Was geschah in der Geschichte an einem 23. July ?

Ereignisse an einem 23. July

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04280723             † WEST—RÖMER—USURPATOR—PIRRUS,
04940723             † SALLUSTIUS, orthodoxer PATRIARCH—VON—JERUSALEM
06850723             JOHANNES—V—PAPA folgt auf BENEDIKT—II—PAPA
09450723             † RICHER—BISCHOF—VON—LÜTTICH
10650723             † GUNTHER—BISCHOF—VON—BAMBERG
11480723             2. Kreuzzug, die
11640723             —ANKOMMEN, Unter großem Jubel der Bevölkerung, die angeblichen Knochen der Heiligen 3—KÖNIGE in Köln .
11680723             † MARKWARD—ABT—VON—FULDA
12130723             † MARIA—VON—OIGNIES, Brabanter Mystikerin und Begine
12740723             † WONJONG, 24. KÖNIG des koreanischen GORYEO—REICHES
12980723             † † ? JEWS—MASSACRED—WERE, at WÜRZBURG—GERMANY.
13230723             —AM, die meisten übergingen ).
13230723             Nur die REITER—FÜHRER aus der DIÖZESE—LÜTTICH blieben bei des JOHANNES—XXII—PAPA—KARDINAL—LEGAT. und
13230723             der GIBELLINEN OBER—ITALIEN—GESAMTLAGE wurde durch dies Vorkommnis gebessert.^
13230723             Des JOHANNES—XXII—PAPA KARDINAL—LEGAT wurde durch dies Vorkommnis in die VERTEIDIGUNGS—STELLUNG gedrängt und
13700723             * PIETRO—PAOLO—VERGERIO, ITALIENISCHER—HUMANIST, Mediziner, Jurist und Staatsmann
13720723             —APUD—VILLAMNOVAM
13730723             † S—BIRGITTA—OF—SWEDEN, SWEDEN—SAINT.
13770723             † PAUL—VON—JÄGERNDORF—BISCHOF—VON—GURK und Freising
13920723             Simile del PAGAMENTO—DI—170—FLORENI per tasse imposte al COMUNE—DI—STAFFOLO rispetto alle composizioni fatte con AZZO—DI—CASTEL broglio e Brado lino e colla compagnia del conte Giovanni.
13920723             Omissis ecc.
13920723             confessus et contentus habuisse et recepisse a Com.
13920723             CASTRI—STAFFULI p. compositione facta p. dictum dnum cum Acto de CASTELLO broglo et BRADOLINO
13920723—13940728    DE ANNO PRESENTI^ SECUND. tassam factam dicto Comuni^ 100—FLORENI;
13990723             † GENERAL—VIKAR—HUGO—VON—HERVORST, in Köln
14000000             abgebrannte Häuser.
14030723             —BATTLE—OF—SHREWSBURY was fought by THE—PERCYS against HENRY—IV—KING—OF—ENGLAND
14030723             † THOMAS—PERCY, 1. EARL—OF—WORCESTER, ENGLISCHER—ADELIGER, Militär und Diplomat
14220723             —GESTATTET, DER—RAT—DER—10, den DEUTSCHLAND—BÄCKERGESELLEN ihre lediglich zu religiösem Zwecke GESTIFTETe Bruderschaft bei S—FILIPPO—E—GIACOMO—BEIZUBEHALTEN (cf.
14220723             NUMMER—55—UND 47).
14220723             —AM,
14310723             gemäss der von MARTINUS—V—PAPA ungern angenommenen, ORT—BASEL MAN das zu CONSTANZ begonnene KONZIL—WERK zu Ende zu bringen hoffte,
14310723             —7—WOCHEN—SPÄTER, traf KARDINAL—GIULIANO—CESARINI, vom PAPAE zum Vorsitzenden Legaten bei der Versammlung erkoren,
14310723             —7—WOCHEN—SPÄTER, aus dem östlichen DEUTSCHLAND 1—WO die hussitischen Händel KARDINAL—GIULIANO—CESARINI festgehalten hatten.
14310723             —SEIT, KONZIL—ZU—KONSTANZ SICH Die Stimmung im Abendlande hatte nicht nur nicht gebessert sondern
14310723             —SEIT, KONZIL—ZU—KONSTANZ SICH Die Stimmung im Abendlande beiweitem verschlimmert, indem
14310723             —SEIT, KONZIL—ZU—KONSTANZ der ANTI—PAPA—GEIST aus der Reformprojekte Vereitlung
14310723             —SEIT, KONZIL—ZU—KONSTANZ WÄHREND des MARTINUS—V—PAPA REGIERUNG—DER—ANTI—PAPA—GEIST neue Nahrung geschöpft hatte.
14310723             Überdies wollte es das Unglück daß in BASEL jene hervorragenden Männer fehlten,
14310723             —KONZIL—IN—BASEL—ERÖFFNET  worden, war
14310723             —NACHDEM die ITALIENISCHEN—SYNODEN sich zu des KONZIL—WERK Fortführung unvermögend erwiesen hatten.
14310723             Überdies wollte es das Unglück daß in BASEL jene hervorragenden Männer fehlten,
14880723             † ALBRECHT—VON—BADEN, nicht regierender badischer MARK—GRAF
14970723             † BARBARA—FUGGER, Augsburger Bürgerin und Geschäftsfrau
14990723             LE—KARDINAL—ASCANIO, poursuivant sa route vers MILAN, écrit au PAPA pour lui expliquer les causes de son départ.
15080723             Die SPANISCHE—EXKLAVE an MAROKKO—KÜSTE ist —HEUTE ein umstrittenes Territorium.
15320723             KAISER—KARL—V. und die Protestanten vereinbaren im
15320723             —NÜRNBERGER—RELIGIONS—FRIEDEN zum
15320723             1. Mal (befristet) eine gegenseitige RECHTS—GARANTIE, FRIEDENS—GARANTIE für die gegenwärtigen "konfessionellen Besitzstände".
153310072300         —OF—THE—EVENING—OF, the and did much injury to THE—CONTENTS—OF—THE—CHURCH—AND—DESTROYED—PORTIONS—OF—THE—ROOF.
15331007230000       at 11—O'CLOCK of the —EVENING of the and did much injury to THE—CONTENTS—OF—THE—CHURCH and destroyed PORTIONS—OF—THE—ROOF.
15480723             † WORAWONGSA, 16. KÖNIG des siamesischen Königreiches Ayutthaya
15540723             MORI 1—MIA—FIGLIUOLA—NATURALE —ALLI, dein PARMA e si chiamava OTTAVIA—DI—ETÀ di deci mesi.
15580723             —BATTLE—AT—GREVELINGEN
15580723             —GENERAL—LAMORAL—VAN—EGMONT beat FRANCE.
15580723—15580713    —SEE
15580723—15580713    —SEE—
15680723             † DON—CARLOS (c23), SON—OF—PHILIP—II—KING—OF—SPAIN.
15880723             —INVASION—OF—ENGLAND by SPAIN—ARMADA
15880723             —ASSEMBLES—AT—TILBURY—ENGLAND, ENGLAND—ARMY, to repel.
15950723             —LANDED, SPAIN—SOLDIERS, at CORNWALL—ENGLAND, and
15970723             * des ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—TRIER HUGO—FRIEDRICH—VON—ELTZ, Gesandter bei den Westfälischen Friedensverhandlungen
15990723             CARAVAGGIO, his 1. public commission for paintings, RECEIVED.
16070723             * CHRISTIAN—HOBURG, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE, mystischer Spiritualist
16140723             * BONAVENTURA—PEETERS, flämischer Maler, Zeichner, Radierer und Dichter
16270723             —ARRIVED in NEW—FOUNDLAND, SIR—GEORGE—CALVERT, to develop his land grant.
16320723             GOTTFRIED—HEINRICH—ZU—PAPPENHEIM, NIMMT—IM 3ßigjährigen Krieg DIE—REICHS—STADT—DORTMUND ein und verlegt sein Hauptquartier dorthin.
16350723             † HANS—ULRICH—VON—SCHAFFGOTSCH, kaiserlicher GENERAL im 3ßigjährigen Krieg
16450723             † MICHAEL—I—ZAR—UND—GROSS—FÜRST—VON—RUSSLAND, aus der Dynastie der Romanows., 1.
16480723             —DATUM,
16530723             FOLIA—13—VERSO Doc. NUMERO—8.
16560723             * HAR—KRISHAN, 8. Guru des Sikhismus
16600723             † GEORG—WEICHMANN, —23—JAHRE—ALT
16600723             † GIORGIO—WAICHMAN d'Olmo (Weickmann;
16640723             WEALTHY—NON—CHURCH—MEMBERS in MASSACHUSETTS were given the right to vote.
16640723             —ARRIVED, in BOSTON, 4—UK—SHIPS, to drive THE—HOLLAND—OUT—OF—NEW—YORK.
16670723             † JUSTUS—HENRICUS—HEIDFELDT, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE und Philologe
16970723             1. LEIPZIG, wird in DEUTSCHLAND 1—KLASSENLOTTERIE durchgeführt.
17100723             † SAMUEL—STRYK, DEUTSCHER—JURIST
17110723             —BEENDET, DER—FRIEDEN—VOM—PRUTH, den RUSSISCH—TÜRKISCHEN—KRIEG—VON—17100000/17110000   .
17110723             Gegen die FESTUNG—ASOW—RÜCKGABE—AN DIE—TÜRKEN und
17110723             Gegen ein hohes Bestechungsgeld wird der am Pruth eingekesselten RUSSISCHEN—ARMEE unter dem Befehl PETER—DES—GROSSEN, FREIER—ABZUG—GESTATTET.
17170723             † ENOCH—SVANTENIUS, DEUTSCHER—PÄDAGOGE und Dichter
17210723             * ANNA—DOROTHEA—THERBUSCH, DEUTSCHE—MALERIN des Rokoko
17210723             * JOSEPH—FRANZ—XAVER—VON—HOPPENBICHL, deutscher katholischer Geistlicher und Ökonom
17250723             * NICOLAUS—ANTON—JOHANN—KIRCHHOF, DEUTSCHER—KAUFMANN, Politiker und Gelehrter
17260723             Vistas as informações, PODE—SE imprimir (menos o riscado) a CHRONICA—DO—SENHOR—REI—DOM—AFONSO—HENRIQUES, que compoz DUARTE—GALVÃO,
17260723             E—DEPOIS—DE impressa tornará para se conferir, e dar licença para correr, sem a qual não correrá.
17260723             LICENÇAS DO SANTO—OFFICIO—LISBOA[LISSABON] Occidental, de  de.
17390723             bezeugt vom, - zu seinem Tod am ;;0902;; bezeugt vom, - zu seinem Tod - bezeugt vom, - zu seinem Tod
17390723—17460902    BERNHARD—VON—ASCHEBROCK ist als PRIOR bezeugt vom,
17430723             * JOHANN—CHRISTIAN—BACH, Pianist und Lehrer am Pädagogium in HALLE
17510723             * KARL—GOTTLOB—VON—ANTON, DEUTSCHER—JURIST, Politiker und Historiker
17520723             † FRIEDRICH—GOTTLIEB—STRUVE, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Hochschullehrer
17570723             —SIEBENJÄHRIGER—KRIEG schießen die Österreicher die STADT—ZITTAU in Schutt und Asche.
17590723             —DEFEATED, Russians under Saltikov, Prussians at KAY—IN—EAST—GERMANY, and 25—PERCENT—OF—PRUSSIA—ARMY—OF—27,000 was lost.
17590723             Die PREUSSEN—ARMEE unterliegt RUSSISCHEN—TRUPPEN, in der
17590723             —SCHLACHT—BEI—KAY,
17640723             * FRANZ—SERAPHICUS—SCHMID, RÖMISCH—KATHOLISCHER Geistlicher und Autor
17720723             beide müssen vorher den Eid, frei zu sein, schwören;
17720723             GEBÜHRENFREI, LEISTEN, LEONHARD—JOSEF, —JETZT kaiserlicher SOLDAT, aus Boutscheid (=Burtscheid?) oo Schwizer, MARIA—KATHARINA—AUS—EILENDORF, DvA[DISPENS—VOM—AUFGEBOT] ;
17830723             * KARL—CHOTEK—VON—CHOTKOW, TSCHECHISCHER—ADELIGER, Verwalter und Politiker
17870723             In einem Patent ordnet KAISER—JOSEPH—II. an, dass die in den habsburgischen Ländern lebenden Juden DEUTSCHE—VOR—UND Nachnamen annehmen und sich im GEMEINDE—SCHRIFTVERKEHR der DEUTSCHEN—SPRACHE zu bedienen haben.
17870723—17870828    —AM, Für Galizien wird das Patent —ERST wirksam.
17890723             —THE—GREAT—FEAR, swept through FRANCE as
17890723             —THE—REVOLUTION—CONTINUED.
17890723             Des ÉMEUTEs et des jacqueries partout en FRANCE.
17890723             ÉCLATENT—LA—GRANDE—PEUR gagne tout LA—FRANCE
17930723             —CAPITULATION—DE—MAYENCE.
17930723             —BELAGERUNG—VON—MAINZ
17930723             Mit der Kapitulation gegenüber den PREUSSISCHEN—TRUPPEN enden Belagerung und MAINZER—REPUBLIK.
17930723             † ROGER—SHERMAN, Delegierter von CONNECTICUT im Kontinentalkongress
17940723             —AVERTED, Chaos and anarchy were, temporarily —WHEN ROBESPIERRE joined conciliation talks in PARIS.
17940723             Die Erneuerung des Maximumgesetzes für Löhne führt zum Bruch der Sansculottes mit den Jakobinern.
17940723             Letztere verlieren —NUN ihren Rückhalt bei Arbeitern und Kleinbürgern während der FRANZÖSISCHEN—REVOLUTION.
17940723—17931023    —IM, DES NÄCHSTEN JAHRES, DIE—HEILIGEN—RELIQUIEN wurden aber wieder heimlich ausgegraben,
17950723             † ANTOINE—MAURICE—DER—JÜNGERE, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher und Hochschullehrer
17980723             —PRISE—DU—CAIRE
18030723             IRISCHE—AUFSTÄNDISCHE unter der Führung von ROBERT—EMMET—VERSUCHEN, das DUBLIN—CASTLE einzunehmen.
18030723             Der schlecht vorbereitete Aufstand wird rasch niedergeschlagen.
18040723             * JANE—IRWIN—HARRISON, 1. Lady der USA
18190723             * ALEXIS—DUMONT, DEUTSCHER—RECHTSANWALT und Kommunalpolitiker
18200723             * JULIA—TYLER, USA—AMERIKANISCHE 1. Lady, 2. Gattin von USA—PRÄSIDENT—JOHN—TYLER
18280723             * JONATHAN—HUTCHINSON, BRITISCHER—CHIRURG, Dermatologe und Pathologe
18290723             —1—PATENT for his "typographer," 1—FORERUNNER of the typewriter, WILLIAM—AUSTIN—BURT—OF—MOUNT—VERNON—MICHIGAN, RECEIVED.
18400723             Durch das BRITISCHE—UNIONSGESETZ wird das Entstehen der PROVINZ—KANADA im Folgejahr aus dem Zusammenfassen von OBER—UND Niederkanada geregelt.
18440723             * HARRIET—WILLIAMS—RUSSELL—STRONG, USA—AMERIKANISCHE—ERFINDERIN, Naturschützerin und Frauenrechtlerin
18450723             † WILLIAM—SUBLETTE, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—PELZHÄNDLER, Trapper und Mountain Man
18460723—18460700    —AUTHORIZED, THE—CALIFORNIA—BATTALION was officially, under USA—NAVY—COMMODORE—ROBERT—F—STOCKTON, the senior military officer in CALIFORNIA
18470723             Das PREUSSISCHE—JUDENGESETZ bringt 1—RECHTSVEREINHEITLICHUNG und gewährt dieser Bevölkerungsgruppe BEWEGUNGS—UND Niederlassungsfreiheit.
18470723             —REFERIERT, BERLIN, HERMANN—VON—HELMHOLTZ über die Konstanz der Kraft und untermauert den Energieerhaltungssatz.
18490723             GERMANY—REBELS in Baden, CAPITULATED to THE—PRUSSIANS.
18490723             * GÉZA—ZICHY, UNGARISCHER—PIANIST und Komponist
18490723             Rastatt wird von PREUSSISCHEN—TRUPPEN eingenommen.
18490723             Der —NACH—DEM HECKER—AUFSTAND erneute Versuch, im Zuge der Badischen Revolution im Großherzogtum Baden 1—REPUBLIK zu errichten, ist wiederum gescheitert.
18500723             —RECEIVED, FRANCE—PRIEST—JEAN—BAPTISTE—LAMY (18140000—18880000    ), notice of his appointment as BISHOP—OF—THE—RECENTLY—CREATED—VICARIATE—OF—NEW—MEXICO.
18500723             —DISPATCHED, FRANCE—PRIEST—JEAN—BAPTISTE—LAMY was, by ROME to bring order and discipline to THE—NEW—MEXICO—TERRITORY.
18500723—18750000    —NAMED, FRANCE—PRIEST—JEAN—BAPTISTE—LAMY was, Archbishop for the area.
18500723—19270000    FRANCE—PRIEST—JEAN—BAPTISTE—LAMY was the subject of WILLA—CATHER—NOVEL "Death Comes for the Archbishop".
18510723             Im Kaisertum ÖSTERREICH bewilligt Kaiser FRANZ—JOSEPH—I—DAS—ERRICHTEN—1—CENTRALANSTALT—FÜR meteorologische und magnetische Beobachtungen.
18510723             Damit entsteht der weltweit 1. staatliche Wetterdienst, die heutige Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik (ZAMG).
18530723             † ANDRIES—PRETORIUS, burischer Politiker und Voortrekker
18540723             * BIRT—ACRES, BRITISCHER—FOTOGRAF und Filmpionier
18560723             * BAL—GANGADHAR—TILAK, INDISCHER—AUTOR—UND—VERLEGER, Politiker und Unabhängigkeitskämpfer
18570723             * CARL—MEINHOF, DEUTSCHER—PASTOR und Afrikanist
18580723             —PASSED, Jewish Disabilities Removal Act was, by UK—PARLIAMENT.
18600723             † MORITZ—BRÄUNINGER, DEUTSCHER—MISSIONAR, eventuell Märtyrer (verschollen, eventuell ermordet)
18610723             [BULLA]BULLE pour le SUN—C de M"' Cruice
18640723             Schädel GIBRALTAR 1
18640723             In der Londoner Zeitschrift THE—READER—WIRD—ERSTMALS—DER—SCHÄDEL—GIBRALTAR 1—BESCHRIEBEN, der belegt, dass die anatomischen Merkmale des 18560000             bei Düsseldorf entdeckten Neandertalers keine individuellen Besonderheiten waren, sondern Merkmale einer einstmals in EUROPA weit verbreiteten Menschenart.
18650723             * LUDWIG—SÜTTERLIN, DEUTSCHER—KUNSTGEWERBLER, Schriftgestalter und Pädagoge
18660629—18660723    —FOLLOWED, THE—TRAFALGAR—SQUARE—MEETINGS were, by 1—GIANT—MEETING held at Hyde Park.
18660723             * FRANCESCO—CILEA, composer.
18660723             1—DER neusten Blaubücher [4] über BERG—WERKE ist der "Report from THE—SELECT—COMMITTEE—ON—MINES, together withEvidence, ".
18660723             Er ist das Werk 1—AUSSCHUSSES von Unterhausmitgliedern, bevollmächtigt, Zeugen vorzuladen und zu verhören;
18660723             1—DICKER Folioband, worin der "Report"selbst nur 5—ZELLEN umfaßt, des Inhalts: daß DER—AUSSCHUSS nichts zu sagen weiß und daß noch mehr Zeugen verhört werden müssen!
18660723             DIE—ART—DER—ZEUGENEXAMINATION erinnert an die cross examinations 1*) vor den ENGLAND—GERICHTEN, wo der Advokat durch unverschämte, sinnverwirrende Kreuz—, Querfragen den Zeugen aus der Fassung zu bringen und ihm die Worte im Mund zu verdrehn sucht.
18680723             —AUGUST—BEBEL—RICHTET—IM—AUFTRAG—DES—VERBANDES 1—EINLADUNG an den IAA—GENERAL—RAT, am kommenden VEREINS—TAG teilzunehmen.
18690723             * HANS—BLAU, SCHWEIZER—BEAMTER
18700723             KARL—MARX, COMPLETED, what will become known as his "1. Address", FRANCE.
18700723             * AUGUST—JACOB—GEORG—HOWALDT, DEUTSCHER—KAPITALIST und Industrieller im Schiffbau (Howaldtswerke AG)
18700723             KARL—MARX completes what will become known as his "1. Address".
18710723             † JOSEPH—ROESBERG, DEUTSCHER—MUNDARTDICHTER und Komponist
18710723—18760101    —AB, ÖSTERREICH—UNGARN regelt per Gesetz die Einführung des metrischen Systems, das verbindlich wird.
18720723             * EDWARD—ADRIAN—WILSON, BRITISCHER—POLARFORSCHER, Arzt und Ornithologe
18720723             † WILLIAM—BRIDGES—ADAMS, BRITISCHER—PUBLIZIST, Eisenbahnkonstrukteur und KAPITALIST
18730723             * MARIE—JANSON, BELGISCHE—POLITIKERIN und Frauenrechtlerin
18750723             † ISAAC—MERRITT—SINGER, —63—JAHRE—ALT, inventor (sewing machine).
18770723             —RIOTS broke out in S—FRANCISCO, as THE—WORKINGMEN—PARTY, called for reforms near the unfinished City Hall.
18770723             —OVER THE—NEXT—FEW DAYS, RIOTERS, killed, several CHINA—PEOPLE and
18770723             —OVER THE—NEXT—FEW—DAYS, RIOTERS, set fire to CHINA—BUSINESSES.
18770723             1—BRIGADE—OF—4,000 volunteers fought back the rioters and
18770723             —WHEN order was restored, 4—RIOTERS lay dead and DOZENS—OF—CHINA—BUSINESSES destroyed.
18800723             1. commercial hydroelectric POWER—PLANT in GRAND—RAPIDS—MICHIGAN, began.
18810723             CHILE und ARGENTINIEN einigen sich mit einem Grenzvertrag über ihre Gebiete auf Feuerland und in Patagonien.
18830723—19630000    * † LORD—ALLANBROOKE, ENGLAND—SOLDIER.
18850723             ULYSSES—S—GRANT—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA, 18. .
18850723             —JUST—COMPLETED, ULYSSES—S—GRANT—HAD, the final revisions to his memoirs, which were published as a 2—VOLUME set by MARK—TWAIN.
18850723             —PLACED, ULYSSES—S—GRANT—HIS—TOMB—WAS, in the largest mausoleum in THE—USA on 1—BLUFF over THE—HUDSON—RIVER.
18850723             † ULYSSES—S—GRANT, Oberbefehlshaber des USA—AMERIKANISCHEN—HEERES im Sezessionskrieg, 18. PRÄSIDENT—DER—USA
18850723—19280000    —IN, W.E. Woodward authored "Meet GENERAL—GRANT," and
18850723—19810000    —AUTHORED, WILLIAM—S—MCFREELEY, "Grant: 1—BIOGRAPHY".
18850723—19980000    —PUBLISHED, GEOFFREY—PERRET, the biography "Ulysses S. Grant: Soldier and PRESIDENT".
18850723—20040000    —AUTHORED, MARK—PERRY, "GRANT—AND—TWAIN".
18860723             * ARTHUR—WHITTEN—BROWN, UK—AVIATOR.
18860723             —CLAIMED, NEW—YORK saloonkeeper STEVE—BRODIE, to have made 1—DAREDEVIL plunge from THE—BROOKLYN—BRIDGE—INTO—THE—EAST—RIVER.
18860723             —OCCURRED, However, few historians believe the jump actually
18860723             * ANNA—MARIA—SCHULTE, DEUTSCHE—SOZIALDEMOKRATIN und Sozialaktivistin
18860723             * THEODOR—FRINGS, DEUTSCHER—GERMANIST und Sprachwissenschaftler
18860723             * WALTER—SCHOTTKY, DEUTSCHER—PHYSIKER und Elektrotechniker
18900723             * BRUNO—ASCH, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER
18900723             * JOAN—AMADES, katalanischer Ethnologe und Folklorist
18920723—19750000    * † HAILE—SELASSIE, Emperor of ETHIOPIA (19300000—19740000    ), as Tafari Makonnen at Ejarsa Goro, near Harer.
18920723—19750000    —PLEADED, HAILE—SELASSIE, with the League of Nations to halt THE—ITALY—INVASION—OF his country.
18920723—19750000    "Outside THE—KINGDOM—OF—THE—LORD—THERE—IS—NO—NATION—WHICH is greater than ANY—OTHER".
18930723             * HEINRICH—IMIG, DEUTSCHER—GEWERKSCHAFTER und Politiker, MdB, MdEP
18940723             JAPAN—TROOPS took over the Korean imperial palace in SEOUL.
18940723             * HEKTOR—AMMANN, SCHWEIZER—HISTORIKER und Archivar
18960000—19570723    * † GIUSEPPE—TOMASI—DI—LAMPEDUSA, Sicilian aristocrat and writer, in ROME.
18960723             * REINHOLD—FRANK, DEUTSCHER—RECHTSANWALT und Widerstandskämpfer
18990723             * GUSTAV—HEINEMANN, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER, Bundespräsident, Landesminister, Bundesminister, MdL, MdB, in Schwelm/Westfalen.
19030723             THE—FORD—MOTOR—COMPANY sold its
19030723             1. automobile, the Model A. Ford MODELL—A, Die Ford Motor Company bringt das Modell A auf den USA—AMERIKANISCHEN—MARKT.
19040723             —BY SOME—ACCOUNTS, the ice cream cone was invented by CHARLES—E—MENCHES —DURING THE—LOUISIANA—PURCHASE—EXPOSITION—IN S—LOUIS.
19060723             —POGROMS—AGAINST—JEWS—IN—ODESSA.
19080723             TURKEY, Ottoman SULTAN—ABDULHAMID—II (18420000—19180000    ) capitulated to THE—COMMITTEE—OF—UNION and Progress (CUP), which led 1—REBELLION against THE—AUTHORITY—HIS—REGIME.
19080723             —APPLIED, —SINCE then, the term has been, to other insurgent groups within organizations or political parties.
19130723             The "2. Revolution" broke out in SOUTH—CHINA.
19140000—20070723    * † MOHAMMAD—ZAHIR—SHAH, the last KING—OF—AFGHANISTAN (19330000—19730000    ).
19140000—20120723    * † INDIA, Lakshmi Sehgal, a top INDIA—FEMALE revolutionary, —FOLLOWING a heart attack.
19140723             the dispute led to —WWI. ÖSTERREICH—ULTIMATUM an SERBIEN
19140723             AUSTRIA—HUNGARY presents 1—WARLIKE, —48—HOUR ultimatum to THE—SERBIA—GOVERNMENT, demanding 1—VIRTUAL protectorate over Serbia.
19140723             Serbia accepts all but 1—OF—THE—DEMANDS, but still its response is unsatisfactory to AUSTRIA—HUNGARY.
19140723             ÖSTERREICH—UNGARN stellt —3—WOCHEN nach der Ermordung Erzherzog FRANZ—FERDINANDS 1—ULTIMATUM—VON—48—STUNDEN an SERBIEN durch Außenminister LEOPOLD—BERCHTOLD—ES—ENTHÄLT—UMFANGREICHE—FORDERUNGEN—AN den Nachbarstaat.
19140723             Ihre weitgehende, aber unvollständige Erfüllung löst nach Fristablauf die ÖSTERREICHISCHE—KRIEGSERKLÄRUNG und in der Folge den —WWI aus.
19140725             —JULI—KRISE, ÖSTERREICH—UNGARN erklärt die Erfüllung des Ultimatums vom 19140723             durch SERBIEN als "unbefriedigend",
19150509—19150723    —LORETTO—SCHLACHT—DAUER—BIS—ZUM.
19160723             † WILLIAM—RAMSAY, BRITISCHER—CHEMIKER und Nobelpreisträger aus SCHOTTLAND, Entdecker der Edelgase
19180723             † LUDWIG—BECK
19200000—20040723    * † JOE—CAHILL, 1—FOUNDING—FATHER—OF—THE—MODERN—IRELAND—REPUBLICAN—ARMY who once narrowly avoided the hangman's noose, in BELFAST.
19200723             —DEFEATED, FAISAL—I—KING—OF—ARAB—ARMY was, at Maysaloun and Syria fell effectively under French.
19200723             Das Protektorat BRITISCH—OSTAFRIKA wird in die BRITISCHE—KRONKOLONIE KENIA umgewandelt.
19220718—19220723    —ON, 1—FINAL—ERUPTION destroyed 2—HOUSES.
19250723             * GLORIA—DE—HAVEN, USA actress.
19290723             † PAUL—FLECHSIG, DEUTSCHER—PSYCHIATER und Hirnforscher, gilt als einer der "Väter der Neuroanatomie"
19300000—20110723    * † Nguyen Cao Ky, the flamboyant FORMER—AIR—FORCE—GENERAL who ruled SOUTH—VIETNAM with 1—IRON fist —FOR—2—YEARS (19650000—19670000    ) —DURING THE—VIETNAM—WAR, in MALAYSIA.
19300723             —EARTH—QUAKE struck ARIANO—ITALY, and some 1,500 were killed.
19300723             —ERDBEBEN—STÄRKE—6,7 in ITALIEN verursacht 1425—TOTE.
19320723             —HANGED, ALBERTO—SANTOS—DUMONT (18730000             *), aviation pioneer, himself in GUARAJA—BRAZIL —AFTER hearing 1—BOMBER discharge its load on fellow countrymen.
19320723             † ALBERTO—SANTOS—DUMONT, BRASILIANISCHER—LUFTSCHIFFER, Luftfahrtpionier und Erfinder
19350723             LITHUANIA—POLICE in Kovno suppress the Jewish ANTI—NAZI—BOYCOTT.
19360723             * DON—DRYSDALE, pitcher (LA DODGERS—CY Young 19620000             ), in VAN NUYS—CALIFORNIA.
19360723             Representatives of BRITAIN, FRANCE and BELGIUM meet in LONDON to discuss GERMANY—VIOLATION—OF—THE—LOCARNO—PACT in THE—RHINELAND.
19380723—19390101    1—NEW—GERMANY—LAW—DECREES that
19380723—19390101    —AS—OF, Jews will be required to carry special identification cards, which they must obtain from the local police.
19390723             * NICHOLAS—GAGE, journalist and author (Eleni).
19390723             BRITAIN and FRANCE agree to RUSSIA—PROPOSAL that military staff talks be held at once to spell out specifically how HITLER—ARMIES are to be met by THE—3—NATIONS (See 19390805             ).
19390805             —ARRANGED, Discussions have been, with Molotov in MOSCOW (See 19390723             ).
19400723             * DON—IMUS, —LATER radio personality, in RIVERSIDE—CALIFORNIA.
19400723             * JOHN—NICHOLS, novelist and essayist (THE—MILAGRO—BEANFIELD—WAR).
19400723             GERMANY—BOMBERS began the "Blitz," THE—ALL—NIGHT air raids on LONDON.
19400723             —AM, besuchte HITLER übrigens seine letzte Oper in BAYREUTH.
19400723             HITLER travels to Bayreuth to attend a PERFORMANCE—OF—WAGNER—DIE—GOTTERDAMMERUNG.
19400723             —1—WEEK—LATER he will issue orders for THE—INVASION—OF—GREAT—BRITAIN and 1—FEW days —LATER plans are presented for THE—INVASION—OF—THE—SOVIET—UNION.
19400723             —PROVIDED, ALBERT—SPEER—AND 1—NUMBER—OF—HISTORIANS believe Wagner, the inspiration for this crucial point in WWII.
19400723             See 19400801             and 19400805             )
19400723             1—CZECH—REPUBLIC—PROVISIONAL—GOVERNMENT is formed in LONDON.
19400723             —RECOGNIZED, Edouard Benes is, by THE—BRITISH—AS—PRESIDENT.
19400723             "Götterdämmerung", erklärt HARALD—SANDNER. "Das passt ja".
19410723             —SEITE—4;
19420723             A 2. TREBLINKA—CAMP opened for the extermination of European Jews, as the evacuation of THE—WARSAW ghetto began.
19420723             † Nearly 750,000—PEOPLE, in the gas chambers of Treblinka.
19420723             THE—DEATH—CAMP at TREBLINKA goes into operation.
19420723             (total victims: 800,000; survivors: under 40)
19420723             (Note: 1—FEW days —LATER, SS Major CHRISTIAN—WIRTH—IS—NAMED—INSPECTOR—OF—THE—DEATH—CAMPS at Belzec, Sobibor and TREBLINKA.) (See 19411208             )
19420723             Im DEUTSCHEN—RUSSLANDFELDZUG des 2. Weltkriegs beginnt die 2. Phase des Unternehmens Blau, das Unternehmen BRAUNSCHWEIG.
19420723             Die dabei erfolgende Aufsplitterung der Kräfte ist 1—DER—ZENTRALEN—GRÜNDE für den späteren Untergang der 6. Armee in der —SCHLACHT—VON—STALINGRAD.
19430723             FRANCE, MARCEL—LANGER (19030000             *), POLISH—BORN Jew, was guillotined —AFTER being sentenced to death by 1—VICHY court.
19430723             —ENDED, BATTLE—OF—KURSK, USSR, in Nazi defeat. 6,000 tanks took part.
19430723             † MEIJER—DE—HOND, [EMANUEL—QUERIDO], rabbi of Sobibor.
19430723             † EMANUEL—QUERIDO, PUBLISHER (Sobibor).
19440416—20120723    —ON, divers discovered the submarine.
19440723             † HELMUTH—J—VON—MOLTKE, GERMANY—EARL (19440720             plotter), was executed.
19440723             * LISA—ALTHER, novelist (Kinflicks).
19440723             —INVADED, USA—FORCES, JAPANESE—HELD Tinian.
19440723             —KILLED, BERNARD—M—COHEN, attorney, was, at Belsen concentration camp.
19440723             1—UKRAINE—SELF—DEFENSE—UNIT, directed to "liquidate all the residents" of CHLANIOW—POLAND, in 1—REPRISAL—ATTACK for THE—KILLING—OF—GERMANY—SS officer SIEGFRIED—ASSMUSS, killed 44—PEOPLE including women and children.
19440723             Gruendung von Internationalem Waehrungsfonds (IWF) und Weltbank (IBRD) - SOVIET—FORCES enter MAJDANEK.
19440723             THE—SS —NOW begins accelerating evacuations from AUSCHWITZ, yet deportation trains from FRANCE and BELGIUM, as well as RADOM, continue to be sent to AUSCHWITZ.
19440723             1,700 Jews from THE—ISLAND—OF—RHODES and 120—FROM THE—ISLAND—OF—KOS are sent to AUSCHWITZ and its gas chambers, as more and more "death marches" away from the camp are ordered.
19440723             Gruendung von Internationalem Waehrungsfonds (IWF) und Weltbank (IBRD)
19440723             Das KZ Majdanek wird durch die Rote Armee befreit.
19440723             † HANS—VON—SPONECK, DEUTSCHER—OFFIZIER, Generalleutnant der Wehrmacht —WWII—IM
19440723—20130000    —RETIRED, MICHAEL—KARKOC, —94—JAHRE—ALT, 1, MINNESOTA carpenter, was named as COMMANDER—OF—THE—NAZI—SS—LED unit in the Chlaniov attack.
19450723             —HEADED, FRANCE—MARSHAL—HENRI—PETAIN, who had, the Vichy government —WWII—DURING, went on trial, charged with treason.
19450723             —CONDEMNED, He was, to death, but his sentence was commuted;
19450723             Schließung der Großbanken in der SBZ durch Verfügung der SMAD.
19450723             Gebietstausch im Harz zwischen der Britischen und Sowjetischen Besatzungszone.
19450723             Private Banken und Versicherungen werden in der SBZ durch SMAD—BEFEHL Nummer 10—GESCHLOSSEN.
19450723             Die weitere Abwicklung ist kurze Zeit später durch öffentliche Institute, etwa die Sächsische Landesbank vorzunehmen.
19450723             Die Maßnahme ist ein 1. Schritt zur Umgestaltung des Wirtschaftssystems nach sozialistischer Ideologie.
19450723             SMAD—BEFEHL NUMBER 10—ZUR Schließung aller privaten Banken und Versicherungen.
19450723—19510000    —IN, Petain † in prison on this date.
19470723             "Give Em Hell Harry".
19480705—19480723    —BEGAN, Regular broadcasting and
19480705—19480723    —ON, Regular broadcasting began and
19480723             † USA—PIONEER filmmaker D.W. Griffith, THE—DIRECTOR—OF—SUCH films as "THE—BIRTH—OF—1—NATION," "Intolerance," "Way Down East" and "ORPHANS—OF—THE—STORM,", in LOS—ANGELES at age 73.
19480723             Innerhalb der DEUTSCHEN—VOLKSPOLIZEI (VP) werden kasernierte Bereitschaften aufgestellt.
19510723             —HEADED, FRANCE—MARSHAL—HENRI—PETAIN (18560000             *), who had, the Vichy government —WWII—DURING, was shot by firing squad.
19510723             JÜRGEN—STROOP—POLEN, wird JÜRGEN—STROOP, 19430000             für die Niederschlagung des Aufstandes im Warschauer Ghetto verantwortlich, zum 2. Mal zum Tode verurteilt.
19510723—20050000    —AUTHORED, CHARLES—WILLIAMS, "Petain".
19520723             —SEIZED, GENERAL—MOHAMMED—NEGUIB, power in EGYPT.
19520723             —ABDICATED, There was 1—REVOLUTION in EGYPT, FAROUK—I—KING—OF—.
19520723             —DIESER—TAGE feiert ÄGYPTEN den 57. - Jahrestag der REVOLUTION—VOM-
19520723             Der ÄGYPTISCHE—KÖNIG—FARUQ wird durch einen Militärputsch von MUHAMMAD—NAGIB—UND—GAMAL—ABDEL—NASSER—GESTÜRZT;
19520723             damit endet faktisch die Herrschaft der Dynastie des MUHAMMAD—ALI.
19520723             † CARL—SEVERING, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER, MdR, MdL, Landesminister, Reichsinnenminister
19520723             Gesetz zur Neugliederung der 5—LÄNDER in 14—BEZIRKE und Auflösung der Landesregierungen.
19520723—19510418    —VERTRAG—VON—PARIS vom , mit dem die EUROPÄISCHE—GEMEINSCHAFT für Kohle und Stahl (EGKS) geschaffen wird, tritt in Kraft.
19540723             Der PRÄSIDENT—DES—BUNDESAMTS für Verfassungsschutz, OTTO—JOHN, tritt in die DDR über.
19550000—20090723    * † E. Lynn Harris, pioneer of gay black fiction, —WHILE promoting his latest book in LOS—ANGELES.
19550717—19550723    1—DEUTSCHLAND—KONFERENZ der 4—MÄCHTE tagt in Genf
19550717—19550723    Es gibt keinerlei Veränderungen in der "DEUTSCHEN—FRAGE".
19550723             —SOFORT begannen DIE—ARBEITEN.
19550723             Das Bauwerk, geplant als Alterssitz, Gäste—, Jagdhaus für KONRAD—ADENAUER, war 1—PRÄSENT aus Wirtschaftskreisen.
19550723             Den Antrag unterschrieben hatte BAU—RAT—FRIEDRICH—SPENNRATH,
19550723             Auch der beteiligte ARCHITEKT—HERIBERT—MULTHAUPT pflegte beste Beziehungen in die höchsten Kreise der BRD:
19550723             † CORDELL—HULL, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—JURIST und Politiker, Außenminister, Nobelpreisträger
19550723—19550711    —KEINE—2—WOCHEN—SPÄTERR—AM, lag auch —SCHON die Baugenehmigung VOR—UND
19560723—19560901    —WORLD—AIRCRAFT—SPEED—RECORD—BELL—X—2—ROCKET—PLANE ,  of 3,050 kph.
19570723             It was about Sicilian blue bloods struggling to adopt to the changes ushered in by ITALY—UNIFICATION in the 1860s and included the line: "If we want things to stay as they are, things will have to change".
19570723             —AUTHORED, DAVID—GILMOUR —LATER, the biography "THE—LAST—LEOPARD" (19910000             ).
19570723             Beim Torfabbau wird im OBER—BAYERN Peiting 1—KIEFERNKISTE gefunden, in der sich statt eines erhofften Schatzes die später Rosalinde genannte Moorleiche aus der Zeit um 11000000             befindet.
19570723             Uraufführung des Melodrams A Tale of 2—CITIES—VON—ARTHUR—BENJAMIN—NACH—DEM—ROMAN—VON—CHARLES—DICKENS am SADLER—WELLS in LONDON.
19570723—19580000    —PUBLISHED, His classic novel "Il Gattopardo" (THE—LEOPARD), was.
19570723—19630000    —IN, the film "Leopard" starred Burt LANCASTER as THE—PRINCE—WHO—MAKES—THE—CEREMONIAL—CUT—INTO the timballo.
19580723             —NAMED, QUEEN—ELIZABETH—KÖNIGIN—VON—ENGLAND, 4—WOMEN to peerages, the 1. women to it in BRITAIN—HOUSE—OF—LORDS.
19590723             USA—VICE—PRESIDENT—RICHARD—M—NIXON flew to MOSCOW to open THE—USA—TRADE and Cultural Fair in Sokolniki Park, organized as 1—GOODWILL gesture by THE—USSR.
19600723             Der Nationalpark Gorongosa, der 1. Nationalpark im heutigen MOSAMBIK, wird von der Kolonialmacht PORTUGAL eingerichtet.
19610719—19610723    WEST—BERLIN, findet der letzte gesamtdeutsche EVANGELISCHE—KIRCHEN—TAG statt, in OST—BERLIN wird er von der DDR—REGIERUNG verboten.
19610723             * WOODY—HARRELSON, actor (Woody BOYD—CHEERS), in Midland, Tx.
19610723             CARLOS—FONSECA—GRÜNDET—IN—NICARAGUA—DIE—FRENTE Sandinista de Liberación Nacional (FSLN).
19620723             S—FRANCISCO, a 10-ton granite and bronze monument to ROBERT—LOUIS—STEVENSON was returned to PORTSMOUTH Square as the 800-car underground parking garage was completed.
19620723             THE—GENEVA—CONFERENCE—ON—LAOS—FORBADE—THE—USA to invade EAST—LAOS, site of the Ho CHI—MINH—TRAIL.
19640723             Der mit Munition beladene ÄGYPTISCHE—FRACHTER Star of ALEXANDRIA explodiert im Hafen der ALGERISCHEN—STADT Bône.
19640723             Der folgenschwere Unfall fordert über 100—TOTE und etwa 160—VERLETZTE.
19640723             Der Schaden wird auf 20—MILLIONEN USA—DOLLAR geschätzt.
19640723             † JAN—DE—VRIES, NIEDERLÄNDISCHER—GERMANIST und Religionswissenschaftler
19660723             † * COSTAS—TSALIKIDIS +, on the
19670723             —ERUPTED, MICHIGAN, the 12.
19670723             —DETROIT—STREET—RIOT—AFTER POLICE—BUSTED 1 unlicensed drinking and gambling joint.
19670723             —POLIZEIRAZZIA—IN—1—BAR—OHNE Ausschankgenehmigung in DETROIT
19670723             DETROIT, (MICHIGAN) brechen RASSEN—UNRUHEN aus.
19670723             —RASSEN—UNRUHEN—FOLGE, 43—TOTE, 1189— Verletzte und ca.
19670723—19670730    —RACE—RIOTS—IN—THE—CITY—OF—DETROIT left 40—DEAD, 2,000 injured and 5,000 homeless in the worst RIOT—OF—THE—SUMMER.
19670723—19670730    —RACE—RIOTS—IN—THE—CITY—OF—DETROIT——QUELLED, THE—RIOTING, looting and burning was, with the arrival of 4,700 PARA—TROOPS dispatched by PRESIDENT—LYNDON—JOHNSON.
19670723—19670730    19650101—19681231    —PERIOD—DURING—RACIAL—VIOLENCE, NEARLY—ALL—AMERICA—LARGE—CITIES—WRACKED,  were, by
19670723—19670730    —INSPIRED, THE—EVENT, REVEREND—WILLIAM—CUNNINGHAM (19970000             † age 67) to found Focus: Hope, 1—VOLUNTEER project that grew to become 1—OF—THE—LARGEST—PROGRAMS in the country dedicated to feeding and teaching job skills to the urban poor.
19670724             [see 19670723—19670730    ]
19670808—19840108    —JOINED, BRUNEI—DARUSSALAM, VIETNAM 19950728             —ON, LAOS and MYANMAR 19970723             —ON, and CAMBODIA 19990430             —ON.
19700723             SULTAN—SAID—OF—OMAN was overthrown by his son, Qaboos.
19700723             QSULTAN—ABUS—BIN—SAID, stürzt mit 1—PUTSCH seinen Vater SAID—IBN—TAIMUR und wird STAATSOBERHAUPT—SULTAN—VON—OMAN.
19710723             WALID—AHMAD—NIMER—AL—NASER (19340000             *), aka, ABU—ALI—IYAD, 1—SENIOR—PALESTINE—FIELD—COMMANDER based in Syria and JORDAN, was reported killed by THE—JORDAN—ARMY.
19710723             —CLAIMED, THE—PLO, he was captured and tortured to death by JORDAN—FORCES—DAYS—EARLIER.
19710723             1—SPLINTER group seeking revenge soon developed within Fatah and came to be known as the BLACK—SEPTEMBER—ORGANIZATION.
19720723             —NASA—LANDSAT—1—SATELLITE—LAUNCHED, , .
19720723             —NEW—ERA—IN—SENSING—PLANET—EARTH—RESOURCES and environment
19720723             —NASA—LANDSAT—1—SATELLITE views Earth at different wavelengths and opened .
19730716—19730717    —BUTTERFIELD—REVELATIONS led to USA—PRESIDENT—RICHARD—NIXON—ASSERTION—OF—EXECUTIVE—PRIVILEGE and his refusal to release the tapes to THE—ERVIN—COMMITTEE or to special prosecutor ARCHIBALD—COX 19730723             —ON.
19740723             —ANNOUNCED, GREECE—MILITARY—RULERS, they would turn the nation back to CIVIL—RULE.
19740723             —11—YEARS—OF—SELF—IMPOSED—EXILE—RETURNED, CONSTANTINE—KARAMANLIS, from and was sworn in as premier.
19740723             —AFTER plotting 1 aborted military takeover of CYPRUS, THE—IOANNIDES—REGIME—COLLAPSED .
19740723             Der ehemalige PREMIERMINISTER—KONSTANTINOS—KARAMANLIS kehrt aus dem Exil zurück, um die Regierungsverantwortung zu übernehmen.
19740723—19670000    —SEIT, Im Zuge der ZYPERN—KRISE bricht die herrschende MILITÄR—DIKTATUR—GRIECHENLAND zusammen.
19740723—19800000    —LATER—UNTIL, KONSTANTINOS—KARAMANLIS  won 1—LANDSLIDE election and served as PRIME—MINISTER.
19760723             1. GOVERNO—CONSTITUCIONAL—DE—PORTUGAL.Toma posse o
19760723             —NACH—DER—NELKEN—REVOLUTION, PS—GENERAL—SEKRETÄR—MÁRIO—SOARES, 1. frei gewählter Ministerpräsident Portugals .
19770723             1—JURY in WASHINGTON—DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, convicted 12—HANAFI MUSLIMS—OF—CHARGES stemming from the hostage siege at 3—BUILDINGS the previous March.
19770723             SRI—LANKA—PRIME—MINISTER—JUNIUS—RICHARD—JAYEWARDENE (19060000—19960000    ) was elected .
19770723—19780000    —IMMEDIATELY—THEREAFTER—IN, SRI—LANKA—PRIME—MINISTER—JUNIUS—RICHARD—JAYEWARDENE drew up 1—NATIONAL—CONSTITUTION which created 1—EXECUTIVE—PRESIDENCY with drastic and unchecked powers, and, on its adoption into law, became, the 1. SRI—LANKA—EXECUTIVE—PRESIDENT.
19780723             —KILLED, FRANKLIN—BRADSHOW—WAS, in SLC—UTAH.
19780723             † His daughter, FRANCES—B—SCHREUDER (20040000             , ), had persuaded her son to kill her wealthy father due to "his stinginess".
19780723—19830000    —CONVICTED, Schreuder was.
19790723—19800000    —IN, he was CONVICTED—OF—THE—MURDER—AND—RAPE—OF—KIMBERLY—LEACH (12).
19790723—19890000    —CONFESSED, Bundy eventually, to more than 30—KILLINGS and was executed.
19800723             —REPORTED, THE—USA—SENATE—JUDICIARY Committee was, to be officially joining those investigating ALLEGATIONS—OF—MISCONDUCT in BILLY—CARTER—RELATIONSHIP with LIBYA.
19800723             BESATZUNG—VON—SOJUS 37
19800723             Zusammen mit WIKTOR—WASSILJEWITSCH—GORBATKO—ALS—KOMMANDANT—STARTET—AUCH der 1. Raumfahrer aus VIETNAM zur Raumstation Saljut 6 in den Weltraum.
19800723             Der VIETNAM—PH?M—TUÂN ist Bordingenieur bei der sowjetischen Sojus 37-Mission.
19800723             † MOLLIE—STEIMER, RUSSISCHE—AUTORIN, politische Aktivistin und Anarchistin
19820723             THE—INTL.
19820723             —KILLED, Actor VIC—MORROW—AND 2—CHILD—ACTORS were, —WHEN 1—HELICOPTER crashed on top of them —DURING filming of 1—VIETNAM War scene for "Twilight Zone: THE—MOVIE".
19820723             —LATER—ACQUITTED—OF, DIRECTOR—JOHN—LANDIS—AND 4—ASSOCIATES were , manslaughter charges in connection with the deaths.
19820723—19850000    —VOTED, Whaling Commission (IWC), for 1—TOTAL—BAN on commercial whaling —STARTING.
19830723             1—REGIONAL—STRUGGLE—FOR—INDEPENDENCE by Tamil Tigers in the north escalated into 1—CIVIL—WAR—WHEN they killed 13—SRI—LANKA—SINHALESE soldiers.
19830723             —THE—SINHALESE—NATION—MAJORITY—RESPONDED, , by killing THOUSANDS—OF—TAMIL civilians in the south.
19830723             Bei einem Angriff der LTTE auf 1 SRI—LANKA—MILITÄR—STÜTZPUNKT werden 13—SOLDATEN getötet.
19830723             Daraufhin fangen mehrere ANTI—TAMILEN—POGROME an, bei denen singhalesische Mobs mehrere Tausende tamilische Zivilisten töten.
19830723             —MARKIERT, Das Ereignis, den Beginn des Bürgerkriegs in SRI—LANKA, in dessen Verlauf 80—100.000—MENSCHEN zu Tode kommen und —ERST 20090000             beendet werden kann.
19830723             Das Datum prägt den Begriff "Schwarzer —JULI".
19840723             —BECAME, Vanessa Williams, the 1. Miss AMERICA to resign her title, because of nude photographs published in Penthouse magazine.
19840723             Der frühere Boxer Gustav "Bubi" Scholz wird unter dem Verdacht verhaftet, —IN—DER—NACHT seine Frau im Alkoholrausch erschossen zu haben.
19850723             † BANDLEADER—KAY—KYSER, known for his "Kollege of Musical Knowledge," in Chapel HILL—NORTH—CAROLINA, at age 79.
19850723             AMIGA—1000—COMMODORE stellt den Amiga (später in AMIGA—1000—UMBENANNT) im LINCOLN—CENTER—IN—NEW—YORK—USA, vor.
19850723             Mit dabei sind u. a. der Künstler ANDY—WARHOL—UND—DEBBIE—HARRY (Blondie).
19850723             —ÜBERBIETET, Der Amiga, an Grafikleistung alles —BISHER Dagewesene.
19860723—19960000    —DIVORCED, PRINZ—ANDREW oo SARAH—FERGUSON,.
19870723             —CAPTURED, 1—LEBANON—HIJACKER—HUSSEIN—HARIRI was, —DURING 1—REFUELING stop in GENEVA and was sentenced to life in prison for killing 1—PASSENGER and seriously wounding 1—FLIGHT—ATTENDANT.
19870723             BUNDESARBEITS—MINISTERNO—RBERT—BLÜM, , eintritt in CHILE für die Einhaltung der Menschenrechte
19870723             In der Bundesrepublik kommt es über NORBERT—BLÜM—AUFTRETEN zu heftigen Kontroversen zwischen CDU und CSU, zumal Blüm für die Aufnahme von 14—ZUM Tode verurteilten Chilenen in der Bundesrepublik plädiert.
19870723—20040000    —IN, LEBANON—HIJACKER—HUSSEIN—HARIRI was released and deported to LEBANON.
19880723             —RESPONDED, In his weekly radio address, USA—PRESIDENT—REAGAN, to THE—JUST—COMPLETED Democratic national convention by accusing Democrats of "singing the same sad song they sang —4—YEARS—AGO".
19880723             —ACCUSED, IRAN, IRAQ of pushing deep into IRAN—TERRITORY and using chemical weapons.
19880723             Mit Radio Dreyeckland wird in FREIBURG im Breisgau das 1. deutsche freie Radio legalisiert, —NACHDEM eine juristische Verfolgung des Piratenradios aussichtslos geworden ist.
19880723—19990000    —IN, 19880316             —THE—IRAQ—CHEMICAL—ATTACK at Halabja killed thousands and was still causing genetic damage and deaths.
19890723—20090000    —AUTHORED, Tracy Daugherty, "Hiding Man: A Biography of DONALD—BARTHELME".
19900723             —CLOSED, As rebel forces, in on presidential palace, LIBERIA—PRESIDENT—SAMUEL—K—DOE refused to leave —UNTIL the civil war was decided.
19900723             —TRIED, CHARLES—TAYLOR, to take MONROVIA in —THIS—YEAR.
19910715             * 19330723             —HE in S—LOUIS, MISSOURI.
19910715—19330723    * CHARLES—TAYLOR—IN—S—LOUIS, MISSOURI.
19910723             however, THE—55—TO—44—VOTE fell short of THE—2—THIRDS—MAJORITY—LATER needed to override PRESIDENT—BUSH—VETO.
19910723             —PUBLISHED, THE—DRAFT—OF—1—NEW—PLATFORM for SOVIET—COMMUNIST—PARTY was, calling for private property, economic integration into world market and FREEDOM—OF—RELIGION.
19920723             Abchasien erklärt sich von GEORGIEN unabhängig.
19920723             Die ESA—RAUMSONDE Giotto wird aufgrund Treibstoffmangels endgültig deaktiviert.
19930723             USA Surgeon GENERAL—DESIGNATE Joycelyn Elders stuck by her firm stands on sex education and AIDS prevention in a —1—DAY—CONFIRMATION hearing on Capitol Hill.
19930723             1—HANDFUL—OF—MEN shot and killed 6—CHILDREN and teenagers at the Candelaria Cathedral and 2—MORE at the Museum of Modern Art in RIO—DE—JANEIRO, BRAZIL.
19930723             2—OTHER—POLICEMEN were convicted —EARLIER.
19930723             —ANNOUNCED, THE—RUSSIA—GOVERNMENT, it would invalidate BILLIONS—OF—PRE—19930000              rubles.
19930723             Im —KONFLIKT um Bergkarabach erobern und zerstören ARMENISCHE—STREITKRÄFTE die ASERBAIDSCHANISCHE—STADT Aghdam.
19930723—19940000    —IN, About 2,000 children roam RIO—STREETS—AND, 936—YOUTHS under 18 were murdered.
19930723—19960000    —IN, 1—OF—THE—4—MEN accused, former police officer NELSON—DOS—SANTOS—CUNHA, confessed to having taken part.
19930723—19960000    —IN, 1—COURT cleared 2—POLICEMEN and another man in killings.
19930723—19970000    —IN, 1—COURT reduced the sentence of Cunha from —261—YEARS to —18—YEARS.
19930723—19980000    —CONVICTED, MARCOS—AURELIO—ALCANTARA, —30—JAHRE—ALT was, and sentenced to —204—YEARS in jail.
19940723             —RETURNED, Space shuttle COLUMBIA, to Earth —AFTER a —15—DAY—MISSION which included experiments on THE—EFFECTS—OF—WEIGHTLESSNESS on aquatic animals.
19940723             —PROCLAIMED, GAMBIA—SOLDIERS, military government in DAKAR—SENEGAL.
19950723             —INDICATED, Reconstruction of the orbit, that the comet repeatedly enters the inner solar system every 3,—000—YEARS or so.
19950723             It travels in 1—ORBIT perpendicular to the solar system in 1 elongated ellipse that is about 33—MILLION—MILES—FROM—THE—SUN—AT—ITS—FARTHEST point.
19950723             —ORDERED, THE—UNITED—NATIONS, the 1. combat unit from its rapid reaction force to SARAJEVO to take out ANY—REBEL—SERBIA—GUNS that fire at UNITED—NATIONS peacekeepers.
19950723             Komet HALE—BOPP—DIE USA—AMERIKANISCHEN—ASTRONOMEN ALAN—HALE—UND—THOMAS—BOPP—ENTDECKEN—UNABHÄNGIG voneinander den Kometen C/1995—O1, der den Namen HALE—BOPP erhält.
19950723—19950401    —ON, The nearest pass will be.
19950723—19950401    —ON, THE—NEAREST—PASS—WILL—BE.
19950723—19970323    —ON, Its closest approach to Earth will be.
19960723             At THE—ATLANTA—OLYMPICS, Kerri Strug made 1—HEROIC—FINAL vault despite torn ligaments in her left ankle as THE—USA—WOMEN gymnasts clinched their 1.—EVER Olympic team gold medal.
19960723             —CHARGED, TORONTO, 1—POLICE—OFFICER was, with criminal negligence in the shooting of 1—PROTESTER who became the 1. CANADA—INDIAN in modern times killed in 1—LAND—DISPUTE with the government.
19960723             CANADA—RESEARCHERS found 1—HORMONE, GLP-2, that stimulates growth of the lining of the small intestine.
19960723—20010000    —IN, JESSICA—MITFORD—ATTORNEY husband, ROBERT—TREUHAFT, †.
19960723—20060000    —IN, "Decca: THE—LETTERS—OF—JESSICA," edited by PETER—Y—SUSSMAN was published.
19960723—20100000    —AUTHORED, Leslie Brody, "Irrepressible: THE—LIFE—AND—TIMES—OF—JESSICA—MITFORD".
19970723             —SIGNED, THE—USA—AND—VENEZUELA, 1—AGREEMENT to allow authorities of both countries to BOARD—BOATS—OF—EACH—OTHERS—FLAGS if suspected of carrying drugs.
19970723             —ADMITTED, THE—ASEAN—TRADE—BLOC, LAOS and Burma but barred CAMBODIA.
19970723             —ANNOUNCED, BRITAIN, the government, that tuition fees would be imposed for the 1. time on all college students.
19970723             † IN—CUBA—ELIO—REVE—MATOS, salsa musician, in 1—ROAD accident.
19970723             —DEVELOPED, IN—CUBA—ELIO—REVE—MATOS, the rhythm known as "charangon," 1—COMBINATION—OF salsa styles that included "changui" and "son".
19970723             SERBIA, Slobodan Milosevic was sworn in as PRESIDENT—OF—YUGOSLAVIA and crowds reacted by throwing shoes at his motorcade, symbolizing the young people who have left Serbia due to his regime.
19970723             —PUBLISHED, SWITZERLAND—BANKS, 1—LIST—OF—2,000 WW II—ERA—DORMANT—ACCOUNTS that included assets of holocaust victims.
19980723             —VOTED, THE—USA—SENATE, to shut down the online gambling industry.
19980723             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—USA—CONGRESS made THE—AIR—FORCE buy more C—130—TRANSPORT—AIRCRAFT against its wishes.
19980723             THE—PLANES—WERE—BUILT—IN—GEORGIA.
19980723             —AGREED, Odwalla INCORPORATED, to pay a $1.5—MILLION—FINE for contaminated APPLE—BASED juices.
19980723             —ANNOUNCED, Scientists at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—HAWAII, they had turned out more than 50—CARBON—COPY—MICE, with 1—CLONING—TECHNIQUE said to be more reliable than the 1 used to create Dolly the sheep.
19980723             † IN—COLOMBIA—MANUEL—MEJIA—VALLEJO, novelist, at age 75.
19980723             —RECEIVED, CHECHNYA, PRESIDENT—ASLAN—MASKHADOV, minor injuries from 1—ASSASSINATION—ATTEMPT in Grozny that killed 2—BODYGUARDS.
19980723             —ORGANIZED, He had been cracking down on, crime and Muslim militants.
19980723             —CONVICTED, IRAN, TEHRAN—MAYOR—KARBASCHI was, and sentenced to —5—YEARS in prison for corruption.
19980723             KENYA, JOHN—MISS—AFARI, HEAD—OF—THE—REVENUE—COLLECTION—AUTHORITY, was ordered arrested along with 15—OTHER—OFFICIALS and businessmen on charges of defrauding the government of some $3.9—MILLION.
19980723             —ESCAPED, MEXICO, 3—GIRLS, capture by police in MEXICO—CITY.
19980723             They had been held —FOR—4—DAYS and THE—2—YOUNGEST were repeatedly raped.
19980723             16—OFFICERS were —LATER arrested.
19980723             —PLANNED, RUSSIA, to sell its Admiral Gorshkov aircraft carrier to INDIA for some $2—BILLION.
19980723             † IN—RUSSIA—VLADIMIR—DUDINTSEV, —79—JAHRE—ALT, writer.
19980723             —INCLUDED, IN—RUSSIA—VLADIMIR—DUDINTSEV—WORK, "Not By Bread Alone" and "White Garb".
19980723             His work laid the foundation for 1—GENERATION—OF—DISSIDENT—WRITERS.
19980723             —KILLED, RWANDA, the army said that it had, 1—TOP—REBEL—COMMANDER.
19980723             —KILLED, COLONEL—LEONARD—NKUNDIYE—WAS, along with at least 50—REBELS on THE—CONGO—BORDER.
19980723             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Die 1. Mandrake Linuxdistribution wird.
19980723—19780000    —SINCE, only 5—OF—256—C—130S sent to the Air National Guard and Air Reserve were requested by THE—AIR—FORCE.
19980723—19820000    —LAUNCHED, THE—SHIP—WAS, as THE—BAKU.
19990723             THE—3—DAY—WOODSTOCK '99 music festival began at the decommissioned Griffiss AIR—FORCE—BASE in ROME, NY, with some 225,000—PEOPLE.
19990723             —ENDED, The $35—38—MILLION—PRODUCTION, in chaos with HUNDREDS—OF—CONCERTGOERS burning fires, looting and vandalizing.
19990723             —AFTER a —2—DAY—DELAY the Chandra X—RAY—OBSERVATORY—WAS—LAUNCHED—FROM—CAPE—CANAVERAL aboard the shuttle COLUMBIA led by COMMANDER—EILEEN—COLLINS, the 1. woman to command 1—USA—SPACE—FLIGHT.
19990723             —GATHERED, MEMBERS—OF—THE—KENNEDY—FAMILY, in NEW—YORK City for 1—PRIVATE memorial Mass —1—WEEK—AFTER JOHN—F—KENNEDY—JUNIOR, his wife, Carolyn, and her sister, LAUREN—BESSETTE, † in 1—PLANE—CRASH off MARTHA—VINEYARD.
19990723             —RAPED, Jaquita Mack (11) was, and strangled in OAKLAND—FRUITVALE district —AFTER she disappeared —FOLLOWING 1—BIKE ride.
19990723             † KELVIN—LANCASTER, economist, in NEW—YORK—CITY at age 74.
19990723             —OUTLINED, KELVIN—LANCASTER, "THE—GENERAL—THEORY—OF—THE 2. Best" and analyzed consumer demand by looking at the underlying CHARACTERISTICS—OF—CONSUMER—DEMAND.
19990723             —ATTEMPTED, JAPAN, Yuzi Nishizawa (19700000             *), to hijack flight 61—FROM TOKYO and stabbed to death pilot Naoyuki Nagashima (51).
19990723             —LANDED, THE—HIJACKER—WAS—OVERCOME—AND—THE—PLANE, safely with 516—PASSENGERS.
19990723             KOSOVO, 14—SERBIA—FARMERS were found shot dead near the village of Gracko.
19990723             † In HASSAN—II—KING—OF—MOROCCO at age 70.
19990723             —SUCCEEDED, He was, by his son, CROWN—PRINCE—SIDI—MOHAMED, —36—JAHRE—ALT, who became MOHAMMED—VI—KING—OF—.
19990723             —ENDED, RUSSIA, a —4-MONTH boycott on contacts with NATO.
19990723             HUCTW Issues Open LETTER—LIVING Wage Rally Draws Activist GROUPS—IN THE—CRIMSON
19990723             —GESTARTET, Der NASA—RÖNTGENSATELLIT Chandra wird.
19990723             MOHAMMED—VI. besteigt —NACH—DEM Tod seines Vaters HASSAN—II. den MAROKKANISCHEN—THRON.
19990723             † HASSAN—II—KÖNIG—VON—MAROKKO
19990723—19990808    —ON, Her body was found THE—NEXT—DAY in EAST—OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA police arrested ALEX—DEMOLLE, —24—JAHRE—ALT, 1—NEIGHBOR on Fruitvale Ave.
19990723—19991214    —ON, was sentenced to death.
19990723—20050000    —HANDED, Presiding JUDGE—HISAHARU—YASUI, Nishizawa 1—LIFE—SENTENCE.
19990723—20050323    —ON, Nishizawa was found to be guilty, but of unsound mind and thus only partly responsible for his actions.
19990723—20070000    —CONVICTED—OF, Demolle was, 1. degree murder and
20000723             —BECAME, Tiger Woods, at 24, the youngest player to win the career Grand Slam with 1—RECORD—BREAKING 19-under par in THE—UK—OPEN.
20000723             Karrie Webb, 25, won THE—USA—WOMEN—OPEN.
20000723             LANCE—ARMSTRONG—WON—THE—21—DAY, 2,250-mile Tour de FRANCE for the 2. —YEAR in 1—ROW.
20000723             —CONCLUDED, LEADERS—OF—THE—MAJOR—INDUSTRIAL—COUNTRIES, their summit in JAPAN by announcing 1—CAMPAIGN to slash THE—NUMBER—OF—DEATHS—WORLDWIDE from AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.
20000723             NIGERIA, another pipeline fire broke out near the port of WARRI and left 40—FUEL scavengers dead.
20000723             —INTENDED, IVORY—COAST—VOTERS cast ballots for 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION, to restore CIVIL—RULE.
20000723             —APPROVED, THE—NEW—CONSTITUTION—WAS, overwhelmingly.
20010616             20070723             ANNA—KOURNIKOVA zu der Party des Milliardärs Arcadi Gaydamak am 21. - 20070508             20070723             ANNA—KOURNIKOVA zu der Party des Milliardärs ARCADI—GAYDAMAK am 21. - 20070508             20070723             —SAMSTAG, 20070616             .
20010718             —PULLED, THE—LAST—BURNING—CAR—WAS, out 20010723             .
20010723             PRESIDENT—BUSH met with JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA at Castel GANDOLFO—ITALY, and was urged to reject the use of human embryos for stem cell research.
20010723             THE—USA—PENTAGON shut down public access to its web sites due to 1—COMPUTER—WORM called the Code Red worm.
20010723             It defaced web sites with the words "Hacked by Chinese".
20010723             —INCLUDED, EUDORA—WELTY—WORK, 19410000             —THE—COLLECTION "1—CURTAIN—OF—GREEN and Other Stories" and 19730000             —THE—PULITZER—PRIZE—WINNING "THE—OPTIMIST—DAUGHTER".
20010723             —RESCUED, BONN—GERMANY, negotiators from 178—NATIONS, without THE—USA, 19970000             —THE—KYOTO—PROTOCOL—AND—ACCEPTED—RULES—TO cut EMISSIONS—OF—WASTE—GASES linked to global warming —AFTER marathon talks.
20010723             —RETALIATED, Anarchist groups in EUROPE, for the death in GENOA—OF—PROTESTER—CARLO—GIULIANI.
20010723             —SURVIVED, BURUNDI, PRESIDENT—BUYOYA, 1—COUP—ATTEMPT by Tutsi soldiers and sealed 1—POWER—SHARING—ACCORD with Hutu politicians.
20010723             —CALLED, THE—ARUSHA—ACCORD, for Buyoya to lead —FOR—18—MONTHS followed by 1—HUTU PRESIDENT for another —18—MONTHS with elections to follow.
20010723             —RETIRED, COLOMBIA, GENERAL—RITO—ALEJO del Rio was arrested on charges of helping create RIGHT—WING—PARAMILITARY—GROUPS.
20010723             —REPORTED, It was, that flooding in INDIA—ORISSA state had killed some 83—PEOPLE and left over 600,000 stranded.
20010723             —REFUSED, THE—MILITARY, to carry out his orders and PARLIAMENT met to remove him.
20010723             —OUSTED, THE—PARLIAMENT, Wahid with a 591 to 0—VOTE and swore in MEGAWATI—SUKARNOPUTRI—AS—THE—COUNTRY—5. PRESIDENT.
20010723             —REPORTED, IRAN, a 19. woman was, strangled in Mashad.
20010723             —KILLED, ISRAEL—POLICE, 1—PALESTINE—WHO drove 1—WOULD—BE—BOMBER toward HAIFA.
20010723             —ENGAGED, MACEDONIA, security forces, ethnic ALBANIA—REBELS in fierce fighting —AROUND Tetovo.
20010723             —ANGERED, MACEDONIA—MOBS in SKOPJE, by Western efforts at mediation, attacked symbolic targets.
20010723             —DECLARED, NEPAL—NEW—GOVERNMENT, 1—UNILATERAL ceasefire and called on Maoist rebels to talk peace.
20010723             —KILLED, In 1—RECENT—SKIRMISH—GUERRILLAS, at least 17—POLICE—OFFICERS in Pandusen.
20010723             —KILLED, PAKISTAN, flash floods, at least 150—PEOPLE.
20010723             ISLAMABAD, 24—INCHES—OF—RAIN broke a —100—YEAR—RECORD.
20010723             —DAMAGED, SRI—LANKA, Tamil separatists attack 1—AIR—BASE, 1—NUMBER—OF—PLANES and shut down the Bandaranaike airport, the nation's only INTERNATIONAL airport.
20010723             7—SOLDIERS and 8—GUERRILLAS were killed.
20010723             3—JETLINERS and 8—WARPLANES were blown up in 1—SUICIDE—ATTACK by 13—REBELS.
20010723             "It is white".
20010723             (—WHEN asked what THE—WHITE—HOUSE is like by 1—STUDENT at Morningside Primary School in EAST—LONDON )
20010723             Abdurrahman Wahid wird von der Beratenden Volksversammlung Indonesiens wegen eines Finanzskandals seines Amtes als PRÄSIDENT enthoben.
20010723             Als Nachfolgerin wird MEGAWATI—SUKARNOPUTRI—GEWÄHLT.
20010723—19980000    —AUTHORED, ANN—WALDRON, the biography "Eudora" against the writer's wishes.
20010723—20050000    —AUTHORED, SUZANNE—MARRS, the biography "Eudora Welty".
20010813             (—WHEN asked what THE—WHITE—HOUSE is like by 1—STUDENT at Morningside Primary School in EAST—LONDON ) - 20010723             20010813             ''I know what I believe.
20010813—20010911    —FROM, (—WHEN asked what THE—WHITE—HOUSE is like by 1—STUDENT at Morningside Primary School in EAST—LONDON ) - 20010723             —DAT TalkLeft: THE—POLITICS—OF—CRIME — 20040723             19561030             EST
20010911             —FROM TalkLeft: THE—POLITICS—OF—CRIME — 20040723             19561030             EST
20010911             see WHITE—HOUSE—LETTER, USA—PRESIDENT—CLINTON to bin Zayid, 20010723             .----
20010911             THE—UAE, see WHITE—HOUSE—LETTER, USA—PRESIDENT—CLINTON to bin Zayid, 19990723             DOS...
20020723             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, legislation designating NEVADA—YUCCA—MOUNTAIN as the nation's nuclear waste repository.
20020723             CALIFORNIA, THE—DAVIS—ADMINISTRATION—AND—ORACLE—CORP. agreed to cancel a $95—MILLION DB software contract.
20020723             CALIFORNIA, 1—GROWING fire in Sequoia Nat'l. Park consumed 48,200 acres in —3—DAYS.
20020723             THE—DJIA—FELL 82 to 7702. - THE—NASDAQ—FELL 53 to 12290000             .
20020723             —PLAYED, LEO—MCKERN, the barrister in THE—TV—SHOW "Rumpole of the Bailey".
20020723             † CHAIM—POTOK, —73—JAHRE—ALT, rabbi and AUTHOR—OF—NOVELS that included "THE—CHOSEN," at his home in suburban PHILADELPHIA.
20020723             "Literature presents you with alternative mappings of the human experience".
20020723             † WILLIAM—PIERCE (20020000             , ), white supremacist AUTHOR—OF—19780000             —THE "TURNER—DIARIES," † in HILLSBORO—WEST—VIRGINIA.
20020723             1—MEMO from 10—DOWNING St. described 1—EARLIER—MEETING—OF—SIR—RICHARD—DEARLOVE, HEAD—OF—BRITISH—INTELLIGENCE, with USA—OFFICIALS in WASHINGTON in which he noted 1—SHIFT in attitude in THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, which saw military action as inevitable in IRAQ and that it would be justified by THE—CONJUNCTION—OF—TERRORISM and WMD.
20020723             WALES—ARCHBISHOP ROWAN—WILLIAMS—WAS—CHOSEN—TO—BE—THE—104. archbishop of Canterbury, spiritual LEADER—OF—THE—WORLD—ANGLICANS.
20020723             1—FRAIL—JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA walked down the steps of his plane instead of using 1—LIFT —AFTER arriving in CANADA to join THOUSANDS—OF—YOUNG—CATHOLIC pilgrims for World Youth —DAY.
20020723             —MASSED, Tens of THOUSANDS—OF—EXUBERANT young Catholics, in TORONTO to greet THE—PAPA.
20020723             —EXPLODED, COLOMBIA, 1—BOMB, in front of 1—MEDELLIN restaurant where politicians and journalists traditionally gather, killing 1—FORMER—CONGRESSMAN and injuring 9—OTHER—PEOPLE.
20020723             —DROPPED, 1—ISRAEL—F 16—WARPLANE, a 1—TON bomb that flattened 1—GAZA City apartment building, killing Salah Shehadeh, THE—LEADER—OF—HAMAS' military wing, and at least 14—OTHER—PALESTINIANS, including 9—CHILDREN.
20020723             —WANTED, Shehadeh was at the top of ISRAEL—MOST, list.
20020723             —INCLUDED, THE—DEAD, SHEHADEH—WIFE and 3—KIDS.
20020723             —TRIGGERED, NEPAL, floods and landslides, by heavy monsoon rains killed at least 11—PEOPLE over the last —2—DAYS, bringing to 67 THE—NUMBER—OF—DEATHS caused by bad weather over the past —2—WEEKS.
20020723             —KILLED, ZIMBABWE, at least 15—PEOPLE illegally mining gold were, —WHEN 1 abandoned mine shaft in Mhondoro caved in.
20020723             -According to the infamous Downing Street Memo ON—RICHARD—DEARLOVE, CHIEF—OF—THE—UK—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY—MI6, described his discussions with BUSH—NATIONAL—SECURITY—COUNCIL—OFFICIALS.
20020723             "Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by THE—CONJUNCTION—OF—TERROR ism and WMD. But the intelligence + facts were being fixed —AROUND the policy, " Dearlove said.
20020723             —ADDED, THE—MEMO, "It seemed clear that Bush had made up his mind to take military action, even if the timing was not yet decided.
20020723             But the case was thin.
20020723             SADDAM—WAS—NOT—THREATENING—HIS—NEIGHBOURS + his WMD capability was less than that of LIBYA, NORTH—KOREA or IRAN".
20020723             the famous DOWNING—STREET—MINUTES—OF  on IRAQ,
20020723             —DECIDED, PRESIDENT—BUSH had, to remove SADDAM—HUSSEIN—THROUGH—MILITARY—ACTION that would be "justified by THE—CONJUNCTION—OF—TERRORISM and WMD".
20020723             Dearlove had gotten the word from THEN—CIA—DIRECTOR—GEORGE—TENET—WHOM—HE—VISITED—AT—CIA—HEADQUARTERS on ;;07;;
20020723             † WILLIAM—LUTHER—PIERCE, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—PHYSIKER, GRÜNDER—UND—LEITER rechtsextremer Organisationen
20020723             The minutes record THE—RICHARD—DEARLOVE, then HEAD—OF—UNITED—KINGDOM—INTELLIGENCE, reporting to PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR and other senior officials that USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH had decided to remove SADDAM—HUSSEIN through MILITARY ACTION that would be "justified by THE—CONJUNCTION—OF—TERRORISM and WMD".
20020723—20020720    —ON, Dearlove had gotten the word from THEN—CIA—DIRECTOR—GEORGE—TENET—WHOM—HE—VISITED—AT—CIA—HEADQUARTERS.
20020723—20020724    —CAUSED, TURKEY, floods and lightning, by —SUMMER storms have killed at least 18—PEOPLE.
20020723—20020724    3—OTHER—PEOPLE were missing.
20020723—20050000    —BECAME, THE—MEMO, public.
20020723—20090000    —IN, 1—SPAIN—JUDGE began 1—INVESTIGATION into 7—CURRENT or FORMER—ISRAEL—OFFICIALS—OVER 20020000             —THE—BOMBING.
20020723—20110000    —IN, 1—ISRAEL—INQUIRY—RULED—THE—AIR—STRIKE—LEGAL and blamed faulty intelligence for THE—CIVIL—DEATHS.
20030723             —QUALIFIED, CALIFORNIA—1. statewide recall for GOVERNOR—DAVIS, for ballot, which was soon scheduled for 20031007             .
20030723             † NEW—YORK City Councilman JAMES—DAVIS, —41—JAHRE—ALT was shot to death by political rival Othniel Askew (31) at City Hall;
20030723             1—POLICE—OFFICER shot and killed Askew.
20030723             1—NEW audiotape, purported to be of toppled dictator SADDAM—HUSSEIN, was broadcast by 1—ARAB satellite station.
20030723             It called on former soldiers to rise up against THE—USA—OCCUPATION.
20030723             In "Operation Helpem Fren" 1—AUSTRALIAN—LED peacekeeping force poured into THE—SOLOMON—ISLANDS—TO—KEEP—THE—ISLAND—CHAIN from slipping deeper into anarchy.
20030723             —ACKNOWLEDGED, IRAN, that it was holding senior al Qaeda figures, but would not identify them.
20030723             —MASKED, PERU, 5, gunmen attacked 1—CANADA—MINING camp in the Andes, killing 1—PERU—GEOLOGIST, wounding another and stealing equipment.
20030723             —ENDED, SAO—TOME, rebel leaders, 1—WEEKLONG bloodless coup —AFTER THE—PRESIDENT—SIGNED 1—ACCORD promising to replace the government and give them amnesty.
20030723             —CAPSIZED, UGANDA, 2—PASSENGER—BOATS, in strong winds and rough waters on Lake Albert, and more than 20—PEOPLE were believed to have drowned.
20030723             STEVEN—L—LISTOR—BANK—OF—NEW—YORK.
20030723             ADAM—MATTESSICH—CANTOR, Fitzgerald & Co. INCORPORATED
20030723             Cantor, Fitzgerald & Co. INCORPORATED—CHARLES—M—PADALA.
20030723             SunTrust ROBINSON—HUMPHREY.
20030723             Counsel. THE—SECURITY—TRADERS—ASSOCIATION.
20040722             ".. Freispruch für ALLE—ANGEKLAGTEN, 20040722             20010911             —ANSCHLÄGE: 4—ENTFÜHRER hatten am Flughafen Alarm ausgelöst, 20040722             Geschäfte mit dem IRAK—KRIEG: Neue Vorwürfe gegen Halliburton, 20040722             SUDAN: UK Blair, TONY—DEMENTIERT—GROSSBRITANNIEN—TRUPPENEINSATZ, 20040722             War funds dwindling, GAO warns : USA Pentagon needs billions more in IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN 20040723             USA.".
20040722             ".. vowed to flout 1—UN—RESOLUTION and once again USA will let it 20040723             ISRAEL—WARNS—UK—OVER—UN—BARRIER—RESOLUTION: 1—SENIOR—UK diplomat was among 3—EU ambassadors summoned by ISRAEL 20040722             to be warned that THE—EU—HAD—PUT—IN—JEOPARDY—ITS—ROLE in THE—MIDDLE—EAST—PEACE—PROCESS by backing UN condemnation of the 450m separation barrier. 20040723             In case you missed.".
20040722             2004072223_Report.html - ".. 2004072223_Report 20040723             20040722             ".. 2004072223_Report 20040723             20040722             ".. Freispruch für ALLE—ANGEKLAGTEN, 20040722             20010911             —ANSCHLÄGE: 4—ENTFÜHRER hatten am Flughafen Alarm ausgelöst, 20040722             Geschäfte mit dem IRAK—KRIEG: Neue Vorwürfe gegen Halliburton, 20040722             SUDAN: UK TONY—BLAIR—DEMENTIERT—GROSSBRITANNIEN—TRUPPENEINSATZ, 20040722             War funds dwindling, GAO warns : USA Pentagon needs billions more in IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN 20040723             USA.".
20040722             —REFUSED, THE—NUMBER—IS—SIGNIFICANTLY—HIGHER—THAN—ALL—OTHER—PREVIOUS estimates given by USA Pentagon, which had, 20040723             —UNTIL—NOW—TO give 1—TOTAL—NUMBER—OF—ABUSE—ALLEGATIONS.
20040722             ".. hrer hatten am Flughafen Alarm ausgelöst, 20040722             Geschäfte mit dem IRAK—KRIEG: Neue Vorwürfe gegen Halliburton, 20040722             SUDAN: UK TONY—BLAIR—DEMENTIERT—GROSSBRITANNIEN—TRUPPENEINSATZ, 20040722             War funds dwindling, GAO warns : USA Pentagon needs billions more in IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN 20040723             USA—REPORTS 94—CASES—OF—PRISONER Abuse:THE—USA—MILITARY has found 94—CASES—OF.".
20040723             UN vote repeats USA double standards on law, democracy: 20040720             —LATE ON—THE—UN—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY voted resoundingly against ISRAEL—WEST—BANK—SEPARATION—BARRIER.
20040723             ANNAN—REJECTS—BUSH [BGW968] Claim That World Is Safer —NOW : THE—WORLD—IS—NO—SAFER—THAN—IT was 20010911             — —3—YEARS—AGO, UN SECRETARY—GENERAL—KOFI—ANNAN—SAID 20040720             , countering USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH [BGW968] 's claims he had made the world 1—SAFER place.
20040723             ISRAEL—WARNS—UK—OVER—UN—BARRIER—RESOLUTION : 1—SENIOR—UK diplomat was among 3—EU ambassadors summoned by ISRAEL 20040722             to be warned that THE—EU—HAD—PUT—IN—JEOPARDY—ITS—ROLE in THE—MIDDLE—EAST—PEACE—PROCESS by backing UN condemnation of the 450m separation barrier.
20040723             2004072223_Report 20040723             20040723             USA—REPORTS 94—CASES—OF—PRISONER Abuse:THE—USA—MILITARY has found 94—CASES—OF confirmed or alleged ABUSE—OF—PRISONERS by USA—SOLDIERS in IRAQ + AFGHANISTAN
20040723             PRESIDENT—BUSH froze THE—ASSETS—OF—FORMER—LIBERIA—PRESIDENT—CHARLES—TAYLOR, his family and top aides and accused them of undermining the country's transition to democracy.
20040723             —RELEASED, THE—PENTAGON, newly discovered payroll records from PRESIDENT—BUSH'S 19720000             service in THE—ALABAMA—NATIONAL—GUARD, though the records shed no new light on the future PRESIDENT—ACTIVITIES —DURING that —SUMMER.
20040723             BOSNIA, BRITAIN—PRINCE—CHARLES—AND—OTHER—FOREIGN—DIGNITARIES—GATHERED to reopen the Mostar bridge over the Neretva River.
20040723             —SEIZED, NORTH—WEST—COLOMBIA, police, 4 1/2—TONS—OF—COCAINE with 1 estimated street value of $90—MILLION.
20040723             —ATTACKED, Gunmen in MOSUL, 1 retired IRAQ—GENERAL as he headed to 1—MOSQUE to pray, killing him and another man.
20040723             —KIDNAPPED, IRAQ—INSURGENTS in BAGHDAD, MUHAMMAD—MAMDOUH—QUTB, a 3. ranking official of THE—EGYPT—EMBASSY, demanding his country abandon ANY—PLANS it had to send security experts to IRAQ.
20040723             1—VAN carrying IRAQ—CIVILIANS collided with A—USA—TANK—NEAR—BAGHDAD, killing 9—PEOPLE and injuring 10.
20040723             Leaders from THE—2—MAIN—REBEL—GROUPS in SUDAN—WEST—DARFUR region agreed to participate in "substantive negotiations" for 1—POLITICAL—SOLUTION to the humanitarian crisis.
20040723             —BISHER—DIE Ehrung haben Persönlichkeiten wie JOHANNES—PAUL—II—PAPA., Schauspieler JOHN—WAYNE—ODER—DER—GROSSBRITANNIEN—PREMIER + AZNAR—FREUND UK TONY—BLAIR—ERHALTEN, wie es hieß.
20040723             HeuteDrei Seiten der Arbeiterbewegung 1.Arbeiten
20040723             2.Fussball - 3.FERNSEHN—POLITISCHE Bewegung
20040723             Linksliberale und Linkskonservative (RELIGIÖS—SOZIALE) werden immer linksgerichteter.
20040723             Die POLEN—MARINE hat —JETZT mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit das "GENERAL—VON—STEUBEN" Wrack entdeckt.
20040723             - Es war die drittgrößte Schiffskatastrophe der Geschichte:
20040723             Die neue Fundstelle der "Steuben" liegt Mitner zufolge in der Nähe der "WILHELM—GUSTLOFF", die —10—TAGE—ZUVOR in der Ostsee ebenfalls von einem RUSSLAND—U—BOOT versenkt worden war.
20040723             Rund 9000—MENSCHEN starben bei der größten Katastrophe in der GESCHICHTE—DER—SEEFAHRT
20040723             Für 1,6 Millionen € habe das SPANIEN—AUSSENMINISTERIUM —3—MONATE vor der Wahl eine bekannte USA—ANALTS+Beraterfirma beauftragt, Lobbyarbeit zu leisten, berichten SPANIEN—MEDIEN.
20040723             Aznar sollte die Goldene Medaille des USA—KONGRESS es bekommen.
20040723             Die —NUN regierenden Sozialisten + die Kommunisten warfen Aznar Veruntreuung + Verschwendung staatlicher Gelder vor.
20040723             Die damalige SPANIEN—AUSSENMINISTERIN Ana Palacio bestätigte den Vertrag.
20040723             Es sei aber üblich, dass Regierungen in aller Welt auf diese Weise ihre Interessen in den USA zu wahren versuchten.
20040723             Aznar hat die Auszeichnung —BIS—HEUTE nicht zugesprochen bekommen.
20040723             —INZWISCHEN, Zwar habe die Beraterfirma, die dafür notwendigen 290—STIMMEN im Abgeordnetenhaus sammeln können, der USA Senat habe sich dazu aber noch nicht geäußert.
20040723             —COMPLAINED—OF, Republicans Trick New Voters New citizens have, being tricked into registering as Republicans.
20040723             Sounds like 1—DESPERATION—MOVE to USA—IF you r candidate can't win, —JUST cheat
20040723             Kucinich to Endorse Kerry [KFJ965] - Presidential candidate
20040723             KUCINICH—SPOKESMAN said:
20040723             update to Pastor Niemöller: 1. they came for the Dixie Chicks + I didn't speak up, because I wasn't 1—MUSICIAN and I don't like country music.
20040723             Then they came for Whoopi Goldberg + I didn't speak up, because I wasn't 1—AFRICA—AMERICAN with 1—JEWISH surname.
20040723             Then they came for Linda Ronstadt + I didn't speak up, because I wasn't 1—CHUBBY hispanic with 1—CLOSET FULL—OF—GOLD—RECORDS.
20040723             —APPROVED, Then they they were given MARGARET—CHO + I, because they would have come for her next anyway, so why not speed up the process and —JUST get it over with...
20040723             In contrast to its own findings that there were no systemic problems, however, the Army report also cites 1—FEBRUARY report from THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMITTEE—FOR—THE—RED—CROSS that alleged that "methods of ill treatment" were "used in 1—SYSTEMATIC—WAY" by THE—USA—MILITARY in IRAQ.
20040723             94—CASES is not 1 isolated problem.
20040723             It is 1—SYSTEMIC—FAILURE that indicates the need for 1—COMPREHENSIVE—OVERHAUL—OF—CURRENT—POLICIES.
20040723             For more, check out this Human Rights 1. Press Release.
20040723             THE—ORGANIZATION—10—POINT—PLAN to end unjust security detentions and abuse is here.
20040723             THE—GOOD + Bad of 20010911             —THE—REPORT -
20040723             ACLU provides its take on 20010911             —THE—REPORT—RELEASED—TODAY.
20040723             2—OF—THE—MOST—SALIENT—ARE—CALLS—FOR—THE backdoor creation of national ID cards in the form of 1 standardized drivers licenses + 1—CABINET—LEVEL—INTELLIGENCE—TSAR.
20040723             "1—SENATE—CONFIRMED intelligence director sitting in USA—WHITE—HOUSE would be in the hip POCKET—OF—USA—PRESIDENT," Romero added.
20040723             —QUESTIONED, THE—ACLU, whether pitting USA—FBI—CULTURE—OF—CASE—ORIENTED law enforcement against THE—CIA—CULTURE—OF—COVERT, subversive operations, under 1—CHIEF, would result in 1—FURTHER weakening of civil liberties protections in THE—FBI—INTELLIGENCE—WORK.
20040723             Similarly, if the new director were to have operational control over both domestic + foreign intelligence WORK—THAT is, real authority over both USA FBI + USA—CIA—HE or she could blur the lines between the agencies' 2—VERY—DIFFERENT—MISSIONS.
20040723             —ACCORDED, THE—POWERS, intelligence gathering + law enforcment agencies are different for good reason.
20040723             —ACCORDED, THE—POWERS, intelligence gathering + law enforcment agencies are different to prevents ANY—GOVERNMENT from making 1—END—RUN—AROUND the 4. Amendment.
20040723             Additional arguments are available in THE—GILMORE—REPORT (pdf) which was prepared 20030000             by 1—USA—FEDERAL—ADVISORY—PANEL (the Gilmore Commission), chaired by JIM—GILMORE, 1—FORMER—REPUBLICAN—PARTY—CHAIRMAN + GOVERNOR—OF—VIRGINIA.
20040723             Under the current plan, 3—SEPARATE—TRIBUNALS will hear 72—CASES —1—WEEK so EACH—DETAINEE can get 1—HEARING within —4—MONTHS.
20040723             Unlike traditional CIVIL—JUSTICE, USA—GOVERNMENT will have 1—BIG—ADVANTAGE: THE—BURDEN—OF—PROVING—INNOCENCE—WILL—REST with the detainees.
20040723             Detainees won't get lawyers, but "personal representatives," military officials without ANY—LEGAL—BACKGROUND, who will offer advice to prisoners, lay out unclassified portions of their dossiers + help inmates make their case to the tribunal.
20040723             What if 1—DETAINEE wants to call 1—WITNESS to repudiate the charges?
20040723             It will be very difficult if not impossible:
20040723             FBI WARNS—OF—TERRORIST—ATTACK on Media at DNC
20040723             We wish we were making this up, but we're not:
20040723             —UNCONFIRMED, THE—FBI—SAID —ON—FRIDAY it was investigating " information" of 1—POSSIBLE—ATTACK on media vehicles —DURING the Democratic National Convention, which begins —ON—MONDAY in BOSTON.
20040723             "THE—FBI—HAS—RECEIVED—UNCONFIRMED—INFORMATION—THAT 1—DOMESTIC—GROUP is planning to disrupt the Democratic National Convention by attacking media vehicles with explosives or incendiary devices," THE—FEDERAL—BUREAU—OF—INVESTIGATION—BOSTON field office said in 1—STATEMENT.
20040723             Panel on SUPREME—COURT—TO—MEET at DNC
20040723             People for THE—USA—WAY will be hosting 1—PANEL on USA—SUPREME—COURT—AT—THE—DNC—NEXT—WEEK in BOSTON.
20040723             Titled "4—MORE—YEARS or 40—MORE—YEARS," this is 1—EVENT we encourage everyone to attend.
20040723             —DIVIDED, THE—CURRENT—SUPREME—COURT is closely, on basic constitutional issues, with MANY—KEY—CASES being decided by 5-4 or 6—3—VOTES.
20040723             THE—NEXT—PRESIDENT—IS—LIKELY—TO—NOMINATE 2, 3, or even 4—NEW—SUPREME—COURT—JUSTICES who will have 1—HUGE and LONG—LASTING impact on constitutional rights, liberties and legal protections.
20040723             People For THE—USA—WAY—PANEL, "4—MORE—YEARS or 40—MORE—YEARS?" seeks to educate and mobilize progressive voters —AROUND THE—FUTURE—OF—THE—SUPREME—COURT.
20040723             RHEIN—MAIN—GEBIET: Chaos nach heftigem Unwetter
20040723             Experts Warn of 2—TIERED Justice System (AP)
20040723             USA Pentagon Releases Bush [BGW968] s USA National Guard Records (AP)
20040723             MINNESOTA GOP Advocates Informing on Your Neighbors
20040723             —TALK Left 20040723             THE—LATEST—HEADLINES—THE—GOOD + Bad..
20040723             Klar, dass die Manager aus dem Silicon Valley auch im USA—WAHLKAMPF kräftig mitmischen.
20040723             MICHAEL—DELL, der polternde Selfmademan aus TEXAS, steckte Bush [BGW968] + dem Republican National Commitee 20040000             27.000 $ zu.
20040723             Auch JOHN—CHAMBERS (Cisco )+ - TERRY—SEMEL (Yahoo ) + die
20040723             EBAY—CHEFIN Meg Whitman stehen auf Seiten der Republikaner -
20040723             dem Demokratischen Kandidaten Kerry [KFJ965] spendeten sie keinen einzigen Cent.
20040723             Zu verfolgen sind die Spenden auf den
20040723             Internetseiten der FEDERAL—ELECTION—COMMISSION.
20040723             INTEL—MANAGER CRAIG—BARRET—FRAU—BARBARA—IST—1—AKTIVE—REPUBLIKANERIN—UND—BEWARB sich auch —SCHON einmal um den Gouverneursposten im Bundesstaat ARIZONA.
20040723             Wem die IT—BOSSE ihr Geld SPENDEN—DIE Chefs der großen USA IT—FIRMEN verteilen großzügig Spenden an USA—POLITIKER und Parteien.
20040723             —GESPALTEN, Dabei zeigt sich die Branche ebenso, wie das übrige AMERIKA.
20040723             MICHAEL—DELL—UND—EBAY—CHEFIN Meg Whitman sponsern die Republikaner, APPLE—MANAGER geben ihr Geld lieber den Demokraten.
20040723             Essential READING — Warblogs:CC — Back to IRAQ — DNC: Kicking Ass — THE—WEEK — Daily Kos — Talk Left — Who Dies — Hit and Run — Antiwar — Whiskey Bar — Epistolary
20040723             Thanks to:—MIKE—HUDACK—COPYLEFT :
20040723             Those protesting the Republican National Convention — + I will be 1—OF—THEM
20040723             will be forced by police in riot gear to congregate + protest on THE—WEST—SIDE—HIGHWAY, far OUT—OF—VIEW—OF both convention goers + television cameras.
20040723             We will not have the opportunity to petition for 1—REDRESS of our grievances.
20040723             We will not have the opportunity to show RNC delegates our message.
20040723             THE—DELEGATES—TO—THE—RNC, + MILLIONS—OF—OTHER—AMERICANS, will continue to ignore voices calling for equality under the law, for constitutional rights, for the Principles of the Nuremberg Tribunal.
20040723             Those who most need to hear the arguments against tyranny and for democratic (note the small "d") plurality will not hear them.
20040723             THE—GRAND—OLD—PARTY — + THE—RIGHT—WING weblog echo chamber — - write
20040723             —ABOUT how JOSEPH—WILSON—LIED—ABOUT—WHY—HE—WAS sent to NIGER, but they refuse to discuss in ANY—WAY—SHAPE or form the fact
20040723             that 1—WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIAL — nay, multiple WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS — broke the law by revealing the fact that MISTER—WILSON—WIFE—WAS 1—COVERT—CIA—OFFICER.
20040723             We see the misplaced national discourse everywhere.
20040723             AMERICA —TODAY is at 1—CRITICAL—POINT in its history.
20040723             THE—NATION—IS—AT—WAR.
20040723             Fundamental issues of constitutional law, civil liberties, democratic process and the very NATURE—OF—THE—USA—CHARACTER are being decided at this very moment.
20040723             THE—UPCOMING—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION—BETWEEN—CURRENT—PRESIDENT—BUSH [BGW968] challenger Kerry [KFJ965] will be 1—REFERENDUM on all these issues, and MANY—MORE.
20040723             Americans will decide whether they want 1—PRESIDENCY that invades nations without provocation, they will decide whether they want 1—PRESIDENT who stifles dissent at home.
20040723             —ON talk radio and on MANY—OF—THE—NATION—TELEVISION—NEWS—STATIONS, however, the discussion is not about habeus corpus or aggressive war.
20040723             It is about Kerry [KFJ965] 's hair or wrinkles, or perhaps about the purple hearts that the candidate won in VIETNAM.
20040723             THE—DISCUSSION—IS—ABOUT—THERESA—HEINZ—KERRY [KFJ965] 's fortune (earned, incidentally, by 1—REPUBLICAN).
20040723             THE—ARMY—NEWS—SERVICE—REPORTS that the Army has hit its "retention mark" for —THIS—YEAR and that "There may be SOME—TALKING, but soldiers aren't walking".
20040723             With this said, however, 9,500 soldiers had no choice but to be retained — they were issued "stop loss" orders to prevent their resignation from the Army.
20040723             THE—WASHINGTON—POST—REPORTS
20040723             —TODAY that the "ARMY—POOL—OF—FUTURE recruits has dwindled to its lowest level in —3—YEARS".
20040723             THE—WAPO—ALSO—QUOTES—REPRESENTATIVE—IKE—SKELTON (D—MONTANA) as saying that "I heard —YESTERDAY from the National Guard back home in MISSOURI that their retention is, as 1—RESULT—OF—TODAY—SITUATION, sliding downhill very, very fast".
20040723             THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORTS: In what critics say is another sign of increasing stress on the military, the Army has been forced to bring more new recruits —IMMEDIATELY into the ranks to meet recruiting goals for 20040000             , instead of allowing them to defer entry —UNTIL the next accounting —YEAR, which starts in October.
20040723             Umsatzkollaps in DEUTSCHLAND: COCA—COLA—AKTIE stürzt in die Tiefe
20040723             DEMOKRATEN—PARTEITAG: FBI warnt vor ANSCHLAG—FONDS—IDEEN: Wehe dem, der Patriot ist!
20040723             Börse —AM—ABEND: Dax wieder unter 3800—PUNKTEN
20040723             Ostsee: Wrack der "GENERAL—VON—STEUBEN" entdeckt
20040723             Ärger um Werbevertrag: Wie sich Aznar 1—GOLDMEDAILLE verschaffen wollte
20040723             USA—WAHLKAMPF: Wem die IT—BOSSE ihr Geld spenden (Netzwelt, 20040723             ,
20040723             —BEREITS vor einigen —WOCHEN waren im Zusa mmenhang mit der Maschine schwere Sicherheitsmängel bekannt geworden, die der Untersuchungsbericht aufgedeckt hatte.
20040723             USA Kampfjets hätten die Maschine demnach abschießen können.
20040723             Seitens der Flugsicherung (FEDERAL—AVIATION—ADMINISTRATION, FAA) + des USA Militärs (NORTH—USA—AEROSPACE—DEFENSE—COMMAND, Norad) soll es dem Bericht zufolge schwere Versäumnisse gegeben haben.
20040723             —VERGEUDET, So habe man wertvolle —MINUTEN, zwischen dem Zeitpunkt, als die Luftüberwachung die Entführung des 1. Flugzeugs bemerkt hatte, + dem Absturz von Flug 93.
20040723             Als Vizepräsident Dick Cheney schließlich den Befehl zum Abschuss entführter Flugzeuge gab, erreichte dieser die Piloten der Abfangjäger —ERST, —NACHDEM das letzte der 4—ENTFÜHRTEN Flugzeuge —BEREITS abgestürzt war.
20040723             Nach Angaben Cheneys hatte er die Erlaubnis für den Befehl telefonisch von USA—PRÄSIDENT—BUSH [BGW968] erhalten.
20040723             Laut dem Kommissionsbericht ist auf dem Band zu hören, wie 1—PASSAGIER ruft: "Ins Cockpit!
20040723             Wenn wir das nicht machen, sterben wir!" —16—SEKUNDEN später sage eine weitere Stimme "Roll it!" (Etwa: Packen wir's!).
20040723             Direkt darauf fragt Flugzeugentführer Ziad Jarrah: "WAR—DAS?
20040723             Ich meine, sollen wir es runterbringen?",worauf 1—KOMPLIZE zustimmt.
20040723             —90—SEKUNDEN später stürzte die Maschine den DATEN—DES—FLUGSCHREIBERS zufolge ab.
20040723             Die Fluggäste haben es demnach nie —BIS zu den Entführern ins Cockpit geschafft.
20040723             An dem mutigen Auftreten der "Helden von PENNSYLVANIA" ändert das freilich nichts.
20040723             Es war die heftige Gegenwehr der Passagiere, die die Terroristen dazu bewogen hat, das Flugzeug vor ihrem eigentlichen Ziel in 1—FELD stürzen zu lassen, heißt es —IM—GESTERN vorgelegten Bericht der Untersuchungskommission zu den Anschlägen vom 20010911             .
20040723             Darin wurden erstmals Zitate aus den Tonbandaufnahmen aus dem Cockpit der Unglücksmaschine veröffentlicht.
20040723             Sollen wir es runterbringen?" -Die Untersuchungen des 20010911             —AUSSCHUSSES haben auch neue Erkenntnisse über den Absturz der UNITED—AIRLINES—MASCHINE über PENNSYLVANIA erbracht.
20040723             JAHRESABSCHLUSS Microsoft macht glänzende GESCHÄFTE—DAS Geschäft mit Computern läuft auf Hochtouren.
20040723             Davon profitieren auch die SOFTWARE—HERSTELLER, allen voran Microsoft.
20040723             Der Konzern hat im Geschäftsjahr 2003/2004—MIT seinem WINDOWS—BETRIEBSSYSTEM sowie seiner OFFICE—UND SERVER—SOFTWARE starke Gewinnsteigerungen verbucht.
20040723             You should however be AWARE—OF—THE—FACT, that there are much more sophisticated ways to fake mail.
20040723             1—MESSAGE sent to to the newsgroup and archived on the web explains 1—POSSIBLE—WAY to deal with SOME—OF—THESE cases.
20040723             But for —NOW—BACK to the "easy cases":
20040723             If it the mails comes from 1—REAL, valid EMAIL—ACCOUNT and you want to know who the person behind that EMAIL—ACCOUNT is, then you most likely will need to serve THE—INTERNET—PROVIDER who is hosting that EMAIL—ACCOUNT 1—COURT—ORDER.
20040723             Another idea would be to take that EMAIL—ADDRESS and search for it on the web and usenet.
20040723             Who knows, he/she might have —POSTED somewhere with his/her real name and adress.
20040723             Read more at: How to find ordinary people on THE—INTERNET.
20040723             USA Watch...warlords 'bigger threat than Taliban' Pentagon establishes 1—POLICY—OF "enforced disappearances" VoA director removed Support Your Freedom to Read USA...
20040723             Tonbandaufnahmen aus dem Flug 93: "WAR—DAS? Sollen wir es runterbringen?"
20040723             MOSKAU—NACH einem Schreiben an Putin will die Gruppe die Steuerschulden des Konzerns und von EX—CHEF—MICHAIL—CHODORKOWSKI—BEGLEICHEN—UND—DEN—RUSSLAND—STAAT in das YUKOS—MANAGEMENT holen.
20040723             "Die finanziellen Belange sind vorbereitet, um die Schulden von Yukos zu bezahlen und falls erforderlich zugleich die materiellen Schäden, die Herrn Chodorkowski zur Last gelegt werden, zu begleichen.."., hieß es in dem Schreiben, von dem die Nachrichtenagentur Reuters am Mittwochabend 1—KOPIE veröffentlichte.
20040723             Unterzeichnet war das Schreiben von Goerge Miller, dem in CHILE geborenen CHEF—DES—KONZERNS—INTERNATIONAL—WASTE—MANAGEMENT—PLC.
20040723             —BEKANNT, Über das Konsortium war —ZUNÄCHST wenig.
20040723             Auch blieb unklar, wie ernst das Angebot zu nehmen ist.
20040723             Putins BÜRO lehnte 1—STELLUNGNAHME ab.
20040723             YUKOS—KRISE—UK Konsortium will EINSPRINGEN—CHANCE für eine späte Rettung: Ein in UK ansässiges Konsortium privater Investoren hat überraschend angeboten, den angeschlagenen RUSSLAND—ÖLKONZERN Yukos mit einer Finanzspritze zu retten.
20040723             Das BÜRO—VON—RUSSLAND—PRÄSIDENTEN Putin lehnte 1—STELLUNGNAHME ab.
20040723             Der PALÄSTINA—PRÄSIDENT—SOLL—SICH—BEREIT—ERKLÄRT—HABEN, die Kontrolle über die Sicherheitskräfte an Ministerpräsident AHMAD—KUREIA—ABZUGEBEN.
20040723             USA—AUßENMINISTER COLIN—POWELL—ERKLÄRTE—AM—DONNERSTAGABEND—NACH—EINEM Treffen mit Annan, die USA und die Vereinten Nationen erwarteten von der internationalen Gemeinschaft mehr Hilfe für Darfur.
20040723             "Die Menschen in dieser Region sind in einer verzweifelten Notlage. Es werden noch VIELE—ZEHNTAUSENDE sterben, wenn wir nicht sofort handeln".
20040723             USA—KONGRESS spricht von Völkermord
20040723             Allerdings scheute sich Powell, den Begriff Völkermord im Zusa mmenhang mit Darfur zu gebrauchen.
20040723             Ob tatsächlich 1—VORSATZ zum Völkermord vorliege, sollten Gespräche mit den Betroffenen in der Krisenprovinz ergeben, erklärte Powell.
20040723             Der USA—KONGRESS verabschiedete dagegen in seltener Einmütigkeit 1—RESOLUTION, in der die Gewalt durch die Milizen im SUDAN als Völkermord bezeichnet wird.
20040723             Republikaner und Demokraten äußerten die Hoffnung, dass durch die Resolution der Druck auf die internationale Gemeinschaft wachse, "zu handeln, um die OPFER—DER—GEWALT im SUDAN zu schützen".
20040723             UNO—RESOLUTION—USA stellen Sudans Regierung ULTIMATUM—DAS Weiße Haus erhöht den Druck auf die SUDAN—REGIERUNG.
20040723             Dem Weltsicherheitsrat legte die USA—ADMINISTRATION einen Resolutionsentwurf vor, der 1—ULTIMATUM enthält.
20040723             Demnach muss Khartum die mordende Miliz in der Krisenregion Darfur binnen —30—TAGEN stoppen.
20040723             —BEZEICHNET, Der USA—KONGRESS, die Vorgänge als Völkermord.
20040723             USA—HEER -"Keine systematischen Misshandlungen von Gefangenen" -Die Misshandlungen von Gefangenen durch USA—SOLDATEN im IRAK und in AFGHANISTAN waren nicht "systematisch", sondern das Fehlverhalten einzelner Personen, die sich nicht an Bestimmungen hielten.
20040723             Das ist zumindest das Ergebnis eines Berichts des Inspekteurs der USA—TEILSTREITKRAFT, PAUL—MIKOLASHEK.
20040723             LETZTER POLITBÜRO—PROZESS—DAS Klagelied der alten HERREN—VON—KARIN—GEIL—IN BERLIN wird erneut gegen 2—MITGLIEDER—DES—SED—POLITBÜROS verhandelt.
20040723             —GERIET, Der 1. Verhandlungstag, zur Zusa mmenkunft älterer Damen und Herren, die wortreich die Zustände in und außerhalb der REPUBLIK kritisierten.
20040723             UNO—RESOLUTION: USA stellen Sudans Regierung Ultimatum
20040723             Letzter POLITBÜRO—PROZESS: Das Klagelied der alten Herren
20040723             CBS held THE—ABU—GHRAIB—PHOTOS—ON—PRINCIPLE, right?
20040723             At USA PENTAGON—BEHEST, the network sat on exclusive, shocking photographic evidence that USA—MILITARY—GUARDS had been abusing IRAQ—INMATES.
20040723             Then, —AFTER holding the piece —FOR—2—WEEKS....
20040723             USA Took Prisoner From Americans in AFGHANISTAN—TRIAL: THE—USA—MILITARY held 1—AFGHANISTAN—PRISONER for —1—MONTH—AFTER taking him from 3—AMERICANS —NOW on trial in KABUL on CHARGES—OF—HOSTAGE—TAKING + torture 20040723             Accused torturers claim USA Pentagon support:
20040723             THE—RINGLEADER—OF—3—AMERICANS on trial for torturing Afghans at 1—PRIVATE—JAIL in 1—FREELANCE—COUNTER—TERROR—MISSION denies ANY—WRONGDOING + claims they had active support from USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENCE.
20040723             Rumsfeld Relegated to Less Visible Role :
20040723             Commission Finds 10 `Missed Opportunities' —BEFORE Attacks:
20040723             that might have helped uncover the terrorist plot
20040723             Video Shows 20010911             Hijackers : WASHINGTON Dulles Airport surveillance video shows 4—OF—THE—5—HIJACKERS being pulled aside to undergo additional scrutiny —AFTER setting off metal detectors.
20040723             THE—PAKISTAN—CONNECTION : There is EVIDENCE—OF—FOREIGN—INTELLIGENCE backing for 20010911             —THE—HIJACKERS.
20040723             Why is THE—USA—GOVERNMENT so keen to cover it up?
20040723             THE—OFT—ASKED Question: Why Do They Hate Us?
20040723             Never in their wildest dream did Americans imagine that 1—CALAMITY—OF such magnitude would take place on their soil.
20040723             Americans lost their SENSE—OF—SECURITY + for the 1. time, experienced FEELINGS—OF—FEAR + vulnerability, long known to MANY—IN—AFRICA, ASIA + THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20040723             Full OSAMA—BIN—LADEN'S 'letter to USA ':
20040723             —PUBLISHED, SOME—USA—WRITERS have, articles under the title'On what basis are we fighting?'.Why are we fighting + opposing you?THE—ANSWER—IS—VERY—SIMPLE
20040723             THE—WALL, 1—SYMBOL—OF—DIVISION AND—OF—THE—SPOILS—OF—WAR, was condemned by 1—DEMOCRATIC—VOICE—OF—GLOBAL—UNITY, 150-6. ISRAEL +, of course, THE—USA, voted against the resolution calling for the wall's demolition.
20040723             WHITE—HOUSE—DISMISSES UN Ruling on WEST—BANK—BARRIER: USA—WHITE—HOUSE—SPOKESMAN—SCOTT—MCCLELLAN—SAYS—THE—NON—BINDING UN resolution is 1—SIDED + fails to recognize the need to solve the dispute politically.
20040723             —VOWED, Obeying the law: Once again ISRAEL—HAS, to flout 1—UN—RESOLUTION and once again USA will let it
20040723             —STILL waiting for No 242 :
20040723             —REFERRED, Resolution 242, to the seizure + occupation in the 19670000—19670000     —6—DAY—WAR by ISRAEL—MILITARY—FORCES—OF—LOTS—OF—OTHER—COUNTRIES' land inhabited in the main by Palestinians.
20040723             —CALLED, Resolution 242, for the "withdrawal of ISRAEL 's armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict"
20040723             Lobbying for THE—PRO—ISRAEL—CANDIDATES:
20040723             FORMER—GEORGIA—CONGRESSWOMAN—CYHIA—MCKINNEY,who is PRO—PALESTINIAN,is trying to get RE—ELECTED + once again there is debate over THE—POWER—OF—THE—PRO—ISRAEL—LOBBY—IN—USA
20040723             PAUL—FINDLEY: Liberating USA From ISRAEL:
20040723             —ON USA Capitol Hill, criticism of ISRAEL, even in private conversation, is all but forbidden.
20040723             - THE—CONTINUED—ABSENCE—OF—FREE—SPEECH—WAS assured
20040723             THE—SCREWING—OF—CYNTHIA—MCKINNEY : RE—LYNCHING Cynthia McKinney.
20040723             3. man in NZ passport fraud was ISRAEL—DIPLOMAT: 1—MAN who began the passport fraud that resulted in the jailing of 2 suspected ISRAEL—SPIES —LAST—WEEK has been confirmed as 1—ISRAEL—DIPLOMAT.
20040723             —LINKED, Mossad agent, to ASIA scam:Fugitive ISRAEL—MOSSAD—INTELLIGENCE—AGENT—BARKAN,Zev has been dealing with ASIA—CRIMINAL—GANGS to obtain Australian +other passports stolen in AsiaN.Zealand aid worker has said
20040723             Kick Bush [BGW968] OUT—OF—OFFICE or we'll be invading IRAN next ;
20040723             Professor THOMAS—NAYLOR—ON—IRAN—ALQAEDA Red Herring: This is certainly not the 1. time these tales about IRAN cooperating with AL—QA'IDAH—HAVE—SURFACED.
20040723             USA—GRAND—JURY—STEPS Up Inquiry Into Possible Halliburton Ties to IRAN :
20040723             PROFITS—OF—WAR : Halliburton has become 1—BYWORD for the cosy links between USA—WHITE—HOUSE + Texan big business.
20040723             But how did Halliburton, the company run 19900000—19000000     by Cheney, Dick secure 1—DEAL that guaranteed it millions in profit EVERY—TIME THE—USA—MILITARY saw action?
20040723             In this exclusive extract from his new book, DAN—BRIODY—REVEALS—HOW—HALLIBURTON—MADE 1—KILLING on the battleground
20040723             —MISSED, In case you, it?: - Blind Loyalty to 1—EMPIRE—OF—GREED: THE—CORRUPTIONS—OF—PATRIOTISM
20040723             THE—RIGHT—OF—CIVIL—RESISTANCE to Prevent STATE—CRIMES :
20040723             1—GENERATION ago THE—PEOPLES—OF—THE—WORLD—ASKED—THEMSELVES: Where were the "good" Germans?
20040723             THE—SHORT—ANSWER is : The"good Germans, by GANGS FINANCED with USA $$ from the grand fathers of the same GANGS that the Great USA—PEOPLE in general seems to have been doing fairly well with so far... where put in the concentration camps build with USA $$ from the grand fathers of the same GANG that the Great USA—PEOPLE in general seems to have been doing fairly well with so far...
20040723             Well, there were SOME—GOOD—GERMANS in the concentration camps build with USA $$.
20040723             —TODAY the peoples of theare likewise asking them selves: Where are the "good" Americans?
20040723             QuickTime Video.
20040723             Mosaic: World News Reports From MIDDLE—EAST—TV: USA nation's only uncensored compilation of daily television news reports from more than 15—COUNTRIES in THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20040723             Overseas FINANCING—OF—THE—HARD—TO—TRACE—KIND
20040723             "Raising overseas financing" would seem to be —JUST another way to say "Khashoggi," 1—SOURCE explained, "+ others who are trying to hide their identities behind 1—VEIL—OF—ANONYMOUS—SOUNDING investment companies".
20040723             This is 1—OF—THE—ALLEGATIONS—WHICH—LED—REGULATORS—TO—HALT trading in the shares of Genesis.
20040723             Although he would have to be considered 1—PERSON—OF—INTEREST,
20040723             there hasn't been ANY—SPECULATION about ADNAN—KHASHOGGI + 20010911             for the simple reason that nobody in THE—USA—GOVERNMENT ever issued 1—ORDER to round up all the "Usual Suspects".
20040723             In fact, PRESIDENT—BUSH—WHITE—HOUSE let so MANY—SAUDI—ARABIA—NOTABLES slip OUT—OF—THE—COUNTRY—AFTER the attack that occupancy rates of Presidential Suites in ORLANDO—MUST—HAVE—TAKEN 1—NOSEDIVE.
20040723             —TODAY we may be beginning to learn why.
20040723             It's 1—SCARY lesson about "the way things are" in AMERICA —TODAY.
20040723             —WHEN it was discovered that THE—FLORIDA—FLIGHT—SCHOOL—THAT—THE—TERROR—PILOTS flying BOTH—OF—THE—PLANES—WHICH—CRASHED—INTO—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER—TOWERS had attended was being run as 1—CONTINUING Criminal Enterprise--at the same time they were there-- questions might have been raised, in SOME—COUNTRIES...
20040723             —JUST not this 1.
20040723             —AM, mit 1—TEMPERATUR von minus 98,6—GRAD—CELSIUS.
20040723             "Der Rekord ist wohl das Kälteste, was an der ERD—OBERFLÄCHE—AUFTRETEN—KANN",
20040723             Stari Most bei der offiziellen Wiedereröffnung
20040723             Die 19930000             —VON—KROATISCHEN—NATIONALISTEN zerstörte Brücke von Mostar wird mit einem Festakt wiedereröffnet.
20040723—15660000    —IN, THE—ORIGINAL—WAS—BUILT.
20040723—19710000    —IN, FORMER—MEXICO PRESIDENT—CHARGED Massacre (Reuters)
20040723—20010911    —SCHEDULED, Report does not recommend that ANY—OF—THE—PROVISIONS, to sunset be made permanent.
20040723—20010911    THE—GOOD—NEWS: 20010911             report is CRITICAL—OF—USA—ADMINSTRATION—EXCESSIVE—SECRECY + of THE—USA—PATRIOT Act.
20040723—20010911    report does not recommend that ANY—OF—THE—PROVISIONS—SCHEDULED—TO...-->
20040723—20010911    —AM, Erstmals veröffentlichte Zitate aus den Cockpitaufnahmen bestätigen, dass die Maschine nicht von den Passagieren zum Absturz gebracht wurde.
20040723—20010911    0---- a.m.
20040723—20010911    —IN, Lately USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH [BGW968] has been making overtures about IRAN being involved ,thus furthering the master plan going back —SINCE the mid-19900000             s (Project for the New USA—CENTURY ).
20040723—20030000    —REPORTED, THE—JAPAN—GOVERNMENT, that suicides in JAPAN surged to 1—ALL—TIME—HIGH topping 34,000 deaths in 1—TREND fueled by health and financial troubles.
20040723—20041102    —CONSTRAINED, Burdened by THE—IRAQ—PRISONER—ABUSE—SCANDAL +, USA presidential election campaign, THE—USA—PENTAGON—CHIEF who spearheaded THE—AFGHANISTAN + IRAQ wars has been relegated to 1—LESS—VISIBLE—ROLE.
20040808—20040723    —AM, war vor einer Moschee in Bagdad der ÄGYPTISCHE—DIPLOMAT MOHAMMED—MAMDUH—HELMI—KUTB verschleppt worden.
20041210             GEOMILITECH. 20041210             GEOMILITECH.
20050123             200501072310          von Carmenm, 191 (16), 2 (2), 16.01 - forum
20050123             200501072310          von Carmenm, 191 (16), 2 (2), 16.01
200502072314         - Rubrik: Is IRAN next
20050312             0000—DATE—ERPKIM Archive | Historical ANALYSIS—KOSOVO in WW2, 20190723             --.. 100. Jaeger Division, the 297. Infantry Division + the 1. Mountain Division...WAR—CRIMES + crimes against humanity were committed against the Serbian...
20050317             Comments of on S20030723             ... GENI, Genesis Intermedia, $0.02, 20030108             , 24, $0, n/a, $0.0. GMXX, GeneMax Corp. $10.24, 20030303             , 15.3, $157, n/a, $0.0, 20021115             10Q...
20050317             Comments of on S20030723             ...
20050416             SECRETARY—OF—STATE—EVENING—REPORTS (19830723—19830816    ). - - - RAC Box 006A -Agency.
20050605—20020723    —ON, creates tip line : THE—OFFICE—OF—REPRESENTATIVE—JOHN—CONYERS (D—MI) believes it has surpassed its stated goal of 100,000 signatures requesting 1—INVESTIGATION into the Downing Street Memo, minutes of 1—UK PRIME—MINISTER—MEETING.
20050621             A 20050721             briefing paper given to UK officials preparing for a 20050723             meeting with BLAIR—SAYS: ``Time will be required to prepare public opinion in THE—UK—THAT it is necessary to take military action against SADDAM—HUSSEIN.''
20050723             180303warblogg.html 20030318             Bush [BGW968]- "Sorgt sich Bush [BGW968] Bush [BGW968].
20050723             180303warblogg.html 20030318             Bush [BGW968]- "Sorgt sich Bush [BGW968].Die Bush [BGW968] USA amerikanischen.USA amerikanischen.USA.
20050723             Er fügte hinzu, dass er "wahrscheinlich" auch nicht in die 1. tödlichen Anschlägen vom 20050707             verwickelt gewesen sei.
20050723             —DERZEIT.
20050723             2004070203_Report AUTHENTICO—
20050723             † MYRON—FLORIN, —85—JAHRE—ALT, accordionist with LAWRENCE—WELK, in CALIFORNIA.
20050723             —SUSPECTED, SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, Taliban militants fatally shot a district judge.
20050723             —ACKNOWLEDGED, LONDON police, that Menezes had nothing to do with recent bombings on the city's transit system.
20050723             —DEMANDED, BRAZIL—GOVERNMENT, 1—EXPLANATION for the fatal police shooting of 1—BRAZIL—CITIZEN on 1—LONDON subway car.
20050723             —OFFERED, THE—COLOMBIA—GOVERNMENT, to buy farmers' illegal crops of coca, in the latest effort to stem illegal drug production in this SOUTH—USA—NATION.
20050723             PRESIDENT—ALVARO—URIBE said in 1—SPEECH that farmers would have to sign 1—DOCUMENT promising to never again cultivate illegal crops in order to get the money.
20050723             —RIPPED, EGYPT, 1—RAPID—SERIES—OF—CAR—BOMBS and another blast, through 1—LUXURY—HOTEL and 1—COFFEESHOP in THE—EGYPT—RED—SEA—RESORT—OF—SHARM EL—SHEIK, killing at least 83—PEOPLE.
20050723             —CLAIMED, THE—ABU—HAFS—AL—MASRI—BRIGADES, 1—GROUP citing ties to AL—QAIDA, responsibility for the bombings.
20050723             Kristina Miller (27) of Peachtree CITY—GEORGIA, was the only American killed in the blasts at THE—EGYPT—RESORT at Sharm EL—SHEIK.
20050723             —UNIDENTIFIED, ABIDJAN—IVORY—COAST, assailants attacked 2—SECURITY—FORCE—POSTS, sparking gunfights that reportedly killed at least 4—PEOPLE.
20050723             1—MAGNITUDE—6.0—EARTHQUAKE—SHOOK THE—TOKYO—AREA, injuring at least 27—PEOPLE.
20050723             —EXPLODED, TURKEY, 1—BOMB, at 1—ISTANBUL cafe frequented by tourists, injuring at least 2—PEOPLE.
20050723             UMM, AL—QUWAIN, UAR, a $3.3—BILLION deal for the Khor AL—BEIDAH—LAGOON—COMPLEX—WAS—SIGNED.
20050723             1—FEW days —LATER developers announced Umm AL—QUWAIN—DESERT—INTERIOR would be the site for 1—NEW—CITY that could eventually house as many as 500,000—PEOPLE.
20050723             —ARRIVED, ZIMBABWE PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE, in BEIJING for 1—VISIT expected to include 1—PLEA for oil and food to aid his state's failing economy.
20050723             IISS News Page... ABSENCE—OF—ADVANCE clues despite all efforts to snoop is 1—REMINDER—OF how elusive AL—QAEDA— or LIKE—MINDED imitators — can be, said MARCO—VICENZINO—OF—THE... =
20050723             Error Correction: Replace default programs with deliberate variations... THE—EXECUTION—EVENT—TRIGGERS—REPLANNING —WHEN 1—DEFAULT—PROGRAM fails —DURING...
20050723             ISIS (UK ) - INTERNATIONAL Security Information Service based in LONDON.. Preventing deliberate disease: strengthening the biological + toxin weapons... /
20050723             "Men are very ready to accept new ideas, provided they bear old names " JOHN—CHIPMAN—GRAY quotes
20050723             It is 1—STEP for further advance to see what has been won from chaos already
20050723             Office: 945—HELLER Hall.
20050723             He teaches in THE—AREAS—OF—ECONOMETRICS, INTERNATIONAL Trade, and Welfare Economics.
20050723             THE—INTERNATIONAL—INSTITUTE for Strategic Studies DOCTOR—JOHN—CHIPMAN—CMG.
20050723             DIRECTOR—OF—THE—IISS.
20050723             Main Responsibilities: Establishes the goals and general DIRECTION—OF—THE—INSTITUTE—WORK and manages the.
20050723             IISS—GENERAL—IRAQ WMD Dossier Statement Statement by IISS Director JOHN—CHIPMAN.
20050723             An IISS Strategic Dossier.
20050723             Press Statement. DOCTOR—JOHN—CHIPMAN.
20050723             LONDON - "Dass jemand unter diesen Umständen ums Leben kommt,
20050723             ist 1—TRAGÖDIE", erklärte die Polizei in der GROSSBRITANNIEN—HAUPTSTADT.
20050723             LONDON - "Dass jemand unter diesen Umständen ums Leben kommt, ist 1—TRAGÖDIE", erklärte die Polizei in der GROSSBRITANNIEN—HAUPTSTADT.
20050723             Die Polizei bedauere den TOD—DES—MANNES.
20050723             Fahnder hatten den Mann am Freitagabend auf dem Weg zum U—BAHNHOF Stockwell im Süden von LONDON verfolgt, —NACHDEM er aus einem verdächtigen Haus gekommen war.
20050723             Als er nicht auf Aufforderungen der Polizei reagierte, vor ihnen flüchtete und in einen Zug steigen wollte, töteten ihn die Polizisten nach ANGABEN—VON—AUGENZEUGEN mit gezielten Kopfschüssen.
20050723             —JETZT gab SCOTLAND Yard bekannt, dass der Erschossene nicht in Beziehung zu den Attentaten stand.
20050723             Die Ermittlungen laufen weiter auf Hochtouren.
20050723             Die Polizei durchsuchte —HEUTE 1—GEBÄUDE im Süden Londons.
20050723             —GEGEBEN, Festnahmen habe es bei dieser Razzia nicht ;
20050723             die Beamten seien als Vorsichtsmaßnahme bewaffnet gewesen, hieß es in einer Mitteilung.
20050723             Jagd auf die Attentäter: Londoner Polizei erschoss Unschuldigen
20050723             Search: SRI—LANKA/t_BLANK—FOX—NEWS—GEOMILITECH.
20050723             JAPAN passes controversial missile bill : JAPAN—PARLIAMENT has passed legislation giving the defence CHIEF the authority to shoot down incoming missiles without approval from THE—PRIME—MINISTER or cabinet.
20050723             BUSH—ADMINISTRATION to keep CONTROL—OF—INTERNET—CENTRAL—COMPUTERS : THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has decided to retain control over the principal computers which control INTERNET traffic in 1—MOVE—LIKELY to prompt global opposition, it was claimed —YESTERDAY.
20050723             JUDGE—DREAD:
20050723             —4—DAYS—AFTER he affirmed BUSH—AUTOCRATIC—POWERS, Roberts was duly awarded with 1—NOMINATION to THE—SUPREME—COURT.
20050723             —NOW he will be sitting in final judgment on this CASE—AND ANY—OTHER—CHALLENGES to BUSH—PEREMPTORY commands.
20050723             This is what is known, in the tyrant trade, as "1—SAFE—PAIR—OF—HANDS".
20050723             Somebody is lying! :
20050723             Rove, Libby Accounts in CIA Case Differ With THOSE—OF—REPORTERS : 2—TOP—WHITE—HOUSE—AIDES have given accounts to 1—SPECIAL—PROSECUTOR about how reporters 1. told them the identity of 1—CIA—AGENT that are at odds with what the reporters have said, according to people familiar with the case.
20050723             —WORKED, Bush aides, on damage control at TIME—OF—CIA—LEAK:
20050723             —HELPED, They, prepare response to criticism from agent's husband over nuclear allegation
20050723             THE—GUARDIAN—PROFILE: KARL—ROVE: For the 1. time in —32—YEARS, he has been caught + his survival —NOW depends on the gratitude of his partner and protege in THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20050723             Does USA—CARE about NIGER —NOW?
20050723             To almost the complete silence of THE—USA, NIGER, 1—OF—THE—WORLD—POOREST nations, was hit —LAST—YEAR by natural WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION -- locusts and drought.
20050723             WASHINGTON Secures LONG—SOUGHT Hemispheric Outpost:
20050723             1—SENSE—OF—OUTRAGE and concern has flared up from neighboring countries.
20050723             With the facility having 1—CAPACITY to hold 16,000 troops and its proximity to the borders of ARGENTINA, BRAZIL and BOLIVIA, PARAGUAY—SOUTH—USA—NEIGHBORS are questioning WASHINGTON—INTENTIONS
20050723             WHITE—HOUSE threatens veto on detainee policies : THE—WHITE—HOUSE—ON—THURSDAY threatened to veto 1—MASSIVE—SENATE—BILL—FOR $442—BILLION in —NEXT—YEAR—DEFENSE—PROGRAMS if it moves to regulate THE—PENTAGON—TREATMENT—OF—DETAINEES or sets up 1—COMMISSION to investigate operations at GUANTANAMO Bay prison and elsewhere.
20050723             Legal expert says Hicks has slim prospects of receiving fair hearing : As AUSTRALIA—GUANTANAMO—BAY detainee DAVID—HICKS—PREPARES—TO—FACE 1—USA—MILITARY—COMMISSION, there are new concerns —TODAY about the process he'll be subjected to.
20050723             —RENEWED, Patriot Act, and toughened : Republicans repeatedly argued —THROUGHOUT THE—11—HOUR—DEBATE that the latest explosions in LONDON showed how urgent and important it was to renew the law.
20050723             Patriot Act : How Did Your USA—REPRESENTATIVE—VOTE?
20050723             How THE—UN—WON—THE—WAR:
20050723             THE—HISTORY—TOLD—ABOUT—THE—DEFEAT—OF—NAZISM and the founding of THE—UNITED—NATIONS in the 1940s has become distorted.
20050723             1—FALSE—VIEW—OF—THE—PAST—IS—BEING—USED —TODAY to shape how we think about our future.
20050723             —OFFERED, THE—MILITARY—POWER—OF—THE—VICTORIOUS—WARTIME allies is, as 1—MODEL for running the world
20050723             Syria accuses USA—FORCES—OF killing 2—SYRIA—SECURITY—GUARDS : DAMASCUS said that its forces on the border with IRAQ are often exposed to fire by THE—USA—ARMY and THE—IRAQ—FORCES, adding that this resulted in killing 2—OF—THOSE guards at THE—HANDS—OF—THE—USA—SOLDIERS.
20050723             Experts offer pessimistic outlooks on IRAQ :
20050723             —THIS—WEEK, —DURING more than —7—HOURS—OF—TESTIMONY 1—SENATE committee heard that IRAQ is in 1—LOW—GRADE—CIVIL—WAR, that there are no additional USA or allied troops to help.
20050723             Arab network airs judge's interrogation of Saddam : 1—LONG—BEARDED Saddam, whose shaky voice was barely audible, accused the current IRAQ—GOVERNMENT—OF being A—USA—PUPPET.
20050723             —REFUSED, GUANTANAMO detainees hunger strike : So far, the men have, 9—CONSECUTIVE meals over —3—DAYS, THE—USA—MILITARY said in 1—STATEMENT.
20050723             What Is the Plan If THERE—ANOTHER 20010911             ?
20050723             According to PHILIP—GIRALDI, writing in the new issue of THE—USA—CONSERVATIVE, it's to nuk e IRAN:
20050723             LONDON: Suspect Bomber Shot Dead : Eyewitnesses said 1—GROUP—OF—10—15—POLICE—OFFICERS chased the young ASIA—MAN onto 1—TRAIN and then drilled 5—SHOTS into him at pointblank range.
20050723             Man shot dead by police on LONDON Tube:
20050723             —PUSHED, They, him to the floor, bundled on top of him and unloaded 5—SHOTS into him
20050723             —ATTEMPTED, LONDON police arrest man in connection with, bombings : It was unclear if —FRIDAY—ARREST was related to the —EARLIER police shooting of 1—MAN at 1—LONDON Underground station in Stockwell.
20050723             'SHOOT—TO—KILL' Muslim fears : THE—MUSLIM—COUNCIL—OF—BRITAIN called on police to explain why 1—ASIA—MAN - a ''suspected suicide BOMBER''—WAS shot dead —FRIDAY at Stockwell station in SOUTH—LONDON.
20050723             —TREATED, Young Muslims feel they are, like bombers : SCOTLAND—MUSLIMS tonight say that even getting on 1—BUS is viewed with suspicion as 1—RESULT—OF—THE—LONDON—TERROR—ATTACKS—SENTIMENTS echoed by MANY—YOUNG—ISLAMIC—MEN and women across the country who say attitudes towards them are hardening.
20050723             AL—QAEDA" claims latest LONDON bombings : "Our strikes in the heart of THE—UK—INFIDEL capital are nothing more than 1—MESSAGE to all European governments that we shall not relent —UNTIL all infidel forces quit IRAQ," the group known as the Brigades of ABU—HAFS—AL—MASRI—SAID.
20050723             WILLIAM—BLUM: LONDON: Another CASUALTY—OF—THE—WAR—ON—TERROR : How can you stop subway and bus bombs?
20050723             Check EVERY—PASSENGER—THROUGHOUT the —DAY, EVERY—DAY, forever?
20050723             Whether we like it or not, we must admit that Terror is 1—MESSAGE and we better learn to listen to it with as unindoctrinated 1—MIND as we can summon from our depths.
20050723             Ignoring the Intelligence: How New Labour Helped Bring Terror to LONDON : THE—LEAST—THAT—CITIZENS—CAN—EXPECT—OF—THEIR—GOVERNMENT is that it will not actively pursue policies that harm them, or place them in harm's way.
20050723             ANY—FAILURE to honour this DUTY—OF—CARE renders 1—GOVERNMENT unfit to hold office in the most basic + fundamental sense.
20050723             —CRITICIZED, EX—CIA—OFFICERS—RIP—BUSH—OVER—ROVE—LEAK : USA Former intelligence officers, PRESIDENT—BUSH—ON—FRIDAY for not disciplining KARL—ROVE—IN—CONNECTION—WITH—THE—LEAK—OF—THE—NAME—OF—1—CIA—OFFICER, saying BUSH—LACK—OF action has jeopardized national security.
20050723             —MISLED, Bush aide, FBI, say reports : THE—INVESTIGATION—INTO—THE—WHITE—HOUSE—LEAK—OF—1—CIA—AGENT'S—IDENTITY is —NOW focusing on whether 2—TOP—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIALS provided misleading statements to THE—FBI, it was reported —YESTERDAY.
20050723             GOP candidate calls for impeachment : 1—CONGRESSIONAL candidate who wants to impeach PRESIDENT—BUSH—INSISTS he can win the Republican primary.
20050723             1—CENTRAL—PART—OF—HIS—PLATFORM, Morrisseau said, will be bringing ARTICLES—OF—IMPEACHMENT against Bush.
20050723             THE—IRAQ—WAR—IS—OVER + the winner is... IRAN : Hamstrung by THE—IRAQ—DEBACLE, all Bush can do is gnash his teeth as the hated mullahs in IRAN cozy up to their CO—RELIGIONISTS in IRAQ.
20050723             THE—IRAN—WAR—BUILDUP : We should begin acting —NOW, —BEFORE the march to war becomes irreversible.
20050723             UK Police: Man Killed Unrelated to Probe:
20050723             —HORRIFIED, THE—MAN—SHOT—AND—KILLED—ON 1—SUBWAY—CAR by LONDON police in front of, commuters apparently had nothing to do with —THIS—MONTH—BOMBINGS on the city's transit system, police said —SATURDAY in expressing their ``regrets.''
20050723             'I saw it all.
20050723             —LOOKED, He was dead, 5—SHOTS': 'I, at his face... He was absolutely petrified'
20050723             Suspect shot dead 'had no bomb' : Police are describing him as an "intimate ACCOMPLICE—OF—THE—CELL".
20050723             His name and address were thought to have been found among the possessions left by THE—WOULD—BE—BOMBERS—ON—THURSDAY.
20050723             Tariq Ali: THE—WAR—COMES—HOME : It is time for BLAIR—TO—GO.
20050723             —CALCULATED, He took 1, risk —WHEN he decided to back Bush and USA foreign policy.
20050723             He proclaimed proudly that in order to defeat SADDAM—HUSSEIN a 'blood price would have to be paid.' It is being paid by tens of thousa nds of IRAQ—DEAD and —NOW by innocent Londoners.
20050723             Back to you, MISTER—BLAIR : By putting the onus on Muslims to defeat terror, THE—PRIME—MINISTER—ABSOLVES—HIMSELF—OF—RESPONSIBILITY.
20050723             Gilad Atzmon: Blair 's "Evil Ideology" : We know that BLAIR—LIED—TO—USA —BEFORE and —DURING the war, we know that all the official commissions of enquiries were nothing more than to provide 1—SERVICE—OF whitewashing.
20050723             UK police reveal 2. arrest in tense manhunt for LONDON bombers: THE—ARREST—TOOK—PLACE—IN—THE—SAME—AREA—OF—SOUTH—LONDON, Stockwell, as a 1. suspect was apprehended —EARLIER—FRIDAY and a 3. man was shot dead by police in front of terrified onlookers.
20050723             Pressure on USA to use more surveillance : Pressure is building for greater USE—OF—VIDEO—CAMERAS to keep watch over the nation's CITIES—PARTICULARLY in transportation systems and other spots vulnerable to TERRORISM—AFTER the bombings in LONDON.
20050723             GUANTANAMO detainees give demands to end hunger strike : More details are emerging from lawyers in NEW—YORK, about 1—HUNGER—STRIKE by detainees at THE—USA—MILITARY—PRISON at GUANTANAMO Bay in CUBA.
20050723             —MISSED, In case you, it:
20050723             Training manuals reveal CIA—METHODS—OF '80s torture, abuse : 1—NEWLY declassified CIA training manual details torture methods used against suspected subversives in CENTRAL—AMERICA —DURING the 1980s, refuting claims by the agency that no such methods were taught there.
20050723             ABBAS—SAYS—LEFT—IN—DARK—ON—ISRAEL—PLANS for disengagement:
20050723             "I will tell her, 'DOCTOR—RICE, we need answers from THE—ISRAEL—IS.
20050723             Is GAZA going to be turned into 1—LARGE—PRISON?
20050723             Resort To FEAR—THE—RESORT—TO—FEAR—BY—SYSTEMS—OF—POWER to discipline the domestic population has left 1—LONG and terrible trail of bloodshed and suffering which we ignore at our peril.
20050723             Recent history provides MANY—SHOCKING illustrations.
20050723             I name THE—4—POWERS who are behind THE—AL—QAEDA—CONSPIRACY
20050723             Why did the bombers not take the elementary precaution of phoning the mastermind from 1—TELEPHONE—BOX? - By MATTHEW—PARRIS
20050723             There is 1—UNWITTING conspiracy between 4—SEPARATE—POWERS to represent the worldwide AL—QAEDA—NETWORK—AS—FIENDISHLY—CLEVER, powerfully effective and deeply involved in THE—LONDON—BOMBINGS.
20050723             We must erase the insult to the men and women who built this country that liberty fears to speak her mind and justice is forced to sell herself to the highest bidder.
20050723             Die Bush [BGW968] USA amerikanischen. USA amerikanischen. USA.
20050723             Bush [BGHW948] Bush [BGW968] Bush [BGHW948] BELGIEN erwägt Klage gegen Scharon.
20050723             Kiew silvester... - Netzwerk langsam... --...
20050723             SECRET—SERVICE... 20041100             Bestätigung der Uno: IRAN hat URAN—ANREICHERUNG ausgesetzt......
20050723             Web results for "PORTER—GOSS/t_blank" (1 - 8—OF 8)
20050723             Family Genealogy History, Noriega ancestry search... Site search Web search...
20050723             DISCOVERY—OF—ATLANTIS Links DISCOVERY—OF—ATLANTIS the book Explores Startling Case for THE—ISLAND—OF—CYPRUS thoroughly Atlantis original theory
20050723             Draka 2alpha Timeline 19400000—19480000    +Try switching character set to UTF-8 to fix them... INDIA—PACIFISTS almost cause INDIA to withdraw from the... the test are capsized by the tidal wave with great...
20050723    ACTIV_ONLINE. Search results for Morgan.
20050723             —THEN—IN Floriana..""</A>
20050723             1—RECENT—REPORT—OF—USA—HOMELAND—SECURITY—COUNCIL entitled Planning Scenarios describes —IN—MINUTE—DETAIL, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—PREPARATIONS. in THE—CASE—OF—1—TERRORIST—ATTACK by 1—OUTSIDE—ENEMY called the "Universal Adversary " (UA). authentico.planetaclix.Pt -
20050723             GEOMILITECH.
20050723             GEOMILITECH—FAMILY—GENEALOGY History, Noriega ancestry search Help in finding your family history.
20050723             1—GUIDE to getting started + helpful tips for your family history search.
20050723             Noriega ancestry search..... Image Database.
20050723             Forum: Hannsheinz Bauer, WEN—DARF—MAN—MIT—WEM—VERGLEICHEN?
20050723             Mich würde eine solche Erziehung des madig machens, außerordentlich erwürzigen.
20050723             Adorno... Als Ergänzung hier der Link zur Online Debatte von... WEN—DARF—MAN—MIT...
20050723             Immer wieder wird festgestellt, dass VIELE—BRÄNDE nicht allein auf die klimatischen Bedingungen zurückzuführen sind, sondern vielmehr auf das sorglose Verhalten von Teilen der Bevölkerung angesichts der Situation.
20050723             Brandstiftungen aus ökonomischen oder persönlichen Gründen sind keine Seltenheit.
20050723             Die Feuerwehren haben allein in den letzten beiden —MONATEN 2—TODESOPFER und 216—VERLETZTE zu beklagen — sie machen dafür hauptsächlich das Fehlen von Ausrüstung verantwortlich.
20050723             Bild: PAULO—CUNHA/LUSA
20050723             Im Alentejo verkaufen mehr und mehr Bauern ihr Land an Spanier, die eine solche Gelegenheit nicht ungenutzt verstreichen lassen.
20050723             Das Abkommen von ALBUFEIRA sollte das PROBLEM—DES—WASSERMANAGEMENTS auf eine neue, modernere Stufe heben.
20050723             Doch zeigten die Verantwortlichen —IN—DEN—FOLGENDEN—JAHREN wenig Interesse — dem euphorisch angefangenen Projekt folgten nicht einmal mehr die vereinbarten regelmäßigen Treffen.
20050723             Die ebenfalls von der Dürre heimgesuchten Spanier benötigen das Wasser dringend für ihre wenig nachhaltige Landwirtschaft, z.B. auf der kastillianischen Hochebene oder in der Gegend um MURCIA.
20050723             —BESCHLOSSEN, SPANIEN hat —NUN beispielsweise, in den nächsten —3—MONATEN 82—KUBIKHEKTOMETER TEJO—WASSER abzuzweigen — das ist mehr, als nach ANGABEN—DES—INSTITUTO—DA—ÁGUA (INAG (6)) im ganzen —MONAT—JUNI auf PORTUGAL—SEITE ankam.
20050723             Auf der Jagd —NACH—DEN Schätzen von Terror, INCORPORATED.
20050723             TURKI—DAY: Will 1—OSAMA associate represent SAUDI—ARABIA in DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA?
20050723             If you saw Fahrenheit 911, you'll recall THE—SIGHT—OF—FORMER—SAUDI—ARABIA—AMBASSADOR—PRINCE—BANDAR -- "Bandar Bush " -- hobnobbing with our current prez and his dad.
20050723             Bandar has been "axed" to leave.
20050723             Interestingly, TURKI—AL—FAISAL—QUIT—HIS—POST—AS—INTEL—CHIEFTAIN only —10—DAYS—BEFORE the attack on AMERICA.
20050723             —REMOVED, SOME—REPORTS say he was, —FOLLOWING pressure from THE—USA.
20050723             —FILED, THE—PRIVATE—LAWSUIT, on behalf of THE—911—FAMILIES named PRINCE—TURKI—AS 1—ALLY—OF—AL—QAIDA -- 1—CHARGE he has always denied.
20050723             1—JUDGE in the case ruled that PRINCE—TURKI—HAD—IMMUNITY; his name was —THEREFORE dropped.
20050723             THE—UNCLE—OF—TURKI—AL—FAISAL, interestingly enough, was Kamal Adham -- 1—MAJOR—PLAYER in THE—BCCI—SCANDAL.
20050723             THE—CROOKED—BCCI—BANK (which specialized in money laundering and other unsavory activities) intertwined with THE—CIA, radical Islamists + the Bush family.
20050723             this INTERVIEW—WITH—UK report Con Coughlin.
20050723             SOME—READERS may find this choice of interviewers odd, —SINCE Coughlin has, in the past, played the role of 1—UK intelligence asset.
20050723             Perversely enough, Reverend MOON—WASHINGTON—TIMES praises TURKI—AS—SOMEONE—WHO "has long been involved in his country's efforts to combat al Qaeda".
20050723             This, despite the printed accounts of his early-90s collusion with OSAMA—BIN—LADEN in 1—PLOT to change the government of YEMEN.
20050723             —PRINTED, THE—MOONIE—TIMES analysis also contradicts the allegations
20050723             —REMOVED, Unfortunately, the original article seems to have been, from THE—INTERNET + —NOW maintains on online existence only in quotation.
20050723             In brief, Raschke states that TURKI—AL—FAISAL—HEADS (or headed) THE—FAISAL—ISLAMIC—BANK—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA -- which, according to Raschke, had subterranean connections to the world of OSAMA—BIN—LADEN + to the bank most closely associated with AL—QAIDA, AL—TAQWA:
20050723             —CLOSED, —WHEN THE—BAHAMAS, AL—TAQWA—BANK—LTD. early —THIS—YEAR, SWITZERLAND—AUTHORITIES required 1—NAME—CHANGE in AL—TAQWA—BANK, which then became registered in SWITZERLAND as Nada Management Organization SA.
20050723             It is the same AL—TAQWA—BANK.
20050723             But note that GOVERNOR—SCHWARZENEGGER has 1—SIMILAR "coincidence" in his family history -- as does our PRESIDENT himself.
20050723             THE—BUSH—FAMILY—FORTUNE derives, in no small measure, from Prescott BUSH—BUSINESS—DEALINGS with Nazis, which continued even —AFTER Pearl Harbor.
20050723             Rove...Schwarzenegger...Bush.
20050723             What was it IAN—FLEMING—USED—TO—SAY?
20050723             I think it was something along the lines of 3—TIMES is enemy action... - 1—UNFORTUNATE—COINCIDENCE?
20050723             Arguably.
20050723             check OUT—THIS older (20030000             ) story from BOB—FITRAKIS—AND—HARVEY—WASSERMAN.
20050723             They discuss the Nazi family ties of several key Republicans -- including KARL—ROVE :
20050723             ROVE—GRANDFATHER was KARL—HEINZ—ROVERER, the Gauleiter of OLDENBURG.
20050723             Roverer was REICH—STATTHALTER—NAZI—STATE—PARTY—CHAIRMAN -- for his region.
20050723             He was also 1—PARTNER and senior engineer in the Roverer SUD—DEUTCHE Ingenieurburo A. G. engineering firm, which built the Birkenau death camp, at which tens of thousa nds of Jews, Gypsies, dissidents and other were slaughtered en masse
20050723             Does KARL—ROVE—HAVE—NAZI—FAMILY—TIES...? (And more on the current scandal.) You probably already know —TODAY—BIG—ROVEGATE news: 1—BLOOMBERG story claims that Rove lied to 1—GRAND—JURY about the way he came to know Valerie Wilson's "secret identity".
20050723             ROVE—VERSION—OF—EVENTS -- that he learned about Wilson/Plame from reporters -- has been staunchly denied by the reporters themselves.
20050723             MURRAY—WAAS—MADE—MUCH—THE—SAME—POINT THE—DAY—BEFORE Bloomberg ran the story:
20050723             —DISCUSSED, WHITE—HOUSE—DEPUTY—CHIEF—OF—STAFF—KARL—ROVE—DID—NOT—DISCLOSE—THAT—HE had ever, CIA officer Valerie Plame with Time magazine reporter MATTHEW—COOPER —DURING ROVE—1. INTERVIEW—WITH—THE—FBI, according to legal sources with firsthand KNOWLEDGE—OF—THE—MATTER.
20050723             —CREATED, THE—OMISSION—BY—ROVE, doubt for FEDERAL—INVESTIGATORS, almost from the inception of their criminal probe into who leaked PLAME—NAME to columnist ROBERT—NOVAK, as to whether Rove was withholding crucial information from them + perhaps even misleading or lying to them, the sources said.
20050723             Also leading to the early SKEPTICISM—OF—ROVE—ACCOUNTS was the claim that although he 1. heard that Plame worked for THE—CIA—FROM 1—JOURNALIST, he said could not recall THE—NAME—OF—THE—JOURNALIST.
20050723             —WAVERED, —LATER, the sources said, Rove, even further, saying he was not sure at all where he 1. heard the information...
20050723             SPANIEN: Bombenexplosion in WALLFAHRTSORT—FISCHPRODUK te: Fragwürdige ÖKO—SIEGEL
20050723             Wagemut: Großmütter wollen in den Irakkrieg ziehen
20050723             —ERST LONDON, —JETZT ÄGYPTEN: 25-jährige Britin vom Terror verfolgt
20050723             Schleichwerbung: PLACEMENT—AGENTUR fordert Geld von ARD—PRODUZENTEN zurück
20050723             Reaktionen: "Wir werden uns dem Terror nicht beugen"
20050723             HEPATITIS—EPIDEMIE in Genua: Gefahr aus dem Meer
20050723             Tokio: Verkehr bricht nach Erdbeben zusa mmen
20050723             Neuwahlen: SPD—LINKE wollen Koalition mit Linkspartei nicht ausschließen
20050723             Übernahme: CHINA—AUTOBAUER kauft ROVER—POLIZEI—SOFTWARE: Kennwort *omosex*
20050723             Jagd auf die Attentäter: Weitere Festnahme in LONDON
20050723             BERLIN: Selbstmörder stürzt sich mit Flugzeug vor den Reichstag
20050723             Seltsame Supernova: Sternenleiche will nicht verblassen
20050723             Graffiti: Anthologie der Wandschmierereien
20050723             Bombenserie in ÄGYPTEN: Mehr als 80—TOTE bei Terroranschlägen in Badeort
20050723             Bombenserie in ÄGYPTEN: VIELE—TOTE bei Terroranschlägen in Scharm el SCHEICH
20050723             BERLIN: Leichtflugzeug stürzt vor dem Reichstag ab
20050723             Yahoo NEWS—EX—CIA Officers RIP—BUSH—OVER—ROVE—LEAK (AP )
20050723             —BEGONNEN, —DER—SOMMER hat gerade —ERST, - "JOHN—CHIPMAN—GRAY quotes
20050723             Bei Anschlägen der Terrororganisation AL—QAIDA—IN—SCHARM—ASCH—SCHAICH/ÄGYPTEN sterben mindestens 88—MENSCHEN.
20050723             Die ENTWICKLER—DOKUMENTATION des MDN Web Docs wird als WIKI—SEITE unter dem Namen Mozilla Developer Center gestartet.
20050723164628       —BEGONNEN, —DER—SOMMER hat gerade —ERST
20050723164628       —DER—SOMMER hat gerade —ERST begonnen
20050723—19510000    —IN, Telephone:
20050723—20030318    BUSH [BGW968]- "Sorgt sich BUSH [BGW968].Die BUSH [BGW968] USA amerikanischen.USA amerikanischen.USA.
20050723—20050721    —AM, 1—SPRECHER sagte, der Mann habe nichts mit den "Zwischenfällen " zu tun gehabt.
20050723—20050900    —UNTIL, Police wait for wider ANTI—TERRORISM—POWERS : BRITAIN ' s police chiefs will have to wait for ministers to decide whether to provide them with WIDE—RANGING new ANTI—TERRORIST—POWERS, including the right to detain suspects for questioning for up to —3—MONTHS.
20050801             —RECORDED, This presentation by eminent researcher AHMED—WAS, at THE—USA—UNIVERSITY—DURING—THE—WASHINGTON—DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA Emergency Truth Convergence —SATURDAY, 20050723             Real Video.
20050814             —ANNOUNCED, EGYPT—INTERIOR—MINISTRY, that it had identified those responsible for 20050723             —THE—TERRORIST—ATTACK—AT—SHARM—EL—SHEIK.
20050818             —DETAINED, EGYPT—POLICE, HASSAN—EL—ARISHI, 1 suspected mastermind behind 20050723             —THE—DEADLY—ATTACKS—IN—THE—RED—SEA—RESORT—OF—SHARM EL—SHEIK.
20051106—20050723    —PASSED, MISTER—STEPHENS, awayat the age of 81.
20060706             THE—MILITANT - 20010723             -- Patrice Lumumba and revolution in... BO—HAMMARSKJOLD, elder brother of the late UN SECRETARY—GENERAL, was on THE—BOARD—OF—DIRECTORS—OF—THE—SWEDISH—CONTROLLED—LIBERIA—IRON—ORE, Ltd....
20060722             Mandated Health Funding from Walmart Measure Overruled JUDGE—OVERTURNS—MARYLAND law affecting WAL—MART - 20060719             20060723             AS—OF—THE—MORNING—OF—20060719            , ISRAEL—BOMBARDMENTS—OF—LEBANON—CIVILIAN—RESIDENTIAL—DISTRICTS and public infrastructure have murdered 300—LEBANESE, wounded 1,000 + displaced 500,000.
20060722             Mandated Health Funding from Walmart Measure Overruled JUDGE—OVERTURNS—MARYLAND law affecting WAL—MART - 20060719             20060722             Mandated Health Funding from Walmart Measure Overruled JUDGE—OVERTURNS—MARYLAND law affecting WAL—MART - 20060719             20060722             Mandated Health Funding from Walmart Measure Overruled JUDGE—OVERTURNS—MARYLAND law affecting WAL—MART - 20060719             20060723             AS—OF—THE—MORNING—OF—20060719            , ISRAEL—BOMBARDMENTS—OF—LEBANON—CIVILIAN—RESIDENTIAL—DISTRICTS and public infrastructure have murdered 300—LEBANESE, wounded 1,000 + displaced 500,000.
20060722             Mandated Health Funding from Walmart Measure Overruled JUDGE—OVERTURNS—MARYLAND law affecting WAL—MART - 20060719             20060722             Mandated Health Funding from Walmart Measure Overruled JUDGE—OVERTURNS—MARYLAND law affecting WAL—MART - 20060719             20060723             AS—OF—THE—MORNING—OF—20060719             , ISRAEL—BOMBARDMENTS—OF—LEBANON—CIVILIAN—RESIDENTIAL—DISTRICTS and public infrastructure have murdered 300—LEBANESE, wounded 1,000 + displaced 500,000.
20060723             —FAILED, Myers, to comment on MCKINNEY—QUESTION—OF who was actually in charge of managing the war games 20010911             —ON (Kane 20050301             ).
20060723             LEBANON 20060720             : 300—DEAD, 20,000 wounded, 500,000 displaced by ISRAEL—AGGRESSION;
20060723             AS—OF—THE—MORNING—OF—20060719             , ISRAEL—BOMBARDMENTS—OF—LEBANON—CIVILIAN—RESIDENTIAL—DISTRICTS and public infrastructure have murdered 300—LEBANESE, wounded 1,000 + displaced 500,000.
20060723             USA—CYCLIST—FLOYD Landis (31) won the —3-WEEK, 2,267-mile Tour de FRANCE —57—SECONDS ahead of OSCAR—PEREIRO—OF—SPAIN.
20060723             Tiger Woods won his 2. consecutive UK—OPEN—GOLF—TITLE.
20060723             SOUTH—INDIANA, 2—SETS—OF—SNIPER—ATTACKS within HOURS—OF—EACH—OTHER left 1—MAN—DEAD, another wounded and 4—VEHICLES peppered with bullet holes.
20060723             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 19—TALIBAN were, and 17—FIGHTERS, including 2—PAKISTAN—NATIONALS, arrested in 1—RAID by AFGHANISTAN—FORCES in SOUTH—HELMAND province.
20060723             —KILLED, Police said 3—POLICEMEN were, and 3—OTHERS kidnapped in 1—TALIBAN attack on 1—POLICE—CHECKPOINT in SOUTH—EAST—GHAZNI province.
20060723             —HURLED, Attackers, grenades into the home of 1—VILLAGE postman in EAST—KHOST province, killing 3—OF—HIS—DAUGHTERS.
20060723             The 654-foot SINGAPORE—FLAGGED Cougar Ace, 1—CARGO ship carrying 4,813 cars from JAPAN to CANADA, began tilting to its port side late at night HUNDREDS—OF—MILES—OFF—ALASKA—ALEUTIAN—ISLANDS.
20060723             23—CREW members were rescued the —NEXT—DAY.
20060723             —OWNED, THE—SHIP—WAS, by TOKYO—BASED Mitsui O.S.K. Lines and listed for on its side for several —WEEKS—BEFORE, being righted.
20060723             4,703—OF—THE—CARS—WERE—NEW—MAZDAS—VALUED—AT about $100—MILLION.
20060723             —SCHEDULED, —AFTER —1—YEAR—OF planning Mazda, all the cars for complete reduction to scrap in PORTLAND, Ore.
20060723             ENGLAND, 1—GUST—OF—WIND blew 1—INFLATABLE—ART—EXHIBIT—FROM—ITS—MOORINGS—AT 1—PARK in DURHAM, killing 2—PEOPLE and injuring 12.
20060723             Up to 30—PEOPLE were on the "Dreamspace", 1—INFLATABLE—NETWORK—OF multicolored tunnels, —WHEN wind blew it 30—FEET in the air.
20060723             —RAIDED, Police in INDIA, 1—FOREST hideout for communist rebels in THE—SOUTH—STATE—OF—ANDHRA—PRADESH state, killing Burra Chinnaiah, 1—GUERRILLA—CHIEF, and at least 7—OTHER—PEOPLE.
20060723             PRIME—MINISTER—AL—MALIKI—LEFT—FOR—WASHINGTON—FOR—TALKS on reversing the country's slide toward civil war.
20060723             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER detonated 1—EXPLOSIVES—LADEN minibus amid 1—CROWD—OF—DAY laborers seeking work in 1 crowded market in BAGHDAD—MAINLY Shiite DISTRICT—OF—SADR—CITY, killing at least 34—PEOPLE.
20060723             —FOLLOWED, This was, by 1—BOMB—ATTACK in FRONT—OF—THE—AREA—TOWN—HALL, which killed 8. —3—HOURS—LATER a 1—TON car bomb exploded outside 1—COURTHOUSE in the mixed NORTH—CITY—OF—KIRKUK, leaving at least 22—DEAD and 100 injured.
20060723             ISRAEL—WARPLANES—STRUCK 1—MINIBUS carrying people fleeing the fighting in SOUTH—LEBANON, killing 3—PEOPLE, LEBANON—SECURITY—OFFICIALS said, and ISRAEL—SAID—IT—WOULD—ACCEPT 1—NATO—LED INTERNATIONAL force to keep the peace along the border.
20060723             —KILLED, Hezbollah rockets, 2—CIVILIANS in NORTH—ISRAEL.
20060723             † Layal Nejim (23), 1—PHOTOGRAPHER working for 1—LEBANON—MAGAZINE, was killed —WHEN 1—ISRAEL—MISSILE—EXPLODED—NEAR—HER—TAXI.
20060723             —KILLED, INDIA—KASHMIR, 4—PEOPLE were, in 3—SEPARATE—INCIDENTS.
20060723             —FIRED, PALESTINE—MILITANTS in GAZA, 3—ROCKETS at ISRAEL, despite reports that they had agreed to halt such attacks.
20060723             —CROWNED, Zuleyka Rivera MENDOZA (18) of PUERTO—RICO—WAS, as Miss Universe 20060000             .
20060723             She hoped to someday star in USA and Latin USA—FILMS.
20060723             —KILLED, SOMALIA, 1—LOCAL—RIGHTS—GROUP said gunmen have, 682—CIVILIANS, including 1—FOREIGN—JOURNALIST, in executions over the past —YEAR.
20060723             Syria, 1—OF—HEZBOLLAH—MAIN—BACKERS, said it will press for 1—CEASE—FIRE to end the fighting between ISRAEL—AND—THE—ISLAMIC—MILITANT—GROUP—BUT only in the framework of 1—BROADER—MIDDLE—EAST—PEACE—INITIATIVE.
20060723             NPR Looks to Technological Singularity
20060723             byScuttleMonkey 35—RICK—KLEFFEL—NPR is featuring 1—PIECE with both Vernor Vinge and CORY—DOCTOROW—LOOKING—AT—THE—POSSIBILITY—OF—THE "technological singularity" in the near future.
20060723             Wikipedia defines 1—TECHNOLOGICAL—SINGULARITY as a "hypothetical "event horizon" in the predictability of human technological development.
20060723             Past this event horizon, —FOLLOWING the creation of strong artificial intelligence or the amplification of human intelligence, existing MODELS—OF—THE—FUTURE—CEASE—TO—GIVE—RELIABLE—OR accurate answers.
20060723             Futurists predict that —AFTER the Singularity, posthumans and/or strong AI will replace humans as the dominating force in science and technology, rendering HUMAN—SPECIFIC—SOCIAL—MODELS obsolete".
20060723             $3.01. byJudd Nationwide average for 1—GALLON of regular gasoline, 1—ALL—TIME record.
20060723             Broken PHOENIX—BYKHALED—REASON—I'VE—NOT—BEEN—ABLE to write anything these past days is because I've been feeling numb.
20060723             EVERY—TIME I sit down to type anything I feel ill and the words don't go anywhere.
20060723             I start thinking about the situation currently going on in LEBANON and I feel this sorrow and it.
20060723             CHINA—RISING storm toll raises coverup QUESTION—THE—DEATH—TOLL from 1—TROPICAL—STORM that pummeled SOUTH—CHINA—ROSE to 530—ON—SUNDAY as the central government dispatched 1—TEAM—OF—INVESTIGATORS to assess the full SCOPE—OF—THE—DISASTER—AND—TO—DETERMINE—WHETHER—THE—LOCAL—AUTHORITIES had deliberately understated the number of dead.
20060723             News Analysis: In SUDAN and CONGO, RWANDA—UGLY—LEGACY—THE—CRISIS—IN—DARFUR, long neglected, finally burst into the world's consciousness.
20060723             CONGO remains largely forgotten. It is hard to understand why.
20060723             Fight against world court takes toll in terror WAR—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION and Congress have slashed MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS—OF—MILITARY—AID to AFRICA—COUNTRIES in recent years, moves that Pentagon officials and senior military commanders say have undermined USA.
20060723             NATO—PEACE—FORCE—ACCEPTABLE to ISRAEL—ISRAEL—SAID —SUNDAY that it would accept 1—NATO—LED INTERNATIONAL force to keep the peace along the border with LEBANON, as its warplanes heavily bombed the region.
20060723             1—LEBANON—WOMAN carrying her belongings from her destroyed apartment in SOUTH—BEIRUT —ON—SUNDAY.
20060723             Reassessing the Hariri assassination in the light of recent events -
20060723             —BLAMED, THE—HARIRI—ASSASSINATION, —IMMEDIATELY, on Syria (with no evidence other than the lies promoted by Mehlis), led directly to Syria being forced to withdraw its troops from LEBANON.
20060723             It is obvious that that step was 1—NECESSARY—PRECONDITION—OF—ISRAEL—INVOLVEMENT—IN—LEBANON.
20060723             ISRAEL 'Breaking humanitarian LAW'—BY Aljazeera- 1—SENIOR—UNITED—NATIONS official has accused ISRAEL—OF—BREAKING—HUMANITARIAN—LAW—AS—HE toured ruins in BEIRUT left by devastating ISRAEL—AIR—RAIDS on residential areas.
20060723             MAN—MACHINE Merger Arriving Sooner Than You Think THE—MERGING—OF—MAN and machine has long been 1—VISION explored in science fiction.
20060723             But RICK—KLEFFEL—FROM—MEMBER—STATION—KUSP—REPORTS that integration may arrive sooner then expected.
20060723             RACE—HATE gang kills taxi driver 1—ASIA—TAXI driver dies —AFTER being attacked by 1—WHITE—GANG on the outskirts of HUDDERSFIELD.
20060723             Hydrogen FUEL—CELL—RUNS—TOY—CAR Seeing affordable HYDROGEN—POWERED cars spewing clean water from their tailpipes in the future, 1—SHANGHAI company starts small to introduce the idea to the public.
20060723             Its toy car comes with 1—MINIATURE, SOLAR—POWERED fueling station.
20060723             RACHEL—CARSON'S "Silent —SPRING".
20060723             Afghans despair over slow rebuilding pace 7/24
20060723             Why are "Wedge Issues" Essential to Republican Rule? -- A BuzzFlash News Analysis
20060723             Bolten Defends ROVE—FALSE—CLAIMS on Stem Cells: Karl 'Knows 1—LOT—OF—STUFF'
20060723             Rove —RECENTLY told THE—DENVER—POST—THAT "recent studies" show researchers "
20060723             have far more promise from adult stem cells than from embryonic stem cells.
20060723             —CONTACTED, THE—CHICAGO—TRIBUNE, top stem cell experts who all said ROVE—CLAIM was inaccurate and THE—WHITE—HOUSE "
20060723             could not provide THE—NAME—OF—1—STEM cell researcher who shares ROVE—VIEWS
20060723             —ON the superior PROMISE—OF—ADULT stem cells".
20060723             —REFUSED, Bolten, saying Rove "knows 1—LOT—OF—STUFF".
20060723             —ADDED, Bolten, "there are alternatives ways to get to THE—PROMISE—OF—THAT—EMBRYONIC stem cells have".
20060723             —SHARED, This view is not, by stem cell researchers.
20060723             RUSSERT: Is there ANY—EVIDENCE that you are aware of or that THE—PRESIDENT—IS—AWARE—OF—THAT says adult stem cells show far more promise than embryonic.
20060723             —DEMONSTRATED, BOLTEN: Adult stem cells have already, in THE—AMELIORATION—OF—DISEASE.
20060723             RUSSERT: So you agree with MISTER—ROVE.
20060723             BOLTEN: Like I said, I'm not 1—SCIENTIST.
20060723             RUSSERT: I don't think KARL—ROVE—IS—EITHER.
20060723             BOLTEN: Well, he knows 1—LOT—OF—STUFF.
20060723             THE—POINT—HERE—IS—THAT—THERE—ARE alternatives ways to get to THE—PROMISE—OF—THAT—EMBRYONIC stem cells have.
20060723             —ANNOUNCED, THE—PRESIDENT—WITH—HIS—ANNOUNCEMENT—THIS—WEEK on stem cell policy also, we are going to put extra effort within our scientific community, at NIH, into pursuing stem cell research that does not involve THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—HUMAN embryos.
20060723             Astronomers Awaiting 1a SUPERNOVA—BYSCUTTLEMONKEY 25—ARYABHATA -
20060723             —SIGHTED, BBC News is reporting that astronomers have, 1—STAR on the brink of a "1a" supernova.
20060723             This opportunity presents the 1. chance astronomers have ever had to view 1—SUPERNOVA of this magnitude up close.
20060723             Krise in Nahost: Erneut Tote nach Luftangriffen
20060723             —VERSCHLECHTERT, Nahost: Scharons Gesundheitszustand
20060723             "Even superpowers have to talk to bad guys,"BYFAIZ—WRITES FORMER—CIA deputy director JOHN—MCLAUGHLIN.
20060723             "THE—ABSENCE—OF—1—DIPLOMATIC—RELATIONSHIP with IRAN and the deterioration of the 1 with Syria...leave THE—USA—WITH—FEWER—OPTIONS—AND—LEVERS than might otherwise have been the case.... We will have to get over the notion that talking to bad guys somehow rewards them or is 1—SIGN—OF—WEAKNESS. As 1—SUPERPOWER, we ought to be able to communicate in 1—WAY that signals our strength and SELF—CONFIDENCE".
20060723             Bolten Says IRAQ—SPEAKER, Who Called USA 'Butchers,' Appreciates 'the Sacrifice Americans Have Made'
20060723             —YESTERDAY, THE—SPEAKER—OF—THE—IRAQ—PARLIAMENT, MAHMOUD—AL—MASHHADANI, said "We know there was 1—CORRUPT regime in Saddam, but 1—REGIME should be removed by surgery, not by butchering.
20060723             THE—USA—OCCUPATION is butcher's work
20060723             under THE—SLOGAN—OF—DEMOCRACY and human rights and justice".
20060723             —TODAY on Meet the Press, WHITE—HOUSE—CHIEF—OF—STAFF—JOSHUA—BOLTEN—SAID—HE—HAS—BEEN—IN meetings with AL—MASHHADANI—AND—THE—SPEAKER—HAS—AN "appreciation for the sacrifice so MANY—AMERICANS have made".
20060723             RUSSERT: But it must be hard for people all across this country who have given almost 2600—USA—MEN and women their lives on the ground in IRAQ and for THE—LEADER—OF—THE—PARLIAMENT—TO—CALL—USA—BUTCHERS.
20060723             BOLTEN: Yeah, I think that is hard.
20060723             That's not the rhetoric I think you will hear from PRIME—MINISTER—MALAKI —WHEN he comes to visit THE—PRESIDENT—IN 1—COUPLE—OF—DAYS.
20060723             I was with THE—PRESIDENT—WHEN he went to BAGHDAD —LAST—MONTH and the meetings he had especially in private with PRIME—MINISTER—MALAKI were very encouraging.
20060723             There was 1—STRONG—SENSE—THROUGHOUT ALL—OF—THE—PEOPLE—WE—MET—WITH, including, candidly, the Speaker, of appreciation for the sacrifice that so MANY—AMERICANS have made.
20060723             And I think you will find PRIME—MINISTER—MALAKI expressing that sentiment very strongly —WHEN he is here in THE—USA.
20060723             —ESCAPED, FAMILY—RELIEF at LEBANON escape 1—SOUTH—WALES mother who, LEBANON with her 3—YOUNG—DAUGHTERS describes their terrifying ordeal.
20060723             Only 5% Of Bloggers Are Journalists
20060723             "1—RECENT—STUDY has concluded that only 5—PERCENT—OF—BLOGGERS have news as their primary topic. THE—STUDY—WAS—CONDUCTED—BY—THE—PEW—INTERNET & USA—LIFE—PROJECT + found that 37—PERCENT of the surveyed blogs were reporting on their personal life, 11—PERCENT on political matters, 7—PERCENT on entertainment + 6—PERCENT on sports. THERE—ALSO plenty of extra data in the report itself.  'About 34—PERCENT see their blogging as 1—FORM—OF—JOURNALISM; 65—PERCENT disagreed. —JUST over a 3. of the bloggers said they often conduct journalistically appropriate tasks such as verifying facts and linking to source material.'"
20060723             THE—FUTURE—OF—COMPUTING
20060723             "Penn State computer science professor MAX—FOMITCHEV—EXPLAINS—THAT—COMPUTING—HAS—EVOLVED in 1—SPIRAL pattern from 1 centralized model to 1 distributed model that retains SOME—ASPECTS—OF centralized computing. SINGLE—TASK PC operating systems (OSes) evolved into multitasking OSes to make THE—MOST—OF—INCREASING CPU power + the introduction of the graphical user interface at the same time reduced CPU performance and fueled demands for even more efficiencies. "THE—ROLE—OF—CPU—PERFORMANCE—IS—DEFINITELY waning + if 1—RADICAL—NEW—TECHNOLOGY fails to materialize quickly we will be compelled to write more efficient code for power consumption costs and reasons," Fomitchev writes. Slow, bloated software entails higher costs in terms of both direct and indirect power consumption + THE—AUTHOR—REASONS that code optimization will likely involve the replacement of blade server racks with microblade server racks where EVERY—MICROBLADE executes 1 dedicated task and thus eats up less power. THE—COLLECTIVE—NUMBER—OF—MICROBLADES—SHOULD—ALSO far outnumber initial "macro" blades. Fully isolating software components should enhance the system's robustness thanks to THE—POTENTIAL—OF—REAL—TIME component HOT—SWAP or upgrade and the total REMOVAL—OF—SOFTWARE—INSTALLATION, implementation + patch conflicts. THE—LIKELIHOOD—OF—THIS—HAPPENING—IS—RELIANT on THE—FACTOR—OF—ENERGY—COSTS, which directly feeds into THE—FACTOR—OF—CODE—OPTIMIZATION—EFFICIENCY".
20060723             In defense of the conspiratorial world VIEW—BY JAY—ESBE—OPED News
20060723             1—LOT—OF—EFFORT goes into "debunking" conspiracy theories + certainly there are many which are absurd + poorly defended.
20060723             But the tendency to find conspiracies to explain events, is anything but rooted in ignorance.
20060723             1—OF—THE—THINGS—WHICH—SEPARATES—MAN—FROM—THE—REST—OF—THE—ANIMAL—KINGDOM, is his intellectual capacity to recognize patterns.
20060723             1—HUMAN being sees 1—SQUARE peg and 1—SQUARE—HOLE + knows they go together.
20060723             1—MONKEY presumably has trouble unless taught.
20060723             Sometimes, —WHEN otherwise intelligent people dismiss the connection between 1—SQUARE peg and 1—SQUARE—HOLE, it's because they've been conditioned to ignore it.
20060723             I believe this is the case with MUCH—OF—THE—SELF—PROCLAIMED intellectual elite's disdain for SO—CALLED "conspiracy theories";
20060723             people have to be taught, or otherwise pressured not to see the pattern.
20060723             We use THE—CONCEPT—OF—CONSPIRACY—EVERY—DAY in our legal system + there would be MANY—THOUSANDS more criminals walking our streets were we not to recognize and include THE—CONCEPT—OF—CONSPIRACY in trials.
20060723             —APPLIED, Yet somehow, 1—VASTLY different standard has been, to certain historic crimes over the decades —WHEN the public demands 1—LOGICAL—EXPLANATION for the extraordinary events in question.
20060723             Current polls —NOW show that 1—MAJORITY—OF—AMERICANS believe the government is not telling them the truth about 20010911             20060723             That fact —NOW makes THE—MAJORITY—OF—AMERICANS "conspiracy theorists" regarding the issue.
20060723             It is —NOW 1—MINORITY—OF—THE—PUBLIC—WHO—BELIEVES—THEY—WERE—TOLD the truth by the Bush appointed 20010911             —COMMISSION, but such is not the case among THE—SO—CALLED "mainstream media".
20060723             It is nearly universally hostile to ANY—QUESTION—OF—1—COVER—UP by the government.
20060723             Those who need the world to make sense do not find the disparity between public opinion and the media elite's contempt for suspicion to be meaningless.
20060723             —VESTED, They reasonably look for 1, CONFLICT—OF—INTEREST on THE—PART—OF—THE—CORPORATE—MEDIA to explain why presumably intelligent professionals go soft in the head + they do not have to look far to find 1;
20060723             1—MEDIA which sits in 1 unelected advisory capacity to THE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA—THROUGH—THE—CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), innumerable "think tanks" funded by corporate interests all assuming 1—GLOBAL—MODEL is "inevitable" + directly attached special interests which include the world's biggest defense contractors raking BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in for share holders as they pursue the war profits of 20010911             20060723             People who point out the obvious are not wearing tin foil hats, they're simply...pointing out the obvious... Continued.
20060723             Officials from Across the Political Spectrum Question 20010911             20060723             I made - 1—CHART summarizing the high level officials who have questioned 20010911             + showing -- in 1—GRAPHIC format -- that this is not 1—PARTISAN issue.
20060723             I do not necessarily vouch for the credibility of ALL—OF—THESE folks.
20060723             You be the judge.
20060723             JOHN—RENDON—RENDERED—SPEECHLESS—NOT Buying War Lies in SF
20060723             Excerpts from- - THE—MAN—WHO—SOLD the War
20060723             - Meet JOHN—RENDON, BUSH—GENERAL in the propaganda WAR—BY JAMES—BAMFORD, published in THE—ROLLING—STONE 20051117             20060723             In the 1. weeks —FOLLOWING 20060911             —THE—ATTACKS, Rendon operated at 1—FRANTIC—PITCH... "We functioned [24] hours —1—DAY. We maintained situational awareness, in military terms, on all things related to terrorism. We were doing 195—NEWSPAPERS and 43—COUNTRIES in 14 or 15—LANGUAGES."..
20060723             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION took everything Rendon had to offer.
20060723             Between 20000000             and 20040000             , Pentagon documents show, the Rendon Group received at least 30—5—CONTRACTS with the Defense DEPARTMENT, worth 1—TOTAL—OF $50—MIL to $100—MILLION.
20060723             PAKISTAN and 20010911             20060723             JON—GOLD—MADE a - new flyer on PAKISTAN and 20010911             :
20060723             1. —FUNDED, THE—PAKISTAN—ISI has been, by THE—USA—AND—SAUDI—ARABIA —FOR—YEARS.
20060723             3. —WEEKS—BEFORE, 20010911             , OMAR—SHEIKH, under THE—DIRECTION—OF—LIEUTENANT—GENERAL—MAHMOUD—AHMAD, wire transfers $100,000 to MOHAMMAD—ATTA.
20060723             —ORDERED, THE—SAME—MAN—WHO, the wire transfer of $100,000 to MOHAMMAD—ATTA.
20060723             *** - 7. SENATOR—BOB—GRAHAM—AND—SENATOR—PORTER—GOSS—WERE—IN—CHARGE—OF—THE—JOINT—CONGRESSIONAL—INQUIRY—INTO 20010911             20060723             *** - 14.
20060723             —CONFRONTED, —WHEN, about the $100,000 wire transfer, 20010911             —COMMISSIONER—THOMAS—KEAN—DENIED—ANY—KNOWLEDGE—OF—THE—TRANSFER, even though it was on THE—LIST—OF—QUESTIONS submitted by the 20010911             —FAMILY Steering Committee".
20060723             Hand 'em out! New MICHEL—CHOSSUDOVSKY—INTERVIEW.
20060723             Chossudovsky is 1—OF—THE—EARLIEST—AND—MOST—VOCAL—CRITICS—OF—THE "official story" of 20010911             + has lectured and written exhaustively on the topic.
20060723             Here is 1—EXCERPT from the interview;
20060723             JPG: Your research goes against THE—THESIS—OF—SOME—THINKERS—LIKE—NOAM Chomsky that 20010911             is principally 1—BLOWBACK operation.
20060723             How would you look at these views?
20060723             MC: Those views are totally incorrect.
20060723             Because that's what they say.
20060723             —CREATED, They say we, AL—QAEDA —DURING THE—SOVIET—AFGHANISTAN—WAR.
20060723             —TRAINED, We, the mujahideen, we helped them in fighting THE—SOVIET—UNION.
20060723             —CALLED, And that's what's, the blowback.
20060723             Blowback is —WHEN 1—INTELLIGENCE asset goes against its sponsors.
20060723             That viewpoint I say is incorrect because in the course of the 1990s there's ample EVIDENCE—OF—LINKS between AL—QAEDA—AND—THE—USA—ADMINISTRATION, —DURING the Clinton administration as well as THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, leading up in fact to 20010000             .
20060723             I think that that view is mistaken, whether it emanates from the Left or from other quarters.
20060723             It is totally mistaken and it is very misleading because it really provides legitimacy to THE—WAR—ON—TERRORISM.
20060723             It essentially says yes, THE—WAR—ON—TERRORISM is 1—LEGITIMATE—OBJECTIVE—OF—USA foreign policy.
20060723             —INVOLVED, And either they are mistaken or they are, in media disinformation.
20060723             Scholars' Press RELEASE—SCHOLARS—FOR 20010911             —TRUTH has a
20060723             new press release about KEVIN—BARRETT—AND—BILL—O'REILLY
20060723             "—WHEN public threats can be made to 1—CITIZEN—LIFE for expressing his opinions on 1—CONTROVERSIAL—TOPIC and neither the government nor the media respond," he observed, "that is 1—SURE—SIGN we are living in 1—FASCIST—STATE.
20060723             * * * - "WHAT—STUNNING is that this man, who knows nothing about the events of 20010911             —APART from what the government has told him, nevertheless assumes unto himself THE—ROLE—OF—JUDGE, jury + (it even appears) executioner!" Fetzer added.
20060723             "This is 1—TRAVESTY, 1—ASTONISHING violation of academic freedom, FREEDOM—OF—SPEECH, THE—RIGHT—OF—THE—PEOPLE—TO—BE—FREE—FROM—ASSAULT".
20060723             Verbal threats, he observed, are assaults, especially —WHEN, as in this case, they endorse physical violence against 1—CITIZEN.
20060723             * * * - THE—MELTING—POINT—OF—STEEL is not Democrat or Republican and the hottest temperatures that JET—FUEL—BASED fires can attain does not depend upon THE—IDENTITY—OF—THE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA ".
20060723             New 20010911             —FEATURE—FILM—PROBES—GOVERNMENT'S—VERSION—OF—THE—PENTAGON—ATTACK.
20060723             Did 1—USA—AIRLINES—757—DIVE into THE—5—SIDED building at THE—CONTROL—OF—FOREIGN—TERRORISTS as the government has relentlessly insisted, or did something else strike the building on that fateful —DAY in AMERICA?
20060723             This is what the new feature film, Severe Visibility, explores.
20060723             THE—FILM, written and directed by PAUL—CROSS, examines THE—EVENTS—OF—THAT—DAY through the eyes of 1—ARMY—MAJOR, 1—EMPLOYEE—AT—THE—PENTAGON—WHO—WAS—INJURED —WHEN the incident occurred but is confused by the official report which contradicts his eye witness recollection.
20060723             —OPPOSED, KRUTER—SELF—QUESTIONING sanity is, by his SENSE—OF—PATRIOTISM ultimately setting him on 1—COLLISION—COURSE with his inescapable destiny.
20060723             Thanks to Cathy for sending this in
20060723             Also, still on the subject of the Pentagon, here are 1—COUPLE—OF—STORIES by CHRISTOPHER—BOLLYN:
20060723             Also, SAMUEL—D—DANNER interview on ALEX—JONES:
20060723             Killtown Analyzes Infamous 20010911             —PHOTO From Shanksville
20060723             Val McClatchey Photo: More Smoking Guns, or Total Fraud?
20060723             VALENCIA (Val) McClatchey, 1—REAL—ESTATE—AGENT who lives almost 2—MILES—EAST—FROM—THE—SHANKSVILLE—CRASH—SCENE, is the person who took the famous photo of the mushroom cloud rising above 1 red barn that was supposedly from Flight 93—CRASHING down in Shanksville.
20060723             Her photo, which she HAS—CALLED, "END—OF—SERENITY," has been cheered by 1—LOT—OF—20010911             —RESEARCHERS, including myself,
20060723             who have argued that her photo proves that THE—CRASH—OF—FLIGHT 93 is fake because the smoke plume in her photo looks more like the plume coming from 1—ORDNANCE—BLAST because of its grey color rather than from 1—PLANE—CRASH—SINCE smoke from jet fuel fires are almost black in color.
20060723             —NOW—AFTER nearly —5—YEARS—OF—SPECULATING over this photo, evidence has been discovered that conclusively shows that the mushroom cloud in her photo did not come from 1—BOEING 757—CRASHING at Shanksville and not only that, but there is something else about this photo that makes it a 100% proof positive smoking gun photo!
20060723             However there is 1—SLIGHT—PROBLEM, her photo may be 1—FAKE.
20060723             Go check out the entire article, send in SOME—FEEDBACK to Killtown, post SOME—COMMENTS here + if you track down ANY—VIDEO or images (like
20060723             this ) that might provide further context post that as well.
20060723             —DECIDED, MIKE—DEWINE, to try on the
20060723             "20010911             —HALO" and it didn't work so well...
20060723             DeWine blunder adds fuel to controversial 20010911             ad
20060723             —LAMBASTED, THE—TELEVISION—SPOT, which has been, by critics as 1—POLITICAL—EXPLOITATION—OF—20060911             —THE, attacks Democrat challenger REPRESENTATIVE—SHERROD—BROWN for being weak on national security.
20060723             —ON the air in major OHIO markets —SINCE last —FRIDAY, the ad shows the towers, with the south building billowing smoke, which gradually drifts upward.
20060723             "This particular image is impossible," says W. GENE—CORLEY, 1—STUCTURAL engineer who led FEMA—BUILDING performance study on the World Trade Center —AFTER the 20010911             —ATTACKS.
20060723             —REVIEWED, Corley, the ad at www.brownvotes_com for USA—NEWS.
20060723             "THE—NORTH—TOWER—WAS—HIT 1. [so] the south tower could not be burning without THE—NORTH—TOWER burning".
20060723             Corley also says, "the smoke is all wrong".
20060723             THE—DAY—OF—THE—ATTACKS, the plumes of ash were drifting to the southeast.
20060723             You can view the video on DeWine's - "Brown Votes" website.
20060723             GENE—CORLEY, of all people! You ever analyze ANY—OF—THOSE other videos, Gene?
20060723             Here is a 3mb.wmv of the commercial you CAN—DOWNLOAD.
20060723             911Truth_org has 1—BRIEF—NEW—ARTICLE about the "Military Exercises" that preceeded + took place on, 20010911             20060723             To give it SOME—CONTEXT, I'll post SOME—LINKS to SOME—OTHER, older articles, as well.
20060723             Exclusive Report: Did Military Exercises Facilitate the 20010911             —PENTAGON Attack? - 20060700             20060723             We can see that Pentagon training exercises —PRIOR—TO 20010911             —ROUTINELY involved the simulated crashing of 1—AIRCRAFT into the building.
20060723             —SCHEDULED, But might another such exercise have been, for THE—MORNING—OF—20010911              ?
20060723             There are various PIECES—OF—EVIDENCE indicating this may have been the case.
20060723             —STATED, Although the existence of such 1—EXERCISE has never been, explicitly, this might be because the exercise was declared classified.
20060723             —SIMULATED, Any, information, what's known as an 'inject,' is purged from the screens".
20060723             —INSERTED, This indicates that there were false radar blips, onto air traffic controllers' screens as PART—OF—THE—WAR—GAME—EXERCISES.
20060723             Why did 1—INTERNAL—FAA memo claim, that at —AROUND 9:18 AM, 2—COCKPIT members had been stabbed and at —AROUND 9:20 AM, 1—OF—THEIR—PASSENGERS,DANIEL—LEWIN (Seat 9B), FORMER—MEMBER—OF—ISRAEL—ELITE—ANTI—TERROR commando "Sayeret Matkal" had been shot?
20060723             —INVOLVED, Was LEWIN—MAYBE, in 1—PASSIVE—OBSERVATION or active participation of this drill?... The 20010911             —WAR—GAMES—CENSORED 2003
20060723             —RESPONDED, Myers, to the question with very ambiguous explanations.
20060723             He claimed that war gaming was being held by several different departments and it was not NORADs overall responsibility to respond to the attacks, but THE—FAA'S—NONETHELESS, he felt the gaming actually provided "1—EASY—TRANSITION from 1—EXERCISE into 1—REAL—WORLD—SITUATION" and contributed to 1—QUICK—RESPONSE.
20060723             Aktion gegen "Land der Ideen" Imagekampagne - "Land der Ideen" - Kampagne gestört.
20060723             —VERHINDERT, Pokalverleihung.
20060723             —AM heutigen —SONNTAG sollte die UNIVERSITÄT—DER—KÜNSTE in BERLIN (UdK) zum Ort der Ideen gekürt werden.
20060723             Die Aktion "Orte der Ideen" ist TEIL—DER—KAMPAGNE "DEUTSCHLAND — Land der Ideen", 1—VON—DER—BUNDESREGIERUNG und dem BDI initiierte Imagekampagne, zur Verbesserung des Investitionsklimas und der nationalen Stimmung.
20060723             NEW—YORK: Zehntausende bleiben ohne Strom
20060723             Gesundheitsreform: Böhmer hält nur Grundsicherung für bezahlbar
20060723             PALPALO—KURDEN—DEUTSCHLAND—KURDISCHE Freundschaftsseite zur Verbesserung der Integration der KURDEN—NEWS.
20060723             DOCTOR—ALEXANDER—VON—PALESKE - 1—BLICK auf das Spinnennetz von Privatarmeen, Waffenhändlern, Finanzakrobaten und...l
20060723             —HEADLINED, THE—NEWS—MAGAZINE—PANORAMA —YESTERDAY, its account "THE—ROVERARO—CODE", saying the case involved "RIVERS—OF—MONEY, opaque interests and shady figures".
20060723             —ARRESTED, THE—ALLEGED—RINGLEADER—OF—THOSE, is FILIPPO—BOTTERI, 43, described as 1—FORMER—FINANCIAL consultant from PARMA who allegedly had had business dealings with Signor Roveraro.
20060723             SOME—REPORTS said Signor Roveraro was a "supernumerary" or MEMBER—OF—OPUS Dei.
20060723             Police have made no linkage between his disappearance and Opus Dei.
20060723             Signor Roveraro, 1—FORMER—ITALY—OLYMPIC—POLE—VAULTER, had been questioned in 1—INQUIRY into the collapse and fraudulent BANKRUPTCY—OF—THE—FOOD—AND—DAIRY—CONGLOMERATE—PARMALAT, which is based in PARMA.
20060723             1—BANKER who had been questioned over 1—HUGE—CORPORATE—SCANDAL was found murdered —YESTERDAY, having apparently been kidnapped on his way home from 1—MEETING—OF—THE—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—ORGANISATION—OPUS Dei.
20060723             THE—BODY—OF—GIANMARIO Roveraro, 70, had been chopped into pieces and hidden in 1—HUT beneath 1—MOTORWAY bridge about 18—MILES (30km) from PARMA.
20060723             NI_MPU('middle');
20060723             —ARRESTED, Police said that 3—MEN had been, and charged with Signor ROVERARO—KIDNAP and murder.
20060723             —LIMITED, But 1—BIZARRELY, confession by the alleged ringleader opened the way for 1—FLOOD—OF—SPECULATION
20060723             —INSTALLED, Once, by THE—SUPREME—COURT 20000000             , THE—CHENEY—RUMSFELD team could finally "get back" at AMERICA.
20060723             Whistleblower thinks 20010911             —INSIDE job
20060723             —LEAKED, DANIEL—ELLSBERG—BRAVELY, the "Pentagon Papers" - Silver Linings and 1—CROSS—OF—GOLD
20060723             —EXCITED, Guess who's, about World War III?
20060723             Whistleblower thinks 20010911             —INSIDE JOB—SPLOID—GOT it.
20060723             Banker in food scandal is found dead —AFTER Opus Dei meeting
20060723             —LINKED, Banker, to Parmalat scandal is found dead
20060723             "Found dead" is 1—EUPHEMISM for "chopped to pieces".
20060723             1,—500—YEAR—OLD—BYZANTINE port discovered
20060723             "This was the ancient harbor of Byzantium, the Theodosian harbor," Pulak said, pointing to the dusty site —AROUND him, which he said was probably 1—EXPANSION—OF—1—EARLIER port known as Eleutherion.
20060723             —WIPED, He believes the ships were, out all at once in 1—GIANT—STORM.
20060723             SCOTLAND Yard detectives investigating THE—DEATH—OF—DIANA, PRINCESS—OF—WALES, are baffled over THE—DISAPPEARANCE—OF—DRIVER—HENRI—PAUL—FOR—3—HOURS on the night of THE—PARIS car crash.
20060723             Fire and SWORD—WILL—AMERICANS—JOIN—IRAQIS, Lebanese + Palestinians as neocon victims?- By PAUL—CRAIG—ROBERTS
20060723             What explains THE—INDIFFERENCE—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION to the slaughter of civilians in IRAQ, LEBANON + GAZA?
20060723             —CAUSED, THE—LEBANON—PRIME—MINISTER said that ISRAEL—ATTACK—HAS, "unimaginable losses" and that his government will seek compensation from ISRAEL.
20060723             This is 1 must listen report:
20060723             "THE—PLUNDER—OF—CENTRAL—AFRICA" : SUDAN is analyzed in the context of global investment capital, natural resource exploitation, "intervention" media war propaganda masquerading as humanitarian effort.
20060723             THE—MILITARIZATION—OF—THE—REGION—BY—THE—USA and other nations.
20060723             Int'l Campaign Launched Against USA "Torture School" : Peace activists from THE—NON—GOVERNMENTAL—SCHOOL—OF—THE—AMERICAS—WATCH (SOAW) will tour CHILE, PERU and ECUADOR —IN—AUGUST—TO—PERSUADE—THE—GOVERNMENTS—OF—THOSE countries not to send ANY—MORE—MILITARY—PERSONNEL to the training centre in THE—USA—STATE—OF—GEORGIA.
20060723             Video: SCHOOL—OF—THE—AMERICAS: SCHOOL—OF—ASSASSINS: REPRESENTATIVE—JOSEPH—KENNEDY: If you look at the course ranges that are offered to these inividuals, they in fact are 1 dedicated way of teaching military leaders in foreign nations how to subvert their local communities.
20060723             —MISSED, In case you, it: Video: "I—WAS—TORTURED":
20060723             Sister Ortiz relates her personal experiences and tell us that USA—PERSONNEL were present in interrogation and torture rooms," in GUATEMALA
20060723             CHRIS—FLOYD: Craven Image: THE—SENATE—BOWS to Imperial Power :
20060723             —2—WEEKS—AGO we wrote here that the "lockstep, lickspittle" USA—CONGRESS would scurry to give their approval to the dictatorial powers asserted by USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—AFTER THE—SUPREME—COURT struck down those claims in the Hamdan case —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH.
20060723             Government, AT&T had sought to have spy case thrown out:
20060723             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—IN—S—FRANCISCO—REFUSED —TODAY to dismiss 1—PRIVACY—RIGHTS—GROUP—LAWSUIT against AT&T for allegedly cooperating in illegal government electronic SURVEILLANCE—OF—USA—CITIZENS + flatly rejected THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—CLAIMS that such litigation threatens national security
20060723             GREG—PALAST : Bush at THE—NAACP—CONVENTION : God lost this time.
20060723             I counted: Bush mentioned God only 6—TIMES in his speech to THE—NAACP —TODAY.
20060723             THE—WINNER—WAS 'faith' — which got 7—MENTIONS, though if you count "THE—CREATOR" as God, well, then the Lord tied it.
20060723             —OUTLAWED, Welcome to AMERICA: Feeding homeless, : If someone looks like he could use 1—MEAL, be warned: Giving him 1—SANDWICH in 1—LAS—VEGAS park could land you in jail.
20060723             IRAQ becomes 1—NATION—OF—REFUGEES : TENS OF thousands more Iraqis have fled their homes as sectarian violence looks ever more like civil war —2—MONTHS—AFTER 1—USA—BACKED national unity government was formed, official data showed —YESTERDAY.
20060723             SADDAM—BLAMES—BUSH, PRO—ISRAEL—LOBBY—FOR—WAR, urges Americans to 'save country' : SADDAM—HUSSEIN—SAID—IN 1—LETTER released —FRIDAY that PRESIDENT—BUSH and PRO—ISRAEL—GROUPS—LIED—TO—AMERICANS—TO—JUSTIFY THE—IRAQ—WAR + he added that IRAN "and its agents" helped facilitate the aggression.
20060723             PAUL—KRUGMAN: THE—PRICE—OF—FANTASY:
20060723             —BASKED, —FOR—YEARS THE—SELF—PROCLAIMED "war PRESIDENT", in the adulation of the crazies.
20060723             —NOW they're accusing him of being 1—WIMP.
20060723             "We have been too weak," writes MISTER—KRISTOL, "and have allowed ourselves to be perceived as weak".
20060723             No 1 will help me get them out ": Somewhere beneath the tangled mass of smashed concrete, steel rods, dust and THE—VOLCANO—LIKE crater left by 1—ISRAEL—BOMBER—LAY—THE—REMAINS—OF—MISTER—S—QUDSI, her —30—YEAR—OLD—DAUGHTER—IN—LAW and her 3—CHILDREN aged from 4 to 11.
20060723             "Only civilians lived here" : Rubble, smoke and tangled webs of dangling electrical cables —NOW reside in 1—AREA that formerly housed over 500,000 Lebanese, THE—AFTERMATH—OF—ISRAEL—AIR—STRIKES that have ravaged BEIRUT—SOUTHERN suburbs and show no sign of ending.
20060723             —WOUNDED, Struggle to reach : THE—WOMAN—WAS—FORTUNATE.
20060723             She made it to the hospital.
20060723             But out in the hinterlands between THE—ISRAEL—BORDER—AND—THE—LITANI—RIVER, THE—HEART—OF—THE—WAR—ZONE where the bombardment is most relentless, witnesses say casualties are dying untreated.
20060723             THOUSANDS—OF—ISRAEL—TROOPS—INVADE—S—LEBANON : 2—ISRAEL—SOLDIERS—WERE—KILLED—AND 6—OTHERS were wounded in heavy clashes with Hezbollah —JUST inside SOUTH—LEBANON, close to Moshav Avivim, —ON—THURSDAY afternoon.
20060723             LEBANON—ARMY will fight ANY—ISRAEL—INVASION: Defence MINISTER: THE—INCREASING—SIGNS—OF—1—GROUND—WAR comes as ISRAEL—AIRCRAFT—ATTACKED—TARGETS—THROUGHOUT LEBANON for the 10. successive —DAY, bringing THE—LEBANON—TOLL for the conflict to more than 340.
20060723             LEBANON war to go on —UNTIL price too great' : - ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT said war against "Hezbollah guerrillas" in LEBANON would continue —UNTIL it was not "worth the price", 1—ISRAEL—NEWSPAPER—REPORTED —ON—FRIDAY.
20060723             Let the slaughter continue :
20060723             BRITAIN and USA defy demand for immediate ceasefire : 2—COUNTRIES, THE—USA—AND—BRITAIN, defiantly refused to back THE—INTERNATIONAL—CLAMOUR—FOR 1—IMMEDIATE ceasfire between ISRAEL—AND—HIZBOLLAH—GUERRILLAS.
20060723             Their ambivalence about CIVIL—DEATHS in LEBANON has given ISRAEL—1—POWERFUL—SIGNAL that it can continue its attacks with impunity.
20060723             Rafsanjani: Attacks against LEBANON, USA—ISRAEL—PLAN : TEHRAN—SUBSTITUTE —FRIDAY prayers leader Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani said here —FRIDAY that the Zionist regime's savage attacks against LEBANON was a "USA—ISRAEL—PERHAPS—BRITISH" plan.
20060723             —PROTRACTED, Tariq Ali: A, colonial war:
20060723             With USA—SUPPORT, ISRAEL—IS—HOPING—TO—ISOLATE—AND—TOPPLE Syria by holding sway over LEBANON
20060723             THOUSANDS—OF—LEBANON—REFUGEES flee from south : - THOUSANDS—OF—LEBANON—CIVILIANS fled NORTH—ON—FRIDAY—AFTER ISRAEL—WARNED—THEM—TO—LEAVE—BORDER—VILLAGES and called up 3,000 army reserves in 1—POSSIBLE prelude to 1—MAJOR—GROUND—OFFENSIVE against Hizbollah guerrillas.
20060723             Security men block big CAIRO protest against Israe l: Fights broke out at THE—GATE—OF—AL—AZHAR—MOSQUE—IN—CAIRO —ON—FRIDAY—WHEN plainclothes security men stopped demonstrators taking to the streets with 1—PROTEST against ISRAEL—ATTACKS—ON—LEBANESE—AND—PALESTINIANS.
20060723             Latin USA—DEMONSTRATORS—PROTEST—ISRAEL—OFFENSIVE—IN—LEBANON : Protesters burned 1—ISRAEL—FLAG—THURSDAY outside the country's embassy in VENEZUELA and demanded 1—END to ISRAEL—MILITARY—OFFENSIVE in LEBANON, —WHILE crowds also took to the streets in MEXICO and EL—SALVADOR—TO—PRESS—FOR 1—HALT to the fighting.
20060723             PATRICK—J—BUCHANAN: No, this is not 'our war': THE—LAST—SUPERPOWER—IS—IMPOTENT—IN—THIS war because we have allowed ISRAEL—TO—DICTATE—TO—WHOM—WE—MAY and may not talk.
20060723             Thus, Bush winds up cussing in frustration in S—PETERSBURG that somebody should tell the Syrians to stop it.
20060723             Why not pick up the phone, MISTER—PRESIDENT?
20060723             Ron Paul: THE—ISRAEL—RESOLUTION: I follow 1—POLICY in foreign affairs called NON—INTERVENTIONISM.
20060723             I do not believe we are making THE—USA—MORE—SECURE—WHEN we involve ourselves in conflicts overseas.
20060723             THE—CONSTITUTION—REALLY—DOESN'T—AUTHORIZE—USA—TO be THE—POLICEMEN—OF—THE—WORLD, much less to favor 1—SIDE over another in foreign conflicts.
20060723             LEBANON crisis reveals 1—ANTI—JEWISH—ISRAEL—STATE : MEMBERS—OF—THE—ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT—INCLUDING—PRIME—MINISTER—OLMERT refer to themselves as Jews, who are champions of the Jewish STATE—OF—ISRAEL—AS—MISTER—BUSH refers to himself as a "Christian" champion.
20060723             However, the current crisis in LEBANON has nothing substantively to do with either Judaism or Christianity.
20060723             ISRAEL—OCCUPATION—FORCES kill 4—PALESTINIANS in GAZA attack : 1—HAMAS activist and 3—RELATIVES were killed —FRIDAY in 1—EXPLOSION at his home in GAZA City, hospital officials said.
20060723             Palestinians said the house was hit by 1—ISRAEL—TANK—SHELL.
20060723             —KILLED, ISRAEL—OCCUPATION—FORCES, doctor in NABLUS : ISRAEL—DEFENSE—OCCUPATION—FORCES—SOLDIERS killed 1—PALESTINE—DOCTOR as he tried to help wounded protesters in THE—WEST—BANK—ON—FRIDAY, witnesses and medics said.
20060723             Betrayal of the Empire or Fealty to Humanity?
20060723             Only in 1—WORLD where the de facto ruler is 1—WHITE—MALE (with 1—RED—NECK—MENTALITY and 1—IQ well below triple digits) could ISRAEL—BARBARIC—RESPONSE to feeble PALESTINE—ROCKET—ATTACKS (that had registered 0—FATALITIES) and to the capture of 3—OF—ITS—SOLDIERS (who were complicit in genocidal acts) be considered 1—ACT—OF "self defense".
20060723             Things Come 'Round in Mideas-
20060723             In this essay, veteran social activist TOM—HAYDEN, drawing upon his
20060723             Collective Punishment Isn't SELF—DEFENSE By TED—RALL—NEITHER—THE—USA—NOR ISRAEL—IS—EQUIVALENT—TO—NAZI—GERMANY, yet both countries have adopted 1—NAZI—LIKE—OBSESSION with collective punishment.
20060723             LEBANON, the dead have to wait TYRE—LEBANON Carpenters are running OUT—OF—WOOD for coffins.
20060723             —STACKED, By HASSAN—M—FATTAH—BODIES are, 3 or 4—HIGH in 1—TRUCK at the hospital morgue.
20060723             THE—STENCH—IS—SPREADING—IN—THE—RUBBLE—CONTINUE—THIS is not Dunkirk.
20060723             This is MUNICH—BY ROBERT—FISK: These great warships had been sent here by Western leaders (JACQUES—CHIRAC—EXCEPTED) too craven, too gutless, too immoral, to utter 1—SINGLE—WORD—OF—COMPASSION for LEBANON—SUFFERING.
20060723             —DESTROYED, Imagine if LEBANON, EVERY—BRIDGE in ISRAEL, blew up THE—INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT, blockaded the ports, severed EVERY—ARTERIAL road, ordered people to leave their homes and then bombed them to pieces —WHEN they did... Do you think ANY—WESTERN—LEADER would utter the words "LEBANON has 1—RIGHT to defend itself"?
20060723             "THE—DEAD—ARE—ROTTING—IN—THE—RUBBLE of smashed homes" -
20060723             including airports, the highway grid, electrical power stations, SEA—PORTS, factories, housing units and apartments + all major bridges and highways.
20060723             THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES—REPORTS, "Civil structure appears to have broken down almost completely.
20060723             Ambulances have not been able to operate.
20060723             —THIS—WEEK, GEORGE—BUSH—USED—HIS—PRESIDENTIAL—VETO—TO block 1—BILL—ON—STEM—CELL—RESEARCH, saying he couldn't support the 'taking of innocent human life'.
20060723             —KILLED, In IRAQ, 6—CIVILIANS are, by 1—USA—AIR—STRIKE, —WHILE casualties in LEBANON and ISRAEL—MOUNT.
20060723             GEORGE—BUSH (and TONY—BLAIR) oppose UN calls for 1—IMMEDIATE—CEASEFIRE
20060723             Exposed: THE—CARLYLE—GROUP : I defy you to watch this —48—MINUTE documentary and not be outraged about THE—DEPTH—OF—CORRUPTION and deceit within the highest ranks of our government.
20060723             War is a racket!:
20060723             USA to sell arms worth over $ 6—BN to SAUDI—ARABIA : THE—USA—DEFENCE—DEPARTMENT has notified Congress of possible arms sales such as helicopters, radios + armoured vehicles to SAUDI—ARABIA worth over $ 6—BILLION.
20060723             RUSSIA Signed USD 1—BLN Aircraft Contract With VENEZUELA : RUSSIA has signed 1—CONTRACT on SUPPLIES—OF—MILITARY—PLANES and helicopters to VENEZUELA worth over USD1 billion, the defense MINISTER said —FRIDAY.
20060723             —PROMOTED, VENEZUELA seeks UN 'balance' : THE—USA—HAS, its ally GUATEMALA as 1—RIVAL—CANDIDATE to VENEZUELA for 1—SEAT on the council and Chavez has accused WASHINGTON of trying to persuade Latin USA—COUNTRIES to vote against him.
20060723             Stranger than fiction:
20060723             USA—OFFICIALS condemn 'meddling' by 3. parties in CUBA : —USA—OFFICIALS—ON—FRIDAY condemned potential outside interference in CUBA—FUTURE by those who don't support democratic elections there--singling out VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ—AS ``meddling'' in CUBA—AFFAIRS.
20060723             Agent Says JOSE—PADILLA—NOT—WARNED—OF—HIS—RIGHTS: I—TESTIMONY from FBI agents in MIAMI revealed —TUESDAY that MIAMI terror suspect JOSE—PADILLA was never told he had the right to walk out of his interview with agents, all —WHILE testifying that he was originally cooperative with them.
20060723             —REQUESTED, ITALY—COURT—DEMANDS—CIA—EXTRADITIONS : 1—ITALY—COURT has, the extradition of 26—CIA—AGENTS.
20060723             THE—COURT—IN—MILAN, which is leading the investigation, sent 1—EXTRADITION—REQUEST to the public prosecutor's office which would then pass it to Justice MINISTER—CLEMENTE—MASTELLA, the daily said.
20060723             Mastella should then in turn send it to his USA counterpart.
20060723             —EXPOSED, COLUMBUS, as IRON—FISTED tyrant who tortured his slaves : THE—MAN—WHO—DISCOVERED—AMERICA—FOR—EUROPE routinely tortured slaves and starved his subjects in colonies on the Caribbean ISLAND—OF—HISPANIOLA.
20060723             R eaction: 'If ISRAEL—IS—BEHAVING—LIKE 1—PSYCHOTIC bullying child,BRITAIN and THE—USA—ARE like its mad tattooed parents'
20060723             Only 8—DEMOCRATS Had Courage to Vote Against Blank Check for ISRAEL : Read the list and call them.
20060723             ASIA calls for Mideast intervention, mulls sending troops : INDONESIA and MALAYSIA said they could send troops as PART—OF—1—UN—DEPLOYMENT to THE—MIDDLE—EAST as ASIA showed mounting concern and urged THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY to intervene.
20060723             USA Arming of ISRAEL:
20060723             Much has been made of the Syrian and IRAN—ORIGIN of weaponry used by Hezbollah but there has been little discussion of where ISRAEL—WEAPONS—COME—FROM.
20060723             1—NEW—REPORT by the World Policy Institute examines how THE—USA—PROVIDES BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS—OF—MILITARY—AID to ISRAEL—EACH—YEAR and how their current arsenal is composed of USA made equipment.
20060723             Audio and TRANSCRIPT—FURY Grips Syria Over LEBANON Attacks
20060723             Anger is spilling over against THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—AND its citizens.
20060723             Ola Saleh, a —25—YEAR—OLD—CIVIL—RIGHTS volunteer from Latakia said: "In Syria people used to differentiate between the Bush regime and THE—USA—PEOPLE. But —NOW not only do Syrians not respect the Bush regime, they no longer respect THE—USA—PEOPLE for allowing this to happen. "
20060723             THE—SHAME—OF—BEING 1—AMERICAN -
20060723             Does it make you 1—PROUD—USA—THAT "your" PRESIDENT—GAVE—ISRAEL—THE—GREEN—LIGHT—TO—DROP—BOMBS on convoys of villagers fleeing from ISRAEL—SHELLING, on residential neighborhoods in THE—CAPITAL—OF—BEIRUT and —THROUGHOUT LEBANON, on hospitals, on power plants, on food production and storage, on ports, on CIVIL—AIRPORTS, on bridges, on roads, on EVERY—PIECE—OF—INFRASTRUCTURE on which civilized life depends?
20060723             Are you 1—PROUD—AMERICAN? Or are you 1—ISRAEL—PUPPET?
20060723             —BY MATTHEW—KALMAN, Chronicle Foreign Service
20060723             ISRAEL—MILITARY—RESPONSE by air, land and sea to what it considered 1—PROVOCATION—LAST—WEEK by Hezbollah militants is unfolding according to 1—PLAN finalized more than —1—YEAR—AGO.
20060723             Once again, truth is the 1. CASUALTY—OF—WAR
20060723             —THE—EXCHANGE—RATE—FOR—LEBANON—VS ISRAEL—DEATHS—NOW stands at 10 to 1 - By ROBERT—FISK
20060723             As MANY—LIES are —NOW falling upon LEBANON as bombs.
20060723             THE—EXPLOSIONS—ARE—EASY—TO—COUNT — 3 on the southern suburbs of BEIRUT —YESTERDAY—MORNING and many on the main highway to Syria, destroying more of the great viaduct at Mdeirej along with 3—PASSENGERS—BUSES which were returning to LEBANON —AFTER carrying foreigners to DAMASCUS.
20060723             THE—LIES—WERE—LESS—OBVIOUS—BUT —JUST as powerful.
20060723             CONTINUE—USA Butchers should Leave : IRAQ—PARLIAMENT—SPEAKER—BY ALJAZEERA—USA—FORCES have committed butchery in IRAQ and should leave, THE—SPEAKER—OF—THE—COUNTRY—PARLIAMENT has said.
20060723             Gloom descends on IRAQ—LEADERS as civil war LOOMS—BY Mariam KAROUNY—IRAQ—LEADERS have all but given up on holding the country together and, —JUST—2—MONTHS—AFTER forming 1—NATIONAL—UNITY—GOVERNMENT, talk in private of "black days" of civil war ahead.
20060723             —ORDERED, Soldiers claim, to 'kill all military age MALES'—BY Associated Press- 4—USA—SOLDIERS accused of murdering suspected insurgents —DURING 1—RAID in IRAQ said they were under orders to "kill all military age males," according to sworn statements obtained by THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS.
20060723             CASE, You Missed IT—ORWELL Rolls in His Grave - -This is 1 must watch documentary
20060723             "Could 1—MEDIA—SYSTEM, controlled by 1—FEW global corporations with the ability to overwhelm all competing voices, be able to turn lies into truth?..".
20060723             —SEEPED, LEBANON—TOWN—LAYS—ITS—LOVED—ONES, Anonymous to Rest : THE—STENCH—OF—DEATH, into the warm seaside air as the dead were brought out.
20060723             —PINCHED, Children, their noses; the men's faces grew 1—LITTLE stonier.
20060723             —JOSTLED, Men and boys, on the streets and hoisted themselves up hospital walls to better view the spectacle.
20060723             —WHILE LEBANON burns - 1—MESSAGE from BEIRUT : THE—DEATH—TOLL—HAS—SURPASSED—THE—400—FIGURE with 4—TIMES that number injured.
20060723             —DISPLACED, Over half 1—MILLION have been, MANY—OF—WHOM encountered horrific escapes from ISRAEL—SHELLING.
20060723             THE—HUMAN—TRAGEDY—IS—MOUNTING—BY—THE—HOUR and its magnitude is lost on those who oppose 1—CEASE—FIRE, professing that ISRAEL—NEEDS—MORE—TIME—TO—FINISH—THE—JOB.
20060723             JUAN—COLE: ISRAEL—HITS—CHRISTIAN—TELEVISION in CHRISTIAN—NORTH : Kills TV 1 : Note that in 1—NATIONAL—EMERGENCY—WHEN 500,000 persons have been rendered homeless and the number is growing, —WHEN there are HUNDREDS—OF—DEAD and thousands of wounded, national media such as television and radio are absolutely essential to relief efforts and to avoiding further mass casualties.
20060723             ISRAEL—TANKS, Troops Invade, Occupy LEBANON—TOWN : In all, up to 2,000 ISRAEL—TROOPS—ENTERED—THE—AREA—SATURDAY, but some returned to ISRAEL—DURING—THE—DAY.
20060723             —REPORTED, No Israeli or Hezbollah casualties were —IMMEDIATELY.
20060723             LEBANON air strikes continue:
20060723             —WARNED—OF, LEBANON: Relief agencies plead for access : They have, 1—HUMANITARIAN—DISASTER unless their STOCKPILES—OF—RELIEF—SUPPLIES are allowed through.
20060723             Eager to help in the slaughter of LEBANON—CIVILIANS—USA Rushes Bombs to ISRAEL
20060723             —BY DAVID—S—CLOUD—AND—HELENE—COOPER
20060723             Its disclosure threatens to anger Arab governments and others BECAUSE—OF—THE—APPEARANCE—THAT—THE—USA is actively aiding THE—ISRAEL—BOMBING—CAMPAIGN—IN 1—WAY that could be compared to IRAN—EFFORTS to arm and resupply Hezbollah.
20060723             RUSSIA opposes key parts of IRAN Security Council proposal : Unexpected RUSSIA—OPPOSITION to key wording of 1—USA—BACKED Security Council draft resolution is straining INTERNATIONAL unity on how to deal with IRAN—NUCLEAR—DEFIANCE, UNITED—NATIONS diplomats said —SATURDAY.
20060723             WHITE—HOUSE—CALLS on Jewish Groups to Line Up Behind JOHN—BOLTON:
20060723             It's hard to imagine something more cynical than THE—WHITE—HOUSE exploiting MIDDLE—EAST—CONVULSIONS -- in which MANY—INNOCENTS on all sides are dying in real time -- to divide Americans at home in order to try and squeeze through the Senate confirmation of the pugnacious radicalizer and INTERNATIONAL DE—STABILIZER, JOHN—BOLTON
20060723             They put THE—86—CORPSES into plain wood caskets.
20060723             Many were —JUST big enough to fit 1—SMALL—CHILD—BY Clancy Chassay in Tyre
20060723             THE—DRIVEWAY—OF—TYRE—GOVERNMENT, hospital —YESTERDAY the sour smell of rotting flesh mingled with spray paint as THE—CHIEF—CORONER wrote the names of the dead on their coffins.
20060723             —SUBJECTED, IRAQ—DETAINEES—ABUSE—WIDESPREAD: IRAQ—DETAINEES were routinely, to beatings, sleep deprivation, stress positions and other FORMS—OF—ABUSE by USA—INTERROGATORS, according to 1—HUMAN—RIGHTS—WATCH report released —ON—SUNDAY that offers 1.—HAND accounts from 3—FORMER—SOLDIERS.
20060723             Senior officials believe USA will give ISRAEL—1—WEEK to complete military offensive in Lebano n : On THE—EVE—OF—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE—VISIT—TO—JERUSALEM, senior officials believe ISRAEL has 1—USA—NOD to continue operations against Hezbollah LEBANON at least —UNTIL—NEXT—SUNDAY.
20060723             —STUNNED, ISRAEL—MILITARY, by the failure of its air war : LIEUTENANT—GENERAL—DAN—HALUTZ—AND—HIS—ADVISERS—HAVE—BEEN stunned by THE—FAILURE—OF—ISRAEL—AIR—WAR against Hizbullah, which has shrugged massive air bombings on its headquarters in BEIRUT to maintain the rocket war against the Jewish state.
20060723             BRITAIN criticises ISRAEL—TACTICS : - BRITAIN has dramatically broken ranks with GEORGE—BUSH—OVER—THE—LEBANON—CRISIS, publicly criticising ISRAEL—MILITARY—TACTICS and urging the Americans to 'understand' the price being paid by ordinary LEBANON—CIVILIANS.
20060723             Controversy mounts over ISRAEL—ARMS—DEAL : As tensions in THE—MIDDLE—EAST—RISE, calls are mounting for SWITZERLAND to stop its military collaboration with ISRAEL—AND—OTHER—COUNTRIES—IN—THE—REGION.
20060723             ISRAEL—BUILDS—DETENTION—CENTER—FOR—LEBANON—CAPTIVES : According to the exclusive report, ISRAEL—TROOPS—HAS—STARTED—CONSTRUCTING 1—TEMPORARY—DETENTION compound at 1—MILITARY—BASE in NORTH—ISRAEL, which is to be used for holding HUNDREDS—OF—LEBANON—DETAINEES taken —DURING the future operations in SOUTH—LEBANON.
20060723             ANTI—WAR—TEL Aviv rally draws Jewish, ISRAEL—ARAB—CROWD : More than 2,500—PEOPLE—ON—SATURDAY attended 1—MASS—DEMONSTRATION against the war in LEBANON, marching from Tel AVIV—RABIN—SQUARE to 1—RALLY at the Cinemateque plaza.
20060723             THE—END—IS—NEAR, but 1., this commercial.
20060723             —CREATED, ISRAEL—HAS, its worst enemies -- they helped create Hamas as 1—COUNTERWEIGHT to Fatah in Palestine + their occupation of LEBANON created Hezbollah.
20060723             THE—CURRENT—TERRIBLE—BOMBINGS—CAN—BE—EXPECTED to keep the process going.
20060723             Wild dogs are devouring THE—VICTIMS—OF—ISRAEL—BOMBING
20060723             Make no mistake, the vast DESTRUCTION—OF—THE—ONCE—BUSTLING metropolis and the ocean of suffering caused by the unprovoked ISRAEL—AIR—ASSAULT, is 1—JOINT—OPERATION facilitated by THE—WASHINGTON—WARLORDS—AS—MUCH—AS—ANYONE in Tel Aviv.
20060723             1—GRIPPING diary of —1—WEEK in the life and DEATH—OF—BEIRUT
20060723             I watch ISRAEL—CONSUL—GENERAL, Arye Mekel, telling THE—BBC—THAT—ISRAEL—IS "doing THE—LEBANON—1—FAVOUR" by bombing Hizbollah, insisting that "most LEBANON—APPRECIATE what we are doing".
20060723             So —NOW I understand.
20060723             THE—LEBANESE—MUST—THANK—THE—ISRAELIS—FOR destroying their lives and infrastructure.
20060723             They must be grateful for all the air strikes and the dead children.
20060723             What is THE—REAL—REASON for THE—WAR—ON—LEBANON? (UPDATE) Few Iraqis embraced the jihadis —UNTIL the Americans stole IRAQ—OIL.
20060723             —SUPPORTED, Similarly, only 18—PERCENT—OF—THE—LEBANESE, Hezbollah —BEFORE the current ISRAEL—STRIKES.
20060723             —WHEN the refugees return, we can expect EVERY—1—OF—THEM to seethe with rage at ISRAEL -- and at THE—USA, which has sped up ISRAEL—SUPPLY—OF—PRECISION—GUIDED weaponry.
20060723             Worse still: We have growing indications OF—ISRAEL—CHEMICAL—WARFARE.
20060723             Bachir Cham, 1—BELGIAN/LEBANON—DOCTOR who runs 1—HOSPITAL in LEBANON, offers this report: "THE—BODIES—DON'T—LOOK—LIKE—THEY—NORMALLY do. —AFTER 1—EXPLOSION there were no TRACES—OF—BLOOD—LOSS or subcutaneous haemorrhages [bruises]," Cham said via MOBILE phone direct from BEIRUT.
20060723             "THE—HAIR—AND—SOMETIMES—THE—BEARD—AND the moustache remained intact. I found no TRACES—OF—THE—PRESSURE—WAVE by the explosion. THE—COLOUR—OF—THE—SKIN—WAS—BLACK—LIKE 1—SHOE, but the skin was not carbonised or burnt".
20060723             Her voice narrates 1—POWERFUL slide presentation here + THE—HAMILTON—SPECTATOR—PUBLISHES—HER—STORY—HERE:
20060723             —WHEN I arrived —2—MONTHS—AGO, the atmosphere was 1—INSTANTLY appealing mix of Mediterranean and Arab culture.
20060723             THE—DEPTH—AND—VARIETY—OF—HISTORY and culture was amazing, the food was great and cheap + the locals were the most welcoming people I've come across, opening their homes, their kitchens, even their weddings, to me...
20060723             —SCARED, THE—LEBANON—ARE, + sad + also overwhelmingly angry.
20060723             THE—MAJORITY—OF—THE—LEBANON—DO not naturally support Hezbollah, but ISRAEL—ATTACKS—ARE—RALLYING—SUPPORT.
20060723             I am staying in 1—DORM at THE—USA—UNIVERSITY—OF—BEIRUT + even these least radical Lebanese were joyful —WHEN Hezbollah hit 1—ISRAEL—WARSHIP.
20060723             I've volunteered in 1—PUBLIC—GARDEN to which refugees from BEIRUT—SOUTHERN suburbs have fled.
20060723             These families, among BEIRUT—POOREST, have had their homes destroyed by ISRAEL—BOMBING—AND—HAVE—NOWHERE—LEFT—TO go.
20060723             —SINCE schools and community centres are full, entire families have brought mattresses and bags of clothes to camp out in the garden.
20060723             There are no sanitation facilities and no shelter.
20060723             SOME—FAMILIES have been there —FOR—6—DAYS—NOW.
20060723             Fans of historical irony will find grim humor in the fact that the "Christians" of THE—USA—SOUTH have enabled ISRAEL—ATTACKS—ON—CHRISTIANS—IN—LEBANON—NORTH.
20060723             —TARGETED, Indeed, THE—IDF, the media outlets of the very "Cedar Revolution" which the Bush administation had once supported.
20060723             THE—ISRAELIS—ARE—SMART -- much smarter than their EASILY—GULLED USA—SUPPORTERS.
20060723             THE—ISRAELIS—KNOW—FULL—WELL—THAT—THIS offensive will raise sympathy for Hezbollah from 18% to 100%.
20060723             Why, then, the attack on LEBANON?
20060723             I doubt that the stated reasons are the real ones;
20060723             indeed, I would not be surprised to learn that SOME—HEZBOLLAH attacks were provoked or staged.
20060723             (Note THE—PRECEDENT—THE—CURRENT—LEBANON—WAR is about water.
20060723             Few Americans understand this, because few Americans can imagine living in 1—REGION where the demand for water exceeds supply.
20060723             But this natural resource has long been at the real root of Israeli/LEBANON—CONFLICT.
20060723             AS—THIS REPORT—NOTES: Almost HALF—OF—THE—WATER—CURRENTLY—USED—IN—ISRAEL—IS—CAPTURED, diverted or preempted from its neighbors".
20060723             This is understandable, given water can be described as "ISRAEL—VULNERABLE—AND—FRAGILE—SOURCE—OF—LIFE.
20060723             Moreover:
20060723             —TODAY, 20060000             , ISRAEL—LIVES—WITH—INCREASING—WATER—SHORTAGES—AND 1—RAPIDLY decreasing supply of fresh water.
20060723             THE—RIVER—JORDAN—MAY—RUN—DRY—WITHIN—THE—NEXT —2—YEARS, because of the vast AMOUNT—OF—WATER being drawn from the river by the people living in the area.
20060723             (Emphasis added.)
20060723             —FROM 1—BRIEF—YET monumentally important -
20060723             Planer würde mehr Fragen aufwerfen als beantworten
20060723             Sehr viel gewagter und auch deutlich umstrittener ist der so genannte teleologische Ansatz.
20060723             Die Idee scheint einem SCIENCE—FICTION—ROMAN—ZU—ENTSTAMMEN:
20060723             Irgendwo, so die Vorstellung, gibt es einen kosmischen Ingenieur, der das Universum gezielt geplant und so entworfen hat, dass seine Bedingungen für das menschliche Leben optimal sind.
20060723             Dieser planende Konstrukteur könnte eine überirdische Macht im religiösen Sinn sein oder auch eine intelligente Lebensform außerhalb unseres Universums -
20060723             1—IDEE, die selbst renommierte Kosmologen wie EDWARD—HARRISON—VON—DER—UNIVERSITÄT—VON—MASSACHUSETTS vertreten, wie "BILD—DER—WISSENSCHAFT" berichtet.
20060723             Zwar ist es theoretisch denkbar, dass Universen gezielt geschaffen werden könnten.
20060723             Doch der teleologische Erklärungsansatz hat VIELE—ANDERE—SCHWÄCHEN.
20060723             So bleibt unter anderem die Frage offen, warum die intelligenten Außerirdischen extra für uns Menschen 1—UNIVERSUM entwerfen sollten.
20060723             Der wichtigste Einwand ist jedoch: Die teleologische Theorie erklärt nicht, sondern verschiebt einfach das eigentlich Problem.
20060723             Denn wenn die intelligenten Erbauer unser Universum maßgeschneidert HABEN—WIE ist dann ihr eigenes, offensichtlich ja ebenfalls lebensfreundliches entstanden?
20060723             "Eine Änderung im Wert einer Konstante würde die Konsistenz der Theorie zerstören", erklärt der PHYSIK—NOBELPREISTRÄGER STEVEN—WEINBERG—DAS—PRINZIP.
20060723             "Die endgültige Theorie wäre wie 1—STÜCK feines Porzellan, das man nicht verformen kann, ohne es zu zerbrechen".
20060723             Die Hoffnungen, eine solche Theorie zu finden, konzentrieren sich —HEUTE auf Ansätze wie die sogenannte Quantengravitation ODER—BEZEICHNENDERWEISE—DIE "Theorie von Allem".
20060723             Ähnliches gilt für die ANZAHL—DER—RAUMDIMENSIONEN, die Verteilung von Materie und Antimaterie im Kosmos, für die Schwerkraft und sogar für das Alter des Universums.
20060723             Doch woher kommt diese unglaubliche, auf das Leben zugeschnittene Feinabstimmung?
20060723             —ENTSTANDEN, Kann sie zufällig, sein?
20060723             Mit dieser Frage beschäftigen sich immer mehr Physiker und Kosmologen.
20060723             An einen Zufall wollen sie dabei nicht GLAUBEN—ZUMINDEST so lange nicht, —BIS ALLE—ANDEREN—ERKLÄRUNGSVERSUCHE gescheitert sind.
20060723             "Endgültige Theorie wie 1—STÜCK feines Porzellan" - AFRIKA—REISENDE: Bitte melden Sie sich!
20060723             bysfux HARALD—HAACK? Sie waren vor kurzem in AFRIKA?
20060723             Und sie sind AM—WHY JOHNNY—CAN'T—READ: Schools Favor Girls 1—EYE—POPPING literacy gap between boys and girls cuts across socioeconomic lines, 1—NEW—STUDY shows.
20060723             —TREATED, SADDAM—HUSSEIN—IS—BEING, in hospital —AFTER—2—WEEKS on hunger strike over security for his trial lawyers
20060723             —EXPLODED, Astronomers spot, star 1—STAR on the brink of exploding as 1—SPECTACULAR supernova has been identified by astronomers.
20060723             Rally offers support to Israelis 1—RALLY to show solidarity with people in NORTH—ISRAEL—AREAS—OF which have been hit by Hezbollah ROCKETS—IS being held.
20060723             UK and ISRAEL—IN—LEBANON—TALKS—FOREIGN—OFFICE—MINISTER—KIM—HOWELLS—IS—SET—TO—MEET—ISRAEL—OFFICIALS —1—DAY—AFTER criticising the country's military tactics.
20060723             IRAQ prisoner abuse 'was routine' Torture and abuse of Iraqis in USA custody 20030000—20050000    —FROM—TO was authorised and routine, 1—HUMAN—RIGHTS—BODY says.
20060723             CHINA 'set to cut export rebates' CHINA could cut tax rebates for energy and resource intensive sectors in 1—BID to tackle its trade surplus, reports say.
20060723             Doubts over UK—MEGAN—LAW—IT may not be possible to "transpose" THE—USA—SYSTEM—OF—MEGAN—LAW to THE—UK, 1—HOME—OFFICE—MINISTER says.
20060723             New bid to salvage WTO trade deal Ministers from 6—COUNTRIES hold talks in GENEVA aimed at pushing forward with 1—GLOBAL—FREE—TRADE—DEAL.
20060723             Eye test 'could spot Alzheimer's' Early dementia could be detected with 1—SIMPLE—EYE—TEST in the future, researchers hope.
20060723             UK doctors' heart repair advance UK doctors have been able to mend 1—RUPTURE inside the heart without using OPEN—HEART surgery.
20060723             Congress' Top 10—STEM—CELL—FLUBS Sometimes legislators make stuff up —WHEN they're not sure about the facts -- especially —WHEN it comes to complicated science like STEM—CELL—RESEARCH.
20060723             Here are the worst offenses heard in Congress —THIS—WEEK.
20060723             Commentary by STEVEN—EDWARDS.
20060723             Underground photos of RUSSIA Blog: THE—IMAGES—IN—THIS—POST—MAY—LOOK—LIKE sketches from the set of 1—ALIENS—MOVIE, but we're told that they're real, not science...
20060723             'Predecessor' Neurons to Human Brain Discovered
20060723             Yale researchers claim to have found the very 1. neurons in what eventually becomes the human brain.
20060723             Developed —BEFORE most anything else, these neurons are in place —JUST—31—DAYS—AFTER fertilization.
20060723             "We hypothesize that these predecessor neurons may be 1—TRANSIENT population involved in determining the number of functional radial units including the human specific regions of the cerebral cortex mediating higher cognitive functions," Rakic said.
20060723             "As 1—NEXT—STEP it is essential to determine their neural stem cell lineage, pattern of gene expression, developmental role and eventual fate".
20060723             Feds Arrest Private Eye at HOPE
20060723             "FBI agents —TODAY arrested STEVEN—RAMBAM, the owner of 1—COMPANY that bills itself as the largest privately held online investigative service in THE—USA, according to Washingtonpost_com's Security Fix blog. From the story: 'Rambam was arrested this afternoon by FBI agents —JUST moments —BEFORE he was to lead 1—PANEL—DISCUSSION on privacy here at THE—HOPE—HACKER—CONFERENCE—IN—NEW—YORK City. Rambam and 3—OTHER—PANELISTS were to discuss how they dug up -- in —JUST 4.—5—HOURS—OF searching private and public databases -- more than 500—PAGES—WORTH—OF—DATA on HOPE—ATTENDEE—RICK—DAKAN, who agreed to be THE—GUINEA—PIG—FOR—THE—PROJECT.'"
20060723             Unwetter in Süddeutschland: Tornado deckt Häuser ab
20060723             Kosmologie: Das maßgeschneiderte Universum
20060723             —REAGIERT, Debatte: Warum ISRAEL—RICHTIG, - Krise in Nahost: SYRIEN droht mit Krieg
20060723             NORDKOREA: KIM—JONG—IL heiratet seine Sekretärin
20060723             DATEI—ZUKUNFT: Streit um die REVOLUTION—KRIEG in GAZA: Die 2. Front
20060723             Krise in Nahost: HAIFA erneut im RAKETENHAGEL—LIBANON: Rent a Warzone
20060723             That's USA—KIDS used as bartering chips for ISRAEL.
20060723             - M. R.
20060723             —UPDATED, Search engine, to v0.6.3
20060723             Significant performance improvements and rebuild of all subindices was the main goal of this update.
20060723             911 : THE—LOST "terror drill"? — 20060723—10000000    —AROUND, He said the wooden boats, all apparently destroyed, make up 1—SORT—OF "missing link" in THE—HISTORY—OF—SHIPBUILDING because of the fusion of old and new techniques in 1—SINGLE—BOAT.
20060723             In addition, a 20011209             TORONTO Star article reprinted here, stated that "Operation NORTH—VIGILANCE is called off. Any simulated information, what's known as an 'inject,' is purged from the screens".
20060723             In addition, a 20011209             TORONTO Star article reprinted here, stated that "Operation NORTH—VIGILANCE is called off.
20060723             —SIMULATED, Any, information,
20060723             THE—WAR—GAMES—OF—20060900             20051111             20060723             In addition, a 20011209             TORONTO Star article reprinted here, stated that "Operation NORTH—VIGILANCE is called off.
20060723             THE—WAR—GAMES—OF—20060900              20051111             20060723             THE—WAR—GAMES—OF—20060900             20051111             20060723             In addition, a 20011209             TORONTO Star article reprinted here, stated that "Operation NORTH—VIGILANCE is called off.
20060723             —LAMBASTED, THE—TELEVISION—SPOT, which has been, by critics as 1—POLITICAL—EXPLOITATION—OF—20060911             —THE, attacks Democrat challenger REPRESENTATIVE—SHERROD—BROWN for being weak on NATIONAL—SECURITY.
20060723             —STARTED, It all, 20060911             not 20010000             but 19220000             Jewish interests in THE—USA—MADE 1—DEAL with GREAT—BRITAIN, to get THE—USA—INTO the war against GERMANY in exchange for Palestine.
20060723             Meet JOHN—RENDON, BUSH—GENERAL in the propaganda WAR—BY JAMES—BAMFORD, published in THE—ROLLING—STONE 20051117             20060723             In the 1. weeks —FOLLOWING 20060911             —THE—ATTACKS, Rendon operated at 1—FRANTIC—PITCH... "We functioned [24] hours —1—DAY. We maintained situational awareness, in military terms, on all things related to terrorism. We were doing 195—NEWSPAPERS and 43—COUNTRIES in 14 or 15—LANGUAGES."..
20060723             THE—WAR—GAMES—OF—20060900              20051111             20060723—20010911    —ON, "THE—SMOKE—WAS—NEVER—IN 1—HALO like that," Corley says.
20060723—15720000    —IN, "They are so rare that the last 1—KNOWN in our galaxy was seen by the great DENMARK—ASTRONOMER Tycho Brahe, who 1. coined the term nova, for "new star", not realizing he was in fact witnessing the violent END—OF—1—UNKNOWN—STAR. It has long been believed that type 1a supernovae are the death throes of 1—WHITE—DWARF—STAR. But all modern ones have been so distant that it has not been possible to see what had been there beforehand".
20060723—19980000    —SINCE, 4—MILLION—PEOPLE have † in CONGO, HALF—OF—THEM children under 5, according to THE—INTERNATIONAL—RESCUE Committee.
20060723—20010911    —ON, "THE—SMOKE—WAS—NEVER—IN 1—HALO like that," Corley says.
20060723—20010911    —HAPPENED, What really, at the Pentagon in WASHINGTON—DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA ?
20060723—20010911    —REVEALED, THE—PENTAGON—INSIDER—WHO, the cynical lies behind THE—VIETNAM—WAR—DISASTER has concluded that THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION probably orchestrated or at least allowed the horrific ATTACKS—AGAINST AMERICA.
20060723—20051211    —ON, THE—WAR—GAMES—OF—20060900              20051111             20060723             911 : THE—LOST "terror drill"? - 20041211             20060726             MARK—CHURCH.S—MARK—CHURCH - 20051211             —GOOGLE Video Blogged with Flock
20060723—20051211    —ON, 911 : THE—LOST "terror drill"? - 20041211             20060726             MARK—CHURCH.S—MARK—CHURCH - 20051211             —GOOGLE Video Blogged with Flock
20060723—20060725    —ON, police said 1—GASTON—YOUTH (18) confessed to weekend sniping.
20060723—20060727    —TESTED, Reports Landis said had, positive for THE—MALE—SEX hormone testosterone.
20060723—20060911    —ON, In the video, the north tower, which was struck 1., is undamaged.
20060726—20060724    —ON, WA (link has been removed from website and Google Cache)3) Avian Flu pandemic drills 20060717—20280717    —FROM—TO in Vermont4) AUSTRALIA—DISASTER—DRILLS 20060717             —FROM—285) Volunteers needed for TERROR—IST response drill at WASHINGTON 20060723             —ON—6) Stadium TERROR—ISM exercise "Poi Bowl 20060000             "planned —FOR—JULY
20060727—20060723    —ON, "They included 4—GHANAIANS injured by artillery fire —ON—MONDAY and 1—PEACEKEEPER shot through the back ".
20060729—20060723    —ON, PUERTO—RICO, drug kingpin JOSE—LOPEZ—ROSARIO (19760000             *), who allegedly controlled the drug trade in THE—USA—ISLAND—NORTHEASTERN region, † from gunshot wounds received.
20070301             PALESTINE—PUNDIT: 20060723             20070723             In the 1. political debate of its kind, all 8—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY contenders, appearing on CNN, fielded questions submitted by the public on THE—INTERNET—VIDEO—SHARING—SITE—YOUTUBE.
20070301             PALESTINE—PUNDIT: 20060723             20070301             War pimp alert: Bush + Blair lay out LEBANON plan but warn TEHRAN : As they set... Congresswoman Woolsey Calls for REPEAL—OF—PRESIDENT—IRAQ—WAR—POWERS...
20070301             PALESTINE—PUNDIT: 20060723             20070301             PALESTINE—PUNDIT: 20060723             20070301             PALESTINE—PUNDIT: 20060723             20070723             In the 1. political debate of its kind, all 8—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY contenders, appearing on CNN, fielded questions submitted by the public on THE—INTERNET—VIDEO—SHARING—SITE—YOUTUBE.
20070415—FRIDAY, 20070406             20070723—20040700    —DATE20070723—20070406    —ON, 1—FEDERAL—JURY awarded Trulove $10—MILLION in damages with THE—CITY—OF—S—FRANCISCO responsible.
20070723             Securities Commission issues ban AGAINS—MARK—VALENTINE (20210502             ) Securities Commission issues ban AGAINS—MARK—VALENTINE (20210502             ).
20070723             ANNA—KOURNIKOVA zu der Party des Milliardärs Arcadi Gaydamak am 21. - 20070508             20070723             ANNA—KOURNIKOVA—ZU—DER—PARTY—DES—MILLIARDÄRS Arcadi Gaydamak am 21. - 20070508             20070723             ANNA—KOURNIKOVA—ZU—DER—PARTY—DES—MILLIARDÄRS ARCADI—GAYDAMAK am 21. - 20070508             20070723             —SAMSTAG, 20070616             .
20070723             ANNA—KOURNIKOVA—ZU—DER—PARTY—DES—MILLIARDÄRS ARCADI—GAYDAMAK am 21. - 20070508             20070723             —SAMSTAG, 20070616             .
20070723             ANNA—KOURNIKOVA zu der Party des Milliardärs ARCADI—GAYDAMAK am 21. - 20070508             20070723             —SAMSTAG, 20070616             .
20070723             —SAMSTAG, 20070616             .
20070723             ANNA—KOURNIKOVA—ZU—DER—PARTY—DES—MILLIARDÄRS Arcadi Gaydamak am 21. - 20070508             20070723             ANNA—KOURNIKOVA—ZU—DER—PARTY—DES—MILLIARDÄRS ARCADI—GAYDAMAK am 21. - 20070508             20070723             —SAMSTAG, 20070616             .
20070723             —STARTED, THE—FIRES, 20070710             and had threatened up to 550—HOMES—NEAR THE—TOWN—OF—HAPPY—CAMP.
20070723             USA congressional investigators said the Agriculture Department has sent $1.1—BILLION in farm payments to more than 170,000 dead people over a —7—YEAR—PERIOD.
20070723             THE—USA—FDA said people should —IMMEDIATELY throw away more than 90—DIFFERENT—PRODUCTS, from chili sauce to corned beef hash to dog food, produced at 1—CASTLEBERRY plant in AUGUSTA—GEORGIA, linked to 1—BOTULISM—OUTBREAK.
20070723             —GUNNED, S—FRANCISCO—SEU—KUKA, (28) was, down in the Sunnydale Housing projects of Visitacion Valley.
20070723             —APPEARED, Trulove had, on 1—VH1 reality show, "I—LOVE—NEW—YORK 2," —JUST—3—MONTHS—AFTER the slaying.
20070723             —CRASHED, NORTH—CALIFORNIA, 1—HELICOPTER, —WHILE delivering water to firefighters in the Klamath National Forest, killing the pilot.
20070723             More than 1,100 fire crews were battling 1—CLUSTER—OF about 30—LIGHTNING—SPARKED fires covering 14—SQUARE—MILES—NEAR—THE—OREGON—STATE—LINE.
20070723             —ASSAULTED, His wife and 1—DAUGHTER were sexually.
20070723             —DOUSED, THE—GIRLS, aged 11 and 17, were tied to their beds, in gasoline, and left to die in 1—FIRE.
20070723             STEVEN—HAYES, —44—JAHRE—ALT and JOSHUA—KOMISARJEVSKY, —27—JAHRE—ALT, on parole —AT—THE—TIME—FOR—OTHER—BURGLARIES, were accused of their murder.
20070723             Prosecutors —LATER said they will seek the death penalty.
20070723             1—WILDFIRE in SOUTH—IDAHO had covered more than 880—SQUARE—MILES, growing by about 200—SQUARE—MILES—IN —JUST—24—HOURS —DURING the weekend.
20070723             Fire officials said it threatened tracking and radar facilities at Mountain Home AIR—FORCE bombing and firing range, which is used by pilots training for duty in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN.
20070723             —FACED, Firefighters in CENTRAL—UTAH, 1—THREAT—OF—STRONG—WIND gusts as they battled 1—HUGE wildfire, where several small communities were evacuated.
20070723             —ARRESTED, Zhenli Ye Gon was, in 1—MARYLAND restaurant, —4—MONTHS—AFTER police discovered $207—MILLION at his MEXICO—CITY—MANSION in what USA—OFFICIALS have called the world's biggest SEIZURE—OF—DRUG—CASH.
20070723             MEXICO—OFFICIALS had —60—DAYS to file their legal arguments for Ye GON—EXTRADITION.
20070723             —CLAIMED, Ye Gon has, that $150—MILLION—OF—THE—MONEY—BELONGED—TO—MEXICO—RULING—PARTY, and that he was forced to store it for party officials in his mansion under THREAT—OF—DEATH —DURING 20060000             —THE—PRESIDENTIAL—RACE.
20070723             Ye Gon —LATER told USA—PROSECUTORS he had sold TONS—OF—1—CHEMICAL used to make methamphetamine on the black market.
20070723             —TAPPED, Genial comic DREW—CAREY—WAS, to replace legend BOB—BARKER—ON—THE—CBS—DAYTIME—GAME—SHOW "THE—PRICE—IS—RIGHT".
20070723             —KILLED, In SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN troops, at least 75—MILITANTS in 3—SEPARATE—BATTLES, —WHILE the Taliban extended the deadline for the lives of 23—SOUTH—KOREAN—HOSTAGES—UNTIL THE—EVENING—OF—20070724             .
20070723             —KILLED, NORWAY said 1—IF its soldiers was, in Logar province, and NATO said 1—SOLDIER was killed in the south.
20070723             A roadside blast killed 4—USA—SOLDIERS in EAST—PAKTIKA province.
20070723             —REPORTED, It was, that RIO—POLICE—HAD—KILLED 449—PEOPLE—SINCE January, many in clashes with drug traffickers, —WHILE more than 60—POLICE—OFFICERS lost their lives.
20070723             —OPENED, FORMER—UK—PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR, in his new capacity as 1—MIDEAST envoy, his mission to help Palestinians build solid foundations for their future state.
20070723             Foreign MINISTER—PETER—MACKAY—SAID—CANADA—WILL—GIVE—THE—NEW—PALESTINE—GOVERNMENT C$8—MILLION ($7.6—MILLION) in direct aid and more could follow —NOW that Hamas is no longer in the government.
20070723             † JOHN—GILMAN, —65—JAHRE—ALT, developer of FieldTurf, 1—ARTIFICIAL—GRASS that replaced AstroTurf, at his home in MONTREAL.
20070723             —BASED, THE—FIELDTURF—TECHNOLOGY—WAS, on patents filed by golfer FREDDIE—HAAS—JUNIOR.
20070723             —SUGGESTED, Fidel Castro, that a 2—TIME CUBA—OLYMPIC—BOXING champion and his teammate had defected, blaming their disappearance at the Pan USA—GAMES in BRAZIL on USA—MONEY.
20070723             THE—EUROPEAN—UNION took the 1. step towards sending forces to CHAD—AND—THE—CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLICAN to help THE—UNITED—NATIONS protect refugees trapped in the violent region bordering Darfur.
20070723             1—GREECE—FIREFIGHTING—PLANE crashed, killing 1—OF—ITS—2—MEMBER crew —WHILE trying to stop 1—FOREST—FIRE reaching homes on THE—ISLAND—OF—EVIA.
20070723             —STUFFED, INDIA—OFFICIALS said DOZENS—OF—PLASTIC—BAGS, with body parts believed to be from aborted female fetuses or newborn girls killed because their families wanted boys have been found in 1 abandoned well in EAST—INDIA.
20070723             Officials said flash floods and landslides in CENTRAL—INDONESIA have inundated villages, destroyed bridges and roads, and sent thousands fleeing their homes with over 80—PEOPLE killed.
20070723             3 parked cars exploded within —30—MINUTES in 1—PREDOMINANTLY Shiite area in BAGHDAD, killing at least 12—PEOPLE.
20070723             —PACKED, Another car, with explosives blew up on the main road about 200—YARDS from 1—ENTRY—POINT to THE—USA—CONTROLLED Green Zone, killing at least 4—IRAQIS.
20070723             —EXPLODED, Also in BAGHDAD 1—BOMB, on 1—MINIBUS near 1—BUSY—COMMERCIAL—AREA, killing 1—PERSON and wounding 9—OTHERS.
20070723             1—ROADSIDE bomb struck 1—IRAQ—ARMY—PATROL—NEAR THE—IRAN—BORDER, killing 5—TROOPS.
20070723             —AMBUSHED, Also near THE—IRAN—BORDER, gunmen, 1—CONVOY—OF—TRUCKS loaded with goods being sent from major wholesale markets in BAGHDAD to Khanaqin, 90—MILES—NORTH—EAST—OF—BAGHDAD.
20070723             5—PEOPLE were killed and 3—OTHERS kidnapped.
20070723             —KILLED, In WEST—ANBAR province at least 2—POLICEMEN were, and 10 wounded —WHEN 1—WOMAN hiding 1—EXPLOSIVES belt under her Islamic gown blew herself up as she was about to be searched at 1—CHECKPOINT on the western outskirts of Ramadi.
20070723             —KILLED, At least 59—PEOPLE were, or found dead nationwide.
20070723             ISRAEL—POLICE—SAID 9—ISRAELIS SUSPECTED—OF—TRAFFICKING in organs and humans have been arrested and remain in custody.
20070723             —OPENED, THE—CASE—WAS, —WHEN 1—ISRAEL—WOMAN—FILED 1—POLICE—COMPLAINT charging that she was not paid —AFTER her kidney was removed in UKRAINE.
20070723             —KILLED, NIGERIA—POLICE said at least 10—PEOPLE were, over the weekend and dozens sustained burns in THE—SOUTH—DELTA—STATE—AFTER adulterated kerosene they were using in their stoves exploded.
20070723             —KILLED, In SOUTH—WEST—NIGERIA at least 6—PEOPLE were, and several trapped —WHEN a 3—STOREY building under construction collapsed.
20070723             NORTH—WAZIRISTAN, PAKISTAN, 2—SECURITY—POSTS came under rocket attack and 1—ARMY—CONVOY was attacked.
20070723             —KILLED, At least 20—MILITANTS and 2—SOLDIERS were, in fighting.
20070723             ABEL—MUTSAKANI, THE—EDITOR—OF—1—INDEPENDENT—ZIMBABWE—NEWS—SERVICE based in SOUTH—AFRICA, was shot and seriously wounded in JOHANNESBURG.
20070723             —ACCUSED, Police, him of being 1—DOUBLE—AGENT for RUSSIA.
20070723             —SPEED, 1—ATTEMPT to break 1—AVIATION, record went horribly wrong —WHEN 1—SMALL "experimental" plane crashed through 1—APARTMENT building in THE—SWITZERLAND—CITY—OF—BASEL, killing the pilot and injuring at least 3—OTHER—PEOPLE.
20070723             -According to a- article in THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES.
20070723             ' is congratulating itself profusely for its YouTube debate + they showed 1—LOT—OF—EXCELLENT—QUESTIONS.
20070723             —REFUSED, But they, to show the #1 video as voted on by visitors to CommunityCounts.
20070723             THE—HANDS—DOWN winning question was on impeachment.' 7/26
20070723             Senators finally waking up to the idea of 1—SPECIAL—PROSECUTOR for ALBERTO—GONZALES;
20070723             This has been necessary for 1—LONG, long time.
20070723             'Mutilated,' - 'Tortured,' And
20070723             'Unidentified BODIES'—BAGHDAD, Rise To 'PRE—SURGE LEVELS'—WHAT Americans Want:
20070723             A Response to the/YouTube Candidate Q&A -- A BuzzFlash News Analysis
20070723             THE—BUZZFLASH—MAILBAG -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
20070723             Search results for "Colby "
20070723             —ABANDONED, His, sailboat was loaded with top secret CIA files on various... [33] Kangas ' quote from FORMER—CIA—DIRECTOR—WILLIAM—COLBY—SAYS—IT—ALL: "THE—CIA...
20070723             Störsender gegen RUSSLAND—AUSLANDSRUNDFUNK...
20070723             RUSSLAND—AKTUELL—USA—WAFFENSYSTEME im IRAK auf beiden Seiten So teilt die Moskauer Firma "Aviakonversia" mit, sie habe ihre Störsender...
20070723             RUSSLAND Geschichte: Einmarsch im Baltikum.
20070723             CHART—KING—NEWS, Charts, TICKET—SHOP, Biografien, Community...
20070723             —BERICHTET, Wie die "Bild", verkauft er seine einsam gelegene Villa in NORWEGEN und...
20070723             ANNA—KOURNIKOVA—ZU—DER—PARTY—DES—MILLIARDÄRS Arcadi Gaydamak am 21.
20070723             Hitzewelle: Piloten sterben im Kampf gegen Waldbrände
20070723             SACHSEN—ANHALT: Polizist fällt bei NEONAZI—PARTY AUF—WITHOUT 1—PLOT, is Padilla guilty?
20070723             Government lawyers argue that 1—SERIES—OF—SHADY phone calls and 1—FEW documents are enough to establish the existence of 1—TERROR—CONSPIRACY + send all 3—DEFENDANTS to prison potentially for the rest of their lives.
20070723             Bush Executive Order: Criminalizing the Antiwar Movement:
20070723             —PROMPTED, Which, THOM—TO—INTERVIEW—HIM.
20070723             He argues that we are very, very close to 1—SCENARIO where THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION could instate 1—DICTATORIAL police state yes, in AMERICA.
20070723             USA to extradite Noriega to FRANCE : MANUEL—NORIEGA—WILL—BE—EXTRADITED—TO—FRANCE to serve a —10—YEAR—SENTENCE for money laundering upon his release from prison in FLORIDA this fall, according to Justice Department papers filed in COURT—TUESDAY.
20070723             Lockerbie: Evidence Fabricated by CIA : Long —BEFORE THE—SCOTLAND—CRIMINAL—CASES—REVIEW—COMMISSION (SCCRC) announced its spectacular decision to grant 1—FRESH—APPEAL to THE—LIBYA—MAN convicted of the worst ACT—OF—TERROR in THE—UK, Lord Fraser, who issued the warrant for his arrest, had expressed doubts about the initial verdict.
20070723             Cynthia McKinney on USA—BLACKOUT, stolen elections, the Green Party : Cynthia McKinney talks about USA—BLACKOUT, who really stole 20000000             —THE—AND 20040000             elections (it wasn't Nader) as well as her 20020000             and 20060000             congressional races.
20070723             She thanks the Green Party for their efforts in OHIO 20040000             recount attempt.
20070723             How to Sell 1—ENDLESS—WAR:
20070723             MANY—OF—THE—ELEMENTS—USED—TO—SELL—THAT—ATTACK on IRAQ--the intelligence dossiers, the unsourced revelations, the denigration of hard evidence, THE—COSYING—UP to prominent exiles--are —NOW being used to sell 1—ATTACK on IRAN.
20070723             With SOME— 22—MINUTES OUT—OF—EVERY—HOUR on USA—TV given over
20070723             Bush says USA, PAKISTAN targeting AL—QAEDA 'SAFE—HAVEN' :
20070723             —EXPRESSED, In his weekly radio address, Bush, full USA—SUPPORT for PAKISTAN PRESIDENT—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF—EFFORTS "to rid ALL—OF—PAKISTAN—OF—EXTREMISM" including 1—AL—QAEDA "safe haven" in tribal areas.
20070723             Action in tribal areas can SPLIT Pak army' : Time magazine quoting 1—FORMER—HEAD—OF—THE—POWERFUL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY—INTER—SERVICES—INTELLIGENCE said MANY—FOREIGN—OBSERVERS believe that his days are numbered as LEADER—OF—PAKISTAN, raising the issue of who could possibly replace AMERICA—PRIMARY—ALLY—IN—THE—WAR—AGAINST—TERROR—IN this critical region.
20070723             PAKISTAN warns USA on unilateral 'strike':
20070723             —CALLED, PAKISTAN —ON—FRIDAY, WHITE—HOUSE—COMMENTS that USA—FORCES could unilaterally strike militant targets inside the country "irresponsible and dangerous".
20070723             UK—ARMY—RESERVES almost NON—EXISTENT—REPORT : BRITAIN has almost no reserve troops to support operations in IRAQ or AFGHANISTAN or meet unexpected emergencies, THE—HEAD—OF—THE—BRITISH—ARMY said according to 1—NEWSPAPER—REPORT—ON—SATURDAY.
20070723             War is racket : Bribery Network to Bloat War Costs Is Alleged : At THE—CORE—OF—THE—CASE—IS 1—CONTRACT that KBR, previously known as Kellogg, Brown & Root, won —BEFORE the war to supply THE—USA—MILITARY with food, fuel, housing and other necessities.
20070723             —SOARED, THE—VALUE—OF—THE—CONTRACT, with THE—IRAQ—INVASION + has so far paid KBR some $20—BILLION.
20070723             Watchdog group: Government awards contracts despite firms' misconduct : THE—PROJECT—ON—GOVERNMENT—OVERSIGHT (POGO) —YESTERDAY released 1 revamped database detailing misconduct by the top 50—GOVERNMENT—CONTRACTORS, including SOME—OF—THE—WORLD—LARGEST—MILITARY—HARDWARE, information technology, construction and energy companies.
20070723             IRAQ unions vow 'mutiny' over oil law : "This law cancels the great achievements of THE—IRAQ people," Subhi AL—BADRI, HEAD—OF—THE—IRAQI—FEDERATION—OF—UNION—COUNCILS, told THE—AL—SHARQIYAH—TV—STATION.
20070723             —NATIONALIZED, He referred specifically to laws that, IRAQ—OIL—SECTOR.
20070723             HASSAN—JUMAA, PRESIDENT—OF—IRAQI—FEDERATION—OF—OIL—UNION : Video: HASSAN—DESCRIBES—THE—UNION—CAMPAIGN against the proposed Hydrocarbon Law, which will see MUCH—OF—IRAQ—OIL—WEALTH—FALL into the hands of foreign oil companies.
20070723             It is 1—OF—THE—GREAT, dark, evil lessons, of history.
20070723             1—COUNTRY — 1—GOVERNMENT — 1—MILITARY—MACHINE — can screw up 1—WAR 7—WAYS to —SUNDAY.
20070723             —KILLED, It can get THOUSANDS—OF—ITS—PEOPLE.
20070723             It can risk THE—SAFETY—OF—ITS—CITIZENS.
20070723             It can destroy the fabric of its nation.
20070723             But as long as it can identify 1—SCAPEGOAT, it can regain or even gain power.
20070723             Video and TRANSCRIPT—FACING the Truth -
20070723             1—MARINE not only convicted of conspiring to commit kidnapping, larceny + making false statements;
20070723             but the murder — MURDER — of 1—INNOCENT—IRAQ—MAN, was given his sentence.
20070723             He is to receive 1—REDUCTION in rank and 1—BAD—CONDUCT discharge.
20070723             THIS is what AMERICA has become.
20070723             CONTINUE—RAPE By Another Name - - FORCE—FEEDING at GUANTANAMO -
20070723             Twice —1—DAY at THE—USA—MILITARY—PRISON here, ABDUL—RAHMAN—SHALABI and ZAID—SALIM—ZUHAIR—AHMED—ARE—STRAPPED—DOWN—IN—PADDED—RESTRAINT chairs and flexible yellow tubes are inserted through their noses and throats.
20070723             —MIXED, Milky nutritional supplements, with water and olive oil to add calories and ease constipation, pour into their stomachs.
20070723             Working For THE—CLAMPDOWN—BY JAMES—BOVARD—HOW MANY—PIPE—BOMBS might it take to end USA—DEMOCRACY?
20070723             Far fewer than it would have taken —1—YEAR—AGO.
20070723             No Wonder THE—BLOGGERS—ARE—WINNING—BY ROBERT—FISK—THESE gutless papers explain why more people are Googling than turning pages.
20070723             Trouble in Hedgistan: "Its gonna get 1—LOT—WORSE" -
20070723             THE—COMPILED—ASSETS—OF—THE—BEAR—STERNS HIGH—GRADE Structured Credit Strategies FUND—NEARLY $20—BILLION—HAVE vanished into THE—MIASMA—OF—CYBER—SPACE where they will soon be joined by $1.4—TRILLION—OF—OTHER, equally worthless, Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDO).
20070723             Börsenboom: Wertvollste BANK—DER—WELT kommt —NUN aus CHINA
20070723             AKW Brunsbüttel und Krümmel: SERIE—VON—WASSERSTOFF—EXPLOSIONEN enthüllt
20070723             Bush is threatening to veto FEDERAL—LEGISLATION that would renew the same partnership ?
20070723             and expand it to cover more of the nation's nearly 9—MILLION uninsured children.
20070723             If he follows through on that threat, Bush could face a 1. in his presidency: 1—VETO override.
20070723             More Bush evik OBSTRUCTION—OF—JUSTICE? Of Course.
20070723             —DESCRIBED, Maguire, crimes "far worse" than those of ARTHUR—ANDERSEN, the accounting giant that collapsed —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—THE—ENRON—SCANDAL.
20070723             —REMOVED, Then the Busevik DOJ, him from the case and dropped the prosecution.
20070723             THE—MAD—MAGAZINE—WAR—ON—BUSH
20070723             Media Makes Huge Deal Out Of Cheney Briefly Taking Over —DURING BUSH—COLONOSCOPY -- VERSE—CASE—SCENARIO by TONY—PEYSER
20070723             Cindy Sheehan: TIME—UP, Congress!
20070723             Impeach —NOW! -- 1—BUZZFLASH—GUEST—CONTRIBUTION
20070723             P.M. Carpenter: Nincompoop 'Strategery' 7/23
20070723             1—TRUE sacrifice for 1—GOOD—CAUSE: Topless Women for Impeachment 7/24
20070723             Reliving 1—BAD nightmare: Kerry fights battle he finds all too familiar, SENATOR—SEES—IRAQ war as history repeating;
20070723             Kerry sees the perspective that Bush will never see 7/24
20070723             Impeachment -- and 1—OMINOUS—EXECUTIVE—ORDER
20070723             —NOW we learn this: "What are we waiting for?
20070723             LET—TAKE these 2—GUYS out," Conyers reportedly told the enthusiastic crowd at 1—PROGRESSIVE—DEMOCRATS—OF—AMERICA—EVENT in S—DIEGO.
20070723             —REPEATED, He —LATER, the same line according to the caller, "KPete," who wrote more about the event at Democratic Underground —YESTERDAY.
20070723             She reported that the comment was met by "huge cheers".
20070723             1—SIMILAR—ACCOUNT—OF—CONYERS—STATEMENT was offered by progressive talk show host Bree Walker who also attended the same event.
20070723             —URGED, Conyers reportedly, patience in the process + asked for everyone's support as things moved forward 1. with Cheney + then with Bush.
20070723             —VERKAUFTEN, FRANKFURT am MAIN—DIE Anleger, die USA—WÄHRUNG und fragten die als sicher geltenden Staatsanleihen nach.
20070723             Der Euro stieg zeitweise auf 1,3846 Dollar, bevor er wieder leicht abrutschte.
20070723             "Im Moment ist die USA—HYPOTHEKENKRISE das alles beherrschende Thema, und die Entwicklung dort ist natürlich nicht gut für den Dollar", sagte der Händler.
20070723             Angesichts der aktuellen Risikoaversion der Anleger sei die Marke von 1,40 Dollar für den Euro —IN—DEN—NÄCHSTEN—TAGEN durchaus zu knacken.
20070723             Zum GROSSBRITANNIEN—PFUND und dem NEUSEELAND—DOLLAR fiel der Greenback auf den tiefsten Stand —SEIT mehr als —20—JAHREN.
20070723             In der vergangenen —WOCHE hatte der CHEF—DER—USA—NOTENBANK, BEN—BERNANKE, den aus den Schwierigkeiten am Markt mit zweitklassigen Hypotheken absehbaren Schaden auf —BIS zu 100—MILLIARDEN Dollar geschätzt.
20070723             Analysten gingen davon aus, dass die Krise sich noch EINIGE—ZEIT hinziehen werde.
20070723             "Das gestiegene Zinsniveau und die restriktivere Kreditvergabe der Banken infolge vermehrter Kreditausfälle
20070723             belasten die Nachfrage nach Wohnimmobilien, so dass 1—ERHOLUNG am Immobilienmarkt —ZUNÄCHST nicht in Sicht ist", stellten die Analysten von HSBC in einer Kurzstudie fest.
20070723             Weiterer Hedgefonds warnt
20070723             —NACHDEM 2—HEDGEFONDS von Bear Stearns im Zuge der USA—IMMOBILIEN—KRISE —BEREITS ins Trudeln geraten waren,hat inzwischen auch der AUSTRALIEN—HEDGEFONDS Basis CAPITAL—SEINE—INVESTOREN vor hohen Verlusten gewarnt.
20070723             Die GROSSBRITANNIEN—REGIERUNG sieht sich mittlerweile heftiger Kritik an ihrem Krisenmanagement ausgesetzt.
20070723             Die Bevölkerung sei zu spät und nicht ausreichend über die zu erwartenden Niederschlagsmengen informiert worden:
20070723             "Es war —SEIT—TAGEN bekannt, dass so etwas passieren würde", sagte SIR—MENZIES—CAMPBELL—VON—DEN—LIBERALEN—DEM "GUARDIAN".
20070723             Der konservative Oppositionsführer DAVID—CAMERON, dessen Wahlkreis Whitney in Oxfordshire zu dem am schlimmsten betroffenen Gebieten gehörte, sagte:
20070723             "Die Menschen wollen Antworten".
20070723             Nervöse Finanzmärkte: USA—IMMOBILIEN—KRISE drückt Dollar noch tiefer
20070723             Briten kontra Russen: Hickhack um LITWINENKO—VERDÄCHTIGEN
20070723             UNTERWASSER—ABENTEUER: Blubbern im U- Boot Marke Eigenbau
20070723             Umfrage in Industrieländern: Mehrheit pfeift auf Globalisierung
20070723             INTERNET—ÜBERWACHUNG: Ein bisschen POLIZEI—SHOW an der ONLINE—FRONT
20070723             INTERNET—COOKIES: Branchengiganten entdecken den Datenschutz
20070723             Globale Epidemie: AIDS—EXPERTEN gestehen Versagen ein
20070723             Kranke Arbeitnehmer: Drastische Zunahme psychischer Erkrankungen
20070723             Umstrittenes Abkommen: USA erhalten Zugriff auf 19—DATEN—VON—EU—PASSAGIEREN
20070723             Flutkatastrophe in ENGLAND: 150.000—MENSCHEN ohne Trinkwasser, 40.000—OHNE Strom
20070723             —GEMACHT, Studie: Klimawandel hat ENGLAND nasser
20070723             BP—AMOCO, coalition pétrolière ANGLO—SAXONNE [Voltaire]
20070723             BP—AMOCO, coalition pétrolière ANGLO—SAXONNE | Capitalisme d'États | BP—AMOCO n'est pas seulement une compagnie pétrolière, la troisième au monde...
20070723             Case Studies: Helping BP Amoco Set the Pace in the "e" World
20070723             Booz ALLEN—PROFESSIONAL—EXCELLENCE—AWARD—WINNING team uses E—TECHNOLOGY to help realign BP /AMOCO—MANAGEMENT information baseline in THE—POST—MERGER...
20070723             ALEXANDER—GAS & Oil CONNECTIONS—BP—AMOCO merger
20070723             THE—COMBINED—ENTERPRISE, which is the largest ever industrial merger, will be called BP Amoco p.l.c. It will be headquartered in LONDON and will be...
20070723             THE—NEW—USA—UK—OIL—IMPERIALISM
20070723             THE—NEW—STANDARD—OIL—REGIME—IS —NOW known as BP—AMOCO + few people in the world realize what has happened.
20070723             It's —NOW possible to understand why British.
20070723             —SUCCEEDED, If only Taft had, in his call for 1—SENATE—INVESTIGATION.
20070723             Foster Wheeler settlement gets preliminary OK | WILKES—BARRE News...
20070723             The $1.64—MILLION—SETTLEMENT in the contamination CLASS—ACTION lawsuit against Foster Wheeler Corp. has been preliminarily approved by 1—FEDERAL—COURT—JUDGE...
20070723             Foster Wheeler Corp. Improper Industrial Solvent Disposal Class action settlement.
20070723             Oil Traders Companies and Middlemen
20070723             —PROVED, THE—VERY—SUBSTANTIAL—PROFIT—FROM—THE—CLANDESTINE—SUPPLY—OF—OIL to SOUTH—AFRICA has, 1—GREAT—ATTRACTION + THE—SOUTH—AFRICA—COURTS have witnessed the battles over the spoils as the thieves have fallen out.
20070723             THE—ADVOCATE—GENERAL allegedly clears SOUTH—AFRICA—OFFICIALS—OF improper enrichment, yet
20070723             his own Report details in extensio the substantial premiums that were written into the contracts + were divided among the intermediaries:
20070723             (Section 6.4. 11)
20070723             —AUTHORISED, THE—CASES—IN—THE—COURTS—REVEAL—THAT middlemen were, to disburse substantial additional commissions —WHEN setting up the deals.
20070723             There were no checks on those individuals who were the ultimate beneficiaries of this bribery.
20070723             THE—REPORT—OF—THE—ADVOCATE—GENERAL provides evidence that would stand up in ANY—COURT—OF—LAW, that THE—2—OIL—TRADERS, JOHN—DEUSS + MARC—RICH, contracted to supply THE—PRETORIA—REGIME—WITH—EMBARGOED—OIL.
20070723             —OUTLINED, Discussions over prices, premiums and terms are, for a —3—YEAR—CONTRACT with JOHN—DEUSS—TO—SUPPLY 4—MILLION—TONS—OF—CRUDE—OIL per annum + —LATER 1—ADDITIONAL 2—MILLION tons.
20070723             THE—MARC—RICH—CONTRACT was for the delivery of 17—CONSIGNMENTS over —1—YEAR.
20070723             —SUPPLIED, JOHN—DEUSS + MARC—RICH—ARE—KNOWN—TO—HAVE, crude oil and products under 1—NUMBER—OF—OTHER—CONTRACTS with THE—SFF, Shell and Total.
20070723             Amongst their cargoes have been BRENT—CRUDE (UK—NORTH—SEA) + Ekofisk (Norwegian).
20070723             —INVOLVED, Both these traders are still, in this trade.
20070723             THE—AFRICA—NATIONAL—CONGRESS + SWAPO—OF—NAMIBIA urge all governments to take legal action against these 2—CRIMINALS and refuse ANY—FURTHER—DEALINGS with them.
20070723             —ENGAGED, They should also penalise all others, in this nefarious trade.
20070723             Companies Providing Technology, CAPITAL—EQUIPMENT and Finance.
20070723             I'm told CLINTON—MARC—RICH—PARDON is leading in 1—MOST unpleasant direction...
20070723             —CALLED, These descendants of the priestly line, —NOW, themselves Rex Deus...
20070723             Welcome the prosecutor! | TPMCafe... but what deus ex machina is supposed to make that 1—MEANINGFUL—ISSUE?
20070723             but it would not surprise me afterall Libby Was 1—OF—MARC—RICH—ATTORNIES.
20070723             THE—MINISTER, THE—MONEY—BAGS and the Money Launderer: 1—CAUTIONARY...
20070723             —FROM USA—COMMODITIES—TRADER, MARC—RICH ) to BP Amoco for $6.75—BILLION.
20070723             yet step in as 1—DEUS EX—MACHINA to assert THE—RIGHT—OF—THE—RUSSIA—STATE.
20070723             Squeeze the Pulp™ :: View TOPIC—UTTERLY + completely revolting.
20070723             Nahhhhh, Dick —JUST thinks he's Deus.
20070723             7—SRB—REPORTS and CRITERIA—CASE with JOHN—C—DEUSS + MARC—RICH.
20070723             —ACTED, Because Deuss, in 1—LESS—COMPLEX. way THE—SRB—SOON—DISCOVERED—HIS—SHIPMENTS, whereas Rich remained longer a...
20070723             MARK—THATCHER—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia
20070723             —ADDED, THE—SPOKESMAN, Armand Deus, : "I cannot say why it will not be renewed.
20070723             mansion in Constantia, 1—RICH—DISTRICT—OF—CAPE—TOWN, SOUTH—AFRICA.
20070723             Bush Won't PROMISE—TO—PARDON—BORDER—AGENTS—HIS—FRIEND—SCOOTER Libby was the lawyer who worked for MARC—RICH—FOR—YEARS—WHILE he broke the law + was pardoned.
20070723             It boggles my mind as to how Scooter...
20070723             Letters: Play peak oil —BEFORE you live IT—SALON MARK—RICH—CAME—FROM—VERY—MEAGER—BEGINNINGS to be a "metal man", as did Deuss + 1—FEW select others.
20070723             Bank on them, not the academics.
20070723             -- BEN—DOVER... - Scoop: Mazur: JOHN—DEUSS—OIL—TRADER—MAX—BERNEGGER—SPEAKS
20070723             Deuss had less influence and connections in RUSSIA than MARC—RICH.
20070723             Deuss had this strength because OMAN was behind him.
20070723             Suzan Mazur: What more can you say.
20070723             —TROUBLED, Oil in, waters | GUARDIAN daily comment | GUARDIAN Unlimited
20070723             Within the —YEAR, Deuss found 18m TONS—OF—OIL, MOST—OF—IT from SAUDI—ARABIA.
20070723             Elsevier.NL—WEEKBLAD—HOE er miljarden worden verdiend aan...
20070723             Tegen JOHN—DEUSS—BIJVOORBEELD, de Nederlander die een deel VAN zijn miljardenvermogen aan de...
20070723             Lange tijd was multimiljardair MARC—RICH—DE—MEEST—GEZOCHTE... - OIL FUELS APARTHEID
20070723             2—OIL—TRADERS—FEATURE prominently inn thee ADVOCATE—GENERAL—REPORT:
20070723             JOHN—DEUSS—OF—THE—NETHERLANDS—AND—THE—USA—TAX evader MARC—RICH—NOW living in...
20070723             —BY THE—TIME—OF—THE—INDICTMENT, Valentine had fled to EUROPE.
20070723             —ARRESTED, Valentine was, in GERMANY + extradited to THE—USA—WHERE in
20070723             —FROM BERMUDA to BERMUDA Short
20070723             —PLUNGED, Valentine and Chell, into hedge fund trading and set up 2—OFFSHORE funds called VC Advantage Ltd and CANADA—ADVANTAGE—LP.
20070723             —MANAGED, Chell reportedly, THE—VC—ADVANTAGE—LTD—FUND, —WHILE Valentine led THE—CANADA—ADVANTAGE—FUND into SOME—DUBIOUS offshore transactions, including the transfer of worthless securities to the fund for over $1—MILLION—OF—ITS—CASH, 1—DEAL allegedly arranged by Valentine and 1—ASSOCIATE in BERMUDA.
20070723             According to the "Globe and Mail," it was transactions such as this that prompted THOMSON—KERNAGHAN—EMPLOYEES—TO—TURN—TO—AUTHORITIES, despite VALENTINE—PRESTIGE as 1—SUCCESSFUL—BAY Street trader and jetsetting broker for celebrity clients.
20070723             THE—FDIC, stuck with 1—OF—THE—LARGEST—BANK—FAILURE—LOSSES—SINCE the savings and loan crisis of the early 1990s, sought to recover funds from Meglar and Bakkebo.
20070723             1—WEST—VIRGINIA news report says that in addition to the jury award of $161—MILLION to FDIC in the Bakkebo case, over $1—MILLION was obtained separately from Meglar by THE—FDIC.
20070723             (For more information on the colossal collapse of the 1. National BANK—OF—KEYSTONE, see Feature story
20070723             Actueel nieuws: Deuss en de Amerikanski's (2) - Deuss en de Amerikanski's (2). woensdag
20070723             —POSED, In a 2. sting, THE—FBI, as COLOMBIA—DRUG—DEALERS looking to launder cocaine money.
20070723             Company executives and money managers caught in the scam had agreed to launder up to $1.4—MILLION—USA.
20070723             —CHARGED, Valentine was not, as PART—OF—THAT sting operation, but 4—VANCOUVER men have been charged
20070723             of ANC CHIEF—WHIP—TONY—YENGENI—FOR—RECEIVING 1—KICKBACK in the arms deal.
20070723             SBV Forensics | Nieuwsberichten
20070723             Apartheid corruption text.PRIME—MINISTER—D—
20070723             Middlemen such as JOHN—DEUSS, MARC—RICH, Mario... receiving 1—KICKBACK from the middlemen if this was built into his price.
20070723             There is.
20070723             declare taxes on a $7—MILLION kickback earned from 1—KAZAKHSTAN—OIL—DEAL.
20070723             Family fortunes... years —LATER, —WHEN Deuss had fallen OUT—OF—FAVOUR.
20070723             Marlena Telvick: Manhattan JUDGE—RULES—ON—PRE—TRIAL—MOTIONS...
20070723             It had nothing to do with 1—KICKBACK," he said.
20070723             Deuss (as PRESIDENT—OF—THE—STATE—RUN—OIL—COMPANY—OMAN Oil Company (OOC)) made demands on Chevron that.
20070723             —CONSPIRED, THE—FBI—ALLEGES—THAT—VALENTINE, to sell off shares in 3—COMPANIES he controlled — C—ME—RUN INCORPORATED, SoftQuad Software Ltd. and JagNotes_com INCORPORATED — to the fake fund for $29.4—MILLION—USA in exchange for paying the fund a $7.8—MILLION—USA kickback.
20070723             —INDICTED, Valentine has been, on CHARGES—OF—SECURITIES—FRAUD and conspiracy.
20070723             BOB—O'BRIEN—SANITY—CHECK—SEC A Contemptible BOOT—LICKING...
20070723             —BASED, MARK—VALENTINE—WAS, in TORONTO, but ran MOST—OF—HIS naked shorting...
20070723             CONSYGEN INC—CSGI Securities Registration Statement (simplified... - Attention: MARK—VALENTINE.
20070723             Re: Amendment to 6% Convertible Debenture Subscription Agreement (the "Subscription Agreement") and related Registration Rights...
20070723             JAG MEDIA HOLDINGS INC—JAGH Unscheduled Material Events (8-K.
20070723             Stockpatrol: UPDATE: INFOTOPIA, INCORPORATED (OTCBB: IFTA) — ANOTHER SAD...
20070723             See Not Exactly VALENTINE—DAY + MARK—VALENTINE : Go Directly To Jail.
20070723             Mainly OUT—OF—CURIOUSITY did call the number in 1—OF—POSTS below and asked if it was Q CAPITAL—CORP + if MARK—VALENTINE—WAS—IN -- answer to both...
20070723             If THE—DOJ—AND—THE—FBI don't send 1—REAL "team" over to ask permission to interrogate Deuss —IMMEDIATELY, they are missing the opportunity of 1—LIFE—TIME.
20070723             —BLOCKED, If they are, by their bosses here, it will be to protect vested criminal interests.
20070723             We can be sure as hell THE—SEC—AND—THE—NASD won't be rushing to get these interviews done.
20070723             Then again, these latter clowns are probably hoping the smart money will simply whack Deuss, preferably to make it look like 1—ACCIDENT or health problem.
20070723             He didn't make $20—BILLION servicing the Girl SCOUTS—OF—AMERICA, or the B'nai B'rith.
20070723             This should be the final crystallizing event in the outing of this global scandal + literally the last nail in the coffins of the treasonous scum who have sold out their obligations as citizens, worse yet in TIME—OF—WAR.
20070723             Their passports and freedom should not be all they lose.
20070723             —ARRESTED, MARK—VALENTINE, in FBI stock fraud sting
20070723             D. Lemmon ("Lemmon "), MARK—VALENTINE ("Valentine ") and MICHAEL—VLAHOVIC ("Vlahovic")... MARK—VALENTINE, et al..
20070723             Criminal Indictment NUMBER 02—80088—CR—COHN.
20070723             Administrative Proceeding: PAUL—D—LEMMON, MARK—VALENTINE—AND... -
20070723             —SERVED, Respondent MARK—VALENTINE (Valentine ) was... Respondent MARK—VALENTINE—IS—HEREBY—BARRED—FROM—PARTICIPATING in 1—OFFERING of penny...
20070723             Connect with MARK—VALENTINE—INSTANTLY.
20070723             DOONEY—CAFE - A Short Trip Inside MARK—VALENTINE—WORLD
20070723             MARK—VALENTINE—MAY—END—UP—ON 1—POSTER as the reason Thompson Kernahan went down, but the bewildered incomprehension in the eyes of these privileged boys...
20070723             CBC—RON—CHARLES—REPORTS—ON—MARK—VALENTINE... 20070723             Antisemitism and the Extreme Right in SPAIN (1962—1997) by Jose L.
20070723             There were strong REMINDERS—OF—THE—IDEOLOGY—OF—JEAN—THIRIART, the philosopher JULIUS—EVOLA, GOBINEAU—BIOLOGICAL—RACISM, Nazi theorists such as Alfred...
20070723             ANTI—TERROR—KAMPF: USA drohen mit Militäreinsatz in PAKISTAN
20070723             Übernahmepoker um ABN: Investoren aus CHINA und SINGAPUR helfen Barclays
20070723             1. Hilfe für Zuhause: Ärzte fordern Herzmassage statt Elektroschocks
20070723             undesumweltminister Sigmar GABRIEL—HAT—DEN—BEITRAG—DER—USA—UND Chinas in der Debatte um den 2. UN—KLIMABERICHT als skandalös kritisiert.
20070723             Un sommet mondial de la mafia à l'hôtel Negresco de NICE—LIRE la quatrième partie: Un sommet mondial de la mafia à l'hôtel Negresco de...
20070723             —AM—OBWOHL in den USA die Immobilienblase zu platzen begann, kündigte die HRE den Kauf der Depfa für 5,7 Milliarden Euro an.
20070723             Deuss is commissaris VAN de
20070723             ANNA—KOURNIKOVA zu der Party des Milliardärs Arcadi Gaydamak am 21. - 20070508
20070723             —SAMSTAG, 20070616             .
20070723—20010000    —FROM, SPAIN arrested ROBERTO—FLOREZ—GARCIA in Tenerife, the Canary Islands, for selling the identity of SPAIN—SPIES and other information about the intelligence agency —UNTIL he left the service 20040000             —IN.
20070723—20020000    —IN, he had returned from —3—DECADES—OF—EXILE to bless his country's fragile course toward democracy.
20070723—20040700    —DATE20070723—20070406    —ON, 1—FEDERAL—JURY awarded Trulove $10—MILLION in damages with THE—CITY—OF—S—FRANCISCO—RESPONSIBLE.
20070723—20070406    —ON, 1—FEDERAL—JURY awarded Trulove $10—MILLION in damages with THE—CITY—OF—S—FRANCISCO responsible.
20070723—20070930    —DEFENSE—AUTHORIZATION—ACT—OF—20060000—PASSED,empowers USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH to impose MARTIAL—LAW in the event of 1—TERRORIST "incident" or if he or other FEDERAL—OFFICIALS perceive 1—SHORTFALL—OF "public order" or even in response to antiwar protests that get unruly as 1—RESULT—OF—GOVERNMENT—PROVOCATIONS.
20070723—20100000    —CONVICTED—OF, JAMAL—TRULOVE—WAS, 1. degree murder and sentenced —50—YEARS to live in prison.
20070723—20101108    —SENTENCED, Hayes was, to death.
20070723—20110000    —SENTENCED, Komisarjevsky was CONVICTED—OF—MURDER and was, to death.
20070723—20130000    —AIRED, HBO, "THE—CHESHIRE—MURDERS," 1—DOCUMENTARY based on the case.
20070723—20150311    —ON, 1—SF jury acquitted Trulove saying they had trouble reconciling the evidence.
20071117—20010723    —ON, Among several other "coincidental" military moves towards AFGHANISTAN, we notice that aircraft carrier CARL—VINSON—WAS—SENT—OUT—FROM—BREMERTON (on USA—WEST—COAST) to the Arabian Sea.
20080723             —JOINED, BILL—GATES, former boss of Microsoft, MICHAEL—BLOOMBERG, THE—MAYOR—OF—NEW—YORK—CITY, in announcing 1 combined $500—MILLION—PACKAGE to stamp out smoking.
20080723             —REPORTED, It was, that Napa VALLEY—CHATEAU—MONTELENA, winner of a 19760000             wine tasting event in FRANCE, was being purchased by Cos d'Estournel of BORDEAUX—FRANCE.
20080723             —COLLIDED, LOUISIANA, 1—OIL—TANKER and 1—OIL barge, near NEW—ORLEANS creating a 12-mile oil slick and closing almost 100—MILES—OF—THE—MISSISSIPPI—RIVER.
20080723             —SPILLED, Over 400,000 GALLONS—OF—FUEL, into the river.
20080723             —UNVEILED, Google, 1—NEW—SERVICE dubbed "Knol," 1—INTERNET encyclopedia, in which contributing authors would share in ad revenue.
20080723             2—ENVIRONMENTAL—GROUPS estimated that cement kilns in THE—USA—ANNUALLY released mercury compounds totaling some 23,000 pounds.
20080723             2—OF—THE—WORST—EMITTERS—WERE—LOCATED—IN—NORTH—CALIFORNIA in Cupertino and Davenport.
20080723             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, militants, 1—DISTRICT—POLICE—CHIEF—IN—THE—EAST—NANGARHAR province —AFTER striking his convoy with 1—ROADSIDE bomb.
20080723             —CLASHED, Police, with Taliban fighters in Uruzgan province, killing 3—MILITANTS.
20080723             THE—AFRICA—UNION said it was incapable of stabilizing the situation in SOMALIA and urged THE—UN take over peacekeeping operations in the lawless Horn of AFRICA country.
20080723             —ANNOUNCED, AUSTRALIA, 1—EXTRA $29—MILLION in aid for SURVIVORS—OF—MYANMAR—MAY—CYCLONE, but pressed its recalcitrant military junta to democratize quickly and respect human rights.
20080723             THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION froze almost euro500 million ($800—MILLION) in aid to BULGARIA, citing corruption, organized crime, severe spending irregularities and alleged VOTE—BUYING in 1—COUNTRY that only joined THE—EU —LAST—YEAR.
20080723             —KILLED, DEMOCRATIC—REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO at least 45—PEOPLE were, and another 100 were missing —AFTER 1—BOAT sank on 1—REMOTE stretch of the Ubangi river.
20080723             —PASSED, FRANCE, 1—NEW—LAW to let companies negotiate longer working hours with union representatives, all but squelching THE—35—HOUR—WEEK.
20080723             —DENOUNCED, IRAQ—KURDISH—GOVERNMENT has, 1—DRAFT—LAW paving the way for USA—BACKED provincial elections and urged the presidential council to reject it.
20080723             † THE—18—YEAR—OLD—SON—OF—THE—CHIEF—EDITOR—OF—1—USA—SPONSORED newspaper was shot to death as 1—USA—PATROL passed nearby in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—KIRKUK.
20080723             —DONNED, USA Presidential hopeful BARACK—OBAMA, 1—JEWISH skullcap at ISRAEL—HOLOCAUST—MEMORIAL—AND—VOWED—TO—PRESERVE AMERICA—CLOSE—TIES with ISRAEL—IN 1—DRAMATIC—VISIT to the Holy Land in which he also promised the Palestinians to push vigorously to win them 1—STATE.
20080723             —TOPPLED, Hurricane Dolly, trees and sent billboards flying in THE—MEXICO—CITY—OF—MATAMOROS, and authorities SOUTH—OF—THE—USA—BORDER warned of possible flooding.
20080723             —WEAKENED, Dolly also hit SOUTH—TEXAS, but by —EVENING it had, to 1—TROPICAL—STORM.
20080723             —WALKED, Opposition lawmakers, out of 1—MONGOLIA—PARLIAMENTARY—SESSION—BEFORE they were to be sworn in, saying they refused to participate because —LAST—MONTH—ELECTION was fraudulent.
20080723             —THREATENED, NIGERIA—MAIN—MILITANT—GROUP, to destroy the nation's major oil pipelines within —30—DAYS to counter allegations it had struck a $12—MILLION—DEAL with the government to protect them.
20080723             —PRESSED, 1—INTERNATIONAL—RIGHTS—GROUP, PAKISTAN—NEW—GOVERNMENT to quickly investigate THE—DISAPPEARANCE—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE allegedly rounded up by security agencies as PART—OF—THE—ANTI—TERROR—CAMPAIGN.
20080723             —KILLED, SRI—LANKA, government forces, 25—REBELS in battles in the Vavuniya, Mannar, JAFFNA and Welioya regions along the front lines.
20080723             —BOMBED, SUDAN, government planes, KARBALA, 1—DARFUR village, —WHILE PRESIDENT—BASHIR was addressing cheering crowds in the nearby CITY—OF—EL—FASHER. according to 1—REBEL—FACTION 3—PEOPLE were killed and 8 injured.
20080723             —SIGNED, VENEZUELA, over 3—MORE—OIL—FIELDS to 1—JOINT—VENTURE with BELARUS, with VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ—DECLARING—THAT—THE—2—NATIONS were strongly united in their resistance to "USA—IMPERIALISM" and WASHINGTON's "lackeys".
20080723             Bankendomino: USA—GROß—BANK—WACHOVIA () hat 8.9—MILLIARDEN—$ Quartalsverlust.
20080723             Guckt mal, wie verzweifelt die waren:
20080723             —2—WEEKS—AGO—HIRED, USA—GROß—BANK—WACHOVIA, that, TREASURY—UNDERSECRETARY—ROBERT—STEEL—AS—CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OFFICER , reported 1—RECORD quarterly loss of $8.9—BILLION, slashed the dividend and announced 6,350 job cuts.
20080723             —SLUMPED, USA—GROß—BANK—WACHOVIA—STOCK, as much as 10 % in NEW—YORK trading.
20080723             DIE—BRITEN haben aus dem NORTH—ROCK—BANKEN—DOMINO gelernt.
20080723             AB—JETZT können Banken sich die NOTFALL—KOHLE von der BANK—OF—ENGLAND auch "vertraulich" holen, damit die Bürger das nicht mitkriegen und nicht ALLE—IHR—GELD abheben wollen.
20080723             —NACH—DEM großen Erfolg der TELCO—IMMUNITÄT will —JETZT auch FEMA Immunität für ihre FORMALDEHYD—TRAILER.
20080723             Warum auch nicht.
20080723             Hey, lasst uns auch gleich den WALL—STREET Leuten Immunität für die Kreditkrise geben!
20080723             —IMMUNITÄT—GEGEBEN, Bush hat sich selbst ja eh —SCHON .
20080723             Tödlicher Tasereinsatz : "6—ELEKTROSCHOCKS in weniger als —3—MINUTEN"
20080723             PANNEN—ATOM—KRAFT—WERK—TRICASTIN: 100—MENSCHEN bei Inspektion verstrahlt
20080723             —VERDACHT—AUF—INSIDERHANDEL: Führender Aktionärsschützer tritt zurück
20080723             —EU—ENTSCHEIDUNG: Porsche darf Volkswagen übernehmen
20080723             JAPAN: Größter ATOM—REAKTOR des Landes nach Erdbeben vom Netz
20080723             Trotz Entspannung am Ölmarkt: BENZIN—PREIS fällt nur leicht
20080723             BIOFILM—BAKTERIEN verteidigen sich mit CHEMIE—KAMPFSTOFF
20080723             —BEHÖRDEN—STREIT: EU droht USA mit Sanktionen im Visumstreit
20080723             ASTRONAUTEN—GPS: Nasa lässt MOND—NAVI entwickeln
20080723             —MIESES—QUARTAL: Lieferprobleme bei Militärauftrag drücken BOEING—GEWINN
20080723             —PREIS—EXPLOSION: Rohstoffjäger durchkämmen DEUTSCHLAND—PROVINZ
20080723             Fischpersönlichkeiten: Schüchterne Stichlinge mögen's gesellig
20080723             —TERROR—FRAGE—BOGEN: Leben unter Generalverdacht
20080723             —SUPER—HALBJAHR—BEFEUERT, VW—ZAHLEN: , Aktienkurs
20080723             MINI—KREBS—FOSSILIENFUNDE künden von warmer ANTARKTIS
20080723             IRAN—AHMADINEDSCHAD lehnt Einlenken im ATOM—STREIT ab
20080723             Ölförderung: Arabische Staaten investieren 330—MILLIARDEN Dollar
20080723             Sexualstörungen bei Frauen: Viagra soll Nebenwirkung von Antidepressiva mindern
20080723             WIRBELSTURM—HURRIKAN—DOLLY bedroht MEXIKO und TEXAS
20080723             Technologie: Kopfhörer liest Wünsche von Augen ab
20080723             In the end, the turtle at the bottom of the pile is THE—USA—TAXPAYER.
20080723             But that suggests that, if Americans are losing money on their houses, pensions or bank accounts, the right answer is to tax them to pay for it.
20080723             Perhaps it is no surprise that traders in THE—CREDIT—DEFAULT swaps market have —RECENTLY made bets on the unthinkable: that AMERICA may default on its debt.
20080723             THE—ILLUSION—INVESTORS—FELL—FOR—WAS—THE—IDEA that USA—HOUSE—PRICES would not fall across the country.
20080723             —BOLSTERED, This, the twins' creditworthiness.
20080723             —SUFFERED, Although THE—2—ORGANISATIONS have, from regional busts in the past, house prices have not fallen nationally on 1—ANNUAL—BASIS—SINCE Fannie was founded 19380000             .
20080723             Although I strongly believe that Obama was set up to not win (—AFTER all the Repubs still have control over electronic voting machines), even if by SOME—SMALL—MIRACLE—OF—THE—FATES—HE—DOES—WIN—POTUS, it will be really fun & interesting to witness the most disappointing candidate in history fall apart and all those Obamabots turn on him.
20080723             —PROMISED, Because Obama has, everything to everyone and will be able to produce to nothing for no 1. #—POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS
20080723             —FUNDED, Zbigniew Brzezinski, the man who, Pol Pot and Khomeini!
20080723             This list is more concise than mine: SHE—1—MONSTER who —JUST won't die.
20080723             In fact, she really should —JUST die.
20080723             You can buy 1—URINAL target with her face on it to express what you really think of her.
20080723             OMG she's got claws! SHE—CRAZY.
20080723             In fact, she's 1—LUNATIC. SHE—PETTY and vindictive and entitled.
20080723             SHE—1—WASHED—UP old hag.
20080723             She's "everybody's 1. wife standing outside probate court".
20080723             She's a "scolding mother".SHE—SHRILL... shrill... shrill.
20080723             She can't take it —WHEN people are mean to her.
20080723             She's a "hellish housewife".SHE—TANYA—HARDING.
20080723             She CAN'T be PRESIDENT, what with the mood swings and the me nses.ANY—WOMAN who votes for her is voting with her vagina, not her brain.
20080723             Women only like Hillary because she's 1—FELLOW—VAGINA—AMERICAN.
20080723             And because they vote with their feelings.
20080723             Frankly, anyone who still thinks we need "feminine role models" should get over it and move on, already.
20080723             Oh, and men who supporther are castratos in the eunuch CHORUS—INSIDE—WRITERS—ASSOCIATION and UPI.
20080723             Financiering : BEDRIJVEN—BANK, financiën en verzekeringen LEE—COOPER—GROUP—LTD—VERENIGD—KONINKRIJK...
20080723             "Exposing BUSH—HISTORIC—ABUSE—OF—POWER," Salon
20080723             THE—SECRETIVE—NATURE—OF—THE—PROGRAM—IS—SO—HIGHLY—SENSITIVE, Shorrock reports, that —WHEN 1—FORMER—SENIOR—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—OFFICIAL mentioned Main Core to 1—INTELLIGENCE—ANALYST stationed inside THE—WHITE—HOUSE—AFTER the 20010911             —ATTACKS "he turned white as 1—SHEET".
20080723             1 can only wonder what role DARPA and their "outsourced" corporate partners played in updating Main Core or programs similar to it.
20080723             Like THE—MINORITY—REPORT, Only Scarier
20080723             criminal mind and corrupt political and economic CONNECTIONS—LIKE... BRADFORD Keiller, the owner of 1—LAS—VEGAS strip club;...
20080723             Banned...Replies to the A@P thread.
20080723             Message BOARD—MSG: 2 20000000             371 ... 1—NEW—JERSEY stock promoter who has 1—CRIMINAL—RECORD, and giant DEUTSCHLAND—BANK.
20080723             and BRADFORD Keiller, 1—LAS—VEGAS lawyer and STRIP—CLUB—OWNER.
20080723             GENI: GenesisIntermedia_com Inc Message BOARD—MSG: 22187996             20080723             EL—BATRAWI, Ultimate Holdings, Khashoggi, and BRADFORD Keiller...
20080723—20100000    —KABINETTSBESCHLUSS: Elektronischer Personalausweis soll  kommen
20090719—20090723    —DECLARED, THE—CONSTITUTIONAL—COURT, the result official, —JUST hours —AFTER THE—HEAD—OF—THE—ELECTION—COMMISSION resigned over doubts about the ballot.
20090723             AL—QAEDA—CALLS—TO—AVENGE—UIGHURS: report 20090714             ... It is the 1. time OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—NETWORK has directly threatened CHINA or its interests... DEUTSCHLAND—BANK—MANAGERS leave amid spy probe: SOURCE—MUDSLIDES kill 4 in JAPAN:
20090723             —PLEDGED, USA—VICE—PRESIDENT—JOE—BIDEN, WASHINGTON—FULL—SUPPORT for GEORGIA—1—YEAR—AFTER its war with RUSSIA and urged MOSCOW to abide by 1—CEASEFIRE—PACT and pull its troops back from 2—REBEL regions.
20090723             —IDENTIFIED, Included was Ernesto Parra Valenzuela, as the suspected KILLER—OF—ROSAS.
20090723             —ARRESTED, FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS, over 40—PEOPLE in NEW—JERSEY and NEW—YORK as PART—OF—1—MAJOR—CORRUPTION and INTERNATIONAL money laundering conspiracy probe.
20090723             —ARRESTED, Several rabbis in NEW—YORK and NEW—JERSEY were also.
20090723             SOME—WERE—ACCUSED—OF—LAUNDERING—TENS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS—AND—OF—BLACK—MARKET trafficking of kidneys and fake Gucci handbags.
20090723             —ROLLED, MICHIGAN, the last edition of THE—ANN—ARBOR News, off the presses —AFTER—174—YEARS, with a 3—WORD headline: "Farewell, ANN—ARBOR".
20090723             —REPLACED, It is being, by AnnArbor_com, 1—ONLINE news site that will produce 1—PRINT edition twice —1—WEEK.
20090723             —CLOSETED, Long —BEFORE the secret world of, black gay men came to light in AMERICA, HARRIS—INTRODUCED 1—GENERATION—OF—BLACK—WOMEN to the phenomenon known as the "down low".
20090723             His debut "Invisible Life" (19940000             ) was 1—COMING—OF—AGE—STORY that dealt with THE—THEN—TABOO topic.
20090723             —CONDUCTED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—OPERATION, by USA—LED coalition forces in the Baidar AREA—OF—GELAN district killed 8—TALIBAN, 5—OF—THEM foreigners.
20090723             —DECIDED, Arab health ministers, to ban children, the elderly and those with chronic medical conditions from attending the annual Muslim pilgrimage to SAUDI—ARABIA —THIS—YEAR in effort to slow THE—SPREAD—OF—SWINE—FLU.
20090723             —REPORTED, CHINA—RESEARCHERS, that they have produced living mice from connective tissue cells induced to revert to their embryonic state.
20090723             —TRIGGERED, CHINA, 1—LANDSLIDE, by heavy rain hit 1—COUNTY in SOUTH—WEST—SICHUAN province, killing at least 4—PEOPLE and leaving 53—OTHERS—MISSING.
20090723             CHINA, female panda You You (pronounced Yo Yo) gave birth to the new cub at the Wolong Giant Panda Research Center in SOUTH—WEST—SICHUAN.
20090723             This was the 1. successful birth of 1—PANDA cub from artificial insemination using frozen sperm, giving 1—NEW option for the notoriously poor breeders.
20090723             —APPLIED, ICELAND formally, to join THE—EUROPEAN—UNION but said it would not accept a "rotten deal" for its fishing industry, 1—KEY—SECTOR—OF—THE—ISLAND—NATION—TROUBLED—ECONOMY.
20090723             oo IRAN—OPPOSITION—LEADER—MIR—HOSSEIN—MOUSAVI said that her brother is among the hundreds arrested in IRAN—POSTELECTION—CRACKDOWN, and she warned authorities not to publish any "forced confessions" from him or other detainees.
20090723             ISRAEL—DEFENSE—OFFICIALS said tests of 1—MISSILE—DEFENSE—SYSTEM meant to shield ISRAEL—FROM—IRAN—ATTACK were aborted over the past —WEEK on 3—OCCASIONS because of various malfunctions.
20090723             —WORKED, JAPAN, JERRY—YU, —30—JAHRE—ALT, 1—USA—CITIZEN who, for 1—JAPAN—COMMUNICATIONS—COMPANY in TOKYO, was found dead of probable hypothermia off 1—TRAIL —JUST below the peak of MOUNT—FUJI.
20090723             His colleague, Takeshi Nakamura (27), was found dead the —NEXT—DAY.
20090723             KYRGYZSTAN, Almazbek Atambayev, the main opposition candidate, said he was no longer taking part in this —DAY—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION, citing widespread BALLOT—STUFFING and THE—INTIMIDATION—OF—ELECTION—MONITORS.
20090723             PRESIDENT—BAKIYEV, —59—JAHRE—ALT won another —5-YEAR term with 76—PERCENT—OF—THE—BALLOTS.
20090723             —MARRED, INTERNATIONAL monitors said the election was, by BALLOT—BOX stuffing and widespread irregularities in vote counting.
20090723             NIGERIA, Wole Soyinka, 19860000             Nobel laureate in literature, slammed NIGERIA—HANDLING—OF—THE—CRISIS—IN—THE—OIL—REGION—AND urged the government to adopt a "holistic" approach in tackling it.
20090723             —REPORTED, EXCERPTS—OF—THE—NEWS—CONFERENCE were, the —NEXT—DAY on private Channels television.
20090723             —DENIED, PAKISTAN, the Taliban, claims that Maulana Fazlullah, ARCHITECT—OF—1—BRUTAL uprising in PAKISTAN—SWAT valley, was wounded and threatened to unleash renewed holy war.
20090723             2—POLICEMEN were killed and 3—OTHERS wounded —WHEN 1—ROADSIDE bomb exploded near 1—CHECKPOINT in Shangla district.
20090723             1—BOMB hidden in 1 supposed gift of 1—TAPE—RECORDER killed another policeman at 1—CHECKPOINT outside THE—TOWN—OF—KARAK, which borders THE—TALIBAN—INFESTED NORTH—WAZIRISTAN tribal district.
20090723             —ORDERED, THE—PHILIPPINES—GOVERNMENT, its military to stop offensives against Muslim separatist rebels in 1—BID to restart peace talks, 1—MOVE welcomed by the guerrillas.
20090723             † In POLAND say 7—PEOPLE in violent storms.
20090723             —WARNED, SOUTH—AFRICA—PRESIDENT—JACOB—ZUMA—NEW—GOVERNMENT, protesters they must respect the law as violent demonstrations against shoddy public services spread across townships.
20090723             —OPENED, YEMEN—SECURITY—FORCES, fire on THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS in the south chanting ANTI—GOVERNMENT slogans, killing 12 and wounding SCORES—OF—OTHERS.
20090723             FBI—GROßRAZZIA: Mehrere USA—POLITIKER wegen Korruptionsverdachts verhaftet
20090723             Neue Studie: Deutsche sind wieder AMERIKA—FANS
20090723             Spitzel in der Wirtschaft: Firmen hetzen Mitarbeitern Privatdetektive auf den Hals
20090723             Beschluss zu BND—UNTERSUCHUNGSAUSSCHUSS: Verfassungsrichter rügen Informationspolitik der Regierung
20090723             Separatisten: Zahlreiche Tote bei Kämpfe im Südjemen
20090723             VW—GROßKONZERN: Experten warnen neuen Autogiganten vor schweren Zeiten
20090723             NEW—YORK—TIMES: USA—VERLAG steigert Gewinn trotz Anzeigenkrise"
20090723             "NEW—YORK—TIMES": USA—VERLAG steigert Gewinn trotz Anzeigenkrise (Wirtschaft)
20090723             —PROVOZIERT, Managergehälter: Wiedekings MILLIONEN—ABFINDUNG, Kritik
20090723             Stammzellforschung: Forscher erzeugen Mäuse aus reprogrammierten Körperzellen
20090723             BEITRITTS—VERHANDLUNGEN: ISLAND beantragt Aufnahme in die EU
20090723             Jahreshoch: Gute Nachrichten aus den USA beflügeln den Dax
20090723             Proteste in IRAN: Mussawi will mit sozialer Bewegung Regime herausfordern
20090723             Krisengewinner: MCDONALD—PLANT 1000—NEUE Burgerbuden
20090723             Folgen der Krise: Brüssel erwägt Schließung von Banken
20090723             "Nach der Bundestagswahl wird Kurzarbeit in vielen Fällen in Massenentlassungen münden, und es wird ein deutlicher Anstieg der Arbeitslosigkeit folgen. 20100000             wird meines Erachtens viel schlimmer als 2009", sagte der Ver.DI—VORSITZENDE.
20090723             "Die Reichen und Besserverdienenden müssen stärker herangezogen werden, weil sie starke Schultern haben und mitverantwortlich sind für die Krise", sagte der SPD—FINANZEXPERTE FLORIAN—PRONOLD—DER "Berliner Zeitung" vom —DONNERSTAG.
20090723             Das Vorstandsmitglied des DEUTSCHLAND—GEWERKSCHAFTSBUNDES, Claus Matecki, kritisierte, bei der Belastung von Vermögenden und Gutverdienern sei DEUTSCHLAND auf dem Niveau eines Niedrigsteuerlandes angekommen.
20090723             BERLIN—DIE Idee der Reichensteuer stößt auf wachsende Zustimmung: Der Vorschlag des DEUTSCHLAND—INSTITUTS für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW) für eine stärkere Umverteilung von oben nach unten unterstützen auch SPD, die Grünen und die Gewerkschaften.
20090723             Die Union signalisierte hingegen Ablehnung.
20090723             Die Linkspartei will Vermögende und Gutverdiener ohnehin stärker zur Kasse bitten.
20090723             Die starke Nutzung der Kurzarbeit
20090723             "Die Krise, die —BISHER durch Kurzarbeit abgefedert wurde, beginnt allmählich auf den Arbeitsmarkt überzuschwappen", beschreibt COMMERZBANK—VOLKSWIRT ECKART—TUCHTFELD—DIE—AKTUELLE—LAGE.
20090723             kommt es bei den Unternehmen zum personellen Aderlass.
20090723             Die Krise schwappt auf den Arbeitsmarkt über
20090723             Umfrage bei den Volkswirten führender DEUTSCHLAND—GROSSBANKEN.
20090723             Die Schonzeit für die Arbeitnehmer geht zu Ende:
20090723             MAN—UND was kann man nicht alles Großartiges damit anstellen.
20090723             Oder Mittagessen an Obdachlose austeilen.
20090723             Zeit zu haben ist das neue Statussymbol.
20090723             In den USA wird gerade ausgiebig über die "gleefully frugal" berichtet: Fröhliche, genügsame Menschen, die aus ÜBERZEUGUNG—UND nicht aus echter GELDNOT—IHRE Ausgaben einschränken
20090723             —ERST murrten die Betroffenen, aber als —JAHRE später erneut voll gearbeitet wurde, weil es wieder effizienter war,
20090723             Im Idealfall würde vor allem die gutbezahlte Arbeit auf VIELE—SCHULTERN verteilt werden.
20090723             Natürlich kann es zynisch klingen, einem Familienvater, der zur Kurzarbeit gezwungen wird, oder einer alleinerziehenden Kassiererin, die einen 2. Job annehmen muss, von den Vorteilen eines individuellen Arbeitszeitmodells vorzuschwärmen.
20090723             Aber vor der Krise stellte kaum jemand die Systemfrage.
20090723             —SCHON lange bevor im vergangenen —SEPTEMBER Lehman Brothers pleiteging, war klar, dass es in einer globalisierten Welt mit ständig effizienter werdenden ARBEITS—UND Herstellungsabläufen keine Vollbeschäftigung für alle mehr geben kann.
20090723             Die USA sind —DERZEIT von der Schweinegrippe am härtesten getroffen: Bislang wurden mehr als 40.000—FÄLLE aus sämtlichen Bundesstaaten gemeldet.
20090723             Mehr als 200—MENSCHEN starben —BEREITS an der Infektionskrankheit, weltweit sind es 700.
20090723             Leere Staatskassen: SPD, Grüne und Gewerkschaften befürworten Reichensteuer
20090723             Studie: DEUTSCHLAND—IMMOBILIENMARKT trotzt Finanzkrise
20090723             Integrierter Großkonzern: VW beschließt Übernahme von Porsche
20090723             —ÜBERRASCHT, USA—AUTOBAUER: Ford, mit Milliardengewinn
20090723             Arbeitsmarkt: Experten warnen vor Entlassungswelle
20090723             Arbeitszeitmodelle in der Krise: Faulenzen statt FULLTIME—JOB
20090723             Porsche und Volkswagen: Gemeinsame VERGANGENHEIT—KEEPING the magic alive
20090723             Did you know that there are currently more practising wizards and witches in ENGLAND than at ANY—TIME in history?
20090723    dem klaren NOTWEHR—FALL von neulich gibt es —JETZT 1—UPDATE.
20090723             —GESCHOSSEN, Insgesamt wurde aus 2—WAFFEN 16-mal auf ihn.
20090723             "7—DIESER Schüsse wurden von einer Position aus abgegeben, die sich bezogen auf den Getroffenen schräg links hinten befunden haben muss", teilte der Leitende Oberstaatsanwalt GÜNTHER—RUCKDÄSCHEL—MIT.
20090723             —GETROFFEN, Insgesamt hätten 11—KUGELN den Mann, eine streifte ihn.
20090723             Also SO einen klarer FALL—VON—NOTWEHR hatten wir ja —SCHON lange nicht mehr! (via)
20090723             —VERLAUTET, Aus USA—GEHEIMDIENSTKREISEN war zu Jahresbeginn, dass SAAD—BIN—LADEN nach mehreren —JAHREN Hausarrest in IRAN nach PAKISTAN gegangen sei.
20090723             Der BND—AUSSCHUSS sollte die Arbeit von BND—AGENTEN zur Zeit des IRAK—KRIEGS, mutmaßliche CIA—GEFANGENENFLÜGE über DEUTSCHLAND und die Verschleppung DEUTSCHLAND—STAATSBÜRGER beleuchten.
20090723             Im Zentrum standen —ZUNÄCHST die Entführung des DEUTSCH—LIBANESEN Khaled EL—MASRI durch die CIA und das Schicksal des langjährigen GUANTANAMO—HÄFTLINGS und Bremer Türken Murat Kurnaz, schließlich auch der FALL—DES—VON—USA—SOLDATEN verschleppten DEUTSCH—ÄGYPTERS ABDUL—HALIM—KHAFAGY.
20090723             Das Karlsruher Gericht gab den Klägern recht: Sich pauschal auf die zulässigen Gründe zur Begrenzung des parlamentarischen Untersuchungsrechts zu BERUFEN—WIE das Staatswohl oder die exekutive EIGENVERANTWORTUNG—SEI in keinem Fall ausreichend.
20090723             Die Linke verlangte nach der Karlsruher —ENTSCHEIDUNG, den BND—UNTERSUCHUNGSAUSSCHUSS wieder einzusetzen.
20090723             "Durch diesen Richterspruch werden wir Zugang zu vielen Akten und Zeugen erhalten, die uns —BISHER von der Bundesregierung vorenthalten worden sind", gab LINKE—RECHTSEXPERTE WOLFGANG—NESKOVIC—IN—DER—ONLINEAUSGABE—DER "Frankfurter Rundschau" zu bedenken.
20090723             STAMMZELLEN—EXPERIMENT: Fachmagazin zieht Artikel über Züchtung künstlichen Spermas zurück
20090723             Sachschaden: Unwetter wüten über NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20090723             Wirtschaftsforscher: BANKEN—STRAFSTEUER soll Bürger entlasten
20090723             Wirtschaftsweise: Bofinger fordert Reichensteuer
20090723             Nachterstedt: Anwohner bemerkte lange vor Erdrutsch Absenkungen
20090723             Defekter Raumanzug: Astronauten verkürzen Außeneinsatz
20090723             Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgerichts: Regierung verstieß im BND—FALL gegen Grundgesetz
20090723             —2—DAYS—20010911—AFTER, Engineering NEWS—RECORD (ENR) reported that 1—ASBESTOS abatement and demolition company called LVI had done extensive asbestos abatement work in the World Trade Center:
20090723             AMEC INCORPORATED, TURNER—CORP. and Bovis Lend Lease were set to assume "lead roles" in the cleanup effort, says LEE—BENISH, AMEC VICE—PRESIDENT.
20090723             "From the very beginning, we've been deeply involved with the city DEPARTMENT—OF—EMERGENCY—SERVICES," he says.
20090723             "They're sorting through who will be doing what".
20090723             LVI Services INCORPORATED—NEW—YORK City, which has done extensive asbestos abatement work on the towers in the past, is involved in similar work —NOW as well as other cleanup efforts.
20090723             THE—ARTICLE—FROM—ENGINEERING—NEWS—RECORD—OF—BURTON Fried is certainly not talking.
20090723             We do know that 1—MILLION—DOLLAR—CONTRACT for asbestos abatement in the twin towers had been put up for bids by contractors
20090723             Title: Who Put SUPER—THERMITE in the Twin Towers? By CHRISTOPHER—BOLLYN
20090723             OSAMA—BIN—LADEN was USA—OPERATOR destabilising Benazir: Zardari
20090723             Bekannt wurde die Debatte unter dem nach VON—DER—LEYEN benannten Motto "Zensursula".
20090723             Obama rechtfertigte in seiner Rede die umfangreichen Hilfen der Regierung für den Finanzsektor im Zuge der Wirtschaftskrise.
20090723             —GEGRIFFEN, Wenn man den Unternehmen nicht unter die Arme, hätte, "wäre es noch viel schlimmer gekommen", sagte der PRÄSIDENT.
20090723             "Wir waren am Rande eines kompletten finanziellen Zusammenbruchs".
20090723             —NUN setze 1—STABILISIERUNG ein.
20090723             Jüngste Profite einiger Finanzinstitute nannte er eine "gute Sache".
20090723             Er bemängelte jedoch generell, ohne auf Einzelheiten einzugehen, "dass wir nicht jene Änderung im Verhalten gesehen haben", die der prekären Situation zugrunde gelegen habe.
20090723             Kurmanbek Bakijew
20090723             Bei der Präsidentschaftswahl in KIRGISISTAN wird der Amtsinhaber Kurmanbek Bakijew mit 76,1—PROZENT—DER—STIMMEN wiedergewählt.
20090723             Den 2. Platz belegt der Sozialdemokrat Almasbek Atambajew mit 8,4 %.
20090723—19670000    —ESTABLISHED, THE—COLUMBUS—SALAME—PLANT—IN—SOUTH—S—FRANCISCO, was devastated by fire.
20090723—20070800    —SINCE, Demonstrations by former army members in SOUTH—YEMEN demanding political reforms have been occurring regularly.
20090723—20090000    —PLEADED, CHRISTIAN—DANIEL—CASTRO—ALVAREZ, —17—JAHRE—ALT, guilty to murdering Rosas.
20090723—20090708    —ON, PAKISTAN said it had "credible" information that Fazlullah was injured —DURING 1—BLISTERING—OFFENSIVE designed to crush Taliban militants.
20090723—20090720    —ON, WAR—ON—YOU—FORUMS—CONSPIRACY & Alternative News => 20010911             —RESEARCH => Topic started by: Raven, 10000007             PM
20090723—20090720    —ON, Post by: Raven, 10000007             PM
20090723—20100429    —SENTENCED, Alvarez was, to —40—YEARS in prison.
20090723—20110411    —ON, A 2. suspect, MARCOS—MANUEL—RODRIGUEZ—PEREZ, was arrested.
20090908             Police uncover illegal organ trade ring 20070723             Rebecca ANNA—STOIL, THE—JERUSALEM—POST
20100723             Jesus Quinonez, THE—INTERNATIONAL—LIAISON—FOR—THE—BAJA—CALIFORNIA STATE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—OFFICE, was among 43—DEFENDANTS named in 1—USA FEDERAL—RACKETEERING complaint that alleges murder, kidnapping and other crimes.
20100723             —ACCUSED—OF, They were, working for FERNANDO—SANCHEZ—ARELLANO, widely considered THE—MOST—WANTED drug kingpin in TIJUANA.
20100723             —ARRESTED, Quinonez (49) was, —1—DAY—EARLIER in S—DIEGO—DURING 1—TRAFFIC stop.
20100723             —SPARKED, BELL—CALIFORNIA, 3—ADMINISTRATORS whose huge salaries, outrage in this small BLUE—COLLAR—SUBURB—OF—LA—AGREED—TO resign.
20100723             CHIEF—ADMINISTRATIVE—OFFICER—ROBERT—RIZZO, —56—JAHRE—ALT was being paid $787,637 —1—YEAR.
20100723             Assistant City Manager ANGELA—SPACCIA—MADE $376,288 —1—YEAR, and Police CHIEF—RANDY—ADAMS made $457,000.
20100723             —STALLED, Work to permanently choke off BP—BROKEN oil well, as Tropical Storm BONNIE—RACED—TOWARD—THE—GULF—OF—MEXICO and DOZENS—OF—SHIPS evacuated the area.
20100723             —INCLUDED, SCHORR—BOOK, "Clearing the Air" (19780000             ).
20100723             —EXPLODED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, 1—BOMB, inside 1—MOSQUE, seriously wounding 1—CANDIDATE in upcoming parliamentary elections and at least 16—OTHER—PEOPLE.
20100723             2—USA—SERVICE—MEMBERS left their compound in KABUL and failed to return.
20100723             —BELIEVED, They were, to have been captured by insurgents somewhere in Logar province.
20100723             Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid —LATER said the pair drove into 1—AREA—OF—LOGAR province that is under insurgent control.
20100723             † He says that —DURING 1—BRIEF gunfight, 1—AMERICAN was killed and the other was captured.
20100723             SOUTH—HELMAND, province at least 45—CIVILIANS, MANY—WOMEN and children, were killed in 1—ROCKET—ATTACK by THE—NATO—LED foreign force.
20100723             Alliance and AFGHANISTAN—TROOPS came under attack about 6—MILES (10—KM) SOUTH—OF—THE—VILLAGE—AND—RESPONDED—WITH—HELICOPTER—BORNE strikes.
20100723             —REPORTED, Coalition forces, 6—INSURGENTS killed, including 1—TALIBAN COMMANDER.
20100723             THE—AFRICA—UNION said its forces battling AL—QAEDA—LINKED rebels in MOGADISHU will be boosted by 1—BATTALION from GUINEA and could further swell to reach 10,000 troops.
20100723             1—CHINA—COURT sentenced 1—UIGHUR journalist to —15—YEARS in jail for critical writings and comments he made to foreign media —AFTER—LAST—YEAR—DEADLY—ETHNIC—RIOTS—IN—CHINA—WEST—XINJIANG region.
20100723             Halaite Niyaze was found guilty of "endangering national security" and sentenced —FOLLOWING a —1—DAY—TRIAL in URUMQI.
20100723             —KILLED, Typhoon Chanthu, 3—PEOPLE—BEFORE weakening into 1—TROPICAL—STORM—AFTER making landfall in SOUTH—CHINA—GUANGDONG province.
20100723             THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC—REP.
20100723             8—PEOPLE who allegedly spent $170—MILLION on apartments, cars and other goods using money from JOSE—FIGUEROA, THE—CARIBBEAN—TOP—DRUG—TRAFFICKER, were formally charged with money laundering and other crimes.
20100723             7—OUT—OF—91—BANKS failed European stress tests, which were organized in hope of reviving investor confidence in EUROPE's embattled banking sector.
20100723             GERMANY—STATE—OWNED lender Hypo Real Estate, 5—REGIONAL—SAVINGS—BANKS in SPAIN and ATEBank of GREECE failed the test of whether they could resist 1—NEW—FINANCIAL—SHOCK.
20100723             —ORDERED, All have been, to recapitalize or take state aid.
20100723             —ARRESTED, EU police investigating corruption, HASHIM—REXHEPI, KOSOVO—CENTRAL—BANK—GOVERNOR.
20100723             —FIRED, INDIA—KASHMIR, security forces, teargas at STONE—THROWING—PROTESTERS as fresh protests against INDIA—RULE broke out.
20100723             1—MINIBUS veered off 1—MOUNTAIN—ROAD under construction and plunged into 1—RIVER, killing at least 17—PEOPLE.
20100723             THE—MARSHALL—ISLANDS—REGION—OF—EBEYE, which has the unflattering reputation as the "slum of the Pacific" has —NOW been damned in 1—USA—ARMY—REPORT as 1—HEALTH—THREAT to residents.
20100723             1—HOLLAND—COURT—SLAPPED a 1—MILLION—EURO—FINE on Trafigura, 1—SWISS—BASED company whose chartered ship dumped hazardous waste THE—IVORY—COAST says killed 17—PEOPLE on its soil.
20100723             —KILLED, PAKISTAN—GOVERNMENT said 30—PEOPLE had been, in flash floods in Baluchistan province, mostly in Barkhan district.
20100723             —CRASHED, SOUTH—AFRICA, 1—POLICE—HELICOPTER, killing 7—OFFICERS on BOARD, as it flew to the scene of 1 suspected HOSTAGE—TAKING—NORTH—EAST—OF—JOHANNESBURG.
20100723             —DERAILED, SWITZERLAND—POPULAR—GLACIER Express tourist train, in the Alps, killing 1—PERSON and injuring 42.
20100723             THAILAND—CULTURE—MINISTRY said Facebook and Twitter are causing deteriorating language skills among THAILAND—STUDENTS and authorities want them to return to the bygone TRADITION—OF—LETTER—WRITING.
20100723—19730000    —IN, † DANIEL—SCHORR, veteran news reported in WASHINGTON DC. as 1—CBS reporter Schorr aired PRESIDENT—NIXON'S "enemies list," finding his own name as #17—OF 20.
20100723—20060702    —ON, It was also found GUILTY—OF—CONCEALING what the charge sheet referred to as the "harmful nature" of the waste on BOARD—THE—PROBO—KOALA ship that arrived at THE—PORT—OF—AMSTERDAM, but was redirected to THE—IVORY—COAST.
20100723—20100416    —SENTENCED, Rizzo was, to —12—YEARS in state prison.
20100723—20100725    —ON, THE—BODY—OF—NAVY—PETTY—OFFICER 2. Class JUSTIN—MCNELEY, —30—JAHRE—ALT was found.
20100723—20100726    —ON, the City Council voted to slash salaries by 90%.
20100723—20100728    —ON, THE—BODY—OF—THE 2. sailor, Petty Officer 3. Class Jarod Newlove (25) was recovered.
20100723—20140414    —SENTENCED, Rizzo was, to —33—MONTHS in FEDERAL—PRISON on 2—COUNTS—OF—TAX—FRAUD.
201102040723         THE—BRITISH—EGYPT—ACTOR—KHALID Abdalla, who's been in Tahrir Square in recent days, has told THE—BBC—THAT—THE—THERE—ARE—MORE—OPPOSITION—PROTESTERS than ever, even though STATE—TV has been turning people against the demonstrators: "THE—PROPAGANDA—THAT—COMING—FROM—STATE—TELEVISION seems to be doing 1—LOT—OF—WORK and... people here are finding it very hard to get information which is true.
20110411—20090723    —ARRESTED, MEXICO—POLICE in TIJUANA, 1—MAN suspected of killing A—USA—BORDER—PATROL—AGENT—ROBERT—ROSAS—NEAR S—DIEGO, NEARLY—1—YEAR—AFTER another person was sentenced to prison for his role in the ambush.
20110723             —OPENED, TEXAS, Tan Do (35), fire at 1—CHILD—BIRTHDAY—CELEBRATION at the Forum Roller World in GRAND—PRAIRIE, killing 5—PEOPLE, wounding 4—OTHERS and then killing himself as the private party turned to panic and some fled screaming in their skates.
20110723             —INCLUDED, THE—DEAD, Do's estranged wife, 2—OF—HER—SISTERS, her brother and her SISTER—IN—LAW.
20110723             —BANNED, ASIA—FOOTBALL supremo MOHAMED—BIN—HAMMAM (62) was, from the game for life —AFTER being found GUILTY—OF—CORRUPTION —FOLLOWING a —2—DAY—HEARING—OF—FIFA—ETHICS—COMMITTEE.
20110723             —ACCUSED—OF, THE—QATAR—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—ASIAN—FOOTBALL—CONFEDERATION (AFC), had been, trying to buy votes in THE—FIFA—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION—WITH $40,000 cash gifts to Caribbean football officials.
20110723             It was the 6. of 7—AREAS to transition to AFGHANISTAN—CONTROL.
20110723             1—NATO—HELICOPTER—ATTACK wounded 5—CHILDREN in Helmand province.
20110723             BAHRAIN, cleric Seyyed ABDULLAH—AL—GHOREIFI said authorities have demolished 30—SHIITE mosques —DURING their —5—MONTH—OLD—CRACKDOWN in THE—SUNNI—RULED Gulf kingdom.
20110723             Amy Winehouse (19830000             *), the beehived SOUL—JAZZ—DIVA—WHOSE—SELF—DESTRUCTIVE habits overshadowed 1—DISTINCTIVE—MUSICAL talent, was found dead in her LONDON home.
20110723             —RETURNED, CANADA, Lai Changxing (52) to CHINA where he is accused of running a $10—BILLION smuggling ring that dealt in everything from cars to oil in 1—SCANDAL touching the government's highest levels.
20110723             EAST—CHINA, 1—CRASH involving 2—HIGH—SPEED—TRAINS in WENZHOU city killed 40—PEOPLE with 171—OTHERS injured.
20110723             —ADMITTED, Rail officials —LATER, that 1—CHINESE—MADE signaling system was to blame and said the company that built it has apologized.
20110723             —3—DAYS—AFTER the crash legal authorities ordered lawyers not to take on cases from THE—FAMILIES—OF—VICTIMS.
20110723             —ARMED, EGYPT, GROUPS—OF—MEN, with knives and sticks attacked THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS trying to march to THE—HEADQUARTERS—OF—THE—MILITARY—RULERS, setting off fierce street clashes and leaving more than 300 injured.
20110723             THE—IDENTITY—OF—THE—PRO—ARMY vigilantes could not —IMMEDIATELY be determined.
20110723             —KILLED, IRAN, gunmen firing from motorcycles, Dariush Rezaeinejad (35), said to be 1—ELECTRONICS—MASTERS' student at Khajeh Nasir UNIVERSITY—IN—TEHRAN.
20110723             Initial reports said 1—PAIR—OF—GUNMEN firing from motorcycles killed Darioush Rezaei (35), 1—PHYSICS—PROFESSOR whose AREA—OF—EXPERTISE was neutron transport.
20110723             —REPORTED, It was —LATER, that he participated in developing HIGH—VOLTAGE switches, 1—KEY component that is crucial to setting off the explosions needed to trigger 1—NUCLEAR—WARHEAD.
20110723             —MARCHED, ISRAEL, tens of thousands, in the coastal CITY—OF—TEL Aviv to protest against rising housing prices and social inequalities in the Jewish state.
20110723             —VOTED, Latvians, by 1—LARGE—MAJORITY to sack their PARLIAMENT in 1—HISTORIC—REFERENDUM, setting the stage for 1—SNAP election —IN—SEPTEMBER.
20110723             —SUSPECTED, MEXICO, 6, cartel gunmen were killed in 1—OVERNIGHT clash with soldiers in Ayotlan, Jalisco state.
20110723             —ALLEGED, THE—ARMY, that the men were MEMBERS—OF—THE—ZETAS—DRUG—CARTEL, and said they found assault rifles, grenade launchers and ammunition at the scene.
20110723             —ARRESTED, In GUADALAJARA 1—MAN was, trying to BOARD—1—PLANE to PANAMA at THE—INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT carrying more than $290,000 in USA—CURRENCY hidden in 1—SUITCASE.
20110723             —WRAPPED, ACAPULCO, 2—HUMAN—HEADS were found on 1—HIGHWAY—BRIDGE, in colorful plastic.
20110723             THE—BODY—OF a 3., —20—YEAR—OLD—MAN was found nearby riddled with bullets.
20110723             —HARVESTED, THE—ARMY—PATROL—ALSO—FOUND 40—METRIC tons (44—USA—TONS) of, marijuana at the plantation.
20110723             1—WITNESS said at least 8—PEOPLE were killed.
20110723             —RESPONDED, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL said THE—NIGERIA—JOINT—MILITARY—TASK—FORCE, by shooting and killing at least 23—PEOPLE, apparently at random.
20110723             —KILLED, PAKISTAN, 1—ANTI—TALIBAN militia, 13—MILITANTS in —2—DAYS—OF—CLASHES in THE—NORTH—WEST—KURRAM tribal region.
20110723             Gunmen riding on 1—MOTORCYCLE shot and killed 5—LABORERS at 1—CONSTRUCTION—SITE for 1—MOSQUE in SOUTH—WEST—BALUCHISTAN.
20110723             —GUIDED, Rescuers in SCOTLAND said they have, 44—PILOT whales stranded in 1—ESTUARY back to sea, but 25—OTHER whales from the pod did not survive the incident and †.
20110723             SENEGAL—OPPOSITION went ahead with 1—PROTEST and THOUSANDS—OF—DEMONSTRATORS poured into 1—SQUARE—AFTER 1—LAST—MINUTE—CHANGE to the venue to skirt 1—BAN on demonstrations issued by the government.
20110723             —AMASSED, They, at Place de l'Obelisque, —JUST outside DAKAR—DOWNTOWN district, to demand THE—DEPARTURE—OF—PRESIDENT—ABDOULAYE—WADE, —85—JAHRE—ALT who is attempting to run for a 3. term.
20110723             SPAIN, several 100—PEOPLE, angry about their country's economic crises, protested on the outskirts of MADRID —FOLLOWING —1—MONTH—LONG—MARCH from their hometowns.
20110723             † SOUTH—SUDAN, rebel leader Gatluak Gai was shot and killed by his own men in OIL—RICH—UNITY—STATE—DAYS—AFTER he signed 1—PEACE—DEAL to integrate his forces into the southern army.
20110723             —TRICKLED, Voters in SRI—LANKA—NORTH—TAMIL heartland, to polling stations to elect local councils —FOLLOWING the country's long civil war.
20110723             Election monitoring group Campaign for Free and Fair Elections said in 1—STATEMENT that uniformed men suspected to be MEMBERS—OF—THE—MILITARY—WERE—FORCIBLY—COLLECTING—VOTING—CARDS apparently to rig the elections.
20110723             It reported such incidents took place in 20—VILLAGES.
20110723             1—SYRIA—PASSENGER—TRAIN derailed and caught fire near HOMS, killing the driver and injuring 14—PASSENGERS, —AFTER "saboteurs" tore out PART—OF—THE—TRACKS.
20110723             —RETURNED, PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ, —56—JAHRE—ALT, to VENEZUELA —AFTER spending almost —1—WEEK in CUBA to receive chemotherapy treatment for his cancer.
20110723             † NGUY?N—CAO—K?, südvietnamesischer Luftwaffengeneral und Politiker
20110723—20020000    —IN, he authored "BUDDHA—CHILD: My Fight to Save VIETNAM".
20110723—20110725    —ON, BRITAIN took responsibility for the attack, voicing "deep regret" and saying 1—INVESTIGATION was under way.
20110723—20111026    —ON, 1—INQUEST was told she had suddenly drunk heavily —AFTER abstaining from alcohol —FOR—3—WEEKS and was poisoned by alcohol.
20110723—20111228    —ON, 1—GOVERNMENT—REPORT found 54—OFFICIALS—RESPONSIBLE for the crash.
20110808—20140723    —SENTENCED, Denard and Torrence (25) were, to life in prison.
20110810             —SWIRLED, Controversy and safety concerns, over the nation's HIGH—SPEED—NETWORK —FOLLOWING 20110723             —THE—FATAL—CRASH, which left 40—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20120127             1—CONNECTICUT JUDGE—ORDERED—JOSHUA—KOMISARJEVSKY, —31—JAHRE—ALT to be executed this —SUMMER for 20070723             —THE, murders of 1—MOTHER and her 2—DAUGHTERS —DURING 1—BRUTAL home invasion.
20120723             —AM, DIE—ERDE nur knapp verfehlt hatten.
20120723             —IMPOSED, THE—USA—NCAA, penalties on Penn State and its football program related to THE—COVER—UP of pedophile charges against former defensive coach JERRY—SANDUSKY.
20120723             † SALLY—RIDE, —61—JAHRE—ALT, the 1. USA—WOMAN to travel into space and 1—ADVOCATE for science education, in FLORIDA —AFTER a —17—MONTH—BATTLE with pancreatic cancer.
20120723             —TURNED, 1—AFGHANISTAN—ARMY—SOLDIER, his gun on his NATO colleagues injuring 2—USA—TROOPS in Faryab province.
20120723             —KILLED, Gunmen, 3—PEOPLE in 1—AMBUSH on 1—VAN in NORTH—PARVAN province, including 1—USA—ELECTRICAL—ENGINEER who had lived in the country —FOR—DECADES.
20120723             —LAUNCHED, CHINA—STATE—CONTROLLED—CNOOC—LTD, 1—TAKEOVER bids by agreeing to buy CANADA—OIL—PRODUCER—NEXEN Inc for $15.1—BILLION, forcing OTTAWA to decide whether national security concerns outweigh its desire for foreign investment in its energy resources.
20120723             EGYPT began to release detainees held by the military —FOLLOWING 1—DECREE—LAST—WEEK by PRESIDENT—MOHAMED—MORSI.
20120723             EGYPT—AMBASSADOR to THE—WEST—BANK—YASSER—OTHMAN said transiting Palestinians can enter EGYPT —FOR—72—HOURS to arrange their own travel.
20120723             1—PALESTINE—OFFICIAL in CAIRO said more EASING—OF—RESTRICTIONS are being negotiated.
20120723             THE—EUROPEAN—UNION said it was ready to back the deployment of 1—AFRICA—STABILIZATION—FORCE under UN mandate in MALI, and threatened SANCTIONS—AGAINST—THOSE posing 1—THREAT to democratic change.
20120723             —PROMISED, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, to lift MOST—OF—THE—SANCTIONS—SLAPPED—AGAINST—ZIMBABWE —1—DECADE—AGO if the country holds a "credible" vote on 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION.
20120723             HAITI, 4—SQUATTERS were shot to death as police and other officials forced them to vacate 1—WOODLAND in La Visite National Park.
20120723             HAITI was down to about 2—PERCENT—OF—ITS—ORIGINAL—FOREST—COVER.
20120723             INDIA police said about 25,000 villagers have fled their homes in Assam state —DURING clashes between Bodo tribal groups and Muslim settlers in which 15—PEOPLE have been killed.
20120723             —ISSUED, Police, SHOOT—ON—SIGHT—ORDERS in 1—ATTEMPT to quell ethnic violence in Assam state, —AFTER rioters burnt shops and houses and attacked rival gangs.
20120723             She had fought Allied forces —WWII—DURING.
20120723             —REPORTED, IRAN—SEMIOFFICIAL ISNA news agency, that people had poured into THE—STREETS—OF—NISHABUR to protest 1—STEEP hike in THE—PRICE—OF—CHICKEN.
20120723             —KILLED, IRAQ, bombings and shootings, 115—PEOPLE in the deadliest —DAY—THIS—YEAR.
20120723             She became only the 2. AFRICA—LEADER—AFTER NIGER PRESIDENT—MAHAMADOU—ISSOUFOU, to sign the declaration.
20120723             —FORCED, In CENTRAL—NIGERIA heavy rainfall overnight, 1—DAM to overflow, causing flooding that left at least 35—PEOPLE—DEAD and destroyed or damaged some 200—HOMES.
20120723             —FIRED, NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, USA—DRONES, missiles at 1—COMPOUND of militant COMMANDER—SADIQ—NOOR—KILLING 10 suspected insurgents.
20120723             —BANNED, SPAIN—MARKET—REGULATOR says it has temporarily, SHORT—SELLING—OF—SHARES on its stock indexes owing to volatility in Spanish and European markets.
20120723             It noted that ITALY took similar steps —TODAY.
20120723             —TURNED, SUDAN, down SOUTH—SUDAN—PROPOSAL—OF—1—HIGHER—OIL—TRANSIT—FEE and an $8.2—BILLION financial deal, ruling out ANY—COMPREHENSIVE—SETTLEMENT—OF outstanding issues by 20120802             —THE—DEADLINE.
20120723             —THREATENED, THE—SYRIA—REGIME, to use its chemical and biological weapons in CASE—OF—1—FOREIGN—ATTACK, in its 1. ever acknowledgement that it possesses WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION.
20120723             —OFFERED, THE—ARAB—LEAGUE, SYRIA—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD and his family a "safe exit" if he steps down.
20120723             EU foreign ministers began talks in BRUSSELS with 1—AGREEMENT to freeze the assets of 26—SYRIANS and 3—FIRMS—CLOSE to the Assad regime in the 17.
20120723             —ERUPTED, ROUND—OF—SANCTIONS—SINCE protests, —LAST—YEAR.
20120723             —RANKED, THE—WWF—CONSERVATION—GROUP, VIETNAM the worst country for wildlife crime in its 1.—EVER report on how well 23—ASIAN and AFRICA—COUNTRIES protect rhinos, tigers and elephants.
20120723             "THE—DARK—KNIGHT—RISES": BATMAN—FILM spielt 160.000.000-DOLLAR 1
20120723             [l] Konservatismus kommt von "low effort thinking".
20120723             DIE—GUTE—NACHRICHT: In KANADA ist es verboten, in Fernsehnachrichten zu lügen.
20120723             —DIE—SCHLECHTE—NACHRICHT, KANADA hat gerade 1—KONSERVATIVEN—REGIERUNG, und KONSERVATIVEN—REGIERUNGEN müssen DAS—VOLK belügen, wenn sie an der MACHT bleiben wollen.
20120723             Sie sind allerdings nicht damit durchgekommen, weil die REGULIERUNGS—BEHÖRDE unabhängig genug ist.
20120723             Bei uns sieht das ja mit den DATEN—SCHUTZ—BEHÖRDEN ähnlich aus.
20120723             DIE—MELDUNG ist vom ;;02;;
20120723             —NACH—DEM—KINO—MASSAKER ergreifen DIE—USA endlich ernsthafte Konsequenzen und verbieten...
20120723             —REPORTED, Meteorologists, that this —SPRING was THE—WARMEST—EVER—RECORDED—FOR—OUR—NATION
20120723             —SEEMED, Not that our leaders, to notice.
20120723             "COPENHAGEN is 1—CRIME—SCENE tonight,"1—ANGRY—GREENPEACE official declared, "with the guilty men and women fleeing to the airport".
20120723             —RAISED, SOME—CONTEXT: So far, we've, the average TEMPERATURE—OF—THE—PLANET—JUST under 0.8—DEGREES—CELSIUS, and that has caused far more damage than most scientists expected.
20120723             "ANY—NUMBER much above 1—DEGREE involves 1—GAMBLE,"writes KERRY EMANUEL—OF—MIT, 1—LEADING authority on hurricanes, "and the odds become less and less favorable as the temperature goes up".
20120723             —ACCORDING—TO—THE—CARBON—TRACKER report, if EXXON burns its current reserves, it would use up more than 7—PERCENT—OF—THE—AVAILABLE—ATMOSPHERIC—SPACE between us and the risk of 2—DEGREES.
20120723             They're clearly cognizant of GLOBAL—WARMING—THEY employ SOME—OF—THE—WORLD—BEST—SCIENTISTS, —AFTER all
20120723             THERE—NOT a more reckless man on the planet than TILLErson.
20120723             —GREED, It's not 1—ENGINEERING problem, in other WORDS—IT—1, problem.
20120723             MUCH—OF—THAT—PROFIT stems from 1—SINGLE—HISTORICAL—ACCIDENT: Alone among businesses, THE—FOSSIL—FUEL—INDUSTRY is allowed to dump its main waste, carbon dioxide, for free.
20120723             THE—FOSSIL—FUEL—INDUSTRY is systematically undermining the planet's physical systems -
20120723             Reformstau: BUNDES—REGIERUNG will GRIECHENLAND neue Hilfen verweigern
20120723             FINANZ—MÄRKTE: SORGE—UM—KRISEN—RÄNDER treibt BÖRSEn ins Minus
20120723             Badevergnügen für alle: ITALIENer PROTESTIEREN—GEGEN—TEUREN Strandzutritt
20120723             EURO—STREIT der VERFASSUNGS—ORGANE: REPUBLIK der Ichlinge
20120723             LIBOR—SKANDAL: 1.Händlern drohen Festnahmen wegen Zinsbetrugs
20120723             Überschätzte Gesundheitsstudien: Wer zu viel glaubt, bleibt dumm
20120723             ATOM—KATASTROPHE: FUKUSHIMA—AUSSCHUSS prangert Vertuschung an
20120723             Wachsender Energiebedarf: CHINA kauft KANADA—ÖLKONZERN
20120723             "DIE—DIGITALE GESELLSCHAFT": Finger weg vom INTERNET
20120723             BATMAN—PREMIERE: Mehr Kontrollen in vielen DEUTSCHLAND—KINOS
20120723             ZUKUNFT des EURO: Heiße —WOCHEN für ATHEN
20120723             Übernahme von ÖL—KONZERN, CHINA plant riesigen ENERGIE—DEAL
20120723             Golf von MEXIKO: Delfine starben durch Eiswasser und Ölpest
20120723             ALLE—WAFFEN hatte Holmes legal gekauft.
20120723             SCHULDEN—KRISE, DAX bricht um 3 % 1
20120723             Übernahme von ÖL—KONZERN, CHINAs ENERGIE—RIESEN drängen an DIE—WELTSPITZE
20120723             —AUFSTAND—GEGEN—ASSAD—SYRIENS CHRISTEN fliehen vor radikalen REBELLEN
20120723             EURO—KRISE, USA—RATING—AGENTUR verpasst DEUTSCHLAND negativen Ausblick
20120723             THE—STATE—WILL—ALLOW—THE—RESIDENTS—TO work their lands and graze their flocks there —WHEN THE—IDF—IS—NOT—TRAINING—ON weekends and Jewish HOLIDAYS—AND —DURING 2—OTHER—PERIODS—OF—1—MONTH—EACH—DURING—THE—YEAR.
20120723             Na dann ist ja alles gut!1!!
20120723             Telegraph, UK—AFTER THE—MASSACRE—HOLMES calmly told detectives he had taken 100MG—OF—THE—PRESCRIPTION—PAINKILLER—VICODIN, and identified himself as "THE—JOKER".
20120723             —REFERRED, THE—SMALL—DIFFERENCE—BETWEEN—ANTIDEPRESS—AND placebo has been, to as a 'dirty little secret' by clinical trial researchers..
20120723             schleuderte die Sonne demnach BILLIONEN—TONNEN magnetisiertes Plasma ins ALL—GLÜCKLICHERWEISE kurz —NACHDEM DIE—ERDE aus der Schussbahn geflogen war.
20120723             —AM, durchs All.
20120723   ,JOHN_.HTML—
20120723             —AM, durchs All. durchs All.
20120723             —AM, DIE—ERDE nur knapp verfehlt hatten.
20120723             † MARIA—EMANUEL—MARK—GRAF—VON—MEISSEN, CHEF—DES—HAUSES—WETTIN (Albertinische Linie)
20120723             —AM, DIE—ERDE nur knapp verfehlt hatten.
20120723—18590000    —WIE, "Der Sturm war mindestens so stark",
20120723—19830000    —LAUNCHED, Ride 1., into space aboard Challenger on the 7. MISSION—OF—USA—SPACE—SHUTTLE—PROGRAM.
20120723—19980000    —SINCE, THE—PENALTIES—INCLUDED $60—MILLION and the abdicating of all wins.
20120723—20070000    —SIGNED, LIBERIA—PRESIDENT—ELLEN—JOHNSON—SIRLEAF, the Table Mountain Declaration, 1—PLEDGE drawn up by global media rights bodies to boost press freedom and stop the criminal PROSECUTION—OF—JOURNALISTS. the declaration was adopted by the World ASSOCIATION—OF—NEWSPAPERS and News Publishers (WAN—IFRA) in CAPE—TOWN, SOUTH—AFRICA.
20120723—20140000    —AUTHORED, Lynn Sherr, "SALLY—RIDE: AMERICA—1. Woman in Space".
20120725             —CLAIMED, THE—ISLAMIC—STATE—OF—IRAQ, responsibility for 20120723             —THE—ATTACKS—THAT—LEFT 113—DEAD in 1—STATEMENT—POSTED on jihadist forum Honein.
20120727—20120723    DER—SPIEGEL—ONLINE berichtete am..
20130722             —118—PM—EDT
20130722             —209—PM—EDT
20130722             —933—PM—EDT
20130722             —1028—PM—EDT
20130723             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 3—USA and 4—AFGHANISTAN—SOLDIERS were, —AFTER 1—INSURGENT riding 1—DONKEY detonated 1—BOMB in Wardak province.
20130723             Mein Sturm heißt Empörung und wird angefacht durch die Reaktionen und Nichtreaktionen DER—BUNDES—REGIERUNG.
20130723             Wörtlich heißt es in der Studie:
20130723             THOMAS—VON—AQUIN—ZITIERT: "Mit größerer Wucht stellt sich die VERNUNFT dem Bösen entgegen, wenn Zorn ihr dienstbar zur Hand geht".
20130723             "Die politischen SYSTEMe in den Peripherieländern weisen in der Regel mehrere der folgenden Merkmale auf: schwache FÜHRUNGS—KRÄFTE;
20130723             eine schwache ZENTRAL—REGIERUNG gegenüber Regionen;
20130723             verfassungsrechtlicher SCHUTZ—DER—ARBEITNEHMERRECHTE;
20130723             SYSTEMe zur Konsenserreichung, die politischen Klientelismus fördern;
20130723             und DAS—RECHT zu protestieren, wenn unliebsame Änderungen am politischen Status quo vorgenommen werden.
20130723             Die Mängel dieses politischen Erbes sind durch DIE—KRISE offensichtlich geworden".
20130723             —PLÄDIERT, JPMorgan, für RADIKALES—DURCHGREIFEN für den Fall, dass sich soziale UNRUHEN—IN—ZUKUNFT verstärken sollten.
20130723             Um 1—SOZIALE—REVOLUTION—IN—DER NÄCHSTEN ZEIT zu VER—HINDERN, müssen Regierungen in ganz EUROPA sich so schnell wie möglich diktatorische HERRSCHAFT—FORMEN einzuführen
20130723             — so ist zwischen den Zeilen zu lesen.
20130723             Falls nichts UNTER—NOMMEN wird, droht in ZUKUNFT jedenfalls Ungemach.
20130723             DIE—AUTOREN entwerfen —AM—ENDE—DER—STUDIE 1—REIHE—VON—SZENARIEN, die ihrer Meinung nach eintreten,
20130723             wenn DIE—EUROPÄISCHEN Regierungen es nicht schafften, strengere Regime einzuführen:
20130723             1) der Zusammenbruch mehrerer reformorientierter Regierungen im SÜDEN EUROPAs,
20130723             2) 1—ZUSAMMENBRUCH der UNTERSTÜTZUNG—FÜR—DEN EURO oder DIE—EU,
20130723             3) 1—WAHL—SIEG für radikale, ANTI—EUROPÄISCHE Parteien irgendwo in der Region, oder
20130723             4) die tatsächliche Unregierbarkeit von einigen Mitgliedstaaten, wenn die sozialen Kosten (insbesondere Arbeitslosigkeit) einmal 1—BESTIMMTES Niveau überschreiten.
20130723             Hier gehts zur Original JPMORGAN—STUDIE Quelle: MMnews vom 20130630             20130723             Hier gehts zur Original JPMORGAN—STUDIE Quelle: MMnews vom 20130630             20130723             Wörtlich heißt es in der Studie:
20130723             Hier gehts zur Original JPMORGAN—STUDIE Quelle: MMnews vom 20130630             20130723             Hier gehts zur Original JPMORGAN—STUDIE Quelle: MMnews vom 20130630             20130723             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 3—USA and 4—AFGHANISTAN—SOLDIERS were, —AFTER 1—INSURGENT riding 1—DONKEY detonated 1—BOMB in Wardak province.
20130723             1—CAMEROON court found 2—MEN—GUILTY under the country's harsh law banning gay sex, continuing 1—STRING of recent convictions that has drawn INTERNATIONAL condemnation.
20130723             CHINA, 1—MAN who was told by officials they couldn't register his 4. child because he didn't pay 1—PENALTY for breaking family planning laws stabbed to death 2—GOVERNMENT—WORKERS and injured 4—OTHERS.
20130723             —KILLED, EGYPT, 6—PEOPLE were, in CAIRO in clashes between opponents and Islamist supporters of deposed PRESIDENT—MORSI.
20130723             —ARRESTED, GREECE—SHIPOWNER VICTOR—RESTIS—WAS, on CHARGES—OF—MONEY laundering and embezzlement, becoming 1—OF—JUST 1—FEW prominent businessmen to be detained by police —SINCE GREECE sank into crisis.
20130723             1—BOAT sank off THE—SOUTH—COAST—OF—INDONESIA.
20130723             † At least 15—PEOPLE.
20130723             189—OF 1 estimated 204 suspected asylum seekers were rescued.
20130723             Most were from IRAQ, IRAN and SRI—LANKA.
20130723             —SIGNED, 1—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT—SPOKESMAN said BAGHDAD has, a —4-YEAR deal with IRAN to import natural gas for power generation, further intertwining the economies of THE—2—SHIITE—DOMINATED countries.
20130723             Police found the bodies of 4—OFF—DUTY—POLICEMEN on 1—ROAD with bullet wounds in their heads.
20130723             —ARRESTED, MADAGASCAR police, 1—OPPOSITION—LEADER on charges of holding 1—ILLEGAL—RALLY, compounding THE—ISLAND—NATION—POLITICAL—CRISIS.
20130723             —ARMED, MEXICO, violent clashes between, gangs and security forces killed 22—PEOPLE, marking 1—SURGE in violence in Michoacan state, where PRESIDENT—ENRIQUE—PENA—NIETO is testing 1—NEW—SECURITY—STRATEGY.
20130723             MYANMAR said it is releasing another 73—POLITICAL—PRISONERS and more could be freed in coming months to honor 1—COMMITMENT made by THE—PRESIDENT —DURING 1—RECENT—TRIP to EUROPE.
20130723             —BLOCKED, HOLLAND—JUDGES, the extradition of 1—TERROR—SUSPECT, identified as Sabir K., to THE—USA, saying he was tortured in PAKISTAN —AFTER his 20100000             arrest and it is unclear whether USA—AUTHORITIES had ANY—INVOLVEMENT.
20130723             —ACCUSED, USA—AUTHORITIES have, him of working with AL—QAIDA 20040000—20100000    —FROM—TO, and of plotting 1—SUICIDE—ATTACK on 1—USA—MILITARY—BASE in AFGHANISTAN.
20130723             —PARDONED, OMAN—SULTAN—QABOOS, activists jailed for taking part in ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS —2—YEARS—AGO, his latest gesture to citizens worried about unemployment and inadequate pay.
20130723             1—SERBIA—COURT freed retail tycoon Miroslav Miskovic, ACCUSED—OF—FRAUD and tax evasion, —AFTER he —POSTED 1—RECORD 12—MILLION euro ($16—MILLION) bail pending his trial.
20130723             —SACKED, SOUTH—SUDAN media said PRESIDENT—SALVA—KIIR has, his cabinet, the deputy PRESIDENT and suspended his top negotiator at talks to defuse tensions with SUDAN.
20130723             —ARRESTED, SPAIN—POLICE, 25—MEMBERS—OF—THE—HELLS—ANGELS motorcycle gang on the Mediterranean resort ISLAND—OF—MALLORCA.
20130723             —WANTED, Police said they were, for suspected drug trafficking, trafficking in human beings, extortion, money laundering and corruption.
20130723             —KILLED, SYRIA, more than 150—SOLDIERS were, over the last —2—DAYS in and —AROUND THE—TOWN—OF—KHAN AL—ASSAL.
20130723             —INCLUDED, Reports said this this, 51—SOLDIERS and officers who were executed.
20130723             THAILAND, 1—DOUBLE—DECKER passenger bus caught fire —AFTER colliding with 1—TRUCK on the Mitraphab highway in Kaeng Khoi district, killing 19—PEOPLE and injuring 23.
20130723             1—TURKEY—BORDER—PATROL killed 1—OF 8—CIVILIANS—TRYING to cross illegally from TURKEY into Syria.
20130723             THE—GROUP—HAD—BEEN—TRYING—TO—CROSS from Hatay province into NORTH—WEST—SYRIA and had fired on THE—TURKEY—PATROL—AFTER the troops had whistled 1—WARNING.
20130723             1—HEIMLICH mit Wissen des Staates verdachtslos und illegal überwachter BÜRGER ist kein BÜRGER mehr.
20130723             Ich bin wütend auf 1—GEHEIM—DIENSTAPPARAT, der die ABSCHAFFUNG—DES—FREIEN RECHTS—STAATS mit dem Argument betreibt, den freien RECHTS—STAAT schützen zu wollen.
20130723             Das KABINETT MERKEL erweist sich in DER—KRISE als NICHT—REGIERUNGS—ORGANISATION.
20130723             Aber vielleicht hat MERKEL auch vom GRUND—GESETZ —ERST aus der Presse erfahren.
20130723             Ich ekele mich VOR—1—INNEN—MINISTER, dessen intellektuelle Kapazität nicht ausreicht, um —SCHON den Begriff "SUPERGRUND—RECHT"als verfassungsschädlich zu erkennen.
20130723             —ATTACKIERT, Meine Heimat wird illegal, aber DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG weiß von nichts, ist nicht zuständig oder wiegelt ab.
20130723             Gründlichkeit gehe vor Schnelligkeit, sagte Oppermann der SÜD—DEUTSCHE—ZEITUNG.
20130723             Oppermann kündigte an, dem KANZLER—AMT AM—DIENSTAG1 Fragenkatalog zuzuleiten, dessen Beantwortung —BIS ENDE—DER—WOCHE dauern könnte.
20130723             "Statt DIE—BÜRGER und DIE—DEUTSCHE—WIRTSCHAFT VOR—1—FLÄCHENDECKENDEN SPIONAGE durch DIE—USA und GROß—BRITANNIEN zu schützen, versucht sie nur, sich herauszureden", sagte GABRIEL—DEM "Münchner Merkur".
20130723             Möglichkeiten DER—DIENSTE und ihre offenbar grundgesetzwidrigen Handlungen tendieren ja —SCHON fast Richtung "ERMÄCHTIGUNGS—GESETZ".
20130723             —NACH, den leidvollen Erfahrungen des 3. Reiches sollte so etwas nicht mehr vorstellbar sein.
20130723             was soll er denn machen, der arme mann?
20130723             DEUTSCHLAND ist nicht opfer der —AFFÄRE, sondern mittäter.
20130723             vorbei an allen gesetzen, vorbei an jeder nationalstaatlichkeit.
20130723             das ist alles —SCHON—SEIT—LANGEM beschlossene und getane sache.
20130723             wer weiß das —SCHON?
20130723             —JETZT, kam ihnen aber SNOWDEN in die quere und entlarvte den ganzen, riesigen komplex auf 1—SCHLAG.
20130723             da hat es ihnen, merkel, pofalla, obama, den FRANZOSEN und den BRITEN, eben die sprache verschlagen.
20130723             DAS—LAND brennt..
20130723             und DIE—KANZLERIN wechselt sich mit ihrem KANZLER—AMT—CHEF—IN aller Seelenruhe beim Urlaubmachen ab.
20130723             Und wenn sich dann Herr POFALLA tatsächlich doch einmal dazu bequemt, Auskunft geben zu wollen, geht es —PLÖTZLICH, Herrn Oppermann zu schnell.
20130723             Hat der vielleicht —AM—MITTWOCH seinen BINGO—ABEND?
20130723             Zerstörtes Vertrauen ist gefährlicher als TERROR
20130723             DIE—GEHEIM—DIENSTE und unsere Regierung zerstören genau das was sie schützen sollen.
20130723             Unsere VERFASSUNGS— und unserall, vor allem aber als Vorbild in den Köpfen derjenigen, denen vermeintliche Sicherheit als Rechtfertigung für buchstäblich alles gilt.
20130723             For starters it would guarantee EVERY—MAN, woman and child in AMERICA with total 100 % full health care insurance coverage —FOR—DECADES without paying 1—CENT in Insurance premiums.
20130723             How about rebuilding EVERY—SCHOOL, hospital and airport in AMERICA.
20130723             How about totally eliminating hunger in AMERICA.
20130723             Those who criticize SNOWDEN clearly have much to learn about how human beings, both IN—THE—USA—AND—ABROAD, have suffered due to unnecessary wars based upon lies.
20130723             I am proud to be 1—USA—WHO knew people who spilled their precious blood on THE—SANDS—OF—THE—BEACHES—OF—NORMANDY
20130723             —CONNED, Those in WASHINGTON who, AMERICA into THE—IRAQ—WAR—BASED—ON—INTENTIONAL—LIES, 1—WAR which has cost Americans $ 3,000,000,000,000.
20130723             "—WHEN plunder becomes 1—WAY—OF—LIFE for 1—GROUP—OF—MEN in 1—SOCIETY, over THE—COURSE—OF—TIME they create for themselves 1—LEGAL—SYSTEM that authorizes it and 1—MORAL—CODE that glorifies it".
20130723             (Frederic BASTIAT, 19thC ECONOMIST)
20130723             Jack20 wrote: PRE—MEDITATED espionage is the worst NON—VIOLENT—CRIME that 1 could possibly commit.
20130723             Smitty77 wrote: Easy to say to return to THE—USA—AND get the same treatment as MANNING and that guy in the Embassy in EUROPE.
20130723             BEZIEHUNGSSTUDIE—ZUR—BUNDES—TAGS—WAHL: PIRATEN—WÄHLER sollen am treuesten sein
20130723             —KAMPF—GEGEN—ASSAD: USA stellen sich auf TEILUNG SYRIENs 1
20130723             NATUR—SCHUTZ, Drohnen spähen nach Schneeleoparden
20130723             ÜBERWACHUNG und Schweigepflicht: "Auch dieses Gesprür den GIFT—GAS—EINSATZ—IN—SYRIEN angeht.
20130723             lenkt doch nur ab von der Frage, die wirklich interessiert, nämlich was, wer, usw.
20130723             Sie Schalk sie... - DIE—RICHTIGEN Worte zu FINDEN—BEGRIFFE
20130723             —BELAGERUNGS—ZUSTAND
20130723             Was bei diesen "SKANDAL"fehlt, ist das allgemeine und über ALLE—SCHICHTEN reichende Aufregen.
20130723             es fehlt das wirkliche —SKANDAL Gefühl, bei den Politikern und beim BÜRGER.
20130723             Das kann auch nicht kommen, weil dieser —SKANDAL zu abstrakt..
20130723             Selbst bei denen, die sich auskennen wie Lobo oder andere Online und IT experten, fehlt es die richtigen Worte zu finden, um das für alle greifbar zu machen.
20130723             es einfach so in den Raum zu werfen, hilft nicht.
20130723             es fehlt einfach an genügend Beispielen.
20130723             Wem betrifft es, in welcher Form und in welchen Umfang?
20130723             Das ist die Frage die sich jeder stellt und im Zweifel sagt er sich...mich betrifft es eh nicht.
20130723             Das dies nicht richtig ist, kann man nur anhand von Fallbeispielen erklären.
20130723             Den man braucht Phanatasie + Fachwissen ob es alleine zu begreiffen.
20130723             Und das ist 1—KOMBINATION, die selten zu finden ist.
20130723             Das gilt für OTTO—NORMALBÜRGER, Firmen, Politiker, Promis und allen anderen.
20130723             JEDE—GRUPPE bräuchte 2—3—BEISPIELE die genau sie betrifft oder BE—TREFFEN könnte, um sich darüber passend zu mokieren.
20130723             Und solange keiner der "Warner"diese liefert, werden nur wenige zuhören und noch weniger 1—GRUND zum handeln sehen.[/QUOTE]
20130723             Ist die Ausdehnung der BELAGERUNGS—MASCHINE "elektromagnetische Signale"unendlich, so hat sie zur Folge die "Parteiung"in jedem
20130723             einzelnen menschlichen Hirn, wie in den Gesellschaften.
20130723             Weil —ANALYSE und Synthese sind 2—SEITEN DESSELBEN Prozesses.
20130723             Daher gilt "FÜRCHTE—ET EU—EUCH NIIcht" - DIE—RICHTIGEN Worte sind BEGRIFFE...
20130723             ARBEITSAM—PRESSE—FREIHEIT IN—DEN—USA: Der nächste Sündenfall
20130723             —VERURTEILT, Aufnahme auf TERROR—LISTE, IRAN, HISBOLLAH—ÄCHTUNG der EU scharf
20130723             Wörtlich heißt es in der Studie: "Die politischen SYSTEMe in den Peripherieländern weisen in der Regel mehrere der folgenden Merkmale auf: schwache FÜHRUNGS—KRÄFTE;
20130723             291. - denke ihnen ist auch bekannt, daß —SCHON bei der Übernahme DER—USA—TELEFON—FIRMA Voicestream
20130723             Keine Dankbarkeit
20130723             Und warum zeigen sich diese Firmen nicht der aufgedeckten WIRTSCHAFT—SPIONAGE durch den mutigen WHISTLE—BLOWER SNOWDEN dankbar und machen DRUCK—AUF—IHRE Regierungen, ihn vor den USA—HÄSCHERN zu schützen und ihm Asyl anzubieten?
20130723             Fanatisch ist...
20130723             "Das ist alarmierend und legt nahe, daß der weltweite Rückgang an Bestäubern größere Folgen für BLÜTEN—PFLANZEN und NAHRUNGS—PFLANZEN haben könnte als —BISHER, bekannt".
20130723             NEW—YORK: BÜRGER—MEISTER—KANDIDAT Weiner räumt weitere Nacktbilder 1
20130723             [l] MASSENGEFÄNGNIS—AUSBRUCH in ABU—GHRAIB.
20130723             [l] Problem: NEUSEELANDs GEHEIM—DIENSTE sind außer Kontrolle und haben illegal NEUSEE—LÄNDER bespitzelt (Na SO 1—ÜBERRASCHUNG!
20130723             GEHEIM—DIENSTE außer Kontrolle?
20130723             Lösung: "Konservative"legalisieren das geheimdienstliche Bespitzeln der eigenen BÜRGER.
20130723             [l] Problem: Zuviel MONSANTO—PESTIZIDE im ESSEN.
20130723             Lösung: USA erhöht DIE—GRENZWERTE.
20130723             Meine Damen und Herren, DAS ist doch GENAU DAS—LAND, mit dem man 1—FREI—HANDEL—ABKOMMEN unterzeichnen will!1!!
20130723             [l] USA—AUßEN—MINISTER—KERRY hat offenbar richtig handfeste DROHUNGEN—GEGEN—VENEZUELA ausgesprochen in der Sache Asyl für SNOWDEN.
20130723             —DURING—THE—PHONE—CALL, KERRY reportedly made the —FOLLOWING threats:
20130723             To ground any and all VENEZUELA—AIRPLANES flying in American or NATO airspace upon ANY—SUSPICION that SNOWDEN may be on BOARD, including THE—FLIGHTS—OF—VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—MADURO.
20130723             rieren erneut in BRASILIEN
20130723             Nanoscale 3D Printers Able To Print Thinner Than 1—HAIR
20130723             But others, such as Sun Microsystems CO—FOUNDER—BILL—JOY—BELIEVE—ROBOTICS, genetic engineering and nanotechnology are threatening to make humans 1 endangered species.
20130723             1—GROßE —STUDIE VOM, hatte —BEREITS gezeigt, daß regelmäßige Bettzeiten die geistige ENTWICKLUNG—VON—DREIJÄHRIGEN fördern.
20130723             Diese ganze Fanaterei in den Foren ist unerträglich.
20130723             Hier gehts zur Original JPMORGAN—STUDIE Quelle: MMnews vom 20130630
20130723             Mein Sturm heißt Empörung und wird angefacht durch die Reaktionen und Nichtreaktionen DER—BUNDES—REGIERUNG.
20130723             Und zuallererst ekelt mich ANGELA—MERKEL—DAFÜR—AN, dass unsere Freiheit zwar am Hindukusch verteidigt wird.
20130723             Aber nicht auf unseren Laptops.
20130723             13. was soll er denn machen, der arme mann?
20130723             merkel hat SICH—DEUTSCHLAND ist nicht opfer der —AFFÄRE, sondern mittäter.
20130723             das ist alles —SCHON—SEIT—LANGEM beschlossene und getane sache. vielleicht sogar —SCHON—SEIT schily.
20130723             wer weiß das —SCHON? rechtfertigungen, erklärungs—, verschleierungsversuche sollten immer nur bei BEDARF abgelassen werden. in kleinen portionen.
20130723             15. DAS—LAND brennt.. - Einfacher Bürger
20130723             Stelle sich das jeder mal in der Privatwirtschaft vor.
20130723             36. Zerstörtes Vertrauen ist gefährlicher als TERROR
20130723             Finally, all the best experts agree that —WHEN all is said and done regarding AMERICA—INVASÃON—OF—IRAQ, based on lies, that war will have cost AMERICA—TAX payers 1—TOTAL—OF—MORE than $ 3,000,000,000,000. (3—TRILLION DOLLAR).
20130723             Those who criticize SNOWDEN for trying to inform THE—AMERICA—PUBLIC about what is being done in their name, with their hard earned tax DOLLAR, obviously do not understand or possess the foggiest concept of what $ 3,000,000,000,000. American $ represents.
20130723             Wearing 1—AMERICA—FLAG in your lapel is not what makes 1—PATRIOTIC—AMERICAN.
20130723             Wanting to clean up AMERICA—GOVERNMENT and get the Lobbyists and the grifters and the outright pernicious thieves out of WASHINGTON, DC and OUT—OF—EVERY—AMERICA—POCKET is what constitutes 1—PATRIOTIC—AMERICAN.
20130723             —CONNED, Those in WASHINGTON who, AMERICA into THE—IRAQ—WAR—BASED—ON—INTENTIONAL—LIES, 1—WAR which has cost Americans $ 3,000,000,000,000. and counting are the real despicable CRIMINALS—NOT MISTER—SNOWDEN.
20130723             —FASHIONED, People like MISTER—SNOWDEN possess the old, TYPE—OF—AMERICA—GUTS possessed by the Founding Fathers who were fully prepared to risk their lives and all they had for what they believed in.
20130723             Those who do not understand why SNOWDEN is 1—TRUE—AMERICA—HERO clearly do not understand much of anything.
20130723             And, more is the pity, they never will.
20130723             I think 1 "well placed" bullet to THE—BACK—OF—THE—HEAD—WOULD—END—THIS—PROBLEM.
20130723             They all will be killed if THE—USA—CAN get their hands on them!
20130723             What is refreshing is the fact that THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD—IS—NOT—JUMPING —WHENEVER THE—USA—SAYS to.
20130723             —ABOUT time we heard of what they are up to!
20130723             insgesamt 192—BEITRÄGE—INSGESAMT 223—BEITRÄGE
20130723             Außer er selbst und eventuell CAMERON—GLAUBT—WOHL—NIEMAND—MEHR—DARAN, OBAMA scheint sich der mannigfaltigen Lügen seiner GEHEIM—DIENSTE erinnert haben...Schöne Schlagzeile in FRANKREICH: G7 + Poutine!
20130723             lenkt doch nur ab von der Frage, die wirklich interessiert,
20130723             nämlich was, wer, usw. in der WIRKLICHKEIT hättte MACHEN können, damals, im Zusammenhang, den Sie —JETZT gekonnt ausBLENDEN.
20130723             Sie Schalk sie... - die richtigen Worte zu finden
20130723             BEGRIFFE—BELAGERUNGS—ZUSTAND - [QUOTE=booya;13300798]
20130723             es einfach so in den Raum zu werfen, hilft nicht. es ist zu gross um es zu begreifen.
20130723             Hier gehts zur Original JPMORGAN—STUDIE Quelle: MMnews vom 20130630
20130723             THOMAS—VON—AQUIN—ZITIERT: "Mit größerer Wucht stellt sich die VERNUNFT dem Bösen entgegen, wenn Zorn ihr dienstbar zur Hand geht".
20130723             350. die richtigen Worte sind BEGRIFFE...
20130723             denn BEGRIFFE sind die Werkzeuge für das Denken.
20130723             Wenn BUSH vor fast —13—JAHREN DIE—WELT in Freund ODER Feind eingeteilt hat, so war das die Ausrufung 1—BELAGERUNGS—ZUSTANDES.
20130723             Dem BELAGERUNGS—ZUSTAND eigen ist die Spaltung der Belagerten in Parteien, ob denen das bewußt wird oder nicht.
20130723             Ist die Ausdehnung der BELAGERUNGS—MASCHINE "elektromagnetische Signale"unendlich, so hat sie zur Folge die "Parteiung"in jedem einzelnen menschlichen Hirn, wie in den Gesellschaften.
20130723             Auf die Dauer bildet sich an jenem Ort "BEWUßT—SEIN".
20130723             Mit naturgesetzlicher Gewalt.
20130723             Weil —ANALYSE und Synthese sind 2—SEITEN DESSELBEN Prozesses.5.html#post13011206
20130723             56. Keine Dankbarkeit
20130723             Sie nehmen seine Enthüllungen gern zur Kenntnis, die sie vor 1—MILLIONENSCHADEN schützen können, helfen ihm aber nicht.
20130723             [ZITAT—VON—METAFA][..] Diese ganze Fanaterei in den Foren ist unerträglich.
20130723             wenn der elementare Rechtsgrundsatz der Unschuldsvermutung über Bord geworfen wird, um das Unmögliche (totale Sicherheit) möglich zu machen.
20130723             Unerträglich ist, dass offensichtlich NOCH—IMMER NICHT jeder gecheckt hat, wo der Hase im Pfeffer liegt.
20130723             Das zu überdenken könnte lohnen und zu Einsichten führen.
20130723             Versuchen Sie doch einfach mal.
20130723             —SCHON der Ausfall 1—EINZIGEN Blütenbestäubers kann 1—ÖKO—SYSTEM aus dem Gleichgewicht bringen.
20130723             Das zeigt 1—STUDIE an Hummeln im USA—STAAT COLORADO.
20130723             Blieb dort nur 1—EINZIGE der insgesamt 11—HUMMELARTEN 1—BLUMENWIESE fern, so bildeten MANCHE—PFLANZEN 33% weniger Samen, wie DIE—FORSCHER im FACH—MAGAZIN "PROCEEDINGS—OF—THE—NATIONAL—ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES"schreiben.
20130723             Der Grund: VIELE—VERBLEIBENDE—HUMMELN wurden ihren —BISHERIGEN Blüten untreu.
20130723             Tun illegale Dinge?! Erkennt jemand 1—MUSTER?)
20130723             Und dann vermutlich auch GEGEN—DIE—ANDEREN südamerikanischen Länder.
20130723             "Immunity is for THE—PRESIDENT, not for the plane," Kerry said.
20130723             —AS—EARLY—AS 19300000             JOHN—MAYNARD—KEYNES wrote, "the increase of technical efficiency has been taking place faster than we can deal with THE—PROBLEM—OF—LABOR—ABSORPTION".
20130723             blitzunddonner —HEUTE, 08:18 Uhr - [ZITAT—VON—SYSOPANZEIGEN...] - was soll er denn machen, der arme mann?
20130723             15. DAS—LAND brennt.. - Einfacher Bürger —HEUTE, 08:22 Uhr
20130723             36. —ZERSTÖRTES Vertrauen ist gefährlicher als TERROR—ROBBYY —HEUTE, 08:57 Uhr
20130723             I think 1 "well placed" bullet to THE—BACK—OF—THE—HEAD would end this problem.
20130723             Das kann auch nicht kommen, weil dieser —SKANDAL zu abstrakt. zu wenig greifbar ist.
20130723             Daher gilt "FÜRCHTE—ET EU—EUCH NIIcht" - die richtigen Worte sind BEGRIFFE...
20130723             291. - sepp08 —HEUTE, 16:10 Uhr
20130723             1.694—HEUTE, 17:10 Uhr - [ZITAT—VON—BOOYAANZEIGEN...]
20130723             Weil —ANALYSE und Synthese sind 2—SEITEN DESSELBEN Prozesses.5.html#post13011206             20130723             rieren erneut in BRASILIEN
20130723—19440000    —IN, I am proud to be 1—AMERICA—WHO knew people who spilled their precious blood on THE—SANDS—OF—THE—BEACHES—OF—NORMANDY and
20130723—20130716    —OFFERED, THE—USA—NAVY, AUSTRALIA ANY—HELP it wanted to retrieve 4—BOMBS, mistakenly dropped inside the World HERITAGE—LISTED Great Barrier Reef marine park.
20130723—20300000    —IMAGINED, Keynes, that most people would only work —15—HOURS —1—WEEK, occupying themselves with leisure the rest —OF—THE—TIME.
20131118—19440723    1—GERMANY—PROBE into —THE, reprisal attack at CHLANIOW—POLAND, implicated MICHAEL—KARKOC, —94—JAHRE—ALT, 1—RETIRED—MINNESOTA carpenter, as COMMANDER—OF—THE—NAZI—SS—LED unit in the attack.
20140407—20140723    —ON, 1—CORONER ruled that she was 1—HEROIN addict and † of 1—DRUG overdose.
20140623—20140702    —ON, Preliminary results are due, then final results 20140723             —ON.
20140723             —LIFTED, —LATE—TODAY THE—USA—FAA, its ban on commercial flights to Tel Aviv.
20140723             —CONVICTED, ARIZONA, killer JOSEPH—WOOD—GASPED—AND—SNORTED —DURING THE—117—MINUTES it took him to die —AFTER he was injected with 1—RELATIVELY untested combination of the sedative midazolam and painkiller hydromorphone.
20140723             —SENTENCED, He had been, to death for killing his girlfriend and her father.
20140723             —ACCUSED, THE—AFGHANISTAN—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICE, PAKISTAN of stoking instability in the country by backing militants who stage attacks in AFGHANISTAN.
20140723             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER killed 1—POLICEMAN and wounded 3 in NORTH—KUNDUZ province.
20140723             —RETIRED, ARUBA, MAJOR—GENERAL—HUGO—CARVAJAL, 1—FORMER—VENEZUELA—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE—CHIEF, was arrested at USA—REQUEST to face drug trafficking charges.
20140723             —PLEDGED, CAMEROON, CHAD, NIGER and NIGERIA, to mobilize 1—JOINT—FORCE to tackle the growing regional threat posed by Boko Haram Islamist militants operating mainly in NIGERIA.
20140723             —DETAINED, CHINA—POLICE, 5—PEOPLE from 1—UNIT—OF—USA—FOOD—SUPPLIER—OSI Group, in 1—CASE involving expired meat sold to fast food giants including McDonald's and KFC.
20140723             —CLOSED, CHINA—STATE—MEDIA said BEIJING has, the 1. of 4—LARGE—COAL—FIRED power plants set to be DE—COMMISSIONED as PART—OF—THE—CITY—EFFORTS to cut air pollution, citing the local planning agency.
20140723             CHINA—STATE—MEDIA said the government would target pornography on smartphones and punish pornographic app creators.
20140723             CHINA, tropical storm Matmo made landfall.
20140723             It brought heavy rains and winds to PARTS—OF—EAST—CHINA —FOLLOWING another typhoon that killed at least 56—PEOPLE in the country's south.
20140723             Matmo left 9—DEAD in Jiangxi province and 4—DEAD in Guangdong province.
20140723             Representatives of the Muslim and CHRISTIAN—FACTIONS—BATTLING—IN—CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC signed 1—CEASE—FIRE—AGREEMENT in neighboring REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO.
20140723             —KILLED, THE—EGYPT—ARMY reportedly, 3—MILITANTS in their car —DURING 1—RAID in THE—SINAI—REGION.
20140723             —KILLED, Ansar Bayt AL—MAQDIS —LATER said the militants were, by 1—ISRAEL—DRONE.
20140723             THE—EUROPEAN—UNION gave LITHUANIA the green light to adopt the euro currency —STARTING—NEXT—YEAR.
20140723             —CANCELED, Air FRANCE and GERMANY—2—LARGEST—AIRLINES, more flights to Tel Aviv because of ongoing safety concerns amid the fighting between ISRAEL—AND—HAMAS.
20140723             —OFFERED, THE—WORLD—BANK—INDIA up to $18—BILLION in financial support over the next —3—YEARS—WHILE lavishly praising new RIGHT—WING—PRIME—MINISTER—NARENDRA—MODI'S "ambitious vision" for the country.
20140723             —POUNDED, ISRAEL—FORCES, GAZA, meeting stiff resistance from Hamas Islamists and sending THOUSANDS—OF—RESIDENTS—FLEEING.
20140723             —KILLED, LIBYA, at least 9—PEOPLE were, and 19 wounded, mostly civilians, in BENGHAZI —AFTER heavy clashes between Islamist fighters and regular forces trying to oust the militants from the city.
20140723             —KILLED, NIGERIA, 1—BOMB targeting 1—IMAM in the center of KADUNA, 32—OF—HIS followers.
20140723             A 2. bomb blast in KADUNA killed 50 in the crowded Kawo market.
20140723             —ENTERED, Boko Haram attackers, the village of Garubula, in Biu district, —LATE—TODAY and dragged victims out of their homes —BEFORE shooting 12—OF—THEM.
20140723             —BELIEVED, SOMALIA, MEMBER—OF—PARLIAMENT—SAADO ALI—WARSAME, to be in her 70s, was shot dead in MOGADISHU by Islamist gunmen.
20140723             —FAMED, She was, for political and patriotic songs she sang over decades.
20140723             1—SOUTH—AFRICA—COURT jailed 1—RHINO poacher —FOR—77—YEARS, 1—OF—THE—HEAVIEST—SENTENCES handed out for the crime as poaching continues to escalate.
20140723             —JAILED, —THIS—MONTH 2—MOZAMBICANS were each, —16—YEARS for killing and dehorning rhino.
20140723             —CRASHED, TAIWAN—BASED TransAsia Airways plane, on landing on Penghu ISLAND off the west coast, killing 48—PEOPLE.
20140723             10—PEOPLE survived.
20140723             —SLAMMED, Typhoon Matmo, into TAIWAN —TODAY with heavy rains and strong winds.
20140723             PRO—RUSSIA—REBELS shot down 2—UKRAINE—FIGHTER—JETS, not far from where 1—MALAYSIA—AIRLINER was brought down —LAST—WEEK in EAST—UKRAINE.
20140723             —KILLED, Local health officials said 432—PEOPLE had been, and 1,015 wounded —SINCE hostilities started in THE—DONETSK—REGION.
20140723             EAST—UKRAINE, GRAHAM—PHILLIPS, 1—UK—JOURNALIST reporting for 1—RUSSIA—TELEVISION—CHANNEL, went missing, with MOSCOW alleging he and another journalist (Vadim) were captured by KIEV—TROOPS.
20140723             —KRITISIERT, VERFASSUNGS—RECHTLICHE Bedenken: Chefdatenschützerin, DE—MAIZIÈRES ANTI—TERROR—DATEI scharf
20140723             AFGHANISTAN: —VON—DER—LEYEN zu Truppenbesuch eingetroffen
20140723             —NACH, ABSCHUSS—VON—MH17: DEUTSCHLAND—POLITIKER stellen FUßBALL—WM in RUSSLAND in Frage
20140723             —FINANZIERT, KREDITE—CHINA, HAFEN auf KUBA
20140723             Dobrindts Konzept: CDU—VIZE—NENNT—MAUT—PLÄNE "ÄUß—ERST schädlich"
20140723             MINDEST—LOHN: GERING—VERDIENER müssen an den Stadtrand
20140723             Trotz Gesprächen über Embargo: GROß—BRITANNIEN liefert weiter Waffen an RUSSLAND
20140723             Geruchssinn: Die beste Nase ist 1—RÜSSEL
20140723             —VOR, Lampedusa: Männer sollen VIELE—FLÜCHTLINGE an Bord ermordet haben
20140723             RASSISMUS—SKANDAL, Sterling verklagt NBA und seine oo HEPATITIS: Stille Seuche
20140723             YOUTUBE—KANAL "DisneyCollector": Unbekannte sammelt 2.500.000.000—KLICKS mit Spielzeugvideos
20140723             MALAYSIA—AIRLINES—FLUG MH17: Flugdatenschreiber in GROß—BRITANNIEN angekommen
20140723             Trotz GEWINN—SPRUNG, Daimler fordert Zugeständnisse VONMIT—ARBEITERN
20140723             Gefahren am ARBEITS—PLATZ: "Kugelschreiber sind TODES—MASCHINEN"(KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 09:42)
20140723             Datenzugriff: APPLE will nichts von IOS—HINTER—TÜREN—WISSEN
20140723             Kino.TO—URTEIL—IN—ÖSTERREICH: Gericht verfügt WEBSITE—SPERRUNGEN ohne Richtervorbehalt
20140723             Schwingende Gefäße: Durst lässt Bäume aufschreien
20140723             Eingestellter FLUG—VERKEHR nach TEL—AVIV: Airlines bescheren der HAMAS 1—ERFOLG
20140723             —ATTENTAT beim MARATHON: Freund des mutmaßlichen BOSTON—BOMBERS festgenommen
20140723             "Freies Netz Süd": BAYERN verbietet größtes NEO—NAZI—NETZ—WERK
20140723             Pferderennen: Stute der QUEEN positiv auf Morphin GES—TEST
20140723             Hackerkonferenz: Maulkorb für Vortrag über TOR—SICHERHEITS—LÜCKEN
20140723             Wunsch nach einfachen Lösungen IM—NETZ: DIE—DEUTSCHE—KRANKHEIT heißt Simplitis
20140723             —KRIEG—IN—GAZA: Selbst in der Kirche gibt es keine Sicherheit
20140723             —NEUE—FACEBOOK—REGELN: SACHSEN schränkt KONTAKTE zwischen Lehrern und Schülern 1
20140723             —KLIMA—POLITIK,BRÜSSEL beschließt Energiesparziel von 30 %
20140723             Schwache Rendite: VOLKSWAGEN—CHEF—WINTERKORN schwört MIT—ARBEITER auf SPAR—KURS 1
20140723             TERROR—GRUPPE im IRAK—ISLAMISCHER—STAAT lässt Schaufensterpuppen verhüllen
20140723             MERS—ERREGER: Gefährliches VIRUS auch über die Luft übertragbar?
20140723             PROZESS—IN—REGENSBURG: Verteidiger von Mollath legen Mandat nieder
20140723             LIVETICKER, zum UKRAINE—KONFLIKT, MILITÄR—MASCHINE mit Leichen landet in EINDHOVEN
20140723             —NEUEN—MITGLIED im WÄHRUNGS—RAUM, Litauer können 20150000             —AB mit EURO bezahlen
20140723             —KRISE—IN—DER—UKRAINE: MERKEL verlangt schnelle SANKTIONEN—GEGEN—RUSSLAND
20140723             Legalisierung von CANNABIS: Der FISKUS kifft mit
20140723             PROZESS—IN—REGENSBURG: MOLLATH—ANWÄLTE sollen als Pflichtverteidiger weitermachen
20140723             GROß—BRITANNIEN: Provider schicken künftig WARN—E—MAILS an Filesharer
20140723             FLUGZEUG—UNGLÜCK, Bruchlandung in TAIWAN—VIELE—TOTE
20140723             EU—SANKTIONEN: Oettinger will ÖLFÖRDER—HILFEN für RUSSLAND streichen
20140723             [l] So früh —AM—MORGEN und —SCHON so 1—BRECHREIZ!
20140723             Achtet auch auf die tolle Umfrage.
20140723             [l] Obamacare ist NOCH—IMMER nicht in trockenen Tüchern.
20140723             Das kann ja alles nicht wahr sein.
20140723             DAS—GESETZ sieht vor, daß DIE—USA—BUNDES—LÄNDER eigene VERSICHERUNGS—MÄRKTE aufsetzen, bei denen DIE—BÜRGER dann ihre POLICEn kriegen können.
20140723             34—DER 50—BUNDES—LÄNDER haben das nicht gemacht, vor allem DIE—REPUBLIKANISCH regierten.
20140723             Also hat DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG in diesen STAATEN Versicherungspolicen subventioniert, damit DIE—BÜRGER trotzdem an POLICEn zu den ihnen zustehenden Konditionen kommen.
20140723             1—ANDERES Berufungsgericht hat allerdings fast zeitgleich das Gegenteil geurteilt.
20140723             [l] DIE—UKRAINE sagt, DIE—REBELLEN hätten ihnen 2—SU—25—ABGESCHOSSEN.
20140723             Ich weiß ja gar nicht, was ich an der Stelle zynischer finde.
20140723             Dass DIE—UKRAINE —JETZT dachte, —NACH—DEM Mh17-Dings fassen DIE—REBELLEN keine Luftabwehr mehr an und die Gunst —DER—STUNDE nutzen wollten, oder dass DIE—REBELLEN NOCH—IMMER auf Knöpfe drücken.
20140723             Oder vielleicht ist das ja auch alles bloß mal wieder 1—BEDAUERLICHE FEHL—INFORMATION.
20140723             —BISHER, ist die "Regierung DER—UKRAINE"ja nicht gerade durch Glaubwürdigkeit oder belastbare Informationen aufgefallen.
20140723             [l] LACHER—DES—TAGES: DIE—BRITEN lizensieren fröhlich WAFFEN—SYSTEME an RUSSLAND.
20140723             Und das —NACHDEM sie sich gerade —ERST fett aufgeregt hatten, daß FRANKREICH DIE—VERTRÄGE für 1—HUBSCHRAUBER—TRÄGER für die RUSSLAND—MARINE weiterhin erfüllen will.
20140723             DIE—BRAUCHEN diese ganze westliche —TECHNOLOGIE gar nicht.
20140723             —GEWESEN, Das werden irgendwelche ÜBERKREUZ—DEALS, sein.
20140723             —OPPONIERT, Ihr, nicht gegen Erdgas aus RUSSLAND, dafür kaufen wir aus eurem WAHL—KREIS diese Waffensysteme.
20140723             Oder so. "Pork Barrel Politics"nennt man sowas. Das ist also doppelt witzig.
20140723             Politiker kriegen für ihre KORRUPTION—PROJEKTE Ärger, weil sie an PUTIN Waffen liefern, die der nicht braucht.
20140723             Wie geil! [l] Fehlt Deinem Leben die Würze?
20140723             [l] Oh und wo wir gerade bei der "Regierung DER—UKRAINE"waren: Im PARLAMENT—VON—KIEV gab es endlich mal wieder 1—KLOPPEREI und RT war natürlich in HD dabei
20140723             [l] Endlich kommt hier 1—BRAUCHBARE VERSCHWÖRUNGS—THEORIE rein, wieso ausgerechnet MALAYSIA Air so Probleme hat.
20140723             —STUDIEE: VIELE—OBDACHLOSE LEIDEN an psychischen Störungen
20140723             Statistik der Arbeitsagentur: DEUTSCHLAND—LÖHNE haben 20130000             stärker zugelegt als —IM—VORJAHR
20140723             —KÄMPFE—IN—DER—OST—UKRAINE—KIEW macht RUSSLAND für KAMPFJET—ABSCHUSS verantwortlich
20140723             LEBENS—MITTEL—SKANDAL, CHINA lässt VERDÄCHTIGE wegen Ekelfleischvorwurf festnehmen
20140723             ASYL—BEWERBER, BUNDES—GERICHT—HOF setzt Abschiebehäftlinge auf freien Fuß
20140723             Geschwister im Sternhaufen: Helle Sterne altern schneller
20140723             Getötete DEUTSCHLAND—FAMILIE in GAZA: Sie hatten KEINE—CHANCE
20140723             LÄNDER—BERICHT, IWF sieht USA—WIRTSCHAFT im Aufwind
20140723             Unglücksflug MH17: NIEDERLANDE finden keine Hinweise auf MANIPULATION der Blackbox
20140723             —GEHÖRT, Chadakowski, zu den REBELLENkommandeuren, die nicht aus RUSSLAND in die OST—UKRAINE eingesickert sind.
20140723             Er ist UKRAINEr, früher war er —CHEF—1—ANTI—TERROR—EINHEIT des ukrainsichen GEHEIM—DIENSTES SBU Zwischen ihm und anderen REBELLENführeren um IGOR—STRELKOW—WAR—ES —IN—DER—VERGANGENHEIT zu handfestem Streit gekommen.
20140723             Strelkow ist "VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTER"der selbsternannten Volksrepublik DONEZK, 1—RUSSE aus MOSKAU.
20140723             Chodakowski sagte weiter, möglicherweise sei das RAKETEN—SYSTEM aus RUSSLAND gekommen.
20140723             "Ich weiß von diesem Bukâ€"SYSTEM", sagte der REBELLENkommandeur. Er glaube aber, die FLUG—ABWEHR—BATTERIE sei —NACH—DEM Abschuss wieder zurückgeschafft worden nach RUSSLAND "um den Beweis seiner Existenz zu beseitigen".
20140723             —DENN, sie habe 1—LUFT—ANGRIFF—JUST in dem Moment gestartet, als das zivile Flugzeug DAS—GEBIET überflogen habe.
20140723             Gefahren am ARBEITS—PLATZ: "Kugelschreiber sind TODES—MASCHINEN"
20140723             1—BUNDES—BERUFUNGSGERICHT—WASHINGTON DC hat —JETZT geurteilt, dass sie diese Subventionen nicht zahlen dürfen.
20140723             Der größte Lacher an der ganzen GESCHICHTE ist ja, dass RUSSLAND selber 1—DER größten WAFFEN—EXPORTEURE der Welt ist.
20140723             COMMENT JewsAndArabsRefuseToBeEnemies: "am Ende sind wir Menschen"
20140723             —NUN räumt 1—EINFLUSSREICHER REBELLENkommandeur IN—DER—OST—UKRAINE ZUM 1. MAL ein, dass DIE—SEPARATISTEN über die BUK—LUFTABWEHR verfügt haben.
20140723             Chodakowski sagte der NACHRICHTEN—AGENTUR—REUTERS: "Ich weiß, dass 1—BUK—SYSTEM—VON—LUHANSK gekommen ist".Man habe ihn darüber informiert, dass dieses ABWEHR—SYSTEM unter die Flagge der Volksrepublik LUHANSK gestellt werde.
20140723             "Ich weiß von diesem BUK—SYSTEM", sagte der REBELLENkommandeur.
20140723             Er glaube aber, die FLUG—ABWEHR—BATTERIE sei —NACH—DEM Abschuss wieder zurückgeschafft worden nach RUSSLAND "um den Beweis seiner Existenz zu beseitigen".
20140723             —GEWUSST, Sie habe, dass DIE—SEPARATISTEN über BUK—LUFTABWEHRSYSTEME verfügten, aber "nicht nur nichts getan, um DIE—SICHERHEIT zu gewährleisten, sondern sie hat den —EINSATZ 1—SOLCHEN Waffentyps gegen 1—FLUGZEUG mit Zivilisten an Bord provoziert".
20140723             —GESTARTET, Denn sie habe 1—LUFT—ANGRIFF —JUST in dem Moment, als das zivile Flugzeug das Gebiet überflogen habe.
20140723             "Sie wussten, dass dieses BUK—SYSTEM existiert hat, dass es AUF—DEM—WEG—NACH— Sneschnoje war", sagte Chodakowski 10—ER Verweis auf 1 10—KMWESTLICH der Absturzstelle gelegenes Dorf.
20140723             "Sie wussten, dass es dort stationiert werden würde".KIEW habe den ANGRIFF—AUF—DEN Flieger bewusst provoziert, um DIE—REBELLEN und RUSSLAND zu diskreditieren.
20140723             —NACH Vertreibung aus MOSSUL: BUNDES—TAGSVIZE SINGHAMmer fordert Aufnahme IRAKISCHER—CHRISTEN
20140723             —NACH FED—SCHELTE: DEUTSCHE—BANK—AKTIE ist Verlierer im DAX
20140723             [l] Fehlt Deinem Leben die Würze?
20140723             Gauck zu JUDEN—FEINDLICHEN Demos: "Wir wollen ANTI—SEMITISMUS nicht hinnehmen"
20140723             Künftiger EU—KOMMISSION—CHEF—JUNCKER: KLIMA—RETTER wider Willen
20140723             "RUSSISCHES—BLACKWATER": MOSKAU will Privatarmeen aufbauen
20140723             Auch der UKRAINISCHEN—FÜHRUNG in KIEW wies Chodakowski 1—VERANTWORTUNG für den Flugzeugabsturz zu.
20140723—20110000    —ARRESTED, Mandla Chauke was, in the iconic Kruger National Park —AFTER he killed 3—RHINO calves.
20140723—20140728    —UNTIL, POLAND—STATE—AIRLINE—LOT suspended its flights to ISRAEL—FROM—WARSAW—BECAUSE—OF—CONCERN for passengers' safety.
20140723—20150000    —AB, Neues Mitglied im Währungsraum: Litauer können mit EURO bezahlen
20140825—20140723    —IN—THE, TAIWAN—TRANSASIA—AIRWAYS said it has offered record compensation to THE—FAMILIES—OF—EACH—PASSENGER killed domestic flight even though THE—CAUSE—OF—THE—CRASH—IS—STILL—UNCLEAR.
20150723             —EXECUTED, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL said IRAN has, 694—PEOPLE 20150101—20150715    —BETWEEN.
20150723             —AGREED, USA—DEFENSE—OFFICIALS said that TURKEY has, to allow manned USA—PLANES to stage air strikes against Islamic State militants from 1—AIR—BASE at Incirlik, close to THE—SYRIA—BORDER.
20150723             —LAUNCHED, USA—DRONES are already, from the base.
20150723             —PACKED, LOUISIANA, JOHN—RUSSELL—HOUSER, —59—JAHRE—ALT, sitting in 1, movie theater, stood up about —20—MINUTES into the showing of "Trainwreck"  and began firing into the crowd, killing 2 and wounding at least 9—OTHERS—BEFORE fatally shooting himself at the Grand 16—THEATER in LAFAYETTE.
20150723             OKLAHOMA police found 5—MEMBERS—OF—THE—BEVER—FAMILY—EITHER—DEAD—OR—DYING and 1—GIRL, —13—JAHRE—ALT stabbed but alive near the front door of 1—HOME in Broken Arrow.
20150723             Brothers Michael (16) and ROBERT—BEVER, —18—JAHRE—ALT were taken into custody.
20150723             —FACED, Both, trial as adults.
20150723             —REPORTED, Astronomers, the discovery 1—EARTH—LIKE—PLANET some 1,400 LIGHT—YEARS away.
20150723             —INDICATED, Signals from the Kepler spacecraft, that Kepler-452b orbited —AROUND 1—STAR believed to be about 4.6—BILLION years old.
20150723             BELGIUM, THE—CENTER—RIGHT—GOVERNMENT—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—CHARLES—MICHEL—PUSHED—THROUGH 1—TAX—SHIFT to lighten THE—COST—OF—LABOR for businesses and offset it with taxes on energy, alcohol and tobacco.
20150723             —ARRESTED, BELGIUM, 2—FORMER—DETAINEES—OF—GUANTANAMO prison on CHARGES—OF—TERRORISM, saying the men are suspected of seeking recruits to fight in Syria.
20150723             BRAZIL—GOVERNMENT said the jobless rate in Latin AMERICA—LARGEST—COUNTRY—ROSE for the 6. straight —MONTH in June.
20150723             ENGLAND, SIMON—REYNOLDS, —50—JAHRE—ALT was absent from THE—COURT—IN—SHEFFIELD as 1—JURY returned 1—VERDICT—OF—4—COUNTS—OF—THEFT.
20150723             —CONVICTED—OF, THE—CHURCH—OF—ENGLAND priest was, pocketing —AROUND 24,000 pounds ($37,000) of church funds.
20150723             Pearson PLC, the owner of the Financial Times, said it has agreed to sell FT Group to Nikkei INCORPORATED for 844—MILLION—POUNDS ($1.3—BILLION), payable in cash.
20150723             —CHAIRED, CAMEROON, THE—GOVERNOR—OF—THE—EAST—REGION, 1—SECURITY meeting that included Muslim clerics where he "announced the ban of 1—FULL veil or burqa.
20150723             —KILLED, CONGO, DRC UGANDA—ADF rebels, 3—WOMEN and burned down 4—BUILDINGS in the village of MAYI—MOYA, NORTH—KIVU province.
20150723             † In EGYPT—NORTH—SINAI 1—OFFICER and 3—SOLDIERS—WHEN their armored vehicle hit the bomb in RAFAH.
20150723             —ENSUED, Clashes with militants then, killing a 5. soldier.
20150723             —LAUNCHED, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, 1—ANTITRUST case against 6—MAJOR—USA—MOVIE studios and UK—SATELLITE broadcaster Sky UK, in 1—MOVE that could profoundly shake up the highly lucrative PAY—TELEVISION—MARKET in EUROPE.
20150723             —BLOCKED, Angry FRANCE—FARMERS, the Mont SAINT—MICHEL—CAUSEWAY—AND—HIGHWAYS—LEADING—TO—THE—ALPS to denounce low milk and meat prices.
20150723             —ACKNOWLEDGED, IRAN officially, only 246—EXECUTIONS in the same period.
20150723             MEXICO, 4—CHILDREN were among 7—PEOPLE from the same family killed in 1—DEVASTATING—LIGHTNING—STRIKE in THE—TOWN—OF—MESA Cuata, Guanajuato state.
20150723             † 1—PALESTINE—MAN, Falah ABU—MARIA, (53) was killed —DURING 1—CLASH between Palestinians and ISRAEL—TROOPS—IN—THE—WEST—BANK.
20150723             Reconstruction began on the 1. homes in GAZA —SINCE the war with ISRAEL—LAST—SUMMER destroyed some 11,900 homes and damaged some 140,000 dwellings.
20150723             —UNIFORMED, POLAND, HUNDREDS—OF—POLICE, firefighters and other, workers picketed the main government building to demand higher pay and modernization of their sectors.
20150723             —PLANNED, THE—INTERIOR—MINISTRY said pay rises are, —FOR—JANUARY.
20150723             —CRASHED, POLAND, 1—BUS traveling from UKRAINE to WARSAW, killing 5—PEOPLE and injuring more than 2—DOZEN—OTHERS.
20150723             —DETAINED, ROMANIA—POLICE, GABRIEL—BERCA, 1—FORMER—INTERIOR—MINISTER (20120000             ), on charges of illegally receiving 185,000 euros ($203,000) from 1—BUSINESSMAN.
20150723             1—SOYUZ space capsule carrying 1—RUSSIAN, 1—AMERICAN and 1—JAPANESE docked smoothly with THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION.
20150723             —RAISED, SPAIN, the minimum age for marriage from 14 to 16 to boost protection of minors and bring the country in line with its EU neighbors.
20150723             —KILLED, TUNISIA, 1—MILITANT was, and 16—OTHERS arrested in 1—LATE—NIGHT—OPERATION that foiled 1 planned attack.
20150723             —SUSPECTED, TURKEY, Islamic State militants fired at 1—TURKEY—MILITARY outpost from inside SYRIA—TERRITORY, killing 1—TURKEY—SOLDIER and wounding 2—OTHERS.
20150723             5—MEMBERS—OF—ISLAMIC—STATE were also killed —DURING THE—EXCHANGE—OF—FIRE.
20150723             —BACKED, YEMEN—TROOPS and local militias, by THE—SAUDI—LED coalition, seized full CONTROL—OF—THE—STRATEGIC—PORT—CITY—OF—ADEN—AFTER—REPELLING—SHIITE—REBELS—FROM—THEIR last holdout in this southern city and pushed to solidify their gains.
20150723—20150727    —TURNED, Reynolds, himself in to police.
20150723—20150728    —ON, 1—JUDGE—JAILED—REYNOLDS —FOR—2—YEARS and —8—MONTHS for pocketing church funds.
20150723—20180000    —AFTER—ALL—NIGHT—NEGOTIATIONS—INTO—TODAY—STRETCHED, the MICHEL—GOVERNMENT announced it would balance the budget.
20160331             Women War Prisoners, in: WASHINGTON—POST, 194108             , S. 2. Zum DEUTSCHEN—FEINDBILD "Flintenweib"
20160331—19410720    [52] RUSSIA—AMAZONS, in: LOS—ANGELES—TIMES—S. A5;
20160331—19410723    RUSSIA—WOMEN Captured, in: WASHINGTON—POST—SEITE—4;
20160723             AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—ATTACK—ON—PEACEFUL protesters in KABUL killed 81—PEOPLE.
20160723             1—DRUG bust in CHILE resulted in the haul of cocaine worth more than ?11—MILLION ($12—MILLION) that was bound for SPAIN.
20160723             3 suspected traffickers were arrested, 2—OF—WHOM are confirmed SPAIN—NATIONALS.
20160723             CHINA, Siberian tigers at the Badaling wildlife World in BEIJING mauled 1—WOMAN to death and wounded another —WHEN they stepped out of their carin 1—ENCLOSURE.
20160723             —MURDERED, EL—SALVADOR, 4—INMATES at 1—PRISON were, amid 1—FIGHT between inmates, MEMBERS—OF—THE—BARRIO 18—GANG, at 1—FACILITY in THE—CITY—OF—QUEZALTEPEQUE.
20160723             EL—SALVADOR—PRESIDENT—SAYS—HE—HAS—BEGUN—TALKS with political parties on 1—NEW "national reconciliation" law.
20160723             MADAGASCAR, 1—HOUSE—FIRE broke out —DURING 1—PARTY.
20160723             38—PEOPLE including 16—CHILDREN were killed as the blaze ripped through 1 thatched roof.
20160723             SOUTH—MEXICO, 1—MAYOR, 1—TOWN councilman, 2—OTHER—TOWN—EMPLOYEES and 1—LOCAL—RESIDENT were shot to death in S—JUAN—CHAMULA, Chiapas state.
20160723             —DEMANDED, Prosecutors said 1—CROWD—OF about 35—PEOPLE, to speak with Mayor —DOMINGO Lopez Gonzalez about funding for public works —WHEN shots rang out, killing him and the other 4.
20160723             —PUSHED, TURKEY, on with 1—SWEEPING—CRACKDOWN against suspected plotters of its failed coup.
20160723             Using new emergency powers, PRESIDENT—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN—CABINET decreed that police could —NOW hold suspects for —1—MONTH without charge, and announced it would shut down over 1,000 private schools it deems subversive.
20160723             —DETAINED, TURKEY said it has, Hails Hanci 1—SENIOR—AIDE to THE—USA—BASED cleric Fethullah Gulen, whom it blames for the coup attempt aimed at ousting PRESIDENT—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN.
20160723             —DESCRIBED, Hanci was, as a "RIGHT—HAND—MAN" of Gulen and responsible for transferring funds to him.
20160723             —DENIED, Gulen has, being behind the failed coup.
20160723             TURKEY, MUHAMMED—WISAM—SANKARI, 1—GAY—SYRIA—REFUGEE, went missing.
20160723             —MUTILATED, His body was found, and beheaded —2—DAYS—LATER in CENTRAL—ISTANBUL.
20160723             Solidarität WÄHREND des AUSNAHME—ZUSTANDS: Münchner öffnen ihre Türen
20160723             —DIE—LAGE—AM—SAMSTAG, Ist DIE—WELT aus den Fugen geraten?
20160723             EUROPA und DIE—TÜRKEI: DIE—ANGST—VOR—ERDOGANS Antwort
20160723             DIE—BEHÖRDEN forderten DIE—BÜRGER über das SMARTPHONE—WARN—SYSTEM Katwarn auf, ihre Wohnungen nicht zu verlassen und öffentliche Plätze zu meiden.
20160723             —AM—ABEND, hatten mehrere Fehlalarme die Lage verkompliziert und DIE—ARBEIT DER—POLIZEI erschwert.
20160723             Unklar war anfangs, ob es in der Innenstadt 1.weitere Attacke gab.
20160723             1—POLIZEI—SPRECHER sagte später, zahlreiche Hinweise per Notruf über SCHUSS—WECHSEL an anderen Stellen der Stadt hätten sich nicht bestätigt.
20160723             "Es ist schrecklich und gänzlich unfassbar, was in MÜNCHEN passiert ist", sagte DE—MAIZIÈRE.
20160723             USA—PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA—SAGTE —UNMITTELBAR—NACH der Schießerei die Hilfe seines Landes zu.
20160723             Ist DIE—WELTLAGE schlimmer als je zuvor?
20160723             Nein, auch frühere Zeiten waren kriegerisch und tödlich, und es gab DIE—ANGST—VOR—DEM—ATOMSCHLAG, auch DIE—ANGST—VOR—DEM—TERROR der RAF, vieles andere mehr, das allerdings langsam aus der kollektiven Erinnerung verschwindet.
20160723             Politische Fehler wie verlogene, halbherzige oder unterlassene Interventionen im IRAK, in LIBYEN oder SYRIEN haben sowohl TERRORISMUS als auch VÖLKER—WANDERUNGEN in Gang gebracht.
20160723             DIE—GLOBALISIERUNG hat Kontinente, Länder, Städte aufgeteilt in Gewinner und Verlierer, und die Verlierer können die Produkte der GLOBALISIERUNG, Smartphone und SOCIAL—MEDIA, nutzen, um ihre Wut zu organisieren.
20160723             Zweierlei geschieht parallel: 1—PRÄSIDENT wird zum DIKTATOR und träumt von MASSEN—HINRICHTUNGEN und Säuberungswellen;
20160723             und - 1—MOB zieht durch DIE—STRAßEN, der alles Freie, Lustige, Westliche, sowieso alles Weibliche niederdrücken und missionieren will.
20160723             RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN benutzt die ISLAMISTEN in seinem Streben nach Allmacht, und die ISLAMISTEN benutzen ERDOGAN, weil er die Autokratie baut, die sie anstreben.
20160723             Permanenter Stress und permanente Angst prägen DIE—STADT.
20160723             "Es ist atemberaubend zu erleben, mit welcher Geschwindigkeit dieses Land Errungenschaften der Demokratie verliert", meldet unser Redakteur MAXIMILIAN—POPP—AUS—ANKARA.
20160723             Und welche Worte kann es eigentlich noch für diesen DONALD—TRUMP—GEBEN?
20160723             Der Mann lügt.
20160723             Sein Rezept ist das simpelste aller politischen Rezepte: Er beschreibt 1.Welt wie jene aus "Game of Thrones", in der  überall jeder jeden umbringt.
20160723             In "Game of Thrones"sagt Sansa Stark zu JON—SNOW: "NUMERO—1 can protect me.
20160723             NUMERO—1 can protect anyone".
20160723             Und DONALD—TRUMP—SAGT—NUN—ZU—AMERIKA: Migranten bedrohen dich, SCHWARZE bedrohen dich, DIE—WELT bedroht DICH—DOCH ich bin dein Führer, ich rette dich, "I alone can fix this".
20160723             mehr hat DONALD—TRUMP—NICHT—DRAUF
20160723             Doch manchmal, in der TÜRKEI beispielsweise, werden eindimensionale Männer dann doch von 1—MEHRHEIT gewählt.
20160723             DIE—KUNST der WAHL—PROGNOSE—ES ist nur eines...
20160723             offensichtlich, die Hysterie, die FALSCH—MELDUNGEN von panischen Zeugen die nichtmal in der unmittelbaren Nähe des Ereignisses waren.
20160723             1—GEISTIG Umnachteter erschießt Menschen, ob religiöse Umnachtung oder weltliche Ideologie zur Tat führten ist sekundär.
20160723             Es wird Zeit das den Medienterroristen, den Politiker TERRORISTEN das Handwerk gelegt wird und solche Taten nicht mehr als WELT—UNTERGANG dargestellt werden.
20160723             DIE—UNZÄHLIGEN Toten durch alkoholisierte Kfzführer, die Toten durch Tabak, schlampige Fertigung von Produkten usw.
20160723             werden komischerweise als notwendig hingenommen, aber da gehts ja auch um den Profit, das freie KAPITALISTtum.
20160723             Immergleiche Erklärungsmuster
20160723             —BEENDET, Ich habe das Lesen dieses Artikels an der Stelle, an der die Ursache von TERROR—IN—'VERLOGENEN, halbherzigen oder unterlassenen Interventionen im IRAK, in LIBYEN oder SYRIEN' gesucht wird.
20160723             Also alles beim Alten: DER—WESTEN hat selbst SCHULD—UND—DE beste Rechtfertigung für alle heutigen und zukünftigen islamistischen Psychopathen.
20160723             —GETROFFEN, DIE—STIMMUNG bestens...
20160723             aber 1—ASPEKT der nicht erwähnt wurde, sind die völlig ausser Kontrolle geratenen Medien.
20160723             1—INSZENIERUNG wie bei 20010911             DAS Wort AMOK—LAUF wird im vorauseilenden Gehorsam vermieden, genauso wie 1.objektive BERICHT—ERSTATTUNG über die wahren Vorkommnisse bei den angeblichen ANTI—IS 1ätzen.
20160723             Unsere —POLITIK und DIE—MEDIEN sind —DERZEIT, geprägt von Distanzlosigkeit, HETZE und Polemik.
20160723             Same as it ever WAS—ES gibt soviel Ungerechtigkeit;
20160723             KRIEG und Gewalt wie immer —SCHON, und Leute die daraus 1—GEWINN für sich selber schlagen (wollen).
20160723             DIE—WELT war noch niemals "in den Fugen", ich glaube sie muß auf 1.andere Spezies warten, diese kriegt es nicht gebacken.
20160723             —GEÄNDERT, Nichts
20160723             —GEÄNDERT, Der ZUSTAND—DER—WELT hat sich doch nicht wirklich.
20160723             DIE—MECHANISMEN, die dann rechte Führer an die Oberfläche spülen, sind hinlänglich bekannt.
20160723             Armut ist das Gift...
20160723             das —SEIT Jahrtausenden aus 1—SOZIALEN Gemeinschaft 1.blutrünstige, gierige Horde macht.
20160723             Wer sich dann wundert, wenn verzweifelte nicht immer nur still ihrem Leben 1—ENDE setzen, sondern ab und an ihre Wut und ihre Verzweiflung in 1—LETZTEN Akt von Gewalt vermitteln, der hat das perfekte Ignoranzlevel erreicht und wenn er Glück hat, ficht ihn nichts an, —BIS er friedlich und zufrieden aus dem Leben scheidet.
20160723             Möge die Ignoranz mit uns sein, sie macht uns erfolgreich und glücklich!
20160723             —REFLEKTIERT, Er den menschlichen Wahn, der hat ein ernstes Problem!
20160723             41.nur eines hilft
20160723             in dieser wirklich aus den Fugen geratenen Welt hilft es nur noch, wenn wir und darauf besinnen, woher dieser Hass, DIE—GEWALT die Vorurteile kommen: von 1—IMMER—NOCH weiter wachsenden Ungleichheit, wo auf der 1—SEITE Menschen mit 3—JOBS kaum ihre Kinder ernähren können (und von der —POLITIK nicht ernst genommen werden) und auf der anderen Seite mit Millionen und MILLIARDEN um sich geworfen wird.
20160723             —BISLANG liegen keine Erkenntnisse vor, daß der mutmaßliche Täter Bezüge zu extremistischen Szenen hatte.
20160723             JUGOSLAWIEN—KRIEG: "Als brannte 1—TEIL meines Körpers" - Modeskandale: Empört euch!
20160723             (Stil, 10:19) - TERROR—GEFAHR: DE—MAIZIÈRE will Großveranstaltungen besser sichern
20160723             [l] Na da bin ich ja mal gespannt, wo ein, —18—JAHRE—ALTE DEUTSCH—IRANER 1.LANG—WAFFE—HER—HAT.
20160723             Lob für Krisenkommunikation: "So stolz auf die Münchner POLIZEI"
20160723             —NEWS—BLOG, Täter hatte offenbar psychische Probleme
20160723             Schwierige Definition: Was ist TERROR?
20160723             Was ist Amok? (Panorama, 12:47)
20160723             AMOK—LAUF—IN—MÜNCHEN: In Rucksack des Täters waren noch 300—SCHUSS Munition
20160723             AFGHANISTAN: Mehr als 200—TOTE und Verletzte bei IS—ANSCHLAG—IN—KABUL
20160723             KANZLERIN—ZU—AMOK—LAUF—VON—MÜNCHEN: "Wir alle trauern"
20160723             —LAUT, DER—POLIZEI—ANGABEN handelt ES—SICH um 1.9—MM—WAFFE der Marke Glock.
20160723             Er soll das Profil 1—NUTZERIN gehackt haben.
20160723             TERROR—DAS ist ein großer Begriff.
20160723             TERROR, so hat JAKOB—AUGSTEIN—VOR—WENIGEN—TAGEN—AUF—SPIEGEL—ONLINE geschrieben, sei ein politischer Begriff —, Amok ein psychologischer.
20160723             —GLEICHZEITIG, —TREFFEN internationale Solidaritätsbekundungen ein.
20160723             —GEGEN, TERRORISMUS kann DIE—POLITIK Aktionismus zeigen.
20160723             —GEGEN, Amokläufe ist dagegen nicht allzu viel zu tun.
20160723             Doch wie lässt sich 1—AMOK—LAUF —NUN vom TERRORISMUS abgrenzen?
20160723             Für diesen gibt es keine so einfache Definition.
20160723             Der Begriff geht auf das régime de terreur zurück, die drakonische Herrschaft der Jakobiner im FRANKREICH nach der REVOLUTION—VON—17890000             .
20160723             DIE—FRAGE, wer etwa TERRORIST ist und wer FREIHEITS—KÄMPFER, —SEIT—JAHRZEHNTEN vom jeweiligen STAND—PUNKT—IN—1—POLITISCHEN —KONFLIKT abhängt.
20160723             Klar ist aber: TERRORISMUS hat etwas mit der Motivation des Täters zu tun, mit dem Willen, Angst zu verbreiten —, zwar mit 1—IDEOLOGISCHEN Hintergrund.
20160723             Lichens have 1—IMPORTANT—PLACE in biology. But
20160723             It was as if something was MISSING—AND Spribille might have discovered it
20160723             He has shown that largest and most SPECIES—RICH—GROUP—OF—LICHENS are not alliances between 2—ORGANISMS, as EVERY—SCIENTIST—SINCE Schwendener has claimed.
20160723             That's 1—THEME that resonates —THROUGHOUT—THE, HISTORY—OF—SYMBIOSIS RESEARCH—IT takes 1—ALLIANCE—OF—RESEARCHERS to uncover nature's most intimate partnerships.
20160723             TÜRKEI—ERDOGAN schließt mehr als 20000000             Schulen und gemeinnützige Einrichtungen
20160723             Politische REAKTIONEN—AUF—AMOK—LAUF: Nur Geduld!
20160723             Beobachtungen nach AMOK—LAUF: Problemfall Augenzeuge
20160723             1—KRISENINTERVENTIONS—TEAM sollte sich um die Betreuung der Betroffenen kümmern.
20160723             —GESEHEN, Weil Menschen glaubten, etwas, zu haben, das sich später als falsch herausstellte.
20160723             Und das ist ganz normal.
20160723             "DIE—WAHRNEHMUNGEN des Menschen entsprechen nicht immer den Tatsachen", so drückt es RÜDIGER—HOLECEK, SPRECHER—DER—GEWERKSCHAFT DER—POLIZEI, im GESPRÄCH—MIT—SPIEGEL—ONLINE diplomatisch aus.
20160723             —DENN, woran man zu erinnern glaubt, hat oft nicht viel mit dem zu tun, was tatsächlich passiert ist -
20160723             STRESS—SITUATIONEN, fluten die Neurotransmitter Cortisol und Noradrenalin MENSCHEN—GEHIRN.
20160723             Menschen, die mit 1—WAFFE angegriffen wurden, erinnern sich zum Beispiel oft nicht so gut an das Gesicht des TÄTERS—WEIL ihre Aufmerksamkeit aus nachvollziehbaren Gründen ganz auf der BE—DROHUNG lag.
20160723             DIE—USA—ORGANISATION Innocence Project hat mehr als 300—FEHLURTEILE DER—USA—JUSTIZ analysiert.
20160723             Diese waren allesamt durch DNA—ANALYSEN entdeckt worden, —NACHDEM die Verurteilten zum Teil lange in Haft gesessen hatten.
20160723             Insbesondere wenn es VIELE—AUSSAGEN gebe, ließen sich Grundzüge der Lage gut erkennen.
20160723             Problematisch wird es, wenn VIELE—BEOBACHTER gleichzeitig falsch liegen —, sich doch sicher sind.
20160723             —SPEKULIERT, Auf reddit wird reichlich darüber, wie wohl die odds dafür sind, daß derselbe JOURNALIST, nämlich RICHARD—GUTJAHR—VOM—ARD, sowohl in NIZZA, wie auch in MÜNCHEN zur Stelle ist, als das Attentat und der AMOK—LAUF beginnen.
20160723             Schätzungen zufolge gibt es in DEUTSCHLAND—CA—5.600.000 legal gehaltene Waffen und 3— —BIS viermal so viele illegale.
20160723             Aus Ermittlerkreisen heißt es, DAVID S.
20160723             sei ein klassischer Außenseiter gewesen, 1—SONDERLING und Verlierertyp.
20160723             2—MAL hatte er mit DER—POLIZEI zu tun, 20100000             und 20120000             .
20160723             —NACH—DEM AMOK—LAUF: MÜNCHEN trauert, gafft, rätselt
20160723             [l] Schlechte Nachrichten für die BINGO—SPIELER unter euch:
20160723             —GEÄUßERT, INNEN—MINISTER—THOMAS—DE—MAIZIÈRE hat sich ebenfalls zu dem Täter : "Gegen ihn waren —BISHER, keine polizeilichen Ermittlungen bekannt".Auch DIE—NACHRICHTEN—DIENSTE hätten keine Erkenntnisse über den, —18—JAHRE—ALTE gehabt.
20160723             Och menno.
20160723             Aber es ist nicht alles schlecht an der Nachrichtenlage:
20160723             DE—MAIZIÈRE macht Gewaltvideos im INTERNET für Taten wie den AMOK—LAUF—IN—MÜNCHEN mitverantwortlich.
20160723             —UPDATE, DIE—POLIZEI veröffentlicht 1.Hintergründe.
20160723             —REKORD im Heißluftballon: In —11—TAGEN um DIE—WELT
20160723             ARMENIEN: REGIERUNG—GEGNER in Eriwan lassen POLIZISTEN frei
20160723             —GERATEN, DIE—LAGE—AM—SAMSTAG: Ist DIE—WELT aus den Fugen ?
20160723             Auch dort rückten schwer bewaffnete POLIZISTEN aus, —NACHDEM Menschen schreiend und in Panik geflohen waren.
20160723             Darum ähnelt ISTANBUL —INZWISCHEN eher BAGDAD oder KAIRO als BERLIN oder NEW—YORK:
20160723             In "Game of Thrones"sagt Sansa Stark zu JON—SNOW: "No 1 can protect me. No 1 can protect anyone".
20160723             mehr hat TRUMP nicht DRAUF—DIE Kunst der WAHL—PROGNOSE
20160723             1—POLIZEIAUFGEBOT welches jeden vernünftigen Rahmen sprengt, das ist der Erfolg den sich Politiker und Medien ankreiden können.
20160723             1—GEISTIG Umnachteter erschießt Menschen, ob religiöse Umnachtung oder weltliche Ideologie zur Tat führten ist sekundär. Es wird Zeit das den Medienterroristen, den Politiker TERRORISTEN das Handwerk gelegt wird und solche Taten nicht mehr als WELT—UNTERGANG dargestellt werden.
20160723             Die unzähligen Toten durch alkoholisierte Kfzführer, die Toten durch Tabak, schlampige Fertigung von Produkten usw. werden komischerweise als notwendig hingenommen, aber da gehts ja auch um den Profit, das freie KAPITALISTtum.
20160723             Hier sehe ich kein Eingreifen, keine Beileidsbekundungen, keine dümmlichen ARTIKEL—VON—"CHEF"redakteuren.
20160723             13. Immergleiche ERKLÄRUNGSMUSTER—ENTSPANNT - 16. die Stimmung bestens getroffen...
20160723             —GEBOTEN, Stattdessen wird jedem Idioten 1.Plattform, einschließlich der "Pressestelle "des IS, die jeden AMOK—LAUF für sich reklamiert darf.
20160723             Und das in 1—BEÄNGSTIGENDEN Ausmaße.
20160723             Es gibt Wellen von mehr oder weniger friedlichen Zeiten, wir leben gerade in 1—WENIGER friedlichen.
20160723             Der große Unterschied ist allerdings, dass das ganze noch befeuert wird durch die Hysterie der asozialen Medien, wo sich Lügen und Gerüchte in 1—FEEDBACKSCHLEIFE selbständig machen.
20160723             33. Armut ist das Gift.
20160723             Doch 1.soziale Gemeinschaft würde eben nicht dulden, das ein paar dutzend Menschen mehr für sich beanspruchen, als EINIGE—MILLIARDEN —, letztlich der reichste Mensch alleine mehr besitzt, als die ärmsten 2—MILLIARDEN (- wovon die ärmere Hälft schlicht gar nichts besitzt, außer 1—LEBEN, das sie den Reichen zu Centbeträgen andienen müssen).
20160723             36. 2300—POLIZISTEN—HAUSIERER
20160723             Diese Gegensätze sind die Ursache allen Übels wenn wir diese Auswüchse des KAPITALISMUS nicht überwinden durch 1.natürliche und menschliche Wirtschaftsordnung, geprägt von 1—MITEINANDER statt gegeneinander wird es nur noch schlimmer werden!!!
20160723             Schwierige Definition: Was ist TERROR? Was ist Amok?
20160723             Im Fernsehen erklärt KANZLER—AMT—MINISTER—PETER—ALTMAIER —FREITAG—AM—ABEND: "Wir dürfen nicht zulassen, dass DIE—TERRORISTEN ihr Ziel erreichen, nämlich unsere GESELLSCHAFT zu verunsichern".
20160723             Er umschifft die rhetorische Klippe: "Wir gehen momentan von 1—SCHIESSEREI aus".
20160723             Sie KANN—OFT KONTROVERSE—GESETZE erlassen, kann DIE—SICHERHEITS—BEHÖRDEN stärken.
20160723             Es geht um die Veränderung von STAAT oder GESELLSCHAFT.
20160723             In the 1860s, scientists thought that they were plants.
20160723             —WHENEVER they artificially united the fungus and the alga, THE—2—PARTNERS would never fully recreate their natural structures
20160723             Instead, they're alliances between 3. All this time, a 2. type of fungus has been hiding in plain view.
20160723             "Textbook definitions of lichens may have to be revised".
20160723             Doch für viele wird ihr Leben —NACH—DEN Schüssen vom Freitagabend wohl in "davor"und ein "danach"geteilt sein.
20160723             Dort blockieren sie nicht nur Hirnregionen, die zielgerichtetes Verhalten —STEUERN.
20160723             Sie sorgen auch dafür, dass falsche Erinnerungen entstehen können.
20160723             "Wie bei physischen Beweismitteln können Gedächtnisspuren verschmutzt werden, KAPUTT—ODER verlorengehen", schreiben DIE—USA—RECHTSPSYCHOLOGEN GARY—WELLS—UND—ELISABETH—LOFTUS—IN—IHREM Lehrbuch "Handbook for Psychology, Forensic Psychology".
20160723             Mehr als 70 % ozent dieser Justizirrtümer beruhten auf falschen ANGABEN—VON—AUGENZEUGEN.
20160723             Es ist nicht ausgeschlossen, dass die Augenzeugen 2—POLIZISTEN, die den Täter zeitweise verfolgten, ebenfalls für Angreifer hielten: "Möglicherweise sind die Zivilbeamten von Beobachtern als Täter wahrgenommen worden",
20160723             Hinzu kommt 1.Ehefrau, die praktisch allen VT Tür und Tor öffnet.
20160723             Aus Ermittlerkreisen heißt es, DAVID—S—SEI—EIN—KLASSISCHER—AUSSENSEITER—GEWESEN, 1—SONDERLING und Verlierertyp.
20160723             In beiden Fällen war er Opfer, es ging um Diebstahl und Körperverletzung.
20160723             Das unerträgliche Ausmaß von gewaltverherrlichenden Spielen habe 1.schädliche Wirkung auf DIE—ENTWICKLUNG junger Menschen, sagte DER—INNEN—MINISTER.
20160723             —GEWESEN, Das sei auch in diesem Fall so.
20160723             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Update: DIE—POLIZEI, 1. Hintergründe.
20160723             Der Mann war angeblich depressiv (!?!?), die SCHUSS—WAFFE war 1.GLOCK—PISTOLE mit abgefeilter Nummer, also wahrscheinlich illegal beschafft.
20160723             Er war nicht im Schützenverein, hatte keinen Waffenschein.
20160723             Das war wohl kein Zufall, dass er am BREIVIK—JAHRES—TAG zuschlug.
20160723             Er hatte 1—FACEBOOK—ACCOUNT unter falschem Namen und hat dort wohl Opfer zum AMOK—LAUF—TATORT einzuladen versucht.
20160723             Es ist trostlos, was meine Kollegen erzählen, die für die TITEL—GESCHICHTE—DES—NEUEN SPIEGEL in ANKARA, ISTANBUL und DIYARBAKIR recherchiert haben.
20160723             Und welche Worte kann es eigentlich noch für diesen DONALD—TRUMP geben?
20160723             mehr hat TRUMP nicht drauf
20160723             die Kunst der WAHL—PROGNOSE
20160723             12. Es ist nur eines... - merrailno —HEUTE, 08:12 Uhr
20160723             13. Immergleiche ERKLÄRUNGSMUSTER—ENTSPANNT —HEUTE, 08:18 Uhr
20160723             16. die Stimmung bestens getroffen... - NoBrainNoPain —HEUTE, 08:28 Uhr
20160723             —BERICHTET, Da würde —GESTERN über —STUNDEN, dass man nichts zu berichten hat.
20160723             18. Same as it ever WAS—GEBR.ENGELS —HEUTE, 08:44 UHR—ES gibt soviel Ungerechtigkeit;
20160723             28. Nichts GEÄNDERT—HMUTT —HEUTE, 09:05 Uhr
20160723             33. Armut ist das Gift... - Koana —HEUTE, 09:34 Uhr
20160723             36. 2300—POLIZISTEN—HAUSIERER —HEUTE, 09:46 Uhr
20160723             schaffen es nicht 1 18—JÄHRIGEN auszuschalten...einfach unglaublich...da wird ÜBERWACHT, spioniert und nach nochmehr POLIZEI gerufen aber unsere wohlbehüteten Politiker schaffen es nicht, daß wir beschützt werden....der läuft da frei auf 1—GARAGENDACH rum und kann minutenlang gefilmt werden...was ist das bloß für 1—STAAT..oder steckt hinter diesem vermeintlichen Unvermögen etwas anderes ?
20160723             41. nur eines hilft - a_ri —HEUTE, 09:54 Uhr
20160723             TÜRKISCHE—BANKEN in DEUTSCHLAND: Ist mein Geld —JETZT noch sicher?
20160723             [l] Na da bin ich ja mal gespannt, wo ein 18—JÄHRIGER DEUTSCH—IRANER 1.Langwaffe her hat.
20160723             —NACH RATING—HERABSTUFUNG: ERDOGAN wirft Standard & Poor's "Türkenfeindlichkeit"vor
20160723             Lichens have 1—IMPORTANT—PLACE in biology.
20160723             —TRIED, BUT—IN THE—150—YEARS—SINCE Schwendener, biologists have, in vain to grow lichens in laboratories.
20160723             18. Auf REDDIT—BITTERQUARK —HEUTE, 19:40 Uhr
20160723             wird reichlich darüber spekuliert wie wohl die odds dafür sind, dass derselbe Journalist, nämlich RICHARD—GUTJAHR vom ARD, sowohl in NIZZA, wie auch in München zur Stelle ist, als das Attentat und der AMOK—LAUF beginnen.
20160723—19930000    —OVERTURNED, —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH, the country's SUPREME—COURT, 1—AMNESTY—LAW enacted covering crimes committed —DURING the country's 19800000—19920000     civil war.
20170701—20170723    —ON, THE—3—WEEK—TOUR concludes in PARIS.
20170723             —DENIED, DONALD—TRUMP—SON—IN—LAW and top WHITE—HOUSE—ADVISOR JARED—KUSHNER, colluding with MOSCOW to sway 20160000             —THE—ELECTION, insisting 1—STRING of undisclosed meetings with RUSSIA—OFFICIALS were "proper".
20170723             MISSOURI, almost 100,000—PEOPLE woke up without power —AFTER severe storms swept through THE—KANSAS—CITY—AREA—OVERNIGHT.
20170723             NEVADA, SCOTT—BLUMSTEIN, —25—JAHRE—ALT—OF—NEW—JERSEY won the series' marquee NO—LIMIT TEXAS Hold 'em main event —EARLY—TODAY in LAS—VEGAS.
20170723             He was more than $8.1—MILLION—RICHER—AFTER eliminating PENNSYLVANIA—DANIEL—OTT—ON—THE—246. hand of the final table.
20170723             1—WOMAN who was accused of intentionally drowning her fiancé in the Hudson River by tampering with his kayak as PART—OF—1—MURDEROUS—PLOT to collect on his life insurance pleaded guilty to 1—LESSER—CHARGE that could minimize THE—AMOUNT—OF—ADDITIONAL—TIME she spends in jail.
20170723             —PULLED, TEXAS, 8—PEOPLE were found dead —AFTER emergency crews, dozens of smuggled migrants from 1—SWELTERING—TRACTOR—TRAILER found parked outside 1—WALMART in the midsummer heat.
20170723             † 1—NINTH—VICTIM, at the hospital.
20170723             Adan Lara Vega (27) had been told the $5,500 he was being charged to be smuggled into THE—USA—WOULD—INCLUDE 1—AIR—CONDITIONED truck ride.
20170723             —CLIMBED, Instead, THE—MEXICO—LABORER, with his friends into 1—PITCH—BLACK, metal TRACTOR—TRAILER compartment that lacked ventilation -- 1—DEADLY oven that would claim 10—LIVES.
20170723             —CHARGED, Driver JAMES—BRADLEY—JUNIOR, —60—JAHRE—ALT was —LATER, under 1—FEDERAL—LAW against knowingly transporting people who are in the country illegally.
20170723             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—IN—SEATTLE said that nonprofit legal groups —AROUND the country can keep assisting immigrants facing deportation, —AFTER 1—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—DECISION threatened to curtail MUCH—OF—THAT—WORK.
20170723             AFGHANISTAN, Taliban fighters overran a 2. district headquarters in as MANY—DAYS, this 1 in WEST—GHOR province.
20170723             —KILLED, At least 8—POLICE were, in separate battles.
20170723             —KILLED, CHRISTIAN—MILITIAS—IN—CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC, 1—MOROCCO—PEACEKEEPER as THE—MOROCCO—CONTINGENT escorted water trucks filling up in 1—RIVER in order to meet the humanitarian needs of Bangassou.
20170723             —PROMPTED, Recent incidents, 14—HUMANITARIAN—WORKERS from 6—ORGANIZATIONS to suspend their activities in the town.
20170723             —SHOWED, Preliminary results from EAST—TIMOR—PARLIAMENTARY—ELECTION, the Fretilin party has won the most votes —WHILE its partner in the national unity government suffered 1—SLUMP in support.
20170723             EGYPT—PRESIDENT—ABDEL—FATTAH—AL—SISI—SAID—HIS—GOVERNMENT—WOULD—KEEP up 1—BLOCKADE—OF—QATAR by 4—ARAB states over charges it supports terrorism, in defiance of INTERNATIONAL efforts to end the crisis.
20170723             GERMANY, FORMER—VIETNAM—OIL—EXECUTIVE—TRINH Xuan Thanh was taken from the Tiergarten, 1—LARGE forested park in CENTRAL—BERLIN, by armed men.
20170723             JAPAN, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE in the northeast were told to evacuate their homes as heavy rain caused major flooding and cut SOME—RAIL—LINKS.
20170723             —INSTALLED, ISRAEL, metal detectors at the Haram AL—SHARIF—MOSQUE—COMPOUND, known to Jews as the Temple MOUNT—AFTER 1—WEEKEND—OF—VIOLENCE left 8—PEOPLE—DEAD, with fears more unrest could follow.
20170723             JORDAN, 1—ISRAEL—SECURITY—GUARD shot and killed 2—JORDANIANS —AFTER being attacked by 1—OF—THEM with 1—SCREWDRIVER in AMMAN.
20170723             A bystander was also killed in the altercation.
20170723             —ATTACKED, NORTH—EAST—NIGERIA, female suicide bombers, 2—CAMPS for those displaced by the Boko Haram conflict outside MAIDUGURI.
20170723             —KILLED, At least 8—PEOPLE were, and another 15 wounded.
20170723             —KILLED, PAKISTAN, at least 150—PEOPLE were, —WHEN 1 overturned fuel tanker truck exploded as they collected spilled fuel.
20170723             1—CHAINSAW—WIELDING loner who mostly lived in the woods stormed into 1—INSURANCE—OFFICE in 1—SWITZERLAND—TOWN, wounding 2—MEMBERS—OF—STAFF and 3—OTHER—PEOPLE—BEFORE fleeing.
20170723             —CARRIED, SYRIA—REGIME, out air raids on 1—OF—THE—LAST—REBEL—STRONGHOLDS—NEAR—DAMASCUS, —1—DAY—AFTER it declared 1—CEASEFIRE in parts of the besieged enclave.
20170723             VATICAN authorities began to turn off some 100—FOUNTAINS, including 2—BAROQUE masterpieces in S—PETER—SQUARE, due to 1 prolonged drought affecting the tiny city STATE—AND—THE—CITY—OF—ROME which surrounds it.
20170723             [l] POLEN sieht den Orban in UNGARN marodieren und sagt: Halt mal kurz mein Bier!
20170723             Ja nee klar, wie schicken mal kurz ALLE—RICHTER—IM—VERFASSUNGS—GERICHT—RENTE!
20170723             [l] OLD—AND—BUSTED, USA bombardieren Hochzeitsgesellschaften.
20170723             NEW—HOTNESS, USA bombardieren 16—POLIZISTEN.
20170723             G20—KRAWALLE: KANZLER—AMT—DROHT—MIT—SCHLIEßUNG der Roten Flora
20170723             —EINIGUNG im Kongress: USA wollen neue RUSSLAND—SANKTIONEN, EU zeigt sich alarmiert
20170723             Muslime auf der Flucht: ALBT—RAUMBURMA
20170723             Umstrittene JUSTIZ—REFORM, Welche Mittel hat DIE—EU—GEGEN—POLEN in der Hand?
20170723             Digitale ZUKUNFT, Was Roboter mit Rasierklingen zu tun haben
20170723             ASSAD—SOHN bei MATHE—OLYMPIADE: "DAMASKUS ist ein bisschen wie Rio"(Leben und Lernen, 08:57)
20170723             FUKUSHIMA—RUINE: Roboterbilder aus dem ZENTRUM—DER—ZERSTÖRUNG
20170723             Rede von INDONESIEN—PRÄSIDENT: POLIZISTEN sollen ausländische DROGEN—HÄNDLER notfalls erschießen
20170723             STEINMEIER zu FLÜCHTLINGEn: "Integration könnte —JAHRZEHNTE beanspruchen"
20170723             Gebühren bei Girokonten: VERBRAUCHER—SCHÜTZER kritisieren komplizierte Kontomodelle
20170723             Wetter in DEUTSCHLAND: —JETZT kommt —DER—HERBST
20170723             "DMITRI—DONSKOJ"aus RUSSLAND: Weltgrößtes U—BOOT fährt durch die OST—SEE
20170723             NEGATIV—ZINSEN: BANKEN horten tonnenweise BAR—GELD
20170723             BIELEFELD: Wasserpfeife löst POLIZEI—GROß—EINSATZ AUS—
20170723             "Cumhuriyet"—PROZESS—IN—DER TÜRKEI: Journalismus vor GERICHT—
20170723             Die beste Demokratie, die man für Geld kaufen kann"
20170723             "Cumhuriyet"—PROZESS in der TÜRKEI: Journalismus vor Gericht
20170723             ASSAD—SOHN bei MATHE—OLYMPIADE: "DAMASKUS ist ein bisschen wie Rio"CORONA—VIRUS
20170723             BIELEFELD: Wasserpfeife löst POLIZEI—GROß—EINSATZ AUS—WIN7 1920x1200 GERMANY Flag BERLIN,
20170723             GERMANY / EN—USA HUMBOLDT—UNIVERSITAET Zu BERLIN ( Label IP Address
20170723—20180420    —SENTENCED, BRADLEY—WAS, to life in prison.
20170922             —ORDERED, GERMANY said it had, a 2. VIETNAM—EMBASSY official to leave the country, —AFTER the alleged 20170723             kidnapping of Trinh Xuan Thanh, 1—VIETNAM—BUSINESSMAN, who had applied for asylum and was facing corruption allegations back home.
20180723             —BLAMED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE, IRAN—PRESIDENT—HASSAN—ROUHANI—FOR—INCITING 1—WAR—OF—WORDS with PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, who warned that verbal threats could escalate into military conflict with THE—USA.
20180723             —RUSHED, NEW—MEXICO, flood waters, through the streets in SANTA—FE —LATE—TODAY, destroying homes and businesses and trapping motorists in vehicles as more than 3—INCHES (8—CM) of rain fell.
20180723             —CLEARED, FRANCE—POLICE, 455—SUDANESE and ERITREA—MIGRANTS from 1—PARK in THE—WEST—CITY—OF—NANTES where they had been camping for more than —1—MONTH.
20180723             OKSANA—SHACHKO, —31—JAHRE—ALT, 1—OF—THE—FOUNDERS—OF—THE—FEMEN—FEMINIST—PROTEST—MOVEMENT, was found dead in her PARIS apartment with 1—SUICIDE—NOTE—NEXT to her body.
20180723             —BURNED, GREECE, 1—SWIFT—MOVING—FOREST—FIRE, through 1—MOUNTAINOUS—AREA—WEST—OF—ATHENS, prompting residents to flee as smoke from the blaze turned the sky over THE—GREECE—CAPITAL—1—HAZY ORANGE.
20180723             † In December death toll from the fire rose to 100 as another victim, of severe burns.
20180723             —STABBED, GREECE, 1—PAKISTAN—MAN, —29—JAHRE—ALT was, to death.
20180723             He was with 3—COMPATRIOTS heading illegally toward GREECE—NORTHERN—BORDER with MACEDONIA.
20180723             The 8, 6—AFGHANS and 2—PAKISTANIS, allegedly robbed THE—4—NEAR the border.
20180723             —STORMED, IRAQ, 3—TEENAGE—GUNMEN, THE—GOVERNOR—HEADQUARTERS in Erbil, THE—CAPITAL—OF—IRAQI—KURDISTAN, opening fire and killing 1—EMPLOYEE—BEFORE being shot dead by Kurdish security forces.
20180723             —LAUNCHED, ISRAEL, its newest air defense system on THE—SYRIA—FRONTIER, where DAMASCUS—RUSSIAN—BACKED forces have been routing rebels.
20180723             —ISRAEL—AIR—DEFENSES—FIRED, , at rockets that approached its territory from neighboring Syria, where regime troops were advancing on opposition forces close to THE—ISRAELI—OCCUPIED Golan Heights.
20180723             —RESCUED, ITALY—FOREIGN—MINISTER—ENZO—MOAVERO—MILANESI said ROME will allow migrants, by 1—EUROPEAN—UNION—NAVAL—OPERATION to land over the coming weeks —WHILE EU nations figure out how to divide up new arrivals.
20180723             —RECORDED, JAPAN, its highest temperature ever as 1—DEADLY—HEAT—WAVE continued to grip 1—WIDE—SWATH—OF—THE—COUNTRY—AND—NEARBY—SOUTH—AND—NORTH—KOREA.
20180723             † Over the last —2—WEEKS—MORE than 40—PEOPLE have, in JAPAN and about 10 in SOUTH—KOREA.
20180723             SOUTH—LAOS, HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE went missing and several were feared dead —AFTER THE—XEPIAN—XE Nam Noy hydropower dam under construction in Attapeu province collapsed, causing flash flooding that swept away homes.
20180723             1—LEAST 27—PEOPLE were killed —WHEN PART—OF—1—NEWLY built SOUTH—KOREAN—BUILT hydroelectric dam gave way.
20180723             131—PEOPLE were listed as missing.
20180723             —KILLED, LEBANON—ARMY, 8—PEOPLE and arrested 41—OTHERS in 1—RAID in Brital to arrest ALI—ZEID—ISMAEL, 1—WELL—KNOWN—DRUG—DEALER.
20180723             —KILLED, Ismael was among those.
20180723             —REPORTED, It was, that homicides in MEXICO have risen 16—PERCENT in the 1. half of 20180000             , as the country again breaks its records for violence.
20180723             —FLOUTED, MYANMAR, SMALL—SCALE miners who, repeated warnings in their search for jade at 1—DEFUNCT mining site were buried by muddy earth that slid off 1—CLIFF.
20180723             27—PEOPLE were buried in 1—LANDSLIDE.
20180723             —KILLED, NORTH—NIGERIA, 7—PEOPLE were, in 1—SUICIDE—ATTACK on 1—MOSQUE in Konduga town.
20180723             —APPOINTED, THE—CHIEF—JUSTICE—OF—PAKISTAN—SUPREME—COURT, JUDGE—TAHIRA—SAFDAR as the 1. woman CHIEF justice to Baluchistan province's highest court.
20180723             —ELECTED, THE—PHILIPPINES, former leader GLORIA—MACAPAGAL—ARROYO (71) was, speaker of the lower HOUSE—OF—CONGRESS, —FOLLOWING 1—DRAMATIC—MOVE by lawmakers to replace 1—LOYALIST—OF—PRESIDENT—RODRIGO—DUTERTE—WITH 1—OF—HIS most influential allies.
20180723             —SIGNED, RWANDA—PRESIDENT—PAUL—KAGAME, bilateral agreements with the visiting CHINA—PRESIDENT, Xi Jinping, the 1. CHINA—PRESIDENT to visit RWANDA.
20180723             —PRAISED, Kagame, CHINA—TREATMENT—OF—AFRICA "as 1—EQUAL," calling it "1—REVOLUTIONARY posture in world affairs" and "more precious than money".
20180723             —REPULSED, SOMALIA—MILITARY—OFFICER said troops have, 1—EXTREMIST—ASSAULT—ON—1—MILITARY—BASE in Sanguni.
20180723             10—ATTACKERS were reported killed.
20180723             1—SPOKESMAN for AL—SHABAB—CLAIMED—THAT—ITS—FIGHTERS—MANAGED to enter the base and killed 27—SOLDIERS.
20180723             Diamond producer De Beers said it was relocating 200—ELEPHANTS from its private reserve in SOUTH—AFRICA to neighboring MOZAMBIQUE, PART—OF—WIDER—EFFORTS to restore wildlife populations ravaged by conflict there.
20180723             —EMBROILED, He had been, in 1—CORRUPTION—SCANDAL and left 1—SUICIDE—NOTE—OF—APOLOGY.
20180723             SRI—LANKA—PRESIDENT—MAITHRIPALA—SIRISENA said the government will still end its —42—YEAR—MORATORIUM on capital punishment despite requests by THE—EUROPEAN—UNION and other diplomatic missions not to do so.
20180723             —KILLED, SYRIA, RUSSIA—AIR—STRIKES—LATE—TODAY, 4—CIVILIANS in the pocket held by the Islamic State group in THE—SOUTH—PROVINCE—OF—DARAA.
20180723             TUNISIA—RED—CRESCENT said 1—TUNISIA—BOAT carrying —AROUND 40—AFRICA—MIGRANTS has been stranded off the country's coast without aid for more than —1—WEEK—AFTER authorities refused to let them disembark there.
20180723             —ORDERED, THE—UN—INT'L COURT—OF—JUSTICE (ICJ), THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES to —IMMEDIATELY allow QATAR—FAMILIES affected by 1—DISPUTE between the countries to reunite, imposing the measure —BEFORE it hears the full case filed by QATAR at 1—LATER date.
20180723             Folge des HANDELS—STREITS: Offenbar Rekordmenge an Fleisch in USA—KÜHLLAGERN
20180723             SATELLITENBILD—DER—WOCHE: Madagaskars Herz blutet
20180723             BUNDES—TAG—PRÄSIDENT: SCHÄUBLE warnt CSU vor BUNDES—WEITER Ausdehnung
20180723             "Glühende Landschaften": LANDESAGRAR—MINISTER—HABECK rechnet mit heftigen Einbußen durch Dürre
20180723             Bürgerentscheid in BAYERN: ISLAM—GEGNER verhindern Neubau von Moschee in KAUFBEUREN
20180723             USA—RECHTS—POPULIST: DEUTSCHLAND—POLITIKER wollen BANNON die STIRn bieten
20180723             Temperaturen über 40—GRAD: Historische HITZE—WELLE in JAPAN—VIELE—TOTE
20180723             "Wir müssen —JETZT kämpfen, mit guten Argumenten, selbstbewusst und wahrhaftig", sagte DER—EUROPA—STAATS—MINISTER—IM—AUSWÄRTIGES—AMT, MICHAEL—ROTH (SPD), der "Welt".
20180723             Trockener —SOMMER: Warum Platanen ihre Rinde verlieren
20180723             NORD—IRAK: ANSCHLAG—AUF—GOVERNEURSSITZ in Erbil
20180723             —STUDIE—ZU—UNO—ABSTIMMUNGEN: USA entfremden sich von Verbündeten
20180723             GROSSBRITANNIEN—AUSSEN—MINISTER: Hunt WARNT—VOR—"versehentlichem"BREXIT ohne Deal
20180723             —HANDELS—STREIT: JUNCKER lehnt konkretes Angebot an DONALD—TRUMP—AB
20180723             Wettbewerbsdruck: BUNDES—BANK—WARNT—VOR—HOCHWERTIGER—KONKURRENZ aus CHINA
20180723             —PROTEST—GEGEN—USA—ATOM—WAFFEN: AKTIVISTen dringen in Fliegerhorst Büchel ein
20180723             "KOMMUNISMUS"gestrichen: Was die neue Verfassung für KUBA—BEDEUTET
20180723             Gefährliche Infektionen: Behörden WARNEN—VOR—BAKTERIEN in der OST—SEE
20180723             —FESTNAHME in RUSSLAND: Gefängniswärter sollen Häftling gefoltert haben
20180723             VENEZUELA: Im Land des Hungers (SPIEGEL+, 16:58)
20180723             Furchteinflößende Geruchsstoffe: Elefanten haben keine ANGST—VOR—MÄUSEN, aber vor Bienen
20180723             Feuer durch Dürre: BRÄNDE—IN—SCHWEDEN sind aus dem All zu sehen
20180723             ISRAEL—GEGEN—IRAN in SYRIEN: Der SCHATTEN—KRIEG (SPIEGEL+, 18:21)
20180723             —STREIT—UM—GEN—TECHNIK, Wer hat Angst vorm Blumenkohl?
20180723             —KOMMENTAR: Warum MERKELs Regierung DIE—AFD groß macht (SPIEGEL+, 18:21)
20180723             Abschiebefall SAMI—A: 100—INSASSEN in 1—ZELLE
20180723             PRINZ—HARRY—BEI—DER—WELT—AIDS—KONFERENZ: Junge Leute an DIE—MACHT
20180723             KANZLER—AMT—CHEF—BRAUN über KÜNSTLICHE—INTELLIGENZ: "Wir werden da etwas drauflegen müssen"(SPIEGEL+, 20:41)
20180723             WALD—BRÄNDE—IN—GRIECHENLAND: Feuer in der Nähe von ATHEN gerät außer Kontrolle
20180723             —KONFLIKT—MIT—DEN—USA: So könnte IRAN den ÖL—HANDEL lähmen
20180723             Hintergrund sei, daß die ehemaligen REGIERUNGS—VERTRETER ihren Status für politische Zwecke nutzten, um "unbegründete"ANSCHULDIGUNGEN—GEGEN—DONALD—TRUMP—IN—DER—RUSSLAND—AFFÄRE zu erheben.
20180723             In einigen Fällen würden sie damit sogar Geld machen, fügte SANDERS hinzu.
20180723             Frühere GEHEIM—DIENST—VERTRETER behalten den Status üblicherweise.
20180723             DER—REPUBLIKANER—SENATOR—RAND—PAUL—HATTE—ZUVOR—ANGEKÜNDIGT, daß er sich mit DONALD—TRUMP —TREFFEN wolle, um ihn darum zu bitten, Brennan DIE—SICHERHEITS—GENEHMIGUNG zu entziehen
20180723             Brennan, DER—RAND—PAUL—HATTE—DONALD—TRUMP—GEGEN—DIE Kritik verteidigt, die diesem —DARAUFHIN, auch aus den REIHEN—DER—REPUBLIKANER entgegenschlug.
20180723             [l] DIE—NAZIS fühlen sich —INZWISCHEN, so sicher, daß sie am hellichten —TAG vor hunderten von Zeugen GEWERKSCHAFTer umzubringen versuchen.
20180723             AFD—ANHÄNGER, my ass.
20180723             [l] Zur ÖZIL—SACHE gibt es in der FAZ ein interessantes INTERVIEW—MIT—ÜBSAL Arik.
20180723             VIELE—SPORTLER machen das und DER—GRUND ist fast immer derselbe: Weil sie Geschäfte in der TÜRKEI machen.
20180723             Das ist natürlich mal ein ganz anderer Betrachtungswinkel für die Aktion.
20180723             IWF: 1—MILLION % - Inflation in VENEZUELA vor neuem Höchststand
20180723             DEUTSCHLAND: Genehmigungen für RÜSTUNGS—EXPORTE gehen drastisch zurück
20180723             EUROPA dürfe "keine Angst haben vor den nationalistischen Kampagnen, mit denen Herr Bannon meint, EUROPA in die Knie zwingen zu können. Unsere Werte sind stärker als sein Hass und seine Lügen".
20180723             "Dass Bannon auch mit CSU—FREUND VIKTOR—ORBÁN—KOOPERIEREN—WILL, wirft 1—LICHT auf den ZUSTAND—DER—UNION", sagte Schneider.
20180723             —NUN gelte es umso mehr, gute —POLITIK zu machen.
20180723             —GEFOLTERT, Festnahme in RUSSLAND: Gefängniswärter sollen Häftling, haben
20180723             VENEZUELA: Im Land des Hungers
20180723             ISRAEL—GEGEN—IRAN—IN—SYRIEN: Der SCHATTENkrieg
20180723             Kommentar: Warum Merkels Regierung die AfD groß macht
20180723             Die Sprecherin verwahrte sich GEGEN—DIE—DARSTELLUNG, TRUMP wolle damit Kritiker seines Gipfeltreffens mit dem RUSSLAND—PRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN—BESTRAFEN.
20180723             Alle 6—SIND Kritiker TRUMPs.
20180723             Gleichzeitig signalisierte DER—SENATOR, dass er Bedenken gegen TRUMP—KANDIDATEN für den frei werdenden Posten am Obersten GERICHT—HOF hat.
20180723             Bei den REPUBLIKANERn kommt es dabei aber auf JEDE—STIMME an.
20180723             Betroffen sind VW, Toyota, GENERAL—MOTORS, Ford, Fiat Chrysler und Tesla.
20180723             DIE—GUTE—NACHRICHT ist, dass es sich wohl nicht um Kundendaten handelt sondern um geheime interne Unterlagen.
20180723             Immerhin 47.000—DATEIEN.
20180723             Bestimmt alles verwirrte Einzeltäter!1!!
20180723             MONEY—QUOTE: Was glauben Sie, warum sich Özil immer wieder mit ERDOGAN trifft?
20180723             ERDOGAN kann 1—DA VIELE—TÜREN öffnen.
20180723             Der Fußballer ARDA—TURAN—HAT—BEI—BARCELONA—GESPIELT, sich öffentlich für ERDOGAN ausgesprochen und —KURZ—DARAUF, 1—HOTEL in der TÜRKEI eröffnet.
20180723             Später war ERDOGAN sein Trauzeuge.
20180723             Özils Berater haben —JETZT wohl eingesehen, dass er bei den Sponsoren in DEUTSCHLAND keinen Fuß mehr auf den Boden bekommt.
20180723             Also orientieren sie sich in Richtung TÜRKEI.
20180723             1—COURT—IN—VIETNAM jailed 10—PEOPLE for terms ranging from 2 to 3-1/—2—YEARS—AFTER they were arrested in —LAST—MONTH—NATIONWIDE 20180610             —PROTESTS against new economic zones.
20180723             REAKTION—AUF—ROHANIS Rede: TRUMP droht IRAN mit schlimmsten Konsequenzen
20180723             HANDELS—STREIT: JUNCKER lehnt konkretes Angebot an TRUMP ab
20180723             PRINZ—HARRY bei der WELT—AIDS—KONFERENZ: Junge Leute an die MACHT
20180723             KANZLER—AMT—CHEF—BRAUN über KÜNSTLICHE—INTELLIGENZ: "Wir werden da etwas drauflegen müssen"
20180723             Der Basketballer Hedo Türkoglu wurde in AMERIKA wegen Dopings gesperrt, hat später ERDOGAN unterstützt und ist —HEUTE PRÄSIDENT—DES—TÜRKISCHEN—BASKETBALLVERBANDES.
20180723—20080000    —FOUNDED, She was 1—OF 4—FEMINIST—ACTIVISTS who, Femen in UKRAINE.
20180723—20180803    —ON, police announced THE—ARREST—OF—8—MIGRANTS on SUSPICION—OF—THE—MURDER.
20180723—20180806    —REACHED, THE—DEATH—TOLL, 91 as another victim †.
20180726—20180723    —ON, 1—MECHANICAL—FAILURE—OF—1—VEHICLE sparked the Carr Fire in Shasta County.
20180809—20180723    —FROM—THE, GREECE, the death toll fire at the seaside RESORT—OF—MATI—ROSE—TO 93, —AFTER—A—78—YEAR—OLD—WOMAN in intensive care † of her injuries.
20180811—20180723    —FROM—THE, GREECE—HEALTH—OFFICIALS said the death toll fire at the seaside resort of MATI—HAS—RISEN—TO 94—AFTER 1—WOMAN, —57—JAHRE—ALT in intensive care † of her injuries.
20180813—20180723    —SINCE, SUDAN—RED—CRESCENT—SOCIETY said at least 23—PEOPLE have been killed in heavy flooding.
20190723             PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—SUED—THE—HOUSE—WAYS—AND Means COMMITTEE—AND—NEW—YORK state officials in 1—EFFORT to block disclosure of his state tax returns.
20190723             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT has stopped publishing crime data involving Americans harmed in JAMAICA — but it won't say why.
20190723             THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT did warn in its 20190000             report that "rape and sexual assault are serious problems —THROUGHOUT JAMAICA, including at resorts and hotels.
20190723             THE—USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT said that 4—CHINA—NATIONALS and THE—CHINA—COMPANY they worked for have been indicted on CHARGES—OF—MONEY laundering and violating WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION safeguards tied to the banned export of sensitive equipment to NORTH—KOREA.
20190723             The 4 EACH—FACE up to —45—YEARS in prison and USA$1.75—MILLION in fines.
20190723             DELAWARE, THE—BODY—OF—HIGH—SCHOOL—TEACHER—SUSAN—MORRISSEY—LEDYARD (50) was found, in the Brandywine River near NORTH—EAST—BOULEVARD in Wilmington.
20190723             —CONDUCTED, 1—AUTOPSY, by the Division of Forensic Science ruled SUSAN—CAUSE—OF—DEATH to be blunt force trauma and drowning.
20190723             † LOIS—WILLE, —87—JAHRE—ALT, 1—CHICAGO reporter and author, at her downtown home.
20190723             —INCLUDED, LOIS—WILLE—2—BOOKS, "Forever Open, Clear, and Free: THE—STRUGGLE—FOR—CHICAGO—LAKEFRONT" (19720000             ) and "At Home in the Loop: How Clout and Community Built CHICAGO—DEARBORN—PARK" (19970000             ).
20190723             —APPROVED, NORTH—CAROLINA, 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE, 1—SETTLEMENT saying state agencies and universities cannot ban transgender people from using the bathroom of the gender with which they identify.
20190723             —CONVICTED, VIRGINIA, 1—JURY, Bijan Kian, a 1—TIME—BUSINESS—PARTNER—OF—FORMER—NATIONAL—SECURITY—ADVISER—MICHAEL—FLYNN, on charges that he illegally acted as 1—TURKEY—AGENT—WHEN he and FLYNN—UNDERTOOK 1—PROJECT to discredit exiled cleric Fethullah Gulen.
20190723             Former soldier MARK—ESPER—WAS—SWORN—IN—AS—USA—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—AFTER earning Senate confirmation, filling AMERICA—LONGEST—EVER—PENTAGON leadership vacuum.
20190723             Insurance companies contending that Pacific Gas & Electric owes them more than $20—BILLION from wildfire claims want to take over THE—CALIFORNIA—UTILITY—AND—PULL—IT—OUT—OF—BANKRUPTCY.
20190723             —FILED, THE—INSURERS, court documents to end PG&E's exclusive right to file 1—REORGANIZATION plan.
20190723             —EXPECTED, THE—NATIONAL—ASSOCIATION—OF—REALTORS said USA—HOME—SALES fell more than, in JUNE—AS 1—PERSISTENT—SHORTAGE—OF—PROPERTIES pushed prices to 1—RECORD—HIGH, suggesting the housing market was struggling to regain speed —SINCE hitting 1—SOFT—PATCH—LAST—YEAR.
20190723             Storms broke the heat in THE—USA—NORTHEAST and Midwest but also knocked out power to thousands in MICHIGAN and NEW—JERSEY and caused flash flooding in SOME—AREAS—OF—NEW—YORK—CITY.
20190723             —WARNED, THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND, that global trade tensions, continued uncertainty and rising prospects for 1—NO—DEAL—BREXIT are sapping THE—STRENGTH—OF—THE—WORLD—ECONOMY, which faces a "precarious" 20200000             .
20190723             AUSTRALIA—BASED BHP, 1—LEADING—RESOURCES—COMPANY, said it will invest $400—MILLION over —5—YEARS to reduce emissions, becoming the 1. miner to pledge to tackle pollution caused —WHEN customers use its products.
20190723             —KILLED, BANGLADESH officials said severe flooding has, at least 61—PEOPLE, displaced nearly 800,000 and inundated THOUSANDS—OF—HOMES across a 3. of the country, —AFTER—2—WEEKS—OF—HEAVY—MONSOON—RAINS.
20190723             —PROMISED, BORIS—JOHNSON, the Brexiteer who has, to lead BRITAIN OUT—OF—THE—EUROPEAN—UNION with or without 1—DEAL by THE—END—OF—OCTOBER, won the leadership of the Conservative Party and will replace Theresa May as PRIME—MINISTER.
20190723             —VETOED, BULGARIA—PRESIDENT—RUMEN—RADEV, 1—DEAL to buy 8—NEW—LOCKHEED MARTIN—F 16—FIGHTER—JETS, describing 1—LACK—OF consensus over the purchase as "extremely worrying".
20190723             —MOVED, CAMEROON—SECURITY—FORCES, into the capital's central prison overnight to put down 1—UPRISING by inmates protesting at the government's crackdown on the Anglophone separatist movement and poor conditions inside.
20190723             —BURIED, SOUTH—WEST—CHINA, 1—LANDSLIDE, 21—HOUSES in THE—CITY—OF—LIUPANSHUI, Guizhou province.
20190723             —REPORTED, THE—DEATH—TOLL—SOON—ROSE—TO 24 and more 27—PEOPLE were, missing.
20190723             —APPROVED, FRANCE—PARLIAMENT, THE—EU—CANADA trade agreement with 1—RELATIVELY small majority, meaning that 1—SIGNIFICANT—PART—OF—PRESIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON—PARTY voted against it.
20190723             —KILLED, EAST—INDIA, lightning, at least 39—PEOPLE in BIHAR state, raising THE—NUMBER—OF—DEATHS in the state to 123—FROM lightning and flooding —SINCE the monsoon season started in June.
20190723             —THREATENED, IRAN, to cut its imports from BRAZIL unless it allows the refueling of at least 2—IRAN—SHIPS stranded off THE—BRAZIL—COAST, 1—SIGN—OF—THE—GLOBAL—REPERCUSSIONS—OF—USA—SANCTIONS on the Islamic republic.
20190723             IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES swept villages and farmland NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD as PART—OF—1—OPERATION aimed at clearing remnants of the Islamic State group from —AROUND the capital.
20190723             —DUBBED, THE—DRAGNET—WAS—PART—OF—THE—OPERATION, "WILL—TO—VICTORY," which started —2—WEEKS—AGO along the border with Syria and was extended —LAST—WEEK to areas NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD and in the Diyala, Salahuddin and Anbar provinces.
20190723             —PLEADED, KENYA—FINANCE—MINISTER—HENRY—ROTICH, not guilty to corruption charges over the award of 2—DAM—TENDERS, in 1 unprecedented legal move against 1—SITTING—MINISTER in 1—COUNTRY—NOTORIOUS for graft.
20190723             —VOTED, KENYA—PARLIAMENT, to nationalize the country's main airline KENYA Airways to save it from mounting debts.
20190723             —CLASHED, NIGERIA—TROOPS and police, with Shi'ite Muslim marchers in THE—CAPITAL—ABUJA and gunfire could be heard.
20190723             Firefighters in PORTUGAL brought 1—HUGE wildfire under control —AFTER the blaze raged —FOR—4—DAYS, injuring 39—PEOPLE and leaving 1—TRAIL—OF—DESTRUCTION.
20190723             —EXECUTED, Puerto Rican justice officials, search warrants for THE—MOBILE—PHONES—OF—TOP—ASSOCIATES—OF—GOVERNOR—RICARDO—ROSSELLÓ—AMID 1—CORRUPTION—SCANDAL that provoked —10—DAYS—OF—PROTESTS demanding his resignation.
20190723             SAUDI—ARABIA—CABINET said that IRAN—INTERCEPTION—OF—COMMERCIAL—VESSELS in Gulf waters, including its seizure of 1—UK—TANKER, violated INTERNATIONAL law and must be prevented.
20190723             —RESIGNED, He replaced BISHOP—MICHAEL—BRANSFIELD, who, —IN—SEPTEMBER—AFTER 1—PRELIMINARY—INVESTIGATION into allegations of sexual and financial misconduct.
20190723             TONY—BLAIR—ZUM—BREXIT: "DIE—MENSCHEN wollen nur noch, daß der ALBT—RAUMAUFHÖRT"
20190723             —KRISENSTAAT: Weite Teile VENEZUELAs sind wieder ohne Strom
20190723             Shutdown vermieden: DONALD—TRUMP—UND—KONGRESS—EINIGEN—SICH—AUF Haushaltspaket
20190723             TORY—MACHT—KAMPF—IN—GROß—BRITANNIEN: Bereit für BORIS?
20190723             —DIE—LAGE—AM—DIENSTAG: Bekommt EUROPA einen TRUMP?
20190723             Einer der letzten —ARBEITER unter den SPD—ABGEORDNETEN: Er ist DAS—VOLK (SPIEGEL+, 06:09)
20190723             Bilder einer besonderen Beziehung: "Der Vater beeinflusst die Tochter mehr als umgekehrt" (Leben und Lernen, 06:58)
20190723             Deal zur Seenotrettung: Macron sieht "prinzipielle Zustimmung" bei 1$—EU—STAATEN
20190723             Mehr als 70—PROZENT: Huawei entlässt Hunderte MIT—ARBEITER bei USA—FORSCHUNGSTOCHTER
20190723             —NACH, hohem Verhandlungsergebnis: ARBEIT—GEBER drohen IG Metall mit ENDE—DER—TARIFBINDUNG
20190723             Ergebnisse aus TIER—VERSUCH: Substanz aus Weintrauben könnte Astronauten fit halten
20190723             KARLSRUHE—POLIZEI sucht Täter nach Überfall auf Geldtransporter
20190723             Geheimdokumente mitgenommen: EX—NSA—MIT—ARBEITER zu —9—JAHREN Haft verurteilt
20190723             "300—MILLIARDÄRE rechtfertigten in den FÜNFZIGER—JAHREN die Entwicklung eines Markts für Haute Couture in der Mode,
20190723             —HEUTE, beflügeln über 2000—MILLIARDÄRE WELT—WEIT den Markt für LUXUSKAROSSEN—TENDENZ rasant steigend", sagt Tumminelli.
20190723             Bald würden Zeiten kommen, in denen es —SCHON Luxus sei, "überhaupt noch frei handeln zu DÜRFEN—UND so auch Autos zu fahren".
20190723             Der Elektroantrieb spielt aus Tumminellis Sicht dabei eine entscheidende Rolle.
20190723             Um von der Erde zum 228.000.000—KILOMETER entfernten Mars zu gelangen, wären Astronauten mit heutiger Technik —9—MONATE—LANG—UNTERWEGS.
20190723             DIE—FORSCHER setzten 24—RATTEN normaler Schwerkraft oder der schwächeren MARS—GRAVITATION aus.
20190723             RESVERATROL ist in der Haut von Weintrauben und in BLAUBEEREN zu finden und wird —SEIT Längerem erforscht, weil es auch entzündungshemmende Eigenschaften besitzt.
20190723             BRANDENBURG—FINANZ—MINISTER—CHRISTIAN—GÖRKE (Die Linke) erhöht im STREIT—ÜBER das Erbe der HOHENZOLLERN den Druck auf die ehemals kaiserliche Familie und stellt dieser ein —ULTIMATUM, das —MITTWOCH ausläuft.
20190723             —BIS dahin soll GEORG—FRIEDRICH—PRINZ—VON—PREUßEN, 43-jähriges Oberhaupt der HOHENZOLLERN und Ururenkel des letzten Kaisers, erklären, daß er auf Entschädigungszahlungen des Landes BRANDENBURG verzichtet und eine entsprechende KLAGE—GEGEN—DAS—LAND zurückzieht.
20190723             Es geht in diesem —KONFLIKT nur vordergründig um Geld.
20190723             DIE—SOVIETS hatten —NACH—DEM 2. WELT—KRIEG—IN—IHRER BESATZUNGS—ZONE, der späteren DDR, die einstige REGENTEN—FAMILIE wie auch andere GROß—GRUNDBESITZER enteignet.
20190723             Den HOHENZOLLERN steht dafür —HEUTE 1—ENTSCHÄDIGUNG zu, die sich in BRANDENBURG AUF—CA—1.200.000—EURO beläuft.
20190723             —SEIT—JAHREN, streiten BRANDENBURG und HOHENZOLLERN über diese Frage vor Gericht.
20190723             Beide Seiten berufen sich auf bekannte Historiker.
20190723             1—BESONDERS schwere Hypothek.
20190723             —SCHON—JETZT ist DER—NAME HOHENZOLLERN mit dem 1. WELT—KRIEG verbunden, der MILLIONEN—MENSCHEN das Leben kostete und zu dessen Beginn Kaiser WILHELM—II.
20190723             DIE—ENTSCHÄDIGUNGSZAHLUNG ist dabei nur 1—TEIL in einem riesigen Knäuel aus Ansprüchen und Gegenansprüchen.
20190723             Mehr zu den Geheimverhandlungen lesen Sie bei SPIEGEL+: Vom Stamme Nimm.
20190723             "Könnte KRIEG—IN—EINER —WOCHE gewinnen": AFGHANISTAN fordert von DONALD—TRUMP—ERKLÄRUNG
20190723             STROMAUS—FALL—IN—VENEZUELA: Regierung spricht von "elektromagnetischem ANGRIFF"
20190723             Projekt von Bosch und Daimler: Behörden genehmigen in STUTTGART Parkhaus für Autos ohne Fahrer
20190723             "Kompromissloser Anwalt des Dichterischen": Kritiker und Lyriker PETER—HAMM—IST—TOT
20190723             273—KILOGRAMM Crystal Meth: Mit Drogen beladener VAN fährt in geparkte POLIZEIautos
20190723             Libra: DEUTSCHE sehen FACEBOOK—GELD kritisch
20190723             STREET—VIEW—KONKURRENT Look —AROUND: APPLEs Kameraautos sollen DEUTSCHLAND—STRASSEN fotografieren
20190723             —NACH, TRUMP—RASSISTISCHEN Attacken, USA—POLIZIST wünscht OCASIO—CORTEZ "1—KUGEL"
20190723             Staatliche Medien melden: CHINAs FRÜHERER—PREMIER—LI—PENG, —90—JAHRE—ALT, gestorben
20190723             Ausgedienter Tanker: EXPERTEN—WARNEN—VOR—SCHWIMMENDER—ZEIT—BOMBE im Roten Meer
20190723             KRAMP—KARRENBAUER, VON—DER—LEYEN, MERKEL: Ist —SCHON Matriarchat?
20190723             BORIS—JOHNSON—WIRTSCHAFTS—POLITIK, "Fuck Business", Hauptsache BREXIT
20190723             WELT—WIRTSCHAFT, IWF senkt Wachstumsprognose erneut
20190723             BÜRGER—KRIEG—IN—SYRIEN: Idlib steht vor einem Inferno
20190723             Hitzewelle in DEUTSCHLAND: SAHARA—LUFT treibt Temperaturen auf Rekordhöhe
20190723             ESSENS—STREIT in —LEIPZIGER Kitas: SCHWEINEFLEISCH—DEBATTE ruft POLIZEI auf den Plan (Leben und Lernen, 17:00)
20190723             SPANIEN: PREMIER SÁNCHEZ erleidet Schlappe im 1. WAHL—GANG
20190723             GEWITTER—STATISTIK für 20180000             DEUTSCHLAND wurde 446.000—MAL vom Blitz getroffen
20190723             Anklageverzicht im Fall Ronaldo: "In den USA gibt es keine Verfolgungspflicht, wie wir sie kennen"
20190723             —NACH, Nominierung durch TRUMP, USA—SENAT bestätigt MARK—ESPER—ALS—VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTER
20190723             —HANDELS—STREIT, Malmström wirft USA BLOCKADE—VON—ZOLL—VERHANDLUNGEN vor
20190723             [l] Wenn der SOCIAL—MEDIA—MANAGER von Kanzer Kurz kurz nach der IBIZA—AFFÄRE beim FESTPLATTEN—SHREDDERN gefilmt wird, dann werden die gutartigen ERKLÄRUNGS—VERSUCHE zunehmend schwierig.
20190723             Einer der letzten —ARBEITER unter den SPD—ABGEORDNETEN: Er ist das Volk
20190723             Supermarkt in IOWA: Vermisster MIT—ARBEITER —NACH—10—JAHREN tot hinter Gefrierschrank gefunden
20190723             "Er dient Herstellern und Kunden als Feigenblatt, um solch verschwenderische Konstruktionen überhaupt als sozial korrekt gelten zu lassen".
20190723             Allerdings schließt die Rechtslage Ansprüche aus, sollten die Vorfahren von PRINZ—VON—PREUSSEN seinerzeit dem "nationalsozialistischen System erheblich Vorschub" geleistet haben.
20190723             —VERWEIGERT, BRANDENBURG, die Zahlung der 1,2—MILLIONEN, die Hohenzollern klagen dagegen
20190723             —SCHON—JETZT ist DER—NAME Hohenzollern mit dem —WWI verbunden, der Millionen Menschen das Leben kostete und zu dessen Beginn KAISER—WILHELM—II. in beträchtlichem Ausmaß beigetragen hat.
20190723             Sie verlangten außerdem 1—WOHNUNGSRECHT im Schloss Cecilienhof, in Schloss Lindstedt oder in der Villa Liegnitz, ALLE—IN—POTSDAM gelegen.
20190723             Staatliche Medien melden: Chinas FRÜHERER—PREMIER—LI—PENG im Alter von —90—JAHREN gestorben
20190723             Nach Nominierung durch Trump: USA—SENAT bestätigt MARK—ESPER—ALS—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTER
20190723             1. Halbjahr 20190000             BUNDES—REGIERUNG zahlt mehr als 178—MILLIONEN—EURO für externe Berater
20190723             Angaben aus SEOUL: Südkoreas Militär feuert Warnschüsse gegen RUSSISCHES—FLUGZEUG
20190723             Bilder einer besonderen Beziehung: "Der Vater beeinflusst die Tochter mehr als umgekehrt" CORONA—VIRUS
20190723             Würden die Hohenzollern —BIS—MITTWOCH der Forderung Görkes nachkommen, also auf die 1,2—MILLIONEN—EURO verzichten und ihre Klage zurückziehen, könnte das als Eingeständnis gewertet werden, für das Entstehen des "3. Reichs" eine beträchtliche Mitverantwortung getragen zu haben.
20190723             —BELEBT, Bahnunternehmen: KLIMA—DISKUSSION, NACHTZUG—NACHFRAGE
20190723             "Kompromissloser Anwalt des Dichterischen": Kritiker und Lyriker PETER—HAMM ist tot
20190723             Essensstreit in —LEIPZIGER Kitas: SCHWEINEFLEISCH—DEBATTE ruft Polizei auf den Plan CORONA—VIRUS
20190723             —KRITISIERT, ISRAEL reißt Gebäude ab: DEUTSCHLAND, Zerstörung PALÄSTINENSISCHER—HÄUSER
20190723             Asyl in den USA: Trump droht GUATEMALA mit Sonderzöllen
20190723—19180000    —BIS, DIE—HOHENZOLLERN haben in einem VERTRAGsentwurf von der öffentlichen Hand Tausende Kunstwerke verlangt, welche die Krone als ihr Eigentum ansah.
20190723—19510000    —BIS, War KRON—PRINZ—WILHELM, CHEF—DER—FAMILIE, also ein wichtiger Helfer der Nazis?
20190723—20000000    —APOLOGIZED, FORMER—ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—BARAK, for THE—KILLING—OF—13—ARAB protesters by ISRAEL—POLICE—AND—SAID—THERE—IS—NO—PLACE for protesters to be killed by their country's security forces".
20190723—20170900    —FROM, FRANCE became the 14.
20190723—20170900    EU country to approve CETA, which provisionally took effect, but still needs to be approved by all 28—EU member states.
20190723—20190000    1. Halbjahr BUNDES—REGIERUNG zahlt mehr als 178—MILLIONEN Euro für externe Berater
20200330             —ANNOUNCED, JAPAN—ORGANIZERS, that the opening ceremony of 20200000             —THE—SUMMER—OLYMPICS in TOKYO has been rescheduled for 20210723             .
20200623—20200723    —ANNOUNCED, Major League Baseball, a 60-game season —THIS—YEAR, kicking off or 24.
20200717—20200723    —FROM—TO, Confirmed cases rose 71%, COMPARED to the previous —7—DAYS, with 47—PERCENT—OF—THE—CASES—DETECTED—IN—ANTWERP—PROVINCE.
20200722             —RECORDED, AUSTRALIA, 502—NEW—CASES—OF—THE—CORONA€"VIRUS, including 484 in VICTORIA state, where face were made compulsory as of 20200723             .
20200723             Alicante: POLIZEI findet Gefäße aus dem 1—CENTURY in Fischladen
20200723             —CLAIMED, USA and UK—OFFICIALS, that 20200715             1—TEST—OF—1—ANTI—SATELLITE—WEAPON signaled 1—CONTINUING—RUSSIA—EFFORT to develop technologies that could threaten space ASSETS—OF—THE—USA—AND—ITS—ALLIES.
20200723             —DONNERSTAG, 20200723             - Thu
20200723             Wo kämen wir da auch hin, wenn wir das verfolgen würden, wenn Politiker Geld von Firmen kriegen und dann deren Positionen vertreten statt die ihrer Wähler?
20200723             Schloss Sanssouci und Charlottenburger Schlosspark: Deutschlands historische Gärten sind in Gefahr Von Elke Schmitter
20200723             —BEREITS—SEIT mehr als 30.—000—JAHREN könnten Menschen in AMERIKA gelebt HABEN—GUT doppelt so lange wie —BISHER angenommen.
20200723             Davon steckten 239—STÜCKE in Erdschichten, deren Alter mit der Radiokarbonmethode auf —BIS zu 33.—000—JAHRE datiert wurden
20200723             Wissenschaftler streiten —SCHON lange darüber, wann erstmals Menschen in AMERIKA lebten.
20200723             wanderten —IN—DEN—NÄCHSTEN—JAHRHUNDERTEN weiter nach Süden.
20200723             Dafür fehlt es allerdings an genetischen Nachweisen.
20200723             Sein Team fand in der CHIQUIHUITE—HÖHLE in MEXIKO keine menschliche DNA.
20200723             Umstritten ist dem Bericht zufolge auch, ob es sich bei dem Fund tatsächlich um Werkzeug handelt und ob es korrekt datiert wurde.
20200723             Trump spielt "Wag the Dog" Von ROLAND—NELLES, USA—KORRESPONDENT
20200723             3,20 statt 1,90 Dollar —AM—TAG: Grundeinkommen für die Ärmsten könnte CORONA—INFEKTIONEN verlangsamen Von ANNE—BACKHAUS
20200723             Brocken "Neowise": Letzte Chance für die Kometenjagd
20200723             Den Menschen in der Jungsteinzeit dürfte das Himmelsphänomen das Fürchten gelehrt haben.
20200723             —GELEHRT, JUNGSTEINZEIT—IN DER—DAS Himmelsphänomen das Fürchten, haben.
20200723             Den MENSCHEN—ALLE 5.000—BIS 7.—000—JAHRE zieht der Komet C/2020—F3 alias "Neowise" so nah an der Erde vorbei, dass er mit bloßem Auge zu sehen ist.
20200723             kommt der Komet der Erde —AM—DONNERSTAG, 20200723             , am nächsten.
20200723             Dann ist er vom blauen Planeten nach ANGABEN—DER—VEREINIGUNG der Sternfreunde in DEUTSCHLAND nur noch gut 100—MILLIONEN Kilometer entfernt, das sind ungefähr 2—DRITTEL des mittleren Abstands der Erde zur Sonne.
20200723             Allerdings leuchtet er nicht mehr so hell, weil er —NUN weit von der Sonne entfernt ist.
20200723             verblasst, sei er aber noch mit bloßem Auge zu erkennen, 1—FERNGLAS kann beim Beobachten helfen.
20200723             Kommt 1—KOMET der Sonne nah, werde er aufgetaut und der Kometenschweif bilde sich.
20200723             Dort zieht der Komet unterhalb des Sternbilds des Großen Wagens seine Bahn.
20200723             Das Handy kann hier mit einer Kompassfunktion helfen.
20200723             Zudem gibt es Apps, die anzeigen, wo sich der Komet in etwa befindet.
20200723             Volksinitiative will Artenvielfalt retten
20200723             —BEDEUTET, Immer mehr Bebauung, immer weniger Insekten, Pflanzen und Vögel.
20200723             Mit der "Volksinitiative Artenvielfalt NRW" appellieren Naturschutzverbände an die Landesregierung, umzulenken.
20200723             [l] Update: Money Quote dazu in der FAZ:
20200723             Seht ihr? Von Korruption kann also gar keine Rede sein!1!!
20200723             [l] Schlechte Laune? Cisco liefert! Citrix auch.
20200723             Stellt sich raus: Joscha hat —MITTE—JUNI einen —3—STUNDEN—PODCAST mit LEX—FRIDMAN—AUFGENOMMEN.
20200723             Da hole ich mir für —DIESES—JAHR meinen Fix ab.
20200723             JOSCHA—BACH - [l] Die Feds haben in PORTLAND —JETZT den BÜRGERMEISTER mit ihrem Tränengas getroffen.
20200723             —BEFÜRWORTET, Nur jeder 10. USA—AMERIKANER, die von PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—GEPLANTE—ÖFFNUNG—VON—SCHULEN—UND Kindergärten ohne Auflagen.
20200723             Darauf müsse DEUTSCHLAND sich vorbereiten.
20200723             "Testzentren an Flughäfen können helfen, eine 2. CORONA—WELLE —NACH—DEN Sommerferien zu verhindern", sagte Reinhardt.
20200723             "Jeder, der aus einem CORONA—HOTSPOT zurückkommt, sollte sich testen lassen",
20200723             Bei der USA—FLUGLINIE SOUTH—WEST—AIRLINES sind ab dem 20200727             nur noch Kinder unter —2—JAHREN von der Maskenpflicht an Bord befreit.
20200723             Kalifornien überholt NEW—YORK mit den meisten Infektionsfällen
20200723             ITALIEN plant weitere 25—MILLIARDEN Euro Schulden
20200723             Zwar gebe es 4—PROJEKTE, deren Entwicklung relativ weit fortgeschritten sei, sagte Lauterbach in einem am späten Mittwochabend ausgestrahlten DEUTSCHLANDFUNK—INTERVIEW.
20200723             Doch stehe —NUN die 3. Entwicklungsphase an, in der getestet werde, ob sich die geimpften Probanden infiziert hätten.
20200723             Und gerade in dieser Phase scheiterten die meisten Wirkstoffe.
20200723             Es gebe zwar 1—IMMUNREAKTION, aber: "Ob ich damit Infektionen verhindern kann, das weiß kein Mensch".
20200723             —IM—HERBST gegeben, die ohne 2. Welle ausgekommen wäre.
20200723             "Eine 2. Welle ist die Regel und nicht die Ausnahme".
20200723             Analysten stellen fest: EUROPA hat die besseren REZEPTE—UND vor allem DEUTSCHLAND.
20200723             LUXEMBURG, gibt es so VIELE—CORONA—FÄLLE pro Einwohner wie sonst nirgends in EUROPA.
20200723             "Das schafft Sicherheit, Klarheit und Vertrauen",
20200723             Die Staatengemeinschaft habe ein riesiges Rettungspaket geschnürt.
20200723             "Wenn es dann 750—MILLIARDEN sein sollten oder wenn es dann doch weniger sind, ist es trotzdem insgesamt beschämend, wenn davon nur 1—MILLIARDE—EURO für die Entwicklungszusammenarbeit zur Verfügung steht und für die Bekämpfung der Pandemie in den ärmsten Ländern", sagte er —AM—DONNERSTAG in BERLIN.
20200723             Verschickt werden sollen waschbare Stoffmasken, die —NACH—DEN Worten des Ministers —BIS zu 30—MAL genutzt werden können.
20200723             AMERICA—AIRLINES meldet Milliardenverlus
20200723             Grund war vor allem, dass Anzeigenkunden sich in der Krise zurückhielten.
20200723             Vorstandschef JACK—DORSEY—BETONTE—INDES, dass sich Twitter großer Beliebtheit erfreue und abgesehen von der Finanzlage sehr starkes Wachstum verzeichne.
20200723             abgesehen von der FINANZLAGE—SEHR starkes Wachstum
20200723             BERLIN, sind nach einem Urteil des Verwaltungsgerichts erotische Massagen und der Besuch in BDSM—STUDIOS wieder zulässig.
20200723             Es bleibt demnach bei der Regel, dass JEDER—PRO—WOCHE nur Kontakt mit 15—VERSCHIEDENEN Menschen haben soll.
20200723             Maskenpflicht: BELGIEN verschärft CORONA—MAßNAHMEN
20200723             Niedriglöhne: 10—MILLIONEN verdienen weniger als 12—EURO —IN—DER—STUNDE
20200723             Mission "Tianwen-1": CHINA startet Rakete für seine 1. Landung auf dem Mars
20200723             GFK—KONSUMBAROMETER steigt deutlich: Verbraucher lassen CORONA—SCHOCK hinter sich
20200723             Nager im Lager: TÖNNIES—FLEISCH lag in von Ratten bevölkertem Kühlhaus Von FLORIAN—GONTEK
20200723             Mordfall Daphne Caruana Galizia: Kronzeuge verletzt im Krankenhaus
20200723             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—7—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—0—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—7—(=)
20200723             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—120—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—81—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—39—(=)
20200723             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—112—(=)—ÓBITOS—3—(=)—RECUPERADOS—72—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—37—(-1)
20200723             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—14—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—7—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—7—(-1)
20200723             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—15—(+1)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—11—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—2—(+1)
20200723             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—29—(+1)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—22—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—7—(+1)
20200723             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—133—(=)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—99—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—31—(=)
20200723             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—147—(+1)—ÓBITOS—6—(=)—RECUPERADOS—100—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—41—(+1)
20200723             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—105—(+1)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—64—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—40—(-1)
20200723             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—29—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—22—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—7—(=)
20200723             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—47—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—34—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—13—(=)
20200723             VRSA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—22—(=)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—15—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—5—(=)
20200723             COVID—19: Investigadores não apoiam uso da hidroxicloroquina como tratamento
20200723             UK Blinks in CHINA FACE—OFF
20200723             But —WHEN I—DO, I—BELIEVE—THEM—ABOUT—CHINA.
20200723             Always be SKEPTICAL—OF—CLAIMS made by the known liars who run THE—USA—CENTRALIZED empire.
20200723             "Suppressed" report should be 1—LESSON to those who begged for its release — be careful what you wish for.
20200723             ISRAEL—IS—COMPILING "1—SECRET—LIST—OF—MILITARY and intelligence officials who might be subject to arrest abroad"
20200723             —MATCHED, TRUMP—BEAUTIFUL—POLICY—FAILURES in THE—MIDDLE—EAST are only, by his failures in EAST—ASIA.
20200723             Don't be fooled into thinking ANY—OF—THIS will change —WHEN the next election rolls —AROUND.
20200723             —BY TOM—FEELEY—LET us not walk in arrogance across the globe SPEAKING—OF—FREEDOM—WHILE our hands are stained in CENTURIES—OF—BLOOD.
20200723             'SAUDI—ARABIA is legally responsible for war crimes in YEMEN,' insists Nobel Laureate
20200723             Too late to stop': EGYPT and TURKEY ramp up LIBYA war preparations: EGYPT and TURKEY edged closer to battle over 1—KEY—CITY.
20200723             Manufacturing consent for WAR—ON—CHINA—CHINA?CONSULATE in HOUSTON ordered to close by USA
20200723             CHINA vows response —AFTER USA—ORDERS HOUSTON consulate general closed
20200723             Propaganda alert: Pompeo urges 'entire world' to stand up to CHINA
20200723             CHINA says bomb, death threats made against its WASHINGTON embassy
20200723             Manufacturing consent for WAR—ON—CHINA—TRUMP accelerates CHINA punishments in time for reelection
20200723             CANADA—FEDERAL—COURT finds "Safe 3. Country" agreement with THE—USA—INFRINGES the liberty RIGHTS—OF—REFUGEES & threatens their right to personal security.
20200723             THE—REAL—UNEMPLOYMENT—RATE is 21%--and Heading Higher
20200723             True NUMBER—OF—USA—CORONA€”VIRUS—INFECTIONS—LIKELY 10—TIMES—LARGER than reported, CDC data shows
20200723             "Our hospitals look like war zones": TEXAS battling influx of COVID—19—CASES
20200723             —VOWED, TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION weighs 1—SHOW—OF—FORCE in more cities: Trump has, to use THE—POWER—OF—THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT to crush what his officials deem "violent anarchists,"
20200723             MAJORITY—OF—USA—VOTERS believe AMERICA—SOCIETY is racist:
20200723             PRO—ISRAEL—LOBBY—IS—SMEARING—BLACK—LIVES—MATTER as a 'terrorist' movement
20200723             —BY Pepe ESCOBAR—CONFLICT—LOOMS for EGYPT and ETHIOPIA Over Nile Dam
20200723             —INVOLVED, ETHIOPIA—PRIME—MINISTER may have been, in 1—SINISTER geopolitical move along with EGYPT to derail the dam's completion
20200723             How white supremacy permeates all PARTS—OF—AMERICA—SOCIETY, including its religious institutions.
20200723             —CONVICTED—OF, IRAN executes man, selling GENERAL—SOLEIMANI—LOCATION to CIA — official
20200723             Skandal um mutmaßlichen Bilanzbetrug: "Warum hat die Finanzaufsicht bei Wirecard nichts gemerkt?" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—TIM—BARTZ, FRANKFURT
20200723             —VERBIETET, Verschwörungsideologe: Versammlungsbehörde, geplante Demonstration von ATTILA—HILDMANN
20200723             Jugendstudie: Generation spaßbefreit Von Swantje Unterberg
20200723             Zuwachs von 11—PROZENT: Erstmals mehr als eine halbe Million Oldtimer in DEUTSCHLAND
20200723             Trumps EX—ANWALT: MICHAEL—COHEN—SOLL—WIEDER—AUS—DER—HAFT entlassen werden
20200723             1—SPANIEN—FISCHGESCHÄFT wurde offenbar mit jahrhundertealten Objekten dekoriert.
20200723             —NUN drohen dem Besitzer und seinem Sohn juristische Konsequenzen.
20200723             In einem Geschäft für Fische und Meeresfrüchte in der SPANIEN—KÜSTENGEMEINDE Santa Pola haben Polizisten der Guardia Civil durch Zufall historisch wertvolle Gefäße entdeckt.
20200723             Die 13—AMPHOREN stammten aus dem antiken Rom und seien sichergestellt worden,
20200723             Gegen den Besitzer des Ladens und den SOHN—DES—MANNES seien Ermittlungen wegen eines mutmaßlichen Verstoßes gegen das Gesetz über das historische Erbe eingeleitet worden,
20200723             —GEMELDET, Archäologische Fundstücke müssen in SPANIEN aber den Behörden, werden.
20200723             Aus Sorge vor einer 2. CORONA—WELLE ruft AMSTERDAM Touristen auf, die Stadt nicht am Wochenende zu besuchen.
20200723             Tagesbesucher sollten ihren Besuch lieber auf —MONTAG—BIS—DONNERSTAG verschieben,
20200723             Der Zustrom von Touristen vor allem aus DEUTSCHLAND, BELGIEN und FRANKREICH, aber auch von Niederländern hat so zugenommen, dass im ZENTRUM—DER—VORGESCHRIEBENE—SICHERHEITSABSTAND—VON—1,5 Metern nicht einzuhalten ist.
20200723             CHINA arbeitet —BEREITS mit Ländern der Region zusammen.
20200723             Die Volksrepublik verkauft etwa MEXIKO Beatmungsgeräte und andere medizinische Ausrüstung.
20200723             —BEZEICHNET, Die Lieferungen werden auch als "Maskendiplomatie".
20200723             werden AUCH—DER CHEF—DER—WELTGESUNDHEITSORGANISATION—TEDROS—ADHANOM—GHEBREYESUS hat USA—AUßENMINISTER MIKE—POMPEO—WEGEN "unwahrer und inakzeptabler" Kommentare kritisiert.
20200723             Mehrere Teilnehmer hätten bestätigt, dass Pompeo erklärt habe, dass Tedros von CHINA "gekauft" worden sei.
20200723             Er berufe sich auf Geheimdiensterkenntnisse, soll Pompeo gesagt haben.
20200723             "Wall of Moms" in PORTLAND: "Wir sind keine Anarchisten" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—MARC—PITZKE, NEW—YORK
20200723             Wegen der wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Folgen der CORONA€”VIRUS—PANDEMIE hat der CHEF—DER—INTERNATIONALEN—FÖDERATION—DER—ROTKREUZ—UND—ROTHALBMOND—GESELLSCHAFTEN (IFRC) vor "massiven" neuen Migrationsbewegungen gewarnt.
20200723             Ausgangssperren und Grenzschließungen hätten Lebensgrundlagen rund um den Globus zerstört und dürften MILLIONEN—VON—MENSCHEN in die Armut stürzen,
20200723             —GEÖFFNET, Wenn die Grenzen wieder, würden, würden sich VIELE—BETROFFENE angesichts ihrer aussichtslosen Lage gezwungen sehen, ihr Land zu verlassen.
20200723             Je mehr Menschen sich auf den Weg machten, desto mehr "Tragödien" würden sich auf den Migrationsrouten abspielen,
20200723             Abgesehen von dem moralischen Gebot, Menschen in Not zu helfen, sei das auch wirtschaftlich sinnvoll.
20200723             Die erzwungene Migration verursache letztlich wesentlich höhere Kosten, als die Unterstützung der Menschen in ihren Heimatländern.
20200723             Die ZAHL—DER—NACHGEWIESENEN—CORONA—INFEKTIONEN in den USA hat die Marke von 4—MARKE—VON—4—MILLIONEN überschritten.
20200723             —BIS Donnerstagnachmittag (Ortszeit) wurden 4.005.414 Infektionen diagnostiziert,
20200723             In nur gut —2—WOCHEN kamen damit 1—MILLION—FÄLLE hinzu.
20200723             FRANKREICH, nimmt die Zahl der neu gemeldeten CORONA—FÄLLE wieder zu.
20200723             Es handle sich —NUN um einen Anstieg in der 3. —WOCHE in Folge,
20200723             erstmals —SEIT einigen —WOCHEN wieder mehr als 10000000             gemeldete CONRONA—FÄLLE innerhalb von —24—STUNDEN.
20200723             "Die Sommerferien sind besonders empfänglich dafür, risikoreiches Verhalten zu fördern, insbesondere im Zusammenhang mit familiären oder freundschaftlichen Veranstaltungen und Zusammenkünften",
20200723             Die Sommerferien sind besonders EMPFÄNGLICH—DIE Sommerferien
20200723             Nur eine "kollektive Anstrengung" bei der Einhaltung der Sicherheitsmaßnahmen könne demnach "verhindern, dass das Virus in unsere Freiheit eingreift und die Epidemie wieder ausbricht".
20200723             Das Fortschreiten der Virusübertragung sei zwar bestätigt, bleibe aber moderat und sei kontrollierbar durch die strikte Anwendung der bekannten Maßnahmen wie Abstand halten und Masken tragen.
20200723             Diplomatische Eskalation zwischen den USA und CHINA: HOUSTON, wir haben 1—PROBLEM—VON—GEORG—FAHRION, Peking
20200723             Medienbericht: CORONA—WARN—APP funktionierte offenbar wochenlang nicht bei allen Nutzern
20200723             UKRAINE: Haus von ANTI—KORRUPTIONS—AKTIVIST nach Explosion schwer beschädigt
20200723             —SCRAPPED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, plans for a —4—NIGHT—REPUBLICAN National Convention celebration in FLORIDA that had been set to draw more than 10,000—PEOPLE to 1—PANDEMIC—HOT—SPOT to mark his renomination.
20200723             THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION said that it is revoking 1—OBAMA—ERA housing regulation designed to eliminate racial disparities in the suburbs, 1—MOVE that fair housing advocates have decried as 1—ELECTION—YEAR stunt designed to manipulate THE—FEARS—OF—WHITE—VOTERS.
20200723             —BROADENED, REPRESENTATIVE—ALEXANDRIA—OCASIO—CORTEZ—OUTRAGE over 1—LAWMAKER—VERBAL—ASSAULT, into 1—EXTRAORDINARY—MOMENT on the House floor as she and other Democrats assailed 1—SEXIST—CULTURE—OF "accepting violence and violent language against women" whose adherents include PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP.
20200723             This came —1—DAY—AFTER she rejected 1—OFFER—OF—CONTRITION from REPRESENTATIVE—TED—YOHO, R—FLORIDA, for his language —DURING—THIS—WEEK—CAPITOL steps confrontation.
20200723             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE, that ALABAMA prisons have 1—PATTERN—OF using excessive force against MALE inmates, as it again accused THE—STATE—OF—KEEPING—PRISONERS in unconstitutional conditions.
20200723             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—ORDERED—THE—RELEASE—OF—MICHAEL—COHEN—TO—HOME—CONFINEMENT, agreeing with his lawyers that he was wrongly sent back to prison —AFTER making public statements CRITICAL—OF—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP.
20200723             —AUTHORIZED, A—USA—JUDGE, THE—RELEASE—OF—NEW—RECORDS from a 20150000             civil lawsuit against Ghislaine Maxwell, THE—UK—SOCIALITE and longtime JEFFREY—EPSTEIN—ASSOCIATE—WHO—IS—FACING—CRIMINAL—CHARGES that she lured girls for the late financier to sexually abuse.
20200723             THE—USA—BASEBALL season officially began, —4—MONTHS—LATE—BECAUSE—OF—THE—CORONA€”VIRUS—PANDEMIC.
20200723             CALIFORNIA to date had 428,980 CASES—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS and 8,187 deaths.
20200723             THE—SF—BAY—AREA—HAD 45,857 cases and 740—DEATHS.
20200723             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 4,027,741 with the death toll at 144,072.
20200723             —RECORDED, FLORIDA, 173—NEW—CORONA€”VIRUS—DEATHS, 1—DAILY—HIGH that pushed its toll from the pandemic to more than 5,500.
20200723             Deaths inside nursing homes have also been on the rise, averaging about 40—PER —DAY in THE—LAST—WEEK—AFTER those numbers had dropped in MID—JUNE—TO—LOWER—THAN 20—DEATHS per —DAY.
20200723             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE specifically blocked USA—AGENTS from arresting or using physical force against journalists and legal observers at protests in OREGON—LARGEST—CITY where PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—IS—TESTING—THE—LIMITS—OF—FEDERAL—POWER.
20200723             TEXAS 20200901             —DAY records for increases in COVID—19—DEATHS and hospitalizations in the state, forcing 1—COUNTY to store bodies in refrigerated trucks and prompting 1—TOP—HEALTH—OFFICIAL there to call for new STAY—AT—HOME—ORDERS.
20200723             —REJECTED, AUSTRALIA, BEIJING—TERRITORIAL and maritime claims in THE—SOUTH—CHINA—SEA in 1—FORMAL—DECLARATION to THE—UNITED—NATIONS, aligning itself more closely with WASHINGTON in the escalating row.
20200723             BAHRAIN, with 1—POPULATION—OF—1.6—MILLION, has reported more than 37,000 CASES—OF—THE—CORONA€”VIRUS—AND 130—DEATHS.
20200723             THE—GOVERNMENT—PUT—THE—ASYMPTOMATIC—FIGURE—AT 68%, mostly among healthy and young foreign laborers.
20200723             BRITAIN and THE—EU—BROKE—UP—THEIR—LATEST—ROUND—OF—POST—BREXIT trade negotiations by ruling out 1—QUICK—DEAL but voicing hope for agreement in the coming months.
20200723             LONDON—BASED Cell and GENE—THERAPY—CATAPULT (CGT Catapult), 1—FIRM backed by THE—UK—GOVERNMENT, said it has purchased 1—VACCINE manufacturing facility from healthcare company Benchmark Holdings for 16—MILLION—POUNDS ($20.36—MILLION) in cash, as the country ramps up efforts to produce potential CORONA€”VIRUS vaccines.
20200723             —LAUNCHED, CHINA, its most ambitious Mars mission yet in 1—BOLD—ATTEMPT to join THE—USA—IN—SUCCESSFULLY—LANDING 1—SPACECRAFT on the red planet.
20200723             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—HOSPITAL in THE—SOUTH—FRANCE—CITY—OF—LYON is testing patients with 1—NEW—MACHINE that enables them to breathe into 1—TUBE to see whether they have COVID—19 in 1—MATTER—OF—SECONDS.
20200723             1—GERMANY—COURT—FOUND—BRUNO—DAY, —93—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—NAZI SS camp guard, guilty of 5,232 counts of accessory to murder and 1—CASE—OF—ACCESSORY to attempted murder — equal to THE—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE believed to have been killed at Stutthof concentration camp —DURING his service there.
20200723             Dey was 17, and —LATER 18, —AT—THE—TIME—OF his alleged crimes which were consequently heard in juvenile COURT—IN—HAMBURG.
20200723             He was given a —2—YEAR juvenile sentence, which has been suspended.
20200723             —ADDED, THE—CASE, in which MOST—OF—THE—DEFENDANTS—WERE—SYRIAN, to tensions in GERMANY over migration.
20200723             —REPORTED, HONG—KONG, 118—NEW—CORONA€”VIRUS—CASES, 1—DAILY—RECORD, including 111—LOCALLY transmitted cases, adding to 1—DELUGE—OF—NEW—INFECTIONS that have hit the global financial hub in the past —2—WEEKS.
20200723             —CONFIRMED, Total, cases —NOW numbered 2,250, including 14—DEATHS.
20200723             Police said Beam had been making and selling sex videos in Bali to support his living expenses there.
20200723             —REOPENED, BAGHDAD INTERNATIONAL Airport, for scheduled commercial flights —AFTER MONTHS—OF—CLOSURE —DURING THE—COVID—19—PANDEMIC, which has hit IRAQ especially hard in recent weeks.
20200723             —RECORDED, THE—COUNTRY—HAS, 102,226 CORONA€”VIRUS infections and 4,122 deaths.
20200723             —TODAY—TALLY was 2,361 new cases.
20200723             —CONFIRMED, TOKYO —NOW has 10,420, cases including 327—DEATHS.
20200723             —REPORTED, It was, that 5—AID—WORKERS abducted —LAST—MONTH in NORTH—EAST—NIGERIA—BORNO—STATE have been killed.
20200723             —BLAMED, PRESIDENT—MUHAMMADU—BUHARI, Boko Haram and vowed to bring the killers to justice.
20200723             —WOUNDED, In northwester PAKISTAN 1—BOMBING, at least 20—PEOPLE in THE—TOWN—OF—PARACHINAR, 1—MAJORITY—SHIITE town in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.
20200723             QATAR, with 1—POPULATION—OF—2.8—MILLION—PEOPLE, has reported more than 107,000 CASES—OF—THE—CORONA€”VIRUS—AND 163—DEATHS.
20200723             Nearly 60—PERCENT—OF—THOSE testing positive, mostly among healthy and young foreign laborers, showed little or no symptoms at all.
20200723             ROMANIA, THE—NUMBER—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS—INFECTIONS—ROSE by 1—RECORD—AMOUNT for a 2. consecutive —DAY.
20200723             —ANNOUNCED, ROMANIA, 1,112 new cases, taking confirmed cases to 41,275.
20200723             † Some 2,126—PEOPLE have.
20200723             —ANNOUNCED, SOUTH—AFRICA—PRESIDENT—CYRIL—RAMAPHOSA, 1—WIDE—RANGING—INVESTIGATION into claims that unscrupulous officials and private companies are looting efforts to protect the country's 57—MILLION—PEOPLE.
20200723             —CONFIRMED, SOUTH—AFRICA —NOW has more than 434,000, virus cases.
20200723             —WITNESSED, SOUTH—AFRICA, some 17,000 extra deaths from natural causes or 59% more than would normally be expected between —EARLY—MAY and MID—JULY, scientists said, suggesting MANY—MORE—PEOPLE are dying of COVID—19—THAN shown in official figures.
20200723             —INTRODUCED, Regional authorities across SPAIN, fresh CORONA€”VIRUS restrictions aimed at stamping out 1—SURGE in infections that continues to defy efforts at containment and is damaging tourism.
20200723             —SHOWED, Health ministry data, 2,615 new cases across the country, compared with 1—DAILY—AVERAGE—OF—JUST 132 in June.
20200723             1—SUDAN—PARAMILITARY—GROUP attacked civilians in THE—WAR—SCARRED REGION—OF—SOUTH—DARFUR, killing at least 7—PEOPLE and wounding 20—MORE.
20200723             —ANNOUNCED, SUDAN—PROTEST—LEADERS, that they oppose the government's economic reform plan to slash fuel subsidies and float THE—SUDAN—CURRENCY, raising THE—SPECTER—OF—UNREST as the country makes 1—FRAGILE—TRANSITION to democracy.
20200723             —KILLED, UGANDA, at least 12—PEOPLE have allegedly been, by security officers enforcing measures to restrict THE—SPREAD—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS, —WHILE the country has only —JUST confirmed its 1. death from COVID—19.
20200723             —DONNERSTAG,
20200723             Thu
20200723             [l] Die STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT BERLIN sieht in PHILIPP—AMTHORS "Lobbyarbeit" keine Hinweise auf Bestechung, stellt das Verfahren gegen ihn ohne Ermittlungen ein.
20200723             Schloss Sanssouci und CHARLOTTENBURGer Schlosspark: DEUTSCHLANDs historische Gärten sind in Gefahr
20200723             KRIEG—IN—DER Ostukraine: Konfliktparteien einigen sich auf neue Waffenruhe
20200723             —STUDIEE: Ungewollte Schwangerschaften gehen WELT—WEIT zurück
20200723             Spektakulärer Fund in MEXIKO: Menschen könnten —SCHON VOR—30.—000—JAHREN in AMERIKA gelebt haben
20200723             der Fund von Steinwerkzeug in einer Höhle im zentralmexikanischen BUNDES—STAAT Zacatacas
20200723             —LAUT—MEINUNG vieler Forscher
20200723             —NEUE—ENTDECKUNGEN der vergangenen —JAHRZEHNTE eröffneten jedoch die Möglichkeit, daß
20200723             —USA—WAHLKAMPF: BIDEN nennt TRUMP den "1. Rassisten, der es in das Amt geschafft hat"
20200723             TRUMP spielt "Wag the Dog"
20200723             3,20 statt 1,90—DOLLAR —AM—TAG: Grundeinkommen für die Ärmsten könnte CORONA—INFEKTIONEN verlangsamen
20200723             Das Phänomen lässt sich —NUN—SCHON—SEIT —WOCHEN am Himmel beobachten.
20200723             Kometen sind Schweifsterne, wenige KILOMETER—GROßE Brocken aus dem All, die aus Geröll, Wasser und Staub bestehen",
20200723             —ENTDECKT wurde er —ERST—IM—MÄRZ —DIESES—JAHRES, von dem reaktivierten Weltraumteleskop gleichen Namens.
20200723             Sonnenuntergang ist —AM—DONNERSTAG zwischen 21.00—UND 2200—UHR.
20200723             Wer den Kometen sehen will, sucht sich nach Einbruch der Dunkelheit am besten einen Platz mit möglichst freier Sicht nach Norden beziehungsweise NORD—WESTEN.
20200723             Der stumme —SOMMER—WARUM—STERBEN die Insekten?
20200723             "Fridays for Future"-Demo in HAMBURG—SINUS—JUGEND—STUDIE, Party war —GESTERN
20200723             DIE—STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT stellte —NUN klar: "Die Tätigkeit des Abgeordneten für das START—UP—UNTERNEHMEN beschränkte sich auf die Nutzung des Kontaktes zum BUNDESMINISTERIUM—FÜR—WIRTSCHAFT und Energie mit dem Ziel der Unterstützung des Unternehmens".
20200723             Stellt sich raus: Joscha hat —MITTE ;;06;;
20200723             einen —3—STUNDEN—PODCAST mit LEX—FRIDMAN—AUFGENOMMEN.
20200723             —VERWIRRT, Wer gerade, ist und nicht weiß, wer Joscha ist: Joscha war unser Gast in ALTERNATIVLOS—42. Wer sich davon noch nicht erholt hat, sollte diese Sendung hier vielleicht verschieben, —BIS er wieder voll genesen ist ?
20200723             Nur jeder 10. USA—AMERIKANER befürwortet die von —PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—GEPLANTE—ÖFFNUNG—VON—SCHULEN—UND Kindergärten ohne Auflagen.
20200723             Im Zusammenhang mit dem massiven CORONA—AUSBRUCH beim Fleischverarbeiter Tönnies sind  —INZWISCHEN. mehr als 20000000             Infektionsfälle festgestellt worden.
20200723             "DIE—CORONA—PANDEMIE ist noch nicht vorbei",
20200723             "Der aktuelle, erneute Anstieg der Infektionszahlen in vielen europäischen Ländern zeigt, wie schnell auch bei uns die PANDEMIE wieder aufflammen kann".
20200723             Bei der USA—FLUG—LINIE SOUTH—WEST—AIRLINES sind ab dem 27. ;;07;;
20200723             nur noch Kinder unter —2—JAHREN von der Maskenpflicht an Bord befreit.
20200723             Der ITALIEN—ERSTLIGIST FC TURIN hat nach ANGABEN—DER—NACHRICHTEN—AGENTUR AP und der Website "Football Italia" vor der Partie gegen VERONA —AM—MITTWOCH 1—GERÄT an Stadionpersonal und Journalisten getestet, das beim Durchschreiten die Körpertemperatur misst.
20200723             Außerdem könne das Gerät mit dem Namen "Feel Safe" Menschen mit Desinfektionsmittel bespritzen und mittels einer GESICHTS—ERKENNUNGSSOFTWARE feststellen, ob Besucher ihren MUND—NASEN—SCHUTZ korrekt angelegt hätten.
20200723             Das System, das auf 3—VERSCHIEDENE SICHERHEITSstufen eingestellt werden kann, könne auch Alarm schlagen.
20200723             DIE—REPRODUKTIONSZAHL, kurz R—WERT, lag nach RKI—SCHÄTZUNGEN bei 0,89 (Vortag: 1,04).
20200723             —7—TAGE—R Wert lag bei 1,01 (Vortag: 1,08).
20200723             LATEIN—AMERIKA, und der KARIBIK hat die ZAHL—DER—CORONA—VIRUS—INFEKTIONEN die Marke von 4—MILLIONEN überschritten.
20200723             —GEMELDET, Mehr als 50—PROZENT—DER—FÄLLE wurde aus BRASILIEN,
20200723             QUARANTÄNE muss man sich leisten können: 1—UNO—BERICHT schlägt ein vorübergehendes Grundeinkommen für die 2.700.000.000—ÄRMSTEN Menschen WELT—WEIT VOR—ALS Soforthilfe und um Ansteckungen zu verhindern.
20200723             SÜD—AFRIKA hat einen REKORD—ANSTIEG bei den Todesfällen durch DAS—CORONA—VIRUS— gemeldet.
20200723             NEU—INFEKTIONEN in Tokio erreichen neuen Höchststand
20200723             Es sei durchaus möglich, DAß—WIE bei den anderen CORONA—VIREN—GAR kein Impfstoff gefunden werde.
20200723             —GEGEBEN, Es habe noch nie eine weltweite PANDEMIE, die ohne 2. Welle ausgekommen
20200723             DIE—USA—WIRTSCHAFT gilt als die dynamischste der Welt.
20200723             Doch die Zweifel wachsen, daß sie sich von der CORONA—KRISE schnell erholen wird.
20200723             —CORONA—HOTSPOT LUXEMBURG: "Wir haben unterschätzt, wie Infizierte ohne Beschwerden DAS—VIRUS weitergeben"
20200723             1—VIERKÖPFIGE Familie aus COTTBUS ist nach ihrer Rückkehr von einem MALLORCA—URLAUB positiv auf DAS—CORONA—VIRUS— getestet worden.
20200723             e EU—VERKEHRSMINISTER haben sich nach Worten von BUNDESVERKEHRS—MINISTER—ANDREAS—SCHEUER (CSU) auf einheitliche Standards beim Gesundheitsschutz im LUFT—VERKEHR verständigt.
20200723             TSCHECHIEN, hat es den 2. —TAG in Folge mehr als 200—NEUINFEKTIONEN—MIT—DEM CORONA—VIRUS— gegeben.
20200723             Der VORSITZENDE—DER—KATHOLISCHEN—ZENTRALSTELLE für Entwicklungshilfe, KARL—JÜSTEN, fordert von der EU mehr Solidarität mit ärmeren Ländern in der CORONA—KRISE.
20200723             —NACH, Einschätzung des Gesundheitsministeriums nehme die Bevölkerung —NACH—DEN Lockerungen die Hygienevorschriften und die PANDEMIE nicht mehr ernst.
20200723             Dies sei laut VIZEGESUNDHEITS—MINISTER—IRADSCH Harirchi auch der Hauptgrund für den Anstieg.
20200723             "DIE—MENSCHEN haben einfach keine Angst mehr und gehen ohne Schutzmaske überallhin", sagte Harirchi der NACHRICHTEN—AGENTUR Isna.
20200723             Wegen der CORONA—VIRUS—PANDEMIE will FRANKREICH 40—MILLIONEN Gratismasken an seine ärmsten BÜRGER verteilen.
20200723             Sinkende Werbeeinnahmen aufgrund der CORONA—PANDEMIE setzen Twitter ZU—OBWOHL DIE—NUTZERZAHLEN kräftig steigen.
20200723             Im 2. Quartal fiel der Umsatz im —JAHRESVERGLEICH um 19 % auf 683.000.000 USA—DOLLAR, wie der KURZNACHRICHTEN—DIENST —AM—DONNERSTAG in S—FRANCISCO—MITTEILTE.
20200723             In einem SCHWEIZ—JUGEND—LAGER mit 100—TEILNEHMERN zwischen 9—UND —13—JAHREN hat sich DAS—CORONA—VIRUS— ausgebreitet.
20200723             7—MENSCHEN hätten sich nachweislich infiziert, bei weiteren bestehe der VERDACHT—AUF—1—ANSTECKUNG,
20200723             DIE—ZAHL—DER—ERSTANTRÄGE auf Arbeitslosenhilfe in der CORONA—PANDEMIE ist in den USA 1. —SEIT mehr als —3—MONATEN wieder angestiegen.
20200723             —CORONA—KRISE: Daimler macht Milliardenverlust
20200723             —NACH, HOUSTON: TRUMP erwägt, weitere CHINA—KONSULATE zu schließen
20200723             Nager im —LAGER, TÖNNIES—FLEISCH lag in von Ratten bevölkertem Kühlhaus
20200723             COVID—19, Há mais 10—CASOS no ALGARVE e 14—NO Alentejo
20200723             EUSKIRCHEN—KREIS—FÄLLE—568—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—294,5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—17,6—TODES—FÄLLE—23,—EINWOHNERZAHL—192.840
20200723             DÜREN—KREIS—FÄLLE—643—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—243,8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—6,1—TODES—FÄLLE—39,—EINWOHNERZAHL—263.722
20200723             KÖLN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—2.779—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—256,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—2,8—TODES—FÄLLE—106,—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.085.664
20200723             BERLIN—NEUKÖLLN—BEZIRK—FÄLLE—1.091—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—330,9—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—3,0—TODES—FÄLLE—42,—EINWOHNERZAHL—329.691
20200723             VECHTA—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—439—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—310,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—35,3—TODES—FÄLLE—12,—EINWOHNERZAHL—141.598
20200723             Turismo do ALGARVE REÚNE—SE com associações de estrangeiros residentes e corpo consular
20200723             TRUMP's 'beautiful' failures
20200723             SYRIA: Baath party wins majority in parliamentary polls
20200723             Manufacturing consent for WAR—ON—CHINA—ACCUSING—CHINESE of stealing CORONA—VIRUS—DATA 1—USA—TRICK to divert attention
20200723             House votes to block funding for NUCLEAR—TESTING
20200723             USA—CORONA—VIRUS—DEATHS could reach 300,000 by —YEAR—END if trends continue
20200723             TRUMP: Americans should wear masks whether they like them or not
20200723             TRUMP regime to deploy FEDERAL—AGENTS to CHICAGO
20200723             Senate rejects limit on MILITARY—EQUIPMENT going to police
20200723             USA—SUPREME—COURT declines to FAST—TRACK TRUMP finances dispute
20200723             —ATTACKED, TRUMP regime ad depicting 1—POLICE—OFFICER, by PROTESTERS is a 20140000             PHOTO—OF—PRO—DEMOCRACY—PROTESTS in UKRAINE
20200723             —PROTESTANTISM—TROUBLING HISTORY with white supremacy in THE—USA
20200723             IRAN executes man CONVICTED—OF—SELLING GENERAL—SOLEIMANI—LOCATION to CIA — official
20200723             JUGEND—STUDIE, Generation spaßbefreit
20200723             —5—YEARS—AFTER Refugee Wave: How Syrians Are Reshaping GERMANY—SOCIETY—BY—KATRIN—ELGER
20200723             Betrüger griffen in Transfer ein: GROSSBRITANNIEN—BEHÖRDE warnt PREMIER League vor Hackern
20200723             —STUDIEE—ZU CORONA—AUSBRUCH bei Tönnies: Ansteckung über 8—METER Entfernung
20200723             —ZWISCHEN—FALL—IN—PORTLAND: Bundespolizei trifft BÜRGERMEISTER—MIT—TRÄNENGAS
20200723             DIE—AMPHOREN stammten den 1. Schätzungen zufolge aus dem 1—CENTURY nach Christus, berichtete die POLIZEI unter Berufung auf DIE—BEHÖRDEN—IN—SANTA Pola etwa 20—KILOMETER südwestlich von Alicante.
20200723             Der Sohn soll die Amphoren MEDIEN—BERICHTEN zufolge beim Angeln im Mittelmeer vor der KÜSTE—VON—SANTA—POLA gefunden und nach Hause gebracht haben.
20200723             Europäische Union: Plastiksteuer soll kommendes —JAHR 5.700.000.000—EURO bringen
20200723             An den Berliner Flughäfen werden Reiserückkehrer aus Risikogebieten voraussichtlich ab kommender —WOCHE auf DAS—CORONA—VIRUS— getestet.
20200723             Für den Zugang zu einem möglichen CORONA—IMPFSTOFF hat CHINA nach MEXIKO—ANGABEN den Ländern LATEIN—AMERIKAS und der KARIBIK einen Kredit von einer Milliarde USA—DOLLAR zugesagt.
20200723             AUßEN—MINISTER—WANG Yi habe angekündigt, 1—CHINA—IMPFSTOFF werde als öffentliches Gut allgemein zugänglich sein, teilte das MEXIKO—AUSSEN—MINISTERIUM —AM—DONNERSTAG mit.
20200723             —ZUVOR, ging es in einer Videoschalte von CHINA und 13—STAATEN LATEIN—AMERIKAS und der KARIBIK um die Bewältigung der PANDEMIE.
20200723             "1—DER—GRÖSSTEN—GEFAHREN ist die Politisierung der PANDEMIE", sagte Ghebreyesus in GENF.
20200723             Das erschwere den KAMPF—GEGEN—DAS—CORONA—VIRUS— und die von ihm ausgelöste Krankheit COVID—19. "COVID—POLITISIERUNGEN sollten in QUARANTÄNE geschickt werden", sagte Tedros.
20200723             Für die Beschaffung medizinischer Schutzausrüstung in der CORONA—KRISE zahlt die BUNDE—REGIERUNG fast 10—MILLIONEN—EURO an die Unternehmensberatung Ernst & Young.
20200723             ISRAEL, sind 1. —SEIT—BEGINN der CORONA—PANDEMIE mehr als 2.000—NEU—INFEKTIONEN an einem —TAG registriert worden.
20200723             Zu erwarten seien mehr Tote auf See, mehr MENSCHEN—HANDEL und mehr Ausbeutung.
20200723             ISRAEL—IMPUNITY—IS—COMING—TO 1—END
20200723             In the 20010101—21001231   , BRITAIN is no match for CHINA, economically or MILITARily.
20200723             The "RUSSIA Report": DEEP—STATE reinforcing delusion to spread fear and seize power
20200723             THE—FEDERAL—COUP to Overthrow THE—STATES—AND—NIX—THE 10. Amendment Is Underway
20200723_24.000      —VOR—BEGINN des sogenannten letzteiszeitlichen Maximums
20200723_24.000      1. Bewohner des USA—DOPPELKONTINENTS während der Eiszeit kamen die über eine damals existierende Landbrücke zwischen ASIEN und ALASKA nach Nordamerika und
20200723_24.000      es auch andere Routen oder eine frühere Landbrücke gegeben haben könnte.
20200723_24.000      DIE—FRÜHEREN—BEWOHNER der Region könnten ausgestorben sein, ohne zum modernen Genpool beigetragen zu haben,
20200723—19900000    —REPORTED, It was, that 1—MASS—GRAVE has been discovered in SUDAN containing 28—BODIES, thought to be THE—REMAINS—OF—ARMY—OFFICERS executed for carrying out 1—COUP—ATTEMPT against FORMER—PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BASHIR.
20200723—20080000    —CITED, His most, work was on safe assets, written with RICARDO—CABALLERO—OF—MIT.
20200723—20120000    —SEIT, —CA—1900—WERKZEUGE wurden in der CHIQUIHUITE—HÖHLE auf gut 2700—METERN Höhe ausgegraben,
20200723—20181000    —CONVICTED—OF, GERMANY, 11—MEN were, rape —AT—THE—END—OF—1—YEAR—LONG—TRIAL over 1—GANG—ASSAULT on an —18—YEAR—OLD—WOMAN.
20200723—20200708    —ERST—AM war in den USA die Marke von 3—MILLIONEN nachgewiesenen Infektionen überschritten worden.
20200727             —COMPARED, Confirmed cases rose 71% 20200717—20200723    —FROM—TO, to the previous —7—DAYS, with 47—PERCENT—OF—THE—CASES—DETECTED—IN—ANTWERP—PROVINCE.
20200730—20200723    —CALLED, Search efforts were, off.
20200803—20200723    —REPORTED, THE—BLAZE—BEGAN—AS 2—ADJACENT—FIRES were, in Cherry Valley.
20210121—20210723    —AM, "Wir haben —ZURZEIT überhaupt keinen Grund zu glauben, dass die Olympischen Spiele in Tokio nichtim Olympiastadion von Tokio eröffnet werden", sagte der PRÄSIDENT—DES—INTERNATIONALEN—OLYMPISCHEN—KOMITEES
20210320             —ANNOUNCED, THE—INTERNATIONAL—OLYMPIC—COMMITTEE and local organizers, that foreign spectators will not be allowed at 20210000             —THE—TOKYO—OLYMPICS, which are scheduled to begin 20210723             , BECAUSE—OF—CORONA—VIRUS—RESTRICTIONS.
20210718             —REPORTED, BANGLADESH, 225—DEATHS and 11,758 CORONA—VIRUS—INFECTIONS, as the government allowed 1—CONTROVERSIAL —8—DAY pause, 20210715—20210723   , in the country's strict lockdown for the Islamic festival Eid AL—ADHA.
20210723             —DECLARED, FLORIDA, firefighters, THE—END—OF—THEIR—SEARCH for bodies at the site of 20210624             —THE—COLLAPSED—CHAMPLAIN—TOWERS—SOUTH, concluding —1—MONTH—OF painstaking work removing layers of dangerous debris that were once piled several stories high.
20210723             BRITAIN—OFFICE—FOR—NATIONAL—STATISTICS (ONS) said the prevalence of COVID—19—INFECTIONS in ENGLAND is estimated to have risen to 1 in 75—PEOPLE in the —WEEK to 20210717             , up from 1 in 95 recorded THE—WEEK—BEFORE.
20210723             —EXPRESSED, USA—DEPUTY—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—WENDY—SHERMAN, sympathy for NORTH—KOREANS facing hardships and food shortages linked to the pandemic, and renewed calls for the North to return to talks over its nuclear program.
20210723             —DROPPED, THE—USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT, individual cases against 5—CHINA—RESEARCHERS accused of hiding ties to THE—CHINA—MILITARY.
20210723             —ARRESTED, THE—ACADEMICS—WERE, last July —AFTER another researcher told law enforcement he had lied about his military service on his visa application and had been instructed to bring back information.
20210723             —REACHED, Total USA COVID—19—CASES, over 34,286,314 with the death toll at 610,204.
20210723             —REPORTED, It was, that 316—PEOPLE are shot EVERY—DAY in THE—USA—AND 106—OF—THEM die.
20210723             1—NEW—POLL showed that most Americans who haven't been vaccinated against COVID—19—SAY they are unlikely to get the shots and doubt they would work against the aggressive delta variant despite evidence they do.
20210723             NASA said Elon MUSK—PRIVATE—ROCKET—COMPANY—SPACEX has been awarded a $178—MILLION—LAUNCH—SERVICES—CONTRACT for NASA—1. mission focusing on JUPITER—ICY moon EUROPA and whether it may host conditions suitable for life.
20210723             —PROCLAIMED, CALIFORNIA—GOVERNOR—GAVIN—NEWSOM, 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY for 4—NORTHERN—COUNTIES because of wildfires that he said were causing "conditions of extreme peril to THE—SAFETY—OF—PERSONS and property".
20210723             —ISSUED, Mandatory evacuation orders were, in Butte County as the Dixie Fire continued to grow explosively eastward.
20210723             —CONTINUED, THE—TAMARACK—FIRE—SOUTH—OF—LAKE—TAHOE, to burn through timber and chaparral and threatened communities on both sides of THE—CALIFORNIA—NEVADA state line.
20210723             97—PEOPLE were killed with at least 1—MORE missing person yet to be identified.
20210723             † Aspiring FLORIDA rapper Money MITCH—FROM 1—SELF—INFLICTED gunshot —AFTER 1—SHOOTOUT with Palm Beach sheriff's deputies attempting to arrest THE—23—YEAR—OLD on outstanding warrants.
20210723             Pandemic restrictions on FLORIDA—BASED cruise ships are no longer in place under 1—RULING by 1—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT, —WHILE THE—USA—CENTERS for Disease Control and Prevention seek to fight 1—FLORIDA lawsuit challenging the regulations.
20210723             —DESTROYED, OREGON—BOOTLEG—FIRE, which has, 1—AREA—HALF THE—SIZE—OF—RHODE—ISLAND, was 40% surrounded —AFTER burning some 70—HOMES.
20210723             TENNESSEE, THE—BUST—OF—CONFEDERATE—GENERAL—NATHAN—BEDFORD—FORREST, 1—EARLY—KKK leader, was removed from its pedestal in THE—STATE—CAPITOL.
20210723             —SPARKED, It had, protests —SINCE its 19780000             installation.
20210723             AstraZeneca said its ONCE—WEEKLY diabetes medicine Bydureon was approved in THE—USA—FOR—USE—IN—PATIENTS—AS young as age 10, expanding the drug's access to 1—CRITICAL—POPULATION.
20210723             Pfizer Inc and GERMANY—PARTNER—BIONTECH said THE—USA—GOVERNMENT has purchased 200—MILLION—ADDITIONAL doses of their COVID—19—VACCINE to help with pediatric vaccination as well as possible booster SHOTS—IF they are needed.
20210723             —GARNERED, AUSTRALIA, enough INTERNATIONAL support to defer —FOR—2—YEARS 1—ATTEMPT by THE—UNITED—NATIONS' cultural organization to downgrade the Great Barrier REEF—WORLD—HERITAGE—STATUS—BECAUSE—OF—DAMAGE caused by climate change.
20210723             —REPORTED, AUSTRALIA—NEW—SOUTH—WALES state, its biggest daily rise in new COVID—19—CASES—THIS—YEAR, prompting 1—TIGHTER—LOCKDOWN in SYDNEY and 1—REQUEST for additional vaccine doses that was rebuffed by other state leaders.
20210723             1—COURT—IN—AZERBAIJAN sentenced 13—ARMENIA—SOLDIERS to —6—YEARS in prison on CONVICTIONS—OF—TERRORISM and illegally entering the country.
20210723             They were among more than 60—ARMENIA—SERVICEMEN who were arrested in December, about —1—MONTH—AFTER the end of a —6—WEEK—WAR between AZERBAIJAN and ARMENIA over THE—NAGORNO—KARABAKH region.
20210723             —ANNOUNCED, Belarusian authorities, the closure of 15—NONGOVERNMENTAL organizations, PART—OF—1—SWEEPING crackdown on civil society activists and independent media.
20210723             VALENTIN—INZKO, the outgoing HEAD—OF—BOSNIA'S—OFFICE—OF—THE—HIGH—REPRESENTATIVE (OHR), banned DENIAL—OF—GENOCIDE in the Balkan country to counter attempts by BOSNIA—SERBS to deny the scope of 19950000             —THE—MASSACRE—IN—SREBRENICA, EUROPE—ONLY—POST—WWII genocide.
20210723             —REPORTED, CHINA, 35—NEW—COVID—19—CASES in the mainland, down from 48—CASES —1—DAY—EARLIER.
20210723             —REPORTED, It was, that THOUSANDS—OF—ERITREA—REFUGEES are increasingly caught in THE—MIDDLE—OF—THE—CONFLICT—IN—ETHIOPIA—TIGRAY region, where witnesses and UN officials say forces have attacked their camps, abducted or killed some of the residents, and stolen their food and possessions.
20210723             —RECOMMENDED, THE—EUROPEAN—MEDICINES—AGENCY, authorizing MODERNA—COVID—19—VACCINE for children ages 12 to 17, the 1. time the shot has been authorized for people under 18.
20210723             —REPORTED, It was, that FRANCE has established a "maritime bridge" to provide COVID—19—VACCINES and medical oxygen to TUNISIA, which is in the midst of 1—OF—AFRICA—WORST—CORONA€”VIRUS—OUTBREAKS.
20210723             In the past —5—DAYS, FRANCE has flown 1.1—MILLION—VACCINE doses to THE—NORTH—AFRICA—COUNTRY.
20210723             GERMANY said it is listing SPAIN and THE—NETHERLANDS—AS "HIGH—INCIDENCE—AREAS," meaning that most people arriving from those countries who aren't fully vaccinated will have to go into quarantine from —NEXT—WEEK.
20210723             ANTI—CORRUPTION—PROSECUTOR—JUAN—FRANCISCO—SANDOVAL fled GUATEMALA —LATE—TODAY, arriving in neighboring EL—SALVADOR—JUST—HOURS—AFTER he was removed from his post.
20210723             —FIRED, Sandoval said he was, because of his investigations into top officials in THE—ADMINISTRATION—OF—PRESIDENT—ALEJANDRO—GIAMMATTEI.
20210723             —REPORTED, Officials in INDIA, that landslides and flooding triggered by monsoon rains have killed more than 100—PEOPLE over the last —24—HOURS in Maharashtra state.
20210723             —RECORDED, INDONESIA, 1—RECORD 1,565 CORONA€”VIRUS cases.
20210723             IRAN—SUPREME—LEADER—AYATOLLAH ALI—KHAMENEI—SAID—HE—UNDERSTANDS—PROTESTERS'—ANGER over 1—DROUGHT in the country's southwest, as a 4. death related to ongoing demonstrations there was reported.
20210723             —ARMED, SOUTH—IRAN, bandits killed 4—MEMBERS—OF—IRAN—ELITE—REVOLUTIONARY—GUARD in fighting —LATE—TODAY in the Gounic DISTRICT—OF—SISTAN and Baluchistan province.
20210723             —PLAYED, THE—OLYMPIC—OPENING—CEREMONY—WITH—ALL—THE—USUAL pomp and tradition, out in TOKYO in front of 1—NEARLY empty stadium.
20210723             THE—PHILIPPINES—SAID—IT—WILL—SUSPEND—TRAVEL from MALAYSIA and THAILAND, as well as tighten restrictions in THE—MANILA—AREA, in 1—BID to prevent the spread of the contagious Delta VARIANT—OF—THE—CORONA€”VIRUS.
20210723             † SCOTLAND—CLIMBER—RICK—ALLEN, —68—JAHRE—ALT in 1—AVALANCHE—WHILE trying to reach the summit of K2 in NORTH—PAKISTAN.
20210723             —ATTEMPTED, SCOTLAND—CLIMBER—RICK—ALLEN—WAS—ON 1—ROUTE that had not been previously.
20210723             —VOTED, Lawmakers in SIERRA—LEONE, unanimously to abolish the death penalty, making it the 23. AFRICA—COUNTRY to prohibit capital punishment.
20210723             SOUTH—AFRICA—ACTING health MINISTER said the country's COVID—19—VACCINATION—CAMPAIGN is regaining momentum —AFTER being disrupted —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH by —1—WEEK—OF—RIOTS sparked by THE—IMPRISONMENT—OF—FORMER—PRESIDENT—JACOB—ZUMA.
20210723             † At least 337—PEOPLE, —DURING the riots, including 213—DEATHS that police are investigating as possible murders.
20210723             —INCREASED, SWEDEN—HEALTH—AUTHORITIES said cases of COVID—19—HAVE, in SWEDEN—MAIN—CITIES with the more contagious Delta having emerged as the dominant variant in the country.
20210723             —CONDEMNED, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL, the decision by TURKEY and TURKEY—CYPRIOTS to reopen 1—RESIDENTIAL—SECTION—OF—1 abandoned suburb and called for "the immediate reversal" of this unilateral action, warning that it could raise tensions on the divided Mediterranean ISLAND.
20210723             —FREITAG, 20210723
20210723             Wochenbericht des RKI: —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ steigt besonders bei 15- —BIS 34-Jährigen
20210723             Ehemaliger USA—PRÄSIDENT: "Es gab 1—MENGE—LIEBE" — Trump verharmlost Attacke auf USA—KAPITOL
20210723             Vormarsch der DELTA—VARIANTE: Seuchenbehörde sieht USA am "Scheideweg" vor neuer Viruswelle
20210723             Nach Massenprotesten: Biden verhängt Sanktionen gegen Regierungsvertreter von KUBA
20210723             Halbleiterknappheit: INTEL—CHEF—ERWARTET—VERSCHÄRFUNG—DES—CHIPMANGELS
20210723             Neuzulassungen: Anteil der E—AUTOS hat sich in einem —JAHR verdoppelt
20210723             Umdenken durch NORD—STREAM 2: Liefert uns die UKRAINE bald grünen Wasserstoff?
20210723             In the Valley of the Warriors: Growing Anxiety as the Taliban Approaches in EAST—AFGHANISTAN By CHRISTOPH—REUTER—UND—CHRISTIAN—WERNER (Photos)
20210723             Nach RANSOMWARE—ANGRIFF von REvil: Gehackter IT—DIENSTLEISTER Kaseya verteilt Generalschlüssel
20210723             Besuch in der Unruheregion: Xi reist überraschend nach TIBET
20210723             KATASTROPHEN—WARNSYSTEM: Cell Broadcast soll ab —SOMMER 20220000             bereitstehen
20210723             Wegen Übernahmeplänen: Bundeskartellamt leitet Verfahren gegen Facebook ein
20210723             Coronaregeln in EUROPA: Endlich Urlaub! Das gilt in Ihrem Reiseland
20210723             Dieselskandal: Staatsanwälte beantragen Strafbefehl gegen DAIMLER—MITARBEITER
20210723             HAMBURG: 71—VON rund 100—TEILNEHMENDEN einer Ferienfreizeit mit dem CORONA€”VIRUS infiziert
20210723             Bericht des RKI: Anteil der DELTA—VARIANTE bei 84—PROZENT
20210723             Sicherheitslücke: Warum Apotheken —DERZEIT keine CORONA—IMPFZERTIFIKATE mehr ausstellen
20210723             CORONA€”VIRUS: Ema empfiehlt Zulassung des MODERNA—IMPFSTOFFS ab —12—JAHREN
20210723             Keine Visa in der Pandemie: Coronakrise führt zu AU—PAIR—MANGEL
20210723             Coronapandemie: Eltern können Raumluftfilter in Schulen nicht gerichtlich erzwingen
20210723             Geplanter Ausstieg 20350000             : Mehrheit lehnt Verbot von Autos mit Verbrennungsmotor ab
20210723             Steigende Infektionszahlen: DEUTSCHLAND stuft SPANIEN und NIEDERLANDE als Hochinzidenzgebiete ein
20210723             Nebeneffekt der Coronakrise: Shutdown hat FALSCHGELD—DRUCKERN offenbar das Geschäft vermiest
20210723             Left To Their Own Defenses: Catastrophic Flooding Spotlights GERMANY—POOR—DISASTER—PREPAREDNESS
20210723             THE—END—OF—SAFETY: GERMANY Must Learn To Live with Uncertainty 1—DER—SPIEGEL—EDITORIAL—BY—CHRISTIANE—HOFFMANN
20210723             Anerkennung der ODER—NEIßE—GRENZE: Kohl riskierte seine Kanzlerschaft für DEUTSCH—POLEN—GRENZFRAGE
20210723             LUKASCHENKO—REGIME: BELARUS will sein PEN—ZENTRUM auflösen
20210723             Künstliche Intelligenz sagt Proteinfaltung voraus: Datenbank des Lebens soll wissenschaftliche Durchbrüche ermöglichen
20210723             "Wir glauben, dass es sich um das —BISHER vollständigste und genaueste BILD—DES—MENSCHLICHEN—PROTEOMS handelt",
20210723             Hassabis, der auch CHEF—VON—DEEPMIND ist.
20210723             Seine Firma sei außerdem der Meinung, "dass diese Arbeit den bedeutendsten Beitrag darstellt, den Künstliche Intelligenz —BISHER zum Fortschritt des wissenschaftlichen Kenntnisstandes geleistet hat".
20210723             "Das wird unser Verständnis darüber revolutionieren, wie Leben funktioniert"
20210723             "Die Anwendungsmöglichkeiten sind nur durch unsere Vorstellungskraft begrenzt".
20210723             —VERABSCHIEDET, Reaktion auf Terroranschläge: FRANKREICH—PARLAMENT, Gesetz gegen Islamismus
20210723             BOSNIEN—HERZEGOWINA: Leugnung von SREBRENICA—VÖLKERMORD ist künftig strafbar
20210723             DRESDEN: Nach gewaltsamen Attacken auf Geflüchtete — Haftstrafen für Rechtsextremisten
20210723             Fri 20210723
20210723             [l] Der digitale Impfnachweis ist so richtig fraktal verkackt.
20210723             Nicht nur ein bisschen oberflächlich.
20210723             Nicht nur hier und da mal ein bisschen.
20210723             Egal wo du hinfasst, es ist verkackt.
20210723             Geht damit los, dass die App die digitale Signatur gar nicht prüft.
20210723             Geht damit weiter, dass es keine Plausibilitätsprüfung gibt.
20210723             Die Signatur kommt "vom ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUT" aber wird gar nicht von denen erstellt.
20210723             Die können daher gar nichts prüfen, selbst wenn sie wollten.
20210723             Wollen sie aber offenbar auch nicht, sonst hätten sie ja nicht ihren private key diesem verkackten Portal in die Hand gedrückt, das gerade vom Handelsblatt bloßgestellt wurde.
20210723             Vielleicht hat sich der eine oder andere gefragt, wieso die das ganze Portal ausgeschaltet haben, nur wenn ein paar ungültige Zertifikate ausgestellt worden waren.
20210723             Die Antwort ist so naheliegend wie beunruhigend: Weil sie keine RECOVATION—INFRASTRUKTUR haben.
20210723             Die können die ungültigen Zertifikate nicht zurückziehen.
20210723             Ja gut, prüf ich halt selber, denkt ihr euch —JETZT vielleicht.
20210723             Geht nicht: Damit bleiben noch 2—INSTANZEN, die theoretisch etwas prüfen könnten: Die Apotheken bzw.
20210723             Arztpraxen, die das Zertifikat ausgeben.
20210723             Oder aber diejenigen, die die digitalen Impfnachweise technisch gesehen erstellen und signieren.
20210723             Im Falle von Apotheken also das zentrale Portal des DEUTSCHLAND—APOTHEKERVERBANDS.
20210723             Die Prüfungsmöglichkeiten wären ohnehin begrenzt, weil Chargennummer und Impfstelle bzw.
20210723             Impfarzt ja gar nicht —ERST erfasst werden.
20210723             Ja gut, haben halt die Deutschen mal wieder verkackt.
20210723             Wer vergisst denn bitte Revocation? Oder hält es für optional?
20210723             Die EU, wie sich rausstellt!
20210723             Die letzte Fassung der EU—RICHTLINIEN über Impfnachweise bezeichnet den Rückruf von Nachweisen allerdings als "Zusatzfeature", an dem noch gearbeitet werden müsse.
20210723             Was du auf —MORGEN verschieben kannst, erledigst du natürlich nicht —HEUTE!
20210723             Jedenfalls nicht als gutbezahlter EU—SESSELFURZER.
20210723             Du willst ja auch —MORGEN noch aussehen, als würdest du gebraucht!
20210723             Daher ganz einfach: Nie IRGENDEIN—PROBLEM fertig lösen.
20210723             Immer essentielle Teile verschieben.
20210723             Intensivmediziner fordern 1—ERHÖHUNG des Impftempos, um eine 4. Welle mit der hochansteckenden DELTA—VARIANTE besser unter Kontrolle zu halten.
20210723             "Es ist das Wichtigste, dass sich möglichst viele vollständig impfen lassen.
20210723             Das ist unser effektivstes Mittel gegen die Pandemie.
20210723             Nur so lässt sich die 4. Welle abschwächen", —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ steigt auf 13,2
20210723             In den USA nimmt die Zahl der an einem —TAG erfassten CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN weiter zu.
20210723             Die Behörden meldeten —AM—DONNERSTAG 56.069—NEUE Fälle,
20210723             Die ZAHL—DER—TOTEN mit einer bestätigten Coronainfektion stieg im Wochenvergleich von 283—AUF 330.
20210723             Wie der CORONA—KOORDINATOR der Regierung, JEFF—ZIENTS, —AM—DONNERSTAG in einer PRESSEKONFERENZ mitteilte,
20210723             steigt die ZAHL—DER—NEUINFEKTIONEN in Landesteilen mit niedrigerer Impfquote besonders stark an.
20210723             —DERZEIT machten die Bundesstaaten FLORIDA, TEXAS und MISSOURI, die im landesweiten Vergleich weniger Impfungen verzeichneten, rund 40—PROZENT aller neuen Fälle in den USA aus.
20210723             Virologe Drosten über Impffortschritt besorgt
20210723             VIELE—MENSCHEN wähnten sich angesichts einer niedrigen Inzidenz in DEUTSCHLAND in einem falschen Sicherheitsgefühl.
20210723             "Es ist wichtig, —JETZT sehr viel mehr Informationsarbeit zu leisten — auch im privaten Umfeld, damit die Impfquote schneller ansteigt.
20210723             Dadurch sinkt die Wahrscheinlichkeit von erneuten schmerzhaften Eingriffen —IM—WINTER",
20210723             SPANIEN als mögliches CORONA—HOCHINZIDENZGEBIET sorgt für Sorgen auf Mallorca
20210723             Griechenlands Regierungschef: Impfpflicht in GRIECHENLAND ist nicht verfassungswidrig
20210723             "Der STAAT ist berechtigt, von allen Bürgern die Erfüllung ihrer Pflicht zu gesellschaftlicher und nationaler Solidarität zu fordern".
20210723             Dies stehe im Artikel 25—DER GRIECHENLAND—VERFASSUNG und damit sei die Impfpflicht im Einklang mit der Verfassung, so der Regierungschef.
20210723             Weil die CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN in den Nachbarländern deutlich zunehmen, will die PHILIPPINEN—REGIERUNG Millionen Kinder des Landes wieder in ihre Wohnungen zwingen.
20210723             Wegen der beginnenden AUSBREITUNG—DER—DELTA—VARIANTE des Virus auch im eigenen Land würden für die Hauptstadtregion MANILA und 4—WEITERER Provinzen ab sofort wieder strengere Maßnahmen gelten,
20210723             Die rigorose Maßnahme für die Kinder, die von der Regierung mit einem besonderen Ansteckungsrisiko in dieser Altersklasse begründet wird, wurde —ERST—VOR—2—WOCHEN aufgehoben.
20210723             Die PHILIPPINEN haben große Probleme mit ihrer Impfkampagne und sehen sich deshalb kaum geschützt gegen eine mögliche neue Infektionswelle.
20210723             Junge Erwachsene sind in der jüngsten Infektionswelle in ENGLAND am stärksten betroffen.
20210723             lag die ZAHL—DER—NEUINFEKTIONEN auf 100.000—MENSCHEN innerhalb einer —WOCHE in dieser Altersgruppe bei zuletzt knapp 11550000             — der höchste je festgestellte Wert —SEIT Ausbruch der Pandemie im vergangenen —JAHR.
20210723             Insgesamt wurde die sogenannte —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ in GROSSBRITANNIEN zuletzt mit 488—ANGEGEBEN.
20210723             Gründe für die hohe Ansteckungsrate dürfte nach ANSICHT—VON—EXPERTEN unter anderem sein, dass die Impfrate bei jüngeren Menschen niedriger ist als bei den Älteren.
20210723             ITALIEN: Proteste gegen Zutrittsregeln für Restaurants
20210723             SLOWAKEI: Impfgegner wollen Parlament stürmen — Polizei setzt Tränengas ein
20210723             Die Beamten setzten Tränengas ein, um Hunderte Demonstranten an der Stürmung des Nationalrats in der HAUPTSTADT—BRATISLAVA zu hindern.
20210723             Hintergrund ist 1—GESETZESVORHABEN, das Erleichterungen für Geimpfte zum Beispiel beim Einkaufen in Geschäften ermöglichen soll.
20210723             Zur Vermeidung von Engpässen sind Tausende Beschäftigte im GROSSBRITANNIEN—LEBENSMITTELEINZELHANDEL künftig von den geltenden Quarantäneregeln ausgenommen.
20210723             "Wir müssen unsere Lebensmittelversorgung sicherstellen",
20210723             Daher müssten Angestellte der Branche bei einem Kontakt mit einem CORONA—ERKRANKTEN ab sofort künftig nicht wie vorgeschrieben —10—TAGE in häusliche Quarantäne.
20210723             Sie müssen sich aber täglich an ihrem Arbeitsplatz testen lassen.
20210723             Die Ausnahmen gelten demnach für über 10.000—BESCHÄFTIGTE in Supermärkten, Molkereibetrieben und Bäckereien — insgesamt für 500—BETRIEBE.
20210723             Handel und Lebensmittelhersteller auf der Insel hatten vor Engpässen bei der Versorgung gewarnt, GROSSBRITANNIEN—ZEITUNGEN zeigten Fotos von leeren Supermarktregalen.
20210723             —BENANNT, Die Presse sprach —BEREITS von der "Pingdemie" —, —NACH—DEM Geräusch des Smartphones, wenn die CORONA—WARN—APP den Kontakt zu einem CORONA—ERKRANKTEN meldet.
20210723             Bars und Kneipen in BAYERN dürfen auch Innenräume öffnen
20210723             Ärztepräsident fordert tägliche Coronatests an Schulen
20210723             EU—ARZNEIBEHÖRDE gibt MODERNA—IMPFSTOFF für Jugendliche frei
20210723             DEUTSCHLAND stuft SPANIEN und NIEDERLANDE als Hochinzidenzgebiete ein
20210723             —VERZEICHNET, VIETNAM, so VIELE—NEUINFEKTIONEN wir noch nie
20210723             Ab kommender —WOCHE sollen Apotheken in DEUTSCHLAND schrittweise wieder CORONA—IMPFZERTIFIKATE ausstellen können.
20210723             USA kaufen 200—MILLIONEN weitere BIONTECH—DOSEN
20210723             —AM vergangenen —SAMSTAG hatten in FRANKREICH mehr als 110.000—MENSCHEN vor einer "GESUNDHEITS—DIKTATUR" gewarnt.
20210723             Auch Anhänger der "Gelbwesten"-Bewegung und RECHTSAUßEN—POLITIKER mischten sich unter die Demonstranten.
20210723             Die Regierung will mit den neuen Auflagen die massiv gestiegenen Infektionszahlen eindämmen.
20210723             Neuinfektionen in TÜRKEI auf höchstem Stand —SEIT—MAI
20210723             NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN, erwarteten die Meteorologen am Samstagnachmittag UND—ABEND zeitweise schauerartigen Regen,
20210723             dabei seien auch einzelne kräftige Gewitter mit Starkregen möglich, lokal gebe es auch hier Unwettergefahr.
20210723             Schwere Schauer und Gewitter könnten am kommenden Wochenende auch in Teilen Bayerns erneut zu starken Regenfällen führen.
20210723             Bestatter in NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN haben zu wenig Transportfahrzeuge
20210723             "Es gibt nur eine sehr begrenzte ANZAHL—VON—BESTATTUNGSFAHRZEUGEN, die sind —ERST mal unersetzlich",
20210723             VIELE—DER—BETROFFENEN—AUTOS standen etwa bei den verheerenden Fluten in der Garage neben Bestattungsinstituten
20210723             und seien dann — genauso wie die Geschäfte — mit Wasser vollgelaufen.
20210723             Bestattungsunternehmen des Landesverbands hatte das Hochwasser besonders in WUPPERTAL, Ahrweiler, Euskirchen und HAGEN stark getroffen.
20210723             Weltweit haben unter den Naturkatastrophen Dürren und Stürme in den vergangenen —50—JAHREN die meisten Menschenleben gefordert.
20210723             Durch Dürren kamen rund 650.000—MENSCHEN ums Leben, durch Stürme rund 580.000.
20210723             Die Entsorgung von mit Öl verschmutztem Wasser wird zum Problem
20210723             Heizöl müsse aus vollgelaufenen Kellern abgepumpt werden oder gewaltige ölbehaftete Wassermengen aus Tiefgaragen geholt werden.
20210723             —GERUFEN, Er sei auch in Kliniken, worden, wo etwa Aufzugschächte mit Hydrauliköl verunreinigt wurden.
20210723             Das Unternehmen transportiere kontaminiertes Wasser, pumpe es —ZUNÄCHST in Tanklager und analysiere die Schadstoffe.
20210723             In mehreren Schritten werde dann alles gereinigt.
20210723             Flutkatastrophe sorgt bei Bahn für Schäden von 1,3 Milliarden Euro
20210723             DEUTSCHLAND—BAHN will die größten Schäden —BIS Jahresende beseitigt haben
20210723             Flutschäden in NRW gefährden Lieferketten
20210723             So gebe es etwa in HAGEN VIELE—STAHL—UND SCHWERINDUSTRIE—UNTERNEHMEN, die Tausende Tonnen Edelstahl nicht mehr per Bahn abtransportieren könnten, weil die Strecken beschädigt seien.
20210723             —VERBREITET, Wetterdienst, Unwetterwarnungen über VIELE—KANÄLE
20210723             und dann hoffen wir, dass die Bevölkerung entsprechend reagiert".
20210723             132—MENSCHEN nach Hochwasser in RHEINLAND—PFALZ tot geborgen
20210723             Noch immer werden 149—MENSCHEN vermisst,
20210723             Rotes Kreuz fordert massiven Ausbau von Materialreserven für Katastrophenfälle
20210723             —BEREITET, Krisenstab in Flutregion, sich auf neuen Regen vor
20210723             TELEKOM—MOBILFUNKNETZ im Katastrophengebiet wieder hergestellt
20210723             Der ARD—WETTERMODERATOR und DIPLOM—METEOROLOGE SVEN—PLÖGER übt nach der Flutkatastrophe Selbstkritik an seiner eigenen Wettervorhersage im ÖFFENTLICH—RECHTLICHEN Fernsehen.
20210723             "In der Nachhersage ist es vollkommen klar: Ich hätte ja im Fernsehen stehen müssen und 1—WARNUNG sondergleichen härter, kräftiger formulieren müssen",
20210723             Zwar habe er —BIS zu 200—LITER pro Quadratmeter vorhergesagt und solide gewarnt, aber das alles sei ein schweres Spielfeld angesichts der Katastrophe —ZURZEIT,
20210723             Es habe unterschiedlichste Modelle zum Verlauf des Unwetters gegeben, die von 20—LITER —BIS 200—LITER Regen pro Quadratmeter reichten.
20210723             Das sei die Abwägung zwischen einem Landregen und der unglaublich gewaltigen, entsetzlichen Katastrophe gewesen,
20210723             USA—SOLDATEN helfen im Hochwassergebiet in RHEINLAND—PFALZ
20210723             Beim Aufräumen der HOCHWASSER—SCHÄDEN sollten Helfer unbedingt wasserabweisende Schutzkleidung und Handschuhe tragen.
20210723             Der zurückgebliebene Schlamm sei häufig mit Krankheitserregern verseucht, teilte die Stadt HAGEN mit.
20210723             Dort seien —BEREITS MAGEN—DARM—ERKRANKUNGEN und Wundinfektionen im Zusammenhang mit den Reinigungsarbeiten aufgetreten.
20210723             Vor dem Kontakt mit Lebensmitteln und vor dem Rauchen sollten die Hände gründlich gewaschen werden,
20210723             —GEKOMMEN, Lebensmittel, die in Kontakt mit dem Schlammwasser, sind, dürften nicht mehr verzehrt werden.
20210723             —ÜBERSCHWEMMT, Das gelte auch für im Garten angebautes Gemüse, das, war.
20210723             —DESINFIZIERT, Kleinere Verletzungen müssten, werden, bei größeren und tieferen Wunden solle man einen Arzt aufsuchen.
20210723             Algarve mantém 14—CONCELHOS em risco elevado ou muito elevado, mas há novidades
20210723             Também nova é a entrada de ALJEZUR para a lista de concelhos em alerta, ou seja, que se arriscam a ficar sujeitos a restrições, caso a  situação não melhore.
20210723             INCIDÊNCIA—CONTINENTE: 430,8 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20210723             R(t) Nacional: 1,07 Continente: 1,07
20210723             Cases 192.939.490 Deaths 4.140.700 Vaccine Doses Administered 3.776.649.346
20210723             Trauerfeier für Jovenel Moïse: Schüsse und Tränengas bei Beisetzung von Haitis ermordetem Präsidenten
20210723             Drohender Zahlungsausfall: USA—REGIERUNG will neue Schuldenobergrenze
20210723             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—3982—(+43)—ÓBITOS—45—(=)—RECUPERADOS—3054—(+7)—CASOS—ATIVOS—883—(+36)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—1727
20210723             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—157—(+1)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—131—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—24—(=)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—357
20210723             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—4639—(+44)—ÓBITOS—57—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—3917—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—665—(+43)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—990
20210723             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1062—(+18)—ÓBITOS—15—(=)—RECUPERADOS—862—(+7)—CASOS—ATIVOS—185—(+11)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—756
20210723             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—2116—(+20)—ÓBITOS—29—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1763—(+5)—CASOS—ATIVOS—324—(+15)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—1080
20210723             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—5819—(+57)—ÓBITOS—72—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—4903—(+6)—CASOS—ATIVOS—844—(+50)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—1210
20210723             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—2627—(+21)—ÓBITOS—29—(=)—RECUPERADOS—2287—(+14)—CASOS—ATIVOS—311—(+7)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—810
20210723             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—3719—(+39)—ÓBITOS—34—(=)—RECUPERADOS—3022—(+21)—CASOS—ATIVOS—663—(+18)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—1171
20210723             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1738—(+17)—ÓBITOS—12—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1475—(+9)—CASOS—ATIVOS—251—(+8)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—516
20210723             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1740—(+10)—ÓBITOS—29—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1638—(+5)—CASOS—ATIVOS—73—(+5)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—309
20210723             TOTAL—DE—CASOS:—30577—(+281)—|—ATIVOS:—4457—(+212)—|—ÓBITOS:—377—(+2)—|—RECUPERADOS:—25743—(+67)—INTERNADOS:—74—(-5)—|—EM—UCI:—16—(+1)—|—VENTILADOS:—8—(+1)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB:—961—(+)
20210723             VILA—DO—BISPO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—212—(+3)—ÓBITOS—6—(=)—RECUPERADOS—174—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—32—(+3)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—622
20210723—19790000    —IN, TEXAS, physicist STEVEN—WEINBERG, —88—JAHRE—ALT, who won the Nobel prize with 2—OTHER—SCIENTISTS for their separate contributions unlocking mysteries of tiny particles and their electromagnetic interaction, † in AUSTIN.
20210723—20210801    —UNTIL, State media reported that VIETNAM will extend 1—STRICT—LOCKDOWN in Ho CHI—MINH—CITY.
20210723—20300000    —APPROVED, THE—UN—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY, its 1.—EVER resolution on vision, calling on its 193—MEMBER nations to ensure access to eye care for everyone in their countries which would contribute to 1—GLOBAL—EFFORT to help at least 1.1—BILLION people with vision impairment who currently lack eye services.
20210901—20210723    —AM, sagte BIDEN in dem etwa —14—MINUTEN langen Gespräch.
202203050723         Samsung suspends product shipments to RUSSIA
20220723             —SAMSTAG, 20220723
20220723             Doppelmord im Amazonasgebiet: "Er hatte keine Chance, sich zu verteidigen"
20220723             Im besetzten südukrainischen Gebiet Cherson sind Angaben aus KIEV zufolge mehr als 1000—RUSSISCHE—SOLDATEN—VON—UKRAINISCHEN—STREITKRÄFTEN eingekesselt worden.
20220723             Unweit der Siedlung Wyssokopillja seien die Russen in eine "taktische Umzingelung" geraten, sagte der BERATER—VON—PRÄSIDENT—WOLODYMYR—ZELENSKYY, Olexij Arestowytsch.
20220723             —AM—DONNERSTAG hätten sie erfolglos einen Durchbruch versucht.
20220723             Unabhängig überprüfen ließen sich Arestowytschs Aussagen nicht.
20220723             1—BESTÄTIGUNG—VON—RUSSISCHER—SEITE gab es —ZUNÄCHST nicht.
20220723             Die UKRAINISCHE—ARMEE hat —BEREITS VOR—EINIGER—ZEIT die Eroberung des Dorfs Potjomkyne bestätigt.
20220723             Im Generalstabsbericht war die Rede von RUSSISCHEN—BOMBARDEMENTS des Orts.
20220723             Wyssokopillja und Olhyne wurden nicht erwähnt.
20220723             Die UKRAINISCHE—ARMEE hatte zuletzt mehrere Gegenoffensiven auf das Chersoner Gebiet gestartet, das RUSSISCHE—SOLDATEN NACH—BEGINN des Ende —FEBRUAR begonnenen Krieges gegen das Nachbarland weitgehend unter ihre Kontrolle gebracht hatte
20220723             LITAUEN hat das Transportverbot von sanktionierten Gütern in und aus dem RUSSISCHEN—KALININGRAD per Schienenverkehr aufgehoben".
20220723             —TRANSPORTIERT, Es ist möglich, dass —HEUTE EINIGE—GÜTER, werden",
20220723             Die staatseigene RUSSISCHE—NACHRICHTENAGENTUR Tass zitierte einen Beamten der Kaliningrader Regierung, dass bald 60—WAGGONS Zement in die Exklave verschifft werden würden.
20220723             Die Europäische Union hatte —LETZTE—WOCHE erklärt, das Transitverbot betreffe nur den Straßen-, nicht aber den Schienenverkehr.
20220723             Daher solle der baltische STAAT LITAUEN RUSSLAND erlauben, Beton, Holz und Alkohol über EU—GEBIET in die Exklave zu transportieren.
20220723             Das Kaliningrader Gebiet grenzt an DIE—NATO—UND EU—MITGLIEDSSTAATEN LITAUEN und POLEN und ist für die meisten Güter auf den TRANSIT—SCHIENEN—UND -Straßenverkehr durch LITAUEN angewiesen.
20220723             Bundesaußenministerin Annalena Baerbock schließt 1—SCHEITERN des mit POLEN vereinbarten PANZER—RINGTAUSCHS für die UKRAINE nicht aus und will in diesem Fall nach Alternativen suchen".
20220723             Wenn dieser Weg nicht richtig war, dann müssen wir das reflektieren und schauen, wie wir anderweitig aktiv werden können",
20220723             sagte die GRÜNEN—POLITIKERIN der "Bild".
20220723             KRIEGSSITUATIONEN, wisse man eben nicht immer gleich, was der perfekte Weg sei.
20220723             Bei dem RINGTAUSCH—VERFAHREN sollen östliche Verbündete der UKRAINE leicht bedienbare Panzer SOVIET—BAUART zu Verfügung stellen.
20220723             DEUTSCHLAND sagte den NATO—PARTNERN im Gegenzug modernes Gerät als Ersatz zu.
20220723             Polens PRÄSIDENT—ANDRZEJ—DUDA hat BERLIN allerdings wiederholt vorgeworfen, Zusagen nicht einzuhalten.
20220723             Baerbock sagte —NUN zu "Bild",
20220723             der Ringtausch sei auf den Weg gebracht worden, "weil er uns zu dem Zeitpunkt als das beste und schnellste Mittel schien".
20220723             MOSCOW, 20220722             . - - /TASS/.
20220723             —DIRECTED, ANY—BLAME, at RUSSIA due to the delayed return of the turbine for THE—NORD—STREAM—PIPELINE from CANADA is groundless, Kremlin Spokesman DMITRY—PESKOV told reporters —ON—FRIDAY.
20220723             —EARLIER Reuters reported citing sources that the turbine got stuck —DURING transit in GERMANY, allegedly BECAUSE—OF—LACK—OF 1—PERMIT from RUSSIA.
20220723             —RECALLED, Peskov, the statement by PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, on the night of 20220720             in TEHRAN, that AS—OF—THAT—TIME, MOSCOW had not received ANY—LEGAL, technological, or ANY—OTHER—DOCUMENTATION on this turbine.
20220723             "—THEREFORE, ANY—SORT—OF—ADMONISHMENT [against RUSSIA] is utterly unfounded, in this case it's the wrong sources," the Kremlin spokesman said.
20220723             He stressed that in this story "the primary source" should be referred to, which is Gazprom.
20220723             —POINTED, Peskov also, to the data of foreign media sources that claimed THE—RUSSIA—SIDE allegedly did not provide information on where exactly the turbine should be brought to.
20220723             "This is complete nonsense, because Siemens knows perfectly well where this turbine is installed.
20220723             That is, this is —JUST 1—ABSURD—REPORT from sources," PUTIN—PRESS—SECRETARY emphasized.
20220723             —SINCE MID—JUNE, THE—NORD—STREAM—PROJECT has been operating at 40—PERCENT—OF—ITS—MAXIMUM—CAPACITY due to the delayed RETURN—OF—GAS compressor units from maintenance work.
20220723             1—OF—THE—TURBINES built by Siemens Energy in CANADA was sent to MONTREAL for 1—OVERHAUL.
20220723             —REFUSED, The producer, to return the repaired turbine to GERMANY due to CANADA—SANCTIONS—AGAINST—RUSSIA.
20220723             —DEFINED, The return date has not been, yet.
20220723             THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION said that such actions do not violate SANCTIONS—AGAINST—RUSSIA —SINCE these measures do not apply to gas transit equipment.
20220723             However, Gazprom did not receive documents from Siemens on THE—RETURN—OF—THE—GAS turbine engine and sent 1—NEW—REQUEST to THE—GERMANY—COMPANY.
20220723             —SPOTLIGHTED, THE—RUSSIA—GAS—GIANT, the fact that the return of the turbine under THE—CONDITIONS—OF—SANCTIONS and the subsequent OVERHAUL—OF—OTHER—ENGINES affect the safe OPERATION—OF—NORD—STREAM.
20220723             —RETURNED, PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN said that if the turbine for NORD—STREAM is not, to RUSSIA, only 30—MILLION—CUBIC—METERS—OF—GAS per —DAY can be pumped along the route instead of the current 60—MILLION—CUBIC meters.
20220723             He highlighted the fact that —AT—THE—END—OF—JULY "another turbine should be sent" for maintenance work.
20220723             CASOS—DE—COVID—19/INCIDÊNCIA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS:—221865—(+254)—ATIVOS:—6688—(-)—|—ÓBITOS:—884—(+3)—|—RECUPERADOS:—214293—(+)
20220723             Internados: 61 | Em UCI: 2 | Ventilados: 2—INCIDÊNCIA 100—MIL / hab,: 12170000             (-)
20220723             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—35529—(+59)—ÓBITOS—138—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—34276—CASOS—ATIVOS—11150000—1—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—1535
20220723             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—36086—(+43)—ÓBITOS—154—RECUPERADOS—34817—CASOS—ATIVOS—11150000—1—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—1405
20220723             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—10680—(+11)—ÓBITOS—32—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—10340—CASOS—ATIVOS—308—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—1055
20220723             Land NRW, LVermGeo RP, Esri, HERE, Garmin, FAO, NOAA, USGS | GEOBASIS—DE BKG 20180000             (Daten verändert) | Land NRW, LVermGeo RP, Esri, HERE, Garmin, FAO, NOAA, USGS
20220723             Total Cases 569.053.352  Total Deaths 6.382.567  Total Vaccine Doses Administered 11.911.661.831
20220723             —REGISTRIERT, CORONA in DEUTSCHLAND: RKI, mehr als 92.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN
20220723             KÜNSTLICHE—INTELLIGENZ: Google feuert Ingenieur, der 1—KI für ein fühlendes Wesen hält
20220723             "Das Konzept überzeugt mich nicht": Lindner lehnt weitere Finanzierung des 9—EURO—TICKETS strikt ab
20220723             Energiestudie: Abschied von russischem Gas —SCHON früher möglich
20220723             Urteil nach Gewalt am Grenzzaun von Melilla: "Wir gehen trotzdem nach EUROPA, koste es, was es wolle" 1—VIDEO—VON—BENJAMIN—ECKERT
20220723             "Letzte Generation": CDU—GENERALSEKRETÄR fordert Präventionshaft für Straßenblockierer
20220723             "Vielleicht müssen wir es noch einmal tun": Trump befeuert Spekulationen über erneute Präsidentschaftskandidatur
20220723             Neue Richtlinie: Was sich —JETZT für Ihre nachhaltige Geldanlage ändert 1—KOLUMNE—VON—HERMANN—JOSEF—TENHAGEN
20220723             Der UKRAINE—PRÄSIDENT—WOLODYMYR—ZELENSKYY hat den USA für die angekündigten neuen Waffenlieferungen im Wert von rund 270—MILLIONEN—$ gedankt.
20220723             "Extrem wichtig, schlagkräftige Waffen werden die Leben unserer Soldaten retten, die Befreiung unseres Landes vom RUSSISCHEN—AGGRESSOR beschleunigen",
20220723             schrieb ZELENSKYY auf Twitter.
20220723             "Ich schätze die strategische Partnerschaft zwischen unseren Nationen".
20220723             Die Afrikanische Union (AU) hat das Abkommen über Getreidelieferungen zwischen RUSSLAND und der UKRAINE begrüßt. Die Einigung sei eine "willkommene Entwicklung" für AFRIKA, teilte die AU mit.
20220723             VIELE—AFRIKANISCHE—LÄNDER importieren mehr als die Hälfte ihres Weizens aus RUSSLAND oder der UKRAINE.
20220723             Die Uno hatte deshalb vor massiven Hungersnöten gewarnt.
20220723             DEUTSCHLAND will ab —SOMMER 20240000             vollständig auf Gaslieferungen aus RUSSLAND verzichten, plant DIE—BUNDESREGIERUNG.
20220723             Es könnte auch schneller gehen, s
20220723             Einen —TAG nach der Einigung auf 1—WIEDERAUFNAHME—DER—BLOCKIERTEN—GETREIDE—LIEFERUNGEN ist der Hafen von Odessa nach UKRAINISCHEN—ANGABEN—VON—RUSSISCHEN—RAKETEN getroffen worden.
20220723             "Der Feind hat den Hafen von Odessa mit KALIBR—MARSCHFLUGKÖRPERN angegriffen.
20220723             2—RAKETEN trafen die Infrastruktur des Hafens",
20220723             schrieb Serhij Bratschuk, 1—VERTRETER—DER—REGION—ODESSA, laut der Nachrichtenagentur AFP in Onlinenetzwerken.
20220723             2—WEITERE Raketen seien von der Luftabwehr abgeschossen worden.
20220723             RUSSLAND äußerte sich bislang nicht zu den Angaben.
20220723             Der UNGARISCHE—REGIERUNGSCHEF VIKTOR—ORBÁN fordert eine neue Strategie der EUROPÄISCHE—UNION im UKRAINE—KRIEG.
20220723             Die bisherigen MAßNAHMEN—GEGEN—RUSSLAND würden nicht wirken, behauptete er bei einer Rede in RUMÄNIEN.
20220723             Er forderte, die neue Strategie müsse Friedensgespräche zum Ziel haben, statt den KRIEG—GEGEN—RUSSLAND gewinnen zu wollen.
20220723             —KRITISIERT, Orbán, die Russlandsanktionen immer wieder hart und hatte —IM—JUNI wochenlang ein Ölembargo blockiert.
20220723             Der UNGARISCHE—MINISTERPRÄSIDENT VIKTOR—ORBÁN sieht sich im Kampf mit dem Westen, der seinem Land eine falsche Sanktionspolitik und fremde Werte aufzwingen wolle.
20220723             "Die Kraft, die Leistung, das Ansehen und die Handlungsfähigkeit der westlichen Zivilisation sind im Schwinden begriffen",
20220723             sagte der rechtsnationale Politiker vor Tausenden Anhängern in RUMÄNIEN.
20220723             Wegen des Abbaus von Demokratie und Rechtsstaatlichkeit steht Orbán mit der EU in —KONFLIKT, gegen UNGARN laufen —DERZEIT mehrere Verfahren.
20220723             Orbán forderte auch eine neue Strategie der EUROPÄISCHE—UNION im UKRAINE—KRIEG.
20220723             Die bisherigen MAßNAHMEN—GEGEN—RUSSLAND würden nicht wirken, behauptete er.
20220723             Außenministerin Annalena Baerbock hat den TÜRKISCHEN—STAATSCHEF—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN für dessen Pose auf einem Gruppenfoto mit den Präsidenten RUSSLAND—UND Irans kritisiert.
20220723             —ENTSTANDEN, Das Bild, —AM—DIENSTAG bei einem Gipfeltreffen Erdogans mit Kremlchef WLADIMIR—PUTIN und dem Iraner Ebrahim Raisi in Teheran, zeigt die 3—AUTORITÄR regierenden Staatsoberhäupter, wie sie sich lächelnd an den Händen halten.
20220723             "Dass der TÜRKISCHE—PRÄSIDENT mit auf diesem Foto ist, das ist 1—HERAUSFORDERUNG, um es mal freundlich zu sagen",
20220723             sagte Baerbock am Freitagabend im "Bild"-Format "Die richtigen Fragen".
20220723             [l] Zu dem CONFLUENCE—HINTERTÜR—ACCOUNT... ist euch aufgefallen, welche E—MAIL der BACKDOOR—ACCOUNT hat?
20220723             Warte mal, ist das nicht 1—FREEMAILER?
20220723             Wo sich JEDER—EINEN—ACCOUNT klicken kann?
20220723             Komm, Fefe, so blöde wird Atlassian doch nicht sein, dass sie einen BACKDOOR—ACCOUNT hardcoden, aber sich dann die E—MAIL nicht geholt haben?
20220723             Doch, genau so blöde sind die bei Atlassian.
20220723             Wieso setzt eigentlich irgendwer deren Produkte ein?
20220723             Oh Mann.
20220723             [l] Toller Fnord aus WASHINGTON: Die Chinesen wollten dort den Amis einen CHINESISCHEN—GARTEN für das Arboretum schenken.
20220723             Die örtlichen Behörden fanden das auch —ERST voll super, zieht Touristen an und so weiter.
20220723             —GESTOPPT, Aber dann haben andere Behörden das, weil es ein paar Warnlampen gab.
20220723             Zum Beispiel wollten die Chinesen das Equipment per Diplomatenpost zustellen, d.h. da hätten die Amis nicht reingucken dürfen.
20220723             Der Garten liegt strategisch günstig für Abhörinstallationen, und man hätte von dort aus sogar die Militärkommunikation mit den ATOM—RAKETEN stören können.
20220723             NEW—YORK, 20220722             .
20220723             /TASS/. - - 1—TRUCE between UKRAINE and RUSSIA without the return of territories will only give RUSSIA 1—TIME to rest and further continue the conflict, UKRAINE—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—ZELENSKYY said in 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL which came out —ON—FRIDAY.
20220723             "Freezing the conflict with THE—RUSSIAN—FEDERATION—MEANS 1—PAUSE that gives THE—RUSSIAN—FEDERATION 1—BREAK for rest.
20220723             They will not use this pause to change their geopolitics or to renounce their claims on THE—FORMER—SOVIET—REPUBLICS," THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL quoted him as saying.
20220723             According to ZELENSKYY, —FOLLOWING such 1—PAUSE, in 2 or —3—YEARS, RUSSIA "will seize 2—MORE regions and say again: Freeze the conflict".
20220723             "And it will keep going further and further. 100—PERCENT," he added.
20220723             —CONDUCTED, THE—RUSSIAN—UKRAINE—TALKS have been, —SINCE—FEBRUARY 28. Several meetings were organized in BELARUS, then the sides continued negotiations in the videoconference format.
20220723             NUR—SULTAN, 20220723             . - - /TASS/.
20220723             —REAFFIRMED, KAZAKHSTAN—PRESIDENT—KASSYM—JOMART Tokayev, in 1—PHONE—TALK with UKRAINE—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—ZELENSKYY the republic's position on the need to settle the situation in UKRAINE by diplomatic methods, the press OFFICE—OF—THE—PRESIDENT—OF—KAZAKHSTAN reported —ON—SATURDAY.
20220723             "THE—PRESIDENT—OF—KAZAKHSTAN spoke positively about THE—3—PARTY—DEAL on UKRAINE—GRAIN exports reached with THE—UN—ASSISTANCE in TURKEY.
20220723             —REAFFIRMED, THE—HEAD—OF—STATE also, KAZAKHSTAN's principled position on settling the situation in UKRAINE diplomatically," the statement reads.
20220723             —DURING the phone talk held at THE—INITIATIVE—OF—THE—UKRAINE—SIDE, Tokayev and ZELENSKYY exchanged greetings on the 30. ANNIVERSARY—OF—ESTABLISHING diplomatic relations between THE—2—COUNTRIES celebrated 20220723             —ON.
20220723             "KASSYM—JOMART Tokayev pointed to positive results achieved over this period in developing bilateral cooperation in the economic and humanitarian spheres," the press office said.
20220723             He said that in his opinion the good WILL—OF—EACH—OF—THE—SIDES was required to resolve THE—UKRAINE conflict.
20220723             DONETSK, 20220723             .
20220723             /TASS/. - - Casualties among the militia FORCES—OF—THE—DONETSK—PEOPLE—REPUBLIC (DPR) hit the lowest point over the past —WEEK—SINCE THE—START—OF—RUSSIA—SPECIAL—MILITARY—OPERATION in UKRAINE, THE—DONETSK—NEWS—AGENCY reported —ON—SATURDAY, citing its calculations.
20220723             —PROVIDED, According to the data, by THE—OFFICE—OF—DPR—HUMAN—RIGHTS—ENVOY—DARYA Morozova, 31—MILITIA—FIGHTERS were killed in clashes with THE—UKRAINE—MILITARY on 20220715—20210715    , which is on average half the figure registered in previous weeks and months.
20220723             —REGISTERED, The highest casualties were, in —LATE—MARCH—APRIL: more than 200—PERSONNEL over —1—WEEK —DURING the active fighting for Mariupol.
20220723             THE—NUMBER—OF—CIVIL—CASUALTIES also tends to decrease.
20220723             —KILLED, In particular, 19—CIVILIANS were, over the past —WEEK or 25% fewer than in the previous period, THE—DONETSK—NEWS—AGENCY reported.
20220723             THE—DPR mission to the Joint Ceasefire Control and Coordination Center reported —ON—SATURDAY that 262—CIVILIANS, including 16—CHILDREN, have been killed as 1—RESULT—OF—KIEV—SHELLING attacks —SINCE the escalation on February 17.
20220723             The situation along THE—LINE—OF—ENGAGEMENT in Donbass escalated on February 17. THE—DONETSK and Lugansk PEOPLE—REPUBLICS (DPR and LPR) reported the most massive bombardments by THE—UKRAINE—MILITARY in recent months, which damaged CIVIL—INFRASTRUCTURE and caused CIVIL—CASUALTIES.
20220723             —ON February 21, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN announced recognizing the sovereignty of THE—DONETSK and Lugansk PEOPLE—REPUBLICS.
20220723             —SIGNED, RUSSIA, agreements on friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance with their leaders.
20220723             —RECOGNIZED, RUSSIA, the Donbass republics in accordance with THE—DPR and LPR constitutions within the boundaries of THE—DONETSK and Lugansk regions as of the beginning of 20140000             .
20220723             —ANNOUNCED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—PUTIN, on February 24—THAT in response to 1—REQUEST by the heads of the Donbass republics for assistance he had made 1—DECISION to carry out 1—SPECIAL—MILITARY—OPERATION in UKRAINE.
20220723             —STRESSED, THE—RUSSIA—LEADER, that MOSCOW had no plans of occupying UKRAINE—TERRITORIES, noting that the operation was aimed at the denazification and demilitarization of UKRAINE.
20220723             —LAUNCHED, THE—DPR and THE—LPR, 1—OPERATION to liberate their territories under KIEV—CONTROL.
20220723             MOSCOW, 20220723             . - - /TASS/.
20220723             —DOWNGRADED, INTERNATIONAL ratings agency Fitch said it had, UKRAINE—LONG—TERM—FOREIGN—CURRENCY (LTFC) Issuer Default Rating (IDR) to 'C' from 'CCC'.
20220723             Fitch said it viewed the process as the initiation of 1 distressed debt exchange (DDE) process, consistent with ratings of 'C' for both THE—LTFC—IDR and affected securities.
20220723             Moreover Fitch experts expect 1—BROADER—RESTRUCTURING—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT—COMMERCIAL—DEBT to be required, although the timing remains uncertain.
20220723             This reflects severe stresses to UKRAINE—MACRO—FINANCIAL—POSITION, public finances and external finances as 1—RESULT—OF—THE—COUNTRY'S protracted conflict with RUSSIA.
20220723             For the deal to come into force, the Kiev government is supposed to agree on new terms with the debt holders.
20220723             THE—INTERNATIONAL—GROUP—OF—UKRAINE—CREDITORS, which includes BRITAIN, CANADA, FRANCE, GERMANY, JAPAN and THE—USA, supported KIEV—REQUEST to suspend debt repayments —UNTIL the end of 20230000             .
20220723             —URGED, The group also, UKRAINE—PRIVATE—SECTOR bondholders to show a similar approach.
20220723             Gazprom supplies gas for EUROPE through UKRAINE in the volume of 42.1—MILLION—CUBIC meters per —DAY via the Sudzha gas pumping station, 1—GAZPROM representative told reporters —ON—SATURDAY, adding that the request for pumping through Sokhranovka was rejected by THE—UKRAINE—SIDE.
20220723             "Gazprom supplies RUSSIA—GAS for transit through THE—UKRAINE—TERRITORY in the volume confirmed by THE—UKRAINE—SIDE—VIA the Sudzha gas pumping station of 42.1—MILLION—CUBIC meters as of 20220723             . The request for the Sokhranovka gas pumping station has been rejected," he said.
20220723             —ON the previous —DAY, the pumping volume equaled 41.9—MILLION—CUBIC meters.
20220723             —EARLIER reports stated with 1—REFERENCE to data released on THE—WEBSITE—OF—THE—GAS—TRANSMISSION—SYSTEM—OPERATOR—OF—UKRAINE (GTSOU) that THE—RUSSIA—NATURAL—GAS—TRANSIT—VIA—UKRAINE might total —AROUND 42.1—MILLION—CUBIC meters 20220723             —ON.
20220723             Consequently, transportation nominations will be rejected, with gas not to be accepted.
20220723             However, THE—RUSSIA—GAS holding did not see ANY—GROUNDS for suspension of pumping in the previous form, noting that it did not receive ANY—CONFIRMATION—OF—THE—FORCE majeure circumstances.
20220723             —ADDED, The company, that it was technologically impossible to shift all transit volumes to another interconnection point, the Sudzha gas distribution station in RUSSIA—KURSK—REGION.
20220723             WASHINGTON, 20220723             .
20220723             /TASS/. - - THE—USA—ADMINISTRATION expects THE—IMPLEMENTATION—OF—THE—AGREEMENT on Black Sea grain transportation to proceed without 1—HITCH, USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—ANTONY—BLINKEN said in 1—STATEMENT—ON—FRIDAY.
20220723             "The world's hungry cannot wait, and we expect THE—IMPLEMENTATION—OF—TODAY—DEAL to commence swiftly and proceed without interruption or interference," he said.
20220723             "THE—UNITED—STATES—WELCOMES this deal and commends UN SECRETARY—GENERAL [Antonio] Guterres and TURKEY—PRESIDENT [Tayyip] Erdogan for their committed diplomatic efforts to mediate these discussions," THE—USA—TOP—DIPLOMAT added.
20220723             He described THE—AGREEMENT as "1—POSITIVE—STEP towards addressing THE—FAR—REACHING impacts" of the conflict in UKRAINE.
20220723             In his opinion, THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY should —NOW monitor RUSSIA—IMPLEMENTATION—OF—THE—DEAL, including "ending its effective BLOCKADE—OF—UKRAINE—PORTS and ensuring UKRAINE—AGRICULTURAL—GOODS—INCLUDING grain, oilseeds, and sunflower OIL—REACH—WORLD—MARKETS".
20220723             "RUSSIA has weaponized food —SINCE the beginning of this crisis.
20220723             1—END to RUSSIA—BLOCKADE—OF—UKRAINE—AGRICULTURAL—EXPORTS through the Black Sea is, —THEREFORE, only 1—OF—THE—MANY—STEPS—RUSSIA needs to take to ensure that food from UKRAINE makes it to global markets," he said.
20220723             Under THE—RUSSIA—UN memorandum, THE—UNITED—NATIONS undertakes to work toward lifting ANTI—RUSSIA—RESTRICTIONS hampering exports of agricultural products and fertilizers.
20220723             Another document envisages 1—MECHANISM—OF exporting grain from UKRAINE—CONTROLLED Black Sea ports.
20220723             1—AGREEMENT—BETWEEN—RUSSIA, TURKEY and THE—UNITED—NATIONS provides for the establishment of 1—QUADRILATERAL coordination center to inspect ships carrying grain to prevent weapons smuggling and rule out provocations.
202207231932         —SMUGGLED, Europol states it has no RECORDS—OF—WEAPONS being, out of UKRAINE as yet
202207232106         4—HIMARS and 580—PHOENIX—GHOST drones – THE—USA has allocated 1—NEW—MILITARY—AID—PACKAGE for UKRAINE
20220723—20140000    —IN, In all, 8,233 civilians, including 116—CHILDREN, have been killed in THE—UKRAINE—ARMY'S—BOMBARDMENTS—SINCE the conflict broke out, it said.
20220723—20220329    —ON, The next offline ROUND—OF—TALKS took place in ISTANBUL.
20220723—20220412    —ON, However, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN told journalists that Kiev had deviated from the previous agreements and drove the process into 1—DEAD—END.
20220723—20220420    —HANDED, PUTIN—PRESS—SECRETARY—DMITRY—PESKOV said that MOSCOW had, over to Kiev 1—CLEARLY—WORDED draft document on agreements and was waiting for 1—RESPONSE.
20220723—20220510    —ON, the Gas Transmission System Operator of UKRAINE said it would shut down TRANSIT—OF—GAS to EUROPE via the Sokhranovka station —STARTING 20220511             due to force majeure as the company could allegedly not control the Novopskov gas compressor station in the Lugansk Region.
20220723—20220617    —SEIT—DEM, stoppt Litauens Zoll aber die Lieferung der Güter, die auf der EU—SANKTIONSLISTE gegen RUSSLAND stehen.
20220723—20220621    —ON, Speaking at 1—SPECIAL—PANEL—SESSION—OF—THE—QATAR—ECONOMIC—FORUM in DOHA, Tokayev said that he considered it important to continue the negotiating process for settling the situation in UKRAINE.
20220723—20220709    —ON, —AFTER numerous requests, CANADA decided to return the turbine to GERMANY.
20220723—20220720    —LAUNCHED, THE—UKRAINE—GOVERNMENT formally, 1—CONSENT solicitation to defer external debt repayments —FOR—24—MONTHS.
20220723—20220720    —RESOLVED, THE—UKRAINE—CABINET—OF—MINISTERS, to seek a —2—DAY deferral of external debt payments.
20220723—20220722    —ON, 1—PACKAGE—OF—DOCUMENTS geared to resolve THE—PROBLEM—OF—FOOD and fertilizer supplies on global markets was signed in ISTANBUL.
20220723—20220901    —ON, According to BLOOMBERG—ESTIMATES, UKRAINE faces a $1.4—BILLION redemption and interest payments.
20230723             —SONNTAG, 20230723
20230723             Waldbrände in GRIECHENLAND: Etwa 30.000—MENSCHEN auf Rhodos evakuiert
20230723             Wetterkatastrophe: Sturzfluten in AFGHANISTAN — Dutzende Menschen sterben, etliche werden vermisst
20230723             —Entdeckung in VIETNAM: Forscher finden 2000—JAHRE alte Gewürze an Mahlsteinen
20230723             —Kolonial—zeit—Verbrechen, "Ohne Ausbeutung gäbe es in AMSTERDAM all die schönen Grachten nicht"
20230723             [l] Das Pentagon hält KRIEGSVERBRECHENS—BEWEISE gegen die Russen in der UKRAINE zurück, weil sie Angst haben, einen Präzedenzfall für Klagen gegen USA—SOLDATEN zu schaffen.
20240723             —DIENSTAG, 20240723
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20240723             Urteil des Oberverwaltungsgerichts: Bundesregierung muss für sauberere Luft sorgen
20240723             Wahl in der Nationalversammlung: FRANZÖSISCHE—ABGEORDNETE verweigern rechtem Parlamentarier den Handschlag
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20240723             MICHAEL—SAUGA - "Nationaler Notstand": Gewalt gegen Frauen — BRITISCHE—POLIZEI meldet täglich 3000—VORFÄLLE
20240723             Lucie Castets: Linksbündnis in FRANKREICH einigt sich auf PREMIER—KANDIDATIN