von der damaligen "R. G. Dun and THE—BRADSTREET—COMPANY" her kannte. e
20080808             Was wir für Sie tun können.
20080808             Bernhardt INKASSO—UNTERNEHMEN Informationen über Zahlungsfähigkeit waren noch nicht gang und gäbe.
20080808             Deshalb gründete LEWIS—TAPPAN in NEW—YORK die "Mercantile Agency".
20080808             Quelle: Dun & Bradstreet.
20080808             THE—DUN & Bradstreet Corporation | INTERNATIONAL Directory... Dun & Bradstreet traces its origin to LEWIS—TAPPAN, who
20080808             LEWIS—TAPPAN—QUOTES 17—QUOTES and quotations by LEWIS—TAPPAN.
20080808             LEWIS—TAPPAN—IF you wish to draw off the people from 1—BAD or wicked custom, you must beat up for 1—MARCH;
20080808             —REFERRED, Nielsen BuzzMetrics :: CGM Overview CGM is also, to as Online Consumer WORD—OF—MOUTH or Online Consumer Buzz.
20080808             CGM is dramatically altering the marketing landscape, and Nielsen.
20080808             THE—MEDIA—BUSINESS;Why Dun & Bradstreet Is Different From Disney...
20080808             A 2. company, which will assume the Dun & Bradstreet name, will include THE—MOODY—BOND—RATING service, the Dun & Bradstreet COMPANY—CREDIT—INFORMATION...
20080808             VeriSign and eccelerate_com, 1—DUN & Bradstreet Company, To Enable...
20080808             VeriSign + eccelerate_com, 1—DUN & Bradstreet Company, To Enable Trusted Online BUSINESS—TO—BUSINESS—TRANSACTIONS from Business Wire in Business provided...
20080808             1—OVERVIEW—OF—DATA Mining at Dun & Bradstreet DIG is PART—OF—PILOT—SOFTWARE, 1—DUN & Bradstreet company that develops and delivers OLAP database products.
20080808             —PRIOR—TO DIG, THE—5—ORIGINAL—MEMBERS—OF—THE...
20080808             Dun & BRADSTREET—COMPANY profile & brands Global report for Dun & Bradstreet.
20080808             Global social, financial and environmental data, advertising and influence.
20080808             Dun & Bradstreet Company From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Look for Dun & Bradstreet Company on 1—OF—WIKIPEDIA—SISTER—PROJECTS: Wiktionary (free dictionary)
20080808             Wikipedia does not have 1—ARTICLE with this exact name.
20080808             —INTENDED, This FORM—OF—MEASUREMENT was, to provide 1—MORE—ACCURATE—PICTURE—OF who was watching and —WHEN.
20080808             —COLLECTED, This information was, on 1—DEVICE that was attached to 1—TELEVISION that recorded what was being watched.
20080808             ARTHUR—C—NIELSEN and the company's founding
20080808             Anthrax Attacks Inside Job? | AfterDowningStreet_corg
20080808             HISTORY—OF—USA Testing BioWeapons On Humans " Militarized anthrax spores are so difficult to manufacture that only a...
20080808             —INDEED, This report was, written —PRIOR—TO the anthrax letters to Daschle +...
20080808             Mystery Begets More Mystery in Anthrax CASE—THE—LEDE—BREAKING...
20080808             Jahresmitteltemperatur — Wikipedia
20080808             Aus den Ergebnissen vieler weltweit verteilter Wetterstationen wird auch eine durchschnittliche Jahresmitteltemperatur der gesamten Erde errechnet.
20080808             UA—FACHBEITRAG NUMBER 104 - Gesamtbericht -
20080808             Weltweit gehen die Klimatologen —BEREITS—HEUTE von eindeutigen Anzeichen für...
20080808             In den letzten —100—JAHREN hat sich die globale Jahresmitteltemperatur um...
20080808             Im Rahmen des Vergleichs wird Citigroup —NUN—ZUNÄCHST binnen —3—MONATEN allen kleineren und privaten Anlegern ihre Papiere zurückkaufen.
20080808             Mit dem Vergleich wandte die USA—BANK eine drohende Klage ab.
20080808             Der Einigung gingen umfangreiche Untersuchungen der Behörden voraus.
20080808             Auch anderen Banken wird von Behörden weiterer USA—BUNDESSTAATEN schweres Fehlverhalten vorgeworfen.
20080808             Auf die Branche rollt —BEREITS 1—KLAGEWELLE zu.
20080808             Beobachter halten —NUN aber auch weitere milliardenschwere Vergleiche wie bei der Citigroup für möglich.
20080808             Auch gegen andere Häuser wie die SCHWEIZER—UBS gehen die Behörden —BEREITS vor.
20080808             "Der aktuelle BAISSE—ZYKLUS kann 3—BIS 4—QUARTALE dauern.
20080808             Ich rechne damit, dass
20080808             EUGEN—WEINBERG, Rohstoffexperte bei der Commerzbank in FRANKFURT, hat die Entwicklung zu Jahresbeginn vorausgesehen:
20080808             Der Ölpreis, damals noch bei etwa 100—DOLLAR pro Barrel (159—LITER), würde zur Jahresmitte auf 150—DOLLAR steigen und anschließend wieder fallen.
20080808             Tatsächlich erreichte der Preis für Erdöl —IM—JULI mit 147—DOLLAR sein Rekordhoch und notiert —JETZT bei etwa 120—DOLLAR.
20080808             Als Grund für diese Entwicklung nennt Weinberg den Verlauf der Konjunktur.
20080808             "—DERZEIT macht sich die Abkühlung bemerkbar, entsprechend geht die physische Nachfrage sowie das Interesse der Investoren für Rohstoffe zurück", sagt der Analyst SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20080808             passierte, ist 1—TRAGÖDIE für das südossetische Volk, aber auch für GEORGIEN.
20080808             Mit seiner nervösen und aus meiner Sicht kriminellen —ENTSCHEIDUNG, die HAUPTSTADT—SÜDOSSETIENS massiv anzugreifen, hat PRÄSIDENT—MICHEIL—SAAKASCHWILI den Traum, dass Georgier, Abchasen und Osseten in einem STAAT zusammenleben, für sehr lange Zeit, vielleicht für immer zerstört.
20080808             Erinnern Sie sich nur daran, dass vor —16—JAHREN Ziad Gamsachurdia, der 1. PRÄSIDENT—VON gerade unabhängig gewordenen Georgiens, die Osseten unter der Losung "GEORGIEN den Georgiern" angegriffen hat.
20080808             Das führte zum Bürgerkrieg und —ERST nach schwierigen —VERHANDLUNGEN unter RUSSISCHER—ÄGIDE wurde 1—ABKOMMEN geschlossen, das die Lage beruhigte
20080808             —BY HANS—JÜRGEN—SCHLAMP in BRUSSELS.
20080808             European diplomats have been trying to maintain peace in GEORGIA with financial incentives and promises.
20080808             free learning resources)
20080808—18410000    —FROM, D&B dates, with the establishment by LEWIS—TAPPAN (17880000—18730000    ) of a... Dun & Bradstreet, like its competitors, acquired and shed 1—RANGE—OF...
20080808—19800000    —IN—THE, 's, the company launched 1—NEW—MEASUREMENT—DEVICE known as the "people meter".
20080808—20060000    —IN, JOHN—EDWARDS, FORMER—NORTH—CAROLINA SENATOR—AND—DEMOCRATIC—PRESIDENTIAL—CANDIDATE, admitted that he had 1—EXTRAMARITAL affair with Rielle Hunter, 1—FILM—PRODUCER, but denied fathering 1—DAUGHTER with her.
20080808—20070600    —SINCE, † Researchers said at least 38—WARAO Indians have in remote villages in VENEZUELA.
20080808—20090000    —IN, 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—IN—DETROIT sentenced him to 7½ years in prison.
20080808—20140000    —CHARGED, ANGEL—DE—LA—TORRE, the owner of THE—HOUSTON bus company, —AFTER the crash that killed 17—PASSENGERS, avoided prison —AFTER 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE sentenced him to —3—YEARS—OF—PROBATION in 1—PLEA—AGREEMENT.
20080912             "Ich wünschte mir, dass die Welt auch aus dem 20080808             ihre Lehren zieht", sagte Medwedew vor den ausländischen Gästen des Forums.
20080912             "Die Welt hat sich —NACH—DEM 20080808             verändert. Für RUSSLAND ist der 20080808             so wie der 20080911             für DIE—USA", sagte Medwedew.
20080912             GEORGIEN hatte die südossetische HAUPTSTADT—ZCHINWALI —IN—DER—NACHT—ZUM 20080808             angegriffen.
20080912—20080808    —AM, Den Angriff Georgiens auf die abtrünnige Region Südossetien verglich er mit den Terroranschlägen in den USA vom 20010911             .
20080922             —WHILE walking to his clothes shop at 8—AM 20080808             —ON—THIS—YEAR in the heavily militarised COLOMBIA—TOWN—OF—SARAVENA, 2—MEN shot him 17—TIMES.
20090808             —12—MINUTEN hat es gedauert, die Daten auf dem "unfälschbaren" neuen BRITISCHEN—AUSWEIS zu fälschen.
20090808             That summit came —JUST months —AFTER 1—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH 's... 20041003             /MOON.TMP -
20090808             MARVIN—KITMAN, (Jewish) Forward, 19941014             , p. 9) - Site Search Results
20090808             Sonia Sotomayor was SWORN—IN as the 1. Hispanic on THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT.
20090808             DINUBA—CALIFORNIA, 1—CAR fleeing from police ran 1—STOP sign and slammed into 1—PICKUP, killing 3—PEOPLE in the car and 4—YOUNG—CHILDREN in the truck.
20090808             CHINO—CALIFORNIA, a —2—DAY—PRISON—RIOT began.
20090808             —DESIGNED, It housed almost twice as MANY—PRISONERS as it was, for and was typical of CALIFORNIA—33—STATE—PRISONS.
20090808             —AT—THIS—TIME—CALIFORNIA spent about $49,000 —1—YEAR on EACH—PRISONER, almost twice the national average.
20090808             Continental Express Flight 2816, en route with 47—PASSENGERS to MINNEAPOLIS from HOUSTON, was stranded overnight at ROCHESTER—MINNESOTA, —AFTER being forced to land due to storms.
20090808             † NEAR—HOBOKEN, NEW—JERSEY, 9—PEOPLE in 1—AIR—COLLISION over the Hudson River, including 3—MEMBERS—OF—1—PENNSYLVANIA family in the private plane and 5—ITALY—TOURISTS and 1—PILOT from NEW—JERSEY in 1—LIBERTY—TOURS—HELICOPTER.
20090808             —WOUNDED, NATO—HELICOPTERS, 5—AFGHANISTAN—POLICE by mistake —DURING 1—BATTLE with insurgents in Ghazni province.
20090808             † 1—UK—SOLDIER, serving with NATO—INTERNATIONAL—SECURITY—ASSISTANCE—FORCE (ISAF), was killed by 1 improvised explosive device (IED).
20090808             —KILLED, A—USA—SOLDIER was, in the south in 1—HOSTILE—FIRE—INCIDENT.
20090808             —RIOTED, CHINA, HUNDREDS—OF—VILLAGERS, —AFTER news broke about the lead poisoning at the Wugang Manganese Smelting Plant in Wenping township, CENTRAL—HUNAN province.
20090808             1—CROWD—OF—600 to 700—PEOPLE overturned 4—POLICE—CARS and smashed 1—LOCAL—GOVERNMENT—SIGN.
20090808             —DETAINED, CHINA —LATER, 2—FACTORY—OFFICIALS—AFTER 1,354 children were reported poisoned by lead pollution from the manganese processing plant.
20090808             —KILLED, INDIA—ARMY said its troops, 3—ISLAMIC—MILITANTS along the de facto Kashmir border, thwarting the 7. attempt by rebels to infiltrate from PAKISTAN in —1—WEEK.
20090808             —TRIGGERED, NORTH—INDIA, landslides, by heavy rains killed at least 43—PEOPLE in 3—REMOTE—VILLAGES in Pithoragarh DISTRICT—OF—UTTARAKHAND state.
20090808             —RECOVERED, Authorities said they could not confirm that 1, body was that of the militant leader without DNA tests.
20090808             —FAILED, DNA tests, to confirm TOP—DEATH.
20090808             —RAIDED, Police, 1—HOUSE on the outskirts of JAKARTA where they killed 2 suspected militants and seized bombs and 1—CAR rigged to carry them.
20090808             The house was —JUST 3—MILES (5—KILOMETERS) from THE—PRESIDENT—RESIDENCE.
20090808             —CONDONED, NORTH—ITALY, rules for officially, vigilante groups took effect.
20090808             —KILLED, MAURITANIA, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, himself outside THE—FRANCE—EMBASSY, wounding 2—EMBASSY guards and 1—WOMAN in the street.
20090808             1—AFRICA—BRANCH—OF—AL—QAIDA —LATER said the attack was 1—RESPONSE to the aggression of "crusaders" including former colonial ruler FRANCE, and to MAURITANIA—LEADERS against Islam and Muslims.
20090808             —OPENED, MEXICO, assailants in THE—STATE—OF—GUERRERO, fire on 1—CAR carrying 1—COUPLE and their —3—YEAR—OLD—SON, killing all 3. In CHIHUAHUA gunmen killed 4—PEOPLE in 1—ATTACK in 1—BAR.
20090808             MOLDOVA, THE—4—PRO—WESTERN—PARTIES that upset the Communists in recent elections agreed on 1—COALITION—DEAL to form 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT.
20090808             —SEIZED, MYANMAR government troops, 1—WEAPONS—FACTORY—NEAR THE—CHINA—BORDER —AFTER being informed about it —DURING 1—MINISTERIAL meeting with CHINA on combating transnational crime.
20090808             —TRIGGERED, This, several DAYS—OF—CLASHES with 1—ETHNIC—MILITIA that sent more than 30,000 refugees fleeing across the border into CHINA.
20090808             PAKISTAN, 1—GUNFIGHT between militants and supporters of 1—PRO—GOVERNMENT—TRIBAL elder killed 6—MILITANTS and 2—TRIBESMEN in the Mohmand tribal region near THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER.
20090808             —NAMED, PALESTINE—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS was, HEAD—OF—HIS—FATAH movements at his party's 1. conference in —2—DECADES, strengthening the hand of THE—WESTERN—BACKED leader in his bid to revive peace talks with ISRAEL.
20090808             —HAILED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—DMITRY—MEDVEDEV, THE—RUSSIA—VICTORY in 1—WAR with GEORGIA—1—YEAR ago, saying the war had redrawn the map of the Caucasus for good.
20090808             SOMALIA—PIRATE, STRONGHOLD—OF—HARARDHERE, fighting over the last —24—HOURS killed at least 12—PEOPLE.
20090808             1—DISPUTE over 1—CAR escalated as clan militias got involved.
20090808             —SLAMMED, Mortar shells, into 1—BUSY—MARKET in the capital, MOGADISHU, killing 6—PEOPLE and wounding 18.
20090808             SOUTH—AFRICA, USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—HILLARY—CLINTON and SOUTH—AFRICA—PRESIDENT—JACOB—ZUMA pledged to cement closer ties between their new administrations.
20090808             —DOMINATED, SRI—LANKA held local elections near 1—AREA once, by the Tamil Tiger rebels, but voters largely stayed away from the polls in THE—VIOLENCE—SCARRED region.
20090808             Voter turnout was 22% in JAFFNA and 52% in Vavuniya, according to election monitors.
20090808             —SCORED, THE—PRO—TIGER Tamil National Alliance (TNA), unexpected success with 8—OF 23—SEATS in JAFFNA and 5—OF 11—SEATS in Vavuniya.
20090808             —LASHED, Typhoon MORAKOT—TAIWAN with powerful winds and downpours leaving at least 1—PERSON killed and 5—MISSING.
20090808             VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ said he's returning his ambassador to COLOMBIA, moving to resolve rising diplomatic tensions —AFTER weapons sold to VENEZUELA were found in 1—REBEL cache.
20090808             His crime? Stealing onions.
20090808             Executions were public spectacles, with the wealthy hiring balconies to get better views, and it did not take much to book yourself 1—SPOT at the gallows.
20090808             UK 'may have —40—YEAR—AFGHANISTAN—ROLE'
20090808             —WHEN Schwartz was THE—HEAD—OF—SCENARIO planning for Royal Dutch/Shell in the 1980s, his team told the company's HIGHER—UPS to watch out for 1—UNKNOWN—SOVIET—POL named Gorbachev.
20090808             If Gorby were to assume 1—LEADERSHIP—POSITION, Schwartz said, it would be 1—STRONG—INDICATION that THE—USSR would open to the West and oil and natural gas prices would drop.
20090808             —WHEN the price plunge came,
20090808             —ANTICIPATED, Shell EXECS—HAVING, this EVENTUALITY—SWOOPED in and bought oil reserves at 1 discounted rate.
20090808             over the last —50—YEARS or so show either no trend or 1—SLIGHTLY upward trend" in cosmic rays hitting Earth, he notes.
20090808             According to SVENSMARK—THEORY, that would mean either no increase in cloud formation or 1—SLIGHT—INCREASE--neither of which would warm the world.
20090808             Svensmark argues that the findings suggest 1—LINK between cosmic rays and climate change.
20090808             Geoscientist Jón Egill KRISTJÁNSSON—OF—THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—OSLO, NORWAY, calls the findings "astonishing".
20090808             "We're —NOW convinced that aerosols are affected by the Forbush decrease," Svensmark says.
20090808             And FRANCIS—FORD—COPPOLA brought 1—PORTABLE—TAPE—RECORDER to work on the script of THE—GODFATHER ".
20090808             Manson murders —BACK—IN spotlight —40—YEARS on
20090808             They were the crimes that drew 1—BLOOD—SOAKED line under the 1960s hippy ERA—OF—PEACE and love, terrorized HOLLYWOOD and made headlines —AROUND the world.
20090808             makellosen jüdischen Stammbaum
20090808             Darin versprach er, die Rechte, welche die Orthodoxie —BEREITS unter dem BRITISCHEN—MANDAT inne hielt, nicht einzuschränken.
20090808             So blieb das Monopol über zivilrechtliche Fragen wie Ehe, Scheidung und Bestattung bei den religiösen Führern
20090808             jüdisch genug, um —2—JAHRE in der Armee zu dienen.
20090808             Aber nicht jüdisch genug, um zu heiraten.
20090808             selbst wenn er —NACH—DEN Gesetzen der Ultraorthodoxen kein Jude war, sondern beispielsweise nur einen jüdischen Großvater hatte.
20090808             ISRAEL war ein winziges Fleckchen Erde in einem Minenfeld aus Staaten, die es vernichten wollten.
20090808             Aber den Leuten vorzuschreiben, wen sie heiraten dürfen, und wen nicht, das ist unmenschlich".
20090808             Für Ultraorthodoxe wären ihre Kinder keine Juden, sie würden gar als "Mamserim", Bastarde, gelten.
20090808             Nach internationalem Recht muss ISRAEL
20090808             —61—JAHRE nach der Staatsgründung hat ISRAEL noch immer nicht geklärt, was es eigentlich sein will: 1—JUDENSTAAT auf den Säulen der Halacha, der jüdischen Religionsvorschriften, oder eine weltliche säkulare Demokratie.
20090808             Die Trennung von STAAT und Religion, wie wir sie kennen, gibt es nicht.
20090808             Damit ist ISRAEL die einzige westlich orientierte Demokratie, in der es lediglich religiöse, keine standesamtlichen Eheschließungen gibt.
20090808             Nur ein orthodoxer Rabbi, 1—IMAM oder 1—PRIESTER können Ehen schließen, die vom STAAT anerkannt werden.
20090808             Die denken jedoch gar nicht daran, Mischehen zuzulassen -
20090808             weder zwischen Juden und Moslems oder Christen, noch zwischen Juden und Konfessionslosen, wie Elena es in den Augen der Strenggläubigen ist.
20090808             IHH—BÄH des Tages: Juristen fordern Entkernen des Verfassungsgerichts.
20090808             Guttenberg hat das "Gesetz zur Ergänzung des Kreditwesengesetzes" komplett von der BRITISCHEN—GROSSKANZLEI Linklaters schreiben lassen.
20090808             Linklaters war treibende Kraft hinter vielen Großfusionen und kümmert sich —JETZT um die resultierenden Insolvenzen.
20090808             1—FULL—SERVICE Kanzlei eben ?
20090808             Hier schreibt also 1—LOBBYIST das Gesetz zu seinen Gunsten.
20090808             Denn bei DEM—KREDITWESENGESETZ geht es sich um Kreditinstitute und Finandienstleistungsinstitute, die ja auch gerne mal 1—FUSION durchgeführt haben.
20090808             Wußtet ihr, dass in ISRAEL—EHEN zwischen Juden und Nichtjuden vom STAAT nicht anerkannt werden?
20090808             Krass, wa?
20090808             Und der eine oder andere von euch dachte —JETZT vielleicht, —NACH—DEM Krieg seien die Nürnberger Rassegesetze abgeschaft worden.
20090808             Und was tun die Paare —JETZT? Nach ZYPERN fahren, dort heiraten.
20090808             Was für 1—FARCE.
20090808             Lacher des Tages: Seehofer fordert von FDP das Versprechen, keine Ampelkoalition zu machen.
20090808             Die Bundeswehr hat "Herkules" noch deutlich weitreichender verkackt als —BISHER angenommen.
20090808             Nicht nur in KUBA wird das Klopapier knapp, auch FINNLAND hat KLOPAPIER—NACHSCHUBPROBLEME (das war
20090808             Wege aus der Wirtschaftkrise: "Wir brauchen Preußen!"
20090808             Repression im IRAN: —ERST die Folter, dann der Prozess
20090808             GRATIS—FASTFOOD: Ministerium verteilt MCDONALDS—GUTSCHEINE an Schüler
20090808             JAKARTA—ANSCHLÄGE: INDONESISCHER—TOP—TERRORIST Noordin in Feuergefecht getötet
20090808             IRAN—POLICE—SIEZE—DRUGS and Arrange them in the Form of 1—STAR—OF—DAVID
20090808             —FOLLOWING is 1—EXCERPT from an
20090808             —DISCOVERED, It was with SOME—ASTONISHMENT that I, what 1—INTEGRAL—PART—OF—USA—JEWISH—LIFE—CRIME was.
20090808             Our forefathers made names for themselves, such as they are, as gangsters, murderers, musclemen, hit men, acid throwers, arm breakers, bombers and all the other professions open to NICE Jewish boys.
20090808             Prostitution, vice, alcohol, gambling, racketeering, extortion, and all the other things that fill the newspaper —TODAY and that I gladly have been attributing as character flaws in other GROUPS—OF—FOUNDING fathers:
20090808             Those were our things... I was shocked at how deep our roots are in all THE—SINKS—OF—DEPRAVITY and corruption... THE—JEWS were the 1. ones to realize the link between organized crime and organized politics.
20090808             They led the way in corrupting the police and city hall.
20090808             —REALIZED, They 1., THE—VALUE—OF—GANG/syndicate cartels in business to reduce THE—KILLING—OF—EACH—OTHER.
20090808             They were monopolists of the highest order.
20090808             We wrote the book, so to speak, on crime, but it's all forgotten".
20090808             USA—FINANCING, including money from AIG Insurance, whose subsidiary Coral Reinsurance, according to THE—ARKANSAS—PROJECT, was implicated —DURING the...
20090808             USA—FINANCING, including money from AIG Insurance, whose subsidiary Coral Reinsurance, according to THE—ARKANSAS—PROJECT.
20090808             kurz KZO - - Und die SPRECHERIN—DER—EON—NETZSPARTE sagt: "Unsere Ingenieure würden das eher als Esoterik abstempeln".
20090808             "Das verwobene europäische Hochspannungsnetz ist vergleichbar mit dem Stromnetz der USA. Es müsste also ähnlich anfällig sein".
20090808             130—MILLIONEN Amerikaner wären —TAGE—ODER gar wochenlang ohne Elektrizität
20090808             Ein solarer Supersturm könnte noch mehr Unheil anrichten, er könnte das Rückgrat der technisierten Welt ZERSCHMETTERN—DAS Stromnetz.
20090808             Davor warnte kürzlich die National ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES (NAS) in den USA.
20090808             Ihr Report gleicht dem Drehbuch eines SCIENCE—FICTION—FILMS.
20090808             "Es ist wie beim Wasserkochen: Die großen Blasen entstehen, bevor es richtig kocht".
20090808             —ERWOGEN, AUFZUKLÄREN—LAUT "Gulfnews" wird von Regierungsstellen —DERZEIT, Einreisende —BEREITS bei der Beantragung eines Visums über Verhaltensregeln des Landes aufzuklären.
20090808             "Ich habe solche Kleider gar nicht".
20090808             sich Sitten und Gebräuchen des Landes entsprechend zu verhalten.
20090808             JEDES—MITTEL ist recht, wenn es darum geht, Touristen einheimische Moralstandards zu vermitteln.
20090808             respektlos: In den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten sollen Reisende verstärkt dazu angehalten werden, sich heimischen Sitten entsprechend zu benehmen.
20090808             DUBAI -
20090808             —SUPPOSED, SIBEL—DEPOSITION—SIBEL Edmonds is giving what is, to be 1—TELL—ALL—DEPOSITION in 1—COURT—CASE tomorrow.
20090808             The case is 1—OHIO election dispute in which Congresswoman JEAN—SCHMIDT has filed libel charges against opponent DAVID—KRIKORIAN.
20090808             —ACCUSED, Krikorian had, Schmidt of taking "blood money" from TURKEY—LOBBYISTS.
20090808             That's where Edmonds comes in: As 1—FORMER—FBI translator, she has (she says) special knowledge of what these lobbyists are up to.
20090808             —TRIED, THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE has, to block Edmonds from testifying, but her lawyers argue that any "shush" agreement she once had with THE—FBI is not enough to stop her from responding to 1—LAWFUL—SUBPOENA.
20090808             Thus, testify she will.
20090808             She is probably in (or travelling to) THE—COURT—IN—DC as I write these words.
20090808             —SINCE the mainstream media will not cover the matter, she has asked "citizen journalists" to spread the revelations.
20090808             Those revelations may touch on such topics as bribery, the nuclear black market, the drug trade, and other droll entertainments.
20090808             Die Immunität schützt die MITGLIEDER—DES—PARLAMENTS normalerweise vor Strafverfolgung;
20090808             Ermittlungen oder Verhaftungen sind nur möglich, wenn das Plenum des Parlaments zustimmt.
20090808             Schmidt habe als Gesundheitsministerin "gegenüber mächtigen Interessengruppen Standhaftigkeit bewiesen".
20090808             USA: Häftling versteckt Waffe in Speckfalten
20090808             Sonnenstürme: Wenn die Hölle vom Himmel scheint
20090808             Bevölkerungsschwund: Laschet fordert Bleiberecht für Kinder
20090808             In der Anklageschrift ist von Plänen der USA und GROSSBRITANNIEN die Rede, Unruhen in IRAN anzuzetteln.
20090808             Reiss habe bei Demonstrationen in Isfahan mit ihrem Handy fotografiert und Fotos an einen Freund in Teheran gemailt.
20090808             die 23-jährige Französin Clotilde Reiss.
20090808             "Wir verurteilen diese Prozesse und die sogenannten Geständnisse von Gefangenen, deren Menschrechte missachtet werden".
20090808             1—SPRECHERIN—DES—BRITISCHEN—AUSSENMINISTERIUMS nannte die Anklage Rassams "inakzeptabel".
20090808             Das widerspreche Zusicherungen, die hochrangige IRANISCHE—VERTRETER abgegeben hätten.
20090808             steht auch Hossein Rassam, 1—MITARBEITER—DER—BRITISCHEN—BOTSCHAFT vor Gericht.
20090808             Das teilte das Außenministerium in LONDON mit
20090808             zerrt Ahmadinedschad —NUN auch 1—FRANZÖSIN und einen MITARBEITER—DER—BRITISCHEN—BOTSCHAFT vor Gericht.
20090808             Wiesheu war vergangene —WOCHE im Urlaub in PARAGUAY nicht zu erreichen.
20090808             Auch der frühere SCHREIBER—TREUHÄNDER, Giorgio Pelossi, sagte dem SPIEGEL, er habe "nie etwas über die SPD gehört. Das Geld war doch für die Wohnung".
20090808             die SPD wies Schreibers Anschuldigungen zurück: "Es gab in den Rechnungsjahren 19880000             und 19890000             keine veröffentlichungspflichtigen Spenden von Herrn WINFRIED—HAASTERT".
20090808             —BELASTET, SPD.
20090808             Schreiber sagte —IM—APRIL unter Eid aus, dass er 19880000             über einen MITTELSMANN—DEN später in DEUTSCHLAND verurteilten THYSSEN—MANAGER WINFRIED—HAASTERT - 500.000—KANADISCHE—DOLLAR heimlich an die SPD geleitet habe.
20090808             Einen Quittungsbeleg habe er dafür allerdings nicht.
20090808             AFGHANISTAN: Bundeswehr setzt millionenteure MINI—DROHNEN ein
20090808             —GEKITTET, Weltkulturerbe: Kölner Domfenster sollen mit Nanokleber, werden
20090808             —BELASTET, Parteispendenaffäre: Schreiber, SPD
20090808             Dienstwagenaffäre: Bundesrechnungshof sieht keinen Schaden für die REPUBLIK
20090808             Es ist der totale Ausverkauf.
20090808             um so die GESCHICHTE—DER—ARGENTINISCHEN—MILITÄRDIKTATUR zu erzählen.
20090808             Aus KOLUMBIEN stammen angeblich weit mehr als 80—PROZENT—DES—KOKAINS, das in den USA konsumiert wird.
20090808             Kolumbiens Staatspräsident Alvaro Uribe erhofft sich dagegen von der militärischen Allianz vor allem Erfolge im Kampf gegen die mächtigen Drogenkartelle im eigenen Land.
20090808             Ecuadors Regierungschef RAFAEL—CORREA glaubt sogar an künftige nordamerikanische Interventionen im großen Stil: "Die USA benötigen diese Stützpunkte, um gegen die soziale Bewegung Lateinamerikas vorzugehen".
20090808             Der Umzug der USA—MILITÄRS nach KOLUMBIEN ist 1—KONSEQUENZ der —ENTSCHEIDUNG Correas, den Vertrag über die Nutzung ECUADORIANISCHER—STÜTZPUNKTE durch die USA nicht zu verlängern.
20090808             KOLUMBIEN als einer der wenigen verbliebenen Verbündeten in der Region ist bereit, der USA—ARMEE die Nutzung von 7—MILITÄRBASEN im Lande zu gestatten.
20090808             DAX—GEFLÜSTER: Wie der STAAT die nächste Blase nährt
20090808             THE—GOVERNING—OF—POST—WAR—GERMANY would be 1—FAMILY—AFFAIR.
20090808             THE—3—MOST powerful men in post war GERMANY: High Commissioner McCloy, Douglas, HEAD—OF—THE—FINANCE—DIVISION—OF—THE—CONTROL—COUNCIL and CHANCELLOR—KONRAD—ADENAUER were all BROTHER—IN laws.
20090808             oo All 3—MEN had, daughters of the wealthy Fredrick Zinsser, 1—PARTNER—OF—JP—MORGAN.
20090808             THE—MORGAN empire would control the fate of GERMANY.
20090808             'THE—DAILY—MAIL—INVESTIGATION has blown such 1—HUGE—HOLE in THE—GOVERNMENT—ILL—FATED—ID card scheme that it is —NOW sinking beneath the waves,' he said.
20090808             'We're not running 2—DIFFERENT—SYSTEMS.
20090808             It is —JUST the facade that is different.'
20090808             And ALL—OF—THIS has been done in such 1—WAY as to fool the electronic readers intended to check THE—ID card's authenticity.
20090808             It is, quite simply, 1—TERRIFYING achievement.
20090808             Sind Sie sicher? Sind Sie absolut sicher
20090808             Sicherheit Angriff auf die Freiheit —JULI Zeh Ilja Trojanow Angriff auf die Freiheit
20090808             "Sicherheit" ist das politische Schlagwort, mit dem
20090808             The initiative to create 1—NEW—YORK—CITY—INDEPENDENT—COMMISSION with subpoena power to conduct 1—COMPREHENSIVE and FACT—DRIVEN investigation of the tragic events of
20090808             Torturing Children: BUSH—LEGACY and DEMOCRACY—FAILURE—TORTURE
20090808             HENRY—A—GIROUX—THE—TORTURE—OF—CHILDREN under THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has gone relatively unpublicized.
20090808             —NOW for those of you who are READING THIS—YOU probably don't entirely grasp the details of what I'm talking about.
20090808             You THINK—THIS is PAYPAL—THEY have to be more ethical than that don't they?
20090808             I—SAY—YES they do.
20090808             S - o I called them on the phone about it to get them to explain it to me in their own words.
20090808             Cult News from RICK—ROSS " WILL—PRESIDENT—BUSH—PAY off "cult leader...
20090808             Moon has long been friendly with the Bush family and has given millions in honorariums to the 1. PRESIDENT—BUSH, who... Moonies / Unification Church;
20090808             Mormons; MULTI—LEVEL—MARKETING—IS GEORGE—BUSH 1—MOONIE ?
20090808             —PROPOSED, What the Moonies say about Bush Father, to THE—SOVIET—MEDIA... In the 1. letter that Father wrote he said, "GEORGE—BUSH, PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA, you cannot win...
20090808             NEIL—BUSH—MEETS—THE—MESSIAH | | AlterNet
20090808             Why is THE—PRESIDENT—YOUNGER—BROTHER, Neil, touring with THE—LEADER—OF—THE—MOONIES ?... council to PRESIDENT—BUSH in... quite place at 1., beside him.
20090808             It was, of course, NEIL—BUSH...
20090808             Moonies KNEE—DEEP in FAITH—BASED funding / Pushing celibacy, marriage...
20090808             Moonies KNEE—DEEP in FAITH—BASED funding Pushing celibacy... positions they are supposed to assume —DURING their 1..
20090808             That summit came —JUST months —AFTER 1—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH 's...
20090808             Der Karibikstaat hat neben der weltweiten Rezession auch unter den noch immer zu spürenden Folgen von 3—ZERSTÖRERISCHEN Hurrikanen zu LEIDEN.
20090808             Nach offiziellen Angaben haben die Wirbelstürme im vergangenen —JAHR einen Schaden in Höhe von 10—MILLIARDEN Dollar angerichtet.
20090808             Man habe mehr importieren müssen, was in Verbindung mit den gleichzeitig gesunkenen Exporteinnahmen dazu geführt habe, dass die finanziellen Reserven dezimiert seien.
20090808             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Sie glauben nicht an die EXISTENZ—VON—ERGENEKON?
20090808             Solmaztürk: Doch, natürlich gibt es diese Gruppe.
20090808             —IRRITIERT, Aber ich bin, wer alles Mitglied sein soll: 1—UNIVERSITÄTSREKTOR und ein internationaler Experte für Herztransplantationen?
20090808             Der Prozess wird missbraucht, um die säkulare Opposition auszuschalten.
20090808             Gesetzentwurf: Justizministerium rügt Guttenbergs BANKEN—PLAN
20090808—18150000    —BY, [...] - —2—DECADES—BEFORE the Peelers started patrolling THE—STREETS—THERE were more than 200—OFFENCES which carried the death penalty.
20090808—18590828    —AM, [...] Der stärkste jemals registrierte Sonnensturm traf die Erde.
20090808—18740000    —IN, 1—JOHN—WALKER was sentenced to —7—YEARS "penal servitude" and police supervision.
20090808—20090701    —VERHAFTET, Sie wurde bei der Ausreise am Flughafen Teherans.
20090808—20090814    —AM, [...] "Mi vida después", das seine europäische Erstaufführung erlebt, lässt die Regisseurin Lola Arias, 32, 6—SCHAUSPIELER in die Rolle ihrer eigenen, realen Eltern schlüpfen,
20090808—20091124    —LEVIED, THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—TRANSPORTATION, $175,000 in fines against Continental, ExpressJet and Mesaba Airlines for keeping the plane on the tarmac.
20100808             —KILLED, S—FRANCISCO—GERMANY—TOURIST, Mechthild Schroer was, by 1—STRAY bullet outside 1—COMEDY club at 414—MASON.
20100808             †     PATRICIA—NEAL (84), USA—ACTRESS, at her home in MASSACHUSETTS.
20100808             —INCLUDED, Her films, "THE—FOUNTAINHEAD" (19490000             ), "THE—DAY—THE—EARTH—STOOD—STILL" (19510000             ), "Hud" (19630000             ) and "1—FACE in the Crowd" (19570000             ).
20100808             —TITLED, Her 19880000             autobiography was, "As I—AM".
20100808             —RATTLED, MATTHEW—SIMMONS, —67—JAHRE—ALT, who, the energy industry by arguing the world was rapidly approaching peak oil production capacity, † at his home in NORTH—HAVEN, MAINE.
20100808             In his 20050000             book "Twilight in the Desert," Simmons argued SAUDI—ARABIA—OIL—RESERVES were nearing the highest LEVELS—OF—PRODUCTION they were capable of achieving, —AFTER which point the world's yearly oil supply would begin to decline.
20100808             52—COMPANIES employed about 30,000—PEOPLE, MOST—OF—THEM former military officers.
20100808             —SIGNED, Arab League CHIEF—AMR—MOUSSA, 1—LETTER asking for backing of 1—RESOLUTION urging WASHINGTON and other powers to end SUPPORT—OF—ISRAEL—NUCLEAR—SECRECY and to push the Jewish state to allow INTERNATIONAL inspections of its program.
20100808             —PLANNED, Arab nations, submit the request to the —SEPTEMBER ASSEMBLY—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—ATOMIC—ENERGY—AGENCY.
20100808             CHINA, landslides in THE—NORTH—WEST—PROVINCE—OF—GANSU left at least 337—PEOPLE—DEAD in the deadliest incident so far in the country's worst flooding in —1—DECADE.
20100808             More than 1,148 were missing.
20100808             IRAQ, 1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMBER struck 1—POLICE—PATROL—WEST—OF—BAGHDAD and killed 8—PEOPLE, mostly civilians.
20100808             —ARMED, Gunmen, with AK—47—RIFLES boarded 4—COMMERCIAL ships in a —2—HOUR—TIME—SPAN in the vicinity of 1—OIL—TERMINAL in THE—NORTH—PERSIAN Gulf.
20100808             The assailants took computers, cell phones and money from crew members —BEFORE fleeing.
20100808             —ARRESTED, The interrogation of 2—IRAQIS, —AFTER the incident indicated it was 1—ROBBERY—ATTEMPT without 1—LARGER—AGENDA.
20100808             —ANNOUNCED, LIBYA—GOVERNMENT, it will pay compensation to SOME—PEOPLE it had wrongfully imprisoned, the latest step in 1—EFFORT to draw 1—LINE under 1—HISTORY—OF—HUMAN—RIGHTS—ABUSES.
20100808             —BACKED, FORMER—MEXICO—PRESIDENT—VINCENTE—FOX, who was 1—KEY—USA—ALLY in THE—WAR—ON—DRUGS, THE—LEGALIZATION—OF—DRUGS, saying prohibition has failed to curb MEXICO—SPIRALING violence and corruption.
20100808             —SEIZED, NORTH—KOREAN—AUTHORITIES, 1—SOUTH—KOREAN—FISHING boat and its 7-man crew.
20100808             —LAUNCHED, SOUTH—AFRICA—JOURNALISTS, 1—CAMPAIGN to fight what they say is 1—ATTEMPT to curtail media freedoms in 1—NATION known for 1—OF—AFRICA—FREEST and most open constitutions.
20100808             SPAIN, people began complaining of jellyfish attacks.
20100808             Over the next —3—DAYS some 700—PEOPLE were stung at 3—BEACHES on the Costa Blanca near Elche, where normally —JUST 1—HANDFUL get stung daily.
20100808             —KILLED, Gunmen in SOUTH—SUDAN, 23—PEOPLE, including police officers, in 1—AMBUSH on 1—TRUCK in the key oil producing STATE—OF—UNITY, Koch county.
20100808             —REJECTED, VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—CHAVEZ, LARRY—PALMER as THE—USA—AMBASSADOR to CARACAS citing comments by Palmer regarding low morale in VENEZUELA—MILITARY.
20100808—20100805    —ON, AFGHANISTAN, PRESIDENT—KARZAI said foreign security companies should all be replaced by AFGHANISTAN—POLICE, the same —DAY that the bodies of 10—MEMBERS—OF—1—MEDICAL—TEAM, killed, were returned to KABUL.
20100808—20100907    —FREED, NORTH—KOREA, the crew.
20100808—20110504    —ON, police arrested 7—OF 8—YOUNG—MEN accused of taking part in 1—GANG—GUNBATTLE that left her dead.
20100808—20140000    —IN, 4—MEN indicted in the shooting pleaded guilty to lesser charges and were expected to serve 5 to —9—YEARS in state prison.
20110514—20110808    —ON, Diallo sued STRAUSS—KAHN for sexual assault.
20110808             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, coalition forces in 1—MIDNIGHT bombing raid, the Taliban insurgents responsible for 20110805             —THE attack on 1—USA—HELICOPTER.
20110808             —ANNOUNCED, USA—HOUSE—LEADERS, that they are terminating THE—LONG—RUNNING congressional page program for high school students, both OUT—OF—COST—CONSIDERATIONS, and in recognition of the diminished demand for page services in the digital age.
20110808             THE—USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT and 4 the attorney generals of CALIFORNIA, ILLINOIS, FLORIDA, and INDIANA accused PITTSBURGH—BASED Education Management Corp. of paying recruiters to enroll students in an $11—BILLION fraud case.
20110808             Global stock markets sank again as worries over THE—DOWNGRADE—OF—USA—DEBT outweighed relief at 1—EUROPEAN CENTRAL—BANK pledge to buy up Italian and SPAIN—BONDS to help THE—2—COUNTRIES avoid devastating defaults.
20110808             THE—DJIA fell 634.76—POINTS.
20110808             S—FRANCISCO—MAYOR—ED—LEE, —59—JAHRE—ALT said he will run for 1—FULL —4-YEAR term.
20110808             —KILLED, OAKLAND—CALIFORNIA, CARLOS—NAVA, —30—JAHRE—ALT was, by accident —DURING 1—DRIVEBY shooting at 64.
20110808             Ave. and INTERNATIONAL—BOULEVARD.
20110808             —KILLED, The F—16—STRIKE, the "shooter" as well as 1—TALIBAN militant, MULLAH—MOHIBULLAH.
20110808             BANGLADESH police said the main opposition leader, EX—PRIME—MINISTER—KHALEDA—ZIA, has been ACCUSED—OF—ABUSE—OF—POWER and graft in 1—NEW—CASE filed by the country's main ANTI—CORRUPTION—BODY.
20110808             —ISSUED, In 1—SEPARATE—CASE, 1—COURT—DHAKA, 1—ARREST—WARRANT against Tareque Rahman, ZIA—ELDER son and heir apparent, accusing HIM—OF—LAUNDERING over 204—MILLION taka ($2.73—MILLION) in SINGAPORE 20030000—20070000    —BETWEEN.
20110808             —ARRESTED, LONDON police said they had, 100—PEOPLE in a 2. night of rioting, condemning it as "copycat" disorder —FOLLOWING weekend unrest sparked by THE—DEATH—OF—1—MAN in 1—POLICE shooting.
20110808             —VOWED, CHAD—IDRISS—DEBY—ITNO, he would battle corruption as he was sworn in as PRESIDENT for 1—NEW —5—YEAR term.
20110808             COLOMBIA, MUHAMMAD—NAZARRUDDIN, —32—JAHRE—ALT, THE—EX—TREASURER—OF—INDONESIA—PRESIDENT—SUSILO—BAMBANG—YUDHOYONO—PARTY, was reported arrested in CARTAGENA —AFTER weeks on the run over corruption allegations.
20110808             Nazarruddin has been on the run —SINCE—MAY—WHEN ANTI—GRAFT—INVESTIGATORS linked him to 1—BRIBERY—SCANDAL involving contracts on a 23—MILLION—DOLLAR athletes' village for THE—SOUTH—EAST—ASIA—GAMES scheduled —IN—NOVEMBER.
20110808             † A 10. suspect in THE—SPAIN—CASE has —SINCE, and 10—OTHER—SUSPECTS have not been located.
20110808             —SUCCEED, GUATEMALA, former 1. lady SANDRA—TORRES' bid to, her EX—HUSBAND came to 1—END—WHEN the constitutional court ruled her ineligible to run because of her relationship to THE—PRESIDENT.
20110808             INDIA, LOBSANG—SANGAY, 1—HARVARD—TRAINED legal scholar, was sworn in as new HEAD—OF—THE—TIBETAN—GOVERNMENT—IN—EXILE, taking over from the Dalai Lama as the official LEADER—OF—HIS—PEOPLE—FIGHT for freedom.
20110808             LIBYA, 1—REBEL—SPOKESMAN in Misrata said forces loyal to Moamer Kadhafi had launched 1—ASSAULT—ON—REBEL—POSITIONS in ZLITEN—SOUK—TELAT area, killing 3 and wounding 15.
20110808             1—REBEL—SOURCE at AL—QUSBAT, —AROUND 90—KM (55—MILES) EAST—OF—TRIPOLI, said that town was living through its 4. —DAY under siege.
20110808             —SACKED, LIBYA—REBELS, their executive committee.
20110808             —ASKED, MAHMOUD—JIBRIL, who was the head of the outgoing committee, was, to form 1—NEW—BOARD.
20110808             MEXICO—GOVERNMENT said it is suspending about $102—MILLION in FEDERAL—LAW—ENFORCEMENT—GRANTS to 80—PERCENT—OF—THE—COUNTRY—MOST violent municipalities because they haven't shown progress in using the money.
20110808             2—UNIVERSITY—PROFESSORS were injured by the explosion of 1—PACKAGE—BOMB on 1—CAMPUS—NEAR the national capital at 1—CAMPUS—OF—MONTERREY Technological Institute.
20110808             THE—ANTI—TECHNOLOGY—GROUP—INDIVIDUALS Tending to Savagery was —LATER said to be responsible.
20110808             THE—BULLET—RIDDLED bodies of 4—POLICE—OFFICERS and 1—CIVILIAN were found dumped in Michoacan state.
20110808             1—NAVAL—ACADEMY cadet went missing —AFTER he failed to turn up at THE—VERACRUZ state academy.
20110808             —KILLED, NIGERIA, gunmen, 5—PEOPLE and wounded 4—OTHERS in 1—NIGHTTIME attack on in Bisichi village, Plateau state, leaving the dead mutilated with machete wounds.
20110808             —KILLED, Boko Haram attackers, 1—SENIOR—PRISON—OFFICIAL and 1—SCHOOL—TEACHER in MAIDUGURI.
20110808             RESIDENTS—OF—SOMALIA—WAR—TORN capital fled fighting —AFTER REMNANTS—OF—EXTREMIST—SHEBAB rebel forces, who pulled out of MOGADISHU at the weekend, battled with government troops overnight.
20110808             SOUTH—AFRICA, drivers operating feeder buses to HIGH—SPEED—TRAIN—SERVICE went on a —1—DAY—STRIKE, only —6—DAYS—AFTER 1—NEW—LINK between JOHANNESBURG and THE—CAPITAL—PRETORIA opened.
20110808             Drivers were demanding 1—WAGE—INCREASE from 4,600 rand ($660, 467—EUROS) to 5,000 rand —1—MONTH.
20110808             —EARNED, Train drivers, about 21,000 rand per —MONTH.
20110808             —GRANTED, SUDAN said it has, 1—PETROLEUM exploration license to CHINA —AFTER visiting Foreign MINISTER—YANG—JIECHI and PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BASHIR held talks in KHARTOUM.
20110808             —FAILED, SWAZILAND—CASH—STRAPPED university, to RE—OPEN for the new academic —YEAR.
20110808             —CLOSED, It expected to remain, indefinitely.
20110808             SYRIA—EASTERN—CITY—OF—DEIR EL—ZOUR came under fresh artillery fire as 1—DEADLY—MILITARY—ASSAULT left PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD—REGIME increasingly isolated, with Arab nations forcefully joining THE—INTERNATIONAL—CHORUS—OF—CONDEMNATION for the 1. time.
20110808             —DEMONSTRATED, TUNISIA, HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE, in CENTRAL—TUNIS to demand that members of the toppled BEN—ALI regime be stopped from RE—ENTERING the political scene or escaping justice for alleged crimes.
20110808—19890000    —IN—THE, EL—SALVADOR, 9—FORMER—SOLDIERS and officials turned themselves over to 1—COURT—AFTER being indicted in SPAIN killings of 6—JESUIT priests and 2—OTHER—PEOPLE —DURING THE—CENTRAL—USA—COUNTRY—CIVIL—WAR.
20110808—20110806    —ON, The officers from COLIMA had —JUST gone off duty —WHEN they vanished.
20110808—20110811    —CHARGED, LAWRENCE—CURTIS—DENARD, —26—JAHRE—ALT was, with the boy's murder.
20110808—20140723    —SENTENCED, Denard and Torrence (25) were, to life in prison.
20110814—20110808    —ON, Calls to relocate the plant grew —AFTER waves from TROPICAL—STORM—MUIFA broke 1—DIKE guarding it and raised fears that flood waters could release toxic chemicals.
20110816—20110808    —ON, RICHARD—BOWES, —68—JAHRE—ALT was found lying in 1—STREET —DURING violence in Ealing.
20120601—20120808    —ZWISCHEN, wurden 28.733—NEUE Schlüssel auf die SKS—SERVER geladen, im selben —ZEIT—RAUM 20130000             waren es 82.041—SCHLÜSSEL—FAST dreimal so viele.
20120808             EAST—AFGHANISTAN, 2—SUICIDE attackers hit 1—NATO—PATROL, killing 3—USA—COALITION—SERVICE—MEMBERS and USAID foreign service officer Ragaei Abdelfattah.
20120808             —ADDED, AFGHANISTAN—OFFICIALS, that 1—CIVILIAN was also killed in the bombing in Kunar province.
20120808             —ARRESTED, BRITAIN, Spaniard Kemen Uranga Artola (43) in LONDON suspected of being 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—BASQUE separatist group ETA.
20120808             1—SPOKESWOMAN for LONDON—OLYMPICS organizers (LOCOG) confirmed that 7—COMPETITORS from CAMEROON have gone missing at THE—LONDON—OLYMPICS and UK—POLICE have been informed.
20120808             CHILE—POLICE used water cannons and tear gas to break up 1—DEMONSTRATION in SANTIAGO by THOUSANDS—OF—STUDENTS demanding free education.
20120808             —SLAMMED, EAST—CHINA, Typhoon Haikui, into in Zhejiang province SOUTH—OF—SHANGHAI, the country's 3. in —1—WEEK, killing at least 2—PEOPLE and causing more than $1—BILLION in damage.
20120808             —KILLED, CONGODRC, 3—ELITE—TROOPS were, at 1—AIRPORT at LUBUMBASHI in —1—NIGHT—ATTACK blamed on regional separatists.
20120808             1—NATIONAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY—SOURCE said the attackers were from the same Katangan separatist group that carried out the —EARLIER assault.
20120808             —REPORTED, EGYPT—STATE—TELEVISION, the military killed 20—MILITANTS in unprecedented air strikes.
20120808             —KILLED, EGYPT said the attackers who, 16—EGYPT—SOLDIERS had help from GAZA.
20120808             —CLOSED, In response EGYPT, its border crossing and shut down HUNDREDS—OF—SMUGGLING tunnels.
20120808             Gazans said the sealing of their territory —FOLLOWING 1—WEEKEND—ATTACK by Islamic militants has sent prices soaring and is leaving HUNDREDS—OF—MEDICAL—PATIENTS stranded.
20120808             —FIRED, PRESIDENT—MOHAMMED—MORSI, his intelligence CHIEF for failing to act on 1—ISRAEL—WARNING—OF—1—IMMINENT—ATTACK—DAYS—BEFORE militants stormed 1—BORDER—POST in THE—SINAI—PENINSULA.
20120808             —REPORTED, HONDURAS, 1—NEW—POLICE—EXTORTION—UNIT was, to have received 506—COMPLAINTS—OF—EXTORTION involving homes, taxis and businesses in TEGUCIGALPA in the 1. HALF—OF—THIS —YEAR.
20120808             —FORCED, INDIA—STRUGGLING Kingfisher Airlines was, to cancel more than 30—FLIGHTS—AFTER pilots and engineers refused to show up for work because of unpaid salaries.
20120808             IRAQ, 1—CAR—BOMB targeting Shiite Muslims in AL—TANMIYAH village and the shooting of 1—LAWYER and his family in Baiji left 21—PEOPLE—DEAD, —AFTER AL—QAEDA warned it would target lawyers and retake territory in 1—NEW—CAMPAIGN.
20120808             —SMUGGLED, ISRAEL—SECURITY—FORCES said Hezbollah militants have, explosives into NORTH—ISRAEL using 1—NETWORK—OF—DRUG—DEALERS on either SIDE—OF—THE—LEBANESE—ISRAEL—BORDER.
20120808             1—PROBE ordered by Ivorian PRESIDENT—ALASSANE—OUATTARA on the 20100000—20110000     POST—ELECTION—CRISIS found that his forces killed over 700—PEOPLE and THOSE—OF—EX—LEADER—LAURENT Gbagbo about twice as many.
20120808             —ELECTED, LIBYA—1., assembly took over power from the transitional council that has ruled the country —SINCE—LAST—YEAR—UPRISING against longtime dictator Moammar Gadhafi.
20120808             1—TIMETABLE called for the new assembly to name 1—PRESIDENT within —1—DAY and then form 1—GOVERNMENT within —30—DAYS—OF—ITS 1. session.
20120808             —CHOPPED, NORTH—MALI, 1—MAN—HAND was, off as punishment for the theft of 1—MOTORBIKE in THE—VILLAGE—OF—ANSONGO.
20120808             —WARNED, MYANMAR authorities, that it was facing 1—DEEPENING drug crisis —AFTER seizing narcotics including more than 1.4—MILLION amphetamine pills and 116—KILOS of heroin in July.
20120808             —ORDERED, PAKISTAN—SUPREME—COURT, PRIME—MINISTER—RAJA—PERVAIZ—ASHRAF to appear —BEFORE the panel to explain why he has not followed instructions from its judges to reopen 1—OLD—CORRUPTION—CASE against THE—PRESIDENT.
20120808             —BATTLED, THE—PHILIPPINES, more than 1—MILLION—PEOPLE in and —AROUND MANILA, deadly floods amid relentless monsoon rains, with NECK—DEEP—WATERS trapping slum dwellers and the wealthy on roofs.
20120808             RUSSIA—PROSECUTORS said 1—RECLUSIVE sect in KAZAN, Tatarstan, that literally went underground to stop contact with the outside world, kept 27—CHILDREN in dark and unheated cells, MANY—OF—THEM for more than —1—DECADE.
20120808             —FREED, The children have been, and the parents charged with child abuse.
20120808             Child abuse charges were brought against MEMBERS—OF—THE—SECT and leader Faizrakhman Satarov (83), who declared himself 1—MUSLIM prophet in contradiction with the principles of Islam, has also been charged with negligence.
20120808             —ACCUSED—OF, SOUTH—AFRICA, Mziwamadoda Qwabe (27), 1—OF—THE—MEN, killing SWEDEN—HONEYMOONER ANNI—DEWANI, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to —25—YEARS in prison in 1—PLEA—DEAL.
20120808             SOUTH—AFRICA was still awaiting THE—EXTRADITION—OF—THE—VICTIM—UK—HUSBAND—SHRIEN Dewani, who is accused of masterminding 20101100             —THE killing in 1—MURDER set up to look like 1 botched carjacking.
20120808             † In SOUTH—AFRICA at least 2—PEOPLE and 2—WENT missing as heavy snow and rain battered the southeast.
20120808             —LAUNCHED, SYRIA—TROOPS, 1—BROAD—GROUND—ASSAULT—ON—REBEL—HELD areas of ALEPPO and activists reported clashes as opposition forces fought back.
20120808             —REPORTED, TURKEY—STATE—RUN—NEWS—AGENCY, that some 2,400—PEOPLE crossed into TURKEY overnight to escape the escalating violence.
20120808             —LAUNCHED, Residents said SYRIA—FIGHTER—JETS, airstrikes on Tel Rifat, hitting 1—HOME and 1—HIGH—SCHOOL and killing 6—PEOPLE from 1—FAMILY.
20120808             THE—OBSERVATORY said violence across Syria cost the lives of at least 167—PEOPLE -- 95—CIVILIANS, 54—SOLDIERS and 18—REBELS.
20120808             —ENDED, UGANDA, regional leaders, 1—MEETING on 1 proposed neutral force for EAST—CONGODRC, with no concrete progress but 1—PLEDGE to meet in —1—MONTH.
20120808             DEUTSCHLAND—BILD in FRANKREICH: Gourmets lästern über TEUTONEN—KOST
20120808             JAPANS—POLITIK nach FUKUSHIMA: Wir sind DAS—VOLK, Herr PREMIER!
20120808             Umstrittenes TODES—URTEIL: Geistig Behinderter in TEXAS hingerichtet
20120808             Illegale WAFFEN—EXPORTE: BLACKWATER—NACHFOLGER kauft sich frei
20120808             DIE—SEIT vergangenem —JAHR unter dem Namen ACADEMI auftretende Firma zahlt 7.500.000-DOLLAR Strafe, um 1—PROZESS zu vermeiden,
20120808             3.Demokratie - Das nenne ich doch 1—BEISPIEL für DIE—DEMOKRATIE und unabhängige Justiz!!!
20120808             Dass aka 'BLACKWATER' der inoffizielle Arm DER—USA—STREIT—KRÄFTE jenseits der GENFER—KONVENTIONEN ist, ist MITTLERWEILE hinlänglich bekannt.
20120808             Na Hauptsache WIKTOR—BUT sitzt im Knast. kriminelle Vereinigung?
20120808             Das erneute Fallenlassen 1—SCHWERWIEGENDEN ANKLAGE—GEGEN—GELD—ZAHLUNG schädigt das Grundvertrauen in das (amerikanische) Rechtssystem.
20120808             Das nennt man wohl "RECHTS—SICHERHEIT"
20120808             Nicht nur, daß die STEUER—ZAHLER wahrscheinlich draufgezahlt haben.
20120808             —OPERATION—FAST & Furious
20120808             Wundert das irgendjemanden? Damit wuerde das DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE 1—PRAEZENDENZFALL setzen, der als Retourkutsche dessen eigenen —CHEF—ERIC—HOLDER vor den Kadi bringen koennte.
20120808             Standard & Poor's: RATING—AGENTUR senkt Ausblick für GRIECHENLAND
20120808             —VERLORENER Brief: KANADA weist Mann nach —32—JAHREN aus
20120808             Gefangenenaustausch: USA machen TALIBAN neues Angeb 10—POLITIK, 08:46)
20120808             —APPELL—AN—DEN BUNDES—TAG: Konzernchefs fordern KORRUPTION—ABKOMMEN
20120808             Gruppen im Social Network: FACEBOOK macht Surfverhalten öffentlich
20120808             LOGIK—TEST: Graupapageien übertrumpfen Affen
20120808             Umfrage, DEUTSCHE heißen ausländische FACH—KRÄFTE willkommen
20120808             APPLE—RIVALE: Samsung untersucht Vorwurf der KINDER—ARBEIT
20120808             SEA—SHEPHERD—GRÜNDER: INTERPOL schreibt PAUL—WATSON zur Fahndung aus
20120808             Exotischer Zustand: HIGGS—MECHANISMUS in Magnet entdeckt
20120808             Führungswechsel: CHINAs KP wappnet sich gegen machthungrige MILITÄRs
20120808             Wie bedrohlich 1—KONKRETE SCHULDEN—SITUATION wirklich ist, lässt sich auch mit 1—P1—MAL—DAUMEN—FORMEL herleiten:
20120808             Somit gibt es auf die Frage —NACH—DEM optimalen Schuldenstand nur die unbefriedigende Antwort: es kommt darauf an.
20120808             Kapitalistenlogik - Typische Kapitalistenlogik, Zinssätze und Wachstumsraten.
20120808             So einfach - ist das leider nicht.PORTUGALs STAATS—SCHULDEN resultieren zum groessten Teil aus dem Bau der Expo,der EM Stadien und dem Netzausbau von Autobahnen,
20120808             —APPELLIERT, WOLFGANG—MARQUARDT, VORSITZENDER—DES—WISSENSCHAFTSRATS, auf der FORSCHUNG—UND—LEHRE—SEITE für 1—REFORM—DES—URHEBER—RECHTS im WISSENSCHAFTS—BEREICH und schildert die Absurditäten der Digitalisierung im Wissenschaftsbetrieb, der durch immer monopolistischer agierende wissenschaftliche ZEITSCHRIFTenverlage behindert wird.
20120808             STEFAN—SCHULZ wirft 1—BLICK auf DIE—ZUKUNFT—DER—ÜBERWACHUNGS--, Unterhaltungstechnologien (was mehr oder weniger dasselbe ist).
20120808             HAMBURG—GRAUPAPAGEIEN haben wahrscheinlich 1—ÄHNLICH gutes Verständnis von Ursache und Wirkung wie 1—ETWA dreijähriges Kind.
20120808             "Um die Aufgabe zu lösen, müssen die Papageien Schlussfolgerungen über 2—SCHRITTE hinweg ziehen", erklären DIE—FORSCHER.
20120808             und hatte —LAUT—ANGABEN, Pepperbergs 1—VORSTELLUNG, was "0"bedeutet.
20120808             "Das ist der unseres Wissens 1.Nachweis 1—HIGGS—ÜBERGANGS in 1—MAGNETEN", sagt Su.
20120808             TRIPOLIS—LIBYENS Übergangsrat gibt MACHT an PARLAMENT ab
20120808             Tödlicher Taifun in CHINA: MILLIONEN—MENSCHEN fliehen vor "Haikui"
20120808             1—KLEINEN Seitenhieb konnte sich Gysi nicht verkneifen,
20120808             "Der Ton ist wieder besser geworden, wir meistern die Widersprüche".
20120808             In ihrem Papier weist die BNP—PARIBAS darauf hin, daß es klare Parallelen gebe zwischen der Situation —SOMMER—IM, 19750000             und der Situation —SOMMER—IM, 20120000             .
20120808             This imagery standard does not permit the collection of technical INTELLIGENCE—E.g., on MODELS—OF—TANKS and their EQUIPMENT—AND thus did not trigger major SECURITY—CONCERNS in participating countries.
20120808             This limitation was important to THE—MILITARY—REPRESENTATIVES—OF—THE—FORMER—SOVIET—UNION.
20120808             —RECOGNIZED, Although they, that THE—USA could acquire higher quality imagery with its unilateral National Technical Means,
20120808             they were reluctant to permit diffusion of such HIGHER—QUALITY imagery on 1—MULTILATERAL —BASIS to all the participants IN—THE—TREATY.
20120808             —REFLECTED, THE—CHIEF—USA—NEGOTIATOR—BELIEVES that this may have, not only tactical MILITARY concerns, but also essentially political concerns about the implications of greater openness.
20120808             —SERVED, THE—TANK—RECOGNITION—STANDARDS also, to minimize certain counterintelligence and ANTI—TERRORIST—CONCERNS IN—THE—WEST.
20120808             —OBTAINED, Specifically, there was concern that imagery, by MANY—NATIONS might fall into THE—HANDS—OF—TERRORISTS who would use it for planning ACTS—OF—TERRORISM.
20120808             In determining sensor specifications, THE—USA and its allies worked from THE—POSTULATE that Open Skies optical imagery should permit analysts to recognize armored vehicles, i.e., to distinguish
20120808             1—TANK from 1—TRUCK, 1—OBJECTIVE which was eventually accepted by all participants.
20120808             This recognition could be achieved with 1—GROUND—RESOLUTION—OF—30—CENTIMETERS (60—CM Ground Resolved Distance).
20120808             This standard would enable Open Skies to contribute meaningfully to confidence building, as well as supplement arms control verification regimes.
20120808             MANY—OF—THE—EUROPEAN states, for example, sought the ability to observe and count armored vehicles east of the Urals,
20120808             —AT—LEAST—INITIALLY, Open Skies will offer THE—USA—LITTLE—OF—VALUE in TERMS—OF—MFORMATION.
20120808             —IMPROVED, If, sensors or 1—ENVIRONMENTAL sensing package were to be approved IN—THE—FUTURE, this calculation could change.
20120808             It is also CONCEIVABLE—ALTHOUGH PER—H not likely, given THE—LOW—RESOLUTION—OF—OPEN—SKIES sensors that proprietary industrial information could be compromised.
20120808             However, equipment equivalent to or better than the Open Skies optical sensors (cameras) in resolution capability have been commercially AVAILABLE—FOR—YEARS and thus no new issue is raised on that account.
20120808             Convair 580 - WC-135 - THE—CONVAIR.
20120808             Überprüfung: Jede 10. GRIECHISCHE—RENTE geht an unbekannt
20120808             —KRIEG—IN—SYRIEN: Satellitenbild zeigt Schlachtfeld ALEPPO
20120808             HIGHTECH—METALLE: CHINA startet HANDELS—PLATTFORM für Seltene Erden
20120808             VERMÖGEN—STEUER: ROT—GRÜN will an Reichtum ab 2.000.000—EURO
20120808             Tongariro: Ausbruch ließ neue Öffnungen in Vulkan entstehen
20120808             WIRTSCHAFTS—KRISE, SPANISCHE—GEWERKSCHAFTER plündern Supermärkte
20120808             [l] es ist erstaunlich, wie Firmen im "wir verlieren MARKT—ANTEILE!1!!"-
20120808             —GESEHEN, Technisch, ist "do not track"eh 1—TOTALSCHADEN.
20120808             [l] LACHER—DES—TAGES: DIE—DEUTSCHE—WIRTSCHAFT (!) fordert DIE—POLITIK auf, endlich das UNO—ANTIKORRUPTIONSABKOMMEN zu ratifizieren.
20120808             und warum ratifiziert SCHWARZ—GELD das nicht einfach?
20120808             —BEGRÜNDET wird dies mit dem im DEUTSCHEN—RECHT unzureichend geregelten Straftatbestand der Abgeordnetenbestechung.
20120808             Weil sie dann gegen Abgeordnetenbestechung vorgehen müssten!
20120808             und DAS geht ja mal GAR nicht!
20120808             Das muss man sich mal auf der Zunge zergehen lassen!
20120808             Unsere Industrie fordert MAßNAHMEN—GEGEN—KORRUPTION!!
20120808             DIE—BESTE Demokratie, die man für Geld kaufen kann!1!!
20120808             —GEPLÜNDERT, MADRID—IN Andalusien haben GEWERKSCHAFTer 2—SUPERMÄRKTE.
20120808             —LAUT, 1—ONLINE—BERICHT—DER—ZEITUNG "DIARIO—DE—SEVILLA"plünderten DIE—DEMONSTRANTEN 2—SUPERMÄRKTE der Ketten Mercadona und Carrefour in den Städten Ecija und ARCOS—DE—LA—FRONTERA.
20120808             Zu anderen Zeiten habe es in Andalusien Gewaltausbrüche gegeben, welche die SAT mit ihren Aktionen verhindere.
20120808             Angesichts der WIRTSCHAFTS—KRISE greifen auch DIE—VERANTWORTLICHEN in Girona im NORD—OSTEN SPANIENs zu drastischen Mitteln.
20120808             wegen DER—SOZIALEN Beunruhigung, die davon ausgeht
20120808             Der Templo Mayor war 1—DER wichtigsten Tempel der AZTEKENHAUPT—STADT Tenochtitlán.
20120808             300—SONNENMASSEN: Simulation enträtselt gefräßige Riesensterne
20120808             DEUTSCHLAND: HANTAVIRUS—INFEKTIONEN nehmen drastisch zu
20120808             SCHWEIZER—BANK—DATEN, NRW soll weitere STEUER—CDS gekauft haben
20120808             [l] Die NEUSEE—LAND—POLIZEI bestreitet, Kimble verkloppt zu haben.
20120808             [l] und deshalb kriegen wir mit SCHWARZ—GELD keine KORRUPTIONS—BEKÄMPFUNG
20120808             DIE—UNTERNEHMEN sollen demnach —NUN 986000—EURO, die sie zu Unrecht für 2 "MAßNAHMEn" erhielten, zurückzahlen.
20120808             Das teilte DIE—BEHÖRDE für Wetter und OZEANOGRAPHIE—AM—MITTWOCH in WASHINGTON mit.
20120808             DIE—AUSSICHT auf Missernten lockt zudem Investoren an, deren Spekulationen die Preise auch für den WELT—MARKT zusätzlich anheizen.
20120808             In ausgetrockneten Flüssen und bei Wassertemperaturen um die 36—GRAD verendeten zehntausende Fische.
20120808             Allein im USA—BUNDES—STAAT—IOWA sollen LAUT—ANGABEN DES—EXPERTEN—CA—40.000—STÖRE gestorben sein
20120808             darunter vom AUS—STERBEN bedrohte Schaufelstöre.
20120808             "Diese Fische waren für Abertausende von —JAHREN in den Flüssen und haben sich an ALLE—WETTERBEDINGUNGEN angepasst", sagt Flammang.
20120808             "Aber manchmal herrschen Bedingungen, die den TOLERANZ—BEREICH sprengen".
20120808             —AM, Powerton Lake in ILLINOIS haben tote Fische die Wasserzufuhr 1—KOHLE—KRAFT—WERKS verstopft und ZUR—ZEITWEILIGEN Notabschaltung geführt
20120808             DIE—SEIT vergangenem —JAHR unter dem Namen ACADEMI auftretende Firma zahlt 7.500.000-DOLLAR Strafe, um 1—PROZESS zu vermeiden, in dem es unter anderem um illegale WAFFEN—EXPORTE gehen sollte.
20120808             MIT—ARBEITER—VON—BLACKWATER waren im ;;09;;
20120808             Demokratie - Das nenne ich doch 1—BEISPIEL für DIE—DEMOKRATIE und unabhängige Justiz!!!
20120808             An die soll sich auch RUSSLAND halten!
20120808             Wann sehen endlich DIE—MENSCHEN im Westen mit welchen zweierlei Maßstäben gemessen wird?
20120808             Gefangenenaustausch: USA machen TALIBAN neues Angebot
20120808             ist das leider nicht.PORTUGALs STAATS—SCHULDEN resultieren zum groessten Teil aus dem Bau der Expo,der EM Stadien und dem Netzausbau von Autobahnen,wegen 1—VERMISCHUNG von Staatlicher Verantwortung,die Vergabe der Auftraege an PRIVAT—FIRMEN,die sich an diesen GELDERN bereichert haben(BETRUG)Diese Bauten FINANZIERte u.a.auch DER—STEUER—ZAHLER.Andere Subventionen wurden und werden an grosse auslaendische Firmen gezahlt,die sich ihre BILLIGLOHN—ARBEITER nach PORTUGAL kommen lassen.Das erwirtschaftete Geld in ihre Ursprungslaender bringen.Derzeitiges SPAR—PROGRAMM verschoent die Zahlen in Bruessel,bringt DAS—LAND—UND—DE Bevoelkerung aber gerade in 1—SCHWERE —KRISE, weil die KAUF—KRAFT fehlt.DER—TOURISMUS ist stark ruecklaeufig,weil DAS—LAND zu teuer geworden ist.Ich erlebe hier gerade VIELE—DEUTSCHE,die entsetzt über SPRIT—UND LEBENS—MITTEL—PREISE sind.
20120808    - -
20120808             WASHINGTON—HITZE, Dürre und die Auswirkungen des globalen KLIMA—WANDELS, so fasst JAKE—CROUCH vom Nationalen ARCHIV—FÜR—WETTERDATEN (NCDC) die Ursachen der REKORD—WERTE zusammen.
20120808—20010000    —IN, MEDIA—REPORTS said Uranga is SUSPECTED—OF—THE—MURDER—OF—1—JUDGE, JOSE—MARIA—LIDON, who was killed by 1—ETA group.
20120808—20110000    —DIAGNOSED, He had been, with brain cancer.
20120808—20120815    —NAMED, Xolile Mngeni, by Qwabe as the gunman, denied CHARGES—OF—MURDER, kidnapping, robbery and illegal POSSESSION—OF—1—FIREARM and ammunition.
20120808—20121119    —CONVICTED—OF, Mngeni was, premeditated murder.
20120808—20141000    —IN, Mngeni † in 1—HOSPITAL—UNIT—OF—1—CAPE—TOWN—PRISON.
20121210—18130808    —AM, es war 1—HEFTIGE Sturmbö, die —KURZ—NACH, —MITTERNACHT die 2—SCHIFFE erfasste und unter Wasser drückte.
20130216             † PAKISTAN, bomb went off in 1—SHIITE—MUSLIM—DOMINATED residential SUBURB—OF—THE—CITY—OF—QUETTA killing at least 81—PEOPLE and wounding some 160. Most of the dead and wounded were Hazaras, 1—ETHNIC—GROUP that migrated from AFGHANISTAN over 1—CENTURY 20130808             more people soon, of their wounds bringing the death toll to 89.
20130216             —MIGRATED, MOST—OF—THE—DEAD and wounded were Hazaras, 1—ETHNIC—GROUP that, from AFGHANISTAN ,—OVER—100—YEARS,—20130808              more people soon of their wounds bringing THE—DEATH—TOLL to 89.
20130512—20130808    —ON, the party's antigraft agency said that 1—INVESTIGATION had found Liu took bribes and abused his power.
20130727             —LOOMED, An 20130808             deadline, on the dispute.
20130806—20130808    —ON, the extradition was put on hold —AFTER the European COURT—OF—HUMAN—RIGHTS (ECHR) said it would take on the case.
20130807             —639—PM—EDT
20130808             BauFINANZIERer: OBAMA will FANNIE—MAE und FREDDIE—MAC abwickeln
20130808             Horrorkomödie "Das ist das Ende": Zur Hölle mit HOLLYWOOD
20130808             KO—OPERATION mit dem BND: Union und Linke attackieren STEINMEIER in NSA—AFFÄRE
20130808             —ÜBERRASCHT, Plus im Außenhandel: CHINA, mit Exportboom
20130808             —PROTESTE—IN—EL—SALVADOR—KRIEG—VETERANEN liefern sich Straßenschlachten mit POLIZEI
20130808             —HEUTE—IN—DEN—FEUILLETONS: "Sezierter Seelenhaushalt 1—UNRUHIGEN Generation"
20130808             Tierisch einfühlsam: Herrchen gähnt, Hund auch
20130808             —VERBITTET, Inhaltsleere Slogans: Kauder, sich Gaucks Einmischung im WAHL—KAMPF
20130808             Parteichefin KATJA—KIPPING griff STEINMEIER —AM—DONNERSTAG scharf an und bezeichnete ihn als "größten Heuchler in der ganzen SPIONAGE—AFFÄRE".
20130808             es sei Zeit für 1—OFFENBARUNGSEID der SPD, forderte sie in der ONLINE—AUSGABE der "MITTEL—DEUTSCHEN—ZEITUNG".
20130808             "WÄHREND Steinbrück TÄGLICH 1—EMPÖRUNGSTHEATER aufführt, kommt Schritt für Schritt heraus, dass ROT—GRÜN ALLE—TÜREN aufgemacht hat, durch die DIE—NSA und private —KONZERNE DIE—DATEN aus DEUTSCHLAND absaugen".Für DIE—LINKE führe kein Weg an 1—GEHEIM—DIENST—UNTERSUCHUNGS—AUSSCHUSS nach DER—BUNDES—TAGS—WAHL vorbei.
20130808             "Dann müssen auch die Schlapphutpaten der SPD aussagen".
20130808             Zahlreiche Politiker der REGIERUNGS—KOALITION nutzten danach die Gelegenheit zum ANGRIFF—AUF—DIE—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATEN—WOHL auch erleichtert darüber, dass nicht mehr nur SCHWARZ—GELB in der NSA—AFFÄRE unter Beschuss steht.
20130808             KANZLER—KANDIDAT Peer Steinbrück sprach von 1 "durchsichtigen Versuch".
20130808             Die entscheidende Frage bleibe, ob DEUTSCHE—DIENSTSTELLEN und UNTERNEHMEN—VON—AUSLÄNDISCHEN—DIENSTEN abgehört würden.
20130808             GEWALT—IN—HONDURAS: SPEZIAL—EINHEITEN müssen Richter schützen
20130808             USA—SPARKURS: Reparatur zu TEUER—NAVY muss ATOM—U—BOOT abwracken
20130808             "THE—SUN": IRISCHE—AUSGABE verzichtet aufs Blankziehen
20130808             Freilassung von Tieren: DISKUSSION—ÜBER—ZOO—SCHLIEßUNGEN in COSTA—RICA
20130808             FREIBAD—VERBOT im AAR—GAU: SCHWEIZ sperrt "sensible Zonen"für ASYL—BEWERBER
20130808             Hilfen aus RETTUNGS—FONDS EFSF: STEUER—ZAHLER haften mit 86—MILLIARDEN—EURO
20130808             KRYPTO—GELD: USA—RICHTER—STUFT—BITCOINS als reguläre Währung 1
20130808             Schießerei: Mann tötet 4—MENSCHEN in TEXAS
20130808             Strenge Vorgaben: VERFASSUNGS—GERICHT billigt PSYCHIATRIE—UNTERBRINGUNG von Straftätern
20130808             "Ich bin davon überzeugt, dass es VIELE—MENSCHEN gibt, denen es wie GUSTL—MOLLATH ergangen ist", sagt HEINRICH—GEHRKE.
20130808             Nicht durch das Fehlverhalten der Justiz, wie er betont, sondern weil sie "ohne die nötige Sachkompetenz"beurteilt wurden.
20130808             —DER—FALL—MOLLATH sei anfangs 1 "völlig unbedeutender, lokaler Fall"gewesen, sagt Gehrke.
20130808             —GEMACHT, Vermutlich habe sich auch deshalb keiner die Mühe, bei der Wahl des begutachtenden Psychiaters auf "echte Kompetenz"zu 8.
20130808             Diese Rollenverschiebung - Das könne jedoch manchen Betroffenen zum Verhängnis werden.
20130808             Betroffenen
20130808             "Ohne die öffentliche Diskussion wäre GUSTL—MOLLATH zu diesem ZEIT—PUNKT nicht freigekommen, das Licht der Öffentlichkeit hat 1—WIEDERAUFROLLEN des Falls bewirkt", konstatiert Saß.
20130808             "Von Seiten der psychischen Fachgesellschaft begrüßen wir solche Überlegungen, bedauern allerdings sehr, dass es —BISHER, keinen fachlichen Dialog zwischen Sachverständigen und der wissenschaftlichen Fachgesellschaft gegeben hat", sagt Psychiater Saß.
20130808             psychischen Fachgesellschaft
20130808             Den Paragrafen 63 in seiner Struktur hält er sonst für "absolut in Ordnung".
20130808             sorata —HEUTE, 16:35 Uhr - 30. Mit Sciherheit kein Einzelfall
20130808             spon—1275463898095             —HEUTE, 16:37 Uhr
20130808             Wie sagte PROFESSOR—DOCTOR—JÜRGEN—MÜLLER, Sprecher DER—DEUTSCHEN—GESELLSCHAFT—FÜR—PSYCHIATRIE (DGPPN), als ich ihn —VOR—EINIGER—ZEIT zum Fall Mollath befragte: "Was regen Sie sich über Mollath auf?
20130808             Gehen Sie nur in IRGENDEIN—BEZIRSKKRANKENHAUS, da haben Sie Dutzende solcher Fälle".
20130808             54. Gibt es noch mehr Fälle wie der von Mollath ?
20130808             powerlot —HEUTE, 17:06 Uhr - Diese Frage stellt auch SPON.
20130808             JE—DER—FALL—IST anders, aber sie gibt es tausendfach.
20130808             —KRITISIERT, Aber hier müssen dann auch einmal DIE—MEDIEN, werden !
20130808             —VERSUCHT, Ich weiss von einigen Mitmenschen, die, haben an DIE—ÖFFENTLICHKEIT zu kommen mit ihrer Leidensgeschichte.
20130808             Aber lieber druckt man die "besonderen"Details 1—BABYS von Blaublütigen aus GB, anstatt sich einmal den GESCHICHTEn von so vielen Menschen zu widmen.
20130808             —GESCHEHEN, Würde dies, hätten wir 1—ANDEREN STAAT oder/und 1—ANDERE GESELLSCHAFT !
20130808             66. Nichts umsonst - sorata —HEUTE, 17:36 Uhr - [ZITAT—VON—BRUDER THEODOranzeigen...]
20130808             —VERHINDERT, Dieses wurde jedoch von JUSTIZ—MINISTERIN—MERK.
20130808             134. optional - HARTMANNulrich —HEUTE, 20:03 Uhr
20130808             136. Was sagen die Gutachter zum Richter?
20130808             verhetzungsschutz —HEUTE, 20:28 Uhr - [ZITAT—VON—SYSOPANZEIGEN...]
20130808             Dem am Fall Mollath maßgeblich beteiligten Richter wünsche ich die baldige Gelegenheit, sein Handeln in 1—STRAFPROZESS (gegen den Richter, nicht gegen Mollath, das sollte man eigentlich auch nicht in BAYERN eigens erwähnen müssen) verteidigen zu können.
20130808             —GESPANNT, Ich bin, ob die Gutachter dann den Richter für schuldfähig erachten oder nicht.
20130808             139. Ihr Problem ist... - c--3po —HEUTE, 20:34 Uhr
20130808             Freigelassen hat man ihn aber aus juristischen Gründen.
20130808             Entweder ist das gefährlich, denn wenn es DIESE—SCHWERWIEGENDEN - medizinischen Gründe gab, bestehen sie auch weiterhin.
20130808             (Hat 1—DER Ärzte deswegen protestiert?) Oder es gab sie eben nicht und seine Einweisung hatte andere Gründe als 1—KRANKEN Menschen zu therapieren.
20130808             dass Sie logisch denken und damit als aktiv Beteiligter für 1—GERICHTSVERFAHREN ausscheiden.
20130808             Sie könnten weder den Beruf 1—RICHTERS, noch den 1—STAATSANWALTES ausüben.
20130808             —VERLOREN, Vor Gericht hat Logik genau so viel, wie GESUNDER—MENSCHEN—VERSTAND, nämlich rein gar nichts.
20130808             Was dort zählt, sind juristische WINKEL—ZÜGE.
20130808             "Das ist 1—AUSSER—GEWÖHNLICHER Fund, wie er nur einmal im Leben 1—ARCHÄOLOGEN vorkommt", sagte der Wissenschaftler FRANCISCO—ESTRADA—BELLI in GUATEMALA—STADT.
20130808             Dieser MAYA—FRIES sei "der spektakulärste, den man —BIS—JETZT, gesehen hat".
20130808             DIE—MAYA—STÄTTE Holmul wurde ESTRADA—BELLI zufolge J—IM —CA 19100000             wiederentdeckt.—DAMALS, wurden aber keine tiefergehenden Erkundungen angestellt.
20130808             "Citizen Kane"-Regisseur: Frühe Filmaufnahmen von ORSON—WELLES—GEFUNDEN
20130808             Mediendebatte: REVOLUTIONen sind unangenehm
20130808             —GEDACHT, Das Business muss neu, werden.
20130808             Zum 1. ist die intellektuelle —KRISE zwar 1—DER wichtigsten Gründe für den Niedergang der Zeitungsbranche, aber sie ist auch 1—IHRER wichtigsten Verkaufschancen.
20130808             Denn Verwirrung ist beileibe kein Monopol der Presse.
20130808             1—LÄHMENDE Ratlosigkeit hat längst Politik, Wirtschaft, FINANZ—BRANCHE, die breite Mittelklasse erfasst, sogar die Intellektuellen selbst.
20130808             Wir stehen möglicherweise an der Schwelle zu 1—NEUEN GESELLSCHAFT: EUROPA bröckelt, DIE—FINANZ—BRANCHE hat sich zur Bombe entwickelt, die —SEIT—JAHR—10. regierende Mittelklasse verliert an MACHT, 1—FINANZOLIGARCHIE entwickelt sich, möglicherweise kommt 1—ÜBERWACHUNGS—STAAT oder 1—UMFASSENDE Transparenz.
20130808             —GEWORDEN, Kurz: DIE—ZUKUNFT ist wieder unberechenbar, die Karten werden neu verteilt, das
20130808             DIE—ZEITUNG ist die einzige Institution, die wir haben, deren Angestellte für nichts anderes bezahlt werden als für die Beobachtung der Welt.
20130808             Und wenn nicht alles täuscht, muss sie sich auf ihre Kindheit besinnen: den Kampf.
20130808             Denn WAS—DAMALS, ihre Trägerschaft war, das REVOLUTIONäre Bürgertum, —HEUTE—IST die zunehmend bedrohte Mittelklasse.
20130808             Deren SELBST—VERSTÄNDLICHKEITEN hören auf, welche zu sein: BÜRGER—RECHTE, Chancengleichheit, SELBST—BESTIMMUNG, 1—VERNÜNFTIGE VER—TEILUNG—VON—GELD und MACHT. es wird für 1—ZEITUNG mehr zu kämpfen geben als um die eigenen Budgets.
20130808             EX—BUNDES—PRÄSIDENT: Wulff verkauft Haus in Großburgwedel mit 235.000—EURO Aufschlag
20130808             WAHL—KAMPF—MIT—DER—NSA—AFFÄRE: Heuchler gegen Ignoranten
20130808             GEHEIM—DIENST—KO—OPERATION: BND leitet
20130808             Andere Zellproben waren stets nach 1—GEWISSEN Zeit abgestorben.
20130808             Im Laufe —DER—JAHRE wurden die —NACH—DEN 1. Buchstaben von HENRIETTE—LACKS—VOR—, Nachnamen benannten HELA—ZELLEN für Forschungen zur Behandlung von Herpes, Leukämie, Grippe und Parkinson und zur ENTWICKLUNG—VON—IMPFSTOFFEN gegen 1—BESTIMMTEN Gebärmutterkrebstyp eingesetzt.
20130808             Zehntausende wissenschaftliche Publikationen beruhen auf den HELA—ZELLEN.
20130808             2. Uralt: hmueller0 —HEUTE, 19:11 Uhr
20130808             Weshalb wird die Tatsache, dass es in DEUTSCHLAND - 4. Medienkenner —HEUTE, 19:19 Uhr
20130808             Da fehlt nur noch 1—GIGANTISCHE FALSE—FLAG—OPERATION, und ALLE—VON—DER—NSA/BND identifizierten, regierungsamtliche PROPAGANDA in Frage stellenden Netzjournalisten und SYSTEMkritiker WERDEN—STUFE 1- vom Netz abgeschaltet und auch gegebenenfalls juristisch fertiggemacht.
20130808             Stufe 2 IN—DEN—USA: Abtransport in die FEMA—LAGER - möglich —BEREITS—JETZT ohne Vorliegen 1—STRAFBAREN Handlung und ohne juristische Anklage.
20130808             Stufe 3 IN—DEN—USA: Entsorgung in 1—FÜR mehrere Personen ausreichenden Plastiksarg, von denen die HOMELAND—SECURITY —BEREITS mehrere 100.000—STÜCK gelagert hat, siehe hier:
20130808             8. Kollektive Narkose - verhetzungsschutz —HEUTE, 19:46 Uhr - [ZITAT—VON—HMUELLER0ANZEIGEN...]
20130808             Auch JEDES—BANK—KONTO in DEUTSCHLAND ist beispielsweise  —SEIT—JAHREN, völlig gläsern und kann verdachtsunabhängig ausspioniert werden.
20130808             Aber was VOR—15—JAHREN noch —1—MONATE—LANGE Empörungswelle wie —JETZT PRISM entfacht und vor —25—JAHREN wahrscheinlich 1—KLEINEREN BÜRGER—KRIEG hierzulande ausgelöst hätte, ist wegen der stets eintretenden Gewöhnung nach einiger Zeit dann einfach "normal".
20130808             Schauen Sie sich —DIE—HEUTE—20—JAHRE—ALTEN Studenten an: Ausspioniertwerden in FACEBOOK?
20130808             Schulterzucken.
20130808             Massenhaft und ohne Grund abgehört werden? Egal.
20130808             Grundgesetz? Wat'n dat? Ich will gar nicht in Abrede stellen, daß nicht auch die Behörden in gewisser Weise gegenüber den Kriminellen von —HEUTE "aufrüsten"müssen.
20130808             Aber es ist längst 1 "Dammbruch"bei der Verhältnismäßigkeit passiert, es wird einfach gemacht, was technisch möglich IST—OHNE öffentliche Debatte und politisch geführte Abgrenzung hinsichtlich der berührten "Balance"bei den GRUND—RECHTEN. es fehlen sowohl anständige und kompetente LEUTE in der —POLITIK (also so ziemlich das Gegenteil von MERKEL und STEINMEIER) und andererseits haben 50—PROZENT—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG gar nicht das Knowhow, um noch politisch überhaupt mitreden zu können.
20130808             Die anderen 50 % sind apathische Egomanen auf Karrieretrip... Wohin das führt, kann sich jeder, der VOR—1920 geboren ist, ausrechnen.
20130808             9. Wenn alles so harmlos ist.... - Einfacher Bürger —HEUTE, 19:48 Uhr
20130808             .. fragt man sich, warum unsere Regierung sich —ZUNÄCHST völlig unwissend stellte und selbst nach über —2—MONATEN NOCH—IMMER nur gemutmaßt wird.
20130808             - Irgendwas stimmt da nicht.
20130808             —BEHAUPTET, Das was DER—BND, ist technisch nicht haltbar. es kann prinzipiell kein Verfahren geben, das 100 % ausschließt, daß DATEN DEUTSCHER—MITBÜRGER weitergegeben werden.
20130808             Wörtlich teilte DER—GEHEIM—DIENST mit: "Durch den bloßen —EINSATZ—DES—PROGRAMMS ist DER—BND auch nicht Teil 1—NETZ—WERKES der NSA".
20130808             Das INNEN—MINISTERIUM betonte in seiner Stellungnahmen erneut, dass sich DER—BND "SELBST—VERSTÄNDLICH"an RECHT und Gesetz halte,
20130808             "SELBST—VERSTÄNDLICH"
20130808             Auch DER—BND legt Wert auf die Feststellung, dass "XKeyscore vom BND in Übereinstimmung mit der Rechtslage genutzt"werde.
20130808             DIE—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATEN schießen zurück, nennen die Unterstellungen der Union "jämmerlich".
20130808             Was in dem ganzen Getöse aus dem Blick gerät, ist das, um was es eigentlich gehen sollte: DIE—AUFKLÄRUNG.
20130808             selbst - was sagt die Vereinbarung VON—DAMALS, über die heutigen Spähaktivitäten der NSA?
20130808             So gut wie nichts.
20130808             stellt sich wieder die Frage, warum DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG und DIE—SICHERHEITS—BEHÖRDEN so lange gebraucht haben, um diesen Vorgang zu erhellen.
20130808             Doch was DIE—NSA wirklich in Eigenregie auf deutschem BODEN treibt, ist nicht geklärt.
20130808             Gerne in Vergessenheit gerät bei aller Aufregung über DIE—NSA zudem, dass der BRITISCHE—NACHRICHTEN—DIENST GCHQ im Zuge seines TEMPORA—PROGRAMMS sogar noch datenhungriger sein soll und alles absaugen kann, was durch die Tiefseekabel übermittelt wird.
20130808             15. —ERST löschen, dann diskutieren.. - kuac —HEUTE, 19:09 Uhr
20130808             Warum sagt DIE—KANZLERIN dazu nichts? —ERST wenn das aufhört, dann kann man in aller Ruhe über die Vergangenheit reden.
20130808             Wenn das Haus brennt, muss man —ERST löschen, BEVOR man über die Ursache diskutiert.
20130808             16.. - Kurt2.1—HEUTE, 19:09 Uhr
20130808             —UNKOMMENTIERT, Er stellt, BeHauptungen in den Raum, die mein kleiner Bruder als nicht schlüssig erkennen würde.
20130808             Der AUTOR—ABER mimt den investigativen Jouranlisten. es ist 1—SCHMIERENTHEATER vonseiten SPON's, um DIE—SPD wider besseres Wissen zu diskreditieren.
20130808             17. Sowie dieser ARTIKEL–abgefasst ist,versucht der Autor - ikarus47 —HEUTE, 19:10 Uhr
20130808             Dabei vergisst er allerdings unter welchen Eindrücken STEINMEIER als damaliger AUßEN—MINISTER stand. es ging um DIE—TERROR—ANSCHLÄGE 20010911             in NEW—YORK.
20130808             1—ZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT—MIT—DEN Amerikanern sich da zu verweigern,kann ich mir selbst als Linker nicht vorstellen können.
20130808             Das ist —NUN über —1—JAHR—ZEHNT  her.
20130808             Dabei ging ES—DAMALS, auch nur um Einzelabfragen.
20130808             —NUN hat sich auch 1—HERR—STEINMEIER—DAMALS, nicht vorstellen können,wie weit der technische Fortschritt in Sachen ÜBERWACHUNG da gegangen ist.
20130808             —JETZT wird mit grossem Schleppnetz abgefischt,was wohl zur damaligen Situation 1 Riesenunterschied ist.
20130808             Jämmerlich mit welch 1—ARGUMENTIATION sich hier mal wieder aus ihrer Verantwortung drücken will.
20130808             Nur kein Rückgrat zeigen gegenüber unseren sogenannte "Freunden"scheint wohl oberste Prierorität zu sein.
20130808             —JETZT zu schreiben,die Sozen suchen krampfhaft nach Wahlthemen,ist einfach lächerlich.
20130808             1—THEMA unter vielen. es drängt sich hier DER—VERDACHT auf,ob dieser ARTIKEL–gesponserte Wahlpropaganda der ScheinCHRISTEN ist,um von ihren inhaltslosen Belanglosigkeiten der heilen Welt sind.
20130808             29. Kopfschüttel - tomkey —HEUTE, 19:36 Uhr
20130808             70. Was tun? Venus cloacina —HEUTE, 21:07 Uhr
20130808             es geht hier um bewussten Landesverrat durch die amtierende Regierung, oder nicht?
20130808             —GENOMMEN, Ich fühle mich nicht ernst.
20130808             Und das macht mich irgendwie ziemlich wütend.
20130808             Wer sind denn die, dass die so mit meinen DATEN und meinen Ängsten umgehen dürfen?
20130808             Spitzenernte in FRANKREICH: CHAMPAGNER—PRODUKTION steigt um 56 %
20130808             Urlaubsort am Roten Meer: ISRAEL schließt Flughafen Eilat aus ANGST—VOR—ANSCHLÄGEN
20130808             BauFINANZIERer: Fann 10—AE zahlt weitere 10—MILLIARDEN $ A—USA—ZURÜCK
20130808             —VERFÜHRT, Studie über ONLINE—VERHALTEN: Herdentrieb, zum "Liken"
20130808             kurz & krass: Dreijähriger DUISBURGer wegen Körperverletzung angezeigt
20130808             —KRITISIERT, Pläne DER—BUNDESNETZAGENTUR: EU—KOMMISSION, hohe Festnetzgebühren in DEUTSCHLAND
20130808             RUSSLAND—HASS auf Gorbatschow: Shitstorm gegen den Totgesagten
20130808             OPENAIR—WAHL—KAMPF—IN—HAMBURG: Steinbrück packt den Tiger aus
20130808             BOMBEN—ANSCHLAG—VON—BOSTON: 2—STUDENTEN als Helfer angeklagt
20130808             —WÄHREND DIE—BUNDES—KANZLERIN noch im Urlaub ist, startet der Herausforderer in HAMBURG seine "Klartext Openair"-Tour.
20130808             —ATTACKIERT, Er umkreist pausenlos die Bühne und, ANGELA—MERKEL.
20130808             Steinbrück prophezeit: "Noch —45—TAGE —, wir sind die los"
20130808             Ja?
20130808             —NUN, äh, was soll ich sagen, das war 1—BEDAUERLICHES Missverständnis.
20130808             [l] An dieser Stelle möchte ich meine Stammleserschaft herzlich grüßen: Willkommen, liebe TERRORISTEN!
20130808             "If and —WHEN our GOVERNMENT grabs EDWARD—SNOWDEN, and brings him back here to THE—USA for trial, what does this group do?"said retired AIR—FORCE—GENERAL—MICHAEL—HAYDEN, who from 199920090000    ran THE—NSA and then THE—CIA, referring to "nihilists, anarchists, activists, Lulzsec, Anonymous, twentysomethings who haven't talked to the opposite sex in 5 or —6—YEARS".
20130808             "So if they can't create great harm to DOT—MIL, who are they going —AFTER?
20130808             Who for them are THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTERS?
20130808             THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTERS, as they were for AL—QAIDA".
20130808             —ÜBERFÜHRT, IM—ÜBRIGEN bestätigte er DIE—SNOWDEN—ENTHÜLLUNGEN und, damit diverse andere Amtsträger als Lügner.
20130808             Maybe OBAMA can cancel meetings with ALL—OF—THEM, too, as punishment (along with HONG—KONG, CHINA, VENEZUELA, ECUADOR, BOLIVIA, NICARAGUA, CUBA and RUSSIA as countries who have been threatened).
20130808             OBAMA claims that PUTIN is clinging to THE—COLD—WAR—PAST.
20130808             —WHEN was the espionage Act of 19170000             written? (I know... it's 1—TRICK question...)
20130808             —CRITIQUED, This is the most interesting and pivital idea, in the Rosen article:
20130808             But revealing such information would only empower AMERICA—ENEMIES and endanger AMERICA—LIVES.
20130808             —THEREFORE, this is 1—DISCUSSION—AMERICANS can't afford to have.
20130808             —THEREFORE, the power to determine that this is 1—DISCUSSION—THE—PUBLIC cannot afford to have cannot reside in the democratic public.
20130808             Those deep within the security apparatus, within the charmed circle, must —THEREFORE make the decision, on AMERICA—BEHALF, about how much DEMOCRACY—ABOUT how much discussion about THE—LIMITS—OF—DEMOCRACY, EVEN—IT is safe for Americans to have.
20130808             —THEN, we don't have 1—DEMOCRACY or representative republic but 1—FORM—OF—SECRET—DICTATORSHIP—OF—THE—FEW—AND that dog will not hunt in AMERICA except with the mindless sheeple.
20130808             —ON, AMERICA—LAW—ENFORCEMENT:"It's ok to lie"
20130808             Lying and deception have always been part and parcel of the yankee system.
20130808             Yes.
20130808             LET—CANCEL meetings with and alienate 1—MAN who controls THOUSANDS—OF—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS, because 1—AMERICA—CITIZEN revealed 1—ILLEGAL—SPY—STATE preying on innocent citizens.
20130808             BUT—SUPPLYING arms to AL—QAIDA is somehow acceptable:
20130808             BARACK—OBAMA is beginning to match THE—NEO—CON madness of GWB.
20130808             —PERPETRATED, EVERY—SINGLE—FBI "investigation"of 150—SHOOTINGS, BY THE—FBI have been been scrubbed clean and stamped "valid".
20130808             Unfortunately, very few people KNOW what to expect if they are somehow involved in a "confrontation"with 1—FEDERAL—AGENT.
20130808             In truth..they are allowed to murder you at the drop of 1— their discretion.
20130808             Here is the living proof.
20130808             These scumbag murderers have actually become that which they were originally tasked with apprehending..THE—MOB...and here is the living proof....
20130808             Hoover would be proud.
20130808             Why would THE—USA extradite him?
20130808             He did his JOB—OF—MASS—MURDER perfectly.
20130808             AMERICA is the biggest terrorist nation on Earth.
20130808             He added that the next VERSION—OF—THE—SECURITY—AWARENESS training, to be released in ;;10;;, is being updated so that its INSIDER—THREAT—TEST focuses more on behavior, "not personal characteristics or beliefs".
20130808             STEVEN—AFTERGOOD, 1—EXPERT on GOVERNMENT secrecy at THE—FEDERATION—OF—AMERICAN—SCIENTISTS, said THE—DISA training slide was "ignorant and clumsy".
20130808             "The item 'speaks OPENLY—OF—UNHAPPINESS with USA—FOREIGN—POLICY' simply does not belong on the list,"Aftergood wrote in 1—EMAIL to HuffPost.
20130808             "It is not 1—THREAT—INDICATOR. It could apply to most MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS, if not to most Americans. By presenting the matter this way, the slide suggests that overt dissent is 1—SECURITY—CONCERN. That is 1—ERROR".
20130808             "Individuals have INTERNATIONAL duties which transcend THE—NATIONAL—OBLIGATIONS—OF—OBEDIENCE. —THEREFORE individual citizens have the duty to violate domestic laws to prevent crimes against peace and humanity from occurring".Nuremberg, 19450000             .
20130808             —DISAPPOINTED, Presidential aide YURI—USHAKOV said THE—KREMLIN was, that OBAMA cancelled the meeting with PUTIN, state news agency RIA—NOVOSTI reported.
20130808             "It's obvious that this decision is connected to the —SITUATION with THE—AMERICA—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICES—EMPLOYEE—SNOWDEN, which was not created by us,"he said.
20130808             But hawks in WASHINGTON argue it is time for THE—WHITE—HOUSE to stop pretending it has 1—CO—OPERATIVE—PARTNER—IN—THE—KREMLIN and treat RUSSIA as 1—ADVERSARY to be contained rather 1—COUNTRY to be negotiated with.
20130808             "—NOW is the time to fundamentally rethink our RELATION—SHIP with PUTIN—RUSSIA,"said SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN —AFTER SNOWDEN was granted asylum.
20130808             "We need to deal with THE—RUSSIA that is, not THE—RUSSIA we might wish for".
20130808             —INFURIATED, The act has, THE—KREMLIN, which regards WASHINGTON as applying double —STANDARDS on human rights
20130808             Not only MICHAEL—HAYDEN is the traitor to THE—CONSTITUTION—OF—THE—USA, he was also 1—CORRUPT administrator:
20130808             —INVOLVED, Both BUSH and OBAMA had been, in DRAKE—PROSECUTION.
20130808             —WHEN 1—PERSON or persons uses THREAT—OF—VIOLENCE or harm to advance their political, we call that terrorism.
20130808             But what do we call it —WHEN 1—PERSON or persons uses real or imagined threats own violence or harm by others, to advance their political objectives?
20130808             TERRORISM—BY—PROXY?
20130808             "nihilists, anarchists, activists, Lulzsec, Anonymous, twentysomethings who haven't talked to the opposite sex in 5 or —6—YEARS".
20130808             Prick.
20130808             Clearly doesn't understand these are THE—COMMUNITIES—OF—PEOPLE working on both SIDES—OF—THE—BARRIER advancing EVERY—AREA—OF—TECHNOLOGY.
20130808             The fact these people feel SOME—LOYALTY to EDWARD—SNOWDEN is the fact that they are also highly trained technologists with 1—SOCIAL—CONSCIENCE whereas this idiot and his agency are THE—PEOPLE coasting on their achievements.
20130808             GENERAL ALEXANDER, in 1—EARLIER—ARTICLE, said because of these leaks, many "sources"have dried up.
20130808             Who is he kidding? How can sources dry up —WHEN you have militarized the collection of ALL DATA.
20130808             Unless those "sources"—NOW hand deliver plans, how else would they be conveyed?
20130808             Check the website for in GERMANY (ENGLAND—VERSION).
20130808             This story won't stop —UNTIL—THE—GOVERNMENTT stop wasting vast amounts of taxpayers' money on pointless, suspicionless surveillance of the very same taxpayers that are being forced to pay for it against their will.
20130808             "FORMER—NSA CHIEF—WARNS—OF—CYBER—TERROR—ATTACKS if SNOWDEN apprehended"
20130808             Interesting how ALL—OF—THESE 'formers' are coming out of the woodwork ALL—OF—1—SUDDEN.
20130808             Such PROPAGANDA.
20130808             It's great, more and more people are —NOW awakening to THE—USA—PROPAGANDA.
20130808             As —SOON as you get RID—OF—THE—MONEY/profit motive hierarchy will be brought to 1—HALT.
20130808             Time to create make all currency invalid and create necessity for all.
20130808             The power will be disappeared.
20130808             The asylum is being run by the insane.
20130808             DOCTOR—STRANGELOVE is still alive and well. This is scary stuff.
20130808             How MANY—MORE maniacs like this are running our GOVERNMENT?
20130808             The arrogance is suffocating —WHEN he speaks about "grabbing" people.
20130808             Does that mean he and others of his ilk encourage that MISTER—SNOWDEN be illegally kidnapped?
20130808             There is such 1—THING as legal process.
20130808             —CALLED, It is, extradition and if someone has been granted political asylum THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY recognizes and honors it.
20130808             People like Hayden would probably carry out 1—ASSASSINATION—OF—MISTER—SNOWDEN as well.
20130808             —TALKED, And the comment: "twentysomethings who haven't, to the opposite sex in 5 or —6—YEARS", is very disturbing and speaks VOLUMES of the pathological MENTALITY—OF—PEOPLE running our spook agencies.
20130808             Where is USA—PRESIDENT—OBAMA on this and —WHEN is he going to have a "conversation" with THE—AMERICA—PEOPLE about SPYING—ON—USA.
20130808             GOVERNMENT types making statement like this are crazy.
20130808             —NOW, it's payback time!
20130808             Because —OF—THE—TIMES we live in, I need to clarify this comment.
20130808             I am putting the words, "—NOW, it's payback time"in HAYDEN—MOUTH.
20130808             I do find HAYDEN—OWN—WORDS scary.
20130808             He is calling people terrorists
20130808             Top MEMBERS—OF—USGINC. THINK—OF—USA—CITIZENS as their enemy.
20130808             It would appear they THINK—OF—WHOLE—GROUPS as terrorists as well.
20130808             That is offensive. I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
20130808             This man knows better. He works with hackers.
20130808             He knows there is no such thing as "this group", and if he really means to put together "hackers and transparency groups"collectively, this is nothing less than 1—WARNING shot to INTERNET activists that they will treat them as terrorists.
20130808             Aaaaah, "anarchists"... glad the old 18000101—18991231    PIG—PROPAGANDA is still in full use.
20130808             "Activists", NICE.
20130808             If you're 1—ACTIVISTS, you clearly are 1—TERRORIST bent on THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—THE—USA by ANY—MEANS—NECESSARY, right?
20130808             This man is 1—ENEMY—OF—THE—PEOPLE and 1—TRAITOR to THE—USA, and whatever freedom it may still stand for.
20130808             RUMANIA, —DURING CEAUSESCU—TIME, what they did was come —AFTER the weak people, the loosers, the envious, 1 at 1—TIME.
20130808             They would threaten them with their Gulag, the "Canal"where people were kept permanently in water —UNTIL they ROT alive.
20130808             They had the proof of all what he had ever done and said.
20130808             —ENDED, To escape this, 1—LOT—OF—PEOPLE, up being INFORMANTS—NOT even paid spies of their neighbors, spouses, friends.
20130808             I see people getting scared, ALREADY and changing their speech.
20130808             They are winning! It took the Rumanians MORE—THAN—50 yrs to overthrow them
20130808             And I don't know that there's 1—LOGIC between trying to [punish] AMERICA or AMERICA—INSTITUTIONS for his arrest, but I hold out the possibility.
20130808             I can sit here and imagine circumstances and scenarios, but they're nothing more than imaginative".
20130808             1—OF—THE—MAIN—PROBLEMS—OF those in CONTROL—OF—OUR institutions: ascribing to others what they do and think themselves.
20130808             MISTER—HAYDEN, your perspective as sociopath is not typical for humanity.
20130808             Instead, seek help.
20130808             Commit yourself voluntarily, —BEFORE you do more harm to THE—WORLD.
20130808             "Naturally the common people don't want war: Neither in RUSSIA, nor in ENGLAND, nor for that matter in GERMANY. That is understood. But, —AFTER all, it is THE—LEADERS—OF—THE—COUNTRY who determine the policy and it is always 1—SIMPLE—MATTER to drag THE—PEOPLE along, whether it is 1—DEMOCRACY, or 1—FASCIST—DICTATORSHIP, or 1—PARLIAMENT, or 1—COMMUNIST—DICTATORSHIP. Voice or no voice, THE—PEOPLE can always be brought to the bidding of the leaDERSELBE That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for LACK—OF—PATRIOTISM and exposing THE—COUNTRY to danger. it works the same in ANY—COUNTRY".
20130808             Say what you Like about Goring (he deserves it —AFTER all) but he both knew how to himself and how others manipulated people for their own ends.
20130808             They have THE—POWER—OF—NUMBERS....... they are BILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE from all corners of the Globe who —JUST WANT TO BE LEFT ALONE, FREE AND IN PEACE.
20130808             Rile them and they are likely to apply massive (by concerted grouping) business embargoes on ANY—STATE which attempts to put them into servitude.
20130808             Or spies on their privacy.
20130808             It is not difficult to forsee a "hot list"chat via which democratic (remember what that word means?) decisions to ostracise all business dealings with selected Nations are made and coordinated.
20130808             BUT BIGGER!
20130808             —REALISED, Netizens haven't yet, their capacity to bring down oppression by the incumbent 1%.
20130808             We can but hope that they do that —BEFORE more laws are passed against their interests and THEIR INTERNET is taken away in 1, final AUTHORITY—SWOOP.
20130808             Watch and see..... - (cc NSA, GCHQ and all other "eye"....)
20130808             Well he may have once been in charge of "intelligence"but he's not real smart is he?
20130808             If you notice the interesting GROUPING—OF—TARGETS—OF disdain above, and obviously targets of THE—SO—CALLED "INTELLIGENCE—COMMUNITY", you'll notice that "activists"are grouped and considered similarly as anarchists, Lulzsec, Anonymous and nihilists.
20130808             Charming! So if you decide to become 1—ACTIVIST, for whatever reason, you can expect to be treated the same as ANY—OTHER "ENEMY—OF—THE—STATE".
20130808             Evil looking gnome isn't he, by the way.
20130808             They're trying to gain acceptability for this:
20130808             CNN could not independently verify the directive but it appears —IN—THE—SAME format as other GOVERNMENT directive documents.
20130808             "Top Secret"material is highly sensitive but it is not THE—HIGHEST—LEVEL—OF—CLASSIFICATION IN—THE—GOVERNMENTT.
20130808             They are TERRIFIED at the prospect of 99—PERCENT—OF—THE—WORLD—POPULATION becoming minded to OVERTHROW their wielding of disporoportionate POWER!
20130808             It is surely UNACCEPTABLE that a 1 % Elite control all ASPECTS—INCLUDING Life and Liberty of the 99 % majority!
20130808             (Ask poor BRADLEY—MANNING and EDWARD—SNOWDEN.)
20130808             "Politics"is not about THE—PEOPLE and serving them.
20130808             It is about retaining THE—POWER to RULE OVER THEM.
20130808             Lets be honest here.
20130808             —RETIRED, No HEAD—OF—CIA is ever.
20130808             All this stuff is —JUST meant to seed the wind.
20130808             We always have to keep 1—OPEN—MIND as to how much of this "leaking"could be strategy.
20130808             Divide and conquer —AFTER all.
20130808             Currently %50—OF—USA calling SNOWDEN 1—WHISTLE—BLOWER and approx %30 1—TRAITOR.
20130808             That's certainly 1—DIVIDE.
20130808             How much of this whistleblowing is actually stuff we did not ALREADY know in our darkest MOMENTS—OF—REFLECTION on —TODAY—TECH reliant social engineering.
20130808             There still remains 1—LARGE—GAP between SNOWDEN and THE—911—TRUTH—MOVEMENT for example.
20130808             And we have not seen THE—GUARDIAN for example blow the lid on 911 or the reality of AL—QUEDA being 1—CIA construct via PAKISTAN—ISI.
20130808             I think also here the reality BY—PASS our imagination.... I will go longer with my own paranoia and I will say its not only "...Its been a —15—YEAR—PLAN to brain wash people..".but something back from THE—COLD—WAR—AGES... —SINCE THE—FBI and other spook agency receive unlimited funds, —SINCE EDGAR—HOOVER realize information are 1—BETTER—SOURCE—OF—POWER then anyone, the plan was traced... Controlling media, controlling communications, all thats become tools on 1—MUCH bigger picture... Simply we live in 1—AGE where our tech bypass 1—LOT our conscience, our ethics and moral...1—DANGEROUS—TIME, —WHEN bad leaders can fall in the black hole of absolute power...
20130808             You know history has 1—WAY—OF repeating itself!
20130808             NSA—DIRECTOR—HAYDEN: CYBERNETWORKS—NOT the human brain.
20130808             Maybe they would, but they would be no match to THE—NSA—THE—PURPOSE—OF—HAYDEN—SCARE tactics is instead to try to compartmentalize our fear, keep us worried only about THE—PART—OF—NSA—ACTIVITIES which deal with CYBER—NETWORKS and to deflect the general public's attention, at this PRE—REVOLUTIONARY—MOMENT, from the far more serious focus THE—NSA has on the human brain.
20130808             The other NSA whistleblower, S—CLAIR Akwei, more important than SNOWDEN, said about this:
20130808             "THE—SIGNALS—INTELLIGENCE—MISSION—OF—THE—NSA has evolved into 1—PROGRAM—OF decoding electromagnetic waves in the environment for wirelessly tapping into computers and T—R—A—C—K—1—N—G P—E—R—S—O—N—S (my emphasis lcdf) with the electric currents in their bodies".
20130808             And further: "THE—NSA—HAS—ELECTRONIC—EQUIPMENT that analyzes electrical activity in humans from 1—DISTANCE. NSA COMPUTER—GENERATED brain mapping can continuously monitor all the electrical activity in the brain".
20130808             or alternatively: both ur links are dead.
20130808             Yeah, well that is because this is total nonsense.
20130808             Not even THE—NSA can violate THE—LAWS—OF—PHYSICS, although they would like yo to think they can.
20130808             1—VARIETY—OF technically sophisticated collection and analysis programs, codenamed Stellar Wind, were the genesis of several of THE—NSA efforts that SNOWDEN disclosed to THE—GUARDIAN and THE—WASHINGTON—POST.
20130808             "But certainly MISTER—SNOWDEN has created quite 1—STIR among those folks who are very committed to transparency and global transparency and the global web, kind of ungoverned and free. And I don't know that there's 1—LOGIC between trying to [punish] AMERICA or AMERICA—INSTITUTIONS for his arrest, but I hold out the possibility. I can sit here and imagine circumstances and scenarios, but they're nothing more than imaginative".
20130808             [l] Oh und falls euch mal wieder 1—MIT der parlamentarischen GEHEIM—DIENST—AUFSICHT kommt, die funktioniert IN—DEN—USA auch nicht.
20130808             Warum tun die das? Weil PARLAMENTarier 1—SONDERRECHT haben.
20130808             Die können im PARLAMENT so gut wie alles sagen, ohne dafür belangt werden zu können, inklusive GEHEIMNIS—VERRAT.
20130808             Daher verhindern DIE—DIENSTE, dass die irgendwas wissen, was sie ausplaudern könnten.
20130808             [l] DAS—BKA weist Anfragen nach Finfisher ab. Begründung:
20130808             —BEKANNT, Wenn, wird, wie DAS—BUNDESKRIMINALAMT den INTERNATIONAL berüchtigten STAATS—TROJANER einsetzt, wird die Funktionsfähigkeit der SICHERHEITS—BEHÖRDEN beeinträchtigt und damit die öffentliche Sicherheit gefährdet.[...] Würde man sensible Informationen schwärzen, blieben "keine nennenswerten Informationen mehr übrig".
20130808             Was für 1—BODENLOSE Frechheit! Und überhaupt.
20130808             Von welcher Funktionsfähigkeit reden wir hier eigentlich?
20130808             [l] Googles MUSIK—FLATRATE—SERVICE "All Access"startet in 9—LÄNDERN in EUROPA — aber nicht DEUTSCHLAND.
20130808             Wieviel muss diese versiffte GEMA eigentlich noch kaputtmachen, BEVOR wir die endlich aus dem Land jagen?
20130808             Sie speichern sie nicht auf Halde, aber sie suchen sie nach Schlüsselwörtern wie Namen von gesuchten TERRORISTEN ab.
20130808             Deshalb, so findet der Typ, der das der NEW—YORK—TIMES gesteckt hat, sei das ja keien DATEN—SAMMLUNG.
20130808             Das geht dann wohl als die "NSA—VERTEIDIGUNG"in DIE—GESCHICHTE ein.
20130808             Aber Herr Richter, ich bin unschuldig, ich habe das ja nicht lange gebunkert sondern gleich weiterverkauft!1!!
20130808             Ich begrüße das.
20130808             APPLE—KUNDEN kriegen, was sie verdient haben, und die anderen Hersteller werden das nicht einbauen, weil sonst Patentgebühren fällig würden.
20130808             [l] Sagt euch Lavabit was? Das ist 1—USA—FREEMAIL—SERVICE.
20130808             Der ist VOR—1 paar —JAHREN—VON—1—TYPEN GEGRÜNDET worden, der mit der PRIVAT—SPHÄRE bei Google Mail nicht zufrieden war.
20130808             Ich habe mir das nie näher angesehen, weil der ja NOCH—IMMER IN—DEN—USA ansässig war und damit USA—GESETZEN unterliegt.
20130808             Damit kann der die besten Intentionen haben, er ist NOCH—IMMER anfällig für NATIONAL—SECURITY Letters und co.
20130808             Neulich kam dann raus, Dass SNOWDEN seine Email über Lavabit gemacht hat.
20130808             Uiuiui, das ist 1—STARKER Test für 1—EMAIL—PROVIDER.
20130808             Man würde denken, dass da direkt DIE—USA—BEHÖRDEN mit dem großen Hammer aufschlagen und einmal alles raustragen wollen.
20130808             Und in der Tat: Lavabit macht unter mysteriösen Umständen zu, und warnt ausdrücklich davor, seine Email bei 1—ANBIETER IN—DEN—USA abzulegen:
20130808             This experience has taught me 1—VERY—IMPORTANT lesson: without congressional ACTION or 1—STRONG—JUDICIAL precedent, I would _strongly_ recommend against anyone trusting their private data to 1—COMPANY with physical ties to THE—USA.
20130808             Nehmt das, ihr ganzen Apologeten.
20130808             Das sagen wir ALUHUT—PARANOIKER —SEIT—VIELEN—JAHREN!1!!
20130808             Ergebnis: DIE—BANK wollte sich an die angefügten Paragraphen nicht halten, verklagte den Mann.
20130808             Der Mann bekam RECHT 🙂
20130808             —SCANNED, The trick was that Agarkov simply, THE—BANK—DOCUMENT and 'amended' the small print with his own terms.
20130808             The policies would be activated by GPS, and W1—FI or MOBILE BASE—STATIONS, which would RING—FENCE ("geofence") —AROUND 1—BUILDING or a "sensitive area"to prevent phone cameras from taking pictures or recording video.
20130808             Odd that the company made famous by its 19840000             Big Brother video can't really see what it is doing.
20130808             Perhaps its own secretive culture and 1—OVERZEALOUS—SECURITY—TREATMENT—OF—ITS—STAFF have fostered sympathy for Big Brother —AFTER all.
20130808             MacOSX - Red Bank, NEW—JERSEY,
20130808             UNITED—KINGDOM—DELOITTE Touche Tohmatsu Services (
20130808    - Racist taunts at OBAMA worrisome
20130808             The political culture in ARIZONA, my.. - JAPAN launches massive warship
20130808             —UNVEILED, JAPAN —ON—TUESDAY, its largest...
20130808             NEW DETAIL - DEFENSE attorneys and SOME—FORMER—JUDGES and prosecutors say that systematically hiding potential evidence from defendants violates THE—USA—CONSTITUTION.
20130808             ACCORDING—TO—DOCUMENTS and interviews, agents use 1—PROCEDURE they call "parallel construction"to recreate the investigative trail, stating in affidavits or in court, for example, that 1—INVESTIGATION began with 1—TRAFFIC—INFRACTION rather than an SOD tip.
20130808             "SOD converts extremely sensitive information into usable leads and tips which are then passed to the field offices for REAL—TIME—ENFORCEMENT—ACTIVITY against major INTERNATIONAL drug trafficking ORGANIZATIONs".
20130808             SENATOR—RAND—PAUL, R—KENTUCKY, 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—HOMELAND—SECURITY and GOVERNMENT Affairs Committee, said he was troubled that DEA agents have been "trying to cover up 1—PROGRAM that investigates Americans".
20130808             AlkalineState wrote:
20130808             Stupid OBAMA!!! THE—GOVERNMENTT is OUT—OF—CONTROL. HaHaHa.
20130808             —NEEDED, No wonder GW BUSH, 1—HEART stent —WHEN SNOWDEN started spilling the beans.
20130808             TEA—PARTY will have to focus their rage on BENGHAZI AGAIN —THIS—WEEK.
20130808             Dead end here.
20130808             —FAILED, THE—UN—HAS, in their PROTECTION—OF—CULTURAL—FREEDOM.
20130808             Cannabis is Culture.
20130808             And SNOWDEN will be known as 1—OF—THE—FEW willing to sacrifice 1—LIFE—OF ease in order to pursue THE—DICTATES—OF—CONSCIENCE.
20130808             156. ohne Verteidiger - tatsache2011 —GESTERN, 22:09 Uhr - [ZITAT—VON—BLABLA259ANZEIGEN...]
20130808             1) Beim LG muss 1—VERTEIDIGER dem Angeklagten Herrn Mollath beistehen.
20130808             Der Verteidiger wurde von Herrn Mollath abgelehnt und vom RICHTER—ALS—BELASTUNGSZEUGE benutz.
20130808             1—ANDERER Pflichtverteidiger wurde ihm versagt.
20130808             2) DER—RICHTER—BRÜLLTE—HERRN—MOLLATH an, als er DIE—GLAUB—WÜRDIGKEIT seiner Frau mit deren Banksachen erschüttern wollte.
20130808             149. Beides - creatext —GESTERN, 21:31 Uhr
20130808             Kein JUSTIZ—SYSTEM ist gegen Verbrechen dieser Art gefeit.
20130808             Da hilft nur: JEDES—STRAFVERFAHREN muss in Ton und Bild aufgezeichnet werden.
20130808             Nur die Gefahr entdeckt zu werden, kann DIE—KRIMINELLE Energie von Justizverbrechern mindern.
20130808             Das ist bei normalen Kriminellen auch so. AUGSBURG.
20130808             Dort wird am; das "Hohe Friedensfest"gefeiert, das an den WESTFÄLISCHER—FRIEDEN—VON—1648 erinnert.
20130808             Glücklich, wer in AUGSBURG lebt!
20130808             —DEGENERATED, It has, from decency to disgrace over THE—PAST—100—YEARS.
20130808             —THEREFORE, this is 1—DISCUSSION—AMERICANS can't affordbeen part and parcel of the yankee system.
20130808             —EXPOSED, Drake, the whistleblower who, the Trailblazer fraud, was "indicted by THE—USA—DEPARTMENT obe contained rather 1—COUNTRY to be negotiated with. "—NOW is the time to fundamentally rethink our RELATION—SHIP with PUTIN—RUSSIA,"said SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN —AFTER SNOWDEN was granted asylum. "We need to deal with THE—RUSSIA that is, not THE—RUSSIA we might wish for".
20130808             "Naturally the common people don't want war: Neither in RUSSIA, nor in ENGLAND, nor for that matter in GERMANY. That is understood. But, —AFTER all, it is THE—LEADERS—OF—THE—COUNTRY who determine the policy and it is always 1—SIMPLE—MATTER to drag THE—PEOPLE along, whether it is 1—DEMOCRACY, or 1—FASCIST—DICTATORSHIP, or 1—PARLIAMENT, or 1—COMMUNIST—DICTATORSHIP. Voice or no voice, THE—PEOPLE can always s not difficult to forsee a "hot list"chat via which democratic (remember what that word means?) decisions to ostracise all business dealings with selected Nations are made and coordinated.
20130808             If the lid was blown on ALL—OF—THAT, then things would change.
20130808             THE—GUARDIAN should be doing better on that front to be really considered investigative and free journalism.
20130808             —WHEN was the last time you saw 1—JOURNALIST covering the oil pipelines being built in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN being covered?—WHEN was it you saw THE—GUARDIAN stating that THE—ARMED—FORCES are only there to bide the time it takes to put this infrastructure and PERSONS—OF—INFLUENCE in their places, —BEFORE we can extract.
20130808             All I am saying is its wise to consider, that we may be being manipulated, falling for the bait.
20130808             In this case, why does Hayden need to say ANY—OF—THIS stuff.
20130808             —INTERESTED, It looks to me as though they are, in sifting out those in the "free world"who are likely to show SIGNS—OF—RESISTANCE to these police state neofacist procedures, then to use the same slight ofnt for example.
20130808             —WHEN was the last time you saw 1—JOURNALIST covering the oil pipelines being built in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN being.
20130808             —BEKANNT, Wenn, wird, wie DAS—BUNDESKRIMINALAMT den INTERNATIONAL berüchtigten STAATS—TROJANER einsetzt, wird die Funktionsfähigkeit der SICHERHEITS—BEHÖ Namen von gesuchten TERRORISTEN ab.
20130808             HaHaHa.
20130808             —NEEDED, No wonder GW BUSH, 1—HEART stent —WHEN SNOWDEN started sd projects,"THE—IRS document says. "SOD converts extremely sensitive information into usable leads and tips which are then passed to the field offices for REAL—TIME—ENFORCEMENT—ACTIVITY against major INTERNATIONAL drug trafficking ORGANIZATIONs".
20130808             —INTERESTED, It looks to me as though they are, in sifting out those in the "free world"who are likely to show SIGNS—OF—RESISTANCE to these police state neofacist procedures, then to use the same SLIGHT—OF—HAND to tar them as the new FRONTIER—OF—TERRORISM.
20130808             Its been a —15—YEAR—PLAN to brain wash people and they are way smarter at this than people understand.
20130808             MASTERS—OF—ILLUSION—WATCH what both hands are doing EVERY—TIME they pull 1—TRICK.
20130808             † "Whitey' Bulger prosecution witness, —AFTER drinking CYANIDE—LACED coffee 20130802             20140623             KARZAI has —SEPTEMBER 20140802             as the date for the new PRESIDENT to be inaugurated.
20130808             NSA—FILES—SHOW—PRIVACY does not exist 20130805             20130809             —SHOWED, GREECE—FINANCE—MINISTRY—DATA, that 731—OF 1,465 companies — mostly restaurants, bars, coffee shops and clubs — checked 20130725—20130805    —FROM—TO had violated tax laws.
20130808             † "Whitey' Bulger prosecution witness, —AFTER drinking CYANIDE—LACED coffee 20130802             20130808             NSA—FILES—SHOW—PRIVACY does not exist 20130805             20130808             OBAMA claims that PUTIN is clinging to THE—COLD—WAR—PAST.
20130808             NSA—FILES show privacy does not exist 20130805             20130805             NSA—AFFÄRE: EX—VERFASSUNGS—RICHTER—BEKLAGT—MERKELS—MACHTLOSIGKEIT
20130808             NSA—FILES—SHOW—PRIVACY does not exist 20130805             20150802—20150805    —ABANDONED, Search efforts were.
20130808             NSA—FILES—SHOW—PRIVACY does not exist 20130805             20130808             NSA—FILES—SHOW—PRIVACY does not exist 20130805             20130809             —SHOWED, GREECE—FINANCE—MINISTRY—DATA, that 731—OF 1,465 companies — mostly restaurants, bars, coffee shops and clubs — checked 20130725—20130805    —FROM—TO had violated tax laws.
20130808             and comparing them to 20010911             —THEHIJACKERS.
20130808             CALIFORNIA—CENTRAL—VALLEY—AGRICULTURAL—INTERESTS sued THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT in 1—ATTEMPT to stop releases into the Klamath River to protect spawning salmon.
20130808             S—FRANCISCO, 1—INAUGURAL gun buyback by SF Bay AREA—BASED collected 157—FIREARMS in exchange for $15,500.
20130808             —ESTIMATED, SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, 1—WILDFIRE in RIVERSIDE County, at 15.5—SQUARE—MILES, damaged buildings, threatened about 600—HOMES and forced some 1,500—PEOPLE to flee.
20130808             SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, JUDITH—OAKES, the accountant at Rialto Unified school district, was arrested on suspicion of grand theft, embezzlement and burglary.
20130808             —SHOWED, Video surveillance, her stuffing cash from student lunch money into her bra.
20130808             —CLAIMED, PAUL—WHITE, —45—JAHRE—ALT—OF—MINNESOTA, his 3. of a $448—MILLION—POWERBALL jackpot.
20130808             16—WORKERS from 1—COUNTY—GARAGE in NEW—JERSEY shared a 2. ticket.
20130808             A 3. winner, also from NEW—JERSEY, had not yet come forward.
20130808             —URGED, AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—KARZAI, the Taliban to lay down their arms.
20130808             —PLANTED, In the east 1—BOMB, in 1—GRAVEYARD killed 7—WOMEN and 7—CHILDREN—OF—1—SINGLE—FAMILY in Nangarhar province's Ghany Khel district.
20130808             AFGHANISTAN, 3—CHINA—CITIZENS, 2—MEN and 1—WOMAN, were murdered in 1—APARTMENT in KABUL.
20130808             1—AFGHANISTAN—MAN was also found dead.
20130808             1—CHINA—CITIZEN remained missing.
20130808             —CONVERGED, EGYPT, THOUSANDS—OF—DEMONSTRATORS, on the Brotherhood protest camp in NORTH—EAST—CAIRO in 1—FESTIVE atmosphere to attend prayers and 1—RALLY on the 1. —DAY—OF—THE—EID—AL—FITR holiday, which marks THE—END—OF—THE—FASTING —MONTH of Ramadan.
20130808             —APPROVED, ITALY—PARLIAMENT, measures to ease SOME—OF—THE—WORST—PRISON overcrowding in EUROPE by cutting PRE—TRIAL—DETENTIONS and using alternative punishments for minor offences.
20130808             Human Rights Watch said 1—PICKED—UP wave of political assassinations in LIBYA has killed 51—PEOPLE as the country lacks ANY—EFFECTIVE—LAW—ENFORCEMENT.
20130808             —CONVICTED, MALAYSIA, MISTER—K—VEERAPPAN, 1, drug dealer, was shot and killed whiled stopped at 1—TRAFFIC—LIGHT in THE—GEORGETOWN section of Penang.
20130808             He was said to have been 1—MEMBER—OF "Gang 36".
20130808             —ATTACKED, SOUTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, 1—POLICE—OFFICER'S—FUNERAL in QUETTA, killing 21—POLICE—OFFICERS and 9—CIVILIANS gathered to mourn 1—POLICE—OFFICER shot dead —EARLIER—THAT—DAY in front of his children.
20130808             —KILLED, SOUTH—SUDAN, cattle rustlers, 8—PEOPLE in Jonglei state.
20130808             1—OF—THE—RAIDERS was also killed.
20130808             —TARGETED, SYRIA—REBELS, PRESIDENT—BASHAR—AL—ASSAD—MOTORCADE heading to 1—DAMASCUS mosque to mark the Muslim holiday of Eid AL—FITR, but state television showed him unharmed and the government denied he had been attacked.
20130808             —SUSPECTED, YEMEN, 3, USA—DRONES 12 alleged AL—QAIDA militants, 6 in Marib province and 6 in Hadramawt province.
20130808             Ermittlungen zur BAYERNLB: STAATS—ANWÄLTE sollen CSU—POLITIKER geschont haben
20130808             Brutales GESUNDHEITS—SYSTEM, Kassen bedrängen psychisch Kranke
20130808             Hoffnung auf TREND—WENDE, Telekom spricht von Kundenansturm
20130808             Plan B für WESTERWELLE: Notfalls nach EUROPA - DIE—LINKE legt —NUN aber nach.
20130808             BRITISCHE—SUPER—MARKTKETTE: Sittsamkeitstüten für Männermagazine
20130808             Missbrauch von Werkverträgen: STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT ermittelt in AUTO—INDUSTRIE
20130808             BAYERNLB—DEBAKEL: STAATS—ANWÄLTE weisen BERICHT—ÜBER Milde gegenüber CSU—POLITIKERN zurück
20130808             —NEUE—IPHONE—FUNKTION: Ihr Telefon weiß, wo Sie —LETZTE—NACHT waren
20130808             GUATEMALA: ARCHÄOLOGEN entdecken seltenes MAYA—FRIES
20130808             Fall GUSTL—MOLLATH: SYSTEM—FEHLER oder Einzelschicksal?
20130808             —GEHÖRT, HENNING—SASS, zu den renommiertesten Gerichtspsychiatern der REPUBLIK, —SEIT—MEHR—ALS—30—JAHREN ist er als forensischer Gutachter mit ähnlichen, oft spektakulären Fällen betraut.
20130808             absolut - In seiner langen GUTACHTER—TÄTIGKEIT habe er weder "Willkür noch offenes Unrecht"erkennen können, so Saß.
20130808             —NATÜRLICH gebe es unterschiedliche, abweichende Sichtweisen,
20130808             —NATÜRLICH - Reife Menschen haben 1—GEWISSEN, Juristen haben Gesetze.
20130808             DIE—WOHL tatsächliche Ursachen, wie —DER—FALL—MOLLATH entstand.
20130808             Mit Sciherheit kein Einzelfall - Wie sagte Prof.
20130808             Gibt es noch mehr Fälle wie der von Mollath ? Diese Frage stellt auch SPON.
20130808             Nichts umsonst - wollten DIE—STAATSANWÄLTE, die 1—WIEDERAUFNAHMEVERFAHREN anstrebten, GLEICHZEITIG 1—ERMITTLUNGSVERFAHREN—GEGEN—RICHTER—BRIXNER wegen Rechtsbeugung eröffnen.
20130808             Was sagen die Gutachter zum Richter? Ihr Problem ist...
20130808             GUATEMALA—STADT—ARCHÄOLOGEN haben in GUATEMALA nach eigenen Angaben 1 "AUSSER—GEWÖHNLICHEN",—CA—1.—400—JAHRE—ALT MAYA—FRIES entdeckt.
20130808             DIE—8—METER lange und 2—METER hohe STEINMETZ—ARBEIT erhebt sich in 10—METERN Höhe über dem Platz der Stätte und wurde ZUSAMMEN—MIT—DEN Überresten 1—PYRAMIDE —JAHR—AUS—DEM, 600—NACH Christus GEFUNDEN.
20130808             —VERSTEIGERT, BAU—PLÄNE und Begleitschreiben: Auktionshaus, historische SCHINDLER—DOKUMENTE
20130808             PROZESS—IN—SCHWERIN: FINANZSTAATS—SEKRETÄR wegen Untreue vor Gericht
20130808             Pflaumen gemopst: BIELEFELDer Rentner schießt auf Kinder
20130808             "HeLa"-Zelllinie: —FORSCHER beschließen Regeln für historische Krebszellen
20130808             KORRUPTION—IN—CHINA—PEKING wirft hohen Wirtschaftsplaner aus der Partei
20130808             Heldin der Medizin: Mit den ZELL—LINIEN der
20130808             DIE—FÜNFFACHE Mutter starb 19510000             mit nur —31—JAHREN an den Folgen 1—BESONDERS aggressiven Gebärmutterkrebs im JOHNs Hopkins Hospital in BALTIMORE (USA—BUNDES—STAAT—MARYLAND).
20130808             DIE—ZELLEN waren für DIE—FORSCHER von enormem Wert, weil es 1. gelang, aus ihnen immer neue ZELL—LINIEN zu züchten.
20130808             Weshalb wird die Tatsache, daß es in DEUTSCHLAND
20130808             —BEDEUTET, DIE—SCHON—SEIT—JAHREN, perfektionierte ÜBERWACHUNG, nichts anderes, daß DEUTSCHLAND, GROß—BRITANNIEN, DIE—EU—JUNTA und andere im Gefolge der zum POLIZEI—STAAT verkommenen USA KURZ—VOR, der Herstellung 1—TOTALITARISTISCHEN SYSTEMs stehen.
20130808             Kollektive Narkose
20130808             Dass sich darüber keiner mehr aufregt, hat mit mit der allgemeinen Narkose der Bevölkerung gegenüber —STAAT—ÜBERGRIFFEN zu tun.
20130808             Wenn alles so harmlos ist....
20130808             —BEHAUPTET, Das was DER—BND, ist technisch nicht haltbar.
20130808             legt Wert auf die Feststellung - BERLIN, GOTT—SEI—DANK gibt es DIE—NSA.
20130808             GOTT—SEI—DANK - "Heuchelei"wirft das REGIERUNGS—LAGER der SPD vor, gar von Verleumdung DEUTSCHER—GEHEIM—DIENSTLER ist die Rede.
20130808             —ERST löschen, dann diskutieren..
20130808             Hier geht es nicht um Vergangenheitsbewältigung, sondern darum, daß hier und —HEUTE das flächendeckende Ausspionieren der DATEN der 80.000.000—DEUTSCHEN aufhört.
20130808             Mit dem Versuch, den Eindruck des neutralen Berichterstatters zu erwecken, versucht DER—AUTOR—AUF ziemlich plumpe Weise WAHL—KAMPF—FÜR—DIE—KONSERVATIVEN zu machen.
20130808             —VERSUCHT, Sowie dieser ARTIKEL—ABGEFASST ist, DER—AUTOR
20130808             SPD—UND—DE Scheinchristlichen auf 1—STUFE zu stellen.
20130808             Kopfschüttel - DIE—ENERGIE, die DIE—REGIERUNGS—PARTEIEN beim Empören über die OPPOSITION aufbringen, sollten sie mal beim Aufklären und Stoppen der Schnüffelei ausländischer GEHEIM—DIENSTE in DEUTSCHLAND und deren BÜRGER aufbringen.
20130808             Was tun?
20130808             Was können Bürgerinnen und BÜRGER—IN—UNSEREM Land noch tun, wenn sie genau wissen, daß ihre gewählten Vertreter ihnen lieber 1—POLITISCHES Schmierentheater —NACH—DEM anderen vorspielen, wie 1—FORIST meinte, als ihnen DIE—WAHRHEIT zu sagen?
20130808             PSYCHIATRIE—UNTERBRINGUNG: HOFFNUNG—FÜR—DIE Schwerverbrecher
20130808             BauFINANZIERer: Fann 10—AE zahlt weitere—DOLLAR A—USA—ZURÜCK
20130808             —STUDIE über ONLINE—VERHALTEN: Herdentrieb verführt zum "Liken"
20130808             —PLÄNE DER—BUNDESNETZAGENTUR: EU—KOMMISSION kritisiert hohe Festnetzgebühren in DEUTSCHLAND
20130808             —ANTRAG auf Parteiausschluss: CDU stimmt für Rauswurf von SIEGFRIED—KAUDER
20130808             [l] Erinnert ihr euch noch daran, als OBAMA meinte, DIE—SNOWDEN—SACHE, das sei 1—GANZ normaler KRIMinalfall, da werde er sich keinesfalls persönlich involvieren?
20130808             —UPDATE, GLENN—GREENWALD merkt an, daß DIE—USA auch ständig Auslieferungen platzen lassen, selbst wenn es 1—AUSLIEFERUNGS—ABKOMMEN gibt und es um tatsächliche KRIMINAL—FÄLLE geht.
20130808             So sieht euch jedenfalls der EX—NSA—BOSS HAYDEN.
20130808             "If and —WHEN our GOVERNMENT grabs EDWARD—SNOWDEN, and brings him back here to THE—USA for trial, what does this group do?"said retired AIR—FORCE—GENERAL—MICHAEL—HAYDEN, who from
20130808             "They may want to come —AFTER THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, but frankly, you know, THE—DOT—MIL stuff is about the hardest target IN—THE—USA,"HAYDEN said, using 1—SHORTHAND for USA—MILITARY—NETWORKS.
20130808             FOREIGN—POLICY—CEO—AND—EDITOR—DAVID—ROTHKOPF becomes THE—LA—TEST—ESTABLISHMENT—FIGURE to recognize, as he puts it in 1—QUITE good column: "I have myself been too slow to recognize that the benefits we have derived from SNOWDEN—REVELATIONS substantially outweigh the costs ASSOCIATED—WITH—THE breach".
20130808             CIVIL—RIGHTS hero JOHN—LEWIS, in 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—THE—GUARDIAN —TODAY, praised SNOWDEN for engaging in "civil disobedience"in the tradition of Thoreau, Gandhi and THE—CIVIL—RIGHTS—MOVEMENT.
20130808             —MEANWHILE, 150—PRESS—FREEDOM and HUMAN—RIGHTS—GROUPS from —AROUND THE—WORLD issued 1—LETTER demanding that THE—USA cease prosecuting SNOWDEN on the ground that "SNOWDEN—DISCLOSURES have triggered 1—MUCH—NEEDED public debate about MASS—SURVEILLANCE online everywhere"and "thanks to him, we have learned the extent to which our online lives are systematically monitored by GOVERNMENTs, without transparency, accountability or safeguards from abuse".
20130808             —AT—1—HEARING—YESTERDAY—OF—THE—BRAZIL—SENATE—FOREIGN—RELATIONS—COMMITTEE, at which I testified, senators not only uninformly expressed indignation at indiscriminate NSA SPYING—ON—THEIR—CITIZENS and support for SNOWDEN, but SOME—BORROWED—SNOWDEN masks worn by college students in attendance and put them on their own face to —SHOW support.
20130808             Finally, PRINCETON—UNIVERSITY—INTERNATIONAL—LAW—PROFESSOR—RICHARD—FALK has 1—OP—ED—TODAY explaining that THE—GRANTING—OF—ASYLUM to SNOWDEN wasn't —JUST within RUSSIA—RIGHTS, but was legally compelled.
20130808             —THEN, we don't have 1—DEMOCRACY or representative republic but 1—FORM—OF—SECRET—DICTATORSHIP—OF—THE—FEW.
20130808             Several MILLION—PEOPLE across THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT have taken the training —SINCE it was released, Pickart said, and there has been only 1—COMPLAINT.
20130808             "Individuals have INTERNATIONAL duties which transcend THE—NATIONAL—OBLIGATIONS—OF—OBEDIENCE.
20130808             —GREETED, The decision to cancel THE—MEETING was, with little surprise in MOSCOW, where analysts and LAW—MAKERS have been predicting such 1—STEP.
20130808             Nonetheless, the invitation to OBAMA to visit MOSCOW remains open, and RUSSIA is prepared to CO—OPERATEWITH THE—USA on pressing issues, Ushakov said.
20130808             —ON—WEDNESDAY, MCCAIN repeated his call for 1—EXPANSION—OF—THE—MAGNITSKY—ACT, which applies USA—SANCTIONS on RUSSIA—OFFICIALS alleged to have taken part in HUMAN—RIGHTS—VIOLATIONS.
20130808             —EXPOSED, Drake, the whistleblower who, the Trailblazer fraud, was "indicted by THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE on CHARGES—OF—OBSTRUCTING justice, providing false information, and violating the espionage Act of 19170000             .
20130808             —PARTICIPATED, And look who, in the Trailblazer project filled with "waste, fraud, and abuse?"- BOOZ—ALLEN—HAMILTON, the profiteering R—BOSS—OF—SNOWDEN.
20130808             They aren't —JUST coasting on their achievements--they have MILITARized and weaponized them.
20130808             "If and —WHEN our GOVERNMENT grabs EDWARD—SNOWDEN, and brings him back here to THE—USA for trial, what does this group do?"said HAYDEN, referring to the supposed danger from "nihilists, anarchists, activists, Lulzsec, Anonymous, twentysomethings who haven't talked to the opposite sex in 5 or —6—YEARS".
20130808             DOCTOR—STRANGELOVE is still alive and well.
20130808             —BOOED, HAYDEN was really upset —WHEN they, him.
20130808             I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Aaaaah, "anarchists"
20130808             —INTERVIEWED, It all reminds me of what GÖRING said —WHEN, —DURING—THE—NÜRNBERG trials
20130808             "Naturally the common people don't want war: Neither in RUSSIA, nor in ENGLAND, nor for that matter in GERMANY.
20130808             THE—BIG—THREAT is from the slaves currently Ruled! - Ordinary CITIZENS—OF—1—ONCE—FREE—NATION, but —NOW 1—TOTALITARY—POLICE—STATE.
20130808             They have THE—POWER—OF—NUMBERS....
20130808             —CA, as scary as TRADE—UNIONS were to the factory owners 1—COUPLE—OF—CENTURIES ago.
20130808             "PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA has directed senior NATIONAL—SECURITY—LEADERSHIP to prepare 1—LIST—OF—TARGETS for potential CYBER—ATTACKS, ACCORDING—TO—A "Top Secret"document published —FRIDAY by THE—UK—NEWSPAPER THE—GUARDIAN.
20130808             THE—CLASSIFIED—DOCUMENT—MARKS the 3. time in —3—DAYS that highly sensitive GOVERNMENT information has been leaked to THE—GUARDIAN.
20130808             —CALLED, THE—LA—TEST—DOCUMENT, PRESIDENTIAL—POLICY—DIRECTIVE/PPD-20, is marked "TOP SECRET/NOFORN"which means it is not to be shared with foreign nationals.
20130808             THE—PRESIDENTIAL directive orders THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT to "identify potential targets"for "offensive"CYBER—OPERATIONS—ESSENTIALLY CYBER—ATTACKS".
20130808             —REMEMBER: all the "best"slaves have no idea that they are not Free!!!!
20130808             I think also here the reality BY—PASS our imagination.
20130808             —PROVIDED, Yeah THE—CIA, the mujahideen weapons and training to fight THE—SOVIET—INVASION—OF—AFGHANISTAN which it turns out they eventually used against us and THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD where they deem necessary.
20130808             EX—DIRECTOR—HAYDEN has come to THE—RESCUE—OF—THE—NSA in distress stating that "hackers and transparency groups were likely to respond with CYBER—TERROR—ATTACKS"if SNOWDEN was arrested by THE—USA—GOVERNMENT.
20130808             Maybe they would, but they would be no match to THE—NSA.
20130808             And further: "THE—NSA—HAS—ELECTRONIC—EQUIPMENT that analyzes electrical activity in humans from 1—DISTANCE.
20130808             —SPECULATED, THE—FORMER—DIRECTOR—OF—THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY and THE—CIA, —ON—TUESDAY that hackers and transparency groups were likely to respond with CYBER—TERROR—ATTACKS if THE—USA—GOVERNMENT apprehends WHISTLE—BLOWER—EDWARD—SNOWDEN.
20130808             —PROVIDED, HAYDEN, his speculation —DURING 1—SPEECH on CYBER—SECURITY to 1—WASHINGTON group, the Bipartisan Policy Center, in which he confessed to being deliberately provocative.
20130808             Under HAYDEN, THE—NSA began to collect, among other things, the phone records and INTERNET data of Americans without warrants —AFTER—20010911             , 1—DRASTIC—DEPARTURE from its traditional mission of collecting FOREIGN—INTELLIGENCE.
20130808             —DESCRIBED, Echoing YEARS—OF—RHETORIC that has, terrorists, HAYDEN added that their "demands may be unsatisfiable".
20130808             Asked what he expected 1—POTENTIAL—CYBER—TERRORIST—ATTACK related to SNOWDEN to look like, HAYDEN clarified that he was being "entirely speculative, not predictive".
20130808             "I'm —JUST trying to ILLUST—RATE that you've got 1—GROUP—OF—PEOPLE out there who make demands, whose demands may not be satisfiable, may not be rational, from other POINTS—OF—VIEW, may not be THE—KINDS—OF—THINGS that GOVERNMENT can accommodate,"HAYDEN said.
20130808             "But certainly MISTER—SNOWDEN has created quite 1—STIR among those folks who are very committed to transparency and global transparency and the global web, kind of ungoverned and free.
20130808             —THWARTED, MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS have been repeatedly, —WHEN attempting to learn basic information about THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY[NSA] and THE—SECRET—FISA—COURT which authorizes its activities, DOCUMENTS  provided by 2—HOUSE—MEMBERS demonstrate.
20130808             Warum tun die das?
20130808             [l] DAS—BKA weist Anfragen nach Finfisher ab.
20130808             —BEKANNT, Wenn, wird, wie DAS—BUNDESKRIMINALAMT den INTERNATIONAL berüchtigten STAATS—TROJANER einsetzt, wird die Funktionsfähigkeit der SICHERHEITS—BEHÖRDEN beeinträchtigt und damit die öffentliche Sicherheit gefährdet.
20130808             Würde man sensible Informationen schwärzen, blieben "keine nennenswerten Informationen mehr übrig".
20130808             [l] DIE—NSA liest doch ALLE—MAILS—VON—USA—AMERIKANERN mit, die DIE—LANDESGRENZEN passieren.
20130808             [l] APPLE hat 1—PATENT darauf, DIE—POLIZEI Kamera und Wifi von ihren Telefonen abschalten zu lassen.
20130808             Rückblickend war diese 19840000             —WERBUNG—VON—APPLE ja echt 1—TREPPENWITZ der GESCHICHTE.
20130808             [l] Sagt euch Lavabit was?
20130808             [l] 1—RUSSE hat bei seinem KREDITKARTEN—VERTRAG das Kleingedruckte erweitert, DIE—BANK hat es nicht gemerkt.
20130808             —PATENTED, APPLE, the means to transmit 1 encoded signal to all wireless devices, commanding them to disable recording functions.
20130808             Red Bank, NEW—JERSEY, USA Verizon Fios (
20130808             UK Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Services (
20130808             "SPECIAL—OPERATIONS—DIVISION has the ability to collect, collate, analyze, evaluate, and disseminate information and intelligence derived from worldwide MULTI—AGENCY—SOURCES, including classified projects,"THE—IRS—DOCUMENT says.
20130808             —WHILE THE—IRS—DOCUMENT says that SOD information may only be used for drug investigations, DEA officials said THE—SOD role has —RECENTLY expanded to ORGANIZED—CRIME and money laundering.
20130808             Sen.
20130808             AlkalineState wrote: "The entry was published and —POSTED online
20130808             UNITED—NATIONS 19610000             Single CONVENTION—ON—NARCOTIC—DRUGS.
20130808             ohne Verteidiger
20130808             Beides - Wenn sich 1—VORSITZENDER—RICHTER und "Gutachter"zusammentun, um 1—UNLIEBSAMEN ZEIT—GENOSSEN in der Psychiatrie zu "verräumen", dann sind sie Verbrecher.
20130808             AUGSBURG. GEHEIM—DIENST—KO—OPERATION: BND leitet
20130808             Uralt: Dem am Fall Mollath maßgeblich beteiligten Richter wünsche ich die baldige Gelegenheit, sein Handeln in 1—STRAFPROZEß (gegen den Richter, nicht gegen Mollath, das sollte man eigentlich auch nicht in BAYERN eigens erwähnen müssen) verteidigen zu körs, noch den 1—STAATS—ANWALTES ausüben.
20130808             —PLÄNE DER—BUNDESNETZAGENTUR: EU—KOMMISSION kritisiert hohe FESRAFTAETERN—A—915543.html
20130808             —EXPOSED, Drake, the whistleblower who, the Trailblazer fraud, was "indicted by THE—USA—DEPARTMENT obe contained rather 1—COUNTRY to be negotiated with.
20130808 CHROME—BROWSER: —EXPERTEN beklagen Lücken in Googles Passwortverwaltung
20130808 [ZITAT—VON—BLABLA259]
20130808 [ZITAT—VON—HARTMANNULRICH]Als Laie wundere ich mich: Die LANG—JÄHRIGE—UNTERBRINGUNG—VON—HERRN—MOLLATH in der Psychiatrie konnte ja nur medizinisch, nicht juristisch BEGRÜNDET sein.
201308080807161244   IE 8.0
201308080809014149   Safari 5.1
201308081948 —HEUTE, Einfacher BÜRGER
20130808—19130808    —OVER—THE—PAST—100—YEARS, THE—YANKEE—SYSTEM has degenerated from decency to disgrace.
20130808—20040000    —SEIT, Uralt: novelliertes TKG
20130808—20050000    —IN, "The entry was published and —POSTED online and 20060000             , and was removed —IN—EARLY 20070000             ".
20130808—20070000    —SEIT, GEHEIM—DIENST—KO—OPERATION: BND leitet DATEN—AN—DIE—NSA weiter (Netzwelt, 18:48)
20130808—20110000    —EXPOSED, Drake, the whistleblower who, the Trailblazer fraud, was "indicted by THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE on charges of obstructing justice, providing false information, and violating the espionage Act of 19170000             ., THE—10—ORIGINAL—CHARGES against Drake were dropped..".
20130808—20130823    —ON, THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT began releasing Trinity River water into the lower Klamath to protect spawning salmon —FOLLOWING a —9—DAY—DELAY.
20131218—19630808    —ON, Great Train Robber RONNIE—BIGGS, —84—JAHRE—ALT, PART—OF—1—GANG—OF at least 12—MEN that robbed 1—GLASGOW—TO—LONDON—ROYAL—MAIL train, †.
20140808             STAATS—PLEITE: ARGENTINIEN zerrt USA vor Internationalen GERICHT—HOF
20140808             —UKRAINE—STUDENTEN in DEUTSCHLAND: "Ich habe Angst um meine Familie"
20140808             Angetippt: Bei "—80—DAYS"erzählen Sie sich DIE—GESCHICHTE selbst
20140808             Schimmelgefahr: Silberfischchen WARNEN—VOR—ZU feuchten Räumen
20140808             Experimentelles Medikament: USA ermöglichen —EINSATZ—VON—EBOLA—MITTEL in WEST—AFRIKA
20140808             SORGE—UM—WACHSTUM: CHINA führt weniger WAREN 1
20140808             KRISE—IN—ITALIEN: Faule Kredite bescheren drittgrößter BANK—MILLIONENVERLUST
20140808             SICHERHEITS—ALARM : Kleinkind zwängt sich durch Zaun am WEIßES—HAUS
20140808             unter 9000—PUNKTE - Prostitutionsdebatte: "SEXARBEITER—INNEN sind unsichtbar"
20140808             —HEUTE—IN—DEN—FEUILLETONS: "Opium war im
20140808             VW Golf mit alternativen Antrieben: Die ENERGIE—WENDE—WAGEN
20140808             Perseiden: Mond stört Sicht auf Sternschnuppen über DEUTSCHLAND
20140808             Papua: 2—ARTE—REPORTER in INDONESISCHER—UNRUHE—REGION festgenommen
20140808             Schlafstörungen: Fensterlose Jobs gefährden die Gesundheit
20140808             RUSSEN bleiben daheim: Und im Urlaub auf DIE—KRIM
20140808             GAZA—KONFLIKT—ISRAEL bricht —VERHANDLUNGEN über WAFFEN—RUHE ab
20140808             Umfrage: Zustimmung zu BUNDES—REGIERUNG auf REKORD—HOCH
20140808             Zivile Nutzung: USA—BEHÖRDE erlaubt Drohnentests bei NEW—YORK
20140808             Webhoster Hetzner: DEUTSCHE—FIRMA hilft RUSSISCHER—MEDIENAUFSICHT bei Zensur
20140808             Abschuss über DER—UKRAINE: Was Sie zur MH17-Untersuchung wissen müssen
20140808             PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTS—ZWIST in AFGHANISTAN: Rivalen verständigen sich auf EINHEITS—REGIERUNG
20140808             CHINA: KAMPF—GEGEN—KORRUPTION bremst LuxusMARKT
20140808             —GESUCHT, BEHÖRDEN—BERICHT: Vor Mallorca wurde heimlich nach ERD—ÖL
20140808             "In den kommenden —STUNDEN wird es vor Ort enorme Veränderungen geben", sagte ARMEE—CHEF—BABAKER—SEBARI—DER—NACHRICHTEN—AGENTUR—AFP.
20140808             Der NAH—OST—EXPERTE Behrooz Abdolvand von der Freien UNIVERSITÄT—BERLIN sagte, durch DIE—USA—LUFT—ANGRIFFE könne die IS in 2—BIS—3—MONATEN geschlagen werden.
20140808             Der VERTEIDIGUNGS—EXPERTE ROLF—TOPHOVEN äußerte hingegen Zweifel: Er glaube nicht, dass die Angriffe die IS—KÄMPFER aufhalten könnten, sagte er "Focus Online".
20140808             Diese könnten die DSCHIHADISTEN lediglich "partiell schwächen".
20140808             2. Einfach furchtbar! Biegel —GESTERN, 15:05 Uhr
20140808             Wo man hinblickt Verfolgung, Unterdrückung, Bomben, Granaten, Sterben, KRIEG!
20140808             NAH—OST—KONFLIKT, CYBER—ANGRIFFE—AUF—ISRAEL nehmen zu
20140808             Verfälschte ONLINE—VOTINGS: NDR hat bei 11—UNTERHALTUNGSSHOWS manipuliert
20140808             SPIONAGE: Regierung verlangt Aufdeckung aller Agenten in DEUTSCHLAND
20140808             Giftfische am Strand: PETERmännchen plagen NORDSEE—URLAUBER
20140808             Prozess in REGENSBURG: STAATSANWALT—SIEHT—MOLLATHS—SCHULD als erwiesen an
20140808             IRAK: USA greifen TERROR—MILIZ IS mit KAMPF—DROHNEN an
20140808             Dreamliner von Boeing: Zu VIELE—AUFTRÄGE für die PRODUKTIONshallen
20140808             DIE—USA stehen in der Verantwortung, denn sie haben maßgeblich dazu beigetragen, den IRAK in diese Misere zu —STEUERN.
20140808             Erinnern wir uns an dieses BILD—VON—USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH das sich eingebrannt hat in das kollektive Gedächtnis: wie er
20140808             Beide Präsidenten vermittelten der Öffentlichkeit 1—FALSCHES BILD—VON—DER—LAGE im IRAK.
20140808             Sie war schlecht unter SADDAM—HUSSEIN—SEIT seinem Sturz aber ist sie noch schlechter: Ständige Anschläge lähmen DIE—MENSCHEN.
20140808             DAS—LAND, DIE—GESELLSCHAFT, DIE—POLITIK sind zerrissen.
20140808             MASSEN—VERNICHTUNGS—WAFFEN, die DER—IRAK angeblich besaß und die den Einmarsch rechtfertigen sollten, existierten nicht.
20140808             —BELAGERT, Wer 1—GANZES Volk in die Berge jagt, es, und verhungern lässt, wer in Kauf nimmt, dass viele 1000—MENSCHEN—MÄNNER, Frauen, Kinder, Junge und ALTE—UMS Leben kommen, weil sie sich nicht mit Kalaschnikows zu 1—ANDEREN Glauben zwingen lassen wollen, und wer Menschen exekutiert und auch noch stolz darauf ist, der steht jenseits der zivilisatorischen Grenzen.
20140808             —JETZT—SCHON gibt es den Golf als reine Elektrovariante, ab —HERBST dann auch mit PLUG—IN—ANTRIEB.
20140808             Unknown - UNITED—STATES—FLAG—NEWFIELD,
20140808             —RULED, A—USA—FEDERAL—COURT, that THE—NCAA has violated antitrust law in a 20090000             case involving ED—O'BANNON, 1—FORMER—COLLEGE basketball star.
20140808             EA Sports, 1—VIDEO—GAME—COMPANY, had paid 1—FAT—FEE to THE—NCAA but nothing to MISTER—O'BANNON.
20140808             Oracle Corp. sued THE—STATE—OF—OREGON in 1—BREACH—OF—CONTRACT—SUIT against Cover OREGON, the state's health insurance exchange.
20140808             —LAUNCHED, The state's health insurance website was never, and disputed bills totaled $23—MILLION.
20140808             —CALLED, GOVERNOR—JOHN—KITZHABER has, for the state to sue Oracle and recover SOME—OF—THE $134—MILLION already paid.
20140808             —SIGNED, AFGHANISTAN—FEUDING presidential candidates, 1—DEAL to form 1—NATIONAL—UNITY—GOVERNMENT, opening 1—APPARENT—WAY—FORWARD in 1—DISPUTE over THE—FRAUD—TAINTED election that threatens to revive ethnic conflict.
20140808             —ENDED, CAMBODIA—OPPOSITION—LAWMAKERS, a —10—MONTH—BOYCOTT—OF—PARLIAMENT, joining the assembly for the 1. time —AFTER reaching 1—BREAKTHROUGH—POLITICAL—DEAL with the country's ruling party.
20140808             —SHOWED, CANADA, 1—PATIENT back from NIGERIA who, symptoms of fever and flu -- possible signs of Ebola -- was put in isolation in 1—TORONTO—AREA—HOSPITAL.
20140808             1—CHINA—COURT—SENTENCED—PETER—HUMPHREY, 1—PRIVATE UK—INVESTIGATOR, to 2½ years in prison and his BUSINESS—PARTNER—WIFE, YU—YINGZENG, to —2—YEARS—AFTER they pleaded guilty to illegally obtaining private RECORDS—OF—CHINA—CITIZENS as they researched corporate fraud.
20140808             1—IRAQ—OFFICIAL said HUNDREDS—OF—WOMEN from the Yazidi religious minority have been taken captive by Sunni militants.
20140808             —POUNDED, USA—JETS, jihadist positions to pave the way for IRAQ—FEDERAL—AND—KURDISH—FORCES and also dropped aid to stranded Yazidi civilians on MOUNT—SINJAR.
20140808             ISRAEL—WARPLANES struck targets in retaliation for DOZENS—OF—PALESTINE—CROSS—BORDER—ROCKET—ATTACKS.
20140808             † A —10—YEAR—OLD—BOY was killed and 11—PEOPLE wounded in the airstrikes.
20140808             He produce over 200—MOVIES and directed a 4. of them.
20140808             —INCLUDED, They, "Cobra" (19860000             ), the "Death Wish" sequels 2-5 (19820000—19940000    ), "Entebbe: Operation Thunderbolt" (19770000             ), "Delta Force" (19860000             ), "Bloodsport" (19870000             ) and "Over the Top" (19870000             ).
20140808             —REPORTED, JAPAN—YOMIURI—SHIMBUN, that JAPAN and THE—USA will jointly develop 1—FUEL—CELL powered submarine that can run for —1—MONTH under the sea on 1—SINGLE—CHARGE 1 unmanned.
20140808             The 10-meter (33-feet) long sub would be able to chart 1—PRE—PROGRAMMED course —BEFORE returning to base.
20140808             —CELEBRATED, JORDAN, tens of thousands, the "GAZA victory" in the war against ISRAEL, at 1—RALLY organized by the Islamist opposition.
20140808             LIBYA, 1—UN—DELEGATION held talks in TRIPOLI to try to broker 1—CEASEFIRE between armed factions that have turned the capital into 1—BATTLEGROUND —AFTER the worst fighting —SINCE the fall of Muammar Gaddafi.
20140808             MALAYSIA Airlines will be taken over by the country's state investment fund and DE—LISTED, as PART—OF—PLANS announced —TODAY for a "complete overhaul" to rescue the company from oblivion —AFTER 2—CRIPPLING air disasters.
20140808             —OPENED, MYANMAR, THE—ASEAN regional summit, for talks among ministers from 10—SOUTH—EAST—ASIA—COUNTRIES.
20140808             It will expand over the weekend to comprise 27—COUNTRIES who are MEMBERS—OF—THE—SO—CALLED—ASEAN Regional Forum.
20140808             —DECLARED, NIGERIA—PRESIDENT, the containment of the Ebola virus 1—NATIONAL—EMERGENCY as officials confirmed 2—NEW—CASES—OF—EBOLA, bringing the total NUMBER—OF—INFECTIONS in AFRICA—MOST populous country to 9, including 2—DEATHS.
20140808             —CAPTURED, SYRIA, Islamic State jihadists, the key Brigade 93—SYRIA—ARMY—BASE in Raqa province overnight.
20140808             † 36—SOLDIERS were killed, SOME—OF—WHOM were beheaded, —WHILE others, in the fighting or in the initial triple suicide bombing that launched the attack.
20140808             —CONVENED, THAILAND—NEW—MILITARY—STACKED National Legislative Assembly, for the 1. time, electing 1—PRESIDENT in 1—KEY—STEP towards crafting 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION—LIKELY to embed the army's political influence.
20140808             —TRAPPED, UKRAINE—ARMY—UNITS, which had been, by separatists on the border with RUSSIA, broke out of the blockade and rejoined government forces, but 15—SOLDIERS and border guards were killed in the operation.
20140808             —KILLED, At least 3—CIVILIANS were, and another 10 wounded in overnight shelling of DONETSK, the main rebel stronghold besieged by government forces.
20140808             —POSITIONED, The shelling came 1—FEW days —AFTER rebels had, 1—GRAD multiple rocket launcher near the apartment building and fired at UKRAINE—POSITIONS.
20140808             —AGREED, Etihad, the flag CARRIER—OF—THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES, to inject 1—FURTHER $750—MILLION into Alitalia in return for a 49% stake.
20140808             —DECLARED, THE—WORLD—HEALTH—ORGANIZATION, the Ebola outbreak in WEST—AFRICA to be 1—INTERNATIONAL—PUBLIC—HEALTH—EMERGENCY that requires 1—EXTRAORDINARY—RESPONSE to stop its spread.
20140808             —KILLED, EAST—YEMEN, militants, 14—SOLDIERS—NEAR THE—CITY—OF—SHIBAM in Hadramawt province.
20140808             Bruch DER—WAFFEN—RUHE: HAMAS feuert wieder auf ISRAEL
20140808             —KRISE—IN—ITALIEN: Faule Kredite bescheren drittgrößter BANK—MILLIONEN—VERLUST
20140808             —NEUE—QUEEN—PLATTE: Who wants to live forever?
20140808             Epidemie: WHO erklärt EBOLA zum internationalen Gesundheitsnotfall
20140808             Klage des ZENTRAL—RAT—CHEFS der JUDEN: "es ist die schlimmste Zeit —SEIT der NAZI—ÄRA"
20140808             WELT—WEIT—KRISENHERDE: DAX—FÄLLT 1.—SEIT;;03;;
20140808             —REAKTION—AUF—HAMAS—RAKETEN: ISRAEL greift erneut GAZA—STREIFEN an
20140808             IRAK—POLITIK—DER—USA: Gegen diese TERRORISTEN hilft nur WAFFEN—GEWALT
20140808             —BEENDET, Einâ€"EURO—JOBS—AND—COMPANY: Regierung, Programm für Langzeitarbeitslose
20140808             —BESTREITET, PROZESS—IN—REGENSBURG: Mollath, alles
20140808             BUNDESWEHR—WERBUNG für Jugendliche: Ins "ADVENTURE—CAMP"mit der ARMEE
20140808             Schlafstörungen: Fensterlose Jobs gefährden die Gesundheit (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 11:56)
20140808             Lage im umkämpften DONEZK: Tags die Stille, —NACHTS DER—KRIEG
20140808             —NACH, gestopptem RUSSLAND—DEAL: RHEINMETALL erhält Großauftrag vom Bund
20140808             —REAKTIONEN in der EU auf Einfuhrverbote: POLEN will RUSSLAND verklagen
20140808             DIE—ANGRIFFE seien mit F18—KAMPF—JETS vom Flugzeugträger "GEORGE—HERBERT—WALKER—BUSH"geflogen worden, der —BEREITS—IM;;06;;in den PERSISCHER—GOLF verlegt worden war, hieß es aus dem VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTERIUM.
20140808             Sollte IS weiter an BODEN gewinnen, müssten DIE—USA BODEN—TRUPPEN entsenden.
20140808             Das schließt DAS—WEIßE—HAUS kategorisch aus: Bei 1—ANSPRACHE —AM—DONNERSTAG hatte OBAMA erklärt, die ENTSENDUNG—VON—BODEN—TRUPPEN komme nicht infrage,—FREITAG—AM, bekräftigte DIE—REGIERUNG diese Position erneut.
20140808             ZUGLEICH hatte OBAMA 1—HILFS—EINSATZ für die Tausenden FLÜCHTLINGE im NORD—IRAK angekündigt.
20140808             BUNDES—AUßEN—MINISTER—FRANK—WALTER—STEINMEIER stellte sich hinter DIE—USA—LUFT—ANGRIFFE—GEGEN—IS: "LUFT—SCHLÄGE scheinen kurzfristig das einzige Mittel", um deren Vorrücken zu stoppen und Fluchtwege zu öffnen, sagte er.
20140808             [2]Einfach furchtbar!
20140808             —ANTI—SEMITISMUS in DEUTSCHLAND : DEUTSCHE—FLAGGE an der Tür
20140808             USA—LUFT—ANGRIFF—IM—IRAK: LUFTHANSA, Etihad und TURKEY—AIRLINES fliegen Arbil nicht mehr an
20140808             —DIE—LAGE im IRAK ist katastrophaler denn je.
20140808             Und das TERROR—NETZ—WERK AL—QAIDA und andere islamistische —MILIZEN setzten sich dort —ERST in Folge des Krieges fest.
20140808             1—SOLCHER TERROR ist nur mit WAFFEN—GEWALT zu stoppen.
20140808—20130000    —IN—EARLY, —GLAXO Pharma had asked their HONG—KONG—BASED company, CHINA Whys, to investigate whether 1—FORMER—EMPLOYEE was passing information of suspected fraud to CHINA—AUTHORITIES.
20141108081525       IE 8.0—WINXP UNITED—STATES—FLAG—PHOENIX, ARIZONA, UNITED—STATES—NOBIS Technology Group, Llc ( (No referring link)
20141108081604       IE 8.0—WINXP UNITED—STATES—FLAG—PHOENIX, ARIZONA, UNITED—STATES—NOBIS Technology Group, Llc ( referring link)
20141108081623       IE 8.0—WINXP 1024x768 UNITED—STATES—FLAG—PHOENIX, ARIZONA, UNITED—STATES—NOBIS Technology Group, Llc (
20150731             † THE—FATHER—OF—THE—TODDLER, 20150808             from injuries he suffered in the attack.
20150805—20150808    —ON, the company said personal details of up to 2.4—MILLION—CUSTOMERS may have been accessed —AFTER the company was hit by 1—CYBER—ATTACK.
20150807             Das waren 0,8 Grad mehr als der —BISHERIGE Höchstwert VOM.
20150807—20030808    Auf Platz 3—DER HITZE—ORTE kam laut DWD MANNHEIM mit dem REKORD—WERT—VON—39,8 Grad.
20150808             [l] Liebe Leser, ich "linke"hier ja so gut wie nie auf PRINT—PRESSE, deren ARTIKEL nicht auch online einzusehen sind, aber —HEUTE mache ich mal 1.Ausnahme.
20150808             Und zwar gibt es in der aktuellen C'T—AUSGABE 18/2015 (vom 8.8.) 1—ARTIKEL aus der "Vorsicht Kunde"-Serie, der mir echt die Schuhe ausgezogen hat beim Lesen.
20150808             Es geht um Xerox.
20150808             Wie sich rausstellte, hat Xerox in ihren Kartuschen —JETZT DRM—CHIPS mit Region Codes und der offizielle XEROX—SHOW auf Amazon hatte dem Kunden in Westeurope Kartuschen für OST—EUROPA verscheuert.
20150808             Für den vollen FREUDENHAUS—PREIS—VON—90—EURO für die Farbe Gelb, versteht sich.
20150808             Und die wurden dann vom Gerät abgelehnt.
20150808             Das ganze eskalierte dann noch ein paar Mal, als DER—KUNDE erfolglos den XEROX—SUPPORT bemühte, aber das ist nicht der Grund, wieso ich das hier blogge.
20150808             —BESCHREIBT, Ich blogge das, weil die c't dann, wie DER—KUNDE auf Alibaba (!) CHINESISCHE—KLON—NACHBAU—DRM—CHIPS für seine Kartuschen geordert hat, die hat er dann in ein paar —MINUTEN auf die Kartuschen gepfriemelt, und mit denen konnte er dann WIEDER—DRUCKEN.
20150808             Und ich fand das —SCHON absurd, dass Leute ihre Kaffeemaschinen hacken mussten, um damit Kaffee ihrer Wahl zubereiten zu können.
20150808             Aber —JETZT muss man auch —SCHON Region Codes in Druckerpatronen weghacken, um seine original vom Hersteller gekauften Kartuschen einsetzen zu können.
20150808             Kann man sich gar nicht ausdenken, sowas.
20150808             Ich glaube ja, wir als GESELLSCHAFT hätten damals, als DIE—CONTENT—MAFIA mit ihrem REGION—CODE—BULLSHIT anfing, sagen müssen: OK, Jungs, ihr kommt —JETZT alle in den Karzer.
20150808             Ihr seid Soziopathen.
20150808             Solche Geschäftsmodelle dulden wir nicht.
20150808             Ab in die geschlossene ABTEILUNG und da werdet ihr dann —BIS zu eurem Lebensende mit BENJAMIN—BLÜMCHEN therapiert.
20150808             Es war ja —DAMALS, —SCHON klar, dass das Schule machen würde, wenn man diese Idee nicht direkt an der Wurzel ausrottet.
20150808             Webb - What he has to say here leads me to believe that Webb has 1—KEEN understanding of what's really going on in SYRIA (emphasis added):
20150808             Q: What about SYRIA and ISIS?
20150808             The elements that are fighting there are very fluid in TERMS—OF—THE—PEOPLE who declare their alliances.
20150808             I would be willing to bet that we had people at the top of ISIS who actually have been trained by Americans at SOME—POINT.
20150808             Flynn spills the beans.
20150808             —SEEMED, Flynn, to want to make it clear that the policies that led to the rise of ISIL were not merely THE—RESULT—OF—IGNORANCE or looking the other way, but THE—RESULT—OF—CONSCIOUS—DECISION making:
20150808             Hasan: You are basically saying that even in government —AT—THE—TIME you knew these groups were —AROUND, you saw this analysis, and you were arguing against it, but who wasn't listening?
20150808             Flynn: I think the administration.
20150808             —TURNED, Hasan: So the administration, 1—BLIND—EYE to your analysis?
20150808             —TURNED, Flynn: I don't know that they, 1—BLIND—EYE, I think it was 1—DECISION.
20150808             I think it was 1—WILLFUL—DECISION.
20150808             Hasan: 1—WILLFUL—DECISION to support 1—INSURGENCY that had Salafists, AL—QAEDA and the Muslim Brotherhood?
20150808             Flynn: It was 1—WILLFUL—DECISION to do what they're doing.
20150808             Lt.—GENERAL—FLYNN, speaking safely from retirement, is THE—HIGHEST ranking INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIAL to go on record saying THE—USA and other STATE—SPONSORS—OF—REBELS in SYRIA knowingly gave political backing and shipped weapons to AL—QAEDA in order to put pressure on THE—SYRIA—REGIME...
20150808             We —RECENTLY saw 1—ATTEMPT by AUSTRALIA (undoubtedly with USA and UKRAINE prompting) to foist on THE—UN 1—PROPOSAL for the prosecution of those who downed MH17. Never mind that THE—HOLLAND—INQUIRY has yet to determine who did it and they appear to be dragging their heals because they likely suspect that UKRAINE had 1—HAND in it, either through its fighter aircraft (also here) or local militia firing 1—BUK.
20150808             —DEFEATED, THE—UN—RESOLUTION was, by RUSSIA—VETO, attracting the full Western media ire.
20150808             —NOTED, NONE—OF—THEM, that it was RUSSIA which drafted, proposed and voted for Resolution 2166—SHORTLY—AFTER—THE—INCIDENT, 1—RESOLUTION which called for 1—INDEPENDENT—INVESTIGATION and the prosecution of those responsible.
20150808             That fact is conveniently forgotten and EVERY—PUNDIT is repeating the lie that RUSSIA has sought to stymie UN investigations.
20150808             —BARKED, There are 2—DOGS that didn't, here: USA—INTELLIGENCE failed to provide satellite and radar data to THE—HOLLAND—INQUIRY, and THE—UKRAINIANS have refused to provide the air traffic control records.
20150808             As THE—HOLLAND—INVESTIGATORS—MOVE towards 1—FINAL—REPORT it is likely their findings will be opaque and NON—COMMITTAL about criminal responsibility.
20150808             —FAILED, Which is why the recent, UN move was so critical.
20150808             The narrative that "RUSSIA did it (and they should confess)"has to be maintained IN—THE—PUBLIC—CONSCIOUSNESS.
20150808             —RECEIVED, The 'proof' of rumor and propaganda we have, TO—DATE ought to be enough for us.
20150808             All HAIL the great God (and fraudster) ELIOT—HIGGINS!
20150808             —POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS gavan : 7:48 PM
20150808             So where to from here? UKRAINE is 1—ECONOMIC basket case, its leadership is —NOW hated by MOST—OF—ITS—OWN—PEOPLE, and it is losing militarily in THE—EASTERN—PROVINCES.
20150808             The separatists are so much in command that they publicly withdrew their forces 1—FULL 30—KM and called on Kiev to implement THE—MINSK 2—AGREEMENT in order to draw attention to this fact.
20150808             WHAT—1—GOVERNMENT under siege like this to do? Stage 1—FALSE—FLAG, perhaps?
20150808             That's 1—POSSIBILITY says OLEG—TAUREG.
20150808             He notes that THE—UK—TIMES—RECENTLY ran 1—HIT piece against EDWARD—SNOWDEN entitled "SNOWDEN betrayed UNITED—KINGDOM—SPIES"and GLENN—GREENWALD tore it to pieces.
20150808             All the evidence was that this was an MI6 propaganda exercise.
20150808             —SEALED, Separatist officials are insisting that the storage is, and secure, that no material has been removed, and they are calling for OCSE monitors to inspect the site.
20150808             THE—AUTHOR—OF—THE—TIMES—PIECE was MAXIM—TUCKER who styles himself as 1—FREELANCE—JOURNALIST.
20150808             But I suspect his source was THE—SBU.
20150808             Interestingly, THE—TIMES also features another article by Tucker about 4—MEN who were arrested by THE—SBU trying to sell radioactive uranium-238. My guess is that Tucker got both stories straight from THE—SBU.
20150808             —POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS gavan : 8:30 PM
20150808             Warnsignal an den Märkten: Warum der BÖRSEN—AUFSCHWUNG wackelt
20150808             ATOM—DEAL—MIT—IRAN: ISRAEL—DROHUNG birgt 1.Chance
20150808             WELT—UNTERGANGSSZENARIEN: Hoffnung ist der Alkohol der Unwissenden
20150808             —GEEIGNET, Formale Logik gut
20150808             "Wir nähern uns der Situation, in der SOFTWARE wissenschaftliche Aufsätze prüft", sagt CHRISTOPH—BENZMÜLLER—VON—DER—TU—BERLIN.
20150808             Aus wenigen Grundannahmen und mithilfe strenger Logik leitete DIE—SOFTWARE her, dass Gott "notwendigerweise"existiert.
20150808             "Solche auf formaler Logik basierende Beweise eignen sich besonders gut für 1.Umsetzung am Computer", erklärt Benzmüller.
20150808             Beweise zu finden, sei —INZWISCHEN per SOFTWARE möglich, solange im Beweis nicht mehrere mathematische TEIL—GEBIETE wie Algebra und Gruppentheorie kombiniert werden müssten.
20150808             "Das ist 1—REVOLUTION", ergänzt REINER—HÄHNLE—VON—DER—TU—DARMSTADT.
20150808             "Beweise bestanden über —JAHRHUNDERTE darin, andere Menschen mit präzisen Argumenten zu überzeugen".—NUN komme SOFTWARE ins Spiel, die viel weniger anfällig für Fehler sei als DER—MENSCH.
20150808             Hélène Esnault von der FU BERLIN etwa hält wenig vom Hype: "Mathematik ist ein intellektueller Prozess und findet zuallererst im Kopf statt".Die kreativen, neuartigen Ideen, die man braucht, um schwierige mathematische Probleme zu lösen, traut sie Computerprogrammen
20150808             CHRISTOPH—BENZMÜLLER widerspricht: "Dass Computer nicht intuitiv sind, hat noch niemand bewiesen".
20150808             Es ist nach Fortran die zweitälteste Programmiersprache, die noch verbreitet ist.
20150808             Lisp steht für List Processing (LISTEN—VERARBEITUNG).
20150808             Schlappe für Starinvestor: WARREN—BUFFETTS—FIRMA macht 37 % weniger Gewinn
20150808             Pacta sunt servanda.
20150808             Verträge müssen eingehalten WERDEN—DAS ist 1—DER Sätze, die mir aus dem Lateinunterricht in der siebten Klasse erhalten geblieben sind.
20150808             Der Lateinlehrer hieß übrigens EUGEN—RICHTER.
20150808             MANCHE—SPARKASSEN sind offenbar der Meinung, dass dieser Kernsatz 1—JEDEN Rechtsordnung für sie nicht gilt.
20150808             Jedenfalls dann nicht, wenn der Vertrag zwar dem Kunden nützt, der Sparkasse aber gleichzeitig schadet.
20150808             Man sehe sich nicht mehr in der Lage, die Verträge so fortzuführen, teilte der Sparkassenvorstand mit.
20150808             —VERZICHTET, Auf 1.ordentliche Kündigung der Verträge, die Sparkasse allerdings.
20150808             Auch dürfe die Sparkasse die Verträge nicht von sich aus kündigen.
20150808             Hexenjagd in INDIEN: Mob prügelt 5—FRAUEN zu Tode
20150808             Schwache Nachfrage aus EUROPA: CHINAs Exporte brechen ein
20150808             Frank: Durchaus.
20150808             NATÜRLICH genießen Staatsanwälte nicht dieselbe Unabhängigkeit wie Richter.
20150808             DIE—UNSCHULD—VERMUTUNG wird —HEUTE von den meisten Ländern der Welt zumindest dem Anspruch nach anerkannt.
20150808             DIE—UKRAINE zum Beispiel hat wichtige TEILE—DER—MILITÄR—PRODUKTION gemacht.
20150808             —GEFÜHRT, Und —JETZT, wo DIE—UKRAINE—KRISE zu Spannungen, hat, gehen den RUSSEN die Ersatzteile aus.
20150808             THE—USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—SAID—JULITO—FRANCIS, 1—FORMER—USA—VIRGIN—ISLANDS—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIAL, faces 11—COUNTS including conspiracy, bribery and perjury.
20150808             —CHARGED, He was, in a $17—MILLION—BRIBERY—SCHEME.
20150808             —COMPLETED, S—FRANCISCO resident KIM—CHAMBERS (38), a 30-mile swim from the Farallon Islands to the Golden Gate Bridge in —17—HOURS and —12—MINUTES, becoming the 1. woman to do so.
20150808             TEXAS police found the bodies of 6—CHILDREN and 2—PARENTS in 1—HOUSTON—AREA—HOME—AFTER 1—STANDOFF that ended with 1—MAN—SURRENDER.
20150808             —ARRESTED, DAVID—CONLEY, —48—JAHRE—ALT was, and charged with the murders.
20150808             Conley had 1—EARLIER—RELATIONSHIP with the mother Valerie JACKSON, and was believed to be THE—FATHER—OF—1—OF—THE—CHILDREN.
20150808             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER in NORTH—KUNDUZ province, 29—PEOPLE, mainly MEMBERS—OF—ILLEGAL armed groups that have clashed with security forces and the insurgents in the past.
20150808             —CLAIMED, Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid, responsibility for the attack.
20150808             —PARADED, BRAZIL, at least 30—BOATS—OF—ALL—SIZES, across RIO—DE—JANEIRO—GUANABARA—BAY to protest contamination in the waters where sailing events will be held —NEXT—YEAR—DURING the Olympic Games.
20150808             CAMBODIA, Chhouk Bandith, FORMER—GOVERNOR—OF—BAVET town in THE—EAST—PROVINCE—OF—SVAY Rieng, turned himself in for arrest in PHNOM—PENH.
20150808             He had been CONVICTED—OF—SHOOTING and wounding 3—FEMALE—GARMENT—WORKERS —DURING a 20120000             protest.
20150808             CHINA, Typhoon Soudelor hit THE—CITY—OF—PUTIAN in Fujian province —LATE—TODAY.
20150808             —CAUSED, Strong winds, power outages to more than 1.41—MILLION—HOUSEHOLD in the province.
20150808             —KILLED, EGYPT, gunmen, 1—POLICEMAN—SOUTH—WEST—OF—CAIRO.
20150808             —ACCUSED, Senakh was, in THE—STATE—OF—MINNESOTA of infecting computer servers with malware, resulting in criminal gains worth MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS.
20150808             —CALLED, RUSSIA —LATER, the move illegal.
20150808             —RECORDED, HONG—KONG, its hottest —DAY—SINCE authorities began taking temperature readings —130—YEARS—AGO, due to the influence of 1—NEARBY typhoon.
20150808             The daily maximum temperature hit 36.3—DEGREES—CELSIUS.
20150808             EAST—INDIA, DOZENS—OF—VILLAGERS beat to death 5—WOMEN, accusing them of practicing witchcraft and blaming them for 1—SERIES—OF—MISFORTUNES in Kinjia village, Jharkhand state.
20150808             —ARRESTED, Police, —AROUND 50—PEOPLE involved in the attack.
20150808             —ISSUED, IRAN, 1—ADVISORY warning its citizens to avoid land travel to neighboring TURKEY —AFTER 1—IRAN—BUS was attacked by gunmen.
20150808             —TODAY marked THE—ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—USA—BEGINNING airstrikes against the extremists in IRAQ.
20150808             —CONDUCTED, USA—LED forces, 16—AIR—STRIKES in IRAQ and 7 in Syria against Islamic State targets.
20150808             THE—CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC—,1—RWANDA—SOLDIER serving with THE—UN peacekeeping mission shot dead 4—RWANDA—TROOPS and wounded 8—OTHERS—BEFORE committing suicide.
20150808             —RESCUED, MALI—SPECIAL—FORCES, 4—PEOPLE who hid in 1—HOTEL in Sevare for nearly —24—HOURS—AFTER Islamic extremists stormed the building and launched 1—RARE—ATTACK—FAR from their northern strongholds that killed 12—PEOPLE.
20150808             MEXICO, THE—BODY—OF—MIGUEL—ANGEL—JIMENEZ, LEADER—OF—1—GROUP searching for 43—MISSING students, was found behind the wheel of his taxi near ACAPULCO.
20150808             2—MEN were killed by gunfire outside 1—HOME in LA—PAZ where 1—PARTY had been held.
20150808             2—OTHER—PEOPLE were found dead at 1—HOME in Cabo S—LUCAS, —EARLIER in the —DAY.
20150808             Both victims, 1—MAN and 1—WOMAN, had been shot in the head.
20150808             6—RUSSIA—OPPOSITION—ACTIVISTS ended their hunger strike in NOVOSIBIRSK —AFTER 1—OF—THEM was hospitalized —FOLLOWING—12—DAYS—OF—GOING without food to protest being barred from elections.
20150808             —OWNED, RUSSIA, 1—PRIVATELY, Cessna seaplane and 1—ROBINSON R44 helicopter collided over the Istrinskoye reservoir outside MOSCOW —LATE—TODAY and fell into the water.
20150808             —KILLED, All 9—PEOPLE aboard THE—2—CRAFTS were.
20150808             —ARRESTED, SPAIN—GUARDIA—CIVIL—POLICE—FORCE said they have, 34 suspected MEMBERS—OF—1—GANG based in COLOMBIA that smuggled drugs between THE—2—COUNTRIES.
20150808             SYRIA—ACTIVISTS said HUNDREDS—OF—CHRISTIAN families have fled THE—CENTRAL—TOWN—OF—SADAD toward THE—GOVERNMENT—HELD CENTRAL—CITY—OF—HOMS and DAMASCUS, as Islamic State fighters advanced toward it.
20150808             1—SHELL hit 1—STREET in CENTRAL—DAMASCUS, killing 5—PEOPLE and wounding 36.
20150808             —BATTERED, Typhoon SOUDELOR—TAIWAN with strong wind and torrential rain, cutting power to 3.62—MILLION—HOUSEHOLDS as the death toll rose to 6 with 4—MISSING.
20150808             —PASSED, The eye of the typhoon, TAIWAN and headed toward mainland CHINA.
20150808             —FIRED, SOUTH—TURKEY, Kurdish PKK rebels, at 1—POLICE—VEHICLE, killing 1—POLICEMAN and wounding another.
20150808             UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES—STATE—NEWS—AGENCY—WAM said 3—SOLDIERS from THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES have been killed —WHILE taking part in 1—SAUDI—LED military campaign against YEMEN—DOMINANT—HOUTHI group.
20150808             —STRENGTHENED, YEMEN, PRO—GOVERNMENT—FORCES, by tanks newly supplied by 1—SAUDI—LED coalition, launched 1—OFFENSIVE to retake Zinjibar, THE—REBEL—HELD CAPITAL—OF—ABYAN province.
20150808             1—SAUDI—LED coalition airstrike hit allied fighters in 1—FRIENDLY—FIRE—INCIDENT, killing at least 20—FIGHTERS on 1—COASTAL—ROAD as they headed toward Zinjibar.
20150808             —BLOCKED, ZIMBABWE police, the country's main workers union from protesting against 1—RECENT—WAVE—OF—JOB—LOSSES and briefly held union leaders.
20150808             Und zwar hat 1—XEROX—GESCHÄFTSKUNDE für sein XEROX—MULTIFUNKTIONSGERÄT beim XEROX—SHOP auf AMAZON offizielle XEROX—KARTUSCHEN gekauft, und das Gerät verweigerte den Druck damit.
20150808             WEBB: —NOW if you take 1—LOOK at SYRIA, and these other parts of IRAQ, we —NOW have A—SITUATION where we're asking these freedom fighters, or whatever you want to call them, who were going —AFTER ASSAD, to help us go —AFTER ISIS.
20150808             We —RECENTLY saw 1—ATTEMPT by AUSTRALIA (undoubtedly with USA and UKRAINE prompting) to foist on THE—UN 1—PROPOSAL for the prosecution of those who downed MH17.
20150808             So where to from here?
20150808             WHAT—1—GOVERNMENT under siege like this to do?
20150808             —ENGAGED, So —NOW THE—TIMES is saying that DONETSK MILITIA is, in THE—CREATION—OF—1—NUCLEAR "dirty bomb"in cooperation with RUSSIA—SCIENTISTS from 12—TONNES—OF—SOVIET—ERA—RADIOACTIVE—WASTE housed near DONETSK (more here).
20150808             It's probably —JUST BS PROPAGANDA but you never know with these people.
20150808             Genehmigungen des WIRTSCHAFTS—MINISTERIUMS: RÜSTUNGS—EXPORTE in arabische STAATEN mehr als verdoppelt
20150808             JEREMY—CORBYN - BUNDES—BANK—STUDIE: Steigende ZINSEN könnten Lebensversicherer ruinieren
20150808             Lisp ist 1.FAMILIE—VON—PROGRAMMIERSPRACHEN, die 19580000             —ERSTMALS spezifiziert wurde und am MASSACHUSETTS—INSTITUTE—OF—TECHNOLOGY (MIT) in Anlehnung an den LAMBDA—KALKÜL entstand.
20150808             Wie CLIFFORD—STOLL aufdeckte, ermöglichte 1—PROGRAMM—FEHLER in Emacs 19860000             dem für den KGB spionierenden Hacker MARKUS—HESS den Einbruch in das LAWRENCE—BERKELEY—NATIONAL—LABORATORY.[4]
20150808             Jedenfalls ist die Sparkasse in der schwäbischen UNIVERSITÄTsstadt ULM —VOR—2—JAHREN auf den Gedanken gekommen, teure Ratensparverträge als für sich nicht mehr bindend zu betrachten.
20150808             DIE—ENTSCHEIDUNG der SPARKASSEN—OBEREN aus dem Südwesten wirft auch ein schlechtes Licht auf die Verlässlichkeit von Sparkassen allgemein.
20150808             RICHTER—BUND zu "Netzpolitik"—ERMITTLUNGEN, "Das Weisungsrecht hat Grenzen"
20150808             —NATÜRLICH - Frank: Es schien —BISHER, Konsens zu sein, dass über das Weisungsrecht jedenfalls nicht in einzelne Ermittlungsschritte hineinregiert wird —, —SCHON gar nicht dadurch, dass man 1—BEWEISMITTEL blockiert.
20150808             DIE—UNSCHULD—VERMUTUNG ist eines DER—GRUNDPRINZIPIEN eines rechtsstaatlichen Strafverfahrens und geht auf den FRANZÖSISCHEN—KARDINAL—JEAN—LEMOINE (12500000—13300000    ) zurück.
20150808             [l] In der SOVIET—UNION waren ja die ganzen PRODUKTIONszweige nicht gleich verteilt.
20151003—20160808    —ON, 1—COURT issued warrants for THE—ARREST—OF—4—MORE suspected members of 1 banned group, JAMAAT—UL—MUJAHIDEEN BANGLADESH (JMB).
20160305   —
20160305   — -
20160308             † SHAHBAZ—TASEER had been abducted —5—YEARS 20160808             months —AFTER his father was assassinated in ISLAMABAD by his guard, Mumtaz Qadri, over accusations of blasphemy.
20160808             It has ALREADY had 24000 signatures.
20160808             THE—TWITTER hashtag is #DiagnoseTRUMP.
20160808             Umkämpftes ALEPPO: LUFT—ANGRIFFE—AUF—SYRISCHE—REBELLEN nehmen offenbar zu
20160808             PAKISTAN: BOMBEN—ANSCHLAG—AUF—KRANKENHAUS tötet mindestens 30—MENSCHEN
20160808             Akihito: JAPAN—KAISER deutet erstmals möglichen Rücktritt an
20160808             VERANTWORTLICH—FÜR—DIE—SICHERHEITS—LÜCKE sind Fehler in der TREIBER—SOFTWARE des LTE—CHIPSETS der Firma Qualcomm.
20160808             LAUT—ANGABEN—VON—CHECK Point würde es ausreichen, 1.einfache App zu programmieren, die noch nicht einmal spezielle Rechte einfordern würde.
20160808             Dank der SCHWACH—STELLE war es Hackern möglich, ohne das Zutun des Nutzers per MMS auf die  von ANDROID—SMARTPHONES zuzugreifen.
20160808             —VON, den SICHERHEITS—LÜCKEN sind nur ANDROID—GERÄTE mit dem entsprechenden LTE—CHIPSET betroffen, sagte Shaulov.
20160808             Der gesamte ANDROID—KOSMOS mit seiner Vielzahl an verschiedenen Geräten unzähliger Hersteller, die ALLE—UNTERSCHIEDLICHE—ANDROID—VERSIONEN nutzen und diese teils selbst modifizieren, mache den Umgang mit SICHERHEITS—LÜCKEN bei dem BETRIEBS—SYSTEM besonders schwer, sagt Shaulov.
20160808             sich Fehler in den Herstellungsprozess einschleichen,
20160808             10. Guten —MORGEN! DIE—DIENSTE sind auf die Lücken angewiesen
20160808    —HEUTE, 08:35 Uhr
20160808             —GESCHLOSSEN, Werden sie, wird man Neue finden.
20160808             Der ständige Spion in deiner Tasche.
20160808             AFRIKAnischer DIKTATOR Bokassa: "Schlagt sie ruhig tot"
20160808             Gleichbehandlung: —EXPERTEN fordern schärferes Antidiskriminierungsgesetz
20160808             Touristenansturm: Mallorca geht das Wasser aus
20160808             MILLIONEN—DIEBSTAHL bei Tauschbörse: BITCOIN—ANLEGER verlieren 33 % ihrer Einlagen
20160808             —NACH Drohungen aus ISTANBUL: Linke wirft BUNDES—REGIERUNG Versagen in der TÜRKEI—POLITIK vor
20160808             RoboterBAUER: Chinesen übernehmen 95 % von Kuka
20160808             BRITISCHE—ZEITUNGEN: Gemeinsam gegen FACEBOOK
20160808             Schwaches Pfund nach BREXIT—VOTUM: Touristen strömen nach GROß—BRITANNIEN
20160808             EU—PARLAMENT: Juristen watschen Untersuchung zu PANAMA—PAPERS ab
20160808             —NACH TERROR—ANSCHLÄGEN: POLIZISTEN in NRW bekommen neue Schutzwesten
20160808             TERROR—ANSCHLÄGE—IN—BAYERN: "Anstifter halten sich nicht in SAUDI—ARABIEN auf"
20160808             ERDOGAN —NACH—DEM MILITÄR—AUFSTAND: Sultandämmerung - SINGLE—STUDIEN: Allein, aber glücklich
20160808             —GETÖTET, ÄTHIOPIEN: Dutzende Regierungskritiker bei Protesten
20160808             Alternativer REPUBLIKANER—KANDIDAT: EX—CIA—OFFIZIER tritt gegen TRUMP an
20160808             MILLIONEN—STRAFE in USA: DEUTSCHE—BANK verbreitete sensible  per Lautsprecher
20160808             DER—FRÜHERE—BERATER—DER—REPUBLIKANER im USA—REPRÄSENTANTEN—HAUS, EVAN—MCMULLIN, werde als konservative Alternative antreten, gab sein WAHL—KAMPFBÜRO bekannt.
20160808             Dem FERNSEHSENDER—ABC erklärte McMullin: "In —1—JAHR, wo DIE—AMERIKANER ihren Glauben an die Kandidaten der 2—GROSSEN Parteien verloren haben, ist es an der Zeit, dass 1.neue Führungsgeneration aufsteht".
20160808             Es sei nie zu spät, DAS—RICHTIGE zu tun, und AMERIKA verdiene etwas Besseres, als DONALD—TRUMP und HILLARY—CLINTON bieten, sagte er.
20160808             DIE—CHANCEN für McMullin werden von Beobachtern als sehr gering eingeschätzt.
20160808             [l] INFRA—STRUKTUR—APOKALYPSE: Delta Airlines ist komplett lahmgelegt.
20160808             STROM—AUSFALL in ATLANTA, Computerprobleme. [l] Willkommenskultur:
20160808             Doch dann wurde der Chinese in HEIDELBERG bestohlen und ging zur POLIZEI – dachte er.
20160808             —AM—ENDE unterschrieb er 1—ASYLANTRAG und landete in 1—FLÜCHTLINGS—HEIM in Dülmen.
20160808             [l] Zu der FRAGE—DER—UNTERWANDERUNG—DER—LINKEN durch den NEO—LIBERALISMUS kam hier noch der Hinweis auf ADOLPH Reed rein, 1—POLITOLOGE, der sich mit Race Theory beschäftigt.
20160808             Der findet, dass Antirassismus 1—FEIGENBLATT ist, um 1 in Wahrheit neoliberalen Agenda den Anschein von Progressivität zu verleihen.
20160808             Reed hat 1.besonders bedrückende Brachialkritik anhand der RACHEL—DOLEZAL—GESCHICHTE formuliert.
20160808             Das war die "TRANS—SCHWARZE"Frau, ihr erinnert euch vielleicht.
20160808             —CANCELED, Delta, more than 700—FLIGHTS and had 2,600 others delayed, SOME—FOR—HOURS, —AFTER 1—POWER—OUTAGE at its ATLANTA headquarters caused MANY—COMPUTER—SYSTEMS to crash.
20160808             —BLAMED, The company —LATER, 1—MALFUNCTIONING POWER—CONTROL system at its data center.
20160808             —ANNOUNCED, Walmart, that it would acquire, 1—SHOPPING website, for $3.3—BILLION.
20160808             LONDON, and SOUTH—ENGLAND  rail staff began a —5—DAY—STRIKE in 1—SAFETY—ROW over who opens and closes the doors impacting HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—TRAIN commuters.
20160808             —PROTESTED, EAST—CHINA, residents of in Lianyungang, for a 3. —DAY against possible plans to build 1—NUCLEAR—FUEL reprocessing center, as police banned public gatherings in hopes of preventing more demonstrations.
20160808             —ARMED, CONGO, DRC, groups killed 14—PEOPLE in 1—STRING of overnight attacks in THE—STRIFE—TORN NORTH—KIVU province, 1—AREA—LONG shaken by ethnic violence.
20160808             AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL said ETHIOPIA—SECURITY—FORCES shot dead at least 67—PEOPLE in the Oromia region over the weekend.
20160808             1—OPPOSITION—POLITICIAN said more than 70—PEOPLE were killed across Oromia with hundreds detained —DURING protests.
20160808             —ARRESTED, INDIAN—CONTROLLED, Kashmir police said government forces have, more than a 1000—PROTESTERS over the past —2—WEEKS in 1—ATTEMPT to stem deadly ANTI—INDIA demonstrations in the Himalayan region.
20160808             —DETAINED, IRAN, Xiyue Wang, 1—CHINESE—USA—HISTORY—RESEARCHER.
20160808             —EXPRESSED, JAPAN—EMPEROR, concern about fulfilling his duties as he ages, in 1—PUBLIC—ADDRESS that was remarkable for its rarity and its suggestion that he would like to abdicate.
20160808             —CRASHED, NEPAL, 1—HELICOPTER, in 1—MOUNTAINOUS region, killing all 7—PEOPLE on BOARD.
20160808             —DRESSED, NIGERIA, gunmen, as priests killed 3—SOLDIERS in THE—OIL—PRODUCING NIGER Delta.
20160808             —TARGETED, PAKISTAN, 1—SUICIDE bombing that, lawyers killed at least 74—PEOPLE in THE—CITY—OF—QUETTA.
20160808             PORTUGAL—NATIONAL—CIVIL—PROTECTION—AUTHORITY said that 3,000 firefighters, 1,060 vehicles and 16—WATER—DUMPING aircraft are deployed at 515—WILDFIRES, some of which have been burning —FOR—DAYS.
20160808             —LODGED, TAIWAN, 1—COMPLAINT with KENYA over the deportation of 5—OF—ITS—NATIONALS to CHINA —AFTER 1—COURT—ACQUITTED—THEM—OF—CHARGES—OF running illegal telecoms operations.
20160808             UGANDA—GOVERNMENT said it "will continue to suppress" the public activities of homosexuals and that 1—REHABILITATION—PROGRAM had been developed to allow them to "lead normal lives again".
20160808             USA—CONGRESSWOMAN Karen Bass has —POSTED 1—PETITION calling on psychiatrists and psychologists to urge THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY to get DONALD—TRUMP—MENTAL—HEALTH examined.
20160808             Verheerende Erdrutsche: Dutzende Tote nach TROPEN—STURM "EARL"in MEXIKO
20160808             —DIE—LAGE—AM—MONTAG, Die neue Phase des SYRIEN—BÜRGER—KRIEGS
20160808             ARBEIT—GEBER umgehen MINDEST—LOHN: —4—MONATE Praktikum für 120—EURO
20160808             Financial INTELLIGENCE Unit: SCHÄUBLE verstärkt SPEZIAL—EINHEIT—GEGEN—GELD—WÄSCHE
20160808             DIE—ISRAELISCHE—SICHERHEITS—FIRMA Check Point hat nach eigenen Angaben 4—SICHERHEITS—LÜCKEN entdeckt, die fast—SMARTPHONES und Tablets mit ANDROID—BETRIEBS—SYSTEM betreffen.
20160808             Wenn Angreifer die Quadrooter genannten SCHWACH—STELLEN ausnutzen, könnten sie die komplette KONTROLLE—ÜBER—EIN betroffenes Smartphone übernehmen, heißt es von Check Point.
20160808             Sie ERINNERN—AN—DIE—SICHERHEITS—LÜCKE Stagefright, die VOR—CA—1—JAHR als "Mutter aller ANDROID—SCHWACH—STELLEN"publik wurde.
20160808             1—DER 4—SICHERHEITS—LÜCKEN betrifft laut Check Point DIE—SOFTWARE, die DIE—KOMMUNIKATION zwischen den einzelnen Komponenten des Chipsets —STEUERT.
20160808             DIE—TREIBER—SOFTWARE werde dem Bericht zufolge direkt in die ANDROID—SOFTWARE eingebunden, die die Hersteller für ihre Geräte entwickeln.
20160808             Darunter seien unter anderem aktuelle Geräte wie beispielsweise das BlackBerry Priv, GOOGLE Nexus 5X, 6—UND 6P, Samsungs Galaxy S7 und S7 Edge, LG G4, G5 und V10 sowie das 1—PLUS 1, 2—UND 3.
20160808             Je früher sich Fehler in den Herstellungsprozess einschleichen, USA—SCHWIERIGER seien sie zu korrigieren.
20160808             sich Fehler in den Herstellungsprozess einschleichen, Guten —MORGEN!
20160808             Gleichbehandlung: —EXPERTEN fordern schärferes ANTIDISKRIMINIERUNGS—GESETZ (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 10:32)
20160808             USA—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTS—WAHL—KAMPF: 1. BUSH unterstützt DONALD—TRUMP
20160808             PFUND—SCHWACH nach BREXIT—VOTUM: Touristen strömen nach GROß—BRITANNIEN
20160808             —KASSIERT, Grundsatzrede zur WirtschaFT, DONALD—TRUMP, STEUERversprechen
20160808             DONALD—TRUMP—WIRTSCHAFTS—POLITIK, Der Fantast
20160808             So könnte McMullin höchstens in einigen traditionell republikanisch dominierten BUNDES—STAATEN DONALD—TRUMP—DAS—SPIEL verderben.
20160808             [l] Willkommenskultur:
20160808             Eigentlich sollte es für den, —31—JAHRE—ALTE 1.unbeschwertE EUROPA—REISE werden.
20160808             [l] Endlich fasst mal jemand die politischen STAND—PUNKTE—VON—DONALD—TRUMP übersichtlich zusammen!
20160808—20160805    —ON, 1—KENYA—MAGISTRATE—COURT—ACQUITTED—THE—5—TAIWAN—NATIONALS and 35—CHINA—CITIZENS—AFTER the prosecution failed to prove its case against them.
20160808—20170000    —IN, he sentenced to —10—YEARS in prison —AFTER being convicted of "infiltrating" and sending confidential material abroad.
20170222—20180808    —SENTENCED, Purinton was, to 3—CONSECUTIVE life terms.
20170716—20160808    —ARRESTED, Wang was, —WHILE conducting research on the 17940000—19250000     Qajar dynasty for his doctorate in late 19. and early 19010101—20001231     Eurasian history.
20170720—20170808    —ON, he † of his injuries.
20170729—20170808    —ARRESTED, Khaled Merhi (39) 1—OF—THE 4, men, was charged with possession of 1 prohibited weapon and granted bail.
20170808             —PROTESTE—IN—VENEZUELA: Hacker greifen Regierungswebsites an
20170808             MOSKAU: Der SCHAUPROZESS—GEGEN—ALEXEJ Uljukajew
20170808             MASSEN—STERBEN: Wie Vulkane fast das Leben auf der Erde auslöschten
20170808             Gleichberechtigung: Google feuert MIT—ARBEITER nach sexistischem Schreiben
20170808             DIESEL—SKANDAL, Elektrotransporter der Post wird zum Renner
20170808             Sex der ZUKUNFT: Schlafen wir bald mit Maschinen?
20170808             Neuer Lehrplan in UNGARN: Orbáns Regierung will Unterricht militarisieren CORONA—VIRUS
20170808             Tod eines berühmten ORANG—UTANS: Chantek wird nie wieder sprechen
20170808             Soziale NETZ—WERKE: FOTO—SOFTWARE erkennt Depressive auf Instagram
20170808             3—OPTIONEN für BREXIT—PREMIER—MAY: Aussitzen, abtreten, rausschleichen
20170808             Luftgetrockneter Stockfisch: WIKINGER handelten mit Fischkonserven
20170808             —VERMUTET, Gift im Ei: Agrarminister, Kriminelle hinter EIER—SKANDAL
20170808             Profiteur des Onlinehandels: DEUTSCHE—POST—AKTIE auf REKORD—HOCH
20170808             USA—TALKSHOW—LEGENDE: DAVID—LETTERMAN kündigt Comeback an
20170808             —INHAFTIERT, Inhaftierte Journalistin Tolu: "Hunderte Frauen mit Kindern "
20170808             USA—GERICHT: Erstmals Prozess zu FOLTER—METHODEN bei CIA—VERHÖREN zugelassen
20170808             INTERNET—PÖBLER: Löschung von HAYAL1—KOMMENTAR—FACEBOOK entschuldigt sich
20170808             —GEFILMT, Aus Diensthubschrauber : EX—POLIZIST wegen Voyeurismus verurteilt
20170808             —SCHON DIE—WIKINGER von Haithabu verzehrten NORWEGISCHE—FISCHDELIKATESSEN.
20170808             DIE—WIKINGER waren nicht nur gefürchtete Krieger, sie haben auch weltweiten Handel getrieben —, dabei geschickt ihre WAREN konserviert.
20170808             haben sie in MITTEL—EUROPA deutlich früher als —BISHER, bekannt mit getrocknetem Kabeljau von den NORWEGISCHEN—LOFOTEN gehandelt.
20170808             —BISLANG sei die Forschung davon ausgegangen, dass der STOCKFISCH—HANDEL —ERST 12000101—12991231    —IM, zu Zeiten der Hanse in Schwung gekommen sei,
20170808             "Wir haben —JETZT gezeigt, dass das aber —SCHON—500—JAHRE—VORHER bei den WIKINGERn —DER—FALL—WAR",
20170808             —VON, den Kaufleuten der Hanse sei der Fisch als Handelsgut dokumentiert
20170808             DIE—WIKINGER—ZEIT umfasst etwa den —ZEIT—RAUM zwischen Ende des 8. —BIS—MITTE, des 10010101—11001231    —CENTURY.
20170808             Salz habe um das —JAHR 800—ALS Konservierungsmittel noch nicht in großen Mengen zur Verfügung gestanden
20170808             "Das NORWEGISCHE—KLIMA war aber geeignet, um die Fische an der Luft gefrierzutrocknen".
20170808             5—FUNDE von Fischgräten aus Haithabu
20170808             Das rekonstruierte ERB—GUT der in Haithabu und anderen mittelalterlichen Siedlungsplätzen gefundenen Fische verglichen sie anschließend mit dem von Fischen aus heutigen Beständen IN—DER—OST—OST—SEE, im Öresund, in der NORD—SEE, vor den Lofoten und in der nordöstlichen ARKTIS.
20170808             —GEGESSEN, Der Fisch, der etwa in Haithabu, und gehandelt worden sei, stamme zumindest teilweise von den 1500—KM entfernten Lofoten und nicht aus den benachbarten Beständen in Nord—, OST—SEE,
20170808             —GEBRACHT, DIE—WIKINGER den Handel ins Rollen, haben, der dann weit entfernte Fischgründe mit EUROPA verbunden hat".
20170808             Das lässt —SCHON echt tief blicken.
20170808             Mit durchschlagendem Erfolg.
20170808             Ja, Buzzfeed! Nein, wirklich! Buzzfeed!
20170808             Wieso die anderen nicht? Ja was weiß ich denn?
20170808             Die waren vielleicht damit beschäftigt, das GOOGLE—MEMO falsch wiederzugeben?
20170808             Zweimal PRO—TAG kriegt er 1—ORDNER voller guter Nachrichten.
20170808             —DESCRIBED, These sensitive papers, to VICE News by 3—CURRENT and FORMER—WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS, don't contain TOP—SECRET—INTELLIGENCE or updates on legislative initiatives.
20170808             —FILLED, Instead, the folders are, with screenshots of positive cable news chyrons (those LOWER—3. headlines and crawls), admiring tweets, transcripts of fawning TV interviews, PRAISE—FILLED news stories, and sometimes —JUST pictures of TRUMP on TV looking powerful.
20170808             —BESTIMMT, Das ist, Balsam für ein von Selbstzweifeln zerfressenes Ego!
20170808             1—WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIAL said the only feedback THE—WHITE—HOUSE—COMMUNICATIONS—SHOP, which prepares the folder, has ever gotten in all these months is: "It needs to be more fucking positive".
20170808             Da schwingt natürlich mit, dass DER—STAAT oder "DAS—SYSTEM"dann schlecht "Geisteskrankheit"so auslegt, wie es gerade in den Kram passt, um Leute wegzusperren.
20170808             —AUTOMATISIERT, Da erkennt, jemand per Machine Learning Depression auf INSTAGRAM—FOTOS.
20170808             DIE—WIKINGER—ZEIT umfasst etwa den —ZEIT—RAUM zwischen Ende des 07000101—07991231    —BIS—MITTE, des 10000101—10991231    s.
20170808             —LAUNCHED, CONGO, DRC opposition campaigners, a —2—DAY—GENERAL—STRIKE to pressure PRESIDENT—JOSEPH—KABILA to 20170901             —ELECTION—DATE -- —1—DAY—AFTER 12—PEOPLE were shot dead in 1—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—RAMPAGE in the capital.
20170808             —ISSUED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, his strongest warning yet for NORTH—KOREA in comments to reporters in NEW—JERSEY, saying that "NORTH—KOREA best not make ANY—MORE—THREATS to THE—USA. They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen".
20170808             —PUBLISHED, THE—NY—TIMES, 1—DRAFT—REPORT—OF—THE 4. National Climate Assessment.
20170808             It predicted that USA—TEMPERATURES will rise at least 2.5—DEGREES over the next few decades.
20170808             THE—USA—CENTERS for Disease Control said 1—INCREASING NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE have been sickened by eating salmonella infected papaya traced to 1—FARM in SOUTH—MEXICO.
20170808             109—PEOPLE in 16—STATES were —NOW sickened.
20170808             1—DEATH in NEW—YORK—CITY was reported.
20170808             —ARRESTED, USA—BORDER—PATROL—AGENTS in S—DIEGO, JORGE—EDWIN—RIVERA, —25—JAHRE—ALT as he used 1—DRONE to smuggle methamphetamine from MEXICO.
20170808             Rivera said he had used drones 5 or 6—TIMES—SINCE—MARCH to smuggle drugs.
20170808             —OPENED, CHICAGO, several gunmen, fire on 1—GROUP—OF—PEOPLE on 1—SIDEWALK killing 1—MAN and wounding 6—OTHER—PEOPLE in the Bronzeville neighborhood.
20170808             † GLEN—CAMPBELL, —81—JAHRE—ALT, USA—COUNTRY music legend, in NASHVILLE.
20170808             —INCLUDED, GLEN—CAMPBELL—SONGS, "Rhinestone Cowboy" (19750000             ) and "WICHITA Lineman" (19680000             ).
20170808             THE—TV—SHOW "GLEN—CAMPBELL—GOODTIME—HOUR" ran 19690000—19720000    —FROM—TO on CBS.
20170808             MCDONALD—SAID it will nearly double THE—NUMBER—OF—RESTAURANTS in CHINA in the next —5—YEARS, eventually surpassing JAPAN as the hamburger chain's 2.—BIGGEST market outside THE—USA.
20170808             The announcement came —1—WEEK—AFTER it completed 1—PREVIOUSLY announced deal to sell MOST—OF—ITS—OPERATIONS in CHINA.
20170808             —JAILED, FORMER—UK—POLICE—OFFICER—ADRIAN—POGMORE, —51—JAHRE—ALT was, for —1—YEAR for using 1—POLICE—HELICOPTER to film 1—COUPLE having sex and other people sunbathing nude.
20170808             CHINA, a 7.0-magnitude earthquake —LATE—TODAY struck 1—REMOTE, mountainous PART—OF—SOUTH—WEST—PROVINCE—OF—SICHUAN, killing at least 19—PEOPLE, including 8—TOURISTS, and injuring 247.
20170808             —RECOVERED, The death toll rose to 23 as more bodies were.
20170808             2—EGYPT—POLICEMEN were killed and 1 wounded —WHEN 1—GROUP—OF wanted criminals opened fire on security forces in 1—VILLAGE—NORTH—OF—CAIRO.
20170808             —RAMMED, FRANCE, 1—BMW, into 1—GROUP—OF—SOLDIERS in THE—PARIS suburb of LEVALLOIS—PERRET.
20170808             6—SOLDIERS were injured in the attack.
20170808             —ARRESTED, Police THE—NEXT—DAY, THE—CHIEF—SUSPECT in the attack.
20170808             —WOUNDED, The man was, in 1—GUNFIGHT —DURING his capture.
20170808             —INSTALLED, GERMANY—WIND—POWER—GROUP—SIEMENS Gamesa said it has, ASIA—TALLEST—WIND turbines, with 1—TOTAL—HEIGHT—OF—210—METERS (230—YARDS), in THAILAND.
20170808             —DETAINED, IRAN—AUTHORITIES, 64 "half naked" youths at 1—POOL—PARTY in CENTRAL—ISFAHAN province.
20170808             1—REPORT said the youngsters were dancing and drinking alcoholic beverages.
20170808             —ESCAPED, IVORY—COAST, 20—PEOPLE, custody —AFTER assaulting police officers at the courthouse in ABIDJAN.
20170808             KENYA held elections.
20170808             —PITTED, The presidential vote, PRESIDENT—UHURU—KENYATTA, —55—JAHRE—ALT, the businessman SON—OF—KENYA—FOUNDING PRESIDENT, against Raila Odinga (72), 1—FORMER—POLITICAL—PRISONER and SON—OF—KENYA—1. VICE—PRESIDENT.
20170808             —RELEASED, NEPAL, 1—PARLIAMENTARY—REPORT, —TODAY said immigration officials at its INTERNATIONAL airport are colluding with traffickers to illegally send Nepali women to the Gulf where they are often exploited and abused.
20170808             —VISITED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, the breakaway GEORGIA—REGION—OF—ABKHAZIA and assured IT—OF—MOSCOW—MILITARY—SUPPORT, 1—ACT—OF—DEFIANCE to Western governments that have condemned RUSSIA—BACKING for the separatists.
20170808             —DESCRIBED, The video, the assets of billionaire brothers Arkady and BORIS—ROTENBERG and their sons.
20170808             —CHARGED, NAVALNY—VIDEO, that they won lucrative government orders unfairly and included footage of their palatial mansions.
20170808             Lawmakers in SOUTH—AFRICA—RULING AFRICA—NATIONAL Congress (ANC) pledged to back PRESIDENT—JACOB—ZUMA in 1—NO—CONFIDENCE motion in PARLIAMENT, aiming to thwart opposition efforts to force him out.
20170808             —SURVIVED, Zuma, THE—NO—CONFIDENCE—VOTE.
20170808             SOUTH—AFRICA, thieves broke into THE—OFFICES—OF—THE—COMPETITION—COMMISSION, making off with laptop computers.
20170808             THE—COMPETITION—COMMISSION is responsible for investigating issues including cartel conduct and mergers and acquisitions, —BEFORE bringing them to the Competition Tribunal for adjudication.
20170808             —ANNOUNCED, THE—HEAD—OF—SOUTH—SUDAN—UN—MISSION, THE—LONG—AWAITED ARRIVAL—OF—TROOPS from 1—REGIONAL—FORCE meant to patrol roads and quell violence in THE—WAR—RAVAGED country.
20170808             —ARRIVED, About 150—TROOPS from RWANDA, at the weekend for the regional protection force (RPF).
20170808             —INTENSIFIED, SYRIA, PRO—GOVERNMENT—FORCES, their ASSAULT—ON—THE—REBEL—HELD suburbs of DAMASCUS, —1—DAY—AFTER the Faylaq AL—RAHMAN rebel faction beat back 1 attempted government advance, killing several soldiers.
20170808             SYRIA, airstrikes on PARTS—OF—THE—NORTHERN—CITY—OF—RAQQA that are controlled by the Islamic State group killed 29—CIVILIANS, including 9—WOMEN and 12—CHILDREN.
20170808             —CHARGED, THAILAND, JOURNALIST—PRAVIT—ROJANAPHRUK was, with sedition and VIOLATION—OF—THE—COUNTRY—COMPUTER—LAW for online postings concerning politics.
20170808             1—TURKEY—MEDIA—REPORT said TURKEY has begun CONSTRUCTION—OF—1—WALL along the country's frontier with IRAN, mimicking THE—TURKEY—BARRIER along THE—SYRIA—BORDER.
20170808             —SENTENCED, VENEZUELA—SUPREME—COURT, CARACAS DISTRICT—MAYOR—RAMON—MUCHACHO to —15—MONTHS in jail for defying orders to keep transit moving in 1—AREA routinely blocked and barricaded by ANTI—GOVERNMENT—DEMONSTRATIONS.
20170808             —ASSUMED, VENEZUELA—NEW—CONSTITUTIONAL—ASSEMBLY, even more power by declaring itself as the superior body to all other governmental institutions, including THE—OPPOSITION—CONTROLLED congress.
20170808             —SUSPECTED, SOUTH—YEMEN, 4—SOLDIERS and 6, al Qaeda attackers were killed and 10—SOLDIERS wounded —WHEN 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER and gunmen tried to storm 1—ARMY—CAMP.
20170808             Umstrittene KRIM—ÄUßERUNG: WAGENKNECHT begrüßt Lindners RUSSLAND—VORSTOß
20170808             FIRMEN—CHRONIKEN—VON—JÄGERMEISTER und Madsack: Spuren in die NAZI—ZEIT
20170808             —BEENDET, TSCHECHIEN: AGRAR—FIRMA, Schweinemast auf früherem KZ—GELÄNDE
20170808             UM—FRAGE zur ENERGIE—WENDE: 95 % DER—DEUTSCHEN—FÜR Ausbau von Ökostromanlagen
20170808             AUßEN—HANDEL  ;;0600;;             —IM, : DEUTSCHE—EXPORTE mit stärkstem Minus
20170808             Umfrage, Nur jeder 4. USA—AMERIKANER glaubt NACHRICHTEN—AUS—DEM WEIßES—HAUS
20170808             WASSER—KRISE, ITALIEN ruft NOTSTAND—IN—2—REGIONEN aus
20170808             Countdown zum WELT—UNTERGANG: DONALD—TRUMP hat an der Uhr gedreht
20170808             Gleichberechtigung: GOOGLE feuert MIT—ARBEITER nach sexistischem Schreiben (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 10:38)
20170808             Neuer Lehrplan in UNGARN—DES ORBÁN—REGIERUNG will Unterricht MILITARisieren (Leben und Lernen, 15:28)
20170808             Besondere Gefährdungslagen: Neue Direktion DER—BUNDES—POLIZEI—STEUERT SPEZIAL—EINHEITEN
20170808             MEDIEN—BERICHT, Wissenschaftler fürchten PRÄSIDENTEN—BLOCKADE—VON—KLIMA—BERICHT
20170808             ATOM—KONFLIKT, DONALD—TRUMP droht NORD—KOREA mit "Feuer, Wut und MACHT"
20170808             DIE—BEWOHNER der ehemaligen WIKINGERstätte Haithabu nordwestlich von KIEL verspeisten —BEREITS VOR—1.—200—JAHREN luftgetrockneten Stockfisch aus Nordnorwegen.
20170808             DIE—NORDMÄNNER errichteten ein weltweites HANDELSNETZ—VON Konstantinopel —BIS AMERIKA.
20170808             Bei den Proben aus Haithabu handelte ES—SICH um Kabeljaureste aus der nordöstlichen ARKTIS.
20170808             DIE—TIERE ziehen JEDES—JAHR —WINTER—IM, zum Laichen vor die Lofoten und sind —BIS—HEUTE GRUND—LAGE der dortigen Fischerei.
20170808             DIE—FORSCHER sind sicher, daß ES—SICH bei den Fischresten nicht um Proviant 1—WIKINGERREISE aus dem NORDEN nach Haithabu handelt.
20170808             [l] In NEW—ORLEANS gibt es gerade wieder 1—FLUTPROBLEM.
20170808             [l] —IM—MOMENT bietet sich übrigens 1.hervorragende Gelegenheit für 1.Messung, welche Medien neutral über das GOOGLE—MEMO berichten und welche lieber mithetzen.
20170808             [l] "We [...] needed 1—APP to start the car and we had no cell signal #internetofshit"
20170808             "Emotional INTELLIGENCE"1—BULLSHIT—TERM ist, den sich NICHT—PSYCHOLOGE aus dem Arsch gezogen hat, um sein Buch zu verkaufen
20170808             [l] Hey, wenn DIE BIG—DATA mit UNS machen, dann können WIR ja wohl auch mal BIG—DATA mit DENEN machen!
20170808             Dachte sich jemand bei Buzzfeed und setzte Machine Learning auf die öffentlichen Flugradardaten an, um SPIONAGE—FLUGZEUGE zu identifizieren.
20170808             Ja, Buzzfeed! Nein, wirklich! Wieso die anderen nicht?
20170808             [l] Also so 1—SERVICE könnte ich mir auch gut vorstellen.
20170808             Aber DONALD—TRUMP ist noch nicht zufrieden damit.
20170808             That's why SOME—IN—THE—WHITE—HOUSE ruefully refer to the packet as "the PROPAGAND1—DOCUMENT".
20170808             [l] Eines der Horrorszenarien, die von schützern bezüglich BIG—DATA und Machine Learning herumgereicht werden, ist dass irgendwann per Machine Learning Geisteskrankheiten diagnostiziert werden.
20170808             —NUN, der 1.Schritt ist getan.
20170810             —CLAIMED, 1—OPPOSITION—OFFICIAL, that election commission data shows opposition leader Raila Odinga won 20170808             —THE election and that he should be declared PRESIDENT.
20170919             —FIRED, KENYA—POLICE, teargas at SUPPORTERS—OF—PRESIDENT—UHURU—KENYATTA who protested outside THE—SUPREME—COURT—AGAINST—THE—INVALIDATION—OF his 20170808             RE—ELECTION.
20180808             Regen nach der HITZE—WELLE: "Man wird mit Überschwemmungen rechnen müssen"
20180808             Trotz HANDELS—STREIT—MIT—USA: CHINESISCHE—EXPORTE im;;07;;kräftig gestiegen
20180808             EUGH—URTEIL: Schüler müssen aufpassen, wenn sie Bilder aus dem Netz kopieren CORONA—VIRUS
20180808             Judenhass: POLIZEI meldet die meisten ANTI—SEMITISMUS—STRAFTATEN in BERLIN
20180808             DEUTSCHE—WIRTSCHAFTSWUNDERFERNSEHEN: Freie Fahrt ins Verdrängen
20180808             Grund—, GEWERBE—STEUER: Kommunen sanieren sich über Abgabenerhöhung
20180808             Flexible Fischart: Die FORTPFLANZUNGS—WELTMEISTER
20180808             E—MOBILITÄT: Aldi baut E—TANKSTELLEN in Autobahnnähe
20180808             USA—SANKTIONEN: TÜRKEI und CHINA wollen sich IRAN—EMBARGO nicht beugen
20180808             Mögliche Legalisierung: Abtreibung spaltet ARGENTINIEN
20180808             SYRIEN—ASMA AL—ASSAD an Brustkrebs erkrankt
20180808             Grenzstaus, Lieferengpässe, Arbeitslose: So gefährlich wäre ein BREXIT ohne Deal
20180808             Midterms: Mehr Frauen denn je kandidieren bei USA—WAHLEN
20180808             Unwirksame Medikamente: IMPFSTOFF—SKANDAL erschüttert CHINA
20180808             CINCINNATI: POLIZIST setzt Taser gegen —11—JAHRE—ALT  ein
20180808             Herzinfarkt: Sterben Frauen häufiger, wenn sie von Männern behandelt werden?
20180808             ÜBERSCHALL—ZUG in FRANKREICH: 400—EINWOHNER—DORF soll Hyperloop bekommen
20180808             WIKILEAKS—GRÜNDER: USA fordern ASSANGE zu Aussage in RUSSLAND—AFFÄRE auf
20180808             FALL—SKRIPAL: USA verhängen neue RUSSLAND—SANKTIONEN wegen GIFT—ANSCHLAG
20180808             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA, it would impose new sanctions on RUSSIA for illegally using 1—CHEMICAL—WEAPON in 1—ATTEMPT to kill former spy SERGEI—SKRIPAL and his daughter in BRITAIN —EARLIER—THIS—YEAR.
20180808             —ARRESTED, USA—CUSTOMS—OFFICIALS, 1—USA—WOMAN, —81—JAHRE—ALT and seized 92—POUNDS—OF—HEROIN found in the rocker panel of 1—CAR driven by the woman at the Tecate border crossing in S—DIEGO—COUNTY.
20180808             1—LARGE—USA—FEDERAL—LAW—ENFORCEMENT—OPERATION targeted businesses in MINNESOTA and NEBRASKA that knowingly hired and mistreated illegal immigrants.
20180808             17—BUSINESS—OWNERS and managers were indicted for fraud, wire fraud and money laundering.
20180808             NEW—YORK STATE—REPUBLICAN—REPRESENTATIVE—CHRISTOPHER—COLLINS, —68—JAHRE—ALT was arrested on charges of insider trading.
20180808             —ACQUIRED, He allegedly used information, as 1—BOARD—MEMBER—OF—INATE—IMMUNOTHERAPEUTICS—LTD. to sell shares —BEFORE 1—PUBLIC—ANNOUNCEMENT—OF—1 failed clinical trial.
20180808             † ROBERT—DANZIG, —85—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—CHIEF—OF—THE—HEARST—NEWSPAPERS, in 1—CAPE Cod hospital.
20180808             —REPORTED, It was, that Wells Fargo filed 1—DISCLOSURE—LAST—WEEK revealing that bank errors caused more than 600—PEOPLE in foreclosure to be incorrectly denied mortgage modification to make loans more affordable and that some 400—OF—THAT—GROUP ultimately lost their homes.
20180808             Hasnat Karim was in the cafe —AT—THE—TIME—OF—THE—ATTACK for his daughter's 13. birthday party.
20180808             1—SPOKESMAN said CONGO—PRESIDENT—JOSEPH—KABILA will not stand in the election scheduled —FOR—DECEMBER, finally agreeing to obey a 2—TERM—LIMIT but picking 1—HARD—CORE—LOYALIST under EUROPEAN—UNION—SANCTIONS to stand instead.
20180808             CongoDRC began Ebola vaccinations in the country's latest outbreak of the deadly virus that has already claimed at least 9—LIVES in NORTH—KIVU province.
20180808             —VOTED, COSTA—RICA—SUPREME—COURT, to make SAME—SEX—MARRIAGE—LEGAL and gave the country's legislature —18—MONTHS to change the law or it would automatically become legal.
20180808             —REACHED, GERMANY said it has, 1—AGREEMENT with SPAIN for that country to take back previously registered migrants who show up at THE—GERMANY—BORDER, a 1. step toward implementing 1—DEAL to defuse 1—DOMESTIC—POLITICAL—DISPUTE over migration.
20180808             INDIA, 1—STAMPEDE among THOUSANDS—OF—MOURNERS at the funeral of 1—POWERFUL—SOUTH—INDIA—POLITICIAN killed 2—PEOPLE and injured 47.
20180808             IRAN—MINISTER—OF—COOPERATIVES, Labour and Social Welfare, ALI—RABIEI, was sacked by PARLIAMENT, the latest shuffle in top economic posts as the Islamic Republic struggles to stabilize its economy.
20180808             —DROPPED, ITALY—POLICE said gangsters, 25-kilo (55-pound) weights on THE—LIMBS—OF—DRUG addicts, alcoholics and other indigents in 1—INSURANCE—FRAUD racket that faked car accidents to obtain HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—EUROS in claim payments.
20180808             —SUSPECTED—OF, Police said 11—PERSONS, including 1—NURSE, procuring anesthetics, were arrested in the crackdown on 2—PALERMO—BASED criminal organizations.
20180808             SOUTH—ITALY, HUNDREDS—OF—CROP pickers and labor union activists marched from 1—SHANTY town to protest what they say is THE—EXPLOITATION—OF—MIGRANT farmworkers.
20180808             —LASHED, JAPAN, rain, TOKYO and DOZENS—OF—FLIGHTS were canceled as Typhoon Shanshan headed toward the capital.
20180808             † JAPAN, Okinawa GOVERNOR—TAKESHI—ONAGA, —67—JAHRE—ALT, of pancreatic cancer.
20180808             —ARRESTED, KENYA—NATIONAL wildlife service said authorities have, 1 suspected poacher linked to the killing of a —12—YEAR—OLD—BLACK rhino —LAST—MONTH in Lake NAKURU national park.
20180808             KENYA—RUNNER NICHOLAS—BETT, —28—JAHRE—ALT, who won 20150000             —THE world championship title in the 400-meter hurdles, was killed in 1—EARLY—MORNING car crash in the country's famed HIGH—ALTITUDE training region.
20180808             —PLEADED, MALAYSIA—FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—NAJIB—RAZAK, —65—JAHRE—ALT, not guilty to money laundering charges slapped on him, as the country's new government looked for answers to how BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS went missing from 1—STATE—FUND—1MDB —DURING his term.
20180808             —ORDERED, MALAYSIA—MINISTER—OF—ISLAMIC—AFFAIRS said he had, THE—REMOVAL—OF—PORTRAITS—OF 2—LESBIAN, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) activists from 1—PUBLIC photography exhibition, as they promoted LGBT activities.
20180808             —SEIZED, Workers, partial CONTROL—OF—THE—HEADQUARTERS—OF—THE—UN—AGENCY for PALESTINE—REFUGEES in HAMAS—RUN—GAZA, accusing their union of "mutiny" over job cuts.
20180808             THE—PHILIPPINES—LEADER—RODRIGO—DUTERTE said there would be no new casinos set up —DURING his presidency, —1—DAY—AFTER abruptly shelving Landing INTERNATIONAL's $1.5—BILLION integrated casino project in MANILA.
20180808             SAUDI—ARABIA said there is no room for mediation in the kingdom's deepening diplomatic dispute with CANADA, and that OTTAWA knew what it needed to do to "fix its big mistake".
20180808             Oil giant SAUDI—ARABIA—ARAMCO said it will buy out the other 50-percent stake in 1—JOINT—CHEMICAL—VENTURE in THE—NETHERLANDS in 1—DEAL valued at 1.5—BILLION euros, or $1.7—BILLION.
20180808             SAUDI—ARABIA said it executed and crucified 1—MAN from MYANMAR convicted of killing 1—WOMAN and carrying out other crimes.
20180808             —BEHEADED, SAUDI—ARABIA—CRUCIFIXIONS, the condemned is usually, and the body then put on display.
20180808             SOUTH—KOREA—BASED Samsung Electronics said it plans to spend 1—WHOPPING $22—BILLION over the next —3—YEARS on artificial intelligence, auto components and other future businesses as the company maps out its strategy under the restored leadership of Vice Chairman LEE—JAE—YONG.
20180808             1—SRI—LANKA—COURT—SENTENCED—HARD—LINE—BUDDHIST monk Galagoda Atte Gnanasara to —6—YEARS in prison for CONTEMPT—OF—COURT.
20180808             —SENTENCED, In June, the monk was, in 1—SEPARATE—CASE to —6—MONTHS in prison for harassing and intimidating the journalist's wife.
20180808             —GRANTED, THAILAND, citizenship to 3—YOUNG soccer players who were trapped with other team members for almost —3—WEEKS in 1—CAVE in NORTH—THAILAND along with their —25—YEAR—OLD—COACH.
20180808             All 4 had been stateless, and their LACK—OF—CITIZENSHIP deprived THEM—OF—SOME—BASIC—BENEFITS and rights, including the ability to travel outside of Chiang Rai, the northern province where they live.
20180808             —ORDERED, VENEZUELA—SUPREME—COURT, THE—ARREST—OF—OPPOSITION—LEADER—JULIO—BORGES and called for THE—PROSECUTION—OF—OPPOSITION—LAWMAKER—JUAN—REQUESENS, —29—JAHRE—ALT, who police detained —1—DAY—EARLIER, in connection with the recent alleged assassination attempt against PRESIDENT—MADURO.
20180808             —HANDEL—MIT—EU: ENTWICKLUNGS—MINISTER—MÜLLER fordert Zollfreiheit für afrikanische Produkte
20180808             LAND—WIRTSCHAFT, Rückenmassage macht Kühe glücklich
20180808             —VETORECHT gegen Investoren aus CHINA: DIHK fürchtet Abschreckung von GELD—GEBERN
20180808             PROMI—PROTEST—GEGEN—USA—ASYL—POLITIK,"Ivanka, beende diese skrupellosen Übergriffe!"
20180808             Teilsperrung durch SICHERHEIT—PANNE: Weiterhin Verspätungen am FRANKFURTer Flughafen
20180808             EUGH—URTEIL: Schüler müssen aufpassen, wenn sie Bilder aus dem Netz kopieren (Leben und Lernen, 09:41)
20180808             —VERÄRGERT, UN—FÄLLE auf der A2: MINISTERium, über —EINSATZ—VON—"Elfenbeauftragter"
20180808             BREMEN: POLIZEI—EINSATZ—FLUG—VERKEHR stundenlang eingestellt
20180808             NACHWAHL—IN—OHIO: Hauchdünner Vorsprung für DONALD—TRUMP—KANDIDAT
20180808             —DIPLOMATISCHE—KRISE, SAUDI—ARABISCHE Patienten müssen KANADA verlassen
20180808             Neuer Weltrekord: SOLAR—FLUGZEUG bleibt fast —26—TAGE in der Luft
20180808             —ZERTRÜMMERT, Vorgetäuschte Unfälle: Banden sollen OPFERn die Knochen, haben
20180808             CINCINNATI: POLIZIST setzt Taser gegen Elfjährige ein
20180808             Schnelsen: 1. Wolfsriss in HAMBURGer STADT—GEBIET
20180808             —VORSTOß des Entwicklungsministers: Warum der EU—HANDEL—MIT—AFRIKA so schlecht läuft
20180808             —NACH, Protesten: NEW—YORK deckelt Zulassungen für Uber und andere FAHR—DIENSTE
20180808—20110000    —RELEASED, IVORY—COAST—FORMER 1. lady SIMONE—GBAGBO was, from detention —AFTER being granted 1—AMNESTY for her part in 1—SHORT—CIVIL—WAR.
20180808—20160701    —IN—THE, 1—BANGLADESH court acquitted 1—UK—MAN detained without charge —FOR—2—YEARS on SUSPICION—OF—INVOLVEMENT, ATTACK—ON—1—CAFE in DHAKA that killed 22—PEOPLE.
20180808—20180804    —ON, 16—FARMWORKERS were killed and 20180806             —WHILE riding in vans that collided with trucks.
20190808             USA gegen CHINA: Verzockt sich der USA—PRÄSIDENT—IM—HANDELSKRIEG?
20190808             Kirgisien: Spezialkräfte stürmen Haus von EX—PRÄSIDENT—MENGE schlägt zurück
20190808             Streit um Zwangsarbeiter: JAPAN lockert Exportbeschränkungen nach SÜDKOREA
20190808             Schulden für KLIMA—SCHUTZ: Kandidaten für SPD—VORSITZ fordern Aufgabe der schwarzen 0
20190808             Razzien in MISSISSIPPI: USA—BEHÖRDEN nehmen Hunderte illegale Einwanderer fest
20190808             "Ocean Viking": MALTA lässt Rettungsschiff nicht tanken
20190808             Gezielte Auswertung: Firma hat Millionen öffentlicher INSTAGRAM—DATEN abgegriffen
20190808             Serdar Somuncu über DIE—WIEDER—VEREINIGUNG: "Man kann demonstrieren. Und wenn man will, kann man dabei sogar 'Wir sind das Volk' brüllen"
20190808             USA—WHISTLE—BLOWERIN: Chelsea Manning droht 1—STRAFGELD—VON—BIS zu 440.000—DOLLAR
20190808             Trotz Koalitionsabsage: Wo sich CDU und AfD näherkommen - [l] Auch RUSSLAND rüstet ab.
20190808             Hier entsorgen sie 1—MUNITIONSLAGER.
20190808             Gut, eventuell nicht gänzlich geplant, aber 2,3 auf der Richterskala lohnt sich —SCHON.
20190808             Reminiszenz an den DDR—SOUL: Der Westen verneigt sich vor dem Osten
20190808             MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN: Frau stirbt nach Bad in der Ostsee an Bakterieninfektion
20190808             Forscher zum Bericht des WELT—KLIMARATS: "DER—DRUCK auf die Bauern wird zunehmen"
20190808             19—VON insgesamt 96—DEUTSCHEN—REGIONEN haben demnach bedenkliche strukturelle Probleme.
20190808             Längst nicht alle liegen in Ostdeutschland oder auf dem platten Land.
20190808             [l] Das mit den POLIZEI—BODY—CAMS ist nicht so eine tolle TRANSPARENZ—IDEE, wie man vielleicht annehmen würde.
20190808             Es gibt da nämlich 1—VERZERRUNG—DER—WAHRNEHMUNG—DES—ZUSCHAUERS, weil er das aus der ICH—PERSPEKTIVE des Polizisten sieht.
20190808             Das ist ein bisschen vergleichbar mit einem Kinofilm.
20190808             Lax departmental policies give MANY—OFFICERS—DISCRETION over —WHEN and what to record.
20190808             —LOPSIDED, Combine that with, privacy protections, which are more focused on protecting officers than the general public, and bodycams begin to look less like 1—TOOL to keep cops in line and more like 1—TOOL to monitor civilians.
20190808             We know about MISTER—TIMPA—EXCRUCIATING final minutes only because of a —3—YEAR—LEGAL—CAMPAIGN by THE—DALLAS—MORNING—NEWS to have the footage released.
20190808             And that case is not 1—OUTLIER.
20190808             Provinz DENIZLI: Heftiges Erdbeben erschüttert die TÜRKEI
20190808             START—VON—ARKTIS—EXPEDITION: "Polarstern" soll —1—JAHR im Packeis festfrieren
20190808             Sc