_HEUTE_0505 :

_05000000—20150505   —HEUTE—NOCH, im WADI—AL—HAJA—SÜD—LIBYEN stehen die Ruinen der einstigen GARAMANTEN—HAUPT—STADT—GARAMA.
03110505             † GAIUS—VM—GALERIUS—EMPEROR—OF—ROME (~50), in DARDANIA.
11020505             LES—ALMORÁVIDES reprendront VALENCE.
13250505             —BESETZTE, CASTRUCCIO mit seinen Reitern auch PISTOJA und
13250505             —VERJAGTE, CASTRUCCIO mit seinen Reitern die florentinische Besatzung und die übrigen feindlichen GUELFEN.
13250505             Das war 1—GROSSER Erfolg.
13250505             DIE—FLORENTINER[FLORENZ] wurden darüber höchst erregt.
13470505             Bartolo di Cristoforo di FRANCESCO, Puccio e Nerio di Mattiolo dichiaransi DEBITORI verso il medesimo di hre rav. cento (ivi, pergam. 209).
13520502             PHILIP—MORET—CONESTABILI—EQUITI, (25—POSTE vive, 2—POSTE mortue sibi concesse pro banderia  et tubecta, 4—RONZINI), 13520425—13520505
13550322—13550505    der MARKWALD—VON—RANDECK dort In PISA —SCHON WÄHREND der Abwesenheit des KAISER—KARL—IV. in SIENA[SIENNE] und ROM (zur KAISER—KRÖNUNG) als sein STATT—HALTER mit 600—DEUTSCHE—RITTERN gewaltet hatte^
13550505             1—HERVORRAGENDEN KRIEG—MANN MARKWALD—VON—RANDECK—BISCHOF—VON—AUGSBURG(prod' uomo in fatti d'arme e bene avveduto),*
13550505             —AM, ZURÜCKKam Nach DER STADT—PISA DER—KAISER—KARL—IV. von der Krönung in ROM. aber
13550505             —NACH, der Rückkehrvon DER—KAISER—KRÖNUNG in ROM KAISER—KARL—IV. anknüpfte von PISA aus NEUE—VERHANDLUNGEN—MIT—DEN Lucchesen wegen der Losreißung ihrer Stadt von der PISAner Herrschaft.^
13550505             —NACH, Es galt KAISER—KARL—IV. dabei wohl Hauptsächlich um die hohe LOSKAUFSSUMME.
13550505             —NACH, Soll KAISER—KARL—IV. doch sogar den [FLORENZ]n Hoffnung gemacht haben, die Herrschaft über LUCCA gegen entsprechend hohe Entschädigung zu gewinnen.^
13630505             —ATTO—DI—COMPRA fatta da 1—BARTOLUCCIO di Niccola da STAFFOLO di 1—PEZZO—DI—TERRA, posta nel territorio di detto
13650505             THEOBALDO—DE—HERWEN presbyterOj ex utroqtie latere de genere MILITARi procreato, CONFERTUR—CANONICATUS et reservantur [PFRÜNDE]PRAEBENDA—CUM—SUPPLEMENTO
13820505             —BATTLE—OF—BEVERHOUTSVELD—BELGIUM, the population beat 1—DRUNKEN army.
14300505             —EXPELLED, Jews were, from SPEYER—GERMANY.
14410000             oo  MARGARETA—VON—NASSAU, DAUGHTER—OF—PHILIPP I—GRAF—VON—NASSAU—WEILBURG & his 2. oo ISABELLE—DE—LORRAINE[LOTHRINGEN] (14260426—14900505    , bur MAINZ Karmeliterkloster).
14421016—14430505    ARNOLD—VON—BETZDORF bezeugt vom,
14540505             * O—INFANTE—DOM—JOÃO, filho de DOM—AFONSO—V, em LISBOA (futuro DOM—JOÃO—II.),
14770505             —AM, —FOLLOWING—DAY the brothers were condemned by THE—VIERSCHARE to death, forfeiture of their goods.
14930505             —DOMINICA, CA—HORAM—VESPERORUM SS—D—N cum capucino rubeo supra rochetum et capello de cremesino, précédente
14940505             —DURING his 2. voyage to THE—WEST—HEMISPHERE, CHRISTOPHER—COLUMBUS 1. sighted JAMAICA and commented on the daily rains.
14940505             —LANDED, COLUMBUS, on THE—ISLAND—OF—JAMAICA, which he names Santa Gloria.
14940505—14940503    —SEE
14970505             —À—LA—DATE—DU, ALESSANDRO—BRACCI écrivait aux X—DE—LA—LIBERTÉ :
14970505             Da questa medesima fonte ho che a questa hora /o accorda tra el PAPA et S—PIERO ad Vincula è fermo et renderalli Hostia per assicurarlo,
14970505             —ET cosi si farà restituire al Prefetto tucto lo Stato, benchè ci intervenga 1—COMPOSITIONE di danari:
14970505             —ET di questo achordo i Vinitiani sono stati per instrumente di che mi richordo di havere scripto per altre la cagione.
14970505             (Les mots en italiques sont en chiffres sur l'original). - (Arch.
15040505             † ANTON—OF—BURGUNDY (~82), the Great Bastard, knight.
15050505             C'est la 1. de 1—SÉRIE de ces coutumes qui fixent la législation dans LES—PROVINCES
15210505             KARL—V.
15210505             —VERGLEICHE—SIEGBURG—URKUNDE—771—VON
15530505             † ERASMUS—ALBERUS (~52), GERMANY—THEOLOGIST (Barfesser Munche).
15780505             —IL Il C. Paciotti r ebbe in feudo, insieme alle sue attinenze, dal DUCA—FRANCESCO—MARIA—II..
15780505             MIT DEM —DATUM—DES, versehen
15780505             —ABGING, NACH VENEDIG,
15780505             worin vorzugsweise und wohl nicht ohne Absicht die Unmöglichkeit, DIE—PANADA fernerhin zu spenden, betont wurde,
15780505             wenn DIE—ERLAUBNISS zur Erhöhung des Cottimo verweigert werde.
15780505             —FOLGENDE—ZEIT—IN—DER, DER—COTTIMO immer mehr gesteigert wurde.
16240505             † DOCTOR—ANTONIO Homem, a convert to Judaism, Priests in COIMBRA burned
16290505             † Chajim Vital, FOUNDER—OF—LURIANIAN mysticism, DAMASCUS
16350505             * PHILIPPE—QUINAULT, FRANCE—PLAYWRIGHT (L'amant indiscret).
16460505             —SURRENDERED, CHARLES—I—KING—OF—, at SCOTLAND.
16570505             * JACQUES—DANICAN—PHILIDOR, composer.
16640505             † ABRAHAM—BEN—SOLOMON killed at LEMBERG.
16760505             —DATUM
16760505             —BEORDERT, JACOB—VON—DER—TOCHT wird nochmals, sich schleunigst zum KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG zu begeben und
16780505             —DATUM—HAAG'). - Aufstellung eines Corps von lüneburgischen und BRANDENBURG—TRUPPEN im Overquartier von GELDERLAND.
16780505             NEUBURGische, MÜNSTERsche und Paderbornsche Völker nach Maaseik.
16780505             Verstärkung DER—STAATISCHEN ARMEE durch diese Völker und
16780505             Ersatz der Völker durch Zuzug aus WEST—FALEN und Preussen.
16780505             —DATUM—KÖLN[CÖLN]—AN—DEN—SP.
16780505             —BESCHWERDE über der FRIEDENS—VERHANDLUNGEN—FORTSETZUNG ohne seine und DÄNEMARKs Zuziehung.
16780505             Bereitwilligkeit zum Frieden.
16780505             Einverständniss mit dem VERTRAG—MIT—ENGLAND.
16780505             Erinnerung an seine VER—DIENSTE um  DIE—GENERAL—STAATEN
16780505             Erbieten, ansehnliche Truppenmassen zum KRIEG—GEGEN—FRANKREICH zu stellen.
16780505             WARNUNG—VOR—DEN verderblichen Folgen 1—TREULOSIGKEIT.
16780505             Entschluss, mit DÄNEMARK zusammen den KRIEG jedenfalls fortzusetzen.
16780505             Unsern freundlichen Gruss und wohlgeneigten Willen zuvor.
16780505             Hochmögende HERREN, besonders liebe Freunde und Nachbaren.
16800505             * GIUSEPPE—PORSILE, composer.
16910505             HEINRICH—GRAFF oo [STOLBERG] AGNES—BEYER aus STOLBERG stiftet WEIHE—TITEL für sein Sohn BERNHARD JACOB (JL—G 391).
16910505             Zeugen: WILHELM—KEUSCH, Zeugen: JOHANN—GERARDTS,
16910505             Zeugen: MICHAEL—KNIVARDT, Zeugen: JOHANN—KREWINCKEL und
16910505             Zeugen: JOHANN—RESSELER, LEUTNANT; Zeugen: FRANZ—AMBRE, Fähnrich;
16910505             Zeugen: JAKOB—THEODOR—SCHWELINGH; Zeugen: JOHANN—WILHELM—OTTEN, Sekretär;
16910505             Zeugen: JOHANN—WERNER—SCHROFF, des PAPA und kaiserlicher Notar aus AACHEN:;
16910505             Zeugen: IGNAZ—NUPPENEY, RECHTSANWALT UND VOGT.
16910505             HENRICH—GRAFF—AUS—DER—VELAU oo [STOLBERG] AGNEßEN—BÄYER—AUS—DER—HAMM, stiftet WEIHE—TITEL für Sohn BERNHARD—JACOB 17150907             —VOM, in KÖLN;
17050505             † Leopold I—VON—HAPSBURG, 64—JAHRE—ALT, EMPEROR—OF—HOLY ROMAN—EMPIRE.
17050505             Halley, Synopsis d'astronomie cométaire
17050505             1. MACHINE à vapeur de Newcomen et Savery
17160505             † Bened.
17160505             Broell (KLOSTER—LAACH)
17410505             "Petition of 'Divers INHABITANTS—OF—THE—COUNTY—OF—LANCASTER seting forth the Necessity of 1—ROAD being laid from WILLIAM Smiths Mill on Bevar Creek to 1—FORD on Octoraro Creek commonly called JOHN—EWING ford from whence (as tis set forth)
17410505             MARTIN—MEILIN, JUNR., [MEHLING]WILLIAM Smith, ANDREW—CALDWELL—OF—DRUMORE [twp], JAMES—JOHNSON and CALEB—PENNEL or any 4—ARE to view, layout, and report to the next court".
17410505             there is 1—OPEN—WAY to WILLIAM BROWN—MILL & the nearest & best way to Several Landings on Christiana' JOHN—HARE Junr.
17550505             Nickel, JOHANN—WILHELM aus Birkesdorf oo Scheben, MARIA—ELISABETH—AUS—GRESSENICH[DISPENS—VOM—AUFGEBOT]
17600416—17600505    —SEE
17600505             The 4. EARL—FERRERS was driven from THE—TOWER—OF—LONDON to be hanged as 1—FELON, the last ENGLAND—NOBLEMAN to be executed this way.
17600505—17600416    —SEE
17690000—18210505    * † NAPOLEON—BONAPARTE, FORMER—EMPEROR—OF—FRANCE (17990000—18150000    ) in exile on THE—ISLAND—OF—S—HELENA.
17840505             KÖLN, Handschriftliche  Erlaubnis zur Verehrung der Reliquie.
17880505             LE—ROI ordonne LE—ARRESTATION—DE—ESPRÉMÉNIL et de Montsabert qui SE—RÉFUGIENT au PARLEMENT
17890505             —SUMMONED, FRANCE, the Estates GENERAL, by LOUIS—XVI—KING—OF—, convened to repair the national finances.
17890505             It sat for several weeks in May and June, but came to 1—IMPASSE as THE—3—ESTATES clashed over their respective powers.
17890505             It was brought to 1—END—WHEN MANY—MEMBERS—OF—THE 3. Estate formed themselves into 1—NATIONAL—ASSEMBLY—SIGNALING—THE—OUTBREAK—OF—THE—FRENCH—REVOLUTION.
17890505             C'est à VERSAILLES que s'ouvrent LES—ÈTATS—GÉNÉRAUX.
17950505             Im Angesicht der dem Reiche drohenden Gefahr schloß PREUßEN am mit FRANKREICH einen SEPARATFRIEDE—ZU—BASEL und
18000505             * LOUIS—HACHETTE, FRANCE—PUBLISHER (Librairie Hachette).
18090505             —ISSUED, MARY—KIES was 1. woman, A—USA—PATENT (weaving straw).
18090505             —DENIED, Citizenship was, to JEWS—OF—CANTON—OF—AARGAU, SWITZERLAND.
18130505—18550000    * † SOREN—KIERKEGAARD, DENMARK—PHILOSOPHER and theologian.
18130505—18550000    "Truth is not introduced into the individual from without, but was within him all the time".
18130505—18550000    —INCLUDED, His books, the philosophical novel "Diary of 1—SEDUCER".
18130505—18550000    —FOUNDED, SOREN—KIERKEGAARD, Existentialism and believed that man's relation to God must be 1—AGONIZING—EXPERIENCE.
18180505             Marx, Karl
18180505             * KARL—MARX, GERMANY—PHILOSOPHER, in Prussia.
18180505             —FOUNDED, KARL—MARX and FRIEDRICH—ENGELS, Communism.
18180505             Together they wrote "THE—COMMUNIST—MANIFESTO" and "Das Capital".
18180505             —FOUNDED, He and FRIEDRICH—ENGELS, Communism.
18180505             * KARL—MARX, in TRIER, Studium und Promotion, JOURNALIST—UND—REDAKTEUR,
18180505             * KARL—MARX, 1—DER geistigen Väter des KOMMUNISMUS, war am in TRIER geboren worden und verbrachte die 1. 17—JAHRE seines Lebens dort.
18180505             * KARL—MARX, in TRIER, in TRIER, lebte lange in PARIS und LONDON im Exil.
18180505             —ARGUED, KARL—MARX, that HISTORY was marked by various STAGES—OF—CLASS—STRUGGLE and CAPITALISM which had overcome FEUDALISM would in turn be overcome by SOCIALISM and THE—ELIMINATION—OF—PRIVATE—PROPERTY.
18180505—18830000    * † KARL—MARX
18210505             † NAPOLEON—BONAPARTE in exile on THE—ISLAND—OF—S—HELENA.
18210505             —POISONED, They, him by putting arsenic in his food.
18210505             SCOTLAND—PATHOLOGIST—DOCTOR—HAMILTON—SMITH—LATER used NAPOLEON—HAIR to determine that arsenic had been administered about 40—TIMES 18200000—18210000    —FROM—TO.
18210505             † NAPOLEON—BONAPARTE by slow poisoning at THE—HANDS—OF—HIS companion CHARLES—TRISTAN—DE—MONTHOLON.
18210505             —NAPOLÉON—AUX—INVALIDES meurt à SAINTE—HÉLÈNE.
18210505—19040000    —IN, F. De Bouirrienne published "MEMOIRS—OF—NAPOLEON—BONAPARTE".
18210505—19880000    —IN, S. De Chair edited "NAPOLEON—MEMOIRS".
18210505—19920000    —AUTHORED, Proctor Patterson Jones, "Napoleon, 1—INTIMATE—ACCOUNT".
18210505—20100000    —IN, 1—LOCK—OF—NAPOLEON—HAIR fetched 140,000 NEW—ZEALAND dollars ($97,000) at auction.
18230505—18760000    * † JAMES—ALLEN—HARDIE, Bvt MAJOR—GENERAL (Union Army).
18300505             * JOHN—B—STETSON, USA—HAT maker.
18300505             JOHN—B—STETSON gave his name to THE—WIDE—BRIMMED cowboy hat.
18320505             * HH—BANCROFT, historian, PUBLISHER (HISTORY—OF—PACIFIC—STATES).
18340505             —OPENED, The 1. mainland railway line, in BELGIUM.
18350505             1. dampfbetriebene BAHN—LINIE auf dem europäischen Kontinent zwischen BRÜSSEL, Mechelen eröffnet
18360000—19020505    * † BRET—HARTE, USA—WRITER, in ENGLAND.
18370505             † NICCOLO—ANTONIO—ZINGARELLI, 85—JAHRE—ALT, ITALY—COMPOSER, bandmaster.
18400505             † MATTHAUS—FISCHER, 76—JAHRE—ALT, composer.
18420505             * JOHANN—NEPOMUK—FUCHS, composer.
18420505             —BURNED, CITY—WIDE—FIRE, for over 100—HOURS in HAMBURG—GERMANY.
18420505             —LEVELED, The medieval CENTER—OF—HAMBURG was virtually.
18420505             —AM, KARL—MARX mit seinem 1. ARTIKEL an der RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—FÜR—POLITIK—HANDEL—UND—GEWERBE mitgearbeitet hat und
18460505—19160000    * † HENRYK—SIENKIEWICZ, author (Quo Vadis, Nobel 19050000             ), in POLAND: "The greater the philosopher, the harder it is for him to answer THE—QUESTIONS—OF—COMMON—PEOPLE".
18480505             * ADALBERT—VON—GOLDSCHMIDT, composer.
18490505             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—290—KÖLN.
18500000—19240505    * † Kate Claxton, NEW—YORK—CITY theater actress.
18520505             1—POLIZEI—BERICHT noch 59—ORTE nennt, in denen der "ARBEITER—VERBRÜDERUNG" angehörende Vereine bestehen, GEGEN—DIE—EINZUSCHREITEN sei.
18540505             —ROBBED, ENGLAND—PIRATE Plumridge, along PRO—ENGLAND—FINLAND—COAST.
18550505             —REGAINED, NEW—YORK—CITY, Castle Clinton.
18550505             It would be used for immigration.
18610505             CS troops abandon ALEXANDRIA—VIRGINIA.
18610505             * PETER—COOPER—HEWITT, electrical engineer, INVENTOR—OF—THE—MERCURY—VAPOR lamp.
18620413—18660505    —ON, Villagers in WATERLOO—NEW—YORK, held their 1. MEMORIAL—DAY—SERVICE.
18620504—18620505    —SEE
18620505             At THE—BATTLE—OF—PUEBLO, a [2,000] 5,000 man MEXICO—FORCE (cavalry), loyal to Benito Juarez and under THE—LEADERSHIP—OF—GENERAL—IGNACIO—ZARAGOZA, defeated 6,000 [10,000] FRANCE—TROOPS sent by NAPOLEON—III.
18620505             THE—FRENCH were attempting to capture PUEBLA de LOS—ANGELES, 1—SMALL—TOWN in EAST—CENTRAL—MEXICO.
18620505             —BECAME, The event, memorialized in the Cinco de Mayo annual festival.
18620505             —INTENDED, Napoleon had, to march through to THE—USA and help the Confederacy in the Civil War.
18620505             Confederate CAPTAIN—CHARLES—BRUCE kept his father APPRISED—OF—CONDITIONS—DURING the crucial Peninsula campaign.
18620505             —REPRESENTED, —BATTLE—OF—PUEBLA, 1—GREAT—MORAL—VICTORY for THE—MEXICO—GOVERNMENT—SYMBOLIZING the country's ability to defend its sovereignty against threat by 1—POWERFUL—FOREIGN nation.
18620505             —MEMORIALIZED, The event became, in the Cinco de Mayo annual festival.
18630505             —BATTLE—OF—TUPELO, MS.
18640505             —ENDED, —WHILE the battle, as 1—TACTICAL draw, Lee was unable to halt GRANT—PROGRESS toward RICHMOND.
18640505             ATLANTA Campaign: 5—DAYS—FIGHTING began at Rocky Face Ridge.
18640505             —BATTLE—OF—WILDERNESS began as ROBERT—E—LEE caught USA—GRANT—FORCES in THE—VIRGINIA woods.
18640505             It was the 1. in 1—SERIES—OF—CLASHES fought as GRANT—ARMY advanced on RICHMOND—VIRGINIA —DURING the close range fighting in the dense WOODS—OF—VIRGINIA, forest fires broke out, killing MANY—WOUNDED soldiers.
18640505             —BATTLE—BETWEEN—CONFEDERATE & Union ships at MOUTH—OF—ROANOKE.
18650501             [see 18660505             , 18680000             ]
18660505             Villagers in WATERLOO—NY, held their 1. Memorial —DAY service.
18660505—18620413    —ON, volunteers led by SARAH—J—EVANS had paid homage to THE—GRAVES—OF—CIVIL—WAR—SOLDIERS in THE—WASHINGTON area.
18660505—19660000    —IN, PRESIDENT—JOHNSON gave WATERLOO—NY, THE—DISTINCTION—OF—HOLDING the 1. Memorial —DAY.
18670505             * NELLIE—BLY, [ELIZABETH Cochran Seaman], journalist.
18670505             At THE—BATTLE—OF—PUEBLA, THE—MEXICO—JUAREZ forces under Mariano Escobedo defeated MAXIMILIAN—FORCES at Gueratero.
18680505—18680530    —PROCLAIMED, Memorial —DAY was officially, by GENERAL—JOHN—LOGAN, national COMMANDER—OF—THE—GRAND—ARMY—OF—THE—REPUBLIC, in his GENERAL—ORDER—NUMBER 11, and was 1. observed, —WHEN flowers were placed on THE—GRAVES—OF—UNION and Confederate soldiers at ARLINGTON National Cemetery.
18680505—18820000    —CHANGED, The preferred name for the holiday gradually, from "Decoration —DAY" to "Memorial —DAY", which was 1. used.
18680505—19670000    —UNTIL, It was not declared the official name by Federal law.
18790505             —SUPPORTED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT—THE—POWER—OF—STATES to restrict polygamy in Reynolds vs. USA.
18810505             ANTI—JEWISH rioting took place in KIEV—UKRAINE.
18830505             * CHARLES—ALBERT "CHIEF" Bender, the only Native American in baseball's HALL—OF—FAME.
18850505             —LONDON, an MARX' Geburtstag. FRIEDRICH—ENGELS
18860505             1—BOMB exploded on the 4. —DAY—OF—1—WORKERS' strike in CHICAGO—ILLINOIS.
18900505—19570000    * † CHRISTOPHER—MORLEY, AUTHOR—JOURNALIST (Kitty Foyle).
18900505—19570000    "My theology, briefly, is that the universe was dictated but not signed".
18900505—19570000    "Truth is not 1—DIET but 1—CONDIMENT".
18900505—19570000    "Religion is 1—ATTEMPT—1—NOBLE—ATTEMPT, to suggest in human terms MORE—THAN—HUMAN—REALITIES".
18910427—18910505    Für die 8—STUNDEN—SCHICHT—CA—20.000—BERG—ARBEITER—STREIK im RUHR—GEBIET Erfolglos.
18910427—18910505    MILITÄR GEGEN—DIE—CA—20.000—BERG—ARBEITER—STREIK im RUHR—GEBIET eingesetzt wird
18910427—18910505    Gemaßregelt Zahlreiche BERG—ARBEITER im RUHR—GEBIET werden
18910505             —THRIVED, Musicians, painters, dancers and actors, in 2—TOWERS built by 18010101—19001231     industrialist ANDREW—CARNEGIE —JUST—AFTER the hall went up.
18910505             Carnegie Hall (then named Music Hall) had its opening night in NEW—YORK City.
18910505             Tchaikovsky was the guest conductor.
18910505             —HOUSED, THE—CARNEGIE—TOWERS, 1 12—STORIES—HIGH, the other 16, more than 100—STUDIOS.
18910505—20100000    —GUTTED, THE—CITY—OWNED towers were, in a $200—MILLION—RENOVATION—PROGRAM.
18920505             —PASSED, USA—CONGRESS, the Geary CHINA—EXCLUSION—ACT, which required Chinese in THE—USA to be registered and carry 1—IDENTITY—CARD or face deportation.
18920505             —ORDERED, THE—6—COMPANIES—OF—S—FRANCISCO, all 110,000 immigrants to refuse compliance.
18920505             † JAN—NEPOMUK—SKROUP, 80—JAHRE—ALT, composer.
18930505             Panic hit THE—NEW—YORK Stock Exchange;
18930505             —BY —YEAR—END, the country was in the throes of 1—SEVERE—DEPRESSION.
18980505             EINSTIMMIG beschließt DER—BAYERISCHE—LAND—TAG Politische Vereine dürfen untereinander in Verbindung treten.
18980505             EINSTIMMIG beschließt DER—BAYERISCHE—LAND—TAG Großjährigen Frauen wird zugestanden, sich an politischen Vereinen mit bestimmter Zielsetzung (darunter nicht DIE—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATIE) zu beteiligen.
18980505             EINSTIMMIG beschließt DER—BAYERISCHE—LAND—TAG Die Kammer der Reichsräte (1. Kammer) stimmt den Änderungen zu.
18990505             * FREEMAN—F—GOSDEN, radio comedy writer and performer (Amos 'n' Andy), in RICHMOND—VIRGINIA.
19000505             * HANS—SCHMIDT—ISSERSTEDT, GERMANY—COMPOSER, conductor (Hassan gewinnt).
19000505             "THE—BILLBOARD" began weekly publication.
19030505—19850000    * † JAMES—BEARD, USA culinary expert, author (Delights & Prejudices), in PORTLAND, Ore.
19040505             —PITCHED, DENTON—TRUE—YOUNG (Cy Young) of THE—BOSTON Red Sox, THE—USA—LEAGUE—1. perfect game as THE—BOSTON Red Sox defeated THE—PHILADELPHIA Athletics, 3-0.
19070505             S—FRANCISCO streetcar WORKERS—OF—THE—CARMEN—UNION went on strike —AFTER PATRICK—CALHOUN, PRESIDENT—OF—THE—UNITED—RAILROADS, refused to accept a $3—PER 8-hour —DAY wage.
19070505             —INDUCED, Calhoun, the strike and hired JAMES—FARLEY to break the union.
19070505             —ENDED, The strike, up leaving 31—PEOPLE—DEAD.
19080505             * REX—HARRISON, actor.
19080505             —STARRED, REX—HARRISON, in "My Fair Lady".
19090000—20050505    * † JUNE—MACCLOY—BUTLER, film actress.
19090505             * CARLOS—BAKER, biographer.
19090505—18380000    † * PAULINE—STAEGEMANN, geboren im Oderbruch, Dienstmädchen,
19120000—20030505    * † SOUTH—AFRICAN—WALTER—SISULU, ANTI—APARTHEID hero.
19120505             THE—SOVIET—COMMUNIST—PARTY—NEWSPAPER—PRAVDA began publishing.
19120505             IOSIF—VISSARIONOVICH—DZHUGASHVILI took the name STALIN, meaning "MAN—OF—STEEL," about the time he helped found THE—RUSSIA—COMMUNIST—NEWSPAPER—PRAVDA.
19120505             —SPECIALIZED, STALIN, in writing about national minorities in RUSSIA and went on to become EDITOR—OF—PRAVDA.
19150505             * ALICE—JEANNE—LEPPERT, known —LATER as the actress ALICE—FAYE, in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19150505             [SOME—SOURCES give her birth —YEAR as 19120000             ] She reigned as THE—QUEEN—OF—THE—FOX movie lot 19350000—19440000    —FROM—TO.
19150505             * RICHARD—H—ROVERE, journalist (Goldwater Caper), in JERSEY—CITY.
19150505             GERMANY—U 20—SANK THE—EARL—OF—LATHOM.
19150505             SOZIALISTISCHE—AUSLANDSPOLITIK—KORRESPONDENZ, HERAUSGEGEBEN—DURCH R. Breitscheid, unter ständiger Mitwirkung von EDUARD—BERNSTEIN, H. Block, GUSTAV—ECKSTEIN, KARL—KAUTSKY, H. Ströbel erscheint zum 1. Mal.
19150505             Ab ;;1122;;
19150505—19350000    —FROM, [SOME—SOURCES give her birth —YEAR as 19120000             ] She reigned as THE—QUEEN—OF—THE—FOX movie lot to 19440000            .
19160000—20080505    * † HUGH—BRADNER, UC physicist and diver.
19160515—19160505    —SEE
19160529             [see 19160505             &15, 19160000             ]
19170000—20080505    * † IRVINE—ROBBINS, CO—FOUNDER—OF—THE—BASKINS—ROBBINS ice cream chain.
19190505             * GEORGE—LONDON, BASS—BARITONE (THE—FLYING—DUTCHMAN, Wotan, Scarpia.
19190505             Rigoletto), in MONTREAL—CANADA.
19190505             * GEORGE—LONDON, BASS—BARITONE (THE—FLYING—DUTCHMAN, Wotan, Scarpia, Rigoletto), in MONTREAL—CANADA.
19200505             USA—PRESIDENT—WILSON made the Communist Labor Party illegal.
19200505             —ARRESTED, Anarchists Nicola Sacco and BARTOLOMEO—VANZETTI were, for murder.
19210714             —CONVICTED, ITALY—ANARCHISTS—NICOLA Sacco and BARTOLOMEO—VANZETTI were, for 19200505             —THE—KILLING—OF—1—PAYMASTER and guard at 1—SHOE factory in SOUTH—BRAINTREE, MASSACHUSETTS.
19220505             Construction began on Yankee Stadium in the Bronx.
19250505             —ARRESTED, JOHN—T—SCOPES was, in TENNESSEE for teaching DARWIN—THEORY—OF—EVOLUTION.
19260000—20020505    * † BOLIVIA, HUGO—BANZER, former dictator (19710000—19780000    ) and PRESIDENT (19970000—20010000    ), at age 75.
19260505             —REFUSED, Sinclair Lewis, his PULITZER—PRIZE for "Arrowsmith".
19270505             —PREMIERED, DMITRI—SHOSTAKOVITCH' 1. Symphony, in BERLIN.
19300505             —OPENED, CHICAGO, the Merchandise Mart, as the world's largest building.
19300505             The building spans 2—CITY—BLOCKS and encompasses more than 4—MILLION—SQUARE—FEET.
19300505             —CALLED, It is sometimes, the country's 1. groundscraper.
19340000—20180505    * † Stanford PROFESSOR—STANLEY—FALKOW, at his home in Portola VALLEY—CALIFORNIA.
19341106—19350505    —ON, It received its charter from the then DISTRICT—GOVERNOR—OF—FINLAND in THE—KAUNAS Town Hall.
19350505             USA—JESSE—OWENS set the long jump record at 26—FT. 8—INCH.
19360505             —PATENTED, EDWARD—RAVENSCROFT, SCREW—ON bottle cap with 1—POUR lip.
19370505             —AM, seinen Stapellauf und wurde von Gustloffs o†o Hedwig im Beisein ADOLF—HITLERS getauft.
19400505             —FORMED, NORWAY—GOVERNMENT in exile, in LONDON.
19410505             —RETURNED, Emperor Haile Selassie, to ADDIS—ABABA, ETHIOPIA.
19410505             1—PULITZER—PRIZE was awarded to Robert E Sherwood (There shall be no night).
19420505             * TAMMY—WYNETTE, country singer (Stand by your Man), in REDBAY—ALABAMA.
19420505             —LEARNED, GENERAL—JOSEPH—STILWELL, that the Japanese had cut his railway OUT—OF—CHINA and was forced to lead his troops into INDIA.
19420505             —LANDED, The 1. JAPAN—SOLDIERS, on THE—PHILIPPINES—ISLAND—OF—CORREGIDOR defended by only 13,000 soldiers under GENERAL—WAINWRIGHT.
19420505             † More than 1,000 Americans and Filipinos in DEFENSE—OF—THE—ISLAND.
19430505             * MICHAEL—PALIN, actor and screenwriter (MONTY—PYTHON—FLYING—CIRCUS).
19430505             —INVENTED, Postmaster GENERAL—FRANK—C—WALKER, the Postal Zone System.
19440505             * JOHN—RHYS—DAVIES, actor (SIR—EDWARD—QUEST, Sliders), in Salisbury ENGLAND.
19440505             —FREED, Gandhi was, from prison.
19440505             A RUSSIA—OFFENSIVE took place against Sebastopol Krim.
19441101—19450505    —ON, They had no —DAY off —UNTIL linking RUSSIA—ALLIES.
19450505             —SERVED, He had, —DURING the war as 1—PROFASCIST and ANTI—SEMITIC—SPOKESMAN for the Mussolini government.
19450505             1—JAPAN—BALLOON—BOMB exploded on Gearhart Mountain in OREGON, killing MISTER—S—ELSIE—MITCHELL, the pregnant WIFE—OF—1—MINISTER, and 5—CHILDREN—AFTER they attempted to drag it out the woods in LAKEVIEW—OREGON.
19450505             —ARMED, The balloon was, and exploded soon —AFTER they began tampering with it.
19450505             —BECAME, They, the 1. and only known USA—CIVILIANS to be killed in the continental USA —WWII—DURING.
19450505             There was 1—UPRISING against SS—OCCUPATION—TROOPS in PRAGUE.
19450505             —LIBERATED, NETHERLANDS and DENMARK were, from Nazi control.
19450505             —ARRESTED, EZRA—POUND—POET and author, was, by USA—ARMY—SOLDIERS in ITALY for treason.
19450505             Its inmates were THE—LAST—OF—ALL—CONCENTRATION—CAMP—PRISONERS to be freed by the Allies.
19480505             1. air SQUADRON—OF—JETS aboard 1—CARRIER
19490505             —DEFINED, ROBERT—SCHUMAN, foreign MINISTER—OF—FRANCE, 1—COUNTRY as European by its democratic and institutional adherence to common European values.
19490505             —GRÜNDUNG des Europarates - Gruendung des Europarates
19490505             —GRÜNDUNG des Europarates
19500505             Special Events for THE—YEAR—PHILLIPPINES PRESIDENT—QUIRINO ends emergency crisis... UN Security Council calls on members for troops to aid SOUTH—KOREA...
19500505             "Cabinet members left in the minority must, in THE—NAME—OF—DEMOCRACY... The official was identified as MARIO—ROLDÁN—QUIRINO, 1—LEADER—OF—1—SPECIAL...
19500505—20160000    —IN, Bhumibol † at age 88—AFTER reigning —FOR—7—DECADES.
19520505             1—PULITZER—PRIZE awarded to Herman Wouk (CAINE—MUTINY).
19540505             —LASTED, THOMAS—ROMERO—PEREIRA came to power in 1—MILITARY—COUP that, —FOR—3—DAYS.
19540505             He is best known for giving up power —3—MONTHS—LATER to Alfredo Stroessner who then became THE—DICTATOR—OF—PARAGUAY —FOR—35—YEARS.
19550505             —OPENED, The baseball musical "Damn Yankees", on Broadway.
19550505             —PRODUCED, It was, by GEORGE—ABBOTT and Douglass Wallop and ran for 1022—PERFORMANCES.
19550505             —DETONATED, THE—USA, a 29-kiloton nuclear device in NEVADA.
19550505             "Apple 2" was the 2. of 40—TESTS—OF—OPERATION—CUE, meant to study the effects of 1—NUCLEAR—EXPLOSION on 1—TYPICAL—USA—COMMUNITY.
19550505             —BECAME, WEST—GERMANY, a sovereign state.
19550505             —ACCEPTED, INDIA—PARLIAMENT, Hindu divorce.
19550505             —PLAYED, RAY—WALSTON, the devil in the play and 19580000             —THE—MOVIE.
19550505             * NORA—SLATKIN
19550505             1—INTERNAL—CIA—MEMO emphasizes the need for 1—DRUG that creates 1—STATE—OF—"pure euphoria"and no letdown.
19550505             —FROM this springs CIA—OPERATION—MIDNIGHT—CLIMAX, in which CIA—BROTHELS were set up in S—FRANCISCO, and their customers surreptitiously dosed with LSD by prostitutes.
19550505             —OBSERVED, CIA—OPERATIVE—GEORGE—HUNTER—WHITE, reactions behind a 2—WAY—MIRROR, purely in THE—INTEREST—OF—SCIENCE.
19580505             —HONORED, JAMES—AGEE was posthumously, for his novel "1—DEATH in the Family".
19610505             —REACHED, The spacecraft, 1—MAXIMUM altitude of 116.5—MILES.
19610505             † ASTRONAUT—ALAN—BARTLETT—SHEPARD—JUNIOR (19980000             ), 1—NAVY—COMMANDER, became the 1. American in space as he made a 15-minute suborbital flight in the Freedom 7—PROJECT—MERCURY capsule launched from Cape CANAVERAL—FLORIDA.
19620505             THE—WEST—SIDE—STORY soundtrack album went to #1 and stayed #1 —FOR—54—WEEKS—MORE than 20—WEEKS—LONGER than ANY—OTHER album.
19640505             —RIOTED, Separatists, in QUEBEC.
19650503—19650505    —FROM, THE—ALBERTO—POLLLO—INSTITUTE would organize the —NOW infamous conference which marked the Ideological BIRTH—OF—THE—STRATEGY—OF—TENSION.
19650503—19650505    —FROM, Held in THE—PARCO—DEI—PRINCIPI—HOTEL
19650503—19650505    —FROM, The conference was ATTENDED—BY THE—ELITE—OF—THE—ITALY—MILITARY and THE—EXTREME—RIGHT,
19650503—19650505    —FROM, including EUROPE—MOST notorious fascist terrorist, STEFANO—DELLE—CHIAIE,
19650503—19650505    which rocked ITALY
19650505             1. LARGE—SCALE USA—ARMY ground units arrived in SOUTH—VIETNAM.
19670505             LA—VANGUARDIA—ESPANOLA—PAGE—11;
19680505             —CLOSED, SPAIN, its frontier with GIBRALTAR.
19680505             This Followed 1—REFERENDUM in which GIBRALTAR—VOTERS were asked whether they wished to become PART—OF—SPAIN and voted with 1—RESOUNDING no vote.
19680505             USA—AIR—FORCE—PLANES hit Nhi Ha, SOUTH—VIETNAM, in SUPPORT—OF—ATTACKING infantrymen.
19690505             THE—KIOWA—AUTHOR—WAS—THE 1. USA—INDIAN to win the prize.
19690505             N. SCOTT—MOMADAY (19340000              *) received THE—PULITZER—PRIZE for Literature for "House MADE—OF—DAWN".
19690505             NORMAN—MAILER won THE—GENERAL—NON—FICTION—PULITZER—PRIZE for "ARMIES—OF—THE—NIGHT" (19680000             ).
19720505             —CRASHED, ALITALIA—DC 8—FLIGHT—112, WEST—OF—PALERMO, Sicily;
19720505             killing 115. - ALITALIA—DC 8—FLIGHT—112—CRASHED WEST—OF—PALERMO, Sicily;
19720505             killing 115.
19731117             PS Wiki Encyclopedia... GEORGE—PAPADOPOULOS—GREEK—GE, Georgios Papadopoulos, (19190505             ... CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE Agency.
19750505             MICHAEL—SHAARA won PULITZER—PRIZE in fiction for his novel "Killer Angels".
19760505             —RENAMED, SRI—LANKA, THE—TNT was, the Liberation TIGERS—OF—TAMIL Eelam (LTTE), commonly known as Tigers.
19760618—19860505    —ON, His last known crime was 1—MURDER in IRVINE.
19770505             TEXAS, JOE—CAMPOS—TORRES, 23—JAHRE—ALT, 1—MEXICAN—AMERICAN—VIETNAM—WAR—VETERAN arrested on 1—DISORDERLY conduct charge, was beaten to death by HOUSTON police officers.
19770505             2—OF—THE—6—OFFICERS were —LATER CONVICTED—OF—MISDEMEANOR negligent homicide and fined $1 and sentenced to probation.
19790505             —REACHED, The recording "In THE—NAVY" by THE—VILLAGE—PEOPLE, #9 on the pop singles chart.
19790505             Brown Root Services (LB). - - 50, 02-C-0044. NOB CONSTRUCTION—TBLISI—GEORGIA.
19790505             57.7—MILLION.
19790826—19160518    —ON, Investigators believe he † shortly —AFTER he escaped from THE—S—ANTHONY jail, where he was being held for THE—MURDER—OF—HIS 2. wife AGNES—OCTAVIA—CALDWELL—LOVELESS 19160505             —ON.
19800505             PRESIDENT—CARTER said that the Mariel Cubans would be welcomed "with open hearts and open arms".
19800505             19—HOSTAGES were rescued; 2—OTHERS had already been killed by their captors;
19800505             4—OF—THE—5—HOSTAGE—TAKERS also were killed.
19800505             1—SIEGE at THE—IRAN—EMBASSY in LONDON ended as UNITED—KINGDOM—COMMANDOS and police stormed the building.
19800505—19990000    —IN, 1.750—MARIELS were in detention as "excludable aliens," under INS custody for crimes committed —AFTER being released at least once.
19820423             —ATTRIBUTED, It was —LATER, to the Unabomber THEODORE—KACZYNSKI 19820505             —SEE.
19820505             —INJURED, JANET—SMITH—1—SECRETARY, was, —WHEN 1—BOMB—PACKAGE was opened at Vanderbilt Univ.
19831100             20080505 20071122              : Kurz vor dem Atomkrieg (Tageszeitung junge Welt)Die Aufklärung des NATO—MANÖVERS " Able Archer ": Wie die HVA dazu beitrug, den Kalten Krieg kalt zu halten.
19850505             It began as PART—OF—1—WELL—INTENTIONED plan to observe the 40....
19850505             USA—PRESIDENT—REAGAN laying 1—WREATH at KOLMESHOHE—CEMETERY—BITBURG—WEST—GERMANY... alfatomega.com/20050221.html
19850505             HITLER—GHOST—NAZI Influence in AMERICA—DEMOCRATIC Underground
19850505             REAGAN—WORSHIPS—THE—WAFFEN—SS
19850505             —FROM CAFI—LIST—SAT 200005171553 ... to appease WEST—GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—HELMUT—KOHL, REAGAN visited KOLMESHOHE—CEMETERY—BITBURG—WEST—GERMANY, where some 2,000—GERMANY—SERVICEMEN were buried...
19850505             —VISITED, Reagan, BITBURG—KOLMESHOHE—CEMETERY, where some 2,000 GERMANY—SERVICEMEN were buried...+ Waffen SS
19850505             Wired NEW—YORK FORUM—THE—MEMORIAL Competition 1—LIST—OF—THE—DEAD SS officers buried at KOLMESHOHE—CEMETERY—BITBURG—WEST—GERMANY, would have 1—DIFFERENT—EFFECT on their relatives than on Jews.
19850505             bpang_com: MP3 Of THE—DAY... to justify their intentions".
19850505             That said, what could have been the true intentions behind RONALD—REAGAN'S 19850000              visit to THE—KOLMESHOHE—CEMETERY—BITBURG—WEST—GERMANY ?
19850505             Related Links for bitburg military cemetery — wordIQ_com Kohl suggested THE—KOLMESHOHE—CEMETERY—BITBURG—WEST—GERMANY... visit to Bitburg..
19850505             Related Links for bitburg military CEMETERY—WORDIQ_com... allies.
19850505             —SUGGESTED, Kohl, the Kolmeshohe Cemetery at Bitburg... visit to Bitburg... eightiesclub.tripod_com RONALD—REAGAN... that.
19850505             RONALD REAGAN Autograph... Kohl suggested THE—KOLMESHOHE CEMETERY at Bitburg, 1—TOWN in the Eifel hills where nearly 11,000 Americans attached to 1—NEARBY—AIRBASE lived in harmony with...
19850505             Conservative Punk Forum... fun of THE—REAGAN—LOVING Johnny in songs like "Bonzo Goes to Bitburg ".
19850505             It began as PART—OF—1—WELL—INTENTIONED plan to observe the 40.... eightiesclub.tripod_com/id342.htm
19850505             Plastic: War Sanitized: Covering Up THE—AFTERMATH... Plus Kolmeshohe ( Bitburg's the town) wasn't the cemetery where SS troops were buried, it was 1—CEMETERY where SS troops were buried -- 49—OUT of about 2,000
19850505—19850000    —IN, was 1—DIATRIBE against Reagan for visiting Kolmeshohe military cemetery.
19860505             —BLUDGEONED, CALIFORNIA, THE—EAST—AREA—RAPIST, to death Janelle Cruz (18) in her parent's home in IRVINE.
19860505—19760618    —ON, This was his last known crime —SINCE a 1. attack, in Rancho Cordova.
19860505—20160000    —OFFERED, THE—FBI and local law enforcement, a $50,000 reward and issued 1—FRESH—APPEAL for public information to identify him.
19870505             —OPENED, The congressional IRAN—CONTRA hearings, with FORMER—AIR—FORCE—MAJOR—GENERAL—RICHARD V. Secord as THE—LEAD—OFF witness.
19870505             THE—USA—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT began 1—YEARLONG amnesty program, offering citizenship to illegal immigrants who met certain conditions.
19870505             S—FRANCISCO—THE, 21.—STREET Baths at 3244 21. —STREET. turned off its steam room and shut down its adult movie theater in response to THE—AIDS—EPIDEMIC.
19870505—19960000    —RAZED, The building was.
19880505—19900700    —IN, THE—REVEREND—EUGENE—ANTONIO—MARINO stepped down because of a 2—YEAR—AFFAIR with COLUMBUS resident VICKI—LONG.
19890505             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE ordered sweeping changes in THE—FBI—PROMOTION—SYSTEM—MONTHS—AFTER the judge found that the bureau had systematically discriminated against its Hispanic employees in advancements and assignments.
19900505             "Unbridled" won the 116. running of THE—KENTUCKY DERBY.
19900505             5—PEOPLE were killed as 3—SMALL—FISHING—BOATS capsized in THE—STRAIT—OF—JUAN—DE—FUCA, along THE—NORTH—WEST—INTERNATIONAL—BORDER between THE—USA and CANADA.
19910505             —CELEBRATED, NEW—YORK CITY—CARNEGIE—HALL, its centennial with an ALL—DAY, ALL—STAR concert.
19910505             —CONTINUED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, to experience 1—IRREGULAR heartbeat, 1—DAY—AFTER he was taken to Bethesda Naval Hospital BECAUSE—OF—FATIGUE and SHORTNESS—OF—BREATH.
19920505             —KILLED, Some 42—SOLDIERS were.
19920505             —PICKED, PRESIDENT—BUSH and Democrat BILL—CLINTON, up primary victories in INDIANA—NORTH—CAROLINA and THE—DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA.
19920505             —CURBED, THE—BASEL—CONVENTION, which, THE—TRADE—OF—TOXIC—MATERIALS, came into force —AFTER being ratified by 20—NATIONS.
19920505             —EVACUATED, YUGOSLAVIA—TROOPS, SARAJEVO, under 1—DEAL struck with THE—UN.
19920505             —CLASHED, THE—YUGOSLAVIA—TROOPS, with Bosnians under THE—LEADERSHIP—OF—EJUP—GANIC.
19920505—20080000    —BY, 170—NATIONS had signed the convention.
19930505             —ROILED, RUMORS—OF—SATANISM, the community in the weeks —FOLLOWING their deaths.
19930505             —SENTENCED, Jessie Misskelley (18) was, to life plus 40—YEARS;
19930505             —SENTENCED, DAMIEN—ECHOLS, 19—JAHRE—ALT was, to death.
19930505             —BASED, The case was largely, on 1—CONFESSION by Misskelley, who was mentally handicapped.
19930505             THE—BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—SERBIA—PARLIAMENT began debating A—UNITED—NATIONS—PEACE—PLAN for Bosnia, rejecting the plan THE—FOLLOWING—DAY.
19930505             WEST—MEMPHIS, ARKANSAS, Cub Scouts STEVE—BRANCH—8—JAHRE—ALT, CHRISTOPHER—BYERS, 8—JAHRE—ALT and MICHAEL—MOORE, 8—JAHRE—ALT were found dead, nude and hogtied.
19930505             —RECOMMENDED, UNITED—NATIONS SECRETARY—GENERAL—BOUTROS—BOUTROS—GHALI, creation of 1—TRIBUNAL to try those responsible for war crimes in FORMER—YUGOSLAVIA.
19930505—19940000    —SENTENCED, JASON—BALDWIN, 16—JAHRE—ALT was, to life in prison;
19930505—19960000    —IN, JO—BERLINGER and BRUCE—SINOFSKY made an HBO documentary: "THE—CHILD—MURDERS at ROBIN—HOOD—HILLS".
19930505—20070000    —IN, new DNA tests and forensic evidence challenged THE—GUILT—OF—THE—TEENAGERS.
19930505—20110000    —IN, the defendants, known by their supporters as THE—WEST—MEMPHIS 3, agreed to 1—LEGAL—MANEUVER that let them maintain their innocence —WHILE acknowledging prosecutors have enough evidence against them.
19940505             Labour beat the Conservatives in UK—LOCAL—ELECTIONS.
19940505             —CANED, SINGAPORE, USA—TEENAGER—MICHAEL—FAY for vandalism, 1—DAY—AFTER the sentence was reduced from 6—LASHES to 4 in response to 1—APPEAL by PRESIDENT—CLINTON, who considered the punishment too harsh.
19940505             It displayed 10—40—METEORS per —HOUR.
19940505             Labour beat the Conservatives in UNITED—KINGDOM—LOCAL—ELECTIONS.
19940505             THE—PEAK—OF—THE—ETA—AQUARID meteor shower.
19940505             FM 33-1 -1, Psychological Operations Techniques and Procedures, 36.
19950505             —COLLAPSED, Talks, between THE—USA—AND—JAPAN on averting 1—TRADE fight over automobiles.
19950505             Thunderstorms began tearing through NORTH—TEXAS, claiming 2—DOZEN—LIVES.
19950505             —ENDED, As rescue workers, their search for bodies in THE—OKLAHOMA City bombing, PRESIDENT—CLINTON denounced SELF—STYLED ANTI—GOVERNMENT—MILITIAS—SAYING, "How dare you call yourselves patriots and heroes".
19960505             —GUESSED, ALASKA, at the Nenana Ice Classic, 12—WINNERS, THE—MOVEMENT—OF—ICE on the Tanana River at 12:32 p.m. and split the $300,000 jackpot.
19960505             ISRAEL and the Palestinians began the final STAGE—OF—THEIR—PEACE—TALKS in TABA—EGYPT.
19960505—19950000    —RELEASED, THE—FBI, preliminary figures showing that serious crimes reported to police fell for the 4. straight —YEAR.
19970501—19970505    —ON, 1—TOTAL—OF $106,000 was recovered and $445,000 was still missing —WHEN 1—AMNESTY for returning cash ended.
19970505             —ARRIVED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, in MEXICO for his 1. Latin USA—TRIP—WHILE in office.
19970505             1—JURY in JACKSONVILLE—FLORIDA, found R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. was not responsible for THE—DEATH—OF—LIFELONG smoker JEAN—CONNOR.
19970505             —RATIFIED, USA—AIRLINES' pilots, 1—CONTRACT, ending nearly 3—YEARS—OF—NEGOTIATIONS.
19970505             —KILLED, Police in TEXAS, MICHAEL—MATSON, 1—OF—THE escaped secessionists.
19970505             [He was reported on TV to have fired on 1—POLICE—HELICOPTER and police dogs.] RICHARD—KEYES was still being sought.
19970505             PALESTINE, ARAFAT—JUSTICE—MINISTER said he would impose the death penalty on Palestinians who sell land to Israelis to prevent ISRAEL—EXPANSION.
19970505             2—MEN were killed or injured in the digging operation.
19970505             —KILLED, POLAND, 12—PEOPLE were, in 1—TRAIN—CRASH in Reptowo.
19970505             —NATIONALIZED, ZAIRE, the rebels, the Sizarail rail system, 1—CONSORTIUM that belonged to SOUTH—AFRICAN, Belgian and Zairian interests.
19970505             PERU—THE—24—MINERS who dug tunnels for the commandos in LIMA had still not returned home and their families feared for their lives.
19980505             The $816—MILLION, 3.1—MILLION—SQ.-ft.
19980505             —CONTINUED, ISRAEL, however, to balk at the proposal.
19980505             —CLASHED, INDONESIA, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, with police in MEDAN in protests as big increases in THE—PRICE—OF—GASOLINE and other essentials went into effect under 1—IMF bailout plan.
19980505             —KILLED, MEXICO, 1—FOREST—FIRE—19—FIREFIGHTERS and left 12—MISSING.
19990503             —DEPARTED, THE—6—STRAGGLERS, 19990505         .
19990504—19990505    —SEE
19990505             In the 34. annual Country Music Awards Garth Brooks was selected as ENTERTAINER—OF—THE—YEAR, TIM—MCGRAW as top MALE vocalist, and Faith Hill as top female vocalist.
19990505             —VISITED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, USA—TROOPS in GERMANY and conferred with senior NATO—COMMANDERS.
19990505             1—FIRE at THE—HOME—OF—MARTIN—R—FRANKEL in GREENWICH—CONNECTICUT, triggered 1—INVESTIGATION that unveiled his disappearance along with some $218—MILLION.
19990505             THE—S—FRANCIS—OF—ASSISI—FOUNDATION was set up by Frankel and used as 1—FRONT to help gain CONTROL—OF—INSURANCE—MONEY.
19990505             —RAISED, The amount missing was, to $335—MILLION.
19990505             —VANISHED, Frankel, with as much as $3—BILLION in client's money.
19990505             The 1. 453—KOSOVAR refugees from camps in MACEDONIA arrived at the 31,000-acre Fort DIX—NEW—JERSEY.
19990505             —AGREED, AT&T, to buy MediaOne for $58—BILLION.
19990505             2—USA—CREW members were killed —WHEN 1—APACHE helicopter crashed in ALBANIA —DURING training.
19990505             —REPORTED, NATO—STRATEGISTS were, to have 1—PLAN to send 60,000 ground troops into KOSOVO —AROUND July to take the province from retreating Serbs.
19990505             —CALLED, Their original plan, for 28,000 soldiers to supervise 1—INTERIM—PEACE—SETTLEMENT.
19990505             IBRAHIM—RUGOVA, prominent ALBANIA—LEADER, flew to ROME with THE—PERMISSION—OF—YUGOSLAVIA—AUTHORITIES for talks with Premier Massimo D'Alema and foreign MINISTER—LAMBERTO—DINI.
19990505             † In CONGO it was reported that over 63—PEOPLE had from 1—UNKNOWN—DISEASE that appeared to be 1—TYPE—OF—HEMORRHAGIC fever.
19990505             —CAUSED, The disease was, by the Marburg virus.
19990505             —SIGNED, INDONESIA and PORTUGAL, accords to enable THE—PEOPLE—OF—EAST—TIMOR to vote on independence 19990808            .
19990505             —SIGNED, NIGERIA, GENERAL—ABUBAKAR, 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION designed to smooth the transition to CIVIL—RULE.
19990505             It banned the establishment of 1—STATE religion and THE—USE—OF—ANY—LANGUAGE in PARLIAMENT except English, Hausa, Igbo or Yoruba.
19990505             † From ZAMBIA it was reported that over 63—PEOPLE had from 1—UNKNOWN—DISEASE in NORTH—EAST—CONGO that appeared to be 1—TYPE—OF—HEMORRHAGIC fever.
19990505             —INCLUDED, CLINTON—MORALE—BOOSTING—TRIP to EUROPE, 1—VISIT to Ramstein Air Base in GERMANY, where he met THE—3—USA—SOLDIERS—JUST released by YUGOSLAVIA.
19990505             —ASSOCIATED, Early THE—FOLLOWING—DAY 1—FLEET—OF—SECURITY—PERSONNEL, with MISTER—FRANKEL accepted 1—DELIVERY—OF $10—MILLION in diamonds at Teterboro airport in NEW—JERSEY.
19990505             —OUTLINED, Western allies and RUSSIA, 1—ACCORD for "1—INTERNATIONAL—CIVIL and security presence" in KOSOVO under 1—UN—MANDATE—FOLLOWING—THE—WITHDRAWAL—OF—SERBIA—FORCES.
19990505             1—TOTAL—OF—UP to 20,000 refugees were expected in operation Task Force Open Arms.
19990505             —SENTENCED, YEMEN, 1—COURT—3—ISLAMIC—MILITANTS to death for their role in the abduction and KILLING—OF—WEST—TOURISTS in Dec.
19990505             † MOST—OF—THE—DEAD were gold miners and within 6—DAYS—OF—BECOMING—ILLINOIS.
19990505             FRANK—VIVIANO, "KLA Linked to Enormous Heroin Trade," —WEDNESDAY, Page A-1)
19990505             Can Hurricanes Be Used As WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION
20000505             —AGREED, ISRAEL and Hezbollah guerrillas in LEBANON, to 1—CEASE—FIRE.
20000505             —AGREED, THE—PHILIPPINES the government and THE—MILF, to a 48-hour CEASE—FIRE on Mindanao.
20000505             —SEIZED, SIERRA—LEONE, rebels, more UN troops and were reported to be holding 300—TROOPS and observers hostage.
20000505             —SCRAMBLED, GENERAL—VIJAY—KUMAR—JETLEY—OF—INDIA, to consolidate his UN troop positions.
20000505             —ELECTED, TURKEY—PARLIAMENT, JUDGE—AHMET—NECDET—SEZER (19410000              *) as the country's 10. PRESIDENT.
20000505             —CLASHED, CONGO, Ugandan and RWANDA—TROOPS, at KISANGANI and at least 10—CIVILIANS were killed and 100—WOUNDED.
20000505             MICHAEL—ROOD—THEORY is not unlike New Age astrologer RICK—LEVINE—THESIS in
20000505             THE—GIFT—OF—THE—MAGI: Christmas for 1—NEW—MILLENNIUM,
20000505             that THE—STAR—OF—BETHLEHEM was actually 1—CONJUNCTION—OF—JUPITER + Saturn
20000505             _0007-_0006 in zodiacal SIGN—OF—PISCES.
20000505             —INAUGURATED, According to Levine, this astronomical sign, THE—CHRISTIAN—AGE + validated the messianic CREDENTIALS—OF—JESUS Christ for THE—AGE—OF—PISCES.
20000505             Levine further proposes that, —SINCE the next Jupiter/Saturn triple conjunction occured last May under THE—SIGN—OF—AQUARIUS, rather than Pisces,
20000505             humanity has entered 1—NEW—MESSIANIC—AGE—DURING which all mankind will be reborn as the "Christ" for this age.
20000505             D, Corporate Profile for Atlantic Research Corporation, 20000505              from Business Wire provided by Find Articles at BNET.
20000505             in THE—CRIMSON - ALIGNMENT—OF—THE—PLANETS.
20000505             Dope WILL—HUNTING - PSLM Argues Benefit Increases Not Enough - NucNews-
20000505             —DEPLOYED, The depleted uranium on the projectiles, which were, as... Wyle Laboratories found that "Sections have apparently undergone 1—LANDSLIDE... nucnews_net/nucnews/2000—NN/0005nn/000505nn.htm
20000505             USA—BARS—LAB From Testing Electronic Voting... SysTest Labs of DENVER and Wyle Laboratories, in El SEGUNDO—CALIFORNIA,
20000505             Depleted Uranium : THE—DUSTIN—BRIM—STORY.
20000505             What Can We Do About Terrorism?...
20000505             SAB Ad Hoc AALM Review Panel Short List BioSketches July
20000505             Other AREAS—OF—INTEREST include EVALUATION—OF—EXPOSURE to depleted uranium... Wyle Laboratories (1—SUBCONTRACTOR to NASA) to develop 1—LEAD—PBPK to predict...
20000505             Research the news ABOUT—FROM HighBeam Research... —AFTER—TODAY... depleted uranium (DU) was blasted into the air —DURING the trials.
20000505             NORCO—CALIFORNIA, wants federal health study on Wyle Laboratories.
20000505             —1— D, Corporate Profile for Atlantic Research Corporation, 20000505              from Business Wire provided by Find Articles at BNET. findarticles_com/p/articles/mi_m0EIN/is_2000 _May_5/ai_61885552/
20000505             in THE—CRIMSON
20000505—19790000    —SINCE, Reformers swept IRAN—RUN—OFF elections, winning CONTROL—OF—THE—LEGISLATURE from conservatives for the 1. time Islamic revolution.
20000505—20000400    —REPORTED, THE—LABOR—DEPARTMENT, the nation's unemployment rate had hit a 30-year low of 3.9% percent, with blacks and Hispanics recording the lowest jobless rates in history.
20000505—20070828    —UNTIL, Sezer served.
20010000—20010505    —IN, THE—WEST—BANK—AHMED—KHALIL—ASSAD, 37—JAHRE—ALT, 1—PALESTINE—MILITANT, was shot to death in FRONT—OF—HIS 2—YEAR—OLD niece, who was injured.
20010505             "Monarchos" won THE—KENTUCKY DERBY.
20010505             —ATTACKED, ANGOLA, Unita rebels, Caxito, 1—TOWN—NEAR—LUANDA, and 79—PEOPLE were killed.
20010505             Some 30,000—PEOPLE fled the area —FOLLOWING the attack.
20010505             † GUATEMALA, Barbara Ann Ford (62), 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—SISTERS—OF—CHARITY—OF—NEW—YORK, was shot and killed in 1—APPARENT—ROBBERY.
20010505             † CLIFF—HILLEGASS, 83—JAHRE—ALT, THE—CREATOR—OF—CLIFFS Notes.
20010505             —ASKED, Assad, him to take the Arabs' side in their dispute with ISRAEL, referring to what Assad described as Jewish PERSECUTION—OF—JESUS Christ.
20010505             —NOTED, Shamir, with no LACK—OF—IRONY—THE—MEETING—OF—THE—MEGA—GROUP, which had taken place the previous —DAY at the Manhattan MANSION—OF—EDGAR—BRONFMAN.
20010505             —DESCRIBED, Shamir 1., 1—MEETING he had —RECENTLY had with 1—VERMONT—BASED psychoanalyst, THE—NEPHEW—OF—ISRAEL—1. PRIME—MINISTER—DAVID—BEN—GURION.
20010505             —PRIDED, The nephew, himself on the fact that his closest friends were Palestinians + that he rejected the idea of 1—JEWISH "tribal" identity, preferring to view all human beings as brethren.
20010505             HARVARD—JANITORS/05_05_wp.
20010505             Harvard SIT—IN For 'Living Wage' Divides Campus in THE—WASHINGTON—POST
20010505             HARVARD—JANITORS/05_05_ap.
20010505             Harvard officials seek silence as books and megaphones clash by the Associated Press
20010505             THE—MEGA—GROUP—STORY came full circle with THE—PUBLICATION—OF—1—STORY in 1—OBSCURE—ISRAEL—ONLINE publication, Media Monitors Network, by writer ISRAEL Shamir.
20010505             HARVARD—JANITORS/05_05_wp Harvard SIT—IN For 'Living Wage' Divides Campus in THE—WASHINGTON—POST
20010505             HARVARD—JANITORS/05_05_ap2 Harvard workers say they're grateful for protests by the Associated Press
20010505             HARVARD—JANITORS/05_05_ap Harvard officials seek silence as books and megaphones clash by the Associated Press
20010505—19540000    —RECORDED, BOOZOO—CHAVIS, 1—OF—THE 1. Zydeco hits "Paper In My Shoe ".
20010505—19540000    —IN, † BOOZOO—CHAVIS, 70—JAHRE—ALT, Zydeco accordionist, in Lake Charles, LOS—ANGELES.
20010505—19540000    He recorded 1—OF—THE 1. Zydeco hits "Paper In My Shoe ".
20020505             1—TORNADO in TEXAS killed 2—PEOPLE.
20020505             —PRODUCED, Movie producer MICHAEL—TODD—JUNIOR, who, the only feature in "SMELL—O—VISION," titled "SCENT—OF—MYSTERY," † in IRELAND at age 72.
20020505             † GEORGE—SIDNEY, 85—JAHRE—ALT, film director, in LAS—VEGAS.
20020505             GEORGE—SIDNEY was PRESIDENT—OF—THE—SCREEN—DIRECTORS—GUILD (19510000—19590000    ) and the Directors GUILD—OF—AMERICA (19610000—19670000    ).
20020505             —RELEASED, BURMA, the military government, Aung S—SUU—KYI, 56—JAHRE—ALT —AFTER—19—MONTHS—OF—HOUSE—ARREST in Rangoon.
20020505             FRANCE, PRESIDENT—CHIRAC won a 2. term in a landslide over EXTREME—RIGHT leader JEAN—MARIE Le Pen.
20020505             His CENTER—RIGHT—PARTY won 365—SEATS.
20020505             —VOTED, IRAQ, to resume oil exports.
20020505             MIDDLE—EAST—NEGOTIATIONS over THE—SIEGE—OF—THE—CHURCH—OF—THE—NATIVITY in Bethlehem approached agreement with 1—DEAL to send SOME—OF—THE—PALESTINIANS into exile and others to THE—GAZA Strip for trial.
20020505             —RESIGNED, SOUTH—KOREA, PRESIDENT—KIM—DAE—JUNG, from his —MILLENNIUM DEMOCRATIC—PARTY in 1—BID to insulate it from corruption charges surrounding his children and several close aides.
20020505             —SUPPORTED, BOSTON—CARDINAL—LAW, the Archdiocese decision to scuttle 1—MULTIMILLION settlement with 86—PEOPLE for some 15—30—MILLION over sexual abuse because THE—NUMBER—OF—NEW—CASES had grown to over 150.
20020505             —KILLED, SF, BRUCE—BROOKS, 51—JAHRE—ALT, 1—STREET—BLUES—MUSICIAN—JULIETTE Williamson, his girlfriend and bandmate, by repeatedly smashing her head with 1—HAMMER.
20020505             —FREED, CUBA, FIDEL—CASTRO, Vladimiro Roca (59), jailed 5—YEARS—AGO for sedition, AHEAD—OF—PRESIDENT—CARTER—VISIT.
20020505             INDONESIA, Jaffar UMAR—THALIB, LEADER—OF—THE—PARAMILITARY—LASKAR Jihad, was arrested on CHARGES—OF—INCITING—MUSLIMS to attack Christians near AMBON in the Maluku Islands.
20020505             —KILLED, Startled ISRAEL—SOLDIERS—1—MOTHER and 2—CHILDREN (4&6) near Jenin.
20020505—20020522    —WASHED, Her body was found, up on Yerba Buena ISLAND.
20020505—20080000    —CONVICTED—OF, Brooks was, 2.-degree murder.
20030318—20030505    —REPORTED, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, that Saddam ordered the money taken from THE—CENTRAL—BANK and sent his son Qusai in THE—MIDDLE—OF—THE—NIGHT.
20030505             —JETZT beaufsichtigt Luti, William das OFFICE—OF—SPECIAL—PLANS—DES—PENTAGON -
20030505             —FLATTENED, TORNADO—PACKED storms, communities in 4—MIDWESTERN states, killing 19—PEOPLE.
20030505             —RECORDED, It has —NOW, 4,280 cases, THE—BULK—OF—THE—WORLD—TOTAL.
20030505             —CLOSED, BEIJING, its schools for another 2—WEEKS.
20030505             —KILLED, COLOMBIA, rebels, GUILLERMO—GAVIRIA, 1—STATE—GOVERNOR, Gilberto Echeverri, 1—FORMER—DEFENSE—MINISTER and 8—OTHER—HOSTAGES as army troops tried to rescue them;
20030505             3—HOSTAGES survived.
20030505             —REPORTED, HONG—KONG, 3—MORE—SARS deaths, for 1—TOTAL—OF—187, and 8—NEW—INFECTIONS.
20030505             —KILLED, In SINGAPORE SARS has, 26—OF—THE—203—PEOPLE infected, 1—FATALITY—RATE—OF—12.8—PERCENT, more than double the global average.
20030505             INDONESIA, singer Inul Daratista's (24) grinding moves to INDONESIA's "Dangdut" folk music have made her 1—CELEBRITY in 1—MATTER—OF—WEEKS.
20030505             —DEMANDED, Religious conservatives, that she be banned from the stage.
20030505             —JETZT, WILLIAM—LUTI, pensionierter NAVY—CAPTAIN, Verteidigungsstaatssekretär, beaufsichtigt des PENTAGON—OFFICE—OF—SPECIAL—PLANS
20030505             Tornadoes across MISSOURI—KANSAS and TENNESSEE left at least 40—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20030505             CHINA said there were 160—NEW—INFECTIONS and 9—NEW—DEATHS—SIMILAR to totals in the past several days.
20030505             PAKISTAN will get RID—OF—ITS—NUCLEAR—ARSENAL if rival INDIA does as well, 1—PAKISTAN—FOREIGN—MINISTRY—SPOKESMAN said.
20030505             "Asthma; Infant Mortality; Recruiting Foster Parents" by Lynda Crawford, Gotham Gazette
20030505—00000000    WILLIAM—LUTI, Ein früher Fürsprecher [PROPAGANDA ]eines militärischen Vorgehens gegen den IRAK war20030505—19440000    —IN, He brought NELSON—MANDELA into THE—ANC and together with OLIVER—TAMBO formed THE—ANC Youth League.
20030505—19440000    —IN, He brought NELSON—MANDELA into THE—ANC and together with OLIVER—TAMBO formed THE—ANC Youth League.
20030505—20060524    —UNTIL, ALGERIA, AHMED—OUYAHIA began a 2. term as PRIME—MINISTER and held that position.
20030505—20080000    —IN, 1—COURT sentenced 9—REBEL—LEADERS in absentia to 40—YEARS in prison for the killings.
20040331             —PURCHASED, The idea was, by GUAM entrepreneurs EVAN—M—COHEN and Rex Sorensen, who resigned 20040505           .
20040505             A 19050000              painting by PABLO—PICASSO titled 'Garcon 1—LA pipe' (Boy with 1—PIPE) sold for 1—RECORD $104—MILLION at Sotheby's in NEW—YORK—CITY.
20040505             —ATTEMPTED, Boyd was 1—SUSPECT in 1, kidnapping.
20040505             —RAIDED, Coalition forces, buildings used by 1—MILITIA—LOYAL to 1—RADICAL—SHIITE cleric in 2—SOUTHERN—CITIES and clashed with militiamen elsewhere in fighting that killed 15—IRAQIS.
20040505             —FIRED, ISRAEL—WARPLANES, missiles at 1 suspected guerrilla hideout in SOUTH—LEBANON, shortly —AFTER Hezbollah gunners fired on ISRAEL—JETS.
20040505             —DESTROYED, NICARAGUA said its army had, 333—SURFACE—TO—AIR—MISSILES at THE—URGING—OF—THE—USA and that the military planned to destroy another 333—SAM—7S in late July.
20040505             SF police shot and killed Cammerin Boyd (29), 1—AFRICAN—AMERICAN with prosthetic legs, —FOLLOWING 1—CAR—CHASE—DURING which Boyd allegedly shot at police.
20040505             Boyd was 1—SUSPECT in 1—ATTEMPTED kidnapping.
20040505             —LAUNCHED, BRITISH—BASED SABMiller, 1—UNSOLICITED—HK$4.3—BILLION ($550m) bid for HARBIN BREWERY—CHINA—4. largest brewer.
20040505             —STACKED, In CENTRAL—CHINA shelves, high with garlic collapsed and killed 15—WORKERS at 1—COLD—STORAGE—WAREHOUSE in Zhenghou.
20040505             —FUNNELED, ISRAEL—STATE comptroller said the Housing Ministry has, nearly $6.5—MILLION to illegal settlement construction in THE—WEST—BANK in the past 3—YEARS—MORE than HALF—OF—IT to outposts ISRAEL pledged to remove.
20040505             —CELEBRATED, MEXICO, the 142.
20040505             More than 2,000 RUSSIAN—MADE SAM-7s, SHOULDER—FIRED missiles CAPABLE—OF—TAKING down 1—PLANE, were left over from the 1980s Contra war.
20040505—20100000    —IN, 4—SF police officers involved in the case were CLEARED—OF—ALL—DISCIPLINARY—CHARGES.
20040907             —JETZT 20030505              - angezweifelt.
20040907             Ein früher Fürsprecher [PROPAGANDA ]eines militärischen Vorgehens gegen den IRAK war Luti, William, pensionierter NAVY—CAPTAIN, Verteidigungsstaatssekretär, - beaufsichtigt —JETZT 20030505              das OFFICE—OF—SPECIAL—PLANS—DES—PENTAGON - +
20040907             übernahm er, Luti, William, pensionierter NAVY—CAPTAIN, Verteidigungsstaatssekretär, - beaufsichtigt —JETZT 20030505              das OFFICE—OF—SPECIAL—PLANS—DES—PENTAGON—EIN früher Fürsprecher [PROPAGANDA ] eines militärischen Vorgehens gegen den IRAK zunehmend wichtige Verantwortlichkeiten.
20040907             2. - WILLIAM—LUTI, Verteidigungsstaatssekretär, - pensionierter NAVY—CAPTAIN, beaufsichtigt —JETZT 20030505
20041129             WEST—GERMANY, 19850505             ..+ Waffen SS
20041129             Cloak and Dagger: Home Page... PRESIDENT—REAGAN laying 1—WREATH at Kolmeshohe Cemetery, Bitburg, WEST—GERMANY, 19850505              REAGAN—WORSHIPS—THE—WAFFEN—SS.
20050220             WEST—GERMANY, 19850505             ..+ Waffen SS—CLOAK and Dagger: Home Page...
20050220             PRESIDENT—REAGAN laying 1—WREATH at Kolmeshohe Cemetery, Bitburg, WEST—GERMANY, 19850505              REAGAN—WORSHIPS—THE—WAFFEN—SS.
20050220             WEST—GERMANY, 19850505             ..+ Waffen SS
20050220             Cloak and Dagger: Home Page... PRESIDENT—REAGAN laying 1—WREATH at Kolmeshohe Cemetery, Bitburg, WEST—GERMANY, 19850505              REAGAN—WORSHIPS—THE—WAFFEN—SS.
20050220             —FROM CAFI—LIST@christianactionforisrael_org Sat 20000517             :15:53 ... 19850505             , to appease West = GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—HELMUT—KOHL, REAGAN visited BITBURG—KOLMESHOHE = Cemetery, where some 2,000 GERMANY—SERVICEMEN were buried...
20050220—19850505    USA—PRESIDENT—REAGAN laying 1—WREATH at Kolmeshohe Cemetery, Bitburg, WEST—GERMANY to appease WEST—GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—HELMUT—KOHL,!!!!!!???????
20050220—19850505    —VISITED, Reagan, BITBURG—KOLMESHOHE—CEMETERY, 112F.
20050405—20050505    —AM, UNTERHAUS—WAHLEN: Briten stimmen über Blair ab
20050406—20050505    —CONFIRMED, TONY—BLAIR has, THE—WORST—KEPT secret in POLITICS—THAT 1—ELECTION will be HELD—AS opinion polls suggested 1—CLOSER contest than any 19920000             —SINCE.01temp
20050428             —PUBLISHED, Secret IRAQ war advice, : PUBLICATION—OF—1—SECRET—20030000              memo from the government's top lawyer questioning THE—IRAQ war's legality buffeted PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR on —THURSDAY, —JUST 1—WEEK—BEFORE 20050505             —THE—ELECTION.
20050505             Artikel 20: ZEIT—FRAGEN NUMBER 12—VOM 20030331              Januar erschien in der "NEW—YORK—TIMES" der Bericht von STEPHEN—C—PELLETIERE, führender MITARBEITER—DER—CIA und der USA—ARMEE, der eine der hinterhältigsten...
20050505             —DISCUSSED, They, oil and Obasanjo said he would explore how to address USA—CONCERNS that FORMER—LIBERIA—PRESIDENT—CHARLES—TAYLOR be brought to justice.
20050505             —OPENED, This, some 58.5—MILLION—ACRES for possible commercial use.
20050505             USA National Prayer —DAY.
20050505             "PRECIOUS—DOE," 1—SLAIN girl mourned but unknown —FOR—4—YEARS in KANSAS CITY—MONTANA, was identified as ERICA—MICHELLE—MARIE—GREEN;
20050505             her mother and stepfather were charged with murder.
20050505             —OPENED, THE—ARAB—USA—NATIONAL—MUSEUM, across from City Hall in DEARBORN—MICHIGAN.
20050505             Merck & Co. said that Raymond V. Gilmartin is stepping down effective —IMMEDIATELY from the top jobs at the drugmaker, which has been slammed by mounting lawsuits and falling revenues —SINCE recalling its blockbuster painkiller Vioxx last fall.
20050505             —SUCCEEDED, He was, by RICHARD—CLARK, who steered Merck through the Vioxx affair.
20050505             † CHARLIE—MUSE, 87—JAHRE—ALT, inventor of the baseball batting helmet, in FLORIDA.
20050505             —ELECTED, TONY—BLAIR was, to 1—HISTORIC 3. term as BRITAIN—PRIME—MINISTER.
20050505             —VOTED, Palestinians, for local governments in DOZENS—OF—TOWNS and villages across THE—WEST—BANK—AND—GAZA—STRIP.
20050505             More than 2,500 candidates were vying for seats on 84—MUNICIPAL—COUNCILS.
20050505             —ATTACKED, NORTH—UGANDA, rebels from THE—LORD—RESISTANCE—ARMY, villagers tending their fields, hacking to death at least 10—PEOPLE and wounding some 14—OTHERS.
20050505             —OPENED, MICHAEL—JACKSON—LAWYERS—THEIR—CASE in his molestation and conspiracy trial —AFTER the judge denied 1—DEFENSE motion for 1—ACQUITTAL.
20050505             DOMINICA—GOVERNING—PARTY won 1—NARROW—VICTORY in parliamentary elections apparently convincing voters of the need for 1—AUSTERITY—PROGRAM and 1—SWITCH in diplomatic ties from TAIWAN to CHINA.
20050505             2—USA—SOLDIERS—ACCUSED—OF—ARMS—TRAFFICKING emerged from jail and were handed over to USA—OFFICIALS, but 1—TOP—COLOMBIA—OFFICIAL tried to delay their deportation, saying 1—TREATY—GRANTING them immunity might be invalid.
20050505             —CRASHED, In CENTRAL—CONGO 1—RUSSIAN—MADE airplane, killing 10—OF—THE—11—PASSENGERS aboard.
20050505             —KILLED, Insurgents, at least 20—PEOPLE in 3—SEPARATE—ATTACKS—TARGETING—IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES in BAGHDAD, including 1—BY 1—MAN who blew himself up —WHILE waiting in line outside 1—ARMY—RECRUITMENT—CENTER.
20050505             —PLANNED, RUSSIA—FEDERAL—SECURITY—SERVICE said it foiled, terror attacks AHEAD—OF—VICTORY in EUROPE celebrations, discovering 1—TRUCK—NEAR—GROZNY packed with more than 1—TON—OF—EXPLOSIVES and 1—CACHE—OF—POISONS allegedly intended for chemical attacks.
20050505             Mannikin: THE—MAKING—OF—TOM—DELAY... Sun Myung MOON—CULT.
20050505             Political FRIENDSTER—JACK—ABRAMOFF — Connections... JACK—ABRAMOFF.
20050505             BLAIR—LABOUR—PARTY—WINS—RE—ELECTION: TONY—BLAIR won 1—HISTORIC 3. term as PRIME—MINISTER—THURSDAY, but exit poll projections indicated his Labour Party suffered 1—SHARPLY reduced parliamentary majority in punishment for going to war in IRAQ.
20050505             THE—WAR—ON—FACT—PROGRESSIVES are coming to understand that USA—POLITICS has become 1—EXERCISE in epistemology.
20050505             The right —NOW refuses to recognise the very CONCEPT—OF—OBJECTIVE—FACT.
20050505             —YESTERDAY, I read a LOS—ANGELES—TIMES
20050505             piece on Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia, which depends on THE—FACT—CHECKING—ABILITY—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PARTICIPANTS.
20050505             Error and bias may be inevitable, but they are also quickly corectable, thanks to THE—CLEVERLY—DESIGNED Wikipedia interface.
20050505             There are people who want to deface or even destroy Wikipedia.
20050505             THE—RIGHT—WING—BLOGGER—ACE—OF—SPADES — OUT—OF—MISCHIEF and because he heard WIKIPEDIA—OPERATORS were liberals — —RECENTLY called on its readers to "punk" the site: to put up as much misinformation and nonsense as possible.
20050505             Other blogs gleefully expose errors, even if those defects persist only for 1—FEW minutes.
20050505             Exposing errors is, of course, quite legitimate.
20050505             But deliberately polluting the information stream...?
20050505             This is war. 1—WAR—ON—REALITY itself.
20050505             FrederickClarkson_com... 1—OF—WHOM was JACK—ABRAMOFF, who is embroiled in 1—MAJOR—FEDERAL—INFLUENCE—PEDDLING... THE—NEXT—HURRAH;
20050505             Where in WASHINGTON, DC is Sun Myung Moon ?...
20050505             HERE—WHAT—LEFT: No more fake debates... press is countered with FOX—NEWS + Sun Myung MOON—WASHINGTON—TIMES... with gambling lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF —2—MONTHS—BEFORE DeLay helped kill...
20050505             Information is Power!... Abramoff and FORMER—DELAY—SPOKESMAN—MICHAEL—SCANLON were investigated by... 1—SERIES—OF—CLANDESTINE payments from Sun Myung MOON—ORGANIZATION to the...
20050505             MOON—OF—ALABAMA: Frist They Came for the Jew s... is pure irony that Abramoff, 1—PRACTICING—ORTHODOX jew, is paying DeLay for... —WHEN the religious right was young and Sun Myung Moon wasn't funding it...
20050505             Dollar still gaining at UTS as euro moves down
20050505             —GEWINNT, Wahlen in UK : LABOUR—PARTEI, laut 1. Prognose
20050505             WALL—STREET—SCHLUSS: Autokonzerne drücken die Kurse
20050505             NRW—WAHL: Zuschauer sehen Steinbrück als Sieger des 1. TV—DUELLS
20050505             PUTIN—SCHRÖDER—INTERVIEW: "1—AUSSÖHNUNG, die aus dem Herzen kommt"
20050505             —GEFÄHRDET, Fremde Arten: Exoteninvasion, den Bodensee
20050505             KAPITALISMUS—KRITIK: Thierse fürchtet ums Vertrauen in die Demokratie
20050505             Explosion vor britischem Konsulat: Neue Terrorfurcht in NEW—YORK
20050505             BERLIN: Weltgrößtes Saurierskelett wird abgebaut
20050505             USA : Tierschützer wettern gegen ONLINE—JAGD
20050505             05.May2005 Das nun entstandene Dilemma vieler Musiker zeigt sich am deutlichsten in einem Vorfall vom
20050505             Evangelist fears Muslims in government : Televangelist and onetime presidential candidate Pat Robertson said —SUNDAY that he would be WARY—OF—APPOINTING—MUSLIMS to top positions in THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—INCLUDING—JUDGESHIPS.
20050505             Children Face Mass Death : Up to 300,000 ETHIOPIA—CHILDREN will die from malnutrition this —YEAR unless urgent food and aid is given, THE—UNITED—NATIONS has warned.
20050505             It takes 1 to know 1.
20050505             Pat Buchanan: BYE—BYE Bush Doctrine... it's back to deterrence : Let us cease propping up unpopular regimes in THE—MIDDLE—EAST + remove our huge military presence.
20050505             If we are no longer over there, they have no reason to come over here.
20050505             Diplomacy By Death Squad: How BOLTON Armed HAITI—THUGS and Killers : UNITED—NATIONS troops can usually be found providing support for THE—HAITI—NATIONAL—POLICE as they execute peaceful demonstrators demanding THE—RETURN—OF—THEIR democratically elected PRESIDENT, JEAN—BERTRAND Aristide.
20050505             HAITI—JAILED EX—PM wants freedom or death : HAITI—JAILED FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—YVON—NEPTUNE has been on hunger strike for about 15—DAYS and has refused medical care —UNTIL the government drops its accusations that he organized 1—MASSACRE.
20050505             HAITI: National Police must be held accountable for KILLINGS—OF—CIVILIANS:
20050505             THE—USE—OF—LETHAL and indiscriminate violence by the police to disperse and repress demonstrators only serves to increase tension in 1—ALREADY VIOLENCE—TORN country, said AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL—TODAY
20050505             ISRAEL plans air strikes on IRAN—NUCLEAR—SITES : 1—OF—THE—ISRAEL i pilots who bombed IRAQ—NUCLEAR—REACTOR—19810000              says that knocking out IRAN—ATOMIC—PROGRAM could prove beyond even ISRAEL—CAPABILITIES.
20050505             IRAN slams USA over nuclear stance : IRAN—FOREIGN—MINISTER—KAMAL—KHARRAZI demanded assurances that THE—USA would not launch 1—NUCLEAR—STRIKE on IRAN.
20050505             Nuclear double standards : States wishing to retain their enrichment + reprocessing capacity —WHILE denying facilities to others must ask themselves how serious they are about the need to prevent proliferation.
20050505             Video: Promis es and Betrayals:
20050505             UK and the Struggle for the Holy Land : 1—INTRIGUING look at how THE—UK—DOUBLE—DEALING—DURING—WWI ignited the conflict between Arab and Jew in THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20050505             I was ordered to bring home OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—HEAD: FORMER—CIA—OFFICER : USA—SPY—CHIEFS ordered agents to deliver OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—SEVERED head in 1—BOX—OF—DRY ice and hoist HEADS—OF—OTHER—AL—QAEDA leaders on pikes, 1—RETIRED field officer has disclosed.
20050505             BLAIR—NEXT—WAR: To present THE—IRAQ war as 1—UNIQUE and unrepeatable event is to fundamentally misrepresent the current global picture and THE—UK—PLACE within it.
20050505             THE—UK—LABOUR—PARTY isn't 1—OPTION : In 2—DAYS—TIME—THE—UK—PEOPLE are going to elect 1—WAR—CRIMINAL to be their PRIME—MINISTER for another 5—YEARS.
20050505             "Yes" means PRO—WAR, "No" means ANTI—WAR.
20050505             —LISTED, If an MP is not, they didn't VOTE—SOME abstained.
20050505             No vote for 1—CRIMINAL : I know the ancient lore about people never voting against their own interests, but in whose interest is it to give 1—WARMONGER a 3. term?
20050505             Analyst Charged With Passing Secret Info To ISRAEL i Group.
20050505             —ARRESTED, THE—FBI, 1—PENTAGON analyst —WEDNESDAY on charges that he illegally passed classified information about potential attacks against USA—FORCES in IRAQ to employees of 1—PRO—ISRAEL group.
20050505             Full Criminal Complaint & Arrest Warrant: USA V. LAWRENCE ANTHONY FRANKLIN:
20050505             —UNSEALED, Newly, criminal charges against 1—PENTAGON analyst ACCUSED—OF—PASSING—TOP—SECRET—INFORMATION to NON—USA—GOVERNMENT—PERSONS "relating to potential attacks upon USA—FORCES in IRAQ," and keeping documents classified as 'top secret,' 'secret,' and 'confidential' at his home without authorization.
20050505             —MISSED, In case you, it :
20050505             PRO—ISRAEL—PAC—CONTRIBUTIONS to 20000000              Congressional Candidates
20050505             —MISSED, In case you, it: Video: ISRAEL—IS—SPYING—IN—AND—ON—THE—USA ?
20050505             —ENGAGED, SOME—USA—INVESTIGATORS believe that there are ISRAEL is again very much, in spying in and on THE—USA, who may have known things they didn't tell us 20010911             —BEFORE-.
20050505             PM 'should be accountable' for hostage : PRIME—MINISTER—JOHN—HOWARD should be held accountable if 1—AUSTRALIA—MAN—BEING held hostage in IRAQ dies, AUSTRALIA—GREENS—SENATOR—KERRY—NETTLE said —TODAY.
20050505             ITALY MINISTER—CALLS—USA—VERSION—OF—IRAQ killing "1—LIE" : A—USA—ACCOUNT—OF—HOW its soldiers killed 1—ITALY—AGENT in IRAQ was "clearly 1—LIE", 1—ITALY—MINISTER was quoted as saying on —WEDNESDAY, further stoking tensions between ROME and WASHINGTON over the shooting.
20050505             TURKEY Is Gathering Troops Along SOUTH—BORDER With IRAQ : ANKARA has long warned that it would not tolerate THE—PRESENCE—OF—THE—PKK in NORTH—IRAQ.
20050505             —ABOUT 5,000 PKK fighters were said to have been operating along the northern border and operatives were sent to TURKEY for insurgency attacks.
20050505             —UNCHANGED, USA—POLICY fosters abuse : The policy, which remains, despite —LAST—YEAR—REVELATIONS, basically gives THE—USA—MILITARY—1—FREE—HAND in dealing with prisoners or detainees it considers potential terrorists.
20050505             Terrorism, in this view, changes all the rules.
20050505             Army misses April recruiting goal by 42—PERCENT : THE—USA—ARMY missed its April recruiting goal by 1—WHOPPING—42—PERCENT and the Army Reserve fell short by 37—PERCENT, officials said on —TUESDAY, showing THE—DEPTH—OF—THE—MILITARY—WARTIME recruiting woes.
20050505             USA—WAR—CRIMES and the Legal Case for Military Resistance : USA—COMMANDERS promote 1—WIDESPREAD—MISCONCEPTION that, once USA—YOUTH—SIGN—1—ENLISTMENT—CONTRACT, they are obligated to participate in ANY—KIND—OF—WAR, whether it is based on fraud or truth.
20050505             Insurgents Using USA—TECHNIQUES—19650000              THE—USA—ARMY published 1—DETAILED manual on how to build + hide booby traps, complete with detailed diagrams illustrating various MEANS—OF—WIRING—DETONATORS to explosives + advising on the best locations for concealing the deadly bombs along roadways + elsewhere.
20050505             Proposed USA—LAW—UPSETS—IMMIGRANTS : PRO—IMMIGRATION lobbies are protesting 1—PROPOSED bill that they say would suspend the constitutional right to habeas corpus for the 1. time —SINCE the Civil War.
20050505             Taliban profit from USA largesse : THE—VISITS—OF—LIEUTENANT—GENERAL—DAVID—BARNO, to ISLAMABAD and their insistence that PAKISTAN restart 1—POWERFUL—CAMPAIGN against AL—QAEDA and the Taliban is THE—RESULT—OF—1—NEW—REALIZATION that the Taliban problem is back to square 1.
20050505             Pepe Escobar : Pentagon cut and paste : Talk about rebel technology: the Pentagon this —WEEK was not overwhelmed by 1—DIRTY—BOMB or 1—JET converted into 1—MISSILE, but by 1—SIMPLE cut and paste job.
20050505             —JAILED, UN says FORMER—HAITI—PM, illegally : 1—TOP—UNITED—NATIONS official in HAITI on —WEDNESDAY denounced THE—DETENTION—OF—FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—YVON—NEPTUNE as illegal and THE—ORGANIZATION—OF—USA—STATES offered to help end what it called 1—STANDOFF with serious moral implications.
20050505             —EMACIATED, He is weak, and near DEATH—HIS—INTERNAL—ORGANS are failing.
20050505             A New USA—CENTURY?
20050505             —DISAPPOINTED, HENRY—LUCE would be deeply.
20050505             It seems that THE—MAJORITY—OF—AMERICANS remain, as he put it, "unable to accommodate themselves spiritually and practically" to empire.
20050505             If the people have their way, THE—USA—CENTURY—MAY—TURN out to be much shorter that he or his successors at PNAC could ever have imagined.
20050505             Religon And Secrecy In THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION:
20050505             THE—GENTLEMAN, THE—PRINCE + the Simulacrum.
20050505             Machiavelli has clearly had 1—IMPACT on MUCH—OF—THE—NEOCONSERVATIVE movement —NOW powerful in WASHINGTON
20050505             If the records are accurate, the trip by SENATOR—GORDON—SMITH—OF—OREGON, FORMER—SENATOR—DON—NICKLES—OF—OKLAHOMA and Reps.
20050505             HOWARD—COBLE—OF—NORTH—CAROLINA, HAROLD—ROGERS—OF—KENTUCKY and Clay SHAW—OF—FLORIDA violated ethics rules that bar lobbying firms from paying for trips taken by MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS
20050505             Companies Offer Discount Flights and Gain Access
20050505             2—REPUBLICANS Step Aside From Ethics Panel : 2—REPUBLICANS on the House ethics committee say they'll step aside from ANY—INVESTIGATION—OF—TOM—DELAY—ACKNOWLEDGING their contributions to the majority leader's defense funds will lead others to question their impartiality.
20050505             Small blasts hit UK consulate in NEW—YORK:
20050505             1—QUARTER—OF—VOTERS—UNCERTAIN as Labour sag at the final post : The survey suggests Labour is on course for a 3. successive term but that 1—LAST—MINUTE—ADVANCE by the Liberal Democrats leaves TONY—BLAIR uncertain that he will secure 1—BIG enough majority to serve the "full term" he wants —BEFORE standing down.
20050505             —IMPOSED, Restrictions Imposed On Aid to Palestinians : Congress, the tight restrictions on aid to the Palestinians that PRESIDENT—BUSH had announced with fanfare in his STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS, possibly dealing 1—BLOW to USA—EFFORTS to support new PALESTINE—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS.
20050505             Colombians may not be able to prosecute pair under treaty
20050505             Chavez says USA—TROOPS in COLOMBIA worry VENEZUELA : THE—VENEZUELA—LEADER—1—FIERCE—OPPONENT—OF—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH [BGW968], made his comments as he read 1—NEWS—REPORT on state television about 2—USA—SOLDIERS arrested in COLOMBIA for suspected arms smuggling.
20050505             Army plans to test another increase in recruit bonuses : THE—ARMY is about to launch tests increasing cash bonuses for recruits above the current $20,000 limit and pairing returning veterans with recruiters to attract new soldiers, the service's top CIVIL—SAID —WEDNESDAY.
20050505             —OPENED, USA—OFFICIALS—SUSPECTED—OF—EMBEZZLEMENT in IRAQ : THE—USA—GOVERNMENT has, 1—CRIMINAL—INQUIRY into suspected embezzlement by officials who failed to account for almost $100—MILLION they disbursed for IRAQ—RECONSTRUCTION—PROJECTS—FEDERAL—INVESTIGATORS said —WEDNESDAY.
20050505             Court rules against ARREST—OF—USA—PRESIDENT : 1—HOLLAND—JUDGE has ruled that USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH [BGW968] can visit THE—NETHERLANDS as planned this weekend and should not be arrested.
20050505             PAKISTAN Reports ARREST—OF—1—SENIOR—QAEDA "Leader"?
20050505             Pentagon Analyst Charged With Disclosing Military Secrets : The inquiry has cast 1—CLOUD over THE—USA—ISRAEL—PUBLIC—AFFAIRS—COMMITTEE, which employed THE—2—MEN who are said to have received the classified information.
20050505             The group, also known as Aipac, has close ties to senior policymakers in THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, among them SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE, who is expected to appear —LATER this —MONTH at the group's annual meeting.
20050505             JUAN—COLE: FRANKLIN—ARRESTED : —WHEN will AIPAC be made to register as 1—AGENT—OF—1—FOREIGN—POWER?
20050505             The unholy TRINITY—OF—ELECTRONIC—SNOOPING : THE—3—KEY—PARTICIPANTS who have emerged as orchestrating THE—MISUSE—OF—NSA + other USA—INTELLIGENCE—RESOURCES to conduct SURVEILLANCE—OF—THOSE who opposed neoconservative plans to invade IRAQ and ratchet up tensions with NORTH—KOREA, SYRIA—CUBA, VENEZUELA—IRAN, THE—PALESTINE—AUTHORITY headed by the late YASIR—ARAFAT, + THE—FORMER—GOVERNMENT—OF—HAITI are BOLTON, Negroponte + Hayden:
20050505             ISRAEL freezes WEST—BANK pullback : Senior PALESTINE—NEGOTIATOR—SAEB Erekat said THE—PALESTINE—AUTHORITY was never formally NOTIFIED—OF—THE—ISRAEL i freeze.
20050505             "It's 1—VERY—UNFORTUNATE—APPROACH and decision," he said.
20050505             BULGARIA to withdraw IRAQ troops : BULGARIA—OUTGOING—PARLIAMENT tonight voted for 1—WITHDRAWAL—OF—ALL the country's troops from IRAQ by THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR.
20050505             No Charges In FALLUJAH Shooting -1—MARINE corporal who was videotaped shooting 1—APPARENTLY injured + unarmed Iraqi in 1—FALLUJAH mosque —LAST—YEAR will not face COURT—MARTIAL, the Marine Corps announced —WEDNESDAY.
20050505             Lifting THE—CENSOR—VEIL on THE—SHAME—OF—IRAQ:
20050505             "Nobody wants to come forward about this," said AIDAN—DELGADO.
20050505             "I didn't want to come forward about this".
20050505             AP : Lobbyist Paid for Lawmakers Travel (AP )
20050505             THE—MAP—ROOM. 9:48 A.M. - EDT.
20050505             QUESTION: Mr. lost their lives on HOLLAND—SOIL. And it's an... do —TODAY.
20050505             And that's why I thank THE—HOLLAND—GOVERNMENT, for helping... for example.
20050505             THE—HOLLAND—GOVERNMENT is completely on the...
20050505             Maybe It Means that They Discarded the Biological + Chemical Weapons that THE—REAGAN—BUSH—RUMSFELD—CHENEY Regime Sold to Them.
20050505             The conservative HOLLAND—GOVERNMENT—OF—JAN—PETER—BALKENENDE fell apart —FRIDAY over the citizenship CASE—OF—SOMALI—BORN former deputy AYAAN—HIRSI—ALI, who made 1—NAME with her ANTI—ISLAMIST—BEHAVIOR.
20050505             Bush s Propaganda [Archiv] - politikforum
20050505             —GEMELDET, Professor STEPHEN—C—PELLETIERE zu Wort.
20050505             Pelletiere hat, aufgrund seiner Biographie und seines.
20050505             Kriegsschauplatz IRAK—'MASSAKER' von Halabja STEPHEN—C—PELLETIERE über das Massaker von Halabja im Jahre 19880000             ... 1—DER—AKTEURE von damals, STEPHEN—C—PELLETIERE, hat sich nun wieder zu Wort...
20050505             Kriegsschauplatz IRAK—'MASSAKER' von Halabja Der CIA—VETERAN und AUTOR—DIVERSER—BÜCHER zum IRAN—IRAK—KRIEG, STEPHEN—C—PELLETIERE, hat sich vor wenigen Tagen in der NEW—YORK—TIMES über seine...
20050505             ak 470: Wer bombardierte Halabja?
20050505             1—DER—AKTEURE von damals, STEPHEN—C—PELLETIERE, hat sich nun wieder zu Wort gemeldet.
20050505             Er war zum Zeitpunkt der BOMBARDIERUNG—VON—HALABJA—PROFESSOR am.
20050505             Kurden im IRAK (1) STEPHEN—C—PELLETIERE, THE—KURDS: An Unstable Element in the Gulf, Boulder/Co., 19840000             , S. 57—F.
20050505             (2) ebenda, S. 59—F, und: NADER—ENTESSAR.
20050505             Senatsmitgliedern wie Barbara Boxer (D—CA), ROBERT—C—BYRD (D—WV), DIANNE—FEINSTEIN (D—CA)...
20050505             WELTPOLITIK—AUSGEWÄHLTE Literatur zu ÄGYPTEN STEPHEN—C—PELLETIERE, Shari´1—LAW, Cult Violence and System Change in EGYPT: THE—DILEMMA—FACING—PRESIDENT—MUBARAK, Strategic Studies Institute, 19940000            .
20050505             Power players versuchen die Welt zu steuern
20050505             ? Connections - BLAIR—LABOUR—PARTY—WINS—RE—ELECTION
20050505             TONY—BLAIR won 1—HISTORIC 3. term as PRIME—MINISTER—THURSDAY, but
20050505             —INDICATED, TONY—BLAIR exit poll projections, his Labour Party suffered 1—SHARPLY reduced parliamentary majority in punishment for going to war in IRAQ.
20050505             TONY—BLAIR secures his 3. TERM—BUT how long will he last at No 10?
20050505             —SLASHED, LABOUR—MAJORITY is. War PROTEST bites in LONDON.
20050505             Tories retake key marginals.
20050505             Big swings help Lib Dems Respect PARTY—GALLOWAY wins Bethnal Green & Bow from Labour
20050505             GEORGE—GALLOWAY—OF—THE—RESPECT—PARTY has won the traditionally safe Labour constituency of Bethnal Green and Bow —FOLLOWING 1—OF—THE—UGLIEST—CAMPAIGNS in THE—UK—GENERAL—ELECTION.
20050505             GALLOWAY—EAST—END street fight :
20050505             GEORGE—GALLOWAY—VEHEMENT—ANTI—WAR—STANCE was always going to be 1—OF—THE—HIGHLIGHTS of the 2005—GENERAL—ELECTION.
20050505             CHENEY—HALLIBURTON, Unocal (of El Segundo, CA and Sugarland, TX—TOM
20050505             DIE—REGIERUNG BUSH—CHENEY und ihre Vollstrecker im Kongreß wie TOM—DELAY
20050505             —COORDINATED, HALLIBURTON contract was "" with CHENEY—OFFICE
20050505             Why We Don't Mourn III; GOOGLE—TOM—DELAY—PROBLEM; THE—IGER—SANCTION; —SUNDAY Papers
20050505             —RECEIVED, TOM—DELAY (R—TEXAS), that amount from several INDIA—TRIBES.. HALLIBURTON may have been doing business with IRAN —WHILE CHENEY was CEO
20050505             HALLIBURTON Co. truck drivers TIM—BELL + BILL—BRADLEY disappeared ;;0409;;             —--- —WHEN their
20050505             Under CHENEY, HALLIBURTON Helped SADDAM—SIPHON Billions from UN—OIL—FOR—FOOD—PROGRAM
20050505             —YESTERDAY, I read a LOS—ANGELES—TIMES piece on Wikipedia
20050505             the free online encyclopedia, which depends on THE—FACT—CHECKING ABILITY—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PARTICIPANTS.
20050505             THE—RIGHT—WING blogger ACE—OF—SPADES—OUT of mischief and because he heard WIKIPEDIA—OPERATORS were liberals -
20050505             —RECENTLY called on its readers to "punk" the site: to put up as much misinformation and nonsense as possible.
20050505             Sun Myung Moon, 1—LONGTIME advocate of theocracy himself, described THE—EVENT as 1—GATHERING—OF "Secular humanists and leftist activists" who were maybe
20050505             1—OF—WHOM was JACK—ABRAMOFF, who is embroiled in 1—MAJOR—FEDERAL INFLUENCE—PEDDLING
20050505             HERE—WHAT—LEFT: No more fake debates
20050505             press is countered with FOX—NEWS + Sun Myung MOON—WASHINGTON—TIMES
20050505             with gambling lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF -—2—MONTHS—BEFORE DeLay helped kill
20050505             Information is Power!
20050505             —INVESTIGATED, Abramoff and FORMER—DELAY—SPOKESMAN—MICHAEL—SCANLON were, by
20050505             1—SERIES—OF—CLANDESTINE payments from Sun Myung MOON—ORGANIZATION to the
20050505             is pure irony that Abramoff, 1—PRACTICING—ORTHODOX jew, is paying DeLay for
20050505             And must have whiskey Oh, you know why
20050505             back —WHEN the religious right was young and Sun Myung Moon wasn't funding it
20050505             knowing that the Sun Myung MOON—OWNED paper would treat him with kid gloves. here was 1—EXCHANGE that kind of summed up DELAY—APPROACH to ethics
20050505             ? ;;03;; MISTER—DELAY—TIES to MISTER—ABRAMOFF might be innocent, in a strictly legal
20050505             posing as 1—NEWSPAPER that is owned by WOULD—BE Messiah Sun Myung Moon..
20050505             THE—WALL—OF—SEPARATION
20050505             Sun Myung Moon given 1—ROBE and crown in 1—USA—SENATE—OFFICE building ;;0323;;.. THE—COUSHATTA—LOBBYISTS, JACK—ABRAMOFF and MIKE—SCANLON,
20050505             RUSSIA Business NEWS—MEDIA Monitoring Service by EIN News
20050505             Das JUSTIZ—MINISTERIUM ließ allerdings offen, wem Franklin das Geheimmaterial übergeben hat.
20050505             Der IRAN—SPEZIALIST arbeitete in der Nahost- + SÜDASIEN—ABTEILUNG des PENTAGONs.
20050505             Dem PENTAGON—MITARBEITER drohen —BIS zu 10—JAHRE—HAFT.
20050505             —GEARBEITET, Franklin soll in einem BÜRO, haben, in dem die frühen PLÄNE—FÜR—DEN Krieg zum STURZ—DES—IRAKISCHEN—REGIMES—VON—SADDAM—HUSSEIN erarbeitet worden seien.
20050505             DIE—ISRAEL—BOTSCHAFT in WASHINGTON wies damals die Vorwürfe als falsch + empörend zurück.
20050505             —GEWINNT, LABOUR—PARTEI, laut 1. PROGNOSE
20050505             GEHEIMNISVERRAT,FBI nimmt PENTAGON—MANN fest
20050505             Ehrung: KARLS—PREIS für ITALIEN—PRÄSIDENTEN Ciampi
20050505             KAPITALISMUS—KRITIK: Thierse fürchtet ums Vertrauen in DIE—DEMOKRATIE - Tierschützer wettern gegen ONLINE—JAGD
20050505             Das nun entstandene Dilemma vieler Musiker zeigt sich am deutlichsten in 1—VORFALL
20050505             —HEUTE, ist von der Nähe nichts mehr zu spüren.
20050505             Niemand will für Labour werben, aber
20050505             es will sich auch kaum jemand öffentlich gegen sie STELLEN—UND damit den konservativen Torys zuspielen.
20050505             Evangelist fears Muslims in GOVERNMENT
20050505             Televangelist and onetime PRESIDENT—CANDIDATE—PAT ROBERTson said —SUNDAY that he would be wary of appointing Muslims to top positions in THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, including judgeships.
20050505             Children Face Mass Death
20050505             Up to 300,000 ETHIOPIA—CHILDREN will die from malnutrition THIS—YEAR unless urgent food and aid is given, THE—UNITED—NATIONS has warned.
20050505             ?s World, Global Treaties are —JUST for Girlie Men
20050505             —FIRED, News that NORTH—KOREA, 1—MISSILE into THE—SEA—OF—JAPAN drove WHITE—HOUSE—CHIEF—OF—STAFF—ANDREW—CARD into high dudgeon: "I think they're looking to kind of be bullies in THE—WORLD," he told FOX—NEWS—SUNDAY—IT takes 1 to know 1.
20050505             Doctrine it's back to deterrence
20050505             Let us cease propping up unpopular regimes in THE—MIDDLE—EAST + remove our huge MILITARy presence.
20050505             Armed HAITI—THUGS and Killers
20050505             UNITED—NATIONS troops can usually be found providing support for THE—HAITI—NATIONAL—POLICE as they execute peaceful demonstrators demanding the return of their democratically elected PRESIDENT, JEAN—BERTRAND Aristide.
20050505             —JAILED, HAITI's, EX—PM wants freedom or death
20050505             —JAILED, HAITI's, FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—YVON Neptune has been on hunger strike for about 15—DAYS and has refused medical care —UNTIL THE—GOVERNMENT—DROPS—ITS—ACCUSATIONS that he organized 1—MASSACRE.
20050505             —ACCUSED, VENEZUELA seeks extradition, terrorist from USA
20050505             —RULED, VENEZUELA—SUPREME—COURT has, that THE—GOVERNMENT should extradite from THE—USA 1—ANTI—COMMUNIST—CUBA—EXILE wanted by HAVANA on terrorism charges.
20050505             Denies CUBA—ACCUSATION on Terrorist
20050505             's Proudest Moment: Breaking THE—UN—ANTI—ZIONIST—RESOLUTION - plans air strikes on IRAN—NUCLEAR—SITES
20050505             1—OF—THE—ISRAEL—PILOTS who bombed IRAQ—NUCLEAR—REACTOR 19810000              says that knocking out IRAN—ATOMIC—PROGRAM could prove beyond even ISRAEL—CAPABILITIES.
20050505             IRAN slams USA over nuclear stance
20050505             —DEMANDED, IRAN—FOREIGN—MINISTER—KAMAL Kharrazi, assurances that THE—USA—WOULD not launch 1—NUCLEAR—STRIKE on IRAN.
20050505             Nuclear double —STANDARDS
20050505             es and Betrayals
20050505             UK and the Struggle for THE—HOLY—LAND : 1—INTRIGUING look at how THE—UK—DOUBLE—DEALING
20050505             —DURING WWI ignited the conflict between Arab and Jew in THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20050505             1—DISTURBING picture of 1—DUPLICITOUS wartime GOVERNMENT - officer
20050505             —ORDERED, USA—SPY—CHIEFS, agents to deliver OSAMA—BIN—LADEN'S severed head in 1—BOX—OF dry ice and hoist HEADS—OF—OTHER AL—QAEDA leaders on pikes, 1 retired field officer has disclosed.
20050505             BLAIR - 's next war
20050505             In fact UK could well be involved in further USA—MILITARY—ACTION—IN—THE, near future, perhaps in 1—ASSAULT—ON—IRAN as —EARLY, as next —MONTH.
20050505             Labour Party isn't an option
20050505             In 2—DAYS—TIME THE—UK—PEOPLE are going to elect 1—WAR—CRIMINAL to be their PRIME—MINISTER for another 5—YEARS.
20050505             —INITIATED, Not only is BLAIR 1—WAR—CRIMINAL who, 1—ILLEGAL—WAR, but, the man is 1—COMPULSIVE liar who has surrounded himself with morally DEGENE—RATE—ADVISERS and obedient servants.
20050505             Did Your MP Vote for War?: This list reflects how MPs voted
20050505             No vote for 1—CRIMINAL
20050505             i Group.
20050505             USA—CONGRESSIONAL Candidates
20050505             PRIME—MINISTER 'should be accountable' for hostage
20050505             PRIME—MINISTER—JOHN—HOWARD should be held accountable if 1—AUSTRALIA—MAN being held hostage in IRAQ dies, AUSTRALIA—GREENS SENATOR—KERRY—NETTLE said —TODAY.
20050505             VERSION—OF—IRAQ killing "1—LIE"
20050505             1—USA—ACCOUNT—OF—HOW its soldiers killed 1—ITALY—AGENT in IRAQ was "clearly 1—LIE", 1—ITALIAN—MINISTER was quoted as saying —ON—WEDNESDAY, further stoking tensions between ROME and WASHINGTON over the shooting.
20050505             TURKEY Is Gathering Troops Along SOUTH—BORDER With IRAQ
20050505             —WARNED, ANKARA has long, that it would not TOLE—RATE the presence of THE—PKK in NORTH—IRAQ.
20050505             policy fosters abuse
20050505             Army misses ;;04;; recruiting goal by 42 %
20050505             —MISSED, THE—USA—ARMY, its ;;04;;
20050505             recruiting goal by 1—WHOPPING 42 % and the Army Reserve fell short by 37 %, officials said —ON—TUESDAY, showing THE—DEPTH—OF—THE—MILITARY—WARTIME recruiting woes.
20050505             USA—WAR—CRIMES and the Legal Case for MILITARy Resistance
20050505             USA—COMMANDERS promote 1—WIDESPREAD—MISCONCEPTION that, once USA—YOUTH—SIGN 1—ENLISTMENT—CONTRACT, they are obligated to participate in ANY—KIND—OF—WAR, whether it is based on fraud or truth.
20050505             Stop UARC & ROTC - In memory of the Kent STATE—MASSACRE - Techniques - law upsets immigrants
20050505             —PROPOSED, PRO—IMMIGRATION lobbies are protesting 1, bill that they say would suspend THE—CONSTITUTIONAL—RIGHT to HABEAS—CORPUS for the 1. time —SINCE—THE—CIVIL—WAR.
20050505             Researchers Tested Drugs on Foster Kids
20050505             —TESTED, GOVERNMENT—FUNDED researchers, AIDS drugs on HUNDREDS—OF—FOSTER children over the past 2—DECADES, often without providing them 1—BASIC—PROTECTION afforded in federal law + required by SOME—STATES, 1—AP review has found.
20050505             No Nukes Is Good Nukes
20050505             TALIBAN profit from USA largesse
20050505             PEPE—ESCOBAR : PENTAGON cut and paste
20050505             Talk about rebel technology: THE—PENTAGON this —WEEK was not overwhelmed by 1—DIRTY—BOMB or 1—JET converted into 1—MISSILE, but by 1—SIMPLE cut and paste job.
20050505             —JAILED, UN says FORMER—HAITI—PRIME—MINISTER, illegally
20050505             1—TOP—UNITED—NATIONS official in HAITI —ON—WEDNESDAY denounced THE—DETENTION—OF—FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—YVON Neptune as illegal and THE—ORGANIZATION—OF—USA—STATES offered to help end what it called 1—STANDOFF with serious moral implications.
20050505             Yvon Neptune Nears Death - Yvon NEPTUNE—LAST—MEAL may have been - A New USA—CENTURY?
20050505             Administration - THE—GENTLEMAN, THE—PRINCE + the Simulacrum.
20050505             Lobbyist Paid for IRELAND Trip
20050505             House and Senate Leaders Often Take CORPO—RATE—JETS
20050505             2—REPUBLICANS Step Aside From Ethics Panel
20050505             2—REPUBLICANS on the House ethics committee say they'll step aside from ANY—INVESTIGATION—OF—TOM—DELAY, acknowledging their contributions to the majority leader's defense funds will lead others to question their impartiality.
20050505             consulate in NEW—YORK
20050505             2—HOMEMADE grenades exploded outside the Manhattan office building that houses THE—UK—CONSULATE, shattering windows in THE—PRE—DAWN hours —ON—THURSDAY as voters in UK went to the polls in 1—GENERAL—ELECTION
20050505             1—QUARTER—OF—VOTERS—UNCERTAIN as Labour sag at the final post
20050505             The survey suggests Labour is on course for a 3. successive term but that 1—LAST—MINUTE—ADVANCE by the Liberal Democrats leaves TONY—BLAIR uncertain that he will secure 1—BIG enough majority to serve the "full term" he wants —BEFORE standing down.
20050505             Restrictions Imposed On Aid to Palestinians
20050505             —IMPOSED, USA—CONGRESS, the tight restrictions on aid to the Palestinians that PRESIDENT—BUSH had announced with fanfare in his STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS, possibly dealing 1—BLOW to USA—EFFORTS to support new PALESTINA—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD ABBAS.
20050505             troops accused of arming COLOMBIA—DEATH—SQUADS: 2—SOLDIERS arrested in raid
20050505             Soldiers Detained in COLOMBIA
20050505             —DETAINED, COLOMBIA—POLICE have, 2—USA—ARMY—SOLDIERS—NEAR 1—HUGE—MILITARY—BASE—SOUTHWEST—OF—THE—CAPITAL in 1 alleged arms smuggling plot, Colombian and USA—OFFICIALS said —WEDNESDAY.
20050505             Chavez says USA—TROOPS in COLOMBIA worry VENEZUELA
20050505             made his comments as he read 1—NEWS—REPORT—ON—STATE—TELEVISION about 2—USA—SOLDIERS arrested in COLOMBIA for suspected arms smuggling.
20050505             Army plans to —TEST another INCREASE—IN—RECRUIT bonuses
20050505             THE—ARMY is about to launch tests increasing cash bonuses for recruits above the current $20,000 —LIMIT and pairing returning veterans with recruiters to attract new soldiers, the service's top CIVIL—SAID —WEDNESDAY.
20050505             Officials SUSPECTED—OF—EMBEZZLEMENT in IRAQ
20050505             —OPENED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT has, 1—CRIMINAL—INQUIRY into suspected embezzlement by officials who failed to account for almost $100—MILLION they disbursed for IRAQ—RECONSTRUCTION—PROJECTS, federal investigators said —WEDNESDAY.
20050505             Court rules against ARREST—OF—USA—PRESIDENT
20050505             1—HOLLAND—JUDGE has ruled that USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH[BGW968 - can visit THE—NETHERLANDS[NIEDERLANDE
20050505             as planned this weekend and should not be arrested.
20050505             PENTAGON Analyst Charged With Disclosing MILITARy Secrets
20050505             THE—INQUIRY has cast 1—CLOUD over THE—USA—ISRAEL Public Affairs Committee, which employed THE—2—MEN who are said to have received the classified information.
20050505             Arrested :
20050505             —WHEN, will AIPAC be made to register as 1—AGENT—OF—1—FOREIGN—POWER?
20050505             Efforts - Senate staffers are reportedly probing MANY—ALLEGATIONS regarding BOLTON—MANAGEMENT—STYLE, including claims that BOLTON took part in unauthorized meetings with ISRAEL—OFFICIALS + prevented 1—STATE—DEPARTMENT—MEMO accusing ISRAEL of violating USA—ARMS—EXPORT—LAWS from reaching the desk of then SECRETARY—OF—STATE—COLIN—POWELL[SHABBAS GOY
20050505             THE—UNHOLY trinity of electronic snooping
20050505             freezes WEST—BANK pullback
20050505             Senior PALESTINE—NEGOTIATOR—SAEB Erekat said THE—PALESTINA—AUTHORITY was never formally notified of THE—ISRAEL—FREEZE.
20050505             BULGARIA to withdraw IRAQ troops
20050505             —VOTED, BULGARIA—OUTGOING PARLIAMENT tonight, for 1—WITHDRAWAL—OF—ALL the country's troops from IRAQ by THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR.
20050505             No Charges In FALLUJAH Shooting
20050505             "I didn't want to come forward about this". Artikel in der NEW—YORK—TIMES
20050505             Oil DILEMMA—NEWSWEEK POLITICS—MISS—NBC_com... up: JACK—ABRAMOFF, who —UNTIL—RECENTLY was 1—CLOSE—ALLY—OF both DeLay and... —WHEN fundraising began for BUSH—RE—ELECTION—EFFORT, Rabbi DANIEL—LAPIN.. /
20050505             Type, Individual. Position, Lobbyist. Political Party, Republican.
20050505             Created by, copperqueen. JACK—ABRAMOFF—FRIENDS.
20050505             TOM—DELAY... www.politicalfriendster_com/showPerson.php?id=1917&name=JACK—ABRAMOFF
20050505             —CONNECTED, Political FRIENDSTER—RATE—CONNECTION—JACK—ABRAMOFF... is 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—COUNCIL for National Policy along with JACK—ABRAMOFF, etal.
20050505             —PROVIDED, Abramoff has allegedly, trips for DeLay, his wife + his staff.
20050505             Political Friendster... JACK—ABRAMOFF.
20050505             Jacobo. JACQUES—CHIRAC.
20050505             JAMES—A—BAKER—III—INSTITUTE for Public Policy. JAMES—BAKER... =&
20050505             Political FRIENDSTER—TOM—DELAY — Connections... JACK—ABRAMOFF.
20050505             —ASSOCIATED, Tom and Jack are, in the Council for National Policy.
20050505             (1—RATING) More about this connection... www.politicalfriendster_com/showPerson.php?id=573&name=TOM—DELAY
20050505             Tories retake key marginals. Big swings help Lib Dems
20050505             Respect PARTY—GALLOWAY wins Bethnal Green & Bow from Labour : GEORGE—GALLOWAY—OF—THE—RESPECT—PARTY has won the traditionally safe Labour constituency of Bethnal Green and Bow —FOLLOWING 1—OF—THE—UGLIEST—CAMPAIGNS in THE—UK—GENERAL—ELECTION.
20050505             GALLOWAY—EAST—END—STREET fight : GEORGE—GALLOWAY—VEHEMENT—ANTI—WAR—STANCE was always going to be 1—OF—THE—HIGHLIGHTS—OF—20050000             —THE general election.
20050505             Alcoholics Anonymous has special relevance for DELAY—CASE.. —EVER—SINCE, Abramoff has been DELAY—CHIEF financier.
20050505             WASHINGTON—DER 58-jährige LAWRENCE—FRANKLIN hat nach Informationen von USA—MEDIEN das geheime Material an 1—PRO—ISRAELISCHE—LOBBYORGANISATION weitergegeben.
20050505             BUSH—WORLD, Global Treaties are —JUST for Girlie Men : News that NORTH—KOREA fired 1—MISSILE into THE—SEA—OF—JAPAN drove WHITE—HOUSE—CHIEF—OF—STAFF—ANDREW—CARD into high dudgeon: "I think they're looking to kind of be bullies in the world," he told FOX—NEWS—SUNDAY.
20050505             —ACCUSED, VENEZUELA seeks extradition, terrorist from USA : VENEZUELA—SUPREME—COURT has ruled that the Government should extradite from THE—USA—1—ANTI—COMMUNIST—CUBA—EXILE wanted by HAVANA on terrorism charges.
20050505             Video: ISRAEL—IS—SPYING—IN—AND—ON—THE—USA ?
20050505             Stop UARC & ROTC: In memory of the Kent STATE—MASSACRE
20050505             No Nukes Is Good Nukes : 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—LONGTIME—ANTI—NUCLEAR—ACTIVIST—HELEN—CALDICOTT: HELEN—CALDICOTT had 1—EPIPHANY: all life on earth could end at ANY—MOMENT, simply because 1—FEW—PIG—HEADED people imagined they could "win" 1—NUCLEAR—WAR.
20050505             —ACCUSED—OF, USA—TROOPS, arming COLOMBIA—DEATH—SQUADS: 2—SOLDIERS arrested in raid:
20050505             USA—OFFICIALS SUSPECTED—OF—EMBEZZLEMENT in IRAQ : THE—USA—GOVERNMENT has opened 1—CRIMINAL—INQUIRY into suspected embezzlement by officials who failed to account for almost $100—MILLION they disbursed for IRAQ—RECONSTRUCTION—PROJECTS, federal investigators said —WEDNESDAY.
20050505             —EXPRESSED, SOME—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIALS in EUROPE, surprise at hearing MISTER—LIBBI described as AL—QAEDA—3.—HIGHEST leader, pointing out that he does not figure on THE—FBI s MOST—WANTED list.
20050505             "I didn't want to come forward about this". NEW—YORK—TIMES
20050505             —ACCUSED—OF, SOME—ACCUSE—JACK—ABRAMOFF—OF—DOUBLE—DEALING—THE—MARIANAS in the same way he is —NOW, defraud ing INDIA—TRIBES.
20050505             keld.newsvine_com/_news/2006/07/01/275062—LIES—OF—HIRSI—ALI—TAKES—DOWN—DUTCH—GOVERNMENT...
20050505—19520000    —SINCE, It has been celebrated but was only fixed by Congress 19880000             —IN.
20050505—19760000    —IN, 1—TOP—STATE—DEPARTMENT—OFFICIAL denied —ON—TUESDAY CUBA—ALLEGATIONS that THE—USA is providing 1—HAVEN for 1—MAN—CUBA accuses of perpetrating 1—TERRORIST bombing against 1—CUBA—AIRLINER.
20050505—20000000    —BIS, Informationsstelle Militarisierung (IMI) - 20030000              20000101             —KOMMENTAR—VON—STEPHEN—C.—PELLETIERE, der von 19880000              als Professor am Army War College lehrte und davor als Analyst beim Geheimdienst CIA...
20050505—20050417    —ON, Yvon Neptune Nears Death : Yvon NEPTUNE—LAST—MEAL—MAY have been HAITI—MOST recent constitutional PRIME—MINISTER, —NOW its most prominent political prisoner, stopped eating 18—DAYS ago to protest 10—MONTHS—OF—ILLEGAL—IMPRISONMENT.
20050505—20080000    —REPEALED, New rules by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, a 19820000              regulation requiring that fish and wildlife habitats be managed to maintain viable populations.
20050505—20090630    —ON, these changes were reversed by 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—IN—SAN—FRANCISCO.
20050611             Tortur nach Maß. - - Aus "VG—NETT.no" vom 20040505            .
20050624             GEORGE—PAPADOPOULOS—GREEK—GE?? ?apad?p?????, Georgios Papadopoulos, (19190505             ... CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY.
20060117—20060505    —ON, the army launched heavy offensives against THE—FDD.
20060300             Upon reading the analysis and bill... alfatomega.com/ 20080505.html
20060500             t despite the signing of 20060505             —THE—DARFUR—PEACE—AGREEMENT + —EARLIER ceasefire deals".
20060505             —DISCLOSED, THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT, that ALBANIA has agreed to take in 5—CHINESE, ethnic Uighur detainees, held at GUANTANAMO Bay.
20060505             They were flown to ALBANIA the next —DAY.
20060505             —RESIGNED, PORTER—GOSS, 67—JAHRE—ALT, USA—CIA—DIRECTOR, under pressure —AFTER—18—MONTHS on the job.
20060505             —AGREED, Valerie Plame, FORMER—CIA—AGENT, to sell her memoir for $2.5—MILLION.
20060505             The book, whose working title is "Fair Game," is scheduled to be published in the fall of 20070000              by Crown Publishing, 1—IMPRINT—OF—RANDOM—HOUSE.
20060505             1—SPOKESMAN for NEVADA GOVERNOR—KENNY—GUINN said Nevadans will be able to buy prescription drugs from CANADA over THE—INTERNET —STARTING next —WEEK, despite objections by THE—USA—FOOD and Drug Administration.
20060505             THE—DJIA rose 138—POINTS to a 6-year high.
20060505             1—REPORT—OF—MODEST—JOB—GROWTH triggered hopes that the Federal Reserve will soon end interest rate hikes.
20060505             Soberon said that all the money made from those companies is pumped back into THE—ISLAND—ECONOMY, into sectors including health, education, science, security, defense and solidarity projects with other countries.
20060505             EAST—AFGHANISTAN, 1—USA—LED coalition military transport helicopter crashed —WHILE conducting combat operations, killing all 10—USA—SOLDIERS on BOARD.
20060505             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—ROADSIDE bomb, 2—ITALY—SOLDIERS and wounded 4 as they were traveling to help AFGHANISTAN—POLICE hurt in 1—ATTACK—NEAR—KABUL.
20060505             WINDSOR—CANADA, Const.
20060505             Nikkolas Brennan and CODY—DEFAUSSES, both 18, were charged with 1.—DEGREE murder.
20060505             Atkinson, 1—FATHER—OF—2, was the 1. officer slain in the force's HISTORY—OF—MORE than 120—YEARS.
20060505             THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION said safety belts will have to be used in all seats on tour buses and vans across the European Union.
20060505             1—ROADSIDE bomb killed 3—USA—SOLDIERS—SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20060505             Coalition forces shot to death 3—INSURGENTS in SAMARRA, THE—SITE—OF—THE—BOMBING—OF—1—SHIITE shrine in February that set off 1—WAVE—OF—SECTARIAN—KILLINGS in IRAQ.
20060505             † 1—USA—SOLDIER was killed by the roadside bomb in BAGHDAD.
20060505             SRINAGAR, 1—STRIKE and protests to force the government to reveal NAMES—OF—PEOPLE caught up in 1—PROSTITUTION—SCANDAL paralyzed the —SUMMER CAPITAL—OF—INDIAN—KASHMIR and injured 20—PEOPLE.
20060505             —PROMOTED, Cheney, export routes for vast oil and gas reserves that would bypass RUSSIA and supply the West directly.
20060505             —HANDED, THE—MOSCOW City Court official, down the verdict the next —DAY.
20060505             Prosecutors said they would appeal the acquittal.
20060505             1—MILITARY training jet crashed —DURING 1—AIR—SHOW in SOUTH—KOREA.
20060505             —PRESUMED, The pilot was, killed, but no spectators were hurt.
20060505             2—OTHER—REBEL—FACTIONS rejected the deal.
20060505             THE—ABUJA deal allocates 1—INITIAL $30—MILLION in compensation from the government for more than 3—MILLION—DARFURIS THE—UNITED—NATIONS says were affected by the conflict.
20060505             —DISMISSED, Opposition groups in the camps, the $10—PER person payout as 1—JOKE.
20060505             —WAIVED, THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT—SAID—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE has, 1—LAW to make MYANMAR refugees, almost ALL—OF—WHOM back 1—ARMED—GROUP—FIGHTING THE—YANGON military junta, eligible for resettlement into THE—USA.
20060505             —TITLED, FORBES—MAGAZINE in 1—ARTICLE, "FORTUNES—OF—KINGS—QUEENS And Dictators," put FIDEL—CASTRO in 7. place in 1—GROUP—OF—10—WORLD—LEADERS with "lofty positions and vast fortunes".
20060505             Forbes said it assumed Castro has economic control over 1—WEB—OF—STATE—OWNED companies including 1—CONVENTION—CENTER—1—RETAIL conglomerate and 1—ENTERPRISE that sells CUBAN—PRODUCED pharmaceuticals.
20060505             —CONTROLLED, Berkshire Hathaway INCORPORATED, the investment company, by WARREN—BUFFETT, said it purchased an 80% stake in Iscar, 1—PRIVATELY held ISRAEL—METALWORKING—FIRM for $5—BILLION.
20060505             —CRASHED, THE—CH—47—CHINOOK, —WHILE on 1—MISSION in SUPPORT—OF—OPERATION—MOUNTAIN—LION—1—OFFENSIVE to root out Taliban and AL—QAIDA militants near the border with PAKISTAN.
20060505             —SHUFFLED, UNITED—KINGDOM—PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR, his Cabinet, replacing Foreign SECRETARY—JACK—STRAW.
20060505             —INVOLVED, JOHN—ATKINSON, 37—JAHRE—ALT was shot to death as he approached 2—MEN, in 1—DRUG—TRANSACTION in 1—PARKING—LOT—OUTSIDE—1—CONVENIENCE—STORE.
20060505             —KILLED, A—USA—SOLDIER was, by the roadside bomb in BAGHDAD.
20060505             —KILLED, 1—ISRAEL—AIR—STRIKE—5—MEMBERS—OF—1—GROUP with close ties to the ruling Hamas movement in 1—GAZA City neighborhood training ground for militants.
20060505             —STORMED, NICARAGUA, riot police, 1—GOVERNMENT—BUILDING and evicted about 200—STRIKING—DOCTORS who invaded it hours —EARLIER in 1—EFFORT to force PRESIDENT—ENRIQUE—BOLANOS to restart wage negotiations.
20060505             —OPPOSED, WARSAW, 2—PARTIES that, POLAND—ENTRY into THE—EU joined the government, raising hopes for 1—END to 6—MONTHS—OF—POLITICAL—WRANGLING.
20060505             1—COURT—IN—RUSSIA—FAR—EAST overturned 1—DEPORTATION—RULING for USA and UNITED—KINGDOM—ADVENTURERS ACCUSED—OF—ILLEGALLY crossing the border by walking across the frozen Bering Straight from ALASKA.
20060505             SOUTH—AFRICA, ANTHONY—WAKABA—MUTHEKI, 1—KENYAN—BORN artist who once hawked his works for as little as $1—APIECE, was reported to have become 1—OF—AFRICA—HOTTEST young talents, fetching up to $12,000 for his paintings.
20060505             † SRI—LANKA—NAVY and AIR—FORCE hit Tamil Tiger targets on land and sea in THE—ISLAND—NORTHWEST, —WHILE 1—POLICEMAN, in 1—FRAGMENTATION—MINE—ATTACK—FURTHER—STRAINING—1—BATTERED 20020000              ceasefire.
20060505             —AGREED, SUDAN—GOVERNMENT and the largest Darfur rebel group, to sign 1—PEACE—PLAN—MARKING—MAJOR—PROGRESS in 1—INTERNATIONALLY backed effort to end the death and destruction in WEST—SUDAN.
20060505             The bad old days were —BACK—IN HOUSTON as KENNETH—LAY, the man who presided over the growth and COLLAPSE—OF—ENRON, tried to persuade 1—JURY that he does not belong in prison.
20060505             This was 1—WITNESS who still thinks that the funny numbers Enron used were perfectly reasonable and, indeed, show —JUST how healthy the company was.
20060505             "Aggressive accounting," Lay believes, is 1—OF—THE—THINGS that made AMERICAN—GREAT.
20060505             —INCREASED, J—PORTER—GOSS—RESIGNATION as CIA director may open the way for, cooperation between the agency and other ELEMENTS—OF—THE—USA—INTELLIGENCE...
20060505             Damit ist nicht bloß die Idee von Methanmeeren um den Äquator des Titanmonds hinfällig.
20060505             Auch in der weiteren Umgebung scheinen sie durch die Entdeckung unwahrscheinlicher zu werden: Größere Gebiete mit Feuchtigkeit würden die durch Wind bewegten Körnchen mit der Zeit aufsaugen, so dass sie ganz von der Oberfläche verschwinden würde, schreiben die Forscher.
20060505             Aus der Struktur der Dünen, deren längste sich über 1500—KILOMETER hinzieht, können die Forscher auf die Windverhältnisse in der Titanatmosphäre schließen.
20060505             In einer weiteren Affäre, in der es um die Bedingungen des Kaufs der Verlagsgruppe Mondadori durch Berlusconis FININVEST—KONZERN ging, wurde Previti indes vor dem Kassationsgericht freigesprochen.
20060505             Für den abgewählten Ministerpräsidenten Berlusconi war in diesem Fall 1—VERJÄHRUNGSFRIST überschritten.
20060505             ROM—FÜR den 70—JAHRE alten CESARE—PREVITI tritt nach der Entscheidung des Kassationsgerichts in Rom lediglich Hausarrest in Kraft.
20060505             Das Gericht verringerte eine erstinstanzliche Haftstrafe von 7—AUF 6—JAHRE.
20060505             Previti wurde für schuldig befunden, durch Bestechung eines Richters 19930000              erreicht zu haben, dass die staatliche BANK—IMI an die FAMILIE—DES—ÖLMAGNATEN—NINO—ROVELLI 1—MILLIONEN—ENTSCHÄDIGUNG zahlen musste.
20060505             Doch die riesigen Wälder und ihre BEWOHNER—DARUNTER rund 450—VOGELARTEN—FALLEN zunehmend Wilderern und Holzfällern zum Opfer.
20060505             Insbesondere der Lebensraum des ORANG—UTANS, laut der
20060505             Roten LISTE—DER—ARTENSCHUTZUNION—IUCN stark vom Aussterben bedroht, wird immer weiter beschnitten.
20060505             Er ist der einzige Menschenaffe, der außerhalb Afrikas vorkommt.
20060505             —BEDEUTET, Sein Name stammt aus dem Malaiischen und, "Waldmensch".
20060505             Die MALAYSIA—NATURE—SOCIETY will gemeinsam mit 9—WEITEREN Umweltschutzorganisationen und einem weltweit aktiven KOSMETIK—HERSTELLER in einer sechsmonatigen Kampagne 50.000—UNTERSCHRIFTEN sammeln und sie den Behörden vorlegen.
20060505             Die zuständige Regierung in der nordmalaysischen Provinz Perak hat den Umweltschützern aber —BEREITS 1—ABSAGE erteilt.
20060505             "Wir werden die Abholzung auf keinen Fall stoppen", sagte Tajol Rosli Ghazali, CHEF—DER—REGIONALREGIERUNG, der Zeitung "THE—STAR".
20060505             "Die Holzgewinnung ist eine wichtige Einkommensquelle für den STAAT und die Menschen".
20060505             Ground 0: Gedenkstätte soll fast 1—MILLIARDE—DOLLAR kosten
20060505             Studie: 70—PROZENT aller Viren sind auf Diebstahl aus
20060505             GROSSBRITANNIEN: Blair feuert Außenminister Straw
20060505             (Politik, LABOUR—WAHLSCHLAPPE: Blair bildet Kabinett um
20060505             —VERURTEILT, ITALIEN: BERLUSCONI—VERTRAUTER Previti wegen Korruption
20060505             Teure Energie: EU erwägt Sondersteuer für Ölkonzerne
20060505             150—JAHRE Sigmund Freud: Der Überschätzte
20060505             Saturnmond: Dünen statt Ozeane auf Titan
20060505             Finanzdesaster: Öffentliche Verschuldung steigt auf 1,5 Billionen Euro
20060505             Rede in WASHINGTON: Merkel weist IRAN—DROHUNGEN gegen ISRAEL scharf zurück
20060505             I am writing about
20060505             Colbert Shocks the Media Silent The same media that's trashing STEPHEN—COLBERT gave 1—PASS to BUSH—JOKES about missing WMDs in IRAQ —2—YEARS—EARLIER.
20060505             Lawyers, Guns and Money Family. Religion. Friendship.
20060505             —SUCCEED, These are THE—3—DEMONS you must slay if you wish to, in business.
20060505             Moussaoui
20060505             —WHILE I certainly don't see this as 1—REASON for celebration, and —WHILE as longtime readers know (and I will return to sometime in the near future) I'm 1—TEPID OPPONENT—OF—THE—DEATH—PENALTY, I'm inclined to agree with the Talking Dog: "As 1—RESULT—OF—THIS legally correct verdict, —FOLLOWING 1—GOVERNMENT—PROSECUTION rife with misconduct and 1—VIRTUALLY impossible burden given FBI agent testimony that no matter what Moussaoui said, Bureau chieftains could not be CONVINCED—OF—THE—MERITS—OF a 20010911             —PLOT, Moussaoui will be automatically sentenced to life in prison...LET—JUST say it's gratifying to see 1—JUDGE and jury do their job the way the law actually intended".
20060505             —COLLECTED, For the reasons that Talk Left has, in voluminous detail--see here in particular--1—DEATH—PENALTY verdict in this case would have been pretty appalling.
20060505             1—DEATH—PENALTY—CASE requires 1—LEVEL—OF—PROFESSIONALISM that the state manifestly failed to meet here, and given MOUSSAOUI—EXCEPTIONALLY TANGENTIAL—AT—BEST—CONNECTIONS to 20010911              I can't say it's 1—TRAGEDY....Lithwick:
20060505             This case was about 1—CONSPIRACY, about SOME—FACTUAL—CONNECTION, however attenuated, between Zacarias MOUSSAOUI—JIHADI heart and the events of 20010911            .
20060505             This decision, which will doubtless bring with it SOME—SERIOUS—NATIONAL fallout, is more subtle + more courageous, than the prosecution itself.
20060505             —REFUSED, Acting as 1—CHECK on 1—RUNAWAY state, these jurors, to allow 1—GOVERNMENT—NEEDING—1—SCAPEGOAT and 1—MAN—WISHING for martyrdom to stand in THE—WAY—OF—THE—FACTS.
20060505             These jurors understood that for this country to kill 1—TERRORIST for his ideas, hopes + dreams is not much different than the terrorist's desire to come here and kill us for ours.
20060505             [POLITICAL—RESEARCHP] BLOGLINES—UNIVERSAL Admits Defeat, Removes Flight 93—FORUM
20060505             Bloglines user bill.giltner@gmail_com infowarsnews at Yahoo!
20060505             Groups ALEX—JONES' Infowars News Universal Admits Defeat, Removes Flight 93—FORUM By PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—UNIVERSAL—ADMITS—DEFEAT—REMOVES Flight 93—FORUM—CRESCENDO—OF—DISSENT on official fairy tail leads to WIPING—OF—WEBSITE—PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON/Prison Planet_com |
20060505             SOUTH—CROSS - STEPHEN—LENDMAN gives us 1—USEFUL lesson in decoding THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL and how its recent "reporting" of BOLIVIA—MAY—DAY—MOVE to nationalize its natural resources signals big trouble coming up SOUTH—OF—THE—BORDER.
20060505             —FROM OpEdNews_com: Evo Morales —NOW Joins HUGO—CHAVEZ—AS A—USA—TARGET.
20060505             EX—SPOOK condemns Bush 'manipulation campaign' : Mail & GUARDIAN Online
20060505             —BY SARAH—MEYER—BY SARAH—MEYER
20060505             1—CONFERENCE—RECENTLY took place in MADRID which focused on THE—190—MURDERED academics and 224—MURDERED health officials in IRAQ —SINCE the occupation.
20060505             CEOSI (Statewide Campaign to End the Occupation and Restore THE—SOVEREIGNTY—OF—IRAQ) hosted the conference.
20060505             —SUPPORTED, CEOSI was, by the respected BRUSSELS Tribunal.
20060505             BOTH—OF—THESE organizations have taken 1—INTEREST in collating information concerning the criminal ASSASSINATION—OF—HIGHLY esteemed intellectuals in IRAQ.
20060505             1—PETITION, URGENT APPEAL TO SAVE IRAQ—ACADEMICS can be found at
20060505             The final RESOLUTION—OF—THE—MADRID conference may also be found here, along with 1—WEALTH—OF—INFORMATION which world leaders and Mainstream Media ignore — to the detriment of "democracy and freedom".
20060505             DOCTOR—ISMAIL—JALILI, who is on the advisory COMMITTEE—OF—THE—BRUSSELS—TRIBUNAL, gave 1—DETAILED presentation about the assassinations (see below) at THE—MADRID conference.
20060505             Ganzer Artikel und mehr Fotos auf
20060505             LEIPZIG]Nazis vielfältig u. massiv behindert
20060505             Ein scheinheiliger Vater Ratzi und seine Frau Spectator Köln Mehr Infos zum PAPA und seine Frau.Er predigte Wasser und trank Wein!
20060505             CNN—EXPLOSIVE Interviews zum 20060911
20060505             Heiner Buecker Explosive Aussagen zum 20060911              auf CNN (USA) landesweit um 19.00—UND 23.00—UHR.
20060505             In einer Show kommen Hollywoodstars CHARLIE—SHEEN
20060505             Bislang jeweils 15—MINUTEN an 4—TAGEN —SEIT dem 23.3. - Blackout der PRINTMEDIEN—TOTAL
20060505             Letter Reveals Reason for FIRING—OF—VERMONT AP CHIEF—NEW—YORK—FORMER—ASSOCIATED—PRESS—VERMONT BUREAU—CHIEF—CHRIS—GRAFF, whose firing for unannounced reasons in March sparked statewide protests from journalists and public officials, was terminated for distributing 1—COLUMN by SENATOR—PATRICK—LEAHY that promoted open public records, according to his...
20060505             Who Owns Your Computer?
20060505             —WHEN technology serves its owners, it is liberating.
20060505             —DESIGNED, —WHEN it is, to serve others, over the owner's objection, it is oppressive.
20060505             THERE—1—BATTLE—RAGING on your computer right —NOW -- 1—THAT—PITS you against worms and viruses.
20060505             Microsoft Patents MULTI—DOMAIN User Tracking With Cookies
20060505             theodp writes "1—PATENT for Tracking usage behavior in computer systems was granted to Microsoft —TUESDAY—AFTER the software giant explained how it can use invisible images and 'small sized cookies' to surreptitiously track visitors on its own and others' web sites".
20060505             The claims seem to get fairly.
20060505             Suggestion for Short Sharp Science
20060505             Rioters could soon be in for 1—SLIPPERY surprise.
20060505             Researchers at THE—SOUTH—WEST—RESEARCH—INSTITUTE in S—ANTONIO, TEXAS, USA, are working on 1—NEW—NON—LETHAL weapon that could quite literally bring them to their knees — by sliming them.
20060505             —DEVELOPED, The institute has, 1—SUPER—SLIMY substance.
20060505             —WHEN.
20060505             JUDGE—SILENCES—MOUSSAOUI outburst 1—JUDGE—TELLS—ZACARIAS—MOUSSAOUI he will "die with 1—WHIMPER" as the defiant 20010911              plotter is jailed for life.
20060505             UK 3—LOSE GUANTANAMO case 3—UK residents held at GUANTANAMO Bay lose 1—CHALLENGE against ministers' refusal to act on their behalf.
20060505             SOMALIA—LEADER slams USA on terror THE—USA is funding SOMALIA—WARLORDS who —EARLIER this —YEAR battled Islamic groups, THE—SOMALIA—PRESIDENT says.
20060505             VATICAN throws out CHINA bishops 2—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—BISHOPS appointed by CHINA without VATICAN approval are excommunicated.
20060505             Petrobras scraps BOLIVIA project BRAZIL—ENERGY—FIRM—PETROBRAS suspends investment in BOLIVIA —FOLLOWING its neighbour's gas industry nationalisation.
20060505             RUSSIA—RACISM 'OUT—OF—CONTROL' Racist killings in RUSSIA are "OUT—OF—CONTROL", says 1—REPORT by human rights watchdog AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL.
20060505             NEPAL rebels agree to peace talks Maoist rebels in NEPAL welcome THE—OFFER—OF—PEACE—TALKS—1—DAY—AFTER the authorities declared 1—TRUCE.
20060505             BANK—OF—ENGLAND keeps 4.5% rate THE—BANK—OF—ENGLAND votes to keep interest rates at 4.5%, for the ninth consecutive —MONTH.
20060505             —THREATENED, Science degrees, - MPs University science is under threat, with the government lacking the "teeth" to save it, MPs say.
20060505             Net censorship spreads worldwide Repressive regimes are using technology to stifle online debate among citizens on EVERY—CONTINENT, reveals 1—REPORT.
20060505             EU takes aim at sun cream labels THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION—MOVES to improve sun cream labels, so buyers know how much protection they will get.
20060505             Everyone Wants to 'Own' Your PC As if hackers and virus writers weren't enough to worry about, —NOW business wants CONTROL—OF—YOUR computer.
20060505             The future of the computing revolution is at stake.
20060505             Commentary by BRUCE—SCHNEIER.
20060505             QUOTE—OF—THE—DAY: Gates: 'I wish I wasn't' the richest man Blog: Microsoft CO—FOUNDER—BILL—GATES told 1—ONLINE advertising conference —WEDNESDAY that he'd prefer not to be the richest person...
20060505             Biometrics Win Support From the Lazy
20060505             "We're used to discussions about privacy and security, but amongst users, the real issue is EASE—OF—USE, according to 1—SURVEY by Unisys. It's not 1—HUGE—SAMPLE, but 10—PERCENT—OF—THE—USERS in ASIA were happy to be chipped and have done with it".
20060505             "Frost & Sullivan security analyst JAMES—TURNER said —WHILE SPEED—OF—IDENTITY—VERIFICATION—MAY be driving people's ACCEPTANCE—OF—BIOMETRICS, the key issue is that biometrics can be 1—SECURITY—BLOCK, rather than 1—ENABLER. Turner added that what is more important in the smartcard debate is ratifying exactly where the identification data is stored. "
20060505             Spam War Takes Out Blog Services
20060505             "—FOLLOWING on from the story about spammers attacking BLUE—SECURITY—ANTI—SPAM system, CBR is reporting that 6—APART, which runs the popular LiveJournal and TypePad blogging services, has become 1—COLLATERAL victim. 6—APART told its MILLIONS—OF—BLOGGERS it had experienced 'intermittent and limited availability for TypePad, LiveJournal, TypeKey, sixapart_com, movabletype_org and movabletype_com', —BEFORE resolving the issue in the early HOURS—OF—WEDNESDAY. '[The spammers are] trying to rip apart THE—INTERNET—JUST to make our community stop fighting back against spam,' BLUE—SECURITY—CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—ERAN Reshef said, adding that he knows who's behind the attack".
20060505             USA Considers ANTI—SATELLITE Laser
20060505             "THE—USA—GOVERNMENT wants to develop 1—GROUND—BASED weapon to shoot down enemy satellites in orbit. The laser will be much more powerful and sophisticated than 1—SIMILAR—ENDEAVOR—1—DECADE ago.  '... SOME—CONGRESSIONAL—DEMOCRATS and other experts fault the research as potential fuel for 1—ANTISATELLITE arms race that could ultimately hurt this nation more than others because THE—USA—RELIES so heavily on military satellites, which aid navigation, reconnaissance and attack warning.'"
20060505             Identity Theft From Tossed Airline Boarding Pass?
20060505             "THE—GUARDIAN newspaper has 1—GREAT—STORY about how THE—GATHERING—OF—INFORMATION for 'ANTI—TERRORIST' passenger screening databases allowed 1—REPORTER and security guru ADAM—LAURIE to lay the groundwork for stealing the identity of 1—BUSINESS—TRAVELLER by using his discarded BOARDING—PASS stub".
20060505             EU Proposing Mandatory Battery Recycling
20060505             "THE—BBC Reports that the European Union is working on 1—DIRECTIVE to mandate battery recycling. Among other things, it will ban more than trace AMOUNTS—OF—CADMIUM and mercury and require all batteries to be removeable. If it passes, it will be interesting to see how this affects such devices as MP3 players that generally do not have removeable rechargeable batteries".
20060505             SOMALIA—PRESIDENT—SAYS—USA—BACKS—WARLORDS : THE—LEADER—OF—1—UNITED—NATIONS—BACKED transitional government that is trying to assert control over SOMALIA said —WEDNESDAY he believes THE—USA is funding 1—ALLIANCE—OF—WARLORDS fighting radical Islamic militias in his country and should be working directly with his administration instead.
20060505             S.Korean protesters clash with police over USA—BASE: SOUTH—KOREAN—RIOT—POLICE fought pitched battles with ANTI—USA—PROTESTERS and farmers on —THURSDAY, as authorities moved to clear 2—RURAL—TOWNSHIPS to pave the way for 1—NEW—USA—MILITARY—BASE.
20060505             Morales Serves NOTICE—OF—THE—NEW—LATIN—AMERICA
20060505             VENEZUELA on Alert as USA Continues Military Maneuvers in the Caribbean : VENEZUELA is ready to drive back ANY—THREAT or aggression, reiterated GENERAL—RAUL—ISAIAS—BADUEL, THE—COMMANDER—OF—THE—VENEZUELAN—ARMY, in reference to USA—MILITARY—MANEUVERS in the Caribbean.
20060505             Zapatista Leader Reaches Out to Neglected Minorities:
20060505             1—NEW—WEAPON in THE—'WAR—OF—IDEAS': 1—GLOBAL—WAR—OF—IDEAS is set to begin and ANGLO—USA—DOMINANCE—OF—INTERNATIONAL—TV—NEWS about to end.
20060505             Arab and Muslim perspectives will get wider play —AFTER AL—JAZEERA introduces 1—GLOBAL—TELEVISION—CHANNEL that will telecast news in English.
20060505             USA: Government creating "CLIMATE—OF—TORTURE ": AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL—TODAY made public 1—REPORT—DETAILING its concerns about torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading TREATMENT—OF—PRISONERS and detainees both in THE—USA and in USA—DETENTION—SITES—AROUND the world.
20060505             'Aggressive action' urged against SAUDI—ARABIA—ARAB ia : A—USA—CONGRESS—MANDATED commission called on the government to take "aggressive action" against SAUDI—ARABIA for alleged RELIGIOUS—FREEDOM—VIOLATIONS and warned that religious rights were under threat in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN.
20060505             Our monarch, above the la w: HAS GEORGE W. Bush come to believe he's KING?
20060505             1—CORNERED—ADMINISTRATION: Dangerous Times Ahead:
20060505             The noose is tightening —AROUND GEORGE—BUSH and his GANG—OF—WHITE—HOUSE crooks and liars, with prosecutor PATRICK—FITZGERALD reportedly getting closer to 1—INDICTMENT—OF—KARL—ROVE
20060505             Faulty Testimony Sent 2 to Death Row, Panel Finds : Faulty evidence masquerading as science sent 2—MEN to death row for arson in TEXAS and led to the execution of 1—OF—THEM, 1—PANEL—OF—PRIVATE—FIRE—INVESTIGATORS concluded in 1—REPORT released —TUESDAY in AUSTIN.
20060505             Feds to Fund Unproven FAITH—BASED Prisoner 'Rehab' : The administration plans to grant $3—MILLION to private contractors to develop inmate rehabilitation programs centered on 1—SINGLE—FAITH.
20060505             Immigrants Tell STORIES—OF—DETENTION and Deportation : Immigration and Customs Enforcement has been conducting widespread deportation raids and immigration roundups.
20060505             —TRIED, We speak with 2—YOUNG—IMMIGRANT—WOMEN who, to follow the path to citizenship and were subsequently jailed.
20060505             1—OF—THEM was deported and has been separated from her 3—YEAR—OLD—SON.
20060505             Oh, Say, Can You See Xenophobia in 1—LAND—OF—IMMIGRANTS?
20060505             —THROUGHOUT history, fascism is closely associated with xenophobia, but then we find MANY—OTHER—UNPLEASANT—ASPECTS—OF—FASCISM—FROM illegal spying to recording what people read in libraries, from torture to illegal INVASION—FEATURE in GEORGE—BUSH—AMERICA.
20060505             —MISSED, In case you, it:
20060505             Setting the Record Straight about IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM : —BEFORE THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY is lead to another "CRISIS—OF—CHOICE", it is imperative that the public knows all the facts and is empowered to make 1—INFORMED and sober decision about 1—IMPENDING—CATASTROPHE.
20060505             USA—THREATS make their mark on Iranians: "On THE—1—HAND the Americans say the issue with IRAN is our nuclear programme + on the other they allocate $70m for overthrowing the Islamic Republic," he said, referring to PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH—DECISION to fund groups wanting regime change in TEHRAN.
20060505             STEPHEN—ZUNES : IRAN stands in THE—WAY—OF—USA—DESIGNS : The latest USA National Security Strategy document, published this —YEAR, labeled IRAN as the most serious challenge to THE—USA—POSED by ANY—COUNTRY.
20060505             EX—CIA—ANALYST condemns Bush 'manipulation campaign' on IRAQ : 1—FORMER—MIDDLE—EAST—SPECIALIST—OF—THE—USA—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY has condemned what he called 1—ORGANISED CAMPAIGN—OF—MANIPULATION by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION to justify THE—IRAQ war.
20060505             War pimp alert: IRAQ—PRESIDENT: Syria exporting terror, IRAN great danger : IRAQ—PRESIDENT—JALAL—TALABANI accused SYRIA—OF—EXPORTING—TERRORISM to IRAQ and IRAN—OF—POSING—1—GREAT—DANGER to his country.
20060505             Report: IRAN Makes Fuel Rods for Reactors : It said these IRANIAN—PRODUCED rods were already in use in a 5-megawatt reactor built by THE—USA—  —BEFORE IRAN's 19790000              Islamic revolution — at the nuclear research center in TEHRAN.
20060505             USA Seeks Targeted Sanctions If IRAN Won't End Enrichment : BOLTON said targeted sanctions would also likely include "restricting trade in dual use and other sensitive items".
20060505             He didn't rule out tougher sanctions at SOME—FUTURE—DATE.
20060505             IRAN Military Denies ISRAEL—IS 1. Target If USA—ATTACKS : THE—IRAN—MILITARY on —WEDNESDAY rejected 1—STATEMENT from 1—TOP—REVOLUTIONARY—GUARDS—COMMANDER—THAT—ISRAEL would be IRAN—1. retaliatory target in response to ANY—USA—ATTACK, according to 1—IRAN—NEWS—AGENCY.
20060505             Ahmadinejad: Lost in translation : What if the pronouncements by Ahmadinejad that cast him as this season's baddie incarnate had been a) mistranslated and b) taken OUT—OF—CONTEXT?
20060505             USA—RELEASES—NEW—ZARQAWI Images : THE—USA—MILITARY—COMMAND—THURSDAY released previously unseen images of 1—VIDEO purportedly —POSTED—BY—AL—QAIDA in IRAQ—LEADER—SHOWING him decked out in USA—TENNIS shoes and unable to operate his machine gun.
20060505             —INVOKED, THE—SALVADOR—OPTION has been, in IRAQ
20060505             —REPORTED, The real news, which is not, in THE—CNN "mainstream", is that THE—SALVADOR—OPTION has been invoked in IRAQ.
20060505             —ARMED, This is THE—CAMPAIGN—OF—TERROR by death squads, and trained by THE—USA, which attack Sunnis and Shias alike.
20060505             The goal is the incitement of 1—REAL—CIVIL—WAR and THE—BREAK—UP—OF—IRAQ, the original war AIM—OF—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION.
20060505             The ministry of the interior in BAGHDAD, which is run by THE—CIA—DIRECTS the principal death squads.
20060505             Success is not the transition to death by electric drill -
20060505             —SUPPORTED, THE—ARGUMENT—OF—LAST—RESORT for those who, regime change has always been that at least Saddam has gone and the torture chambers have been closed.
20060505             —TURNED, Even that has, out to be 1—ILLUSION, with the news that THE—DIRECTOR—OF—THE—BAGHDAD morgue has had to flee IRAQ under THREAT—OF—DEATH for revealing that THOUSANDS—OF—IRAQIS are being killed by death squads, MANY—OF—THEM linked to the interior ministry.
20060505             "Our Descent Into Hell Has Begun" -
20060505             IRAQ, our descent into hell, our "Apocalypse —NOW" moment, has begun.
20060505             1. there was Gitmo, then the global rendition program, then ABU—GHRAIB, then THE—PULVERIZING—OF—FALLUJAH, and —NOW TRIGGER—HAPPY—RAIDS that are filling MULTITUDES—OF—SANDY graves with men, women and children.
20060505             BOLIVIEN: Morales will mehr Geld für Gas - Neue Hymne: Bushs SPANIEN—REICHT nicht
20060505             FIREDOGLAKE—FIREDOGLAKE weblog " Bush Puts THE—MIDDLE—EAST on Boil.
20060505             —JUST look at Icasualties_org and CHECK—OUT —JUST... tom payne says:
20060505             IRAK/USA: —TAG—DES—WIDERSTANDS im IRAK—MILITAERHUBSCHRAUBER - 20031102              - GERHARD—LANGE c/o GIV in cl.regionen.IRAK...
20060505             FTA FRIEDENSTREIBERAGENTUR—ARCHIV... interessant ist auch ein etwas älterer Artikel von JOHN—KAMINSKI "FLASHBACK: Sick strategies for senseless slaughter...
20060505             REPRESENTATIVE—KENNEDY'S a dope addict!
20060505             PATRICK—KENNEDY will enter DOPE—ADDICT rehab at Mayo Clinic again tonight;
20060505             cops didn't give him drug/booze test... he doesn't remember entire incident!
20060505             CIA boss Goss quits in shame! --> CIA boss Goss quits in shame!
20060505             SCANDAL—STAINED spook resigns as CIA director;
20060505             —PRESIDED, PORTER—GOSS has, over intel EMPIRE—OF—SHAME & criminality
20060505             More doublespeak from Verizon, 1—OF—THE—COMPANIES ACCUSED—OF—MASSIVELY violating its customers' privacy
20060505             Reuters "Verizon does not + will not, provide ANY—GOVERNMENT—AGENCY unfettered access to our customer records or provide information to the government under circumstances that would allow 1—FISHING—EXPEDITION," the company said on —FRIDAY.
20060505             —UNFETTERED, Verizon didn't provide the government "" access to my phone records.
20060505             Phew.
20060505             I mean, sure, Verizon provided the government spy agencies "fettered" access to my private, confidential, personal phone records that they were supposed to keep to themselves for the past MANY—YEARS that I've been 1—VERIZON CUSTOMERS—AND they didn't. But the good news is that there was no "unfettered" access.
20060505             —FETTERED, Only.
20060505             Unfettered massive privacy violation by Verizon = bad.
20060505             Fettered massive privacy violation by Verizon = good.
20060505             Got it —NOW?
20060505             I want to sue VERIZON—AT&T and BellSouth for billions.
20060505             Okay all you lawyers out there, how do we do this?
20060505             I'm talking lawsuits in EVERY—STATE.
20060505             Comment s (105)| Permanent Link
20060505             _A_O_inzoome_ - F, Chinas; Februar, Titel; Feeney, Tom;
20060505             Ferris Industries BRYAN—CAVE; Flick, Friedrich.
20060505             FLICK FRIEDRICH KARL 25 ...alfatomega.com/_A_O_inzoome_ /20050308.htm
20060505             Diretor da CIA pede demissão do cargo... em relação à inteligência no Iraque envolveram principalmente o antecessor de Goss, GEORGE—TENET.
20060505             BBC Brasil GEORGE—TENET entregou o seu pedido de renúncia à Casa Branca... da CIA disse à BBC que a saída de Pavitt foi por aposentadoria e não uma demissão. GEORGE—TENET—WIKIPÉDIA A
20060505             -2—FINANCIAL Crime News
20060505             THE—PRESIDENT—OF—FREEDOM—GOLF...
20060505             1—BAD—DAY for Criminals and the Journalists Who Love Them | Deep...
20060505             BRUCE—GROSSMAN and JONATHAN—CURSHEN, Civil Action NUMBER 08—CIV.
20060505             widow of the exiled THE—PHILIPPINES—PRESIDENT—FERDINAND—MARCOS, of racketeering and fraud.
20060505             Curshen | Deep Capture For example, he traveled, undercover, to COSTA—RICA to meet JONATHAN—CURSHEN, 1—FORMER—TRADER for THE—MAFIA—INFESTED Pacific INTERNATIONAL and current...
20060505             a "naked shorting conspiracy" in THE—ARREST—OF—1—JONATHAN—CURSHEN the other —DAY.
20060505             fraudster RICHARD—ALTOMARE—OF—THE—UNIVERSAL—EXPRESS stock fraud... - GARY—WEISS_com.
20060505             fighting securities fraud, and his job on THE—BOARD—OF—1—COMPANY that...
20060505             —ABOUT 2—HOURS—AGO; view story...
20060505             und SHARON—STONE zu Wort, zusammnen mit Gegnern und Verteidigern der offiziellen VERSION—DER—TERRORANSCHLÄGE—DES 20010911            .
20060505             Deep ocean trawl nets new 'bugs' A 3—WEEK plankton trawl in the Atlantic has gathered more than 1,000 specimens, SOME—NEW to science.
20060505             "We logged on to THE—BA website, bought 1—TICKET in BROER—NAME and then, using the frequent flyer number on his boarding pass stub, without typing in 1—PASSWORD, were given full access to all his personal DETAILS—INCLUDING his passport number, the date it expired, his nationality (he is Dutch, living in THE—UK) and his DATE—OF—BIRTH. The system even allowed us to change the information".
20060505             Sporting his trademark black ski mask and MILITARY—STYLE outfit, Marcos said his 6—MONTH—TOUR—OF—MEXICO, which began in January, is the seed of "1—GREAT—MOVEMENT that will rise up to put 1—END to the hypocrisy" of the political parties, the government and "the powerful".
20060505             USA—TORTURE and ABUSE—OF—DETAINEES : EACH—DAY—BRINGS—MORE—INFORMATION about the appalling abuses inflicted upon men and women held by THE—USA—IN—IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN + elsewhere —AROUND the world.
20060505             UN resolution on IRAN: full TEXT—OF—DRAFT : Full text of 1—DRAFT—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL—RESOLUTION put forward by BRITAIN, FRANCE, THE—USA—AND—GERMANY as the council's proposed response to IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAMME.
20060505             -GSD.
20060505             www.firedoglake_com/2006/ 04/14/BUSH—PUTS—THE—MIDDLE—EAST—ON—BOIL /
20060505             —ACCUSED—OF, More doublespeak from Verizon, 1—OF—THE—COMPANIES, massively violating its customers' privacy
20060505             THE—PRESIDENT—OF—FREEDOM—GOLF... home.att_net/~fcwriter/news103.htm
20060505             PigBrother.info
20060505223546       GMT BLAKE—FLEETWOOD: Thank You DOCTOR—FREUD, You Were Right —AFTER All (HuffingtonPost_com). yahoo_com/s/huffpost/20060506/cm_huffpost/020484 HuffingtonPost_com...
20060505—20010000    —IN, It's showdown time in PAKISTAN : Across the jihadi world, there is 1—STRONG—CONVICTION that by THE—END—OF—THIS —YEAR Taliban leader MULLAH—OMAR will be —BACK—IN power in AFGHANISTAN, from where he was driven by USA—LED forces.
20060505—20010911    —ON, And although the government has steadfastly stood by its legal claim that it was enough for Moussaoui to have wanted to be on those planes, enough for him to have delighted as those planes went down, the jurors recognized this afternoon that 1—CONSPIRACY to aid in 1—TERROR—PLOT requires more than —JUST 1—BAD—HEART + more than mere willingness to participate in the next 1.
20060505—20060501    —AM, Die Zürcher Polizei hält sich nicht an Postulat des Gemeinderates und geht verschwenderisch grosszügig mit CN—GAS im Wasserwerfer um: Konzert abgebrochen, noch am nächsten —TAG ätzende Gasschwaden.
20060505—20060515    —ON, Castro and CUBA—CENTRAL—BANK—PRESIDENT—FRANCISCO—SOBERON denied the claims.
20060506             MISS—NBC 20060505
20060513             —CONDUCTED, The poll of 1,021 adult Americans was, 20060505             —7—BY Opinion Research Corp. for CNN.
20060514             UPDATE: TalkLeft has 20060505             —THE—HEARING transcript.
20060514             COMMENT #7 - THE—OLD—TURK said 20060505             —ON—245—PM—PT...
20060514—20060505    —ON... THE—OLD—TURK said —245—PM—PT...
20060519             —REFERRED, UPDATE: 1—EARLIER—VERSION—OF—THIS post incorrectly, to 20060505             —THE—DOCUMENT as an "executive order".
20060519—20060505    —SIGNED, But an presidential memorandum, by THE—PRESIDENT—ALLOWS—THE—DIRECTOR—OF—NATIONAL—INTELLIGENCE—JOHN—NEGROPONTE, to authorize 1—COMPANY to conceal activities related to national security.
20060520             —GEPOKERT, Er hat.... sfux - 20230505             :08
20060520             Danke... sfux - 20060505             ,
20060520—20041100    —IM, Dokumente belegen, dass die in MEXIKO beschlagnahmte DC—9—PASSAGIERMASCHINE über eine dubiose Firma Namens Dupont Investment Found #57289 aus S—JOSE in COSTA—RICA an Skyway Communication Holding... sfux - 20110505             :06
20060720             FALCON STREAM THE—HAGUE—NETHERLANDS, 20030505              - KMS (KUWAIT Messaging Services)/FalconStream and New Skies Satellites NV (AEX, NYSE: NSK), the global satellite.
20060810—19980505    —ON, 1—ENGLAND—LANGUAGE—NEWSPAPER in CHILE, reported that Segovia "provided significant capital" to a "CHILE—NARCOTICS—TRAFFICKER" named MANUEL—VICENTE—LOSADA, arrested in THE—CHILE—CAPITAL—OF—SANTIAGO —AFTER being "linked to 1—SHIPMENT—OF—5—TONS—OF—COCAINE which USA—DRUG—ENFORCEMENT—OFFICIALS in MIAMI intercepted ,—OVER—6—YEARS,—AGO on the vessel Harbour, as it headed toward GUANTANAMO Bay".
20060916             Between 20060101              and 20060505              —ACCORDING—TO, police statistics 229—WOMEN and girls were killed.
20060927—20050505    —AM, war ES—FAST—SO weit.
20061027             20050505         —INTERVIEW—BY—THE—PRESIDENT—BY—DUTCH—TV—NOS.
20070505             —VOR—95—JAHREN: Die "Prawda" erscheint zum 1. Mal
20070505             —VOTED, THE—FLORIDA STATE—HOUSE, —THURSDAY to move its primary to 20070129             , putting the state on 1—COLLISION—COURSE with the Democratic and Republican parties.
20070505             —ROARED, Street Sense, from NEXT—TO—LAST in a 20-horse field to win THE—KENTUCKY DERBY.
20070505             LAS—VEGAS, Floyd Mayweather JUNIOR won his boxing match against OSCAR—DE—LA—HOYA in a 12-round split decision.
20070505             1—SELLOUT crowd of 16,200 paid 1—RECORD $19—MILLION—GATE.
20070505             4—SUICIDE—BOMBINGS struck AFGHANISTAN, killing 2—POLICEMEN, as military officials announced more than 10—TALIBAN commanders were killed in major battles 1—WEEK ago.
20070505             —REPORTED, It was, that CHINA has 16—OF—THE—WORLD—MOST polluted cities.
20070505             —CAUSED, THE—UN said dirty air, the premature DEATH—OF—SOME 400,000 CHINA—EACH—YEAR.
20070505             2—USA—MARINES were killed in fighting in Anbar province.
20070505             1—KENYA—AIRWAYS jet with 114—PEOPLE on BOARD crashed —AFTER sending out 1—DISTRESS signal over 1—REMOTE rainforest in SOUTH—CAMEROON.
20070505             There were no survivors.
20070505             —EARNED, THE—12—MILLION—PEOPLE—OF—MALI, on average less than $400 1—YEAR.
20070505             —EARNED, THE—3—MILLION—PEOPLE—OF—MAURITANIA, on average about $530 1—YEAR.
20070505             —ARMED, SOUTH—NIGERIA, men kidnapped 1—BRITON overnight from the Trident 8—OIL rig.
20070505             —REGROUPED, HUNDREDS—OF—BURLY former militiamen from the Balkan wars, outside 1—CHURCH in CENTRAL—SERBIA, promising to fight together as 1—PARAMILITARY—UNIT once more if KOSOVO breaks away from the government in BELGRADE.
20070505             SOUTH—SUDAN, 1—ATTACK by 1—TRIBE left 54—MEMBERS—OF—ANOTHER tribe dead, mainly women.
20070505             1—STATE—DAILY said ZIMBABWE has lost about 40—BLACK rhinos to poachers who have killed the animals in SOME—GOVERNMENT—PARKS and conservancies over the past 3—YEARS.
20070505             —REPORTED, BELGIUM—DAILY La Derniere Heure, that prosecutors in BRUSSELS, overwhelmed by THE—NUMBER—OF—SPEEDING—FINES imposed —SINCE fixed radar traps were installed, have asked police to let off all but the worst offenders, angering local mayors.
20070505             CENTRAL—CHINA, 1—EXPLOSION at the Pudeng mine, OUTSIDE—OF—LINFEN city, killed 28—MINERS and trapped others.
20070505             —REPORTED, COLOMBIA—OFFICIALS, that forensic teams have unearthed 211—BODIES buried in DOZENS—OF—MASS—GRAVES—NEAR La Hormiga in SOUTH—COLOMBIA in the past 10—MONTHS—1—LEGACY—OF—FIERCE—FIGHTING in this COCA—RICH—LAND.
20070505             —RELEASED, AL—QAIDA in IRAQ, 1—RECORDING—PURPORTEDLY—OF—ITS—LEADER, who had been reported killed in recent fighting, branding the country's Sunni VICE—PRESIDENT a "criminal" for participating in the government.
20070505             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, —MEANWHILE, struck 1—ARMY—RECRUITMENT—CENTER—OUTSIDE—BAGHDAD, killing 15—PEOPLE, among nearly 40—KILLED or found dead.
20070505             Residents and police in 1—SHIITE area in EAST—BAGHDAD said USA—HELICOPTERS fired on 3—HOUSES—KILLING—6—MEN and wounding 1—WOMAN and 5—CHILDREN.
20070505             THE—USA—MILITARY said 1—HELICOPTER—SUPPORTING—GROUND—OPERATIONS in the area came under fire but did not shoot back.
20070505             1—ROLLER coaster traveling up to 46—MPH hit 1—GUARDRAIL at 1—AMUSEMENT—PARK in WEST—JAPAN—KILLING—1—PERSON and injuring 21—OTHERS.
20070505             THE—BOEING 737-800 was carrying 114—PEOPLE—INCLUDING—105—PASSENGERS, from 23—COUNTRIES.
20070505             —KIDNAPPED, Unknown gunmen in PORT—HARCOURT, 1—RUSSIA—WOMAN who worked for 1—CATERING—COMPANY.
20070505             SRI—LANKA—NAVAL craft sank 2—SUSPECTED Tamil Tiger boats off THE—ISLAND—NORTHEASTERN coast, inflicting heavy losses on the guerrillas.
20070505             —RALLIED, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—SECULARIST—FLAG—WAVING—TURKS, for the 3. big ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTEST in 1—MONTH as conflict rages over THE—ROLE—OF—RELIGION in the Muslim country's politics.
20070505             PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ said that VENEZUELA—LARGEST—STEEL—MAKER—SIDOR, will not be allowed to make ANY—MORE—EXPORTS—UNTIL it meets domestic needs, and threatened to expropriate THE—ARGENTINE—CONTROLLED company if it resists.
20070505             Oil company ACCUSED—OF—DUMPING—WASTE in Amazon:
20070505             for the past 32—YEARS—CREATING—MISERY for the local Achuar people and widespread lead and cadmium poisoning.
20070505             USA visa threat —AFTER UK refuses to target Pakistanis : Homeland Security officials had suggested forcing UNITED—KINGDOM—PAKISTANIS to apply for USA—ENTRY visas because they are perceived as 1—POTENTIAL—TERRORIST—RISK.
20070505             Coalition should 'admit defeat and leave IRAQ' : GENERAL—SIR—MICHAEL—ROSE also said he understood why insurgents were attacking coalition forces and said he believed they were right to try and force invading troops OUT—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20070505             —WATCHED, WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DECEPTION : I, with 1—GROWING—SENSE—OF—HORROR and disbelief as my badly frightened countrymen convinced themselves that they had 1—REAL—LEADER in THE—WHITE—HOUSE—1—THEY could count on and trust to make them safe again.
20070505             Manufacturing Consent For War With IRAN: :
20070505             5—MORE—USA—OCCUPATION—TROOPS Killed In IRAQ : Roadside bombs were responsible for 3—OF—THE—USA—DEATHS announced —FRIDAY and have long been THE—NUMBER 1—KILLER—OF—USA and IRAQ—FORCES in IRAQ, but THE—USE—OF—THE—IRAN—EXPLOSIVELY formed penetrators, or EFP's, is rising.
20070505             1—DAY—YOU'RE Gonna Wake UP—AMERICA.
20070505             1—DAY you're gonna wake up in 1—HOSTILE—WORLD where your country no longer has ANY—FRIENDS.
20070505             There will be GOVERNMENTS—OF—OTHER—COUNTRIES — FORMER—LONG—STANDING—ALLIES — that cannot afford to have anything to do with you, lest their publics angrily remove them from office for collaborating with 1—COUNTRY as hated as yours.
20070505             Nor will those governments trust yours anyway.
20070505             Continue - IRAQ—LAWMAKERS—DEMAND—USA—WITHDRAWAL
20070505             —BY United Press INTERNATIONAL
20070505             Some 133—IRAQ—LAWMAKERS from different political blocs, calling themselves the "free deputies," signed 1—DOCUMENT—DEMANDING—1—SCHEDULED WITHDRAWAL—OF—THE—USA—LED multinational troops from their country, according to the Sadrist bloc in PARLIAMENT.
20070505             1 in 10—USA—OCCUPATION—TROOPS—ADMIT Mistreating Civilians -
20070505             1—SURVEY—OF—USA combat troops deployed in IRAQ has found that 1 in 10—SAID they mistreated civilians and more than a 3. condoned torture to save THE—LIFE—OF—1—COMRADE—1—REPORT said —FRIDAY.
20070505             Only 55 % Of USA—SOLDIERS—WOULD Report Killing Innocent Civilian
20070505             —BY PAULINE JELINEK—ASSOCIATED Press Writer
20070505             In the 1. internal military STUDY—OF—BATTLEFIELD—ETHICS in IRAQ, officials said —FRIDAY they also found that only a 3. of Marines and roughly HALF—OF—SOLDIERS said they believed that noncombatants should be treated with dignity.
20070505             Iraqis Fear Security Forces More Than Insurgents
20070505             —BY PATRICK—COCKBURN in BAGHDAD
20070505             "Be careful," warned 1—SENIOR—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIAL—LIVING in the Green Zone in BAGHDAD, "be very careful and above all do not trust the police or the army".
20070505             Another Republican Congressman Who Wants to Wish You 1—HAPPY—MOTHER—DAY.
20070505             REPRESENTATIVE—ROHRABACHER: ?I—HOPE—IT?s Your Families That Suffer?
20070505             She questioned THE—ETHICS—OF—SENDING—TROOPS to war "under 1—FALSE pretense without 1—STRATEGY for success," without proper equipment and training and without "demanding accountability from THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT—WHILE we dishonored our commitment to our veterans here at home".
20070505             Bush : I'll Veto ANY—PRO—CHOICE—BILL—BECAUSE I'm Only "PRO—LIFE" —WHEN It Comes to Appeasing the Right Wingers on Abortion.
20070505             Otherwise, I'm —JUST 1—PRO—DEATH—SORT—OF—GUY
20070505             Bush 's "surge" has put army and police checkpoints everywhere in BAGHDAD but Iraqis are terrified approaching them because they do not know if the men in uniform they see are in fact death squads.
20070505             —ORDERED, GOP convention papers, opened
20070505             BBC : "Despair stalks BAGHDAD as plan falters"
20070505             Oh Those Whack Republicans: "Republican presidential candidate RUDY—GIULIANI said —FRIDAY that FORMER—IRAQ—LEADER—SADDAM Hussein is paying 1—ETERNAL and deserved punishment for his brutal life's work".
20070505             Uh, he's dead Rudy, but our GIs continue dying for the vanity and ARROGANCE—OF—REPUBLICAN egotism like yours, Rudy.
20070505             —DEGENERATED, Our soldiers have, under Bush : 40% support SOME—FORM—OF—TORTURE 5/5
20070505             THE—ARMY?s ABUSE—OF—ITS—OWN—EXTENDS Far Beyond WALTER—REED 5/6
20070505             Deckname Artischocke.
20070505             Die geheimen Menschenversuche der CIA /Koch.
20070505             Unerhörte Rettung/Kaiser, Reinhard.
20070505             (+) bewegende und gut geschriebene zeitgeschichtliche.
20070505             Erinnerungen (Siedler)/Genscher, HANS—DIETRICH...
20070505             Das Tabu: Gewalt durch verletzende LEHRER—WORTE.
20070505             Demütigende Lehrerworte als "winzige Arsendosen".
20070505             alfatomega.com/20041018.html, —THE Bush Plan for AMERICA
20070505             Staatskrise: Massenproteste in TÜRKEI—STÄDTEN gegen Erdogan
20070505             Sarkozy gegen Royal: 1—REPUBLIK, 2—VISIONEN
20070505             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: Terrorist aus Zufall
20070505             Zeppeline: Rückkehr der leichten Giganten
20070505             Bundesetat: Steinbrück bastelt an Haushalt ohne neue Schulden
20070505             Koalitionspläne: Pflegeversicherung soll viel teurer werden
20070505             Innere Sicherheit: Schäuble legt neues ANTI—TERROR—GESETZ vor
20070505             Kinderkrankheiten: Masern breitet sich weiter aus
20070505             —GESCHÄNDET, Rechtsextremismus: Erneut NS—MAHNMAL
20070505             Insiderhandel: Millionengewinne per Handy
20070505             —VERBIETET, Venedig, ESSEN auf der Straße
20070505             AFGHANISTAN: KABUL fordert DEUTSCHLAND—SOLDATEN fürs Kampfgebiet an - ISRAEL : Die Versager bleiben im Amt
20070505             Klimaschutz: CHINA scheitert mit VERZÖGERUNGS—TAKTIK
20070505             LOS—ANGELES : Polizeigewalt schockt Polizeichef
20070505             —INZWISCHEN, Experten gehen, davon aus, dass 1—ERWÄRMUNG von weniger als 2—GRAD zwar zu einer deutlichen Zunahme von extremen Wetterphänomenen führen, insgesamt aber noch beherrschbar sein wird.
20070505             Bei einer Erwärmung von deutlich mehr als 2—GRAD werden katastrophale Folgen befürchtet.
20070505             —BEREITS—IM—HERBST hatten Ökonomen um den GROSSBRITANNIEN—REGIERUNGSBERATER NICHOLAS—STERN in einer ökonomischen Analyse die Risiken einer übermäßigen globalen Erwärmung und die Kosten der Vermeidung analysiert.
20070505             Ihr Fazit lautete damals: Geschieht nichts,
20070505             droht 1—WIRTSCHAFTSKRISE wie zuletzt in den 3ßiger Jahren des vergangenen Jahrhunderts.
20070505             Mit Investitionen von EINEM—PROZENT—DER—JÄHRLICHEN—WIRTSCHAFTLEISTUNG hingegen lässt sich das Schlimmste noch verhindern.
20070505             Zu ähnlichen Ergebnissen waren zuvor —BEREITS Forscher des POTSDAM—INSTITUTS für Klimafolgenforschung gekommen.
20070505             Ähnlich wie im STERN—REPORT erscheint auch im 3. TEIL—DES—IPCC—BERICHTS die Vermeidung übermäßiger globaler Erwärmung als ökonomisch durchaus realistischer Mix aus Technologieförderung + schärferer UMWELTGESETZGEBUNG—WENN diese sich weltweit auswirken.
20070505             So blieben auch die Appelle an die Weltuntergangsfurcht in BANGKOK nicht aus.
20070505             Computersimulationen, die zur Prognose der zukünftigen Entwicklung eingesetzt werden, räumte das IPCC 20010000              steigende Glaubwürdigkeit ein.
20070505             Beides brachte dem Klimarat teils harsche Kritik von Regierungen und Industrie vertretern ein.
20070505             Ogulande Davidson sagte schlicht: "Wenn wir so weitermachen wie —BISHER, kommen wir in Teufels Küche".
20070505             Ihr Fazit lautete damals: Geschieht nichts,droht 1—WIRTSCHAFTSKRISE wie zuletzt in den 3ßiger Jahren des vergangenen Jahrhunderts.
20070505             Dies ist die zentrale Zahl, die sich in Tabelle 6—DER 35-seitigen Zusammenfassung des Dokuments aus BANGKOK versteckt: —BIS zum —JAHR 20500000              würde die Weltwirtschaftsleistung also um eben j20120100              % pro —JAHR vermindert, wenn die Menschen sich auf 1—OBERGRENZE—VON—445—BIS 535—TEILCHEN CO2 pro Millionen Luftteilchen (ppm) einigten.
20070505             Dann könnte sich die durchschnittliche globale Erwärmung —BIS zum —JAHR 2100—WOHL auf 2—GRAD Celsius begrenzen lassen.
20070505             Welche gegenwärtigen und künftigen Technologien dabei zum Einsatz kämen, listen die Gutachter minutiös AUF—VIELE sind alles andere als exotisch (siehe Kasten).
20070505             1—TAUSENDSTEL—EINBUßE, einige % Kosten
20070505             "Man kann die Einkommen der Menschen steigern und gleichzeitig die Treibhausgasemissionen reduzieren", formulierte Ogulande Davidson, CO—VORSITZENDER—DES—UNO—KLIMARATS die frohe Botschaft von BANGKOK.
20070505             Dort hatte das Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) am heutigen —FREITAG den 3. Teil seines Klimaberichts vorgelegt -
20070505             jenen Teil, in dem Wege aus der Klimafalle beschrieben werden.
20070505             "Es geht hier nicht um Opfer, die die Menschen bringen müssen, sondern um Änderungen des Lebensstils", sagte Davidson.
20070505             7—JAHRES—REKORD: Dax knackt 7500- PUNKTE—MARKE
20070505             Klimakatastrophe: So kann sich die Welt noch retten
20070505             Hungerstreik in Harvard: ELITE—STUDENTEN fasten für die Wachmänner
20070505             MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN: NPD—FUNKTIONÄR wollte mit Schlagstock in den LANDTAG
20070505             Severe INDICTMENT—OF—USA Foreign Policy
20070505             —AM, meldete er sich freiwillig als Marinereservist, die meiste Zeit arbeitete er in FORT—WORTH, TEXAS.
20070505             —ACCUSED—OF, Oil company, dumping waste in Amazon:
20070505             1—USA—OIL—COMPANY has been accused of contaminating 1—AREA—OF—THE—PERUVIAN—AMAZON where it + its successor company have drilled for oil
20070505             GENERAL—MOTORS—QUARTERLY Profit Plunges 90% on Mortgage Losse : GENERAL—MOTORS—CORP. said 1.—QUARTER profit plunged 90 %, dragged down by bad loans at THE—GMAC LLC finance unit + continued automotive losses in NORTH—AMERICA.
20070505             IRAQ—LAWMAKERS Demand USA—WITHDRAWAL
20070505             —FROM 1—TERRORIST—ATTACK. Pelosi: Bush has 'tin ear' on IRAQ.
20070505             Worte können töten — im wahren Sinn des Wortes
20070505             THE—BUSH—PLAN for AMERICA - Staatskrise: Massenproteste in TÜRKEI—STÄDTEN gegen Erdogan
20070505—19650000    —J—IM, Noch erreichten den Aralsee JEDES—JAHR 50—KUBIKKILOMETER SÜßWASSER—IN den frühen achtziger Jahren war der Zustrom völlig versiegt.
20070505—20150000    —J—IM, Dazu dürften die weltweiten Emissionen —BEREITS nicht mehr steigen.
20070505—20500000    —BIS, Die Empfehlungen des Klimarats zur Vermeidung gefährlicher Folgen der globalen Erwärmung ist 1—KONVOLUT aus Durchschnittswerten, Prognosen und technologischen Einschätzungen: Als Ziel geben die Gutachter vor, dass der CO2-Ausstoß um 50—BIS 85 % gesenkt werden müsse.
20071122             Kurz vor dem Atomkrieg (Tageszeitung junge Welt)Die Aufklärung des NATO—MANÖVERS " Able Archer ": Wie die HVA dazu beitrug, den Kalten Krieg kalt zu halten.
20071123             20080505 11 - Die psychoanalytische Sozialisationsforschung geht —ZUNÄCHST auf die Arbeiten
20071123             20080505 11
20080500             FBI Watch [Archive] - Page 3 - SignOnSanDiego Forums Who has the ability to... alfatomega.com/20080505.html
20080505             Individual. Amos, Carmen.
20080505             $500.00. 20070112           . - $500.00. 20070112             . - - - Individual.
20080505             Validation + VERIFICATION—OF—CRITICAL—CONTROL—POINTS in... alfatomega.com/20070120.html
20080505             Burwell Development LLC.
20080505             $500.00. 20070122             . - - Individual. Amos, Kent.
20080505             $500.00. 20070122             . - - $500.00. 20070122. - - Comcast.
20080505             Amos, Kent.
20080505             $500.00. 20070122           . - Allied Telecom Group LLC.
20080505             $500.00. 20070129             . - - $500.00. 20070129. - - Individual.
20080505             Amos, Carmen. Comcast.
20080505             $500.00. 20070130             . - - CORK & Bottle.
20080505             Allied Telecom Group LLC. $500.00. 20070131            .
20080505             - $500.00. 20070131. - - Burwell Development LLC.
20080505             Perkins, John... alfatomega.com/_A_O_inzoome_/20070211.htm
20080505             —STOPPED, PHILADELPHIA police, the suspects' car —WHILE investigating 1—TRIPLE shooting.
20080505             No weapons were found in the car or on the suspects, but officers said they had seen them shoot 3—PEOPLE on 1—DRUG—CORNER—MOMENTS—EARLIER.
20080505             —ABOUT 1—HALF—DOZEN—OFFICERS held 2—MEN on the ground on the driver's side.
20080505             —KICKED, Both were, repeatedly, —WHILE 1 was punched;
20080505             1—ALSO appeared to be struck with 1—BATON.
20080505             1—REVIEW—OF—THE—VIDEO led to the firing of 4—OFFICERS with disciplinary action for 4—OTHERS.
20080505             —TOTALED, Damages from THE—THEFT—OF—THE—BRASS worth $10, some $250,000.
20080505             —KILLED, In Nangarhar province USA—LED coalition troops, several militants —DURING 1—RAID.
20080505             —BANNED, CANADA, all smoking in federal prisons because 1—PARTIAL—BAN was largely ignored.
20080505             CHINA, state media said 1—DEADLY viral outbreak that preys on children has appeared in BEIJING, and THE—NUMBER—OF—INFECTIONS in CHINA has grown to more than 8,000. Enterovirus 71 was blamed and went on to kill at least 43—PEOPLE with over 24,000 sickened.
20080505             —PLACED, GUATEMALA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL said 2,286 pending foreign adoptions have been, on hold for at least 1—MONTH—WHILE officials review related paperwork.
20080505             1—IRAN—ENVOY rejected nuclear inspections —WHILE ISRAEL stays outside the global nonproliferation treaty.
20080505             —KILLED, At least 6—PEOPLE were, by USA—AIR—STRIKES in Sadr City.
20080505             1—ATTACK in MOSUL killed 3—PROSTITUTES and wounded 2—OTHERS.
20080505             2—POLICEMEN were killed in clashes with unidentified gunmen in MOSUL.
20080505             —KILLED, In EAST—MOSUL 2—GUNMEN were, by police.
20080505             1—USA—AIR—FORCE—GUNSHIP strafed Shiite extremists who attacked USA—SOLDIERS in BAGHDAD.
20080505             —KILLED, SOUTH—MEXICO, 1—PROMINENT—CATTLE rancher hid from gunmen who, 2—OF—HIS—SONS and kidnapped his daughter in weekend attacks that left 17—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20080505             —INTOXICATED, Police said 1—HEAVILY, MOHAMMAD—1 had pulled 3 16—YEAR—OLD—BRAZILIANS into their 6.—FLOOR ROOM—OF—WARSAW—HOLIDAY—INN.
20080505             —OPENED, SOMALIA, troops, fire and killed at least 2—PEOPLE as TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE rioted over high food prices in MOGADISHU.
20080505             ZIMBABWE, 2—TRUCKLOADS—OF—YOUTHS, led by senior MEMBERS—OF—PRESIDENT—MUGABE—PARTY, marauded through Chiweshe and beat to death 11—OPPOSITION—ACTIVISTS.
20080505             —SHOWED, Video shot by WTXF—TV from 1—HELICOPTER—OFFICERS gathered —AROUND the vehicle as they pulled 3—MEN out.
20080505             Oil futures hit 1—TRADING—RECORD—OF $120.36—BEFORE closing at 1—RECORD $119.97.
20080505             —KILLED, RICHMOND—CALIFORNIA, 1—TOXIC—SPILL—OF—TOLUENE, some 200—300—FISH in 1—IRRIGATION canal.
20080505             The spill was THE—RESULT—OF—THE—THEFT—OF—VALVES on holding tanks.
20080505             Damages from THE—THEFT—OF—THE—BRASS worth $10—TOTALED some $250,000.
20080505             AFGHANISTAN, 2—ACCIDENTAL explosions in KABUL left 7—PEOPLE—DEAD and more than 20—WOUNDED, including SOME—COUNTERNARCOTICS—POLICE.
20080505             1—ROADSIDE bomb in the south wounded 5—PEOPLE—INCLUDING—3—POLICEMEN.
20080505             The full EFFECT—OF—THE—BAN would not be felt —UNTIL hidden STOCKPILES—OF—CIGARETTES are depleted.
20080505             CHINA, state media said 1—DEADLY viral outbreak that preys on children has appeared in BEIJING, and THE—NUMBER—OF—INFECTIONS in CHINA has grown to more than 8,000.
20080505             —BLAMED, Enterovirus 71 was, and went on to kill at least 43—PEOPLE with over 24,000 sickened.
20080505             —ENDORSED, EGYPT—PARLIAMENT—1—GOVERNMENT—BILL to raise taxes and fuel prices less than 1—WEEK—AFTER PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK announced a 30—PERCENT salary increase for all government employees.
20080505             —REJECTED, 1—IRAN—ENVOY, nuclear inspections —WHILE ISRAEL stays outside the global nonproliferation treaty.
20080505             IRAQ—HEALTH—OFFICIALS said 41—THAT—PEOPLE—INCLUDING—WOMEN and children, have been wounded in the last 24—HOURS in the militia STRONGHOLD—OF—SADR City.
20080505             —KILLED, 1—ATTACK in MOSUL, 3—PROSTITUTES and wounded 2—OTHERS.
20080505             —EXPLODED, In Tikrit 1—CAR—BOMB—TARGETING—1—POLICE—PATROL, in THE—CENTRAL—PART—OF—THE—CITY killed 4—PEOPLE and wounded 8—OTHERS.
20080505             —RAIDED, USA and IRAQ—FORCES—2—POLICE—STATIONS and arrested 48—POLICEMEN—SUSPECTED—OF—HAVING—LINKS to Shiite militias.
20080505             —STRAFED, A—USA—AIR—FORCE—GUNSHIP, Shiite extremists who attacked USA—SOLDIERS in BAGHDAD.
20080505             —ARRESTED, POLAND—AUTHORITIES—THE—KUWAIT—AMBASSADOR'S—SON—23—JAHRE—ALT for briefly abducting 3—JEWISH—TEENAGERS at 1—HOTEL and claiming he had 1—BOMB.
20080505             —AMBUSHED, THE—SOUTH—PHILIPPINES, communist rebels, 1—ARMY—CONVOY with land mines and MACHINE—GUN—FIRE—KILLING—3—SOLDIERS and wounding 13.
20080505             CarlyleGroup_net HE—BEEN globetrotting as 1—MEMBER—OF—WASHINGTON—CARLYLE—GROUP, a $12—BILLION private equity firm which employs 1—MOTORCADE—OF—FORMER—RANREPUBLICANS—KING—OF—...
20080505             EIBENGEWÄCHSE—WIKINET.pl... THOMAS—CROMWELL [no] - Blutfette [de] - KITH [no] - PAUL—JEAN—TOULET [fr] - Able Archer 83 [pl] - JON—MICAH—SUMRALL [pl] - Morfologisk teknik [da]...
20080505             Zum 125. - Todestag von KARL—MARX—
20080505             T 19910000              P G W L G 19910000              - Se som
20080505             Der Risikobegriff im Wandel: Der Mensch und der Umgang mit Risiko:
20080505             FREIHEIT STATT ANGST | 1—ERINNERUNG an Ossip und Nadeschda... - 00. - Volkmar UWE—VOGEL (CDU) Greiz.
20080505             124. am: —FREITAG,
20080505             Vorratsdatenspeicherung: Aktivisten wollen die Bevölkerung aufklären
20080505             UWE—SCHULZE, ebenfalls vom Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung, erhofft sich von den Veranstaltungen "noch möglichst VIELE—MENSCHEN wachzurütteln.
20080505             sven SCHOLZ—SAGICHDOCH? " Grundgesetz bestellen solange es noch gilt - Stoppt die Vorratsdatenspeicherung !
20080505             —JETZT klicken & handeln!... *dem link von UWE—SCHULZ folgend zu den Geretsriedern*.
20080505             Muaaaahahahahaaaa.... - STARTSEITE—AKTION: Stoppt die E—CARD!
20080505             Buchholz Nordheide Infos fuer BUERGER—AUSZUG der Debatte zur... - Geschrieben von UWE—SCHULZE.
20080505             —MONDAY, Tabloid Edition: Celebrities
20080505             But the firm, New ENGLAND Motor Freight, was accused by THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—OF—MAKING—MOB—PAY—OFFS and linked to 1—OF—AMERICA—MOST feared Mafia bosses.
20080505             Swindles_old1 Scams and Swindles provides latest World Criminal tricks from WN Network.
20080505             911—ATTACKS has met for the 1. time with THE—USA—MILITARY—LAWYER assigned.
20080505             Carlyle scraps USA$5.5B offer for TAIWAN—CHIP—MAKER—WED,
20080505             Ansonsten waren wohl die Kubakrise und Able Archer die kritischten Momente.
20080505             Able Archer 83—WIKIPEDIA
20080505             Bundeswehr im kalten KRIEG—SEITE 4 - Flugzeugforum Meinst du die NATO Übung Able Archer 83—ALS die SU annahm 1—KRIEG stehe unmittelbar bevor?
20080505             Paar Informationen auf ENGLAND—FINDEN sich hier...
20080505             BStU Weitere Publikationen... in Manövern (" Able Archer ") akute Pläne für einen atomaren Erstschlag zu erkennen, nahm sie die DDR—MILITÄRSPIONAGE noch stärker in die Pflicht.
20080505             United Mutations Motzblog Es war aber beileibe nicht der einzige, —BEREITS etwas mehr als einen —MONAT später, begann die NATO—ÜBUNG " Able Archer ", die einen Atomkrieg mit der...
20080505             Findmittelinfo Kommandostabsübung " Able Archer 86" und spezialtaktische Übung "Carbon Archer" Fernmeldeübung "—AUTUMN Flash" Aktivitäten von Teilen der...
20080505             —GESUCHT, Vision !
20080505             ver " Able Archer " aus, 1—MANÖVER mit Atomwaffen.
20080505             Im Gegensatz zur KUBA—KRISE, die sich vor aller Augen, also in der Öffentlichkeit abspielte...
20080505             "Able Archer "-Krise mit dem Titel "A Cold War Conundrum" bestätigt der CIA—HISTORIKER BEN—FISHER, daß die USA—FÜHRUNG überhaupt nichts von der sowjetischen...
20080505             Die psychoanalytische Sozialisationsforschung geht —ZUNÄCHST auf die Arbeiten
20080505             WOZ—WIRTSCHAFT—EINE kleine Psychologie der Abzockerei: Wie der...
20080505             Eine deutliche Warnung von SIR—JOHN—TEMPLETON—SEITE 16 ...
20080505             EVERYZING—WORLD Feeding our hunger for connection is underwritten by THE—WK Kellogg foundation.
20080505             Harriman brown brothers the banking complex behind Prescott.
20080505             Federal Contracts Awarded Through Full and open competition FY...
20080505             BROWN BROTHERS HARRIMAN BROWN BROTHERS HARRIMAN & CO, $1728044 ... - Lovells Alfa Group.
20080505             Acting for Alfa Group in 1—MULTI—JURISDICTIONAL fraud dispute... Lovells advised Mizuho Corporate BANK—LTD which financed the acquisition of.
20080505             NEW—YORK Courts - _A_O_inzoome_ - MORGAN—CHASE—BANK ; Morgan, J. P.
20080505             Pelosi, Swift Boating; PENTAGON—STRATEGEN;
20080505             Truthdig - A/V BOOTH—'MAD Money' Host Tears Over Spitzer
20080505             DEPARTMENT—OF—STATE: INTERNATIONAL Information Programs: Publications...
20080505             World Support Base: SPAIN.
20080505             SA), Llama (Llama Gabilondo y Cia., SA), EXPAL ( Explosivos ALAVESES—SA), Santa Barbara (Empressa Nacional Santa Barbara), Group Inisel Companies.
20080505             Expal, Explosivos Alaveses, belonging to THE—SPAIN—GROUP—EXPLOSIVOS RIO—TINTO, probably controlled by THE—KUWAIT Investment Office (KIO) —DURING the...
20080505             aithne_net —TEXTS—SELECTION—OF—CRITICAL and constructive...
20080505             —CALLED, Another company, Explosivos Alaveses.
20080505             And THE—OWNER—OF—EXPLOSIVOS Alaveses is none other than THE—OWNER—OF—FABRICACIONES Extremeñas, 1—COMPANY called...
20080505             NAZISM—IDEOLOGICAL—THEORY... who romanticized the Aryan race through theology + ritual.
20080505             such as THOSE—OF—THE—GERMANENORDEN (Germanic Order) or the Thule society.
20080505             Nazi mysticism is 1—QUASI—RELIGIOUS—UNDERCURRENT—OF—NAZISM;
20080505             it... - Murdoch Teams Up With Billionaire SAUDI—ARABIA—PRINCE—MEDIA on The...
20080505             He is 1—MEMBER—OF—AL—SAUD family but holds no position.
20080505             1—VERBRECHEN wird nie zu einer guten Tat [Archiv] - forum...
20080505             Kein vernünftiger Mensch wird das anders sehen können, es sei denn...
20080505             Krieges (finanaziell gesehen) sind ohne Zweifel SCOTT—CUSTER + MIKE—BATTLES.
20080505             DOCTOR—HUGO—VANDENBORRE, Managing Director, Hydrogen Systems N.V. BELGIEN...
20080505             ALLIED TELECOM GROUP LLC—WASHINGTON, DC 20000000              5 - Money...
20080505             ALLIED TELECOM GROUP LLC—WASHINGTON, DC 20000000              5 - Money, Government Contracts
20080505             JOEY—DORSEY—MISTY Dorsey : ZoomInfo Business People Information
20080505             Dorsey, Matthew, Allied Telecom Group LLC, Having —RECENTLY joined Allied Telecom Group as DIRECTOR—OF—NEW—MEDIA—MATT—DORSEY is the creator of.
20080505             Web Ergebnisse 1 - 83—VON 83—FÜR "Allied Telecom Group LLC".
20080505             ( 0,70 Sekunden)
20080505             —ANNOUNCED, WASHINGTON—THE—MASON—LAW—FIRM, P.C., that they filed —TODAY class... the surveillance, whether by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court or...
20080505             PETER—P—SWIRE, THE—SYSTEM—OF—FOREIGN—INTELLIGENCE—SURVEILLANCE—LAW—72—G.. GEORGE—MASON saw problems in focusing the war power in...
20080505             GEORGE—MASON—UNIVERSITY—SCHOOL—OF—LAW—CERTIFICATION to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) that "the...
20080505             THE—MASON—LAW—FIRM, WASHINGTON D. C. Current Cases
20080505             THE—MASON—LAW—FIRM, P.C., THE—LAW—OFFICES—OF—PETER—N—WASYLYK... —BEFORE or —AFTER the surveillance, whether by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court...
20080505             National Security Law -- STUART—S—MALAWER 5.53 -- Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).
20080505             PETER P. SWIRE -
20080505             Network Security," GEORGE—MASON—CONFERENCE on the Law and Economics of... "THE—FOREIGN—INTELLIGENCE—SURVEILLANCE—ACT and Agents ofForeign Powers," Joint...
20080505             IRAQ panel heads know ins, OUTS—OF—INTELLIGENCE
20080505             Justices seem SKEPTICAL—OF—INVESTORS' suit SEC.. 68,
20080505             —BY PETE—YOST. THE—ASSOCIATED PRESS.
20080505             WASHINGTON - - The men put in charge of... 68, sat —UNTIL—RECENTLY on THE—USA—FOREIGN—INTELLIGENCE—SURVEILLANCE—COURT—OF...
20080505             History News Network Pete du Pont: BEN—FRANKLIN understood the need for secrecy in matters of...
20080505             SOULGUARD® ist 1—ANTWORT auf Herausforderungen der medialen Gegenwart und Zukunft.
20080505             Die Nutzflächen werden immer knapper, weil die Weltbevölkerung weiter zunimmt.
20080505             Vor allem die weite Ausdehnung der nur sehr dünnen äußeren Ringe, auch GOSSAMER—RINGE genannt, über die Umlaufbahn des Mondes Thebe hinaus war Forschern bislang 1—RÄTSEL.
20080505             Nun liefern HAMILTON und Krüger Erklärungen.
20080505             Demnach prägt der Schatten des Jupiters ganz entscheidend die FORM—DES—RINGSYSTEMS.
20080505             Kürzlich hatte ein internationales Forscherteam mit Hilfe der Raumsonde "Cassini" beim SATURN—TRABANTEN Rhea das 1. Ringsystem eines Mondes entdeckt.
20080505             Die Gestalter von Dongtan wollen die 1. komplett nachhaltige Stadt errichten,
20080505             mit neutraler Kohlendioxidbilanz und ohne Luftverschmutzung.
20080505             Im Stadtgebiet sollen so VIELE—LEBENSMITTEL erzeugt werden, wie auf Äckern gleicher Fläche wachsen würden.
20080505             "Doch mit steigendem Ölpreis sehen die ökonomischen Bilanzen immer besser aus", sagt Giacomelli.
20080505             "Unser ganzes billiges ESSEN basiert —ZURZEIT auf niedrigen Transportkosten, billigem Wasser und billiger Energie für die Erzeugung von Düngern".
20080505             Giacomelli.
20080505             Er sehe in der 1. Phase nicht Neubauten, sondern existierende Gebäude, die in Teilen umfunktioniert werden.
20080505             Dann stehen nicht so horrende Baukosten im Weg.
20080505             Aber auch eine weitere Hürde müssen die Planer vertikaler Farmen noch überwinden:den öffentlichen Widerstand gegen die scheinbar industrialisierte Erzeugung von Nahrungsmitteln — jene Skepsis, die einst das Projekt in Holland scheitern ließ.
20080505             Giacomelli und seiner Gruppe kommt dabei zugute, dass sie —BEREITS ein 300.000—EURO teures Treibhaus in 1—DER—EXTREMSTEN—GEGENDEN—DER—WELT entwickelt haben: am Südpol.
20080505             Dort entstand 1—GEWÄCHSHAUS, das Antarktisforscher mit Lebensmitteln versorgt.
20080505             Auch mit der Nasa wurde —BEREITS verhandelt: über 1—BIOSPHÄRE für den Mond.
20080505             1—GEBÄUDE mit 30—GESCHOSSEN könnte 50.000—MENSCHEN mit Gemüse, Früchten, Eiern, Fisch + Hühnerfleisch versorgen, schätzt Dickson Despommier, Professor für öffentliches Gesundheitswesen der COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY—IN—NEW—YORK.
20080505             "Die Frage wird sein, ob wir überleben wollen".
20080505             —VERZEHRT, JEDER—EINWOHNER—NEW—YORKS, 100—KILOGRAMM Obst und Gemüse pro —JAHR.
20080505             TREIBHÄUSERN, auf Dächern könnte die doppelte Menge wachsen.
20080505             Und zusätzlich heizen müsste man die Anlagen nicht:
20080505             Überschüssige Wärme von Bürogeräten würden solche innerstädtischen Treibhäuser auch im kältesten —WINTER versorgen.
20080505             zeigt 1—BERECHNUNG, erneuert sich im Schnitt alle 8,3 Jahre die Hälfte aller Fettzellen.
20080505             Nachweisen konnten die Forscher diesen Zusammenhang, indem sie das Alter der Zellen anhand des in die Erbsubstanz eingebauten radioaktiven Kohlenstoffisotops C—14—BESTIMMTEN.
20080505             600.000—ERWACHSENE nehmen CANNABIS—DEUTLICH mehr als in den Vorjahren.
20080505             Drohende KUNSTMARKT—REZESSION: "Es wird hässlich werden"
20080505             Bericht der Bundesregierung: Mehr Drogentote, Kampftrinken boomt
20080505             Jupiter: Planetenschatten lässt riesige Ringe entstehen
20080505             Pension über der Armutsgrenze: CDU schließt Kompromiss zu Rüttgers' Rentenplan
20080505             Exportkrise: CHINA—BOOM schwächt sich merklich ab
20080505             Bundesbank: Mitarbeiter entwenden weniger als 1—MILLION—EURO
20080505             —GESTIEGEN, Regierungsbericht: ZAHL—DER—DROGENTOTEN wieder
20080505             Geplatzte MICROSOFT—OFFERTE: YAHOO—AKTIEN stürzen dramatisch ab
20080505             LABOUR—KRISE: MINISTER—GEBEN—BROWN 1—JAHR für den Umschwung
20080505             Hartnäckiger Speck: ZAHL—DER—FETTZELLEN bleibt konstant
20080505             Machtkampf um Rohstoffe: Boliviens reichste Provinz will unabhängiger werden
20080505             Kritik an Unionspapier: SPD und Opposition wettern gegen Pläne für Nationalen Sicherheitsrat
20080505             Steuerkonzept: CSU läutet mit MILLIARDEN—VERSPRECHEN den Wahlkampf ein
20080505             Landwirtschaft der Zukunft: Wenn Wolkenkratzer Bauernhöfe werden
20080505             alfatomega.com/20080505.html - EWALD—PROLL.
20080505             In - ab dem
20080505             FREIHEIT STATT ANGST | 1—ERINNERUNG an Ossip und Nadeschda...
20080505             00. 20071100              THÜRINGER BLOGZENTRALE "Das Gesetz zur Vorratsdatenspeicherung wurde von folgenden Thüringer Bundestagsabgeordneten auf den Weg gebracht:
20080505             Volkmar UWE—VOGEL (CDU) Greiz. 124. am: —FREITAG,
20080505             " Able Archer " 19830000             . - - Die damalige sowjetische.
20080505             Führung war ÄUß—ERST besorgt, mußte sie doch... ves Manöver bei " Able Archer " 19830000              handelte.
20080505             WOZ—WIRTSCHAFT - Eine kleine Psychologie der Abzockerei: Wie der... - Sicherheitspolitik - Lockheed Martin.
20080505             26.383. 2. Boeing. 24.633. 3. Northrop Grumman.
20080505             21.550. 4. BAE Systems. 20.515. 5. Raytheon. 16.406. 6. EADS.
20080505             Gulf Crisis Chronology : —DAY to —DAY COVERAGE—OF—EVENTS in the Gulf... threats in the period —AFTER the Cold War.
20080505             THE—IRAQ—INVASION—OF—KUWAIT.
20080505             Der Risikobegriff im Wandel: Der Mensch und der Umgang mit Risiko: Lovells Alfa Group.
20080505             And the owner of Explosivos Alaveses is none other than the owner of Fabricaciones Extremeñas, 1—COMPANY called... aithne_net/index.asp?e=news&id=94&lang=0
20080505             Krieges (finanaziell gesehen) sind ohne Zweifel SCOTT—CUSTER + MIKE—BATTLES.
20080505             DC OFFICE—OF—CAMPAIGN—FINANCE - Allied Telecom Group LLC.
20080505             $500.00. 20070122             . - - Comcast.
20080505             $500.00. 20070129             . - - Individual. Amos, Carmen.
20080505             $500.00. 20070112             . - - Individual.
20080505             Amos, Kent. $500.00. 20070122            .
20080505             —ANNOUNCED, WASHINGTON—THE—MASON—LAW—FIRM, P.C., that they filed —TODAY class... the surveillance, whether by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court or... findarticles_com/p/articles/mi_m0EIN/is_2006 _May_15/ai_n16362077
20080505             WHITE—HOUSE—GLOBE—USA Political News Mandela Is on USA—TERRORIST—WATCH Lists (English)... Hill remains positive about removal of N. KOREA from terror list+ (English)...
20080505             325.000—NAMES on Terrorism List
20080505             The list kept by the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) -
20080505             - created 20040000              to be the primary USA—TERRORISM—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY -- contains 1—FAR...
20080505             Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs)
20080505             The organization's terrorist activity or terrorism must threaten the security of USA nationals or the national security (national defense...
20080505             Marshals: Innocent People Placed On 'Watch List' To Meet Quota...
20080505—19480000    —IN, Robbins and his BROTHER—IN—LAW—BURT Baskin (19670000              †) became partners.
20080505—19520000    —IN, he invented the neoprene wetsuit.
20080505—19670000    —IN, They sold the company to United Fruit.
20080505—20090000    —IN, 1—GRAND—JURY cleared the officers involved saying no excessive force was used.
20080505—20300000    —BIS zum —JAHR—WERDEN 4,8 Milliarden Menschen in Städten leben, und nach Berechnungen werden —BIS zum —JAHR
20080505—20500000    mehr als 1—MILLIARDE—HEKTAR zusätzliches Ackerland benötigt.
20080505—20500000    Das entspräche etwa der Größe Brasiliens: einer Landwirtschaftsfläche, die auf der Erde nicht verfügbar ist.
20080529             FBI Watch [Archive] - Page 3 - SignOnSanDiego Forums Who has the ability to... alfatomega.com/20080505.html
20080622             Upon reading the analysis and bill... alfatomega.com/20080505.html
20090501             —DATE D, Corporate Profile for Atlantic Research Corporation, 20090505             ...
20090505             —REACHED, PRESIDENT—OBAMA and Democratic lawmakers, agreement on 1—LEGISLATIVE—PROPOSAL designed to stimulate USA auto sales, which have fallen to near 30-year lows.
20090505             USA Federal Reserve Chairman BEN—BERNANKE told Congress that the economy should pull out of 1—RECESSION and start growing again —LATER this —YEAR.
20090505             THE—DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA—COUNCIL gave final approval to legislation that recognizes SAME—SEX—MARRIAGES performed elsewhere.
20090505             Bing had 52.3—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE, to 47.7% for Cockrel.
20090505             Both are Democrats.
20090505             CALIFORNIA—GOVERNOR—SCHWARZENEGGER said that the time is right to debate legalizing marijuana for recreational use in CALIFORNIA.
20090505             1—MARINE—CORPS helicopter crashed shortly —BEFORE midnight in 1—REMOTE—AREA—OF—SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, killing THE—2—PEOPLE who were on BOARD.
20090505             CALIFORNIA, 1—WILDFIRE broke out in the Santa Ynez mountains near Santa Barbara.
20090505             —CHARGED, Husband and father CHRIS—COLEMAN, 32—JAHRE—ALT was, with 3—COUNTS—OF—1.—DEGREE murder, but —LATER pleaded not guilty.
20090505             H.H Sheikh SULTAN—BIN—TAHNOUN—AL—NAHYAN, CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—ABU—DHABI—TOURISM—AUTHORITY (ADTA), announced the official LAUNCH—OF—AL—AIN—WILDLIFE—PARK and Resort at the Intercontinental Hotel in ABU—DHABI.
20090505             † In AFGHANISTAN 1—SHOOTING followed 1—CAR—ACCIDENT in KABUL leaving 1—AFGHAN and 2—OTHERS wounded.
20090505             4—USA—CONTRACTORS for the private security company formerly known as Blackwater were detained for their involvement in the shooting.
20090505             —PUBLISHED, BRITAIN for the 1. time, 1—LIST—OF—PEOPLE barred from entering the country for what the government says is fostering extremism or hatred.
20090505             CHINA said it has given 10—MILLION—DOLLARS (7.5—MILLION—EUROS) to ZIMBABWE, HALF—OF—IT directly into the state coffers, to help boost the country's troubled economy.
20090505             —CONTINUED, Protests, into the next —DAY.
20090505             1—FRANCE—JUDGE decided to investigate 3—AFRICAN HEADS—OF—STATE for money laundering and other alleged crimes linked to their wealth in FRANCE.
20090505             —RECALLED, GUINEA—RULING junta, 30—AMBASSADORS, nearly —5—MONTHS—AFTER seizing power —WHEN THE—WEST—AFRICAN country's longtime dictator †.
20090505             —ARRESTED, ISRAEL—AUTHORITIES, 2—PALESTINIANS who tried to sell 1 looted 1,900—YEAR—OLD papyrus document in Hebrew worth MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS.
20090505             PAKISTAN, fighting between Taliban militants and troops in 1—NORTHWESTERN valley triggered 1—EXODUS the government said could see 500,000—PEOPLE flee and signaled THE—END—OF—1—PEACE—DEAL in the area widely criticized as 1—SURRENDER to the extremists.
20090505             1—MASTER—SERGEANT and 1—MAJOR received suspended jail terms for demanding bribes from other IRAQ—FIRMS.
20090505             —EXPECTED, SPAIN, Basque Socialist leader Patxi Lopez (49), to be sworn in as the Basque region's 1. NON—NATIONALIST—PRESIDENT, vowed to wage 1—RELENTLESS fight against the armed separatist group ETA.
20090505             —INDICTED, FORMER—TAIWAN—PRESIDENT—CHEN—SHUI—BIAN was, on new graft charges as his HIGH—PROFILE—CORRUPTION—TRIAL continued into its 2. —MONTH.
20090505             THE—UN—CHIEF—ACCUSED—ISRAEL of lying about attacks on UNITED—NATIONS schools and other facilities —DURING THE—GAZA military campaign, including 1 reported to have killed more than 40—PEOPLE, and formally demanded compensation.
20090505             1—SENIOR—DIPLOMAT accredited to the agency said that it was the 1. time the traces were reported by THE—VIENNA—BASED nuclear monitor.
20090505             —ELECTED, DETROIT—MICHIGAN, basketball legend DAVE—BING was, as mayor through THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR—SWEEPING the incumbent from office in the city with myriad problems.
20090505             COLUMBIA—ILLINOIS, Sheri Coleman (31) and her 2—SONS—GARETT, 11—JAHRE—ALT and Gavin (9) were found strangled to death.
20090505             —SIGNED, SUDAN had —RECENTLY, 1—LEASING—AGREEMENT with 1—AL—AIN—NATIONAL—WILDLIFE for some 6,180 square MILES—OF—SOUTHEASTERN wilderness to be developed as 1—SAFARI site with SEMI—PERMANENT tented camps and TOP—CLASS—HOTELS.
20090505             —STARTED, AUSTRALIA—ARMY—SHOOTING 6,000 kangaroos to thin their population on 1—ARMY—TRAINING—GROUND—NEAR the capital, outraging conservationists who have vowed to protest.
20090505             —CLASHED, In CENTRAL—CHINA—MORE than 1,000 villagers, with police —FOLLOWING 1—LAND—DISPUTE with construction workers that left 1—PERSON—DEAD.
20090505             —VOTED, THE—EUROPEAN—PARLIAMENT, to update the rules on THE—USE—OF—ANIMALS in research and to ban IMPORTS—OF—SEAL products, including fur coats and even OMEGA—3—PILLS—TRYING to force CANADA to end the annual seal hunt that animal rights groups call barbaric.
20090505             The probe follows 1—COMPLAINT by Transparency INTERNATIONAL FRANCE, 1—ASSOCIATION that tracks corruption, against GABON—OMAR—BONGO, REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO—DENIS—SASSOU—NGUESSO and Teodoro OBIANG—OF—EQUATORIAL—GUINEA.
20090505             —ENDED, GEORGIA said it had, 1—BRIEF mutiny at 1—MILITARY—BASE—NEAR the capital that broke out —AFTER THE—ARREST—OF—1—FORMER—SPECIAL—FORCES—COMMANDER—ACCUSED—OF—PLANNING to disrupt NATO—EXERCISES.
20090505             —REAFFIRMED, THE—LEADERS—OF—IRAN and Syria, their support for PALESTINE—RESISTANCE, 1—DEFIANT message to THE—USA and its Mideast allies who are uneasy over WASHINGTON—EFFORTS to forge closer ties with THE—HARD—LINE—GOVERNMENT in TEHRAN.
20090505             —REJECTED, THE—PHILIPPINES—MILITARY—1—USA—GOVERNMENT—ASSESSMENT that labeled the country's south as 1—TERRORIST—SAFE—HAVEN.
20090505             —REPORTED, THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT—LAST—WEEK in its annual ASSESSMENT—OF—WORLDWIDE—TERRORISM that THE—SOUTH—MINDANAO region, specifically predominantly Muslim Sulu province, remains 1—SANCTUARY for extremists.
20090505             —HIJACKED, SOMALIA—PIRATES, THE—MV VICTORIA, 1—GERMANY—CARGO ship carrying 11—CREW members in THE—GULF—OF—ADEN.
20090505             1—SOUTH—KOREAN—OFFICIAL said 3—SOUTH—KOREAN—ARMY—PERSONNEL have been CONVICTED—OF—ACCEPTING or seeking bribes —WHILE serving as PART—OF—1—USA—LED alliance aimed at rebuilding IRAQ.
20090505             1—CAPTAIN identified by his surname Park, was sentenced last —MONTH by 1—SOUTH—KOREAN—MILITARY—COURT to 3—YEARS in prison for taking $25,000 and 1—DIGITAL—CAMERA worth $800—FROM 1—LOCAL—FIRM involved in construction projects in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—IRBIL in return for administrative favors.
20090505             —DENIED, SUDAN, accusations by THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—CHAD that its forces had launched 1—ATTACK against the neighboring African state.
20090505             PRIME—MINISTER—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN said "THE—RESULT—OF—1—FEUD between 2—FAMILIES" had led to the deaths of 6—CHILDREN—17—WOMEN and 21—MEN.
20090505             —SUSPENDED, YEMEN, 7—PUBLICATIONS—INCLUDING the nation's most popular daily, in effort to stifle reporting on 1—UNPRECEDENTED—WAVE—OF—DEADLY—RIOTING—SWEEPING the south.
20090505             ZIMBABWE, prominent human rights campaigner Jestina Mukoko and THE—17—OTHERS were taken back into custody, —JUST—2—MONTHS—AFTER their release on bail over 1—ALLEGED plot to overthrow PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE.
20090505             —CALLED, ZIMBABWE—TEACHERS—UNIONS, off 1—THREATENED strike at state schools —AFTER the government agreed to scrap fees for CHILDREN—OF—TEACHERS.
20090505             wollen die um EU—PARLAMENT abstimmen, ob das INTERNET zugemacht werden soll oder nicht.
20090505             Das ist eine harte Deadline.
20090505             Abgeordnete anrufen. Briefe schreiben.
20090505             Protestieren. Schweinegrippe: 2. Todesfall in den USA
20090505             EUROPA—REISE: Obama plant neuen DEUTSCHLAND—BESUCH
20090505             Geheimes Gefängnis: Uno untersucht Foltervorwürfe gegen ISRAEL
20090505             Cyberwar: Gerangel um INTERNET—VERTEIDIGUNG der USA
20090505             Asse: Insgesamt 200—STÖRFÄLLE bei ATOMMÜLL—EINLAGERUNG
20090505             Ringen um Opel: Wie der FIAT—BOSS die DEUTSCHLAND—POLITIK verwirrt
20090505             Lebenslang hinter Gittern: Letzte Chance für die Knastkinder
20090505             Wirtschaftskrise: Bernanke erwartet Konjunkturwende noch in diesem —JAHR
20090505             Taliban: Tausende Zivilisten flüchten aus dem SWAT—TAL
20090505             Sozialpolitik: Gewerkschaften wollen zurück zur Rente mit 65
20090505             Meuterei im Kaukasus: In Georgiens Armee gärt die Wut
20090505             Nach Streit mit Freundin: Mann wirft Baby aus dem Auto
20090505             Korruptionsverdacht: Staatsanwaltschaft durchsucht Geschäftsräume von MAN
20090505             Neue Studie: Experten fordern Steuererhöhung gegen Komasaufen
20090505             Unterhaltungselektronik: Schrumpfkur nach fetten Jahren
20090505             Krisenbank: Bund erwartet HRE—ÜBERNAHME ohne Enteignung
20090505             WEB—VISIONÄR Jarvis: "Staatshilfe für Verlage? So eine Idee ist absurd"
20090505             Streit über Steueroasen: Steinbrück setzt SCHWEIZ mit BURKINA—FASO gleich
20090505             Sparkurs in der Forschung: Licht aus im Land der Tüftler und Denker
20090505             ICANN—VERTRAG: EU fordert ENDE—DER—USA—KONTROLLE über das INTERNET
20090505             Leistungsverbesserung: GEHIRN—JOGGING ist nutzlos
20090505             Ärger bei der Post: Briefträger sollen länger arbeiten
20090505             —IMPLANTIERT, Geldstrafe: Arzt, Rinderknochen gegen Willen der Patientin
20090505             Kampf gegen Seuchen: Forscher simulieren tödliche Pandemie
20090505             Weltrekord: Österreicher zimmert mehr als 700.000—SÄRGE
20090505             —BEWAHRT, NEST—KOMMUNIKATION: Duftstoff, Ameisen vor Beerdigung
20090505             —PROTESTIERT, VISA—ÄRGER: SAUDI—ARABIEN, gegen lange Wartezeiten
20090505             Drama um "BOSTON Globe": "Friss oder stirb!"
20090505             WAHLKÄMPFER—VERBOT im TV: Verwirrung um Schwan und Sodann
20090505             Verschwörung in GEORGIEN: Saakaschwili spricht von RUSSLAND—PROVOKATION
20090505             Wahlkampf: ÖFFENTLICH—RECHTLICHE verbannen Schwan und Sodann
20090505             Die Menschen verstehen nicht, dass unten um jeden Cent gefeilscht wird, oben aber Milliarden vergeben werden.
20090505             —VERLIERT, Da, so MANCHER—DEN—GLAUBEN an den STAAT, was langfristig zu einer Gefahr für die Demokratie werden kann.
20090505             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Sind es nur HARTZ—IV—EMPFÄNGER, die auf Ihre Hilfe angewiesen sind?
20090505             Häuser: Nein.
20090505             Früher hatten wir vor allem Obdachlose als Kunden.
20090505             —HEUTE aber gibt es eine neue Armut, die vor allem Familien mit Kindern trifft.
20090505             Das sind Menschen, die Vollzeit ARBEITEN—DEREN Einkommen aber trotzdem nicht reicht.
20090505             Das betrifft Leute mit Teilzeitjobs, alleinerziehende Mütter oder Angestellte im Niedriglohnsegment, die ihr Einkommen mit ALG II aufstocken müssen.
20090505             Und zu uns kommen immer mehr Senioren, die nun auf Grundsicherung angewiesen sind.
20090505             Zugleich gelten 43 % der weltweit bekannten 6450—AMPHIBIENARTEN als GEFÄHRDET—PARASITEN, Lebensraumzerstörung, Umweltgifte und der Klimawandel gehören zu den URSACHEN—AUCH auf der Insel vor Ostafrika.
20090505             Diese neuen Funde sind deswegen auch für den Naturschutz auf MADAGASKAR von hoher Bedeutung.
20090505             In den vergangenen Jahren hatte der STAAT, der zu den ärmsten Ländern der Welt zählt, große Anstrengungen unternommen, seine einzigartige Natur zu schützen.
20090505             —ANFANG des Jahres putschte aber das Militär gegen den gewählten Präsidenten MARC—RAVALOMANANA.
20090505             Dadurch entstand 1—MACHTVAKUUM, in dem der Schutz der letzten Regenwälder Madagaskars nicht mehr gewährleistet ist.
20090505             Selbst aus Nationalparks werden nach Auskunft von Forschern großflächige Abholzungen gemeldet.
20090505             MADAGASKAR trennte sich vor etwa 150—MILLIONEN Jahren vom Festland.
20090505             Seither entwickelte sich auf einer Fläche rund anderthalb Mal so groß wie DEUTSCHLAND eine einzigartige Flora und Fauna.
20090505             VIELE—ARTEN sind endemisch, kommen also nur hier vor.
20090505             —BERICHTET, Wie andere Umweltschützer und das Forscherteam, etwa die Umweltstiftung WWF, dass von den ursprünglichen tropischen Wäldern der Insel nur noch etwa 10 % übrig SIND—UND das Abholzen schreitet voran.
20090505             Bei einer der 1. Übungen dieser Art versagte der Cyberschutz der USA kläglich.
20090505             Die PSEUDO—ANGREIFER übernahmen in einem mehrwöchigen Manöver per KAUFHAUS—PC die Kontrolle über etliche lebenswichtige Einrichtungen der vereinigten Staaten.
20090505             Subodh Bapat, Vizepräsident des SERVER—HERSTELLERS Sun Microsystems, etwa warnt im "GUARDIAN",
20090505             man müsse den Energieverbrauch des INTERNET —SCHON aus wirtschaftlichen Gründen eindämmen.
20090505             Schließlich würden den rasant steigenden Energiekosten aufgrund der Finanzkrise sinkende Profite gegenüberstehen.
20090505             Die Rezession bringe Millionen Europäer in eine verzweifelte Lage.
20090505             Angesichts zunehmender Massenarbeitslosigkeit drohe eine "soziale Krise".
20090505             Man dürfe nicht unterschätzen, wie explosiv sich eine solche Situation entwickeln könne.
20090505             —UNRUHEN, Soziale, könne man in der gegenwärtigen Situation nicht ausschließen.
20090505             warnt Luxemburgs Premier und EURO—FINANZCHEF Juncker: "Es wird sicher 1—BESCHÄFTIGUNGSKRISE geben".
20090505             Die Rezession bringe Millionen Europäer in eine verzweifelte LAGE—UND schüre sozialen Unfrieden.
20090505             MADAGASKAR: Forscher finden mehr als 100—NEUE Froscharten
20090505             GOLDMAN—SACHS—MANAGER Dibelius: "Ja, ich fühle mich mitschuldig"
20090505             —GEWUSST, BAHN—SKANDAL: Personalvorstände sollen von Spähaktionen, haben
20090505             PIRATEN—PLAGE: Medwedew will Seeräuber vor Sondergericht stellen
20090505             Schweinegrippe: MEXIKO kehrt zur Normalität zurück
20090505             Quartalszahlen: Hypo Real Estate schreibt 382—MILLIONEN Euro Verlust
20090505             Druckfehler: Millionen Stimmzettel für Europawahl ungültig
20090505             Bilanz: Postbank macht 91—MILLIONEN Euro Minus
20090505             INTERNET—ENERGIEBILANZ: Das Web braucht zu viel Strom
20090505             Alter und Statistik: Spätgebärende und ihre Brüder leben länger
20090505             Quartalszahlen: UBS bestätigt Milliardenverlust
20090505             Stresstest: Jede 2. USA—GROßBANK—IN—FINANZNÖTEN
20090505             Drohende Massenarbeitslosigkeit: EURO—FINANZCHEF Juncker warnt vor sozialer Krise
20090505             Abwrackboom bei Schiffen: Die Friedhöfe der schweren Pötte
20090505             CHEF—DER—TAFELN: "Es gibt eine neue Armut in DEUTSCHLAND"
20090505             Kriminalität: Steinbrück nennt Steuerhinterzieher sozial gefährlich
20090505             Genforschung: Wie wir neue Software für das Leben schreiben werden
20090505             anlässlich des Jahrestages der Befreiung von der DEUTSCHLAND—BESETZUNG zu
20090505             Schüssen zur Verteidigung genötigt (4).
20090505             Bei solchen Vorfällen sind auch wiederholt Personen (schwer) verletzt worden.
20090505             Dennoch übertreffen die kriegsähnlichen Szenen vom
20090505             —GETAN, —BIS dahin müßt ihr, haben, was ihr jeweils tun könnt, um das zu verhindern.
20090505             —VERWIRRT, Ringen um Opel: Wie der FIAT—BOSS die DEUTSCHLAND—POLITIK
20090505—19900000    —SCHON—SEIT den neunziger JAHREN—PROBEN USA—MILITÄRS den Ernstfall, simulieren Angriffe NORDKOREA—MILITÄR—HACKER auf staatliche und militärische Einrichtungen.
20090505—19990000    —SINCE, 1—NEWS—PAGE (www.onenewspage.us/) was founded by DOCTOR—MARC—PINTER—KRAINER, 38—JAHRE—ALT 1—SUCCESSFUL—INTERNET entrepreneur who has been working in the commercial online arena.
20090505—20070000    —IN, 1—RESTRICTED—UN—REPORT said IAEA inspectors detected nuclear particles in EGYPT —LAST—YEAR and.
20090505—20090515    —BY, —AFTER destroying 80—HOMES, it was 90% contained.
20090505—20090707    —BECAME, The law, effective.
20090505—20090718    —RELEASED, Pirates, the ship and its 11—ROMANIA—CREW members —FOLLOWING 1—RANSOM—OF $1.8—MILLION.
20090505—20091210    —ON, officials charged 2—MEN with misdemeanors for allegedly sparking the Jesusita fire.
20090910—19830505    —AM, tauchten überraschend Vertreter des Kanzleramts und des Forschungsministeriums in der Behörde auf.
2009110              [32] - 20090409              20091101             [1] - 20090505              20091101              preventive detention cases
20091101             [1] - 20090505              200911010000 [32] - 20090409          .
200911010000 [1] - 20090505
20100505             1—NEW—EXPIRATION—DATE was set for 20120105         .
20100505             The well has been spewing at least 210,000 gallons per —DAY—SINCE an 20100420              explosion at 1—RIG 50—MILES off LOUISIANA.
20100505             —DISGUISED, SOUTH—WEST—AFGHANISTAN, Taliban suicide bombers, as police attacked 1—GOVERNMENT compound in Nimroz province.
20100505             8—ATTACKERS blew themselves up and police shot the ninth.
20100505             † 1—PERSON was killed and 11 were wounded in the blasts.
20100505             —COURSED, Floodwaters, through several villages —WHILE residents slept in WEST—HERAT province.
20100505             —REPORTED, BRAZIL—LOCAL—MEDIA, that BRAZIL is to build a 483—MILLION—DOLLAR—NUCLEAR—REACTOR to produce radioactive material for medical use as well as INDUSTRIAL—GRADE enriched uranium.
20100505             —FAILED, CHINA said it would punish officials who, to fulfill emissions reduction targets, warning the nation's current environmental situation was extremely serious.
20100505             CONGO—GOVERNMENT—INFORMATION—MINISTER said civilians who were being recruited to 1—NEW—REBEL—MOVEMENT in CONGO—NORTHWEST captured the group's leader and he —NOW will stand trial for war crimes.
20100505             —OVERLOADED, EAST—CONGO, 80—PEOPLE were missing and feared dead —AFTER 1, canoe capsized on 1—RIVER.
20100505             45—PEOPLE were rescued from THE—CONGO River near THE—CITY—OF—KINDU, THE—CAPITAL—OF—CONGO—EAST—MANIEMA province.
20100505             † In GREECE 3—PEOPLE—WHEN 1—ATHENS bank went up in flames as over 50,000 Greeks took to the streets to protest harsh spending cuts aimed at saving the country from bankruptcy.
20100505             Kuwaiti and SAUDI—ARABIA—OFFICIALS said 1—IRAN—ESPIONAGE—GROUP has been dismantled in KUWAIT.
20100505             The cell was reportedly acting on BEHALF—OF—IRAN—REVOLUTIONARY—GUARD.
20100505             1—PAKISTANI—ANTI—TERROR—COURT acquitted 4—MEN put on trial over 20080000             —THE—BOMBING—OF—THE—5—STAR—MARRIOTT hotel in ISLAMABAD that killed at least 60—PEOPLE.
20100505             —HIJACKED, SOMALIA—PIRATES, THE—CHINA—BOUND oil tanker MV MOSCOW University 350—MILES off THE—COAST—OF—YEMEN with 23—RUSSIA—CREW and crude oil worth $52—MILLION on BOARD.
20100505             † In SOUTH—AFRICA 23—PEOPLE and 15 were badly injured —WHEN 1—BUS overturned.
20100505             —SUSPENDED, THE—PRIVATELY—REGISTERED bus accident was on the road despite being, for poor roadworthiness.
20100505             —CHARGED, THE—OWNER—OF—THE—BUS was soon, with murder.
20100505             SUDAN—JUSTICE—MINISTER said police investigating 1—INVESTMENT—SCAM in the Darfur region have collected bounced checks and receipts for up to $27—MILLION and arrested 58—PEOPLE.
20100505             —ASKED, Yukiya Amano, THE—HEAD—OF—THE—UN—ATOMIC—WATCHDOG, for INTERNATIONAL input on 1—ARAB—LED push to have ISRAEL join the Nonproliferation Treaty, in 1—MOVE that adds to pressure on the Jewish state to disclose its unacknowledged nuclear arsenal.
20100505             —SLAPPED, YEMEN, 1—LAST—MINUTE—BAN on 1—MEETING—OF—ARAB parliamentarians to discuss the crisis in SUDAN—WAR—TORN—DARFUR region.
20100505             —MANAGED, THE—USA—COAST—GUARD said BP PLC has, to cap 1—OF 3—LEAKS at 1—DEEPWATER oil well, but the work is not expected to reduce the overall FLOW—OF—OIL into THE—GULF—OF—MEXICO.
20100505             THE—USA—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT said it will allow people from NICARAGUA—EL—SALVADOR and HONDURAS to stay another 18—MONTHS in THE—USA with temporary legal status.
20100505             —KILLED, At least 20—PEOPLE were, and 30—INJURED.
20100505             —GROUNDED, BRITAIN and IRELAND, flights again —AFTER 1—FRESH—CLOUD—OF—ASH swept in from THE—ICELAND—VOLCANO which sparked unprecedented air travel chaos in EUROPE last —MONTH.
20100505             —REPORTED, CBC News, that THE—BANK—OF—MONTREAL is suing lawyers, brokers and SOME—OF—ITS—OWN—EMPLOYEES for 1—ALLEGED C$140—MILLION ($136—MILLION) mortgage scam that may have involved HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE.
20100505             —CAPTURED, Odjani was, by youths he was trying to recruit in THE—VILLAGE—OF—DONGO.
20100505             EAST—CONGO, 80—PEOPLE were missing and feared dead —AFTER 1—OVERLOADED canoe capsized on 1—RIVER.
20100505             † The employees —WHEN the Marfin Bank branch in ATHENS was firebombed by anarchists taking part in the march.
20100505             —BLOCKED, NEPAL—MAOIST—OPPOSITION—STREETS—LEADING to key government offices on the 4. —DAY—OF—THEIR—CRIPPLING—GENERAL—STRIKE to demand THE—PRIME—MINISTER—RESIGNATION, —WHILE the government vowed not to bow to protesters' pressure.
20100505             —VOTED, SRI—LANKA—PARLIAMENT, to scale back tough STATE—OF—EMERGENCY—LAWS that were 1. introduced 27—YEARS—AGO to deal with separatist Tamil rebels.
20100505             —ARMED, THE—SOUTH—SUDAN, forces said clashes over livestock between MEMBERS—OF—2—LARGE—TRIBES killed 26—PEOPLE in THE—SOUTH—SUDAN STATE—OF—WARRAP.
20100505—19050000    —SINCE, CUBA reported its worst sugar harvest.
20100505—19980000    —EXTENDED, The temporary legal status has been, repeatedly —SINCE Hurricane Mitch devastated the region.
20100505—20100501    —ON, FAISAL—SHAHZAD, 30—JAHRE—ALT, 1—USA—CITIZEN who, drove 1—BOMB—LADEN—SUV meant to cause 1—FIREBALL in Times Square, was sentenced to life in prison.
20100505—20100621    —PLEADED, THE—PAKISTAN—IMMIGRANT had, guilty to 10—TERRORISM and weapons counts.
20100505—20101001    —IN, Suspects RANA—ILYAS, DOCTOR—MOHAMMAD—USMAN—SAFI, Hameed Afzal and Tehseenullah Jan, were arrested in ISLAMABAD and the neighboring garrison CITY—OF—RAWALPINDI —MONTH—AFTER the devastating bomb.
20100506—20100505    —CONVICTED, He was also, on planting bombs close to 1—CONSTRUCTION—SITE.
20110214105052       —ZUDEM, sagte er, das TUNESIEN—SYSTEM sei dabei "zusammenzubrechen".
20110505             Published: 20090216161229        GMT—PUBLISHED: 20090216161229        GMT
20110505             1—OF—THOSE homes belonged to Jose Guerena (26) and his wife, Vanessa Guerena.
20110505             —SERVED, Guerena, 1—FORMER—MARINE who, 2—TOURS—OF—DUTY in IRAQ, armed himself with his AR—15—RIFLE and told his wife and son to hide in 1—CLOSET.
20110505             —OPENED, Police, fire, releasing more than 70—ROUNDS in about 7—SECONDS, at least 60—OF which struck Guerena.
20110505             —PRONOUNCED, He was, dead 1—LITTLE over an —HOUR—LATER.
20110505             Guerena had no prior criminal record, and the police found nothing illegal in his home.
20110505             —ACTIVATED, The safety on his gun was still, —WHEN he was killed.
20110505             —SIGNED, INDIANA GOVERNOR—MITCH—DANIELS, 2—BILLS into law establishing 1—STATEWIDE private school voucher program and expanding charter schools.
20110505             —APPOINTED, MICHIGAN GOVERNOR—RICK—SNYDER, FORMER—GENERAL—MOTORS—EXECUTIVE—ROY—ROBERTS as the new emergency manager for DETROIT Public Schools.
20110505             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—IN—PENNSYLVANIA sentenced conman DONALD—YOUNG, 39—JAHRE—ALT to nearly 2—DECADES in prison for a $23—MILLION pyramid scheme.
20110505             —PASSED, VERMONT—LEGISLATURE, 1—BILL outlining steps for 1—SINGLE—PAYER health system.
20110505             —EXPECTED, GOVERNOR—PETER—SHUMLIN was, to soon sign the bill.
20110505             —GATHERED, AFGHANISTAN, some 2,000 protesters, to criticize PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI—WILLINGNESS to start peace talks with the Taliban.
20110505             1—ROADSIDE bomb killed 1—NATO—SERVICE—MEMBER in SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN.
20110505             —FLOODED, In Baghlan province 1—TORRENTIAL downpour, several districts, killing 9—PEOPLE.
20110505             CHILE—SUPREME—COURT found 6—EX—NAVY—OFFICERS—GUILTY in the abduction and execution of 1—CHILE—JOURNALIST—1—DAY—AFTER the coup that ushered in the 19730000—19900000     military dictatorship.
20110505             CHINA—XINHUA—NEWS—AGENCY said in 1—BRIEF—REPORT that 1—PANAMA—REGISTERED cargo ship with 24—CHINA—SAILORS was hijacked by 7—PIRATES in the Arabian Sea.
20110505             EGYPT, FORMER—PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK—TOP—SECURITY—OFFICIAL was CONVICTED—OF—CORRUPTION and money laundering and sentenced to 12—YEARS in prison.
20110505             1—GERMAN—SYRIA—MAN, Rami Makanesi, admitted in 1—FRANKFURT court to belonging to 1—TERRORIST—GROUP and training in 1—AL—QAIDA paramilitary camp in PAKISTAN.
20110505             He faced up to 5—YEARS in prison under 1—PLEA—DEAL.
20110505             —KILLED, At least 4—OTHER—PEOPLE were, in scattered violence —AROUND the country.
20110505             —MARKED, Rebels said the helicopters were, with the Red Cross sign.
20110505             † MEXICO, more than 600—PEOPLE led by 1—MEXICO—POET—JAVIER Sicilia, whose son was killed by suspected drug traffickers, set off on 1—MARCH from the resort CITY—OF—CUERNAVACA to MEXICO—CITY to protest the country's unrelenting gang violence.
20110505             NORTH—IRELAND held elections.
20110505             —DETAINED, He was, over links to the banned HIZB—UL—TAHRIR.
20110505             Officials said PORTUGAL will get IMF loans at rates similar to those granted to GREECE and IRELAND, but LISBON is still waiting for fellow European countries to decide how much they'll charge for their slice of 1—EURO78 billion ($115—BILLION) bailout.
20110505             SCOTLAND held parliamentary elections.
20110505             THE—SYRIA—ARMY said it has begun withdrawing from Daraa, 1—CITY at THE—HEART—OF—THE—COUNTRY—UPRISING, but the regime expanded its crackdown elsewhere by deploying soldiers and arresting hundreds ahead of 1—FRESH—WAVE—OF—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS.
20110505             —FREED, VENEZUELA, inmates at 1—PRISON—NEAR—CARACAS, the prison director and 14—OTHER—HOSTAGES and ended an 8—DAY standoff over conditions at the jail.
20110505             —INTERCEPTED, VIETNAM, customs officials, 661—POUNDS (300—KG) of smuggled African elephant tusks from TANZANIA at 1—NORTHERN port city.
20110505             YEMEN—SECURITY and tribal officials said 1—SUSPECTED—USA—DRONE has fired 1—MISSILE at 1—CAR in Shabwa province, killing 2—BROTHERS thought to be AL—QAIDA militants.
20110505             USA—GOVERNMENT—ENGINEERS blew up a 3. section of 1—MISSISSIPPI River levee to manage flooding, as 1—WALL—OF—WATER roared down the nation's largest river system, threatening towns and cities all the way to THE—GULF—OF—MEXICO.
20110505             —ARMED, Pima COUNTY—ARIZONA, police officers, with SWAT gear and 1—ARMORED personnel carrier raided at least 4—HOMES as PART—OF—1—INVESTIGATION into alleged marijuana trafficking.
20110505             —ENTERED, As the officers, Guerena confronted them from the far END—OF—1—LONG—DARK hallway.
20110505             —ARRESTED, AUSTRALIA—POLICE said they have, 4—PEOPLE and seized 239—KG (527—POUNDS) of methamphetamine, or ice, in the country's biggest BUST—OF—ITS—KIND.
20110505             BOLIVIA, 1—PLANE—MONITORING—THE—CULTIVATION—OF—COCA went missing.
20110505             —RULED, BRAZIL—HIGH—COURT, that SAME—SEX—CIVIL—UNIONS must be recognized, 1—DECISION welcomed as 1—WATERSHED by gay activists who also hope it will cool rising violence against homosexuals in Latin AMERICA—MOST populous nation.
20110505             —LOOKED, UNITED—KINGDOM—VOTERS—SET to reject 1—CHANGE in the way they elect their MPs as they cast their ballots in 1—NATIONAL—REFERENDUM that has threatened to tear the ruling coalition apart.
20110505             —PUNISHED, UNITED—KINGDOM—VOTERS, the Liberal Democrats for their role in 1—DEFICIT—CUTTING—GOVERNMENT—DESERTING the party in local elections and almost certainly rejecting its efforts to reform the electoral system.
20110505             —RAMMED, In CENTRAL—IRAQ 1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMBER, his EXPLOSIVE—PACKED vehicle into 1—BARRIER—OUTSIDE—1—POLICE—BUILDING in HILLAH, killing at least 20—POLICE—OFFICERS and wounding dozens more.
20110505             —DESTROYED, LIBYA, NATO—AIR—STRIKES reportedly, at least 2—HELICOPTERS—NEAR—THE—TOWN—OF—ZINTAN as government forces transported them on trucks.
20110505             Small helicopters flew over Misrata dropping mines into THE—HARBOR—OF—MISRATA.
20110505             MEXICO—SOLDIERS—SEARCHING—MASS—GRAVES in THE—STATE—CAPITAL—OF—THE—NORTH—STATE—OF—DURANGO recovered 25—MORE—BODIES—BRINGING the total recovered there to at least 146.
20110505             —SHOWED, Early returns, strong support for THE—2—DOMINANT pillars in NORTH—IRELAND politics: THE—PROTESTANTS—OF—THE—DEMOCRATIC—UNIONISTS and THE—CATHOLICS—OF—SINN Fein.
20110505             —DETAINED, PAKISTAN, BRIGADIER—ALI—KHAN for links to 1—BANNED Islamist group, THE—HIGHEST—RANKING—SERVING—OFFICER arrested in 1—DECADE.
20110505             —ARRESTED, In THE—PHILIPPINES Arabani Jakiran (39) was, amid 1—INTENSIFIED manhunt for AL—QAIDA—LINKED militants to PRE—EMPT ANY—POSSIBLE revenge attacks for OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—KILLING this —WEEK in PAKISTAN.
20110505             —FACED, Cwele and her CO—DEFENDANT—1—MINIMUM—OF—15—YEARS in prison for recruiting women to smuggle drugs from TURKEY and SOUTH—AMERICA.
20110505             —ARRESTED, SYRIA—TROOPS—300—PEOPLE in 1—DAMASCUS suburb.
20110505             AL—QAEDA involvement with drug trafficking organizations in SOUTH—AMERICA has been documented —SINCE the early 1990s
20110505             —ESTABLISHED, But it did not take long to realize that Jobs has, 1—HIGHLY functional corporation, and the shares bounced back.
20110505             Published: 20090216161229        GMT - ANTI—TERROR—TACTICS 'weaken law'
20110505             —UNDERMINED, ANTI—TERROR—MEASURES—WORLDWIDE have seriously, INTERNATIONAL human rights law, 1—REPORT by legal experts says.
20110505             attorneys and academics Reflects geographical DIVERSITY—OF—THE—WORLD and its MANY—LEGAL—SYSTEMS—CURRENT—PRESIDENT—IS—MARY—ROBINSON,
20110505             dramatic change "that can only be attributed to the public campaign that brought great pressure on THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENCE".
20110505             The improvement in MANNING—PRISON—LIFE is testament to the power of 1—SUSTAINED campaign by his supporters and politicians to end what was deemed virtual torture against him.
20110505             —FLOODED, THE—PENTAGON had been, with emails and lobbied by representatives such as DENNIS—KUCINICH, 1—DEMOCRATIC—CONGRESSMAN from OHIO who took up MANNING—CAUSE.
20110505             —INVOLVED, THE—UK—EMBASSY in WASHINGTON has also been, —AFTER THE—GUARDIAN revealed that
20110505             Manning is 1—UNITED—KINGDOM—CITIZEN by DINT—OF—HIS—MOTHER being Welsh.
20110505             —SINCE Manning was transferred from the Quantico
20110505             vastly improved —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—1—SUSTAINED campaign against his —EARLIER treatment,
20110505             1—ASPECT—OF—THE tale that everyone forgets is this: OSAMA—BIN—LADEN was once in CONTROL—OF—MUCH—OF—THE—WORLD—HEROIN supply.
20110505             —WORKED, Those who, with him in the drug trade may be glad to know that 1—POTENTIAL squealer won't go to trial.
20110505             Perhaps this fact explains why 1—GUY with no weapon was shot.
20110505             Images reveal SCALE—OF—NORTH—KOREAN—POLITICAL—PRISON—CAMPS
20110505             [l] Ratet mal, wer der neue ETHIK—BEAUFTRAGTE von Blackwater wird!
20110505             Na? Kommt ihr NIE drauf! Andererseits passt das wie Arsch auf Eimer.
20110505             JOHN—ASHCROFT.
20110505             [l] Es hat sich —SEIT ein paar Tagen angedeutet, —JETZT ist es perfekt: Hamas und Fatah haben sich versöhnt.
20110505             ISRAEL hat der "Palestinean Authority" von der Fatah auch gleich mal das Geld eingefroren.
20110505             auch mal am selben —TAG
20110505             It's never been so easy to create 1—WASTELAND and call it "justice".
20110505             So no 1 in the world will ever know.
20110505             —BECAME, How "Geronimo", 1—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY—ASSET—AND how the "friendship" developed —DURING the 1980s.
20110505             the most evil terrorist in THE—HISTORY—OF—THE—UNIVERSE
20110505             Nordkoreas Machthaber KIM—JONG—IL wurde aufgerufen, die meist abgelegenen und großflächigen Lager sofort zu schließen, deren Existenz im Ausland —SCHON—SEIT Jahrzehnten bekannt ist.
20110505             "Hunderttausende Menschen existieren praktisch ohne Rechte und werden im Grunde als Sklaven behandelt", wird der Leiter von Amnesty für die Region ASIEN—PAZIFIK, SAM—ZARIFI, zitiert.
20110505             ALLE—BERICHTERSTATTER berufen sich auf anonyme Regierungskreise.
20110505             "Nichts davon ergab sich durch harsche Verhörmethoden", sagt die Demokratin DIANNE—FEINSTEIN, VORSITZENDE—DES—GEHEIMDIENSTAUSSCHUSSES im Senat.
20110505             Das Weiße Haus hält dagegen.
20110505             TOMMY—VIETOR, SPRECHER—DES—NATIONALEN—SICHERHEITSRATS, "dann hätten wir OSAMA—BIN—LADEN 20030000              geschnappt".
20110505             alfatomega.com/20110505.html - Published: 20090216161229        GMT
20110505             Manning is 1—UK—CITIZEN by dint of his mother being Welsh.
20110505             Update : Oh und es gibt auch in ISRAEL—1—ISLAM—BEWEGUNG, die auch gespalten war, und die sich anlässlich der FATAH—HAMAS—EINIGUNG
20110505             "Obama hat den GROßTEIL—DER—ANTI—TERROR—MAßNAHMEN—BUSH s im
20110505—19520000    —IN, Promotes understanding and OBSERVANCE—OF—INTERNATIONAL—LAW and principles that advance human rights Founded in BERLIN COMPRISED—OF—UP to 60—LAWYERS—INCLUDING—SENIOR—JUDGES,
20110505—19770000    —SINCE, the city's schools enrollment dropped from 175,168 to 74,000.
20110505—20030000    —J—IM, "Wenn wir aufgrund von Waterboarding irgendwelche eindeutigen Informationen gehabt hätten", sagte
20110505—20090300    —IN, Communist Party newspaper Granma also said a 15-year sentence was handed down to ALEJANDRO—ROCA—IGLESIAS, who was removed as food MINISTER.
20110505—20110428    —IN—THE, MOROCCO said 3—NATIONALS have been arrested deadly bombing at the Argana café in MARRAKECH, including the main suspect ADEL—OTHMANI, 1—MAN with loyalties to AL—QAIDA who had attempted to travel to IRAQ and Chechnya.
20110505—20110507    —ON, WRECKAGE—OF—THE—PLANE and THE—BODIES—OF—THE—2—CREW members and 4—UN—WORKERS was found.
20110505—20110621    —UNTIL, The detention was not announced
20111231—20120505    —ON, her IN—LAWS were sentenced to 10—YEARS in prison for torture, abuse and human rights violations.
20120310             They were not heard from again 20120505             —UNTIL—WHEN they called their families —WHILE under SYRIA—DETENTION.
20120310—20120505    —UNTIL, They were not heard from again —WHEN they called their families —WHILE under SYRIA—DETENTION.
20120429—20120505    —ON, the army announced a 5—DAY—CEASE—FIRE to give army defectors 1—CHANCE to return.
20120505             —STABBED, INDIANAPOLIS, LEON—THOMAS—III, 4—JAHRE—ALT was, to death.
20120505             —PICKED, Police, up his 14—YEAR—OLD cousin covered in blood.
20120505             She faced 1—PRELIMINARY—MURDER—CHARGE.
20120505             4—BAHRAIN—POLICEMEN were wounded in a "terrorist" attack in 1—SHIITE village, 1—OF—THEM critically.
20120505             —ARRIVED, They had, in Bani Jamra —BEFORE dawn to disperse DOZENS—OF—PROTESTERS, who were blocking roads in the village.
20120505             —DETAINED, BAHRAIN, rights activist NABEEL—RAJAB was, for releasing tweets deemed insulting to the government.
20120505             Albinos Sans Frontieres said the government was failing to protect albinos and said everyone sentenced to prison in the killings had escaped.
20120505             Voters in FRANCE—OVERSEAS territories began casting ballots for NICOLAS—SARKOZY or FRANCOIS—HOLLANDE in 1—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION that could affect everything from EUROPE—EFFORTS to fight its debt crisis to how long FRANCE—TROOPS stay in AFGHANISTAN.
20120505             ISRAEL—OFFICIALS said 10—PALESTINE—PRISONERS participating in 1—MASS—HUNGER—STRIKE in ISRAEL—JAILS have been placed under medical supervision as their conditions worsened.
20120505             They were among 1,500 to 2,500 PALESTINE—PRISONERS on hunger strike to demand better conditions and 1—END to detention without trial.
20120505             JAPAN, 8—ELDERLY mountaineers who went missing in JAPAN—NORTH—ALPS —FOLLOWING 1—SNOWSTORM were confirmed dead —AFTER SOME—OF—THEM were evacuated by helicopter.
20120505             MOROCCO said it had broken up a "terrorist network" active in several cities in the country and that had links to AL—QAEDA in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM).
20120505             —KILLED, NEPAL, at least 15—PEOPLE were, and 43—LEFT missing, including 3—TOURISTS from UKRAINE, —WHEN the Seti River near MOUNT—ANNAPURNA burst its banks and swept away 1—VILLAGE.
20120505             2—OF—THE—SUSPECTED—ISLAMISTS were arrested.
20120505             Gunmen shot dead 1—RESIDENT in KANO.
20120505             THE—PHILIPPINES, 1—GRENADE—ATTACK left 2—PEOPLE—DEAD and at least 19—OTHERS hurt in Iligan city on THE—NORTH—COAST—OF—MINDANAO ISLAND.
20120505             —DISCOVERED, RUSSIA—SECRET—SERVICE—AGENCY—FSB, 10—CACHES—OF—ARMS and ammunition over the last 48—HOURS in Abkhazia.
20120505             THE—FSB said it suspects the attacks targeting SOCHI were being masterminded by Chechen rebel leader Doku Umarov.
20120505             SOUTH—KOREA, 1—FIERCE blaze swept through 1—KARAOKE lounge in 1—BUSY—COMMERCIAL—DISTRICT—OF—BUSAN, killing 9—PEOPLE including 3—SRI Lankans.
20120505             SYRIA, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE took to THE—STREETS—OF—DAMASCUS for funerals to mourn slain protesters.
20120505             1—EXPLOSION in 1—CAR wash in ALEPPO killed at least 5—PEOPLE.
20120505             1—YEMEN—HUMAN—RIGHTS—GROUP said the internal intelligence agency has been detaining 2—BELGIUM—NATIONALS for over 1—MONTH without prosecution or referral to trial.
20120505             5—ACCUSED 20010911             —PLOTTERS, including SELF—CONFESSED mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, appeared —BEFORE 1—MILITARY—COURT—ON—CHARGES—OF—PLANNING the deadliest attack on USA—SOIL.
20120505             ARIZONA, fugitives NELSON—GRANT—HALLAHAN, 65—JAHRE—ALT and wife JANET—HALLAHAN, 54—JAHRE—ALT were arrested by deputy marshals in Tonopah, 1—DESERT—COMMUNITY—50—MILES—WEST—OF—PHOENIX.
20120505             The boy and his 11—YEAR—OLD—SISTER were at their grandparent's apartment —AT—THE—TIME—OF—THE—ATTACK.
20120505             —KIDNAPPED, BURUNDI, 1—ARMED—GANG, killed and dismembered overnight 1—ALBINO girl (15) in BURUNDI—18. such slaying in less than 4—YEARS.
20120505             CONGODRC, at least 10—PEOPLE—INCLUDING—4—WOMEN—WORKING in the fields, were killed by presumed RWANDA—REBELS in 1—SUD—KIVU village.
20120505             —ATTENDED, EGYPT—MILITARY—RULER—1—UNPRECEDENTED—PUBLIC—FUNERAL for 1—SOLDIER killed in clashes with protesters.
20120505             —DECIDED, The army, to hold 179—PEOPLE—INCLUDING—13—WOMEN—FOR—15—DAYS—PENDING—INVESTIGATION.
20120505             —RETIRED, NORTH—ITALY, 1—BUS—BRINGING, police officers to 1—NATIONAL—CONVENTION veered off 1—HIGHWAY and plunged into 1—CANAL, killing at least 5—PEOPLE.
20120505             THOUSANDS—OF—JAPAN—MARCHED to celebrate the switching OFF—OF—THE—LAST—OF—THEIR nation's 50—NUCLEAR—REACTORS—WAVING—BANNERS shaped as giant fish that have become 1—POTENT—ANTI—NUCLEAR—SYMBOL.
20120505             NIGERIA, 3—PEOPLE were shot dead —WHILE 4—OTHERS—INCLUDING—2—SOLDIERS, were wounded —WHEN suspected Islamists opened fire at 1—WEDDING in MAIDUGURI.
20120505             PAKISTAN, 1—USA—DRONE—ATTACK—TARGETING—1—MILITANT compound killed at least 10—INSURGENTS in the Shawal AREA—OF—NORTH—WAZIRISTAN.
20120505             PERU, 1—PREDAWN fire swept through 1—DRUG—REHABILITATION—CENTER in 1—TOWN on LIMA—OUTSKIRTS, killing 14—PEOPLE in the 2. blaze in PERU this —YEAR to claim THE—LIVES—OF—ADDICTS trapped behind locked doors in 1—PRIVATE—TREATMENT—RESIDENCE.
20120505             The region is very close to Black Sea RESORT—OF—SOCHI, host of 20140000             —THE—WINTER—OLYMPICS.
20120505             —KILLED, 1—EXPLOSION in 1—CAR wash in ALEPPO, at least 5—PEOPLE.
20120505             —KILLED, EAST—THAILAND, 1—LARGE blaze at 1—CHEMICAL—FACTORY—12—PEOPLE, injured more than 100 and spewed toxic smoke into the air in RAYONG province.
20120505             —KILLED, YEMEN—AIRSTRIKES—5—MILITANTS in the south as the country's PRESIDENT vowed to intensify his campaign against AL—QAIDA militants.
20120505—20000000    —IN, They had fled punishment in ILLINOIS for running 1—PONZI scheme that targeted friends, the elderly, and even family members.
20120505—20120727    —WATCHED, More than 40,000 spectators, as 1—CASCADE—OF—WHITE—BALLOONS was released to open LONDON—OLYMPIC—STADIUM, —BEFORE the Games begin.
20130505             1—NEW jihadi magazine, set up by militants in AFGHANISTAN and PAKISTAN, appealed to Muslims —AROUND the world to come up with technology to hack into or manipulate drones, describing this as 1—OF—THEIR most important priorities.
20130505             1—BAHRAIN court sentenced 31—SITRA ISLAND protesters, aged 16 to 34, to 15—YEARS in prison each for roles in firebomb attacks against security forces —DURING 1—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—DEMONSTRATION—LAST—YEAR.
20130505             —INJURED, Officials said at least 1—PERSON † and 45—OTHERS were.
20130505             FRANCE, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—SUPPORTERS—OF—LEFTIST—PARTIES marched through CENTRAL—PARIS to express disappointment with PRESIDENT—HOLLANDE—1. —YEAR in power, criticizing the leader for reneging on his promises to rein in THE—WORLD—OF—FINANCE and enact economic stimulus.
20130505             † 1—BY—PASSER was killed, 6—OTHERS were wounded.
20130505             —STORMED, Hours —LATER gunmen, THE—HOUSE—OF—1—DISTRICT mayor in Mahmoudiya town, killing the mayor and his son.
20130505             —KILLED, Altogether 9—PEOPLE were, in SERIES—OF—EXPLOSIONS in and —AROUND BAGHDAD.
20130505             —REPORTED, At least 42—SYRIA—SOLDIERS were, killed.
20130505             —ARRESTED, KOSOVO police in PRISTINA, Naser Kelmendi (56), 1—SUSPECTED—BALKAN drugs kingpin.
20130505             —WANTED, He was, on 1—INTERNATIONAL—ARREST—WARRANT and blacklisted by USA—AUTHORITIES.
20130505             MALAYSIA held national elections.
20130505             At least 112—OF—THE—222—PARLIAMENTARY—SEATS at stake were needed to win federal power.
20130505             THE—NATIONAL—FRONT—COALITION won the parliamentary elections despite losing the popular vote.
20130505             —KILLED, PAKISTAN, 2—SOLDIERS and 16—MILITANTS were, in the Tirah Valley AREA—OF—THE—KHYBER tribal region.
20130505             THE—NORTH—WAZIRISTAN, tribal region 1—ROADSIDE bomb attack on 1—CONVOY killed 2—SOLDIERS and wounded 3. 2—MEMBERS—OF—THE—PARAMILITARY—FRONTIER—CORPS were killed in clashes in the Bolan DISTRICT—OF—BALUCHISTAN.
20130505             1—CONVOY—OF—1—INDEPENDENT—CANDIDATE in the Sibbi district was attacked by 2—GUNMEN, who killed 2—OF—HIS—POLICE—GUARDS.
20130505             —KILLED, Altogether 30—MILITANTS and criminal suspects were.
20130505             4—SOMALIA—SOLDIERS were wounded —WHEN 1—ROADSIDE bomb struck 1—GOVERNMENT—VEHICLE in Deynile district, in MOGADISHU—NORTHWEST.
20130505             —CAPTURED, Rebels, 1—TANK—UNIT inside the base.
20130505             † THE—COMMANDER—OF—THE—BASE was reportedly killed.
20130505             Rebels shot down 1—MILITARY—HELICOPTER in THE—EAST—PROVINCE—OF—DEIR—EL—ZOUR, killing 8—GOVERNMENT—TROOPS on BOARD.
20130505             TANZANIA, 1—BOMB thrown from 1—MOTORCYCLE on 1—CATHOLIC—CHURCH in ARUSHA left 2—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20130505             4—SAUDI—ARABIA—CITIZENS were —INITIALLY identified as among THE—6—PEOPLE arrested.
20130505             —ARRESTED, THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES—LATER said 3—OF—THOSE, were from THE—UAE.
20130505             —FIRED, BANGLADESH police, rubber bullets to disperse STONE—THROWING—ACTIVISTS who were among thousands who rallied —AROUND DHAKA.
20130505             IRAQ, bomb went off near the Sunni ZEIN—AL—ABIDEEN mosque in THE—WEST—SUBURBS—OF—BAGHDAD.
20130505             ISRAEL—WARPLANES struck areas in and —AROUND DAMASCUS, setting off 1—SERIES—OF—EXPLOSIONS as they targeted 1—SHIPMENT—OF—HIGHLY accurate, IRANIAN—MADE guided missiles believed to be bound for LEBANON—HEZBOLLAH militant group.
20130505             —WANTED, BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—AUTHORITIES, him as PART—OF—1—INVESTIGATION into at least 6—MURDERS—ILLEGAL—MONEY—TRANSFERS and drug trafficking.
20130505             —ARMED, LIBYA—PARLIAMENT, under pressure from, militias, passed 1—SWEEPING—LAW that bans anyone who served as 1—SENIOR—OFFICIAL under Moammar Gadhafi —DURING his 42—YEAR—LONG—RULE from working in government.
20130505             —FACED, PRIME—MINISTER—NAJIB—RAZAK—NATIONAL—FRONT—COALITION (Barisan Nasional), opposition leader Anwar IBRAHIM—3—PARTY—ALLIANCE.
20130505             —SEIZED, NORTH—KOREANS, 1—CHINA—FISHING—BOAT in what the boat owner maintained were CHINA—WATERS.
20130505             —DEMANDED, THE—GUN—TOTING—NORTH—KOREANS, a 600,000 yuan ($100,000) ransom.
20130505             —KILLED, SOMALIA, 7—PEOPLE were, —WHEN 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER attempted to ram 1—CAR laden with explosives into 1—MILITARY—CONVOY—ESCORTING a 4—MEMBER—QATAR—DELEGATION on the KM4 roadway.
20130505             —MOVED, SYRIA—REBELS—DEEP inside Mannagh air base, near the border with TURKEY, —WHILE under fire from government warplanes.
20130505             —KILLED, THE—COMMANDER—OF—THE—BASE was reportedly.
20130505             —ANNOUNCED, THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—VENEZUELA, that it will use military forces to fight rampant violent crime.
20130505             DIE—HABEN ihn mehrheitlich gewählt und die Kriechlinge des KAPITAL wollen mal wieder DAS—ERGEBNIS 1—DEMOKRATISCHEN Wahl nicht anerkennen.
20130505             KORRUPTION ?
20130505             Ist die Waffe der USA—AMERIKANER im politisch ökonomischen Innland VENEZUELAs.
20130505             VENEZUELA ist nicht USA - DIE—KONKURRENZ ist doch gar nicht notwendig.
20130505             Ja, DER—PAPA redet dummes Zeug.
20130505             —DER—ANGRIFF, habe 1—TRANSPORT mit IRAN—WAFFEN bombardiert.
20130505             —DER—ANGRIFF, habe - bombardiert. es handele sich um Raketen
20130505             es handele sich - ISRAEL Offiziell will sich nicht zu der nächtlichen Angriffsserie in SYRIEN äußern.
20130505             DIE—REGIERUNG hatte aber wiederholt erklärt, sie werde mit aller MACHT verhindern, daß Waffen oder GIFT—GAS aus dem Arsenal des SYRIEN—MILITÄRS in die Hände islamistischer REBELLEN oder der israelfeindlichen Hisbollah gelangten.
20130505             —AM—SONNTAG, MINISTER—PRÄSIDENT—BENJAMIN—NETANJAHU sagte, sein Vater habe ihn gelehrt,
20130505             es sei "die größte Verantwortung die wir haben, ISRAEL—SICHERHEIT zu gewährleisten und seine ZUKUNFT zu garantieren".
20130505             DIE—IRAN—FÜHRUNG verurteilte die jüngsten Angriffe.
20130505             ohne Angaben über mögliche Verletzte oder Tote.
20130505             Das SYRIEN—FERNSEHEN deutete an
20130505             Das SYRIEN—FERNSEHEN deutete an, daß die erneute "ISRAEL—AGGRESSION"wohl die GEGNER—DER—REGIERUNG—VON—PRÄSIDENT—BASCHAR—AL—ASSAD unterstützen sollte.
20130505             ISRAEL habe offensichtlich "die Schlinge um DIE—TERRORISTEN in (der nahe DAMASKUS gelegenen Region) Guta"lockern wollen.
20130505             OBAMA gesteht ISRAEL DAS—RECHT—AUF—ANGRIFFE zu
20130505             —LAUT, MEDIEN—BERICHTEN - 1—OFFIZIELLE Bestätigung aus JERUSALÉM gab es dafür nicht,
20130505             indem er KURZ—DARAUF sagte, das wenige TAGE zurückliegende Ereignis sei 1 "weiterer Beweis, daß wir meinen, was wir sagen".
20130505             "weiterer Beweis, daß wir meinen, was wir sagen".
20130505             —AM, 1. —FREITAG hatte DER—USA—FERNSEHSENDER—NBC berichtet, daß DIE—ISRAEL—LUFTWAFFE erneut 1—ZIEL in SYRIEN bombardiert habe.
20130505             Der nächtliche ANGRIFF habe 1—WAFFEN—LIEFERUNG an die LIBANON—HISBOLLAH gegolten, die Verbindungen zur SYRIEN—REGIERUNG unterhält.
20130505             DIE—ANGRIFFE schüren Sorgen, dass sich - der
20130505             —BÜRGER—KRIEG—IN—SYRIEN - ausbreitet - sich
20130505             —AM, —SAMSTAG, USA—PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA sagte, ISRAEL habe DAS—RECHT, sich gegen den Transport gefährlicher Waffen an die Hisbollah abzusichern.
20130505             abzusichern - Desweitee Industrie dahinter haben.
20130505             sind nur heranzuziehen, wenn man sich an alle hält.
20130505             ISRAEL tritt internationale Rechte mit Füßen
20130505             —SCHON, auf blanke Vermutungen werden von ISRAEL—RAKETEN auf NACHBAR—LÄNDER geschossen
20130505             unglaubwürdig - Glauben Sie nicht daß ASSAD seine Raketen momentan viel dringender selber braucht als sie ausgerechnet —JETZT der Hisbolla zu schenken?
20130505             ISRAEL—REKATION ist nicht nur legitim sondern absolut notwendig.
20130505             Das ist halt so
20130505             —ENTSPRICHT, KRIEG, der urmenschlichen Natur, Frieden nicht.
20130505             Nicht nur DER—MENSCHLICHEN Natur, auch im gesamten Tierreich ist es so.
20130505             hm - Wenn —DER—ANGRIFF, ISRAEL—AUF fremdes Territorium aus dem von ISRAEL genannten Grund gerechtfertigt ist, muss dies auch fuer eventuelle Angriffe IRANs oder SYRIENs auf z.B.
20130505             Da fehlt noch was
20130505             Tradition - DIE—ALTNAZIS, die in Spitzenämter DER—BUNDES—REPUBLIK gehievt wurden, haben ja auch Nachfolger mit der richtigen Gesinnung gefördert.
20130505             —ENTNAZIFIZIERT, DAS—AUSWÄRTIGE—AMT wurde praktisch nie ""weil dort ja nur "unschuldig blickende DIPLOMAten"saßen, und "unsere"Dienste gehen auf den Kreigsverbrecher, Altnazi und ADENAUERvertrauten REINHARD—GEHLEN zurück.
20130505             so schlecht - um ROT—GRÜN, daß man nun 1 "SKANDAL"aus 19900000              rauskehren muss?
20130505             Wenn sich 20130000              heraussteltt, daß 19900000              die damalige BUNDES—REGIERUNG ganz erhebliche MANIPULATIONen vorgenommen hat, soll das also nicht mehr rausgekehrt werden.
20130505             WAHLEN—IN—MALAYSIA—REVOLUTION im Reich der Sultane
20130505             Brisantes Material: Regierung verzögerte Rückgabe von NS—AKTEN
20130505             Explosionen in DAMASKUS: ISRAEL—RAKETEN auf SYRIEN feuert
20130505             Flächenbrand SYRIEN—KRIEG, DIE—ANGST—DER—NACHBARN
20130505             —BEZEICHNET, VENEZUELA—STAAT—CHEF—MADURO, OBAMA als "Teufel"
20130505             SCHWULEN—BEMERKUNG über Keynes: Beleidigung 1—IKONE
20130505             Wegen Gelber Karte, USA—SCHIEDSRICHTER stirbt nach ANGRIFF durch Fußballer
20130505             —FESTNAHME in LANCASHIRE: GROSSBRITANNIEN—SPITZENPOLITIKER soll Mann vergewaltigt haben
20130505             —SKANDAL bei "Tannhäuser"—PREMIERE: Gaskammer auf der Opernbühne
20130505             Eliteeinheit DER—BUNDESWEHR: 1. KSK—SOLDAT—IN—AFGHANISTAN getötet
20130505             Probleme mit V—LEUTEN: VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ will UNDER—COVER—AGENTEN einsetzen
20130505             ISRAEL—ANGRIFF—AUF—DAMASKUS: "DIE—REGION ist am Siedepunkt" (Politik, 12:46)—
20130505             AMERIKA—QUERUNG : Solarflieger meistert 1. Etappe
20130505             Zu wenig Zucker: BRITEN eröffnen den MARMELADEN—KRIEG
20130505             —ZERSTÖRT, Misslungener Test: FRANKREICH—ATOM—RAKETE, - Warum sollte sie nicht enden "wollen"?
20130505             Dumm nur das der Liebe Gott in seinen Werk so wenig über Ernährung und Wohlstand gesagt hat, aber dafür gibt es den Himmel.
20130505             Dass gerade DEUTSCHLAND—NACH 2—SCHRECKLICHEN sozialistischen Regimes bzw.
20130505             Das ist nachweislich falsch.
20130505             Ich —VERSUCHE Ihnen das zu erläutassen, daß solche Politiker nicht an DIE—MACHT kommen, sie führen JEDES—LAND als wäre es ihr PRIVAT—EIGENTUM, solche MACHT hatten —SCHON ZEIT —SEIT LANGERnicht mal Könige und KAISER.
20130505             Öl kann man riechen
20130505             Da sogenannte "ÖL—PHEROMONN", lockt besonders DIE—GEHEIM—DIENSTE, in LIBYEN ware sie auch.
20130505             Hoch lebe MADURO
20130505             Statt Spon gleich DIE VEROeffentlichungen des WEIßES—HAUSES lesen oder CNN oder Washpost, dann ist DIE—REICHS—TAG—WAHL—KAMPF—PROPAGANDA wenigstens aus "1."Hand
20130505             Heuchelei.. - Für DIE—USA sei wichtig, daß in LATEIN—AMERIKA "DIE—MENSCHEN—RECHTE, DEMOKRATEN—PRINZIPIEN, PRESSE—FREIHEIT und Versammlungsfreiheit geachtet werden", sagte DER—USA—PRÄSIDENT bei 1—BESUCH—IN—COSTA—RICA.
20130505             KRIEG ist DER—TERROR der Mächtigen und TERROR DER—KRIEG—DER—KLEINEN.
20130505             —SEIT, LANGEM DIE—USAUSSEN—POLITIK war nicht so zurückhaltend wie —HEUTE.
20130505             Phrasendrescherei
20130505             Und das der USA Demokratie und Freiheit in Mittel—, SÜD—AMERIKA am Herzen liegt, wäre 1—ÄNDERUNG der USA—POLITIK um 180—GRAD.
20130505             —IN—DER—VERGANGENHEIT wurde immer dann die behauptet, es herrsche Freiheit in 1—LATEINAMERIKANISCHEN Land, wenn entweder 1—LINKE Regierung (nicht unbedingt kommunistisch, es reichten SOZIAL—DEMOKRATEN) oder unbotmäßige Regierung (solche, die meinten, USA—KONZERNE stünden in ihrem Land nicht über dem Gesetz) durch 1—MILITÄR—DIKTATUR ausgetauscht waren, in wenigen Fällen auch durch zivile Faschisten.
20130505             1—LETZTER Versuch
20130505             "Für DIE—USA sei wichtig, daß in LATEIN—AMERIKA "DIE—MENSCHEN—RECHTE, DEMOKRATEN—PRINZIPIEN, PRESSE—FREIHEIT und Versammlungsfreiheit geachtet werden", sagte DER—USA—PRÄSIDENT bei 1—BESUCH—IN—COSTA—RICA".Wenn der von UNS—ALLEN natürlich hoch geehrte USA—PRÄSIDENT und würdige NOBEL—PREIS—TRÄGER solch bedeutende Aussagen macht, sollte guter Journalismus einmal die
20130505             —NACHDEM, DER—USA—PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA erneut ZWEIFEL—AN—DES MADURO—WAHL—SIEG—RECHT—MÄßIGKEIT im;;04;;geäußert hatte, legte das VENEZUELA—STAATSOBER—HAUPT —AM—WOCHEN—ENDE richtig los: "Wir verteidigen hier unsere Institutionen, den Frieden, Demokratie, DIE—MENSCHEN VENEZUELAs (...), und wir können uns mit jedem unterhalten, selbst mit dem obersten aller Teufel: OBAMA".
20130505             —NACHDEM
20130505             —FREITAG—AM, OBAMA hatte sich erneut geweigert, MADUROs selbstverkündeten Wahltriumph als rechtmäßig anzuerkennen.
20130505             Und es gebe Informationen, wonach diese RECHTE—IN—VENEZUELA "nach der Wahl nicht vollständig respektiert worden"seien.
20130505             "OBAMA hat 1—HAUFEN unverschämter Bemerkungen losgelassen, dreistes Zeug", wetterte MADURO bei seiner Rede —AM—WOCHEN—ENDE.
20130505             es gebe Beweise, daß von MIAMI und Bogotá aus Pläne GE—STEUERT würden, um ihn "physisch zu beseitigen".
20130505             Auch OBAMA konterte MADUROs ANGRIFF.
20130505             "DIE—IDEE, daß diese Person 1—SPION sein soll, ist lächerlich", sagte OBAMA in 1—FERNSEHINTERVIEW zum Fall TIMOTHY—HALLET—TRACY.
20130505             ISRAEL hat weder etwas mit MENSCHEN—RECHTEN noch Menschlichkeit im Sinn, sonst haetten Sie den Gulag namens Palestina nicht errichtet.
20130505             —ANGRIFFSRECHTE
20130505             —ANGRIFFSRECHTE werden an der ANGRIFFSRECHTE—BÖRSE in WASHINGTON gehandelt das weiss man doch.
20130505             Aha, DER—HERR—FRIEDENS—NOBEL—PREIS—TRÄGER gibt seinen Segen.
20130505             Vorwärtsverteidigung
20130505             Rechtfertigt 1—WAFFENTRANSPORT—VON—1—NICHT befreundeten Land in 1—ANDERES nicht befreundetes Land 1—MILITÄRISCHEN ANGRIFF?
20130505             Verzweifelungstat
20130505             —NACHDEM, DER—WESTEN mit der bloßen TERRORISTEN—AUFRÜSTUNG in SYRIEN —BISHER, nicht weiter gekommen ist, wird nun verzweifelt versucht 1—GRUND zu Konstruieren um DAS—LAND—SYRIEN in Grund und BODEN zu bomben
20130505             das würde ich auch so sehen
20130505             ISRAEL masst sich sogenannte "Rechte"unter dem DECK—MANTEL der Verteidigung an die jeden ARTIKEL—DES VÖLKER—RECHTS ignorieren.
20130505             ISRAEL—NACHBARN werden wohl leider auch keine andere Wahl haben.
20130505             DER—KONFLIKT - ISRAEL—MEDIEN berichten, —DER—ANGRIFF, habe 1—WAFFENTRANSPORT für die Hisbollah gegolten.
20130505             der ANGRIFF - DER—KONFLIKT—ZWISCHEN—ISRAEL und SYRIEN - eskaliert - Explosionen.
20130505             Iesralische Medien und mehrere NACHRICHTEN—AGENTUREN berichteten  —AM—SONNTAG unter Berufung auf GEHEIM—DIENSTE und Regierungsvertreter,
20130505             Desweiteren hat —NACH—DEN UN bestimmungen JEDES—LAND der Welt DAS—RECHT sich MILITÄRisch gegen BE—DROHUNGEN zu schützen, dieses RECHT nimmt ISRAEL war !
20130505             Auch das ist 1—TATSACHE.
20130505             Um Gottes Willen! NATÜRLICH dürfte DEUTSCHLAND NICHT auf fremdes STAATS—GEBIET schießen.
20130505             —NATÜRLICH hat EUROPA versagt, aber nicht militärisch sondern politisch.
20130505             —NATÜRLICH - militärisch
20130505             politisch - Hätte man SYRIEN bei seinen Friedensbemühungen mit ISRAEL unterstützt wäre das Band HISBOLLAH—SYRIEN—IRAN längst durchtrennt.
20130505             Aber sicher doch.
20130505             So friedliebend wie seine Schutzmacht USA?
20130505             —NACH—DEM, VÖLKER—RECHT hätte er jedoch DAS—RECHT dazu, schließlich wurden die Raketen von ISRAEL aus auf SYRIEN abgefeuert.
20130505             Der Liebe Gott - Was muss man hier lesen?"OBAMA gesteht ISRAEL DAS—RECHT—AUF—1—ANGRIFF zu"!
20130505             Ist OBAMA der liebe Gott?
20130505             Ich kann Sie beruhigen: Den direkten Schlagabtausch mit ISRAEL will ASSAD nicht.
20130505             ASSAD - Er
20130505             —BEVORZUGT hier lieber das Spiel über Bande
20130505             DIE—FRAGE nicht begriffen - Sie scheinen die Frage nicht begriffen zu haben.
20130505             Vielleicht hätte man UN—RESOLUTION 17010000              durchsetzten können, wenn man das LIBANON—MILITÄR durch Aufrüstung in die Lage versetzt hätte das entstehende MACHT—VAKUUM beim entwaffnen der Hisbollah zu füllen.
20130505             Ausserdem sind DIE—MENSCHEN im NAHER—OSTEN idR aufgrund ihrer geringen Bildung mehrheitlich unmündig / glauben blind ihrem Vorbeter, wenn er sagt,
20130505             DIE—MENSCHEN im NAHER—OSTEN idR
20130505             Keine Äußerungen - Keine Äußerungen zu den Angriffen.
20130505             —LEGITIMIERT, VÖLKER—RECHTLICH sind "präventive"ANGRIFFS—KRIEGE jedoch nicht, und dies aus gutem Grunde.
20130505             1—SOLCHER Schlag war überfällig und ist auch ohne jeden Zweifel durch DAS—VÖLKER—RECHT gedeckt.
20130505             Na ja Ihnen brauche ich doch wohl nicht zu erklären wie DIE—RESOLUTIONEN des SICHERHEITS—RATES zustande gekommen sind?;-)
20130505             es ist sehr amüsant, all die politischen und militärischen Phantasien hier zu lesen.
20130505             Ahnungslosigkeit und Unlogik
20130505             es war genau anders herum: Die strategische Anbindung SYRIENs an den IRAN—MIT der Folge, daß Waffen an Hisbollah und HAMAS geliefert wurden, hat 1—EINIGUNG—IN—DER GOLAN—FRAGE hintertrieben.
20130505             Interessante These die Sie sicher nicht belegen können.
20130505             DAS—ZIEL waren offensichtlich aber ASSAD—ISLAMISTEN.
20130505             ASSAD—ISLAMISTEN sind korrekt gesagt IRAN—ISLAMISTEN.
20130505             Ohne jeden Zweifel ?
20130505             —DER—ANGRIFF, ISRAEL—AUF SYRIEN ist also Ihrer werten Meinung nach "ohne jeden Zweifel durch DAS—VÖLKER—RECHT gedeckt".Da bin ich aber auf Ihre Argumentation gespannt.
20130505             IM—GEGENSATZ zu EUROPA... - es wird eng.
20130505             Wie MANCHER—MITFORIST auf DIE—IDEE kommt ASSAD wäre —AM—ENDE und würde —JETZT Waffen aller Art verschenken bleibt wohl immer 1—RÄTSEL.
20130505             UN—RESOLUTIONEN - Sie haben wohl noch nie etwas von der UN—RESOLUTION 17010000              gehört, die besagt, daß die Hisbollah, 1—TERRORISTEN—GROSS—ORGANISATION, die Waffen abgibt bzw.
20130505             wird man NENNENS—WERTE Beträge in die FRIEDENS—FORSCHUNG stecken anstatt in Kriegsmaterial?
20130505             Sie haben leider das denkbare Ziel der EVOLUTION nicht benannt.
20130505             Abstrus - beschäftigen Sie sollten sich dringend mal mit neuerer EVOLUTIONS—FORSCHUNG und
20130505             beschäftigen Sie sollten sich dringend mal vor allem auch mit DER—MENSCHWERDUNG.
20130505             haben sich aus der westlichen Wertegemeinschaft und von der UN—CHARTA verabschiedet.
20130505             Und als "AUFSTÄNDISCHE"bezeichnen DIE—STAATS—MEDIEN unseres Landes DIE—TERRORISTEN in SYRIEN.
20130505             KRIEGS—HANDLUNGEN 3.
20130505             —GEDACHT, Ihre VÖLKER—RECHT—INTERPRETATION zu Ende, würde dann aber auch GLEICHZEITIG bedeuten, daß 1—LAND wie etwa TÜRKEI/JORDANIEN/LIBANON etc.
20130505             —JAHR—ZEHNT elang hat DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG die Rückgabe brisanter Akten aus DES NATIONAL—SOZIALISMUS—ZEIT verzögert.
20130505             Das geht aus vertraulichen Unterlagen hervor, die der JOURNALIST—MALTE—HERWIG bei Recherchen für 1—BUCH über die sogenannte Flakhelfergeneration in WASHINGTON eingesehen hat.
20130505             Tatsächlich erwarte das129ô528
20130505             DIE—WIEDERHOLTE —ERKLÄRUNG—VON, GENSCHER, er sei ohne sein Wissen zum MITGLIED—DER—NAZI—PARTEI gemacht worden, hält Herwig für absolut unplausibel.
20130505             1—BIS zum Schluss penibel überwachte Voraussetzung für die Aufnahme sei —1—ANTRAG mit eigenhändiger Unterschrift gewesen: "Alles andere hätte ja auch keinen Sinn ergeben", sagt DER—FORSCHER, "gerade in DIKTATURen sind Parteien AGITATIONS—ORGANISATIONEN, die aktive Mitglieder wollen, keine Parteileichen".
20130505             Wen wundert das noch?
20130505             Jeder, der sich auch nur im Geringsten mit DER—DEUTSCHEN—NACH—KRIEG—GESCHICHTE beschäftigt hat dürfte wissen, daß es in der —POLITIK und im Beamtentum von ALT—NAZIS und Mitläufern nur so wimmelte.
20130505             DIE—EHRLICHE BRD - man findet keine Worte.
20130505             Wer kann nun dafür verklagt werden? Das hat Folgen —HEUTE—BIS!
20130505             Mitwisser und Kollaborateure
20130505             Was GENSCHER und KOHL wussten, daß wussten DIE—USA und ISRAEL —ERST recht und sowieso.
20130505             BDN von aufgebaut
20130505             DIE—REGIERUNG will verhindern, daß die Allgemeinheit erfährt welchen Einfluss der NS auf sie hatte und noch hat.
20130505             Ist ja ganz nett, liebe SPON—RED.
20130505             Darin hat vielleicht auch das NSU—DESASTER seine Ursache.
20130505             SELBST—VERSTÄNDLICH.
20130505             Je, NUN—EX—NAZIS waren doch als zuverlässige ANTI—LINKE und brave Kapitalistenknechte höchst brauchbar, zumal man sie, wenn die denn wirklich einmal aus der Hürde zu brechen drohten, durch 1—SANFTEN Hinweis auf ihre Vergangenheit wieder auf Linie bringen konnte, denn der Feind, nicht wahr, steht ja unter allen irgendwie gearteten denkbaren Umständen links.
20130505             Entzug von Pensionen
20130505             —JETZT, wäre es angebracht diesen Menschen sämtliche Pensionen und zur Rückzahlung ihrer Diäten und MINISTERgehälter zu zwingen.
20130505             DIE—USA - werden diese Informationen schön für sich genutzt haben.
20130505             —RESOZIALISIERT, KRIMinelle werden auf Staatskosten, für 1 2. Chance im Leben.
20130505             Das ist zynisch, wenn man an die BERUFS—VERBOTE in den Siebzigern zurückdenkt.
20130505             Nicht jeder verdient 1 2. Chance im Leben
20130505             es geht hier nicht um Bankraub, sondern um TEILNAHME—AN—MASSENMORD.
20130505             Ist dieser SKANDAL! so brisant, daß Anhänger der SCHWARZ—GELBEN KOALITION —HEUTE—BIS versuchen ihn kleinzureden?;)
20130505             DIE—FRAGLICHEN Politiker waren sicherlich im Einzelfall verwendbar, allerdings nicht in hohen und höchsten STAATS—ÄMTERN, siehe KURT—GEORG—KIESINGER.
20130505             Opportunimus kennt keine Verantwortlichkeiten
20130505             Ja hier liegen - DIE—WURZELN des ganzen Geschehens,welcher —HEUTE im NSU—PROZEß gipfelt,warum so viele "Pannen"geschahen,da verschlägt es 1—DIE Sprache,welch verlogener Haufen.
20130505             dass Altnazis an der GRÜNDUNG—DER—BRD, in hohen Ämtern beteiligt waren, ist der 1—SKANDAL, aber dass DIE—REGIERUNGEN—DER—BRD aktiv über —JAHR—ZEHNT e versuchten und NOCH—IMMER versuchen, dies zu vertuschen um "ihre"altverdienten Politiker zu decken, ist untragbar.
20130505             Übel - Ob gut oder schlecht kann jeder selbst beurteilen: Wer da drin war, was man da gemacht hat, muss aber öffentlich sein und diskutiert und nicht weggelogen werden.
20130505             Das Vergangene im geschichtlichen Kontext zu betrachten ist 1—GABE, die nicht JEDER—FORIST aus dem Ärmel schüttelt.
20130505             Was auch erklärt, warum die verboten wurde. bin wirklich geschockt
20130505             und verlange die Offenlegung DER—NAMEN, auch wenn die Betreffenden nicht mehr leben.
20130505             Vergangenheit - Hat die Vergangenheit von Herrn Fischer, die ich zum Teil auch sehr verurteile,
20130505             nein - das sehe ich völlig anders.Wer hätte DEN—USA verbieten sollen, die Dateien —SCHON—FRÜHER zu veröffentlichen?
20130505             DIE—EINZIGE Partei ohne EHEMALIGE—BRAUNE Mitglieder unter den Abgeordneten war die KPD.
20130505             Deshalb hat man sie ja auch verboten.
20130505             man - Was soll daran so erkenntnisreich sein!
20130505             SED—MITGLIEDER und STASI—SPITZEL sind auch in allen Parteien UNTERGEKOMMEN—MIR ist aber keine Partei bekannt, die eindringlicher mit dem Finger auf die ehemaligen SED—MITGLIEDER innerhalb DER—LINKEN gezeigt hat, als DIE—FDP!
20130505             Daran muss sie sich —JETZT messen LASSEN—SHIT happens:D
20130505             Anfangen muß man wohl unmittelbar mit BEGINN des KALTER—KRIEG.
20130505             —NATÜRLICH.
20130505             meine Hand dafür nicht ins Feuer legen dass kein Grüner je PG war.
20130505             Ich eigentlich —SCHON. Prima Druckmittel
20130505             Wie konnte GENSCHER DEUTSCHLAND—ODER—EUROPÄISCHE Interessen ggü.
20130505             JEDER—KLEINE—STASI—SPITZEL wird gejagt, aber die Großen lässt man laufen.
20130505             Was unterscheidet jemanden, der 19450000              der NSDAP beitritt, von jemandem der dies 19330000              tat.
20130505             Altnazi - Ich finde es diffamierend, 1—JAHR—ZEHNT elang demokratisch aktiven Politiker als Altnazi zu beschimpfen, weil er in DEUTSCHLAND als junger Mensch (1945—1927=18—JAHRE bei KRIEGS—ENDE) 1—REGIERUNG vertraut hat, die von 98 % gewählt worden war.
20130505             98 % - Fakten
20130505             Sie sind zwar zu Ihrer eigenen Meinung berechtigt, nicht aber zu Ihren eigenen Fakten.
20130505             es war doch jedem klar, dass DIE—REGIERUNG ADENAUER von NAZIs nur so wimmelte!
20130505             DIE—NAZI—REGIERUNG unter ADENAUER (ich denke, MITTLERWEILE hat man JEDES—RECHT dazu, diese Regierung so zu bezeichnen) hat 1—SCHIER unglaubliches Kunststück fertiggebracht.
20130505             Vielen Dank also liebe NAZIs, daß Ihr unser Land so wunderbar aufgebaut habt, NACHDEM Ihr es zerstört habt, was hätten wir nur ohne Eure Hilfe getan, NACHDEM Ihr die Vorgänger auf Euren Posten in Dachau liquidiert hattet, wären wir ohne Eure selbstlose Hilfe dabei völlig aufgeschmissen gewesen.
20130505             Irgend etwas haben sie.... - Ihre morgendliche Auslassung.
20130505             offensichtlich nicht verstanden.
20130505             NSU—PROZESS, 1—FRAGE—DES—VERTRAUENS
20130505             Export in UNRUHE—PROVINZEN: HECKLER—UND—KOCH lieferte illegal Gewehre nach MEXIKO
20130505             FABRIK—EINSTURZ in BANGLADESCH: der TOTEN—ZAHL steigt auf über 600
20130505             —PROTESTE—GEGEN—PRÄSIDENT—FRANÇOIS—HOLLANDE: Enttäuschung, Frust, Wut
20130505             Nächtlicher RAKETEN—BESCHUSS: SYRIEN wertet LUFT—ANGRIFFE aus ISRAEL als KRIEG—ERKLÄRUNG
20130505             HESSEN: FDP—ABGEORDNETER wechselt zur ANTI—EURO—PARTEI - Fotostrecke: Rauch über DAMASKUS
20130505             KALIFORNIEN—WALD—BRÄNDE, Seeluft hilft bei Löscharbeiten
20130505             Künstler im Visier der Ermittler: STEUER—FAHNDER durchsuchen BASELITZ—VILLA
20130505             KSK in NORD—AFGHANISTAN: Tod bei der Operation "Maiwand"
20130505             Auftakt zum NSU—PROZESS, Zeit für Gerechtigkeit
20130505             [l] SYRIEN ist nicht begeistert von dem ISRAEL—ANGRIFF.
20130505             Flight attendants see red over lipstick:TURKEY—MAIN—AIRLINE is banning cert...
20130505             BANGLADESCH—ISLAMISTEN und POLIZEI liefern sich Straßenschlacht
20130505             BDSM, terminology, we have become 1—NATION—OF—BOTTOMS.
20130505             SOME—NEW polling suggests that Americans, even —AFTER THE—BOSTON attack, are growing increasingly concerned about EROSIONS—OF—CIVIL—LIBERTIES in THE—NAME—OF—TERRORISM.
20130505             —WHEN given 1—CHOICE, 61—PERCENT—OF—AMERICANS say they are more concerned about THE—GOVERNMENT enacting new ANTI—TERRORISM—POLICIES that restrict CIVIL—LIBERTIES, compared to 31 % who say they are more concerned about THE—GOVERNMENT failing to enact strong new ANTI—TERRORISM—POLICIES.
20130505             But —WHILE Americans are increasingly amenable to passive SURVEILLANCE—EFFORTS, including cameras and facial recognition, they are growing more opposed to expanded MONITORING—OF—CELL—PHONES and email and are more concerned about law enforcement monitoring INTERNET chat rooms.
20130505             —POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS b : 5:59 AM
20130505             The key ELEMENTS—OF—SYRIA—ECONOMIC and political alliances are being set, not by THE—SYRIA—PEOPLE, but by foreign nations.
20130505             NATO was supporting AL—QAEDA—FORCES in LIBYA and —NOW in SYRIA.
20130505 [ZITAT—VON—ABC—XYZ]
20130505 [ZITAT—VON—ARCHONTAS]Und wenn DIE—KRISE nicht enden will, wie aktuell?
20130505 [ZITAT—VON—ADAL_]
20130505 [ZITAT—VON—BRAUNSCHWEIGER77]Das mit der Hisbollah ist doch nur 1—AUSREDE ISRAEL—UM nicht zuzugeben daß man im —BÜRGER—KRIEG Partei für DIE—REBELLEN ergreift.
20130505 [ZITAT—VON—CAECILIA_metella]Hin und wieder zuhören, was DER—PAPA sagt.
20130505 [ZITAT—VON—E—ENTSPRICHT, ARL grey]KRIEG, der urmenschlichen Natur, Frieden nicht.
20130505 [ZITAT—VON—EARL grey]
20130505 [ZITAT—VON—FRITZLOTHAR]...wird man NENNENS—WERTE Beträge in die FRIEDENS—FORSCHUNG stecken anstatt in Kriegsmaterial?
20130505 [ZITAT—VON—GERMANY]ISRAEL hat nicht nur DAS—RECHT, sondern auch die Pflicht, sein eigenes Volk vor Raketen und CHEMIE—WAFFEN aus SYRIEN zu schützen.
20130505 [ZITAT—VON—JEAN P.
20130505 [ZITAT—VON—KLAUS64]
20130505 [ZITAT—VON—KUAC]
20130505 [ZITAT—VON—LÜTT_Matten]
20130505 [ZITAT—VON—MICHAELGOLDBERG]Sollen DIE—ISRAELIS in aller Ruhe zuschauen, —BIS die Hisbollah wieder, und —DIESMAL wirksamere Raketen feuert?
20130505 [ZITAT—VON—M..einemeinung]
20130505 [ZITAT—VON—RAJU56]
20130505 [ZITAT—VON—REIFENEXPERTE]es ist aber auch unerträglich, wenn Altnazis wie GENSCHER noch öffentlich gefeiert werden.
20130505 [ZITAT—VON—SAGICHNED]Nach der Neuinterpretation des VÖLKER—RECHTS
20130505 [ZITAT—VON—SCHILLERS_locke]
20130505 [ZITAT—VON—SARA100]
20130505 [ZITAT—VON—VERGIL]ISRAEL hat keine Wahl.
201305050835 —HEUTE, schillers_locke
201305050942 —HEUTE, FRIEDRICH_eckard
201305051250 —HEUTE, caecilia_metella
20130505—19330000    —SEIT, taten.
20130505—19450000    —SEIT, mit USA—UNTERSTÜTZUNG in LATEIN—AMERIKA erfolgten REGIERUNG—WECHSEL benennen und vielleicht auch dazu schreiben, wieviele davon von DIKTATUR zur Demokratie und wie viele die andere Richtung eingenommen hatten (hoffe, die netikette —JETZT erfüllt zu haben)
20130505—19450000    WWII—SEIT—ENDE lagerten wichtige NSDAP—AKTEN, darunter auch DIE—NSDAP—MITGLIEDER—KARTEI, im DOCUMENT—CENTER, 1—VON den USA bewachten Gebäudekomplex in BERLIN.
20130505—19450000    —SEIT, wenn wir erfahren, daß DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNGEN keine Probleme hatten mit alten NAZIs und neuen Faschisten innig zusammen zu arbeiten.
20130505—19650000    —SINCE WATTS, Apparently the lockdown in BOSTON was the biggest closure of urban territory.
20130505—20010000    —SEIT, hätte er auch DAS—RECHT DEUTSCHLAND anzugreifen, da man dort TERRORISTEN beherbergt und Ausbildet.
20130505—20010911    —SEIT—NACH, des VÖLKER—RECHT—NEU—INTERPRETATION hätte er auch DAS—RECHT DEUTSCHLAND anzugreifen, da man dort TERRORISTEN beherbergt und Ausbildet.
20130505—20130100    —IM—SCHON,hatte ISRAEL laut MEDIEN—BERICHTEN MILITÄR—ZIELE—IN—SYRIEN angegriffen.
20130505—20130400    —IM, VERGANGENEN —MONAT, am FLUGHAFEN—VON—CARACAS festgenommen worden, wollte seinem Anwalt zufolge aber bloß 1—DOKUMENTATION über die tiefen politischen Gräben in VENEZUELAs GESELLSCHAFT drehen.
20130521—20130505    —SINCE, CHINA—BOAT—OWNER YU—XUEJUN said gunmen wearing NORTH—KOREAN—MILITARY—UNIFORMS released his fishing boat —AFTER holding its crew, beating up THE—CAPTAIN and stealing the vessel's fuel.
20130724             alfatomega.com/20110505.html
20140327             Charta DER—VEREINTE—NATIONEN vom 19450626              20140505—20140626    —RELEASED, All 6—MEN were.
20140505             —KILLED, CAMEROON, at least 1—GENDARME was, —DURING 1—ATTACK by suspected Boko Haram militants near THE—NIGERIA—BORDER.
20140505             —REPORTED, CAMEROON state television, that the army has freed 18—CIVILIANS seized in the country's east last —WEEK by rebels from neighboring CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC.
20140505             —KILLED, NORTH—WEST—CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC—FRANCE—PEACEKEEPERS, several militants —DURING a 3—HOUR—BATTLE—AFTER coming under attack from some 40—HEAVILY armed unidentified gunmen.
20140505             —CONVICTED, CHINA—STATE—MEDIA said 1—COURT has, 1—MAN, identified by the surname Li, of spying and sentenced him to 10—YEARS in prison for leaking classified military documents to 1—FOREIGN—SPY, named Feige, who also approached more than 50—OTHER—PEOPLE—AROUND CHINA.
20140505             —ANNOUNCED, BEIJING—BASED Peking University, plans for CHINA—2. INTERNATIONAL program modeled —AFTER the Rhodes Scholarship.
20140505             —IMPOSED, But the criminal court, no penalty on the artist STEVEN—COHEN, 51—JAHRE—ALT, noting that no complaint had been filed against him and that he had not engaged in sexual acts.
20140505             36—SURVIVORS were identified as 23—SOMALIS, 9—SYRIANS and 3—ERITREANS.
20140505             —DETAINED, HONDURAS, CAPTAIN—ROBERT—MAYNE and 5—MEMBERS—OF—HIS crew aboard the Aqua Quest were detained in Puerto Lempira.
20140505             —DETAINED, The men were reportedly, for firearms violations "on the false claim that 1—WEAPON they were carrying was 1—AK 47".
20140505             1—MAGNITUDE 6.3—EARTHQUAKE hit MYANMAR and NORTH—THAILAND leaving at least 1—PERSON—DEAD.
20140505             —ATTACKED, NIGERIA, Islamic militants, the northeastern border TOWN—OF—ON—GAMBORU—NGALA.
20140505             —KILLED, Reports of 300—PEOPLE, were soon reduced to 100.
20140505             —KILLED, PAKISTAN—FORCES, at least 10—SEPARATIST—MILITANTS in the volatile PROVINCE—OF—BALUCHISTAN.
20140505             —ATTACKED, Militants, 1—NATO—SUPPLY—CONVOY en route to AFGHANISTAN, killing 2—DRIVERS.
20140505             —DETAINED, PAKISTAN, 1—AMERICAN as he was about to BOARD—1—FLIGHT for ISLAMABAD.
20140505             —IDENTIFIED, USA—AUTHORITIES, the man as an FBI agent on 1—ANTI—CORRUPTION taskforce.
20140505             PALESTINE—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS and Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal met in QATAR and agreed to move forward with 1—RECONCILIATION—DEAL between their rival movements.
20140505             —SIGNED, SOUTH—SUDAN, 1—DEAL with rebels to consider a "—MONTH—OF—TRANQUILITY" that would start —TODAY to allow civilians caught up in a 4—MONTH—CONFLICT to move to PLACES—OF—SAFETY and plant crops.
20140505             —BATTLED, SOUTH—SUDAN—TROOPS and rebels, in the key oil TOWN—OF—BENTIU as the government pushed forward 1—MAJOR—OFFENSIVE.
20140505             —KILLED, SYRIA, fierce fighting in THE—NORTH—PROVINCE—OF—ALEPPO, at least 21—REBELS.
20140505             —CONTINUED, The clashes, through the —DAY and left at least 30—SOLDIERS—DEAD or wounded.
20140505             —SLAMMED, Rockets, into ALEPPO—RESIDENTIAL—NEIGHBORHOOD—OF—ASHRAFIYEH overnight, killing 9—PEOPLE.
20140505             —PITCHED, UKRAINE—TROOPS fought, gunbattles with 1—PRO—RUSSIA militia occupying Slovyansk.
20140505             —ABOUT 800—PRO—RUSSIA forces in and —AROUND Slovyansk were deploying LARGE—CALIBER weapons and mortars.
20140505             1—MILITARY—HELICOPTER was shot down near Slavyansk, but the pilots survived.
20140505             30—PRO—RUSSIA insurgents and 4—GOVERNMENT—TROOPS were killed —DURING operations to expunge ANTI—GOVERNMENT—FORCES—AROUND Slovyansk.
20140505             The government sent 1—ELITE—NATIONAL—GUARD—UNIT to RE—ESTABLISH—CONTROL over the southern port CITY—OF—ODESSA.
20140505             —UNIDENTIFIED, YEMEN, gunmen shot dead 1—FRANCE—MAN driving in SANAA.
20140505             2—OTHERS were wounded.
20140505             —KILLED, Suspected AL—QAIDA militants, security officer MOHAMMED—QAWZA (Guawza) in 1—DRIVE—BY shooting in SANAA.
20140505             11—CREW—OF—THE—ZHONG—XING 2, 1—CHINA—CARGO ship, were missing as it sank —FOLLOWING 1—COLLISION with THE—MARSHALL—ISLANDS—REGISTERED—MOL—MOTIVATOR—1—LARGE container ship, in the waters off HONG—KONG.
20140505             1—PARIS court found 1—SOUTH—AFRICAN—ARTIST—GUILTY—OF—SEXUAL—EXHIBITIONISM—AFTER 1—PERFORMANCE in PARIS that saw him dance with 1—ROOSTER tied to his penis.
20140505             1—YACHT and 1—DINGHY crammed with immigrants trying to enter GREECE capsized in THE—EAST—AEGEAN Sea, leaving at least 22—DEAD—INCLUDING—4—CHILDREN, and potentially several more missing.
20140505             IRAN—UN—ATOMIC—AGENCY—OFFICIALS held talks in TEHRAN —BEFORE visits to 2—URANIUM sites, as the country acts to implement 1—SERIES—OF—STEPS aimed at providing transparency on its nuclear research by 1—MID—MAY—DEADLINE.
20140505             —SIGNED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—PUTIN, 1—NEW—LAW—REQUIRING—POPULAR—BLOGGERS and commentators with more than 3,000 followers to register as media outlets.
20140505             —RETRIEVED, SOUTH—KOREA, divers, 12—MORE—BODIES from the Sewol ferry, raising the death toll to 260 with 42—PEOPLE—STILL—MISSING.
20140505             —KILLED, SYRIA, 1—LEAST 30—SOLDIERS were, by the explosion of 1—POWERFUL—BOMB in 1—LONG—TUNNEL that SCORES—OF—REBELS spent weeks digging under 1—CHECKPOINT on THE—NORTH—EAST—OUTSKIRTS—OF—MAARET AL—NUMAN.
20140505             —DEMANDED, VIETNAM—CHINA stop oil drilling operations in 1—DISPUTED PATCH—OF—THE—SOUTH—CHINA—SEA—SAYING that BEIJING—DECISION to deploy 1—DEEP—SEA rig over the weekend was illegal.
20140505—20140501    —ARRIVED, The man had, in KARACHI and was detained —WHEN officials found him carrying ammunition and 3—KNIVES, as well as electronic devices that were being examined.
20140505—20140507    —RECOVERED, At least 50—BODIES were, from THE—DEBRIS—OF—BURNED shops as the market reopened.
20140505—20140508    —RELEASED, Agent JOEL—COX was.
20140505—20140519    —DISMISSED, The case was.
20140505—20140626    —RELEASED, All 6—MEN were.
20141221             alfatomega.com/20110505.html
20150505             —ANNOUNCED, NEW—YORK state, that it will begin using the Uniform Bar Examination, next —SUMMER.
20150505             The standard was already used in 15—OTHER—STATES.
20150505             CANADA said it hit 1—RECORD—CAN$3.0—BILLION (USA$2.5—BILLION) deficit in March amid slumping energy exports.
20150505             —AGREED, Armed factions in CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC, to free all child soldiers and other children used as sex slaves or menial workers, boosting UN—DRIVEN efforts at national reconciliation —AFTER—2—YEARS—OF—TURMOIL.
20150505             CHINA said it will expand its bans on coal burning to include suburban areas as well as city centers in efforts to tackle air pollution.
20150505             —KILLED, CONGO, DRC 2—UN—PEACEKEEPERS were.
20150505             —LOOTED, FRANCE, 4—ROBBERS, 17.5—MILLION—EUROS in jewelry and watches from 1—BOUTIQUE in the resort TOWN—OF—CANNES at the Cartier boutique on the beachfront promenade known as the Croisette.
20150505             —REPORTED, It was, that INDONESIA will stop sending new domestic workers to 21—MIDDLE—EASTERN—COUNTRIES, —AFTER the recent execution of 2—INDONESIA—WOMEN in SAUDI—ARABIA angered JAKARTA.
20150505             IRAQ, Raad AL—JUBBOURI, 1—JOURNALIST—CRITICAL—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT, was shot dead at his home in BAGHDAD with 1—SINGLE bullet wound to the chest —AFTER he received threats.
20150505             —ARRESTED, NORTH—IRELAND police the next —DAY, a 41—YEAR—OLD—MAN on SUSPICION—OF—INVOLVEMENT in the killing.
20150505             —REFITTED, THE—PHOENIX, a 130-foot, yacht, arrived in Pozzallo, Sicily, with 369—MOSTLY ERITREA—MIGRANTS who were rescued by THE—CREW—OF—THE—MIGRANT—OFFSHORE—AID—STATION.
20150505             JORDAN, THOUSANDS—OF—SOLDIERS from 18—COUNTRIES took part in military drills jointly overseen by THE—USA—ARMY.
20150505             EAST—LEBANON, Hezbollah fighters and gunmen from al QAEDA—SYRIA wing Nusra Front clashed near the border with Syria.
20150505             —CAPTURED, Hezbollah fighters, 1—SYRIA—VILLAGE—NEAR the border with LEBANON.
20150505             —ANNOUNCED, SALMAN—KING—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA, the establishment of 1—CENTER to coordinate humanitarian assistance for YEMEN, and invited THE—UNITED—NATIONS to join in relief work for the Arab country.
20150505             —FIRED, YEMEN—HOUTHI rebels, mortars and Katyusha rockets at THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—CITY—OF—NAJRAN, killing at least 3—CIVILIANS.
20150505             1—HUSBAND and wife were killed as 1—MISSILE from WAR—TORN YEMEN struck their building in the Jazan region.
20150505             5—SOLDIERS were reported captured.
20150505             —RELEASED, THE—USA EPA, 1—FINAL cleanup plan for THE—MONTANA TOWNS—OF—LIBBY and Troy where asbestos dust from 1—W.R. Grace & Co. vermiculite mine caused widespread illness.
20150505             —VALIDATED, BURUNDI—CONSTITUTIONAL—COURT—THE—PRESIDENT—CONTROVERSIAL—BID for a 3. term but the deputy PRESIDENT—OF—THE—COURT, who fled to RWANDA AHEAD—OF—THE—RULING, called it unconstitutional.
20150505             —ANNOUNCED, SHANGHAI—CHINA—NEW—RULES to keep the spouses and CHILDREN—OF—TOP—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIALS from entering private business and profiting from their government connections.
20150505             IRAQ, 1—CAR—BOMB—BLAST—NEAR—THE—BAGHDAD headquarters of 1—SHIITE militia fighting the Islamic State jihadist group in IRAQ killed at least 4—CIVILIANS.
20150505             † NORTH—IRELAND, Gerard "Jock" Davison (47), FORMER—IRELAND—REPUBLICAN—ARMY—COMMANDER, was shot to death in BELFAST.
20150505             —ARRIVED, ITALY, 652—MIGRANTS from GHANA—NIGERIA and GAMBIA, aboard THE—ITALY—NAVY ship Bettica.
20150505             —BELIEVED, THAILAND police found 2—MORE—CAMPS, to have held human trafficking victims — 1—RECENTLY abandoned and the other containing 1—BURIED skeleton.
20150505             —AMNESTY—BERICHT, ASSAD—FASSBOMBEN töten Tausende Zivilisten
20150505             Wechsel an ARMEE—SPITZE: MARINES—GENERAL Dunford wird neuer USA—GENERAL—STABS—CHEF
20150505             —STREIT—UM—BND—AFFÄRE, —CHEF—DES—NSA—AUSSCHUSSES greift SPD an
20150505             Nur der KONFLIKT—ZWISCHEN—UNION und SPD wird immer deutlicher: In der GROßE—KOALITION hagelt es Anschuldigungen.
20150505             "Äußerungen wie von SPD—GENERAL—SEKRETÄRIN YASMIN—FAHIMI finde ich schade.
20150505             —VERGIFTET, AUS—LÄNDER flüchten aus NEU—DELHI: "Die schmutzige Luft, unsere Kinder"(KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 10:36)
20150505             Weltkriegsparade in MOSKAU—PUTIN zeigt seinen Neuen
20150505             —KLIMA—WANDEL: Fjorde schlucken mehr Kohlenstoff als gedacht
20150505             —VERBIETET, Misshandlungen in SAUDI—ARABIEN: INDONESIEN, Bürgern GAST—ARBEIT in NAH—OST
20150505             GEWALT—GEGEN—USA—POLIZISTEN: "Dies sind seltsame Zeiten"
20150505             NSA—AFFÄRE: OPPOSITION will DE—MAIZIÈRE und STEINMEIER vernehmen
20150505             NSA—AUSSCHUSS: GABRIEL bringt auch STEINMEIER in die Zwickmühle
20150505             —VOR, dem FLÜCHTLINGS—GIPFEL, BUNDES—REGIERUNG rechnet mit 400.000—ASYL—BEWERBERN
20150505             GABRIEL zu BND—AFFÄRE, "Die sind —SEIT 10—JAHREN verantwortlich"
20150505             DEUTSCHE—BANK—PROZESS, Kein guter —TAG für DIE—STAATS—ANWÄLTE
20150505             BND—AFFÄRE, WIEN erstattet ANZEIGE—GEGEN—UNBEKANNT
20150505             SAUDI—ARABIEN: Amnesty prangert "beispiellose Hinrichtungswelle"an - [l] WTF 1: MOHAMMED Cartoon contest.
20150505             WTF 2: In GARLAND—TEXAS.
20150505             Da riecht man ja förmlich —SCHON den KKK im Hintergrund.
20150505             WTF 3: Da kommen tatsächlich ein paar angebliche ISLAMISTEN und greifen das an.
20150505             DIE—WERDEN —NOCH—VOR dem Gebäude niedergeschossen, kommen nicht mal —BIS rein.
20150505             —GEHALTEN, DIE—KEYNOTE für die Veranstaltung hat übrigens GEERT—WILDERS.
20150505             [l] Wo wir gerade beim EKEL—OLYMPIA der Dschurnallie sind: Hier auch ein kraftvoller FAZ—KOMMENTAR.
20150505             Bekämpft wird HEUTZUTAGE aber nicht derjenige, der Gewalt ausübt, ob bei der Annexion DER—KRIM oder gegen BÜRGER, die sich 1—RADRENNEN anschauen WOLLEN—SONDERN derjenige, der anderer Meinung ist.
20150505             Ah ah ah, man riecht es —SCHON, gleich kommt 1.weinerliche "das wird man doch wohl mal sagen dürfen"Heulboje...
20150505             So werden im Netz TODESDROHUNGEN—GEGEN—SICHTWEISEN ausgestoßen, die nicht dem eigenen Weltbild entsprechen.
20150505             Was sagt ihr?
20150505             Dazu braucht man nicht in 1. Linie die RHETORIK des KRIEGES—WOHL aber das BEWUSSTSEIN, dass es Zehntausende gutorganisierte Fanatiker gibt, die mit kriegerischen Mitteln auch gegen DEUTSCHLAND kämpfen.
20150505             Oha!
20150505             [l] SIGMAR—GABRIEL plädiert für 1—STÄNDIGEN TTIP—GERICHT—HOF.
20150505             Mann dieser GABRIEL, der taumelt da echt nur noch halb betäubt durch DIE—GEGEND.
20150505             [l] Der Schlangenölmarkt ist so unübersichtlich! GUTE—NACHRICHTEN!
20150505             —CERTIFIED, THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY (DHS) has, the 1.CYBER—SECURITY—PRODUCTS ever under THE—SAFETY—ACT, 1—POST—20010911              program that provides 1—LEVEL—OF—LIABILITY—PROTECTION to companies that use certain products to enhance their security.
20150505             Was für 1.erbärmliche Industrieförderungsscheiße!
20150505             Customers that employ FIREEYE—MULTI—VECTOR—VIRTUAL—EXECUTION—ENGINE and Dynamic Threat INTELLIGENCE platform are —NOW protected from lawsuits or claims alleging that the products failed to prevent 1—ACT—OF—CYBERTERRORISM, the company said.
20150505             [l] DER—BND erklärt DIE—BND—AFFÄRE für beendet.
20150505             —ENTLASTET, GEHEIM—BERICHT zu NSA—KOOPERATION—BND, sich selbst
20150505             Öh, entlasten?
20150505             Und so stellt sich raus: Nein, können sie nicht.
20150505             In dem geheimen Bericht räumt der Dienst zwar gravierende Mängel ein.
20150505             Aber natürlich nicht, mein Herr!
20150505             [l] Hat jemand MacGyver gesehen?
20150505             Weiterhin fanden DIE—BEAMTEN Aceton, 1.Glühbirne und Klebeband — alles Materialien, die mit den anderen Chemikalien für den Bau 1—BOMBE benötigt werden.
20150505             Wie —JETZT, so ganz ohne Haarnadel und Büroklammer?!
20150505             [l] Ooooh, ich sehe gerade, dass JASPER—VON—ALTENBOCKUM —SCHON nachgelegt hat.
20150505             Große TEILE—DER—POLITISCHEN—INTELLIGENZ in DEUTSCHLAND haben offenbar Probleme mit allem, was der DEMOKRATEN—STAAT im Verborgenen treibt, ob es nun VERTRAGS—VERHANDLUNGEN sind oder SICHERHEITS—, NACHRICHTEN—DIENSTE.
20150505             Das ist ja BEMERKENS—WERT luzide, HERR—VON—ALTENBOCKUM!
20150505             Der Ball liegt bei Ihnen, Herr Krauel!
20150505             Wie DIE—AMERIKANER unter falscher Flagge die ARIANE—RAKETE zu sabotieren versucht haben?
20150505             [l] Nachschlag (Vorsicht: Link geht zu express.de) zu dem 109—NOTWEHR—SCHÜSSEN:
20150505             Offenbar sind DIE—BEAMTEN des SEK—DÜSSELDORF für ihre WILD—WEST—METHODEN bekannt.
20150505             [l] Wo kommen auf Demonstrationen eigentlich immer die ganzen verletzten POLIZISTEN her?
20150505             2—POLIZISTEN in bürgerlicher Kleidung sollten —NACH—DEM Rechten sehen.
20150505             [l] Eine ISRAEL—MENSCHEN—RECHTS—ORGANISATION namens "DAS—SCHWEIGEN brechen"hat mal zum GAZA—KRIEG ein paar AUSSAGEN—VON—BETEILIGTEN—SOLDATEN veröffentlicht.
20150505             —NACH—DEN tödlichen Schüssen wurden sie genauer in Augenschein genommen, Waffen wurden keine bei ihnen gefunden, nur die Handys.
20150505             In dem ARTIKEL erklären sie auch die "DAHIYA—DOKTRIN"der unverhältnismäßiger Vergeltungsschläge ("Wenn sie aus 1—DORF feuern, dann zerstören wir das ganze Dorf") und haben dann noch dieses MONEY—QUOTE:
20150505             1—JUNGER Unteroffizier berichtet von 1—PANZERFAHRER seiner Einheit, der aus reiner ZERSTÖRUNGSWUT—ÜBER—PARKENDE Autos ROLLTE—ABER VORHER noch aus 1—WAGEN 1.Sonnenbrille klaute.
20150505             [l] OLD—AND—BUSTED, MERKEL spricht Anderen ihr Vertrauen aus.
20150505             NEW—HOTNESS, SIGMAR—GABRIEL spricht der MERKEL sein Vertrauen aus:
20150505             "Ich habe keinerlei Anlass, daran zu zweifeln, dass DIE—KANZLERIN—MEINE—FRAGEN korrekt beantwortet hat", sagte GABRIEL.
20150505             [l] Kennt ihr das? Und hier ist der Satz, den ich meine:
20150505             —GARNERED, Aggressive tactics from the music giant have, scrutiny from THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE
20150505             DIE—FORMULIERUNG, die ich meine, ist "music giant".
20150505             Das ist in Farbe und in großartiger Qualität, fühlt sich sehr plastisch an.
20150505             [l] $—EU—GERICHT hat entschieden, dass MICROSOFT kein Trademark auf SKYPE anmelden kann, weil SKYPE zu nahe an Sky ist.
20150505             [l] GABRIEL liefert auch noch STEINMEIER ans Messer.
20150505             [l] Es gab —VOR—EIN—PAAR—JAHREN in der Daily Show 1.Episode über die Brücke zwischen DETROIT und KANADA.
20150505             Also hat KANADA sich —EINES—TAGES entschlossen, 1.2.
20150505             Und hier ist, wo die Story für uns EUROPÄER interessant wird.
20150505             [l] Ist euch eigentlich die Formulierung aufgefallen?
20150505             Sie haben dann unverzüglich Weisung erteilt, diese Defizite zu beheben.
20150505             Wieso haben sie eigentlich nicht Weisung erteilt, die Defizite unverzüglich zu beheben?
20150505             [l] Aus der beliebten Kategorie "bei UNS ist die Kernkraft SICHER", —HEUTE: Zwischenfall im AKW Tihange.
20150505             [l] DIE—FÜHRUNGSSPITZE der ehemaligen DDR—STREIT—KRÄFTE hat in 1—BEISPIELLOSEN Aktion 1.WARNUNG—VOR—1—RUSSLAND—KRIEG ausgesprochen.
20150505             —ETWA 100—GENERÄLE der —VOR—25—JAHREN aufgelösten Nationalen Volksarmee (NVA) der DDR haben sich angesichts DER—UKRAINE—KRISE mit 1—FRIEDENSAPPELL—AN—DIE—ÖFFENTLICHKEIT gewandt.
20150505             Das sollte uns zu denken geben, wenn uns MILITÄRs sagen, unsere —POLITIK sei zu militaristisch ausgerichtet!
20150505             [l] Großartige Nachrichten: Jemand hat den 3. Annual REPORT—OF—THE—SECRETARIES—OF—DEFENSE bei Youtube hochgeladen!
20150505             [l] SIGMAR—GABRIEL sagt dem ZDF, dass er davon ausgeht, dass DIE—NSA—SELEKTOREN —NACH—DEM Teltower Verfahren dem BND—AUSSCHUSS vorgelegt werden.
20150505             GABRIEL nennt auch DIE—NSA den "großen Bruder"des BND in dem Interview.
20150505             We live in KAGAN COUNTRY.
20150505             MENSCHEN—RECHTE: Amnesty prangert Hinrichtungswelle in SAUDI—ARABIEN an
20150505—20160000    —IN, 1—CONFIDENTIAL—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL—REPORT said CONGO—TROOPS killed the peacekeepers.
20150714             alfatomega.com/20080505.html
20160429—20160505    —ON, 1—WOMAN was rescued —AFTER being trapped —FOR—6—DAYS in the rubble.
20160429—20160505    —ON, police said they have arrested 13—MEMBERS—OF—1—LOCAL—TRIBAL—COUNCIL who strangled 1—LOCAL—GIRL and set her body on fire for helping 1—OF—HER—FRIENDS elope.
20160505             —CONDUCTED, THE—USA and its allies, 24—STRIKES against Islamic STATE—IN—IRAQ and Syria.
20160505             8—PEOPLE had become infected from food made at its PASCO—WASHINGTON, plant.
20160505             —APPEARED, The step, intended mainly as 1—WARNING to AZERBAIJAN —FOLLOWING 1—SUDDEN—INCREASE in fighting.
20160505             —CONVICTED, Nizami was, 20140000             —IN—OF—MURDER, rape and orchestrating THE—KILLING—OF—INTELLECTUALS —DURING the country's 19710000              WAR—OF—INDEPENDENCE.
20160505             —SUSPECTED, BELGIUM, HIGH—SPEED—CAR—CHASE in which police shot, MIGRANT—SMUGGLERS as they fled across the border led to 1—FATAL—PILE—UP on 1—MOTORWAY in NORTH—FRANCE.
20160505             4—IRAQ—SUSPECTS were hospitalized.
20160505             1—JUSTICE on BRAZIL—SUPREME—COURT—SUSPENDED—EDUARDO—CUNHA, THE—LEADER—OF—THE—COUNTRY—LOWER—HOUSE—OF—CONGRESS, removing 1—OF—THE—NATION—MOST powerful politicians who is reviled by many for numerous corruption allegations.
20160505             LONDON held mayoral elections.
20160505             It became the 1. EU capital with 1—MUSLIM mayor as voters went to the polls and elected Labour lawmaker Sadiq Khan (45), THE—SON—OF—1—BUS—DRIVER, as mayor.
20160505             Khan took 57—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE.
20160505             CANADA began airlifting to safety up to 25,000—PEOPLE from THE—CITY—OF—FORT—MCMURRAY forced from their homes by raging forest fires in ALBERTA—OIL sands region.
20160505             The festival is held every 12—YEARS in UJJAIN.
20160505             ISRAEL—WARPLANES struck 4—NEW—HAMAS positions in THE—SOUTH—GAZA Strip, as 1—FLARE—UP continued to threaten a 20140000              ceasefire agreement.
20160505             —FIRED, The army said Hamas had "repeatedly, and launched mortar rounds" across the border.
20160505             —DISCOVERED, ISRAEL—MILITARY said it had, 1—CROSS—BORDER—TUNNEL built by the Islamist Hamas group from THE—GAZA Strip.
20160505             —HAILED, ITALY—PREMIER—MATTEO—RENZI, the new Alfa Romeo sedan by Fiat Chrysler, which he says will add 3,400 jobs in ITALY and symbolizes the country's economic potential.
20160505             ITALY, RENATO—SORU, 1—LEFTIST—POLITICIAN and CHAIRMAN—OF—MULTINATIONAL telecoms company Tiscali, was handed a 3—YEAR—JAIL—SENTENCE for tax evasion.
20160505             —STRANDED, JORDAN—BORDER—GUARDS said —AROUND 64,000 Syrians are, at the border with JORDAN —AFTER intensified violence —AROUND ALEPPO.
20160505             —PLANNED, KAZAKHSTAN—PRESIDENT—NURSULTAN—NAZARBAYEV said he would delay 1, land reform which triggered 1—WAVE—OF—PUBLIC—PROTESTS across THE—CENTRAL—ASIA—NATION.
20160505             —SPARKED, The protests were, by fears that reforms will allow FOREIGNERS—ESPECIALLY CHINA—COMPANIES—TO take over farmland.
20160505             KENYA—BUSINESSMAN and government critic JACOB—JUMA was shot dead in his car late —TODAY in NAIROBI.
20160505             MALAYSIA, 1—EUROCOPTER AS350 ferrying Plantation Industries and Commodities Deputy MINISTER—NORIAH—KASNON and her husband Asmuni Abdullah from SARAWAK—INTERIOR to its CAPITAL—KUCHING went missing.
20160505             —KILLED, All 6—PEOPLE aboard were.
20160505             —ALLEGED, SAUDI—ARABIA—SECURITY—FORCES shot dead 2, Islamic State fighters and 2—OTHERS blew themselves up outside of MECCA.
20160505             Cpl.
20160505             —KILLED, Khalaf Lafi AL—HARITHI was, outside of 1—POLICE—STATION in MECCA.
20160505             —EXPLODED, SYRIA, 1—CAR—BOMB, in the main square of 1—VILLAGE in HOMS province.
20160505             —CAPTURED, EAST—SYRIA, Islamic State militants, the main Shaer gas field in the 1. gain for the ultra hardline jihadists in the Palmyra desert area —SINCE they lost the ancient city in March.
20160505             SCOTLAND held elections.
20160505             —COMMUTED, PRESIDENT—OBAMA, the prison terms of 58—NON—VIOLENT—DRUG—OFFENDERS—1—MOVE that reflects growing efforts to revamp the criminal justice system.
20160505             THE—USA—FDA said it is investigating 1—LISTERIA outbreak that led to 1—MASSIVE—RECALL—OF—FROZEN fruits and vegetables by CRF Frozen Foods.
20160505             —APPROVED, THE—MICHIGAN House, a $500—MILLION—RESTRUCTURING—PLAN for DETROIT Public Schools.
20160505             Environmental experts said 1—PROJECT to plant 1—WALL—OF—TREES—STRETCHING from SENEGAL in WEST—AFRICA to DJIBOUTI in EAST—AFRICAN—AIMS not only to halt desertification, but also to improve food security, create jobs, and offer young people 1—ALTERNATIVE to migration and extremism.
20160505             ARMENIA—GOVERNMENT gave THE—GO—AHEAD to legislation that calls for recognizing THE—INDEPENDENCE—OF—NAGORNO—KARABAKH, 1—SEPARATIST region which is officially PART—OF—NEIGHBORING—AZERBAIJAN.
20160505             † 1—HOLLAND—MOTORCYCLIST—WHEN he struck 1—STATIONARY truck near THE—FRANCE—PORT—OF—DUNKIRK.
20160505             —AUTHORIZED, COLOMBIA, THE—USE—OF—ALL—MILITARY—FORCE—INCLUDING—AIR—STRIKES, against the country's 3—BIGGEST criminal gangs in 1—MAJOR—ESCALATION against "organized armed groups".
20160505             —DECLARED, GREECE—LABOR—UNIONS, a 48-hour national walkout as lawmakers debated unpopular tax and pension reforms GREECE hopes will help persuade creditors to approve RELEASE—OF—BADLY—NEEDED bailout cash.
20160505             —COLLAPSED, In CENTRAL—INDIA 1—HEAVY rainstorm, tents and gates at 1—SPRAWLING—HINDU pilgrimage site, killing at least 6—PEOPLE and injuring 30 in THE—TOWN—OF—UJJAIN, Madhya Pradesh state.
20160505             —AGREED, INDONESIA—MALAYSIA and THE—PHILIPPINES, to conduct coordinated maritime patrols —AFTER 1—SPATE—OF—SHIP hijackings by Islamist militants in THE—SOUTH—PHILIPPINES.
20160505             —ARRESTED, MALI—SECURITY—FORCES—YACOUBA Toure, 1—SENIOR—MEMBER—OF—ISLAMIST—MILITANT—GROUP—ANSAR Dine, who trafficked weapons for attacks in MALI and over the border in BURKINA—FASO.
20160505             —KILLED, NORTH—MYANMAR, at least 13—PEOPLE were, by 1—LANDSLIDE—OF—JADE mining waste in Kachin state.
20160505             SAUDI—ARABIA—SECURITY—FORCES—SHOT—DEAD—2—ALLEGED Islamic State fighters and 2—OTHERS blew themselves up OUTSIDE—OF—MECCA.
20160505             —GATHERED, As people, to help the victims, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER—RIDING—1—MOTORCYCLE detonated his explosives belt nearby, killing at least 10—PEOPLE and wounding scores.
20160505             Air strikes near Sarmada on 1—CAMP—NEAR—THE—TURKEY—BORDER killed at least 28—PEOPLE.
20160505             —CALLED, Human Rights Watch and THE—NORWAY—HELSINKI—COMMITTEE, for the release of at least 4—HUMAN—RIGHTS—LAWYERS imprisoned in TAJIKISTAN as PART—OF—1—CRACKDOWN on dissenters, as well as 2—CHILDREN—OF—ANOTHER lawyer.
20160505             YEMEN, AL—QAIDA militants began to pull OUT—OF—THE—SOUTH—TOWNS—OF—ZINJIBAR and Jaar, —FOLLOWING WEEKS—OF—MEDIATION by tribesmen for them to exit peacefully rather than resist 1—GULF—BACKED offensive.
20160505             BERUHIGUNGS—MAßNAHME in USA—STADT FLINT: OBAMA trinkt Wasser
20160505             —FLÜCHTLINGS—DEAL: Unionspolitiker kritisieren geplante Visafreiheit für Türken
20160505             EU und TÜRKEI: Der hohe Preis für ERDOGANs Gunst
20160505             IS—REKRUTIERER Prakash: Regierung meldet TOD—VON—"gefährlichstem Australier"
20160505             SPD—PARTEI—TAG—IN—NORD—KOREA: Der allgemeine Weckruf ertönt um 5—UHR —MORGENS
20160505             —UPDATE, So langsam muss mal offen die Frage stellen, ob sich eigentlich mehr Leute über Ransomware oder über Windows 10—ÄRGERN.
20160505             [l] DIE—EZB schafft die 500—EURO—GELDSCHEINE ab, weil die ja bloß von KRIMinellen benutzt werden.
20160505             Stoner news.
20160505             If you have ANY—INTEREST in THE—JFK case -- or in the larger ISSUE—OF—HISTORICAL fakes -- check out this excellent podcast by ROB—CLARK (1—OF—THE—GOOD—RESEARCHERS).
20160505             I've gone on record as saying that - That's why I tell people that
20160505             ROGER—STONE may be visualized as JAMES—JESUS—ANGLETON—SPIRITUAL—HEIR -- the Kylo Ren to JJA—DARTH—VADER.
20160505             —MACHT—KAMPF—IN—DER—TÜRKEI—PREMIER Davutoglu kündigt Rückzug an
20160505             —VERSTAATLICHT, ITALIEN, MAFIA—RESTAURANTS: Pizza, Pasta, Basta
20160505             —BEHARRT, SYRIEN—ASSAD, auf "endgültigem Sieg"im —BÜRGER—KRIEG
20160505             [l] Wenn —DEMNÄCHST die DURCHFALL—MEDIZIN nicht mehr lieferbar ist, könnte das hieran liegen.
20160505             1—INCREASING NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE are coping with their opioid withdrawal by using large doses of Imodium, 1—OVER—THE—COUNTER ANTI—DIARRHEA medicine, to get high.
20160505             Also diese Drogenprohibition, das ist ja 1—ERFOLGS—MODELL sondergleichen!
20160505             [l] DER—BÜRGER—MEISTER—VON—CUPERTINO über APPLE.
20160505             —WALKED, The last time THE—MAYOR—OF—CUPERTINO, into APPLE — the largest company in his small Californian town and, it so happens, the most valuable company IN—THE—WORLD — he hoped to have 1—MEETING to talk about traffic congestion.
20160505             BARRY—CHANG barely made it into THE—LOBBY—WHEN APPLE—SECURITY—TEAM surrounded and escorted him off the property.
20160505             —INVITED, They said 'you cannot come in, you're not '. - Oh und STEUERN zahlen sie auch nicht.
20160505             —NEEDED, To move on the proposal, Chang only, to get 1—SINGLE—VOTE 'yes' among THE—3—OTHER—ELIGIBLE—COUNCIL—MEMBERS.
20160505             [l] 1—ROBOTER—CHIRURG hat 1.TEST—OPERATION ohne Fernbedienung autonom durchgeführt und war besser als DIE—MENSCHEN.
20160505             [l] GUTE—NACHRICHTEN—VON—DER—SPD: Projekt 18—IST fast erreicht!
20160505             —STREIT—MIT—DEN ROLLING—STONES: DONALD—TRUMP can't always get what he wants
20160505             Bahnstrecke bei Idomeni: FLÜCHTLINGE müssen WEICHEN—POLIZEI—DROHT—MIT—HÄRTE
20160505             HAMBURG: Schwan ertränkt systematisch Gänseküken
20160505             "KRIEG—GEGEN—DEN—TERROR": Warum 1—USA—SOLDAT—PRÄSIDENT—OBAMA verklagt
20160505             —DERZEIT, würde DIE—ARMEE ohne Legitimation in 1—KAMPF—GEGEN—DEN—IS verwickelt werden.
20160505             Hat OBAMA tatsächlich keine Legitimation für den KRIEG?
20160505             Das ist schwierig — und der Trick an der Klage.
20160505             Wie kämpfen DIE—USA —HEUTE gegen TERRORISTEN?
20160505             Mit 1—AUF der gesamten Erde ausgedehnten und wenig transparenten SYSTEM:
20160505             ITALIEN: Schulleiter will Schüler mit FINGERABDRUCK—SCANNER überwachen
20160505             "Freiheit, Gleichheit, Demokratie": POLEN—OPPOSITION bildet Bündnis gegen Regierung
20160505             Digitalwährung: Angeblicher BITCOIN—ERFINDER bleibt Beweis schuldig
20160505             [l] Nächste Stufe in MICROSOFTs Windows-10-Charmeoffensive: Windows 10—PRO erlaubt —JETZT Admins in Firmennetzen nicht mehr, Zugang zum Windows Store zu verbieten.
20160505             Leute, die das brauchen sollen sich gefälligst die ENTERPRISE—VERSION kaufen.
20160505             alfatomega.com/20090609.html
20160505—20140501    —SINCE, 1—RECALL included 358—PRODUCTS under 42—SEPARATE—BRAND—NAMES.
20161117             alfatomega.com/20080505.html
20170428—20170505    THROUGH, The bill keeps the government functioning.
20170429—20170505    —FIRED, Police Officer ROY—OLIVER, 37—JAHRE—ALT, who, into the car FULL—OF—TEENS, turned himself in —AFTER being charged with murder.
20170505             alfatomega.com/20061219.html
20170505             —KILLED, Another 7—PEOPLE were, —EARLIER in the violence that began 20170503           .
20170505             —EXCHANGED, BOSTON, police, fire and wounded Bampumim Teixeira (30) at the door of 1—PENTHOUSE condo late —TODAY.
20170505             1—MAN and 1—WOMAN were found dead inside. Drs.
20170505             Teixeira told investigators he had been having 1—AFFAIR with Bolanos.
20170505             WEST—VIRGINIA, 1—SMALL—CARGO—PLANE went off the runway and over 1—STEEP hillside at Yaeger Airport in CHARLESTON killing the pilot and CO—PILOT.
20170505             —FIRED, AFGHANISTAN—SECURITY—FORCES, across the border on PAKISTAN—CENSUS workers and troops escorting them, killing 9 and drawing 1—RESPONSE from the military.
20170505             —BLAMED, GENERAL—ABDUL—RAZIQ, the police CHIEF—IN—KANDAHAR province, PAKISTAN for initiating the gunbattle.
20170505             † 1—AFGHANISTAN—TRUCK—DRIVER was killed —AFTER 1—ROCKET fired from across the border hit him in Nangarhar province.
20170505             —RULED, AUSTRIA, 1—VIENNESE appeals court, that Facebook must remove the postings against Greens leader EVA—GLAWISCHNIG as well as ANY—VERBATIM repostings, and said merely blocking them in AUSTRIA without deleting them for users abroad was not sufficient.
20170505             —KILLED, NORTH—CHAD—BOKO—HARAM, militants, 9—SOLDIERS in 1—ATTACK on 1—MILITARY—CAMP.
20170505             28—MILITANTS were reported killed.
20170505             The 1. large CHINESE—MADE passenger jetliner, THE—SINGLE—AISLE C919, completed its maiden test flight, 1—MILESTONE in CHINA—LONG—TERM—GOAL to break into THE—WESTERN—DOMINATED market.
20170505             The plane can be configured for 155—175—PASSENGERS.
20170505             The storms have become increasingly common as CHINA—DESERTS expand by gobbling up some 1,300 square miles 1—YEAR.
20170505             —FOUNDED, FRANCE, the Cartooning for Peace group, by FRANCE—CARTOONIST—PLANTU, said cartoonists were increasingly becoming THE—VICTIMS—OF—REPRESSIVE crackdowns on free speech.
20170505             —ESTIMATED, Police, THE—NUMBER—OF—PRISONERS who escaped at 200 to 250, of whom 130 had been recaptured.
20170505             —KILLED, MEXICO, 5—PEOPLE were, in 2—GUNBATTLES in the border CITY—OF—REYNOSA.
20170505             —ACCUSED, NORTH—KOREA, THE—USA—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY and SOUTH—KOREA—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICE—OF—1—PLOT to attack its "supreme leadership" with 1—BIO—CHEMICAL—WEAPON and said such a "PIPE—DREAM" could never succeed.
20170505             —EXCLUDED, THE—NORWAY—CENTRAL—BANK—SAID—NORWAY—WEALTH—FUND has, Bharat Heavy Electricals from its investment portfolio BECAUSE—OF—CONCERNS over the environmental impact of 1—PLANT—THE—INDIA—COMPANY is building.
20170505             BHEL was building 1—COAL—FIRED power plant close to the Sundarbans, the world's largest mangrove forest, in BANGLADESH.
20170505             PAKISTAN, 1—INTERNATIONAL—NEW—YORK—TIMES opinion piece criticizing the powerful PAKISTAN—ARMY was censored by its local PUBLISHER, replaced by 1—BLANK—SPACE in 1—COUNTRY where it can be dangerous to speak out against the military establishment.
20170505             THE—PHILIPPINES, AGNES—CALLAMARD, THE—UN—SPECIAL—RAPPORTEUR on extrajudicial killings, condemned THE—USE—OF—VIOLENCE to combat illegal drugs, as she made 1—UNOFFICIAL visit to MANILA that angered PRESIDENT—RODRIGO—DUTERTE.
20170505             Puerto Rican officials said 184—PUBLIC—SCHOOLS will be closing in 1—MOVE expected to save MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS amid 1—DEEP—ECONOMIC—CRISIS that has sparked 1—EXODUS to THE—USA—MAINLAND in the past —DECADE.
20170505             It showcasing national kitsch items, ranging from 1—LIFE—SIZE—DRACULA to COMMUNIST—ERA—GLASS—FISH.
20170505             —BACKED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, 1—OFFICIAL—CHECK into reported brutal attacks on gay men in Chechnya in his 1. public comment —AFTER GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL confronted him on the issue.
20170505             RUSSIA—DEFENSE—MINISTRY said the agreement on safe zones in Syria will come into force from midnight tonight, but that its AIR—FORCE will continue striking Islamic State elsewhere in the country.
20170505             —REPORTED, SAUDI—ARABIA media, that SAUDI—ARABIA—WOMEN no longer need 1—MAN—CONSENT to carry out certain activities, but activists said the royal order does not go far enough.
20170505             1—ROYAL—DECREE issued by SALMAN—KING—OF— ordered that women are no longer required to obtain 1—GUARDIAN—CONSENT for official services "unless there is 1—LEGAL—BASIS for this request" under Islamic law.
20170505             —KILLED, SOMALIA—FORCES, al Shabaab CHIEF, Moalim Osman Abdi Badil, and 3—FIGHTERS in fighting in the Lower Shabelle region.
20170505             —ISSUED, Detention warrants were, for the dismissed judges and prosecutors.
20170505             —CALLED, Critics, it PART—OF—1—CAMPAIGN to shrink the agency's reach by reducing THE—ROLE—OF—ACADEMIC—RESEARCH.
20170505             —STABBED, RICHARD—FIELD—49—JAHRE—ALT and Lina Bolanos (38) were, to death in their luxury BOSTON condominium.
20170505             —REPORTED, On THE—AFGHANISTAN—SIDE—OFFICIALS—6—KILLED in the incident.
20170505             He accused ISLAMABAD—OF—USING the census as 1—MASK to conceal THE—CROSSING—OF—MILITANTS from PAKISTAN into AFGHANISTAN.
20170505             —CONTINUED, NORTH—CHINA—DUST—STORMS, for a 2. —DAY reducing visibility in cities such as BEIJING and threatening THE—HEALTH—OF—MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE.
20170505             CUBA, 3—TRANSGENDER pastors held 1—MASS for the 1. time, highlighting how much THE—ISLAND nation has changed —SINCE both religious believers and homosexuals went to "correctional" labor camps in the early years —AFTER 19590000             —THE—REVOLUTION.
20170505             The pastors in MATANZAS had flown in from BRAZIL—CANADA and THE—USA.
20170505             —CHANGED, CZECH—REPUBLIC—PRIME—MINISTER—BOHUSLAV—SOBOTKA abruptly, tack in his battle to remove Finance MINISTER—ANDREJ—BABIS, taking back 1—PLEDGE to resign and instead seeking only THE—DISMISSAL—OF—HIS—MAIN—POLITICAL—RIVAL.
20170505             FRANCE—PRESIDENTIAL—CANDIDATE—EMMANUEL—MACRON—CAMPAIGN said it had been the target of a "massive" computer hack that dumped its campaign emails online 1-1/—2—DAYS—BEFORE voters choose between the centrist and FAR—RIGHT—RIVAL—MARINE Le Pen.
20170505             10—COUNTRIES—INCLUDING—RUSSIA—TURKEY and INDIA were condemned for censoring, locking up or threatening cartoonists in 1—NEW—REPORT published by the group.
20170505             —ESCAPED, INDONESIA, SCORES—OF—PRISONERS, —AFTER they were let OUT—OF—THEIR—CELLS to take part in —FRIDAY prayers and overwhelmed THE—6—GUARDS on duty on Sumatra ISLAND.
20170505             —PUSHED, IRAQ—FORCES—FURTHER into MOSUL from the north on the 2. —DAY—OF—1—NEW push to speed up the nearly 7—MONTH—ATTEMPT to dislodge Islamic State.
20170505             —RESCUED, THE—LIBYA—COAST—GUARD—129—MIGRANTS—AFTER gunmen mugged them on 1—RUBBER dinghy headed for EUROPE and also stole the craft's engine, abandoning them off THE—LIBYA—COAST.
20170505             —ESTIMATED, An, 27,000 students will be moved elsewhere —WHEN their schools close at THE—END—OF—MAY.
20170505             PUERTO—RICO currently has 1—TOTAL—OF—1—292—PUBLIC—SCHOOLS that serve 365,000 students.
20170505             3—FORMER—SOUTH—AFRICAN—PRESIDENTS for the 1. time issued 1—JOINT—CALL for action to end the nation's "worsening" political crisis, the latest campaign targeting PRESIDENT—JACOB—ZUMA.
20170505             —ATTACKED, SOUTH—SUDAN, 1—COMMERCIAL—VEHICLE—COMING from JUBA was, at 1—CHECKPOINT in Jamaza and the other at SUDAN Safar.
20170505             —KILLED, At least 21—PEOPLE were, and 25—INJURED.
20170505             —RECOMMENDED, ZURICH—PUBLIC—SAFETY—OFFICE—TOWNS in SWITZERLAND—MOST populous canton ban 1—CAMPAIGN that hands out Korans in public spaces, describing it as 1—FRONT for INCITEMENT—OF—RADICAL—ACTIVITIES—INCLUDING—JIHADIST—INVOLVEMENT.
20170505             —REVOKED, THAILAND—AUTHORITIES—THE—PASSPORT—OF—VORAYUTH "Boss" Yoovidhya (32), 1—FUGITIVE heir to the Red Bull energy drink fortune, who is wanted on deadly HIT—AND—RUN—CHARGES.
20170505             THAILAND began THE—PROCESS—OF—HAVING—INTERPOL issue 1—BLUE—NOTICE—ADVISING—OFFICIALS in 190—COUNTRIES that Vorayuth is wanted.
20170505             —ABANDONED, THAILAND—POLICE found 35—MIGRANTS from MYANMAR, and wandering in 1—SOUTH—FOREST—RAISING—FEARS that smuggling and trafficking routes are flourishing despite 1—CRACKDOWN by authorities.
20170505             —REPORTED, TURKEY—TELEVISIONS, that the government has dismissed 107—JUDGES and prosecutors over alleged links to 1—FAILED coup in July —LAST—YEAR, further widening 1—PURGE —DURING which it dismissed —AROUND 145,000 civil servants, security personnel and academics.
20170505             —DENOUNCED, THE—UN—HUMAN—RIGHTS—OFFICE—CHINA'S "ongoing crackdown" and DETENTION—OF—LAWYERS and activists and called on authorities to release all those being held for exercising what it called fundamental freedoms.
20170505             —RATIFIED, The executive BOARD—OF—THE—UN—CULTURAL—AGENCY—1—RESOLUTION that identifies ISRAEL as "the occupying power" in JERUSALEM and calls on it to rescind ANY—MOVE—CHANGING the city's "character and status".
20170505             "Illner"zur FRANKREICH—WAHL: "Das Beste an MACRON ist, daß er nicht LE—PEN ist"
20170505             EKLAT um abgesagtes —TREFFEN, GABRIEL legt mit KRITIK—AN—NETANYAHU nach
20170505             Prozess um den POLEN Janusz Walus: 1—MÖRDER als Idol
20170505             —NEUE—ANTI—TRUMP—GRUPPE: CLINTON geht in den Widerstand
20170505             Spitzelei gegen Finanzbeamte: Union und SPD empört über SCHWEIZ—STEUERSPIONE
20170505             —VERLIERT, KOMMUNAL—WAHLEN—IN—GROß—BRITANNIEN: Ukip, ALLE—SITZE in Hochburgen
20170505             HANNOVER: Mann steht stundenlang reglos vor RESTAURANT—FESTNAHME
20170505             GOLDMAN—CHEF—BLANKFEIN: "Finanzplatz LONDON wird unter BREXIT leiden"
20170505             DIE—KOMMUNALWAHLEN gelten als GENERAL—PROBE für die Unterhauswahl am ;;0608;;.
20170505             [l] VAROUFAKIS springt für MACRON in die Bresche.
20170505             —WHEN, my country was being bullied by EUROPE—PRO—AUSTERITY—ESTABLISHMENT, MACRON was 1—RARE—ALLY.
20170505             Und so ruft er DIE—LINKE in FRANKREICH auf, für MACRON zu stimmen.
20170505             —AUFRUF zum UM—BAU der EU: "Das Unbehagen über EUROPA hat mit DEUTSCHLAND—POLITIK zu tun"
20170505             BUNDESWEHR—SKANDAL, VON—DER—LEYEN entschuldigt sich bei ihren Generälen
20170505             Lärm in Naturparks: Über wenigen Gipfeln ist Ruh
20170505             Gedächtnis und Alter: Gut gelaunt merkt besser (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 11:28)
20170505             WHO: "Eine neue EBOLA—EPIDEMIE ist unausweichlich"
20170505             SYRIEN: Jets DER—USA—KOALITION sollen nicht über Schutzzonen fliegen dürfen
20170505             WELT—RAUMDIPLOMATIE: INDIEN verschenkt Satelliten
20170505             GLOBALISIERUNGsverlierer: Die trügerische POPULISTEN—RUHE
20170505             Export: DEUTSCHLAND verkauft weniger in DIE—USA
20170505             —KRIEG—GEGEN—DEN—TERROR: USA drängen auf Beitritt der NATO zur ANTI—IS—KOALITION
20170505             FRAUENPROTEST—GEGEN—TRUMP—GESUNDHEIT—PLÄNE, "Ohne Versicherung werde ich sterben"
20170505             200.000—NEUE Jobs, USA—ARBEITSLOSIGKEIT fällt auf Zehnjahrestief
20170505             [l] Wir müssen beim BREXIT mal ein bisschen Gas geben.
20170505             Ja nee klar, GROß—BRITANNIEN.
20170505             DIE—TÜRKEI war noch nie so einsam wie 20170000             —J—IM.
20170505             Der TÜRKEI—REGIERUNG ist es durch ihre Attacken GEGEN—DIE—YPG gelungen, gleich 2—WELTMÄCHTE, DIE—USA und RUSSLAND, gegen sich aufzubringen.
20170505             ERDOGAN scheint das nicht zu kümmern.
20170505             DIE—TÜRKEI—REGIERUNG glaubte, mithilfe islamistischer REBELLEN ASSAD innerhalb von wenigen Monaten stürzen zu können.
20170505             —BETRACHTET, USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, wie —SCHON sein Vorgänger BARACK—OBAMA, die YPG, trotz aller Drohungen aus ANKARA, als Schlüsselpartner beim STURM—AUF—DIE IS—HOCHBURG Rakka.
20170505             DIE—KOALITION aus ASSAD—RUSSLAND und IRAN hat von der TÜRKEI unterstützten REBELLEN zudem —BIS in DIE—PROVINZ—IDLIB zurückgedrängt.
20170505             UMFRAGE—ZU—KOALITIONSOPTIONEN: Das ROT—ROT—GRÜNE Schreckgespenst lebt
20170505             —GESTIEGEN, KRIMinalität: ZAHL—DER—ROCKER in NRW deutlich
20170505             Big Brother Award: NEGATIV—PREIS für TÜRKEI—DITIB—VEREIN
20170505             BÖRSEN—BOOM, USA—ARBEITS—MARKT treibt DAX zu neuem Rekord
20170505             PARLAMENTS—WAHL—IN—ALGERIEN: Regierungspartei bleibt stärkste Kraft
20170505             [l] OLD—AND—BUSTED, POLIZEI verhaftet Mann, weil er etwas böses getan hat.
20170505             —VERHAFTET, NEW—HOTNESS, POLIZEI, Mann, weil er nichts getan hat.
20170505             Der stand nachts 2—STUNDEN lang regungslos VOR—1—FAST—FOOD Restaurant.
20170505             Als die alarmierten Beamten vor dem Restaurant eintrafen, konnten sie kurz mit ihm sprechen, bevor dieser zu schweigen BEGANN und dabei völlig ruhig stehen blieb.
20170505             —NUN, hatte der seine Hände unter seine Jacke gesteckt, wie man das halt so macht, wenn es kalt ist.
20170505             Um Unbeteiligte nicht zu gefährden, wurde der NAH—BEREICH und das Schnellrestaurant geräumt.
20170505             Der Anruf bei DER—POLIZEI kam um 20:00.
20170505             —ENTLASSEN, TÜRKEI: 107—RICHTER—UND—STAATS—ANWÄLTE, -  1920x1080 GERMANY Flag
20170505—20190000    —CONVICTED—OF, Teixeira (33) was, the stabbing and sentenced to life in prison without parole.
20180505             alfatomega.com/20060429.html
20180505             —LAUNCHED, NASA, its latest Mars lander, called InSight, from Vandenberg AIR—FORCE—BASE in CALIFORNIA.
20180505             —DISCOVERED, He had, how antibiotic resistance spreads among bacteria.
20180505             —INCLUDED, His awards, the National MEDAL—OF—SCIENCE (20140000             ).
20180505             —CRASHED, NEW—YORK, 1—SMALL—PLANE, —AFTER taking off from Middletown.
20180505             † Pilot Rabbi AARON—PANKEN, 53—JAHRE—ALT, the prsident for 1—SEMINARY for Reform Judaism, was killed.
20180505             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN—OFFICIALS said least 31—TALIBAN militants were, by AFGHANISTAN—SECURITY—FORCES backed by USA—AIR—STRIKES in CENTRAL—GHAZNI province, as THE—AFGHANISTAN—ARMY battled to protect 1—KEY—HIGHWAY.
20180505             —BACKED, AFGHANISTAN—FORCES, by air strikes retook 1—DISTRICT—IN—THE—NORTH—PROVINCE—OF—BADAKHSHAN that was seized last —WEEK by Taliban insurgents.
20180505             —TARGETED, The attack, Hazart MOHAMMAD—RODWAL, 1—DISTRICT—CHIEF, who was among the wounded.
20180505             —5—MONTHS—LATER he was still being held in solitary confinement in ABU—DHABI without charge.
20180505             —ACCUSED—OF, In October he was, spying for THE—UK—GOVERNMENT and soon released on bail.
20180505             —CONSIDERED, AUSTRALIA—BUSINESSMAN—BILL—CLOUGH sold THE—PHNOM—PENH Post, the sole remaining independent media voice in CAMBODIA, to Sivakumar Ganapathy, 1—PUBLIC—RELATIONS—EXECUTIVE in MALAYSIA.
20180505             —OPENED, FRANCE, the Palais du TOKYO museum, its doors to nudists for 1—SPECIAL—VISIT.
20180505             —ANGERED, FRANCE, THOUSANDS—OF—DEMONSTRATORS, by government reforms, marched through PARIS in 1—PROTEST called "Party for Macron" organized by THE—FAR—LEFT party Defiant FRANCE.
20180505             1—MALAYSIA—OFFICIAL said the ruling party has sacked 2—POWERFUL—FORMER—MINISTERS—AFTER they openly supported the opposition in THE—RUN—UP to next —WEEK—NATIONAL—ELECTION.
20180505             —READJUSTED, NORTH—KOREA, its time zone to match SOUTH—KOREA'S and described the change as 1—EARLY—STEP toward making the longtime rivals "become 1" —FOLLOWING 1—LANDMARK summit.
20180505             PAKISTAN, methane gas explosions at tow coal mines in the Marwar coalfields in Baluchistan province killed at least 23—PEOPLE.
20180505             —KILLED, THE—GAZA, Strip 6—MEMBERS—OF—THE—HAMAS military wing were, in 1—EXPLOSION.
20180505             Hamas —LATER said the 6, including 2—COMMANDERS, were killed "dismantling BOOBY—TRAPPED spying equipment planted by ISRAEL —DURING the past —DECADE in GAZA".
20180505             THE—PHILIPPINES—MILITARY said it is checking intelligence reports that Yassir Igasan, 1—MIDDLE—EAST—EDUCATED COMMANDER—OF—THE—ABU—SAYYAF extremist group, has † —AFTER being wounded in 1—ARTILLERY strike in SOUTH—SULU province.
20180505             The bodies of 2—MINERS were found —AFTER MANY—DAYS—OF—RESCUE efforts.
20180505             1—OTHER miner remained missing.
20180505             At least 1,575—PEOPLE, nearly 500—OF—THEM in MOSCOW, were arrested in demonstrations in 26—CITIES across the country.
20180505             —SURGED, SUDAN, black market fuel prices, in KHARTOUM and other towns as petrol and diesel shortages forced residents to queue for hours outside gas stations.
20180505             1—ACUTE—SHORTAGE of foreign currency has also aggravated the situation.
20180505             Their metal helmets will be replaced with plastic PVC ones made with a 3-D printer.
20180505             —DESIGNED, The $993—MILLION—PROJECT was, to perch on the surface and listen for "Marsquakes" AHEAD—OF—EVENTUAL—HUMAN—MISSIONS to explore the Red Planet.
20180505             —KILLED, In EAST—AFGHANISTAN, 1—CAR—BOMB—2—PEOPLE—LATE—TODAY and wounded another 3 in Paktia province.
20180505             OCTOBER, he was ACCUSED—OF—SPYING for THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—GOVERNMENT and soon released on bail.
20180505             —REPORTED, It was, that CAMBODIA—ENGLISH—LANGUAGE—DAILY—THE—PHNOM—PENH Post was bought by 1—MALAYSIA—INVESTOR, amid concerns that the sale could signal THE—END—OF—INDEPENDENT—MEDIA in the country AHEAD—OF—ELECTIONS in July.
20180505             GERMANY, 1—LARGER than life STATUE—OF—COMMUNIST—PHILOSOPHER—KARL—MARX was unveiled on the 200.
20180505             The 4.4-meter (14-foot) bronze STATUE—OF—MARX was donated by CHINA.
20180505             —ARRESTED, INDIA—POLICE—14—PEOPLE—SUSPECTED—OF—KIDNAPPING, raping and burning to death 1—TEENAGE—GIRL.
20180505             —BLAMED, Police, insurgents for killing 3—OTHER—MEN—DURING—1—DAY—OF—VIOLENCE and protests in INDIAN—CONTROLLED Kashmir.
20180505             IRAN—PRESIDENT—HASSAN—ROUHANI said the government "does not approve" of the judiciary's recent BLOCKAGE—OF—THE—TELEGRAM messaging app.
20180505             —LIFTED, JAPAN—BULLFIGHTING organizers said they had, 1—LONG—STANDING—BAN on women entering the sport's "sacred" ring, in 1—BID to modernize the traditional activity for the #Metoo generation.
20180505             —CONFUSED, HOLLAND—POLICE—SHOT and arrested 1—MAN know for, behavior —AFTER 3—PEOPLE were stabbed in THE—CENTER—OF—THE—HAGUE.
20180505             —CONFIRMED, PAKISTAN—ARMY—CHIEF—DEATH—SENTENCES for 11 "hardcore terrorists" —AFTER military courts found them GUILTY—OF—CARRYING out multiple attacks that killed 60—CIVILIANS and security forces in recent years.
20180505             SOUTH—POLAND, 2—MISSING—COAL miners were found hurt but conscious —AFTER 1—EARTHQUAKE struck at the Zofiowka coal mine in the Silesian coal basin.
20180505             1—MINER was crushed to death and another was trapped, —WHILE 3—REMAINED missing.
20180505             —DETAINED, RUSSIA—OPPOSITION—LEADER—ALEXEI—NAVALNY was, by police —DURING street protests against VLADIMIR—PUTIN AHEAD—OF—HIS—INAUGURATION for a 4. term as PRESIDENT.
20180505             —RELEASED, Navalny was soon, from detention but faced CHARGES—OF—ORGANIZING—1—UNAUTHORIZED meeting AND—OF—RESISTING—POLICE.
20180505             —ARRESTED, SPAIN—POLICE said they have, 14—SUSPECTED drug smugglers and confiscated 3,700 KILOS—OF—HASHISH in 1—DRUG bust in SOUTH—SPAIN.
20180505             —AGGRAVATED, An acute SHORTAGE—OF—FOREIGN—CURRENCY has also, the situation.
20180505             THAILAND, PRO—DEMOCRACY—ACTIVISTS—PROTESTING in BANGKOK said that they will march on the country's SEAT—OF—POWER—LATER this —MONTH to demand that 1—ELECTION be held this —YEAR.
20180505             —UNVEILED, At THE—VATICAN THE—SWITZERLAND—GUARDS—1—NEW helmet prototype 1—DAY—BEFORE their annual SWEARING—IN ceremony.
20180505             1—SENIOR—YEMEN—OFFICIAL said THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES—OVER the last few days has deployed some 300—SOLDIERS, along with tanks and artillery, to THE—ISLAND—OF—SOCOTRA, recognized by UNESCO as 1—WORLD—HERITAGE—SITE—HEIGHTENING—TENSIONS between THE—2—ALLIES.
20180505             KARL—MARX—GEBURTS—TAG jährt sich AM—SAMSTAG, zum 200. Mal.
20180505             DONALD—TRUMP bei NRA: Amerikas WAFFEN—LOBBY feiert ihr Comeback
20180505             BUNDESWEHR—STUDIE empfiehlt, Rüstungskäufe an PRIVAT—FIRMA auszulagern
20180505             —DIE—LAGE—AM—SAMSTAG, Ist DER—KAPITALISMUS noch zu retten?
20180505             —KONFERENZ F8: So will FACEBOOK DIE—DATEN—VON—2—MILLIARDEN—MENSCHEN schützen
20180505             —BESTREITET, Schweigegeld an Pornostar: DONALD—TRUMP, Kehrtwende im Fall Stormy Daniels
20180505             —ANTI—SEMITISCHE Rede: KUWAIT blockiert UNO—STELLUNGNAHME zu ABBAS
20180505             —GESTARTET, KALIFORNIEN: NASA—RAUMSONDE zum Mars
20180505             Geschenk aus CHINA zum 200—GEBURTS—TAG: 1—MEGA—MARX für TRIER
20180505             —BIS zum GODESBERGer Programm 19590000             —VON, habe sich —DIE—SPD als 1.marxistische Partei verstanden.
20180505             —HEUTE, ist —DIE—SPD natürlich längst keine marxistische Weltanschauungspartei mehr, doch
20180505             —NATÜRLICH - in ihrem Begründungspluralismus gehören auch Marx und seine Betrachtungen nach wie vor dazu", sagte Nahles.
20180505             DIE—POLITIK stehe durch DIE—DIGITALISIERUNG vor neuen Fragen.
20180505             "Und ich denke, es wäre gut, wenn wir uns an dieser Stelle die Mühe machten, Marx in einigen seiner Grundanalysen auch —HEUTE in die Gegenwart zu übersetzen", sagte —DIE—SPD—CHEFIN.
20180505             Es gehöre zur Tradition DER—ARBEITER—BEWEGUNG, "die technologischen Veränderungen, die destruktiven Veränderungen die mit der Digitalisierung kommen, —JETZT auch wieder in den Dienst des Menschen zu stellen und für DIE—MENSCHEN zum Nutzen zu gestalten".
20180505             Angesichts von Verbrechen, die unter kommunistischer Herrschaft begangen wurden, nahm LINKEN—POLITIKERIN SAHRA—WAGENKNECHT KARL—MARX in Schutz.
20180505             "Wenn jeder für das verantwortlich wäre, was in seinem Namen geschieht, dürfte JESUS—CHRISTUS —HEUTE in keiner Kirche mehr hängen", sagte WAGENKNECHT der "RHEIN—NECKAR—ZEITUNG".
20180505             Wer KARL—MARXZUM Vordenker autoritärer SYSTEMe erkläre, könne seine Aufsätze nie gelesen haben.
20180505             "KARL—MARX hat an keiner Stelle 1—VERSTAATLICHTE PLAN—WIRTSCHAFT gefordert.
20180505             KARL—MARX, Sein Ziel war Demokratie", sagte WAGENKNECHT.
20180505             "Allerdings hat er —SCHON früh DAS—PROBLEM gesehen, daß sehr große Vermögen MACHT bedeuten, 1.MACHT, DIE—DEMOKRATIE aushöhlen und zerstören kann".
20180505             —GEBURTS—TAGS—QUIZ: Kennen Sie Ihren KARL—MARX ?
20180505             —PROTESTE—GEGEN—PUTIN: POLIZEI nimmt OPPOSITIONspolitiker Nawalny fest
20180505             —VOR, erstem JAHRES—TAG: Tausende FRANZOSEN DEMONSTRIEREN—GEGEN—MACRON - [l] Rekordjahr bei der NSA!
20180505             —ANTI—PUTIN—DEMOS in RUSSLAND: Prügel für PROTESTLER—MEHR als 1600—FESTNAHMEN
20180505             Staatsschulden: GRIECHENLAND—GROSS—BANKEN bestehen EZB—STRESS—TEST
20180505             GLASGOW: Zehntausende Schotten demonstrieren für Unabhängigkeit
20180505             —VERURTEILT, Auftritt bei Waffenlobby: FRANKREICH, DONALD—TRUMP—ÄUßERUNGEN zu PARIS—TERROR
20180505             Regierungsbildung in KATALONIEN: Separatisten halten an PUIGDEMONT als Kandidaten fest
20180505             [l] Warum musste LIBYEN eigentlich bombardiert werden?
20180505             [l] VW will Winterkorn persönlich für den DIESENSKANDAL—IN—HAFTUNG nehmen.
20180505             Ich würde mir da —JETZT nicht so viel Sorgen machen, weil es für CEOs Versicherungen gibt, die in solchen Fällen einspringen.
20180505             —KILLED, NORTH—WEST—NIGERIA, as many as 40—PEOPLE were, by armed bandits in Gwaska, KADUNA state.
20180505—20180503    —RAPED, The girl was, —WHILE attending 1—WEDDING—CEREMONY in Jharkhand state.
20180505—20180504    —ON, Suspects beat up the girl's family members for complaining against them and burned her to death —AFTER finding her at home alone.
20180515             —SENTENCED, RUSSIA—OPPOSITION—LEADER—ALEXEI—NAVALNY was, to 30—DAYS in jail for staging 20180505             —THE—UNSANCTIONED protest in MOSCOW.
20190421—20190505    —ON, Only 41.8—PERCENT—OF—THE—STATE—1.8-million registered voters cast ballots, barely passing the 40-percent threshold that will also be required to make the runoff valid.
20190505             —STORMED, AFGHANISTAN, Taliban insurgents, 1—POLICE—HEADQUARTERS in THE—CAPITAL—OF—NORTH—BAGHLAN province, killing at least 3—PEOPLE.
20190505             —CARRIED, Coalition forces, out airstrikes against TALIBAN—RUN heroin labs in Farah province.
20190505             15—LABORERS were reported killed.
20190505             1—PROVINCIAL—POLICE—CHIEF—SPOKESMAN said those killed in Bakwa district were all MEMBERS—OF—THE—TALIBAN.
20190505             —EXTENDED, BRUNEI—SULTAN—HASSANAL—BOLKIAH, 1—MORATORIUM on the death penalty to incoming legislation prohibiting gay sex, seeking to temper 1—GLOBAL—BACKLASH led by celebrities such as GEORGE—CLOONEY and Elton John.
20190505             —KILLED, At least 33—PEOPLE were, —AFTER cyclone Fani struck THE—STATE—OF—ODISHA.
20190505             —KILLED, Hamas COMMANDER—HAMED—AHMED—ABED—KHUDRI was, in 1—AIR—STRIKE on his car.
20190505             ISRAEL—TANKS and warplanes had hit 350—HAMAS and Islamic Jihad targets in GAZA, killing 21—PALESTINIANS, including 12—CIVILIANS.
20190505             1—ISRAEL—MILITARY—SPOKESMAN said THE—PALESTINE—MILITANT—GROUPS—HAMAS and Islamic Jihad had fired —AROUND 690—ROCKETS toward ISRAEL, killing 4—ISRAEL—CIVILIANS.
20190505             —DEMONSTRATED, LEBANON, HUNDREDS—OF—FOREIGN—DOMESTIC—WORKERS, in BEIRUT to demand the scrapping of 1—SPONSORSHIP—SYSTEM that they complain leaves them open to abuse from employers.
20190505             1—EXECUTIVE—JET flying 13—PEOPLE from LAS—VEGAS crashed in NORTH—MEXICO near Ocampo.
20190505             No survivors were seen —DURING 1—AIR—SEARCH.
20190505             PANAMA held presidential elections.
20190505             Social democrat Laurentino Cortizo (66), 1—VETERAN—POLITICIAN and former agriculture MINISTER, won the presidential election.
20190505             41—PEOPLE were killed.
20190505             —FANNED, SOUTH—SUDAN, 1—BUSH—FIRE, by gusty winds has gutted 4—VILLAGES in THE—WEST—BAHR el Ghazal region, killing 33—PEOPLE.
20190505             The death toll was likely to rise.
20190505             † 1—SUDAN—PROTESTER—1—DAY—AFTER being shot —DURING clashes with security forces at 1—SIT—IN in THE—WEST—DARFUR region.
20190505             SYRIA, warplanes struck 1—HOSPITAL in NORTH—WEST—IDLIB province, knocking it OUT—OF—SERVICE, as government forces continued to bombard THE—REBEL—HELD region —FOLLOWING insurgent attacks last —WEEK.
20190505             † Human Rights Watch said Alia ABDUL—NOOR, 1—WOMAN with terminal cancer who was serving a 10-year prison sentence in THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES, has, in jail, —2—MONTHS—AFTER THE—UNITED—NATIONS called for her release on medical grounds.
20190505             —ARRIVED, FRANCIS—PAPA, in BULGARIA and urged government leaders directly to "not close your eyes, your hearts or your hands, in accordance with your best tradition, to those who knock at your door".
20190505             —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, 1—SURPRISE—THREAT to raise import taxes.
20190505             PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP said he would raise import taxes on $200—BILLION in CHINA—PRODUCTS to 25% from 10% as of 20190510            .
20190505             —THREATENED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP also, to slap tariffs on another $325—BILLION in CHINA—IMPORTS, covering everything CHINA ships annually to THE—USA.
20190505             USA national security adviser JOHN—BOLTON said THE—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION is deploying 1—CARRIER—STRIKE—GROUP and bombers to THE—MIDDLE—EAST in response to troubling "indications and warnings" from IRAN and to show THE—USA will retaliate with "unrelenting force" to ANY—ATTACK.
20190505             INDIA—OFFICIALS said HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE were left homeless —AFTER 1—CYCLONE—PACKING—WINDS—OF—ABOUT 200—KM per —HOUR slammed into EAST—INDIA.
20190505             ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU said he ordered the military to continue "massive strikes" against GAZA—RULING—HAMAS group and Islamic Jihad.
20190505             —KILLED, Rockets from GAZA, 3—PEOPLE in 1—ISRAEL—CITY—WHILE 5—PALESTINE—MILITANTS † in surging CROSS—BORDER—FIGHTING that included 1—RETURN by ISRAEL to singling out enemy commanders for attack.
20190505             NORTH—MACEDONIA held 1—COMPETITIVE—RUNOFF—ELECTION to choose 1—NEW—PRESIDENT—1—VOTE seen as 1—TEST—OF—THE—CENTER—LEFT government's PRO—WEST—POLICIES despite the largely ceremonial DUTIES—OF—THE—COUNTRY—HEAD—OF—STATE.
20190505             —SHOWED, NORTH—KOREAN—STATE—MEDIA—LEADER—KIM Jong Un observing LIVE—FIRE—DRILLS—OF—LONG—RANGE—MULTIPLE—ROCKET launchers and what appeared to be 1—NEW—SHORT—RANGE—BALLISTIC—MISSILE—1—DAY—AFTER SOUTH—KOREA expressed concern that the launches were 1—VIOLATION—OF—1—INTER—KOREAN agreement to cease all hostile acts.
20190505             BRIEF—AN—CORBYN: May will sich —JETZT sogar auf ZOLL—UNION einlassen
20190505             BRIEF—AN—VON der Leyen: Heckler & Koch mault über Vorgaben für Sturmgewehr
20190505             FACEBOOK—AUSSCHLUSS: DONALD—TRUMP ergreift Partei für rechte HETZEr
20190505             —APPELLIERT, Maduro vs. GUAIDÓ, USA—AUßEN—MINISTER, an VENEZUELANER (Politik, 10:16)
20190505             [l] Frechheit des Tages: Vodafone findet, DER—STAAT solle mal Leerrohre verlegen.
20190505             DIE—HABEN völlig RECHT.
20190505             Ich verstehe eh nicht, wieso wir da diese Pseudokonkurrenz aufgebaut haben im TELCO—BEREICH.
20190505             —VON, mir aus kann man das ja privatwirtschaftlich machen, aber dann so dermaßen mit Regulierung zupflastern, daß die keinen SPIEL—RAUMZUM Abzocken haben.
20190505             Ich verstehe eh nicht, wieso diese Telcos überhaupt noch am Markt präsent sind.
20190505             [l] Übrigens, nicht dass das untergeht: Der FIREFOX—ADDON—FUCKUP hat gerade einmal ALLE—TOR—USER ans Messer geliefert.
20190505             WIRTSCHAFTS—WEISER über KEVIN—KÜHNERT: "Steile, unfundierte Thesen"
20190505             Auf dem Weg zur größten Seemacht: CHINA will Meer
20190505             Nahostkonflikt: NETANYAHU weist "massive" ANGRIFFE—AUF—GAZA an
20190505             "Parents for future": "Eltern"-Petition für mehr KLIMA—SCHUTZ schafft es in den BUNDESTAG
20190505             "Mohammed"-Tweet: Twitter sperrt Account von SPD—POLITIKERIN Chebli
20190505             WELT—RAUM—TELESKOP "Hubble": Dieses Bild zeigt 265.000—GALAXIEN
20190505             Linksruck in der WIRTSCHAFTS—POLITIK, Keine MACHT für niemand
20190505             Trotz BREXITs: WARREN—BUFFETT liebäugelt mit Deals in GROSSBRITANNIEN
20190505             —NEUE—GEWALT im Nahostkonflikt: Mindestens 4—WEITERE Tote in ISRAEL und GAZA
20190505             Astronomen HABEN—CA—7500—EINZELAUFNAHMEN des "Hubble"-WELT—RAUMTELESKOPS zu einem Panoramabild mit 265.000—GALAXIEN kombiniert.
20190505             MANCHE—DER—GALAXIEN sind so weit entfernt, daß ihr Licht mehr als—JAHRE zu uns unterwegs war.
20190505             Sie sind damit zu einer Zeit zu sehen, als das Weltall —ERST 0.500.000.000—JAHRE—ALT war.
20190505             So lässt sich anhand des Panoramas die GESCHICHTE—DER—GALAXIENENTSTEHUNG—VON—DAMALS, —BIS—HEUTE verfolgen.
20190505             "Kein Bild wird dieses übertreffen, —BIS künftige WELT—RAUMTELESKOPE wie das 'JAMES—WEBB' starten".
20190505             Das Panorama bekam den Namen "Hubble Legacy Field" (etwa: "Hubbles" VERMÄCHTNIS—HIMMELSAUSSCHNITT)
20190505             DAS—NEUE—"Hubble"-Panorama DECKT—CA—96—PROZENT—DER—KOSMISCHEN—VERGANGENHEIT ab.
20190505             DIE—AM weitesten entfernten Galaxien, die darauf zu sehen sind, senden nur 1—ZEHNMILLIARDSTEL der Helligkeit aus, die das menschliche Auge erfassen könne.
20190505             RICHARD—GRENELL, USA—BOTSCHAFTER—DRÄNGT—DEUTSCHLAND zu höheren Rüstungsausgaben
20190505             Augenzeugenberichte aus LIBYEN: "Wenn sie genug hatten, rammten sie meinen Kopf GEGEN—DIE—WAND" (SPIEGEL+, 17:11)
20190505             FINANZ—UND KLIMA—POLITIK, Besessen von der falschen 0
20190505             BERLINer STAATS—SEKRETÄRIN: Was hinter der TWITTER—SPERRE Cheblis steckt
20190505             Beluga mit Kameragurt: Mutmaßlicher SPIONAGE—WAL heißt —JETZT "Hvaldimir"
20190505             EUROPAwahl und Desinformation: In diesem Abwehrzentrum will FACEBOOK seine Nutzer vor MANIPULATION schützen
20190505             USA—HANDELSKONFLIKT—MIT—CHINA: DONALD—TRUMP will Zölle ab —FREITAG mehr als verdoppeln
20190505             —GETÖTET, Bombardierung in GAZA: 5—WEITERE PALÄSTINENSER
20190505             [l] Die VDI—NACHRICHTEN über unsichere Arztpraxen und Krankenhäuser.
20190505             DIE—IM Rahmen der —STUDIE beauftragten IT—SICHERHEITSSPEZIALISTEN fanden im Darknet ZUGANGSDATEN—VON—60—PROZENT—DER—DEUTSCHEN—KLINIKEN sowie von jeder 10. Arztpraxis.
20190505             Und dann über MICROSOFT meckern, klar.
20190505             Aber lasst euch davon nicht die Laune kaputtmachen.
20190505             "Neue Medizingeräte setzen Container und virtuelle Maschinen ein".
20190505             Darin läuft ein eigenes abgeschottetes BETRIEBS—SYSTEM nur für die medizinische Spezialanwendung.
20190505             JA SUPER! Die benutzen das natürlich zum Upselling!
20190505             Ja, sorry, Herr Arzt, ihre Hardware ist noch zu alt für die schönen neuen "SECURITY—FEATURES" wie Virtualisierung und Cloud!
20190505             Da müssen Sie die neue Generation kaufen!1!!
20190505             Oder wie wäre es alternativ damit, wenn ihr den Ärzten nicht unsicheren Scheiß verkaufen würdet?
20190505             Geräte ohne NETZ—WERKANSCHLUSS? Und ohne Windows drauf?
20190505             [l] WIR WERDEN ALLE—STÖRBEN!! 5G wird die Wettervorhersage sabotieren, und dann werden wir den nächsten Monstersturm nicht mehr kommen sehen!!
20190505             [l] DIE—GUTE—NACHRICHT: Globuli wirken doch.
20190505             —DIE—SCHLECHTE—NACHRICHT, Wenn man täglich 30—ARSEN—GLOBULI nimmt.
20190505             PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP said he would raise import taxes on $200—BILLION in CHINA—PRODUCTS to 25% from 10% as of 20190510        .
20200411             DIE—REGIERUNG in IRLAND hat die Beschränkungen der Bewegungsfreiheit in dem Land wegen der CORONA—PANDEMIE —BIS zum 20200505              verlängert.
20200427—20200505    —BIS, Der ONLINE—VERSANDHÄNDLER AMAZON will wegen eines Gerichtsstreits um CORONA—SCHUTZMAßNAHMEN seine Logistikzentren in FRANKREICH geschlossen lassen.
20200427—20200505    Die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter sollten —BIS dahin bei vollem Gehalt zu Hause bleiben,
20200505             vom 20200301              —20190426—BIS.genau 3856—FÄLLE—VON—WOHNUNGSEINBRUCHDIEBSTAHL registriert wurden,
20200505             —DISMISSED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, concerns that THE—NUMBER—OF—DEATHS from the coronavirus could nearly double in the next 3—MONTHS.
20200505             Trump said that THE—COVID—19—TASK—FORCE would be winding down and be replaced with 1—NEW—GROUP to focus more on rebooting the economy.
20200505             THE—USA—TREASURY—DEPARTMENT said it will begin distributing $4.8—BILLION in PANDEMIC—RELIEF—FUNDS—TODAY to Native USA—TRIBAL—GOVERNMENTS in all USA—STATES.
20200505             1—NEWLY revised coronavirus mortality model predicts nearly 135,000 Americans will die from COVID—19—BY early August, almost double previous projections.
20200505             RICK—BRIGHT, FORMER—DIRECTOR—OF—THE—USA—BIOMEDICAL—ADVANCED—RESEARCH and Development Authority, filed 1—WHISTLE—BLOWER complaint saying he was ousted from his position and reassigned to 1—LESSER—POSITION—AFTER raising concerns that THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION wanted to "flood" coronavirus hot spots with the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine.
20200505             1—USA—DISTRICT—JUDGE ruled that THE—NEW—YORK Democratic presidential primary must take place 20200623              because canceling it would be unconstitutional and deprive withdrawn presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and ANDREW—YANG of proper representation at the Democratic convention.
20200505             † NEW—YORK lost 232—RESIDENTS to the coronavirus, including 25—PEOPLE who in nursing homes.
20200505             AFGHANISTAN—GOVERNMENT began distributing free bread to HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE across the country as supplies have been disrupted and prices have soared.
20200505             —CONFIRMED, ARGENTINA, that coronavirus cases have topped 5,000.
20200505             —AGREED, BRITAIN and THE—USA, to conduct talks on 1—TRADE—DEAL at 1 accelerated pace.
20200505             —BECAME, BRITAIN, the 1. country in EUROPE to confirm more than 32,000 coronavirus deaths.
20200505             —REPORTED, CHINA, no new deaths from COVID-19, 3—WEEKS—SINCE the country recorded its last fatality from the disease.
20200505             —REPORTED, More than 3.59—MILLION—PEOPLE have been, to be infected by the novel coronavirus globally and 250,386 have †.
20200505             —LAUNCHED, CHINA successfully, its largest carrier rocket, which was carrying 1—NEW—GENERATION spacecraft.
20200505             —CARRIED, This was the 1. mission, out by the Long March-5B.
20200505             CHINA—TROOPS took issue with 1—INDIA—PATROL on THE—NORTH—BANK—OF—PANGONG—LAKE in Ladakh, 1—REGION administered by INDIA as 1—UNION—TERRITORY.
20200505             —REACHED, FRANCE, deaths in care homes, 9,471, nearly 2—FIFTHS—OF—THE—COUNTRY—OFFICIAL—COVID—19—DEATH—TOLL.
20200505             1—STUDY by FRANCE—SCIENTISTS suggested 1—MAN was infected with COVID-19 as early as 20201227             , nearly 1—MONTH—BEFORE FRANCE confirmed its 1. cases.
20200505             HONG—KONG said it will relax restrictions on public gatherings and allow gyms, cinemas and beauty parlors to RE—OPEN this —WEEK as new cases dwindle.
20200505             —ANNOUNCED, IRAN, that confirmed coronavirus infections had reached almost 100,000 in the country as fresh cases picked up again —AFTER 1—BRIEF—DROP in recent days.
20200505             —REPORTED, —AROUND 50—PEOPLE were, missing —FOLLOWING the incident.
20200505             —REGISTERED, MEXICO, 26,025 coronavirus cases and 2,507 deaths.
20200505             PAKISTAN said it raised concerns with THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES that workers are returning home with high infection rates and that crowded living conditions in THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES—MAY be helping the virus spread.
20200505             —ORDERED, THE—PHILIPPINES'—NATIONAL—TELECOMMUNICATIONS—COMMISSION, the country's leading broadcaster ABS—CBN Corp to cease operations, as 1—PARLIAMENT dominated by PRESIDENT—RODRIGO—DUTERTE—LOYALISTS dragged its feet over renewing its license.
20200505             —REPORTED, RUSSIA, 10,102 new cases of COVID-19 for the 3. —DAY in 1—ROW, with the country's overall caseload soaring past 150,000. RUSSIA —NOW has 155,370 diagnosed cases.
20200505             —REPORTED, SPAIN, 185—DEATHS over the last 24—HOURS.
20200505             The overall coronavirus death toll in the country rose to 25,613. The overall number of diagnosed cases rose to 219,329.
20200505             —RECORDED, UKRAINE has, 12,697 coronavirus cases, including 316—DEATHS.
20200505             —ESTIMATED, THE—UN—CHILDREN'S—AGENCY said that 1, 46—MILLION—PEOPLE - 19—MILLION—OF them CHILDREN—FLED violence and conflict —LAST—YEAR but remained in their home country, and millions more were displaced by disasters.
20200505             —REPORTED, YEMEN, the Houthis, who control the north, their 1. CASE—OF—COVID 19. By THE—END—OF—MAY they claimed 1—TOTAL—OF—4—INFECTIONS in SANA'A.
20200505             Pfizer Inc and BioNTech SE said they have begun delivering DOSES—OF—THEIR—EXPERIMENTAL—CORONAVIRUS—VACCINES for initial human testing in THE—USA.
20200505             BRAZIL, THE—MAYOR—OF—MANAUS, the biggest city in the Amazon rainforest region, asked world leaders for help fighting the novel coronavirus, which has brought his city's health system to THE—BRINK—OF—COLLAPSE.
20200505             BRAZIL hit 1—RECORD for daily coronavirus deaths, indicating that it is still in THE—THICK—OF—ITS—BATTLE even as SOME—AREAS—OF—THE—COUNTRY begin to reopen.
20200505             BRITAIN and THE—USA—AGREED to conduct talks on 1—TRADE—DEAL at 1—ACCELERATED pace.
20200505             —ENGAGED, Soldiers from both nations, in fistfights and STONE—PELTING along THE—LINE—OF—ACTUAL—CONTROL.
20200505             —REPORTED, INDONESIA, its biggest daily rise in infections with 484—NEW—CASES—TAKING the total to 12,071.
20200505             —RECORDED, IRAN, 63—DEATHS in the past 24—HOURS—REACHING—1—TOTAL—OF—6—340—FROM COVID-19 to date.
20200505             —TESTED, Another 1,323—PEOPLE—POSITIVE for the virus, bringing the overall number to 99,970.
20200505             —REPORTED, It was, that ITALY plans to give work permits to THOUSANDS—OF—IRREGULAR migrants to help farms deal with THE—COVID—19—EPIDEMIC that has cut THE—FLOW—OF—CHEAP—LABOR from abroad.
20200505             † In WEST—LIBERIA 2—MINERS in 1—MINE—COLLAPSE in Grand Cape MOUNT—COUNTY.
20200505             —REPORTED, RUSSIA, 10,102 new CASES—OF—COVID—19 for the 3. —DAY in 1—ROW, with the country's overall caseload soaring past 150,000.
20200505             —DIAGNOSED, RUSSIA —NOW has 155,370, cases.
20200505             However, the country's death toll remains relatively low with —JUST 95—FATALITIES reported in the past 24—HOURS—BRINGING the nationwide tally to 1,451.
20200505             —REPORTED, SOUTH—KOREA, no new locally transmitted infections of the novel coronavirus and —JUST 3—IMPORTED—CASES over the past 24—HOURS.
20200505             The overall coronavirus death toll in the country rose to 25,613.
20200505             The overall NUMBER—OF—DIAGNOSED cases rose to 219,329.
20200505             —REPORTED, YEMEN, the Houthis, who control the north, their 1. CASE—OF—COVID—19.
20200505             —CLAIMED, By THE—END—OF—MAY they, 1—TOTAL—OF—4—INFECTIONS in SANA'A.
20200505             —CORONA kann mich mal!: Der 20200501              zwischen VERMUMMUNGS—VERBOTUND MASKENpflicht
20200505             05;;042353 Panorama
20200505             —BEGINNT, Zukunft der WELT—WIRTSCHAFT: Die Deglobalisierung
20200505             Warnung in internen Dokumenten: STEIGENDE—INFEKTIONSZAHLEN in den USA prognostiziert
20200505             —USA—EPIDEMIOLOGE: Warum sind DIE—USA so stark betroffen? - "Aufgrund von Inkompetenz" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—CHRISTOPH—SCHEUERMANN
20200505             Nördlich von RUSSLAND, USA—KRIEGSSCHIFFE kreuzen 1. —SEIT über 30—JAHREN in der Barentssee
20200505             —KLIMAWANDEL—EXTREMSZENARIO: 33—PROZENT—DER—WELT—BEVÖLKERUNG könnte —BIS 2070—UNTER großer Hitze leiden
20200505             1. HERAUSGEBER—VON—OXFORD—WÖRTERBUCH hielt "Antisemit" für kurzlebigen Begriff
20200505             TÜRKEI wichtigster Abnehmer: DEUTSCHLAND—WAFFENEXPORTE steigen auf—EURO
20200505             GRENZE—ZU—MEXIKO: Mehrere Kilo Kokain per Drohne in DIE—USA geschmuggelt
20200505             "Loyal Wingman": Boeing baut Kampfdrohnen für AUSTRALIEN
20200505             —ANGRIFF—AUF—DEN BUNDESTAG: DEUTSCHLAND—ERMITTLER fahnden nach PUTINs Tophacker
20200505             Warnung von Bildungsexperten: JEDES—JAHR weniger Schule kostet 7—PROZENT Gehalt
20200505             [l] In RUSSLAND stirbt man nicht an CORONA—VIRUS—.
20200505             —SCHON gar nicht als Arzt.
20200505             1—PARAMEDIC who complained about being forced to work despite contracting CORONA—VIRUS is in critical condition —AFTER he fell from 1—HOSPITAL—WINDOW in WEST—RUSSIA this weekend, local MEDIA—REPORTED.
20200505             This is at least the 3. incident in which 1—RUSSIA—HEALTHCARE professional has plunged from 1—HOSPITAL building under mysterious circumstances in the past 2—WEEKS.
20200505             [l] Wie schlimm ist die Lage? So schlimm: DIE—USA—STREIT—KRÄFTE posten WW2-Propagandaposter mit ANTI—COVID—SLOGANS.
20200505             [l] 1—GLÜCK, daß die Amis ALLE—SCHUSS—WAFFEN haben.
20200505             So hat Tyrannei KEINE—CHANCE.
20200505             Tyrannei wie DIE—MASKEN—PFLICHT—GEGEN—COVID.
20200505             "In addition, there has been 1—THREAT—OF—VIOLENCE using 1—FIREARM. This has occurred in 3—SHORT—HOURS and in the face of clear medical evidence that face coverings helps contain THE—SPREAD—OF—COVID—19".
20200505             —REAGIERT, DIE—POLITIK hat auch sofort, und DIE—MASKEN—PFLICHT in 1—MASKENEMPFEHLUNG umgewandelt.
20200505             —AMENDED, Due to THE—THREATS—OF—VIOLENCE, Mayor WILL—JOYCE, the emergency order to encourage, rather than require, face coverings in THE—CITY—OF—50,000—PEOPLE.
20200505             [l] Wie schlimm ist die Lage? So schlimm: AfD fordert sofortige Grenzöffnungen.
20200505             Wait, what?!
20200505             Anleihenkäufe: MILLIARDEN—PROGRAMM der EZB ist teilweise verfassungswidrig
20200505             —CORONA—VIRUS, Krankenhaus bei PARIS entdeckt COVID—19—FALL vom ;;12;;
20200505             Future of Our Global Economy: THE—BEGINNING—OF—DE—GLOBALIZATION By ALEXANDER—JUNG
20200505             JOHN—LEGEND über DONALD—TRUMP: "Das genaue Gegenteil von dem, was wir gerade brauchen"
20200505             Das Tourismusland MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN öffnet wieder seine Gaststätten und beendet noch vor Pfingsten das mehrwöchige EINREISE—VERBOTFÜR auswärtige Touristen.
20200505             Basis für diese weitreichende Entscheidung sei die weiterhin geringe ZAHL—VON—CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN trotz Ladenöffnung und teilweiser WIEDER—AUFNAHME—DES—SCHULBETRIEBS.
20200505             Kalifornien will strenge Auflagen für Geschäfte während der CORONA—KRISE schrittweise lockern.
20200505             das Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) an der UNIVERSITÄT—VON—WASHINGTON
20200505             —VERWENDET, DIE—MODELLE des Instituts werden auch vom Weißen Haus.
20200505             Esken denkt, daß die Schulen wegen des Abstandsgebots auch —NACH—DEN Sommerferien lediglich einen SCHICHT—UNTERRICHT in kontrollierbaren kleinen Gruppen anbieten können, begleitet von digital gestützten Lernangeboten für zu Hause.
20200505             "Wie lange das so bleibt, hängt womöglich davon ab, wann 1—IMPFSTOFF kommt. Ich plädiere deshalb dafür, daß wir das neue Unterrichtskonzept von vornherein als Chance auslegen und nicht nur als Notbehelf",
20200505             Vertreter der indigenen Bevölkerung in BRASILIEN haben die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) gebeten, einen RETTUNGS—FONDS einzurichten, um ihre Gemeinden vor der BE—DROHUNG durch DIE—CORONA—VIRUS—PANDEMIE zu schützen.
20200505             "Es handelt sich um einen echten Notfall. Indigene Menschen sind verwundbar und haben keinen Schutz", sagte Joenia Wapichana, die 1. indigene Frau, die in den BRASILIEN—KONGRESS gewählt wurde, laut NACHRICHTEN—AGENTUR REUTERS.
20200505             DIE—REGIERUNG—VON—PRÄSIDENT—JAIR Bolsonaro habe die indigene Bevölkerung nicht in die nationalen Pläne zur Bekämpfung des VIRUS einbezogen,
20200505             Bolsonaros neuer Gesundheitsminister, NELSON—TEICH, sagte, daß der Schutz der indigenen Bevölkerung 1—PRIORITÄT sei.
20200505             DIE—ZAHL—DER—MIT—DEM—CORONA—VIRUS—IN—VERBINDUNG stehenden Todesfälle in der indigenen Bevölkerung in BRASILIEN ist nach ANGABEN—DES—INDIGENEN—DACHVERBANDS—APIB auf 18—GESTIEGEN.
20200505             —GEMELDET, Die BRASILIEN—REGIERUNG hat offiziell 6—TODESFÄLLE.
20200505             Viele der 850.000—INDIGENEN BRASILIENs leben in abgelegenen Gebieten des Amazonas mit wenig oder keinem Zugang zu medizinischer Versorgung.
20200505             Der SEUCHEN—FORSCHER LARRY—BRILLIANT warnte —BEREITS 20060000              vor einer PANDEMIE, die der Menschheit schweren Schaden zufügen würde.
20200505             Er sagt, wir müssen uns auf weitere KATASTROPHEn einstellen.
20200505             APPLE und Google wollen bei ihrem gemeinsamen KONTAKTVERFOLGUNGS—SYSTEM zur Warnung und Rückverfolgung von CORONA—VIRUS—INFEKTIONEN die STAND—ORTBESTIMMUNG abschalten.
20200505             KONTAKTVERFOLGUNGS—SYSTEM zur Warnung und Rückverfolgung
20200505             Beide Unternehmen bekräftigten am —DIENSTAG, daß die Privatsphäre und die Verhinderung des Sammelns von Nutzerdaten ein vorrangiges Ziel sei.
20200505             erfasst wird, welche Smartphones einander nahe gekommen sind.
20200505             Beim Konzept von APPLE und Google soll die Entfernung zwischen Smartphones anhand der BLUETOOTH—SIGNALSTÄRKE gemessen werden.
20200505             DIE—GERÄTE sollen zugleich via Bluetooth ein verschlüsseltes Signal austauschen.
20200505             Damit sollen Begegnungen nachvollzogen werden können, ohne dass 1—EINZELNER nachverfolgbar wäre.
20200505             —VERWENDET, Das System, und speichert dabei keinerlei GPS—STAND—ORTDATEN.
20200505             DIE—UNTERNEHMEN planen, nur den Gesundheitsbehörden die Nutzung der Technologie zu gestatten.
20200505             Wegen der CORONA—PANDEMIE gehen EXPERTEN—VON—EINEM—ANSTIEG an Erkrankten mit Zwangsstörungen aus.
20200505             "Wenn DIE—KRISE vorbei ist, dann werden sicherlich eine ganze Menge übrig bleiben, bei denen sich 1—ZWANGSSTÖRUNG bildet", sagt WOLF—HARTMANN, Geschäftsführer der DEUTSCHLAND—GESELLSCHAFT Zwangserkrankungen (DGZ).
20200505             Durch die hohe Präsenz der PANDEMIE in Medien und DIE—CORONA—BESCHRÄNKUNGEN bekämen VIELE—ANGST, die sonst nichts mit Zwang und "Kontaminationsbefürchtung" zu tun hätten.
20200505             doch ganz sicher ließe sich das zum jetzigen ZEIT—PUNKT noch nicht sagen.
20200505             Etwa 2—PROZENT—DER—DEUTSCHEN—BEVÖLKERUNG haben laut WAHL—KORDON von der Oberberg Fachklinik Schwarzwald 1—ZWANGSERKRANKUNG
20200505             Stress und schwerwiegende Lebensereignisse, wie der Tod oder eine schwere Erkrankung von Angehörigen können nach ANGABEN—DER—BUNDESPSYCHOTHERAPEUTENKAMMER 1—ZWANGSERKRANKUNG auslösen.
20200505             "DIE—KOMMUNALEN Haushalte werden so hohe Einbußen erleiden, wie wir sie in der GESCHICHTE—DER—BUNDESREPUBLIK noch nicht gesehen haben", sagte der —PRÄSIDENT—DES—STÄDTETAGES und Oberbürgermeister der Stadt LEIPZIG, BURKHARD—JUNG,
20200505             Mindestens 15—BIS 20—PROZENT—DER—GEWERBESTEUER würden im Bundesdurchschnitt wegbrechen, möglicherweise sogar noch deutlich mehr,
20200505             "Wir brauchen einen kommunalen Rettungsschirm, der mit einem zweistelligen Milliardenbetrag unterlegt ist".
20200505             Das Ergebnis DER—INTERNATIONALEN Geberkonferenz für einen CORONA—IMPFSTOFF ist aus Sicht der BILL—UND—MELINDA—GATES—STIFTUNG ein wichtiges Zeichen DER—INTERNATIONALEN Solidarität.
20200505             internationalen Solidarität
20200505             "DIE—ZUSAGEN der BUNDE—REGIERUNG sind ein entscheidender Beitrag, um die Arbeit an Tests, Medikamenten und einem wirksamen und sicheren Impfstoff voranzutreiben und auch den Menschen in den ärmsten Ländern einen gerechten Zugang zu ermöglichen", erklärte Kahler.
20200505             Die GATES—STIFTUNG
20200505             EINIGE—LÄNDER haben —BEREITS angekündigt, Gaststätten —MITTE Mai eine Öffnung zu ermöglichen,
20200505             Einen —TAG vor der erneuten SCHALTKONFERENZ—VON—BUND und Ländern zu Lockerungen in der CORONA—KRISE wollen mehrere Bundesländer über eigene weitere Schritte beraten.
20200505             Vor dem Autogipfel mit KANZLERIN—MERKEL sind die Konzernchefs in die Defensive geraten.
20200505             Autogipfel - DIE—ZWEIFEL an der gewünschten Kaufprämie WACHSEN—GENAUSO wie der Ärger über die Unternehmen.
20200505             —WÄHREND, der CORONA—PANDEMIE wird vorläufigen Zahlen zufolge weniger in Wohnungen und Wohnhäuser eingebrochen.
20200505             im bevölkerungsreichsten BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20200505             waren es laut LANDESINNEN—MINISTERIUM im gleichen Zeitraum —DIESES—JAHRES, 2336.
20200505             —ENTSPRICHT, Das, einem Rückgang von fast 40—PROZENT.
20200505             Mit einer finsteren PROGNOSE hat DIE—USA—GESUNDHEITSBEHÖRDE CDC DIE—USA aufgeschreckt.
20200505             könnte die ZAHL—DER—TÄGLICHEN—NEUINFEKTIONEN —BIS—ANFANG ;;06;;
20200505             um das etwa Achtfache auf 200.000—STEIGEN, wie "NEW—YORK Times" und  WASHINGTON—POST  am —MONTAG berichteten.
20200505             —SCHON—JETZT sind DIE—USA das mit Abstand am härtesten von der PANDEMIE getroffene Land der Welt.
20200505             DIE—PROGNOSE ist damit düsterer als jene des von —PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP geschaffenen CORONA—KRISEN—STABS.
20200505             DAS—WEIßE—HAUS versuchte, die Relevanz der CDC—PROGNOSE zu relativieren.
20200505             Es handle sich um ein "internes" Dokument, das nicht mit anderen Behörden abgestimmt und auch nicht dem KRISEN—STAB vorgelegt worden sei.
20200505             DER—DEUTSCHE—LEHRER—VERBAND hat ein positives Fazit des 1. Unterrichtstags nach der Wiedereröffnung der Schulen gezogen.
20200505             Es habe sich gezeigt, "dass auch Zehnjährige sehr wohl in der Lage sind, solche Regeln einzuhalten, wenn sie von der Notwendigkeit überzeugt sind".
20200505             —SEIT, —MONTAG sind in den meisten Bundesländern die Abschlussklassen sowie die letzte Klasse der Grundschulen wieder geöffnet.
20200505             JIMMY—KIMMEL nimmt USA—REGIERUNG aufs Korn
20200505             Es gibt MUND—NASE—MASKEN in KRANKENHAUS—GRÜN oder in Blau, in vielen bunten Farben und mit den wildesten MUSTERN—UND nun auch mit einem Foto des eigenen Lächelns.
20200505             1—KLEINE Textildruckerei aus HAMBURG—WINTERHUDE ist mitten in der Krise auf die Idee gekommen, das kaum noch vorhandene Geschäft mit lebensechten FOTO—MASKEN wieder anzukurbeln.
20200505             Dabei sei die Mundpartie des eigenen Gesichts eigens so aufgedruckt, daß es so aussieht, als habe der Träger gar keine —MASKE auf, sagte Inhaber DOMINIK—KLOS.
20200505             Der 40—JAHRE—ALTE hat mit der Idee für die FOTO—MASKE vor fast 2—WOCHEN seine Mitarbeiter aus der Kurzarbeit holen können.
20200505             —DENN, die Idee kommt gut an.
20200505             "Ich arbeite gerade die Nächte durch, wir sind überrannt worden",
20200505             "Wenn man sich —SCHON maskieren muss, dann so", sagte der 66—JAHRE—ALTE der dpa.
20200505             KIEZ—GRÖßE KALLE Schwensen
20200505             "Ich bin ich. Ich brauche keine Blümchen. Das ist was für Jasmin Wagner. Ich bin KALLE Schwensen, und ich trage KALLE Schwensen. Das ist doch ganz klar".
20200505             DIE—CORONA—KRISE beschäftigt natürlich auch die USA—ENTERTAINER.
20200505             —NATÜRLICH - DIE—MEDIZINTECHNIK—SPARTE von Siemens kämpft wegen der CORONA—KRISE mit Problemen: Röntgengeräte und Computertomografen lassen sich nicht oder mit Verspätung liefern und installieren, Ärzte und Kliniken behandeln weniger Patienten mit anderen Krankheiten, weshalb die Labore weniger Reagenzien für Bluttests brauchen.
20200505             Siemens Healthineers zog am —DIENSTAG deshalb seine UMSATZ—UND Gewinnprognosen für das laufende Geschäftsjahr 2019/20, das Ende ;;09;;
20200505             endet, zurück.
20200505             "Weder für die Länge noch für die Intensität der COVID—19—PANDEMIE existieren —DERZEIT gesicherte Einschätzungen",
20200505             "Entsprechend sind aus heutiger Sicht keine gesicherten Annahmen zur Geschäftsentwicklung möglich".
20200505             DIE—TALSOHLE werde aber wohl im laufenden 3. Quartal (;;04;; —BIS Juni) durchschritten.
20200505             Zwar kommen sowohl die RÖNTGEN—UND CT—GERÄTE als auch die Systeme von Siemens zur ÜBERWACHUNG—DER—BLUTGAS—KONZENTRATION vielfach bei der Untersuchung und Behandlung von lungenkranken CORONA—PATIENTEN zum Einsatz.
20200505             Zu zusätzlichen Bestellungen hat das aber offenbar nicht geführt.
20200505             "Dass PUTIN DIE—KRISE —ERST wegreden wollte, haben DIE—RUSSEN nicht vergessen. Zu des Kremls Durchhalteparolen mischt sich 1—RAUNEN (...) darüber, wie schlimm es aussieht in den Krankenhäusern. Es kommt von denen, die sonst nicht öffentlich reden, von Ärzten und Pflegern. Wer in QUARANTÄNE nicht den ganzen —TAG Staatsfernsehen sieht, findet DIE—BERICHTE IM—NETZ—UND blickt hinter PUTINs leere Worte".
20200505             "Züricher Tagesanzeiger" zu PUTINs Umgang mit der CORONA—KRISE - PUTIN verspielt Ruf als Krisenmanager
20200505             Fast hilflos muss Kremlchef WLADIMIR—PUTIN den massiv steigenden Infektionszahlen in der CORONA—KRISE zuschauen.
20200505             an der VIRUS—FRONT explodieren die ZAHLEN—ZULETZT gab es um die 10.000—NEUE Fälle täglich.
20200505             —INFIZIERT, Auch Regierungschef MICHAIL—MISCHUSTIN ist.
20200505             PUTIN, der in seiner Moskauer Vorstadtresidenz NOWO—OGARJOWO wie in einem Bunker sitzt,
20200505             agiert in der Krise
20200505             —NACH, Meinung vieler Russen auffällig defensiv.
20200505             —DELEGIERT, Unbeliebte Entscheidungen, der 67—JAHRE—ALTE —SEIT Wochen in langatmigen im Fernsehen übertragenen Videokonferenzen an Gouverneure, denen jedoch wenig andere Möglichkeiten bleiben, als Ausgangssperren zu verhängen.
20200505             Nicht nur PUTINs Zustimmungswerte sind im Sinkflug, wie Umfrageinstitute ermittelten.
20200505             Es macht sich auch Proteststimmung BREIT—BISHER meist im INTERNET, weil Straßenaktionen verboten sind.
20200505             PUTIN selbst werde zum "Feind" der von ihm immer wieder beschworenen Stabilität, beobachtet der Politologe Andrej Perzew von der Moskauer DENK—FABRIK CARNEGIE—CENTER.
20200505             CARNEGIE—CENTER. "PUTIN wird zum ANTI—PUTIN".
20200505             Assad WARNT—VOR—"KATASTROPHE" in SYRIEN bei Zunahme der Fallzahlen - Der SYRIEN—MACHTHABER
20200505             BASCHAR AL—ASSAD hat die Menschen in dem —BÜRGER—KRIEGSLAND aufgerufen, trotz der Lockerung der CORONA—BESCHRÄNKUNGEN Disziplin zu wahren.
20200505             Andernfalls könne es in SYRIEN zu einer "KATASTROPHE" kommen, warnte er in einem am —MONTAG im INTERNET veröffentlichten Video.
20200505             —NACH, offiziellen Angaben wurden in SYRIEN —BISHER nur 44—INFEKTIONSFÄLLE und 3—TODESFÄLLE registriert.
20200505             Die kurdischen Verantwortlichen meldeten aus den von ihnen kontrollierten Gebieten im Nordosten 3—FÄLLE.
20200505             DIE—RELATIV geringe Zahl bedeute nicht, daß SYRIEN "außerhalb der Gefahrenzone" liege, sagte Assad.
20200505             DIE—ZAHL könnte "innerhalb weniger Tage oder vielleicht Wochen —PLÖTZLICH, explodieren".
20200505             Dies würde für SYRIEN "eine echte KATASTROPHE" bedeuten, der das GESUNDHEITS—SYSTEM des Staates nicht gewachsen sei.
20200505             Der —SEIT 9—JAHREN andauernde BÜRGER—KRIEG hat das GESUNDHEITS—SYSTEM in SYRIEN erheblich geschwächt.
20200505             Der - BÜRGER
20200505             —KRIEG - hat das GESUNDHEITS—SYSTEM in SYRIEN erheblich geschwächt.
20200505             70—PROZENT der einst in dem Land tätigen Mitarbeiter im GESUNDHEITS—WESEN sind geflüchtet.
20200505             —PLÄDIERT, In der Lockerungsdebatte, BUNDESGESUNDHEITS—MINISTER—JENS Spahn (CDU) dafür, regional angepasst zu agieren.
20200505             "Was wir entwickeln müssen, sind gar nicht Regelungen an den Landesgrenzen, sondern regionale Unterschiede",
20200505             LANDKREISEN, mit wenig Infizierten könne man anders handeln als in Kommunen mit vielen Krankheitsfällen.
20200505             sollten demnach Kriterien entwickelt werden, wie 1—AUSBRUCHSGESCHEHEN beispielsweise in einem PfleGEHEIM oder nach einer Veranstaltung frühzeitig regional in den Griff zu bekommen sei.
20200505             ein Ausbruchsgeschehen
20200505             Dort könne man dann sehr schnell mit einschränkenden Maßnahmen lokal vorgehen, um zu verhindern, daß sich DAS—VIRUS stärker ausbreite.
20200505             Wenn dies gelinge, dann "wird es immer mal wieder Regionen geben, wo man stärker eingreift, auch beschränkt, aber damit tatsächlich den Rest des Landes auch schützt".
20200505             —DIE—SPD—POLITIKERIN forderte "1—STUFEN—SYSTEM mit klar nachvollziehbaren WENN—DANN—WENN—REGELN": "Wenn die Fallzahlen klein bleiben, dann können wir Gaststätten wieder ÖFFNEN—WENN die Gastronomen 1—HYGIENEKONZEPT haben und die Gäste sich an die Regeln halten".
20200505             Wichtig bleibe, "dass die Länder im Grundsatz gemeinsam entscheiden" und bei den Auslegungen zugleich den Freiraum hätten, auf ihre jeweiligen Besonderheiten einzugehen, sagte die RHEINLAND—PFÄLZISCHE Regierungschefin.
20200505             LUXEMBURGs Regierung hat DEUTSCHLAND aufgefordert, die verhängten Grenzschließungen UND—KONTROLLEN aufzuheben.
20200505             Für sie gebe es keinen triftigen Grund und sie verursachten "immer größer werdenden Unmut in der Bevölkerung auf beiden Seiten der Grenze", erklärte LUXEMBURGs AUßEN—MINISTER—JEAN Asselborn, der sich demnach in einem Brief an BUNDESINNEN—MINISTER—HORST SEEHOFER (CSU) wandte.
20200505             DIE—KONTROLLEN drohten, "das grenzüberschreitende Zusammenleben in der Großregion dauerhaft zu schädigen".
20200505             Für Asselborn stellt die Lage in LUXEMBURG keine BE—DROHUNG für Nachbarregionen dar.
20200505             Es gebe deshalb keinen ersichtlichen Grund, die BINNENGRENZ—KONTROLLEN weiter aufrechtzuerhalten.
20200505             In den Gebieten unter PALÄSTINA—KONTROLLE im besetzten Westjordanland sind die Ausgangsbeschränkungen um einen weiteren —MONAT verlängert worden.
20200505             Der am ;;0322;;             verhängte Ausnahmezustand werde —BIS mindestens 5. ;;06;;
20200505             beibehalten, sagte PALÄSTINENSER—PRÄSIDENT—MAHMUD Abbas.
20200505             DIE—REGELUNGEN gelten nicht für den von der radikalislamischen Hamas regierten Gazastreifen.
20200505             —GELOCKERT, Dort wurden die Beschränkungen —BEREITS.
20200505             DIE—PALÄSTINENSERREGIERUNG fürchtet deshalb, daß sich DAS—VIRUS durch die zehntausenden Palästinenser, die in ISRAEL arbeiten, weiter ausbreiten könnte.
20200505             DIE—ITALIENER haben sich in den vergangenen Wochen mit preußischem Gehorsam an ihren Hausarrest gehalten.
20200505             —NUN, können sie sich langsam wieder an alte Freiheiten neu gewöhnen.
20200505             Vom DEUTSCHLAND—ETHIKRAT gibt es Kritik am geplanten Neustart der Bundesliga.
20200505             Dass die Liga eventuell bald —SCHON wieder anfangen könne, sei das Ergebnis von "geschicktem Lobbying".
20200505             ÖSTERREICH, sorgt sich die Regierung, daß die Wachsamkeit in Teilen der Bevölkerung nachlässt.
20200505             Es sei 1—VERUNSICHERUNG spürbar, die durch VERSCHWÖRUNGS—THEORIEN in sozialen Medien geschürt werde, sagte GESUNDHEITS—MINISTER—RUDOLF Anschober (Grüne).
20200505             Einigen falle es immer schwerer, die HYGIENE—REGELN auch einzuhalten.
20200505             "Wir sind in einer ganz heiklen Phase", meint INNEN—MINISTER—KARL—NEHAMMER (ÖVP).
20200505             DIE—BISHERIGEN großen Erfolge stünden auf dem Spiel.
20200505             DIE—BISHERIGEN Öffnungsschritte wie das ENDE—DER—AUSGANGSBESCHRÄNKUNGEN und das Öffnen der Geschäfte hätten sich nicht negativ ausgewirkt, hieß es.
20200505             "Der Mai wird der Entscheidungsmonat", sagte Anschober.
20200505             LUFTHANSA—CHEF—CARSTEN Spohr hat bei den anstehenden Staatshilfen vor zu hohen Schuldenlasten gewarnt.
20200505             "Vor allem dürfen wir uns nicht überschulden. Das würde uns über —JAHRE lähmen", sagte der Vorstandschef bei der Hauptversammlung des DAX—KONZERNS.
20200505             DIE—POLITIK müsse darauf 8., daß Hilfen nicht zu einer Schieflage im internationalen Wettbewerb führen.
20200505             Wettbewerber aus den USA oder CHINA könnten sich in der aktuellen Situation mit staatlicher Hilfe gesund sanieren.
20200505             DER—INTERNATIONALE Wettbewerb dürfe nicht durch Art und Umfang unterschiedlicher Staatshilfen verzerrt wird.
20200505             Lufthansa brauche —JETZT staatliche Unterstützung.
20200505             "Aber wir brauchen keine staatliche Geschäftsführung",
20200505             "Auch in der BUNDE—REGIERUNG in BERLIN möchte niemand eine staatlich gelenkte Lufthansa".
20200505             Kein Land ist so sehr von der CORONA—PANDEMIE betroffen wie DIE—USA.
20200505             Das liegt auch an DONALD—TRUMP, findet JOHN—LEGEND.
20200505             Nicht das 1. Mal, daß der Musiker scharfe Kritik am USA—PRÄSIDENTEN übt.
20200505             DIE—ZAHL—DER—COVID—19—IMPFSTOFFPROJEKTE legt rasant zu.
20200505             —LAUT—ANGABEN—DES—VERBANDS der forschenden Pharmaunternehmen (VFA) gibt es WELT—WEIT  —INZWISCHEN.
20200505             115—IMPFSTOFFPROJEKTE.
20200505             7—WÜRDEN maßgeblich in DEUTSCHLAND vorangetrieben, dabei handele es sich um Forschungen der Biotechunternehmen BioNTech, CureVac, Prime Vector Technologies, Artes Biotechnology sowie 2—PROJEKTE des DEUTSCHLAND—ZENTRUMS für Infektionsforschung.
20200505             10—IMPFSTOFFKANDIDATEN würden WELT—WEIT —BEREITS in klinischen Studienprogrammen mit Freiwilligen getestet.
20200505             —GESTARTET, DEUTSCHLAND, hat Biontech die 1. klinische Studie.
20200505             —VERDREIFACHT, DIE—ZAHL—DER—IMPFSTOFFPROJEKTE hat sich damit —SEIT—MITTE März fast,
20200505             "Kulturbetriebe, Theater und musikalische Ensembles brauchen Planungssicherheit", sagte Kunstministerin Theresia Bauer (Grüne).
20200505             Es drohe 1—SITUATION, "in der gesundheitlich besonders gefährdete Beschäftigte allein aus ANGST—VOR—VERDIENSTAUSFALL ihre Arbeit in den Betrieben wieder aufnehmen und sich damit in Lebensgefahr begeben".
20200505             Für solche Beschäftigte müsse es daher ein Überbrückungsgeld geben, dessen Höhe sich an den Regelungen zum Kurzarbeitergeld orientiere.
20200505             Euskirchen Kreis Fälle 370—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 191,9—TODES—FÄLLE 16,—EINWOHNERZAHL—192.840
20200505             Aktualisierung 202005050000
20200505             Düren Kreis Fälle 565—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 214,2—TODES—FÄLLE 33,—EINWOHNERZAHL—263.722
20200505             KÖLN Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle 2.323—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 214,0—TODES—FÄLLE 91,—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.085.664
20200505             RHEINISCH—BERGISCHER—KREIS Fälle 433—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 152,8—TODES—FÄLLE 17,—EINWOHNERZAHL—283.455
20200505             BERLIN Neukölln Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle 661—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 200,5—TODES—FÄLLE 23,—EINWOHNERZAHL—329.691
20200505             Suhl Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle 13—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 37,3—TODES—FÄLLE 2,—EINWOHNERZAHL—34.835
20200505             BEJA CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—10 - SERPA CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—15 - Tue 20200505
20200505             —CORONA—KRISE: Ökonomen kritisieren Konjunkturprogramme
20200505             Prozessbeginn in ERFURT: Polizisten sollen Frau in Gewahrsam vergewaltigt haben
20200505             —CORONA—KRISE: Söder hebt Ausgangsbeschränkungen für BAYERN auf
20200505             Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge: Flüchtlinge klagen gegen Auswertung ihrer Handydaten
20200505             GEGEN—LEISTUNG für Staatshilfe: Air FRANCE soll Inlandsflüge zugunsten von Schnellzügen streichen
20200505             Ursprung des CORONA—VIRUS, GEHEIM—DIENSTE halten Laborunfall für "höchst unwahrscheinlich"
20200505             —LAUT, Aktivisten: Angriff ISRAEL—TÖTET 14—PROIRANISCHE Kämpfer in SYRIEN
20200505             "Giftcocktail": Uno befürchtet Hungerkrise durch CORONA in Westafrika
20200505             —GRASSIERT, RUSSLAND, die PANDEMIE: PUTINs Ringen mit dem VIRUS
20200505             —CORONA—PANDEMIE: POLIZEI legt 1000—SEITIGEN Zwischenbericht zu Ischgl vor
20200505             Länderchefs übergehen MERKEL: Die Entmachtung
20200505             Haushaltspolitischer SPRECHER—DER—SPD—FRAKTION: JOHANNES Kahrs legt ALLE—ÄMTER und Bundestagsmandat nieder
20200505             —NACH, dem Lockdown: BRANCHEN—VERBAND erwartet Preisrutsch bei Flugtickets
20200505             Gesellschaft in der CORONA—KRISE: "Es tun sich Bruchlinien auf"
20200505             —CORONA—PANDEMIE: Griechenlands erfolgreicher Weg durch DIE—KRISE Aus THESSALONIKI berichtet Giorgos Christides
20200505             Reparationen für CORONA—VIRUS—: "Soll CHINA dem Rest der Welt einen Scheck über 10—BILLIONEN DOLLAR ausstellen?"
20200505             In der PANDEMIE ist laut dem ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUT (RKI) mit weiteren Ansteckungswellen zu rechnen.
20200505             "Das ist 1—PANDEMIE. Und bei einer PANDEMIE wird dieses VIRUS so lange Krankheiten hervorrufen, —BIS 60—BIS 70—PROZENT—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG infiziert sind", bekräftigte RKI—PRÄSIDENT—LOTHAR Wieler.
20200505             Es werde "mit großer Sicherheit" eine 2. Welle geben, dessen sei sich die MEHRHEIT—DER—WISSENSCHAFTLER sicher.
20200505             Viele gingen auch von einer 3. Welle aus.
20200505             —SEIT—ENDE März läuft bei der STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT 1—ERMITTLUNGSVERFAHREN wegen des Verdachts der Gefährdung durch ansteckende Krankheiten.
20200505             Dem Verfahren haben sich laut STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT  —INZWISCHEN. auch 321—BETROFFENE angeschlossen, die meisten stammen aus DEUTSCHLAND.
20200505             1—FRAGE ist, ob gemäß vorliegenden Erkenntnissen rechtzeitig gehandelt wurde.
20200505             —UNTERDESSEN, haben sich 5380—MENSCHEN mit Zuschriften bei einem ÖSTERREICH—VERBRAUCHERSCHÜTZER gemeldet, der DAS—LAND Tirol wegen des Managements der CORONA—KRISE angezeigt hatte.
20200505             FRANKREICH will seine eigene WARN—APP ab —ANFANG ;;06;; zum Einsatz bringen.
20200505             Die "StopCovid"-App, mit der der Kontakt von positiv getesteten Personen nachverfolgt werden soll, solle —BIS zum 2. ;;06;;
20200505             fertig sein, DIE—WARN—APP soll mit Hilfe von BLUETOOTH—SIGNALEN erfassen, welche Smartphones einander nahegekommen SIND—UND Nutzer warnen, wenn sich später herausstellt, daß sie sich neben infizierten Personen aufhielten.
20200505             DIE—APP werde dabei nicht auf die Schnittstellen von Google oder APPLE zurückgreifen.
20200505             Es gebe bei den Lösungen der USA—KONZERNE eine "REIHE—VON—PROBLEMEN hinsichtlich des Schutz der Privatsphäre und der Verbindung mit dem Gesundheitssystem", sagte O.
20200505             Menschen mit asiatischem Aussehen berichteten, sie seien in Geschäften mit viel größerem Abstand oder gar nicht —ERST bedient worden: DIE—ANTI—DISKRIMINIERUNGSSTELLE des Bundes hat mehr als 100—MELDUNGEN zu Diskriminierung im Zusammenhang mit dem CORONA—VIRUS— erhalten.
20200505             "DIE—FÄLLE reichen von unverhohlenem rassistischem Verhalten in der Öffentlichkeit —BIS hin zu körperlichen Übergriffen",
20200505             Andere BÜRGER wendeten sich an DIE—ANTI—DISKRIMINIERUNGSSTELLE, weil Kinder nicht in Supermärkte gelassen wurden.
20200505             Solche Regelungen hätten Alleinerziehende vor große Probleme gestellt.
20200505             Bewaffnete Konflikte, VERTREIBUNGEN—UND —JETZT auch noch CORONA: In Westafrika drohe —JETZT 1—HUNGER—KRISE, warnt das WELTERNÄHRUNGS—PROGRAMM der Uno.
20200505             Nirgends in EUROPA steigt die ZAHL—DER—CORONA—FÄLLE so schnell wie in RUSSLAND.
20200505             —GEFALLEN, Kremlchef WLADIMIR—PUTIN muss sich Vorwürfe, LASSEN—DER BÜRGERMEISTER—VON—MOSKAU hingegen punktet als Krisenmanager.
20200505             GROSSBRITANNIEN hat nach offiziellen Statistiken die meisten CORONA—TODESOPFER in EUROPA.
20200505             Todesfälle aus den vergangenen Tagen sind noch nicht in die Statistik eingeflossen.
20200505             Es wird außerdem mit einer hohen DUNKEL—ZIFFER bei den Toten gerechnet.
20200505             Bundesumweltministerin SVENJA—SCHULZE fordert, staatliche Hilfen für die Luftfahrt an konkrete Auflagen zu knüpfen.
20200505             "Staatshilfen müssen so eingesetzt werden, daß sie nicht nur eine kurzfristige Unternehmenssicherung erreichen, sondern auch längerfristig zu einer modernen, ökologisch tragfähigen UNTERNEHMENS—STRATEGIE führen", sagt die SPD—POLITIKERIN dem "Handelsblatt".
20200505             Wissenschaftlerinnen kritisierten, daß die Anliegen und PROBLEME—VON—FRAUEN in der derzeitigen Krise nicht beachtet würden.
20200505             Sie würden vor allem die negativen Folgen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt oder bei der Kinderbetreuung zu spüren bekommen, sagte die Molekularbiologin Valeria Poli: "Es passiert —SCHON—JETZT, daß VIELE—FRAUEN nicht zur Arbeit zurückkehren oder eher ihren Job verlieren als Männer".
20200505             Das liege auch daran, daß sie —SCHON—JETZT weniger verdienten und daher eher zurücksteckten.
20200505             Gewalt gegen Frauen in RUSSLAND hat sich nach ANGABEN—DER—MENSCHENRECHTSBEAUFTRAGTEN der Regierung wegen der Ausgangssperren mehr als verdoppelt.
20200505             —IM, ;;0400;;hätten die Anlaufstellen mehr als 13.000—BESCHWERDEN über häusliche Gewalt registriert.
20200505             Das sei mehr als das Doppelte im Vergleich zu 6054—MITTEILUNGEN im März, sagte die Beauftragte Tatjana Moskalkowa der RUSSLAND—STAATS—AGENTUR Ria Nowosti.
20200505             In vielen Teilen RUSSLANDs herrschen —SEIT über einem —MONAT streng überwachte Ausgangssperren unter Strafandrohung.
20200505             Mehrere Abgeordnete setzen sich —SEIT Monaten für ein neues Gesetz für einen besseren Schutz von Frauen ein.
20200505             Traditionalisten und Vertreter der RUSSISCH—ORTHODOXEN Kirche warnten dagegen vor einem solchen Gesetz.
20200505             DIE—FRANKREICH—REGIERUNG will nach heftiger Kritik einen umstrittenen Onlineauftritt entfernen, auf dem sie ausgewählte MEDIEN—BERICHTE über DIE—CORONA—KRISE empfiehlt.
20200505             In der CORONA—PANDEMIE sind Kinder einem größeren Risiko von CYBER—MOBBING ausgesetzt.
20200505             Davor warnt die Internationale Fernmeldeunion (ITU) mit Sitz in GENF.
20200505             Die UNO—AGENTUR schätzt, daß 1.500.000.000—KINDER aufgrund von Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung der AUSBREITUNG—DES—NEUEN—CORONA—VIRUS— nicht zur Schule GEHEN—DAS zwinge sie, für ihre Ausbildung, aber auch für ihr soziales Leben und ihre Hobbys online zu gehen.
20200505             Insgesamt 3.600.000.000—MENSCHEN haben nach Schätzungen keinen Zugang zum INTERNET.
20200505             —NUN, hat NEW—YORKS BÜRGERMEISTER—ANDREW—CUOMO vor den Folgen einer zu schnellen Öffnung einiger USA—BUNDES—STAATEN gewarnt.
20200505             "Je mehr Leute in Kontakt mit anderen Leuten sind, desto höher ist die INFEKTIONS—RATE durch DAS—VIRUS. Je mehr Leute sich infizieren, desto mehr Leute sterben", sagte Cuomo bei seiner täglichen PRESSEKONFERENZ.
20200505             Das sei der Grund für die drastisch höheren PROGNOSEn.
20200505             "Wenn wir schnell öffnen, hat das einen Preis".
20200505             Dass DIE—USA—FLEISCHINDUSTRIE unter PRODUKTIONS—PROBLEMEN ächzt, ist kein Geheimnis.
20200505             Fabriken großer Hersteller wie Smithfield oder TYSON—FOODS gelten in der CORONA—KRISE als Infektionsherde und mussten schließen.
20200505             —CORONA—KRISE: Gericht hebt MASKEN—PFLICHT in Jenaer Schulen auf
20200505             UM—FRAGE zu CORONA—MAßNAHMEN: Knappe Mehrheit hat Vertrauen in Lockerungspolitik der Bundesregierung
20200505             MICHIGAN, haben sie —JETZT einen Mall Cop abgeknallt, der DIE—MASKEN—PFLICHT durchsetzen sollte.
20200505             Ich würde ja fragen, was die da im Trinkwasser haben, aber... es war in FLINT—MICHIGAN.
20200505             Das wollen wir lieber nicht wissen.
20200505             1—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT blocked, for —NOW, 1—JUDGE—ORDER forcing FLORIDA—MIAMI—DADE—COUNTY to give masks, soap and cleaning supplies to inmates at METRO WEST—DETENTION—CENTER, 1—JAIL wracked by the novel coronavirus.
20200505             —TESTED, METRO West is where 163—INMATES have, positive for COVID-19, the illness caused by the novel coronavirus.
20200505             —TESTED, In all 3—MIAMI jails, about 340—INMATES have, positive in the cramped quarters where social distancing is challenging.
20200505             —RULED, A—USA—DISTRICT—JUDGE, that THE—NEW—YORK Democratic presidential primary must take place 20200623              because canceling it would be unconstitutional and deprive withdrawn presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and ANDREW—YANG—OF—PROPER—REPRESENTATION at THE—DEMOCRATIC—CONVENTION.
20200505—19960000    —SIGNED, Both countries had, agreements and 20030000              establishing protocols to deal with such incidents, including promises n ot to use weapons.
20200505—20190426    —BIS, vom 20200301             .genau 3856—FÄLLE—VON—WOHNUNGSEINBRUCHDIEBSTAHL registriert wurden,
20200505—20200501    —ON, "In the short time beginning, that face coverings have been required for entry into stores/restaurants, store employees have been threatened with physical violence and showered with verbal abuse," Stillwater City Manager NORMAN—MCNICKLE said in 1—STATEMENT.
20200505—20200510    —ON, Another clash had taken place.
20200505—20200525    —AB—DEM, ist es dann auch wieder für Bürgerinnen und BÜRGER aus anderen Bundesländern möglich, Urlaub in MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN zu machen", sagte Schwesig. Alle 3—ÖFFNUNGSSCHRITTE seien mit SICHERHEITSkonzepten und Hygieneregeln verbunden. "Unser Ziel ist ein sicherer Tourismus.
20200505—20200525    Sicher für die Einheimischen und für unsere Gäste".
20210120—18210505    —AM, Napoleons Tod
20210505             —BLOCKED, THE—BIDEN—ADMINISTRATION, 1—TRUMP—ERA—RULE that would have made it easier to classify gig workers who work for companies like Uber and Lyft as independent contractors INSTEAD—OF—EMPLOYEES, signaling 1—POTENTIAL—POLICY—SHIFT toward greater worker protections.
20210505             THE—BIDEN—ADMINISTRATION came out in support of waiving intellectual property protections for coronavirus vaccines, siding with INTERNATIONAL efforts to bolster production amid concerns about vaccine access in developing nations.
20210505             —REACTED, Pharmaceutical companies, angrily, saying it would hamper future vaccine development and do little to increase SHORT—TERM—SUPPLY.
20210505             CALIFORNIA to date had 3,725,371 CASES—OF—CORONAVIRUS and 61,678 deaths.
20210505             THE—SF Bay Area had 438,523 cases and 6,319 deaths.
20210505             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 32,555,496 with the death toll at 579,249.
20210505             —PUBLISHED, Lucinda Franks (74), 1—WIDELY, writer and investigative journalist who was the 1. woman to win 1—PULITZER—PRIZE for national reporting, † in Hopewell JUNCTION—NEW—YORK.
20210505             —VOTED, THE—SOUTH—CAROLINA House, to add 1—FIRING squad to the state's execution methods amid 1—LACK—OF—LETHAL—INJECTION—DRUGS.
20210505             —LAUNCHED, TEXAS, SpaceX, and successfully landed its futuristic Starship.
20210505             BLUE—ORIGIN said it will offer 1—SEAT on the 1. flight to the winning bidder of 1—ONLINE auction, the proceeds of which will be donated to the space firm's foundation.
20210505             —SOARED, MEME—BASED virtual currency Dogecoin, to 1—ALL—TIME—HIGH, extending its 20210000              rally to become the 4.—BIGGEST digital coin.
20210505             —COMPARED, Dogecoins are —NOW cumulatively worth $88—BILLION, to bitcoin's $1—TRILLION and ethereum's $391—BILLION.
20210505             Facebook INC—OVERSIGHT BOARD upheld the company's SUSPENSION—OF—FORMER—USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP but said the company was wrong to make the suspension indefinite and gave it 6—MONTHS to determine a "proportionate response".
20210505             —ANNOUNCED, Peloton Interactive Inc, 1—RECALL of its treadmills, reversing course —JUST weeks —AFTER saying there was "no reason" to stop using the exercise machines despite reports of multiple injuries and THE—DEATH—OF—1—CHILD in 1—ACCIDENT.
20210505             CANADA said it is authorizing the use of Pfizer INC—COVID 19—VACCINE for use in children from 12 to 15, the 1. dose to be allowed for people that young.
20210505             —CONCERNED, CHINA said it was, that INDIA had not allowed CHINA—COMPANIES to conduct 5G trials in the country.
20210505             —UNFOLDED, Mass ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS, across COLOMBIA, topping off 1—WEEK—OF—UNREST that has left at least 24—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20210505             Egyptian and TURKEY—OFFICIALS met for talks aiming to reset ties between THE—2—REGIONAL—POWERS—AFTER YEARS—OF—ENMITY.
20210505             —MARKED, PRESIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON, THE—BICENTENARY—OF—THE—DEATH—OF—NAPOLEON—BONAPARTE, the warrior and emperor who famously bequeathed to FRANCE its civil code but whose legacy is —TODAY tarnished in the eyes of some for reinstating slavery.
20210505             —ANNOUNCED, GERMANY and the World Health Organization (WHO), the creation of 1—NEW—GLOBAL—HUB in BERLIN for gathering data on pandemics.
20210505             —DISMISSED, GERMANY—CONSTITUTIONAL—COURT, emergency appeals against the government's decision to impose night curfews in areas with high COVID—19—INFECTIONS as SOME—REGIONS are eyeing 1—LOOSENING—OF—LOCKDOWN—RESTRICTIONS.
20210505             —BANNED, THE—GERMANY—GOVERNMENT, Ansaar INTERNATIONAL, 1—MUSLIM organization that it accused of supporting "terrorism globally with its donations".
20210505             —RAIDED, More than 1,000 police officers, buildings and office spaces across GERMANY and confiscated about 150,000 euros ($180,000).
20210505             INDIA gave emergency use authorization for 1—COVID 19—ANTIBODY drug cocktail developed by Roche and Regeneron, expanding its ARSENAL—OF—DRUGS to BATTLE—1—MASSIVE 2. WAVE—OF—INFECTIONS.
20210505             —ARRESTED, ISRAEL—MILITARY and the Shin Bet security service, PALESTINE—SUSPECT—MUNTASSER Shalaby (44) in 1—WEEKEND—DRIVE—BY shooting in THE—WEST—BANK that left 1—ISRAEL—DEAD and 2 injured.
20210505             ITALY, 2—USA—MEN were found GUILTY—OF—MURDER and sentenced to life in prison for THE—STREET—CORNER—KILLING—OF—1—ITALY—MILITARY—POLICE—OFFICER on 1—EARLY—SUMMER —MORNING, —WHEN THE—2—YOUNG S—FRANCISCO natives were vacationing in ROME.
20210505             1—JURY found Finnegan Elder (21) and GABRIEL—NATALE—HJORTH, 20—JAHRE—ALT guilty of 20190000             —THE—MURDER—OF—DEPUTY—BRIGADIER—MARIO—CERCIELLO—REGA.
20210505             —IMPOSED, MALAYSIA, movement restrictions in THE—CAPITAL—KUALA—LUMPUR due to 1—RISING number of COVID—19—INFECTIONS, adding to lockdowns that have been implemented across the country.
20210505             —REPORTED, MALAYSIA, 3,744 new infections and has —NOW seen 1—TOTAL—OF—424,376 cases.
20210505             —REPORTED, It was, that MYANMAR—SECURITY—FORCES are arresting and forcibly disappearing THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, especially boys and young men, in 1—SWEEPING bid to break the back of a 3—MONTH uprising against 1—MILITARY takeover.
20210505             —REPORTED, SYRIA—STATE—MEDIA, that ISRAEL fired missiles toward NORTH—WEST—SYRIA early —TODAY, killing 1—PERSON and wounding 6.
20210505             —URGED, More than 200—GLOBAL—ORGANIZATIONS, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL to impose 1—ARMS—EMBARGO on MYANMAR, saying the time for statements has passed and immediate action is needed to help protect peaceful protesters against military rule and other opponents of the junta.
20210505             BLUE—ORIGIN, billionaire JEFF—BEZOS' rocket company, said it is targeting 20210720              for its 1. suborbital sightseeing trip on its New Shepard spacecraft, 1—LANDMARK moment in 1—COMPETITION to usher in 1—NEW—ERA—OF—PRIVATE—COMMERCIAL—SPACE—TRAVEL.
20210505             —MITTWOCH, 20210505
20210505             Netanyahu scheitert mit Regierungsbildung: Alles beim Alten in ISRAEL
20210505             Brexitstreit: FRANKREICH droht Kanalinsel Jersey mit Stromentzug
20210505             Fall GEORGE—FLOYD: DEREK—CHAUVINS—ANWALT fordert Neuauflage des Verfahrens
20210505             Blog des EX—PRÄSIDENTEN: Trump bastelt sich sein eigenes Twitter (oder lässt es zumindest so aussehen)
20210505             Nach Folter und Gewalt: Belarussen zeigen Diktator Lukaschenko in DEUTSCHLAND an
20210505             ÖKO—BONDS: BERLIN will nachhaltige Geldanlagen fördern
20210505             Coronapandemie in BRASILIEN: EX—GESUNDHEITSMINISTER beschuldigt Bolsonaro vor Untersuchungsausschuss
20210505             Gerechtigkeitsdebatte: Linke pocht auf schnellere Angleichung der Renten in Ost und West
20210505             Erleichterte Einreise: GROSSBRITANNIEN lockert Visaregeln für Nobelpreisträger und Oscargewinner
20210505             Industriepolitik: EU möchte Abhängigkeit von CHINA verringern
20210505             Nach Niederlage bei Regionalwahlen: SPANIEN—LINKENFÜHRER Iglesias verlässt die Politik
20210505             Halima Cisse aus MALI ist 1—DER—WENIGEN—FRAUEN, die 9—KINDER ausgetragen und zur Welt gebracht hat.
20210505             Die 25-Jährige wurde am —DIENSTAG in einer MAROKKO—KLINIK per Kaiserschnitt von 5—MÄDCHEN und 4—JUNGEN entbunden.
20210505             Bei Ultraschalluntersuchungen der Schwangeren waren —ZUNÄCHST nur 7—BABYS gesehen worden.
20210505             Während der Operation habe man dann die beiden weiteren entdeckt,
20210505             Nach Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgerichts: Regierung will 10—PROZENTPUNKTE mehr CO2 einsparen als —BISHER
20210505             Impfzentrum HAMBURG: Deutschlands größte legale Massenveranstaltung 1—ORTSBESUCH—VON—BENJAMIN—BRADEN und MARTIN—JÄSCHKE
20210505             E—COMMERCE—BOOM: DEUTSCHLAND—POST wächst im Rekordtempo
20210505             Konsequenzen aus dem KLIMA—URTEIL des Verfassungsgerichts: "Die Bundesregierung drückt sich um die Zahlen herum"
20210505             Festnahmen und Konfiszierungen: Schlag gegen Drogennetzwerk der 'Ndrangheta
20210505             Millionen Computer betroffen: Dell schließt 12—JAHRE alte Sicherheitslücke
20210505             DEMOKRATIE—UMFRAGE: DEUTSCHLAND—SEHEN in USA größere Bedrohung als in CHINA oder RUSSLAND
20210505             MYANMAR: Oppositionelle bereiten offenbar bewaffneten Widerstand vor
20210505             2—MILLIARDEN Euro für Kinder und Jugendliche: Kabinett beschließt CORONA—AUFHOLPROGRAMM und Anspruch auf Ganztagsbetreuung
20210505             —GESCHEITERT, Politische Krise: Regierungsbildung in BULGARIEN, — Neuwahlen im Juli
20210505             Bilanzkosmetik in der Coronakrise: Wie die Lufthansa plötzlich um 5,6 Milliarden Euro reicher wurde
20210505             Geflüchtete in RUANDA künftig ohne Unterstützung: Kein ESSEN für Akademiker
20210505             Tödliche Proteste in KOLUMBIEN: Die riskante Revolte der Teenager
20210505             Neue Datenschutzrichtlinie: WhatsApp erhöht den Druck auf seine Nutzer
20210505             Annäherung nach Eiszeit: TÜRKEI—DIPLOMATEN reisen zu Gesprächen nach ÄGYPTEN
20210505             Abschiebung von Asylbewerbern: "Die frühen Morgenstunden sind die gefährlichsten"
20210505             Zu wenige Buchungen: VIELE—FERIENHAUS—VERMIETER wollen aufgeben
20210505             Oversight BOARD hat entschieden: DONALD—TRUMPS—FACEBOOK—KONTO bleibt vorerst gesperrt
20210505             In einer Grundschule in AUSTRALIEN sind Bauarbeiter auf ein riesiges Insekt gestoßen: 1—HOLZMOTTE, die 1—FLÜGELSPANNWEITE—VON—BIS zu 25—ZENTIMETER haben und —BIS zu 30—GRAMM schwer werden kann.
20210505             Die Arbeiter fanden die Motte, als sie in der MOUNT—COTTON—GRUNDSCHULE, die in der Nähe eines Regenwaldes liegt, neue Klassenzimmer bauten.
20210505             Klage wegen Altersdiskriminierung: Ist dieser Mann zu alt für 1—TECHNO—PARTY?
20210505             —VERBIETET, Zwang zum Zug: FRANKREICH, kurze Inlandsflüge
20210505             Prozess in PARIS: Assads Onkel wegen Geldwäschevorwürfen erneut vor Gericht
20210505             CORONA und Wirtschaftskrise: USA—GEBURTENRATE fällt auf niedrigsten je gemessenen Wert
20210505             NRW: Hausarzt bietet CORONA—IMPFUNGEN bei Ebay Kleinanzeigen an
20210505             ASTRAZENECA—IMPFSTOFF: Neurologen beobachten seltenes HIRNTHROMBOSE—RISIKO auch bei älteren Frauen
20210505             —BEREITET, Ministerium, Strafanzeige vor: IT—EXPERTE vermittelte CORONA—IMPFTERMINE via Ebay Kleinanzeigen
20210505             Sinkende Inzidenzwerte: SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN lockert Coronabeschränkungen
20210505             EMMANUEL—MACRON bei Gedenkfeier: "Napoleon hat sich nie um menschliche Verluste gekümmert"
20210505             ISRAEL: Oppositionsführer Lapid mit Regierungsbildung beauftragt
20210505             Kinderbestattung in KENIA: Ältestes Grab in AFRIKA entdeckt
20210505             Der Mensch ist vor allem deshalb Mensch, weil er die Fähigkeit entwickelt hat, zu planen und zu reflektieren.
20210505             Der Mensch - er - entwickelt hat - vor allem deshalb - Im Laufe der Menschwerdung hat er
20210505             eine Erinnerungskultur aufgebaut, aufgebaut - Aber ab wann der Mensch
20210505             der Mensch - damit begann, seine Toten zu beerdigen und solche Riten entwickelte, ist im archäologischen Kontext oft schwer zu sagen
20210505             in einer Höhle in KENIA
20210505             Das Kinderskelett in dem Grab sei ungefähr 78.000—JAHRE alt, berichtete das an den Grabungen beteiligte MAX—PLANCK—INSTITUT für Menschheitsgeschichte in Jena.
20210505             Vor allem aus der Lage der Knochen wurde demnach auf eine gezielte Bestattung des etwa ZWEIEINHALB—BIS dreijährigen Kindes geschlossen,
20210505             Mit angezogenen Knien und einem nach vorn gebeugten Oberkörper sei das auf der Seite liegende Kind in einer flachen Grube bestattet worden,
20210505             Die Grube direkt unter dem schützenden Felsüberhang im Höhlensystem Panga ya Saidi im Südosten Kenias sei eigens ausgehoben und der Leichnam sofort mit Erde bedeckt worden.
20210505             Dass der Tod eines Kindes auch für frühe Menschen der mittleren Steinzeit ein besonders trauriges Ereignis war, darauf deute unter anderem auch 1—FUND in SÜDAFRIKA hin,
20210505             Vor allem symbolische Handlungen und der eingesetzte Aufwand trennten die einfache Bestattung vom Totenkult,
20210505             Zu verstehen, wie mit Toten umgegangen wurde, gehe daher einher mit dem Verständnis sozialer Organisation in der Frühgeschichte der Menschheit.
20210505             der Menschheit.
20210505             Sowohl in EUROPA als auch in ASIEN wurden Grabstätten von Homo sapiens, Neandertalern und anderen Menschenformen entdeckt, die wohl mehr als 100.000—JAHRE alt sind.
20210505             ISRAEL, diente beispielsweise die SKHUL—HÖHLE im KARMEL—GEBIRGE als Begräbnisstätte, der Fundort wird auf 1—ALTER—VON—BIS zu 120.000—JAHREN geschätzt.
20210505             VW—DIESELAFFÄRE: Oberlandesgericht bestätigt auch bei neuerem VW—MOTOR Manipulation
20210505             Abschmelzende Gletscher: Wie der Klimawandel Flüsse verschwinden lässt
20210505             Kryptowährung Dogecoin: Dieser Witz ist —JETZT 60—MILLIARDEN Euro wert
20210505             STAATSANWALT—ÜBER—MAFIA—EINSATZ: "Ein schlechter —TAG für die dunkle Seite der Macht"
20210505             "Langer Marsch 5B": Diese Rakete könnte den Süden Europas treffen
20210505             Eilmeldung - Bundesverfassungsgericht lehnt Eilanträge gegen Ausgangssperre ab
20210505             Em Maio, há uma superlua e uma chuva de estrelas
20210505             Algarve dá salto na imunização, Alentejo com 32% da população vacinada contra a Covid-19
20210505             Há 14—NOVOS casos de COVID—19—NO Algarve
20210505             LK Aurich Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 86—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 45,3 Fälle gesamt 3.214—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.694,3 Todesfälle gesamt 50—EINWOHNERZAHL 189.694—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210505             LK BREISGAU—HOCHSCHWARZWALD Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 106—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 40,2 Fälle gesamt 7.955—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.017,8 Todesfälle gesamt 176—EINWOHNERZAHL 263.601—BUNDESLAND BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG
20210505             LK Coburg Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 232—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 267,4 Fälle gesamt 4.323—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.983,5 Todesfälle gesamt 150—EINWOHNERZAHL 86.747—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210505             LK COCHEM—ZELL Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 27—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 44,0 Fälle gesamt 1.828—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.978,4 Todesfälle gesamt 54—EINWOHNERZAHL 61.375—BUNDESLAND RHEINLAND—PFALZ
20210505             LK Dithmarschen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 52—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 39,0 Fälle gesamt 1.868—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.402,5 Todesfälle gesamt 44—EINWOHNERZAHL 133.193—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210505             LK Düren Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 422—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 159,5 Fälle gesamt 12.887—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.869,7 Todesfälle gesamt 270—EINWOHNERZAHL 264.638—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210505             LK Erzgebirgskreis Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 1.003—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 299,4 Fälle gesamt 29.230—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 8.726,7 Todesfälle gesamt 753—EINWOHNERZAHL 334.948—BUNDESLAND SACHSEN
20210505             LK Euskirchen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 248—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 128,1 Fälle gesamt 7.334—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.787,1 Todesfälle gesamt 225—EINWOHNERZAHL 193.656—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210505             LK Friesland Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 42—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 42,6 Fälle gesamt 1.551—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.571,4 Todesfälle gesamt 40—EINWOHNERZAHL 98.704—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210505             LK Gotha Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 349—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 258,7 Fälle gesamt 7.667—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 5.683,1 Todesfälle gesamt 195—EINWOHNERZAHL 134.908—BUNDESLAND Thüringen
20210505             LK Heidenheim Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 354—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 266,6 Fälle gesamt 5.268—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.967,6 Todesfälle gesamt 142—EINWOHNERZAHL 132.777—BUNDESLAND BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG
20210505             LK Hildburghausen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 193—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 305,4 Fälle gesamt 4.836—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 7.652,3 Todesfälle gesamt 223—EINWOHNERZAHL 63.197—BUNDESLAND Thüringen
20210505             LK Mittelsachsen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 793—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 260,8 Fälle gesamt 22.075—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 7.259,1 Todesfälle gesamt 622—EINWOHNERZAHL 304.099—BUNDESLAND SACHSEN
20210505             LK Neustadt a.d.Waldnaab Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 44—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 46,6 Fälle gesamt 5.108—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 5.408,2 Todesfälle gesamt 163—EINWOHNERZAHL 94.450—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210505             LK Nordfriesland Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 53—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 31,9 Fälle gesamt 2.563—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.544,4 Todesfälle gesamt 77—EINWOHNERZAHL 165.951—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210505             LK Plön Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 38—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 29,5 Fälle gesamt 1.247—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 969,0 Todesfälle gesamt 29—EINWOHNERZAHL 128.686—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210505             LK RENDSBURG—ECKERNFÖRDE Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 99—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 36,1 Fälle gesamt 3.795—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.384,5 Todesfälle gesamt 51—EINWOHNERZAHL 274.098—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210505             LK RHEIN—ERFT—KREIS Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 846—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 179,8 Fälle gesamt 18.235—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.874,7 Todesfälle gesamt 371—EINWOHNERZAHL 470.615—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210505             LK RHEINISCH—BERGISCHER Kreis Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 316—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 111,6 Fälle gesamt 10.392—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.668,6 Todesfälle gesamt 143—EINWOHNERZAHL 283.271—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210505             LK SAALE—ORLA—KREIS Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 425—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 529,2 Fälle gesamt 6.191—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 7.708,7 Todesfälle gesamt 156—EINWOHNERZAHL 80.312—BUNDESLAND Thüringen
20210505             LK SAALFELD—RUDOLSTADT Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 267—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 258,7 Fälle gesamt 6.293—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 6.097,9 Todesfälle gesamt 266—EINWOHNERZAHL 103.199—BUNDESLAND Thüringen
20210505             LK SCHLESWIG—FLENSBURG Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 62—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 30,8 Fälle gesamt 2.770—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.377,0 Todesfälle gesamt 57—EINWOHNERZAHL 201.156—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210505             LK SCHWARZWALD—BAAR—KREIS Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 569—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 267,8 Fälle gesamt 8.674—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.081,8 Todesfälle gesamt 196—EINWOHNERZAHL 212.506—BUNDESLAND BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG
20210505             LK Sonneberg Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 150—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 259,9 Fälle gesamt 3.768—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 6.528,4 Todesfälle gesamt 155—EINWOHNERZAHL 57.717—BUNDESLAND Thüringen
20210505             LK Vulkaneifel Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 24—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 39,6 Fälle gesamt 1.889—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.114,8 Todesfälle gesamt 59—EINWOHNERZAHL 60.646—BUNDESLAND RHEINLAND—PFALZ
20210505             LK Wittmund Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 24—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 42,2 Fälle gesamt 1.154—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.027,2 Todesfälle gesamt 32—EINWOHNERZAHL 56.926—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210505             SK BERLIN Neukölln Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 445—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 138,6 Fälle gesamt 20.006—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 6.230,0 Todesfälle gesamt 403—EINWOHNERZAHL 321.123—BUNDESLAND BERLIN
20210505             SK BERLIN TEMPELHOF—SCHÖNEBERG Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 412—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 120,5 Fälle gesamt 16.837—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.926,4 Todesfälle gesamt 454—EINWOHNERZAHL 341.772—BUNDESLAND BERLIN
20210505             SK Flensburg Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 35—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 38,8 Fälle gesamt 2.219—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.461,1 Todesfälle gesamt 39—EINWOHNERZAHL 90.164—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210505             SK GERA Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 248—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 266,3 Fälle gesamt 5.389—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 5.786,8 Todesfälle gesamt 184—EINWOHNERZAHL 93.125—BUNDESLAND Thüringen
20210505             SK HAGEN Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 482—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 255,5 Fälle gesamt 11.125—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 5.896,0 Todesfälle gesamt 294—EINWOHNERZAHL 188.686—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210505             SK HAMM Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 500—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 277,9 Fälle gesamt 9.553—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 5.309,7 Todesfälle gesamt 185—EINWOHNERZAHL 179.916—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210505             SK Hof Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 122—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 266,2 Fälle gesamt 3.795—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 8.281,5 Todesfälle gesamt 113—EINWOHNERZAHL 45.825—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210505             SK Köln Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 1.961—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 180,3 Fälle gesamt 49.220—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.524,5 Todesfälle gesamt 648—EINWOHNERZAHL 1.087.863 BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210505             SK Lübeck Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 89—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 41,1 Fälle gesamt 5.364—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.477,3 Todesfälle gesamt 94—EINWOHNERZAHL 216.530—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210505             SK Passau Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 26—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 49,2 Fälle gesamt 3.312—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 6.272,4 Todesfälle gesamt 112—EINWOHNERZAHL 52.803—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210505             SK Wilhelmshaven Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 34—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 44,7 Fälle gesamt 1.814—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.384,1 Todesfälle gesamt 48—EINWOHNERZAHL 76.089—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210505             429_DGS_boletim_20210505
20210505             INCIDÊNCIA - Nacional: 61,3 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19—POR 100 000—HAB.
20210505             Continente: 59,0casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19—POR 100 000—HAB
20210505             R(t) Nacional: 0,95 Continente: 0,95
20210505             Global Cases 154.602.977  Global Deaths 3.232.378
20210505             Albufeira Casos confirmados - 2436 (=) Óbitos - 45 (=) Recuperados - 2352 (+8) Casos ativos - 39 (-8)
20210505             Alcoutim Casos confirmados - 83 (=) Óbitos - 4 (=) Recuperados - 79 (=) Casos ativos - 0 (=)
20210505             Aljezur Casos confirmados - 108 (=) Óbitos - 2 (=) Recuperados - 100 (+1) Casos ativos - 6 (-1)
20210505             Castro Marim Casos confirmados - 390 (=) Óbitos - 1 (=) Recuperados - 389 (+1) Casos ativos - 0 (=)
20210505             Faro Casos confirmados - 3286 (+3) Óbitos - 52 (=) Recuperados - 3200 (+4) Casos ativos - 34 (-1)
20210505             Lagoa Casos confirmados - 710 (=) Óbitos - 14 (=) Recuperados - 690 (=) Casos ativos - 6 (=)
20210505             LAGOS Casos confirmados - 1439 (+1) Óbitos - 27 (=) Recuperados - 1371 (+2) Casos ativos - 41 (-1)
20210505             Loulé Casos confirmados - 3819 (+4) Óbitos - 64 (=) Recuperados - 3722 (+9) Casos ativos - 33 (-5)
20210505             MONCHIQUE Casos confirmados - 183 (=) Óbitos - 11 (=) Recuperados - 172 (=) Casos ativos - 0 (=)
20210505             Olhão Casos confirmados - 1809 (=) Óbitos - 22 (=) Recuperados - 1764 (+2) Casos ativos - 23 (-2)
20210505             Portimão Casos confirmados - 2543 (=) Óbitos - 32 (=) Recuperados - 2458 (+5) Casos ativos - 53 (-5)
20210505             Silves Casos confirmados - 1270 (+2) Óbitos - 12 (=) Recuperados - 1245 (+1) Casos ativos - 13 (+1)
20210505             São Brás de Alportel Casos confirmados - 400 (=) Óbitos - 12 (=) Recuperados - 388 (=) Casos Ativos - 0 (=)
20210505             Tavira Casos confirmados - 1537 (+3) Óbitos - 29 (=) Recuperados - 1500 (+1) Casos ativos - 8 (+2)
20210505             VRSA Casos confirmados - 1305 (=) Óbitos - 19 (=) Recuperados - 1265 (+2) Casos ativos - 21 (-2)
20210505             Vila do Bispo Casos confirmados - 141 (=) Óbitos - 6 (=) Recuperados - 133 (=) Casos ativos - 2 (=)
20210505             In den USA sind 106,2 Millionen Menschen vollständig geimpft
20210505             Die Wirtschaftsweise MONIKA—SCHNITZER sieht die Umsetzung der von der Bundesregierung beschlossenen Lockerungen für Geimpfte und Genesene kritisch.
20210505             laut der Ökonomin —BISHER kein fälschungssicherer Nachweis der Impfung und der überstandenen Erkrankung möglich:
20210505             "Es ist unverständlich, dass man hier nicht —SCHON viel eher eine fälschungssichere Lösung gefunden hat".
20210505             Der DEUTSCHLAND—HAUSÄRZTEVERBAND fordert Rechtssicherheit für Ärztinnen und Ärzte, die pro Ampulle des CORONA—IMPFSTOFFS von Biontech/Pfizer 7—STATT 6—DOSEN verabreichen wollen.
20210505             "Es kann nicht sein, dass täglich in DEUTSCHLAND Impfdosen weggeworfen werden",
20210505             Dass Hausärztinnen und Ärzte, die mit dem vorhandenen Impfstoff so VIELE—MENSCHEN so schnell wie möglich impfen wollten, riskierten, "mit einem Bein im Gefängnis zu stehen",
20210505             dürfe nicht sein,
20210505             Auch SPD—GESUNDHEITSEXPERTE KARL—LAUTERBACH sprach sich demnach für Rechtssicherheit für die Nutzung der siebten BIONTECH—DOSIS aus.
20210505             Der DEUTSCHLAND—STÄDTE—UND Gemeindebund hat die vom Kabinett beschlossenen Erleichterungen für Geimpfte begrüßt.
20210505             "Es ist richtig und notwendig, die Grundrechtseinschränkungen für Geimpfte und Genesene —JETZT zügig zu reduzieren",
20210505             Über 6,6 Millionen Menschen hätten —BEREITS 1—ZWEITIMPFUNG erhalten und über 3—MILLIONEN sind nach einer CORONA—ERKRANKUNG genesen,
20210505             "Nachdem feststeht, dass diese Personen weder für sich noch für andere eine nennenswerte Gefahr darstellen, müssen die Grundrechtseinschränkungen reduziert werden",
20210505             1—BEFREIUNG von der Testpflicht ist Landsberg zufolge richtig.
20210505             "Dabei gilt es zu bedenken, dass diese Befreiung auch zu erheblichen Kosteneinsparungen führt",
20210505             Bundesverkehrsminister ANDREAS—SCHEUER dringt auf weitere Finanzhilfen für den Öffentlichen Personennahverkehr (ÖPNV) wegen der Coronakrise für dieses —JAHR.
20210505             "Mit noch einmal einer Milliarde Euro können wir den umweltfreundlichen ÖPNV weiter leistungsfähig und zuverlässig am Laufen halten",
20210505             Scheuer sagte, auch Klimaschutz im Verkehr beginne vor der Haustür beim Einsteigen in den öffentlichen Nahverkehr.
20210505             Mehr als 18.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN, 7—TAGE—INZIDENZ sinkt auf 132,8
20210505             Die Zahl der binnen 7—TAGEN gemeldeten Neuinfektionen pro 100.000—EINWOHNER lag laut RKI am Mittwochmorgen bundesweit bei 132,8 (Vortag: 141,4;
20210505             Vorwoche: 160,6)
20210505             Der bundesweite 7—TAGE—R—WERT lag laut RKI—LAGEBERICHT vom Dienstagabend bei 0,82 (Vortag: 0,88).
20210505             Das monatelange Beherbergungsverbot für Touristen in der Coronapandemie bedroht einer Umfrage zufolge die Existenz vieler Ferienhausvermieter in DEUTSCHLAND.
20210505             Der Studie zufolge lebt rund jeder 5. von den Ferienhauseinnahmen.
20210505             Weiteren 31,5 Prozent dient die Ferienimmobilie als Altersvorsorge.
20210505             Hier seien die Mieteinnahmen "ein wichtiger Grundstock für den Erhalt der Ferienimmobilie".
20210505             Lediglich 15,5 PROZENT—DER—FERIENHAUSVERMIETER und Agenturen konnten den Angaben zufolge staatliche Hilfen in Anspruch nehmen.
20210505             Das Gros der Ferienhausvermieter gehe leer aus, weil sie privat vermieteten oder im Nebenerwerb, beklagte der Verband.
20210505             BRASILIEN, soll 1—UNTERSUCHUNGSAUSSCHUSS klären, welche Schuld Bolsonaro an der Coronakatastrophe trägt.
20210505             Nun hat der frühere Gesundheitsminister Mandetta ausgesagt und schwere Vorwürfe gegen den Präsidenten erhoben.
20210505             AUSTRALIEN meldet 1. Ansteckung in SYDNEY —SEIT über einem —MONAT
20210505             Tests hätten gezeigt, dass der Mann, der in Vororten von SYDNEY unterwegs gewesen war, eine höhere Viruslast habe als sonst üblich,
20210505             INDIEN hat an einem —TAG so VIELE—TODESFÄLLE im Zusammenhang mit dem Coronavirus im Land erfasst wie nie davor.
20210505             In den vergangenen 24—STUNDEN starben 3780—MENSCHEN,
20210505             382.000—MENSCHEN haben sich im selben Zeitraum in INDIEN nachweislich neu mit SARS—COV—2—ANGESTECKT.
20210505             Expertinnen und Experten gehen davon aus, dass die tatsächliche Opferzahl deutlich über den offiziellen Zahlen liegt.
20210505             TEILEN, des Landes ist es Berichten zufolge schwierig, überhaupt auf das Coronavirus getestet zu werden.
20210505             Besonders in ländlichen Gebieten sterben VIELE—MENSCHEN zu Hause — nicht ALLE—DIESER—FÄLLE tauchen letztlich in der Statistik auf.
20210505             Die FDP—FRAKTION wird sich bei der Abstimmung im BUNDESTAG über die Verordnung zu den Rechten von Geimpften und Genesenen enthalten.
20210505             Datenschützer sehen Fotos von Impfpässen, die etwa aus Freude über CORONA—SCHUTZIMPFUNGEN auf sozialen Netzwerken und in Chats geteilt werden, mit Sorge.
20210505             "Wenn geimpfte Personen 1—FOTO ihres Impfpasses im INTERNET veröffentlichen, dann kann das Kriminellen als Vorlage dienen",
20210505             Betrüger könnten demnach die Chargennummern, Stempel und ARZT—UNTERSCHRIFTEN nutzen, um gefälschte Impfpässe herzustellen, die dann auf dem Schwarzmarkt gehandelt werden.
20210505             Den Angaben zufolge werden Pässe für 99—BIS 250—EURO etwa über den Messengerdienst Telegram angeboten.
20210505             Bundeswehr fliegt SAUERSTOFF—PRODUKTIONSANLAGE nach INDIEN - mit Bauteilen für 1—SAUERSTOFFANLAGE
20210505             HAMBURG, steht Deutschlands größtes Impfzentrum.
20210505             —VERABREICHT, Drinnen werden täglich rund 8000—DOSEN, draußen gibt es aufgeregte Impflinge, fröhliche Angehörige, Stau und Freiwillige mit Festivalerfahrung.
20210505             INDIEN—DELEGATION bei G7-Treffen nach POSITIV—FÄLLEN in Quarantäne
20210505             INDIEN war von GROSSBRITANNIEN neben AUSTRALIEN und SÜDKOREA aber ebenfalls eingeladen worden.
20210505             Das G7-Ministertreffen in LONDON ist die 1. physische Zusammenkunft dieser Runde —SEIT—2—JAHREN.
20210505             In mehreren Bundesländern können sich Menschen der Prioritätsgruppe 3—BEREITS impfen lassen.
20210505             Unter die Regelung fallen perspektivisch bundesweit unter anderem rund zehneinhalb Millionen Menschen im Alter zwischen 60—UND 70—JAHREN,
20210505             Dies entspreche einem Anteil von 12,6 PROZENT—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG.
20210505             DEUTSCHLAND—ÄRZTETAG fordert bessere Vorbereitung auf Pandemien
20210505             Die Krisenreaktionsfähigkeit des Landes müsse "dringend optimiert werden",
20210505             Außerdem forderten sie ständig aktualisierte Pandemiepläne auf allen Ebenen des Staats und des Gesundheitswesens sowie Reserven mit wichtigen Medikamenten und Medizinprodukten.
20210505             8—LÖWEN in indischem Zoo mit CORONA infiziert
20210505             —ISOLIERT, Die Tiere seien, worden und sie seien auf dem Weg der Besserung,
20210505             Grundschulkinder sollen einen Rechtsanspruch auf 1—GANZTAGSBETREUUNG bekommen.
20210505             Außerdem pumpt der Bund 2—MILLIARDEN Euro in NACHHILFE—UND Sozialmaßnahmen, um die Folgen der Pandemie abzufedern.
20210505             Tagesrekord bei Zweitimpfungen in DEUTSCHLAND
20210505             DEUTSCHLAND, haben 29,5 PROZENT—DER—MENSCHEN mindestens 1—CORONAIMPFUNG erhalten.
20210505             Den vollen Impfschutz erhielten bislang 8,3 PROZENT—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG.
20210505             Die DEUTSCHLAND—POST will die weltweite Verteilung von Impfstoffen gegen das Coronavirus weiter ankurbeln.
20210505             "Wir sehen ein deutliches Hochlaufen in den Mengen, die wir transportieren",
20210505             Von —ANFANG Dezember —BIS Ende April habe der Bonner Konzern rund 174—MILLIONEN Impfdosen transportiert.
20210505             Die Bonner versorgen rund 120—LÄNDER rund um den Globus mit Impfstoff.
20210505             Die großen LOGISTIK—KONZERNE spielen 1—SCHLÜSSELROLLE bei der weltweiten Verteilung der CORONA—IMPFSTOFFE.
20210505             —INVESTIERT, GROSSBRITANNIEN, Millionenbetrag in Erforschung von CORONA—MUTANTEN
20210505             Porton Down ist 1—STÜTZPUNKT der GROSSBRITANNIEN—ARMEE, in dem Militärlabor dort arbeiten —DERZEIT rund 3000—WISSENSCHAFTLER.
20210505             —GEGRÜNDET, Das Labor wurde 19160000             , um —WWI—IM auf DEUTSCHLAND—ANGRIFFE mit Chemiewaffen zu reagieren, bei denen —ZUNÄCHST Chlor und später Senfgas und Phosgen zum Einsatz kamen.
20210505             Die erweiterte Testkapazität ermögliche es, "dass GROSSBRITANNIEN dem Virus immer einen Schritt voraus ist und
20210505             in der bestmöglichen Position ist, auf neue Bedrohungen durch COVID—19—SO schnell wie möglich zu reagieren",
20210505             Der Ausbildungsmarkt in DEUTSCHLAND ist im vergangenen —JAHR wegen der Coronakrise erheblich geschrumpft.
20210505             Die ZAHL—DER—ABGESCHLOSSENEN—AUSBILDUNGSVERTRÄGE sank 20200000              um 11—PROZENT auf 467.500
20210505             Bundesfamilienministerin FRANZISKA—GIFFEY (SPD) will das geplante CORONA—AUFHOLPROGRAMM für Kinder und Jugendliche schnellstmöglich voranbringen.
20210505             "Das ist ja kein Gesetz und nicht zustimmungspflichtig, das machen wir —JETZT"
20210505             ÖSTERREICH führt —ANFANG Juni Grünen Pass ein
20210505             —VERFALLEN, Um Impfstoff von AstraZeneca nicht, zu lassen, hat 1—HAUSARZT aus Ostwestfalen einen ungewöhnlichen Weg über Ebay gewählt.
20210505             "Es wäre Wahnsinn, den zuverlässigen und wirksamen Impfstoff verkommen zu lassen",
20210505             2—TAGE lang habe er nun über die INTERNET—PLATTFORM Impftermine mit AstraZeneca an Menschen über 60—JAHRE angeboten.
20210505             Er habe 80—BIS 90—IMPFDOSEN übrig.
20210505             Ab der kommenden Woche werde er seine ASTRAZENECA—RESTBESTÄNDE denen verabreichen, die sich auf sein EBAY—ANGEBOT hin meldeten.
20210505             Weitkamp kritisierte, dass die Praxen fast nur noch AstraZeneca erhielten, das gefragte Biontech dagegen an die Impfzentren gehe.
20210505             NRW öffnet Impfungen ab —DONNERSTAG für weitere Berufsgruppen
20210505             NORWEGEN lockert Maßnahmen für Geimpfte und Genesene
20210505             Kanzleramtschef rechnet mit Abschluss der Impfkampagne —BEREITS im Juli
20210505             BERLIN, entsteht eine ART—PANDEMIE—FRÜHWARNZENTRUM der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO).
20210505             Das Zentrum soll im —HERBST an den Start gehen,
20210505             "1—LEKTION aus der Covid-19-Pandemie ist, dass die Welt einen bedeutenden Sprung in der Datenanalyse machen muss,
20210505             damit Politiker auf dieser Basis Entscheidungen zur öffentlichen Gesundheit treffen können",
20210505             Künstliche Intelligenz werde eine große Rolle spielen,
20210505             SAARLAND plant Sonderimpfungen in sozialen Brennpunkten
20210505             Um die weit verbreitete Impfskepsis in der Bevölkerung des Balkanlandes zu überwinden, will SERBIEN den Bürgern Geld für 1—CORONA—IMPFUNG zahlen.
20210505             Wer sich —BISHER impfen ließ oder —BIS zum 20210531              1—IMPFUNG erhält, soll eine einmalige Unterstützung in Höhe von 3000—DINAR (25—EURO) erhalten,
20210505             Durchschnittlich verdienen die Serben —DERZEIT 520—EURO im —MONAT.
20210505             Diskriminierende Einschränkungen für Menschen, die sich nicht impfen lassen wollen, kämen nicht infrage,
20210505             SERBIEN, haben —DERZEIT rund 30—PROZENT—DER—MENSCHEN zumindest 1—CORONA—IMPFUNG erhalten.
20210505             Bundesregierung warnt vor Verwenden gefälschter Impfpässe
20210505             "Wer so etwas tut, gefährdet die Gesundheit anderer Menschen.
20210505             Das ist das eine. Er macht sich aber auch strafbar.
20210505             Das ist ganz klar eine —NACH—DEM Strafgesetzbuch strafbewehrte Urkundenfälschung.
20210505             Und strafbare Handlungen werden verfolgt".
20210505             CORONA—TESTSTÄBCHEN wiederverwendet — 5—FESTNAHMEN auf Sumatra
20210505             —GEMACHT, Sie sollen pro —TAG fast 2000—EURO Profit, haben, indem sie Passagiere für —BEREITS benutzte Testkits zahlen ließen.
20210505             SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN öffnet landesweit Tourismus und Gastronomie
20210505             Geimpfte, Genesene und Getestete dürfen vom 20210517              an unter strengen Vorgaben landesweit Gaststätten auch in Innenräumen besuchen und in Beherbergungsbetrieben übernachten,
20210505             Kein Impfstoff für Kinder, keine Luftfilter für Schulen: CORONA hat mit pandemischer Gnadenlosigkeit offengelegt, wie wenig junge Menschen in DEUTSCHLAND zählen.
20210505             Das äußert sich auch abseits der Politik.
20210505             10—PROZENT weniger Spargel im Coronajahr 20200000              geerntet
20210505             —VERLÄNGERT, Laufzeit von Grünem Pass in ISRAEL wird
20210505             Der Impfstoff scheine mindestens —BIS Jahresende zu wirken,
20210505             KANADA erlaubt BIONTECH—IMPFUNG von älteren Kindern
20210505             —RESERVIERT, NRW, 100.000—IMPFDOSEN für soziale Brennpunkte
20210505             Wenn die Infektionszahlen in stark sozial benachteiligten Stadtteilen hoch blieben, habe das auch negative Auswirkungen auf die gesamte Stadt,
20210505             Bei der Verteilung des Impfstoffs könne nicht nur nach der Arbeitslosenquote oder der 7—TAGE—INZIDENZ gegangen werden.
20210505             MALTA hat bald die HÄLFTE—DER—BÜRGER geimpft
20210505             Bundesregierung mahnt G7 zu mehr Impfstoff für Entwicklungsländer
20210505             —DERZEIT sei dies noch "so gut wie nicht" der Fall und DEUTSCHLAND der größte Geldgeber für die internationale IMPFSTOFF—ALLIANZ Covax.
20210505             Sie setze aber auf eine künftig sehr enge Zusammenarbeit zwischen EU und USA zur Versorgung der Welt mit Impfstoff.
20210505             Dies sei auch in den kommenden Jahren nötig.
20210505             Später fügte er hinzu, die Lieferung von Impfstoff dürfe nicht mit "politischen Gefälligkeiten" verbunden werden.
20210505             Zuvor hatte er RUSSLAND und CHINA vorgeworfen, bei ihrer "IMPFSTOFF—DIPLOMATIE" genau dies zu tun.
20210505             —KRITISIERT, Der SPD—GESUNDHEITSEXPERTE KARL—LAUTERBACH, die Öffnungspläne einiger Bundesländer als verfrüht.
20210505             "Ich finde es fatal, dass erneut der Wettbewerb stattfindet, welches BUNDESLAND am schnellsten lockert",
20210505             —VERHINDERT, Ein derartiger Flickenteppich müsse eigentlich, werden.
20210505             1. Studiendaten deuten Moderna zufolge darauf hin, dass eine 3. Impfung den Schutz gegen Virusvarianten aus BRASILIEN und Südamerika verbessern dürfte.
20210505             Dies gelte sowohl für den —BEREITS eingesetzt Impfstoff wie für 1—AUFFRISCHUNGSIMPFUNG mit einem neu erprobten Mittel,
20210505             Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) hat die Unterstützung der USA—REGIERUNG für die Aussetzung von Paten10 für die CORONA—IMPFSTOFFE als "historische Entscheidung" begrüßt.
20210505             Dies sei ein wichtiger Meilenstein im Kampf gegen die Pandemie, erklärte WHO—CHEF—TEDROS—ADHANOM—GHEBREYESUS am —MITTWOCH über Twitter.
20210505             Die Entscheidung sei ein eindrucksvolles BEISPIEL—DER—AMERIKANISCHEN—FÜHRUNGSROLLE in FRAGEN—DER—GLOBALEN—GESUNDHEIT,
20210505             "Um diese Pandemie zu beenden": USA unterstützen Aussetzung von Paten10 für Impfstoffe
20210505             "Bösartige Aktivitäten": G7-Außenminister kritisieren RUSSLAND und CHINA scharf
20210505—20210516    —AB, LUXEMBURG will Gastronomie weiter öffnen
20210505—20300000    —BIS, CO2-Reduktion von 65—PROZENT : Klimagesetz soll laut Scholz kommende Woche ins Kabinett