_HEUTE_0606 :

_37.000.000—20120606 WASHINGTON—DIE—VORFAHREN aller Affen und Menschen kamen einst aus ASIEN nach AFRIKA.
_37.000.000—20120606 1—NEUEN Beleg für diese UR—ZEIT—EINWANDERUNG haben Paläontologen in MYANMAR entdeckt.
_37.000.000—20120606 Sie stießen dort auf die fossilen Zähne von Afrasia djijidae, 1—ZUVOR unbekannten PRIMATEN, der vor rund
_37.000.000—20120606 —EINST, aus ASIEN, nach AFRIKA, aller AFFEN—VORFAHREN, MENSCHEN—VORFAHREN.kamen
_37.000.000—20120606 in MYANMAR, 1—NEUER—BELEG für diese UR—ZEIT—EINWANDERUNG entdeckt PALÄONTOLOGEN,haben.
_37.000.000—20120606 PALÄONTOLOGEN in MYANMAR, auf die fossilen Zähne von 1—ZUVOR unbekannten PRIMAT—AFRASIA—DJIJIDAE, stießen, der vor rund
_37.000.000—20120606 —LANGE—ZEIT, dachte man, daß die GEMEINSAMEN—VORFAHREN der Affen und Menschen,
_37.000.000—20120606 —LANGE—ZEIT, dachte man, auch als anthropoide PRIMATEN bezeichnet, in AFRIKA entstanden.
_37.000.000—20120606 —LANGE—ZEIT, dachte man, Doch neuere Fossilfunde in CHINA, SÜD—OST—ASIEN widersprechen dem.
06620606             —LOSWURDE, MUAWIA seinen letzten Widersacher.auch
06620606—06320606    30. TODES—TAG des PROPHET—MOHAMED,
07750606             —J—IM, 1—DER intensivsten SONNEN—STÜRME niederging womöglich auf DIE—ERDE.
07750606             —ZEIT—AUS—DIESER —JAHRES—RINGE von Bäumen enthalten 20-mal mehr radioaktive Kohlenstoffatome (C14) als normal,
07750606             C14 entsteht in der Luft, wenn kosmische Strahlung DIE—ERDE trifft.
07750606             Doch was passierte 07750000               ?
07750606             —DAMALS, In GROß—BRITANNIEN seien Schlangen "zum Erstaunen aller"aus dem BODEN gesprungen, WÄHREND
07750606             —DAMALS, DER—NACH—HIMMEL gespenstisch geleuchtet habe, zitiert Baillie aus 1—CHRONIK.
07750606             berichten Forscher um Fusa Miyake jetzt im Wissenschaftsmagazin "Nature".
07750606             Doch was passierte 775?
08100606             † Rotrud, Tochter Karls des Großen
08400606             † Agobard, SPANIEN—PRÄLAT
10020606             —CROWNED, HENRY—II—THE—SAINT—KING—OF—GERMANY, was.
11340606             † NORBERT—VON—XANTEN, DEUTSCHLAND—STIFTER des Prämonstratenserordens, ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—MAGDEBURG
11520606             † GILBERT von Neuffontaines, Heiliger, Kreuzzugsteilnehmer
11540606             † Abbas ibn Abi L—FUTUH, Wesir der Fatimiden
12170606             † Heinrich I., KÖNIG—VON—KASTILIEN
12170606             INNOCENTIUS—III—PAPA selbst die Flotte segnen wollte IN SÜD—ITALIEN—STADT—MESSINA, STADT—BRINDISI.
12420606             —BURNED, 24—WAGON—LOADS—OF—TALMUDIC—BOOKS, in PARIS.
12430606             * Alix von Bretagne, FRANKREICH—ADELIGE und Kreuzfahrerin
12490606             LES—ARMÉES—DE—S—LOUIS entrent dans DAMIETTE que LES—ARMÉES—DU—SULTAN ont évacués dans LA—NUIT.
12510606             † WILHELM—II., Herr von Dampierre und GRAF—VON—FLANDERN
12720606             † Ratibor, HERZOG—VON—POMMERELLEN
12770606             † Simon I., BISCHOF—VON—PADERBORN
12960606             * Wladislaus, HERZOG—VON—LIEGNITZ
13190606             † ROBERT—NEVILLE, ENGLAND—MILITÄR
13290606             à AMIENS.
13290606             ÉDOUARD—III—DE—ANGLETERRE rend hommage à PHILIPPE—VI. pour LA—GUYENNE
13290606             les défrichements battent leur plein dans LE—JURA.
13500606             † Bertrand de SAINT—GENIÈS, PATRIARCH—VON—AQUILEIA und Seliger der katholischen Kirche
13590606             —APUD—VILLAMNOVAM FOLKERO—EPISCOPO—CRIBELETHANO mandatur^ ut IN—CIVITATE—ET—DIOECESI—TRAIECTENSIS exigat et recipiat bona legata pro defensione TERRAE—SANCTAE.
13620606             † JOHN—CAREW, ENGLAND—MILITÄR und Justiciar of IRELAND
13640606             † Wenzel I., HERZOG—VON—LIEGNITZ
13650606             —SCHREIBEN—VOM 1—ANDERES des URBANUS—V—PAPA schlug 1—BÜNDNIS—MIT—DER Englischen Kompagnie vor, um —VON—BONGARD zu bekämpfen, der beabsichtige in DIE—LOMBARDEI GEGEN—DIE—AUF seiten der Kurie stehende Liga zu ziehen.^
13680606             Quam summam acceptam testatus est ipse BERNARDUS in OPPIDO—BUSCODUCENSI, DIE—ANNO.^)
13690606             —AM, leisteten DIE—ANZIANEN—VON—LUCCA auf dem schönen Platze vor der uralten STADT—KIRCHE—S—MICHAEL dem KAISER, der dort thronte,
13690606             —AM, von geistlichen, weltlichen Würdenträgern des REICH umgeben, den feierlichen TREU—EID.
13690606             —DANN, DER—KAISER verlieh für den jedesmaligen GONFALONIERE[KRIEGSHAUPT—MANN] von LUCCA die Befugnis zur Ernennung von Richtern und Notaren,
13690606             —DANN, DER—KAISER bewilligte der STADT—LUCCA 1—UNIVERSITÄT und eigene Münze,
13690606             —DANN, DER—KAISER dem BISCHOF WILHELM aber bestätigte alle kirchlichen Besitzungen seiner Kathedrale.^
13690606             der STADT—LUCCA—STADT—KASSE hatte für die ErTEILUNG der Freiheit, wie schon gesagt, 100.000—GOLD—GULDEN, halb dem KAISER und halb dem Papste, zu entrichten,*
13690606             da beide Oberhäupter der CHRISTENheit sich auch für der STADT—LUCCA Unabhängigkeit verbürgten.
13930606             † GO—EN'Y?, JAPAN—KAISER des Nordhofes
14110606             (—ELISABETH
14360606             * Regiomontanus, DEUTSCHLAND—ASTRONOM, Mathematiker und Verleger
14610606             —AM, which JOHN—SHIRWOOD bought in LONDON, PETER CANTOR—COMMENTARY on the Psalter,
14680606             † ADRIAN—VON—BORSSELEN, Herr von Brigdamme, Zoutelande und Sint Laurens
14700606             * Ottilie von Baden, MARK—GRÄFIN—VON—BADEN
14710606             * JAKOB—II. von Baden, (Titular-)MARK—GRAF—VON—BADEN, ERZ—BISCHOF—UND—KUR—FÜRST—VON—TRIER
15020606             * JOHANN—III., PORTUGAL—KÖNIG
15020606             † HEINRICH—BRÖMSE, Lübecker BÜRGERMEISTER
15020606             * JOFO—III—KING—OF—PORTUGAL
15080606             † ERCOLE—STROZZI, ITALIEN—HOFMANN und Dichter
15080606             —AM, schloß DER—KAISER zu VENEDIG mit der REPUBLIK—VENEDIG 1—DREIJÄHRIGEN Waffenstillstand,
15080606             erliess DER—KAISER dann sogar SCHUTZ—BRIEFE—FÜR—DIE eigenen wie für der REPUBLIK—VENEDIG KAUF—LEUTE, denen der ungehinderte Verkehr in des KAISER Landen wie vor dem Kriege zugesichert wurde
15110606             * JAKOB—DEGEN, DEUTSCHLAND—JURIST, Mediziner und Philosoph
15120606             —DÉFAITE—FRANÇAISE à RAVENNE.
15130606             Schlacht bei NOVARA
15130606             In der Schlacht bei NOVARA besiegen die Eidgenossen eine FRANKREICH—STREITMACHT unter dem Feldherrn LOUIS—II. de La Trémoille.
15130606             Der aus Mailand geflohene HERZOG—MASSIMILIANO—SFORZA kann dadurch wieder zurückkehren, die Franzosen verlieren das Herzogtum Mailand und allen weiteren Besitz in ITALIEN.
15130606             —BATTLE at NOVARA: Habsburgers vs. Valois.
15140606             † GEARÓID—MÓR, son fils GEARÓID—OG lui succède à la fonction de "deputy". (IRLANDe)
15180606             URKUNDE 765—VOM ;;
15190606             * ANDREA—CESALPINO, ITALIEN—PHILOSOPH, Botaniker und Physiologe
15230606             GUSTAV—WASA wird zum KÖNIG—VON—SCHWEDEN gewählt.
15230606             Damit ist die Kalmarer Union endgültig aufgelöst.
15230606             [Gustav] Gustavus Vasa was elected Gustavus I—OF—SWEDEN.
15260606             Miscarriage and RETREAT—OF—THE—ARMY
15320606             * GIULIO—ANTONIO—SANTORIO, ITALIEN—KARDINAL der Römischen Kirche
15360606             MEXICO began its inquisition.
15470606             † GIROLAMO—PRIULI hielt er sich, um die KAUF—MANNSCHAFT zu erlernen,
15480606             † João de Castro, PORTUGAL—FELDHERR und Seefahrer, Vizekönig von PORTUGIESISCH—INDIEN
15580606             † Philipp I., GRAF—VON—NASSAU—WIESBADEN—IDSTEIN
15580606—15581028    KONRAD—STER (Windsheim) und DAVID—ADELHARDT (ULM) (CODEX—CICOGNA—3100—FOLIA—64'— 69.)
15610606             † Ridolfo Ghirlandaio, ITALIEN—MALER
15640606             —IL, c. PACIOTTO principiò la cittadella di TURINo
15690606             † Jost Hoen, DEUTSCHLAND—MAGISTER, Pädagoge und Staatsmann
15810606             † JOHANN—OTHO, flämischer Gelehrter, Humanist, Pädagoge und Kartograf
15970606             † KATHARINA—BERNBURG, OPFER—DER—HEXENPROZESSE in Wernigerode
15970606             3—FRAUEN unter dem VERDACHT—DER—HEXEREI gestanden nach FOLTER zu ZÜLPICH die Hexerei. Zur gleichen Zeit
15970606             —BIS, zu seinem TODE—EINGEKERKERT wird 1—EINWOHNER—VON—RATH—BEI—NIDEGGEN auf Grund des HEXER—VERDACHTES
15970606             —BIS, zu seinem TODE—IM Burgverließ DROVE eingekerkert wird 1—EINWOHNER—VON—RATH—BEI—NIDEGGEN auf Grund des HEXER—VERDACHTES.
15970606             —RATH—BEI—NIDEGGEN
15970606             1—EINWOHNER—VON—RATH—BEI—NIDEGGEN wird auf Grund des HEXER—VERDACHTES eingekerkert
15970606             EMBKEN und
15970606             FÜSSENICH werden 3—FRAUEN unter dem VERDACHT—DER—HEXEREI verbrannt.
15970606             † in der KEMPENER—HEIDE wird Frau 1. unter dem VERDACHT—DER—HEXEREI verbrannt
15970606             † in der KEMPENER—HEIDE wird Frau 2. unter dem VERDACHT—DER—HEXEREI verbrannt
15970606             † in der KEMPENER—HEIDE wird Frau 3. unter dem VERDACHT—DER—HEXEREI verbrannt
15970606             in der KEMPENER—HEIDE zwischen
15990606             * DIEGO—VELÁZQUEZ, SPANIEN—MALER (Taufdatum)
16060606—16840000    * † PIERRE—CORNEILLE, FRANCE—DRAMATIST, poet and writer of LE—CID,: "Guess, if you can, and choose, if you dare".
16080606             † Bernardo Buontalenti, ITALIEN—MALER, Architekt und Theatermaschinist
16100606             FRANZ—VON—SALES und JOHANNA—FRANZISKA—VON—CHANTAL gründen in Annecy den Orden von der Heimsuchung Mariens.
16160606             * François de BOURBON—VENDÔME, HERZOG—VON—BEAUFORT, Pair von FRANKREICH
16170606             Der Habsburger Erzherzog Ferdinand wird zum KÖNIG—VON—BÖHMEN gewählt.
16170606             Seine bald darauf eingeleiteten Maßnahmen zur Rekatholisierung Böhmens und das Einschränken von Rechten der Stände lösen Unmut aus, 1—STÄNDEAUFSTAND bahnt sich an.
16180606             † JAMES—LANCASTER, ENGLAND—SEEFAHRER und Politiker
16210606             * Petar Zrinski, Ban von KROATIEN
16360606             * Þormóður Torfason, ISLAND—HISTORIKER
16390606             † PETER—CRÜGER, DEUTSCHLAND—PHILOLOGE, Astronom und Mathematiker
16390606             —GRANTED, MASSACHUSETTS, 500—ACRES—OF—LAND to erect a GUNPOWDER—MILL.
16400606             † ORTOLPH—FOMANN der Jüngere, DEUTSCHLAND—HISTORIKER und Rechtswissenschaftler
16410606             † ANNA—MARIA, figliola di m.
16460606             * Hortensia Mancini, FRANKREICH—ADELIGE, Mazarinette und Mätresse des ENGLAND—KÖNIGS Karls II.
16480606             Ersucht sie die Abschliessung 1—ALLIANZ zu befördern, für die seine
16540606             KARL—X—GUSTAV - KARL—X—GUSTAV—VON—PFALZ—ZWEIBRÜCKEN folgt seiner Cousine Christina I. nach deren Abdankung als KÖNIG—AUF—DEM—SCHWEDEN—THRON.
16540606             —RESIGNED, CHRISTINA—QUEEN—OF—SWEDEN, and converted to Catholicism.
16600606             —MARKIERT, Der Frieden von Kopenhagen, das ENDE—DES—KRIEGES zwischen SCHWEDEN und DÄNEMARK.
16710606             * SEBASTIAN—ZEIDLMAYR, DEUTSCHLAND—GEISTLICHER, Organist und Musikpädagoge
16710606             † (OS), STENKA, STEPAN—RAZIN, RUSSIA—COSSACK, was killed.
16710606—16710616    —SEE
16720606             —DATUM
16720606             2. PFINGST—FEIERTAG Abends 5—UHR.)
16720606             Es wird beschlossen, AMERONGEN von der traurigen Zeitung, daß
16720606             WESEL capituliert habe und BÜDERICH und ORSOY erobert seien '), zu benachrichtigen
16720606             und ihn zu beauftragen, daß er alle möglichen Mittel aufwende,
16720606             um den KUR—FÜRST zur schleunigsten HILFE—LEISTUNG zu veranlassen,
16720606             und alle entgegenstehenden Schwierigkeiten beseitigen helfe.
16720606             —EMPFANG der RESOLUTION Aoni.
16720606             —ORDONNANCE maritime
16720615—16720606    Hat ihre RESOLUTION—VOM, mit der traurigen Nachricht vom P'alll'T —RHEIN erhalten,
16720615—16720606    Hat ihre RESOLUTION—VOM, sofort dem GROSSER—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG mitgeteilt und
16730606             BRASSER—AN—DEN—GRIFFIER.
16760606             † PAUL—GERHARDT, DEUTSCHLAND—DICHTER von Kirchenliedern
16780606             * LOUIS—ALEXANDRE de Bourbon, GRAF—VON—TOULOUSE, unehelicher Sohn Ludwigs XIV.
16890606             * ANTOINE—LOUIS—ROUILLÉ, Comte de Jouy, FRANKREICH—STAATSMANN
16990606             * FRIEDRICH—JULIUS—VON—SCHWERIN, preußischer Generalmajor
17000101             0---------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8---------9---------0--2003030606[2day].----------------------------------New ENGLAND Tories [theold] against USAmerican [independence] UK—TIES—OF—FAMILY, shipping & merchant banking, continue hostilitys
17000606             Die Uraufführung der Oper L'inganno vinto dalla Costanza von Attilio Ariosti findet in BERLIN statt.
17100606             JOHANN—FRIEDRICH—BÖTTGER
17100606             † LOUISE—DE—LA—VALLIÈRE, FRANKREICH—ADELIGE, Mätresse Ludwigs XIV.
17100606—17100123    —AM, In der Albrechtsburg in Meißen nimmt die durch Dekret Augusts des Starken gegründete 1. europäische Porzellanmanufaktur, die KÖNIGLICH—POLEN—UND KURFÜRSTLICH—SÄCHSISCHE Porzellanmanufaktur, unter der Leitung von JOHANN—FRIEDRICH—BÖTTGER ihren Betrieb auf.
17120606             † Henri d'Escoubleau, comte de Montluc, FRANKREICH—ADELIGER und GENERAL
17140606             * Joseph I., KÖNIG—VON—PORTUGAL aus dem Hause Braganza
17160606             1. SLAVES, in LOUISIANA, ARRIVED.
17190606             † LEONHARD—CHRISTOPH—STURM, DEUTSCHLAND—SCHRIFTSTELLER, Architekturtheoretiker und Baumeister
17270606             GIOVANNI—BONONCINI
17270606             Bei der letzten Saisonvorstellung der Oper Astianatte von GIOVANNI—BONONCINI beschimpfen einander die beiden Primadonnen Faustina Bordoni und Francesca Cuzzoni auf der Bühne aufs heftigste, 1—VORFALL, der für beide Sängerinnen Engagements in ganz EUROPA mit sich bringt.
17310606             † GIOVANNI—ODAZZI, römischer Maler und Grafiker
17330606             * LORENZ—PASCH der Jüngere, SCHWEDEN—MALER
17370606             † PIERRE—JOSEPH Garidel, FRANKREICH—ARZT und Botaniker
17390606             † SAMUEL—DALE, ENGLAND—ARZT und Botaniker
17410606             * Michele Spirito Giorna, ITALIEN—ZOOLOGE und Anatom
17430606             ROM, dieser JOHANN—PETER—JAKOB mit amputiertem rechtem Arm, "laicus"in STOLBERG erhält apostolischen DISPENS vom Weihehindernis der Irregularität [körperliche Behinderung] zwecks Annahme 1—EINFACHEN Benefiziums
17430606             GENERAL—VIKAR, Anhang 54;
17430606             dabei die Originalbulle und Taufschein des JOHANN—PETER—JAKOB
17470606             † JEAN—BAPTISTE Barrière, FRANKREICH—CELLIST und Komponist
17500000—20120606    —SEIT, ausgewertet alle bekannten 143—VULKANAUSBRÜCHE mit mindestens der Stärke 4
17500000—20120606    —SEIT, alle bekannten 143—VULKANAUSBRÜCHE mit mindestens der Stärke 4—AUSGEWERTET
17500606             * JOSé Correia da SERRA, PORTUGAL—GEISTLICHER, Gelehrter, Diplomat und Botaniker
17510606             † Christlieb von Clausberg, DEUTSCHLAND—MATHEMATIKER
17550606—17760000    * † NATHAN—HALE, USA—PATRIOT who said "My only regret is that I have but 1—LIFE to give for my country,".
17560606             * JOHN—TRUMBULL, USA—USA—MALER
17560606             * JOHN—TRUMBALL, USA—PAINTER.
17580606             * FRANÇOIS—MARIE Mayeur, FRANKREICH—SCHAUSPIELER, Regisseur, Dramatiker und Verfasser von Pamphleten
17710606             LE—DUC—DE—AIGUILLON devient secrétaire d'Etat aux Affaires étrangères.
17710606             d'Aiguillon SECRÉTAIRE—DE—ETAT aux Affaires étrangères
17720606             * MARIA—THERESIA—VON—NEAPEL—SIZILIEN, letzte Kaiserin des Heiligen Römischen Reiches und 1. Kaiserin von ÖSTERREICH
17720606—17730312    —SEE
17750606             gleicher DISPENS seitens des Ordinarius des Bräutigams erforderlich
17830606             † FRANZ—SERAPH—VON—KOHLBRENNER, bayerischer PUBLIZIST
17920606             LE—ROI—LOUIS—XVI[LUDWIG—XVI—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH] met son veto à LA—CONSTITUTION d'un camp regroupant 20.000—FÉDÉRÉS PRÈS—DE—PARIS
17930606             * PETER—FRIEDRICH—ENGSTFELD, DEUTSCHLAND—ORGANIST und Kirchenlieddichter
17950606             —KAPITULIERT, Das 7—MONATE lang belagerte LUXEMBURG, im 1. Koalitionskrieg vor FRANKREICH—REVOLUTIONSTRUPPEN.
17960606             —ARMISTICE—AVEC—NAPLES[NEAPEL]
17970606             * Rehuel Lobatto, NIEDERLANDE—MATHEMATIKER
17980606             * WILHELM—BÖTTICHER, DEUTSCHLAND—PÄDAGOGE und Historiker
17990526—18370000    18370606             —SEE
17990526—18370000    —CELEBRATED, ALEXANDER—PUSHKIN—BICENTENNIAL in RUSSIA was, 19990606          .
17990606             † PATRICK—HENRY, USA—ORATOR, at Red Hill PLANTATION—VIRGINIA Henry urged THE—RESTORATION—OF—THE—PROPERTY and RIGHTS—OF—LOYALISTS after the Revolutionary War.
17990606             —BELIEVED, PATRICK—HENRY, that Loyalists would make good CITIZENS—OF—THE—NEW—REPUBLIC.
17990606             —OPPOSED, Henry also bitterly, the Constitution as 1—THREAT to THE—LIBERTIES—OF—THE—PEOPLE and RIGHTS—OF—THE—STATES.
17990606             —BELIEVED, PATRICK—HENRY, that once the war had been won, 1—CENTRAL—AUTHORITY was no longer needed.
17990606—18370000    18370526             —SEE
17990606—18370000    * † ALEXANDER—PUSHKIN, RUSSIA—POET and the founder of modern RUSSIA—LITERATURE.
17990606—18370000    ALEXANDER—PUSHKIN was the descendant of an Abyssinian slave of royal blood who was given to PETER—THE—GREAT as 1—GIFT.
17990606—19980000    —AUTHORED, HENRY—MAYER (20000000              †), 1—BIOGRAPHY—OF—PATRICK—HENRY.
18010606             —BEENDET, Der Friede von BADAJOZ, den kurzen ORANGEN—KRIEG, den SPANIEN und FRANKREICH gegen PORTUGAL führten.
18010606             Es muss nun seine Häfen für GROSSBRITANNIEN—SCHIFFE schließen, einigen Besitz an die Sieger abtreten und 1—KRIEGSENTSCHÄDIGUNG zahlen.
18010606             —SIGNED, THE—TREATY—OF—BADAJOZ (also known as the Peace of BADAJOZ) was, in BADAJOZ between JOHN—VI—OF—PORTUGAL and representatives from the Kingdom of SPAIN.
18020606             * HERMANN—VON—ARNIM, Rittergutsbesitzer, Verwaltungsbeamter und Parlamentarier
18030606             * EDUARD—PÖTZSCH, DEUTSCHLAND—ARCHITEKT und Wegbereiter der Bahnhofsarchitektur
18040606             * Per CONRAD—BOMAN, SCHWEDEN—KOMPONIST
18050606             —ANNEXION—DE—GÊNES[GENUA,GENOA]
18070606             * ADRIEN—FRANÇOIS Servais, BELGIEN—CELLIST und Komponist
18080606             JOSEPH—BONAPARTE
18080606             JOSEPH—BONAPARTE, der Bruder des FRANKREICH—KAISERS NAPOLEON—BONAPARTE, wird in Bayonne zum KÖNIG—VON—SPANIEN proklamiert.
18080606             —GEKOMMEN, Nachdem es —BEREITS im Mai zu Aufständen, ist, breitet sich nach seiner Proklamation der Widerstand aus.
18080606             Dieser mündet in einem dauerhaften Kleinkrieg, der die gesamte Regierungszeit Josephs überschatten wird.
18080606             1—JUNTE ESPAGNOLe déclare LA—GUERRE à NAPOLÉON
18080606             NAPOLEÓN nomme JOSEPH—ROI—DE—ESPAGNE.
18090606             Sie löst die absolutistische Verfassung von 17720000              ab.
18090606             —DECLARED, SWEDEN, independence and 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—MONARCHY was established.
18090606—19740000    —BIS, Der SCHWEDEN—REICHSTAG beschließt eine neue Verfassung, die gültig bleiben wird.
18100606             * GIUSEPPE—PIODA, SCHWEIZ—ARCHITEKT und Ingenieur
18110606             —URKUNDE—VOM, von S—CLOUD das sehr schön ausgeführte SIEGEL—DER—STADT—AACHEN, welches NAPOLÉON aus der zu den "bonnes villes"gehörenden STADT—AACHEN verlieh.
18130606             700—BRITEN besiegen im BRITISCH—USA—KRIEG in der Schlacht bei Stoney Creek in der Nähe des Ontariosees in KANADA mehr als 3000—USA—AMERIKANER.
18130606             * HERMANN—RIEDEL, DEUTSCHLAND—KANTOR, Organist und Komponist
18130606             —HALTED, THE—USA—INVASION—OF—CANADA was, at Stoney Creek, ONTARIO.
18160606             There was a 10" snowfall in New England in this "year without 1—SUMMER". The oceanographer HENRY—STOMMEL and his wife ELIZABETH described this year in their (19830000             ) book "Volcano Weather: The Story of 18160000             , The year Without 1—SUMMER".
18220606             Alexis S—MARTIN, 1—FUR trader at Fort Mackinac in THE—MICHIGAN territory, was accidentally shot in the abdomen.
18220606             —TREATED, WILLIAM—BEAUMONT, 1—USA—ARMY—ASSISTANT surgeon, the wound and S—MARTIN survived.
18220606—18250000    —IN, The stomach wound did not close and BEAUMONT undertook experiments to study the digestive system.
18250606             * IGNAZ—VINZENZ—ZINGERLE, Südtiroler Literaturwissenschaftler und Schriftsteller
18290606             * Hon'inb? Sh?saku, JAPAN—GO—SPIELER
18290606             † HENRY—DEARBORN, USA—USA—ARZT, Politiker und Offizier
18320606             † JEREMY—BENTHAM, GROSSBRITANNIEN—JURIST, Philosoph und Sozialreformer, Mitbegründer des Utilitarismus
18320606             —PRESERVED, He had his body, at THE—UNIVERSITY—COLLEGE, LONDON.
18320606             —CONSIDERED, Bentham was later, THE—FATHER—OF—UTILITARIANISM.
18320606             —ENLIGHTENED, He thought that, policymakers should seek the greatest happiness of the greatest NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE.
18340606             * Annie Adams Fields, USA—USA—SCHRIFTSTELLERIN
18350606             Der AUSTRALIEN—GESCHÄFTSMANN und Farmer JOHN—BATMAN schließt mit Stammesältesten der Aborigines den Pachtvertrag BATMAN—TREATY über Land um die Port Phillip Bay.
18350606             Der Vertrag ist das einzige Dokument für Verhandlungen europäischer Siedler über Land der Aborigines, er wird jedoch später durch den GOUVERNEUR—VON—NEW—SOUTH—WALES, RICHARD—BOURKE, für ungültig erklärt.
18360606             —NACH—DEM TOD—VON—KÖNIG—ANTON wird dessen Neffe FRIEDRICH—AUGUST—II. neuer KÖNIG—VON—SACHSEN.
18360606             † Anton, KÖNIG—VON—SACHSEN
18360606             † Luman Reed, USA—USA—UNTERNEHMER und Kunstmäzen
18370000—18650606    * † Confederate raider WILLIAM—QUANTRILL, in LOUISVILLE—KENTUCKY, from 1—SHOT in the spine he received escaping 1—UNION—PATROL—NEAR—TAYLORSVILLE—KENTUCKY.
18380606             Pfad der Tränen - USA—USA—TRUPPEN unter GENERAL—WINFIELD—SCOTT beginnen auf Basis des INDIA—REMOVAL Act mit der Vertreibung der Cherokee von ihren angestammten Gebieten und der Übersiedlung in 1—INDIANERRESERVAT im Indianerterritorium, dem heutigen OKLAHOMA.
18380606             Der Pfad der Tränen kostet rund 4000—DER 10.000—ÜBERSIEDELTEN Indianer das Leben.
18400606             * JOHN—STAINER, ENGLAND—ORGANIST und Komponist
18410606             * HEINRICH—HAUKOHL, DEUTSCHLAND—KAUFMANN und Handelsrichter
18410606             * Eliza Orzeszkowa, POLEN—SCHRIFTSTELLERIN
18470606             † BERNHARD—HIRZEL, SCHWEIZ—REFORMIERTER Theologe und Orientalist
18480606             Die Reaktion
18480606             Comité de sûreté générale
18490606             * WILLIAM—T—WATSON, USA—USA—POLITIKER
18500606             * Leberecht von Kotze, preußischer Kammerherr und Hofzeremonienmeister
18500606             * FERDINAND—BRAUN, DEUTSCHLAND—PHYSIKER, Elektrotechniker und Fernsehpionier, Nobelpreisträger
18530606             The ship Carrier Pigeon, 1—MERCHANT sailing vessel, struck 1—REEF off of Whale Point (later Pigeon Point) on its way from BOSTON to SF.
18530606             —HELPED, The wreck, prompt the erection of the Pigeon Point lighthouse in S—MATEO—COUNTY.
18590000—19160606    * † CHINA—PRESIDENT—YUAN—SHIKAI.
18610606             † Camillo Benso von Cavour, 1. PREMIERMINISTER—DES—KÖNIGREICHES—ITALIEN
18610606             —DECLARED, LINCOLN—CABINET, Union government will pay for expenses once states have mobilized volunteers.
18620606             Im USA—BÜRGERKRIEG nehmen die Truppen der Nordstaaten MEMPHIS in TENNESSEE ein.
18620606             † TURNER—ASHBY, USA—USA—OBERST
18620606             —SURRENDERED, THE—CITY—OF—MEMPHIS, to the Union Navy after 1—INTENSE—NAVAL—ENGAGEMENT on THE—MISSISSIPPI River.
18620606             —BATTLE—OF—PORT—ROYAL, SC (Port Royal Ferry).
18620606—18620704    —SEE
18620704—18620606    —SEE
18680606             * HEINRICH—HELD, DEUTSCHLAND—JOURNALIST—UND—POLITIKER, MdL, Landesminister, Ministerpräsident von BAYERN
18690606             Siegfried Wagner, GERMANY—OPERA composer, conductor, SON—OF—RICHARD—WAGNER (who composed "Siegfried Idyll" to commemorate his birth), was born.
18700606             † ANNA—SCHÖDL, böhmische Mäzenin
18720606             * Alix von HESSEN—DARMSTADT, als Gattin des Zaren NIKOLAUS—II. letzte Kaiserin von RUSSLAND
18720606             * ALEXANDRA—FJODOROVNA—ROMANOVA, the last RUSSIA—TSARINA (18940000—19180000    ).
18720606             —KILLED, ALEXANDRA—FJODOROVNA—ROMANOVA was later, with her husband by revolutionaries.
18730606             † Adalbert von Preußen, preußischer PRINZ
18750606             * THOMAS—MANN, DEUTSCHLAND—SCHRIFTSTELLER, Nobelpreisträger
18750606—19550000    * † THOMAS—MANN, GERMANY—NOVELIST and essayist, (Nobel 19290000             ).
18750606—19550000    —FORCED, THOMAS—MANN was, into exile by the Nazis.
18750606—19550000    —CONCERNED, The major PART—OF—MANN—OEUVRE is, with PROBLEMS—OF—THE—ARTIST per se, and no writer of our time and PERHAPS—OF—ANY—TIME has probed so deeply into the artistic personality or described so brilliantly the workings of artistic genius.
18750606—19550000    —INCLUDED, THOMAS—MANN—WORK, Buddenbrooks (19010000             ), Death in Venice (19120000             ), Doctor Faustus (19470000             ), and The Magic Mountain.
18750606—19550000    "Speech is civilization itself. The word, even the most contradictory word, preserves contact -- it is silence which isolates".
18750606—19950000    —IN, 2—BIOGRAPHIES of Mann were published : THOMAS—MANN: A Biography by RONALD—HAYMAN and THOMAS—MANN: A Life by DONALD—PRATER.
18780606             † Achille Baraguey d'Hilliers, FRANKREICH—GENERAL, MARSCHALL—VON—FRANKREICH
18790606             * BARTOLOMEO—BLANCHE—ESPEJO, CHILE—MILITÄR und Politiker, MINISTER, Staatspräsident
18800606             * WILLIAM—THOMAS—COSGRAVE, IRLAND—POLITIKER, Regierungschef
18801010—19660606    ELIZABETH—CHRIST—TRUMP FOUNDED the real estate development company ELIZABETH DONALD—TRUMP & Son with her son FRED—DONALD—TRUMP
18801010—19660606The company, now known as THE—TRUMP—ORGANIZATION, is currently owned and managed by her GRAND—SON, DONALD—TRUMP.
18820606             BOMBAY, sterben über 100.000—MENSCHEN, als ein tropischer Wirbelsturm über dem Arabischen Meer riesige Wellen in das Hafenbecken drückt.
18820606             * ERNST—KRIECK, DEUTSCHLAND—PÄDAGOGE und Schriftsteller
18820606             —PATENTED, An electric iron was, by HENRY—W—SEELY in NEW—YORK—CITY.
18820606             —DROWNED, Cyclone in Arabian Sea (Bombay INDIA), 100,000.
18850606             * Gid Tanner, USA—USA—MUSIKER
18850606             —PRODUCED, LEO—DELIBES' opera "Lakme" was, in PARIS.
18880606             * WALERIAN—WLADIMIROWITSCH—KUIBYSCHEW, sowjetischer Politiker
18910601—18910606    Sitz wird STUTTGART—
18920000—19760606    * † JEAN—PAUL—GETTY, USA—OIL magnate, billionaire.
18930606             * OTTO—PANKOK, DEUTSCHLAND—MALER, Zeichner und Bildhauer
18980000—19790606    * † JACK—HALEY, actor, —OF—CANCER.
19010606             * Sukarno, INDONESIEN—STAATSPRÄSIDENT
19010606—19700000    * † SUKARNO—INDONESIA—1. PRESIDENT (19490000—19660000    ), in SURABAYA, Java.
19020606             * JIMMIE—LUNCEFORD, bandleader.
19040606             —ORGANIZED, The National Tuberculosis Association was, in Atlantic CITY—NEW—JERSEY.
19060606             —SUPPORTED, Sousa, 1—BILL introduced in Congress that would have amended the Copyright Act to give copyright owners like Sousa 1—MONOPOLY over all machines CAPABLE—OF—REPRODUCING—SOUND.
19070606             Die Firma Henkel bietet mittels Anzeige in der Düsseldorfer Zeitung den Haushalten erstmals das Waschmittel Persil zum Kauf an.
19070606             Der Markenname kann allerdings —ERST rund —10—JAHRE—SPÄTER eingetragen werden.
19070606             Das Produkt wird von —ANFANG an nur im Originalkarton und nicht als lose Ware verkauft.
19070606             * BILL—DICKEY, professional baseball player.
19100609             It was found 19830606             , in Queensland.
19110606             —CREATED, THE—COMPUTING—TABULATING—RECORDING—COMPANY (CTR) was, by 1—MERGER—OF—THE Tabulating Machine Company (Herman HOLLERITH—PUNCH—CARD—COMPANY in WASHINGTON, DC), INTERNATIONAL Time Recording Company (1—TIME clock maker in NY state), Computing Scale Company (MAKER—OF—SCALES and food slicers in DAYTON—OHIO), and Bundy Manufacturing (time clock maker in Auburn, NY).
19110606—19240000    —IN, the company was renamed INTERNATIONAL—BUSINESS—MACHINES (IBM).
19120606             —BEGINNT, Mit dem Ausbruch des Novarupta in ALASKA, die größte Vulkaneruption des 19010101—20001231    —CENTURY, die —BIS zum 19120608              andauert.
19120606             —RECOGNIZED, This was —LATER, as the most powerful volcanic eruption of the 19010101—20001231  .
19120606             —LATER, This WAS—RECOGNIZED as the most powerful volcanic eruption of the 19010101—20001231  .
19120606             ALASKA, the Novarupta volcano began erupting 6—MILES from MOUNT—KATMAI.
19120606             —WITHERED, Crops, across CANADA and THE—USA—THAT—SUMMER under skies shrouded with volcanic ash.
19120606—19100610    spuckte DER—VULKAN—KATMAI in ALASKA, gut 400—KM NORD—OST—VON—DER—STADT—ANCHORAGE gelegen, Magma, Asche.
19120606—19100610    Bei dem Ausbruch schoss dreimal mehr Material in den Himmel als bei bei des PINATUBO—ERUPTION.
19120606—19100610    Bei dem VULKAN—KATMAI in ALASKA—AUSBRUCH schoss dreimal mehr Material in den Himmel als bei bei des PINATUBO—ERUPTION.
19120606—19120609    —STOPPED, When the eruption, the ash cloud had spread across SOUTH—ALASKA.
19140606             3—BIG—MOVIE—COMPANIES in LOS—ANGELES and S—FRANCISCO merged to form the Paramount Picture Corp. They included the Famous Players Co., the Master Film Co. and the Bosworth Co.
19140606             The 1. air flight OUT—OF—SIGHT—OF—LAND was made from SCOTLAND to NORWAY.
19160112—20180606    Baroness WILSON of Rievaulx;
19160606             † Yuan Shikai, CHINA—ARMEEFÜHRER, PRÄSIDENT und selbsternannter Kaiser
19170000—20080606    * † DOCTOR—PAUL—TESSIER, pioneering FRANCE—SURGEON, in PARIS.
19180606             —FEATURED, S—FRANCISCO—THE—ROYAL—THEATER, at Polk and CALIFORNIA streets, 1—DOUBLE—BILL for today and tomorrow with WILLIAM—S—HART in "The Tiger Man" and Fatty Arbuckle in "Moonshine".
19180606             —PLAYED, AL—S—JOHN and Buster Keaton, supporting roles with Arbuckle.
19180606             NORTH—FRANCE, THE—USA—MARINES—COUNTER—ATTACKED the Germans and pushed them back to the woods at Bois de Belleau.
19180606             —ENTERED, USA—MARINES, combat at THE—BATTLE—OF—BELLEAU—WOOD.
19180606             This was the 1. USA—VICTORY—OF—WW I.
19180606             —CHASED, The Americans, THE—GERMANY—FORCES out of Belleau Wood by THE—END—OF—THE—MONTH.
19180606             —BECAME, The battle, 1—DEFINING—MOMENT in —WWI.
19190606             —DECLARED, FINLAND, war on Bolsheviks.
19200606             Die einzelnen Wahlkreise mit den jeweils stärksten Parteien
19200606             Bei der Reichstagswahl 19200000             , der 1. regulären Wahl des Reichstags in der Weimarer REPUBLIK, wird die SPD stärkste Partei, jedoch verliert die sogenannte Weimarer Koalition aus den republiktragenden Parteien ihre Mehrheit.
19200606             Nachdem Ministerpräsident António MARIA—BAPTISTA überraschend nach einer Kabinettssitzung an einem Schlaganfall gestorben ist, wird JOSé Ramos Preto neuer Regierungschef Portugals.
19200606             † António MARIA—BAPTISTA, PORTUGAL—MILITÄR und Politiker, Ministerpräsident
19240000—20100606    * † ROBERT—RADNITZ, film producer, at his Malibu home.
19240606             —AM Neuen DEUTSCHLAND—THEATER in Prag wird ARNOLD—SCHÖNBERGS musikalisches Monodrama Erwartung uraufgeführt.
19240606             HÖCHST, (—HEUTE Stadtteil von FRANKFURT am Main) wird das von Architekt PETER—BEHRENS entworfene Technische Verwaltungsgebäude der Farbwerke Hoechst eingeweiht, 1—SCHLÜSSELWERK der Industriearchitektur.
19240606             —ACCEPTED, THE—GERMANY—REICHSTAG, the Dawes Plan, an USA—PLAN to help GERMANY pay off its war debts.
19250606             WALTER—PERCY—CHRYSLER, DIREKTOR—DER—MAXWELL—MOTOR—COMPANY, gründet die Chrysler Motor Cooperation.
19250606             Die Vermögenswerte von MAXWELL—CHALMERS werden in die neue Organisation eingegliedert.
19250606             * MAXINE—KUMIN, poet novelist and children's author.
19250606             —FOUNDED, WALTER—PERCY—CHRYSLER, the Chrysler Corporation.
19250606             Divisão do Partido REPUBLICANo Português no congresso.[2]
19251120             Kennedy † from 1—ASSASSIN—BULLET 19680606             , in LOS—ANGELES after proclaiming victory in CALIFORNIA—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY—PRIMARY—ELECTION.
19251120             —NAMED, The ship was, for KENNEDY—ELDEST brother, who had been killed in BATTLE—DURING—WORLD—WAR—II. Kennedy † from 1—ASSASSIN—BULLET 19680606             , in LOS—ANGELES after proclaiming victory in CALIFORNIA—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY—PRIMARY—ELECTION.
19260000—20150606    * † RONNIE—GILBERT, 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—WEAVERS folk singing group, in Mill VALLEY—CALIFORNIA Other MEMBERS—OF—THE—WEAVERS included Pete Seeger, LEE—HAYS and FRED—HELLERMAN.
19280000—19620606    * † YVES—KLEIN, FRANCE—ARTIST, of 1—HEART—ATTACK.
19300606             A CHRONICLE—UNIVERSAL talkie newsreel was shown at the Marion Davies and Embassy Theaters as well as MOTION—PICTURE—HOUSES throughout NORTH—CALIFORNIA and NEVADA.
19300606             Frozen foods were sold commercially for the 1. time.
19310000—20050606    * † ANNE—BANCROFT, film actress, in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19310606             Münchner Glaspalast
19310606             Der Münchner Glaspalast wird durch Brandstiftung 1—RAUB der Flammen.
19310606             3000—GEMÄLDE einschließlich der kompletten Werke der Sonderausstellung DEUTSCHLAND—ROMANTIKER verbrennen mit dem Ausstellungsgebäude.
19320606             —ENACTED, A—USA—FEDERAL—GAS—TAX was.
19330606             CAMDEN, (NEW—JERSEY) eröffnet das 1. Autokino.
19330606             Das Camden DRIVE—IN Theatre hat Platz für 335—KRAFTFAHRZEUGE.
19330606             —PASSED, THE—USA—CONGRESS, the National Employment Service, creating 1—NATIONAL—SYSTEM—OF—PUBLIC—EMPLOYMENT—OFFICES.
19330606             —OPENED, RICHARD—M—HOLLINGSHEAD—JUNIOR, auto products salesman, the 1. DRIVE—IN movie theater, in CAMDEN—NEW—JERSEY.
19330606             The movie shown was "Wives Beware," an Adolphe Menjou comedy previously released under the title "2—WHITE—ARMS".
19330606—19580000    —PEAKED, THE—NUMBER—OF—DRIVE—INS, at over 4,000.
19340606             * BILL—MOYERS, USA—BROADCAST journalist.
19340606             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—FRANKLIN—ROOSEVELT, the Securities Exchange Act, establishing the Securities and Exchange Commission.
19370606             —RAISED, IVAN—PAPANIN (18940000—19860000    ), the Soviet flag over THE—NORTH—POLE—1—STATION.
19370606             —FOR—234—DAYS the 4-man Papanin team carried out 1—WIDE—RANGE—OF—SCIENTIFIC—OBSERVATIONS in THE—NEAR—POLAR zone.
19380606             —RISKED, He had, his life to tend the wounded during MEXICO—REVOLUTION.
19380606—20060000    —NAMED, BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA, him 1—SAINT.
19390606             * MARIAN—WRIGHT—EDELMAN, 1. AFRICAN—USA—WOMAN to be admitted to THE—MISSISSIPPI Bar.
19390606             PENNSYLVANIA, the 1. Little League baseball game was played.
19390606             —FOUNDED, The league was, by CARL—STOTZ in Williamsport.
19390606             —BANNED, Girls were, 19510000—19740000    —FROM—TO.
19390606             * LUDOLF Kuchenbuch, in Schneidemühl, ist 1—DEUTSCHER Historiker und Jazzmusiker.
19390606—19470000    —IN, The Little League World Series began.
19410606             —AUTHORIZED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, the seizure of foreign ships in USA ports.
19420606             500—JAPAN—MARINEINFANTERISTEN gehen im Pazifikkrieg auf der USA—USA—INSEL Kiska an Land und eröffnen die Schlacht um die Aleuten.
19420606             * Norberto Rivera Carrera, MEXIKO—GEISTLICHER, ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—MEXIKO—STADT, Kardinal
19420606             The 1. nylon parachute jump was made in HARTFORD, COUNTY, by Adeline Gray.
19420606             —LANDED, JAPAN—TROOPS, on Kiska, Aleutians.
19420606             —RETREATED, JAPAN—FORCES, in the —WWII BATTLE—OF—MIDWAY.
19430525             —OCCURRED, It actually, on 19430606             —THE.
19440430—19440606    —ON, The 8. and 9. USA—ARMY—AIR—FORCES and Royal AIR—FORCE—BOMBER—COMMAND began to fly sorties into FRANCE and the Low Countries in preparation for the Allied Expeditionary Force landing.
19440606             Landung alliierter Truppen in der Normandie
19440606             Die Landung alliierter Truppen an der Atlantikküste der Normandie beginnt am so genannten D—DAY.
19440606             * EDGAR—FROESE, DEUTSCHLAND—KOMPONIST—UND—MUSIKER (Tangerine Dream), Pionier der elektronischen Musik
19440606             —RECEIVED, THEODORE—ROOSEVELT—JUNIOR, 1—CONGRESSIONAL medal of honor.
19440606             —ON D-Day BRIGADIER—GENERAL—NORMAN "Dutch" Cota was the 1. USA—GENERAL to step foot on OMAHA Beach.
19440606             Cota, assistant COMMANDER—OF—THE 29.
19440606             —SPURRED, Infantry Division, heroically, his men to cross the beach under withering GERMANY—FIRE.
19440606             He went on to lead his infantrymen across FRANCE to the Siegfried Line and in THE—BATTLE—OF—HURTGEN—FOREST and THE—BATTLE—OF—THE—BULGE.
19440606             —COMMUNICATED, Cherokee tribal members, via radios in their native language on the Normandy beaches.
19440606             —KILLED, Some 6,603 Americans were, along THE—COAST—OF—FRANCE during the D-day invasion.
19440606             † A total of 9,758 Allied soldiers, during the invasion.
19440606             —BECAME, DANNY—BROTHERIDGE, UNITED—KINGDOM—LIEUTENANT, the 1. to die during D-Day.
19440606             † Over the next 10—WEEKS—OF fighting 300,000—MEN, women and children, in Normandy.
19440606             The code name for the beach used by the Canadians for the D-day invasion of Normandy was Juno.
19440606             —BY THE—END—OF—D—DAY—156,000 Allied soldiers had come ashore on the Normandy beaches with losses of 2,500—MEN.
19440606             —ESTABLISHED, By THE—END—OF—THE—DAY, the Allies had, 1—TENUOUS beachhead that would lead to 1—OFFENSIVE that pinned Adolf HITLER—3. Reich between 2—PINCERS--THE—WEST—ALLIES and the already advancing Soviets--accelerating THE—END—OF—WWII.
19440606             A million Allied troops, under the overall COMMAND—OF—GENERAL—DWIGHT—D.—EISENHOWER, moved onto 5—NORMANDY beachheads in 3—WEEKS.
19440606             Operations "Neptune" and "Overlord" put forces on the beaches and supplies aimed at the liberation of Europe and THE—CONQUEST—OF—GERMANY.
19440606             —LANDED, Operation Overlord, 400,000 Allied American, British, and CANADA—TROOPS on the beaches of NORMANDY—FRANCE.
19440606             —LANDED, In addition, USA and UNITED—KINGDOM—AIRBORNE forces, behind THE—GERMANY—LINES and USA—ARMY—RANGERS scaled the cliffs at Pointe de Hoc.
19440606             More than 6,000 trucks of the Red Ball Express kept gasoline and other vital supplies rolling in as USA—TROOPS and tanks pushed the Germans back toward their homeland.
19440606             Rose CECIL—O'NEILL (18740000              *), illustrator, writer and creator of the Kewpie doll (19090000             ), †.
19440606             Gerrit John van de Peat (41), artist, resistance fighter, was executed.
19440606             —EXECUTED, Nazi troops, 96—PRISONERS by firing squad.
19440606             Alliierte Truppen landen in der Normandie ("D-Day")
19440606             —AM, JOHN—FORD mit seinen Leuten an OMAHA Beach landete
19440606             —AM, gelandet waren.
19440606—19940000    —IN, "D-Day" by STEPHEN—AMBROSE was published.
19440606—20090000    —AUTHORED, ANTONY—BEEVOR, "D-Day: The Battle for Normandy".
19450606             Meinoud M. Rost van Tonningen, anti Semite, NSB (19370000—19410000    ), committed suicide.
19460000—20060606    * † BILLY—PRESTON, star rock 'n' roll keyboard player, in ARIZONA.
19470606             KÖLNISCHE—RUNDSCHAU, sowie
19480223             —BEGINNT, LONDON, die —BIS zum 19480606              dauernde Sechsmächtekonferenz der 3—WESTLICHEN Besatzungsmächte und der direkt an Westdeutschland angrenzenden BENELUX—STAATEN mit dem Ziel, die Grundlage für die Beteiligung eines demokratischen Deutschlands an der Völkergemeinschaft zu schaffen.
19480223             —BEGINNT, LONDON, die —BIS zum 19480606              dauernde Sechsmächtekonferenz der 3—WESTLICHEN Besatzungsmächte und der direkt an Westdeutschland angrenzenden BENELUX—STAATEN mit dem Ziel, die Grundlage für die Beteiligung eines demokratischen Deutschlands an der Völkergemeinschaft zu schaffen.
19490606             * ROBERT—ENGLUND, actor (Freddy KREUGER—NIGHTMARE on Elm St, V).
19510606             Mit Rebecca, Hitchcocks erstem HOLLYWOOD—FILM, werden die 1. Internationalen Filmfestspiele BERLIN eröffnet.
19520606             SEE LA—VANGUARDIA—ESPANOLA—PAGE—4. and of
19520606             LA—VANGUARDIA—ESPANOLA—PAGE—4;
19540000             Analysts speculate that agent provocateurs may be using the untraceable weapons even as USA—AUTHORITIES—USE—INSURGENT—ATTACKS against civilians as EVIDENCE—OF—THE—ILLEGITIMACY—OF—THE—RESISTANCE.[/dq] [[ United Press INTERNATIONAL | 20050606              {{642723850-1851}} ]] ======
19540606             Die 1. Eurovisionssendung – eine Übertragung des Montreuxer Narzissenfestes in 7—WEITERE Länder – wird ausgestrahlt.
19560606             † Hiram Bingham, USA—USA—ARCHÄOLOGE und Forschungsreisender
19580606             Premier CHARLES—DE—GAULLE said ALGERIA will always be French.
19610606             STUTTGART, unterschreiben die Ministerpräsidenten der Länder den Staatsvertrag zur Gründung des ZDF.
19610606             SWITZERLAND—PSYCHIATRIST—CARL—GUSTAV—JUNG (18750000              *), 1—OF—THE—FOUNDERS of modern psychiatry, † in ZURICH.
19610606             "As far as we can discern, the sole PURPOSE—OF—HUMAN—EXISTENCE is to kindle 1—LIGHT in the darkness of mere being".
19610606             —PUBLISHED, FRANK—MCLYNN, "CARL—GUSTAV—JUNG, A Biography".
19610606             —EDITED, It was, by Sonu Shamdasani and duplicated JUNG—ORIGINAL manuscript, which he worked on 19140000—19300000    —FROM—TO.
19610606—19970000    —PUBLISHED, RICHARD—NOLL, "THE—ARYAN—CHRIST: The Secret Life of CARL—JUNG".
19610606—20030000    —AUTHORED, Deirdre Bair, "Jung: A Biography".
19610606—20040000    —AUTHORED, Sonu Shamdasani, "Jung and the Making of Modern Psychology".
19610606—20090000    —IN, "The Red Book" was published.
19630606             * ERIC—CANTOR, USA—USA—POLITIKER, Mitglied des Repräsentantenhauses
19630606             LA—VANGUARDIA—ESPANOLA—PAGE—44;
19640606             Mit einstweiliger Verfügung werden ALLE—RAKETENVERSUCHE im Cuxhavener Wattengebiet untersagt.
19660606             He talked about a "RIPPLE—OF—HOPE" from EVERY—SMALL—ACT against injustice.
19660606             Claus Von Bulow & Martha (Sunny) Crawford were wed.
19660606             —ANNOUNCED, NFL & AFL, their merger.
19660606             —LAUNCHED, Stokely Carmichael, the "Black Power" movement.
19660606             Black activist JAMES—MEREDITH was shot and wounded as he walked solo along 1—MISSISSIPPI highway to encourage black voter registration.
19670606             An Arab oil embargo began 1—DAY after the beginning of THE—ARAB—ISRAELI 6—DAY—WAR, with 1—JOINT—ARAB decision to deter ANY—COUNTRIES from supporting ISRAEL militarily.
19670606             ISRAEL—TROOPS broke EGYPT—MASSIVE—DEFENSES in Sinai and occupied GAZA on the 2. DAY—OF—THE—6—DAY—WAR.
19680604—19680606    —ON, Kennedy was shot the next —DAY in LA by Sirhan Sirhan and †.
19680606             ROBERT—F—KENNEDY
19680606             Der jüngere Bruder des ermordeten USA—PRÄSIDENTEN JOHN—F—KENNEDY, ROBERT—F—KENNEDY, der nach einer Karriere als Senatsjurist, Justizminister und SENATOR selbst das USA—PRÄSIDENTENAMT anstrebte, fällt in LOS—ANGELES – als aussichtsreicher Kandidat – gleichfalls einem Attentat zum Opfer.
19680606             † THEODOR—FRINGS, DEUTSCHLAND—GERMANIST und Sprachwissenschaftler
19680606             † SENATOR—ROBERT—F—KENNEDY, at Good Samaritan Hospital in LOS—ANGELES, 1—DAY after he was shot by Sirhan Bishara Sirhan.
19680606             But SHANE—O'SULLIVAN says he has evidence implicating 3—CIA—AGENTS in the murder
19680606—19690000    —AUTHORED, JACK—NEWFIELD (20040000              †), "ROBERT—KENNEDY: A Memoir".
19680606—20000000    —AUTHORED, EVAN—THOMAS, "ROBERT—KENNEDY: His Life".
19690606             —RESIGNED, JOE—NAMATH, from NFL after Pete Rozelle, football commissioner, said he must sell his stake in 1—BAR.
19690606             —CLOSED, GENERAL—FRANCO, THE—GIBRALTAR border with SPAIN.
19690606             —CLOSED, It stayed, —FOR—16—YEARS.
19690606             —STARVED, This effectively, GIBRALTAR—OF—WORKERS while depriving some 9,000 former workers of MUCH—NEEDED jobs and of 1—RIGHT to claim pensions.
19690606—19850000    —UNTIL, The frontier was not fully reopened.
19700606             LA—VANGUARDIA—ESPANOLA—PAGE—11;
19710606             BESATZUNG—DER—SOJUS 11
19710606             Initiiert von ALICE—SCHWARZER bekennen im Stern in einer Aktion für die Abschaffung des § 218—STGB 374—FRAUEN öffentlich Wir haben abgetrieben!
19710606             —GESTARTET, Das sowjetische Raumschiff Sojus 11—WIRD.
19710606             Die Besatzung kann erfolgreich an die Raumstation Saljut 1—ANKOPPELN, was bei der Sojus 10-Mission nicht gelungen war.
19710606             "ED—SULLIVAN—SHOW" made its last broadcasts on CBS—TV.
19720606             —RELEASED, DAVID—BOWIE, ENGLAND—ROCK—MUSICIAN, his album "The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars".
19720606             Shortly afterward, the naval aircraft laid strings of 30—6 1,000-pound Mark 52—MINES in the water approaches to HAIPHONG, through which MOST—OF—NORTH—VIETNAM'S imported war material and ALL—OF—ITS—FUEL—SUPPLY passed.
19720606             —KILLED, RHODESIA, (later ZIMBABWE) 418—PEOPLE were, in 1—UNDERGROUND—EXPLOSION at 1—MINE.
19750606             † HUGO—LAUNICKE, DEUTSCHLAND—PARTEIFUNKTIONÄR, Widerstandskämpfer gegen den Nationalsozialismus und Politiker
19760606             JEAN—PAUL—GETTY left $1.2—BILLION as 1—ENDOWMENT for 1—MUSEUM and art activities around the world.
19770516—19990606    —ON, 1—MONUMENT for Modibo Keita, was dedicated in BAMAKO.
19770606             —REPORTED, THE—WASHINGTON—POST, that THE—USA had developed 1—NEUTRON bomb.
19770606             —TOSSED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, out automatic death penalty laws.
19770606             —AM, fanden sich in KÖLN Günter Schlatter, Rainer Maedge, Heinz Breidenbend, KARL—HEINZ Otten, Horst BECKER, FRANZ—IRSFELD und Werner Welke zusammen, um das WILL1—EICHLER—BILDUNGSWERK (WEB) zu —GRÜNDEN.
19780606             —APPROVED, CALIFORNIA voters overwhelmingly, Proposition 13, THE—JARVIS—GANN amendment, 1—PRIMARY—BALLOT—INITIATIVE calling for major cuts in property taxes.
19780606             It cut property taxes by 57%.
19780606             It limited the taxing abilities of local governments and MANY—CITY—SERVICES were reduced as 1—RESULT.
19780606             —SHIFTED, Key fiscal responsibilities were, from counties to the state.
19780606             —CAPPED, Proposition 13, the increase in 1—HOME—TAXABLE—VALUE at 2—PERCENT 1—YEAR until it is sold.
19780606             It also limits 1—HOMEOWNERS property tax to 1—PERCENT—OF—MARKET value.
19790207—19850000    —IN, 19850606             —SEE JOSEF—MENGELE his identity was confirmed by DNA.
19790207—19850000    —IN, 19850606             —SEE his identity was confirmed by DNA.
19790606             JACK—HALEY is best known for his portrayal of the Tin Man and farmworker Hickory in The Wizard of Oz.
19801222—19510606    —DEVELOPED, He and 2—PARTNERS had, THE—CITY—OF—LAKEWOOD, NORTH—OF—LONG—BEACH—CALIFORNIA, BEN—WEINGART and his wife Stella established The B.W. Foundation as 1—NON—PROFIT—CALIFORNIA corporation.
19810320             † He was executed 19970606           .
19810320             —EXECUTED, He was, 19970606          .
19810606             INDIEN, entgleist 1—ZUG auf einer Brücke über dem BAGMATI—FLUSS.
19810606             268—MENSCHEN sterben, 300—WERDEN vermisst.
19810606             —CRASHED, BIHAR—INDIA, 1—TRAIN, after 1—BRIDGE collapsed in flash floods during the monsoon and some 400—800—PEOPLE were killed in what was reportedly world's worst train disaster.
19820606             ISRAEL—TRUPPEN dringen in den LIBANON ein, mit dem Ziel, die Infrastruktur der PALÄSTINA—BEFREIUNGSORGANISATION (PLO) zu zerstören.
19820606             —ORDERED, ISRAEL—DEFENSE—MINISTER—ARIEL—SHARON, his forces to invade SOUTH—LEBANON to drive Palestine Liberation Organization fighters OUT—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
19820606             —CONVINCED, ISRAEL—GENERAL—RAFAEL—EITAN (20040000              †) had, defense MINISTER—ARIEL—SHARON to invade SOUTH—LEBANON to clean out THE—PLO—BASES there.
19820606             A 70—DAY—SIEGE by 30,000 ISRAEL—TROOPS left up to 14,000 Lebanese and Palestinian civilians dead.
19820606             —FORMED, Islamic radicals, including Naim Qassem, Hezbollah (Hizbullah, i.e. PARTY—OF—GOD) in response to ISRAEL—ATTACK.
19820606             —FORMED, Hezbollah was, with IRAN—HELP as 1—RADICAL offshoot of Amal, 1—SHIITE Muslim movement.
19820606—19850600    —IN, The Israelis withdrew.
19820606—20050000    —AUTHORED, Naim Qassem, "Hizbullah: The Story from Within".
19830606             MAINE resident Kitty Wardwell (29) was reportedly last seen by her boyfriend, FRANCIS—JULIAN.
19830606             1. Session of 6. National PEOPLE—CONGRESS opened.
19830606             —ELECTED, The Congress, Li Xiannian as PRESIDENT and Deng Xiaoping as SUPREME—COMMANDER—OF—CHINA.
19830606—19830711    —ON, A friend reported her missing.
19830606—20110000    —RENTED, Julian (80) † and 1—STORAGE—UNIT, in his name was found to contain WARDWELL—BODY.
19840606             Die 1. spielbare VERSION—VON—TETRIS wurde fertiggestellt.
19840606             —STORMED, INDIA, government forces, the Golden Temple in AMRITSAR in 1—EFFORT to crush Sikh extremists.
19840606             —KILLED, At least 1,000 Sikhs and 200—SOLDIERS were.
19840606—20140204    —ACKNOWLEDGED, BRITAIN, that it had played 1—ADVISORY—ROLE to INDIA—GOVERNMENT in the attack.
19850606             Im BRASILIEN—EMBU wird das Grab von WOLFGANG—GERHARD geöffnet.
19850606             Die exhumierten Gebeine werden später als jene des gesuchten KZ—ARZTES JOSEF—MENGELE identifiziert.
19850606             —EXHUMED, Authorities in BRAZIL, 1—BODY later identified as THE—REMAINS—OF—DOCTOR—JOSEF—MENGELE, the notorious "ANGEL—OF—DEATH" of the Nazi Holocaust near Sao PAOLO—BRAZIL.
19860000             (38-9) Nation 19870606              (763) Nation 19900402              (451) NEW—YORK—TIMES 19980323              (A1, 12) Parapolitics/USA 19810530              (14) Parenti,M. Dirty Truths.
19860606             EINIGE—WOCHEN nach der Nuklearkatastrophe von Tschernobyl wird das DEUTSCHLAND—BUNDESUMWELTMINISTERIUM eingerichtet.
19860606             —OPENED, Ronn Teitelbaum (20000000              † age 61), his JOHNNY—ROCKETS—RESTAURANT on Melrose Ave. in LOS—ANGELES.
19860606—20000000    —IN, it had grown to 138—OUTLETS in 25—STATES.
19870606             PRESIDENT—REAGAN met with JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA at THE—VATICAN.
19870606             —PLACED, Alysheba, winner of THE—KENTUCKY DERBY and the Preakness, 4. at the Belmont Stakes, losing to Bet Twice.
19870606             TAGES—ZEITUNG
19880606             NEW—YORK—CITY, 2—LARGE snapping turtles were found in a Bronx sewage plant.
19880606—19860000    —INVOLVED, MORTON—THIOKOL—INCORPORATED, which built the booster rocket, in the Challenger explosion, announced it would not bid to build the next GENERATION—OF—ROCKET—MOTORS for the nation's manned space shuttles.
19890606             Ajatollah Sayyid ALI—CHAMENE'I wird Staatsoberhaupt in IRAN auf unbestimmte Zeit.
19890606             —ELECTED, WASHINGTON, DC, THOMAS—FOLEY was, the 49.
19900606             SUSANNE—ALBRECHT wird – als 1. der ausgestiegenen und mit neuer Identität in der DDR lebenden RAF—TERRORISTEN – in OST—BERLIN festgenommen.
19900606             A federal judge in FORT—LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA, declared THE—2—LIVE—CREW album "As Nasty As They Wanna Be" to be obscene.
19900606             —OVERTURNED, The decision was later, on appeal.
19910606             † Stan Getz (b. 19280000             ), jazz saxophonist, in CALIFORNIA, at age 64.
19910606             † SYLVIA—PORTER, 77—JAHRE—ALT, economist, author (Money Book).
19910606             —ISSUED, NATO, 1—STATEMENT saying it would not accept any "coercion or intimidation" against the emerging DEMOCRACIES—OF—EAST—EUROPE.
19910606—19960000    —IN, His biography, "Stan Getz" by DONALD—MAGGIN, was published.
19920606             A.P. Indy won the 124. running of the Belmont Stakes.
19930606             —BEGINNT, BERLIN, die —BIS zum 19930611              dauernde 9. WELT—AIDS—KONFERENZ mit etwa 14.000—TEILNEHMERN.
19930606             At THE—TONY—AWARDS, "Kiss of the Spider Woman" won best musical;
19930606             "Angels in America: Millennium Approaches," won best play.
19930606             The freighter Golden Venture, a 150—FOOT—CARGO—VESSEL carrying illegal immigrants from Fujian Province on THE—SOUTH—COAST—OF—CHINA ran aground in NEW—YORK harbor.
19930606             —DROWNED, It carried 286—ILLEGAL—CHINA—PASSENGERS, 10—OF—WHOM, while trying to swim ashore.
19930606             —KILLED, The Armed forces of LIBERIA (AFL), some 600—REFUGEES at Harbel.
19930606—19970000    —EXTRADITED, LEE—PENG—FEI, 47—JAHRE—ALT was, from THAILAND for running the immigrant smuggling ring that was responsible.
19930606—20000000    —ARRESTED, HONG—KONG police, Cheng Chui Ping for her role in the operation.
19930606—20010000    —IN, A TV Dateline special was presented.
19930606—20050000    —IN, gangster Ah Kay turned government witness in the federal trial of Cheng Chui Ping, the reputed MASTERMIND—OF—THE—SMUGGLING—ATTEMPT.
19940606             Die 1. Sendung der Talkshow Arabella auf dem Fernsehsender ProSieben wird ausgestrahlt.
19940606             Das Format hält sich 10—JAHRE.
19940606             1—ERDBEBEN der Stärke 6,8 in KOLUMBIEN verursacht den Tod von 795—MENSCHEN.
19940606             1—TUPOLEW—TU 154—DER CHINA NORTH—WEST—AIRLINES stürzt 10—MINUTEN —NACH—DEM Start in Xi'an ab.
19940606             Alle 160—MENSCHEN an Bord sterben.
19940606             —JOINED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, leaders from AMERICA—WWII allies to mark the 50.
19940606             A CHINA NORTH—WEST—AIRLINES Tu-154 on 1—FLIGHT from XIAN to GUANGZHOU crashed —10—MINUTES—AFTER takeoff, and killed all 160—ONBOARD.
19940606             A 6.0—EARTHQUAKE and avalanche destroyed TOEZ—COLOMBIA.
19940606             —KILLED, Some 1000—PEOPLE were.
19940606             The earthquake hit THE—SOUTH—STATE—OF—CAUCA.
19950606             —LAUNCHED, NATO, 2—AIR raids against 1—AMMUNITION dump in SERB—HELD central Bosnia.
19950606             —TOUCHED, The air strikes, off 1—CRISES in which [270] 350—UN—PEACEKEEPERS were taken hostage by BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—SERBS.
19950606             —SEIZED, SERBIA—FORCES, 270—UN—PEACEKEEPERS, shackled them to potential targets, and ordered them to plead on camera for THE—NATO air attacks to stop.
19950606             —IMPROVED, Serbia, its relations with the West by helping to arrange THE—RELEASE—OF—THE—HOSTAGES.
19960606             —REJECTED, The Senate narrowly, 1 balanced budget amendment to the Constitution as outgoing Majority Leader BOB—DOLE and the Democrats clashed over deficit reduction.
19960606             —BECAME, S—FRANCISCO, the 1. city in the nation to sue the tobacco industry.
19960606             John A MacLachlan of Tulane Univ. led 1—STUDY that showed that when pesticides are combined, their potency may be increased a 1,000 times.
19960606             The study was to be published in the journal Science.
19960606             —TRIMMED, Central Banks in BRITAIN, FRANCE and DENMARK, key interest rates.
19960606             —APPEALED, THE—UN, for contributions to N. KOREA because of torrential rains that that have wiped out crops and left half-a-million people homeless.
19960606             —BANNED, The military REGIME—OF—BURMA, the weekly meetings at THE—HOUSE—OF—AUNG—S—SUU—KYI.
19960606             —AGREED, CHINA, conditionally to 1—BAN on the use of nuclear explosions for civilian projects.
19960606             —ANNOUNCED, CUBA, plans to create free trade zones on the island.
19960606             More than 70—ERITREANS, Ethiopians, and Sudanese were killed when their ship caught fire near Dahlak Island off the Red Sea coast trying to slip into SAUDI—ARABIA from ERITREA.
19960606             33 survived and were admitted to hospitals in Massawa.
19960606             —ORDERED, Yeltsin, THE—RUSSIA—CENTRAL—BANK to transfer $1—BILLION to the federal budget to fulfill campaign promises to teachers, doctors, and the military.
19960606—19960402    —SINCE, 1—FAMILY—OF—4—BECAME the 1. persons to leave the Freemen ranch in MONTANA children, their mother and COMMON—LAW—HUSBAND.
19970606             —PLEADED, TIMOTHY—MCVEIGH—LAWYER, with 1—JURY to spare the life of the convicted OKLAHOMA City bomber, holding up his dress uniform and portraying him as 1—MODEL—SOLDIER deeply disturbed by his government's role in the disaster at WACO—TEXAS.
19970606             —AUTOMATED, ERIC—LYONS and ERIC—GULLICHSEN went live with 1, web site that allowed people to register Web sites with the.to domain, THE—COUNTRY—CODE—LETTERS—OF—TONGA.
19980606             —AM 1. "Sozialen —TAG" von Schüler Helfen Leben tauschen 35.000—SCHÜLER in SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN ihre Schulbank gegen einen bezahlten Job und spenden umgerechnet rund 920.000—EURO für mildtätige Zwecke.
19980606             —ANNOUNCED, BOSTON, Cardinal BERNARD—LAW, that he defrocked retired priest, JOHN—GEOGHAN, who was accused of sexually molesting more than 50—CHILDREN over 3—DECADES.
19980606             The church had already paid millions to settle claims brought by dozens of alleged victims.
19980606             —SENTENCED, Geoghan was, 9—10—YEARS in prison for molesting a 10—YEAR—OLD—BOY.
19980606             "Real Quiet" was denied horse racing's Triple Crown as "VICTORY—GALLOP" won the Belmont Stakes by 1—NOSE.
19980606             —BURNED, Fires in EAST—CENTRAL—FLORIDA, 1,700 wooded acres near Palm Coast and 1,200 acres in Seminole County.
19980606             † INDIA reported that 1,359—PEOPLE had over the past 3—WEEKS due to the severe heat wave.
19980606             —RAISED, The death toll was, to 2,500.
19980606             —DEMANDED, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL, in 1—UNANIMOUS—VOTE that INDIA and PAKISTAN refrain from further nuclear tests and sign nuclear control agreements.
19980606             A strike by THE—PHILIPPINES—AIRLINE—WORKERS abruptly grounded all flights in THE—PHILIPPINES—ISLANDS.
19980606—19920000    —IN, was convicted for fondling 1—BOY.
19980606—20020000    —IN, Geoghan went on trial and
19990606             At THE—TONY—AWARDS, ARTHUR—MILLER'S "DEATH—OF—1—SALESMAN" was named best revival;
19990606             "Side Man" won best play; "Fosse" was awarded best musical.
19990606             In tennis, ANDRE—AGASSI won THE—FRANCE—OPEN, defeating ANDREI—MEDVEDEV 1-6, 2-6, 6-4, 6-3, 6-4.
19990606             In golf, Juli Inkster shot 1—FINAL—ROUND 1-under 71 for a 16-under 272—TOTAL to win THE—USA—WOMEN—OPEN.
19990606             —LANDED, The Shuttle Discover, at Kennedy Space Center just after 2 a.m. following a 10—DAY—MISSION and the 1. docking with the new INTERNATIONAL space station.
19990606             The Worm Explore.Zip virus was 1. detected in ISRAEL.
19990606             —DISGUISED, The virus was, as 1—E—MAIL attachment and destroyed files when opened.
19990606             —FAILED, NATO officials, to reach 1—AGREEMENT with YUGOSLAVIA—MILITARY—OFFICERS on withdrawal plans from Kosovo.
19990606             NATO said that YUGOSLAVIA—ARMY—TROOPS and police had gone on 1—LOOTING—SPREE in PRISTINA and PRIZREN.
19990606             —DECLARED, ALGERIA, the Islamic Salvation Army (AIS), 1—END to their guerrilla struggle.
19990606             —RALLIED, COLOMBIA, 150,000—PEOPLE, in CALI to protest the kidnapping or churchgoers by leftist rebels.
19990606             —RESUMED, INDIA, air strikes in Kashmir as troops pushed back guerrillas occupying disputed territory.
19990606             IRAQ, USA and UNITED—KINGDOM—WARPLANES struck military facilities after being fired on in THE—NO—FLY ZONE—OF—SOUTH—IRAQ.
19990606—19970000    —SINCE, The 2,000 member group had been observing 1—CEASE—FIRE.
20000606             —OPENED, NEW—ORLEANS, the National D-Day Museum, on the 56.
20000606             ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—ALLIED landing to liberate Europe from Nazi terror.
20000606             —AGREED, Unilever, to buy Bestfoods for $20.3—BILLION in 1—DEAL creating the world's biggest food company.
20000606             —APPROVED, The World Bank, a $3.7—BILLION oil well and pipeline project led by Exxon and MOBILE to link oil fields in CHAD across 663—MILES to the Atlantic COAST—OF—CAMEROON.
20000606             UNIVERSITY—NEGOTIATOR for Unions to Resign
200006060000 in The Crimson
20000900—20030606    —HEUTE—BIS die anhaltende Intifada
20000900—20030606    —HEUTE—BIS Intifada auslöste ARIEL—SCHARON Tempelberg Besuch
20010606             CARLOS—MENEM als PRÄSIDENT
20010606             ARGENTINIEN, wird der ehemalige PRÄSIDENT—CARLOS—SAÚL—MENEM festgenommen.
20010606             Er steht im Verdacht des Waffenhandels mit KROATIEN und ECUADOR während seiner Amtszeit.
20010606             —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, plans to restart negotiations with NORTH—KOREA on issues ranging from missile production to border soldier deployment.
20010606             —ASSUMED, Democrats formally, CONTROL—OF—THE—USA—SENATE;
20010606             the unprecedented shift in power came about after the decision of VERMONT Republican JAMES—JEFFORDS to become 1—INDEPENDENT.
20010606             A jury in LOS—ANGELES awarded more than $3—BILLION to lifelong smoker RICHARD—BOEKEN, deciding that tobacco giant PHILIP—MORRIS was responsible for his incurable lung cancer.
20010606             —REDUCED, The jury award was, by 1—SUPERIOR—COURT—JUDGE to $100—MILLION, then cut to $50—MILLION by 1—APPEALS—COURT;
20010606             A report by the National ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES concluded that industrial greenhouse gases would likely raise temperatures 2.5-10.4—DEGREES—FAHRENHEIT before THE—END—OF—THE—CENTURY.
20010606             —ANNOUNCED, Pfizer, that it would distribute Diflucan, 1—TREATMENT for cryptococcal meningitis, for free to AIDS patients in 50—OF—THE—WORLD—LEAST developed countries.
20010606             —CONTINUED, In THE—CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC—FIGHTING, in BANGUI and some 50,000 civilians had fled to the forests.
20010606             —FEARED, Food was scarce and disease outbreaks were.
20010606             —THREATENED, MACEDONIA, the government, to declare 1—STATE—OF—WAR after 5—SOLDIERS were killed in 1—ATTACK by ethnic ALBANIA—REBELS.
20010606             —APPROVED, RUSSIA, lawmakers, a plan for storing nuclear waste in Siberia to earn an estimated $20—BILLION over 10—YEARS.
20010606             —ATTACKED, RWANDA, government troops, Hutu militiamen crossing into the country from CONGO and 150 were killed.
20010606—20020000    —IN, Boeken †.
20010606—20060300    —REFUSED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, to consider tossing out the award altogether;
20010813             —FROM 1—INTERVIEW printed in THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, 20010606              :
20020606             —PROPOSED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, 1—NEW—CABINET—DEPARTMENT for domestic security.
20020606             THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY would operate on a $37.5—BILLION budget and have 169,154 employees.
20020606             —RECOGNIZED, THE—USA, RUSSIA as 1—MARKET—ECONOMY.
20020606             † HONDURASJORGE—LUIS—CACERES was killed.
20020606             —PICKED, He had been, up for questioning by men in ski masks and was found riddled with 36—GUNSHOTS the next day.
20020606             Local police CHIEF—JUAN—CARLOS—BONILLA—VALLADARES was reportedly at THE—SCENE—OF—THE—ABDUCTION.
20020606             —ATTACKED, ISRAEL—FORCES, Yasser ARAFAT—COMPOUND in Ramallah in response to 1—PALESTINIAN suicide attack on 1—BUS that killed 17—ISRAELIS.
20020606             2—PALESTINIANS were reported killed.
20020606             —KILLED, UGANDA—TROOPS, 67—REBELS in 1—BATTLE inside SOUTH—SUDAN as PART—OF—1—CONTINUING—OFFENSIVE to wipe out the 15-year old rebel group.
20020606             Agenda 21, Nachrichten, Tag: USA—VIZEAUßENMINISTER Armitage zeigte sich nach einem Treffen mit Pakistans Präsident Musharraf dennoch "sehr ermutigt".
20020606             Musharraf habe ihm versichert...
20020606             USA—VIZEAUßENMINISTER zu Gesprächen in ISLAMABAD: Indischer Angriff...
20020606             USA—VIZEAUßENMINISTER Armitage verlangt Verzicht auf Krieg.
20020606             Der stellvertretende USA—AUßENMINISTER RICHARD—ARMITAGE hat von Indien den Verzicht auf einen.
20020606             Keine Zusage zur Führung des Marineverbandes am Horn: Scharping...
20020606             Keine Zusage zur Führung des Marineverbandes am Horn: Scharping traf USA—VIZEAUßENMINISTER Armitage.
20020606             Bundesverteidigungsminister Rudolf Scharping ist am.
20020606             RICHARD—ARMITAGE zu Irak: "Ziemlich nahe am Krieg" [Archiv...
20020606             "Wir sind in einen Aufstand VERWICKELT—UND das ist ziemlich nahe an einem Krieg", sagte USA—VIZEAUßENMINISTER RICHARD—ARMITAGE in Bagdad.
20020606             "Ich würde nicht vorschlagen, dass irgendeine Versicherung ihm...
20020606             Die USA—REGIERUNG sei gegen 1—AUSWEISUNG oder Tötung Arafats, sagte der USA—VIZEAUßENMINISTER RICHARD—ARMITAGE am —FREITAG.
20020606             Dies habe sie der israelischen.
20020606             Bei der Tagung der NATO—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTER ergänzte er:
20020606             "Die einzige Verteidigung (gegen Terrorismus — die Red.) besteht darin, die globalen Netzwerke ausfindig zu machen und mit ihnen so umzugehen, wie es die USA in AFGHANISTAN taten".
20021013             —INCLUDED, His books, "D-Day 19440606             : The Climactic BATTLE—OF—WORLD—WAR—II."
20030325             Bilderberg conference 20040000              - STRESA—ITALY 3-20040606—20500606    ....
20030606             A federal appeals court ruled that cell phone users can keep their telephone numbers when they change their phone companies.
20030606             —REPORTED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, the unemployment rate had hit a 9—YEAR—HIGH—OF—6.1—PERCENT the previous month.
20030606             —PLUNGED, CALIFORNIA, 1—SMALL—PLANE, into 1—APARTMENT building near HOLLYWOOD, sending THE—3—STORY—STRUCTURE into flames within minutes and killing at least 2—PEOPLE.
20030606             —BECAME, CHILE, the 1. SOUTH—USA—COUNTRY to sign 1—FREE—TRADE—AGREEMENT with THE—USA.
20030606             SOUTH—CHINA, 1—COACH—BUS drove off 1—HIGHWAY and plunged into 1—RIVER, killing 12—PEOPLE.
20030606             —DISRUPTED, FRANCE—STRIKERS, train and bus service and sanitation workers dumped garbage in the street in the 4. DAY—OF—1—NATIONWIDE protest against government plans to reform pensions.
20030606             —ARRIVED, Monsoon rains, in INDIA—NORTHEAST, bringing hope for relief from 1—GRUELING—HEAT—WAVE that has killed nearly 1,400—PEOPLE nationwide in the past 3—WEEKS.
20030606             An IRAQ—PRISONER, 52—JAHRE—ALT—OF—WAR was found dead at 1—CAMP—RUN by the 1. Marine Division near Nasiriyah.
20030606             —FOLLOWED, BALASTRERA—MEXICO, 1—LANDSLIDE, by the blast of 1 ruptured gas pipeline hit 1—TRUCK—STOP town between MEXICO—CITY and VERACRUZ.
20030606             15—PEOPLE were missing from the area.
20030606             THE—NETHERLANDS said it will send 1,100 peacekeepers to SOUTH—IRAQ to join THE—BRITISH—LED multinational stabilization force.
20030606             —CRASHED, SOUTH—NEW—ZEALAND, 1—TWIN—ENGINE—PLANE, in dense fog, killing 8—PEOPLE and injuring 2—OTHERS.
20030606             —APPROVED, RUSSIA—PARLIAMENT, 1—AMNESTY for Chechen rebels who agree to disarm.
20030606             —PRESENTED, PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, the move as 1—MAJOR—STEP toward peace.
20030606             —CAUSED, The blast was, by 1—MISSILE that blew up in the Beir Ahmed district of the southern port CITY—OF—ADEN.
20030606             —ARRESTED, ZIMBABWE police, MORGAN—TSVANGIRAI, the main opposition leader, and charged him with treason as HUNDREDS—OF—SECURITY—FORCES took CONTROL—OF—THE—STREETS.
20030606             -—8—WEEKS—BEFORE it happens, FTW EDITOR—MIKE—RUPPERT, while speaking at 1—ECONOMIC—CONFERENCE in MEXICO predicts 1—MASSIVE—USA—POWER—BLACKOUT that will ultimately be shown to be THE—RESULT—OF—1—IRREVERSIBLE—NATURAL—GAS—SHORTAGE throughout NORTH—AMERICA.
20030606             —CONCERNED, Press Enterprise, "Norco residents, over Wyle Laboratories "...
20030606             World Prout Assembly: Officials Probing Possible THEFT—OF—VOTING...
20030606             A Ciber INCORPORATED spokeswoman said the disks had not come from Ciber + Wyle Laboratories INCORPORATED said it was not missing ANY—DISKS.
20030606             "Snap! Reporter"HTML—VERSIE
20030606             exposure to depleted URANIUM—OF—USA—SOLDIERS—OF—THE—GULF—WAR + the mechanism of... has received funding related to lead from Wyle Laboratories (a...
20030606             Welcome to PIXS--The Preaward Information Exchange System... + Recycle Depleted URANIUM—SOLICITATION—NUMBER: FA8601-06-T-0021 ...
20030606             2—MONTH—EXTENSION—OF—CONTRACT—F33601—99—D—J013 with Wyle Laboratories...
20030606             PTSSRMT Cumulative INDEX—OF—AUTHORS... for Radioactive Materials Transport Packages ( Wyle LABORATORIES—USA )...
20030606             INITIATION—OF—DEPLETED uranium oxide and spent fuel testing for the spent...
20030606             Health Physics Education Reference Book 20050000—20060000     HTML—VERSIE
20030606             Exposure Assessment and BIOKINETICS—OF—DEPLETED Uranium... - Agency: Wyle Laboratories.
20030606             Type: Research Contract.
20030606—20031008    —STATIONED, Marine reservists, at Camp Pendleton were charged in connection with his death.
20030606—20080000    THROUGH, Already THE—HOLDER—OF—USA—RIGHTS to the Olympics, NBC secured the contracts for 20100000             —THE and 20120000              games for $2.2—BILLION.
20040603—20040606    STRESA,ITALY 50. Bilderberg conference
20040603—20040606    STRESA,ITALY 50.
20040603—20040606    Bilderberg conference
20040603—20040606    - 50....
20040604—20040606    THE—SHANGRI—LA Dialogue, 1—REGIONAL—SECURITY conference, was held in SINGAPORE.
20040604—20040606    —ORGANIZED, It was, by THE—LONDON—BASED INTERNATIONAL—INSTITUTE for Strategic Studies.
20040606             —ISSUED, Oracle, a $5.1—BILLION hostile takeover bid for PeopleSoft at $16—PER share.
20040606             In the 58. annual TONY—AWARDS "Avenue Q" won for best Broadway musical.
20040606             "I—AM—MY—OWN—WIFE" was named best play;
20040606             —STARRED, Phylicia Rashad, who, in 1—REVIVAL of "A Raisin in the Sun," became the 1. black actress to win 1—TONY for 1—LEADING—DRAMATIC—ROLE.
20040606             World leaders, including PRESIDENT—BUSH and FRANCE—PRESIDENT—JACQUES—CHIRAC put aside their differences to commemorate the D-Day invasion that broke Nazi GERMANY—GRIP on continental Europe.
20040606             —AMBUSHED, EAST—CONGO, insurgents, A—UNITED—NATIONS—CONVOY, killing 2—SOUTH—AFRICAN—PEACEKEEPERS and wounding 9—OTHERS in continuing.
20040606             A car bomb exploded near the gate to 1—USA—RUN—BASE—NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD, killing 6—PEOPLE and injuring 20—OTHERS.
20040606             —AMBUSHED, Assailants, 1—CONVOY—OF—SECURITY—CONTRACTORS traveling to BAGHDAD—AIRPORT, killing 2—AMERICANS and 2—POLES working for A—USA—SECURITY—COMPANY.
20040606             THE—USA—MILITARY—FREE—320—PRISONERS at ABU—GHRAIB leaving some 3,100.
20040606             —KILLED, Attacks over the last 24—HOURS, at least 21—PEOPLE.
20040606             —DECLARED, Ariel SHARON—CABINET, its intent to remove 21—JEWISH—SETTLEMENTS in THE—GAZA strip plus 4 in THE—WEST—BANK.
20040606             —SENTENCED, An ISRAEL—COURT, Palestinian leader MARWAN—BARGHOUTI to 5—CONSECUTIVE life terms and 40—YEARS for his role in attacks that killed 4—ISRAELIS and 1—GREECE—MONK.
20040606             SAUDI—ARABIA, SIMON—CUMBERS, 36—JAHRE—ALT, an IRELAND—CAMERAMAN working for THE—BBC, was killed in 1—SHOOTING in RIYADH.
20040606             —PARALYZED, BBC correspondent FRANK—GARDNER was left.
20040606             WWII. is generally known as "the good war":
20040606             Profits über Alles! USA—CORPORATIONS and Hitler, R. Pauwels,
20040606             Though America has had 43—PRESIDENTS so far, only 1—HANDFUL can rightfully claim to have an "age" or "era" named after them: Jefferson.
20040606             JACKSON.
20040606—20140000    —IN, 8—MEN, part of an 86-member terrorist cell, were found GUILTY—OF—ATTACKS against foreigners that included Cumbers and Gardner.
20040719—20050606    —SENTENCED, MARK—HACKING was, 6—YEARS to life in prison, the maximum the judge could give under UTAH law.
20040720             As momentum builds for massive protests against THE—DESCENT—OF—THE—WORLD—LARGEST biotech + pharmaceutical convention in S—FRANCISCO, 20040606—20040609     + the
200410060611         Bush Years 3 and 4
20050113             Heretical Librarian: 20040606—20040612
20050121             —FROM :: The Nation; Date:: 19870606           .
20050311             Sentença de 19950606              - Tribunal Administrativo do Círculo... Marjolein Wilemina de Vitta Muller Massis, identificada nos autos, veio interpôr recurso da deliberação da Câmara Municipal de Monchique (CMM) de 19890308             ...
20050327             RFA #'s 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 37: Miscellaneous Archive Shows M-3, M-20, M-22, M-25, M-29, M-37, M-38, M-56, M-59, M-60, as well as FTR #'s 8,19, 46, 47, 54, 62, 63, 71, 72, 76, 99, 102, 104, 110, 111, 114, 115, 116, 120, 121, 125, 145, 152, 155 .) (Recorded 19990606             —ON.)
20050406             Testimony was heard from the —FOLLOWING OFFICIALS—OF—THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE : DALE—KLEIN, Assistant to THE—SECRETARY (Nuclear, Chemical and Biological.. 20070606              SurfWax: News, Reviews and Articles On PRINCE
20050406—20070606    SurfWax: News, Reviews and Articles On PRINCE
20050606             —BEKANNT, Apple gibt, in Zukunft in Macs nicht mehr PowerPC Prozessoren von IBM, sondern INTEL—PROZESSOREN einbauen zu wollen.
20050606             20030502 EDWARD—BECKER—FINEST—LIVING—JUDGE—IN—THE—USA... aholic Becker studied THE—SENTENCING—OF—ALL—31—CONVICTED Watergate defendants and of... judge" moniker to his friend and colleague ANTHONY—SCIRICA, Becker glanced...
20050606             In the early hours of 20050513             , gunmen stormed the prison releasing the accused and all other inmates.
20050606             —RULED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, 6—TO—3—THAT—PEOPLE who smoke marijuana because their doctors recommend it to ease pain can be prosecuted for violating federal drug laws.
20050606             —ARRESTED, Actor RUSSELL—CROWE was, for throwing 1—PHONE that hit 1—HOTEL—EMPLOYEE in NEW—YORK City;
20050606             he later pleaded guilty to 3.—DEGREE assault.
20050606             —REPORTED, Scientists, success with monkeys in using vaccines to fend off the Ebola and Marburg viruses.
20050606             —CONFIRMED, Apple Corp., plans to switch to Intel Corp. microprocessors.
20050606             IBM and Ecole Polytechnique of LAUSANNE, Switz., announced 1—PARTNERSHIP to begin building 1—COMPUTER—MODEL—OF—THE—HUMAN—BRAIN.
20050606             PropLogis, the largest real estate investment trust in THE—USA, announced that it will buy SF developer Catellus Corp. for $4.9—BILLION.
20050606             —ANNOUNCED, WASHINGTON Mutual, that it will take over Providian Financial in 1—DEAL valued at $6.45—BILLION.
20050606             ANNE—BANCROFT won 19620000             —THE—BEST—ACTRESS Oscar as the teacher of 1—YOUNG—HELEN Keller in "The Miracle Worker," but achieved greater fame as the seductive MISTER—S—ROBINSON in "The Graduate".
20050606             † DANA—ELCAR, 77—JAHRE—ALT, film and TV actor (MacGyver), in CALIFORNIA.
20050606             —REPORTED, It was, that the rate of rural suicide in AUSTRALIA is among the highest in the world as farmers BATTLE—THE—STRESS—OF—YEARS—OF—DROUGHT, failed crops, mounting debt and slowly decaying towns.
20050606             PRESIDENT—CARLOS—MESA, his 19—MONTH—OLD—GOVERNMENT unraveling amid swelling street protests and 1—CRIPPLING BLOCKADE—OF—THE—BOLIVIA—CAPITAL, announced his resignation in 1—NATIONALLY televised address.
20050606             CHECHNYA—MOSCOW—BACKED—PRESIDENT—ALU—ALKHANOV said RUSSIA—MILITARY—FORCES carry out up to 10—PERCENT of the kidnappings that occur in turbulent Chechnya.
20050606             —KILLED, ETHIOPIA, 1—GIRL was, and 7—PEOPLE were wounded in violence over disputed election results that gave the ruling party CONTROL—OF—PARLIAMENT.
20050606             —ISSUED, KYRGYZSTAN, 1—ARREST—WARRANT was, for FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—NIKOLAI—TANAYEV, accused of illegally transferring about $1—MILLION in state funds to 1—PRIVATE—CONSTRUCTION—COMPANY—RUN by his son.
20050606             A request for TANAYEV—EXTRADITION was sent to MOSCOW.
20050606             —KILLED, SOUTH—NEPAL, at least 37—PEOPLE were, and dozens more wounded when 1 crowded bus detonated 1—LAND—MINE planted by suspected communist rebels.
20050606             —ANNOUNCED, THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT at the Hague formally, the opening of 1—WAR—CRIMES—INVESTIGATION in SUDAN—DARFUR region after receiving 1—LIST—OF—51—POTENTIAL—SUSPECTS from UN.
20050606             NIXON—SHAMING for the Watergate scandal, far from being 1—TRIUMPH for the free media and democratic accountability, was rather like THE—CONVICTION—OF—MAFIA Godfather AL—CAPONE for
20050606             tax evasion.
20050606             He was guilty, but that was hardly the point.
20050606             In fact, if we're to take ALL—OF—NIXON—REAL—CRIMES into account, the contrast between these and the Watergate scandal stands as 1—POTENT—SYMBOL—OF—HOW western democracies routinely allow criminals in high office to go entirely unmolested.
20050606             Dissapearing Arctic Lakes Linked To Climate Change:
20050606             "This is the 1. paper that demonstrates that the changes we are seeing in Alaskan lakes in response to 1—WARMING—CLIMATE is also occurring in Siberia,"
20050606             MAJORITY—OF—STATES pressing for taxing all Internet sales : 43—STATES have joined together in a coalition to collect sales tax on all Internet purchases.
20050606             Richest getting even richer : The people at THE—TOP—OF—AMERICA—MONEY—PYRAMID have so prospered in recent years that they have pulled far AHEAD—OF—THE—REST—OF—THE—POPULATION, 1—ANALYSIS—OF—TAX—RECORDS and other government data by THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES shows.
20050606             They have even left behind people making HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—DOLLARS 1—YEAR.
20050606             COURT—SAYS—GOVERNMENT—CAN—PROSECUTE—MEDICAL—MARIJUANA—PATIENTS : Federal authorities may prosecute sick people whose doctors prescribe marijuana to ease pain, THE—SUPREME—COURT ruled —MONDAY,
20050606             Animal rights activists face trial under terror law:
20050606             NEW—JERSEY is using an ANTI—TERRORISM—LAW for the 1. time to try 6—ANIMAL—RIGHTS—ACTIVISTS charged with harassing and vandalizing 1—COMPANY that made USE—OF—ANIMALS to test its drugs
20050606             BILL—MOYERS: THE—MUGGING—OF—THE—AMERICAN—DREAM : WASHINGTON is 1 divided city -- not between north and south as in LINCOLN—TIME, but between those who can buy all the government they want + those who can't even afford 1—SEAT in the bleachers.
20050606             —TARGETED, Republican assault on public broadcasting, liberal commentator BILL—MOYERS : THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY thought police encounter no serious resistance from the Democrats or the media establishment.
20050606             —UNDISCOVERED, THE—MUNICH Post: its, effects on Hitler:
20050606             Protesters to Hitler fought with their hearts and jeopardized their freedom and lives hoping the world would listen.
20050606             —FACED, They, imprisonment and death, trying
20050606             unsuccessfully to warn the world about the man who embodied evil, Adolf Hitler.
20050606             Schwarzenegger Donors Rewarded With Access : Top contributors to GOVERNOR—ARNOLD—SCHWARZENEGGER have been rewarded with 1—PRIVATE—TELEPHONE—NUMBER that gives them access to his closest advisers - + even to THE—GOVERNOR himself.
20050606             Sidelining THE—CIA : A new WHITE—HOUSE—MEMO excludes CIA director PORTER—GOSS from National Security Council meetings The biggest changes in WASHINGTON often come about with just 1—FEW strokes of the pen.
20050606             - It's the latest evidence that Negroponte is consolidating his power as the nation's intelligence TSAR.
20050606             'Secret' Senate meeting on Patriot Act:
20050606             In 1—MOVE that could expand the police powers in the Patriot Act, the Senate Intelligence Committee will meet behind close doors to discuss, among other things, "1—LITTLE—DISCUSSED provision to enlarge THE—FBI—ABILITY to wiretap people who it suspects are national security threats".
20050606             —ACCUSED, Chavez "attacks" USA : VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ, THE—USA on —SUNDAY—OF—TRYING to impose a "global dictatorship".
20050606             He said THE—USA, not VENEZUELA, should face scrutiny by THE—ORGANISATION—OF—USA—STATES.
20050606             MEXICO rejects 'tutelage' of others on democracy:
20050606             ``In principle, we are not in agreement with ANY—TUTELAGE from anybody,'' presidential spokesman RUBEN—AGUILAR said at 1—NEWS—CONFERENCE in MEXICO—CITY.
20050606             `` - Shuck and Awe:
20050606             Cheney himself was no grunt or flyboy.
20050606             His excuse way back when: "I had other priorities in the '60s than military service".
20050606             Hezbollah, Allies Sweep Vote in LEBANON : Hezbollah, the armed group considered 1—TERRORIST—ORGANIZATION by THE—USA + its allies swept voting in SOUTH—LEBANON during the 2. ROUND—OF—NATIONWIDE parliamentary elections, the interior MINISTER said —MONDAY.
20050606             —CLASHED, ISRAEL, which has long, with the group, expressed its concern.
20050606             USA—NAVY—COURT—OF—INQUIRY—INVESTIGATION into THE—ISRAEL—ATTACK on THE—USS—LIBERTY : For more than 30—YEARS, I have remained silent on THE—TOPIC—OF—USS—LIBERTY.
20050606             I am 1—MILITARY—MAN and when orders come in from THE—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE and PRESIDENT—OF—USA, I follow them.
20050606             However, recent attempts to rewrite history compel me to share the truth.
20050606             USA—MILITARY—MAY be Closing Bases at Home, but It's Expanding Abroad : In recent times, we have watched MILLIONS—OF—USA—JOBS transferred overseas--the new term for this being dubbed "outsourcing".
20050606             I fear that concept will shortly be joined by its kissing cousin, "outlocating," as that 1—RELATES to the shifting USA—MILITARY—PRESENCE—WORLDWIDE.
20050606             13—USA—BASES in AFGHANISTAN?
20050606             6—USA—BASES are already established in AFGHANISTAN;
20050606             7—MORE are being built or are at the planning stage.
20050606             UZBEKISTAN: When protesters die as terrorists : For THE—PEOPLE—OF—THE—EAST—CITY—OF—ANDIJAN, the trial of 23—REPUTABLE—LOCAL—BUSINESSMEN on CHARGES—OF—ISLAMIC—EXTREMISM was the straw that broke the camel's back.
20050606             USA, Russian, CHINA—INTERESTS may clash in KYRGYZSTAN : CHINA—HUAXIA—SHIBAO newspaper published a sensational report yesterday, saying CHINA intended to send troops to KYRGYZSTAN, prompting experts to say USA, Russian + CHINA—INTERESTS may clash in the Central Asian region, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, a daily, reported.
20050606             But the intelligence community wouldn't listen, the congressman writes in 1—NEW—BOOK.
20050606             Republican SENATOR says USA—PRISONS—BEST in the world : CHARGES—OF—PRISONER—ABUSE at GUANTANAMO or ABU—GHRAIB notwithstanding, 1—TOP—USA Republican SENATOR on —SUNDAY took pride in THE—USA—PRISON—SYSTEM, calling it the best managed in the world.
20050606             —MISSED, In case you, it:
20050606             Torture INCORPORATED Americas Brutal Prisons : Savaged by dogs, Electrocuted With Cattle Prods, Burned By Toxic Chemicals, Does such barbaric abuse inside USA—JAILS explain the horrors that were committed in IRAQ?
20050606             BUSH—FOREIGN—POLICY—SHIFTING : Spreading democracy has become his top priority, at times trumping urgent issues.
20050606             Some specialists dismiss his vision as unrealistic.
20050606             Bush y democracies and THE—FUTURE—OF—THE—MUSLIM world : THE—END—OF—THE—COLD—WAR, symbolized by THE—FALL—OF—THE—BERLIN—WALL, was also taken by USA—POLICY—MAKERS as the beginning of 1—NEW—PHASE in world history in which all other civilizations would adopt THE—3—IDOLS—OF—WESTERN—CIVILIZATION — democracy, freedom + the free market ECONOMY—AS their gods as well.
20050606             —AFTER the Downing Street Memo: The Case for Impeachment Builds : We take 1—LOOK at THE—SO—CALLED "Downing Street Memo" which reveals how THE—FORMER—DIRECTOR—OF—THE—UK—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY, MI6, told PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR that THE—USA had already made plans to attack IRAQ as early as 20020700           .
20050606             False freedom is very expensive.
20050606             —FOISTED, The criminals, 1—LIE—OF—HISTORIC—PROPORTIONS on the world.
20050606             —BY Cindy Sheehan
20050606             The evidence is overwhelming, compelling + alarming that GEORGE + his indecent bandits traitorously had intelligence fabricated to fit their GOAL—OF—INVADING—IRAQ.
20050606             Continue
20050606             MARK—FELT was no angel.
20050606             Yes, I know tht he did what he did because he wanted to inherit HOOVER—POSITION.
20050606             Maybe FELT—FAMILY would be free from all anxiety over finances if he was as corrupt as WILLIAM—F—BUCKLEY—
20050606             —LEARNED, Buckley here admits that he has, the truth about 1—APPALLING—PRESIDENTIAL—SCANDAL + about 1—CONSPIRACY to commit murder.
20050606             What did he do?
20050606             1—NEEDS—LARGE—WALL—CHARTS to navigate the complex SLIMEWAYS—OF—THE—NIXON years -- everyone hated everyone, everyone was bugging everyone, everyone was informing on everyone, everyone was joining or forming or betraying factions.
20050606             Take, for example, THE—CASE—OF—COLUMNIST—JACK—ANDERSON, then quite WELL—KNOWN for his administration sources.
20050606             —HATED, Hoover, him passionately.
20050606             At the same time, the naive, young Yeoman CHARLES—RADFORD, of Moorer/Radford fame (basically, this was 1—MILITARY—CONSPIRACY against Nixon and Kissinger) was told 1—BIZARRE tale about Anderson and his alleged links to the Zionist/Rockefeller cabal.
20050606             —NOW, you would think that the Hoover faction and the Moorer/Radford faction (which was linked to ANGLETON—CIA—FACTION) would be sympatico, since they both hated Anderson.
20050606             But these 2—GROUPS were also at odds, because Hoover would not share "black bag" dirt with ANY—OTHER—PART—OF—THE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMUNITY.
20050606             —RECEIVED, Oh, but it gets more complex: Anderson still, leaks + even seems to have cooperated with 1—ATTEMPT to blame the Moorer/Radford spy operation (once it was blown) on Radford, THE—EASILY—GULLED young Native USA—WHO was the ultimate fall guy.
20050606             A little later, G. GORDON—LIDDY—OF—CREEP (NIXON—PRIVATE covertops unit) made serious plans to murder Anderson.
20050606             —DESPISED, Hoover, both Anderson and NIXON—PRIVATE—TEAM—OF—SPOOKS.
20050606             the recent column BY—WILLIAM—F—BUCKLEY illustrates.
20050606             —AFTER referring to MARK—FELT in scabrous terms -- calling him a "Brutus" and worse -- Buckley partially reveals 1—BIT—OF—HISTORY he has never heretofore divulged:
20050606             † Dead again Wow! IRAQ—TERROR leader ABU—MUSAD—AL—ZARQAWI has again!
20050606             For the 2. time this year!
20050606             I believe this is his 4. demise, all told.
20050606             Silha BULLETIN—FALL 20020000             ... Deportation hearings have 1—TRADITION—OF—OPENNESS, Scirica wrote... for his work in breaking the Watergate story during the Nixon administration.
20050606             Newsletter on Intellectual Freedom... court's unusual special SITTING—THE 1. time since the Watergate tapes case in... ANTHONY—J—SCIRICA + Judges THOMAS—L—AMBRO + Julio M. Fuentes.
20050606             VALUE PLURALISM IN LEGAL ETHICS —HTML—VERSION... Professor Geyh attributes it to the " Watergate mentality" of the last 30 ... AUTHOR—OF—THIS opinion was JUDGE—ANTHONY—SCIRICA, who has for several...
20050606             annika's journal... CHIEF—USA—CIRCUIT—JUDGE—ANTHONY—J—SCIRICA, speaking for the court in Walz v... He has been involved in no great scandals, Watergate or otherwise [not...
20050606             TalkLeft: Lea Fastow Gets 1—YEAR in Jail... I would say the judge is following the philosophy expressed by JUDGE—SCIRICA in the Watergate cases + MANY—OTHER—JUDGES since -- that unless the...
20050606             WorldNetDaily: USA—JUDGE—LAMBERTH deserves cautious praise... Watergate JUDGE—JOHN—SCIRICA went into THE—WHITE—HOUSE and seized the Nixon tapes and still lost 18—MINUTES—OF—THEM.
20050606             How much evidence will Lamberth.
20050606             The Presidency in Crisis: - HTML—VERSION... as 1—TESTAMENT to the legacy and GENIUS—OF—CONGRESSMAN—PETER—RODINO, is that the inquiry will be modeled on the rules used during the Watergate hearings and...
20050606             Die Waffen stammen den Angaben zufolge aus Kolumbien + sollten nach ISRAEL transportiert werden.
20050606             CARACAS—DIE Raketen seien entdeckt worden, als eine 1. Rakete mit einem normalen Linienflug nach ISRAEL transportiert werden sollte, berichteten Medien in der venezolanischen Hauptstadt unter Berufung auf die Staatsanwaltschaft.
20050606             Lufthansa teilte mit, man arbeite bei der Klärung eng mit den zuständigen Behörden zusammen.
20050606             Das Unternehmen legte Wert auf die Feststellung, es habe sich bei den konfiszierten Stücken um "RAKETEN—TEILE" gehandelt.
20050606             Die Waren seien völlig legal von Kolumbien nach VENEZUELA gebracht worden und hätten sich im Transit befunden.
20050606             Der Transport erfülle alle internationalen Auflagen, hieß es.
20050606             Transporte kolumbianischer Waffenteile nach ISRAEL seien bereits in der Vergangenheit durchgeführt worden.
20050606             VENEZUELA: Raketen in LUFTHANSA—LAGER entdeckt
20050606             WALL—STREET—SCHLUSS: Sinkender Ölpreis stützt USA—AKTIENMARKT
20050606             Kriegseinsätze: Ströbele kündigt Widerstand der Grünen an
20050606             EU—VERFASSUNG: Durchhalteparolen nach Absage der Briten
20050606             Historischer Wechsel: Apple gibt Deal mit Intel bekannt
20050606             EU—FINANZMINISTERRAT: Eichel und Juncker halten EURO—DEBATTE für Unsinn
20050606             Umfrage: Chirac auf dem Tiefpunkt
20050606             Unethisches Verhalten: Norwegen verkauft Anteile von USA—ÖLBOHRFIRMA
20050606             FRÜHBUCHER—RABATT: LTU führt Billigtickets ein
20050606             Hirnschrittmacher: Stromstöße helfen gegen Parkinson
20050606             Prager Biennale: Wie Saddam reingelegt wurde
20050606             Europa in der Krise: Großbritannien sagt Referendum über EU—VERFASSUNG ab
20050606             EU—KARTELL—VERFAHREN: Konkurrenten sollen WINDOWS—SCHNITTSTELLEN prüfen
20050606             Magnetschwebebahn: Transrapid bekommt Chance in Großbritannien
20050606             Nasa: Raumanzüge für WELTRAUM—SPIONE entdeckt
20050606             Basketball: Piepsende Bälle für Blinde
20050606             Prozess im Irak: 14—ANKLAGEPUNKTE gegen Saddam
20050606             APPLE—FANS verärgert: Intel? Igitt!
20050606             Umstrittene These: Gene sollen Krebstod vorhersagen
20050606             108.000—STELLEN nach dem Komma: Mathefans schaffen Weltrekord im PI—VORLESEN
20050606             Rekordvorlage: 110.000—NACHKOMMASTELLEN der Zahl Pi
20050606             Virales Marketing: Möge der Burger mit dir sein!
20050606             PAKISTAN: Musharraf übergibt QAIDA—FÜHRER AL—LIBI den USA
20050606             "Deep Throat": Reden ist Gold
20050606             Durchbruch: Impfstoff gegen Ebola und Marburg gefunden
20050606             HEDGE—FONDS: Geld wie Konfetti
20050606             NEPAL: Dutzende Tote bei Explosion einer Landmine
20050606             Gesundheitspolitik: Schmidt dementiert Pläne zur Abschaffung der privaten Krankenkassen
20050606             Neue Partei: Grüne Russen
20050606             Mexiko: Vulkan spuckt glühendes Gestein
20050606             SÜD—LIBANON: Hisbollah und Amal holen alle Mandate
20050606             MARS—ROVER: "Opportunity" befreit sich aus SAND—FALLE
20050606             JERUSALEM: Zusammenstöße auf dem Tempelberg
20050606             Vertrauensfrage: SPD—LINKE will für Schröder stimmen
20050606             EU—VERFASSUNG: Absage aus Großbritannien erwartet
20050606             Firmenjäger: USA—INVESTOR darf deutsche Bank betreiben
20050606             Gesundheitspolitik: Schmidt will private Krankenversicherung abschaffen
20050606             Falschgeld: Mehr falsche EURO—MÜNZEN im Umlauf
20050606             NEUWAHL—VERFAHREN: Unterstützung für Schröders Plan
20050606             —OCCASIONED, In THE—CASE—OF—YUGOSLAVIA, 1—U.S law, THE—DISSOLUTION—OF—THAT—REPUBLIC, as it was so intended.
20050606—20040000    —IN, NEW, Book, Weldon Says Plot Against Nuke Plant Was Ignored : REPRESENTATIVE—CURT—WELDON, R-PENNSILVANIA, warned USA—INTELLIGENCE about 1—TERRORIST—PLOT to crash 1—PLANE into the Seabrook nuclear power plant in NEW—HAMPSHIRE, based on information from 1—SECRET—SOURCE: "Ali".
20050606—20040300    —IN, Pretend soldier Dick Cheney, wearing 1—FAUX—MILITARY jacket while campaigning at WRIGHT—PATTERSON AIR—FORCE—BASE in OHIO.
20050606—20050911    —SINCE, HIGH—FLYING—PROFESSOR—FACES—USA—TERROR—TRIAL : THE—PROFESSOR—OF—COMPUTER engineering goes on trial today in what is being billed as the most important terrorism case in THE—USA.
20050612—20050606    —ON, "MANY—INFORMATION that I have given to Weldon is coming from Ghorbanifar," said Mahdavi, who was reached in PARIS by telephone.
20051023             VICTORIA Brittain, GUARDIAN, 20050606             ;
20051207             20070606             Freedom ALLIANCE—THE—PRICE—OF—LIBERTY is Eternal Vigilance
20060530             —RELEASED, Cham was, 20060606           .
20060531             THE—NATIONAL—REVIEW'S 20060606              cover story, SCARE—OF—THE—CENTURY by JASON—LEE—STEORTS, has several serious errors and omissions.
20060603—20060606    —GUARANTEED, Capitalism is the only evil, to rise from the abyss.
20060606             "Show your SUPPORT—OF—THE—DIXIE—CHICKS. Buy "Taking the Long Way" CD (which was officially released 20060523             —ON). They are good. You can curl right up to their music or turn them high as you drive —AROUND with the top of the convertible down".
20060606             —ACKNOWLEDGED, USA—VETERANS—AFFAIRS—SECRETARY—JIM—NICHOLSON, 1—STOLEN computer contained personal data on about 2.2—MILLION—ACTIVE—DUTY—MILITARY, Guard and Reserve personnel, not just 50,000 as initially believed.
20060606             —STEPPED, SOUTH—DAKOTA—BILL—NGUYEN, and his wife, Tina, forward with the winning ticket for 1—NEARLY $117—MILLION—POWERBALL lottery jackpot, beating 1—IN—146—MILLION—ODDS.
20060606             —LAUNCHED, The Ford Foundation, 1—INDEPENDENT, AFRICAN—LED nonprofit that aims to give Africans greater opportunity to solve the continent's problems themselves.
20060606             —COMMITTED, The Foundation, $30—MILLION to fund TrustAfrica, which has been developed over the past 5—YEARS.
20060606             It will now be based in SENEGAL—CAPITAL—OF—DAKAR and governed solely by Africans.
20060606             † FRANK—LANZA, 74—JAHRE—ALT, FOUNDER—OF—USA—DEFENSE contractor L—3—COMMUNICATIONS (19970000             ), in White PLAINS—NEW—YORK.
20060606             —WORKED, BILLY—PRESTON, with the Beatles (the 5. Beatle) and the Rolling Stones and wrote 19740000             —THE—JOE—COCKER hit "You Are So Beautiful".
20060606             —KILLED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, 3—PEOPLE were, when 1—MOTORBIKE being rigged up as 1—BOMB exploded.
20060606             A suspected suicide car bomb hit 1—USA—LED coalition convoy, injuring 3—USA—SOLDIERS.
20060606             A roadside bomb killed 3—AFGHANISTAN—SOLDIERS in Kunar province.
20060606             2—USA—SOLDIERS were killed by 1—ROADSIDE bomb in EAST—NANGARHAR province.
20060606             5 suspected militants were killed as Afghan and allied troops raided 1—AREA—NEAR THE—SOUTH—TOWN—OF—TIRIN Kot.
20060606             —PREPARED, Diplomats in AUSTRIA said THE—USA is, to provide IRAN with some nuclear technology if it stops enriching uranium.
20060606             —APPOINTED, BAHRAIN—GOVERNMENT said it had, its 1. woman judge.
20060606             —BELIEVED, She is, to be 1—OF—THE 1. female judges in the entire Gulf region.
20060606             —APPOINTED, Mona AL—KAWARI was, by ORDER—OF—THE—TINY—GULF kingdom's ruler, Sheik Hamad bin ISA—AL—KHALIFA.
20060606             BAHRAIN has 1—SUNNI MUSLIM—DOMINATED government, but its Shiite majority has grown restive during the past few years, mounting frequent ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS.
20060606             —ERUPTED, BRASILIA, 1—MELEE that, when HUNDREDS—OF—LANDLESS—FARMERS demanding agrarian reforms demonstrated at BRAZIL—CONGRESS injured 20—PEOPLE.
20060606             BRITAIN—BAA, owners of Heathrow, Stansted and Gatwick airports, accepted an $18.8—BILLION bid from SPAIN—GRUPO—FERROVIAL, led by Rafael del Pino.
20060606             CAMBODIA, more than 1,000 police, many armed and in riot gear, evicted HUNDREDS—OF—FAMILIES who had refused to leave 1—PHNOM—PENH shantytown, as authorities moved to end 1—STANDOFF that has stalled MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in commercial development.
20060606             CHINA—ENGINEERS blew up 1—TEMPORARY—BARRIER used during CONSTRUCTION—OF—THE—3—GORGES Dam, unleashing the full force of the Yangtze River upon the world's largest hydroelectric project.
20060606             Some 2,000 protesters calling for THE—OUSTER—OF—EAST—TIMOR—PRIME—MINISTER—MARI—ALKATIRI cruised around PARLIAMENT in 1—CONVOY—OF—HORN—BLARING—TRUCKS and motorcycles, hours after mobs set fire to buildings and looted 1—WAREHOUSE filled with farm supplies.
20060606             —SLAMMED, EU finance ministers, the door on LITHUANIA—PLEA to adopt the euro next year, saying the Baltic country has failed to put 1—LASTING lid on inflation.
20060606             —PLANNED, LITHUANIA, to appeal to EU government heads at 1—SUMMIT—NEXT—WEEK in BRUSSELS, before 1—FINAL—DECISION is made in July.
20060606             —APPOINTED, HAITI—PRESIDENT—RENE—PREVAL, a coalition government in an effort to unite the impoverished nation.
20060606             Gas prices in INDIA rose 9.2%. - Diesel prices rose 6.6%.
20060606             The government left prices of cooking fuels and liquefied petroleum gas unchanged.
20060606             —SEVERED, Police found 9, heads in fruit boxes in 1—VILLAGE—NORTH—EAST—OF—BAGHDAD, which followed 1—SIMILAR discovery there —2—DAYS—EARLIER.
20060606             A decapitated body was found in Aziziyah.
20060606             A roadside bomb missed 1—USA—MILITARY—CONVOY in central BAGHDAD but killed 1—WOMAN and wounded 3—OTHER pedestrians.
20060606             3—LOCAL—COUNCIL—WORKERS were killed in 1—DRIVE—BY shooting in WEST—BAGHDAD.
20060606             2—MORTAR rounds slammed into 1—EAST—BAGHDAD neighborhood, killing 2—BYSTANDERS and wounding 9—OTHERS.
20060606             Palestinian PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS gave the governing Hamas party on 3—MORE—DAYS to accept 1—DOCUMENT that implicitly recognizes ISRAEL, threatening to bring the issue to 1—NATIONAL—REFERENDUM.
20060606             —UNVEILED, QATAR Petroleum and SOUTH—AFRICA—SASOL, 1—NEW—PLANT in QATAR to transform natural gas into 1—SYNTHETIC—FUEL—SIMILAR to diesel by 1—PROCESS knows as GAS—TO—LIQUIDS (GTL).
20060606             Sasol was also building 1—GTL plant in NIGERIA with Chevron Texaco.
20060606             —EMBARKED, SOUTH—KOREAN—PRIME—MINISTER—HAN—MYUNG—SOOK, on a 4—NATION European tour which will take her to FRANCE, PORTUGAL, BULGARIA and GERMANY.
20060606             —ARRESTED, THE—SPAIN—INTERIOR—MINISTRY said that 67—SUSPECTS had been, for accessing child porn on the Internet over the past 5—DAYS.
20060606             —EXPLODED, Suspected Tamil rebels, bombs outside a naval base near SRI—LANKA—CAPITAL, wounding 2—PEOPLE while 3—OTHERS were killed in a similar attack elsewhere.
20060606             —ISSUED, THE—VATICAN, 1—SWEEPING—CONDEMNATION—OF—CONTRACEPTION, abortion, IN—VITRO fertilization and SAME—SEX—MARRIAGE, declaring that the traditional family has never been so threatened as in today's world.
20060606             —PAINED, Haniya, by Palestinian fighting : The government is reeling from 1—FINANCIAL—EMBARGO imposed by THE—USA, CANADA, ISRAEL and THE—EU, rendering it unable to pay the salaries of 165,000 civil servants and public employees, although the government says it will soon pay those wages.
20060606             SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN in "STATE—OF—WAR" : security THINK—TANK: STATE—OF—WAR is gripping SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN as Taleban fighters win public support and it will spread unless newly deployed UNITED—KINGDOM—TROOPS regain control, 1—SECURITY—THINK—TANK warned on —TUESDAY.
20060606             AFGHANISTAN Can't Prosecute Driver In Riot Incident : "There is 1—STATUS—OF—FORCES—AGREEMENT and USA retains criminal jurisdiction for acts committed by military personnel in AFGHANISTAN," he said.
20060606             Ambiguities' in offer to IRAN:
20060606             IRAN has said it will consider the proposals, but officials have also said IRAN will not give up uranium enrichment, 1—PROCESS that can be used to make fuel for nuclear power stations
20060606             Ahmadinejad: Nuclear Weapons Have No Place in IRAN—DEFENSE—DOCTRINE
20060606             USA caught in IRAN policy squeeze: THE—USA is increasingly left with fewer options.
20060606             In fact, the options, within WASHINGTON—POLICY—FRAMEWORK, have narrowed down to 2: 1, get used to the possibility that 1—NUCLEAR—IRAN might well emerge, or, 2., resort to 1—MILITARY—STRIKE that might set IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM back for 1—WHILE.
20060606             RICE—IRAN—GAMBIT: Even if Rice is serious about the latest USA—OFFER to IRAN, even if IRAN responds seriously + even if AMERICA—STRATEGIC—POSITION in the region continues to weaken (as is likely), the latest diplomatic initiative will fail.
20060606             And this failure will bring closer the prospect of 1—MILITARY—CONFRONTATION with IRAN for which the Pentagon is already planning.
20060606             Energy SECRETARY says USA can weather IRAN—OIL—DISRUPTION : Consumers wouldn't suffer undue hardships in the event IRAN disrupts Persian Gulf oil supplies because the Bush administration has 1—PLAN ''if push were to come to shove,'' 1—CABINET—OFFICER said —TUESDAY.
20060606             IRAN—OIL—BOURSE nearly ready to open : According to the Fars report, THE—BOARD—OF—DIRECTORS—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—BOURSE—CO., which is charged with establishing the bourse, will review the final DRAFT—OF—THE—ARTICLES—OF—ASSOCIATION—OF—THE—IRAN—BOURSE this week.
20060606             How low will the dollar go ? : MANY—ANALYSTS suggest that Saddam HUSSEIN—SWITCH from the dollar to the euro for oil trading was 1—OF—THE—CORE—REASONS for 20030000             —THE—USA led invasion.
20060606             —NOW IRAN, the 2. largest OPEC producer, is getting ready to open 1—NEW—OIL—BOURSE that will trade in euros.
20060606             And VENEZUELA is said to be actively discussing the same move.
20060606             —INVADED, If we knew more about IRELAND, we might never have, IRAQ:
20060606             —RUBBISHED, LOACH—FILM about THE—IRELAND—INDEPENDENCE—WAR is being, because it tells the other SIDE—OF—THE—OCCUPATION—STORY
20060606             THE—ARCHITECTS—OF—WAR: Where Are They Now?
20060606             —FIRED, PRESIDENT—BUSH has not, ANY—OF—THE—ARCHITECTS—OF—THE—IRAQ war.
20060606             In fact, 1—REVIEW—OF—THE—KEY—PLANNERS—OF—THE—CONFLICT reveals that they have been rewarded — not blamed — for their incompetence
20060606             A Call to Support USA—MILITARY Officer to Refuse Illegal IRAQ War:
20060606             Thank you LT for standing up for INTERNATIONAL,USA + military law by refusing to deploy to IRAQ in support of the ongoing illegal war+ occupation
20060606             Lieberman faces showdown over IRAQ: After YEARS—OF—ARDENT support for THE—IRAQ war, CONNECTICUT SENATOR—JOSEPH—LIEBERMAN (news, bio, voting record) could become that conflict's 1. big political casualty in 1—DEMOCRATIC—PRIMARY—RACE fueled by rising ANTI—WAR—ANGER.
20060606             Antiwar Candidates Challenge Incumbent Democrats in House and Senate Races : 20060000             —THE—MID—TERM—ELECTION s are just 5—MONTHS away.
20060606             In the Senate, close to 3—DOZEN—SEATS are up for grabs, while all 435—SEATS are open in the House.
20060606             Democrats hope growing public discontent with the Bush administration will help them win CONTROL—OF—CONGRESS from the Republicans.
20060606             Field commanders tell Pentagon IRAQ war 'is lost' : Military commanders in the field in IRAQ admit in private reports to the Pentagon the war "is lost" and that THE—USA—MILITARY is unable to stem the mounting violence killing 1,000 IRAQ—CIVILIANS—1—MONTH.
20060606             IRAQ—GIRL—BLOG: BAGHDAD Burning: According to people working and living in the area, around 15—POLICE—CARS pulled up to the area and uniformed men began pulling civilians off the streets and from cars, throwing bags over their heads and herding them into the cars.
20060606             —TRIED, Anyone who, to object was either beaten or pulled into 1—CAR.
20060606             Government Investigates IRAQ Contracting Fraud:
20060606             The Special Inspector GENERAL for IRAQ Reconstruction has 78—OPEN—INVESTIGATIONS into fraud + corruption in the Coalition Provisional Authority
20060606             AFGHANISTAN—2. Intifada:
20060606             —RECLAIMED, The Taliban have, SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, reconstruction has been miniscule + there's been no attempt to establish security beyond THE—CAPITAL—OF—KABUL.
20060606             AFGHANISTAN continues to languish in grinding poverty with less clean water and electricity than before the war.
20060606             Continue
20060606             THE—USA is Terrified
20060606             " Noam Chomsky on Latin AMERICA—MOVE—TOWARDS "INDEPENDENCE and Integration"
20060606             THE—USA in the past has had 2—FUNDAMENTAL—MECHANISMS for controlling Latin America: 1 is violence, the other is economic strangulation.
20060606             They're both weakening. Continue
20060606             Sacred Ecology and Capitalism
20060606             —BASED, ANY—ECONOMIC—SYSTEM, upon greed rather than the public good and the ruthless EXPLOITATION—OF—NATURE is not only wrong, it is 1—PRESCRIPTION for disaster.
20060606             Technically Speaking, Market Analysis and Theory: "Bill" of Goods "To do 1—GREAT—RIGHT, do 1—LITTLE—WRONG ".
20060606             Translation: 1—SMALL—LOSS is 1—PROFESSIONAL—LOSS.
20060606             village voice > news > BUSH—COURTING—OF—SADDAM by WAYNE—BARRETT—WITH—SPECIAL—REPORTING by NATHAN—DEUEL...
20060606             Sarkis Soghanalian, THE—INTERNATIONAL—ARMS—DEALER who bought billions in weapons for Saddam Hussein... the years, THE—TWICE—CONVICTED Soghanalian was dubbed the "MERCHANT—OF—DEATH...
20060606             Sarkis Soghanalian | PBS SARKIS SOGHANALIAN.
20060606             FACT SHEET... producer WILLIAM—KISTNER
20060606             "Unserer Einschätzung nach wird die Fed Ende Juni eine weitere Zinsa nhebung vornehmen + ich glaube, die Aussagen stützen dieses Szenario ein bisschen", fügte NICK—BENNENBROEK—VON—BROWN—BROTHERS—HARRIMAN hinzu.
20060606             Der Dollar legte zum Euro angesichts der höheren Erwartung steigender USA—ZINSEN allerdings zu.
20060606             —HEUTE Morgen war 1—DOLLAR 0,7755 Euro wert.
20060606             Gestern hatte der Euro noch mit 1,2979 Dollar den höchsten Stand seit drei Monaten erreicht.
20060606             Trichet wollte sich auf der Tagung in WASHINGTON nicht dazu äußern, ob die EZB am —DONNERSTAG die Zinsen im EURO—RAUM weiter anheben wird, wie dies einige Experten erwarten.
20060606             Die Fed hat die Zinsen in den vergangen zwei Jahren von 1—PROZENT auf inzwischen fünf Prozent angehoben, die EZB seit Dezember in zwei Schritten von 2—AUF 2,5 %.
20060606             Teure Energie: Bundesländer formieren sich gegen Stromfirmen
20060606             Streit um Urananreicherung: USA bieten IRAN Atomtechnologie an
20060606             Judendeportationen in Frankreich: Staat und Bahn müssen Entschädigung zahlen
20060606             BUCH—DIGITALISIERUNG: Verlagsgruppe verklagt Google
20060606             Nach BITTORRENT—RAZZIA: Piratenkrieg in Schweden
20060606             Osteoporose: Rauchen macht die Knochen brüchig
20060606             Geheimdienste: Grüne kündigen Initiative gegen Bespitzelung von Politikern an
20060606             Terrorrazzia in LONDON : Der Fehlschlag von Forest Gate
20060606             Umweltpolitik: Merkel sieht Deutschland als Vorreiter beim Klimaschutz
20060606             Atomstreit: USA bieten IRAN BOEING—TEILE an
20060606             Risiko für den Nachwuchs: Die biologische Uhr des Mannes
20060606             Webcams und Chats: Sexuelle Revolution, next Generation
20060606             Weltraumschrott: Rasende Geschosse im All
20060606             Börsen auf Talfahrt: FED—CHEF Bernanke schürt Zinsängste
20060606             Demo gegen Bildungsreform: Krawalle bei Massenprotesten in CHILE
20060606             UNITED—KINGDOM—PSYCHIATRY: From Eugenics to Assassination
20060606             THOM—HARTMANN: Stand Up for Democracy With ROBERT—F—KENNEDY, JUNIOR: ROBERT—F—KENNEDY—JUNIOR has written 1—BRILLIANT—NEW—ARTICLE about the biggest political story in THE—HISTORY—OF—THE—USA :
20060606             An USA—POLITICIAN illegitimately took THE—OFFICE—OF—PRESIDENT by outright theft and fraud.
20060606             Experts say USA funding SOMALIA—WARLORDS : THE—USA has been funneling more than $100,000 1—MONTH to warlords battling Islamist militia in SOMALIA, according to 1—SOMALIA expert who has conferred with the groups in the country.
20060606             BOLIVIA returns land to Indians : BOLIVIA—PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES has launched 1—SWEEPING—LAND—REFORM—PLAN by handing over about 20,000 square KILOMETRES—OF—STATE—OWNED land to poor Indians.
20060606             VENEZUELA Adds Troops to COLOMBIA—BORDE r : VENEZUELA is beefing up its troop strength along THE—COLOMBIA—BORDER, negotiating with RUSSIA to set up arms factories + preparing for 1—POSSIBLE—INVASION, the army COMMANDER said —FRIDAY.
20060606             Chavez appreciates MIL—TECH—COOPERATION with RUSSIA: In VIEW—OF—THE—EMBARGO that THE—USA—ADMINISTRATION imposed in May on THE—SUPPLY—OF—ARMAMENTS to VENEZUELA, Chavez pointed out that THE—DELIVERY—OF—THE 1. batch of 30,000 RUSSIAN—MADE AK—103—SUBMACHINE—GUNS frustrated USA—ATTEMPTS at weakening and disarming THE—VENEZUELA—ARMY.
20060606             Detainee rules skip GENEVA tenet:
20060606             —DECIDED, The Pentagon has, to omit from new detainee policies 1—KEY—TENET—OF—THE—GENEVA—CONVENTION that bans "humiliating and degrading treatment," according to military officials
20060606             Terrorism Quiz: Q: Which country was responsible for 1—CAR—BOMB which killed 80—CIVILIANS in BEIRUT in 1985?
20060606             Khamenei calls Bush administration "liar":
20060606             —ATTACKED, SUPREME—IRAN—LEADER, Ayatollah ALI—HOSEINI—KHAMENEI, verbally, THE—USA on —SUNDAY, saying THE—USA—GOVERNMENT was falsely claiming the world is unanimous against IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM
20060606             Wrong move by USA would affect oil flows: IRAN : Ayatollah ALI—KHAMENEI, SUPREME—LEADER—OF—THE—WORLD—4. largest oil exporter, said on —SUNDAY that if THE—USA makes a "wrong move" towards IRAN, energy flows in the region would be endangered.
20060606             Khamenei: No Nuclear Weapon Program. Goal is Energy Independenc
20060606             e : THE—USA—MEDIA presented only 1—SNIPPET from THE—SPEECH—OF—SUPREME—JURISPRUDENT ALI—KHAMENEI—OF—IRAN on —SUNDAY, in which he threatened to damage oil supplies to the West if THE—USA militarily attacked IRAN
20060606             Oil: leading IRAN to success or failure?
20060606             —REFINED, IRAN is also 1—BIG, oil importer with 40—PERCENT—OF—ITS—75—MILLION liter gasoline consumption per day coming from other countries.
20060606             USA—WARSHIPS protecting NIGERIA—OIL:
20060606             A report published in THE—NIGERIA—NEWSPAPER—WEDNESDAY said that THE—USA—NAVY was patrolling THE—GULF—OF—GUINEA, home to NIGERIA—BIGGEST oil field, Bonga Project, to prevent the field from being targeted "by terrorists and other maritime criminals".
20060606             —WHEN will THE—HOUSE—OF—SAUD feel safe?
20060606             History shows that no AMOUNT—OF—OPPRESSION is going to stop the inevitable from happening.
20060606             It happened in IRAN, it is happening in NEPAL + if Saudis are not careful, it can happen in SAUDI—ARABIA.
20060606             ISRAEL—TARGETED—ASSASSINATION—POLICY : For more than 30—YEARS it has been ISRAEL—POLICY to assassinate or otherwise eliminate popular Palestinian leaders who were independent and had wide TRUST—OF—THE—PEOPLE, while seeking to construct 1—SUBSERVIENT leadership with whom it could negotiate "peace" on ISRAEL—TERMS.
20060606             —IMPOSED, There, 1—BRUTAL Israeli/USA—LED cutoff in aid has been, on the Palestinians for voting the wrong way in 1—FREE—ELECTION.
20060606             —THREATENED, ISRAEL—SECRET—AGENT, to kill me, says Briton : A UNITED—KINGDOM—CHARITY—WORKER has revealed how he was threatened with death by THE—ISRAEL—SECRET—SERVICE while he was detained —FOR—3—WEEKS without charge.
20060606             RUPERT—CORNWELL: OUT—OF—AMERICA : The fish rots from the head down.
20060606             The thought comes to mind as this misbegotten conflict in IRAQ—EMBARKED upon by PRESIDENT—BUSH on the basis of at best false information, at worst downright LIES—MOVES well into its 4. year.
20060606             UK: Bring our boys home : THE—ORGANISERS—OF—MILITARY—FAMILIES—AGAINST the War, set up by THE—PARENTS—OF—DEAD—ARMED—FORCES—PERSONNEL last year, say their movement is supported by HUNDREDS—OF—SERVICE—FAMILIES and that more than 100—FAMILIES and veterans are actively involved.
20060606             Gloomy predictions about THE—IRAQ war, he writes, have been surpassed by reality.
20060606             Saddam: AMERICA—BEST—ENEMY: Video:
20060606             Historical ACCOUNT—OF—THE—RELATIONSHIP between America and Saddam Hussein.
20060606             40—YEARS—OF—SECRETS—INCOMPREHENSION and incompetence led to THE—OCCUPATION—OF—IRAQ
20060606             Evidence Points To COVER—UP By USA—MILITARY : New evidence may suggest COVER—UPS in 2—SEPARATE—INCIDENTS at the center of 1—SIMMERING—SCANDAL over IRAQ—CIVILIAN—DEATHS at THE—HANDS—OF—USA—FORCES.
20060606             USA confronts brutal culture among its finest sons : USA—VETERANS—OF—THE—WAR in IRAQ have described 1—CULTURE—OF—CASUAL—VIOLENCE, revenge and prejudice against IRAQ—CIVILIANS that has made THE—KILLING—OF—INNOCENT bystanders 1—COMMON—OCCURRENCE.
20060606             THE—MEDIA—BLOODY—FOOTPRINTS
20060606             The persistent slaughter in IRAQ is not just THE—WORK—OF—RIGHT—WING—FANATICS and neocon s, BUT—OF—THE—INFORMATION—MANAGERS who pumped their lies through the public AIR—WAVES and made the war 1—FATI accompli.
20060606             —PLAYED, They've, 1—CENTRAL—ROLE in decimating IRAQ—SOCIETY and putting America on THE—FAST—TRACK to ruin.
20060606             Haditha: the worst USA—ATROCITY since VIETNAM …
20060606             —MASSACRED, IRAQ—WOMEN and children, by USA—MARINES.
20060606             How did it happen? SPECIAL REPORT BY NEIL MACKAY
20060606             CIVILIANS who spent time at the Haditha Dam BASE—OF—THE 3. BATTALION—OF—THE 1. Marines describe the place as something OUT—OF—APOCALYPSE Now or LORD—OF—THE—FLIES.
20060606             It was "feral" 1—SAID.
20060606             —ABANDONED, Soldiers didn't WASHINGTON They had, regulation billets and had built MAKE—SHIFT, primitive huts bearing SKULL—AND—CROSSBONE signs.
20060606             Sheehan: From My Lai to Haditha -
20060606             THE—ABOMINATIONS—OF—WAR By Cindy Sheehan
20060606             This is the most difficult article that I have ever had to write, but I have to write it anyway, unfortunately.
20060606             Climate chaos: BUSH—CLIMATE—OF—FEAR A Must watch BBC Documentary A—USA—GOVERNMENT whistleblower tells Panorama how scientific reports about global warming have been systematically changed and suppressed.
20060606             Click hear to view. Real Media
20060606             BuzzFlash Shreds to Pieces 1—TYPICAL—NEW—YORK—TIMES—WHITE—HOUSE "Spin" Piece Disguised as Factual Journalism: Not for the Squeamish -- A BuzzFlash News Analysis
20060606             STEPHEN—COLBERT'S 20060000              Commencement Address at Knox College in GALESBURG—ILLINOIS (For Real)
20060606             Taking The Long Way (CD), by the Dixie Chicks.
20060606             What the Heck is Quinoa? Try It Out.
20060606             As always, when you buy Fair Trade products on BuzzFlash, you are helping to empower lives, ensure fair wages + improve THE—SUSTAINABILITY—OF—CROP production.
20060606             The BuzzFlash Mailbag -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
20060606             NATIONALLY—WATCHED, DUKE "Corrupt" Cunningham Congessional Replacement Race in CALIFORNIA, McCain Reneges on Appearing with Republican Because the Bigot is Bashing Immigrants.
20060606             Big Setback for Bilbray. 6/6
20060606             RONALD—BROWNSTEIN: Gay Marriage Vote Serves Only to Divide Nation 6/6
20060606             Armed men kidnap 50 in BAGHDAD;
20060606             "THE—ATTACKERS—DRESSED in police UNIFORMS—STORMED the [bus] stations, in THE—CENTRE—OF—THE—CAPITAL, abducting drivers and passengers preparing to travel OUT—OF—IRAQ".
20060606             Time MAG—MATT—COOPER?s Credibility in Question in Plame Investigation 6/6
20060606             DANNY—SCHECHTER: Big Media Bids Sayonara to Synergy, Top Exec Call is "Bull...".
20060606             - A BuzzFlash Guest Contribution
20060606             Atomstreit: Solana unterbreitet IRAN Angebot
20060606             HADITHA—MASSAKER: "In VIETNAM war es genauso"
20060606             CHINA: Umweltschutz ist chic
20060606             Neue Richtlinien für USA—SOLDATEN: Pentagon will Erniedrigungsverbot für Gefangene streichen
20060606             25—JAHRE Aids: Die Todesspur des Virus
20060606             Atomkonflikt: Iranische Drohung treibt Ölpreis auf 73—DOLLAR
20060606             Wechselstimmung in Großbritannien: Zwei Drittel gegen Blair
20060606             Suzanne Nossel | New Revelations on RUMSFELD—9/11
20060606             Follow her links - S.; "Go massive... Sweep it all up. Things related and not".
20060606             —MENTIONED, These lines were not, in the 9/11—COMMISSION—REPORT
20060606             A new study to be published today in the journal Science, however, concludes that
20060606             recent increases in Western wildfires may be 1—RESULT—OF—GLOBAL—WARMING.
20060606             —WHILE  "PART—OF—THE—INCREASE may be attributed to natural fluctuations, evidence also links it to THE—EFFECTS—OF—HUMAN—INDUCED climate warming," according to DAN—CAYAN, 1—CO—AUTHOR—OF—THE—PAPER and DIRECTOR—OF—THE—CLIMATE—RESEARCH—DIVISION at Scripps INSTITUTION—OF—OCEANOGRAPHY.
20060606             THE—AP reports on the study:
20060606             An ANALYSIS—OF—DATA going back to 19700000              indicates the fires increased "suddenly and dramatically" in the 1980s and the wildfire season grew longer, according to scientists in ARIZONA and CALIFORNIA.
20060606             … Beginning about 19870000             , there was 1—CHANGE from infrequent fires averaging about 1—WEEK in duration to more frequent ones that often burned 5—WEEKS or more, they reported.
20060606             —EXTENDED, The length of the wildfire season was, by 78—DAYS.
20060606             HAITI, Failed Solidarity: INTERNATIONAL Trade Union Organizations "Pay Lip Service" to 20040000              OVERTHROW—OF—PRESIDENT—ARISTIDE
20060606             THE—USA—ROLE in DARFUR—SUDAN
20060606             Oil reserves rivaling THOSE—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA? - by Sara Flounders
20060606             Congress should make Social Security overhaul its top priority next year, while 1—REWRITE—OF—THE—TAX—CODE and revamping the nation's healthcare system probably will wait until at least 20090000             , House Ways and Means Social Security Subcommittee Chairman Jim McCrery, R—LOS—ANGELES, said today.
20060606—19970000    —IN, SANTOS Padilla (40), 1—LEADER—OF—1—VIOLENT—KIDNAPPING—GANG that abducted and killed THE—SON—OF—1—FORMER—HONDURAN—PRESIDENT, was among 4—INMATES who escaped from 1—PRISON outside TEGUCIGALPA.
20060606—20000000    —IN, fires burned 7.4—MILLION—ACRES across the West and more than 20—PEOPLE †.
20060606—20030000    —FROM, War" outlasting attention spans: THE—AMOUNT—OF—TIME devoted to IRAQ on THE—3—BIGGEST television networks' weeknight newscasts has dropped by nearly 60 % to the 1. 4—MONTHS—OF—20060000             , according to the independent Tyndall Report tracking service.
20060606—20060000    —IN, "So far, more than 3.8—MILLION—ACRES have burned in THE—USA — double the 10-year average for this TIME—OF—YEAR," according to the Interagency Fire Center.
20060609             Katherine HARRIS—WON'T 'Kowtow' to GOP Leaders NewsMax_com Wires —TUESDAY, 20060606              WEST—PALM—BEACH -- Katherine Harris thinks she knows why she's been shunned by her party leadership and shirked by big donors + it has nothing to do with political platforms.
20060621—20060606    —ON, Correspondents in Ramadi for Islam Memo, 1—SAUDI—ARABIA—BASED Islamist website, reported that THE—USA—MILITARY had cut off all electricity to the city as well as drinking water + had closed all the petrol stations.
20060630             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has been unable to muster even HALF—OF—THE 2,500 National Guardsmen it planned to have on THE—MEXICO—BORDER by the end of 20060606             /30
20060831             VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY, 20060606             : "[W]e have TO—STAY the course.
20060831—20060606    —TRANSMITTED, Earlier THE—CLERK—OF—THE—HOUSE, 1—FACSIMILE copy of the unofficial RETURNS—OF—THE—SPECIAL—ELECTION held from MISS—SUSAN—LAPSLEY, Assistant SECRETARY—OF—STATE for ELECTIONS—CALIFORNI1—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—OFFICE, indicating that the Honorable BRIAN—P—BILBRAY was elected Representative in CONGRESS for the Fiftieth Congressional DISTRICT—OF—CALIFORNIA.
20070602—20070606    —ON, police found her body in 1 wooded area near GRANDVIEW—MONTANA, about 20—MILES—EAST—OF—THE—TARGET—STORE.
20070602—20070606    —AGREED, IRAN, to release them.
20070606             —BEGINNT, HEILIGENDAMM, der G8-Gipfel.
20070606             Stiri Externe: Miliardarul ARKADI—GAIDAMAK isi face partid,-02-20070222
20070606             Stiri Externe: Miliardarul ARKADI—GAIDAMAK isi face partid,-02-20070222              20070606              SoccerBlog_com: Soccer Politics Archives gaidamak.jpg.
20070606             Data: Thu, 20030403195405        +0100
20070606             "A maior %agem vai para arquivamento devido à dificuldade de obtenção... alfatomega.com/20030403_ultimas.html
20070606             ter sido assacado à luz do crime de ofensas à integridade física. alfatomega.com/20030403_ultimas.html
20070606             —ARRESTED, Infowars' MATT—LEPACEK, —AFTER GOP debate : Video: Infowars' MATT—LEPACEK confronts RUDY—GIULIANI pollster ED—GOEAS in the spin room —AFTER 20070605             —THE—REPUBLICAN debate in MANCHESTER.
20070606             —TAPED, BOB—BARKER, his last episode of CBS' "The Price Is Right".
20070606             —CANCELED, THE—USA—SAID it has, the visas of 22—COSTA—RICA—IMMIGRATION—OFFICIALS suspected of selling visa stamps so that Costa Ricans could stay illegally in THE—USA—WITHOUT getting caught.
20070606             —BASED, LOS—ANGELES, Colony CAPITAL—LLC, private investment firm, said it has agreed to buy 1—CONTROLLING—STAKE in LIBYA—STATE—OWNED—TAMOIL in 1—DEAL that valued THE—ITALY—BASED refiner at 4—BILLION euros ($5.4—BILLION), double earlier estimates.
20070606             ADAM—GAULT, 41—JAHRE—ALT, 1—DOG trainer in BLOOMFIELD—CONNECTICUT, was arrested with 2—WOMEN who lived in his home after police with 1—SEARCH—WARRANT found 1—MISSING 15—YEAR—OLD girl locked in 1—HIDDEN room in the house.
20070606             —VANISHED, The girl had, last June.
20070606             —PLEADED, Gault later, guilty to kidnapping and sexually assaulting the girl.
20070606             —ARRESTED, Police, 1—MAN in the abduction and death of 18—YEAR—OLD—KELSEY Smith, whose body was found in 1—MISSOURI park —4—DAYS—AFTER she'd disappeared from 1—KANSAS store's parking lot.
20070606             The Ducks of FLORIDA won THE—STANLEY—CUP in game 5—OVER the Senators.
20070606             † In SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN 2—NATO soldiers battling militants, while USA—LED and AFGHANISTAN—TROOPS backed by airstrikes killed 2—MILITANTS and detained 9—OTHERS.
20070606             NORTH—AFGHANISTAN, 3—GUNMEN fatally shot 1—FEMALE—OWNER—OF—1—RADIO station.
20070606             A battle and airstrikes in SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN left 30 suspected Taliban dead or wounded.
20070606             —KILLED, ALGERIA, 1—PERSON was, and 8 injured in 1—POWERFUL—BOMB—BLAST in the Kabylie region.
20070606             —FREED, THE—CAR—GOVERNMENT, 17—PEOPLE who had been arrested for rebel activities, following the terms of 1—PEACE—ACCORD that aims to return the restive nation to stability after more than 1—YEAR—OF—SPORADIC—INSURGENCY.
20070606             † NORTH—CHINA, Song Pingshun (61), HEAD—OF—TIANJIN—ADVISORY—COMMITTEE to the national legislature, in 1—APPARENT—SUICIDE amid 1—PROBE into alleged BRIBE—TAKING and shady real estate deals by at least 3—HIGH—LEVEL—OFFICIALS.
20070606             —ARRIVED, COLOMBIA—PRESIDENT—URIBE, in WASHINGTON DC for his 2. lobbying trip in 1—MONTH.
20070606             —VOTED, A—USA—CONGRESSIONAL SUB—COMMITTEE had, to cut aid by 10% and shift it from military to social programs.
20070606             —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—OSCAR—ARIAS, that COSTA—RICA has broken diplomatic ties with TAIWAN and established relations with CHINA, delivering 1—BLOW to the Asian island's fragile INTERNATIONAL standing.
20070606             THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC—REP.
20070606             1—GYM—TEACHER opened fire at 1—SCHOOL, killing 1—STUDENT and wounding another before using the gun to take his own life.
20070606             PRIME—MINISTER—ANDRUS—ANSIP said ESTONIA is seeking help from RUSSIA to find the culprits behind 1—MASSIVE—WAVE—OF—ATTACKS on the country's Internet infrastructure.
20070606             Housing prices in the major cities of ESTONIA, Latia and LITHUANIA were reported to average around $202,375.
20070606             A government prosecutor said ETHIOPIA has charged 55—OPPOSITION—MEMBERS with trying to launch 1—REBELLION.
20070606             More than 100—OPPOSITION—FIGURES were already on trial, accused of plotting 1—COUP after disputed 20050000              elections.
20070606             GERMANY—POLICE used water cannon to scatter STONE—THROWING—DEMONSTRATORS as several 1000—PROTESTERS gathered at a 7—MILE—FENCE surrounding the G8 summit meeting involving PRESIDENT—BUSH and other leaders.
20070606             Car bombings shook the streets leading to BAGHDAD—MOST revered Shiite Muslim shrine, and police reported at least 7—PEOPLE were killed and 27—OTHERS wounded.
20070606             —KILLED, Assassins, 1—POLICE—OFFICIAL and 1—AIDE to IRAQ—PRE—EMINENT—SHIITE cleric.
20070606             A Sunni insurgent group said it has reached 1—CEASE—FIRE with AL—QAIDA in IRAQ.
20070606             4—USA—SOLDIERS were killed in separate incidents over the last 2—DAYS.
20070606             MALAYSIA, Nyambang Entuhan (37) shot and killed 5—PEOPLE during 1—WEDDING—RECEPTION on remote Borneo island.
20070606             —REPORTED, It was, that HOLLAND—STUDENTS have developed powdered alcohol which they say can be sold legally to minors.
20070606             —CALLED, The latest innovation in inebriation, Booz2Go, is available in 20-gramme packets that cost 1-1.5—EUROS ($1.35-$2).
20070606             —CLASSIFIED, Alcohol powder, as 1—FLAVORING, was sold in THE—USA 3—YEARS ago.
20070606             NIGERIA—CHIMAMANDA—NGOZI—ADICHIE won BRITAIN—ORANGE—PRIZE for fiction by women for her book "HALF—OF—1—YELLOW—SUN," becoming the 1. African to take the award in its 12-year history.
20070606             A Palestinian security force fanned out in 2—NEIGHBORHOODS—OF—THE—EIN EL—HILWEH refugee camp in SOUTH—LEBANON to prevent further clashes between Islamic militants and LEBANON—TROOPS.
20070606             —BASED, MAJOR—GENERAL—KHALED—AREF, 1—SENIOR—FATAH COMMANDER, in Ein EL—HILWEH, said on LEBANON—BROADCASTING—CORP. television that about 20—FATAH Islam fighters had surrendered to his group in besieged Nahr EL—BARED.
20070606             MOROCCO said scientists from MOROCCO, BRITAIN, FRANCE and GERMANY had dated perforated shells in 1—LIMESTONE cave in EAST—MOROCCO to 82,000 years ago, the oldest adornments ever found.
20070606             A senior official said NIGERIA—ANTI—GRAFT—AGENCY has summoned 15—FORMER governors over corruption charges involving MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS and they are due to appear before investigators.
20070606             —BATTERED, Cyclone Gonu, OMAN—COAST on its path toward the world's most important crude oil tanker route.
20070606             It waned after killing 49 in OMAN and 9—PEOPLE in IRAN, where severe flooding encircled over 100—VILLAGES.
20070606             —ORDERED, PAKISTAN—PRIME—MINISTER—SHAUKAT—AZIZ, the immediate WITHDRAWAL—OF—COMPLAINTS initiated against about 200—JOURNALISTS after they defied 1—BAN on rallies to protest curbs on the media.
20070606             SRI—LANKA—PRESIDENT—MAHINDA—RAJAPAKSE held talks in COLOMBO with 1—TOP—JAPAN—ENVOY on THE—FUTURE—OF—THE—ISLAND—PEACE—PROCESS following bloody recent clashes.
20070606             A bomb detonated by suspected Tamil rebels derailed 1—TRAIN in EAST—SRI—LANKA.
20070606             A premature report said several 1000—TURKEY—TROOPS had crossed into NORTH—IRAQ to chase Kurdish guerrillas who operate from bases there.
20070606             —DECLARED, TURKEY, several areas near the border with IRAQ to be "temporary security zones" in 1—SIGN—OF increasing activity by the military in its campaign against Kurdish rebels.
20070606             —RESOLVED, THE—UN and African Union CHIEF executives, 1—DISPUTE over command of 1 proposed joint military force to help end bloodshed in Darfur, but the deal still must be approved by their organizations' security councils and SUDAN—GOVERNMENT.
20070606             —CALLED, PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ, for the creation of 1—COMMON—DEFENSE—PACT between VENEZUELA, CUBA, NICARAGUA and BOLIVIA.
20070606             —ANNOUNCED, The leftist Latin USA—BLOC, the creation of 1—DEVELOPMENT—BANK to finance joint projects.
20070606             —REPORTED, Scientists, how it might be possible to turn 1—ORDINARY—SKIN—CELL into 1—EMBRYONIC stem cell.
20070606             Conceitos Básicos A faixa de freqüência audível para o ouvido humano ENCONTRA—SE entre... O estudo revela que neste período foram encerrados 989—PROCESSOS...
20070606             INTRODUÇÃO
20070606             Período do batimento cardíaco.
20070606             10. - 0—S. - Período da maior frequência audível. 5x10. - -5—S.
20070606             Período de ondas de rádio típicas...
20070606             SOM—FUNDAMENTOS do Som e sua digitalização... recriando as flutuações originais de pressão do ar tornando, o som audível.
20070606             Este componente também pode ser chamado de período, ou comprimento de onda.
20070606             Os sons que chamamos de 'agudos' são os sons de maior freqüência ( maior.
20070606             1. Leia o texto a seguir: "Denominamos por som, a frente de...
20070606             Os sons naturais são, na sua maior parte, combinações de sinais, mas um... 1.3—DETERMINA o período correspondente a frequência mínima e máxima audível do ser humano... correspondente a frequência mínima e máxima audível do ser humano.
20070606             Ruído
20070606             A margem de frequência audível normal para pessoas jovens SITUA—SE entre 20—E 20 000—HZ.
20070606             Como a maior parte dos sons não sons puros, mas sim ruídos complexos.... Se o ruído não for muito intenso e o período de exposição demasiado
20070606             ACÚSTICA - 1,2 e 3—OBS2: A intensidade mínima audível é Io = 10—12—W/m2 e a.... a) PERÍODO—MENOR c) ALTURA—MAIOR e) FREQÜÊNCIA—MENOR b) PERÍODO—MAIOR d) FREQÜÊNCIA—MAI...
20070606             Reflexão do som O período é o inverso da freqüência.
20070606             Tipos de onda... Freqüência do som audível.
20070606             O ouvido humano só é capaz de perceber sons de freqüências compreendidas entre 16Hz e... Quanto maior a freqüência mais agudo é o som e vice versa.
20070606             têm sido... os crimes de extorsão e ofensas à integridade física qualificadas.
20070606             DN Online: "Não agiram por causa da orientação sexual da vítima"... pelo crime de ofensas à integridade física qualificadas na forma...
20070606             Não é descontado o tempo de internamento entre a data do crime e a sentença.
20070606             Informar
20070606             O Código Penal Português prevê e pune os crimes de violência doméstica.
20070606             Ofensas à integridade física qualificadas (art.º 146º do Código Penal
20070606             Para conhecer a realidade da corrupção em PORTUGAL, a
20070606             Polícia Judiciária (PJ) elaborou o primeiro estudo de fundo sobre os crimes investigados nesta área entre 20020000              e 20050000           .
20070606             O estudo revela que é na Administração local que se investigam mais casos de corrupção, quase metade (42 %) do total investigado.
20070606             A segunda área mais investigada nestes quatro anos analisados foi a das forças de segurança, facto ao qual não estará alheio o MEGA—CASO que envolveu militares da Brigada de Trânsito da GNR.
20070606             Em terceiro lugar na lista dos mais investigados por corrupção está a Administração Central.
20070606             Apesar de se falar muito sobre a corrupção no desporto, os processos nesta área representaram apenas 2% do total.
20070606             Entre 20020000              e 20050000             , a Direcção Central de Investigação da Corrupção e Criminalidade Económica e Financeira (DCICCEF) da PJ investigou 12510000              casos, o que corresponde a 18 % dos crimes económicos e financeiros analisados.
20070606             Em 20020000              foram investigados 291—CASOS de corrupção, em 20030000              houve 349—PROCESSO, em 20040000              houve 270—E em 20050000              houve 341.
20070606             O que demonstra que tem havido uma "constância" em termos de casos.
20070606             O estudo revela que neste período foram encerrados 989—PROCESSOS, sendo que "a maioria deles deu lugar a uma acusação" responsável da DCICCEF.
20070606             A maioria dos casos investigados resulta de denúncias feitas por entidades oficiais ou particulares e só 2 % resulta de informações publicadas pela imprensa.
20070606             A PJ considera que este estudo é importante para definir as áreas de risco e prevenir a ocorrência deste tipo de crimes.
20070606             INQUÉRITOS
20070606             A Polícia Judiciária abriu nos últimos quatro anos 1.521—INQUÉRITOS por suspeitas de corrupção, dos quais 439—NA Administração Local, segundo dados da Direcção Central de Investigação destes crimes (DCICCEF).
20070606             Os dados oficiais da investigação na Polícia Judiciária, indicam ainda que no início de 20020000              estavam em curso 91—INQUÉRITOS na Administração Local, o que perfaz um total de 530 até Janeiro deste ano.
20070606             Destes 530—CASOS na Administração Local, 241—AINDA estão em investigação e 289—FORAM encerrados, "alguns para acusação e outros para arquivamento", disse fonte da Direcção Central de Investigação da Corrupção e Criminalidade ECONÓMICO—FINANCEIRA (DCICCEF).
20070606             Embora neste relatório não esteja apurado o número de processos que seguiu para acusação ou arquivamento na área das autarquias, fonte do DCICCEF disse que, do total de processos concluídos na PJ em 20050000             , seguiram para acusação 92—E 205—FORAM arquivados.
20070606             ESTIMA—SE que as autarquias tenham 1—MESMA percentagem de acusações e arquivamentos dos restantes inquéritos, incluindo às forças de SEGURANÇ1—E à administração central, disse 1—FONTE.
20070606             "A maior percentagem vai para arquivamento devido à dificuldade de obtenção de prova", acrescentou.
20070606             ESCUSANDO—SE a divulgar quais as autarquias envolvidas nestes processos, a fonte afirmou que se trata de uma acção "muito direccionada", e que "em geral, as câmaras dos grandes centros urbanos são alvo de investigação".
20070606             "Nas autarquias onde há mais pressão urbanística, maior procura de terrenos para habitação, DENUNCIAM—SE mais situações relacionadas com as câmaras e os PDM" (Planos Directores Municipais), acrescentou.
20070606             Dos 289—INQUÉRITOS encerrados na área da Administração Local, 177—DIZEM respeito ao ano 20050000             , 68 a 20040000             , 63 a 20030000              e 41 a 20020000           .
20070606             Em 20050000              INICIARAM—SE 143—INQUÉRITOS, em 20040000              foram 105, em 20030000              foram 127—E em 20020000              foram 64, além de 91—QUE se reportam ao período anterior a 20020000           .
20070606             Ora aqui estão boas notícias...
20070606             —POSTED—BY—ESPECTADORA—ATENTA at 21:51 0—COMMENTS
20070606             Labels: Autarquias Locais, Corrupção, Investigação, PJ
20070606             [CULTURA] - >
20070606             Assunto : Fwd: Reuniões_em_Portimão_e_Faro_pela_PAZ—DATA: 03120404             :55:56 AM
20070606             Assunto: Reuniões_em_Portimão_e_Faro_pela_ PAZ—PARA: UNDISCLOSED—RECIPIENTS: ;
20070606             Às Associações ALGARVIAS—AOS/às Cidadãos/ãs Algarvios/AS—ASSUNTO : Caravana Algarve pela Paz
20070606             geht es für die amtierende EU—RATSPRÄSIDENTIN auch um das Ansehen der Bundesrepublik in der ganzen Welt.
20070606             Fernsehbilder von vermummten Polizisten und randalierenden Demonstranten wirken da eher kontraproduktiv.
20070606             Der Einsatz werde etwa zehn Millionen Euro kosten, sagte 1—SPRECHER—VON—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTER—FRANZ—JOSEF—JUNG.
20070606             The Strategic Corporal is the notion that leadership in complex, rapidly evolving mission environments devolves lower and lower down THE—CHAIN—OF—COMMAND to better exploit TIME—CRITICAL—INFORMATION into the decision making process, ultimately landing on the corporal, the lowest ranking NON—COMMISSIONED officer, typically commanding 1—SQUAD—OF—12—15—MARINES.
20070606             In very rapidly evolving mission situations, obtaining mission instructions from remotely located command may result in mission failure, or in casualties to both force personnel and civilians.
20070606             Conversely, misusing this KIND—OF—RESPONSIBILITY may result in personal liability for the team leader:
20070606             1—DECISION executed to respond to situational needs may result in later prosecution as the team leaders actions are reviewed by higher authorities.
20070606             Als der Kommandant des Marine Corps, GENERAL—CHARLES C. - Krulak im
20070606             SEC INFO—KRULAK Charles C - 3 - Phelps Dodge CORP—FOR 20051207             20070606             Freedom ALLIANCE—THE—PRICE—OF—LIBERTY is Eternal Vigilance
20070606             GENERAL—CHARLES C.
20070606             Krulak, is THE—CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OFFICER—OF—MBNA—EUROPE + 1—SENIOR vice CHAIRMAN—OF—MBNA America Bank.
20070606             —JOINED, GENERAL—KRULAK, MBNA America...
20070606             BERLIN - "Der Klimawandel ist das größte Sicherheitsrisiko in der Welt", sagte Entwicklungsministerin Heidemarie WIECZOREK—ZEUL.
20070606             Wassermangel und Ernteausfälle würden Konflikte in ohnehin schon instabilen Weltregionen weiter anheizen, sagte die Ministerin bei der Übergabe einer Studie des wissenschaftlichen Beirats der Bundesregierung.
20070606             REUTERS—FARMER in Australien: Globale Umweltveränderungen als Sicherheitsrisiko Nummer Eins
20070606             Die SPD—POLITIKERIN forderte zu Beginn des G-8-Gipfels in Heiligendamm Fortschritte in der Klimadebatte.
20070606             Der Klimaberater von Kanzlerin ANGELA—MERKEL, Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, nannte eine friedliche Weltgemeinschaft unmöglich, wenn der Klimawandel nicht kontrolliert werde: "Er ist gefährlicher als internationaler Terrorismus".
20070606             Der wissenschaftliche Beirat "Globale Umweltveränderungen" betonte in seinem Bericht, die Folgen des Klimawandels würden kaum Kriege im herkömmlichen Sinne auslösen.
20070606             Es drohe aber 1—DESTABILISIERUNG—VON—STAATEN, die ohnehin Zerfallserscheinungen aufwiesen.
20070606             Dies würde wiederum Wanderungswellen von Menschen auslösen, auf welche die Weltgemeinschaft nicht vorbereitet sei.
20070606             G- 8-Protest: Tausende Demonstranten nächtigen in Zaunnähe
20070606             ETHIK—DILEMMA: STAMMZELL—FORSCHER feiern ERFOLG—UND fürchten politischen Missbrauch
20070606             GIPFEL—AUFTAKT: G- 8-Chefs streiten über Afrika und AIDS—HILFE
20070606             G- 8-Gipfel: Merkels Mühen hinterm Zaun
20070606             Coup der G- 8-Kritiker: 15—POLIZISTEN gegen 5000—DEMONSTRANTEN
20070606             REGIERUNGS—STUDIE: Klimawandel als weltgrößtes Sicherheitsrisiko
20070606             Libby Sentenced to 2 1/2—YEARS in CIA Leak Case : Federal JUDGE—REGGIE—WALTON also ordered I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby to pay $250,000 in fines.
20070606             Additionally, the former aide will be on probation —FOR—2—YEARS following THE—COMPLETION—OF—HIS—PRISON—TERM.
20070606             Libby must report to 1—PROBATION—OFFICER within 72—HOURS—OF—SENTENCING,
20070606             —SKIRTED, NSA surveillance program may have, 19910000              law:
20070606             —SIDESTEPPED, The Bush administration may have, 1—KEY
20070606             —ALLEGED, Experts cast doubt on CREDIBILITY—OF—JFK terror plot: An, plot to blow up fuel tanks and pipelines at NEW—YORK—JFK airport had little CHANCE—OF—SUCCESS, according to safety experts, who have questioned whether the plot ever posed 1—REAL—THREAT.
20070606             10—MEN ACCUSED—OF—PLOTTING—COUP in Laos: USA COLONEL allegedly raised money to buy, export arms: A GROUP—OF—LAOS—MEN and 1—RETIRED USA—ARMY—OFFICER who served during THE—VIETNAM War were ACCUSED—OF—RAISING—THOUSANDS—OF—DOLLARS to mount 1—COUP to overthrow the communist GOVERNMENT—OF—LAOS.
20070606             Palestinians protest occupation on 67—WAR anniversary : Palestinians and peace activists rallied on —TUESDAY against 4—DECADES—OF—ISRAEL i occupation on the anniversary of 19670000             —THE—WAR that reshaped THE—MIDDLE—EAST in just 6—DAYS.
20070606             —PROVOKED, ISRAEL, 6—DAY—WAR, says FORMER—HOLLAND—UN—OBSERVER : A FORMER—HOLLAND—UN—OBSERVER has said ISRAEL was not under siege by Arab countries preceding THE—6—DAY—WAR, the 40. anniversary of which falls —TUESDAY + that the Jewish state provoked most border incidents as PART—OF—ITS—STRATEGY to annex more land.
20070606             JOHN—PILGER: "Palestine is Still the Issue" : Why Has This Documentary, Never Been Broadcast On USA—MEDIA ?: PALESTINIANS—FORCED off their land and later subjected to 1—MILITARY—OCCUPATION by ISRAEL.
20070606             —CONDEMNED, An occupation, by THE—UNITED—NATIONS and almost EVERY—COUNTRY in the world, including BRITAIN.
20070606             Taliban uses weapons made in CHINA—IRAN:
20070606             Sophisticated new weapons, including CHINA—ANTI—AIRCRAFT—MISSILES as well as items made in IRAN, are reaching Taliban forces in AFGHANISTAN, according to government officials and other sources
20070606             RETURN—OF—THE—TALIBAN : No 1 in AFGHANISTAN wants to be on the losing side when MULLAH—OMAR—MEN ride back into town on their motorcycles.
20070606             USA—SIGNS—SECURITY—PACT with Kurdistan, warns TURKEY not to invade : THE—USA has issued its HIGHEST—LEVEL—WARNING against 1—TURKEY—MILITARY—INVASION—OF—NEIGHBORING—IRAQ.
20070606             Turks shell rebels in NORTH—IRAQ again, says Kurdish report : TURKEY—TROOPS shelled 1—BORDER—AREA in NORTH—IRAQ for a 2. day early yesterday in 1—ATTACK on Kurdish rebels based there, 1—PRO—KURDISH—NEWS—AGENCY reported.
20070606             The report could not be confirmed immediately.
20070606             TURKEY seeks UN OK for CROSS—BORDER action ;
20070606             The prospect that TURKEY—TROOPS will invade NORTH—IRAQ to attack Kurdish rebels rose yesterday as TURKEY reportedly asked to meet UN SECRETARY—GENERAL—BAN—KI—MOON to reaffirm its right to SELF—DEFENCE.
20070606             UNITED—KINGDOM—EX—DIPLOMAT says IRAQ troop presence "makes things worse" : A former top UNITED—KINGDOM—DIPLOMAT—TUESDAY called for 1—SPEEDY troop withdrawal from IRAQ and predicted that THE—PROCESS—OF—LEAVING—IRAQ would cause 'strain' in ANGLO—USA—RELATIONS.
20070606             Manufacturing Consent For War With IRAN?:
20070606             USA—TROOPS detain 4—INSURGENTS smuggling IRAN—WEAPONS in BAGHDAD : The detainees are believed to be members of a "secret cell terrorist network known for facilitating THE—TRANSPORT—OF—WEAPONS and explosively formed penetrators, or EFPs, from IRAN to IRAQ, as well as bringing militants from IRAQ to IRAN for terrorist training," 1—MILITARY—STATEMENT said.
20070606             5—USA—REPS Support Cheney Impeachment : USA REPRESENTATIVE—YVETTE—CLARKE (D-NY) has become the 5. total CO—SPONSOR—OF—USA REPRESENTATIVE—DENNIS—KUCINICH'S (D-OH) bill to impeach VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—UNITED—STATES—DICK—CHENEY, ATLANTA Progressive News has learned.
20070606             In addition to Kucinich, the additional 3—MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS who have signed on to H. Res 333—ARE USA REPRESENTATIVE—JANICE—SCHAKOWSKY (D-IL), WILLIAM—LACY—CLAY (D-MO) + ALBERT—WYNN (D-MD).
20070606             No Unlawful Enemy Combatants at GUANTANAMO : Marjorie COHN—OF—THOMAS—JEFFERSON—SCHOOL—OF—LAW, says USA—TREATMENT—OF—THOSE combatants violates THE—GENEVA Conventions...
20070606             Congress warns on GUANTANAMO rulings : THE—WHITE—HOUSE must work with Congress on 1—NEW—SYSTEM for trying terror suspects after 1—MILITARY—COURT threw out charges against 2—GUANTANAMO Bay inmates, top Democrats said today.
20070606             Democrats want habeas corpus for detainees: Congressional Democrats are seizing on rulings against the current terror trial system to call for THE—RIGHT—OF—DETAINEES to file habeas corpus suits.
20070606             JOHN—CONYERS and the Bush Dictatorship : Without fanfare, or ANNOUNCEMENT—OF—ANY—KIND—THE—PRESIDENT recently signed 1—DIRECTIVE which states that in case of a "catastrophic emergency" the "PRESIDENT shall lead THE—ACTIVITIES—OF—THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT for ensuring constitutional government".
20070606             What is 1—CATASTROPHIC—EMERGENCY?
20070606             Well, it is anything that Bush says it is.
20070606             —ARRESTED, He is ; later, his colleague LUKE—RUDOWSKI is led outside by police.
20070606             —HAPPENED, Rudowski is let go and explains what just.
20070606             Syria Dumps USA—DOLLAR Peg:
20070606             Global Confidence In Greenback Falls
20070606             POOR—WASHING, the Gates Foundation & the "Green Revolution" in Africa : Are corporate foundations really out to feed the hungry, or are they hypocritical Trojan Horses on 1—MISSION to hijack the world's food SUPPLY—TO create the most complete and ultimate STATE—OF—DEPENDENCY.
20070606             Global warming 'is 3—TIMES—FASTER than worst predictions' : The issue will be TOP—OF—THE—AGENDA—OF—THE G8 summit which opens in THE—GERMANY—BALTIC—RESORT—OF—HEILIGENDAMM on —WEDNESDAY, placing unprecedented pressure on PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH finally to agree to INTERNATIONAL measures.
20070606             USA rejects German G8 climate goal : WASHINGTON says it will not agree to 1—DEAL on slashing greenhouse gas emissions at the G8 summit in GERMANY.
20070606             "The Secret HISTORY—OF—THE—AMERICAN—EMPIRE"
20070606             -Economic Hit Men, Jackals + the Truth about Global CORRUPTION—AUDIO & TRANSCRIPT—INTERVIEW—WITH—JOHN—PERKINS
20070606             —TODAY, we spend the hour with 1—MAN who claims to have worked deep inside the forces driving corporate globalization.
20070606             In his 1. book, "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man", JOHN—PERKINS told THE—STORY—OF—HIS—WORK as 1—HIGHLY paid consultant hired to STRONG—ARM—LEADERS into creating policy favorable to THE—USA—GOVERNMENT and corporations -- what he calls the "corporatocracy".
20070606             Continue
20070606             Defending ISRAEL from Democracy
20070606             —CRUSHED, The 2. Palestinian intifada has been.
20070606             The 700km wall is sealing the occupied POPULATION—OF—THE—WEST—BANK into 1—SERIES—OF—PRISONS.
20070606             The "demographic timebomb" -- the fear that Palestinians, through higher birth rates, will soon outnumber Jews in the Holy Land and that ISRAEL—CONTINUING—RULE over them risks being compared to apartheid -- has been safely defused through the disengagment from GAZA and its 1.4—MILLION—INHABITANTS.
20070606             TURKEY denies major incursion into N.IRAQ:
20070606             —DENIED, TURKEY, 1—REPORT on —WEDNESDAY it had launched 1—MAJOR—INCURSION into NORTH—IRAQ to crush Kurdish rebels there, but 1—MILITARY—SOURCE said troops had conducted 1—LIMITED raid across the mountainous border
20070606             If You Think Bush Is Evil Now, Wait Until He Nukes IRAN
20070606             The war in IRAQ is lost.
20070606             —RECOGNIZED, This fact is widely, by USA—MILITARY—OFFICERS and has been recently expressed forcefully by LIEUTENANT—GENERAL—RICARDO—SANCHEZ, THE—COMMANDER—OF—USA—FORCES in IRAQ during the 1. year of the attempted occupation.
20070606             Winning is no longer 1—OPTION. Continue
20070606             Could al Qaeda Attack Trigger War With IRAN?
20070606             —FOLLOWING revelations of 1—GEORGE W. Bush administration policy to hold IRAN responsible for ANY—AL Qaeda attack on THE—USA—THAT could be portrayed as planned on IRAN—SOIL, former national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinksi warned last week that WASHINGTON might use such 1—INCIDENT as 1—PRETEXT to bomb IRAN.
20070606             Exclusive: IRAQ—LAWMAKERS—PASS—RESOLUTION—THAT—MAY—FORCE—END to Occupation
20070606             —BY Raed Jarrar and JOSHUA—HOLLAND
20070606             —PASSED, THE—PARLIAMENT—TODAY, 1—BINDING—RESOLUTION that will guarantee lawmakers 1—OPPORTUNITY to block THE—EXTENSION—OF—THE—UNITED—NATIONS—MANDATE under which coalition troops now remain in IRAQ when it comes up for renewal in December.
20070606             —DOMINATED, PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—AL—MALIKI, whose cabinet is, by IRAQ—SEPARATISTS, may veto the measure.
20070606             Not for Freedom
20070606             The "global war on terror" is just 1—BAD metaphor that doesn't have ANY—CONNECTION to reality.
20070606             How long are THE—USA—PEOPLE going to allow liars to lull them into sacrificing the most precious treasure the country has — its youth — in 1—FUTILE, LIE—RIDDEN, CORRUPTION—POCKED war?
20070606             Why Being "Worst PRESIDENT—EVER" Is Not Enough
20070606             —COMMITTED, If 1—WAR—CRIME was, it is elementary that those that aid and abet this crime are also war criminals.
20070606             This includes the Congress when it repeatedly funds the operations which are criminal.
20070606             It also includes the soldiers who carry out THE—ORDERS—OF—THE—WAR—CRIMINALS.
20070606             And, yes, to the extent that we don't publicly object to it, you and me.
20070606             THE—ART—OF—WAR for the Antiwar Movement
20070606             -Audio INTERVIEW—WITH—SCOTT—RITTER
20070606             SCOTT—RITTER, candidly analyzes the weaknesses in progressive movements for peace and justice.
20070606             Based on Sun TSU—THE—ART—OF—WAR + other approaches to waging war, Ritter suggests the antiwar movement wage peace with the same ferocity and strategy that PRO—WAR and ANTI—SOCIAL—FORCES—WAGE—WAR.
20070606             The British and USA—MILITARY—PRESENCE in IRAQ is worsening security across the region and should be withdrawn quickly, THE—UK—FORMER—AMBASSADOR to WASHINGTON warned yesterday.
20070606             Not worth THE—LIFE—OF—1—MORE—SOLDIER.
20070606             BRUCE—SPRINGSTEEN: Live in DUBLIN (Just Released 2-CDs)
20070606             Who Appointed JUDGE—REGGIE—WALTON, Who Sentenced Scooter Libby to Prison for His Proven Criminal Behavior?
20070606             So the Bush eviks Get Hit for Violating THE—RULE—OF—LAW by 1—REPUBLICAN Judge and Now They Whine About It.
20070606             Dramatic Change: Obama Now Tied with Clinton in Latest USA—TODAY/Gallup Poll
20070606             DAVID—CORN: Fred and Scooter; Thompson is eager to attach himself to the convicted felon.
20070606             Cindy Sheehan Wins This WEEK—BUZZFLASH—WINGS—OF—JUSTICE—AWARD
20070606             NEW—HAMPSHIRE Debate: GOP Candidates Support of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Puts National Security at Risk -- A BuzzFlash News Alert
20070606             MITCH—MCCONNELL (R-KY) Voter ID Amendment Resoundingly Defeated in the Senate 52?41;
20070606             As People For THE—USA—WAY put it, 'SENATOR—MCCONNELL?s voter ID amendment was politics at its worst.
20070606             It had nothing to do with immigration.
20070606             Rather, its impact would have been to keep eligible voters away from the polls?especially poor people, senior citizens, students, minorities + people from rural areas.
20070606             Its resounding bipartisan defeat is 1—HUGE—VICTORY for voters and voting rights advocates.' 6/7
20070606             Food prices are climbing; We're told to blame corn and the weather, but gas prices play 1—BIG—PART, especially when gas has doubled in price since THE—IRAQ War began.
20070606             GOP candidates shy away from Bush.
20070606             "I never heard such 1—PILING on of 1—SITTING—PRESIDENT who's of the same party," said Linda Fowler, 1—GOVERNMENT—PROFESSOR at Dartmouth College.
20070606             "They were as tough on him as the Democrats were".
20070606             According to 1—RECENT—POLL, voters care more about "values" than ever before.
20070606             —WHEN you see the word "values," always translate it as "sex".
20070606             Americans, particularly red STATE—AMERICANS, are simply too damn dumb to understand that NON—SEXUAL—ETHICS even exist.
20070606             Cheney can use THE—IRAQ war to fatten his Haliburton holdings: Doesn't matter.
20070606             THE—PRESIDENT can start 1—WAR on 1—FALSE pretext: Doesn't matter.
20070606             Americans can commit torture: Doesn't matter.
20070606             JACK—ABRAMOFF : Doesn't matter.
20070606             —EARMARKED, Stolen money, to rebuild IRAQ: Doesn't matter.
20070606             Americans are intellectually INCAPABLE—OF—COMPREHENDING such things.
20070606             As the Subgeniuses say: "You know how dumb the average guy is?
20070606             —BY definition, half the guys out there are dumber than that ".
20070606             G- 8-Eklat: Bono und Geldof verkrachen sich mit Merkels Mitarbeitern
20070606             Verunreinigungen: Roche ruft HIV—ARZNEI zurück
20070606             Kursrutsch: Dax verliert 2,4 Prozent
20070606             G- 8-Gipfel: Merkel schreibt Durchbruch beim Klimaschutz ab
20070606             Online gegen G 8: Die Links der Linken
20070606             Stahlmangel: U- BAHN—BETRIEBEN gehen die Ersatzteile aus
20070606             DEMO—VERBOT: Polizei verrät Waffenarsenal der G- 8-Gegner an die NPD
20070606             Kampf gegen PKK: Gerüchte über türkische Offensive im Nordirak
20070606             Indien: Fünfjähriger soll 100—KILOMETER weit laufen
20070606             WMF—BERICHT: Klimawandel bedroht Kulturstätten
20070606             Polizeidebakel in Heiligendamm: GIPFEL—BLOCKIERER wollen bis —FREITAG durchhalten
20070606             Polizei überfordert: Rangeleien am Sicherheitszaun
20070606             Gipfelkonzert mit Campino: "Ich lasse mir nicht übers Maul fahren"
20070606             Heiligendamm: Polizei drängt Demonstranten vom Zaun zurück
20070606             The Grill: The Road to TEHRAN It is not beyond hope that shortly the Ayatollahs will fall and the new government will be solidly PRO—AMERICAN.
20070606             And it will happen without USA—MILITARY.
20070606             1—GESPRÄCH unter Freunden oder gar mit einem therapeutisch geschulten Gesprächspartner kann dafür sorgen, dass stressauslösende Situationen nicht mehr so sehr aufs Gemüt schlagen.
20070606             Mehr noch: Ausreichende soziale Unterstützung schützt vor Herzkrankheiten, Depressionen und stärkt das Immunsystem.
20070606             G- 8-Gipfel: Pannen im Paralleluniversum
20070606             Randalenacht von ROSTOCK: Verwirrung um Verletztenzahlen
20070606             Lage spitzt sich zu: Schwere Hubschrauber im Einsatz
20070606             G8- Dampfzug "Molli": Klimasünder nebelt Heiligendamm ein
20070606             Gespräch mit Bush : Merkel sieht Fortschritte beim Klimaschutz
20070606             Energiemulti Shell: "Die klassische Solartechnik ist 1—SACKGASSE"
20070606             Krawalle am Sicherheitszaun: Landweg BLOCKIERT—MARINE bringt Journalisten nach Heiligendamm
20070606             Blockaden um Heiligendamm: Polizei ÜBERFORDERT—DEMONSTRANTEN jubeln
20070606             Angespannte Lage: Demonstranten erreichen Sicherheitszaun
20070606             Konjunktur: EZB erhöht Leitzins auf 4,0 Prozent
20070606             Kampf um Kompromisse: Merkel will Bush beim Lunch auf Klimaschutz einschwören
20070606             Bundesverfassungsgericht: Sternmarsch nach Heiligendamm bleibt verboten
20070606             Nierenleiden: GASPROM—CHEF schwer erkrankt
20070606             Arcadi GAYDAMAK—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia
20070606             Arcadi Alexandrovich Gaydamak (also spelled Arkadi Gaydamak, Russian: 1—BIOGRAPHY ;
20070606             2—CAREER; 3—ANGOLAGATE; 4—SPORT—CLUBS and media ownership...
20070606             WITHOUT CORRUPTION
20070606             INFONEWS—REVISTA Presei, Ziare, Reviste, Gazete Stiri Externe: In ISRAEL—ARKADI GAIDAMAK—POLITICA, afaceri, fotbal...
20070606             Ehud OLMERT—REPUTATION lies in tatters.
20070606             Arkadi Gaydamak is quietly establishing himself as the most powerful man in ISRAEL and 1—KINGPIN...
20070606             —FORMED, SUPERPOWER SILENCE IN CABINDA Falcone appears to have, 1—PARTNERSHIP with Arkadi Gaidamak...
20070606             —SUMMONED, At the same time, Arkadi Gaidamak was also, to appear before the Judges...
20070606             VENÄLÄISSURMAT SUOMESSA 1914—22—ARVOISIMPIA uhreja olivat KONTRA—AMIRAALI Arkadi Nebolsin ja laivaston... aliluutnantti), hävittäjä " Gaidamak ".
20070606             Meriväen luettelosta löytyy vain ltn.
20070606             Embajada de ISRAEL—CIDIPAL :: Embajada de ISRAEL en ARGENTINA Vieron obras de Vertigo y las compañías del Kolben Dance y Arkadi Zaides.
20070606             Esta visita significó, para Gaidamak, más de un millón de dólares.
20070606             —IDENTIFIED, FOIA Documents on USA in CHILE Propper and Branch, "Daniel" as ALBERT—SPAGGIARI,
20070606             in an article in "El Mercurio," a SPAIN—LANGUAGE daily newspaper published in SANTIAGO...
20070606             DINA—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia Main article : Letelier case.
20070606             —WORKED, DINA, with INTERNATIONAL agents.
20070606             —ACTED, FRANCE—OAS member ALBERT—SPAGGIARI also, as intermediary for THE—DINA in Europe...
20070606             —SHIPPED, Or that crucial BALL—BEARINGS were, to NAZI—ASSOCIATED customers in Latin... in PHILADELPHIA, when USA—FORCES were desperately SHORT—OF—THEM?
20070606             Little Known Facts Regarding World War 2 - ForumGarden
20070606             AIR—FORCE—MEMORIAL Foundation Most raids were against Swinefort ball bearing works in GERMANY William survived the war...
20070606             Not just for my Dad,but for all THE—WWII. Army AIR—FORCE vets.
20070606             examining DENNIS—LEE—CLAIMS—OF a government conspiracy to stop...
20070606             11/99—PHILADELPHIA show with meters and he had the security... ball bearings, strategic metals, industrial diamonds + of course oil from...
20070606             THE—CLIFFORD—SHACK—BLOG: HITLER—BALLS—WERE—MADE in THE—USA Where did Hitler get his ball bearings ?
20070606             —FROM 2—MANUFACTURERS.
20070606             1 in SWEDEN and 1 in PHILADELPHIA, PENNSILVANIA Also, HITLER—LUFTWAFFE (AIR—FORCE) couldn't...
20070606             USA—NAZI collaboration - 01 -
20070606             Or that crucial ball bearings. were shipped. to NAZI—ASSOCIATED customers... in PHILADELPHIA. when USA—FORCES. were desperately.
20070606             SHORT—OF—THEM? alfatomega.com/noname49.html
20070606             12—O'CLOCK High (19490000             )Factual errors: In THE—HQ briefing introducing the ball bearing mission, MAJOR—GEN.
20070606             - whitecargo from PHILADELPHIA PA—USA.
20070606             Dirty Little SECRETS—OF—WWII; Neutral Nations Helped the Nazis... 1—OF—GERMANY—LARGEST—WWII. trading partners, supplied iron ore + ball bearings.
20070606             Global Divide on ISRAEL—LOBBY—STUDY—WORLD Opinion Roundup Questionable Islamic terrorism doesn't justify what ISRAEL i lobby does to...
20070606             where I met Nabil AL—TIKRITI, 1—PROFESSOR from THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—CHICAGO;...
20070606             However, Nabil AL—TIKRITI, then 1—RESEARCH—STUDENT at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—CHICAGO...
20070606             —SPARED, So far, Suleimanyah city had largely been, from ANY—TERRORIST...
20070606             The impact on libraries and archives in IRAQ—OF—WAR and looting in...
20070606             However, Nabil AL—TIKRITI, then 1—RESEARCH—STUDENT at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—CHICAGO (now... nyah city had largely been spared from ANY—TERRORIST...
20070606             —MENTIONED, Wright Medical Center gets, in THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL
20070606             —TITLED, The following is 1—EXCERPT from the article, Patients' Hospital Ratings Rise :
20070606             Wright Medical Center, a 25-bed hospital in CLARION—IOWA, circulated patient comments about individual nurses and doctors, good and bad, to all staffers.
20070606             Afterward, the facility's patient satisfaction scores rose to more than 90% from between 20% and 50%.
20070606             "If 1—DOCTOR got 1—BAD—COMMENT on (patient surveys) EVERY—SINGLE—STAFF—MEMBER would be reading about it," said CEO STEVE—SIMONIN.
20070606             "Nobody wanted bad comments out there about themselves, so they changed their behavior. " To read the entire article,
20070606             click here.
20070606             Elites/GENERAL—DOMHOFF, G. William.
20070606             The Higher Circles: The Governing Class in America.
20070606             ABRAHAM—FEINBERG—GILPATRIC—ROSWELL L - Domhoff,G.W. Who Rules America?
20070606             Ernst FRAENKEL—DER DOPPELSTAAT—PERLENTAUCHER.de, Kultur und...
20070606             Hier entwickelt Fraenkel die These, dass das nationalsozialistische Herrschaftssystem in zwei große Bereiche zerfällt: den Normenstaat und den...
20070606             :Phase 2:
20070606             Vielmehr sei der Normenstaat durch den Maßnahmenstaat situativ außer Kraft gesetzt worden + zwar an genau den Punkten, welche die Polizeiapparate gemäß...
20070606             Broad Area Maritime SURVEILLANCE—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia
20070606             Untitled... with GENERAL—DYNAMICS ' unmanned G550 and Lockheed /GENERAL—ATOMICS ' Predator-B.. offering support to carrier task forces, Marine Expeditionary Units...
20070606             Dolph Honicker Online
20070606             —DEPICTED, God is always, as an Ancient Mariner SORT—OF—FIGURE with 1—LONG—FLOWING... HEAD—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—ATOMIC—ENERGY—AGENCY, determined that the...
20070606             Mooney Green Baker & Saindon Labor Union Page
20070606             DISTRICT—NUMBER 1-P.C.D., Marine Engineers Beneficial Association... Whether it is defense contractors (with THE—MERGER—OF—LOCKHEED, GENERAL—DYNAMICS +...
20070606             Italien hat den G-8-Gipfel von Genua einfach beiseite geschoben.
20070606             Selbst
20070606             und kein einziger Journalist berichtet.
20070606             GENUA, dagegen verhandeln gleich drei Kammern.
20070606             Der 1. Prozess richtet sich gegen 29—POLIZISTEN, die am Sturm auf die Schule beteiligt waren, die einen als Kommandeure, die andren als Schlagstock schwingendes Fußvolk.
20070606             Schwere Körperverletzung wird ihnen vorgeworfen, dazu noch die Fälschung von Beweismitteln.
20070606             Die MOLOTOW—COCKTAILS NÄMLICH—DAS ist auch dank der Aussagen einiger Polizisten mittlerweile zweifelsfrei ERWIESEN—HATTEN die Beamten selbst mitgebracht.
20070606             Zweimal die Woche tagt das Gericht in einer ebenso großen wie leeren Aula.
20070606             Denn niemand mehr in Italien interessiert sich für die Vorfälle von Genua, gerade einmal die Lokalpresse berichtet noch.
20070606             Derweil haben die angeklagten Polizeioffiziere ungestört Karriere gemacht: Fast alle wurden in den letzten Jahren befördert.
20070606             Noch heute ist Italiens Justiz mit der Aufarbeitung der Vorfälle von Genua befasst.
20070606             Sie war zur Überzeugung gekommen, dass Placanica aus Notwehr gehandelt habe.
20070606             Ein dubioses ballistisches Gutachten war aufgrund einiger verschwommener Fotos zu der Schlussfolgerung gekommen, der Schuss sei in die Luft abgefeuert worden, dann aber ganz unglücklich an einem fliegenden Stein abgeprallt.
20070606             Die Sache beschäftigt jetzt den Europäischen Menschenrechtsgerichtshof in Straßburg: Er hat 1—KLAGE—DER—ELTERN—GIULIANIS zugelassen.
20070606             Polizei brachte MOLOTOW—COCKTAILS selbst mit
20070606             Wieder wurde der Schwarze Block zum Vorwand, um die POLIZEI—HUNDERTSCHAFTEN auf unterschiedslos alle Sektoren der MEGA—DEMONSTRATION loszulassen.
20070606             Den makaberen Schlusspunkt setzte schließlich der nächtliche Sturm der Polizei auf jene Schule, die den Globalisierungskritikern als Schlafstätte diente.
20070606             Blut an den Heizkörpern, Blut auf den Treppenabsätzen, Dutzende Schwerverletzte, die auf Bahren aus dem Gebäude gefahren WURDEN—ANGEBLICH hatte die Polizei nur so "den Widerstand brechen" können.
20070606             Und angeblich hatte sie zwei MOLOTOW—COCKTAILS sowie zahlreiche Schlagwerkzeuge gefunden.
20070606             Die Erinnerung an Genua 20010000              ist noch immer präsent: 1—BRIEFBOMBE in einer CARABINIERI—STATION, in Tränengas eingenebelte Nonnen, ein toter Demonstrant.
20070606             —BIS heute sind die Vorgänge nicht aufgeklärt.
20070606             Streik: Italienische Tankstellen drehen den Hahn zu
20070606             Satellitenkameras gegen Genozid: Darfur wird aus dem All überwacht
20070606             Nie mehr Menstruation: DAUER—PILLE schafft die Tage ab
20070606             Heiligendamm: G- 8-Gegner werfen STEINE—POLIZEI setzt Tränengas ein
20070606             G8 in Genua: Gipfel der GEWALT—EXZESSE
20070606             Steigende Preise: Opec warnt Westen vor BIOSPRIT—INVESTITIONEN
20070606             Ehrensenf: News vom G- 8-Tiefpunkt
20070606             ONLINE—TIERSCHUTZ: EBay verbietet Elfenbeinhandel
20070606             Blinde Passagiere: Pinguine am falschen Ende der Welt
20070606             Abrüstung: Russland will KSE—VERTRAG nicht kündigen
20070606             G8: Klimapoker in Heiligendamm
20070606             Russland und der Gipfel: Putin, der Autonome
20070606             GIPFEL—TICKER: Wasserwerfer gegen G- 8-Demonstranten
20070606             Deutscher Investor: USA—BUNDESSTAAT ändert für Thyssen seine Verfassung
20070606             HYBRID—ENTWICKLUNG bei Continental: Es geht auch günstig
20070606             Irakkrieg: Republikaner auf Distanz zu Bush
20070606             EURO—NOTENBANK: Wirtschaftsforscher hält ZINS—SCHRITT für gefährlich
20070606             G- 8-Countdown: KLIMA—RETTUNGSVERSUCH in letzter Minute
20070606             G8: Familientreffen der Weltmächtigen
20070606             Gefälschte Medikamente: "Den Wettlauf können wir kaum noch gewinnen"
20070606             G- 8-Gipfel: Bush GELANDET—RIESIGES Polizeiaufgebot
20070606             Klimaschutz: Industrie will Glühbirnen ganz langsam abschaffen
20070606             Korruptionsverdacht: Transparency geht gegen 57—DEUTSCHE Firmen vor
20070606             Umstrittene MEDIKAMENTEN—TESTS: NIGERIA verklagt Pfizer auf Milliardensumme
20070606             Dumpfer Dino: Tyrannosaurus rex war langsamer Klotz
20070606             ede in Prag: Russland weist Bush s DEMOKRATIE—KRITIK zurück
20070606             -Published ON—DOD acquisition CHIEF—KRIEG resigns.
20070606             He wants to spend more time with his family according to 1—STATEMENT from the Defense Department.
20070606             SEC INFO—KRULAK Charles C - 3 - Phelps Dodge CORP—FOR
20070606             SEC INFO—KRULAK Charles C - 3 - Phelps Dodge CORP—FOR 20051207
200706060000 -Analysis by GARETH—PORTER
200706060000 I came to his
20070606—19910000    —FOUNDED, Colony, by THOMAS—BARRACK, focuses on real ESTATE—RELATED assets, securities, and operating companies.
20070606—20010720    —AM, Ein schmächtiger Körper in einer Blutlache, bekleidet nur mit einem Unterhemd und einer Jeans, das Gesicht durch eine dunkle "Hasskappe" verdeckt: Das Bild des toten CARLO—GIULIANI, erst durch den Schuss aus der Waffe eines jungen Polizisten niedergestreckt und dann von einem Jeep überrollt, ging um die Welt.
20070606—20030000    —J—IM, Doch ausgerechnet das wichtigste VERFAHREN—DAS gegen den Todesschützen MARIO—PLACANICA, der CARLO—GIULIANI aus einem von Demonstranten attackierten Jeep heraus erschossen HATTE—WURDE schon eingestellt.
20070606—20070330    —ON, Hicks conviction in doubt —AFTER USA—SETBACK: AUSTRALIA—DAVID—HICKS became the military commission system's 1. scalp —WHEN he pleaded guilty to 1—TERRORISM—CHARGE.
20070606—20070500    —IN, Why it Was PRESIDENT—BUSH, the 1. 1. Also, CHIEF—JUSTICE—JOHN—G—ROBERTS—JUNIOR appointed JUDGE—WALTON to 1—SEAT on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.
20070606—20070608    Wenn SIE—VOM—BIS—DIE sieben anderen wichtigsten STAATS—UND Regierungschefs empfängt,
20070606—20070608    in Heiligendamm beteiligen wird.
20070606—20080300    —IN, the deal was reported to be off.
20070606—20100000    —IN, he was sentenced to death as well as to 22—YEARS in prison for wounding 9—OTHERS and illegal firearm possession.
20070611—20070606    —ON, And here is 1—SMALL—DETAIL that links matters to the present day:, the Joint Chiefs sent Admiral McCain, FATHER—OF—THE—SENATOR from ARIZONA, 1—URGENT—MESSAGE instructing him to move the Liberty OUT—OF—THE—WAR—ZONE to 1—POSITION at least 100—MILES off THE—GAZA Coast.
20070615             A-Infos (de) Fauchthunrundmail 20070606             ... DC eine der grössten Aktionäre beim europäischen/deutschen Rüstungskonzern EADS.
20080606             As long as the greatest CRIME—OF—THE 20010101—21001231     remains unprosecuted, we all have 1—DUTY to keep the truth alive.
20080606             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, 1—TRANSPORTATION—BILL that freed $45—MILLION for environmental studies for 1—LEVITATING—TRAIN planned to run from Disneyland to LAS—VEGAS.
20080606             NEW—YORK—CITY, JAMES—DELAYO, 60—JAHRE—ALT, the city's CHIEF crane inspector, was arrested and charged with taking bribes for allow cranes to pass inspection.
20080606             —SETTLED, Crude oil, up $10.75 at 1—RECORD $138.54 on THE—NY Mercantile Exchange.
20080606             COLOMBIA—PRESIDENTIAL—SPOKESMAN said COLOMBIA and ECUADOR are restoring diplomatic ties at the charge d'affaires level following mediation by FORMER—USA—PRESIDENT—CARTER.
20080606             —AUTHORIZED, An official said CUBA has, SEX—CHANGE—OPERATIONS and will offer them free for qualifying citizens.
20080606             —INTRODUCED, DOCTOR—PAUL—TESSIER, innovative techniques in facial surgery.
20080606             —SUSPECTED, IRAQ, 2, Shiite militia leaders surrendered during raids by USA—FORCES, while tens of THOUSANDS—OF—SHIITE faithful streamed OUT—OF—MOSQUES to join protests against 1—SECURITY—AGREEMENT with THE—USA.
20080606             The arrests and demonstrations came on THE—EVE—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—AL—MALIKI—TRIP to IRAN, the 2. such visit in 1—YEAR.
20080606             A suicide bomber, believed to be 1—WOMAN, exploded herself near 1—CHECKPOINT in 1—VILLAGE outside Ramadi, wounding 2—POLICEMEN.
20080606             —TARGETED, An ISRAEL—AIRSTRIKE in Beit Lahiya, a Hamas base.
20080606             1—FIGHTER was killed during an ISRAEL—ARMY—OPERATION in the central GAZA Strip.
20080606             RUSSIA—NEW—PRESIDENT—MEDVEDEV met with leaders of 1—FRACTIOUS—ALLIANCE—OF—EX—SOVIET—REPUBLICS, warning UKRAINE and GEORGIA not to lead their countries into NATO.
20080606             —KILLED, SRI—LANKA, at least 23—PEOPLE were, and 67 wounded in 2—TAMIL Tiger bomb attacks on public buses packed with civilians.
20080606             TURKEY—RULING AK Party held 1—EMERGENCY meeting after the top court overturned 1—GOVERNMENT—LED reform which lifted 1—BAN on Muslim headscarves at universities.
20080606             —DETAINED, ZIMBABWE police briefly, ZIMBABWE—OPPOSITION—PRESIDENTIAL—CANDIDATE for the 2. time this week and told him the party's rallies had been banned indefinitely —3—WEEKS—BEFORE the runoff election.
20080606             Amazon: Internetseite fällt AUS—KURS bricht ein
20080606             DOLLAR—TALFAHRT: REKORD—ÖLPREIS lässt WALL—STREET absacken
20080606             BARACK—OBAMA: Enttäuschung programmiert
20080606             Pentagon Is Set to Oust 2—TOP—LEADERS From AIR—FORCE
20080606             Senate Panel Accuses BUSH—OF—IRAQ Exaggerations
20080606             Deutschlands Vermögen in Italien ist in Gefahr
20080606             Leichte radioaktive Strahlung in Hausmüll aus Italien nachgewiesen
20080606             Le Hamas et le Fatah se dirigent vers une réconciliation
20080606             Conserver les graines pour préserver la variété des espèces
20080606             Clearstream : les hy pothèses du procureur sur le rôle de Villepin
20080606             9/11—ACCUSED say s he would welcome death sentence
20080606             Food crisis summit ducks key issues
20080606             Zivilschutz: Ist WIEN auf den ATOM—SUPER—GAU vorbereitet?
20080606             EX—CCC'ER weer verdacht in terrorismezaak
20080606             War Obama beim letzten AIPAC—TREFFEN vor einem Jahr ob seiner Ankündigung, mit Teheran direkte Gespräche führen zu wollen, noch ausgebuht worden, erhielt er nun stehende Ovationen.
20080606             Olmert forderte nicht nur verschärfte Sanktionen gegen IRAN, sondern auch gegen alle Staaten, die iranisches Öl kaufen und raffinieren.
20080606             Pure Heuchelei.
20080606             Zugleich beschuldigte Olmert den IRAN, "der größte TERROR—EXPORTEUR der Welt" zu sein.
20080606             Auch warf er Teheran vor, die jüngste Resolution des UN—SICHERHEITSRATS zu miß8., wobei unerwähnt blieb, daß ISRAEL seit Jahren eine zunehmend lange Liste von Entschließungen der Vereinten Nationen ignoriert.
20080606             Olmert schloß seine Rede mit einer kaum verhüllten Aufforderung zum Krieg, indem er dringend "drastischere und robustere Maßnahmen gegen IRAN" forderte.
20080606             "Und so ist die Kirche für viele heute zum Haupthindernis des Glaubens geworden. Sie vermögen nur noch das menschliche Machtstreben, das kleinliche Theater derer in ihr zu sehen, die mit ihrer Behauptung, das amtliche Christentum zu verwalten, dem wahren Geist des Christentums am meisten im Wege zu stehen scheinen".
20080606             Dixit JOSEPH—RATZINGER noch 19680000             , in seiner "Einführung in das Christentum".
20080606             "Der Staat verhält sich, ohne es zu wollen, wie der großzügigste Wohltäter: er finanziert die katholische Caritas quasi zur Gänze, aber bewahrt die absolute Anony mität".
20080606             Außerdem, schreibt er, würde von fünf Euro Kirchensteuer lediglich ein einziger Euro für Mildtätigkeit ausgegeben: "Die anderen vier dienen der Selbstfinanzierung".
20080606             Nur der Klerus sei noch teurer, schreibt Maltese: "Mit aller gebotenen Vorsicht kann man behaupten, dass die katholische Kirche die italienischen Steuerzahler jedes Jahr etwa viereinhalb Milliarden Euro kostet, von direkter Finanzierung durch Staat und Gebietskörperschaften bis zum Steuerausfall".
20080606             "Die Kosten der katholischen Kirche für die italienischen Steuerzahler sind höher als die Kosten der Politik".
20080606             JOSEPH—RATZINGER hatte schon als Kardinal nie einen Geldbeutel dabei.
20080606             Die gestiegenen Ölpreise haben natürlich auch Auswirkungen auf die Teuerungsrate in Deutschland.
20080606             Der Bundesbank zufolge müssen die Deutschen noch längere Zeit mit kräftigen Preissteigerungen in vielen Bereichen rechnen.
20080606             Wegen der rasanten Teuerung bei Energie und Nahrungsmitteln hob sie am —FREITAG ihre Inflationsprognosen für dieses und nächstes Jahr kräftig an.
20080606             Das
20080606             Marktbeobachter prophezeien schon die nächsten Rekorde auf dem Ölmarkt: "Mit einem Preissprung um 5,50—DOLLAR je Barrel war gestern die größte absolute Tagesveränderung seit Aufnahme des Handels zu verbuchen", schreibt COMMERZBANK—EXPERTE Eugen Weinberg.
20080606             Die heftige Reaktion am Ölmarkt auf die Äußerungen Trichets und die einsetzende DOLLAR—SCHWÄCHE zeige aber auch, dass es den Markt nach oben zieht.
20080606             Bay ERNLB—KRISE: Huber wehrt sich gegen Lügenvorwürfe
20080606             DOLLAR—TALFAHRT: Ölpreis knackt neue Rekordmarke
20080606             Sy rien: Berichte über Putschversuch gegen Präsident Assad
20080606             Uups! - et orbi: Klerus im Steuerparadies
20080606             Nach Präsidentenwahl: Steinmeier erwartet neue USA—AUßENPOLITIK
20080606             Kompromiss: EU verzichtet auf Zerschlagung der Energiekonzerne
20080606             Fünf Finger gegen 17000 Cops
20080606             Was bleibt? Die Auswertung und Weiterentwicklung der Erfahrungen von Block G8 ist nicht mehr die Sache der Kampagnenstruktur, sondern der Bewegung insgesamt.
20080606             Die Blockaden haben 1—STÜCK—WIDERSTANDSGESCHICHTE geschrieben, das in Erinnerung bleiben wird.
20080606             Ihre letztendliche Bedeutung werden sie aber dadurch erhalten, was wir und ihr aus diesen Erfahrungen macht, wie Block G8 zum Referenzpunkt oder zum Steinbruch für kommende Aktionen wird.
20080606             Türkisches Verfassungsgericht kippt Kopftuchgesetz
20080606             Prozessauftakt in GUANTANAMO
20080606             EU—REGELN zur Abschiebung: Die Festung steht
20080606             Kriegsgipfel gegen IRAN
20080606             Whatever Happened to Whatever Happened to the Bees?
20080606             1—Y ear ago, the world was transfixed by the unexplained COLLAPSE—OF—HONEY bee colonies in NORTH—AMERICA and Europe.
20080606             —PREDICTED, Doom was, for entire SECTORS—OF—GLOBAL—AGRICULTURE.
20080606             And then we forgot about it.
20080606             Insgesamt hatte Obama von Rezko rund 1—VIERTELMILLION—DOLLAR erhalten, die er inzwischen weitgehend wieder abstieß und an wohltätige Zwecke weiterspendete.
20080606             Das CLINTON—LAGER SCHLACHTETE—OBAMAS Verbindung zu Rezko freudig aus.
20080606             Wahlkampfspende vom Immobilienhai Der Immobilienhai Antoin ("Tony ") Rezko war einer der 1. Wahlkampfspender OBAMAS—UND half ihm, im feinen Viertel Hy de Park in Chic20080801             —VILLA zu kaufen.
20080606             Dummerweise ist Rezko angeklagt, unter anderem wegen Geldwäsche und Bestechung, als Teil eines größeren Ermittlungsverfahrens gegen Korruption in der Stadtverwaltung.
20080606             Neue Prognose zu Kosten des Klimawandels
20080606             Die Internationalen Energieagentur (IEA) hat unterdessen neue Zahlen vorgelegt, was der Kampf gegen den Klimawandel auf globaler Ebene kosten würde: 45—BILLIONEN Dollar.
20080606             Vier Wochen vor dem G-8-Gipfel in JAPAN forderte die IEA am —FREITAG eine "Revolution der Energietechnik" - ansonsten würden die TREIBHAUSGAS—EMISSIONEN nach den Berechnungen der Experten bis Mitte des Jahrhunderts um 130 % ansteigen.
20080606             In diesem Fall müsste sich die Welt auf verheerende Folgen des Klimawandels einstellen.
20080606             Die IEA fordert ein sofortiges politisches Handeln und einen Umbau der Energietechnik "in beispiellosem Ausmaß", um die geplante Halbierung der Emissionen bis
20080606             Auf Schweizer Seite wird aber gelegentlich der Verdacht geäußert, USA—BEHÖRDEN seien nicht immer gewillt, diese Abkommen in konkreten Fällen auch einzuhalten.
20080606             Auf jeden Fall hat der Schweizer Botschafter bereits bei der amerikanischen Regierung interveniert und die Einhaltung der Vereinbarungen angemahnt.
20080606             Wie die Internetseite Wikileaks unter Bezugnahme auf ein internes Dokument aus einem Rechtsstreit zwischen BT und dem Werbeunternehmen Phorm berichtet, soll BT in Zusammenarbeit Phorm
20080606             mehr als 18.000—KUNDEN ausgehorcht haben.
20080606             Phorm installierte demnach spezielle Geräte im BT—NETZWERK, welche Webanfragen der BT—NUTZER über ihren eigenen Server umgeleitet haben sollen.
20080606             Dabei griffen die Werber angeblich über 1—SPY—WARE—PROGRAMM—DATEN über Seiten ab, die sich die Nutzer ansahen.
20080606             Anders als bisher behauptet, sollen dabei tatsächlich personenbezogene Daten geflossen
20080606             Das 3—D—SIM—MIKROSKOP kann aber eine etwa doppelt so hohe Auflösung erreichen.
20080606             Und im Gegensatz
20080606             zur kostenintensiven Elektronenmikroskopie ist die Darstellung auch noch in Farbe.
20080606             "Keine der bislang entwickelten Techniken konnte bis jetzt breit eingesetzt werden", sagt Heinrich Leonhardt vom Biozentrum der LMU.
20080606             Das 3—D—SIM—VERFAHREN (3—DIMENSIONAL structured illumination microscopy ) hingegen sei nichts anderes als herkömmliche Lichtmikroskopie mit einer besonderen Form der Beleuchtung.
20080606             Aus diesem Grunde verspricht sich Leonhardt von der Entwicklung auch einen großen kommerziellen Erfolg.
20080606             Abstimmung: USA—SENAT blockiert Klimaschutzgesetz
20080606             Steuerfahndung: USA—BEHÖRDEN fordern UBS zur Herausgabe von Kundendaten auf
20080606             NETZWELT—TICKER: Schnüffelalarm in Großbritannien
20080606             SUPER—MIKROSKOP: Farbenfroher Blick ins Erbgut
20080606             Revealed: Secret Slan to Keep IRAQ Under USA—CONTROL
20080606             Bush wants 50—MILITARY—BASES, CONTROL—OF—IRAQ—AIRSPACE and legal immunity for all USA—SOLDIERS and contractors.
20080606             Continue
20080606             New Agreement Lets USA—STRIKE ANY—COUNTRY From Inside IRAQ
20080606             A proposed IRAQI—USA—SECURITY—AGREEMENT will include permanent USA—BASES in the country, and the right for THE—USA to strike, from within IRAQ—TERRITORY, ANY—COUNTRY it considers 1—THREAT to its national security, Gulf News has learned.
20080606             IRAN: USA—IRAQ Security Deal Aims To Enslave Iraqis
20080606             "THE—ESSENCE—OF—THIS agreement is to turn the Iraqis into slaves before the Americans, if it is sealed," THE—FORMER—PRESIDENT—OF—IRAN said.
20080606             "This will not happen. THE—IRAQ—PEOPLE, THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT and the Islamic nation will not allow it".
20080606             Mortgaging America
20080606             Investment funds run by foreign governments are keeping THE—USA—AFLOAT.
20080606             30 -1—IRAQ—LEGISLATORS, representing 1—MAJORITY—OF—THE—IRAQ—PARLIAMENT, have expressed "widespread disapproval of the proposed USA—IRAQ security agreement if it does not include 1—SPECIFIC—TIMETABLE for THE—WITHDRAWAL—OF—USA—MILITARY—TROOPS".
20080606             IRAQ—LAWMAKERS tell CONGRESS—OF—MISGIVINGS about security agreement with USA : "THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT—RIGHT now still does not have full REIN—OF—ITS sovereignty BECAUSE—OF—THE—THOUSANDS—OF—FOREIGN—TROOPS now on its land," Nadim AL—JABERI, an IRAQ—SHIITE lawmaker, told 1—HOUSE—PANEL on —WEDNESDAY.
20080606             Aljazeera: IRAQ—REACTIONS to Security Agreements:
20080606             "WILL—IRAQ—POLITICAL and religious sides succeed in aborting the controversial draft agreement?
20080606             What would be the ramifications on IRAQ and its neighbouring regional countries if the agreement were signed?"
20080606             IRAN—TURKEY coordinate IRAQ strikes : A TURKEY—TV—STATION is quoting 1—SENIOR—MILITARY—COMMANDER as say ing that TURKEY and IRAN have carried out coordinated strikes against Kurdish rebels in NORTH—IRAQ.
20080606             IRAN say s 16—KILLED in infiltration from NORTH—IRAQ: report: 12—MILITANTS + 4—POLICE were killed during 1—BORDER—INFILTRATION from NORTH—IRAQ into IRAN—WEST—AZERBAIJAN province,
20080606             the Fars news agency reported on —THURSDAY.
20080606             —ANSWERED, IRAN say s, bomb allegations and "matter over" : IRAN said on —THURSDAY it had given UNITED—NATIONS investigators more than 200—PAGES—OF—ANSWERS to questions about intelligence reports that it secretly researched how to make atom bombs and declared "the matter is over".
20080606             Olmert to ask Bush to step up action against IRAN : Ehud Olmert will ask PRESIDENT—GEORGE W Bush —WEDNESDAY to step up USA and INTERNATIONAL action against IRAN and prepare for 1—POSSIBLE—MILITARY—STRIKE against its nuclear facilities, the Y ediot Ahronot daily reported.
20080606             Obama speech 'very MOVING'—OLMERT : "His appearance was very impressive. His words on JERUSALEM were very moving," MISTER—OLMERT said after meeting USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH in THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20080606             ISRAEL—FLAG—ON—LAPEL, He Hails JERUSALEM: BARACK—OBAMA, wearing 1—PIN bearing the Israeli and USA—FLAGS, kicked off his general election campaign y esterday with 1—IMPASSIONED appeal for Jewish votes that promised JERUSALEM must remain the undivided CAPITAL—OF—ISRAEL.
20080606             —SHOCKED, Arabs, by Obama speech : Arab leaders have reacted with anger and disbelief to 1—INTENSELY PRO—ISRAEL—SPEECH delivered by BARACK—OBAMA, THE—USA Democratic presumptive presidential nominee.
20080606             Abbas calls for unity with Hamas: MAHMOUD—ABBAS, THE—PRESIDENT—OF—PALESTINIAN—AUTHORITY, has called for unity between his Fatah party and the Islamist Hamas group, 1—OF—THE—CLEAREST—SIGNS y et that the Palestinian leadership has lost faith in its peace talks with ISRAEL.
20080606             Hamas accepts talks with Fatah : Hamas has said it is ready for reconciliation talks with Fatah and called for discussions to take place under THE—AUSPICES—OF—THE—ARAB—LEAGUE.
20080606             Assad: ISRAEL—DEMANDS indicate it's not genuine about peace: "This signals that ISRAEL does not desire peace and is not willing to reach it," Assad was quoted as say ing —THURSDAY by KUWAIT—STATE—NEWS—AGENCY—KUNA.
20080606             'I—WISH—I—HAD—THE—TALIBAN as My Soldiers': PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI : PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI has come under fire for not doing enough to stem corruption in AFGHANISTAN.
20080606             He speaks to SPIEGEL about the coalition forces' ties with warlords, rumors about his family 's influence and why he believes dirty deals are sometimes necessary.
20080606             PAKISTAN frees DOZENS—OF—PRO—TALIBAN militants : The government in PAKISTAN—NORTH—WEST—FRONTIER—PROVINCE (NWFP) has freed DOZENS—OF—MILITANTS under 1—PEACE—DEAL with the militants who have fought the security forces to enforce TALIBAN—STY le rule in the restive VALLEY—OF—SWAT, officials said.
20080606             PAKISTAN Suspends Talks With Tribes on AFGHANISTAN Border:
20080606             PAKISTAN—NEW—CIVILIAN—GOVERNMENT has told the Bush administration it is suspending peace negotiations with tribal groups based along THE—PAKISTAN—AFGHANISTAN border, according to officials familiar with the discussions.
20080606             Musharraf 'is ready to quit':
20080606             Dismay at UN food summit outcome : Small farmers' groups have reacted with "disgust" to THE—CONCLUSIONS—OF—THE—UN—FOOD—SECURITY—SUMMIT in ITALY.
20080606             Indicted SAUDI—ARABIA—GETS $80—MILLION—USA—CONTRACT:
20080606             The Financier Has Been Indicted For His Alleged Role in 1—SCANDAL Costing USA Taxpay ers $1.7—BILLION
20080606             —MISUSED, Senate report say s BUSH—IRAQ intelligence : USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH and his top policy makers exaggerated Saddam HUSSEIN—LINKS to terrorism and ignored doubts among intelligence agencies about IRAQ—ARMS programnes as they made their case for war, 1—SENATE—COMMITTEE reported on —THURSDAY.
20080606             Howard war charges bid: AN AUSTRALIA—DOCTORS' group is pushing to have FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—JOHN—HOWARD charged with war crimes for sending troops to IRAQ.
20080606             USA—BANKS fear $5—TRILLION balance impact:
20080606             Analy sts at Citigroup warn the planned TIGHTENING—OF—ACCOUNTING—RULES for OFF—BALANCE—SHEET—VEHICLES would force USA—BANKS to reconsider arrangements and could result in up to $5—TRILLION (£2.5—TRILLION) of assets coming back on to their books
20080606             Bankruptcy toll increases : Nationally, the total NUMBER—OF—BANKRUPTCIES filed in the 1. quarter rose 26.9—PERCENT, to 245,695, compared with the y EAR—AGO period, according to data released —TUESDAY by the Administrative OFFICE—OF—THE—USA—COURTS.
20080606             Soaring diesel hurts truckers: MANY—ARE parking their RIGS—OR going bankrupt:
20080606             In the 1. QUARTER—OF—THIS y ear 935—TRUCKING—COMPANIES, about 2—PERCENT of the nation's total, filed for bankruptcy
20080606             Killing The Innocent - - USA—TROOPS—DISCUSS "DROP—WEAPONS"
20080606             —RETURNED, Several soldiers who have, from combat zones talk with THE—USA—NEWS—PROJECT about what they say is the widespread PRACTICE—OF—USING "drop weapons" to cover up THE—KILLING—OF—INNOCENT—CIVILIANS in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN.
20080606             Collateral Damage - - What It Really Means When America Goes to War
20080606             —SOCIALIZED, USA—MARINES and soldiers have become, to atrocity.
20080606             —DESCRIBED, The killing project is not, in these terms to 1—DISTANT—PUBLIC.
20080606             The politicians still speak in the abstract TERMS—OF—GLORY, honor, and heroism, in THE—NECESSITY—OF—IMPROVING the world, in lofty PHRASES—OF—POLITICAL and spiritual renewal.
20080606             Those who kill large NUMBERS—OF—PEOPLE alway s claim it as 1—VIRTUE.
20080606             Slow Death in GAZA -
20080606             "The Europeans seem to be quite satisfied acting as AMERICA—PUPPET states".
20080606             —BY —MARGARET—KIMBERLEY
20080606             No change in USA—POLICY is on the horizon, as "the rot in America goes bey ond this administration, and so does the rot in ISRAEL".
20080606             The "abomination," as DESMOND—TUTU describes it, against 1.6—MILLION—PEOPLE in Palestine shows the hy POCRISY—OF—AMERICAN and ISRAEL—PRETENSES to civilization.
20080606             HEART—OF—DARKNESS - - PRINCESS—PATRICIA, A Taliban Takeover.
20080606             —NUMBED, Western readers have become, into accepting the code words "enemy " and "insurgents", ignoring the underly ing fact that the Taliban are still the legitimate government, that these SO—CALLED insurgents are in fact widely seen as freedom fighters battling THE—NON—MUSLIM foreign occupiers — the real "enemy " — who invaded the country illegally and have killed HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—RESISTANCE—FIGHTERS and innocent civilians illegally.
20080606             Obama Resigns From Black Nation
20080606             "BARACK—OBAMA is TRUE—BLUE to the slaveholding forefathers and heroic blond MOTHERS—OF—THE—STORY—BOOK—USA—OF—A." -BY—GLEN—FORD
20080606             How far is BARACK—OBAMA willing to run from the very same Black nationalism that was fundamental to his victories in so MANY—STATE—DEMOCRATIC—PRIMARIES?
20080606             BERNANKE—SPEECH: "It's all CHINA—FAULT. Really "
20080606             Thanks to THE—FED—HAM—FISTED monetary policies, 1—FORCE—5—ECONOMIC hurricane is presently looming right offshore and there's nothing Bernanke or Paulson can do to stop it from touching down.
20080606             If Bernanke cuts rates; commodities (and oil) will sky rocket and foreign investors will ditch the dollar.
20080606             If he raises rates, banks will fail and the housing crash will accelerate.
20080606             There are no good options. Continue
20080606             IRAQ rejects ANY—ARTICLE within LONG—TERM—AGREEMENT violates sovereignty : The official spokesman for THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT on —TUESDAY highlighted that the government asserted not to accept ANY—ARTICLE which violates the national sovereignty during negotiations to ink 1—LONG—TERM—AGREEMENT with THE—USA.
20080606             —MISSED, In case y ou, it: Is THE—IRAQ War: Legal or Illegal?
20080606             Is THE—USA—LED invasion and OCCUPATION—OF—IRAQ legal or illegal?
20080606             Do ANY—OF—THE—CHARGES—OF—ILLEGALITY we've been hearing about have ANY—LEGAL—BASIS at all?
20080606             And why should we even care about INTERNATIONAL law ANY—WAY ?
20080606             Manufacturing Consent For An Attack On IRAN:
20080606             Stop IRAN—BOMB by "all possible means": Olmert : ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT said on —TUESDAY IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM must be stopped by "all possible means" and TEHRAN must be made to see it would suffer devastating repercussions if it pursued atomic weapons.
20080606             Bush meets Olmert, calls IRAN "threat to peace" : USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH told visiting ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT on —WEDNESDAY that IRAN was an "existential threat to peace" and said the world must take that danger seriously.
20080606             Obama: I—WILL—DO 'EVERY—THING in My Power' to Prevent IRAN—NUKES: BARACK—OBAMA on —WEDNESDAY defended his approach to dealing with IRAN, telling A—USA—LOBBY ing group for ISRAEL that he would do "EVERY—THING in my power" to prevent IRAN from gaining nuclear capability.
20080606             Obama Offers Forceful Support For ISRAEL:
20080606             —ALLOWED, THE—USA—LED IRAQ war has, IRAN to build its influence, "and THE—USA and ISRAEL are less secure," he said.
20080606             Condemning its leader for deny ing the Holocaust, threatening ISRAEL, try ing to attain nuclear weapons and arm Hamas and other organizations, Obama said, "ISRAEL—SECURITY is sacrosanct. It is nonnegotiable".
20080606             Full Text: Obama speech at AIPAC "Policy " Conferenc e: I want y ou to know that today I'll be speaking from my heart, and as 1—TRUE—FRIEND—OF—ISRAEL.
20080606             Hamas Slams "Hostility " Of BARACK—OBAMA—ISRAEL—SPEECH ;
20080606             The Islamist Hamas movement that rules THE—GAZA Strip slammed 1—SPEECH by Democratic presidential candidate BARACK—OBAMA—WEDNESDAY, say ing it confirmed USA "hostility " to Arabs and Muslims.
20080606             JOHN—MCCAIPAC:
20080606             Tone deaf to ISRAEL—BRUTALIZATION—OF—THE—PALESTINIANS, McCain called ISRAEL "1—INSPIRATION to free nations EVERY—WHERE".
20080606             Hamas welcomes Abbas calls for DIALOGUE—SUMMARY : Taher AL—NOONO, spokesman of the deposed Hamas government in GAZA, told reporters "the government welcomes the initiative and accepts it.
20080606             —OCCUPIED, Knesset advances bill to make, JERUSALEM CAPITAL—OF—THE—JEWISH—PEOPLE: The Knesset on —WEDNESDAY approved in 1—PRELIMINARY—READING—1—AMENDMENT to the Basic Law whereby occupied JERUSALEM would be considered not just THE—CAPITAL—OF—ISRAEL, but THE—CAPITAL—OF—THE—JEWISH—PEOPLE.
20080606             AFGHANISTAN—WAR to drag on for 10—Y ears : AUSTRALIA—MILITARY—CHIEF:
20080606             The war in AFGHANISTAN is likely to last at least another decade + 10,000 more foreign troops are needed there now, AUSTRALIA—MILITARY + political leaders said —WEDNESDAY
20080606             VENEZUELA Reiterates Extradition Request in Posada Carriles Case: VENEZUELA again asked THE—USA—GOVERNMENT on —TUESDAY to extradite INTERNATIONAL and SELF—CONFESSED terrorist LUIS—POSADA—CARRILES, who is wanted by CARACAS for 19760000             —THE—MID—AIR—BOMBING—OF—1—CUBANA airliner that killed all 73—PEOPLE on board.
20080606             USA—ELECTIONS: JIMMY—CARTER tells BARACK—OBAMA not to pick Hillary Clinton as running mate : "I think it would be the worst mistake that could be made," said Carter.
20080606             "That would just accumulate the negative ASPECTS—OF—BOTH candidates".
20080606             UK: 42—DAY—DETENTION: Smith reveals DETAILS—OF—NEW safeguards: Jacqui Smith today announced that the government's proposal to allow THE—DETENTION—OF—TERRORISM—SUSPECTS for up to 42—DAY s would only apply in situations where there was a "grave exceptional terrorist threat".
20080606             War Criminals Must Fear Punishment.
20080606             That's why I went for JOHN—BOLTON—BY—GEORGE—MONBIOT -
20080606             Khamenei : "We Do Not Want The Bomb"
20080606             —BY Ramin Mostaghim in TEHRAN
20080606             "Our nation will not back down 1—MOMENT against bully ING—OF—THE—USA," he said in 1—MOMENTOUS and politically charged speech.
20080606             Candidate McCain: A Risky Choice
20080606             THE—USA—POLITICAL—PROCESS, especially at the presidential level, is inhuman and inefficient.
20080606             It is 1—GRUESOME meat grinder where candidates have to campaign for months in primaries or caucuses in all 50—STATES, raise TENS—OF—MILLIONS—DOLLARS and see their private lives exposed and criticized.
20080606             With such 1—SY stem, it is no wonder that few Americans with high intellect and character are willing to submit themselves to such 1—ORDEAL.
20080606             Burma, VICTIM—OF—THE "War On Terror"
20080606             JOHN—PILGER marks THE—MYANMAR—JUNTA—RENEWAL—OF—THE—HOUSE—ARREST—OF—AUNG—S—SUU—KY with 1—EXAMINATION—OF—THE—INTIMIDATIONS—OF—THE 'war on terror' on those who help to free her and her people.
20080606             Why AUSTRALIA is leaving IRAQ:
20080606             Enough Is Enough, It's Time to Get Out": Veterans : DOZENS—OF—VETERANS from THE—USA—OCCUPATION—OF—IRAQ converged in this west coast city over the weekend to share STORIES—OF—ATROCITIES being committed daily in IRAQ, in 1—CONTINUATION—OF—THE "Winter Soldier" hearings held in Silver Spring, MARY land in March.
20080606             HOUSE—OF—COMMONS—VOTES to let USA—WAR—RESISTERS stay in CANADA : The Opposition parties in THE—HOUSE—OF—COMMONS joined together today to adopt 1—RECOMMENDATION which, if implemented, would make it possible for USA IRAQ War resisters to obtain Permanent Resident status in CANADA.
20080606             IRAQ say s likely to miss deadline for USA—PACT : A July target for negotiating 1—AGREEMENT on future relations between IRAQ and THE—USA is likely to be missed, an IRAQ—GOVERNMENT—SPOKESMAN said on —TUESDAY.
20080606             USA—IRAQ security pact shapes up as major battle as IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER goes to IRAN for talks : A proposed USA—IRAQ security agreement is shaping up as 1—MAJOR—POLITICAL—BATTLE between America and IRAN, as the debate over THE—FUTURE—OF—TROOPS here intensifies AHEAD—OF—THE—FALL—USA presidential election.
20080606             Tell Iraqis No Permanent Bases:
20080606             "The next PRESIDENT should commit to 1—SPEEDY and complete withdrawal from IRAQ," argues BOB—BARR, the Libertarian Party candidate for PRESIDENT, "and tell THE—IRAQ—PEOPLE that THE—USA—TROOPS will be going home".
20080606             —REAFFIRMED, IRAN—KHAMENEI labels Bush 'mad' : IRAN—SUPREME—LEADER has, his country 's commitment to 1—PEACEFUL—NUCLEAR—PROGRAMME, while attacking GEORGE—BUSH, THE—USA—PRESIDENT as "mentally ill".
20080606             RICE—ACCUSES—IRAN in Speech to PRO—ISRAEL Group : SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE escalated the Bush administration's ANTI—IRAN rhetoric on —TUESDAY, accusing THE—TEHRAN REGIME—OF—PURSUING—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS and calling ANY—DIALOGUE with IRAN—LEADERS—POINTLESS until they suspend the country 's ENRICHMENT—OF—URANIUM.
20080606             Rice: IRAN—GOV''T "dangerous but has vulnerabilities" : USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZA—RICE said on —TUESDAY that THE—IRAN—GOVERNMENT is "dangerous" but has vulnerabilities THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY must exploit.
20080606             Rice: USA will cooperate with ISRAEL on missile defense sy stem in FACE—OF—IRAN—THREAT : USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE said —TUESDAY that in THE—FACE—OF—THE—IRAN—THREAT, America will continue to work to improve THE—CAPABILITIES—OF—HER—ALLIES and will cooperate with ISRAEL in EVERY—ASPECT related to missile defense sy stems.
20080606             Latest IAEA Report on IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM and USA—MEDIA:
20080606             —COMMITTED, McCain to AIPAC: I'm, to making certain ISRAEL maintains military edge:
20080606             Adds: TEHRAN—CONTINUED PURSUIT—OF—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS poses 1—UNACCEPTABLE—RISK, 1—DANGER we cannot allow
20080606             ISRAEL—PM to ask USA for new military platforms, funding : PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT is expected to use his trip in WASHINGTON, DC this week to tie up some loose ends on several requests by THE—IDF for new military platforms as well as funding for DEFENSE—RELATED projects, officials said —MONDAY.
20080606             BILL—KRISTOL—AT—AIPAC:
20080606             Obama And McCain "Don't Actually Differ" On IRAN
20080606             —PREPARED, ISRAEL—BARAK say s he has, legislation to dissolve PARLIAMENT : The comments raise the pressure on PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT to step down to face 1—WIDENING—CORRUPTION—SCANDAL.
20080606             THE—HOPE—OF—1—VICTIMIZED People : I am THE—SON—OF—1—PALESTINIAN father.
20080606             —ABSORBED, Through countless stories about his family, I, the ethic that the strong must help the less fortunate.
20080606             UN: Apathy worsening food crisis : BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS are being wasted on feeding obese people in the West while millions starve around the world, JACQUES—DIOUF, THE—UNITED—NATIONS food agency CHIEF, has told world leaders at 1—SUMMIT on food security in ROME.
20080606             VENEZUELA—FOREIGN—MINISTER say s Negroponte has 'criminal record':
20080606             At the annual MEETING—OF—THE—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY—OF—THE—ORGANIZATION—OF—USA—STATES (OAS) in THE—COLOMBIA—CITY—OF—MEDELLIN, Maduro accused NEGROPONTE—OF—BEING "responsible for disappearances, for tortures and for deaths in CENTRAL—AMERICA and in several PARTS—OF—THE—WORLD".
20080606             New rules make it tougher for travellers to USA : He labelled it "antiterrorist paranoia".
20080606             Gun T-shirt 'was 1—SECURITY—RISK' : A man wearing 1—T—SHIRT depicting 1—CARTOON character holding 1—GUN was stopped from boarding 1—FLIGHT by the security at HEATHROW—TERMINAL 5.
20080606             Insured or not, few are secure in USA—HEALTH sy stem : It's 1—INSIDIOUS sy stem designed to fleece consumers while pretending to provide 1—DEGREE—OF—SECURITY against THE—COSTS—OF—ILLNESS.
20080606             Oil prices: GEORGE—SOROS warns that speculators could trigger stock market crash : He believes that the doubling in the price over the last y ear is partly due to investment institutions, such as pension funds, who are pumping money into indexes that track THE—COST—OF—CRUDE.
20080606             USA—BANKS—LIKELY to fail as bad loans soar:
20080606             USA—BANKS set aside 1—RECORD $37.1bn to cover losses on real estate loans and other credits during the 1. quarter in 1—SIGN—OF—THE growing economic pain being caused by the global credit crisis
20080606             GENERAL—MOTORS closing 4—TRUCK and SUV plants in NORTH—AMERICA : GENERAL—MOTORS is closing 4—TRUCK and SUV plants in THE—USA, CANADA and MEXICO as surging fuel prices hasten 1—DRAMATIC—SHIFT to smaller vehicles.
20080606             Kill Them! We Are Going to Wipe Them Out!
20080606             Presidential BLOODLUST—BY—TOM—ENGELHARDT
20080606             According to Sanchez, Powell was talking tough that day : "We've got to smash somebody 's ass quickly," the general reports him say ing.
20080606             "There has to be 1—TOTAL—VICTORY somewhere. We must have 1—BRUTE DEMONSTRATION—OF—POWER".
20080606             How Cheney Outfoxed His Foes on IRAN and EFPs
20080606             For MANY—MONTHS, the propaganda line that explosively formed projectiles (EFPs) that could penetrate USA armoured vehicles were coming straight from IRAN has been embraced publicly by the entire GEORGE—W—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION.
20080606             But
20080606             'IRAQ Troop Pullout Would Harm ISRAEL'
20080606             "[Withdrawal from IRAQ] would surely result in 1—CATASTROPHE,'' McCain said. "If our troops are ordered to make 1—FORCED retreat, we risk ALL—OUT civil war, genocide, and 1—FAILED state in THE—HEART—OF—THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20080606             AL—QAIDA terrorists would rejoice in THE—DEFEAT—OF—THE—USA.
20080606             And The Winner Is... THE—ISRAEL—LOBBY
20080606             They 're all HERE—AND they 're all ready to party.
20080606             Madam House speaker NANCY Pelosi.
20080606             Most USA—SENATORS and virtually HALF—OF—THE—USA—CONGRESS.
20080606             VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY—WIFE, Ly nne.
20080606             Embattled ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT.
20080606             And 1—HOST—OF—JEWISH and NON—JEWISH—POLITICAL and academic HEAVY—HITTERS among the 7,000 participants.
20080606             TUTU—TRIP to GAZA Censored by THE—USA—MEDIA
20080606             Tutu went to GAZA for peace and not 1—NEWSPAPER in THE—USA—COVERED the story.
20080606             Apparently, the "CULTURE—OF—IMPUNITY " extends to AMERICA—MEDIA as well as THE—ISRAEL—LEADERS who killed THE—18—PALESTINIANS at Beit Hanoun.
20080606             Justice?
20080606             Michael stands to go to trial this week, but Michael should not be standing alone.
20080606             —SERVED, EVERY—CITIZEN who has not y et stood to see that justice is, in THE—NAME—OF—PEACE shall bear responsibility for what we all are about to receive.
20080606             Indefensible Spending
20080606             Y ou wouldn't know it from THE—MOST—EXHAUSTING—EVER presidential primary campaigns, but 20090000             —THE—DEFENSE—BUDGET commits THE—USA to spending more (again, in real dollars) to defeat 1—RAGTAG BAND—OF—TERRORISTS than it spent at THE—HEIGHT—OF—THE—COLD—WAR fighting the Soviet superpower and what we alleged were its surrogates in the Korean and VIETNAM wars.
20080606             Kunstler: "The Remorseless Algebra of 1—DEFLATIONARY Death Spiral"
20080606             Look around.
20080606             In "good times" consumers shun the canned meat aisle altogether, but no more.
20080606             —TODAY, Spam sales are soaring;
20080606             grocery stores can't keep it on the shelves.
20080606             Every 1 is looking for cheaper way s to feed their families.
20080606             Dahr Jamail: Death Toll 'Above Highest Estimates':
20080606             "THE—USA—MILITARY—BENEFITS from hiding the real totals," said 1—POLITICAL analy st who declined to give his name BECAUSE—OF—THE—ATMOSPHERE—OF—FEAR within IRAQ.
20080606             "And THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT is 1—PUPPET—OF—THE—AMERICANS, so their figures are ridiculously low as well".
20080606             IRAQ cites problems with USA—SECURITY—PACT : IRAQ—CHIEF—SPOKESMAN acknowledged differences with THE—USA—OVER 1—PROPOSED LONG—TERM—SECURITY—AGREEMENT and pledged on —SUNDAY that the government will protect IRAQ—SOVEREIGNTY in ongoing talks with the Americans.
20080606             AUSTRALIA ends IRAQ combat operations: AUSTRALIA, 1—STAUNCH USA—ALLY and 1—OF—THE 1. countries to commit troops to the war in IRAQ 5—Y ears ago, ended combat operations there —SUNDAY.
20080606             AUSTRALIA—PM attacks decision to join war in IRAQ:
20080606             In remarks to PARLIAMENT on THE—WITHDRAWAL—OF—TROOPS from IRAQ, which began —SUNDAY, Rudd said the nation must learn from the
20080606             —EXPECTED, IRAN, to implement Additional Protocol, ElBaradei : He said in his address to THE—BOARD—OF—GOVERNORS that aside from clarify ing all the questions and allegations mentioned in the report, IRAN needs to implement the Additional Protocol to enable the Agency to confirm THE—ABSENCE—OF—UNDECLARED nuclear material and activities.
20080606             Zbigniew Brzezinski and WILLIAM—ODOM: A Sensible Path on IRAN: THE—USA would have 1—BETTER—CHANCE—OF—SUCCESS if THE—WHITE—HOUSE abandoned its THREATS—OF—MILITARY action and its calls for regime change.
20080606             Press reports distort Ahmadinejad speech:
20080606             IRAN—AHMADINEJAD—PREDICTS—DESTRUCTION—OF—USA, ISRAEL : IRAN—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD said on —MONDAY that ISRAEL will disappear from the world map soon and that the "satanic power" of THE—USA—FACED destruction, reported IRAN—IRNA news agency.
20080606             What Irans PRESIDENT said : :
20080606             Ahmadinejad: Bully ing powers are crippling : PRESIDENT: Ahmadinejad said the criminal regime which has been plundering the wealth of the oppressed Palestinian nation and has been murdering innocent people in the past 60—Y ears, "has reached its end and will disappear from the scene".
20080606             Video: DESMOND—TUTU condemns GAZA blockade:
20080606             —CALLED, Nobel peace laureate DESMOND—TUTU has, ISRAEL—BLOCKADE—OF—THE—GAZA—STRIP an "abomination".
20080606             ISRAEL—HOUSING—MOVE—CONTRARY to INTERNATIONAL law: UN: UN boss Ban KI—MOON is deeply concerned at ISRAEL—DECISION to build 884—MORE—HOUSES in EAST—JERUSALEM, which is "contrary to INTERNATIONAL law," his press office said —MONDAY in 1—STATEMENT.
20080606             Introducing the world's strongest currency : The shekel : Even the powerful euro has had 1—HARD—TIME competing with what has become probably the strongest currency in the world since the beginning of 20080000              : THE—ISRAEL—SHEKEL.
20080606             Karzai blames West for AFGHANISTAN—VIOLENCE : INTERNATIONAL forces in AFGHANISTAN have mismanaged the fight against the Taliban, leading to 1—RISE in violence, and now risk losing people's goodwill, PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI told an INDIA—NEWS—CHANNEL.
20080606             Sy ria to let in UNITED—NATIONS nuclear INVESTIGATORS—ELBARADEI: THE—UNITED—NATIONS—ATOMIC—WATCHDOG—CHIEF said on —MONDAY Sy ria would let in top inspectors to examine allegations of 1—SECRET—NUCLEAR—REACTOR, and demanded "full disclosure" by IRAN over REPORTS—OF—COVERT atom bomb research.
20080606             Gates in warning on BEIJING bellicosity : USA—DEFENCE—SECRETARY—ROBERT—GATES sounded 1—CAUTIONARY note about CHINA—INCREASINGLY assertive behaviour in Asia, urging BEIJING to work CO—OPERATIVELY with its neighbours INSTEAD—OF—TRY ing to dominate them.
20080606             Prison ships, torture claims, and missing detainees:
20080606             America may have held terror suspects in UNITED—KINGDOM—TERRITORY, despite UK denials
20080606             Pinning the blame for 9/11: Special Report : A PHILADELPHIA law firm wages 1—EPIC—LEGAL—BATTLE to win billions from SAUDI—ARABIA.
20080606             IRELAND sees growing opposition to European constitution: 20080612             —THE—VOTE on THE—LISBON Treaty now seems less certain, as opposition groups, some businessmen and farmers raise concerns about sovereignty.
20080606             Civil groups to protest against USA—TROOPS in PERU : NON—GOVERNMENTAL—ORGANISATIONS in PERU have called for 1—GENERAL—STRIKE to protest against the government's decision to allow USA—TROOPS helping the civil administration to carry arms.
20080606             BOLIVIA—STATES—VOTE for autonomy : Bolivians in 2—OPPOSITION—CONTROLLED states have voted overwhelmingly for autonomy measures that aim to shield the country 's remote Amazon basin from the populist REFORMS—OF—THE—PRESIDENT, Evo Morales.
20080606             USA loses appeal over WTO cotton ruling : THE—USA—LOST its final appeal today in 1—BILLION—DOLLAR—TRADE—DISPUTE with BRAZIL over subsidies to USA cotton growers.
20080606             —INTERVIEWED, CUBA Supports Press Freedom : Of the dozens I, all said that they have complete freedom to write or broadcast ANY—STORIES they choose.
20080606             This was 1—FAR cry from the Stalinist media sy stem so often depicted by USA—INTERESTS.
20080606             NUMBER—OF—UNINSURED USA y oung adults grows:
20080606             As things look, ISRAEL may well attack IRAN soon
20080606             A hitherto latent rivalry between IRAN and ISRAEL thus has been transformed into 1—OPEN—STRUGGLE for dominance in THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20080606             The result has been THE—EMERGENCE—OF—SOME surprising, if not bizarre, alliances: IRAN, Sy ria, Hizbullah, Hamas and THE—AMERICAN—BACKED, SHIITE—DOMINATED IRAQ are facing ISRAEL—SAUDI—ARABIA, and MOST—OF—THE—OTHER—SUNNI Arab states, all of which feel existentially threatened by IRAN—ASCENDANCE.
20080606             Horrors We Have No Choice But To Forget
20080606             I have 1—CLEAR—MEMORY—OF—1—TERRIBLE—CRIME that was committed in SOUTH—LEBANON 19780000           .
20080606             ISRAEL—SOLDIERS, landing at night on the beach near Sarafand — THE—CITY—OF—SAREPTA in antiquity — were looking for "terrorists" and opened fire on 1—CAR—LOAD—OF—FEMALE—PALESTINIAN refugees.
20080606             Quotes from LOUIS—FARRAKHAN | UK news | GUARDIAN.co.UK LOUIS—FARRAKHAN has 1—TALENT for provocation that has won him MANY—ENEMIES and vast publicity.
20080606             Here are SOME—OF—HIS—PRONOUNCEMENTS.
20080606             Was bedeutet das konkret: Google liest meine Termine im Kalender und meine Mails.
20080606             Wenn ich Google docs & spreadsheets nutze liest Google mit.
20080606             Gut, dass Sie es jetzt wissen.
20080606             Innenminister Schäuble braucht eigentlich gar keine Bundestrojaner, 1—BEOBACHTUNGSAUFTRAG an google reicht doch völlig und er erfährt mehr als er je wissen wollte.
20080606             Google gierig ?! 14:40:24, Kategorien: Web 2.0 , Hy pes
20080606             Es ist schon längere Zeit her, das ich mir einmal die Google die genauen Bestimmungen zur Nutzung der GOOGLE—DIENSTE angesehen habe.
20080606             Wenn man sich für einen Account bei Google anmeldet, stimmt man Geschäftsbedingungen zu und Google deklariert die Privacy Statements. in all diesen Dokumenten gibt es jedoch Querverweise auf weitere Texte.
20080606             Folgt man diesen Querverweisen stößt man auf englischsprachige Texte mit denen man Google das Recht einräumt, die gespeicherten Informationen im Auftrag 3. auswerten zu lassen.
20080606             Was bedeutet das konkret
20080606             TV—TIPPS zu Aktuellen Ereignissen, Politik und Zeitgeschichte...
20080606             Aus Reinhard Gehlens Privatarchiv: Gehlen in geheimer Mission Ende der 40er Jahre.
20080606             Reinhard Gehlen ist der Gründer des BND, der Vater des bundesdeutschen.
20080606             Bundesnachrichtendienst — Wikipedia
20080606             Vorläufer und Ursprung des BND war die Organisation Gehlen (benannt nach dem Gründer der Organisation, dem ehemaligen Generalmajor der Wehrmacht Reinhard...
20080606             frauennews: Alois Brunner Brunner leitet die Jagdkommandos, die versteckt lebende Jüdinnen und Juden aufspüren.
20080606             Brunner wird dort Geheimdienstexperte für Reinhard Gehlen (Westdt.
20080606             Die Wiedererschaffung der NAZI—KRIEGSVERBRECHER—MASCHINERIE durch...
20080606             Das umfasste Leute wie Reinhard Gehlen, einen führenden Nazi, der mit der Planung der Ermordung von Millionen Menschen beschäftigt war, und es umschloss...
20080606             Antibolschewistische Liga — Wikipedia
20080606             Die Antibolschewistische Liga (später "Liga zum Schutze der deutschen Kultur") war eine kurzlebige deutsche rechtsradikale Organisation zur Bekämpfung der...
20080606             KARL—HELFFERICH — Wikipedia
20080606             [2] Eduard Stadtler, der Gründer und Leiter der Antibolschewistischen Liga, veranlasste nach eigener Aussage z.B. am
20080606             Moskauer Deutsche ZEITUNG—INFORMATIONEN aus Russland und seinen...
20080606             So unterschiedliche Zeitzeugen wie MAX—WEBER, THOMAS—MANN, JOSEPH—GOEBBELS oder Eduard Stadtler, Generalsekretär der " Antibolschewistischen Liga "...
20080606             die präsidenten der KAISER—WILHELM... - Google BUCHSUCHE—ERGEBNISSEITE
20080606             von Ulrike Kohl - 20020000              - National socialism and science - 281—SEITEN
20080606             hatte und
20080606             Die polnische Heimatarmee: Geschichte und... - Google BUCHSUCHE—ERGEBNISSEITE
20080606             von Bernhard Chiari, Jerzy Kochanowski, Nemecko... - 20030000              - History - 948—SEITEN
20080606             129 a " am
20080606             Die LINKSPARTEI—BRÜCKENBAUER zwischen Konservatismus und
20080606             zum Beispiel dass die bekannterMaßn an der Mordaktion beteiligt gewesene Antibolschewistische Liga (AL) im wesentlichen nichts anderes als eine...
20080606             rbb PREUßEN—CHRONIK | Begriff: STAHLHELM—BUND der Frontsoldaten... + Eduard Stadler war Gründer der " Antibolschewistischen Liga ".
20080606             Der Stahlhelm war paramilitärisch organisiert, und für körperlich taugliche Mitglieder...
20080606             I. Bielefelder Ideenwerkstatt... es habe z.B. in BERLIN auch eine von jüdischen Bankiers finanzierte ANTI—BOLSCHEWISTISCHE Liga existiert,
20080606             so Rogalla von Bieberstein.
20080606             Die deutschen Sozialdemokraten und das... - Google BUCHSUCHE—ERGEBNISSEITE
20080606             von Jürgen Zarusky - 19920000              - Socialism - 328—SEITEN
20080606             etwa in den Broschüren des Generalsekretariats zum Studium des Bolschewismus und der Antibolschewistischen LIGA—ORGANISATIONEN, die der spätere...
20080606             TUCHOLSKY—REZENSIONEN: Aus Moskau ZURÜCK—ALFONS Goldschmidt
20080606             In diesem verrotteten Land der antibolschewistischen Liga, der großindustriellen Wirtschaftsorganisationen, die, statt die Not im eigenen Lager zu lindern...
20080606             150—JAHRE SIEMENS—SCHWARZE Kapitel der Konzerngeschichte RAG192.htm
20080606             andererseits sammelte er in der "Antibolschewistischen Liga " Eduard Stadtler s Geld zur Finanzierung schwarzer militaerischer Verbaende zur...
20080606             Politische Plakate
20080606             Die Sudetenfrage im Völkerrecht... der Tschechischen Antibolschewistischen Liga, des Kuratoriums für die Erziehung der tschechischen Jugend, der slowakischen Volkspartei Hlinkas...
20080606             ERGÄNZUNGS—UND Nachlassbände zu den... - Google BUCHSUCHE—ERGEBNISSEITE
20080606             von PAUL—TILLICH - 20010000              - Religion - 667—SEITEN
20080606             Solche organischen Principien waren die 19—GEMEINT ist die " Antibolschewistische Liga. Liga zum Schutz der deutschen Kultur".
20080606             In ihrem Aufruf vom Februar.
20080606             Armin Paasch von der Hungerorganisation Fian erklärte, das ursprüngliche Ziel der Konferenz, Klimawandel und Agrarkraftstoffe in ihrer Auswirkung auf die Welternährung anzugehen, sei an der Uneinigkeit der Staaten gescheitert.
20080606             Obama hatte Clinton am —DONNERSTAG bei
20080606             einer Wahlkampfveranstaltung im USA—BUNDESSTAAT VIRGINIA überschwänglich gelobt.
20080606             "Dank ihr bin ich ein besserer Kandidat geworden, und sie verdient unseren Respekt und unseren Dank", sagte er vor 25.000—ANHÄNGERN in der Stadt BRISTOL.
20080606             Obama rief die Demokraten in seiner Rede zur Geschlossenheit im Präsidentschaftswahlkampf auf: "Ich weiß, dass wir nicht gespalten sein werden".
20080606             Umsatzeinbruch: Rauchverbot belastet Kneipen und Diskotheken
20080606             Streit um Atomprogramm: Israels Vizeregierungschef droht IRAN offen mit Militärschlag
20080606             Ernährung und Verhalten: Hunger macht aggressiv
20080606             Betrugsaffäre: Telekom soll heikle Daten zurückgehalten haben
20080606             Mission Weißes Haus: Clinton und Obama halten Geheimtreffen ab
20080606             Wissenschaftlerstreit: Warum Menschen auf allen Vieren laufen
20080606             Hungergipfel in Rom: "Vielleicht gibt es keine echten Antworten"
20080606             Für die USA gelten andere Maßstäbe als für AL—QAIDA
20080606             Scheich Mohammed verdammt die HOMO—EHE
20080606             Should IRAN Launch Preemptive Strike On ISRAEL?
20080606             ISRAEL—ATTACK on IRAN 'UNAVOIDABLE'—OLMERT Deputy
20080606             RFID—IMPLANTATE können Krebs verursachen.
20080606             member_pic. MISTER—EARL—NORBERT—GARRETT.
20080606             Membership NUMBER Member since:
20080606             MISTER—LEOPOLDO—SAN—BUENAVENTURA. Membership NUMBER.
20080606             Wie der in der SCHWEIZ lebende JOURNALIST—SHRAGA—ELAM im britischen GUARDIAN und in der jW unlängst enthüllte, importiert ISRAEL über Umwege das qualitativ hochwertige iranische Öl und raffiniert es im eigenen Land.
20080606             Die FINANZ—UND Rechtsbeziehungen zwischen der SCHWEIZ und den USA sind durch 1—REIHE—VON—ABKOMMEN geregelt.
20080606             BAYERNLB—KRISE, Huber wehrt sich gegen Lügenvorwürfe (Politik).....;;06;; Killing THE—INNOCENT—USA—TROOPS—DISCUSS "DROP—WEAPONS"Video..
20080606             BAYERNLB—KRISE, Huber wehrt sich gegen Lügenvorwürfe (Politik)
20080606             alfatomega.com/20080606.html
20080606             Remember the
20080606—19860000    —SINCE, THE—USA—LABOR—DEPARTMENT said the nation's unemployment rate jumped to 5.5—PERCENT in May, the biggest monthly rise, as nervous employers cut 49,000 jobs.
20080606—19940000    —IN—THE, A judge at CITY—OF—WESTMINSTER Magistrates Court said 4—MEN: VINCENT—BAJINYA, also known as Doctor VINCENT—BROWN, CHARLES—MUNYANEZA, Celestin Ugirashebuja and EMMANUEL—NTEZIRYAYO, should be sent back to RWANDA for trial for their involvement genocide.
20080606—20080206    Kill Them! We Are Going to Wipe Them Out!
20080606—20080303    —AM, Rezkos Prozess BEGANN—EINEN —TAG vor den Vorwahlen in TEXAS und OHIO.
20080606—20080306    War Criminals Must Fear Punishment.
20090525—20090606    —ON, they were arrested —AFTER 1—NEARLY 14-hour standoff on 1—RANCH in NORTH—DAKOTA.
20090606             PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA at OMAHA BEACH—FRANCE, paid tribute to the Allies' 19440000              D-Day landings, 1—INVASION that turned THE—TIDE—OF—WWII and cemented THE—TRANS—ATLANTIC—ALLIANCE.
20090606             EAST—S—LOUIS, ILLINOIS, the 34-acre MALCOLM—W—MARTIN—MEMORIAL—PARK opened.
20090606             —INTRODUCED, Palm INCORPORATED, its new smart phone called Pre.
20090606             —2—DAYS—LATER Apple unveiled updated versions of its popular iPhone.
20090606             —CRAMMED, SOUTH—ARIZONA, 1—SPORT—UTILITY—VEHICLE, with at least 27—PEOPLE crashed just before midnight killing 10 undocumented immigrants.
20090606             —ROCKED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMB, THE—SOUTH—TOWN—OF—SPIN—BOLDAK killing 4—PEOPLE as clashes claimed the lives of another 12 in 1—FRESH—WAVE—OF—INSURGENT—VIOLENCE.
20090606             —AMBUSHED, Taliban militants, 1—PRIVATE—SECURITY—COMPANY in THE—SOUTH—WEST—PROVINCE—OF—NIMROZ, killing 3 armed guards and wounding 1.
20090606             —SPEED, Investigators said faulty, readings had been found on the same TYPE—OF—JETS.
20090606             —KILLED, CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC, at least 2—PEOPLE were, and several wounded in 1—ATTACK on 1—MILITARY—BASE.
20090606             Residents later said ethnic clashes left at least 27—PEOPLE—DEAD at 1—BIRAO military base, where former rebels were set to demobilize under 1—PEACE—ACCORD.
20090606             CHINA—RESCUERS found THE—BODY—OF—JONNY—COPP, an USA—MOUNTAIN climber, following 1—AVALANCHE in 1 isolated PART—OF—SOUTH—WEST—CHINA.
20090606             —REPORTED, It was, that CHINA—AID to MYANMAR totaled some $400—MILLION over the past 5—YEARS.
20090606             USA—AID to MYANMAR was said to be worth $12—MILLION 1—YEAR.
20090606             † JEAN—DAUSSET (19160000             ), FRANCE—IMMUNOLOGIST.
20090606             A senior IRAQ—POLICE—OFFICIAL escaped 1—ASSASSINATION—ATTEMPT by 1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMBER in the former insurgent STRONGHOLD—OF—ANBAR province.
20090606             THE—USA—MILITARY said Insurgents are increasingly using teenagers to stage attacks against American and IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES.
20090606             —OPENED, VENICE, the Punta della Logana, 1—OLD—CUSTOMS building, as 1—ART—MUSEUM following restoration funded by FRANCE—BILLIONAIRE FRANCOIS—PINAULT.
20090606             —CLASHED, KASHMIR, protesters, with police as 1—SEPARATIST—STRIKE over the alleged rape and MURDER—OF—2—YOUNG—MUSLIM women paralyzed INDIA—KASHMIR for a 6. day.
20090606             —KILLED, MEXICO, 13—GUNMEN, 2—SOLDIERS and 2—BYSTANDERS were, in a 4-hour shootout in ACAPULCO—HOTEL—ZONE in 1—GUNBATTLE that went passed midnight.
20090606             The soldiers found 4—GUERRERO state police officers inside the house who said they were being held captive.
20090606             —STARTED, MYANMAR forces, launching mortar attacks during fighting with Karen guerrillas.
20090606             † PAKISTAN said that 2—CLOSE—AIDES—OF—1—PRO—TALIBAN cleric when 1—MAKESHIFT—BOMB ripped through 1—MILITARY—CONVOY transporting them for interrogation.
20090606             2—POLICEMEN were killed late in the day when 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER walked up to 1—POLICE—EMERGENCY helpline center, in an ISLAMABAD residential district home to MANY—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIALS, and detonated explosives strapped to his body.
20090606             —ATTACKED, Villagers in the northwest, Taliban militants killing 11—OF—THEM in revenge for 1—BOMB—ATTACK on 1—MOSQUE that killed about 40—PEOPLE 1—DAY earlier.
20090606             —LABORED, PERU—PRESIDENT—ALAN—GARCIA, to contain the country's worst political violence in years, as 9—MORE—POLICE—OFFICERS were killed in 1—BLOODY standoff with Amazon Indians fighting his efforts to exploit oil, gas and other resources on their native lands.
20090606             A judge ordered THE—ARREST—OF—THE—INDIA—LEADER, Alberto Pizango, on sedition and rebellion charges.
20090606             —SEIZED, THE—PHILIPPINES—GOVERNMENT—TROOPS, 1—MUSLIM separatist rebel camp in SOUTH—MAGUINDANAO province following 3—DAYS—OF—FIGHTING that left 30—GUERRILLAS—DEAD.
20090606             SAUDI—ARABIA, 1—SCREENING—OF—THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—FILM, "Menahi," brought 1—TASTE of the moviegoing experience to RIYADH more than —30—YEARS—AFTER the government began shutting down theaters.
20090606             —ALLOWED, No women were.
20090606             Men and children, including girls up to 10, were allowed to attend the show at 1—GOVERNMENT—RUN—CULTURAL—CENTER.
20090606             A HOLLAND—NAVY ship escorted it to 1—SAFE harbor.
20090606             —REPORTED, It was, that in SOUTH—AFRICA HIV—AIDS continued to claim some 3,000 lives 1—WEEK.
20090606             —REPORTED, TURKMENISTAN state media, that CHINA will lend THE—ENERGY—RICH—COUNTRY $3—BILLION to develop its vast SOUTH—YOLOTAN natural gas field.
20090606             Journalist als Hilfspolizist: NDR—REDAKTEUR gab TV—MITSCHNITT an Staatsanwaltschaft
20090606             Syrien: UNO—INSPEKTEURE finden Uran
20090606             USA—PRÄSIDENT bei Sarkozy: Obama mahnt IRAN und Nordkorea
20090606             Kritik an Gesetzentwurf: Innenpolitiker gegen POLIZEI—SCHNELLSCHÜSSE
20090606             Nordkorea: Clinton fordert Freilassung inhaftierter USA—JOURNALISTINNEN
20090606             Korruption: MAN—SCHMIERGELDAFFÄRE weit größer als bekannt
20090606             Pakistans EX—PRÄSIDENT Musharraf: "Indien ist Teil des Problems"
20090606             ROHSTOFF—AUSBEUTUNG: Aufständische Indios nehmen Polizisten als Geiseln
20090606             Leitwährung in der Krise: Russland forciert Debatte über DOLLAR—ERSATZ
20090606             Energie: Verbraucher müssen mit höheren Strompreisen rechnen
20090606             Und woraus besteht die Außenpolitik eines Landes, dass jährlich 500—MRD Dollar für Krieg ausgibt?
20090606             Liebe Wähler der Grünen, wählt grün. Stimmt für mehr Geld für mehr Krieg.
20090606             Stimmt für Reinhard Bütikofer und grüne DREI—LITER—PANZER.
20090606             Die CIA und die Rüstungsindustrie danken Euch.
20090606             Betrachtet man Reinhard Bütikofer, wie seine Führungsfunktion im ASPEN—INSTITUT nahelegt, als Vertreter des USA—IMPERIALISMUS in Deutschland, wundert es überhaupt nicht,
20090606             dass der Spitzenkandiat Bütikofer der grünen EX—FRIEDENSPARTEI engagiert für die Fortführung des verlogenen Krieges in AFGHANISTAN einsetzt.
20090606             Die Rüstungsindustrie braucht Krieg, denn ohne Krieg kann sie nicht für MILLIARDEN—VON—EURO Panzer verkaufen.
20090606             Reinhard Bütikofer ist, wie seine Mitgliedschaft im Board des ASPEN—INSTITUTES zeigt, ihr Lobbyist.
20090606             Wiefelspütz kloppt mit dem Schuh auf den Tisch: Wiefelspütz fordert Ausweitung von Internetsperren.
20090606             Der SPD—INNENPOLITIKER Dieter Wiefelspütz hat sich dafür ausgesprochen, die im Gesetzentwurf gegen Kinderpornografie vorgesehene Sperrung von Internetseiten auch auf andere kriminelle
20090606             Seiten auszuweiten.
20090606             "Natürlich werden wir MITTEL—UND längerfristig auch über andere kriminelle Vorgänge reden", sagte Wiefelspütz der "Berliner Zeitung" (Samstagsausgabe).
20090606             "Es kann doch nicht sein, dass es im Internet 1—WELT ohne Recht und Gesetz gibt".
20090606             Er könne sich vorstellen, auch Seiten mit verfassungsfeindlichen oder islamistischen Inhalten zu blocken, sagte der SPD—POLITIKER:
20090606             "1—ZEITUNG darf ja auch keinen Mordaufruf veröffentlichen".
20090606             Bislang plant die Regierung nur 1—BLOCKADE kinderpornografischer Inhalte im weltweiten Datennetz.
20090606             So sieht das aus. Völlig schamlos.
20090606             Die simulieren nicht mal mehr, als würden die Versprechen vor der Wahl auch nur bis zur Wahl selber gelten.
20090606             Widerliches Pack.
20090606             Aber hey, der Wiefelspütz ist halt wirklich so inkompetent, dass er die Salamitaktik noch nicht durchschaut hat.
20090606             Insofern wird jetzt der Bosbach ein bisschen nervös und sagt folgendes:
20090606             Ich halte es für richtig, sich erstmal nur mit dem Thema Kinderpornografie zu befassen, damit die öffentliche Debatte nicht in 1—SCHIEFLAGE gerät ", sagte Unionsfraktionsvize Wolfgang Bosbach (CDU)
20090606             So sagt der das, und so meint der das auch.
20090606             Natürlich will auch er die Zensurinfrastruktur für weitergehende Zensur mißbrauchen.
20090606             Das ist ja die Idee. Dass die das mit mißbrauchten Kindern
20090606             Aber nicht nur beim ehemaligen Nachrichtenmagazin gibt es 1—TERRORPANIKZENTRUM, auch bei der taz gibt es jemanden, der einen peinlichen Artikel nach dem nächsten schreibt.
20090606             Während zum Beispiel Demonstranten, die bei einer Kundgebung in BUENOS—AIRES gegen Israels Politik in den besetzten Gebieten festgenommen wurden,
20090606             von den traditionellen Medien als "Antisemiten" abstempelt wurden, versucht Lavaca, den Unterschied zwischen Antisemitismus und Antizionismus herauszuarbeiten.
20090606             nutzen Außenseiter längst die neuen Kommunikationsformen.
20090606             vermutlich, dass im Internet E-Mails oder Blogs und nun auch soziale Netzewerke wie Facebook, Twitter & Co. nicht so leicht an die Kandare zu legen sind.
20090606             Zeitungsverlage sowie RADIO—UND Fernsehstationen befinden sich meist in der Hand einiger weniger Unternehmensgruppen
20090606             Wo klassische Medien unterdrückt und beeinflusst werden, bahnt sich die Freiheit via Internet einen Weg.
20090606             —AM Abend stand der Regierungschef vor der Presse und verkündete unverdrossen: "Ich werde nicht wanken, ich werde nicht weichen, ich werde weitermachen, bis die Arbeit getan ist".
20090606             Die Steherqualitäten des 58-jährigen Schotten sind legendär. Dass Brown aber aus diesem turbulenten Tag vorläufig gestärkt hervorgehen KONNTE—DAS verblüffte sämtliche Kommentatoren.
20090606             Laut Berlusconi hatte der Fotograf die Bilder "illegal" von einer Terrasse außerhalb seiner Luxusvilla geschossen
20090606             Diese ordneten damals auch die Vertreibung der Juden aus Spanien an.
20090606             "Erinnerung ist die Pflicht von guten Menschen", sagt der alte Mann mit dem zerzausten grauen Haar
20090606             Said: Obama hat sich verbindlich festgelegt, die Schaffung eines unabhängigen Staates Palästina zu betreiben, und zwar
20090606             Ehepaar verhaftet: USA—BEAMTER spioniert 30—JAHRE lang für Kuba
20090606—14920000    —BIS, Die Herrschaft der Mauren dauerte, als ihr letzter Herrscher Boabdil am Ende der spanischen Reconquista (Rückeroberung) unter Ferdinand und Isabella besiegt wurde.
20090606—19580000    —ALLOWED, DAUSSET—DISCOVERY—OF—THE—HUMAN leukocyte antigen (HLA) tissue system, doctors to verify compatibility between donor and receiver for 1—ORGAN—TRANSPLANT.
20090606—19680000    —NAMED, It was, after MALCOLM—W—MARTIN (20040000              † age 91), the lawyer who formed 1—NON—PROFIT—GROUP to raise money to protect the tract from developers.
20090606—20080804    —RELEASED, SOMALIA—PIRATES, the Yenegoa Ocean, 1—NIGERIA—TUGBOAT they hijacked 10—MONTHS ago.
20090606—20090520    —FROM, Wade Johnson (24) of Arden HILLS—MINNESOTA, and MICAH—DASH and JONNY—COPP—OF—BOULDER, COLORADO, were last heard at the base CAMP—OF—MOUNT—EDGAR, 1—PEAK—OF—MOUNT—GONGGA.
20090606—20090531    —FROM—THE, BRAZIL—SEARCH crews retrieved the 1. 2—BODIES in the Atlantic CRASH—OF—AIR—FRANCE Flight 447.
20090606—20090604    —NEGOTIATED, The dead aides of Sufi Mohammad, who, 1—PEACE—DEAL in the northwest between Taliban rebels and THE—PAKISTAN—GOVERNMENT, were arrested along with 3—AFGHANISTAN—NATIONALS.
20090606—20090605    —KILLED, The new deaths brought to 22 THE—NUMBER—OF—POLICE, 7 with spears, —SINCE security forces moved to break up 1—ROADBLOCK manned by 5,000 protesters.
20090606—20090608    —RECOVERED, JOHNSON—BODY was.
20090902—20130606    —BY, people had † and
20100606             —ACCEPTED, PRESIDENT—KARZAI, the resignations of Interior MINISTER—HANIF—ATMAR and intelligence CHIEF—AMRULLAH—SALEH —AFTER 1—INVESTIGATION into a 20100602              Taliban attack.
20100606             —KILLED, OHIO, 1—TORNADO, 5—PEOPLE.
20100606             —ESTIMATED, The tornado that hit Wood and OTTAWA counties had, winds of up to 165—MPH and was by far the most severe of 4 confirmed tornadoes to strike NORTH—OHIO over the weekend.
20100606             —INCLUDED, His films, "Sounder," 1—OF—THE—TOP rated films of 19720000           .
20100606             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 5—NATO soldiers were, in 1—DAY—OF—VIOLENCE which left another 6—DEAD and 26 wounded.
20100606             —ORDERED, PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI, 1—REVIEW—OF—ALL—CASES—OF suspected insurgents in jails in AFGHANISTAN and called for the release of those being held without sufficient evidence.
20100606             —DELIVERED, USA—DEFENSE—SECRETARY—ROBERT—GATES—HAND, 1—LETTER from PRESIDENT—OBAMA to AZERBAIJAN—PRESIDENT—ILHAM—ALIYEV during 1—MEETING to improve relations with THE—FORMER—SOVIET—REPUBLIC that helps move supplies and soldiers to THE—USA—LED war in landlocked AFGHANISTAN.
20100606             —ASKED, AUSTRALIA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL said police have been, to investigate internet giant Google over possible BREACHES—OF—TELECOMMUNICATIONS—PRIVACY—LAWS.
20100606             —FOLLOWED, The investigation, complaints from MEMBERS—OF—THE—PUBLIC about activities of Google employees while taking photographs for Google Maps, the search engine's maps page.
20100606             Google said it would cooperate with the investigation.
20100606             —JAMMED, BRAZIL, MILLIONS—OF—GAYS and lesbians, SEVERAL—OF—SAO—PAULO—MAIN—AVENUES for the 14. annual gay pride parade in SOUTH—AMERICA—LARGEST—CITY.
20100606             EGYPT—POLICE beat 1—YOUNG—BUSINESSMAN, 28—JAHRE—ALT to death on an ALEXANDRIA street after he —POSTED 1—VIDEO on THE—INTERNET—OF—OFFICERS sharing the spoils from 1—DRUG bust among themselves.
20100606             Images of Khaled SAID—BROKEN body were soon —POSTED on social networking websites, where activists dubbed him the "MARTYR—OF—THE—EMERGENCY—LAW".
20100606             —CHARGED, Prosecutors later, plainclothes policemen MAHMOUD—SALAH and Awad ISMAIL—SULEIMAN with illegal arrest and harsh treatment, falling far SHORT—OF—DEMANDS by the victim's family for 1—MURDER—CHARGE.
20100606             —OVERTURNED, The convictions were, on appeal.
20100606             † In WEST—INDONESIA 10—CHILDREN when 1—SUSPENSION—BRIDGE collapsed.
20100606             Rescuers were searching for 3—OTHERS—STILL—MISSING.
20100606             —EXPLODED, IRAQ, 1—CAR—BOMB, outside 1—BAGHDAD police station in the deadliest of 1—PAIR—OF—ATTACKS that killed 6—PEOPLE in the capital.
20100606             —CONSIDERED, ISRAEL—RABBI—JACOB—MILGROM, (87), by many as the world's foremost authority on the biblical book of Leviticus, †.
20100606             Milgrom wrote a 3—VOLUME—SERIES on Leviticus, interpreting Jewish dietary and purification rituals as well as THE—BIBLE—POSITION on homosexuality.
20100606             He concluded the ban on homosexuality applies only to Jewish men.
20100606             —ARRESTED, KENYA, police, PHILIP—ONYANCHA after tracking him down through 1—MOBILE—PHONE he was using to send ransom demands to the family of a 9—YEAR—OLD kidnap victim.
20100606             —CONFESSED, Onyancha soon, to killing 19—PEOPLE in 3—YEARS and told police he was planning to kill 100—PEOPLE.
20100606             —DISCOVERED, MEXICO, police, 6—DEAD—BODIES in 1—CAVERN near the tourist resort of CANCUN, 3—OF—THEM cut open and their hearts removed.
20100606             —BARGED, Armed men in 2—CARS, into 1—GIRL—COMING—OUT party in THE—SOUTH—WEST—TOWN—OF—COYUCA de Catalan, sparking 1—DEADLY—GUNBATTLE.
20100606             2—PARTYGOERS and 1—ATTACKER were killed.
20100606             —LASHED, PAKISTAN, heavy rains and winds, the port CITY—OF—KARACHI as Cyclone Phet swirled along the coastline after claiming the lives of 15—PEOPLE in OMAN.
20100606             —URGED, RUSSIA, NATO forces in AFGHANISTAN to crack down harder on drug production and smuggling, and offered to help put 1—SECURITY ring around the country.
20100606             SUDAN, 1—TRIBAL—LEADER said clashes between rival Arab tribes in THE—WEST—REGION—OF—DARFUR killed 41—PEOPLE in 3—DAYS.
20100606             YEMEN, HAMZA—ALI—SALEH—AL—DAYAN, an AL—QAIDA operative, turned himself in to authorities in NORTH—EAST—MARIB province, the 2. such surrender in 2—DAYS.
20100606             —BELIEVED, He is, to have trained suicide bombers and helped plan 20070700             —THE suicide attack that killed 7—SPAIN—TOURISTS and 2—YEMENIS in the same province.
20100606—20100603    —ATTACKED, Fighting broke out when "MEMBERS—OF—THE—REZEIGAT tribe, 1—VILLAGE—WEST—OF—THE—TOWN—OF—KASS" in SOUTH—DARFUR.
20100606—20100623    —CONFIRMED, EGYPT—STATE—PROSECUTOR said that a 2. autopsy, that Said had in fact † of asphyxia after swallowing 1—BAG—OF—MARIJUANA.
20100606—20110000    —IN, 1—MEDICAL—PANEL said that Said †—OF—ASPHYXIATION after he was beaten, and 1—BAG had been placed in his mouth after he fell unconscious.
20100606—20111000    —IN, 2—POLICEMEN accused of beating Khaled Said to death, were convicted and sentenced to 7—YEARS in prison.
20100606—20130601    —FREED, MAHMOUD—SALAH and Awad ISMAIL—SULEIMAN were, pending 1—RETRIAL.
20100606—20140303    —SENTENCED, Salah and Suleiman were, to 10—YEARS in prison.
20100620             —ATTEMPTED, EGYPT—SECURITY—FORCES beat and arrested DOZENS—OF—PROTESTERS when they, to march through downtown CAIRO in the latest demonstration against police brutality following 20100606             —THE—DEATH—OF—1—YOUNG—MAN.
20110503—20110606    —ON, Their prosecution began.
20110606             DAVID—HENDERSON, 21—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—SF prep football star, was taken off life support following a 20110526              shooting that left him paralyzed from the neck down.
20110606             —RETRACTED, GERMANY—OFFICIALS, their assertion (see 20110605             ) that the E.coli epidemic was caused by bean sprouts from 1—ORGANIC—FARM.
20110606             —CONFIRMED, THE—USA—SENATE, lawyer DONALD—VERRILLI—JUNIOR as the new SOLICITOR—GENERAL, replacing Elena Kagan, who was appointed to THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT.
20110606             —SERVED, Verrilli most recently, as Deputy Counsel to PRESIDENT—OBAMA.
20110606             —RULED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, that universities in CALIFORNIA, as well as those in 11—OTHER—STATES which have similar laws, may continue to offer the lower IN—STATE—TUITION—RATE to high school graduates who are illegal immigrants.
20110606             Austan Goolsbee, CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—WHITE—HOUSE—COUNCIL—OF—ECONOMIC—ADVISERS, and 1—OF—PRESIDENT—OBAMA—MOST trusted economists, announced he was leaving to return to his job as 1—BUSINESS—PROFESSOR in the graduate school at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—CHICAGO.
20110606             Under pressure from bloggers and journalists, REPRESENTATIVE—ANTHONY—WEINER—OF—NEW—YORK finally admitted he sent inappropriate e-mails to 6—WOMEN he did not know but met via social media.
20110606             —ADMITTED, He also, to lying about using Twitter to send 1—SUGGESTIVE photo of himself to 1—YOUNG—WOMAN.
20110606             —DENIED, He had previously, sending the photo, claiming his account was hacked.
20110606             —AFTER apologizing to his wife and his constituents for his poor judgment, Weiner said he had no plans to resign from his congressional seat.
20110606             In 1—NEW—YORK courtroom, Dominique STRAUSS—KAHN, the disgraced FORMER—HEAD—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND, pleaded not guilty to charges that he attempted to rape 1—MAID at the hotel where he had been staying.
20110606             FORMER—PENNSYLVANIA congressman Rick Santorum, 1—SOCIAL—CONSERVATIVE, announced that he is 1—CANDIDATE for the Republican nomination for PRESIDENT.
20110606             Apple CEO STEVE—JOBS, who had been on medical leave while battling pancreatic cancer, attended 1—CONFERENCE—OF—SOFTWARE developers to unveil 1—NEW—SERVICE called iCloud.
20110606             The iCloud stores music, photos, documents and electronic books "in the cloud," and is able to transfer them between Apple devices, without the need for hooking up 1—CABLE.
20110606             —HIRED, CALIFORNIA, the Golden STATE—WARRIORS, MARK—JACKSON to be their new head coach.
20110606             JACKSON, 1—FORMER—NBA star and 1—CURRENT—TELEVISION—SPORTS—COMMENTATOR, has never coached 1—PROFESSIONAL basketball team
20110606             Veteran CBS news reporter SCOTT—PELLEY made his debut as the new anchor of THE—CBS Evening News, 1—ROLE he assumed after being chosen to replace Katie Couric.
20110606             BRITAIN, ASIM—KAUSER, 25—JAHRE—ALT, 1—UNITED—KINGDOM—NATIONAL, was arrested at his home following 1—OPERATION by THE—NORTH—WEST—COUNTER Terrorism Unit.
20110606             The alleged offenses took place 20090100—20110600    —BETWEEN.
20110606             They said there was not enough data to determine if the farm was in fact the source of the deadly outbreak, which sickened people all over Europe and resulted in 20—2—DEATHS.
20110606             IRAQ, 5—MEMBERS—OF—THE—USA—MILITARY who were serving as advisors to THE—IRAQ—SECURITY—POLICE, were killed by 1—ROCKET—ATTACK on their residence in BAGHDAD.
20110606             This was the worst SINGLE—DAY—LOSS—OF—LIFE for USA—TROOPS in IRAQ in 2—YEARS.
20110606             —CLAIMED, Kataib Hezbollah, responsibility for the rocket attack.
20110606             PAKISTAN, USA—DRONE—AIRCRAFT struck at least 3—ATTACKS in SOUTH—WAZIRISTAN killing at least 18—PEOPLE.
20110606             —ARRIVED, PERU, the remains of 5—SOLDIERS, in LIMA.
20110606             —KILLED, They were, in 1—AMBUSH attributed to Shining Path guerrillas in the Apurimac River Valley.
20110606             SYRIA—USA—LESBIAN blogger Amina Arraf was allegedly last seen in DAMASCUS after being bundled into 1—CAR by 3—MEN in civilian clothes.
20110606             —ANNOUNCED, UN SECRETARY—GENERAL—BAN KI—MOON—OF—SOUTH—KOREA, his intention to seek a 2. 5—YEAR—TERM.
20110606             His current term expires at THE—END—OF—DECEMBER.
20110606             —ANNOUNCED, YEMEN—PRESIDENT—ALI—ABDULLAH—SALEH, he would soon return to YEMEN;
20110606             he had been recuperating in SAUDI—ARABIA after being wounded in 1—ATTACK.
20110606—20110613    —ON, this story was revealed as 1—HOAX and a 40-year old USA—MAN living in SCOTLAND apologized for posing as Arraf.
20110611—20110606    —ISSUED, TEXAS GOVERNOR—RICK—PERRY—PROCLAMATION, continued to evoke controversy.
20120120—20120606    —ON, 5—POLICE—OFFICERS were detained, —WHEN soldiers and state police raided their police station.
20120519—20120606    —ON, police arrested GIOVANNI—VANTAGGIOTO (68), 1—FUEL—VENDOR on SUSPICION—OF—MULTIPLE homicide.
20120606             Solar Impulse - Venustransit (von DILI aus)
20120606             Mit der Landung des Solarflugzeuges Solar Impulse in MAROKKO gelingt der 1. Interkontinentalflug in der GESCHICHTE—DES—SOLAR—FLUGZEUGBAUS.
20120606             1—VENUSTRANSIT ist in vielen Teilen der Welt zu beobachten.
20120606             8—MUSLIMS filed 1—FEDERAL—LAWSUIT in NEW—JERSEY to force THE—NYPD to end its surveillance and other INTELLIGENCE—GATHERING—PRACTICES targeting Muslims in the years after 20010000             —THE terrorist attacks.
20120606             AFGHANISTAN, 3—SUICIDE attackers blew themselves up in KANDAHAR city, killing 22—PEOPLE and wounding at least 50—OTHERS in 1—DUSTY marketplace.
20120606             AFGHANISTAN—OFFICIALS and residents said 1—PRE—DAWN NATO airstrike targeting militants killed 18—PEOPLE celebrating 1—WEDDING, including women and children.
20120606             A NATO forces spokesman said they had no reports of civilians being killed in the overnight raid to capture 1—LOCAL—TALIBAN leader in Logar province.
20120606             Provincial Police CHIEF—GENERAL—GHULAM—SAKHI—ROOGH—LAWANAY said there was no wedding party.
20120606             He said the gathering was 1—MEETING of Taliban commanders in the province.
20120606             —DISPLAYED, Villagers, 18—BODIES at the provincial capital, including 5—WOMEN, 7—CHILDREN and 6—MEN.
20120606             2—NATO service members were killed in 1—HELICOPTER—CRASH in Ghazni province.
20120606             —ACCUSED, THE—AFGHANISTAN—GOVERNMENT, the Taliban of poisoning schoolgirls by bribing students and workers to sneak toxic chemicals into drinking water or spread it around school grounds, sickening scores.
20120606             15—SUSPECTS have been arrested.
20120606             National DIRECTORATE—OF—SECURITY—SPOKESMAN—LUTFULLAH Mashal accused PAKISTAN—SPIES of poisoning the schoolgirls.
20120606             —EXPRESSED, 20120701             —IN—UN—AGENCY, concern that torture may have been used to extract confessions over the alleged serial poisoning, which experts say is more likely to be mass hysteria.
20120606             —ANGERED, ANGOLA—TROOPS, whose presence, local soldiers and prompted 1—COUP in April, began leaving GUINEA—BISSAU.
20120606             —ESTABLISHED, CHILE, COLOMBIA, MEXICO and PERU formally, their Pacific Alliance (Alianza de Pacifico).
20120606             The goal was free trade and economic integration with 1—CLEAR—ORIENTATION toward Asia.
20120606             CHINA, 12—CHILDREN were hurt in 1—CLASH at an Islamic school in the restive Xinjiang region, amid 1—ESCALATING—CRACKDOWN on "illegal" religious activities.
20120606             —DISPUTED, The exiled World Uyghur Congress (WUC) group, the government VERSION—OF—EVENTS, citing sources on the ground as saying police tossed tear gas into the school.
20120606             —IMPRISONED, CHINA, ailing CHINA—LABOR—ACTIVIST Li Wangyang (62), —FOR—2—DECADES, SOME—OF—IT doing hard labor, † in 1—HOSPITAL, reportedly hanging himself 1—YEAR after being released from jail.
20120606             —BOMBED, COLOMBIA—MILITARY, a FARC rebel camp in Antioquia state.
20120606             8—REBELS were reported killed.
20120606             CONGODRC, 1—ARMY—REPORT said at least 200—MUTINEERS have been killed in THE—EAST—PART—OF—THE—COUNTRY since fighting broke out in April.
20120606             40—TROOPS from THE—FARDC regular army have also been killed in the clashes.
20120606             —REJECTED, ISRAEL—SUPREME—COURT, 1—ATTEMPT by hardliners to prevent the demolition of 1—ILLEGAL—WEST—BANK outpost.
20120606             —ANNOUNCED, ISRAEL—OFFICIALS, the government would build 850—APARTMENTS in various WEST—BANK—SETTLEMENTS.
20120606             ISRAEL—AIRCRAFT struck 2—TARGETS in THE—GAZA Strip, wounding at least 2—MEN.
20120606             —ARMED, Human Rights Watch said, groups in LIBERIA, who supported IVORY—COAST—FORMER—PRESIDENT, have killed at least 40—CIVILIANS in CROSS—BORDER—RAIDS into IVORY—COAST since July and are recruiting children as young as 14—INTO their ranks.
20120606             THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND said MALAWI is set for a $157-million (125-million euro) 3-year IMF loan to fix its troubled economy which has been hit by global aid suspensions.
20120606             —CRASHED, PERU, 1—HELICOPTER, in the highlands killing all 14—PEOPLE aboard, including 8—SOUTH—KOREANS and 3—EUROPEANS.
20120606             They were exploring 1—POTENTIAL—HYDROELECTRIC—PROJECT—NEAR—MAZUCO.
20120606             PUERTO—RICO—USA, federal agents swept through the main airport and other areas, arresting DOZENS—OF—BAGGAGE—HANDLERS, airline workers and others suspected of smuggling MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS' worth of cocaine aboard commercial flights for at least 1—DECADE.
20120606             —VISITED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, CHINA and emphasized burgeoning military ties on the 2. DAY—OF—1—VISIT to his nation's eastern neighbor.
20120606             SUDAN, an "exceptional" airlift of almost 12,000 SOUTH—SUDANESE ended with 1—FINAL—FLIGHT from KHARTOUM, but thousands more continue to live in makeshift conditions while they, too, await transport to the South.
20120606             —APPOINTED, SYRIA—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD, loyalist Riad Farid Hijab, 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—RULING—BAATH Party and the former agriculture MINISTER, as PRIME—MINISTER as he battles a 15-month uprising against his rule.
20120606             Rebels went on the offensive in and around DAMASCUS while 18—PEOPLE were killed in shelling, blasts and clashes across the country.
20120606             —KILLED, THE—SYRIA—OBSERVATORY for Human Rights said at least 55—PEOPLE were, in 1—ASSAULT on AL—KUBEIR, 1—SMALL—SUNNI farming enclave surrounded by Alawite villages in the central PROVINCE—OF—HAMA.
20120606             Clashes broke out between SYRIA—TROOPS and RESIDENTS—OF—THE—BORDER—TOWN—OF—ARSAL in EAST—LEBANON after 1—LEBANON—MAN was killed and 3 wounded at dawn as they tried to cross the border into Syria.
20120606             A GROUP—OF—EXPAT SYRIA—BUSINESSMEN announced in QATAR the creation of a $300—MILLION (239—MILLION—EURO) fund to support the rebellion against PRESIDENT—BASHAR—AL—ASSAD.
20120606             TOGO, Moise Lida Kouassi, the former defense MINISTER—OF—IVORY—COAST'S disgraced EX—PRESIDENT—LAURENT—GBAGBO, was arrested.
20120606             —ACCUSED—OF, He was, trying to destabilize the new Ivorian regime.
20120606             A UN report said JOSEPH—KONY—LORD—RESISTANCE—ARMY has abducted more than 600—CHILD—SOLDIERS and sex slaves over the past 2—YEARS even as the hunt for the rebel leader intensifies.
20120606             At least 591—CHILDREN, including 268—GIRLS, were reported seized over the same time in Democratic REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO, CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC and SOUTH—SUDAN.
20120606             —KILLED, YEMEN, 2—CIVILIANS were, and a 3. was wounded when their car, rigged by AL—QAIDA militants, exploded in the southern port CITY—OF—ADEN.
20120606             —ENTSCHEIDUNG—IN—WISCONSIN : Erzkonservativer USA—GOUVERNEUR triumphiert über DEMOKRATEN
20120606             SCHULDEN—KRISE, EURO—RETTER wollen SPANIENs BANKEN helfen
20120606             Biologie: Krabben erkennen die Geräusche der Heimat
20120606             EURO—KRISE, SPANIENs Industrie bricht 1
20120606             Beben, SONNEN—STÜRME, Vulkanausbrüche: —FORSCHER entdecken KATASTROPHEN—RHYTHMUS
20120606             RUSSLAND: Duma schränkt Demonstrationsrecht drastisch 1
20120606             Alltag in DAMASKUS: "Zu uns kommt DER—KRIEG noch früh genug"
20120606             EINREISE—VERBOT : CHINA sperrt TIBET für Touristen
20120606             Angeschlagener USA—PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA: Messias a.D.
20120606             Geschlechtskrankheit: WHO besorgt über unheilbaren Tripper
20120606             "DIE—GONORRHOE wird durch hohe Infektionsraten und schwindende Behandlungsmöglichkeiten zu 1—BEDEUTENDEN Herausforderung für das Gesundheitswesen",
20120606             Unter anderem aus AUSTRALIEN, FRANKREICH, JAPAN, NORWEGEN und SCHWEDEN gebe es alarmierende Berichte
20120606             [l] CHINAs Zensoren haben den SCHLUSS—KURS der BÖRSE zensiert.
20120606             [l] An dieser Stelle möchte ich mich von Südkorae als Teilnehmer der zivilisierten Welt verabschieden: SÜD—KOREA entfernt auf Druck von FUNDI—CHRISTEN EVOLUTIONsbeispiele aus ihren Schulbüchern.
20120606             wie häufig kommt es zu besonders schweren KATASTROPHEn?
20120606             Wir leben eigentlich in den Pausen zwischen KATASTROPHEn.
20120606             ERDBEBEN der extremen Stärke 9—EREIGNEN sich im Durchschnitt alle 25—JAHRE
20120606             Vulkanausbrüche der Stärke 6—PASSIEREN ungefähr alle 40—JAHRE
20120606             Umberto Panini ist der Vater der Abziehbildchen, Generationen von Kindern haben ihn reich gemacht.
20120606             Genau mit diesen Abziehbildern, zudem mit dem Druck von Kinderbüchern und Religionsschriften hat Umberto 1—VERMÖGEN verdient.
20120606             —REKORDTIEF: EZB hält LEIT—ZINS bei 1,0 %
20120606             anthropoide PRIMATEN
20120606             DIE—ZOCKEREI mit DER—EURO—DÄMMERUNG hat begonnen.
20120606             1—BANKENUNION wäre in der Tat 1—REVOLUTION.
20120606             DIE—BANKEN wären dann keine deutschen oder spanischen mehr, sondern europäische.
20120606             es besteht die Gefahr, daß sich die Ereignisse überschlagen, BEVOR DIE—POLITIK reagieren kann.
20120606             DIE—NARRATIVE dieser —KRISE sind völlig außer Kontrolle geraten, und DIE—POLITIK weiß nicht, wie sie sie wieder einfängt.
20120606             Fossilienfund: BRITEN hoffen auf Rekordperle
20120606             ERB—GUTTEST: —FORSCHER entziffern EMBRYO—GENOM aus Blut und Speichel der Eltern
20120606             KONJUNKTURBERICHT—DER—FED, USA—WIRTSCHAFT wächst moderat
20120606             [l] DER—BGH hat die Zitierfreiheit deutlich eingeschränkt.
20120606             Extreme SONNEN—STÜRME —TREFFEN DIE—ERDE etwa alle 80—JAHRE,
20120606—17500000    —SEIT, ausgewertet alle bekannten 143—VULKANAUSBRÜCHE mit mindestens der Stärke 4
20120606—17500000    Das erstaunliche Resultat: Nahe beieinander liegende Vulkane brachen auffällig häufig KURZ—NACHEINANDER AUS—OBWOHL ihre Magmakammern nicht verbunden waren.
20120606—17500000    —SEIT, alle bekannten 143—VULKANAUSBRÜCHE mit mindestens der Stärke 4—AUSGEWERTET
20120606—20110300    —CONFIRMED, Authorities in OREGON, that a 66—FOOT—LONG pier, that floated onto 1—BEACH—NEAR—NEWPORT, came from JAPAN following the tsunami.
20120606—20120609    —COMPLETED, The pullout was.
20120606—20120701    —BY, It had already said the Ulpana outpost is illegal because it was built on private Palestinian land and ordered the outpost's 5—BUILDINGS taken down.
20120608             AFGHANISTAN, NATO COMMANDER—GENERAL—JOHN—ALLEN flew to Logar province "to see local leaders and the population to apologize and offer condolences to the families," of those killed in a 20120606              airstrike.
20130604—20130606    —ARRESTED, Himachal Pradesh police, 3—NEPAL—MEN in connection to her rape.
20130606             —REPORTED, THE—WASHINGTON—POST—NEWSPAPER, the existence of 1—PROGRAM, codenamed PRISM, under which THE—NSA collects, e-mails, internet phone calls, photos, videos, file transfers and social networking data from big internet companies.
20130606             A law enforcement sweep in S—DIEGO led to THE—ARREST—OF—50—PEOPLE including 7—ACTIVE—DUTY—MARINES, 7—FORMER—MARINES and Navy sailor.
20130606             The busted crime rings dealt in illegal drugs, stolen military gear and cars.
20130606             Wells Fargo in 1—AGREEMENT with THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOUSING and URBAN—DEVELOPMENT (HUD) said it will pay $39—MILLION to promote home ownerhsip and community development to address claims that it neglected BANK—OWNED homes in minority communities.
20130606             † ESTHER—WILLIAMS, 91—JAHRE—ALT, teenage swimming champion and HOLLYWOOD star, in BEVERLY—HILLS.
20130606             —INCLUDED, ESTHER—WILLIAMS—FILMS, "ANDY—HARDY—DOUBLE—LIFE" (19420000             ), "Bathing Beauty" (19440000             ) and "JUPITER—DARLING" (19550000             ).
20130606             —TITLED, ESTHER—WILLIAMS'S 19990000              autobiography was, "The Million Dollar Mermaid".
20130606             —CRASHED, KENTUCKY, a medical helicopter, near MANCHESTER killing all 3—CREWMEMBERS.
20130606             —SIGNED, VERMONT GOVERNOR—PETER—SHUMLIN, 1—MEASURE making VERMONT the 17.
20130606             USA—STATE to eliminate criminal penalties for the possession of small AMOUNTS—OF—MARIJUANA.
20130606             —ALLEGED, THE—AFGHANISTAN—GOVERNOR—OF—KUNAR province, that 1—OVERNIGHT NATO airstrike killed 3—CIVILIANS and wounded 7—THERE, 1—CLAIM THE—USA—LED coalition flatly denied.
20130606             A civilian was killed when 1—BOMB exploded inside 1—RESTAURANT in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—SARI Pul.
20130606             —WOUNDED, Another 13—PEOPLE were.
20130606             —GUNNED, In WEST—FARAH province insurgents, down 2—TRIBAL elders as they drove into the provincial capital.
20130606             A suicide attacker drove 1—TRUCK into the entrance of 1—CAMP in Helmand province in Now-e-Zad district and detonated it.
20130606             7—GEORGIA—SOLDIERS were killed.
20130606             BRAZIL, protests began in SAO—PAULO over a 20-centavo (9—CENT) rise in bus fares.
20130606             —FORMED, BOSNIA, nearly 3,000—PEOPLE, 1—CHAIN around THE—PARLIAMENT, trapping HUNDREDS—OF—POLITICIANS and civil service workers inside in 1—DEMONSTRATION—OF—ANGER over what protesters say is 1—GOVERNMENT paralyzed by ethnic bickering.
20130606             —DEMANDED, They, 1—NEW—LAW on personal ID numbers after the old 1 lapsed in February, leaving all babies born since without personal documents.
20130606             —EXPRESSED, BRITAIN, regret about the abuse of Kenyans by colonial forces during the Mau Mau insurgency in the 1950s and announced 1—COMPENSATION—PACKAGE for more than 5,200 survivors worth 1—TOTAL—OF—20—MILLION—POUNDS.
20130606             UNITED—KINGDOM—COMIC—NOVELIST—TOM—SHARPE, 85—JAHRE—ALT, known for his "Wilt" series about 1 harassed and HEN—PECKED university lecturer, † in SPAIN.
20130606             His 1. novel, "Riotous Assembly" (19710000             ), lampoons SOUTH—AFRICA—APARTHEID system and the police.
20130606             —BARRED, THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—COMPETITION—COMMISSION, FRANCE—GROUPE—EUROTUNNEL from docking its ferries at Dover for at least 2—YEARS due to concerns its purchase of 3—FERRIES would allow it to dominate over HALF—OF—THE—MARKET.
20130606             A GERMANY—HIGH—COURT in KARLSRUHE granted homosexual civil unions the same tax breaks as heterosexual oo couples.
20130606             —WORKED, Residents and emergency crews, through the night in DRESDEN and other cities to bolster riverbanks and build sandbag barriers as floodwaters that have already claimed 16—LIVES in Europe roared farther north through GERMANY.
20130606             —ARRESTED, GHANA—IMMIGRATION—SERVICE said 161—CHINA—NATIONALS, who were, for illegal gold mining this week, will be deported to CHINA.
20130606             Organizers said Miss World has axed the famed bikinis from this year's pageant in INDONESIA, replacing the skimpy swimsuits with conservative beach sarongs amid mounting protests from HARD—LINE—MUSLIM groups.
20130606             IRAQ, 1—SERIES—OF—CAR—BOMB—EXPLOSIONS in and around BAGHDAD killed 14—PEOPLE including 7—POLICEMEN in Taji.
20130606             —REPORTED, MEXICO—SOLDIERS were, to have rescued 165—PEOPLE kidnapped by the Zetas drug cartel and held for as long as 3—WEEKS in a 1—STORY—HOME alongside THE—USA—BORDER.
20130606             150—OF—THOSE rescued were USA bound migrants from CENTRAL—AMERICA.
20130606             —STORMED, MEXICO, 2—GUNMEN, into 1—GYM and killed 4—PEOPLE in the tough MEXICO—CITY—NEIGHBORHOOD—OF—TEPITO, home to the area's biggest black market.
20130606             —AGREED, North and SOUTH—KOREA, to hold talks on reopening 1—JOINTLY run factory complex and other CROSS—BORDER—ISSUES, after MONTHS—OF—DETERIORATING—RELATIONS and 1—DAY before 1—USA—CHINA—SUMMIT in which the North is expected to be 1—KEY—TOPIC.
20130606             —DEPLOYED, RUSSIA said it has, 1—NAVAL—UNIT, 16—WARSHIPS and 3—SHIP—BASED helicopters, to the Mediterranean Sea.
20130606             2 suspected militants from the group Davletbayev is accused of leading were killed and a 3., ROBERT—AMERKHANOV was arrested in an FSB operation in May.
20130606             —KILLED, SOUTH—SOMALIA, AL—QAIDA—LINKED militants, 2—MEN by firing squad in Bararwe for allegedly spying for THE—SOMALIA—GOVERNMENT and the African Union military force.
20130606             A SUDAN—MILITARY—SPOKESMAN said 1—MILITARY—TRAINING—HELICOPTER has crashed in the country's south, killing its 2—CREW members.
20130606             —CAPTURED, SYRIA—REBELS, 1—CROSSING—POINT along 1—CEASE—FIRE—LINE with ISRAEL in the contested Golan Heights.
20130606             —ANNOUNCED, AUSTRIA, that it is withdrawing the country's 377—UN—PEACEKEEPERS from the Golan Heights after THE—SYRIA—CONFLICT briefly spilled over to 1—AREA—NEAR—THEIR—POSITION.
20130606             —URGED, AYMAN—AL—ZAWAHRI, AL—QAIDA—LEADER, Sunni Muslims to spare no effort to join the battle in Syria.
20130606             —CHARGED, TAIWAN, 2—MEN were, with planting CYANIDE—TAINTED bombs on 1—HIGH—SPEED—TRAIN and at 1—OFFICE where the head of global electronics powerhouse Foxconn was scheduled to visit in April.
20130606             —FAILED, The devices, to explode.
20130606             —INDICTED, Lawyer Hu TSUNG—HSIEN, 44—JAHRE—ALT and CHU—YA—DONG were, on charges of attempted homicide and endangering public security.
20130606             † In SOUTH—TURKEY 1—POLICE—OFFICER after falling into 1—UNDERPASS while trying to subdue 1—PROTEST, bringing the death toll in 1—WEEK—OF—PROTESTS to 3.
20130606             "GUARDIAN"und WASHINGTON—POSTBEGINNEN mit den Enthüllungen: über den Zugriff der NSA auf TELEFON—VERBINDUNGS—DATEN IN—DEN—USA und über das SPÄH—PROGRAMM—PRISM, mit dem auf NUTZER—DATEN bei FACEBOOK, GOOGLE, MICROSOFT und anderen großen IT—KONZERNEN zugegriffen wird.
20130606             Soziale Unruhen
20130606             DEUTSCHLAND, genau so
20130606             DEUTSCHLAND, darf DER—GEHEIM—DIENST (BND) alle internationalen KOMMUNIKATIONS—BEZIEHUNGEN (eMail, Telefon...) ohne richterliche Genehmigung im Rahmen der st5             1—DER 1. Namen, die nach Übergabe der AKTEN—AN—DIE—ÖFFENTLICHKEIT gelangten, war der von HANS—DIETRICH—GENSCHER.
20130606             Strafen gegen NGO—MITARBEITER: "Ernste Belastung des DEUTSCH—ÄGYPTISCHEN Verhältnisses"
20130606             Schüler in SYRIEN—ATTACKIERT, bespitzelt, verhört
20130606             Zu optimistische Annahmen: IWF räumt Fehler bei GRIECHENLAND—RETTUNG 1
20130606             DEUTSCHLANDs Flutgebiete: MILLIARDENSCHÄDEN—HOCH—WASSERHILFE reicht nicht aus
20130606             Entspannung: NORD— und SÜD—KOREA reden über WIEDERÖFFNUNG—VON—INDUSTRIEPARK KAESONG
20130606             BRÜSSEL: Wie DIE—INDUSTRIE—LOBBY den EU—DATEN—SCHUTZ verwässern will
20130606             ATV "ALBERT—EINSTEIN": Europäischer Raumtransporter auf dem Weg zur ISS
20130606             BBC—AUGENZEUGEN: "Kusair liegt in Ruinen"
20130606             Entwicklungsländer: Mangelernährung tötet MILLIONEN—KINDER
20130606             Dem Urteil 1—GEHEIM—DIENSTGERICHTS zufolge
20130606             Dem Urteil 1—GEHEIM—DIENSTGERICHTS zufolge müsse Verizon ohne Einschränkung unter anderem die Rufnummern beider Anschlüsse, ortsbezogene DATEN sowie die Dauer und die UHRZEIT—DER—ANRUFE an den GEHEIM—DIENST übermitteln.
20130606             DURCHSUCHUNG—BEFEHLE
20130606             Da ES—SICH um "TRANS—AKTIONS—DATEN"handele, also keine Gesprächsinhalte ODER—NAMEN der ANSCHLUSS—INHABER weitergegeben werden müssten, seien keine individuellen DURCHSUCHUNG—BEFEHLE notwendig.
20130606             Der Beschluss sei am ;;0425;;unterschrieben worden und sei bis zum ;;0719;;
20130606             DIE—NEW—YORK—TIMES betont, daß die Anordnung nur an Verizon Business Network Services erging, die Geschäftskundensparte des Anbieters, und dass noch unklar sei, ob die Anordnung auch private FestNETZ—, Handykunden betreffe.
20130606             —BEREITS, nach dem TERROR—ANSCHLAG
20130606             Sie meinen wohl eher, daß viele Türken für ihre Freiheit kämpfen, aber geschenkt.
20130606             dumm wie Bohnenstroh sind und selten selbständiges oder gar kognitives Denken gewohnt sind.
20130606             USA—IS Secretly Collecting Records of Verizon Calls
20130606             —SIGNED, THE—ORDER, by JUDGE—ROGER—VINSON—OF—THE—FOREIGN—INTELLIGENCE—SURVEILLANCE—COURT in ;;04;;, directs 1—VERIZON Communications subsidiary, Verizon Business Network Services, to turn over "on 1—ONGOING daily basis" to THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY—ALL—CALL—LOGS "between THE—USA and abroad" or "wholly WITHIN—THE—UNITED—STATES, including local TELEPHONE—CALLS".
20130606             THE—ORDER prohibits its recipient from discussing its existence, and REPRESENTATIVES—OF—BOTH Verizon and AT&T declined to comment —WEDNESDAY evening.
20130606             "We will respond as —SOON as we can," said Marci Green Miller, 1—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY spokeswoman, in 1—E—MAIL.
20130606             THE—ORDER was sought by the Federal BUREAU—OF—INVESTIGATION under 1—SECTION—OF—THE—FOREIGN—INTELLIGENCE—SURVEILLANCE—ACT, 19780000             —THE law that regulates domestic surveillance for NATIONAL—SECURITY—PURPOSES, including "tangible things" like 1—BUSINESS—CUSTOMER—RECORDS.
20130606             —MARKED, THE—ORDER was, "TOP SECRET//SI//NOFORN," referring to COMMUNICATIONS—RELATED INTELLIGENCE—INFORMATION that may not be released to noncitizens.
20130606             THE—COLLECTION—OF—COMMUNICATIONS—LOGS — or calling "metadata" — is believed to be 1—MAJOR—COMPONENT—OF—THE—GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—PROGRAM—OF—SURVEILLANCE that took place without court orDERSELBE
20130606             "absent some explanation I haven't thought of, this looks like the largest ASSAULT—ON—PRIVACY since THE—NSA wiretapped Americans in clear VIOLATION—OF—THE—LAW" under THE—GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION.
20130606             "We believe most Americans would be stunned to learn the details of how these secret court opinions have interpreted Section 215—OF—THE—PATRIOT—ACT," they wrote LAST—YEAR in A—LETTER—TO—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ERIC H.
20130606             —INFORMED, This is 1—PROBLEM, because it is impossible to have 1, public debate about what THE—LAW should say when THE—PUBLIC doesn't know what its GOVERNMENT thinks THE—LAW says".
20130606             —DENIED, THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT has, being misleading about THE—PATRIOT—ACT.
20130606             Verizon court order: NSA collecting phone RECORDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—AMERICANS daily
20130606             Exclusive: Top secret court order requiring Verizon to hand over all call data shows scale of domestic surveillance under OBAMA
20130606             Verizon, 1—OF—AMERICA—LARGEST—TELECOMS—PROVIDERS,
20130606             THE—DOCUMENT shows for The 1.time that under THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION the communication RECORDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—USA—CITIZENS are being collected indiscriminately and in bulk — regardless of whether they are suspected of ANY—WRONGDOING.
20130606             Under the terms of the blanket order,
20130606             THE—DISCLOSURE is likely TO—REIGNITE longstanding debates IN—THE—USA over the proper EXTENT—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT—DOMESTIC spying powers.
20130606             —HANDED, THE—UNLIMITED NATURE—OF—THE—RECORDS being, over to THE—NSA is extremely unusual.
20130606             THE—COURT—ORDER expressly bars Verizon from disclosing to THE—PUBLIC either THE—EXISTENCE—OF—THE—FBI—REQUEST for its customers' records, or THE—COURT—ORDER itself.
20130606             "We decline comment,"said ED—MCFADDEN, 1—WASHINGTON—BASED Verizon spokesman.
20130606             —SIGNED, THE—ORDER, by JUDGE—ROGER—VINSON, compels Verizon to produce to THE—NSA electronic copies of "all call detail records or 'telephony metadata' created by Verizon for communications between THE—USA and abroad"or "wholly WITHIN—THE—UNITED—STATES, including local TELEPHONE—CALLS".
20130606             THE—ORDER—DIRECTS—VERIZON to "continue production on 1—ONGOING daily —BASIS thereafter for the duration of this order".
20130606             —LIMITED, THE—DOCUMENT also specifies that such "metadata"is not, to the aforementioned items.
20130606             —WHILE THE—ORDER itself does not include either THE—CONTENTS—OF—MESSAGES or the personal INFORMATION—OF—THE—SUBSCRIBER—OF—ANY—PARTICULAR—CELL—NUMBER, its collection would allow THE—NSA to build easily 1—COMPREHENSIVE—PICTURE—OF who ANY—INDIVIDUAL contacted, how and when, and possibly from where, retrospectively.
20130606             JULIAN Sanchez, 1—SURVEILLANCE—EXPERT with THE—CATO—INSTITUTE, explained: "We've certainly seen THE—GOVERNMENT increasingly strain the bounds of 'relevance' to collect large NUMBERS—OF—RECORDS at once — everyone at 1 or 2—DEGREES—OF—SEPARATION from 1—TARGET — but vacuuming all metadata up indiscriminately would be 1—EXTRAORDINARY—REPUDIATION—OF—ANY—PRETENCE—OF constraint or particularized suspicion".
20130606             THE—LAW on which THE—ORDER explicitly relies is THE—SO—CALLED "business records"PROVISION—OF—THE—PATRIOT—ACT, 50—USC section 18610000           .
20130606             —WARNED, PRIVACY—ADVOCATES have long, that allowing THE—GOVERNMENT to collect and store unlimited "metadata"is 1—HIGHLY invasive FORM—OF—SURVEILLANCE—OF—CITIZENS' communications activities.
20130606             —AUTHORIZED, THE—NSA, as part of a —PROGRAM secretly, by PRESIDENT—BUSH on 4 ;;10;;
20130606             These RECENT events reflect how profoundly THE—NSA—MISSION has transformed from 1—AGENCY exclusively devoted to FOREIGN—INTELLIGENCE gathering, into 1—THAT focuses increasingly on domestic communications.
20130606             —AT—THE—CONCLUSION—OF—THAT—INVESTIGATION, FRANK—CHURCH, the Democratic SENATOR from IDAHO who chaired the investigative committee, warned: "THE—NSA—CAPABILITY at ANY—TIME could be turned around on THE—USA—PEOPLE, and no American would have ANY—PRIVACY left, such is the capability to monitor everything: telephone conversations, telegrams, it doesn't matter".
20130606             —ARGUED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT has long, that 'metadata' isn't private or personal: it's the equivalent of looking at the envelope of 1—LETTER.
20130606             That forms THE—BASIS—OF—COLLECTION: because it's not personal information, but rather "transactional"or "business"data, there is no need to —SHOW probable cause to collect it.
20130606             —SHARED, But that is not 1—VIEW, by PRIVACY—ADVOCATES.
20130606             —COLLECTED, THE—INFORMATION, on THE—AP was telephony metadata: precisely what THE—COURT—ORDER against Verizon shows is being collected by THE—NSA on MILLIONS—OF—AMERICANS —EVERY—DAY.
20130606             GARY—PRUITT, THE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE, ASSOCIATED—PRESS, set forth how monitoring even these "envelopes"could become 1—SERIOUS—INTRUSION: "These records potentially reveal communications with confidential sources across ALL—OF—THE—NEWSGATHERING activities undertaken by THE—AP DURING a 2—MONTH—PERIOD, provide 1—ROAD—MAP to AP—NEWSGATHERING operations, and disclose information about AP—ACTIVITIES and operations that THE—GOVERNMENT has no conceivable right to know".
20130606             —COLLECTED, Discussing THE—USE—OF—GPS data, from mobile phones, 1—APPELLATE court noted that even location information on its own could reveal 1—PERSON—SECRETS: "A person who knows ALL—OF—ANOTHER—TRAVELS can deduce whether he is 1—WEEKLY churchgoer, 1—HEAVY drinker, 1—REGULAR at the gym, 1—UNFAITHFUL—HUSBAND, 1—OUTPATIENT receiving medical treatment, 1—ASSOCIATE—OF—PARTICULAR—INDIVIDUALS or political groups,"it read, "and not just 1—SUCH fact about a —PERSON, but all such facts".
20130606             algorithms are used to find patterns of unusual activity
20130606             unusual activity
20130606             unusual
20130606             —WATCHED, In essence, you're being ;
20130606             —UNTIL now, such actions have been kept 1—TIGHTLY guarded and classified secret, speculated upon, suspected, and occasionally disclosed by sources, but never proven by DOCUMENTS.
20130606             —NOW the confirmation is in the open, THE—USA—PUBLIC have the opportunity to decide which definition of private information they prefer: THAT—OF—THE—PRIVACY—ADVOCATES, or that of THE—NSA and WHITE—HOUSE.
20130606             rickylee369
20130606             —AM
20130606             It astonishes me that people think this is news.
20130606             If people also believe that newspaper comment sites, emails and SOCIAL—MEDIA—PROFILES are not also being compiled and reviewed then the inevitable big reveal in THE—PRESS in the next few months will come as 1—SHOCK, but not to anyone who understands the fear that GOVERNMENT has of it's own citizens.
20130606             I'm surprised no 1 has mentioned Argus yet...1—BILLION megapixel camera drone developed by THE—USA—THAT can monitor 1—MID—SIZED city..EVERY—STREET, EVERY—PERSON.
20130606             Search Argus on YouTube...add data mining to the equation...freedom has ALREADY been lost.
20130606             Argus video
20130606             Was für 1—RECHTS—STAAT
20130606             wo GERICHTS—URTEILE streng GEHEIM sein können, statt öffentlich und für jedermann einsehbar.
20130606             Welche RECHTS—STAATLICHKEIT soll das denn noch sein, wenn Urteile als "streng geheim"eingestuft werden können, und womöglich sogar dem Verurteilten nicht zugänglich sind.
20130606             Nicht nur dort....Wem IMMER—NOCH—NICHT klar ist, daß CIA, NSA und die anderen GEHEIM—DIENSTE der USA, nur Mittel zum Zweck sind ….(na fuer welche Zwecke??) der kann getrost als naiv bezeichnet werden.
20130606             DIE—USA bereitet sich eindeutig  —SEIT—JAHREN, auf großflächige soziale Unruhen vor.
20130606             DEUTSCHLAND, darf DER—GEHEIM—DIENST (BND) alle internationalen KOMMUNIKATIONS—BEZIEHUNGEN (eMail, Telefon...) ohne richterliche Genehmigung im Rahmen der strategische ÜBERWACHUNG automatisch abhören.[1] Hier werden sogar die Inhalte nach Stichwörter gefiltert und die herausgefilterten nochmal manuell kontrolliert,
20130606             Vielleicht Technik ?
20130606             —SCHON, mal von 1—APP gehört, die jedes Musikstück innerhalb weniger Sekunden erkennt, auch bei schlechter Soundqualität?
20130606             Fossilfund: NEANDERTALER litt unter Knochenkrebs
20130606             Auch weil NEANDERTALER durchschnittlich nur halb so alt wurden wie HEUTE lebende Menschen, sind solche Krebsfunde selten.
20130606             Andere Funde von Knochentumoren sind nur 10000000              bis 4.000—JAHRE—ALT.
20130606             FRANKREICH: Arbeitslosenquote steigt auf höchsten Stand —SEIT—15—JAHREN
20130606             Keine Taschenmesser, USA—BEHÖRDE stoppt Lockerung der Handgepäckregeln
20130606             ZINS—SKANDAL, EU—KOMMISSION will LONDON LIBOR—KONTROLLE entziehen
20130606             [l] Man kann Gestenerkennung machen, indem man die WLAN—SIGNALMODULATION misst, die physische Bewegungen auslösen.
20130606             [l] OLD—AND—BUSTED, Ich kam, sah und siegte.
20130606             NEW—HOTNESS, Die kamen, haben zugeschlagen und sind wieder heimgefahren.
20130606             Das sagte 1—VERTRETER—DER FRANKFURTer POLIZEI über die PRÜGEL—POLIZISTEN aus den anderen BUNDES—LÄNDERN.
20130606             [l] KURZE—DURCHSAGE vom WELTWÄHRUNGS—FONDS:
20130606             DER—INTERNATIONALE WÄHRUNGS—FONDS hat die Folgen der harten SPAR—MAßNAHMEN in GRIECHENLAND unterschätzt und nun Fehler bei der HILFE—FÜR—DAS KRISEN—LAND eingeräumt.
20130606             Hätte es doch nur jemanden gegeben, der rechtzeitig gewarnt hätte!1!! 1—GLÜCK, daß gerade Flut ist, und REVOLUTION—IN—DER TÜRKEI, und DEMONSTRANTENplattkloppen in FRANKFURT, da sieht diese Meldung bestimmt keiner.
20130606             [l] DER—GUARDIAN hat 1—KOPIE DER—RICHTERLICHEN Verpflichtung von Verizon, ihre Vorratsdaten KOMPLETT—AN—DIE—NSA weiterzureichen.
20130606             Und DIE wollen der Welt Demokratie und MENSCHEN—RECHTE bringen!
20130606             —FORCED, Verizon, to turn over caller info, sources say
20130606             A court order requires communications...
20130606             (CNN) -- THE—USA—GOVERNMENT has obtained 1—TOP—SECRET—COURT—ORDER that requires Verizon to turn over the telephone RECORDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—AMERICANS to THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY on an "ongoing daily basis,"THE—UK—BASED GUARDIAN newspaper reported —WEDNESDAY.
20130606             CNN has so far been unable to independently verify THE—AUTHENTICITY—OF—THE—DOCUMENT.
20130606             —ACCORDING—TO, THE—DOCUMENT published by THE—GUARDIAN, FOREIGN—INTELLIGENCE—SURVEILLANCE—ACT (FISA) COURT—JUDGE—ROGER—VINSON signed a "Secondary Order"granting an FBI request for access to the records.
20130606             THE—ORDER does not say why the request was made, but it bans THE—GOVERNMENT and Verizon from making the contents public.
20130606             —FORMER—VICE—PRESIDENT—AL—GORE also criticized the move.
20130606             "In the digital era, privacy must be 1—PRIORITY.
20130606             "It's a —PROGRAM in which some untold number of innocent people have been put under the constant SURVEILLANCE—OF—GOVERNMENT—AGENTS,"JAMEEL—JAFFER, THE—ACLU—DEPUTY—LEGAL—DIRECTOR, said.
20130606             "It is beyond Orwellian, and it provides further EVIDENCE—OF—THE—EXTENT to which basic democratic rights are being surrendered in secret to the demands of unaccountable INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES".
20130606             —SPECIFIED, Justice officials haven't, the leak that triggered the probe, but
20130606             They're pushing to make ARAB—SPRING pale in comparison.
20130606             —AT—THE—RISK—OF sending you off to the kitchen to make 1—TINFOIL helmet, it's important to note that CRISIS—ACTORS are real.
20130606             But the difference between real CRISIS—ACTORS and the nonexistent ones on the payroll of Big FALSE—FLAG is that while actors are real, the crisis isn't.
20130606             THE—BEAUTY—OF—THE—CRISIS—ACTOR meme is that it can be used on anyone involved in ANY—ASPECT—OF—ANY—TRAGEDY.
20130606             CRISIS—ACTOR
20130606             —AUFSTAND—IN—DER—TÜRKEI—POLIZEI nimmt AUS—LÄNDER ins Visier
20130606             —GEPLANTE Meldepflicht: NRW feilscht um archäologische Schätze
20130606             —VON, außen wird sorgfältig beobachtet, was —DERZEIT, in NORD—RHEIN—WEST—FALEN geschieht, denn kaum sonstwo in DEUTSCHLAND oder auch in EUROPA ist archäologisch so viel los wie hier: Nicht nur die Reste der RÖMER—ZEIT sind dichter als anderswo, sondern auch DER—NEANDERTALER hinterließ schon jede Menge Spuren.
20130606             ISTANBUL—BEI den UNRUHEN—IN—DER—TÜRKEI sind offensichtlich auch AUS—LÄNDER ins Visier DER—POLIZEIKRÄFTE geraten.
20130606             Das TÜRKEI—AUßEN—MINISTERIUM sagte auf AN—FRAGE der NACHRICHTEN—AGENTUR dpa, —DER—FALL—SEI ihnen nicht bekannt.
20130606             DIE—POLIZEI in der HAUPT—STADT—ANKARA geht MEDIEN—BERICHTEN zufolge davon aus, daß die Protestler das ERDOGAN—REGIME stürzen wollten.
20130606             DIE—PROTESTE hatten am vergangenen —FREITAG nach 1—GEWALTSAMEN POLIZEI—AKTION—GEGEN—UMWELT—SCHÜTZER begonnen, die 1—BAUPROJEKT in 1—PARK in ISTANBUL verhindern wollten.
20130606             FERN—OST—KONKURRENZ: DEUTSCHE Exporteure verlieren rasch MARKT—ANTEILE—AN—CHINA
20130606             HOCH—WASSER in DEUTSCHLAND: Küstenschutz WARNT—VOR—AUFGEWEICHTEN Deichen
20130606             —PROTESTE—IN—ISTANBUL—ERDOGAN will BAU—PLÄNE im GEZI—PARK durchziehen
20130606             TELEFON—ÜBERWACHUNG—DER—NSA: Amerikas gigantischer Datensauger
20130606             Unveränderter LEIT—ZINS : EZB senkt KONJUNKTUR—PROGNOSE—FÜR—EURO—ZONE
20130606             OPEN—SOURCE—SOFTWARE: Webcam fühlt den Puls des Nutzers
20130606             —SCHLACHT—UM—KUSAIR: Flucht in die Falle
20130606             —NEUE—DIREKTIVE: EU will hart gegen Hacker vorgehen
20130606             Mückenatlas: Inventur bei den Plagegeistern
20130606             Nsa
20130606             —VOR, 1—PAAR tagen prügelte man auf RUSSLAND 1—WEGEN der Flugdaten und jetzt das !! aber das sind ja unsere freunde
20130606             Politiker WARNEN  —SEIT—JAHREN, VOR—1—ÜBERWACHUNGS—APPARAT -
20130606             IN—DEN—USA verschafft sich DIE—NSA vermutlich alle DATEN—OHNE Speicherfristen oder Beaufsichtigung.
20130606             Auch die POSITIONS—DATEN aller IN—DEN—USA benutzten Handys liegen der NSA damit womöglich vor.
20130606             —IM, Netz herrscht HEUTE Wut: Die Hashtags #NSA und #Verizon gehören zu den häufigsten, oft gepaart mit "fuck you".
20130606             1—DER Eingeweihten sagte demnach, des GEHEIM—DIENST—ZIEL sei "1—DATEN—BANK über jeden jemals innerhalb der Landesgrenzen getätigten Anruf anzulegen".
20130606             Ron Wyden, 1—DEMOKRAT aus OREGON, erklärte damals: "Wenn das amerikanische Volk herausfindet, wie seine Regierung heimlich den PATRIOT—ACT interpretiert hat, wird es verblüfft und wütend sein".
20130606             Er rückte dabei 1—TEIL der Protestteilnehmer in die Nähe des "TERRORISMUS".
20130606             "Unter den DEMONSTRANTEN sind EXTREMISTEN, einige sind in den TERRORISMUS verstrickt", so ERDOGAN.
20130606             —BEREITS, vor Tagen hatte DER—MINISTER—PRÄSIDENT behauptet, die PROTEST—WELLE gegen ihn und seine Regierung sei von EXTREMISTEN organisiert.
20130606             Unter den —AM—MITTWOCH festgenommenen Ausländern befindet sich auch 1—DEUTSCHER.
20130606             Für Despoten sind DEMOKRATEN TERRORISTEN
20130606             @dilinger
20130606             ASSAD hat DIE—UNRUHEN nicht durch sein Machogehabe angeheizt sondern sachlich seine ausweglose Position allen klar gemacht und stets immer Gesprächsbereitschaft signalisiert.
20130606             ERDOGANS, TÜRKEI überall TERRORISTEN?
20130606             Ich hab ERDOGANs TERRORISTEN im Alter von ca.
20130606             Schlimm, schlimmer
20130606             Er begeht 1—GROßEN Fehler.
20130606             —STREIT—ÜBER—GRIECHENLAND—HILFE: Das falsche Spiel des IWF
20130606             ATV "ALBERT—EINSTEIN": Neue Kamera zeigt feurigen RAUMTRANSPORTER—START
20130606   —DOLLAR—PROJEKT: Firmen aus CHINA sollen NICARAGUA—KANAL bauen
20130606             Russischer Präsident: PUTIN und Ehefrau Ljudmila trennen sich
20130606             HOCH—WASSER an DONAU und ELBE: Welle der Verwüstung
20130606             TELEFON—ÜBERWACHUNG—DER—NSA: DATEN—SAMMLUNG soll TERROR—ANSCHLAG verhindert haben
20130606             DROHNEN—DEBAKEL: DE—MAIZIÈRE verliert dramatisch an Ansehen
20130606             Wie Joachim ZIMMERMANN geht es Zehntausenden Menschen in DEUTSCHLAND.
20130606             chinesischen —JUSTIZ gegenüber der NÜRNBERGER JUSTIZ
20130606             Bei der chinesischen JUSTIZ—BZW.
20130606             —DER—FALL—MOLLATH | Die Story im 1. | DAS 1. | SWR | ARD—YOUTUBE (
20130606             DIE—AKTEN—ARBEIT und Vernehmungen durch Meindl führten zu 1—ERGEBNIS, das in der —JUSTIZ sehr selten vorkommt: Die REGENSBURGer STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT beantragte
20130606             1—FALSCHES Dokument und 1—NEUER Zeuge
20130606             GUSTL—MOLLATH wiederum hatte seine Frau 20030000              wegen STEUER—HINTERZIEHUNG und angeblicher SCHWARZGELD—GESCHÄFTE—MIT—KUNDEN der HYPOVEREINSBANK angezeigt.
20130606             Das NÜRNBERGer Gericht wertete die Anzeige von GUSTL—MOLLATH als Beweis für dessen "paranoides Gedankensystem".
20130606             —ERST—ALS 20060000             —AB die Blauzungenkrankheit DEUTSCHLANDs Tierhalter überraschte, wurden Mücken und die durch sie übertragenen Krankheiten wieder interessant.
20130606             haben DIE—FORSCHER zum Beispiel —BISHER, unbekannte Kolonien der Buschmücke im Raum KÖLN—BONNN—KOBLENZ aufgespürt.
20130606             DAS—USA—PRÄSIDIALAMT verteidigte DAS—PROGRAMM ebenfalls und erklärte, DIE—INFORMATIONEN seien wichtig, um DIE—USA vor TERROR—ANSCHLÄGEN schützen zu können.
20130606             [l] DIE—USA—AMIS tun angesichts der NSA—VORRATS—DATEN—SPEICHERUNG das, was man von ihnen erwartet: SENATorin Feinstein fordert 1—UNTERSUCHUNG.
20130606             [l] Ach nee, JETZT hat DIE—WASHINGTON—POST auch 1—FETTES Expose über das NSA—VORRATS—DATEN—SPEICHERUNGS—PROGRAMM.
20130606             THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY and THE—FBI are tapping directly into THE—CENTRAL—SERVERS—OF—9—LEADING USA—INTERNET companies, extracting audio, video, photographs, e-mails, DOCUMENTS  and connection logs that enable analysts to track 1—PERSON—MOVEMENTS and contacts over time.
20130606             Und sie haben 1—LISTE der Teilnehmer:
20130606             —LISTED, They are, on 1—ROSTER that bears their logos in ORDER—OF—ENTRY into THE—PROGRAM: "MICROSOFT, YAHOO, GOOGLE, FACEBOOK, PalTalk, AOL, SKYPE, YouTube, APPLE". PalTalk, although much smaller, has hosted significant traffic DURING—THE—ARAB—SPRING and in the ongoing SYRIA—CIVIL—WAR.
20130606             Dropbox, the cloud storage and synchronization service, is described as "coming —SOON".
20130606             THE—PROGRAM, CODE—NAMED PRISM, has not been made public —UNTIL now.
20130606             —REGARDED, GOVERNMENT—OFFICIALS and THE—DOCUMENT itself made clear that THE—NSA, the identities of its private partners as PRISM—MOST sensitive secret, fearing that they would withdraw from THE—PROGRAM if exposed.
20130606             —ACCORDING—TO—THE—SLIDES and other supporting materials obtained by THE—POST,
20130606             MICROSOFT, YAHOO, GOOGLE, FACEBOOK, PalTalk, AOL, SKYPE, YouTube, APPLE". PalTalk,
20130606             —DECLINED, GOVERNMENT—OFFICIALS, to comment for this article.
20130606             PRISM is an heir, in 1—SENSE, to 1—HISTORY—OF—INTELLIGENCE—ALLIANCES with as many as 100 trusted USA—COMPANIES since the 1970s.
20130606             how fundamentally surveillance law and practice have shifted away from individual suspicion in favor of systematic, mass collection techniques.
20130606             Fort Meade, Md.
20130606             —OBTAINED, Training materials, by THE—POST instruct new analysts
20130606             contact chaining, 1—OF—THE—BASIC—TOOLS—OF—THE—TRADE.
20130606             The same math explains the aphorism, from THE—JOHN—GUARE play, that no 1 is more than "6—DEGREES—OF—SEPARATION" from ANY—OTHER—PERSON.
20130606             Sens.
20130606             —WHEN 1—CLANDESTINE intelligence —PROGRAM meets 1—HIGHLY regulated industry, said 1—LAWYER with experience in bridging the gaps, neither side wants to risk 1—PUBLIC fight.
20130606             —FROM time to time, people allege that we have created 1—GOVERNMENT 'back door' into our systems, but GOOGLE does not have a 'back door' for THE—GOVERNMENT to access private user data".
20130606             With 1—FEW clicks and 1—AFFIRMATION that the subject is believed to be engaged in terrorism, espionage or NUCLEAR—PROLIFERATION, an —ANALYST obtains full access to FACEBOOK's "extensive search and surveillance capabilities against the variety of online social networking services".
20130606             GOOGLE—OFFERINGS include Gmail, voice and video chat, GOOGLE Drive files, photo libraries, and live SURVEILLANCE—OF—SEARCH—TERMS.
20130606             "They quite literally can watch your ideas form as you type," THE—OFFICER said.
20130606             This is absolutely great timing!!
20130606             The questions and answers by THE—FBI Director candidate are going to be real entertaining aint it?
20130606             This is WATERGATE x 10000000              with technology and terrorism as 1—EXCUSE.
20130606             —SPECIFIED, Justice officials haven't, the leak that triggered the probe, but THE—AP has said it believes THE—INVESTIGATION focuses on its ACCOUNT—OF—A foiled plot to bomb 1—USA—AIRLINER
20130606 [ZITAT—VON—SPON—FACEBOOK—1042315120]
20130606—19980606    —SEIT—15—JAHREN FRANKREICH: Arbeitslosenquote steigt auf höchsten Stand (Wirtschaft, 11:19)
20130606—20080000    —SCHON, Womöglich sind die nun enthüllten Aktivitäten der NSA nur die Spitze des Eisbergs: DAS—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL berichtete, DER—GEHEIM—DIENST habe auch ZUGRIFF—AUF—DATEN über besuchte Websites, E—MAIL—VERKEHR, Finanzinformationen wie Überweisungen und Kreditkartentransaktionen sowie Flugdaten.
20130606—20120500    THE—AP has said it believes THE—INVESTIGATION focuses on its ACCOUNT—OF—A foiled plot to bomb 1—USA—AIRLINER —IN.
20130606—20130520    —ARRESTED, RUSSIA—SPECIAL—FORCES, Yulai Davletbayev, 1—MAN who is ACCUSED—OF—PLANNING—1—TERRORIST—ATTACK on MOSCOW that the agency foiled.
20130606—20130602    —BURIED, BOLIVIA—OFFICIALS said Quachua villagers in the southern highlands, alive SANTOS Ramos (17) in the grave of Leandra Arias Janco (35), for her rape and murder.
20130607             RELIGION  20130606             20130607             alfatomega.com/20080606.html
20130607             alfatomega.com/20080606.html
20130607             RELIGION  20130606
201311060617 —HEUTE, Hagbard_Celine235
20140606             —OPENED, GEORGIA—DENNIS—MARX, wielding 1—ASSAULT—RIFLE and explosives, fire outside 1—COURTHOUSE in Cumming.
20140606             —KILLED, He wounded 1—DEPUTY before he was, in 1—SHOOTOUT.
20140606             Karen DeCrow (19370000              *), FORMER—HEAD—OF—NOW (19740000—19770000    ), the National Organization for Women, † at her home in JAMESVILLE—NEW—YORK.
20140606             —FILED, NORTH—DAKOTA, 7—COUPLES, 1—FEDERAL—LAWSUIT challenging the state's constitutional ban on SAME—SEX—MARRIAGE, making it the last state in the country to be sued by couples seeking the right to marry in their home state.
20140606             oo WISCONSIN, gay couples began getting, after 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE struck down the state's SAME—SEX—MARRIAGE—BAN.
20140606             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—GLOSSY beetle, 1—SHOT—HOLE borer smaller than 1—SESAME seed, is destroying elder, sycamore and live oak trees in SOUTH—CALIFORNIA.
20140606             The leading AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENTIAL—CANDIDATE, ABDULLAH—ABDULLAH, narrowly escaped 1—ASSASSINATION—ATTEMPT when 2—SUICIDE—BOMBERS struck his convoy after 1—CAMPAIGN—EVENT in KABUL.
20140606             6—CIVILIANS were killed and 22 wounded.
20140606             —KILLED, NORTH—AFGHANISTAN, at least 81—PEOPLE were, and MANY—MORE left missing in flash floods that fell in the Gozargah-e NOOR—DISTRICT—OF—THE—NORTH—BAGHLAN province.
20140606             —CONFRONTED, BRAZIL—BIGGEST city, a 2. straight DAY—OF—COMMUTING chaos, as striking subway workers and 1—PROTEST over housing conditions tangled THE—STREETS—OF—SAO Paulo less than 1—WEEK before it hosts the opening MATCH—OF—THE—WORLD—CUP.
20140606             —ADMITTED, UNITED—KINGDOM—TELECOMMUNICATIONS—GIANT—VODAFONE, the existence of secret wires that allow government agencies to listen in to conversations on its networks.
20140606             Vodafone said that in about 6—COUNTRIES where it operates, phone tapping is required by law, although it did not identify the countries.
20140606             —LIFTED, GERMANY—FOREIGN—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY officially, the lid on SOME—OF—ITS—WORST—KEPT secrets, acknowledging that half 12—FACILITIES around the country are in fact spy stations — as anyone with Internet access could already figure out.
20140606             —CONVICTED—OF, INDIA, 17—POLICE—OFFICERS were, kidnapping and killing a 22—YEAR—OLD jobseeker in custody.
20140606             Ranbir Singh had gone to THE—NORTH—INDIA—CITY—OF—DEHRADUN looking for 1—JOB when he was arrested by police for allegedly committing 1—ROBBERY.
20140606             —STORMED, NORTH—INDIA, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, 1—ELECTRICITY—SUBSTATION—NEAR THE—STATE—CAPITAL—OF—LUCKNOW, ransacking offices and taking several workers hostage —FOR—18—HOURS until police intervened the next day.
20140606             —ENRAGED, People were, by power cuts during 1—EXTREME—HEAT—WAVE.
20140606             NORTH—IRAQ, 1—BACK—TO—BACK—CAR—BOMB—ATTACK targeting 1—ETHNIC—MINORITY in Tahrawa and clashes in MOSUL killed at least 20—PEOPLE.
20140606             —RAIDED, ISRAEL—POLICE, THE—EAST—JERUSALEM studios of Palestine TV and briefly detained 3—STAFF for questioning.
20140606             —SUSPECTED, Police reportedly, Palestine TV of broadcasting "incitements to violence".
20140606             —CLINCHED, ITALY, Sister Cristina Scuccia (25), the top prize with 5—SONGS in the country's musical competition "The Voice".
20140606             —ROCKED, KOSOVO, 1—HUGE—EXPLOSION, the country's main power plant in PRISTINA, causing casualties and damaging nearby houses.
20140606             —ARRESTED, MEXICO—PROSECUTORS said police have, 1—LEADING—FIGURE in the Knights Templar drug cartel who they say is linked to more than 12—DEATHS.
20140606             —ASSOCIATED, State prosecutors said PEDRO—NARANJO—GARCIA was " with THE—MURDER—OF—15—PEOPLE last year in Apatzingan".
20140606             —SEARCHED, NIGERIA—MILITARY, trucks carrying newspapers after receiving intelligence "indicating MOVEMENT—OF—MATERIALS with grave security implications across the country using the channel of newsprint related consignments".
20140606             —DETAINED, NORTH—KOREA said it has, an USA—TOURIST for committing 1 unspecified crime, the 3. USA—CITIZEN being held there.
20140606             —SUSPENDED, PAKISTAN—MEDIA—REGULATORY—AGENCY, the operating license of Geo News, the country's leading news channel, —FOR—15—DAYS after 1—SPAT between the broadcaster and the country's powerful military.
20140606             —IMPOSED, It also, a 10—MILLION rupee fine — roughly $100,000.
20140606             TV channel Geo News said it is suing the powerful ISI spy agency for defamation over accusations of being ANTI—STATE.
20140606             —FILED, THE—PHILIPPINES—GOVERNMENT—PROSECUTORS, corruption charges against 3—SENATORS who allegedly received HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—PESOS (MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS) in kickbacks from funds allocated for projects for the poor.
20140606             —KILLED, THE—PHILIPPINES, radio anchorman Nilo Baculo SENIOR (67) was, by gunmen on 1—MOTORCYCLE in Oriental MINDORO—CALAPAN—CITY.
20140606             —ELECTED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN and UKRAINE—NEWLY, leader Petro Poroshenko met in FRANCE at the sidelines of ceremonies to celebrate the 70.
20140606             ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—D—DAY landing in Normandy.
20140606             They spoke of their desire for 1—QUICK—END to hostilities in SOUTH—EAST—UKRAINE.
20140606             —CAPTURED, SUDAN—TROOPS, a rebel position in SOUTH—KORDOFAN.
20140606             —WARNED, THAILAND—POLICE, online CRITICS—OF—THE—MILITARY junta that they will "come get you" for posting political views that could incite divisiveness.
20140606             Mobilität der ZUKUNFT, Brauchen Menschen in 30—JAHREN noch Autos?
20140606             (Auto, 06:07)
20140606             KRITIK—AN—OBAMA nach BERGDAHL—BEFREIUNG: "DIE—FREUDE ist —PLÖTZLICH, gar nicht mehr so groß"
20140606             MINI—ZINSEN: Draghi rettet SCHÄUBLEs Haushalt
20140606             —MILITÄR—AUSGABEN, PENTAGON berichtet über rasante Aufrüstung CHINAs
20140606             Entschuldigung: HILLARY—CLINTON bereut Ja zum IRAK—KRIEG
20140606             PHYSIK: Forscher bauen optische Tarnkappe für trübe Medien
20140606             Gedenken in der Normandie: DIE—WELT feiert den D-Day
20140606             DEFLATIONSGEFAHR—IN—EUROPA: BUNDES—BANK rechnet mit dauerhafter MINI—INFLATION
20140606             USA—GEHEIM—DIENST—DIREKTOR: SNOWDEN soll weniger Dokumente als angenommen haben
20140606             KUWAITischer Scheich AL—SABAH: IOC—MITGLIED bezeichnet KRITIK—AN—KATAR als RASSISMUS
20140606             70—JAHRE D-Day: Amerikas letzter guter Sieg
20140606             MERKEL und PUTIN beim D-Day: 1—KURZER Handschlag —, 1—ERNSTES Gespräch
20140606             Illegale Geschäfte: BNP—PARIBAS offeriert USA—JUSTIZ Rauswurf 1—VORSTANDS
20140606             1—JAHR PROTESTE—NACH—SNOWDEN: Unermüdlich gegen Spitzelei
20140606             Gedenken in der Normandie: OBAMA und HOLLANDE feiern Helden des D-Day
20140606             Fund in CHINA: 1.unbeschädigte Eier von Flugsauriern entdeckt
20140606             Flughafen Mallorca: Kameras sollen illegale Taxifahrer entlarven
20140606             TRANSPARENZ—BERICHT, Vodafone legt Existenz von Abhörleitungen offen
20140606             —STUDIEE: Zahlungsmoral deutscher Unternehmen sinkt auf DREI—JAHRES—TIEF
20140606             MARINE—EINSATZ—IM—MITTELMEER: Mehr als 2500—BOOTS—FLÜCHTLINGE vor ITALIEN gerettet
20140606             Lehren aus der SCHULDEN—KRISE, BRÜSSEL will Reformeifer in KRISEN—LÄNDERN anstacheln
20140606             SNOWDEN und wir: BÜRGER im absoluten Staat
20140606             Zuger "PFAHL—BAUBROT": Angebliches STEIN—ZEITGEBÄCK erweist sich als Kothaufen
20140606             Sehr viele SCIENCE—FICTION—AUTOREN sind NATUR—WISSENSCHAFTLER und schreiben über Technologie, die sie in der Wirklichkeit nicht umsetzen können.
20140606             Jemand wie HANS Dominik, Vater DER—DEUTSCHEN—SCIENCE—FICTION, hat ja nicht nur ROMAne in den ZWANZIGER—JAHREN geschrieben, sondern er war als Ingenieur auch Leiter des LITERATurbüros von SIEMENS & Halske, 1—VORLÄUFER des SIEMENS—KONZERNS.
20140606             —HEUTE, würde man die Position von Dominik als Leiter PR bezeichnen.
20140606             Le Blanc: Tatsächlich hat sich das Bild von Mobilität über die letzten 100—JAHRE kaum verändert.
20140606             Was in der modernen SCIENCE—FICTION jedoch noch hinzukommt, ist die Virtualität.
20140606             In neueren Werken bewegen sich DIE—MENSCHEN oft gar nicht mehr, sondern schicken ihre Hologramme zu Besprechungen oder ihre Avatare.
20140606             Damit gäbe es auch keine VERKEHRSUN—FÄLLE mehr.
20140606             So hatte sich z.B.
20140606             der Detailfanatiker STANLEY—KUBRICK für seinen
20140606             DIE—INBETRIEBNAHME des berühmten Filmcomputers "HAL 9000"wurde daher
20140606             PARIS im
20140606             Er ist eher 1—DER ältesten Werke von ihm als 1—DER Jüngsten.
20140606             Ich finde es auch etwas seltsam das Buch zu nennen, weil es ja
20140606             "es sieht nicht so aus, als habe EDWARD—SNOWDEN gar so viel mitgenommen", erklärte JAMES—CLAPPER in 1—SEINER seltenen Interviews —AM—DIENSTAG Nach ANSICHT—DES—USA—GEHEIM—DIENST—CHEFS seien die Auswirkungen der von SNOWDEN in Gang gesetzten Enthüllungen deshalb nicht so groß, wie er zunächst befürchtet hatte, berichtet DIE—WASHINGTON—POST.
20140606             Einige der Dinge, von denen man sicher gewesen sei, daß SNOWDEN sie habe, hätte der EHEMALIGE—GEHEIM—DIENST—MIT—ARBEITER wohl doch nicht erbeuten können.
20140606             "Wir untersuchen das noch, aber wir glauben, daß er vieles von dem, was er gesehen hatte, nicht herunterladen konnte.
20140606             "Nichtsdestotrotz sei der von SNOWDEN angerichtete Schaden "schwerwiegend".
20140606             1—PAAR 100.000—DOKUMENTE weniger
20140606             Tatsächlich glauben USA—OFFIZIELLE der WASHINGTON—POSTZUFOLGE nun wohl, die 1. Einschätzungen zu Umfang und Folgen der von SNOWDEN—AN—DIE—MEDIEN gegebenen Dokumente sei zu extrem gewesen.
20140606             1—FÜHRENDEN GEHEIM—DIENST—MIT—ARBEITER zufolge seien —BISHER,—CA—300—GEHEIM—DOKUMENTE von den Medien veröffentlicht worden.
20140606             DIE—SEIEN aber nur 1—KLEINER Teil der angeblich 200.000—GEHEIM—DIENSTDOKUMENTE, die EDWARD—SNOWDEN insgesamt an MEDIEN—VERTRETER weitergegeben habe.
20140606             CLAPPERs Äußerung jedoch beziehe sich auf die nicht bekannte Anzahl von Dokumenten, DIE—SNOWDEN zwar von den GEHEIM—DIENST—SERVERN geladen, aber —BISHER, an keine Außenstehenden weitergegeben habe.
20140606             Deren Zahl sei —BISHER, auf 1.770.000 taxiert worden.
20140606             —NUN, aber gehe man eher von 1.500.000 aus, zitiert DIE—WASHINGTON—POST 1—WEITEREN Offiziellen.
20140606             DAS—INTERNET heute 1—GANZ anderes als vor den Enthüllungen.
20140606             [3]Ursachenforschung
20140606             Herr CLAPPER ist 1—ÜBERFÜHRTER Lügner.
20140606             Seine Aussagen sind nichts —WERT und dienen wenn, dann nur gezielter DES—INFORMATION.
20140606             Und der Schaden besteht im VERTRAUENS—VERLUST
20140606             —BISLANG argloser Menschen in die digitale Kommunikation.
20140606             DIE—URSACHE liegt in anlassloser Massenüberwachung, nicht in der Handlung des ES.
20140606             Get your facts straight, MISTER—CLAPPER.
20140606             DAS—WEIßE—HAUS bestätigte, die 2—PRÄSIDENTEN hätten sich am Rande des STAATbanketts knapp 15—MINUTEN "informell"unterhalten.
20140606             —ZUVOR, hatte es schon 1—HANDSCHLAG und 1 15—MINUTEN langes Gespräch zwischen KREML—CHEF—WLADIMIR—PUTIN und dem designierten ukrainischen Präsidenten PETRO—POROSCHENKO gegeben.
20140606             Demnach hätten sich PUTIN und POROSCHENKO "vollkommen normal unterhalten".
20140606             es sei vereinbart worden, in den kommenden Tagen über "die Modalitäten 1—WAFFEN—STILLSTANDS"zu beraten.
20140606             Dies gelte sowohl für die prorussischen Separatisten als auch das UKRAINE—MILITÄR.
20140606             Aus dem Umfeld Hollandes hieß es, das Gespräch stelle "einen fragilen Fortschritt"dar und habe sich auch um ökonomische Aspekte sowie allgemein "mögliche MAßNAHMEn der Deeskalation"zwischen RUSSLAND und DER—UKRAINE gedreht.
20140606             Deeskalation"zwischen RUSSLAND und DER—UKRAINE
20140606             Zur Begrüßung hatten sich MERKEL und PUTIN kurz die Hand gegeben, die Atmosphäre wirkte kühl.
20140606             LAUT—ANGABEN aus deutschen Delegationskreisen dauerte das Gespräch etwas über 1—STUNDE.
20140606             —NACH, früheren russischen Angaben sollte in Deauville 1—PLAN auf dem Tisch liegen, um die schwerste SICHERHEITS—KRISE—IN—EUROPA nach ENDE—DES KALTER—KRIEG zu entschärfen.
20140606             Aus deutschen Regierungskreisen war dazu nichts zu hören.
20140606             PUTIN wird in unseren Medien immer wieder falsch dargestellt.
20140606             Als wäre er 1—DIKTATOR und RUSSLAND 1—EIN—PERSONEN—STAAT.
20140606             Auch PUTIN, genau so wie OBAMA, hat 1—GANZEN Staatsapperat im Rücken und kann mitnichten solche Sachen wie mit DER—KRIM ganz alleine durchboxen.
20140606             PUTIN als STAAT—CHEF—SEHE ich persönlich sogar als große Chance denn er hat früher noch sehr oft betont, wie sehr er sich 1—RESPEKTVOLLEN Umgang mit DEM—WESTEN wünscht.
20140606             Das hat man hier als Schwäche gesehen und RUSSLAND weiter unnötig unter Druck gesetzt WÄHREND man die Verbrechen Amerikas geduldet hat.
20140606             Das dann PUTIN und der russische Staat irgendwann genug haben, müsste jedem klar sein.
20140606             Schwerste SICHERHEITS—KRISE—IN—EUROPA nach dem KALTER—KRIEG?
20140606             Was ist mit dem BALKAN—KRIEG?
20140606             —SCHON vergessen?
20140606             Tatsächlich sind unsere "STEIN—ZEITLICHEN/BRONZE—ZEITLICHEN"Gebäudereste Tiefgründungen in sumpfigem Gelände.
20140606             Genauso ist es mit den sogenannten Pfahlsiedlungen.
20140606             Beim 1. Fund erschien es dem Forscher, der eigentlich 1—AMATEUR war, sofort SELBST—VERSTÄNDLICH, daß da Häuser auf Pfählen im See standen.
20140606             Das ist darauf zurückzuführen, daß es SEINERZEIT  1. BERICHTE—ÜBER—SOLCHE Gebäude in SÜD—OST—ASIEN gab.
20140606             EDWARD—SNOWDEN ist der Modellbürger
20140606             Was ist Freiheit?
20140606             Was ist Verantwortung?
20140606             Was ist SELBST—BESTIMMUNG?
20140606             Was ist 1—STAAT, der sich über den Willen und das Wesen des Einzelnen erhebt?
20140606             1—STAAT, der den Alltag unter Verdacht stellt?
20140606             1—STAAT, der wie 1—PERMANENTER Gerichtsprozess funktioniert, bei dem DER—BÜRGER, der nichts von seiner Anklage weiß, ständig seine Unschuld beweisen soll?
20140606             Was also ist 1—STAAT, der sich absolut setzt?
20140606             Und was tut man gegen so 1—STAAT?
20140606             Notwehr angesichts 1 "Abwärtsspirale demokratischer Legitimität".
20140606             So hat es der amerikanische POLITIK—WISSENSCHAFTLER WILLIAM E.
20140606             Scheuerman gerade in der Zeitschrift "Mittelweg 36"FORMULIERT—ER sieht SNOWDEN in 1—REIHE mit MAHATMA—GANDHI und MARTIN—LUTHER—KING, 1—TRADITION des zivilen Ungehorsams "im Zeitalter der totalen ÜBERWACHUNG": SNOWDENs Taten müssten dann, als Gewissensentscheidung, politisch und auch juristisch ganz anders beurteilt werden.
20140606             Und in ENGLAND hat gerade der 1.Geheimprozess seit, ja, Jahrhunderten begonnen, "eine direkte ATTACKE—AUF—DIE MAGNA—CARTA—VON—1215"nennt es OWEN—JONES im "GUARDIAN": Die Angeklagten in diesem "TERRORISMUSprozess"hießen AB und CD, das war alles, was DIE—JOURNALISTEN schreiben durften - "aber Transparenz ist nicht optional", so DAS—FAZIT, "sondern die Bedingung für Gerechtigkeit und den Schutz des Rechts".
20140606             DER—STAAT, auch daran erinnert 1—DER SNOWDENday, der ;;0605;;, der —JAHRES—TAG—DER—1.
20140606             —LIVESTREAM und Livekommentar+++:  HOLLANDE empfängt Ehrengäste zum D—DAY—GEDENKEN
20140606             —NACH, Heartbleed: Entwickler WARNEN—VOR—SCHWACH—STELLE in OPENSSL—VERSCHLÜSSELUNG
20140606             KRITIK—AN—BERGDAHL—BEFREIUNG: Der Haken am TALIBAN—DEAL
20140606             Mondentstehung: Chemische Analyse belegt Planetenkollision
20140606             DIE—EX—HÄFTLINGE aus GUANTANAMO?
20140606             Von DEN—CA—775—HÄFTLINGEN sind 614—INZWISCHEN, entlassen worden - 1—GROßTEIL davon, 532, unter OBAMAs Vorgänger GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH.
20140606             reichten schon "plausible aber nicht überprüfte"Berichte aus, um 1—EX—GUANTANAMO—INSASSEN als "verdächtig"einzustufen.
20140606             —DENN, DIE—JUSTIZ im Kalvinsimus benötigt nicht mehr als 1—EINFACHEN SCHULDIGEN—UNABHÄNGIG davon, ob andere genau so oder noch viel stärker an der Schuld beteiligt waren.
20140606             Dass also "DER—STAAT"UNS—ALLE aushorcht, Profile erstellen lässt und Hochrechnungen anstellt, um dann auf dieser Basis zu entscheiden, wer von uns zum "Wohle aller"abgeschaltet werden soll, ist zwar 1—SCHRECKLICHE Vorstellung, aber noch nicht der tiefste aller Abgründe.
20140606             es könnte nämlich auch so sein, daß DIE—REGIERUNG reihenweise und fast wahllos LEUTE umbringen lässt, um inmitten des generierten Schreckens mit Gesetzen zur TOTAL—ÜBERWACHUNG, weiteren fürchterlichen Kriegen und Beschränkungen für DIE—BEVÖLKERUNG durch alle Instanzen zu kommen.
20140606             Insofern, Herr Diez, ist die Frage zu stellen, wer sich mit der bittereren VARIANTE—AN—DIE—ÖFFENTLICHKEIT getraut und wann.
20140606             —DENN, wenn letztere der Wahrheit näher sein sollte als die vergleichsweise harmlose, dann ist EDWARD—SNOWDEN bei allen Meriten letztlich auch nur 1—FIGUR zur systematischen Schadensbegrenzung.
20140606             Also Vorsicht vor der schlechthinnigen Babuschkastruktur modernen komplexen STAATS—TERRORISMUS! SNOWDEN hat 1—FASS aufgemacht; —JETZT, sollten wir slange daran rütteln, bis es leer ist und alles, was dabei herausgekommen ist, genau ansehen.
20140606             Und woran man erkennt, daß ES—SICH bei der angesprochenen Thematik tatsächlich um 1—HANDELT, von der die Eliten genau wissen, daß mit ihrer, der Thematik, Offenlegung auch ihr Schicksal (der Eliten) besiegelt sein wird?
20140606             Daran, daß alsbald Gesetze Gestalt annehmen, die das blosse Nachforschen zu diesem Thema unter Strafe stellen — oder jedenfalls am pragmatischen Mauern der Regierungen auf ganzer Line, was die HERAUSGABE—VON—DOKUMENTEN anbelangt.
20140606             Und dies mit dem Hinweis auf das übergeordnete Interesse am Erhalt der nationalen Sicherheit
20140606             "We hold these truths to be SELF—EVIDENT, that All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and THE—PURSUIT—OF—HAPPINESS.
20140606             — That to secure these rights, GOVERNMENTs are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from THE—CONSENT—OFTHE governed, — That whenever -> ANY—FORM—OF—GOVERNMENT becomes destructive of these ends, it is THE—RIGHT—OF—THE—PEOPLE to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new GOVERNMENT, laying its FOUNDATION on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness
20140606             Mitten in Livesendung: ISRAELische POLIZEI stürmt palästinensischen TV—SENDER
20140606             Verräterische Atmung: Welse erspüren ihre Beute
20140606             GENOM—ANALYSE: Wie das Schaf zur Wolle kam
20140606             GUANTANAMO: USA wollen Dutzende Gefangene entlassen
20140606             —VON—DER—LEYEN zur UKRAINE—KRISE, "PUTIN hat enorm Vertrauen zerstört"
20140606             NSA—AFFÄRE: GOOGLE—MANAGER Schmidt greift USA—REGIERUNG an
20140606             —PROTESTE—GEGEN—UNGARN—PRESSE—GESETZ : SCHWARZE Bildschirme, weiße Seiten
20140606             Horizon 20200000             : EU und ISRAEL unterzeichnen umstrittenes Forschungsabkommen
20140606             Diplomatie beim D-Day: Sie reden!
20140606             Ratingagentur: Standard & POOR—STUFT IRLANDs Bonität besser 1
20140606             Treffen beim D-Day: OBAMA fordert von PUTIN "ENDE—DER—UNTERSTÜTZUNG—FÜR—SEPARATISTEN"
20140606             [l] Der STRATFOR—HACK wurde vom FBI angezettelt.
20140606             Ohne DAS—FBI wäre der nicht passiert.
20140606             DIE—WOLLTEN, daß das stattfindet.
20140606             Damit sie mehr Kohle für CYBER—ABWEHR kriegen.
20140606             60000 GELE—AKTE Kreditkartennummern und Millionen $ an Schaden.
20140606             Hat DAS—FBI verursacht.
20140606             es sind Momente wie dieser, wo ich mich frage, ob wir nicht ohne POLIZEI weniger KRIMinalität hätten.
20140606             Da kann es dann auch nicht weiter verwundern, daß DAS—FBI auch für diverse "ANONYMOUS—HACKS"in BRASILIEN DIE—VERANTWORTUNG trägt.
20140606             BRASILIEN, das sind ja aus Sicht der USA—AMERIKANER eh die Bösen.
20140606             [l] NACHDEM es auch schon im GREENWALD—BUCH stand, kann Vodafone das ja auch mal zugeben.
20140606             —REVEALED, Vodafone, 1—OF—THE—WORLD—LARGEST—MOBILE—PHONE—GROUPS, has, the existence of secret wires that allow GOVERNMENT agencies to listen to all conversations on its networks, saying they are widely used in SOME—OF—THE—29—COUNTRIES in which it operates in EUROPE and beyond.
20140606             [l] Kurzer SICHERHEITS—HINWEIS: APPLE—SOFTWARE kann zu Höchststrafen führen.
20140606             BÜRO—CHEF—FAHMI wird vorgeworfen, MITGLIED—DER—MUSLIMBRUDERSCHAFT zu sein.
20140606             —AM, bizarrsten ist der Vorwurf DER—STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT, daß die Fernsehbeträge der Journalisten mit dem APPLE COMPUTER—SCHNEIDE—PROGRAMM Final Cut Pro geschnitten und nach DOHA geschickt worden seien.
20140606             Um dazu mal den Einsender zu zitieren:
20140606             —MILITÄR—DIKTATUR hin oder her, mit dem Vorgehen gegen APPLE machen sie ordentlich wieder Punkte gut.
20140606             [l] Ich habe —IN—LETZTER—ZEIT 1—PAAR bizarre Mails von irgendwelchen SEO—SPRALLOS erhalten, die überraschenderweise darum gebeten haben, ich möge irgendwelche Links "abbauen".
20140606             Wie alle Zuschriften von SEO—SPRALLOS lösche ich die natürlich sofort, aber ich habe mich schon gewundert, was es damit auf sich hat.
20140606             Normalerweise wollen die ja das Gegenteil, daß man "redaktionelle Inhalte"für sie veröffentlicht.
20140606             DIE—ANTWORT ist, daß GOOGLE offenbar ihre Policy geändert hat und es jetzt tatsächlich nachteilig ist, wenn irgendwelche LEUTE unmotiviert auf 1—LINKEN.
20140606             es erfüllt mich mit 1—GROßEN Genugtuung, daß dieses SEO—GESCHMEIß und ihre Kunden jetzt mal ordentlich bluten.
20140606             [l] Haha, Verizon droht Netflix mit Klage.
20140606             Grund ist, daß Netflix bei VERIZON—KUNDEN Einblendungen angezeigt hat, wenn das Netz lahmte.
20140606             "The Verizon Network is crowded right now".
20140606             —URTEIL—IN—MORDPROZESS, EX—POLIZEI—CHEF—VON—GUATEMALA muss lebenslang in Haft
20140606             Kurznachricht in AGENTEN—SPRECH: @CIA setzt seinen 1.Tweet ab
20140606             DEUTSCHEr Student vor GERICHT—WIEN: Im SCHWARZER—BLOCK gegen den Burschenball
20140606             Forschungsgelder: Dubiose Geschäfte bei der MAX—PLANCK—GESELLSCHAFT
20140606—20080000    —FILED, Baculo had, 1—PETITION requesting court protection, saying he had discovered 1—PLOT by elected officials at that time to kill him after he had reported on their involvement in illegal drug deals.
20140606—20090000    —IN, He † in police custody.
20140606—20131200    —IN, ROMANIA—2.—RICHEST businessman, DAN—ADAMESCU, was arrested on charges that he bribed judges to rule in his favor in court cases over several insolvency cases involving his companies.
20140606—20140609    —ON, the court sentenced all 17—POLICE officers to life in prison.
20140613             —CITED, More than 550—SAME—SEX—COUPLES in the state, her 20140606              decision in order to get oo over the past 7—DAYS.
20150606             At the finals for THE—DARPA Robotic Challenge in POMONA—CALIFORNIA, 1—ROBOT named Hubo, developed at THE—KOREA Advanced INSTITUTE—OF—SCIENCE and Technology, (KAIST) won the $2—MILLION 1. place prize.
20150606             NEW—YORK, USA—PHAROAH, ridden by VICTOR—ESPINOZA and owned by AHMED—ZAYAT, 52—JAHRE—ALT, won the Triple Crown Trophy at the Belmont Stakes.
20150606             —CONVICTED, NEW—YORK, state, murderers RICHARD—MATT, 48—JAHRE—ALT and DAVID—SWEAT, 34—JAHRE—ALT used power tools to cut through steel walls and pipes to escape from the Clinton Correctional Facility in Dannemora.
20150606             For days after the break corrections officers beat and abused inmates in 1—EFFORT to extract information about the escape.
20150606             —ATTACKED, AFGHANISTAN, insurgents, 1—CONVOY—OF—DE—MINERS, allowing all but 6 to walk free in Logar province.
20150606             —LAUNCHED, Some 300 100—TALIBAN insurgents, 1—MAJOR—ASSAULT on the Yamgan DISTRICT—OF—BADAKHSHAN province.
20150606             A roadside bomb killed 6—CIVILIANS in Uruzgan province.
20150606             —SEALED, BANGLADESH and INDIA, 1—HISTORIC—LAND—PACT to swap territories in the presence of visiting INDIA—PRIME—MINISTER—NARENDRA—MODI and BANGLADESH—PREMIER—SHEIKH Hasina.
20150606             This will finally allow TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE living in border enclaves to choose their nationality after DECADES—OF—STATELESS—LIMBO.
20150606             —ANNOUNCED, INDIA, a "USA$2—BILLION LINE—OF—CREDIT" to BANGLADESH in 1—EFFORT to deepen bilateral ties.
20150606             —ARRIVED, FRANCIS—PAPA, in SARAJEVO for 1—VISIT aimed at bolstering reconciliation between WAR—SCARRED BOSNIA—SERB, Croat and Muslim communities.
20150606             Chinese and JAPAN—FINANCE—MINISTERS held talks in BEIJING to deepen economic cooperation that had been delayed for about 2—YEARS over strained relations between the Asian giants.
20150606             CHINA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY said HUNGARY has become the 1. European country to sign 1—COOPERATION—AGREEMENT for the new "Silk Road" initiative to develop trade and transport infrastructure across Asia and beyond.
20150606             —QUASHED, An EGYPT—COURT, 1—FEBRUARY decision by another tribunal branding the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas a "terrorist" group.
20150606             —EXTENDED, THE—EU, sanctions imposed on 3—PEOPLE—UKRAINE suspects of having embezzled funds under FORMER—PRESIDENT—VIKTOR—YANUKOVICH.
20150606             Asset freezes on EX—JUSTICE—MINISTER—OLENA—LUKASH, former education and science MINISTER—DMYTRO—TABACHNYK and Serhiy Klyuyev, the businessman BROTHER—OF—YANUKOVICH—FORMER—CHIEF—OF—STAFF, were to have expired today.
20150606             —PACKED, GERMANY, THOUSANDS—OF—DEMONSTRATORS, the Alpine resort TOWN—OF—GARMISCH—PARTENKIRCHEN, protesting over 1—WIDE—RANGE—OF—CAUSES before THE—ARRIVAL—OF—THE—LEADERS—OF—THE G7 industrialized democracies for a 2—DAY—SUMMIT.
20150606             † A GERMANY—MAN, 65—JAHRE—ALT after contracting MERS during 1—TRIP to ABU—DHABI, in the 1. death linked to the virus in Europe this year.
20150606             —KILLED, THE—INDIA—ARMY, 3—MILITANTS along in Kashmir the disputed border with PAKISTAN, foiling the 3. infiltration attempt in the past 2—WEEKS.
20150606             —REPELLED, IRAQ—GOVERNMENT—FORCES and Shiite militiamen, 2—ISLAMIC—STATE—GROUP—ATTACKS in Anbar province.
20150606             —RIPPED, In EAST—IRAQ 1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMB, through roadside restaurants at the entrance to THE—TOWN—OF—BALADRUZ, killing at least 15—PEOPLE.
20150606             —ATTACKED, SOUTH—MEXICO, 1—SELF—DEFENSE—MILITIA was, by 1—RIVAL—FACTION in the village of Xolapa leaving at least 10—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20150606             NORTH—EAST—NIGERIA, 1—BOMB—BLAST hit 1—CATTLE—MARKET in Borno state late today, with as many as 16—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20150606             —OPENED, SOUTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, gunmen in QUETTA, fire on 1—VEHICLE carrying police officers, killing 4—OF—THEM before fleeing.
20150606             THE—SOUTH—PHILIPPINES, MEMBERS—OF—THE—AL—QAEDA—LINKED ABU—SAYYAF militant group beheaded 1—PRO—GOVERNMENT militiaman.
20150606             2—MILITANTS were also killed in the fighting against soldiers and PRO—GOVERNMENT volunteers on Basilan island.
20150606             —KILLED, RUSSIA—ANTI—TERRORISM—COMMITTEE said police in the Dagestan region, militant Suleiman Zainalobinov during the night after they stopped his car and he opened fire.
20150606             —CONFIRMED, SOUTH—KOREA, 9—MORE—CASES—OF—THE—MERS virus, which has killed 4—PEOPLE, but said it did not represent 1—SPREAD—OF—THE—OUTBREAK as the infected were already in quarantine.
20150606             —CLAIMED, SOUTH—SUDAN—REBELS, they had seized CONTROL—OF—KEY oilfields in THE—NORTH—OF—THE—COUNTRY after weeks of heavy fighting with government forces.
20150606             UKRAINE, opponents of 1—GAY—RIGHTS—MARCH held in Kiev threw smoke bombs and tear gas.
20150606             —INJURED, Police said 5—OFFICERS were, as well as 4—OF—THE estimated 300—MARCHERS.
20150606             —FIRED, YEMEN—DOMINANT—HOUTHI group and its army allies, 1—SCUD missile at SAUDI—ARABIA which the kingdom says it shot down.
20150606             —POUNDED, Eyewitnesses said around 10—ARAB air strikes, Houthi positions in ADEN—NORTHWEST suburbs.
20150606             OB—WAHL—IN—PEGIDA—DRESDEN: Die CDU bangt um ihre letzte Bastion
20150606             LEIPZIG: 100—VERMUMMTE randalieren in Innenstadt
20150606             —VOM—KANZLER—AMT beauftragt: BND spionierte bei Verbündeten
20150606             —DEBATTE in der CDU: VON—DER—LEYEN wirbt für HOMO—EHE
20150606             —ABSTURZANGST: Wo die Gefahren an der BÖRSE lauern
20150606             SATELLITENBILD—DER—WOCHE: Braune Suppe vor BUENOS—AIRES
20150606             UMWELT—POLITIK,SIGMAR—GABRIEL stellt Klimaabgabe zur Disposition
20150606             Historischer Pakt: INDIEN und BANGLADESCH tauschen Land
20150606             FIFA—SKANDAL, Warner wollte BESTECHUNGsgeld von ÄGYPTEN
20150606             AUSSCHREITUNGEN—IN—KIEW: RECHTS—RADIKALE attackieren "Gay Pride"-Parade
20150606             ÄGYPTEN: HAMAS laut Gericht doch keine TERROR—ORGANISATION
20150606             FRANZISKUS—I—PAPA in SARAJEVO: "Es ist wie ein 3. Weltkrieg"
20150606             SCHULDEN—STREIT : GABRIEL will GRIECHENLAND nicht weiter nachgeben
20150606             —PARTEI—TAG—DER—LINKEN: WAGENKNECHT warnt vor ROT—ROT—GRÜN
20150606             BERLIN—BESUCH im USA—VORWAHL—KAMPF: BUNDES—REGIERUNG empfängt JEB—BUSH mit offenen Armen
20150606             Anruf von TSIPRAS : Kein JUNCKER unter dieser Nummer
20150606             [l] Habt ihr das auch gehört?
20150606             Hier DIE—REALITÄT:
20150606             DIE—HÄUFIG gestellte Frage, was DIE—GRIECHENLANDHILFE DIE—DEUTSCHEN STEUER—ZAHLER —BISHER, gekostet hat, ist schnell beantwortet: Nichts.
20150606             Ja, aber, aber...
20150606             Das wirft die Frage auf: Was haben DIE—GRIECHEN mit den MILLIARDEN gemacht?
20150606             Für aufmerksame Blogleser ist das jetzt keine Überraschung, aber man muss in solchen Dingen ja immer wiederholen, damit DIE—LEUTE nicht den Wiederholungen der Lügen glauben.
20150606             [l] Ich möchte den Anlass nutzen, nochmal auf GABY—WEBERS Film "DES—INFORMATION"zu verweisen.
20150606             Übrigens fällt als roter Faden bei DANIELE—GANSER und bei GABY—WEBER auf, wie sehr die Wikipedia —INZWISCHEN Teil des Problems geworden ist, statt der Lösung.
20150606             Er greift VERSCHWÖRUNGS—THEORIEN zum 20010911 auf und stellt sie als diskutable wissenschaftliche Erklärungen dar.
20150606             werden vom Establishment gegen Korrektur geschützt.
20150606—19780000    —IN, The last triple crown went to Affirmed.
20150606—20150812    —BY, 9—OFFICERS were suspended and the prison's leadership removed.
20150625             —RELEASED, NEW—YORK, state prison guard GENE—PALMER, 57—JAHRE—ALT was, on $25,000 bail after being arrested for promoting prison contraband related to 20150606             —THE escape of 2—PRISONERS from Clinton Correctional Facility.
20160229—20160606    —SENTENCED, Hancock was, to juvenile detention —UNTIL the age of 21.
20160602—20160606    —ON, Authorities said Villabrille likely † of 1—SELF—INFLICTED gunshot wound to the head.
20160606             —CALLED, More than 450—GROUPS, on THE—USA—CONGRESS to reject THE—TRANS—PACIFIC—PARTNERSHIP (TPP) if it comes up for 1—VOTE this fall, saying the trade deal would allow fossil fuel companies to contest USA environmental rules in extrajudicial tribunals.
20160606             —BANNED, THE—USA—NAVY, drinking and restricted OFF—BASE—ACTIVITY for its personnel in JAPAN after 1—SAILOR was arrested 1—DAY—EARLIER on suspicion of drunken driving in Okinawa.
20160606             —UNVEILED, USA—VICE—PRESIDENT—JOE—BIDEN, 1—PUBLIC—DATABASE for clinical data on cancer that aims to help researchers and doctors better tailor new treatments to individuals.
20160606             —KILLED, NEW—HAMPSHIRE, a predawn fire, 2—ADULTS and 2—CHILDREN in a 3—STORY—APARTMENT building in MANCHESTER.
20160606             —KILLED, NORTH—AFGHANISTAN, 1—TALIBAN ambush, at least 7—PEOPLE, including 1—DISTRICT—INTELLIGENCE—CHIEF and his deputy in SARI Pul province.
20160606             —MARKED, MILLIONS—OF—MUSLIMS around the world, THE—START—OF—RAMADAN, 1—MONTH—OF—INTENSE—PRAYER, DAWN—TO—DUSK fasting and nightly feasts.
20160606             Others will begin fasting 1—DAY later, due to 1—MOON—SIGHTING methodology that can lead to different countries declaring THE—START—OF—RAMADAN 1—DAY or 2—APART.
20160606             —KILLED, AUSTRALIA—AUTHORITIES said 3—PEOPLE were, in floodwaters from 1—STRONG—STORM that pounded the east coast over the weekend.
20160606             A court in BRITAIN sentenced former schoolteacher RICHARD—HUCKLE to 22—LIFE—SENTENCES for child abuse after using his position teaching English in MALAYSIA to gain access to victims.
20160606             He will have to serve 1—MINIMUM—OF—25—YEARS for 71—OFFENSES against children aged between 6—MONTHS and 12—YEARS 20060000—20140000    —FROM—TO.
20160606             —DETAINED, EGYPT, 12—EDUCATION—MINISTRY—OFFICIALS were, after answers to the final nationwide exams for Arabic and religion were —POSTED on Facebook.
20160606             —REFUSED, EU nations, to back 1 limited extension of the herbicide glyphosate's use, threatening withdrawal of MONSANTO—ROUNDUP and other WEED—KILLERS from shelves if no decision is reached by THE—END—OF—THE—MONTH.
20160606             FRANCE, 1—FIRE in 1—APARTMENT building near the national stadium in SAINT—DENIS left at least 5—PEOPLE—DEAD and 11 injured.
20160606             —ARRESTED, IRAN, Homa Hoodfar (65), 1—VISITING—CANADIAN—IRAN—EXPERT in gender and Islam.
20160606             This was at least the 5. detention of 1—DUAL—NATIONAL reported in recent months.
20160606             —KILLED, JORDAN—,1—GUNMAN apparently acting alone, 5—INTELLIGENCE—AGENTS in 1—DAYLIGHT "terrorist attack" on their office in the Baqaa Palestinian refugee camp NORTH—OF—AMMAN.
20160606             —CHARGED, An accomplice who was, with "selling weapons for illegal use" was sentenced to 1—YEAR in prison.
20160606             † In KENYA 1—MAN and 6 were injured as police opened fire on an ANTI—GOVERNMENT—RALLY in THE—WEST—CITY—OF—KISUMU.
20160606             † PALESTININAN—JAMAL—DWEIKA, 20—JAHRE—ALT of wounds after being shot by ISRAEL—SOLDIERS in clashes after stones at Jewish worshippers at THE—JOSEPH—TOMB in NABLUS.
20160606             THE—PHILIPPINES, militants of ABU—SAYYAF, 1—SMALL but brutal group linked to al Qaeda, executed ROBERT—HALL on the remote ISLAND—OF—JOLO, the 2. CANADA—CAPTIVE to be killed following JOHN—RIDSDEL, after their ransom demand went unheeded.
20160606             —KILLED, SAUDI—ARABIA, 1—ROAD—ACCIDENT involving 1—BUS and 1—TRUCK, 15—PEOPLE and left 60 injured on the road between RIYADH and AL—QASSIM.
20160606             —SUPPORTED, SYRIA—REGIME—TROOPS, by RUSSIA and USA—BACKED fighters pressed twin offensives against the Islamic State group as pressure built on the jihadists' northern strongholds in THE—WAR—TORN country.
20160606             17—CIVILIANS, including 8—CHILDREN, were killed in air strikes on AL—SHAARA, an IS—HELD town in EAST—DEIR Ezzor province.
20160606             SYRIA, Hadiyeh AL—ABBAS, 58—JAHRE—ALT, 1—WOMAN who is 1—MEMBER—OF—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD—BAATH party, was chosen as the new PARLIAMENT speaker, becoming the 1. woman to ever hold the post.
20160606             —REPORTED, TURKEY—STATE—RUN—ANADOLU news agency, that shelling by TURKEY—MILITARY and attacks by USA—LED coalition aircraft have killed 7—ISLAMIC—STATE—MILITANTS in Syria.
20160606             —NAMED, FRANCIS—PAPA, 1—SPECIAL—ADMINISTRATOR for the Catholic Church on the Pacific ISLAND—OF—GUAM after its archbishop was accused of sexually abusing young boys and of keeping church abuse policies weak to protect himself.
20160606             —REPORTED, It was, that the parties to over 1—YEAR—OF—CIVIL—WAR in YEMEN agreed to release all child prisoners they are holding.
20160606             Der WEB—BRUTALISMUS ist die GEGEN—BEWEGUNG, sagt Deville.
20160606             1—KANADISCHER Webdesigner namens JUSTIN—JACKSON hat vor kurzem unter dem Titel "I'm a fucking Webmaster"einen Text veröffentlicht, der die politische Komponente des WEB—BRUTALISMUS liefert.
20160606             My gratitude is profound and humbling.
20160606             DIE—MACHER von "Txti"versprechen, daß man dank ihrem Angebot innerhalb von kürzester Zeit 1.- extrem REDUZIERTE—SEITE aufbauen kann.
20160606             Craigslist
20160606             ARBEITS—KAMPF—STATISTIK: DEUTSCHE streiken häufiger
20160606             UNO—KONFERENZ: UMWELTverbrechen kosten—EURO—PRO—JAHR
20160606             BUNDES—PRÄSIDENT: Gauck verzichtet auf 2. AMTS—ZEIT
20160606             EU—ABSTIMMUNG: Keine MEHRHEIT—FÜR—NEUZULASSUNG von Glyphosat
20160606             INDUSTRIE—AUFTRÄGE: DEUTSCHE Produkte weniger gefragt
20160606             ISTANBUL: DEUTSCHEr GENERALkonsul darf keine Rede an Schule halten
20160606             —ANSCHLAG—PLÄNE, Franzose mit Waffen und Sprengstoff in UKRAINE festgenommen
20160606             SCHWARZE Darstellerin in "HARRY Potter": J.K.
20160606             SAFE—HARBOR—SÜNDER: schützer verhängt Bußgelder
20160606             ARCHÄOLOGEN—THEORIE: STONEHENGE—MONUMENT stand ursprünglich in Wales
20160606             LITERATur als BIG—DATA: "Gute Programmierer wollen keinen Job an der Uni"
20160606             WWF—RATGEBER: Welcher Fisch auf den Teller darf
20160606             88.000.000—EURO: Aktionäre rebellieren gegen Gehalt von WERBE—CHEF—
20160606             Feuchtwarmes Wetter: —EXPERTEN fürchten Mückenplage
20160606             FRANKREICH vor der EM: 90.000—GEGEN—TERROR—GEFAHR
20160606             SCHWEIZer ASYL—ABSTIMMUNG: RECHTS—POPULISTEN im Formtief
20160606             —MASSAKER—AN—DEN Herero: Der 1.deutsche VÖLKER—MORD
20160606             —NEUE—UMFRAGEN: BREXIT—ANGST setzt Pfund unter Druck
20160606             Satellitenbilder: IAEA bestätigt Hinweise auf PLUTONIUM—PRODUKTION in NORD—KOREA
20160606             [l] In KATAR leben 60% der Bevölkerung in "Arbeitslagern".
20160606             [l] FUKUSHIMA—UPDATE.
20160606             Masuda: We haven't actually seen where the melted fuel fell, so it's important to find it as soon as possible.
20160606             Ja, das wäre schon nicht schlecht, wenn wir die geschmolzenen Brennstäbe finden könnten!
20160606             —ESTIMATED, Masuda: It's, that 200—TONNES—OF—DEBRIS lies within EACH—UNIT… 600—TONNES of melted debris fuel and 1—MIXTURE of concrete and other metals are likely to be here.
20160606             Och nojoh, nur 600—TONNEN.
20160606             haben die Waliser das DOLERIT—GESTEIN in die heutige GRAFSCHAFT Wiltshire gebracht, berichtet der "Telegraph".
20160606             DIE—FORSCHER um den ARCHÄOLOGEN MIKE—PARKER Pearson vom INSTITUT—FÜR—ARCHÄOLOGIE des UNIVERSITY—COLLEGE—LONDON haben 1.halbe Million Knochenreste untersucht, die in STONEHENGE entdeckt wurden
20160606             20 % von ihnen stammt laut dem BERICHT—AUS—DEM—WESTEN GROß—BRITANNIENS, möglicherweise aus Wales.
20160606             —NUN, gibt es neue Erkenntnisse
20160606             "Offenbar gab es in der Gegend —VOR—5.000—JAHREN 1.längerfristige WANDER—BEWEGUNG von Westen nach Osten",
20160606             DIE—FORSCHER gehen davon aus, daß die Waliser mit den Steinen symbolisch ihre —VORFAHREN mitnahmen.
20160606             "Je mehr wir über die STEIN—ZEIT—GESELLSCHAFT erfahren, desto mehr wird klar, daß DIE—KULTUR und RELIGION DER—MENSCHEN —DAMALS, auf den Tod der —VORFAHREN fokussiert war",
20160606             Einige der untersuchten Knochen könnten sogar von mitgebrachten —VORFAHREN stammen.
20160606             Bei den meisten handele ES—SICH um verbrannte Fragmente.
20160606             Warum DIE—MENSCHEN aus Wales nach Wiltshire zogen, bleibt allerdings unklar
20160606             Pearson glaubt, daß STONEHENGE errichtet wurde, um verfeindete KRIEGS—STÄMME zusammenzuführen.
20160606             —NACHDEM, es das Monument in Wiltshire gab, finden sich in der Zeit —VOR—5.000—JAHREN kaum mehr archäologische Hinweise auf Kriege in der Gegend.
20160606             Als nächstes wollen DIE—FORSCHER nun in Wales nach dem Ort suchen, an dem STONEHENGE laut ihrer THEORIE als 1.errichtet worden war.
20160606             [l] PATRICK—BREYER legt mal wieder den Finger in die Wunde, —DIESMAL das "ÜBERWACHUNGS—ZENTRUM Nord".
20160606             Hätten sie das nicht "Todesstern"nennen können?
20160606             [l] Hat hier jemand 1—KONTO bei number26?
20160606             [l] Wisst ihr, was wir schon lange nicht mehr hatten?
20160606             DIE—BREMER Landesbank hat 1—DREISTELLIGEN Millionenverlust, und anscheinend haben sie nicht genug Rücklagen, um das auch nur annähernd aufzufangen.
20160606             [l] Wo gerade alle Leute am Lesen der HILLARY-E-Mails sind, … könnte man da nicht auch mal 1—BLICK in ihre Aktivitäten zum "FREI—HANDELS—ABKOMMEN"werfen?
20160606             Hier hat das jemand probiert.
20160606             Das STATE—DEPARTMENT ist DAS—AUßEN—MINISTERIUM.
20160606—20160804    —SENTENCED, MOHAMMAD—MASHARFEH, 22—JAHRE—ALT was, to death for THE—ATTACK.
20160606—20200000    —APPROVED, THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—CABINET, 1—MAJOR—PLAN to diversify the national economy away from oil and to generate 450,000 NON—GOVERNMENT—JOBS.
20170603—20170606    —ON, The 2. attacker, Rachid Redouane (30), was not known to police or MI5. Assailant YOUSSEF—ZAGHBA, 22—JAHRE—ALT was identified.
20170606             —ACCUSED, Attorneys general of CALIFORNIA and 6—OTHER—STATES, federal environmental CHIEF—SCOTT—PRUITT of acting illegally and dangerously when he refused to ban the use of chlorpyrifos, 1—WIDELY used farm pesticide that had been withdrawn from household use after research indicated potential health hazards.
20170606             —KILLED, FRESNO—CALIFORNIA, 3—MEN were, and 1—LEFT wounded following 1—GUN—BATTLE.
20170606             —SUSPECTED, Investigators, 1—HOME—INVASION—ROBBERY or drug deal that went bad.
20170606             —RETIRED, HAWAII, USA—NAVY—COMMANDER—DAVID—KAPAUN, charged in 1—GROWING—CORRUPTION—SCANDAL, pleaded guilty to lying about his relationship with 1—MALAYSIA—DEFENSE—CONTRACTOR known by the nickname "Fat Leonard".
20170606             —CONVICTED—OF, PENNSYLVANIA, LEE—DONALD—KAPLAN, 52—JAHRE—ALT was, sexually assaulting 6—GIRLS in the same family and fathering 2—CHILDREN by 1—OF—THEM.
20170606             —ALLEGED, Authorities, that the girls' parents had "gifted" their oldest daughter to Kaplan because he helped the family out of financial ruin.
20170606             AFGHANISTAN—LEADERS met officials of 2—DOZEN—FOREIGN—GOVERNMENTS and institutions, launching 1—SO—CALLED—KABUL Process aiming to set the stage for peace talks and clinch 1—INTERNATIONAL—PACT to end "CROSS—BORDER—TERRORISM".
20170606             A bomb planted in 1—RICKSHAW killed at least 7—PEOPLE and wounded 8—OTHERS in HERAT province.
20170606             THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—GOVERNMENT stood by 1—INVITATION for USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP to make 1—STATE—VISIT to THE—UK as LONDON Mayor Sadiq Khan -- under attack from THE—WHITE—HOUSE -- said the offer should be scrapped.
20170606             —REJECTED, CHINA—GOVERNMENT, 1—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT—CALL to release 3—ACTIVISTS detained while investigating 1—FACTORY that produced shoes for Ivanka Trump and other brands.
20170606             —DETAINED, The men were, last week after working undercover in 1—CHINA—FACTORY to check into worker abuses.
20170606             —SIGNED, CHINA and CALIFORNIA, 1—AGREEMENT to work together on reducing emissions, as GOVERNOR—JERRY—BROWN warned that "disaster still looms" without urgent action.
20170606             —RELEASED, THE—EU—DRUG monitoring body, 1—REPORT warning that death by drug overdose is on the rise in Europe spurred by more lethal strains of heroin.
20170606             —DECLARED, The European Central Bank, that Banco POPULAR—SPAIN—6.—BIGGEST bank, to be in death throes.
20170606             The Single Resolution Board (SRB) put the bank into "resolution" and overnight it was sold to SANTANDER—SPAIN—BIGGEST lender for €1.
20170606             —ATTACKED, FRANCE, 1—MAN wielding 1—HAMMER, 1—POLICE—PATROL in front of PARIS' Notre Dame Cathedral.
20170606             Farid Ikken was 1—FORMER—ALGERIA—JOURNALIST who was working on 1—DOCTORAL thesis and had not been SUSPECTED—OF—RADICALIZATION.
20170606             —REMAINED, Ikken, hospitalized after being shot by police.
20170606             —KILLED, INDIA, 5—FARMERS were, by gunshots at 1—RALLY in Madhya Pradesh.
20170606             —PROTESTED, Farmers there have, for several weeks demanding better prices for crops and waivers from the state government for REPAYMENT—OF—FARM—LOANS.
20170606             Arundhati ROY—EAGERLY—AWAITED 2. novel, "The Ministry of Utmost Happiness," went on sale, —2—DECADES—AFTER her PRIZE—WINNING debut "The God of Small Things" propelled her to global fame and launched her career as 1—OUTSPOKEN CRITIC—OF—INJUSTICE in her native INDIA.
20170606             —BECAME, Roy (55), the 1. INDIA—WOMAN to win the prestigious Booker Prize with her 19970000              work, which sold around 8—MILLION—COPIES and turned the young AUTHOR—INTO 1—STAR—OF—THE—LITERARY—WORLD.
20170606             5—WORKERS at 1—JAPAN—NUCLEAR—FACILITY that handles plutonium were exposed to high LEVELS—OF—RADIATION after 1—BAG containing highly radioactive material apparently broke during 1—EQUIPMENT—INSPECTION.
20170606             —AGREED, JAPAN and VIETNAM, to bolster their security ties through JAPANESE—FUNDED projects including THE—UPGRADING—OF—VIETNAM—COASTAL—PATROL capabilities, defense equipment and technology transfer amid concerns about CHINA—INCREASINGLY assertive activity in regional seas.
20170606             NORTH—MEXICO, 1—ROLLING—GUNBATTLE at 1—PRISON left 7—DEAD and 13 injured before control was established the next morning.
20170606             —WARNED, MOZAMBIQUE police, that bald people could be THE—TARGETS—OF—RITUAL—ATTACKS, after the brutal KILLING—OF—2—MEN last month in Milange whose body parts were to be used in witchcraft.
20170606             2—SUSPECTS were under arrest.
20170606             A local MYANMAR official said THOUSANDS—OF—RATS have descended on villages on Haingyi island in the Irrawaddy Delta, in what some have taken to be 1—ILL—OMEN—OF impending disaster.
20170606             —KILLED, More than 4,000 have been, since the critters scurried into their villages over the weekend.
20170606             —ELECTED, NEPAL—PARLIAMENT, veteran politician SHER—BAHADUR—DEUBA as the country's 10.
20170606             PRIME—MINISTER in 11—YEARS.
20170606             His 2. term was cut short by then GYANEDRA—KING—OF—, who sacked him, calling him incompetent.
20170606             —SEIZED, During his 3. time, Gyanedra, absolute power and removed him.
20170606             —DETAINED, Authorities in Sicily said they have, 15—PEOPLE accused of running 1—HIGH—END—MIGRANT smuggling racket that planned to bring to ITALY even people sought by TUNISIA—AUTHORITIES for alleged links to jihadist groups.
20170606             —RAISED, SOUTH—KOREA, the national bird flu alert to its highest level, as it ordered more than 180,000 chickens, ducks and other birds be culled.
20170606             THE—USA—BACKED SYRIA—DEMOCRATIC—FORCES (SDF) said it had begun 1—BATTLE to capture Raqqa, Islamic STATE—DE facto capital in Syria, launching attacks from the east, west and NORTH—OF—THE—CITY.
20170606             —KILLED, Air strikes inside the city, 8—CIVILIANS, including 3—CHILDREN.
20170606             —DETAINED, TURKEY, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL—LOCAL—CHAIRMAN as PART—OF—1—CRACKDOWN against people SUSPECTED—OF—LINKS to USA—BASED cleric Fethullah Gulen, whom TURKEY accuses of orchestrating last year's failed coup.
20170606             Taner Kilic, 1—LAWYER, was detained at his home in IZMIR along with 22—OTHER—LAWYERS.
20170606             —SEARCHED, Both his home and office were.
20170606             —DIE—LAGE—AM—DIENSTAG : Eine schicksalhafte Woche für EUROPA
20170606             KATARs Isolation: Hamsterkäufe im reichsten Land der Welt
20170606             NSA—DOKUMENTE geleakt: FBI nimmt mutmaßliche WHISTLE—BLOWERIN fest
20170606             Golfregion: USA wollen im STREIT—UM—KATAR vermitteln
20170606             NAH—OST: Was die KATAR—KRISE für die Öl—, Gasmärkte bedeutet
20170606             —ANSCHLAG—IN—LONDON: Britische Behörden weisen Kritik zurück
20170606             Immobilienmarkt: Mieten in LONDON fallen deutlich
20170606             Integration: Jeder 5. Betrieb beschäftigt Geflüchtete (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 10:50)
20170606             SYRIEN—REBELLEN verkünden GROß—OFFENSIVE auf Rakka
20170606             Medien in RUSSLAND—KREML—KRITISCHE "THE—NEW—TIMES"vor dem Aus
20170606             —ENTSTEHUNG, SCHWARZER Löcher: Forscher beobachten stillen STERNEN—KOLLAPS
20170606             DIE—IMMOBILIEN—PREISE in GROß—BRITANNIEN sind
20170606             DIE—DURCHSCHNITTLICHE Miete im VEREINIGTES—KÖNIG—REICH lag demnach  ;;0500;;             —IM, BEI—CA—901—PFUND—STERLING und damit 0,3 % niedriger als —IM—VORJAHRESMONAT.
20170606             LONDON, zahlten Mieter im Schnitt 1.502—PFUND - 3 % weniger als
20170606             DIE—SINKENDEN PREISE—IN—DER HAUPT—STADT hängen vor allem mit 1—WACHSENDEN Angebot zusammen
20170606             Psychologie: Wie wir uns an TERROR gewöhnen
20170606             Russische CYBER—ATTACKE—AUF—USA—WAHL: Was WHISTLE—BLOWERIN Reality Winner enthüllte
20170606             "USA—IDEA": DONALD—TRUMP—FAMILIE startet neue Hotelkette
20170606             DONALD—TRUMP, MERKEL und EUROPA: Einsames DEUTSCHLAND
20170606             KATAR—KRISE, QATAR Airways stoppt FLUG—VERKEHR in NACHBAR—LÄNDER
20170606             DER—ALLTAG—DER—GRAVITATIONS—WELLEN—ASTRONOMIE hat begonnen.
20170606             —NUN, fragt sich: Könnte es womöglich sein, daß die mysteriöse Dunkle Materie in Wirklichkeit aus SCHWARZEn Löchern besteht?
20170606             Es gibt noch ein weiteres Rätsel, über das sich die LIGO—PHYSIKER den Kopf zerbrechen: Sie wissen nicht, wie die mächtigen SCHWARZEn Löcher, deren Kollisionen sie protokollieren, ursprünglich entstanden sind.
20170606             Forscher vom Zentrum für Synthetische Biologie des MIT brachten Bakterien bei, Farben zu sehen.
20170606             —UM—DEN, Effekt sichtbar zu machen, lehrten DIE—FORSCHER ihre Kreaturen, ein der eingestrahlten Farbe entsprechendes Pigment herzustellen.
20170606             Boyden und seine CO—AUTOREN berichten, daß es ihnen mit 1—RAFFINIERTEN neuen Verfahren gelungen sei, Mäuse FERNGE—STEUERT mit Ohren oder Schnurrhaaren wackeln zu lassen.
20170606             [l] Akt 1: THE—INTERCEPT leakt NSA—REPORT darüber, daß DIE—RUSSEN IN—DEN—USA—WAHL—COMPUTER zu hacken versucht haben.
20170606             —ARRESTED, Akt 2: FBI has, and charged the woman they say leaked 1—TOP—SECRET—DOCUMENT to THE—INTERCEPT.
20170606             Stellt sich raus, daß die von ihrer Arbeits-E-Mail aus Kontakt mit THE—INTERCEPT hatte, als einzige von nur 6—LEUTEN, die im fraglichen —ZEIT—RAUM auf das Dokument zugegriffen haben.
20170606             Wir müssen offensichtlich mehr Gewicht auf OPSEC—SCHULUNGEN legen.
20170606             THE—INTERCEPT hatte den Behörden zum Kommentar 1.—KOPIE zukommen lassen, und auf der sah man PAPIER—KNITTER—SPUREN, woraus DAS—FBI schloss, daß das Dokument ausgedruckt worden ist.
20170606             Wer in großen Firmen arbeitet, weiß auch, daß die da im Allgemeinen so BADGE—DRUCK—SYSTEME haben.
20170606             —UPDATE, Oh das ist sogar noch übler: Wie es aussieht, hat THE—INTERCEPT DIE—FRAU sozusagen ans Messer geliefert.
20170606             —UPDATE, Oh und jetzt ist vermutlich auch ein guter ZEIT—PUNKT, um auf die gelben Punkte hinzuweisen, die Drucker als Wasserzeichen mitdrucken, damit man WHISTLE—BLOWER rückverfolgen kann.
20170606             [l] 58% der USA—AMERIKANER sind dagegen, daß DIE—USA den PARISER—KLIMA—GIPFELL verlassen.
20170606             Oder, anders ausgedrückt, 42% der USA—AMERIKANER sind nicht dagegen.
20170606             Wie heißt es so schön?
20170606             In following the dictates of her conscience, Scholl felt that she had no choice but to break THE—LAW.
20170606             —NACH, geleaktem NSA—BERICHT, RUSSLAND bestreitet CYBER—ANGRIFFE—AUF—USA—WAHL—SYSTEM
20170606             [l] Vorschlag —DES—JAHRES:
20170606             Kein Land, das DIE—MENSCHEN—RECHTE verletzt, sollte im UN—MENSCHEN—RECHTS—RAT sein, sagte USA—BOTSCHAFTERIN bei den UN, Nikki Haley vor dem Gremium.
20170606             Oooooh, na DAS wird aber ein leerer MENSCHEN—RECHTSRAT, wenn da nur noch ISLAND Selbstgespräche führt.
20170606             PHILIPPE Esnault a publié une CHRONOLOGIE du cinéma mondial (Les Grands Films classiques, 19620000              ),
20170606             TERROR—BEKÄMPFUNG: Sicherheit muss geschützt werden
20170606             UNO—KONFERENZ: Gabun will AFRIKAs größtes MEERESSCHUTZ—GEBIET einrichten
20170606             STÜTZ—PUNKT INCIRLIK: BUNDESWEHR soll ohne neues Mandat verlegt werden
20170606             Reform per Dekret: MACRON will schon —SOMMER—IM, ARBEITS—MARKT liberalisieren
20170606             Belohnung für DAS—RICHTIGE Kreuz: Banksy muss WAHL—KAMPFAKTION—GEGEN—TORIES abbrechen
20170606             G20 in HAMBURG: MERKEL will Bekenntnis zum FREI—HANDEL in GIPFEL—ERKLÄRUNG
20170606             —MACHT—KAMPF—IN—DER—ARABISCHEN Welt: QATAR Airways wird zum Spielball der —POLITIK
20170606             Wahlallianzen in GROß—BRITANNIEN: Alle gegen THERESA—MAY
20170606             GABRIEL über KATAR—STREIT: "TRUMPisierung ist besonders gefährlich"
20170606             HAMMERATTACKE—IN—PARIS: "Das ist für SYRIEN"
20170606             SCHWEIZ: Kunstmuseum BERN verkauft CORNELIUS—GURLITTS Wohnungen
20170606             SYRIEN— USA—KOALITION greift ASSAD—TREUE KÄMPFER an
20170606             Der legendäre WAFFEN—HÄNDLER ADNAN—KASHOGGI ist tot.
20170606             Der aus SAUDI—ARABIEN stammende Milliardär starb —LAUT—ANGABEN, seiner Familie, 82—JAHRE—ALT, in LONDON.
20170606             Dort hielt er sich zur Behandlung seiner PARKINSON—KRANKHEIT auf.
20170606             "Er hat seine letzten TAGE mit derselben Eleganz, Stärke und Würde gelebt, die sein bemerkenswertes Leben gekennzeichnet haben", hieß es in der Erklärung der Familie.
20170606             Kashoggi war in den ACHTZIGER—JAHREN 1.der schillerndsten Figuren des internationalen Jetset.
20170606             Er fädelte Waffengeschäfte auf der ganzen Welt ein, kassierte hohe Provisionen und feierte rauschende Partys mit der High SOCIETY.
20170606             Kashoggis Vermögen war einmal auf 3—MILLIARDEN $ geschätzt worden.
20170606             —ENDE —DER—NEUNZIGER—JAHRE geriet er aber in finanzielle Schwierigkeiten.
20170606             Seinen Privatjet und seine Jacht "Nabila"musste er verkaufen, Letztere laut MEDIEN—BERICHTEN an DONALD—TRUMP.
20170606             Kashoggi war der Schwager von MOHAMED—AL—FAYED, dem Besitzer des LONDONer Kaufhauses Harrods.
20170606             In 1—STREIT—MIT—DEM Casino im LONDONer RITZ—HOTEL über seine 8.000.000—PFUND hohen SPIEL—SCHULDEN fand er 19980000              1.außergerichtliche Einigung.
20170606             1—JAHR zuvor hatte 1—PARISER Gericht Kashoggi wegen des Schmuggels von Kunstwerken zu 1.000.000—STRAFE verurteilt.
20170606             [l] Aus der beliebten Serie "IT hinschmeißen und lieber Rosen züchten", heute: Das Gyroskop in eurem Smartphone ist sensibel genug für Spracherkennung.
20170606             We —SHOW that THE—MEMS gyroscopes found on modern smart phones are sufficiently sensitive to measure acoustic SIGNAL—IN—THE—S VICINITY—OF—THE—PHONE.
20170606             Das Paper dazu.
20170606             [l] SCHLAGZEILE—DES—TAGES: QATAR row: DONALD—TRUMP claims credit for isolation
20170606             Ungefähr so glaubwürdig wie wenn sich ISIS zu irgendeinem Anschlag bekennt.
20170606             Überhaupt stelle ich mal öffentlich die Frage, ob nicht DONALD—TRUMP—POLITIK seit dem AUSTRITT aus dem KLIMA—GIPFEL der formalen Definition von TERRORISMUS genügt.
20170606             [l] Herzlichen Glückwunsch, SASCHA—LOBO.
20170606             1—GROßARTIGE Leistung, Sascha!
20170606—19950000    —BECAME, Deuba 1., THE—PRIME—MINISTER and ruled —FOR—2—YEARS.
20170606—20090000    —SINCE, SOUTH—AFRICA—OFFICIAL—STATISTICS—AGENCY reported that the economy contracted in the 1. quarter of this year, pushing the continent's largest economy into its 1. recession.
20170606—20091200    —ERSTMALS—SEIT leicht gesunken, in LONDON verbuchten sie gar das größte Minus seit 8—JAHREN
20170606—20170602    —ON, The 1. case in this OUTBREAK—OF—THE—VIRUS was confirmed in THE—SOUTH—ISLAND—OF—JEJU, and 4—MORE—CASES have been confirmed in different locations across the country.
20170606—20170628    —RELEASED, THE—3—MEN were.
20170606—20170719    —ON, 1—JUDGE sentenced DANIEL—STOLTZFUS, 44—JAHRE—ALT and his wife Savilla (43) up to 7—YEARS in prison each for gifting their oldest daughter to Kaplan.
20180522             Her body was found 20180606              on THE—OUTSKIRTS—OF—WIESBADEN.
20180522—20180606    —ON, Police sought ALI—BASHAR, 1—FUGITIVE IRAQ—ASYLUM—SEEKER, and arrested 1—TURKEY—MAN.
20180606             Erfolgreich verläuft in KASACHSTAN vom Kosmodrom Baikonur aus der 55. Start einer bemannten SOJUS—RAUMKAPSEL zur Internationale Raumstation (ISS).
20180606             Mit an Bord ist der DEUTSCHLAND—ASTRONAUT—ALEXANDER—GERST.
20180606             —ANNOUNCED, THE—FRANCE—PRESIDENCY, plans to sell its own branded mugs, pens and other souvenirs to help finance renovations in the 17010101—18001231     Elysee palace.
20180606             50—8—EBOLA cases have been recorded as of 20180604         .
20180606             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, 1—BILL not law that will expand private care for veterans as 1—ALTERNATIVE to the troubled VETERAN—AFFAIRS—HEALTH—SYSTEM.
20180606             —COMMUTED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, the life sentence of Alice Marie Johnson (63).
20180606             —RELEASED, She was, the same day from federal prison in ALICEVILLE—ALABAMA.
20180606             —RULED, A—USA—FEDERAL—JUDGE, that the Trump administration cannot cut off grants to PHILADELPHIA over the way the city deals with immigrants in the country illegally.
20180606             —APPROVED, HONOLULU leaders, 1—MEASURE to lmit prices that RIDE—HAILING—SERVICES—LIKE—UBER and Lyft can charge during peak demand.
20180606             —CALLED, ARGENTINA, off 1—WORLD—CUP warmup match against ISRAEL after protests by PRO—PALESTINIAN groups, claiming THE—SAFETY—OF—THE—PLAYERS was at stake.
20180606             AUSTRALIA, THE—BODY—OF—WACHIRA "Mario" Phetmang (33) of THAILAND was discovered by 1—TRUCK—DRIVER bound, gagged, wrapped in plastic and covered in 1—MATTRESS protector.
20180606             —COLLECTED, CHINA—PHONE—MAKER—HUAWEI said it has never, or stored Facebook user data.
20180606             † CONGO DRC—HEALTH—MINISTRY said 2—MORE—PEOPLE have of Ebola, bringing the toll to 27.
20180606             CROATIA, FORMER—DINAMO ZAGREB director Zdravko Mamic (58) was sentenced to 6 1/2—YEARS in prison for embezzlement and tax evasion over deals that included the sale of CROATIA World Cup stars LUKA—MODRIC and Dejan Lovren.
20180606             THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC—PRESIDENT—RE—APPOINTED—ANDREJ—BABIS as PRIME—MINISTER, endorsing 1—COALITION—IN—WAITING that would give THE—ANTI—NATO Communists 1—SAY in policymaking for the 1. time since the country's 19890000              revolution.
20180606             EGYPT—STATE—NEWS—AGENCY—MENA said PRESIDENT—ABDEL—FATTAH—AL—SISI has pardoned 712—PRISONERS, and security sources said MANY—OF—THOSE freed were youth jailed for ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS.
20180606             THE—INTERNATIONAL—COURT—OF—JUSTICE (ICJ) said it can rule in 1—DISPUTE over whether 1—LUXURY—BUILDING in PARIS owned by THE—SON—OF—EQUATORIAL—GUINEA—PRESIDENT is PART—OF—THE—AFRICAN nation's diplomatic mission.
20180606             —ORDERED, GERMANY—TRANSPORT—MINISTRY said the motor authority KBA has, 1—RECALL of Audi A6 and A7 models with 3.0—LITER Euro 6—DIESEL engines after finding illegal emissions software in them.
20180606             —ARRESTED, GERMANY—AUTHORITIES, 4—IRAQIS SUSPECTED—OF—MEMBERSHIP in the Islamic State group, including 1—WHO is alleged to have carried out attacks (20060000—20080000    ) that killed and wounded USA—TROOPS.
20180606             GREECE, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, spiritual LEADER—OF—THE—WORLD—ORTHODOX—CHRISTIANS, arrived on THE—ISLAND—OF—SPETSES to host a 2—DAY—ENVIRONMENTAL—CONFERENCE to seek backing from other religious leaders in 1—GLOBAL—CAMPAIGN to take action against climate change.
20180606             —RAISED, INDIA—CENTRAL—BANK, its benchmark lending rate to 6.25—PERCENT to tamp down rising inflation following 1—INCREASE in oil prices.
20180606             —VOTED, THE—IRAQ—PARLIAMENT, in favor of 1—MANUAL—BALLOT recount after allegations of widespread fraud in the country's recently held parliamentary elections.
20180606             THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY—SHOT—DEAD—PALESTINIAN Ezz EL—DEEN AL—TAMIMI, 21—JAHRE—ALT during 1—RAID in the occupied WEST—BANK, saying 1—SOLDIER fired back after 1—MAN pelted him with 1—ROCK.
20180606             —ARRESTED, ITALY—POLICE said 5—ROMANIANS have been, in Sicily for allegedly exploiting other Romanians as unpaid farmworkers and prostitutes.
20180606             —FIRED, IVORY—COAST—POLICE, tear gas at STONE—THROWING—STUDENTS in ABIDJAN after they blocked THE—HENRI—KONAN—BEDIE—BRIDGE, 1—OF 3—VITAL arteries that span the city's lagoon, to protest at living conditions.
20180606             —CLOSED, JORDAN, shops and pharmacies, in AMMAN as some unions pressed ahead with 1—STRIKE protesting against tax hikes, after ABDULLAH—KING—OF— replaced THE—PRIME—MINISTER to defuse public anger.
20180606             KAZAKHSTAN, 1—TRIO of astronauts from RUSSIA, THE—USA and the European Space Agency blasted off for 1—MISSION on THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION.
20180606             A RUSSIA—SPACECRAFT carried Serena AUNON—CHANCELLOR—OF—NASA, Sergey PROKOPYEV—OF—RUSSIA—SPACE—AGENCY—ROSCOSMOS and THE—ESA—ALEXANDER—GERST, from GERMANY, as it lifted off as scheduled from THE—RUSSIA—LEASED Baikonur cosmodrome.
20180606             —KILLED, EAST—KENYA, 5—POLICE—OFFICERS were, when their vehicle hit 1 improvised explosive device suspected to have been planted by SOMALIA—AL—SHABAAB group.
20180606             —ANNOUNCED, MALAYSIA—PRIME—MINISTER—MAHATHIR—MOHAMAD, that MUHAMMAD—IBRAHIM, 1—HARVARD—EDUCATED banker who had been at the central bank over 3—DECADES, had submitted his resignation.
20180606             —SUSPECTED, NORTH—MOZAMBIQUE, jihadists wielding knives and machetes killed 5—PEOPLE in 1—REGION that has been rocked by attacks blamed on radical Islamists.
20180606             —SIGNED, MYANMAR and UN agencies, 1—AGREEMENT that could eventually lead to the return of SOME—OF—THE—700,000 Rohingya Muslims.
20180606             —PROMISED, The memorandum of understanding, to establish a "FRAMEWORK—OF—COOPERATION" that aims to create conditions for "voluntary, safe, dignified and sustainable" repatriation of Rohingya refugees but does not address MYANMAR—DENIAL—OF—CITIZENSHIP for the minority.
20180606             —FACED, NIGERIA—PRESIDENT—MUHAMMADU—BUHARI, 1—THREAT—OF—IMPEACHMENT after lawmakers issued 1—RAFT—OF—DEMANDS over security and corruption in 1—DEEPENING—RIFT with the executive.
20180606             —OPENED, SOUTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, 2—GUNMEN riding on 1—MOTORCYCLE, fire on 1 parked police vehicle in QUETTA, killing 1—POLICEMAN and wounding 2—OTHERS.
20180606             THE—SYRIA—GOVERNMENT RE—OPENED the highway between the cities of HOMS and Hama 1—MONTH after its forces retook 1—REBEL—HELD pocket that had straddled the road that was closed for almost 7—YEARS.
20180606             NORTH—SYRIA, the militia controlling the flashpoint TOWN—OF—MANBIJ said it would not accept ANY—TURKEY—MILITARY—DEPLOYMENT there.
20180606             —ASKED, UKRAINE—FINANCE—MINISTER—OLEKSANDR—DANYLYUK said he had been, to support "political corruption" or to quit after PRIME—MINISTER—VOLODYMYR—GROYSMAN formally asked PARLIAMENT to sack him.
20180606             UN human rights CHIEF—ZEID—RA'AD AL—HUSSEIN said BANGLADESH—SECURITY—FORCES have shot dead around 130—PEOPLE and arrested 13,000 in the past 3—WEEKS since the government introduced a "0—TOLERANCE" policy against illegal drugs.
20180606             Familientrennungen an USA—GRENZE: "1—NULL—MENSCHLICHKEIT—POLITIK"
20180606             Gysi über WAGENKNECHT: "Sahra ist keine Göttin, und das weiß sie auch"
20180606             Perfekt gefälschte Videos: Wenn Bilder lügen —, niemand es bemerkt (SPIEGEL+, 04:14)
20180606             USA—TRUMP feuert Mitarbeiterin nach abfälliger Bemerkung über krebskranken MCCAIN
20180606             BRIEF—AN—DIE—USA : EUROPÄER verwahren sich gegen IRAN—SANKTIONEN durch DIE—USA
20180606             Umstellung auf neue EU—REGELN: Union will Schonfrist für DSGVO—VERSTÖßE
20180606             Angebot im HANDELS—STREIT—CHINA will offenbar USA—WAREN für—DOLLAR kaufen
20180606             "Nahe an der roten Linie": FRANKREICH warnt IRAN vor Ausweitung der URAN—ANREICHERUNG
20180606             Produktpiraterie: Fälschungen kosten EU—HERSTELLER PRO—JAHR—EURO
20180606             EU—REGULIERUNG: Auslandstelefonate in der EU werden billiger
20180606             MORD—AN—ROBERT F.
20180606             MINUTEN—PROTOKOLL des "Sojus"-Starts: ALEXANDER—GERST hat Umlaufbahn sicher erreicht
20180606             Fragestunde im BUNDES—TAG: MERKEL schließt Rückkehr RUSSLANDs zu G8 aus
20180606             Mieze mit Mission: Die CYBORG—KATZE DER—CIA
20180606             —SEIT, jeher müssen sie leiden, wenn Menschen sich bekämpfen:
20180606             Ob Elefanten, Schlachtrösser, Brieftauben, Minenhunde oder trainierte DELFINE—IM KRIEG standen und stehen Tiere oft an vorderster Front.
20180606             Besonders grotesk war 1.Operation des USA—GEHEIM—DIENST—CIA im KALTER—KRIEG:
20180606             Im WELT—RAUM lieferte man sich 1—VERBISSENEN Wettlauf, den DIE—SOWJETS gerade zu gewinnen schienen.
20180606             man
20180606             In den Labors des OFFICE—OF—SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE (OSI), DER—CIA—ABTEILUNG für Wissenschaft und Technik, ließen DIE—SPEZIALISTEN sich nicht entmutigen
20180606             Also ging DIE—CIA 1—WEIT grausameren Weg.
20180606             Dafür entwickelten externe Experten, die nicht ahnten, woran genau sie wirklich arbeiteten, winzige Bauteile.
20180606             "Drähte wurden zum GEHIRN geleitet, um festzustellen, ob das Tier hungrig oder sexuell erregt war —, weitere Drähte, um das abzustellen".
20180606             "Acoustic Kitty"war gescheitert.
20180606             —NEUE—KOMMANDOZENTRALEN: DIE—NATO rüstet auf
20180606             Einschätzung des EU—GUTACHTERS: Anschlussinhaber haftet für Filesharing der Familie
20180606             BAYERN: Grüne klagen gegen POLIZEI—AUFGABEN—GESETZ
20180606             RUSSLAND—ERMITTLUNGEN, Warum DONALD—TRUMP wirklich nervös ist
20180606             Missglückter BREITBAND—AUSBAU: Warum ist DAS—INTERNET in DEUTSCHLAND so langsam?
20180606             [l] DAS—PENTAGON springt natürlich auf den KI—HYPETRAIN auf und will mit KI in NORD—KOREA nach ATOM—RAKETEN suchen.
20180606             —JETZT, wäre vielleicht ein guter Moment, denen mal 1.TERMINATOR—BLURAY zu zeigen.
20180606             [l] Auf FACEBOOK bei der Seite der LANDES—POLIZEI was kommentiert?
20180606             [l] Oh ach DAS hat NETANJAHU gemeint, als er Tilo was von "they burn our fields"erzählt hat.
20180606             [l] GRIECHENLAND ist 1—DER größten Produzenten von Produktfälschungen.
20180606             [l] Oh ach gucke mal?
20180606             Übrigens ist bei der Wahl auch abgestimmt worden, ob DER—RICHTER seines Amtes enthoben werden soll, der —VOR—2—JAHREN bei dem VERGEWALTIGUNGS—FALL eines STANFORD—ATHLETEN gegen 1.bewusstlose Frau nur ein halbes Jahr Gefängnis verhängt hat, was zu landesweiter Entrüstung geführt hatte damals.
20180606             [l] Ach nee, wenn FACEBOOK DIE—DATEN ihrer Nutzer UNGEFRAGT—AN—DIE—CHINESEN weitergibt, dann ist das —PLÖTZLICH, 1—PROBLEM?!
20180606             ALLEN—WELSH—DULLES 19540000              als DIRECTOR—OF—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE (—CHEF—DER—CIA).
20180606             PRÄSIDENT—JOHN—FF.
20180606             ADMIRAL—WILLIAM F.
20180606             RICHARD—HELMS war 1—GEHEIM—DIENSTPROFI, der seine Karriere —WWII—IM, beim OFFICE—OF—STRATEGIC Services, 1—CIA—VORLÄUFER, begonnen hatte.
20180606             DIE—WELT ist nicht genug: USA und UdSSR setzten ihren erbitterten Wettkampf auch im Weltall fort.
20180606             Wegen IRAN—SANKTIONEN: EU—KOMMISSION beschließt ABWEHR—GESETZ
20180606             —ERST dröhnte DONALD—TRUMP, daß er natürlich das "absolute RECHT"habe, sich in der RUSSLAND—AFFÄRE selbst zu begnadigen.
20180606             —DANN, attackiert er AM—DIENSTAGVIA Twitter sein eigenes JUSTIZ—MINISTERIUM: Die Ermittlungen von ROBERT—MUELLER seien 1—SCHWINDEL, dabei würden "viele Leben zerstört"und 1.Menge Geld vergeudet.
20180606             Üblicherweise sind die JUSTIZ—BEHÖRDEN IN—DEN—USA laut Gesetz dazu angehalten, wichtige Ermittlungen, DIE—POLITIKER betreffen, so zeitig abzuschließen, daß sie nicht in den WAHL—KAMPF fallen.
20180606             Um DONALD—TRUMP für ein etwaiges Interview vorzubereiten, haben GIULIANI und sein Team bereits Übungsstunden in den kommenden Wochen geblockt.
20180606             Wegen der Rolle RUSSLANDs IN—DER—UKRAINE—KRISE hat das Bündnis seine Truppenpräsenz in OST—EUROPA —INZWISCHEN, wieder verstärkt und zieht auch mit den Kommandostrukturen nach
20180606             ULM in BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG zum STAND—ORT eines neuen Unterstützung—, Nachschubkommandos der NATO werden soll.
20180606             1—HOHE Einsatzbereitschaft sei in 1—UNBERECHENBARER gewordenen Welt unerlässlich, sagte Stoltenberg.
20180606             Truppenverlegungen in EUROPA müssen —BISHER, weitgehend von den einzelnen NATO—LÄNDERN selbst organisiert werden.
20180606             DIE—EU—KOMMISSION schlägt vor, im kommenden Jahrzehnt etwa 6.500.000.000—EURO in panzertaugliche Verkehrswege zu investieren
20180606             Damit sollten von 2021—2027—SCHIENENNETZE, Straßen und Brücken ausgebaut werden, teilte die BRÜSSELer Behörde mit.
20180606             1—PROBLEM aus Sicht der EU—KOMMISSION ist es, daß besonders schwere oder überdimensionierte MILITÄRfahrzeuge nicht überall auf EUROPAs Straßen fahren können.
20180606             —INTERVIEW zum KOMMUNIONS—STREIT: "FRANZISKUS—I—PAPA ist ein Konservativer"
20180606             Fragestunde im BUNDES—TAG: MERKEL hält AFGHANISTAN für SICHER—KEIN Grund mehr für Abschiebestopp
20180606             ZOLL—STREIT, USA—HANDELS—DEFIZIT gesunken
20180606             —INVASION—DER—KREBSE: Krustentiere erobern Meeresboden vor KALIFORNIEN
20180606             INTERNATIONAL CHURCH—OF—CANNABIS: Willkommen in der KIFFER—KIRCHE
20180606             TSCHECHIEN: Milliardär Babis will mithilfe der KOMMUNISTEN regieren
20180606             WWDC 20180000             : APPLE will FACEBOOK und GOOGLE den Datenhahn abdrehen
20180606             Kosmetik aus dem INTERNET: Handelsketten verlangen mehr Kontrollen von AMAZON und EBAY
20180606             DATEN—SCHUTZ—GRUND—VERORDNUNG: Was Ihr —CHEF—JETZT verbieten kann (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 19:02)
20180606             LangZEITrend: Hurrikane werden langsamer —, wohl gefährlicher
20180606             [l] LACHER—DES—TAGES:
20180606             ALEXANDER Nix blames 'global liberal media' for CAMBRIDGE—ANALYTICA collapse
20180606             KOOPERATION—MIT—CNN und ABC: FACEBOOK will neue Nachrichtensendungen mit großen USA—MEDIEN anbieten
20180606             Manipulierte Abgassoftware: Behörden legen 1. Dieselautos lahm
20180606—19960000    —CONVICTED, Johnson had been, for drug offenses and
20180606—19970000    —IN, sentenced to life without parole.
20180606—20170000    —IN—LATE, This came after the bank admitted to buying land from NAJIB—REGIME in KUALA—LUMPUR for about 2—BILLION ringgit ($500—MILLION), with the finance ministry saying the cash was used to service the debts of 1MDB.
20180606—20190000    —EXTRADITED, ALEX—DION, 38—JAHRE—ALT was, from THE—USA and charged with murder.
20180606—20190000    —BIS, DIE—BEHÖRDE hatte schon vorgeschlagen, Verkehrswege in EUROPA auf ihre MILITÄR—TAUGLICHKEIT zu überprüfen.
20180606—20200000    —BIS, DIE—NATO rüstet auf: soll die Reaktionsfähigkeit der Truppen erhöht werden.
20190606             —SIGNED, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, a $19.1—BILLION disaster aid bill aimed at helping communities across the country bounce back from hurricanes, floods, tornadoes and fires.
20190606             —TIGHTENED, THE—USA—TREASURY—DEPARTMENT, its pressure on VENEZUELA—STATE—OWNED oil company by making clear that exports of diluents by INTERNATIONAL shippers could be subject to USA—SANCTIONS.
20190606             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—USA—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT has stopped paying for ENGLISH—LANGUAGE—COURSES and legal services at facilities that hold immigrant children around the country.
20190606             —IMPOSED, Budget cuts were, as record numbers of unaccompanied children were arriving at the border.
20190606             —VOTED, USA federal regulators, to give phone companies the right to block unwanted calls without getting customers' permission 1.
20190606             —APOLOGIZED, NEW—YORK—POLICE—CHIEF, for the 1. time for 1—CRACKDOWN on the city's gay community during the notorious 19690000              Stonewall riots, winning praise from LGBTQ activists ahead of the 50.
20190606             —CONSIDERED, ANNIVERSARY—OF—VIOLENCE, to have given rise to the Gay Pride movement.
20190606             MAC—REBENNACK (19400000              *), aka DOCTOR—JOHN, pianist, singer and songwriter who ermbodied THE—NEW—ORLEANS sound for generations, † of 1—HEART—ATTACK.
20190606             —SUSPENDED, The African Union (AU), SUDAN, demanding a "CIVILIAN—LED transitional authority" to resolve 1 entrenched and bloody crisis.
20190606             —APPROVED, BRAZIL—SUPREME—COURT, an 8.6—BILLION dollar deal allowing state oil company Petrobras to sell its TAG pipeline network in 1—BIG—WIN for the firm and the ruling party.
20190606             —KILLED, EGYPT—SECURITY—FORCES, 14—MILITANTS suspected in an attack on a police checkpoint in NORTH—SINAI where at least 8—POLICEMEN †.
20190606             —RATTLED, NORTH—FRANCE, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP told THE—USA'S, allies that the bonds between them were "unbreakable" as they marked the 75.
20190606             A GERMANY—COURT handed 1—LIFE—SENTENCE to Niels Hoegel (42), 1—NURSE believed to be the most prolific serial killer in the country's POST—WAR—HISTORY, for the "unfathomable" crime of murdering 85—PATIENTS in his care.
20190606             HONG—KONG—COURT—OF—FINAL—APPEAL said the government cannot deny spousal employment benefits to SAME—SEX—COUPLES, in 1—RULING hailed as 1—MAJOR—STEP—FORWARD for SAME—SEX—EQUALITY in THE—SEMI—AUTONOMOUS—CHINA—TERRITORY.
20190606             INDIA—CENTRAL—BANK cut its key interest rate by 1—QUARTER—OF—1—PERCENTAGE—POINT to 5.75% with immediate effect to fortify the economy as consumer spending and corporate investment falter.
20190606             —KILLED, INDIA, at least 24—PEOPLE were, in THE—NORTH—STATE—OF—UTTAR—PRADESH overnight as raging winds flattened homes, trees and electricity poles.
20190606             ITALY—BASED Fiat CHRYSLER—WITHDREW 1—MERGER—OFFER with FRANCE—CARMAKER Renault on fundamental differences over when RENAULT—LONG—TIME—ALLIANCE—PARTNER, Nissan, would be brought in.
20190606             ISRAEL, thousands took part in JERUSALEM—GAY—PRIDE—PARADE, waving rainbow flags and calling for tolerance in the Holy City with security tight.
20190606             MEXICO—FOREIGN—MINISTER said MEXICO will deploy its national guard to its southern border with GUATEMALA as PART—OF—THE—COUNTRY—BID to stem Central USA—MIGRATION that has drawn USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—IRE.
20190606             —DETAINED, RUSSIA, investigative JOURNALIST—IVAN—GOLU20191136             E—ALT on drugs charges that supporters the next day condemned as TRUMPED—UP and suggested were punishment for his reporting.
20190606             —ZEROED, In his investigations, Golunov, in on everything from RUSSIA—SHADY funeral industry to corruption within MOSCOW city hall.
20190606             —VOWED, SUDAN—PRO—DEMOCRACY—LEADERS, to press their campaign of civil disobedience until the ruling military council is ousted and KILLERS—OF—PROTESTERS are brought to justice.
20190606             A SUDAN Health Ministry official said 61—PEOPLE have been killed across the country since the military launched 1—DEADLY—CRACKDOWN on protesters earlier this week, disputing the death toll of 108 announced earlier by protesters.
20190606             —CONFIRMED, TAIWAN, it has asked to purchase more than 100—TANKS from THE—USA, along with air defense and ANTI—TANK—MISSILE—SYSTEMS in 1—MAJOR—POTENTIAL—ARMS—SALE that drew immediate protest from CHINA.
20190606             A THAILAND—COURT sentenced FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—THAKSIN—SHINAWATRA in absentia to 2—YEARS in prison over his handling of 1—STATE lottery program he initiated while in office more than 1—DECADE ago.
20190606             —SMASHED, In THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES—1—BUS from OMAN, into 1—WARNING—SIGN coming off 1—MAJOR—HIGHWAY in DUBAI, killing 17—PEOPLE—LATE—TODAY, including at least 12—INDIANS.
20190606             A UN envoy on THE—ISRAEL—PALESTINIAN conflict said THE—CASH—STRAPPED Palestinian government has pledged to suspend 1—SECRET—INCREASE in ministerial salaries after reports of the raise sparked anger.
20190606             —SENTENCED, VIETNAM, 1—SOUTHERN—PROVINCIAL—COURT, environmental activist Nguyen Ngoc Anh (39) to 6—YEARS in prison for "producing, disseminating or spreading information and documents aimed at undermining" the country.
20190606             —STREIT—ÜBER—EINWANDERUNG und Handel: Berater TRUMP—HÄLT Strafzölle gegen Mexiko für "möglicherweise nicht" nötig
20190606             "Schutz der persönlichsten Lebensbereiche": JUSTIZ—MINISTERIUM warnt Ermittler vor ZUGRIFF—AUF—SPRACHASSISTEN10
20190606             VERBRAUCHER—SCHUTZ—STAATS—SEKRETÄR Gerd Billen aus dem BUNDES—JUSTIZ—MINISTERIUM hat vor einem Zugriff von Ermittlern auf die DATEN—VON—SPRACHASSISTEN10 und SMARTHOME—GERÄTEN gewarnt.
20190606             DIE—INNEN—MINISTER—VON—BUND und Ländern wollen bei ihrer anstehenden Konferenz in KIEL über einen möglichen ZUGRIFF—AUF—DATEN digitaler Sprachassisten10 und "smarter" Haushaltsgeräte in der Strafverfolgung beraten
20190606             "Aus unserer Sicht ist es für eine effektive KRIMINALITÄTS—BEKÄMPFUNG sehr wichtig, daß den SICHERHEITSBEHÖRDEN—VON—BUND und Ländern auch auf diesen Geräten gespeicherte DATEN nicht verschlossen bleiben", sagte 1—SPRECHER—DES—BUNDESINNENMINISTERIUMS am —MITTWOCH in BERLIN.
20190606             DER—SPRECHER betonte, die Beratungen bei der Innenministerkonferenz, die am nächsten —MITTWOCH beginnt, seien aber erst der "Einstieg in DIE—DISKUSSION".
20190606             Zur Aufklärung welcher Verbrechen die Auswertung solcher Geräte angestrebt werden könnte, ließ er offen.
20190606             Politologe über die SPD: "So langweilig, bürokratenhaft, uninteressant" (SPIEGEL+, 02:48)
20190606             D-Day —VOR—75—JAHREN: Amerikas letzter Sieg (SPIEGEL+, 02:51)
20190606             —STREIT—ÜBER—MIGRATION: USA und Mexiko vertagen Gespräche über angedrohte Strafzölle
20190606             ERINNERUNGS—LEISTUNG von Tieren: Mit JAPANmakaken sollte man nicht Memory spielen (SPIEGEL+, 05:12)
20190606             [l] DONALD—TRUMP ist ja gerade beim UK—BESUCH, um die Trümmer seiner BREXIT—IST—VOLL—GEIL—POLITIK zu begutachten.
20190606             [l] —KURZ—VOR, ihrem Ableben hat die Koalitition in Österreich in der EU noch eine neue Vorratsdatenspeicherung auf die Agenda gesetzt.
20190606             Ich finde ja, wir müssen endlich die INNEN—MINISTER aus allen politischen Entscheidungsprozessen herausoperieren.
20190606             —STARTED, DONALD—TRUMP has, his visit to IRELAND by comparing its POST—BREXIT border with NORTHERN—IRELAND to THE—USA—BORDER with MEXICO, along which he wants to build 1—PERMANENT—WALL.
20190606             TRUMP, sitting next to 1—VISIBLY uncomfortable taoiseach, LEO—VARADKAR, waded into THE—BREXIT debate minutes after AIR—FORCE—1 touched down at Shannon airport on —WEDNESDAY—AFTERNOON.
20190606             —INTERJECTED, Varadkar, that IRELAND wished to avoid 1—BORDER or a —WALL, 1—KEYSTONE—OF—IRELAND—GOVERNMENT—POLICY.
20190606             "I think you do, I think you do," DONALD—TRUMP said.
20190606             THE—IRELAND—PRESIDENT, MICHAEL—D Higgins, made 1 unexpected intervention —EVE—OF—ON—THE, the visit by calling TRUMP—POLICY on the climate emergency "regressive and pernicious", 1—CRITIQUE PROTESTERS will echo at rallies in Shannon and DUBLIN.
20190606             —DEPLOYED, THE—IRELAND—POLICE, 1,500 uniformed officers plus 500—MEMBERS—OF—SPECIALISED units, including divers and armed and air support, to secure Shannon airport and Doonbeg.
20190606             TRUMP—162—HECTARE (400—ACRE) resort was in lockdown and closed to THE—PUBLIC.
20190606             The resort employs MORE—THAN—300—PEOPLE during summer and is 1—ECONOMIC lifeline for the region.
20190606             —STALLED, Environmental objections have, 1—SEA—BARRIER he wishes to build to protect his resort from erosion.
20190606             —DER—MORGEN—LIVE, Gewitter zieht mit 177.000—BLITZEN über EUROPA
20190606             "In den kommenden Monaten": AMAZON will schon bald 1. Pakete mit Drohnen ausliefern
20190606             Drohende Exportbeschränkung aus CHINA, USA—MILITÄR sucht neue Lieferanten für seltene Erden
20190606             [l] Fnord des Tages: Christliche Rocker wegen versuchten Totschlags vor Gericht.
20190606             DÜSSELDORF, stehen aktuell 4—MITGLIEDER der christlichen Rockergruppe "True Life" vor Gericht.
20190606             Da weiß man gar nicht, welchen Teil man hervorheben soll.
20190606             [l] Es gibt endlich 1—ERKLÄRUNG dafür, daß die Bullen nicht den Amri observiert haben.
20190606             Leuchtet ja auch irgendwie ein, aus der Perspektive eines typischen AFD—WÄHLERS.
20190606             [l] Schlagzeile des Tages:
20190606             IRELAND—FUNERAL—FIRM rents out 4—LIMOUSINES to DONALD—TRUMP for $1m
20190606             —STREIT—ÜBER—CO2—STEUER: Liebe Union, so wird das nichts mit dem KLIMA—SCHUTZ (SPIEGEL+, 08:49)
20190606             Forschungsprojekt in Nöten: So soll der MARS—MAULWURF doch noch buddeln
20190606             AUTO—INDUSTRIE, FRANKREICH und Fiat streiten über Schuld an geplatzter Fusion
20190606             UN—WETTER: 177.000—BLITZE über EUROPA—SCHWERE Schäden in den NIEDERLANDEn
20190606             "Keine ausreichende Nachfrage": Gruner + Jahr stellt Elternmagazin "Nido" ein
20190606             Eskalierende GEWALT—IN—KAMERUN: Brandschatzen im OP—SAAL
20190606             Regisseur Jim Jarmusch über KLIMA—WANDEL, "Unternehmensgier kontrolliert alles"
20190606             Bei Medikamenten auf Rezept: BGH verbietet Geschenke in Apotheken
20190606             Aktionstag in 13—LÄNDERN: POLIZEI durchsucht Wohnungen von Hasskommentatoren
20190606             D—DAY—FEIER: May und Macron legen Grundstein für Gedenkstätte
20190606             Recycling in DEUTSCHLAND: Nur 16 % des Plastikmülls werden wiederverwendet
20190606             Design des 911: Porsche verliert RECHTS—STREIT—GEGEN—MODELLAUTOHERSTELLER
20190606             "Black Mirror" auf Netflix: In der DIKTATUR des Digitalen
20190606             Hohe Gebühren im APP—STORE: APP—ENTWICKLER verklagen APPLE
20190606             Korruption in THAILAND: "1—MILLION—DOLLAR für 1—STIMME"
20190606             [l] DIE—POLIZEI—VON—AACHEN lässt gerade dieses Rundschreiben an alle Eltern von Schülern verteilen, die möglicherweise gefährdet sind, von den gewaltbereiten STÖRER—LINKSRADIKALEN von "Ende Gelände" auf einer ansonsten friedlichen FRIDAYs for FUTURE—DEMO für ihre gemeingefährlichen Zwecke instrumentalisiert zu werden.
20190606             Das klingt für mich vor allem so, als hätten DIE—COPS gemerkt, daß sich das PR—TECHNISCH nicht gut macht, wenn man beim knüppelnden Einkesseln von DEMONSTRANTEN minderjährige Schüler erwischt.
20190606             —UPDATE, DER—WDR hat auch was dazu.
20190606             Als Beispiel werden angebliche Urteile gegen "sechs Straftäter" angeführt, die RWE insgesamt 2.100.000—EURO Schadenersatz hätten zahlen sollen.
20190606             Not the Onion!
20190606             "DIE—GRÖßTE Krise für uns ist —DERZEIT, der MANGEL—AN—MENSCHLICHEM Einfühlungsvermögen, insbesondere unter den Führungspersönlichkeiten.
20190606             In seinem neuen Film "The Dead Don't Die" erzählt Jarmusch von der Apokalypse, in der Umweltzerstörung die Welt aus dem Gleichgewicht bringt und schließlich auch die Toten wieder auferstehen
20190606             D—DAY—VETERAN aus den USA: "DIE—NORMANDIE war die Hölle"
20190606             MEDIZINTECHNIK—SPARTE: SIEMENS soll auch in RUSSLAND 1—PREISKARTELL betrieben haben (SPIEGEL+, 13:42)
20190606             —KRISENDIPLOMATIE: AUßEN—MINISTER—MAAS reist nach IRAN
20190606             —POLIZEILICHE KRIMINAL—STATISTIK : Tausende Kinder wurden OPFER—VON—GEWALT
20190606             EU—DROGEN—BERICHT, Kokain ist so leicht verfügbar wie nie
20190606             Den mutmaßlichen Tätern werde vorgeworfen, Hasskommentare im INTERNET gepostet zu haben - "etwa öffentliche Aufforderungen zur Begehung von Straftaten, Beleidigungen von Amtspersonen oder antisemitische Beschimpfungen".
20190606             77 % davon ließen sich dem rechtsextremen Spektrum zuordnen,
20190606             knapp 9 % wertete DIE—POLIZEI als linksextrem,
20190606             der Rest sei "ausländischen oder religiösen Ideologien" oder gar keiner konkreten politischen Motivation zuzuordnen.
20190606             Anonyme Strafanzeige ist online möglich
20190606             DIE—DUNKEL—ZIFFER ist ganz offensichtlich sehr viel höher.
20190606             Das BKA ruft dazu auf, "Hass, HETZE und verbale Gewalt konsequent bei DER—POLIZEI anzuzeigen".
20190606             DIE—LINKS zu den einzelnen Portalen finden sich auf der Website des BKA.
20190606             Im Video: HASS—MASCHINE FACEBOOK—BELEIDIGEN, hetzen, drohen ohne Folgen?
20190606             BKA—PRESSEMITTEILUNG
20190606             4. Aktionstag gegen Hasspostings
20190606             "Die sollte man alle abknallen!", " Verpiss dich, du Schwuchtel!", "Schlampe!" — Seid ihr im INTERNET auch schon auf solche Hasskommentare gestoßen? GEMEINSAM—MIT—SCHÜLERN möchte NEUNEINHALB—REPORTERIN Jana dem —HASS—IM—NETZ auf die Spur kommen und stellt fest: IM—NETZ wimmelt es von wütenden Tweets und fiesen Kommentaren unter FACEBOOK—POSTS und YOUTUBE—VIDEOS.
20190606             Man darf den Hatern IM—NETZ nicht die Bühne überlassen.
20190606             Vereinbarung zwischen USA und RUSSLAND—PUTIN droht mit Nichtverlängerung von ABRÜSTUNGS—VERTRAG
20190606             SOCIAL—MEDIA—POSTS: Vietnamesischer Regierungskritiker zu 6—JAHREN Haft verurteilt
20190606             USA—TRUMP erschwert HIV—UND KREBS—FORSCHUNG
20190606             D—DAY—GEDENKEN in der Normandie: Geschichtsstunde für DONALD—TRUMP
20190606             —DER—TAG—KOMPAKT, Inferno am STRAND—VOR—75—JAHREN landeten die Alliierten in FRANKREICH
20190606             Sexuell übertragbare Krankheiten: Mehr als 1—MILLION Infektionen pro Tag
20190606             THÜRINGEN: Schüler posieren mit RECHTS—EXTREMER Parole (Leben und Lernen, 18:48)
20190606             JUSTIZ—MINISTERKONFERENZ: "Containern" bleibt illegal
20190606             —POLIZEI—GEWALT—IN—WIEN: "Symptom eines politischen RECHTS—RUCKS"
20190606             [l] Manchmal sind die GUARDIAN—KOLUMNISTEN doch 1—BEREICHERUNG.
20190606             It is finally over, then, THE—STATE—VISIT during which USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP treated BRITAIN like 1—MOSCOW hotel mattress.
20190606             9.388—GRABKREUZE aus weißem Marmor, meist mit Namen, meist mit demselben Datum: 19440606           .
20190606             DONALD—TRUMP sieht die Uno, die Nato und die EU, jene wichtigen Nachkriegsallianzen, als lästig.
20190606             Außerdem liebt DONALD—TRUMP zwar Generäle, Paraden und sonstigen MILITÄRbombast, doch den eigenen WEHR—DIENST vermied er mit einem Attest.
20190606             Er sei nie ein "Fan" des Vietnamkriegs gewesen, begründete er das —IN—DIESER—WOCHE in einem Interview.
20190606             GESICHTS—ERKENNUNG: MICROSOFT löscht DATEN—BANK mit 10—MILLIONEN Fotos
20190606             —KLIMA—WANDEL, METHAN—DIE unterschätzte Gefahr
20190606             RASSISMUSvowurf: Die umstrittene Kontrolle am KÖLNer Bahnhof
20190606             Demokratin PELOSI zu TRUMP: "Ich will ihn im Gefängnis sehen"
20190606             MAAS—REISE—NACH—IRAN: Retten, was zu retten ist
20190606             NIEDERLANDE: UN—WETTER entwurzelt BAUM—EINSATZKRÄFTE entdecken riesiges DROGEN—LABOR
20190606             Regierungsbildung in BREMEN: Grüne und Linke wollen BÜNDNIS—MIT—SPD aushandeln
20190606             SEEHOFER zu REAKTIONEN—AUF—KRIMINALFALL Lübcke: "Das ist der Niedergang der menschlichen Moral"
20190606             1—UN—WETTER hat in den NIEDERLANDEn einen Baum entwurzelt und zur Entdeckung eines großen Drogenlabors geführt.
20190606             Einsatzkräfte entfernten nach einem UN—WETTER AM—DONNERSTAGMORGEN im südwestlichen OUD—VOSSEMEER einen umgestürzten Baum, als sie einen chemischen Geruch wahrnahmen und "verdächtige" Männer in der Nähe eines Schuppens herumlaufen sahen.
20190606             "verdächtige"
20190606             Kokain ist laut DER—EUROPÄISCHEN Beobachtungsstelle für Drogen und Drogensucht das am häufigsten konsumierte illegale Aufputschmittel in der EU.
20190606             DIE—SCHLAGWORTE KLIMA—KRISE und Kohlendioxid werden in der öffentlichen Debatte fast synonym benutzt.
20190606             in der öffentlichen Debatte
20190606             DIE—EMISSIONEN von Methan seien in der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung noch völlig unterrepräsentiert, warnen nun zwei neuseeländische Atmosphärenforscher.
20190606             DIE—KLIMAWIRKUNG des Spurengases übertrifft diejenige von Kohlendioxid um das 25—FACHE—UND seine Konzentration in der Luft steigt rasant an.
20190606             In der Umwelt bildet sich Methan immer dort, wo sich organisches Material unter Luftabschluss zersetzt, hierzulande vor allem bei der Massentierhaltung, in der Forstwirtschaft, in Klärwerken und auf Mülldeponien.
20190606             —AKTUELL ist der Methangehalt der Luft etwa 2,5-mal höher als in vorindustrieller Zeit,—CA—33 % der globalen Erwärmung geht auf das Konto des poten10 Klimagases.
20190606             DIE—GRÜNDE dafür seien unklar,
20190606             Bekannt sei aber, daß etwa der Kohlebergbau in Ostasien und die global weiter zunehmende Fleischproduktion zum METHAN—ANSTIEG beitrage,
20190606             Allein die Viehhaltung könnte für 50 % des zusätzlichen Methans
20190606             DIE—FORSCHER gehen davon aus, daß mehrere Prozesse zusammenwirken und parallel zum Anstieg der EMISSIONEN die Leistungsfähigkeit der Methansenken abnehme, sodass das Gas langsamer abgebaut wird.
20190606             Um DAS—KLIMAZIEL zu erreichen, müsste die Methanmenge in der Atmosphäre
20190606             Der momentane Anstieg führt jedoch genau in die Gegenrichtung und zwar aus —BISLANG, unklaren Ursachen.
20190606             "Wir wissen immer noch nicht genug über den METHAN—KREISLAUF".
20190606             DAS—KLIMA—SYSTEM an einen kritischen "Kipppunkt" kommen könnte, wenn beispielsweise in einem wärmeren Klima, das momentan in den Polargebieten eingefrorene Methan in die Luft gelangt.
20190606             Solche KIPP—PUNKTE sind dann erreicht, wenn vermeintlich kleine EINGRIFFE—IN—DAS komplexe KLIMA—SYSTEM zu drastischen Änderungen FÜHREN—WOMÖGLICH ohne 1—CHANCE den alten Zustand wiederherzustellen.
20190606             Kipppunkte
20190606             "Wir müssen uns darauf gefasst machen, daß irgendwann diese KIPP—PUNKTE überschritten werden, gerade beim Methan.
20190606—19940000    —IN, He recorded more than 30—ALBUMS and authoredan autobiography with JACK—RUMMEL titled "Under Hoodoo Moon".
20190606—20070000    —SEIT, stieg der Methananteil in der Luft um 5,7 parts per billion (ppb) jährlich,
20190606—20171200    —IN, A court in CHAD handed 20-year jail terms to 11—MEN accused of taking part in an attempted coup in EQUATORIAL—GUINEA.
20190606—20210000    —IN, 1—APPEALS—COURT—REDUCED—THE—OMAN—BUS—DRIVER'S 7—YEAR—SENTENCE followed by deportation to —JUST 1—YEAR without deportation.
20200606             Samstag, 6. Juni 2020
20200606             "A former chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Martin Dempsey, felt compelled to write on Twitter, 'America is not a battleground.
20200606             Our fellow citizens are not the enemy.
20200606             'The Bush and OBAMA—ERA—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—JOINT Chiefs, Admiral Michael Mullen, wrote an OP—ED for The Atlantic, saying
20200606             'Whatever Trump's goal in conducting his visit, he laid bare his disdain for the rights of peaceful protest in this country,
20200606             gave succor to the leaders of other countries who take comfort in our domestic strife, and
20200606             risked further politicizing the men and women of our armed forces.
20200606             'Retired Marine Gen. John Allen said that Trump's threats of military force may be 'the beginning of the end of the American experiment.'
20200606             Former CIA analyst Gail Helt told the Washington Post, 'This is what autocrats do. This is what happens in countries before a collapse. It really does unnerve me.'"
20200606             us.cnn.com/2020/06/04/opinions/TRUMPS—FOUNDATION—STARTS—TO—CRACK—MATTIS—AVLON/index.html
20200606             Internationale Studie zur Generation Corona: "Die Jugendlichen sehen die Sicherheitsmaßnahmen ein"
20200606             Luftfahrt: Wie sicher ist die Atemluft im Ferienflieger?
20200606             bald geht es wieder los.
20200606             Sind die Triebwerke angelassen, werden Flugzeuge nämlich bestens belüftet.
20200606             Immerzu strömt von der Kabinendecke Luft hinein, die Momente später im Fußbereich der Passagiere wieder abgesaugt wird.
20200606             Etwa die Hälfte davon wird nach draußen abgeleitet.
20200606             Die andere Hälfte passiert Hochleistungsfilter, die über 99,97 Prozent aller Partikel ZURÜCKHALTEN—AUCH Coronaviren — und wird neu vermengt mit frischer, komprimierter Luft aus den Triebwerken.
20200606             Alle drei Minuten wird so die gesamte Luft im Flugzeuginneren ausgetauscht.
20200606             An Bord sei künftig mit mehr Wutausbrüchen und Streit zu rechnen, warnt die EASA.
20200606             Vollnarkose.
20200606             Bisher allerdings hat kein Anästhesist genau verstanden, was er da tut.
20200606             Seit fast 175 Jahren ist es den Forschern ein Rätsel, wie die Narkose im Gehirn genau WIRKT—DOCH jetzt ist das Mysterium offenbar endlich gelöst.
20200606             Was heißt "Mama" auf Chinesisch?
20200606             Richtig: "Mama".
20200606             Auf Swahili? "Mama".
20200606             Ungarisch? "Mamma".
20200606             Auch die Maori am anderen Ende der Welt sagen "Mama"
20200606             Nach dem Rückzug der USA aus der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) droht nun auch Brasilien mit diesem Schritt".
20200606             Die USA sind schon ausgetreten.
20200606             Entweder die WHO arbeitet ohne ideologische Voreingenommenheit oder wir sind auch draußen",
20200606             sagte der brasilianische Präsident Jair Bolsonaro dem Sender CNN Brasil am Freitagabend (Ortszeit)".
20200606             Wir brauchen keine Leute von außerhalb, die uns Tipps bei der Gesundheit hier geben".
20200606             Er warf der WHO vor, eine "parteiische politische Organisation" zu sein.
20200606             hatte Brasilien einem Bericht der Zeitung "Folha de S. Paulo" zufolge bereits 2019 aufgehört, Beiträge zu zahlen.
20200606             Demnach stehen von dem größten Land in Lateinamerika Zahlungen von 33 Millionen US—DOLLAR aus.
20200606             Bolsonaro, der auch als "TROPEN—TRUMP" bezeichnet wird,
20200606             Der Chef der Innenministerkonferenz mahnt, bis zum Herbst die Vorräte an kritischen Artikeln wie Schutzkleidung und Medikamente aufzufüllen, um für eine zweite CORONA—INFEKTIONSWELLE gewappnet zu sein".
20200606             Man muss ja damit rechnen, dass es im Herbst ein Wiederaufflammen gibt, weil man sich dann beispielsweise wieder öfter in geschlossenen Räumen aufhält",
20200606             sagte Thüringens Innenminister Georg Maier (SPD) in Erfurt.
20200606             Indien meldet einen Anstieg der festgestellten Infektionen um 9887 auf mehr als 236.000.
20200606             Damit überholt das Land Italien und liegt weltweit auf Rang sechs hinter den USA, Brasilien, Russland, Großbritannien und Spanien.
20200606             "In asiatischen Ländern ist man am schnellsten bereit, persönliche Begegnungen als verzichtbar zu betrachten",
20200606             sagt Erziehungswissenschaftler Boris Zizek von der Universität Hannover
20200606             Frankreichs CORONAVIRUS—WARN—APP StopCovid hat nach Angaben der Regierung die erste MILLIONEN—MARKE übertroffen.
20200606             Innerhalb von drei Tagen sei die App eine Million Mal aktiviert worden,
20200606             Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) hat ihren Standpunkt zum Tragen von Gesichtsmasken in der Coronakrise geändert.
20200606             Zur Eindämmung von Infektionen empfehle man nun ihre Nutzung in überfüllten öffentlichen Einrichtungen,
20200606             Ab 14 Uhr soll es in Berlin, Hamburg, München und anderen deutschen Städten große "Black Lives Matter"-Kundgebungen geben.
20200606             Die Menschen protestieren gegen die Tötung von George Floyd durch einen Polizisten in Minnesota, gegen Polizeigewalt, Rassismus und Diskriminierung.
20200606             Nach dem Ausbruch von Corona bei Nerzen werden alle Pelztiere auf den betroffenen Farmen in den Niederlanden getötet.
20200606             Als erster wurde am Samstag ein Betrieb in Deurne im Osten des Landes mit etwa 1500 Nerzen und ihren Jungen geräumt,
20200606             Mindestens acht Farmen sind betroffen.
20200606             "Es bleibt uns nichts anderes übrig, als gleichzeitig mit dem Kampf gegen die Pandemie den Menschen auch die Aufnahme ihrer Arbeit zu ermöglichen",
20200606             sagte Rohani am Samstag.
20200606             In seinem Urteil vom Freitag erklärte der Richter Edson Fachin, Razzien in den sogenannten Favelas dürften für die Dauer der Pandemie nur in "absoluten Ausnahmefällen" und nur bei einer entsprechenden Genehmigung der Staatsanwaltschaft stattfinden.
20200606             Am Einsatz unverhältnismäßiger Polizeigewalt übte der Richter deutliche Kritik.
20200606             Nach Angaben der Familie des Jungen feuerten Polizisten in dem Wohnhaus Schüsse ab und warfen Handgranaten, obwohl sich nur Kinder darin befanden".
20200606             Nichts kann rechtfertigen, dass ein 14-jähriges Kind mehr als 70 Mal angeschossen wird",
20200606             sagte Fachin.
20200606             Schloss Versailles empfängt wieder Besucher
20200606             Botschaft gegen Rassismus: Pilot malt mit Flugzeug BLACK—POWER—SYMBOL in den Himmel
20200606             Mehrere Demonstranten auf der Black Live Matter Demo, die ihre Faust heben und Schilder hochhalten.
20200606             Auf einem Schild steht: "No justice, no peace".
20200606             Zehntausende protestieren gegen Rassismus in NRW
20200606             Nach den bis Samstag acht bekannten CORONA—INFEKTIONEN nach Gottesdiensten in Vorpommern hat der Landkreis VORPOMMERN—RÜGEN rund 350 Personen in häusliche Isolation geschickt.
20200606             Sie hätten am Pfingstsonntag ODER—MONTAG an insgesamt vier Gottesdiensten in Stralsund und Grimmen teilgenommen,
20200606             Trotz anhaltend hoher CORONA—INFEKTIONEN hat in Moskau mitten auf dem Roten Platz eine Buchmesse mit zahlreichen Besuchern begonnen.
20200606             Es sei wichtig, wieder ins Leben zurückzukehren, teilten die Veranstalter am Samstag mit, an dem in Russland auch der Geburtstag des Nationaldichters Alexander Puschkin und somit der Tag der russischen Sprache gefeiert wird.
20200606             Rassismus in Frankreich und Europa: Kollektive Verdrängung
20200606             Euskirchen Kreis Fälle 469 Fälle/100.000 EW 243,2 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 4,7 Todesfälle 21 Einwohnerzahl 192.840
20200606             Aktualisierung 06.06.2020, 00:00 Uhr
20200606             Düren Kreis Fälle 601 Fälle/100.000 EW 227,9 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 3,0 Todesfälle 39 Einwohnerzahl 263.722
20200606             Köln Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle 2.505 Fälle/100.000 EW 230,7 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 1,5 Todesfälle 99 Einwohnerzahl 1.085.664
20200606             RHEINISCH—BERGISCHER Kreis Kreis Fälle 469 Fälle/100.000 EW 165,5 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 1,1 Todesfälle 21 Einwohnerzahl 283.455
20200606             Berlin Neukölln Bezirk Fälle 765 Fälle/100.000 EW 232,0 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 3,0 Todesfälle 34 Einwohnerzahl 329.691
20200606             Göttingen Landkreis Fälle 935 Fälle/100.000 EW 285,0 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 35,1 Todesfälle 72 Einwohnerzahl 328.074
20200606             Coburg Landkreis Fälle 342 Fälle/100.000 EW 393,5 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 26,5 Todesfälle 26 Einwohnerzahl 86.906
20200606             Bremerhaven Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle 167 Fälle/100.000 EW 147,0 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 48,4 Todesfälle 5 Einwohnerzahl 113.634
20200606             Data 6/5/2020, 12:00 nachm.
20200606             LAGOS Casos confirmados 4
20200606             PORTIMÃO Casos confirmados 41
20200606             SILVES Casos confirmados 22
20200606             ALBUFEIRA Casos confirmados 78
20200606             LOULÉ Casos confirmados 70
20200606             FARO Casos confirmados 66
20200606             OLHÃO Casos confirmados 14
20200606             SÃO BRÁS DE ALPORTEL Casos confirmados 3
20200606             TAVIRA Casos confirmados 30
20200606             VILA REAL DE SANTO ANTÓNIO Casos confirmados 13
20200606             CASTRO MARIM Casos confirmados 3
20200606             ALMODÔVAR Casos confirmados 8
20200606             ODEMIRA Casos confirmados 11
20200606             SINES Casos confirmados 3
20200606             SANTIAGO DO CACÉM Casos confirmados 18
20200606             BEJA Casos confirmados 16
20200606             SERPA Casos confirmados 14
20200606             95_DGS_boletim_20200605V2
20200606             Zahl der CORONA—TOTEN in den USA steigt zweiten Tag in Folge
20200606             There were protests in other GERMANY—CITIES as PART—OF—THE—GLOBAL—DEMONSTRATIONS against racism and police brutality that have followed 20200525             —THE—DEATH—OF—USA—GEORGE—FLOYD.
20200606             —CAPPED, THE—USA—MASSIVE, protests against police brutality nationwide, 1—WEEK that began in chaos but ended with largely peaceful expressions that organizers hope will sustain their movement.
20200606             —APPEARED, The largest USA—DEMONSTRATION, to be in WASHINGTON, where protesters flooded streets closed to traffic.
20200606             —MARCHED, Black Lives Matter protesters, across the Golden Gate Bridge in S—FRANCISCO forcing 1—TEMPORARY—CLOSING—OF—THE—SPAN.
20200606             NORTH—CALIFORNIA sheriff's deputy SERGEANT—DAMON—GUTZWILLER, 38—JAHRE—ALT was killed and 2—LAW—ENFORCEMENT—OFFICERS wounded when they were ambushed with gunfire and explosives while pursuing 1—SUSPECT.
20200606             Suspect STEVEN—CARRILLO, 38—JAHRE—ALT was shot during his arrest and was being treated at the hospital for NON—LIFE—THREATENING—INJURIES.
20200606             —CONFIRMED, THE—USA—AIR—FORCE, the following day that Carrillo (32) was 1—ACTIVE—DUTY—SERGEANT stationed at TRAVIS—AIR—FORCE—BASE.
20200606             CALIFORNIA to date had 126,329 CASES—OF—CORONAVIRUS and 4,538 deaths.
20200606             THE—SF Bay Area had 15,270 cases and 461—DEATHS.
20200606             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 1,909,077 with the death toll at 109,127.
20200606             —UNARMED, TULSA—OKLAHOMA, CARLOS—CARSON, a 36—YEAR—OLD, African USA—FATHER—OF—3, was shot dead after he was attacked by FORMER—TULSA detention officer CHRISTOPHER—STRAIGHT, 53—JAHRE—ALT at 1—MOTEL parking lot.
20200606             —CHARGED, Straight was later, with 1.—DEGREE manslaughter.
20200606             —TOPPLED, VIRGINIA, 1—SMALL—GROUP—OF—DEMONSTRATORS, 1—STATUE of Confederate GENERAL—WILLIAMS—CARTER—WICKHAM in Monroe Park, RICHMOND, late today, following 1—DAY—OF—LARGELY peaceful protests in the city.
20200606             —REPORTED, ALGERIA has, about 700—DEATHS due to the coronavirus.
20200606             The government has used the outbreak to to repress the Hirak, as the country's protest movement is known.
20200606             —STOPPED, BRAZIL—GOVERNMENT, publishing 1—RUNNING—TOTAL—OF—CORONAVIRUS—DEATHS and infections in 1—EXTRAORDINARY—MOVE that critics call 1—ATTEMPT to hide the true TOLL—OF—THE—DISEASE in Latin AMERICA—LARGEST nation.
20200606             —TWEETED, PRESIDENT—JAIR—BOLSONARO, that disease totals are "not representative" of the country's current situation.
20200606             —INJURED, In central LONDON 14—OFFICERS were, during clashes with protesters that followed 1—LARGELY peaceful Black Lives Matter demonstration attended by tens of thousands.
20200606             —CONFIRMED, COLOMBIA has had 33,466, coronavirus cases and 1,099 deaths.
20200606             —ANNOUNCED, EGYPT—PRESIDENT—ABDEL—FATTAH—EL—SISSI, 1—UNILATERAL initiative to end the civil war in neighboring LIBYA, 1—PLAN accepted by THE—COMMANDER—OF—THE—EASTERN—FORCES that have suffered heavy defeats in recent weeks.
20200606             —INCLUDED, EL—SISSI said the initiative, the formation of 1 elected presidential council in which LIBYA—3—REGIONS would be represented.
20200606             —ATTRACTED, FRANCE, protests, 23,000—PEOPLE across the country.
20200606             —DETAINED, GERMANY, 93—PEOPLE were, in BERLIN in connection with 1—BLACK—LIVES—MATTER—DEMONSTRATION, MOST—OF—THEM after the main rally of 15,000 had ended.
20200606             —DEMONSTRATED, At least 15,000—PEOPLE, in BERLIN and 25,000 protested in MUNICH.
20200606             —FIRED, Police in GHANA, warning shots to break up 1—RALLY in ACCRA against police brutality after arresting the organizer.
20200606             —CHARGED, Ernesto Yeboah was, with failing to obtain 1—POLICE—PERMIT for the protest and for breaking the rules on public gatherings.
20200606             GUATEMALA, —DOMINGO Choc Che, 1—MAYAN medicine specialist and traditional healer, was murdered by 1—MOB after he was accused of witchcraft in his hometown of Chimay.
20200606             Che, 1—COLLABORATOR on 1—UNIVERSITY—COLLEGE—LONDON (UCL) pharmaceutical project, was burnt alive.
20200606             —REPORTED, INDIA, 9,887 new CASES—OF—THE—CORONAVIRUS bringing the total to 236,657.
20200606             IRAN—TOTAL—NUMBER—OF—CORONAVIRUS—CASES—ROSE to 169,425 with 2,269 new infections confirmed in the past 24—HOURS.
20200606             † 75—PEOPLE who were infected, in the same period, bringing the overall fatalities to 8,209.
20200606             —WARNED, PRESIDENT—HASSAN—ROUHANI, Iranians to prepare to live with the novel coronavirus "for 1—LONG—TIME", as the country gradually rolls back restrictions imposed to curb the outbreak.
20200606             —REOPENED, Universities, after being closed for more than 3 and 1—HALF—MONTHS.
20200606             —SIGNED, IRAQ—LAWMAKERS, off on THE—REST—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—MUSTAFA—AL—KADHIMI—GOVERNMENT, following WEEKS—OF—HORSE—TRADING between political factions over individual ministers.
20200606             —GATHERED, HUNDREDS—OF—LEBANON—DEMONSTRATORS, in central BEIRUT, hoping to reboot nationwide ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS that began late last year amid 1 unprecedented economic and financial crisis.
20200606             —POURED, Protesters, into THE—STREETS—OF—BEIRUT to decry THE—COLLAPSE—OF—THE—ECONOMY, as clashes erupted between supporters and opponents of THE—IRAN—BACKED Shiite group Hezbollah.
20200606             —SEIZED, MEXICO, police in GUADALAJARA, some 80—PROTESTERS planning to demonstrate against police brutality and held them incommunicado for over 24—HOURS.
20200606             —EXTENDED, THE—OPEC alliance, production cuts by 1—MONTH as world demand for oil fell amidst lockdowns to fight THE—COVID—19—PANDEMIC.
20200606             —BELIEVED, RAMADAN—SHALAH was, to have been in LEBANON.
20200606             Shalah led THE—IRANIAN—BACKED group for over 20—YEARS, after its founder, Fathi Shikaki, was shot dead in MALTA in 1—ATTACK widely attributed to ISRAEL.
20200606             There were 576—NEW—CASES in the country, of which 346 were linked to THE—JSW mine at Zofiowka.
20200606             The daily increase brought the total NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE infected in the country to 25,986, with 1,153 deaths.
20200606             EAST—SYRIA, at least 12—IRAQI and AFGHANISTAN—FIGHTERS in 1—PRO—IRAN base in rural Deir Ezzor province † in 8—STRIKES by unidentified aircraft.
20200606             —BELIEVED, ISRAEL was, to have carried out the attack.
20200606             —OUSTED, TAIWAN, voters in the port CITY—OF—KAOHSIUNG, Mayor HAN—KUO—YU.
20200606             —FAILED, His, bid for the presidency on BEHALF—OF—THE—CHINA—FRIENDLY—NATIONALIST—PARTY had brought widespread disapproval among residents.
20200606             This was TAIWAN 1. successful recall vote.
20200606             0- announcement that KENNETH—KRIEG, DIRECTOR—OF—THE...
20200606             —SAMSTAG, 6. ;;06;; 2020
20200606             —FROM JOHN—AVLON at CNN:
20200606             "A FORMER—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—JOINT—CHIEFS, MARTIN—DEMPSEY, felt compelled to write on Twitter, 'America is not 1—BATTLEGROUND. Our fellow citizens are not the enemy.' THE—BUSH and OBAMA—ERA—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—JOINT—CHIEFS, ADMIRAL—MICHAEL—MULLEN, wrote an OP—ED for THE—ATLANTIC, saying 'Whatever TRUMP—GOAL in conducting his visit, he laid bare his disdain for the rights of peaceful PROTEST—IN—THIS—COUNTRY, gave succor to THE—LEADERS—OF—OTHER—COUNTRIES who take comfort in our domestic strife, and risked further politicizing the men and women of our armed forces.' Retired Marine GENERAL—JOHN—ALLEN said that TRUMP—THREATS—OF—MILITARY—FORCE may be 'THE—BEGINNING—OF—THE—END—OF—THE—USA—EXPERIMENT.' FORMER—CIA—ANALYST—GAIL Helt told THE—WASHINGTON—POST, 'This is what autocrats do. This is what happens in countries before 1—COLLAPSE. It really does unnerve me.'"
20200606             Internationale STUDIE—ZUR Generation CORONA: "DIE—JUGENDLICHEN sehen die SICHERHEITSmaßnahmen ein" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—SANDRA—SCHULZ
20200606             —USA—DEMOKRATEN: BIDEN gewinnt Rennen um Präsidentschaftskandidatur
20200606             —STREIT—ÜBER—TRUMP—POSTS: FACEBOOK prüft Umgang mit umstrittenen Einträgen
20200606             —ANTI—DISKRIMINIERUNGS—AKTIVISTIN: "Rassismus ist die Normalität und nicht die Abweichung" 1—VIDEO—VON—THIES Schnack
20200606             DIE—FRAGE ist nur: Kann es ratsam sein, sich in Zeiten von CORONA stundenlang in eine enge Aluminiumröhre pferchen zu lassen, in 1—ZWANGSGEMEINSCHAFT mit so vielen fremden Menschen?
20200606             In einer vollbesetzten ECONOMY—KABINE quetschen sich DIE—MENSCHEN wie eh und je Ellbogen an Ellbogen.
20200606             Sind die Triebwerke angelassen, werden Flugzeuge nämlich bestens belüftet. Immerzu strömt von der Kabinendecke Luft hinein, die Momente später im FUß—BEREICH der Passagiere wieder abgesaugt wird. Etwa 50 % davon wird nach draußen abgeleitet. Die andere Hälfte passiert Hochleistungsfilter, die über 99,97 Prozent aller PARTIKEL  ZURÜCKHALTEN—AUCH CORONA—VIREN — und wird neu vermengt mit frischer, komprimierter Luft aus den Triebwerken. Alle 3—MINUTEN wird so die gesamte Luft im Flugzeuginneren ausgetauscht.
20200606             Ein hustender Infizierter auf dem Mittelsitz eines Airbus A320 ist 1—VIRENSCHLEUDER.
20200606             Trotz des stetigen Luftstroms von oben nach unten kann er theoretisch seine Sitzreihe sowie die zwei Sitzreihen vor und hinter sich kontaminieren; insgesamt 14—SITZPLÄTZE.
20200606             Wirklich nachgewiesen ist das nicht, aber es ist das, wovon die Europäische Luftsicherheitsbehörde EASA aufgrund DER—INTERNATIONALEN Studienlage derzeit ausgeht.
20200606             deshalb MASKEN—PFLICHT für Passagiere und Kabinencrew;
20200606             DIE—KLEINEN, individuell einstellbaren Luftdüsen über den Köpfen der Passagiere sollen möglichst ungenutzt bleiben, damit sie die Bordluft nicht unnötig verwirbeln.
20200606             —BIS wir wieder sorglos und mit der alten unangebrachten Leichtigkeit viel zu viel fliegen, wird es also noch ziemlich lange dauern.
20200606             Vollnarkose. Bisher allerdings hat kein Anästhesist genau verstanden, was er da tut. Seit fast 175—JAHREN ist es den Forschern 1—RÄTSEL, wie die Narkose im GEHIRN genau WIRKT—DOCH jetzt ist das Mysterium offenbar endlich gelöst.
20200606             Was heißt "Mama" auf Chinesisch? Richtig: "Mama". Auf Swahili? "Mama". Ungarisch? "Mamma". Auch die Maori am anderen Ende der Welt sagen "Mama"
20200606             —PROTESTE—IN—ZEITEN—VON—CORONA: Wie gefährlich sind Demonstrationen?
20200606             Im Schatten von CORONA: TRUMP—ATTACKE auf den Naturschutz
20200606             —NACH, Abzug aus DEUTSCHLAND: POLEN hofft auf Stationierung von USA—TRUPPEN
20200606             —NACH, dem Rückzug der USA aus der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) droht nun auch BRASILIEN mit diesem Schritt. "DIE—USA sind schon ausgetreten. Entweder die WHO arbeitet ohne ideologische Voreingenommenheit oder wir sind auch draußen", sagte der brasilianische —PRÄSIDENT—JAIR Bolsonaro dem Sender CNN Brasil am Freitagabend (Ortszeit). "Wir brauchen keine Leute von außerhalb, die uns Tipps bei der Gesundheit hier geben". Er warf der WHO vor, eine "parteiische politische Organisation" zu sein.
20200606             hatte BRASILIEN einem Bericht der Zeitung "Folha de S. Paulo" zufolge bereits 20190000              aufgehört, BEITRÄGE—ZU zahlen. Demnach stehen von dem größten Land in LATEIN—AMERIKA Zahlungen von 33—MILLIONEN USA—DOLLAR aus.
20200606             Der CHEF—DER—INNENMINISTERKONFERENZ mahnt, bis zum Herbst die Vorräte an kritischen Artikeln wie Schutzkleidung und Medikamente aufzufüllen, um für eine 2. CORONA—INFEKTIONSWELLE gewappnet zu sein. "Man muss ja damit rechnen, daß es im Herbst 1—WIEDERAUFFLAMMEN gibt, weil man sich dann beispielsweise wieder öfter in geschlossenen Räumen aufhält", sagte THÜRINGENs INNEN—MINISTER—GEORG Maier (SPD) in ERFURT.
20200606             INDIEN meldet einen Anstieg der festgestellten Infektionen um 9887—AUF mehr als 236.000. Damit überholt DAS—LAND ITALIEN und liegt WELT—WEIT auf Rang 6—HINTER den USA, BRASILIEN, RUSSLAND, Großbritannien und SPANIEN.
20200606             "In asiatischen Ländern ist man am schnellsten bereit, persönliche Begegnungen als verzichtbar zu betrachten", sagt Erziehungswissenschaftler BORIS Zizek von der Universität HANNOVER
20200606             FRANKREICHs CORONA—VIRUS—WARN—APP StopCovid hat nach Angaben der Regierung die 1. MILLIONEN—MARKE übertroffen. Innerhalb von 3—TAGEN sei die App 1—MILLION Mal aktiviert worden,
20200606             DIE—REGIERUNG hatte zuvor erklärt, damit die App aber wirksam sei, müsste sie von mehreren Millionen Französinnen und FRANZOSEN genutzt werden.
20200606             Wenn wieder alle Schüler der Klasse in einem Raum säßen, sei natürlich 1—MASKEN—PFLICHT auch während des Unterrichts sinnvoll, so wie in asiatischen Ländern, sagte Verbandschef HEINZ—PETER Meidinger der "Bild"-Zeitung"
20200606             DIE—WELTGESUNDHEITSORGANISATION (WHO) hat ihren STAND—PUNKT zum Tragen von GESICHTS—MASKEN in der CORONA—KRISE geändert. Zur Eindämmung von Infektionen empfehle man nun ihre Nutzung in überfüllten öffentlichen Einrichtungen,
20200606             Zugleich warnte die UNO—ORGANISATION jedoch, MASKEN könnten das Erkrankungsrisiko sogar erhöhen, wenn Menschen diese mit schmutzigen Händen berührten und so kontaminierten.
20200606             DIE—WHO stellte auch fest, daß das Nähen von MASKEN DIE—MENSCHEN in die Lage versetze, etwas gegen DAS—VIRUS zu tun, und gleichzeitig eine mögliche Einkommensquelle darstelle.
20200606             DIE—LOCKDOWN—MAßNAHMEN, die dem Schutz der Gesundheit dienen sollten, hatten einen hohen gesundheitlichen Preis.
20200606             Ab 14—UHR soll es in BERLIN, HAMBURG, MÜNCHEN und anderen deutschen Städten große "Black Lives Matter"-Kundgebungen geben. DIE—MENSCHEN protestieren gegen die Tötung von GEORGE—FLOYD durch einen Polizisten in MINNESOTA, gegen POLIZEI—GEWALT, Rassismus und Diskriminierung.
20200606             —NACH, dem Ausbruch von CORONA bei Nerzen werden alle Pelztiere auf den betroffenen Farmen in den NIEDERLANDEn getötet. Als 1. wurde am —SAMSTAG 1—BETRIEB in Deurne im Osten des Landes mit etwa 15000000              Nerzen und ihren Jungen geräumt,
20200606             Sie befinden sich in der südöstlichen Provinz BRABANT unweit der deutschen Grenze.
20200606             "Es bleibt uns nichts anderes übrig, als gleichzeitig mit dem KAMPF—GEGEN—DIE—PANDEMIE den Menschen auch die Aufnahme ihrer Arbeit zu ermöglichen", sagte Rohani am —SAMSTAG.
20200606             Vor dem Hintergrund wachsender KRITIK—AN—DER—POLIZEI—GEWALT—IN—BRASILIEN hat das oberste Gericht des Landes Razzien in den Armenvierteln von RIO—DE—JANEIRO während der CORONA—PANDEMIE untersagt.
20200606             In seinem Urteil vom —FREITAG erklärte der Richter Edson Fachin, Razzien in den sogenannten Favelas dürften für die Dauer der PANDEMIE nur in "absoluten Ausnahmefällen" und nur bei einer entsprechenden Genehmigung der STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT stattfinden. Am Einsatz unverhältnismäßiger POLIZEI—GEWALT übte der Richter deutliche Kritik.
20200606             —LAUT—ANGABEN der Familie des Jungen feuerten Polizisten in dem Wohnhaus Schüsse ab und warfen Handgranaten, obwohl sich nur Kinder darin befanden. "Nichts kann rechtfertigen, daß ein 14-jähriges Kind mehr als 70—MAL angeschossen wird", sagte Fachin.
20200606             Ungarn hebt alle Beschränkungen im PERSONEN—VERKEHR mit DEUTSCHLAND auf,
20200606             MADRIDer Prado wieder geöffnet
20200606             DIE—108—JAHRE alte Fatima Negrini hat 1—CORONA—VIRUS—INFEKTION überstanden.
20200606             Soldaten in DEUTSCHLAND, USA—GENERAL nennt TRUMP—ABZUGSBEFEHL "kolossalen Fehler"
20200606             —CORONA—PANDEMIE: EXPERTEN—WARNEN—VOR—2. Infektionswelle in Großbritannien
20200606             Abdelmalek Droukdal: AL—QAIDA—CHEF—IN MALI getötet
20200606             Mehrere Demonstranten auf der Black Live Matter Demo, die ihre Faust heben und Schilder hochhalten. Auf einem Schild steht: "No justice, no peace".
20200606             Jeweils gut ZEHNTAUSEND—MENSCHEN allein in KÖLN und in DÜSSELDORF: Zu den ANTI—RASSISMUS—DEMOS in NRW kamen am —SAMSTAG weit mehr Menschen als erwartet.
20200606             —NACH, den bis —SAMSTAG acht bekannten CORONA—INFEKTIONEN nach GOTTES—DIENSTEN in Vorpommern hat der Landkreis VORPOMMERN—RÜGEN—CA—350—PERSONEN in häusliche Isolation geschickt. Sie hätten am PFINGST—SONNTAG ODER—MONTAG an insgesamt 4—GOTTES—DIENSTEN in Stralsund und Grimmen teilgenommen,
20200606             Trotz anhaltend hoher CORONA—INFEKTIONEN hat in Moskau mitten auf dem Roten Platz 1—BUCHMESSE mit zahlreichen Besuchern begonnen. Es sei wichtig, wieder ins Leben zurückzukehren, teilten die Veranstalter am —SAMSTAG mit, an dem in RUSSLAND auch der Geburtstag des Nationaldichters ALEXANDER—PUSCHKIN und somit der TAG—DER—RUSSISCHEN Sprache gefeiert wird.
20200606             Andere größere Veranstaltungen sind in Moskau wegen der PANDEMIE weiter verboten.
20200606             Um den PREISVER—FALL—IN—DER CORONA—KRISE aufzuhalten, hat die Organisation Erdöl produzierender Staaten (OPEC) beschlossen, einen weiteren Monat an der aktuellen Drosselung der Ölproduktion festzuhalten.
20200606             Rassismus in FRANKREICH und EUROPA: Kollektive Verdrängung 1—ANALYSE von Nils Minkmar
20200606             Euskirchen Kreis Fälle 469—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 243,2 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 4,7—TODES—FÄLLE 21,—EINWOHNERZAHL—192.840
20200606             Aktualisierung 202006060000—UHR
20200606             Düren Kreis Fälle 601—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 227,9 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 3,0—TODES—FÄLLE 39,—EINWOHNERZAHL—263.722
20200606             KÖLN Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle 2.505—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 230,7 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 1,5—TODES—FÄLLE 99,—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.085.664
20200606             RHEINISCH—BERGISCHER—KREIS Fälle 469—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 165,5 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 1,1—TODES—FÄLLE 21,—EINWOHNERZAHL—283.455
20200606             BERLIN Neukölln Bezirk Fälle 765—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 232,0 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 3,0—TODES—FÄLLE 34,—EINWOHNERZAHL—329.691
20200606             Göttingen Landkreis Fälle 935—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 285,0 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 35,1—TODES—FÄLLE 72,—EINWOHNERZAHL—328.074
20200606             Coburg Landkreis Fälle 342—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 393,5 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 26,5—TODES—FÄLLE 26,—EINWOHNERZAHL—86.906
20200606             BREMERHAVEN Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle 167—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 147,0 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 48,4—TODES—FÄLLE 5,—EINWOHNERZAHL—113.634
20200606             LAGOS CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—4
20200606             DATA 202006;;051200 NACHMITTAG
20200606             PORTIMÃO CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—41
20200606             SILVES CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—22
20200606             ALBUFEIRA CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—78
20200606             LOULÉ CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—70
20200606             FARO CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—66
20200606             OLHÃO CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—14
20200606             TAVIRA CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—30
20200606             ALMODÔVAR CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—8
20200606             ODEMIRA CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—11
20200606             SINES CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—3
20200606             BEJA CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—16
20200606             SERPA CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—14
20200606             MACHT—KAMPF—IN—LIBYEN: ÄGYPTEN—PRÄSIDENT schlägt Waffenruhe vor
20200606             Historiker über USA—UNRUHEN: "Todesröcheln eines sterbenden Amerikas" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—MARC—PITZKE, NEW—YORK
20200606             KRIMinalitätsstatistik: Die neue "Deutschfeindlichkeit"
20200606             Black Lives Matter: WELT—WEIT—DEMONSTRATIONEN gegen Rassismus und POLIZEI—GEWALT
20200606             Historiker über USA—UNRUHEN: "Todesröcheln eines sterbenden Amerikas"
20200606—20180000    —IN, the group named SHALAH—DEPUTY, Ziad AL—NAKHALAH, as the new leader.
20200606—20200512    —SINCE, POLAND, 1—RAPID—GROWTH—OF—CORONAVIRUS—INFECTIONS among miners at THE—STATE—RUN—COAL—PRODUCER—JSW boosted the increase in daily cases to the highest.
20200611             Data 20200606,
20200616             Bei den Ermittlungen nach schwerem sexuellem Missbrauch von Kindern steht 1—POLIZEIBEAMTER vor der Gartenlaube, wo der vermutliche Haupttäter Teile seiner SERVER—ANLAGE unterbrachte (20200606             )
20210531             —LOGGED, Authorities have, 398—THREATS or attacks on candidates ahead of 20210606             —THE elections.
20210606             Sonntag, 6. Juni 2021
20210606             Massengrab in Kanada: Die Hölle im Namen Gottes und der Nation
20210606             Abstimmung im Osten: Darum geht es bei der Landtagswahl in SACHSEN—ANHALT
20210606             Kryptowährung: El Salvador will Bitcoin zum gesetzlichen Zahlungsmittel machen
20210606             CORONA—REPARATIONEN: Trump verlangt zehn Billionen US—DOLLAR von China
20210606             Jens Stoltenberg: NATO—GENERALSEKRETÄR warnt Russland und Belarus
20210606             Nach der von belarussischen Behörden erzwungenen Landung eines Passagierflugzeugs aus der EU und
20210606             den daraus resultierenden Spannungen
20210606             hat die Nato Russland und Belarus gewarnt.
20210606             "Wir sind natürlich bereit, im Ernstfall jeden Alliierten zu beschützen und zu verteidigen gegen jede Art von Bedrohung, die von Minsk und Moskau ausgeht",
20210606             sagte NATO—GENERALSEKRETÄR Jens Stoltenberg der "Welt am Sonntag".
20210606             "Wir sind wachsam, und wir verfolgen sehr genau, was in Belarus passiert".
20210606             Belarus werde "immer abhängiger" von Russland.
20210606             Stoltenberg sagte, die Alliierten seien über die engere Zusammenarbeit zwischen Moskau und Minsk in den vergangenen Monaten ernsthaft besorgt.
20210606             "Wir haben in der Vergangenheit erfahren müssen, dass Russland die territoriale Integrität von Staaten wie Ukraine, Georgien und Moldau massiv verletzt hat".
20210606             Er wolle nicht zu viel spekulieren, sagte der frühere norwegische Ministerpräsident und fügte hinzu:
20210606             "Die Nato ist eine defensive Allianz".
20210606             Die NATO—LÄNDER Litauen, Lettland und Polen haben eine gemeinsame Grenze mit Belarus.
20210606             Stoltenberg sagte der Zeitung
20210606             Das bestehende Partnerschaftsabkommen (PFP) mit Belarus sei zuletzt deutlich zurückgefahren worden und werde weiterhin überprüft.
20210606             Partnerschaftsabkommen
20210606             Gegenüber
20210606             Gegenüber Russland verfolge die Allianz einen zweigleisigen Ansatz:
20210606             Abschreckung und Dialog.
20210606             Gerade in schwierigen Zeiten
20210606             müsse die Nato "mit unserem Nachbarn Russland" im Gespräch bleiben über Waffenkontrolle und andere militärische und politische Herausforderungen,
20210606             "Wenn wir nicht miteinander reden, können wir weder unsere Streitigkeiten beilegen noch das gegenseitige Verständnis verbessern".
20210606             Stoltenberg warnte in der "Welt am Sonntag" auch vor neuen Bedrohungen für die Allianz:
20210606             "Wir stellen fest, dass Russland und China neuerdings immer stärker zusammenarbeiten, sowohl politisch als auch militärisch",
20210606             sagte er.
20210606             Das sei eine neue Dimension und eine ernsthafte Herausforderung.
20210606             Beide Länder würden ihre Entscheidungen in multilateralen Organisationen wie der Uno immer häufiger koordinieren.
20210606             "Zudem halten beide Länder gemeinsam Manöver ab,
20210606             sie üben zusammen Langstreckenflüge in Kampfflugzeugen und maritime Operationen, aber
20210606             sie tauschen sich auch intensiv über ihre Erfahrungen mit Waffensystemen und bei der Kontrolle des Internets aus".
20210606             So antisemitisch war Rudolf Steiner Rudolf Steiner erfand im frühen 20. Jahrhundert die Anthroposophie.
20210606             Auf seine esoterische Lehre berufen sich auch heute noch Pädagogen und Biomarken.
20210606             Doch die dunklen Seiten seiner Ideen werden gern übersehen.
20210606             Wahlkampf: Kein Fußbreit den Feinden der Wirklichkeit
20210606             Treffen in Cornwall: Johnson fordert G7-Zusagen zur Impfung der Weltbevölkerung
20210606             Es ist die Kakofonie der vergangenen Monate, dazu ein paar erste Bonmots aus Jelineks neuer Textfläche, kunstvoll zusammengeschnitten zu einem Wortkonzert.
20210606             Mittendrin Jelineks Bekenntnis zur Technik des Sampelns, gesprochen von einer Schauspielerin:
20210606             Man könne sich bei ihr nie sicher sein, was von ihr selbst geschöpft und was "abgeschrieben und nachgeredet ist",
20210606             warnt die Nobelpreisträgerin.
20210606             Daneben und vor allem geht es aber auch um Verschwörungstheorien, breit ausgestellt, aber natürlich irgendwie schon satirisch dargestellt.
20210606             Da ruft eine als Skihaserl verkleidete Schauspielerin bei einem Wunderheiler an und lässt sich die Viren telefonisch austreiben,
20210606             da darf der Schauspieler Lars Rudolph als wirrer Pseudowissenschaftler vom Virus als Biowaffe reden und von chinesischen Geheimplänen, die Weltkontrolle zu übernehmen;
20210606             von implantierten Chips ist natürlich die Rede und von gefährlichen Sendemasten, die man besser abbrennt.
20210606             von IMPLANTIERTEN Chips
20210606             NATÜRLICH
20210606             Und auch um die Rothschilds geht es, um die jüdische Weltverschwörung,
20210606             und dazu laufen drei als ultraorthodoxe Juden verkleidete Schauspieler über die Bühne, mit Schtreimel und aufgesetzter Hakennase.
20210606             Satire darf alles?
20210606             Teures Holz durch Bauboom: "Da wird ein Preis kommen, den es so noch nicht gegeben hat"
20210606             Trumps Auftritt beim REPUBLIKANER—PARTEITAG: "Ich freue mich auf das Jahr 2024"
20210606             Coronavirus: DELTA—VARIANTE laut britischem Gesundheitsminister 40 Prozent ansteckender
20210606             Inhaftierte Journalisten in Belarus: "Das ist ein Krieg gegen uns unabhängige Medien"
20210606             Für den Infektionsschutz "nicht relevant": Spahn weist Vorwürfe um Coronamasken zurück
20210606             "Fürchterliches Menschenbild": Wohlfahrtsverband kritisiert Jens Spahn wegen Maskendeals
20210606             Gefährliches Gas im Kivusee: Zeitbombe tief unter Wasser
20210606             Marmarameer in der Türkei: Erdo?
20210606             an zeigt sich alarmiert wegen Schleimplage vor Istanbul
20210606             Der "Meeresrotz" genannte Schleim, Ausscheidungsprodukt mancher Algen, hat sich in dem betroffenen Gebiet in diesem Jahr in einem nie dagewesenen Ausmaß verbreitet.
20210606             Die zähflüssige graue Substanz erfasste auch das Schwarze Meer und die Ägäis.
20210606             Die Gewässer werden vom Marmarameer verbunden.
20210606             Unbehandelte Abfälle, die direkt ins Meer gelangen, sind laut Experten eine Ursache für die Plage.
20210606             Auch der Anstieg der Wassertemperaturen durch den Klimawandel spiele eine Rolle.
20210606             Durch den Schleim fällt nicht nur das Baden aus.
20210606             Fischer können ihre Netze nicht auswerfen, weil sie sonst unbrauchbar werden.
20210606             Der türkische Meeresbiologe Ekin Akoglu sagte,
20210606             negative Folgen habe der Schleim auch für Organismen, die auf dem Meeresboden leben — etwa Muscheln, deren Wachstum verlangsamt wird.
20210606             Auch weiche Korallen könnten, von Schleim bedeckt, nicht ihrer eigentlichen Aufgabe nachkommen, Wasser zu filtern.
20210606             Auf lange Sicht sei besonders der negative Einfluss auf das Zooplankton fatal, von dem sich viele Fische ernähren.
20210606             Nimmt dessen Menge ab, würden auch die Fischpopulationen weniger.
20210606             Kurzfristig könne man den Schleim mechanisch entfernen, sagt Akoglu.
20210606             Auf lange Sicht brauche es aber neben einer globalen Klimapolitik eine bessere Verarbeitung von Abwasser in der Türkei.
20210606             Indigene in Kanada: "Bei uns Kindern hieß die Schule 'unser Alcatraz'.
20210606             Da gab es kein Entkommen"
20210606             Überfall mit mehr als hundert Toten: UNO—GENERALSEKRETÄR zeigt sich erschüttert über Anschlag in Burkina Faso
20210606             Blitzanalyse zur Landtagswahl: Der ANTI—AFD—TRIUMPH
20210606             Der frühere GRÜNEN—VORSITZENDE Cem Özdemir hat Russland und der Türkei vorgeworfen, hinter digitalen Schmutzkampagnen zu stehen, die gegen die Partei und Kanzlerkandidatin Annalena Baerbock gerichtet sind.
20210606             "Annalena und wir werden nicht mehr nur national, sondern auch durch Putin und seine Geheimdienste sowie durch türkische Aktivisten angegriffen, die im Internet Schmutzkampagnen gegen sie und uns Grüne fahren",
20210606             sagte Özdemir dem "Tagesspiegel".
20210606             Man müsse davon ausgehen, "dass wir in Moskau und Ankara nicht als Wunschpartner gelten",
20210606             sagte Özdemir.
20210606             Der russische Staatspräsident Wladimir Putin und der türkische Präsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan "würden sicher nicht die Grünen wählen".
20210606             Angesichts der "neuen Dimension" der digitalen Angriffe befänden sich Vertreter der Grünen im Gespräch mit den deutschen Sicherheitsbehörden.
20210606             Der Chef des Bundesverfassungsschutzes, Thomas Haldenwang, sagte in einem Interview mit der "Welt am Sonntag":
20210606             Russland sei in Deutschland so aktiv wie zuletzt während des Kalten Kriegs.
20210606             "Wir nehmen wahr, dass Russland seine Aktivitäten erheblich gesteigert hat".
20210606             Russland habe in Deutschland ein "sehr komplexes Aufklärungsinteresse in fast allen Politikfeldern".
20210606             Die Methoden würden "immer ruppiger und die Mittel brutaler".
20210606             Haldenwang verwies auf die Ermordung eines Georgiers 2019 in Berlin, für die die Bundesanwaltschaft russische staatliche Stellen verantwortlich macht.
20210606             Sun Jun 6 2021
20210606             [l] Ich würde mir ja wünschen, dass sich ein paar der Leute, die gerade den Lebenslauf von Annalena Baerbock durchforsten, auch mal ein paar andere Lebensläufe aus Politik und Führungsetagen anschauen würden.
20210606             Ich glaube ja, dass da das Prinzip "wenn man gräbt, findet man" gilt.
20210606             Im Moment graben alle bei Frau Baerbock, weil sie halt Kanzlerin werden will.
20210606             Mich nervt das ja nur noch.
20210606             Ich hab's gehört.
20210606             Die Frau hat wenig geleistet und ihren Lebenslauf massiv aufgebläht. Ist ja gut. Themenwechsel!
20210606             Ein bisschen ist sie auch selber Schuld, dass die Leute bei ihr gucken gehen.
20210606             Sie hat halt nicht viel Spuren hinterlassen, die man recherchieren könnte, also klammert man sich halt an die Aussagen im Lebenslauf.
20210606             Die Frage ist, ob das besser gewesen wäre, wenn sie ehrlich gesagt hätte: Ich hab keine fachliche Kompetenz, ich trete hier eher für meine Visionen an.
20210606             Ich glaube ja, die Grünen hätten die trotzdem gewählt.
20210606             Denen ist ja eh egal, wofür jemand steht.
20210606             Hauptsache zwischen den Beinen ist das richtige Genital.
20210606             Als ob nach 50 Jahren Merkel noch in Frage stünde, dass bei uns Frauen Kanzler werden können.
20210606             Ich persönlich finde ja nicht so wichtig, dass sie beim German Marshall Fund gelogen hat.
20210606             Sondern dass sie mit dem German Marshall Fund gearbeitet hat.
20210606             Ich versuche seit Jahren herauszufinden, was dieser Laden eigentlich tut.
20210606             Bisher ist mein Stand: Gar nichts.
20210606             Ist ein Kungelnetzwerk für Transatlantiker, damit in Europa bloß nicht die Kommunisten die Macht ergreifen!!1! Stufe 1 des Plans. Stufe 2 wären STAY—BEHIND—TERRORTRUPPEN gewesen, klar.
20210606             Von einem Kanzler erwarte ich, dass er so weit es geht frei von Einflüssen ausländischer Mächte ist.
20210606             Der Kanzler soll unsere Interessen vertreten, nicht die der Amerikaner.
20210606             STAY—BEHIND
20210606             German Marshall Fund
20210606             Algarve regista mais 30 casos de Covid-19
20210606             Alentejo é a região do Continente com menos novos casos
20210606             Ambiolhão quer mostrar que "Ria Limpa" é "Ria Linda"
20210606             461_DGS_boletim_20210606
20210606             INCIDÊNCIA
20210606             Nacional: 69,8 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID-19 por 100 000 hab.
20210606             Continente: 67,5casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID-19 por 100 000 hab.
20210606             R(t) Nacional: 1,08 Continente: 1,10
20210606             LK Bayreuth Fälle letzte 7 Tage 5 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 4,8 Fälle gesamt 4.923 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 4.749,0 Todesfälle gesamt 161 Einwohnerzahl 103.664 Bundesland Bayern
20210606             LK Cham Fälle letzte 7 Tage 5 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 3,9 Fälle gesamt 7.107 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 5.552,4 Todesfälle gesamt 182 Einwohnerzahl 127.998 Bundesland Bayern
20210606             LK Düren Fälle letzte 7 Tage 51 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 19,3 Fälle gesamt 13.597 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 5.138,0 Todesfälle gesamt 287 Einwohnerzahl 264.638 Bundesland NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210606             LK Euskirchen Fälle letzte 7 Tage 36 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 18,6 Fälle gesamt 7.932 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 4.095,9 Todesfälle gesamt 239 Einwohnerzahl 193.656 Bundesland NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210606             LK Friesland Fälle letzte 7 Tage 1 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 1,0 Fälle gesamt 1.625 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 1.646,3 Todesfälle gesamt 41 Einwohnerzahl 98.704 Bundesland Niedersachsen
20210606             LK Goslar Fälle letzte 7 Tage 1 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 0,7 Fälle gesamt 2.603 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 1.909,9 Todesfälle gesamt 112 Einwohnerzahl 136.292 Bundesland Niedersachsen
20210606             LK Ostholstein Fälle letzte 7 Tage 9 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 4,5 Fälle gesamt 3.345 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 1.668,0 Todesfälle gesamt 85 Einwohnerzahl 200.539 Bundesland SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210606             LK Plön Fälle letzte 7 Tage 4 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 3,1 Fälle gesamt 1.356 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 1.053,7 Todesfälle gesamt 31 Einwohnerzahl 128.686 Bundesland SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210606             LK RHEIN—ERFT—KREIS Fälle letzte 7 Tage 128 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 27,2 Fälle gesamt 19.962 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 4.241,7 Todesfälle gesamt 399 Einwohnerzahl 470.615 Bundesland NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210606             LK RHEINISCH—BERGISCHER Kreis Fälle letzte 7 Tage 44 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 15,5 Fälle gesamt 11.178 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 3.946,0 Todesfälle gesamt 162 Einwohnerzahl 283.271 Bundesland NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210606             LK SCHLESWIG—FLENSBURG Fälle letzte 7 Tage 10 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 5,0 Fälle gesamt 2.878 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 1.430,7 Todesfälle gesamt 61 Einwohnerzahl 201.156 Bundesland SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210606             LK Südwestpfalz Fälle letzte 7 Tage 4 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 4,2 Fälle gesamt 2.645 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 2.789,2 Todesfälle gesamt 85 Einwohnerzahl 94.831 Bundesland RHEINLAND—PFALZ
20210606             LK Tirschenreuth Fälle letzte 7 Tage 2 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 2,8 Fälle gesamt 5.320 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 7.384,2 Todesfälle gesamt 266 Einwohnerzahl 72.046 Bundesland Bayern
20210606             LK Uckermark Fälle letzte 7 Tage 5 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 4,2 Fälle gesamt 3.908 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 3.285,5 Todesfälle gesamt 164 Einwohnerzahl 118.947 Bundesland Brandenburg
20210606             LK Uelzen Fälle letzte 7 Tage 2 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 2,2 Fälle gesamt 2.179 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 2.358,5 Todesfälle gesamt 115 Einwohnerzahl 92.389 Bundesland Niedersachsen
20210606             LK VORPOMMERN—RÜGEN Fälle letzte 7 Tage 2 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 0,9 Fälle gesamt 3.870 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 1.722,3 Todesfälle gesamt 78 Einwohnerzahl 224.702 Bundesland MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN
20210606             LK Wesermarsch Fälle letzte 7 Tage 2 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 2,3 Fälle gesamt 3.244 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 3.662,1 Todesfälle gesamt 113 Einwohnerzahl 88.583 Bundesland Niedersachsen
20210606             SK Berlin Neukölln Fälle letzte 7 Tage 173 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 53,9 Fälle gesamt 20.899 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 6.508,1 Todesfälle gesamt 417 Einwohnerzahl 321.123 Bundesland Berlin
20210606             SK Berlin TEMPELHOF—SCHÖNEBERG Fälle letzte 7 Tage 69 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 20,2 Fälle gesamt 17.575 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 5.142,3 Todesfälle gesamt 474 Einwohnerzahl 341.772 Bundesland Berlin
20210606             SK Dresden Fälle letzte 7 Tage 105 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 18,9 Fälle gesamt 30.485 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 5.475,2 Todesfälle gesamt 1.095 Einwohnerzahl 556.780 Bundesland Sachsen
20210606             SK Kaufbeuren Fälle letzte 7 Tage 9 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 20,3 Fälle gesamt 2.371 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 5.340,3 Todesfälle gesamt 54 Einwohnerzahl 44.398 Bundesland Bayern
20210606             SK Köln Fälle letzte 7 Tage 300 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 27,6 Fälle gesamt 53.031 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 4.874,8 Todesfälle gesamt 710 Einwohnerzahl 1.087.863 Bundesland NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210606             SK Schwerin Fälle letzte 7 Tage 3 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 3,1 Fälle gesamt 2.692 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 2.814,3 Todesfälle gesamt 106 Einwohnerzahl 95.653 Bundesland MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN
20210606             SK Weiden i.d.OPf. Fälle letzte 7 Tage 1 Fälle letzte 7 Tage/100.000 EW 2,3 Fälle gesamt 2.692 Fälle gesamt/100.000 EW 6.298,1 Todesfälle gesamt 98 Einwohnerzahl 42.743 Bundesland Bayern
20210606             Cases 173.055.974 Deaths 3.723.233 Vaccine Doses Administered 2.106.357.247
20210606             Albufeira Casos confirmados - 2539 (+8) Óbitos - 45 (=) Recuperados - 2447 (+5) Casos ativos - 47 (+3)
20210606             Alcoutim Casos confirmados - 83 (=) Óbitos - 4 (=) Recuperados - 79 (=) Casos ativos - 0 (=)
20210606             Aljezur Casos confirmados - 121 (=) Óbitos - 2 (=) Recuperados - 113 (+1) Casos ativos - 6 (-1)
20210606             Castro Marim Casos confirmados - 393 (=) Óbitos - 1 (=) Recuperados - 392 (=) Casos ativos - 0 (=)
20210606             Faro Casos confirmados - 3394 (+1) Óbitos - 53 (=) Recuperados - 3281 (+5) Casos ativos - 60 (-4)
20210606             Lagoa Casos confirmados - 760 (+1) Óbitos - 15 (=) Recuperados - 740 (+1) Casos ativos - 5 (=)
20210606             Lagos Casos confirmados - 1470 (+1) Óbitos - 27 (=) Recuperados - 1428 (=) Casos ativos - 15 (+1)
20210606             Loulé Casos confirmados - 3966 (+6) Óbitos - 66 (=) Recuperados - 3831 (=) Casos ativos - 69 (+6)
20210606             MONCHIQUE Casos confirmados - 183 (=) Óbitos - 11 (=) Recuperados - 172 (=) Casos ativos - 0 (=)
20210606             Olhão Casos confirmados - 1839 (+1) Óbitos - 22 (=) Recuperados - 1801 (+1) Casos ativos - 16 (=)
20210606             Portimão Casos confirmados - 2613 (+2) Óbitos - 32 (=) Recuperados - 2552 (+7) Casos ativos - 29 (-5)
20210606             Silves Casos confirmados - 1307 (+2) Óbitos - 12 (=) Recuperados - 1280 (+1) Casos ativos - 15 (+1)
20210606             São Brás de Alportel Casos confirmados - 406 (=) Óbitos - 12 (=) Recuperados - 390 (=) Casos Ativos - 4 (=)
20210606             Tavira Casos confirmados - 1595 (+3) Óbitos - 29 (=) Recuperados - 1556 (+2) Casos ativos - 10 (+1)
20210606             VRSA Casos confirmados - 1311 (=) Óbitos - 19 (=) Recuperados - 1289 (=) Casos ativos - 3 (=)
20210606             Vila do Bispo Casos confirmados - 157 (=) Óbitos - 6 (=) Recuperados - 149 (=) Casos ativos - 2 (=)
20210606             Wegen Unregelmäßigkeiten bei der Abrechnung und Qualität der CORONA—SCHNELLTESTS plant das Bundesgesundheitsministerium einem Bericht zufolge eine Neufassung der Testverordnung.
20210606             Diese sehe eine Reduzierung der Vergütung für die Tests vor, b
20210606             Angesichts der Aufhebung der Impfpriorisierung am Montag hat Bundesgesundheitsminister Jens Spahn (CDU) die Bürger um mehr Geduld gebeten und gleichzeitig seine Impfprognose nach unten korrigiert.
20210606             "80 Prozent der impfwilligen Erwachsenen werden bis Mitte Juli mindestens einmal geimpft sein",
20210606             SIEBEN—TAGE—INZIDENZ sinkt auf unter 25
20210606             Das RKI wies allerdings in einem Lagebericht auf den Feiertag Fronleichnam in vielen Bundesländern am Donnerstag hin:
20210606             "Bei der Interpretation der Fallzahlen ist zu beachten, dass an Feiertagen weniger Personen einen Arzt aufsuchen, wodurch auch weniger Proben genommen und weniger Laboruntersuchungen durchgeführt werden.
20210606             Der bundesweite SIEBEN—TAGE—R—WERT lag laut RKI—LAGEBERICHT von Samstagabend bei 0,84 (Vortag: 0,88).
20210606             Intensivmediziner sehen langsame Entlastung der Klinken
20210606             Die Berlinale sei das erste solche Festival weltweit, das wieder an den Start gehe.
20210606             "Das ist uns auch finanziell große Anstrengungen wert.
20210606             Wir möchten damit ein starkes KULTUR—UND filmpolitisches Signal setzen und den Neustart der Kulturbranche sichtbar machen",
20210606             Israel beginnt mit Impfung von 12- bis 15-Jährigen
20210606             CORONA—LOCKERUNGEN für ITALIEN—RÜCKKEHRER in Kraft
20210606             Die Bereitschaft jüngerer Menschen in Deutschland zu einer CORONA—IMPFUNG ist laut einer Umfrage grundsätzlich hoch.
20210606             Nach den Ergebnissen der im April durchgeführten Befragung würden sich 58 Prozent der 16- bis 26-Jährigen impfen lassen, wenn sie am nächsten Tag ein Impfangebot bekämen.
20210606             Die tschechische Fremdenpolizei hat am Prager VACLAV—HAVEL—FLUGHAFEN 140 Reisende stundenlang aufgehalten, weil sie ihre CORONA—TESTS nicht anerkannte.
20210606             Außenminister Jakub Kulhanek kündigte am Sonntag eine Untersuchung an, ob das Vorgehen der Polizisten korrekt war.
20210606             Nach Medienberichten war bei den Touristen am Samstag der Verdacht entstanden, ihre Testzertifikate könnten gefälscht sein.
20210606             Deshalb mussten sie sich alle nochmals testen lassen, bevor ihnen die Einreise nach Tschechien erlaubt wurde.
20210606             Die Fremdenpolizei rechtfertigte die Vorsichtsmaßnahme damit, dass bei der Einreise immer wieder gefälschte Testzertifikate auftauchten.
20210606             Dass deswegen nicht nur einzelne Reisende, sondern gleich alle Passagiere eines Fluges zur neuerlichen Testung verpflichtet wurden, sei nun allerdings zum ersten Mal geschehen.
20210606             Nach Berichten über einen zweifelhaften Umgang des Gesundheitsministeriums mit angeblich minderwertigen CORONA—MASKEN fordert LINKEN—FRAKTIONSCHEF Dietmar Bartsch eine umfassende Erklärung der Bundesregierung.
20210606             Erstmals seit mehr als einem Jahr ist wieder eine deutsche Reisegruppe in Israel gelandet.
20210606             Randale in INNENSTÄDTEN—HUNDERTE treffen sich zum Feiern
20210606             Nach Schließung der Außengastronomie um 23 Uhr habe sich die Stimmung unter den verbliebenen Menschen auf einem Platz in der Stadt immer mehr aufgeheizt,
20210606             BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG will jetzt auch Kinder impfen
20210606             Wegen BITCOIN—KURSTURBULENZEN: Anonymous droht Elon Musk
20210606             Landtagswahl in Sachsen Anhalt: "Die rechten Parteien haben zusammen über 60 Prozent"
20210606             Neue Regierung in Israel: Netanyahu fabuliert über "Betrug des Jahrhunderts"
20210606             Verbotenes Strandsouvenir: Sand entwendet — Strafen für 41 SARDINIEN—TOURISTEN
20210606             Sendung zur Wahl in SACHSEN—ANHALT: ZDF—JOURNALIST nennt AfD Teil der "konservativen Mehrheit"
20210606             Dmitrij Gudkow: Russischer Oppositioneller kündigt Flucht in die Ukraine an
20210606             Wahl in SACHSEN—ANHALT: AfD mit starkem Ergebnis bei jungen Menschen
20210606             Datenanalyse zur Wahl in SACHSEN—ANHALT: CDU punktet massiv bei früheren Nichtwählern
21170000—20120606    —J—IM—ERST Der nächste VENUS—TRANSIT wird sich ereignen