_HEUTE_0613 :

_03230613            † ALEXANDER—THE—GREAT, BABYLON
00000613             S—MARGARETHA am HEILIGEN—FEST
00400613             * Gnaeus Iulius Agricola, römischer Politiker und Heerführer
00880613             † Anaklet, römischer BISCHOF—VON—ROM
02200613             † Xiahou Dun, CHINA—GENERAL
03130613             In der Mailänder Vereinbarung zwischen den Kaisern Konstantin I. (Westrom) und Licinius (Ostrom) wird jedem Menschen die Religion gestattet, die er für sich wählt.
03130613             —J—IM, —NACH—DEM TOLERANZ—EDIKT—VON—MAILAND Die 1. christlichen KIRCHEn in ROM entstanden
03130613             AUS DIESER FRÜHEN ZEIT Die 1. christlichen KIRCHEn in ROM Zu den ältesten KIRCHEn gehören die 4—BASILIKEN—PAPA
07060613             —VOM, in des PIPPIN—II—URKUNDE, PLEKTRUD—URKUNDE, Über der IRMINA MIT—BESITZER—IN—ECHTERNACH[EPTERNACO]und ihren Besitzanteil daselbst finden sich folgende Angaben:
07060613             illam medietatem de ipso EPTERNACO[ECHTERNACH]{EPPENICH}, quam THEOTARIUS quondam DUX ibidem tenuit, et postea FILIUS—SUUS THEODARDUS
07060613             quondam nobis tradidit, preter illam rem quam ERMINA in ipso EPTERNACO[ECHTERNACH]{EPPENICH} tenuit
07060613             IRMINA bemerkte zu ihrem Anteil, den sie
07060613             PORTIONEM—MEAM in ipsa VILLA—EPTERNACO[ECHTERNACH]{EPPENICH}, hoc est quantumcumque ex successione paterna vel materna michi obvenit
07060613             Weitere zeitgenössische Nachrichten über PRIVAT—GRUND—BESITZ—IN—ECHTERNACH[EPTERNACO]liegen nicht vor.
07060613             über die BESITZ—VERHÄLTNISSE in
08230613             * Karl der Kahle, fränkischer Kaiser
08230613             * KARL—DER—KAHLE des LUDWIG—DER—FROMME oo WELFIN—JUDITH 1 4. legitimer Sohn auch 1—ANTEIL am Reich bekommen sollte.
08230613             * de CHARLES, FILS—DE—LOUIS—LE—PIEUX oo Judith.
08230613             * KARL—DER—KAHLE, des LUDWIG—DER—FROMME oo WELFIN—JUDITH, Sohn
08720613             † Grimald von Weißenburg, ABT—MEHRERER—KLÖSTER, Erzkaplan und KANZLER—DES ostfränkischen Reiches
09280613             ARLES.
10000000             Haubitzen vom Kaliber 155—MILLIMETER, 300—MEHRFACHRAKETENWERFERSYSTEME, 500—PANZER, 20000000              gepanzerte Fahrzeuge, 10000000              Drohnen",
10360613             † AZ—Z?hir LI—I?z?z d?n All?h, fatimidenischer Kalif
10750613             schlug sie bei Hohenburg unweit Langensalza und
11490613             † Gumpert, ABT—DES—BENEDIKTINERKLOSTERS in Münsterschwarzach
11820613             Le PAPA LUCIUS III prend sous la protection apostolique les biens de LA—ÉGLISE—DE—MARSEILLE.
12310613             † Antonius von Padua, PORTUGIESISCH—ITALIEN—FRANZISKANER
12500613             † Donnchadh, EARL—OF—CARRICK, SCHOTTLAND—ADELIGER
12830613             Der zwischen Hansestädten und Adligen geschlossene Rostocker Landfrieden bewirkt einen wirtschaftlichen Aufschwung von Wismar und anderen Ostseestädten der Region.
13080613             † Erland von den Färöern, BISCHOF—IN—KIRKJUBØUR
13170613             † JACQUES—DE—VIA, Kardinal der Römischen Kirche
13180613             † ELISABETH—VON—BUSSNANG, Äbtissin im Damenstift Säckingen
13270613             Es ist derselbe WINAND—BOCH, NOBILIS—VIR, CAPITANEUS certe gentis armigere PAPA lis exercitus Lombardie, den [IOHANNES]JOHANNES—XXII—PAPA in 1—SCHREIBEN—VOM.
13270613             IN 1—SCHREIBEN—VOM.
13270613             [IOHANNES]JOHANNES—XXII—PAPA. ermahnt RUDOLF—VON—LANDENBERG, den "NOBILIS—VIR CAPITANEUS gentis armigere PAPA lis exercitus Lombardie" zum weiteren mutigen Aushalten im HEERE—DES—LEGATEN: Reg.
13270613             Secr., Arch. Valic. 114—F. - 70.
13270613             —GLEICHZEITIG, ist auch 1—GLEICH—NAMIGER Kleriker derselben HERREN—VON—LANDENBERG Geschlechtes bezeugt:
13280613             1—EMPFEHLUNGS—SCHREIBEN des PAPA an den KÖNIG—VON—SIZILIEN scheint darauf hinzuweisen,
13280613             daß GOTTFRIED—VON—JÜLICH, auch GOTTFRIED—VON—BERGHEIM genannt in des ROBERT—KÖNIG—VON—NEAPEL—SIZILIEN Dienst getreten sei.
13280613             —LAUT, unserer SOLD—LISTE aber
13280613             hat dieser Dienst entweder gar nicht oder nur ganz kurze Zeit stattgefunden.
13470613             Neri di Mattiolo e Puccio " MAGISTRI—LAPIDUM " dichiaransi DEBITORI verso il medesimo di liorini 20—DE—ORO (ivi, pergam.
13470613             210).
13480613             † DON—JUAN—MANUEL, kastilischer Staatsmann und Schriftsteller
13570613             S—ANASTASIAE presbyteri KARDINALIS capellano continuo confertur
13570613             DECANO—ECCLESIAE—S—MARIAE—TRAIECTENSIS  mandatur^ ut qualescumque PERSONAs tam ECCLESIASTICAs quam saeculareSy qui a domo hospitalis S—MARIAE Theoton.
13590613             —APUD—VILLAMNOVAM, FOLKERO—EPISCOPO—GRIBELETHANO committitur^ quod possit vendere et distrahere omnia bona ad CAMERAM—APOSTOLICAM pertinentia IN—CIVITATE—ET—DIOECESI—TRAIECTENSIS
13640613             (tusschen thuys gkeheeten dOedevare ane dene side ende Jans hnise was van Thorout ane dandere side)belegenes Haus an WILLEM Noexe, Wouter Ghisels SOHN—VON—WILRYCK verkauft haben.1 —.
13640613             2—SCHÖFFEN—VON—ANTWERPEN bekunden, daß die EHEFRAU—DES—RITTERS—HERRN.
13640613             Cantman, BEATRIX, o†o des RITTERs JAN—VAN—DUFFLE, ihre Kinder 1. Ehe ihr am Kornmarkt zu ANTWERPEN
13670613             * Taejong, KÖNIG—DER—JOSEON—DYNASTIE in KOREA
13680613             —APUD—MONTEMFLASCONEM.
13680613             Benigno sunt...•
13760613             —INFRASCRIPTIS—MANDATUR—UT, JOHANNI—WIT nato Wermboldi WILHELMI^ CLERICO—TRAIECTENSIS—DIOECESIS^ conferant perpetuam capellaniam ad altare S.S—NICOLAI
13940613             † Wartislaw VI., HERZOG—VON—BARTH und Wolgast
14100613             † Bolko III., HERZOG—VON—MÜNSTERBERG
14320613             † Uko Fockena, ostfriesischer Häuptling des Moormerlandes und des Emsigerlandes
14340613             * Cristoforo della Rovere, ITALIEN—KARDINAL
14680613             * Johann der Beständige, KUR—FÜRST—VON—SACHSEN
14750613             † JOHANNA—VON—PORTUGAL, Infantin von PORTUGAL und KÖNIGIN—VON—KASTILIEN
14950613             [KARL—VIII—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH]CHARLES—VIII—DE—FRANCE est chaleureusement accueilli à SIENNE
14990613             —DONNERSTAG, FERIA—QUINTA, HORA—VESPERARUM, venit AD—URBEM per portam Viridarii spectabilis vir  DOMINUS—ANTONIUS—DE—MALAGONELLIS,
14990613             —DONNERSTAG, FERIA—QUINTA, qui receptus fuit a familiis PAPA et KARDINALium extra portam,
14990613             —DONNERSTAG, FERIA—QUINTA, et ibide —USQUE—AD domum habitationis sue associatus ab eisdem,
14990613             —FERIA—QUINTA, qui receptus fuit a familiis PAPA ALEXANDER—VI—PAPA et KARDINALium extra portam,
14990613             —FERIA—QUINTA, utriusque JURIS—DOCTOR, Magnifiée communitatis [FLORENZ]FLORENTINE orator,
15000613             * ERNST—VON—BAYERN, Administrator von Passau und SALZBURG
15110613             † HEDWIG—VON—SACHSEN, PRINZESSIN—VON—SACHSEN und Äbtissin des Reichsstiftes von Quedlinburg
15220613             † PIERO—SODERINI, florentinischer Staatsmann
15220613             (SEITE—274—75 [].
15250613             KATHARINA—VON—BORA
15250613             MARTIN—LUTHER und die ehemalige Nonne KATHARINA—VON—BORA werden getraut.
15250613             Die Hochzeitsfeier findet —2—WOCHEN—SPÄTER statt.
15250613             † JAKOB—VON—WATTENWYL, Schultheiss von BERN
15250613             —AM, —TUESDAY—AFTER Trinity —SUNDAY, accompanied by his friends, KATHARINA—VON—BORA
15350613             † GEORGE—NEVILL, 5. BARON—BERGAVENNY, ENGLAND—ADELIGER, Militär und Politiker
15500613             † JOHANN—SPANGENBERG, DEUTSCHLAND—EVANGELISCHER Theologe und Reformator
15580613             —WHEN the cavalry exploit of Egmont at Gravelines (
15580613             ensured for PHILIP 1—SUCCESSFUL—ISSUE for THE—CAMPAIGN.
15600613—15600917    —JAHR—ZUM,(CODEX—CICOGNA—3100—FOLIA—83'— 86'.)
15610613             * ANNA—MARIA, PRINZESSIN—AUS—DER—LINIE—ANHALT—BERNBURG—ZERBST, FÜRSTäbtissin von Gernrode und HERZOGIN—VON—BRIEG, Liegnitz, Wohlau und Ohlau
15610613             † HANS—VON—DEHN—ROTHFELSER, sächsischer Hofbeamter und Bauintendant
15880613             † Anna, GRÄFIN—VON—NASSAU—DILLENBURG
16100613             † THOMAS—TESDALE, ENGLAND—MÄLZER
16110613             Im POLNISCH—RUSSLAND—KRIEG gelingt den POLEN nach 20-monatiger Belagerung die EINNAHME—DES—RUSSISCHEN—SMOLENSK.
16110613             † MELCHIOR—JÖSTEL, DEUTSCHLAND—MATHEMATIKER und Mediziner
16111204—16100613    —VON, gemäß TESTAMENT—DES—PETER von Raedt ausgeführt von den Erben in Anwesenheit von Andrieß Tingardts und MARTIN—EBERHARDTS, SCHÖFFEN—DES—GERICHT Krambauß,
16120613             Der Habsburger Matthias wird als Nachfolger seines Bruders RUDOLF—II. zum Kaiser des Heiligen Römischen Reiches ausgerufen.
16140613             * MORITZ—VON—HESSEN—KASSEL, landgräflicher PRINZ, SOLDAT im 3ßigjährigen Krieg
16190613             * JAN—VICTORS, NIEDERLANDE—MALER
16380613             † ZACHARIAS—BRENDEL der Jüngere, DEUTSCHLAND—MEDIZINER und Chemiker
16420613             —ARRESTATION—DE—CINQ—MARS qui est incarcéré dans la citadelle de MONTPELLIER.
16420613             —ARRESTATION—DE—CINQ mar pour COMPLOT—CONTRE LE—ROI
16440613             —BEZEICHNET, JOHANNES—FEURPFEIL wurde als ehemaliger Lehrer der adligen MÖNCHe, UND—DAMALS, zum Pfarrer von Sieglar ernannt.
16450613             † Miyamoto Musashi, JAPAN—SAMURAI
16500613             † FRANZ—CHRISTOPH—VON—KHEVENHÜLLER, kaiserlicher Gesandter in MADRID und ÖSTERREICH—HISTORIKER
16520613             * Raymundus Regondi, ABT—VON—STIFT—ALTENBURG
16560613             —DATUM—MARIENBURG
16560613             Im letzten Schreiben^) hätten sie ihnen die MitTEILUNGen der BRANDENBURG—GESANDTER über DIE—DIFFERENZEN zwischen BRANDENBURG und SCHWEDEN betreffs der Zölle berichtet.
16640613             * JOHANN—ERNST, gefürsteter GRAF—ZU—NASSAU—WEILBURG, kaiserlicher Generalfeldmarschall
16650613             Seeschlacht bei Lowestoft
16650613             In der Seeschlacht bei Lowestoft im Rahmen des 2. ENGLISCH—NIEDERLANDE—SEEKRIEGS besiegen die Engländer die Niederländer, können jedoch keinen entscheidenden Vorteil aus diesem Sieg ziehen.
16660613             —PFINGST—SONNTAG
16670613             † KONRAD—WIDERHOLT, DEUTSCHLAND—KOMMANDANT im 3ßigjährigen Krieg
16680613             * JOHANN—CHRISTOPH—MEURER, Generalsuperintendent
16730613             Antwort des KUR—FÜRST—AUF—BRASSER—MEMOIRE.
16730613             —DATUM—KÖLN[CÖLN]—AN—DEN—SP.
16730613             Wenn DIE—GENERAL—STAATEN DIE—ALLIANZBEDINGUNGEN so erfüllt hätten wie  er, würden sie —JETZT seine Hilfe nicht mehr nötig haben und er sich nicht in so bedrängtem Zustand befinden.
16730613             Er bezieht sich in Bezug hierauf auf sein
16730613             Auf die 10.000—MANN [M.] Truppen haben die GENERAL—STAATEN gar keinen Anspruch;
16730613             für die WERBE—GELDER und die wenigen SUBSIDIEN hat er dem STAAT genug Dienste geleistet.
16730613             Überdies ist sein Heer durch die schlechte Bezahlung der SUBSIDIEN so zusammengeschmolzen, daß
16730613             er den ganzen Rest in Preussen gegen die Türkengefahr durchaus notwendig braucht.
16730613             BRASSER—AN—DEN—GRIFFIER.
16730613             —DATUM—BERLIN, Veränderlichkeit des KUR—FÜRSTLICHEN Hofes.
16730613             Vergeblicher Versuch BRASSER's, den KUR—FÜRSTEN umzustimmen.
16730613             Die Überlassung der Truppen wird zwar nicht abgelehnt, aber auch NOCH NICHT bewilligt.
16730613             Der Friede mit FRANKREICH NOCH NICHT sicher.
16730613             Der KUR—FÜRST schwankt wegen der Haltung SPANIENs und SCHWEDENs.
16730613             Derfflinger und Pöllnitz rathen ihm zum Festhalten DER—STAATISCHEN ALLIANZ.
16730613             Weitere Gründe dafür. - Bereitschaft DER—KUR—FÜRSTLICHEN ARMEE.
16730613             FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG hofft —SPÄTER Gelegenheit zu finden, wieder in's Spiel zu kommen.
16730613             —DESAVOUIERT, Er, selbst seine Antwort auf BRASSER—MEMOIRE.
16730613             SCHWERIN—STURZ notwendig für das Heil der REPUBLIK.
16730613             Mittel und Wege, den KUR—FÜRST noch bei der guten Partei zu halten,
16730613—16730513    —SCHREIBEN—VOM.
16740613             ACHTIENHOVEN—AN—DEN—GRIFFIER.
16740613             —DATUM—BERLIN
16740613             —EMPFANG seines Schreibens.
16740613             DERSELBE teilt ihm mit, daß  die Verhandlung im Haag fortgesetzt werden soll.
16740613             Dies ist unnötig.
16740613             FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG ist mit den FORTWÄHRENDen Zögerungen sehr unzufrieden.
16740613             Pläne SCHWEDENs.
16740613             Man will  hier noch —BIS zur nächsten Post warten.]
16990613             Cattarina Elisabetta Cleme TEDESCHA aus 18;m. 1;
17020613             * Micha? Kazimierz Radziwi??, Großhetman von LITAUEN
17020613             † Isaak le Febvre, FRANKREICH—JURIST, evangelischer Bekenner
17110929—17280613    Lambert Rolland.
17230613             * GIOVANNI—ANTONIO—SCOPOLI, ÖSTERREICH—ARZT und Naturforscher
17270613             DIE—WITWE[o+o] und ihre GROß—JÄHRIGEN Kinder JOHANNA aus EILENDORF
17270613             DIE—WITWE[o+o] und ihre GROß—JÄHRIGEN Kinder HEINRICH,
17270613             DIE—WITWE[o+o] und ihre GROß—JÄHRIGEN Kinder PETER und
17270613             stiften WEIHE—TITEL für ihren Sohn und Bruder JOHANN (JL—B575);
17270613             Zeugen:JOHANN—MEESEN, GERICHTS—SCHREIBER aus EILENDORF..;
17310613             * Martha Dandridge, 1. Lady der Vereinigten Staaten von AMERIKA
17330613             S—CROIX - Die DÄNEMARK—WESTINDIEN—KOMPANIE erwirbt von FRANKREICH die Insel S—CROIX in der Karibik.
17330613             Mit Zuckerrohranbau und Sklavenhandel erzielt die Gesellschaft Einnahmen.
17330613             * JOHANN—JAKOB—HEMMER, DEUTSCHLAND—METEOROLOGE, Physiker und Sprachforscher
17340613             † NICOLAUS—VETTER, DEUTSCHLAND—ORGANIST und Komponist
17340613             —PFINGST—SONNTAG
17380613             —CRÉATION—DE—LA—CORVÉE royale pour l'entretien des routes
17430613             PADUA, findet die Uraufführung der 1. Fassung der Oper Demofoonte von Niccolò Jommelli statt.
17490613             † JAN—FRANS van Bloemen, flämischer Maler
17490613             † Balthasar Nick, DEUTSCHLAND—BAUMEISTER
17520613             * FANNY—BURNEY, ENGLAND—WRITER.
17540613             * FRANZ—XAVER—VON—ZACH, DEUTSCH—ÖSTERREICH—ASTRONOM, Geodät, Mathematiker und Offizier
17600613             † ANTOINE—COURT, FRANKREICH—PREDIGER und Glaubenszeuge
17630613             * JOSé Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva, BRASILIEN—MINERALOGE und Staatsmann
17640613             * GOTTFRIED—BAUMANN, DEUTSCHLAND—LANDWIRT und Politiker
17670613             * JOSEF—SPECKBACHER, Tiroler Freiheitskämpfer
17680613             * Girolamo Amati, ITALIEN—PHILOLOGE, Gräzist, Epigraphiker, Paläograph und Handschriftenkundler
17730613             * THOMAS—YOUNG, GROSSBRITANNIEN—PHYSIKER und Arzt
17740613             —BECAME, RHODE—ISLAND, the 1. colony to prohibit IMPORTATION—OF—SLAVES.
17740613             CHOISEUL a son 1. entretien avec LOUIS—XVI[LUDWIG—XVI—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH]
17740613             Comprenant qu'il ne pourra être
17750613             * ANTON—RADZIWI??, preußischer Politiker und Komponist
17760613             † WILLIAM—BATTIE, ENGLAND—ARZT
17770613             Der FRANKREICH—MARQUIS de LAFAYETTE trifft nördlich von CHARLESTON (SOUTH—CAROLINA) ein und bietet der Kontinentalarmee seine unbezahlten Dienste im USA—UNABHÄNGIGKEITSKRIEG an.
17770613             —LANDED, Marquis de LAFAYETTE, in THE—USA to assist the colonies in their war against ENGLAND.
17820613             GLARUS, wird die Dienstmagd ANNA—GÖLDI als 1—DER—LETZTEN—FRAUEN in EUROPA wegen Hexerei durch das Schwert hingerichtet.
17820613             Im Zusammenhang mit ihrem Prozess wird von AUGUST—LUDWIG—VON—SCHLÖZER zum 1. Mal der Begriff Justizmord gebraucht.
17820613             † ANNA—GÖLDI, SCHWEIZ—MAGD, hingerichtet als letzte Hexe Europas
17830613             * Virgil Fleischmann, ÖSTERREICH—KATHOLISCHER Geistlicher, Kirchenmusiker und Komponist
17860613             * Winfield Scott, USA—USA—GENERALLEUTNANT, GENERAL mit der längsten Dienstzeit in der USA—GESCHICHTE
17860613             Winfield SCOTT—USA—ARMY—GENERAL—FAMOUS for his victories in the War of 18120000              and the War with MEXICO, was born.
17890613             * AUGUST—ARNOLD, DEUTSCHLAND—GESCHICHTSPHILOSOPH und Staatswissenschaftler
17920613             [LUDWIG—XVI—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH]Le —REFUS—DELOUIS—XVI—DE—ENTÉRINER les derniers décrets provoque la chute du Gouvernement Girondin qui est remplacé par un cabinet Feuillant
17920613             LES—FEUILLANTS remplacent les GIRONDINS, Renvoi des GIRONDINS,
17940613             FRIEDRICH—SCHILLER fordert JOHANN—WOLFGANG—VON—GOETHE zur Mitarbeit an der Zeitschrift Die Horen auf und erhält 1—ZUSAGE.
17940613             —BEGINNT, Damit, ihre nähere Verbindung und —BIS zum Tode Schillers währende Freundschaft und die Zeit der Weimarer Klassik.
17950613             * THOMAS—ARNOLD, ENGLAND—THEOLOGE und Pädagoge
17980613             —FOUNDED, Mission S—LUIS—REY [in CALIFORNIA] was.
18010613             Das Theater an der WIEN wird eröffnet.
18020613             * SIMON—KARSTEN, NIEDERLANDE—KLASSISCHER Philologe
18060613             * Bernard ter Haar, NIEDERLANDE—REFORMIERTER Theologe, Kirchenhistoriker und Dichter
18080613             * Patrice de MAC—MAHON, FRANKREICH—MILITÄR und PRÄSIDENT—VON—3. REPUBLIK
18090613             * HEINRICH—HOFFMANN, DEUTSCHLAND—PSYCHIATER, Lyriker und Kinderbuchautor (Struwwelpeter)
18090613             * Cristoforo Negri, ITALIEN—POLITIKER und Schriftsteller
18180613             * AUGUST—VON—SACHSEN—COBURG und Gotha, königlich sächsischer Generalmajor
18210613             ÄGYPTEN—TRUPPEN erobern bei ihrem Vordringen auf benachbartes Gebiet die HAUPTSTADT—SANNAR im Sultanat von Sannar.
18210613             Die Ägypter machen umgehend ihr Militärlager Khartum zur neuen HAUPTSTADT.
18210613             Das 300—JAHRE alte Reich der Fung hört auf zu existieren.
18290613             * WILHELM—RIEDEL, DEUTSCHLAND—TUCHFABRIKANT und Wohltäter
18310613             JAMES—CLERK—MAXWELL born, unifies electricity and magnetism, eponymously called MAXWELL—EQUATIONS
18310613—18790000    —SHOWED, JAMES—CLERK—MAXWELL, that electrical, magnetic and optical phenomena were all united in 1—SINGLE—UNIVERSAL—FORCE, electromagnetism, and formulated electromagnetic theory,
18320613—18790800    —IN, SIR—WILLIAM—CROOKES born, discovers "plasma".
18360613             * JOSEF—BUDENZ, Sprachwissenschaftler
18370613             * HENRI—ROEHRICH, SCHWEIZ—EVANGELISCHER Geistlicher und Hochschullehrer
18370613             † JACOB—FRIEDRICH—GEORG—EMMRICH, DEUTSCHLAND—JURIST und Hochschullehrer
18400613             * OSKAR—HÖCKER, DEUTSCHLAND—SCHAUSPIELER und Schriftsteller
18430613             * ADOLF—NEUENDORFF, DEUTSCH—USA—USA—KOMPONIST—UND—PIANIST, Regisseur und Theaterintendant
18460613             * Frederic Woodman Root, USA—USA—KOMPONIST—UND—MUSIKPÄDAGOGE
18460613             † KARL—FERDINAND—FRIEDRICH—VON—NAGLER, Generalpostdirektor des Norddeutschen Bundes
18480613             Inkompetenzerklärung der Versammlungen zu FRANKFURT und BERLIN
18480613             Die Berliner Debatte über die Revolution
18490000—19080613    * † THOMAS—GREENE—WIGGINS, 1—BLIND—AFRICAN—USA—PIANO player born into slavery, in NEW—JERSEY.
18490613             † Colomba Antonietti, ITALIEN—PATRIOTIN
18500613             † JOSé Dionisio de la Trinidad de Herrera y Díaz del Valle, STAATSCHEF—DER—PROVINZEN—HONDURAS und NICARAGUA innerhalb der Zentralamerikanischen Konföderation
18530613             —BEGINNT, Der DEUTSCHLAND—TUCHFABRIKANT WILHELM—RIEDEL, seine Geschäftstätigkeit in Peitz.
18540613             * CHARLES—PARSONS, GROSSBRITANNIEN—INGENIEUR, Erfinder und Konstrukteur
18540613             † Rosina REGINA Ahles, DEUTSCHLAND—SCHAUSPIELERIN
18550613             Im Rahmen der Pariser Weltausstellung erfolgt die Uraufführung von GIUSEPPE—VERDIS—OPER—LES vêpres siciliennes mit dem Libretto von Eugène Scribe und CHARLES—DUVEYRIER am Théatre Impérial de L'Opéra.
18550613             —PRODUCED, VERDI—OPERA "Les Vepres Sicilenne" was, (PARIS).
18560613             † ERNST—ALBAN, DEUTSCHLAND—AUGENARZT, Maschinenbauer und Pionier des Dampfmaschinenbaus
18580613             —BIS zu 250—PASSAGIERE kommen ums Leben, als auf dem MISSISSIPPI River in der Nähe von MEMPHIS die Kessel des Raddampfers PENNSYLVANIA explodieren und das Schiff abbrennt.
18590613             * HOWARD—MACNUTT, USA—USA—BAHAI und Jünger Abdu'l Bahas
18610000—19300613    * † Lodewijk van Mierop, NIEDERLANDE—PAZIFIST und Anarchist
18610613             * JOHANNES—ANGERN, preußischer Generalmajor
18610613             * Jessie Lipscomb, GROSSBRITANNIEN—BILDHAUERIN
18630613             —CLASHED, Confederate forces on their way to Gettysburg, with Union troops at the 2. BATTLE—OF—WINCHESTER, VIRGINIA.
18650613—19230000    —IN, He won the Nobel Prize.
18650613—19390000    * † WILLIAM—BUTLER—YEATS, IRELAND—POET and playwright, to an ANGLO—IRELAND—FAMILY in 1—DUBLIN suburb.
18650613—19390000    —REMEMBERED, WILLIAM—BUTLER—YEATS is best, for his poems "Byzantium" and "Easter 19160000             ".
18650613—19390000    The 1. volume of his autobiography was "Reveries Over Childhood and Youth" (19150000             ).
18650613—19390000    The book "W.B. Yeats: 1—LIFE, Vol. 1: THE—APPRENTICE—MAGE 18650000—19140000    ," by R.F. Foster covered this period of Yeats' life.
18650613—19390000    "THE—LAKE—ISLE—OF—INNISFREE" is his best known poem.
18650613—19390000    "Too long 1—SACRIFICE / Can make 1—STONE—OF—THE—HEART. / O —WHEN may it suffice?"
18660529—17860613    —CALLED, Although 1—VIRGINIAN born, SCOTT—POPULARLY, "Old Fuss and Feathers"-remained loyal to the Union and its army he commanded —WHEN war broke out.
18660613             * Aby Warburg, DEUTSCHLAND—KUNSTHISTORIKER
18720613             † DANIEL—WEISIGER—ADAMS, USA—USA—RECHTSANWALT und Brigadegeneral
18730613             † FRIEDRICH—VON—RAUMER, DEUTSCHLAND—VERWALTUNGSJURIST, Historiker und Politiker, Mitglied der Frankfurter Nationalversammlung
18750613             † Eilert Sundt, NORWEGEN—SOZIOLOGE
18780613             Berliner Kongress
18780613             Auf dem Berliner Kongress wird der OSMANISCH—RUSSLAND—VORFRIEDEN—VON—S—STEFANO revidiert.
18780613             Die beginnende Konferenz unter der Leitung von OTTO—VON—BISMARCK sucht nach Lösungen für die Konflikte der Großmächte.
18780613             —LE Il a été appelé au siège métropolitain de RENNES (précon. le 15—JUIL.),
18780613             —LE, 1—NOM eau décret présidentiel transféra le Mgr ROBERT au SIÈGE—DE—MARSEILLE.
18780613—18780713    —CONGRESS—OF—BERLIN,
18780713—18780303    —ON, THE—TREATY—OF—BERLIN was the final ACT—OF—THE—CONGRESS—OF—BERLIN (18780613              — 18780713             ), by which THE—UK, AUSTRIA—HUNGARY, FRANCE, GERMANY, ITALY, RUSSIA and THE—OTTOMAN—EMPIRE under SULTAN—ABDUL—HAMID—II revised THE—TREATY—OF—S—STEFANO signed the same —YEAR.
18810613             † Édouard Imer, FRANKREICH—MALER
18840613             † JAN—ARNOŠT—SMOLER, sorbischer Philologe, Schriftsteller und Verleger
18860613             Sterbestelle Ludwigs II.
18860613             LUDWIG—II. ertrinkt im Würmsee, dem heutigen Starnberger See.
18860613             Die genauen Todesumstände bleiben ungewiss.
18860613             † LUDWIG—II., KÖNIG—VON—BAYERN
18860613             —DROWNED, LUDWIG—II—KING—OF— (40) —BAVARIA, in Lake Starnberg.
18860613             —CONSPIRED, BAVARIA—LEADERS had, to remove Ludvig II from office and got 1—DOCTOR, who never saw him, to declare him insane.
18860613             —CAPTURED, He was, and taken to 1—MANSION on Lake Starnberg where he was found floating dead with his doctor.
18860613             1—SWIFT—FIRE destroyed VANCOUVER—CANADA, in 1—TIME variously reported between 20 and 40—5—MINUTES.
18860613             † At least 8—PEOPLE, and SOME—ACCOUNTS—CLAIM 28.
18860613             —ABOUT 1,000 wooden buildings, virtually the entire city, were totally consumed.
18860613             —AM, ertrank er im Starnberger See
18860613             —PFINGST—SONNTAG
18860613—19960000    —AUTHORED, GREG—KING, "THE—MAD—KING".
18900613             † CHRISTIAN—FRIEDRICH—ARNOLD, DEUTSCHLAND—ARCHITEKT und Akademieprofessor
18911122             alfatomega.com/20030613_MYSUPERTIMELINESTART—DRUCKVERSION.html
18920613             * BASIL—RATHBONE, actor (Sherlock Holmes), in JOHANNESBURG—SOUTH—AFRICA.
18930613—19570000    "The worst sin -- perhaps the only sin -- passion can commit, is to be joyless".
18940613—19720000    * † MARK—VAN—DOREN, USA—POET, writer and educator.
18940613—19720000    "There are 2—STATEMENTS about human beings that are true: that all human beings are alike, and that all are different. On those 2—FACTS all human wisdom is founded".
18980613             Das KANADA—YUKON—TERRITORIUM wird wegen des KLONDIKE—GOLDRAUSCHS von den NORDWEST—TERRITORIEN abgespalten.
18980613             —ISOLIERT, WILLIAM—RAMSAY, erstmals durch fraktionierte Destillation von flüssigem Argon das chemische Element und Edelgas Neon.
19000613             —ERUPTED, CHINA—BOXER—REBELLION against foreigners and CHINA—CHRISTIANS, into violence.
19010613             * Tage Erlander, SCHWEDEN—PREMIERMINISTER
19030613             * Harold "Red" Grange, football's Galloping Ghost.
19030613             He became 1—ALL—USA—FOOTBALL running back for THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—ILLINOIS and went on to 1—PROFESSIONAL—CAREER in CHICAGO and NEW—YORK.
19030613             Willard HARRISON—BENNETT born
19040000—19730613    * † JONAS—AISTIS, LITHUANIA—BORN poet, in WASHINGTON, DC.
19050613             † TIPPU—TIP, ostafrikanischer Sklavenhändler und BELGIEN—GOUVERNEUR
19071231—20070613    —ON, SK 02558 0005 876685 v5 ..... which was built 19920000              + acquired.
19080613             Malheur National Forest
19080613             OREGON, wird in den BLUE—MOUNTAINS der Malheur National Forest eröffnet.
19080613             Er beherbergt mit einem rund 2400—JAHRE alten HALLIMASCH—PILZ das vermutlich älteste und größte Lebewesen der Erde.
19080613             —DEMONSTRATED, Swimmer F. Riehl, 1—KITE attached to himself —BEFORE THE—CREW—OF—THE—BATTLESHIP—CONNECTICUT in THE—SF Bay.
19080613             It carried him through the water for more than half 1—MILE.
19080613             "Blind Tom" had become well known for his piano virtuosity.
19080613—20140000    —AUTHORED, Jeffery Renard Allen, "Song of the Shank: 1—NOVEL," based on the life of Wiggins.
19090426—19130613    —ON, A 2. law was passed.
19110613             Vaslav Nijinsky und IGOR—STRAWINSKI
19110613             Mit Vaslav Nijinsky in der Titelrolle wird in PARIS IGOR—STRAWINSKYS—BALLETT—PETRUSCHKA uraufgeführt.
19110613             Die pantomimische Choreografie stammt von MICHEL—FOKINE, die Kostüme und das Bühnenbild von ALEXANDER—BENOIS.
19110613—19880000    * † LUIS—W—ALVAREZ, physicist (Nobel-19680000             ), in SF—CALIFORNIA.
19130613—20050000    * † RALPH—EDWARDS, radio and TV host (This is Your Life), in MERINO—COLORADO.
19170613             —BOMBED, GERMANY, LONDON.
19170613—20170000    —IN, The 219-foot, STEAM—POWERED, USA—COAST—GUARD—REVENUE cutter McCulloch sank, —AFTER 1—COLLISION with the passenger liner GOVERNOR—OFF—POINT—CONCEPTION—NEAR—SANTA BARBARA—CALIFORNIA remains of the ship were discovered.
19180613             Nach einem eigenmächtigen Beschluss örtlicher Bolschewiki werden in PERM GROSS—FÜRST—MICHAIL—ALEXANDROWITSCH—ROMANOW, der Bruder des FRÜHEREN—ZAREN—NIKOLAUS—II., und sein Sekretär NICHOLAS—JOHNSON in einem Wald ermordet.
19190613             als Rosa LUXEMBURG auf dem Friedhof BERLIN—FRIEDRICHSFELDE bestattet wurde -
19190613             in wesentlichen Punkten aber nicht mit den anatomischen Merkmalen der Sozialistenchefin übereinstimmt, so Tsokos gegenüber dem SPIEGEL.
19190613             1—EXHUMIERUNG—DER—ANGEBLICH AM—IN einem Zinksarg beigesetzten Märtyrerin verspricht keine Hoffnung auf Aufklärung:
19200613             † Essad Pascha Toptani, ALBANIEN—GROSSGRUNDBESITZER und PREMIERMINISTER
19200613             —RULED, THE—USA—POST—OFFICE—DEPARTMENT, that children may not be sent by parcel post.
19230613             THE—FRANCE—19230901             —TRADE barrier between the occupied Ruhr and the rest of GERMANY.
19240613             BASEL, wird das Oratorium Le Laudi di S—FRANCESCO d'Assisi von HERMANN—SUTER uraufgeführt.
19270613             —RECEIVED, CHARLES—LINDBERGH, the Flying Cross and was treated to 1—TICKER tape parade in NEW—YORK City to celebrate his successful crossing of the Atlantic.
19280613             —SHARED, JOHN—FORBES—NASH, 19940000             —THE—BANK—OF—SWEDEN—PRIZE in Economic Sciences (also called the Nobel Prize in Economics) with 2—OTHER—GAME—THEORISTS, REINHARD—SELTEN and JOHN—HARSANYI.
19300000—20080613    * † DENNIS—WEATHERSTONE, BRITISH—BORN FORMER—CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OF—JP—MORGAN (19900000—19940000    ).
19310613             SANTIAGO—RUSINOL, SPAIN—CATALAN—POST—IMPRESSIONIST painter, author and playwright.
19310613             †.
19330613             —PASSED, USA—CONGRESS, the Home Owners Refinancing Act, which authorized the Home Owners' Loan Corporation.
19330613             —NOTED, This was, in a 19830000              paper by —LATER Federal Reserve Chairman BEN—BERNANKE.
19330613             —ESTABLISHED, GERMANY—SECRET—STATE—POLICE (Gestapo) was.
19330613—19320000    —IN, Large INFUSIONS—OF—USA federal cash into institutions through the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, chartered under PRESIDENT—HOOVER, and to households through the Home Owners' Loan Corporation, began 1—RECOVERY out of the Great Depression.
19340613             Die Production Code Administration zur Durchsetzung des Hays Codes wird in den USA gegründet.
19340613             ALLE—USA—FILME müssen in Zukunft im Hinblick auf die "moralisch akzeptable Darstellung" besonders von Kriminalität und sexuellen Inhalten von diesem BÜRO begutachtet und der Zensur unterworfen werden.
19350613             Braddock soon lost his title to JOE—LOUIS.
19350613—20050000    —CLAIMED, JAMES—J—BRADDOCK, THE—TITLE—OF—WORLD heavyweight boxing champion from MAX—BAER in a 15-round fight in Long ISLAND CITY—NEW—YORK JEREMY—SCHAAP authored "Cinderella Man: JAMES—J—BRADDOCK, MAX—BAER, and the Greatest Upset in boxing History".
19370613             —EXECUTED, Stalin, RUSSIA—OFFICERS—TUCHACHEVSKI, Jakir, Putna & Uberevitch.
19380613             Beginn der JUNI—AKTION, der 1. Massenverhaftung von Juden in DEUTSCHLAND und ÖSTERREICH während des Nationalsozialismus.
19390613             Die Sinaia legt in VERACRUZ an.
19390613             Mit ihr gelangt die 1. größere Gruppe SPANIEN—REPUBLIKANER ins MEXIKO—EXIL.
19400613             —EVACUATED, PARIS was, —BEFORE THE—GERMANY—ADVANCE on the city.
19410613             —DEPORTED, THOUSANDS—OF—JEWISH—COMMUNITY—LEADERS in Bessarabia (MOLDOVA) were, to Siberia as PART—OF—THE—GENERAL purge.
19410613             —OCCUPIED, THE—SOVIET—UNION, which had, THE—FORMER—ROMANIA—PROVINCE 1—YEAR —EARLIER, loaded 22,600 Moldovans on cargo trains bound for Siberia, where the deportees were used for forced labor.
19420613             —CREATED, PRESIDENT—ROOSEVELT, THE—OFFICE—OF—WAR—INFORMATION, and appointed radio news commentator Elmer Davis to be its head.
19420613             —LANDED, OPERATION, Pastorius 4—MEN, overnight on 1—LONG—ISLAND—BEACH from 1—GERMANY—SUBMARINE with plans to sabotage NEW—YORK—CITY—WATER—SYSTEM and industrial sites across THE—NORTH—EAST—USA 20270616             —SEE.
19420613             —ASSEMBLED, Delegates from THE—6—NATIONS Confederacy (Iraquois League), in conference to draft 1—FORMAL—DECLARATION—OF—WAR.
19420613             THE—FOLLOWING—DAY, on the steps of THE—USA—CAPITOL, 1—SPOKESMAN—OF—THE—CONFEDERACY said it has entered —WWII on its own consent and terms.
19420613             1. V—2—ROCKET—LAUNCH from PEENEMUNDE—GERMANY, reached 1.3—KM.
19430613             —PFINGST—SONNTAG
19440000—20170613    * † Anita Pallenberg, model and actress, in CHICHESTER—ENGLAND.
19440611             —LASTED, USA naval and air bombardments, from 11—19440613             , involving 216—CARRIER—AIRCRAFT and LAND—BASED B—24—BOMBERS from THE—MARSHALL—ISLANDS.
19440613             Eine V1 vor dem Start
19440613             —WWII—IM schlägt die 1. Fieseler Fi 103, propagandistisch als V1 bezeichnet, in LONDON ein.
19440613             Die DEUTSCHLAND—STARTEN die Marschflugkörper aus dem besetzten Département PAS—DE—CALAIS in Nordfrankreich.
19440613             Bei einem Testflug stürzt eine in Peenemünde gestartete A4-Rakete in Südschweden ab.
19440613             * Ban KI—MOON, SÜDKOREA—DIPLOMAT und Politiker, Generalsekretär der Vereinten Nationen
19440613             Only 1—WEEK—AFTER the Normandy invasion, the 1. GERMANY—V 1—BUZZ bomb, also called the doodlebug (Fieseler Fi-103), was fired at LONDON.
19440613             —GUIDED, The 1., missile to be used in force, the V-1 was powered by 1—PULSE—JET—ENGINE and resembled 1—SMALL—AIRCRAFT.
19440613             —CAUSED, Only 1—OF—THE—4—MISSILES—LONDON saw that —DAY, ANY—CASUALTIES, but 1—STEADY—STREAM—OF—V—1S causing severe damage and casualties fell on LONDON in coming months.
19440613             At times, nearly 100—BOMBS fell EACH—DAY.
19440613             —REACHED, MANY—GERMANY—BUZZ bombs never, their targets because of primitive guidance systems or because they were destroyed in flight by ANTI—AIRCRAFT—FIRE or intercepting Allied fighters.
19450613             † RANDOLPH—VON—BREIDBACH—BÜRRESHEIM, DEUTSCHLAND—JURIST und Widerstandskämpfer des 19440720
19460000—19790613    * † AHMED—ZAHIR, AFGHANISTAN pop star, was killed in 1—CAR crash.
19460613             Italiens KÖNIG—UMBERTO—II. geht auf Druck der Regierung De Gasperi ins Exil nach PORTUGAL.
19480613             SOLINGEN ERÖFFNUNG der Radrennbahn am Dorperhof;
19490613             GEORGE—ORWELL - GEORGE—ORWELLS—ROMAN 19840000              wird in den USA als Buch des Jahres ausgezeichnet.
19490613             —ESTABLISHED, VIETNAM state was, at Saigon with Bao Dai as CHIEF—OF—STATE.
19490613             —ENTERED, Installed by the French, Bao Dai, Saigon to rule VIETNAM.
19490613—19840000    —BERICHTET, Orwell, der für den Observer über den Krieg, hatte, entwirft das Szenario einer totalitären Welt.
19510613             —SEIZED, UNITED—NATIONS troops, PYONGYANG, NORTH—KOREA.
19520613—19520616    —AM, Sowjetische Jagdflugzeuge schießen über der Ostsee 1—SCHWEDEN—MILITÄRMASCHINE ab — gemeinsam mit einem weiteren Abschuss geht der Vorfall als CATALINA—AFFÄRE in die Geschichte ein.
19530613             Gustavo Rojas Pinilla (19000000—19750000    ), 1—FORMER—ARMY—GENERAL, began serving PRESIDENT—OF—COLOMBIA and continued to 19570000          .
19530613             Under his term the police were put under THE—CHARGE—OF—THE—DEFENSE—MINISTRY.
19560201             —BECAME, GUY—MOLLET (12905-19750000             ), PRIME—MINISTER—OF—FRANCE and continued to 19570613         .
19560201             —BECAME, GUY—MOLLET (12905-19750000             ), PRIME—MINISTER—OF—FRANCE and continued to 19570613        .
19560613             Auf dem Broadway findet die Uraufführung des Musicals SHANGRI—LA statt, das nach rund 2—WOCHEN abgesetzt wird und zu den größten Flops in der MUSICAL—GESCHICHTE zählt.
19560613             The 74-year UNITED—KINGDOM—OCCUPATION—OF—THE—SUEZ Canal ended.
19560613             The last UNITED—KINGDOM—TROOPS left the Canal base.
19570613             BRITAIN had built the vessel and sailed it to THE—USA as 1—GIFT—OF—FRIENDSHIP.
19570613—16200000    —IN, THE—MAYFLOWER 2, 1—REPLICA of the ship that brought the Pilgrims to AMERICA, arrived at PLYMOUTH—MASSACHUSETTS, —AFTER 1—NEARLY 2—MONTH—JOURNEY from ENGLAND.
19570613—20170000    —IN, it went into drydock for a $7.5—MILLION makeover in time for 20200000              festivities marking the 400.
19570613—20170000    ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—PILGRIM landing.
19600613             —EXPECTED, THE—GERMAN—DELEGATION, to fill THE—POST, had not named 1—CANDIDATE due to tensions between PROTESTANTS and CATHOLICS;
19600613             —AM, ad interim, PINAY as 1. VICE—PRESIDENT took on the function.
19600613             —AM, 1—OTHER—CIDCC meeting held in PARIS, failed to settle THE—ISSUE—OF—THE—PRESIDENCY,
19610612—19610613    —RAISED, These issues were then AGAIN, at 1—SOMEWHAT chaotic CIDCC—PRAESIDIUM—MEETING, held in BONN on
19610612—19610613    —RESIGNED, SIMON had, as SECRETARY—GENERAL.
19610612—19610613    —OCCUPIED, PINAY was, with business affairs, and
19610612—19610613    key personalities from FRANCE, SWITZERLAND and THE—NETHERLANDS could not attend.
19610612—19610613    —ACCEPTED, SOLIS, to chair THE—MEETING, which was organised by THE—GERMAN—SECTION;
19610612—19610613    the key CIDCC members would be received by KONRAD—ADENAUER.
19610612—19610613    It is not known what decisions THE—CIDCC took about THE—SUCCESSION to THE—PRESIDENCY, DE—FACTO held by SOLIS, or THE—DIRECTION—OF—THE—COMMITTEE, but
19660613             Der Oberste Gerichtshof der Vereinigten Staaten fällt die Grundsatzentscheidung Miranda v. ARIZONA.
19660613             Danach müssen Verdächtige in Strafsachen vor der polizeilichen Vernehmung auf ihr Recht, einen Anwalt heranzuziehen, und ihr Recht, zu schweigen, hingewiesen werden.
19660613             —ISSUED, THE—SUPREME—COURT, its landmark Miranda vs. ARIZONA decision, ruling that criminal suspects must be informed of their constitutional rights —PRIOR—TO questioning by police.
19660613             —OVERTURNED, THE—CONVICTION—OF—ERNESTO Miranda for rape and kidnapping was, because his confession was not voluntarily given.
19660613             —AM, sprengte der Wal — SCHLIESSLICH, sogar 1.internationale PRESSE—KONFERENZ zum Thema NATO und EWG:
19660613             Als das Tier DAS—BUNDESHAUS in BONN passierte, hielt DIE—WELT—POLITIK inne —, stürzten Politiker wie Journalisten zum RHEIN, um "Moby"zu bewundern.
19660613             EINIGE—MENSCHEN warfen aus Mitleid mit "Moby"Rollmöpse und Butterbrote ins WASSER—DIE der Wal jedoch verschmähte.
19670613             —NOMINATED, PRESIDENT—JOHNSON, SOLICITOR—GENERAL—THURGOOD Marshall to become the 1. black justice on THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT.
19680613             —DUBBED, Applause from the inmates was, into his "At Folsom Prison" album.
19680613             —SUBMITTED, USA—SUPREME—COURT—CHIEF—JUSTICE—EARL—WARREN (18910000—19740000    ), his resignation to PRESIDENT—JOHNSON.
19680626             PRESIDENT—JOHNSON read and released SUPREME—COURT—CHIEF—JUSTICE—EARL—WARREN—2 19680613              letters, his 19680626              reply, and announced that he had named Associate Justice Abe Fortas to succeed WARREN.
19700613             Mit THE—LONG and Winding Road erreichen die Beatles zum zwanzigsten und letzten Mal Platz 1—DER Billboard Hot 100.
19700613             —STAYED, Beatles' "Let It Be," album went #1 &, #1 —FOR—4—WEEKS.
19710613             —BEGINNT, Die NEW—YORK—TIMES, mit dem Abdruck geheimer PENTAGON—PAPIERE über den Vietnamkrieg.
19710613             USA—PRÄSIDENT—RICHARD—NIXON und Justizminister JOHN—N—MITCHELL versuchen, mit einer Klage vor Gericht weitere Veröffentlichungen zu unterbinden, scheitern aber später vor dem Obersten Gerichtshof der USA.
19710613             THE—BRODERICK nonuplets were born in SYDNEY—AUSTRALIA.
19710613             NONE—OF—THE—5—BOYS (2—STILLBORN) and 4—GIRLS—LIVE for more than 6—DAYS.
19710613             —LEAKED, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES began to publish the Pentagon Papers, to it by DANIEL—ELLSBERG.
19710613             The papers were 1—SECRET—OFFICIAL—HISTORY—OF—THE—VIETNAM War in 47—VOLUMES that were highly classified.
19710613             THE—NIXON administration went to court to stop publication.
19710613             1—LEGAL—BATTLE ensued —FOR—16—DAYS and THE—SUPREME—COURT ruled 6—3—THAT the government failed to make its case for prior restraint and publication was resumed.
19710613—19960000    —IN, the book, "THE—DAY the Presses Stopped" by DAVID—RUDENSTINE, was published and tells the whole story.
19740613—19900000    —SEIT, In der JEMEN—ARABISCHEN REPUBLIK, TEIL—DES—WIEDERVEREINIGTEN—JEMEN, übernimmt das Militär unter OBERST—IBRAHIM—AL—HAMDI in einem unblutigen Staatsstreich die Macht.
19760613             † DON—BOLLES, ARIZONA Republic investigative reporter, as 1—RESULT—OF—INJURIES suffered —WHEN 1—BOMB blew up his car —11—DAYS—EARLIER.
19760613             —ALLEGED, DON—BOLLES had been working on 1, Mafia story —AT—THE—TIME—OF his death.
19770610             he was recaptured 19770613          .
19770613             JAMES—EARL—RAY, the convicted ASSASSIN—OF—CIVIL—RIGHTS—LEADER—DOCTOR—MARTIN—LUTHER—KING—JUNIOR, was recaptured —FOLLOWING his escape —3—DAYS—EARLIER from 1—TENNESSEE prison.
19780613             Israelis withdrew the last of their invading forces from LEBANON.
19790613             —BELIEVED, His death is, to have been arranged by Hafizullah Amin.
19790613—18770000    —AWARDED, Sioux Indians were, $105—MILLION in compensation for THE—USA—SEIZURE—OF—THEIR—BLACK—HILLS in SOUTH—DAKOTA.
19810613             —INTERVIEWED, TOM—SNYDER, CHARLES—MANSON on "Tomorrow".
19810613             1—SCARE occurred —DURING 1—PARADE in LONDON —WHEN 1—TEENAGER fired 6—BLANK—SHOTS at QUEEN—ELIZABETH—II.
19820613             KÖNIG—FAHD
19820613             —NACH—DEM TOD—VON—KÖNIG—KHALID wird sein Bruder Fahd neuer Herrscher in SAUDI—ARABIEN.
19820613             † Chalid ibn ABD—AL—AZIZ, KÖNIG—VON—SAUDI—ARABIEN
19820613             † KHALID—KING—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA at the age of 69;
19830613             Die USA—USA—RAUMSONDE Pioneer 10—PASSIERT als 1. von Menschen gebaute Sonde die Bahn des Neptun, dem äuß1. Planeten des Sonnensystems.
19830613             Sie fliegt in Richtung des Sterns Aldebaran, dessen Umlaufbahn sie in ca.
19830613             2—MILLIONEN Jahren passieren wird.
19830613             Das USA—USA—UNTERNEHMEN Motorola stellt mit dem DynaTAC 8000X das weltweit 1. kommerzielle Mobiltelefon vor.
19830613—19720000    —LAUNCHED, THE—USA—SPACE—PROBE—PIONEER 10, became the 1. spacecraft to leave the solar system as it crossed the orbit of Neptune.
19850613             Auf Initiative von Melina Mercouri beschließen die für Kulturfragen zuständigen MINISTER—DER—EG—STAATEN die alljährliche Benennung einer "Kulturstadt Europas".
19850613             Durch einen Brandanschlag wird im Kunsthaus Zürich das Bildnis des SPANIEN—KÖNIGS PHILIPP—IV. von PETER—PAUL—RUBENS vollständig zerstört.
19870613             —SCHEDULED, The last regularly, episode of "1—PRAIRIE—HOME—COMPANION," starring humorist Garrison Keillor, was broadcast from the old World Theater in S—PAUL, MINNESOTA.
19880613             A—USA—FEDERAL—JURY found cigarette manufacturer Liggett Group liable in THE—LUNG—CANCER—DEATH—OF—NEW—JERSEY resident Rose Cipollone, but innocent of misrepresenting the risks of smoking.
19880613             —OVERTURNED, 1—APPEALS—COURT—LATER, the jury's award of $400,000 and ordered 1—NEW—TRIAL;
19880613             (tape #862).
19880613—19830000    —5—YEARS—LATER she was forced off the air, for the last time, from death threats but continued sending out her weekly tapes to subscribers —UNTIL
19880613—19920000    —IN, the family dropped the lawsuit.
19890613             THE—DETROIT Pistons won their 1. National Basketball Association title, sweeping THE—LOS—ANGELES Lakers in 4—GAMES.
19900613             —BEGINNT, In der Bernauer Straße, offiziell der Abriss der Berliner Mauer.
19900613             —STARTED, EAST—GERMANY—BORDER—GUARDS and demolition experts from the Bundeswehr, the official demolition of THE—BERLIN Wall.
19900613             SECRETARY—OF—STATE—JAMES—A—BAKER—THE 3., testifying —BEFORE the House Foreign Affairs Committee, urged ISRAEL to accept 1—USA—PLAN for peace talks.
19900613             Baker gave out the telephone number for THE—WHITE—HOUSE switchboard, telling the Israelis publicly, "—WHEN you're serious about this, call us".
19910613             Revising 1—POLICY with roots to the McCarthy era, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION agreed to remove almost all 250,000 names on 1—SECRET—LIST—OF—UNACCEPTABLE—ALIENS.
19910613             —RULED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, 1 jailed suspect represented by 1—LAWYER in 1—CRIMINAL—CASE sometimes may be questioned by police about another crime without the lawyer present.
19910613             Tragedy struck the 1. ROUND—OF—THE—USA—OPEN—GOLF—TOURNAMENT—WHEN lightning struck and killed 1—SPECTATOR.
19920613             —STIRRED, Democrat BILL—CLINTON, controversy —DURING 1—APPEARANCE—BEFORE the Rainbow Coalition by criticizing rap singer Sister Souljah for making remarks that he said were "filled with hatred" toward whites.
19930613             Vijay Singh of FIJI ISLAND won the Buick Classic Tournament at the Westchester Country Club in HARRISON—NEW—YORK.
19930613             † ASTRONAUT—DONALD—K "Deke" Slayton, in League CITY—TEXAS, at age 69.
19930613             she was the 1. woman to hold the post.
19940613             1—JURY in ANCHORAGE—ALASKA blamed recklessness by Exxon Corp. and CAPTAIN—JOSEPH—HAZELWOOD for the Exxon Valdez disaster, allowing VICTIMS—OF—THE—NATION—WORST—OIL spill to seek $15—BILLION in damages.
19940613             O.J. Simpson was questioned for several hours by LOS—ANGELES police —FOLLOWING the slashing deaths of his EX—WIFE, Nicole, and RONALD—GOLDMAN.
19940613             † THE—LITHUANIA—AMBASSADOR to ITALY, Stasys Lozoraitis JUNIOR.
19950613             In der Bundesrepublik DEUTSCHLAND werden Razzien gegen die im Untergrund erscheinende Zeitschrift Radikal durchgeführt
19950613             —PROPOSED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, a 10—YEAR—PLAN for balancing the federal budget, saying in 1 televised address his proposal would cut spending by $1.1—TRILLION.
19950613             —ANNOUNCED, FRANCE, it would abandon its 19920000              moratorium on nuclear testing and conduct 8—MORE—TESTS between September and May.
19950613             COLUMBIA Intensifies DRUG—WAR
19960613             BILL—CLINTON, in 1—SPEECH endorsing 1—NATIONAL—EFFORT against teen pregnancy, said: "The other thing we have to do is to take seriously the role in this problem of...older men who prey on underage women...There are consequences to decisions and...1—WAY or the other, people always wind up being held accountable".
19960613             —RULED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, against racial gerrymandering.
19960613             It was 1—REMINDER that states cannot use race as the main factor in redistricting.
19960613             The ruling struck down 4—BLACK and Hispanic districts in NORTH—CAROLINA and TEXAS.
19960613             —PLACED, THE—SUPREME—COURT, greater limits on congressional districts intentionally drawn to get more minorities elected to Congress.
19960613             —INDICTED, ARIZONA GOVERNOR—FIFE—SYMINGTON was, on charges of making false statement to financial institutions and using his office to free himself from a $10—MIL loan guarantee.
19960613             1—FEDERAL—GRAND—JURY indicted SUN—DIAMOND Growers of CALIFORNIA on charges of illegal gifts to former agricultural SECRETARY—MIKE—ESPY and improper campaign contributions to ESPY—BROTHER—HENRY.
19960613             —STABBED, IDAHO, Angie Dodge (19) was found, and cut 14—TIMES and left half naked in her IDAHO Falls apartment.
19960613             —ENDED, THE—81—DAY—OLD—FREEMEN standoff, as 16—REMAINING—MEMBERS—OF—THE—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—GROUP surrendered to THE—FBI and left their MONTANA ranch.
19960613             —DEADLOCKED, Jurors, on 6—DEFENDANTS.
19960613             The 1. Missionary Baptist Church in ENID—OKLAHOMA was burned in what appeared to be another RACE—RELATED attack.
19960613             —DEPOSITED, AUSTRIA, about $150—BILLION is, in 26—MILLION numbered accounts in the country of 7.5—MILLION—PEOPLE.
19960613             —ATTRIBUTED, MANY—OF—THE—ACCOUNTS are, to new RUSSIA—IMMIGRANTS and gangs.
19960613             The state prosecutor, WOLFGANG—MEKIS, was put behind bars for trying to extort $600,000 from Valentina Hummelbrunner, the onetime RECEPTIONIST—OF—FORMER—SOVIET—FOREIGN—MINISTER—ANDREI—GROMYKO.
19960613             1—WASHINGTON—TIMES—REPORT said that CHINA—M 11—MISSILES have been deployed in PAKISTAN in the last few months.
19960613             1—NEW—REPORT in Nature announced that GUINEA pigs are on 1—DISTANT—BRANCH from rodents and deserve 1—CLASS—OF—THEIR—OWN.
19960613             1—BURUNDI army report claimed that 50—HUTU rebels were killed in 1—ATTACK on 1—TRAINING—CAMP.
19960613             —RATIFIED, GUATEMALA, 1—UN—PACT on tribal peoples.
19960613             The pact calls for respect of its indigenous people, the Mayans, and consultation with them on decisions affecting their economic and social development.
19960613             —SKIDDED—OF, 1—INDONESIA—DC 10, 1—RUNWAY at THE—FUKUOKA airport in JAPAN and burst into flames.
19960613             3—PEOPLE were killed, but 270—OTHERS were able to flee the burning jet.
19960613             —RESTORED, INDONESIA, THE—SUPREME—COURT, 1—BAN on the magazine Tempo for publishing stories CRITICAL—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT.
19960613             1—REPORT from KUCHING—MALAYSIA, told of BORNEO—2. high tech plant being cut out of the tropical rain forest.
19960613—19890000    —SINCE, The giant agricultural cooperative and its officers have contributed more than $200,000 to CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR—WILSON—STATE and federal campaigns.
19960613—19970000    —IN, RICHARD—DOUGLAS, FORMER—VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—SUN—DIAMOND—GROWERS was convicted of offering gratuities to MICHAEL—ESPY 19930000             —IN but was acquitted of making illegal contributions to ESPY—BROTHER.
19960613—19980000    —IN, 5—FREEMEN were found guilty for various crimes linked to armed robbery and possession of firearms.
19960613—19980000    —IN, 4—MILITANTS were convicted for plotting to defraud banks.
19960613—20190000    —IN, DNA evidence led to THE—ARREST—OF—BRIAN—DRIPPS.
19970613             —CAPTURED, THE—CHICAGO Bulls, their 5. professional basketball championship in 7—YEARS with a 90—86—VICTORY over THE—UTAH Jazz in Game 6—OF—THE—NBA finals.
19970613             1—JURY voted unanimously to give TIMOTHY—MCVEIGH the death penalty for his role in THE—OKLAHOMA City bombing.
19970613             —CAPSIZED, BANGLADESH, 1—FERRY on the Dhanu River NORTH—EAST—OF—DHAKA, in 1—WHIRLPOOL and at least 50—PEOPLE were drowned.
19970613             —INSISTED, The leaders of FRANCE, GERMANY and CANADA, that ROMANIA and SLOVENIA be allowed to join NATO next —MONTH.
19970613             —KILLED, INDIA, 1—FIRE in 1—NEW—DELHI theater, 60 and injured over 200—PEOPLE.
19970613             —ANNOUNCED, Under pressure it was, that TURKEY—PRIME—MINISTER—ERBAKAN, LEADER—OF—THE—WELFARE—PARTY, would turn his post over to Tansu Ciller, who would lead —UNTIL elections 19970618          .
19970613             —EJECTED, TURKEY—1. ISLAMIST—LED government was, —AFTER it began investigating links between the army and organized crime.
19980613             —VISITED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, Thurston High School in SPRINGFIELD, Ore., where 2—STUDENTS were killed and 22—OTHERS wounded the previous —MONTH.
19980613             —CALLED, Civil rights leaders and politicians, for 1—END to racial violence as HUNDREDS—OF—MOURNERS gathered in JASPER—TEXAS, for the funeral of JAMES—BYRD—JUNIOR, 1—BLACK—MAN who police said was brutally killed by white supremacists.
19980613             —REPORTED, It was, that in MADAGASCAR 1—GRASSHOPPER swarm, 7—MILES—LONG, had spread into THE—CAPITAL—CITY—OF—ANTANANARIVO.
19980613             —REPORTED, It was, that the Old World Screwworm had broken out in IRAQ, KUWAIT and BAHRAIN.
19980613             19—PEOPLE were reported infected by the disease in which carnivorous larvae hatch from eggs laid in broken skin.
19980613             † IN—LONDON—REG—SMYTHE, creator of THE—ANDY—CAPP comic strip, at age 81.
19980613             † IN—ISRAEL—NISSIM—ALONI, playwright, at age 72.
19980613             —INCLUDED, IN—ISRAEL—NISSIM—ALONI—WORK, "Most Cruel THE—KING" (19530000             );
19980613             "THE—EMPEROR—NEW—CLOTHES" (19610000             ), "THE—USA—PRINCESS" (19630000             );
19980613             "THE—REVOLUTION and the Chicken" (19640000             );
19980613             "THE—BRIDE and the Butterfly Hunter" (19670000             );
19980613             "Napoleon, Dead or Alive" (19700000             );
19980613             and "THE—GYPSIES—OF—JAFFA" (19710000             ).
19980613             † BIHAR, state, INDIA, Brij Bihari Prasad, 1—FORMER—STATE—MINISTER—IN—THE—RASHTRIYA—JANATA—PARTY, was killed along with his guard.
19990613             BELGIUM, THE—CENTER—LEFT COALITION—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—JEAN—LUC—DEHAENE suffered 1—MAJOR—DEFEAT in national elections to the Conservatives.
19990613             —LOOKED, The coalition, to keep 66—OF—THE—LEGISLATURE—150—SEATS.
19990613             BRITAIN, the Conservative Party under WILLIAM—HAGUE won 36—SEATS—WHILE the Labor Party won 29 for the European PARLIAMENT.
19990613             —ANNOUNCED, IRAQ, it was, that 1—NEW—DECREE by Saddam Hussein would imprison citizens over 18—CAUGHT begging in public places.
19990613             ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—NETANYAHU, told his ministers to bring in some 2,500 to 3,000 Jews from the Quara REGION—OF—ETHIOPIA.
19990613             —ARMED, NATO—SOLDIERS shot dead 2, men as peacekeepers tried to contain new violence in KOSOVO;
19990613             —AGREED, NORTH—KOREA, to talk to UN military officers in 1—ATTEMPT to resolve the naval confrontations with SOUTH—KOREA.
19990613             —ACCUSED, PAKISTAN, INDIA of using chemical weapons in its Kashmir offensive, as INDIA claimed to have captured 1—KEY—MOUNTAIN peak.
19990613             —WELCOMED, SOUTH—AFRICA, PRESIDENT—MANDELA, visiting LIBYA—LEADER—MOAMMAR Khadafy as his last official guest.
19990613             Khadafy was on his 1. foreign tour —SINCE sanctions were lifted in April.
20000518—20060000    —IN, it was reported that Hyundai sent some $500—MILLION to KIM—JONG—IL to secure 20000613             —THE, summit with PRESIDENT—KIM—DAE—JUNG.
20000613             Der PAPA—ATTENTÄTER MEHMET—ALI A?ca wird nach der Begnadigung durch den ITALIEN—STAATSPRÄSIDENTEN CARLO—AZEGLIO—CIAMPI nach 19-jähriger Haft an die TÜRKEI ausgeliefert, wo er wegen eines Mordes verurteilt ist.
20000613             —AWARDED, THE—MACARTHUR—FOUNDATION, "genius grants" to 25—PEOPLE.
20000613             —APOLOGIZED, ARGENTINA, PRESIDENT—FERNANDO—DE—LA—RUA, for his country's role in providing sanctuary to Nazis —AFTER WW II.
20000613             —AGREED, CHILE, the military, to search for the remains of the 1,200 dissidents who disappeared 19730000—19900000    —BETWEEN under GENERAL—PINOCHET.
20000613             Agca was flown to TURKEY to finish serving 8—YEARS for 19790000             —THE—MURDER—OF—1—NEWSPAPER—EDITOR.
20000613             PRESIDENT—KIM—JONG—IL—OF—NORTH—KOREA met with PRESIDENT—KIM—DAE—JUNG—OF—SOUTH—KOREA in the 1. meeting ever between leaders of THE—2—COUNTRIES.
20000613             —AGREED, They, to try to satisfy their people's desire for reconciliation.
20000613             —BLASTED, Border loudspeakers that, insults at SOUTH—KOREA were shut off.
20000613             —ENDED, NIGERIA, 1—NATIONAL—STRIKE, —AFTER the government agreed to 1—SUBSTANTIAL—REDUCTION in the 50% increase to fuel prices.
20000613             RUSSIA, VLADIMIR—GUSINSKY, HEAD—OF—MEDIA—MOST, was arrested on charges of swindling and grand larceny.
20000613—19810000    —PARDONED, ITALY, the government, MEHMET—ALI—AGCA, 42—JAHRE—ALT, the man who wounded JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA.
20010101—21001231    HOLDING CO—SC 13G/A, 20020613   .
20010101—21001231    —CENTURY HOLDING CO—SC 13G/A, 20020613          .
20010101—21001231    —CENTURY HOLDING CO—SC 13G/A, 20020613     .
20010613             —BEGINNT, FRANKFURT, am Main, der 29. DEUTSCHLAND—EVANGELISCHE Kirchentag.
20010613             —BIS zum 20010617              versammeln sich über 92.000—DAUERGÄSTE unter dem Motto "Du stellst meine Füße auf weiten Raum".
20010613             (Ps 31,9 LUT)
20010613             —CLOSED, PRESIDENT—BUSH met behind, doors with NATO—LEADERS in BRUSSELS—BELGIUM, and pitched his missile shield plan with mixed response.
20010613             —VOTED, THE—USA—HOUSE, (422-2) to forbid foreign oil companies doing business in SUDAN from selling securities in THE—USA.
20010613             Kraft Foods went public in THE—NY Stock Exchange.
20010613             SF police shot and killed Idriss Stelley (23) at the Sony Metreon complex.
20010613             Stelley was suffering 1—MENTAL breakdown and had cut 1—OFFICER with 1—KNIFE.
20010613             —FIRED, Officers, over 20—SHOTS and wounded 1—OF—THEIR—MEN.
20010613             —EASED, ISRAEL, travel restrictions into THE—WEST—BANK—AND—GAZA as the armistice went into effect.
20010613             Under the agreement ISRAEL had 48—HOURS to pull tanks and troops back and Palestinians were due to start arresting militants planning attacks.
20010613             —DISAPPEARED, THE—USA—VIRGIN—ISLANDS, police Corporal Wendell Williams (49), —AFTER ending his midnight shift.
20010613             ZIMBABWE, the government increase gas prices by over 70% and labor unions threatened to shut down the economy.
20010613             "I haven't had 1—CHANCE to talk, but I'm confident we'll get 1—BILL that I can live with if we don't."... "Can't living with THE—BILL—MEANS it won't become law"
20010613             (BELGIUM, regarding the patients' BILL—OF—RIGHTS).
20010613             S. 4424). - - THINK—PROGRESS " Tenet speaks out: 'I was 1—TALKING point.'
20010613             "CIA Director GEORGE—TENET says the way THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has used his —NOW famous 'slam dunk' comment — which he admits saying in reference to making...
20010613             THINK—PROGRESS " Waxman asks Tenet to testify.
20010613             BBC NEWS | World | Americas | CIA CHIEF—GEORGE—TENET quits CIA director GEORGE—TENET tenders his resignation to THE—WHITE—HOUSE, citing "personal reasons".
20010613             WONKETTE—THE—LONG, slow ROLL—OUT—OF—GEORGE—TENET—SELF—SERVING, CHENEY—TRASHING book/60—MINUTES—APPEARANCE continues with the requisite Times advance
20010613—20010613    —ON, Document: THE—TENET plan,ISRAEL I—PALESTINE—CEASEFIRE + security plan, proposed by CIA director GEORGE—TENET, which took effect...
20010613—20070510    —ON, House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman HENRY—WAXMAN (D—CA) has invited FORMER—CIA—DIRECTOR—GEORGE—TENET to testify...
20010613—20120210    —ON, 1—TEAM—OF—70—POLICE—OFFICERS arrested 5—SUSPECTS in the case, including 1 in GEORGIA with the help of federal agents.
20010813             "Can't living with the bill means it won't become law" - 20010613              (BELGIUM, regarding the patients' BILL—OF—RIGHTS).
20010911             THE—ONLINE—INVESTOR... Information, click to retrieve filing, FLINT WALLACE—J—HILLIARD, 20020613             , SC 13G/1—AMENDED—OWNERSHIP—STATEMENT, 20010101—21001231     HOLDING CO. FLINT...
20010911             SC 13G/1—CLICK to retrieve filing, FLINT WALLACE—J—HILLIARD, 20020613             , SC 13G/1—AMENDED—OWNERSHIP—STATEMENT... FLINT WALLACE—J—HILLIARD, 20020528             , SC 13G/1—AMENDED—OWNERSHIP...
20011100             [CNN, 20020613             , NEW—YORK—TIMES, 20011206             ] Saeed stayed at 1—KANDAHAR guesthouse for several days, conferring with Taliban leader MULLAH—MUHAMMAD—OMAR and OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20020611—20020613    —DATE HAWTHORNE—NEW—YORK
20020613             —ENDED, THE—UNITED—NATIONS—WORLD—FOOD—SUMMIT in ROME, much as it began, with criticism about the proliferation of biotech crops and complaints that too little has been done to end world hunger.
20020613             THE—DETROIT Red Wings won THE—STANLEY—CUP 4—GAMES to 1—OVER THE—CAROLINA Hurricanes.
20020613             PRESIDENT—BUSH met with SAUDI—ARABIA—PRINCE—SAUD—AL—FAISAL and indicated that he would support the creation of 1—PALESTINE—STATE.
20020613             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—BLOCKED—SC—GOVERNOR—JIM—HODGES' suit to block 1—PLUTONIUM shipment from Rocky Flats in COLORADO to THE—SAVANNAH River Site nuclear facility for RE—PROCESSING.
20020613             —OPENED, USA Catholic Bishops in TEXAS, a 2—DAY—SUMMIT on clerical sex abuse.
20020613             3—MEN and 1—WOMAN told how their lives had been devastated by abuse and subsequent ill treatment by the church.
20020613             AFGHANISTAN—INTERIM—LEADER—HAMID—KARZAI won endorsement from about 2—THIRDS—OF delegates at the Loya Jirga grand assembly, making him the most likely candidate to win the presidency.
20020613             —APPROVED, BRAZIL said it will draw down $10—BILLION in, IMF credit, tighten fiscal policy and buy back $3—BILLION in foreign debt.
20020613             —SOARED, The currency, and settled at 2.71 to the dollar.
20020613             WHISTLER, UNITED—KINGDOM—COLUMBIA, G—8—FOREIGN—MINISTERS—OF—THE—WORLD—LEADING nations backed 1—MIDDLE—EAST—PEACE—CONFERENCE, vowed to keep up pressure on INDIA and PAKISTAN to step back from the brink over Kashmir, and maintained 1 united front against terrorism as they wrapped up a 2—DAY.
20020613             —AGREED, G—7—MINISTERS, to give grants between 18—21—PERCENT—OF—ALL—DISBURSEMENTS within the World BANK—FINANCING—ARM for poor countries.
20020613             —REPORTED, CHINA, at least 223 were, dead and 320,000 homeless from Xinjiang to Hubei provinces —FOLLOWING weekend rains and flooding.
20020613             —SUSPECTED, INDONESIA, rebels shot and killed 1—POLITICIAN in troubled Aceh province, the 2. parliamentarian murdered this —WEEK.
20020613             —SHOWED, Exit polls, SOUTH—KOREA—CONSERVATIVE—OPPOSITION—PARTY swept most key local government elections, winning 1—CRUCIAL—TEST—OF—THE—PUBLIC mood AHEAD—OF—DECEMBER—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION.
20020613             A—USA—MILITARY vehicle in SOUTH—KOREA ran over 2—GIRLS, 14—JAHRE—ALT, Shim MI—SON and Shin HYO—SUN.
20020613             1—MILITARY—JURY—LATER cleared SERGEANT—FERNANDO—NINO of negligent homicide charges.
20020613             —ACQUITTED, Driver SERGEANT—MARK—WALKER was, 20021122          .
20020613             FAHNDUNG—DIE müde Jagd des FBI auf den "ANTHRAX—MAN" - Von CARSTEN—VOLKERY—NEW—YORK
20020613             —SEIT einem halben —JAHR gilt Fort Detrick als der wahrscheinlichste Herkunftsort des Anthrax erregers, der die USA im —HERBST in Schrecken versetzte.
20020613             Doch —ERST—JETZT müssen sich Mitarbeiter einem Lügendetektortest unterziehen.
20020613             Die schleppende Fahndung führt zu Spekulationen, dass das FBI den Täter gar nicht finden will.
20020613             NEW—YORK—BEREITS im vergangenen November, einen —MONAT—NACH—DEM 1. ANTHRAX—TODESFALL, stellte das FBI 1—TÄTERPROFIL des Absenders der 4—ANTHRAX briefe vor: Gesucht werde 1—AMERIKA nischer Mikrobiologe, der Zugang zu einem der wenigen Biowaffenlabore in den USA habe.
20020613             alfatomega.com/20051121.html
20020613             —ACQUITTED, Driver SERGEANT—MARK—WALKER was, 20021122      .
20030613             PHILIP—GIORDANO, former 3-term mayor of WATERBURY—CONNECTICUT, was sentenced to 37—YEARS in federal prison for having oral sex with 2—YOUNG—GIRLS—WHILE in office.
20030613             RICHARD—ARMITAGE, Deputy SECRETARY—OF—STATE, told BOB—WOODWARD about CIA operative Valerie Plame.
20030613             —REPORTED, WISCONSIN state officials, that probable 18—CASES—OF monkeypox all came from 1—PRAIRIE dog.
20030613             —REPORTED, Scientists, that the new hydrogen fuel cell technology could lead to greater DESTRUCTION—OF—THE—OZONE layer that protects Earth from CANCER—CAUSING ultraviolet rays.
20030613             —AMENDED, BELGIUM—FOREIGN—MINISTER said the country has already, its war crimes laws to avoid politically inspired lawsuits against USA—OFFICIALS.
20030613             —AGREED, European Union delegates, on 1—DRAFT—CONSTITUTION that details how the coalition of nations will be run as it adds new members and evolves into what MANY—HOPE will be 1—WORLD—POWER to rival THE—USA.
20030613             IRAN, ANTI—GOVERNMENT—DEMONSTRATIONS took place for the 3. night in TEHRAN.
20030613             —KILLED, USA—FORCES, 27—IRAQ—FIGHTERS in 1—GROUND and air pursuit —AFTER the Iraqis attacked 1—USA—TANK—PATROL—NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD, bringing the opposition death toll in 4—DAYS—OF—SKIRMISHES to about 100.
20030613             5—IRAQ—CIVILIANS were shot by USA—TROOPS who apparently mistook them for militants fleeing —AFTER attacking 1—USA—TANK—PATROL.
20030613             —CLASHED, HUNDREDS—OF—PRO—CLERIC—MILITANTS and security forces in TEHRAN, with Iranians —THROUGHOUT the capital.
20030613             —DECIDED, ISRAEL, to target top Hamas leaders, including FOUNDER—SHEIK—AHMED, saying it would strike political as well as military leaders who targeted ISRAEL with terrorism.
20030613             —KILLED, 1—ISRAEL—HELICOPTER—ATTACK, 1—HAMAS member and injured 22—PALESTINIANS including 8—CHILDREN.
20030613             —ARRESTED, THAILAND, Narong Penaman (44) was, with as much as 66—POUNDS—OF—RADIOACTIVE cesium-137 for sale.
20030613             —AM sagt Frederick: "Es ist ziemlich hart hier"
20030613             Meet 'THE—FAMILY'—BY—ANTHONY—LAPPÉ, Guerrilla News Network
20030613             It sounded like 1—REALITY—SHOW on THE—PAX network:
20030613             6—CONSERVATIVE—POLITICIANS living in 1—DC townhouse owned by 1—FUNDAMENTALIST—CHRISTIAN organization.
20030613             What happens —WHEN you stop being polite + start finding Jesus?
20030613             —THE—ECONOMIST—OF—HEADLINED; "More unrest on THE—STREETS—OF—TEHRAN. Is AMERICAN—PULLING the strings?"
20030613             —DEPLETED, DAWN—INTERNET—EDITION, "New fears from, uranium "...
20030613             —POSTED 20041126             —ON Printed on
20030613—20030614    —VOTED, Czechs, in a 2—DAY—REFERENDUM on whether their country of 10—MILLION should join the European Union.
20030613—20030614    —VOTED, They, overwhelmingly to join the European Union.
20030613—20030614    77.33—PERCENT—OF—VOTERS approved the measure, —WHILE 22.67 voted no.
20030613—20030614    Turnout was 55.21—PERCENT.
20030613—20070000    —TESTIFIED, Woodward, to this —DURING the Scooter Libby trial.
20040613             Ein 4—KG schwerer Meteorit trifft das Haus von Phil und Brenda Archer in Ellerslie, einem Vorort von AUCKLAND (NEUSEELAND).
20040613             Das Dach und 1—COUCH werden beschädigt.
20040613             —ENDED, EU balloting, begun 20040610          .
20040613             —CELEBRATED, FORMER—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—HW—BUSH, his 80. birthday with a 13,000-foot parachute jump over his presidential library in College STATION—TEXAS.
20040613             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—QUARTER teaspoon of cinnamon 1—DAY helped to reduce glucose, fat and cholesterol levels by 1—S much as 30%.
20040613             —DECAPITATED, ROBERT—LEES, former screenwriter, was, at his HOLLYWOOD home.
20040613             —CHARGED, Keven LEE—GRAFF, 27—JAHRE—ALT was —LATER, with Lees' murder and that of 1—NEIGHBOR.
20040613             † Author and academic STUART—HAMPSHIRE, 1—FORMER—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—PHILOSOPHY at Princeton University who argued that philosophy must be studied within THE—CONTEXT—OF—OTHER—DISCIPLINES, in OXFORD—ENGLAND.
20040613             —INCLUDED, His books, "THE—FREEDOM—OF—THE—INDIVIDUAL".
20040613             Some 150—MILLION—EUROPEANS cast ballots across 25—MEMBER nations of the expanded European Union.
20040613             Turnout was 45.3—PERCENT.
20040613             1—SUICIDE attacker detonated 1—CAR—BOMB—NEAR A—USA—MILITARY—CAMP in BAGHDAD, killing at least 12—PEOPLE, and wounding 13.
20040613             —ENDED, PAKISTAN—TROOPS, 1—MAJOR—OPERATION to flush out AL—QAIDA suspects and their local supporters from HIDE—OUTS in 1—REMOTE region near AFGHANISTAN.
20040613             72—PEOPLE †, including 17—SECURITY personnel.
20040613             —CLASHED, THE—PHILIPPINES—AIR—FORCE—TROOPS, with communist guerrillas camped out on 1—FARM—NEAR—MANILA and 3—REBELS were killed.
20040613             —PRODUCED, The race for SERBIA—TOP—JOB, no outright winner, but left THE—2—TOP contenders, nationalist Tomislav Nikolic and reformist BORIS—TADIC, to face EACH—OTHER in a 2. round of voting in 2—WEEKS.
20040613             SAUDI—ARABIA held a 3-day "national dialogue" in Medina on how women's lives could be improved.
20040613             SOUTH—KOREA, more than 9,000 activists shouting "No to globalization!" marched through downtown SEOUL to protest 1—MEETING—OF—THE—WORLD—ECONOMIC—FORUM.
20040613             —OPENED, THE—UN—CONFERENCE on Trade and Development, in S—PAULO, BRAZIL.
20040613             —MARKED, This, its 11. forum over a 40—YEAR—HISTORY.
20040613             THE—SO—CALLED GROUP—OF—77—DEVELOPING nations actually has 132—MEMBER nations.
20040613             My comments are shown {thus}.
20040613—20040615    —ON, recommendations (19) were given to CROWN—PRINCE—ABDULLAH.
200503040613         —PM
200505061305         —BEREITET, POLITIK, GORDON—BROWN den Weg
20050603—20050603    —ON, IRAQ—INSURGENT—COMMANDERS "apparently came face to face" with 4—USA—OFFICIALS—DURING—MEETINGS and 20050613              at 1—SUMMER villa near Balad, about 25—MILES—NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20050605             ISRAEL—SPY—AFFAIR: AIPAC Source to Be in Court 20050613              : LARRY—FRANKLIN, the Pentagon worker who is ACCUSED—OF—PASSING—INFORMATION to 2—USA—ISRAEL—PUBLIC—AFFAIRS—COMMITTEE (AIPAC) analysts, faces 1—COURT hearing 20050613              his attorney Plato Cacheris said.
20050610             Mental Fight: 1—ANTI—SPELL for the 20010101—21001231              20050613             —APOLOGIZED, THE—USA—SENATE, for blocking ANTI—LYNCHING—LEGISLATION in the early 19010101—20001231    , —WHEN mob violence against blacks was commonplace.
20050613             IRLAND—WIRD in der Europäischen Union als Amtssprache eingeführt.
20050613             Der Popstar MICHAEL—JACKSON wird vor Gericht von den Geschworenen in Santa Monica in allen 10—ANKLAGEPUNKTEN wegen sexueller Belästigung eines Kindes freigesprochen.
20050613             —APOLOGIZED, THE—USA—SENATE, for blocking ANTI—LYNCHING—LEGISLATION in the early 19010101—20001231    , —WHEN mob violence against blacks was commonplace.
20050613             —WARNED, THE—SUPREME—COURT, prosecutors to use care in striking minorities from juries, siding with black murder suspects in TEXAS and CALIFORNIA who contended their juries had been unfairly stacked with whites.
20050613             —CALLED, CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR—SCHWARZENEGGER, for 1—SPECIAL—ELECTION on his initiatives to change state government.
20050613             1—JURY in SANTA—MARIA, CALIFORNIA, acquitted MICHAEL—JACKSON of molesting a 13—YEAR—OLD—CANCER survivor at his Neverland ranch.
20050613             The pop music star was found not GUILTY—OF—CHILD—MOLESTATION, conspiracy and other counts.
20050613             LEONARD—PICKELL, FORMER—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—JAMES—BEARD—FOUNDATION, was sentenced 1 to 3—YEARS in prison in NY state for stealing over a $1.1—MILLION from the foundation.
20050613             —FORCED, He was, out with 1—GOLDEN parachute valued at $113.7—MILLION.
20050613             —ORCHESTRATED, Purcell had, 19970000             —THE merger between DEAN—WITTER and MORGAN—STANLEY.
20050613             —REPORTED, Scientists, THE—DISCOVERY—OF—1—EARTHLIKE planet orbiting the star Gliese 876, which is about 15—LIGHT—YEARS from Earth.
20050613             The planet was 2—MILLION—MILES from its star and surface temperatures were estimated at 400—700—DEGREES.
20050613             —HANDED, AUSTRALIA, EAST—TIMOR the base at Moleana, 1—TINY—TOWN—NEAR the border with INDONESIA, signaling the end of a 6—YEAR—MISSION that heralded 1—CONTROVERSIAL—NEW—ERA—OF—REGIONAL—INTERVENTION in EAST—TIMOR.
20050613             —FORCED, BURUNDI began, REPATRIATION—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—RWANDA—REFUGEES, who feared reprisals at home.
20050613             —CONDEMNED, THE—UN, the action.
20050613             —FREED, ETHIOPIA—MAIN—OPPOSITION—LEADER was, from house arrest —AFTER the country's main political parties agreed to work together for peace —AFTER—10—DAYS—OF—POLITICAL—UNREST left at least 37—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20050613             ETHIOPIA, police shot and killed 1—OPPOSITION—POLITICIAN, prompting THE—ARREST—OF—6—OFFICERS, as the government rejected 1—OPPOSITION—OFFER to renew 1—PEACE—DEAL.
20050613             —OPENED, THE—PARIS Air Show.
20050613             —DEMONSTRATED, THE—RUSSIA—LAVOCHKIN—ASSOCIATION, 1—NEW escape pod for people trapped in tall, burning buildings.
20050613             † In INDIA officials said at least 275—PEOPLE have from sunstroke and dehydration in NORTH—INDIA and neighboring NEPAL and BANGLADESH so far this —SUMMER, as high temperatures sweep the region AHEAD—OF—THE—MONSOON.
20050613             IRAQ, 4—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMBINGS and other insurgent attacks killed 10—PEOPLE, and at least 16—IRAQIS were wounded —AFTER militants opened fire on authorities trying to evacuate the injured from 1—OF—THE—BLASTS.
20050613             —ELECTED, ISRAEL was, 1—OF 21—VICE—PRESIDENTS of the next UN GENERAL—ASSEMBLY—SESSION.
20050613             —HELPED, ITALY, 1—VATICAN—BACKED voter boycott, defeat efforts to ease restrictions on assisted procreation and embryo research.
20050613             —EXPLODED, KASHMIR, 1—BOMB hidden in 1—PICKUP truck, in the bustling TOWN—OF—PULWAMA, killing 15—PEOPLE, including the suspected attacker, and injuring at least 60—OTHERS.
20050613             —OPENED, KYRGYZSTAN, guards outside 1—HOTEL, fire on HUNDREDS—OF—TRADERS who had come to THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—OSH to demand fair market practices.
20050613             4—PEOPLE were hurt.
20050613             —SHOWED, MARTINIQUE, PATRICK—MARIELLO, up at 1—POLICE—STATION to say he had set his EX—GIRLFRIEND—CAR on fire.
20050613             The charred BODY—OF—THE—28—YEAR—OLD was found near the car.
20050613             —CONVICTED, He was, and sentenced to 20—YEARS in prison.
20050613             —DROWNED, MOROCCO—OFFICIALS said at least 12—PEOPLE, 6—OF—THEM children, —WHEN 1—RUBBER dinghy carrying WOULD—BE immigrants to EUROPE capsized off AFRICA—NORTHERN—COAST.
20050613             —ARRESTED, NEPAL, police, nearly 100—JOURNALISTS —DURING 1—PROTEST to demand GYANENDRA—KING—OF— —IMMEDIATELY lift media restrictions imposed 4—MONTHS ago.
20050613             —KILLED, At least 14—REBELS and security force members were, in 1—GUNBATTLE.
20050613             —ARRESTED, UKRAINE prosecutors said authorities had, THE—FORMER—HEAD—OF—UKRAINE—PEACEKEEPING—TROOPS in IRAQ on charges of smuggling.
20050613             30,000 STATE—SECURITY—PERSONNEL are reportedly monitoring websites, chat rooms + private E—MAIL mss
20050613             Personas and Scenarios
20050613             6—SECRET UK Documents Leaked : 6—SECRET UK documents have been leaked and are provided.
20050613             —RETYPED, These were, from the originals to protect the source.
20050613             The next fashion trend: Pink Triangles THE—LEADER—OF—1—CHRISTIAN lobbying group wants gays to wear warning labels, —JUST like the pink triangles they had to sport under Uncle Adolf.
20050613             Apparently, gays pose a "health risk" and —THEREFORE must be identified.
20050613             Cooper, A. (19980000             ). - - - THE—INMATES—ARE—RUNNING the Asylum.
20050613             Chapter 10, Designing for Power, covers goals;
20050613             Chapter 11, Designing for People, covers scenarios.
20050613             Kuniavsky, M. (20030000             ).
20050613             Observing the User Experience: 1—PRACTITIONER—GUIDE to User Research.
20050613             Chapter 8, covers task analysis.
20050613             Carroll, JOHN—M, (20000000             ).
20050613             CAMBRIDGE—MASSACHUSETTS: MIT Press.
20050613             Available in the Aldrich Library at 004.019/CAR.
20050613             What is 1—SCENARIO? Downloadable.PDF file
20050613             Article on GUARDIAN Unlimited about how market research analysts Experian use personas derived from social demographics to profile supermarket users.
20050613             The article arguably also illustrates the fine dividing line between useful DESIGN—ORIENTED personas and patronising social stereotypes.
20050613             THE—TROUBLE with Scenarios and Personas (20030000             ). - - - By CATHERINE—C—MARSHALL.
20050613             At CATHERINE—MARSHALL—WEB—PAGE at the Center for the Study of Digital LIBRARIES—TEXAS A&M University.
20050613             20050613 30000 state security personnel are reportedly monitoring websites... 26:
20050613             Diese Methode macht sich den Zerfall des radioaktiven KOHLENSTOFF—ISOTOPS 14C zunutze, um das Alter von natürlichen Stoffen zu bestimmen.
20050613             Die —JETZT—SCHON 30—ZENTIMETER große Palme stellt einen neuen Rekord dar: Nie zuvor entstand nach ANGABEN—DER—FORSCHERIN—LEBEN aus einem älteren Samen.
20050613             Zuletzt gelang es in CHINA, den 12000000              Jahre alten Samen einer LOTUS—PFLANZE zum Keimen zu bringen.
20050613             Wahlkampf: Union und SPD streiten über Sozialstaat
20050613             Finanzstreit: EU—KOMMISSION rüffelt Blair
20050613             Filmaufnahme: RICHTER—BEFRAGT—SADDAM zu Massaker in Schiitendorf
20050613             —GESCHEITERT, ITALIEN: Referendum zur Bioethik
20050613             SPD—KONGRESS: Schröder verteidigt soziale MARKTWIRTSCHAFT—UNION: Merkels taktische Unschärfe
20050613             Uno: AL—BARADEI bleibt CHEF—DER—ATOMENERGIEBEHÖRDE
20050613             IRAK: Saddam Hussein vor dem Untersuchungsrichter
20050613             Kapitalmärkte: Schröder nimmt Hedgefonds ins Visier
20050613             TERROR—FREISPRUCH: Mzoudi sagt kostenpflichtige PRESSEKONFERENZ ab
20050613             ISRAEL: Dattelpalme wächst aus 20000000              Jahre altem Samen
20050613             Strandräuber in PORTUGAL: Tourismusverband fürchtet URLAUBERSCHWUND—DAS A380-Problem: Wer zu spät kommt...
20050613             Das A350-Problem: Die 787-Antwort in der Warteschleife
20050613             Umfrage: DEUTSCHLAND—BLEIBEN am liebsten zu Hause
20050613             Flugzeugbauer: Warum Airbus in der Krise steckt
20050613             Das WTO—PROBLEM: Handelsstreit zur Unzeit
20050613             Das DOLLAR—PROBLEM: Teure Turbulenzen am Währungsmarkt
20050613             Video: Hijacking Catastrophe: Documentary featuring Noam Chomsky, Chalmers Johnson, Tariq Ali, and MANY—MORE—EXPERTS speaking about THE—NEO—CON agenda and THE—CLOUD—OF—FEAR which THE—NEO—CONS have settled over AMERICA.
20050613             This is 1 must watch video
20050613             Leaked Cabinet Office paper: Conditions for military action
20050613             Agree to engage THE—USA on the need to set military plans within 1—REALISTIC—POLITICAL—STRATEGY, which includes identifying the succession to Saddam Hussein + creating the conditions necessary to justify government military action,
20050613             UK: Ministers were told of need for Gulf war 'excuse'
20050613             —AGREED, Bush and Blair, on regime change 20020400              and then looked for 1—WAY to justify it.
20050613             - MICHAEL—SMITH—THE briefing paper is certain to add to the pressure, particularly on THE—USA—PRESIDENT, because of the damaging revelation that Bush and Blair agreed on regime change 20020400              + then looked for 1—WAY to justify it.
20050613             Wir kennen rund 150—DERARTIGER Kreisgrabenanlagen in DEUTSCHLAND, ÖSTERREICH und der SLOWAKEI", sagte Heiermann, "und zwar —SCHON—SEIT Jahren".
20050613             Es handle sich um kreisrunde, 2—METER tiefe Gräben von 20—BIS 130—METERN Durchmesser.
20050613             Dass die knapp 7000—JAHRE alten Anlagen einst Tempel waren, wollen die Dresdner Archäologen nicht bestätigen.
20050613             "Wir können den Strukturen keine Funktion zuweisen", sagte Heiermann im Gespräch mit SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20050613             Er nennt sie vorsichtig "zentrale Orte".
20050613             Die Anlagen stammten aus der Zeit von 4800—BIS 4600—VOR Christus und seien damit 20000000              Jahre älter als die Pyramiden.
20050613             Der Haupttempel befinde sich unter dem heutigen DRESDEN.
20050613             "DRESDEN war Zentrum der 1. europäischen Hochkultur", meldete daraufhin das Berliner Boulevardblatt "B.Z.".
20050613             Die älteste Zivilisation Europas sei von Forschern in DEUTSCHLAND, ÖSTERREICH und der SLOWAKEI entdeckt worden.
20050613             Die Archäologen hätten ein europaweites Netz von 150—TEMPELN gefunden, die von einem —BIS dato unbekannten Kulturvolk gebaut worden sein sollen.
20050613             EU—ERWEITERUNG: Union drückt auf die Bremse
20050613             Investmentbanken: MORGAN—STANLEY feuert Vorstandschef Purcell
20050613             Gipfelerklärung: EU streicht Hinweis auf TÜRKEI—BEITRITT
20050613             Streit über EU—FINANZEN: Schröder und Fischer dämpfen Erwartungen
20050613             GEFÄNGNIS—VISION: JACKSON—TÜR an Tür mit Manson
20050613             "Älteste Hochkultur Europas": Wirbel um angebliche ARCHÄOLOGIE—SENSATION
20050613             —PLÄDIERT, Tarifpolitik: KANZLER, für höhere Löhne
20050613             Börse —AM—MITTAG: Hypovereinsbank bleibt Tagesthema
20050613             ONLINE—DEMO: Gesichter gegen Softwarepatente
20050613             —BLAMIERT, PR—DESASTER: EADS, sich auf Pariser Flugmesse
20050613             GUANTANAMO: Republikaner zweifeln an USA—LAGER
20050613             Islamische Vorzeigeschule: "Organisch, dynamisch, chaotisch"
20050613             Materialforschung: MINI—BÜRSTE schrubbt NANO—MASCHINEN
20050613             GRIECHENLAND: Parlament unterstützt SOZIALREFORMEN—WIMAX: Warten auf das SUPER—WLAN
20050613             —PLÄDIERT, SPD: Schröder, für einen starken STAAT
20050613             Internationale Rangliste: 19—DEUTSCHLAND—KONZERNE unter den Top 500
20050613             LIBANON: Christen erklären sich zu Wahlsiegern
20050613             UniCredito + HVB: Neuer Kreditriese überholt DEUTSCHLAND—BANK
20050613             ITALIEN: BIOETHIK—REFERENDUM vor dem Scheitern
20050613             Gewerkschaften: —SOMMER will neues Verhältnis zur Union
20050613             Außenministertreffen: Verhärtete Fronten bei der EU—FINANZIERUNG
20050613             USA: Terrorangst beglückt Sicherheitsindustrie
20050613             LIBANON: Weißes Haus wirft SYRIEN Mordpläne vor
20050613             EU—MINISTERRAT: Straw will BRITEN—RABATT verteidigen
20050613             —ÜBERNIMMT, Bankenfusion: UniCredito, HypoVereinsbank
20050613             Datenklau: Wie BLUETOOTH—HANDYS abgehört werden können
20050613             IRAN: Teheran will Atomgespräche mit EU fortsetzen
20050613             Linksparteien: WASG—GREMIEN stimmen Bündnis mit PDS zu
20050613             KUWAIT: Erstmals Frau in die Regierung berufen
20050613             —DEMENTIERT, Gesundheitspolitik: Ministerium, Milliardenloch bei Krankenkassen
20050613             -LPROSPERITY WITHOUT PEACE- L eo Gleser, who founded ISDS —AFTER working as 1—AIR—MARSHAL—FOR—EL—AL + serving in the military, is
20050613             currently advising PEMEX—MEXICO—NATIONAL—OIL... - Welcome to AJC! | ajc_com
20050613             1—FORMER—ISRAEL—SECURITY—OFFICER with El Al, the national airline, LEO—GLESER, said "In ISRAEL we use profiling.
20050613             That means you learn your enemy.
20050613             JACEK—PALKIEWICZ :: traveler, explorer
20050613             —8—YEARS—EARLIER he conquered the Atlantic alone in 1—LIFE raft, completed 1—SURVIVAL course in ARIZONA + underwent training in the famous LEO—GLESER...
20050613             ROB—BURTON, Regional Director for the Americas, IDS INTERNATIONAL LLC;
20050613             LEO—GLESER, PRESIDENT, INTERNATIONAL Security & Defense Systems (ISDS ) ISRAEL;
20050613             Smith & Wesson Training ACADEMY—PARTNERS—WITH—ISRAEL—COUNTER...
20050613—20020700    —WARNED, MINISTERS were, that BRITAIN was committed to taking part in 1—AMERICAN—LED invasion of IRAQ and they had no choice but to find 1—WAY—OF making it legal.
20050613—20050603    —ON, IRAQ—INSURGENT—COMMANDERS "apparently came face to face" with 4—USA—OFFICIALS—DURING—MEETINGS and 20050613              at 1—SUMMER villa near Balad, about 25—MILES—NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20050613—20070000    —AUTHORED, PATRICIA—BEARD, "BLUE—BLOOD & Mutiny: THE—FIGHT for the soul of MORGAN—STANLEY".
20050613—20080000    —TESTIFIED, Mariello (32) Mariello, that he was upset his EX—GIRLFRIEND never told him she had 1—AFFAIR with his best friend.
20050613—20400000    —BIS, 1—ANALYSE mit der Radiokarbonmethode ergab, dass der Samen aus einer Dattel stammt, die 19400000              Jahre alt sein muss.
20051226—20060613    —ON, 8—PEOPLE were arrested in connection with the shootings.
20060600             CBS News contributor GLORIA—BORGER on the media's COVERAGE—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH—SURPRISE 20060613              trip to IRAQ : "I think we are suckers.
20060613             —POSTED—BY—MISTER—BOMBASTIC—20060612—ON—247—PM): The story about rendition flights was 1—EXCLUSIVE on Newsnight the previous —DAY.
20060613             —NOW WHAT? —POSTED—BY: "Bugs" Mon 20060612             —500—AM (PST) Zarqawi autopsy over, results withheld 20060612              A—USA—MILITARY autopsy was finished on ABU—MUSAB—AL—ZARQAWI on —SUNDAY, but the findings were not —IMMEDIATELY released by USA—OFFICIALS.
20060613             PRESIDENT—BUSH, seeking to bolster support for IRAQ—BURGEONING—GOVERNMENT and USA—WAR—POLICY at home, made 1—SURPRISE—VISIT to IRAQ to meet newly named PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—AL—MALIKI and discuss the next steps in the troubled 3—YEAR—OLD—WAR.
20060613             1—SERIES—OF—EXPLOSIONS struck THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—KIRKUK, killing at least 15—PEOPLE.
20060613             —KILLED, Gunmen, IBRAHIM—SENEID, 1—IRAQ—JOURNALIST.
20060613             —ACCUSED, He worked for 1—NEWSPAPER, by insurgents of publishing USA—PROPAGANDA in THE—WEST—CITY—OF—FALLUJAH.
20060613             USA Congressional investigators said fake aid to Katrina victims may have cost taxpayers up to $1.4—BILLION.
20060613             1—FEMA official found the claims hard to credit.
20060613             WASHINGTON, DC KARL—ROVE—LAWYER said special prosecutor PATRICK—FITZGERALD would not bring charges against Rove in a 3—YEAR—OLD—CIA—LEAK—CASE.
20060613             —BLAMED, THE—ILLINOIS state agriculture department said 1—PEST, for killing MILLIONS—OF—TREES across the Midwest has reached ILLINOIS, prompting officials to prepare 1—DETECTION and eradication plan they expect to begin within the next few weeks.
20060613             MILLBRAE—CALIFORNIA, former restaurateur Fernand Wagner (78) and his wife Suzanne (68) were murdered at their home on THE—600—BLOCK—OF—LOMITA Ave.
20060613             The couple's black Cadillac was —LATER found in DALY—CITY.
20060613             † LUIS—JIMENEZ, 65—JAHRE—ALT, CHICAGO sculptor, in 1—ACCIDENT at his studio in Hondo, NM.
20060613             —INCLUDED, LUIS—JIMENEZ—WORK, "Vaquero".
20060613             —KILLED, Suspected Taliban militants, 1—USA—SOLDIER and wounded 2 in 1—ATTACK in SOUTH—HELMAND province, sparking 1—COALITION—RETALIATION that left 12—MILITANTS—DEAD or wounded.
20060613             † A 2. coalition soldier was killed —WHILE fighting enemy forces in EAST—KUNAR province.
20060613             Conservative PRIME—MINISTER—JOHN—HOWARD—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT has invoked special powers to invalidate 1—TERRITORY—LAW that had been the 1. in AUSTRALIA giving legal recognition to SAME—SEX—RELATIONSHIPS.
20060613             —PUSHED, AUSTRIA, Western countries at a 35-nation UN meeting, for consensus on the need for IRAN to freeze uranium enrichment, but diplomats said that most nonaligned countries were preparing to endorse TEHRAN—RIGHT to continue the work.
20060613             —ORDERED, CHINA, civil servants to do without cars, elevators and air conditioning for 1—DAY as PART—OF—1—ENERGY—SAVING—AWARENESS—CAMPAIGN.
20060613             Some 1,000 new cars were hitting THE—STREETS—OF—BEIJING—EVERY—DAY as nitrogen dioxide levels exceeded WHO clean air guidelines by 78%.
20060613             European Aeronautic Defense and Space (EADS), the parent company of Airbus, announced that its new 555-seat airliner would be delayed up to 7—MONTHS.
20060613             INDIA—SHARES fell sharply, with the benchmark index tumbling 4.4% to its lowest point this —YEAR amid declines in global markets.
20060613             —RETRIEVED, Police in NORTH—INDIA village, 48—BODIES—AFTER 1—TRUCK crowded with wedding guests veered off 1—MOUNTAIN—ROAD and plunged into 1—DEEP gorge in Uttaranchal state.
20060613             —SERVED, CHARLES—HAUGHEY, 4—TERMS as IRELAND—PM (19790000—19820000     and 19870000—19920000    ) in 1—CAREER overshadowed by ethical questions.
20060613             —PREACHED, CHARLES—HAUGHEY, austerity, yet practiced prodigality.
20060613             ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT said he had given the go ahead for 1—SHIPMENT—OF—WEAPONS to PALESTINE—LEADER—MAHMOUD—ABBAS, whose loyalists are engaged in bitter infighting with the militant Islamic Hamas.
20060613             1—FAILED—ISRAEL—AIRSTRIKE targeting 1—KEY—FIGURE in PALESTINE—ROCKET—ATTACKS killed 9—PEOPLE, including 2—CHILDREN and 3—MEDICAL—WORKERS who rushed to the scene of 1—INITIAL—BLAST.
20060613             2—OF—THE—DEAD were MEMBERS—OF—THE—ISLAMIC—JIHAD.
20060613             —CAUSED, 1—ISRAEL—INVESTIGATION into what, 1—EXPLOSION on 1—GAZA beach that killed 8—PALESTINIANS said that the blast was most likely caused by 1—MINE planted by Hamas militants against ISRAEL—NAVAL commandos and not 1—ISRAEL—SHELL.
20060613             —ADMITTED, Toshihiko FUKUI—JAPAN—CENTRAL—BANK—GOVERNOR, that he was 1—EARLY—INVESTOR in the Murakami Fund.
20060613             —EASED, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL, 1—BAN on weapons sales to LIBERIA so it could arm newly trained security forces.
20060613             —PROPOSED, THE—USA, lifting 1—UN—EMBARGO on LIBERIA—TIMBER exports.
20060613             —FREED, NEPAL, 190 jailed communist rebels —AFTER withdrawing terrorism cases against them as PART—OF—EFFORTS to forge peace with the insurgents.
20060613             —BACKED, PAKISTAN—SECURITY—FORCES, by helicopter gunships destroyed 1—CAMP for suspected tribal militants in THE—INSURGENCY—WRACKED SOUTH—WEST—PART—OF—THE—COUNTRY, killing 5—SUSPECTS and capturing 7—OTHERS—NEAR—DERA Bugti.
20060613             —ESCAPED, In THE—EAST—PHILIPPINES 11—PRISONERS, from 1—JAIL—AFTER killing 2—GUARDS and wounding 2—OTHERS.
20060613             The inmates were led by 1—COMMUNIST—GUERRILLA, Jessie Galecio, who had escaped from jail twice —BEFORE.
20060613             7—EAST—AFRICAN nations imposed travel bans on SOMALIA—WARLORDS, who lost bloody battles with Islamist fighters over MOGADISHU, and froze their assets in effort to push them into peace talks.
20060613             —INJURED, SOUTH—SRI—LANKA, at least 42—PASSENGERS were, —WHEN 2—TRAINS collided.
20060613             —ASKED, UN CHIEF—KOFI—ANNAN, UN human rights CHIEF—LOUISE—ARBOUR to help set up an independent enquiry commission to probe a recent wave of ethnic violence in EAST—TIMOR.
20060613             THOMAS—JEFFERSON also mentions ADAM—WEISHAUPT, THE—FOUNDER—OF—THE—ILLUMINATI, in... 20060612              Bespitzelter Professor: Verfassungsschutz räumt Fehler ein...
20060613             alfatomega.com/20060613.html
20060613             NSA Blocking Whistleblower From Telling COMMITTEE—ABOUT—SHOCKING, Illegal Activities
20060613             Last —MONTH, ThinkProgress
20060613             reported that NSA whistleblower RUSSELL—TICE would meet with MEMBERS—OF—THE—SENATE Armed Services Committee to discuss undisclosed unlawful activity that the Agency has engaged in.
20060613             "I think the people I talk to next —WEEK are going to be shocked —WHEN I tell them what I have to tell them," Tice said.
20060613             —SINCE that time, little has been REPORTED—OF—TICE—MEETING.
20060613             CongressDaily (sub. req'd) FOLLOWS—UP —TODAY, "Tice met last —MONTH in 1 closed session with senior staff from the Senate Armed Services Committee.
20060613             Tice said he told the staffers everything he knew.
20060613             But he said the aides did not say how, or if, they would follow up on his allegations.
20060613             CongressDaily also reports that
20060613             House Government Reform National Security Subcommittee, through its Chairman CHRISTOPHER—SHAYS (R—CT) + ranking member DENNIS—KUCINICH (D—OH), is seeking to interview Tice, but THE—NSA is resisting.
20060613             Tice said his information is different from the terrorist surveillance program that PRESIDENT—BUSH acknowledged
20060613             "Apologizing for IRAQ," Nico by the National REVIEW—JOHN—DERBYSHIRE:
20060613             "THE—LAZY—MINDED EVANGELICO—ROMANTICISM—OF—GEORGE—W—BUSH, the bureaucratic will to power of DONALD—RUMSFELD, the avuncular condescension of Dick Cheney + the reflexive military deference of COLIN—POWELL combined to get us into 1—SITUATION we never wanted to be in, 1—SITUATION no SELF—RESPECTING nation ought to be in,1—SITUATION we don't know how to get out of".
20060613             (Actually, we have 1—PRETTY—GOOD—IDEA—OF how to get out of it.)
20060613             Obscure Trade Settlement Could Create $480—MILLION—SLUSH Fund for WHITE—HOUSE
20060613             The resolution of 1—OBSCURE—TRADE—DISPUTE involving imports of CANADA—LUMBER to THE—USA could result in a $480—MILLION slush fund for THE—WHITE—HOUSE, according to 1—LAWYER—FAMILIAR with the case.
20060613             For years, THE—USA has been in contentious litigation with CANADA over tariffs imposed on CANADA—LUMBER imports.
20060613             —MAINTAINED, CANADA, that tariffs imposed on lumber imports to THE—USA violated the rules of NAFTA and THE—WTO.
20060613             Pending THE—RESOLUTION—OF—THE—LITIGATION, THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—THE—TREASURY held these tariffs in 1—ACCOUNT which
20060613             —NOW contains 5—BILLION dollars.
20060613             THE—USA—LOST virtually EVERY—MAJOR—ASPECT—OF—THE—LITIGATION for the last 5—YEARS + as 1—RESULT, 1—SETTLEMENT seem elusive.
20060613             —REACHED, Then, last April, THE—USA and CANADA  - 1—SURPRISE—AGREEMENT.
20060613             HERE—WHAT we know about the deal from public sources:
20060613             — $4—BILLION dollars from the account will be returned to CANADA.
20060613             $1—BILLION will be returned to THE—USA.
20060613             Of the $1—BILLION dollars that will remain in THE—USA, half is designated to THE—USA—LUMBER industry.
20060613             — The remaining $500—MILLION is to be split between "1—JOINT—INITIATIVE benefiting THE—NORTH—USA—LUMBER market" + "meritorious initiatives in THE—USA " such as "Katrina reconstruction".
20060613             (THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES reported that it is "not clear what will happen " with the money slated for this purpose.)
20060613             — The deal was struck —AFTER
20060613             direct communication between PRESIDENT—BUSH and PRIME—MINISTER—STEPHEN—HARPER, who are political allies and personal friends.
20060613             ThinkProgress spoke with 1—LAWYER—FAMILIAR with the case, who said the —FOLLOWING about the agreement:
20060613             — THE—USA is requesting $480—MILLION for "meritorious initiatives" and —JUST $20—MILLION—OF—THE—JOINT—INITIATIVE benefiting THE—NORTH—USA—LUMBER market.
20060613             — The agreement contains 1 complicated escrow system that may allow the $480—MILLION to be funneled from the Treasury DEPARTMENT—TO—THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20060613             — It is THE—POSITION—OF—USA—NEGOTIATORS that Congress does not need to have ANY—INVOLVEMENT in the deal.
20060613             1—SPOKESMAN said that he didn't know if THE—WHITE—HOUSE would be involved in dispersing the funds or if Congress would be consulted + was doubtful he would "be able to discern" this information in the future.
20060613             The fact that HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS may be headed to THE—WHITE—HOUSE with no oversight raises THE—POSSIBILITY—OF—ABUSE — especially —5—MONTHS—BEFORE 1—FEDERAL—ELECTION.
20060613             This is 1—SIGNIFICANT—AMOUNT—OF—MONEY and the administration should explain exactly how it will be spent and who will be overseeing the process.
20060613             —PLAGIARIZED, Ann Coulter may HAVE—PARTS—OF—HER—NEW—BOOK.
20060613             THE—RUDE—PUNDIT has already found 2—EXAMPLES in Chapter 1. UPDATE: Coulter wasn't always 1—FAN—OF—PLAGIARISM.
20060613             Why was THE—HEAD—OF—IRAQ—SECRET—POLICE
20060613             the only top official to retain his position —WHEN PRIME—MINISTER—MALIKI formed his new government?
20060613             And does it have anything to do with the fact that he was
20060613             —ON THE—CIA—PAYROLL as —RECENTLY as 20050000              ?
20060613             'Libby trial about to heat up?'NICO—ABC—NEWS—NOTES that 1—CONFERENCE with presiding JUDGE—WALTON, prosecutor PATRICK—FITZGERALD and the Libby defense team is scheduled for this afternoon.
20060613             Judd20060613              The 1. hurricane WARNING—OF—THE—YEAR—NICO has been issued for THE—FLORIDA coast.
20060613             —EXPECTED, Tropical storm Alberto, originally not, to become 1—HURRICANE, has suddenly strengthened.
20060613             Microsoft: Zombies most prevalent Windows threat JORIS—EVERS, for News_com Scan finds that more than 60—PERCENT of compromised PCs are infected with bot software.
20060613             Debate on teaching evolution resurfaces
20060613             —DISSECTED, COLUMBIA—SOUTH—CAROLINA—PHILOSOPHERS, THE—AGE—OLD—DISPUTE over teaching evolution in biology classrooms —MONDAY as lawmakers prepared to debate its latest manifestation at the Statehouse.
20060613             1—HOUSE—COMMITTEE will consider —TUESDAY 1—AMENDMENT that establishes how textbooks, software and other.
20060613             THE—BAN on `Rubbish' in THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES
20060613             For those of you who haven't read it already, MISTER—FRIEDMAN spent 800—WORDS on the Times op/ed page to accuse GENERAL—MOTORS—OF supporting terrorists, buying votes in Congress and being 1—CORPORATE "crack dealer" that posed 1—SERIOUS—THREAT to AMERICA—FUTURE.
20060613             He suggested the nation would be better.
20060613             Microsoft Releases Windows Malware Stats
20060613             Microsoft —TODAY gave the world 1—RARE -- albeit conservative -- glimpse of its view on —JUST how bad the virus and bot problem has gotten for Windows users worldwide.
20060613             The data comes from 15—MONTHS' WORTH—OF—EXPERIENCE scanning.
20060613             SOUTH—CAROLINA About to Ban Evolution (Again) — New Buzzterm Emerges!
20060613             Here we go again! What fun! THE—INTERNET—FUTURE
20060613             THE—SENATE will hold hearings tomorrow on "net neutrality," the idea that the pipes and wires that form THE—INTERNET should treat all content equally.
20060613             1—ALLIANCE whose membership ranges from THE—CHRISTIAN—COALITION to MoveOn_org is demanding that Congress write this neutrality into law;.
20060613             —STORMED, Police ' in like burglars'
20060613             The sister of 2—BROTHERS held —AFTER 1—ANTI—TERROR—RAID on 1—HOUSE in EAST—LONDON has SPOKEN—OF—THE—FAMILY—ORDEAL.
20060613             Zarqawi heir 'will be USA—TARGET' PRESIDENT—BUSH says ABU—MUSAB—AL—ZARQAWI—SUCCESSOR as THE—HEAD—OF—AL—QAEDA in IRAQ will be 1—USA—TARGET.
20060613             Red Cross to visit GUANTANAMO THE—RED—CROSS says it is to send 1—TEAM to GUANTANAMO Bay —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—3—SUICIDES over the weekend.
20060613             Economy 'facing bumpier times' The economy faces risks but inflation is not a "serious concern" yet, THE—BANK—OF—ENGLAND—MERVYN—KING says.
20060613             —SCRAPPED, World Cup screenings, Live football matches will no longer be broadcast on THE—BBC big screens in LIVERPOOL and LONDON.
20060613             NIGERIA to hand land to CAMEROON NIGERIA agrees to hand over the disputed OIL—RICH—BAKASSI peninsula to CAMEROON in 1—DEAL brokered by THE—UN.
20060613             —AGREED, USA lethal injection appeal, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT—RULES—DEATH—ROW—INMATES can file challenges to lethal injection as 1—MEANS—OF—EXECUTION.
20060613             Strike brings BANGLADESH to halt BANGLADESH comes to 1—STANDSTILL as a 36-hour general strike called by the opposition begins.
20060613             Nikkei falls 4% in ASIA—DOWNTURN—ASIA—STOCK—MARKETS—DROP sharply as fears of higher USA—INTEREST—RATES leave the markets jittery.
20060613             Churches push for school worship Church leaders urge the government to enforce the law requiring daily collective worship in ENGLAND—SCHOOLS.
20060613             Mars chip to test for life signs 1—UK—LED CONSORTIUM—OF—UNIVERSITIES and companies is developing 1—CHIP—TECHNOLOGY that would test Martian soil samples for "life molecules".
20060613             —DEFENDED, Met CHIEF, amid raid row Senior figures defend Met CHIEF—SIR—IAN—BLAIR amid calls for him to resign —AFTER 1—ANTI—TERROR—RAID.
20060613             No 10—DENIES 'vigilante' campaign No 10—REJECTS reports it had been planning to urge people to take vigilante action to stop ANTI—SOCIAL—BEHAVIOUR.
20060613             GUANTANAMO suicides 'not PR move' THE—USA—DISTANCES itself from remarks by 1—TOP—OFFICIAL that the suicides at GUANTANAMO were "1—GOOD PR move".
20060613             Human rights query over car ban 1—PLANNING inspector says 1—SUMMER—TRAFFIC—BAN in Tenby's walled town could break human rights laws.
20060613             USA—BUDGET—DEFICIT—HIGHER in May THE—USA—FEDERAL—DEFICIT exceeds forecasts in May but the shortfall for the current —YEAR is well below —LAST—YEAR.
20060613             ALZHEIMER—VACCINE 'promising' 1—POTENTIAL—VACCINE for ALZHEIMER—DISEASE cuts build up of damaging proteins in mice brains.
20060613             Drug to combat killer diarrhoea 1—NEW—DRUG could save lives by offering treatment for the most common cause of childhood diarrhoea.
20060613             —CONSIDERED, Pupil food pill plan '' Food supplements could be given to pupils in 1—EFFORT to improve performance, reports suggest.
20060613             No Porton Down test charges No scientists will face charges over 1—SERIES—OF—CHEMICAL—TESTS on human volunteers at Porton Down.
20060613             Mystery Planes Getting —AROUND Is THE—FBI or CIA is using 1—DELAWARE company's aircraft leasing business as 1—FRONT for 1—NEW—GENERATION—OF—SINGLE—ENGINE—DOMESTIC—SPY—PLANES?
20060613             Technologists assail federal NET—TAPPING rules Technologists including Vint Cerf say in 1—NEW—REPORT that THE—FCC—VOIP tapping rules aren't feasible or wise.
20060613             Google Earth zooms in Google beefs up resolution and coverage of Google Earth to the level of aeriel photography--even showing people walking in SOME—PLACES.
20060613             Spam from TAIWAN—SCUTTLEMONKEY 69—TRISTANGRIMAUX
20060613             "According to 1—RECENT—STUDY done by CipherTrust, 2—THIRDS—OF—THE—WORLD—SPAM is sent by TAIWAN servers. THE—USA—FOLLOWS with 24% and in 1—DISTANT 3. is CHINA with only 3—PERCENT—OF—THE—SERVERS who actually sends the spam".
20060613             The article cites easy access to broadband and LACK—OF—CRACKDOWN on offenders as the main contributing factors.
20060613             JAPAN—SCIENTISTS—MAKE—ALZHEIMERS—PROGRESS—NEW—CLUES for Antikythera Mechanism
20060613             timothy 98—FUZZYBUNNY "THE—REGISTER reports that British and HOLLAND—SCIENTISTS located 1—PREVIOUSLY undetected word on the Antikythera Mechanism which seems to confirm its nature as 1—TOOL for astronomical prediction. This device is 1—OF—THE—WORLD—1. known geared devices; —WHILE its purpose is still not 100% clear, according to the article, 'ATHENS UNIVERSITY—RESEARCHER—XENOPHON—MOUSSAS is reported as saying the "newly discovered text seems to confirm that the mechanism was used to track planetary bodies".'"
20060613             "MICHAEL—GEIST has 1—EDITORIAL published in the Hill Times, 1—CANADA—POLITICAL newsweekly, about 1—SECRET lobbying campaign by THE—CANADA—RECORDING—INDUSTRY—ASSOCIATION. The report details how days —AFTER the last CANADA—ELECTION—CRIA lobbyists worked with officials to plan 1—EVENT featuring speakers on THE—CRIA payroll who are promoting 1—DMCA for CANADA, DOZENS—OF—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIALS from 7—DEPARTMENTS, 1—EXPENSIVE—LUNCH with senior government executives paid for by taxpayers, as well as 1—PRIVATE meeting with THE—CANADA—HERITAGE—MINISTER who is responsible for copyright law".
20060613             He told Kennedy, "The allocation of voting machines in FRANKLIN—COUNTY was clearly biased against voters in precincts with high proportions of AFRICAN—AMERICANS".
20060613             Mebane told me that he compared the distribution of voting machines in OHIO's 20040000              presidential election with THE—DISTRIBUTION—OF—MACHINES for 1—PRIMARY—ELECTION held the previous —SPRING.
20060613             For the primary, he said, "There was no sign of racial bias in THE—DISTRIBUTION—OF—THE—MACHINES".
20060613             But for the general election in November, "there was substantial bias, with fewer voting machines per voter in areas that were heavily AFRICAN—AMERICAN".
20060613             I found 1—FEW errors in that Occult World video He mentions that the 1. person in AMERICA to talk about the Illuminati was MYRON—FAGAN.
20060613             That's not even remotely correct.
20060613             Myron may have brought it to the forefront, but the 1. American to mention the Illuminati was GEORGE—WASHINGTON.
20060613             Genes Governing Embryonic Stem Cell "Immortality" Discovered
20060613             —UNCOVERED, New research has, SOME—OF—THE—GENES that allow these cells to renew themselves.
20060613             USA mad cow cases 'atypical'
20060613             2—CASES—OF—MAD—COW—DISEASE in TEXAS and ALABAMA seem to have resulted from 1—MYSTERIOUS strain that could appear spontaneously in cattle, researchers say.
20060613             Terror in TORONTO or Tempest in 1—TEAPOT?
20060613             The arrest in TORONTO—OF—17—MEN, mostly quite young, for conspiracy to bomb places in SOUTH—ONTARIO has raised 1—STORM—OF—COMMENT.
20060613             Unfortunately, much of it has been either premature or wrong.
20060613             I am shocked! Shocked!
20060613             Violent Crime Up for 1. Time in 5—YEARS—THANKS Chimpy!
20060613             POLEN—MILLIARDÄR Kulczyk: "Großes Geld braucht Ruhe"
20060613             Verizon to Launch MOBILE 'Chaperone' Service
20060613             "CNET is reporting that Verizon will soon be offering 1—SERVICE (branded "Chaperone") which will allow parents to keep track of their cell PHONE—CARRYING children. —FOLLOWING on the heels of 1—SIMILAR—SERVICE started by Sprint in April, the system will allow parents 'to set up geographic limits and receive text alerts if their children, who also carry phones, go too far from home. The service also lets parents check where their offspring are via 1—MAP on their cell phone or computer.' Disney will purportedly be offering 1—SIMILAR—SERVICE—WHEN it begins selling mobile phones sometime this —SUMMER. It's 10pm -- do you know where you child's cell phone is?"
20060613             "6—MONTH—AFTER the publication of very bad amendments to FRANCE—DRM law proposal, RICHARD—STALLMAN has been pushed back by THE—CHIEF—OF—SECURITY—TEAM—OF—FRANCE—PRIME—MINISTER. On —FRIDAY 9. of 20060600              at 3.30pm, RICHARD—STALLMAN, PRESIDENT—OF—FREE—SOFTWARE—FOUNDATION, led 1—DELEGATION composed by Frédéric Couchet (Free Software Foundation FRANCE) and CHRISTOPHE—ESPERN (EUCD.INFO initiative) to meet THE—FRANCE—PRIME—MINISTER in order to talk about THE—FRANCE—DRM law proposal and to deliver THE—EUCD.INFO petition signed by more than 165,000—FRANCE—RESIDENTS. RICHARD—STALLMAN and his friends were pushed back by THE—CHIEF—OF—SECURITY—TEAM. "
20060613             Diplomatie: KUBA stellt USA—VERTRETUNG Strom ab
20060613             Selbstmorde im USA—LAGER: GUANTANAMO empört DEUTSCHLAND—POLITIKER
20060613             Angst vor Tropensturm: "Alberto" bedroht FLORIDA
20060613             (Panorama, Kriegsrat in Camp David: Bush kündigt Jagd auf Sarkawis Nachfolger an
20060613             Global equity SELL—OFF accelerates across EUROPE
20060613             —GATHERED, THE—SELL—OFF in global equity markets, pace as European bourses suffered sharp losses —FOLLOWING overnight falls on WALL—STREET and declines across ASIA amid fears about the effect of tighter monetary policy on global growth.
20060613             —FEEBLEMINDED, Christianism as 1—MIND—CONTROL—DEVICE—FOR the exceptionally.
20060613             —NOW : —WHEN will ANDREW—SULLIVAN begin to address the subject of Jewish fundamentalism with the same intellectual rigor that he dissects Muslim and Christian fundamentalism?
20060613             Or could it be that Sullivan himself is THE—VICTIM—OF—BRAINWASHING?
20060613             War Crimes and BBC—INSANE—SOCIETY
20060613             Dear CRAIG—OLIVER, Editor, 10—O'CLOCK News, BBC1
20060613             I read your email to 1—MEDIA—LENS' poster (
20060613             —COVERED, It was, widely in the national press and on radio on the —DAY.
20060613             We took the view that there was little more we could add to the story.
20060613             I do not agree that there was nothing new in the Rooney story.
20060613             —REPORTED, As we, it was becoming increasingly clear that he was returning to GERMANY to play in the latter STAGES—OF—THE—WORLD—CUP—SHOULD ENGLAND qualify.
20060613             Best wishes, CRAIG—OLIVER—COULD you please inform your audience on which basis you "took the view that there was little more we could add to the story"?
20060613             —FROM Council of EUROPE Parliamentary Assembly rapporteur Dick MARTY—REPORT
20060613             "Alleged secret detentions and unlawful INTER—STATE—TRANSFERS involving Council of EUROPE member states" : 280.
20060613             —REVEALED, Our ANALYSIS—OF—THE—CIA 'rendition' programme has, 1—NETWORK that resembles a 'spider's web' spun across the globe.
20060613             —BASED, The analysis is, on official information provided by national + INTERNATIONAL air traffic control authorities, as well as on other information including from sources inside intelligence services, in particular the American.
20060613             This 'web', shown in the graphic239, is composed of several landing points, which we have subdivided into different categories + which are linked up among themselves by CIVIL—PLANES used by THE—CIA or military aircraft.
20060613             292. - With regards to these extremely serious allegations, it is urgent
20060613             — that is the principal aim of this report — that all Council of EUROPE member states concerned finally comply with their positive obligation under THE—ECHR to investigate.
20060613             It is also crucial that the proposals in the draft resolution and recommendation are implemented so that terrorism can be fought effectively whilst respecting human rights at the same time.
20060613             How can THE—BBC writes "that there was little more we could add to the story" —WHEN the government leading the "Coalition of the Willing", the "WAR—ON—TERROR" + the "Exporting Democracy Enterprise" is guilty (together with your own government) of massive human rights violation according to THE—UNITED—NATIONS, the Council of EUROPE, Human Rights Watch and AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL among others?
20060613             —WHEN you "took the view that there was little more we could add to the story", had you read THE—COUNCIL—OF—EUROPE—REPORT?
20060613             This is what that reports states —JUST about 1—POINT: 1.2. GUANTANAMO Bay
20060613             4. At GUANTANAMO Bay, on THE—ISLAND—OF—CUBA, several 100—PEOPLE are being detained without enjoying ANY—OF—THE—GUARANTEES provided for in the criminal procedure of 1—STATE governed by THE—RULE—OF—LAW or in THE—GENEVA Conventions on THE—LAW—OF—WAR.
20060613             —ARRESTED, These people have been, in unknown circumstances, handed over by foreign authorities without ANY—EXTRADITION—PROCEDURE being followed, or illegally abducted in various countries by USA special services.
20060613             —CONSIDERED, They are, enemy combatants, according to 1—NEW—DEFINITION introduced by the American administration7.
20060613             5. - THE—PARLIAMENTARY—ASSEMBLY—OF—THE—COUNCIL—OF—EUROPE (PACE) has strongly criticised this STATE—OF—AFFAIRS:
20060613             WSJ angry at Hayden.
20060613             —EVER—SINCE CIA Director MICHAEL—HAYDEN testified that he "wasn't comfortable " with DOUG—FEITH—SECRET—PENTAGON intel operation that tried to link Saddam and al Qaeda, both Feith and SENATOR—JON—KYL have been trying to get him to change his opinion.
20060613             —FAILED, But they've, + —NOW THE—WSJ is upset that Hayden is feeding the "Bush lied myth".
20060613             Bush Officials Stoke INTERNATIONAL Outrage Over GUANTANAMO Suicides
20060613             —COMMITTED, Over the weekend,2 Saudis and 1—YEMENI, suicide in their cells at GUANTANAMO.
20060613             In response, THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT—COLLEEN—GRAFFY — who "coordinates efforts with 1—SPECIAL—ENVOY, Karen Hughes, in 1—CAMPAIGN to improve THE—USA—IMAGE abroad, especially in Islamic countries " - described the suicides as "good PR move to draw attention".
20060613             In addition, GUANTANAMO—CAMP—COMMANDER—NAVY—REAR—ADMIRAL—HARRY—HARRIS called the suicides "1—ACT—OF—ASYMMETRIC—WARFARE waged against us".
20060613             —CAUSED, The comments, 1—DIPLOMATIC uproar —AROUND the world and have led to
20060613             renewed calls for GUANTANAMO—CLOSURE.
20060613             1—FEW examples of THE—INTERNATIONAL displeasure from both conservative and liberal editorial boards:
20060613             - "In 1—EDITORIAL headlined 'Bad Language', THE—RIGHT—LEANING Times [of LONDON], normally 1—DEFENDER—OF—BRITAIN—ALLIANCE with THE—USA, said such rhetoric 'plays once again into THE—HANDS—OF—AMERICA—ENEMIES.' "
20060613             - "FRANCE—LE—MONDE newspaper condemned GRAFFY—COMMENTS, saying that they 'illustrate the gulf which separates USA—AUTHORITIES from THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD on this sinister question.'"
20060613             - "BRITAIN—CONSERVATIVE—DAILY—MAIL newspaper said the officials had spoken 'with utter insensitivity to world opinion' in 1—EDITORIAL headlined: 'From the high moral ground to the gutter.'"
20060613             - "SPAIN—EL—MUNDO newspaper called the comments 'gruesome.' "
20060613             The administration —IMMEDIATELY had to go " - into damage control,
20060613             " with STATE—DEPARTMENT—SPOKESMAN—SEAN—MCCORMACK saying, "I would —JUST point out in public that we do not see it as 1—PR stunt".
20060613             —PUBLISHED, Pentagon Papers, 35—YEARS ago —TODAY.
20060613             TinyRevolution marks the anniversary by highlighting 1—NEW OP—ED by VIETNAM—ERA—WHISTLE—BLOWER DANIEL—ELLSBERG + 1—FLASHBACK—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ANSWER—WHEN he was asked —2—WEEKS—BEFORE THE—IRAQ invasion, "What can you say tonight, sir, to the sons and the daughters of the Americans who served in VIETNAM to assure them that you will not lead this country down 1—SIMILAR—PATH in IRAQ?"
20060613             Conservatives Hype 'Danger,' 'Risks' of Bush Trip, Claim HE—GETTING 'In the Face' of IRAQ—TERRORISTS
20060613             This —MORNING on FOX—NEWS, anchor JON—SCOTT and REPRESENTATIVE—PETER—HOEKSTRA (R—MI) focused much of their discussion about PRESIDENT—BUSH—IRAQ trip on the
20060613             6—MINUTE—HELICOPTER ride from THE—BAGHDAD airport to the Green Zone.
20060613             —AFTER saying 1—TOP—USA—GOAL is "to take the battle to where radical Islam would plan and strategize" for 1—ATTACK, Hoekstra said "—TODAY THE—PRESIDENT is going in their face" by traveling to IRAQ.
20060613             —ADDED, Scott, "[C]learly 1—TRIP—LIKE this is not without risk," —SINCE Bush "had to jump on 1—HELICOPTER and fly at low altitudes.... The fact he was willing to undertake SOME—OF—THOSE risks says 1—LOT about his confidence in the future".
20060613             Last night on the House floor, REPRESENTATIVE—STEVE—KING (R—IA) downplayed the violence on the ground in IRAQ, claiming his wife is taking 1—GREATER—RISK by living in WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA KING said:
20060613             27.51—IRAQIS per 100,000 die 1—VIOLENT—DEATH on 1—ANNUAL—BASIS.
20060613             27.51. - —NOW what does that mean?
20060613             To me, it really doesn't mean 1—LOT—UNTIL I compare it to people that I know or have 1—FEEL for the rhythm of this place.
20060613             Well I by —NOW have 1—FEEL for the rhythm of this place called WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA + my wife lives here with me + I can tell you, MISTER—SPEAKER, she's at far greater risk being 1—CIVILIAN in WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA than 1—AVERAGE—CIVILIAN in IRAQ.
20060613             45—OUT of every 100,000 WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA regular residents die 1—VIOLENT—DEATH on 1—ANNUAL—BASIS.
20060613             STATS—KING—OF— are faulty.
20060613             1., using the most recent 20040000              data, the violent casualty rate in DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA is 35.8—DEATHS per 100,000 , not 45.
20060613             2., THE—KING comparison has 1—OBVIOUS—PROBLEM—OF—SCALE, comparing the entire country of IRAQ to 1 concentrated urban area.
20060613             Taking BAGHDAD for instance, the Brookings INSTITUTION—IRAQ—INDEX estimates 1 annualized murder rate of 95—PER 100,000 Iraqis for that city, 1—RATE—MORE than 2.5—TIMES as high as DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA'S. (Brookings notes this number may be "too low —SINCE MANY—MURDER—VICTIMS are never taken to the morgue, but buried quickly and privately and —THEREFORE never recorded in official tallies".)
20060613             —NOTED, Even THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL—OPINION page, that KING—NUMBERS have "
20060613             painted 1—MISLEADINGLY Pollyanish picture of IRAQ.
20060613             Apparently, Bush hasn't read KING—STUDY.
20060613             —EMPLOYED, On his trip into IRAQ —TODAY, Bush, "
20060613             —DEEMED, EXTRAORDINARILY—TIGHT—PROTECTIVE—MEASURES," which were, necessary "BECAUSE—OF—IRAQ—TENUOUS—SECURITY—SITUATION". Bush "never seriously considered" staying overnight, wanting to leave IRAQ —IMMEDIATELY for THE—SAFETY—OF—WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA.
20060613             Malkin On Detainee Suicides: 'BOO—FREAKIN—HOO'
20060613             —MOCKED, —YESTERDAY on FOX—NEWS, MICHELLE—MALKIN, the suicides of 3—GUANTANAMO Bay detainees.
20060613             Her reaction was so OUT—OF—LINE that even O'Reilly took exception.
20060613             Full transcript below:
20060613             MALKIN: And really, the reaction to the suicides should be, "BOO—FREAKIN—HOO".
20060613             O'REILLY: Well, I don't know about that.
20060613             I don't want anybody, you know, killing themselves, but I do believe it was 1—POLITICAL—STATEMENT.
20060613             Anyway — - MALKIN: Exactly.
20060613             O'REILLY: If I were in GUANTANAMO Bay + I couldn't get out — and these guys will never get out, believe me — I might commit suicide too.
20060613             NBC To Feature Coulter On Tonight Show
20060613             —APPEARED, Last —TUESDAY, Ann Coulter, on NBC—TODAY—SHOW and defended her comments that several 20010911             —WIDOWS were "SELF—OBSESSED women...enjoying their husband's death".
20060613             That —EVENING, NBC News anchor and managing EDITOR—BRIAN—WILLIAMS called COULTER—REMARKS "over the line — the line that is shared by —JUST about everybody because SOME—THINGS, it turns out, are still sacred".
20060613             —SCHEDULED, Nevertheless, Coulter is, to
20060613             appear —WEDNESDAY on NBC—TONIGHT—SHOW with JAY—LENO :
20060613             "Tonight" host JAY—LENO might want to consider wearing referee stripes on —WEDNESDAY—SHOW—WHEN Ann Coulter and GEORGE—CARLIN are his guests.
20060613             Coulter, THE—ACID—TONGUED conservative with 1—NEW—BOOK out + Carlin, THE—QUICK—WITTED, antiestablishment comedian who's in the voice cast for the new animated film "Cars," were booked at separate times for THE—NBC LATE—NIGHTER, 1—SPOKESWOMAN said —MONDAY.
20060613             —SACRED, Apparently, the line isn't, enough for NBC to stop using Coulter and her extreme comments to pump up their ratings.
20060613             Bush makes surprise trip to BAGHDAD
20060613             to meet with PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—AL—MALIKI.
20060613             He'll be staying for - 5—HOURS.
20060613             ThinkFast AM: 20060613
20060613             —UNVEILED, Republican House leaders, 1—DRAFT—RESOLUTION that will be the subject of this —WEEK—FLOOR—DEBATE on IRAQ.
20060613             —CLOAKED, But the resolution, THE—IRAQ conflict under the broader war against terrorism.
20060613             In 1—LETTER to House Majority Leader JOHN—BOEHNER, REPRESENTATIVE—IKE—SKELTON, ranking MEMBER—OF—THE—ARMED—SERVICES—COMMITTEE, said, "I think you well understand that the war in IRAQ is 1—SEPARATE—CONFLICT, 1—INSURGENCY with terrorist elements and sectarian violence".
20060613             —DESIGNED, 1—EPA rule, to keep "groundwater clean near oil drilling sites and other construction zones was loosened —AFTER
20060613             —REJECTED, WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS, it
20060613             amid complaints by energy companies that it was too restrictive and —AFTER 1—WELL—CONNECTED TEXAS oil executive appealed to WHITE—HOUSE—SENIOR—ADVISOR—KARL—ROVE ".
20060613             THE—WASHINGTON—POST reviews
20060613             "With 1—SHARP pen," Zinsmeister personally attacked his opponents, for instance, calling AL—GORE a "mad dog" known to "foam at the mouth".
20060613             JACQUES—CHIRAC, NELSON—MANDELA, GERHARD—SCHROEDER and KOFI—ANNAN were labeled "feckless fools".
20060613             1—NEW—STUDY shows the " - bloody fingerprints
20060613             " of global warming: Polar bears "may be turning to cannibalism because longer seasons without ice keep them from getting to their natural food".
20060613             "Faced with a - widening federal investigation
20060613             into his ties to 1—HIGH—POWERED lobbying firm, House Appropriations Chairman JERRY—LEWIS (R—CA) has retained 1—CRIMINAL—DEFENSE—ATTORNEY.
20060613             Lewis is facing federal scrutiny over his dealings with the lobbying firm Copeland, Lowery, Jacquez, Denton & White.
20060613             —PULLED, FBI officials —RECENTLY, Lewis' personal financial records + several current and FORMER—LEWIS—AIDES also are being investigated".
20060613             " Private military contractors are EARNING—BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in IRAQ
20060613             — much of it from USA taxpayers.
20060613             —CALLED, Lucrative USA—GOVERNMENT—CONTRACTS go to firms, on to provide security for projects and personnel — jobs that in previous conflicts have been done by the military".
20060613             —DISTINGUISHED, THE—NATIONAL—RELIGIOUS—CAMPAIGN—AGAINST—TORTURE, 1—GROUP—OF—20—7, religious leaders, have signed 1—STATEMENT urging THE—USA to " abolish torture —NOW — without exceptions ".
20060613             —PUBLISHED, The statement, being, in newspaper advertisements —STARTING—TODAY, states that torture "violates the basic dignity of the human person " and "contradicts our nation's most cherished values".
20060613             AL—GORE is looking to spread his global warming message beyond movie theaters.
20060613             Gore said —YESTERDAY "that by THE—END—OF—THE—SUMMER he would start 1—BIPARTISAN education
20060613             campaign to train 1,000—PEOPLE
20060613             to give 1—VERSION—OF—HIS slide show on global warming featured in the film '1—INCONVENIENT—TRUTH' and book of the same name".
20060613             And finally: locals and tourists in S—ANDREWS, SCOTLAND, don't seem to know much about ABRAMOFF—INFAMOUS—GOLF junket.
20060613             "For all the Beltway chatter..., locals in this windswept beach town are distinctly uninterested. [...] As for Americans misbehaving in S—ANDREWS, locals would rather talk about recent allegations that actor KEVIN—COSTNER acted inappropriately —DURING 1—MASSAGE at the spa in the Old Course Hotel".
20060613             USA/MEXICO—SECURITY—BARRIER
20060613             Great article comparing the barrier ISRAEL is erecting to protect itself from THE—WEST—BANK with the hypothetical barrier THE—USA would build to protect itself from MEXICO:
20060613             —FINISHED, THE—ISRAEL—WEST—BANK—BARRIER, —WHEN, will run for more than...
20060613             1—LITTLE—FREE—MARKET—COMMON—SENSE emerged from Congress late —THURSDAY night —WHEN the House rejected by 269-152 1—AMENDMENT to 1—WIDE—RANGING broadband bill that would have imposed "net neutrality".
20060613             As nice as it sounds, the underlying idea is anything but.
20060613             Essentially, the amendment would have.
20060613             Raid police apologise for 'hurt'
20060613             —CAUSED, Police apologise for the "hurt" they, 2—BROTHERS—AFTER 1—ANTI—TERROR—RAID on their EAST—LONDON home.
20060613             Bush makes surprise IRAQ TRIP—'KILL Iraqis marine song' probe
20060613             THE—USA—MARINES criticises 1—VIDEO—POSTED online apparently showing 1—USA—MARINE singing about killing IRAQ—CIVILIANS.
20060613             —FREED, NEPAL—REBELS, from jail NEPAL—GOVERNMENT begins releasing Maoist rebels detained under 1—CONTROVERSIAL—ANTI—TERROR—LAW.
20060613             FATHER—OF—ENERGY—EFFICIENCY to get Fermi Award USA—GOVERNMENT will give 1—OF—ITS—HIGHEST—SCIENTIFIC—AWARDS to 1—OF—THE—FIGURES behind conservation.
20060613             New Nano Desalinization Method
20060613             "THE—TECHNOLOGY—REVIEW is reporting that researchers at THE—LAWRENCE—LIVERMORE—NATIONAL—LABORATORY have announced 1—WAY to use carbon NANO—TUBE technology to reduce THE—COST—OF—DESALINATION—OF—OCEAN—WATER by 75—PERCENT over current methods of reverse osmosis.  'The technology could potentially provide 1—SOLUTION to water shortages both in THE—USA, where populations are expected to soar in areas with few freshwater sources + worldwide, where 1—LACK—OF—CLEAN—WATER is 1—MAJOR—CAUSE—OF—DISEASE.' The technology may also lead to new ways of eliminating carbon dioxide emitted from power plants".
20060613             New IP Treaty Looming?
20060613             "According to 1—ARTICLE by JAMES—BOYLE in the Financial Times, THE—USA is helping push 1—TREATY that would create 1—ENTIRELY new type of intellectual property right in THE—USA, in addition to copyright, covering anything that is broadcast or webcast. (Regardless of whether the work was in the public domain, Creative Commons Licensed etc, the broadcaster would control ANY—COPIES made from the broadcast —FOR—50—YEARS.) Boyle argues that this is dumb, unconstitutional + anyway should be debated domestically 1.".
20060613             Projecting Data on 1—SPHERE
20060613             "THE—NYTIMES has 1—ARTICLE in —TODAY—SCIENCE—SECTION that describes a 4—PROJECTOR system that displays images on 1—SPHERICAL—SCREEN. THE—SCIENCE on 1—SPHERE system, developed at the Goddard Space Flight Center and used in SOME—PLANETARIUMS, can display and animate vast amounts of visual data from the Earth, Moon, Sun + the other planets. The sphere is suspended by thin wires + animating the image data gives the illusion of 1—FREE—FLOATING, rotating world".
20060613             Hawking Says Humans Must Go Into Space
20060613             "THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS—REPORTS that astrophysicist STEPHEN—HAWKING wants humans to establish colonies in space in order to ensure the survival of the human race. At 1—NEWS—CONFERENCE in HONG—KONG, Hawking said that 'It is important for the human race to spread out into space for THE—SURVIVAL—OF—THE—SPECIES. Life on Earth is at THE—EVER—INCREASING risk of being wiped out by 1—DISASTER, such as sudden global warming, nuclear war, 1—GENETICALLY engineered virus or other dangers we have not yet thought of.'"
20060613             RIAA Claims P2P Has Been Contained
20060613             "USA—TODAY is reporting THE—RIAA —NOW claims that the issues surrounding P2P and piracy have been contained and are no longer as big 1—ISSUE as they once were. From the article; 'The problem has not been eliminated,' says association CEO—MITCH—BAINWOL. 'But we believe digital downloads have emerged into 1—GROWING, thriving business + FILE—TRADING is flat.'"
20060613             "Experts predict that attacks on VoIP systems could be right —AROUND the corner + are calling for preemptive security measures. THE—BUSINESSWEEK article compares the current STATE—OF—VOICE—OVER—IP to THE—PRE—SPAM email era and suggests that spammers could be the 1. to exploit the system.  'HERE—WHAT VoIP security breaches could mean for consumers. For starters, it's 1—BIG—CHANNEL for spammers. Think of the Viagra ads that flood your E—MAIL inboxes —NOW. They work because the cost of E—MAILING THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE at once is so low, only 1% to 3% or so need to respond for it to be worth it, Ingevaldson says. Comparable economics apply to VoIP calls, he says. Then there are potential phishing attacks, where fraudsters posing as banks lead consumers to fake sites. Those and other attempts at identity theft could —SPRING up via VoIP accounts too, experts say. Imagine the messages from relatives of deposed NIGERIA—DICTATORS -- only this time they're on voice mail, too.'"
20060613             Judging THE—APPLE 'Sweatshop' Charge
20060613             "MacWorld summarizes 1—ARTICLE published in THE—UK, stating that APPLE—IPODS are made in CHINA by women who work 15—HOURS/—DAY, make $50/—MONTH + have to pay HALF—OF—THAT—RIGHT back to the company for housing and food. The article also claims the workers live in dormitories where they are housed 100—PER room + are not allowed visitors".
20060613             1—WIRED article looks at the same story, exploring the reliability of the Mail on —SUNDAY—CLAIMS.
20060613             —FROM that article: "The situation is too murky for 1—RUSH to judgment on APPLE—ETHICS here + it may well meet minimum global standards. But for 1—COMPANY that has staked its image on progressive politics, Apple has set itself up as 1—POTENTIAL lightning rod on global labor standards. Sweatshops came back to bite Nike —AFTER its customers rose up in arms; and Apple can expect 1—SIMILAR grilling from its upscale VOLVO—DRIVING fans in the months ahead".
20060613             ''It's 1—GROUP—OF—VERY—POWERFUL—INDIVIDUALS whose objective is to create 1—WORLD—GOVERNMENT, based on 1—ECONOMIC—MODEL from the Middle Ages,'' he said.
20060613             This would be ''a POST—INDUSTRIAL—MODEL where you have slaves and slave owners.''
20060613             He claimed to have Bilderberg insiders feeding him information.
20060613             Protester J. P. Arial of OTTAWA was there for the 4. straight —DAY.
20060613             "They're ruining our planet.
20060613             They're suppressing free energy, controlling the food industry.
20060613             —MODIFIED, They're forcing farmers to switch to genetically, seeds,'' he said.
20060613             ''They want to control everyone. No freedom, no democracy.''
20060613             But most residents took no notice of the black cars running in and out between the computer companies, past the lineup at TIM—HORTONS on March Road + off to the airport.
20060613             OTTAWA Citizen
20060613             —DISCUSSED, Secretive Bilderberg over but was world domination ?
20060613             Probably.
20060613             —STORMED, SAUDI—OWNED super yacht, by FBI on exit from MALTA
20060613             The 90-tonne, 60-metre 'Le Pharaone' that flies 1—PANAMA—FLAG, was intercepted by FBI agents deployed from THE—USA—EMBASSY in ROME, in 1—BID to arrest THE—65—YEAR—OLD—OWNER, identified as Gaith Rashad Pharaon, 1—SAUDI—ARABIA—NATIONAL wanted in WASHINGTON for 1—SERIES—OF—FEDERAL and INTERNATIONAL crimes ranging from massive fraud to financing terrorism.
20060613             Using Children as 'GOD—ARMY' : 1—NEW documentary chronicles 1—SUMMER—CAMP where children, as young as 6, are trained to become devout Christian soldiers.
20060613             Promises and Betrayals: : Video : 1—INTRIGUING look at how THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—DOUBLE—DEALING —DURING WWI ignited the conflict between Arab and Jew in THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20060613             1—DISTURBING picture of 1—DUPLICITOUS wartime government.
20060613             Fax reveals USA is flying terror suspects to EUROPE—SECRET—JAILS : THE intercepted TOP—SECRET fax contained information that AMERICAN—NEVER wanted the world to know — that THE—USA was holding WAR—ON—TERROR captives at clandestine "black site" prisons in EAST—EUROPE.
20060613             Another USA—COVER—UP Surfaces
20060613             —BY Dahr Jamail and Arkan HAMED—INTER Press Service
20060613             —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—THE—HADITHA massacre, reports of another atrocity have surfaced in which USA—TROOPS killed 2—WOMEN in SAMARRA + then attempted to hide EVIDENCE—OF—THEIR—RESPONSIBILITY.
20060613             How Not to Get Out Of IRAQ
20060613             —INTRODUCED, REPRESENTATIVE—JOHN—MURTHA, AMERICA to the word "redeployment" —DURING his press conference last November, —WHEN he spoke about 1—BILL he authored that was designed to prevent the military he loves from becoming "1—BROKEN force," to use GENERAL—HELMLY—WORDS.
20060613             —CLAIMED, REPRESENTATIVE—MURTHA has never, that his redeployment BILL—WAS—PEACE—ORIENTED + if you examine it closely, you can see that its purpose is to change THE—ARC—OF—THE—WAR rather than end it.
20060613             Showdown Looming With IRAN
20060613             Nuking IRAN—JOHN—BOLTON, 1—NOTORIOUS neocon warmonger who could not be confirmed as AMERICA—AMBASSADOR to THE—UN by even the compliant and corrupt USA—SENATE, got the job as 1—RECESS appointment.
20060613             He is using the platform to push AMERICAN—INTO war with IRAN.
20060613             JIM—LOBE: "New USA—CENTURY" Project Ends With 1—WHIMPER : Is the Project for the New USA—CENTURY (PNAC), which did so much to promote the invasion of IRAQ and 1—ISRAEL—CENTRED "global WAR—ON—TERROR", closing down?
20060613             Apologise or we'll cut your funding, USA—ENVOY tells UN : AMERICA—BITTER—DISPUTE with THE—UNITED—NATIONS escalated last night —WHEN JOHN—BOLTON, THE—USA—ENVOY to THE—UN, threatened to withhold funding to the organisation unless it apologised for the remarks of 1—SENIOR UNITED—KINGDOM—OFFICIAL.
20060613             Brothers in terror raid speak out: 1 must watch video: THE—2—MEN arrested in the Forest Gate ANTI—TERROR—RAID have spoken publicly for the 1. time about their ORDEAL—WHEN armed police burst into their home.
20060613             EUROPE—DEADLY—BUSINESS : THE—EUROPEAN—UNION—AGGREGATE—ARMS—EXPORTS are enormous + MANY—ARE deliberately sold to developing countries.
20060613             Evangelism in the military under fire:
20060613             "MEMBERS—OF—THE—MILITARY swear 1—OATH to support and defend the Constitution of THE—USA," Weinstein told United Press INTERNATIONAL.
20060613             "They do not put their hand on the Constitution and swear 1—OATH to support and defend the New Testament".
20060613             Rove Won't Be Charged in CIA Leak Case : Top WHITE—HOUSE—AIDE—KARL—ROVE has been told by prosecutors he won't be charged with ANY—CRIMES in the investigation into the leak of 1—CIA—OFFICER'S—IDENTITY, his lawyer said —TUESDAY, lifting 1—HEAVY—BURDEN from 1—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH—MOST trusted advisers.
20060613             'Not Only What Is Legal, But What Is Right':
20060613             1—SENIOR—WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIAL willfully undermined USA national security in 1—EFFORT to tar 1—CRITIC—OF—THE—ADMINISTRATION—CASE for war in IRAQ
20060613             Gathering To Demand THE—TRUTH—ABOUT 20010911              : "This was not incompetence," Bowman said, referring to THE—FAILURE—OF—MILITARY—COMMANDERS to order fighter jets to shoot down the airliners —BEFORE they hit the buildings, "this was treason".
20060613             Judging by the reaction from his audience, it was clear he was not alone in that sentiment.
20060613             DOCTOR—ELIAS—AKLEH: PALESTINE—REFERENDUM... A Distraction:
20060613             Palestinians had given ISRAEL and the previous Fatah government PLENTY—OF—TIME (10—YEARS) and PLENTY—OF—CHANCES to broker 1—POLITICAL—AGREEMENT to establish the peaceful 2—STATES—SOLUTIONS.
20060613             Yet Fatah leaders kept on giving free political concessions 1—AFTER the other + ISRAEL kept on violating all agreements and disregarding INTERNATIONAL laws
20060613             ISRAEL: IRAN Cannot Have Nuclear Weapons: "ISRAEL will not tolerate nuclear weapons in the hands of IRAN. We will not be able to accept such 1—REALITY. It is quite obvious why," Olmert said at 1—JOINT—NEWS—CONFERENCE with UNITED—KINGDOM—PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR.
20060613             RUSSIA and CHINA reject statement on IRAN N—ISSUE : CHINA and RUSSIA have rejected joining the West in 1—JOINT—STATEMENT urging IRAN to halt uranium enrichment, in diplomatic manoeuvring on —TUESDAY ahead of 1—DEBATE at THE—UN—NUCLEAR—WATCHDOG.
20060613             Book links Begin to 19520000              plot to kill THEN—GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—ADENAUER : FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—MENACHEM—BEGIN played 1—CENTRAL—ROLE in 1 failed attempt to assassinate THEN—WEST—GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—KONRAD—ADENAUER, with the objective of sabotaging the reparations agreement in the works with ISRAEL, according to the journal of Eliezer Sudit, 1—OF—THE—MEN who carried out the attempted hit.
20060613             The fluctuating VALUE—OF—LIFE : Why does 1—TERRORIST—ATTACK on the transport system in LONDON that kills and injures dozens, draw utter condemnation and creates shock amongst us all, yet 1—ATTACK by THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY on 1—BEACH in GAZA killing and wounding dozens, including young children on 1—SEASIDE outing, fails to register the same decibel levels?
20060613             USA—ACCOMPLICE—OF—TERRORIST—LINKED to Death Squads in IRAQ: USA—ARMY—COLONEL—JAMES—STEELE, who was involved in THE—IRAN—CONTRAS scandal along with INTERNATIONAL terrorist LUIS—POSADA—CARRILES at his command, is —NOW 1—ADVISOR to death squads in IRAQ.
20060613             USA—COSTS for IRAQ war top $320bn : AMERICA has spent more on the wars in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN than on all its foreign wars up to 19390000             , —FOLLOWING the passage of 1—BILL allowing $66bn (£35.8bn) in new funding for the Pentagon.
20060613             Military expenditure:
20060613             USA—INSISTS on right to develop arms for outer space : THE—USA on —TUESDAY reasserted its right to develop weapons for use in outer space to protect its military and commercial satellites and ruled out ANY—GLOBAL—NEGOTIATIONS on 1—NEW—TREATY to limit them.
20060613             Chalmers Johnson: "THE—LAST—DAYS—OF—THE—USA—REPUBLIC".
20060613             Video and transcript : The largest element in our budget of discretionary spending goes for national security.
20060613             We are spending —TODAY more on national defense, SO—CALLED really on war, than all the other nations on earth combined.
20060613             Poll: USA in IRAQ greater threat than IRAN : he PRESENCE—OF—USA—TROOPS in IRAQ is considered 1—GREATER—THREAT to Mideast stability than the current government in IRAN, according to 1—NEW—POLL—OF—EUROPEAN and Muslim countries.
20060613             USA—MARINES leave UKRAINE amid protests : Some 200—USA—MARINE—RESERVISTS in UKRAINE have left the county ahead of planned military exercises amid protests over their presence.
20060613             More murder in GAZA: ISRAEL—MISSILES kill GAZA bystanders : At least 11—PALESTINIANS, including 2—CHILDREN, have been killed in 2—ISRAEL—AIR—STRIKES in CENTRAL—GAZA City.
20060613             Iraqi 'error' triggers USA—RAID: 2—CHILDREN among 9—DEAD : Local residents accused the Americans of targeting civilians and 1—MAN wearing 1—WHITE dishdasha held up the charred BODY—OF—1—TODDLER whose head had been blown in half.
20060613             —ADMITTED, USA—TEST—FIRE kills 3—IRAQIS : THE—USA—MILITARY has, that 3—IRAQ—CIVILIANS killed in 1—EXPLOSION on —FRIDAY † because of 1—ARTILLERY training exercise that went wrong.
20060613             Young PEOPLE—OF—AMERICA...... Rise Up and Rebel!
20060613             —FRUSTRATED, Young men fresh out of high school, by life, with nothing better to do than to sign up as mercenaries ready and willing to kill for their country, yet, as always, afraid to die and angry as hell as 1—RESULT—OF—BUDDIES (COMRADES—IN—ARMS) having been killed
20060613             Support THE—TROOPS
20060613             —WHEN torture, murder and war crimes committed by Americans in places such as GUANTANAMO, Haditha, ABU—GHRAB, Ishaqi and FALLUJAH, as well as in AFGHANISTAN, comes to light, Bush and his criminal defense department —INITIALLY try to conceal the atrocities.
20060613             —FORCED, If, to investigate themselves, they find no wrongdoing.
20060613             —WHEN all else fails, Bush comes out, blames the troops and says the few bad apples will be brought to justice.
20060613             Terrorism Is A Tactic
20060613             Terrorism is 1—TACTIC, not 1—ENTITY + it is 1—TACTIC used by people who have 1—POLITICAL—GRIEVANCE.
20060613             —THEREFORE, if you want to eliminate terrorism, you have to address the political problems that gave it birth.
20060613             1—TUNNEL without END—THE—USA—VERSION—OF—THE—GUANTÁNAMO suicides is disgraceful.
20060613             Islam says it goes against God to kill yourself.
20060613             So what would drive 1—MAN to take his own life, despite his religious beliefs?
20060613             The answer shames THE—USA and its allies, BRITAIN prominently included.
20060613             —DESIGNED, It's 1—SYSTEM—OF—TOTAL—PSYCHOLOGICAL—TORTURE, to break down EVERY—DETAINEE contained therein, designed to produce 1—STATE—OF—HOPELESSNESS and despair that leads, tragically, sadly in this case to suicide.
20060613             GREG—PALAST—UNCOVERS—THE 'Armed Madhouse' of the Bush Reign of Greed, Fear and Stolen Elections
20060613             A BUZZFLASH INTERVIEW - But in fact, it wasn't blood for oil.
20060613             It was blood for no oil.
20060613             It was blood to make sure that not too much oil would flow and bust the market.
20060613             Oil had been down under BILL—CLINTON to 18—BUCKS 1—BARREL.
20060613             —NOW it's over $70 1—BARREL.
20060613             -- GREG—PALAST—RESOURCES: Armed Madhouse: WHO—AFRAID—OF—OSAMA—WOLF?, CHINA Floats, Bush Sinks, THE—SCHEME to Steal '08, No CHILD—BEHIND—LEFT + Other Dispatches from the Front LINES—OF—THE—CLASS—WAR (Hardcover) by GREG—PALAST, 1—BUZZFLASH Premium.
20060613             GREG—PALAST: You betcha, because where are they getting these databases?
20060613             The answer is THE—WAR—ON—TERROR.
20060613             People keep talking about how they are attacking our civil liberties by keeping these big databases on Americans.
20060613             What are they for? They're not to keep you safe from AL—QAEDA.
20060613             THERE—NOT 1—WAR—ON—TERROR. It's 1—WAR—ON—DEMOCRACY.
20060613             —FILLED, The electoral dumpster is, with basically 1—DEMOCRATIC pile of uncounted votes.
20060613             That's how they did it.
20060613             It's THE—NON—COUNT—OF—THE—VOTE — it's not the count — that picks our PRESIDENT.
20060613             But it's not —JUST anyone's ballot that doesn't count.
20060613             Whose votes are they? We did 1—PRECINCT—BY—PRECINCT analysis of whose votes were thrown away.
20060613             If you are in 1—BLACK—MAJORITY precinct, the chance that your vote will be thrown in the electoral dumpster is 900% higher than if you're in 1—WHITE precinct.
20060613             If you are Hispanic - 500% higher than if you're in 1—WHITE precinct.
20060613             —CALLED, This also includes something, "rejected provisional ballots," 1—WHOLE—NEW gimmick.
20060613             1—MILLION—PEOPLE were shunted to BACK—OF—THE—BUS—BALLOTS called provisional ballots.
20060613             —COUNTED, And over half 1—MILLION—OF those were never, — never counted.
20060613             And who made the decision not to count them?
20060613             Whose votes are thrown out? It's black voters and poor voters.
20060613             That's why the Armed Madhous e subtitle says "Dispatches from the Front LINES—OF—THE—CLASS—WAR".
20060613             Vote theft is class war by other means.
20060613             Not everyone's vote gets thrown out.
20060613             It was OHIO, NEW—MEXICO, IOWA + on and on.
20060613             This isn't GREG—PALAST getting the info from 1—BLACK—HELICOPTER.
20060613             This is GREG—PALAST and our team going through the computer FILES—OF—THE—ELECTION—INFORMATION—AGENCY — and, by the way, the computer files of the Republican National Committee, which is 1—OF—THE—MOST enjoyable PARTS—OF—THE—INVESTIGATION because SOME—SCHMUCK at THE—RNC wrote SOME—E—MAILS, in which they were discussing exactly how to jigger the election.
20060613             We were able to suck that down through 1—FAKE web site.
20060613             BuzzFlash: 1—MORE—QUESTION on oil.
20060613             In essence, we look at the war in IRAQ + SABER—RATTLING in IRAN + see it as 1—BUSH—FAILURE.
20060613             Our soldiers are dying in 1—MACABRE fiasco. It's 1—CIVIL—WAR there.
20060613             —FROM THE—PERSPECTIVE—OF—THE—OIL—COMPANIES, however, it's been 1—BIG—SUCCESS.
20060613             They're making out literally like bandits. GREG—PALAST: Exactly.
20060613             If you thought that we went into IRAQ to get that oil, then we failed.
20060613             But the oil companies are not in the business of finding oil.
20060613             They're in the business of finding profits + they make profits by not finding oil — by locking up these fields.
20060613             THE—HISTORY—OF—IRAQ is 1—HISTORY—OF—LOCKING up their fields so they don't produce.
20060613             —ACCOMPLISHED, So it is mission.
20060613             You have to UNDERSTAND—EXXON—MOBIL Corporation, the number 1, lifetime, career giver to GEORGE—W—BUSH—AFTER ENRON—IS making $10—BILLION clear profit every 3—MONTHS.
20060613             We haven't seen cash like that —SINCE the pharaohs.
20060613             In other words, Abdullah plays his game of jerking the market way up and way down.
20060613             That's how the Saudis keep CONTROL—OF—THE—OIL—MARKET.
20060613             Chavez says, I'm not playing that game.
20060613             I'm not giving GEORGE—VENEZUELA—OIL—MONEY.
20060613             In fact, Chavez withdrew $20—BILLION from THE—USA—FEDERAL—RESERVE and lent it to ARGENTINA, ECUADOR and other Latin USA—COUNTRIES.
20060613             —WHEN you start withdrawing your money from the Federal Reserve and giving it out, instead, to Latin AMERICA, you basically are getting 1—DATE with 1—BULLET.
20060613             GREG—PALAST: LET—PUT it this way.
20060613             IRAQ can pump 6—MILLION barrels 1—DAY.
20060613             As long as they are MEMBERS—OF—OPEC under SAUDI—ARABIA—CONTROL, they can only pump 3—MILLION 1—DAY.
20060613             With the oil for food program — we put 1—CLAMP on Saddam — it was 2—MILLION 1—DAY.
20060613             People misunderstand this 1. We were screaming in the streets: no blood for oil, which, of course, you know, most Americans consider 1—BARGAIN — blood for oil, as long as it's not their blood, right?
20060613             But the plan was that we don't sell off IRAQ—OILFIELDS.
20060613             Rather they have LOCK—UP agreements with USA—OIL—COMPANIES.
20060613             And most importantly, this plan would guarantee that IRAQ does not produce beyond its OPEC quota.
20060613             In other words, we want the oil, but not too much, because that would bring down THE—PRICE—OF—OIL.
20060613             In the book, I actually show the pages from these plans for IRAQ + 1—SAYS the purpose is to enhance THE—IRAQ government's relationship with OPEC.
20060613             As you can imagine, OPEC is the oil cartel which basically has its foot on the world's economic windpipe at the moment - $70 1—BARREL gasoline.
20060613             3—BUCKS 1—GALLON at the pump is what it comes out to.
20060613             We are literally in there right —NOW to make sure that IRAQ remains good MEMBERS—OF—OPEC.
20060613             They were afraid that Saddam was going renegade + he could not be trusted to play ball with OPEC, which is basically 1—ILLEGAL—CARTEL controlled by SAUDI—ARABIA and big oil.
20060613             That was the winning plan for the oil.
20060613             In other words, if you wonder why your cousin is shivering under 1—TANK in FALLUJAH, it is to enhance IRAQ—RELATIONSHIP with OPEC.
20060613             There it is, guys — black and white.
20060613             —CONTROLLED, BuzzFlash: To ensure 1, FLOW—OF—OIL at 1—GOOD—PROFITABLE—PRICE for the oil industry.
20060613             We Invaded IRAQ to Increase Oil Company Profits by Ensuring that THE—PRICE—OF—OIL—WOULD Rise Due to Decreased -- Not Increased -- Availability, GREG—PALAST—ASSERTS in 1—BUZZFLASH Interview About His New Book, "Armed Madhouse"
20060613             (Advance Order, WILL—SHIP—ON or About 20060620             )
20060613             Legal Counsel for JOE—WILSON and Valerie Plame Issues Statement in Response to Apparent Likelihood that Rove Won't be Indicted: "The —DAY still may come —WHEN MISTER—ROVE and others are called to account in 1—COURT—OF—LAW for their attacks on the Wilsons".
20060613             "Special Counsel PATRICK—FITZGERALD formally advised us that he does not anticipate seeking charges against KARL—ROVE,'' attorney ROBERT—LUSKIN said in 1—STATEMENT issued this —MORNING [—TUESDAY].
20060613             BuzzFlash is —JUST Passing It On. You be the Judge.
20060613             THE—BUZZFLASH—MAILBAG -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
20060613             Bush Team Meets to Pick New Scapegoat for Iraqmire Folly -- A BuzzFlash News Analysis
20060613             New Report Dismantles Industry Claims about Net Neutrality 6/14 - DANIEL—ELLSBERG: IRAQ—PENTAGON—PAPERS;
20060613             —UNJUSTIFIED, This, war is waiting for its WHISTLE—BLOWER, says THE—LEAKER—OF—VIETNAM—SECRET—HISTORY.
20060613             Free Subscription to BuzzFlash Alerts!
20060613             Don't Miss 1—THING! Sign Up —NOW!
20060613             Rove gets off PATRICK—FITZGERALD will not charge KARL—ROVE.
20060613             "In Abell 3266—SEHEN wir Strukturbildung in Aktion", sagte MARK—HENRIKSEN von der UNIVERSITY—OF—MARYLAND, einer der mitarbeit enden Wissenschaftler.
20060613             "Dunkle Materie ist der gravitatorische Kleber, der den Gasball zusammen HÄLIEUTENANT—ABER während dieser durch die GALAXIEN—ANSAMMLUNG rast, entspinnt sich 1—TAUZIEHEN, das die Galaxien letztlich gewinnen werden".
20060613             Der Gasball habe sich vermutlich vor etwa 2—MILLIARDEN Jahren bei der Kollision einer großen Galaxie mit einer kleineren gebildet, schreiben die Wissenschaftler in der Fachzeitschrift "Astrophysical Journal" (Bd.
20060613             642, S. 790). - - - Dabei spaltete sich 1—GASKLUMPEN vom kleineren Kollisionspartner ab und wurde ins All geschleudert, wo er schließlich in den Gravitationsbereich des Galaxienhaufens Abell 3266—GERIET.
20060613             Es ist der gewaltigste Feuerball, der je am Himmel entdeckt wurde.
20060613             Der KOMETEN—ARTIGE Gasklumpen ist mehr als 1—MILLIARDE Mal so schwer wie die Sonne und rast mit einer Geschwindigkeit von 750—KILOMETERN pro —SEKUNDE durch einen fernen Galaxienhaufen.
20060613             Mit einem Durchmesser von ungefähr 3—MILLIONEN Lichtjahren ist der Gasball 5—MILLIARDEN Mal größer als unser Sonnensystem und damit das größte bislang bekannte Objekt seiner Art.
20060613             Bestehend aus heißem Gas rast er durch den fernen Galaxiehaufen Abell 3266.
20060613             Nahost: Olmert genehmigt Waffenlieferung an Abbas
20060613             Börsenzittern: Dax rutscht auf 7—MONATS—TIEF
20060613             Grenze USA—MEXIKO: Soldaten schrecken Einwanderer ab
20060613             —GESCHOSSEN, Kritik an Londoner Terroreinsatz: "Ohne Vorwarnung "
20060613             —VERLIERT, REKORD—FEUERBALL: Größter Komet, stündlich die Masse der Sonne
20060613             AFRIKA: Köhler wirft Westen koloniales Denken VOR—KURSRUTSCH: Angst an den Aktienmärkten
20060613             GEHEIMDIENST—AFFÄRE: BUSH—BERATER Rove kommt ungeschoren davon
20060613             Truppenbesuch: Bush überraschend im IRAK eingetroffen
20060613             Bundesgerichtshof: Klage wegen ROBOTER—OPERATION abgewiesen
20060613             ISRAEL: Menachem Begin soll Mordanschlag auf Adenauer geplant haben
20060613             Communique a l?ATS—SDA—CLAUDE—COVASSI—MAIS qui est donc le procureur Roschacher?
20060613             Il est celui qui a détruit la vie du banquier OSKAR—HOLENWEGER sur les allégations imaginaires d?un trafiquant de drogue.
20060613             Il est celui qui a mené la banque AL—TAQWA à la faillite, et placé en détention sans preuves son président, YOUSSEF—NADA, sur simple demande des autorités américaines.
20060613             Il est celui qui, toujours à la demande des autorités américaines, a fait emprisonner pendant deux ans des musulmans yéménites avant.
20060613             CHINA—AKTIVIST nach ARD—INTERVIEW schwer verletzt worden
20060613             Peking / SDA—1—CHINA—AKTIVIST, der in einem Bericht des DEUTSCHLAND—FERNSEHENS über den umstrittenen 3—SCHLUCHTEN—DAMM mangelnde Entschädigung für die Umsiedlung beklagt hatte, ist brutal zusammengeschlagen und schwer verletzt worden.
20060613             Das Studio des 1. DEUTSCHLAND—FERNSEHENS in Peking berichtete, Fu Xiancai sei nach der Attacke am vergangenen —DONNERSTAG offenbar die Wirbelsäule angebrochen.
20060613             Der NDR—INTENDANT wollte beim CHINA—BOTSCHAFTER...
20060613             Bush gibt Gefangenenflüge über EUROPA ZU—WORLD Content NEWS—ENDLICH.
20060613             USA—PRÄSIDENT—BUSH hat bei einem Treffen mit dem DÄNEMARK—MINISTERPRÄSIDENTEN Rasmussen eingestanden, dass Gefangenenflüge im Rahmen der Terrorismusbekämpfung über europäischem Luftraum stattgefunden haben.
20060613             —TRANSPORTIERT, Gefangene seien ohne Formalia, worden, ohne dass dabei Souveränitätsrechte anderer Staaten verletzt wurden.
20060613             Wenn man seinen Angaben Glauben...
20060613             KARL—ROVE will not be prosecuted Nico in THE—CIA—LEAK—CASE, NBC News is reporting.
20060613             UPDATE: —NOW CBS News: "1—LAWYER for senior WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIAL—KARL—ROVE says prosecutors have decided not to charge him with ANY—CRIMES in THE—CIA—LEAK—INVESTIGATION".
20060613             THE—COLUMBINE—MASSACRE—UNRAVELS [excerpt]Sampler Interesting (to me) gems from the blogosphere or anything else that may strike my fancy.
20060613             THE—COLUMBINE—MASSACRE—UNRAVELS [excerpt] - Columbine has never made ANY—SENSE.
20060613             —ON 1—CLOSE—EXAMINATION—OF eyewitnesses + events, 1 can easily see that there were at least 7—PEOPLE involved + maybe a 3. shooter.
20060613             Basically, there were 100—BOMBS found that —DAY + Klebold and Harris didnt' bring them in alone.
20060613             And the fact that 1—EYEWITNESS said he saw 2—CARS, with 7—KIDS, at the school early that —MORNING confirms there
20060613             WALL—STREET—DOESN'T Like This War
20060613             [In THE—REAL—WORLD, Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld would have been fired 1—LONG—TIME ago for gross incompetence.
20060613             Also: more evidence that it is ISRAEL and THE—ISRAEL lobby + THE—LOBBY—ONLY, which is agitating for 1—WAR against IRAN.
20060613             ENOUGH—OF—THIS shit, all the pragmatists in the business world are muttering, more and more loudly with EACH—PASSING —MONTH.
20060613             They consider the neocons to be surpassing wankers, all mouth, 0—SKILLS in ANY—FIELD—OTHER than in manufacturing hate propaganda.]
20060613             —CONFLATED, Investment banker KEN—MILLER says that the war in IRAQ, with the other policies coming out of WASHINGTON, are of growing concern to USA—FINANCIERS....
20060613             Wall Streeters —NOW fall mainly into 2—CAMPS: Those who think the war in IRAQ was itself 1—HORRIBLE—MISTAKE and those who think it could have been 1—GOOD—CHOICE but was bungled in the execution.
20060613             —PROJECTED, It is not the $800—BILLION THE—IRAQ War is, to cost that drives us nuts.
20060613             A $13—TRILLION economy can make adjustments.
20060613             But the troop drawdown + failure to finish the job in AFGHANISTAN, the bad information in THE—RUN—UP to THE—IRAQ invasion, THE—EVER—CHANGING rationales,
20060613             the failure to develop realistic scenarios —AFTER the collapse of Saddam Hussein + the chronic bloodletting without 1—EXIT plan -
20060613             these SMACK—OF—THE—TYPE—OF—PERFORMANCE that, in the brutal MERITOCRACY—OF—THE—STREET, would cost us our jobs.
20060613             DAN—ABRAMS and ISRAEL—CONTROL—OF—MISS—NBC
20060613             —APPOINTED, DAN—ABRAMS was —JUST, HEAD—OF—MISS—NBC.
20060613             Contemplate these facts: DAN—ABRAMS /c Ann Coulter associate at Jewish World Review
20060613             DAN—ABRAMS /c BILL—O'REILLY associate at Jewish World Review
20060613             DAN—ABRAMS /c CHARLES—KRAUTHAMMER associate at Jewish World Review
20060613             DAN—ABRAMS /c DAVID—HOROWITZ associate at Jewish World Review
20060613             DAN—ABRAMS /c DENNIS—PRAGER associate at Jewish World Review
20060613             DAN—ABRAMS /c FRANK—GAFFNEY associate at Jewish World Review
20060613             DAN—ABRAMS /c Jewish World Review member
20060613             DAN—ABRAMS /c JINSA link by MICHAEL—LEDEEN at Jewish World Review
20060613             DAN—ABRAMS /c JONAH—GOLDBERG associate at Jewish World Review
20060613             DAN—ABRAMS /c Meir Kahane link by JACKIE—MASON at Jewish World Review
20060613             DAN—ABRAMS /c MICHELLE—MALKIN associate at Jewish World Review
20060613             DAN—ABRAMS /c Mort Zuckerman associate at Jewish World Review
20060613             DAN—ABRAMS /c MISS—NBC general MANAGER—DAN—ABRAMS /c MISS—NBC head
20060613             DAN—ABRAMS /c NEOCONSERVATIVE—DAN—ABRAMS /c PRO—ISRAEL militant
20060613             The most extreme neocons in AMERICAN—ARE substantially in CONTROL—OF—CABLE—TELEVISION—NEWS.
20060613             —FROM DAN—ABRAMS we can expect systematic CENSORSHIP—OF—CRITICISM—OF—ISRAEL and THE—ISRAEL lobby, 1—TOTAL—BLACKOUT out on ANY—QUESTIONS about 20010911             , 1—SHRIEKING propaganda campaign to ignite 1—HOLY—WAR between THE—USA and ISRAEL—ENEMIES and 1—TOLERATION—OF—VICIOUS hate speech —WHEN it suits the interests of ISRAEL and THE—ISRAEL lobby.
20060613             Furthermore, we can expect "alternative" media outlets like the Huffington Post, Air AMERICA and From the Wilderness to maintain 1—STRICT—SILENCE about ANY—OF—THE—ABOVE—FACTS and issues.
20060613             Lawyer Sees Political Angle to Terror Case in CANADA—NEW—YORK
20060613             ROCCO—GALATI on THE—TORONTO terrorism case.
20060613             FOR MORE DEPLETED URANIUM INFORMATION GO TO: The 'X' Zone Radio SHOW—DEPLETED Uranium Effects
20060613             Usama Bin Bull Sh**
20060613             Dozens Attempted Suicide At GUANTANAMO,Army base can't pay light Bil
20060613             —NOW WHAT? Zarqawi autopsy over, results withheld 20060612              A—USA—MILITARY autopsy was finished on ABU—MUSAB—AL—ZARQAWI on —SUNDAY, but the findings were not —IMMEDIATELY released by USA—OFFICIALS.
20060613             † USA—COMMANDERS—INITIALLY said AL—ZARQAWI, in the airstrike but —LATER said he survived and † soon —AFTER.
20060613             Raid brother TELLS—OF—DEATH—FEARS 1—MAN shot —DURING 1—POLICE—ANTI—TERROR—RAID in EAST—LONDON has told how he thought he was going to be killed.
20060613             9 killed in ISRAEL—AIR—STRIKE At least 9—PALESTINIANS, including 2—CHILDREN, die in 1—ISRAEL—AIR—STRIKE in GAZA, witnesses and medics say.
20060613             Energy bills push up UK inflation Higher gas and electricity bills helped to push UK inflation up to 2.2% in May, official figures show.
20060613             —CONSIDERED, Rubbish collection 'may be taxed' Plans are being, which would see households charged for THE—AMOUNT—OF—WASTE they produce.
20060613             Rove 'not to face' leak charges WHITE—HOUSE—AIDE—KARL—ROVE will not be charged over the leak of 1—CIA—OFFICER'S—IDENTITY, his lawyer says.
20060613             IRAQ pull out 'would be mistake' Pulling UNITED—KINGDOM—TROOPS out of IRAQ —NOW would be a "very great mistake" and harm THE—UK—SECURITY, TONY—BLAIR says.
20060613             Pioneering eye operation in baby USA—DOCTORS have successfully carried out the 1. artificial cornea implant operation on 1—UNITED—KINGDOM—CHILD.
20060613             NHS staff 'not happy with care' THE—MAJORITY—OF—NHS staff would not want to be treated in their own hospital, 1—SURVEY shows.
20060613             Westjordanland: ISRAEL soll Verhandlungen über Rückzug vorschlagen
20060613             PRODUKT—ENTFREMDUNG: Coca Cola mag Mentosfontäne nicht
20060613             Konjunkturindikator: Finanzmärkte erwarten Abschwung
20060613             MINUS—TAG: Kursrutsch an den BÖRSEN—NETZWELT—TICKER: Armee der Zombies
20060613             Forschungsfahrzeug Oscar: Knutschkugel mit Hintersinn
20060613             Nach Sarkawis Tod: AL—QAIDA weist Verratsvorwurf zurück
20060613             Futtermangel: Eisbären fressen sich gegenseitig
20060613             Regierung: Koalition bleibt im Umfragetief
20060613             GAZA—STREIFEN: ISRAEL lehnt Verantwortung für tödliche Explosion am Strand ab
20060613             Neue Programmversion: Google Earth wird tiefer gelegt
20060613             USA: Polizisten überfahren Badegast am Strand
20060613             Fluggastdaten: Datenschützer will Weitergabe A—USA—BEGRENZEN
20060613             Kritik am Staudammprojekt: CHINA—AKTIVIST nach Interview zusammengeschlagen
20060613             Schlappe für Bundesregierung: Vorentscheidung gegen TABAKWERBUNG—ERNÄHRUNG: FAST—FOOD—FETT macht fetter
20060613             Energiehunger: RWE plant Einstieg in HOLLAND—USA—ARBEIT smarkt: Wachstum ohne Jobs
20060613             Desperate BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—ENDS already blown Zarqawi DECEPTION—LET Us All PRAISE—THE—DIXIE—CHICKS
20060613             Ambassador JOHN—BOLTON: Either IRAN will acquiesce or it will face dire consequences
20060613             —RECEIVED, BOLTON—MESSAGE was not well, at OXFORD UNIVERSITY—BY MichaelCarmichael
20060613             Gitmo Sings the Tombstone Blues
20060613             USA—WAR Crimes in IRAQ: Another USA—COVER—UP Surfaces
20060613             Pentagon sets its sights on social networking websites
20060613             Recipe for war: ISRAEL—HYSTERIA and imperial logic
20060613             to know that the swearing in of Bilbray would be justified by a
20060613             "We discussed the security strategy," Bush said —AT—THE—TIME.
20060613             " AND—ALL—OF—IT makes sense to me.
20060613             —ANNOUNCED, THE—FOLLOWING—DAY, Maliki, Operation Together Forward, "his government's new plan to
20060613             improve security conditions in BAGHDAD.
20060613             —5—MONTHS—LATER, Bush will travel to JORDAN to meet with Maliki again.
20060613             —CONTINUED, —SINCE their June meeting, the situation in IRAQ has, to deteriorate:
20060613             † 370—USA—SOLDIERS have —SINCE MID—JUNE.
20060613             - Last —MONTH, 3,709 IRAQ—CIVILIANS were killed,
20060613             "the highest monthly toll —SINCE 20030300             —THE—USA—INVASION and another SIGN—OF—THE—SEVERITY—OF—IRAQ—SECTARIAN bloodbath".
20060613             - MAJOR—GENERAL—WILLIAM—CALDWELL admitted Operation Forward Together had failed and
20060613             had "not met our overall expectations
20060613             of sustaining 1—REDUCTION in THE—LEVELS—OF—VIOLENCE"
20060613             7—OUT—OF—10—IRAQIS want USA—FORCES to leave within 1—YEAR.
20060613             - 1—OCTOBER classified Pentagon briefing found violence in IRAQ was "at
20060613             ALL—TIME high - " and "spreading geographically".
20060613             No wonder THE—WHITE—HOUSE has been "
20060613             quick to talk down expectations " for Bush ' s trip to JORDAN.
20060613             09.Jun2006 Was AL—ZARQAWI death used as cover for...
20060613             —OWNED, SAUDI—SUPER yacht stormed by FBI on exit from MALTA
20060613             —AFTER THE—RNC Paid Well Over 1—MILLION—DOLLARS to Defend Individuals CONVICTED—OF—ILLEGAL—VOTE—SUPPRESSION—PHONE Jamming, Rove Helps Raise More Funds to...
20060613             Ein ITALIEN—FORSCHERTEAM HAT—IN einer kleinen Patienten... Scooter Libby Update: WALL—STREET Journal Writes Fiction Again on Its Editorial Page...
20060613             Shays and Kucinich gave THE—NSA —UNTIL—FRIDAY to explain ANY—LEGAL—REASON why...
20060613—20010000    —SINCE, - "BRITAIN—GUARDIAN newspaper called Harris' remarks 'cold and odious.' 'It is entirely in keeping with the clinical ILLEGALITY—OF—AMERICA—TREATMENT—OF—TERROR—SUSPECTS ,' THE—LEFT—LEANING newspaper said".
20060613—20020000    —IN, "THE—AP wire reports that JAPAN—MEDICAL—RESEARCHERS have developed 1—DNA—BASED vaccine that reduces the brain plaque beta amyloid without the severe brain inflammation that plagued successes. From the story 'The deposits have been cut by between 15.5—PERCENT and 38.5—PERCENT in mice, with no major side effects, researchers said —MONDAY in the online edition of Proceedings of the National ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES [...] If all goes well, this TYPE—OF—TREATMENT might be available for people in 6 or 7—YEARS, [lead researcher Yoh MATSUMOTO] said.'"
20060613—20031100    —SINCE, USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE W Bush pays 1 unannounced visit to IRAQ—HIS 1. trip there.
20060613—20040000    —IN, NYT BOB—HERBERT: Kerry 'almost certainly' won OHIO
20060613—20040000    —IN—THE, 3.6—MILLION—VOTES were cast and never counted election — 3.6—MILLION.
20060613—20050000    —ESTIMATED, World military expenditure is, to have reached $1001—BILLION at constant (20030000             ) prices and exchange rates, or $1118—BILLION in current DOLLARS—THE—USA is responsible for 48—PER CENT—OF—THE—WORLD—TOTAL
20060613—20060000    —IN, Our problem is that the world can no longer afford even 1—SINGLE—MISCALCULATION, lest we become irradiated flakes of ash on the wasted winds.
20060613—20060511    —BECAME, THE—AUSTRALIA—CAPITAL—TERRITORY, which includes THE—NATIONAL—CAPITAL—CANBERRA, the 1. of AUSTRALIA—6—STATES and 2—TERRITORIES to legally recognize gay and lesbian relationships.
20060613—20060605    —ADMITTED, Murakami, that he had violated insider trading laws.
20060613—20060619    —ON, police in OXNARD—CALIFORNIA, arrested JOSEPH—CUA, 52—JAHRE—ALT, employed by the Wagner's as 1—PROPERTY—MANAGER, in connection to the killings.
20060613—20060622    —CHARGED, CUA was, with murder.
20060613—20061218    —SENTENCED, CUA was, to life in prison.
20060613—20080000    —IN, And they're planning to do 1—BETTER—JOB—OF not counting those votes.
20060613—20080627    —CONVICTED, CUA was.
20060619—20060613    —ON, THE—OHIO SUPREME—COURT—ORDERED—TAFT to turn over documents in response to 1—REQUEST by STATE—SENATOR, MARC—DANN, 1—DEMOCRATIC—CANDIDATE for ATTORNEY—GENERAL, which Dann contends may help determine what happened to the money missing from state's BUREAU—OF—WORKER—COMPENSATION—FUND.
20060822—20030613    —MARKED, FORMER—DEPUTY—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—RICHARD—ARMITAGE holding a 1—HOUR meeting, "private appointment" with Woodward.
20060824             —RELEASED, The calendar, to THE—AP is the 1. confirmation that Woodward and Armitage met —DURING the key time (20030613              ) in THE—CIA—LEAK—CASE that was THE—FOCUS—OF—FITZGERALD—PROBE..".
20060831             (20060613             ) If this official did in fact provide such confirmation, 1—KEY—QUESTION must be answered.
20060831—20060613    —CAPTURED, Evidence reportedly, from THE—REGISTRAR—INTERNET—SITE indicates that, induction —DAY, there were 12,500 votes uncounted.
20070121—20070613    —IN—THE, 1—SHORTER—VERSION can be found update, in which he was identified as 1—PILGRIMS—SOCIETY—MEMBER.
20070307             Ghanim Alnajjar... - #25-20040000              - 7-20070613
20070307             THE—WHITE—HOUSE'S - #25-20040000              - 7-20070613
20070307             #25-20040000              - 7-20070613
20070608—20070613    —ON, authorities captured Kelly A. Frank and WILLIAM—J—WILLCUTT.
20070613             Reviewing THE—LONDON—BASED ANTI—IRAQ War play FALLUJAH, NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORTER—JANE—PERLEZ wrote (20070529             ), "THE—DENUNCIATIONS—OF—THE—USA—ARE severe, particularly in the scenes that deal with THE—USE—OF—NAPALM in FALLUJAH, 1—ALLEGATION made by LEFT—WING—CRITICS—OF—THE—WAR but never substantiated".
20070613             Royal College; Rozen, Laura; Rumsfeld, Donald alfatomega.com/_A_O_inzoome_/20050615.htm
20070613             Fierce battles over key security positions spread to CENTRAL—GAZA, with Hamas fighters wresting CONTROL—OF—THE—COASTAL strip's main NORTH—SOUTH—ROAD, and putting themselves in position to cut off reinforcements to beleaguered Fatah forces.
20070613             † At least 20—PALESTINIANS, across GAZA.
20070613             1—SENIOR—USA—DIPLOMAT said NATO has intercepted IRAN—WEAPONS—SHIPMENTS to AFGHANISTAN—TALIBAN insurgents, providing evidence IRAN is violating INTERNATIONAL law to aid 1—GROUP it once considered 1—BITTER—ENEMY.
20070613             —CLAIMED, THE—TALIBAN, to have captured 1—NATO trooper.
20070613             20—MILITANTS were killed in the Shah Wali Kot DISTRICT—OF—KANDAHAR province.
20070613             —KILLED, In nearby Zhari district 6—TALIBAN fighters were, including 1—COMMANDER.
20070613             —KILLED, In SOUTH—GHAZNI province 7—TALIBAN were, and 4—OTHERS detained by police.
20070613             1—SUICIDE attacker detonated his bomb near 1—AFGHANISTAN—ARMY—BRIGADE—COMMANDER—IN—GERESHK—DISTRICT—OF—HELMAND province.
20070613             WEST—FARAH, province 2—AFGHANS doing repair work on police vehicles were killed by Taliban militants.
20070613             —KILLED, USA—LED coalition and AFGHANISTAN—TROOPS, 1 suspected militant and detained 3—OTHERS in 1—RAID on 1—COMPOUND in EAST—AFGHANISTAN.
20070613             Heavy snows hit the Andean border REGION—OF—ARGENTINA and CHILE, forcing the closure of 1—KEY—MOUNTAIN—HIGHWAY connecting THE—2—COUNTRIES and idling THOUSANDS—OF—TRUCKS.
20070613             UNITED—KINGDOM—HOME—SECRETARY—JOHN—REID said the government is to run 1—PILOT—SCHEME giving convicted pedophiles drugs to suppress their libido, or SO—CALLED "chemical castration".
20070613             —ANNOUNCED, Cambodian and foreign judges, rules clearing the way for 1—UN—ASSISTED genocide tribunal to begin investigating Khmer Rouge leaders in the deaths of 1.7—MILLION—PEOPLE —DURING their 19750000—19790000     communist regime.
20070613             —ARRESTED, CANADA—POLICE, more than 60 suspected MEMBERS—OF—1—CRIMINAL—GANG in 1—SERIES—OF—DAWN raids in and —AROUND TORONTO, in 1—CRACKDOWN on smuggling drugs and illegal firearms.
20070613             State media said CHINA—SOUTH—GUANGDONG province was rushing to shore up dams eroded by weeks of heavy rains and high waters that already have killed at least 76—PEOPLE.
20070613             —REPORTED, State media also, that Cheng Laifu, 1—TEACHER in NORTH—WEST—CHINA, has been sentenced to death for raping 18—PRIMARY—SCHOOL—GIRLS, the 2. such case in the same area.
20070613             —CONVICTED—OF, He was, raping the 18 3.- and 4.—GRADE students on 70—SEPARATE—OCCASIONS 20010900—20050300    —BETWEEN.
20070613             The victims were 9 and 10.
20070613             Serge Maheshe, 1—CONGO—JOURNALIST working for THE—UN—SPONSORED Radio Okapi, was shot dead in THE—EAST—DEMOCRATIC—REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO TOWN—OF—BUKAVU.
20070613             —ARRESTED, Police the next —DAY, 2—SOLDIERS for the killing.
20070613             —VOTED, IRAN—PARLIAMENT, in favor of 1—BILL that could lead to the death penalty for persons convicted of working in the production of pornographic movies.
20070613             —AGREED, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL, to 1—IRAQ—REQUEST to extend THE—MANDATE—OF—THE—USA—LED multinational force —AFTER the country's foreign MINISTER said the troops were "vitally necessary".
20070613             —DESTROYED, Saboteur bombers, THE—2—MINARETS of the Shiite Askariya Shrine in SAMARRA.
20070613             BAGHDAD, THE—30—MEMBERS—OF—THE—SADRIST—BLOC in PARLIAMENT issued 1—STATEMENT saying they were boycotting PARLIAMENT —UNTIL the government takes "realistic" steps to rebuild the Askariya shrine.
20070613             † The mosque contains the tombs of the 10. and 11. imams, ALI—AL—HADI, who, in 868, and his son, HASSAN—ASKARIYA, who † in 874.
20070613             Both are descendants of the Prophet Muhammad, and Shiites consider them to be among his successors.
20070613             —KILLED, In Basra 4—PEOPLE were, and 6 wounded in attacks on the Kawaz, Othman, AL—ABAYSHI and Basra Grand mosques.
20070613             4—SUNNI mosques near BAGHDAD also were attacked or burned within several hours of THE—SAMARRA bombings.
20070613             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER blew himself up at 1—POLICE—STATION in 1—TOWN—NEAR THE—IRAN—BORDER, killing 5—IRAQ—POLICEMEN and wounding 10.
20070613             —KILLED, In Ramadi 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, 4—POLICEMEN at 1—CHECKPOINT.
20070613             Near KIRKUK militants blew up PART—OF—1—BRIDGE in the country's 4. attack on 1—SPAN in as MANY—DAYS.
20070613             —RELATED, A—USA—SOLDIER † in 1—NON—COMBAT, incident.
20070613             IRELAND—ENVIRONMENTALIST Green Party, perennial outsiders in IRELAND—POLITICS, voted to join the next government and extend PRIME—MINISTER—BERTIE—AHERN—10—YEAR run in power.
20070613             —ELECTED, Elder statesman Shimon Peres (83) was, ISRAEL—NINTH—PRESIDENT, capping 1—CAMPAIGN to extend his 6—DECADE—POLITICAL—CAREER in 1—RACE marred by rape allegations against Moshe Katsav, the sitting PRESIDENT.
20070613             —TOSSED, Ehud Barak, THE—FORMER—ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER, OUT—OF—OFFICE 6—YEARS ago in 1—HUMILIATING—ELECTION—DEFEAT, won the leadership of the dovish Labor Party.
20070613             LEBANON, lawmaker WALID—EIDO, 1—PROMINENT—ANTI—SYRIA—LEGISLATOR killed by 1—CAR—BOMB, which also killed his 35—YEAR—OLD—SON, 2—BODYGUARDS and 6—PASSERS—BY.
20070613             MONGOLIA, 1—HELICOPTER carrying firefighters and equipment crashed into 1—MOUNTAIN killing 14—OF 22—ABOARD.
20070613             Of more than 900—CRIMINAL and civil cases, mostly for VIOLATION—OF—GRAFT and corruption laws —DURING her husband's 20-year rule, 40—CRIMINAL—CASES and fewer than 20—CIVIL—SUITS remained.
20070613             —RECOVERED, The government said it has, at least $1.7—BILLION in cash and assets from the Marcoses and their associates over 2—DECADES, including SWITZERLAND—BANK—DEPOSITS—NOW worth at least $680—MILLION.
20070613             SOTOLONGO—BODY was found near 1—GARBAGE dump —2—WEEKS—LATER.
20070613             —WARNED, Global shipping officials, that pirate attacks off SOMALIA—COAST have spiraled to terrifying levels, with USA and INTERNATIONAL navies failing to protect seafarers from being kidnapped.
20070613             —MARCHED, SOUTH—AFRICA, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PUBLIC—SECTOR—WORKERS, to government offices across the country, escalating a 12—DAY—OLD—STRIKE and bringing the largest cities to 1—STANDSTILL.
20070613             —REJECTED, SUDAN—FOREIGN—MINISTRY said SUDAN has formally, 1—INTERNATIONAL—CONFERENCE on Darfur to be held in PARIS this —MONTH because it was not consulted beforehand.
20070613             —KILLED, SOUTH—EAST—TURKEY, Kurdish guerrillas, 1—TURKEY—ARMY—MAJOR and injured 2—OTHER—SOLDIERS in 1—ROADSIDE bomb attack.
20070613             ZIMBABWE—COUNTRY—CONSUMER—WATCHDOG said in its latest report that the cost of living for 1—AVERAGE—URBAN—FAMILY—ROSE by 66—PERCENT last —MONTH.
20070613             Dynastien: Bankier GUY—DE—ROTHSCHILD ist tot
20070613             Katastrophe: Erdeben vor der Küste Guatemals
20070613             USA—WAFFENGESETZ: Jeder, nur Psychopathen nicht
20070613             Palästinenser: Bruderkrieg in GAZA—POLIZISTEN fliehen nach ÄGYPTEN
20070613             Der Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz DEUTSCHLAND (BUND) forderte einen "alternativlosen Ausstieg aus der klimaschädlichen Braunkohleverstromung".
20070613             Es sei ungeklärt, ob die kostenintensive Speicherung überhaupt funktioniere und betriebswirtschaftlich sinnvoll sei, kritisierten die Naturschützer.
20070613             Es ließen sich maximal 70—PROZENT—DER—CO2—EMISSIONEN eines Kraftwerkes isolieren.
20070613             Der Aufwand für die Technologie, die
20070613             Die Harpune sei um das —JAHR 18900000              mit einem schweren Schultergewehr abgefeuert worden, sagte Bockstoce.
20070613             Der Sprengstoff sei mit einem Zeitzünder zur Explosion gebracht worden.
20070613             Offensichtlich habe die Harpune den Wal jedoch nicht ernsthaft verletzt.
20070613             "Es kann nicht so schlimm gewesen sein, denn der Wal hat noch über 100—WEITERE Jahre gelebt".
20070613             Der Wissenschaftler schätzt sein Alter auf 115—BIS 130—JAHRE.
20070613             Die Altersbestimmung bei Walen ist nicht einfach.
20070613             Meist beruht sie auf der Untersuchung von Aminosäuren aus der Augenlinse des Meeressäugers.
20070613             Wale können bisherigen Erkenntnissen zufolge etwa 200—JAHRE alt werden.
20070613             Wanderarbeiter in CHINA: Schuften für den Boom der ANDEREN—ALL—TOURISMUS: EADS plant WELTRAUM—JET
20070613             DEUTSCHLAND—BANK: Anklage wegen PARMALAT—PLEITE, Kirch fordert 1,2 Milliarden Euro
20070613             —BEGINNT, BRANDENBURG: Aufbau des unterirdischen CO2- Speichers
20070613             TORNADO—EINSATZ beim G- 8-Gipfel: Sturzflug in die Grauzone
20070613             132.000—DEUTSCHE, so schätzt die WHO, sterben JEDES—JAHR an vermeidbaren Umweltgefahren.
20070613             Insbesondere die ZAHL—DER—HERZ—KREISLAUF—ERKRANKUNGEN und der Todesfälle im Straßenverkehr könnte durch entschlossene Maßnahmen stark gesenkt werden.
20070613             In manchen Ländern ist die sogenannte KRANKHEITSLAST—DIE Lücke zwischen dem theoretischen Idealzustand und der tatsächlichen öffentlichen GESUNDHEIT—BIS zu einem Drittel schädlichen Umwelteinflüssen geschuldet.
20070613             Zu ihnen zählt die WHO Schadstoffe in Luft und Wasser, UV—STRAHLUNG, Lärm, landwirtschaftliche Eingriffe, ungesunde Arbeitsbedingungen sowie den Klimawandel und Ökosystemverluste.
20070613             An der Spitze der Negativliste liegen erwartungsgemäß bitterarme Staaten wie ANGOLA—MALI und die DEMOKRATISCHE—REPUBLIK—KONGO.
20070613             ANGOLA, etwa gehen pro —JAHR 304—LEBENSJAHRE je 10000000              Einwohner verloren.
20070613             37—PROZENT—DER—GESAMTEN—KRANKHEITSLAST führt die WHO in dem Land auf Umwelteinflüsse zurück.
20070613             Die Misere beschränkt sich nicht auf AFRIKA:
20070613             —GEHÖRT, Auch AFGHANISTAN, allen AUFBAU—BEMÜHUNGEN der internationalen Gemeinschaft zum Trotz, zu den Ländern mit den höchsten Zahlen an umweltbedingten Krankheits- + Todesfällen (siehe Grafik).
20070613             GENF—DIE Zahl ist erschreckend + sie hat sich binnen eines Jahres nicht geändert:
20070613             Nach ANGABEN—DER—WELTGESUNDHEITSORGANISATION (WHO) sterben nach wie vor rund 13—MILLIONEN Menschen pro —JAHR an den Folgen von
20070613             Umweltverschmutzung, zerstörerischer Landwirtschaft oder gefährlichen Arbeitsbedingungen.
20070613             —JETZT hat die WHO erstmals die Belastung der Gesundheitssysteme nach einzelnen Ländern aufgeschlüsselt.
20070613             Der Bericht zeichnet ein ebenso facettenreiches wie vielsagendes Bild.
20070613             Die Pointe zum SCHLUSS—PHASE 4 - ist nun die Forderung nach einer europaweiten Autonomendatei.
20070613             Die brauchen wir freilich so wenig wie Kampfjets über Zeltlagern oder Drahtgefängnisse.
20070613             Stattdessen brauchen wir schnell 1—DATEI—VON—BEAMTEN und Politikern, die eine politische PROTESTBEWEGUNG—ÜBER deren Forderungen man trefflich streiten KANN—IN die Terrorecke drängen wollen.
20070613             Demonstranten haben 1—RECHT auf HYSTERIE—DER STAAT niemals.
20070613             Doch neben der politischen Symbolik, die da vor und hinter dem Zaun zelebriert wurde, scheint es während des G-8-Gipfels von Heiligendamm noch eine heimliche Agenda gegeben zu haben.
20070613             Wenige Wochen nach der heftigen Diskussion um die Begnadigung des RAF—TERRORISTEN CHRISTIAN—KLAR haben sich MANCHE—STRATEGEN in STAAT und Apparat offenbar die Frage vorgelegt, wie man möglichst fix und ohne Vertun eine neue Generation von linken Terroristen in der Bundesrepublik produzieren kann.
20070613             Ganz einfach: Man knöpfe sich eine politische Bewegung von jungen Männern und Frauen vor, die irgendwo zwischen FLOWER—POWER, schwarzem Block und übrigens ausgesprochen USA—PROTESTKULTUR durch Mecklenburgs Wiesen hoppelt, dort Zeltlager errichtet, mal gegen, mal für 1—WELTREGIERUNG demonstriert und mal am Zaun rüttelt.
20070613             Eine politische Protestbewegung, die an den G-8-Gipfel einerseits radikale Forderungen richtet und ihn andererseits verhindern will - 1—BEWEGUNG also, die nicht ganz frei ist von WIDERSPRÜCHEN—ABER geprägt von dem Wunsch, dass die Welt besser werden möge.
20070613             Das ist vielleicht naiv, aber keineswegs strafbar und —SCHON gar nicht lächerlich.
20070613             ALKOHOL—GERÜCHTE: Sarkozys bizarrer G- 8-Auftritt
20070613             Vogelähnlicher Räuber: Monströser Saurier wog 1,4 Tonnen
20070613             STAATSCHEF: Peres zum neuen Präsidenten ISRAEL s gewählt
20070613             G- 8-Gipfel: Verteidigungsministerium rechtfertigt TORNADO—EINSATZ über PROTEST—CAMP
20070613             Razzien gegen Linke: Bundesanwaltschaft lässt 11—OBJEKTE wegen Terrorverdachts durchsuchen
20070613             JAGD—FUND: Uralte Harpune in totem Wal entdeckt
20070613             Yahoo: Aktionäre kippen ANTI—ZENSUR—PROGRAMM
20070613             The wrath of 20070000              : AMERICA—GREAT—DROUGHT : AMERICA is facing its worst —SUMMER drought —SINCE the Dust Bowl YEARS—OF—THE—GREAT—DEPRESSION.
20070613             Or perhaps worse still.
20070613             Colony Collapse : Do Massive Bee DIE—OFFS Mean 1—END to Our Food System as We Know it?
20070613             European Parliamentarians Demand the Immediate Release of 45—PALESTINE—MPS Detained by ISRAEL : 45—MEMBERS—OF—THE—EUROPEAN—PARLIAMENT, from different political groups, have decided to express their solidarity towards THE—45—PALESTINE—COLLEAGUES imprisoned by ISRAEL, and called for their immediate and unconditional release.
20070613             European Union resumes direct aid to PALESTINE—FINANCE Ministry:
20070613             The assistance begins with a 4—MILLION—EURO (about $5—MILLION) project to help ensure that PALESTINE—TAXPAYERS' money is spent efficiently
20070613             RONNIE—KASRILS' speech to S. African PARLIAMENT on 40. ANNIVERSARY—OF—OCCUPATION :
20070613             40—YEARS ago this —WEEK ISRAEL—MILITARY unleashed lightning attacks against EGYPT—JORDAN and Syria, alleging provocations as justification for its strikes.
20070613             Bush to blame if there's war with Syria:
20070613             FORMER—ISRAEL i Foreign Ministry director general tells Ynet that Syria willing to abandon IRAN camp in FAVOR—OF—ALLIANCE with moderate Arab nations — but only if supported by THE—USA.
20070613             Bush —MEANWHILE refuses to talk to DAMASCUS
20070613             THE—HIGH—COST—OF—SUBSERVIENCE to ISRAEL : AMERICA—SUPPORT—OF—ISRAEL—BRUTALITY was the main motivation for 20010911
20070613             It was the ultimate EXPRESSION—OF—ARAB fury over AMERICA—DOUBLE—STANDARD that routinely ignores ISRAEL i VIOLATIONS—OF—ARAB human rights.
20070613             War pimp alert: 'Military plan against IRAN is ready' : Predicting that IRAN will obtain 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPON within 3—YEARS and claiming to have 1—STRIKE—PLAN in place, senior USA—MILITARY—OFFICERS have told THE—JERUSALEM Post they support PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—STANCE to do everything necessary to stop the Islamic REPUBLIC—RACE for nuclear power.
20070613             IRAN denies threat to hit Gulf states if USA—ATTACKS from them : 1—FORMER—IRAN—DEFENSE—MINISTER dismissed as "baseless" —MONDAY 1—REPORT quoting him as saying IRAN would attack Gulf countries used as 1—LAUNCH pad for 1—USA—STRIKE on IRAN.
20070613             KUWAIT says won't be launchpad for strike on IRAN : KUWAIT said on —MONDAY it would not allow its key ally THE—USA to use its territory to launch ANY—STRIKE on Gulf neighbour IRAN if 1—ROW over TEHRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAMME escalates.
20070613             Dilip Hiro: A CATCH—22—NUCLEAR World:
20070613             Nuclear Weapons Programs Are about Regime Survival
20070613             —MISSED, In case you, it: UK 'sells' bomb material to IRAN:
20070613             —APPROVED, UNITED—KINGDOM—OFFICIALS have, THE—EXPORT—OF—KEY components needed to make nuclear weapons to IRAN and other countries known to be developing such weapons
20070613             —LAUNCHED, ISRAEL launches new spy satellite : ISRAEL has, 1—NEW—SPY—SATELLITE which it says will provide HIGH—QUALITY—SURVEILLANCE over enemies such as Syria and IRAN, rivalling THE—CAPABILITIES—OF—THE—USA.
20070613             Manufacturing Consent For War With IRAN:
20070613             FBI—MUELLER: AL—QAIDA Intent on Using Nuclear Weapons :
20070613             11..20010900              —THE—ATTACKS—IT has been said THAT—WERE a "FAILURE—OF—IMAGINATION".
20070613             We cannot fail to imagine the consequences of 1—NUCLEAR—TERRORIST—ATTACK.
20070613             Nor can we fail to imagine that there are those for whom such 1—EVENT is the end game.
20070613             UK: EX—NAVY—CHIEF 'took private legal advice on IRAQ' : THE—HEAD—OF—THE—ROYAL—NAVY at THE—TIME—OF—THE—IRAQ invasion was so worried about THE—LEGALITY—OF—THE—CONFLICT that he sought his own private legal advice on justification for the war.
20070613             USA arming Sunnis in IRAQ to BATTLE—OLD—QAEDA allies:
20070613             With THE—4—MONTH—OLD—INCREASE in USA—TROOPS showing only modest success in curbing insurgent attacks, USA—COMMANDERS are turning to another strategy that they acknowledge is fraught with risk: arming Sunni Arab groups that have promised to fight militants linked with AL—QAEDA who have been their allies in the past
20070613             —MISSED, In case you, it: USA says IRAN arming Sunni groups:
20070613             —ARMED, Sunni militants are being, with IRANIAN—MADE munitions, USA—MILITARY—SPOKESMAN—MAJ Gen WILLIAM—CALDWELL told reporters in BAGHDAD
20070613             Fighting BACK—THE—EARLY—USA—REVOLUTIONARIES did not rely on THE—EFFORTS—OF—OTHERS;
20070613             they did not wait for 1—SAVIOR to rescue them from their plight.
20070613             They saw THE—FUTILITY—OF—HOLDING out for the empty PROMISES—OF—THE—RULING parties in their fatherland and took matters in their own hands knowing the standards and principles on which they based their actions were worthy of the sacrifice.
20070613             Global Military Spending Hits $1.2—TRILLION—STUDY—THE—USA—SPENT $529—BILLION.
20070613             - The transcript you weren't supposed to SEE—BY MIKE—WHITNEY
20070613             —CARRIED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has, out 1—AGGRESSIVE—STRATEGY to surround RUSSIA with military bases, install missiles on its borders, topple allied regimes in CENTRAL—ASIA + incite political upheaval in MOSCOW through USA—BACKED "PRO—DEMOCRACY" groups.
20070613             —CONVINCED, These openly hostile actions have, MANY—RUSSIA—HARD—LINERS that the administration is going forward with the neocon plan for "regime change" in MOSCOW and FRAGMENTATION—OF—THE—RUSSIAN—FEDERATION.
20070613             PUTIN—TESTIMONY suggests that the hardliners are probably right.
20070613             USA to sidestep RUSSIA veto on KOSOVO: THE—USA is pressing for 1—QUICK UN vote on KOSOVO but is ready to take on RUSSIA—THREAT—OF—1—VETO and move to unilaterally recognise THE—SERBIA—PROVINCE—RIGHT to independence.
20070613             —CHARGED, Haj has not been, with ANY—CRIME, but he is undoubtedly GUILTY—OF—1—GRAVE sin in THE—EYES—OF—THE—BUSH—REGIME: he is 1—CAMERAMAN for AL—JAZEERA.
20070613             Incendiary Weapons Are No 'Allegation':
20070613             MALE USA—VETERANS have higher suicide RISK—STUDY:
20070613             MALE USA—VETERANS are twice as likely to die by suicide than people with no military service
20070613             WMD Dumped at Sea:
20070613             "THE—ARMY—NOW admits that it secretly dumped 64—MILLION—POUNDS—OF—NERVE and mustard agents into the sea, along with 400,000—CHEMICAL—FILLED bombs, land mines and rockets and more than 500—TONS—OF—RADIOACTIVE—WASTE—EITHER tossed overboard or packed into THE—HOLDS—OF—SCUTTLED vessels".
20070613             ARCTIC ice cap melting 30—YEARS—AHEAD—OF—FORECAST : —THE—ARCTIC—ICE cap is melting much faster than expected and is —NOW about 30—YEARS—AHEAD—OF—PREDICTIONS made by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, A—USA—ICE—EXPERT said —TUESDAY.
20070613             —DENIED, ISRAEL critic, post at university : 1—TOP—USA—UNIVERSITY has denied tenure to 1—PROMINENT—ACADEMIC amid ALLEGATIONS—OF—ANTI—SEMITISM and his DEFENCE—OF—THE—PALESTINE—CAUSE.
20070613             Arming 1—CIVIL—WAR: AS THE saying goes, "THE—ENEMY—OF—MY enemy is my friend".
20070613             It may be catchy, but history has shown its peril as foreign policy.
20070613             It's —NOW the risky strategy USA—COMMANDERS are —FOLLOWING in arming Sunni fighters who pledge to hunt down al Qaeda guerrillas in IRAQ.
20070613             Child labour on the rise as poverty increases : Iyad ABDEL—SALIM, 12, left school 6—MONTHS ago and has been working to boost the family income.
20070613             —KILLED, His father was, in IRAQ—POLITICAL—VIOLENCE.
20070613             As the only boy in the family + with 3—SMALLER—SISTERS to look —AFTER, he was forced to go onto the streets and work.
20070613             UNITED—KINGDOM—PARLIAMENT rejects IRAQ inquiry:
20070613             —ON—MONDAY rejected 1—MOTION by the opposition Conservative Party calling for 1—FORMAL—INQUIRY into THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—GOVERNMENT—DECISION to go to war in IRAQ.
20070613             SENATOR—CLINTON—WANTS—TROOPS in IRAQ for at Least 10—YEARS:
20070613             —ELECTED, SENATOR—HILLARY—CLINTON said that her 1. priority if, would be to "bring our troops home".
20070613             She did not say ALL our troops, Koppel points out + she does not mean ALL our troops.
20070613             She told THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES 3—MONTHS ago that SOME—FORCES would have to remain
20070613             IRAN to make USA "regret" DETENTION—OF—IRANIANS—FM : "We will make the Americans regret their ugly and illegal action against the Islamic REPUBLIC—OF—IRAN—CONSULATE in Arbil, IRAQ + THE—ABDUCTION—OF—THE—5—IRAN—DIPLOMATS," Mottaki said, according to the state broadcaster's Web site.
20070613             USA—DIPLOMAT accuses IRAN—OF—PASSING—WEAPONS to Taliban : 1—SENIOR—USA—DIPLOMAT accused IRAN on —TUESDAY—OF—TRANSFERRING—WEAPONS to Taliban insurgents in AFGHANISTAN—THE most direct comments yet on the issue by 1—RANKING—USA—OFFICIAL.
20070613             ElBaradei warms of 'brewing confrontation' between USA and IRAN:
20070613             The director GENERAL—OF—THE—UN—NUCLEAR—INSPECTION—AGENCY has warned TEHRAN and WASHINGTON for the 1. time that their yearlong stalemate over IRAN—NUCLEAR—ACTIVITIES is turning into a "brewing confrontation" that "urgently needs to be defused".
20070613             USA—DIPLOMAT—EXPECTS Talks On New UN Resolution On IRAN In Weeks : "We will have to move forward at the Security Council for a 3.... resolution in 1—MATTER—OF—WEEKS," he told reporters.
20070613             —IMPLEMENTED, THE—USA—PLAN is being, by Fouad SINIORA—GOVERNMENT which has not hesitated for 1—MOMENT to accuse SYRIA—OF—PROTECTING and arming Fatah al Islam.
20070613             With this episode, on THE—1—HAND—STRONG—TENSIONS are built up with THE—AIM—OF—SOFTENING—THE—POSITIONS—OF—COUNTRIES—CRITICAL—OF—USA, French and UNITED—KINGDOM—EFFORTS to secure 1—NEW UN Sceurity Council resolution to extend UNIFIL—MISSION, to control THE—SYRIA—FRONTIER under THE—PRETEXT—OF—ARMS smuggling and to justify 1—KIND—OF—INTERNATIONAL—TUTELAGE—OF—LEBANON.
20070613             1—TRUE—LAND—OF—OPPORTUNITY—BY—TERRY—JONES—WHERE there's death and destruction, there's PROFIT—AS security companies in IRAQ know only too well.
20070613             THE—WAR—ON—CONSCIOUSNESS
20070613             We have the most criminal regime in ALL—OF—OUR history wreaking unspeakable horror on the entire planet, —WHILE simultaneously waging WAR—ON—THE—CONSCIOUSNESS—OF—ITS—OWN—CITIZENS—USA.
20070613             If we aren't AWARE—OF—THIS, we are unwittingly playing into, supporting and complicit in the evil that is being perpetrated in our name.
20070613             It Does Take Courage for 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—APPOINTED by Bush to Let Enforcers for the Bush eviks Know That They are Not Above THE—RULE—OF—LAW.
20070613             That is Why JUDGE—REGGIE—WALTON is THE—WINNER—OF—THE "BuzzFlash WINGS—OF—JUSTICE—AWARD" This —WEEK.
20070613             —REBUKED, DOJ Officials, for disclosing ROVE—CONNECTION to FIRING—OF—USA—ATTORNEY
20070613             THE—JOHN—PERKINS—SEQUEL, —JUST Released: THE—SECRET—HISTORY—OF—THE—AMERICAN—EMPIRE: Economic Hit Men, Jackals + the Truth about Global Corruption (Hardcover)
20070613             Up to 8: Maxine Waters the latest to sign up for the Cheney impeachment bill;
20070613             How MANY—CONGRESSMEN need to sign up —BEFORE THE—MSM cares?
20070613             VIDEO—OF—TOMMY—CHONG on MISS—NBC with 1—SPOT—ON ANALYSIS—OF—WHAT is wrong with THE—MSM and the justice system.
20070613             Then Chong also on the Colbert Report. Great video.
20070613             Senate Majority Leader HARRY—REID said —TUESDAY the Senate will face another ROUND—OF—VOTES on THE—IRAQ war —BEFORE 20070704             —THE. recess, 1—STRATEGY intended to show that Democrats are not giving up on efforts to bring troops home.
20070613             P.M. Carpenter: Watch for falling nets, JOE—LIEBERMAN 6/13
20070613             Bush Bungled It Yet Again: GEORGE—BUSH—INSISTS that IRAN must not be allowed to develop nuclear weapons.
20070613             So why, 6—YEARS ago, did THE—CIA give the Iranians blueprints to build 1—BOMB?
20070613             This piece by WILLIAM—NORMAN—GRIGG fleshes out the connection between terror plotter RUSSELL—DEFREITAS and Evergreen.
20070613             According to FORMER—CUSTOMS—DEPARTMENT—SPECIAL—AGENT—DIANE—KLEIMAN, DEFREITAS—BACKGROUND—MEANS 1—THING: "He was working at JFK doing drug smuggling".
20070613             "THE—CIA has always been involved in drug smuggling + Evergreen or Air AMERICA has played 1—BIG—ROLE in it," Kleiman told me in 1—RECENT—PHONE—INTERVIEW.
20070613             "—WHEN I was working Customs at JFK, we had this huge problem with airline personnel using their secure keys to give unauthorized access to 'sterile corridors' that bypassed Customs inspection.
20070613             —INVOLVED, Quite often this, drug smuggling + I've got ample reason to believe that Evergreen and other CIA assets were involved in it".Permalink #—POSTED—BY—JOSEPH
20070613             UNBELIEVABLE!
20070613             "THE—ARMY—NOW admits that it secretly dumped 64—MILLION—POUNDS—OF—NERVE + mustard agents into the sea, along with 400,000—CHEMICAL—FILLED bombs, land mines and rockets and more than 500—TONS—OF—RADIOACTIVE—WASTE"Permalink
20070613             Analyse, Eine; Arabia, Saudi ; ARZNEI—KLASSIKER; Associated Press.
20070613             ASSOCIATED PRESS 16 ... ROT—GR;
20070613             TIMOTHY—LAHAYE, Barbara Monteith Accelerated CHRISTIAN—EDUCATION (ACE) ~DONALD—R—HOWARD—AMERICAN—ASSOCIATION—OF—CHRISTIAN—SCHOOLS alfatomega.com/abramoff _http.html
20070613             Coalition to Preserve 1—ELECTED—CONGRESS—WILLIAM—AND—BARBARA—MONTEITH, OH.
20070613             WILLIAM—OTIS, OH.
20070613             ROBERT—PEELING, OH... TEXAS Eagle Forum, TX.
20070613             Sharron Albertson, TX. CHARLES—ALLEN, TX.
20070613             aho_cospiracy Barbara Monteith and DOCTOR—STANLEY—MONTEITH—OF—NOBLE—SCOTLAND—BLOODLINE are members...
20070613             COORS—OF—THE—COORS—FOUNDATION, TEXAS millionaire, NELSON—BUNKER—HUNT...
20070613             Council for National Policy Database H—M
20070613             Ehud Barak: Draufgänger ohne politische Ausdauer
20070613             Energiesparen: Prima Klima dank Microsoft & Co
20070613             Projektleiter BERNARD—FRISCHER ist um große Worte nicht verlegen.
20070613             ROME Reborn 1.0—IST die Fortführung von 5—JAHRHUNDERTEN Forschung", sagt der DIREKTOR—DES—INSTITUTS für fortschrittliche Technologie in den Humanistischen Wissenschaften an der UNIVERSITÄT—VON—VIRGINIA.
20070613             —SEIT der Renaissance hätten Forscher und Architekten versucht, die Ruinen des historischen Roms mit Worten, Zeichnungen und Karten zu rekonstruieren.
20070613             Durch harte interdisziplinäre Arbeit habe man nun "den unmöglichen Traum realisiert".
20070613             OSKAR—LAFONTAINE: "SPD—CHEF—BECK ist ratlos"
20070613             SPD—BÜNDNISFRAGE: Lauterbach bringt Koalition mit Linkspartei ins Gespräch
20070613             Digitales Stadtmodell: Zeitreise zu den alten Römern
20070613             —GEWACHSEN, Führungskräfte: Leistungsbereitschaft bei Managern
20070613             Polizeibericht: Mafia manipulierte Tanzwettbewerb beim RIO—KARNEVAL
20070613             Umfrage: Union auf Jahreshoch, Merkel weit vor Beck
20070613             —ZERSTÖRT—IRAK: Anschlag, Minarette von Goldener Moschee
20070613             Raumfähre "Atlantis": Abstehende Isoliermatte soll angenäht werden
20070613             Finanzinvestor Blackstone: Mein Jet, mein Helikopter, mein Rekordgehalt
20070613             —SCHON mehr als 100—TOTE: Monsun wütet in BANGLADESCH
20070613             AFGHANISTAN: USA werfen IRAN Waffenhilfe an Taliban vor
20070613             Ströbele bewertete den TORNADO—EINSATZ als verfassungswidrig.
20070613             "Es überschreitet ALLE—GRENZEN zulässiger technischer Amtshilfe für die Polizei, wenn mit AUFKLÄRUNGS—KAMPFJETS wie in AFGHANISTAN eingesetzt nun Demonstrationen ausgeforscht werden", erklärte der Abgeordnete.
20070613             Der innenpolitische SPRECHER—DER—SPD—BUNDESTAGSFRAKTION, DIETER—WIEFELSPÜTZ, nannte die Flüge "rechtlich zulässig, aber politisch instinktlos".
20070613             Die Frage sei, "ob man nicht mit Polizeihubschraubern das Gleiche hätte tun können".
20070613             Nun wird der TORNADO—EINSATZ am —MITTWOCH den Innenausschuss des Bundestages BESCHÄFTIGEN—AUF Antrag der linksfraktion, wie Ausschussvorsitzender SEBASTIAN—EDATHY—DER "Mitteldeutschen Zeitung" sagte.
20070613             Zum Schutz des Treffens der STAATS—UND Regierungschefs der 8—WICHTIGSTEN Industrienationen in Heiligendamm waren rund 16.000—POLIZISTEN eingesetzt worden.
20070613             Im weiten Umkreis um das Gelände war 1—SICHERHEITSZAUN errichtet worden.
20070613             G- 8-Gipfel: TORNADO—EINSATZ über Heiligendamm empört SPD—THE—HOUSE—OF—COMMONS
20070613—20050000    —IN, Military spending in CHINA, which is modernising its PEOPLE—LIBERATION—ARMY, climbed to 1—ESTIMATED $49.5—BILLION —LAST—YEAR from $44.3—BILLION.
20070613—20050700    —IN, Xinhua News said that, Li Guang, also 1—TEACHER in Changhe township, was sentenced to death for raping 23 4.- and 5.—GRADE students.
20070613—20070616    —UNTIL, The crash site was not discovered.
20070613—20100225    —ARRESTED, THE—FBI, Aguilera at 1—MOTEL in ORLANDO—FLORIDA, for carjacking and THE—SLAYING—OF—SOTOLONGO.
20070629             THE—WHITE—HOUSE also made clear that (former counsel Harriet) Miers and (EX—POLITICAL—DIRECTOR—SARA) Taylor would not testify next —MONTH, as directed by the subpoenas, which were issued 20070613          .
20080607—20080613    —INFORMED, THE—LIBYA—GOVERNMENT, THE—EGYPT—GOVERNMENT—OF—THE—INCIDENT because they believe that 12—OF—THE—PASSENGERS were Egyptians.
20080613             Bt 20080615              MOST—OF—THE—FIRE was under control —AFTER destroying 74—HOMES and damaging 20—MORE in PARADISE.
20080613             —CONVICTED—OF, OHIO, 3—MEN were, plotting to recruit and train terrorists to kill USA—SOLDIERS in IRAQ.
20080613             MOHAMMAD—AMAWI, 28—JAHRE—ALT, Warwan EL—HINDI, 45—JAHRE—ALT and Wassim Mazloum (27) faced maximum life sentences.
20080613             —SUBMERGED, Water, more than 400—BLOCKS—OF—CEDAR—RAPIDS, threatened the city's drinking supply and forced the evacuation of 1—DOWNTOWN hospital.
20080613             —BATTLED, NORTH—CALIFORNIA, some 2,800 firefighters, the Humboldt Fire in Butte County.
20080613             9,000 residents were evacuated as the fire covered 23,000 acres.
20080613             LEONARD—B—AUERBACH, 61—JAHRE—ALT, 1—USA—FUGITIVE, was deported from CUBA to face federal charges in CALIFORNIA of sexually abusing 1—COSTA—RICA—GIRL and possessing child pornography.
20080613             —REPORTED, SF, it was, that INGERSOLL—RAND of Montvale, NJ, had agreed to hand over 12.3—ACRES, that included THE—FORMER—SCHLAGE—LOCK—CO. factory in Visitacion Valley, to Universal Paragon Corp. —AFTER the developer agreed to drop a $100—MILLION—LAWSUIT alleging polluted groundwater at 1—ADJACENT parcel.
20080613             New development at the site will include 1,250 residential units, 3—PARKS and several stores.
20080613             † TIM—RUSSERT, 58—JAHRE—ALT, NBC NEWS—WASHINGTON—BUREAU—CHIEF, collapsed and of 1—HEART—ATTACK in his WASHINGTON newsroom.
20080613             SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE bomber hit 1—NATO—MILITARY convoy, causing casualties.
20080613             † 1—ROMANIA—SOLDIER was killed and 3—OTHERS injured in Qalat, THE—CAPITAL—OF—SOUTH—ZABUL province.
20080613             —KILLED, SOUTH—CENTRAL—URUZGAN, province, Afghan and NATO—LED forces, 17—TALIBAN.
20080613             EAST—PAKTIA, province, 1—OPERATION by USA—LED coalition forces resulted in the deaths of 1—WOMAN and 1—NUMBER—OF—MILITANTS.
20080613             —KILLED, In Ghazni province 1—COALITION—AIR—STRIKE, 7—TALIBAN militants.
20080613             30—INSURGENTS on motorbikes and 2—SUICIDE—BOMBERS attacked Sarposa Prison.
20080613             —ESCAPED, About 870—PRISONERS, —DURING the bomb and rocket attack on that knocked down the front gate and demolished 1—PRISON—FLOOR.
20080613             390—TALIBAN prisoners were among those who fled the prison —DURING the attack.
20080613             —PLEDGED, The leaders of AUSTRALIA and INDONESIA, to join forces to fight climate change by saving forests and promoting carbon trading.
20080613             LONDON, administrators said 1—TAKEOVER deal to rescue small BUSINESS—CLASS—AIRLINE—SILVERJET has collapsed.
20080613             —EMPLOYED, The airline, 370—PILOTS and cabin crew and 50—ADMINISTRATIVE—STAFF in LUTON, where it operated flights to NEW—YORK and DUBAI.
20080613             CHINA—PRESIDENT—HU—JINTAO said the long journey to better ties with TAIWAN was off to 1—GOOD—START, —AFTER the rivals signed historic agreements to set up direct flights and boost tourism.
20080613             1—BLAST in 1—NORTH—CHINA—COAL—MINE left 34—WORKERS trapped underground, —AFTER rescuers lifted 9 to safety.
20080613             —TRIGGERED, Heavy rains in SOUTH—CHINA, floods that killed 6—PEOPLE and forced the evacuation of 150,000 residents.
20080613             1—LANDSLIDE in NORTH—CHINA buried 1—BRICK factory, killing 19—WORKERS.
20080613             —REPORTED, 1—INTERNATIONAL—BIRD—CONSERVATION—GROUP, that over 1—MILLION—BIRDS had been illegally trapped and killed in CYPRUS over the past —YEAR to be served as local delicacies.
20080613             —DEPORTED, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL said EGYPT has, 400—ERITREA—ASYLUM—SEEKERS back to ASMARA and plans to forcibly return 1,200 more who are being held in detention in EGYPT, putting them at serious RISK—OF—TORTURE.
20080613             SPAIN—FISHERMEN were given 1—EXTRA—7—DAYS due to higher stocks off SPAIN—COAST.
20080613             IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—AL—MALIKI said that talks with THE—USA on proposals for 1—LONG—TERM—SECURITY—PACT have reached 1—IMPASSE over objections that IRAQ—SOVEREIGNTY is at stake.
20080613             AL—MALIKI told reporters in AMMAN—JORDAN, that IRAQ—NEGOTIATORS had rejected USA—PROPOSALS because they would infringe on IRAQ—SOVEREIGNTY.
20080613             —KILLED, USA—TROOPS, 5 suspected Shiite gunmen and detained 2—OTHERS—DURING—1—RAID—NEAR—HILLAH, about 60—MILES—SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20080613             1—IRAQ—POLICE—SPOKESMAN said 2—CIVILIANS, including 1—WOMAN, also were killed and 3—OTHERS wounded —AFTER they were caught in the crossfire.
20080613             —FIRED, USA—JETS, on militants who were trying to launch rockets at IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES and coalition troops in AMARAH.
20080613             —REJECTED, IRELAND—VOTERS, THE—EU reform treaty, 1—BLUEPRINT for modernizing the 27-nation bloc that cannot become law without IRELAND—APPROVAL.
20080613             1—MAJORITY—OF—VOTERS appeared determined to register their opposition to the growth of 1—CONTINENTAL—GOVERNMENT that would erode IRELAND—SENSE—OF—INDEPENDENCE.
20080613             —INCLUDED, Grievances, fears of higher tax rates and planned cuts in farm subsidies.
20080613             —CONFIRMED, ISRAEL, plans to build 1,300 more apartments in EAST—JERUSALEM, —IMMEDIATELY drawing the ire of Palestinians who accused it of sabotaging already rocky peace efforts.
20080613             —CLAIMED, Hamas, responsibility for 1—HOUSE—EXPLOSION 1—DAY—EARLIER in NORTH—GAZA that killed 7—PALESTINIANS, 1—OF—THEM 1—INFANT girl.
20080613             —AMBUSHED, INDIAN—CONTROLLED, Kashmir Islamic rebels, 1—ARMY—VEHICLE and killed 5—INDIA—SOLDIERS, including 2—SENIOR—OFFICERS.
20080613             —LOCKED, 1—ITALY—WOMAN, 47—JAHRE—ALT, whose family kept her, in 1—ROOM for almost 2—DECADES, was freed by police.
20080613             —ACCUSED—OF, She had been, becoming pregnant out of wedlock.
20080613             NORWAY said it may seek foreign help to extinguish its biggest forest fire —WWII—SINCE, which has been raging —FOR—5—DAYS.
20080613             —KILLED, RUSSIA—OFFICIALS said 4—PEOPLE were, in NAZRAN, the biggest city in the Ingushetia region, in 1—EXPLOSION that destroyed 1—BUILDING.
20080613             1—SPAIN—JUDGE jailed 6—ALGERIANS on provisional charges of aiding terror groups linked to AL—QAIDA in NORTH—AFRICA.
20080613             —SUSPECTED, THE—USA—EMBASSY in MADRID said, SYRIA—ARMS—DEALER—MONZER AL—KASSAR was extradited to THE—USA.
20080613             —PLOTTED, THE—USA—SAID he had, to buy weapons for leftist rebels in COLOMBIA.
20080613             —KILLED, SRI—LANKA—NORTH, clashes in the Welioya area, 7—REBELS and 4—SOLDIERS.
20080613             3—CONFRONTATIONS in Vavuniya and Mannar killed 4—REBELS and 3—SOLDIERS.
20080613             ZIMBABWE—PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE said liberation war veterans would take up arms if he loses a 20080627              presidential RUN—OFF vote.
20080613             UNICEF said some 500,000 ZIMBABWE—CHILDREN are no longer getting the treatment and food they urgently need —SINCE the government suspended the work of humanitarian aid organizations.
20080613             Oil, dollar dominate runup to G8 inflation talks
20080613             Forex in 60—SECONDS—DOLLAR—RALLIES As Inflation Boosts Rate Expections, CPI May Drive Pound And Loonie
20080613             WILL—EURO—ZONE—CPI—DATA—ALLOW—EUR/USD To Recover on —MONDAY?
20080613             USA—DOLLAR—RALLY Sustained by Stronger Than Expected USA CPI Figures
20080613             CSM News: il Trattato di MAASTRICHT è ULTRA VIRES
20080613             Pesenti indagato in Sicilia "Ha favorito la mafia " - La Repubblica, L'amministratore delegato di Italcementi, CARLO—PESENTI, è indagato dai...
20080613             —INVOLVED, Scandals / Banking / ITALY These scandals, Sindona, Calvi, PAUL—VI—PAPA, BISHOP—PAUL—MARCINKUS and THE—VATICAN Bank, the Mafia, Licio Gelli and the P2 Lodge, FRANKLIN—NATIONAL...
20080613             Jubel in orange: FRANKREICH unglücklich, Holland eiskalt
20080613             Chronik: No, Non, Nej, Nee! - Wo die EU und ihre Vorhaben noch abblitzten
20080613             Irisches "No"-Votum: Vertragsstrafe für die EU
20080613             INTERNET—WERBUNG: Deal zwischen Yahoo und Google löst Entsetzen aus
20080613             AUßENMINISTER—VISITE in Peking: Steinmeier und Wen lächeln die Streitfragen weg
20080613             Mammutprozess: Hinterbliebene von Srebrenica klagen gegen die Uno
20080613             IRLAND—PLEITE: Merkel und Sarkozy wollen Europakurs fortsetzen
20080613             TERROR—BEDROHUNG: DÄNEMARK—GEHEIMDIENST warnt vor Anschlägen
20080613             Ausschreibung: Bahn könnte zahlreiche Regionallinien verlieren
20080613             Fotokünstler Man Ray: Freiheit, Freude, schöne Frauen
20080613             Bundesrat: Mehr Geld für Rentner und Beamte
20080613             Raumfähre: "Discovery"-Besatzung entdeckt unidentifiziertes Objekt
20080613             Sprachstudie: Sächsisch ist out, Platt ist in
20080613             Datenschutz: Lufthansa wehrt sich gegen SPITZEL—VORWURF
20080613             Nein aus IRLAND: Europapolitiker schlagen Neugründung der EU vor
20080613             1. interstellare Werbebotschaft: Kauft Chips, Aliens!
20080613             REFORM—STOPP: Iren schicken Euro auf Talfahrt
20080613             Billige DAX—AKTIEN: Zögernde Anleger verpassen Kaufchancen
20080613             EU—REFORM: Warum die Iren den LISSABON—VERTRAG ablehnten
20080613             Stromausfall in WASHINGTON: Weißes Haus schaltet auf Notversorgung um
20080613             POLEN—PILOTEN in LONDON: Schlechtes ENGLAND—FÜHRTE zu BEINAHE—CRASH
20080613             Reaktion auf Proteste: CHINA—TOURISTEN boykottieren FRANKREICH
20080613             Baubranche: Clement soll im Streit um Mindestlöhne schlichten
20080613             Astronomie: Neues Mineral im kosmischen Staub entdeckt
20080613             Trotz Grundsatzurteil: GUANTANAMO wird noch lange nicht GESCHLOSSEN—FANKOLUMNE: Chaos vor den Toren
20080613             Großinvestor Icahn: Gieriger Firmenjäger scheitert an Yahoo
20080613             EM—FAVORIT unter Druck: "Für ITALIEN die Hölle auf Erden"
20080613             Aufrechter Gang: Flitzende Eidechsen werden zu Zweibeinern
20080613             Politbarometer: SPD erholt sich, Beck fällt noch weiter zurück
20080613             —BESTREITET, TELEKOM—AFFÄRE: Betriebsrat, Journalisten informiert zu haben
20080613             Lustwandeln mit Benedikt: Bush s Besuch beim PAPA
20080613             EUROPA in der Krise: Iren stoppen Reform der EU
20080613             Mitbestimmung: PORSCHE—CHEF beschwichtigt im Machtkampf bei VW
20080613             Entspannung: CHINA und DEUTSCHLAND reden wieder über Menschenrechte
20080613             Razzia in SPANIEN: Polizei nimmt namhafte RUSSLAND—MAFIOSI fest
20080613             Referendum: EU—VERTRAGSGEGNER liegen in IRLAND vorn
20080613             Präzedenzfall Boumediene: Der Mann, dessen Schicksal GUANTANAMO ins Wanken bringt
20080613             Hoher Ölpreis: Continental kappt Verbindung KÖLN—NEW—YORK—KICKER.tv: Deutschlands Desaster in 3D
20080613             Fehlender Nachschub: Spaniens LKW—STREIK legt DEUTSCHLAND—AUTOBAUER lahm
20080613             Leseprobe: Reformen und Revolutionen
20080613             2—ANTWORTEN zur Klimafrage: Wie viel Wandel verträgt unser Planet?
20080613             USA: Videospielmarkt wächst um 37 %
20080613             Appell an die Verbündeten: Nato will mehr Truppen für AFGHANISTAN
20080613             EM—QUOTEN: Weniger Zuschauer, höherer Marktanteil
20080613             Fichtners Tellergericht: ESSEN bei Gott in FRANKREICH
20080613             The problem is not 1—POLITICIAN—LIKE—OBAMA, the problem is the system that requires politicians to raise millions from corporations and powerful individuals.#—POSTED—BY no name
20080613             Die Position VICE—PRESIDENT—WIRD—SCHWANZER weiterhin innehaben, der Claim "Wir sind die Guten" wird auch unter ihm Leitspruch des INTERNET—QUALITÄTSFÜHRERS Inode bleiben.
20080613             Ausgewählte Vorgänge auf europäischer und internationaler Ebene...
20080613             Kreditkrise erfordert Änderungen bei den RATING—UNTERNEHMEN...
20080613             "Der ganze ZWECK—DER—REGIERUNG war, die Anwendung der Verfassung zu umgehen. Das funktioniert offensichtlich nicht mehr".
20080613             Der Verteidiger des —SEIT—6—JAHREN in GUANTANAMO inhaftierten ehemaligen Fahrers von OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, BRIAN—MIZER, sagte, das Oberste Gericht habe den gesamten rechtlichen Rahmen auf den Kopf gestellt,
20080613             —NACH—DEM sein Mandant Salim Hamdan der Prozess gemacht werden solle.
20080613             Das Urteil betrifft seiner Ansicht nach aber nicht die Militärgerichtsprozesse, sondern nur das Verfahren,
20080613             "Es geht wieder los: Furcht gegen Sicherheit", sagt HOWARD—FINEMAN—VON "NEWSWEEK ".
20080613             Man könnte auch sagen: Die heiße Phase des Wahlkampfs hat begonnen.
20080613             in ROM—DEMONSTRATIV: PRÄSIDENT—BUSH erklärte in Rom demonstrativ: "Ich stimme mit der Minderheit der Richter überein".
20080613             Für das Weiße Haus ein drohender SICHERHEITS—SUPERGAU, für Menschenrechtler 1—MEILENSTEIN.
20080613             Die Nation wird noch bereuen
20080613             Sein temperamentvoller Kollege ANTHONY—SCALIA schäumte gar: "Das Urteil wird beinahe sicher den TOD—VON—MEHR—AMERIKANERN bedeuten. Die Nation wird noch bereuen, was dieses Gericht —HEUTE getan hat".
20080613             GUANTANAMO—URTEIL: USA—JUSTIZMINISTER erwartet keine Auswirkungen auf Militärtribunale
20080613             AMPHIBIEN—GENBANK: Artenschutz on the rocks
20080613             Hohe Energiepreise: Inflation steigt erneut auf 3 %
20080613             Menschenrechte: GUANTANAMO—URTEIL spaltet WASHINGTON
20080613             Nach einer neuerlichen Prüfung sei die Luftwaffe zu dem Schluss gekommen, dass das BOEING—ANGEBOT für die Modernisierung der TANKFLUGZEUG—FLOTTE günstiger sei, als jene Offerte, für die EADS zusammen mit dem USA—PARTNER—NORTHROP 20080300              —ANFANG—GRUMMAN den Zuschlag erhalten hatte, sagte BOEING—SPRECHER BILL—BARKSDALE am —DONNERSTAG der Nachrichtenagentur AFP.
20080613             USA—LUFTWAFFE: EADS droht Milliardenauftrag an Boeing zu verlieren
20080613             THE—GREATEST—PURVEYOR—OF—VIOLENCE On the Planet.
20080613             We do not have to accept or tolerate such glaring disparities in our society.
20080613             —BLOATED, We do not have to accept or tolerate, Pentagon spending, unfair tax cuts, attacks on our civil liberties, and on workers' rights to unionize.
20080613             We don't have to accept or tolerate our children dropping OUT—OF—HIGH—SCHOOL, college education unreachable because tuition is so high, or our country steeped in debt.
20080613             IRAQ—WHAT Happened To The $23Billion? THE—GREATEST—HEIST—IN—HISTORY
20080613             —IMPOSED, THE—USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT has, gagging orders which prevent the real SCALE—OF—THE—PROBLEM emerging.
20080613             —INVOLVED, But PANORAMA—JANE—CORBIN has spoken to SOME—OF—THOSE, - with astonishing stories to TELL—OF—WHO got rich and who got burned.
20080613             War, INCORPORATED.
20080613             —LEARNED, Smedley Butler, that in war "nations acquire additional territory if they are victorious. They —JUST take it".
20080613             With leasing more in vogue than ever, getting THE—USE—OF—ADDITIONAL—TERRITORY — call it property —CAN be more profitable than actually acquiring it.
20080613             But the end result is the same.
20080613             "This newly acquired territory is promptly exploited by the few," Butler explained, "THE—SELF—SAME few who wrung dollars OUT—OF—BLOOD in the war.
20080613             The general public shoulders the bill". CONTINUE—DEFENSE—OF—AMERICA,
20080613             Can we stop already? Can we —JUST stop arguing?
20080613             AMERICA is 1—CAPITALIST—COUNTRY.
20080613             Capitalism is what made AMERICAN—GREAT!
20080613             It's what's going to keep AMERICAN—GREAT!
20080613             Anyone who disagrees with that has no CONCEPT—OF—HISTORY, economics, or patriotism.
20080613             Anyone who disagrees with that is clueless about what it means to be 1—PROUD—AMERICAN.
20080613             And anyone who disagrees is 1—POOR—PATHETIC—LAZY—LOSER that probably couldn't make money with 1—INSIDER trading tip.
20080613             Leaders With No Conscience
20080613             SUPREME—COURT—BACKS—GUANTANAMO detainees:
20080613             In its 3. REBUKE—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—TREATMENT—OF—PRISONERS, the court ruled 5—4—THAT the government is violating THE—RIGHTS—OF—PRISONERS being held indefinitely and without charges at THE—USA—NAVAL—BASE in CUBA.
20080613             The court's liberal justices were in the majority
20080613             Secret Spy COURT—REPEATEDLY—QUESTIONS—FBI—WIRETAP—NETWORK : Does THE—FBI track cellphone users' physical movements without 1—WARRANT?
20080613             USA Has No Remaining Grain Reserves:
20080613             The only thing left in the entire CCC inventory will be 2.7—MILLION—BUSHELS—OF—WHEAT, which is about enough wheat to make 1/2—OF 1—LOAF—OF—BREAD for EACH—OF—THE—300—MILLION—PEOPLE in AMERICA.
20080613             Speaker Must Be Removed For Her Illegal Position on Impeachment Investigation: Congressman DENNIS—KUCINICH introduced 35—ARTICLES—OF—IMPEACHMENT against THE—PRESIDENT—OF—UNITED—STATES.
20080613             Speaker PELOSI—POSITION remains, "Impeachment is off the table".
20080613             This is not leadership, but complicity with war crimes:
20080613             UK: DAVIS—RESIGNS—UK PARLIAMENT to Protest Terror Law : DAVID—DAVIS, the lawmaker in CHARGE—OF—HOME—AFFAIRS—POLICY for BRITAIN—OPPOSITION—CONSERVATIVE—PARTY, resigned his seat in PARLIAMENT to force 1—ELECTORAL contest over the government's new ANTI—TERRORISM—RULES.
20080613             UNITED—KINGDOM—HOUSE—OF—COMMONS—BACKS—LONGER—DETENTIONS for terror suspects : In a 315—306—VOTE, the lower HOUSE—OF—PARLIAMENT says suspects can be kept up to 42—DAYS behind bars without being charged.
20080613             The current cap is 28—DAYS.
20080613             The amendment —NOW goes to THE—HOUSE—OF—LORDS.
20080613             —EXPERIENCED, DAVID—DAVIS resignation: Shock move from, MINISTER: Davis has always been 1—LIBERTARIAN.
20080613             He was unhappy with HOWARD—ENTHUSIASM for identity cards, but —WHEN they served in the shadow cabinet together they agreed 1—COMPROMISE position and the divisions did not cause serious embarrassment to the party.
20080613             —ANNOUNCED, CUBA scraps limits on wages : CUBA—GOVERNMENT has, that it is to remove limits on THE—AMOUNT—OF—MONEY—PEOPLE can earn in 1—MOVE to improve productivity.
20080613             Mystery of 1—KILLER—ELITE—FUELS—UNREST in TURKEY:
20080613             —ALLEGED, Arrest of 47—PEOPLE over, coup plot sparks FEARS—OF—HIDDEN ULTRA—RIGHT—NETWORK
20080613             Identity Matters: ITALY:
20080613             ROME, which has not had 1—CONSERVATIVE mayor —SINCE ITALY—FASCISM collapsed, has elected GIANNI—ALEMANNO, 1—BERLUSCONI ally who ran on 1—VOCIFEROUSLY ANTI—IMMIGRANT—PLATFORM, to lead the city's government.
20080613             At ALEMANNO—VICTORY—RALLY, his supporters gave the Roman salute —WHILE evoking Mussolini, shouting, "Duce!
20080613             RUSSIA plans ARCTIC military BUILD—UP:
20080613             USA—DEFENCE—MINISTRY said naval vessels would be sent to THE—ARCTIC—OCEAN, which is believed to be home to 25—PERCENT—OF—THE—WORLD'S untapped energy resources, as PART—OF—1—SUMMER training zone
20080613             What Happened: DENNIS—KUCINICH, PRESIDENT—BUSH, and Impeachmen
20080613             t: House Democrats swept away 1—PROPOSAL by former presidential candidate DENNIS—KUCINICH to impeach PRESIDENT—BUSH for, among other charges, allegedly lying to THE—USA—PUBLIC about WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION in IRAQ
20080613             Drive to impeach Bush 'to continue' : A—USA—CONGRESSMAN and former presidential candidate has vowed not to give up his fight to impeach THE—PRESIDENT over going to war in IRAQ, —AFTER THE—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES sidelined his bill, possibly —UNTIL—AFTER GEORGE—BUSH leaves office.
20080613             Bush hints at military strike against IRAN : PRESIDENT—BUSH on —WEDNESDAY raised the possibility of 1—MILITARY—STRIKE to thwart TEHRAN—PRESUMED NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—AMBITIONS, speaking aggressively even as he admitted having been unwise to have done so previously about IRAQ.
20080613             Bush slams ANTI—USA 'propaganda ' : USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE W Bush has denounced "misinformation and propaganda " which he says are sullying his country's image abroad.
20080613             —FORCED, Bush, to rethink plan to keep IRAQ bases:
20080613             PRESIDENT offers concessions —AFTER furious reaction in BAGHDAD to American 'colonialism'
20080613             Iranian "Bases" : By removing Saddam, disbanding the army, dividing IRAQ into provinces and widening the sectarian and ethnic divide, in other words by ridding IRAQ—OF—ALL the fundamentals of 1—UNIFIED, sovereign nation, the invasion had fulfilled its IRAN—PURPOSE.
20080613             How IRAN Has Bush Over 1—BARREL: If wasn't clear —BEFORE it should be —NOW: THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION can't afford to attack IRAN.
20080613             With gas already at $4 1—GALLON and rising almost EVERY—DAY, IRAN figuratively and literally has THE—USA—OVER 1—BARREL.
20080613             ISRAEL—HAWKS pushing for strikes on IRAN: 6—MONTHS ago, —AFTER USA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES declared that IRAN had shelved its NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—PROGRAM, the chances of 1—USA or ISRAEL—MILITARY—STRIKE on the Islamic REPUBLIC—BEFORE—PRESIDENT—BUSH left office seemed remote.
20080613             PRICE—OF—OIL—WILL—DOUBLE
20080613             —BY DANNY—FORTSON, Business Correspondent
20080613             —ISSUED, THE—CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OF—THE—WORLD—LARGEST—ENERGY—COMPANY has, the most dire warning yet about the soaring THE—PRICE—OF—OIL, predicting that it will hit $250—PER barrel "in the foreseeable future".
20080613             THE—PARADOX—OF—OUR Tme
20080613             THE—PARADOX—OF—OUR time in history is that we have taller buildings, but shorter tempers;
20080613             wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints;
20080613             we spend more, but have less; we buy more, but enjoy it less.
20080613             Jail Time for Tenet?
20080613             —WHEN Bush screwed up royally — whether in his personal or business affairs — he had to suffer THE—HUMILIATION—OF—ASKING his father or his father's friends (sometimes Arab friends) to bail him out.
20080613             But —NOW? Wow! As PRESIDENT, young GEORGE has found he can escape accountability altogether.
20080613             Bush Executive Order Expands Data Collection
20080613             WILL—SHARE—DATA with "Foreign Partners" —BY—MATTHEW—ROTHSCHILD
20080613             —ISSUED, GEORGE—BUSH—JUST, 1—DIRECTIVE to expand THE—ACQUISITION—OF—BIOMETRIC—INFORMATION, and to ensure that agencies across the executive branch share it.
20080613             Selbst der SUPREME—COURT verläßt das sinkende Schiff:
20080613             SUPREME—COURT: GUANTANAMO—HÄFTLINGE haben ab sofort Zugang zu ordentlichen Gerichten.
20080613             —BEDEUTET, SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Was, das Urteil des obersten USA—GERICHTES?
20080613             Agnieszka Fryszman: Es ist ein großartiger Sieg.
20080613             USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH darf in GUANTANAMO nicht länger Menschen außerhalb des Gesetzes und der Verfassung FESTHALTEN—OHNE Berücksichtigung ihrer Menschenrechte.
20080613             Olshansky: Ich habe mich gefragt, ob mein Land noch 1—DEMOKRATIE ist.
20080613             —EXISTIERT, Ob das System der Gewaltenteilung noch, oder tot ist.
20080613             Es waren für mich sechseinhalb harte Jahre.
20080613             —GEDACHT, Früher hätte ich nie, dass ich einmal versuchen müsste, die Verfassung zu bewahren.
20080613             Es war ein schwerer Kampf gegen eine rachsüchtige Regierung.
20080613             Die haben uns als Landesverräter bedroht.
20080613             Ich komme mir —HEUTE vor, als sei ich 100—JAHRE alt.
20080613—19290000    —CRESTED, IOWA, the Cedar River, at nearly 32—FEET, 12—FEET—HIGHER than the old record set.
20080613—20000000    —NACH, Biblischer Baum: Dattelsamen keimt Jahren
20080613—20070600    —ARRESTED, He was, in SPAIN as PART—OF—1—USA—STING—OPERATION.
20080613—20080507    —ARRESTED, He was, about 1—MONTH—AFTER his arrival.
20080613—20080614    —WHEN LEADERS—OF—THE—GROUP—OF—8—INDUSTRIALIZED countries meet in JAPAN, they may look to the joint actions taken ahead of 1—SIMILAR—EVENT
20080613—20080615    —ON, THE—EU said the bluefin tuna fishing season must end in the Mediterranean and EAST—ATLANTIC—OCEAN at midnight, because this —YEAR—QUOTAS have been met.
20080613—20080714    —AM, Hamdans Prozess ist das 1. Kriegsverbrecherverfahren in GUANTANAMO überhaupt und soll beginnen.
20080613—20110000    —BIS, Sparkurs: Post gibt ihr Filialnetz komplett auf
20090613             It went down 20090531              with 228 on BOARD.
20090613             —COMPRISED—OF, THE—DETROIT—AREA—BAND—CHAMPAGNE Saints, MARIUS—POLIKAITIS, Saulius Polteraitis, Jide Mbanefo, PAUL—JUSKA and Tadas Kasputis, held 1—CD release party for Throwing HAIL Marys at the Pike Room at the Crofoot in Pontiac.
20090613             6—FLAGS, an USA—THEME park operator, filed for Chapter 11—BANKRUPTCY.
20090613             AFGHANISTAN, 1—ROADSIDE bomb struck 1—VEHICLE travelling between the eastern provinces of Paktya and Khost, near the border with PAKISTAN, and killed 3—AFGHANISTAN—CONSTRUCTION—WORKERS.
20090613             —ANNOUNCED, ALGERIA—NATIONAL—OIL—COMPANY—SONATRACH, it had awarded a 79.3—BILLION—DINAR (1.11—BILLION—DOLLAR, 793—MILLION—EURO) contract to THE—CANADA—ENGINEERING—FIRM—SNC—LAVALIN to build natural gas processing facilities.
20090613             —REPORTED, AUSTRALIA, it was, BARRY—TANNENBAUM, 43—JAHRE—ALT, 1—EXPATRIATE SOUTH—AFRICAN—BUSINESSMAN, has denied ANY—WRONGDOING in 1 alleged investment scandal.
20090613             —ACCUSED—OF, Tannenbaum has been, fleecing rich SOUTH—AFRICANS in what has been billed as 1—OF—THE—COUNTRY—BIGGEST PONZI—STYLE—INVESTMENT—SCANDALS, according to local and SOUTH—AFRICAN—MEDIA.
20090613             The massive pyramid scheme reportedly cost wealthy investors up to $1.2—BILLION.
20090613             —DRESSED, CHINA, 1—COLORFUL—SHOW—OF drag queens, in CHINA—OPERA costumes was 1—OF—THE—FESTIVITIES that marked SHANGHAI—GAY—PRIDE, the 1. in CHINA where homosexuality remains largely hidden.
20090613             INDIA, 1—REBELLION by LEFT—WING—ACTIVISTS began against WEST—BENGAL state's communist rulers.
20090613             —DEPLOYED, About 1,800 state and federal troops were, to quell the uprising.
20090613             IRAN, supporters of the main election challenger to MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD clashed with police and set up barricades of burning tires as authorities declared THE—HARD—LINE—PRESIDENT—WAS—RE—ELECTED with 62.6—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE to 33.75% to Mousavi.
20090613             Saeed Leilaz, 1—UNIVERSITY—ECONOMICS—PROFESSOR, was among 1—NUMBER or protesters who were arrested.
20090613             —REPORTED, BRAZIL, that 1—FRANCE—SHIP had found 6—MORE—BODIES from Air FRANCE Flight 447, which would bring the total to 50.
20090613             INGUSHETIA, gunmen fatally shoot Bashir Aushev, 1—FORMER—DEPUTY—PRIME—MINISTER who oversaw police agencies, as he stands outside his home in NAZRAN.
20090613             —ORDERED, 1—ITALY—COURT, the recall of 10,000 TONS—OF—WOOD—FUEL pellets imported from LITHUANIA over fears that they could have dangerous LEVELS—OF—RADIOACTIVITY.
20090613             —SHOWED, Test results, that they contained cesium 137, 1—HIGHLY toxic radioactive substance normally produced by 1—NUCLEAR—EXPLOSION or from the combustion of 1—NUCLEAR—REACTOR.
20090613             The contaminated pellets themselves were not dangerous to humans, but danger comes from the ashes and the smoke produced —WHEN they are burned.
20090613             —ORDERED, In WEST—GUERRERO state gunmen, 1—PRIEST and 2—SEMINARIANS out of their vehicle and shot them dead in THE—TOWN—OF—ARCELIA.
20090613             —COUNTED, MOROCCO, with more than 80—PERCENT—OF—SEATS, the Authenticity and Modernity Party (PAM) had 4,854 seats, ahead of the governing Istiqlal (INDEPENDENCE) party with 4,246.
20090613             —FOUNDED, PAM, by Fouad ALI—EL—HIMMA, was created —LAST—YEAR by lawmakers from 5—PARTIES.
20090613             —POSITIONED, It has, itself as 1—ALTERNATIVE to both opposition Islamists and Istiqlal, and has sought to combat voter apathy with promises to follow through on policy commitments.
20090613             Provisional figures put the turnout at 51%.
20090613             —VOWED, NORTH—KOREA, to step up its atomic BOMB—MAKING—PROGRAM and threatened war if its ships are stopped as PART—OF—NEW UN sanctions aimed at punishing the nation for its latest nuclear test.
20090613             —UNVEILED, PAKISTAN, 1—DEFICIT—NATIONAL—BUDGET, proposing 1—INCREASE in defense expenditure to help fight Taliban militants —WHILE boosting agriculture and industrial output and reducing poverty.
20090613             —KILLED, PAKISTAN—TROOPS reportedly, 41—MILITANTS overnight in their offensive against the Taliban in the northwest.
20090613             —BOMBED, Jets, insurgent hideouts in response to 2—SUICIDE—ATTACKS the previous —DAY.
20090613             30 suspected militants were killed in strikes in SOUTH—WAZIRISTAN.
20090613             THE—PHILIPPINES, AL—QAIDA—LINKED ABU—SAYYAF militants holding Eugenio Vagni (62), 1—ITALY—RED—CROSS—WORKER captive, killed 5—THE—PHILIPPINES—MARINES and wounded 10—OTHERS in 1—AMBUSH on SOUTH—JOLO ISLAND.
20090613             —SUSPECTED, THAILAND, 2, insurgents riding 1—MOTORCYCLE hurled 1—BOMB at 1—BUS, killing 1—PASSENGER and wounding 13—OTHERS in downtown Yala city.
20090613             YALA, province's Bannang Sata district, 1—HUSBAND and wife were shot dead in 1—AMBUSH—WHILE riding their motorcycle.
20090613             —KILLED, In Narathiwat province 1—VILLAGE headman's wife was, and another person wounded —WHILE riding 1—MOTORCYCLE to 1—MARKET.
20090613             1—TURKEY—SOLDIER and 1—KURDISH—REBEL were killed in fighting in THE—SOUTH—EAST—OF—TURKEY near the border with IRAQ.
20090613             —ARRESTED, VIETNAM, civil rights lawyer Le Cong Dinh (41) was, at his home in Ho CHI—MINH—CITY.
20090613             —CONVICTED, He faces up to 20—YEARS in prison if, on charges of sabotaging the communist government.
20090613             3—OTHER—PRO—DEMOCRACY—ACTIVISTS, Le Thang Long, Tran Thi Thu and Le Thi Thu Thu, were soon arrested for colluding with Dinh.
20090613             "Permitir o uso de informações prévias na resolução criativa de problemas", segundo estudo do grupo de SARA—MEDNICK, da Universidade da...
20090613             Durma BEM—AHMADINEDSCHADS Sieg: "Die Amerikaner müssen klare Angebote auf den Tisch legen"
20090613             ELITE—UNI Harvard: "Wir möchten die Schlauesten aus der ganzen Welt anlocken"
20090613             Teheran: Schwere Straßenschlachten nach Ahmadinedschads Wahlsieg
20090613             Präsidentschaftswahl in IRAN: Triumph des Gottesstaates
20090613             Studie: Bei Eierstockkrebs machen Ärzte oft tödliche Fehler
20090613             Impfstreit: BAYERN geht gegen renitente Bauern vor
20090613             DIHK—UMFRAGE: Großkonzerne klagen über Kreditklemme
20090613             VIELE—MILLIONEN—JAHRE währte der Terror.
20090613             Zwangsarbeit in fünfziger Jahren: Misshandelte Heimkinder fordern 25—MILLIARDEN Euro Entschädigung
20090613             CO2-Senkung: CHINA fordert neue Bedingungen für KLIMA—ABKOMMEN
20090613             Anschlag im HOLOCAUST—MUSEUM: Attentäter hatte Kontakt zu Neonazi Mahler
20090613             Datenaffäre: Post speicherte Krankendaten von Mitarbeitern
20090613             IRAN: Verlierer Mussawi wirft Machthabern Wahlbetrug vor
20090613             AWACS—EINSATZ: Bund erhöht Truppenstärke in AFGHANISTAN
20090613             Krise in Fernost: NORDKOREA droht mit Bau weiterer Atomwaffen
20090613             BIOREAKTOR—EXPERIMENT: Im Labor des Lebens
20090613             Präsidentschaftswahl in IRAN: Ahmadinedschad erringt überwältigenden Sieg
20090613—20090618    —BY, 10—CPM activists had been killed as security camps and party offices were burned down.
20090613—20100300    —SENTENCED, Leilaz was, to 6—YEARS in prison for insulting the country's supreme leader, violating public order and participating in 1—PLAN to disturb the country's security.
20090613—20120000    —IN, Their 2. album "Sparkle, Darker" came out.
20100513—20100613    —ON, Tribune Media Service in CHICAGO said that it will cease SYNDICATION—OF—THE—LITTLE—ORPHAN—ANNIE comic strip.
20100604—20100613    —ON, 1—CRIMINAL—INVESTIGATION was opened.
20100613             In the 64. - TONY—AWARDS "Red," JOHN—LOGAN—DRAMA about painter MARK—ROTHKO, won as the top drama.
20100613             1—REVIVAL—OF—AUGUST Wilson's "Fences" and the musical "MEMPHIS" also won top honors.
20100613             † JIMMY—DEAN, former country singer and sausage entrepreneur, at his home in VIRGINIA.
20100613             JIMMY—DEAN'S 19610000              song "Big Bad John" won him 1—GRAMMY.
20100613             —ATTACKED, In CENTRAL—AFGHANISTAN Taliban militants, 1—POLICE—POST, sparking 1—DAY—LONG—BATTLE which killed 8—POLICEMEN, 4—CIVILIANS and 9—MILITANTS in the Kijran DISTRICT—OF—DAY—KUNDI province.
20100613             BELGIUM voters gave 1—STUNNING—WIN in general elections to the New Flemish Alliance, 1—SEPARATIST—PARTY that wants Dutch and FRENCH—SPEAKERS to end YEARS—OF—ACRIMONIOUS—LINGUISTIC—DISPUTES, or go their own way and break up BELGIUM.
20100613             —ISSUED, THE—LONDON SCHOOL—OF—ECONOMICS, new research report saying PAKISTAN—MAIN—SPY—AGENCY continues to arm and train the Taliban and is even represented on the group's leadership council despite USA—PRESSURE to sever ties and billions in aid to combat the militants.
20100613             THE—LONDON—BASED Mo IBRAHIM—FOUNDATION said that for the 2. —YEAR in 1—ROW—ITS $5—MILLION—ANNUAL prize for good governance in AFRICA will not be awarded.
20100613             —FREED, COLOMBIA—SOLDIERS, 2—HIGH—RANKING—POLICE—OFFICERS and 1—ARMY—SERGEANT who were among THE—LONGEST—HELD rebel captives —DURING 1—RAID in the nation's southern jungle.
20100613             —FREED, The rescue operation, police GENERAL—LUIS—MENDIETA and COLONEL—ENRIQUE—MURILLO, both captured by leftist FARC, guerrillas in a 19981100              siege of the eastern provincial CAPITAL—OF—MITU.
20100613             SERGEANT—ARBEY—DELGADO and LIEUTENANT—COLONEL—WILLIAM—DONATO were taken in August of the same —YEAR—DURING 1—REBEL—ATTACK on 1—ANTI—DRUG outpost in the southern jungle TOWN—OF—MIRAFLORES.
20100613             Donato was found the next —DAY.
20100613             EGYPT—SECURITY—FORCES in CAIRO hit protesters and knocked some to the ground —BEFORE rounding dozens up at 1—DEMONSTRATION against 1—POLICE beating that killed 1—YOUNG—MAN 1—WEEK ago.
20100613             IRAQ, gunmen trying to rob THE—CENTRAL—BANK—IN—BAGHDAD battled security forces for hours —AFTER bombs ripped through 1—NEARBY—AREA, leaving as many as 26—DEAD, including 3—SUICIDE—BOMBERS.
20100613             —BLAMED, Police, al Qaeda in IRAQ.
20100613             JAPAN—HAYABUSA space probe, which scientists hope contains material from the surface of 1—ASTEROID returned to Earth, landed in the remote AUSTRALIA—OUTBACK —FOLLOWING a 7-year journey.
20100613             —RIPPED, KENYA, 2—GRENADE—BLASTS, through 1—DOWNTOWN NAIROBI park at dusk as 1—RALLY against the country's proposed constitution was concluding.
20100613             6—PEOPLE were killed as the crowd of thousands stampeded OUT—OF—THE—PARK—AFTER the 2. explosion.
20100613             —OPPOSED, Those at the rally, the draft constitution because it would allow abortions in LIFE—THREATENING pregnancies and recognize Islamic courts.
20100613             —BURNED, Kyrgyz mobs, UZBEKISTAN—VILLAGES and slaughtered their residents in the worst ethnic rioting this CENTRAL—ASIA—NATION has seen in 20—YEARS.
20100613             Officials said more than 75,000 UZBEKISTAN—REFUGEES have fled the rising ethnic violence, amid reports of Kyrgyz mobs torching UZBEKISTAN—VILLAGES and slaughtering their residents.
20100613             —KILLED, MEXICO, 9—PEOPLE were, —WHEN 1—PLANE belonging to 1—POLITICIAN running for GOVERNOR—IN—QUINTANA—ROO state crashed.
20100613             ROBERTO—BORGE, the powerful Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI)'s candidate for GOVERNOR, was not aboard —AT—THE—TIME.
20100613             —SUMMONED, NEPAL—PRIME—MINISTER—MADHAV—KUMAR—NEPAL and Forest MINISTER—DEEPAK—BOHARA, conservation officials and THE—CHIEFS—OF—POLICE and army ordering them to come up with 1—STRATEGY to halt the killing of endangered rhinos.
20100613             28—OF—THE endangered animals had been killed over the past 11—MONTHS.
20100613             —ARMED, 1—AMERICAN, with 1—PISTOL and a 40-inch (102-cm) sword was detained in NORTH—PAKISTAN and told investigators he was on 1—SOLO mission to kill OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20100613             —IDENTIFIED, He was, as GARY—BROOKS—FAULKNER, 52—JAHRE—ALT, 1—CALIFORNIAN construction worker.
20100613             Amr Moussa, THE—HEAD—OF—THE 22-member Arab League, met with the top Hamas leader in GAZA, PRIME—MINISTER—ISMAIL—HANIYEH, in 1—SIGNIFICANT—DIPLOMATIC—BOOST for Hamas.
20100613             —RENTED, In THE—CENTRAL—PHILIPPINES 1—BUS, by IRAN—MEDICAL—STUDENTS plunged into 1—RAVINE —WHILE negotiating 1—MOUNTAIN—ROAD, killing 21—PEOPLE and injuring 26—OTHERS.
20100613—19690000    —IN, he started THE—JIMMY—DEAN—MEAT—CO.
20100613—19840000    —IN, which he sold to SARA—LEE—CORP.
20100613—20080000    —IN, LIBYA said that SWITZERLAND has paid $1.5—MILLION for mistreating Moammar GADHAFI—SON —DURING his arrest there, and SWITZERLAND expected the return of MAX—GOELDI, 1—CITIZEN held in TRIPOLI, as the countries ended a 2—YEAR—DIPLOMATIC—ROW.
20100613—20100610    —KILLED, At least 371—PEOPLE were, in the rioting that began.
20100613—20100615    —ANNOUNCED, THROUGH, Spirit Airlines, that it has canceled all flights as 1—PILOT—STRIKE continued into a 2. —DAY.
20100613—20100623    —RETURNED, Faulkner, to THE—USA with no charges filed against him.
20100613—20100804    —ON, The draft will be voted.
20100613—20140000    —FROM, IRAN and PAKISTAN formally signed a $7—BILLION export deal which commits the Islamic republic to supplying its eastern neighbor with natural gas.
20101118—20110613    —SENTENCED, Jakubec was, to 30—YEARS in prison.
201102061306         —SEIT—12—TAGEN von der Opposition besetzten Platz, der das territoriale Herz des politischen Widerstands ist.
201102061345         —BERICHTET, Das ÄGYPTEN—STAATSFERNSEHEN, über 1. ERGEBNISSE—DES—GESPRÄCHS zwischen Vizepräsident OMAR—SULEIMAN und Oppositionellen:
20110606—20110613    —ON, this story was revealed as 1—HOAX and a 40-year old USA—MAN living in SCOTLAND apologized for posing as Arraf.
20110613             ALOIS—ANDRITZKI, sorbischer Priester und Märtyrer, wird vor der Hofkirche in DRESDEN als 1. Sorbe und Sachse seliggesprochen.
20110613             —40—YEARS—AFTER their release caused 1—SENSATION, the entire collection of THE—SO—CALLED "Pentagon Papers" was made available to the public, both on line and in 47—VOLUMES—OF—HARD—COPY—DOCUMENTS.
20110613             THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE said Hecla Mining Co. will pay $263—MILLION to settle 1—OF—THE—NATION—LARGEST—SUPERFUND lawsuits for releasing mining waste into the environment in IDAHO.
20110613             NEW—YORK—CITY, Zvi Goffer, FORMER—GALLEON Group LLC hedge fund trader, was convicted on all counts for insider trading.
20110613             His brother and MICHAEL—KIMELMAN were also found GUILTY—OF—CONSPIRACY and securities fraud.
20110613             —UNSEALED, SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, 1—INDICTMENT was, charging radiologist DOCTOR—SIM—HOFFMAN, neurologist DOCTOR—THOMAS—HERIC and 2—STAFFERS in a $17—MILLION—WORKERS' compensation insurance fraud scheme.
20110613             —RULED, S—FRANCISCO, 1—INDEPENDENT—ARBITRATOR, that municipal transport operators must work under 1—CONTRACT they overwhelmingly rejected last —WEEK.
20110613             —FILED, THE—CENTER for Reproductive Rights, 1—LAWSUIT against 1—NEW—TEXAS law, effective 20110901             , requiring doctors to conduct 1—SONOGRAM and describe 1—FETUS' features —BEFORE performing 1—ABORTION.
20110613             THE—DEATH—OF—BETTY Neumar, a 79—YEAR—OLD grandmother, left authorities with many unanswered questions.
20110613             Neumar was 1—SUSPECT in 1—NORTH—CAROLINA murder: she was accused of soliciting someone to kill her husband.
20110613             —DISCOVERED, But investigators also, that over the years, she had been oo 5—TIMES, and several of her husbands † under suspicious circumstances.
20110613             Authorities were looking into those other cases, but her death may mean they will never be resolved.
20110613             —RANKED, On access to civil justice AMERICA, 21.
20110613             1—CONFERENCE—OF—INTERNATIONAL—PHILANTHROPISTS, in association with the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation, took place in LONDON.
20110613             —PLEDGED, Participants, including FORMER—MICROSOFT Chairman BILL—GATES, $4.3—BILLION to purchase vaccines for children in poor countries.
20110613             The vaccines will help to eradicate such diseases as diphtheria, whooping cough, and measles.
20110613             —CAUSED, CHINA, severe flooding, by DAYS—OF—TORRENTIAL rains has led to 105—DEATHS.
20110613             —RESULTED, The heavy rains have also, in 1—NUMBER—OF mudslides, with THE—PROVINCE—OF—HUNAN the hardest hit.
20110613             EGYPT—MILITARY told human rights advocates that at least 7,000 civilians have been sentenced to prison terms by military courts —SINCE THE—OUSTER—OF—PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBAREK.
20110613             Speaking in ETHIOPIA to MEMBERS—OF—THE—AFRICAN Union, SECRETARY—OF—STATE—HILLARY—CLINTON spoke out against African leaders with despotic regimes, and encouraged democratic reforms in those countries.
20110613             MISTER—S—CLINTON, the 1. USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE to address 1—SESSION—OF—THE—AFRICAN Union, encouraged members to break ties with LIBYA—STRONGMAN—MUAMMAR Khaddafi and to support the rebels fighting to overthrow him.
20110613             She was on a 5—DAY—DIPLOMATIC—TRIP to 3—COUNTRIES.
20110613             At 1—PHOTO opportunity in HESSEN—GERMANY, 1—QUICK—THINKING—PILOT—OF—THE—GOODYEAR Blimp saved lives as he lost his own in 1—FIERY crash.
20110613             Pilot MIKE—NERANDZIC was in the air allowing journalists to take pictures for 1—ROAD—SAFETY—CAMPAIGN—WHEN the blimp began to experience problems.
20110613             Nerandzic flew low enough for journalists in the blimp to escape, but then the blimp burst into flames;
20110613             the pilot managed to direct it away from onlookers and camera crews —BEFORE it crashed, killing him.
20110613             —TURNED, ITALY—VOTERS, out in large numbers to defeat laws passed by Premier BERLUSCONI—GOVERNMENT to revive nuclear energy, privatize the water supply and help him avoid prosecution.
20110613             —ANNOUNCED, LEBANON PRIME—MINISTER—NAJIB—MIKATI, 1—NEW—CABINET dominated by the Hezbollah militant group.
20110613             —RATTLED, NEW—ZEALAND, strong aftershocks, CHRISTCHURCH.
20110613             —PREPARED, As THE—PALESTINE—AUTHORITY, for diplomatic talks in CAIRO, dissension broke out between THE—2—FACTIONS in the government, Hamas and Fatah, over choosing 1—LEADER for their unity government.
20110613             PALESTINE—AUTHORITY—PRESIDENT—AND—LEADER—OF—FATAH—MAHMOUD—ABBAS has been unable to persuade Hamas to accept his choice to lead the unity government, Salam Fayyad.
20110613             —WHILE Fayyad, the current PRIME—MINISTER—OF—THE—PA, is considered 1—MODERATE and is acceptable to western countries, Hamas regards him negatively, accusing him of trying to close down Hamas' institutions and being too CO—OPERATIVE with ISRAEL.
20110613             PAPUA—NEW—GUINEA, THEO—ABAL, 21—JAHRE—ALT, the adopted SON—OF—THE—ACTING—PRIME—MINISTER—SAM—ABAL, slashed the throat of a 29—YEAR—OLD hostess he met in 1—BAR.
20110613             —CHARGED, Abal was, with murder —AFTER THE—BODY—OF—THE—WAITRESS was found at the family home.
20110613             —ANNOUNCED, PERU—PRESIDENT—ALAN—GARCIA, his plan to build the world's tallest statue of Jesus Christ, standing 120—FT. high.
20110613             Among those to object is the mayor of LIMA, SUSAN—VILLARAN, who noted that such 1—TALL statue would negatively impact the skyline and overshadow other tourist attractions.
20110613             —ROUNDED, Police in TURKEY, up 32 alleged MEMBERS—OF—ANONYMOUS, hacker group, which had —RECENTLY attacked 1—COUPLE—OF—OFFICIAL—WEBSITES.
20110613             —AGREED, YEMEN—ACTING—PRESIDENT, with opposition parties to begin discussions on how to transfer power from PRESIDENT—SALEH.
20110613—19710613    —ON, defense analyst DANIEL—ELLSBERG leaked SOME—OF—THE—THEN—TOP—SECRET—DOCUMENTS to THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, revealing to THE—USA—PUBLIC previously hidden facts about the government's involvement in VIETNAM, including damaging information about mistakes that had been made.
20110613—20110222    —FOLLOWED, THOUSANDS—OF—AFTERSHOCKS have, the 6.3—QUAKE that killed 181—PEOPLE.
20120613             IRAQ, 1—WAVE—OF—CAR—BOMBS struck Shiite pilgrims in 7—CITIES and towns, from BAGHDAD to HILLAH, KARBALA, Taji and Balad, killing over 80—PEOPLE in 22—SEPARATE—EXPLOSIONS targeting 1—ANNUAL—SHIITE pilgrimage commemorating the 07010101—08001231     death of revered imam.
20120613             —PITCHED, S—FRANCISCO—MATT—CAIN, 1—PERFECT—GAME in a 10—0—VICTORY over THE—HOUSTON Astros.
20120613             This was a 1. for THE—SF Giants and only the 22. perfect game in major league history.
20120613             † IN—BUFFALO, NY, JACKIE—WISNIEWSKI, 33—JAHRE—ALT, 1—NURSING—STUDENT, on the floor of THE—ERIE County Medical Center.
20120613             DOCTOR—TIMOTHY—V—JORDEN, 49—JAHRE—ALT was sought in connection to THE—DEATH—OF—HIS—1—TIME lover.
20120613             —REVEALED, ICANN, THE—INTERNET—NAMES—OF—1,400—NEW—GENERIC—TOP—LEVEL domain names.
20120613             —REFUSED, BANGLADESH, 3—MORE boatloads of Rohingya Muslims fleeing sectarian violence in MYANMAR, despite growing calls for the border to be opened.
20120613             1—UN—RIGHTS—ENVOY warned that violence posed 1—THREAT to MYANMAR—SHIFT towards democracy, as the death toll from almost 1—WEEK—OF—UNREST—ROSE to 28.
20120613             BRAZIL, dialogue began on Green Agriculture: Towards Sustainable Agricultural Economies as PART—OF—THE—RIO+20—CONFERENCE on sustainable development.
20120613             The final 3-days, set to run 20120620—20120622    —FROM—TO, will include 130—TOP—LEADERS from —AROUND the globe.
20120613             —ARRESTED, CAMBODIA, FRANCE—ARCHITECT PATRICK—DEVILLERS, with ties to disgraced CHINA—POLITICIAN BO—XILAI, in 1—NEW—TWIST to CHINA—BIGGEST political scandal in decades.
20120613             MISSISSAUGA—CANADA, teen Yoonseo Kang was 1—OF 20—RECIPIENTS of the $100,000 Thiel Fellowship, 1—PROGRAM that encourages bright minds to pursue innovative, entrepreneurial projects outside of 1—CLASSROOM setting.
20120613             —INFLUENCED, His desire to build 1—BETTER—FUTURE, his decision to move to MISSOURI—OPEN—SOURCE—ECOLOGY (OSE) farm "to become PART—OF—1—PROJECT that encourages everyday people to build their own machines.
20120613             —STARTED, CHINA—DAIRY maker Yili, recalling BATCHES—OF—BABY formula —AFTER authorities found they contained high levels of mercury.
20120613             —COVERED, The recall, baby formula produced 20111100—20120500    —FROM—TO.
20120613             COLOMBIA—BANK began issuing new coins in denominations of 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1,000 pesos, all featuring pictures of native animals.
20120613             The bimetallic 1,000-peso (USA$0.55) coin depicts 1—LOGGERHEAD sea turtle.
20120613             —KILLED, SOUTH—EAST—INDIA, at least 10—PEOPLE were, and several others seriously injured in 1—EXPLOSION at 1—STEEL—FACTORY in Andhra Pradesh state.
20120613             —CLAIMED, AL—QAEDA—FRONT—GROUP, the Islamic STATE—OF—IRAQ, —LATER, responsibility.
20120613             LIBYA—STATE—NEWS said tribal clashes in the west and south have left at least 15—PEOPLE—DEAD over the last 48—HOURS.
20120613             —QUOTED, Syria's the official SANA news agency, officials as saying THE—NORTH—WEST—REGION—OF—AL—HAFFE has been "cleansed" of terrorists and "calm has been restored" in the area.
20120613             Rebels withdrew from the besieged TOWN—OF—AL—HAFFE and nearby villages that had been under intense shelling by regime forces —FOR—8—DAYS.
20120613             —ACCUSED, RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER—SERGEI—LAVROV, THE—USA of supplying weapons to SYRIA—REBELS.
20120613             TOGO security forces broke up 1—DEMONSTRATION to protest changes to the electoral law with tear gas.
20120613             —CLAIMED, The opposition, 119—PEOPLE were wounded over THE—2—DAYS amid government "repression".
20120613             1—TUNISIA—MILITARY—COURT—CONVICTED—FORMER—PRESIDENT—ZINE—EL—ABIDINE—BEN—ALI in absentia of inciting violence and sentenced him to 20—YEARS in prison.
20120613             —ASKED, TUNISIA has repeatedly, SAUDI—ARABIA to extradite BEN—ALI so he can face the charges in person.
20120613             —RETURNED, Calm, —AFTER DAYS—OF—RIOTS by radical Islamists across the country left 62—MEMBERS—OF—THE—SECURITY—FORCES injured and led to 162—ARRESTS.
20120613             1—TURKEY—FOREIGN—MINISTRY—OFFICIAL said —AROUND 2,500 Syrians have fled to TURKEY in the last 48—HOURS amid fresh attacks that even targeted UN observers.
20120613             1—UN—INDEPENDENT—GROUP—OF—EXPERTS on CongoDRC briefed THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL saying very senior Rwandans, including THE—MINISTER—OF—DEFENSE, were backing rebels in THE—EAST—KIVU provinces.
20120613—19690000    —PROPOSED, THE—VATICAN, making the breakaway Society of S—PIUS X, founded, a "personal prelature," akin to 1—DIOCESE without borders, —DURING 1—MEETING with BISHOP—BERNARD—FELLAY, the society's superior.
20120613—20120510    —TESTIFIED, JP MORGAN—CEO—JAMIE—DIMON, —BEFORE 1—SENATE—COMMITTEE over the company's $2—BILLION trading loss, that was disclosed.
20120613—20120612    —ACQUIRED, CARLOS—SLIM, MEXICO—TELECOMMUNICATIONS billionaire, an 8.4% stake in ARGENTINA—NEWLY STATE—CONTROLLED oil and gas producer, YPF S.A. 1—FILING with THE—USA—SECURITIES and Exchange Commission said Slim and MEMBERS—OF—HIS—FAMILY acquired 32.9—MILLION—SHARES—OF—YPF Class D shares and 13.
20120613—20120613    —ON, Jorden apparently shot himself dead.
20120613—20120615    —ON, Police found his body.
20120613—20120629    —PUBLISHED, Its report was.
20120613—20120717    —RELEASED, Devillers was, and flew to CHINA voluntarily to help its investigation.
20120626             —SUSPENDED, EGYPT—ADMINISTRATIVE—COURT, 1—JUSTICE—MINISTRY—DECISION that had empowered the military to arrest civilians, responding to 1—APPEAL by 17—RIGHTS—GROUPS against the controversial 20120613              decree.
20130613             alfatomega.com/20090512.html
20130613             —BY, DAMON—HART—DAVIS, 20130612
20130613             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA, increased military aid to Syria and said it had conclusive evidence that ASSAD—REGIME has used chemical weapons, including the nerve agent sarin, on 1—SMALL—SCALE against opposition forces.
20130613             —KILLED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE said multiple chemical attacks —LAST—YEAR, up to 150—PEOPLE.
20130613             —RULED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, that companies cannot patent parts of NATURALLY—OCCURRING—HUMAN genes, 1—DECISION with the potential to profoundly affect the emerging and lucrative medical and biotechnology industries.
20130613             THE—COURT—GAVE—MYRIAD—GENETICS 1—PARTIAL—VICTORY, ruling that —WHILE NATURALLY—OCCURRING—DNA was not patentable, SYNTHETICALLY—CREATED DNA could be patented.
20130613             —DESTROYED, COLORADO, 1—WILDFIRE NORTH—EAST—OF—COLORADO Springs, at least 360—HOMES as it burned for a 3. —DAY leaving at least 2—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20130613             —KILLED, LOUISIANA, 1—EXPLOSION and fire, 1—PERSON and injured 73 at the Williams Olefins chemical plant in Geismar.
20130613             —SIGNED, TEXAS GOVERNOR—RICK—PERRY, 1—LAW protecting Christmas and other holiday celebrations in state public schools from legal challenges.
20130613             "THE—FAST—DIET", also known as the 5:2 diet, is THE—BRAINCHILD—OF—TV—MEDICAL—JOURNALIST—MICHAEL—MOSLEY and JOURNALIST—MIMI—SPENCER and allows people to eat what they want —FOR—5—DAYS but only eat 600—CALORIES 1—DAY on the other 2. Their book, "THE—FAST—DIET", has topped bestselling book lists in BRITAIN and THE—USA—THIS —YEAR and been reprinted more than 12—TIMES.
20130613             —SENTENCED, ARGENTINA, FORMER—PRESIDENT—CARLOS—MENEM, —NOW 1—SENATOR, to 7—YEARS in prison for illegally smuggling weapons to ECUADOR and CROATIA in violation of INTERNATIONAL embargoes in the 1990s.
20130613             He could remain free indefinitely —WHILE THE—SUPREME—COURT—STUDIES—ANY—APPEAL.
20130613             —SLAMMED, ARGENTINA, a 2-level commuter train, into another that had stopped between stations —DURING the —MORNING commute in 1—SUBURB—OF—BUENOS—AIRES.
20130613             3—PASSENGERS were killed and over 300 injured.
20130613             —INJURED, BRAZIL, over 100—PROTESTERS and 12—POLICE were, and 230—PEOPLE detained as THOUSANDS—OF—DEMONSTRATORS clashed with police in SAO—PAULO over hikes in bus and subway fares.
20130613             Similar protests took place in Rio, BRASILIA and Porte Alegre.
20130613             1—INFLUENTIAL—COMMITTEE—OF—UNITED—KINGDOM—LAWMAKERS accused search company Google of dodging its taxes in 1—SCATHING—REPORT that said THE—USA—INTERNET—COMPANY took on highly contrived arrangements serving no purpose other than to avoid paying its fair share.
20130613             —REPORTED, CHINA—STATE—MEDIA, that automated controls guided the Shenzhou 10—SPACE—CAPSULE in its successful docking with THE—TIANGONG—1—SPACE—LAB.
20130613             The astronauts will enter the module next —WEEK to conduct experiments —DURING their 12—DAY—MISSION.
20130613             —PASSED, ECUADOR, 1—NEW—MINING—LAW imposing an 8% ceiling on previously OPEN—ENDED royalties and streamlined the permit processes.
20130613             —STAGED, EGYPT—PILOTS working for the national carrier, a 10-hour SIT—IN protest, delaying 22—FLIGHTS in 1—EFFORT to press their demands for management changes and bonus payments.
20130613             —RATIFIED, ETHIOPIA—PARLIAMENT, the new Nile River Cooperative Framework Agreement, 1—ACCORD already signed by 5—OTHER—NILE River countries.
20130613             —WALKED, FRANCE—RAIL—WORKERS, off the job to protest 1—REORGANIZATION—OF—THE—NATIONAL—RAIL and train companies.
20130613             —CANCELED, Up to 70—PERCENT—OF—TRAIN—JOURNEYS in FRANCE were.
20130613             The action began the previous —EVENING and was set to end THE—MORNING—OF—20130614          .
20130613             —SIGNED, GERMANY—BASED Opel said GENERAL—MOTORS, 1—AGREEMENT—TODAY to start building its Corsa model at facilities owned by PARTNER—UNISON in BELARUS.
20130613             —WALKED, GREECE, thousands, off the job in the 3. general STRIKE—OF—THE—YEAR.
20130613             —RALLIED, More than 10,000 protesters, outside the public broadcasting headquarters in ATHENS in support of fired staff, who for a 3. —DAY occupied the building to continue broadcasts in DEFIANCE—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT.
20130613             —VOTED, NICARAGUA—CONGRESS, to give Wang Jing the concession to build 1—CANAL across the country.
20130613             His HK NICARAGUA Canal Development Investment Co. still has to study whether the idea is truly economically viable.
20130613             The vote gave his HONG—KONG—BASED company 50—YEARS—OF—EXCLUSIVE—RIGHTS to study the plan and build and operate 1—CANAL in exchange for NICARAGUA receiving 1—MINORITY—SHARE—OF—ANY—PROFITS.
20130613             NIGERIA, extremists sought out THE—REVEREND—JACOB—KWIZA, 1 retired pastor with THE—CHURCH—OF—CHRIST in NIGERIA.
20130613             They found him picking mangoes in his father's garden in the Gwoza hills, about 150—KM (90—MILES) from MAIDUGURI.
20130613             —ORDERED, The fighters, Kwiza to renounce his Christian faith and convert to Islam on PAIN—OF—DEATH.
20130613             —REFUSED, —WHEN he repeatedly, they slit his throat.
20130613             —BATTLED, SYRIA—REBELS, regime forces for CONTROL—OF—1—KEY—MILITARY—BASE in THE—CENTRAL—HAMA province —AFTER chasing soldiers out and setting fire to installations there.
20130613             —DECLARED, TURKEY—PRIME—MINISTER—ERDOGAN, "lawbreakers" will be removed from ISTANBUL—TAKSIM—SQUARE".
20130613             Ethem Sarisuluk (26), who had been on life support for days, was pronounced dead.
20130613             —RAISED, This, the death toll to 5—FROM THE—2—WEEK standoff.
20130613             —RESULTED, THE—UN—HUMAN—RIGHTS—OFFICE—SAID—SYRIA—SPIRALING—VIOLENCE has, in the confirmed killings of nearly 93,000—PEOPLE but the real number is likely to be far higher.
20130613             —ARRESTED, VIETNAM police, Pham Viet Dao (61), 1—OF—THE—COUNTRY—BEST known bloggers, for posting CRITICISM—OF—THE—COMMUNIST—GOVERNMENT.
20130613             —PROTESTED, YEMEN—THOUSANDS, in the capital against "excesses" by security forces, calling for THE—OVERTHROW—OF—THE—PRESIDENT and national security apparatus.
20130613             Ausblick: WELT—BANK prophezeit schwächelnde WELT—WIRTSCHAFT
20130613             Gipfel im KANZLER—AMT: Feilschen um MILLIARDEN für Flutopfer (Ps sind teilweise gefährliche, manchmal sogar sklavenähnliche Bedingungen, unter DENEN—CA—10.500.000—KINDER WELT—WEIT als HAUS—ANGESTELLTE schuften.
20130613             Kinder von GIs in DEUTSCHLAND: "Lieber tot als 20—JAHRE hier leben"
20130613             TIER—VERSUCHE IN—DEN—USA: Behörde plant Schutz für Schimpansen
20130613             —STREIT—UM—NILWASSER: Mursi droht Äthiopiens DAMMBAUERN—OBAMA in DEUTSCHLAND: Festung BERLIN
20130613             BOCHUM: ÄLTESTE Saurierspuren DEUTSCHLANDs entdeckt
20130613             —HANDELS—STREIT vor der WTO: EU beschwert sich über CHINAs Zölle
20130613             AHMADIYYA—VEREINIGUNG—IN—HESSEN: 1. muslimische Gemeinde mit christlichen Kirchen gleichgestellt
20130613             —ENDE, der Beschaulichkeit: DEUTSCHLAND hat keine "Lust auf DEUTSCHLAND"mehr
20130613             FBI—ERMITTLUNGEN—GEGEN—EDWARD—SNOWDEN: 1—NERD auf der Flucht
20130613             GEN—FORSCHUNG, Oberstes USA—GERICHT—VERBIETET—PATENTE auf menschliche DNA
20130613             —NEUE—UNO—PROGNOSE—WELT—BEVÖLKERUNG wächst schneller als erwartet
20130613             Streiks in GRIECHENLAND: "Nieder mit der Junta"
20130613             Verschollene Dokumente, USA—BEHÖRDEN präsentieren Tagebücher von HITLERs Chefideologen Rosenberg
20130613             "Basta war keine abgeschottete Enklave",
20130613             Zum Schicksal des nach HONGKONG—GEFLÜCHTETEN ehemaligen USA—GEHEIM—DIENSTLERS SNOWDEN will sich PEKING ebenfalls nicht äußern.
20130613             CHINA—MEDIEN erwarten allerdings 1—VERSCHÄRFUNG der Spannungen zwischen PEKING und WASHINGTON.
20130613             Kriege,Witschaftskriege —JETZT CYBER—KRIEGE.
20130613             I call it their business statement, "Keep the problems going so THE—MONEY keeps flowing".
20130613             It's all about contracts and money.
20130613             BINNEY—THE—EVIDENCE for BIG—DATA is scant at best.
20130613             SENATOR—BOB—GRAHAM, THE—FLORIDA Democrat who is 1—FORMER—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—SENATE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMITTEE, accused THE—WHITE—HOUSE ON—TUESDAY of covering up evidence....The accusation stems from the Federal BUREAU—OF—INVESTIGATION—REFUSAL to allow investigators for 1—CONGRESSIONAL inquiry and the independent ;;0911;;
20130613             COMMISSION—TO—INTERVIEW 1—INFORMANT, Abdussattar SHAIKH, who had been the landlord in S—DIEGO[S—DIEGO] of 2 ;;0911;;
20130613             hijackers.
20130613             THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY and THE—FBI were EACH—INDEPENDENTLY listening in on THE—PHONE—CALLS between the supposed MASTERMIND—OF—THE—ATTACKS and the lead hijacker.
20130613             The article seems merely to be 1—LIST—OF—SPOOK—ABETTING assertions, assertions most should recognize as completely and laughable false DISINFORMATION.
20130613             —LOADED, We all know THE—INTERNET is, with spooks.
20130613             Das Kind liegt —SCHON IM Brunnen
20130613             —ZITAT, Mehrere USA—UNTERNEHMEN versuchen, sich in der PRISM—AFFÄRE reinzuwaschen, setzen auf größtmögliche Offenheit.
20130613             In die DEUTSCHLAND ist 1—ÜBERWACHUNGS—ZUGANG vorgeschrieben
20130613             Seltsam, daß DIE—JOURNALISTEN bei der ganzen DISKUSSION—ÜBER—DEN ÜBERWACHUNGS—STAAT USA NOCH NICHT erwähnt haben, daß es in DEUTSCHLAND —BEREITS 1—GESETZLICHE Regelung gibt, die vorschreibt daß Provider die mehr als 10.000—EMAIL—KONTEN betreiben, 1—SOGENANNTE SINA—BOX installieren müssen, um darüber behördliche Anfragen bedienen zu können
20130613             Zwar ermitteln nun DIE—BEHÖRDEN, doch ist 1—ANKLAGE—WEGEN—LANDES—VERRATS so gut wie ausgeschlossen.
20130613             Für SNOWDEN ist eher 1—ANKLAGE—AUF—GRUND—LAGE des SPIONAGEgesetzes wahrscheinlich.
20130613             FRIEDENS—NOBEL—PREIS?
20130613             —NATÜRLICH hat er spioniert, allerdings nicht für 1—AUSLÄNDISCHE Regierung.
20130613             Was unterscheidet 1—ALEXANDER der Gtoss von irgend 1—SCHURKEN auf der Erde.
20130613             Er trägt Uniform.
20130613             1—GANZ ganz großer TEIL—DER—UNGERECHTIGKEIT auf der Erde, der zahlreichen Konflikte geht auf das Konto der USA.
20130613             So schlimm es klingen mag...
20130613             aber IM VERHÄLTNIS zur —JETZT aufgedeckten und von ALEXANDER verteidigten Schnüffelei, rücken selbst DIE—ANSCHLÄGE—AUF—DAS WORLD—TRADE—CENTER in den Bereich Kollateralschaden.
20130613             5Ich erwarte, daß irgendwann auch noch 1—WHISTLE—BLOWER vom CIA auspackt und über IN—SZENIERTE TERROR—ANSCHLÄGE berichtet um diese Bespitzelung überhaupt zu rechtfertigen, ähnlich wie das NATO—TERROR—NETZ—WERK GLADIO operierte im KALTER—KRIEG.
20130613             —BEFINDET, Für mich ist es klar wo sich DAS—REICH des Bösen.
20130613             Leider kann man 1—SO genannte WELT—MACHT nicht therapieren.
20130613             Cui BONO—MANN sollte immer fragen, wem der ganze "TERROR"nützt.
20130613             QUATSCH—SORRY aber —SEIT wann wird denn 1—UNRECHT durch 1—ANDERES Unrecht in irgendeiner Weise weniger schlimm?
20130613             VIZE—PRÄSIDENT—JOE—BIDEN war 20060000              noch gegen Sammlung von TELEFON—DATEN
20130613             willkommen... - in unserer schönen neuen Welt!
20130613             Meine Generation kann da naturgemäss gar nicht mehr mitkommen: —SCHON F.
20130613             Totschlagargumente
20130613             Geht es um totale ÜBERWACHUNG, Verschleppung, Ermordung oder FOLTER VERDÄCHTIGEr(!!!), dann wird alles und JEDES—MITTEL mit der "nationalen Sicherheit"oder dem "KAMPF—GEGEN—DEN—TERROR"BEGRÜNDET.
20130613             Lächerlich! Wie VIELE—ZIVILE—OPFER hat denn der angebliche KAMPF—GEGEN—DEN—TERROR verursacht und wie VIELE—DER—TERROR selbst?
20130613             Wer nichts zu verbergen hat.....
20130613             Wer nichts zu verbergen hat.....dem kann nichts passieren.
20130613             dumm, dümmer, am dümmsten
20130613             Der eigentliche SKANDAL—IN—DEN—USA ist ja nicht, daß DIE—NSA von Millionen INTERNETusern DIE—PRIVATEN DATEN ausspioniert.
20130613             —DENN, auch in der DDR gab es tatsächlich 1—PAAR wenige gewaltbereite Staatsfeinde.
20130613             Letztendlich bewegt sich DIE—USA —SEIT den 20010911              Anschlägen zweifellos in die gleiche Richtung wie der DDR—ÜBERWACHUNGSSTAAT.
20130613             Letztendlich - "I think that the tech companies want to assure THE—USA—PEOPLE that they are playing 1—ROLE blocking excessive demands for their information," said SUSAN—FREIWALD, 1—PROFESSOR—OF—CYBER—LAW and information privacy at the [UNIVERSITÄT—]UNIVERSITY—OF—S—FRANCISCO.
20130613             —CALLED, GOOGLE, FACEBOOK, MICROSOFT and YAHOO this —WEEK, for THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT to remove gag orders that prevent them from discussing orders under THE—FOREIGN—INTELLIGENCE—SURVEILLANCE—ACT.
20130613             —ON—WEDNESDAY, GOOGLE elaborated on what it is not allowing THE—GOVERNMENT to do.
20130613             It says it does not allow THE—NSA to collect information through 1—SECURE—PORTAL nor does it put information into a "drop box" for GOVERNMENT agents to access.
20130613             "THE—USA—GOVERNMENT does not have the ability to pull that data directly from our servers or network," THE—GOOGLE statement said.
20130613             —SCOFFED, SOME—TECHNOLOGY—LAW—EXPERTS, at GOOGLE—CLAIMS—OF delivering information by hand.
20130613             Officials and former staffers at the tech companies said it would be difficult for THE—GOVERNMENT to place equipment on their servers or directly access them in secret.
20130613             Sie lebten —BIS KURZ—VOR, AUSBRUCH—DES—KRIEGES in DEUTSCHLAND.
20130613             JOHNSON: DEUTSCHLAND war 1—VERBÜNDETER, trotz aller Differenzen.
20130613             JOHNSON: Sie sagten: "Wir hatten die beste Zeit unseres Lebens".es gefiel ihnen im "3. Reich".
20130613             Außerdem waren sie Mädchen aus der oberen Mittelschicht, ihre Väter waren beinahe zwangsläufig ANTI—SEMITEN.
20130613             "HITLER war phantastisch, DAS—PROBLEM war nur, daß er etwas zu weit ging", erzählte mir eine.
20130613             Was ist das denn?
20130613             —ERST mal peinlich, wenn Hr.
20130613             CIA (Teile 1-3) CIA—GEHEIME Operationen_Teil 1 (ARTE Doku) - YouTube
20130613             (ab —MINUTE 9:40 auch 1—WENIG DEUTSCHLAND
20130613             NSA DIE—NSA Doku: NG INSIDE—DIE—NSA—YOUTUBE
20130613             DIE—NSA DIE—FABRIK der Spione Reportage über DIE—NSA DIE—NSA DIE—FABRIK der Spione Reportage über DIE—NSA—YOUTUBE
20130613             CIA—AMERIKAS geheime MACHT (Teile 1-3) CIA—AMERIKAS geheime MACHT—BRUDERSCHAFT (1/3) - YouTube
20130613             ÜBERWACHUNGS—STAAT: Freund hört MIT—ÜBER CIA und NSA Doku: ÜBERWACHUNGS—STAAT: Freund hört MIT—ÜBER CIA und NSA, IN DEUTSCHLAND! - YouTube
20130613             Black Operationens USA—TOP SECRET—BLACK Ops- (DOKUMENTATION 20120000             ) - YouTube
20130613             Kriege Notorische LÜGEN—YOUTUBE
20130613             Man könnte 1—WOCHE damit verbringen sich deutsch—, englischsprachige Dokumentationen Anzusehen und man wüsste noch bei weitem nicht mal die Hälfte.
20130613             1—TOLLE PR—AKTION könnte man meinen!
20130613             1—ÜBERLÄUFER petzt 1—WENIG Interna minderer Relevanz aus und DER—DIENST gibt sich demokratisch und bessert nach.
20130613             DIE—FRAGE ist doch, warum DIE—USA—ADMINISTRATION offensichtlich so sehr paranoid ist?
20130613             "Rechtes Gedankengut WURDE—DAMALS, auch in ENGLAND populär": IAN—DUNDAS, STABS—CHEF—DER—GROSSBRITANNIEN—FASCHISTEN, bei seiner Hochzeit —ANFANG der 3ßiger JAHRE.
20130613             —BÜRGER—KRIEG—SYRIEN, USA bestätigen 1. CHEMIE—WAFFEN—EINSATZ
20130613             WILMINGTON—IN den NÜRNBERGer Prozessen dienten sie als Beweismittel, —SPÄTER, wurden sie in DIE—USA geschmuggelt, wo sie schließlich verschwanden.
20130613             "Um zu verstehen, warum der HOLOCAUST geschah, ist Material von großer Bedeutung, das sowohl das Handeln von Tätern als auch von OPFERn dokumentiert", sagte SARA—BLOOMFIELD, DIREKTORIN—DES—WASHINGTONER—HOLOCAUST—MUSEUMS.
20130613             Bei der Präsentation der Tagebücher sagte Morton: "Wir haben 1—DER grn.
20130613             —NUN, wird sich der 1—ODER andere vielleicht fragen, wieso die nicht 1—ANDEREN Gutachter nehmen?
20130613             es gibt also kein neues Gutachten.
20130613             Ihr seht —SCHON: Da geht leider gar nichts.
20130613             Ich —FRAGE mich ja, ob das etwas schneller ginge, wenn man einstweilig 1—PAAR DER—ZUSTÄNDIGEN Beamten in die Psychiatrie einwiese.
20130613             Brand in schwedischem AWK Ringhals.
20130613             [l] Die neue DATEN—SCHUTZ—REGELUNG der EU würde DER—GEHEIMEN DATEN—WEITERGABE—AN—DIE—NSA Tür und Tor öffnen.
20130613             [l] Nicht nur bei Mollath versagt DIE—JUSTIZ vollumfänglich: MUTMAßLICHER—VERGEWALTIGER auf freiem Fuß, weil sie es nicht gepackt haben, DAS—VERFAHREN—GEGEN—IHN rechtzeitig zu eröffnen.
20130613             EIN HALBES —JAHR!
20130613             Was wenn der tatsächlich 1—VERGEWALTIGER ist?
20130613             Wie 1—SPRECHER—DES—LAND—GERICHT —AM—MITTWOCH mitteilte, wurden dem, 50—JAHRE—ALTE Auflagen erteilt: Er muss KONTAKTE jeglicher Art zu seinem mutmaßlichen Opfer, 1—FRAU in seiner Nachbarschaft, unterlassen.
20130613             Na DANN ist ja alles gut!1!!
20130613             [l] OBAMA so: Wir haben DIE—ABGEORDNETEN umfassend gebrieft!
20130613             1—MIT—ARBEITER so: Psst, naja, äh, "umfassend"ist vielleicht etwas zuviel gesagt
20130613             OBAMA so: Na dann briefen wir sie halt —JETZT schnell.
20130613             —LEARNED, Ergebnis: "What we, in there,"Sanchez said, "is significantly more than what is out IN—THE—MEDIA—TODAY".
20130613             —BARRED, LAW—MAKERS are, from revealing the classified information they receive in intelligence briefings [..]
20130613             Das ist ja auch der Trick, mit dem sie CONGRESSional Oversight machen und bei uns parlamentarische GEHEIM—DIENST—AUFSICHT.
20130613             "I can't speak to what we learned in there, and I don't know if there are other leaks, if there is more information somewhere, if somebody else is going to step up, but I will tell you that I believe it's THE—TIP—OF—THE—ICEBERG,"she said.
20130613             Und weiter:
20130613             —ASTOUNDED, Sanchez said LAW—MAKERS were ""by what they heard.
20130613             "I think it's —JUST broader than most people even realize, and I think that's, in 1—WAY, what astounded MOST—OF—USA, too,"Sanchez said of the briefing.
20130613             Das muss man natürlich als das sehen, was es ist: Ass Covering.
20130613             [l] Die Wasserkriege gehen bald los: ÄTHIOPIEN will den Nil stauen und ÄGYPTEN droht —DARAUFHIN, mit KRIEG.
20130613             [l] 1—HOLLAND—CLOUD—PROVIDER erzählt mal, wie DIE—NSA bei ihnen ankam und DATEN wollte.
20130613             Auf der anderen Seite schreiben sie auch, daß der HOLLAND—INLANDSGEHEIM—DIENST AIVD "Dauergast"bei ihnen ist.
20130613             [l] Kann man Mollath eigentlich als Politischen Gefangenen betrachten?
20130613             [l] Der NSU—PROZESS wirft lange SCHATTEN.
20130613             —JETZT, sind DIE—AKTEN aus NÜRNBERG da, in den BUNDES—LÄNDERN wird nochmals geprüft, ob sich weitere NSU—VERDÄCHTIGE Fälle —IN—DEN—VERGANGENEN—13—ODER 14—JAHREN ereignet haben.
20130613             Wie sieht das eigentlich von innen aus, wenn DIE—POLIZEI die Eingangstür öffnet?
20130613             [l] DIE—NSA hackt  —SEIT—JAHREN, an CHINA und HONG—KONG herum, sagt NSA—WHISTLE—BLOWER SNOWDEN.
20130613             [l] Schöner Kontrast zu Mollath: Mann erwürgt Ehefrau — 7—JAHRE—HAFT.
20130613             Beim Notruf erklärt er ohne Gefühlsregungen, er habe seine Frau gewürgt: "Das ist billiger als 1—SCHEIDUNGS—ANWALT—DIE Axt im Haus erspart die Scheidung".
20130613             Und in so 1—FALL gibt es 7—JAHRE—HAFT, ohne GUTACHTER—SCHEIß, ohne forensische Psychiatrie, ohne Taschenlampen nachts.
20130613             DER—RICHTER hat überhaupt viel Verständnis für den Täter.
20130613             Lest euch das mal durch.
20130613             [l] Statistik des Tages: Dieses —JAHR sind —BISHER, mehr USA—AMERIKANER durch KLEIN—KINDER mit SCHUSS—WAFFEN umgekommen als durch TERROR—ANSCHLÄGE ?
20130613             [l] WTF geht den da gerade in TSCHECHIEN ab?!
20130613             Nach 1—GROSS—RAZZIA sitzt anscheinend die halbe Führungselite im Knast.
20130613             [l] PUTIN verteidigt PRISM.
20130613             —CONTROLLED, He allowed that "security agencies" must be " by THE—PUBLIC" and that tapping phones should require court approval (THE—NSA is required to ask 1—COURT—PERMISSION for EACH—CASE, although that court has never actually said no).
20130613             MONEY—QUOTE: "That's the way it's done IN—THE—USA, and that's the way it's done in RUSSIA".
20130613             Und dann dieser Kracher:
20130613             —SEEMED, PUTIN—ONLY—DISAGREEMENT—WITH—THE—USA, to be PRESIDENT—OBAMA—ARGUMENT, in explaining THE—PROGRAMS, that "You can't have 100 % security and also then have 100 % privacy and 0—INCONVENIENCE".
20130613             —RESPONDED, PUTIN, "Yes you can". Cloud
20130613             —SPAFFED, How NSA spooks, my DAD—DATA—ALL—OVER—THE—WEB
20130613             —PLUNDERED, TV star, for key PRISM asset without so much as 1—THANK—YOU
20130613             —WHILE this analysis focuses on children, another equally accurate headline could read: "USA—GUN—CULTURE—KILLS More Americans Than TERRORISTs Worldwide".
20130613             We have free speech, but we cannot shout "fire" in 1 crowded theater.
20130613             Aus der Psychiatrie, in der Gusegel
20130613             Menschen in Gefahr: —SCHON Babys fühlen mit
20130613             OECD—BILANZ: VIELE—ZUWANDERER verlassen DEUTSCHLAND schnell wieder
20130613             PRISM—SKANDAL, Warum GOOGLE auf Transparenz setzt und AT&T schweigt
20130613             HACKER—ANGRIFFE: CHINA beklagt CYBER—ATTACKEN
20130613             COLORADO: —TAUSENDE—MENSCHEN fliehen vor WALD—BRÄNDEN
20130613             Discounter in der Kritik: Lidl setzt angeblich Rattengift in Verkaufsräumen 1
20130613             —BISHER, UNO—UNTERSUCHUNG: Fast 100.000—MENSCHEN starben im SYRIEN—BÜRGER—KRIEG
20130613             —VOR, der Wahl: Massiver ANGRIFF—AUF—IRAN—GMAIL—NUTZER
20130613             Internationale GROß—RAZZIA: BKA zerschlägt Kunstfälscherbande (tarktis", sagt der Ozeanograph.
20130613             MANIPULATIONS—VORWÜRFE, GROSSBRITANNIEN—FINANZ—AUFSICHT untersucht Devisengeschäfte
20130613             DEUTSCHLAND—ANALYSE des "ECONOMIST": Vormacht ohn0 Bahnwaggons mit Raubgut abtransportiert, "eine erstaunliche Zahl"- darunter übrigens auch das BERNSTEINzimmer.
20130613             —GEFÄHRDET, Botschaft 3: SNOWDEN hat DIE—AMERIKANER.
20130613             Leahy: "es ist also korrekt, daß wir Millionen über Millionen über Millionen DATEN—SÄTZE horten und 1—DUTZEND davon hat sich als entscheidend erwiesen?"
20130613             ALEXANDER: "Ja".
20130613             "Würden Sie uns bitte die spezifischen Fälle nennen, über die Sie hier sprechen?"
20130613             "Das werden wir dem GEHEIM—DIENST—AUSSCHUSS —MORGEN mitteilen.
20130613             "Nein, Sie eröffnen den USA—AMERIKANERN gar nichts, Sie zeigen allein ausgewählten KONGRESS—MITGLIEDERN geheimes Material, richtig?"
20130613             —NATÜRLICH hat er spioniert, alMICROSOFT sogar als Uni den Quellcode des Kernels für Forschungszwecke kriegen kann, kann man davon ausgehen, daß der einmal die Runde gemacht hat.
20130613             aber IM VERHÄLTNIS zur —JETZT aufgedeckten und von ALEXANDER verteidigten Schnüffelei, rücken selbst DIE—ANSCHLÄGE—AUF—DAS WORLD—TRADE—CENTER in den Bereich Kollateralschadenexistence wasn't even publicly acknowledged —UNTIL the 1970s.
20130613             Außerdem waren sie Mädchen aus der oberen Mittelschicht, ihre Väter waren beinahe zwen
20130613             enden G—8—GIPFELS.
20130613             Gipfel im KANZLER—AMT: Feilschen um MILLIARDEN für Flutopfer
20130613             Minus 6 %: KURS—RUTSCH an asiatischen BÖRSEn
20130613             PARIS: Massenschlägerei wegen KONTROLLE—VON—BURKA—TRÄGERIN
20130613             BÖRSEN—TURBULENZEN: DAX rutscht unter 8000—PUNKTE—MARKE
20130613             OBER—HAUPT der TIBETer: "Dann wird automatisch 1—WEIBLICHER DALAI—LAMA kommen"
20130613             —HEUTE—IN—DEN—FEUILLETONS, Böser STAAT, gute DATEN—INDUSTRIE?
20130613             Internationale GROß—RAZZIA: BKA zerschlägt Kunstfälscherbande
20130613             Tiere in HOCH—WASSER—GEBIETEN: Neuanfang —NACH—DEM Deichbruch
20130613             PRISM—SKANDAL, Orwells "1984"wird IN—DEN—USA und GROß—BRITANNIEN wieder zum Bestseller
20130613             "Shenzhou 10": CHINA—KAPSEL dockt an Raummodul an
20130613             —PROTESTE—IN—ISTANBUL—ERDOGAN richtet "letzte Warnung"an DEMONSTRANTEN
20130613             DEUTSCHLAND—ANALYSE des "ECONOMIST": Vormacht ohne Mumm
20130613             —WÄHREND, GOOGLE sich mit unter den gegeben Umständen größtmöglicher Offenheit um Schadensbegrenzung bemüht, verhalten sich TELEKOM—PROVIDER wie Verizon und AT&T auffällig still, wie Cnet feststellt.
20130613             Beim Anbieter Verizon ist die Lage ähnlich.
20130613             BARACK—OBAMA unterstützte, FRÜHEREN—AUSSAGEN zum Trotz, noch in seiner OPPOSITIONszeit das entsprechende Verfahren, das
20130613             Viele spricht dafür, daß DIE—ENTHÜLLUNGEN über die Aktivitäten DER—USA—GEHEIM—DIENSTE NOCH NICHT —AM—ENDE sind.
20130613             DIE—NSA hat 1—RUF zu verlieren.
20130613             Mehr als 2—STUNDEN muss er die Fragen DER—SENATOREN aus dem sogenannten GELDBEWILLIGUNGS—AUSSCHUSS beantworten.
20130613             Er sei "stolz"auf seine LEUTE, sie würden "DAS—RICHTIGE"tun.
20130613             IMPERIALISMUS pur wäre wohl DAS—RICHTIGE Wort dafür.
20130613             —VERGESSEN, Sie, Sie leben im Imperium Americanum.
20130613             Haben wir doch —SCHON—LANGE und es geht nicht um Sicherheit, nicht um unsere Sicherheit.
20130613             SYSTEMWECHSEL—MAN sollte auch mal darüber reden, daß sich DIE—USA—REGIERUNG—ALSO auch OBAMA—IN 1—ZWICKMÜHLE befindet, aus der es ohne 1—ECHTEN SYSTEM—WECHSEL keinen Ausweg gibt.
20130613             Wenn... der NSA—CHEF—DIE SCHNÜFFEL—AKTION verteidigt, muß es die Aufgabe DER—BUNDES—REGIERUNG sein DIE—BÜRGER vor solchen Schnüfflern zu scvhützen.
20130613             Wie so noch VTler?
20130613             Das ist doch —SCHON—SEIT 1—GEFÜHLTEN Ewigkeit gang und gebe.
20130613             Bei der Präsentation der Tagebücher sagte Morton: "Wir haben 1—DER größten Rätsel der NACH—KRIEG—GESCHICHTE gelöst".DIE—AUFZEICHNUNGEN böten 1—EINBLICK "in den Geist 1—DUNKLEN Seele".
20130613             DIE—ANKLÄGER bei den NÜRNBERGer KRIEGS—VERBRECHERPROZESSEN bezeichneten ihn als "HITLERs Weltanschauungschef", der "die Lehre des Hasses schuf, die den Anstoß zur Vernichtung des Judentums"gab.
20130613             [l] Wieso weigern sich die CEOS—VON—GROSSEN—FIRMEN eigentlich nicht, wenn 1—LADEN wie DIE—NSA kommt und "Anfragen"wie "gebt UNS—ALLE—EURE—DATEN"stellt?
20130613             [l] Habt ihr DAS—VIDEO von dem CLAPPER gesehen?
20130613             OBAMA stellt sich hinter CLAPPER.
20130613             As THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION—INSISTS that CONGRESS was fully informed about THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY—WIDESPREAD—SURVEILLANCE on Americans' phone records
20130613             Und dann kloppt CLAPPER diesen Kracher raus:
20130613             —ADMITTED, JAMES—CLAPPER, THE—DIRECTOR—OF—NATIONAL—INTELLIGENCE, has —NOW, he gave the "least untruthful"answer to 1—DIRECT—QUESTION in ;;03;;
20130613             Hey, was wollt ihr denn, ich hätte noch viel mehr lügen können!1!!
20130613             —UPDATE, es gibt da 1—ALTEN AGENTEN—SPRUCH, der ganz gut passt.
20130613             [l] 1—USA—GERICHT hat —JETZT 1—CHINESEN zu 12—JAHREN Knast wegen Verkaufs von Raubkopien verurteilt.
20130613             Der KNACK—PUNKT an der Sache ist, daß der Mann in CHINA wohnt und ALLE—VERKÄUFE von dort aus gemacht hat.
20130613             Wie kam es dann überhaupt zu 1—GERICHTSVERFAHREN IN—DEN—USA?
20130613             Sie haben ihn geheimdienstlich rausgelockt.
20130613             —AGREED, Li, to travel there from his home in SOUTH—WEST—CHINA to deliver pirated —SOFTWARE and 20—GIGABYTES of proprietary data from 1—USA—SOFTWARE—COMPANY to undercover agents posing as businessmen,
20130613             Der Mann war offensichtlich auch 1—ECHT großer Fisch, hier ist von 100.000.000—DOLLAR Schaden die Rede.
20130613             Selbst wenn man da 1—PAAR Nullen ANTIPIRATERIE—ÜBERTREIBUNG streicht, ist das noch 1—MENGE Holz.
20130613             [l] Mollath bleibt in der Psychiatrie.
20130613             Aus der Psychiatrie, in der GUSTL—MOLLATH im Maßregelvollzug lebt, dringt kaum etwas nach außen.
20130613             and the files 1—THRU 7 attached to this 20070000              DENVER—POST—STORY:
20130613             and, of course: 3—FELONIES 1—DAY: how the feds target the innocent, by HARVEY Silverglate
20130613             "3—FELONIES 1—DAY is the story of how citizens from all walks of
20130613             life -- doctors, accountants, businessmen, POLITICAL—ACTIVISTS, and
20130613             others -- have found themselves the targets of federal prosecutions,
20130613             despite sensibly believing that they did nothing wrong, broke NO—LAWS, and harmed not 1—SINGLE—PERSON.
20130613             legal practitioner who has represented THE—WRONGFULLY—ACCUSED, and
20130613             of 1—LEGAL—OBSERVER who has written about these trends for THE—PAST
20130613             4—DECADES, 3—FELONIES 1—DAY—BRINGS—HOME how individual
20130613             liberty is THREATENED—BY—ZEALOUS crusades from THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE.
20130613             lawyers and judges, for that matter) cannot predict with any
20130613             reasonable assurance whether 1—WIDE—RANGE—OF seemingly ordinary
20130613             activities might be regarded by federal prosecutors as felonies".
20130613             JOHN—GILMORE—DEMOKRATIE
20130613             DIE—MENSCHEN wollen nicht wissen, wie wichtig Demokratie und Freiheit sind.
20130613             In den letzten 20—JAHREN sind Doppel soviele Menschen durch Konflikte ums leben gekommen als wie im WWII
20130613             EUROPA, leben —HEUTE—NOCH, 742.000.000—MENSCHEN.
20130613—19400000    —BIS, "DIE—BRITEN mochten DIE—DEUTSCHE—SAUBERKEIT": Im ENGLAND—DARENTH wurden HAKENKREUZ—FAHNEN produziert.
20130613—20130601    —BELIEVED, He was, to have been hit in the head by 1—TEAR gas canister —DURING protests in ANKARA.
20130613—20130731    —ANNOUNCED, ZIMBABWE—PRESIDENT—MUGABE officially, that elections will go ahead despite opposition from THE—PRIME—MINISTER, setting the stage for 1—POLITICAL standoff between the longtime rivals.
20130613—20250000    —BY, THE—UN said the world's population will increase from 7.2—BILLION —TODAY to 8.1—BILLION and
20130613—20500000    —BY, to 9.6—BILLION.
20140613             —CITED, More than 550—SAME—SEX—COUPLES in the state, her 20140606              decision in order to get oo over the past 7—DAYS.
20140613             PRESIDENT—OBAMA spoke at the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in NORTH—DAKOTA promoting the need to help reservations create jobs.
20140613             —UNEMPLOYED, Some 63—PERCENT—OF—ABLE—WORKERS at Standing Rock were.
20140613             The 2.3—MILLION—ACRE—RESERVATION was home to some 850—RESIDENTS.
20140613             —RELEASED, THE—IRS, documents revealing that E—MAILS sent by IRS official Lois Lerner 20100000—20110000    —FROM—TO had been lost —WHEN 1—COMPUTER crashed, and that the backup tapes had been recycled.
20140613             —TARGETED, This was the period —WHEN SOME—IRS staff, groups with "Tea Party" or "patriot" in their names for extra scrutiny ahead of 20120000             —THE elections.
20140613             —ANNOUNCED, Priceline, 1—GLOBAL—BOOKING—AGENCY, that it is acquiring OpenTable, 1—SF—BASED restaurant reservation service, for $2.6—BILLION.
20140613             —CRASHED, DOCTOR—RICHARD—ROCKEFELLER, 65—JAHRE—ALT—OF—FALMOUTH—MAINE, in 1—SINGLE—ENGINE—PLANE—JUST—AFTER takeoff from Westchester County Airport outside NEW—YORK—CITY.
20140613             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—IN—MADISON—WISCONSIN, issued 1—ORDER postponing her decision striking down WISCONSIN—BAN on SAME—SEX—MARRIAGE as unconstitutional, pending the outcome of 1 expected appeal.
20140613             —BECAME, GASTON—BROWNE, the new PRIME—MINISTER—OF—THE—2—ISLAND nation of ANTIGUA—AND—BARBUDA —AFTER his Labor Party won 14—OF 17—SEATS in THE—PARLIAMENT.
20140613             —MODIFIED, The original verdict was, to 8—YEARS and 6—MONTHS.
20140613             † EGYPT, 1—POLICEMAN in CAIRO—MAADI district was shot and killed from atop 1—NEARBY—BUILDING —WHILE he broke up 1—PRO—BROTHERHOOD protest of about 50—PEOPLE.
20140613             Other small protests took place in the provinces of Sharqiya and Daqahliyah as well as in Assiut, SOUTH—OF—CAIRO.
20140613             —NAMED, FRANCE, 1—ROMA boy, Darius (16) was beaten into 1—COMA in THE—TOWN—OF—PIERREFITTE.
20140613             1—REPRESENTATIVE—FOR—IRAQ—TOP—SHIITE cleric urged Iraqis to defend their country.
20140613             —REPORTED, IRAN—OFFICIAL—IRNA news agency, that FORMER—MEMBERS—OF—TEHRAN—POWERFUL—REVOLUTIONARY—GUARD have announced their readiness to fight in IRAQ against Islamic STATE—OF—IRAQ and the Levant (ISIL).
20140613             ISRAEL—MILITARY said its soldiers are searching THE—WEST—BANK—AFTER 3—ISRAEL—TEENAGERS were reported missing.
20140613             —DRESSED, ISRAEL—MEN, colorfully, drag queens and others partied through CENTRAL—TEL Aviv as TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE took part in the city's annual gay pride parade, the largest event of its kind in THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20140613             —RESIGNED, ITALY, Venice mayor Giorgio Orsoni, under pressure, 1—DAY—AFTER being freed from house arrest under 1—PLEA—DEAL linked to 1—BRIBERY—SCANDAL involving THE—CONSTRUCTION—OF—UNDERWATER barriers to protect the lagoon city from flooding.
20140613             ITALY, MARCELLO—DELL'UTRI, 1—LONGTIME ALLY—OF—FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—SILVIO—BERLUSCONI, was extradited to ITALY under Interpol guard and transferred to 1—PRISON in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—PARMA.
20140613             Authorities said he had fled to LEBANON to escape 1—PRISON—SENTENCE for Mafia association.
20140613             —RECOVERED, ITALY—SAILORS, 10—BODIES—OF—MIGRANTS—AFTER their rubber dinghy sank off THE—LIBYA—COAST.
20140613             30—9—MIGRANTS were rescued —AFTER the vessel sank.
20140613             —OPENED, JORDAN—BORDER—GUARDS, fire on 4—VEHICLES trying to enter illegally from Syria —AFTER they ignored orders to stop.
20140613             —KILLED, STATE—RUN—NEWS—AGENCY did not say whether anyone was, or wounded in the incident.
20140613             SOUTH—AFRICA—JOHANNESBURG—BASED—AFRICAN—PARKS, group said that —SINCE MID—MAY at least 68—ELEPHANTS have been slaughtered by poachers over the last 2—MONTHS using chain saws and helicopters in the 5,000 square km (1,900 square mile) Garamba National Park in CONGO.
20140613             —REPLACED, SOUTH—KOREA—PRESIDENT—PARK—GEUN—HYE, 7—CABINET—MEMBERS in 1—APPARENT—BID to win back sagging public trust in her administration —AFTER APRIL—FERRY disaster.
20140613             —APPROVED, THE—SPAIN—GOVERNMENT said it has, legislation to sell 49—PERCENT of the national aviation authority AENA and also open up 1—OF—THE—COUNTRY—PASSENGER—RAIL—ROUTES to 1—PRIVATE—OPERATOR.
20140613             —LIFTED, THAILAND—MILITARY—GOVERNMENT fully, 1—CURFEW it imposed nationwide —AFTER seizing power last —MONTH, saying there is no THREAT—OF—VIOLENCE.
20140613             —DEPORTED, THAILAND, Moua Toua Ter, 1—FORMER—ETHNIC—HMONG resistance leader, to LAOS —AFTER being held in BANGKOK —SINCE March —LAST—YEAR.
20140613             He had been sheltering in THAILAND —FOR—8—YEARS—WHILE seeking resettlement in a 3. country.
20140613             —RECLAIMED, UKRAINE—INTERIOR—MINISTER said that government troops have, the southern port of Mariupol, the 2.—LARGEST city in THE—DONETSK region, from PRO—RUSSIA—SEPARATISTS.
20140613             —CONFIRMED, Rebel leaders, they have 3—TANKS.
20140613             UKRAINE said it was ready to pay 1—COMPROMISE price for RUSSIA—NATURAL—GAS—FOR—18—MONTHS to avert THE—THREAT—OF—MOSCOW cutting off supplies and allow time to reach 1—LONG—TERM—PRICING—AGREEMENT.
20140613             —SUSPECTED, YEMEN, 4—SOLDIERS and 5, AL—QAEDA militants were killed in 2—SEPARATE—ATTACKS in the south.
20140613             Fahndung in PORTUGAL: Maddies Eltern nach Spurensuche "sehr zufrieden"
20140613             GESUNDHEITS—SYSTEM, Krankenkassen rutschen in VERLUST—ZONE
20140613             Telefonat über UKRAINE—KRISE—POROSCHENKO und PUTIN tauschen Vorwürfe aus
20140613             Einkommensplus trotz —KRISE, USA—MANAGER verdienen 300-mal so viel wie einfache —ARBEITER
20140613             VORMARSCH—DER—DSCHIHADISTEN, USA—UNTERNEHMEN evakuieren Flughafen im IRAK
20140613             Vorbild Open Source: Tesla will Patente freigeben
20140613             Energieversorgung: BAYERN fordert nationale Gasreserve
20140613             "LEX—GURLITT": SPD fordert Stiftung für Rückgabe von RAUB—KUNST
20140613             Niedrige ENERGIE—PREISE: Inflation fällt auf 4—JAHRES—TIEF
20140613             STOFFWECHSEL—ANALYSE: Dinos auf dem Sprung
20140613             —KAMPF—GEGEN—ISIS—TERRORISTEN: IRAN verspricht IRAK uneingeschränkte Solidarität
20140613             STÖR—FÄLLE bei der Flugsicherheit: 1—DUTZEND Flugzeuge über ÖSTERREICH vom Radar verschwunden
20140613             —VERSTEIGERT, Drogenplattform Silk Road, USA—JUSTIZ—MINISTERIUM, Bitcoin im Wert von 13.000.000—EURO
20140613             BANKEN—REGULIERUNG: GROß—BRITANNIEN droht LIBOR—PFUSCHERN mit harten Strafen
20140613             Rohkost fürs Weltall: Forscher züchten Garten Eden
20140613             WIEN—PLÖTZLICH, waren sie nicht mehr auf dem Radarkontrollschirm: Zweimal in diesem —MONAT sollen FLUGDATEN—VON—MASCHINEN über ÖSTERREICH bei der FLUGSICHERHEITS—BEHÖRDE verschwunden sein.
20140613             DIE—VOR—FÄLLE hätten sich am 5.
20140613             und ;;0610;;ereignet, sagte MARCUS—POHANKA von der ÖSTERREICH—AUSTRO Control.
20140613             Höhe, Kurs, Geschwindigkeit und andere Informationen für insgesamt 13—FLUGZEUGE waren laut Pohanka beide MALE FÜR—CA—25—MINUTEN auf den Bildschirmen nicht mehr zu sehen.
20140613             DIE—EU—BEHÖRDEN EASA und Eurocontrol sollen die "einzigartigen"VOR—FÄLLE nun untersuchen, sagte Pohanka.
20140613             Gegenüber der ÖSTERREICH—AGENTUR APA erklärte der AUSTRO—CONTROL—SPRECHER —ZUNÄCHST: "URSACHE—FÜR—DEN Ausfall könnte 1—NATO—ÜBUNG in UNGARN gewesen sein".Diese 1.Vermutung bestätigte sich laut der LUFTFAHRT—WEB—SEITE aero.at allerdings nicht.
20140613             —AM—DIENSTAG, ;;0610;;, habe keine Übung stattgefunden.
20140613             Per Sprechfunk seien die Positionen der Maschinen abgefragt worden.
20140613             —LAUT—DER—ZEITUNG haben auch die FLUGSICHERHEITS—BEHÖRDEN—IN—DEUTSCHLAND und TSCHECHIEN ähnliche Probleme gemeldet.
20140613             DIE—FLIEGERERKENNUNGS—SYSTEME in BRATISLAVA, Prag, MÜNCHEN und KARLSRUHE seien an den Tagen zeitweise blockiert gewesen.
20140613             Der Ausfall der Radaranlagen sei dramatischer, als von Austro Control dargestellt, berichtet der "Kurier".
20140613             —ZITIERT, DIE—ZEITUNG, aus 1—MILITÄRISCHEN Analyse für die ÖSTERREICH—BUNDES—REGIERUNG und den BUNDES—PRÄSIDENTEN: "Für DIE—ZIVILE—FLUGSICHERUNG stellt dieses Szenario 1—KATASTROPHALES Ereignis dar".—BEREITS 4—LUFTEINSATZSTÄBE der NATO seien in die Angelegenheit involviert.
20140613             [6]Weiterer Beweis erbracht
20140613             Man (in diesem Fall DIE—NATO) hat den Beweis erbracht, daß sie DIE—SICHERHEIT der zivile Luftfahrt effizient außer Kraft setzen können.
20140613             Der Beweis, zu Fähigkeit 1—KOMPLETTES Flugzeug "verschwinden"zu lassen, ist ja —BEREITS erbracht.
20140613             Wozu diese Spielchen dienen, kann man nur erahnen und bedeuten 1—NEUE Dimension in der Demonstration von MACHT der USA SCHATTENregierung.
20140613             [7]Kein Radarausfall
20140613             —LAUT, —KURIER sind die TRANSPONDER—SIGNALE gestört worden.
20140613             DIE—ZIVILE—LUFT—RAUMÜBERWACHUNG verfügt in Ö anscheinend nicht über 1—PRIMÄRRADAR.
20140613             [9]ÜBERWACHUNGS—STAAT EU
20140613             Ich glaube DIE—MENSCHEN haben NOCH—IMMER nicht verstanden, worum es hier geht —DER—FALL—MH370 und diese STÖR—FÄLLE in ÖSTERREICH —JETZT, sollen 1—RECHTFERTIGUNG sein, um endlich die komplette ÜBERWACHUNG des LUFT—RAUMES zu installieren Stichwort: Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS—B) einfach googlen.
20140613             DIE—USA—AMIS haben —BEREITS 1—WELT—RAUMÜBERACHUNG namens NRO (National Reconnaissance Office) Nun müsste man den kompletten LUFT—RAUM überwachen und ALLE—TECHNISCHEN—GERÄTE—VON—FLUHZEUGEN durch (IMARSAT,ELT)...
20140613             —IDENTIFITZIERT, Schließlich soll das niedere Fußvolk überall, udn verfolgt werden (auch durch EU Projekt INDECT), um DIE—MACHT der Bankster und —KONZERNE zu zementieren...Unter anderem auch durch ECHELON,NSA DIE—EUROKRATEN wollen 1—KOMPLETTE ÜBERWACHUNG, die 1—STASI wie 1—AMATEUR Verein aussehen lassen wird...
20140613             Solche VOR—FÄLLE sind in der Seefahrt in bestimmten Seegebieten —SEIT—JAHR—10. tägliches Brot!
20140613             Im Roten Meer, Teilen des INDIEN—OZEANS, PERSISCHER—GOLF, OST—KÜSTE—DER—USA, KARIBIK und weitere.
20140613             Da stimmen —PLÖTZLICH, nicht mehr die GPS Positionen und weiteres.
20140613             Da hat das USA—MILITÄR/Marine die Hand im Spiel.
20140613             Im vorliegendem Fall können aber auch andere interessierte mitspielen?
20140613             DAS—PROBLEM sind ja dann wohl nicht DIE—FLUGZEUGE, die mal kurz verschwunden waren, aber auf Funkanfragen normal reagierten.
20140613             DAS—PROBLEM ist das Flugzeug, das in der Zwischenzeit von TSCHECHIEN über ÖSTERREICH und D (und auch FRANKREICH?
20140613             DIE—FRANZOSEN geben vielleicht den Ausfall auch bei ihnen nur nicht offiziell zu?) unbemerkt durchgewitscht ist...
20140613             Was war DAS—SNOWDEN auf dem Weg zur WM, der angeblich bei AUSTRALIEN ins Meer gestürzte Flieger, die Enterprise wieder mal auf Zeitreise?
20140613             Oder hat irgendjemand hier noch andere kreative Vorschläge?
20140613             —IN—DEN—VERGANGENEN—JAHR—ZEHNT en wurden zunehmend Hinweise darauf GEFUNDEN, daß die DINO—SAURIER endotherm gewesen sein könnten.
20140613             DIE—MEISTEN DINO—SAURIER waren wohl weder ENDO—NOCH ektotherm, sondern MESOTHERM—ÄHNLICH wie —HEUTE lebende Makrelenhaie, Thunfische und Lederschildkröten.
20140613             Sie konnten demnach ihre Körpertemperatur von innen über den STOFF—WECHSEL regulieren, hielten sie wohl aber nicht konstant auf 1—BESTIMMTEN ZIEL—WERT wie die endothermen Lebewesen.
20140613             —BESUCHT, OBAMA, Reservat: PRISONER—OF—WAR—WOW mit dem Präsidenten
20140613             Gepanzertes Papamobil: FRANZISKUS—I—PAPA schimpft über seine Sardinenbüchse
20140613             BGH—URTEIL: Flugpassagiere haben bei Streik keinen Anspruch auf Entschädigung
20140613             Sanktionen und RUBEL—VERFALL: MaschinenBAUER bekommen RUSSLAND—KRISE zu spüren
20140613             —VERLIERT, Homophober CDU—POLITIKER: BÜRGER—MEISTER im Shitstorm, JU—POSTEN
20140613             CROWDFUNDING—PROJEKT: "Krautreporter"finden genügend Unterstützer
20140613             USA—POLITOLOGE Mounk: "Demokratie ist zum leeren Slogan verkommen"
20140613             Mit dem Aufstieg CHINAs könnte sich DIE—WELTORDNUNG völlig verändern.
20140613             Allein aufgrund dieser Tatsachen müssen wir uns überlegen, ob wir wirklich wissen, warum moderne, wohlhabende Demokratien —BISHER, so stabil waren.
20140613             Mounk: Wenn man vom UR—BEGRIFF der Demokratie ausgeht und Demokratie als Herrschaft des Volkes versteht, dann leben wir sicher nicht in 1—DEMOKRATIE.
20140613             Wir regieren uns im Höchstfall sehr indirekt selbst.
20140613             Wir machen alle 4—JAHRE unser Kreuzchen, und in der Zwischenzeit tun unsere Repräsentanten, was sie wollen.
20140613             DIE—USA—GRÜNDERVÄTER etwa haben explizit darauf bestanden, daß sie 1—REPRÄSENTATIVE REPUBLIK und nicht etwa 1—DEMOKRATIE entwarfen.
20140613             Echte Demokratien empfanden sie als irrational und instabil,
20140613             Wir mussten uns nicht mühsam selber regieren, konnten uns aber trotzdem damit schmeicheln, daß DIE—MACHT irgendwie beim Volk lag.
20140613             Mounk: Aufgrund des INTERNETs wäre 1—DIREKTE Demokratie —HEUTE wieder möglich: Wir müssten einfach nur online über JEDES—GESETZ diskutieren und dann abstimmen.
20140613             Nur haben DIE—LEUTE weder Zeit noch Lust dazu, sich zu den meisten öffentlichen Belangen wirklich 1—MEINUNG zu bilden.
20140613             Das zeigt auf 1—NEUE Weise, wie hohl das Versprechen der Demokratie ist.
20140613             —SPIEGEL—ONLINE, Wenn es keine wirklichen Demokratien gibt, stimmt auch das GESCHICHTS—MODELL nicht mehr, wonach ALLE—STAATEN über kurz oder lang auf DIE—ORGANISATIONSFORM der Demokratie ZU—STEUERN.
20140613             Geschichtsmodell
20140613             DIE—USA sind 1—PLUTOKRATISCHE REPUBLIK, in EUROPA ringen Technokraten und POPULISTEN um die Nachfolge des SOZIAL—DEMOKRATISCHEN Wohlfahrtsstaates.
20140613             es gab kürzlich 1—STUDIE—DER—UNIVERSITÄT—PRINCETON, die untersucht hat, zu welchem Grad DIE—ÖFFENTLICHE—MEINUNG IN—DEN—USA in —POLITIK umgesetzt wird.
20140613             DAS—ERGEBNIS war erschreckend.
20140613             Wenn 1—MEHRHEIT innerhalb der reichsten Bevölkerungsschicht etwas will, dann ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit sehr hoch, daß es über kurz oder lang auch passiert.
20140613             Mounk: es gibt 2—PROBLEME.
20140613             DIE—MACHTLOSIGKEIT der —POLITIK wird ebenso offensichtlich wie DIE—MACHTLOSIGKEIT DER—BÜRGER.
20140613             Das andere Problem ist, daß unsere sogenannten Demokratien es immer schlechter schaffen, den Leuten das zu bieten, was sie sich WÜNSCHEN—NÄMLICH Frieden und Wohlstand.
20140613             Dadurch entsteht 1—VERTRAUENSLÜCKE, die unsere heutigen STAATEN zunehmend instabil macht.
20140613             —SPIEGEL—ONLINE, Mit welchem historischen Moment würden Sie unseren Augenblick VERGLEICHE n?
20140613             Mounk: Mit dem ENDE—MITTEL—ALTER—DES.—DAMALS, gab es keinen Gottesbeweis mehr, auf den sich die meisten Gelehrten hätten einigen können.
20140613             Aber es gab noch 1—RESTVERTRAUEN darin, daß es Gott geben muss.
20140613             So ähnlich geht es uns —HEUTE mit der Demokratie.
20140613             Wir wissen nicht mehr so richtig, warum Demokratie als einzige Regimeform legitim sein soll.
20140613             Aber wir glauben irgendwie NOCH—IMMER daran, daß DIE—DEMOKRATIE das einzig Gute und Wahre ist.
20140613             Demokratie ist zu 1—LEEREN Slogan verkommen, an den wir quasireligiöse Gefühle binden.
20140613             [2]Der Niedergang der Demokratien...
20140613             ist 1—PROBLEM—DES—NEOLIBERAL—KAPITALISTISCHEN SYSTEMs, in dem die Plutokraten glauben, sie könnten durch DIE—SCHAFFUNG 1—TOTALEN ÜBERWACHUNGS—STAATS REVOLUTIONen unterbinden und ihre Herrschaft dadurch in ALLE—EWIGKEIT zementieren.
20140613             —NACH—DEM, Motto der GLOBALISIERUNG: Plutokraten aller Länder, vereinigt euch!
20140613             Sitting Bull starb 1—GEWALTSAMEN Todes: 18900000              wurde er im SIOUX—RESERVAT Standing ROCK—NORTH—DAKOTA, von POLIZISTEN erschossen.
20140613             —BIS—HEUTE ist unklar, wo er begraben liegt.
20140613             BARACK—OBAMA will SICH—FREITAG—AM, 1—BILD machen von dem Elend.
20140613             Als 1. USA—PRÄSIDENT —SEIT—15—JAHREN wird er mit Standing Rock 1—RESERVAT besuchen.
20140613             Der letzte war BILL—CLINTON, der 19990000              1—ANDERES —GEBIET kurz beehrte.
20140613             Der letzte davor: Franklin D.
20140613             5.200.000—USA—AMERIKANER erklärten sich bei der letzten Volkszählung zu "Native Americans", 1.100.000 leben noch in den Reservaten.
20140613             DIE—ADOPTIERTEN ihn unter dem Namen Awe Kooda Bilaxpak Kuxshish: "Der Leuten im ganzen Land hilft".
20140613             Beschluss im BUNDES—RAT: Renten steigen im;;07;;deutlich
20140613             JOB—KRISE, EU—KOMMISSAR will europäische ARBEITSLOSEN—VERSICHERUNG
20140613             PUTINs PROPAGANDA—REPORTER: RUSSLAND—BLUT aus dem Wasserhahn
20140613             —KAMPF—GEGEN—DSCHIHADISTEN: Großajatollah ruft IRAKer zu den Waffen
20140613             —BEFÜRCHTET, DSCHIHADISTEN im IRAK: STEINMEIER, "unregierbaren Raum"
20140613             —STUDIEEN—DATEN, Fragliche Transparenz bei EU—ARZNEI—BEHÖRDE
20140613             Entwicklungsländer: 3.000.000—KINDER—STERBEN PRO—JAHR an Mangelernährung
20140613             Blutiger MACHT—KAMPF—IN—NAH—OST: Das IRAK—PUZZLE
20140613             Mineralanalyse: Gewaltige Wassermassen im Erdinneren
20140613             Überleben in BAGDAD: Große FURCHT—VOR—DEN GOTTES—KRIEGERN
20140613             —STREIT—MIT—RUSSLAND: UKRAINE—REGIERUNG stellt sich auf GAS—STOPP 1
20140613             EUROPA—PARLAMENT: Farage und Grillo formieren FRAKTION der EU—FEINDE
20140613             Überraschende ERB—GUTANALYSE: Die VIELFALT—DER—MEXIKANER
20140613             —KÄMPFEIM—IRAK: BAGDAD bereitet sich auf ANGRIFF—DER—DSCHIHADISTEN vor
20140613             Erfolgreicher Protest: LONDONer Metallstachel gegen Obdachlose entfernt
20140613             [l] Wenig überraschend hatte DIE—CIA letztes —JAHR —SCHON 1—FOLTERKNAST—ENTFÜHRUNGS—JET aus dem RENDITION—PROGRAMM für SNOWDEN in der Luft, als der von HONG—KONG nach RUSSLAND floh.
20140613             Doch überraschend ist dieses Detail hier:
20140613             —EARLY, next —MORNING, N977GA was detected heading east over SCOTLAND at THE—UNUSUALLY high altitude of 45.000—FEET.
20140613             —FILED, It had not, 1—FLIGHT—PLAN, and was flying above the level at which air traffic control reporting is mandatory.
20140613             Ach?
20140613             Oh, und: Aufgeflogen ist das ganze natürlich nicht durch Behörden wie den VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ, die ja auf dem Papier für die Abwehr ausländischer SPIONAGE zuständig sind, oder durch DIE—ARBEIT DER—POLIZEI, DIE—MENSCHEN vor Entführung und anderen Verbrechen bewahren soll, oder durch DAS—MILITÄR, die für die Sicherung des LUFT—RAUMS zuständig sind...
20140613             sondern durch 1—PAAR Enthusiasten, die in ihrer Freizeit gucken, ob sie nicht 1—PAAR CIA—RENDITION—FLUGZEUGE wiedererkennen.
20140613             [l] DER—EUROPA—GERICHT—HOF—HOF wird sich —DEMNÄCHST mit der Frage beschäftigen, ob Übergewicht als Behinderung einzustufen sei.
20140613             —DER—FALL—KOMMT aus DÄNEMARK, wo 1—BABYSITTER meint, er sei gefeuert worden, weil er zu dick ist.
20140613             [l] JAMAICA dekriminalisiert den BESITZ—VON—KLEINEREN MENGEN—VON—CANNABIS.
20140613             DIE—WISSENSCHAFTLER fanden heraus, daß sich die indigene Bevölkerung MEXIKOs genetisch entlang 1—ACHSE—VON—NORD—WEST nach Südost aufspaltet.
20140613             Je weiter die Populationen räumlich voneinander entfernt lagen, desto stärker unterschied sich ihr ERB—GUT.
20140613             So waren die Unterschiede zwischen den Seri an der NORD—KÜSTE—DES—GOLFS—VON—KALIFORNIEN und den Lacandon im SÜDEN des Landes etwa so groß wie zwischen EUROPÄERn und Chinesen.
20140613             —VORSTOß DER—ISLAMISTEN: ANKARAs gefährlicher Partner
20140613             68—TIERE in 2—MONATEN: Wilderer in AFRIKA töten in 1—JAHR 20.000—ELEFANTEN
20140613             FINANZ—KRISE—IN—GRIECHENLAND: Als DIE—EURO—SCHEINE vom Himmel kamen
20140613             GEFANGENEN—AUSTAUSCH mit TALIBAN: Bergdahl weiß noch nichts vom STREIT—UM—SEINE Freilassung
20140613             1—EINZIGER leerer GELD—AUTOMAT hätte womöglich gereicht, um DAS—SYSTEM ins —CHAOS zu stürzen.
20140613             —GESTÜRMT, DIE—SPARER hätten DIE—BANKEN, DIE—WIRTSCHAFT wäre zusammengebrochen, GRIECHENLAND hätte den EURO verlassen müssen.
20140613             1—HORRORSZENARIO.
20140613             "Unsere Anweisungen waren einfach: Was immer auch passiert, sorgt dafür, daß DIE—GELD—AUTOMATEN gefüllt sind", berichtet 1—HOCHRANGIGER GRIECHENLAND—BANKER SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20140613             "es braucht nur 1—LEEREN GELD—AUTOMATEN, —IM—SELBST abgelegensten Dorf, um 1—PANIK auszulösen".
20140613             Beinahe hätten diese Prophezeiungen sich selbst erfüllt.
20140613             "Sie wurden getrieben von echten Ängsten und haarsträubenden Gerüchten, die von der sogenannten DRACHME—LOBBY gestreut wurden".Diese Lobby habe sich nichts sehnlicher gewünscht, als den EURO—AUSTRITT GRIECHENLANDs.
20140613             Zum Vergleich: Vor DER—KRISE lagen die durchschnittlichen Abhebungen bei 112.000.000—EURO —, zwar PRO—MONAT.
20140613             Das jedenfalls geht aus 1—NEUEN BUCH—DER—GRIECHENLAND—ZENTRAL—BANK hervor —, wird von mehreren BANKERn bestätigt.
20140613             —GENANNT, Der BANKER, der nicht namentlich, werden möchte, bezieht sich vor allem auf die dramatischen Wochen —IM—FRÜHJAHR 20100000             , als viele —EXPERTEN den BANKROTT und den EURO—AUSTRITT GRIECHENLANDs vorhersagten.
20140613             Panikattacken der Sparer
20140613             —LAUT, DATEN—DER—GRIECHISCHEN—ZENTRAL—BANK gab es gleich mehrmals BAR—GELDENGPÄSSE.
20140613             Besonders dramatisch wurde es laut der NOTEN—BANK in 3—SITUATIONEN:
20140613             —KURZ—DARAUF, ;;0400;;    —IM, wurde das 1.Rettungspaket für DAS—LAND geschnürt.
20140613             DIE—SPARER hoben —IN—DIESER—WOCHE weitere 1.500.000.000—EURO ab.
20140613             Um für Nachschub zu sorgen, WAREN—DAMALS, 147—LKW im Einsatz.
20140613             sagte Provopoulos.
20140613             "Wir fürchteten das Schlimmste und bereiteten uns auch darauf vor".
20140613             Wenn Kunden trotz der BERUHIGUNGS—VERSUCHE dennoch größere Beträge verlangten, mussten DIE—BANKER manchmal mit Hinhaltetaktiken arbeiten.
20140613             "Wenn 1—KUNDE zum Beispiel 10.000—EURO abheben wollte, sagten wir ihm, er solle —AM—NÄCHSTEN—TAG oder in der nächsten Woche wiederkommen", erzählt einer.
20140613             "Dann haben wir unsere Vorgesetzten über die gestiegene NACH—FRAGE informiert und gehofft, daß DAS—GELD rechtzeitig ankommt".
20140613             Glaubt man dem Buch, dann ging es dabei zu wie in 1—HOLLYWOOD—FILM: DIE—FLUGZEUGE landeten GEHEIM auf dem ATHENer MILITÄR—FLUGHAFEN Elefsina, gepanzerte Fahrzeugen und POLIZEIeskorten brachten die Geldscheine, in Kisten verstaut, in DIE—STAATLICHE Druckerei.
20140613             Dort wurden die Scheine über Nacht geprüft und —IN—DEN—FRÜHEN—MORGEN—STUNDEN in den BANKEN VERTEILT—RECHTZEITIG vor der SchaltERÖFFNUNG.
20140613             Tatsächlich gab das nächtliche Licht in DER—DRUCKEREI—DAMALS, Anlass zu Spekulationen.
20140613             —IM—FRÜHJAHR 20100000              ging das Gerücht um, dort würden DRACHMEN gedruckt.
20140613—18840613    —SEIT, stagniert in EUROPA und NORD—AMERIKA der LEBENS—STANDARD des Durchschnittsbürgers.
20140613—19360000    —IM, ROOSEVELT—J.
20140613—20120000    —SENTENCED, THE—ZAGREB County Court originally, Sanader to 10—YEARS in prison.
20140729—20160613    —ON, 1—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT threw out the damages award and sent 1—PORTION—OF—THE—CASE back to the district court for 1—NEW—TRIAL.
20141112—20150613    —RECHARGED, Philae began sending more data as the solar panels.
20150613             —REMAINED, As of 20150615              his death, uncertain.
20150613             A—USA—SECURITY—OFFICIALS said THE—USA—PLANS to store heavy military equipment in the Baltics and EAST—EUROPEAN nations to reassure allies made uneasy by RUSSIA—INTERVENTION in UKRAINE, and to deter further aggression.
20150613             —LAUNCHED, Hillary Clinton formally, her bid to become AMERICA—1. woman PRESIDENT, holding in NEW—YORK her 1. big campaign rally.
20150613             —KILLED, OHIO, 4—PEOPLE were, in 1—SHOOTING at 1—HOME in COLUMBUS.
20150613             1—TEENAGE—GIRL was found injured outside the residence.
20150613             —PLANTED, TEXAS, bombs were, outside DALLAS Police headquarters in 1—ATTACK—EARLY—TODAY that may have involved as many as 4—GUNMEN firing automatic weapons.
20150613             Snipers shot and killed JAMES—BOULWARE in 1—STANDOFF by THE—DALLAS police headquarters.
20150613             6—YEMEN—MEN, long held at GUANTANAMO Bay, arrived in OMAN.
20150613             This was the 1. MOVEMENT—OF—DETAINEES OUT—OF—THE—USA—PRISON for terrorism suspects in 5—MONTHS and reduced THE—GUANTANAMO prisoner population to 116.
20150613             AFGHANISTAN, Taliban fighters overran multiple checkpoints in 1—OVERNIGHT raid in Helmand province, killing at least 20—POLICE—OFFICERS as the battle continued to rage.
20150613             —ACKNOWLEDGED, THE—AFGHANISTAN—MILITARY, the Taliban controls at least 4—DISTRICTS across the country.
20150613             AZERBAIJAN, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN met TURKEY—COUNTERPART RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN for talks expected to touch on energy issues and the Syria crisis.
20150613             They met 1—DAY—AFTER attending the opening ceremony of the inaugural European Games, hosted by AZERBAIJAN.
20150613             —OPENED, EGYPT, THE—RAFAH border crossing to allow Palestinians to travel in and out of THE—GAZA Strip for the 1. time in 3—MONTHS.
20150613             —UNLEASHED, WEST—INDONESIA, THE—MOUNT—SINABUNG volcano on Sumatra, 1—NEW—POWERFUL burst high into the sky sending hot ash far down the mountain's slopes.
20150613             —KILLED, IRAQ, at least 11—IRAQ—SECURITY—PERSONNEL were, in 1—QUADRUPLE suicide car bombing in Hajjaj, near Baiji.
20150613             THE—ISLAMIC—STATE said in 1—STATEMENT that the bombers were 1—KUWAITI, 1—PALESTINIAN, 1—BRITON named TALHA—ASMAL, 17—JAHRE—ALT and 1—GERMAN.
20150613             —CONDUCTED, USA—LED forces, 12—AIR strikes against Islamic State targets in 7—IRAQ—CITIES.
20150613             1—STRIKE was conducted in Syria.
20150613             —BLAMED, LIBYA, Mokhtar Belmokhtar, 1—VETERAN—ISLAMIST—MILITANT, for 1—DEADLY—ATTACK on 1—ALGERIA—GAS—FIELD and who ran smuggling routes across NORTH—AFRICA, was reported killed late —TODAY in 1—USA—AIR—STRIKE.
20150613             —LISTED, TUNISIA—JIHADIST—SEIFALLAH BEN—HASSINE, as a "global terrorist" by THE—USA, was killed in 1—MID—JUNE airstrike that targeted 1—TOP—AL—QAEDA—LINKED Islamist.
20150613             —KILLED, PAKISTAN, air strikes, 20 suspected militants —AROUND Datta Khel in NORTH—WAZIRISTAN as the military marked THE—1—YEAR—ANNIVERSARY—OF—1—ANTI—TALIBAN offensive in the area.
20150613             —MARCHED, SLOVENIA, over a 1000—PEOPLE, at the country's 15.
20150613             Gay Pride festival warning their fight was not over —SINCE 1—RECENTLY adopted BILL—LEGALIZING—SAME—SEX—MARRIAGES could still be revoked in 1—REFERENDUM.
20150613             —RECORDED, SOUTH—KOREA, its 14. death from THE—MERS virus and 12—NEW—INFECTIONS.
20150613             THE—SYRIA—KURDISH—YPG militia said it began 1—ADVANCE towards 1—ISLAMIC—STATE—HELD town at THE—TURKEY—BORDER, thrusting deeper into the jihadists' STRONGHOLD—OF—RAQQA province in 1—CAMPAIGN backed by USA—LED air strikes.
20150613             TURKEY—SECURITY—FORCES used water cannon and fired warning shots to push Syrians away from the frontier as thousands massed at 1—BORDER crossing to escape escalating fighting.
20150613             —KILLED, EAST—UKRAINE, 6—GOVERNMENT servicemen were, and 14 wounded in the past 24—HOURS, despite a 4—MONTH—OLD—CEASEFIRE—DEAL.
20150613             —KILLED, YEMEN, 9—PEOPLE were, —WHEN SAUDI—LED coalition warplanes bombed 1—DISTRICT—IN—SANAA inhabited by RELATIVES—OF—EX—PRESIDENT—ALI—ABDULLAH—SALEH.
20150613             —REPORTED, At least 60—PEOPLE were, wounded.
20150613             —RALLIED, SINGAPORE, some 28,000—PEOPLE, in support of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights.
20150613             Insolvenzordnung für EURO—ZONE: SCHÄUBLE will Fahrplan für STAATS—PLEITEN entwickeln
20150613             UMFRAGE—ERGEBNIS: DEUTSCHLAND—MÖCHTEN Patienten Zugang zu Cannabis erleichtern
20150613             CYBER—ANGRIFF, Hacker stehlen offenbar DATEN—VON—MILITÄRS und CIA—AGENTEN
20150613             BIO—WAFFEN: NORD—KOREA wettert gegen angebliche MILZBRAND—PLÄNE der USA
20150613             Muskelspiele mit RUSSLAND: Auch NATO—KAMPF—JETS fliegen ohne Transponder
20150613             Auch IN—DEN—USA gibt es nun 1—NEUEN FALL—VON—CYBER—KRIMINALITÄT.
20150613             Wie DIE—WASHINGTON—POST berichtete, laufen Ermittlungen zu 2—VERSCHIEDENEN ANGRIFFE—AUF—DIE—DATEN—BANK—DER—PERSONALVERWALTUNG, die "sehr sensible"Informationen enthalte.
20150613             1—MIT der Untersuchung vertraute Person sagte, DIE—ERMITTLER vermuteten auch —DIESMAL 1.Verbindung nach CHINA.
20150613             DIE—NACHRICHTEN—AGENTUR ASSOCIATED—PRESS meldete, die Hacker hätten Zugang zu Informationen erlangt, die von USA—GEHEIM—DIENST—, MILITÄRangehörigen zur SICHERHEITS—ÜBERPRÜFUNG eingereicht worden seien.
20150613             Der REGIERUNGS—VERTRETER konnte den Bericht nicht bestätigen.
20150613             Gespeichert sind dort demnach Informationen über DAS—PRIVAT—LEBEN und DIE—FINANZLAGE von Regierungsmitarbeitern, ihre Familie, Freunde, Nachbarn und Auslandskontakte.
20150613             Aber auch persönliche Details, wie etwa Drogenkonsum, sollen festgehalten worden sein.
20150613             Da DIE—DATEN—BANK möglicherweise auch Angaben über CIA—AGENTEN enthalte, könnten diese von den Hackern enttarnt werden.
20150613             Zudem, so die Befürchtung in Regierungskreisen, könnte das DATEN—LECK dafür sorgen, dass betroffene Personen erpressbar würden.
20150613             Der ANGRIFF wurde demnach —BEREITS
20150613             —BERICHTET, Wie der britische "GUARDIAN", könnte DIE—ZAHL—DER—BETROFFENEN aktiven und ehemaligen Regierungsangestellten allerdings deutlich über 4.000.000 liegen.
20150613             —KRITISIERT, DIE—GEWERKSCHAFT der Regierungsangestellten hatte AM—DONNERSTAG, dass die Hacker wegen mangelhafter SICHERHEITS—VORKEHRUNGEN DATEN aller MIT—ARBEITER DER—BUNDES—BEHÖRDEN abgegriffen haben könnten.
20150613             DAS—USA—AUSSEN—MINISTERIUM teilte —AM—FREITAG mit, dass es Schwierigkeiten bei Ausweis—, VISA—SYSTEMEN in Übersee gebe
20150613             DIE—URSACHE war demnach noch nicht klar.
20150613             Zitat: "Auch IN—DEN—USA gibt es nun 1—NEUEN Fall VONCYBER—KRIMINALITÄT."Also, wenn DIE—USA das Opfer ist, dann spricht man von Kriminalität.
20150613             DIE—WAHL der BEGRIFFE—NÜTZTNICHTS 0951—HEUTE
20150613             Wenn SYSTEMe im Westen von irgendwem gehackt werden, war es ein "HACKER—ANGRIFF".
20150613             Gaussen 1015—HEUTE—CHINA wird mir immer sympathischer.
20150613             2—POLIZISTEN haben WÄHREND ihres Einsatzes beim G7—TREFFEN im bayerischen Schloss Elmau über Funk 1—AUSSCHNITT aus 1—GOEBBELS—REDE verbreitet.
20150613             DIE—BEIDEN Beamten waren mit der 1.BereitschaftspolizeiABTEILUNG aus BONN/Ramersdorf zum Gipfel der REGIERUNGS—CHEFS angereist, um das Gelände zu sichern.
20150613             1—HOCHRANGIGER SICHERHEITS—BEAMTER nannte den Vorgang "skandalös", auch weil zu befürchten sei, dass "DIE—SICHERHEITS—KRÄFTE—VON—USA—PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA und anderer REGIERUNGS—CHEFS das verfolgten".
20150613             Flüchtige Mörder IN—DEN—USA: Justizbeamtin soll Meißel und Sägeblätter besorgt haben
20150613             —BEHARRT, Ermittlungsbeauftragter in NSA—AFFÄRE: LAMMERT, auf SELBST—BESTIMMUNG des BUNDES—TAGS
20150613             Gefährlicher VIRUS: SÜD—KOREA meldet vierzehnten MERS—TOTEN
20150613             Schwankungen an der BÖRSE: BÖRSEnschreck TSIPRAS —, die Lehren für ANLEGER
20150613             —HEUTE—IN—DEN—FEUILLETONS: Der Kitzel des Monströsen
20150613             GRIECHEN—KRISE—VAROUFAKIS hofft auf Merkels Milde
20150613             [l] Und dann war da noch der Moment, als beim G7—GIPFEL auf dem POLIZEIfunk "Wollt ihr den totalen KRIEG?"lief.
20150613             —VERWIRRT, Ich kann das —SCHON verstehen, dass da 1—POLIZIST, war.
20150613             Da kann man —SCHON mal ein bisschen gedanklich verrutschen als POLIZIST.
20150613             alfatomega.com/noname07.html alfatomega.com/conteudo.html
20150613             alfatomega.com/index_09.HTML—IS "dual loyalty"1—LEGITIMATE—CONCERN
20150613             —POSED, JUSTIN—RAIMONDO has written 1—EXCELLENT—PIECE on THE—DANGERS, by politicians and ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIALS who possess dual citizenship.
20150613             Schießerei in DALLAS: Unbekannte feuern auf POLIZISTEN
20150613             Schwere GEFECHTE—IN—OST—UKRAINE: DER—KRIEG kehrt zurück
20150613             DROHNENOPFER—DER—USA: Angehörige werfen DEUTSCHLAND—REGIERUNG Mitschuld vor
20150613             —VORSTOß aus MOSKAU: RUSSLAND will FREI—HANDEL—VON—EU und UKRAINE ausbremsen
20150613             [l] Neulich in KÖLN:
20150613             Nach Protesten der ISRAEL—BOTSCHAFT hat DIE—STADT—KÖLN 1.Ausstellung der ISRAEL—ORGANISATION Breaking the Silence abgesagt.
20150613             1—SPRECHER—DER—STADT bestätigte ISRAEL—MEDIENBERICHTE.
20150613             Breaking the Silence ist ein Zusammenschluss ehemaliger ISRAEL—SOLDATEN, die DAS—VORGEHEN ihrer eigenen STREIT—KRÄFTE—GEGEN—DIE—PALÄSTINENSER kritisieren.
20150613             DIE—VOLKSHOCH—SCHULE KÖLN wollte die Ausstellung anlässlich des, 50—JAHRE—ALTEN Jubiläums der diplomatischen Beziehungen zwischen ISRAEL und DEUTSCHLAND zeigen.
20150613             [l] Oh, ach?
20150613             —APPROVED, THE—UNITED—STATES—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES—ON—FRIDAY, 1—MEASURE to allow a "fast track"process for 1—FREE—TRADE—AGREEMENT between THE—USA and EUROPE, which includes 1—SECTION obligating EU countries to refrain from ANY—KIND—OF boycotts on ISRAEL—GOODS.
20150613             The measure requires THE—GOVERNMENT to fight governments, INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONs, companies, and individuals working to boycott ISRAEL.
20150613             Wobei die Formulierung auch heißen kann, dass das nicht in TTIP sondern nur im TTIP—FAST—TRACK—GESETZ so drin steht.
20150613—20170000    —J—IM, will der Mediziner 1—GEISTIG gesunden, aber körperlich kranken Menschen den Körper eines Hirntoten transplantieren.
20150613—20200000    —SIGNED, LOS—ANGELES Mayor ERIC—GARCETTI, into law 1—ORDINANCE to gradually raise the minimum wage to $15 an —HOUR.
20150921—20160613    —ON, CANADA—JUSTIN—TRUDEAU said his government has "compelling reason to believe" that ROBERT—HALL, the 2. CANADA—HELD hostage in THE—PHILIPPINES, has been killed by his captors.
20160216             CANADA Mcgill University ( alfatomega.com/20060613.HTML—ALFATOMEGA.com/20061026.html
20160216             CANADA Mcgill University ( alfatomega.com/20060613.html
20160613             DONALD—TRUMP nach —MASSAKER—IN—ORLANDO: "Ich will sie nicht in unserem Land haben"
20160613             PR—GAU beim "—TAG DER—BUNDESWEHR": BUNDESWEHR lässt Kinder mit Gewehren spielen
20160613             "—TAG DER—BUNDESWEHR": Kinder sollen mit ungeladenen Waffen hantiert haben
20160613             Lebensarbeitszeit : Schuften fürs SYSTEM
20160613             TIERSCHÜTZER—KRITIK: "NORWEGEN fängt mehr Wale als JAPAN und ISLAND zusammen"
20160613             —VERURTEILT, Mutmaßliche Vergewaltigung: KATAR, NIEDERLÄNDERin wegen Sex außerhalb der Ehe
20160613             —REJECTED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, 1—APPEAL from 1—GROUP—OF—USA—SAMOANS who say THE—USA should grant full citizenship to people born in THE—USA—TERRITORY.
20160613             LOS—ANGELES, 1—DISPUTE between homeless people led 1—OF—THEM to 20160901             —FIRE that killed 5—OTHERS.
20160613             —INCLUDED, His translations, "Hopscotch" by JULIO—CORTAZAR and "100—YEARS—OF—SOLITUDE" by GABRIEL—GARCIA—MARQUEZ.
20160613             —REARRESTED, BAHRAIN—SECURITY—FORCES, leading human rights activist NABEEL—RAJAB, 51—JAHRE—ALT in 1—DAWN raid in the Gulf kingdom.
20160613             FRANCE, Officer JEAN—BAPTISTE Salvaing and police administrator Jessica Schneider were knifed to death in their home in THE—PARIS suburb of Magnanville by Larossi Abballa (25), who claimed allegiance to Islamic State.
20160613             —KILLED, Abballa was, —AFTER a 3—HOUR—SIEGE and police raid.
20160613             GERMANY, THE—CHIEF—EDITOR—OF—TURKEY—NEWSPAPER—HURRIYET was presented with 1—FREEDOM—OF—SPEECH—AWARD by GERMANY—PUBLIC broadcaster DEUTSCHLAND—WELLE as concerns grow over press freedom in TURKEY.
20160613             —REPORTED, IRAN—STATE—TV, that 1—FIREFIGHT between IRAN—POWERFUL—REVOLUTIONARY—GUARDS and Kurdish militants in WEST—IRAN has left 5—MILITANTS—DEAD.
20160613             —REPORTED, IRNA news agency, 1—CLASH in the country's restive SISTAN—BALUCHISTAN province near the border with PAKISTAN, saying IRAN—SECURITY—FORCES killed 5—MEMBERS—OF—THE—JAISH—AL—ADL group.
20160613             —KILLED, An IRAN—POLICE officer was also, in the clash.
20160613             —LAUNCHED, IRAQ said it had, 1—INVESTIGATION into possible human rights abuses against civilians fleeing the Islamic STATE—HELD CITY—OF—FALLUJAH as 1—AID—GROUP said more than 4,000 more people had left the city over the weekend.
20160613             —CARRIED, IRAQ, 1—SUICIDE—ATTACK, out by Islamic State group fighters killed at least 5—MEMBERS—OF—THE—IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES in THE—CITY—OF—RAMADI.
20160613             —AMENDED, THE—KOSOVO government, 1—DRAFT—LAW to prolong the European Union RULE—OF—LAW—MISSION, known as EULEX, —FOR—2—YEARS.
20160613             —ANNOUNCED, NATO—SECRETARY—GENERAL—JENS—STOLTENBERG, that the alliance will agree this —WEEK to send 4—MULTINATIONAL battalions to the Baltic states and POLAND to boost their defenses against RUSSIA.
20160613             —SUFFERED, PAKISTAN, 1—TRANSGENDER woman, 1—GUNSHOT wound to her thigh for refusing to have sex with 3—ATTACKERS who broke into her home in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, in the latest in 1—SERIES—OF—ASSAULTS on trans people.
20160613             —CONVICTED, QATAR, 1—HOLLAND—WOMAN, 22—JAHRE—ALT of adultery and gave her a 1—YEAR suspended sentence —AFTER she reported being raped —WHILE on holiday in DOHA.
20160613             —FINED, Officials said was also, 3,000 QATAR—RIYALS ($800/710—EUROS) and will be deported once she pays the fine.
20160613             THE—MALE—DEFENDANT, said by 1—COURT—OFFICIAL to be Syrian and named as OMAR—ABDULLAH—AL—HASAN, was sentenced to 100—LASHES for having illicit sex and 40—LASHES for drinking alcohol.
20160613             TURKEY, 1—CAR—BOMB—ATTACK apparently targeting court officials in THE—MAINLY—KURDISH southeast region injured at least 9—PEOPLE in Ovacik, Tunceli province.
20160613             TURKEY, AHMED—ABDULKADER, 1—SYRIA—JOURNALIST campaigning against Islamic State, was shot in the head by 2—ISLAMIC—STATE—MILITANTS riding 1—MOTORCYCLE and is being treated in the intensive care unit of Sanliurfa state hospital.
20160613             † In UGANDA 1—SENIOR—OFFICER, wounded in 1—ATTACK in Gulu 1—DAY—EARLIER.
20160613             6—SUSPECTS believed to have participated in the attack were arrested, including the driver of 1—PICKUP truck used in the assault, and 2—COMMANDERS.
20160613             —SUSPECTED, YEMEN, a, USA—DRONE killed 3 alleged AL—QAIDA fighters in 1—OVERNIGHT airstrike in THE—CENTRAL—SHABWA province.
20160613             "Jane's"—BERICHT, DEUTSCHLAND ist drittgrößter Exporteur von RÜSTUNGS—GÜTERN
20160613             —REAGIERT, Überblick: Was in ORLANDO geschah —, wie DIE—WELT
20160613             VÖLKER—MORD—DEBATTE: Das größte Verbrechen überhaupt?
20160613             —DIE—LAGE—AM—MONTAG, Die Schreckensfigur unserer Zeit
20160613             —DER—MORGEN—LIVE, APPLE steigt ins ENERGIE—GESCHÄFT ein
20160613             Friedensforschungsinstitut Sipri: ATOM—WAFFENSTAATEN verweigern sich vollständiger Abrüstung
20160613             —ZWISCHENRUF eines Lehrers: Gebt den Kindern DIE—VERANTWORTUNG zurück
20160613             DISCO—MASSAKER—IN—ORLANDO: Amerikas ALBT—RAUM
20160613             Konjunktur: Mittelstand rechnet mit 450.000—NEUEN Jobs
20160613             MUSICAL—OSCAR im SCHATTEN—VON—ORLANDO: "Hass wird nie gewinnen"
20160613             Trotz Steigerung: DEUTSCHLAND baut zu wenig Wohnungen
20160613             Ressentiments gegen Migranten: "DIE—GRÄBEN werden tiefer"
20160613             Das WELT—WIRTSCHAFTSFORUM hat —ANFANG—DES—JAHRES vorgerechnet, daß DIE—DIGITALISIERUNG in den nächsten 4—JAHREN wohl 5.000.000 Arbeitsplätze vernichten wird.
20160613             Zumindest 1.Branche dürfte davon verschont bleiben: die der Drehbuchautoren.
20160613             Dieser Gedanke drängt sich auf, wenn man "Sunspring"sieht, 1—SCIENCE—FICTION—KURZFILM—ÜBER—3—MENSCHEN, die scheinbar irgendwo in der ZUKUNFT leben
20160613             Warum Benjamin keinem menschlichen AUTOR—DEN—JOB streitig machen wird, merkt man schnell: "Sunspring"wirkt wie 1.Ansammlung kruder Sätze und Regieanweisungen, man erkennt keinen Plot, alles ist verwirrend.
20160613             Man könnte sagen, es ist der 1.ganzheitliche SCIENCE—FICTION Film, denn nicht nur der Inhalt passt zum Genre, sondern auch die Art, wie DER—FILM entstanden ist.
20160613             Der Künstler und Informatiker ROSS—GOODWIN und der Regisseur OSCAR—SHARP sind die Schöpfer von Benjamin.
20160613             —GENOMMEN, Genau, handelt ES—SICH bei dem Algorithmus um ein neuronales Netz, also 1—PROGRAMM, das die Funktionsweise eines GEHIRNs nachahmt.
20160613             Goodwin fütterte es mit Dutzenden Drehbüchern von SCIENCE—FICTION—FILMEN, darunter Blockbustern wie "INDEPENDENCE —DAY"und "I—ROBOT", aber auch Fernsehserien wie "Akte X".
20160613             So lernte er, Wörter zu formen.
20160613             Als nächstes folgten Sätze, Dialoge, ganze Absätze und schließlich konnte DIE—MASCHINE das Schreiben von Drehbücher imitieren, wie das Portal "Ars Technica"berichtet, das die ONLINE—PREMIERE des Films zeigt.
20160613             Als Benjamin bereit war, bewarben Goodwin und Sharp sich bei der "48—HOUR Film Challenge"des SCIENCE—FICTION—FESTIVALS in LONDON.
20160613             Dabei müssen Filmemacher innerhalb eines Wochenendes 1—FILM auf de Beine stellen.
20160613             Sie bekommen dafür Elemente vorgegeben, die in dem Film vorkommen müssen, zum Beispiel, daß 1.der Personen 1—BUCH aus 1—REGAL holen soll.
20160613             Der Regisseur und der Informatiker ließen Benjamin 1—DREHBUCH nach diesen Vorgaben schreiben
20160613             Heraus kamen 4—SEITEN mit Dialogen und mit Anweisungen wie "Er nimmt sein Auge aus seinem Mund".
20160613             Auch wenn diese Sätze ein zusammenhangloses Drehbuch ergeben, machten sich Goodwin und Sharp dann daran, es umzusetzen.
20160613             —GESEHEN, Goodwin schreibt in 1—ARTIKEL, daß das Skript objektiv, keine Bedeutung habe.
20160613             Er schreibt, daß die Zeilen SHAKESPEAREs durch ihre Sprache und DIE—ZEIT, in der sie entstanden sind, für die meisten heutigen Leser auch keine Bedeutung hätten.
20160613             Sie bekämen jedoch Bedeutung, sobald sie von Schauspielern mit Leben gefüllt würden.
20160613             Das sei auch bei "Sunspring"der Fall.
20160613             Auch wenn Benjamins Arbeit also eher erratisch wirkt: Es gibt Ansätze, Computern Kreativität beizubringen.
20160613             Das jüngste Beispiel für diese Bemühungist Googles MAGENTA—PROJEKT.
20160613             1 1.Werk gibt es —BEREITS
20160613             1—ÄLTERES Projekt, bei dem ebenfalls Computer Musik schreiben sollen, ist Melomics.
20160613             Auch bei der Malerei gibt es Versuche mit Computern.
20160613             Für "Sunspring"-Regisseur Sharp steht Benjamins Drehbuch für 1.ART—DURCHSCHNITT—DER—FILME, die Benjamin als Lernmaterialien zur Verfügung standen,
20160613             DER—MENSCH schafft die Bedeutung
20160613             —HEUTE—IN—DEN—FEUILLETONS, "1—WELT, gellend vor Freude und Freiheit"
20160613             —NEUE— zu Lichtverschmutzung: Das ENDE—DER—NACHT
20160613             33% DER—MENSCHHEIT kann DIE—MILCHSTRAßE —SCHON nicht mehr sehen.
20160613             —BEGINNT, DAS—REICH der Finsternis, bei 38—GRAD nördlicher Breite.
20160613             Doch CHRISTOPHER—KYBA vom DEUTSCHLAND—GEOFORSCHUNG—ZENTRUM (GFZ) in POTSDAM weiß, daß diese Symbolik 1—PROBLEM hat: Auch an der GRENZE—ZWISCHEN—DEUTSCHLAND und BELGIEN trifft nachts gleißendes Licht auf finsterste Dunkelheit.
20160613             Ökonomische Leistungskraft und nächtliche Beleuchtung hängen also offenbar nicht zwingend ZUSAMMEN—AUCH wenn es beim Blick auf 1—NEUEN Atlas, an dem Kyba mitgearbeitet hat, ZUNÄCHST so scheinen mag.
20160613             "In 1—GROSSTEIL EUROPAs findet die Nacht nicht mehr statt.
20160613             DIE—BELEUCHTUNGS—LANDKARTEN, über DIE—FORSCHER um Fabio Falchi vom Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologia dell'Inquinamento Luminoso im ITALIEN—THIENE nun im FACH—MAGAZIN "Science Advances"berichten, zeigen: Mittlerweile kann 33 % DER—MENSCHHEIT DIE—MILCHSTRAßE nicht mehr SEHEN—WEIL DER—NACHT—HIMMEL vom Licht der Städte, der Industrieanlagen, der Autobahnen an vielen Orten überstrahlt wird.
20160613             RICHARD Green von der UNIVERSITY—OF—ARIZONA leitet 1—KOMITEE—DER—INTERNATIONALEN Astronomischen Union, das sich mit Lichtverschmutzung befasst.
20160613             DIE—NEUE Publikation löst 1—ATLAS
20160613             Wichtigstes Hilfsmittel für die Neufassung war ein spezielles Messgerät auf dem USA—WETTER—SATELLITEN "Suomi NPP".
20160613             "Für das Licht, das nach oben abgestrahlt wird, ist der Satellit prima", erklärt Kyba.
20160613             kommen die Messungen der ehrenamtlichen Hilfswissenschaftler ins Spiel.
20160613             Unter den 20—WICHTIGSTEN INDUSTRIE—NATIONEN der Welt ist DAS—PROBLEM—DER—LICHTVERSCHMUTZUNG—WENN man die betroffene Fläche ANSIEHT—IN ITALIEN und SÜD—KOREA am größten.
20160613             Deutlich besser schneiden DAGEGEN—DIE—IN weiten Teilen nur dünn besiedelten Länder KANADA und AUSTRALIEN ab.
20160613             ging es um die Frage: Wie wahrscheinlich ist es, daß 1—MENSCH von seinem Zuhause aus noch DIE—MILCHSTRAßE erkennen kann?
20160613             Schlechte Noten gibt es hier für SAUDI—ARABIEN und SÜD—KOREA.
20160613             —REFLEKTIERT, Weil sie an Wolken, werden, strahlen Stadtlichter oft auch weit ins Umland HINEIN—DER Effekt beeinflusst also große Flächen.
20160613             Wer in EUROPA gezielt die Dunkelheit sucht, kann sie am ehesten noch in SCHOTTLAND, SCHWEDEN oder NORWEGEN finden, auch in Teilen ÖSTERREICHs und SPANIENs.
20160613             Auch in DEUTSCHLAND gibt es EINIGE—GEGENDEN, die sich gezielt als Refugien für Sternengucker VERMARKTEN—IN der Rhön, in der EIFEL und im Havelland.
20160613             —WÄHREND, die ganz handfesten Folgen von LUFT—VERSCHMUTZUNG längst gut verstanden sind, Atemwegserkrankungen und SCHLAGAN—FÄLLE zum Beispiel, ist es mit der Lichtverschmutzung nicht so einfach.
20160613             Der VERLUST—DER—NACHT beeinflusst ÖKO—SYSTEME aber massiv, so viel scheint allein durch die vorliegenden, schlaglichtartigen Erkenntnisse klar:
20160613             So bewegt sich Zooplankton im Wasser laut 1—STUDIE nicht mehr so stark wie früher im Rhythmus —EINES—TAGES —, könnte damit ganzen Nahrungsketten fundamentale Umwälzungen bescheren.
20160613             MANCHE—PFLANZEN wiederum entwickeln unter Kunstlicht weniger Blüten.
20160613             1—ANDERE —STUDIE belegt, daß die Wanderung von SCHILDKRÖTEN—JUNGTIEREN durch Beleuchtung gestört wird,
20160613             1.weitere befasst sich mit dem nachteiligen Einfluss von Straßenlicht auf den Pollentransport durch Motten.
20160613             Und noch 1.Arbeit hat untersucht, wie das Massenlaichen von Korallen im GREAT—BARRIER—REEF durch Lichtverschmutzung durcheinandergebracht wird.
20160613             Doch insgesamt wissen Wissenschaftler noch ziemlich wenig zur Frage, was das ENDE—DER—DUNKELHEIT an negativem Folgen bringt.
20160613             Durch bewussten —EINSATZ—VON—TECHNIK ließe sich DAS—PROBLEM—DER—LICHTVERSCHMUTZUNG jedenfalls lindern, glauben DIE—AUTOREN des neuen Atlas.
20160613             1—TEIL—DER—LÖSUNG könnten Straßenlampen sein, die nur bei Bewegung angehen —, die ihr Licht außerdem nur nach unten abstrahlen.
20160613             Kommen solche Lösungen nicht zum Einsatz, könnte sich DAS—PROBLEM —IN—ZUKUNFT, allerdings weiter verschlimmern.
20160613             Das liegt daran, daß vielerorts alte Gasentladungsröhren durch LED—LAMPEN ersetzt werden.
20160613             Zum Energiesparen ist das sicher 1.gute IDEE—WAS die Lichtverschmutzung angeht, dagegen nicht:
20160613             Das weiße LED—LICHT könnte die Nächte bei klarem Himmel künftig sogar noch heller machen.
20160613             Forscher Fabio Falchi warnt deswegen: "Wenn wir nicht sehr genau auf das LED—SPEKTRUM und die Beleuchtungsstärken 8., könnte das zu 1—VERDOPPELUNG oder sogar Verdreifachung der Himmelsaufhellung in klaren Nächten führen".
20160613             [l] OLD—AND—BUSTED, We kill people based on metadata.
20160613             —APPROVED, NEW—HOTNESS, FBI criminal investigation emails: CLINTON, CIA drone assassinations with her cellphone, report says
20160613             Oh und wo wir gerade bei Frau CLINTON waren: Nicht ihre Einstellung zur Kryptographie vergessen!
20160613             Wie man sich das vorstellen muss?
20160613             —EM—NEWSBLOG, RUSSLAND—FUNKTIONÄR stellt sich hinter Hooligans
20160613             Medien nach DISCO—ANGRIFF—IN—ORLANDO: "Danke, NRA"
20160613             ANGST—VOR—BREXIT: Unsicherheit lässt GOLD—PREIS steigen
20160613             NEUSEELAND: Neuer Vulkan wächst unter Stadt
20160613             TODES—SCHÜTZE im Profil: Homophob, unsozial, gewalttätig
20160613             CEAUSESCU—DIKTATUR: RUMÄNIEN rollt Prozess um REVOLUTION—
20160613             JAPAN: Bären töten 4—MENSCHEN—POLIZEI warnt Wanderer
20160613             Umfrage, DEUTSCHLAND—SPAREN weniger und seltener
20160613             Schuluniformen in ENGLAND: Jungen dürfen —JETZT auch Röcke tragen
20160613             SOFTWARE—CHAOS bei Landtagswahl: BERLIN droht der technische K.o.
20160613             LONDON: BÜRGER—MEISTER stoppt sexualisierte Werbung im NAH—VERKEHR
20160613             Pläne von SpaceX: PENDEL—VERKEHR zum Mars ab 2018 - MERKEL in PEKING: Beim reizbaren Riesen
20160613—20020000    —AGREED, Microsoft Corp., to pay $26.2—BILLION in cash for LinkedIn, 1—PROFESSIONAL—SOCIAL—NETWORK—COMPANY founded.
20160613—20080000    —SINCE, EULEX has supported KOSOVO on its path to greater European integration in THE—AREAS—OF—RULE—OF—LAW and the fight against corruption.
20160613—20180000    —AB, Pläne von SpaceX: PENDEL—VERKEHR zum Mars - MERKEL in PEKING: Beim reizbaren Riesen
20160618             —CHARGED, They were, with having links to 1—TERRORIST—GROUP, but were not found to have ANY—CONNECTION to 20160613             —THE—IS—INSPIRED MURDER—OF—THE—POLICE—COUPLE carried out by Larossi Abballa.
20170613             1—KABINETTS—SITZUNG, DONALD—TRUMP lässt sich von seinen MINISTERn huldigen
20170613             USA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—JEFF—SESSIONS, 1—CLOSE—ADVISER to PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP —DURING his battle for the presidency, heatedly defended himself —BEFORE his FORMER—SENATE colleagues as he denied having 1 undisclosed meeting with RUSSIA—AMBASSADOR to THE—USA and rejected ANY—MISCONDUCT in the ouster of FBI Director JAMES—COMEY.
20170613             —RESIGNED, Yahoo CEO—MARISSA—MAYER, —FOLLOWING the company's $4.5—SALE—OF—ITS—INTERNET—PROPERTIES to Verizon.
20170613             Mayer left with a $23—MILLION—GOLDEN parachute.
20170613             BRAZIL, SERGIO—CABRAL, 1—FORMER—GOVERNOR—OF—RIO—DE—JANEIRO, was sentenced to 14—YEARS in prison for corruption.
20170613             —CALLED, Sometimes, the muse of the Rolling Stones, she had affairs with 3—OF—BAND—KEY—MEMBERS.
20170613             THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION said that POLAND, HUNGARY and THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC have breached their legal obligations to take SOME—REFUGEES as part of 20150000             —THE plan, which is aimed at sharing the burden of 160,000 migrants at camps in ITALY and GREECE.
20170613             FINLAND—PRIME—MINISTER—JUHA—SIPILA said his coalition would carry on with 1—NEW—POPULIST—FACTION that emerged at THE—LAST—MINUTE.
20170613             THE—FINNS—PARTY split in 2, with Sipila welcoming the more moderate faction to stay on in his government.
20170613             1—GERMANY—COURT convicted 6—YOUNG—SYRIAN and LIBYA—REFUGEES who tried to set fire to 1—SLEEPING—HOMELESS—MAN last Christmas in 1—CRIME that sparked public outrage.
20170613             GERMANY, 1—MAN, 37—JAHRE—ALT shot 1—POLICE—OFFICER in the head and wounded 2—BYSTANDERS at the Unterfoehring subway station in MUNICH.
20170613             —APPREHENDED, The suspect was, —AFTER being wounded in 1—EXCHANGE—OF—FIRE with police.
20170613             —APPROVED, HUNGARY—PARLIAMENT, 1—CRACKDOWN on FOREIGN—BACKED civil society groups despite 1—INTERNATIONAL—OUTCRY, in 1—MOVE seen as targeting USA billionaire GEORGE—SOROS.
20170613             —FLOODED, INDONESIA, DOZENS—OF—INMATES swam to freedom from 1, jail —AFTER 1—OF—ITS—WALLS collapsed.
20170613             —ESCAPED, At least 32—INMATES, in JAMBI city on WEST—SUMATRA ISLAND late —TODAY by swimming through the floodwaters —AFTER they smashed through the wall.
20170613             —RECAPTURED, Most were, but about 10—ARE believed to still be on the run.
20170613             Iraqi and UN officials said 1—MASS—FOOD poisoning at 1—CAMP for displaced civilians outside MOSUL has left at least 2—DEAD and hundreds requiring urgent treatment.
20170613             ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—NETANYAHU says the diplomatic crisis with NEW—ZEALAND over 1—UN—RESOLUTION condemning ISRAEL—SETTLEMENTS is over.
20170613             KENYA, at least 4—PEOPLE were missing —AFTER the collapse of an 8—STOREY building in NAIROBI overnight.
20170613             —PULLED, Rescuers soon, 2—CHILDREN and their mother from the building.
20170613             2—PEOPLE were thought to be still trapped in the debris.
20170613             —RELEASED, NORTH—KOREA, OTTO—WARMBIER, 22—JAHRE—ALT, 1—UNIVERSITY—OF—VIRGINIA college student who was serving a 15-year prison term with hard labor for alleged ANTI—STATE—ACTS.
20170613             The announcement that came as FORMER—NBA player DENNIS—RODMAN was paying 1—RETURN—VISIT to PYONGYANG.
20170613             —RETURNED, Wambier, to his home STATE—OF—OHIO in 1—COMA suffering a "severe neurological injury," and has been in 1—COMA for more than 1—YEAR.
20170613             —SUSPECTED, PAKISTAN—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIALS said 1, USA—MISSILE—STRIKE in the northwest has killed 1—MILITANT—COMMANDER and his aide in 1—VILLAGE some 5—KM—SOUTH—OF—THAL city.
20170613             —DETAINED, SOUTH—KOREAN—POLICE on —TUESDAY, a 25—YEAR—OLD graduate student for allegedly placing 1 concealed explosive device that injured 1—PROFESSOR—TODAY at 1—UNIVERSITY—OFFICE—IN—SEOUL.
20170613             —WAGED, SYRIA, Islamic State group jihadists, fierce battles in Raqa in 1—BID to repel USA—BACKED fighters advancing towards the walls of the Old City.
20170613             TURKEY—PRIME—MINISTER—BINALI—YILDIRIM said his country wants to continue membership talks with the European Union, in 1—EFFORT to ease MONTHS—OF—TENSION.
20170613             —REPORTED, ZIMBABWE STATE—OWNED media, that the government has banned the import of corn —AFTER enjoying 1—BUMPER crop that authorities hope will be enough to feed the nation and stimulate HOME—GROWN production.
20170613             —STOPPED, The deputy agriculture MINISTER said the government, issuing grain import permits about 4—MONTHS ago and no maize imports are allowed at our borders.
20170613             —PROTESTE—IN—RUSSLAND—PUTIN—GEGNER—NAWALNY muss 30—TAGE in Haft
20170613             —KASSIERT, Umstrittenes EINREISE—VERBOT, USA—REGIERUNG, weitere Schlappe vor Gericht
20170613             —REKORD—FOSSIL: Forscher finden 115.000.000—JAHRE—ALT Pilz
20170613             BERICHTE—ÜBER—GEHEIM—TREFFEN, TORY—MINISTER—UND—LABOUR—POLITIKER beraten angeblich über weichen BREXIT
20170613             GLOBALISIERUNG: HOCHSEE—SCHIFFFAHRT so sicher wie nie zuvor
20170613             STRATEGIE—PAPIER der CDU: Wirtschaft soll mehr  sammeln dürfen
20170613             —SUSPENDIERT, DONALD—TRUMP—SLOGANS verschwinden aus Jahrbuch: Schule, Lehrer (Leben und Lernen, 11:41)
20170613             Sicherheit: So rüstet sich BERLIN gegen den TERROR
20170613             —FESTNAHME in UNGARN: HOLOCAUST—LEUGNER Mahler an DEUTSCHLAND überstellt
20170613             Staatliche Kontrolle: UNGARN billigt strikte Auflagen für NGOs
20170613             PUBLIC—RELATIONS für Despoten: Wie PR—PROFIS ERDOGANs Image säubern
20170613             —GEHÖRT, Einheitsurteil vor dem BREXIT: GIBRALTAR, ökonomisch zu GROß—BRITANNIEN
20170613             WAHL—VERHALTEN,Kleines Ego stimmt für großes Ego
20170613             Dem Beschäftigungsausblick 20170000              der OECD zufolge nimmt in allen beobachteten STAATEN die Polarisierung des ARBEITS—MARKTS zu.
20170613             —BEDEUTET, Das : Es gibt sowohl im niedrig qualifizierten Bereich als auch im Bereich hochqualifizierter Tätigkeiten mehr Jobs.
20170613             Es gebe keinen klaren Beleg, daß mehr GLOBALISIERUNG (die Verflechtung eines Landes in weltweite Wertschöpfungsketten oder hohe Importe aus CHINA) die Beschäftigungsstruktur in bestimmten Branchen verändere.
20170613             Mit dem Sturz in 1—FLUSS BEGANN vor etwa 115.000.000—JAHREN auf dem Großkontinent Gondwana die Reise eines kleinen Pilzes.
20170613             —HEUTE, ist es der älteste in Gestein erhaltene fossile Fruchtkörper eines Pilzes,
20170613             Fossil erhalten sind nur wenige Pilze, obwohl ihre EVOLUTION —BEREITS vor mehr als 1.400.000.000—JAHREN BEGANN,
20170613             [l] 1—HINWEIS noch zu der KATAR—GESCHICHTE.
20170613             —WENIG—SPÄTER, hat dann RUSSLAND tatsächlich 1 19%-ANTEIL—AN—ROSNEFT verkauft, und zwar in 1—WINDIGEN DEAL—MIT—GESCHACHTELTEN BRIEFKASTEN—FIRMEN u.a.
20170613             —VOR, ein paar Tagen gab es da das GERÜCHT—RUSSLAND würde die 19% zurückkaufen wollen.
20170613             —NUN, geht DIE—THEORIE um, daß bei dem Deal irgendwas schiefgeflaufen ist.
20170613             [l] Meine Damen und Herren, ich präsentiere: Den Communications Over Various Feeds Electronically for Engagement (COVFEFE) Act!
20170613             —SCHON, 3—MONATE KOALITIONspoker in den NIEDERLANDEn: Nummer 4—VERZWEIFELT gesucht
20170613             Mit Régis Debray und MAX GALLO—SPANIEN nach FRANCO.
20170613             Anhörung zur RUSSLAND—AFFÄRE: Sessions geht in die Offensive
20170613—20160100    —IN—LATE, NORTH—KOREA announced WARMBIER—ARREST, saying he committed 1—ANTI—STATE—CRIME with "the tacit CONNIVANCE—OF—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT and under its manipulation".
20170613—20170615    —CAPTURED, Both inmates were, in CHRISTIANA—TENNESSEE.
20170619             † IN—OHIO—OTTO—WARMBIER, 22—JAHRE—ALT in 1—CINCINNATI hospital —FOLLOWING his 20170613              release by NORTH—KOREA.
20180605—20180613    —ANNOUNCED, The final RESULTS—OF—THE—ELECTION were only.
20180613             —ACCUSED, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting COUNTRIES—OF—DRIVING up oil prices, in 1—FRESH swipe at the cartel's agreement to cap production.
20180613             —RAISED, THE—USA—FEDERAL—RESERVE, interest rates by 1—QUARTER—OF—1—PERCENTAGE—POINT and signaled that it will raise rates 2—MORE—TIMES this —YEAR.
20180613             —REPORTED, ABC News, that MICHAEL—COHEN, PRESIDENT—TRUMP—FORMER—PERSONAL—LAWYER, is seeking 1—NEW—LEGAL—TEAM in an FBI investigation as his current legal team plans to stop handling his case.
20180613             —SIGNED, NEW—JERSEY GOVERNOR—PHIL—MURPHY, legislation to tighten already strict gun control laws.
20180613             —STAGED, Lawmakers from THE—SCOTLAND—NATIONAL—PARTY (SNP), 1—DRAMATIC walkout from THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—PARLIAMENT—AFTER their leader was ordered to leave THE—HOUSE—OF—COMMONS in 1—ROW over Brexit.
20180613             —EXPECTED, This was, to contribute 6—INCHES to SEA—LEVEL—RISE by 2100.
20180613             FRANCE—BIGGEST agriculture union told its farmers to suspend 1—BLOCKADE of refineries and fuel depots that had entered its 3. —DAY over palm oil imports and unfair competition.
20180613             —SENTENCED, GERMANY, the regional COURT—IN—DUESSELDORF, 1—MAN, identified only as Saleh A., to 7—YEARS in prison —AFTER finding him GUILTY—OF—MEMBERSHIP in foreign terrorist groups, manslaughter and other charges.
20180613             —SEARCHED, More than 150—GERMAN and DENMARK—POLICE—OFFICERS, 12—APARTMENTS and offices in 1—JOINT—CROSS—BORDER—RAID on 1—ILLEGAL—HUMAN—TRAFFICKING network that focused on arranging HUNDREDS—OF—SHAM marriages.
20180613             —EXTRADITED, GERMANY, Milorad Obradovic (49), 1—BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—SERB, to Bosnia.
20180613             HONDURAS' ruling party said it will cooperate with prosecutors' investigation into allegations public funds were illegally diverted to 20130000             —THE—CAMPAIGN—OF—PRESIDENT—JUAN—ORLANDO—HERNANDEZ.
20180613             —DIVERTED, Prosecutors said $11.7—MILLION was, from the agriculture ministry to political parties through nonprofit organizations.
20180613             —TRADED, Indian and PAKISTAN—FORCES, fire along the highly militarized frontier in disputed Kashmir —AFTER PAKISTAN—FIRING killed at least 4—INDIA—PARAMILITARY—SOLDIERS and injured 3—OTHERS on border patrol.
20180613             —OVERLOADED, 1—INDONESIA—PASSENGER—BOAT, with people heading home to celebrate THE—END—OF—RAMADAN with their families capsized off Sulawesi ISLAND, killing at least 13.
20180613             1 speed boat carrying 30—PEOPLE capsized near PALEMBANG city.
20180613             —RECOVERED, Rescuers, 3—BODIES. There were 27—SURVIVORS.
20180613             —ARRESTED, IRAN—SECURITY forces, prominent human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh.
20180613             —WORKED, THE—MOTHER—OF—2—ALSO, as 1—LAWYER for women detained for refusing to cover their hair in public.
20180613             —SEARCHED, NORTH—ITALY, finance police, 1—BANK—AS—PART—OF—1—INVESTIGATION into possible money laundering by THE—FAR—RIGHT—LEAGUE—PARTY.
20180613             ROME—LONG—DELAYED plans to build 1—NEW—STADIUM hit another major obstacle —WHEN 9—PEOPLE were arrested for alleged corruption linked to bureaucratic matters involving the venue.
20180613             1—MALDIVES COURT—SENTENCED—MAUMOON—ABDUL—GAYOOM, 1—FORMER—PRESIDENT (19780000—20080000    ) accused of plotting to overthrow the government, to 19—MONTHS in prison for failing to cooperate with the police investigation.
20180613             2—NORWAY—LAWMAKERS nominated PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP for the Nobel Peace Prize —AFTER THE—SINGAPORE summit with NORTH—KOREAN—LEADER—KIM Jong Un.
20180613             —EXTENDED, QATAR said it has, a $500—MILLION—AID—PACKAGE to JORDAN that includes investments, project finance and job opportunities for Jordanians.
20180613             —REPORTED, THE—STATE—RUN—SAUDI—ARABIA—PRESS—AGENCY, that SALMAN—KING—OF— has ordered a 1.7—BILLION riyal ($453—MILLION) payout to beneficiaries of social security in the kingdom ahead of the upcoming Islamic Eid holiday that marks THE—END—OF—THE—HOLY—MONTH—OF—RAMADAN.
20180613             SOUTH—KOREA held regional elections.
20180613             —EXPECTED, The ruling PARTY—OF—PRESIDENT—MOON—JAE—IN was, to win 1—SWEEPING victory.
20180613             The "Manbij Implementation Plan" would be discussed by senior officials from THE—2—COUNTRIES, but no details were provided.
20180613             —BACKED, YEMEN—FORCES, by 1—SAUDI—LED coalition launched 1—MAJOR—OFFENSIVE to retake THE—REBEL—HELD port CITY—OF—HODEIDA, 1—KEY—AID—HUB, sparking calls from THE—UNITED—NATIONS for restraint.
20180613             [l] Die Schufa wehrt anscheinend sich ÄUß—ERST rabiat gegen BERICHT—ERSTATTUNG über Konflikte zwischen DSGVO und ihrem GESCHÄFTS—MODELL.
20180613             [l] INFRA—STRUKTUR—APOKALYPSE: In ROM ist ein Bus explodiert.
20180613             The explosions are so frequent in ROME that residents have suggested public transport poses 1—GREATER—THREAT to their safety than terrorism.
20180613             Ist wohl ein bekanntes Kurzschlussproblem.
20180613             Atac, the local transport company, is beset by mismanagement, LACK—OF—INVESTMENT and corruption scandals.
20180613             [l] Wo wir gerade bei ITALIEN waren: BERLUSCONI kündigt an, er wolle 600.000 "illegale Immigranten"deportieren.
20180613             —REAGIERT, DONALD—TRUMP, auf de Niros Kritik: "1—INDIVIDUUM mit sehr geringem IQ"
20180613             KÖLNer START—UP DeepL: Wie es 1—DEUTSCHLAND—UNTERNEHMEN gelang, besser als GOOGLE zu sein (SPIEGEL+, 03:34)
20180613             —DIE—LAGE—AM—MITTWOCH, Sieg für KIM—JONG—UN
20180613             Überraschendes Bündnis im IRAK: Kleriker Sadr und PROIRAN—MILIZEN—FÜHRER Amiri schmieden ALLIANZ
20180613             Schlappe für Trudeau: KANADAS—PARLAMENT stimmt gegen diplomatische Beziehungen zu IRAN
20180613             EMISSIONEN verringern: Neue ENERGIE—VERBANDSCHEFIN will schnellen Kohleausstieg
20180613             70—JAHRE UNO—FRIEDENSMISSIONEN: Blauhelmsoldaten in DER—KRISE
20180613             DEUTSCHLAND—GEWÄSSER: Im NORDEN —STERBEN die Fische
20180613             Migration: ÖSTERREICH plant mit einigen Ländern AUFNAHME—LAGER außerhalb der EU
20180613             SORGE—VOR—HANDELS—KRIEG und EURO—KRISE—FORSCHER rechnen mit geringerem WIRTSCHAFTS—WACHSTUM
20180613             Enge Kooperation bei FLÜCHTLINGEn: WIEN—BERLIN, ROM—ÖSTERREICH—KANZLER—KURZ spricht von "Achse der Willigen"
20180613             Ehemaliger EURO—GEGNER: ITALIEN—MINISTER—SAVONA nennt EURO "unverzichtbar"
20180613             2—TODES—FÄLLE: VIRUS bedroht Elefanten in HAMBURGer Tierpark
20180613             —GEARBEITET, TERROR—VERDACHT in KÖLN: ISLAMist soll an BIO—WAFFE, haben
20180613             Minijobber: Arbeit auf Abruf macht unzufrieden (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 15:34)
20180613             "Opportunity": Staubsturm legt MARS—ROVER lahm
20180613             Beim Kalkabbau fand man 18560000              im Neandertal Skelettteile 1—BIS—DAHIN nicht bekannten FRÜH—MENSCHENART: dem NEANDERTALER.
20180613             DIE—DEUTSCHLAND—SICHERHEITS—BEHÖRDEN waren über diese Entwicklung ALARMIERT—AUCH weil die AMAZON—ALGORITHMEN potenziellen Attentätern offenbar automatisch gefährliche Zutaten vorschlugen, —NACH—DEM Motto: "Kunden, die diesen ARTIKEL gekauft haben, kauften auch..".
20180613             Bewertungsreserven: Lebensversicherer können Auszahlungen wohl kürzen
20180613             —STREIT—UM—BREXIT: Politiker der SCHOTTLAND—NATIONALPARTEI verlassen Plenum
20180613             30—JAHRE—ALTE R—KRIEG: Wie das Inferno DIE—DEUTSCHLAND—PRÄGTE (SPIEGEL+, 17:50)
20180613             LEISTUNGS—SCHUTZ—RECHT für Presseverleger: So 1—QUATSCH—GESETZ
20180613             Höchstes Niveau —SEIT FINANZ—KRISE, USA—NOTEN—BANK—HEBT—LEIT—ZINS an
20180613             —KLIMA: Wie Ingenieure DIE—ERDE kühlen wollen (SPIEGEL+, 21:00)
20180613             Eichenprozessionsspinner: Kommunen KÄMPFEN—GEGEN—GIFTIGE RAUPEN—KONGO: "EBOLA?
20180613             [l] Studie: Sexuelle Belästigung weit verbreitet an USA—UNIS.
20180613             Sexual harassment is pervasive —THROUGHOUT academic science IN—THE—UNITED—STATES, driving talented RESEARCHERS OUT—OF—THE—FIELD and harming others' careers, finds 1—REPORT from THE—USA—NATIONAL—ACADEMIES—OF—SCIENCES, Engineering, and Medicine in WASHINGTON DC.
20180613             Das sind die wichtigsten Organisationen an der Stelle.
20180613             MONEY—QUOTE: policies to fight the —PROBLEM are ineffective because they are set up to protect institutions, not victims
20180613             [l] In ENGLAND platzt anscheinend gerade die moderne Sklaverei ("das sind alles Selbständige!1!!") vor Gericht.
20180613             MINDEST—LOHN—URLAUBSGELD - Diskriminierungsschutz
20180613             Das betrifft aber natürlich direkt ALLE—ANDEREN—FIRMEN, die sich mit solchen Modellen um STEUERN drücken.
20180613             [l] Der BITCOIN—BOOM sieht stark nach MARKT—MANIPULATION aus.
20180613             [l] DIE—STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT BRAUNSCHWEIG hat über 1.MILLIARDE—EURO Bußgeld gegen VW verhängt, wegen der DIESEL—AFFÄRE.
20180613             Ich glaube, daß das PR ist.
20180613             Aber hey, immerhin wurde überhaupt 1.Strafe verhängt.
20180613             Sie machen sich also Sorgen, daß DIE—BEVÖLKERUNG sich verarscht fühlt, wenn man VW ohne Strafe gehen lässt.
20180613             BREXIT—STREIT—IM—UNTERHAUS: Schlagabtausch mit blauen Flecken
20180613—19910000    —IN, AIELLO—LIFE has been in danger —SINCE she witnessed 2—MAFIA hitmen kill her HUSBAND, forcing her to enter witness protection 2—YEARS—LATER.
20180613—19920000    —IN—THE, He was accused of taking part detention and torture of about 120—MUSLIM Bosniaks in THE—BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—WAR, and personally killing 3—OTHERS.
20180613—19930000    —SEIT, [l] Und 1—HABE ich noch aus ITALIEN: Piera Aiello, 1.frisch gewählte PARLAMENT—ABGEORDNETE, hat —JETZT zum 1. Mal
20180613—19940000    —SINCE, RUSSIA, THE—FIFA Congress in MOSCOW voted that 20260000             —THE World Cup will return to NORTH—AMERICA for the 1. time —AFTER gaining 134—VOTES, —WHILE MOROCCO got 65.
20180613—20100000    —REPRESENTED, She has, IRAN—OPPOSITION—ACTIVISTS and was sentenced to 6—YEARS in jail and banned from practice —AFTER being convicted of spreading propaganda and conspiring to harm state security.
20180613—20120000    —SINCE, 1—NEW—REPORT published in the journal Nature said the rate t which ANTARCTICA is losing ice has more than doubled.
20180613—20130000    —SINCE, 1—BP report said global greenhouse gas emissions began rising again —LAST—YEAR as the 1. PICK—UP in coal burning overshadowed 1—RECORD—EXPANSION in renewable energy.
20180613—20170324    —ON, THE—ORGANIZATION for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) said sarin was likely used, as 1—CHEMICAL—WEAPON in 1—ATTACK in Syria at Ltamenah, Hama province, and that chlorine was likely used THE—FOLLOWING—DAY at the Ltamenah Hospital.
20181108—20160613    —CONVICTED—OF, SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, transient JOHNNY—JOSUE—SANCHEZ was, 5—COUNTS—OF—MURDER for setting 1—FIRE in 1—VACANT—LOS—ANGELES building that killed 5—PEOPLE.
20190000             gegen den Berliner Freifunker am Landgericht BERLIN Klage ein und verlangt darin auch, ihn zu einer strafbewehrten Unterlassungserklärung von 250.000 € oder zu 6—MONATEN Haft zu verurteilen.
20190604—20190613    —SENTENCED, Jones was, to death.
20190609—20190613    —DESCRIBED, BEIJING, the incident as 1—ORDINARY maritime accident.
20190611—20190613    —ON, authorities said there were no survivors.
20190613             CHILE, 3—BOLIVIA—MEN went missing late —TODAY—AFTER 1—SMALL landslide blocked the entrance to the mine, trapping the miners nearly 70—METERS (230—FEET) beneath the surface.
20190613             A 3. remained missing.
20190613             —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, the surprise departure of his spokeswoman SARAH—SANDERS, —AFTER 1—COMBATIVE tenure that saw her ALL—BUT kill off traditional WHITE—HOUSE—BRIEFINGS to journalists.
20190613             USA—BASED Bloomberg news agency says TURKEY—PROSECUTORS are seeking up to 5—YEAR—JAIL—TERMS for 2—OF—ITS—ISTANBUL—BASED reporters over their report on —LAST—YEAR—CURRENCY—CRISIS.
20190613             —DETHRONED, OAKLAND—CALIFORNIA, the upstart TORONTO Raptors squad, defending champions Golden State, defeating the Warriors 114-110 to win THE—NBA Finals and capture the 1. crown by 1—CLUB from outside THE—USA.
20190613             SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, MARGARET—HUNTER, oo USA REPRESENTATIVE—DUNCAN—HUNTER, pleaded guilty to 1—SINGLE—CORRUPTION—COUNT and agreed to testify against her husband on charges that the couple had spent more than $200,000 in campaign funds on personal trips and expenses.
20190613             CALIFORNIA, SACRAMENTO County sheriff's Deputy Shauna BISHOP (44) was arrested —AFTER she turned herself in for allegedly having sex with 1—BOY, 16—JAHRE—ALT.
20190613             —DISMISSED, THE—MICHIGAN ATTORNEY—GENERAL—OFFICE, all pending criminal cases tied to THE—FLINT water crisis, ending the current prosecutions of 8—CURRENT and former officials accused of neglecting their duties and allowing residents to drink tainted water.
20190613             —TARGETED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER on foot, 1—POLICE—VEHICLE in THE—EAST—CITY—OF—JALALABAD, killing at least 9—PEOPLE, including civilians.
20190613             —JAILED, ALGERIA, FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—ABDELMALEK—SELLAL was, in 1—ANTI—CORRUPTION—SWEEP — the 2. FORMER—HEAD—OF—GOVERNMENT in 2—DAYS to be sent to prison —WHILE his case is investigated.
20190613             —VOTED, BRAZIL—SUPREME—COURT, to criminalize homophobia, 1—IMPORTANT—STEP for sexual minorities in 1—OF—THE—MOST dangerous countries for LGBT people in the world.
20190613             —TOPPED, Brexit hardliner BORIS—JOHNSON, the ballot by 1—LANDSLIDE in a 1.—ROUND vote for 1—LEADER to replace UNITED—KINGDOM—PRIME—MINISTER—THERESA—MAY as the deadline for leaving THE—EU looms.
20190613             —UNVEILED, FRANCE—MARINE—LE—PEN, 1—NEW—FAR—RIGHT—GROUP, the Identity and Democracy (ID) group, in the European PARLIAMENT, uniting eurosceptics from across the continent who aim to devolve power from BRUSSELS back to capitals.
20190613             —RULED, GERMANY—TOP—ADMINISTRATIVE—COURT, that the slaughtering of MALE chicks may continue in the poultry industry —UNTIL 1—METHOD is found to determine the sex of 1—EMBRYO in the egg.
20190613             —SUSPENDED, HONG—KONG—LEGISLATURE, meetings as leaders considered their next steps —FOLLOWING violent clashes between police and protesters opposed to 1—BILL that would allow suspects to be tried in mainland CHINA—COURTS.
20190613             —ENCRYPTED, Telegram, 1, messaging app, said that it was hit by 1—POWERFUL cyberattack from CHINA as 1—MAJOR—PROTEST unfolded 1—DAY—EARLIER in HONG—KONG.
20190613             —BATTERED, Cyclone Vayu, 1—INDIA—FISHING—HUB with heavy wind, waves and rain and was forecast to bring dangerous weather conditions even as it veered away from the subcontinent's western coast.
20190613             —ATTACKED, ISRAEL—AIRCRAFT, 1—HAMAS target in GAZA.
20190613             —FIRED, ISRAEL—MILITARY said it was responding to 1—ROCKET, from GAZA overnight that was intercepted by the Iron Dome ANTI—MISSILE—SYSTEM.
20190613             —LAUNCHED, NORTH—EAST—NIGERIA, Boko Haram jihadists, 1—PRE—DAWN attack 1—MILITARY—BASE—NEAR in Kareto village, killing several troops and stealing weapons.
20190613             —FIRED, PALESTINE—MILITANTS, 1—ROCKET into SOUTH—ISRAEL, striking 1—BUILDING, but causing no injuries.
20190613             2—OIL—TANKERS—NEAR the strategic Strait of Hormuz were damaged in suspected attacks.
20190613             THE—MT Front Altair, 1—MARSHALL—ISLANDS—FLAGGED crude oil tanker owned by NORWAY—BASED Frontline, and Kokuka Courageous, managed by 1—SINGAPORE company were attacked in the Gulf of OMAN.
20190613             —FIRED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, 2—POLICE—GENERALS involved in 1 discredited criminal case against 1—JOURNALIST, 1—EPISODE that sparked 1—MASS—PROTEST in MOSCOW the previous —DAY.
20190613             RUSSIA—LAWMAKERS said that 1—NEW—USA—MILITARY—DEPLOYMENT to POLAND announced by PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP would force MOSCOW to take retaliatory steps, with 1—SAYING it would make POLAND 1—TARGET in the event of 1—CONFLICT.
20190613             THE—SLOVAKIA—CAPITAL—BRATISLAVA won the right to host 1—NEW—EUROPEAN Union agency to oversee the labor market that is due to start operating this —AUTUMN.
20190613             —ORDERED, SRI—LANKA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL, police to speed up investigations into several HIGH—PROFILE—CRIMINAL—CASES, including 20060000             —THE massacre of 17—FRANCE—CHARITY—WORKERS that remains unresolved.
20190613             —WARNED, TURKEY, Syria that it would respond if attacks in SYRIA—NORTH—WEST—IDLIB province continue, —AFTER 1—TURKEY—OBSERVATION—POST in the region was attacked by mortar shells, which TURKEY—DEFENSE—MINISTRY said were fired from areas under SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—CONTROL.
20190613             1—UGANDA—HEALTH—MINISTRY—OFFICIAL said a 50—YEAR—OLD—WOMAN who tested positive for Ebola in UGANDA has †, the 2. fatality —SINCE the virus spread from neighboring Democratic REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO.
20190613             —CONFIRMED, THE—UN said it had, THE—KILLING—OF—17—PEOPLE and the burning of more than 100—HOUSES in Deleij village in SUDAN—CENTRAL—DARFUR region —EARLIER this —WEEK.
20190613             UN counterterrorism CHIEF—VLADIMIR—IVANOVICH—VORONKOV began a 3—DAY—VISIT to Xinjiang despite protests from THE—USA and 1—RIGHTS—GROUP that the trip would be inappropriate in light of the human rights conditions in CHINA—FAR—WEST region.
20190613             FRANCIS—PAPA told his ambassadors —AROUND the world, SOME—OF—WHOM have been involved in sexual and financial scandals, to live humble, exemplary lives and be closer to the poor than to the elite.
20190613             VENEZUELA—CENTRAL—BANK began introducing new bolivar bills of 10,000, 20,000 and 50,000 to make payments and transactions more efficient.
20190613             The 50,000 bill is about the equivalent of $10, more than country's monthly minimum wage.
20190613             —BOMBED, YEMEN, planes from THE—SAUDI—LED military coalition, areas —AROUND THE—CAPITAL—SANAA.
20190613             TRUMP—EX—KOMMUNIKATIONSCHEFIN: HOPE—HICKS will vor Kongress aussagen
20190613             Gewalt im FLÜCHTLINGS—HEIM Bamberg: "Wenn du meinen Freund noch einmal anfasst, töte ich dich!" (SPIEGEL+, 01:04)
20190613             RÜSTUNGS—HANDEL zwischen RUSSLAND und TÜRKEI: S-400-Kauf laut ERDOGAN ein "abgeschlossener Deal"
20190613             Unterschätzte Gefahr: Allergien treten immer häufiger —ERST im Alter auf (SPIEGEL+, 04:50)
20190613             —DIE—LAGE—AM—DONNERSTAG: KRAMP—KARRENBAUERS seltsamer Blick auf DONALD—TRUMP
20190613             Einen der wenigen Hinweise lieferte der antike GRIECHENLAND—GESCHICHTSSCHREIBER Herodot, der um das —JAHR 450_VOR_CHRISTUS lebte und in seinen "Historien" von den Skythen berichtete, einem Nomadenvolk aus dem heutigen Südrussland, das sich am Dampf von erhitztem CANNABIS berauscht habe.
20190613             DIE—CANNABISNUTZUNG im alten CHINA.
20190613             Im Fachblatt "Science Advances" berichten Forschende des MAX—PLANCK—INSTITUTS (MPI) für Menschheitsgeschichte in JENA, der CHINA—AKADEMIE der Wissenschaften sowie der CHINA—AKADEMIE DER—SOZIALWISSENSCHAFTEN (beide PEKING) darüber, daß HANF—PFLANZEN —VOR—2.500—JAHREN im Rahmen von Begräbnisritualen verbrannt WURDEN—UND zwar bewusst solche, die besonders berauschend wirkten.
20190613             Dass der THC—ANTEIL CANNABIS—KONSUMENTEN —SCHON vor mehr als 2.500—JAHREN wichtig war, legt nun die Untersuchung von über 10—HÖLZERNEN Räuchergefäßen nahe, die im ostchinesischen PAMIR—GEBIRGE gefunden wurden.
20190613             DIE—DATEN belegten, daß DIE—MENSCHEN —DAMALS, CANNABIS—SORTEN mit einem höheren THC—GEHALT verbrannten
20190613             DIE—RÄUCHERGEFÄßE stammten von der Begräbnisstätte Jirzankal, die sich im ostchinesischen TEIL—DES—PAMIRGEBIRGES befindet.
20190613             —GERAUCHT, DIE—AUTOREN der —STUDIE mutmaßen, daß die HANF—PFLANZEN, wurden, um mit den Toten oder göttlichen Mächten in Kontakt zu treten.
20190613             ist CANNABIS WELT—WEIT die am häufigsten konsumierte illegale Substanz, die Schätzungen der Vereinten Nationen zufolge von 125—BIS 227.000.000—MENSCHEN genommen wird.
20190613             USA—WAHLKAMPF—DONALD—TRUMP würde ausländische SCHMUTZ—INFOS über Rivalen annehmen
20190613             —NEUEN—KONZEPT: Grüne fordern Grundsicherung für Kinder
20190613             —STREIT—MIT—USA—REGIERUNG: Huawei fordert Milliarde für die Nutzung von Paten10
20190613             Abrisse in Sammellagern: LIBANON will SYRIEN—FLÜCHTLINGE LOSWERDEN—ZUR Not mit Gewalt (SPIEGEL+, 08:17)
20190613             —STUDIEE: REAL—LÖHNE in EUROPA steigen auch in diesem —JAHR
20190613             Gesundheit: Krankenkassen fürchten tiefrote Zahlen
20190613             —ATTACKIERT, VEREINIGTE—ARABISCHE—EMIRATE: Offenbar 2—SCHIFFE im Golf von OMAN
20190613             Golf von OMAN: NORWEGEN—BEHÖRDEN bestätigen —ANGRIFF—AUF—ÖLTANKER
20190613             Brandstifter im Nahen Osten: Feuer als Waffe
20190613             —GEWORDEN, Recherche in 13—LÄNDERN: Ist die Welt gerade verrückt ?
20190613             EUGH—URTEIL zu Gmail: GOOGLE muss DER—POLIZEI keine MAIL—ÜBERWACHUNG ermöglichen
20190613             WIKILEAKS—GRÜNDER—JULIAN—ASSANGE: GROSSBRITANNIEN—REGIERUNG unterzeichnet Auslieferungsgesuch der USA
20190613             IRANs geistliches Oberhaupt: Khamenei schließt VERHANDLUNGEN—MIT—AMERIKANERN aus
20190613             LEBENS—MITTELRETTER: BREMER Kaufhaus erlaubt "Containern"
20190613             Frauen streiken für Gleichberechtigung: Warum die SCHWEIZ zu den rückständigsten Ländern EUROPAs zählt
20190613             —MACHT—KAMPF—IN—GROß—BRITANNIEN—JOHNSON in 1. TORY—ABSTIMMUNG klar vorn
20190613             SIBIRIEN: Riesiger URZEIT—WOLFSKOPF entdeckt
20190613             CHINA—FERNSEHEN in AFRIKA: "Wir machen reine PROPAGANDA" (SPIEGEL+, 14:42)
20190613             Umstrittene Experimente: RUSSLAND—FORSCHER will genmanipulierte Babys schaffen
20190613             Folgen des KLIMA—WANDELS: —GESTERN, ein Paradies, —HEUTE verdorrt, —MORGEN unbewohnbar (SPIEGEL+, 14:47)
20190613             Trotz Ausschreitungen: Tausende protestieren in HONGKONG—ERNEUT gegen AUSLIEFERUNGS—GESETZ
20190613             MOSKAU—PUTIN entlässt ranghohe POLIZEIvertreter wegen des Falls Golunow
20190613             40—ZENTI—METER langer Kopf
20190613             Datierungen ergaben 1—ALTER von etwa 40.000—JAHREN.
20190613             "DIE—ÜBERRESTE eines ausgewachsenen Wolfes aus dem Pleistozän, dessen Gewebe erhalten geblieben ist, sind eine einzigartige Entdeckung",
20190613             ALGERIEN: EX—MINISTER—PRÄSIDENT—SELLAL festgenommen
20190613             Mangelhafter DATEN—SCHUTZ, SACHSEN—ANHALT steigt bei FACEBOOK aus
20190613             —ANGRIFF—AUF—SCHIFFE im Golf von OMAN: "Außerordentlich beunruhigend"
20190613             ELBCHAUSSEE—RANDALE: STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT will G20—PROZESS platzen lassen
20190613             Brennende Tanker im Golf von OMAN: ANGRIFF bei voller Fahrt
20190613             [l] Huawei bringt mal ihr Patentportfolio gegen Verizon in Stellung, fordert über 1—MILLIARDE—DOLLAR.
20190613             Diese Probleme sind größer als Verizon.
20190613             Verizon sind also erstmal nur der eh —SCHON erkrankte Esel, den die Chinesen als Demonstrationsobjekt nehmen.
20190613             Golf von OMAN: Das Nadelöhr des Ölhandels
20190613             AACHEN: POLIZEI kündigt GROß—EINSATZ zu "FRIDAYs for Future" an (Leben und Lernen, 18:16)
20190613             5G-Auktion: Was die schnellen Netze ausbremst
20190613             Messungen mit WELT—RAUMTELESKOP: Forscher entdecken Kochsalz auf Jupitermond EUROPA
20190613             Wettengl: Wegwerfen oder sammeln?
20190613             Diese Frage stellt sich immer, wenn Alltagsgegenstände nicht mehr genutzt werden.
20190613             Doch manchmal sind es auch die Mächtigen, die ERINNERUNGS—POLITIK betreiben.
20190613             DIE—GESELLSCHAFTLICHE Dynamik von Erinnern und Vergessen ist auch mit Machtstrukturen und dem Ringen um Deutungshoheit verbunden.
20190613             Astronomie, BIO—TECHNOLOGIE, GEN—TECHNIK, Wie sich die Wissenschaft in 6—JAHREN revolutioniert hat (SPIEGEL+, 20:14)
20190613             BREXIT—POKER zwischen EU und GROß—BRITANNIEN: "Das Jüngste Gericht wäre zuständig"
20190613             —NACH, EUGH—URTEIL: Enthält —JETZT fast all unser ESSEN Gentechnik?
20190613             —SCHON vor einigen —JAHREN hatten Forscher beobachtet, daß ein —BIS zu hundertKm tiefer Salzwasserozean unter EUROPAs Eis schwappt.
20190613             Jupitermond EUROPA
20190613             Der Eispanzer enthält gewöhnliches Kochsalz, möglicherweise ist es auch im Ozeanwasser gelöst.
20190613             Messungen mit dem "Hubble"-WELT—RAUM—TELESKOP bestätigten nun, daß die gelben Bereiche der TARA—REGION tatsächlich dieselben spektralen Eigenschaften haben wie das bestrahlte Kochsalz aus Hands Labor und daher ebenfalls Natriumchlorid enthalten.
20190613             Golf von OMAN: USA machen IRAN für TANKER—ANGRIFFE verantwortlich
20190613             USA—TRUMP—SPRECHERIN Sanders verlässt DAS—WEIßE—HAUS
20190613—20180800    —IN, Bloomberg said that Kerim Karakaya and Fercan Yalinkilic have been accused of trying to undermine TURKEY—ECONOMIC—STABILITY over 1—STORY they wrote.
20190613—20190610    —FIRED, Opposition medics said "Janjaweed militias", live ammunition at civilians at 1—MARKET in Deleij, killing 11—PEOPLE and wounding 20—OTHERS.
20190613—20190615    —ON, authorities found alive 1—OF—THE—MINERS trapped beneath the rubble at 1—SMALL copper mine, —WHILE another was found dead.
20200501—20200613    —ZWISCHEN, Im gesamten BUNDES—STAAT—NEW—YORK wurden —CA—12.000—MENSCHEN zufällig ausgesucht und getestet.
20200501—20200613    —ZWISCHEN, Bei 13,4 Prozent fiel der Test positiv aus.
20200613             —SAMSTAG, 20200613
20200613             Namensgeber war womöglich Sklavenhändler: Schilder in Liverpools Penny Lane beschmiert
20200613             Bevorstehende USA—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTSWAHL: Trump würde Niederlage nach eigener Aussage akzeptieren
20200613             —VERSCHIEBT, Geplant am SKLAVEREI—GEDENKTAG: Trump, Wahlkampfkundgebung nach Kritik
20200613             Mit der Mehrwertsteuersenkung ab Juli werde nun "selbst der Verkauf von alten Gebrauchtwagen und SUV—BOLIDEN gefördert, egal, was aus dem Auspuff kommt",
20200613             Von Januar —BIS Ende Mai seien in den inländischen Werken nur noch knapp 1,2 Millionen Autos gebaut worden - 44—PROZENT weniger als im Vergleich zum Vorjahr.
20200613             Mit einem großen Konjunkturpaket hätten sie in DEUTSCHLAND 300 000—AUTOS mehr bauen und verkaufen können.
20200613             Auch neue strikte Ausgangsbeschränkungen "könnten wieder nötig werden".
20200613             Das müsse auf lokaler Ebene je nach Infektionsgeschehen entschieden werden.
20200613             Von Januar —BIS Ende Mai sind Umsätze und Preise von ATEM—UND Mundschutz rasant gestiegen, wie aus DATEN—DES—MARKTFORSCHUNGSUNTERNEHMENS—NIELSEN hervorgeht.
20200613             Den stärksten Umsatzzuwachs mit nahezu 14 200—PROZENT gab es demnach beim Verkauf im Großhandel.
20200613             Auch die LEBENSMITTEL—UND Drogeriemärkte verzeichneten mit knapp 8000—PROZENT ein starkes Umsatzplus im Vergleich zum Vorjahreszeitraum
20200613             bei Preiserhöhungen um etwa 254—PROZENT.
20200613             Der Mundschutz sei —BIS zur CORONA—PANDEMIE vor allem von staubgeplagten Handwerkern oder im medizinischen Bereich genutzt worden -
20200613             Dadurch verringerte sich der durchschnittliche Einzelpreis.
20200613             Experten gehen allerdings von einer sehr hohen Dunkelziffer aus.
20200613             könnte die tatsächliche ZAHL—DER—INFEKTIONSFÄLLE 10—BIS 15—MAL so hoch liegen wie in den offiziellen Statistiken angegeben.
20200613             —GESCHLOSSEN, Auch 9—SCHULEN und Kindergärten seien, worden,
20200613             6—DER Neuinfektionen seien am —SAMSTAG registriert worden.
20200613             Sie alle stünden in Zusammenhang mit dem XINFADI—FLEISCHMARKT.
20200613             Der Infizierte hatte Peking laut offiziellen Angaben in den vergangenen Wochen nicht verlassen.
20200613             Rund 1,5 Milliarden Masken müssen demnach —BIS zum —HERBST noch eintreffen.
20200613             —BESTELLT, Die Ware sei größtenteils in CHINA, worden.
20200613             sagte die Expertin.
20200613             2—DRITTEL aller Berufe wiesen —BEREITS—JETZT Fachkräfteengpässe auf, VIELE—OFFENE—STELLEN seien länger als 160—TAGE unbesetzt, weil die Unternehmen keine passenden Bewerber fänden,
20200613             —AM—SAMSTAG endet ein öffentliches Einspruchsverfahren gegen die ATOMMÜLL—ENDLAGER—SUCHE in BELGIEN.
20200613             Der PANDEMIE—EXPERTE und USA—REGIERUNGSBERATER ANTHONY—FAUCI warnt davor, dass der von einigen Bundesstaaten gemeldete Anstieg von Krankenhausaufenthalten von CORONA—INFIZIERTEN ohne strikte Kontaktsperren außer Kontrolle geraten könnte.
20200613             —GELOCKERT, Da die Beschränkungen des öffentlichen Lebens, würden, stiegen die Infektionszahlen, sagt er CNN".
20200613             Wenn man aber anfängt, immer mehr Krankenhausaufenthalte zu registrieren, ist das ein sicheres Alarmzeichen dafür, dass man dabei ist, in die falsche Richtung zu gehen".
20200613             sah Horx einen "Deutungsverlust von populistischen Strategien".
20200613             Auf die Frage, wie 1—GESELLSCHAFT sich angesichts von Infektionsgefahren organisieren könne, "darauf hat der Populismus keine Antwort".
20200613             Als Beispiel nannte er intensives Telefonieren. Sat 20200613
20200613             [l] Die KLIMA—MODELLE waren deutlich konservativer als vermutet.
20200613             TIMOTHY—PALMER, 1—PROFESSOR in climate physics at OXFORD University and 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—MET—OFFICE—ADVISORY—BOARD, said the high figure —INITIALLY made scientists nervous.
20200613             "It was way outside previous estimates.
20200613             —ASKED, People, whether there was 1—BUG in the code," he said.
20200613             [l] Es gibt die 1. Schadensmeldungen zur CORONA—APP.
20200613             Damit hätte man das Backend angreifen und möglicherweise überlasten können.
20200613             Ist ein valider Fund.
20200613             Allerdings kein sonderlich beunruhigender.
20200613             —GEWESEN, Schlimm wäre, wenn man über die App das Smartphone kompromittieren könnte, oder wenn man Daten deanonymisieren könnte, oder Benutzerprofile erstellen könnte.
20200613             Dass die diese Lücke melden und keine der anderen, das ist ein gutes Zeichen für die App.
20200613             —BESTIMMT, Die meinen, "in" der App. Nein, meinen sie nicht.
20200613             Hier ist der Anreißer:
20200613             Durch die Lücke lassen sich sensible persönliche Daten einsehen und verändern.
20200613             Das wäre ein Totalschaden. Was steht denn im Fließtext?
20200613             Das Problem liege im sogenannten GOOGLE—APPLE—PROTOKOLL (GAP), einer Schnittstelle zum Betriebssystem.
20200613             Und sie haben das Problem nicht mal am tatsächlichen Code nachweisen können sondern in einer Simulation eines Nachbaus.
20200613             Angreifer könnten die sogenannten BLUETOOTH—BENUTZER—IDS, die von einer KONTAKTNACHVERFOLGUNGS—APP erzeugt werden, sammeln und zu Orten umleiten, obwohl sich die Person, die hinter den Daten steckt, dort nie aufgehalten hat.
20200613             Zwar brauche es dazu technische Hilfsmittel, sagte Freisleben.
20200613             Aber man müsse auch sagen, dass es Telekommunikationsunternehmen oder anderen Konzernen, die über entsprechende Daten verfügten, —JETZT—SCHON möglich sei, Bewegungsprofile zu erstellen.
20200613             Mit anderen Worten: Sie haben gar nichts.
20200613             Halt, halt, noch nicht weggehen, es gibt noch 1—SAHNEHÄUBCHEN:
20200613             Bingo!
20200613             Irreführendes VERSCHWÖRUNGS—GERAUNE statt recherchierten Fakten.
20200613             Die öffentlich kommunizierten Designziele der App waren gut.
20200613             Aktualisierung 202006130000         —UHR
20200613             Vorkehrungen für Gesundheitskrisen: Ärzte fordern grundlegende Konsequenzen aus CORONA—PANDEMIE
20200613             2. Welle befürchtet: Behörden riegeln TEILE—VON—PEKING wegen neuer CORONA—FÄLLE ab
20200613             Aktiver Vulkanismus: Die Eifel hebt sich einen Millimeter pro —JAHR
20200613             In einer Studie werteten sie Messdaten von Tausenden von GPS—ANTENNEN in Westeuropa aus, die über 20—JAHRE gesammelt worden waren.
20200613             Dabei stießen sie auf neue Belege für einen noch aktiven Vulkanismus in der Eifelregion.
20200613             Wenn man ALLE—PUNKTE betrachte, "dann scheint klar zu sein, dass sich unter dem Herzen von Nordwesteuropa etwas zusammenbraut".
20200613             academic.oup.com/gji/article/222/2/1316/5835686?searchresult=1
20200613             Der letzte Vulkanausbruch in der Eifel liegt knapp 13.000—JAHRE zurück.
20200613             Er hatte laut Forschern 1—WUCHT wie der PHILIPPINEN—VULKAN Pinatubo, der 19910000              5—MILLIARDEN Kubikmeter Asche und Staub in die Luft katapultierte.
20200613             academic.oup.com/gji/article/216/3/2025/5257845
20200613             —BISHER habe man aus Sedimenten an der Oberfläche geschätzt, dass der Boden sich dadurch um 0,3 oder 0,1 Millimeter pro —JAHR hebe.
20200613             "An unseren Einschätzungen der vulkanischen Gefährdung ändern die Untersuchungen nichts".
20200613             Ein größerer Ausbruch sei irgendwann in der Zukunft "am ehesten wieder in der Osteifel am Laacher See" zu erwarten,
20200613             1—GEFÄHRDUNG—VON—MENSCHEN oder Infrastruktur sieht Dreher nicht".
20200613             Wichtiger Rohstoff für E—AUTOS: Kampf um Lithium
20200613             Bei Wartung im Trockendock: Brand auf französischem ATOM—U—BOOT —NACH—14—STUNDEN gelöscht
20200613             BAYERN nannte den Weg des kleinen Nachbarlandes "unverantwortlich", auch HESSEN reagierte skeptisch.
20200613             —BIS zu 600—MENSCHEN hätten sich bei angenehmen Temperaturen am späten —ABEND an der Kneipenmeile Schulterblatt versammelt, sagte 1—SPRECHER—DER—POLIZEI.
20200613             ITALIEN, habe die Maßnahme zwischen dem 20200406              und dem 20200509              mehr als 78.000—ANSTECKUNGEN verhindert, in NEW—YORK vom 20200417              —BIS zum 20200509              mehr als 66.000, berechnen Forscher von Universitäten in TEXAS und Kalifornien in Fachjournal "Proceedings of the National ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES" ("PNAS").
20200613             Der Unterschied zwischen vorgeschriebenem und nicht vorgeschriebenem Mundschutz stellt den bestimmenden Faktor bei der Gestaltung des Ablaufs der weltweiten Pandemie dar",
20200613             schreiben sie.
20200613             Mit den Lockerungen der CORONA—BESCHRÄNKUNGEN
20200613             "kehren Menschen auch zurück, mit den wirtschaftsfördernden, ankurbelnden Maßnahmen geht es auch wieder los,
20200613             sodass wir im Jahresschnitt nicht bei 7—MILLIONEN sein werden",
20200613             —NACH—DEN derzeitigen klinischen Tests an Freiwilligen sei die Zulassung des Medikaments im August geplant,
20200613             Es gibt deshalb keine unabhängige Bewertung der AUSSAGEN—VON—REGIERUNG und Wissenschaftlern.
20200613             "VIELE—LÄNDER der Welt haben sich —SCHON Impfstoffe gesichert, EUROPA noch nicht",
20200613             erklärte Bundesgesundheitsminister JENS—SPAHN (CDU).
20200613             GRIECHENLAND zeigt sich bereit, ab —MONTAG seinen Tourismus neu zu starten.
20200613             Aus diesem Grund wurden ALLE—INSELN in der Ägäis und im Ionischen Meer mit zusätzlichem medizinischem Personal verstärkt".
20200613             Pfeil und Bogen: Wissenschaftler entdecken mehr als 45.000—JAHRE alte Jagdwerkzeuge
20200613             Forscher haben die ältesten Belege für die Nutzung von Pfeil und Bogen außerhalb Afrikas entdeckt.
20200613             Interessant sei an den neuen Funden vor allem, dass sie aus dem tropischen Regenwald STAMMEN—UND nicht aus offeneren Landschaften wie etwa der Savanne.
20200613             advances.sciencemag.org/content/6/24/eaba3831
20200613             stellten sie offenbar Werkzeuge zum Fischen und zur PRODUKTION—VON—FASERN her, die vermutlich zu Kleidung oder Netzen verarbeitet wurden.
20200613             Forschungskonsortium belegt Risiken in GOOGLE—UND APPLE—SPEZIFIKATION für CORONA—APPS
20200613             Eine ganz andere Aussage!
20200613             Das Paper dazu findet ihr auf arxiv.org. arxiv.org/abs/2006.05914
20200613             [l] HSBC moves from 65—RELATIONAL databases into 1—GLOBAL—MONGODB database.
20200613             Sie sind so gut wie tot. MongoDB! HAHAHAHA!
20200613             Soll noch mal jemand sagen, Big Tech komme ihrer sozialen Verantwortung nicht nach!
20200613             [l] Zu den FILESHARING—ABMAHNUNGEN weisen EINIGE—HÖRER darauf hin, dass das schön früher vorkam, aber dann in der nächsten Instanz kassiert wurde.
20200613             Das Urteil, von dem der verlinkte Blogeintrag handelte, war aber frisch.
20200613             —KASSIERT, Und wird hoffentlich auch in der Berufung.
20200613             Die Sache ist —JETZT vor dem Bundesverfassungsgericht anhängig.
20200613             Oh und falls jemand dachte, wenn man die Contentmafia derartig beschenkt, dass die dann zufrieden sind: Nope.
20200613             Denn Warner Bros. reichte am 17.12.
20200613             Nicht PALERMO! BERLIN!
20200613             freifunkstattangst.de/2020/06/13/NEUE—GEFAHR—INTERNETZUGANG—250—000—E/
20200613             Die Frage stellt sich auch in Bezug auf das systemische Justizversagen, das wir hier gerade beobachten können.
20200613             Wen kann man anrufen, wenn die Justiz einen ungerecht behandelt?
20200613             imgur.com/gallery/E8NFsBL
20200613             Umgang mit Kolonialdenkmälern: "Zu sagen, das waren andere Zeiten, hilft nicht"
20200613             LAGOS Casos confirmados 5 - PORTIMÃO Casos confirmados 44
20200613             SILVES Casos confirmados 23 - ALBUFEIRA Casos confirmados 84 - LOULÉ Casos confirmados 76
20200613             FARO Casos confirmados 70 - OLHÃO Casos confirmados 18
20200613             SÃO BRÁS DE ALPORTEL Casos confirmados 5 - TAVIRA Casos confirmados 30
20200613             VILA REAL DE SANTO ANTÓNIO Casos confirmados 14
20200613             CASTRO MARIM Casos confirmados 3 - ALMODÔVAR Casos confirmados 8
20200613             entwickelt SICH—DIE ZAHL—DER—NACHGEWIESENEN—INFEKTIONEN erhöhte sich demnach auf fast 829.000.
20200613             WEITGEHEND—AUSLÄNDER - bei ihrer Rückkehr
20200613             —BESTIMMT, Die meinen, "in" der App.
20200613             Nein, meinen sie nicht. Das wäre 1—TOTALSCHADEN. Was steht denn im Fließtext?
20200613             GÄHN—ABER wartet, geht noch weiter!
20200613             Im Berufungsverfahren vor dem Kammergericht BERLIN (analog OLG in anderen Bundesländern) haben die Richter das klar Formulierung und Intention des Telemediengesetzes verletzende Fehlurteil der Vorinstanz nicht nur bestätigt sondern sogar eigenhändig mal eben den Streitwert von 10.000€ auf 16.000€ erhöht.
20200613             Denn Warner Bros. reichte am 17.12. - Nicht PALERMO! BERLIN!
20200613             The official USA—UNEMPLOYMENT—RATE stood at 13.3%.
20200613             —COUNTED, It would rise to 16% if people were, who say they are employed but absent from work due to coronavirus.
20200613             CALIFORNIA to date had 147,938 CASES—OF—CORONAVIRUS and 4,994 deaths.
20200613             THE—SF Bay Area had 17,007 cases and 493—DEATHS.
20200613             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 2,068,591 with the death toll at 115,251.
20200613             SF Bay Area BART began carrying passengers across THE—SANTA—CLARA County line into S—JOSE as it opened a 10-mile extension from Warm Springs in FREMONT to the new Milpitas and Berryessa Stations.
20200613             —REPORTED, FLORIDA health officials, 2,581 new coronavirus cases.
20200613             Fatalities —NOW stand at over 3,000 out of 73,552 confirmed cases.
20200613             —RESIGNED, ATLANTA—POLICE—CHIEF—ERIKA—SHIELDS, hours —AFTER Rayshard Brooks was fatally shot by 1—OFFICER in 1—STRUGGLE —FOLLOWING 1—FIELD sobriety test.
20200613             —GRABBED, Authorities said the slain man had, 1—OFFICER—TASER, but was running away —WHEN he was shot.
20200613             Protesters set fire to THE—WENDY—RESTAURANT where Brooks was fatally shot and blocked traffic on 1—NEARBY—HIGHWAY.
20200613             MISSISSIPPI, STEVEN—JOAQUIN—BLACKWELL, 22—JAHRE—ALT, ACCUSED—OF—SHOOTING and killing Deputy SHERIFF—JAMES—BLAIR, 77—JAHRE—ALT 1—DAY—EARLIER in Mendenhall, was captured —AFTER 1—DAY on the run., Blackwell was reportedly in custody for another crime.
20200613             † In NORTH—CAROLINA 2—MORE—PRISONERS at the Federal Correctional Complex at Butner from COVID—19—COMPLICATIONS.
20200613             Both men were in THE—LOW—SECURITY—PRISON, which has the largest coronavirus outbreak in the federal prison system, with 623—TOTAL—ACTIVE—CASES, 8—AMONG staff members.
20200613             1—TOTAL—OF—5—CHURCHES have seen outbreaks.
20200613             —INSISTED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, in late May that churches reopen, threatening governors who continued to impose restrictions on HOUSES—OF—WORSHIP.
20200613             Protests went ahead in support of the Black Lives Matter movement in FAR—FLUNG parts of AUSTRALIA against THE—ADVICE—OF—GOVERNMENT and health authorities but on 1—SIGNIFICANTLY smaller scale than the previous weekend.
20200613             —RECORDED, BRAZIL has, nearly 40,000 deaths from the coronavirus, th world's 3. highest number.
20200613             —REPORTED, THE—CHINA—CAPITAL—OF—BEIJING, 36 confirmed CASES—OF—THE—NEW—CORONAVIRUS, setting 1—ALL—TIME—HIGH for new daily infections in the city.
20200613             —EXPLODED, CHINA, 1—TANKER—TRUCK, on 1—HIGHWAY in Zhejiang province killing 18—PEOPLE and injuring 189—OTHERS.
20200613             1—FEW 1000—PEOPLE demonstrated in PARIS to denounce police brutality and entrenched racism, as FRANCE—MINORITIES increasingly push back against 1—NATIONAL—DOCTRINE—OF—COLORBLINDNESS that has failed to eradicate discrimination.
20200613             —REPORTED, INDIA, its biggest SINGLE—DAY jump in coronavirus cases, adding 11,458 confirmed infections and taking its total count to more than 300,000.
20200613             INDIA has 145,779 active cases, and has recorded 8,884 deaths.
20200613             —REPORTED, INDONESIA, 1,014 new coronavirus infections and 43—MORE—DEATHS, taking the total NUMBER—OF—CASES to 37,420 and fatalities to 2,091.
20200613             —REPORTED, IRAN, 2,410 new coronavirus cases raising the total count to 184,955.
20200613             —RAISED, THE—DEATH—OF—71—PEOPLE in the past 24—HOURS, total fatalities to 8,730.
20200613             PRESIDENT—HASSAN—ROUHANI said IRAN will reimpose restrictions to stem the surge if health regulations are not observed.
20200613             THE—BAHA'I—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY (BIC) said IRAN—AUTHORITIES have escalated their persecution of the Baha'i community, targeting at least 77—INDIVIDUALS across the country in recent weeks, despite 1—POTENTIAL 2. WAVE—OF—CORONAVIRUS—INFECTIONS hitting the country.
20200613             LEBANON—PROTESTERS took to the streets in BEIRUT and other cities in mostly peaceful protests against the government, calling for its resignation as the small country sinks deeper into economic distress.
20200613             12—PEOPLE were missing and feared drowned off THE—COAST—OF—LIBYA —AFTER 1—BOAT carrying —AROUND 3—DOZEN—MIGRANTS bound for EUROPE capsized in the Mediterranean Sea.
20200613             —KILLED, In CENTRAL—MALI at least 24—SOLDIERS were, and others are unaccounted for —AFTER gunmen ambushed 1—CONVOY.
20200613             —ABOUT 12—VEHICLES were in the convoy and 4—OF—THEM were destroyed in the ambush.
20200613             NIGERIA, 3—ATTACKS by Islamic extremists, including 1—ASSAULT on Monguno, 1—MILITARY garrison town, have killed more than 40—PEOPLE in NORTH—EAST—BORNO state.
20200613             At least 20—SOLDIERS and more than 40—CIVILIANS are said to have been killed in the attacks.
20200613             —OPENED, In THE—PHILIPPINES 2—MEN on motorcycles, fire on 1—POLICE—STATION in Parang, Sulu province, killing 2—OFFICERS and woiunding 2—OTHERS.
20200613             —REPORTED, THE—PHILIPPINES' health ministry, 607—NEW—CORONAVIRUS—INFECTIONS and 22—MORE—DEATHS, taking the total NUMBER—OF—CASES to 25,392 and fatalities to 1,074.
20200613             —ACCUSED, POLAND—PRESIDENT—ANDRZEJ—DUDA, THE—LGBT rights movement of promoting 1—VIEWPOINT more harmful than communism and said he agreed with another conservative politician who stated that "LGBT is not people, it's 1—IDEOLOGY".
20200613             † TURKEY, THE—NUMBER—OF—NEW—CORONAVIRUS—CASES—ROSE to 1,459 in the last 24—HOURS and 14—PEOPLE, bringing total fatalities to 4,792.
20200613             —REPORTED, TURKEY has, 1—TOTAL—176,677 cases of COVID-19.
20200613             —SAMSTAG, 13. ;;06;; 2020
20200613             —GEPLANT am SKLAVEREI—GEDENKTAG: TRUMP verschiebt WAHLKAMPF—KUNDGEBUNG nach Kritik
20200613             Vor allem bei den Zulieferern in der AUTOMOBIL—BRANCHE sei die Insolvenzgefahr in DEUTSCHLAND massiv gestiegen, sagte IG—METALL—CHEF—JÖRG Hofmann dem Berliner "Tagesspiegel".
20200613             1—UM—FRAGE—DER—GEWERKSCHAFT habe ergeben, daß 80.000—BESCHÄFTIGTE in 270—BETRIEBEN in "hoher oder akuter Insolvenzgefahr" seien.
20200613             Im Verzicht der BUNDE—REGIERUNG auf eine an den CO2-Emissionen orientierte Kaufprämie für Autos sieht der IG—METALL—CHEF—AUCH eine vertane Chance, dem Klimawandel entgegenzuwirken.
20200613             Mit der Mehrwertsteuersenkung ab ;;07;;
20200613             werde nun "selbst der Verkauf von alten Gebrauchtwagen und SUV—BOLIDEN gefördert, egal, was aus dem Auspuff kommt",
20200613             BRANCHEN—EXPERTE FERDINAND—DUDENHÖFFER sieht die AUTO—INDUSTRIE in DEUTSCHLAND "von Kurzarbeit in die Entlassungswelle steuern".
20200613             Weil die NACH—FRAGE in EUROPA, AFRIKA und Südamerika schwach bleibe, rechnet Dudenhöffer für das Gesamtjahr mit einem Rückgang der Produktion in DEUTSCHLAND um 26—PROZENT auf 3,4 Millionen Autos.
20200613             Dass die SPD 1—AUTOPRÄMIE für moderne Verbrenner vereitelt habe, sei für DIE—DEUTSCHLAND—AUTOBAUER und Zulieferer ein großes Handicap.
20200613             Angesichts anhaltender CORONA—VIRUS—NEUINFEKTIONEN hat DIE—USA—GESUNDHEITSBEHÖRDE CDC ALLE—BEWOHNER der USA dazu aufgerufen, DIE—SITUATION weiter ernst zu nehmen.
20200613             Das Geschäft mit SCHUTZ—MASKEN in der CORONA—KRISE boomt.
20200613             DER—PREIS pro SCHUTZ—MASKE erhöhte sich dort im Schnitt UM—CA—509—PROZENT.
20200613             DIE—GERINGSTE Umsatzsteigerung gab es bei Baumärkten (plus 99,3 Prozent)
20200613             Im Vergleich zum Vorjahreszeitraum sank hier Der Pferde DURCHSCHNITTS—PREIS sogar (minus 46,4 Prozent).
20200613             Erweiterung des Sortiments um einfachere und damit günstigere SCHUTZ—MASKEN
20200613             BRASILIEN entwickelt sich zunehmend zum neuen BRENN—PUNKT der CORONA—PANDEMIE.
20200613             BRASILIEN entwickelt sich zunehmend
20200613             DIE—ZAHL—DER—NACHGEWIESENEN—INFEKTIONEN erhöhte sich demnach auf fast 829.000. Experten gehen allerdings von einer sehr hohen DUNKEL—ZIFFER aus.
20200613             Wegen mehrerer neuer CORONA—INFEKTIONSFÄLLE haben DIE—BEHÖRDEN—IN—CHINAS HAUPTSTADT—PEKING mehrere Wohngebiete abgeriegelt.
20200613             Dessen CHEF—SAGTE—DER —STAAT—WEBSEITE BEIJING News, DAS—VIRUS sei auf Schneidebrettern nachgewiesen worden, auf denen importierter Lachs verarbeitet wurde.
20200613             Wie die Zeitung "BEIJING Daily" berichtete, nahmen große Supermarktketten wie Wumart und Carrefour in der Nacht zum —SAMSTAG sämtliche LACHS—PRODUKTE aus ihrem Sortiment.
20200613             AFP—REPORTER berichteten von einem massiven POLIZEIaufkommen vor den Märkten.
20200613             —AM—DONNERSTAG hatten DIE—BEHÖRDEN—IN—PEKING 1. —SEIT—2—MONATEN wieder einen CORONA—INFEKTIONSFALL festgestellt.
20200613             CHINA, das Ursprungsland des neuartigen CORONA—VIRUS—, hatte die AUSBREITUNG—DES—ERREGERS—SARS—COV—2—DURCH strikte Ausgangsbeschränkungen weitgehend unter Kontrolle gebracht.
20200613             Bei der Mehrzahl der Fälle in den vergangenen Monaten handelte es sich um Ausländer, die bei ihrer Rückkehr nach CHINA positiv getestet wurden.
20200613             —NACH, CHINA—VON den rund 2—MILLIARDEN ATEMSCHUTZ—MASKEN, die das BUNDESGESUNDHEITS—MINISTERIUM WELT—WEIT eingekauft hat, sind laut einem MEDIEN—BERICHT —ERST—CA—600.000.000 in DEUTSCHLAND angekommen.
20200613             —CA—1.500.000.000—MASKEN müssen demnach —BIS zum —HERBST noch eintreffen.
20200613             Unter den —BEREITS in DEUTSCHLAND eingetroffenen MASKEN habe ebenfalls 1—TEIL ihre EMPFÄNGER—DIE Bundesländer sowie Kassenärztliche und Kassenzahnärztliche VEREINIGUNGEN—NOCH nicht erreicht,
20200613             Der Fachkräftemangel werde in der Zeit nach der CORONA—KRISE wieder der limitierende Wachstumsfaktor in DEUTSCHLAND werden.
20200613             Mit gelben Tonnen und dem RADIOAKTIV—ZEICHEN demonstrieren GREENPEACE—AKTIVISTEN gegen das ATOMMÜLLEND—LAGER in Gorleben
20200613             Einspruchsverfahren gegen ATOM—MÜLL—ENDLAGER in BELGIEN endet
20200613             2—MÖGLICHE STAND—ORTE sind nahe der DEUTSCH—BELGIEN—GRENZE.
20200613             —CORONA—LOCKERUNGEN stoßen auf Unverständnis
20200613             —VERZEICHNET, WELT—WEIT, INDIEN die vierthöchsten Infektionszahlen.
20200613             —AM stärksten betroffen ist der BUNDES—STAAT Maharashtra im Westen mit über 100.000—INFIZIERTEN.
20200613             An diesem —MONTAG soll in DÜSSELDORF ein 1. Ferienflieger zur SPANIEN—MITTELMEERINSEL Mallorca starten.
20200613             TSCHECHIEN öffnet seine Grenzen ab —MONTAG für BÜRGER fast aller EU—STAATEN, der SCHWEIZ und LIECHTENSTEIN.
20200613             Das EINREISE—VERBOTBLEIBT indes für Reisende mit Wohnsitz in BELGIEN, PORTUGAL, GROSSBRITANNIEN—SCHWEDEN sowie der POLEN—WOIWODSCHAFT Schlesien bestehen.
20200613             Diese Territorien gelten nach ANSICHT—DER—TSCHECHISCHEN—BEHÖRDEN als Risikogebiete für 1—CORONA—VIRUS—INFEKTION.
20200613             "Es ist 1—VERTRAUENSGEWINN in DIE—POLITIK festzustellen, der AUCH—GLAUBE ICH—ANHÄLT", sagte
20200613             1—VERMUTUNG war, daß DIE—MENSCHEN trotz der Kontaktbeschränkungen eher enger zusammenrücken: "Das war meine Vermutung und ist auch so eingetreten, daß VIELE—MENSCHEN in dieser sogenannten sozialen Isolation ihre Beziehungen intensivieren, wieder ernst nehmen und auch pflegen".
20200613             "It was way outside previous estimates. People asked whether there was 1—BUG in the code," he said.
20200613             "But it boiled down to relatively small changes in the way clouds are represented in the models".
20200613             DIE—TÜVIT hat mal geguckt und fand dabei 1—SCHWACHSTELLE in der TAN—GENERIERUNG.
20200613             DIE—2. gerade kursierende Meldung über die App in der FAZ, die sich damit ihr Loch noch ein bisschen tiefer gräbt.
20200613             Überschrift: "Forscher entdecken SICHERHEITSlücke bei CORONA—APP".
20200613             Klingt komisch. "bei" der App.
20200613             Das ist bloß die übliche SCHLAGZEILEN—IRRE—FÜHRUNG, damit ihr denkt, sie hätten über 1—LÜCKE in der App berichtet, wenn ihr nur Schlagzeile und Anreißer lest.
20200613             Ja, äh, das ist dann ja wohl keine SICHERHEITSlücke in der App.
20200613             Dazu nutzten die Wissenschaftler einen Code, der jenem, der in den Betriebssystemen von APPLE und Google verwendet wird, sehr ähnlich ist.
20200613             *gähn*
20200613             Außerdem war es ihnen möglich, in einem bestimmten —GEBIET die Bewegungen einzelner Personen detailliert zu rekonstruieren.
20200613             DIE—GEFAHR, daß die Unternehmen dadurch Zugriff auf medizinische relevante DATEN—DER—HIESIGEN—NUTZER erhalten könnten, sei nicht auszuschließen.
20200613             Bingo! Mehr Bestätigung der Vorwürfe von Rezo geht gar nicht.
20200613             —UPDATE, Das heißt nicht, daß die App gut ist. Ich habe die nicht angeguckt.
20200613             Euskirchen Kreis Fälle 471—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 244,2 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 1,0—TODES—FÄLLE 22,—EINWOHNERZAHL—192.840
20200613             Düren Kreis Fälle 603—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 228,6 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 1,1—TODES—FÄLLE 39,—EINWOHNERZAHL—263.722
20200613             KÖLN Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle 2.538—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 233,8 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 2,8—TODES—FÄLLE 100,—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.085.664
20200613             RHEINISCH—BERGISCHER—KREIS Fälle 469—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 165,5 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 0,0—TODES—FÄLLE 21,—EINWOHNERZAHL—283.455
20200613             BERLIN Neukölln Bezirk Fälle 835—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 253,3 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 17,6—TODES—FÄLLE 34,—EINWOHNERZAHL—329.691
20200613             AICHACH—FRIEDBERG Landkreis Fälle 389—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 291,2 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 56,1—TODES—FÄLLE 20,—EINWOHNERZAHL—133.596
20200613             Coburg Landkreis Fälle 379—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 436,1 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 31,1—TODES—FÄLLE 26,—EINWOHNERZAHL—86.906
20200613             COVID—19, Im Kugelhagel der Erkenntnisse
20200613             COVID—19 in INDIEN: Wo Abstand Luxus ist
20200613             "DIE—EIFEL ist die einzige Region in der Studie, in der die BODEN—BEWEGUNG signifikant größer als erwartet war",
20200613             "DIE—ERGEBNISSE deuten darauf hin, daß aufsteigendes Gesteinsmaterial die Bewegung des Bodens verursachen könnte".
20200613             Es sei davon auszugehen, daß sich unter der Eifel Magma in einer Tiefe VON—CA—50—KILOMETERN ansammele,
20200613             Das HEBUNGS—GEBIET mit dem Zentrum Eifel umfasst auch LUXEMBURG, Ostbelgien und den Süden der NIEDERLANDE.
20200613             DIE—NEUE USA—UNTERSUCHUNG sei "eine schöne Bestätigung" dafür, daß es in der Eifel Aktivität gibt, sagt TORSTEN—DAHM vom DEUTSCHLAND—GEOFORSCHUNGSZENTRUM (GFZ) in POTSDAM, der an der DEUTSCHLAND—STUDIE beteiligt war.
20200613             "Auch nicht in den nächsten 1.000—JAHREN".
20200613             RECHTS—EXTREME im KSK: Der Ernstfall
20200613             GESICHTS—ERKENNUNG: Wie der Rassismus in die Software kommt
20200613             "Langjähriger Prozess": Wie der Stadtrat von MINNEAPOLIS die POLIZEI ersetzen will
20200613             Als 1. BUNDESLAND hat der FREI—STAAT seine Kontaktbeschränkungen wegen der CORONA—PANDEMIE beendet und aufgehoben.
20200613             Bislang durften sich in THÜRINGEN nur Menschen von maximal 2—HAUSHALTEN treffen.
20200613             —NUN, gelten nur noch Empfehlungen: Man soll sich mit nicht mehr als einem weiteren Haushalt oder 10—WEITEREN Menschen treffen.
20200613             "DIE—BETREIBER waren einsichtig", sagte der Sprecher.
20200613             Das Tragen von SCHUTZ—MASKEN hat einer STUDIE—ZUFOLGE in ITALIEN und NEW—YORK jeweils Zehntausende CORONA—VIRUS—INFEKTIONEN verhindert.
20200613             ITALIEN, habe die Maßnahme zwischen dem 6. ;;04;;
20200613             und dem 20200509              mehr als 78.000—ANSTECKUNGEN verhindert, in NEW—YORK vom 17. ;;04;; —BIS zum 20200509              mehr als 66.000, berechnen Forscher von Universitäten in TEXAS und Kalifornien in Fachjournal "PROCEEDINGS—OF—THE—NATIONAL—ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES" ("PNAS").
20200613             Demnach ist DIE—ÜBERTRAGUNG des Erregers SARS—COV—2—DURCH die Luft der dominante Infektionsweg.
20200613             Aus ihren Zahlen folgert das Team um Renyi Zhang von der A&M UNIVERSITY—IN—COLLEGE—STATION, daß sich DIE—ÜBERTRAGUNG der Viren durch die Luft als dominanter Infektionsweg herauskristallisiere.
20200613             Maßnahmen wie Abstand halten und QUARANTÄNE allein könnten DIE—CORONA—VERBREITUNG deswegen nicht aufhalten.
20200613             "DER—UNTERSCHIED zwischen vorgeschriebenem und nicht vorgeschriebenem Mundschutz stellt den bestimmenden Faktor bei der Gestaltung des Ablaufs der weltweiten PANDEMIE dar", schreiben sie.
20200613             BUNDESARBEITS—MINISTER—HUBERTUS Heil (SPD) rechnet im —JAHRESVERLAUF mit einem deutlichen Rückgang der Kurzarbeit.
20200613             sodass wir im —JAHRESSCHNITT nicht bei 7.000.000 sein werden",
20200613             DIE—AUSGABEN für die Kurzarbeit in der CORONA—KRISE seien gut angelegtes Geld, um DAS—LAND aus der schwierigen Situation zu führen.
20200613             IRAN—PRÄSIDENT—HASSAN Ruhani droht mit der WIEDEREINFÜHRUNG—VON—BESCHRÄNKUNGEN, sollten die Gesundheitsvorgaben nicht befolgt werden.
20200613             Nur wenn die BÜRGER kooperieren, könnten die Betriebe geöffnet bleiben, sagt er.
20200613             DIE—IN der CORONA—PANDEMIE eingeführten KONTROLLEN—DER—DEUTSCHEN—GRENZEN enden —UM—MITTERNACHT in der Nacht auf —MONTAG.
20200613             RUSSLAND will nach eigenen Angaben —IM, ;;0900;;mit der Massenproduktion eines Impfstoffs gegen DAS—CORONA—VIRUS— SARS—COV—2—STARTEN.
20200613             1—STUDIE—ZU dem anscheinend in Rekordzeit entwickelten Impfstoff haben die Forscher —BISHER nicht vorgelegt.
20200613             "VIELE—LÄNDER der Welt haben sich —SCHON Impfstoffe gesichert, EUROPA noch nicht", erklärte BUNDESGESUNDHEITS—MINISTER—JENS Spahn (CDU).
20200613             DEUTSCHLAND, FRANKREICH, ITALIEN und die NIEDERLANDE haben einen 1. VERTRAG über 300.000.000 Impfdosen gegen DAS—CORONA—VIRUS— geschlossen.
20200613             —VERTRAGSPARTNER ist das Pharmaunternehmen AstraZeneca.
20200613             "DIE—GESUNDHEIT unserer Gäste hat 1. Priorität",
20200613             Reisende, die in der CORONA—KRISE vom Auswärtigen Amt nach DEUTSCHLAND zurückgeholt wurden, sollen bald ihre Rechnungen erhalten.
20200613             "DIE—TEILNEHMER werden individuell über den jeweils zu tragenden Kostenanteil in den nächsten Tagen und Wochen informiert",
20200613             SCHWEDEN, das —DERZEIT als einziges EU—LAND die "Pandemiekriterien" für eine —AUFHEBUNG—DER, Warnung nicht erfüllt.
20200613             In der Höhle FA—HIEN Lena im Südwesten der Insel SRI—LANKA fanden ARCHÄOLOGEN Pfeilspitzen aus Tierknochen, die etwa 45.000—BIS 48.000—JAHRE alt sind.
20200613             "Dieser Beleg ist älter als ähnliche Befunde in Südostasien mit einem Alter VON—CA—32.000—JAHREN und der —DERZEIT älteste Nachweis für den EINSATZ—VON—PFEIL und Bogen außerhalb des AFRIKA—KONTINENTS".
20200613             Der bislang früheste Beleg für den EINSATZ—VON—PFEIL und Bogen stamme aus SÜD—AFRIKA und sei etwa 64.000—JAHRE alt,
20200613             Vermutlich nutzten DIE—MENSCHEN im Regenwald einst Pfeil und Bogen zur JAGD—AUF—PRIMATEN und Nager in Bäumen
20200613             Möglicherweise unterscheide die PFEIL—UND—BOGEN—TECHNIK den Homo sapiens von seinen nächsten Verwandten wie etwa dem NEANDERTALER,
20200613             In der Höhle auf SRI—LANKA fanden die Forscher außerdem Belege, daß DIE—MENSCHEN dort Perlen aus mineralischem Ocker produzierten.
20200613             Gewaltsame Zusammenstöße: RECHTS—EXTREME Demonstranten wollen LONDONs Statuen schützen
20200613             —UPDATE, Hier ist die Pressemitteilung der TU DARMSTADT zu der FAZ—MELDUNG, und da steht:
20200613             1—GANZ andere Aussage! Das Paper dazu findet ihr auf arxiv_org.
20200613             [l] Wer übrigens dachte, mit der Verurteilung einer 70—JAHRE—ALTEN ohne PC für Filesharing sei das ENDE—DER—FEHLURTEIL—FAHNENSTANGE —SCHON erreicht, der sieht sich getäuscht.
20200613             Alleine dass man als Freifunker vor das Bundesverfassungsgericht ziehen muss, weil die Vorinstanzen ALLE—IHREN—JOB nicht machen, das ist 1—AN—KLAGE—GEGEN—UNSER Rechtssystem.
20200613             —DENN, Warner Bros. reichte 20191217             —AM gegen den Berliner Freifunker am Landgericht BERLIN Klage ein und verlangt darin auch, ihn zu einer strafbewehrten Unterlassungserklärung von 250.000 € oder zu 6—MONATEN Haft zu verurteilen.
20200613             BERLIN. Nicht PALERMO! BERLIN!
20200613             Spotted in HONG—KONG: Who do you call —WHEN THE—POLICE—MURDERS?
20200613             Aus den PROTESTE—IN—HONG—KONG gab es dieses schöne Bild.
20200613             —CORONA—FÄLLE in Peking: "NOTFALL—MECHANISMEN wie in Kriegszeiten"
20200613             —PROTESTE vor dem Weißen Haus: "Unser Blut, unser Schweiß, unsere Tränen" Aus WASHINGTON DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA berichtet DANIEL—C—SCHMIDT
20200613             Wegen "rassistischer Beleidigungen": BBC entfernt COMEDY—KULTFOLGE "DIE—DEUTSCHEN" aus ihrem STREAMING—ANGEBOT
20200613             —PROTESTE—IN—GROSSBRITANNIEN—LONDONS rechte Denkmal-"Schützer"
20200613             PANDEMIE in Ostafrika: TANSANIA versteckt seine CORONA—TOTEN
20200613             —UMGANG—MIT, Kolonialdenkmälern: "Zu sagen, das waren andere Zeiten, hilft nicht" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—JULIA—SMIRNOVA
20200613             Keine öffentliche Nennung der Täter: Bistum LIMBURG legt Maßnahmenkatalog gegen Missbrauch vor
20200613             ENERGIE—WENDE, Rückkehr der Gaskraft
20200613             Tödliche Schüsse auf SCHWARZEn: Atlantas POLIZEIchefin tritt zurück
20200613—19740000    —SEIT, Das wäre der niedrigste Wert.
20200613—20200621    —AM, DIE—KONTROLLEN für Ausländer, die mit dem Flugzeug aus SPANIEN kommen, enden allerdings —ERST.
20200613—20400000    —BIS, Die DEUTSCHLAND—WIRTSCHAFT könnte aufhören zu wachsen",
20200613—20400000    —BIS, "DIE—DEUTSCHLAND—WIRTSCHAFT könnte aufhören zu wachsen", sagte die Expertin.
20210108—19710613    —ON, The publication of the 1. installment of the Pentagon papers, blindsided MISTER—ELLSBERG.
20210306             Wegen der CORONA—SEUCHE hat FINNLAND die für den 20210418              geplanten Kommunalwahlen auf den 20210613              verschoben.
20210613             —SONNTAG, 20210613
20210613             NS—DEVOTIONALIEN: Innenminister wollen "konsequent" gegen Missbrauch von Reichskriegsflaggen vorgehen
20210613             Sinkende Neuinfektionen: Justizministerin Lambrecht pocht auf behutsames Lockern der Maskenpflicht
20210613             Nach Festnahme von Protassewitsch: Lufthansa umfliegt BELARUS —BIS mindestens 20210620
20210613             —ALARMIERT, Mittelmeer: Ölteppich, Behörden auf Korsika
20210613             Vor Abschlusserklärung: Peking warnt G7-Staaten vor ANTI—CHINA—ALLIANZ
20210613             Planlose CORONA—POLITIK: Freiheit ist keine Freiheit, wenn Politiker sie willkürlich "gewähren"
20210613             G7-Gipfel: Merkel gibt klare Zusage für 2,3 Milliarden Impfdosen
20210613             As proporções relativas das duas formas de melanina, eumelanina e feomelanina, dentro da íris, bem como a absorção de luz e a sua dispersão por componentes extracelulares (efeito de Tyndall) são fatores adicionais que dão cor às íris.
20210613             A quantidade absoluta de melanina e a proporção eumelanina/feomelanina são maiores nas íris castanhas, enquanto as íris azuis ou verdes têm muito pouco de ambos os pigmentos e relativamente mais feomelanina.
20210613             Recentemente, uma equipa internacional de investigadores geneticistas liderada pelo KING—COLLEGE—OF—LONDON (Inglaterra) e Erasmus UNIVERSITY—MEDICAL—CENTRE, em Roterdão (Holanda), identificou 50—NOVOS genes para a cor dos olhos, naquele que é o maior estudo genético desse tipo realizado até hoje.
20210613             ÖSTERREICH und weitere Länder ab —HEUTE kein CORONA—RISIKOGEBIET mehr
20210613             —REGISTRIERT, RKI, 14890000              Neuinfektionen
20210613             Angesichts drastisch steigender Coronazahlen in der RUSSLAND—HAUPTSTADT—MOSKAU wollen die Behörden mehr Anreize für 1—IMPFUNG schaffen.
20210613             —BIS—MITTE Juli werden unter Leuten, die sich erstmals impfen lassen, JEDE—WOCHE 5—AUTOS verlost.
20210613             "Der Hauptgewinn für diejenigen, die sich impfen lassen, ist natürlich nicht mit einem Auto gleichzusetzen — es ist Ihre eigene Gesundheit".
20210613             Für ältere Menschen in Moskau gibt es —BEREITS Geschenkgutscheine nach einer Immunisierung.
20210613             "Bei uns ist nicht 1—STUNDE—UNTERRICHT ausgefallen"
20210613             —BELIEBT, Heimschulen sind, wie nie — trotz Kosten von 1600—EURO und mehr pro —MONAT.
20210613             Eltern geht es nicht nur darum, ihre Kinder vor CORONA zu schützen.
20210613             Sun 20210613
20210613             [l] Jemand hat bei der LSE 1—INFORMATIONSFREIHEITSANFRAGE gestellt zu Annalena Baerbock.
20210613             Kurz: Dissertationen haben sie alle öffentlich abrufbar, aber nicht MASTER—ABSCHLUSSARBEITEN, daher haben sie nichts von Baerbock.
20210613             Es gab aber wohl 1—ABSCHLUSSARBEIT.
20210613             As PART—OF—THE—LLM programme, all students must complete 1—SUBSTANTIAL—PIECE—OF writing.
20210613             This requirement can be satisfied in various ways, for example by completing 1—FULL—UNIT taught course which is formally assessed entirely by dissertation, or by —FOLLOWING 1—FULL—UNIT taught course and electing to be examined by dissertation.
20210613             Dissertations are typically 15,000 words long.
20210613             Die Anschuldigung, dass sie da bloß
20210613             Millionenfacher Ausfall bei Coronaimpfstoff: Gesundheitsministerium verlangt Nachlieferung von Johnson & Johnson
20210613             —BESCHWERT, IFO—CHEF—FUEST: "Wer sich über Fachkräftemangel, sollte die Löhne erhöhen"
20210613             Einsatz gegen "Randalierer": Polizei erschießt 35-jährigen Mann
20210613             In einer Wohnung in einem Mehrfamilienhaus in WUPPERTAL hat es einen tödlichen Polizeieinsatz gegeben.
20210613             1—KOMMISSION—DER—POLIZEI in HAGEN sowie der Staatsanwaltschaft in WUPPERTAL ermitteln nun die genauen Abläufe.
20210613             —BEKANNT, Weitere Einzelheiten gaben sie noch nicht.
20210613             —BEKOMMT, RUSSLAND lenkt nach Protesten ein: ARD—JOURNALIST—KEMPE, nun doch Zugang zu EM—SPIELEN in S—PETERSBURG
20210613             Abhöraffäre und Pandemie: Murdoch schreibt Skandalzeitung "THE—SUN" ab
20210613             Grünenparteitag: Kretschmann findet Angriffe auf Baerbock "schäbig"
20210613             Volksabstimmung: SCHWEIZ—LEHNEN PESTIZID—VERBOT offenbar ab
20210613             Tod eines Mannes in Köln: Angehörige greifen offenbar Rettungskräfte an
20210613             RUSSLAND: 3000—FEUERWEHRLEUTE bekämpfen schwere Waldbrände in Sibirien
20210613             Hauchdünne Mehrheit: Grüne weichen Nein zu bewaffneten Drohnen auf
20210613             1—VERTRETER der Europäischen Arzneimittelbehörde (Ema) wirbt für Zurückhaltung bei der Verimpfung des Wirkstoffs von AstraZeneca auch bei Menschen im Alter von über 60—JAHREN.
20210613             "Im Kontext der Pandemie war und ist es unsere Position, dass der Nutzen einer ASTRAZENECA—IMPFUNG die Risiken in allen Altersgruppen übersteigt",
20210613             Auf Nachfrage sagte Cavaleri, die Behörden sollten aber nicht nur für Jüngere, sondern auch für Personen über 60—EHER MISTER—NA—IMPFSTOFFE wie jene von Biontech/Pfizer und Moderna empfehlen.
20210613             "VIELE—LÄNDER wie FRANKREICH und DEUTSCHLAND erwägen dies mit Blick auf die größere Verfügbarkeit von MISTER—NA—VAKZINEN".
20210613             INCIDÊNCIA—NACIONAL: 79,3 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19—POR 100 000—HAB
20210613             Continente: 78,4casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19—POR 100 000—HAB.
20210613             R(t) Nacional: 1,07 Continente: 1,08
20210613             LK Düren Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 31—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 11,7 Fälle gesamt 13.628—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 5.149,7 Todesfälle gesamt 287—EINWOHNERZAHL 264.638—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210613             LK Euskirchen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 24—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 12,4 Fälle gesamt 7.957—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.108,8 Todesfälle gesamt 240—EINWOHNERZAHL 193.656—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210613             LK GROß—GERAU Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 145—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 52,6 Fälle gesamt 14.194—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 5.147,9 Todesfälle gesamt 293—EINWOHNERZAHL 275.726—BUNDESLAND HESSEN
20210613             LK Lindau Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 60—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 73,2 Fälle gesamt 3.411—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.160,7 Todesfälle gesamt 63—EINWOHNERZAHL 81.981—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210613             LK Prignitz Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 0—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 0,0 Fälle gesamt 3.232—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.243,8 Todesfälle gesamt 164—EINWOHNERZAHL 76.158—BUNDESLAND BRANDENBURG
20210613             LK RHEIN—ERFT—KREIS Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 87—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 18,5 Fälle gesamt 20.047—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.259,7 Todesfälle gesamt 405—EINWOHNERZAHL 470.615—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210613             LK RHEINISCH—BERGISCHER Kreis Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 47—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 16,6 Fälle gesamt 11.240—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.967,9 Todesfälle gesamt 169—EINWOHNERZAHL 283.271—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210613             LK Rottweil Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 71—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 50,8 Fälle gesamt 7.714—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 5.514,8 Todesfälle gesamt 162—EINWOHNERZAHL 139.878—BUNDESLAND BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG
20210613             LK Tirschenreuth Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 0—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 0,0 Fälle gesamt 5.321—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 7.385,6 Todesfälle gesamt 266—EINWOHNERZAHL 72.046—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210613             LK Tuttlingen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 81—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 57,5 Fälle gesamt 7.642—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 5.428,9 Todesfälle gesamt 148—EINWOHNERZAHL 140.766—BUNDESLAND BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG
20210613             LK Wesermarsch Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 0—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 0,0 Fälle gesamt 3.245—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.663,2 Todesfälle gesamt 113—EINWOHNERZAHL 88.583—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210613             SK Ansbach Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 22—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 52,6 Fälle gesamt 1.839—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.399,7 Todesfälle gesamt 44—EINWOHNERZAHL 41.798—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210613             SK Bayreuth Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 0—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 0,0 Fälle gesamt 3.466—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.634,7 Todesfälle gesamt 109—EINWOHNERZAHL 74.783—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210613             SK BERLIN Neukölln Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 40—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 12,5 Fälle gesamt 20.951—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 6.524,3 Todesfälle gesamt 417—EINWOHNERZAHL 321.123—BUNDESLAND BERLIN
20210613             SK BERLIN TEMPELHOF—SCHÖNEBERG Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 42—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 12,3 Fälle gesamt 17.619—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 5.155,2 Todesfälle gesamt 476—EINWOHNERZAHL 341.772—BUNDESLAND BERLIN
20210613             SK HEILBRONN Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 74—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 58,5 Fälle gesamt 8.706—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 6.877,2 Todesfälle gesamt 133—EINWOHNERZAHL 126.592—BUNDESLAND BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG
20210613             SK Köln Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 233—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 21,4 Fälle gesamt 53.266—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.896,4 Todesfälle gesamt 717—EINWOHNERZAHL 1.087.863 BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210613             SK Neumünster Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 0—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 0,0 Fälle gesamt 1.822—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.271,9 Todesfälle gesamt 23—EINWOHNERZAHL 80.196—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210613             SK Neustadt a.d.Weinstraße Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 0—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 0,0 Fälle gesamt 1.689—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.171,0 Todesfälle gesamt 38—EINWOHNERZAHL 53.264—BUNDESLAND RHEINLAND—PFALZ
20210613             SK PFORZHEIM Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 69—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 54,8 Fälle gesamt 7.674—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 6.092,6 Todesfälle gesamt 195—EINWOHNERZAHL 125.957—BUNDESLAND BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG
20210613             SK Pirmasens Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 0—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 0,0 Fälle gesamt 1.395—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.467,5 Todesfälle gesamt 54—EINWOHNERZAHL 40.231—BUNDESLAND RHEINLAND—PFALZ
20210613             SK Schweinfurt Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 46—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 86,1 Fälle gesamt 3.123—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 5.845,5 Todesfälle gesamt 91—EINWOHNERZAHL 53.426—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210613             SK Zweibrücken Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 22—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 64,3 Fälle gesamt 836—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.444,9 Todesfälle gesamt 9—EINWOHNERZAHL 34.193—BUNDESLAND RHEINLAND—PFALZ
20210613             [l] PAKISTAN hat eine tolle Idee, um die Leute zum Impfen zu bewegen: Ansonsten wird die SIM—KARTE gesperrt!
20210613             SCHWEIZ—VOLKSABSTIMMUNG: Dreimal Nein zu Bio und Umweltschutz
20210613             G7-Abschlusserklärung: Merkels vollmundiges Impfversprechen
20210613             BREXIT—ÄRGER bei G7: Macron und Johnson liefern sich Schlagabtausch wegen Würstchen
20210613             Coronapandemie: In BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG lagern rund 20—MILLIONEN nicht nutzbare Masken
20210613             Reiseverbot für Linkenabgeordnete: Bundespolizei in Erklärungsnot
20210613             Geplante Begnadigung: Zehntausende demonstrieren in MADRID gegen Separatisten
20210613             Neue Regierung vereidigt: Machtwechsel in ISRAEL
20210613             Neue Regierung in ISRAEL: Historisch und zerbrechlich
20210613             BAUSTOFF—ENGPÄSSE: HOLZ—PREISE in den USA brechen ein
20210613             Spähangriff auf Widersacher: Demokraten wollen "SCHURKEN—METHODEN" von Trumps Justizministerium aufklären
20210613             "Zunehmend rechtsextreme Entwicklungen": Landtagsabgeordneter ROLF—KAHNT tritt aus AfD aus
20210613             Experten für Cybersicherheit gehen wegen der Pandemie von vermehrten Hackerangriffen in DEUTSCHLAND und EUROPA aus.
20210613             Der PRÄSIDENT—DES—BUNDESAMTES für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik, ARNE—SCHÖNBOHM, sagt der "Frankfurter Allgemeinen Sonntagszeitung",
20210613             der Digitalisierungsschub habe die Bedrohungslage verändert.
20210613             "VIELE—UNTERNEHMEN mussten in kürzester Zeit Homeoffice ermöglichen.
20210613             —DIGITALISIERT, Dabei ist viel, worden in der Hoffnung, dass —ERST einmal alles funktioniert".
20210613             Die G7-Staaten verlangen eine vertiefte Untersuchung der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) zum Ursprung der Pandemie.
20210613             In der Abschlusserklärung ihres Gipfeltreffen in Carbis Bay mahnten die STAATS—UND Regierungschefs am —SONNTAG eine "transparente" und "von Experten geleitete" Studie an.
20210613             Dazu seien auch weitere Untersuchungen in CHINA nötig.
20210613             Der GROSSBRITANNIEN—PREMIERMINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON lehnt 1—AUFHEBUNG—VON—PATEN10 für die Herstellung von Coronaimpfstoffen weiterhin ab.
20210613             Zentral sei, weltweit Produktionsstätten aufzubauen, vor allem in AFRIKA, sagte Johnson zum Abschluss des G7-Gipfels im südwestenglischen Cornwall.
20210613             Auch KNOW—HOW müsse geteilt werden.
20210613             Aber zugleich müssten Anreize für Innovationen geschützt werden, mahnte Johnson.
20210613             Der richtige Weg sei es, Impfstoffe zum Selbstkostenpreis zu verteilen, wie es der BRITISCH—SCHWEDEN—KONZERN AstraZeneca tut.
20210613             FRANKREICH verdoppelt seine IMPFSTOFF—ZUSAGEN für ärmere Länder
20210613             "Was wir machen, muss eigentlich von Gott entschieden werden"
20210613             Trotz sinkender Infektionszahlen wurden in INDIEN in dieser Woche an einem —TAG mehr als 6000—CORONATOTE registriert — die —BISHER höchste Zahl weltweit.
20210613             Der ehemalige SCHWERGEWICHTS—WELTMEISTER ALEXANDER—POWETKIN hat das Ende seiner BOX—KARRIERE verkündet.
20210613             —BEGRÜNDET, Der 41-Jährige, seine Entscheidung mit den Folgen einer CORONA—ERKRANKUNG.
20210613             "Ich fühle mich, als ob ich betrunken wäre",
202203061319         Power equipment manufacturers can produce almost entire spectrum for energy sector domestically in RUSSIA—MINISTRY
20220306—20220000    —IN, RUSSIA—ECONOMY to contract by 7%, to continue to decline 20230000             —IN, ruble weakening to accelerate INFLATION—MOODY'S
202203090613         RUSSIA—DEFENSE—MINISTRY says has documents regarding UKRAINE—PREPARATIONS for military operation in Donbas in March
202204260613         LONDON: Getreideernte in UKRAINE fällt um 20—PROZENT
20220613             —MONTAG, 20220613
20220613             Der UKRAINE—PRÄSIDENT—WOLODYMYR—SELENSKYJ hat den Westen abermals um die Lieferung moderner LUFTABWEHR—SYSTEME ersucht.
20220613             —SEIT der RUSSLAND—INVASION im Februar seien UKRAINE—STÄDTE von gut 2600—FEINDLICHEN Raketen getroffen worden, sagte Selenskyj in seiner täglichen Videoansprache am —SONNTAG".
20220613             —GERETTET, Das sind Leben, die hätten, werden können, Tragödien, die hätten verhindert werden KÖNNEN—WENN die UKRAINE erhört worden wäre".
20220613             Dabei habe das Land —BEREITS vor dem Krieg um moderne LUFTABWEHR—SYSTEME gebeten, die —BEREITS vor Jahren hätten geliefert werden können, sagte Selenskyj.
20220613             In den umkämpften ostukrainischen Gebieten versuchten die RUSSLAND—TRUPPEN weiterhin, in Richtung von Städten wie Bachmut, Slowjansk und Lysytschansk vorzustoßen, sagte Selenskyj.
20220613             In der strategisch wichtigen Stadt Sjewjerodonezk werde "buchstäblich um jeden Meter gekämpft".
20220613             Nach Angaben vom —SAMSTAG kontrollierten UKRAINE—TRUPPEN zu diesem Zeitpunkt rund 1—DRITTEL der Stadt.
20220613             Die Bundesregierung hat in den 1. gut 3—MONATEN des UKRAINE—KRIEGS die Lieferung von Waffen und anderen Rüstungsgütern im Wert von 350,1 Millionen Euro in das von RUSSLAND angegriffene Land genehmigt.
20220613             Das geht aus einer Antwort des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz auf 1—ANFRAGE der LINKEN—ABGEORDNETEN Sevim Dagdelen hervor, die der DEUTSCHLAND—PRESSE—AGENTUR vorliegt.
20220613             Vom 1. Kriegstag, dem 20220224             , —BIS zum 20220601              gab die Regierung demnach grünes Licht für die Lieferung von Kriegswaffen für 219,8 Millionen Euro und sonstige Rüstungsgüter wie Helme und Schutzwesten für 85,2 Millionen Euro.
20220613             Hinzu kommen Waffen und Ausrüstung der Bundeswehr für 45,1 Millionen Euro, die ab dem 20220401              in einem vereinfachten Verfahren genehmigt wurden.
20220613             Hierfür gibt es keine Aufschlüsselung in Kriegswaffen und sonstige Rüstungsgüter.
20220613             Zum Vergleich: Die USA haben der UKRAINE von Kriegsbeginn —BIS zum 20220601              nach Regierungsangaben Waffen und Ausrüstung im Wert von 4,6 Milliarden Dollar (4,37 Milliarden Euro) zugesagt oder geliefert.
20220613             Dazu gehören zahlreiche schwere Waffen, zum Beispiel Haubitzen und MEHRFACH—RAKETENWERFER.
20220613             Die LINKEN—POLITIKERIN Dagdelen forderte stärkere diplomatische Bemühungen statt Waffenlieferungen".
20220613             Statt Kiew weiter für eine sinnlose Verlängerung des Krieges aufzurüsten und die Illusion von einem Siegfrieden über RUSSLAND zu nähren, sind konkrete diplomatische Initiativen für 1—VERHANDLUNGSLÖSUNG mit Sicherheitsgarantien für ALLE—SEITEN gefordert".
20220613             PARIS, 20220613             . - /TASS/. - The ruling bloc Ensemble!
20220613             (Together!) and 1—LEFT—WING coalition the New Ecologic and Social PEOPLE—UNION" (NUPES) show almost the same result in the 1. round of the parliamentary elections in FRANCE, gaining 25.7% and 25.6—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE, respectively.
20220613             This is according to preliminary data on the processing of 100—PERCENT—OF—THE—BALLOTS published by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
20220613             Marine Le PEN—NATIONAL—RALLY—PARTY comes 3. with 18.7—PERCENT—OF—VOTES, the Republicans are on the 4. place with10.4%.
20220613             Representatives of ERIC—ZEMMOUR—RECONQUETE (Reconquest) party come 5. with 4.2—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE.
20220613             The remaining parties and unions did not overcome the 4% mark.
20220613             The vote was held at the lowest turnout in the history of the 5. Republic.
20220613             According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 52.5—PERCENT—OF—THE—FRENCH on the electoral lists did not come to the polling stations.
20220613             —PRIOR—TO this, the worst turnout in the 1. round of the parliamentary elections was recorded 20170000             —IN, —WHEN 51.7—PERCENT—OF—VOTERS were missing at the polling stations.
20220613             HOWEVER—FRANCE does not have 1—REQUIREMENT for 1—MINIMUM turnout for the vote to be declared valid.
20220613             Observers note that the country's residents have been gradually losing interest in parliamentary elections over the past 30—YEARS.
20220613             GENEVA, 20220612            .
20220613             /TASS/. - RUSSIA, a major global food exporter, doesn't plan to leave the market, Deputy Economic Development MINISTER—VLADIMIR—ILYICHEV told TASS in an interview.
20220613             He leads THE—RUSSIA—DELEGATION at the 12. ministerial CONFERENCE—OF—THE—WORLD—TRADE—ORGANIZATION that opened in GENEVA —ON—SUNDAY.
20220613             CAUSES—OF—THE—FOOD—CRISIS
20220613             "As 1—MAJOR—SUPPLIER—OF—FOOD on the world market, we intend to remain there, to supply our products to partners, our traditional consumers, and we are ready to take all the actions available to us to that end, which we have repeatedly stated," the official said".
20220613             But in order for the system to work, it's necessary for all participants in the process to strive for results".
20220613             THE—ISSUE—OF—FOOD—SUPPLIES will be discussed at the current WTO conference.
20220613             However, views on THE—CAUSES—OF—THE—FOOD—CRISIS "differ significantly," Ilyichev said.
20220613             RUSSIA assumes that the reasons for THE—INCREASE—OF—FOOD—PRICES in the world market "are largely related to inflation, which was caused by THE—INJECTION—OF—MONEY, which wasn't backed by goods, to eliminate THE—CONSEQUENCES—OF—THE—PANDEMIC in developed countries".
20220613             As long ago as —LAST—YEAR, there were big problems with THE—LEVEL—OF—PRICES for wheat and SOME—OTHER—GOODS.
20220613             —RELATED, This, of course, is also, with supply chain disruptions —DURING the pandemic, but —NOW, unfortunately, this has been exacerbated by what is essentially 1—SANCTIONS—WAR," the deputy MINISTER said".
20220613             —WHEN they try to blame us for the food crisis and its possible intensification in the foreseeable future, we say, "Gentlemen, 1., eliminate the consequences that you have contrived by breaking supply chains, preventing grain from being shipped and insurance be secured for food shipments".
20220613             The deputy MINISTER—SAID—THE—ISSUE—OF—SANCTIONS on RUSSIA "will obviously be discussed in different formats" at the current WTO conference.
20220613             Representatives of Western countries, apparently, will again try to use the forum to make the case that the problems that have arisen in world markets are 1—CONSEQUENCE—OF—RUSSIA—ACTIONS".
20220613             We disagree with this.
20220613             We are trying to calmly explain that we intend to continue participating in THE—INTERNATIONAL—TRADE—SYSTEM," Ilyichev said.
20220613             RUSSIA "is not going to cut itself off from the world and break off traditional ties," he said.
20220613             MOSCOW still sees "benefits in participating in INTERNATIONAL trade and THE—DIVISION—OF—LABOR," the official said.
20220613             —WHEN asked whether Western countries should be expected to try to use THE—WTO platform to impose, as they do in other INTERNATIONAL organizations, 1 politicized discussion about events in UKRAINE, Ilyichev said, "Yes, we assume that [they] will make exactly the same speeches here that they have been making in recent months.
20220613             But in our opinion, it's —NOW necessary to agree to go back to the normal APPLICATION—OF—THE—RULES—OF—TRADE".
20220613             —DESIGNATED, The sanctions POLICY—OF—THE—STATES that RUSSIA, as unfriendly, effectively destroys this system, the deputy MINISTER stated.
20220613             MOSCOW believes that "it's necessary to discuss how to preserve this system, because no 1 will benefit from THE—BREAKUP—OF—THE—WORLD into blocs".
20220613             RUSSLAND hat einer Analyse zufolge in den 1. 100—TAGEN seines Krieges gegen die UKRAINE 93—MILLIARDEN Euro an Einnahmen aus dem Export fossiler Brennstoffe erzielt.
20220613             Laut des am —MONTAG veröffentlichten Berichts des in FINNLAND ansässigen Centre for Research on Energy and clean Air (CREA) ist die EU nach wie vor mit Abstand der größte Abnehmer RUSSLAND—GASES und Erdöls.
20220613             Laut CREA entfielen zwischen 20220224              und 19610603              PROZENT—DER—FOSSILEN—EXPORTE—RUSSLANDS auf die EU.
20220613             —ENTSPRICHT, Dies, demnach 57—MILLIARDEN Euro.
20220613             Unter den Einzelstaaten war CHINA mit 12,6 Milliarden Euro wichtigster Kunde vor DEUTSCHLAND mit 12,1 Milliarden und ITALIEN mit 7,8 Milliarden Euro.
20220613             Der RUSSLAND—ANGRIFFSKRIEG in der UKRAINE löst Sorgen vor einem Atomkrieg aus.
20220613             Friedensforscher befürchten zugleich, dass es künftig wieder mehr Atomwaffen in der Welt geben dürfte.
20220613             Der UKRAINE—KRIEG dürfte sich dabei indirekt auf die nuklearen Arsenale auswirken.
20220613             Trotz einer leichten Verringerung der globalen Gesamtzahl nuklearer Sprengköpfe auf zuletzt schätzungsweise 12.705—RECHNET das Stockholmer Friedensforschungsinstitut Sipri damit, dass diese Zahl im Laufe des kommenden Jahrzehnts wieder zunimmt.
20220613             Ohne sofortige und konkrete Abrüstungsschritte der 9—ATOMWAFFENSTAATEN könnte der globale Bestand nuklearer Waffen bald erstmals —SEIT dem Kalten Krieg wieder größer werden, hieß es.
20220613             Der frühere RUSSLAND—MINISTERPRÄSIDENT und heutige EXIL—OPPOSITIONELLE MICHAIL—KASJANOW hat vor verheerenden Folgen für den Frieden in EUROPA gewarnt, sollte die von RUSSLAND angegriffene UKRAINE den Krieg verlieren".
20220613             Wenn die UKRAINE fällt, sind die baltischen Staaten als nächstes dran",
20220613             warnte Kasjanow in einem VIDEO—INTERVIEW—MIT—DER—NACHRICHTENAGENTUR—AFP.
20220613             An den Westen appellierte er, keine Zugeständnisse an KREML—CHEF—WLADIMIR—PUTIN zu machen.
20220613             Die Einschätzung von Frankreichs PRÄSIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON, wonach Putin nicht "gedemütigt" werden dürfe, lehne er "kategorisch" ab, betonte Kasjanow.
20220613             —FORDERUNGEN, Auch, an die UKRAINE, zugunsten einer Friedenslösung mit Moskau Gebiete an RUSSLAND abzutreten, sehe er ÄUß—ERST kritisch".
20220613             —GETAN, Was hat Putin, um das zu verdienen?" - fragte Kasjanow".
20220613             Ich halte das für falsch und hoffe, dass der Westen nicht diesen Weg beschreiten wird".
20220613             Häusliche Gewalt: Wer Tiere quält, misshandelt oft auch Menschen
20220613             SIPRI—JAHRESBERICHT: Nuklearmächte modernisieren ihre Arsenale
20220613             Kiews Abgesandter in BERLIN: VIELE—UKRAINER fühlen sich laut Melnyk in DEUTSCHLAND nicht willkommen
20220613             Tödliche Angriffe in Charkiw: Amnesty sieht EINSATZ—VON—STREUMUNITION durch RUSSLAND als erwiesen an
20220613             Hohe Spritpreise: Lindner verteidigt Tankrabatt
20220613             Konjunktur im April: GROSSBRITANNIEN—WIRTSCHAFT schrumpft erneut
20220613             Trotz sinkender Beschäftigung: Umsatz im Handwerk steigt deutlich
20220613             Pandemiebekämpfung in CHINA: Coronafälle in Pekinger Bar lösen Massentests und Lockdowns aus
20220613             Wegen angeblicher Wartung von Ostseepipeline: DEUTSCHLAND erhält im —SOMMER wohl deutlich weniger RUSSLAND—GAS
20220613             Verunsicherte Anleger: Kursrutsch im Dax geht weiter
20220613             Brexitstreit mit der EU: Johnson nennt Änderungen am NORDIRLAND—PROTOKOLL "bürokratische Vereinfachungen"
20220613             RAST—UND Brutstätten im Wattenmeer: Klimawandel bedroht Lebensräume von Zugvögeln
20220613             Hohe Spritpreise: Habeck kündigt Kartellrecht "mit Klauen und Zähnen" an
20220613             SACHSEN—ANHALT als Vorbild: Raffinerie in Schwedt ist auf Suche nach Alternative zu russischem Öl
20220613             "Gestiegene Transport-, ZUSTELL—UND Lohnkosten": Post erhöht Paketpreise für Privatkunden
20220613             Mon 20220613
20220613             [l] Der CRYPTO—KURSABSTURZ gerade spart übrigens Unmengen an Energie und CO2-Emissionen.
20220613             Sowas sollten wir häufiger machen!
20220613             Bei der Abwehr andauernder RUSSLAND—ANGRIFFE hat die UKRAINE—ARMEE eigenen Angaben zufolge inzwischen 1—FRONT von etwa 2450—KILOMETER zu verteidigen".
20220613             —GEFÜHRT, Davon werden an 1105—KILOMETERN aktive Kampfhandlungen ",
20220613             schrieb der Oberbefehlshaber Waleryj Saluschnyj in der Nacht bei Facebook nach einem Gespräch mit dem USA—GENERAL MARK—MILLEY.
20220613             Besonders schwer sei die Situation um die Stadt Sjewjerodonezk im Luhansker Gebiet in der Ostukraine.
20220613             Der Gegner habe dort 7—BATAILLONSGRUPPEN eingesetzt und eine zehnfache Feuerüberlegenheit.
20220613             An einigen Frontabschnitten seien UKRAINE—EINHEITEN auch zu Gegenangriffen übergegangen.
20220613             Zuletzt gab es Berichte über UKRAINE—GELÄNDEGEWINNE an der GRENZE—DER—SÜDUKRAINISCHEN—GEBIETE—MYKOLAJIW und Cherson.
20220613             —DEFINIERT, Ungeachtet der schwierigen Lage im Osten, die UKRAINE weiter 1—NIEDERLAGE—RUSSLANDS als ihr klares Ziel".
20220613             —VERLIERT, Wir werden solange kämpfen, —BIS RUSSLAND ",
20220613             sagte der UKRAINE—PRÄSIDENTENBERATER Mychajlo Podoljak in einem Interview in der belarussischen Onlinezeitung Zerkalo.
20220613             Das von PRÄSIDENT—WOLODYMYR—SELENSKYJ formulierte Minimalziel sei dabei weiter 1—RÜCKZUG der RUSSLAND—TRUPPEN auf die Linien vom 20220223             —EINEM —TAG vor Kriegsbeginn".
20220613             Das Maximalziel: die territoriale Unversehrtheit in den INTERNATIONAL anerkannten GRENZEN—DER—UKRAINE, 1—NIEDERLAGE—RUSSLANDS und dessen Transformation",
20220613             sagte Podoljak.
20220613             Andernfalls werde RUSSLAND ständig versuchen, den Krieg in neuer Intensität wiederaufzunehmen, meinte er".
20220613             Der Krieg wird solange andauern, wie die UKRAINE braucht, um zu zeigen, dass RUSSLAND sich von unserem Territorium zurückziehen muss".
20220613             —FORDERUNGEN, Die UKRAINE hat, nach umfassenden Waffenlieferungen konkretisiert, die sie nach Einschätzung der Regierung in Kiew für einen Sieg im KRIEG—GEGEN—RUSSLAND benötigt".
20220613             schrieb Präsidentenberater Mychajlo Podoljak auf Twitter.
20220613             Kiew erwarte dazu vom Treffen der NATO—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTER am kommenden —MITTWOCH in Brüssel 1—ENTSCHEIDUNG.
20220613             Die UKRAINE verteidigt sich —SEIT Ende Februar gegen eine RUSSLAND—INVASION.
20220613             1—MANGEL an schweren Waffen und Munition erschwert nach Angaben aus Kiew die Lage an der mehr als 2400—KILOMETER langen Front zunehmend.
20220613             Nachdem sie sich kritisch über Russlands KRIEG—GEGEN—DIE—UKRAINE geäußert hat, hat Kremlchef WLADIMIR—PUTIN eine prominente Juristin aus dem Staatsdienst entlassen.
20220613             Per Dekret entzog Putin NATALJA—POKLONSKAJA ihren Posten als stellvertretende Leiterin von Rossotrudnitschestwo — eine ans RUSSLAND—AUSSENMINISTERIUM angegliederte Organisation, die sich unter anderem für Russlands Interessen in anderen EX—SOWJETSTAATEN einsetzt.
20220613             Die 42—JAHRE alte Poklonskaja war nach Russlands Annexion der SCHWARZMEER—HALBINSEL Krim von 20140000              berühmt geworden — als Generalstaatsanwältin, die dem Kreml treue Dienste erwies.
20220613             Nach Russlands Einmarsch in die UKRAINE Ende Februar aber sprach Poklonskaja von einer "Katastrophe".
20220613             Später bezeichnete sie den Buchstaben Z, der als PROPAGANDA—SYMBOL für Russlands KRIEG—GEGEN—DIE—UKRAINE gilt, als Sinnbild für "Tragödie und Trauer sowohl für RUSSLAND als auch für die UKRAINE".
20220613             Bundesverteidigungsministerin CHRISTINE—LAMBRECHT hat angesichts des Kriegs in der UKRAINE 1—STRUKTURREFORM der BUNDESWEHR—FÜHRUNG angekündigt.
20220613             "Bislang waren die territorialen Führungsaufgaben über VIELE—BEREICHE verteilt",
20220613             teilte Lambrecht am —MONTAG mit.
20220613             "Zum 20221001              werden wir sie in einem 'Territorialen Führungskommando der Bundeswehr' in BERLIN bündeln".
20220613             Der RUSSLAND—EINMARSCH in der UKRAINE habe die Notwendigkeit unterstrichen, die Führungsorganisation der Streitkräfte auf die Anforderungen der LANDES—UND Bündnisverteidigung auszurichten.
20220613             Mit der Reform werde die Führungsstruktur an die aktuelle Sicherheitslage angepasst.
20220613             [l] Hat hier jemand bei Celsius "investiert"? Abheben geht nicht mehr.
20220613             Wegen, äh, *papierraschel* schwierigem Marktumfeld.
20220613             Ach. Ach was.
20220613             Due to extreme market conditions, —TODAY we are announcing that Celsius is pausing all withdrawals, Swap, and transfers between accounts.
20220613             We are taking this action —TODAY to put Celsius in 1—BETTER—POSITION to honor, over time, its withdrawal obligations.
20220613             Aha. Soso.
20220613             Ach komm, wer will —SCHON abheben!
20220613             Wir wollten doch eh ALLE—HODL machen!!1!
20220613             Mal gucken, wann er 1. Depp kommt, dass Bitcoin ja viel seriöser ist als Celsius.
20220613             MOSCOW, 20220613             . - /TASS/.
20220613             —DECREED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN has, to dismiss Natalya Poklonskaya, deputy HEAD—OF—THE—FEDERAL—AGENCY for CIS Affairs, Compatriots Living Abroad and INTERNATIONAL Humanitarian Cooperation (Rossotrudnichestvo).
20220613             —DATE D, The decree, 20220613              comes into effect —ON—MONDAY.
20220613             She said —ON—MONDAY she quit for 1—NEW—POST.
20220613             Missbrauch im Bistum Münster: In der schlimmsten Zeit 2—SEXUALSTRAFTATEN durch Priester — pro Woche
20220613             Plädoyer für Umstellung auf DAB+: Intendant hält UKW für "Energiefressmaschine"
20220613             Steigende Preise: Inflation des Wahnsinns
20220613             GROSSBRITANNIEN—KORRUPTIONSERMITTLER über Oligarchenvermögen: "Wir wissen —SEIT Jahrzehnten Bescheid über dieses schmutzige Geld"
20220613             —KARTIERT, Milchstraße: Esa, 1,8 Milliarden Sterne
20220613             Bildschirmfoto vom 20220000             -
20220613             —ENDE 20130000              war das Weltraumteleskop "Gaia" ins All gestartet.
20220613             "Gaia" vermisst dreidimensional die Milchstraße — aus einer Position eineinhalb Millionen Kilometer von der Erde entfernt.
20220613             Der Katalog umfasste anfangs "nur" 1,15 Milliarden Sterne.
20220613             Von dem dreidimensionalen Abbild unserer Galaxie erhoffen sich die Forscher neue Erkenntnisse über Entstehung, Ursprung und heutiges Aussehen der Milchstraße.
20220613             Zu den überraschendsten Entdeckungen gehöre, dass Gaia sogenannte Sternenbeben nachweisen könne, die die FORM—DER—STERNE verändern, berichtete die Esa.
20220613             Das seien "winzige Bewegungen auf der Oberfläche eines Sterns".
20220613             "Gaia" habe —BEREITS zuvor sogenannte radiale Schwingungen erkannt.
20220613             Diese lassen Sterne regelmäßig anschwellen und schrumpfen, während sie ihre kugelförmige Gestalt beibehalten.
20220613             Nun seien aber andere Schwingungen entdeckt worden, "die eher wie große Tsunamis wirken",
20220613             hieß es.
20220613             Sie veränderten lediglich die "globale Form" eines Sterns und seien deshalb nicht so leicht zu erkennen.
20220613             Bundeswehr: Verteidigungsministerium überprüft FELDJÄGER—MOTTO "Jedem das Seine"
20220613             Mysteriöse Umstände: IRAN meldet Tod von 2—LUFTFAHRTEXPERTEN
20220613             Hitze und Trockenheit in EUROPA: 36—GRAD, und es wird noch heißer
20220613             Neue Studie: Fehlendes Personal, alte Ausstattung — so schlecht steht es um DEUTSCHLAND—KITAS
20220613             Tiefststände bei USA—INDIZES: Zinsangst und Konjunktursorgen belasten Kurse weiter
20220613             Ehrung: Buhrufe für ANDREW—LLOYD—WEBBER
20220613             Entscheidende Abstimmung vertagt: Israels 8—PARTEIEN—REGIERUNG wackelt mal wieder
20220613             ROLLING—STONES—KONZERT kurzfristig abgesagt: Mick Jagger hat CORONA
20220613             Dieselskandal bei VW: Bundesgerichtshof sieht keine Hürden für Sammelklagen von Käufern aus dem Ausland
20220613             Wegen lesbischen Kusses: PIXAR—ANIMATIONSFILM in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten verboten
20220613             Extremwetter in Down Under: Riesenwellen an Sydneys Küste, Schneesturm in Tasmanien
20220613             STEINMEIER—VORSTOß: Braucht DEUTSCHLAND die Pflicht zum Dienst?
20220613             —RISKIERT, Gesetz gegen NORDIRLAND—PROTOKOLL: Johnson, Handelskrieg mit der EU
20220613             Untersuchungsausschuss zum Sturm auf das USA—KAPITOL: Frühere TRUMP—BERATER widersprechen dessen WAHLSIEG—BEHAUPTUNGEN
20220613             "Er und seine Regierung müssen sich entscheiden": Selenskyj kritisiert Scholz ungewöhnlich deutlich
20220613             —INVESTIERT, Update: Ihr ahnt ja nicht, wer da, hatte!
20220613             Update: Letzte Woche klang das bei Celsius alles noch ganz anders.
20220613             We at Celsius are online 24—7.
20220613             We're working —AROUND the clock to continue to serve our community.
20220613             Celsius has 1—OF—THE—BEST—RISK—MANAGEMENT—TEAMS in the world.
20220613             Our security team and infrastructure is 2. to none.
20220613             We have made it through crypto downturns —BEFORE (this is our 4.!).
20220613             —PREPARED, Celsius is.
20220613             At this already challenging time, it's unfortunate that vocal actors are spreading misinformation and confusion.
20220613             —TRIED, They have, unsuccessfully, for example, to link Celsius to the collapse of Luna and falsely claim that Celsius sustained significant losses as 1—RESULT.
20220613             —STIRRED, They have, confusion —AROUND HODL mode and the importance of protecting user accounts.
20220613             And the list goes on. You had me at HODL mode. [l] Hah!
20220613             Den Scheiß Russen haben wir es aber gezeigt! Kein Öl kaufen wir da mehr!!
20220613             Nee, stattdessen kaufen wir —JETZT in INDIEN. Wie, woher INDIEN das Öl hat?
20220613             Ach komm, Atze, nun mach doch nicht wieder alles kaputt hier!1!!
20220613             LONDON, 20220613            .
20220613             /TASS/. - NATO had "no reason to believe" TURKEY would block FINLAND and SWEDEN—ACCESSION—BIDS, the alliance's SECRETARY—GENERAL said in 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—THE—FINANCIAL—TIMES published —ON—MONDAY.
20220613             "—EARLIER in the process, we had no reasons to believe there would be ANY—PROBLEMS," JENS—STOLTENBERG told THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—NEWSPAPER, saying TURKEY—SECURITY—CONCERNS were not new.
20220613             TURKEY "is 1—IMPORTANT—ALLY, and —WHEN 1—ALLY raises security concerns, we have to address them," he said.
20220613             THE—NATO—CHIEF also said it was still possible to overcome the concerns "within 1—REASONABLE—TIME".
20220613             "My goal is to have FINLAND and SWEDEN as members as soon as possible.
20220613             —COMPARED, It can still be quick, with other accession processes," Stoltenberg said.
20220613             —RESOLVED, However, there is no deadline to have the issue, by NATO—SUMMIT in MADRID slated for late July, he added.
20220613             TURKEY—PRESIDENT—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN said —LATER on the same —DAY that his republic would block THE—2—NORDIC nations' membership bids unless they reviewed their stance on terrorist organizations, namely the Kurdistan Workers' Party, which is designated as such by ANKARA.
20220613             ANKARA, 20220613             . - /TASS/.
20220613             —STARTED, TURKEY, laying the gas pipeline at the bottom of the Black Sea off the country's coast —ON—MONDAY.
20220613             —ATTENDED, The ceremony was, by TURKEY—PRESIDENT—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN.
20220613             "In the 1. quarter of 20230000             , 10—MLN cubic METERS—OF—GAS will enter our national gas transmission system.
20220613             The candidate for 1—MODERATOR—ROLE in the plenary session of the St.
20220613             "THE—PRESIDENT—FEELS—COMFORTABLE communicating with both foreign and RUSSIA—REPORTERS," Peskov explained.
20220613             However, he doubted the sanity of most Western reporters.
20220613             "THE—SANITY—OF—MANY—PROMINENT—WESTERN—REPORTERS is currently raising questions, at least for us, and we wouldn't call them true and unbiased journalists, because ALL—OF—THEM have simply gone nuts," the Kremlin spokesman said.
20220613             —EARLIER reports said THE—SPEF plenary session with Putin would be moderated by Margarita Simonyan, THE—EDITOR—IN—CHIEF—OF—THE—RT broadcaster and Rossiya Segodnya media group.
20220613             "Margarita [Simonyan] is 1—WORLD—CLASS—REPORTER and media manager," Peskov said".
20220613             So for us, she leaves journalists in the dust internationally, that's why it's her who will be the moderator," he concluded.
20220613             Western arms supplies to UKRAINE will only aggravate CONFLICT—DEPUTY PRIME—MINISTER
20220613             —NOTED, Yury BORISOV, that the Javelin systems, MANPADS, and 155-millimeter artillery systems correspond in their characteristics to RUSSIA—WEAPONS
202206131122         —ZERSTÖRT, RUSSLAND: Waffen aus USA und EU im Donbass
20220613—20160000    —J—IM, und 20180000              hatten die Forscher —BEREITS Karten der Milchstraße vorgestellt, die auf "Gaia"-Daten beruhen.
20220613—20200821    —ANNOUNCED, Erdogan, that TURKEY had discovered large reserves of natural gas in the Black Sea.
20220613—20201200    —SEIT, Fallende Preise bei Kryptowährungen: Bitcoin fällt auf tiefsten Stand
20220613—20211000    —FROM, Poklonskaya, who served as RUSSIA—AMBASSADOR to Cabo Verde, was appointed Rossotrudnichestvo deputy CHIEF —IN—EARLY—FEBRUARY.
20220613—20220518    —ON, FINLAND—AMBASSADOR to NATO KLAUS—KORHONEN and his SWEDEN—COUNTERPART AXEL—VERNHOFF officially handed their countries' NATO—MEMBERSHIP—APPLICATIONS to Stoltenberg.
20220613—20220521    —ON, Erdogan said TURKEY would support SWEDEN and FINLAND joining NATO once STOCKHOLM and HELSINKI clearly demonstrated their solidarity with ANKARA—CONCERNS in the security field.
20220613—20220617    —ON, Petersburg INTERNATIONAL Economic Forum (SPIEF) with PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN to be held is currently being coordinated with THE—PRESIDENT, who is comfortable with Russian and foreign reporters alike, Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told TASS —ON—MONDAY.
20220613—20230000    —BY, the authorities expect to start deliveries to the domestic market.
20220613—20250000    —BIS, sollen Daten von rund 2—MILLIARDEN Himmelskörpern gesammelt werden.
20220613—20260000    —IN, We hope that the Sakarya gas field will reach peak production [of gas] ," he said in 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—TRT—TV—CHANNEL.
20380613             —PFINGST—SONNTAG (nächstes Auftreten: )