_HEUTE_0415 :

00700415             —WIEDERAUFLEBEN der KÄMPFE,
00730415             lediglich 2—FRAUEN und 5—KINDER werden lebend vorgefunden.
05710415             † KIMMEI—KAISER—VON—JAPAN, 29.
06280415             † SUIKO—KAISERIN—VON—JAPAN, 33.
10160415             —URKUNDE—VOM, BY, "Hemma nostræ neptis" is named as mother of "Willihelmo comitis" to whom "HEINRICUS—ROMANORUM—IMPERATOR—AUGUSTUS" granted property "inter fluenta Souuue et Soune, Zotle et Nirine [GAU]IN—PAGO—SEUNA"
11540415             † FATIMIDEN—KALIF—AZ—ZAFIR, 12.
11910415             Der RÖMER—ZUSTIMMUNG hatte HEINRICH—VI. schmählich erkauft durch Preisgabe des treuen TUSCULUM.
11910415             —KRÖNTE der neugewählte COELESTIN—III—PAPA zum KAISER—HEINRICH—VI.
11910415             —GEKRÖNT—WIRD, STAUFER—GESCHLECHT—KAISER—HEINRICH—VI. durch COELESTIN—III—PAPA, der sich dagegen gesträubt hat, in Rom des Heiligen ROM—REICHES .
12180415             DIE—GOLDENE—HANDFESTE—URKUNDE—FÄLSCHUNG soll sein, doch das angebrachte KAISER—SIEGEL—ECHT ist .
12200415             † ADOLF—I—ARCH—BISHOP—OF—COLOGNE.
12500415             —REFUSED, INNOCENT—III—PAPA, JEWS—OF—CORDOVA—SPAIN, permission to build 1—SYNAGOGUE.
13290415             Diese DEUTSCHE—RITTER verbanden sich mit ihren auf dem CERUGLIO befindlichen DEUTSCHE—LANDS—LEUTEN, und
13290415             Diese DEUTSCHE—RITTER verbanden sich mit ihren in VIVINARIA befindlichen DEUTSCHE—LANDS—LEUTEN,
13290415             DIE—DEN MARCO—VISCONTI aus dem bekannten —MAI—LÄNDER GIBELLINEN—HAUS zu ihrem Führer erwählt hatten und
13290415             —NUN—SOFORT. in DIE—STADT—BURG eingelassen wurden.
13290415             des LUDWIG—DER—BAYER—VIKAR—FRANCESCO—INTERMINELLI gefangen genommen,wurde ^ dagegen
13290415             —HERBEIGERUFEN, des CASTRUCCIO 1. Sohn HEINRICH, aus seiner Verbannung im CASTELLO—DI—MONTEGGIOLI.
13290415             —VERBANDEN—SICH, Diese DEUTSCHE—RITTER, mit ihren auf dem CERUGLIO befindlichen DEUTSCHE—LANDS—LEUTEN, und
13290415             —VERBANDEN—SICH, Diese DEUTSCHE—RITTER, mit ihren in VIVINARIA befindlichen DEUTSCHE—LANDS—LEUTEN,
13290415             DIE—DEUTSCHE—LANDS—LEUTE, zu ihrem Führer erwählt hatten, DEN MARCO—VISCONTI, aus dem bekannten MAILÄNDER GIBELLINEN—HAUS und
13290415             —HERBEIGERUFEN, aus seiner Verbannung im CASTELLO—DI—MONTEGGIOLI, des CASTRUCCIO 1. Sohn HEINRICH.
13400415             * KARDINAL—BISCHOF—ANGELO—ACCIAIOLI, ITALIENISCHER der katholischen Kirche
13720415             SWEDERUS—DE—UTERLO praepositm ECCLESIAE—TRAIECTENSIS requiritur et monetur ut HELYAE—DE—VODROMO—APOSTOLICAE—SEDIS—NUNCIO assistat in exactione
14040000—14720415    * † LEON—BATTISTA—ALBERTI, ITALY—HUMANIST—ARCHITECT (Philodoxis).
14330415             —AM, KÖNIG—SIGMUND konnte in sichere Aussicht stellen dem KONZIL die Verständigung mit dem EUGEN—IV—PAPA,
14330415             —AM, —NACHDEM—SCHON erfolgt war des KONZIL Anerkennung durch EUGEN—IV—PAPA.
14330415             —CA—DIESELBE—ZEIT, befreite der durch des EUGEN—IV—VERMITTLUNG—PAPA geschlossene —FRIEDE—MIT—VENEDIG den KÖNIG—SIGMUND von unerschwinglichen Ausgaben.
14330415             So zog KÖNIG—SIGMUND nach ROM unter besseren Verhältnissen.
14330415             —CA—DIESELBE—ZEIT, befreite der durch des EUGEN—IV—VERMITTLUNG—PAPA geschlossene —FRIEDE—MIT—VENEDIG den KÖNIG—SIGMUND von schwerer Sorge und
14500415             —SCHLACHT—VON—FORMIGNY, gelingt 1 entscheidender
14500415             —FRANKREICH—SIEG—GEGEN—1—ENGLÄNDER—HEER in der
14520415             JOHAN—VOSS—SCHÖFFE—ZU—GEICH[GEYCH],und
14520415             verkaufen PETER—TESCHENMECHER und seine oo TRYNE—BÜRGER—ZU—ZÜLPICH,
14520415             an DIE—PRIESTER und Kleriker des PRIESTERHAUS—ZU—WEIDENBACH—BINNEN—KÖLN
14520415             ihre Benden von 1YZ—MORGEN mit den Weiden im GEICHer Gericht,
14520415             die auf den MÜHLENWEG[MOLLEN—WECH] zwischen GEICH und ZÜLPICH stoßen und
14520415             gelegen sind zwischen BENDEN von HENRIch Munt und Fye Dyderichs auf GEICH zu und
14520415             den Benden der PRIESTER in Richtung ZÜLPICH, und zwar zu Händen von JOHAN—VAN—BERLYN, Prokurator des HAUS—WEIDENBACH,
14520415             vorbehaltlich der Zahlung von 3—SÜMBER—ROGGEN—PRO—JAHR für den ERZ—BISCHOF—AUF—DIE—BURG zu ZÜLPICH
14520415             Die Eheleute geloben WÄHRSCHAFT und
14520415             Die Eheleute stellen als UNTER—PFAND 1—YZ—MORGEN—ACKERLAND am selben Mühlenweg weiter oberhalb längs dem Weg und stoßend auf Meichgen Gillis' Land,
14520415             dazu 1—BUNGART zu GEICH, stoßend auf WILHELM—SWEYNANTZ—GARTEN,
14520415             ES—SIEGELT, da DIE—SCHÖFFEN noch kein eigenes Siegel haben, gemäß altem Brauch
14520415             Herr THIELMANNUS—HEPGIN, Pastor bzw.
14520415             ERB—VICARIUS ihrer MUTTERKIRCHE—S—MARIEN binnen ZÜLPICH,
14520415             mit dem Kirchensiegel, das sie immer in Gerichtssachen zu gebrauchen pflegen.-
14520415             des saterdaigs in den Paischen.
14520415—15190000    These include: "THE—LAST—SUPPER" in Milan, the "MONA—LISA" and "THE—VIRGIN and Child with S—ANNE" in the Louvre.
14520415—15190000    He tried to express his immense KNOWLEDGE—OF—THE—WORLD by simply looking at things.
14520415—15190000    The secret he said was "saper vedere," to know how to see.
14520415—15190000    His final "VISIONS—OF—THE—END—OF—THE—WORLD" was 1—SKETCHBOOK in which he tried to depict his SENSE—OF—THE—FORCES—OF—NATURE, which in his imagination he conceived of as possessing 1—UNITY that no 1 had ever seen —BEFORE.
14520415—15190000    —HELPED, His use of 1—SMOKY atmosphere (sfumato), create 1—IMPRESSION—OF—LIFELIKENESS.
14520415—15190000    * † LEONARDO—DA—VINCI, ITALY—PAINTER, sculptor, scientist and visionary, in Vinci near FLORENCE.
14520415—15190000    —APPRENTICED, LEONARDO—DA—VINCI, to the painters VERROCCHIO and ANTONIO—POLLAIUOLO and was accepted to the Florentine painters' guild at 20.
14520415—15190000    Only 17—SURVIVING paintings can be attributed to LEONARDO—DA—VINCI.
14520415—15190000    The secret, LEONARDO—DA—VINCI said, was "saper vedere," to know how to see.
14520415—15190000    —IN which LEONARDO—DA—VINCI tried to depict his SENSE—OF—THE—FORCES—OF—NATURE, which in his imagination he conceived of as possessing 1—UNITY that no 1—HAD ever seen —BEFORE.
14520415—15190000    —HELPED, LEONARDO—DA—VINCI His use of 1—SMOKY atmosphere (sfumato), create 1—IMPRESSION—OF—LIFELIKENESS.
14520415—15190000    —TRIED, LEONARDO—DA—VINCI, to express his immense KNOWLEDGE—OF—THE—WORLD by simply looking at things.
14690415—15390000    Brahma is the Hindu GOD—OF—CREATION.
14690415—15390000    Turbaned followers would sport THE—MAIN—OF—THE—LION, Singha or Sikh.
14690415—15390000    * † THE—GURU—NANAK, 1. guru of Sikhs, to Hindu parents in LAHORE.
14690415—15390000    —ASSIMILATED, THE—GURU—NANAK, tenets of pantheistic Hinduism and monotheistic Islam and founded Sikhism in the Punjab.
14690415—15390000    —REFUSED, THE—GURU—NANAK to accept the caste system and the supremacy of the Brahmanical priests and forbade magic, idolatry and pilgrimages.
14690415—16050000    —IN, The sacred Sikh book, Granth Sahib, was compiled by the 5. guru, Arjun.
14690415—16050000    —COMPILED, The sacred Sikh book, Granth Sahib, was  by the 5. guru, Arjun.
14720415             LEON—BATTISTA—ALBERTI wrote the 1. ITALY—GRAMMAR, the 1. theory of painting as 1—ART, and the treatise "On THE—ART—OF—BUILDING".
14720415—19700000    —AUTHORED, JOAN—GADOL, 1—BIOGRAPHY.
14720415—20000000    —AUTHORED, ANTHONY—GRAFTON, the biography "LEON—BATTISTA—ALBERTI".
14930415             —MET, COLUMBUS, with FERDINAND—KING—OF— and ISABELLA in BARCELONA.
14930415             —MET, COLUMBUS, with KING—FERDINAND and ISABELLA in BARCELONA.
15070415             retranohons les 30—MOIS et nous arrivons au,date approximative de l'arrivee á POITIERS.
15150415             and CHARLES lost no time in renewing THE—UNEXPIRED—TRUCE—WITH—CHARLES—OF—EGMONT,
15150415             of which was duly celebrated at ANTWERP[ANTVERPIAE,ANTWERPEN,ANVERS] on the.
15150415—15210000    —UNTIL There was indeed peace IN—THE—NETHERLANDS[NIEDERLANDE]
15210415             —AM, Der KAPITAL—ERLÖS aus letzlerer wurde zur teilweisen Befriedigung der Gläubiger verwendet.
15250415             * KARTOGRAF—TILEMANN—STELLA, DEUTSCHER—BIBLIOTHEKAR, Mathematiker, Geometer,  und Astronom
15250415             † DEUTECUN}, frater JACOB, laicus hospes (BRÜHLER—NECROLOG)
15320415             † MICHAEL—GAISMAIR, Bauernführer in Tirol und SALZBURG
15390415             —ANFANGS, DER—NAME "JESUITEN"des GESELLSCHAFT—JESU—ORDEN war noch 1—SPÖTTISCHE Bezeichnung DER—MENSCHEN, wurde aber
15390415—20140311    —ANFANGS—SPÄTER—HEUTE—NOCH, DER—NAME "JESUITEN"vom GESELLSCHAFT—JESU—ORDEN übernommen, wird auch geführt.
15540415             * SIMON—VI—GRAF—ZUR—LIPPE
15580415             † REFORMATOR—GEORG—SCHARNEKAU, deutscher evangelischer Theologe und
15630415             * SIKH—GURU—ARJAN—DEV,
15630415             * JOHANN—HARTMANN—BEYER, DEUTSCHER—ARZT, Mathematiker und Ratsherr
15630415             † BERNHARD—VIII—GRAF—ZUR—LIPPE
15820415             —NOCH—WEITERE—3—JAHRE—DAUERN danach allerdings, Die Bauarbeiten
15940415             * GEORG—VON—FRANTZKE, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Hofbeamter
15940415             —APPOINTED, Flemish painter PIETER—STEVENS was, royal painter of RUDOLF—II in PRAGUE.
16100415             † ROBERT—PARSONS, ENGLISCHER—JESUIT und Politiker
16320415             —SCHLACHT—BEI—RAIN—AM—LECH
16320415             —BESIEGEN, die SCHWEDEN unter KÖNIG—GUSTAV—II—ADOLF die KATHOLISCHE—LIGA—TRUPPEN, während des
16320415             3ßIGJÄHRIGER—KRIEG
16320415             SWEDISH—ARMY and SAXON—ARMY beat EARL—TILLY.
16350000—17190415    * † FRANCE, Madame de Maintenon, THE—WIFE—OF—FORMER—KING—LOUIS—XIV.
16380415             —BESIEGT—WERDEN, die CHRISTLICHER—SHIMABARA—AUFSTAND—REBELLEN unter AMAKUSA—SHIR durch das Sh?gunat das die letzte FESTUNG—HARA einnimmt, JAPAN,
16380415             † † † Die Unterlegenen CHRISTLICHER—SHIMABARA—AUFSTAND—REBELLEN werden zu Tausenden geköpft.
16380415             —ÜBERLEBT, Das JAPAN—CHRISTENTUM , nur im Untergrund.
16420415             * OSMANEN—REICH—SULTAN—SÜLEYMAN—II.,
16420415             —WÄHREND der
16420415             —IRISCHE—KONFÖDERATIONS—KRIEGE kommt es zur
16420415             —SCHLACHT—VON—KILRUSH, in der
16420415             —DURCH—SETZEN—SICH, die ROYALISTEN—TRUPPEN gegen zahlenmäßig überlegene IRISCHE—REBELLEN .
16510415             † THOMAS—FRANCINE, Florentiner FONTÄNEN—MEISTER in FRANKREICH
16510415             * DOMENICO—GABRIELLI, composer.
16590415             † DEUTSCHER—DICHTER—SIMON—DACH,
16650415             † LORENZO—LIPPI, ITALIENISCHER—MALER und Dichter
16690311—16690415    —DESTROYED, Lava flows that, at least 10—VILLAGES on its southern flank —BEFORE reaching the city WALLS—OF—THE—TOWN—OF—CATANIA —5—WEEKS—LATER.
16770000—17560415    * † JACQUES—CASSINI, FRANCE—ASTRONOMER and cartographer.
16800000—14520415    Vermerke :
16800000—14520415    gelegen in den Broyll beneven JOHAN—NUYROETZ, gehören —NUN mit den anderen, —SCHON erworbenen 1\1, —MORGEN zusammen,
16800000—14520415    -Sind  verkauft).
16830415             —EINHEITLICHES—DÄNISCHES—RECHTS—BUCH—DANSKE—LOV, wird durch CHRISTIAN—V—KÖNIG—VON—DÄNEMARK in Kraft gesetzt und löst althergebrachte Rechte der Regionen ab.
16840415             * KATHARINA—I—ZARIN—VON—RUSSLAND
16840415             † GEORG—CHRISTOPH—VON—HASLANG, kurbayrischer Gesandter bei den Westfälischen Friedensverhandlungen
16840415             * CATHERINE—I, empress of RUSSIA (17250000—17270000    ).
16840415             * CATHERINE—I—EMPRESS—OF—RUSSIA
16840415—16840224    —SEE
16880415             * JOHANN—FRIEDRICH—FASCH, composer.
16950415             * HERMANN—WERNER—VON—BOSSART—DOMHERR—IN—KÖLN, Priester, Diplomat und
16980415             † JACOB—SASPORTAS, RABBI, AMSTERDAM
17000000—17880415    * † MARY—DELANY, ENGLAND—ARTIST and writer.
17030415             * LUISA—BERGALLI, venezianische Dichterin und Librettistin
17100415             * WILLIAM—CULLEN, SCHOTTISCHER—MEDIZINER und Chemiker
17110415             * STEFANO—EVODIO—ASSEMANI, arabischer Orientalist
17150415             —MASSAKER—AN 1 Delegation aus SOUTH—CAROLINA beginnt der
17150415             —YAMASEE—KRIEG—ZWISCHEN—AMERIKANISCHEN—UREINWOHNERN und europäischen Kolonisten.
17150415             —UPRISING of Yamasse Indians in SOUTH—CAROLINA.
17190415             Zeugen (Gress.): Zeugen (Gress.)JOHANN—BERNHARD—PRINTZ, SCHULTHEIß;und
17190415             Zeugen (Gress.)DIE—SCHÖFFEN: HUBERT—HACKHAUSEN,
17190415             Zeugen (Gress.)JAKOB—REIFFERSCHEIDT, Zeugen (Gress.)JOHANN—SCHOLZ,
17190415             Zeugen (Gress.)JOHANN—WILHELM—OTTEN, GERICHTS—SCHREIBER;
17190415             † Mme de Maintenon.
17190415             † MADAME—DE—MAINTENON à S—CYR
17190415—19300000    —AUTHORED, MAUD—CRUTTWELL, the biography "Madame de Maintenon".
17190415—20080000    —AUTHORED, VERONICA—BUCKLEY, "Madame de Maintenon: THE—SECRET—WIFE—OF—LOUIS—XIV."
17280415             * GIOVANNI—ALESSANDRO—BRAMBILLA, ITALIENISCHER—ARZT und Militärchirurg
17290213             DIONYSIUS—GRIEFF oo [17300415             VICHT] ANNA—KATHARINA—ESSER [DISPENS—VOM—AUFGEBOT]
17300415—17350121    als PRIOR VOM.
17300415—17350121    JOHANN—FRIEDRICH—VON—HARNM erscheint als PRIOR VOM.
17340415             * ADRIAN—ZINGG, SCHWEIZER—MALER, Radierer, Zeichner und Kupferstecher
17380415             Die Oper Serse von GEORG—FRIEDRICH—HÄNDEL, HWV 40, wird im Londoner Kings' Theatre uraufgeführt.
17380415             Die Titelrolle singt der berühmte Kastrat Caffarelli, der von der Rolle jedoch nicht begeistert ist.
17380415             —SCHON nach 5—AUFFÜHRUNGEN abgesetzt, Das Stück wird und danach fast —200—JAHRE nicht mehr gespielt.
17380415             —INVENTED, The bottle opener was.
17400415             † ABRAHAM—FRENCEL, sorbischer Geistlicher, GESCHICHTS—SCHREIBER und Sprachkundler
17410415—18270000    * † CHARLES—WILLSON—PEALE, USA—PORTRAIT—PAINTER and inventor.
17410415—18270000    CHARLES—WILLSON—PEALE—2. teacher was JOHN—SINGLETON—COPLEY.
17410415—18270000    His 2. teacher was JOHN—SINGLETON—COPLEY.
17450415             —SCHLACHT—BEI—PFAFFENHOFEN während des
17520415             —VON, und
17540415             † JACOPO—RICCATI, venezianischer Mathematiker
17550415             * JOHANN—GEORG—FELDHANN, DEUTSCHER—SCHULLEITER und Philologe
17550415             —BIS—HEUTE, Es gilt  als 1 der einflussreichsten Wörterbücher in der ENGLISCHE—SPRACHE—GESCHICHTE
17550415             The 1. edition had 42,773 entries.
17550415—20050000    —AUTHORED, HENRY—HITCHINGS, "Defining the World," 1—ACCOUNT—OF—JOHNSON—WORK.
17590415             * CARL—LEBERECHT—MEßOW, deutscher evangelischer Geistlicher
17590415             * JOHANNA—CATHARINA—HÖHN, DEUTSCHE—MAGD und Kindsmörderin
17610415             † ARCHIBALD—CAMPBELL—DUKE—OF—ARGYLL, 3. , SCHOTTISCHER—ADELIGER, Richter, Politiker und SOLDAT
17640415             † JEANNE—ANTOINETTE—POISON—LENORMANT—DE—ETOILES, Marquis de Pomador.
17640415             † Mme de Pompadour.
17640415             † MADAME—DE—POMPADOUR
176530415            † HERMANNi, Emundus, aus HEINSBERG, PFARRER—IN—DÜLKEN und dec.
17660415             * FRIEDRICH—LUDEWIG—BOUTERWECK, DEUTSCHER—PHILOSOPH und Schriftsteller
17660415             † ROBERT—WHYTT, BRITISCHER—ARZT und Neurowissenschaftler
17670415             † JOHANN—DAVID—GSCHWEND, DEUTSCHER—PÄDAGOGE, Historiker und Autor
176890415;)          † Derichsweiler, Franz, aus DÜREN, PFARRER—IN—DÜNWALD, PRIOR—IN—KLOSTER—STEINFELD, Seelsorger in ZÜLPICH, PRIOR—IN—ELLEN
177170415            † — Bernard, CONFESSARIUS—INKEMPEN, sacrista et MAGISTER—NOVITIORUM in GLADBACH
17720415             * Étienne Geoffroy SAINT—HILAIRE, FRANZÖSISCHER—ZOOLOGE
17750415             ARC—ET—SENANS, wird der Grundstein für die vom ARCHITEKT—CLAUDE—NICOLAS—LEDOUX IMLOUIS—XVI—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH—AUFTRAG geplante königliche Saline gelegt.
17750415             Es handelt sich um 1 der bedeutendsten realisierten Bauprojekte der so genannten REVOLUTIONS—ARCHITEKTUR.
17790415             —NTDECKT, Der FRANZÖSISCHE—ASTRONOM CHARLES—MESSIER im Sternbild Jungfrau 1—SPIRALGALAXIE, die er in seinem Verzeichnis als Nummer 58—AUFNIMMT.
17810415             * CHRISTIAN—SCHREIBER, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE, Philologe, Philosoph, Dichter und Erziehungswissenschaftler
17840415             —FINDET, Der DEUTSCH—BRITISCHE—ASTRONOM WILHELM—HERSCHEL bei Himmelsbeobachtungen im Sternbild Jungfrau neben der zum VIRGO—GALAXIENHAUFEN gehörenden linsenförmigen Galaxie NGC 4417—DIE Objekte NGC 3833—UND NGC 5506—SOWIE im Sternbild Bärenhüter die Galaxie NGC 5248.
17840415             —OCCURRED, The 1. balloon flight, in IRELAND.
17840415             [see 17830605             in FRANCE]
17880415             —BECAME, MARY—DELANY, known for her "FLORA—DELANICA," 1—COLLECTION—OF—985—BOTANICALLY accurate portraits of flowers in bloom.
17880415—20110000    —AUTHORED, Molly Peacock, ""THE—PAPER—GARDEN: 1—ARTIST—BEGINS—HER—LIFE—WORK at 72".
17910415             —CONSECRATED, Surveyor GENERAL—ANDREW—ELLICOTT, the southern tip of the triangular DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA at Jones Point.
17950415             —VERTRAG—ZWISCHEN—PREUßEN und FRANKREICH fiel das linke RHEIN—UFER an FRANKREICH.
17950415—18140000    Vrtrg PRß—FRNKR Nach 1—VORLÄUFIGEN EinTEILUNG
17950415—18140000    Vrtrg PRß—FRNKR
17950415—18140000    Vrtrg PRß—FRNKR unterstand WEINGARTEN dem
17950415—18140000    Vrtrg PRß—FRNKR KANTON—ZÜLPICH,
17950415—18140000    Vrtrg PRß—FRNKR ARRONDISSEMENT COLOGNE[KÖLN],
17950415—18140000    Vrtrg PRß—FRNKR DEPARTEMENT—RUR (Roer), aufgeführt bei WACHENDORF.
17950415—18140000    —VERTRAG—ZWISCHEN—PREUßEN und FRANKREICH unterstand WEINGARTEN dem
17950415—18140000    —VERTRAG—ZWISCHEN—PREUßEN und FRANKREICH DEPARTEMENT—RUR (Roer), aufgeführt bei WACHENDORF.
17960415             —SCHLACHT—BEI—DEGO,
17960415             ÖSTERREICHISCHE—TRUPPEN unter JOSEPH—PHILIPP—VUKASOVI?, können bei der SIEGREICHE—NAPOLEON—ITALIEN—ARMEE aber Verwirrung hervorrufen und sich mit erbeuteten Kanonen 1—ZEIT lang gegen die Übermacht halten, ehe sie sich zurückziehen müssen.
17980415             * LUDWIG—HOFACKER, evangelischer Theologe
17980415             —DIE—REPUBLIK—GENF—UNABHÄNGIGKEIT, VERLIERT, durch Annexion.
17980415—17920000    —NACH, Als DÉPARTEMENT—DU—LÉMAN wird DIE—REPUBLIK—GENF von FRANKREICH beim 2. Versuch gewaltsam einverleibt.
17990415             Die Uraufführung der Oper Montano et Stéphanie von HENRI—MONTAN—BERTON findet an der OPÉRA—COMIQUE in PARIS statt.
18000415             * JAMES—CLARK—ROSS, BRITISCHER—ENTDECKER und Seefahrer
18000415             —LOCATED, SIR—JAMES—CLARK—ROSS, the Magnetic NORTH—POLE.
18010415             * FRITZ—TILLISCH, DÄNISCHER—JURIST, Gutsherr und MINISTER
18090415             * DEUTSCHER—MALER—ERNST—DEGER,
18090415             —ÜBERSCHREITET, ERZHERZOG—FERDINAND—KARL—VON—ÖSTERREICH, mit 1 Großteil seiner Truppen DIE—PILITZA und
18090415—18090715    5. KOALITIONS—KRIEG—RAHMEN
18120415             —ANZEIGT, der EHEMALIGE—RATS—APOTHEKER—ADOLPH—CHRISTOPH—SAGER, die Gründung der PRIVATE—LÖWEN—APOTHEKE in der Johannisstraße 5 .
18120415             * PIERRE—ETIENNE—THEODORE—ROUSSEAU, painter.
18130415             Départ de  —NAPOLÉON—AUX—INVALIDES pour LA—CAMPAGNE d'Allemagne.
18130415             —DÉPART—DE NAPOLEÓN pour LE—ARMÉE—FRANÇAISE
18140415             * JOHN—LOTHROP—MOTLEY, USA—HISTORIAN, author (Rise of HOLLAND—REP).
18170415             1. Gehörlosenschule Amerikas, gründen, HARTFORD—CONNECTICUT, THOMAS—HOPKINS—GALLAUDET und LAURENT—CLERC, das CONNECTICUT—ASYLUM for the Education and Instruction of Deaf and Dumb Persons.
18170415             —OPENED, THE—1.—USA—SCHOOL for the deaf, in HARTFORD—CONNECTICUT.
18190415             * ARTHUR—DÖLITZSCH, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Politiker
18200415—19020000    —IN, † * Evander McNair, Brig GENERAL (CONFEDERATE—ARMY).
18230415             ) † CUNIBERT—GUSSENHOVEN, aus Mengenich, PRIOR—IN—ELLEN und KLOSTER—STEINFELD, CO—ADJUTOR fr. cellarii, in AHRWEILER
18280415             * 1. MUSEUM—DIREKTORIN in DEUTSCHLAND, JOHANNA—MESTORF, Archäologin,
18320415             * WILHELM—BUSCH, GERMANY—ARTIST.
18320415             —CREATED, WILHELM—BUSCH, the precursor to THE—CARTOON—STRIP.
18340415             * EUGEN—LUCIUS, DEUTSCHER—CHEMIKER, Industrieller und Mäzen
18340415             2. SEIDENWEBER—AUFSTAND—IN—LYON wird von ARMEE—EINHEITEN blutig niedergeschlagen.
18340415             —MEHR—TÄGIGE—SEIDENWEBER—AUFSTAND—IN—LYON—REBELLION verlieren über 600—MENSCHEN ihr Leben.Bei der
18340415             † GIROLAMO—AMATI, ITALIENISCHER—PHILOLOGE, Gräzist, Epigraphiker, Paläograph und Handschriftenkundler
18340415             THE—HONORE—DAUMIER painting "Rue Transnonain, le 15—AVRIL 1834" showed the ghastly aftermath of 1—CIVIL—MASSACRE by FRANCE—GOVERNMENT—FORCES.
18340415             —AM, zu BERN unterzeichnet wurde
18340415             —AM, DIE—STIFTUNG des "JUNGES—EUROPA",
18370415—19210000    * † HORACE—PORTER, Bvt Brig GENERAL (Union Army).
18390415             Die komische Oper Les treize von Fromental Halévy wird an der OPÉRA—COMIQUE in PARIS uraufgeführt.
18410415             —AM, gleich  KARL—MARX ist in Abwesenheit zum DOKTOR—DER—PHILOSOPHIE promoviert worden.
18410415             —PROMOVIERT—WURDE, gleich, KARL—MARX, in Abwesenheit, zum DOKTOR—DER—PHILOSOPHIE.
18430415             * FRANZ—SCHWACKHÖFER, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—CHEMIKER, Professor und Hochschuldirektor
18430415—19160000    * † HENRY—JAMES, USA—NOVELIST, writer and critic, in ENGLAND.
18430415—19160000    HENRY—JAMES—OLDER brother was WILLIAM—JAMES, the psychologist and philosopher.
18430415—19160000    —DRAGGED, HENRY—JAMES—SENIOR in the 1850s, his 4—SONS and daughter across EUROPE in search a "sensual education".
18430415—19160000    —DOCUMENTED, HENRY—1. —40—YEARS are, by Sheldon M. Novick in "HENRY—JAMES: THE—YOUNG—MASTER".
18430415—19160000    There is also a 5-vol. biography by WILLIAM—EDEL.
18430415—19160000    —INCLUDED, HENRY—JAMES—NOVELS, "THE—PRINCESS—CASAMASSIMA," 1—WORK about the folly of radical politics.
18430415—19160000    "It takes 1—GREAT—DEAL—OF—HISTORY to produce 1—LITTLE—LITERATURE".
18450415             * USA—AMERIKANISCHE—PIONIER—FRAU—FANNY—KELLY,  und Autorin
18450415             —THE—ECONOMIST—VOM,
18480415             —AM, polemisch gegen das Zehnstundengesetz, von JAMES—WILSON, 1—DER ökonomischen Hauptmandarine, im "LONDON ECONOMIST"von neuem geblasen.
18480415             * ~ SARAH—J—MELLEN F Brookfield, MASSACHUSETTS—USA
18490415             Erklärung
18490415             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—273—KÖLN.
18500415             † JULES—ROBERT—AUGUSTE, FRANZÖSISCHER—MALER und Bildhauer
18500415             —INCORPORATED, THE—CITY—OF—S—FRANCISCO was.
18520415             * JOSEF—FREINADEMETZ, österreichischer katholischer Ordensmann, CHINA—MISSIONAR und Heiliger
18530415             † JOHANN—LEOPOLD—FUCHS, —67—JAHRE—ALT, composer.
18540415             † ARTHUR—AIKIN, ENGLISCHER—CHEMIKER, Mineraloge und Autor
18540415             † The immigrant steamer ship "Powchattan" (Powhattan) struck Brigantine Shoals and sank off LONG—BEACH, NEW—YORK Over 300—PEOPLE.
18560000—19250415    * † JOHN—SINGER—SARGENT, USA—PORTRAIT painter in LONDON.
18610415             —3—DAYS—AFTER the attack on Fort SUMTER—SOUTH—CAROLINA, PRESIDENT—LINCOLN declared 1—STATE—OF—INSURRECTION and called out Union troops.
18630415             * THEODOR—VON—SODEN, württembergischer Oberamtmann
18630415             † HEINRICH—CARL—ESMARCH, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Mitglied der Frankfurter Nationalversammlung
18640415             * JAMES—TEIT, BRITISCH—KANADISCHER—ETHNOLOGE, Fotograf und Fremdenführer
18640415             † EVERHARD—VON—GROOTE, Germanist, Schriftsteller und Politiker
18650415             Die komische Oper Le Bœuf Apis von Léo Delibes hat ihre Uraufführung am Théâtre des BOUFFES—PARISIENS in PARIS.
18650415             Nach der ABRAHAM—LINCOLN—ERMORDUNG, wird dessen VIZE—PRÄSIDENT—ANDREW—JOHNSON als 17. USA—PRÄSIDENT vereidigt.
18650415             † PRESIDENT—LINCOLN, several hours —AFTER he was shot at FORD—THEATER in WASHINGTON by JOHN—WILKES—BOOTH.
18650415             —BECAME, ANDREW—JOHNSON, VICE—PRESIDENT—UNDER—LINCOLN, the 17. PRESIDENT (18650000—18690000    ) of THE—USA—UPON the assassination.
18650415             —ISSUED, THE—1.—MOURNING—STAMP was, —AFTER his assassination, a 15-cent black commemorative.
18650415             —ELEVATED, OTTO—VON—BISMARCK was, to EARL.
18650415             † USA—PRESIDENT—ABRAHAM—LINCOLN, dies
18650415—20050000    —AUTHORED, Doris Kearns Goodwin, "Team of Rivals: THE—POLITICAL—GENIUS—OF—ABRAHAM—LINCOLN".
18660415             * ROBERT—LEROY—PARKER, a.k.a. "Butch Cassidy," in BEAVER—UTAH.
18660415             † WILLIAM—JACKSON, —51—JAHRE—ALT, composer.
18660415_02370000    —AUFGESTELLT, Die KALKSTEIN—STELE mit 1 KALENDER—REGELUNG wurde und überdauerte die Zeiten unter Ruinenschutt.
18700212             1—OFFICIAL—PROCLAMATION—SEPTEMBER 18700415             as last —DAY—OF—GRACE for USA—SILVER—COINS to circulate in CANADA.
18710415             'Wild Bill' Hickok became THE—MARSHAL—OF—ABILENE—KANSAS.
18720415             1—CYCLONE hit THE—COAST—OF—TANZANIA.
18720415             All the ships in the harbor of ZANZIBAR, with the exception of 1—STEAMER that escaped to sea, were sunk or wrecked on the shore with great LOSS—OF—LIFE.
18730415             * FRANZ—NACHBAUR, DEUTSCHER—SCHAUSPIELER, Regisseur und Intendant
18740415             * JOHANNES—STARK, DEUTSCHER—PHYSIKER, Nobelpreisträger
18740415             * KARL—ERNST—OSTHAUS, DEUTSCHER—KUNSTMÄZEN, Planer und Gestalter
18740415             —AUSSTELLEN im Atelier des Fotografen Nadar 3ßig Maler ihre Werke PARIS,
18740415             —BEFINDET, Darunter, sich auch CLAUDE—MONETS—BILD "Impression, soleil levant" (Impression, Sonnenaufgang).
18740415             Die davon inspirierte Artikelüberschrift L'exposition des Impressionnistes gibt der neuen Kunstrichtung Impressionismus ihren Namen.
18750415             1—BALLONFAHRT zum Zwecke spektroskopischer Untersuchungen sterben die Franzosen JOSEPH—CROCÉ—SPINELLI und THÉODORE—SIVEL in 1 Höhe von etwa 8.000—METERN an Sauerstoffmangel.
18750415             —ÜBERLEBT, Der 3. Teilnehmer, GASTON—TISSANDIER, und kann landen, ist aber fortan gehörlos.
18800415             * MAX—WERTHEIMER, CZECH—BORN psychologist.
18820415             † ANDREAS—LACH, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—BLUMEN—UND Stilllebenmaler
18850415             † WALTHER—VON—GOETHE, DEUTSCHER—KAMMERHERR und Komponist
18880415             Ein paar Freunde gründen im Berliner Vorort Tempelhof den FUßBALLVEREIN—BFC—GERMANIA 18880000             .
18880415             —HEUTE, FUßBALLVEREIN—BFC—GERMANIA, der ältesten noch existierenden Fußballverein Deutschlands.
18880415             † MATTHEW—ARNOLD, —65—JAHRE—ALT, ENGLAND—POET.
18890415             * ASA—PHILIP—RANDOLPH, USA—LABOR leader and Civil Rights advocate.
18890415             1—MARSHAL—POSSE killed and captured 1—GROUP—OF—SOONERS, settlers who stole onto the Public Domain TERRITORY—IN—OKLAHOMA in hopes of claiming it legally, —JUST—9—DAYS—BEFORE the official START—OF—THE—LAND rush.
18890415             —MINISTERED, REVEREND—DAMIEN—DE—VEUSTER (18400000             *), BELGIUM—PRIEST who, to leprosy patients in HAWAII, † of leprosy.
18890415—19750000    * † THOMAS—HART—BENTON, painter, muralist, in MISSOURI.
18890415—19950000    —BEATIFIED, He was, —AFTER THE—VATICAN declared that 19870000             —THE—RECOVERY—OF—1—NUN of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and MARY was 1—MIRACLE.
18890415—19990000    —RECOVERED, Audrey Toguchi, from lung cancer —AFTER praying to Damien.
18890415—20090000    —IN, BENEDICTUS—XVI—PAPA set his canonization date for 20091011             .
18910415             * PETER—HORN, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER, MdL, MdB
18920415             * CORRIE—TEN—BOOM, NIEDERLÄNDISCHE—CHRISTIN, Retterin zahlreicher Juden vor dem Holocaust, Gerechte unter den Völkern
18920415             —FORMED, GENERAL—ELECTRIC—CO., by THE—MERGER—OF—THE—EDISON—ELECTRIC—LIGHT—CO. and other firms, was incorporated in NEW—YORK State.
18930415             * WILLIAM—C—MCGANN, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—FILMREGISSEUR, Spezialeffektdesigner und Kameramann
18950415             JOSEPHINE—BLATT—OF—THE—USA—MADE 1—RECORD—HIP—AND—HARNESS lift of 3564—LB.
18960415             —CLOSED, The 1. modern Olympic Games, in ATHENS.
18960415             164—OF—THE—241—COMPETITORS were from GREECE.
18960415             —REPRESENTED, The remaining, 13—COUNTRIES, the largest INTERNATIONAL participation of ANY—SPORTING event up to that time.
18980000—19760415    * † GERALD—LK—SMITH, 1—LEADER—OF—THE "Share Our Wealth" movement and FOUNDER—OF—THE—AMERICA—1.—PARTY (19430000             ), in ARKANSAS.
18980415             * BESSIE—SMITH, USA—BLUES singer.
18990415             1. Schienenstrecke in WEST—UND Zentralafrika fertiggestellt, Die EISENBAHNLINIE—LAGOS–ABEOKUTA in SÜD—NIGERIA wird als
19000415             —VERBOTEN, Im QING—DYNASTIE—KAISERREICH—CHINA wird DIE—BOXERBEWEGUNG , was ohne große Auswirkungen bleibt, da sie unter den regulären CHINESISCHEN—TRUPPEN Verbündete findet.
19010415             —MOTORIZED, THE—1.—BRITISH, burial took place.
19010415             THE—1.—UNITED—KINGDOM—MOTORIZED burial took place.
19030415             * ERICH—ARENDT, writer.
19030415             * JOHN—WILLIAMS, actor (NILES—FAMILY Affair, Dial M for Murder), in ENGLAND.
19040415—19200000    —IN, ARSHILE—GORKY came to THE—USA and assumed 1—NEW—NAME in ADMIRATION—OF—RUSSIA—WRITER—MAXIM—GORKY.
19040415—19480000    * † ARSHILE—GORKY, artist, as Vostanig ADOIAN—OF—ARMENIA—PARENTS in EAST—TURKEY.
19040415—19480000    (The actual —YEAR was 19020000—19050000    —BETWEEN).
19050000—19800415    * † JEAN—PAUL—SARTRE, Existentialist philosopher, novelist and dramatist in PARIS.
19070415             Die veristische Oper GLORIA—VON—FRANCESCO—CILEA wird am Teatro alla Scala in Mailand uraufgeführt.
19070415             DER—SPD—PARTEI—VORSTAND rät ab, dort DIE—ARBEIT am;;0501;;ruhen zu lassen, wo mit Aussperrungen zu rechnen sei.
19070415             Die LOHN—STREIKS —ZEIT—IN—DIESER sollen nicht erschwert werden.
19100000—19750415    * † RICHARD—CONTE, film actor.
19100415             † HANNA—BIEBER—BÖHM, DEUTSCHE—FRAUENRECHTLERIN und Wegbereiterin der Sozialen Arbeit
19100415             —ARRESTED, S—FRANCISCO, detective TIM—RIORDAN, Jolly Trixie, aka Miss Kitty Plunkett, for allegedly violating the Penal Code.
19100415             —ACCUSED—OF, She was, being deformed and exhibiting her deformity in 1—FILLMORE—STREET—SHOW—HOUSE.
19100415             —OPPOSED, Plunkett said she weighed only 585—POUNDS as, to the alleged 685—POUNDS.
19100415             2—PHYSICIANS testified that she was perfectly symmetrical.
19100415             DIE—BAU—UNTERNEHMER aussperren ca 160.000—BAU—ARBEITER.
19100415             —BEGINNT, Damit, 1—DER größten STREIKs vor dem 1. WELT—KRIEG.
19100415             DIE—AUSSPERRUNG dauert in einigen Städten —BIS—ANFANG ;;07;;.
19120415             * KIM—IL—SUNG, NORD—KOREA—POLITIKER
19120415             Der Luxusdampfer Titanic versinkt nach seiner Kollision mit einem Eisberg um 00020415             20—UHR im Atlantik.
19120415             Zwischen 1490—MENSCHEN und 1517—MENSCHEN sterben.
19120415             Die Carpathia, die als 1. beim Unglücksort eintrifft, findet nur noch Rettungsboote vor.
19120415             † USA—AMERIKANISCHER—KAPITALIST—JOHN—JACOB—ASTOR—IV, , Erfinder und Schriftsteller
19120415             † THOMAS—ANDREWS—JUNIOR., nordirischer Schiffsarchitekt, Erbauer der Titanic
19120415             * KIM—IL—SUNG, NORTH—KOREA—COMMUNIST founder and leader (19480000—19940000    ).
19120415             At 2:20 a.m., —2—HOURS and —40—MINUTES—AFTER impact, the luxury liner RMS Titanic sank in THE—NORTH—ATLANTIC—OCEAN off Newfoundland with the loss of about 1,522 lives.
19120415             † About 1,500 [1517] people.
19120415             Because there were lifeboats for only half those on BOARD, only 705—PASSENGERS and crew survived the disaster.
19120415             Among the survivors was J. BRUCE—ISMAY, PRESIDENT—OF—THE—WHITE—STAR—LINE, who telegraphed his NEW—YORK office, "Deeply regret advise you Titanic sank this —MORNING—AFTER collision with iceberg, resulting in serious LOSS—OF—LIFE. Full particulars —LATER".
19120415             † Nearly a 3. of the passengers.
19120415             —PLAYED, The ship's band, the waltz "Songe d'Automne" as it sank.
19120415             —SURVIVED, Nearly 60—PERCENT—OF—THE 1.—CLASS passengers.
19120415             There were 214—STAFF—MEMBERS—OF—THE—685—SURVIVORS.
19120415             —DISCOVERED, It was —LATER, that Harland & Wolff, the ship's builder, had used 1—LOWER—QUALITY—RIVET on the ship that likely contributed to the rapid sinking.
19120415             —DESCRIBED, The last night on the ship was, by RICK—ARCHBOLD and Dana McCauley in their book: "Last Dinner on the Titanic".
19120415             —RESCUED, The steamer Carpathia, 705—OF—THE 2,358—PEOPLE—ONBOARD.
19120415             —IN DEN 1. —MINUTEN DES, Als die "Titanic" im NORD—ATLANTIK nach der Kollision mit einem Eisberg sank,
19120415             —IN DEN 1. —MINUTEN DES, waren es Funker JACK—PHILLIPS und sein Assistent HAROLD—BRIDE,
19120415             —IN DEN 1. —MINUTEN DES, die mit ihrem MARCONI—TELEGRAPHEN die Welt über den leckgeschlagenen Luxusliner in Kenntnis setzten.
19120415             —KILLED, The accident, 1,523 [1503] people and 705—SURVIVED.
19120415             —SURVIVED, Nearly 60% of the 1.-class passengers.
19120415—19960000    —BY, only 8 were still alive.
19120415—19970000    —IN, this date marked —YEAR 1 in THE—NORTH—KOREAN—CALENDAR.
19130301—19550000    —IN, again to 19130415             .
19150415             —PREMIERED, MANUEL—DE—FALLA—BALLET "El Amor Brujo,", in MADRID.
19160000—20030415    * † THEODORE—WEISS, poet and teacher at Princeton.
19170000—20020415    * † BYRON—R—WHITE, FORMER—SUPREME—COURT—JUSTICE (19620000—19930000    ) in DENVER.
19170415             —VERSENKT—WIRD, Der zum Truppentransporter umgewandelte ehemalige OZEANDAMPFER—CAMERONIA  östlich von MALTA von dem DEUTSCHEN—U—BOOT U 33 .
19170415             210—MENSCHEN sterben.
19170415             —DEFEATED, THE—BRITISH, the Germans at THE—BATTLE—OF—ARRAS.
19170415             THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—DEFEATED the Germans at THE—BATTLE—OF—ARRAS.
19180415             —PUBLISHED, Clemenceau, secret FRENCH—AUSTRIA—DOCUMENTS.
19190415             —AWARDED, She was posthumously, THE—USA—DISTINGUISHED—SERVICE—MEDAL, the 1. female recipient.
19190415             —FAILED, Hoffmann and his Social Democrats, who had, to build 1—COUNTER—REVOLUTIONARY—ARMY at Bamberg, request the aid of Von Epp + several other Free Corps groups.
19190415             Their ANTI—REPUBLICAN sentiments had already led to their being banned in Bavaria.
19190415—19200000    —IN, She was brought back to THE—USA and RE—INTERRED in ARLINGTON National Cemetery.
19200415             2—MIT Handfeuerwaffen bewaffnete Männer erschießen in SOUTH—BRAINTREE, MASSACHUSETTS, 2—ANGESTELLTE der Slater & Morrill Shoe Company.
19200415             Die Täter erbeuten 15.776,51 Dollar Lohngeld.
19200415             ITALY—IMMIGRANTS—SACCO and Vanzetti were ACCUSED—OF—THE—CRIME.
19200415             * RICHARD—VON—WEIZSACKER, BARON, PRESIDENT (GERMANY, 19840000—19940000    ).
19200415             —ACCUSED, ITALY—IMMIGRANTS—SACCO and Vanzetti were, of the crime.
19210000—20040415    * † THOMAS—CORBALLY, MAN—OF—MYSTERY.
19210415             Die Operette Der Vetter aus Dingsda des Komponisten EDUARD—KÜNNEKE wird in BERLIN uraufgeführt, das zu seinem erfolgreichsten Stück werden wird.
19210415             Das Libretto stammt von Herman Haller und FRITZ—OLIVEN.
19210415             * GEORGI—TIMOFEYEVICH—BEREGOVOI, USSR cosmonaut (Soyuz 3).
19220415             Die Uraufführung der Operette Verliebte Leute von EDUARD—KÜNNEKE mit dem Libretto von Herman Haller und FRITZ—OLIVEN findet am Theater am Nollendorfplatz in BERLIN statt.
19220415             * NEVILLE—MARINER, conductor.
19220415             * HAROLD—WASHINGTON, 1. black MAYOR—OF—CHICAGO (19830000—19870000    ).
19220415             —INTRODUCED, WYOMING Democratic SENATOR—JOHN—KENDRICK, 1—RESOLUTION that set in motion 1—OF—THE—MOST significant investigations in Senate history.
19220415             —REPORTED, On the previous —DAY, THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL had, 1 unprecedented secret arrangement in which THE—SECRETARY—OF—THE—INTERIOR, without competitive bidding, had leased THE—USA—NAVAL petroleum reserve at WYOMING—TEAPOT—DOME to 1—PRIVATE—OIL—COMPANY.
19220415             —ARRANGED, WISCONSIN Republican SENATOR—ROBERT—LA—FOLLETTE, for the Senate COMMITTEE—ON—PUBLIC—LANDS to investigate the matter.
19220415             —DEEPENED, His suspicions, —AFTER someone ransacked his RUSSELL—BUILDING office.
19230415             USA—INVENTOR LEE—DE—FOREST (18730000—19610000     premiered 18—SHORT—FILMS made in Phonofilm at the Rivoli Theater in NEW—YORK City.
19230415             —RECORDED, Phonofilm, sound directly onto film.
19230415             —BECAME, Insulin, generally available for diabetics.
19230415             —PREMIERED, USA—INVENTOR LEE—DE—FOREST (18730000—19610000, 18—SHORT—FILMS made in Phonofilm at the Rivoli Theater in NEW—YORK City.
19240415             * NEVILLE—MARINER, conductor, in LINCOLN—ENGLAND.
19260000—19840415    * † WILLIAM—EMPSON, ENGLAND—LITERARY—CRITIC and poet.
19260000—20080415    * † Hazel Court, BRITISH—BORN horror film QUEEN—IN—TAHOE—CITY—CALIFORNIA—HER—FILMS included "Devil Girl From Mars" (19540000             ).
19260000—20080415    * † Hazel Court, BRITISH—BORN horror film QUEEN, in Tahoe CITY—CALIFORNIA.
19270415             BABE—RUTH hit his 1. of 60—HRS—OF—SEASON off A's HOWARD—EHMKE.
19270415             † FRANCESCO—GAETA, —47—JAHRE—ALT, ITALY—POET (Di Giacomo).
19270823—19200415    —ON, 1—PAYMASTER and his guard at 1—SHOE factory in BRAINTREE—MASSACHUSETTS, were killed in 1—ROBBERY.
19280415             —STARTET, Der AUSTRALISCHE—POLARFORSCHER HUBERT—WILKINS  mit dem Piloten CARL—BEN—EIELSON zu 1 Transarktisflug.
19280415             Im alaskischen Point Barrow hebt die Maschine mit dem Ziel Spitzbergen ab.
19280415             Die Oper —FRÜHLINGS Erwachen von MAX—ETTINGER —NACH—DEM gleichnamigen STÜCK—VON—FRANK—WEDEKIND wird in LEIPZIG uraufgeführt.
19280415             —STARTET Umberto Nobiles halbstarres Luftschiff Italia von MAILAND—ITALIEN, aus seine Nordpolexpedition Richtung Spitzbergen.
19310415             * FLORIAN—ZABACH, violinist (Hot Canary, Club), in CHICAGO.
19320415             * EVA—FIGES, UK—NOVELIST.
19320415             * EVA—FIGES, UNITED—KINGDOM—NOVELIST.
19330415             * ELIZABETH—MONTGOMERY, actress (Samantha/SERENA—BEWITCHED), in LA—CALIFORNIA.
19400415             * JEFFREY—ARCHER, ENGLAND—NOVELIST and politician (Kane and Abel, Honor Among Thieves).
19400415             —LANDED, French and UK—TROOPS, at NARVIK—NORWAY.
19400415             —LANDED, French and UNITED—KINGDOM—TROOPS, at NARVIK—NORWAY.
19410415             —LUFTANGRIFF—AUF—BELFAST durchführt, Die DEUTSCHE—LUFTWAFFE
19410415             —BELFAST—BLITZ kommen über 1.000—MENSCHEN ums Leben.
19410415             1. helicopter flight of —1—HOUR—DURATION took place at Stratford, COUNTY.
19420415             Das Singspiel Dornröschen oder Die 3—UREWIGEN—VON—CESAR—BRESGEN mit dem Libretto von OTTO—REUTHER wird in Straßburg uraufgeführt.
19420415             * KENNETH—LAY, THE—SON—OF—1—BAPTIST—MINISTER.
19420415             —AWARDED, GEORGE—VI, THE—GEORGE—CROSS to the citizens of MALTA.
19420415—19860000    —IN, KENNETH—LAY grew up in RUSH—MISSOURI, and became THE—CEO—OF—TEXAS—BASED—ENRON—CORP.
19450415             —BEFREIT, Das KZ—BERGEN—BELSEN wird durch kampflose Übergabe an BRITISCH—KANADISCHE—TRUPPEN unter BERNARD—MONTGOMERY .
19450415             GARDELEGEN, entdecken USA—AMERIKANISCHE—TRUPPEN den Tatort des Massakers in der Isenschnibber Feldscheune an 1.016—KZ—HÄFTLINGEN.
19450415             —BEGINNEN—SOGLEICH sie mit ihrer Dokumentation und Beweissicherung der Spuren dieses Endphaseverbrechens, 1 der größten NS—TODESMARSCHVERBRECHEN europaweit.
19450415             KARL—RENNER, von den Sowjets zur Bildung einer provisorischen ÖSTERREICHISCHEN—REGIERUNG vorgesehen, schreibt seinen Brief an STALIN.
19450415             † ROBERT—ANASCH, deutscher kommunistischer Widerstandskämpfer
19450415             —BURIED, PRESIDENT—FRANKLIN—D—ROOSEVELT was, on the grounds of his Hyde Park home.
19450415             Commenting on THE—DEATH—OF—AMERICA—PRESIDENT—FRANKLIN—ROOSEVELT in his ORDER—OF—THE—DAY, ADOLF—HITLER proclaimed: "—NOW that fate has removed from the earth the greatest war criminal of all time, the turning point of this war will be decided".
19450415             —LIBERATED, British and CANADA—TROOPS, the Nazi concentration camp at BERGEN—BELSEN.
19450415             It is 1—VILLAGE in WEST—GERMANY about 30—MILES—NORTH—OF—HANOVER.
19450415             —LIBERATED, About 40,000—PEOPLE were, from the camp, although about 13,000 —LATER †—OF—ILLNESS.
19450415             The deadly BATTLE—FOR—BERLIN began.
19450415             The rolling plains and plateaus of the Seelow Heights were only 35—MILES from THE—GERMANY—CAPITAL and were well defended.
19450415             —RAGED, The battle, which, for —1—WEEK, was extremely costly to both sides, leaving some 30,000 Red Army soldiers and at least 80,000 Germans killed.
19450415             —ATTACKED, About 50—JAPAN—PLANES, and about half got through to the Laffey.
19450415             —SUFFERED, The ship, 103—CASUALTIES—WHEN it was hit by 4—BOMBS and 5—KAMIKAZE planes.
19450415             —AM, offenbarte sich ihnen ein grauenvoller Anblick.
19450415             —WWII, DIE—AMERIKANER befreien ["{besetzen}"!] SOLINGEN
19450415             † Overall, about 70,000—PEOPLE in Belsen.
19450415—19430000    —IN, THE—USS—LAFFEY, built at MAINE—BATH—IRON—WORKS, got its nickname as "THE—SHIP—THAT—WOULD—NOT—DIE" —WHEN it was on picket duty off Okinawa.
19450415—19450400    —POSED, THE—SEELOW—HEIGHTS, the last natural barrier to BERLIN from 1—ADVANCING—RED—ARMY.
19450415—20120000    —IN, it returned to its home at 1—MARITIME museum on CHARLESTON Harbor on THE—SOUTH—CAROLINA coast.
19460415             alfatomega.com/20051121.html
19470415             JACKIE—ROBINSON, modern baseball's 1. black MAJOR—LEAGUE—PLAYER, broke the color barrier and made his official debut with THE—BROOKLYN—DODGERS on opening —DAY.
19470415             —DEFEATED, THE—DODGERS, THE—BOSTON—BRAVES, 5-3.
19480415             —DEFEATED, Arabs were, in the 1. JEWISH—ARAB battle.
19490415             —PIUS—XII—PAPA—ENZYKLIKA—REDEMPTORIS—NOSTRI—CRUCIATUS, PLÄDIERT, für die Internationalisierung Jerusalems auf der Basis des UN—TEILUNGSPLANS, das Rückkehrrecht der Flüchtlinge und den Schutz der Heiligen Orte und Stätten in PALÄSTINA.
19510415             1. SOS—KINDERDORF—IMST, in Tirol eröffnet HERMANN—GMEINER das
19510415             1. Haus erhält den Namen HAUS—FRIEDEN.
19520415             1. Der USA—AMERIKANISCHE—LANGSTRECKENBOMBER—BOEING—B—52—STRATOFORTRESS absolviert seinen Erstflug.
19520415             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—HARRY—TRUMAN, the official JAPAN—PEACE—TREATY.
19520415             The 1. B—52—PROTOTYPE test flight was made.
19520415             FRANKLIN—NATIONAL—BANK—ISSUED—THE 1. bank credit card.
19520415             THE—LINDI tropical cyclone made landfall on TANZANIA.
19520415             —RESULTED, The cyclone, in extensive damage to buildings and property and 1—CONSIDERABLE—LOSS—OF—LIFE.
19520415             —ISSUED, FRANKLIN—NATIONAL—BANK, the 1. bank credit card.
19550415             —OWNED, He was 1—FOOD—SERVICE—EQUIPMENT—SALESMAN who, the national marketing rights to THE—MILK—SHAKE mixers used at the chain.
19550415             Kroc built his 1. restaurant in Des PLAINS—ILLINOIS, and —LATER established his world headquarters and 1—COMPANY—MUSEUM there.
19550415—19480000    —IN, He purchased the chain from Richard (19980000             † age 89) and MAURICE—MCDONALD (19710000             †) who started the operation in CALIFORNIA.
19550418—19830000    —IN, 19550415             —SEE ABRAHAM—PAIS (20000000             †) authored "Subtle Is the Lord: THE—SCIENCE and THE—LIFE—OF—ALBERT—EINSTEIN".
19570415—SATURDAYmaildelivery was restored —AFTER Congress gave THE—PO $41—MILLION.
19580415             1. Kidnapping in der Bundesrepublik DEUTSCHLAND, STUTTGART, ereignet sich mit der Entführung von JOACHIM—GÖHNER das
19580415             Der Täter erdrosselt den Siebenjährigen, fordert jedoch vom Vater Lösegeld.
19580415             THE—GIANTS baseball team of HORACE—STONEHAM, brought from NEW—YORK to S—FRANCISCO, opened at Seal Stadium against THE—LOS—ANGELES Dodgers.
19580415             THE—GIANTS won 8-0.
19580415             —IN the 10. EMMY—AWARDS: Gunsmoke, ROBERT—YOUNG and JANE—WYATT won.
19590415             —VERURTEILT—WERDEN 5—STUDENTEN wegen ihres PROTEST—GEGEN die politischen Verhältnisse zu —BIS—ZU—10—JAHRE—GEFÄNGNISSTRAFEN, DRESDEN
19590415             * EMMA—THOMPSON, actress (HENRY—V, HOWARD—END, Oscar-19920000             ), in ENGLAND.
19590415             —ARRIVED, CUBA—LEADER—FIDEL Castro, in WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, to begin 1—GOODWILL tour of THE—USA.
19610415             Zur Vorbereitung der Invasion in der Schweinebucht
19610415             Dabei werden 5—FLUGZEUGE abgeschossen.
19610415             "Music Man" closed at Majestic Theater in NEW—YORK—CITY —AFTER 1375—PERFORMANCES.
19610415             54—PEOPLE were killed in the attacks on 3—MILITARY—BASES including 2—AIRFIELDS and THE—ANTONIO—MACEO—AIRPORT.
19610415             2 "defecting" B—26—BOMBERS flew to MIAMI.
19610415—13750000    —AFTER, "Music Man" closed at Majestic Theater in NEW—YORK—CITY performances.
19640415             —OPENED, VIRGINIA—CHESAPEAKE—BAY—BRIDGE—TUNNEL, top northbound traffic with 2—TUNNELS and 4—MAN—MADE islands.
19640415             It stretched 20—MILES from VIRGINIA—BEACH and NORFOLK to VIRGINIA—EASTERN shore.
19640415—19950000    —IN, 1—PARALLEL—SPAN was added.
19660415             A—USA—EMBASSY communication to THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—STATE—ABOUT—THE—NUMBER—OF—DEATHS in INDONESIA said: "We frankly do not know whether the real figure is closer to 100,000 or 1,000,000—BUT believe it wiser to err on the side of the lower estimates, especially —WHEN questioned by the press".
19670415             —GEGEN—DEN—VIETNAM—KRIEG auf die Straße gehen in den USA Hunderttausende
19670520—19670415    —CALLED, The gathering of 700—ANTIWAR activists was, to evaluate the antiwar demonstrations that had taken place in NEW—YORK City and S—FRANCISCO.
19680415             Auch beim OSTER—MARSCH in STUTTGART war das ATTENTAT—AUF—RUDI—DUTSCHKE und AXEL—CÄSAR—SPRINGERS Schuld das beherrschende Thema.
19690415             —BELIEVED, All 31—MEN aboard the plane were, dead.
19690415             NORTH—KOREA shot down A—USA—AIRPLANE—ABOVE THE—SEA—OF—JAPAN.
19700415             Last GASP—1. publication, Slow Death Funnies #1, came out for the 1. "Earth —DAY" (see 19700422             ).
19700415             —FOUNDED, Ron Turner, Last Gasp, 1—SAN—FRANCISCO—PUBLISHER—OF—UNDERGROUND—COMICS and graphic novels.
19710415             Glenda JACKSON won as best actress for her role in "Women in Love".
19710415             —REFUSED, GEORGE—C—SCOTT (19270000             *), his Oscar nomination for on grounds that actors should not have to compete against EACH—OTHER.
19710415             THE—USA—TROOPS were on 1—RESCUE mission.
19710415             —IN the 43. ACADEMY—AWARDS "Patton" won for best picture and GEORGE C Scott won best actor for his role as Patton.
19710415—19620000    —REFUSED, He had, it —BEFORE for his performance in "THE—HUSTLER".
19720415             Das CHE—GUEVARA gewidmete Oratorium Das Floß der Medusa von HANS—WERNER—HENZE wird in Nürnberg szenisch uraufgeführt, —NACHDEM die Uraufführung —4—JAHRE—ZUVOR in HAMBURG geplatzt ist.
19720415             CANADA—PRIME—MINISTER—PIERRE—TRUDEAU and PRESIDENT—RICHARD—NIXON met in OTTAWA to sign the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement.
19720415             —FOLLOWED, The agreement, measurements that showed that high CONCENTRATIONS—OF—PHOSPHORUS and nitrogen led to the lakes being choked to death from vegetation and algae.
19720415             —DEVELOPED, Methods for quantifying eutrophication had been, by SWITZERLAND—SCIENTIST—RICHARD—VOLLENWEIDER (19220000—20070000    ).
19720415             JOE—MCCANN, —24—JAHRE—ALT, 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—IRISH—REPUBLICAN—ARMY and —LATER the Official IRELAND—REPUBLICAN Army, was shot dead in BELFAST —AFTER being confronted by RUC Special Branch and UK—PARATROOPERS.
19740415             —ARMEE—PUTSCH—IM—NIGER, Bei 1 wird PRÄSIDENT—HAMANI—DIORI gestürzt, dem Korruption und ineffizienter Umgang mit Hilfslieferungen während der Hungersnot in der Sahelzone vorgeworfen werden.
19740415             Sein Nachfolger wird Seyni Kountché.
19740415             —ROBBED, SLA members including Patty Hearst, the Sunset Branch of the Hibernia BANK—IN—SF of more than $10,000. —WHILE fleeing they wounded 2—PEOPLE passing by.
19750415             Karen ANN—QUINLAN went into 1—COMA —AFTER drinking several GIN—AND—TONICS on top of 1—MILD tranquilizer.
19750415             She lived in 1—COMA for over 10—MORE—YEARS.
19750415             —APPEARED, RICHARD—CONTE, in films such as "I'll Cry Tomorrow" and "THE—GODFATHER".
19750415             EGYPT—PRESIDENT—ANWAR—SADAT chose Hosni Mubarak to serve as VICE—PRESIDENT.
19760331—19750415    —SINCE, THE—NEW—JERSEY SUPREME—COURT—ALLOWED—THE—REMOVAL—OF—THE—RESPIRATOR that assisted Karen ANN—QUINLAN, who had been comatose.
19760415             —RELEASED, IRIS—PEREYRA, the boy's mother, was, —AFTER—3—YEARS.
19760415             —IN ARGENTINA Floreal Avellaneda (14), THE—SON—OF—1—COMMUNIST—TRADE—UNION—LEADER—OF—GREATER—BUENOS—AIRES, was kidnapped from his house with his mother, by 1—ARMY—CONTINGENT looking for his father.
19760415—19760514    —ON, FLOREAL—CORPSE was found on THE—COAST—OF—MONTEVIDEO—URUGUAY, hands and feet bound and with SIGNS—OF—TORTURE.
19760415—20090000    —IN, FORMER—GENERAL—SANTIAGO—OMAR—RIVEROS, —86—JAHRE—ALT and 4—OTHERS were found GUILTY—OF—INVOLVEMENT in the boy's murder.
19790415             Erdbeben in MONTENEGRO, Jugoslawien, mit starken Schäden in der REPUBLIK, so die Altstadt von Kotor, und in Nordalbanien.
19790415             In der apostolischen Konstitution Sapientia Christiana erlässt JOHANNES—PAUL—II—PAPA. eine die kirchlichen Universitäten und Fakultäten betreffende Ordnung.
19790415             THE—SISTERS—OF—PERPETUAL—INDULGENCE, 1—SAN—FRANCISCO gay theater group, made their debut.
19800415             † JEAN—PAUL—SARTRE, FRANZÖSISCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER und Philosoph, Hauptvertreter des Existentialismus, lehnte den Literaturnobelpreis ab
19800415             THE—MARIEL boatlift officially began.
19800415             —INCLUDED, His work, "Being and Time" (19270000             ) and "Nausea" (19380000             ).
19800415             He won 19640000             —THE—NOBEL—PRIZE for literature and his work included "Being and Nothingness".
19800415             Philosophical replies to this work were WRITTEN—BY—CLAUDE—LEVI—STRAUSS: "THE—RAW and the Cooked," 1—BOOK that popularized structuralism in FRANCE, and by MICHAEL—FOUCAULT: "Words and Things," ("THE—ORDER—OF—THINGS" in THE—USA—EDITION).
19800415             "If you're lonely —WHILE you're alone, you're in bad company".
19800415             † JEAN—PAUL—CHARLES—AYMARD—SARTRE, PARIS war 1—FRANKREICH—ROMANCIER, Dramatiker, Philosoph und PUBLIZIST
19800415             JEAN—PAUL—CHARLES—AYMARD—SARTRE won 19640000             —THE—NOBEL—PRIZE for literature and his work included "Being and Nothingness".
19800415—19801031    —ON, —WHEN it ended, some 207,000 refugees entered THE—USA of which 125,000) were Cubans.
19800415—19801031    Exodus der Marielitos aus KUBA.
19800415—20000000    —AUTHORED, BERNARD—HENRI—LEVY, "Sartre: THE—PHILOSOPHER—OF—THE 19010101—20001231    ".
19800415—20000000    —AUTHORED, BERNARD—HENRI—LEVY, "Sartre: THE—PHILOSOPHER—OF—THE 19010101—20001231    —CENTURY".
19810415             JANET—COOKE said her Pulitzer award —8—YEAR—OLD heroin addict story was 1—LIE.
19810415             —RELINQUISHED, THE—WASHINGTON—POST, the Pulitzer Prize over the fabricated story.
19810415             —OPENED, COCA—COLA, its 1. bottling plant in CHINA —SINCE the country's Communist revolution.
19820415             193, in RIO—NEGRO +
19830415             Among them was 1—POCKET watch made for FRANCE—QUEEN—MARIE—ANTOINETTE that museum officials valued at more than $30—MILLION.
19830415             —CONFESSED, Diller apparently, the crime to his wife on his deathbed.
19830415             —ARRIVED, —WHEN ISRAEL—POLICE and USA—LAW—ENFORCEMENT—OFFICIALS, at DILLER—WIFE—LOS—ANGELES home to question her, they found SOME—MORE—OF—THE stolen clocks.
19830415             Others were —LATER found in hidden locations in ISRAEL and —AROUND the world.
19830415             —OPENED, TOKYO Disneyland.
19830415             The costliest theft in ISRAEL—HISTORY saw 106—TIMEPIECES worth MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS disappear from THE—LA—MAYER—MUSEUM for Islamic Art.
19830415—20040000    —IN, † in THE—USA.
19830415—20080000    —IN, detectives blamed Naaman Diller, 1—NOTORIOUS—ISRAEL—THIEF, who fled to EUROPE and
19830415—20090000    —IN, They were put up for display again.
19840415             His 19500000             book, "7—TYPES—OF—AMBIGUITY," changed literary criticism.
19840415—20050000    —AUTHORED, JOHN—HAFFENDEN, "WILLIAM—EMPSON: Volume I, Among the Mandarins".
19840415—20060000    —COMPLETED, Haffenden, Vol II, "WILLIAM—EMPSON: Against the Christians".
19850415             —OPENED, THE—1.—AIDS conference, in ATLANTA—GEORGIA, HOME—OF—THE—CENTERS for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
19850415             —HOSTED, THE—3—DAY—CONFERENCE was, by THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—HEALTH and Human Services and the World Health Organization.
19850415             Jenia Hamley, 1—MEDICAL—ASSISTANT, was stuck in the left index finger —WHILE recapping 1—BECTON—DICKINSON needle.
19850415             Hamley was pregnant and —5—MONTHS—LATER she tested positive for hepatitis B. She sued BD and claimed that the infection caused brain damage to her newborn son.
19850415             —SETTLED, BD, the case confidentially and denied liability.
19860414             Americans got 1. WORD—OF—THE—USA—AIR—RAID on LIBYA (BECAUSE—OF—THE—TIME—DIFFERENCE, it was the —EARLY—MORNING—OF—19860415             . where THE—ATTACK occurred).
19860415             Als Vergeltung für den Anschlag auf die Berliner Diskothek La Belle vom 19860405             , bei dem 2—USA—SOLDATEN ums Leben gekommen sind, bombardiert die Luftwaffe der USA die libyschen Städte Tripolis und Bengasi, wobei 36—MENSCHEN ums Leben kommen.
19860415             Dieser Angriff ist vermutlich der Auslöser für das LOCKERBIE—ATTENTAT —2—JAHRE—SPÄTER.
19860415             † JEAN—GENET, FRANZÖSISCHER—ROMANAUTOR, Dramatiker und Poet
19860415             Als Vergeltung für frühere Terroranschläge und das Berliner Bombenattentat vom ;;0504;;—BOMBARDIEREN die Amerikaner das Hauptquartier Muamar al Gaddafis in Tripolis/LIBYEN und militärische Einrichtungen in Bengasi/LIBYEN
19860415             Wegen des AMERIKANISCHEN—LUFTANGRIFFS auf LIBYEN sagt DIE—SOWJETUNION ein für —MITTE—MAI in WASHINGTON geplantes AMERIKANISCH—SOWJETISCHES Außenministertreffen ab.
19860415             LIBYA said 41—PEOPLE, mostly civilians, were killed in TRIPOLI and BENGHAZI.
19860415             —KILLED, THE—STEP—DAUGHTER—OF—MOAMMAR—GADHAFI, Hana, was reportedly among those, near TRIPOLI by THE—USA—BOMBING.
19860415             JEAN—GENET, —75—JAHRE—ALT, FRANCE—PLAYWRIGHT (Lesson Negres), was found dead in PARIS.
19860415—19860405    —ON, THE—USA—LAUNCHED 1—AIR—RAID with F—111—WARPLANES against LIBYA in response to THE—BOMBING—OF—1—DISCOTHEQUE in BERLIN ;
19860415—20110000    —IN, evidence emerged that Hana was not killed and completed medical school 20100000             .
19870415             —PREMIERED, ALFRED—UHRY'S "Driving Miss Daisy,", in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19870415             1—JURY in NORTHAMPTON—MASSACHUSETTS, found Amy Carter, Abbie Hoffman and 13—OTHER—PROTESTERS—INNOCENT—OF—CHARGES stemming from 1—DEMONSTRATION against CIA recruiters at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—MASSACHUSETTS.
19880415             * ELIZA—DOOLITTLE, BRITISCHE—SINGER—SONGWRITERIN und ehemalige Kinderdarstellerin
19880415             —RESIGNED, FORMER—WHITE—HOUSE—SPOKESMAN—LARRY—SPEAKES, from Merrill Lynch and Co. less than —1—WEEK—AFTER disclosing that he had, on 2—OCCASIONS, fabricated quotations attributed to PRESIDENT—REAGAN.
19890415             Bei der HILLSBOROUGH—KATASTROPHE im HILLSBOROUGH—STADION im nordenglischen SHEFFIELD werden beim FA—CUP—SPIEL NOTTINGHAM Forest gegen FC LIVERPOOL VIELE—LIVERPOOL—FANS auf einer überfüllten Tribüne zusammengepresst.
19890415             96—MENSCHEN verlieren ihr Leben, 730—WERDEN verletzt.
19890415             CHINA, stirbt der Reformpolitiker Hu Yaobang.
19890415             Sein Tod führt —2—TAGE—SPÄTER zu 1. Demonstrationen am TIAN'ANMEN—PLATZ in Peking.
19890415             † IN—SHEFFIELD, ENGLAND, 96—PEOPLE in 1—CRUSH of soccer fans at Hillsborough Stadium —AFTER police allowed spectators to pour onto 1 crowded terrace.
19890415             † IN—CHINA—HU—YAOBANG, former party CHIEF.
19890415             THOUSANDS—OF—STUDENTS in SHANGHAI and BEIJING took to the streets to mourn his death.
19890415             —AM, in 1—ÜBERFÜLLTEN Tribünenblock des HILLSBOROUGH—STADIONS in SHEFFIELD 96—FUßBALLFANS ums Leben gekommen.
19890415—19890605    —IN—THE, The protests culminated Tiananmen Square massacre.
19890415—20120912    —ON, secret documents were released that said UNITED—KINGDOM—POLICE tried to blame soccer fans to cover up mistakes that contributed to the deaths of those who were crushed at 1—STADIUM.
19900415             —TURNED, Acosta was 1—SPAIN—ARISTOCRAT, HOLLYWOOD screenwriter.
19900415—19970000    —IN, † Actress Greta Garbo in NEW—YORK City at age 84. Karen Swenson authored "Greta Garbo: 1—LIFE—APART".
19900415—20000000    —IN, the Rosenbach Museum in PHILADELPHIA opened 55—LETTERS—WRITTEN—BY—GARBO to her lesbian friend MERCEDES—DE—ACOSTA (19680000             †) 19310000—19590000    —BETWEEN.
19910415             TURKEY began moving THOUSANDS—OF—IRAQI—KURDS from 1—BORDER—SETTLEMENT to camps farther inside TURKEY, in 1—MAJOR—POLICY—SHIFT for PRESIDENT—TURGUT—OZAL—GOVERNMENT, which had previously kept the refugees in the mountains.
19920415             Hotel magnate Leona Helmsley began serving 1—PRISON—SENTENCE for tax evasion.
19920415             —RELEASED, She was, from prison —AFTER—18—MONTHS.
19920415             A—USA—COURT threw out APPLE—LAWSUIT against Microsoft.
19920415             —ON 19920415—19920416     the Mujahedeen overthrew the Communist government led by PRESIDENT—NAJIBULLAH in KABUL.
19920415             THE—MUJAHIDEEN took KABUL and liberated AFGHANISTAN, Najibullah was protected by THE—UN.
19920415             —FORMED, THE—MUJAHIDEEN, 1—ISLAMIC—STATE, Islamic Jihad Council, and scheduled elections.
19920415             RUSSIA—WITHDRAWAL—OF subsidies to AFGHANISTAN led to the collapse of the Najibullah regime.
19920415             —BARRED, Countries, LIBYA—JETS from their airspace and ordered diplomats to go home because of LIBYA—REFUSAL to turn over suspects in THE—BOMBING—OF—PAN—AM—FLIGHT—103. UNITED—NATIONS Security Council imposed sanctions on arms sales and air travel against LIBYA to prod Gadhafi into surrendering 2—SUSPECTS wanted in the Pan Am 103.
19920415             —ADOPTED, VIETNAM, 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION.
19920415             —ON 19920415—19160415     the Mujahedeen overthrew the Communist government led by PRESIDENT—NAJIBULLAH in KABUL.
19920415—20010000    —UPDATED, It was.
19930415             † LESLIE—CHARTERIS, —85—JAHRE—ALT, UK—MYSTERY writer (Saint).
19930415             —UNVEILED, THE—GROUP—OF—7—NATIONS, a $28.4—BILLION aid package for RUSSIA at the conclusion of 1—EMERGENCY —2—DAY—MEETING in TOKYO.
19940414—19940415    —GATHERED, RWANDA, Tutsi refugees, in the Nyange church, were burned to death or killed as they tried to flee.
19940414—19940415    —SENTENCED, He was, to life in prison.
19940414—19940415    —COAXED, Prosecutor Holo Makwaia said Kanyarukiga had, 1—RELUCTANT bulldozer driver to crush those sheltering in THE—CHURCH.
19940415             [WTO]WELT—HANDELS—ORGANISATION—GRÜNDUNG—ZIEL ist der HANDELS—HEMMNISSE—ABBAU und somit die Liberalisierung des internationalen Handels mit dem weiterführenden Ziel des internationalen Freihandels.
19940415             —SIGNED, Ministers from 109—COUNTRIES, a 26,000-page world trade agreement known as the "URUGUAY Round" accords in MARRAKESH—MOROCCO.
19940415             THE—TRIPS—AGREEMENT (Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights), negotiated in the 19860000—19940000     URUGUAY Round of THE—WTO, enabled governments to allow generic drugmakers to produce patented medicines.
19940415             —FARMED, Valerie Niyitegeka, 1—TUTSI woman whose family, near MOUNT—NYAKIZU, fled with her husband, Appolloni and their 6—CHILDREN as mobs of Hutu men burned Tutsi houses.
19940415             —KILLED, The father and children were soon.
19940415             —IN this interview FROM—DICK CHENEY reveals the reasons why invading BAGHDAD and toppling SADDAM—HUSSEIN wouldn't be 1—GREAT—IDEA.
19940415             He also stipulates that "not very many" USA—SOLDIERS' lives were worth losing to take out SADDAM—DURING—THE—GULF—WAR.
19940415             A—USA—FEDERAL—JURY found Kobagaya lied on immigration forms and deadlocked on his involvement in the genocide.
19940415—19950101    —AUFNIMMT—AM, [WTO]WELT—HANDELS—ORGANISATION ihre Tätigkeit .
19940415—20110000    —IN, she testified in KANSAS—USA, against Lazare Kobagaya as THE—USA—GOVERNMENT sought to revoke his USA—CITIZENSHIP for allegedly lying to immigration authorities about his involvement in THE—RWANDA genocide.
19940415—20110800    —IN, charges against Kobagaya (84) were dismissed —AFTER the government failed to prove he took part in the atrocities.
19950415             —ASKED, In his weekly radio address, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, Congress to protect 1—SHORT—LIST—OF—KEY—LEGISLATION, saying he was giving the highest priority to welfare reform, targeted tax cuts and 1—CRIME—BILL preserving the assault weapons ban.
19950415             —POINTED, NORMA—PATRICIA—ESPARZA, 1—SOUTHERN—CALIFORNIA college student, out GONZALO—RAMIREZ (25) at 1—BAR to her boyfriend GIANNI—VAN and 2—OTHERS as the man who had —RECENTLY raped her.
19950415             —KIDNAPPED, Ramirez was then, and hacked to death.
19950415             ---- -In an letter sent to Byrne, Nora Slatkin -, THE—NAVY—CHIEF—PROCUREMENT—OFFICIAL, rejected DECARO—CLAIMS.
19950415—20140000    —PLEADED, Esparza, guilty in exchange for 1—PRISON—TERM.
19950415—20150000    —SENTENCED, VAN was, to life in prison without parole.
19950415—20160000    —SENTENCED, Esparza was, to —6—YEARS in prison.
19960415             —VERZICHTET, Die Politikerin und frühere Ministerin MONA—SAHLIN, als Folge der TOBLERONE—AFFÄRE auf ihr Mandat im SCHWEDISCHEN—REICHSTAG.
19960415             PRESIDENT—CLINTON began 1—WEEKLONG, ROUND—THE—WORLD—TRIP, heading for a —3—DAY—VISIT to JAPAN —AFTER 1—BRIEF stopover in CHEJU, SOUTH—KOREA.
19960415             † STAVROS—SPYROS—NIARCHOS, —86—JAHRE—ALT, GREECE—SHIP owner.
19960415             —DEFIED, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—STRIKING—VENEZUELA—TEACHERS, 1—GOVERNMENT—ORDER to go back to their classrooms.
19960415             THE—MONTH—OLD—STOPPAGE has kept more than 6—MILLION—CHILDREN OUT—OF—SCHOOL.
19960415             † Funeral services were held in PESCADERO—CALIFORNIA, for Jessica Dubroff, THE—7—YEAR—OLD—GIRL who trying to become the youngest person to fly across AMERICA.
19970415             Auf 1 Zeltplatz für muslimische Pilger in Mekka bricht 1—FEUER aus und tötet 343—MENSCHEN, rund 1.500—MENSCHEN werden verletzt.
19970415             —RETIRED, JACKIE—ROBINSON—NUMBER 42 was, —50—YEARS—AFTER he became the 1. black player in major league baseball.
19970415             —REPORTED, THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—INSPECTOR—GENERAL, that FBI crime lab agents produced flawed scientific work or inaccurate testimony in major cases such as THE—OKLAHOMA—CITY bombing.
19970415             THE—USA—MILITARY said it would allow USA—INDIA—SOLDIERS to use peyote in their religious services.
19970415             —AGREED, BOSNIA, the joint presidency, on 1—NEW—CURRENCY, 1—COUPON with 1—VALUE—EQUAL to 1—GERMANY—MARK, or about 57—CENTS.
19970415             —BLOCKED, CHINA, 1—UN—RESOLUTION criticizing its HUMAN—RIGHTS—RECORD for the 7. —YEAR in 1—ROW.
19970415             † In SAUDI—ARABIA at least 343—MUSLIM pilgrims in 1—FIRE on 1—PLAIN outside the holy CITY—OF—MECCA and injured 12900000             .
19970415             —STEMMED, The fires, from cooking gas canisters.
19970415             Aid workers and diplomats said the death toll was at least 500.
19980415             HUD had already sued Rozet for milking 17—PROJECTS in CALIFORNIA and NEVADA.
19980415             —ORDERED, SF, 1—SUPERIOR—COURT—JUDGE, the immediate closure of the Cannabis CULTIVATOR—CLUB, the nation's largest dispenser of medicinal pot.
19980415             —LOWERED, BRAZIL, its prime rate from 28% to 23.3%.
19980415             † POL—POT, —73—JAHRE—ALT—OF—1—HEART attack in Anlong Veng, NORTH—CAMBODIA.
19980415             —CREMATED, POL—POT—BODY was.
19980415             —REPORTED, It was —LATER, that he killed himself with malaria pills and tranquilizers —AFTER learning that 1—AIDE planned to hand him over to THE—USA.
19980415             He succeeded Krishna Prasad Bhattarai.
19980415             —KIDNAPPED, SOMALIA, 10—AID—WORKERS were, in MOGADISHU.
19980415             OSAMA—BIN—LADEN sei dringend verdächtig,
19980415             so behaupteten die libyschen Behörden, 2—DEUTSCHLAND—STAATSBÜRGER in LIBYEN getötet zu haben".
19980415             Es gab seitens der Amerikaner nie einen Haftbefehl gegen OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
19980415             Der einzige, den es je gab wurde von Gaddafi ausgestellt, dem "TERROR—HELFER".
19980415             —AM, erließ INTERPOL offiziell den Haftbefehl gegen den AL—QAIDA—FÜHRER.
19980415             —ACCUSED, THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT, A. BRUCE—ROZET and his business partners of illegally siphoning off $7.5—MILLION from 73—SUBSIDIZED housing projects across the nation.
19980415             —CREMATED, His body was.
19980415             —IN INDONESIA ANTI—GOVERNMENT—RALLIES were held on at least 25—CAMPUSES —AROUND the country calling for the resignation of Suharto and his Cabinet.
19980415             —IN NEPAL Girija Prasad Koirala began his 2. term as PRIME—MINISTER.
19980415             —IN SOMALIA 10—AID—WORKERS were kidnapped in MOGADISHU.
19980415—19990000    —IN, it was reported that Ta Mok had Pol Pot executed.
19980415—20010000    —IN, the place of his death was designated as 1—HISTORIC—SITE and plans were made to make it 1—TOURIST—ATTRACTION.
19980424—19980415    —KIDNAPPED, SOMALIA, the aid workers, were released.
19990415             —OPENED, Erotica USA, 1—PORNOGRAPHY—TRADE—SHOW, a —4—DAY—EXHIBIT at the Javits Center in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19990415             —REPORTED, It was, that astronomers, using the Hubble Space Telescope, detected a 13—BILLION —YEAR—OLD galaxy, dubbed "Sharon".
19990415             —DETECTED, It was the oldest and most distant object yet.
19990415             —ANNOUNCED, Astronomers, that 3—PLANETS had been detected orbiting the star Upsilon Andromedae some 44—LIGHT—YEARS away.
19990415             —PLANNED, THE—USA—PENTAGON, to ask for 30,000 reservists and National Guard members for NATO—SUPPORT.
19990415             —EXPECTED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON was, to ask for $5.9—BILLION in emergency spending to cover USA—COSTS in THE—KOSOVO operation.
19990415             He killed 2—PEOPLE, PATRICIA—FRENGS—OF—PLEASANT—HILL—CALIFORNIA and security guard DONALD—THOMAS, —62—JAHRE—ALT.
19990415             He wounded 4—OTHERS and was shot dead by police. ALGERIA held elections.
19990415             ABDELAZIZ—BOUTEFLIKA was left alone in the race —AFTER 6—COMPETITORS withdrew over allegations that the vote was rigged.
19990415             A 60% turnout was reported.
19990415             Bouteflika said he would turn down the post without 1—MASSIVE turnout and 1—LARGE—MAJORITY—SUPPORT.
19990415             AUSTRIA began accepting refugees from KOSOVO as THE—AUSTRIA—ARMY and Red Cross built 1—CAMP for 5,000 refugees in SHKODER—ALBANIA.
19990415             —SENTENCED, ISRAEL—ARIEH—DERI, LEADER—OF—THE—ULTRA—ORTHODOX—SHAS party, was, to —4—YEARS in prison for taking bribes.
19990415             Explosives were suspect in the crash.
19990415             Military targets in MONTENEGRO were struck as was THE—CITY—OF—SUBOTICA, near THE—HUNGARY—BORDER.
19990415             —IN COLOMBIA rebels released 3—MORE—HOSTAGES as army units fought to free the remaining 32—CAPTURED in the hijacking of 1—AVIANCA plane.
19990415             1—SOUTH—KOREAN—AIR—CARGO MD—11—CRASHED —AFTER takeoff from SHANGHAI and at least 5—PEOPLE were killed.
19990415             —BOMBED, NATO—TV transmitters, military installations and bridges —THROUGHOUT YUGOSLAVIA.
19990415             —IN PAKISTAN 1—COURT—CONVICTED—BENAZIR—BHUTTO in ABSENTIA—OF—CORRUPTION and sentenced her to —5—YEARS in prison.
20000415             Rem Koolhaas (56), HOLLAND—ARCHITECT, won the annual $100,000 Pritzker Architecture Prize.
20000415             —CREATED, CALIFORNIA, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, Giant Sequoia National Monument in Sequoia National Park.
20000415             It protected 328,000 acres and 34—GROVES of Sequoias from timber harvest within 2 ½ years.
20000415             The world's leading financial officials, meeting in WASHINGTON, pledged cooperation to promote global prosperity as ANTI—GLOBALIZATION—PROTESTERS gathered.
20000415             —BECAME, CAL—RIPKEN—OF—THE—BALTIMORE—ORIOLES, the 24. player to reach 3000—HITS —WHEN he lined 1—CLEAN—SINGLE to center off Twins reliever HECTOR—CARRASCO.
20000415             THE—ORIOLES won the game, 6-to-4.
20000415             —RECEIVED, Wellesley WOMEN—COLLEGE in MASSACHUSETTS, a $25—MILLION gift from Lulu Wang and her husband Anthony.
20000415             —TURNED, THE—INTERNATIONAL—WHALING—COMMISSION, down 1—REQUESTS from JAPAN and NORWAY to allow expanded limited whaling.
20000415             4—NEIGHBORS who went to help him were missing.
20000415             —ESTIMATED, An, 600—PEOPLE were arrested in WASHINGTON DC —PRIOR—TO the meeting of THE—IMF and World Bank.
20000415             —IN ZIMBABWE DAVID—STEVENS, 1—WHITE—FARMER, was abducted and killed by squatters near Macheke.
20000623             —FREED, Luisa Cano (5) was also, by guerrillas —AFTER being kidnapped 20000415             .
20010000             Jenna Elfman, NOAH—WYLE, Leelee Sobieski, VINCE—VAUGHN, Amanda Peet, STEPHEN—DORFF... 20080415             "an die Stelle der mit religiösen und politischen Illusionen verhüllten Ausbeutung die offene, unverschämte, direkte, dürre Ausbeutung gesetzt"
20010415             —IN—KRAFT—TRITT unter KASACHSTAN—PRÄSIDENT—NURSULTAN—NASARBAJEW 1 neues restriktives Pressegesetz  das die Kontrolle AUSLÄNDISCHE—FERNSEH—PROGRAMME und des Internets erlaubt.
20010415             BENIN authorities sought Staneslas Abatan and 2—COLLABORATORS believed to be responsible for the child slave ship off THE—COAST—OF—THE—GULF—OF—GUINEA.
20010415             —REPORTED, It was, that human cargo had been shipped from BENIN to GABON on the ship MV Etireno over the past —5—YEARS.
20010415             —REPORTED, THE—ETIRENO was —LATER, to have been confused with another ship, which was missing.
20010415             The slave ship was —LATER held to be 1—FALSE—ALARM.
20010415             30—OF—THE—CHILDREN on the ferry remained unclaimed —AFTER—3—DAYS at dock.
20010415             —ENDED, BRAZIL, 1—PRISON takeover in CUIABA, —WHEN inmates killed 6—LEADERS—OF—THE—REBELLION—AFTER they took visitors hostage.
20010415             —OPENED, CHINA, police, fire on villagers who opposed high local taxes and fees in Yuntang.
20010415             —BACKED, Rebels in CONGO, by RWANDA blocked THE—DEPLOYMENT—OF—UN—PEACEKEEPERS in GOMA and demanded that THE—UN 1. condemn atrocities by CONGO.
20010415             —ARRESTED, UNITED—NATIONS investigators, BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—SERBIA—ARMY—OFFICER—DRAGAN—OBRENOVIC in connection with THE—SERBIA—ARMY—SLAUGHTER—OF as many as 7,000 Muslim men and boys.
20010415             —PLEADED, Obrenovic —LATER, guilty to 5—WAR—CRIMES—CHARGES and testified against his 1—TIME—SUPERIOR—OFFICERS;
20010415             he was sentenced to —17—YEARS in prison.
20010415             This article from ARGENTINA—LA—NACION describes the political price CARLOS—MENEM paid for his alleged involvement with AL—KASSAR + the 6000-ton shipment of Argentine arms to ECUADOR + CROATIA.
20010415             2 were killed and at least 18—WOUNDED.
20010415             ( La Nacion,) - AL—KASSAR—FIGHTS—BACK
20010415—19510000    —IN, Ramone was born as JEFFREY—HYMAN.
20010415—19760000    —IN, † JOEY—RAMONE, punk rock icon, of cancer in NEW—YORK—CITY at age 49. THE—RAMONES punk rock group released their 1. album "Ramones".
20010415—20020000    —RELEASED, JOEY—RAMONE'S "Don't Worry About Me" album was.
20020415             1—BOEING 767—DER Air CHINA, aus Peking kommend, stürzt beim letzten Landeanflugversuch auf Busan, SÜDKOREA, in 1—WALDGEBIET.
20020415             128—DER 166—MENSCHEN an Bord kommen ums Leben.
20020415             —GATHERED, WASHINGTON, DC THOUSANDS—OF—JEWS and supporters of ISRAEL, for a "National Solidarity Rally".
20020415             —APPROVED, THE—FDA, Botox to smooth the appearance of wrinkles.
20020415             † DAMON—KNIGHT, —79—JAHRE—ALT, science fiction writer and editor, in EUGENE.
20020415             —INCLUDED, DAMON—KNIGHT—WORK, "THE—FUTURIANS" (19770000             ), 1—MEMOIR—OF—1—GROUP—OF—BUDDING writers that included Asimov, Wollheim, Pohl and himself.
20020415             4—USA—SOLDIERS were killed in AFGHANISTAN —WHILE disarming 1—ROCKET.
20020415             2—PALESTINIANS were killed in fighting near Bethlehem and 2—OF—SOME 200—PALESTINIANS surrendered at THE—CHURCH—OF—THE—NATIVITY—ISRAEL—FORCES played HIGH—DECIBEL sounds —AROUND the clock.
20020415             —SUMMONED, JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA, all USA cardinals to THE—VATICAN to discuss clerical sex abuse scandals in THE—USA.
20020415             THE—BOSTON—MARATHON was won by Rodgers Rop of KENYA for the men, 2:09:02, and MARGARET—OKAYO—OF—KENYA for the women, 2:20:43.
20020415             —IN WASHINGTON DC THOUSANDS—OF—JEWS and supporters of ISRAEL gathered for a "National Solidarity Rally".
20020415             —IN UKRAINE evidence was made public that PRESIDENT—KUCHMA 20000000             —IN authorized the sale of 1 advanced $100—MILLION—RADAR—SYSTEM to IRAQ in VIOLATION—OF—UN—SANCTIONS.
20020415—19620000    —IN, DAMON—KNIGHT'S 19500000             story "To Serve Man" was made into 1—TWILIGHT—ZONE—EPISODE.
20020415—20000000    —AUTHORIZED, UKRAINE, evidence was made public that PRESIDENT—KUCHMA, the sale of 1 advanced $100—MILLION—RADAR—SYSTEM to IRAQ in VIOLATION—OF—UN—SANCTIONS.
20020424160415       USA—GEHEIMDIENST: OSAMA—BIN—LADEN schweigt aus Taktik
20021210             20050410             20021210             20050415             120041210 -... follows: "Army Says Constitution Lets Satanist Hold TopSecret Job," by reporters... THE—NAPA—SENTINEL—TABLE—OF—CONTENTS.
20030415             Geschrieben von obv am 20030210214052       :
20030415             Bush und BLAIR—TELEFONIEREN—AUTOR: Inge (---.proxy.aol_com) - Datum: 03180210             :59
20030415             "THE—OVERTHROW—OF—THE—USA—REPUBLIC", Part 29—BY Sherman H. Skolnick 20030401             20040210             OPEC met in ALGIERS and agreed to reduce its official production by 1—MILLION—BARRELS—A—DAY beginning 20040401             .
20030415             200304142216          * ARAB—LEAGUE * SECRETARY—GENERAL * USA * SYRIA *
20030415             Date: 20030414             —POSTED—BY: DAN—SALE—TOPICS: IRAQ: MOBILE Weapons Labs: Biochemical Weapons
20030415             Date: 20030414             —POSTED—BY: DAN—SALE—TOPICS: Syria: Chemical Weapons: IRAQ
20030415             Date: 20030414             —POSTED—BY: DAN—SALE—TOPICS: Syria: Sanctions: USA
20030415             Date: 20030414             —POSTED—BY: DAN—SALE—TOPICS: Syria: Arab League: USA
20030415             DAMASCUS, 20030414             (RIA NOVOSTI—ALEXANDER—KRASNOV) - Amr Moussa, SECRETARY—GENERAL—OF—THE—ARAB—LEAGUE, does not know what to make of THE—USA' allegations that SYRIA is cooperating with IRAQ—LEADER—SADDAM—HUSSEIN.
20030415             Modern nations are 1—DETRIMENT to Big Oil which needs NARROW—MINDED reactionaries and Fascists.
20030415             Entire globe at 1—KM—RESOLUTION with the —FOLLOWING high resolution insets: AREA—OF—COVERAGE—IMAGERY—DATE
20030415             Imagery RESOLUTION—TOKYO—JAPAN (entire city) 19970000             1—FOOT
20030415             LONDON—ENGLAND (small inset) 19990000             1—FOOT
20030415             PARIS—FRANCE (small inset) 19990000             1—FOOT
20030415             AMSTERDAM—HOLLAND (small inset) 19990000             1—FOOT
20030415             BAGHDAD—IRAQ (entire city) 20020000             2—FOOT
20030415             BASRA—IRAQ 20020000             0.7—METER
20030415             H3 AIRFIELD—IRAQ 20020000             0.7—METER
20030415             MOSEL—IRAQ 20020000             0.7—METER
20030415             Geometry_NET—PHILOSOPHERS: Agamben Giorgio Extractions: Histoire, sociologie, philosophie et constituerait donc un e "fictif ou politique" fancied emergency "guerre civile...
20030415             Keine Bilder, angeblich durften keine Journalisten aufs Gelände, dann doch offizielle Bilder, die jedoch den 20010912             als Datum auswiesen?
20030415             Wo waren die Flugzeugtrümmer?
20030415             —VERBRANNT, Alles ? Die wichtigste Frage aber:
20030415             Warum haben Abfangjäger das angeblich heranfliegende Flugzeug nicht vom Kurs abgebracht bzw. abgeschossen?
20030415             Man wusste doch —BEREITS—SEIT
20030415             THE—IRA has 1—ACTIVE—NETWORK—OF spies in LOW—LEVEL but sensitive jobs right across the civil service, both in BELFAST and LONDON, say intelligence officers.
20030415             —OBTAINED, Secret documents, by 1—IRA spy network included TRANSCRIPTS—OF—TELEPHONE—CONVERSATIONS between TONY—BLAIR and PRESIDENT—BUSH, security sources confirmed —YESTERDAY.
20030415             Direct rule from WESTMINSTER IS—LIKELY to be imposed within days.
20030415             DAVID—TRIMBLE, NORTH—IRELAND—1. MINISTER—AND—LEADER—OF—THE—ULSTER—UNIONISTS, compared the republican espionage as "10—TIMES—WORSE than Watergate", which led to THE—RESIGNATION—OF—PRESIDENT—NIXON.
20030415             connecting them to terrorist intelligence gathering.
20030415             THE—IRA and Sinn Fein allegedly used information from their spy ring —DURING talks at Weston Park in July —LAST—YEAR.
20030415             They are said to have known the Government's "bottom line" on negotiations on 1—NUMBER—OF—OCCASIONS.
20030415             Bush und Blair telefonieren... (aus dem WTC—FORUM) - [REGENTREFF—FORUM]
20030415             And that *sshole was, of course, none other than ADAM—CLYMER.
20030415             (Big Time!) - The secret transcripts and other HIGH—LEVEL—DOCUMENTS grabbed by THE—IRA reportedly prove the —FOLLOWING, according to those familiar with them
20030415             Blair and Bush discuss the oil question.
20030415             Namely, that in several years SAUDI—ARABIA—OIL—RESERVES will have passed their peak.
20030415             —UNTAPPED, On the other hand, IRAQ has huge, oil reserves.
20030415             —CAUSED, As 1—RESULT—OF—1—BANKRUPTCY—SITUATION, by 1—MONSTROUS—COURT—JUDGMENT against Texaco by Pennzoil, that Pennzoil has 1—GREAT—FINANCIAL—INTEREST in Texaco.
20030415             THE—BUSH—FAMILY historically have been financially interwoven with the founders of Pennzoil.
20030415             —REFUSED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, beholden to the Reagan/BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, to grant 1—REMEDY to Texaco.
20030415             [2] As apparently shown by the secret transcripts and other stolen documents, GEORGE—W—BUSH expressed his concern to Blair who agreed that SADDAM—HUSSEIN, if left in power + alive, is in 1—POSITION to blackmail the Bush Family and THE—QUEEN—OF—ENGLAND.
20030415             "THE—OVERTHROW—OF—THE—USA—REPUBLIC", Part 18—BY Sherman H. Skolnick 20021008             20030415             SECRET TRANSCRIPTS EXPOSE BUSH
20030415             According to 1—MAJOR—UK—NEWSPAPER, THE—IRELAND—REPUBLICAN Army, THE—IRA, has penetrated the American/UK—HIGH—GOVERNMENT—SECRETS.
20030415             In their INTERNET website version, THE—LONDON—TELEGRAPH, under 1—HEADLINE "BUSH—BLAIR transcript 'seized by IRA spies' ", by THOMAS—HARDING, IRELAND correspondent, filed 20021008             , stated
20030415             "Secret documents obtained by 1—IRA spy network included TRANSCRIPTS—OF—TELEPHONE—CONVERSATIONS between TONY—BLAIR and PRESIDENT—BUSH, security sources confirmed —YESTERDAY....The disclosure that terrorists gained access to confidential information is likely to provoke FURIOUS REACTION IN AMERICA. DAVID—TRIMBLE, NORTH—IRELAND—1. MINISTER—AND—LEADER—OF—THE—ULSTER—UNIONISTS, compared the republican espionage as '10 TIMES WORSE THAN WATERGATE', WHICH LED TO THE—RESIGNATION—OF—PRESIDENT—NIXON".
20030415             (Emphasis added.)
20030415             The details between the lines and left OUT—OF—THE—STORY, read like from AN—EDGE—OF—THE—CLIFF spy novel.
20030415             Various foreign journalists, working on the story, are aware their editors deleted revealing details reportedly contained in the secret transcripts and other documents purloined by THE—IRA.
20030415             —BERICHTET, Von einer anderen Lobby, die SYRIEN—TAGESZEITUNG "Teshreen" und porträtiert den IRAK—OPPOSITIONELLEN Achmed Chalabi.
20030415             —GEHÖRT, Dieser sei "der Busenfreund von Rumsfeld und, außerdem zu den berühmtesten Bankräubern.
20030415             Unter anderem hat er die PETRA—BANK—IN—JORDANIEN ausgeraubt und entkam damals ins Ausland.
20030415             —SEIT vielen —JAHREN ist er mit dem USA—GEHEIMDIENST verbunden".
20030415             Der auch als "Dieb von Bagdad" bezeichnete EXIL—IRAKER gilt im Pentagon als Hauptanwärter für 1—FÜHRUNGSPOSITION nach der Besatzungszeit.
20030415             Die englischsprachige "JORDAN—TIMES" führt außerdem 2—TRIFTIGE Gründe an, warum 1—ANGRIFF auf SYRIEN unrechtmäßig wäre:
20030415             "ERSTENS—IST der Besitz von Chemiewaffen an sich keine Verletzung internationalen Rechts.
20030415             UND—ZWEITENS ist SYRIEN was die angebliche AUFNAHME—VON—FLÜCHTIGEN—IRAK—OFFIZIELLEN angeht rein rechtlich an die Genfer Flüchtlingskonvention gebunden, die fordert, verfolgten Flüchtlingen Schutz zu gewähren,
20030415             —BIS diese durch 1—STRAFGERICHT verurteilt worden sind".
20030415             Die libysche Zeitung "AL—JAMAHIRIYA" erinnert daran, dass —HEUTE—VOR—17—JAHREN LIBYEN von den USA bombardiert wurde, mit der "Begründung", das Land würde den Terrorismus unterstützen.
20030415             Ein direkter Bezug zu den derzeitigen Drohungen gegen SYRIEN oder den Ereignissen im IRAK wird nicht hergestellt, aber
20030415             mit der Erfahrung des gebrannten Kindes heißt es beschwörend:
20030415             "Wenn wir uns an diese Angriffe auf uns erinnern, müssen wir uns auch die Wichtigkeit seiner Lektion ins Gedächtnis zurückrufen.
20030415             He says he is hopeful that THE—USA—ADMINISTRATION—THREATS against that country are mere rhetoric + have nothing to do with actual intentions.
20030415             Moussa points out that such threats further increase tensions in the region.
20030415             THE—USA + BRITAIN had better focus their energies on THE—RESOLUTION—OF—THE—ISRAELI—PALESTINE—CONFLICT and begin to really work, rather than pretending to work, toward that end, remarks the Arab League leader.
20030415             MOBILE chemical and biological laboratories... - Sherman SKOLNICK—REPORT ootar29.htm
20030415             Americans find it difficult, BECAUSE—OF—MEDIA brainwashing,
20030415             to understand that IRAN, under the Shah + IRAQ under Saddam, have been MODERN—SEEKING nations,
20030415             not run by backward clerics opposed to women being educated, opposed to women driving cars + such.
20030415             "THE—OVERTHROW—OF—THE—USA—REPUBLIC", Part 29—BY Sherman H. Skolnick 20030401             20030415             FRANCE—PLAN—TO—STOP—AMERICA—HITLER
20030415             —DETERMINED, SOME—IN—EUROPE are, to stop ANY—FURTHER—BUSH—WHITE—HOUSE—PLAN to attack in THE—MID—EAST and elsewhere.
20030415             Such as 1—LONG—PLANNED bombardment and INVASION—OF—PLACES—LIKE—IRAQ.
20030415             How MANY—AMERICANS realize the attitudes of FRANCE in current events?
20030415             The monopoly press, dealing with us like —8—YEAR—OLD—CHILDREN, would have us forget how FRANCE was instrumental in helping AMERICA AGAINST THE—UK—DICTATORS in THE—USA—COL onial period.
20030415             Short of targetting the Brits with FRANCE—MISSILES---and SOME—BELIEVE—THE—PARIS government harbors that thought if not already in effect---how would THE—FRANCE—STOP the British/USA—ARISTOCRACY and their WAR—MONGERING as to IRAQ, in THE—MID—EAST, and elsewhere?
20030415             If THE—USA, under THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, starts 1—WAR in THE—MID—EAST, such as currently planned against IRAQ, here is what FRANCE plans
20030415             0,5987,3232--301681-,00.html Extractions: Histoire, sociologie, philosophie et constituerait
20030415             donc un e "fictif ou politique" fancied emergency "guerre civile...
20030415             Geometry_NET—PHILOSOPHERS: Agamben GIORGIO—SERVICES LE QUOTIDIEN OAS_AD('Middle');
20030415             Histoire, sociologie, philosophie et constituerait
20030415             Le Monde.fr : L'état d'exception, par Giorgio Agamben
20030415             —FANCIED, La jurisprudence anglaise parle à ce propos d'une, emergency ;
20030415             quant AUX—JURISTES nazis, ils parlaient sans réserve d'un "état d'exception voulu...
20030415             Wo waren die Flugzeugtrümmer? Alles verbrannt?
20030415             Die wichtigste Frage aber: Warum haben Abfangjäger das angeblich heranfliegende Flugzeug nicht vom Kurs abgebracht bzw. abgeschossen?
20030415             Man wusste doch —BEREITS—SEIT 8:45 bzw.
20030415             Um 9:30 sprach Bush —SCHON vom "KRIEG—GEGEN—AMERIKA".
20030415             Und dann lässt man um 9:45 ungehindert eine weitere Maschine ins Pentagon einschlagen?
20030415             i n t e l l n e t : i n t e l l i g e n c e : t o d a y ' s n e w s
20030415             Intelligence News SUMMARY—USA: MOBILE labs found in IRAQ
20030415             —BURIED, USA—TROOPS have found 11—MOBILE—LABORATORIES, SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD that are capable of biological and chemical uses, A—USA—GENERAL said —MONDAY.
20030415             Region: MIDDLE—EAST—READ It At: CNN (Mirrored Copy)
20030415             Rumsfeld Says Syria Conducts Chemical Arms Tests
20030415             —ACCUSED, Defense SECRETARY—DONALD—RUMSFELD —ON—MONDAY, Syria of carrying out tests involving chemical weapons over the past 12 to —15—MONTHS and allowing SOME—IRAQIS to flee into SYRIA—TERRITORY.
20030415             Region: AMERICAS—READ It At: Reuters (Mirrored Copy) - USA Considering SANCTIONS—AGAINST—SYRIA
20030415             Speaking in 1—WASHINGTON press conference, USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—COLIN—POWELL stated his government is considering political and economic SANCTIONS—AGAINST—SYRIA in response to DAMASCUS granting SAFE—HAVEN to senior MEMBERS—OF—THE—FORMER—IRAQ—REGIME.
20030415             Region: Americas
20030415             Read It At: Arutz SHEVA—ISRAEL—NATIONAL—NEWS (Mirrored Copy)
20030415             Syria Denies Having Chemical Weapons, SADDAM—LINK
20030415             —DENIED, Syria, —ON—MONDAY USA—CHARGES that it had chemical weapons and, brushing aside UK—ALLEGATIONS, said it had never cooperated with SADDAM—HUSSEIN—ADMINISTRATION.
20030415             Region: MIDDLE—EAST—READ It At: Yahoo! (Reuters)(Mirrored Copy)
20030415             Amr Moussa, SECRETARY—GENERAL—OF—THE—ARAB—LEAGUE, does not know what to make of THE—USA' allegations that Syria is cooperating with IRAQ—LEADER—SADDAM—HUSSEIN.
20030415             Region: MIDDLE—EAST—READ It At: RUSSIA—INFORMATION—AGENCY (Mirrored Copy)
20030415             Stormont spy ring is only 'tip of THE—IRA iceberg'
20030415             —BY DAVID—BAMBER and ALAN—MURRAY (Filed: 20020610             )
20030415             —SEIZED, BUSH—BLAIR transcript ' by IRA SPIES'—BY THOMAS—HARDING, IRELAND Correspondent (Filed: 20020810             )
20030415             As NORTH—IRELAND enters its biggest crisis —SINCE 19980000             —THE—GOOD—FRIDAY Agreement, the province is bracing itself —TODAY for 1—FINAL MEETING—OF—THE—POWER—SHARING Assembly.
20030415             Confidence in sharing power between the Unionists and Sinn Fein, the political wing of THE—IRA, has collapsed —FOLLOWING the revelations
20030415             —DEADLOCKED, —THROUGHOUT—5—DAYS—OF, negotiations,Sinn Fein procrastinated over arms decommissioning —BEFORE accepting concessions from the Government.
20030415             —INCLUDED, Documents taken, memos from JOHN—REID, THE—NORTH—IRELAND SECRETARY, to intelligence chiefs and Lt Gen SIR—ALISTAIR—IRWIN, the Army COMMANDER—IN—NORTH—IRELAND who was allegedly targeted by the Provisionals.
20030415             Minutes of separate private meetings held by Mr
20030415             Aufzeichnungen eines von der IRA geheim mitgeschnittenen Telefongesprächs zwischen Bush und Blair, was hier nicht vorenthalten werden soll.
20030415             Wie weit die Quelle verläßlich ist, läßt sich nur schwer einschätzen, aber jeder möge selbst urte ilen:
20030415             15. Die geheimen BUSH—BLAIR—AUFZEICHNUNGEN
20030415             Darin verrate Bush seine geheimen Absichten mit dem IRAK—KRIEG und auch sein Vorauswissen bei den Anschlägen vom 20030911             .
20030415             Im INTERNET lautete die Überschrift des LONDON—TELEGRAPH—ARTIKELS " BUSH—BLAIR transcript 'seized by IRA spies'" ( BUSH—BLAIR—TRANSKRIPT 'von IRA—SPIONEN entdeckt'), verfaßt vom IRLAND—KORRESPONDENTEN THOMAS—HARDING.
20030415             Darin schreibt Harding: "Die geheimen Dokumente, die in den Besitz der IRA—SPIONE gekommen sind, beinhalten Transkripte von Telefongesprächen zwischen TONY—BLAIR und PRÄSIDENT—BUSH. Dies wurde —GESTERN von Sicherheitsquellen (security sources) bestätigt.... Die Mitteilung, dass IRA—MITGLIEDER Zugang zu geheimen Informationen bekommen haben, wird in den USA wahrscheinlich Stürme von Entrüstung auslösen. DAVID—TRIMBLE, der nordirische PREMIERMINISTER—UND—VORSITZENDE—DER 'Ulster Unionists' kommentierte, diese Republikanische Spionage sei '10 Mal schlimmer als Watergate'".
20030415             Die geheimen Dokumente enthüllen, was Bush jun. gegenüber Blair über seine IRAK—ABSICHTEN verriet.
20030415             Bush sagt, er habe Schwierigkeiten, den IRAK—KRIEG zu beginnen, weil die geheimen Nachforschungen alle ergeben hätten, daß vom IRAK keine militärische Bedrohung ausgehe.
20030415             Bush betont, daß die Saudiarabischen Ölvorräte viel geringer seien als die des IRAK.
20030415             —GEWORDEN, IRAK ist —JETZT für das BUSH—IMPERIUM sehr wichtig, da sie einen 11—MILLIARDEN—GERICHTSFALL gegen die Firma TEXACO gewonnen haben.
20030415             Dadurch kann —NUN die BUSH—FIRMA PENNZOIL das vormalige TEXACO—TERRITORIUM IRAK in Angriff nehmen.
20030415             Als weiteres geht aus den Dokumenten hervor, daß Bush jun. befürchtet, der lebende SADDAM—HUSSEIN könnte als Zeuge gegen Bush sen. aussagen, vor allem hinsichtlich der Inszenierung des Krieges des IRAK gegen den IRAN.
20030415             Damals wurde gegen den IRAN u.a. Giftgas eingesetzt, dessen Bestandteile von der Firma USA—LAFARGE stammte.
20030415             Bush sen. war 1—HAUPTEIGENTÜMER dieser Firma gewesen.
20030415             Direktorin dieser Firma war damals Hillary Rodham Clinton![siehe www.gulfwarvets_com;
20030415             siehe auch das Buch: "SPIDER—WEB—THE secret HISTORY—OF—HOW—THE—WHITE—HOUSE illegally armed IRAQ", von ALAN—FRIEDMAN (JOURNALIST—DER "Financial Times of LONDON "), Bantam Books, 19930000             .]
20030415             Die weitere Verbreitung dieser Information wurde sogleich durch eine "D—NOTICE" von höchster Stelle unterbunden.
20030415             —BEHAUPTET, Sollte dennoch irgend etwas rausdringen, wurde, diese Meldung beruhe auf einer Fälschung.
20030415             Wenn jemand die gesetzlich verankerte "D—NOTICE" in ENGLAND verletzt, darf 1—SONDERABTEILUNG—DER—POLIZEI in der schuldigen Redaktion die Computer und Druckmaschinen konfiszieren, ja sogar die Autos und ALLE—VERDÄCHTIGEN—BÜROGEGENSTÄNDE.
20030415             Dennoch konnte die Verbreitung dieser Information nicht ganz unterbunden werden.
20030415             Siehe: www.skolnicksreport_com ("THE—OVERTHROW—OF—THE—USA—REPUBLIC", Part 18—BY Sherma n H. Skolnick 10/8/2, "Secret Transcripts expose Bush")
20030415             —THUNDERED, CHARLES—KRAUTHAMMER, 1—HAWKISH—COMMENTATOR in THE—WASHINGTON—POST, : "Not —SINCE WILLIAM—RANDOLPH—HEARST famously cabled his correspondent in CUBA and declared, 'You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war', has 1—NEWSPAPER so blatantly devoted its front page to editorialising about 1—COMING—USA—WAR".
20030415             TEXAS state high court judges, beholden to the Bush Family, reportedly were corrupted to nail down the largest court judgment in USA—HISTORY, 11—BILLION dollar verdict by Pennzoil against Texaco, causing Texaco to petition the bankruptcy court for protection.
20030415             "THE—OVERTHROW—OF—THE—USA—REPUBLIC", Part 18
20030415             —BY Sherman H. Skolnick 20021008             SECRET TRANSCRIPTS EXPOSE BUSH
20030415             —ATTACKED, Umpire Laz Diaz was, by 1—FAN —DURING 1—GAME between THE—KANSAS—CITY—ROYALS and CHICAGO White Sox;
20030415             the fan, ERIC—DYBAS, was —LATER sentenced to —6—MONTHS in jail and —30—MONTHS—PROBATION.
20030415             —NETTED, An —18—MONTH—INVESTIGATION, 67—ARRESTS.
20030415             —EDITED, He and his wife had, the Quarterly REVIEW—OF—LITERATURE for nearly —60—YEARS.
20030415             —APPOINTED, FINLAND—LAWMAKERS, Anneli Jaatteenmaki the country's 1. female PRIME—MINISTER, making FINLAND the only STATE—IN—EUROPE with women as PRESIDENT and premier.
20030415             USA—FORCES about this time cut off oil flow from IRAQ to Syria.
20030415             —REACHED, Oil flow had, 130,000 barrels —1—DAY providing both countries over $10—MILLION —1—MONTH in profits.
20030415             SECRETARY—OF—STATE—COLIN—POWELL said THE—USA has no plans to go to war with Syria.
20030415             —RANSACKED, Looters and arsonists, and gutted IRAQ—NATIONAL—LIBRARY and the principal Islamic library.
20030415             Marines came under fire —WHILE seizing 1—AIRSTRIP on the outskirts of Tikrit.
20030415             † 7—IRAQIS, —WHEN USA—TROOPS opened fire to keep 1—ANGRY—CROWD from storming 1—GOVERNMENT—COMPLEX in MOSUL.
20030415             —SIGNED, SLOVAKIA PRESIDENT—RUDOLF—SCHUSTER, 1—ACCESSION—DOCUMENT committing SLOVAKIA to joining NATO, THE—NEXT—TO—LAST—STEP on the long road to membership in the military alliance.
20030415             Geometry_NET—PHILOSOPHERS: Agamben Giorgio
20030415             Extractions: Histoire, sociologie, philosophie et constituerait donc un e "fictif ou politique" fancied emergency "guerre civile...
20030415             SERVICES LE QUOTIDIEN OAS_AD('Middle');
20030415             As NORTH—IRELAND enters its biggest crisis —SINCE 19980000             —THE—GOOD—FRIDAY—AGREEMENT, the province is bracing itself —TODAY
20030415             —GAINED, THE—DISCLOSURE—THAT—TERRORISTS, access to confidential WHITE—HOUSE—INFORMATION is likely to provoke 1—FURIOUS—REACTION in AMERICA.
20030415             —THROUGHOUT—5—DAYS—OF deadlocked negotiations,
20030415             —PROCRASTINATED, Sinn Fein, over arms decommissioning
20030415             —BEFORE accepting concessions from the Government.
20030415             (aus dem WTC—FORUM). - - - [REGENTREFF—FORUM]
20030415             [1] In discussions with UNITED—KINGDOM—PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR, GEORGE—W—BUSH admits he is greatly troubled by suppressed DOCUMENTS—OF—THE—USA—CIA proving there is no danger by SADDAM—HUSSEIN and no basis for 1—PRE—EMPTIVE military attack by THE—USA—AIDED by the British on IRAQ.
20030415             —IN the past, Texaco got 1—LOF of their crude oil from IRAQ.
20030415             —IN their INTERNET website version, THE—LONDON—TELEGRAPH, under 1—HEADLINE "BUSH—BLAIR transcript 'seized by IRA spies' ", by THOMAS—HARDING, IRELAND correspondent, filed 20021008             , stated
20030415             Und.
20030415             ALLE—VÖLKER der Welt von Westamerika —BIS nach Ostchina hassen den Krieg".
20030415             Denn im Gegensatz zu Regierungen "hassen Völker einander nicht, sondern
20030415             sind gegen Angriffe und gegen die Anwendung von Gewalt in all seinen Formen bei der Schlichtung von Konflikten und Streitigkeiten".
20030415             And, that THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—ARISTOCRACY vows to divide this continent into BALKAN—LIKE warring regions, SUBJECTS—OF—THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—MONARCH + that we Americans should be puppets of colonies rather than CITIZENS—OF—THE—USA—REPUBLIC.
20030415             Le Monde.fr : L'état d'exception, par Giorgio AGAMBEN—WAS war mit dem Pentagonanschlag?
20030415             for 1—FINAL MEETING—OF—THE—POWER—SHARING Assembly
20030415             —DEADLOCKED, —THROUGHOUT—5—DAYS—OF, negotiations,
20030415             Minutes of separate private meetings held by MR—BUSH und Blair telefonieren.
20030415             —IN diesem Zusammenhang diskutierten Bush und Blair auch die ÖL—FRAGE.
20030415             Direktorin dieser Firma war damals Hillary Rodham Clinton!
20030415             —IN den Gesprächen sprechen Bush und Blair auch über die Gefahr, daß sie vom Mossad erpreßt werden könnten, indem ihnen 1—VORWISSEN über die Anschläge nachgewiesen werde.
20030415             —IN Chechnya 16—PEOPLE, mostly female construction workers, were killed —LAST—WEEK in 1—BUS—EXPLOSION.
20030415             —IN the 28. —DAY—OF—OPERATION—IRAQ—FREEDOM selected IRAQ—LEADERS met with retired USA—LIEUTENANT—GENERAL—JAY—GARNER to shape 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT with 13—GOALS, the 1. being "IRAQ must be democratic".
20030415             —IN THE—NETHERLANDS, Volkert VAN der Graaf, THE—KILLER—OF—POLITICIAN—PIM—FORTUYN, was sentenced to —18—YEARS in prison.
20030415             ("THE—OVERTHROW—OF—THE—USA—REPUBLIC", Part 18—BY Sherma n H. Skolnick 10/8/2, "Secret Transcripts expose Bush")
20030415             "THE—OVERTHROW—OF—THE—USA—REPUBLIC", Part 18—BY Sherman H. Skolnick 20021008             20030415             In their INTERNET website version, THE—LONDON—TELEGRAPH, under 1—HEADLINE "BUSH—BLAIR transcript 'seized by IRA spies' ", by THOMAS—HARDING, IRELAND correspondent, filed 20021008             , stated
20030415             —ESTIMATED, THE—IRAN—GROUP had an, 10,000—MEMBERS and was led by 1—WOMAN.
20030415             Geometry_NET—WIE konnte 1—FLUGZEUG die unmittelbar vor dem Gebäude befindlichen Laternenmasten überfliegen?
20030415003702       THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION loathes the paper, as was obvious —DURING 20000000             —THE—CAMPAIGN—WHEN MISTER—BUSH was caught on microphone referring to 1—WELL—KNOWN—NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORTER as "1—MAJOR—LEAGUE asshole", 1—SLIP which seemingly did him no harm with the public.
20030415005538       Stormont spy ring is only 'TIP—OF—THE—IRA iceberg' By DAVID—BAMBER and ALAN—MURRAY (Filed: 20020610             )
20030415010618       Was war mit dem Pentagonanschlag?
20030415011436       Le Monde.fr : L'état d'exception, par Giorgio Agamben -
20030415011436       Le Monde.fr : L'état d'exception, par Giorgio AGAMBEN—LA jurisprudence anglaise parle à ce propos d'une fancied emergency ;
20030415015427       Americans find it difficult, BECAUSE—OF—MEDIA brainwashing, to understand that IRAN, under the Shah + IRAQ under Saddam, have been MODERN—SEEKING nations, not run by backward clerics opposed to women being educated, opposed to women driving cars + such.
200304150903         von den beiden zerstörten WTC—TÜRMEN.
20030415—19850000    —SEIT, DER—PALÄSTINENSER—TERRORIST—ABU—ABBAS war als in ITALIEN verurteilter  der ACHILLE—LAURO—ENTFÜHRUNG—DRAHTZIEHER  gesucht worden.
20030415—19850000    —ARRESTED, USA—TROOPS in BAGHDAD, Abul Abbas, HEAD—OF—THE—PALESTINE—TERRORIST—GROUP that attacked THE—ITALY—CRUISE ship Achille Lauro.
20030415—19970000    —IMAGERY—DATE, AREA—OF—COVERAGE, RESOLUTION, TOKYO—JAPAN (entire city) 1—FOOT
20030415—20021008    —AM, veröffentlichte die große und angesehene ENGLAND—ZEITUNG " LONDON Telegraph " die Information, daß die IRA in den Besitz von geheimen Aufzeichnungen mehrerer Telefongespräche von BUSH und BLAIR gekommen sei.
20030415—20030421    —UNTIL, The incident was not reported.
20040415             —HIRED, DONALD—TRUMP "" BILL—RANCIC over Kwame JACKSON—DURING 1—SEGMENT that was telecast live.
20040415             THE—PENTAGON told 20,000—USA—SOLDIERS in IRAQ that their TOURS would be extended.
20040415             —WARNED, THE—USA—EPA, CALIFORNIA and a 30—OTHER—STATES to clean up SMOG—PLAGUED regions.
20040415             474—COUNTIES fell SHORT—OF—STANDARDS including 36 in CALIFORNIA.
20040415             Several LOS—ANGELES PORN—MOVIE—COMPANIES said they would stop production —FOR—2—MONTHS—FOLLOWING reports that 2—STARS, including veteran performer DARREN—JAMES, had —RECENTLY tested positive for AIDS.
20040415             —SEIZED, COLOMBIA—POLICE, DOZENS—OF—ESTATES and homes belonging to reputed drug kingpin DIEGO—MONTOYA.
20040415             1—MAN identifying himself as OSAMA—BIN—LADEN offered a "truce" to European countries that do not attack Muslims, saying it would begin —WHEN their soldiers leave Islamic nations, according to 1—RECORDING broadcast on Arab satellite networks.
20040415             —INAUGURATED, HUNGARY, government leaders and THE—ISRAEL—PRESIDENT, this country's 1. Holocaust museum in memory of HUNGARY—600,000 Holocaust victims.
20040415             —THREATENED, IRAQ, 3—JAPAN—HOSTAGES who had been, with death unless TOKYO withdrew its troops from IRAQ were released.
20040415             —ABDUCTED, A—USA—BUSINESSMAN was, from his hotel in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—BASRA by kidnappers disguised as policemen.
20040415             —KILLED, Gunmen, 1—HIGH—RANKING—IRAN—DIPLOMAT in BAGHDAD.
20040415             —IMPEACHED, The liberal URI—PARTY—LOYAL to SOUTH—KOREA'S, PRESIDENT—ROH—MOO—HYUN, won the most seats in parliamentary elections.
20040415             —IN the finale to the 1. edition of THE—NBC reality show "THE—APPRENTICE," 1 estimated 27.6—MILLION viewers tuned in to watch.
20040415             THE—USA—PLEDGED $400—MILLION to support A—UNITED—NATIONS—PLAN for reunifying CYPRUS, but stressed no money would come unless voters on the divided ISLAND approve the settlement in 1—REFERENDUM—NEXT—WEEK.
20040415             —BECAME, THOMAS—CORBALLY, known as part of 19630000             —THE—BRITISH—PROFUMO scandal.
20040415             —IN IRAQ 3—JAPAN—HOSTAGES who had been threatened with death unless TOKYO withdrew its troops from IRAQ were released.
20040415             † BRANKO—CRVENKOVSKI—MACEDONIA—PM, took the lead in elections to replace THE—PRESIDENT who in 1—PLANE—CRASH, but he didn't get enough votes to avoid 1—RUNOFF.
20040415             —IN WEST—MEXICO, 1—EXPLOSION tore through 1—SMALL fireworks store in Tonala, killing 7—PEOPLE including 1—SMALL—CHILD.
20040415             The liberal URI—PARTY—LOYAL to SOUTH—KOREA—IMPEACHED PRESIDENT—ROH—MOO—HYUN, won the most seats in parliamentary elections.
20040415             For THE—FAA representative, see Rayford Brooks interview (.).
20040415             For THE—FAA representative, see Rayford Brooks interview (.). - - - 197.
20040415—19870000    —DECLASSIFIED, An FBI report, characterized him as 1—USA—BUSINESSMAN who ran sex orgies in his LONDON flat".
20050415             120041210 -... follows: "Army Says Constitution Lets Satanist Hold TopSecret Job," by reporters... THE—NAPA—SENTINEL—TABLE—OF—CONTENTS.
20050415             12.00—CONNECTION 1-15—... conference was held —THAT—YEAR.
20050415             Voting MACHINES—VOTE Tampering in the 20010101—21001231    ... SANTA—CLARA—COUNTY decided —TUESDAY night to purchase machines without a... VOTEHERE—BOARD—OF—DIRECTORS includes FORMER—CIA—DIRECTOR—ROBERT—GATES...
20050415             How the Dominionists Are Succeeding... on the mystery of the Triad... alfatomega.com/20050103.html.
20050415             20050103... THE—FACE—OF—DEATH that would almost look the same as the face of brotherhood... How the Dominionists Are Succeeding... on the mystery of the Triad... alfatomega.com/ /20050103.html
20050415             alfatomega.com/20050113.html
20050415             — 741k — text/html — 20050123             ...
20050415             I did not know that about Nixon and KISSENGER—I bet your dissertation... alfatomega.com/20050202.html.
20050415             SCOTT—BROCKMEIER, DAVID—CHALMERS, MARK—CHANGIZI, ADAM—CONSTABARIS.. alfatomega.com/20050209.html.
20050415             PORTLAND NORML 19990000             News Index, 20050312—20180312     ... SENATOR—JOHN—VASCONCELLOS, the Democrat from SANTA—CLARA, CALIFORNIA.)... in OAKLAND + LOS—ANGELES —TODAY against THE—CIA and USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT...
20050415             PORTLAND NORML 19990000             News Index, 20050312—20180312.
20050415             CIA, (MEMORANDUM—OF—CONFERENCE with THE—PRESIDENT, 19600318             ;
20050415             Bay of Pigs Chronology... (MEMORANDUM—OF—CONFERENCE with THE—PRESIDENT, 19600318             ;
20050415             (MEMORANDUM—OF—CONFERENCE with THE—PRESIDENT, 19600318             ; CIA—1—PROGRAM—OF—COVERT.
20050415             —CARRIED, THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY—RECENTLY, out 1—EXTENSIVE—ANTI—TERRORIST—EXERCISE entitled TOPOFF 3 (20050404             —8, 20050000             ).
20050415             WILLIAM—A—COOK: THE—BUSH—INAUGURATION as Mock Epic Fertility Rite..These PSEUDO—CHRISTIANS, these END—TIMERS, deminionists.. of exclusivity that denies the ideal of the brotherhood + sisterhood of humankind.. - 20050413             20050415             that 1—RANGE—OF—ISSUES was lumped under THE—RUBRIC—OF—ANTI—COMMUNISM, and.. in no small part because SECRETARY—OF—STATE—JOHN—FOSTER—DULLES insisted...
20050415             CIA—1—PROGRAM—OF—COVERT.
20050415             —REPORTED, It was, that paleontologists have identified 1—NEW dinosaur species, 1—EARLY—RELATIVE—OF—TYRANNOSAURUS rex that probably roamed what is —NOW THE—SOUTH—EAST—USA about 77—MILLION—YEARS ago.
20050415             —NAMED, They, the new dinosaur Appalachiosaurus montgomeriensis, which means "the Appalachian lizard from MONTGOMERY—COUNTY".
20050415             —ROAMED, THE—25—FOOT—LONG—CREATURE, the earth 10—MILLION—YEARS—BEFORE T. rex and was smaller and more primitive, with 1—NARROWER snout.
20050415             —SUFFERED, BELIZE Telecommunications Limited (BTL), 1—APPARENT—ACT—OF—SABOTAGE which left the entire country without ANY—PHONE, INTERNET or fax services.
20050415             Unfortunately, BTL was unable to restore its services for the entire weekend, leaving BELIZE completely stranded.
20050415             Administrators for BRITAIN—MG—ROVER—GROUP said they intend to break up the company, laying off 5,000 workers, in 1—BID to find buyers for different units —AFTER THE—SHANGHAI—AUTOMOTIVE—INDUSTRY—CORP. made clear it was not interested in 1—JOINT—VENTURE.
20050415             —DECLARED, ECUADOR—PRESIDENT—LUCIO—GUTIERREZ, 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY in QUITO and dissolved THE—SUPREME—COURT, saying the unpopular judges were the cause of —3—DAYS—OF—POT—BANGING street protests.
20050415             24—PEOPLE were killed, HALF—OF—THEM children.
20050415             —SEIZED, Sunni militants, a 35—50—SHIITE hostages in THE—CENTRAL—IRAQ—TOWN—OF—MADAIN and threatened to kill them unless all Shiites leave.
20050415             —TEETERED, ITALY—GOVERNMENT, near collapse —AFTER 2—COALITION—PARTIES said they would withdraw from PRIME—MINISTER—BERLUSCONI—GOVERNMENT.
20050415             —DRAGGED, Communist rebels in SOUTH—NEPAL, at least 10—MALES from their homes, including a —14—YEAR—OLD—BOY, and gunned them down for refusing to take up arms with the guerrilla movement.
20050415             —SEIZED, Police in PERU, more than 1—TON of cocaine destined for THE—USA as it was being packed into 1—SHIPMENT—OF canned fish at the Colra Fish Factory in TACNA.
20050415             —CHARGED, PERU—AUTHORITIES said 3—POACHERS have been, with killing 7—PEOPLE —DURING a —5—YEAR—CRIME—SPREE in which they allegedly slaughtered 2,500 vicuna, 1—PROTECTED—ANDEAN animal prized for its wool.
20050415             1—RUSSIAN—SOYUZ—FG rocket lifted off at BAIKONUR—KAZAKHSTAN, carrying 3—MEN to THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION.
20050415             —KILLED, SRI—LANKA, at least 5—RENEGADE Tamil Tiger rebels were, in 1—FRESH—BOUT—OF—VIOLENCE in the restive northeast.
20050415             The scientists made the identification from HUNDREDS—OF—FOSSILIZED fragments collected mostly in MONTGOMERY—COUNTY, ALABAMA, and SOUTH—WEST—GEORGIA.
20050415             —IN FRANCE 1—FIRE swept through 1—PARIS hotel used by the city to house needy AFRICA—FAMILIES.
20050415             Foreign AFFAIRS—FOREIGN—POLICY and the Democratic Process: Is a...
20050415             23—SKIDOO: Conspiracy Theory, Synchronicity, Alternate Tunnel...
20050415             the Operation Sunrise negotiations conducted between ALLEN—DULLES—THE then... covert battle aimed at defeating THE—SOVIET—COMMUNIST "menace"-in other...
20050415             —LAUNCHED, Nelson, his political career, defeating W. Averell Harriman in the.
20050415             JOHN—FOSTER—DULLES—PATRONIZING dismissal of his views as "premature".
20050415             Web Results 1 - 100—OF—ABOUT 3,940 FOR—DULLES—DEFEATING communism.
20050415             RE—ORIENTED from defeating Nazis to " defeating " communism at ANY—COST.. along with JOHN—FOSTER—DULLES, globalist religious leader and SECRETARY—OF.
20050415             The excuse, of course, was Communism.THE—BUGGING—OF—WALL—STREETAARONS... defeating Dewey,wins reelection,"Nixon became Dulles, Allen s mouthpiece in...
20050415             —BECAME, THE—CIA under ALLEN—FOSTER—DULLES, more active in defeating communism. o Covert and overt actions increased to further USA—INTERESTS...
20050415             july30 - that KOREA provided the best and perhaps the last chance of defeating Communism.
20050415             —SUPPORTED, THE—EISENHOWER—DULLES approach to foreign affairs:, the.
20050415             SINGLE—MINDED: 1—INDEPENDENT—JOURNAL—OF—FACT and Opinion
20050415             —IN Indochina in terms of defeating Communism and spreading democracy: FRANCE—IMPERIALISM in VIETNAM
20050415             the key strategy of encircling and defeating revolutionary communism in CHINA.
20050415             SECRETARY—OF—STATE—JOHN—FOSTER—DULLES made USA—PLANS in regard to this.
20050415             Foster Dulles had THE—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY overthrow the Arbenz.
20050415             ??????-????????(??):THE—VITAL—LETTERS of...
20050415             —INSPIRED, TALK—OF—TODAY was not primarily, by pacifism or communism.
20050415             1—LETTER duly arrived from the pen of MISTER—DULLES, who explained that he was.
20050415             KERRY—WORLD: Father Knows Best
20050415             —VIEWED, Although he had —INITIALLY, SECRETARY—OF—STATE—JOHN—FOSTER—DULLES as a... among Africans and Asians than communism + thus it is SELF—DEFEATING...
20050415             Kerry shows the same dismissive tone about THE—THREAT—OF—COMMUNISM... and the foreign policy of JOHN—FOSTER—DULLES which was responsible for the.
20050415             Web Results 1 - 100—OF—ABOUT 818 FOR—JOHN - 0.—25—SECONDS.
20050415             National Petroleum News : Who is JOHN—DEUSS?
20050415             what will Atlantic do... - National Petroleum News : Who is JOHN—DEUSS ?
20050415             what will Atlantic do? (gasoline retailers)
20050415             National Petroleum News : Mystery man Deuss invades East with his...
20050415             Petroleum News : Mystery man Deuss invades East with his new Atlantic Petroleum.
20050415             ( JOHN—DEUSS ) (includes 2—RELATED articles) @ HighBeam.
20050415             USA—STUDIE zum Klimawandel: Weniger Treibhausgas schadet der Wirtschaft nicht
20050415             WALL—STREET—SCHLUSS: Standardwerte fallen auf neues Jahrestief
20050415             —BESTELLT, Zeitungsbericht: Schröder, BUNDESBANK—SPITZE zum Rapport
20050415             Zeitungsbericht: Bundesregierung senkt Wachstumsprognose
20050415             —DUMPED, UWSA] Somebody, on us CONSPIRACY—PHOBES
20050415             or provocation). - - - BOLOGNA train station bombing, for example.
20050415             Strong connections to P2 Lodge, " Propaganda Duo " (sp?
20050415             —IN Italian), Stefano. CTRL] Mystery Babylon #2
20050415             —IN ITALY: the Carbinieri; the Young Societies;
20050415             the Propaganda DUO—ALSO known as P2, the drug running lodges; + of course, the Mafia...
20050415             Who Killed Diana? [2]
20050415             WEST—GOALS, the Bilderbergers, the Opus Dei;
20050415             Grande LOJA do Queijo Limiano: 20031101             — 20031130             20050415             funcionar como uma apologia pura e dura à Propaganda Duo (P2) de Liccio Gelli de que Berlusconni aliás foi membro, ou a Pinochet no CHILE.
20050415             DOCTOR—DRÁBIK—JÁNOS írásai
20050415             Version HTML... behind WEST—EUROPE—TERRORISTS.
20050415             The controlling lodge was Propaganda Duo Masonic Lodge, or P—2—MASONRY.
20050415             AMERICA BETRAYED
20050415             Version HTML... personnel created 1—PARALLEL—GOVERNMENT called P2 ( Propaganda Duo ), 1—NEO-.
20050415             —COMPOSED, Nazi secret society, of MOST—OF—THE—COUNTRY—TOP—INDUSTRIALISTS,
20050415             Propaganda Duo - P 2 ;
20050415             Licio Gelli ;. - - ALLE—LX treten im Klinken :Sammel_Lager @ SITE—ENDE erneut zum Apell an!
20050415             Propaganda Duo (P2) and THE—JONATHAN—INSTITUTE.
20050415             —CREATED, THE—GLADIO personnel, 1—PARALLEL—GOVERNMENT called P2 ( Propaganda Duo ), NEO—FASCIST—MASONIC—LODGE COMPOSED—OF—MOST—OF—THE—COUNTRY—TOP... alfatomega.com/20041206.html.
20050415             THE—JONESTOWN—MASSACRE
20050415             money laundering operation was headquartered in ITALY, involving THE—VATICAN and 1—FASCIST—QUASI—MASONIC lodge known as THE—P—2, or Propaganda Duo...
20050415             MASONIC DIGEST—TUESDAY, 19911022             Volume 3 : Issue 2—TODAY'S.
20050415             P2 stands for Propaganda Duo.
20050415             It was (is?) 1 unrecognized "irregular" lodge in ITALY, with 1—MEMBERSHIP—OF—INFLUENTIAL—ITALIANS from the government +.
20050415             BODY—SEEN in this light the notorious Propaganda Duo (P2) lodge in ITALY can more properly be viewed as being 1—SECRET—INDEPENDENT—ORDER—OF—GRAND—ORIENT.
20050415             THE—EGYPT—ORGANIZATION for Human Rights
20050415             which states that the detainee should be treated like the temporary detainee.
20050415             Although the national legislation acts contain 1—LOT—OF—THE—STANDARDS.
20050415             —DECLARED, DeeperBlue_NET FORUMS—RE: OT Sadam is formally, a...
20050415             —SELECTED, Your personal detainee has been, and scheduled for... cared for pursuant to the standards you personally demanded in your...
20050415             Daily Kos :: Secrets: CIA Detainee Abuses Still Unscrutinized
20050415             † Priest reports that only —RECENTLY was it disclosed that 1—DETAINEE in... cough) for human rights abuse —WHEN we don't set standards for ourselves!
20050415             THE—FORD—FOUNDATION—FUNDER of the 'LEFT' *LINK*
20050415             SANTA—CLARA—UNIVERSITY (urban STUDIES—SOCIAL justice); S—JOSE—STATE.
20050415             Legal Momentum; the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights Education Fund;
20050415             Media Alliance: 20041000             Archives
20050415             S—DIEGO, S—JOAQUIN, SANTA—CLARA, Stanislaus and Tulare counties... civil and human rights coalition," the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights,
20050415             NCSM 20050000             Conference -- All Sessions
20050415             Working for THE—CIA (Curriculum, Instruction + Assessment) in Assessmentland!... leadership teams from S—DIEGO, Buckeye, FREMONT + SANTA—CLARA.
20050415             ASF Community Directory
20050415             —IN natural catastrophe and terrorism risk modeling (Karen Clark ).
20050415             SANTA—CLARA U., Center for Science, Tech.
20050415             + Society ( SANTA—CLARA—CA). - - CONFERENCEREPORT —
20050415             The present system of organizing USA—INTELLIGENCE among THE—CIA, THE—FBI, the... in Commerce from SANTA—CLARA—UNIVERSITY—IN—SANTA—CLARA—CALIFORNIA.
20050415             Women STUDIES—THE—CONCEPT—OF—THE "shell state," and comparison with CIA activity;
20050415             relationship to the.
20050415             2—WOMEN grassroots organizers from SANTA—FE—ARGENTINA,
20050415             Voting MACHINES—VOTE Tampering in the 20010101—21001231    —CENTURY
20050415             SANTA—CLARA—COUNTY—DECIDED—TUESDAYNIGHT to purchase machines without a.
20050415             VOTEHERE—BOARD—OF—DIRECTORS includes FORMER—CIA director ROBERT—GATES.
20050415             Nearly 300—REPRESENTATIVES from.
20050415             KLA—TENCOR Corporation. MIKE—LEE—USA—LAW Schools News Brief
20050415             Contents Contents 1—WELCOME Letter 2—CONFERENCE Program 3 ...
20050415             MCCANN—FATHER was in THE—CIA in Saigon (immediate supervisor Gen.
20050415             USA—MUSLIMS for Global Peace + Justice ( SANTA—CLARA—CA).
20050415             Contents — - SOUTH—BAY LA Democratic Quick Links
20050415             Grassroots AMERICA DEFENDS THE—BILL—OF—RIGHTS (20031000             national conference ).
20050415             Tabula Rasa: GENERAL—POLITICS—ARCHIVES - 1.: If in fact Valerie Plame was 1—SECRET—CIA—OPERATIVE (+ there's.
20050415             + marginal support from SANTA—CLARA county thrown in for good measure.
20050415             Critical Tools Software Download PAGE—JP MORGAN—J—URIACH & Cia.
20050415             JJ—GLATT & Associates JACKSON—LABORATORY—JAD—TECH.
20050415             Sanford Dorf Sanrise SANTA—CLARA—TRANSPORTATION—AGENCY—SANTA—CLARA.
20050415             The film features interviews with FORMER—CIA—AGENT—PHILLIP Agee.
20050415             S—JOSE/SANTA—CLARA 408 998 8504—SOUTH—BAY Mobilization to Stop the War.
20050415             NucNews - 20000803             .
20050415             —ABOUT the forthcoming conference, CIA spokesman MARK—MANSFIELD said, CERIAS—EXTERNAL—ADVISORY—BOARD -
20050415             —SERVED, DOCTOR—CHERRY, as Senior Computer Scientist with THE—CIA... of Science degree in computer science from THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—SANTA—CLARA...
20050415             Empire NOTES—THE—CIA says they need a 30 to 35% increase in THE—NUMBER—OF—OPERATIVES abroad.. said JENNIFER—GREESON, 1—POLICY spokeswoman for SANTA—CLARA—CALIFORNIA
20050415             articles
20050415             —PUSHED, THE—LEADERSHIP—CONFERENCE on Civil Rights, which, for electronic.
20050415             Or that states should require automatic upgrade clauses, as SANTA—CLARA.
20050415             Leadership Conference on Civil Rights (LCCR.
20050415             Santa BARBARA—CO., CA. SANTA—CLARA—CO., CA.
20050415             SANTA—CLARA—VTA chose THE—ADEC—SYSTEM for the bus demonstration program... 1—TREASONOUS and potentially deadly Bushco CIA cover leak, THE—MIGHTIEST.
20050415             CIA CHIEF would come from YALE—SECRET—SKULL and Bones society.. bell and his wife was 1—MOVIE—STAR.. clara bow???
20050415             clark gables wife, carole lombard, ISA—ENVIRONMENTAL—STUDIES—SECTION
20050415             CIA Task Force on STATE—FAILURE, MARC—LEVY, Princeton University; THE—POLITICAL—ECOLOGY.
20050415             (Lesley Gray, Environmental Studies, SANTA—CLARA—UNIVERSITY,
20050415             CHURCH—STATE—SEPARATION by CLARK—MOELLER... it is employing secular procedures for selecting SOME—OF—ITS—LEADERSHIP... school graduation ceremonies);
20050415             SANTA—FE Independent School District v. - THE—LAST—CIRCLE
20050415             —IN SANTA—CLARA—CALIFORNIA to WILLIAM—FRASH in ESCONDIDO—CALIFORNIA... certain FACTIONS—OF—THE—CIA + his group MSH (Management Science For Health)...
20050415             WATCHING THE—COUNT: 20000000             —THE—ELECTION—RETURNS from the Progressive...
20050415             —PUSHED, THE—LEADERSHIP—CONFERENCE on Civil Rights, which, for electronic machines to help.
20050415             —PROVIDED, Also, according to documents, to SANTA—CLARA—COUNTY,
20050415             —WAIVED, Loan repayment is, if recipient agrees to work for YMCA..Criteria: Must be 1—MINORITY, RESIDENT—OF—SANTA—CLARA, SANTA—CRUZ,
20050415             THE—RIGHT to 1—WORLD at Peace: Close all foreign bases; abolish THE—CIA ;
20050415             [DAVE—WALD is SANTA—CLARA—COUNTY—CHAIR—OF—PEACE & Freedom Party + a.
20050415             more —RECENTLY HEAD—OF—THE—CIA, also publicly and repeatedly has denied the connection.
20050415             SANTA—CLARA P&F meets on the 1.—THURSDAYOF EACH—MONTH.
20050415             Archive of Ending Corporate Governance Events
20050415             Immaculate HEART—OF—MARY—RETREAT and Conference Center, SANTA—FE—NEW—MEXICO.. and PROFESSOR—OF—LAW, SANTA—CLARA—UNIVERSITY;
20050415             and, JAMES—BOVARD is a. - Bay of Pigs Chronology
20050415             Fidel Castro, in 1—TALK in SANTA—CLARA, analyzes the causes of.
20050415             Domestic Violence + Violence Related Research Resources
20050415             Declaration + Platform for Action - 4. World Conference on Women, 19950900             .
20050415             CA: Standards for Batterers Programs + CERTIFICATION—SANTA—CLARA.
20050415             Iraqis Want USA Out: Wonder What SADDAM—IS—THINKING?
20050415             USA Gov Info... - executive DIRECTOR—OF—THE—LEADERSHIP—CONFERENCE on Civil Rights (LCCR).
20050415             JOHN—VASCONCELLOS (D- SANTA—CLARA ) has his way, CALIFORNIA would become the.
20050415             THE—FACTS—MACHINE
20050415             the identity of 1—CIA—AGENT whose husband contradicted 1—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—CLAIM.
20050415             —PREFERRED, Girolami chose S—MATEO over his, county of SANTA—CLARA.
20050415             ArtsJournal: Herman
20050415             If you go to CHE—SHRINE in SANTA—CLARA—SOUTH—EAST—OF—HAVANA, where he is buried beneath a.
20050415             Yahoo! NEWS—USA—BUYERS—OF—HUSSEIN—OIL—ACTED to Assist IRAQ
20050415             + 1—FORMER—BUSINESS—ASSOCIATE, DAVID—CHALMERS, whose company... decades, most —RECENTLY as THE—HOUSTON—BUREAU—CHIEF... pumped 7.9—MILLION—BARRELS—OF—OIL + made a.
20050415             LP: Questions about FORMER—UN weapons inspector's film [Scott...
20050415             resold the oil to 1—HOUSTON oil trading company called... that is to say, collected from IRAQ—OIL—TERMINALS—ALMOST.
20050415             4 20000000             , shows that DAVID—CHALMERS, the owner.
20050415             THE—OFFICIAL—KERRY—EDWARDS Blog: Comment on KERRY—ENERGY—PLAN: A. - Bay Oil is run by DAVID—CHALMERS.
20050415             For THE—HOUSTON wildcatter, this purchase would officially end 1—RETIREMENT from the oil business that never seemed to.
20050415             Archives | MetaFilter - ARIANNA—BLOG.
20050415             Its time for change + I don't mean in 1—REPUBLICAN way, Arianna,
20050415             And 1—CAR that runs without oil (Wankel "DKM" version uses none) running with my.
20050415             NEWS—TOP—STORIES—USA—BUYERS—OF—HUSSEIN—OIL—ACTED to Assist...
20050415             —NAMED, The other Americans, in THE—CIA—REPORT, VIRGINIA oil trader Samir.
20050415             Wyatt and a former business associate, DAVID—CHALMERS, whose company was.
20050415             Friends of Saddam: 20041200             Archives.
20050415             Major oil trading companies and individuals — from USA—BUSINESSMEN to... underlines how Bayoil, headed by HOUSTON oil tycoon DAVID—CHALMERS,
20050415             + the Islamic REPUBLIC—OF—IRAQ: THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY—SPIN—MACHINE was bouncing.
20050415             Das Tor zur Welt der Roboter !
20050415             Und der Oberste der Scheichs, SCHEICH—HAMAD bin Khalifa AL—THANI,
20050415             —VERSCHLEPPT, BANGLADESCH, wurden — Roboter aus der SCHWEIZ als Jockeys einsetzen.
20050415             Carnegie Mellon entwickelt Lehrangebot für...
20050415             die 19950000             vom EMIR—VON—QATAR—HAMAD bin Khalifa AL—THANI gegründet wurde,
20050415             Die Keime breiten sich immer weiter aus.
20050415             Staphylokokken sind kugelförmige Bakterien, die in der Nase und auf der Haut von Menschen vorkommen.
20050415             Dort sind sie ungefährlich.
20050415             Gelangen sie allerdings über offene Wunden ins Blut, kann 1—BLUTVERGIFTUNG auftreten, gegen die nur Antibiotika helfen.
20050415             Bislang waren diese "Superbakterien" vor allem in Krankenhäusern aufgetreten.
20050415             Doch KEINER—DER—KALIFORNISCHEN—PATIENTEN hatte sich in der Nähe einer Klinik aufgehalten oder war vor kurzem von dort entlassen worden.
20050415             —GEFUNDEN, Die MISTER—SA haben ihren Weg in die Bevölkerung, und breiten sich immer weiter aus.
20050415             —ERST kürzlich hatten Wissenschaftler der Vanderbilt UNIVERSITY—IN—NASHVILLE—VON—500—GESUNDEN Kindern Nasenabstriche genommen + bei 9,7 % von ihnen MISTER—SA festgestellt.
20050415             Bei einer Untersuchung —VOR—3—JAHREN hatte nur EIN—PROZENT—DER—KINDER die Bakterien in der Nase.
20050415             Anstieg resistenter Keime auch in DEUTSCHLAND
20050415             LIBANON: PRO—SYRIEN—POLITIKER zum Regierungschef ernannt
20050415             LIBANON: Hunde als Spione Israels verdächtigt
20050415             —BEDEUTET, Betriebsystem "Longhorn": Klage, erneute Verzögerung für Microsoft
20050415             CHINA—POLITIK: Aufhebung des EU—EMBARGOS in weiter Ferne
20050415             Flüchtlingsschicksal: Wie die "Goya" zum 7000-fachen Grab wurde
20050415             Superbakterien: Keim lässt Menschen lebendig verfaulen
20050415             Einigung: Langzeitarbeitslose dürfen mehr hinzuverdienen
20050415             Citigroup: Gewinnplus dank Privatkundensparte
20050415             Betrug bei WM—TICKETVERLOSUNG: 2—MILLIONEN manipulierte Anfragen
20050415             —ZERBRICHT, ITALIEN: Berlusconis Regierung
20050415             —HALBIERT, Chiphersteller: Samsungs Gewinn, sich
20050415             Mensch im Schwarzen Loch: Geröstet, nicht genudelt
20050415             Blase geplatzt: Börsencrash versetzt Pakistaner in Aufruhr
20050415             Messenger abgeschaltet: Bei Reuters war der Wurm drin
20050415             Massenfestnahmen in den USA: "Schwere Jungs sind unterwegs"
20050415             OT: Racist Slip: CO GOVERNOR—BILL—OWENS—APOLOGIZES—FOR—CAUSTIC R - H&M—KONKURRENZ: Castro mischt Köln auf
20050415             Börse —AM—MORGEN: Kursverluste auf breiter Front
20050415             Seltener Fund: DINO—EIER in Mutterleib entdeckt
20050415             Beispielhaft: Welche Tiere nett zueinander sind
20050415             AUSTRALIEN: Mehr als 1—TONNE—ECSTASY sichergestellt
20050415             Hartz IV: Gute EINIGUNGS—CHANCEN für ZUVERDIENST—GRENZEN
20050415             Deutliches EINNAHME—PLUS: Geldsegen für den Fiskus
20050415             "Öl für Lebensmittel": Auch DEUTSCHLAND—FIRMEN in UNO—SKANDAL verwickelt
20050415             Zerschlagung geplant: Raider wollten DaimlerChrysler kapern
20050415             Dominionists ? If it is, it is 1. of all ANTI—SEMITIC ]. - - MOON—OF—ALABAMA: Another Open 1
20050415             —RESORTED, —TODAY, Dominionists hide their agenda and have, to stealth;
20050415             Nodding to the lame orchestra Brotherhood it says on the decorations.
20050415             MOON—OF—ALABAMA: Open Thread 05-35
20050415             American "settlers," + —NOW USA—NEOCONSERVATIVES + dominionists.. of THE—IRAQ—MUSLIM—BROTHERHOOD, studied and lived —FOR—YEARS in THE—USA.
20050415             and the Dominionists and the "CHRISTIAN—COALITION" of —TODAY.. and adopted the Skull and Bones insignia of the occult Thule BROTHERHOOD—OF—DEATH...
20050415             WHITNESSES—IS already under the delusion with their phony PEACE—LOVE AND BROTHERHOOD.
20050415             Terra Firm no.24: THE—ZIONISTS'—RISE to World DOMINATION—THE—NIGGERATI—NETWORK
20050415             Information Society - 1—MIDDLE—EAST—GATEWAY for nonprofit...
20050415             IX—INTERRANTISTS, Dominionists and Theonomists. V- Popular Sovereignty.
20050415             Sadat and including the mainstream Muslim BROTHERHOOD—HAVE never heard of.
20050415             Jihad Watch: Terrorists turn up the dial in global PR war
20050415             Dominionists and their LIKE—MINDED friends are working to pass.
20050415             I wonder where the Evangelicals will be —WHEN the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas start.
20050415             Jihad Watch: "From Islam, Pluralist Democracies WILL—SURELY—GROW".
20050415             Alternatively, Muslim Brotherhood theorist Sayyid Qutb and others have.
20050415             And how about the boycotting of ISRAEL by the Dominionists (Presbyterians).
20050415             He [the Holy Spirit] teaches us how to pray + I don't think...
20050415             as apostate Christendom merges with the other dominionists (or "Kingdom —NOW".
20050415             GOD is in control, remember that, the rise of THE—BLACK—BROTHERHOOD of.
20050415             Im pe ra tive!
20050415             dominionists (or ?Kingdom —NOW?. proponents) desiring 1—GLOBAL—UNITY.
20050415             BROTHERHOOD—OF—THE—NWO—THE—EMERGENCE—OF—THE—WHORE riding the.
20050415             DNC: Kicking ASS—OPEN—THREAD 3/24
20050415             1—BROTHERHOOD ? Come on, what about the females, do they not get included?
20050415             —RECONSTRUCTED, What would a "" AMERICA—LOOK—LIKE under the Dominionists ?
20050415             It's sexist, for starters. 1—BROTHERHOOD ?
20050415             —RECONSTRUCTED, DOMINIONISM—THEOCRATIC—VIEWS—WHAT would a "" AMERICA—LOOK—LIKE under the Dominionists ?
20050415             Transition Page--CALIFORNIA Recall Story
20050415             " brotherhood," and "love thy neighbor as thyself".
20050415             Instead lessons on tactical political... COURT—DOMINIONISTS make it illegal to cite and 1—REASON.
20050415             Page 2—OF—DO We Get Mail?!!!
20050415             Dominionists & the Constitution Restoration Act of 20040000             —THE...
20050415             of DECADES—OF—WORK by 1—GROUP—OF—EXTREMISTS known broadly as " Dominionists... of the Brotherhood, the secret cabal in opposition to Prophet Scudder.
20050415             Re: Dominionists & the Constitution Restoration Act of 20040000             (Score: 1) by... his CHARTERIZATION—OF—THE—DICTATORSHIP, but also that of the Brotherhood, the secret...
20050415             Gay Insight: THE "CHRISTIAN" MAFIA PART I
20050415             THE—ANTI—UNITED—KINGDOM—MUSLIM—BROTHERHOOD + Tibetan Buddhists.
20050415             StreetScience :: DAVID—LIMBAUGH—BOOKS
20050415             It helps that Dominionists have 1—DIRECT—LINE to THE—WHITE—HOUSE: THE—REV.
20050415             THE—COMING—WAR with IRAQ: What it's Really All About
20050415             —FROM the Islamic Brotherhood in EGYPT, to the Mujahadeen in AFGHANISTAN and IRAN... and it indicates the importance that the dominionists attach to the...
20050415             down with murder inc
20050415             Discussing the diaspora of the Muslim Brotherhood —FOLLOWING its expulsion from EGYPT,
20050415             Moon to CHRISTIAN—DOMINIONISTS to Islamofascist theocracy.
20050415             "A" - OCCULT PRACTICES IN "REVIVAL" — A
20050415             becoming 1—CANDIDATE for the outer COURT—OF—THE—GREAT—BROTHERHOOD;.
20050415             Very similar to the Dominionists prayer that GOD—KINGDOM come to earth as it is.
20050415             THE—FACE—OF—DEATH that would almost look the same as the face of brotherhood.
20050415             WILLIAM—A—COOK: THE—BUSH—INAUGURATION as Mock Epic Fertility Rite
20050415             These PSEUDO—CHRISTIANS, these END—TIMERS, deminionists.. of exclusivity that denies the ideal of the brotherhood + sisterhood of humankind..
20050415             "Other fundamentalists like the demonionists are more concerned with the... it's 1—LEGITIMATE religion that preaches love and brotherhood," said Mason...
20050415             Whiskey Bar: Stress Testa.. the Muslim Brotherhood, despite JORDAN—PEACE—TREATY—WITH—ISRAEL.
20050415             I still think there's 1—HIDDEN HAND—OF—THE—CHRISTIAN—DOMINIONISTS manipulating.
20050415             ration... have our "Kingdom —NOW" dominionists so the giddy rationalism and nationalism in the.
20050415             This would bring us all together as a single BROTHERHOOD—OF—MAN!
20050415             News From THE—REGULAR | participatorypolitics_org
20050415             substantive NATURE—OF—DOCTOR—KING—ADVOCACY for racial brotherhood and economic justice: In his.
20050415             Haven't HEARD—OF—THE—DOMINIONISTS ? You're about to.
20050415             support of the "SYRIAN—LEBANON—BROTHERHOOD," and against the "AMERICA—ZIONIST—INTERVENTION".
20050415             THE—FREE—PRESS -- Independent News Media — OHIO
20050415             MEMBERS—OF—THE—ARYAN—BROTHERHOOD, 1—ORGANIZATION thought to endorse white supremacy.
20050415             " Dominionists Stage Weeklong Occupation At COLUMBUS City Hall".
20050415             —UNITED, Our, movement of true brotherhood will manifest THE—LOVE—OF—GOD for.
20050415             Daily Kos : Gays in the Holocaust
20050415             1—WEAPON those leaders lacked: the "total Jesus" of 1—BROTHERHOOD in Christ.
20050415             THE—DOMINIONISTS are winning so MANY—BATTLES b/c they've been at it.
20050415             Daily Kos : Christianism vs. Christianity
20050415             You can safely start spreading the word on dominionists + dominion theology +.
20050415             Love + Forgiveness, Brotherhood + Healing was the message.
20050415             THE—LONGING for Messianic Leadership
20050415             SOME—DOMINIONISTS see THE—SEIZURE—OF—THE—EARTH as the result of "signs.. Essentially, what these "New Dominionists " believe is that the human race...
20050415             VOXNYC: "Africans Declare WAR—ON—FREEMASONS"
20050415             —IN 1—DESCRIPTION regarding what is required to join the " Brotherhood " there.
20050415             "Christian" dominionists quote some of the founding fathers whose words.
20050415             "[49] Dominionists may argue with SOME—CREDIBILITY that they do believe in helping the... continue for you + your other " brotherhood " at the Bar.
20050415             Sensibly Eclectic Main - 20041200             ... movement which is directed by THE—INTERNATIONAL—MUSLIM Brotherhood ".
20050415             —ANNOUNCED, As the Dominionists continue their, intentions to take over the World,
20050415             Sensibly Eclectic Main - 20041100             .
20050415             —REVELED, Yes, the Dominionists, in MACHIAVELLI—TEACHINGS.. justice, integrity, freedom, compassion, brotherhood, tolerance, faith, hope, charity,
20050415             THE—DAYS—OF—INFAMY—SERIES #4: THE—UNREPENTANT, Unashamed War Criminals... social discontent and promising 1—GOLDEN—AGE—OF "human brotherhood... of DECADES—OF—WORK by 1—GROUP—OF—EXTREMISTS known broadly as " Dominionists...
20050415             it is indeed 1—SINISTER and very ominous Catholic " brotherhood ;" the fact is.
20050415             If Catholic and evangelical dominionists have come to dominate the.
20050415             the Gamas Islamiya + the Ikhwan el Muslemin (Muslim Brotherhood ) in EGYPT.
20050415             (SOME—DOMINIONISTS see THE—SEIZURE—OF—THE—EARTH as the result of "signs,
20050415             culturekitchen: Sidelinks Archives
20050415             A bad christian to dominionists, a good citizen to the world Dubya wins.
20050415             THE—CONSERVATIVE—BROTHERHOOD gets written up at the National Review.
20050415             culturekitchen Archives
20050415             THE—CONSERVATIVE—BROTHERHOOD gets written up at the National Review | I'm looking for.
20050415             SPIRITUAL DECEPTION
20050415             Dominionists can disagree with the Environmentalist Humanist agenda, but the New Agers are not Humanist.
20050415             He spoke on THE—BROTHERHOOD—OF—BELIEVERS.
20050415             Memes_org :: Memes are Mind Viruses... faces obscured who are referred to as: "THE—ADHERENCE to the Brotherhood of the Repeating Meme".
20050415             THE—REVEALER: Our Magical PRESIDENT
20050415             the torch for them -- be it the fundy dominionists and their desire for theocracy.. everyone clapping hands and proclaiming eternal brotherhood...
20050415             God Forgive AMERICA.
20050415             Liberating Planet EARTH—VERSAL BROTHERHOOD—OF—MAN.
20050415             Men are all brothers —JUST like Cain. and Abel.
20050415             escape religion has little to offer either the dominionists or the.
20050415             Disaffected DEMOCRATS—SEARCH Results
20050415             to Pat Robertson and his CHRISTIAN—RECONSTRUCTIONISTS, or Dominionists... AMOUNT—OF—JUSTICE and freedom and brotherhood which all human life deserves...
20050415             Liberal Street Fighter.
20050415             up —AROUND heretical CHRISTIANS—OF—THE—DOMINIONISTS/Reconstruction variety).
20050415             Brotherhood and FRIENDSHIP—NOW all we need is a silverback gorilla,
20050415             —CROWNED, World Magazine Blog: Moon, messiah on Capitol Hill
20050415             —ENGAGED, Christian theocratic dominionists and reconstructionists, in 1—SYSTEMATIC,
20050415             Democracy is the concept of brotherhood, Cain and Abel.
20050415             lgf: THE—DISTANCE—OF—ALLAH from His Creatures
20050415             —FROM the banned fundamentalist Muslim Brotherhood, which originated in EGYPT.
20050415             (I'll admit that there are SOME—NUTS, called the Dominionists, Shining Light in Dark Corners.
20050415             The reconstructionists (also known as dominionists ), a smaller b - Candidate Detail
20050415             to make room at the table of brotherhood and sisterhood for lesbian and gay people".
20050415             wotisitgood4: 20041114             — 20041120             20050415             justice, integrity, freedom, compassion, brotherhood, tolerance, faith, hope, charity, peace..
20050415             Archives of 1—OCCULT—INVESTIGATOR
20050415             Especially not with all this asshole Dominionists openly trying to turn this.
20050415             Interestingly, this theme of 1—SECRET—GREY—ROBED brotherhood fighting.
20050415             PROMISE—KEEPERS and THE—MEN—MOVEMENT
20050415             the Charistmatic Dominionists "are convinced that supernatural... united movement of true brotherhood will manifest THE—LOVE—OF—GOD for those who are...
20050415             Majority Report Radio: —HOUR 3—FRIDAY
20050415             TOM—LEHRER early 1960'S—THE—SONG is "National Brotherhood —WEEK".
20050415             They Said IT—NOT only among the Klan, THE—ARYAN—BROTHERHOOD + skinhead Nazis.
20050415             —MINGLED, These Dominionists have, with FOLLOWERS—OF—SUN—MYUNG Moon,
20050415             Messages FROM—THE—UNIVERSAL brotherhood of Islam, REGARDLESS—OF—RACE, politics.
20050415             AMERICA in their own image Meet THE—DOMINIONISTS—BIBLICAL—LITERALISTS who.
20050415             JENNY—JESUS—CLUB
20050415             Millennialists + Dominionists, because they oppose ANY—ORGANIZATION.
20050415             Hughes for AMERICA: Activism
20050415             TOM—DELAY have taken us 1—STEP—CLOSER to theocracy on the Muslim Brotherhood model.
20050415             —ENERGIZED, Dominionists — these theocrats are more, than ever.
20050415             corrente/Leah, Lambert, Tresy, the farmer, Tom, Xan + RDF
20050415             status quo with bruised hands —UNTIL we have fashioned it into 1—BROTHERHOOD... fundamentalist or THE—CHRISTIAN—RIGHT or CHRISTIAN—DOMINIONISTS or any...
20050415             —INJURED, FARK_com: (1216704) Marine caught on tape shooting an, +...
20050415             They are 1—BROTHERHOOD as much as my shipmates were + I for 1 would hope... into 1—RELIGIOUS—WAR to satisfy the war profiteers + dominionists ".
20050415             MSN Groups.
20050415             —PROVIDED, There was no description, for this group.
20050415             Nationalist CHRISTIAN—DOMINIONISTS (5—MEMBERS),
20050415             INTERNET Infidels Discussion FORUMS—ACTIVISM resource...
20050415             cultists, hiding behind the façade of Christian love and brotherhood, have been... inspired goals for the improvement of humankind, the dominionists define the...
20050415             RE:What your Pastor may not tell you! :: THE—CHRISTIAN...
20050415             Organization? The 'preachers' receive 1—GOOD 'retirement' pension!
20050415             How the ' brotherhood ' cares for its own interests!!
20050415             I. Quick KJV Bible for WEB—MINISTRY. THE—LORD.
20050415             (14) Then I cut asunder mine other staff, even Bands, that I might break the brotherhood between Judah + ISRAEL.
20050415             It's sexist, for starters.
20050415             THE—GREEN—HORSE—RIDES:THE—BLOOD—GAMES—BEGIN (1—OF 2) -  Unrecognized - - PROPHECIES—PAGE 12
20050415             Dominionists are attempting to Christianize all nations.
20050415             No 1—WANTS to call peace, love + brotherhood a devilish lie.
20050415             No 1 WOULD—EXCEPT God. PROPHECIES—PAGE 11
20050415             to promote unity, love + brotherhood for the new —MILLENNIUM.
20050415             THE—NEW—AGERS want 1—NEW—KINGDOM so EACH—PERSON can be his own god.
20050415             Dominionists want it so.
20050415             Chapter 7—NEW—VALUES—FOR 1—NEW—MILLENNIUM
20050415             Christianity —TODAY, the New and Young Evangelicals, Modernists, Charismatics, Reconstructionists + Dominionists are to be... the work of the Brotherhood.
20050415             BULGARIA Bulletin BOARD—BULGARIA TALK—BUSHER and the "Born...
20050415             things like eating kosher food, but besides such exceptions, dominionists would enforce... those leaders lacked: the "total Jesus" of 1—BROTHERHOOD in Christ
20050415             Ignoring + even twisting THE—FACTS—OF—HISTORY, Christian dominionists quote some of the founding fathers whose words seem to indicate.
20050415             —CONVINCED, AL—DAGER notes that the Charistmatic Dominionists "are, that supernatural.
20050415             PROMISE—KEEPERS—HAVE to return to his newfound SOURCE—OF—STRENGTH within the brotherhood to maintain.
20050415             Report on "Coalition on Revival, Putting Feed on the Dominionists ' Agenda.
20050415             KERRY—EDWARDS Online Forum > THE—CHRISTIAN—RIGHT—NEEDS to take a...
20050415             power to spread his SAVIOR—MESSAGE—OF—PEACE and brotherhood —AROUND the... that the title chosen by this GROUP—OF—NEO—NITWITS, " Dominionists " is completely...
20050415             across earn support angel herz 30am 2year has our longest graduate...
20050415             modular rob page seeing bathory venues yang expected home picked time neo meeting joey divisions tes jazzbeau legend PORTLAND dominionists blending figures...
20050415             gonzography: 20041100             20050415             'Sale of Arrow ANTI—MISSILE—SYSTEM to INDIA 1—TEST—CASE'—THE...
20050415             "THE—ARROW issue is 1—TEST—CASE—OF—HOW far THE—USA is willing to go regarding weapons sales to INDIA," said John E Carbaugh, who regularly issues 1—INDIA...
20050415             INDIA, USA to sign defence purchase PACKS—THE—TIMES—OF—INDIA... operate in adverse conditions at ranges far beyond those achievable by other ELECTRO—OPTICAL or LASER—BASED sensor systems," said John E Carbaugh, 1—WASHINGTON...
20050415             Cover STORYTHE—ROLE—OF—IRAQ—OIL as War Nears Cover Story THE—ROLE—OF—IRAQ—OIL as War Nears.
20050415             —BY JOHN—E—CARBAUGH JUNIOR
20050415             IMC INDIA—BREAKFAST on the Hill
20050415             PS: WASHINGTON—BASED consultant JOHN—E—CARBAUGH, JUNIOR, says in his latest report that "USA—INDIA—JAPAN—STRATEGIC triangle is 1—POSSIBILITY in ASIA"...
20050415             ILLINOIS Campaign for Political Reform 325—W. Huron, Suite 304, CHICAGO—IL 60610 (312) 335-17670000             (312) 335-10670000             (fax
20050415             Focal Communications; ROBERT—TAYLOR - It has revenues of $234—MILLION.
20050415             As 1—CLEC, or 1—COMPETITIVE—LOCAL—EXCHANGE—CARRIER, Focal Communications owns and operates its own phone switches and leases line transport capacity from local phone monopolies such as Ameritech/SBC Communications.
20050415             JAMES—PERRY and ANDREW—SINWELL, managing directors of MDP, are on THE—BOARD—OF—DIRECTORS—OF—FOCAL—COMMUNICATIONS.
20050415             Focal Communications and ROBERT—TAYLOR are career PATRONS—OF—FORMER—LIEUTENANT—GOVERNOR—CORINNE—WOOD (R) + as of 20020630             , had contributed $25,000 to her campaign committee.
20050415             —CONTRIBUTED, Of that amount, Focal Communications, $15,000 + ROBERT—TAYLOR contributed $10,000.
20050415             Between 20000000             and 20010000             , MISTER—TAYLOR and Focal Communications contributed $29,000 to political campaigns, 97—PERCENT—OF—IT to Republicans.
20050415             —REVISED, Last, 20030300             .
20050415             IRAQ/USA: Besatzer unter Feuer//IRAQ—RESISTANCE—REPORT - 25 ...
20050415             —REPUTED, ABU—MUS'AB—AZ—ZARQAWI, to be 1—OFFICIAL in THE—AL—QA'IDAH.
20050415             (policemen, SECRET—SERVICE—AGENTS, military, officials at the oil.
20050415             IRAK/USA/Nahost: Gegen die Wahlfarce im IRAK//Gefaehrliches
20050415             for 6—SECRET—SERVICE—ORGANIZATIONS from different countries could... adviser to THE—MOST—WANTED Islamic militant, ABU—MUSAB—AL—ZARQAWI..
20050415             Fußnoten 1—FÜR eine offiziöse Darstellung der amerikanischen...
20050415             Final Report on Transition To Democracy in IRAQ, 20021100             LONDON Vgl.
20050415             —PLANNED, THOMAS—SHANKER, SADDAM—SECRET—SERVICE, for insurgency,
20050415             Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung - 20, Vgl.
20050415             Artikel 20—BLOG > Archiv > Kategorie: INTERNATIONAL
20050415             schaffte es —NUN wohl auch OBER—TERRORIST Zarqawi, einfach so auszubüxen.
20050415             —SHOWED, At 9:45 last night, THE—SECRET—SERVICE, up on my mother's front door.
20050415             —REPORTED, Citing sources in THE—SECRET—SERVICE, THE—HILL, that the bulge was.
20050415             With the excuse of this phantasmal AL—ZARQAWI to whom THE—USA—GOVERNMENT... alfatomega.com/20041108.html.
20050415             Der Spindoktor: 20040300             ... move reflects 1—ALLIANCE forged between Ansar + ABU—MUSAB—AL—ZARQAWI.. guarded by 1—PHALANX—OF—SECRET—SERVICE—AGENTS — but not —BEFORE MISTER—KERRY...
20050415             Spymaster: Dai Li and THE—CHINA—SECRET—SERVICE, by FREDERICK—WAKEMAN—JUNIOR.
20050415             —BEKENNT, Zarqawi, sich zu AL—QAIDA, besteht aber auf seiner Unabhängigkeit.
20050415             ERDSTATION 2003®
20050415             USA—SECRET—SERVICE, CIA warns of Growing CHINA—MILITARY... of value present in types like Zarqawi, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, SADDAM—HUSSEIN and accomplices.
20050415             CHRISTOPHER A LONG—PAT Line, Escape & Evasion in FRANCE, World...
20050415             —ARRESTED, He was led straight into the hands of the Gestapo +.
20050415             Hirschfeld & Marsh Collaboration in FRANCE: Politics + Culture —DURING the.
20050415             RICHARD—R—BOZORTH - "But Who Would Get It?": Auden and the Codes...
20050415             but also of pioneering figures like Freud + MAGNUS—HIRSCHFELD—MADE...The man arrested for TRAIN—WRECWRYGRAVE—KING—OF—IS a master under Shreeve...
20050415             —IN PRE—NAZI GERMANY, MAGNUS—HIRSCHFELD + FRIEDRICH—WOLF campaigned for the.
20050415             —LAUDED, —RECENTLY the New STATESMAN—CRITIC—RICHARD—GOTT, Professor.
20050415             Broadway To Vegas February 20, 20050000             20050415             —DRAGGED, MAE—WEST was, out of 1—BROADWAY theatre, arrested for obscenity, brought to the West.
20050415             Broadway To Vegas 20031130             20050415             —ARRESTED, It's been —30—YEARS—SINCE Debbie Reynolds was, + forced to...the role that earned RICHARD—DREYFUSS 1—BEST—ACTOR—OSCAR for 19770000             —THE—FILM.
20050415             VCT Archives
20050415             —AFFECTED, DOREEN HIRSCHFELD LOS—ANGELES—THE layoffs, people at all levels, including UMC—VICE—PRESIDENT for medical affairs, DOCTOR—RICHARD—LEMEN..
20050415             THE—LONELY 9
20050415             —REPORTED, As RICHARD—LEIBY, in THE—WASHINGTON—POST'S "Reliable Source" column:
20050415             ".'I was photographing 1—GUY getting arrested + somebody grabbed me from the.
20050415             skippy the bush kangaroo
20050415             —MANIPULATED, Haig, Bush and Baker, Kissenger into pointing.
20050415             —DURING the —LATER times of Nixon and Ford.
20050415             Citizens Of Upright Moral Character
20050415             —IN THE—MIDDLE—EAST— —WHEN THE—SHAW—OF—IRAN... waiting for another Republican PRESIDENT (RICHARD—NIXON ) to show... it anymore tried to appoint HENRY—KISSENGER as the...
20050415             For legal purposes, this is critique on THE—ENGLAND—LANGUAGE.
20050415             —FOLLOWED, He is, by HENRY—KISSENGER, who tells SOME—FOREIGN.
20050415             God will take CARE—OF—THAT".
20050415             —GEORGE—BERNARD—SHAW.
20050415             —CROOKED, Nixon was so, that he needed servants to.
20050415             Appello per la revoca del premio Nobel per la pace assegnato a H.
20050415             eagle10 - of what might be called the Nixon Doctrin, appeared... of ANY—CONCERN to the same government: as Kissenger explained to.
20050415             With the overthrow of THE—SHAW—OF—IRAN in. BuzzMachine... by JEFF—JARVIS
20050415             a protest against then USA—VICE—PRESIDENT—RICHARD—NIXON—IRAN visit 19530000             .
20050415             The only reason that these weapons were not used, said Col AL—DABBAGH,
20050415             The leader in Tax Due Process Research and effective IRS tactics...
20050415             —ACCOMPLISHED, PRESIDENT—RICHARD—NIXON, this for his bosses of the.
20050415             Illuminati.
20050415             TIMELINE 1970s page of ULTIMATE SCIENCE FICTION WEB GUIDE
20050415             Stockings HQ: Stockings HQ OFF—TOPIC forum => To satisfy Hengist...
20050415             attended 1—STATE—DINNER that included the Shaw, then PRESIDENT—NIXON + HENRY—KISSENGER... uncaring, capitalist fat cats pump oil from its gorunds.
20050415             at THE—IRAN—EMBASSY on Mass Ave in WASHINGTON DC I attended 1—STATE—DINNER that included the Shaw, then PRESIDENT—NIXON + HENRY—KISSENGER...
20050415             She Who Remembers Audio Archives.
20050415             SASS—IRAQ—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION; By Terence Mckenna.
20050415             THE—WAR—CRIMES—OF—HENRY—KISSENGER ;
20050415             Archive #10: Focus is "1—TRIBUTE to MAE—BRUSSELL".
20050415             1—SMALL—VICTORY: Comment on still talking about the looting.
20050415             and the old Kissenger Plan from whence it comes, confused with "AMERICA"... popular vote margins by which Kennedy won 19600000             and Nixon won 19680000             ...
20050415             —PROCURED, BARBARA—STUDLEY, $5.3—MILLION in weapons which were transferred to.
20050415             Quotations Adams, Douglas (19520000             —UNTIL—NOW) "The major difference between a...
20050415             "RICHARD—NIXON... was —JUST offered $2—MILLION by Schick to do a... Kissenger, Henry(19230000             —UNTIL—NOW) "THE—NICE thing about being 1—CELEBRITY is that —WHEN you bore...
20050415             Kissenger is 1—FUCKEN—WAR—CRIMINAL!! he deserves to be hanged.
20050415             Majority Report Radio: Comment on —HOUR 3—POST
20050415             can be wrong.? -- HR Haldeman to PRESIDENT—NIXON,—MONDAY, 14.
20050415             Kissenger is 1—FUCKEN—WAR—CRIMINAL... begins ATTACK—OF—AIR—AMERICA—RADIO—DAVID—SHAW : Media Matters.
20050415             REQUEST 1—BLOG—FOR—YOUR—GROUP |.
20050415             of our own secretive, DOUBLE—CROSSING, WEAPONS—DISPENSING government.
20050415             Oswald, Ruby, Ferrie, Shaw, etc., all enumerated by Penn Jones JUNIOR in his...
20050415             Outside the Box: 20041100             20050415             nuclear reactors, nuclear weapons facilities, the Alaskan Oil pipeline.
20050415             You sit there, 1—PRISONER—OF—MISTER—KISSENGER. Not 1—NICE—POSITION to be in,
20050415             VOXNYC: "GEORGE—BUSH—HE means what he says".
20050415             His STATE—OF—MIND hauntingly reminds them of RICHARD—NIXON—FINAL.
20050415             This idiot is wrong all the time especially with Kissenger how is he going to.
20050415             Majikthise : 20040700             20050415             into cash to buy weapons, build training camps, or disseminate propaganda... provocateurs have been setting up demonstrators —SINCE the Nixon era...
20050415             Blog for AMERICA
20050415             Albright and HENRY—KISSENGER will be on to discuss foreign policy.
20050415             I have to wonder if Bush seeks to monoplize as MANY—OIL—SOURCES as possible.
20050415             Kronos: 18600000—18990000.
20050415             THE—JAPAN—GOVERNMENT repaid this debt —FOLLOWING the war by allowing the.
20050415             5) Sasakawa Ryoichi, 1—FORMER—WORLD—UNION—OF—KARATE—DO Organizations.
20050415             Notes on new data on "undercurrents": Working Annotated...
20050415             See also photo of Maxwell with JAPAN—MULTI—MILLIONAIRE—RYOICHI—SASAKAWA.. he ended up in JAPAN + somehow evaded prosecution as 1—WAR—CRIMINAL...
20050415             —ABOUT 18600000             : Islamic jihadists in NORTH—NIGERIA equip their...
20050415             The brutal excesses of the Greater EAST—ASIA—WAR—AS THE—JAPAN—CALL—WWII.
20050415             DejaVu4. - Ryoichi Sasakawa, JAPAN—MOBSTER and future business partner of.
20050415             —CLASSIFIED, —AT—THE—END—OF—WORLD—WAR 2, Sasakawa is, as 1—CLASS—1—WAR—CRIMINAL by.
20050415             Expose': CHRISTIAN—MAFIA -- Part II :: 20010911             —CITIZENSWATCH :: We...
20050415             of MOON—RICHEST—SUPPORTERS, Ryoichi Sasakawa, 1—OF—JAPAN—RICHEST—BUSINESSMEN... was imprisoned by USA—FORCES—AFTER WWII. as 1—WAR—CRIMINAL...
20050415             NPR : More CIA Resignations Come Amid SHAKE—UP
20050415             The top 2—LEADERS—OF—THE—CIA—CLANDESTINE service, STEVEN—KAPPES and MICHAEL—SULICK, resign.
20050415             The agency has seen several HIGH—LEVEL—RESIGNATIONS—SINCE.
20050415             ITWG on Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, 2. - STEVEN—KAPPES.
20050415             USDA/ARS, National Program Staff.
20050415             Room 4-2164. 5601—SUNNYSIDE Ave.
20050415             Agricultural Research Service. STEVEN—KAPPES.
20050415             INTERNATIONAL Society for Animal Genetics
20050415             Unter den anderen: STEVEN—KAPPES, der Leiter der zentralen Spionageabteilung.
20050415             STEVEN—KAPPES—STELLVERTRETER—MICHAEL—SULICK sowie CIA Vizedirektor John... alfatomega.com/20041122.html.
20050415             CNN_COM—TOP—LEADERS—OF—CIA—CLANDESTINE service resign - 20051115             ...
20050415             CNN_COM—GOP lawmakers back new CIA director - 20041114             20050415             And the status of STEVEN—KAPPES, the agency's deputy director for operations, was UNCLEAR—SUNDAY.
20050415             PORTER—DECKNAME, Mike, Direktor, PORTER—GOSS, STEVEN—KAPPES,
20050415             Final Warning: 1—HISTORY—OF—THE—NEW—WORLD—ORDER
20050415             can not possibly be religious or working for Him as they wrongfully claim to.
20050415             ADOLF—HITLER said: "National Socialism will use its own revolution for.
20050415             Afghanastan Government News BOARD—TERRORISTS and Taliban...
20050415             Do you still believe Islam to be 1—RELIGION—OF—VIOLENCE ?
20050415             SEAN—HANNITY—DISCUSSION—THE ''Resistance''
20050415             AL—BANNA was 1—DEVOUT admirer of ADOLF—HITLER —WHEN he was 1—WRITER + —BEFORE... violent aspects of Islam are admiting that the problem IS the religion.
20050415             MIND EXCHANGE—OF—VIOLENCE—OBVIOUSLY threatening violent bahavior are totally cool!
20050415             —SUPPORTED, USA—SPECIAL—INTEREST, ADOLF—HITLER + his policies —UNTIL it.
20050415             except as 1—IDEA about "cleansing" 1—CORRUPT world through religious violence... historical financial ties to both ADOLF—HITLER + SADDAM—HUSSEIN... alfatomega.com/20041212.html
20050415             Page Title.
20050415             —DIVIDED, HITLER—IDEOLOGY, people by race and religion.
20050415             —SIGNED, If STALIN, a 'NON—AGGRESSION' pact with ADOLF—HITLER as he did 19390800             ,
20050415             Christic Institute RICO—IRAN—CONTRA—CIA.
20050415             It is clear to me from the depositions of ED—WILSON and GENE—WHEATON that the... this KIND—OF—AC—TIVITY, which is for the freeing of 1—PEOPLE, is quite.
20050415             AUTHENTICO—HISTORIA—INDEX_20040823242526_UPDATED
20050415             THE—WEB—OF—EVIL—DAS innere Band der Geschichte - O Padrao do Pre ÉSENTE—DAS Verbrechen hat Name & Anschrift
20050415             ".. authentico AUTHENTICO—HISTORIA authenticamigos Bernays, EDWARD—L—BUSH—KISSINGER,HENRY—MORGAN—NAZI—HARRIMAN—ROCKEFELLER—DULLES—THYSSEN—WOLFOWITZ, Paul propaganda Carlyle >>search>
20050415             Texan, 2—OTHERS Charged in IRAQ Oil Kickback Scheme : 1—TEXAS businessman + 2—OF—HIS—COMPANIES were charged with paying secret kickbacks to IRAQ in 1—FEDERAL—INDICTMENT unsealed ON—THURSDAYAS PART—OF—1—INVESTIGATION into THE—SCANDAL—PLAGUED UNITED—NATIONS OIL—FOR—FOOD—PROGRAM.
20050415             SADDAM—DESPERATE—OFFERS to stave off war : In the few weeks —BEFORE its fall, IRAQ—BA'ATHIST regime made 1—SERIES—OF—INCREASINGLY desperate peace offers to WASHINGTON, promising to hold elections and even to allow USA—TROOPS to search for banned weapons.
20050415             —REJECTED, But the advances were all, by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, according to intermediaries involved in the talks.
20050415             —ANSWERED, Neocon 101: SOME—BASIC—QUESTIONS
20050415             What do neoconservatives believe? - More on "NEOCONSERVATIVES—THE ricin ring that never was:
20050415             —EXPOSED, —YESTERDAY—TRIAL—COLLAPSE has, the deception behind attempts to link AL—QAIDA to a 'poison attack' on LONDON
20050415             Courting Armageddon:
20050415             Special Guard Units Prepare for Domestic Terrorism : THE—NATIONAL—GUARD is preparing for domestic terrorism, not —JUST attacks from foreigners.
20050415             Special teams from the Northwest are training —THIS—WEEK at 1—FACILITY in THE—TRI—CITIES.
20050415             Is AMERICA PREPARING for MARTIAL—LAW?
20050415             —DESCRIBED, The "drill" was, by officials as "1 multilayered approach to improving NORTH—USA—SECURITY".
20050415             THE—UNDEAD : In covering the opening of the Atomic Testing Museum in LAS—VEGAS, no 1 in the press has pointed out that the exhibits offer 1—MISLEADING historical PICTURE—OF—THE—BOMBING—OF—HIROSHIMA and NAGASAKI -+ fail to even mention the nearly 200,000 CIVIL—CASUALTIES there.
20050415             Study: Inmates suffer —DURING lethal injections:
20050415             Inadequate anesthesia may cause 4 in 10 to stay conscious
20050415             AMERICA—FINEST—RIVERS awash with raw sewage : —LAST—YEAR—MORE than 860bn gallons of untreated sewage was poured into USA—RIVERS, making MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE—ILL and causing widespread environmental damage.
20050415             At the same time THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is planning to lower clean water standards.
20050415             MAN—CLAIMS—MAY—BE 1—LOOK at Dark SIDE—OF—WAR—ON—TERROR:
20050415             —KIDNAPPED, Masri said he was, in MACEDONIA, beaten by masked men, blindfolded, injected with drugs and flown to AFGHANISTAN, where he was imprisoned and interrogated by USA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENTS
20050415             Look For Media Labels : Repetition is key to successful advertising.
20050415             —REPEATED, THE—USA—MEDIA—USES, arbitrary labeling in its supposedly impartial coverage in 1—DELIBERATE—CAMPAIGN to alter public perception.
20050415             CIA—SECRET—KIDNAPPINGS : The media took little notice of this bipartisan move to try and end the administration's OUTSOURCING—OF—TORTURE—WHICH PRESIDENT—BUSH continually says is not happening, despite mounting evidence from human rights organizations, freed tortured detainees + journalists worldwide.
20050415             COURT—UNSEALS—PASSARO papers: Tenet, Gonzales on witness list : 1—FORMER—CIA—CONTRACTOR accused of beating 1—AFGHANISTAN—PRISONER—PLANS to call former agency Director GEORGE—TENET + ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES as witnesses to aid his defense that he was acting under government authority.
20050415             GUANTANAMO Detainee Suing USA to Get Video of Alleged Torture : 1—DETAINEE at A—USA—MILITARY—PRISON alleges that USA—MILITARY—GUARDS jumped on his head —UNTIL he had 1—STROKE that paralyzed his face, nearly drowned him in 1—TOILET and —LATER broke several of his fingers, according to 1—LAWSUIT filed —YESTERDAY in FEDERAL—COURT.
20050415             —TORTURED, GUANTANAMO detainees : Lawyers for 6—MEN arrested in Bosnia and detained at THE—GUANTANAMO—BAY prison camp sued THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT—WEDNESDAY, leveling new ALLEGATIONS—OF—ABUSE and torture by USA—FORCES.
20050415             PENTAGON—WAR spending hard to track: watchdog:
20050415             The department "doesn't have 1—SYSTEM to be able to determine with ANY—DEGREE—OF—RELIABILITY and specificity how we spent" TENS—OF—MILLIONS in WAR—RELATED emergency funds set aside by Congress
20050415             VENEZUELA Issues Extradition Request for "Terrorist" in USA.
20050415             VENEZUELA—VICE—PRESIDENT, JOSÉ—VICENTE—RANGEL, said, "We going to step up our demands for extradition".
20050415             BOLTON and Negroponte Nominations : Dramatic examples of THE—USA—FAILED Latin USA—POLICY and THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—DISDAIN for INTERNATIONAL norms.
20050415             We must not move on:
20050415             Given his record in HONDURAS, JOHN—NEGROPONTE should have no difficulty spotting terrorists
20050415             ISRAEL—BLACKJACK with IRAN : SHARON—TRIES to Pawn Off Fake Photos of IRAN's "Nuclear Installations":
20050415             ISRAEL—SOLDIERS kill militant, straining truce : Palestinians said ISRAEL—UNDERCOVER troops jumped from 1—CAR and started shooting without provocation, hitting the militant in 1—ENSUING gunbattle.
20050415             † Soldiers took him to 1—ISRAEL—HOSPITAL, where he of his wounds.
20050415             —CLEARED, ISRAEL—OFFICER, in shooting : Witnesses said ISRAEL—OCCUPATION—FORCES shot him at close range, although he wore journalist insignia and waved 1—WHITE—FLAG.
20050415             BRITAIN—DOUBLE game:
20050415             —ASSISTED, THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—GOVERNMENT, 1—LEADING company in THE—UK to obtain 1—LUCRATIVE contract with ISRAEL which violates UK policy and INTERNATIONAL law on the status of Occupied EAST—JERUSALEM
20050415             Unanswered Questions: Due process and DOCTOR—KELLY:
20050415             Mistrust in the present UK government is not exclusively due to the lies, distortions and distractions surrounding THE—IRAQ—WMD claims + the legal advice about going to war with IRAQ.
20050415             ROBERT—FISK: LEBANON delays its election despite USA—DEMANDS :
20050415             This is far more serious than it might appear.
20050415             —WHILE the country remains leaderless, the possibility of further provocations to restart the 19750000—19900000     civil war grows.
20050415             —HERALDED, Pornographic CELEBRATION—OF—DEATH By Sheila Samples Scribes, the rapid ASCENSION—OF—JOHN—PAUL to 1—SAINTLY throne, —WHILE the gang of INTERNATIONAL Pharisees, led by GEORGE—BUSH, sat SHOULDER—TO—SHOULDER in RING—SIDE—SEATS beside those whom they planned to kill as soon as the show was over.
20050415             —WATCHED, As I, them preening and praying —BEFORE the cameras, I was reminded of the righteous anger of Jesus in Luke 11:43-44
20050415             Quartalsbericht: IBM verfehlt Geschäftsziele
20050415             WALL—STREET—SCHLUSS: Kurse setzen ihre Talfahrt fort - CorpWatch: Halliburton<
20050415             But HALLIBURTON—HISTORY—OF—BENEFITING from government largesse goes back 1—WAYS.
20050415             Rising Sun Enterprises, INCORPORATED..
20050415             —RETAINED, Rising Sun was, by PSI Energy to survey the lighting systems and analyze ENERGY—SAVING opportunities at 52—PUBLIC—SERVICE—OF—INDIANA ( PSI )...
20050415             FERC Orders — Sample —
20050415             —AUTHORIZED, FERC, the proposed transfer to PSI Energy, INCORPORATED - ( PSI ) of the.
20050415             Allegheny Power — - and PSI Energy, INCORPORATED
20050415             Together, these operating companies serve 1.4—MILLION—ELECTRIC and 471000 gas customers. in OHIO—INDIANA and KENTUCKY.
20050415             Cronología de España 17000000—19960000     ... julio), protesta por la movilización de reservistas para ir a.
20050415             Estudios del II Plan de Desarrollo ( 19690000—19710000    ), de... - Altermedia SPAIN
20050415             El anteproyecto incluye también a los reservistas obligatorios,
20050415             abc.es: CONTRA LA GUERRA—QUE NO TE FALLE LA MEMORIA...
20050415             Se movilizó a los reservistas ya los miembros de la Guardia Nacional para un.
20050415             En los años 19600000             EEUU desarrolló vínculos con traficantes de droga DELAWARE
20050415             De vele gezichten VAN RaRa
20050415             Berg en Dal, nabij NIJMEGEN, gaat het kasteeltje VAN oliehandelaar JOHN—DEUSS in vlammen op.
20050415             ZUID—AFRIKA—IS Deuss, eigenaar VAN onder meer Transworld Oil, verantwoordelijk voor het...
20050415             BERMUDA—INTERNATIONAL—NON—INSURANCE—BUSINESSES... operates 1—FLEET—OF—13—OFFSHORE oil drilling rigs, including 8—SEMI—SUBMERSIBLES +...
20050415             Transworld Oil.
20050415             P. O. Box HM 12520000             HAMILTON HM FX.
20050415             Owned by JOHN—DEUSS—TRANSWORLD négocie.
20050415             Selon nos informations, la compagnie de JOHN—DEUSS mène actuellement des négociations avec Summit Oil... qui l'opposait à Famfa Oil de CHIEF—MODUPE—ALAKIJA SUR.
20050415             WEB RESULTS—DEUSS seeks permission for financial research facility.
20050415             —BY AHMED—ELAMIN.
20050415             —BASED, MISTER—DEUSS, HEAD—OF—BERMUDA, Transworld Oil, is listed as a...
20050415             'The man who cornered 1—OIL—MARKET' from USA—NEWS & World Report, 1—PUBLICATION in THE—FIELD—OF—NEWS & Society, is provided FREE—OF—CHARGE by LOOKSMART—FINDARTICLES service
20050415             Gazette in BERMUDA, Deuss said Transworld routinely trades about 2.5—MILLION—BARRELS—OF—OIL —1—DAY on...
20050415             Scoop: Suzan Mazur: JOHN—DEUSS—THE—MANHATTAN projects...
20050415             —AROUND this time, Deuss began pumping money into 1—MAGAZINE he called CHIEF—EXECUTIVE, which... offices with his oil company, —NOW renamed Transworld Oil.
20050415             Deuss held the positions.
20050415             Allegations flow as oil price hits TROUBLE—BUSINESS—TIMES—ONLINE... apt DESCRIPTION—OF—THE—OIL—MARKET.
20050415             —SINCE the 1. - HOLLAND—OIL—TRADER, JOHN—DEUSS, sought to "corner" the market.
20050415             Using forward contracts, his company, Transworld, bought.
20050415             AFRICA—INTELLIGENCE—BACK—ISSUES—NIGERIA. Transworld Tries Again.
20050415             —LEARNED, AFRICA—ENERGY—INTELLIGENCE has, that Transworld, 1—COMPANY owned by renowned trader JOHN—DEUSS, is talking with Summit Oil on buying.
20050415             Statewide Reports-20050901—20150901    ,2001 ... to do with dead fish discovered in Lake Heritage over the Labor —DAY weekend....
20050415             POMPANO BEACH—MORE than 12—DIVERS drift to the sandy bottom AND—ISG—SERÕES de Marketing
20050415             THE—NEW—CONSUMER: From Prosumption + Downshifting to Neuromarketing and Particle Marketing.
20050415             Personalidade convidada: João Araújo, Accenture. - Guardada em memória
20050415             Fotos de produtos bailavam na sua cabeça. No corredor da morte de uma prisão líbia.
20050415             Media Dragon... - If GEORGE—BUSH were to be judged by the standards of the Nuremberg Tribunals, he'd be hanged.
20050415             DAVID—CHALMERS has very good LIST—OF—PHILOSOPHY blogs.
20050415             —PLAYED, Signifying Nothing: Where the Egg Bowl is, EVERY—DAY...
20050415             DAVID—CHALMERS—OF—THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—ARIZONA has put together 1—LIST—OF... to get rid of SADDAM—JUST—BEFORE bumbling GEORGE—BUSH talked them out of it.
20050415             :bird on the moon:
20050415             GEORGE—BUSH—2. inaugural extravaganza was EVERY—BIT as repugnant as I.
20050415             DAVID—CHALMERS ' COLLECTION—OF—PAPERS on consciousness, 1—DIRECTORY of...
20050415             totalitarianism —TODAY: 20050100             ...
20050415             Bohemian Club at Bohemian Grove -... step father call the Napa Sentinel ( which had not published ANY—ARTICLES at the...
20050415             THE—NAPA—SENTINEL—TABLE—OF—CONTENTS. THE—OCTOPUS, by Karen Bixman.
20050415             BECAUSE—OF—THE—ETHICS scrutiny he's facing. House speaker defends DeLay
20050415             —UNTIL it's prove n he violate d the chamber's rules by accepting trips from lobbyist s.
20050415             Bush Defends Embattled DeLay, Calls Him Effective
20050415             —NOW PART—OF—STYLESHEET --> - Printable Version
20050415             THE—CLOSED—DOOR—VOTE—MEANS THE—FORMER—IRAQ ambassador and longtime diplomat could be in his new job —THIS—MONTH.
20050415             —GENERATED, NEGROPONTE—NOMINATION has, little controversy in Congress.
20050415             However, SENATOR—RON—WYDEN, D—ORE.
20050415             + 1—INTELLIGENCE—PANEL—MEMBER, SAID—THURSDAYTHAT he will oppose the nomination because, among other reasons, Negroponte was not candid enough about his record as ambassador to HONDURAS.
20050415             —IN the 1980s.
20050415             —QUESTIONED, —DURING 1—CONFIRMATION hearing —THIS—WEEK, Wyden, whether Negroponte had adequately reported HUMAN—RIGHTS—ABUSES—WHILE ambassador.
20050415             deuss.
20050415             23—SKIDOO: Conspiracy Theory, Synchronicity, Alternate Tunnel... the Operation Sunrise negotiations conducted between ALLEN—DULLES—THE then... covert battle aimed at defeating THE—SOVIET—COMMUNIST "menace"-in other...
20050415             Rockefeller #2.
20050415             —LAUNCHED, Nelson, his political career, defeating W. Averell Harriman in the... JOHN—FOSTER—DULLES—PATRONIZING dismissal of his views as "premature".
20050415             ( 0.—28—SECONDS) - 2004061924_Report... RE—ORIENTED from defeating Nazis to " defeating " communism at ANY—COST.. along with JOHN—FOSTER—DULLES, globalist religious leader and SECRETARY—OF...
20050415             Web Results 1 - 100—OF—ABOUT 818 FOR—JOHN
20050415             0.—25—SECONDS) - National Petroleum News : Who is JOHN—DEUSS?
20050415             what will Atlantic do? (gasoline retailers) @ HighBeam Research.
20050415             National Petroleum News : Mystery man Deuss invades East with his... Petroleum News : Mystery man Deuss invades East with his new Atlantic Petroleum.
20050415             —DUMPED, UWSA] Somebody, on us CONSPIRACY—PHOBES... or provocation).
20050415             BOLOGNA train station bombing, for example. in Italian), Stefano.
20050415             CTRL] Mystery Babylon #2 In ITALY: the Carbinieri;
20050415             the Young Societies; the Propaganda DUO—ALSO known as P2, the drug running lodges; + of course, the Mafia...
20050415             [CTRL] Who Killed Diana? [2]Fringe members were THE—WORLD—ANTI—COMMUNIST—LEAGUE [ANTIBOLSCHEWISTISCHE FRONT];
20050415             Grande LOJA do Queijo Limiano: 20031101             — 20031130             ... funcionar como uma apologia pura e dura à Propaganda Duo (P2) de Liccio Gelli de que Berlusconni aliás foi membro, ou a Pinochet no CHILE.....
20050415             DOCTOR—DRÁBIK—JÁNOS írásai... Ugyancsak szerepelt a tagok között GIULIO—ANDREOTTI, egykori olasz miniszterelnök, a Propaganda Duo tagja és a maffia bizalmasa, valamint a portugál...
20050415             AMERICA BETRAYED VERSION HTML... personnel created 1—PARALLEL—GOVERNMENT called P2 ( Propaganda Duo ), 1—NEO-.
20050415             Nazi secret society COMPOSED—OF—MOST—OF—THE—COUNTRY—TOP—INDUSTRIALISTS.
20050415             Permaflex ::: Grosse Tarnfirmen der Weltgeschichte als Eintrag im... Tarnfirma ;
20050415             Propaganda Duo - P 2 ; Licio Gelli ;.
20050415             THE—EGYPT—ORGANIZATION for Human Rights... which states that the detainee should be treated like the temporary detainee... Although the national legislation acts contain 1—LOT—OF—THE—STANDARDS...
20050415             —DECLARED, DeeperBlue_net FORUMS—RE: OT Sadam is formally, a... Your personal detainee has been selected and scheduled for... cared for pursuant to the standards you personally demanded in your...
20050415             Daily Kos :: Secrets: CIA Detainee Abuses Still Unscrutinized... Priest reports that only —RECENTLY was it disclosed that 1—DETAINEE † in... cough) for human rights abuse —WHEN we don't set standards for ourselves!...
20050415             S—JOSE—STATE... Legal Momentum;
20050415             the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights Education Fund;...
20050415             Media Alliance: 20041000             Archives... S—DIEGO, S—JOAQUIN, SANTA—CLARA, Stanislaus and Tulare counties... civil and human rights coalition," the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights..
20050415             NCSM 20050000             Conference -- All Sessions... Working for THE—CIA (Curriculum, Instruction + Assessment) in Assessmentland!... leadership teams from S—DIEGO, Buckeye, FREMONT + SANTA—CLARA...
20050415             ASF Community Directory... in natural catastrophe and terrorism risk modeling (Karen Clark )... SANTA—CLARA U., Center for Science, Tech.
20050415             + Society ( SANTA—CLARA, CA).
20050415             CONFERENCEREPORT —... The present system of organizing USA—INTELLIGENCE among THE—CIA, THE—FBI, the... in Commerce from SANTA—CLARA—UNIVERSITY—IN—SANTA—CLARA, CALIFORNIA.
20050415             Contents Contents 1—WELCOME Letter 2—CONFERENCE Program 3 ...... MCCANN—FATHER was in THE—CIA in Saigon (immediate supervisor Gen... USA—MUSLIMS for Global Peace + Justice ( SANTA—CLARA, CA)
20050415             Contents —... MCCANN—FATHER was in THE—CIA in Saigon (immediate supervisor Gen... USA—MUSLIMS for Global Peace + Justice ( SANTA—CLARA, CA)...
20050415             SOUTH—BAY LA Democratic Quick Links... Santa BARBARA—DEMOCRATS—SANTA—CLARA—COUNTY—DEMOCRATIC—CLUB... Grassroots AMERICA DEFENDS THE—BILL—OF—RIGHTS (20031000             national conference )...
20050415             Tabula Rasa: GENERAL—POLITICS—ARCHIVES - 1.: If in fact Valerie Plame was 1—SECRET—CIA—OPERATIVE (+ there's... + marginal support from SANTA—CLARA county thrown in for good measure...
20050415             ORGANIZING CENTERS AND LOCAL EVENTS FOR ACTIVISM The film features interviews with FORMER—CIA—AGENT—PHILLIP Agee.. S—JOSE/SANTA—CLARA 408 998 8504—SOUTH—BAY Mobilization to Stop the War...
20050415             NucNews - 20000803             ... JUDITH—S—NADLER—SANTA—CLARA—CA—MISS—LENORE—A—TATE—COOK—SACRAMENTO—CA... About the forthcoming conference, CIA spokesman MARK—MANSFIELD said..
20050415             CERIAS—EXTERNAL Advisory BOARD -
20050415             THE—PARTISAN #8. - THE—RIGHT to 1—WORLD at Peace: Close all foreign bases;
20050415             abolish THE—CIA ;... [DAVE—WALD is SANTA—CLARA—COUNTY—CHAIR—OF—PEACE & Freedom Party + a...
20050415             THE—PARTISAN #10... more —RECENTLY HEAD—OF—THE—CIA, also publicly and repeatedly has denied the connection... SANTA—CLARA P&F meets on the 1. —THURSDAY—OF—EACH—MONTH...
20050415             Archive of Ending Corporate Governance Events... Immaculate HEART—OF—MARY—RETREAT and Conference Center, SANTA—FE, NEW—MEXICO.. and PROFESSOR—OF—LAW, SANTA—CLARA—UNIVERSITY;
20050415             and, JAMES—BOVARD is a...
20050415             CIA, 1—PROGRAM—OF—COVERT... Fidel Castro, in 1—TALK in SANTA—CLARA, analyzes the causes of...
20050415             Domestic Violence + Violence Related Research Resources Declaration + Platform for Action - 4. World Conference on Women, 19950900             .. CA: Standards for Batterers Programs + CERTIFICATION—SANTA—CLARA...
20050415             USA Gov Info... executive DIRECTOR—OF—THE—LEADERSHIP—CONFERENCE on Civil Rights (LCCR).. JOHN—VASCONCELLOS (D- SANTA—CLARA ) has his way, CALIFORNIA would become the...
20050415             THE—FACTS—MACHINE... the identity of 1—CIA—AGENT whose husband contradicted 1—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—CLAIM... Girolami chose S—MATEO over his preferred county of SANTA—CLARA...
20050415             ArtsJournal: Herman... If you go to CHE—SHRINE in SANTA—CLARA—SOUTH—EAST—OF—HAVANA, where he is buried beneath a... THERE—EVEN 1—EX—CIA—AGENT, ROBERT—BAER, —NOW 1—WRITER..
20050415             Yahoo! NEWS—USA—BUYERS—OF—HUSSEIN—OIL—ACTED to Assist IRAQ.. + 1—FORMER—BUSINESS—ASSOCIATE, DAVID—CHALMERS, whose company... decades, most —RECENTLY as THE—HOUSTON—BUREAU—CHIEF... pumped 7.9—MILLION—BARRELS—OF—OIL + made a...
20050415             LP: Questions about FORMER—UN—WEAPONS—INSPECTOR'S—FILM [Scott... resold the oil to 1—HOUSTON oil trading company called... that is to say, collected from IRAQ—OIL—TERMINALS—ALMOST... 4 20000000             , shows that DAVID—CHALMERS, the owner...
20050415             THE—OFFICIAL—KERRY—EDWARDS Blog: Comment on KERRY—ENERGY—PLAN: A.
20050415             Bay Oil is run by DAVID—CHALMERS... For THE—HOUSTON wildcatter, this purchase would officially end 1—RETIREMENT from the oil business that never seemed to.
20050415             Archives | MetaFilter... Clinton Fires Back at Republican Accusations "There was corporate malfeasance... in DAVID—CHALMERS—MAGNIFICENT—COLLECTION—OF—PHILOSOPHICAL humour.
20050415             ARIANNA—BLOG... Its time for change + I don't mean in 1—REPUBLICAN way, Arianna.. And 1—CAR that runs without oil (Wankel "DKM" version uses none) running with my...
20050415             NEWS—TOP—STORIES—USA—BUYERS—OF—HUSSEIN—OIL—ACTED to Assist... The other Americans named in THE—CIA—REPORT, VIRGINIA oil trader Samir... Wyatt and 1—FORMER—BUSINESS—ASSOCIATE, DAVID—CHALMERS, whose company was...
20050415             Friends of Saddam: Journalists Archives... intervened in person to steer lucrative contracts to 1—OIL—TRADER.. underlines how Bayoil, headed by HOUSTON oil tycoon DAVID—CHALMERS..
20050415             Friends of Saddam: 20041200             Archives... Major oil trading companies and individuals — from USA—BUSINESSMEN to... underlines how Bayoil, headed by HOUSTON oil tycoon DAVID—CHALMERS..
20050415             LINK—UND Informationsplattform
20050415             COMPUTERFUSSBALL—FOOTAGE—ROBOTER... Und der Oberste der Scheichs, SCHEICH—HAMAD bin Khalifa AL—THANI.. BANGLADESCH verschleppt wurden — Roboter aus der SCHWEIZ als Jockeys einsetzen...
20050415             EINIGE—STÄMME—DES—ERREGERS haben aber 1—RESISTENZ gegen einzelne Antibiotika entwickelt.
20050415             Multifaithism,Interfaithism, 1—WORLD—RELIGION... HEIGHTS—OF—ABSURDITY by having Christians + Moslems unite under 1—BROTHERHOOD—OF "love.. Dominionists ?
20050415             —TODAY, Dominionists hide their agenda and have resorted to stealth;... Nodding to the lame orchestra Brotherhood it says on the decorations.
20050415             MOON—OF—ALABAMA: Open Thread 05-35... American "settlers," + —NOW USA—NEOCONSERVATIVES + dominionists.. of THE—IRAQ—MUSLIM Brotherhood, studied and lived —FOR—YEARS in THE—USA...
20050415             PARANOIA—THE—GREEN—HORSE—RIDES: THE—BLOOD—GAMES—BEGIN... and the Dominionists and the "CHRISTIAN—COALITION" of —TODAY.. and adopted the Skull and Bones insignia of the occult Thule BROTHERHOOD—OF—DEATH...
20050415             whitnesses... is already under the delusion with their phony PEACE, LOVE AND BROTHERHOOD... MANY—CHRISTIANS who are at heart RECONSTUCTIONISTS AND DOMINIONISTS..
20050415             THE—NIGGERATI—NETWORK... Meet the Dominionists -- biblical literalists who believe God has called... safe to go —BACK—IN the water, THE—CONSERVATIVE—BROTHERHOOD strikes back...
20050415             Information Society - 1—MIDDLE—EAST—GATEWAY for nonprofit... IX—INTERRANTISTS, Dominionists and Theonomists.
20050415             V- Popular Sovereignty... Sadat and including the mainstream Muslim BROTHERHOOD—HAVE never heard of.
20050415             Jihad Watch: Terrorists turn up the dial in global PR war... Dominionists and their LIKE—MINDED friends are working to pass... I wonder where the Evangelicals will be —WHEN the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas start...
20050415             Jihad Watch: "From Islam, Pluralist Democracies WILL—SURELY—GROW"... Alternatively, Muslim Brotherhood theorist Sayyid Qutb and others have... And how about the boycotting of ISRAEL by the Dominionists (Presbyterians)...
20050415             He [the Holy Spirit] teaches us how to pray + I don't think... as apostate Christendom merges with the other dominionists (or "Kingdom —NOW"... GOD is in control, remember that, the rise of THE—BLACK—BROTHERHOOD of...
20050415             Im pe ra tive! -... dominionists (or ?Kingdom —NOW?. proponents) desiring 1—GLOBAL—UNITY... BROTHERHOOD—OF—THE—NWO.
20050415             THE—EMERGENCE—OF—THE—WHORE riding the.
20050415             DNC: Kicking ASS—OPEN—THREAD 3/24... 1—BROTHERHOOD ?
20050415             Come on, what about the females, do they not get included?... What would a "reconstructed" AMERICA—LOOK—LIKE under the Dominionists ?...
20050415             1—BROTHERHOOD ?... DOMINIONISM—THEOCRATIC—VIEWS—WHAT would a "reconstructed" AMERICA—LOOK—LIKE under the Dominionists ?
20050415             Transition Page--CALIFORNIA Recall Story... " brotherhood," and "love thy neighbor as thyself".
20050415             Page 2—OF—DO—WE—GET—MAIL?!!!... "[49] Dominionists may argue with SOME—CREDIBILITY that they do believe in helping the... continue for you and your other " brotherhood " at the Bar...
20050415             Dominionists & the Constitution Restoration Act of 20040000             —THE... of DECADES—OF—WORK by 1—GROUP—OF—EXTREMISTS known broadly as " Dominionists... of the Brotherhood, the secret cabal in opposition to Prophet Scudder.
20050415             THE—MENTAL—MILITIA :: THE—WAR—ON—TERRORISM, THE—CORPORATE—DYNASTY... Re: Dominionists & the Constitution Restoration Act of 20040000             (Score: 1) by... his CHARTERIZATION—OF—THE—DICTATORSHIP, but also that of the Brotherhood, the secret...
20050415             THE—ANTI—UK—MUSLIM Brotherhood + Tibetan Buddhists... Christian dominionists/reconstructionists —NOW contemplate a 1000—YEAR—REIGN.
20050415             StreetScience :: DAVID—LIMBAUGH—BOOKS... THE—GODFATHER—OF—THE—DOMINIONISTS is D. JAMES—KENNEDY.. It helps that Dominionists have 1—DIRECT—LINE to THE—WHITE—HOUSE: THE—REV...
20050415             THE—COMING—WAR with IRAQ: What it's Really All About... from the Islamic Brotherhood in EGYPT, to the Mujahadeen in AFGHANISTAN and IRAN... and it indicates the importance that the dominionists attach to the...
20050415             down with murder INCORPORATED.. Discussing the diaspora of the Muslim Brotherhood —FOLLOWING its expulsion from EGYPT.. Moon to CHRISTIAN—DOMINIONISTS to Islamofascist theocracy...
20050415             "A" - OCCULT PRACTICES IN "REVIVAL" — A.becoming 1—CANDIDATE for the outer COURT—OF—THE—GREAT—BROTHERHOOD;.. Very similar to the Dominionists prayer that GOD—KINGDOM come to earth as it is...
20050415             Terra Firm no.24: THE—ZIONISTS'—RISE to World Domination... "Other fundamentalists like the demonionists are more concerned with the... it's 1—LEGITIMATE religion that preaches love and brotherhood," said Mason...
20050415             Whiskey Bar: Stress Testa.. the Muslim Brotherhood, despite JORDAN—PEACE—TREATY—WITH—ISRAEL... I still think there's 1—HIDDEN HAND—OF—THE—CHRISTIAN—DOMINIONISTS manipulating...
20050415             ration... have our "Kingdom —NOW" dominionists so the giddy rationalism and nationalism in the... This would bring us all together as 1—SINGLE—BROTHERHOOD—OF—MAN!...
20050415             News From THE—REGULAR | participatorypolitics_org... substantive NATURE—OF—DOCTOR—KING—ADVOCACY for racial brotherhood and economic justice: In his... Haven't HEARD—OF—THE—DOMINIONISTS ?
20050415             You're about to...
20050415             News From THE—REGULAR | participatorypolitics_org... support of the "SYRIAN—LEBANON—BROTHERHOOD," and against the "AMERICA—ZIONIST—INTERVENTION".
20050415             THE—FREE—PRESS -- Independent News Media — OHIO... MEMBERS—OF—THE—ARYAN—BROTHERHOOD, 1—ORGANIZATION thought to endorse white supremacy.. " Dominionists Stage Weeklong Occupation At COLUMBUS City Hall"...
20050415             Daily Kos : Gays in the Holocaust... 1—WEAPON those leaders lacked: the "total Jesus" of 1—BROTHERHOOD in Christ... THE—DOMINIONISTS are winning so MANY—BATTLES b/c they've been at it...
20050415             Daily Kos : Christianism vs. Christianity... You can safely start spreading the word on dominionists + dominion theology +... Love + Forgiveness, Brotherhood + Healing was the message...
20050415             THE—LONGING for Messianic Leadership... SOME—DOMINIONISTS see THE—SEIZURE—OF—THE—EARTH as the result of "signs.. Essentially, what these "New Dominionists " believe is that the human race...
20050415             VOXNYC: "Africans Declare WAR—ON—FREEMASONS"In 1—DESCRIPTION regarding what is required to join the " Brotherhood " there... "Christian" dominionists quote some of the founding fathers whose words...
20050415             Sensibly Eclectic Main - 20041100             ... Yes, the Dominionists reveled in MACHIAVELLI—TEACHINGS.. justice, integrity, freedom, compassion, brotherhood, tolerance, faith, hope, charity..
20050415             WELCOME TO THE—NEW "NATIONAL SECURITY STATE"... it is indeed 1—SINISTER and very ominous Catholic " brotherhood ;" the fact is.. If Catholic and evangelical dominionists have come to dominate the...
20050415             CREATING 1—COMMON—PARTNERSHIP—BETWEEN—THE—MONEYED—ELITES—AND—THE... the Gamas Islamiya + the Ikhwan el Muslemin (Muslim Brotherhood ) in EGYPT.. (SOME—DOMINIONISTS see THE—SEIZURE—OF—THE—EARTH as the result of "signs...
20050415             culturekitchen: Sidelinks Archives... 1—BAD christian to dominionists, 1—GOOD—CITIZEN to the world Dubya wins... THE—CONSERVATIVE—BROTHERHOOD gets written up at the National Review...
20050415             culturekitchen Archives... 1—BAD christian to dominionists, 1—GOOD—CITIZEN to the world... THE—CONSERVATIVE—BROTHERHOOD gets written up at the National Review | I'm looking for...
20050415             SPIRITUAL DECEPTION—DOMINIONISTS can disagree with the Environmentalist Humanist agenda, but the New Agers are not Humanist... He spoke on THE—BROTHERHOOD—OF—BELIEVERS...
20050415             Memes_org :: Memes are Mind Viruses... faces obscured who are referred to as: "THE—ADHERENCE to the Brotherhood of the Repeating Meme"... Haven't HEARD—OF—THE—DOMINIONISTS ?
20050415             THE—REVEALER: Our Magical PRESIDENT... the torch for them -- be it the fundy dominionists and their desire for theocracy.. everyone clapping hands and proclaiming eternal brotherhood...
20050415             God Forgive AMERICA... Restoration Act of 20040000             is being pushed through Congress by these Dominionists... fundamentalist party, deriving from THE—EGYPT—MUSLIM brotherhood...
20050415             Disaffected DEMOCRATS—SEARCH—RESULTS... to Pat Robertson and his CHRISTIAN—RECONSTRUCTIONISTS, or Dominionists... AMOUNT—OF—JUSTICE and freedom and brotherhood which all human life deserves...
20050415             up —AROUND heretical CHRISTIANS—OF—THE—DOMINIONISTS/Reconstruction variety).. Brotherhood and FRIENDSHIP—NOW all we need is 1—SILVERBACK gorilla..
20050415             —CROWNED, World Magazine Blog: Moon, messiah on Capitol Hill... Christian theocratic dominionists and reconstructionists engaged in 1—SYSTEMATIC.. Democracy is the concept of brotherhood, Cain and Abel...
20050415             lgf: THE—DISTANCE—OF—ALLAH from His Creatures... from the banned fundamentalist Muslim Brotherhood, which originated in EGYPT... (I'll admit that there are SOME—NUTS, called the Dominionists..
20050415             Shining Light in Dark Corners.
20050415             The reconstructionists (also known as dominionists ), 1—SMALLER but politically... To stay murder is not the same thing as to ordain brotherhood...
20050415             Candidate Detail... to make room at the table of brotherhood and sisterhood for lesbian and gay people".
20050415             MANY—RADICAL—DOMINIONISTS seek to Christianize all governments.
20050415             wotisitgood4: 20041114             — 20041120             ... justice, integrity, freedom, compassion, brotherhood, tolerance, faith, hope, charity, peace..
20050415             Archives of 1—OCCULT—INVESTIGATOR... Especially not with all this asshole Dominionists openly trying to turn this... Interestingly, this theme of 1—SECRET—GREY—ROBED brotherhood fighting...
20050415             PROMISE—KEEPERS and THE—MEN—MOVEMENT -... the Charistmatic Dominionists "are convinced that supernatural... united movement of true brotherhood will manifest THE—LOVE—OF—GOD for those who are...
20050415             They Said It... not only among the Klan, THE—ARYAN—BROTHERHOOD + skinhead Nazis.. These Dominionists have mingled with FOLLOWERS—OF—SUN—MYUNG Moon..
20050415             Messages from The universal brotherhood of Islam, REGARDLESS—OF—RACE, politics.. AMERICA in their own image Meet THE—DOMINIONISTS—BIBLICAL—LITERALISTS who...
20050415             JENNY—JESUS—CLUB... have taken us 1—STEP—CLOSER to theocracy on the Muslim Brotherhood model... Millennialists + Dominionists, because they oppose ANY—ORGANIZATION...
20050415             Hughes for AMERICA: Activism TOM—DELAY have taken us 1—STEP—CLOSER to theocracy on the Muslim Brotherhood model... Dominionists — these theocrats are more energized than ever...
20050415             corrente/Leah, Lambert, Tresy, the farmer, Tom, Xan + RDF... status quo with bruised hands —UNTIL we have fashioned it into 1—BROTHERHOOD... fundamentalist or THE—CHRISTIAN—RIGHT or CHRISTIAN—DOMINIONISTS or any...
20050415             —INJURED, FARK_com: (1216704) Marine caught on tape shooting 1, +... They are 1—BROTHERHOOD as much as my shipmates were + I for 1 would hope... into 1—RELIGIOUS—WAR to satisfy the war profiteers + dominionists ".
20050415             INTERNET Infidels Discussion FORUMS—ACTIVISM—RESOURCE... cultists, hiding behind the façade of Christian love and brotherhood, have been... inspired goals for the improvement of humankind, the dominionists define the...
20050415             DNC: Kicking ASS—OPEN—THREAD 3/24—IT'S sexist, for starters.
20050415             [CTRL] THE—GREEN—HORSE—RIDES:THE—BLOOD—GAMES—BEGIN (1—OF 2) Unrecognized -... 17760000             —IN, the "illumined ones" (THE—WHITE—BROTHERHOOD ), formed THE—BAVARIA—ILLUMINATI under... fancy, as did so MANY—EARLY settlers + the Dominionists and the...
20050415             PROPHECIES—PAGE 12—DOMINIONISTS are attempting to Christianize all nations... No 1—WANTS to call peace, love + brotherhood 1—DEVILISH lie.
20050415             No 1 WOULD—EXCEPT God.
20050415             PROPHECIES—PAGE 11... to promote unity, love + brotherhood for the new —MILLENNIUM.
20050415             Chapter 7—NEW—VALUES—FOR 1—NEW—MILLENNIUM... Christianity —TODAY, the New and Young Evangelicals, Modernists, Charismatics, Reconstructionists + Dominionists are to be... the work of the Brotherhood...
20050415             BULGARIA Bulletin BOARD—BULGARIA TALK—BUSHER and the "Born... things like eating kosher food, but besides such exceptions, dominionists would enforce... those leaders lacked: the "total Jesus" of 1—BROTHERHOOD in Christ
20050415             THE—PROPHETIC—WORD—MINISTRIES—INTERNATIONAL—THE—BROTHERHOOD... Ignoring + even twisting THE—FACTS—OF—HISTORY, Christian dominionists quote some of the founding fathers whose words seem to indicate...
20050415             PROMISE—KEEPERS and THE—MEN—MOVEMENT.3.
20050415             —CONVINCED, AL—DAGER notes that the Charistmatic Dominionists "are, that supernatural... Our united movement of true brotherhood will manifest THE—LOVE—OF—GOD for.
20050415             PROMISE—KEEPERS... have to return to his newfound SOURCE—OF—STRENGTH within the brotherhood to maintain... Report on "Coalition on Revival, Putting Feed on the Dominionists ' Agenda...
20050415             KERRY—EDWARDS Online Forum > THE—CHRISTIAN—RIGHT—NEEDS to take a... power to spread his SAVIOR—MESSAGE—OF—PEACE and brotherhood —AROUND the... that the title chosen by this GROUP—OF—NEO—NITWITS, " Dominionists " is completely...
20050415             across earn support angel herz 30am 2year has our longest graduate.... modular rob page seeing bathory venues yang expected home picked time neo meeting joey divisions tes jazzbeau legend PORTLAND dominionists blending figures...
20050415             gonzography: 20041100             ... there is 1—WHOLE—NEW mood within the Evangelical brotherhood.. treasury and appointing dominionists like JAMES—WATT—WHO once tried to have ketchup...
20050415             'Sale of Arrow ANTI—MISSILE—SYSTEM to INDIA 1—TEST—CASE'—THE... "THE—ARROW issue is 1—TEST—CASE—OF—HOW far THE—USA is willing to go regarding weapons sales to INDIA," said John E Carbaugh, who regularly issues 1—INDIA...
20050415             —BY John E. - Carbaugh JUNIOR.. John E.
20050415             IMC INDIA—BREAKFAST on the Hill PS: WASHINGTON—BASED consultant JOHN—E—CARBAUGH, JUNIOR, says in his latest report that "USA—INDIA—JAPAN—STRATEGIC triangle is 1—POSSIBILITY in ASIA"...
20050415             IRAQ/USA: Besatzer unter Feuer//IRAQ—RESISTANCE—REPORT - 25 ... ABU—MUS'AB—AZ—ZARQAWI, reputed to be 1—OFFICIAL in THE—AL—QA'IDAH... (policemen, SECRET—SERVICE—AGENTS, military, officials at the oil...
20050415             IRAK/USA/Nahost: Gegen die Wahlfarce im IRAK//Gefaehrliches... for 6—SECRET—SERVICE—ORGANIZATIONS from different countries could... adviser to THE—MOST—WANTED Islamic militant, ABU—MUSAB—AL—ZARQAWI.. Fußnoten 1—FÜR eine offiziöse Darstellung der amerikanischen... Final Report on Transition To Democracy in IRAQ, 20021100             LONDON Vgl.
20050415             Artikel 20—BLOG > Archiv > Kategorie: INTERNATIONAL... schaffte es —NUN wohl auch OBER—TERRORIST—ZARQAWI, einfach so auszubüxen... At 9:45 last night, THE—SECRET—SERVICE showed up on my mother's front door...
20050415             CHRISTOPHER 1—LONG—PAT Line, Escape & Evasion in FRANCE, World... He was led straight into the hands of the Gestapo + arrested... Hirschfeld & Marsh Collaboration in FRANCE: Politics + Culture —DURING the...
20050415             RICHARD—R—BOZORTH - "But Who Would Get It?": Auden and the Codes... but also of pioneering figures like Freud + MAGNUS—HIRSCHFELD—MADE...The man arrested for TRAIN—WRECWRYGRAVE—KING—OF—IS 1—MASTER under Shreeve...
20050415             Broadway To Vegas February 20, 20050000             ... MAE—WEST was dragged out of 1—BROADWAY theatre, arrested for obscenity, brought to the West... AL—HIRSCHFELD, VIRGINIA, EUGENE—O'NEILL + WALTER—KERR...
20050415             Broadway To Vegas 20031130             ... It's been —30—YEARS—SINCE Debbie Reynolds was arrested + forced to...the role that earned RICHARD—DREYFUSS 1—BEST—ACTOR—OSCAR for 19770000             —THE film.
20050415             THE—LONELY 9. of wealthy developer Abe HIRSCHFELD—HIRSCHFELD—REALTY in Manhattan.
20050415             skippy the bush kangaroo... convicted shoe bomber richard reid has been sentenced to life in prison for... al hirschfeld, the man who could say the most with the fewest lines...
20050415             THE—BLACK—VAULT... Haig, Bush and Baker manipulated Kissenger into pointing... —DURING the —LATER times of Nixon and Ford...
20050415             Citizens Of Upright Moral Character... in THE—MIDDLE—EAST— —WHEN THE—SHAW—OF—IRAN... waiting for another Republican PRESIDENT (RICHARD—NIXON ) to show... it anymore tried to appoint HENRY—KISSENGER as the...
20050415             For legal purposes, this is critique on THE—ENGLAND—LANGUAGE... He is followed by HENRY—KISSENGER, who tells SOME—FOREIGN... God will take CARE—OF—THAT".
20050415             —GEORGE—BERNARD—SHAW... Nixon was so crooked that he needed servants to.
20050415             Appello per la revoca del premio Nobel per la pace assegnato 1—H.
20050415             HENRY—KISSENGER is internationally known to be 1—WAR—CRIMINAL... from importing Arab Oil, so the Prices went high, Kissinger gave Nixon 1—DIABLIQUE.
20050415             eagle10... of what might be called the Nixon Doctrin, appeared... of ANY—CONCERN to the same government: as Kissenger explained to... With the overthrow of THE—SHAW—OF—IRAN in...
20050415             BuzzMachine... by JEFF—JARVIS... 1—PROTEST against then USA—VICE—PRESIDENT—RICHARD—NIXON—IRAN visit 19530000             ... The only reason that these weapons were not used, said Col AL—DABBAGH...
20050415             The leader in Tax Due Process Research and effective IRS tactics... -... PRESIDENT—RICHARD—NIXON accomplished this for his bosses of the.
20050415             Illuminati.. Rockefeller; HENRY—KISSENGER ; THE—FOUNDER—OF—THE—WORLD—BANK—ROBER
20050415             Stockings HQ: Stockings HQ OFF—TOPIC—FORUM => To satisfy Hengist... attended 1—STATE—DINNER that included the Shaw, then PRESIDENT—NIXON + HENRY—KISSENGER... uncaring, capitalist fat cats pump oil from its gorunds.
20050415             Stockings HQ: Stockings HQ OFF—TOPIC—FORUM => To satisfy Hengist... at THE—IRAN—EMBASSY on Mass Ave in WASHINGTON DC I attended 1—STATE—DINNER that included the Shaw, then PRESIDENT—NIXON + HENRY—KISSENGER...
20050415             She Who Remembers Audio Archives... SASS—IRAQ—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION;
20050415             —BY Terence Mckenna... THE—WAR—CRIMES—OF—HENRY—KISSENGER ;
20050415             Kronos: 18600000—18990000... THE—JAPAN—GOVERNMENT repaid this debt —FOLLOWING the war by allowing the... 5) Sasakawa Ryoichi, 1—FORMER—WORLD—UNION—OF—KARATE—DO—ORGANIZATIONS...
20050415             Notes on new data on "undercurrents": Working Annotated... See also photo of Maxwell with JAPAN—MULTI—MILLIONAIRE Ryoichi Sasakawa.. he ended up in JAPAN + somehow evaded prosecution as 1—WAR—CRIMINAL...
20050415             —ABOUT 18600000             : Islamic jihadists in NORTH—NIGERIA equip their... The brutal excesses of the Greater EAST—ASIA—WAR—AS THE—JAPAN—CALL—WWII.
20050415             + Sasakawa Ryoichi, 1—FORMER—WORLD—UNION—OF—KARATE—DO—ORGANIZATIONS.
20050415             DejaVu4. - Ryoichi Sasakawa, JAPAN—MOBSTER and future business PARTNER—OF... —AT—THE—END—OF—WORLD—WAR 2, Sasakawa is classified as 1—CLASS—1—WAR—CRIMINAL by.
20050415             NPR : More CIA Resignations Come Amid SHAKE—UP The top 2—LEADERS—OF—THE—CIA—CLANDESTINE service, STEVEN—KAPPES and MICHAEL—SULICK, resign.
20050415             Room 4-2164. 5601—SUNNYSIDE Ave... Agricultural Research Service.
20050415             STEVEN—KAPPES.
20050415             INTERNATIONAL Society for Animal Genetics -... BTA19, RICHARD—KERR;
20050415             BTA20, STEVEN—KAPPES ; BTA21, JOHN—MC—EWAN + KEN—DODDS;
20050415             Final Warning: 1—HISTORY—OF—THE—NEW—WORLD—ORDER... can not possibly be religious or working for Him as they wrongfully claim to... ADOLF—HITLER said: "National Socialism will use its own revolution for...
20050415             Afghanastan Government News BOARD—TERRORISTS and Taliban... Do you still believe Islam to be 1—RELIGION—OF—VIOLENCE ?... 20051011             —145—PM—EDT FRANKFURT (Reuters) - ADOLF—HITLER was 1—CLOSET homosexual and used his...
20050415             SEAN—HANNITY—DISCUSSION—THE ''Resistance''... AL—BANNA was 1—DEVOUT admirer of ADOLF—HITLER —WHEN he was 1—WRITER + —BEFORE... violent aspects of Islam are admiting that the problem IS the religion...
20050415             MIND Exchange... of VIOLENCE—OBVIOUSLY threatening violent bahavior are totally cool!... USA—SPECIAL—INTEREST supported ADOLF—HITLER + his policies —UNTIL it...
20050415             Page Title... HITLER—IDEOLOGY divided people by race and religion... If STALIN signed a 'NON—AGGRESSION' pact with ADOLF—HITLER as he did 19390800             ..
20050415             Christic Institute RICO—IRAN—CONTRA—CIA... It is clear to me from the depositions of ED—WILSON and GENE—WHEATON that the... this KIND—OF—AC—TIVITY, which is for the freeing of 1—PEOPLE, is quite...
20050415             Rouge justice : Strongman Hun Sen is 1—FORMER—KHMER—ROUGE.
20050415             —ANSWERED, Neocon 101: SOME—BASIC—QUESTIONS : What do neoconservatives believe? - More on "neoconservatives "
20050415             The ricin ring that never was:
20050415             Tariq Ali on Political Activism from PAKISTAN to VIETNAM to IRAQ : 1—CONVERSATION with writer and activist Tariq Ali on more than —4—DECADES at the forefront of the antiwar movement.
20050415             "I hope MISTER—BUSH will take note of his own ANTI—TERRORISM—POLICIES and hand over Posada Carriles,"
20050415             —EXPECTED, EX—PANAMA—PRESIDENT—FACES—ACCUSATIONS—OF—CORRUPTION : SOME—PANAMANIANS had, her to abscond + for awhile she was —BACK—IN MIAMI, seemingly trying to duck THE—ALLEGATIONS—OF—CORRUPTION and MISMANAGEMENT—OF—PUBLIC—FUNDS that dogged her —4—YEARS in the presidency.
20050415             return true;">CorpWatch: Halliburton -... But HALLIBURTON—HISTORY—OF—BENEFITING from government largesse goes back 1—WAYS.
20050415             —AUTHORIZED, FERC, the proposed transfer to PSI Energy, INCORPORATED.
20050415             ( PSI ) of the... Cinergy Services, INCORPORATED on behalf of PSI Energy, INCORPORATED, CinCap MADISON, LLC.
20050415             Cronología de España 17000000—19960000... julio), protesta por la movilización de reservistas para ir a... 19600000             El 29—DE marzo se celebra una entrevista...
20050415             Estudios del II Plan de Desarrollo ( 19690000—19710000    ), de...
20050415             Altermedia SPAIN—ABC.es: CONTRA LA GUERRA, QUE NO TE FALLE LA MEMORIA...
20050415             Se movilizó a los reservistas ya los miembros de la Guardia Nacional para un... En los años 19600000             EEUU desarrolló vínculos con traficantes de droga DELAWARE..
20050415             —BY AHMED—ELAMIN—TO find office space in BERMUDA, billionaire oil trader JOHN—DEUSS wants to convert 1—SMITH—PARISH—FARM...
20050415             ARRAY—OF—FUTURES contracts, his Transworld Oil bought all but 1—OF—THE...
20050415             PUBLICO.PT... Neuromarketing Querem entrar na nossa cabeça. ROBERT—LEE—HOTZ*.
20050415             Media Dragon... - If GEORGE—BUSH were to be judged by the standards of the Nuremberg Tribunals, he'd be hanged... DAVID—CHALMERS has very good LIST—OF—PHILOSOPHY blogs.
20050415             DAVID—CHALMERS ' COLLECTION—OF—PAPERS on consciousness, 1—DIRECTORY—OF...
20050415             Archives | MetaFilter... GEORGE—BUSH : —AFTER suspension, was able to "choose" to undertake CIVIL—DUTY... in DAVID—CHALMERS—MAGNIFICENT collection of philosophical humour...
20050415             Blogging PHILOSOPHY—OF—MIND: DAVID—CHALMERS enters the ring... THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD thinks Americans are crazy because they reelected GEORGE—BUSH.. alina_
20050415             An article in a local community newspaper, SANTA—ROSA Sun (19930000             ..
20050415             THE—OCTOPUS, by Karen Bixman.
20050415             HR Haldeman to PRESIDENT—NIXON,—?—MONDAY, 19710614             —309—PM meeting.
20050415             Yahoo NEWS—AP - 1—OF—CONGRESS ' most conservative members —ON—FRIDAY became the 2. House Republican to urge Majority Leader TOM—DELAY to step aside
20050415             CNN House Speaker DENNIS—HASTERT said —THURSDAY that he fully supports his embattled Majority Leader TOM—DELAY + will do so
20050415             —BACKED, TURKEY—TROOPS, by attack helicopters killed 21—KURDISH—REBELS—NEAR THE—IRAQ—BORDER overnight in the biggest clash —SINCE THE—REBELS declared 1—UNILATERAL truce more than —5—YEARS 20050803             TURKEY—SOLDIERS and 1—VILLAGE guardsman also were killed in the clash 25—MILES from THE—IRAQ border between THE—TOWN—OF—PERVARI in SIIRT province and Eruh in Sirnak province.
20050415             Grande LOJA do Queijo Limiano: 20031101             — 20031130             20050415             Broadway To Vegas 20031130             20050415             Grande LOJA do Queijo Limiano: 20031101             — 20031130             ... funcionar como uma apologia pura e dura à Propaganda Duo (P2) de Liccio Gelli de que Berlusconni aliás foi membro, ou a Pinochet no CHILE.....
20050415             Cover Story THE—ROLE—OF—IRAQ—OIL as War Nears.
20050415—10000000    —YEAR, Christian dominionists/reconstructionists —NOW contemplate a reign.
20050415—17760000    —IN, the "illumined ones" (THE—WHITE—BROTHERHOOD ), formed THE—BAVARIA—ILLUMINATI under... fancy, as did so MANY—EARLY settlers + the Dominionists and the.
20050415—18970000    —IN, "Disorderly wanderers" on the other hand could be arrested + assigned to... founded, Hirschfeld sought to enlighten the public about.
20050415—18970000    —IN, Burleigh + WIPPERMANN—PERSECUTIONS—OF—DIFFERENT—MINORITIES... "Disorderly wanderers" on the other hand could be arrested + assigned to... founded, Hirschfeld sought to enlighten the public about...
20050415—19720000    —YEAR, TIMELINE 1970s page of ULTIMATE SCIENCE FICTION WEB GUIDE RICHARD—NIXON, Time MAGAZINE—PERSON—OF—THE : HENRY—KISSENGER +... 19750000             BOB—SHAW : "Orbitsville" 3. place in THE—JOHN—W—CAMPBELL—MEMORIAL...
20050415—19960000    —SINCE, ROBERT—TAYLOR is 1—CO—FOUNDER—AND—DIRECTOR—OF—FOCAL—COMMUNICATIONS and has served as its Chairman/CEO.
20050415—20030519    —SINCE, THE—DJIA dropped 191 to close at 10,087, the worst close.
20050415—20030600    —IN, 1—LEADERSHIP—CONFERENCE brought family planning.
20050415—20030600    —IN, 1—LEADERSHIP—CONFERENCE brought family planning professionals from 7.
20050415—20030600    —IN, relationship to the... 1—LEADERSHIP—CONFERENCE brought family planning...
20050415—20030600    —IN, WOMEN—INTERNATIONAL—NEWS—GATHERING—SERVICE... 1—LEADERSHIP—CONFERENCE brought family planning professionals from 7 ... 2—WOMEN grassroots organizers from SANTA—FE, ARGENTINA..
20050415—20201000    —IM, Zarqawi konkurrierte mit Usama bin Ladin, soll sich aber diesem 0-.
20050415—20201000    —IM, Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung... Zarqawi konkurrierte mit Usama bin Ladin, soll sich aber diesem 0-.. 20, Vgl.
20050417             —FRIDAY, 20050415             Naomi Klein:
20050417             —FRIDAY, 20050415             Naomi Klein: THE—RISE—OF—DISASTER—CAPITALISM
20050417—20050415    —DATE
20060000             SEC Charges '80s IRAN—ARMS—FIGURE—THE—MONEY—BOARD - 20060415             —503. ADNAN—KHASHOGGI—RAMY EL—BATRAWI (NT) - THE—MONEY—BOARD - 20060415             —503.
20060405—20060415    —FILED, Homicide charges were, against BORIS—LENIS—BLANCO, —33—JAHRE—ALT, 1—POLICE—OFFICER, who was arrested 20060413             .
20060409—20060415    -Week of- | Prometheus 6
20060413             2006—STEUERERKLÄRUNG : BUSH s Einkommen um 10 % gesunken... alfatomega.com/20060415.html.
20060415             von GERHARD—LANGE c/o GIV 20050222             20041000             ist der damalige UK BOTSCHAFTER—IN—USBEKISTAN, CRAIG—MURRAY, seines Amtes.
20060415             —MANIPULIERT, IRAK/USA: "Wahlen" im IRAK von den USA, - Angriff auf IRAN 20060600             ? // GROSSBRITANNIEN + die Folter //... Nachricht aus der Newsgroup von GERHARD—LANGE c/o GIV 20050222             20041000             ist der damalige UK BOTSCHAFTER—IN—USBEKISTAN, CRAIG—MURRAY, seines Amtes... + the Strausscons, made the comment... informants inside EAST—GERMANY...
20060415             Stanford Univ. said it will use a $3.3—MILLION gift from the Malone Family Foundation of ENGLEWOOD—COLORADO, to offer 1—ONLINE high school for gifted students.
20060415             —PRESENTED, Police, Williams with 1—PICTURE—OF—RONALD—ROSS and Williams identified Ross as the shooter.
20060415             Williams and the son of the real shooter, STEVEN—EMBREY—SENIOR, —LATER recanted their story.
20060415             —ATTACKED, Taliban fighters simultaneously, 2—POLICE—CHECKPOINTS on 1—SOUTHERN—AFGHANISTAN—HIGHWAY, and up to 14—MILITANTS were killed or wounded in the ensuing gunbattle.
20060415             —ATTACKED, Suspected Taliban, coalition and AFGHANISTAN—ARMY—TROOPS with small arms and ROCKET—PROPELLED grenades in CENTRAL—URUZGAN province, sparking 1—GUNBATTLE that killed 3—ATTACKERS.
20060415             Suspected Taliban shot and killed 1—DISTRICT—ADMINISTRATOR in Helmand province.
20060415             —CLASHED, USA—LED coalition forces using warplanes and artillery, with 1—SMALL—BAND—OF—MILITANTS holed up in 1—HOUSE and 1—CAVE complex in Kunar province in fighting that killed 7—AFGHANISTAN—CIVILIANS and wounded 3.
20060415             —AIMED, THE—USA—AIRSTRIKE, at militants in EAST—KUNAR province mistakenly killed 7—CIVILIANS.
20060415             BANGLADESH said it will vaccinate about 18—MILLION—CHILDREN aged 5 and under to combat polio, which —RECENTLY RE—EMERGED —AFTER authorities believed it had been eradicated —5—YEARS—AGO.
20060415             —DEPARTED, CAMBODIA—SOLDIERS, to SUDAN for 1—UN—BACKED landmine clearing operation, saying they hoped they could use their experience recovering from civil war to help THE—WAR—TORN Sudanese.
20060415             —THREATENED, CHAD, to cut off its FLOW—OF—OIL unless the World Bank releases $125—MILLION frozen in 1—DISPUTE over how THE—CENTRAL—AFRICA—COUNTRY should spend its oil revenues.
20060415             —KILLED, SOUTH—CHECHNYA, rebels, 2—RUSSIA—SOLDIERS and wounded 5—OTHERS in 1—AMBUSH.
20060415             —ANNOUNCED, CHINA, tariff cuts on IMPORTS—OF—FRUIT and fish from TAIWAN, offering THE—SELF—RULED ISLAND new trade concessions in 1—EFFORT to boost sentiment for uniting with the communist mainland.
20060415             —REPORTED, CHINA, that the orbiting capsule of its Shenzhou VI spacecraft, which was launched into space —6—MONTHS—AGO, has returned to earth —AFTER orbiting 2,920 times.
20060415             —SUGGESTED, Shiite politicians, 1—FORMULA for replacing their nominee for PRIME—MINISTER to break the deadlock over IRAQ—NEW—UNITY—GOVERNMENT.
20060415             4—USA—MARINES were killed in combat in WEST—ANBAR province.
20060415             —JIVED, LIBYA, USA—SINGER—LIONEL—RICHIE, and rocked for 1—ADORING audience in 1—CONCERT to mark the 20. ANNIVERSARY—OF—1—USA—RAID on THE—NORTH—AFRICA—COUNTRY.
20060415             —RENEWED, LIBYA, 1—DEMAND that WASHINGTON apologize and pay compensation.
20060415             —SEALED, PALESTINE—POLICE, off 1—MAIN—ROAD and briefly stormed 1—GOVERNMENT building in THE—CENTRAL—GAZA TOWN—OF—KHAN—YOUNIS, angered by THE—HAMAS—LED government's failure to pay them.
20060415             SAUDI—ARABIA—CROWN—PRINCE—SULTAN—BIN—ABDUL—AZIZ began a —2—DAY—VISIT to PAKISTAN —DURING which he is expected to discuss 1—POSSIBLE—ARMS—DEAL.
20060415             —DETONATED, Suspected Tamil Tiger rebels, mines near 2—MILITARY—VEHICLES in NORTH—EAST—SRI—LANKA, killing 8—PEOPLE in separate attacks.
20060415             —IN Redwood CITY—CALIFORNIA, 3—MEN were shot and killed at the Headquarters Bar.
20060415             —IN OAKLAND—CALIFORNIA, Renardo Williams was shot in the chest.
20060415             —CLASHED, USA—LED coalition forces using warplanes and artillery, with 1—SMALL—BAND—OF—MILITANTS holed up in 1—HOUSE and 1—CAVE complex in Kunar province in fighting that killed 7—AFGHANISTAN—CIVILIANS and wounded 3. THE—USA—AIRSTRIKE aimed at militants in EAST—KUNAR province mistakenly killed 7—CIVILIANS.
20060415             † At least 12—IRAQIS in 1—CAR bombing near 1—BAGHDAD restaurant and other attacks.
20060415             BRITAIN—400—YEARS—OF—CYBER—LAW
20060415             "THERE—1—NEWS—PIECE in THE—REGISTER this —MORNING about 1—UNITED—KINGDOM—HIGH—COURT ruling about email signatures + whether they constitute binding contracts.
20060415             Apparently, THE—CELL—DIVISION—REVERSED for the 1. Time
20060415             The discovery could have important implications for THE—TREATMENT—OF—CANCER, birth defects and numerous other diseases and disorders.
20060415             —NUN ist er offenbar wild entschlossen, die Spaltung der Italiener in 2—FEINDLICHE Blöcke weiter VORANZUTREIBEN—AUCH um den hohen Preis, das politische Klima weiter zu vergiften.
20060415             Aber solche Sorgen waren dem Mann immer —SCHON fremd.
20060415             Gift für das politische Klima
20060415             Diese Übung ist nicht neu für den Populisten.
20060415             —SCHON als er 19960000             die Wahl verlor, sprach er Prodi das Recht zu regieren rundheraus ab, da der Professor ja bloß "1—MINDERHEIT im Lande" vertrete.
20060415             Nachricht aus der Newsgroup
20060415             + the Strausscons, made the comment... informants inside EAST—GERMANY.
20060415             IRAK/USA: "Wahlen" im IRAK von den USA MANIPULIERT—ANGRIFF auf IRAN —IM—JUNI? // GROSSBRITANNIEN und die Folter //...
20060415             GENEA PORTUGAL: Fórum The 1. man to call him Genoese (actually Ligurian was the adjective) was KING...
20060415             —LOCATED, CELTO—LIGURIAN : 3—DOLMENS are, at Les Adrets, in the forested...
20060415             PORTUGAL Hires Banks Including Merrill Lynch, MORGAN—STANLEY for Galp Sale
20060415             ANIMATION—THE—NUCLEAR—BUNKER—BUSTER—ROBUST Nuclear Earth Pentrator
20060415             —DIRECTED, BREAKING—VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY, his THEN—CHIEF—OF—STAFF, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby,
20060415             THE—BUZZFLASH—MAILBAG -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
20060415             IRAQ: On the Ground, It's 1—CIVIL—WAR 4/15
20060415             Growing RANKS—OF—EX—GENERALS bash Rumsfeld 4/15
20060415             2—MARINES Killed, 22—HURT in WEST—IRAQ 4/15
20060415             GARY—HART—HAS—COME—UP with 1—THOUGHTFUL, Realistic and Effective National Security Plan.
20060415             With Those Characteristics, You Can be Sure the Republicans WILL—SUMMARILY—DISMISS—IT.
20060415             Meet MISTER—REPUBLICAN: JACK—ABRAMOFF;
20060415             The secret history of the most corrupt man in WASHINGTON 4/15 - Political porn -- It's hypnotic!
20060415             Over at Awful Forums, 1—REGULAR poster CODE—NAMED MARTIN—RANDOM -- who claims to have 1—JOB inside THE—WHITE—HOUSE -- has spilled many 1 alleged secret about the people running the country.
20060415             Mostly he relays humiliating dirt concerning personal habits and eccentricities.
20060415             But the stuff about DONALD—RUMSFELD -- well, you have to read it to believe it.
20060415             TOM—RIDGE comes off even worse.
20060415             Read. Do not necessarily believe.
20060415             Try to spot "tells" indicating fakery.
20060415             I guarantee 1—THING: You will not be bored.
20060415             This is political porn of the highest order.
20060415             (Oh yeah: He says Condi Rice smells good.
20060415             Real good. "Random" is obsessive on the subject.
20060415             Nuke news LEAVE THIS PAGE THE—MOMENT—YOU FINISH READING THIS POST and watch this computer animation produced by the Union of Concerned Scientists.
20060415             You will discover the hard truth about "BUNKER—BUSTER" nuclear weapons :
20060415             You've heard 1—LOT—OF—HOOEY about IRAN being "—16—DAYS" away from producing 1—NUCLEAR—BOMB.
20060415             Here's the truth, according to JUAN—COLE:
20060415             The ability to slightly enrich uranium is not the same as the ability to build 1—BOMB.
20060415             For the latter, you need at least 80% enrichment, which in turn would require about 16,000 small centrifuges hooked up to cascade.
20060415             IRAN does not have 16,000 centrifuges.
20060415             It seems to have 180. IRAN is 1—GOOD—10—YEARS away from having 1—BOMB + —SINCE its leaders, including SUPREME—JURISPRUDENT ALI—KHAMENEI, say they do not want 1—ATOMIC—BOMB because it is Islamically immoral, you have to wonder if they will ever have 1—BOMB.
20060415             The crisis is not 1—OF—NUCLEAR—ENRICHMENT, 1—LOW—LEVEL—ATTAINMENT that does not necessarily lead to having 1—BOMB.
20060415             Even if IRAN had 1—BOMB, it is hard to see how they could be more dangerous than Communist CHINA, which has lots of such bombs + whose Walmart stores are 1—CLEVER—RUSE to wipe out the middle class USA—FAMILY through funneling in cheaply made CHINA—GOODS.
20060415             —FUELED, AMERICA, by religious hatred, will soon commit the greatest atrocity the world has seen —SINCE the 3. Reich.
20060415             EVERY—DECENT—HUMAN being in this country must spend at least SOME—PART—OF—EVERY—DAY trying to prevent the coming catastrophe.
20060415             Anger as ban on glorifying terror comes into force:
20060415             —PLANNED, Controversial ANTI—TERROR—MEASURES, in the aftermath of 20060707             —THE—BOMBINGS and brought into force —YESTERDAY have been given 1—HOSTILE—RECEPTION by MPs and civil liberty lawyers who branded them absurd and 1—CURTAILMENT—OF—FREE—SPEECH
20060415             Israelis unveil next generation in security : 1—NEW—SYSTEM developed by 1—ISRAEL—COMPANY utilises physiological and psychological responses assessed by 1—COMPUTER, rather than 1—HUMAN.
20060415             It is due to go on trial at both 1—WEST—BANK crossing point and A—USA—AIRPORT, which is deliberately not being identified, —LATER—THIS—YEAR.
20060415             USA to use BULGARIA—MILITARY—BASES: 1—DEFENCE—CO—OPERATION—AGREEMENT enabling THE—USA to use military bases in BULGARIA for training purposes is expected to be officially signed —THIS—MONTH.
20060415             VENEZUELA tightens oil grip : Powering ahead with stringent nationalist reforms, HUGO—CHÁVEZ—VENEZUELA is showing multinational oil firms little mercy.
20060415             CHARLEY—REESE: Viva Chavez :
20060415             "Stability" is 1—OF—THE—COW—MANURE words most favored by the imperialists who share WASHINGTON with all the lobbyists and SPECIAL—INTEREST—GROUPS.
20060415             —WHEN they have no EVIDENCE—OF—ANY—WRONGDOING whatsoever, they can always accuse 1—FOREIGN—GOVERNMENT they don't like of "creating instability in the region".
20060415             Thirst for profit:
20060415             The corporate HIJACK—OF—WATER is on and if the current trend continues, INDIA—WATER—SOURCES will be in private hands befor
20060415             —QUESTIONED, CHINA—ORGAN—SUPPLY, as transplants soar: Various human rights groups -- such as AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL, Human Rights Watch and the Laogai Research Foundation -- say donated organs in CHINA often come from executed prisoners + there are concerns that prisoners' wishes are not always respected.
20060415             Government Spending Hits Record in March: Government spending hit 1—ALL—TIME—HIGH for 1—SINGLE—MONTH in March, pushing the budget deficit up significantly from THE—RED—INK level of —1—YEAR—AGO.
20060415             HELEN—THOMAS : Bush is Against Leaks — Except —WHEN He Leaks : PRESIDENT—BUSH is piously opposed to leaks, unless he's the person doing the leaking.
20060415             1—CALL to Shed `Poison Pill' Immigration Rule : Republican leaders say they tried to change 1—HOUSE—BILL that would make felons of illegal immigrants but that Democrats balked.
20060415             INDIANA signs lease for toll road: In the biggest highway privatization deal in USA—HISTORY, STATE—OFFICIALS—WEDNESDAYSIGNED 1—AGREEMENT—WEDNESDAYTO turn the 157-mile INDIANA Toll Road over to 1—FOREIGN consortium that will operate it for 1—PROFIT for the next —75—YEARS.
20060415             Stolen military data for sale in AFGHANISTAN : Among the photos of Americans are PICTURES—OF—INDIVIDUALS who appear to have been tortured and killed, most too graphic to show.
20060415             —CAUSED, NBC News does not know who, their injuries.
20060415             THE—PENTAGON would not comment on the photos.
20060415             "The drives also included deployment rosters and other documents that identified nearly 700—USA—SERVICE—MEMBERS and their Social Security numbers, information that identity thieves could use to open credit card accounts in soldiers' names".
20060415             USA—ENLISTS—MERCENARIES to Track Down "AL—QAEDA ": THE—USA is enlisting the help or armed militiamen and factional leaders in its campaign to track down 5—AL—QAEDA members in hiding in SOMALIA.
20060415             War pimp alert : IRAN Leader: ISRAEL—WILL—BE—ANNIHILATED:
20060415             IRAN PRESIDENT—AHMADINEJAD—LASHES—OUT at ISRAEL—AGAIN, Saying It's 'Heading Toward Annihilation' 20060415             20060415             To BATTLE—STATIONS!
20060415             To BATTLE—STATIONS!:
20060415             Led by 1—FAMILIAR clutch of NEO—CONSERVATIVE hawks, major RIGHT—WING publications are calling on THE—ADMINISTRATION—OF—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH to urgently plan for military strikes -- and possibly 1—WIDER—WAR -- against IRAN
20060415             —VOWED, THE—WEST can do nothing: IRAN —YESTERDAY, to expand its nuclear program dramatically, despite THE—INTERNATIONAL—CONDEMNATION that followed its claim of being able to enrich uranium fuel.
20060415             USA Outsourcing Special Operations : THE—PENTAGON is bypassing official USA—INTELLIGENCE—CHANNELS and turning to 1—DANGEROUS and unruly CAST—OF—CHARACTERS in order to create strife in IRAN in preparation for ANY—POSSIBLE—ATTACK, former and current intelligence officials say.
20060415             Silent Nuclear Submarines Add to IRAN Tensions : The silent submarine forces of THE—USA, ISRAEL and IRAN are all ramping up for 1—HOT—WAR, adding yet more tension to 1—ALREADY volatile MIDDLE—EAST—MADE all the more uneasy by IRAN—RELENTLESS—MARCH to become 1—NUCLEAR—POWER.
20060415             'I feel like I did in THE—VIETNAM days
20060415             I hate to pay taxes —JUST so they can go and bomb more people'
20060415             Retired general's call puzzles Rumsfeld aides: Of the smattering of retired generals who have called on Defense SECRETARY—DONALD—H—RUMSFELD to resign, none has surprised THE—PENTAGON—INNER—CIRCLE—MORE than retired Army MAJOR—GENERAL—JOHN—BATISTE.
20060415             Is AMERICA 1—RADICAL—REPUBLIC?
20060415             Peace can only be THE—FRUIT—OF—JUSTICE:
20060415             PRIME—MINISTER—OF—THE—PALESTINIAN—AUTHORITY—ISMAIL—HANIYEH outlines the basis for comprehensive peace
20060415             Abbas calls aid CUT—OFF illegal:
20060415             —CONFERRED, PALESTINE—PRES—IDENT MAHMOUD—ABBAS, —YESTERDAY with JORDAN—PRIME—MINISTER—MAROUF—BAKHIT and labelled THE—ISRAEL—BOYCOTT—OF—THE—PALESTINE—AUTHORITY (PA) + THE—CUT—OFF of financial aid to the Palestinians as "illogical and illegal".
20060415             PALESTINE—ANALYST warns Government will collapse : PALESTINE—ANALYST—ALI—AL—JERBAWI has warned that THE—HAMAS—LED PALESTINE—GOVERNMENT will collapse in —3—MONTHS unless it pays the salaries of 140,000 government employees.
20060415             'Democracy' at work:
20060415             INTERNATIONAL aid freezes threaten to strangle the democratically elected HAMAS—LED government
20060415             USA—ALLIES are behind the death squads and ethnic cleansing:
20060415             —GRASPED, IRAQ—USA—OVERLORDS at last seem to have, the danger posed by their friends' militias.
20060415             —NOW as ignominious defeat looms for BUSH—BABYLONIAN folly, SOME—OF—THE—KEY—PLAYERS in fomenting the war are urging that the "FALLUJAH Option" be applied to 1—EVEN bigger target: BAGHDAD.
20060415             —DISILLUSIONED, Coming home —
20060415             —3—YEARS—AGO, I was 1—MARINE—CORPS CAPTAIN—ON—THE—IRAQI/KUWAIT—BORDER, participating in the invasion of IRAQ.
20060415             AWESTRUCK—I heard our howitzers thunder and watched artillery rockets rise into the night sky + streak toward IRAQ — their light bathing the desert moonscape like giant arc welders.
20060415             "Countdown to Jesus" - THE—CRUCIFIXION—OF—CHRIST, USA—STYLE—JERRY—GHINELLI
20060415             Vindication for the faithful, rejoicing for the true believers, it was the 2. coming of + he was coming to AMERICA.
20060415             Not to bring Armageddon, but to save mankind from Armageddon.
20060415             Wie die Kapitalflucht zeigt, konnte der nur kleine Abschlag die Investoren offensichtlich jedoch nicht beschwichtigen.
20060415             Inzwischen sei das Vermögen des einst mehr als 6—MILLIARDEN Euro schweren Fonds unter 5—MILLIARDEN Euro gefallen, schreibt "Die Welt".
20060415             Eine erneute SPERRUNG—DES—FONDS werde bei der DB Real Estate jedoch ausgeschlossen.
20060415             Bei den Wettbewerbern sei der Unmut über die DEUTSCHLAND—BANK—GROSS
20060415             So habe —BEREITS die SPERRUNG—DES—GRUNDBESITZ—INVEST —IM—DEZEMBER zu einer Massenflucht aus offenen Immobilienfonds geführt.
20060415             Anleger hätten in Panik insgesamt 8,2 Milliarden Euro abgezogen.
20060415             Ultimatum —BIS—DIENSTAG: TSCHAD droht Weltbank mit Zudrehen des Ölhahns
20060415             —GESUNKEN, Steuererklärung: Bushs Einkommen um 10 %
20060415             1—DEFIANT—SHEEN—CHALLENGES—OFFICIAL 20010911             —FABLE on National TV
20060415             1—DEFIANT—SHEEN—CHALLENGES—OFFICIAL 20010911             —FABLE on National TV Dares MILLIONS—OF—VIEWERS to "Do [their] own research" Prison Planet | Actor
20060415             As long as we are "considering conspiracy" we should consider her husband + her for outing themselves.
20060415             —NEEDED, If ever someone, exposed it is Plame + her lame husband.
20060415             I think we should consider 1—INVESTIGATION as to how this loser wrangled himself into 1—TRIP on our nickel so he could end up with 1—BOOK—DEAL.
20060415             If this woman's identity is such 1—ISSUE she should yank her husband OFF—OF—THE—TALK—CIRCUIT.
20060415             —POSTED—BY: NEO—CONCARNEY 20051002             —ON—1011—AM
20060415             Plunger: —JUST want to thank you for the succint and right on synopsis of what this is all about. isn't it incredible to consider that the majority of the bushbots, the mindless critons that they are, still BELIEVE that 20010911             was caused by hussein/IRAQ + that we have in fact found the wmd's ? !
20060415             and it this 'majority' that is responsible for electing fuhrer bush ?
20060415             so, in essence, all these souless souls who are living in 1—COMPLETE—STATE—OF—DELUSION, —JUST like their fuhrer, have been THE—DETERMINING force for the fact that the fuhrer remains in power ?
20060415             so tragically the full consequences of this evil synergy is yet to be fully realized. as you more or less allude too in your thoughts these evil souls will not give up their power at ANY—COST and are fully capable, with 1—GREAT—BOOST assit from the corporate media, of inventing / creating 'circumstances' that would lead to martial law and THE—SUSPENSION—OF—THE—USA—CONSTITUTION in order to sustain themselves in power.. god help us
20060415             —POSTED—BY: alias 20051002             —ON—1012—AM—NORMA—SHERRY is CO—FOUNDER of
20060415             —DEVOTED, TogetherForeverChanging_org, 1—ORGANIZATION, to educating, stimulating + igniting personal responsibility particularly with regards to our diminishing civil liberties.
20060415             She is also 1—AWARD—WINNING writer/producer and HOST—OF—TELEVISION—PROGRAM, THE—NORMA—SHERRY—SHOW, on WQXT—TV, FLORIDA.
20060415             Unabashedly, our PRESIDENT—AND—MANY—FROM both sides of the congressional fence tout the horrors of 911 and remind us of the "evil doers" that wish to destroy our WAY—OF—LIFE.
20060415             This administration uses this national assault to bolster its deeds and misdeeds in THE—NAME—OF—SECURITY.
20060415             WIDE—EYED and CLEAR—THROATED we were told in no uncertain terms of the proof that IRAQ had WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION.
20060415             Besides, he said, we know that SADDAM—HUSSEIN had the capability to make WMD.
20060415             He neglects to state he knows this because we, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, sold him the goods that would have enabled him to do so.
20060415             But, that's not important —NOW, is it?
20060415             —LEARNED, It wasn't —UNTIL MANY—MONTHS—LATER we, that not 1—SINGLE—SENATOR or congressman read the Act —BEFORE signing it into law.
20060415             Afterwards, MANY—OF—THEIR—VOICES, including ULTRA—CONSERVATIVE—LEADERS, BOB—BARR and Dick Armey, loudly proclaimed their regret in doing so.
20060415             —SINCE then we heard SENATOR—JOHN—CONYERS, 1—STRONG distracter of the actions of this administration, state that we are foolish if we think our representatives read anything that comes their way.
20060415             It's impossible he says, otherwise they'd get nothing done.
20060415             Partners in Defending TRUTH—BEGGARS—CHOOSERS
20060415             Concerned SCIENTISTS—CONGRESSIONAL Votes
20060415             CULTURE—OF—CORRUPTION—DEATH Penalty FOCUS—KARENA—BLOG - Liberty News TV
20060415             Thats Another Fine MESS—THE—BRAD—BLOG - THE—XSOCIATE—FILES
20060415             TN Guerilla WOMEN—TOPPLE BUSH—TV News Lies
20060415             What is the question? What is the debate about?
20060415             Did he lie and exaggerate intelligence reports for political purposes SOME—MONTHS back?
20060415             He still, clearly, obviously + without possible other explanation, is doing it —NOW.
20060415             Reference: Yahoo! NEWS—DID THE—PRESIDENT—LIE—ABOUT—WMD'S?
20060415             What Exactly Is THE—DEBATE? By THOMAS—J—BICO, EDITOR—IN—CHIEF
20060415             THE—UNINDICTED—DISGRACE—BUSH and his Fristian Lemmings are getting desperate.
20060415             They need to 'wag the dog pound' —NOW because 1—DOGGIE is not enough.
20060415             Liein' Leezy is already spreading THE—FRANK—LUNTZ/ARI—FLEISCHER spin they used in Invading IRAQ.
20060415             —CHANGED, The "Q" has only been, to an "N".
20060415             Maybe they can also recycle "Curveball's" Intelligence and lie to THE—UNITED—NATIONS again.
20060415             Old Scotty needs to be asked, How come TONY—BLAIR, THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—MEDIA and THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—PUBLIC knew the truth about those weather balloon trailers + that his gang didn't?
20060415             —MANAGED, Bush has, to alienate 12—MILLION—MEXICANS and 37—MILLION—POVERTY strickin "folks" without medicare.
20060415             That's more than 10—PERCENT—OF—THE—USA—POPULATION that's real close to being pissed off enough to start rioting.
20060415             But for Bush; it's —JUST another —DAY in the "Ivory Tower..". - - - Sorry; I meant "WHITE—HOUSE".
20060415             The scary thing is this desperate BUNCH—OF—IDIOTS, are going to bomb the crap out of IRAN with no Congressional approval.
20060415             GEORGE—W—BUSH—FALSELY—CLAIMING—USA—FOUND—MOBILE—BIO—LABS in IRAQ "We —RECENTLY found 2—MOBILE—BIOLOGICAL—WEAPONS—FACILITIES which were capable of producing biological agents".
20060415             Dwight D. Eisenhower from 1—TOMB—OF—QUOTES—FOUND at BuzzFlash "Here in AMERICA WE are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists + REBELS—MEN + women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine.
20060415             As their heirs, we may never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion".
20060415             CHRISTOPHER—H—SHEPPARD, FORMER—MARINE—CORPS CAPTAIN—ON—THE—INVASION—OF—IRAQ "I thought we were going to prove ALL—OF—THE—LEFT—WING antiwar protesters + dissenters wrong.
20060415             I thought we were going to make AMERICA SAFER.
20060415             REGRETTABLY—I acknowledge that it was I who was wrong".
20060415             "I didn't need Wilson to tell me that there wasn't 1—NIGER connection. He didn't tell us anything we didn't already know. I never believed it".
20060415             Streit um Erweiterung des Strafgesetzbuchs
20060415             Uneins ist sich die Union darüber, ob sie einen ZWANGSEHE—PARAGRAPHEN —NACH—DEM Vorschlag Bosbachs ins Strafgesetzbuch aufnehmen will.
20060415             Der CSU—INNENEXPERTE HANS—PETER—UHL hält das für "strafrechtlich schwer zu fassen" und forderte stattdessen eine Änderung des Ausländerrechts.
20060415             Die FDP—POLITIKERIN SABINE—LEUTHEUSSER—SCHNARRENBERGER kritisierte die "aktionistischen Forderungen".
20060415             "Der Straftatbestand der Nötigung ist durch den der Zwangsheirat längst ergänzt worden und —BEREITS—JETZT geltende Rechtslage".
20060415             INDIANA Jones of the Balkans and the mystery of 1—HIDDEN pyramid
20060415             DRIVE 20—MILES—NORTH—WEST—OF—SARAJEVO through the mountains of CENTRAL—BOSNIA and you enter the broad Visoko valley, dissected by the meandering Bosna River.
20060415             —WATCHED, Beyond the river sits THE—TOWN—OF—VISOKO, over by its minarets.
20060415             And beyond Visoko rises 1—EXTRAORDINARY triangular hill, 700ft (213m) high and looking for all the world like 1—ANCIENT—PYRAMID.
20060415             See also: Pyramids In BOSNIA—REAL Or Imaginary?
20060415             And: EXCAVATION—OF—BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—HILL may reveal 1. DISCOVERY—OF—EUROPEAN pyramid
20060415             Mysterious ice chunk falls in Loma Linda
20060415             OAKLAND isn't the only CALIFORNIA city to experience 1—MYSTERIOUS—CHUNK—OF—ICE hurtling from the sky —THIS—WEEK.
20060415             Bush Crew Buys Back Stolen Data by AFGHANISTAN—BASE.
20060415             THE—KEYSTONE—COPS—IN—CHARGE—OF our National Security.
20060415             E—MAILS Link Abramoff, Bush Official.
20060415             Okay, Name 1—TOP—BUSH—OFFICIAL—WHO—IS—CORRUPT, 1—LIAR, or Incompetent.
20060415             THE—ANSWER is, They All Are!
20060415             Help BuzzFlash Test It's New Expanded Progressive Marketplace for Democracy by Donating 1—DOLLAR.
20060415             It will look the same, but we have spent months making it much more customer friendly and with new features in the software that will help you, including payment options.
20060415             You can help us make sure that it is running TOP—NOTCH by donating 1—DOLLAR to the Buzz.
20060415             Right, that's all, 1—DOLLAR.
20060415             Bush Basically Tells AMERICA: "I—WOULD—NEVER—ASK—RUMSFELD to Resign.
20060415             —AFTER Dick and Me, Rummy is the Most Consistent Failure in the Administration.
20060415             You Don't Want to Pull 1—LOSING—PITCHER—WHEN—HE—GOT—SUCH 1—STINKER—OF—1—BAD—GAME—GOING, Do You?
20060415             Katrina vanden Heuvel: "As the spirited site Buzzflash_com put it this —MORNING, 'It's not that RUMSFELD—RESIGNATION would alone begin to turn this nation back from being run by THE—CREW—OF—THE—TITANIC, but
20060415             it would restore hope that there is SOME—ACCOUNTABILITY for the disastrous failure in performance by our 1-party Republican government.'" 4/15
20060415             BUZZFLASH—LAST—CHANCE—DEMOCRACY—CAFE: Read it with Your Coffee - Is your "Spidey sense" tingling too...?
20060415             Read this fascinating story from roughly —1—YEAR—AGO.
20060415             —PARTNERED, Giraldi is, with another FORMER—CIA—MAN, VINCENT—CANNISTRARO, who has had his eye on MICHAEL—LEDEEN
20060415             as 1—POSSIBLE—PERPETRATOR—OF—THE—NIGER forgeries.
20060415             —DECRIED, Ledeen, Cannistraro as 1—TRAFFICKER in "groundless" accusations.
20060415             But on THE—IRAN front, at least, Cannistraro and Associates seemed to be on the money.
20060415             Perhaps they were right about Ledeen as well...? See also here.
20060415             "The problem is that our policy has been all carrots + no sticks,"the [BUSH—ADMINISTRATION] adviser told 1—GATHERING—OF—ACADEMICS + outside strategists,
20060415             according to MEMBERS—OF—THE—AUDIENCE. "And the Iranians know it".
20060415             No sticks?
20060415             Armies in bordering countries do not qualify as being even vaguely STICK—LIKE?
20060415             —JUST what "carrots" have we, in fact, offered?
20060415             Better question: Why are authorities dishing out this dissembling swill?
20060415             The real scoop can be found in LOTS—OF—PLACES -- for example, WILLIAM—ARKIN—RECENT—COLUMN.
20060415             To my knowledge, the 1. to report on plans to use nukes against IRAN was FORMER—CIA—OFFICER—PHIL—GIRALDI, writing in the
20060415             USA—CONSERVATIVE.
20060415             LET—REVIEW: THE—PENTAGON, acting under instructions from VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY—OFFICE, has tasked THE—USA—STRATEGIC—COMMAND (STRATCOM) with drawing up 1—CONTINGENCY—PLAN to be employed in response to another 20010911             —TYPE terrorist attack on THE—USA.
20060415             The plan includes 1—LARGE—SCALE—AIR—ASSAULT—ON—IRAN employing both conventional and tactical nuclear weapons...
20060415             To war, to war, to war we're going to go...
20060415             Sure," said ELIOT—A—COHEN, 1—PROFESSOR at Johns Hopkins University who directed THE—AIR—FORCE—DEFINITIVE study of the 1. war against IRAQ.
20060415             "But I don't get 1—SENSE that people in the administration are champing at the bit to launch another war in the Persian Gulf".
20060415             So, —JUST what would it take to make the good professor get that sense?
20060415             Das Freitagsgebet ist überall auf der Welt der Höhepunkt —DER—WOCHE im Leben eines frommen Muslim.
20060415             Es war EIN—FREITAG, an dem ADAM—DAS—PARADIES betrat + es war EIN—FREITAG, an dem es wieder verließ.
20060415             "Wenn ihr auch nur 1—ZEICHEN—VON—AGGRESSION gegen das islamische Regime wagen solltet, dann werden wir euch mit unserer Faust einen Schlag aufs Maul geben".
20060415             Mit einer Anrufung Gottes endet seine Predigt:
20060415             Er möge dem geliebten IRAN Schutz und seinen verehrten Führern Erfolg gewähren und sie ALLE—ALS—SOLDATEN—DES—WALI—JE—ASR—ANNEHMEN—DES 12., des Verborgenen Imam.
20060415             "Beschleunige seine Auferstehung", beschwört er den Allmächtigen.
20060415             "Sie haben uns einen —MONAT Zeit gegeben, um die Forschung einzustellen", sagt er in Anspielung auf den UNO—SICHERHEITSRAT.
20060415             "—1—MONAT, —1—JAHR—IHR könnt uns so VIELE—ULTIMATEN geben, wie ihr wollt".
20060415             —BEDEUTET, IRAN bestehe auf seinem Recht + das, "dass wir —BIS zu unserem letzten Atemzug und mit unserem Blut für unser Recht geradestehen werden".
20060415             Die schiitischen und sunnitischen Brüder sehen sich einem gemeinsamen Feind gegenüber, der das Ziel verfolgt, den Islam anzugreifen.
20060415             Hier ist nicht nur die Rede von den Schiiten.
20060415             Es ist daher notwendig, dass die Schiiten und Sunniten in dieser Beziehung sich mehr um Zusammenhalt + Einigung der Herzen bemühen sollten.
20060415             Schiiten und Sunniten sollten brüderlich miteinander leben...
20060415             Mit dem Märchen über die Kernenergie wollen unsere Feinde 1—KRISE heraufbeschwören.
20060415             Nach internationaler Gepflogenheit ist es unser Recht, die Technik der Gewinnung von Kernenergie zu beherrschen.
20060415             Der Sicherheitsrat will uns zwingen, diese Technik nicht zu beherrschen.
20060415             Aber unsere Nation hat klar gesagt, dass wir unser Recht wollen.
20060415             Für dieses Recht stehen wir —BIS zu unserem letzten Atemzug und mit unserem Blut ein.
20060415             Alles, auch das nächtliche Bombardement der ISRAEL—LUFTWAFFE, folge einer großen göttlichen Weisheit:
20060415             "Hasse nicht das Böse, es könnte 1—GABE—GOTTES für dich sein".
20060415             Das ist die islamistische Antwort auf die FRAGE—DER—THEODIZEE: Wenn Gott allmächtig ist, warum ist dann so viel Übel in der Welt?
20060415             Es ist eine dialektische Denkfigur, die —SEIT langem den Diskurs der Islamisten bestimmt:
20060415             Je härter uns der Feind schlägt, je deutlicher er uns seine vermeintliche Überlegenheit vorführt, desto enger rücken wir zusammen, desto entschlossener sind wir, ihm entgegenzutreten.
20060415             Klar sind dagegen die Fronten in PALÄSTINA, noch klarer die in IRAN.
20060415             —25—MINUTEN lang spricht Imam Talal AL—MADSCHDALAWI im GAZA—STREIFEN über den bevorstehenden Prophetengeburtstag und über die Notwendigkeit, ständig über Gott und den heiligen Koran nachzudenken.
20060415             Dann folgt, in den letzten —5—MINUTEN, das politische Resümee seiner Predigt: "—GESTERN sind auf uns 200—GESCHOSSE abgefeuert worden", sagt der Imam.
20060415             "Was hindert uns daran, beim Einschlag JEDES—GESCHOSSES an Gott zu denken?"
20060415             Mit gleichem Eifer sollen die Gläubigen aber auch den Koran lesen: "Da gibt es keine Ausrede. Niemand kann behaupten, er könne den Koran nicht lesen. Habt ihr keine Computer, keine CDs?"
20060415             —GETAN, Der Prophet vergab denen, die Unrecht an ihm, hatten.
20060415             Er vergab dem Mörder seines Onkels Hamsa.
20060415             Er verzieh seinen Landsleuten, —NACHDEM sie ihn aus Mekka vertrieben hatten.
20060415             Der Islam verbreitete sich über die ganze Welt durch Argumente und Überzeugung, nicht aber mit dem Schwert, wie die Feinde des Islam behaupten.
20060415             Der Islam benutzte das Schwert nur dann, wenn er angegriffen wurde...
20060415             Der Prophet verbot Extremismus und Fanatismus.
20060415             Er sagte: "Ich wurde von der Großzügigkeit des Himmels selbst entsandt. —DIE—NACHT wurde zum —TAGE. Wer von diesem Wege abweicht, fällt dem Verderben anheim".
20060415             Die Religion wirkt auf manche wie 1—IRRGARTEN.
20060415             Betretet ihn mit Vorsicht, denn wer immer sich der Religion als Extremist nähert, kommt in seinem Extremismus um.
20060415             —VERSUCHT, Musharraf, nicht nur, den Westen und die USA zufriedenzustellen, sondern für immer an der Macht zu bleiben".
20060415             Der Maulana Khalil Ahmad verglich im PAKISTAN—PESCHAWAR die monotheistischen Weltreligionen und pries, wenig überraschend, den Islam als die vollendetste:
20060415             "Vor allem im CHRISTEN—UND Judentum sowie im Kommunismus herrschen Widersprüche vor".
20060415             "Setze mich über die Speicher des Landes; siehe, ich bin ein kluger Hüter", schlägt Josef in der nach ihm benannten KORAN—SURE dem Pharao vor.
20060415             —GEWESEN, Niemand sei je ein derart effizienter Manager, wie Josef, so der Imam in JAKARTA.
20060415             An seinen Fähigkeiten sollten die Führer der Gegenwart sich orientieren, denn "Korruption, Trägheit und Betrug bringen Zerstörung hervor".
20060415             Dagegen belohne Gott Sachverstand und eine "strikte Arbeitsethik" mit Glück und Erfüllung.
20060415             Doch diese prekäre Weltlage kommt beispielsweise in der Predigt von Didin Hafiduddin, dem Imam der ISTIQLAL—MOSCHEE in JAKARTA, nicht vor.
20060415             Seine Ansprache in einem der größten Gebetshäuser der Welt trug den Titel "Professionalität und ehrliche Treuhänderschaft" und hörte sich an wie 1—VORTRAG auf dem Weltwirtschaftsforum in Davos.
20060415             Hafiduddin erzählte den Gläubigen im bevölkerungsreichsten islamischen Land der Erde vom Israeliten Josef, dem Wirtschaftslenker im Dienste des ÄGYPTEN—PHARAO.
20060415             —VERSUCHT, Er, die auch in der Bibel erwähnte Geschichte auf das moderne INDONESIEN zu übertragen, einen STAAT, der den Kampf gegen die Korruption aufgenommen hat.
20060415             Zwischen IRAN und dem Westen zeichnete sich —BEREITS die nächste Zuspitzung im Atomkonflikt ab.
20060415             Hohe religiöse Würdenträger nannten die Forderung der Uno, die Urananreicherung einzustellen, inakzeptabel.
20060415             Das Weiße Haus, enthüllte dann am Wochenende das Intellektuellenblatt "THE—NEW—YORKER", beschleunige die Ausarbeitung der Pläne für einen Militärschlag auf Irans Atomanlagen.
20060415             Der Mullahstaat wiederum, verkündete PRÄSIDENT—MAHMUD—AHMADINEDSCHAD, habe erfolgreich Uran angereichert und sei —NUN Mitglied im Club der Atommächte.
20060415             —IN—DER—NACHT zuvor hatte die ISRAEL—ARMEE 2—BÜROS der AKSA—BRIGADEN im GAZA—STREIFEN beschossen;
20060415             die USA + die Europäische Union kündigten an, der HAMAS—REGIERUNG ihre Finanzhilfen zu streichen.
20060415             —IN der IRAK—STADT Nadschaf riss AM—DONNERSTAGEINE Bombe 10—MENSCHEN in den Tod, 70—WEITERE starben in Bagdad, als sie nach der Freitagspredigt die Moschee verließen.
20060415             Die Washingtoner Regierung machte deutlich, dass sie keine neuerliche Kandidatur des Amtsinhabers IBRAHIM—AL—DSCHAAFARI für den Posten des IRAK—PREMIERMINISTERS will.
20060415             —IN der den Extremisten der Hamas nahestehenden Moschee im Flüchtlingslager Dschabalija endete die Freitagspredigt mit einem Aufruf an die Palästinenser, sich gegen die Besatzungsmacht ISRAEL zu wehren.
20060415             Die Predigt hielt Imam Talal AL—MADSCHDALAWI, 38. Als die Juden aus dem GAZA—STREIFEN abzogen, dachten wir, dass wir ALLE—FREIHEIT—DER—WELT gewonnen hätten.
20060415             Dann kam das Bombardement.
20060415             Dies ist 1—ZEICHEN, ihr Gläubigen, dass euer Kampf mit den Juden noch lange nicht zu Ende ist.
20060415             Es ist der Beweis, dass der —KONFLIKT nicht unter uns und zwischen uns stattfindet, sondern mit den ungläubigen Juden.
20060415             Deshalb solltet ihr bei jedem Raketeneinschlag sagen: Gott sei gepriesen, es gibt keinen Gott außer dem Einen + Er ist unser Beschützer.
20060415             Wir sagen den Juden: "Was ihr —HEUTE mit uns macht, steht geschrieben im Buch Gottes".
20060415             Dort heißt es: "Ihr werdet Angst und Hunger erleiden".
20060415             Aber auch wir werden in den Herzen derer, die uns —HEUTE Angst und Hunger bringen, solche Angst und Furcht säen, wie sie sie nie zuvor kennengelernt haben.
20060415             Wir sollten uns mit Gottes Hilfe vor nichts fürchten.
20060415             Wir dürfen uns nicht bei jedem Einschlag eines Geschosses oder bei JEDER—DROHUNG erschrecken.
20060415             Das macht uns keine Angst.
20060415             Das soll uns stark machen im Kampf gegen die Juden.
20060415             Der Befund ist vielschichtig, als Faustregel kann gelten:
20060415             Je virulenter 1—KONFLIKT erscheint, in dem sich fromme Muslime vom säkularen Westen bedroht sehen, desto eifernder rufen auch die Prediger zu gottgefälligem Kampf auf.
20060415             im Westen verfestigt hat: dass die Moschee vom Gebetshaus zu einem Hort des Extremismus geworden sei, zu einem Zentrum islamistischer Indoktrination.
20060415             Der Kampf der Kulturen, so auch in DEUTSCHLAND die gar nicht so heimliche Angst, sei längst in voller Schärfe entbrannt.
20060415             —IN—DIESEM—JAHR endete Mohammeds Rückkehr allerdings in einem Blutbad: 57—MENSCHEN kamen in Karatschi ums Leben, als 1—SELBSTMORDATTENTÄTER beim Gebet 1—BOMBE zündete.
20060415             —IN PAKISTAN setzen die Gläubigen einen als Beduinen verkleideten Knaben auf 1—PFERD + lassen ihn durch die Straße reiten:
20060415             die Wiederkehr des Propheten in KINDESGESTALT—KEIN Widerspruch offenbar zum sonst vehement verteidigten Bilderverbot.
20060415             Die Ägypter feiern den Prophetengeburtstag, den Maulid AL—NABI, als 1—ART islamisches Weihnachtsfest.
20060415             —IN den Städten des Nildeltas ziehen Tausende mit Trommeln + Trompeten durch die Straßen, die Mädchen bekommen Puppen, die Jungen kleine Pferde aus Zucker geschenkt.
20060415             Es ist das größte religiöse Volksfest in ÄGYPTEN.
20060415             —GESEHEN, Evolutionär, ist das höchst sinnvoll: Schwarmbildung ist für VIELE—FISCHARTEN eine zentrale Überlebensstrategie.
20060415             Im Verband können die Tiere angreifende Räuber schneller erkennen + sogar mittels koordinierter Manöver täuschen.
20060415             Zudem können Schwarmfische Nahrungsquellen effizienter orten + erschließen.
20060415             Ein eingespieltes Team hat in kritischen Situationen bessere Überlebenschancen.
20060415             Die Fische verlassen sich auf die individuellen Stärken von vertrauten Artgenossen und fühlen sich deshalb sicherer.
20060415             "Da scheinen sie uns Menschen ziemlich ähnlich zu sein", sagt Magurran.
20060415             Das Sozialverhalten ist bei Weibchen deutlich ausgeprägter als bei den fast ununterbrochen balzenden Männchen.
20060415             Guppys (Poecilia reticulata) sind weltweit beliebte Aquarienfische.
20060415             Ihr Heimat sind die tropischen Flüsse OST—VENEZUELAS und der Insel Trinidad.
20060415             Trotz der geringen Größe von maximal 6—ZENTIMETERN + einer Lebensdauer von höchstens —5—JAHREN verfügt diese Art über evolutionäre Errungenschaften wie
20060415             lebendgebärende Weibchen + penisartig umgestaltete Afterflossen bei Männchen.
20060415             So beobachteten SCHWEDEN—WISSENSCHAFTLER kooperatives Verhalten bei Stichlingen: Werden sie im selben Aquarium gehalten, geht der Futterneid unter den Tieren zurück.
20060415             Über die Beständigkeit solcher Beziehungen wusste man jedoch WENIG—BIS —JETZT.
20060415             —IN einer neuen Studie konnten die Biologinnen Anurandha Bhat + ANNE—MAGURRAN—VON—DER—SCHOTTLAND—UNIVERSITY—OF—S—ANDREWS nachweisen, daß Guppys ihre Schwarmgenossen auch nach einer längeren Trennung wiedererkennen
20060415             GROSSBRITANNIEN—LOBESHYMNE: "GERMANY is coming back!"
20060415             SERBIEN: Häftling vernäht sich die Lippen
20060415             IRAN—KRISE: Peres sieht Ahmadinedschad enden wie Saddam
20060415             EX—YUKOS—CHEF—CHODORKOWSKI: Mithäftling greift Ölbaron an
20060415             ARCHÄOLOGIE—TOURISMUS: PYRAMIDEN—WUNDER beflügelt Bosnier
20060415             Rückzug aufs Land: QUEEN findet ihr Leben zu stressig
20060415             Arbeitsmarkt: Bundesagentur sieht Osten vor Abwärtsspirale
20060415             Cap Bon: Wo AFRIKA EUROPA die Hand reicht
20060415             Unterschätzte Fische: Guppys sind treu und mutig
20060415             Hauptversammlungen: Aktionäre auf Absahnertour
20060415             USA—LAGER GUANTANAMO: Rumsfeld soll Misshandlungen erlaubt haben
20060415             ITALIEN—WAHL: Berlusconi erklärt sich zum Sieger der Herzen
20060415             Steuererklärung: CHENEY verdient 13—MAL mehr als BUSH—ALFATOMEGA.com/20060415.html
20060415             —SATURDAYIS Last —DAY—OF—TEST.
20060415             2004062426_Report 20030300             invasion of IRAQ, FORMER—RUSSIA—PRIME—MINISTER—YEVGENY—PRIMAKOV said...
20060415             GORBSKY—FINDINGS appear in the
20060415             —MANIPULIERT, IRAK/USA: "Wahlen" im IRAK von den USA, - Angriff auf IRAN —IM—JUNI? // GROSSBRITANNIEN und die Folter //...
20060415             Maybe that's why Rumsfeld is the way he is...)
20060415             Here's the truth, according to JUAN—COLE: Despite all the sloppy and inaccurate headlines about IRAN "going nuclear," the fact is that all PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD said —ON—TUESDAY was that it had enriched uranium to 1—MEASELY 3.5 %, using 1—BANK—OF—180—CENTRIFUGES hooked up so that they "cascade".
20060415             —CARRIED, CHINA has, off the world's largest reduction in poverty: CHINA is about to adopt its 11. —5—YEAR—PLAN, setting the stage for the continuation of probably the most remarkable economic transformation in history, —WHILE improving the wellbeing of almost 1—QUARTER—OF—THE—WORLD—POPULATION.
20060415             Terrorist 'lookalike' wins $27.5m : In 1—VICTORY for critics of racial profiling, 1—JURY in EL—PASO, TEXAS, ordered SOUTH—WEST—AIRLINES to pay damages to Samantha Carrington for false imprisonment and malicious prosecution —AFTER she was bundled off 1—FLIGHT and arrested because flight attendants found her appearance suspicious.
20060415             USA—IRAN Clash Ahead : THE—USA—AND—IRAN seem to have firmly set on 1—PATH that leads to THE—HELL—OF—WAR.
20060415             Must WATCH—USA—BLOCKS UN draft pressing ISRAEL to end attacks : THE—USA—ON—THURSDAY blocked A—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL—STATEMENT drafted by Arab nations and aimed at putting pressure on ISRAEL to stop military strikes.
20060415             But it may be too LATE—DEAD—CITIES
20060415             Bei den Wettbewerbern sei der Unmut über die DEUTSCHLAND—BANK—GROSS—SO habe —BEREITS die SPERRUNG—DES—GRUNDBESITZ—INVEST —IM—DEZEMBER zu einer Massenflucht aus offenen Immobilienfonds geführt.
20060415             —NUN könnte die negative Entwicklung beim Fonds der DEUTSCHLAND—BANK erneut auf die übrigen Produkte durchschlagen. phw/dpa
20060415             —JUST weeks —AFTER 911—PRESIDENT—BUSH succeeded in getting THE—USA—PATRIOT—ACT signed into law.
20060415             Gee, I wonder if THE—WHITE—HOUSE will apologize —WHEN the civil war starts in AMERICA.
20060415             Zwangsverheiratungen seien in DEUTSCHLAND —BEREITS—HEUTE strafbar, sagte die FRÜHERE—BUNDESJUSTIZMINISTERIN —AM—SAMSTAG in BERLIN.
20060415             I—KNOW, I—WAS 1—GENERAL—MANAGER".
20060415             Katrina vanden Heuvel: "As the spirited site Buzzflash_com put it this —MORNING, 'It's not that RUMSFELD—RESIGNATION would alone begin to turn this nation back from being run by THE—CREW—OF—THE—TITANIC, but it would restore hope that there is SOME—ACCOUNTABILITY for the disastrous failure in performance by our 1—PARTY—REPUBLICAN government.'" 4/15
20060415             —PARTNERED, Giraldi is, with another FORMER—CIA—MAN, VINCENT—CANNISTRARO, who has had his eye on MICHAEL—LEDEEN as 1—POSSIBLE—PERPETRATOR—OF—THE—NIGER forgeries.
20060415             —FROM THE—NYT : "Is it 1—GOOD thing for the Iranians to think there are occasions where THE—USA would use force?
20060415             JEDE—BELEIDIGUNG—DES—PROPHETEN ist 1—BELEIDIGUNG der ganzen Religion.
20060415             Der Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen ist selbst 1—FAKTOR—DER—UNSICHERHEIT und der Ungerechtigkeit geworden, anstatt 1—PLATZ für die Sicherheit der Welt zu sein...
20060415             Das ist 1—GESETZ—DES—DSCHUNGELS, denn es besagt: Wer stärker ist, kann sich durchsetzen.
20060415             Die Nachrichtenlage am vorvergangenen —FREITAG hielt ALLE—ZUTATEN für eine dramatische politische Predigt bereit:
20060415             USA—LAGER GUANTANAMO: Rumsfeld soll Misshandlungen erlaubt haben 20060415             ITALIEN—WAHL: Berlusconi erklärt sich zum Sieger der Herzen 20060415             Steuererklärung: Cheney verdient 13—MAL mehr als Bush
20060415             —GESUNKEN, Steuererklärung : Bush s Einkommen um 10 %... alfatomega.com/20060415.html
20060415             —BEKOMMT, Die Debatte um die Ursprünge des Menschen, neue Nahrung: Forscher haben... "Venus Express " 1. Bilder unseres Nachbarplaneten zur Erde gesendet.
20060415—20010911    —SEIT—DEM, Sie sind einem Verdacht nachgegangen, der sich über —JAHRE, zumal ,
20060415—20020000    —IN—LATE, SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—DONALD—RUMSFELD could be criminally liable for the torture of 1—DETAINEE at GUANTANAMO Bay and early 20030000             , Human Rights Watch said —TODAY.
20060415—20020000    —EARMARKED, THERE—SOMETHING funny going on: Although THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, IRAN as being PART—OF—THE—SO—CALLED—AXIS—OF—EVIL back, THE—CIA was forced to shut down 1—OF—ITS most successful penetrations of 1—IRAN—ESPIONAGE—OPERATION.
20060415—20030712    —DIRECTED, VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY, his THEN—CHIEF—OF—STAFF, I. Lewis "Scooter" LIBBY, to leak to the media portions of 1—THEN—HIGHLY classified CIA report that CHENEY hoped would undermine THE—CREDIBILITY—OF—FORMER—AMBASSADOR—JOSEPH—C—WILSON
20060415—20050000    —YEAR, 42 %: That is the %age of your FEDERAL—INCOME—TAXES that went to pay for past wars and the military in fiscal (FY05), the —YEAR for which we are —NOW filing our income tax returns.
20060415—20060417    —KILLED, SOUTH—SUDAN, 15—PEOPLE including 11—CIVILIANS were, in clashes between militia fighters, straining 1—DEAL that ended the country's NORTH—SOUTH—CIVIL—WAR.
20060415—20060709    —ON, Even —NOW in THE—FACE—OF—THE—TRUTH, PRESIDENT—BUSH said to 1—THRONG—OF—SUPPORTERS that we —JUST haven't found THE—WMD yet.
20060415—20130000    —FREED, Ross (51) was, from —AFTER nearly —7—YEARS behind bars.
20060415—20140000    —FILED, Ross, a $32—MILLION civil rights lawsuit against OAKLAND.
20060424             VI, 543); or by 1—RESOLUTION dropped in the hopper by 1—MEMBER and referred to 1—COMMITTEE (19700415             , p. 11941-42;
20060908—19850415    —ON, Angered by the revelations about his pet "FREEDOM—FIGHTERS," Reagan denounced Brody in 1—SPEECH.
20061025             [20040415             ]
20070301120415       Kreuz Dem Bistum S—DIEGO ( USA ) stehen rund 150—KLAGEN wegen Kindsmissbrauch ins Haus...
20070301—20080415    —CONVICTED—OF, Palfrey was, racketeering and other charges.
20070401—20070415    —ON, SE—UK † from his wounds.
20070415             Speaking rarely in public —SINCE his wrongful incarceration and subsequent $2—MILLION—SETTLEMENT with THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT, Mayfield, aided by 1—OF—HIS—ATTORNEY s, Elden Rosenthal, told his story 20070308             to 1—SOLOMON—LEGACY luncheon at the Benson Hotel where he made the 4. Amendment (unreasonable search) 1—KEY—ISSUE.
20070415             —POSTED—BY ro 20070315             —ON. at 4:38pm in
20070415             wtc 7—POSTED—BY ro 20070315             —ON—438—PM in in THE—NEWS—AT 5 30—PM
20070415             PrairiePundit: 20060401—20060501              20070430             0 20070401—20070408     World News Journal:
20070415             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—RUSSIAN—INTELLIGENCE—CLAIMS widely reported by media STEVE—WATSON—INFOWARS_NET—MONDAY, 20070402             LAST—WEEKEND saw widespread
20070415             Daily Voting News For 20070406             20070407             | JOHN—GIDEON.
20070415             Scoop: UQ Wire: PORTER—GOSS—RESIGNATION—SOLVED—DAILY—VOTING—NEWS—FOR 20070406             20070407             | JOHN—GIDEON... "The creative DEALINGS—OF—DEFENDANT EL—BATRAWI partly explains how this money disappeared so...
20070415             —REQUESTED, In his letter, Waxman, that THE—WHITE—HOUSE provide documents relating to THE—WHITE—HOUSE—MZM contracts as soon as possible, but in no case —LATER than —FRIDAY, 20070406             .
20070415             PrairiePundit: 20060401—20060501              20070415             White Collar Crime Prof Blog: 20060409—20060415  com reports (here) that the grand jury began hearing testimony about —1—MONTH.
20070415             White Collar Crime Prof Blog: 20060409—20060415 .
20070415             Alert ISRAEL 20070410             EGYPT—TROOPS—ARREST—PALESTINIAN in...
20070415             WASHINGTON, 20070412             —PAUL—D—WOLFOWITZ, THE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—WORLD—BANK, apologized —TODAY for his role in arranging 1—HIGHLY paid job at THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT for 1—WOMAN with whom he has 1—PERSONAL—RELATIONSHIP.
20070415             —CANCELED, Airlines, over 400—FLIGHTS in THE—NEW—YORK—CITY—AREA as 1—HARD—BLOWING nor'easter gathered strength along THE—EAST—COAST.
20070415             —BLAMED, The storm out of the Great Plains was already, for 5—DEATHS.
20070415             —REPORTED, Researchers, that cells that are supposed to nourish and support other nerve cells instead secrete the poisons that cause amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as LOU—GEHRIG—DISEASE.
20070415             —UNVEILED, Scientists, the world's tiniest eyedropper, capable of squeezing out zeptoliter droplets.
20070415             1—FIRE in QUINCY—ILLINOIS, killed 5—CHILDREN.
20070415             —ARRESTED, Police, ZACHARY—MEEKS, —27—JAHRE—ALT, 1—COUSIN who had 1—GRUDGE with the victim's parents stemming from 1—DRUG—RELATED prison sentence.
20070415             —PROMISED, AFGHANISTAN—GOVERNMENT, to end all hostage deals with the Taliban —AFTER 2—AFGHANISTAN—KIDNAP victims were executed in 1—AGREEMENT to free 1—ITALY—JOURNALIST.
20070415             —TARGETED, In SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, 1—PRIVATE—USA—SECURITY—FIRM, killing up to 4—AFGHANS working for the company and wounding another.
20070415             GHAZNI, province, SOUTH—WEST—OF—KABUL, 1—CLASH between AFGHANISTAN—FORCES and insurgents left 15—MILITANTS—DEAD and 15 wounded.
20070415             —ATTACKED, Police and USA—LED coalition forces, suspected Taliban insurgents crossing from PAKISTAN into AFGHANISTAN, killing 10—MILITANTS and wounding 15.
20070415             —ARRESTED, Authorities in BANGLADESH, a 2. SON—OF—FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—KHALEDA—ZIA, as THE—MILITARY—BACKED interim government stepped up its ANTI—CORRUPTION—DRIVE.
20070415             —RELEASED, ARAFAT—RAHMAN, —36—JAHRE—ALT was, the —NEXT—DAY.
20070415             —HIJACKED, BELGIUM, 2—MEN, 1—HELICOPTER and forced the pilot to land in 1—PRISON courtyard, where they picked up 1—INMATE in 1—DRAMATIC jailbreak.
20070415             —IDENTIFIED, RTL—TVI, the fugitive as 1—FRENCHMAN who was in pretrial detention on CHARGES—OF—FRAUD and theft.
20070415             —VOTED, Ecuadoreans, on whether to create 1—SPECIAL—ASSEMBLY to rewrite their constitution.
20070415             —SUPPORTED, Exit polls said voters overwhelmingly, PRESIDENT—CORREA—PLAN to remake the nation's SYSTEM—OF—GOVERNMENT and weaken its discredited Congress.
20070415             IRAN said it is seeking bids for the building of 2—MORE—NUCLEAR—POWER—PLANTS, despite INTERNATIONAL pressures to curb its controversial program.
20070415             4—BOMBS exploded in predominantly Shiite sections of BAGHDAD, killing at least 37—PEOPLE in 1—RENEWAL—OF—SECTARIAN—CARNAGE.
20070415             MANY—WOMEN and children were among the casualties.
20070415             —DUMPED, THE—NUMBER—OF—BODIES found, in BAGHDAD increased sharply to 30. THE—NUMBER—OF—DETAINEES held in USA—RUN—FACILITIES in IRAQ reached 18,000, with 1—AVERAGE stay of —1—YEAR.
20070415             —DISCUSSED, Israeli and PALESTINE—LEADERS, the outlines of PALESTINE—STATEHOOD for the 1. time in —6—YEARS, taking 1—MODEST—STEP toward breaking the long paralysis in peacemaking.
20070415             1—14—YEAR—OLD—matador who left SPAIN to escape his home country's ban on young bullfighters was nearly gored to death in 1—MEXICAN—CITY ring, his lung punctured by a 900-pound bull.
20070415             † NIGERIA—MASS—DAILY—NEWSPAPERS reported that DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE —DURING state elections, as results began to emerge from state elections that were marred by rigging and violence.
20070415             —RALLIED, PAKISTAN, some 100,000—PEOPLE, in KARACHI against 1—RADICAL—ISLAMIC—MOSQUE and seminary that launched 1—TALIBAN—STYLE—ANTI—VICE campaign in ISLAMABAD —LAST—WEEK.
20070415             3—EXPLOSIONS hit GAZA—City, damaging 2—INTERNET—CAFES and 1—CHRISTIAN bookstore.
20070415             PALESTINE—SECURITY—OFFICIALS have said they suspect 1—SECRET "vice squad" of Muslim militants.
20070415             —KILLED, THE—PHILIPPINES—MARINES, at least 8—MUSLIM rebels and captured 2—OF—THEIR—CAMPS in retaliation for 1—SERIES—OF—ATTACKS that killed 1—CHILD and 2—SOLDIERS.
20070415             —LAUNCHED, RUSSIA, its 1. new generation nuclear submarine —SINCE THE—FALL—OF—THE—SOVIET—UNION, as the Kremlin seeks to upgrade its undersea nuclear strike force.
20070415             RUSSIA began CONSTRUCTION—OF—ITS 1. floating nuclear power plant, and planned to build at least 6—MORE despite LONG—STANDING environmental concerns that they are vulnerable to accidents at sea.
20070415             —CLASHED, S—PETERSBURG, RUSSIA, CLUB—SWINGING riot police, with opposition supporters as 1—ANTI—KREMLIN protest dispersed.
20070415             —CHASED, Police, small GROUPS—OF—DEMONSTRATORS, beating some on the ground and hauling them into police buses.
20070415             —REPORTED, The official SAUDI—ARABIA—NEWS—AGENCY, that SUDAN has signed 1—JOINT—AGREEMENT with THE—UN and THE—AFRICA—UNION that defines their respective roles in Darfur.
20070415             —IN Ghazni province, SOUTH—WEST—OF—KABUL, 1—CLASH between AFGHANISTAN—FORCES and insurgents left 15—MILITANTS—DEAD and 15—WOUNDED.
20070415             Blind UNITED—KINGDOM—AVIATOR—MILES—HILTON—BARBER, With the aid of CO—COPILOT RICHARD—MEREDITH—HARDY, landed his microlight aircraft in JAKARTA to complete another leg of his LONDON—SYDNEY charity flight.
20070415             —IN RUSSIA 1—KEEL—LAYING ceremony was held in SEVERODVINSK, on the White Sea, for the new 460-foot MIKHAIL—LOMONOSOV, a $360—MILLION—DEMONSTRATION ship capable of providing 76-megawatts of nuclear power to 1—ONSHORE location.
20070415             NEW—YORK Post; Exposing the Lies
20070415             BG (The title of this post is TONGUE—IN—CHEEK, of course.) clipped from
20070415             MOORE'S 'SICKO' STUNT TAKES 20010911             —WORKERS TO CUBA
20070415             Filmmaker MICHAEL—MOORE—PRODUCTION—COMPANY took ailing Ground 0—RESPONDERS to CUBA in 1—STUNT aimed at showing that THE—USA—HEALTH—CARE—SYSTEM is inferior to Fidel CASTRO—SOCIALIZED medicine, according to several sources with KNOWLEDGE—OF—THE—TRIP.
20070415             NICO—GETS—IT—WRONG
20070415             —RELATED, Whether or not proof is forthcoming, to "exotic" weapons used at Ground 0, STEVEN—JONES will soon be publishing "iron clad" research that proves thermite related accelerants/explosives were used.
20070415             —BASED, This proof is, on the particles recovered from THE—WTC dust samples.
20070415             (Related Independent Supporting Research Found Here:
20070415             clipped from - 1—INITIAL—MICROSTRUCTURAL—ANALYSIS—OF—A36 Steel from WTC Building 7—RAPID—DETERIORATION—OF—THE—STEEL was 1—RESULT—OF—HEATING with oxidation in combination with intergranular melting due to the presence of sulfur.
20070415             The formation of the eutectic MIXTURE—OF—IRON—OXIDE and iron sulfide lowers the temperature at which liquid can form in this steel.
20070415             This strongly suggests that the temperatures in this REGION—OF—THE—STEEL beam approached ~1,000ºC, forming the eutectic liquid by 1—PROCESS—SIMILAR to making a "blacksmith's weld" in 1—HAND forge.
20070415             This new development puts NICO—HAUPT and JUDY—WOOD on the spot to justify their high energy CRITICISM—OF—JONES and his work.
20070415             THE—CREDIBILITY—OF—THE—JONES—JONES—TANDEM (Alex "Scientology" Jones, Steven "Los Alamos" Jones) finally turned into toast.
20070415             THE—NATION writer and CAPITAL—TIMES—ASSOCIATE—EDITOR—JOHN—NICHOLS brings up 1 damned good question -- if THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION fired FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS for not abusing their offices for political purposes, shouldn't we be more concerned about the attorney s they didn't fire than the ones they did?
20070415             What did these people do to keep their jobs?
20070415             THE—CAPITAL—TIMES : The question of whether ANY—OF—THE—85—USA—ATTORNEY s who were not fired by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION may have engaged in political prosecutions blew OPEN—TUESDAY, —WHEN WISCONSIN Russ Feingold and Russ Kohl joined other key MEMBERS—OF—THE—SENATE—JUDICIARY—COMMITTEE in demanding files pertaining to the botched prosecution of GEORGIA—THOMPSON.
20070415             RYAN—MCGREAL—MILES—AWAY from Whole TRUTH—REALLY?
20070415             Are MOBILE phones wiping out our bees?
20070415             It seems like the plot of 1—PARTICULARLY—FAR—FETCHED horror film.
20070415             But SOME—SCIENTISTS suggest that our love of THE—MOBILE—PHONE could cause massive food shortages, as the world's harvests fail.
20070415             They are putting forward the theory that radiation given off by MOBILE phones and other HI—TECH—GADGETS is 1—POSSIBLE—ANSWER to 1—OF—THE—MORE—BIZARRE—MYSTERIES ever to happen in the natural WORLD—THE abrupt disappearance of the bees that pollinate crops.
20070415             —CLAIMED, Late —LAST—WEEK, SOME—BEE—KEEPERS, that THE—PHENOMENON—WHICH started in THE—USA, then spread to continental EUROPE—WAS beginning to hit BRITAIN as well.
20070415             The theory is that radiation from MOBILE phones interferes with bees' navigation systems, preventing the famously homeloving species from finding their way back to their hives.
20070415             Improbable as it may seem, there is —NOW evidence to back this up.
20070415             Background - Science Daily — Dream journals being kept by students in 1—COLLEGE psychology class have provided researchers with 1—UNIQUE—LOOK at how people experienced the events of 20010911             , including the influence that television COVERAGE—OF—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER—ATTACKS had on people's LEVELS—OF—STRESS.
20070415             Privacy CONCERNS—JAKE—BERNSTEIN - TEXAS Observer
20070415             —UNPRECEDENTED, TEXAS is amassing an, AMOUNT—OF—INFORMATION on its citizens.
20070415             Piece by piece, GOVERNOR—RICK—PERRY—HOMELAND—SECURITY—OFFICE is gathering massive AMOUNTS—OF—INFORMATION about TEXAS residents and merging it to create the most exhaustive centralized database in state history.
20070415             —HOUSED, Warehoused far from TEXAS on servers, at 1—PRIVATE—COMPANY in LOUISVILLE—KENTUCKY, THE—TEXAS—DATA—EXCHANGE -- TDEx to those in the loop -- is designed to be 1—ALL—ENCOMPASSING intelligence database.
20070415             —SUPPOSED, It is, to help catch criminals, ferret out terror ist cells + allow disparate law enforcement agencies to share information.
20070415             More than $3.6—MILLION has been spent on the project so far + it already has TENS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—RECORDS.
20070415             —ALLOWED, At least 7,000 users are presently, access to this information + tens of thousands more are anticipated.
20070415             Not only did THE—3—FEDERAL—JUDGES—IMMEDIATELY give Thompson her freedom, but they also delivered 1—SMACK—DOWN to THE—MILWAUKEE—OFFICE—OF—USA—ATTORNEY—STEVEN—BISKUPIC, calling the evidence in the case "beyond thin".
20070415             WHITE—HOUSE lost 5—MILLION E—MAILS, CREW reveals
20070415             5—MILLION E—MAILS were lost by THE—WHITE—HOUSE according to 1—JUST—RELEASED report from CREW
20070415             called "WITHOUT 1—TRACE: THE—MISSING—WHITE—HOUSE—EMAILS and the Violations of the Presidential Records Act".
20070415             5—MILLION...that's insane.
20070415             —EXPLAINED, As I, in the post below,
20070415             Bush staffers have been already been using separate RNC E—MAIL accounts to conduct official business in order to avoid the law and hide evidence.
20070415             How? Because WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS are supposed to use WHITE—HOUSE—EMAIL—ACCOUNTS and WHITE—HOUSE—BLACKBERRYS to conduct official business (this is required under FEDERAL—LAW and under THE—WHITE—HOUSE—OWN—EXPLICIT—RULES).
20070415             Homeland Insecurity
20070415             BRANDON—MAYFIELD stands up for USA 4. Amendment FBI victim delivers calm plea to Jewish lawyers
20070415             —DEEMED, Soon, it will be —3—YEARS—SINCE THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, OREGON attorney BRANDON—MAYFIELD 1—MATERIAL—WITNESS connected to the terror ist bombings that killed 191 in MADRID—SPAIN.
20070415             —50—YEARS on, Lavon Affair still hot potato in ISRAEL
20070415             JERUSALEM (JTA) -- ISRAEL i military historians call it Operation Shoshana.
20070415             Scholars of political intrigue know it as the Lavon Affair.
20070415             But to veterans of ISRAEL—1.--and perhaps worst--intelligence bungle, THE—50—YEAR—OLD—EPISODE whose unseemly details are only —NOW being discussed openly has another name: the Raw Deal.
20070415             It was 19540000             + the fledgling Jewish state watched with worry as EGYPT—DICTATOR—GAMAL Abdel Nasser made clear his goal of nationalizing THE—SUEZ—CANAL —AFTER DECADES—OF—UNITED—KINGDOM—CONTROL.
20070415             —PLANNED, Knowing that Nasser, to turn EGYPT—FREQUENT blockade of ISRAEL i shipping into 1—PERMANENT—POLICY, ISRAEL i spy masters set about finding 1—WAY to keep UNITED—KINGDOM—FORCES in charge.
20070415             Within weeks, 1—ISRAEL i military intelligence unit known by its CODE—NUMBER, 131, recruited 9—YOUNG—EGYPT—JEWS to stage terror ist attacks that, they thought, would be blamed on local insurgents and would discredit NASSER—RULE.
20070415             NOTEWORTHY—WORLD—BANK—CHIEF—APOLOGIZES for Arranging Job
20070415             WASHINGTON, 20070412             — - PAUL—D—WOLFOWITZ
20070415             —APOLOGIZED, THE—PRESIDENT—OF—WORLD—BANK, —TODAY for his role in arranging 1—HIGHLY paid job at THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT for 1—WOMAN with whom he has 1—PERSONAL—RELATIONSHIP.
20070415             FASCISM—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—TERRIBLE luck with finding documents
20070415             I feel -- in this vaguely intuitive SORT—OF—WAY -- as though there is SOME—KIND—OF—1—PATTERN buried within this SET—OF—FACTS, but as much as I search, I —JUST can't quite figure out what it might be:
20070415             Due PROCESS—OF—LAW NEEDED—GUANTANAMO prisoner NUMBER 940
20070415             —DIVIDED, PRESIDENT—BUSH—TOP—ADVISORS are, over whether to close GUANTANAMO prison forever.
20070415             Through hard work, he became 1—SCHOOLTEACHER.
20070415             To support his family, he took 1—JOB as 1—ASSISTANT at 1—COMMUNITY—HOSPITAL in AFGHANISTAN.
20070415             Then, late —1—NIGHT, he was torn from his bed and sent to HELL—GUANTANAMO Detainee #940.
20070415             —TRAPPED, Like most of the nearly 400—DETAINEES, at GUANTANAMO, ADEL—HAMAD has had no trial.
20070415             Experts overwhelmingly believe he was not 1—TERROR ist.
20070415             Even USA—MILITARY—OFFICERS reviewing his situation have called his detention "unconscionable"
20070415             EVERY—DETAINEE should be charged with 1—CRIME and tried in 1—LEGITIMATE—COURT or released.
20070415             THE—PRESIDENT—OWN—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE is publicly calling for closing GUANTANAMO.
20070415             Share your views. I am sure you have something to say.
20070415             wtc—7
20070415             —IN THE—NEWS—AT 5 30—PM
20070415             wtc7 COLLAPSED—FOR the 3. time in history fire brought down 1—STEEL building reducing it to rubble
20070415             hold on FOLKS—HERE we go
20070415             • The fires in WTC 7 were not evenly distributed, so 1—PERFECT—COLLAPSE was impossible.
20070415             • Silverstein said to the fire DEPARTMENT—COMMANDER "the smartest thing to do is pull it".
20070415             • Firefighters withdrawing from the area stated the building was going to "blow up".
20070415             • The roof of WTC—7—VISIBLY—crumbled and the building collapsed perfectly into its footprint.
20070415             • Molten steel and partially evaporated steel members were found in the debris.
20070415             [WTC 7] contained offices of THE—FBI, DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE, IRS (which contained prodigious amounts of corporate tax fraud, including Enron's), USA—SECRET—SERVICE, Securities & Exchange Commission (with more stock fraud records) + CITIBANK—SALOMON—SMITH—BARNEY, THE—MAYOR—OFFICE—OF—EMERGENCY—MANAGEMENT and MANY—OTHER—FINANCIAL—INSTITUTIONS.
20070415             —QUANTIFIED, THE—SEC has not, the number of active cases in which substantial files were destroyed [by the collapse of WTC 7].
20070415             —PUBLISHED, Reuters news service and THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES, reports estimating them at 3,000 to 4,000. They include the agency's major inquiry into the manner in which investment banks divvied up hot shares of initial public offerings —DURING THE—HIGH—TECH—BOOM.
20070415             ".Ongoing investigations at THE—NEW—YORK SEC will be dramatically affected because so much of their work is PAPER—INTENSIVE," said MAX—BERGER—OF—NEW—YORK—BERNSTEIN—LITOWITZ—BERGER & Grossmann.
20070415             "This is 1—DISASTER for these cases". [NEW—YORK Lawyer].
20070415             Salomon had offices in 7—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER, 1—OF—THE—BUILDINGS that collapsed in THE—AFTERMATH—OF—THE—ATTACK.
20070415             [TheStreet].
20070415             Inside [WTC 7 was] THE—USA—SECRET—SERVICE—LARGEST—FIELD—OFFICE with more than 200—EMPLOYEES.
20070415             ".All the evidence that we stored at 7—WORLD—TRADE, in all our cases, went down with the building," according to USA—SECRET—SERVICE—SPECIAL—AGENT—DAVID—CURRAN.
20070415             [TechTV].
20070415             lets start HERE—OK...go SLOW—REMEMBER 2—BREATHE use google
20070415             PSYCHOLOGY—ECONOMICS—LEVEL—HEADED: Economics Experiment Finds Taste For Equality
20070415             Science Daily — The rich don't get richer -- at least not in laboratory games.
20070415             They do so without ANY—HOPE—OF—PERSONAL—GAIN, acting, it seems, out of 1—TASTE for equality and SENSE—OF—FAIR—PLAY.
20070415             AG Scandal and Dusty Foggo
20070415             LITTLE—NOTICED recent developments point towards major fireworks still to come in the current SERIES—OF—REPUBLICAN scandals...
20070415             —DISCLOSED, Fired S—DIEGO—USA—ATTORNEY—CAROL—LAM has, the existence of 1—STILL—SECRET and PRESUMABLY—SEALED indictment of 1—AS—YET unknown individual in the Randy 'DUKE' Cunningham "Hookergate" Scandal, issued by her office at the same time as indictments were made public —LAST—MONTH—OF—DEFENSE—CONTRACTOR—BRENT—WILKES and FORMER—CIA No 3. man Kyle "Dusty" Foggo, the
20070415             —LEARNED, MadCowMorningNews has.
20070415             FORMER—BUSH—SPEECHWRITER—HINTS at 20010911             —INSIDE Job
20070415             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—NEO—CONS would have created 1—FALSE—FLAG to justify war had it not been for WTC attack, questions
20070415             Presidential Candidate: USA In DANGER—OF—DICTATORSHIP
20070415             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—CONGRESSMAN—RON—PAUL warns elite believe they own us and are "always prepared" to take our liberties
20070415             Wolfowitz To Attend 20070000             ISTANBUL—Bilderberg—Meeting
20070415             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—TURKEY—JOURNALIST refers to ULTRA—ELITIST confab as "covert world government" PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—PRISON
20070415             Ecological Apocalypse: Why Are All THE—BEES—DYING?
20070415             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—GENERAL—MOTORS, toxic chemicals, chemtrails destroying ECO—SYSTEM, threatening very SURVIVAL—OF—HUMANITY
20070415             Government Report: BIO—WEAPONS Could Be Used To Combat Overpopulatio
20070415             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—MOD dossier outlines nightmare VISION—OF—NEW—WORLD—ORDER, ethnic cleansing, class
20070415             USA Aiding AL—QAEDA—AFFILIATED—GROUP—IN—IRAN?
20070415             O'REILLY—AMERICA: Who Is THE—REAL "Hater"?
20070415             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON 1—PLACE where the right to disagree = the right to be locked up
20070415             O'Donnell Pledges Allegiance To 20010911             —TRUTH
20070415             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—SAYS—AMERICA is great because of "freedom to speak and think freely"
20070415             WILL—IRAN—WAR—START—ON—FRIDAY?
20070415             USA—GENERALS—CALL for action on climate change.
20070415             —IN a report, 11—FORMER military leaders "say
20070415             global warming poses 1—SERIOUS—THREAT to national security,
20070415             as THE—USA could be drawn into wars over water and other conflicts.
20070415             Nico - %age of Americans who believe that Congress should allow funding only with 1—TIME—LIMIT
20070415             (58 %) or block all funding for the war in IRAQ (9 %), according to 1—NEW—CBS poll.
20070415             Fully 69 % believe the escalation in IRAQ has either made conditions worse (26 %) or made no impact (43 %), compared to 25 % who believe it's made conditions better.
20070415             "THE—WHITE—HOUSE SAID—SATURDAY
20070415             it is agreeing to the Senate Judiciary COMMITTEE—REQUEST for how to choose someone to
20070415             help recover SOME—LOST—E—MAILS
20070415             involving official presidential business". But as DAVID—KURTZ notes, "THE—SENATE gets to help pick who will find the emails but THE—WHITE—HOUSE still hasn't agreed to let the Senate see the emails
20070415             once they are found. Ah, compromise".
20070415             CHENEY overrules Rice on IRAN prisoners.
20070415             —AFTER intense internal debate, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has decided to hold on to 5—IRAN—REVOLUTIONARY—GUARD—INTELLIGENCE—AGENTS captured in IRAQ, overruling 1—STATE—DEPARTMENT—RECOMMENDATION to release them, according to USA—OFFICIALS.
20070415             —EXPECTED, The next review is not, —UNTIL July, officials say.
20070415             Differences over THE—5—IRANIANS reflect 1—EMERGING divide on how to deal with IRAN.
20070415             VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY—OFFICE made the firmest case for keeping them.
20070415             Evidence Emerging Of CHENEY—LED Smear Campaign Against Pelosi Over Syria Trip
20070415             —BEFORE NANCY Pelosi left ISRAEL to travel to Syria —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH, ISRAEL i PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT—SPOKESWOMAN MIRI Eisin said "Pelosi is
20070415             conveying that ISRAEL is willing to talk if they (Syria) would openly take steps to stop supporting terror ism".
20070415             —DELIVERED, Pelosi, as requested + —THIS—WEEK received 1—THANK you call from Olmert.
20070415             So why then did THE—ISRAEL i PRIME—MINISTER originally issue 1—STATEMENT—OF "clarification
20070415             " about PELOSI—MESSAGE which became the basis for RIGHT—WING attacks against her?
20070415             THE—EVIDENCE—OF—WHITE—HOUSE—INVOLVEMENT behind THE—ISRAEL i PRIME—MINISTER—STATEMENT has been growing this past —WEEK.
20070415             —SUGGESTED, MIDDLE—EAST—ANALYSTS have, Bush deputy National Security Adviser.
20070415             ELLIOTT—ABRAMS, 1—CLOSE—ALLY—OF—DICK CHENEY — may have been coordinating the attempts to undermine PELOSI—TRIP.
20070415             "'It's obvious THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20070415             is desperate to find SOME—PHONY CRITICISM—OF—THE—SPEAKER—TRIP, even though it was 1—BIPARTISAN trip,' said REPRESENTATIVE—TOM—LANTOS (D—CA), 1—HOLOCAUST survivor who is considered the Democrat closest to THE—PRO—ISRAEL lobby.
20070415             'I have nothing but contempt and disdain for the attempt to undermine this trip.'".
20070415             —SUGGESTED, REPRESENTATIVE—HENRY—WAXMAN, that THE—WHITE—HOUSE 's coordinated attempts to smear Pelosi were PART—OF—1—EFFORT to
20070415             undermine her on IRAQ :
20070415             —FOCUSED, Waxman said the administration is, on building 1—CASE against the Democrats in preparation for 1—SHOWDOWN over THE—IRAQ—WAR funding bill.
20070415             The more they can paint Democrats as weak and irresponsible, the more likely the Democrats will knuckle under and let THE—PRESIDENT continue the war unchecked.
20070415             It's been known to happen.
20070415             So CHENEY trashes THE—REPUTATION—OF—MEN—LIKE—LANTOS and Waxman (who, by the way, has doggedly pursued waste and mismanagement in IRAQ by Halliburton, the company that made CHENEY rich) + it's politics as usual.
20070415             —UNCHARTERED, This is not, TERRITORY—FOR—CHENEY.
20070415             He has become famous for kneecapping people with whom he disagrees, even individuals within the administration.
20070415             CHENEY—INVOLVEMENT in a similar situation —LAST—YEAR:
20070415             —LAST—YEAR, USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE talked Olmert into a —48—HOUR—CEASE—FIRE —DURING the war with Hezbollah to allow humanitarian relief, but within hours ISRAEL i planes were bombing again, to RICE—SURPRISE and anger.
20070415             —RECEIVED, Olmert had, 1—CALL, apparently from CHENEY—OFFICE, telling him to ignore Rice.
20070415             THE—CHENEY campaign against Pelosi hasn't let up.
20070415             —THIS—WEEK, THE—WASHINGTON—POST—EDITORIAL—BOARD — which has helped.
20070415             —PUBLISHED, DRIVE—THE—PELOSI smear campaign from the beginning —, 1—ATTACK—PIECE from LIZ—CHENEY, THE—DAUGHTER—OF—THE—VICE—PRESIDENT.
20070415             More Rove fingerprints.
20070415             NICO—NPR reports, "According to someone who's had conversations with WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS, the plan to fire all 93—USA—ATTORNEY s originated with political adviser KARL—ROVE.
20070415             It was seen as 1—WAY to get political cover.
20070415             for firing the small NUMBER—OF—USA—ATTORNEY s THE—WHITE—HOUSE actually wanted to get rid of.
20070415             —DISMISSED, Documents show the plan was eventually, as impractical".
20070415             Did Justice 'take ANY—ACTION' to influence corruption cases?
20070415             —RECOMMENDED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE, that this line:
20070415             2., the Department has not taken ANY—ACTION to influence ANY—PUBLIC—CORRUPTION—CASE + would never do so. be replaced with:
20070415             2., the Department has not asked anyone to resign to influence ANY—PUBLIC—CORRUPTION—CASE + would never do so.
20070415             Image below: Sampson Lied Under Oath: 'Had In Mind' Plan To Replace USA—ATTORNEY s With Loyal Bush ies
20070415             SAMPSON: I personally did not. But 1—NEW—E—MAIL loyalists.
20070415             1—OF—THE suggested replacements who has received relatively little attention is RACHEL—BRAND, whom Sampson recommended to take the place of MARGARET—CHIARA as USA—ATTORNEY for THE—WEST—DISTRICT—OF—MICHIGAN.
20070415             Brand has been the Justice DEPARTMENT—ASSISTANT—ATTORNEY—GENERAL
20070415             Brand was also a MEMBER—OF—THE—RIGHT—WING Federalist Society.
20070415             which appears to be a consideration for all USA—ATTORNEY candidates.
20070415             At Brand's 20050500             nomination hearing, SENATOR—PATRICK—LEAHY (D—VT)
20070415             raised concerns that Brand was too inexperienced and unqualified to be Assistant ATTORNEY—GENERAL for OLP:
20070415             Unfortunately, it appears she brings very little DEPTH—OF—EXPERIENCE to 1—POSITION that is instrumental in setting out DOJ priorities and recommending new judges.
20070415             It is unlikely that less than —1—YEAR working at the Justice Department had suddenly made Brand qualified to be A—USA—ATTORNEY.
20070415             (TPMmuckraker has more.
20070415             —IN its report documenting THE—WHITE—HOUSE—DESTRUCTION—OF—5—MILLION—EMAILS,
20070415             's ED—HENRY talked to Rove lawyer ROBERT—LUSKIN —TODAY about the missing emails.
20070415             —ADMITTED, Luskin, "There was 1—GAP there.... I have no reason to doubt PATRICK—FITZGERALD".
20070415             —INVOLVED, The controversy surrounding Rove —THIS—WEEK has, his RNC email account.
20070415             personally deleted
20070415             the missing E—MAILS". According to THE—RNC, the Committee took action specifically and singularly against Rove 20050000             to keep him "from deleting his E—MAILS
20070415             With respect to ROVE—WHITE—HOUSE—ACCOUNT, FEDERAL—LAW requires the preservation of all such messages.
20070415             —REPORTED, The revelations 1., by PATRICK—FITZGERALD, —NOW given new life BECAUSE—OF—THE—FIRINGS—OF—8—USA—ATTORNEY s, raise questions about whether the public is getting the full story on these or other WHITE—HOUSE—SCANDALS.
20070415             —FROM PATRICK—FITZGERALD—SPOKESMAN: 'We are trying to muddy the coverage.'
20070415             —FROM—TODAY—DOCUMENT dump, an
20070415             —QUALIFIED, Right —NOW the coverage will be dominated by how, these folks were and their theories for their dismissals.
20070415             We are trying to muddy the coverage up 1—BIT by trying to put the focus on the process in which they were told — I suspect we are going to get to the point where DOJ has to say this anyway.
20070415             1., it is true.
20070415             2., we are having morale problems with our other USA—ATTORNEY s who understand the decision but think that these folks were not treated well in the process.
20070415             accused Congress of forcing USA—TROOPS to extend their deployments in IRAQ:
20070415             The bottom line is this: CONGRESS—FAILURE to fund our troops will mean that SOME—OF—OUR military families could wait longer for their loved ones to return from the front lines.
20070415             —ANNOUNCED, The very —NEXT—DAY, his own Pentagon, that all USA—ARMY—SOLDIERS in IRAQ would have their —12—MONTH—TOURS in IRAQ
20070415             What explains the strange timing?
20070415             —NOTED, As Atrios, —WHEN the Pentagon announced its new policy —ON—WEDNESDAY, Defense SECRETARY—GATES said he was angry that the news
20070415             had been leaked to the press
20070415             —IN that scenario, BUSH—REMARKS ON—TUESDAYWERE —JUST meant to prime the pump.
20070415             —FUELED, This speculation was, BY—WEDNESDAY—WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—CONFERENCE, where Dana Perino explained the strange timing by claiming that PRESIDENT—BUSH had been in the dark about this major policy shift —UNTIL the —MORNING it was announced:
20070415             MISS—PERINO: Well, 1, I don't know if THE—PRESIDENT knew about the — the meeting — remember, —YESTERDAY—MORNING is —WHEN SECRETARY—GATES came and talked to THE—PRESIDENT.
20070415             Q And so THE—PRESIDENT didn't know about his own policy —UNTIL—WEDNESDAY?
20070415             MISS—PERINO: I'm not aware that THE—PRESIDENT knew that there was going to be — that SECRETARY—GATES had come to ANY—DECISIONS.
20070415             Could it really be that PRESIDENT—BUSH was completely UNAWARE—OF—THE—PENTAGON—NEW—POLICY—UNTIL hours —BEFORE it was made public?
20070415             —BOTCHED, Or is THE—WHITE—HOUSE—NOW trying to cover up a, plan to blame Congress for its own decision to further strain THE—USA—MILITARY, 1—MOVE that has
20070415             hurt Bush politically and angered troops on the ground.
20070415             —IN the debate over DON—IMUS'—OFFENSIVE comments—ABOUT the Rutgers women's basketball team, MANY—BLOGGERS and pundits have focused on the fact that despite Imus' history
20070415             of inflammatory remarks, politicians and media celebrities have continued to appear on his show over the years.
20070415             1—BIG—TIME—POLITICIAN, who has said that he likes to "
20070415             listen to DON—IMUS in the —MORNING," has thus far escaped scrutiny for his relationship to fallen shock jock: VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY.
20070415             lengthy, exclusive interview,
20070415             —IN which MISTER—S—CHENEY affectionately referred to Imus as "THE—I—MAN".
20070415             Asked to explain why CHENEY chose Imus' show for the big inaugaration —DAY interview, LONG—TIME—CHENEY adviser MARY—MATALIN, who negotiated the appearance for THE—VICE—PRESIDENT,
20070415             told THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES : THE—VICE—PRESIDENT, she said, "has 1—WRY SENSE—OF—HUMOR".
20070415             " He has the same SENSE—OF—HUMOR that Imus has. He thinks Imus is funny. He gets good guests on. And he asks good questions. It's not really strategic or complicated. Not everything we do has to work on 50—DIFFERENT—LEVELS".
20070415             —ASKED, VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY has not yet been, to comment on the Imus controversy, but given his past relationship with Imus, it might be worth SOME—REPORTER asking if he still shares Imus' SENSE—OF—HUMOR.
20070415             Transcript of 1—PORTION—OF—THE—INTERVIEW:
20070415             ROVE—LAWYER says he didn't delete emails.
20070415             "KARL—ROVE—LAWYER ON—FRIDAYDISMISSED the notion that PRESIDENT—BUSH—CHIEF—POLITICAL—ADVISER intentionally deleted his own E—MAILS from 1—REPUBLICAN—SPONSORED server, saying
20070415             —BELIEVED, Rove, the communications were being preserved
20070415             —IN accordance with the law.
20070415             —DELETED, He said Rove had no idea THE—E—MAILS were being, from the server, 1—CENTRAL—COMPUTER that managed THE—E—MAIL".
20070415             —TODAY, the House Judiciary Committee released 1—NEW SET—OF—DOCUMENTS from THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE relating to the firings of 8—USA—ATTORNEY s.
20070415             The last PAGE—OF—DOCUMENT 20070903             contains 1—EMAIL from Monica Goodling with 1—ATTACHED—EXCEL spreadsheet on "USA—DATA (GWB)".
20070415             The spreadsheet appears to assess 1—LIST—OF—USA—ATTORNEY s based on 1—VARIETY—OF—DIFFERENT—QUALIFICATIONS, including prosecution experience and political experience.
20070415             —DEDICATED, But there is 1—COLUMN, solely to 1—ASSESSMENT—OF whether the attorney s are MEMBERS—OF—THE—FEDERALIST—SOCIETY.
20070415             The far right column contains 1—DATA—COLUMN for "FedSoc":
20070415             —SERVED, THE—FEDERALIST—SOCIETY has, as 1—KIND—OF—GATEWAY
20070415             for judges and legal aides who strive to work inside THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, in effect promoting individuals who have dedicated themselves to enforcing 1—RIGHT—WING ideology rather than the law.
20070415             —DESCRIBED, UNIVERSITY—OF—ILLINOIS—PROFESSOR—JERRY—LANDAY, the group in THE—WASHINGTON—MONTHLY as a "conservative cabal that's transforming USA—LAW".
20070415             —DURING his SUPREME—COURT—NOMINATION hearing, CHIEF—JUSTICE—JOHN—ROBERTS repeatedly sought to distance himself from 1—CONNECTION to the conservative legal group, unwilling to be tarred by its association.
20070415             WOLFOWITZ—APOLOGY: Don't Hate Me Because I—HELPED—LAUNCH—THE—IRAQ—WAR
20070415             —WHEN PAUL—WOLFOWITZ, 1—PRIMARY—ARCHITECT—OF—THE—IRAQ war, assumed his post as World BANK—PRESIDENT, he claimed the the new boss was going to be tough on corruption
20070415             —YESTERDAY, he acknowledged that he "made 1—MISTAKE " —WHEN he became personally involved in securing 1—PROMOTION and 1—PAY raise far in excess of the normal maximum for his girlfriend, Shaha Riza.
20070415             RIZA—PROMOTION came with 1—PAY—INCREASE that was more than double the amount allowed by staff rules.
20070415             "According to the Government Accountability Project, 1—WATCHDOG—GROUP, she has received 2—RAISES totaling $61,000
20070415             —SINCE Wolfowitz took over as PRESIDENT.
20070415             WOLFOWITZ—ADMISSION—OF wrongdoing came only as the 24-member World BANK—BOARD met in 1—MARATHON emergency session to discuss his fate.
20070415             —ISSUED, THE—BOARD, a.
20070415             saying it would "move expeditiously to reach 1—CONCLUSION on possible actions to take".
20070415             —TRIED, Wolfowitz, to explain away his behavior, claiming his mistakes were made because "he had to deal with it —WHEN he was new to this institution and trying to navigate in uncharted waters".
20070415             He added that criticism of him should not focus on his role in THE—IRAQ war.
20070415             "For people who disagree with things they associate with me in my previous job, I am not in my previous job".
20070415             Alison Cave, CHAIRWOMAN—OF—THE—STAFF—ASSOCIATION,
20070415             told staff - "He must act honorably and resign".
20070415             —APPEARED, Wolfowitz, as Cave was addressing employees.
20070415             —DESCRIBED, Bloomberg, the scene this way:
20070415             —RESOUNDED, Calls of "resign, resign", through the World BANK—ATRIUM —YESTERDAY—WHEN Wolfowitz, 63, addressed employee representatives.
20070415             Despite the emerging EVIDENCE—OF—WOLFOWITZ—CORRUPTION and increasing clamor for calls to resign, Bush is standing firmly with him.
20070415             "Of course PRESIDENT—WOLFOWITZ has our.
20070415             full confidence - " Deputy WHITE—HOUSE Press SECRETARY—TONY—FRATTO said —YESTERDAY.
20070415             Troops React To Forced Extensions With 'Anger,' 'Frustration,' 'Collective Groan'
20070415             —ANNOUNCED, Defense SECRETARY—ROBERT—GATES, —YESTERDAY that all USA—ARMY—SOLDIERS in IRAQ would have their —12—MONTH—TOURS in IRAQ
20070415             extended by 3—ADDITIONAL months
20070415             —NOW, newspapers are returning harrowing accounts from the ground, where USA—SOLDIERS reacted to the news with "muffled outbursts of
20070415             anger and frustration laced with dark HUMOR—THE—WASHINGTON—POST—REPORTS :
20070415             —EXASPERATED, They found out by READING, E—MAILS from their spouses, hearing somber announcements from their platoon commanders, seeing SNIPPETS—OF—THE—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE at 1 televised news conference: THE—USA—SOLDIERS who thought they were staying in IRAQ —1—YEAR would —NOW stay —15—MONTHS.
20070415             ALL—OF—THEM.
20070415             "It FLAT—OUT sucks, that's the only way I can think to describe it," said PRIVATE.
20070415             JEREMY—PERKINS, 25... "I found this out —TODAY from my squad leader. I still haven't told my wife yet. I'm —JUST trying to figure out exactly how I'm going to break it to her that 'Honey, uh, yeah, might be home —BEFORE our next anniversary. Sorry I missed the last 1.'".
20070415             —WORRIED, Similar SCENES—OF—SOLDIERS, about their families and relationships were
20070415             documented by THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES :
20070415             —WONDERED, The soldiers, if their relationships back home could weather 1—EXTENSION and predicted that divorce rates in the military would spike.
20070415             —MUTTERED, They, about 3—ADDITIONAL—MONTHS—OF forced celibacy and fretted half jokingly about impatient wives and girlfriends.
20070415             "—NOW 1—LOT—OF—CHEATING be going on," said SERGEANT—JONATHAN—WILSON, 29. "I'm serious".
20070415             —PLANNED, Specialist Lawson had, to take 1—VACATION with his former wife, with whom he has 2—DAUGHTERS, —AFTER he got back to the division's home base in SCHWEINFURT—GERMANY.
20070415             They were going to give the relationship another try.
20070415             "This has totally wrecked everything I had planned," he said as he slumped on 1—EMPTY explosives crate.
20070415             "—NOW I'm never going to get together with my EX—WIFE," he said.
20070415             "I'm scared that the longer it takes, more things could happen".
20070415             The price that's paid for 1—WAR without end.
20070415             Missing emails may be related to prosecutors.
20070415             may include SOME—RELATING to the firing of 8—USA—ATTORNEY s.
20070415             —SUGGESTED, Gingrich, creating war 'TSAR.'
20070415             A few weeks ago, FORMER—HOUSE Speaker Newt Gingrich
20070415             sent 1—MEMO to THE—WHITE—HOUSE advocating the creation of 1—HIGH—POWERED "TSAR" to oversee the wars in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN, as part of an 18-point plan.
20070415             —TURNED, At least 5—RETIRED generals have, down the job.
20070415             WHITE—HOUSE says it will not turn over RNC emails.
20070415             THE—POLITICO—REPORTS : WHITE—HOUSE—COUNSEL FRED—FIELDING, in 1—LETTER—TODAY, told REPRESENTATIVE—JOHN—CONYERS (D—MICHIGAN) and SENATOR—PATRICK—LEAHY (D—VERMONT), CHAIRMEN—OF—THE—HOUSE and Senate Judiciary committees, that THE—WHITE—HOUSE has not budged in its refusal to allow the panels to question several WHITE—HOUSE—AIDES, including KARL—ROVE, about what they know regarding the firing of 8—USA—ATTORNEY s, moving THE—2—SIDES—CLOSER to 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—BATTLE over the scandal.
20070415             Fielding also appears to be trying to head off 1—ATTEMPT by Conyers to obtain E—MAILS and documents from the Republican National Committee regarding the firings.
20070415             Fielding also said that "it was and remains our intention to collect E—MAILS and documents from those [RNC—CONTROLLED] accounts as well as the official WHITE—HOUSE E—MAIL and document retention systems" as PART—OF—1—BROADER—DEAL with THE—2—COMMITTEES on staffer testimony.
20070415             —UNMOVED, In 1—RESPONSE—STATEMENT, Conyers was : "the Judiciary Committee intends to obtain the relevant emails directly from THE—RNC.
20070415             THE—WHITE—HOUSE—POSITION seems to be that executive privilege not only applies in the Oval Office, but to THE—RNC as well.
20070415             There is absolutely no basis in law or fact for such 1—CLAIM.
20070415             Goodling may be offered immunity.
20070415             "THE—HOUSE—JUDICIARY—COMMITTEE is
20070415             'strongly considering' offering FORMER—DOJ official Monica Goodling immunity
20070415             —IN exchange for her testimony in THE—USA—ATTORNEY—MATTER, according to 1—VERY—SOLID congressional source.
20070415             —ASSERTED, Goodling had preemptively, her 5. Amendment rights and has declined to be interviewed or to testify —BEFORE Congress.
20070415             Per PETE—WILLIAMS, GOODLING—ATTORNEY, JOHN—DOWD, has no comment on the immunity question".
20070415             UPDATE: Time magazine has a - similar report.
20070415             McCain Panders To Bloggers —AFTER Previously Calling Them 'Infatuated With SELF—EXPRESSION'
20070415             —YESTERDAY in 1—CONFERENCE—CALL with conservative bloggers, McCain attempted to pander to the blogosphere by ensuring them that they would be tapped in to his administration, if he becomes PRESIDENT.
20070415             McCAIN: I feel strongly that bloggers —NOW are 1—VITAL—PART—OF—THE—INFORMATION—TECHNOLOGY in AMERICA and the world + it's 1—UNUSUAL and incredible development.
20070415             And, the 2.: [As PRESIDENT—I would] be on with the bloggers EVERY— 2—WEEKS.
20070415             Maybe there's too MANY—BLOGGERS and maybe we wouldn't get all the questions in + maybe my answers would be too long as they are —NOW...But maybe by lottery.
20070415             Anyone who wants to ask 1—QUESTION, we'll throw your name in 1—HAT and pick the top 15, so eventually all the bloggers get 1—CHANCE.
20070415             But as 1—SENATOR, McCain has hardly been 1—FRIEND to bloggers infatuated with SELF—EXPRESSION
20070415             " who believe themselves to be "so much more eloquent, WELL—INFORMED + wiser than anyone else". In December, he introduced legislation that would treat blogs like INTERNET service providers and hold them responsible for all activity in the comments sections and user profiles, subjecting them to "even stiffer penalties " than ISPs.
20070415             Despite his friendly rhetoric —YESTERDAY, MCCAIN—TRUE colors began to show through.
20070415             Bloggers have 1—LOT—OF—MATURING to do in 1—LOT—OF—AREAS," he said.
20070415             NBC—BRIAN—WILLIAMS on bloggers:
20070415             "You're going to be up against people who have 1—OPINION, 1—MODEM + 1—BATHROBE.
20070415             —NOW I'm up against 1—GUY named Vinny in 1—EFFICIENCY—APARTMENT
20070415             —IN the Bronx who hasn't left the efficiency apartment in —2—YEARS".
20070415             UPDATE: More Williams: "
20070415             If we're all watching cats flushing toilets, what aren't we READING?
20070415             What great writer are we missing?
20070415             What great story are we ignoring?
20070415             This is societal, it's cultural, I can't change it.
20070415             We should maybe pause to think about it.
20070415             Because like everybody else, I can burn an —HOUR on YouTube or Perez Hilton without breaking 1—SWEAT.
20070415             RNC has no Rove emails pre-20050000             . - - TPM MUCKRAKER—HIGHLIGHTS
20070415             1—PORTION from this letter —TODAY from REPRESENTATIVE—HENRY—WAXMAN (D—CA) to ALBERTO—GONZALES:
20070415             —RAISED, MISTER—KELNER—BRIEFING, particular concems about KARL—ROVE, who according to press reports used his RNC accountfor 95—PERCENT—OF—HIS—COMMUNICATIONS.
20070415             MISTER—KELNER did not give ANY—EXPLANATION for THE—E—MAILS missing from MISTER—ROVE—ACCOUNT, but he did acknowledge that 1—POSSIBLE—EXPLANATION is that MISTER—ROVE personally deleted his E—MAILS from THE—RNC server.
20070415             wrote 1—LETTER—TO WHITE—HOUSE—CHIEF—OF—STAFF—JOSH—BOLTEN demanding "all contracts, subcontracts + task orders between MZM, INCORPORATED... and the Executive OFFICE—OF—THE—PRESIDENT".
20070415             —REPORTED, As ThinkProgress has, there is good reason to believe fired USA—ATTORNEY—CAROL—LAM was targeting the
20070415             WHITE—HOUSE—CONNECTIONS to MZM contractor MITCHELL—WADE
20070415             who pled guilty to paying more than $1—MILLION in bribes to FORMER—REPRESENTATIVE—DUKE—CUNNINGHAM.
20070415             —RECEIVED, Despite no record of having ever, 1—FEDERAL—CONTRACT, WADE—FIRM received a $140,000 contract 20020000             to provide 1—SYSTEM to screen THE—PRESIDENT—MAIL.
20070415             But THE—NORTH—COUNTY—TIMES—REPORTS—WAXMAN has yet to receive the information he requested.
20070415             "THE—WHITE—HOUSE—RESPONSE is clearly not adequate at this point," Waxman said in 1—WRITTEN response to questions from THE—NORTH—COUNTY—TIMES.
20070415             —ON—FRIDAY, THE—WHITE—HOUSE gave its initial response to WAXMAN—MARCH—REQUEST, with PRESIDENT—BUSH—SPECIAL—COUNSEL—EMMET—T—FLOOD saying there would be 1—DELAY.
20070415             "Once we are able to fully evaluate the scope and IMPLICATIONS—OF—THE—LETTER—REQUESTS, we will soon provide your committee with 1—APPROPRIATE—RESPONSE," Flood wrote.
20070415             Asked about THE—COMMITTEE—REQUEST—WEDNESDAY, WHITE—HOUSE spokeswoman Jeanie Mamo would only say, "We have advised MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS that we are looking into this matter".
20070415             —ON—TUESDAY, Waxman wrote THE—WHITE—HOUSE, saying in no uncertain terms that he expects SOME—ANSWERS.
20070415             "MISTER—FLOOD did not provide ANY—OF—THE—INFORMATION or documents the Committee requested," he wrote in the letter.
20070415             Waxman said he is willing to grant 1—EXTENSION, but that "ANY—EXTENSION should be accompanied by 1—FIRM and expeditious schedule for production" contract with Boeing
20070415             to design and build 1—COMPREHENSIVE—BORDER—SECURITY—PLAN.
20070415             —TURNED, At least 5—RETIRED GENERALS—HAVE -, down the position
20070415             of war "TSAR," - according to CBS—DAVID—MARTIN.
20070415             He adds that the search for 1—WAR—COORDINATOR "is 1—CONFESSION that in the 5. —YEAR—OF—THE—WAR in IRAQ, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION still has not figured out how to harness all THE—AGENCIES—OF—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT into 1 unified war effort".
20070415             Perino 'Defends' Email Statements: I—DIDN'T Lie, I—JUST—HAD—NO—IDEA—WHAT I—WAS—TALABOUT—KING—OF—
20070415             —IN this afternoon's press briefing, THE—WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS corps confronted spokeswoman Dana Perino about
20070415             her previous misstatements
20070415             regarding THE—WHITE—HOUSE—USE—OF—RNC email accounts.
20070415             " of staffers with such accounts. —TODAY, Perino claimed that her —EARLIER statement was made despite her ignorance of what was actually going on. "WELL—I didn't know how MANY—THERE were," Perino said. "I grant you, it's 1—VERY—LARGE—HANDFUL".
20070415             's WHITE—HOUSE—CORRESPONDENT ED—HENRY then pressed her on why she had —EARLIER stated that RNC emails had been archived for 1—VERY—LONG—TIME—WHEN THE—WHITE—HOUSE—NOW claims that those emails have been lost.
20070415             something that was in place " —FOR—YEARS. —TODAY, she backed off that statement and said, "We have developed 1—BETTER understanding of how THE—RNC archived or did not archive certain E—MAILS".
20070415             She refused to further elaborate.
20070415             —DEFENDED, Perino, herself, arguing, "—WHEN I said a 'handful,' I was asked based on something that I didn't know".
20070415             Apparently, Perino believes if you don't know the truth, you're allowed to make up whatever you want.
20070415             —EXPECTED, Major document dump, —TODAY.
20070415             —FROM 1—PRESS—CONFERENCE with SENATOR—CHUCK—SCHUMER (D—NY) —EARLIER this afternoon:
20070415             QUESTION: (OFF—MIC) expecting more documents. SCHUMER: —TODAY.
20070415             QUESTION: Do you know how many (OFF—MIC)
20070415             SCHUMER: THERE—SUPPOSED to be about a 10000000             PAGES—OF—DOCUMENTS.
20070415             —SUPPOSED, It's, to come about 4 or 5—O'CLOCK.
20070415             We know nothing about what's in them.
20070415             —REDACTED, QUESTION: Do you know whether they cover ANY—OF—YOUR... - SCHUMER: We do not.
20070415             We do not.
20070415             We —JUST know it's 1—LOT + it's coming in THE—LATE—AFTERNOON.
20070415             UPDATE: "1—VERY—SENIOR—SOURCE who has seen the latest BATCH—OF—DOCUMENTS to be delivered to the Senate says SENATOR—CHUCK—SCHUMER is wrong in estimating that THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE will dump about 1,000 pages related to THE—USA—ATTORNEY—FIRINGS sometime between 4 and 5—P.m. EDT.
20070415             As the afternoon drags on, it is looking
20070415             more likely that the dump will slip to either very LATE—THURSDAYOR—FRIDAY.
20070415             WHITE—HOUSE lost 5—MILLION emails.
20070415             "CREW learned that the Executive OFFICE—OF—THE—PRESIDENT (EOP) has
20070415             lost over 5—MILLION—EMAILS generated 20030300—20051000    —BETWEEN
20070415             —ADVISED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE—COUNSEL'S—OFFICE was, of these problems 20050000             and CREW has been told that THE—WHITE—HOUSE was given 1—PLAN—OF action to recover these emails, but to date nothing has been done to rectify this significant LOSS—OF—RECORDS".
20070415             Read the full report HERE.
20070415             —FOCUSED, USA more, on Sanjaya than depleted National Guard.
20070415             —IN testimony to the Senate Appropriations Committee —YESTERDAY, HEAD—OF—THE—NATIONAL—GUARD—LIEUTENANT—GENERAL—STEVEN—BLUM said, "It bothers me that the Army and AIR—FORCE and Marine Corps and the Navy are at war and the nation's watching '
20070415             USA—IDOL - ' and 'Dancing with the Stars.'" Watch it:
20070415             —NOTED, Blum also, that the wars in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN are have left the National Guard "woefully underequipped" to meet the challenges here at home.
20070415             $40—BILLION was urgently needed
20070415             to provide guard troops at home with 'meat and potatoes stuff,' such as radios, trucks, humvees, night vision gears and medical supplies".
20070415             —UNCENSORED, Senators want Justice docs.
20070415             SENATOR—PATRICK—LEAHY (D—VT) is demanding " - clean copies of all documents
20070415             relating to THE—USA—ATTORNEY s investigation, including previously produced copies that had portions blacked out and others that may have been withheld". In 1—LETTER to ALBERTO—GONZALES, Leahy and others wrote, "To date, you have not provided ANY—VALID—LEGAL—BASIS for your redactions, for your limitations on production or for the restrictions you have unilaterally imposed on their public disclosure".
20070415             —FACED, THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT has, criticism not only for firing WELL—RESPECTED USA—ATTORNEY s, but also for replacing them with
20070415             loyal Bush ies.
20070415             THE—USA—ATTORNEY—OFFICE—IN—MINNESOTA demonstrates the havoc that ensues —WHEN THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—PLACES—POLITICS over justice.
20070415             4—TOP—STAFFERS to RACHEL—PAULOSE, THE—USA—ATTORNEY in MINNESOTA, have voluntarily demoted themselves
20070415             —IN protest of Paulose's "highly dictatorial style
20070415             " of managing. Paulose has also "earned 1—REPUTATION for quoting Bible verses and dressing down underlings".
20070415             According to news reports, the staffers' dramatic moves were "intended to send 1—MESSAGE to WASHINGTON — that —33—YEAR—OLD—PAULOSE is in over her head".
20070415             —TRIED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, to prevent the resignations by sending a "top justice official to MINNEAPOLIS—THURSDAYTO mediate the situation. The mediation failed".
20070415             A - look at PAULOSE—BACKGROUND indicates that she was handpicked by the Justice Department because of her personal connections, rather than her professional qualifications:
20070415             She was 1—SPECIAL—ASSISTANT to ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES, worked as 1—SENIOR—COUNSEL for deputy ATTORNEY—GENERAL—PAUL—MCNULTY and is best buds with Monica Goodling — the assistant USA—ATTORNEY who —RECENTLY took the 5. rather than testify —BEFORE Congress.
20070415             Add to the suspicions the fact that MINNESOTA—FORMER—USA—ATTORNEY—TOM—HEFFELFINGER stepped down —JUST as THE—WHITE—HOUSE was developing its hit list.
20070415             Paulose had been in her position for —1—YEAR as 1—INTERIM—USA—ATTORNEY—BEFORE she was SWORN—IN officially —LAST—MONTH.
20070415             She created controversy —WHEN her lavish SWEARING—IN ceremony included 1—PROFESSIONAL photographer, 1—COLOR guard + 1—CHOIR.
20070415             —JUSTIFIED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, several of its firings of THE—8—USA—ATTORNEY s by baselessly
20070415             criticizing their management styles.
20070415             We await the Justice DEPARTMENT—RESPONSE to Paulose.
20070415             TPM—AND Sepia Mutiny
20070415             UPDATE: In 1—STATEMENT—FRIDAY, Justice DEPARTMENT—SPOKESMAN—BRIAN—ROEHRKASSE described Paulose as "
20070415             dedicated to leading 1—EFFECTIVE—USA—ATTORNEY s office
20070415             —IN MINNESOTA and enforcing the laws to ensure public safety.
20070415             We are confident —DURING this transition period that THE—USA—ATTORNEY s office will remain focused on its law enforcement priorities".
20070415             BILL—O'REILLY: JFK Conspiracy Theorist
20070415             FOX—NEWS host BILL—O'REILLY has been criticizing Rosie O'Donnell over her
20070415             blog post repeating a 20010911             —CONSPIRACY theory.
20070415             O'Reilly declared that "you can't allow" someone to "make ANTI—USA—REMARKS...accusing your own GOVERNMENT—OF—MURDER".
20070415             —ACTED, He called claims that THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, in 1—CRIMINAL—WAY "irresponsible and dangerous".
20070415             Too bad for O'Reilly, tapes from his days on the
20070415             Peabody AWARD—WINNING Inside Edition are still floating —AROUND.
20070415             Lauer On Pelosi Syria Visit: 'LET—FACE—IT—A—LOT—OF—PEOPLE—THINK—SHE—MESSED—UP—ON—THIS—ONE'
20070415             —ASKED, EVERY—SINGLE—QUESTION, by anchor MATT—LAUER was framed —AROUND conservative talking points.
20070415             —CLAIMED, In his 1. question, Lauer, Pelosi has gotten off to 1—ROUGH—START—BECAUSE—OF—CRITICISMS from 1—BASELESS
20070415             WASHINGTON—POST editorial, VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY
20070415             + the conservative editorial PAGES—OF—THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL :
20070415             —CALLED, LAUER: VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY, NANCY PELOSI—TRIP to Syria "bad behavior," 1—WASHINGTON—POST—EDITORIAL ON—THURSDAYCALLED it "COUNTER—PRODUCTIVE and foolish," and 1—OP—ED in THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL this —MORNING goes 1—STEP—FURTHER and suggests her trip may actually have been 1—FELONY, that it may have violated something called THE—LOGAN—ACT.
20070415             —WANTED, Tim, is this the way the Democrats, to get off the mark in terms of foreign affairs?
20070415             —ASSERTED, With his 2. question, Lauer, that "1—LOT—OF—PEOPLE think [Pelosi] messed up on this 1," and then asked "what's the impact for the Democrats overall?" Lauer never mentioned the fact that
20070415             5—REPUBLICANS — Reps.
20070415             —SUGGESTED, To wrap up the segment, Lauer, that Pelosi may be "seen as usurping presidential power in designing and implementing foreign policy," disregarding REPRESENTATIVE—DAVID—HOBSON'S (R—OH) comments that THE—PELOSI—LED delegation "
20070415             reinforced the administration's positions.
20070415             —REPORTED, What THE—RIGHT—WING and the feckless media haven't, is that THE—USA—PUBLIC—SUPPORTS giving diplomacy with Syria 1—CHANCE.
20070415             1—DECEMBER—WORLD—PUBLIC—OPINION poll found that.
20070415             75 % - of Americans — including 72—PERCENT—OF—REPUBLICANS and 81—PERCENT—OF—DEMOCRATS — support THE—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP—RECOMMENDATION for direct engagement with IRAN and Syria.
20070415             Polls for THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES/Bloomberg and THE—WASHINGTON—POST
20070415             found similarly high LEVELS—OF—SUPPORT for engagement.
20070415             —NEEDED, Special counsel, for USA—ATTORNEY—PROBE? Sens.
20070415             PATRICK—LEAHY and Sheldon Whitehouse sent 1—LETTER to ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES —TODAY asking "whether 1—SPECIAL—COUNSEL is necessary" to handle discussions between Capitol Hill and the Justice DEPARTMENT—ABOUT—WHITE—HOUSE liason Monica GOODLING—ROLE in the firing of 8—U.S Attorney s.
20070415             Leahy + Whitehouse write that "THE—OFFICE—OF—THE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL appears to be hopelessly conflicted" regarding Goodling.
20070415             TPMmuckraker has. 'The secret war against IRAN.'
20070415             ABC News reports, "1—PAKISTAN—TRIBAL—MILITANT—GROUP—RESPONSIBLE for 1—SERIES—OF—DEADLY—GUERRILLA—RAIDS inside IRAN has been secretly
20070415             —CALLED, The group, Jundullah, is made UP—OF—MEMBERS—OF—THE—BALUCHI tribe and operates out of the Baluchistan province in PAKISTAN, —JUST across the border from IRAN.
20070415             It has taken responsibility for the deaths and kidnappings of more than 12—IRAN—SOLDIERS and officials".
20070415             Bush : Success In IRAQ 'Is More Than 1—MILITARY—MISSION, Precisely Why I—SENT—MORE—TROOPS'
20070415             The solution to IRAQ — 1—IRAQ that can govern itself, sustain itself and defend itself — is more than 1—MILITARY—MISSION.
20070415             Precisely the reason why I sent more troops into BAGHDAD.
20070415             —NOW it makes complete sense.
20070415             —ARGUED, Bush —LATER, that sending more USA—TROOPS provides "SOME—BREATHING space for this democratically elected government to succeed".
20070415             Sending more Americans would undermine our strategy of encouraging Iraqis to take the lead in this fight.
20070415             And sending more Americans would suggest that we intend to stay forever, —WHEN we are, in fact, working for THE—DAY—WHEN IRAQ can defend itself and we can leave.
20070415             —GATHERED, FBI, 'purely political intel' on war critics.
20070415             —COMBINED, The revelations, with protester accounts, provide the 1. public evidence that WASHINGTON—BASED FBI personnel used their INTELLIGENCE—GATHERING powers in the District
20070415             to collect purely political intelligence.
20070415             —CONCERNED, Americans least, about global warming.
20070415             "More than 2—THIRDS—OF—THE—WORLD—PEOPLE are worried by global warming with Americans (57 %) among the least anxious even though their nation is the top SOURCE—OF—GREENHOUSE—GASES, 1—OPINION poll showed —ON—TUESDAY".
20070415             —TOPPED, Brazilians, the list, with.
20070415             87 % concerned about climate change.
20070415             Die "Times"-Aktie hat in den vergangenen —2—JAHREN um rund 35 % nachgegeben.
20070415             —SCHON voriges —JAHR enthielten sich 28—PROZENT—DER—AKTIONÄRE aus Protest der Stimme, darunter auch das WALL—STREET—HAUS MORGAN—STANLEY, dessen PORTFOLIO—MANAGER HASSAN—ELMASRY, einer der schärfsten "Times"-Kritiker, rund 7 5—ALLER Verlagsaktien hält.
20070415             Untersuchungsbericht: USA—SOLDATEN erschossen unbeteiligte Zivilisten in AFGHANISTAN
20070415             Radikaler Vorschlag: Wirtschaftsweiser will Stundenlöhne unter 3—EURO
20070415             ERZ—BISCHOF—AUS—SIMBABWE: "Wir haben Mugabes Nonsens satt"
20070415             ROBERT—MASSEY—VON—DER—ROYAL—ASTRONOMICAL—SOCIETY sagte der GROSSBRITANNIEN—ZEITUNG "THE—GUARDIAN ", dass die Mission "legitime Wissenschaft" sei.
20070415             Schließlich gehe es darum, 1—THEORIE zu ÜBERPRÜFEN—AUCH wenn die Ergebnisse keinen besonderen Fortschritt bedeuteten.
20070415             Ähnlich äußerte sich der KÖNIGLICH—GROSSBRITANNIEN—HOFASTRONOM SIR—MARTIN—REES: Die Ergebnisse seien nicht gerade sensationell.
20070415             Winzige Abweichung bestätigt Relativitätstheorie
20070415             "Gravity Probe B" hat die RAUMZEIT—KRÜMMUNG —JETZT bestätigt,
20070415             wie die Stanford University mitteilt: Die Drehachsen der Gyroskope hätten sich in der Tat um winzige 0,0018 Grad gegenüber der Ebene der SATELLITEN—UMLAUFBAHN VERSCHOBEN—WIE von der Relativitätstheorie vorhergesagt.
20070415             —JETZT haben Wissenschaftler der Stanford University die 1. Ergebnisse veröffentlicht: Einstein lag mit einer Wahrscheinlichkeit von 99 % richtig.
20070415             Die Schwerkraft ist nichts weiter als die Krümmung von Raum und Zeit: Mit dieser Theorie hat ALBERT—EINSTEIN vor fast —100—JAHREN die Physik revolutioniert.
20070415             Verbogene Raumzeit: SATELLITEN—MESSUNG gibt Einstein Recht
20070415             UniversalPagan Search Engine: Pagan Artists & Authors
20070415             This site is continuously growing with Pagan " creativists '!
20070415             You may also access DEERWOLF—ONLINE journal and other commentary by characters unique to dwh.
20070415             JSTOR: ENGLAND—RESEARCH and the National Council
20070415             always provided he is still 1—DE—VOUT believer in the purposes, the procedures + THE—PRODUCTS—OF—THE—ARTISTS, the intuitionalists, the creativists.
20070415             —INSPIRED, THE—JAM —WHILE stirring in 1—LYRICAL—ZANINESS, by contemporary creativists They Might Be Giants, as well as DECADES—OF—IMMERSION in MONTY—PYTHON.
20070415             THE—ARAB—EDUCATION—FORUM (AEF): Building on what is beautiful...
20070415             15—ARTISTS + cultural ' creativists ' from various countries (which included —THIS—YEAR—ITALY—FRANCE, UK—GERMANY, USA—MEXICO + INDIA in addition to...
20070415             Comments on: 1—SMALL—VICTORY—FOR—SANITY
20070415             Those scientists that are proposing intelligent design are not biblical creativists but are proposing 1—ALTERNATE and/or complement to evolution because...
20070415             PhysOrgForum Science, Physics and Technology Discussion Forums...
20070415             All creativists arguments fall down —WHEN 1—SEES that organisms are not specific purpose tailored at all.
20070415             —SIGHTED, It is very short, VIEW—OF—CREATIONISM that.
20070415             Ça, c'est une pub " MARCO—PESCH
20070415             Le effet 'wow' pour les creativists, les gamers, les écouteurs de music et les utilisateurs/utilisatrices comme vous et moi.
20070415             Innocence lost.
20070415             Pinpointing the problem with accuracy, she explains that those she calls " creativists " are confusing "novelty, i rregular ways of seeing or naming things...
20070415             REPORTS - GOABASE | Party Details | goa parties and people | 3ö
20070415             1—GIGANTIC—TROOP—OF—PHANTASTIC—CREATIVISTS gets together from everywhere here to enchant the place in 1 colored other world.
20070415             TUDOG—NEWSLETTER
20070415             "scientists" and making 1—STRONG—CASE—OF—THE " creativists ".
20070415             Mistakes that should be. avoided include:
20070415             Mistake: Under Appreciating Marketing — marketing is.
20070415             Development of ACTION—PLANNING systems on the basis of...
20070415             creativists (individuals who, in addition to employing SEARCH—REDUCING techniques, also generate efficient solving strategies for whole classes of...
20070415             NG BBS—THE—USE—OF—DRUGS in spurring genius
20070415             I think MANY—ARTISTS, who are excellent technicians, but lousy creativists, DO use substances to give them that creative catalyst that can spawn 1—GREAT...
20070415             Scoop: UQ Wire: PORTER—GOSS—RESIGNATION—SOLVED
20070415             "The creative DEALINGS—OF—DEFENDANT EL—BATRAWI partly explains how this money disappeared so.
20070415             White Collar Crime Prof Blog: Civil Enforcement
20070415             Whether the court would delay the hearing to afford Johns his rights under the Rules,
20070415             BOB—O'BRIEN—SANITY—CHECK—NCANS Comment Letter Submitted to SEC.
20070415             —FROM mid 20000000             till the end of 20010000             , GenesisIntermedia (OTC: GENI—NEWS ) and Ramy EL—BATRAWI attracted the attention of 1—GROUP...
20070415             BOB—O'BRIEN—SANITY—CHECK—ROCKER Announces Retirement, Hedge...
20070415             Ramy EL—BATRAWI, et al., USA—DISTRICT—COURT—FOR—THE—CENTRAL.
20070415             For THE—RECORD—SUMMARY—POSTS
20070415             —WORKED, —WHEN the helpful Khashoggi, with OLIVER—NORTH to sell arms to IRAN, Ramy EL—BATRAWI was there, as PRESIDENT—OF—1—KHASHOGGI company...
20070415             FindLaw for Legal PROFESSIONALS—CASE—LAW, FEDERAL—AND—STATE...
20070415             —DENIED, Bernstein and MBH, the allegations and requested 1—HEARING —BEFORE an...
20070415             Ramy EL—BATRAWI and others of engaging in 1—ELABORATE —2-YEAR scheme... - And KHASHOGGI—HENCHMAN Ramy EL—BATRAWI,
20070415             currently under indictment with Big K for looting...
20070415             Rigorous Intuition (v. 2.0): —JUST 1—DRIVE—BY
20070415             Enter ADNAN—KHASHOGGI + LIEUTENANT—RAMY—EL—BATRAWI, who, we learned... of 1—BRIEF on behalf of respondent in THE—SUPREME—COURT—CASE—OF—USA v.
20070415             —FILED, The suit was, by the Securities and Exchange Commission against ADNAN—KHASHOGGI, THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—FINANCIER + Ramy EL—BATRAWI, who was CHIEF executive of
20070415             El AL—ISRAEL—AIRLINES, ISRAEL—NATIONAL—CARRIER, said it and other airlines... THE—START—OF—THE—WORLD—COURT—HEARINGS in THE—HAGUE on whether the structure...
20070415             Demonstration: PUTIN—GEGNER versammeln sich in S—PETERSBURG—DAX—GEFLÜSTER: Hauptsache, es knallt
20070415             Gescheiterter Lafontaine: Auf verlorenem Posten gegen den Einheitskanzler
20070415             AFGHANISTAN: Tornados starten zu 1. Aufklärungsflügen
20070415             —INDICATED, Waxman said THE—RNC, that it had destroyed all E—MAIL records from WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS 20010000             , 20020000             and 20030000             .
20070415             —JOINED, He was, by the ranking Republican on the committee, SENATOR—ARLEN—SPECTER
20070415             (PENNSILVANIA), in calling on THE—WHITE—HOUSE to join Congress in setting up a "fair and objective process for investigating this matter".
20070415             "You can't erase E—MAILS, not —TODAY," Leahy said in 1—ANGRY—SPEECH on the Senate floor.
20070415             "They've gone through too MANY—SERVERS.
20070415             Those E—MAILS are there -- they —JUST don't want to produce them.
20070415             It's like the infamous —18—MINUTE—GAP in the Nixon WHITE—HOUSE—TAPES".
20070415             Rove E—MAIL Sought by Congress May Be Missing
20070415             —REJECTED, WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS, that explanation.
20070415             "What we have done has been forthcoming, honest," spokeswoman Dana Perino said.
20070415             "We are trying to understand to THE—BEST—OF—OUR ability the universe of THE—E—MAILS that were potentially lost +
20070415             we are taking steps to make sure that we use the forensics that are available to retrieve ANY—OF—THOSE that are lost.
20070415             "Democrats are suspicious that Rove and other senior officials were using the political accounts, set up by THE—RNC, to avoid scrutiny from Congress," THE—WASHINGTON—POST—ARTICLE continues.
20070415             "E—MAILS already in the public record suggest that at least SOME—WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS were mindful of 1 need not to discuss certain matters within the official WHITE—HOUSE E—MAIL system".
20070415             Nature has had about 2.7—BILLION years to perfect photosynthesis, so there are huge lessons that remain for us to learn," Engel said. "The results we're reporting in this latest paper, however, at least give us 1—NEW—WAY to think about THE—DESIGN—OF—FUTURE—ARTIFICIAL photosynthesis systems".
20070415             The photosynthetic technique for transferring energy from 1—MOLECULAR—SYSTEM to another should make ANY—SHORT—LIST—OF—MOTHER—NATURE—SPECTACULAR—ACCOMPLISHMENTS.
20070415             If we can learn enough to emulate this process, we might be able to create artificial versions of photosynthesis that would help us effectively tap into the sun as 1—CLEAN, efficient, sustainable and CARBON—NEUTRAL—SOURCE—OF—ENERGY.
20070415             —REVEALED, Quantum secrets of photosynthesis
20070415             Through photosynthesis, green plants and cyanobacteria are able to transfer sunlight energy to molecular reaction centers for conversion into chemical energy with nearly 100-% efficiency.
20070415             MERRIAM—WEBSTER provides 1—HANDFUL—OF—DEFINITIONS, including "... fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance" and "1—NOTION maintained despite evidence to the contrary".
20070415             —4—YEARS—OF—ROVE emails missing - "It was an honest mistake I tells ya!
20070415             ElBaradei: IRAN nuclear plant still —IN—EARLY—STAGES : DIRECTOR—GENERAL—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—ATOMIC—ENERGY—AGENCY (IAEA) MOHAMMED—ELBARADEI said HERE—THURSDAYNIGHT that IRAN has no necessary facilities to produce nuclear weapons.
20070415             RUSSIA rules out military scenario for IRAN : 1—MILITARY—SCENARIO for IRAN should be ruled out, 1—SENIOR—RUSSIA—LAWMAKER said —AFTER 1—CLOSED—DOORS meeting with Deputy Foreign MINISTER—SERGEI—KISLYAK.
20070415             IRAN leads attack against USA—DOLLAR : —WHILE the world press has focused on IRAN—PLANS to move ahead with enriching uranium, TEHRAN continues to wage economic war against THE—USA—DOLLAR behind the scenes.
20070415             —DURING his visit, Gates may attempt to persuade ISRAEL to ease its objections to the sale of advanced weapons systems to SAUDI—ARABIA and other Gulf states.
20070415             ISRAEL : What price friendship?
20070415             The transcripts feature 1—AMAZING discussion about the sensitive issue of the political pressure that USA Jewry was exerting on the administration and Congress.
20070415             Novak: War in IRAQ "the Sharon war"?
20070415             —CONVINCED, ROBERT—NOVAK: "I am, that ISRAEL made 1—LARGE—CONTRIBUTION to the decision to embark on this war.
20070415             I know that on THE—EVE—OF—THE—WAR, Sharon said, in 1 closed conversation with senators, that if they could succeed in getting rid of SADDAM—HUSSEIN, it would solve ISRAEL—SECURITY—PROBLEMS.
20070415             ISRAEL will not be transferring PALESTINE—FUNDS : ISRAEL preceded THE—OLMERT—ABBAS meeting by ANNOUNCING—FRIDAYIT will not transfer ANY—FUNDS to ISRAEL.
20070415             SWEDEN—TEEN: USA—TROOPS led operation : 1—SWEDEN—TEENAGER who was imprisoned —FOR—WEEKS with alleged terror suspects in ETHIOPIA said in 1—INTERVIEW—PUBLISHED—THURSDAYTHAT—AMERICANS in military uniform directed THE—KENYA—SOLDIERS who took her into custody on THE—SOMALI—KENYA—BORDER.
20070415             'I am plotting 1—NEW—RUSSIA—REVOLUTION':
20070415             LONDON exile Berezovsky says force necessary to bring down PRESIDENT—PUTIN
20070415             Berezovsky denounces violence despite coup claims: RUSSIA said —TODAY it was opening 1—CRIMINAL—INVESTIGATION into BORIS—BEREZOVSKY —AFTER the exiled tycoon told THE—GUARDIAN he is plotting the violent OVERTHROW—OF—PRESIDENT—PUTIN from his base in BRITAIN.
20070415             Bali group, INDONESIA—ARMY had 'curious link' : 1—INTERNATIONAL—PANEL—OF—EXPERTS says it has identified a "curious link" between associates of the outlawed regional terror ist group Jemaah Islamiah and THE—INDONESIA—MILITARY (TNI).
20070415             Uranium dust : LAWRENCE—LIVERMORE—NATIONAL—LABORATORIES has applied for 1—PERMIT to blow up as much as 450—POUNDS—OF depleted uranium in explosives tests WEST—OF—TRACY —THIS—YEAR.
20070415             —MISSED, In case you, it:
20070415             Poison DUst : Video : Poison DUst tells the story of young soldiers who thought they came home safely from the war, but didn't.
20070415             AUSTRALIA censors terror ism books : The new law would be targeted at removing the material from publication, rather than punishing its authors + customs officers would be given much broader powers to confiscate books and films being imported into the country.
20070415             Homeland Security Developing 'Hostile Intent' Technology:
20070415             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY, —IN—APRIL that it is developing human factors technology able to screen people at borders for hostile intent.
20070415             UNITED—NATIONS nuclear CHIEF—SAYS—IRAN is operating only several 100—CENTRIFUGES: THE—HEAD—OF—THE—UNITED—NATIONS—NUCLEAR—WATCHDOG says IRAN is operating only several 100—CENTRIFUGES at its uranium enrichment plant at Natanz, despite its claims to have activated 3,000.
20070415             —CONFIRMED, Chevron, as key sponsor of IRAQ Oil, Gas, Petrochemical & Electricity Summit : The summit has been organised to bring together key IRAQ Government decision makers in the energy sector and INTERNATIONAL operators seeking partnership opportunities in both the upstream and downstream industry.
20070415             Banned in USA - - CANADA Offers Forum for Lecturer Barred From USA.
20070415             Unable to travel to THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—WASHINGTON, RIYADH—LAFTA -- best known for 1—CONTROVERSIAL—STUDY that estimated IRAQ—BODY—COUNT in THE—USA—LED war in IRAQ at more than half 1—MILLION -- will arrive at SIMON—FRASER—UNIVERSITY—IN—BC.
20070415             —THIS—MONTH to give 1—LECTURE and meet with research associates.
20070415             THE—BAGHDAD—GULAG
20070415             There were HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS, perhaps more than 1—MILLION—IRAQ—NATIONALISTS, waving IRAQ—FLAGS—WITH no room for 1—RELIGIOUS—DIVIDE—RESPONDING to MUQTADA—CALL for "Occupation out!" THE—SHI'ITE—MILLION—MAN—MARCH proved once again Sadrists rule the Shi'ite STREET—AND are the most powerful political force among IRAQ—SHI'ITES.
20070415             1—PARADIGM—SHIFT: AMERICA as Proxy
20070415             —MANAGED, In most instances in the past, ISRAEL, to sway USA—ADMINISTRATIONS to behave according to the misleading mantra: "WHAT—GOOD for ISRAEL is good for AMERICA".
20070415             But 1—CLASH—OF—INTERESTS here is unavoidable.
20070415             1—DOCUMENTARY program by THE—HOLLAND—PUBLIC—BROADCAST—ORGANIZATION—VICE—PRESIDENT—RO, allows several interesting opinion makers to speak on the future of the American and ISRAEL relationship and the reception of JOHN—MEARSHEIMERS and STEVE—WALTS article "THE—ISRAEL—LOBBY and USA foreign policy".
20070415             I have been haunted this last QUARTER—CENTURY + especially this last —DECADE, by the darkness that has descended over THE—USA—POLITICAL landscape, 1—LONG shadow unlike ANY—I remember from the 1. HALF—OF—MY life.
20070415             And that is why CREW is asking Fitz to RE—OPEN the case against KARL—ROVE.
20070415             Melanie Sloan, CREW—EXECUTIVE—DIRECTOR, said —TODAY,
20070415             "It looks like KARL—ROVE may well have destroyed evidence that implicated him in THE—WHITE—HOUSE 's orchestrated efforts to leak Valerie Plame WILSON—COVERT—IDENTITY to the press in retaliation against her husband, FORMER—AMBASSADOR—JOSEPH—WILSON".
20070415             —CONTINUED, Sloan, "Special Counsel Fitzgerald should —IMMEDIATELY reopen his investigation into whether Rove took part in the leak as well as whether he obstructed justice in the ensuing leak investigation".
20070415             So where did the missing missives go?
20070415             How do THE—WHITE—HOUSE—EMAIL—SYSTEMS (official and NON—OFFICIAL) actually work?
20070415             —IN response to the latest document dump, 1—DEMOCRATIC—UNDERGROUND poster with the euphonious nick "Tandalayo_Scheisskopf," who seems to have 1—TECHNICAL—BACKGROUND, offered 1—REACTION—DESERVING—OF—REPETITION here: 1.
20070415             —OFFERED, The documents, up do not have full email headers included.
20070415             For those who understand such things, email headers are 1—RICH—SOURCE—OF—INFORMATION.
20070415             I do not think that 1—LACK—OF—FULL—EMAIL headers in these documents is 1—MISTAKE.
20070415             2. From their format, as supplied, especially as regards how file attachments are shown on them, I would expect that their email server infrastructure is based upon Microsoft Exchange (version unknown).
20070415             —NOW, this possibility, taken with the recent CREW information that 5—MILLION—EMAILS are missing, tells me something:
20070415             5—MILLION—EMAILS are missing, out of how MANY—EMAILS?
20070415             That is hard to divine, but I can say this: this is 1—VERY—HIGH—VOLUME—EMAIL—INFRASTRUCTURE, 1—THAT surely has 1—TON—OF—SECURITY.
20070415             —IN 1—EXCHANGE—ENVIRONMENT—LIKE that, you are going to have Exchange bridgehead servers, connectors, routing servers, active directory servers, firewalls, clustering, 1—NUMBER—OF—EMAIL—STORES, IIS servers, SERVICE—DEDICATED servers, ISA servers, SAN storage and 1—LOT—MORE.
20070415             Plus Blackberry servers.
20070415             —DEDICATED, And, most importantly, a, SUB—INFRASTRUCTURE—OF—SERVERS for —JUST backups and archiving.
20070415             For all these emails to be scrubbed completely is No Small Taters.
20070415             —CONFIGURED, Either this was the single worst, and administered Exchange infrastructure in THE—HISTORY—OF—MANKIND, or 1 or more people with 1—VERY detailed KNOWLEDGE—OF—EXCHANGE came in, mapped the topology and proceeded to sanitize the system.
20070415             There is a 3. possibility: That THE—WHITE—HOUSE and THE—RNC have decided to stonewall and ignore subpoenas.
20070415             ANY—WAY you slice and dice it, this is big and it points to organized criminal effort.
20070415             I also cannot think of ANY—GEEK who would willingly sign onto duty like this and place themselves in 1—POSITION—OF such jeopardy.
20070415             —NEEDED, Especially 1 with the high level of technical expertise, to do ALL—OF—THIS.
20070415             Which leads to a 4. possibility: Could this system have been intentionally set to wipe out, lose, obfuscate and obscure.
20070415             That is not unlikely.
20070415             Were I advising Leahy or WAXMAN—I would find out where those servers are and put seals on them post haste.
20070415             -- YOU never know who owns what these days.
20070415             Case in point: the Hotel Gansevoort.
20070415             ARIK—KIS lin, CaseHotel Gansevoort,ARIK—KISLIN - A New Pearl Harbor
20070415             —FROM THE—RNC server".
20070415             NEW—YORK Post; Exposing THE—LIES—BG (The title of this post is TONGUE—IN—CHEEK, of course.) clipped from MOORE'S 'SICKO' STUNT TAKES 20010911             WORKERS TO CUBA
20070415             —CLIPPED, AG SCANDAL—BG, FROM—YOU Call This Freedom?
20070415             —CLIPPED, RYAN—MCGREAL—MILES—AWAY from Whole TRUTH—BG, from 1—NEW—PEARL—HARBOR
20070415             Really? - BG clipped FROM—ARE MOBILE phones wiping out our bees?
20070415             —CLIPPED, Privacy CONCERNS—BG, FROM—BY JAKE—BERNSTEIN, TEXAS Observer.
20070415             —CLIPPED, AG SCANDAL—BG, from WHITE—HOUSE lost 5—MILLION E—MAILS, CREW reveals
20070415             5—MILLION E—MAILS were lost by THE—WHITE—HOUSE according to 1—JUST released report from CREW called "WITHOUT 1—TRACE: THE—MISSING—WHITE—HOUSE—EMAILS and the Violations of the Presidential Records Act".
20070415             —EXPLAINED, As I, in the post below, Bush staffers have been already been using separate RNC E—MAIL accounts to conduct official business in order to avoid the law and hide evidence.
20070415             That's because under FEDERAL—LAW—EVERY—SINGLE—ELECTRONIC—COMMUNICATION—OF—1—WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIAL must be recorded and kept in THE—FEDERAL—ARCHIVES
20070415             —CLIPPED, Homeland INSECURITY—BG, from BRANDON—MAYFIELD stands up for USA 4. Amendment FBI victim delivers calm plea to Jewish lawyers
20070415             —CLIPPED, NOTEWORTHY—BG, from
20070415             World BANK—CHIEF—APOLOGIZES for Arranging Job
20070415             —CLIPPED, FASCISM—BG, from THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—TERRIBLE luck with finding documents
20070415             —CLIPPED, Due PROCESS—OF—LAW NEEDED—BG, from GUANTANAMO prisoner NUMBER 940
20070415             ADEL—HAMAD grew up in 1—SMALL—VILLAGE in SUDAN.
20070415             He has seen no family members —FOR—4—YEARS.
20070415             —CLIPPED, PSYCHOLOGY—ECONOMICS—BG, from LEVEL—HEADED: Economics Experiment Finds Taste For Equality
20070415             —CLIPPED, AG Scandal and Dusty FOGGO—BG, from Several
20070415             They appear to criticise PRESIDENT—GEORGE W BUSH—REFUSAL to join 1—INTERNATIONAL—TREATY to cut emissions".
20070415             67. - Nico - %age of Americans who believe that Congress should allow funding only with 1—TIME—LIMIT (58 %) or block all funding for the war in IRAQ (9 %), according to 1—NEW—CBS poll.
20070415             it is agreeing to the Senate Judiciary COMMITTEE—REQUEST for how to choose someone to help recover SOME—LOST E—MAILS involving official presidential business". But as DAVID—KURTZ notes, "THE—SENATE gets to help pick who will find the emails but THE—WHITE—HOUSE still hasn't agreed to let the Senate see the emails once they are found.
20070415             Ah, compromise".
20070415             At 1—MEETING—OF—THE—PRESIDENT—FOREIGN—POLICY—TEAM—TUESDAY, the administration decided THE—5—IRANIANS will remain in custody and go through 1—PERIODIC —6—MONTH review used for THE—250—OTHER—FOREIGN—DETAINEES held in IRAQ, USA—OFFICIALS said.
20070415             SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE went into the meeting —TUESDAY advising that the men be freed because they are no longer useful, but —AFTER 1—REVIEW—OF options she went along with the consensus, USA—OFFICIALS say.
20070415             —BEFORE NANCY Pelosi left ISRAEL to travel to Syria —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH, ISRAEL i PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT—SPOKESWOMAN MIRI Eisin said "Pelosi is conveying that ISRAEL is willing to talk if they (Syria) would openly take steps to stop supporting terror ism".
20070415             —FROM Olmert.
20070415             —SUGGESTED, MIDDLE—EAST—ANALYSTS have, Bush deputy National Security Adviser ELLIOTT—ABRAMS — 1—CLOSE—ALLY—OF—DICK Cheney — may have been coordinating the attempts to undermine PELOSI—TRIP.
20070415             "'It's obvious THE—WHITE—HOUSE is desperate to find SOME—PHONY CRITICISM—OF—THE—SPEAKER—TRIP, even though it was 1—BIPARTISAN trip,' said REPRESENTATIVE—TOM—LANTOS (D—CA), 1—HOLOCAUST survivor who is considered the Democrat closest to THE—PRO—ISRAEL lobby. 'I have nothing but contempt and disdain for the attempt to undermine this trip.'"
20070415             —RECALLED, MIDDLE—EAST experts
20070415             —THIS—WEEK, THE—WASHINGTON—POST—EDITORIAL—BOARD — which has helped drive the Pelosi smear campaign from the beginning — published 1—ATTACK—PIECE from LIZ—CHENEY, THE—DAUGHTER—OF—THE—VICE—PRESIDENT.
20070415             NICO—NPR reports, "According to someone who's had conversations with WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS, the plan to fire all 93—USA—ATTORNEY s originated with political adviser KARL—ROVE. It was seen as 1—WAY to get political cover for firing the small NUMBER—OF—USA—ATTORNEY s THE—WHITE—HOUSE actually wanted to get rid of. Documents show the plan was eventually dismissed as impractical".
20070415             SAMPSON: I personally did not.
20070415             She helped push through THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—CONTROVERSIAL—SUPREME—COURT nominees + ran the "murder boards"for Alito, Miers + Roberts.
20070415             Brand was also 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—RIGHT—WING—FEDERALIST—SOCIETY, which appears to be 1—CONSIDERATION for all USA—ATTORNEY candidates.
20070415             —BY WAY—OF—COMPARISON, Eleanor Acheson, PRESIDENT—CLINTON—NOMINEE for the same position, had practiced law —FOR—19—YEARS—PRIOR—TO her appointment + Viet Dinh, PRESIDENT—BUSH—1. nominee to HEAD—OLP was 1—PROFESSOR at GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY—LAW—CENTER who had published several scholarly articles and OP—EDS and had held several congressional positions by the time of his appointments.
20070415             (TPMmuckraker HAS—THE—KEY—PORTION—OF—FITZGERALD—LETTER:
20070415             According to THE—RNC, the Committee took action specifically and singularly against Rove 20050000             to keep him "from deleting his E—MAILS from THE—RNC server".
20070415             Missing emails could be 1—VIOLATION—OF—THE—PRESIDENTIAL—RECORDS—ACT.
20070415             'We are trying to muddy the coverage.'
20070415             —ON—TUESDAY, PRESIDENT—BUSH addressed THE—USA—LEGION and
20070415             —NOTED, As Atrios, —WHEN the Pentagon announced its new policy —ON—WEDNESDAY, Defense SECRETARY—GATES said he was angry that the news had been leaked to the press.
20070415             —SPARKED, That has, suspicion that the deployment extension was actually supposed to be announced —AFTER Bush had vetoed Congress' IRAQ legislation "so that he could try to claim it was their fault".
20070415             Q So why did he tell THE—USA—LEGION that people would be staying in IRAQ longer because of the Democrats, —WHEN his own Pentagon, —24—HOURS—LATER, was going to keep people there longer?
20070415             —BOTCHED, Or is THE—WHITE—HOUSE—NOW trying to cover up 1, plan to blame Congress for its own decision to further strain THE—USA—MILITARY, 1—MOVE that has hurt Bush politically and angered troops on the ground.
20070415             FLASHBACK: Cheney 'Has THE—SAME—SENSE—OF—HUMOR' As Imus
20070415             In the debate over DON—IMUS'OFFENSIVE comments about the Rutgers women's basketball team, MANY—BLOGGERS and pundits have focused on the fact that despite Imus' HISTORY—OF—INFLAMMATORY remarks, politicians and media celebrities have continued to appear on his show over the years.
20070415             Digg It! Transcript of 1—PORTION—OF—THE—INTERVIEW: (more...)
20070415             —BELIEVED, Rove, the communications were being PRESERVED—IN accordance with the law.
20070415             —DELETED, ANY—E—MAILS Rove, were the type of routine deletions people make to keep their inboxes orderly, Luskin said.
20070415             —DEDICATED, But there is 1—COLUMN, solely to 1—ASSESSMENT—OF whether the attorney s are members of the
20070415             Federalist Society. See below.
20070415             —SERVED, THE—FEDERALIST—SOCIETY has, as 1—KIND—OF—GATEWAY for judges and legal aides who strive to work inside THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, in effect promoting individuals who have dedicated themselves to enforcing 1—RIGHT—WING ideology rather than the law.
20070415             "According to the Government Accountability Project, 1—WATCHDOG—GROUP, she has
20070415             received 2—RAISES totaling $61,000
20070415             The group said bank payroll documents put her current annual salary at $193,590".
20070415             —ISSUED, THE—BOARD, a - statement
20070415             Alison Cave, CHAIRWOMAN—OF—THE—STAFF—ASSOCIATION,told staff: "He must act honorably and resign".
20070415             "Of course PRESIDENT—WOLFOWITZ has our full confidence," Deputy WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—SECRETARY—TONY—FRATTO said —YESTERDAY.
20070415             —ANNOUNCED, Defense SECRETARY—ROBERT—GATES, —YESTERDAY that all USA—ARMY—SOLDIERS in IRAQ would have their —12—MONTH—TOURS in IRAQ extended by 3—ADDITIONAL—MONTHS.
20070415             House Armed Services COMMITTEE—CHAIRMAN—IKE—SKELTON (D—MO) called the policy "1—ADDITIONAL—BURDEN to 1—ALREADY overstretched Army," and warned not to "underestimate the enormous negative impact this will have on Army families".
20070415             —NOW, newspapers are returning harrowing accounts from the ground, where USA—SOLDIERS reacted to the news with "muffled OUTBURSTS—OF—ANGER and frustration laced with dark humor".
20070415             THE—WASHINGTON—POST reports:
20070415             —FROM TEXAS to BAGHDAD and BAQUBAH to the Beltway, the reaction —THURSDAY among USA—SOLDIERS and their families to THE—NEWS—OF—THE—MASS—EXTENSION was akin to 1—COLLECTIVE groan.
20070415             "It FLAT—OUT sucks, that's the only way I can think to describe it," said PRIVATE—JEREMY—PERKINS, 25... "I found this out —TODAY from my squad leader. I still haven't told my wife yet. I'm —JUST trying to figure out exactly how I'm going to break it to her that 'Honey, uh, yeah, might be home —BEFORE our next anniversary. Sorry I missed the last 1.'"
20070415             —RETIRED, At least 5, generals have turned down the job.
20070415             WHITE—HOUSE says it will not turn over RNC emails. THE—POLITICO—REPORTS :
20070415             —FROM THE—CALL : DAVID—ALL: If you become AMERICA—NEXT—PRESIDENT, what role would bloggers, left and right, play in your communications strategy?
20070415             But as 1—SENATOR, McCain has hardly been 1—FRIEND to bloggers.
20070415             DECEMBER, he introduced legislation that would treat blogs like INTERNET service providers and hold them responsible for all activity in the comments sections and user profiles, subjecting them to "even stiffer penalties " than ISPs.
20070415             ALL—OF—MY life, developing credentials to cover my FIELD—OF—WORK +
20070415             And what have I —JUST not paid attention to that —10—YEARS—AGO I would've —JUST consumed?"
20070415             RNC has no Rove emails pre-20050000             .
20070415             TPM Muckraker highlights 1—PORTION from this letter —TODAY from REPRESENTATIVE—HENRY—WAXMAN (D—CA) to ALBERTO—GONZALES:
20070415             —REPORTED, As ThinkProgress has, there is good reason to believe fired USA—ATTORNEY—CAROL—LAM was targeting THE—WHITE—HOUSE—CONNECTIONS to MZM contractor MITCHELL—WADE, who pled guilty to paying more than $1—MILLION in bribes to FORMER—REPRESENTATIVE—DUKE—CUNNINGHAM.
20070415             —15—DAYS—LATER, he received 1,800 pages in documents in response to the request.
20070415             —NOTED, By contrast, Waxman, "The [MZM] contract is small and complying with the request should not be complicated".
20070415             —RETIRED, At least 5, generals
20070415             have turned down THE—POSITION—OF—WAR "TSAR,"according to CBS—DAVID—MARTIN.
20070415             In this afternoon's press briefing, THE—WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS corps confronted spokeswoman Dana Perino about her previous misstatements regarding THE—WHITE—HOUSE—USE—OF—RNC email accounts.
20070415             —CLAIMED, —TODAY, Perino, that her —EARLIER statement was made despite her ignorance of what was actually going on.
20070415             "Well, I didn't know how MANY—THERE were," Perino said.
20070415             "I grant you, it's 1—VERY—LARGE—HANDFUL".
20070415             —SUPPOSED, SCHUMER: There's, to be about a 1000—PAGES—OF—DOCUMENTS.
20070415             We do not. We know nothing about what's in them.
20070415             "CREW learned that the Executive OFFICE—OF—THE—PRESIDENT (EOP) has lost over 5—MILLION—EMAILS generated 20030300—20051000    —BETWEEN. THE—WHITE—HOUSE—COUNSEL'S—OFFICE was advised of these problems 20050000             and CREW has been told that THE—WHITE—HOUSE was given 1—PLAN—OF action to recover these emails, but to date nothing has been done to rectify this significant LOSS—OF—RECORDS".
20070415             In testimony to the Senate Appropriations Committee —YESTERDAY, HEAD—OF—THE—NATIONAL—GUARD—LIEUTENANT—GENERAL—STEVEN—BLUM said, "It bothers me that the Army and AIR—FORCE and Marine Corps and the Navy are at war and the nation's watching 'USA—IDOL ' and 'Dancing with the Stars.'" Watch it:
20070415             He "said 88—PERCENT—OF—THE—ARMY—NATIONAL—GUARD in THE—USA is not ready due to LACK—OF—EQUIPMENT and training + that
20070415             4—TOP—STAFFERS to RACHEL—PAULOSE, THE—USA—ATTORNEY in MINNESOTA, have voluntarily demoted themselves in protest of Paulose's "highly dictatorial style " of managing.
20070415             —EARNED, Paulose has also " 1—REPUTATION for quoting Bible verses and dressing down underlings".
20070415             She created controversy —WHEN her
20070415             lavish SWEARING—IN ceremony included 1—PROFESSIONAL photographer, 1—COLOR guard + 1—CHOIR.
20070415             (TPM and Sepia Mutiny have more.)
20070415             Watch below as O'Reilly spreads THE—JFK conspiracy theory that THE—CIA secretly supported assassin LEE—HARVEY—OSWALD: Digg It!
20070415             Transcript: (more...)
20070415             —BIASED, This —MORNING, NBC—TODAY—SHOW ran 1, segment casting doubt on PELOSI—SYRIA trip.
20070415             —CLAIMED, In his 1. question, Lauer, Pelosi has gotten off to 1—ROUGH—START—BECAUSE—OF—CRITICISMS from 1—BASELESS—WASHINGTON—POST—EDITORIAL, VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY + the conservative editorial PAGES—OF—THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL:
20070415             1—DECEMBER—WORLD—PUBLIC—OPINION poll found that 75 %of Americans — including 72—PERCENT—OF—REPUBLICANS and 81—PERCENT—OF—DEMOCRATS — support THE—IRAQ—STUDY—GROUP—RECOMMENDATION for direct engagement with IRAN and Syria.
20070415             Polls for THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES/Bloomberg and THE—WASHINGTON—POST found similarly high LEVELS—OF—SUPPORT for engagement.
20070415             Sens. PATRICK—LEAHY and Sheldon Whitehouse
20070415             This from the man WHO—SAID 20050000             :
20070415             —TOPPED, Brazilians, the list, with - 87 % concerned about climate change.
20070415             —JETZT hat ein sündhaft teurer NASA—SATELLIT die letzten Zweifel ausgeräumt: Krümmung und Verwirbelung der Raumzeit sind real
20070415             JSTOR: ENGLAND—RESEARCH and the National Council... always provided he is still 1—DE—VOUT believer in the purposes, the procedures + THE—PRODUCTS—OF—THE—ARTISTS, the intuitionalists, the creativists.
20070415             MISTER—NEUTRON—SINGS—THE—PRAISES—OF—SOLEDAD O"BRIEN... THE—JAM —WHILE stirring in 1—LYRICAL—ZANINESS inspired by contemporary creativists They Might Be Giants, as well as DECADES—OF—IMMERSION in MONTY—PYTHON.
20070415             Untitled... the part with most originals in the smaller houses, the import of intellectuals, the activists, the new creativists, the profesionals.
20070415             Ça, c'est une pub " MARCO—PESCH—LE effet 'wow' pour les creativists, les gamers, les écouteurs de music et les utilisateurs/utilisatrices comme vous et moi.
20070415             REPORTS We LEARNED—OF—THE—WORLD—3% population of cultural creativists, who believe everything, is 1—ASPECT necessitating constant watchfulness to be able to...
20070415             TUDOG—NEWSLETTER "scientists" and making 1—STRONG—CASE—OF—THE " creativists ".
20070415             Development of ACTION—PLANNING systems on the basis of... creativists (individuals who, in addition to employing SEARCH—REDUCING techniques, also generate efficient solving strategies for whole classes of...
20070415             com reports (here) that the grand jury began hearing testimony about —1—MONTH... SAUDI—ARABIA—FINANCIER ADNAN—KHASHOGGI and Ramy EL—BATRAWI, FORMER—CEO—OF...
20070415             White Collar Crime Prof Blog: Civil Enforcement SAUDI—ARABIA—FINANCIER ADNAN—KHASHOGGI and Ramy EL—BATRAWI, FORMER—CEO—OF... Whether the court would delay the hearing to afford Johns his rights under the Rules...
20070415             For THE—RECORD—SUMMARY—POSTS—WHEN the helpful Khashoggi worked with OLIVER—NORTH to sell arms to IRAN, Ramy EL—BATRAWI was there, as PRESIDENT—OF—1—KHASHOGGI company...
20070415             C L A S S A C T I O N R E P O R T E R —THURSDAY, 20011115             ...
20070415             Ramy EL—BATRAWI and others of engaging in 1—ELABORATE —2—YEAR scheme...
20070415             And KHASHOGGI—HENCHMAN Ramy EL—BATRAWI,
20070415             —FILED, The suit was, by the Securities and Exchange Commission against ADNAN—KHASHOGGI, THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—FINANCIER + Ramy EL—BATRAWI, who was CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OF...
20070415             THE—GOANS get tough and mystery REMAINS—DID THE—PORTUGAL—DISCOVER AUSTRALIA?
20070415             THE—ROOTS—OF—SOME—COMMON—SUPERSTITIONS—SO, exactly what are superstitions?
20070415             Chavez: Troops to Escort Oil Takeovers : PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ said —THURSDAY that soldiers will accompany government officials —WHEN they take over oil projects in the Orinoco River basin —NEXT—MONTH.
20070415             The tool will help screeners identify people who should not be allowed to enter the country
20070415             Wolfowitz pay scandal laid bare : THE—WORLD—BANK—EARLY—FRIDAY released more than 100—PAGES—OF—DOCUMENTS that exposed the pivotal role played by its PRESIDENT, PAUL—WOLFOWITZ, in awarding startling pay hikes to his girlfriend.
20070415             —WHILE THE—USA was the major power that often orchestrated proxy wars through clandestine tactics, as it did in CENTRAL—AMERICA and various parts of ASIA, ISRAEL is —NOW adopting 1—SIMILAR—SCHEME.
20070415             THE—POWER—OF—THE—ISRAEL—LOBBY in THE—USA—THIS is 1 must watch video
20070415             —TODAY—LA—TIMES (subscription required) emphasizes that Rove, upon assuming his duties, was officially cautioned not to misplace ANY—EMAILS, which is sort of like cautioning CHARLES—NG not to kill people.
20070415             And, most importantly, 1—DEDICATED—SUB—INFRASTRUCTURE—OF—SERVERS for —JUST backups and archiving.
20070415             ARIK—KIS lin, ---- -In an letter sent to Byrne, Nora Slatkin-, THE—NAVY—CHIEF—PROCUREMENT—OFFICIAL, rejected DeCaro's...
20070415—19950000    —SPRING—OF, In the, Ramy EL—BATRAWI of Genesis/Positive Response...
20070415—19970000    —IN, Brant Parker (86), collaborator with JOHNNY—HART on the "Wizard of Id" (19640000             ) cartoon strip, † in LYNCHBURG—VIRGINIA Parker handed the illustration of the cartoon over to his son, JEFF—PARKER.
20070415—19980900    —FROM, The bank says that BACK—UP tapes of corporate emails 20001200             —(?:THRU|THROUGH) were stored at the building and destroyed in the attack.
20070415—20010911    —ON, Disclaimer: This post in no way supports that idea that Jones' research addresses all the effects that happened. clipped from
20070415—20010911    —FROM, BACKGROUND—BG clipped Television Viewing Linked To Dreams And Stress
20070415—20020400    —IN, "1—SECRET—FBI intelligence unit helped detain 1—GROUP—OF—WAR—PROTESTERS in 1—DOWNTOWN—WASHINGTON parking garage and interrogated SOME—OF—THEM on videotape about their political and religious beliefs, newly uncovered documents and interviews show...
20070415—20040000    —FROM,
20070415—20040000    —FROM, - BG clipped from —50—YEARS on, Lavon Affair still hot potato in ISRAEL
20070415—20040400    —IM, hat die USA—RAUMFAHRTBEHÖRDE Nasa nach —JAHRZEHNTEN der Vorbereitung den Plan in die Tat umgesetzt und den Satelliten "Gravity Probe B" ins All geschossen.
20070415—20040800    —STARTED, According to MISTER—KELNER, although the hold, THE—RNC does not have ANY—E—MAILS —PRIOR—TO 20050000             for MISTER—ROVE.
20070415—20050000    —SINCE, encouraged and advised by USA—OFFICIALS
20070415—20050000    —UNTIL, THE—RNC acknowledged that, —WHILE they instituted 1—NEW—POLICY 20040000             to preserve emails, there appear to be no records from WHITE—HOUSE—SENIOR—POLITICAL—ADVISER—KARL—ROVE, leaving open "the possibility that Rove had personally deleted the missing E—MAILS".
20070415—20050100    —IN, on THE—DAY—OF—BUSH—2. inaugaration, CHENEY and his wife, Lynne, granted Imus a
20070415—20050600    —SINCE, for THE—OFFICE—OF—LEGAL—POLICY (OLP).
20070415—20060100    —IN, also reminded us that, special prosecutor PATRICK—FITZGERALD informed the Scooter Libby defense team that SOME—OF—ROVE—EMAILS from his WHITE—HOUSE—ACCOUNT 20030000             were not saved as required by FEDERAL—LAW.
20070415—20060100    —IN, In its report documenting THE—WHITE—HOUSE—DESTRUCTION—OF—5—MILLION—EMAILS,CREW also reminded us that, special prosecutor PATRICK—FITZGERALD informed the Scooter Libby defense team that SOME—OF—ROVE—EMAILS from his WHITE—HOUSE—ACCOUNT 20030000             were not saved as required by FEDERAL—LAW.
20070415—20060109    —RELEASED, But 1—NEW E—MAIL, to the House Judiciary Committee shows that — —1—YEAR—BEFORE the prosecutors were fired — Sampson recommended replacements for almost EVERY—1—OF—THE—USA—ATTORNEY s on the administration's hit list, suggesting that these prosecutors were fired to make way for partisan loyalists.
20070415—20060500    —IN, he said bloggers are ".
20070415—20060500    —IN, he said bloggers are "infatuated with SELF—EXPRESSION " who believe themselves to be "so much more eloquent, WELL—INFORMED + wiser than anyone else".
20070415—20061100    —FROM, THE—MAYFIELD case is known across the country for MANY—UNPRECEDENTED—REASONS, none more unique than the partial settlement —DATE, which, in addition to the payout, allows for further challenges of THE—USA—PATRIOT Act.
20070415—20061200    —IN, he had no replacements in mind —BEFORE the Justice DEPARTMENT—FIRED—THE—USA—ATTORNEY s :
20070415—20061207    —ON, SCHUMER: Did you or did you not have in mind specific replacements for the dismissed USA—ATTORNEY s —BEFORE they were asked to resign.
20070415—20070123    —ON, He noted that, his COMMITTEE—ASKED—DHS to provide it with documents on the Department's $30—BILLION.
20070415—20070123    —ON, He noted that, his COMMITTEE—ASKED—DHS to provide it with documents on the Department's $30—BILLION contract with Boeing to design and build 1—COMPREHENSIVE—BORDER—SECURITY—PLAN.
20070415—20070306    —ON, email from Justice DEPARTMENT—SPOKESWOMAN—TASIA—SCOLINOS to Bush counselor DAN—BARTLETT and CHENEY aide Cathie Martin, —1—DAY—BEFORE several purged USA—ATTORNEY s testified —BEFORE Congress:
20070415—20070308    —FEARED, Missing American, 1—VICTIM—OF 'dirty war ': MISTER—LEVINSON disappeared —AFTER a —6—HOUR meeting on THE—IRAN—ISLAND—OF—KISH with DAWUD—SALAHUDDIN, 1—USA—WHO converted to Islam and was recruited by revolutionaries to assassinate 1—IRAN—OPPOSITION—ACTIVIST—NEAR—WASHINGTON 19800000             .
20070415—20070326    —ON, REPRESENTATIVE—HENRY—WAXMAN (D—CA)
20070415—20070327    —CLAIMED, Perino, that there were only a "handful.
20070415—20070327    —CLAIMED, Perino, that there were only a "handful " of staffers with such accounts.
20070415—20070327    —ON, Perino said RNC archiving was "
20070415—20070329    —ON, FORMER—CHIEF—OF—STAFF to ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES—KYLE—SAMPSON told the Senate Judiciary Committee, under oath, that
20070415—20070412    —IN—THE, published ISSUE—OF—NATURE, people will spend their own money to make the rich less rich and the poor less poor.
20070415—20070412    —IN—THE, According to 1—NEW—STUDY—OF behavioral economics, published ISSUE—OF—NATURE, people will spend their own money to make the rich less rich and the poor less poor.
20070415—20070414    —POSTED .
20070415—20070911    —IN—THE, Citigroup says SOME—INFORMATION that the committee is seeking [about WorldCom] was destroyed terror attack on the World Trade Center.
20070415—20071207    —ON, th, I did not have in mind ANY—REPLACEMENTS for ANY—OF—THE—7—WHO were asked to resign.
20070415—20071207    —ON, SCHUMER: Did you or did you not have in mind specific replacements for the dismissed USA—ATTORNEY s —BEFORE they were asked to resign th, 20060000             .
20070415—20100000    —EXPECTED, Completion was, with CONSTRUCTION—OF—NEW ships to start annually.
20070415—FRIDAY, 20070406             20070723—20040700    —DATE20070723—20070406    —ON, 1—FEDERAL—JURY awarded Trulove $10—MILLION in damages with THE—CITY—OF—S—FRANCISCO responsible.
20070415—FRIDAY, 20070406             20070416—20090415    —ON, JOHN—HATLEY was CONVICTED—OF—MURDER.
20070418             Its crew of 3 was last seen 20070415             .
20080226             RESURRECTION CHURCH — —SUNDAY, 20070415             — Vol.
20080226             31 #27- - RESURRECTION CHURCH — —SUNDAY, 20070415             — Vol.
20080226             31 #27- - RESURRECTION CHURCH —SUNDAY, 20070415             — Vol.
20080415             —ARRIVED, BENEDICT—PAPA, at Andrews AIR—FORCE—BASE in MARYLAND and was met by PRESIDENT—BUSH and Catholic dignitaries.
20080415             —TURNED, Benedict, 81 the —NEXT—DAY.
20080415             —SURGED, Data firm RealtyTrac said home foreclosure filings, 57% in THE—12—MONTH—PERIOD ended in March and bank repossessions soared 129% from —1—YEAR—AGO.
20080415             —SOARED, USA—INFLATION at the wholesale level, in March at nearly triple the rate that had been expected as THE—COSTS—OF—ENERGY and food both climbed rapidly.
20080415             MIKE—LEAVITT, the top USA—HEALTH—OFFICIAL, said USA—FOOD and drug regulators will start working in CHINA —NEXT—MONTH once BEIJING gives its final approval.
20080415             —ESTABLISHED, J—STREET, 1—AMERICA—PRO ISRAEL and pro peace lobby was, under director JEREMY—BEN—AMI.
20080415             —BASED, It argued for a 2-state solution, on ISRAEL—PRE—19670000              borders.
20080415             It is the 1. and only FEDERAL—POLITICAL—ACTION—COMMITTEE (PAC) established to explicitly promote meaningful USA—LEADERSHIP to end THE—ISRAELI—PALESTINIAN and ISRAELI—ARAB conflicts peacefully and diplomatically.
20080415             1—DRAFT—REPORT by THE—USA—NATIONAL—TOXICOLOGY—PROGRAM acknowledged concerns over BISPHENOL—A (BPA), 1—CHEMICAL found in THOUSANDS—OF—EVERYDAY—PLASTIC—PRODUCTS, saying it may cause cancer and other serious disorders.
20080415             —DROPPED, CALIFORNIA SENATOR—LELAND—YEE, efforts to put the Cow Palace in DALY—CITY up for sale and settled on 1—COMPROMISE plan to allow 1—ADJOINING parking lot to be sold.
20080415             —INCLUDED, Her films, "Devil Girl From Mars" (19540000             ).
20080415             Her autobiography, "Hazel Court: Horror QUEEN," was published —LATER—THIS—MONTH.
20080415             1—BANGLADESH official said at least 17—PEOPLE were killed —WHEN 1—TRAIN plowed through 1 packed bus at 1—RAILWAY crossing in Tangail district.
20080415             —SIGNED, BRAZIL and RUSSIA, 1—AGREEMENT to jointly develop TOP—LINE—JET—FIGHTERS and satellite launch vehicles.
20080415             —ERUPTED, COLOMBIA—NEVADO del Huila volcano, in 1—SHOWER of hot ash, prompting THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE to leave their homes.
20080415             —KILLED, EAST—DEMOCRATIC, REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO at least 44—PEOPLE were, and up tot 100 injured —WHEN 1—PASSENGER—PLANE crashed onto 1—MARKET—DISTRICT—AFTER—TAOFF—KING—OF— at GOMA.
20080415             FRANCE—HIGH—SCHOOL—STUDENTS threw bottles and rocks on the fringes of 1—PARIS demonstration that drew THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS to 1—MARCH against 1—GOVERNMENT—PLAN to cut teaching jobs.
20080415             1 parked car bomb targeting 1—POLICE—PATROL in CENTRAL—BAGHDAD, killed 4—CIVILIANS who were passing by and wounding 15—OTHER—PEOPLE.
20080415             —PARKED, In Baqouba 1—CAR, in front of 1—RESTAURANT exploded killing at least 35—PEOPLE.
20080415             —PARKED, In Ramadi 1, car bomb exploded near 1—KEBAB restaurant killing at least 13—PEOPLE.
20080415             —BACKED, USA—SOLDIERS, by 1—AIRSTRIKE killed 6—MILITANTS —DURING clashes in the Sudayrah area near BAGHDAD—SADR—CITY.
20080415             —KILLED, USA—TROOPS, 4—MILITANTS who fired ROCKET—PROPELLED grenades at 1—TANK elsewhere in the area.
20080415             —KILLED, More clashes in Sadr City left 4—MILITIAMEN, and 15—OTHERS wounded.
20080415             ISRAEL said it will resume SOME—CRUCIAL—FUEL—SHIPMENTS to THE—GAZA—STRIP.
20080415             —CONFIRMED, Defense officials, that ISRAEL will let Jewish settlers build new houses in existing WEST—BANK—SETTLEMENTS if they remove unauthorized settlement outposts.
20080415             —PLEDGED, ITALY—SILVIO—BERLUSCONI, —71—JAHRE—ALT, to use his big election win to push through economic reforms, and vowed to close the border to illegal immigrants in 1—CRACKDOWN on criminals he called "the army of evil".
20080415             He owed his majority in PARLIAMENT to the support of the xenophobic NORTH—LEAGUE, which won 8—PERCENT—OF—VOTES.
20080415             —JOINED, KAZAKHSTAN, other Black Sea grain exporters in curbing shipments to combat DOUBLE—DIGIT inflation.
20080415             KAZAKHSTAN will become the world's 5. largest wheat exporter —THIS—YEAR, shipping half its record 20070000             crop.
20080415             —SURPRISED, NEPAL—FORMER—REBELS, observers by winning more than half of the directly elected seats where counting was complete in 1—ASSEMBLY that will shape the Himalayan nation's political future.
20080415             RE—VOTING was held in 6—CONSTITUENCIES.
20080415             —KILLED, NEW—ZEALAND, 5—PEOPLE were, and 3—OTHERS missing —AFTER they were swept away by 1—STORM—SWOLLEN river in the Mangatepopo Gorge.
20080415             —VISITED, FORMER—USA—PRESIDENT—JIMMY—CARTER, THE—WEST—BANK and laid 1—WREATH at the grave of Yasser Arafat.
20080415             —CRITICIZED, Carter was, by ISRAEL and WASHINGTON for his plans to meet with Hamas leaders in Syria.
20080415             —CLASHED, In THE—NORTH—PHILIPPINES army troops, with communist rebels, leaving 3—PEOPLE—DEAD in Quezon province's GENERAL—NAKAR town.
20080415             —ACCEPTED, PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, the leadership of the dominant United RUSSIA party, securing his grip on power —AFTER he leaves the Kremlin and becomes PM —NEXT—MONTH.
20080415             Police said that the blaze may have been deliberately set.
20080415             —MOVED, VENEZUELA, to take 1—GREATER cut of windfall oil profits, approving a 50—PERCENT tax on foreign oil companies —WHEN crude tops USA$70 1—BARREL.
20080415             —IN BRAZIL 1—POLICE—RAID on drugs and dealers in 1—RIO—DE—JANEIRO shantytown set off 1—FIERCE—GUNBATTLE that killed at least 9—PEOPLE and wounded 7.
20080415             —IN EGYPT 1—SECURITY—OFFICIAL said 25—MEMBERS—OF—THE—OPPOSITION—MUSLIM Brotherhood have been sentenced to up to —10—YEARS in jail.
20080415             —IN MEXICO gunmen held up 1—FAMILY—OF—USA—TOURISTS in Baha and made off with their small plane from 1—HOTEL—AIRSTRIP in Mulege.
20080415             —IN UGANDA 1—FIRE tore through 1—PRIMARY—SCHOOL dormitory overnight, killing 19—GIRLS and 2—ADULTS.
20080415             1—OPPOSITION—GENERAL—STRIKE to demand the release of ZIMBABWE—DELAYED election result flopped and the ruling party in SOUTH—AFRICA SAID the situation in the neighboring country was "dire".
20080415             Teure Lebensmittel: WASHINGTON und BERLIN geben Millionen für NOT—HUNGERHILFE
20080415             Neue Studie: Forscher sagen schweres Erdbeben in Kalifornien voraus
20080415             BARCODE—ERWEITERUNG: Papier lernt sprechen
20080415             Retourkutsche: Chinesen rufen zum Boykott FRANKREICH—KONZERNE auf
20080415             Verteidigung: Frankreichs Armee soll deutlich schrumpfen
20080415             Konjunkturdämpfer: Hohe Inflation drückt Stimmung in der Wirtschaft
20080415             Reformmangel: HERZOG wettert gegen dilettantische Politiker
20080415             Snooping on your emails Think privacy in 1—BAD—WAY here?
20080415             —IN AUSTRALIA, the boss can snoop on workers' emails -- in order to "fight terror".
20080415             Bush to Pick Up Clinton Talks on N. Korean Missiles... the Act strengthened penalties for those caught trafficking in the drug and provided money for...
20080415             —GEFILMT, RAKETEN—KILLER: Zerstörerische Schallwellen erstmals
20080415             AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL: CHINA vollstreckt die meisten Todesurteile
20080415             MILLIARDEN—INTERESSEN: Konzerne mucken gegen Merkels CHINA—KURS auf
20080415             Hormone und Geld: Maklergewinne steigen mit dem Testosteronspiegel
20080415             Der Greenback fiel in Fernost, weil Händler schlechte USA—UNTERNEHMENSERGEBNISSE befürchten.
20080415             Rohstoffmarkt: Brasilianer finden gigantisches Ölfeld im Atlantik
20080415             Studentin in Rage: Meine Armut kotzt mich AN—CENTROAMÉRICA:-Transnational Institute
20080415             sucesores de CARLOS—LEHDER, los hermanos Ochoa y JUAN—RAMÓN—MATTA... espías tipo FLIR o SCHWEIZ—PARA ubicar el paradero de los barones de la droga.
20080415             SUCHE—WEB.DE SUCHE—LEXIKON
20080415             —CONVICTED, CARLOS—LEHDER, 1—FOLLOWER—OF—ADOLPH—HITLER +, of running... alfatomega.com/20070425.html.
20080415             Kölner Arbeitspapiere zur internationalen Politik
20080415             Kartellbosse wie CARLOS—LEHDER—RIVAS, JORGE—LUIS—OCHOA und Pablo... brasilianischem Kakao vermischt und in die SCHWEIZ oder BELGIEN geliefert.
20080415             Democratic Underground FORUMS—PRINTER friendly page, topic ID #74 -
20080415             Things like OLIVER—NORTH—DIARY entry linking dope and guns for the contras, like CARLOS—LEHDER, 1—BIG—COLOMBIA—DRUG—DEALER, testifying as 1—PROSECUTION...
20080415             —HAPPENED, What really, to Chandra Levy
20080415             —ARRANGED, For example, that the government knowingly, for their business partner, Drug Kingpin CARLOS—LEHDER, to disappear from THE—FEDERAL—PRISON—SYSTEM.
20080415             Die achtziger —JAHRE
20080415             "an die Stelle der mit religiösen und politischen Illusionen verhüllten Ausbeutung die offene, unverschämte, direkte, dürre Ausbeutung gesetzt"
20080415             —PUBLISHED, THE—CULT—OBSERVER is, 10—TIMES—EACH—YEAR by the American...
20080415             The "Top 15" in ORDER—OF—THE—NUMBER—OF—INFORMATION—REQUESTS was: Scientology, Unification Church, CENTRAL—LONDON CHURCH—OF—CHRIST, CHILDREN—OF—GOD (The...
20080415             00.000. - 20020000             Informationsstelle Militarisierung (IMI)-
20080415             Die BUSH—DOKTRIN wird sich in ihrer Entwicklung nicht auf die Beseitigung der terroristischen Untergrundmächte und ihrer Helfer beschränken.
20080415             BUSH—DOKTRIN—VÖLKERRECHT Amazon.de: Preemptive SELF—DEFENSE.
20080415             Die BUSH—DOKTRIN und das. Kreutzer: Bücher.
20080415             This FREEDOM—OF—CHOICE in THE—USA—DRIVES everybody crazy" It's worthwhile noting that EDDIE—BERNAYS was Sigmund FREUD—NEPHEW + he consulted with...
20080415             Bankers Engineered WWII USA—INTERVENTION—FREUD—NEPHEW—EDWARD—BERNAYS helped manipulate the masses for the Illuminati.
20080415             —IN his book "Propaganda," he wrote: "The conscious and intelligent.
20080415             "Happiness Machines," centers on how FREUD—NEPHEW—EDWARD—BERNAISE (seen in a 19910000             interview) played 1—LEADING role in turning the shrink's notions...
20080415             Are You Unhappy? Is It BECAUSE—OF—CONSUMER—ADDICTION? - Signs of...
20080415             Good Times, Bad Times 3: THE—USA and the Hysteroidal Cycle...
20080415             1—OF—THE—THEORIES that emerged was THE—BRAINCHILD—OF—FREUD—NEPHEW, EDWARD—BERNAYS...
20080415             " THE—CENTURY—OF—THE—SELF by ADAM—CURTIS ultraorange_NET
20080415             Sigmund FREUD—DAUGHTER, Anna + his nephew, EDWARD—BERNAYS, provided the centrepiece philosophy.
20080415             THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, big business + THE—CIA used their...
20080415             Hoffentlich überreagieren die USA nicht. Ein bestürzter Benjamin.
20080415             Diesen Beitrag einem Moderator melden | IP: Gespeichert.
20080415             VIELE—AUGENZEUGEN sahen, wie 1—FLUGOBJEKT in das Pentagon einschlug.
20080415             Der Besuch des höchsten Repräsentanten und Symbols der USA dort war tagelang...
20080415             THE—CHAMBER—REPORT: From the Boardroom In addition, he currently is on THE—BOARD—OF—TRUSTEES—OF—THE—DALLAS—OPERA...
20080415             BRAD—HEPPNER has held advisory BOARD positions with USA—INDUSTRIAL...
20080415             Dirty Money, Dirty Politics + BISHOP—ESTATE—PART I
20080415             CHIEF investment officer of the MacArthur Foundation; + BRAD—HEPPNER, 1—CONSULTANT at Bain & Co. + FORMER—DIRECTOR—OF—PRIVATE—INVESTMENTS at the...
20080415             Dirty Money, Dirty Politics + BISHOP—ESTATE—PART I. CHIEF investment officer of the MacArthur Foundation; + BRAD—HEPPNER, 1—CONSULTANT at Bain & Co. + FORMER—DIRECTOR—OF—PRIVATE—INVESTMENTS at the... 20060729             20080726—20080729    —ON, KHARTOUM said rebels of Minni Arcua MINNAWI—SUDAN—LIBERATION—MOVEMENT (SLM) attacked 1—CONVOY on that road and the police responded, killing 4—OF—THEM and injuring 2.
20080415             " THE—CENTURY—OF—THE—SELF by ADAM—CURTIS
20080415             200109111558         ... 20080415             STOCK—CHANNEL_NET—DAS FINANZPORTAL—SPIONAGE & KOMPLOTTE—DIE.
20080415             AUSTRALIA, the boss can snoop on workers' emails -- in order to "fight terror".Permalink
20080415             —GELÄUTERT—ITALIEN: Il Cavaliere gibt sich
20080415             Studentin in Rage: Meine Armut kotzt mich an
20080415             Centroamérica:-Transnational Institute... sucesores de CARLOS—LEHDER, los hermanos Ochoa y JUAN—RAMÓN—MATTA... espías tipo FLIR o SCHWEIZ—PARA ubicar el paradero de los barones de la droga.
20080415             —HAPPENED, What really, to Chandra LEVY—FOR example, that the government knowingly arranged for their business partner, Drug Kingpin CARLOS—LEHDER, to disappear from THE—FEDERAL—PRISON—SYSTEM.
20080415             Den Volltext des Kommunistischen Manifests können SIE—HIER lesen.
20080415             Repost 911 : WTC—SPRINKLERS MAINTANACE BY 1—STRANGE—COMPANY
20080415             FORENÜBERSICHT—LETZTE Meldung Hoffentlich überreagieren die USA nicht.
20080415             Ein bestürzter Benjamin.
20080415—20080415    —BIS, CHIEF investment officer of the MacArthur Foundation; + BRAD—HEPPNER, 1—CONSULTANT at Bain & Co. + FORMER—DIRECTOR—OF—PRIVATE—INVESTMENTS at the... 20060729             zum
20080415—20080910    —UNTIL, Wheat exports were suspended.
20080501—20080415    —CONVICTED, She had been, —OF—RACKETEERING and other charges related to 1—PROSTITUTION—RING, whose clients included high profile government officials.
20080503             "Venus Express " 1. Bilder unseres Nachbarplaneten zur Erde gesendet. alfatomega.com/20060415.html.
20090415             VG 27 A 331.08) des Verwaltungsgerichts BERLIN vom 20090116             hervor, den der Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung —NUN veröffentlicht[2] (PDF—DATEI) hat.
20090415             —IN der 20090402             HÄLFTE schärfte er es seinen Generalen und Stabsoffizieren ein, daß es —NUN endlich möglich sei,
20090415             Giorgio F. Gilestro, GIULIO—TONONI, and Chiara Cirelli.
20090415             Widespread Changes in Synaptic Markers as 1—FUNCTION—OF—SLEEP and Wakefulness in Drosophila.
20090415             Science, 20090000             ;
20090415             324 (5923): 109—DOI: 10.1126/science.1166673
20090415             "We know that sleep is necessary for our brain to function properly, to learn new things EVERY—DAY, and also, in SOME—CASES, to consolidate the memory of what we learned —DURING the —DAY,"
20090415             says Cirelli, associate professor of psychiatry.
20090415             "—DURING sleep, we think that most, if not all, synapses are downscaled: —AT—THE—END—OF—SLEEP, the strongest synapses shrink, —WHILE the weakest synapses may even disappear".
20090415             Sleep — by allowing synaptic downscaling — saves energy, space and material, and clears away unnecessary "noise" from the previous —DAY, the researchers believe.
20090415             The fresh brain is then ready to learn —AGAIN—IN the —MORNING.
20090415             The researchers — Giorgio Gilestro, GIULIO—TONONI and Chiara Cirelli, of the Center for Sleep and Consciousness —
20090415             found that LEVELS—OF—PROTEINS that carry messages in the synapses (or junctions) between neurons drop by 30 to 40 % —DURING sleep.
20090415             —WHEN flies slept, THE—NUMBER—OF—NEW synapses formed —DURING social enrichment decreased.
20090415             —DEPRIVED, —WHEN researchers, them of their sleep, the decline did not occur.
20090415             "Right —NOW 1—LOT—OF—PEOPLE are worried about their jobs and the economy, and SOME—ARE no doubt losing sleep over these concerns," Shaw says.
20090415             "But these data suggest the best thing you can do to make sure you stay sharp and increase your chances of keeping your job is to make getting enough sleep 1—TOP—PRIORITY".
20090415             Old mice also had LESS—OF—THE—PROTEINS that refold abnormal proteins than young mice, and old mice had MORE—OF—THE—PROTEINS that cause cell death than young mice.
20090415             Thus, several processes are upset in old mouse brains by sleep deprivation, and the overall result is 1—FURTHER—ACCUMULATION—OF misfolded proteins.
20090415             "We could speculate that sleep disturbance in older humans places 1—ADDITIONAL—BURDEN on 1—ALREADY—STRESSED protein folding and degradation system," says Naidoo.
20090415             —DIRECTED, PRESIDENT—OBAMA, THE—USA—TREASURY—DEPARTMENT to seize assets of 3—MEXICO—DRUG—CARTELS including the Sinaloa cartel, the Los Zetas cartel and the La Familia Michoacan group.
20090415             —ARRESTED, WASHINGTON, DC, THE—FBI, WALTER—KENDALL—MYERS, —72—JAHRE—ALT and his wife, Gwendolyn (71), for spying.
20090415             —FOR—3—DECADES, Myers and his wife had shuffled secrets to their CUBA—CONTACTS.
20090415             —AGREED, Myers, to serve life in prison and his wife agreed to serve 6-7½ years.
20090415             —SWARMED, HUNDREDS—OF—AFGHANS, 1—DEMONSTRATION—OF—MORE than 100—WOMEN protesting against 1—NEW—MARRIAGE—LAW they say restricts wives' rights.
20090415             —PELTED, The women were, with small stones as police struggled to keep THE—2—GROUPS apart.
20090415             1—NATO—SOLDIER and 2—AFGHANISTAN—POLICEMEN were killed in fresh violence.
20090415             —BEHEADED, Taliban insurgents, 1—GOVERNMENT—EMPLOYEE on charges of spying for foreign forces in the Bala Murghab DISTRICT—OF—BADGHIS province.
20090415             —KILLED, THE—3—MEN were, in their beds and 2—OTHERS were arrested.
20090415             —INVOLVED, THE—3—MEN were, in 1—CONSPIRACY to create 1—SEPARATIST—RIGHT—WING militia in the eastern, OPPOSITION—DOMINATED STATE—OF—SANTA—CRUZ.
20090415             CLEMENT—FREUD was best known from his —3—DECADES appearing on THE—BBC game show, "—JUST —1—MINUTE," in which panelists compete to see who can talk the longest without hesitation, deviation or repetition.
20090415             —FIRED, CHINA, into orbit its 2. satellite in 1—PROGRAM to build 1—ALTERNATIVE to the global positioning system based on USA—SATELLITES.
20090415             —WANTED, COLOMBIA—MOST, drug lord was captured in 1—JUNGLE raid involving HUNDREDS—OF—POLICE—OFFICERS.
20090415             DANIEL—RENDON—HERRERA, —43—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FAR—RIGHT warlord known as "DON—MARIO," was taken in shackles to the capital to await possible extradition to THE—USA.
20090415             —DETAINED, EGYPT—POLICE, 3—TEENAGE—PALESTINE—MEN on suspicion of crossing illegally into EGYPT and also found explosives near the border with GAZA.
20090415             —TIGHTENED, FIJI—MILITARY—GOVERNMENT, controls on the media, devalued the currency by 20% and said it would not tolerate opposition to plans for 1—SWEEPING OVERHAUL—OF—THE—COUNTRY—POLITICS.
20090415             1—BLOCKADE by FRANCE—FISHERMEN angry at EU quotas cut ferry links with BRITAIN for a 2. —DAY as 1—UNION—OFFICIAL threatened to block the Channel Tunnel in SUPPORT—OF—THE—MOVEMENT.
20090415             —DETAINED, FRANCE—FORCES, 11—PIRATES —DURING 1—ASSAULT—ON—1—PIRATE "mother ship" and thwarted 1—PIRATE attack on 1—LIBERIAN—REGISTERED vessel.
20090415             —CLONED, IRAN—SCIENTISTS at the Royan Research Institute, 1—GOAT and planned future experiments they hope will lead to 1—TREATMENT for stroke patients.
20090415             * —NAMED, The female goat, Hana in THE—CITY—OF—ISFAHAN in CENTRAL—IRAN.
20090415             —FREED, This, him to seek the presidency in balloting aimed at returning CIVIL—RULE.
20090415             Senate PRESIDENT—BA—MAMADOU—MBARE was quickly sworn in as interim LEADER—OF—THE—DESERT nation in WEST—AFRICA.
20090415             —TROUBLED, MEXICO's, border CITY—OF—CIUDAD—JUAREZ and THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT signed 1—AGREEMENT to train, recruit and equip enough city police officers to take over from 5,000 army troops —NOW performing security patrols there.
20090415             NIGERIA set up 1—PANEL to probe 1—MULTI—MILLION—DOLLAR—CASH—FOR—CONTRACT—SCANDAL embroiling USA giant Halliburton and reportedly implicating 3—FORMER—PRESIDENTS.
20090415             —ATTACKED, SRI—LANKA—FORCES, Tamil guerrillas with mortar fire, artillery and heavy machine guns —FOLLOWING a —2—DAY—CEASE—FIRE aimed at letting civilians flee the war zone, 1—PRO—REBEL—WEB—SITE reported.
20090415             —DENIED, The government, launching 1—NEW—ATTACK.
20090415             —IN FLORIDA inmates Doni RAY—BROWN, —23—JAHRE—ALT and WAYNE—FLETCHER, —25—JAHRE—ALT escaped the county jail in Palatka and within hours stole 2—VEHICLES and killed FLETCHER—STEP—GRANDMOTHER, —66—JAHRE—ALT.
20090415             —FOILED, BOLIVIA—POLICE, 1 alleged plot to assassinate PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES, killing 3—MEN at the Hotel Las Americas in a —30—MINUTE—GUNBATTLE with 1—MYSTERIOUS—GROUP that included suspects from HUNGARY—IRELAND and possibly CROATIA.
20090415             —BECAME, CLEMENT—FREUD, 1—WELL—KNOWN—WRITER, politician and urbane regular on UNITED—KINGDOM—RADIO.
20090415             —IN IRAQ 11—OIL—MINISTRY—GUARDS were killed and 13—WOUNDED in 1—CAR bombing in KIRKUK.
20090415             —IN MAURITANIA GENERAL—MOHAMED—OULD—ABDEL—AZIZ, THE—LEADER—OF—1—COUP that ousted the elected government, gave up power.
20090415             —IN SOUTH—ZIMBABWE at least 29—PEOPLE were killed and 39—INJURED —WHEN 1—BUS plunged into 1—RIVER—BED—NEAR—CHIVHU town.
20090415             Welche Provider zensieren —JETZT eigentlich ?
20090415             Und noch 1—SCHLAG für die Leute mit Resten von Privatsphäre: In den USA wollen sie —JETZT den Gebrauch von Proxies strafverschärfend als "sophistication" werten.
20090415             It's akin to judges handing down stiffer sentences —WHEN 1—GUN is used in 1—ROBBERY.
20090415             War ja auch irgendwie klar, dass die Dinge wie TOR nicht leben lassen würden.
20090415             Horn von AFRIKA: Clinton trommelt zum Kampf gegen Piraten
20090415             Ausforschung von Mitarbeitern: Daimler gibt Datenmissbrauch in Bremer Werk zu
20090415             USA—STUDENTEN: Geheimdienste locken mit Ferienjob
20090415             Streit mit Energiekonzernen: Regierung verlangt niedrigere Gaspreise für Verbraucher
20090415             Die Einspruchsfrist für EP 1651777 endet —AN—DIESEM—MITTWOCH, deshalb haben die Demonstranten einen Sammeleinspruch von mehr als 5000—BÜRGERN und rund 50—VERBÄNDEN eingereicht.
20090415             Zuvor hatte etwa —BEREITS der DEUTSCHLAND—BAUERNVERBAND (DBV) Einspruch bei der Behörde eingelegt.
20090415             DBV—PRÄSIDENT—GERD—SONNLEITNER bezeichnete das Patent im Deutschlandfunk als "Sündenfall".
20090415             Es gehe "um den Zugriff auf das Erbgut".
20090415             Gene und Genabschnitte wären damit Eigentum eines Konzerns.
20090415             "Die Bundesregierung muss der Gier der großen Konzerne auf Lebewesen endlich Grenzen setzen", fordert Romuald Schaber vom Bundesverband DEUTSCHLAND—MILCHVIEHHALTER.
20090415             Das katholische Hilfswerk Misereor fürchtet, dass Bauern in Entwicklungsländern durch Patente auf Leben die Rechte an ihrem eigenen Saatgut verlieren könnten.
20090415             Dies trage über die Verteuerung des Anbaus zur Verschärfung der weltweiten Ernährungslage bei.
20090415             "Es ist absurd, Lebensprozesse zu patentieren, weil sie nichts mit menschlicher Erfindung zu tun haben", sagt Huber Weiger, VORSITZENDER—DES—BUNDES—NATURSCHUTZ in BAYERN.
20090415             Denn die EU—KOMMISSION leitete —GESTERN gegen GROSSBRITANNIEN ein
20090415             Vertragsverletzungsverfahren wegen Verstoßes gegen europäische Datenschutzvorschriften ein.
20090415             Die verpflichten die EU—MITGLIEDSLÄNDER, sie müssten "für die Vertraulichkeit von Nachrichten sorgen, indem sie das Abfangen und Überwachen ohne Einwilligung der Nutzer untersagen", so die Kommission.
20090415             Diese Voraussetzungen seien in GROSSBRITANNIEN weder hinsichtlich der täglichen Praxis noch der geltenden Rechtsnormen erfüllt.
20090415             Die Regierung müsse sicherstellen, dass Dienste zur Verhaltensanalyse von Websurfern zu Reklamezwecken nur nach ausdrücklicher Zustimmung der Nutzer eingesetzt würden
20090415             An genau diesem Punkt setzt —NUN die neue Hackerstrategie an.
20090415             "Das ist eine völlig neue ART—DER—ATTACKE, die wir noch vor einem —JAHR nur für eine akademische Möglichkeit gehalten haben".
20090415             Solche Angriffe sind nicht trivial, setzen einen Zugang zu Rechnern im Banknetz und einen Zugriff auf die eingesetzten Verschlüsselungsmodule voraus.
20090415             Kernkraft: RUSSLAND plant Bau von 26—ATOMREAKTOREN
20090415             Forschung: "Es geht um die Grundlagen des Wohlstands"
20090415             BAD—BANK—KONZEPT: Bundesregierung sucht rasche Lösung für GIFT—KREDITE
20090415             Doch das Mäzenatentum in Wissenschaft und Kultur ist in den USA längst auf dem Rückzug.
20090415             So zieht es die unteren Einkommensschichten vornehmlich an die staatlich finanzierten und mit ihrem zweijährigen Kurzstudium eher Berufsschulen gleichenden Community Colleges.
20090415             IRIS—MACK hatte es kommen sehen.
20090415             Tief beunruhigt warnte die Finanzmarktanalystin ihren CHEF vor den "furchterregenden" Geschäften ihres Unternehmens mit hochspekulativen Finanzmarktprodukten.
20090415             Der HARVARD—ABSOLVENTIN erging es wie vielen couragierten Angestellten, die interne Missstände aufdecken:
20090415             —GEFEUERT, Sie wurde. Das Interessante an der Geschichte:
20090415             Mack arbeitete nicht etwa bei Merrill Lynch, Lehman Brothers oder Bear Stearns, den inzwischen untergegangenen oder schwer angeschlagenen USA—INVESTMENTBANKEN.
20090415             Ihr Arbeitgeber war die Harvard UNIVERSITÄT.
20090415             could not be traced because the dealers had no RECORD—OF—THE—SALE or had gone OUT—OF—BUSINESS and the records had been lost.
20090415             Die Zuhörer johlen Zustimmung
20090415             —GESTIKULIERT, Der CHEF—DER—LINKEN, wild und schreit - "Wir zahlen nicht für eure Krise!"
20090415             "Die Leute sind bärenmäßig enttäuscht", sagt er, "wir haben —SAMSTAGS gearbeitet, wenn es sein musste, sogar —AM—SONNTAG—UND—JETZT werden wir weggelegt wie ein kaltes Bügeleisen".
20090415             "Sie ist 1—BEWÄHRUNGSPROBE für die Demokratie insgesamt", sagt Bundespräsident Köhler.
20090415             Die Krise.
20090415             "Wir wissen, dass dies ein schreckliches —JAHR wird", sagt OECD—GENERALSEKRETÄR ANGEL—GURRÍA.
20090415             Einen so rasanten Absturz gab es noch nie.
20090415             Macht euch keinen Kopp, hieß es immer.
20090415             "—JETZT sind die großen Räder gebrochen", sagte Bundespräsident HORST—KÖHLER während seiner Berliner Rede Ende —MÄRZ.
20090415             "Wir werden Ohnmacht empfinden und Hilflosigkeit und Zorn".
20090415             Wütend macht ihn das, sagt Frohn: "Aber du kannst die Wut nirgendwo lassen, du weißt ja nicht, wem du in die Fresse hauen sollst".
20090415             Es ist einfach keine Arbeit da.
20090415             Studie: Gaspreise in DEUTSCHLAND sind viel zu hoch
20090415             "Kein Patent auf Leben": Einspruch beim Patentamt
20090415             Lukrative Kampfflugzeuge: EADS hofft auf das Militär
20090415             USA Planning to Reveal Data on HEALTH—OF—TOP—BANKS
20090415             Consumer Prices Decline on Lower Energy Costs
20090415             USA Stymied as Guns Flow to MEXICO—CARTELS—DIE 3. Phase der Krise
20090415             —GEFÄHRDET, USA—UNIVERSITÄTEN: Weltfinanzkrise, die Elite
20090415             Politik: USA—VERBRAUCHERDATEN schüren Deflationsangst
20090415             Deflationsgefahr: USA—TEUERUNGSRATE fällt unter 0 - Agenda: Hier ist die Krise
20090415             —GEZWUNGEN, FREENET—TÖCHTER dürfen nicht zur Vorratsdatenspeicherung, werden
20090415             Die Bundesnetzagentur darf die Mobilfunkanbieter Mobilcom, Debitel (inklusive Talkline), Klarmobil und Callmobile einstweilig nicht zur verdachtsunabhängigen Vorratsspeicherung[1] von TELEFON—UND Internetdaten zwingen.
20090415             Das geht aus einem Beschluss (Az.
20090415             Links in diesem Artikel: Weg für Neuwahlen in BOLIVIEN frei
20090415             —STARTED, HITACHI, to investigate —AFTER Chugoku Electric Power in March found possible data falsification related to the heat treatment work of the Shimane plant's NUMBER 3—REACTOR but that data was erased from the records using 1—BLEACHING agent
20090415             —FORMED, HITACHI—GE Nuclear was, by the merger of the nuclear businesses of THE—HITACHI and USA giant GENERAL—ELECTRIC—CO.
20090415             —CLAIMED, But HITACHI, that "there is no problem with its material or safety".
20090415             —ADMITTED, HITACHI, that the equipment used at Chubu Electric Power Co.'s NUMBER 5—REACTOR at the Hamaoka plant in SHIZUOKA Prefecture and at Chugoku Electric Power Co.'s NUMBER 3—REACTOR under construction at the Shimane plant in Shimane Prefecture, were not operating as specified.
20090415             Es ist nicht leicht abzuwägen, ob in diesem damals hochgeheimen Dokument
20090415             der Größenwahn der REVANCHE—UND expansionswütigen Kräfte des DEUTSCHLAND—IMPERIALISMUS oder ihre Unsicherheit wegen des ungeheuren Risikos stärker wogen, das sie einzugehen entschlossen waren.
20090415             Die Verfasser ließen keinen Zweifel an der Schwierigkeit der Aufgabe, "Blockadesicherheit" für den zu erwartenden größeren Krieg von langer Dauer zu schaffen.
20090415             Aber sie bereiteten sich erfolgssicher darauf vor, zu diesem Zweck einen umfänglichen europäischen + sogar außereuropäischen Raum "unter DEUTSCHLAND—FÜHRUNG" + politische, militärische + organisatorische Abhängigkeit zu bringen.
20090415             Dieser Bereich höchstmöglicher wirtschaftlicher Ausbeutung sollte umfassen:
20090415             Diese Länder wären von einer "Zentralstelle" aus — unter maßgeblicher Beteiligung DEUTSCHLAND—UND verbündeter Industrieller — "soweit irgend möglich" friedlich zu durchdringen +
20090415             planmäßig in "produktionstechnische" und "lieferungsmäßige" Abhängigkeit zu bringen.
20090415             Bekannter als dieser noch nirgends veröffentlichte ÖL—KRIEGSPLAN des Wehrwirtschaftsstabes,
20090415             aber ebenso bei weitem nicht in ihrer zentralen Bedeutung erfaßt,
20090415             ist die sensationelle Ausarbeitung der Reichsstelle für Wirtschaftsausbau,
20090415             die mehr oder weniger mit der Dienststelle des Generalbevollmächtigten für Sonderfragen der chemischen Erzeugung (GB Chemie) verschmolzen war — beide unter dem Kommando von Krauch und seinem Stab.
20090415             Wenn man bedenkt, daß diese Schrift in Kenntnis und mit Billigung, wenn nicht sogar im Auftrag von Göring und Körner, also der dem "Führer" verantwortlichen Spitze der VIERJAHRESPLAN—ORGANISATION entstand,
20090415             so muß sie mit Fug und Recht als die maßgebliche, wichtigste wirtschaftspolitische Stellungnahme zur Kriegsvorbereitung und zur Kriegszielplanung gelten.
20090415             —ENTSTANDEN, Und hier, in diesen Vorkriegsmonaten umfangreiche, geheime Denkschriften, von denen die wichtigsten —BIS—HEUTE erstaunlich wenig bekannt sind.
20090415             Halder begeisterte sich an "der hervorragenden, ich möchte sagen, instinktsicheren POLITIK—DES—FÜHRERS", die die Lage in Mitteleuropa gründlich gewandelt habe.
20090415             POLEN, diesen nicht ernst zunehmenden Gegner, "auf dem schnellsten Wege" nicht nur zu schlagen, sondern zu "liquidieren", zu "zermalmen".
20090415             "Wir müssen in spätestens —3—WOCHEN mit POLEN fertig sein, ja, möglichst —SCHON in —14—TAGEN.
20090415             Dann wird es von den Russen abhängen, ob die Ostfront zum europäischen Schicksal wird oder nicht.
20090415             —IN jedem Fall wird dann eine siegreiche Armee, erfüllt mit dem Geist gewonnener Riesenschlachten, bereitstehen, um entweder dem Bolschewismus entgegenzutreten oder — —NACH—DEM Westen geworfen (zu) werden".
20090415             "Großraumwehrwirtschaft" Geschichte.
20090415             Wie die Nazis den Krieg gewinnen wollten.
20090415             Die Initiative "Gendreck weg", die —SEIT —JAHREN mit "Feldbefreiungen" gegen die Anpflanzung genmanipulierter Pflanzen vorgeht, will die in den kommenden —WOCHEN geplanten Aktionen zu "Jubelfeiern" umfunktionieren.
20090415             "Unser Widerstand hat sich gelohnt", erklärte der Imker MICHAEL—GROLM, der —BEREITS etliche Prozesse wegen "Feldbefreiungsaktionen" hinter sich hat.
20090415             Allerdings bringe Aigners —ENTSCHEIDUNG nur eine "Verschnaufpause".
20090415             Man werde daher weiterkämpfen, —BIS ALLE—VERSUCHE, die grüne Gentechnik in DEUTSCHLAND zu etablieren, zum Scheitern gebracht worden seien.
20090415             Widerstand lohnt sich RAINER—BALCEROWIAK—DIE gentechnisch veränderte Maissorte MON 810—DES USA—KONZERNS Monsanto ist AM—DIENSTAGIN DEUTSCHLAND verboten worden.
20090415             Damit sei JEDER—ANBAU und JEDER—WEITERE—VERKAUF—VON—SAATGUT oder Mais dieser Sorte unzulässig, erklärte Landwirtschaftsministerin ILSE—AIGNER (CSU) —AM—MITTAG in BERLIN.
20090415             Zur.
20090415             GIDEON—LEVY, unerschrockener KRITIKER—DER—ISRAELISCHEN—BESATZUNGSPOLITIK, wird für seine Kolumnen in der als liberal geltenden Tageszeitung Haaretz regelmäßig beschimpft und erhält Todesdrohungen.
20090415             Ilan Pappe, der mit seinem Buch "Die ethnische Säuberung Palästinas" die offizielle ISRAEL—GESCHICHTSSCHREIBUNG entlarvte, verließ das Land, weil seine Kinder für die Arbeit ihres Vaters in Schule und Gesellschaft geächtet wurden.
20090415             Die Frauen von Machsom Watch, die täglich das demütigende Verhalten ISRAEL—SOLDATEN an den Kontrollposten protokollieren, werden als "Verräterinnen" diffamiert, und JEFF—HALPER vom "ISRAEL—KOMITEE gegen die ZERSTÖRUNG—VON—HÄUSERN" landete für sein Engagement für die Palästinenser —SCHON mehr als einmal in ISRAEL—HAFT.
20090415             Doch ISRAEL—FRIEDENSKÄMPFER gehen ein hohes Risiko ein, wie —JETZT der Theaterregisseur Samieh Jabbarin (41) erfahren mußte.
20090415             Die ISRAEL—STAATSANWALTSCHAFT verhängte gegen ihn Hausarrest auf unbestimmte Zeit, weil den Sicherheitskräften sein Einsatz für Frieden und Gerechtigkeit offenbar zuviel wurde.
20090415             Chaos Computer Club geht "Zensursula" besuchen
20090415             ASSE, wurde auch Giftmüll VERSENKT—ASSE voller hochgiftiger Chemikalien
20090415             "Berlusconi gehört in die Hölle"
20090415             Italie : la reconstruction coûtera au moins 12—MILLIARDS d'euros
20090415             Met CHIEF orders policing review —AFTER G20 PROTEST—IRAN moves to break nuclear deadlock
20090415             USA goes back to 19550000             with deflation
20090415             Der Klimawandel könnte die Wege der Vögel in Zukunft noch deutlich verlängern, fürchten GROSSBRITANNIEN—FORSCHER.
20090415             Anhand von Computersimulationen haben die Biologen die voraussichtlichen Auswirkungen der Erderwärmung auf die Wanderwege verschiedener Grasmücken, einer Gattung von Singvögeln, untersucht.
20090415             Während die afrikanischen Winterquartiere unbeeinflusst bleiben, verschiebt der Temperaturanstieg die Brutgebiete in EUROPA nach Norden.
20090415             Die heftigen Versuche der Republikaner, das Wirtschaftsprogramm Obamas zu sabotieren,
20090415             lässt 1. Rückschlüsse darauf zu, wie sie —ERST reagieren werden, wenn der PRÄSIDENT und sein Team auch die globalen Ambitionen der Nation neu definieren.
20090415             Solange die USA betonen, dass 1—ANGRIFF auf IRAN 1—OPTION bleibt, ist das Schweigen der Europäer 1—FORM—DER—MITTÄTERSCHAFT.
20090415             Man denke nur an den widersprüchlichen Tiefsinn, der uns während des Kalten Krieges begleitete, dass Demokratie einerseits unwiderstehlich SEI—UND dass sich die Sowjetunion andererseits niemals ändern würde.
20090415             Auf jeden Fall und ohne Übertreibung können wir sagen, dass die Vereinigten Staaten einen Kurs steuern, den man nach geltendem Völkerrecht als Aggression gegen IRAN bezeichnen darf.
20090415             Es wäre interessant zu wissen, ob Merkel, Brown und Sarkozy das für besonders klug HALTEN—ODER ob man sie in dieser Sache überhaupt konsultiert hat.
20090415             Es ist schier unmöglich für einen einfachen Bürger zu beurteilen, der keinen Zugang zu den Informationsquellen der Geheimdienste besitzt, wie weit die Bemühungen der Iraner gediehen sind, Atomwaffen herzustellen.
20090415             Wobei es durchaus möglich sein kann, dass auch die Regierungschefs in EUROPA oder AMERIKA dies nicht mit Sicherheit sagen KÖNNEN—TROTZ ihrer Agentenscharen.
20090415             Die Politiker haben zwar detaillierte BERICHTE—ABER die können falsch SEIN—ODER sogar gefälscht.
20090415             Nichts kommt den Israelis in diesem Vakuum politischer Konzepte besser zupass, als feindlich gesinnte Iraner.
20090415             Wenn es deren Präsidenten nicht gäbe, müssten die Israelis ihn erfinden.
20090415             Die Gegnerschaft der USA zu IRAN wäre allerdings auch ohne die starke PRO—ISRAEL—STRÖMUNG in AMERIKA kaum geringer:
20090415             Die Vereinigten Staaten haben 19530000             die demokratisch gewählte Regierung Mossadegh GESTÜRZT—ALS mit Eisenhower und seinem Außenminister Dulles 2—POLITIKER regierten, die nicht unbedingt zu den ISRAEL—FREUNDEN zählen.
20090415             Oder der Fall SADDAM—HUSSEIN: Zuletzt bekanntlich Staatsfeind Nummer 1—DOCH als er KRIEG—GEGEN—IRAN führte, wurde er von den USA mit Waffen unterstützt.
20090415             Wobei man natürlich auch die USA—OBSESSION mit IRAN als 1—ART—ARBEITSBESCHAFFUNGSMASSNAHME bezeichnen KÖNNTE—FÜR Diplomaten, Geheimdienstler, Militärs, Kommentatoren, Experten + Politiker.
20090415             Sie alle finden wunderbare Aufstiegschancen und öffentliche Beachtung in 1—DER—KERNINDUSTRIEN—WASHINGTONS—SICH Feinde zu machen und Drohszenarien zu erfinden.
20090415             —VERKÜNDET, Der neue USA—PRÄSIDENT hat zwar, dass er bereit sei, mit Teheran zu verhandeln.
20090415             Das ist angesichts unserer wirtschaftlichen Lage und der Überlastung unserer Truppen sicher klug.
20090415             Die Strategen im Außenministerium jedoch hängen immer noch der phantastischen Vorstellung nach, dass IRAN eine außerordentliche Bedrohung darstellt.
20090415             Diese Vorstellung ist mindestens so absurd, wie das IRAN—BILD—VON—AMERIKA als "großem Satan".
20090415             Interner Bericht: HSH Nordbank wusste um Fehler im Risikomanagement
20090415             Folge des Klimawandels: Zugvögel müssen deutlich weiter fliegen
20090415             Wirtschaftskrise: Großkonzerne starten neue Sparprogramme
20090415             Die USA und Teherans Atomprogramm: Nützliche Feindschaft zu IRAN
20090415             GERMANY to ban cultivation of GMO maize: MINISTER
20090415             EX—BERGWERK Asse: Im maroden Atommüllager liegt auch Arsen
20090415             Preisabsprache: Kartellamt verhängt MILLIONEN—BUßGELD gegen FLÜSSIGGAS—FIRMEN
20090415             Falls es jedoch bei der bisherigen Preispolitik bleibe, werde sich der ungerechtfertigte Mehrerlös der Gasversorger für das Gesamtjahr auf rund 1,6 Milliarden Euro summieren.
20090415             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Und was ist mit einer vollständigen Reduktion des CO2-Ausstoßes?
20090415             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Gut, dann lassen Sie uns über Algen sprechen.
20090415             Wie groß müssen diese Kulturen sein?
20090415             Glover: Optimisten sagen, dass man mit einer Kultur von der Größe Belgiens die gesamte Weltluftfahrt mit Flugzeugbenzin versorgen könnte
20090415             —VERBESSERT, Diabetes: Stammzelltherapie, Leistung der Bauchspeicheldrüse
20090415             G-20-Proteste in LONDON: Weiterer Polizist nach SCHLAGSTOCK—ATTACKE suspendiert
20090415             Wirtschaftskrise: Chinas Wachstum fällt auf Rekordtief
20090415             Biosprit: "Mit Algen könnte man die Weltluftfahrt versorgen"
20090415             Laut "Financial Times DEUTSCHLAND" handelt es sich beim Uran, das Lehman Brothers besitzt, um Yellowcake, 1—PULVERGEMISCH mehrerer Uranverbindungen.
20090415             500'000 Pfund Yellowcake reichten aus, um einen modernen Reaktor für —1—JAHR zu betreiben — oder auch um 1—ATOMBOMBE zu bauen.
20090415             Lehman erhielt Lizenz kurz vor Pleite
20090415             BOLSCHEWISMUS—WELCHE Provider zensieren —JETZT eigentlich?
20090415             1—KEY—VOTE—WEDNESDAY on new FEDERAL—SENTENCING guidelines would classify the use of proxies as evidence of "sophistication," increasing sentences by about 25 % — which could mean years or even decades longer behind bars, depending on the crime.
20090415             "Die CSU hat nur Angst vor den nächsten Wahlen, wir fordern das alles hier —SCHON—SEIT—15—JAHREN".
20090415             Wie Sartin erklärt, ist es Hackern geglückt, sowohl an verschlüsselte als auch an unverschlüsselte PINs zu gelangen:
20090415             Tiefe Rezession: Preise in den USA fallen erstmals —SEIT—54—JAHREN
20090415             Die KRISE—MICHAEL—SOMMER, CHEF—DES—DEUTSCHEN—GEWERKSCHAFTSBUNDS (DGB), warnt vor "sozialen Konflikten in diesem Land, dass es knallt".
20090415             —STARTED, HITACHI, to investigate —AFTER Chugoku Electric Power in March found possible data falsification related to the heat treatment work of the Shimane plant's NUMBER 3—REACTOR.
20090415             but that data was erased from the records using 1—BLEACHING agent
20090415             Die strategischen Planungen von Hitler, Wehrmacht und GROßINDUSTRIE—DIETRICH—EICHHOLTZ
20090415             ZUR—DIE Einschüchterung Samieh Jabbarins macht deutlich, wie sich das Vorgehen einer Besatzungsmacht innenpolitisch spiegelt.
20090415             Geldpolitik: Der Welt droht 1—KRIEG—DER—WÄHRUNGEN—DIE Welt braucht weniger Öl
20090415             "Zwischen —DEN—JAHREN
20090415             Lehman erhielt Lizenz kurz vor Pleite - 001231    —CENTURYKRISE—BOLSCHEWISMUS - Jahrhundertkrise
20090415             —AM—IM
20090415—19790000    —SINCE, his wife pleaded guilty to serving as covert agents.
20090415—19970000    —REPRIMANDED, Although HITACHI was, by the government over 1—SIMILAR—INCIDENT involving 1—SUBCONTRACTOR, it does not appear that the company is facing harsher punishment.
20090415—20000000    —FROM, KENDALL—MYERS 1. worked for THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT as 1—LECTURER at the Foreign Service Institute and —LATER as 1—EUROPEAN analyst in the department's intelligence arm, THE—BUREAU—OF—INTELLIGENCE and Research, —UNTIL his retirement 20071000             —IN.
20090415—20020500    —IM, Der Vorgang liegt —BEREITS länger zurück: —SCHON
20090415—20080000    —SEIZED, THE—MEXICO—GOVERNMENT, more than 20,000 weapons from suspected drug dealers.
20090415—20080000    —IN—LATE, Prime mortgages, not subprimes, had largest delinquency increases
20090415—20080500    —IN, 1—SUDAN—COURT condemned 10—REBELS from the Darfur rebel Justice and Equality Movement to death for 1 unprecedented attack on KHARTOUM, which killed more than 220—PEOPLE.
20090415—20090418    —ARRESTED, Both were, and charged with murder.
20090415—20091120    —ON, Myers and
20090415—20160000    —IN, his widow apologized —AFTER he was accused in 1—TELEVISION documentary of sexually abusing 2—GIRLS between the late 1940s and 1970s.
20090415—20500000    —NACH, Glover: Langfristig streben wir eine kohlenstoffneutrale Luftfahrt an, dafür betrachten wir den Zeitraum.
20100415             —TAGELANG, Die AUSGEBROCHENE—ISLAND—VULKAN—EYJAFJALLAJÖKULL—ASCHE—WOLKE führt zu massiven Beeinträchtigungen des Luftverkehrs in EUROPA.
20100415             —RELEASED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE, 1—STATEMENT by Obama instructing his Health and Human Services SECRETARY to draft rules requiring hospitals that receive Medicare and Medicaid payments to grant all patients the right to designate people, including gay and lesbian partners, who can visit and consult with them at crucial moments.
20100415             —OUTLINED, Obama, NASA—NEW—PATH —DURING 1—VISIT to the Kennedy Space Center.
20100415             —MARKED, WASHINGTON, DC, several 1000—TEA—PARTY—PROTESTERS, tax —DAY with 1—RALLY in Freedom Plaza capping 1—NATIONAL—PROTEST—TOUR that began in NEVADA.
20100415             —SWARMED, USA—FEDERAL—AGENTS, some in black hoods, over 5—ARIZONA shuttle businesses in 1—MAJOR—CRACKDOWN on human trafficking, arresting DOZENS—OF—VAN—OPERATORS and smugglers accused of transporting illegal immigrants from THE—MEXICO—BORDER to PHOENIX.
20100415             —REPORTED, It was, that researchers were warning of 1—NEW blight on the ocean: 1—SWIRL—OF—CONFETTI—LIKE—PLASTIC—DEBRIS stretching over THOUSANDS—OF—SQUARE—MILES (kilometers) in 1—REMOTE expanse of the Atlantic Ocean.
20100415             1—FEW hours —LATER 1—AFGHANISTAN—CIVILIAN and 2—SECURITY—GUARDS were killed —WHEN the car slammed into 1—COMPOUND in KANDAHAR used by foreign security firms.
20100415             1—SCRAP metal dealer and 4—CHILDREN helping him were killed by 1 suspected homemade bomb as they loaded materials collected DOOR—TO—DOOR in rural KANDAHAR.
20100415             Fighting in THE—NORTH—OF—THE—COUNTRY left 4—GERMANY—TROOPS—DEAD.
20100415             5—AFGHANISTAN—UN—EMPLOYEES were missing —AFTER their vehicles were hijacked in NORTH—BAGHLAN province.
20100415             —RELEASED, CANADA, THE—CITY—OF—VANCOUVER, documents indicating it spent more than C$554—MILLION ($554—MILLION) as HOST—OF—THIS—YEAR—WINTER—OLYMPICS, much of it related to building the athletes village.
20100415             1—NEW—STUDY by Oxfam said the number of rapes carried out by civilians in EAST—CONGO has increased by 17-fold in the last few years.
20100415             —PERPETRATED, It said sexual assaults long, by armed groups are spreading across the population.
20100415             —TARGETED, GERMANY—AUTHORITIES said they have, 9—SUSPECTS, including former staff of HEWLETT—PACKARD, in 1—PROBE into whether the world's top PC maker paid bribes to win business in RUSSIA.
20100415             —CONFESSED, Police in GUATEMALA said a —13—YEAR—OLD—BOY has, to shooting 1—WOMAN to death for 1—PAYMENT—OF about $12.50. The boy could face —6—YEARS in 1—JUVENILE custody facility if convicted.
20100415             —CONFISCATED, ISRAEL customs officials said they already have, about 10—IPADS —SINCE ISRAEL announced new regulations —THIS—WEEK.
20100415             —BANNED, The iPad, anyone from bringing 1—IPAD into the country —UNTIL officials certify that they are in compliance with local transmitter standards.
20100415             Deposed KYRGYZSTAN PRESIDENT—KURMANBEK—BAKIYEV' left the country for neighboring KAZAKHSTAN, —JUST hours —AFTER gunfire erupted at 1—RALLY where he was speaking to supporters.
20100415             —EXPLODED, MYANMAR, 3—BOMBS, at 1—WATER—FESTIVAL in THE—FORMER—CAPITAL—YANGON, killing 8—PEOPLE and wounding 94. STATE—TV blamed "destructive elements" for the attacks.
20100415             —EXECUTED, THE—HAMAS government, 2—MEN accused of collaborating with ISRAEL.
20100415             —CONVICTED—OF, MOHAMMED—ISMAIL, —36—JAHRE—ALT was, planting devices in the cars of militants, presumably to help track them.
20100415             —SUSPENDED, RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY said RUSSIA has, all adoptions to USA—FAMILIES—UNTIL THE—2—COUNTRIES can agree on procedures, —1—WEEK—AFTER Torry Hansen, 1—USA—WOMAN, sent her adopted son, Artyom Saveliev (7), back to RUSSIA on 1—PLANE by himself.
20100415             SUDAN—VOTERS cast ballots on the last —DAY—OF—LANDMARK elections.
20100415             —KILLED, SUDAN—RULING party said that the southern army had, 9—PEOPLE, including at least 5—OF—ITS—OFFICIALS, stoking tensions —DURING voting in the 1. open elections in —24—YEARS.
20100415             —REPORTED, VENEZUELA—AUTHORITIES were, to be investigating the deaths of 6—YANOMAMI Indians, including 2—CHILDREN, in 1—REMOTE—COMMUNITY in the Amazon.
20100415             —BELIEVED, Prosecutors, that 4—ADULTS, 1—MAN and 3—WOMEN, † —AFTER drinking water contaminated by illegal miners, and that THE—2—CHILDREN were apparently killed.
20100415             —RELEASED, A—USA—SENATE—PANEL—REPORT was, saying some of the largest USA—HEALTH insurers are changing their accounting practices to book administration costs as medical costs in 1—ATTEMPT to circumvent new industry reforms.
20100415             —IN THE—S—FRANCISCO—BAY—AREA—BART officials stripped officers of Tasers days —AFTER 1—SERGEANT fired his stun gun at 1—BOY (13) on his bicycle fleeing from 1—ALTERCATION with police in RICHMOND.
20100415             —IN SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN 1—CAR—BOMB outside hotel in KANDAHAR city, injuring at least 6—PEOPLE.
20100415             † 1—CIVILIAN was killed and 1—INJURED —WHEN 1—BOMB blew up beneath the tractor they were riding near Gardez in THE—EAST—PROVINCE—OF—PAKTIKA.
20100415             UNITED—KINGDOM—TV—BROADCAST the country's 1. live debate between leaders of its 3—MAIN—POLITICAL—PARTIES.
20100415             UNITED—KINGDOM—AIRPORT—OPERATOR—BAA Ltd. said all flights at LONDON—HEATHROW—AIRPORT have been suspended for THE—REST—OF—THE—DAY, causing travel chaos as ash clouds from ICELAND—SPEWING volcano halted air traffic across EUROPE.
20100415             THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT and THE—PROVINCE—OF—UNITED—KINGDOM—COLUMBIA also paid THE—C$585—MILLION—COST to build and refurbish competition venues in VANCOUVER, and at the nearby mountain resort of Whistler.
20100415             —IN CUBA historian ESTEBAN—MORALES —POSTED 1—ARTICLE on 1—STATE—WEB—SITE saying corruption at the highest LEVELS—OF—GOVERNMENT posed the greatest threat to CUBA—COMMUNIST—GOVERNMENT.
20100415             —IN NIGERIA the burnt bodies of 1—PENTECOSTAL pastor, Ishaya Kadah, and his wife, Selina, were discovered by the police in Boto village, —2—DAYS—AFTER they were kidnapped.
20100415             Human Rights Watch, 1—LEADING—INTERNATIONAL—RIGHTS—GROUP, called on SENEGAL—GOVERNMENT to clamp down on Islamic schools whose leaders are subjecting TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—CHILDREN to forced begging and daily beatings in conditions it says are "akin to slavery".
20100415—19980000    —IN, NASSER—ABU—FREH, —33—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—PALESTINE—POLICE—CAPTAIN—BEFORE—THE—HAMAS takeover, allegedly started receiving money to work with ISRAEL.
20100415—20070000    —IN, It was the 1. time the death penalty has been carried out in GAZA —SINCE Hamas violently seized power in the coastal area.
20100415—20080000    —CONVICTED, THE—BULLET—RIDDLED BODIES—OF—THE—MEN, by military tribunals and 20090000             , were dumped by armed men at GAZA CITY—MAIN—HOSPITAL—BEFORE dawn.
20100415—20081200    —IN, Bay Area Rapid Transit police had begun using Tasers.
20100415—20100425    —LIFTED, ISRAEL, 1—BAN.
20100415—20100426    —GARNERED, Commission official ABEL—ALIER said that AL—BASHIR had, 68—PERCENT—OF—OVER 10—MILLION—VALID—BALLOTS.
20100415—20100517    —FREED, THE—UN—EMPLOYEES were, in 1—MILITARY—OPERATION.
20100415—20250000    —BY, PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA 20250901             —GOAL to visit 1—ASTEROID.
20100415—20250000    —BY, PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA set a goal to visit an asteroid.
20100420             PAKISTAN—OFFICIALS said several senior PAKISTAN—POLICE and intelligence officials have been removed from their posts —AFTER 1—DAMNING 20100415             UN report into THE—KILLING—OF—EX—PREMIER—BENAZIR—BHUTTO.
20100818             —ASSERTED, Prosecutors, that the man ordered and coordinated 3—MASSACRES 20100411—20100415    —BETWEEN, 19940000             , in which at least 3,730 Tutsis were killed.
20110104—20110415    —ON, pay their tax bills because of 1—HOLIDAY.
20110204             Please send us your THOUGHTS—WE'LL publish what we can.
20110204             In Tahrir Square, the protesters have been waving flags and singing patriotic songs.
20110204             There were reports of SOME—BRIEF scuffles and stone throwing —EARLIER, but the demonstration has otherwise gone peacefully.
201102041501         —INJURED, THE—EGYPT—HEALTH—MINISTER says 8—PEOPLE have † so far and 890—BEEN,
201102041502         —STORMED, AL—ARABIYA reporting that Mubarak supporters have, hotels in CAIRO, chasing foreign journalists.
201102041503         and
201102041509         —ASSUMED, Egyptians had widely, that Gamal was being groomed to take over from his father,
201102041512         1—VERY—SIGNIFICANT—ANNOUNCEMENT reported by AFP from ALGERIA,
201102041514         —AFFECTED, ALGERIA is 1—OF—THE—ARAB states that have been, by 1—WAVE—OF—REGIONAL—UNREST,
201102041516         AFP citing witnesses saying 1—SUPERMARKET on the outskirts of CAIRO is on fire.
201102041520         GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL has spoken to Hosni Mubarak and told him that dialogue must begin,
201102041522         BBC Arabic correspondent Khaled Ezzelarab:
201102041526         Thanks to those READING for —FOLLOWING this dramatic story in EGYPT with THE—BBC—WE'LL continue drawing together —MINUTE—BY—MINUTE updates from CAIRO, ALEXANDRIA and across the country, collating correspondents' reports, ANALYSIS—OF—EVENTS, links to interesting sites elsewhere on the web, and your reactions from —AROUND the world.
201102041526         Thanks to those READING for —FOLLOWING this dramatic story in EGYPT with THE—BBC.
201102041531         1—QUICK recap: THE—CENTRE—OF—THE—EGYPT—CAPITAL, CAIRO, is filled with people calling for THE—RESIGNATION—OF—PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK.
201102041532         Danielle Pletka, writing on THE—AMERICAN, THE—BLOG—OF—THE—USA—INSTITUTE for Enterprise, says: "THE—EGYPTIANS can certainly elect whom they wish, but they cannot do so and continue to enjoy billions in support from THE—USA—TAXPAYER".
201102041533         DOMINIC—WAGHORN from Sky News tweets: "Sustained gunfire in CAIRO NORTH—OF—TAHRIR square.
201102041534         AL—JAZEERA—SHERINE—TADROS tweets: "ROARS—OF—HAPPINESS from protestors in Tahrir as rumour circulates Mubarak stepped down but it was NOT true, people disappointed —NOW#EGYPT #jan25".
201102041538         —STARTED, Adham Helal in CAIRO says: "—SINCE the protests, I haven't slept,
201102041543         THE—BBC—KHALED—EZZELARAB reports:
201102041549         Hazem ABU—WATFA, host of BBC ARABIC—TALKING—POINT—PROGRAMME, says they have held 1—POLL—OF listeners asking if MISTER—MUBARAK should go —NOW: 62% said he should, 38% said they wanted him to stay on.
201102041552         Tarek 1—SIKA tweets: "If anyone comes to Heliopolis that will be THE—END—OF—MANY—LIVES!!
201102041553         RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—DMITRY—MEDVEDEV adds his voice to those calling for 1—PEACEFUL—RESOLUTION to EGYPT—CRISIS.
201102041558         —RENEWED, Recap: There have been, clashes in the centre of CAIRO between PRO—AND ANTI—MUBARAK groups.
201102042146         The blogger Sandmonkey (see entries at 201102041503       and 201102041334       ) tells THE—BBC—RAJINI—VAIDYANATHAN how he was attacked and beaten —FOR—30—MINUTES, driven —AROUND CAIRO —FOR—HOURS and eventually dumped at 1—POLICE—STATION.
20110212004150       [l] In SOUTH—DAKOTA wird gerade 1—REPUBLIKANER—GESETZ beraten, das das Töten von Abtreibungsärzten legalisieren würde.
20110311—20110415    —NOTIFIED, Amazon_com, its ILLINOIS partners that it will stop doing business with them because of 1—NEW—STATE—LAW requiring the online store to collect sales taxes.
20110415             —APPROVED, PRESIDENT—OBAMA and THE—USA—CONGRESS, $205—MILLION in aid to develop "Iron Dome," 1—NEW—ISRAELI—MADE missile defense system.
20110415             —UNSEALED, Indictments were, in Manhattan against 11—PEOPLE including the founders of 3—OF—THE—LARGEST online poker sites open to USA—PLAYERS.
20110415             —CHARGED, PokerStars, Full Tilt Poker and Absolute Poker were, with bank fraud, money laundering and violating gambling laws.
20110415             —TOUCHED, At least 3—TWISTERS, down in MISSISSIPPI, where 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY was declared in 14—COUNTIES, causing widespread damage.
20110415             2—MILITANTS in the group were killed by soldiers at the post in Kabyle.
20110415             —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—BOUTEFLIKA, constitutional reforms "aimed at deepening the democratic process" amid upheavals.
20110415             1—AUSTRALIAN—CRIME—COMMISSION—REPORT said organized crime costs AUSTRALIA up to Aus$15—BILLION (USA$15.8—BILLION) EACH—YEAR.
20110415             —WARNED, The report, that opportunities for illegal activity were unprecedented.
20110415             BURKINA—FASO soldiers shot into the air, stole cars and looted shops in the western and CENTRAL—PARTS—OF—THE—CAPITAL, OUAGADOUGOU, as protests by military guards against unpaid housing allowances spread.
20110415             —RAPED, TORONTO—CANADA, Liu Qian (23) was found, and dead 1—FEW hours —AFTER her former boyfriend in CHINA watched via webcam as she tried to fend off 1—ATTACKER who appeared at her door.
20110415             —AMBUSHED, NORTH—EAST—INDIA, gunmen, and shot dead 7—POLICEMEN in Manipur state, but 1—LOCAL—POLITICIAN managed to escape unhurt.
20110415             —SUSPECTED, INDIA—KASHMIR, Muslim rebels shot dead Haseena Akhter, 1—WOMAN—CANDIDATE contesting VILLAGE—LEVEL—POLLS.
20110415             THE—GUARD had stood beside Gbagbo and fought fiercely in ABIDJAN.
20110415             —ORDERED, JAPAN—GOVERNMENT, the embattled operator of the crippled FUKUSHIMA nuclear plant to offer payouts to TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE made homeless by the ongoing crisis.
20110415             JORDAN, HUNDREDS—OF—PROTESTING—ISLAMIC—SALAFI—HARD—LINERS clashed with SUPPORTERS—OF—KING—ABDULLAH—II, wounding dozens, in the latest move by the extremist movement to assert itself amid the country's WAVE—OF—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—DEMONSTRATIONS.
20110415             70—ISLAMIC hardliners were soon arrested for suspected armed attacks that left 83—POLICEMEN wounded.
20110415             —CRASHED, LIBYA, 1—FRESH—HAIL—OF—GOVERNMENT—ROCKETS, into Misrata —AFTER Western allies denounced a "medieval siege" of the city and vowed to keep bombing Muammar GADDAFI—FORCES—UNTIL he stepped down.
20110415             —OPENED, Gaddafi forces, fire on rebels and killed 1—NEAR the strategic EAST—LIBYA—TOWN—OF—AJDABIYAH, —AFTER 1—INSURGENT—PLAN for 1—NEW—COUNTER—ASSAULT fizzled out.
20110415             —HANGED, ITALY—ACTIVIST—VITTORIO—ARRIGONI (36) was found, in 1—GAZA apartment —JUST hours —AFTER he was abducted by 1—AL—QAIDA—INSPIRED group.
20110415             —ARRESTED, Hamas soon, 4—PEOPLE in connection with the killing, and sought others.
20110415             —DETAINED, Marines, 22—MORE—SUSPECTS, including 5—WOMEN, in 1—OPERATION over the killings of 145—PEOPLE found in mass graves —THIS—MONTH in Tamaulipas state.
20110415             —CAPTURED, MEXICO, residents of Cheran, Michoacan state, 5—ILLEGAL loggers as their truck attempted to smuggle out illegally harvested wood.
20110415             The indigenous Purepecha people said the loggers were backed by cartel henchmen and local police.
20110415             2—PEOPLE were killed and 5—OTHERS wounded —1—DAY—AHEAD—OF—THE—COUNTRY—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION.
20110415             SOMALIA—PIRATES took 1—MULTI—MILLION ransom and released the Asphalt Venture, hijacked last 20110928             , and SOME—CREW members.
20110415             7—INDIA—CREW members were kept hostage in retaliation for the holding of over 100—SOMALIA—PIRATES by THE—INDIA—NAVY.
20110415             —FIRED, SYRIA—SECURITY—FORCES, tear gas at THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS who were marching toward DAMASCUS.
20110415             —STEPPED, OPPONENTS—OF—YEMEN—PRESIDENT, up 1—CAMPAIGN to force him out, but ALI—ABDULLAH—SALEH was defiant as he addressed THOUSANDS—OF—SUPPORTERS and urged the opposition to join peace talks.
20110415             —RALLIED, Loyalists in SANAA, in his support.
20110415             Saleh said in 1—SPEECH that THE—MINGLING—OF—MEN and women at "Change Square," where daily ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS take place in the capital, was against Islamic law.
20110415             —MARCHED, Storms, into TENNESSEE—LOUISIANA and —LATER into GEORGIA.
20110415             —IN AFGHANISTAN Khan MOHAMMAD—MUJAHID, the police CHIEF—IN—KANDAHAR city, was killed by 1—TALIBAN suicide bomber along with 2—OF—HIS bodyguards.
20110415             —IN ALGERIA Islamist extremists attacked 1—ARMY—POST and killed at least 13—SOLDIERS watching THE—ALGERIA—PRESIDENT—TELEVISED speech promising reforms.
20110415             —IN INDIA—KASHMIR suspected Muslim rebels shot dead Haseena Akhter, 1—WOMAN—CANDIDATE contesting VILLAGE—LEVEL—POLLS.
20110415             —IN INDONESIA suicide bomber MUHAMMAD—SYARIF, —32—JAHRE—ALT blew himself up as police were praying in THE—WEST—JAVA TOWN—OF—CIREBON, wounding 30—PEOPLE in the 1. attack on 1—MOSQUE—SINCE extremists started targeting the predominantly Muslim country —1—DECADE—AGO.
20110415             MEXICO—AUTHORITIES said 10—COMPLETE—BODIES, 3—HEADLESS—BODIES and 4—SEVERED heads were found —WHEN authorities dug up 1—PIT in 1—HOUSE in DURANGO state.
20110415             —IN THE—NETHERLANDS—GENERAL—ANTE—GOTOVINA, —55—JAHRE—ALT, 1—COMMANDER hailed by Croats as 1—HERO of the Balkan conflict, was CONVICTED—OF—WAR—CRIMES by 1—UN—COURT and sentenced to —24—YEARS in prison for 1—CAMPAIGN—OF shelling, shootings and expulsions aimed at driving Serbs out of 1—CROATIA—BORDER region 19950000             —IN.
20110415             —IN NIGERIA gunmen who hid their Kalashnikov rifles in long flowing gowns attacked residents in THE—CITY—OF—MAIDUGURI.
20110415             —IN TAJIKISTAN Abdullo Rakhimov, also known by his nom de guerre Mullo Abdullo, was killed along with 14—OTHER—MILITANTS in THE—EAST—RASHT Valley in 1—MILITARY—OPERATION.
20110415—19950000    —IN, In THE—NETHERLANDS—GENERAL—ANTE—GOTOVINA, —55—JAHRE—ALT, 1—COMMANDER hailed by Croats as 1—HERO of the Balkan conflict, was CONVICTED—OF—WAR—CRIMES by 1—UN—COURT and sentenced to —24—YEARS in prison for 1—CAMPAIGN—OF shelling, shootings and expulsions aimed at driving Serbs out of 1—CROATIA—BORDER region.
20110415—20091200    —IN, AYMAN—AL—BALAWI, —38—JAHRE—ALT, the brother of 1—AL—QAIDA triple agent who blew himself up in 1—CIA outpost in AFGHANISTAN, was detained in 1—SWEEP along with 102—OTHER—MEMBERS—OF—THE ultraconservative Muslim Salafi sect.
20110415—20110427    —ON, Loggers shot and killed 2—CHERAN men and wounded 4—OTHERS who were patrolling the woods.
20110415—20140407    —CONVICTED—OF, BRIAN—DICKSON, —32—JAHRE—ALT was, her murder and sentenced to life in prison.
20110429—20110415    —SINCE, The suspects had been under surveillance.
20110911             —KILLED, Tsarnaev was, by police in the aftermath of 20130415             —THE, BOSTON Marathon bombing.
20111008             —ARRESTED, INDONESIA—COUNTER—TERRORISM—POLICE, 5—PEOPLE in connection with 20110415             —THE suicide BOMBING—OF—1—MOSQUE.
20120415             PRESIDENT—OBAMA and COLOMBIA—PRESIDENT—JUAN—MANUEL—SANTOS said at 1—JOINT—NEWS—CONFERENCE that THE—USA—COLOMBIA free trade deal will go into effect 20120515             .
20120415             —RETURNED, Obama, from COLOMBIA to his familiar agenda of righting THE—USA—ECONOMY and winning a 2. term, wrapping up —3—DAYS—OF—LATIN—USA—SUMMITRY that yielded mixed results and were clouded by 1—SECRET—SERVICE—SCANDAL.
20120415             —ENDED, The 6. SUMMIT—OF—THE—AMERICAS, without 1—JOINT—DECLARATION due to divisions over CUBA and Argentine claims to THE—FALKLAND—ISLANDS.
20120415             —GATHERED, DALY—CITY, CALIFORNIA, GENERATIONS—OF—SERRA—BOWL patrons, for the final —DAY—OF—OPERATIONS—AFTER—51—YEARS in business.
20120415             —DECIDED, Business was good but THE—OWNERS—OF—THE—PROPERTY, not to renew its lease.
20120415             —ESTRANGED, Her, husband, KEVIN—CONOVER, —43—JAHRE—ALT, —LATER turned the gun on himself.
20120415             —1—WEEK—EARLIER the schoolteacher was denied 1—EMERGENCY restraining order.
20120415             —INJURED, ARTURO—MARTINEZ, the husband and father, was critically, with head injuries.
20120415             —KILLED, THE—AREA—OF—WOODWARD, OKLAHOMA, tornadoes, at least 5—PEOPLE and left at least 29 injured.
20120415             At least 8,000 were without power in the region.
20120415             —INJURED, In the port CITY—OF—SUEZ, 1—PERSON † and 24 were, —DURING 1—FIRE that raged for nearly —20—HOURS in the storage facilities of 1—OIL—COMPANY.
20120415             —AGREED, They, to set up 1—TRANSITIONAL body to run the country, —1—DAY—AHEAD—OF—TALKS with WEST—AFRICA—BLOC—ECOWAS.
20120415             —TRIGGERED, SOUTH—INDIA, 1—BEEF—EATING festival at Osmania University, clashes between rival students as Hindu activists fought with LOW—CASTE Dalit groups who had organized the event in HYDERABAD.
20120415             —BARRED, ISRAEL, 40—PRO—PALESTINE—ACTIVISTS who had flown in for a "Welcome to Palestine" campaign as hundreds more WOULD—BE protesters were stranded at airports across EUROPE.
20120415             —ARMED, NORTH—MALI, men abducted 1—SWITZERLAND—WOMAN working as 1—MISSIONARY in Timbuktu.
20120415             —ADDRESSED, NORTH—KOREA—NEW—LEADER, KIM—JONG—UN, his nation and the world for the 1. time, vowing to place top priority on his impoverished nation's military, which promptly unveiled 1—NEW—LONG—RANGE—MISSILE.
20120415             —ESCAPED, PAKISTAN, 384—PRISONERS including militants, from the Bannu prison in THE—NORTH—WEST—AFTER 1—ATTACK by insurgents armed with guns, grenades and rockets.
20120415             —CAPTURED, THE—1.—BATCH—OF—SUDAN—PRISONERS—OF—WAR, in DAYS—OF—BLOODY fighting arrived in THE—SOUTH—SUDAN—CAPITAL, as THE—SOUTH—ARMY said clashes continued in contested border regions.
20120415             1—SUDAN—DIVISION raided Mugum, killed 25—REBELS and seized 1—LARGE—QUANTITY—OF—WEAPONS and equipment.
20120415             —SHELLED, SYRIA—TROOPS, residential neighborhoods dominated by rebels in THE—CENTRAL—CITY—OF—HOMS, killing at least 3—PEOPLE—HOURS—BEFORE the 1. batch of UNITED—NATIONS observers were to arrive in DAMASCUS to shore up 1—SHAKY truce.
20120415             The bodies of 2—OTHER—PEOPLE were found in the Deir Baalbeh and AL—DABLAN districts.
20120415             —KILLED, YEMEN, 3—CHILDREN were, by 1—ROADSIDE bomb —WHILE walking to school.
20120415             † A 4. person was killed in 1—AL—QAEDA mortar attack on THE—SOUTH—TOWN—OF—LODER (Lawder).
20120415             —IN PETALUMA—CALIFORNIA, KIM—CONOVER (41) was shot and killed her outside the office of her divorce attorney.
20120415             —IN LAS—VEGAS Ignacia Martinez (38) and her daughter Karla (10) were raped and bludgeoned to death.
20120415             —IN THE—AREA—OF—WOODWARD—OKLAHOMA, tornadoes killed at least 5—PEOPLE and left at least 29—INJURED.
20120415             —TOUCHED, About 75—TORNADOES, down in KANSAS—OKLAHOMA, IOWA and NEBRASKA.
20120415             —IN AFGHANISTAN suicide bombers struck across the country in coordinated attacks claimed by Taliban insurgents as THE—START—OF—1—SPRING offensive.
20120415             † 1—TOTAL—OF—19—INSURGENTS and 14—POLICE and 9—CIVILIANS were wounded.
20120415             —IN EGYPT Islamist militants driving vehicles mounted with machine guns opened fire on 1—POLICE—CHECKPOINT in the Sinai peninsula, killing 2—POLICEMEN and injuring a 3.
20120415             —IN GUINEA—BISSAU political parties met with the military junta in 1—ATTEMPT to reach 1—POLITICAL—SITUATION—DAYS—AFTER soldiers arrested THE—PRIME—MINISTER.
20120415             —IN IRAQ unknown attackers blew up 1—HOUSE—NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD, killing 3—MEMBERS—OF—1—FAMILY including a —5—YEAR—OLD—BOY and also wounding a —2—YEAR—OLD—GIRL.
20120415             11—PRISONERS were captured and 29—RETURNED themselves.
20120415             —REPORTED, SOUTH—AFRICA—NEWSPAPERS, that authorities have seized assets of Khulubuse Zuma, 1—NEPHEW—OF—PRESIDENT—JACOB—ZUMA, to cover debts to 1—SECURITY—COMPANY, AURORA Empowerment Systems, that guarded —NOW—LIQUIDATED gold mines he CO—OWNED with 1—GRANDSON—OF—NELSON—MANDELA.
20120415             —ANNOUNCED, BAHRAIN—SHIITE opposition, —1—WEEK—OF—DAILY—PRO—DEMOCRACY—PROTESTS—UNTIL—AFTER the controversial Formula 1—GRAND—PRIX race scheduled for 20120422             .
20120415—20120427    —ON, police arrested BRYAN—CLAY, —22—JAHRE—ALT for THE—ATTACKS.
20120421—20120415    —ON, s) of explosives that they smuggled in from PAKISTAN to carry out 1—MASSIVE—ATTACK in KABUL, as well as another 3—SUSPECTS, arrested, allegedly planning to assassinate THE—VICE—PRESIDENT.
20130410             SOUTH—KOREA—FOREIGN—MINISTER told lawmakers that the prospect of 1—NORTH—KOREA—MISSILE—TEST is "considerably high," as PYONGYANG calmly prepared to mark 20130415             —THE—BIRTHDAY—OF—ITS founder, historically 1—TIME—WHEN it seeks to draw the world's attention with dramatic DISPLAYS—OF—MILITARY—POWER.
20130415             —ANSCHLAG—AUF—DEN—BOSTON—MARATHON werden 3—MENSCHEN getötet und 264—WEITERE verletzt.
20130415             —TRANSLATED, Only 6—COUNTRIES had, the rules into national legislation by 20130406             —THE—DEADLINE.
20130415             2—BOMBS exploded near the finish of THE—BOSTON—MARATHON killing 3—PEOPLE, 1—BOY, —8—JAHRE—ALT and 2—YOUNG—WOMEN.
20130415             —INJURED, More than 140—PEOPLE were.
20130415             —FASHIONED, The explosives were, OUT—OF—PRESSURE cookers and packed with SHARDS—OF—METAL, nails and ball bearings to inflict maximum carnage.
20130415             —ANNOUNCED, ICELAND PRESIDENT—ÓLAFUR—RAGNAR—GRÍMISS—SON, THE—FORMATION—OF—THE—ARCTIC—CIRCLE at 1—PRESS—CLUB meeting in WASHINGTON, DC, The new nonprofit will be dedicated to bringing together THE—MANY—INTERNATIONAL stakeholders in 1—OPEN venue to address the challenges facing THE—RAPIDLY—CHANGING ARCTIC.
20130415             THE—PULITZER—PRIZE for fiction went to S—FRANCISCO writer ADAM—JOHNSON for "THE—ORPHAN—MASTER—SON," 1—NOVEL set in NORTH—KOREA.
20130415             —KICKED, Key MEASURES—OF—NEW—YORK—TOUGH—NEW—GUN—LAW, in, with owners of firearms —NOW reclassified as assault weapons required to start registering the firearms and new limits on the number of bullets allowed in magazines.
20130415             —AWARDED, The annual Goldman Environmental Prize was, to 6—ACTIVISTS for their efforts to protect the world ecosystem.
20130415             Rossano Ercolini (57) of ITALY for setting up 1—TRASH collection and conservation system;
20130415             Kimberly Wasserman (36) of CHICAGO her grassroots campaign to close polluting COAL—FIRED power plants;
20130415             Aleta Baun (50) of INDONESIA for organizing villages on WEST—TIMOR against mining companies clearing forests for marble;
20130415             AZZAM—ALWASH, —54—JAHRE—ALT—OF—IRAQ for his efforts to restore Mesopotamian marshland;
20130415             JONATHAN—DEAL—OF—SOUTH—AFRICA for his efforts against hydraulic fracturing in Karoo.
20130415             † Taliban COMMANDER, JAMAL—FAROQI, was killed in THE—PRE—DAWN raid and 10—INSURGENTS were captured.
20130415             1—ROADSIDE bomb killed at least 7—MEMBERS—OF—1—FAMILY travelling in 1—TRAILER towed by 1—TRACTOR in Zabul province.
20130415             1—ROADSIDE bomb killed 4—AFGHANISTAN—POLICE and wounded 3—OVERNIGHT in SOUTH—HELMAND province.
20130415             —BACKED, BAHRAIN media said the government has, proposals to impose penalties of up —5—YEARS in prison for insulting the Gulf state's KING or its national symbols.
20130415             CHAD—PRESIDENT—IDRISS—DEBY said his country's troops are pulling out of MALI —3—MONTHS—AFTER THE—FRENCH—LED mission to oust AL—QAIDA—LINKED militants began.
20130415             This was CHINA—1. FREE—TRADE with 1—EUROPEAN nation.
20130415             SOME—SAW—CHINA—GOAL as better access to shipping routes through THE—ARCTIC.
20130415             Metropolitan Krystof (59), HEAD—OF—THE—ORTHODOX—CHURCH in THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC—REP. and SLOVAKIA resigned amid ALLEGATIONS—OF—AFFAIRS with women and fathering illegitimate children.
20130415             THE—EU took to task member states for not implementing new rules on human trafficking.
20130415             This was the deadline for FRANCE—MINISTERS to declare their assets as set —EARLIER by PRIME—MINISTER—JEAN—MARC—AYRAULT.
20130415             Foreign MINISTER—LAURENT—FABIUS dedclarewd ?6m in assets.
20130415             —ERUPTED, FRANCE, clashes again, over the construction on 1—NEW—AIRPORT—NEAR THE—CITY—OF—NANTES.
20130415             3—DEMONSTRATORS were reported injured as anarchists and BERET—WEARING farmers joined against the project.
20130415             CENTRAL—GHANA, 1—ACCIDENT at 1—GOLD—MINE left 17—MINERS dead.
20130415             Authorities said that the miners were working there illegally.
20130415             —DISCOUNTED, Officials, that the mineral was the reason for his visit.
20130415             —LAUNCHED, IRAQ, insurgents, what appeared to be 1—HIGHLY coordinated STRING—OF—ATTACKS, killing at least 55 and wounding more than 200—ACROSS the country.
20130415             —LAST—WEEK—KUWAIT officials began considering 1—MEDIA—LAW that reports say could bring fines of about $1—MILLION for insulting the ruling family.
20130415             LIBERIA—PRESIDENT—ELLEN—JOHNSON—SIRLEAF said FRANCIS—KORKPOR, —61—JAHRE—ALT will be the country's new CHIEF justice.
20130415             The handler got caught in the midst of 1—ALTERCATION between 2—OF—THE—ANIMALS.
20130415             —ENRAGED, SOUTH—SUDAN—GOVERNMENT, by recent cattle thefts and resulting deaths, deployed HUNDREDS—OF—SOLDIERS to hunt down the raiders.
20130415             But 1—OFFICIAL—LATER said the security forces instead indiscriminately shot and killed civilians and burned down houses and shops and attacked 1—HOSPITAL, where 4—MEDICAL—STAFF and 1—PATIENT were killed.
20130415             SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—AIRCRAFT hit targets in REBEL—HELD areas near DAMASCUS, in ALEPPO, HOMS and THE—CITY—OF—RAQQA in the province by the same name along the Euphrates River.
20130415             —CLOSED, THE—TOGO—GOVERNMENT, all public and private primary and secondary schools in the capital, LOME, —FOLLOWING protests that rocked the tiny WEST—AFRICA NATION EDUCATION SYSTEM —LAST—WEEK.
20130415             1—STUDENT was fatally shot by security forces in THE—TOWN—OF—DAPAONG.
20130415             1—TURKEY—COURT—CONVICTED—FAZIL—SAY, —43—JAHRE—ALT, 1—TOP—PIANIST and composer, of denigrating religion through his comments on Twitter.
20130415             —SUSPENDED, He was given a —10—MONTH, prison sentence.
20130415             1—UN—REPORT said opium poppy cultivation in AFGHANISTAN has been increasing for a 3. —YEAR in 1—ROW.
20130415             THE—UNITED—NATIONS CHILDREN—FUND said more than 1—QUARTER—OF—CHILDREN under the age of 5—WORLDWIDE are permanently "stunted" from malnutrition, leaving them physically and intellectually weak and representing 1—SCANDALOUS—WASTE—OF—HUMAN—POTENTIAL.
20130415             —FIRED, VENEZUELA—NATIONAL—GUARD—TROOPS, tear gas and plastic bullets to disperse students protesting the official results in the disputed presidential election.
20130415             "No NORTH—KOREAN has read 1—BOOK, as we think of 1—BOOK — as 1—WORK—OF—ART whose job it is to iluminate the human experience — in 3—GENERATIONS.
20130415             —IN NEW—JERSEY MOHAMED—ALESSA, —23—JAHRE—ALT and CARLOS—ALMONTE, —27—JAHRE—ALT were sentenced to at least —20—YEARS in prison for conspiring to join AL—SHABAB, 1 designated terrorist organization in SOMALIA.
20130415             NATO said 1—TEAM—OF—AFGHAN and coalition special forces captured 1—SENIOR—LEADER—OF—THE—PAKISTAN—BASED—LASHKAR—E—TAIBA.
20130415             2—POLICEMEN were killed and 6—KIDNAPPED —DURING 1—TALIBAN attack on 1—OUTPOST in NORTH—ZAWZJAN province.
20130415             —REPORTED, Australian and UNITED—KINGDOM—RESEARCHERS, that the —SUMMER ice melt in parts of ANTARCTICA is at its highest level in 1,—000—YEARS, adding new EVIDENCE—OF—THE—IMPACT—OF—GLOBAL warming on sensitive ANTARCTIC glaciers and ice shelves.
20130415             —APPROVED, THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—GOVERNMENT, a 1.9% rise in the minimum wage, giving the country's LOWEST—PAID employees 1—BIGGER—INCREASE than most other workers but 1—THAT is still less than inflation.
20130415             —IN KUWAIT FORMER—PARLIAMENT—MEMBER—MUSSALLAM AL—BARRACK was sentenced to —5—YEARS in prison on charges of insulting THE—EMIR—DURING 1—POLITICAL—RALLY—LAST—YEAR.
20130415             —IN CENTRAL—NIGERIA leaders in 2—VILLAGES said at least 10—PEOPLE were killed over the weekend in clashes between the Jukun people of Plateau state, 1—MUSLIM ethnic group, and the Tarok people, who are Christian.
20130415             —IN SOUTH—AFRICA 1—HANDLER at the Elephant Sanctuary near Hartbeespoort Dam was trampled to death —WHILE taking elephants out for exercise.
20130415—19900000    —INCLUDED, They, Nohra Padilla (50) of COLOMBIA, who began organizing waste pickers in BOGOTA into THE—BOGOTA—RECYCLERS'—ASSOC.;
20130418             —IN WATERTOWN—MASSACHUSETTS, local police were involved in 1—CAR—CHASE and shootout with 2—MEN identified by THE—FBI as Suspect 1 and Suspect 2 20130415             —IN—THE—BOSTON bombings.
20130419—20130415    —IN—THE, FEDERAL—AGENTS swarmed WATERTOWN—MASSACHUSETTS, —AFTER local police were involved in 1—CAR—CHASE and shootout with 2—MEN identified by THE—FBI as Suspect 1 and Suspect 2—BOSTON bombings.
20130710             He faced 30—FEDERAL—CHARGES, including using 1—WEAPON—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION to kill, in connection with 20130415             —THE attack that left 3—PEOPLE—DEAD and more than 260 wounded.
20140415             Maryam Koofi, 1—FEMALE—AFGHANISTAN—LAWMAKER, was wounded in 1—SHOOTING that her sister called 1—POLITICAL—ATTACK.
20140415             —DESCRIBED, The government the —NEXT—DAY, it as resulting from 1 undetermined personal dispute with 1—POLICE—OFFICER.
20140415             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—NATO—AIR—STRIKE, 1—WOMAN and 2—CHILDREN in Khost province.
20140415             —ANNOUNCED, Imperial Tobacco, THE—CLOSURE—OF—FACTORIES in BRITAIN and FRANCE with the loss of 900—JOBS, citing declining sales, tougher ANTI—SMOKING measures and the growth of contraband sales.
20140415             † In CANADA 5—PEOPLE in 1—STABBING rampage at 1—HOUSE—PARTY held to mark THE—END—OF—UNIVERSITY—CLASSES in CALGARY.
20140415             MATTHEW—DOUGLAS—DE—GROOD, —22—JAHRE—ALT, THE—SON—OF—1—POLICE—OFFICER and 1—RECENT—GRADUATE—OF—THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—CALGARY, picked up 1—LARGE—KNIFE shortly —AFTER arriving at the party and stabbed the victims 1—BY 1—SHORTLY —AFTER 1 a.m.
20140415             DUBAI ruler SHEIK—MOHAMMED bin Rashid AL—MAKTOUM and IRAN—FOREIGN—MINISTER—MOHAMMAD—JAVAD—ZARIF discussed bilateral relations and regional developments.
20140415             Zarif also met the Gulf federation's foreign MINISTER, SHEIK—ABDULLAH bin Zayed AL—NAHYAN, in ABU—DHABI.
20140415             1—EGYPT—COURT—BANNED—MEMBERS—OF—THE—MUSLIM—BROTHERHOOD, 1—MOVEMENT listed as a "terrorist group", from running in upcoming elections.
20140415             —AMBUSHED, WEST—ETHIOPIA, gunmen, 1—BUS carrying DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE—NEAR THE—SUDAN—BORDER, killing 9 and wounding 6.
20140415             —COMPLETED, THE—EU—PARLIAMENT, the biggest OVERHAUL—OF—THE—BLOC—FINANCIAL—SYSTEM—SINCE THE—INTRODUCTION—OF—THE—EURO—CURRENCY, passing laws to minimize the risk and cost posed by failing banks.
20140415             —STARTED, GERMANY—UTILITY—COMPANY—RWE said it has, sending natural gas to UKRAINE, 1—MOVE that could support the country if RUSSIA acts on its threat to cut off supplies because of 1—MASSIVE—DEBT for past deliveries.
20140415             —BELIEVED, GREECE—COAST—GUARD—OFFICIALS shot dead 1—MAN, to be 1—MIGRANT—SMUGGLER as they tried to intercept him on his speedboat heading towards neighboring TURKEY.
20140415             —ISSUED, INDIA—TOP—COURT, 1—LANDMARK verdict recognizing transgender rights as human rights, saying people can identify themselves as a 3. gender on official documents.
20140415             —KILLED, IRAQ, shelling in FALLUJAH, 5—PEOPLE and wounded 16. Mortar rounds and twin suicide bombings in Anbar provincial CAPITAL—RAMADI, farther west, left 1—DEAD and 8 wounded.
20140415             The justice ministry said ABU—GHRAIB prison, made infamous by SADDAM—HUSSEIN—REGIME and USA—FORCES, has been closed due to security concerns —FOLLOWING 1—MASS breakout —LAST—YEAR.
20140415             1—ITALY—COURT—ORDERED—FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—SILVIO—BERLUSCONI, —77—JAHRE—ALT to serve 1—TAX—FRAUD—SENTENCE by doing community service and set travel restrictions that will limit his ability to campaign for —NEXT—MONTH—EUROPEAN—PARLIAMENT—ELECTIONS.
20140415             —VOWED, HUNDREDS—OF—PRO—WHALING—JAPAN—OFFICIALS, lawmakers and lobby group members, to continue whale hunts despite 1—WORLD—COURT ruling that ordered the country to halt its ANTARCTIC whaling program.
20140415             —KIDNAPPED, JORDAN—AMBASSADOR to LIBYA was, in TRIPOLI by masked gunmen who attacked his car and shot his driver.
20140415             —KIDNAPPED, NIGERIA, Boko Haram Islamists, 129—GIRLS from the Chibok Government Girls Secondary School in NORTH—EAST—BORNO state.
20140415             1—MILITARY—SPOKESMAN the —NEXT—DAY said all but 8—OF—THE—GIRLS were freed, but the school principal said the girls were still missing.
20140415             —KIDNAPPED, The number of, girls was —LATER raised to over 270.
20140415             —CAPTURED, SOUTH—SUDAN, rebel fighters, Bentiu, THE—CAPITAL—OF—OIL—RICH—UNITY—STATE.
20140415             —ISSUED, They, 1—ULTIMATUM to oil companies to shut down production and evacuate workers.
20140415             —RESCUED, UN peacekeepers, 10—OIL—WORKERS from the violence, but not —BEFORE 5 were wounded.
20140415             Over the next —24—HOURS—HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE sheltering inside 1—MOSQUE and 1—CATHOLIC—CHURCH in Bentiu were killed or wounded.
20140415             —LAUNCHED, SYRIA—ARMY, 1—MAJOR—GROUND—ASSAULT—ON—THE—CENTRAL—CITY—OF—HOMS, with troops entering REBEL—HELD districts under government siege for nearly —2—YEARS.
20140415             2—MORTAR rounds landed near schools in predominantly Christian districts DAMASCUS, killing 1—CHILD and wounding 41—OTHER—PEOPLE.
20140415             —REPELLED, UKRAINE government forces, 1—ATTACK by some 30—GUNMEN at THE—KRAMATORSK airport SOUTH—OF—SLOVYANSK.
20140415             —PROJECTED, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL met privately to view, SLIDES—OF—BODIES from the civil war in which more than 150,000 have †.
20140415             10—OF—THE—PHOTOS were publicly released in January in 1—STUDY known as the "Caesar Report," which was funded by the government of QATAR.
20140415             —SUSPECTED, YEMEN, AL—QAIDA militants assassinated Hussein Dayan, the deputy GOVERNOR—OF—SOUTH—AL—BAYDA province.
20140415             —IN SOUTH—CHINA—THOUSANDS—OF—WORKERS at 1—GIANT—YUE—YUEN—INDUSTRIAL shoe factory shrugged off 1—OFFER for improved social benefits, prolonging 1—OF—THE—LARGEST—STRIKES in CHINA in recent years amid signs of increased labor activism as the economy slows.
20140415             —IN IRAQ shelling in FALLUJAH killed 5—PEOPLE and wounded 16. Mortar rounds and twin suicide bombings in Anbar provincial CAPITAL—RAMADI, farther west, left 1—DEAD and 8—WOUNDED.
20140415             —IN exchange his government sent back to TRIPOLI LIBYA—ISLAMIST—MILITANT MOHAMMED—DERSI, who had been serving 1—LIFE—SENTENCE for 1—BOMBING plot.
20140415             20—SOON escaped, but 109—REMAINED missing.
20140415             —CHARGED, SOUTH—KOREAN—POLICE, 1—MAN for THE—MURDER—OF—HIS —2—YEAR—OLD son —AFTER he confessed to suffocating the child so he could leave the house to go back to playing games at 1—INTERNET—CAFE.
20140415             —IN SOUTH—SUDAN rebel fighters captured Bentiu, THE—CAPITAL—OF—OIL—RICH—UNITY—STATE.
20140415—20140513    —RELEASED, FAWAZ—AL—ITAN was.
20140610—20160415    —SENTENCED, Sudi MOHAMED—SUDI, —44—JAHRE—ALT was, to death for killing Idris, who had campaigned against radical interpretations of Islam.
20140721             BOSTON, Azamat Tazhayakov (20), 1—FRIEND—OF—BOSTON—MARATHON bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, was convicted of trying to protect Tsarnaev by agreeing with another friend to get rid of 1—BACKPACK and disabled fireworks —3—DAYS—AFTER 20130415             —THE, attack.
20150408             —FACED, BOSTON bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the death penalty —AFTER 1—JURY unanimously convicted him of carrying out 20130415             —THE, BOSTON Marathon attack.
20150412—20150415    —ON, officers arrested a —21—YEAR—OLD—MAN and said they were "—FOLLOWING 1—DEFINITE—LINE—OF enquiry".
20150415             Malaki was the 8. person to be convicted on corruption charges in the scandal.
20150415             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—CANINE flu outbreak has sickened MANY—DOGS in the Midwest USA.
20150415             —KILLED, BANGLADESH, at least 9—PEOPLE were, in CENTRAL—DHAKA —WHEN a 2—STOREY home built on swampy ground collapsed.
20150415             —FINED, BRITAIN—FINANCIAL—CONDUCT—AUTHORITY said it has, THE—BANK—OF—NEW—YORK—MELLON—LONDON branch and BANK—OF—NEW—YORK—MELLON—INTERNATIONAL—LIMITED 126—MILLION—POUNDS ($186—MILLION) for breaking rules meant to protect customer assets 20070000—20130000    —BETWEEN.
20150415             —JAILED, EGYPT, 1—CAIRO criminal court, deposed Islamist PRESIDENT—MOHAMED—MORSI—FORMER—CHIEF—OF—STAFF—FOR—3—YEARS—AFTER he was convicted of abusing his powers.
20150415             —CHARGED, Refaa AL—TAHTAWI had been, with hiring someone banned from public service.
20150415             —CHARGED, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, Google with abusing its overwhelming dominance in INTERNET searches and opened 1—PROBE into its Android MOBILE system, massively raising the stakes in THE—5—YEAR antitrust battle.
20150415             FINLAND—BASED Nokia said it is to buy ailing FRANCE—TELECOM company ALCATEL—LUCENT for —AROUND 15.6—BILLION euros ($16.5—BILLION) through 1—PUBLIC—EXCHANGE—OF—SHARES in FRANCE and THE—USA.
20150415             INDIA—PRIME—MINISTER—NARENDRA—MODI, on the 1. full —DAY—OF—HIS—VISIT to CANADA, signed 1—DEAL to buy more than 3,000 TONS—OF—CANADA—URANIUM over the next —5—YEARS to fuel his country's power reactors.
20150415             —CONTESTED, IRAN said it would only accept 1—DEAL over its, nuclear program if world powers simultaneously lifted all sanctions imposed on it.
20150415             IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—HAIDAR—AL—ABADI said he would seek 1—SUSTAINABLE—FLOW—OF weaponry from THE—USA—DURING talks in WASHINGTON, with payment deferred.
20150415             —LAUNCHED, IRAQ, the Islamic State group, 1—OFFENSIVE in Anbar province, capturing 3—VILLAGES—NEAR the provincial CAPITAL—OF—RAMADI and forcing villagers to flee from their homes as fierce clashes were underway between the extremists and government troops.
20150415             —ARRESTED, THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY, 29—PALESTINIANS SUSPECTED—OF—LINKS to the militant Hamas group in 1—OVERNIGHT raid near NABLUS in THE—WEST—BANK.
20150415             —SIGNED, MALAWI—PRESIDENT—PETER—MUTHARIKA, into law 1—BAN on child marriages, —2—MONTHS—AFTER lawmakers passed 1—BILL raising the marrying age to 18.
20150415             —KILLED, NORTH—MALI, at least 3—CIVILIANS were, and 9—UN—PEACEKEEPERS seriously injured in 1—SUICIDE—ATTACK at 1—UN—BASE in TOWN—OF—ANSONGO.
20150415             —FORMED, AL—MOURABITOUN, 1—GROUP, by the elusive ALGERIA—ISLAMIC—EXTREMIST—LEADER—MOKTAR Belmoktar, claimed responsibility for that attack.
20150415             † NEPAL—SURYA—BAHADUR—THAPA, former 5-time PRIME—MINISTER, in 1—HOSPITAL in INDIA where he was being treated for stomach cancer.
20150415             —IDENTIFIED, NIGERIA, election results —POSTED—LATE—TODAY, Buruji Kashamu (56) as 1—SENATOR—ELECT in SOUTH—WEST—OGUN state.
20150415             Kashamu has said CHICAGO prosecutors really want the dead brother he closely resembles.
20150415             1—PALESTINE—DRIVER rammed his car into 1—JERUSALEM bus stop.
20150415             THE—PHILIPPINES foreign SECRETARY said his country is seeking more "substantive" support from its LONG—TIME—SECURITY—ALLY—USA on how to counter CHINA—RAPID—EXPANSION in THE—SOUTH—CHINA—SEA.
20150415             —CRITICIZED, POLAND—PRIME—MINISTER—EWA—KOPACZ, a fiercely nationalistic RUSSIA—BIKER gang's plans to ride through EUROPE to celebrate THE—SOVIET—UNION—VICTORY over Nazi GERMANY —WWII—IN.
20150415             —COLLIDED, RUSSIA, 1—TRAIN, with 1—PASSENGER—BUS—NEAR the border with FINLAND, killing at least 3—PEOPLE and injuring 27.
20150415             —BEHEADED, SAUDI—ARABIA, 1—OF—ITS—CITIZENS for drug trafficking.
20150415             —EXECUTED, Khalid AL—ROWAILI was the 61. person, in the kingdom so far —THIS—YEAR.
20150415             SYRIA, local fighters in 1—PALESTINE—REFUGEE—CAMP in DAMASCUS advanced in clashes with Islamic State militants —2—WEEKS—AFTER the extremist group stormed the area in its deepest foray into the capital.
20150415             —EXTENDED, SUDAN, nationwide elections by —1—DAY—AFTER 1—LOW turnout that the opposition said reflected apathy towards 1—VOTE—PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BASHIR is widely expected to win.
20150415             Voter turnout was put at 46.4%, above AFRICA—UNION—MONITORS' estimates of 30-35%.
20150415             THE—UNITED—NATIONS refugee agency said more than 5,800 BURUNDI—REFUGEES have crossed into RWANDA so far —THIS—MONTH amid FEARS—OF—VIOLENCE—BEFORE elections scheduled for 20150626             .
20150415             —IN S—DIEGO—LIEUTENANT—COMMANDER.
20150415             —BASED, TODD—MALAKI, —44—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—SUPPLY—OFFICER, in ASIA, pleaded guilty in FEDERAL—COURT to leaking classified information to LEONARD—FRANCIS, 1—MALAYSIA—DEFENSE—CONTRACTOR.
20150415             —IN COLOMBIA 11—SOLDIERS were killed and 20—INJURED in 1—APPARENT overnight attack by leftist FARC guerrillas, 1—POSSIBLE—VIOLATION—OF—THE—REBELS' pledge of 1—UNILATERAL—CEASE—FIRE that could jeopardize THE—FUTURE—OF—PEACE—TALKS.
20150415             —EXPLODED, 1—OFFICIAL said 1—ROADSIDE bomb has, in 1—NILE—DELTA—CITY, killing 2—MILITARY—ACADEMY—STUDENTS and wounding 5—OTHER—PEOPLE.
20150415             —IN NIGERIA 1—MYSTERIOUS—DISEASE broke out in ODE—IRELE town and soon left 18—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20150415             † Shalom Yohai Cherki (26) of his injuries the —NEXT—MORNING.
20150415             —KILLED, UKRAINE said 1—GOVERNMENT—SOLDIER was, and 2—WOUNDED in separatist eastern territories in the past —24—HOURS.
20150415             —KILLED, Separatist officials said 1—REBEL—FIGHTER had been, and 5—WOUNDED as 1—RESULT—OF—ATTACKS from THE—UKRAINE—SIDE in the past —24—HOURS.
20150415             —IN UKRAINE Oleh Kalashnikov, 1—LAWMAKER from EX—PRESIDENT—VIKTOR—YANUKOVYCH—PARTY, was found dead on the landing of his home in Kiev with 1—GUNSHOT wound.
20150415             —IN YEMEN SAUDI—LED coalition air strikes hit rebel targets in ADEN—AFTER overnight attacks killed 7—PEOPLE.
20150415             [l] Um die GEFAHR—VON—FLUGHAFEN—SECURITY—GRAPSCHEREIEN zu reduzieren, haben die ja weibliche Screener für weibliche Passagiere und männliche Screener für männliche Passagiere.
20150415             —IN DENVER ist ein solcher GRAPSCH—FALL aufgeflogen.
20150415             He related that —WHEN 1—MALE he finds attractive COMES to be screened by the scanning machine he will alert another TSA screener to indicate to the scanning computer that the party being screened is 1—FEMALE.
20150415             Das ist ja 1—CORPS—GEIST! dieser MARCO—RUBIO verdient 1—LINK.
20150415             [l] Da jubiliert der BÖRSEN—VEREIN des DEUTSCHLAND—BUCHHANDELS: "DEUTSCHLAND—GERICHTE einig: E—BOOKS dürfen nicht weiterverkauft werden"
20150415             Und das ist auch gut so, finden sie.
20150415             Digitale Bücher können praktisch unendlich vervielfältigt und weitergegeben werden, ohne sich jemals abzunutzen.
20150415             [l] In SPANIEN gibt es 1.Bank, die NEGATIV—ZINSEN an ihre HYPOTHEKEN—KUNDEN weitergeben.
20150415             [l] Ihr habt das ja sicher auch gehört, dass DIE—USA—POLIZISTEN aus PR—GRÜNDEN nicht mehr so VIELE—VERDÄCHTIGE abknallen sollen.
20150415             —UPDATE, Besseres Video mit mehr Kontext.
20150415             [l] DEUTSCHLAND—ZIVIL—GESELLSCHAFT solidarisiert sich gegen PEGIDA.
20150415             —SOLIDARISIERT, ÖSTERREICH—POLIZEI, sich mit PEGIDA.
20150415             ALLEN—PEGIDA—GEGNERN und Journalisten droht ANKLAGE—WEGEN—"Verhinderung oder Störung 1—VERSAMMLUNG"- Zugleich 7—ANZEIGEN gegen unbekannt wegen Wiederbetätigung
20150415             —VON, wie vielen Anzeigen reden wir hier?
20150415             456—GEGEN—DEMONSTRANTEN und Journalisten angezeigt
20150415             [l] DAS—VERFASSUNGS—GERICHT hat sie verboten. DER—EUGHHAT sie verboten.
20150415             Aber hält das unsere berufskriminellen serienverfassungsbrechenden Triebtäter im PARLAMENT auf?
20150415             So und —JETZT ratet mal, wer uns verraten hat. Seufz.
20150415             —UPDATE, Falls ihr das übersehen habe hinter dem 1.
20150415             —UM—DEN, Missbrauch der gesammelten DATEN "zu vermeiden", soll der HANDEL—MIT—GESTOHLENEN DATEN unter Strafe gestellt werden.
20150415             [l] Künstler fotografiert in NEW—YORK insgeheim seine Nachbarn, stellt DIE—BILDER aus.
20150415             [l] 4—BLACKWATER—SÖLDNER sind IN—DEN—USA zu langen Haftstrafen verurteilt worden.
20150415             Periodic Videos an, von 1—WUNDERBAREN NERD—CHEMIEPROFESSOR—AUS NOTTINGHAM.
20150415             der Engineering Guy.
20150415             [l] DAS—KLEIN—GEDRUCKTE unter dem CIA Kommentarformular ist Comedy Gold.
20150415             Your security and well being are our primary concerns.
20150415             "3. parties that do not adhere to USA—INTERNET—PRIVACY—LAWS", ja?
20150415             [l] INFRA—STRUKTUR—APOKALYPSE: 3—SCHULEN in BERLIN—STEGLITZ wegen Einsturzgefahr gesperrt.
20150415             [l] KURZE—DURCHSAGE der VERBRAUCHER—ZENTRALE:
20150415             Aus des VERBRAUCHER—ZENTRALE—BUNDES—VERBAND Sicht (vzbv) sind NEGATIV—ZINSEN—FÜR—VERBRAUCHER rechtlich unzulässig.
20150415             [l] Boah ey, diese Probleme mit dem schweren Wasser immer!
20150415             Immerhin: ONTARIO Power Generation says there was no risk to its staff or THE—PUBLIC
20150415             [l] Lawyer representing WHISTLE—BLOWERS finds malware on drive supplied by cops
20150415             Unfairer Wettbewerb: EU will schärfer gegen GOOGLE vorgehen
20150415             Raumfahrtunternehmen SpaceX: Landung von Rakete "Falcon 9"scheitert erneut
20150415             Zahlen aus PECHINAA—WIRTSCHAFT—KING—OF— wächst so langsam wie zuletzt 2009
20150415             GRIECHENLAND vor dem EURO—AUS: —5—JAHRE sind genug
20150415             Auf KAPITAL—SUCHE: CHINA—DROHNEN—FIRMA soll 10—MILLIARDEN —WERT sein
20150415             FORSA—UMFRAGE: Frauen würden Union wählen
20150415             UNIONS—FRAKTION—CHEF—KAUDER: "DEUTSCHLAND kann noch deutlich mehr FLÜCHTLINGE aufnehmen"
20150415             —POLIZEI—GEWALT—IN—OKLAHOMA: TODES—SCHÜTZE soll sich Job als Hilfssheriff erkauft haben
20150415             —REKORD: Grauwal schwimmt um die halbe Welt
20150415             —BERICHT, aus dem FLÜCHTLINGS—LAGER Jarmuk: "DIE—MENSCHEN ESSEN Gras"
20150415             VORRATS—DATEN—SPEICHERUNG, Regierung stellt ÜBERWACHUNGS—PLÄNE vor
20150415             Vergewaltigung von COUCHSURFING—TOURISTIN: EX—POLIZIST zu langer HAFT—STRAFE verurteilt
20150415             —GESTRANDET, AUSTRALIEN: Extrem seltener Omurawal
20150415             Lobbyisten in DEUTSCHLAND: Paradies für Einflüsterer
20150415             SUCHMASCHINEN—GESCHÄFT: EU—KOMMISSION wirft GOOGLE unfairen Wettbewerb vor
20150415             —ÜBERFÄHRT, USA—STADT—MARANA: POLIZIST, absichtlich bewaffneten Mann
20150415             Russische "Nachtwölfe": POLEN—PREMIER—KOPACZ nennt Bikerfahrt Provokation
20150415             Industrie 4.0: EU—KOMMISSARIN warnt vor nationalen Alleingängen
20150415             —VOM—IS missbrauchte Frauen: "—MORGENS ab halb 10—KAMEN die Männer"
20150415             SYRIEN: Hunderte IS—KÄMPFER ziehen sich aus Jarmuk zurück
20150415             ARBEITS—KAMPF auf SCHLOSS—WINDSOR: Wärter fordern mehr Gehalt
20150415             —REKORDTIEF: EZB hält an niedrigem LEIT—ZINS FEST—GIPFEL—LÜBECK: G7 hat ausgedient
20150415             UMWELT—RISIKO: Fischereischiff sinkt vor Kanarischen Inseln
20150415             Drohende Pleite: DEUTSCHLAND soll an RETTUNGS—PLAN für GRIECHENLAND—BANKEN arbeiten
20150415             Überblick: Die Beschlüsse des G7—GIPFELS in LÜBECK - S.P.O.N.
20150415             Projekt "Locust": USA—MARINE will DROHNEN—SCHWÄRME in den Kampf schicken
20150415             Aggression bei Schülern: Mädchen geben den Ton an
20150415             Tote FLÜCHTLINGE im MITTELMEER: UNO verlangt mehr —EINSATZ—VON—EUROPA
20150415             Studie: Fast 40 % mehr GEWALT—TATEN gegen JUDEN
20150415             —BEZIFFERT, Einkommen des STAAT—CHEFS: KREML, PUTIN—VERDIENST auf 140.000—EURO
20150415             VORRATS—DATEN—SPEICHERUNG, SPD erfüllt Union ihren Herzenswunsch
20150415             GRIECHENLAND und DER—EURO: Rausschmiss ist keine Lösung
20150415             FRÜHJAHRS—GUTACHTEN: WIRTSCHAFTS—FORSCHER rechnen mit kräftigem Wachstum
20150415             Höhle im Gelenk: Forscher lösen Rätsel ums Fingerknacken
20150415             —PROTEST—AKTION in WASHINGTON: Mann landet mit Hubschrauber vor dem Kapitol
20150415             † UKRAINE—EX—ABGEORDNETER—KALASCHNIKOW, offenbar ermordet
20150415—19880000    —IN, he was indicted in AMERICA for allegedly smuggling heroin, in 1—COURT—CASE that was the basis for THE—TV hit "ORANGE Is THE—NEW—BLACK".
20150415—20030000    —IN, He returned home from BRITAIN despite A—USA—EXTRADITION—ORDER to become 1—MAJOR—FINANCIER—OF—PRESIDENT—GOODLUCK—JONATHAN—PARTY.
20150415—20140000    —IN—EARLY, Kalashnikov was 1—KEY—WITNESS in 1—CRIMINAL—CASE related to PRO—RUSSIA—ACTIVISTS who attacked THE—PRO—WESTERN—PROTESTS on KIEV—MAIN—SQUARE.
20150415—20150402    —ON, 1—TENTATIVE deal between IRAN and THE—6—WORLD—POWERS was reached in SWITZERLAND and
20150415—20150420    —ON, The disease, whose symptoms include headache, weight loss, blurred vision and LOSS—OF—CONSCIOUSNESS, killed the victims within —24—HOURS—OF—THEIR falling ILLINOIS NIGERIA—HEALTH—AUTHORITIES said that ethanol poisoning from 1—LOCAL gin may have been responsible for the sudden deaths.
20150415—20150427    —BY, the toll reached 23.
20150415—20150427    —CHARGED, Khaled Kutina (37) from EAST—JERUSALEM was, with murdering Cherki and the attempted MURDER—OF—SHIRA—KLEIN, —20—JAHRE—ALT.
20150415—20150427    —ON, Election results said Bashir took 94.05—PERCENT—OF—VOTES and his National Congress Party (NCP) won 323—OF—426—PARLIAMENTARY—SEATS.
20150415—20150427    —CHARGED, Khaled Kutina (37) from EAST—JERUSALEM was, with murdering Cherki and the attempted MURDER—OF—SHIRA—KLEIN (20).
20150415—20150630    —ON, aimed at clearing the way for 1—FINAL—SETTLEMENT.
20150415—20160129    —ON, 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—SENTENCED—MALAKI to —40—MONTHS in FEDERAL—PRISON for providing ships and submarine schedules to 1—MALAYSIA—CONTRACTOR in exchange for cash and luxury hotel stays in SINGAPORE—HONG—KONG and TONGA.
20150415—20160421    —LANDED, DOUGLAS—HUGHES—OF—FLORIDA, a 1—PERSON gyrocopter on THE—LAWN—OF—THE—CAPITAL—IN—WASHINGTON—DC., Hughes was sentenced to —120—DAYS in jail for operating 1—GYROCOPTER without 1—LICENSE.
20150515             —SENTENCED, MASSACHUSETTS, 1—JURY, BOSTON Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev (21) to death for 20130415             —THE—BOMBING.
20150701—20150415    —RELEASED, He had been, from jail in SF —AFTER a —10—YEAR—OLD—MARIJUANA—POSSESSION—CHARGE was dropped.
20160000             TÜRKISCHES—GERICHT hebt Haftstrafe für Schriftsteller Altan auf
20160409—20160415    —PLANNED, THE—MOVISTAR cell phone service, to do the same.
20160415             —SUSPENDED, INDIA said it had, the diplomatic passport of embattled tycoon and lawmaker Vijay Mallya, who left the country last 20160302             amid pressure from lenders to repay about $1.4—BILLION in debt owed by his defunct Kingfisher Airlines.
20160415             —REPORTED, It was, that S—FRANCISCO will begin requiring some 37,000 Lyft and Uber drivers who work in the city 7 or more days —1—YEAR to obtain a $91—ANNUAL—BUSINESS—LICENSE.
20160415             —ATTACKED, FLORIDA, 1—ENDANGERED—MALAYAN tiger, and killed zookeeper Stacey Konwiser (38) in its Palm Beach Zoo enclosure as the woman prepared to give 1—TALK to visitors.
20160415             BOLIVIA—PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES met with FRANCIS—PAPA —BEFORE attending 1—VATICAN conference on social and economic justice.
20160415             —PRESENTED, —DURING the audience, Morales, Francis with 3—BOOKS: "Coca, 1—BIO—BANK," ''Coca, citogenic diet" and "Coca, THE—ANTI—OBESITY—FACTOR".
20160415             —ANNOUNCED, BURUNDI, that almost 700—SOLDIERS were to be forced to retire.
20160415             —SERVED, Almost ALL—OF—THEM, in the army —WHEN it was 1—ENTIRELY—TUTSI institution.
20160415             —OVERTURNED, FRANCE—TOP—ADMINISTRATIVE—COURT, a 20140000             ban on 1—TYPE—OF genetically modified (GMO) maize in 1—SYMBOLIC—VICTORY for GMO supporters that will not allow such crops to be grown in FRANCE because of subsequent legislation reinforcing the ban.
20160415             —CALLED, GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL, 1—SHORT—NOTICE—NEWS—CONFERENCE to personally announce that her government had granted TURKEY—REQUEST to let prosecutors examine 1—CRIMINAL—COMPLAINT against JAN—BOEHMERMANN. the comic for writing 1—INTENTIONALLY offensive poem about TURKEY—PRESIDENT—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN.
20160415             Under GERMANY—LAW, the government has to grant permission —BEFORE prosecutors can consider whether to press charges against someone for the crime of insulting 1—FOREIGN—HEAD—OF—STATE.
20160415             —VANISHED, In July the airline said its books had.
20160415             —IMPOSED, NEW—DELHI, driving restrictions that will take —AROUND 1—MILLION—CARS off its roads for the 2. time —THIS—YEAR, seeking to improve air quality in the world's most polluted capital.
20160415             MACEDONIA—PRESIDENT—GJORGE—IVANOV said he stood by his decision to grant pardons to 56—OFFICIALS in 1—WIRE—TAPPING scandal despite DAYS—OF—STREET—PROTESTS and mounting national and INTERNATIONAL calls to change his mind.
20160415             —GRANTED, The amnesty, by Ivanov —THIS—WEEK prevents THE—56—GOVERNMENT and opposition officials from being investigated over revelations of 1—VAST—WIRE—TAPPING operation that has caused 1—LONG—RUNNING political crisis in the Balkan nation.
20160415             —DEPORTED, MALAYSIA, 20—TAIWAN—CRIMINAL—SUSPECTS to TAIWAN despite BEIJING—REQUEST that they be sent to CHINA, amid 1—ONGOING battle over jurisdiction involving THE—SELF—RULED ISLAND.
20160415             1—MALAYSIA official said another 32—TAIWAN—WIRE fraud suspects sought by CHINA also will be sent to TAIWAN.
20160415             † MALI—PHOTOGRAPHER Malick Sidibe (80).
20160415             MALI—PHOTOGRAPHER had won INTERNATIONAL acclaim with his vibrant BLACK—AND—WHITE—IMAGES which captured daily life in his native country.
20160415             THE—IMF said it suspended lending to MOZAMBIQUE for failing to disclose some $1.4—BILLION of hidden debts.
20160415             1—NORTH—KOREA missile launch meant to celebrate THE—BIRTHDAY—OF—THE—COUNTRY—FOUNDER ended in failure, 1—EMBARRASSING setback in what was reportedly the inaugural test of 1—NEW, powerful MID—RANGE—MISSILE.
20160415             —SEIZED, In THE—SOUTH—PHILIPPINES Islamist militants, 4—INDONESIA—CREW—OF—1—TUGBOAT off Sitangkay ISLAND in TAWI—TAWI, the 3. attack on slow moving vessels in about —1—MONTH.
20160415             —DETAINED, SERBIA—POLICE, 49—PEOPLE, including officials from ministries and STATE—OWNED firms, on SUSPICION—OF—CORRUPTION and ABUSE—OF—OFFICE—AS—PART—OF—1—ANTI—GRAFT—DRIVE that has gained momentum —BEFORE—THIS—MONTH—ELECTION.
20160415             —KILLED, Ethnic Murle gunmen from SOUTH—SUDAN, 208—PEOPLE and kidnapped 102—CHILDREN in 1—CROSS—BORDER—RAID on the Nuer tribe in ETHIOPIA.
20160415             —DROWNED, VIETNAM, 9 6.—GRADE boys from the same class, —AFTER going for 1—SWIM in Tra Khuc river in CENTRAL—PROVINCE—OF—QUANG—NGAI.
20160415             —ROUTED, YEMEN—GOVERNMENT—TROOPS—NEWLY—TRAINED by 1—SAUDI—LED coalition, AL—QAIDA militants from Houta, THE—CAPITAL—OF—LAHJ province, and arrested DOZENS—OF—MILITANTS.
20160415             The assault came as coalition helicopters and USA—DRONES launched 1—SERIES—OF—AIRSTRIKES targeting AL—QAIDA hideouts and strongholds across the southern region.
20160415             —IN Syria fierce fighting raged —AROUND ALEPPO as 1—SURGE in violence forced tens of thousands more to flee their homes, overshadowing the latest ROUND—OF—PEACE—TALKS in GENEVA.
20160415             SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—AIR—STRIKES hit REBEL—HELD areas NORTH—OF—HOMS for a 2. —DAY, forcing authorities to CANCEL—FRIDAYPRAYERS for the 1. time in —6—MONTHS.
20160415             —IN URUGUAY 1—POWERFUL—TORNADO swept over the small CITY—OF—DOLORES, ripping up houses, hurling cars into the air and killing at least 4—PEOPLE.
20160415             —KAMPF—GEGEN—BRIEFKASTENFIRMEN: PANAMA beugt sich dem Druck
20160415             NORD—KOREA—RAKETENSTART zu OPA—GEBURTS—TAG misslingt
20160415             "Nuit debout"—PROTESTE: Hunderte Jugendliche randalieren in PARIS
20160415             PROZESS—GEGEN—REKER—ATTENTÄTER: Attacke des Eigenbrötlers
20160415             Kredite statt Reformen: CHINAs Wachstum fällt auf 6,7 %
20160415             ENERGIE—KRISE—VENEZUELA will ZEIT—ZONE ändern
20160415             —NEUE—REGEL in CHINA : Wer Mutti vergisst, wird verklagt
20160415             Umstrittene Unterkunft in Blankenese: Hunderte HAMBURGer demonstrieren für FLÜCHTLINGS—HEIM
20160415             KERRY über OST—SEE—MANÖVER, USA—KRIEG—SCHIFF hätte RUSSLAND—JETS "abschießen"können
20160415             Archäologie: Scherben verraten Entstehungszeit biblischer Texte
20160415             Also griff man, wenn es nur darum ging, 1.kurze Notiz zu machen, zu dem, was gerade zur Hand war: Tonscherben.
20160415             Schüler erledigten auf diesen Ostraka genannten Scherben ihre Hausaufgaben, Haushälter verfassten ihre Einkaufslisten, HÄNDLER quittierten den Verkauf von WAREN, und Offiziere gaben ihre Befehle.
20160415             Literarische Werke wurden darauf nicht verfasst, aber die Ostraka erlauben uns —HEUTE 1—TIEFEN Einblick in den Alltag außerhalb der Schreibstuben der Gelehrten.
20160415             1—GRUPPE—VON—FORSCHERN der UNIVERSITÄT—VON—TEL—AVIV hat sich die Ostraka aus Tel ARAD, 1—GARNISONS—STADT an der GRENZE—DER—WÜSTE—NEGEV zur Judäischen Wüste, näher angesehen —, festgestellt, daß erstaunlich VIELE—BEWOHNER des KÖNIG—REICHES Juda lesen und schreiben konnten.
20160415             Spannend sind DER—ORT und DIE—ZEIT deshalb, weil Wissenschaftler sich —BEREITS—SEIT langer Zeit streiten, wann die 1.bedeutende Phase der ENTSTEHUNG und Sammlung von Bibeltexten in JERUSALÉM stattfand:
20160415             —VOR, oder nach der ZERSTÖRUNG—DER—STADT durch die BABYLONier —J—IM, 586_VOR_CHRISTUS?
20160415             Der babylonische KÖNIG—NEBUKADNEZAR—II.
20160415             DIE—JÜDISCHE Oberschicht musste die kommenden —60—JAHRE in BABYLON im Exil verbringen.
20160415             —DATIERT, DIE—GÄNGIGE Forschungsmeinung, die ENTSTEHUNG vieler biblischer Texte —ERST in diese Exilzeit.
20160415             DIE—OSTRAKA aus Tel ARAD stammen allesamt aus 1—SEHR engen Zeitfenster,
20160415             aus —DEN—LETZTEN—JAHREN vor der Eroberung JERUSALÉMs
20160415             DIE—JUDÄISCHE ARMEE unterhielt in der Festung 1—WICHTIGEN STÜTZ—PUNKT und die meisten der Notizen BE—TREFFEN DER—ALLTAG—DER—SOLDATEN:
20160415             Bestellungen von Wein, Öl und Mehl, Korrespondenzen mit den benachbarten Festungen, Truppenverlegungsbefehle.
20160415             —VOR—ALLEM die NAHRUNGSMITTEL—LOGISTIK bezieht sich hauptsächlich auf die Kittiyim, 1.GRIECHENLAND—SÖLDNERTRUPPE.
20160415             Der Adressat dieser Nachrichten ist ein gewisser Eliashib, der als Quartiermeister der Festung für die Verpflegung der Soldaten zuständig war.
20160415             Bekannt sind die Scherben —SEIT den Ausgrabungen in Tel ARAD —IN—DEN—SECHZIGER—JAHREN.
20160415             —JETZT, aber nahmen sich DIE—ARCHÄOLOGEN, Historiker und Mathematiker 18—NOTIZEN auf 16—OSTRAKA vor, deren Botschaften NOCH—IMMER besonders gut lesbar sind.
20160415             —IN 1 1.Schritt rekonstruierten DIE—WISSENSCHAFTLER am Computerbildschirm die einzelnen Buchstaben, die mit der Zeit fast unleserlich geworden waren.
20160415             —DANN, untersuchte 1—PROGRAMM unterschiedliche CHARAKTERISTIKEN—DIE Profile der Striche oder die Winkel der Striche zueinander.
20160415             —IN 1—LETZTEN Schritt bestimmte anhand dieser Charakteristiken 1—ALGORITHMUS, wie wahrscheinlich es ist, daß 2—TEXTE von ein und derselben Person verfasst wurden.
20160415             ZUSAMMEN—MIT—1—AUSWERTUNG der Textinhalte und der Fundumstände der Ostraka kamen DIE—FORSCHER auf 6—UNTERSCHIEDLICHE Autoren für die 18—NOTIZEN.
20160415             —BEKANNT, EINIGE—DIESER—PERSONEN sind sogar aus den Texten.
20160415             Quartiermeister Eliashib ist der Empfänger dreier Ostraka, DER—VERFASSER eines anderen und wird zusätzlich noch auf 1—WEITEREN Ostrakon erwähnt.
20160415             Auch 1—SEINER untergeordneten Leute konnte schreiben, denn er nennt Eliashib auf 1—OSTRAKON "mein Herr".
20160415             Des Weiteren wird Malkiyahu, Kommandeur der Festung, in 1—OSTRAKON erwähnt und ist der Empfänger eines weiteren.
20160415             Und schließlich gibt es noch 1 2. unbekannten Kommandeur, der ebenfalls 1—TEXT niederschrieb.
20160415             Haben aber —NUN ALLE—DIESE—LEUTE ihre Botschaften selbst aufgeschrieben — oder gab es Schreiber, die das für sie erledigten?
20160415             Damit ergibt sich ein eindeutiges Bild:
20160415             DIE—JUDÄISCHE GESELLSCHAFT vor der Zerstörung JERUSALÉMs war erstaunlich breit alphabetisiert.
20160415             Der hohe Grad der Alphabetisierung gegen ENDE—DES—JUDÄISCHEN—KÖNIG—REICHES, folgern DIE—FORSCHER in ihrem Aufsatz im Fachblatt "PROCEEDINGS—OF—THE—NATIONAL—ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES", sei ein idealer Nährboden für das Verfassen von religiösen Texten gewesen.
20160415             DIE—ENTSTEHUNG von Schriften wie dem 5. Buch Mose sei in diesem Zusammenhang gut vorstellbar.
20160415             Auch andere Kulturen legten großen Wert auf Bildung
20160415             Unter babylonischer Herrschaft verfassten die in JERUSALÉM verbliebenen Judäer ebenso wenige Texte wie unter der nachfolgenden REGIERUNG—DER—PERSER oder im frühen Hellenismus.
20160415             Und wenn DIE—MENSCHEN —IN—DIESEN—JAHREN etwas aufschrieben, dann nutzten sie das ARAMÄISCHE—DIE Sprache der PERSER.
20160415             —IN 9—METER Höhe waren RUSSLAND—JETS —ANFANG—DER—WOCHE über 1—USA—KRIEG—SCHIFF hinweggedonnert.
20160415             "Unter Beachtung der MILITÄR—REGELN", sagte KERRY dem SPANIEN—SENDER—CNN Espanol, hätte das Schiff die Jets "abschießen können".
20160415             "Wir verurteilen dieses Verhalten", sagte KERRY auch dem "MIAMI—HERALD".
20160415             DIE—JETS des Typs SU—24—WAREN —AM—MONTAGUND—DIENSTAG über den Zerstörer USS "DONALD—COOK"hinweggeflogen.
20160415             Der Weg der RUSSLAND—FLUGZEUGE habe über DAS—GEBIET hinweggeführt, in dem sich DAS—USA—SCHIFF befand,—CA—70—KM—VON—1—RUSSLAND—MARINE—STÜTZ—PUNKT entfernt.
20160415             DIE—BEZIEHUNGEN zwischen DEN—USA und RUSSLAND sind —SEIT mehreren —JAHREN durch den —KONFLIKT—IN—DER—UKRAINE und den —BÜRGER—KRIEG—IN—SYRIEN schwer belastet.
20160415             Als FOLGE—ALS Folge des UKRAINE—KONFLIKTS
20160415             Als Folge des UKRAINE—KONFLIKTS hatten DIE—USA ihre MILITÄR—PRÄSENZ in OST—EUROPA ausgeweitet und
20160415             Als Folge des UKRAINE—KONFLIKTS hatten DIE—USA ihre
20160415             DIE—ZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT im NATO—RUSSLAND—RAT eingestellt.
20160415             GESCHÄFTE—MIT—DIKTATOREN: Grüne kritisieren GABRIELs ÄGYPTEN—REISE
20160415             Videoclip mit JEAN—MICHEL—JARRE: SNOWDEN wird Pop
20160415             STEUERenthüllungen: SPANIEN—MINISTER tritt wegen PANAMA—PAPERS zurück
20160415             Schmähgedicht auf ERDOGAN: Fall Böhmermann sorgt für KOALITIONSKRACH—ALFATOMEGA.com/20060629.html
20160415             —AUFSTIEG der RECHTS—POPULISTEN: Schaut auf DIE—BANKEN
20160415             PANAMA—PAPERS: KREML entschuldigt sich bei "SÜDDEUTSCHER—ZEITUNG"
20160415             —KLIMA—WANDEL: GRÖNLAND—EIS taut —DIESES—JAHR besonders früh
20160415             SACHSEN: Immer mehr Babys kommen auf Crystal Meth zur Welt
20160415             ABGAS—SKANDAL, VW—ABSATZ bricht auf wichtigen Märkten ein
20160415             Schmähgedicht auf ERDOGAN: BUNDES—REGIERUNG lässt STRAF—VERFAHREN—GEGEN—BÖHMERMANN zu
20160415             APPLE—VIDEOPLAYER, USA—REGIERUNG empfiehlt Löschen von QuickTime
20160415             BELGIEN: VERKEHRS—MINISTERIN wegen BRÜSSELer FLUGHAFEN—ATTENTAT zurückgetreten
20160415             —REKORD—STAND: Geldvermögen DER—DEUTSCHEN—STEIGT auf 5,3—BILLIONEN—EURO
20160415             Frühere MANSON—JÜNGERIN—VAN—HOUTEN: An der Seite des selbsternannten Teufels
20160415             Familienstammbaum: Historiker wollen lebende Nachkommen von LEONARDO—DA—VINCI aufgespürt haben
20160415             Fall Böhmermann: Dieser Paragraf soll  —JETZT—ABGESCHAFFT werden
20160415             Abgesagte Demo: GERICHT—VERBIETET—ÖFFENTLICHES Zitieren des Schmähgedichts
20160415             MERKEL—ERKLÄRUNG zu Böhmermann: DER—RECHTS—STAAT gibt sich die Ehre
20160415             Fall Böhmermann: SPD—MINISTER distanzieren sich von MERKEL—ENTSCHEIDUNG
20160415             GROß—BRITANNIEN: POLIZEI nimmt 5—TERROR—VERDÄCHTIGE fest
20160415             "Unsichtbarer"Schnellzug: JAPAN bringt CHAMÄLEON—EXPRESS auf die Schiene
20160415             MADAGASKAR: 3—NEUE AFFEN—ARTEN entdeckt
20160415             Präsidenteneinkommen: Offiziell verdient PUTIN nur 119.000—EURO
20160415             GROSSBRITANNIEN—KONSERVATIVE vor REFERENDUM: Camerons Schwäche erhöht DIE—BREXIT—GEFAHR
20160415             STEUER—OASEN: USA wehren sich gegen europäische TRANSPARENZ—OFFENSIVE
20160415             —GEHÖRT, Zu den Mausmakis, auch der kleinste Primat der Welt, der nur 30—GRAMM schwere Madame BERTHE—MAUSMAKI.
20160415             Wenn Astronomen etwas über das Weltall außerhalb des SONNEN—SYSTEMS erfahren wollen, arbeiten sie meist mit Teleskopen.
20160415             So analysieren sie beispielsweise das von Sternen ausgesandte Licht.
20160415             Daraus lassen sich VIELE—INFORMATIONEN ableiten, zum Beispiel über den Aufbau eines Sterns, seine chemische Zusammensetzung und die an der Oberfläche herrschende Temperatur.
20160415             es gibt 1.weitere Möglichkeit, über den Rand des SONNEN—SYSTEMS hinaus zu forschen: Man versucht, den STERNEN—STAUB einzufangen, der permanent mit hoher Geschwindigkeit an Sonne und Planeten vorbeirast.
20160415             Diese seltenen und deshalb schwer nachzuweisenden PARTIKEL  stammen aus dem interstellaren Raum außerhalb des SONNEN—SYSTEMS.
20160415             Mit 1 in HEIDELBERG konstruierten Staubdetektor ist es Forschern —NUN 1. gelungen, solche PARTIKEL  chemisch zu analysieren.
20160415             Insgesamt 36—PARTIKEL  mit 1—GRÖßE von nur 200—NANOMETER konnten DIE—WISSENSCHAFTLER mit dem Cosmic Dust Analyzer (CDA) an Bord der Raumsonde "Cassini"nachweisen.
20160415             DIE—36—PARTIKEL  seien in ihrer Struktur und in ihrer Zusammensetzung sehr ähnlich gewesen.
20160415             Mit Ausnahme sehr flüchtiger Gase sei in den Partikeln der gesamte Elementmix des Kosmos versammelt.
20160415             "Solche Teilchen lassen sich in unserem SONNEN—SYSTEM nicht finden",
20160415             DIE—FORSCHER glauben, daß die ursprünglich noch ganz unterschiedlich zusammengesetzten PARTIKEL  in der "Hexenküche"des WELT—RAUMS quasi homogenisiert wurde.
20160415             Schockfronten von Supernovaexplosionen hätten dem Staub immer wieder aufs Neue zugesetzt, so ihre THEORIE.
20160415             ÖKO—BILANZ—VON—APPLE: Der wiederverwertvollste Konzern der Welt
20160415             PANAMA—PAPERS: SCHÄUBLE ignorierte Informanten —BIS zuletzt
20160415             ABGAS—AFFÄRE: Test offenbart —VERDÄCHTIGE Werte bei fast allen Herstellern
20160415             —BEWAHRT, INTERNATIONALE—POLIZEI—KOOPERATION: E—MAIL, Chinesin in VERONA vor dem Tod
20160415             GROß—BRITANNIEN: Tausende SCHUL—KINDER LEIDEN Hunger
20160415             —STREIT—UM—INSELN für SAUDI—ARABIEN: Tausende Ägypter PROTESTIEREN—GEGEN—SISI—POLIZEI setzt Tränengas ein
20160415             Fall Böhmermann: MERKELs einsame —ENTSCHEIDUNG
20160415             JAPAN: Heftiges ERDBEBEN erschüttert KUMAMOTO
20160415             Schmähgedicht über ERDOGAN: Wie es juristisch für Böhmermann weitergeht
20160415             Gemeinsame Erklärung: G20 drohen STEUER—OASEN
20160415             Genfer FRIEDENS—GESPRÄCHE: SYRIEN—OPPOSITION will mit ASSAD—TECHNOKRATEN verhandeln
20160415             erlaubt MERKEL die Einleitung von ERMITTLUNGEN—GEGEN—BÖHMERMANN.
20160415             Und damit steht sie alleine auf weiter Flur.
20160415             Im Lawblog steht, daß MERKELs Plan sei, das MAJESTÄTSBELEIDIGUNGS—GESETZ —JETZT wegzumachen, bevor es zur VERURTEILUNG kommt.
20160415             [l] EDWARD—SNOWDEN und JEAN—MICHEL—JARRE haben —JETZT zusammen Musik gemacht.
20160415             [l] Kennt ihr den —SCHON?
20160415             Wenn ihr mal raten solltet, wer das sagt, und welcher Zeitung DAS—INTERVIEW gegeben wurde... na?
20160415             Nein, keine kaputten AFD—CRACKPOTS in der PEGIDA—POSTILLE.
20160415             Das passt ja mal wieder wie Arsch auf Eimer!
20160415             [l] Ach nee, na sowas. Und die RE—AKTION der USA—AMERIKANER?
20160415             [l] Oh, da hat PUTIN ja mal ins Klo gegriffen!
20160415             —GEHÖRT, DIE—SÜDDEUTSCHE—ZEITUNG, DIE—SZ der "Südwestdeutschen Medien Holding".
20160415             —HEUTE, musste übrigens noch der SPANIEN—INDUSTRIE—MINISTER zurücktreten.
20160415             alfatomega.com/20060629.html
20160415—19960000    —NOCH—VOR—20—JAHREN waren nur 2—ARTEN der kleinen nachtaktiven PRIMATEN, die zur Gruppe der Lemuren gehören, bekannt.
20160415—20140000    —FIRED, EGYPT—SECURITY—FORCES, tear gas —WHILE thousands gathered in downtown CAIRO chanting "leave, leave!" —WHILE protesting PRESIDENT—ABDEL—FATTAH—EL—SISSI—DECISION to hand over 2—RED—SEA—ISLANDS to SAUDI—ARABIA, in the 1. significant WAVE—OF—STREET—PROTESTS—SINCE the former army CHIEF—BECAME—PRESIDENT.
20160415—20160418    —ON, 1—MUMBAI court issued 1—WARRANT for his arrest.
20160415—20160425    —ON, On nearby Jolo ISLAND, militants gave 1—FINAL—DEADLINE for PAYMENT—OF—300—MILLION pesos ($6.50—MILLION) ransom for EACH—OF—THE—2—CANADIANS and 1—NORWAY—CAPTIVE or they will behead THE—3—FOREIGN captives.
20170413—20170415    —ON, 8—PAKISTANIS involved in the mob lynching of Khan over his liberal views were charged with murder and terrorism.
20170415             —DETAILED, Fascinating, article about THE—MERCER—IN—THE—S 20170327             TNY, mapping out connections with Renaissance,
20170415             —MARCHED, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, in cities across THE—USA in 1—TAX—MARCH demanding that PRESIDENT—TRUMP release his tax returns.
20170415             The boy's body was found 20170428             .
20170415             —ARRESTED, At least 20—PEOPLE were.
20170415             1—WITNESS said the man was burned beyond recognition and it was unclear if he survived.
20170415             12—OTHER—FORMER—MINISTRY—OFFICIALS were also sentenced for the embezzlement of over LE2 billion ($110.3—MILLION) of the ministry's funds.
20170415             —KILLED, EGYPT, 1—PERSON was, and 17 were injured —WHEN the driver of 1—VEHICLE used in sewage system maintenance in 1—CAIRO suburb accidentally struck 1—MAIN—GAS—PIPELINE, causing 1—EXPLOSION.
20170415             —DETAINED, GUATEMALA, Javier Duarte (43), THE—FORMER—GOVERNOR—OF—MEXICO—VERACRUZ state (20100000—20160000    ), —AFTER—6—MONTHS as 1—FUGITIVE.
20170415             —ACCUSED—OF, He was, running 1—CORRUPTION ring that allegedly pilfered MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS from state coffers.
20170415             —REPORTED, IRAN STATE—TV, that death toll in flash floods triggered by heavy rains in THE—NORTH—WEST—PROVINCE—OF—EAST—AZARBAIJAN rose to 30 with 7—PEOPLE missing in the cities of Ajab Shir and Azarshahr.
20170415             † In NORTH—ITALY Emma Morano (117), the oldest person in the world, at her home in Verbania.
20170415             —FOILED, PAKISTAN—MILITARY said security forces, a "major terrorist attack" on minority Christians overnight —WHEN they killed 1—MILITANT and detained his associate in THE—EAST—CITY—OF—LAHORE.
20170415             † PANAMA, INTERNATIONAL soccer player Amilcar Henriquez (33) was shot and killed in Colon province.
20170415             —WOUNDED, Another 2—PEOPLE were.
20170415             —ATTACKED, SOUTH—SUDAN, army troops reportedly, Raga killing 14—CIVILIANS.
20170415             —DENIED, The army, the rebel charges.
20170415             —DETONATED, PRO—DAMASCUS media outlets said 1—SUICIDE attacker had, 1—CAR—BOMB and killed at least 22—PEOPLE.
20170415             —KILLED, At least 68—CHILDREN were among THE—126—PEOPLE, in the attack.
20170415             —IN ARIZONA 1—WOMAN and her step grandson (14) went missing —WHILE on 1—HIKE in the Tapeats Creek AREA—OF—THE—GRAND—CANYON.
20170415             —IN WEST—CHINA 1—TIBETAN—BUDDHIST monk set himself on fire in Kardze in apparent protest against BEIJING—RULE over the restive region.
20170415             —IN SOUTH—SUDAN army troops reportedly attacked Raga killing 14—CIVILIANS.
20170415             —IN Syria 1—BOMB—BLAST hit 1—BUS—CONVOY waiting to enter ALEPPO, killing and wounding DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE—AFTER 1—EVACUATION—DEAL between SYRIA—WARRING sides halted and stranded thousands at 2—TRANSIT—POINTS on the city outskirts.
20170415             —ZERTRÜMMERT, NORD—KOREA—GEGEN—USA: "Wird in wenigen —MINUTEN "
20170415             Countdown zum REFERENDUM: "DIE—ALTE TÜRKEI ist tot"
20170415             —DIE—LAGE—AM—SAMSTAG, Glamour und MACHT
20170415             Drohungen Richtung USA: NORD—KOREA protzt mit MILITÄR—PARADE
20170415             Preisgünstige Stromspeicher: Warum sich Solaranlagen in PRIVAT—HAUSHALTEN —DEMNÄCHST rechnen könnten
20170415             LIDL—CHEF—KLAUS—GEHRIG: "Der Killerwal ist ein hoch soziales Wesen"
20170415             USA—LUFT—ANGRIFF—IN—AFGHANISTAN: ZAHL—DER—TODESOPFER durch "Moab"-Bombe steigt
20170415             "—ERST—AM—ANFANG": STEINMEIER mahnt zur Integration von FLÜCHTLINGEn
20170415             WEIßES—HAUS: Regierung DONALD—TRUMP hält Besucherliste unter Verschluss
20170415             —IN NORD—KOREA finden —AM—SAMSTAG, die Feierlichkeiten zum 105—GEBURTS—TAG—DES—VERSTORBENEN—STAATSGRÜNDERS—KIM—IL—SUNG statt.
20170415             Im Vorfeld hat das NORD—KOREA—MILITÄR martialische Erklärungen verbreitet.
20170415             Sollten DIE—USA das kommunistische Land angreifen, werde es "atomaren Donner und strafende Blitze"geben, die Feinde würden 1 "echten KRIEG"erleben.
20170415             Konkrete Drohungen wurden ausgestoßen gegen USA—STÜTZ—PUNKTE in SÜD—KOREA sowie gegen den PRÄSIDENTEN—PALAST in SEOUL.
20170415             DIE—ERKLÄRUNG aus PJÖNG—JANG richtete sich auch persönlich gegen USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP.
20170415             Der habe mit seinem RAKETEN—ANGRIFF—IN—SYRIEN "den Weg der offenen Drohung und Erpressung"gegen NORD—KOREA betreten, erklärten die Streitkräfte.
20170415             "VERDÄCHTIGE Aktivitäten"
20170415             LAUT—ANGABEN—DER—JOHNS—HOPKINS—UNIVERSITÄT—IN—DEN—USA zeigen Satellitenbilder "—VERDÄCHTIGE Aktivitäten"auf dem Testgelände Punggye Ri.
20170415             Dem USA—AUSLANDSSENDER VOICE—OF—AMERICA ZUFOLGE wurde —BEREITS ein atomarer Sprengsatz in 1—TUNNEL geschoben.
20170415             Das stalinistisch geführte Land verstößt mit den Tests gegen diverse UNO—RESOLUTIONEN.
20170415             DIE—USA kündigten an, wegen der Gefahr aus NORD—KOREA "MILITÄR—OPTIONEN"zu prüfen
20170415             PRÄSIDENT—TRUMP hatte —IN—DEN—VERGANGENEN—WOCHEN mehrfach damit gedroht, das ATOM—PROGRAMM—NORD—KOREAS notfalls im Alleingang zu stoppen.
20170415             —BERICHTET, DER—USA—SENDER NBC, unter Berufung auf mehrere MIT—ARBEITER—VON—USA—GEHEIM—DIENSTEN, daß DIE—USA darauf vorbereitet seien, 1—PRÄVENTIV—SCHLAG—GEGEN—NORD—KOREA auszuführen, sollten sie davon überzeugt sein, daß PJÖNG—JANG 1—WEITEREN ATOM—TEST vornehmen wolle.
20170415             2—USA—ZERSTÖRER mit Marschflugkörpern halten sich demnach in der Nähe der koreanischen Halbinsel auf.
20170415             1—DAVON sei etwa 480—KM vom ATOM—TEST—GELÄNDE entfernt.
20170415             DER—BERICHT wurde offiziell nicht bestätigt.
20170415             Auf die Frage, ob DER—EINSATZ—DER—BOMBE auch als WARNUNG—AN—NORD—KOREA gedacht sei, antwortete DONALD—TRUMP, dies mache keinen Unterschied.
20170415             "Ich weiß nicht, ob das 1.Botschaft sendet.
20170415             DIE—REGIERUNG in MOSKAU zeigte sich angesichts der wachsenden Spannungen auf der koreanischen Halbinsel besorgt.
20170415             "Wir rufen ALLE—LÄNDER zur Zurückhaltung auf", sagte KREML—SPRECHER DMITRI—PESKOW.
20170415             Sein Kollege Sergej Modestow hingegen hielt 1—ANGRIFF—DER—USA auf NORD—KOREA für unwahrscheinlich.
20170415             "DER—USA—PRÄSIDENT lässt die Muskeln spielen, aber er wird es kaum wagen", sagte er der AGENTUR—INTERFAX.
20170415             —DENN, DIE—NORD—KOREANER seien unberechenbar.
20170415             So könnten sie als RE—AKTION auch Verbündete der USA wie JAPAN oder SÜD—KOREA angreifen.
20170415             CHINA rief ALLE—BETEILIGTEN zur Zurückhaltung auf.
20170415             "Wir fordern 1—ENDE—DER—PROVOKATIONEN und Drohungen, bevor die Lage nicht mehr zu retten ist", sagte AUßEN—MINISTER—WANG Yi.
20170415             Als Demonstration der Stärke haben DIE—USA —BEREITS ihren Flugzeugträger "USS CARL—VINSON"entsandt.
20170415             Er wird ZUSAMMEN—MIT—1—FLOTTEN—VERBAND —AM—WOCHEN—ENDE in den Gewässern nahe der koreanischen Halbinsel erwartet.
20170415             Im Land der Tüftler und Ingenieure sind praktische Lösungen gefragt.
20170415             ein eigenes AKKU—KRAFTWERK in der Garage ist IMMER—NOCH praktischer als 1—ELEKTROAUTO auf der Suche nach 1—LADESTATION zwischen Eberswalde und Stralsund.
20170415             Solarstrom zu erzeugen, kostet mit 1—MODERNEN Anlage —HEUTE 10—BIS 13—CENT pro Kilowattstunde.
20170415             —STUDIERT, Man muss nicht Mathematik, haben, um zu verstehen: JEDE—KILOWATTSTUNDE selbst erzeugter Strom, die ich auch selbst verbrauchen kann, statt sie beim STROM—KONZERN zu kaufen, spart bares Geld.
20170415             über den richtigen Umgang mit dem eigenen Geld.
20170415             DIE—ANKÜNDIGUNGEN des TESLA—CHEFS Elon Musk, in seiner im Bau befindlichen riesigen AKKU—FABRIK in NEVADA 20180000             PREIS—WERTE und für PRIVAT—HAUSHALTE passende kleine Batteriespeicher für den Solarfreund zu erzeugen, haben zwar für öffentliche Aufmerksamkeit gesorgt, sind aber noch ZUKUNFTsmusik.
20170415             —JETZT, hat der in Fachkreisen anerkannte sächsische Hersteller Solarwatt angekündigt, 20170000             —SOMMER—IM, kostengünstige LITHIUM—IONEN—AKKUS auf den Markt zu bringen.
20170415             Diese Akkus passen auch zu kleinsten Solaranlagen.
20170415             Auch diejenigen können sich freuen, die überlegen, ob sie mit vielen kleinen dezentralen Stromerzeugern nicht 1—TEIL—DER—GROSSEN—ÜBERLANDLEITUNGEN überflüssig machen könnten.
20170415             Unwissenheit ist Stärke.
20170415             STEUER aufs Vergnügen: Das "Vergnügen" mit der STEUER
20170415             "Rogue states like IRAN face tougher ACTION as USA says nuclear attack by NORTH—KOREA 'closer than ever'"- headline in THE—DAILY—TELEGRAPH, LONG—TIME—SUPPORTER—OF—THE shitty little country.
20170415             —POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS b : 0553—PM
20170415             It looks like we built the tunnels that we (TRUMP) —JUST bombed:
20170415             —POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS—JOHN : 12:08 AM
20170415             Überfüllter NEW—YORKER Bahnhof: TASER—KNATTERN löste Massenpanik aus
20170415             Wirtschaft in der TÜRKEI: "Verheerend für das Investitionsklima"
20170415             Soziales Engagement: Warum nicht mal freundlich sein?
20170415             MILLIARDEN—DEAL: Bahn setzt auf extragroße ICE—ZÜGE
20170415             DER—EINSATZ 1—ELEKTRO—SCHOCKPISTOLE bei 1—FESTNAHME hat im NEW—YORKER Bahnhof Penn Station 1.Massenpanik ausgelöst.
20170415             VIELE—MENSCHEN warfen sich auf den Boden oder rannten schreiend zu den Ausgängen.
20170415             —VOR, Festnahme: Mann ärgerte sich lautstark
20170415             Das führte zu zahlreichen Verspätungen anderer Züge.
20170415             POLIZISTEN überwältigten ihn schließlich, wobei sie den Taser einsetzten.
20170415             Mit den ELEKTRO—SCHOCKPISTOLEN können kleine Metallpfeile über mehrere Meter Entfernung auf Menschen geschossen werden.
20170415             SATELLITENBILD—DER—WOCHE: Verschlammtes PERU—VERGEWALTIGUNGEN: Ich und mein Täter
20170415             Das Meereswasser vor der PAZIFIKküste war DABEI—CA—5—GRAD wärmer als für die —JAHRESZEIT üblich.
20170415             —ZERSTÖRT, VIELE—TOTE—IN—SRI—LANKA: Mülllawine, Armenviertel
20170415             —NACH, Evakuierung: Tausende Syrer stecken bei ALEPPO fest
20170415             NORD—KOREA—GEGEN—USA: Mit gezogenen Schwertern
20170415             —ANSCHLAG—IN—BERLIN: Amri erhielt Einsatzbefehl von IS—FÜHRUNG
20170415             HACKER—NSA soll BANKEN—SYSTEM SWIFT geknackt haben
20170415             Was ist deutsch?: 1—NATION sucht sich selbst
20170415             Besuch bei der QUEEN: DONALD—TRUMP besteht auf Fahrt in goldener Kutsche
20170415             —REFERENDUM—IN—DER—TÜRKEI—ERDOGAN will DEUTSCHLAND "Lektion erteilen"
20170415             —ANSCHLAG—AUF—BUSKONVOI: Weißhelme berichten von mehr als 100—TOTEN
20170415             Barack und MICHELLE—OBAMA: Jachtausflug mit TOM—HANKS und OPRAH Winfrey
20170415             [l] Du weißt, daß du gerade etwas Großem beiwohnst, wenn HEIKO—MAAS 1—BEI allen —EXPERTEN Entsetzen auslösenden BULLSHIT—ENTWURF einbringt und dann 1."große Mehrheit"dafür ist.
20170415             Das alte Gegenargument gegen Demokratie.
20170415             Schade, wenn 1—DAS in der Praxis immer wieder bestätigt wird.
20170415             Kam von dem MAAS eigentlich —SCHON mal was Gutes?
20170415             Ich mag ja so Narrative wie "der ist halt doof"nicht, aber MAAS macht es mir gerade wirklich schwer, alternative Erklärungen zu erkennen.
20170415             [l] Was wollen die eigentlich gerade ALLE—VON—NORD—KOREA?
20170415             NORD—KOREA hat zwar ne (kleine) Nuke, aber keine ICBM—TECH.
20170415             —SPEKULIERT, —NUN, Frank hat mal ein bisschen.
20170415             Wenn man 1.Nuke aber kein REENTRY—TECH hat, kann man IMMER—NOCH 1.EMP—NUKE bauen, die im Umkreis von ein paar 100—KM Elektronik ausknipst.
20170415             This fine piece at Covert Book Report argues that THE—CIA originally built those tunnels —DURING THE—WAR—AGAINST—THE—USSR.
20170415             Alt Right Confidential.
20170415             "If they get rid of BANNON, you know what's gonna happen?
20170415             "If they go —AFTER BANNON, THE—MOTHER—OF—ALL—STORIES is gonna drop, and we're —JUST gonna destroy marriages, RELATIONSHIPS—IT—GONNA get personal".
20170415             —POSTED—BY—BLOGGER—CITIZEN K : 0348—PM
20170415—20060000    —SEIT, Es wäre der 6. verbotene Test.
20170417             The students took to the streets to protest 1—POLICE—RAID in 1—COLLEGE in SOUTH—PULWAMA town 20170415             , in which at least 50—STUDENTS were injured.
20180405—20180415    —ON, The case was made public.
20180415             —IN Syria inspectors from THE—OPCW chemical watchdog began their investigation at the site of the alleged 20180407             chemical attack near DAMASCUS.
20180415             S—FRANCISCO—QUANG—TRUONG, (49), 1—HOMELESS—MAN, was found dead in Chinatown covered in blood from 1—MASSIVE—HEAD wound.
20180415             —LINKED, Police —LATER, SAMUEL—YOUMTOUB, —59—JAHRE—ALT to the killing.
20180415             The suspected attacker was taken into custody.
20180415             —OPENED, NEVADA, ANTHONY—WROBEL, —42—JAHRE—ALT, fire on 1—PICNIC for employees of THE—LAS—VEGAS Venetian resort killing 1—WOMAN and critically injuring 1—MAN.
20180415             Wrobel fled the scene and his vehicle was found at 1—LOCAL—AIRPORT.
20180415             —KILLED, SOUTH—CAROLINA, 7—INMATES were, and 17—OTHERS injured in 1—RIOT at THE—LEE—CORRECTIONAL—INSTITUTION in Bishopville.
20180415             —SPAWNED, Deadly —SPRING storms that, tornadoes in THE—USA—SOUTH and blizzards in the Plains and Midwest continued to blast across the region.
20180415             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 4—ATTACKS across the country, at least 26—GOVERNMENT—SECURITY—OFFICERS over the last —24—HOURS.
20180415             —CALLED, GUATEMALA—VOTERS were, out to decide whether THE—INTERNATIONAL—COURT—OF—JUSTICE (ICJ) should rule on 1—BORDER—DISPUTE with neighboring BELIZE that goes back more than —200—YEARS.
20180415             —PROTESTED, INDIA, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, across the country to seek 1—END to sexual violence against women.
20180415             —IDENTIFIED, Authorities have, close to 8,000 Eritrean and SUDAN—MIGRANTS it would potentially deport under compulsory expulsion.
20180415             —DESTROYED, ISRAEL—ARMY said it had, 1—HAMAS tunnel crossing from THE—GAZA—STRIP into its territory.
20180415             —DISCOVERED, It was the longest and deepest Gazan tunnel, by ISRAEL.
20180415             —PLEDGED, JAPAN—FOREIGN—AFFAIRS—MINISTER—TARO—KONO and his CHINA—COUNTERPART, in TOKYO to improve ties between their nations and affirmed 1—COMMITMENT to stick with UN resolutions aimed at forcing NORTH—KOREA to abandon nuclear weapons.
20180415             —EXPECTED, The people of MONTENEGRO began voting in polls, to see PRO—WESTERN 6—TIME FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—MILO—DJUKANOVIC elected as PRESIDENT—OF—THE—TINY—BALKAN nation that is aspiring to join THE—EU.
20180415             Djukanovic won the presidential election to extend his dominance over the country's politics.
20180415             —BECAME, NORTH—KOREA, the unfinished 105-story Ryugyong Hotel, the backdrop of 1—MASSIVE—LIGHT—SHOW in which more than 100,000 LEDs flash images of famous statues and monuments, bursts of fireworks, party symbols and political slogans to mark THE—BIRTHDAY—OF—THE—COUNTRY'S "eternal PRESIDENT," KIM—IL—SUNG.
20180415             2—PAKISTAN—SOLDIERS were killed in CROSS—BORDER—FIRE from AFGHANISTAN —WHILE working on 1—FENCE intended to cover nearly all of the disputed 2,500 km border separating the countries.
20180415             † In RUSSIA JOURNALIST—MAXIM—BORODIN in 1—HOSPITAL, —3—DAYS—AFTER reportedly falling from his 5.—FLOOR balcony in YEKATERINBURG.
20180415             Borodin had written about the deaths of RUSSIA—MERCENARIES in Syria.
20180415             —OPENED, SALMAN—KING—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA, the 29. summit of the 22-member Arab League in Dhahran.
20180415             —NAMED, SALMAN—KING—OF—, it THE—JERUSALEM—SUMMIT and announced a $150-million (120—MILLION—EURO) donation for the maintenance of Islamic heritage in EAST—JERUSALEM.
20180415             —SLAMMED, SALMAN—KING—OF—, IRAN's "blatant interference" in regional affairs as Arab leaders met in the kingdom for 1—ANNUAL gathering.
20180415             —FLOODED, SPAIN, some 350,000 Catalan INDEPENDENCE supporters, THE—STREETS—OF—BARCELONA calling for the release of jailed separatist leaders —AFTER 1—SUPREME—COURT ruling frustrated their latest attempt to elect 1—REGIONAL—LEADER.
20180415             —STALLED, Syria and RUSSIA, access to Douma by INTERNATIONAL OPCW experts seeking to probe 1 alleged poison gas attack there, citing security concerns.
20180415             THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES said it will end its military training mission to SOMALIA —AFTER 1—INCIDENT that saw its soldiers assaulted and $9.6—MILLION seized at 1—AIRPORT in MOGADISHU.
20180415             —IN S—FRANCISCO—QUANG—TRUONG, —49—JAHRE—ALT, a homeless man, was found dead in Chinatown covered in blood from a massive head wound.
20180415             —IN upstate NEW—YORK Joao Souza, 1—ENGINEERING student at Binghamton Univ., was fatally stabbed in 1—RESIDENCE suite.
20180415             —ABOUT 70,000 homes and businesses were without power across MICHIGAN—NEW—YORK, LOUISIANA—TEXAS and MISSISSIPPI.
20180415             —IN INDIA THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE protested across the country to seek 1—END to sexual violence against women.
20180415             ISRAEL said it will release 207—JAILED AFRICA—MIGRANTS in the absence of 1—FINAL—DEAL to deport them and thousands more Eritrean and SUDAN—MEN who entered the country illegally.
20180415             —GETÖTET, GAZA—STREIFEN: Mehrere PALÄSTINENSER bei Explosion
20180415             NAH—OST: Dem GAZA—STREIFEN droht die HUNGER—KATASTROPHE
20180415             —INTERVIEW—MIT—SOZIOLOGIN: Warum fühlen sich MANCHE—MENSCHEN in DEUTSCHLAND nicht mehr zu Hause?
20180415             SYRIEN—KONFLIKT, Westen will unabhängige Untersuchung von mutmaßlichem GIFT—GAS—ANGRIFF
20180415             BUNDES—PRÄSIDENT—STEINMEIER WARNT—VOR—"galoppierender Entfremdung"von RUSSLAND
20180415             Ost und West im SYRIEN—KRIEG, Türmt DIE—TÜRKEI?
20180415             Fortschritt: DIE—WELT wird BESSER—ES will nur kaum jemand glauben
20180415             Menschen auf der Erde —HEUTE—SCHON im Durchschnitt älter werden als Rosling selbst: —70—JAHRE.
20180415             DIE—VERMEINTLICHE Bevölkerungsexplosion ihr Ende in Wahrheit —BEREITS erreicht HAT—WEIL wohlhabendere Eltern weniger Kinder bekommen.
20180415             DIE—ZAHL DER—MENSCHEN, die in extremer Armut leben, in den letzten —20—JAHREN fast halbiert hat.
20180415             Fast niemand schätzt auch nur annähernd richtig, wie die Dinge wirklich liegen.
20180415             AufmerksamkeitsÖKONOMIE
20180415             Der Psychologe STEVEN—PINKER hat mit "Aufklärung —JETZT"vor kurzem ebenfalls 1—BUCH veröffentlicht, das die gleiche erfreuliche Wahrheit verkündet: DER—FORTSCHRITT existiert, und er macht das Leben auf der Erde besser.
20180415             der Ökonom MAX—ROSER.
20180415             DIE—ABSOLUTEN Zahlen sind IMMER—NOCH entsetzlich: 20160000             starben 5.000.000—KLEINKINDER.
20180415             PRESSE—STIMMEN zu USA—LUFT—SCHLÄGEN: "TRUMP ist 1.Belastung für AMERIKA und DIE—WELT"
20180415             DONALD—TRUMP—ENTHÜLLUNGSBUCH—VON—JAMES—COMEY: Die Rache des Juristen
20180415             MARK—ZUCKERBERG im USA—KONGRESS: Wer FACEBOOK regulieren will, muss es —ERST verstehen
20180415             —VERMUTET, Prenzlauer Berg: BERLINer Schlachthof in FLAMMEN—POLIZEI, Brandstiftung
20180415             EU—VORSCHLAG zu Sammelklagen: "1—KLAGE—INDUSTRIE kann es in DEUTSCHLAND nicht geben"
20180415             Zuwanderung: Doch, wir sind ein offenes Land!
20180415             [l] Ausrede des Tages: Die 540kg CANNABIS, die aus unserer Asservatenkammer verschwunden sind?
20180415             [l] RT hat ein großartiges Foto für den SYRIENFELD—ZUG der USA ?
20180415             [l] Wo kommen eigentlich Viren her?
20180415             —SURMISED, Scientists have, there is 1—STREAM—OF viruses circling the planet, above the planet's weather systems but below THE—LEVEL—OF—AIRLINE—TRAVEL.
20180415             MOST—OF—THE—GLOBE—TROTTING viruses are swept into the air by sea spray, and lesser numbers arrive in dust storms.
20180415             —CALCULATED, EACH—DAY, they, some 800—MILLION viruses cascade onto EVERY—SQUARE—METER—OF—THE—PLANET.
20180415             [l] Hey, ihr mögt GESCHICHTEn über GIFT—GAS?
20180415             Das verwendete Gift stamme nicht aus RUSSLAND, sondern aus den Arsenalen westlicher Armeen.
20180415             MOSKAU habe 1—DOKUMENT eines SCHWEIZ—LABORS erhalten, das die Proben des NERVEN—GIFTS in dem Fall untersuchte, sagte AUßEN—MINISTER—SERGEJ—LAWROW in MOSKAU.
20180415             Das Labor im SCHWEIZ—SPIEZ habe in den BLUT—PROBEN Spuren des chemischen Kampfstoffes BZ gefunden, so LAWROW.
20180415             Dem gegenüber steht die rechts am Rand bei der TAGESSCHAU verlinkte Meldung der NZZ dazu.
20180415             —RECHTS—STAATLICHKEIT und MEINUNGS—FREIHEIT: EU stellt TÜRKEI —BISHER, schlechtestes Zeugnis aus
20180415             Tödliche ANGRIFFE—IN—LONDON: HAUPT—STADT der Gewalt
20180415             BANKEN: Weniger GELD—AUTOMATEN in DEUTSCHLAND
20180415             MASSEN—PROTESTE—IN—BARCELONA: 100.000e Separatisten fordern Freilassung ihrer AN—FÜHRER
20180415             ÖSTERREICH—RUNDFUNK: FPÖ droht kritischen Journalisten mit Jobabbau
20180415             SYRIEN—KONFLIKT : PUTIN warnt den Westen vor weiteren Angriffen
20180415             —STREIT—ÜBER—GIFT—GAS—ANGRIFF, USA kündigen weitere SANKTIONEN—GEGEN—RUSSLAND an
20180415             [l] "Do you support the missile ATTACK—ON—SYRIA?"
20180415             "I'm —JUST thankful that SYRIA didn't bomb us for poisoning the children of FLINT or gassing natives at Standing Rock".
20180415             FLINT ist DIE—STADT mit dem TRINK—WASSER—PROBLEM und Standing Rock waren die PIPELINE—PROTESTE der örtlichen Indianerstämme.
20180415—19930000    —IN, The maximum security facility was built to house violent offenders and inmates who exhibit behavioral problems.
20180415—20180524    —ON, 1—VIDEO showed Youmtoub kicking another homeless man in the face.
20180415—20180617    —ARRESTED, Youmtoub was.
20180426—20180415    —DETAINED, Edalat was reportedly.
20190405             The anglers will be freed in 4—BATCHES —STARTING 20190415             .
20190415             —KATHEDRALE—NOTRE—DAME—DE—PARIS—DACHSTUHL——GROßBRAND, KOMPLETT—AUSBRENNT und ihr Vierungsturm stürzt ein.
20190415             PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP spoke by phone to LIBYA—MILITARY—COMMANDER—KHALIFA—HAFTAR and discussed "ongoing counterterrorism efforts and the need to achieve peace and stability in LIBYA".
20190415             THE—AFRICA—UNION gave SUDAN—TRANSITIONAL military council —15—DAYS to hand over power to a "CIVILIAN—LED political authority" or face suspension from the union's activities.
20190415             Climate change protesters brought 1—BRIDGE in LONDON to 1—STANDSTILL and blocked major roads in the capital, kicking off days of planned civil disobedience events in cities —AROUND the world.
20190415             —MOTORIZED, CONGO, DRC 1, boat capsized on Lake Kivu, killing 13—PEOPLE.
20190415             The bust by CZECH—REPUBLIC—SCULPTRESS MARIE—SEBOROVA was unveiled as PART—OF—1—EXHIBITION marking the anniversary.
20190415             ECUADOR—PRESIDENT—LENIN—MORENO told BRITAIN—GUARDIAN newspaper that WikiLeaks FOUNDER—JULIAN—ASSANGE repeatedly violated his asylum conditions and tried to use THE—ECUADOR—EMBASSY in LONDON as 1—CENTER for spying.
20190415             —DENIED, Moreno, to THE—GUARDIAN that he had acted as 1—REPRISAL for the way in which documents about his family had been leaked.
20190415             —REJECTED, ESTONIA—PARLIAMENT, THE—LEADER—OF—THE—CENTER—RIGHT—REFORM—PARTY, Kaja Kallas, as PRIME—MINISTER—AND—PRESIDENT—KERSTI—KALJULAID was expected instead to tap Center Party HEAD—JURI—RATAS to lead the Baltic country.
20190415             —OVERRULED, EUROPEAN—UNION—COUNTRIES, FRANCE and gave the green light for BRUSSELS to open trade talks with WASHINGTON as soon as possible and defuse TRANS—ATLANTIC—TENSIONS.
20190415             1 leaked intelligence report published by investigative website Disclose showed that FRANCE—ARMS including tanks and LASER—GUIDED missile systems sold to SAUDI—ARABIA and THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES are being used in THE—YEMEN—WAR against civilians.
20190415             The report was WRITTEN—BY—FRANCE—DRM military intelligence agency.
20190415             —PLEDGED, PRESIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON, to rebuild the gothic masterpiece.
20190415             —CHARGED, GERMANY—PROSECUTORS, FORMER—VOLKSWAGEN CEO—MARTIN—WINTERKORN, —71—JAHRE—ALT and 4—OTHERS with fraud and other offenses in connection with the company's massive, MULTI—YEAR—EFFORT to cheat on diesel emissions testing.
20190415             —DEMONSTRATED, INDIA, Jet Airways pilots, in Mumbai, saying they had not received 1—SALARY in —4—MONTHS.
20190415             —APPROVED, IRAN—SUPREME—LEADER, the use of special emergency funds to deal with damage from major flooding that has killed at least 76—PEOPLE and injured more than 1,000 over the past several weeks.
20190415             MALAYSIA—PRIME—MINISTER—MAHATHIR—MOHAMAD said 1—CHINA—COMPANY building 1—RAIL—LINK across THE—SOUTH—EAST—ASIA—NATION will jointly help to manage and operate the network, part of revised deal that will get the stalled project off the ground at 1—LOWER—COST and ease strained relations.
20190415             —SEIZED, Authorities, body parts from tigers and bears from the suspected poachers.
20190415             —ARRESTED, MYANMAR police, 4—MEMBERS—OF—THE—PEACOCK—GENERATION "thangyat" troupe —AFTER they broadcasted 1—LIVE—SHOW on Facebook —DURING traditional New —YEAR celebrations.
20190415             Thangyat is —1—CENTURIES—OLD—TRADITION—OF—PERFORMANCE that often lampoons ruling powers and social foibles.
20190415             1—NATIONWIDE STRIKE—OF—POLAND—TEACHERS entered its 2. —WEEK with the government saying it has no more funds to meet their pay demands —AFTER offering generous benefits to various other groups.
20190415             —DETAINED, TURKEY—AUTHORITIES, 2—PEOPLE on suspicion of spying for THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES.
20190415             —CONFESSED, THE—2—REPORTEDLY, —DURING their interrogation that they had been spying on Arab dissidents based in TURKEY on behalf of THE—UAE.
20190415             —ARRESTED, UNITED—KINGDOM—POLICE, 122—PEOPLE over the next —24—HOURS—AFTER climate change protesters blocked major bridges and intersections.
20190415             —IN CONGO DRC 1 motorized boat capsized on Lake Kivu, killing 13—PEOPLE.
20190415             35—PEOPLE were rescued but 114—REMAINED missing.
20190415             1—PRAGUE art gallery unveiled 1—BRASS bust of the late CHINA—DISSIDENT—LIU Xiaobo to mark the 30. anniversary of 19890000             —THE—TIANANMEN massacre.
20190415             —IN FRANCE NOTRE—DAME de PARIS cathedral went up in flames this —EVENING, 1—BLAZE that devastated the Parisian landmark.
20190415             —IN INDIA Jet Airways pilots demonstrated in Mumbai, saying they had not received 1—SALARY in —4—MONTHS.
20190415             —IN MALAYSIA 2—VIETNAM—MEN, aged 25 and 29, were arrested by 1—WILDLIFE enforcement team in 1—NATIONAL—PARK in EAST—TERENGGANU state.
20190415             Ties VAN der MEER—OF—THE—HOLLAND—DONOR—CHILD—FOUNDATION said that 3—MORE—PEOPLE contacted him over the weekend because they suspect they may also have been conceived using THE—SPERM—OF—DOCTOR—JAN—KARBAAT (20170000             †), who had used his own sperm to father 49—CHILDREN, without telling their mothers.
20190415             —REACHED, SAUDI—ARABIA—ARAMCO said it has, 1—AGREEMENT to acquire a $1.25—BILLION stake in SOUTH—KOREAN—REFINER Hyundai Oilbank that would provide SAUDI—ARABIA—STATE—RUN—OIL—COMPANY with 1 dedicated outlet for its crude to SOUTH—KOREA.
20190415             [l] Old and busted: NORTON—SCHLANGENÖL blockiert blog.fefe.de.
20190415             —BLOCKIERT, NEW—HOTNESS, NORTON—SCHLANGENÖL, immer noch / —SCHON wieder blog.fefe.de.
20190415             Das will man doch einsetzen! Fühlt ihr euch auch —SCHON viel sicherer?
20190415             1—GLÜCK, daß 1—PROFI wie PETER—NORTON sich kümmert!1!!
20190415             Da hat die MALWARE KEINE—CHANCE.
20190415             [l] Die Uploadfilter sind durchgewunken worden.
20190415             DEUTSCHLAND kam daher eine maßgebliche Rolle bei der Abstimmung zu.
20190415             Das war der EU—MINISTERRAT, da sitzen die MINISTER—DER—LÄNDER.
20190415             Und noch ein wichtiges Detail:
20190415             FINNLAND, ITALIEN, LUXEMBURG, POLEN, DIE—NIEDERLANDE und SCHWEDEN stimmten bei der Sitzung des Rats für LAND—WIRTSCHAFT und Fischerei gegen den DIE—RICHTLINIENENTWURF
20190415             Der Fischereiausschuss! Der hat Tradition!
20190415             SOFTWAREpatente, Die EU—TERROR—LISTE, ACTA.
20190415             DIE—BESTE Demokratie, die man für Geld kaufen kann!
20190415             Enteignungsdebatte: So LEIDEN DIE—DEUTSCHEN unter den hohen Wohnkosten (SPIEGEL+, 01:53)
20190415             EU—WETTBEWERBS—KOMMISSARIN Vestager: "Man schlägt den Kopf ab, und 7—NEUE wachsen nach" (SPIEGEL+, 01:59)
20190415             —DIE—LAGE—AM—MONTAG, Dürfen bei DER—EUROPAWAHL betreute Menschen abstimmen?
20190415             VETO—REGELUNG: Diese EU—STAATEN blockieren den Weg zu einheitlichen Steuern
20190415             Treffen mit ukrainischem Präsidenten POROSCHENKO: SPD übt scharfe KRITIK—AN—MERKEL
20190415             —STREIT—ÜBER muslimische Abgeordnete: PELOSI wirft DONALD—TRUMP hasserfüllte RHETORIK vor
20190415             Schlampige Statistik: ARBEITS—AGENTUR lässt Zählung von Arbeitslosen überprüfen
20190415             DEUTSCHLAND—PHYSIKERIN FRIEDERIKE—OTTO in OXFORD: Zu Risiken des KLIMA—WANDELS fragen Sie diese Frau (SPIEGEL+, 09:37)
20190415             —APPELLIERT, USA—AUßEN—MINISTER, an s STAATS—CHEF, "Öffnen Sie diese Brücke"
20190415             —ABSTIMMUNG—IM—EU—MINISTER—RAT,Umstrittene URHEBER—RECHT—REFORM endgültig beschlossen
20190415             STAATSZER—FALL—IN—LIBYEN: Schlacht um Tripolis (SPIEGEL+, 10:53)
20190415             Umstrittener Versuch: Forscher —PFLANZEN Affen menschliches Gen ins Hirn
20190415             —GEHÖRT, DIE—STEUER—POLITIK, zu jenen Bereichen, bei denen der EU—MINISTERRAT nur einstimmig entscheiden KANN—DAS gilt auch für die gemeinsame AUßEN—UND SICHERHEITS—POLITIK, DIE—FINANZEN oder DIE—BÜRGER—RECHTE.
20190415             "DIE—EINSTIMMIGKEIT in Steuerfragen macht die EU zur GEISEL—VON—LUXEMBURG, NIEDERLANDEn und Co.", meint der Fabio de Masi, VIZE—CHEF—DER—LINKEN—BUNDESTAGSFRAKTION.
20190415   —$.
20190415             Das ertragreichste UNTERNEHMEN—DER—WELT, ansässig in einem Land, das sonst vor allem für seine Menschenrechtsverletzungen bekannt ist, macht sein Geld mit dem Stoff, aus dem Kohlendioxid gemacht wird.
20190415             15—BILLIONEN DOLLAR.
20190415             86—PROZENT—DES—WELTWEITEN—ENERGIEVERBRAUCHES würden dann mit Strom aus Sonne, Wind, Erdwärme und Wasserkraft abgedeckt.
20190415             480.000.000.000—$ Ausgaben für die Wandlung zu einer besseren Welt mit Herstellung und Nutzung von Energie ohne Dreck, Gift und Lärm.
20190415             Das erscheint besonders wenig, wenn man sich ausmalt, wohin die—$ des ARAMCO—GEWINNS so fließen.
20190415             Einer —STUDIE—DES—INTERNATIONALEN—WÄHRUNGS—FONDS zufolge würde 1—BESTEUERUNG—VON—CO2—EMISSIONEN IN—HÖHE—VON—70—DOLLAR pro Tonne den G20—NATIONEN 1—MENGE—GELD einbringen: im Schnitt 1—BIS 2,5 % ihres Bruttoinlandsproduktes.
20190415             Das wären, legt man das aktuelle G20—BRUTTOINLANDSPRODUKT—VON—63—BILLIONEN DOLLAR zugrunde, zwischen 630.000.000.000—UND 1,58—BILLIONEN DOLLAR pro —JAHR.
20190415             Mindestens 630.000.000.000—PRO —JAHR zusätzliche Einnahmen durch eine flächendeckende BESTEUERUNG des CO2-Ausstoßes mit 70$/t, allein in den G20—LÄNDERN
20190415             —VERURSACHT, DIE—REALEN Schäden, die 1—TONNE—CO2, liegen laut Umweltbundesamt in einer Größenordnung —DERZEIT, über 200—DOLLAR.
20190415             DIE—"FRIDAYs for Future"-DEMONSTRANTEN fordern deshalb 1—CO2—STEUER—VON—180—EURO—PRO—TONNE.
20190415             1—SOLCHE CO2—STEUER befürworten nicht nur führende WIRTSCHAFTS—WISSENSCHAFTLER, sondern auch der eher nicht als ÖKO—RADIKAL bekannte "Economist".
20190415             Wir könnten unser KLIMA—PROBLEM schnell, elegant und global lösen, wenn wir nur wollten.
20190415             Selbstverständlich gäbe es bei diesem Übergang Verlierer.
20190415             Genauso, logisch, wie DEUTSCHE—INDUSTRIEVERBÄNDE.
20190415             Chuwi lebte den Angaben zufolge vermutlich zur ZEIT—DER—5. Dynastie, die
20190415             Das Gen MCPH1, das wahrscheinlich eine entscheidende Rolle bei der ENTWICKLUNG—DES—MENSCHLICHEN GEHIRNs spielt, wurde 11—RHESUSAFFEN eingesetzt.
20190415             Wie sich zeigte, entwickelte sich DAS—GEHIRN der genveränderten Tiere langsamer als das ihrer Artgenossen.
20190415             —IN Tests zu Kurzzeitgedächtnis und Reaktionszeit schnitten sie aber besser ab als die Vergleichsgruppe,
20190415             DIE—ERGEBNISSE zeigten, daß mit menschlichen Genen versehene Affen "DAS—POTENZIAL haben, wichtige Einblicke in die Einzigartigkeit des menschlichen GEHIRNs zu liefern",
20190415             Signal gegen USA—ZOLL—POLITIK, EU—STAATEN stimmen für Handelsgespräche mit den USA
20190415             —BESCHLAGNAHMT, HAMBURGer HAFEN: Zoll, 440—KILO Kokain auf Frachtschiff
20190415             [l] Hey, ihr mit den Pullis im INTERNET!
20190415             Ihr, denen die CDU gerade DAS—INTERNET kaputtgemacht hat!
20190415             Deren nächste Idee ist, euch DAS—MILITÄR auf den Hals zu setzen.
20190415             Statistisches Bundesamt: ZAHL—DER—NICHT—EU—BÜRGER als Arbeitskräfte gestiegen
20190415             BUNDESBANK—STUDIE: Immobilienbesitzer werden immer reicher
20190415             —VERBREITET, Haftbefehl nach CHEMNITZer Messerattacke : STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT klagt Justizbeamten an
20190415             SICHERHEITSPROBLEME—BEI—MICROSOFT—DIENSTEN: Angreifer konnten private E—MAILS lesen
20190415             Havarierte ATOM—MEILER: —EXPERTEN BERGEN Brennstäbe aus AKW—FUKUSHIMA
20190415             BIO—TECHNOLOGIE in ISRAEL: Forscher stellen MINI—HERZ aus menschlichem Gewebe im 3D-Drucker her
20190415             Ermittlungen wegen Anschlagsplänen: Mehr als 50—WAFFEN in Privatwohnung gefunden
20190415             Unbearbeitete Hinweise: Zoll kriegt PROBLEME—BEI—GELDWÄSCHE—SPEZIALEINHEIT nicht in den Griff
20190415             HAUTKREBS—ERKENNUNG: Algorithmus schlägt Arzt
20190415             Maduros krumme Devisendeals: Wie s Gold nach UGANDA kommt
20190415             TRUMP—TIPPS für Boeing: "Ich würde dem Flugzeug einen neuen Namen geben"
20190415             PRINZ—CHARLES und Camilla besuchen DEUTSCHLAND: Abendessen mit MARKUS—SÖDER
20190415             —UMSTURZ im SUDAN: Sie wollen sich ihre REVOLUTION nicht stehlen lassen
20190415             ISRAEL und PALÄSTINA: Diese Fehler machen DIE—USA im NAHOST—KONFLIKT
20190415             ASTRONOMIE—FORSCHER lösen WASSER—RÄTSEL auf dem Mond
20190415             Drogenkonsum: CANNABIS—KONSUMENTEN brauchen bei OPs mehr Narkosemittel
20190415             ATOMMÜLL—LAGER Gorleben: Schicht im Schacht
20190415             —GESTIEGEN, Weltgesundheitsorganisation: ZAHL—DER—MASERN—FÄLLE WELT—WEIT um 300 %
20190415             Bundesverfassungsgericht: Menschen mit Betreuung dürfen an EUROPAwahl teilnehmen
20190415             GROß—EINSATZ—IM—STADTZENTRUM: PARISer Kathedrale NOTRE—DAME steht in Flammen
20190415             FRANKREICH—PRÄSIDENT—MACRON: "Ich bin traurig, daß dieser Teil von uns allen brennt"
20190415             —GETROFFEN, Brand von NOTRE—DAME: "Wir sind im Herzen "
20190415             —SCHOCKIERT, Der KÖLNer Dompropst GERD—BACHNER hat sich, über den Brand der PARISer Kathedrale NOTRE—DAME geäußert.
20190415             Feuerwehr zum Großeinsatz: NOTRE—DAME vor völliger Zerstörung gerettet
20190415             Wahrzeichen von PARIS: Die GESCHICHTE—DER—NOTRE—DAME
20190415             NOTRE—DAME in Flammen: Der brennende Himmel über PARIS
20190415             ANLAGE—STUDIE: DEUTSCHLAND—HORTEN so viel Gold wie nie
20190415             NOTRE—DAME brennt —SEIT 1850—UHR an diesem MONTAGabend, dem 1. lauen FRÜHLINGsabend in PARIS —SEIT—TAGEN.
20190415             Der Geruch von Verbranntem liegt in der Luft,
20190415             es ist ein beindruckendes Bild, das Bild eines Infernos.
20190415             Noch als die Feuerwehr gegen 19—UHR mit ihrem Einsatz begann, breiteten sich die Flammen immer weiter vom MITTEL—PUNKT der Kirche über das Dach aus.
20190415             DIE—RESTAURATEURE nannten den Dachstuhl von NOTRE—DAME schlicht "den Wald", und DER—WALD brennt —AN—DIESEM—ABEND, so drückt es später der 1. stellvertretende BÜRGER—MEISTER—VON—PARIS, EMMANUEL—GRÉGOIRE, aus.
20190415             Im Laufe —DES—ABENDS machen —EXPERTEN die elektrischen Schraubmaschinen beim Gerüstbau rund um das Dach der Kathedrale als mögliche URSACHE—FÜR—DAS Feuer aus.
20190415             2—DRITTEL des Daches seien zerstört, sagte Feuerwehrkommandant JEAN—CLAUDE—GALLET.
20190415             —UNTERDESSEN, läuft die RETTUNG—DER—KUNSTWERKE im Inneren der Kathedrale weiter.
20190415             DIE—FLAMMEN hätten den Kirchenschatz nicht erreicht.
20190415             DIE—KATHEDRALE ist 127—METER lang, 40—METER breit und —BIS zu 33—METER hoch.
20190415             Witterung und LUFT—VERSCHMUTZUNG haben dem Baudenkmal über die vergangenen —JAHRZEHNTE schwer zugesetzt.
20190415             An vielen Stellen bröckelte zuletzt die Bausubstanz.
20190415             Das vom STAAT bereitgestellte Unterhaltsbudget reichte für eine umfassende Sanierung nicht aus.
20190415—19330000    —GEGRÜNDET, SAUDI—ARAMCO, hat seinen Gewinn —DIESES—JAHR 1. öffentlich gemacht, weil DER—STAATSKONZERN—AN—DIE—BÖRSE soll.
20190415—20070000    —SINCE, † JONATHAN—WOLMAN, —68—JAHRE—ALT, EDITOR—AND—PUBLISHER—OF—THE—DETROIT—NEWS, of complications from pancreatic cancer.
20190415—20110000    —IN—THE, TOKYO Electric Power Co., THE—OPERATOR—OF—THE—TSUNAMI—WRECKED FUKUSHIMA nuclear plant, began removing fuel from 1—COOLING pool at 1—OF 3—REACTORS that melted down disaster, 1—MILESTONE in what will be —1—DECADES—LONG—PROCESS to decommission the facility.
20190415—20190404    —KILLED, THE—WORLD—HEALTH—ORGANIZATION said that least 147—PEOPLE have been, and 614—WOUNDED in the offensive launched by LIBYA—MILITARY—STRONGMAN—KHALIFA Haftar to take THE—CAPITAL—TRIPOLI.
20190415—20220000    —BY, SLOVAKIA—PRIME—MINISTER—PETER—PELLEGRINI said his country will boost defense spending to 2—PERCENT of gross domestic product, achieving THE—NATO—GOAL —2—YEARS faster than planned.
20190415—20500000    —BIS, 480.000.000.000—$ pro —JAHR, um auf 86 % erneuerbare Energien umzustellen, weltweit
20190428—20190415    —DETAINED, Hasan and another man were, and had reportedly confessed to spying on Arab nationals.
20200320             Treasury SECRETARY—STEVEN—MNUCHIN said THE—USA—GOVERNMENT is moving its tax filing —DAY 20200415—20200715    —FROM—TO, amid THE—CORONA€"VIRUS crisis afflicting the country.
20200405—20200415    —UNTIL, The measures have been extended, and are likely to be extended again.
20200415             Why did they give us such 1—FAULTY recommendation?— DONALD—J—TRUMP (@realDonaldTrump)
20200415             There were more than 5,000 new infections in the last —24—HOURS, taking the total to 177,633. The number of fatalities rose by 523 to 18,579, compared to 20200414             —THE—INCREASE—OF—637.
20200415             —MITTWOCH, 20200415
20200415             "Ich bin sehr zurückhaltend bei Schulen", sagte der CSU—CHEF—AM—DIENSTAGABEND im "—HEUTE—JOURNAL" des ZDF.
20200415             —GEÖFFNET, Skeptisch sehe er auch, dass Grundschulen als 1., werden sollen.
20200415             "Da habe ich eine grundlegend andere Auffassung".
20200415             —VERSPROCHEN, Er habe nie, Arbeitsplatzverluste komplett verhindern zu können.
20200415             Die Mitarbeiter hatten mangelnde CORONA—SCHUTZMAßNAHMEN kritisiert.
20200415             Dies sei jedoch kein Freifahrtsschein für Handlungen, die die Gesundheit, das Wohlbefinden oder die Sicherheit der Kollegen gefährden.
20200415             Für die PRODUKTION—VON—SCHUTZAUSRÜSTUNG und MUND—NASE—MASKEN würden Lieferketten neu aufgebaut, Kapazitäten bei Vliesstoffherstellern vergrößert und ganze Produktionslinien umgestellt,
20200415             Das birgt auch Risiken.
20200415             "Wir müssen ihnen dabei helfen, mit dieser neuen Realität umzugehen".
20200415             Von MARTIN—KNOBBE, Leiter des SPIEGEL—HAUPTSTADTBÜROS
20200415             Von SILKE—FOKKEN, ARMIN—HIMMELRATH und Achim Tack
20200415             Heldinnen des CORONA—ALLTAGS: SABINE—SIMON, 46, Labormitarbeiterin, fürchtet Passanten mehr als die Proben Aufgezeichnet von Katherine Rydlink
20200415             Doch dies wird deren Auslieferung um mehrere —TAGE verlangsamen,
20200415             unter Berufung auf nicht namentlich genannte Verwaltungsbeamte.
20200415             Das von zu Hause arbeitende TEAM—DER—BUNDESSTEUERBEHÖRDE, müsse —NUN diese Programmänderung umsetzen,
20200415             Mittlerweile melden mehrere Labors Rückstaus bei der Bearbeitung der Proben.
20200415             Grund dafür sind auch Lieferschwierigkeiten bei den Testmaterialien, etwa Reagenzien.
20200415             Hinzu kommt, dass immer mehr Labors —NUN zusätzlich auch Tests auf Antikörper gegen SARS—COV—2—AUSWERTEN.
20200415             Nebenher muss das Kerngeschäft bewältigt werden: Denn Ärzte und Kliniken schicken weiterhin Proben zur Untersuchung auf ganz andere Erreger ein.
20200415             Routine ist der größte Feind: Wir kontrollieren jeden unserer Prozesse sehr penibel.
20200415             Unsere Schutzvorkehrungen sind so sicher, dass —SCHON jemand mit einer offenen Probe in der Hand in Ohnmacht fallen müsste, damit etwas passiert.
20200415             Damals hat mein CHEF noch abgewunken.
20200415             CHRISTIAN—LINDER hat in einem Interview die Ungleichbehandlung verschiedener Geschäfte kritisiert.
20200415             Ein entsprechendes Gesetz war von der REGIERUNG—DES—KONSERVATIVEN—PRÄSIDENTEN—SEBASTIÁN—PIÑERA eingebracht worden.
20200415             VIELE—GEFÄNGNISSE in CHILE sind überfüllt.
20200415             Die Kürzung gelte auch für die Mitglieder ihrer Regierung sowie für andere hohe Staatsbedienstete,
20200415             Exit bei CORONA—MAßNAHMEN: Welche Zahlen für 1—LOCKERUNG sprechen — und welche dagegen Von JULIA—KÖPPE, CHRISTOPH—SEIDLER und MARCEL—PAULY
20200415             Ohne Umwege vom Acker zum Verbraucher, das ist unser Motto.
20200415             Es sind so VIELE—BESTELLUNGEN eingegangen, dass in der 1. —WOCHE ALLE—AUS—DEM—BÜRO—BEIM—PACKEN und Ausliefern mithelfen mussten.
20200415             Die Krise ist durchaus 1—CHANCE für uns.
20200415             Wir gehen davon aus, dass —NUN VIELE—ENDKUNDEN ihren Konsum überdenken und sich auch langfristig für uns entscheiden".
20200415             Uns sind VIELE—AUFTRÄGE weggebrochen, vor allem von Messebauern, aber auch von Bootsbesitzern, die nicht mehr in die Jachthäfen kommen.
20200415             Und statt Kurzarbeit machen wir —JETZT Überstunden.
20200415             Das Thema, Wissen zu digitalisieren, lief völlig unter dem Radar.
20200415             —JETZT fragen alle, wie es funktioniert.
20200415             Gute Lernvideos sollten kurz, verständlich und prägnant sein; das gilt für ALLE—FÄCHER.
20200415             Familienministerin FRANZISKA—GIFFEY lehnt den Vorschlag der LEOPOLDINA—FORSCHER ab, die Kitas —BIS zum —SOMMER geschlossen zu halten.
20200415             "Ich halte das auch nicht für einen guten Weg", sagt sie in der ARD.
20200415             Giffey verwies unter anderem auf die Betreuungsprobleme alleinerziehender Erwerbstätiger.
20200415             —BIS auf Weiteres solle es aber grundsätzlich bei harten Beschränkungen bleiben, so wie in den meisten Nachbarländern um DEUTSCHLAND herum.
20200415             Alles andere sei 1—RISIKO.
20200415             1—ERHOLUNG der —NACH—DEN USA zweitgrößten Volkswirtschaft der Welt liegt nicht zuletzt im Interesse der DEUTSCHLAND—WIRTSCHAFT: Die Volksrepublik ist ihr wichtigster Handelspartner.
20200415             LAGOS Casos confirmados 3 - Data 202004151200          nachm.
20200415             PORTIMÃO Casos confirmados 32 - LAGOA (FARO) Casos confirmados 3
20200415             SILVES Casos confirmados 21 - LOULÉ Casos confirmados 48
20200415             FARO Casos confirmados 53 - OLHÃO Casos confirmados 12 - TAVIRA Casos confirmados 30
20200415             VILA—REAL—DE—SANTO—ANTÓNIO Casos confirmados 14
20200415             CASTRO—MARIM Casos confirmados 3 - ALMODÔVAR Casos confirmados 3
20200415             SINES Casos confirmados 4 - SANTIAGO—DO—CACÉM—CASOS confirmados 11
20200415             BEJA Casos confirmados 9 - SERPA Casos confirmados 18 - "Aus Koningsdag wird Woningsdag",
20200415             An den Übergängen nach BELGIEN und in die NIEDERLANDE wird nicht kontrolliert.
20200415             Allerdings wurde auch in diesen Abschnitten die Überwachung im 30—KILOMETER—GRENZRAUM intensiviert.
20200415             Beim schrittweisen Ausstieg aus den CORONA—AUFLAGEN will die Europäische Union mit gemeinsamen Regeln einen Flickenteppich verhindern.
20200415             Direkte Zuschüsse von insgesamt rund 8—MILLIARDEN Euro sind —BISHER an kleine Firmen und Soloselbstständige bewilligt worden.
20200415             Ebenso VIELE—BEATMUNGSGERÄTE seien verfügbar, sagt 1—SPRECHER—DES—MINISTERIUMS.
20200415             —GESUNKEN, Demnach sind die Kapazitäten innerhalb einer —WOCHE nicht.
20200415             Ob sich der Erreger so verhält, ist aber noch unklar.
20200415             Auch andere Faktoren sind unbekannt, etwa wann wirksame Medikamente oder 1—IMPFSTOFF verfügbar sind,
20200415             Ohne Ausgangsbeschränkungen und Auflagen könnte JEDER—INFIZIERTE 4—BIS 6—MENSCHEN anstecken,
20200415             Übermut vermeiden
20200415             —NUN wird es für einige finanziell eng.
20200415             NEUMÜNSTER, plant man —SCHON für den Ernstfall.
20200415             Zoo erstellt Notschlachtplan für Tiere
20200415             die Virologin Melanie Brinkmann kontaktiert.
20200415             Auf diese Frage "belastbare" Antworten zu geben, sei noch nicht möglich, denn es fehle —BISHER an fundierten Daten zur "Qualität des Immunschutzes und zu seiner Dauer",
20200415             "Da wir nicht wissen, wie gut und wie lange der Immunschutz gegen SARS—COV—2—IST, können wir keine verlässlichen Aussagen darüber treffen".
20200415             Das teilte 1—SPRECHER—DES—PREMIERS mit.
20200415             DEUTSCHLAND sehnt sich nach der Rückkehr zur Normalität, doch die wird nur schrittweise kommen.
20200415             UN—GENERALSEKRETÄR ANTONIO—GUTERRES erklärte, mitten in der globalen Krise sei es nicht die Zeit, die Ressourcen der WHO zu schwächen.
20200415             CORONA€”VIRUS im Schengenraum: Europas Binnengrenzen sind zurück Von Raniah Salloum
20200415             EX—CHEF—VON—KRIPOGEWERKSCHAFT: André Schulz wegen Betrugs angeklagt
20200415             Folgen des USA—ZAHLUNGSSTOPPS an die WHO: Gesundheitsrisiko Trump Von JULIA—KÖPPE
20200415             Spekulation um AEROSOL—VIRUSWOLKEN: Ob 2—METER Abstand reichen, ist ungewiss Von SUSANNE—GÖTZE
20200415             Die große Unbekannte ist, unter welchen Umständen sich Menschen anstecken: "Das ist —DERZEIT die BILLIONEN—DOLLAR—FRAGE", erklärt MICHAEL—OSTERHOLM, Spezialist für Infektionskrankheiten und DIREKTOR—DES—USA—INSTITUTS Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy in der NEW—YORK—TIMES.
20200415             Haften sich Bakterien oder Viren an die Partikel, heißen sie Bioaerosole.
20200415             Umstritten ist auch, welche Konzentration von Aerosolen nötig sind, damit sich Menschen mit dem CORONA—VIRUS infizieren.
20200415             Stimmt die AEROSOL—THEORIE, dürften sich Infizierte und Risikogruppen auch in geschlossenen Räumen wie Supermärkten, Bussen oder Bahnen nicht gemeinsam aufhalten, kommentiert USA—EPIDEMOLOGE Osterholm.
20200415             Auch Joggern und Fahrradfahrern dürfte man dann nicht zu nahe kommen, weil sie durch die sportliche Betätigung besonders VIELE—AEROSOLE ausatmen.
20200415             "Es kommt darauf an, ob der Jogger gerade niest oder hustet, dann würde ich sogar zu 30—METERN Abstand raten", meint so Umweltmedizinerin TRAIDL—HOFFMAN.
20200415             Auch die meisten führenden Virologen in DEUTSCHLAND raten zum Sport, da die Vorteile für die GESUNDHEIT—DER—MENSCHEN überwiegen würden.
20200415             [l] Benutzt hier jemand git?
20200415             Ich finde es ja auffällig, dass die ganzen GIT—PROBLEME anfingen, —NACHDEM Linus die Weiterentwicklung an Andere übergeben hat.
20200415             Ist echt immer dasselbe Muster.
20200415             Ach komm, wir bauen noch ein paar Features ein!1!!
20200415             [l] Lacher des Tages: Die Amis benutzen ja immer noch Schecks für ihr Banking.
20200415             Das hat glaube ich den Hintergrund, dass beim Überweisen die Gebühren für den Auszahlenden höher sind oder so.
20200415             —BESCHLOSSEN, Jedenfalls haben die ja gerade Helikoptergeld.
20200415             [l] Ich würde mich ja zu den LEOPOLDINA—ÄUßERUNGEN äußern, aber der Postillon hat —SCHON alles dazu gesagt.
20200415             Als alter HOMÖOPATHIE—FREUND muss ich euch leider sagen, dass diese Verdünnung viel zu schwach ist.
20200415             Solange in DEUTSCHLAND noch 1—MEDIZINER oder Lehrer nachweisbar ist, ist die Verdünnung noch zu schwach, um Wirkkraft entfalten zu können.
20200415             Übrigens macht sich auch der ARD "faktenfinder" mal wieder wunderschön zum Stück Brot zu dem Thema.
20200415             Hier ist die LEOPOLDINA—STUDIE.
20200415             —FINANZIERT, Wird die WHO wirklich weitgehend von den USA ?
20200415             —FUNDED, For SOME—REASON, largely by THE—USA, yet very CHINA centric.
20200415             We will be giving that 1—GOOD—LOOK.
20200415             —REJECTED, Fortunately I, their advice on keeping our borders open to CHINA early on.
20200415             Why did they give us such 1—FAULTY recommendation?— DONALD—J—TRUMP (@realDonaldTrump) 20200407
20200415             Den GROßTEIL—DER—MITTEL für ihre Arbeit erhält die WHO jedoch von Stiftungen und anderen Organisationen, teilweise auch projektgebunden.
20200415             Das Budget wird —FÜR—2—JAHRE festgelegt.
20200415             DONALD—TRUMP stoppt wie angedroht die Beitragszahlungen der USA an die Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO — und das mitten in der CORONA—PANDEMIE.
20200415             Zuvor hatte der USA—PRÄSIDENT—DER—ORGANISATION vorgeworfen, ihr Handeln zu sehr auf CHINA ausgerichtet zu haben.
20200415             Aus irgendeinem Grund sei die Organisation sehr CHINA—ZENTRIERT, obwohl sie weitgehend von den USA finanziert werde.
20200415             Letztes stimmt allerdings nicht.
20200415             Wieviel 1—STAAT zahlt, wird anhand seines Wohlstandes und der Bevölkerung errechnet, teilt die WHO auf ihrer Webseite mit.
20200415             Das Gesamtbudget lag seinerzeit bei rund 5,6 Milliarden USA—DOLLAR (rund 5,1 Milliarden Euro):
20200415             GROSSBRITANNIEN (7,79 Prozent) - DEUTSCHLAND (5,68 Prozent)
20200415             Vereinte Nationen (via UNOCHA, 5,09 Prozent)
20200415             Weltbank (3,42 Prozent) - Rotary INTERNATIONAL (3,3 Prozent)
20200415             Europäische Union (3,3 Prozent) - JAPAN (2,73 Prozent)
20200415             Umstrittene CORONA—TRACKING—APPS: Autonome bekennen sich zu Brandanschlag in BERLIN Von Annette Langer
20200415             Der für politische Straftaten zuständige Staatsschutz hat die Ermittlungen übernommen.
20200415             Das HHI ist laut eigenen Angaben Mitglied der Initiative "PAN—EUROPEAN PRIVACY—PRESERVING Proximity Tracing" (PEPP—PT), die —DERZEIT ein System zur digitalen Kontaktverfolgung entwickelt.
20200415             1—INSTITUTSSPRECHER betont, dass es sich um einen "anonymen, die Privatsphäre schützenden Ansatz" handele.
20200415             Satelliten zeichnen auf, wo sich der SMARTPHONE—TRÄGER aufgehalten hat; über Bluetooth registriert das Handy andere APP—USER in der Umgebung.
20200415             Wird 1—NUTZER positiv auf SARS—COV—2—GETESTET und gibt dies in die App ein, werden ALLE—NUTZER, die sich zuletzt in seiner Nähe aufgehalten haben, automatisch gewarnt.
20200415             Man arbeite zum "Wohlergehen der Weltbürgerinnen UND—BÜRGER" und unter Einhaltung europäischer Normen und Standards, so das Versprechen der Entwickler.
20200415             Beschluss von Bund und Ländern: Das sind die 1. Schritte aus dem CORONA—LOCKDOWN
20200415             BREXIT—FAHRPLAN: EU und GROSSBRITANNIEN einigen sich auf neue Verhandlungsrunden
20200415             Gerichtsbeschluss in Coronakrise: Jobcenter muss obdachlosem EU—BÜRGER Hartz IV zahlen Von FLORIAN—DIEKMANN
20200415             Sprechen über CORONA: "—SCHON ROBERT—KOCH beschrieb Erreger als Feinde" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—ANNE—HAEMING
20200415             Coronakrise: So läuft der Welthandel mit Medizinprodukten Von Cornelia Baumermann und OLAF—HEUSER
20200415             Für ihn und seine Anhänger ist die WHO in Verbindung mit CHINA der ideale Sündenbock.
20200415             Gründe, von eigenen Fehlern abzulenken, hat er reichlich.
20200415             Und dass die wichtigste globale Instanz für Gesundheitsfragen Fehler begangen hat.
20200415             LAWRENCE—GOSTIN, Professor für Globales Gesundheitsrecht an der GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY—LAW—SCHOOL in der USA—HAUPTSTADT—WASHINGTON, sagt über Tedros: "Er ist sehr politisch, keine Frage. Und manchmal ist er zu politisch".
20200415             NIEDERSACHSEN: Ermittlungen nach CORONA—AUSBRUCH in Altenheim
20200415             BERLIN: 32-Jähriger muss wegen rechtsextremer Drohmails vor Gericht Von Wiebke Ramm
20200415             Regierungsbeschlüsse zur Coronakrise: Die neue Normalität der Unsicherheit 1—KOMMENTAR—VON—KURT—STUKENBERG
20200415             Wenn das bloß heißt, dass man halt länger isolieren muss, dann wäre alles gut.
20200415             Wenn das heißt, dass sich generell keine vollständige Immunität einstellt, dann wäre Quarantäne als Gegenmaßnahme nur hilfreich, solange man sie komplett aufrechterhält.
20200415             Das wäre nicht so gut.
20200415             CORONA—PANDEMIE: Kapitalflucht aus Schwellenländern stärker als zur Weltfinanzkrise 20080000
20200415             Wege aus dem Lockdown: Wie problematisch ist "Contact Tracing"?
20200415             Planen und Buchen: Und was ist mit dem Sommerurlaub?
20200415             Inflation: Lebensmittel verteuern sich stark, Öl wird billiger
20200415             THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION said it plans to buy milk and meat from USA—FARMERS as PART—OF—1—INITIAL $15.5—BILLION effort to help them weather THE—IMPACT—OF—THE—CORONA€”VIRUS—OUTBREAK.
20200415             He said the state will partner with philanthropists to provide $125—MILLION to undocumented immigrants facing financial hardship —DURING THE—CORONA€”VIRUS outbreak.
20200415             CALIFORNIA to date had 26,836 CASES—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS and 864—DEATHS.
20200415             THE—SF—BAY—AREA had 5,640 cases and 169—DEATHS.
20200415             —TOTALED, USA—CASES, over 635,000 and rose by 30,000, the biggest increase in —5—DAYS.
20200415             —REACHED, CORONA€”VIRUS cases worldwide, 2—MILLION with deaths topping 128,000.
20200415             —ORDERED, NEW—YORK GOVERNOR—ANDREW—CUOMO (D), everyone in the state to wear face coverings in public if there's ANY—DANGER they won't be able to observe social distancing to help contain THE—CORONA€”VIRUS outbreak.
20200415             —RELEASED, Apple Inc, 1—SMALLER iPhone priced at $399, cutting the —STARTING price for the company's smartphone line in 1—MOVE to broaden its appeal to BUDGET—CONSCIOUS—CUSTOMERS as THE—CORONA€”VIRUS hobbles the global economy.
20200415             Best Buy Co Inc said it would furlough about 51,000 hourly USA—STORE—EMPLOYEES and that its sales dropped about 5% in the 1. —2—MONTHS—OF—THE—CURRENT—QUARTER, as the electronics retailer kept its stores shut due to THE—CORONA€”VIRUS pandemic.
20200415             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—TRIAL in CHINA testing Gilead Sciences INC—ANTIVIRAL drug, remdesivir, in those with mild symptoms of COVID—19 has been suspended due to 1—LACK—OF—ELIGIBLE—PATIENTS.
20200415             INTERNATIONAL Monetary Fund Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva praised the move and said that the Fund was deploying ALL—OF—ITS existing resources and was looking to triple its concessional financing for the poorest countries.
20200415             BANGLADESH coast guard officials brought 1—SHIP to shore —LATE—TODAY with 382—SURVIVORS on BOARD.
20200415             —REPORTED, Local media, that 28—ETHNIC—ROHINGYA had † on the ship that drifted —FOR—WEEKS as CORONA€”VIRUS lockdowns in MALAYSIA and THAILAND prevented the vessel from finding refuge.
20200415             —REPORTED, BELGIUM, 2,454 new CORONA€”VIRUS cases, taking the total to 33,573;
20200415             fatalities rose by 283. Of these total fatalities, 46% were in nursing homes.
20200415             It was the biggest daily rise in —5—DAYS.
20200415             Deaths in ENGLAND—HOSPITALS—ROSE by 740 to 12,396.
20200415             —DENIED, CHINA, hiding early WARNINGS—OF—THE—CORONA€”VIRUS—OUTBREAK—AFTER THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS published 1—REPORT saying BEIJING delayed announcing the threat for 6—CRUCIAL—DAYS.
20200415             —CRITICIZED, CHINA, TRUMP—MOVE to temporarily halt funding to THE—WHO and pledged to support the global health body.
20200415             —REPORTED, CHINA, that among 6,764—PEOPLE who tested positive for THE—CORONA€”VIRUS infection without showing symptoms, only 1 5. of them have so far developed symptoms and been RE—CLASSIFIED as confirmed cases.
20200415             DENMARK RE—OPENED nurseries and primary schools —FOLLOWING —1—MONTH—LONG—CORONA€”VIRUS—LOCKDOWN.
20200415             —RUSHED, THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION, out its road map for EU members to coordinate 1—EXIT from CORONA€”VIRUS lockdowns.
20200415             1—FEW months time and LARGE—SCALE testing was expected.
20200415             —CLIMBED, GERMANY—NEW—CORONA€”VIRUS—CASES, for the 1. time in —1—WEEK.
20200415             There were 2,543 new infections, taking the total to 134,753. The number of fatalities rose by 309 to 3,804. CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL announced tentative steps to begin returning the country to normal.
20200415             —INCLUDED, Exceptions, cargo and humanitarian flights.
20200415             —EXPANDED, INDONESIA, 1—PARTIAL—LOCKDOWN to more areas near JAKARTA, THE—EPICENTER—OF—THE—COUNTRY—CORONA€”VIRUS—CASES, as authorities stepped up efforts to restrict MOVEMENT—OF—PEOPLE ahead of the nation's biggest festive season —NEXT—MONTH.
20200415             —REACHED, IRAN, fatalities from the virus, 4,777 as the country's toll decreased for the 4. consecutive —DAY with 94—DEATHS overnight.
20200415             —REACHED, Total infections, 76,389 —AFTER 1,512 tested positive over the last —24—HOURS.
20200415             —CONFIRMED, THE—JAMMU and Kashmir region has so far seen about 300, CASES—OF—THE—VIRUS, and 4—DEATHS.
20200415             —REPORTED, It was, that MANY—KASHMIR district authorities, have issued orders that all female poplars be cut within —1—WEEK, arguing that allergies could be mistaken for CORONA€”VIRUS infection and create "unnecessary panic".
20200415             KENYA—TRAVELERS say they are being held in 1—GOVERNMENT—QUARANTINE—CENTER—AFTER the expiry of their mandatory —14—DAYS—OF—ISOLATION—FOLLOWING their return from abroad because they cannot pay hefty bills for their stay.
20200415             —REPORTED, KENYA has, 225—COVID—19—INFECTIONS and 10—DEATHS.
20200415             —ALLOWED, LIBYA—OFFICIALS, 47—MIGRANTS to disembark in TRIPOLI —AFTER spending hours on 1—COAST—GUARD—VESSEL off the coast.
20200415             —RESCUED, They had been, the previous —EVENING.
20200415             5—BODIES were also retrieved and 7—MIGRANTS were reported missing.
20200415             —ANNOUNCED, MALAWI—GOVERNMENT, a —21—DAY—CORONA€”VIRUS—LOCKDOWN, which was due to start —3—DAYS—LATER but campaigners complained that the government did this without providing help for those in need.
20200415             † NIGERIA—DOCTOR—EMEKA Chugbo (60) —FOLLOWING exposure to 1—CORONA€”VIRUS—PATIENT at his private clinic.
20200415             —TARGETED, SYRIA, 2—MISSILES from 1—ISRAEL—DRONE, a 4—WHEEL—DRIVE—VEHICLE carrying 2—MEMBERS—OF—LEBANON—HEZBOLLAH near THE—SYRIA—LEBANON border, but neither person was hurt.
20200415             —DROPPED, New CORONA€”VIRUS cases in THE—NETHERLANDS, for the 5. consecutive —DAY.
20200415             Cases rose by 734, or 3%, to 28,153. Fatalities climbed 6%, 1—STEEPER—RATE than the previous days because of 1—REPORTING backlog over the Easter weekend.
20200415             PALAU PRESIDENT—TOMMY—REMENGESAU said that his country of 20,000—PEOPLE had not had 1—SINGLE—CASE—OF—THE—CORONA€”VIRUS and he was going to shut it off from the outside world to keep the virus out.
20200415             —REPORTED, PORTUGAL, the biggest increase in new confirmed cases in —5—DAYS, —WHILE the number of hospitalized patients fell.
20200415             There were 643—NEW—INFECTIONS, taking the total to 18,091. Deaths rose to 599—FROM 567.
20200415             —DETAINED, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL said QATAR, DOZENS—OF—MIGRANT—WORKERS and expelled them —LAST—MONTH—AFTER telling them they were being taken to be tested for the new CORONA€”VIRUS.
20200415             —CONFIRMED, RUSSIA, cases rose by 3,388 in the past —DAY.
20200415             —EXCEEDED, New daily cases, 3,000 for 1. time and have almost tripled from —LAST—WEEK.
20200415             —REACHED, The death toll, 198 with 28—PEOPLE dying overnight.
20200415             —CONFIRMED, SINGAPORE—HEALTH—MINISTRY, 447—NEW—CORONA€”VIRUS—CASES in the biggest daily jump, to bring the total NUMBER—OF—CASES in THE—CITY—STATE to 3,699. 404—OF—THE—NEW—CASES were linked to migrant workers' dormitories.
20200415             SOUTH—KOREA held national elections.
20200415             —SCORED, PRESIDENT—MOON—JAE—IN—RULING coalition, the largest parliamentary election victory —SINCE THE—END—OF—MILITARY—BACKED rule more than —3—DECADES—AGO, signaling to global leaders that 1—STRONG—PANDEMIC—RESPONSE can win votes.
20200415             The ruling DEMOCRATIC—PARTY—OF—KOREA and its satellite group won 180—PLACES in the 300-seat National Assembly.
20200415             Defector Thae YONG—HO, 1—FORMER—SENIOR—NORTH—KOREA—DIPLOMAT, won 1—CONSTITUENCY seat in the elections.
20200415             —REPORTED, SPAIN, the biggest increase in the number of confirmed cases in —6—DAYS, —WHILE the daily death toll declined.
20200415             —REPORTED, It was, that TAJIKISTAN has applied for THE—IMF—EMERGENCY financing, becoming the 2. CENTRAL—ASIA—NATION to do so amid the global crisis prompted by the novel CORONA€”VIRUS outbreak.
20200415             —RECEIVED, KYRGYZSTAN, which has already, $121—MILLION from the fund.
20200415             —WARNED, USA—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIALS, about THE—THREAT—OF—NORTH—KOREAN—HACKERS, calling particular attention to banking and other finance.
20200415             —ANNOUNCED, CALIFORNIA—GOVERNOR—GAVIN—NEWSOM (D), that his state would give cash payments to immigrants living in the country illegally.
20200415             CALIFORNIA—GOVERNOR—GAVIN—NEWSOM said the state will partner with philanthropists to provide $125—MILLION to undocumented immigrants facing financial hardship —DURING THE—CORONA€”VIRUS outbreak.
20200415             —TO—DATE, CALIFORNIA had 26,836 CASES—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS and 864—DEATHS.
20200415             —IN MAINE 1—BLAST at the Androscoggin paper mill in Jay sent debris and 1—SLURRY of chemicals raining down on nearby cars and buildings.
20200415             BRITAIN—DEATH—TOLL from COVID—19 in hospitals rose 861 to 13,729, as of 1600—GMT.
20200415             —ANNOUNCED, GERMANY—AUTHORITIES, that police in the country had arrested 4—SUSPECTED Islamic State members, all from TAJIKISTAN, for allegedly plotting to attack USA—MILITARY—BASES.
20200415             GREECE said it is extending 1—TEMPORARY—BAN on all flights to and from ITALY—SPAIN, TURKEY, THE—UK and THE—NETHERLANDS by —1—MONTH to 20200515             to prevent THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—CORONA€”VIRUS.
20200415             —IN ITALY deaths from THE—COVID—19—EPIDEMIC—ROSE by 578, down from 602 THE—DAY—BEFORE, —WHILE THE—NUMBER—OF—NEW—CASES slowed to 2,667 from 1—PREVIOUS 2,972, continuing the recent downward trend.
20200415             THE—JAMMU and Kashmir region has so far seen about 300—CONFIRMED CASES—OF—THE—VIRUS, and 4—DEATHS.
20200415             —REPORTED, PUERTO—RICO has, 970—CONFIRMED CASES—OF—THE—CORONA€”VIRUS and at least 51—DEATHS.
20200415             —IN RUSSIA confirmed cases rose by 3,388 in the past —DAY.
20200415             THE—UN said some 74—MILLION—PEOPLE in THE—WATER—SCARCE Arab region are at greater risk of catching the novel CORONA€”VIRUS because they lack 1—SINK or soap at home
20200415             —MITTWOCH, Anders als NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN lehnt Bayerns MINISTER—PRÄSIDENT—MARKUS—SÖDER eine rasche Öffnung der Schulen —NACH—DEN Osterferien ab.
20200415             2—DRITTEL der kleinen GROSSBRITANNIEN—UNTERNEHMEN schicken einer HANDELS—KAMMERUM—FRAGE zufolge einen TEIL—DES—PERSONALS wegen des Geschäftsrückgangs vorübergehend in Zwangsurlaub.
20200415             —VERSPROCHEN, DIE—GROSSBRITANNIEN—REGIERUNG hatte, den Unternehmen 80—PROZENT ihrer Lohnkosten zu zahlen, wenn sie Mitarbeiter beurlauben, anstatt sie zu entlassen.
20200415             Das System könnte nach Schätzungen der Haushaltshüter des Landes in den kommenden —MONATEN 42—MILLIARDEN Pfund (53—MILLIARDEN DOLLAR) kosten.
20200415             Selbst mit der Finanzierungshilfe könnte die ARBEITS—LOSIGKEIT nach Schätzungen —IN—DEN—NÄCHSTEN—MONATEN noch um etwa 2—MILLIONEN steigen, wodurch die Quote auf 10—PROZENT—DER—ERWERBS—BEVÖLKERUNG ansteige.
20200415             FINANZ—MINISTER—RISHI—SUNAK zeigt sich "zutiefst beunruhigt" über die Aussichten.
20200415             Der ONLINE—VERSANDANBIETER AMAZON hat wegen wiederholter Verstöße gegen interne Richtlinien 3—MITARBEITER in den USA entlassen.
20200415             "Kein Unternehmen sollte seine Mitarbeiter dafür bestrafen, daß sie sich umeinander kümmern, vor allem während einer PANDEMIE!", so einer der beiden entlassenen User Experience Designer.
20200415             "Wir respektieren das Recht der Mitarbeiter, zu protestieren", erklärte AMAZON.
20200415             DIE—HERSTELLUNG von ausreichend SCHUTZ—MASKEN—GEGEN—DAS—VIRUS ist nach Darstellung des Gesamtverbands der DEUTSCHLAND—TEXTIL—UND MODE—INDUSTRIE eine "Herkulesaufgabe".
20200415             "Es handelt sich dabei um Lieferketten, —DIE—JAHRZEHNTE—SEIT, in EUROPA nicht mehr nachgefragt waren, fehlende Maschinen sind vielerorts in der Beschaffung".
20200415             "Angesichts der ungeheuren Dynamik können wir —DERZEIT keine Größenordnungen für DIE—MASKENPRODUKTION in DEUTSCHLAND beziffern", sagte Mazura.
20200415             Keine Schule, wenig Kontakt zu Freunden, kaum Aktivitäten außer HAUS—DIE—CORONA—KRISE stellt auch Kinder und Jugendliche vor neue Herausforderungen und Beschränkungen.
20200415             "Im Schatten von COVID—19—SIND die Leben von MILLIONEN—KINDERN vorübergehend auf ihr Zuhause und ihren Bildschirm zusammengeschrumpft", sagte UNICEF—CHEFIN Henrietta Fore.
20200415             Von Schulschließungen seien WELT—WEIT mehr als 1.500.000.000—KINDER und Jugendliche betroffen.
20200415             DIE—USA—REGIERUNG wird heimische Fluggesellschaften mit einem milliardenschweren Rettungspaket unterstützen.
20200415             10—FLUGLINIEN—DARUNTER Delta, United, JetBlue und USA—AIRLINES—WOLLTEN die Unterstützung der Regierung annehmen, erklärte das USA—FINANZMINISTERIUM am Dienstagabend (Ortszeit).
20200415             Mischung aus Fördermitteln und KREDITEN—SOLLEN vor allem die Gehälter der Beschäftigten weitergezahlt werden, um Entlassungen zu vermeiden.
20200415             —ANKÜNDIGUNG—VON—PRÄSIDENT—TRUMP: USA stoppen Beitragszahlungen an Weltgesundheitsorganisation
20200415             —DIE—LAGE—AM—MORGEN: Kommt —HEUTE der Fahrplan zurück ins Leben?
20200415             —CORONA—PANDEMIE: Wie realitätsfern sind die LEOPOLDINA—VORSCHLÄGE für Schulen?
20200415             Verzögertes CORONA—HELIKOPTERGELD: TRUMP—NAME soll auf Hilfsschecks stehen
20200415             Das USA—FINANZMINISTERIUM hat angeordnet, den Namen von —PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP auf Schecks zu drucken, die an mehrere Millionen USA—AMERIKANER geschickt werden sollen.
20200415             Verzögertes CORONA—HELIKOPTERGELD  TRUMP Name soll auf Hilfsschecks STEHEN—DER SPIEGEL
20200415             Während 1—BUCHHÄNDLER in BERLIN weiterhin öffnen dürfe, bleibe 1—ELEKTROFACH—HANDEL, "wo man 1—TABLET kaufen kann, um 1—BUCH elektronisch zu lesen", geschlossen.
20200415             "Das ergibt keinen Sinn", sagte der FDP—CHEF—
20200415             Neuseelands PREMIERministerin Jacinda Ardern will angesichts der CORONA—VIRUS—PANDEMIE —6—MONATE—LANG auf 20—PROZENT ihrer Bezüge verzichten.
20200415             DIE—REGIERUNGSCHEFIN verdient umgerechnet knapp 260.000—EURO —J—IM.
20200415             —CORONA—KRISE gilt nicht als Argument: Berufungsgericht kippt ABTREIBUNGS—VERBOTIN TEXAS
20200415             Mehrere USA—BUNDES—STAATEN haben DIE—CORONA—KRISE zum Anlass genommen, um Abtreibungen fast gänzlich zu untersagen.
20200415             DIE—BEHÖRDEN argumentierten mit Kapazitätsmängeln des Gesundheitssystems aufgrund der EPIDEMIE—DOCH DIE—USA—JUSTIZ lässt das nicht gelten.
20200415             1—BERUFUNGSGERICHT in NEW—ORLEANS entschied, daß Abtreibungen in TEXAS nicht auf die LISTE—DER—"nicht dringenden" medizinischen Behandlungen gesetzt werden dürfen, die während der CORONA—EPIDEMIE nicht ausgeführt werden.
20200415             —DAS—VERBOTDER texanischen Behörden stehe nicht in Beziehung zur gegenwärtigen GESUNDHEITSKRISE—IN—DEN USA, dieser Zusammenhang sei "vorgeschoben", argumentieren die Bundesrichter.
20200415             Nationaler BERUFSBILDUNGS—BERICHT, ZAHL—DER—AUSBILDUNGSBETRIEBE sinkt auf unter 20—PROZENT
20200415             Exit bei CORONA—MAßNAHMEN: Welche Zahlen für 1—LOCKERUNG—SPRECHEN—UND welche dagegen
20200415             Auftragsboom in der CORONA—KRISE: Diese Selbstständigen haben —JETZT mehr Aufträge Aufgezeichnet von FLORIAN—GONTEK und Verena Töpper
20200415             Vor allem MILCH—KÄSE, Eier und frisches Gemüse sind —DERZEIT beliebt, aber auch Bier, Wein, Nudeln, MEHL—ALL die Dinge, für die VIELE—MENSCHEN —NUN nicht mehr in den Supermarkt gehen wollen.
20200415             DIE—KRISE ist durchaus 1—CHANCE FÜR USA—WIR gehen davon aus, daß —NUN VIELE—ENDKUNDEN ihren Konsum überdenken und sich auch langfristig für uns entscheiden".
20200415             wir stellen zum Beispiel WERBE—UND Firmenschilder, Fenster für BOOTE—MÖBEL oder Hauben her.
20200415             An einer —MASKE arbeiten WIR—CA—30—MINUTEN und verkaufen sie für 15—EURO, da bleibt kaum Gewinn.
20200415             Wir haben in DEUTSCHLAND so viel KNOW—HOW und EXZELLENZ—LASST uns die Zeit gerade nutzen, um zu experimentieren.
20200415             —GEDACHT, Auch müsse daran, werden, daß ältere KITA—KINDER auf den Wechsel zur GRUND—SCHULE vorbereitet werden müssten.
20200415             BUNDESAUßEN—MINISTER—HEIKO—MAAS hat den von USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP verfügten Stopp der Zahlungen an die Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO kritisiert.
20200415             "1—DER—BESTEN—INVESTITIONEN im KAMPF—GEGEN—DIE—PANDEMIE ist es, die Vereinten Nationen, allen voran die unterfinanzierte Weltgesundheitsorganisation, zu STÄRKEN—ZUM Beispiel bei der Entwicklung und Verteilung von Tests und Impfstoffen", sagte DER—SPD—POLITIKER der DEUTSCHLAND—PRESSE—AGENTUR.
20200415             Der Bund will den Ländern vorschlagen, die bestehenden Kontaktbeschränkungen für die BÜRGER noch mindestens —BIS zum 20200503             aufrechtzuerhalten.
20200415             Das sei nach ANGABEN—DER—DEUTSCHEN—PRESSE—AGENTUR das Ergebnis einer Schaltkonferenz des Kanzleramts mit den Staatskanzleichefs der Länder —AM—DIENSTAG.
20200415             DIE—CHINA—WIRTSCHAFT wird nach PROGNOSE von Ökonomen —IN—DIESEM—JAHR so langsam wachsen wie —SEIT dem ENDE—DER—KULTURREVOLUTION 19760000             nicht mehr.
20200415             Das Bruttoinlandsprodukt dürfte nur noch um 2,5 Prozent zulegen, sagen 57—VON der NACHRICHTEN—AGENTUR REUTERS befragte Volkswirte voraus
20200415             DIE—ZAHL—DER—BETRIEBE in DEUTSCHLAND, die Kurzarbeit angemeldet haben, ist auf 725.000—GESTIEGEN.
20200415             Wie VIELE—PERSONEN betroffen sind, ist durch DIE—SONDERAUSWERTUNG der BUNDES—AGENTUR nicht erfasst.
20200415             DIE—FINNLAND—REGIERUNG hebt die Reisebeschränkungen für die Region um die HAUPTSTADT—HELSINKI auf.
20200415             Nach Rücksprache mit den Behörden sehe man keine rechtliche Grundlage mehr dafür, die Bewegungsfreiheit zwischen der südlichen Landschaft Uusimaa rund um HELSINKI und dem Rest Finnlands weiterhin einzuschränken, sagte MINISTER—PRÄSIDENTIN Sanna Marin.
20200415             —CORONA—PANDEMIE: CHINAs Wirtschaft schrumpft 1. —JAHRZEHNTE—SEIT,
20200415             LAGOS Casos confirmados 3—DATA 202004151200          nachm.
20200415             PORTIMÃO Casos confirmados 32—DATA 202004151200          nachm.
20200415             LAGOA (FARO) Casos confirmados 3—DATA 202004151200          nachm.
20200415             SILVES Casos confirmados 21—DATA 202004151200          nachm.
20200415             LOULÉ Casos confirmados 48—DATA 202004151200          nachm.
20200415             FARO Casos confirmados 53—DATA 202004151200          nachm.
20200415             OLHÃO Casos confirmados 12—DATA 202004151200          nachm.
20200415             TAVIRA Casos confirmados 30—DATA 202004151200          nachm.
20200415             VILA—REAL—DE—SANTO—ANTÓNIO Casos confirmados 14—DATA 202004151200          nachm.
20200415             CASTRO—MARIM Casos confirmados 3—DATA 202004151200          nachm.
20200415             ALMODÔVAR Casos confirmados 3—DATA 202004151200          nachm.
20200415             SINES Casos confirmados 4—DATA 202004151200          nachm.
20200415             SANTIAGO—DO—CACÉM—CASOS confirmados 11—DATA 202004151200          nachm.
20200415             BEJA Casos confirmados 9—DATA 202004151200          nachm.
20200415             SERPA Casos confirmados 18—DATA 202004151200          nachm.
20200415             DIE—INTERNATIONALE ENERGIE—AGENTUR (IEA) rechnet mit einem beispiellosen Rückgang der NACH—FRAGE nach Rohöl. Im laufenden —JAHR dürfte die NACH—FRAGE um 9,3 Millionen Barrel pro —TAG einbrechen, hieß es im Monatsbericht des Interessenverbands von Industriestaaten.
20200415             DIE—IEA—EXPERTEN erwarten einen Einbruch des globalen Treibstoffverbrauchs um nahezu 1—DRITTEL.
20200415             ALLE—VOLKSFESTE und Flohmärkte am ;;0427;;
20200415             zu Ehren des 53. Geburtstags von KÖNIG—WILLEM—ALEXANDER wurden abgesagt.
20200415             DIE—EINGEFÜHRTEN Kontrollen an DEUTSCHLAND—GRENZEN sollen —NACH—DEM Willen des Bundesinnenministeriums für weitere —20—TAGE gelten.
20200415             Die 2$—EU—MITGLIEDSLÄNDER sollten zusammen Kriterien für die Lockerung der Beschränkungen für BÜRGER und Wirtschaft festlegen,
20200415             ist die Rede von 3—WESENTLICHEN Voraussetzungen für den Beginn der Öffnung: eine spürbare Verlangsamung der AUSBREITUNG—DES—VIRUS, ausreichende Kapazitäten im GESUNDHEITS—WESEN und die Möglichkeit, die AUSBREITUNG—DES—VIRUS wirksam zu überwachen, zum Beispiel mit groß angelegten Testreihen.
20200415             DIE—BEWILLIGTEN Anträge hätten die Marke von einer Million überschritten.
20200415             —IN den USA könnten einer STUDIE—ZUFOLGE 20220000             —BIS immer wieder Phasen von sozialer Distanz notwendig sein.
20200415             Eine einzige solche Periode dürfte nicht ausreichen, um die Verbreitung des CORONA—VIRUS— mittelfristig auf einem für die Krankenhäuser handhabbaren Niveau zu halten, sagte Studienautor STEPHEN—KISSLER.
20200415             basiert auf Computermodellen zur Verbreitung des neuartigen CORONA—VIRUS—.
20200415             —BASIERT, DIE—UNTERSUCHUNG, auf der Annahme, daß die von dem Erreger ausgelöste Lungenkrankheit COVID—19—WIE die gewöhnliche Grippe künftig saisonal auftreten könnte, mit höheren Ansteckungsraten in den kälteren —MONATEN.
20200415             Unklar ist auch, ob 1—INFEKTION mit dem VIRUS bei genesenen Patienten zu Immunität FÜHRT—UND wie lange diese anhalten würde.
20200415             DIE—CORONA—BESCHRÄNKUNGEN in DER—EUROPÄISCHEN Union haben nach Einschätzung der EU—KOMMISSION mehreren Dutzend Millionen Menschen das Leben gerettet.
20200415             DIE—SCHÄTZUNG gab 1—EU—BEAMTER in BRÜSSEL ab.
20200415             DIE—AUßERORDENTLICHEN Einschnitte im öffentlichen Leben seien also richtig gewesen, sagte der Beamte.
20200415             Die BUNDE—REGIERUNG mahnt bei einer schrittweisen Lockerung der harten Beschränkungen wegen der CORONA—KRISE zu Umsicht.
20200415             "Der Pfad, den wir also —IN—DEN—NÄCHSTEN—WOCHEN gehen müssen, ist ein schmaler zwischen vorsichtiger, schrittweiser Lockerung und Bewahrung unserer Fortschritte im KAMPF—GEGEN—DIE—EPIDEMIE", sagte Regierungssprecher STEFFEN—SEIBERT nach einer Sitzung von KANZLERIN—ANGELA—MERKEL (CDU) mit dem CORONA—KABINETT.
20200415             DIE—BESUCHER bleiben weg, doch die Kosten laufen weiter: Tierparks trifft die PANDEMIE hart.
20200415             DIE—107. Tour de FRANCE der RAD—PROFIS ist wegen der CORONA—VIRUS—PANDEMIE offiziell verschoben worden.
20200415             Kann ich DAS—VIRUS erneut übertragen, wenn ich selbst —SCHON immun bin?
20200415             —KONTAKTIERT, DIE—VIROLOGIN Melanie Brinkmann.
20200415             Sie ist Professorin am Institut für Genetik der Technischen UNIVERSITÄT—BRAUNSCHWEIG und arbeitet zudem am HELMHOLTZ—ZENTRUM für INFEKTIONS—FORSCHUNG in BRAUNSCHWEIG:
20200415             "Wie gut die nach einer SARS—COV—2—INFEKTION gebildeten Antikörper schützen und wie lange, das kann zum derzeitigen ZEIT—PUNKT keiner sicher beurteilen", sagt Brinkmann.
20200415             —NACH, der Infektion mit SARS—COV—2—ENTSTEHT eine sterile Immunität: Die Betroffenen werden nach einem erneuten Kontakt mit dem Erreger weder krank, noch können sie andere anstecken.
20200415             Prinzipiell könnte es jedoch auch nur zu einer sogenannten Teilimmunität kommen: Die Patienten haben abgeschwächte oder gar keine Symptome, DAS—VIRUS kann sich allerdings noch vermehren und möglicherweise auf andere Menschen überspringen.
20200415             "DIE—WAHRSCHEINLICHKEIT der VIRUSübertragung hängt ganz entscheidend von der vorhandenen VIRUSmenge ab", sagt Brinkmann.
20200415             —SEIT, Beginn der CORONA—KRISE SIND—CA—230.000—DEUTSCHLAND—AUS dem Ausland HEIMGEKEHRT—DIE Rückholaktion des Auswärtigen Amts geht aber immer noch weiter.
20200415             Der GROSSBRITANNIEN—REGIERUNGSCHEF BORIS—JOHNSONFÜHRT weiterhin nicht die Regierungsgeschäfte.
20200415             JOHNSON erhole sich indes weiterhin auf dem Landsitz Chequers außerhalb LONDONs.
20200415             ohnsons Sprecher sagte, die Berater gingen nicht davon aus, daß GROSSBRITANNIEN den HÖHE—PUNKT der PANDEMIE —BEREITS überschritten habe.
20200415             USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP ist mit seinem Zahlungsstopp für die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) WELT—WEIT auf Kritik gestoßen.
20200415             —IN einem Koordinierungspapier VOM—MONTAGHABEN die SPD—GEFÜHRTEN Bundesländer ihre Vorstellungen für 1. Lockerungen der geltenden AUSGANGS—UND Kontaktbeschränkungen zusammengefasst.
20200415             —IN 1. Schritten würden demnach Einzelhandelsgeschäften (unter Auflagen wie Abstand und begrenzte Kundenzahl), öffentliche Behörden, Zoos, Sportplätzen (für EINZEL—UND Paarsport) sowie Spielplätze öffnen
20200415             1—MASKEN—PFLICHT wird nicht genannt, allerdings wird als 1—FAKTOR zur Beurteilung möglicher Lockerungen genannt, "ob ausreichend persönliche Schutzausrüstung inbes. qualifizierte SCHUTZ—MASKEN zur Verfügung stehen".
20200415             —CORONA—VIRUS— im SCHENGEN—RAUM, EUROPAs Binnengrenzen sind zurück
20200415             —CORONA—KRISE: Bund will Kontaktbeschränkungen 20200503             —BIS verlängern
20200415             —CORONA—EXIT—DISKUSSIONEN: STREIT—ÜBER Schulöffnungen wird schärfer
20200415             Bauanleitungen im INTERNET: STAATS—ANWÄLTE drängen USA—REGIERUNG zu MAßNAHMEN—GEGEN—WAFFEN aus 3D-Druckern
20200415             OBAMAs Videobotschaft: Obama wirbt für JOE—BIDEN—UND rechnet mit TRUMP ab
20200415             —FOLGEN—DES, USA—ZAHLUNGSSTOPPS an die WHO: Gesundheitsrisiko TRUMP
20200415             —CORONA—KRISE, USA—EINZELHANDELSUMSÄTZE brechen ein wie nie zuvor
20200415             Spekulation um AEROSOL—VIRUSWOLKEN: Ob 2—METER Abstand reichen, ist ungewiss
20200415             Unklar sei, ob nicht —SCHON kleine Mengen winziger PARTIKEL  genügen, um einen Menschen mit Covid19 zu infizieren.
20200415             DIE—SCHWEBETEILCHEN sind nur einen tausendstel MILLIMETER—GROß und damit unsichtbar.
20200415             —DERZEIT nutzt DAS—CORONA—VIRUS— diesen Weg, um sich zu verbreiten.
20200415             —IN manchen Eigenschaften lasse sich das Bioaerosol mit dem CORONA—VIRUS— tatsächlich mit herkömmlichen Umweltverschmutzungen wie FEIN—STAUB oder Pollen vergleichen.
20200415             "Wir wissen aus diesen Erfahrungen, daß die kleineren PARTIKEL  besonders gefährlich sind".
20200415             "DIE—DOSIS macht das Gift",
20200415             TRUMP lässt auf die Schecks ALLE—SEINEN—NAMEN drucken.
20200415             Leider wurde die Empfehlung der Leopoldina nie umgesetzt, weshalb DEUTSCHLAND im KAMPF—GEGEN—DAS—CORONA—VIRUS— —HEUTE nur 16000000             Kliniken zur Verfügung hat statt knapp über 300.
20200415             Experten erwarten, daß die Leopoldina zusätzlich zu den baldigen stufenweisen Schulöffnungen auch empfehlen wird, langfristig 80—PROZENT aller SCHULSTAND—ORTE in DEUTSCHLAND abzuschaffen, um die Qualität des Unterrichts zu erhöhen.
20200415             Wollen —DIE—DER—HEUTE—SHOW Konkurrenz machen oder wie?
20200415             —UPDATE, Der Postillon hat leider den Link verkackt.
20200415             THE—W.H.O. really blew it.
20200415             7, 20200000             Den GROßTEIL—DER—MITTEL für ihre Arbeit erhält die WHO jedoch von Stiftungen und anderen Organisationen, teilweise auch projektgebunden.
20200415             Außerdem hätte die in GENF sitzende multinationale WHO zu Beginn der Krise falsche Empfehlungen, etwa hinsichtlich von Einreisebeschränkungen aus CHINA, abgegeben.
20200415             —GESCHRIEBEN, In einem Tweet hatte TRUMP in der vergangenen —WOCHE : "DIE—WHO hat es wirklich vermasselt".
20200415             Unter den Mitgliedsstaaten und auch darüber hinaus sind DIE—USA tatsächlich der größte Einzelgeldgeber, sie haben ZULETZT—CA—15—PROZENT zum Budget beigetragen.
20200415             —GESTIEGEN, CHINAs WHO—BEITRÄGE sind stark
20200415             DIE—GRÖßTEN 10—GELDGEBER —IN—DEN—JAHREN 20180000—20190000             waren laut WHO folgende.
20200415             Das Gesamtbudget lag seinerzeit BEI—CA—5.600.000.000—USA—DOLLAR (rund—EURO):
20200415             USA (14,67 Prozent) - Bill & Melinda Gates FOUNDATION (9,76 Prozent)
20200415             GAVI Alliance für Impfungen WELT—WEIT (8,39 Prozent)
20200415             Für 20200000—20210000    —DIE—JAHRE—und liegt der —JAHRESBEITRAG der USA BEI—CA—116.000.000—DOLLAR, DEUTSCHLAND muss jährlich 29—MILLIONEN—DOLLAR zahlen.
20200415             Der Beitrag CHINAs betrug  20180000—20190000    —IN—DEN—JAHREN—und noch JE—CA—38—MILLIONEN—DOLLAR, ist aber für die kommenden —2—JAHRE auf etwa 57—MILLIONEN—DOLLAR jährlich gestiegen.
20200415             —CORONA—KRISE: KfW lockert Bedingungen für Schnellkredite
20200415             —CORONA—KRISE: Bund und Länder empfehlen "dringend" SCHUTZ—MASKEN in Geschäften
20200415             —NACH, GERICHTS—URTEIL, AMAZON droht mit Handelsstopp in FRANKREICH
20200415             Rechthaber in der CORONA—KRISE: Unser innerer TRUMP 1—KOLUMNE—VON—SASCHA—LOBO
20200415             Projekt "Planetary Computer": Microsoft will mit künstlicher Intelligenz das ARTEN—STERBEN bekämpfen
20200415             Umstrittene CORONA—TRACKING—APPS: Autonome bekennen sich zu BRANDANSCHLAG—IN—BERLIN
20200415             Schnell ging die POLIZEI davon aus, daß es sich um Brandstiftung gehandelt haben könnte.
20200415             —IN der Nähe des Tatorts befänden sich Gebäude des FRAUNHOFER—INSTITUTS für Nachrichtentechnik.
20200415             Es würden keine persönlichen Daten, STAND—ORTE oder MAC—ADRESSEN — also physikalische Adressen einer NETZWERK—SCHNITTSTELLE—GESPEICHERT oder übertragen.
20200415             DIE—APP arbeitet mit GPS—POSITIONSDATEN und der BLUETOOTH—FUNKTION am Handy.
20200415             DIE—ANGEBLICHEN Brandstifter sehen das anders.
20200415             —INZWISCHEN, würden sie in abgewandelter Form in andere Erdteile transferiert: "JEDE—TECHNISCHE—MÖGLICHKEIT der digitalen Überwachung und VERHALTENSS—TEUERUNG wird auch genutzt, in CHINA, in den USA, in RUSSLAND und auch in DEUTSCHLAND", warnt die Gruppe.
20200415             "DIE—CORONA—APP ist 1—TÜRÖFFNER".
20200415             Das Portal "indymedia", auf dem das mutmaßliche Bekennerschreiben veröffentlicht wurde, ist eine offene Plattform zur freien VERBREITUNG—VON—INFORMATIONEN.
20200415             —VERGANGENHEIT—IN—DER, wurden dort nach Anschlägen in DEUTSCHLAND mehrfach Bekennerschreiben aus der autonomen linksradikalen Szene publiziert, die sich als falsch erwiesen.
20200415             MERKEL zur CORONA—KRISE: "Ein zerbrechlicher Zwischenerfolg"
20200415             PROGNOSEn zu Abstandsregeln: Noch —2—JAHRE ohne Händeschütteln
20200415             Gerichtsbeschluss in CORONA—KRISE: Jobcenter muss obdachlosem EU—BÜRGER Hartz IV zahlen
20200415             —CORONA—KRISE: So läuft der WELT—HANDEL mit Medizinprodukten
20200415             —PROPAGIERT, DIE—WHO habe chinesische "Falschinformationen", und dadurch die AUSBREITUNG—DES—VIRUS gefördert.
20200415             Seine Regierung, so TRUMP, werde die FEHLER—DER—WHO in den nächsten 2—BIS —3—MONATEN gründlich untersuchen.
20200415             Ein geschicktes PR—MANÖVER ist TRUMP—VORSTOß auf jeden Fall.
20200415             Auf einen Schlag trifft der USA—PRÄSIDENT gleich 2—SEINER liebsten Feindbilder: 1—INTERNATIONALE Organisation und den geopolitischen Konkurrenten Nummer 1.
20200415             Mehrfach lobte er den CHINA—PRÄSIDENTEN Xi Jinping: "CHINA hat sehr hart daran gearbeitet, DAS—CORONA—VIRUS— einzudämmen", schrieb er in einem Tweet.
20200415             Und fügte hinzu, im Namen der USA—AMERIKANER wolle er Xi danken.
20200415             Es könnte beides richtig sein: Dass TRUMP sich aus einer von ihm mitverschuldeten Krise herauswinden will.
20200415             BERLIN: 32-Jähriger muss wegen RECHTS—EXTREMER Drohmails vor Gericht
20200415             Regierungsbeschlüsse zur CORONA—KRISE: Die neue Normalität der Unsicherheit
20200415             —VERLÄNGERT—ITALIEN hat gerade ihre QUARANTÄNE um —2—WOCHEN, weil Patienten weiter infektiös blieben, —NACHDEM sie eigentlich durch waren mit der Krankheit.
20200415             Wenn das heißt, daß sich generell keine vollständige Immunität einstellt, dann wäre QUARANTÄNE als Gegenmaßnahme nur hilfreich, solange man sie komplett AUFRECHTERHÄLIEUTENANT—DAS wäre nicht so gut.
20200415             —NACH, GERICHTS—URTEIL, AMAZON stellt Betrieb in FRANKREICH vorübergehend ein
20200415             —BESCHERT, ONLINE—MODEHÄNDLER: CORONA—KRISE, Zalando hohe Verluste
20200415             —CORONA—PANDEMIE: KAPITALFLUCHT—AUS—SCHWELLEN—LÄNDERN stärker als zur Weltfinanzkrise 2008
20200415             "Je geballter DIE—VIRENLAST in einer PARTIKEL—WOLKE, desto höher das INFEKTIONS—RISIKO".
20200415             Als es —IM—JANUAR in CHINA losging, dachte ich —SCHON einmal daran, ob der Erreger wohl auch nach DEUTSCHLAND kommen würde.
20200415             "Das ergibt keinen Sinn", sagte der FDP—CHEF
20200415             Das CHILENISCHE—VERFASSUNGSGERICHT hat die Begnadigung von 1.300—Strafgefangenen bewilligt.
20200415             "1—DER—BESTEN—INVESTITIONEN im Kampf gegen die Pandemie ist es, die Vereinten Nationen, allen voran die unterfinanzierte Weltgesundheitsorganisation, zu stärken — zum Beispiel bei der Entwicklung und Verteilung von Tests und Impfstoffen", sagte der SPD—POLITIKER der DEUTSCHEN—PRESSE—AGENTUR.
20200415             CORONA—PANDEMIE: Chinas Wirtschaft schrumpft erstmals —SEIT—JAHRZEHNTEN
20200415             BEJA Casos confirmados 9 - SERPA Casos confirmados 18
20200415             Mit dem Rückgang dürfte —IM—APRIL 1—NIVEAU erreicht werden, das es 19950000             —zuletzt, gegeben hatte.
20200415             "Aus Koningsdag wird Woningsdag",
20200415             Demnach sind die Kapazitäten innerhalb einer —WOCHE nicht gesunken.
20200415             basiert auf Computermodellen zur Verbreitung des neuartigen CORONA€”VIRUS.
20200415             Dass dies für große TEILE—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG—DER—FALL sei, wird als "unrealistisch" bewertet
20200415             In einem Tweet hatte Trump in der vergangenen —WOCHE geschrieben: "Die WHO hat es wirklich vermasselt".
20200415             Die Beiträge der Mitgliedsstaaten machen nur rund 1—VIERTEL—DES—BUDGETS—DER—WHO aus.
20200415             1—GROSSTEIL—DES—BUDGETS floss in den vergangenen —2—JAHREN in Projekte in AFRIKA und im Nahen Osten, zum Beispiel zur Ausrottung der Kinderlähmung sowie für die Bereitstellung von Impfungen und grundsätzlicher Gesundheitsversorgung.
20200415             —ANFANG—JANUAR seien solche Maßnahmen noch als totalitär und menschenrechtsverletzend kritisiert worden.
20200415             —IM—ALS, —JANUAR der 1. COVID—19 Fall in den USA bekannt wurde, sagte er ungerührt: "Wir haben es völlig unter Kontrolle".
20200415—20020000    —SEIT, Der Preis für USA—ROHÖL der Sorte WEST—TEXAS Intermediate (WTI) fiel am Vormittag —BIS auf 19,20 USA—DOLLAR je Barrel und damit auf den tiefsten Stand.
20200415—20200416    —ON, Abbott Laboratories said will start shipping 1—TEST that can identify people who have recovered from 1—CORONA€”VIRUS—INFECTION even if they never developed symptoms.
20200415—20200427    —AM, ALLE—VOLKSFESTE und Flohmärkte zu Ehren des 53. Geburtstags von KÖNIG—WILLEM—ALEXANDER wurden abgesagt.
20200415—20200501    —ON, G20 financial officials said they had agreed on 1—COORDINATED approach for 1—SUSPENSION—OF—DEBT—SERVICE—PAYMENTS for the world's poorest countries —STARTING—UNTIL THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR.
20200415—20200503    —BIS, Coronakrise: Bund will Kontaktbeschränkungen verlängern
20200415—20200504    —AB, Unterricht in Schulen soll schrittweise wieder starten, —CORONA—KRISE:
20200415—20200504    —AB, Coronakrise: Unterricht in Schulen soll schrittweise wieder starten
20200415—20220000    —BIS, In den USA könnten einer Studie zufolge immer wieder Phasen von sozialer Distanz notwendig sein.
20200627—20210415    —ANNOUNCED, THE—BIDEN—ADMINISTRATION, that USA—INTELLIGENCE—ONLY had "low to moderate" confidence in the story.
20201103—20200415    —SINCE, FRANCE—DAILY—COVID—19—DEATH—TOLL spiked by 854, 1—INCREASE unseen, —WHILE THE—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE hospitalized for the disease went up by more than a 1,000 for the 5. time in —9—DAYS.
20210308             Auf Reisen ins Ausland sollen die Niederländer noch —BIS mindestens 20210415             verzichten.
20210415             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—EUROPEAN—UNION has agreed to impose sanctions on another 10—INDIVIDUALS linked to 20210201             —THE coup in MYANMAR and to target 2—BUSINESSES—RUN by the armed forces for the 1. time in protest at the military takeover.
20210415             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA, economic SANCTIONS—AGAINST—RUSSIA and the expulsion of 10—DIPLOMATS in retaliation for what WASHINGTON says is THE—KREMLIN—USA—ELECTION—INTERFERENCE, 1—MASSIVE cyber attack and other hostile activity.
20210415             THE—WHITE—HOUSE said in 1—STATEMENT that RUSSIA—FOREIGN—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICE, known as THE—SVR, was responsible for the SolarWinds hack, which led to the compromise of 9—FEDERAL—AGENCIES and HUNDREDS—OF—PRIVATE—SECTOR—COMPANIES.
20210415             CALIFORNIA and NASA, with the backing of billionaire MICHAEL—BLOOMBERG, unveiled a $100—MILLION—EFFORT to pinpoint large EMISSIONS—OF—GREENHOUSE—GASES from individual sources like power plants and oil refineries from space.
20210415             CALIFORNIA to date had 3,686,484 CASES—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS and 60,412 deaths.
20210415             THE—SF—BAY—AREA had 429,948 cases and 6,122 deaths.
20210415             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 31,491,453 with the death toll at 565,254.
20210415             —KILLED, Police said the gunman, himself.
20210415             —HOSPITALIZED, At least 5—OTHER—PEOPLE had been, with injuries, including 1 in critical condition.
20210415             —IDENTIFIED, The suspected shooter was soon, as BRANDON—SCOTT—HOLE, —19—JAHRE—ALT.
20210415             MONTANA, 1—BACKCOUNTRY guide who was fishing —JUST WEST—OF—YELLOWSTONE National Park was fatally attacked by 1—LARGE grizzly bear that might have been protecting 1—FOOD—SOURCE.
20210415             Pfizer CEO—ALBERT—BOURLA said people will "likely" need to get 1—COVID 19—VACCINE booster dose within —12—MONTHS—AFTER they've been fully vaccinated.
20210415             Medical device maker Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc said it would acquire contract researcher PPD Inc for $17.4—BILLION as it looks to add more muscle to its pharmaceutical services business.
20210415             Toyota said it is recalling nearly 280,000 Venza SUVs in THE—USA—BECAUSE 1—WIRING problem can stop the side air bags from inflating in 1—CRASH.
20210415             —CALLED, Campaign for 1—COMMERCIAL—FREE—CHILDHOOD (CCFC), on Facebook Inc CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OFFICER—MARK—ZUCKERBERG to not create 1—VERSION—OF—PHOTO—SHARING app Instagram for children who are under 13, as it would put them at "great risk".
20210415             1—EMERGENCY—SHIPMENT—OF sedatives needed to intubate severely ill COVID—19—PATIENTS arrived in BRAZIL late —LATE—TODAY from CHINA.
20210415             —RECORDED, BRAZIL has, 1—TOTAL—OF—365,444 CORONA€”VIRUS deaths, 2. only to THE—USA, and 13,746,681 confirmed COVID—19—CASES.
20210415             —REPORTED, BRITAIN, 2,672 new COVID cases, up slightly from 2,491 —1—DAY—EARLIER but taking the fall over the last —7—DAYS to almost 7% compared with —1—WEEK—EARLIER.
20210415             —REPORTED, It was, that nearly 15,000 anonymous accounts of sexual misconduct, including harassment, groping, and rape, have been shared online by students from schools across THE—UK.
20210415             CAMBODIA, a —2-WEEK lockdown began in PHNOM—PENH under orders from PRIME—MINISTER—HUN—SENATOR—CAMBODIA has so far confirmed 4,874 CORONA€”VIRUS cases and 35—DEATHS.
20210415             —SHROUDED, CHINA, the 3. dust storm in about —5—WEEKS, BEIJING in 1—YELLOW haze and caused air quality to deteriorate once again.
20210415             —OCCURRED, The dust storm that, in THE—MIDDLE—OF—MARCH was the deadliest of THE—3—SO far —THIS—YEAR.
20210415             —OCCURRED, At least 10—DEATHS, in MONGOLIA and HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE became disoriented trying to locate cattle that had gone missing.
20210415             —LAUNCHED, CHINA—AUTOMAKER—GEELY, owner of Volvo Cars, 1—HIGH—END—ELECTRIC—VEHICLE (EV) brand named Zeekr, targeting CHINA—GROWING appetite for premium EVs that has boosted sales for Tesla and CHINA—PEER Nio.
20210415             —CHARGED, DENMARK, 3—MEMBERS—OF—1—IRAN—SEPARATIST—GROUP, the Arab Struggle Movement for the Liberation of Ahwaz, with financing and promoting terror in IRAN with 1—UNNAMED—SAUDI—ARABIA—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICE.
20210415             —EMBATTLED, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL said ERITREA—SOLDIERS remain in ETHIOPIA's, Tigray region and are killing civilians weeks —AFTER ETHIOPIA said the soldiers would leave.
20210415             —CONTINUED, Deadly fighting, in several parts of Tigray.
20210415             —REPORTED, FRANCE, 300—NEW—DEATHS due to THE—CORONA€”VIRUS bringing its total to 100,077. FRANCE became the 3. EU country, —AFTER BRITAIN and ITALY, to pass the 100,000 mark.
20210415             —IMPOSED, INDIA—2—LARGEST—CITIES, NEW—DELHI and Mumbai, stringent restrictions on movement as new infections in the country shot past 200,000 amid 1—DEVASTATING surge that is straining 1—FRAGILE—HEALTH—SYSTEM.
20210415             —FINALIZED, IRAN said it has, 1—DEAL with RUSSIA to purchase 60—MILLION doses of Sputnik V CORONA€”VIRUS vaccine.
20210415             —ROCKED, IRAQ, 1—EXPLOSION, 1—MARKET in EAST—BAGHDAD—SADR—CITY, killing 1—PERSON and injuring 12—OTHERS.
20210415             Separately, 1—ROCKET—ATTACK targeting 1—TURKEY—MILITARY—BASE in NORTH—IRAQ—BASHIQA region killed 1—TURKEY—SOLDIER and wounded 1—CHILD in 1—NEARBY—VILLAGE.
20210415             Nissan Motor Co said it will slash production at several factories in JAPAN —NEXT—MONTH due to 1—GLOBAL—SHORTAGE—OF semiconductors.
20210415             THE—LEBANON—JUDGE leading the investigation into —LAST—YEAR—MASSIVE—BLAST at BEIRUT—PORT ordered the release of 6—PEOPLE, including security officers, who had been detained —FOR—MONTHS.
20210415             —APPROVED, ROMANIA—CENTRIST—GOVERNMENT, 1—USA—BACKED bill that effectively bars CHINA and Huawei from taking part in development of its 5G network.
20210415             1—RUSSIA—COURT—CONVICTED—LYUBOV—SOBOL, 1—TOP—ASSOCIATE—OF imprisoned opposition leader ALEXEI—NAVALNY, of tresspassing and handed her 1 suspended sentence of —1—YEAR—COMMUNITY—SERVICE for trying to gain entry into the apartment of 1—RELATIVE—OF—THE alleged security operative believed to be involved in NAVALNY—POISONING.
20210415             SAUDI—ARABIA—JIZAN—UNIVERSITY, near the country's border with YEMEN, caught fire —EARLY—TODAY—AFTER the kingdom's air defenses intercepted 1—BARRAGE—OF—BALLISTIC—MISSILES and BOMB—LADEN drones.
20210415             There were no immediate REPORTS—OF—INJURIES.
20210415             —ASKED, UKRAINE—TOP—DIPLOMAT, for stronger Western backing, saying "WORDS—OF—SUPPORT aren't enough" amid escalating tensions in the country's east and 1—RUSSIA—TROOP buildup across the border.
20210415             —WARNED, THE—UN—HUMANITARIAN—CHIEF, that the world's largest humanitarian crisis in YEMEN is getting even worse with THE—COVID—19—PANDEMIC "roaring back" in recent weeks as the Arab world's poorest country faces 1—LARGE—SCALE famine.
20210415             —RECEIVED, VENEZUELA said it has, 1—BATCH—OF—50,000 doses of RUSSIA—SPUTNIK V CORONA€”VIRUS vaccine.
20210415             —REPORTED, VENEZUELA has, 178,094 CASES—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS and 1,834 deaths, according to official figures.
20210415             Wenn es für JOE—BIDEN so leicht wäre...
20210415             Als 1. Kryptoplattform: Coinbase gibt fulminantes Debüt an der USA—BÖRSE
20210415             Nordirak: USA—BASIS mit bewaffneter Drohne angegriffen
20210415             Ukrainekonflikt: USA senden vorerst keine Kriegsschiffe ins Schwarze Meer
20210415             Trotz CORONA: Wirtschaftsweise prognostizieren weiteren Aufschwung
20210415             GEORGIA: Hunderte USA—UNTERNEHMEN kritisieren Georgias Wahlrechtsreform
20210415             Mietrecht: Bundesverfassungsgericht erklärt Berliner Mietendeckel für verfassungswidrig
20210415             —VERBIETET, Razzien gegen Rocker: NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN, BANDIDOS—VEREIN
20210415             Wegen Sozialleistungen für Eltern: Mehr als eine halbe Million Minderjährige haben Schulden beim STAAT
20210415             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Daten von 530—MILLIONEN Nutzern : BUNDESTAG warnt Abgeordnete wegen FACEBOOK—LEAK
20210415             Maskenaffäre: BUNDESTAG hebt erneut IMMUNITÄT—DES—ABGEORDNETEN—NÜSSLEIN auf
20210415             BERLIN: Brandstiftung an Fahrzeugen — Durchsuchungen in Neukölln
20210415             Klimakrise: Droht der Menschheit Atemnot?
20210415             Reaktionen auf MIETENDECKEL—URTEIL: "Klatsche für ROT—ROT—GRÜN" oder "schwarzer —TAG für Mieter"?
20210415             Laschet zur Coronapolitik: "Die Lage ist ernst, und wir müssen —JETZT handeln"
20210415             —VERHANDLUNGEN über Truppenabzug: USA—AUßENMINISTER überraschend in AFGHANISTAN eingetroffen
20210415             Airlines kooperieren mit Bahn: Jeder 5. Inlandsflug soll wegfallen
20210415             SPIEGEL—KLIMABERICHT: Werden Klimasünden bald wie Völkermord behandelt?
20210415             Neuer Expertenrat der Bundesregierung legt Bericht vor: DEUTSCHLAND hat den Klimatest bestanden — aber nicht aus eigener Kraft
20210415             Nach Hackerangriff: USA verhängen Sanktionen gegen RUSSLAND und weisen Diplomaten aus
20210415             Digitales Zertifikat zum Reisen: SAP und Telekom entwickeln EU—TECHNIK für Impfnachweis
20210415             Unterschätzte Coronagefahr: "Berufsschulen sind für das Virus eine ideale Infrastruktur"
20210415             Vorwurf der Ungleichbehandlung: Händler drohen mit Verfassungsklage gegen das Infektionsschutzgesetz
20210415             Konjunktur: USA—ARBEITSLOSENANTRÄGE auf niedrigstem Stand —SEIT Beginn der Pandemie
20210415             Durchbruch in der Biotechnik: Forscher erschaffen Mischwesen aus Mensch und Affe
20210415             Historischer MACHTKAMPF—MODUS: Wenn 2—SICH streiten...
20210415             Coronakrise: Der digitale Impfnachweis soll doch ohne Blockchain auskommen
20210415             Wahlkampf: Wagenknecht geht gegen AFD—PLAKAT vor
20210415             "Schwerer Fauxpas": VON—DER—LEYEN lässt Stabschef auf Einladung aus der UKRAINE antworten
20210415             Thu
20210415             niemand braucht und niemand will.
20210415             Aber wartet, geht noch weiter.
20210415             Der CEO—VON—UBIRCH sagt, es gab nie 5—BLOCKCHAINS.
20210415             Hmm, ja wo kam denn die Information her?
20210415             Ich hatte es vom ehemaligen Nachrichtemagazin. Und wo hatten die das her?
20210415             Aus den erfassten Daten wird ein anonymer Fingerabdruck generiert, kryptografisch signiert und von UBIRCH als Nachweis in einer Blockchain der govdigital sowie 4—WEITEREN Blockchains verankert.
20210415             —JETZT steht da selbstredend was anderes.
20210415             Soll ja nicht so offensichtlich sein, wie belastbar AUSSAGEN—DES—CEO sind.
20210415             Aber gut, was erwartest du von jemandem, der in der ONLINE—WERBEINDUSTRIE gearbeitet hat.
20210415             [l] Es gibt Neuigkeiten vom digitalen Impfpass mit den 5—BLOCKCHAINS.
20210415             Die 5—BLOCKCHAINS sind vom Tisch.
20210415             Weil sich plötzlich und überraschend herausstellte, dass die außer diesem Startup niemand braucht und niemand will.
20210415             [l] Das Bundesverfassungsgericht hat den Mietdeckel des Berliner Senats komplett für verfassungswidrig und nichtig erklärt.
20210415             Hmm, dann werden wir die Arbeit des Senats wohl nach seinen anderen Tätigkeiten beurteilen müssen.
20210415             Wie... nach der COVID—POLITIK und dem Flughafen. Update: Leserbrief:
20210415             wollte nur ergänzen, dass der Mietendeckel nicht an sich als grundgesetzwidrig eingestuft wird, sondern nur in der formellen Prüfung zur Ablehnung geführt hat, weil es das Bundesverfassungsgericht keine Landeskompetenz in der Angelegenheit sieht.
20210415             Materiell wurde also gar nicht geprüft.
20210415             Das ist auch der Grund, warum die —ENTSCHEIDUNG so schnell kam.
20210415             [l] Die CDU hat endlich 1—WAFFE gegen die AfD gefunden.
20210415             Sie vertreten einfach auch die "Werte" der AfD! Wie macht man das am besten?
20210415             Man stellt Kandidaten auf, die bei der AfD rausgeflogen wären, weil sie zu rechtsradikal sind.
20210415             Leute, die bei der AfD noch mehr langjährige Beobachtung durch den "Verfassungs""schutz" ausgelöst hätten.
20210415             Leute wie... - HANS—GEORG—MAASSEN!
20210415             [l] Wie verfassungsfeindlich ist eigentlich die Groko im BUNDESTAG?
20210415             Stellt sich raus: Der BUNDESTAG pflegt 1—LISTE der für nichtig oder verfassungswidrig erklärten Bundesgesetze.
20210415             Klickt da mal drauf und ergötzt euch daran, wie lang diese Liste ist.
20210415             Kapitel_10_06_F__r_nichtig_oder_verfassungswidrig_erkl__rte_BUNDESGESETZE—PDF—DATA
20210415             [l] Der Herr MINISTER—SPAHN hat für die Finanzierung des Kaufs seiner MILLIONEN—VILLA kein Eigenkapital gebraucht.
20210415             Wow, fragt ihr euch —JETZT vielleicht, wie geht denn das?
20210415             Welche Bank macht denn sowas?
20210415             Da will ich auch hin!1!! Es war die Sparkasse Westmünsterland.
20210415             Winziges Randdetail: Da sitzt der Spahn im Vorstand Verwaltungsrat.
20210415             Korruption? Aber nicht doch!
20210415             Bei der CDU heißt das Wirtschaftskompetenz!
20210415             Nicht Vorstand sondern Verwaltungsrat, dass nennt man in anderen Unternehmen oft Aufsichtsrat.
20210415             Und Spahn sitzt nicht sondern saß (20150000             —BIS) in eben diesem bei der genannten Sparkasse.
20210415             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—182—(=)—ÓBITOS—11—(=)—RECUPERADOS—171—(=)
20210415             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—89—(+5)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—66—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—21—(+5)
20210415             VILA—DO—BISPO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—138—(=)—ÓBITOS—6—(=)—RECUPERADOS—132—(=)
20210415             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1378—(+1)—ÓBITOS—27—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1341—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—10—(=)
20210415             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—2458—(+15)—ÓBITOS—30—(=)—RECUPERADOS—2218—(+11)—CASOS—ATIVOS—210—(+4)
20210415             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1252—(=)—ÓBITOS—12—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1225—(+5)—CASOS—ATIVOS—15—(-5)
20210415             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—692—(+1)—ÓBITOS—14—(=)—RECUPERADOS—664—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—14—(-1)
20210415             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—2395—(=)—ÓBITOS—44—(=)—RECUPERADOS—2266—(+9)—CASOS—ATIVOS—85—(-9)
20210415             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—3765—(+4)—ÓBITOS—63—(=)—RECUPERADOS—3662—(+4)—CASOS—ATIVOS—40—(=)
20210415             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—3229—(+1)—ÓBITOS—52—(=)—RECUPERADOS—3117—(+9)—CASOS—ATIVOS—60—(-8)
20210415             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1768—(=)—ÓBITOS—22—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1693—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—53—(-2)
20210415             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1522—(=)—ÓBITOS—29—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1472—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—21—(=)
20210415             CASTRO—MARIM Casos confirmados - 389 (=) Óbitos - 1 (=)
20210415             ALCOUTIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—83—(=)—ÓBITOS—4—(=)—RECUPERADOS—79—(=)
20210415             VRSA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1269—(+2)—ÓBITOS—19—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1239—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—11—(+2)
20210415             INCIDÊNCIA—NACIONAL: 72,4 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19—POR 100 000—HAB.
20210415             Continente: 69,0casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19—POR 100 000—HAB.
20210415             R(t) - Nacional: 1,06 - Continente: 1,05
20210415             LK—ZWICKAU—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—1.192—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—378,4—FÄLLE—GESAMT—22.378—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—7.104,1—TODESFÄLLE—GESAMT—890—EINWOHNERZAHL—315.002
20210415             LK—VOGTLANDKREIS—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—785—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—347,3—FÄLLE—GESAMT—16.887—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—7.472,2—EINWOHNERZAHL—225.997
20210415             LK—HOF—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—450—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—474,7—FÄLLE—GESAMT—5.505—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—5.806,9—TODESFÄLLE—GESAMT—126—EINWOHNERZAHL—94.801
20210415             LK—GOTHA—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—457—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—338,7—FÄLLE—GESAMT—6.545—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—4.851,5—TODESFÄLLE—GESAMT—180—EINWOHNERZAHL—134.908
20210415             LK—RHÖN—GRABFELD—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—213—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—267,5—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—3.689,3—EINWOHNERZAHL—79.635
20210415             LK—CHAM—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—339—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—264,8—FÄLLE—GESAMT—6.062—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—4.736,0—TODESFÄLLE—GESAMT—157—EINWOHNERZAHL—127.998
20210415             LK—DINGOLFING—LANDAU—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—330—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—341,3—FÄLLE—GESAMT—4.474—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—4.627,5—EINWOHNERZAHL—96.683
20210415             LK—DONAU—RIES—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—359—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—268,3—FÄLLE—GESAMT—4.759—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—3.557,3—EINWOHNERZAHL—133.783
20210415             Angebliche Teilnahme an Putschversuch
20210415             Spannungen mit RUSSLAND: UKRAINISCHER—BOTSCHAFTER droht mit atomarer Aufrüstung
20210415             Ansturm —NACH—DEM Lockdown: ENGLISCHE—PUBS verzeichnen Umsatzrekorde
20210415             INCIDÊNCIA - Nacional: 72,4 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20210415             Continente: 69,0casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20210415             SK—KÖLN—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—1.782—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—163,8—FÄLLE—GESAMT—42.544—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—3.910,8—TODESFÄLLE—GESAMT—606—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.087.863
20210415             SK—REMSCHEID—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—327,8—FÄLLE—GESAMT—4.978—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—4.471,1—TODESFÄLLE—GESAMT—143—EINWOHNERZAHL—111.338
20210415             SK—HAGEN—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—504—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—267,1—FÄLLE—GESAMT—9.702—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—5.141,9—TODESFÄLLE—GESAMT—271—EINWOHNERZAHL—188.686
20210415             GLOBAL—CASES—138.675.866—GLOBAL—DEATHS—2.978.923
20210415             Die sogenannten Wirtschaftsweisen rechnen trotz des verlängerten CORONA—LOCKDOWNS mit einem Aufschwung der DEUTSCHEN—WIRTSCHAFT im 2. Halbjahr.
20210415             "Wir erwarten weiterhin 1—WACHSTUM von rund 3—PROZENT im laufenden —JAHR",
20210415             "Denn die vom Lockdown betroffenen Branchen machen einen nur geringen TEIL—DER—WERTSCHÖPFUNG aus, und außerdem ist der Handel ja nicht komplett geschlossen".
20210415             2. Coronawelle trifft ARGENTINIEN: Regierung verhängt Lockdown
20210415             Der 1. Öffnungstag nach —MONATEN im Lockdown hat ENGLISCHEN—PUBS und Gaststätten Rekordeinnahmen beschert.
20210415             —BEGEHRT, Getränke waren dabei —AM—MONTAG besonders, wie der Branchenanalyst CGA ermittelte.
20210415             Der Verkauf von Bier, Wein und Sekt in den Pubs sei 113—PROZENT höher gewesen als am selben —TAG 20190000             .
20210415             Bemerkenswert ist dabei nach ANSICHT—DER—EXPERTEN, dass nur die Außengastronomie geöffnet hat und vor allem am Vormittag in LONDON und weiten Teilen Englands winterliche Temperaturen herrschten.
20210415             Die Bestellungen nahmen um 150—PROZENT zu, zahlreiche Betriebe sind auf —WOCHEN ausgebucht.
20210415             Mehr als 29.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN, —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ steigt auf 160,1
20210415             In seinem aktuellen Lagebericht von Mittwochabend schreibt das RKI: "Nach einem vorübergehenden Rückgang der Fallzahlen über die Osterfeiertage setzt sich der starke Anstieg der Fallzahlen fort".
20210415             —GETESTET, Rund um die Osterfeiertage war laut RKI weniger, und gemeldet worden.
20210415             Der bundesweite —7—TAGE—R—WERT lag —NACH—DEM RKI—LAGEBERICHT von Mittwochabend bei 1,11 (Vortag: 1,08).
20210415             Die Deutschen bleiben einer Umfrage zufolge trotz der mehr als —1—JAHR andauernden Coronapandemie zuversichtlich und blicken optimistisch in die Zukunft.
20210415             GROSSBRITANNIEN hält Zahlen zu Impfstoffexporten zurück und verweist auf nationale Sicherheit
20210415             schreibt das Außenministerium in LONDON, die Informationen seien vorhanden.
20210415             —ZUNÄCHST müsse aber geprüft werden, ob es im öffentlichen Interesse LIEGE, sie zu veröffentlichen.
20210415             im öffentlichen Interesse LIEGE, sie zu veröffentlichen.
20210415             Die EU hatte GROSSBRITANNIEN vorgeworfen, Impfstoffexporte zu blockieren und führte unter anderem deswegen einen Exportkontrollmechanismus ein.
20210415             LONDON wies den Vorwurf zurück und bezichtigte die EU, ihrerseits mit dem Mechanismus Impfnationalismus zu betreiben.
20210415             Nach ANGABEN—DER—EUROPÄISCHEN—KOMMISSION wurden allein —BIS Ende —MÄRZ mehr als 20—MILLIONEN Dosen Impfstoff vom Kontinent nach GROSSBRITANNIEN geliefert.
20210415             Ob und wie viele in die andere Richtung gingen, ist nicht genau bekannt.
20210415             Nach EU—ANGABEN war es so gut wie nichts.
20210415             —VERZEICHNET, INDIEN, mehr als 200.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN pro —TAG
20210415             ISLAND lockert Coronabeschränkungen
20210415             OLAF—SCHOLZ verteidigt geplantes Infektionsschutzgesetz
20210415             Lufthansa will Mitarbeiter selbst impfen
20210415             Noch wartet die Fluggesellschaft allerdings auf Impfstoff.
20210415             "5—NACH 12" — Intensivmediziner fordern schnelles Handeln der Regierung
20210415             Der frühere PRÄSIDENT—DER—VEREINIGUNG, UWE—JANSSENS, sagte an die Politik gewandt im Fernsehsender PHOENIX: "Wir haben 5—NACH 12, ihr müsst —JETZT handeln, es muss —JETZT 1—STRATEGIE verfolgt werden, die bundesweit einheitlich gilt".
20210415             Wären die vor —WOCHEN beschlossenen Maßnahmen flächendeckend umgesetzt worden, hätte man die aktuelle Entwicklung mit einem starken Anstieg der Infektionszahlen noch abschwächen können.
20210415             ALLE—MINISTER—DER—REGIERUNG—ZYPERNS mit AstraZeneca geimpft
20210415             Um Ängste der Menschen vor möglichen Nebenwirkungen des Impfstoffs AstraZeneca auszuräumen,
20210415             Sauerstoff in INDIEN wegen steigender Patientenzahlen knapp
20210415             Nach ANGABEN—DER—REGIERUNG läuft die PRODUKTION—VON—MEDIZINISCHEM—SAUERSTOFF —SEIT—TAGEN auf maximal möglichem Niveau.
20210415             "Wenn die Bedingungen so bleiben, wird die ZAHL—DER—TOTEN steigen",
20210415             Beobachter warnen vor vielen weiteren Fällen, weil Hunderttausende Pilger sich —AM—MITTWOCH zu einem religiösen Fest versammelt hatten.
20210415             Auch RKI sieht dramatische Situation in DEUTSCHEN—KLINIKEN
20210415             ine GRUPPE—VON—HÄNDLERN und Gastronomen will gegen die geplante Änderung des Infektionsschutzgesetzes und der Einführung einer bundesweiten CORONA—NOTBREMSE klagen.
20210415             "Die Regierung zwingt uns, weitere juristische Schritte zu unternehmen, weil wir schlicht am Ende sind",
20210415             —KRITISIERT, Weltärztepräsident, Inzidenz als alleinigen Auslöser für Notbremse
20210415             "Wir brauchen einen Mix aus Werten", sagte FRANK—ULRICH—MONTGOMERY
20210415             "Es ist dann unverantwortlich, wenn man über den Lockdown lange redet, wenn man gute Erfahrungen aus dem Ausland hat, die einem belegen, dass 1—LOCKDOWN wirkt, und wenn man dann darüber —WOCHEN und —MONATE redet und diskutiert und verhandelt, aber nicht zu einer konsequenten Lösung kommt, dann spielt man dem Virus direkt in die Karten.
20210415             Nobelpreisträgerinnen UND—PREISTRÄGER fordern Aussetzung des Patentschutzes für CORONA—IMPFSTOFFE
20210415             Zu den 170—UNTERZEICHNERN gehören neben den Nobelpreisträgerinnen und Nobelpreisträgern MUHAMMAD—YUNUS, JOSEPH—STIGLITZ und Françoise BARRÉ—SINOUSSI auch Frankreichs EX—PRÄSIDENT—FRANÇOIS—HOLLANDE, der frühere BRITISCHE—PREMIERMINISTER—GORDON—BROWN sowie der ehemalige sowjetische STAATSCHEF—MICHAIL—GORBATSCHOW.
20210415             Es sei ermutigend, dass die USA—REGIERUNG den Vorschlag Südafrikas und Indiens prüfe, innerhalb der Welthandelsorganisation (WTO) eine zeitweise Aufhebung des Abkommens über handelsbezogene Aspekte des geistigen Eigentums (Trips) zu erreichen,
20210415             Der Vorstoß wird von Dutzenden ärmeren Ländern unterstützt, während die Industrienationen, in denen die großen Pharmakonzerne ansässig sind, dies bislang ablehnen.
20210415             Forscher in HESSEN untersuchen Abwasser auf Spuren von CORONA—MUTANTEN
20210415             Damit sollten ihre Verbreitungswege nachverfolgt werden,
20210415             —GELUNGEN, Forschern war es in der Vergangenheit —BEREITS, das CORONA€”VIRUS im Abwasser nachzuweisen.
20210415             —NUN soll das Abwasser als Quelle für genomische Informationen der Mutanten zur Verfolgung des Infektionsgeschehens genutzt werden.
20210415             LITAUEN will sich um ASTRAZENECA—DOSEN aus DÄNEMARK bemühen
20210415             Umfrage: 40—PROZENT—DER—UNGEIMPFTEN beneiden —BEREITS immunisierte Mitbürger
20210415             WHO zählt mehr als eine Million CORONA—TODESFÄLLE in EUROPA
20210415             Die Ständige Impfkommission (Stiko) warnt vor einer Aufhebung der Impfpriorisierung.
20210415             Es müssten mit den begrenzten Impfstoffmengen weiter möglichst Menschen mit hohem Risiko vor einem schweren COVID—19—VERLAUF geschützt werden, etwa Vorerkrankte,
20210415             —PRODUZIERT, DATENANALYSE—UNTERNEHMEN: Mehr als 1—MILLIARDE—CORONA—IMPFDOSEN, — EU—IMPFZIELE könnten sich verschieben
20210415             Der Zeitpunkt, an dem in der EU 75—PROZENT der rund 447—MILLIONEN Einwohner geimpft sind, könnte um gut —2—MONATE nach hinten rutschen,
20210415             Anstatt Ende —SEPTEMBER werde der Zeitpunkt womöglich —ERST Ende der 1. Dezemberwoche erreicht.
20210415             Thüringer Verfassungsschutz: "Querdenken"-Bewegung zum Verdachtsfall machen
20210415             "—JETZT ist es mittlerweile aber so, dass die Extremisten die Wortführerschaft und mehr und mehr die Regie übernehmen, auch wenn sie zahlenmäßig nicht in der Mehrheit sind"
20210415             Curevac plant Zulassungsantrag für CORONA—IMPFSTOFF im 2. Quartal
20210415             Thüringer COVID—19—PATIENTEN vor Verlegung in andere Bundesländer
20210415             Fast 740.000—IMPFDOSEN an einem —TAG in DEUTSCHLAND verabreicht
20210415             17,8 PROZENT—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG haben mindestens 1—IMPFUNG.
20210415             BREMEN, und im SAARLAND sind es mehr als 20—PROZENT
20210415             EU—KOMMISSIONSCHEFIN—VON—DER—LEYEN mit Biontech geimpft
20210415             Für Menschen, die 1—CORONA—ERKRANKUNG überstanden haben, gibt es keine besonderen Regeln bei Treffen mit anderen.
20210415             Das hat das Berliner Verwaltungsgericht —AM—DONNERSTAG—NACH—DEM Eilantrag eines Mannes beschlossen.
20210415             Die in der Verordnung geregelten Beschränkungen seien voraussichtlich rechtmäßig, teilte das Gericht mit.
20210415             Mediziner: Virusmutationen treiben 2. Coronawelle in INDIEN an
20210415             DKG: VIELE—KRANKENHÄUSER fahren Regelversorgung zurück
20210415             ESTLAND wartet mit EINSATZ—VON—JOHNSON &-JOHNSON—IMPFSTOFF ab — POLEN nicht
20210415             Neuseelands Grenzbeamte erproben FRÜHWARN—APP gegen COVID—19
20210415             Zahl erfasster CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN in DEUTSCHLAND nahe an bisherigem Höchstwert
20210415             Umfrage: Internetnutzung im CORONA—JAHR um 9—WOCHENSTUNDEN gestiegen
20210415             "Die 1. Umarmung" in CORONA—ZEITEN ist Weltpressefoto des Jahres
20210415             Coronatests für Thüringer Schulen werden knapp
20210415             Royals müssen bei Trauerfeier Masken tragen und Abstand halten
20210415             Der BÜRGERMEISTER—VON—RIO—DE—JANEIRO, EDUARDO—PAES, hat sich eigenen Angaben zufolge zum 2. Mal mit dem CORONA€”VIRUS infiziert.
20210415             Paes sei —AM—DONNERSTAG mit leichten GRIPPE—SYMPTOMEN aufgewacht und habe daraufhin einen Schnelltest gemacht, der positiv ausgefallen sei,
20210415             FRANKREICH meldet 100.000—TOTE im Zusammenhang mit COVID—19 - ISRAEL hebt Maskenpflicht im Freien auf
20210415             [l] OKLAHOMA überholt GEORGIA nochmal rechts auf dem Weg in den Abgrund:
20210415             legislation that passed in THE—REPUBLICAN—CONTROLLED Senate —ON—WEDNESDAY increases penalties for protesters who block streets —WHILE granting blanket immunity for drivers who injure or even kill protesters.
20210415             Wer also —SCHON immer mal seine GTA—GELÜSTE ausleben wollte (die Älteren unter euch erinnern sich vielleicht noch an Carmageddon), und euch der Gestank nicht stört: OKLAHOMA freut sich auf euren Besuch!1!!
20210415             —FUNKTIONIERT, Coronafreier Hunsrückort Lieg: "Unser Dorffunk, bestens"
20210415             —BESTELLT, Diplomatische Krise: RUSSLAND, nach Sanktionen USA—BOTSCHAFTER ein
20210415             Gesetzesänderung: Discounter müssen künftig alte Elektrogeräte zurücknehmen
20210415             Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgerichts: Tausende Berliner demonstrieren gegen MIETENDECKEL—AUS
20210415             —KONFLIKT zwischen der TÜRKEI und GRIECHENLAND: Außenministertreffen eskaliert vor der Presse
20210415             Streit über USA—SANKTIONEN: POLEN weist 3—RUSSISCHE—DIPLOMATEN aus, Moskau kontert
20210415             DÄNEMARK: Salmonellen in Naturheilmittel — 3—TOTE
20210415             —KONFLIKT an der Krim: UKRAINE wirft RUSSLAND Provokationen im Asowschen Meer vor
20210415—20210309    —AM, Vielleicht von der Webseite von Ubirch, wo stand:
20220322—20220415    —UNTIL, S&P to withdraw ratings of all RUSSIA—COMPANIES amid EU ban on their assignment
20220331—20220415    —AS—OF, RUSSIA to introduce quota on exporting sunflower oil to ban exporting sunflower seeds, rapeseeds as of 20220401             , SOURCE  Agriculture Ministry
20220406             —NACHDEM das EU—PARLAMENT der Urheberrechtsreform 20190326             —AM zugestimmt hatte, empfahl Barley den anderen Mitgliedern des Bundeskabinetts, dass DEUTSCHLAND der neuen EU—RICHTLINIE bei der abschließenden Abstimmung im Rat der Europäischen Union 20190415             —AM zustimmen soll.[32] Der Justizministerin wurde inkonsequentes Handeln vorgeworfen, weil sie sich —ZUNÄCHST gegen UPLOAD—FILTER positioniert hatte und sich dann dennoch für 1—RICHTLINIE, dessen Artikel 17—AUS der Sicht vieler Experten ohne UPLOAD—FILTER nicht umsetzbar ist, einsetzte.
20220415             —FREITAG, 20220415
20220415             Akute Knappheit: Der Preiswahnsinn auf Deutschlands Automarkt
20220415             Verbot von Schwangerschaftsabbrüchen: Floridas GOUVERNEUR unterzeichnet striktes Abtreibungsgesetz
20220415             —AM Flughafen AMSTERDAM festgenommen: Schmuggler wollten 300.000—BABY—AALE aus EUROPA ausführen
20220415             "Starres Weltbild": STRACK—ZIMMERMANN kontert Mützenich im Streit über Waffenlieferungen
20220415             Weiter hohes CORONA—INFEKTIONSRISIKO: RKI mahnt zu Vorsicht — auch an den Ostertagen
20220415             Krieg in Osteuropa: CIA warnt vor russischem Einsatz kleinerer Atomwaffen, Angriffe im Osten der UKRAINE — das geschah —IN—DER—NACHT
20220415             JERUSALEM: Rund 100—VERLETZTE bei Zusammenstößen auf Tempelberg
20220415             "Das ist vielleicht nicht ganz so gemütlich": Habeck gibt Tipps fürs Energiesparen
20220415             620—MILLIONEN Dollar Beute: FBI macht NORDKOREA für KRYPTO—RAUBZUG verantwortlich
20220415             Nach unangekündigtem USA—BESUCH: CHINA startet Militärübungen in TAIWAN
20220415             VISIT—OF—USA—DELEGATION to TAIWAN undermines CHINA—USA—RELATIONS, CHINA—TOP brass says
20220415             Such actions by THE—USA—GROSSLY violate the 'One CHINA' principle, CHINA—DEFENSE—MINISTRY—SPOKESMAN Wu Qian pointed out
20220415             "In relation to that, THE—CHINA—SIDE expresses resolute protest and made 1—SERIOUS—REMONSTRANCE to THE—USA—OVER this," the statement said.
20220415             According to the spokesman, THE—USA—DECLARES the observance of the "1—CHINA" principle yet at the same time "is sending erroneous signals to separatist forces that support TAIWAN—INDEPENDENCE".
20220415             He pointed out that such actions are hypocritical and lead to THE—ESCALATION—OF—THE—SITUATION in THE—TAIWAN Strait.
20220415             According to TAIWAN—CENTRAL—NEWS—AGENCY, THE—AMERICA—DELEGATION led by Republican SENATOR—LINDSEY—GRAHAM arrived —ON—THURSDAY night on 1—SHORT unannounced visit.
20220415             THE—GROUP—OF—POLITICIANS, which includes several prominent USA—SENATORS, made 1—LAYOVER in TAIPEI arriving aboard 1—MILITARY—PLANE on the way back from AUSTRALIA.
20220415             According to the agency, —ON—FRIDAY, THE—USA—OFFICIALS will meet with TAIWAN—REGIONAL—LEADER—TSAI ING—WEN and the heads of 1—NUMBER—OF—AGENCIES.
20220415             Vizekanzler ROBERT—HABECK dringt auf 1—AUSWEITUNG—DER—WAFFENLIEFERUNGEN in die UKRAINE.
20220415             "Es müssen mehr Waffen kommen",
20220415             sagt der GRÜNEN—POLITIKER den Zeitungen der Funke Mediengruppe laut Vorabbericht.
20220415             "Wir können die UKRAINE in dem Krieg nicht allein lassen.
20220415             Sie kämpft auch für uns".
20220415             Die UKRAINE dürfe nicht verlieren, Putin nicht gewinnen.
20220415             Gleichzeitig habe die Bundesregierung die Verantwortung dafür, dass DEUTSCHLAND nicht selbst zum Angriffsziel werde.
20220415             Große Panzer oder Kampfflugzeuge seien —BISHER nicht TEIL—DES—GESETZTEN—RAHMENS für Waffenlieferungen.
20220415             1—BRUTALISIERUNG—DES—KRIEGES bedeute jedoch auch, dass man in Quantität und Qualität der Waffenlieferungen zulegen müsse.
20220415             Die Uno stellt 100—MILLIONEN Dollar (92—MILLIONEN Euro) für den Kampf gegen die wegen des Ukrainekriegs drohende Verschärfung der Hungersnot im JEMEN und mehreren afrikanischen Ländern bereit.
20220415             "Die Auswirkungen des Konflikts in der UKRAINE drohen MILLIONEN—VON—MENSCHEN noch näher an den Hungertod zu treiben",
20220415             JAPAN sei nicht in der Lage, die Teilnahme der einzelnen Länder am G20-Finanzministertreffen —NÄCHSTE—WOCHE zu kommentieren, sagte Finanzminister Shunichi Suzuki —AM—FREITAG auf die Frage —NACH—DEN Plänen Russlands, online teilzunehmen.
20220415             Der inhaftierte KREML—KRITIKER Alexej Nawalny hat westliche Regierungen und USA—INTERNETKONZERNE aufgefordert, eine "Informationsfront" in RUSSLAND zu eröffnen.
20220415             In einer Botschaft an zahlreiche westliche Spitzenpolitiker und META—CHEF—MARK—ZUCKERBERG schrieb Nawalny —AM—DONNERSTAG auf Twitter, sie sollten die Propaganda des RUSSISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTEN WLADIMIR—PUTIN "mit Hilfe von Werbemöglichkeiten in den sozialen Medien zerschlagen".
20220415             Er bekräftigte: "Wir brauchen Werbung, viel Werbung".
20220415             In der Diskussion über Waffenlieferungen an die UKRAINE hat der 1. Parlamentarische Geschäftsführer der Linksfraktion im BUNDESTAG, JAN—KORTE, FDP und Grünen Kriegsrhetorik und "Waffenexzessforderungen" vorgeworfen.
20220415             Der "insbesondere von Grünen und FDP beförderte Weg der von —TAG zu —TAG stärkeren militärischen Einmischung" nehme immer bedrohlichere Ausmaße an, sagte Korte der DEUTSCHEN—PRESSE—AGENTUR.
20220415             "Es ist höchste Zeit, dieses gefährliche Spiel mit dem Feuer zu beenden".
20220415             Er forderte Bundeskanzler OLAF—SCHOLZ (SPD) dazu auf, "den Waffenexzessforderungen von Grünen und FDP Einhalt" zu gebieten.
20220415             "Wer mit täglich schrillerer Kriegsrhetorik immer mehr und immer schwerere Waffen an die UKRAINE liefern will, der muss konkret beantworten, um was es dabei in welchem Umfang geht und welcher Zweck damit verfolgt wird.
20220415             Und er muss beantworten, wie weit das Ganze gehen soll".
20220415             Das RUSSISCHE—PARLAMENT wird den Gesetzentwurf zur möglichen Verstaatlichung ausländischer Unternehmen —ERST—IM—MAI beraten.
20220415             Es sei nicht geplant, das Gesetz im Eilverfahren durchzupeitschen, berichtet die Tageszeitung "Wedomosti" unter Berufung auf Regierungskreise.
20220415             Die Initiative betrifft Unternehmen, die im Zuge des von RUSSLAND begonnenen Kriegs in der UKRAINE und den darauf folgenden westlichen Sanktionen ihre Tätigkeit in RUSSLAND eingestellt haben.
20220415             Aus der RUSSISCHE—FÜHRUNG hatte es daraufhin Drohungen gegeben, westliche Konzerne zu enteignen, die nicht bald wieder ihren Betrieb aufnehmen.
20220415             Teilweise wurde 20220501             —der, als Stichtag für die WIEDERAUFNAHME—DER—TÄTIGKEIT genannt.
20220415             Der Militärbischof der Bundeswehr, FRANZ—JOSEF—OVERBECK, hat das Recht der UKRAINE auf Selbstverteidigung betont.
20220415             "Die Ukrainer wollten und wollen keinen Krieg, sondern sehnen sich —NACH—DEM Frieden, der ihnen genommen worden ist",
20220415             sagte der Ruhrbischof
20220415             Wenn ALLE—MÖGLICHKEITEN einer friedlichen Regelung erschöpft seien, könne einer Regierung "das Recht auf sittlich erlaubte Verteidigung nicht abgesprochen werden",
20220415             Dabei müsse der kämpfende SOLDAT immer das Ziel haben, Frieden stiften zu wollen — so paradox das auch klinge.
20220415             "Einfluss auf das Klima wäre marginal": Finanzminister Lindner lehnt Tempolimit strikt ab
20220415             Enthüllende Dokumente zu NORD—STREAM 2: Die seltsame MOSKAU—BEGEISTERUNG der MANUELA—SCHWESIG
20220415             Fri 20220415
20220415             [l] Das RUSSISCHE—FLAGSCHIFF der Schwarzmeerflotte ist gesunken.
20220415             Das Schiff war 1—LENKRAKETENZERSTÖRER und hieß auch noch Moskva.
20220415             Das Flaggschiff der Schwarzmeerflotte sei während eines Sturms untergegangen, als es an sein Ziel geschleppt wurde [...]
20220415             1—ABSCHLEPPEN sei notwendig geworden, da das Schiff seine Stabilität aufgrund von Schäden am Rumpf verloren habe, der während eines Brandes durch die Detonation von Munition beschädigt worden sei.
20220415             —GEKONNT, Was sie, nicht erwähnen: Wessen Munition da explodiert ist.
20220415             Die UKRAINE sagt: 2—IHRER NEPTUN—RAKETEN.
20220415             —BESTREITET, RUSSLAND, das natürlich.
20220415             MOSCOW, 20220415             . - /TASS/.
20220415             —AGREED, Several BUYERS—OF—RUSSIA—GAS have already, to convert payments into rubles, the country is waiting for 1—DECISION from other importers, RUSSIA—DEPUTY—PRIME—MINISTER—ALEXANDER—NOVAK wrote in his article for the Energy Policy magazine.
20220415             "Several buyers have already agreed with THE—TRANSFER—OF—GAS—PAYMENTS into rubles, we are waiting for decisions from other importers," the Deputy PRIME—MINISTER wrote, adding that the conditions for buyers remain as comfortable as possible.
20220415             —STRESSED, THE—DEPUTY—PRIME—MINISTER, that payments for gas are transferred into rubles because RUSSIA wants to secure a 100% GUARANTEE—OF—PAYMENT.
20220415             He recalled that THE—EU plans to compensate THE—REFUSAL—OF—RUSSIA—ENERGY—SOURCES by diversifying gas supplies, accelerating the transition to renewable TYPES—OF—GAS, replacing gas in heating systems with other TYPES—OF—FUEL and generating electricity from other sources.
20220415             "All these measures, according to the European Commission, will reduce the demand for RUSSIA—GAS by 2—THIRDS (67%) by THE—END—OF—THIS —YEAR.
20220415             They also plan to achieve energy INDEPENDENCE by increasing the share of renewable energy sources.
20220415             —NOTED, However, in March they, the decline in wind generation,"
20220415             BEIRUT, 20220415             .
20220415             /TASS/. - Nabil ABU—RUDEINEH, SPOKESMAN—OF—THE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—STATE—OF—PALESTINE called on THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY to intervene in the events at the Temple Mount in EAST—JERUSALEM —BEFORE they spiral OUT—OF—CONTROL.
20220415             "THE—ACTIONS—OF—THE—ISRAEL—POLICE, who invaded THE—AL—AQSA—MOSQUE and THE—AL—QIBLI interior prayer hall are equal to DECLARATION—OF—WAR against the Palestinians," ABU—RUDEINEH said, according to WAFA.
20220415             "1—IMMEDIATE—INTERVENTION—OF—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY is necessary in order to stop this aggression against THE—AL—AQSA—MOSQUE and prevent the situation from spiraling OUT—OF—CONTROL," he added.
20220415             —PROVOKED, AL—AQSA—IMAM—EKRIMA—SABRI told AL—JAZEERA that the violence was, by Jewish settlers, supported by ISRAEL—MILITARY and police.
20220415             —INVOLVED, TURKEY—TRANSPORT—MINISTER—DOUBTS—UKRAINE, in releasing mines into Black Sea
20220415             —PASSED, SOME—OSCE employees in DPR, state secrets to Kiev — Prosecutor GENERAL—OFFICE
20220415             DONETSK, 20220415             . - /TASS/.
20220415             —OPENED, THE—PROSECUTOR—GENERAL—OFFICE—OF—THE—DONETSK PEOPLE—REPUBLIC (DPR) has, 1—CRIMINAL—CASE for espionage against several employees of THE—OSCE Special Monitoring Mission, who passed state secrets to UKRAINE, the press service of THE—DPR Prosecutor GENERAL—OFFICE—TOLD—TASS —ON—FRIDAY.
20220415             "1—CRIMINAL—CASE has been opened against several employees of THE—OSCE Special Monitoring Mission on the established facts of collecting and storing with THE—PURPOSE—OF—TRANSFERRING to THE—UKRAINE—SPECIAL—SERVICES—OF—INFORMATION constituting state secrets," the Prosecutor GENERAL—OFFICE said.
20220415             The mission brings together nearly 1,000 observers.
20220415             —LOCATED, The offices are, in Kiev, DONETSK and Lugansk.
20220415             ATHENS, 20220415             .
20220415             The official did not specify whether ATHENS had previously sent Stinger MAN—PORTABLE—AIR—DEFENSE—SYSTEMS to Kiev.
20220415             In —LATE—FEBRUARY, THE—GREECE—MINISTRY—OF—NATIONAL—DEFENSE reported that GREECE had sent humanitarian aid and military equipment to POLAND for UKRAINE on C-130 military transport planes.
20220415             —9—YEARS—AGO, these weapons were seized from THE—NOUR—M ship, which had left 1—UKRAINE—PORT and was bound for LIBYA.
20220415             THE—MINISTER—SAID—GREECE—DEFENSE—OF—ITS—OWN—TERRITORY should not be weakened, especially on the islands, by sending new weapons to UKRAINE.
20220415             RUSSIA willing to cooperate with EU, but may reconsider relations — lawmaker
20220415             "As long as it depends on our country, the issue of 1—BREAKUP with THE—EUROPEAN—UNION will not be translated into practice," Konstantin Kosachev said
20220415             For us, it is 1—OF—THE—BIGGEST trade and economic partners, if not the biggest 1.
20220415             There is nothing insurmountable in our relations with THE—EUROPEAN—UNION," THE—SENATOR said on air of the Govorit Moskva (MOSCOW Speaking) radio station.
20220415             KOSACHEV—VIEW, —WHEN speaking —EARLIER about the possibility of severing relations with THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, he commented on THE—EU steps against RUSSIA, "which have very closely approached the red line".
20220415             "In other words, it was said that —WHEN making his decisions, THE—RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—NEEDS to take into consideration certain DECISIONS—OF—THE—EUROPEAN—UNION.
20220415             This is the wrong way to put it.
20220415             It is rude and unceremonious," Kosachev said.
20220415             —RECALLED, Additionally, Kosachev, that —DURING his recent visit to Kiev, EU foreign policy CHIEF—JOSEP—BORRELL said for the 1. time in THE—HISTORY—OF—THE—EUROPEAN—UNION that THE—UKRAINE crisis had no other solution but 1—MILITARY 1.
20220415             "We have 1—SPECIAL—MILITARY—OPERATION going on right —NOW, that is true, but simultaneously 1—NEGOTIATING track is underway.
20220415             Everyone knows it, including MISTER—BORRELL.
20220415             It is SABOTAGE—OF—THE—NEGOTIATION—PROCESS by THE—EUROPEAN—UNION," the Federation Council deputy speaker stressed.
20220415             —POINTED, The lawmaker, out that neither RUSSIA nor UKRAINE are MEMBERS—OF—THE—EUROPEAN—UNION.
20220415             "Actually, it is not the 1. consideration for THE—EU.
20220415             —INVOLVED, In fact, he [Borrell] is simply getting, in this situation in 1—RATHER artificial way.
20220415             But most importantly, he incites THE—UKRAINE—AUTHORITIES to persist in hostilities," the politician believes.
20220415             "Should this continue, of course, 1—QUESTION may arise that we have to drastically reconsider our relations.
20220415             It is no longer THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, but 1—NATO—BRANCH that implements the same harsh, aggressive and offensive policy toward our country," Kosachev concluded.
20220415             [l] Die CRYPTO—BROS gründen —JETZT PACs.
20220415             PACs sind Political Action Committees, das sind Vereine, die Geld für WAHLKAMPF—WERBUNG ausgeben.
20220415             —SEIT dem grotesken "Citizens United"-Urteil des USA—SUPREME—COURT—MÜSSEN—PACS nicht offenlegen, von wo das Geld kam, und es gibt auch keine Grenzen dafür, wieviel Geld die ausgeben dürfen.
20220415             Die CRYPTO—BRO—PAC will —JETZT aktiv Politiker verhindern, die sie für Feinde halten.
20220415             Und mit dem Label zaudern die nicht lang.
20220415             Hier geht es konkret um 1—BERNIE—SANDERS—VERBÜNDETE, die verhindert werden soll.
20220415             Immer dran denken: Kryptowährungen sind 0—SUM.
20220415             JEDER—DOLLAR, gegen den 1—CRYPTO—BRO seine SPIELZEUG—TOKENS tauscht, muss vorher von einem noch größeren Trottel in die Gegenrichtung getauscht worden sein.
20220415             —FINANZIERT, Wer also Bitcoin und co kauft, der, diese PAC.
20220415             Da gibt es moralisch gar keine andere Art, das zu bewerten.
20220415             —FINANZIERT, Der, damit diese PAC und die Verbrennung des Planeten.
20220415             Tourismus: Mietwagen in EUROPA verteuern sich drastisch
20220415             Aus Umweltschutzgründen: Ministerin Geywitz will Bau von Einfamilienhäusern eindämmen
20220415             SPIEGEL—UMFRAGE: Überwältigende Mehrheit hält Beziehungen zu Putins RUSSLAND für irreparabel
20220415             —KRITISIERT, Merz, Scholz: "Er gefährdet den Zusammenhalt der gesamten Staatengemeinschaft"
20220415             BRITISCHES—FLÜCHTLINGSABKOMMEN mit RUANDA: Ein "beschämend grausamer" Deal
20220415             Ukrainekurs der Bundesregierung: Scholz bewilligt offenbar 2—MILLIARDEN Euro Militärhilfe
20220415             ZELENSKYY über möglichen Atomwaffeneinsatz Russlands: "ALLE—LÄNDER müssen besorgt sein"
20220415             Kriegsangst in DEUTSCHLAND: Bombensicher im Privatbunker
20220415             Möglicher CORONA—ZUSAMMENHANG: HEPATITIS—FÄLLE bei Kindern — WHO ruft zu Wachsamkeit auf
20220415             Die RUSSISCHE—ZENSURBEHÖRDE hat den Zugang zur russischsprachigen Website der "MOSCOW Times" gesperrt.
20220415             —BERICHTET, Die Zeitung, —SEIT dem Zusammenbruch der Sowjetunion —VOR—3—JAHRZEHNTE über RUSSLAND berichtet.
20220415             Die "MOSCOW Times" teilte nach REUTERS—INFORMATIONEN mit, dass RUSSISCHE—INTERNETPROVIDER damit begonnen hätten, ihre russischsprachige Website zu sperren.
20220415             Sie veröffentlichte 1—ANORDNUNG—DER—RUSSISCHEN—REGIERUNG.
20220415             Die Zensurbehörde äußerte sich auf Anfrage —BISHER nicht zu den Maßnahmen.
20220415             —SEIT Beginn des RUSSISCHEN—ANRGIFFS auf die UKRAINE Ende —FEBRUAR haben die Vereinten Nationen mehr als 1.900—getötete Zivilisten registriert.
20220415             WIRKLICHKEIT, dürften die Opferzahlen aber noch deutlich höher sein.
20220415             Mehrere Käufer von russischem Öl haben nach ANGABEN—DES—STELLVERTRETENDEN—REGIERUNGSCHEFS—ALEXANDER—NOWAK wie gefordert in Rubel bezahlt.
20220415             Nowak teilte allerdings nicht mit, um welche Länder es sich handelt.
20220415             Westliche Staaten pochen darauf, ÖL—IMPORTE in Euro oder Dollar zu zahlen.
20220415             Der ehemalige Bundesaußenminister Joschka Fischer sieht Fehler in der DEUTSCHEN—RUSSLAND—POLITIK in der DEUTSCHEN—NACHKRIEGSGESCHICHTE begründet.
20220415             "Zu glauben, wir könnten als Konsequenz unserer missratenen Geschichte in der 1. Hälfte des 19010101—20001231    —CENTURY auf Abschreckung und militärische Sicherheit verzichten, das war 1—IRRTUM",
20220415             sagte der GRÜNEN—POLITIKER der "taz am Wochenende".
20220415             Aus dem Irrtum sei die Illusion in der Beziehung zu RUSSLAND erwachsen, man könne dort durch Austausch langfristig eine friedliche Systemveränderung erreichen.
20220415             "Diese Illusion hat uns in Abhängigkeiten geführt, für die wir —JETZT einen hohen Preis bezahlen müssen".
20220415             —GEWESEN, Der zentrale Fehler sei, zu glauben, dass man RUSSLAND vertrauen könne ohne innere Demokratisierung, sagte Fischer.
20220415             19980000—20050000    zwischen—und, ROT—GRÜNE—Bundesregierung—Außenminister—Fischer war
20220415             Nordmazedonien weist RUSSISCHE—DIPLOMATEN aus - RUSSLAND weist 18—EU—DIPLOMATEN aus
20220415             zu unerwünschten Personen erklärt und sie aufgefordert, das Gastland BELGIEN zu verlassen.
20220415             Ein RUSSISCHES—GERICHT droht Google und Wikimedia einem Medienbericht zufolge wegen Berichten und Websites zum Krieg in der UKRAINE mit Geldstrafen.
20220415             Sowohl der USA—KONZERN als auch der Besitzer von Wikipedia hätten falsche Informationen über den sogenannten "Sondereinsatz" in der UKRAINE nicht gelöscht, meldet die Nachrichtenagentur Interfax.
20220415             Google drohe demnach 1—STRAFE—VON—BIS zu 12—MILLIONEN Rubel (knapp 133.400—EURO), Wikipedia von —BIS zu 8—MILLIONEN Rubel.
20220415             Putin sei "ebenbürtig mit Hitler",
20220415             sagte der 41-Jährige nach einem Bericht der "NEW—YORK—TIMES",
20220415             den —AM—FREITAG SLOWAKISCHE—MEDIEN aufgriffen.
20220415             —GESTOPPT, Er müsse, werden, bevor er weiter nach Westen ziehen könne.
20220415             Der UKRAINISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—WOLODYMYR—ZELENSKYY hat einer Zeitung zufolge jüngst seinen USA—KOLLEGEN JOE—BIDEN gebeten, RUSSLAND formell als staatlichen Unterstützer des Terrorismus einzustufen.
20220415             Die "WASHINGTON—POST" beruft sich auf mit dem Gespräch vertraute Personen.
20220415             1—KLASSIFIZIERUNG als "STATE—SPONSOR—OF—TERRORISM" hat unter anderem Handelsbeschränkungen zur Folge.
20220415             Gegenwärtig befinden sich auf der LISTE—DES—USA—AUßENMINISTERIUMS KUBA, NORDKOREA, der IRAN und SYRIEN.
20220415             Verstärkte RUSSISCHE—ANGRIFFE in der UKRAINE nach "Moskwa"-Untergang
20220415             Die USA bestätigten die UKRAINISCHEN—ANGABEN und warnten vor dem Einsatz kleinerer Atomwaffen durch Moskau.
20220415             —BEFÜRCHTET, UKRAINE, Rache nach Untergang der "Moskwa"
20220415             UKRAINISCHE—POLIZEI: Über 9000—ZIVILE Opfer rund um Kiew
20220415             9000 - In der Region um die UKRAINISCHE—HAUPTSTADT—KIEW wurden —NACH—DEM Rückzug Russlands die Leichen von mehr als 900—ZIVILISTEN entdeckt.
20220415             RUSSLAND hat wegen Waffenlieferungen an die UKRAINE Protestnoten an mehrere westliche Länder gesendet.
20220415             Darunter seien auch die USA, sagte die SPRECHERIN—DES—AUSSENMINISTERIUMS, MARIA—SACHAROWA, der Agentur Interfax zufolge.
20220415             Nach ANGABEN—DER—USA—TAGESZEITUNG "WASHINGTON—POST" warnt Moskau in dem Schreiben, dass solche Lieferungen "unvorhersehbare Folgen" haben könnten.
20220415             Lokale KREML—AKTIVISTEN haben 1—KUNDGEBUNG am Katy?-Denkmal im RUSSISCHEN—SMOLENSK organisiert.
20220415             Das zeigen mehrere Berichte, unter anderem vom Medienprojekt Nexta.
20220415             Zwar sei das Denkmal nicht beschädigt worden, jedoch wurde damit gedroht, es als Reaktion auf die "ZERSTÖRUNG—VON—SOWJETISCHEN—DENKMÄLERN in POLEN" zu zerstören.
20220415             An der Gedenkstätte Katy? liegen etwa 4430—POLNISCHE—MILITÄRANGEHÖRIGE begraben, die 19400000             ermordet wurden.
202204151038         THE—RUSSIA—ARMY has lost 19,900 soldiers, 160—AIRCRAFTS and 144—HELICOPTERS in UKRAINE—THE—GENERAL—STAFF
20220415—20131100    —REPORTED, GREECE—TV—CHANNEL—OPEN then, that 20,000 Kalashnikov assault rifles, confiscated on 1—SHIP near THE—GREECE—ISLAND—OF—RHODES, in particular, had been sent to UKRAINE.
20220415—20140321    —ON, THE—OSCE—SPECIAL—MONITORING—MISSION began its work in UKRAINE, —FOLLOWING 1—CONSENSUS decision by all 57—PARTICIPATING states.
20220415—20190405    —AM, Die EU hatte zuvor RUSSISCHE—DIPLOMATEN wegen "Aktivitäten, die ihrem diplomatischen Status zuwiderlaufen",
20220415—20220319    —ON, there were reports about the mines planted by THE—UKRAINE—NAVY at the approaches to Black Sea ports that may begin drifting towards the Bosporus due to ruptured cables
20220415—20220321    —ON, THE—OSCE—SPECIAL—MONITORING—MISSION began its work in UKRAINE
20220415—20220408    —ON, Moreover, it became known that 1—OF—THE—SMM observers in the republic was detained for activities "incompatible with the mission's mandate".
202205041513         —PLANNED, RUSSIA—ARMY says that war is, to continue —UNTIL—SEPTEMBER—UKRAINE—INTELLIGENCE
20230415             —SAMSTAG,
20230415             Sat 20230415
20230415             [l] Der wissenschaftliche Dienst des EU—PARLAMENTS hat 1—PAPIER zur Chatkontrolle ausgearbeitet.
20230415             Den Volltext hat netzpolitik.org veröffentlicht (deren Text dazu).
20230415             Die Beurteilung hinterlässt verbrannte Erde.
20230415             —FUNKTIONIERT, Es, nicht, zersägt unsere Grundrechte, schafft sinnlos Mehrarbeit in Behörden, sammelt viel zu VIELE—DATEN, ist unverhältnismäßig.
20230415             [l] —DONNERSTAG sagte ich:
20230415             —VERSPRICHT, Genau wie bei den ganzen Polizeigesetzen, man uns vorher, dass das bloß in absoluten Ausnahmefällen und gegen schwerste Schwerkriminelle eingesetzt werden darf.
20230415             Und dann, —2—WOCHEN—SPÄTER, verfolgen sie damit Urheberrechtsverletzungen und Steuerhinterzieher.
20230415             —2—WOCHEN war konservativ geschätzt. Netzpolitik.org dazu:
20230415             Justizminister MARCO—BUSCHMANN will umfassend Auskunftsansprüche ausweiten: auf Urheberrechtsverletzungen, Messenger und private Inhalte.
20230415             Ach. Ach was.
20230415             Nur Nixon konnte nach CHINA gehen.
20230415             Nur die Grünen konnten einen Angriffskrieg führen.
20230415             Nur die FDP konnte die Vorratsdatenspeicherung einführen.
20230415             Findet ihr zu krass, die Formulierung?
20230415             Dann guckt mal, wie es weitergeht:
20230415             Der zitierte Paragraf regelt die Schadensersatzpflicht, wenn jemand "vorsätzlich oder fahrlässig das Leben, den Körper, die Gesundheit, die Freiheit, das Eigentum oder ein sonstiges Recht eines anderen" verletzt.
20230415             Das Ministerium nennt selbst als Beispiel 1—RESTAURANTKRITIK mit "wahrheitswidrigem Nutzerkommentar".
20230415             Update: Zum Vergleich: Die FDP über den Koalitionsvertrag:
20230415             "Wir haben —BEREITS—IM Koalitionsvertrag vereinbart, dass wir die anlasslose Vorratsdatenspeicherung auch in DEUTSCHLAND abschaffen werden"
20230415             Aber was schert uns —SCHON der Scheiß, den wir gesagt haben, als wir in der Opposition waren!1!!
20230415             Das wusste —SCHON der alte Müntefering.
20230415             Auf Staatsbesuch in CHINA: Lula und Xi wollen Handelsbeziehungen stärken
20230415             Taiwankonflikt: CHINA erwartet DEUTSCHE—UNTERSTÜTZUNG für "friedliche Wiedervereinigung"
20230415             Brasiliens Tendenz Richtung CHINA: Wie Lula in Peking den Westen verschreckte
20240415             —MONTAG, 20240415
20240415             Projekt Flexirente: FDP wirbt für Renteneintritt weit nach 67
20240415             Eskalation im Nahen Osten: USA—ZERSTÖRER fingen mehr als 80—IRANISCHE—DROHNEN ab
20240415             Trotz sinkender Gewinne: Unternehmen in DEUTSCHLAND zahlen Rekorddividende
20240415             MERCEDES und VW in den USA: "Ein bisschen weniger bezahlt und ein bisschen schlechter behandelt – damit ist es —JETZT vorbei"
20240415             Steuerpflicht: 244.000—RENTNER profitieren vom erhöhten Grundfreibetrag
20240415             Russlands Angriffskrieg: VON—DER—LEYEN fordert USA—KONGRESS zu Freigabe von UKRAINE—HILFSPAKET auf
20240415             Apple verdrängt: Samsung ist wieder Spitzenreiter der SMARTPHONE—HERSTELLER
20240415             Wegen Gazakrieg: Deutlich mehr antisemitische und islamfeindliche Straftaten
20240415             Offizielle Herstellerdaten: Neue Messmethode entlarvt deutlichen Mehrverbrauch bei Pkw
20240415             Untersuchung zur Arbeitszufriedenheit: 8—VON 10—DEUTSCHEN sind glücklich im Job
20240415             Zu wenig Mediziner ausgebildet: Lauterbach warnt vor gravierendem Ärztemangel
20240415             USA—REAKTION auf IRANISCHE—ATTACKE: Verteidigung ja, Vergeltung nein
20240415             KANZLER—AUF—CHINABESUCH: Scholz pocht auf gleiche Wettbewerbsbedingungen für Autohersteller
20240415             Weniger Schadholz: Holzeinschlag in DEUTSCHEN—WÄLDERN deutlich gesunken
20240415             Scholz zu chinesischem Studenten: "Einfach nicht rauchen" – KANZLER gibt in SHANGHAI CANNABIS—TIPPS
20240415             Expertenrat zum Treibhausgasausstoß: Verkehrssektor hat Klimaziel 20230000             deutlich gerissen
20240415             Angriff auf ISRAEL: Macron und Cameron drängen auf DEESKALATION—IRAN spricht von "legitimer Verteidigung"
20240415             BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG: Jede 5. Grundschule kann keinen Schwimmunterricht anbieten
20240415             Propaganda für IRAN: Politiker fordern Schließung von Islamischem Zentrum HAMBURG
20240415             Niedrigere Zinsen, mehr Käufer: Immobilienpreise steigen wieder
20240415             —BESTELLT, Krise im Nahen Osten: Auswärtiges Amt, Irans BOTSCHAFTER ein
20240415             Unkontrollierte Fortpflanzung: Tierschützer warnen vor "Katzenschwemme"
20240415             Absatzflaute bei E—AUTOS: Tesla streicht 10—PROZENT aller Jobs im Unternehmen
20240415             Empfang in LONDON: BRITISCHER—AUSSENMINISTER würdigt Nawalnajas Kampf gegen "Putins System"
20240415             Absatzprobleme bei E—AUTOS: TESLA—BOSS Elon Musk will mindestens 14.000—STELLEN abbauen
20240415             Bericht über 75—LÄNDER: Weltbank warnt vor historischem Rückschritt im Kampf gegen Armut
20240415             —BIS zu 170—KILOGRAMM schwer: Forscher entdecken —BISHER unbekannte RIESENKÄNGURU—ARTEN
20240415             Monatelanger Streit: Ampelfraktionen einigen sich auf neues Klimaschutzgesetz
20240415             Abgefangene Raketen: Arabische Welt spottet mit Gurkenbildern und TANZ—MEMES über Irans Angriff auf ISRAEL
20240415             Teherans Angriff auf ISRAEL und die Folgen: Amina, —7—JAHRE, schwer verletzt durch eine IRANISCHE—RAKETE—VON—ANNA—SOPHIE—SCHNEIDER
20240415             Armee im Kampf gegen paramilitärische Miliz: "Der SUDAN ist kollabiert"
20240415             Herzgesundheit: "1—WARNZEICHEN ist immer der sogenannte thorakale Schmerz"
20240415             Verzicht auf Kernenergie: MEHRHEIT—DER—DEUTSCHEN hält Atomausstieg für falsch
20240415             Strafprozess gegen EX—PRÄSIDENT: Trump scheitert mit Antrag, Richter loszuwerden
20240415             Zoo in GROSSBRITANNIEN: 3—ZENTIMETER kleine Affenbabys geboren
20240415             Mon 20240415
20240415             [l] Der Papa Johns beim Pentagon ist ungewöhnlich ausgelastet.
20240415             Das war früher ein Indikator, dass gerade ein Krieg losgeht irgendwo.
20240415             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Die DOMINOS—FILIALE dort, —SEIT dem keine Statistiken mehr.
20240415             —ÜBERRASCHT, Ich persönlich bin ja, dass der IRAN sich so lange Wissenschaftler und Generäle hat wegmeucheln lassen, ehrlich gesagt.
20240415             —JETZT steht natürlich die Frage im Raum, ob das heißt, dass der IRAN die Atombomben fertig hat, weil er sich —JETZT traut, ISRAEL direkt anzugreifen (nicht wie —BISHER über Bande mit der Hisbollah).
20240415             Das glaube ich nicht.
20240415             Ich glaube eher, dass sie mit dem Rücken zur Wand standen innenpolitisch, und "mal was machen mussten".
20240415             —ANALYSIERT, Die Hamas hat ja auch vorher "", dass das —SCHON gut gehen wird.
20240415             —GELAUFEN, Ich denke mal, das wird im IRAN —JETZT genau so, sein.
20240415             Pass uff, Atze, wir schicken ein paar Drohnen in Richtung ISRAEL.
20240415             Schick die großen, langsamen Drohnen, die die lange vorher sehen und sicher abgeschossen kriegen.
20240415             Oder so. Aber was weiß ich —SCHON. Alles Spekulation.
20240415             Update: 1—DATENPUNKT noch: Die beiden wichtigen Raketen sind durchgekommen.
20240415             The best surveillance radar in the world, working in concert with the most sophisticated ANTI—MISSILE—DEFENSES in the world, were impotent in THE—FACE—OF—THE—IRAN—ATTACK.
20240415             —STATIONIERT, Das Radar ist das der USA, das sie in der Gegend, hatten, und dessen Daten an die Israelis ging.
20240415             —GEGANGEN, Damit ist aus Sicht des IRAN eigentlich alles gut.
20240415             Sie haben gezeigt, dass sie im Zweifelsfall zurückschlagen können, und ISRAEL sie nicht davon abhalten kann.
20240415             Da werden —JETZT EINIGE—LEUTE in ISRAEL schlecht schlafen, vermute ich.
20240415             [l] THE—ATLANTIC findet: "Democracy Dies Behind Paywalls".
20240415             Das finden sie... hinter einer Paywall.
20240415             [l] DEUTSCHLAND hat 1—EINREISEVERBOT gegen Yannis Varoufakis verhängt.
20240415             Er war zum PALÄSTINA—KONGRESS als Redner eingeladen.
20240415             "Um antisemitische und israelfeindliche Propaganda bei der Veranstaltung zu verhindern",
20240415             seien mehrere Einreiseverbote ausgesprochen worden, erfuhr die Nachrichtenagentur AFP —AM—SONNTAG aus Sicherheitskreisen.
20240415             Eines davon betreffe Varoufakis.
20240415             Und klar, solange niemand 1—EINREISEVERBOT gegen AFP—LEUTE verhängt, finden sie offenbar alle nicht, dass man da mal opponieren müsste.
20240415             Die Berliner Polizei hatte den umstrittenen PALÄSTINA—KONGRESS —AM—FREITAG kurz nach Beginn abgebrochen.
20240415             —ZUGESCHALTET, Die Veranstalter hätten einen Redner, der ein politisches Betätigungsverbot habe, erklärte die Polizei zur Begründung.
20240415             Sie beendete die Veranstaltung und sprach auch für —SAMSTAG und —SONNTAG 1—VERBOT aus.
20240415             Ein wat —NOW? Betätigungsverbot?!
20240415             Varoufakis' Partei sagt, auch gegen ihn sei 1—BETÄTIGUNGSVERBOT ausgesprochen worden, nicht bloß 1—EINREISEVERBOT, aber das dementiert die Polizei.
20240415             —BEINHALTET, Das Betätigungsverbot, auch via Zoom zugeschaltet werden.
20240415             VIENNA, 20240415             .
20240415             /TASS/. - The current ESCALATION—OF—THE—SITUATION in THE—MIDDLE—EAST has become possible due to THE—WEST—REFUSAL to restore the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) on IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM, RUSSIA—PERMANENT—ENVOY to INTERNATIONAL organizations in VIENNA MIKHAIL—ULYANOV said.
20240415             "The current extremely dangerous events in THE—MIDDLE—EAST are 1—OF—THE—RESULTS (not the only 1) of the decision of THE—USA—AND—THE—EUROTROIKA to block negotiations on the restoration of THE—JCPOA.
20240415             There was 1—CHANCE to avoid this.
20240415             —PAVED, THE—WEST, the way to the current events," the diplomat wrote on his Telegram channel.
20240415             —LAUNCHED, IRAN, drones and missiles at ISRAEL on the —EVENING—OF—20240413             , calling it 1—RESPONSE to numerous crimes, including 1—AIRSTRIKE on the consular SECTION—OF—THE—COUNTRY—EMBASSY in DAMASCUS.
20240415             —INTERCEPTED, THE—ISRAEL—DEFENSE—FORCES said it had, 99—PERCENT—OF—THE—IRAN—PROJECTILES that flew toward the country, with minor damage to the Nevatim air base.
20240415             —SIGNALED, The current USA—PRESIDENT—JOE—BIDEN has repeatedly, his willingness to bring WASHINGTON back into the nuclear deal.
20240415             Kampf gegen RUSSLAND: ZELENSKYY fordert gleiche "Einigkeit" bei Unterstützung von UKRAINE und ISRAEL
20240415             Netanyahu über möglichen Angriff auf IRAN: "Sie müssen so nervös sein, wie sie uns nervös gemacht haben" _HEUTE_0416_ :
20240415—20150000    —IN, THE—5—PERMANENT—MEMBERS—OF—THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL and GERMANY signed THE—JCPOA with IRAN to resolve the crisis over TEHRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM.
20240415—20170000    —MANCHESTER—Anschlag—auf—ARIANA—GRANDE—KONZERT–Überlebende verklagen den MI5
20240415—20180000    —IN, then USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP decided to withdraw from the deal.