Was geschah in der Geschichte an einem 12. April ?

Ereignisse an einem 12. April

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_26.000—20160412     —VOR—CA—28.000—JAHREN Die 2. ENDETE demnach.
_1.000—20180412      BAYERNs ältestes bekanntes Wasserfahrzeug, 1 mehr als 3.000—JAHRE—ALTER—EINBAUM.
_1.000—20180412      BODENSEE—Boot, TAUCHER BERGEN , mehr als 3.000—JAHRE—ALT,
02380412             † GEGEN—RÖMER—KAISER—GORDIAN—I., Selbstmord, begeht
02380412             CAPELIANUS loyal geblieben gegenüber RÖMER—KAISER—MAXIMINUS—THRAX, ist
03520412             † JULIUS—I—PAPA
08750412/08760000    Gegen DIE—SCHAFFUNG 1—PAPA—VIKARIATS für die Gebiete westlich, NÖRDLICH—DER—ALPEN wehrte sich der ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—REIMS entschieden
09590412             * EN—Y?—KAISER—VON—JAPAN, 64.
10630412             † RICHEZZA—VON—POLEN, zu SAALFELD,
10650412             —REACHED, Pilgrims under BISHOP—GUNTHER—OF—BAMBERG, JERUSALEM.
10650412             —REACHED, JERUSALEM, Pilgrims under GUNTHER—BISHOP—OF—BAMBERG.
10950412             —AFTER, HENRI—DE—LUXEMBOURG.).
11110412             † BERTHOLD—II—HERZOG—VON—SCHWABEN
11160412             * POLNISCHE—PRINZESSIN—RIKISSA,
11250412             † VLADISLAV—I—HERZOG—VON—BÖHMEN
11670412             † KARL—VII—KÖNIG—VON—SCHWEDEN
12040412             4. CRUSADE, led by BONIFACIUS—OF—MONTFERRAT, sacked CONSTANTINOPLE.
12040412             4. CRUSADE, FAILED to reach PALESTINE but
12040412             —PLUNDERED, CRUSADERS, THE—HAGIA—SOPHIA—CATHEDRAL, making off with its gold, silver and relics.
12040412             4. CRUSADE, led by BONIFACIUS—OF—MONTFERRAT, CONSTANTINOPLE, sacked.
12290412             —HINNEHMEN—MUSS, erhebliche Gebietsverluste, GRAF—RAIMUND—VII—VON—TOULOUSE
12870412             Designazione di confini fra la TERRA—DI—STAFFOLO e la CITTÀ—DI—IESI.
13740412             A. TANNAE—DE—MORE mulieri TRAIECTENSIS—DIOECESIS conceditur idem PRIVILEGIUM.
13850412             —DOPPELHOCHZEIT—VON—CAMBRAI
13850412             WILLEM—VAN—OOSTERVANT oo Margaretha,—DAUGHTER—OF—PHILIP—THE—STOUT (Flanders)(10).
14100412             (LIBER—DEL—CAMERLENGATO, 141000             —ANNUM, FOLIA—32'').
14110412             † ROBERT—I—HERZOG—VON—BAR
14330412             —HAAGER—VERTRAG
14620000—15220412    * † FLORENTINE—ARTIST—PIERO—DI—COSIMO[PIERO—DI—LORENZO], of plague.
14950412—14951210    —DU—AU, 1—LACUNE DE 8—MOIS, LE—JOURNAL—DE—BURCHARD présente.
14990412             —FERIA—SEXTA fuit CONSISTORIUM—SECRETUM in quo REFERENTISSIMUM—IN—CHRISTO P. DOMINUS—JACOBUS—DE—DRAGATIIS, SACRI—PALATII causarum auditor, electus et promotus fuit ad ECCLESIAM Madrusiensem tunc pastoris
15190412             —VOM, DIE—SCHULD—VERSCHREIBUNG ist aus BARCELONA datiert und
15190412             —VOM, DIE—SCHULD—VERSCHREIBUNG lautet auf 90.000—GULDEN—RHEINISCH,
15190412             —VOM, DIE—SCHULD—VERSCHREIBUNG deren GEGEN—WERT durch DIE—FUGGER in der FRANKFURTer APRILMESSE zu zahlen war.
15190412             —VOM, DIE—SCHULD—VERSCHREIBUNG KARL—I[V.] verspricht"in verbo et fide regia":
15190412             Le secretaire PONTIFical reponditi a cette perfidie par 1—ACTE retentissant.
15190412             —LE, ROME[ROM,ROMA] apprenait avec stupefaction que LE—PAPA venait de creer CHRISTOPHE—DE—LONGUEIL comte palatin et PROTO—NOTAIRE apostolique,
15190412             —ET—QUE, pour encourager ses etudes,
15190412             —IL, lui accomdait 1—PENSION annuelle
15190412             Cette nouvelle ne fit qu'augmenter la rage des adversaires du JEUNE—FRANCAIS—CHRISTOPHE—DE—LONGUEIL.
15190412             La lutte etait engages.
15190412             —VOM, DIE—SCHULD—VERSCHREIBUNG dafür zu entrichten KARL—I[V.] verspricht 70.115—SPANISCHE—DUKATEN zu 375—MARAVEDI ("computato cambio et quocumque interesse"),
15210412             † PIERO—DI—COSIMO, ITALIENISCHER—MALER und Zeichner
15300412             * HEINRICH—MOLLER, deutscher evangelischer Theologe
15450412             † FRANCE—I—KING—OF—FRANCIS ordered the Protestants of Vaudois killed.
15450412             —ORDERED, FRANCIS—I—KING—OF—FRANCE, the Protestants of Vaudois to be killed.
15500412             † CLAUDE—DE—LORRAINE—HERZOG—VON—GUISE, 1.
15500412—16040000    * † EDWARD—DE—VERE—EARL—OF—OXFORD, 17..
15500412—16040000    —CLAIMED, Some, that EDWARD—DE—VERE—EARL—OF—OXFORD, 17.  was responsible for all THE—37—PLAYS, 154—SONNETS and 2—LONG narrative poems that are attributed to WILLIAM—SHAKESPEARE.
15620412             —MASSACRE—DE—PROTESTANTS, à SENS—YONNE.
15620412             Massacre de protestants à Sens (Yonne).
15640412             —PAIX—DE—TROYES, avec —LE—ANGLETERRE.
15720412             —MARSEILLE, Informations canoniques SUR FRÉDÉRIC—BARJUENEAU.
15750412             —SEIT—DEM, GOTTFRIED—VON—EYLL, erscheint als PRIOR und
15850412             † GREGOR—XIII—PAPA—ALLI,
15900412             † SCHWEIZER—BUCHDRUCKER—SAMUEL—APIARIUS, und Musikverleger
16050412             † BORIS—GODUNOV—ZAR—VON—RUSSLAND
16060412             UM—HERVORZUHEBEN, die ENGLAND und SCHOTTLAND Personalunion, bestimmt KÖNIG—JAMES—I./VI. per Dekret 1 gemeinsame Flagge der 2 Länder ENGLAND und SCHOTTLAND.
16060412             —DECREED, ENGLAND—I—KING—OF—JAMES, the design of the original UNION—FLAG (also referred to as the UNION—JACK), which combined the flags of ENGLAND and SCOTLAND.
16090412             —ACHTZIGJÄHRIGER—KRIEG
16270412             * CHRISTOPH—ARNOLD, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE, Kirchenlieddichter und Dichter
16270412             FERDINAND—III. und
16270412             —VERGLEICHE—SIEGBURG—URKUNDE—958—VON
16380412             † JAPANISCHER—REBELL—SHIR?—AMAKUSA,
16430412             † NIKOLAUS—HUNNIUS, deutscher lutherischer Theologe
16460412             —AM—MÜNDLICH vorgetragen.)
16460412             —AM—MÜNDLICH FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG wünsche sehr die zwischen seinen Vorfahren, und ihnen bestehenden ALLIANZen durch 1—NÄHERE Verbindung zu befestigen.
16460412             H;;04;;Er habe deshalb 1—FEIERLICHE Gesandtschaft hierher schicken wollen,
16460412             —VOM, u. ff.
16470412             * GREGORIO—DE—FERRARI, ITALIENISCHER—MALER und Freskant
16480412             —EDIT—DE—RENOUVELLEMENT—DE—LA—PAULETTE (cet édit s'accompagne de 1—CONDITION au lieu de payer la taxe
16650412—16660000    —GROßE—PEST—VON—LONDON—BIS—GROßER—BRAND—VON—LONDON, in LONDON und Umgebung wütet und CA—100.000—TODESOPFER fordern wird.
16800414—16800412    —VORGESTERN, Was ihm  in POTSDAM bei seiner —VERHANDLUNG—MIT—DEM KUR—FÜRST begegnet ist,
17090412             —PUBLISHED, THE—TATLER—MAGAZINE in ENGLAND, its 1. edition.
17090412             THE—TATLER—MAGAZINE used THE—NAMES—OF—COFFEE—HOUSES as subject headings for articles.
17160412             MORI CONTE GIROLAMO—CLEMENTINI ORVIETANO in ORVIETO li : sepolto nella CHIESA—CATTEDRALE senza iscrizione.
17230412             * FRANZ—ANTON—BUSTELLI, SCHWEIZER—BILDHAUER und Modellierer
17480412             † WILLIAM—KENT, ENGLISCHER—ARCHITEKT, Gartengestalter, Landschaftsmaler und Innenarchitekt
17480412             —INTRODUCED, Kent, the Palladian STYLE—OF—ARCHITECTURE into ENGLAND with the villa at Chiswick House.
17500412             † GEORG—WILHELM—HENNING, DEUTSCH—RUSSISCHER—INGENIEUR, Konstrukteur, Offizier und Organisator
17520412             * BISCHOF—JOHANN—ALOIS—SCHNEIDER, DEUTSCHER—GEISTLICHER, Apostolischer Vikar in den Sächsischen ERBLANDEN
17580412             † ANTOINE—DE—JUSSIEU, FRANZÖSISCHER—PHYSIKER und Botaniker
17660412             † JOHANN—JAKOB—ZEHENDER, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher und Heimatforscher
17680412             * CHRISTOPHER—G—CHAMPLIN, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—POLITIKER, Mitglied des Repräsentantenhauses, SENATOR
17690412             * GIOVANNI—AGOSTINO—PEROTTI, composer.
17700412             —REPEALED, UK—PARLIAMENT, 19670000             —THE [Townshend] Townsend Acts that put duties on certain products imported to THE—USA.
17740412             Inszeniert von HEINRICH—GOTTFRIED—KOCH wird am Berliner Comödienhaus das STURM—UND—DRANG—DRAMA Götz von Berlichingen von JOHANN—WOLFGANG—VON—GOETHE uraufgeführt.
17760412             —ADOPTED, NORTH—CAROLINA—4. Provincial Congress, THE—HALIFAX—RESOLVES, which authorized the colony's delegates to the Continental Congress to support INDEPENDENCE from BRITAIN.
17770412             * AUßENMINISTER—SENATOR—HENRY—CLAY, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—POLITIKER, Mitglied des Repräsentantenhauses,
17770412             * HENRY—CLAY, the "Great Compromiser", USA—POLITICIAN and statesman.
17770412             HENRY—CLAYNRY—CLAY ran unsuccessfully for PRESIDENT 3—TIMES.
17770412—17770422    —SEE
178050412            † —MÖNCH—IN—KLOSTER—STEINFELD
17820412             * CHRISTIAN—FRIEDRICH—SPITTLER, Sekretär der Basler Christentumsgesellschaft
17820412             —KARIBIK—INSEL—GRUPPE—ÎLES—DES—SAINT, Bei der, ES kommt es im
17820412             —SCHLACHT—VON—LES—SAINTES, bei der
17820412             1—UK—FLEET beat THE—FRENCH.
17820412             —UNITED—KINGDOM—NAVY won its only naval engagement against the colonists in THE—USA—REVOLUTION at THE
17820412             1—UNITED—KINGDOM—FLEET beat the French.
17840412             WOLFGANG—AMADEUS—MOZART vollendet sein 17. Klavierkonzert in G—DUR, Köchelverzeichnis 453.
17870412             * JOSEPH—IGNAZ—RITTER, deutscher katholischer Theologe und Kirchenhistoriker
17890412             —ENTDECKT, Der DEUTSCH—BRITISCHE—ASTRONOM WILHELM—HERSCHEL, bei Himmelserforschungen im Sternbild Großer Bär die als NGC 3310, NGC 3718—UND NGC 3729—KATALOGISIERTEN Galaxien.
17930412             † HANS—ARENTZ, NORWEGISCHER—RICHTER und politischer und topografischer Autor
17930412             —AM, stellte 1—RATS—VERORDNUNG den FREMDEN—VERKEHR unter scharfe Aufsicht^, und
17960412             —ITALIEN—FELDZUG
17960412             —SCHLACHT—BEI—MONTENOTTE
17980412             —KONSTITUIERT—SICH, DIE—HELVETISCHE—REPUBLIK an der Stelle der Alten Eidgenossenschaft, auf FRANZÖSISCHEN—DRUCK, AARAU
17990412             * HENRI—DRUEY, SCHWEIZER—RECHTSANWALT, Philosoph und Politiker, Bundesrat, "VATER—DER—BUNDESVERFASSUNG"
18050412             * JOHANNES—ZELTNER, DEUTSCHER—FABRIKANT—KAPITALIST, Mitglied der Frankfurter Nationalversammlung
18080412             * ~ ISAAC—MELOON  M Greene, ANDROSCOGGIN—MAINE
18090412             1. —SCHLACHT—AM—BERGISEL
18140412             * ANTON—FRANZ—BESNARD, DEUTSCHER—MILITÄRARZT, Naturforscher, Botaniker und Mineraloge
18140412             —NUIT, NAPOLEÓN tente de s'empoisonner
18140412             Mit seiner Unterzeichnung des Vertrages, der NAPOLEON—BONAPARTE am Vortag überreicht worden ist,
18140412             —ENTRÉE—DU—COMTE—DE—ARTOIS, à PARIS
18170412             Der UNIVERSITÄT—WITTENBERG—ÜBERSIEDLUNG war notwendig geworden, weil die sächsischen Gebiete um Wittenberg auf dem WIENER—KONGRESS, Preußen zugeschlagen worden waren.
18210000—19120412    * † CLARA—BARTON, FOUNDER—OF—THE—AMERICA—RED—CROSS, at her home in GLEN—ECHO, MARYLAND at age 90.
18211225—19120412    —ON, CLARA—BARTON † at her home in GLEN—ECHO, MARYLAND, —WHEN she was —90—YEARS—OLD.
18221008—18220412    —ERUPTED, THE—LONG—INACTIVE—VOLCANO, 18220404             and blew its top.
18240412             † CHRISTIAN—GOTTLIEB—KLUGE—DER—JÜNGERE, deutscher evangelischer Theologe und Pädagoge
18260412             Im Londoner Covent Garden findet unter der Leitung des Komponisten die Uraufführung von CARL—MARIA—VON—WEBERS—OPER—OBERON mit dem Libretto von JAMES—PLANCHÉ —NACH—DEM romantischen Heldenmärchen von CHRISTOPH—MARTIN—WIELAND statt.
18260412             Es ist die letzte Oper Webers, der wenige —WOCHEN nach der Uraufführung an Tuberkulose verstirbt.
18260412             —PREMIERED, KARL—MARIA—VON—WEBER—OPERA "Oberon,", in LONDON.
18290412             † FÉLIX—NEFF, Schweizer evangelischer Wanderprediger
18300412             * ÖSTERREICHISCHER—GENERALMAJOR—JULIUS—VON—HORST, und Staatsmann, Reichsrat, MINISTER
18310412             1. RESONANZ—KATASTROPHE 1 Hängebrücke die Schwingungsprobleme von Brücken DEUTLICH—MACHT, DER—BROUGHTON—SUSPENSION—BRIDGE—EINSTURZ
18310412             * MAJOR—GENERAL—GRENVILLE—MELLEN—DODGE, (Union volunteers).
18380412             * KARL—JULIUS—SPÄTH, DEUTSCHER—UHRMACHER und Erfinder
18380412             * JOHN—SHAW—BILLINGS, USA—LIBRARIAN, army physician.
18400000—18970412    * † PROFESSOR—EDWARD—DRINKER—COPE, paleontologist in PENNSYLVANIA.
18440412             —BECAME, TEXAS A—USA—TERRITORY.
18450412             † HENRY—M—BARON—THE—KOCK, —65—JAHRE—ALT, officer, politician.
18480412             DIE—RADIKALDEMOKRATEN treffen dabei beim Volk allerdings nicht auf die erhoffte Zustimmung für die BADISCHE—REVOLUTION.
18490412             * ALBERT—HEIM, SCHWEIZER—GEOLOGE
18490412             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—270—KÖLN.
18510412             * EDWARD—WALTER—MAUNDER, ENGLISCHER—ASTRONOM und Bibelforscher
18510412             * PAUL—FRAISSE, DEUTSCHER—ZOOLOGE und Hochschullehrer
18510412             † MARTIN—SCHRETTINGER, DEUTSCHER—PRIESTER und Bibliothekar
18520412             * EDUARD—SCHULZE, DEUTSCHER—OFFIZIER und Reisender
18530412             des FRIEDRICH—ENGELS an WEYDEMEYER in NEW—YORK lässt sich entnehmen, daß mit BANGYA 1—NOCH weiter gehendes abgekartetes Spiel getrieben wurde.
18610412             Bei 1 Schießerei tötet BILL—HICKOK bei der ROCK—CREEK—STATION am OREGON Trail den BANDENFÜHRER—DAVID—MCCANLES und 2—WEITERE Männer und erhält —IN—DER—FOLGE den Namen WILD—BILL.
18610412             —NACH der UNABHÄNGIGKEITS—ERKLÄRUNG des Staates im Besitz der Union verblieben ist FORT—SUMTER—BEI—CHARLESTON—SOUTH—CAROLINA und befindet sich unter dem BEFEHL—VON—MAJOR—ROBERT—ANDERSON.
18610412             —CIVIL—WAR, had begun.
18610412             —BERICHTET, KARL—MARX, in seinen Artikeln vor allem über der PRESSE IN ENGLAND HALTUNG und FRANKREICH.
18610412             —ZEIT—ZU—DIESER, schreibt KARL—MARX noch für DIE—NEW—YORK—DAILY—TRIBUNE
18610412             —BEGUN, THE—USA—CIVIL—WAR had.
18610412—18610413    —ON, THE—CONFEDERATES sent 1—FINAL—ULTIMATUM for THE—SURRENDER—OF—FORT—SUMTER at 12:45 a.m.
18610412—18610413    —ON, Upon receiving ANDERSON—REFUSAL, GENERAL—BEAUREGARD—ARTILLERY began to bombard FORT—SUMTER at 4:30 a.m.
18610412—18610413    —ON, FOR—34—HOURS, THE—CONFEDERATES and THE—FEDERALS traded fire —BEFORE ANDERSON surrendered.
18620412             —ANDREWS—ÜBERFALL, kapern NORDSTAATEN—SOLDATEN 1 Eisenbahnzug der Western and Atlantic Railroad, um die Verbindung zu der von der Unionsarmee belagerten Stadt CHATTANOOGA in TENNESSEE zu unterbrechen.
18620412             † ADLEY—HOGAN—GLADDEN, Brigadegeneral der Armee der Konföderierten Staaten von AMERIKA im SEZESSIONS—KRIEG
18620412             8—OF—THE—24—RAIDERS were hanged that —SUMMER.
18620412             8—OTHERS escaped and made their way north.
18620412             1. official AFRICA—USA—REGIMENT —DURING THE—CIVIL—WAR, FORMED, UNION—GENERAL—DAVID—HUNTER (18020000—18860000    ), the
18620412—19270000    —INSPIRED, The episode, BUSTER—KEATON—COMEDY—THE—GENERAL
18620412—19560000    —IN, Disney retold the story in "THE—GREAT—LOCOMOTIVE—CHASE" with Fess Parker.
18620607             JAMES—J—ANDREWS (18290000             *), CIVIL—UNION—SPY, was hanged in ATLANTA for leading 18620412             —THE—UNION—RAID in GEORGIA that stole the locomotive "GENERAL" in 1—EFFORT to disrupt CONFEDERATE—TRANSPORT.
18630325—18620412    —ON, Pittenger had been 1—MEMBER—OF—ANDREWS—RAIDERS who stole the LOCOMOTIVE—GENERAL in GEORGIA.
18630412             * EBERHARD—SAVARY, DEUTSCH—BALTISCHER Pastor und evangelischer Märtyrer
18640412             —MASSAKER—AN—KRIEGS—GEFANGENEN, zum größten Teil afroamerikanischen Soldaten der Nordstaaten durch Truppen der Südstaaten unter dem Kommando von NATHAN—BEDFORD—FORREST, dem späteren GRÜNDER—DES—KU—KLUX—KLAN.
18640412             Forrest, Charged with ruthless killing, ARGUED, that the soldiers had been killed trying to escape;
18640412             however, RACIAL—ANIMOSITY on THE—PART—OF—HIS—TROOPS was undoubtedly 1—FACTOR.
18670412             Im Pariser Théâtre des Variétés erfolgt die Uraufführung von JACQUES—OFFENBACHS—OPERA—BOUFFE Die GROß—HERZOGIN—VON—GEROLSTEIN mit Hortense Schneider in der Titelrolle.
18670412             Das Libretto der Operette stammt von HENRI—MEILHAC und Ludovic Halévy.
18690412             —ESTABLISHED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT—IN—TEXAS v White, that SECESSION is illegal.
18690412             * HENRI—DESIRE—LANDRU (Bluebeard), FRANCE—SEX murderer.
18690412—18500000    —SINCE, The case involved 1—CLAIM by the Reconstruction GOVERNMENT—OF—TEXAS that USA—BONDS owned by TEXAS had been illegally sold by THE—CONFEDERATE—STATE—LEGISLATURE —DURING THE—USA—CIVIL—WAR.
18710412             * GENERAL—IOANNIS—METAXAS, und Politiker in GRIECHENLAND
18710412             —PARIS—COMMUNE, decides that THE—PLACE—VENDÔME—VICTORY—COLUMN, should be demolished as 1—SYMBOL—OF—CHAUVINISM and incitement to national hatred.
18710412             THE—PARIS—COMMUNE decides that THE—VICTORY—COLUMN on THE—PLACE—VENDÔME, should be demolished as 1—SYMBOL—OF—CHAUVINISM and incitement to national hatred.
18710412—18090000    —AFTER—THE—WAR—OF, THE—PLACE—VENDÔME—VICTORY—COLUMN had been cast from guns captured by NAPOLÉON
18710412—18090000    —AFTER THE—WAR—OF— THE—VICTORY—COLUMN on THE—PLACE—VENDÔME had been cast from guns captured by NAPOLÉON
18720412             —ROBBED, JESSE—JAMES—GANG, BANK—IN—COLUMBIA—KENTUCKY, of $1,500 with 1—PERSON killed.
18760412             * EDUARD—GÖTZ, DEUTSCHER—MALERMEISTER, Dekorationsmaler und Kunstmaler
18770412             Dies führt zu massivem Widerstand durch die Buren, der —3—JAHRE—SPÄTER im 1. BUREN—KRIEG eskaliert.
18780412             * RICHARD—GOLDSCHMIDT, DEUTSCHER—BIOLOGE und Genetiker
18780412             * ROBERT—PRACHT, DEUTSCHER—SCHULMUSIKER und Komponist
18780412             † William M "Boss" Tweed, NEW—YORK—CITY—POLITICIAN, in prison.
18790412             * ERNST—WANDERSLEB, DEUTSCHER—BALLONFAHRER, Fotograf, Physiker
18810412             * RUDOLF—RAMEK, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—JURIST und Politiker
18810412             * WALTHER—ADAM, DEUTSCHER—INDUSTRIELLER und Kunstsammler
18820412             40.
1882041212810000     —OR—BEVORE, ? []-[—BEFORE 13340000             ].ataloque du Musée du feu m. RANGHIASCI—BRANCALEONI dont la venie aura lieu à GUBBIO le ; ;PERUGIA,1882, di pajjg.
18830412             * OTTO—BARTNING, DEUTSCHER—ARCHITEKT und Architekturtheoretiker
18830412             * IMOGEN—CUNNINGHAM, photographer (19650000             ASMP award).
18850412             * JULIO—ORTIZ—DE—ZÁRATE, CHILENISCHER—MALER und Bildhauer
18860412             * FRITZ—HENSSLER, DEUTSCHER—BUCHDRUCKER und Politiker, MdR
18860412             * MELCHIOR—DÜRST, SCHWEIZER—LEHRER, Theatergründer, Regisseur und Bühnenautor
18860412             * PAUL—BUCHNER, DEUTSCHER—ZOOLOGE und Cytologe
18920412             —RECEIVED, GEORGE—C—BLICKENSDERFER, the 1. USA patent for 1—PORTABLE typewriter.
18930412             Das Pariser Olympia eröffnet seinen großen Konzertsaal unter dem Namen Montagnes Russes.
18930412             Die Music Hall wird von den großen Künstlern der Zeit und auch für andere Veranstaltungen genutzt.
18930412             Unter den Toten sind auch unbewaffnete Frauen und Männer.
18940412             † LUDWIG—PFAU, DEUTSCHER—DICHTER und Revolutionär
18950412             * KZ—AUSCHWITZ—KOMMANDEUR—ADJUTANT—ROBERT—MULKA, Kriegsverbrecher
18950412             FRIEDRICH—ENGELS—IN seiner Antwort VOM setzte sich ausführlich mit des CONRAD—SCHMIDT—ANSICHTEN auseinander.
18970412             In der SCHWEIZ wird die von FRITZ—LANDRY entworfene Goldmünze Vreneli als Nachfolgerin der Helvetia in Umlauf gebracht.
18970412             —KRITISIERT, Die Münze wird anfänglich stark, entwickelt sich aber zur bekanntesten Goldmünze der SCHWEIZ.
18970412             —DISCOVERED, He had, MANY—HITHERTO unknown dinosaur species.
18970412             * ~ PHOEBE—MELIN F CHICAGO, Cook, Il
18970412—19940000    —SETTLED, He willed his bones to science and was, in THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—PENNSYLVANIA—MUSEUM—OF—ARCHEOLOGY and Anthropology and proposed as 1—TYPE specimen for Homo sapiens.
18970412—19990000    —AUTHORED, DAVID—RAINS—WALLACE, "THE—BONEHUNTER—REVENGE: Dinosaurs, Greed, and the Greatest Scientific Feud of the Gilded Age," which covered the feud between Cope and Othniel CHARLES—MARSH.
18990411             —CEDED, SPAIN—PUERTO—RICO to USA, 18980412             —SEE.
19010412             † EMILIE—KEMPIN—SPYRI, 1. Frau, die in der SCHWEIZ als Juristin promoviert wurde und habilitierte
19040412             DIE—HAUPTSTELLE—DEUTSCHER—ARBEIT—GEBER—VERBÄNDE—BERLIN, DIE gemeinsamen Interessen der ARBEIT—GEBER gegenüber unberechtigten Anforderungen der Arbeitnehmer schützen soll.
19040412             BERLIN DIE—HAUPTSTELLE—DEUTSCHER—ARBEIT—GEBER—VERBÄNDE ist 1—VEREINIGUNG der ARBEIT—GEBERVERBÄNDE, des Zentralverbandes und einzelner Industrieller,
19040412             DIE—DIE gemeinsamen Interessen der ARBEIT—GEBER gegenüber unberechtigten Anforderungen der Arbeitnehmer schützen soll.
19050412             —OPENED, Hippodrome arena, in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19071113             —HOVERED, The 1. HELICOPTER, 1—FOOT off the ground —FOR—20—SECONDS 19050412             —SEE.
19110412             1. NON—STOP LONDON—PARIS flight in —3—HOURS and —56—MINUTES, PIERRE—PRIER, THE—COMPLETED,
19140000—19810412    * † JOE—LOUIS, [Brown bomber] heavyweight champion boxer (19370000—19490000    ).
19150412—19150413    "Trotz der langen Dauer des Krieges sind die Völker in allen Ländern unbeugsam entschlossen, mit aller Kraft ihre Selbständigkeit und Unabhängigkeit zu verteidigen.
19150412—19150413    DIE—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATISCHE—PARTEIEN, DIE—ZEIT—VON—JEHER und ihrem Wesen nach für die Verbrüderung der Völker wirken, sind die berufenen Verkünder DER—FRIEDENSSEHNSUCHT.
19150412—19150413    Diese entspringt dem Willen und der Kraft der Selbstbehauptung, nicht etwa dem Gefühl der Schwäche.
19150412—19150413    Daraus aber folgt DIE—NOTWENDIGKEIT, daß nur 1—FRIEDEN möglich ist, der kein VOLK demütigt, daß nur 1—SOLCHER Frieden das dauernde ZUSAMMEN—ARBEITEN aller Kulturvölker gewährleisten wird.
19150412—19150413    Die bei der Zusammenkunft vertretenen Parteien stehen auf dem BODEN der Beschlüsse DER—INTERNATIONALEN SOZIALISTEN—KONGREßE, insbesondere des KOPENHAGENer Kongresses
19150412—19150413    Den AUSBAU—DER—INTERNATIONALES—SCHIEDS—GERICHTE zu obligatorischen Einrichtungen.
19150412—19150413    Die Unterwerfung aller Staatsverträge und Vereinbarungen unter die DEMOKRATEN—KONTROLLE—DER—VOLKSVERTRETUNGEN.
19150412—19150413    DIE—INTERNATIONALE vertragsmäßige Einschränkung aller Rüstungen mit dem Ziele der allgemeinen Abrüstung.
19150412—19150413    Die Anerkennung des SELBST—BESTIMMUNGS—RECHT aller Völker.
19150412—19150413    Die Tatsache, daß DIE—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATISCHE—PARTEIEN DER—KRIEG—FÜHRENDEN Länder ihr Land und VOLK verteidigen, darf kein Hindernis dafür sein, DIE—INTERNATIONALEN Beziehungen aller sozialistischen Parteien zueinander aufrechtzuerhalten, sowie die Tätigkeit ihrer internationalen Einrichtungen fortzuführen".
19170406—19170408    —BEGRÜßT, DIE—REVOLUTION—IN—RUßLAND wird.
19170412             —SCHLACHT—BEI—ARRAS—VERLAUF
19170412             —NACH—DREITÄGIGE—KÄMPFEN, den Höhenzug von Vimy EINNEHMEN—KÖNNEN alliierte Truppen
19170412             —SCHLACHT—BEI—ARRAS—VERLAUF, vor allem für die KANADISCHE—ERINNERUNGSKULTUR an den —WWI von Bedeutung.
19200412             —FOUNDED, COLOMBIA, the firm NACIONAL—DE—CHOCOLATES was.
19200412             In the 1970s 3—OF—THE—LARGEST holding companies in the country bought stock from EACH—OTHER in order to protect themselves from hostile takeovers.
19210000—19890412    * † SUGAR—RAY—ROBINSON, former middleweight boxing champion in CULVER—CITY—CALIFORNIA, —AFTER suffering from ALZHEIMER—DISEASE.
19220412             1—SAN—FRANCISCO—JURY acquitted actor Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle in his 3. MURDER—TRIAL —FOLLOWING 2—HUNG juries.
19230412             * DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER—ERNST—AUST,
19270412             —UK—CABINET came out in FAVOR—OF—WOMEN—VOTING—RIGHTS.
19270412             Generalissimo Chiang KAI—SHEK began a counter revolution in SHANGHAI.
19270412             THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—CABINET came out in FAVOR—OF—WOMEN voting rights.
19280412             —DEPARTED, HERMANN—KOEHL, along with 1—NAVIGATOR and passenger, from IRELAND and reached GREENLY—ISLAND—QUEBEC, —THE—NEXT—DAY.
19300412             Die Oper Z Mrtvého Domu (Aus einem Totenhaus) von Leoš Janá?ek wird in Brünn uraufgeführt.
19300412             Es handelt sich dabei um 1—BEARBEITUNG—DER—ERZÄHLUNG—AUFZEICHNUNGEN aus einem Totenhaus von Fjodor Dostojewski.
19310412             —MONARCHY—REJECTED, SPAIN—VOTERS,
19310412             —REJECTED, SPAIN—VOTERS, the monarchy.
19330412             † † ? ? RUDOLF—BENARIO, ERNST—GOLDMANN, ARTHUR—KAHN und ERWIN—KAHN, Im KZ—DACHAU, werden ermordet.
19340412             —REGISTRIERT, Die zweithöchste, außerhalb von Tornados, auf unserem Planeten je gemessene Windgeschwindigkeit in Bodennähe wird auf dem MOUNT—WASHINGTON in NEW—HAMPSHIRE mit 372—KM/h.
19340412             —AUSBREITUNG—DER—WASCHBÄRPAAR—TIERE in Mitteleuropa, Mit der Aussetzung zweier  am hessischen Edersee beginnt die
19340412             —PUBLISHED, THE—F—SCOTT—FITZGERALD—NOVEL "Tender Is the Night" was 1., by Scribner's in NEW—YORK.
19340412             —SERIALIZED, THE—F—SCOTT—FITZGERALD—NOVEL "Tender Is the Night" had been, in SCRIBNER—MAGAZINE.
19350412             —STARTET—DER leichte zweimotorige BOMBER—BRISTOL—BLENHEIM zu seinem Erstflug, GROSSBRITANNIEN,
19350412             * WENDY—SAVAGE, obstetrician, gynecologist.
19350412             —PROHIBITED, GERMANY, the publishing of "NOT—ARYAN" writers.
19350412             Dáil, ÉIREANN—VOL.55 - Vote 11—PUBLIC Works...
19350412             What I would urge upon the PARLIAMENTARY—SECRETARY—AND—THE—MINISTER is that they should get 1—GOOD—SELECTION—OF—AERIAL—PHOTOGRAPHS of this section of the...
19370412             Der ökumenische PATRIARCH—VON—KONSTANTINOPEL—BENJAMIN—I., verleiht der ORTHODOXE—KIRCHE—ALBANIENS die Autokephalie.
19370412             ORTHODOXE—KIRCHE—ALBANIENS, kann damit ihren eigenen Metropoliten wählen.
19370412             —USA—SUPREME—COURT—RULED, that 19350000             —THE—NATIONAL—LABOR—RELATIONS—ACT is unconstitutional.
19370412             —RULED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, that 19350000             —THE—NATIONAL—LABOR—RELATIONS—ACT is unconstitutional.
19400412             —ANNEXED, ITALY—ALBANIA.
19410412             1. to escape from the infamous COLDITZ—PRISON—GERMANY, ALAIN—LE—RAY (19100000—20060000    ), 1—FRANCE—RESISTANCE—LEADER, become the
19410412—19400600    —CAPTURED, ALAIN—LE—RAY had been.
19410412—19760000    —IN—THE, THE—NAZIS had touted the COLDITZ—PRISON—GERMANY—JAIL as escape proof, and his exploits were recounted book "Premiere 1—COLDITZ" ("1. in Colditz").
19420412             —KILLED, JAPAN, about 400—THE—PHILIPPINES—OFFICERS in Bataan.
19440412             —PREMIERED, LILLIAN—HELLMAN'S "Searching Wind,", in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19440412             20. AIR—FORCE WAS—ACTIVATED, THE—USA to begin the STRATEGIC—BOMBING—OF—JAPAN.
19450412             —COMPLETED, RICHARD—STRAUSS, his "Metamorphosis".
19450412             LUCY—RUTHERFORD—MERCER, USA—PRESIDENT—FRANKLIN—DELANO—ROOSEVELT his secret companion, was at his bedside.
19450412             The period IS—COVERED, in "MISTER—TRUMAN—WAR" (19960000             ) by ROBERT—MOSKIN.
19450412             —KILLED, He found some 10,000 corpses, by the guards as the allies approached.
19450412             —SUCCUMBED, PRESIDENT—FRANKLIN—DELANO—ROOSEVELT—THE 32. PRESIDENT—OF—UNITED—STATES, to 1—CEREBRAL hemorrhage —WHILE posing for 1—PORTRAIT by ELIZABETH Shoumatoff at what came to be known as the Little WHITE—HOUSE in Warm Springs, where the unfinished portrait remains on display.
19450412             LUCY—RUTHERFORD—MERCER, PRESIDENT—FRANKLIN—DELANO—ROOSEVELT—THE 32. PRESIDENT—OF—UNITED—STATES, his secret companion, was at his bedside.
19450412             ROBERT—DANIELL (19010000—19960000    ), UNITED—KINGDOM—TANK—COMMANDER, entered with his tank crew into BERGEN—BELSEN CONCENTRATION—CAMP.
19450412             —FOUND, ROBERT—DANIELL, some 10,000 corpses, KILLED by the guards as the allies approached.
19450412             —OF the remaining 38,500 prisoners, barely a 3. survived.
19450412             —LIBERATED, CANADA—TROOPS, the Nazi CONCENTRATION—CAMP at Westerbork, Neth.
19450412             † FRANKLIN—DELANO—ROOSEVELT, in office, of 1—BRAIN hemorrhage, WASHINGTON, DC.
19450412—19210000    —PARALYZED, USA—PRESIDENT—FRANKLIN—DELANO—ROOSEVELT, left, by polio, was elected to the nation's highest office 4—TIMES and is judged by historians to be among the greatest USA—PRESIDENTS.
19450412—19210000    —PARALYZED, ROOSEVELT, left, by polio, was elected to the nation's highest office 4—TIMES and is judged by historians to be among the greatest USA—PRESIDENTS.
19450412—19450328    —SINCE, THE—63—YEAR—OLD—USA—PRESIDENT—FRANKLIN—DELANO—ROOSEVELT had been at Warm SPRINGS—GEORGIA, resting from the rigors of leading 1—NATION at war.
19450412—20010000    —IN, "THE—NEW—DEALER—WAR," the 5. and last volume of THE—ROOSEVELT biography by THOMAS—FLEMING (19990000             †) was published.
19450412—20030000    —AUTHORED, CONRAD—BLACK, aka Lord Black of Crossharbour, "FRANKLIN—DELANO—ROOSEVELT".
19450412—20080000    —IN, H. W. Brands authored ""Traitor to His Class: THE—PRIVILEGED—LIFE and Radical Presidency of FRANKLIN—DELANO—ROOSEVELT".
19460412             —VERLASSEN das ehemalige MANDATSGEBIET—SYRIEN, Die letzten FRANZÖSISCHEN—TRUPPEN
19460412—19410000    —BEREITS, Das MANDATSGEBIET—SYRIEN—LAND ist von Forces françaises libres offiziell in die Unabhängigkeit entlassen worden, dennoch hat FRANKREICH weiterhin de facto die Kontrolle behalten.
19470412             * DAVID—LETTERMAN, comedian (—LATE—NIGHT), in INDIANAPOLIS—INDIANA.
19490412             * SCOTT—TUROW, writer and attorney.
19500412             An den Städtischen Bühnen FRANKFURT am Main wird das Musikalische Lustspiel Der Mann mit dem Zylinder von —JUST Scheu und ERNST—NEBHUT uraufgeführt.
19520412             Shaw trial; DA JIM—GARRISON subpoenas ALLEN—DULLES and EX—CIA employee...
19520412             —LATER, JOHN—FOSTER—DULLES, to become SECRETARY—OF—STATE...
19520412             UELLENANHANG—THE—TRILATERAL—COMMISSION—CONTROLS through THE—CFR members the whole... Shaw trial;
19540000—20160412    * † ITALY—ENTREPRENEUR—GIANROBERTO—CASALEGGIO, and political activist.
19540412             Nach seinem Wechsel zu DECCA—RECORDS nimmt BILL—HALEY in NEW—YORK das Lied ROCK—AROUND—THE—CLOCK auf und verhilft damit kurz danach dem Rock 'n' Roll zum Durchbruch.
19540412             —RECORDED, BILL—HALEY & the Comets, "Rock —AROUND the Clock" at NEW—YORK—CITY—PYTHIAN—TEMPLE.
19540412             It was WRITTEN—BY—MAX—C—FREEDMAN and JIMMY—DE—KNIGHT.
19540412             —RELEASED, JOE—TURNER, "Shake, Rattle & Roll".
19540412             "Rock —AROUND the Clock" was WRITTEN—BY—MAX—C—FREEDMAN and JIMMY—DE—KNIGHT.
19540412             BILL—HALEY'S "Rock —AROUND the Clock," was originally released as THE—B side of "13—WOMEN".
19540412             —HIRED a lawyer, ROBERT—OPPENHEIMER.
19540412—19531221    —ACCUSED, LEWIS—STRAUSS, HEAD—OF—THE—AEC, had, ROBERT—OPPENHEIMER, of disloyalty and presented 1—LIST—OF—THE—CHARGES against him.
19540412—19810000    † BILL—HALEY.
19550412             —DDR—MINISTERRAT—MELDET die Verhaftung von 521—AGENTEN
19550412             Zu 521—AGENTEN rechnet DER—DDR—MINISTERRAT auch den aus WEST—BERLIN entführten JOURNALIST—KARL—WILHELM—FRICKE.
19550412             —DECLARED, THE—SALK—VACCINE was, safe and effective.
19550412             THE—SALK—VACCINE shots for polio began to be given out to school kids.
19550412             —WITHIN—20—YEARS—ACCOMPLISHED, THE—MARCH—OF—DIMES, its mission.
19550412             Research led by DOCTOR—JONAS—SALK, of THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—PITTSBURGH, and supported by funds (those marching little dimes) raised annually by THOUSANDS—OF—VOLUNTEERS, resulted in the announcement that the Salk polio vaccine was "safe, potent and effective".
19550412             —SUPPORTED, The foundation also, the research that led to the Sabin ORAL vaccine, another safe, effective polio preventative discovered by DOCTOR—ALBERT—B—SABIN.
19550412             —FOLLOWING the victory over infantile paralysis, THE—MARCH—OF—DIMES turned its attention to conquering the largest killer and CRIPPLER—OF—CHILDREN: the mental and physical problems that are present at birth.
19550412             SOME—100—MILLION—PEOPLE were given the vaccine —DURING the 1950s and 1960s which was —LATER found to be contaminated with the SV40 simian virus, 1—POSSIBLE carcinogen.
19550412             —ACCOMPLISHED, THE—MARCH—OF—DIMES, its mission within —20—YEARS.
19560412             Working in GERMANY, DOCTOR—JONAS—SALK with STANISLAUS—VON—PROWAZEK (18750000—19150000    ) discovered Rickettsia prowazekii, the pathogen of endemic typhus, which he named —AFTER THE—GERMANY—ZOOLOGIST.
19570412             —GÖTTINGER—ERKLÄRUNG, 18—FÜHRENDE BUNDESREPUBLIK—DEUTSCHLAND—ATOM—WISSENSCHAFTLER wenden sich gegen die atomare Bewaffnung der Bundesrepublik.
19590412             —REPORTED, FRANCE Observator, torture practice by FRANCE—ARMY in ALGERIA.
19600412             —DEBUTED, BILL—VEECK and CHICAGO—COMISKEY—PARK, the "Exploding Scoreboard".
19600412             THE—SF—GIANTS made their OPENING—DAY debut in the new Candlestick stadium —BEFORE 42,000 fans.
19600412             —DESIGNED, The stadium was, by architect JOHN—S—BOLES.
19600412             1—RADIANT heating system for the 2. tier seats failed to work.
19600412             † The stadium was built by CHARLES—HARNEY (19620000             ), 1—FRIEND—OF—MAYOR—CHRISTOPHER, who also sold 41—ACRES to the city at $66,853 per acre.
19600412             —PURCHASED, CHARLES—HARNEY had, the land —JUST 1—FEW years —EARLIER at $2,100 per acre.
19600412             —RECEIVED, CHARLES—HARNEY, $7—MILLION for building the stadium and was named DIRECTOR—OF—THE—CORPORATION set up to build the stadium.
19610412             1. Mensch ins All, fliegt, DER—SOWJET—KOSMONAUT—JURI—GAGARIN, von Baikonur aus an Bord von WOSTOK—1
19610412             —DIE—BEMANNTE—RAUMFAHRT—BEGINNT, Damit, die Sowjetunion beim Wettlauf ins All im KALTER—KRIEG 1 Vorsprung einbringt.
19610412             —NOCH—AM—SELBEN—TAG—WIEDER, sicher auf der Erde, Nach 1 Umrundung, landet DER—SOWJET—KOSMONAUT—JURI—GAGARIN
19610412             1. Mensch ins Weltall, Der SOWJET—KOSMONAUT—JURI—GAGARIN fliegt
19610412             —OFFERED, DOUGLAS—MACARTHUR was, baseball commissioner position but declined.
19610412             YURI—ALEXEYEVICH—GAGARIN orbited the Earth once —BEFORE making 1—SAFE landing.
19610412             —ROCKETED, THE—RUSSIANS, YURI—ALEXEYEVICH—GAGARIN, the 1. man into space.
19610412             YURI—ALEXEYEVICH—GAGARIN^His ship, Vostok I, was guided entirely from the ground.
19610412             —AM, ins All MITGENOMMEN—ALLERDINGS ganz legal.
19610412             Der Kosmonaut hatte bemängelt, daß es im Notfallset nichts gab, womit man 1—WUNDE reinigen könnte.
19610412             "Dann nehmen wir eben Cognac", schlug der Kosmonaut vor.
19610412             Der könne ja die Bordverpflegung ergänzen.
19610412             —AM, umrundete YURI—ALEXEYEVICH—GAGARIN mit dem Raumschiff Wostok 1—ALS 1. Mensch im Weltall DIE—ERDE.
19610412             RUSSIA Wins Race, Puts 1. Man in Space 19610412             : THE—SOVIET—UNION—YURI—GAGARIN becomes the 1. man into space + the space race is officially on.
19610412             —ORBITED, YURI—ALEXEYEVICH—GAGARIN, the Earth once —BEFORE making 1—SAFE landing.
19610412             1—SEINER 63—VERPFLEGUNGSTUBEN enthielt ARMENISCHEN—WEINBRAND, auf seine Anregung hin.
19620412             † ERWIN—GUIDO—KOLBENHEYER, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—ROMANAUTOR, Dramatiker und Lyriker
19620412             —VERABSCHIEDET, Die Partei, 1—VERORDNUNG, in der die Herausgabe und Herstellung von Presseerzeugnissen geregelt ist.
19630412             Police used dogs and cattle prods on peaceful civil rights demonstrators in BIRMINGHAM—ALABAMA.
19660412             —BECAME, EMMETT—ASHFORD, the 1. AFRICA—USA—MAJOR—LEAGUE umpire.
19660412             JAN—BERRY (19420000—20040000    ) of the "Jan and Dean" duo was involved in 1—CAR—CRASH that left him in —1—MONTH—LONG coma.
19660412             —INCLUDED, Their hit songs 19600000—19660000    —FROM—TO : "Little Old lady from PASADENA," "DEADMAN—CURVE," and "Surf City".
19660412             1. B—52—BOMBING on NORTH—VIETNAM took place.
19670000—17700412    —REPEALED, UNITED—KINGDOM—PARLIAMENT, —THE [Townshend] TOWNSEND—ACTS that put duties on certain products imported to THE—USA.
19670412             —EXECUTED, In THE—SF—BAY—AREA—AARON—CHARLES—MITCHELL, —37—JAHRE—ALT was, in S—QUENTIN—GAS chamber for 19630000             —THE—KILLING—OF—1—POLICEMAN.
19680412             1—TAG—NACH—DEM Mordanschlag auf RUDI—DUTSCHKE durch JOSEF—BACHMANN in BERLIN kommt es zu
19680412             —SCHWERE—AUSSCHREITUNGEN, in mehreren DEUTSCHEN—STÄDTEN.
19690412             —RELEASED, Simon and Garfunkel, "THE—BOXER".
19700412             —NACH 2—BRÄNDEN, bei denen 30—SEELEUTE ums LEBEN—GEKOMMEN, sind, sinkt das SOWJET—ATOM—U—BOOT—K—8 mit den verbliebenen 22—BESATZUNGSMITGLIEDERN in der Biskaya.
19710412             WALTER—ULBRICHT wird von LEONID—BRESCHNEW zum Rücktritt aufgefordert.
19730412             —REPEALED, SWAZILAND, Sobhuza II, the constitution and dissolved PARLIAMENT, making himself absolute ruler.
19730412             —BANNED, SWAZILAND Political parties were, and 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY was declared.
19730412             —ESTABLISHED, VIETNAM and FRANCE officially, diplomatic relations.
19750412             SOME—OF—CAMBODIA—MOST—SENIOR—GOVERNMENT ministers, including the Acting PRESIDENT, Saukham KHOY, were among the evacuees.
19780412             Die Oper Le Grand Macabre von György Ligeti nach einem STÜCK—VON—MICHEL—DE—GHELDERODE wird an der Königlichen Oper in STOCKHOLM uraufgeführt.
19800412             —BEGINNT, Der unterschenkelamputierte Sportler TERRY—FOX, in Neufundland seinen MARATHON—OF—HOPE, bei dem er Gelder für die Krebsforschung sammeln will.
19800412             Er muss allerdings den Lauf von der KANADISCHEN—ATLANTIK—ZUR Pazifikküste nach 5373—GELAUFENEN Kilometern abbrechen.
19800412             † TEXAS, RICHARD—WHITEHEAD, —16—JAHRE—ALT was shot and killed —AFTER allegedly drinking into THE—EARLY—HOURS with CO—WORKER—DELMA Banks.
19800412             —CLAIMED, Banks, he was innocent, but was convicted in the murder and sentenced to death.
19800412             LIBERIA, Master SERGEANT—SAMUEL—K—DOE (19510000—19900000    ) of the Krahn tribe staged 1—COUP.
19800412             —KILLED, SERGEANT—SAMUEL—K—DOE, 1—HIGH—SCHOOL dropout, and 1—FEW soldiers, PRESIDENT—WILLIAM—TOLBERT and fatally shot 12—OF—HIS—MINISTERS.
19800412             —BACKED, SERGEANT—SAMUEL—K—DOE was, by THE—USA and became 1—OF—LIBERIA—MOST brutal dictators.
19800412—20040000    —STOPPED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, the execution and allowed Banks to appeal his conviction.
19810412             1. startet das wiederverwendbare SPACE—SHUTTLE ins All, Mit der RAUMFÄHRE—COLUMBIA—MISSION—STS—1
19810412             An Bord sind der Kommander JOHN—WATTS—YOUNG und der PILOT—ROBERT—CRIPPEN.
19810412             Der Raumflug dauert —BIS zum 19810414             .
19810412             Die genauen Umstände JUNGE—GEMEINDE—JENA—STADTMITTE—MITGLIED—MATTHIAS—DOMASCHK seines Todes bleiben ungeklärt.
19810412             1. space shuttle, COLUMBIA, carrying astronauts ROBERT—L—CRIPPEN and JOHN—W—YOUNG, blasted off from Cape CANAVERAL—FLORIDA, on its 1. test flight.
19810412             —DESIGNATED, It was, STS-1 (space transportation system).
19810412             —BURIED, He was, at ARLINGTON Cemetery under 1—WAIVER by PRESIDENT—REAGAN.
19820412             MANHATTAN, 3—CBS employees were shot to death on 1—ROOFTOP parking lot.
19820412             —CHARGED, DONALD—NASH, —47—JAHRE—ALT was, with using a.22 caliber handgun kill MARGARET—BARBERA, who was cooperating with 1—FEDERAL—INVESTIGATION into a $6—MILLION—FRAUD, and LEO—KURANUKI, ROBERT—SCHULZE and EDWARD—BENFORD, 3—CBS technicians who the police believe were coming to her aid.
19820412—19830000    —CONVICTED, MISTER—NASH was, and sentenced to 4—CONSECUTIVE —25—YEAR—TERMS in prison.
19830412             Chicagoans went to the polls to elect HAROLD—WASHINGTON the city's 1. black mayor.
19840412             —FAST—20—JAHRE—NACH—PLANUNGSBEGINN wird am Flughafen FRANKFURT Main die neue Startbahn West in Betrieb genommen.
19840412             —VERZICHTET—WIRD auf Eröffnungsfeierlichkeiten, Wegen der nach wie vor massiven Proteste
19850412             Der leistungsfähigste Schwimmkran der Welt, die MCDERMOTT—DERRICK—BARGE—NUMBER 102—THIALF wird auf KIEL gelegt.
19850412             —KONZIPIERT, Das MCDERMOTT—DERRICK—BARGE—NUMBER—SCHIFF ist als Halbtaucher, und kann daher seinen Tiefgang variieren.
19850412             —BECAME, SENATOR—JAKE—GARN—OF—UTAH, the 1. SENATOR to fly in space as the shuttle Discovery lifted off from Cape CANAVERAL—FLORIDA.
19850412             AUSTRALIA, the charred REMAINS—OF—SANDRA—WHITE, —34—JAHRE—ALT were found in rural VICTORIA.
19850412             1—BOMBING in MADRID—SPAIN, killed 18 and injured 82. Shia Muslim extremists claimed responsibility.
19850412—19900000    —ALLEGED, He is, to have confessed to the killing —AFTER being detained in 1—LONDON psychiatric hospital —FOLLOWING 1—ROAD—ACCIDENT.
19850412—20090000    —ACCUSED—OF, STEVEN—HUTTON, —54—JAHRE—ALT was —LATER, strangling her and setting her on fire.
19850412—20090000    —IN, he was set to be extradited from BRITAIN.
19870412             Texaco INCORPORATED, fighting an $11—BILLION judgment in favor of Pennzoil Co. stemming from TEXACO—ACQUISITION—OF—GETTY Oil Co., filed for FEDERAL—BANKRUPTCY—PROTECTION.
19870412             —SETTLED, Texaco, with assets of $33.8—BILLION, —LATER, with Pennzoil for $3—BILLION.
19880412             Das FILM—MONUMENTALWERK Der letzte Kaiser von Bernardo Bertolucci über ein CHINESISCHES—HERRSCHERSCHICKSAL erhält bei der Oscarverleihung 9—OSCARS, unter anderem in den Kategorien Bester Film und Beste Regie.
19880412             —ISSUED, THE—USA—PATENT and Trademark Office, 1—PATENT to Harvard University for 1—GENETICALLY engineered mouse, the 1. time 1—PATENT was granted for 1—ANIMAL—LIFE—FORM.
19880412             —FOUNDED, ALAN—STEWART—PATON, and served as PRESIDENT—OF—THE—LIBERAL—PARTY (19530000—19680000    ).
19890412             —AM Staatsschauspiel DRESDEN wird die DDR—VERSION—DER—ARTUSSAGE—VON—CHRISTOPH—HEIN, Die Ritter der Tafelrunde, uraufgeführt.
19890412             Das Stück mit seinen deutlichen Bezügen zur aktuellen Situation in der DDR wird zu einem Publikumserfolg.
19890412             —AUFGELÖST—WIRD, das Politbüro der UNGARISCHEN—SOZIALISTISCHE—ARBEITERPARTEI und, verstärkt mit Reformern, neu gebildet.
19890412             —AGREED, NY State leaders, to raise unemployment benefits to $245—PER —WEEK.
19890412             Abbie Hoffman (52), radical activist, was found dead at his home in New Hope, Penn.
19890412             She wrote "Trashing," 1—FICTIONAL memoir of her activity as 1—YIPPIE.
19890412—19800000    —IN, He suffered from bipolar mental illness that was only diagnosed.
19890412—19920000    —IN, ABBIE—BROTHER, wrote 1—BIOGRAPHY, as did MARTY—JEZER.
19890412—19940000    —IN, JACK—HOFFMAN,
19890412—19960000    —IN, JONAH—RASKIN wrote: "For the Hell of It: THE—LIFE and Times of Abbie Hoffman".
19890412—19980000    —IN, His wife, Anita, †.
19890412—19990000    —PUBLISHED, LARRY—SLOMAN, "Steal This Dream: Abbie Hoffman and the Countercultural Revolution in AMERICA".
19890412—20090000    —AUTHORED, Wil Haygood, "Sweet Thunder: THE—LIFE and TIMES—OF—SUGAR—RAY—ROBINSON".
19900412             Der CDU—POLITIKER LOTHAR—DE—MAIZIÈRE wird —NACH—DEM Erfolg in der Volkskammerwahl 19900000             zum 1. demokratisch legitimierten Ministerpräsident der DDR gewählt.
19900412             Die REGIERUNG—DE—MAIZIÈRE ist die letzte der DDR—REGIERUNG
19900412             DIE—DDR—VOLKSKAMMER wählt LOTHAR—DE—MAIZIÈRE (CDU) zum Ministerpräsidenten eines Kabinetts der Großen Koalition aus den Allianzparteien CDU, DSU, DA, der SPD und den Liberalen
19900412             einig ist sich, Die Koalition, über den zügigen Beitritt der DDR zur Bundesrepublik gemäß Artikel 23—DES Grundgesetzes.
19900412             —HIRED, Greyhound Bus, new drivers to replace strikers.
19900412             In its 1. meeting, EAST—GERMANY—1. democratically elected PARLIAMENT acknowledged responsibility for the Nazi Holocaust, and asked the forgiveness of Jews and others who had suffered.
19900412             —MOVED, JAMES—BROWN (19330000             *) was, to the lower SAVANNAH Work Center in Aiken COUNTY—SC, —AFTER serving —15—MONTHS.
19910412             —ANNOUNCED, Defense SECRETARY—DICK—CHENEY, plans to close 31—MAJOR—USA—MILITARY—BASES, including Ford Ord in CALIFORNIA and Fort Dix in NEW—JERSEY.
19910412             —REPORTED, Kurdish rebels, THE—IRAQ—ARMY was attacking guerrillas in NORTH—IRAQ.
19920412             1. WALT—DISNEY—VERGNÜGUNGSPARK in EUROPA eröffnet Euro Disney Resort PARIS in MARNE—LA—VALLÉE 30—KILOMETER östlich von PARIS.
19920412             —AFTER—5—YEARS in the making, Euro Disneyland, 1—THEME—PARK costing $4—BILLION, opened in MARNE—LA—VALLEE, FRANCE, amid controversy as FRANCE—INTELLECTUALS bemoaned the invasion of USA—POP culture.
19930412             —BOSNIEN—KRIEG—BEGINN—NATO—OPERATION zur militärischen Durchsetzung der Flugverbotszone über BOSNIEN—HERZEGOWINA.
19930412             NATO—WARPLANES began enforcing 1—UNITED—NATIONS—NO—FLY zone over BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA;
19930412             —MEANWHILE, BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—SERBS bombarded the besieged EAST—TOWN—OF—SREBRENICA.
19940412             —DECLINED, Senate Majority Leader GEORGE—MITCHELL, to be nominated to THE—SUPREME—COURT.
19940412             Playwright EDWARD—ALBEE won his 3. Pulitzer prize for "3—TALL—WOMEN";
19940412             the Pulitzer prize for fiction went to E. Annie Proulx for "THE—SHIPPING—NEWS";
19940412             THE—GOLD—MEDAL award for public service journalism went to THE—AKRON—BEACON—JOURNAL—OF—OHIO.
19940412             THE—USA—OPERATIONS—DISTANT—RUNNER and Support Hope began in RWANDA and ended 19940930             .
19940412             They cost $147.8—BILLION.
19940412             —ASSASSINATED, IRAQ, Shiite dissident Talib AL—SUHAIL was, by THE—IRAQ—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICE in BEIRUT.
19940412—19940930    —BEGAN, in RWANDA, and ended THE—USA—OPERATIONS—DISTANT—RUNNER and Support Hope.
19950412             —STUNNED, In 1—MOVE that, the business world, billionaire KIRK—KERKORIAN and FORMER—CHRYSLER Chairman LEE—IACOCCA made 1 unsolicited $22.8—BILLION—DOLLAR—BID to buy the nation's 3. largest automaker;
19950412             —RESPONDED, Chrysler, that it wasn't for sale.
19960412             —FEATURED, The artwork of Masamune Shirow was, in THE—JAPAN—ANIMATION—EPIC "Ghost in the Shell".
19960412             It was set in 1—FUTURISTIC—TOKYO—OF—20290000           .
19960412             —NAMED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, USA—TRADE—REPRESENTATIVE—MICKEY—KANTOR to succeed the late Ron Brown as commerce SECRETARY.
19960412             Historian STANLEY—I—KUTLER—OF—THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—WISCONSIN won the release of the Nixon WHITE—HOUSE—TAPES.
19960412             The 1. 200—OF—3000—HOURS that document the Watergate coverup will be released by —NOVEMBER.
19960412             —AGREED, POLAND—GOVERNMENT, to grant pensions to former presidents LECH—WALESA, WOJCIECH—JARUZELSKI, and the last PRE—COMMUNIST—PRESIDENT—RYSZARD—KASZOROWSKI.
19960412             The net pension will be about $1.600—1—MONTH.
19960412             —APPROVED, Legislators —LATER, $800—PER —MONTH.
19960412             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—FERNANDO—HENRIQUE—CARDOSO, 1—DECREE allowing up to 18,000 INMATES—OF—BRAZIL—PRISONS to go free.
19960412             1—JUDGE—IN—TOLUCA—MEXICO ordered that RAUL—SALINAS—DE—GORTARI stand trial on charges of hiding MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in unexplained income —DURING his career as ADMINISTRATOR—OF—FOOD—SUBSIDY programs in the 1980s.
19960412—19920000    —IN, He started his suit.
19970412             —RECOVERED, ITALY, the Shroud of Turin was, from 1—FIRE that began in the Guarini CHAPEL—OF—THE—CITY'S 14010101—15001231     cathedral.
19970412             The new $38.4—MILLION—MUSEUM—OF—AFRICA—USA—HISTORY was scheduled to open in DETROIT at 315—E. WARREN—AVE. with a 16,000-sq.-foot core exhibit.
19970412             The building was paid for by 1—CITY—BACKED bond issue but the collection was started by DOCTOR—CHARLES—WRIGHT.
19970412             † GEORGE—WALD, —80—JAHRE—ALT, USA—SCIENTIST (Nobel Prize, vitamin A in retina).
19970412             † HONDURAS, Candido Amador, 1—CHORTI tribal leader, was shot to death near the ruins of Copan —AFTER 1—MEETING with local landowners.
19970412             Another leader, Ovidio Perez, was gunned down less than —1—MONTH—LATER.
19970412             Undaunted by 1—CACHE of explosives found on his travel route, JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA plunged into 1—PEACE—MISSION to SARAJEVO, wading into crowds and declaring, "Never again war".
19970412             —REPORTED, From MADAGASCAR it was, that 1—PLAGUE of locusts was poised to sweep over THE—5—MILLION—ACRES—OF—RICH—FARMLAND in the south of the nation.
19970412             —DEMANDED, He had, that the government turn over 35,000 ACRES—OF—LAND that was promised to the indigenous peoples in 1—AGREEMENT with THE—SPAIN—COLONIAL—GOVERNMENT in the 17010101—18001231.
19980412             MARK—O'MEARA won the Masters golf tournament in AUGUSTA—GEORGIA with a 9—UNDER—PAR score of 279.
19980412             —KILLED, COLUMBIA, at least 22—SOLDIERS and leftist rebels were, in fighting in Restrepo.
19980412             —APPEALED, Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams, to IRA supporters to accept NORTH—IRELAND—COMPROMISE peace accord.
19980412             ITALY, MARIA—ANGELA—RUBINO, —32—JAHRE—ALT was found shot in a train bathroom.
19980412             —EXPELLED, MEXICO, authorities, 12—FOREIGNERS from Chiapas state saying they had engaged in activity in support of the Zapatista rebels.
19980412             2—INTERNATIONAL—NEWS photographers were beaten and police attempted to confiscate their film as they boarded 1—PLANE for MEXICO—CITY.
19980412             —REPORTED, The expelled group, that they had witnessed 1—MILITARY—OPERATION to shut down 1—TOWN—COUNCIL in Taniperlas, that was raided the previous —DAY by 750—POLICE and troops.
19980412             —EASTER.
19980412—19980309    —SINCE, The murder was similar to 6—OTHERS along THE—ITALY—RIVIERA.
19990412             In der Nähe des ROBERT—DAUM—PLATZES im Wuppertaler Stadtteil Elberfeld ereignet sich der schwerste Unfall der Wuppertaler Schwebebahn, der 5—TOTE und 47—VERLETZTE fordert.
19990412             —CITED, ARKANSAS, USA—DISTRICT—JUDGE—SUSAN—WEBBER—WRIGHT, PRESIDENT—CLINTON for CONTEMPT—OF—COURT, concluding that THE—PRESIDENT had lied about his relationship with Monica Lewinsky in 1—DEPOSITION in the Paula Jones case.
19990412             1—JURY in LITTLE—ROCK, ARKANSAS, acquitted SUSAN—MCDOUGAL of obstructing Independent Counsel KENNETH—STARR—WHITEWATER inquiry and deadlocked on 2—OTHER—CHARGES, causing 1—MISTRIAL.
19990412             —NAMED, THE—SNAKE—RIVER in SOUTH—EAST—WASHINGTON state was, as the nation's most endangered river because of 4—DAMS that have brought salmon runs to THE—BRINK—OF—EXTINCTION.
19990412             —CONSIDERED, NATO—ALLIES, establishing 1—PROTECTORATE to shield KOSOVO from YUGOSLAVIA—FORCES.
19990412             —HIJACKED, COLOMBIA, 1—AVIANCA plane was, with 46—PEOPLE aboard and flown to 1—GUERRILLA—STRONGHOLD in Bolivar province.
19990412             —KILLED, EAST—TIMOR, 4—PEOPLE were, in fighting between factions for and against INDEPENDENCE from INDONESIA.
19990412             GERMANY, 1—MONORAIL fell from its suspension rail and plunged 30—FEET into the Wupper river.
19990412             —ALLOWED, HUNGARY, 1—RUSSIA—AID—CONVOY bound for Serbia was, to proceed.
19990412             —DETONATED, SOUTH—LEBANON, guerrillas, 1—ROADSIDE bomb and killed 1—ISRAEL—SOLDIER and wounded 2—OTHERS.
19990412             —CLAIMED, THE—SHIITE—MUSLIM—HEZBOLLAH, responsibility and announced that ISRAEL—TROOPS had killed 1—ITS—FIGHTERS—HOURS—EARLIER.
19990412             —ENDORSED, IGOR—IVANOV, the foreign MINISTER—OF—RUSSIA, the proposal, but the alliance existed for the most part only on paper.
19990412             † * BoxCar Willie, country singer at age 67. He as Lecil Martin in STARETT—TEXAS, and spent —22—YEARS in THE—AIR—FORCE.
19990412             NATO—BOMBS hit 1—TRAIN—CAR at 1—RAILROAD bridge over the Juzna Morava River and 10 were killed and 16—INJURED.
19990412             3—PEOPLE were killed and 47—INJURED in the derailment of the historic (19010000             ) "hanging railway".
19990507             —RELEASED, COLOMBIA, ELN rebels, 7—MORE—HOSTAGES from 19990412             —THE—HIJACKING.
19990507—19990412    —FROM—THE, COLOMBIA, ELN rebels released 7—MORE—HOSTAGES hijacking.
20000000             location: B14492/Wed, 20060412083032       /"War on... managed to arrest the plane's co. question is BRENT—KOVAR, owner of... BRENT—KOVAR really did it...
20000412             ATTORNEY—GENERAL—JANET—RENO met in MIAMI with THE—USA—RELATIVES—OF—ELIAN—GONZALEZ, —AFTER which she ordered them to bring THE—6—YEAR—OLD—BOY to 1—AIRPORT the —NEXT—DAY so he could be taken to 1—REUNION with his father in WASHINGTON.
20000412             —SEIZED, Elian was, by FEDERAL—AGENTS—10—DAYS—AFTER RENO—ORDER to turn him over.
20000412             —ARRESTED, DETROIT—POLICE, JOHN—ERIC—ARMSTRONG, —26—JAHRE—ALT, 1 suspected serial killer.
20000412             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—VERMONT—BASED Ben & JERRY—ICE—CREAM maker would be sold to Unilever Corp.
20000412             —ARRIVED, CHINA—PRESIDENT—JIANG—ZEMIN, in ISRAEL to support commercial defense relations between THE—2—COUNTRIES.
20000412             COLOMBIA, police and USA—DRUG—AGENTS swept over 4—CITIES in "Operation —MILLENNIUM II" and made 49—ARRESTS in the country's largest heroin ring.
20000412             —RULED, ISRAEL—THE—SUPREME—COURT, that THE—DETENTION—OF—LEBANON—MEN for more than —1—DECADE was illegal.
20000412             —KILLED, PAKISTAN, at least 11—PEOPLE were, in Mulawali —WHEN gunmen hurled 1—GRENADE into 1—PRAYER meeting of Shiite Muslims followed by automatic rifle fire.
20000412             30—PEOPLE were injured.
20000412             —CAPSIZED, In THE—PHILIPPINES—THE—ARLAHADA ferryboat, —AFTER leaving Jolo and at least 56—PEOPLE †.
20000412             Another 100 were missing and feared dead.
20000412             —LATER, The death toll rose to 133.
20000412             wurde bekannt, dass im Rahmen der Ermittlungen gegen den STRAUß—SOHN—MAX—STRAUSS dessen sichergestellte LAPTOP—FESTPLATTE auf ungeklärte Weise verschwunden ist;
20000412             und zwar aus der "Obhut" der Staatsanwaltschaft bzw. aus der "Obhut" eines von der Staatsanwaltschaft beauftragten vereidigten Sachverständigen.
20000412             Auf jener Festplatte sollen sich wichtige Daten befunden haben, die zur Aufklärung der VERBINDUNGEN—VON—SCHREIBER, Strauß, CDU usw. hätten beitragen können.
20000412—19920000    —SINCE, Armstrong was reported to be responsible for killing some 20—PROSTITUTES, —WHEN he served in THE—USA—NAVY aboard the Nimitz.
20000412—20000417    —ON, 1—RELEASE was scheduled for 13—MEN.
20010412             —BLAMED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, THE—CHINESE for the midair COLLISION—OF—THE—USA—SPY—PLANE and 1—CHINA—JET and rebuffed demands to end reconnaissance flights off THE—COAST—OF—CHINA.
20010412             —BANNED, MARYLAND, farming of genetically modified fish in waters linked to other bodies.
20010412             —STATE—OF—EMERGENCY—DECLARED, CINCINNATI—MAYOR—CHARLES—LUKEN, and imposed 1—CITYWIDE curfew and other measures to prevent a 4. NIGHT—OF—RIOTS —FOLLOWING the fatal shooting of 1 unarmed black man by police.
20010412             —REPORTED, It was, that antiseizure drugs caused higher than normal birth defects among children born to epileptic mothers.
20010412             Most were missing and feared dead.
20010412             —ABANDONED, INDONESIA—PRESIDENT—WAHID, attempts to negotiate with SEPARATIST—REBELS in Aceh and ordered his troops to resume fighting.
20010412             —KILLED, SOME—OF—THE—REBELS were, and others wounded.
20010412             —KILLED, Tornadoes, at least 4—PEOPLE in IOWA—MISSOURI and OKLAHOMA.
20010412             CHAD, 1—TRAILER truck carrying some 100—PASSENGERS went off the Chagoua Bridge and plunged into the Chari River near THE—CAPITAL—OF—N'DJAMENA.
20010412             implication is that PROPERTY—RIGHTS cannot be divorced from CIVIL—RIGHTS.
20010412             demands from INTERNATIONAL—FINANCIAL—INSTITUTIONS bring about SOCIAL—UNREST, which in.
20010412             —DECLARED, CINCINNATI, Mayor CHARLES—LUKEN, 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY and imposed 1—CITYWIDE curfew and other measures to prevent a 4. NIGHT—OF—RIOTS —FOLLOWING the fatal shooting of 1 unarmed black man by police.
20010412—19680000    —IN, This was the worst outbreak of racial violence in the city —SINCE THE—AFTERMATH—OF—THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—MARTIN—LUTHER—KING—JUNIOR.
20010412—20060000    —IN, it was revealed that PRINCE—BANDAR bin SULTAN, SAUDI—ARABIA—AMBASSADOR to THE—USA, negotiated the release of the crew on BEHALF—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH.
20020408             —CALLED, THE—STANCE—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, for immediate withdrawal but expected action to coincide with SECRETARY—OF—STATE—POWELL—ARRIVAL 20020412             .
20020412             —PUTSCH—GEGEN—VENEZOELA—STAATS—PRÄSIDENT—HUGO—CHÁVEZ, wird PEDRO—CARMONA als Übergangspräsident eingesetzt, muss aber —BEREITS—NACH—36—STUNDEN wieder zurücktreten.
20020412             —ARRIVED, COLIN—POWELL, in ISRAEL as another suicide bombing killed 6—PEOPLE in JERUSALEM at the Mahane Yehuda market.
20020412             —FAILED, COLIN—POWELL, to PRIME—MINISTER—SHARON to 20020901             —TIMETABLE for withdrawal from WEST—BANK—CITIES.
20020412             —POSTPONED, COLIN—POWELL, 1—MEETING with Arafat and demanded that Arafat condemn the latest attack.
20020412             Estimates of PALESTINE—DEAD from ISRAEL—OPERATIONS in Jenin reached 100—200. 1—ELDERLY—PALESTINE—COUPLE were rescued —AFTER being buried —FOR—7—DAYS by 1—ISRAEL—BULLDOZER in Jenin.
20020412             —IGNORED, BOSTON—CARDINAL—BERNARD—LAW, growing demands for his resignation BECAUSE—OF—THE—SEX—SCANDAL engulfing the church.
20020412             —ENDED, Law, up resigning the —FOLLOWING December.
20020412             —TRIED, Greenpeace activists, to hang 1—ANTI—BUSH—BANNER on 1—CONTAINER ship at the Port of MIAMI—DADE.
20020412             FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS used an 18720000             "sailor mongering" law to make their case against the activists and Greenpeace.
20020412             Arab militant groups including Hezbollah, Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood issued 1—MANIFESTO declaring that Arab governments had betrayed the Palestinians and called holy war "the religious duty of EVERY—MUSLIM".
20020412             1—EARTHQUAKE hit NORTH—AFGHANISTAN and at least 59—PEOPLE were killed, mostly in Doabi.
20020412             —KILLED, NEPAL—REBEL—ATTACKS, 160—PEOPLE.
20020412             27—OFFICERS who surrendered were beheaded and 2 were burned alive.
20020412             RUSSIA—TROOPS sent into the GEORGIA—KODORI—GORGE, to watch the ABKHAZIA—BORDER.
20020412             —CONDEMNED, The RUSSIA—TROOPS—MOVE was, by GEORGIA—OFFICIALS and troops were soon withdrawn.
20020412             —AGREED, UN delegates in MADRID, on a 44-page "INTERNATIONAL—PLAN—OF—ACTION on Aging".
20020412             There were no specifics to finance or monitor compliance.
20020412             VENEZUELA, PEDRO—CARMONA—ESTANGA, HEAD—OF—1—BUSINESS—ASSOCIATION, proclaimed himself INTERIM—PRESIDENT and declared the constitution abolished.
20020412             —SUMMIT—OF—LATIN—USA—LEADERS criticized the ouster of HUGO—CHAVEZ.
20020412             —RESIGNED, HUGO—CHAVEZ had, under pressure from the country's divided military but was returned to office —2—DAYS—LATER.
20020412             —ESTIMATED, HONG—KONG, police began expelling an, 4,300 MAINLAND—BORN Chinese, who were refused THE—RIGHT—OF—RESIDENCE.
20020412             —WHEN, asked to justify the change in terminology, WHITE—HOUSE—SPRESS—SPOKESMAN—ARI—FLEISCHER responds:
20020412             "THE—REASON—I started to use that term is because it's 1—MORE—ACCURATE—DESCRIPTION.
20020412             These are not suicide bombings.
20020412             These are not people who —JUST kill themselves.
20020412             These are people who deliberately go to murder others, with no regard to the values of their own life.
20020412             These are murderers.
20020412             THE—PRESIDENT—BUSH has said that in the Rose Garden.
20020412             And I think that is —JUST 1—MORE—ACCURATE—DESCRIPTION—OF what these people are doing.
20020412             It's not suicide, it's murder".
20020412             1—SUMMIT—OF—LATIN—USA—LEADERS criticized the ouster of HUGO—CHAVEZ.
20020412—18720000    AN—SAILOR—MONGERING—LAW, FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS used, to make their case against the activists and Greenpeace.
20030412             —REFERENDUM—IN—UNGARN, stimmen 83,8—PROZENT—DER—ABSTIMMENDEN für den geplanten EU—BEITRITT.
20030412             —REFERENDUM—IN—UNGARN—WAHLBETEILIGUNG beträgt 45,6 %.
20030412             FARO, 20030403
20030412             —ERST—AM—SONNTAG - - FARO,
20030412             Manifestação no Consulado Britânico em PORTIMÃO
20030412             Exmo/as Srs/as: O Movimento "O Algarve pela Paz" convida V. Exas. para participarem numa das
20030412             reuniões de preparação da participação do Algarve na jornada mundial pela
20030412             paz, que está marcada para o próximo dia 12—DE Abril.
20030412             Na próxima —SEGUNDA—FEIRA, 7—DE Abril, às 21:30 h, na Biblioteca Municipal de PORTIMÃO, ou na próxima TERÇA—FEIRA, 8—DE Abril, às 21:30 h, na Associação Recreativa e Cultural do Algarve, em FARO, na Rua dos Bombeiros Portugueses,
20030412             nº 4, 1º (perto do mercado / estádio S. Luís).
20030412             Nessas reuniões, entre outras coisas que cada um pode propôr, abordaremos a
20030412             proposta de realização de duas caravanas (sotavento e barlavento) pela paz,
20030412             que terminariam em PORTIMÃO, junto ao Consulado Britânico, numa grande
20030412             manifestação junto à representação diplomática de um dos países intensamente
20030412             envolvido na agressão militar ao Iraque.
20030412             Convidamos também V. Exas. a aderirem ao Movimento "O Algarve pela Paz"
20030412             Saudações Pacíficas
20030412             Sérgio MARTINS—PLO' Grupo de Contacto do Movimento "O Algarve pela Paz"
20030412             Caravana pela Paz -
20030412             O Movimento "O Algarve pela Paz" vem por este meio convidar V. Exas. a - aderirem ao mesmo.
20030412             Perante a eventualidade de uma próxima guerra contra o Iraque assistimos à criação mediática de um clima geral de fatalismo, como se a guerra dita
20030412             "preventiva", fosse inevitável e os cidadãos em geral nada pudessem fazer.
20030412             Recusando as "verdades absolutas", afirmamos que a guerra, ainda que contra tiranos, nunca foi a solução para a fome, a miséria e o desemprego, além de
20030412             que ela mesma provoca a morte, a destruição e impactos irreversíveis sobre o ambiente.
20030412             A guerra não é uma solução para resolver os conflitos entre povos nem as divergências religiosas.
20030412             A guerra revela uma "cegueira sinistra", como afirmou o Papa, para quem "a PAZ é Possível e Obrigatória".
20030412             A Organização das Nações Unidas RECORDA—NOS que seriam somente necessários quarenta mil milhões de dólares por ano, para assegurarmos alimentação,
20030412             educação básica e INFRA—ESTRUTURAS sanitárias aos deserdados de todo o mundo, verba que afinal representa apenas um vigésimo das despesas mundiais com o armamento.
20030412             PREOCUPA—NOS a posição subserviente do Primeiro Ministro português de apoiar a administração Bush numa eventual guerra que se deve à prossecução dos
20030412             interesses económicos e estratégicos dos EUA e não a preocupação com a - libertação do povo iraquiano.
20030412             Além disso, esta decisão do nosso Primeiro Ministro contraria a construção de uma EUROPA coesa e solidária.
20030412             Por isso, propomos a toda a sociedade algarvia que se junte a nós na defesa da Paz, com a firme convicção que a guerra é sempre uma derrota catastrófica para a Humanidade.
20030412             Compruebe sus conocimientos
20030412             Test de inteligencia sobre la Guerra en IRAK
20030412             1.-** ¿Qué porcentaje de la población mundial es estadounidense?
20030412             El 6%. - 2.-** ¿Qué porcentaje de la riqueza mundial tiene EEUU?
20030412             El 50% - - 3.-** ¿Qué país tiene las mayores reservas petrolíferas?
20030412             Arabia Saudí. - 4.-** ¿Y el segundo mayor?IRAK.
20030412             5.-** ¿Cuál es el gasto mundial en presupuestos militares de LOS—GOBIERNOS?
20030412             Más de un billón de euros.
20030412             6.-** ¿Qué porcentaje de esta cantidad corresponde a EEUU?
20030412             El 50%. - 7.-** ¿Qué porcentaje del gasto militar de EEUU daría para cubrir las necesidades básicas del Tercer Mundo, según la **ONU**?
20030412             El 10%. - 8.-** ¿Cuánta gente ha muerto en guerras desde la **Segunda GuerraMundial**?
20030412             86—MILLONES.
20030412             9.-** ¿Desde cuándo tiene IRAK armas químicas y biológicas?
20030412             DESDE—COMIENZOS de los años ochenta.
20030412             10.-** ¿Desarrolló IRAK esas armas por su cuenta?
20030412             No, contó CON—MATERIAL y tecnología proporcionada por los gobiernos de **_EEUU_**, Reino Unidos y multinacionales privadas.
20030412             11.-** ¿Condenó el gobierno de EEUU el uso iraquí de gas contra Irán?
20030412             No.
20030412             12.-** ¿Cuánta gente gaseó **Sadam** en el PUEBLO kurdo de Halabja en 1988?
20030412             5.000—PERSONAS.
20030412             13.-** ¿Cuántos gobiernos occidentales condenaron ese acto entonces?
20030412             14.-** ¿Cuántos litros de "//agente naranja//" usó EEUU en VIETNAM?
20030412             Más de 35—MILLONES de litros.
20030412             15.-** ¿Existen pruebas de vinculación entre IRAK y los atentados del 11—DE Septiembre** de 2001?
20030412             16.-** ¿Cuál es la estimación de muertos civiles en la **Guerra DEL—GOLFO**?
20030412             35.000. - 17.-** ¿Cuántas bajas causó el ejércitó iraquí en las tropas occidentales en la **Guerra del Golfo**?
20030412             Una veintena.
20030412             18.-** ¿Cuántas toneladas de uranio empobrecido se dejaron en IRAK y - KUWAIT tras la** Guerra del Golfo?
20030412             40—TONELADAS.
20030412             19.-** Según la **ONU**, ¿en qué porcentaje aumentó el cáncer en IRAK de 19910000—19940000    ?
20030412             En un 700%. - 20.-** ¿Cuántos muertes civiles ha previsto el **Pentágono** en un ataque a IRAK?
20030412             10.000. - 21.-** ¿Cuántos de esos serían niños?
20030412             El 50%. - 22.-** ¿Cuántos años lleva EEUU incurso en ataques aéreos contra IRAK?
20030412             11 años.
20030412             23.-** ¿Cuántas resoluciones de la **ONU** ha incumplido ISRAEL hasta 1992?
20030412             Más de 65. - 24.-** ¿Cuántas resoluciones de la **ONU** ha vetado EEUU entre 19720000—19900000?
20030412             Más de 30. - 25.-** ¿Cuántos países tienen armas nucleares?
20030412             Ocho.
20030412             26.-** ¿Cuántas cabezas nucleares tiene IRAK?
20030412             Ninguna. 27.-** ¿Y cuántas EEUU? Más de 10.000.
20030412             28.-** ¿Cuál ha sido el único país que ha utilizado armas nucleares?
20030412             Estados Unidos.
20030412             29.-** ¿Cuántas cabezas nucleares tiene ISRAEL?
20030412             Más de 400. - - 30.-** ¿Quién dijo: "//Nuestras vidas empiezan a terminar el día que silenciamos las cosas que importan//"? //MARTIN—LUTER—KING//.
20030412             Wildwest in Bagdad - "Niemand ist hier sicher"
20030412             Gewalt und Gesetzlosigkeit im IRAK nehmen grausame Züge an.
20030412             Plünderer machen selbst vor Krankenhäusern, Museen und Banken nicht halt.
20030412             —INZWISCHEN, Um das Chaos einzudämmen, bitten die USA, andere Länder um Polizeihilfe.
20030412             Für —DIENSTAG sind 1. Gespräche über 1—NACHKRIEGSREGIERUNG geplant.
20030412             Anderen Presseberichten zufolge hatte sich Halliburton —BEREITS frühzeitig auf einätze im IRAK eingestellt und in größerem Umfang neues Personal für diese Aufgabe rekrutiert.
20030412             AMERICA 1. - Das Verteidigungsministerium habe keine öffentlichen Vorschriften für die Auftragsvergabe einhalten können, weil die Kriegspläne und die Notwendigkeit zur Bekämpfung von Ölbränden im IRAK Geheiminformationen gewesen seien, heißt es in dem Schreiben weiter.
20030412             GENERAL—FLOWERS versprach aber "umfassende Wettbewerbsmöglichkeiten" für die Wiederherstellung der IRAK—ÖLINFRASTRUKTUR.
20030412             —BEINHALTET, Er, 1. Arbeiten zum Wiederaufbau IRAK—STRASSEN, WASSER—UND Stromversorgungssysteme sowie Krankenhäuser und Schulen.
20030412             Dabei wurde ebenfalls die Notwendigkeit für Geheimhaltung und Schnelligkeit angeführt.
20030412             Experten für die Vergabe von Regierungsaufträgen glauben jedoch, dass es Verstöße gegen internationale Handelsabkommen und staatliche Regeln gegeben haben könnte.
20030412             Cheneys 7—MILLIARDEN—DOLLAR—FEUERWEHR
20030412             Den Auftrag zur Bekämpfung von Ölbränden im IRAK, den das Pentagon ohne Ausschreibung an den HALLIBURTON—KONZERN vergeben hat, ist offenbar weitaus lukrativer als —BISHER bekannt.
20030412             Der Deal soll für die EX—FIRMA—VON—USA—VIZEPRÄSIDENT Dick Cheney mehr als 7—MILLIARDEN Dollar wert sein.
20030412             Diese Abgaben, argumentieren die Industrievertreter, erlaube das Gesetz auf Grundlage einer bloßen Unterstellung: Nur, weil 1—GERÄT dazu in der Lage sei, Kopien zu schaffen, werde unterstellt, das dieses auch dazu genutzt werde, urheberrechtlich geschütztes Material zu KOPIEREN—UND den Nutzern werde präventiv und pauschal in die Tasche gegriffen.
20030412             Siemens AG, die —SEIT—150—JAHREN in RUSSLAND tätig ist.
20030412             Putin räumte zwar ein, es sei gut, dass das Regime SADDAM—HUSSEINS beseitigt worden sei.
20030412             "Der Sturz eines tyrannischen Systems ist 1—PLUS".
20030412             Auf der anderen Seite stünden aber die zahlreichen Menschenopfer, die Zerstörungen und eine tiefe Zerrüttung des Völkerrechts.
20030412             Der RUSSLAND—PRÄSIDENT forderte die USA und GROSSBRITANNIEN zur gemeinsamen "Sicherung der Grundfesten des Völkerrechts" auf.
20030412             Als Signal an die USA wollte Schröder in S—PETERSBURG auch über die Nichtverbreitung von Massenvernichtungswaffen sprechen.
20030412             Aus Angst vor solchen Waffen im IRAK hatte WASHINGTON den KRIEG—GEGEN—DAS—REGIME—VON—SADDAM—HUSSEIN beschlossen.
20030412             Die Bombardierung EX—JUGOSLAWIENS durch die Nato in der KOSOVO—KRISE —VOR—4—JAHREN war auch nicht von den Vereinten Nationen sanktioniert.
20030412             Der —KONFLIKT endete mit einer Resolution des Sicherheitsrates, der die Uno bat, die Nachkriegsordnung im KOSOVO zu legitimieren und dort die Zivilverwaltung zu übernehmen.
20030412             Cheneys 7—MILLIARDEN—DOLLAR—FEUERWEHR—DEN Auftrag zur Bekämpfung von Ölbränden im IRAK, den das Pentagon ohne Ausschreibung an den HALLIBURTON—KONZERN vergeben hat, ist offenbar weitaus lukrativer als —BISHER bekannt.
20030412             Mit Blick auf das Treffen in S—PETERSBURG hatte der USA—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTER PAUL—WOLFOWITZ verlangt, ALLE—GLÄUBIGER—DES—IRAK sollten dem Land die Schulden erlassen, um dem IRAK einen Neubeginn zu ermöglichen.
20030412             Der RUSSLAND—PRÄSIDENT forderte die USA und GROSSBRITANNIEN zur gemeinsamen "Sicherung der Grundfesten des Völkerrechts" auf.Als Signal an die USA wollte Schröder in S—PETERSBURG auch über die Nichtverbreitung von Massenvernichtungswaffen sprechen.
20030412             —GEFORDERT, Rücktritt von Premier Aznar wegen USA—UNTERSTÜTZUNG
20030412             heißt es, griffen Diebe in den langen, mit Stein gefliesten Fluren des Museums nach kleinen sumerischen Elfenbeinschnitzereien.
20030412             —ERST—AM—SONNTAG - - FARO, 20030403             20030412             —APPROVED, THE—USA—CONGRESS, almost $79—BILLION to pay for the war in IRAQ.
20030412             Finance officials from THE—7—RICHEST—INDUSTRIAL—COUNTRIES, meeting in WASHINGTON, agreed to support 1—NEW—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL—RESOLUTION as PART—OF—1—GLOBAL—EFFORT to rebuild IRAQ and promised to begin talks on reducing IRAQ—MASSIVE—FOREIGN—DEBT—BURDEN.
20030412             In the 25. —DAY—OF—OPERATION—IRAQI—FREEDOM—USA—OFFICIALS said 1,200 police and judicial officers will go to IRAQ to help restore order.
20030412             —STOPPED, In WEST—IRAQ, USA—FORCES, 1—BUSLOAD—OF—MEN who had $630,000 in cash and 1—LETTER offering rewards for killing USA—SOLDIERS.
20030412             BAGHDAD Museum lost some 50,000 artifacts —AFTER—48—HOURS—OF looting.
20030412             —REPORTED, Unesco —LATER, 150,000 items lost with 1 combined value in the billions.
20030412             —REPORTED, It was —LATER, that losses were minimal and that curators had put away most valuables into vaults —BEFORE the war began.
20030412             He insisted IRAQ had no WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION and that the invasion was unjustified.
20030412             —RETURNED, Rescued PRISONER—OF—WAR—JESSICA Lynch, to THE—USA—AFTER treatment at A—USA—MILITARY—HOSPITAL in GERMANY.
20030412             WOMEN—ACTIVISTS took their fight against THE—ALL—MALE—AUGUSTA National as close as they could get to the Masters tournament.
20030412             —PACKED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, 1—CAR, with explosives exploded, killing 4—PEOPLE who apparently were planning 1—TERRORIST—ATTACK.
20030412             —REPORTED, NORTH—BANGLADESH, up to 100—PEOPLE were, missing —AFTER 1—FERRY capsized in the Nagchinni River.
20030412             —RECOVERED, Searchers, THE—BODIES—OF—VICTIMS, bringing the death toll to 16.
20030412             oo BELGIUM—PRINCE—LAURENT, ENGLISH—BORN commoner CLAIRE—COOMBS in an elaborate state ceremony.
20030412             —REPORTED, CANADA, 3—MORE—DEATHS from the deadly SARS virus, lifting the national toll to 13. 274—PROBABLE or suspect cases have been reported across CANADA, up from 266. CANADA—SCIENTISTS reported that they had broken the genetic code of THE—SARS virus.
20030412             —OPENED, S—PEDRO—SULA, NORTH—HONDURAS, gunmen, fire on 1—RESTAURANT killing 11—PEOPLE and wounding 7—OTHERS in what police said appeared to be 1—DISPUTE between rival drug gangs.
20030412             —AGREED, Some 83.8—PERCENT—OF—VOTERS in HUNGARY, to be part of the historic eastward EXPANSION—OF—THE—EUROPEAN—UNION.
20030412             MALTA held parliamentary elections.
20030412             PRIME—MINISTER—EDDIE—FENECH—ADAMI won and said his nation will go ahead with EUROPEAN—UNION—MEMBERSHIP.
20030412             —SEIZED, MEXICO—ARMY—TROOPS manning 1—ROADBLOCK near THE—ARIZONA border, 1—TRUCK packed with more than 4—TONS—OF—MARIJUANA.
20030412             NIGERIA, parliamentary elections took place for 469—SEATS in the House and Senate.
20030412             61—MILLION voters were registered.
20030412             The ruling party led legislative elections, but violence accompanying voting in THE—OIL—RICH—SOUTH left at least 2—DOZEN—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20030412             —HINTED, NORTH—KOREA, it could accept USA—DEMANDS for multilateral talks to discuss the communist country's suspected nuclear weapons program.
20030412             weil die Kriegspläne und die Notwendigkeit zur Bekämpfung von Ölbränden im IRAK Geheiminformationen gewesen seien,
20030412             heißt es in dem Schreiben weiter.
20030412             WASSER—UND Stromversorgungssysteme sowie Krankenhäuser und Schulen.
20030412             Experten für die Vergabe von Regierungsaufträgen glauben jedoch,
20030412             dass es Verstöße gegen internationale Handelsabkommen und staatliche Regeln gegeben haben könnte.
20030412             Den Auftrag zur Bekämpfung von Ölbränden im IRAK,
20030412             den das Pentagon ohne Ausschreibung an den HALLIBURTON—KONZERN vergeben hat,
20030412             ist offenbar weitaus lukrativer als —BISHER bekannt.
20030412             Diese Abgaben, argumentieren die Industrievertreter,
20030412             erlaube das Gesetz auf Grundlage einer bloßen Unterstellung:
20030412             Nur, weil 1—GERÄT dazu in der Lage sei, Kopien zu schaffen, werde unterstellt,
20030412             das dieses auch dazu genutzt werde, urheberrechtlich geschütztes Material zu KOPIEREN—UND den Nutzern werde präventiv und pauschal in die Tasche gegriffen.
20030412             ALLE—GLÄUBIGER des IRAK sollten dem Land die Schulden erlassen,
20030412             um dem IRAK einen Neubeginn zu ermöglichen.
20030412             Auf der anderen Seite stünden aber die zahlreichen Menschenopfer,
20030412             die Zerstörungen und eine tiefe Zerrüttung des Völkerrechts.
20030412             Als Signal an die USA wollte Schröder in St.
20030412             Petersburg auch über die Nichtverbreitung von Massenvernichtungswaffen sprechen.
20030412             Der —KONFLIKT endete mit einer Resolution des Sicherheitsrates,
20030412             der die Uno bat, die Nachkriegsordnung im KOSOVO zu legitimieren und dort die Zivilverwaltung zu übernehmen.
20030412             AMERICA 1.—DAS Verteidigungsministerium habe keine öffentlichen Vorschriften für die Auftragsvergabe einhalten können,
20030412             weil die Kriegspläne + die Notwendigkeit zur Bekämpfung von Ölbränden im IRAK Geheiminformationen gewesen seien, heißt es in dem Schreiben weiter.
20030412             Cheneys 7—MILLIARDEN—DOLLAR—FEUERWEHR—DEN Auftrag zur Bekämpfung von Ölbränden im IRAK,
20030412             Mit Blick auf das Treffen in S—PETERSBURG hatte der USA—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTER PAUL—WOLFOWITZ verlangt,
20030412             —ERST—AM—SONNTAG -
20030412             - heißt es, griffen Diebe in den langen, mit Stein gefliesten Fluren des Museums nach kleinen sumerischen Elfenbeinschnitzereien.
20030412             Wildwest in Bagdad "Niemand ist hier sicher" Gewalt und Gesetzlosigkeit im IRAK nehmen grausame Züge an.
20030412             Einer der —DERZEIT gefragtesten IRAK—AUFTRÄGE beläuft sich auf 600—MILLION Dollar und wird von der AMERIKANISCHEN—ENTWICKLUNGSHILFEBEHÖRDE USAID vergeben.
20030412             —BEINHALTET, Er, 1. Arbeiten zum Wiederaufbau IRAKISCHER—STRASSEN,
20030412             Die Ausschreibung für den Auftrag war auf 5—AMERIKANISCHE—BAUKONZERNE beschränkt worden.
20030412             —APPROVED, THE—USA—CONGRESS, almost $79—BILLION to pay for the war in IRAQ.
200304122254         MEZ SPANIEN: Hunderttausende protestieren gegen IRAK—KRIEG
20030414             —SATURDAY 20030412             —220—PM
20030414             Geschrieben von G—B am 20030412233941       :
20030414             —GESCHRIEBEN, Als Antwort auf: halabja, von orwell am 20030412181146       :
20030414             SYSTEMFEHLER—FORUM Geschrieben von orwell am 20030412181146       :
20030414             02—SATURDAY 20030412             —220—PM
20030414             Geschrieben von orwell am 20030412181146       : Wieder 1—PROPAGANDA—LÜGE geplatzt ?
20030414             —SATURDAY 20030412             —0220—PM
20030414             02—SATURDAY 20030412             —0220—PM
20030414             halabja geschrieben von orwell am 20030412181146       :
20030414             SYSTEMFEHLER—FORUM Geschrieben von orwell am 20030412181146       : Wieder 1—PROPAGANDALÜGE geplatzt?
20030414             SYSTEMFEHLER—FORUM—GESCHRIEBEN—VON—G—B am 20030412233941       :
20040000             This area contains news from 20040101—20040631 YOU can view 2004070120041231    — here.
20040412             BARRY—BONDS hit his 660. home run to tie godfather WILLIE—MAYS for 3. on baseball's career list.
20040412             Bonds hit 1—TOWERING 3—RUN shot in the 5. inning, sending THE—S—FRANCISCO—GIANTS to a 7—5—WIN over the visiting MILWAUKEE Brewers.
20040412             Miss MISSOURI, Shandi Finnessey, a —25—YEAR—OLD graduate student who has published 1—CHILDREN—BOOK, was crowned Miss USA at the 52. annual pageant.
20040412             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE allowed 1—NATIONWIDE ban on dietary supplements containing ephedra to take effect, turning aside 1—PLEA from 2—MANUFACTURERS.
20040412             1—MAN and woman pleaded guilty in HOUSTON to taking part in 1—SMUGGLING scheme that resulted in the deaths of 19—ILLEGAL—IMMIGRANTS abandoned in 1—TRUCK trailer.
20040412             DuPont Co., THE—NUMBER 2—USA chemicals maker, said it will cut 3,500 jobs, or 6—PERCENT of its work force, as PART—OF—1—PREVIOUSLY announced plan to reduce costs by $900—MILLION in the face of high raw material prices.
20040412             —REPORTED, Microsoft, that it agreed to pay $440—MILLION to settle 1—BROAD patent suit with InterTrust.
20040412             It covered the protection of digital content against unauthorized copying.
20040412             —STORMED, BRAZIL, more than 1,000 police, into 2—RIO shantytowns, attempting to halt 1—VIOLENT—DISPUTE among drug traffickers that has left at least 10—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20040412             —KILLED, Chechnya rebels, 10—RUSSIA—SOLDIERS, including 5—WHOSE convoy was shelled —WHILE driving through 1—INSURGENT—STRONGHOLD.
20040412             —KILLED, COLOMBIA, government soldiers accidentally, 3—FELLOW—TROOPS—AFTER mistaking them for outlawed paramilitary gunmen near Puerto Gaitan.
20040412             1—SENIOR—GOVERNMENT—MINISTER—SAID—INDIA will not deploy peacekeeping troops in IRAQ without 1—MANDATE from THE—UNITED—NATIONS because the situation there is "not favorable".
20040412             LUCKNOW—INDIA, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE crowding into 1—PARK for 1—POLITICIAN—BIRTHDAY—CELEBRATION and to receive free saris stampeded, killing 21—WOMEN and children.
20040412             —SILENCED, Gunfire was largely, in the
20040412             2. —DAY—OF—1—TRUCE—IN—FALLUJAH, where IRAQ—DOCTORS said 600—PEOPLE, including MANY—CIVILIANS, were killed.
20040412             —ORDERED, MEXICO, Morelos STATE—GOVERNOR—SERGIO—ESTRADA, the firing of all 552—STATE—POLICE—OFFICERS —FOLLOWING charges that commanders provided protection to drug traffickers.
20040412             —EXPLODED, RUSSIA, 1—BOMB, on the roof of 1—BUSINESSMAN'S armored car in MOSCOW, killing at least 4—PEOPLE including the businessman.
20040412             von WASHINGTON nach GUANTANAMO
20040724             20040101—20041231 —FÜR—REDUZIERTE Außerdem Microsoft seine Gewinnschätzung wegen sinkender Investmentgewinne.
20050214—20030412    —ON, Considering PRESIDENT—BUSH got 79—BILLION dollars from Congress to pay for the war, for antiterrorism measures, for interior security +...
20050301—20050412    —ON, the human rights group Justice Plus listed names of several alleged CIVIL—VICTIMS from the raid in EAST—CONGO and said they "paid with their life, —WHILE the mandate of THE—UNITED—NATIONS was to protect them".
20050408             NEW—YORK—TIMES—EDITORIAL 20050402             20050412             01.20000402             5 "Scientific Analysis Suggests Presidential Vote Counts May Have Been Altered"
20050412             Last update: 200411010700    —PM.
20050412             Final Projection. Last update: 200411010700    —PM.
20050412             Not only did the Italians fail to conquer GREECE, but under THE—SUPERVISION—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—IOANNIS—METAXAS (term 19360413—19410129    —JAHR—BIS) the...
20050412             BBC, 20010129             , at) SCOTLAND —ON—SUNDAY, GLASGOW, 20010615             at, see also UPI, 20010709             .
20050412             War: European THEATRE—OF—WWII.. Not only did the Italians fail to conquer GREECE, but under THE—SUPERVISION—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—IOANNIS—METAXAS (term 19360413—19410129    ) the...
20050412             28.20000202             5 "THE—MIGHTY—TEXAS—STRIKE—FORCE"
20050412             "Republicans maneuvering to get Voting Rights Act killed" - 10.20000302             5
20050412             07.20000302             5 - "Selma —40—YEARS—LATER" - 06.20000302             5
20050412             "Exit Poll MADNESS—ANALYST STEVE—FREEMAN & Company Offer False Choice" - 04.20000302             5
20050412             "Libertarians To Testify in OHIO House: Modernize OHIO—ELECTION—LAWS" - 03.20000302             5
20050412             02.20000302             5 - "Voting in AMERICA"
20050412             —REPORTED, THE—CANNONFIRE blog, (20050322             ) that 1 " TruthIsAll " has brought new insight to the issue at
20050412             ".. published by BBC SUMMARY—OF—WORLD—BROADCAST, 20000324             .
20050412             TruthIsAll,-20050324
20050412             Democratic Underground Forums - 100% ABSOLUTE PROOF: FINAL NEP... You divert from THE—POINT—OF—THE—POST: 41% to 43% was IMPOSSIBLE, TruthIsAll... I remember READING about the initial 11719, TruthIsAll,-20050324             20050412             ".. published by BBC SUMMARY—OF—WORLD—BROADCAST, 20000324             .
20050412             - TruthIsAll,-20050324             20050412             TruthIsAll,-20050324             - Who Really Won?: TruthIsAll.
20050412             WINDS—OF—CHANGE—ARE we... 20050410             20050412             WINDS—OF—CHANGE—ARE we... 20050410             - NucNews - 20000411             ...
20050412             NucNews - 20000411             ... imposed on political dissidents + persecution of religious minorities... is warning potential TROUBLE—MAKERS as the department readies detention...
20050412             - TruthIsAll,-20050324
20050412             Democratic Underground Forums - 100% ABSOLUTE PROOF: FINAL NEP... You divert from THE—POINT—OF—THE—POST: 41% to 43% was IMPOSSIBLE, TruthIsAll... I remember READING about the initial 11719, TruthIsAll,-20050324             20050412             WINDS—OF—CHANGE—ARE we... 20050410             - NucNews - 20000411             .
20050412             Condoleezza Rice recibió su investidura como... el Consejo Asesor Internacional de JP Morgan y la Junta de Gobernadores de LOS—ANGELES.. 20050411             20050412             —VISITED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, soldiers at Fort HOOD—TEXAS, marking THE—2—YEAR—ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—END—OF—SADDAM—HUSSEIN—REGIME.
20050412             —AGGRAVATED, THE—USA—COMMERCE—DEPARTMENT—SAID—THE—USA—TRADE—DEFICIT, by surging IMPORTS—OF—OIL and textiles, soared to 1—ALL—TIME—HIGH—OF $61.04—BILLION in February.
20050412             15—TRADERS at THE—NY—STOCK—EXCHANGE were indicted for trading for their firms' won accounts at THE—EXPENSE—OF—CUSTOMERS.
20050412             WAL—MART said it will spend $35—MILLION over —10—YEARS to conserve land equal to the total USA—FOOTPRINT—OF—ITS—STORES and other facilities.
20050412             CHINA said it will soon begin "trial sales" of hitherto untraded stocks it holds in publicly traded companies.
20050412             1—EU feasibility study deemed Serbia and MONTENEGRO worthy to start accession talks.
20050412             THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT said it captured Fadhil IBRAHIM—MAHMUD—AL—MASHADANI, 1—FORMER—MEMBER—OF—SADDAM—HUSSEIN—REGIME who was believed to be funding the insurgency.
20050412             —AMBUSHED, Militants, 1—CONVOY carrying IRAQ—DEPUTY—INTERIOR—MINISTER, killing 1—BODYGUARD and wounding the deputy's son and 2—OTHER—PEOPLE.
20050412             —EXCEEDED, Donors, SUDAN—AID—REQUESTS by pledging $4.5—BILLION to help it recover from AFRICA—LONGEST—CIVIL—WAR amid criticism of KHARTOUM for failing to halt atrocities in Darfur.
20050412             3—MEN with suspected AL—QAIDA ties, already in UNITED—KINGDOM—CUSTODY, were charged with —1—YEARS—LONG—PLOT to attack THE—NEW—YORK Stock Exchange and other EAST—COAST—FINANCIAL—INSTITUTIONS.
20050412             —DEEMED, 1—EU feasibility study, Serbia and MONTENEGRO worthy to start accession talks.
20050412             Goodrich, Singer, Kodak, ITT, - JP MORGAN
20050412             ¿Quién es Lyndon H. LaRouche, JUNIOR ?
20050412             de Manhattan de la tradición de AARON—BURR, Martin VAN Buren, —AUGUST—BELMONT y JP MORGAN, y aquéllos que se aferran a la tradición esclavista sureña...
20050412             El CFLC y la secta del 'dios del trueno'
20050412             de los intereses financieros de WALL—STREET ,
20050412             ROCKEFELLER + - donde trabajó en la biografía del general confederado Stonewall JACKSON...
20050412             Tiwy_COM—INTERNET en AMERICA LATINA
20050412             LATINA seleccionados por un estudio del banco de inversión JP MORGAN, mantener un espacio con fotografías, anécdotas, biografía, mensajes de...
20050412             Fundación Atlas para una Sociedad Libre
20050412             Deuda Pública y Relaciones con el FMI, Eugenio Bruno (ver biografía )...
20050412             Asesor Económico Financiero IN—HOUSE de JP MORGAN ;
20050412             Asesor Económico Financiero... - LEADER SUMMARIES
20050412             Este libro nos ofrece la biografía más reveladora de DONALD—TRUMP.. Deloitte, JP MORGAN, McDonald's, UNILEVER, Wachovia, BMW o INSEAD y nos muestra...
20050412             finanziaria CHARLES—SCHWAB e nel consiglio di consulenza di JP MORGAN...
20050412             Lei stessa lo riferisce, nella biografia di ANTONIA—FELIX: "Mio padre non era...
20050412             LaRouche en Radio Splendid de ARGENTINA Que sufran las deudas, no...
20050412             Inicio, MJL, Biografía, AUDIO—VIDEO, Preguntas
20050412             Y luego está el banco JP MORGAN—CHASE, combinado.[FIGURE 210]. - - Estos bancos están por hundirse,
20050412             Instituto SCHILLER—ARTICULOS en Español...
20050412             Biografía Lyndon H. LAROUCHE, JUNIOR, devino, a lo largo de los setentas y los.. y JP MORGAN, y aquéllos que se aferran a la tradición esclavista sureña...
20050412             Condoleezza Rice recibió su investidura como
20050412             el Consejo Asesor Internacional de JP MORGAN y la Junta de Gobernadores de LOS—ANGELES.
20050412             Magda Bandera: La "Caixa" de Reconstrucciones..
20050412             Una vez comentado el bilderberguismo del candidato español.. en un consorcio de bancos liderado por el JP MORGAN—CHASE que resultó elegido por LOS—ANGELES.
20050412             Magda Bandera: Las palabras exactas de Bush...
20050412             Goldman Sachs Group, JP MORGAN—CHASE + MORGAN—STANLEY all gave $100000. satírica (leed el texto en español
20050412             Info Prensa; BIOGRAFÍ1—CEO; Biografías de los Directivos
20050412             3 años en el sector de la banca de inversiones para JP MORGAN como contable cualificado...
20050412             Imprensa; Biografia do CEO; Biografias dos GESTORES—ANTES de entrar para a GE,
20050412             Andy trabalhou na banca de investimentos, concretamente na JP MORGAN
20050412             como Contador Público Autorizado para JP MORGAN en la ciudad de Nueva YORK...
20050412             2812—JP MORGAN (JOHN—PIERPONT) Finanaciero norteamericano (18370000—19130000    )...
20050412             InfoMoreno | Petroleo...
20050412             acuerdo con importantes descuentos con los ferrocarriles que controlaba JP MORGAN..
20050412             Por ejemplo, en su voluminosa biografía de JOHN—D—ROCKEFELLER I. - - ARMANDO GARZA SADA-
20050412             00.000 .1993 He was awarded the Premio Comillas de BIOGRAFÍ1—IN—SPAIN...
20050412             Bitácora de SALVADOR—ARAGON: Sociedad y TIC... - JP MORGAN, IBM y externalización;
20050412             Una de libros; Un mercado virtual en juegos
20050412             DANIEL—HILLIS ( biografía ), un destacado emprendedor proveniente de...
20050412             ECUADOR, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores...
20050412             se reunirá con su homólogo español MIGUEL—ANGEL—MORATINOS..
20050412             DEUTSCHLAND—BANK y JP MORGAN (en conjunto) y
20050412             Citigroup Global Markets, para ambos procesos...
20050412             El Gobierno español aprobó el 30—DE—DICIEMBRE pasado un nuevo Reglamento DE—BANCOS como JP MORGAN y DEUTSCHLAND—BANK, con quienes mantuvo diálogos...
20050412             Table 1.7—ORGANISATIONS paid £5—MILLION or more by the Ministry of...
20050412             Admiral PLC, CITY—OF—WESTMINSTER, Rokbuild Ltd.
20050412             Claverham Ltd, Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Group PLC...
20050412             Table 1.16. - Fitzpatrick PLC, Services Sound and Vision Corporation.
20050412             ALFRED—MCALPINE—PLC, Heaton Holdings Ltd, Smiths Aerospace Ltd...
20050412             Research INTELLIGENCE: University licences novel display technology...
20050412             —GRANTED, —LAST—MONTH the University, THE—AKHTER—GROUP plc 1—LICENCE to exploit the technology.
20050412             —FOUNDED, AKHTER Computers was, —20—YEARS—AGO by its CEO..
20050412             AKHTER—GROUP (Holdings) PLC—MOYOLA Construction Ltd
20050412             Sogea Holdings (UK) LTD—EDMUND—NUTTALL—LTD - Cap Gemini.
20050412             THE—PAJAMAHADIN—BUT Congressional + CIA investigators agree, the intelligence
20050412             FORMER—CONGRESSMAN—DICK—ARMEY once said that conservatives believe it —WHEN they see...
20050412             SPENCER—BLOG—ARCHIVES 1-03.
20050412             1—OF—THE most surprising is DICK—ARMEY, THE—SOON—TO—RETIRE HOUSE—UM.
20050412             Earths_net... - And IRAN, the former "terrorist state" has seen THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—THIS—WEEK—MOVE to
20050412             Ghost in the Machine: Politics (20020000—20040000    ) Archives...
20050412             —WARNED, THE—CIA—STATION—CHIEF—IN—BAGHDAD "has, that the situation in IRAQ is
20050412             Salon delves into the growing rift between TOM—DE—LAY + DICK—ARMEY over...
20050412             Ghost in the Machine: Election 20040000             Archives...
20050412             into WHITE—HOUSE—EFFORTS to ARM—TWIST THE—CIA into the right conclusions... Salon delves into the growing rift between TOM—DE—LAY and Dick Armey over...
20050412             Feinstaub: Schröder erklärt Rußfilter zur Chefsache
20050412             WALL—STREET—BÖRSENMAKLER sollen Kunden benachteiligt haben
20050412             —HUNGER—KATASTROPHE: Millionen Äthiopiern droht der Tod
20050412             Neue Steuerquelle: Eichel will Casinos schröpfen
20050412             GELDWÄSCHE—POLICEN: Fahnder suchen den Urheber der IDEE—USA : Anklage gegen Terrorverdächtige
20050412             Genfood: Studie nennt KLON—RINDER unbedenklich
20050412             Essay: Das TODESSPEKTAKEL—UNO—SICHERHEITSRAT: Gegenwind für DEUTSCHLAND
20050412             Kosmische Kollision: GALAXIEN—CRASH wirbelt Staub auf
20050412             —ATTACKIERT, Filesharing: Industrie, Musiktauscher weltweit
20050412             Moderne Fahndung: Das Arsenal der HIGHTECH—POLIZISTEN
20050412             Furcht am Flughafen: Boeing 777—IST zu schwer für Orly
20050412             Skurrile Forschung: Genies am Rande des Wahnsinns
20050412             Ermittlungen: Pfarrer soll sich an Neunjähriger vergangen haben
20050412             Roboter: Zweibeinige Maschine für zu Hause
20050412             Genfer Erfindermesse: Kopfschutz schießt aus dem RUCKSACK—IPOD—FAN Bush : Schweinkram in the Mix
20050412             EU—DEFIZITGRENZE: ITALIEN droht Strafverfahren
20050412             Unter Druck: Wo bitte geht's hier NACH—MORGEN?
20050412             —ARBEITS—KAMPF im öffentlichen Dienst: Ver.di setzt Warnstreiks fort
20050412             INDONESIEN—VULKAN AUSGEBROCHEN—HUNDERTE auf der Flucht
20050412             Hintergrund: Überwachung mit GPS—URTEIL: KARLSRUHE erlaubt GPS—FAHNDUNG
20050412             USA Seeks Access to BANK—RECORDS:
20050412             would vastly expand the USA—GOVERNMENT—DATABASE of financial transactions by GAINING ACCESS TO LOGS—OF—INTERNATIONAL—WIRE—TRANSFERS INTO + OUT—OF—USA—BANKS.
20050412             Despotism & Democracy, Explains how societies + nations can be measured by the degree that power is concentrated + respect for the individual is restricted.
20050412             Where does your community, state + nation stand on these scales?
20050412             Glossing Over ISRAEL—HUMAN—RIGHTS—ABUSES:
20050412             JUAN—COLE: NEW—YORK—TIMES Supports McCarthyite Witch Hunt
20050412             IN "GENESIS", GOD promises ABRAHAM all the land "from the river of EGYPT to the great RIVER—EUPHRATES",
20050412             1—AREA which includes 1—PART—OF—EGYPT,
20050412             1—LARGE—SLICE—OF—IRAQ + Syria, not to mention all the land from THE—MEDITERRANEAN to THE—JORDAN—RIVER.
20050412             —PROMISED, There is no room for Arabs in this, land.
20050412             Conservatives launch PRO—DELAY offensive:
20050412             Allies + FRIENDS—OF—HOUSE—MAJORITY—LEADER—TOM—DELAY—OF—TEXAS have concluded that public attention to his ethics is unlikely to abate —FOR—MONTHS to come +
20050412             Illegal export of nuclear devices, USA—GOVERNMENT indicts Pakistani + ISRAEL i businessmen:
20050412             for illegally exporting devices from THE—USA—THAT could be employed to test, develop + detonate NUCLEAR—WEAPONS.
20050412             FORMER—MOSSAD—HEAD: There is 1—DANGER—OF—1—COUP in ISRAEL:
20050412             "Religious soldiers are among the best fighters we have, but if the messianic ideology grows stronger among them,
20050412             if soldiers really do not return to their units —AFTER—PASSOVER, it will be only the beginning +
20050412             the next step will be 1—COUP," he added.
20050412             1—SIMPLE—REQUEST—PUT My SON—NAME on 1—BOMB
20050412             —POSTED, THE—ITEM—BELOW is — to demonstrate how successful THE—BUSH—CABAL has been in misleading THE—USA—PEOPLE into believing that IRAQ was responsible for,
20050412             or associated with the tragedy of 20010911             . - - Taking ADVANTAGE—OF—IGNORANCE:
20050412             ERIC—MARGOLIS—BUSH rewards his failures
20050412             USA—COMMISSION on IRAQ —JUST the latest surge in 1—NIAGARA of whitewash
20050412             —PROPOSED, Rights group decries, military doctrine that formalizes "enemy combatant" status:
20050412             The doctrine "will send 1—MESSAGE to the world that THE—GENEVA—CONVENTIONS are not law,
20050412             but mere policies that can be changed according to tastes of 1—PARTICULAR—GOVERNMENT,"
20050412             Human Rights Watch said in a letter to USA—DEFENSE SECRETARY—DONALD—RUMSFELD.
20050412             —WOUNDED, USA 'smuggles, troops home' under COVER—OF—DARKNESS
20050412             —JUST as THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION HAS—BANNED, the media from taking PHOTOGRAPHS—OF—THE—COFFINS—OF—USA—TROOPS killed in IRAQ as they arrive in THE—USA,
20050412             opponents say it is —NOW trying to cover up the number of wounded.
20050412             The horror: IRAQ coverage —JUST like VIETNAM
20050412             —RAISED, For anyone, on THE—PRESS—RELEASE—WAR waged by the Johnson + NIXON administrations, this was familiar indeed.
20050412             Disappearing the Dead: IRAQ—AFGHANISTAN + the Idea of a "New Warfare":
20050412             Among those endeavors that 1—STATE or 1—PEOPLE may undertake, none is more terrible than war.
20050412             PART—OF—THIS responsibility is to estimate + gauge THE—EFFECTS—OF—WAR, including the collateral damage + CIVIL—CASUALTIES that it incurs.
20050412             Eyes Wide Open: Wage Peace!
20050412             Zarqawi 'rejects amnesty offer'
20050412             PRESIDENT—JALAL—TALABANI was 1—AGENT—OF—THE—USA, it said + he would never be forgiven for his "infidelity" + "SPILLING—OF—THE—BLOOD—OF—MUSLIMS".
20050412             ISRAEL—TERMED A 'Nuclear Power' By USA—OFFICIALS - UK: Could the election be won by fraud?
20050412             The postal voting system makes BRITAIN look like 1—BANANA republic, says 1—JUDGE.
20050412             —IGNORED, Yet Labour favours it + has, WARNINGS—OF—FRAUD.
20050412             UK—LABOUR—ACTIVISTS had 'VOTE—RIGGING—FACTORY' to hijack postal votes
20050412             Beneath the veneer of 1—APPARENTLY democratic local election campaign the battle to control areas of BIRMINGHAM involved ALLEGATIONS—OF—DEATH—THREATS, intimidation + bribery.
20050412             USA will block Brown campaign to beat poverty with gold sale
20050412             GORDON—BROWN—YEAR—LONG—ANTI—POVERTY crusade is in jeopardy —THIS—WEEK,
20050412             as THE—USA—PREPARES to block his plans for 1—SALE—OF—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND—GOLD—RESERVES to raise cash for debt relief.
20050412             —TODAY, VENEZUELA, is the 3. anniversary of the failed COUP—ATTEMPT to overthrow democratically elected VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ.
20050412             We speak with filmmaker MATT—O'NEIL about his new documentary, "VENEZUELA : Revolution in Progress".
20050412             PRESIDENT—CHAVEZ—FRIAS says it is time to start studying ideas, concepts and doctrines of asymmetrical conflict.
20050412             'VENEZUELA represents hope':
20050412             whose government is leading 1—PROCESS is implementing WIDE—RANGING changes to eradicate poverty + build up institutions of popular power.
20050412             I - n AUSTRALIA, solidarity events are being organised by THE—VENEZUELA—SOLIDARITY—NETWORK.
20050412             JACK—ABRAMOFF, 1—OF—WASHINGTON—MOST powerful + BEST—PAID lobbyists, needed $100,000 in 1—HURRY.
20050412             THE—BUSINESS—OF—INFLUENCE in WASHINGTON: Drug companies fund group battling AARP
20050412             "THE—USA—PEOPLE need to know that they can't suppress us anymore, even with all their strength and power,"
20050412             IRAQ—GIRL—BLOG: BAGHDAD Burning: Protesters in the thousands.
20050412             NONE—OF—THE—NEWS—CHANNELS were actually covering it.
20050412             which can be spelled OIL, has been said by many to be mainly about oil.
20050412             That is 1—POPULAR—REASON, but this is not the main reason
20050412             Sharon : Atmosphere in ISRAEL looks like EVE—OF—CIVIL—WAR
20050412             The outgoing CHIEF—OF—ISRAEL—MAIN—DOMESTIC—SECURITY—SHIN Beth agency has warned that a 3. intifada or uprising is in the offing + that violence on 1—LARGE—SCALE could break out in months.
20050412             ISRAEL i occupation forces raid NABLUS
20050412             The troops have begun to demolish 1—HOUSE, 1—PALESTINE—OFFICIAL told Aljazeera.
20050412             The troops also told reporters to leave the area.
20050412             Dear GEORGE and Dick - You both disgust me beyond belief.
20050412             Are Bush & Co. War Criminals?
20050412             DOCTOR—GAL—LUFT: OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—OUT to Destroy USA—ECONOMY
20050412             DOCTOR—GAL—LUFT, DIRECTOR—OF—THE—INSTITUTE for the Analysis of Global Security says OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—MAIN—GOAL is THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—THE—USA—ECONOMY - + that, so far, he appears to be succeeding.
20050412             AL—QAEDA—ECONOMIC—WAR against THE—USA
20050412             —BASED, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN plans strategies, on his victory over THE—SOVIETS in AFGHANISTAN —DURING 19800000             —THES.
20050412             Transcript of bin LADIN—SPEECH
20050412             So we are continuing this policy in bleeding AMERICA to THE—POINT—OF—BANKRUPTCY.
20050412             Allah willing - 1 must watch INTERVIEW—WITH—GORE—VIDAL:
20050412             "I would say that, in the long run, the world will be saved USA—DESPOTISM by the coming BANKRUPTCY—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20050412             —NOW, that will have awful fallout for everybody.
20050412             I don't even want to look into that crystal ball". - Real Video + Windows Media.
20050412             IMF says that surging demand and falling supply could spark 'permanent oil shock'
20050412             THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND said —YESTERDAY in the starkest official warning yet about THE—LONG—TERM—OUTLOOK for energy supplies.
20050412             THE—PRICE—OF—OIL and the Bush $
20050412             Talabani endorses foreign troop presence
20050412             —1—DAY—AFTER large demonstrations demanding USA—TROOPS leave the country.
20050412             Saddam may yet be the ultimate survivor
20050412             —FLOATED, 1—IDEA being, in BAGHDAD is that if SADDAM—PUNISHMENT was jail for life,
20050412             rather than the execution he is widely assumed to face,
20050412             the Sunni minority who enjoyed power + prosperity —WHILE he controlled IRAQ might save face + break with the insurgents.
20050412             Imperial Reach - IRAQ, KAZAKHSTAN, KUWAIT, QATAR, - ROMANIA, São Tomé + Príncipe,
20050412             TUNISIA - --either possess oil themselves or abut major pipelines + supply routes
20050412             USA mulls 7—BASES in AFGHANISTAN
20050412             HOUSE—OF—SAUD—RE—EMBRACES totalitarianism:
20050412             Residents of the tiny provincial CAPITAL—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA—NORTHERNMOST province —LAST—WEEK witnessed 1—GRISLY scene in the main public square:
20050412             the corpses of 3—MILITANTS tied to poles, on top of which were placed their severed heads.
20050412             BANK—SAYS—SAUDI—TOP field in decline:
20050412             Speculation over the actual SIZE—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA—OIL—RESERVES is reaching fever pitch as 1—MAJOR—BANK says the kingdom's - + THE—WORLD'S—BIGGEST field, Gharwar, is in irreversible decline.
20050412             Watchdog backs EGYPT torture claims:
20050412             THE—EGYPT—SUPREME—COUNCIL for Human Rights (ESCHR), 1—STATE—BACKED organisation set up —LAST—YEAR,
20050412             gave credence in its 1. annual report to widespread ALLEGATIONS—OF—TORTURE by EGYPT—POLICE + security forces.
20050412             —GRILLED, CSIS, CANADA—TEEN in CUBA, shared info with USA
20050412             CANADA—SPY—AGENCY admits it shared information it obtained from 1—CANADA—TEEN being held as 1—ENEMY combatant at GUANTANAMO Bay with USA—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICES, documents show.
20050412             "Breathtaking" poll sees defeat for CANADA Liberals
20050412             CANADA—MINORITY—LIBERAL—GOVERNMENT is heading for defeat at the hands of the Conservatives —AFTER more than —11—YEARS in power, 1—DRAMATIC—NEW—POLL is predicting.
20050412             'BOMB—PLOT' CUBA—CROSSES into USA
20050412             1—CUBA—EXILE, accused by PRESIDENT—FIDEL—CASTRO—HAVANA of plotting to kill him, is preparing to apply for asylum in THE—USA, his lawyer says.
20050412             Fugitive CUBA—EXILE to seek asylum in USA, says he worked with CIA:-
20050412             1—CUBA—EXILE accused of plotting to assassinate Fidel Castro and wanted by VENEZUELA on charges of blowing up 1—CUBA—AIRLINER 19760000             is in THE—USA, his attorney said —MONDAY.
20050412             —OBTAINED, Moscoso, $4—MILLION for pardoning Posada and his accomplices:
20050412             —PROVIDED, Posada Carriles used false documents, by THE—USA—EMBASSY in PANAMA to leave that country.
20050412             MARY—SHAW: Mind Control and THE—USA—MEDIA:
20050412             —ACCUSED, THE—USA—MAINSTREAM—MEDIA are frequently, by the right of being too LIBERAL.
20050412             But consider the —FOLLOWING.
20050412             GREG—PALAST: Give it back, GEORGE: '
20050412             DeLay Fundraising Plied Special Interests
20050412             —SOLICITED, TOM—DELAY routinely, donations by identifying legislative actions that prospective givers wanted,
20050412             —FROM video gambling to lawsuit limits, memos show.
20050412             Higher Prices, Stagnant Wages Produce Pay Cut for USA—WORKERS:
20050412             —OUTPACED, Inflation has, the rise in salaries for the 1. time in —14—YEARS.
20050412             And workers are paying 1—BIGGER—SHARE—OF—THE—COST—OF—THEIR healthcare.
20050412             Trade Deficit Hits ALL—TIME High in ;;02;;:
20050412             —EXACERBATED, THE—USA—TRADE—DEFICIT, by surging IMPORTS—OF—OIL and textiles, soared to 1—ALL—TIME—HIGH—OF $61.04—BILLION in ;;02;;.
20050412             In theocracy they trust
20050412             —DENOUNCED, Christian right leaders, SEPARATION—OF—CHURCH and state and prayed for 1—JUDGE—DELIVERANCE to Satan.
20050412             And their Capitol Hill allies were right there with them.
20050412             Religion —NOW more 1—PART—OF—POLITICS—TALK—OF—FAITH, values is nearly omnipresent
20050412             40—5—YEARS ago, JOHN—F—KENNEDY was elected PRESIDENT only —AFTER reassuring skeptical voters that his Catholicism did not mean THE—PAPA would be dictating USA—FOREIGN and domestic policy from ROME.
20050412             TV EVANGELIST—MINISTERIAL and media empire claim USA a 'Christian nation',
20050412             don't believe in THE—SEPARATION—OF—CHURCH and state + aims to extend political reach
20050412             Senators May Have Blown COVER—OF—CIA—AGENT
20050412             both mentioned 1—NAME, Fulton Armstrong, that had not previously come up in public ACCOUNTS—OF—THE—INTELLIGENCE flap.
20050412             RUSSIA shocks BP with demand for $ in BACK—TAX from OIL—VENTURE:
20050412             The claim, which refers to 20010000             , is likely to cast 1—PALL over RUSSIA—PRECARIOUS—INVESTMENT—CLIMATE and came out of the blue.
20050412             TEHRAN to take LEGAL—ACTION against USA for funding IRAN—OPPOSITION, "Our country and the regime are stable enough not to be disturbed by such measures.
20050412             However, such acts are against INTERNATIONAL norms and law.
20050412             The foreign ministry will take necessary legal action" against WASHINGTON, he said.
20050412             UK Terror Trial Finds No Terror, Not GUILTY—OF—CONSPIRACY to poison LONDON with RICIN—THE—ARMAGEDDON—MAN:
20050412             1—COMPREHENSIVE—LOOK at JOHN—BOLTON—CAREER reveals 1—MAN who champions extremism in THE—SERVICE—OF—EXPEDIENCY.
20050412             Negroponte Used CIA Back Channels to Defy
20050412             Papers illustrate NEGROPONTE—CONTRA—ROLE—SHOW intelligence nominee was active in USA—EFFORT.
20050412             Bush calls for halt to new settlements as Sharon warns of 'CIVIL—WAR' in ISRAEL
20050412             Sharon rejects USA—SETTLEMENTS warning:
20050412             ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—ARIEL—SHARON, saying ISRAEL will continue its hold on areas it considers of strategic importance.
20050412             ISRAEL : Bush Should Lay Down the Law on Settlements:
20050412             Sounds OK, But it will lock the Palestinians into the cantonized entity toward which ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—ARIEL—SHARON has been tirelessly and openly working this past quarter —CENTURY.
20050412             It will be 1—NEW apartheid.
20050412             —HEBRON—JEWISH—SETTLERS wreak havoc on PALESTINE—NEIGHBORS:
20050412             —ARRIVED, ISRAEL—OLICE—OFFICERS who, at the scene were pelted with stones and eggs + 5—PEOPLE were arrested but —LATER released, 1—POLICE—SPOKESMAN said.
20050412             Regime Change Was 1—IMMORAL—EXCUSE for War
20050412             PRESIDENT—BUSH—TRUE—REASON for invading IRAQ — regime change — was 1—POOR + immoral excuse for initiating 1—CONFLICT that has killed + maimed TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—INNOCENT—PEOPLE — MANY—MORE—INNOCENT—PEOPLE,
20050412             USA opposes amnesty for Iraqis who kill USA—SOLDIERS
20050412             IRAQ—GOVERNMENT faces old nemeses, deadly demands
20050412             If it's to survive at all, the government must swiftly demonstrate its INDEPENDENCE from WASHINGTON.
20050412             USA Has No Exit Strategy for IRAQ, Rumsfeld Says
20050412             USA audit probes possible Halliburton $212m overcharge
20050412             THE—HOUSTON—BASED—OIL—SERVICES—COMPANY—HALLIBURTON, may have overcharged THE—USA—GOVERNMENT by $212m (£113m, €165m) for work in IRAQ, according to portions of PENTAGON audits released —ON—MONDAY.
20050412             Report criticizes HALLIBURTON—WORK
20050412             —PLAGUED, Serious cost overruns + a "poor performance" have, HALLIBURTON—CONTINUING $1.2—BILLION CONTRA ct to repair IRAQ—VITAL—SOUTHERN—OIL—FIELDS, 1—NEW—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT—REPORT says.
20050412             Torture Air, Incorporated:
20050412             It appears that Dick Cheney himself gave the greenlight for the kidnapping and torture scenario.
20050412             In 1—CASE, according to court documents, 1—JUDGE blurted out: ''I don't care about INTERNATIONAL law".
20050412             EX—INTEL CHIEF—BLASTS—BOLTON at Hearing:
20050412             —ABUSED, KICK—DOWN SORT—OF—GUY" who, analysts who disagreed with his VIEWS—OF—CUBA—WEAPONS capabilities.
20050412             USA appears to have fought war for oil and lost it
20050412             According to THE—FORMER—HEAD—OF—EXXONMOBIL—GULF operations, "IRAQ—EXILES approached us saying,
20050412             you can have our oil if we can get —BACK—IN there", THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION decided to use its overwhelming military might to create 1—PLIANT—AND DEPENDABLE—OIL protectorate in THE—MIDDLE—EAST and achieve that essential "opening" of the Gulf oilfields.
20050412             CONTINUE—LET them eat bombs
20050412             —REPORT—TO—THE—UN—HUMAN—RIGHTS—COMMISSION—GENEVA has concluded that IRAQ—CHILDREN were actually better off under SADDAM—HUSSEIN than they are —NOW.
20050412             —BY TERRY—JONES—THIS, of course, comes as 1—BITTER—BLOW for all THOSE—OF—USA who, like GEORGE—BUSH and TONY—BLAIR,
20050412             honestly believe that children thrive best —WHEN we drop bombs on them from 1—GREAT—HEIGHT, destroy their cities and blow up hospitals, schools and power stations.
20050412             CONTINUE—CHARGE—HIM or Release Him
20050412             She is the 2. newsperson in recent times to make that mistake.
20050412             MORGAN also writes:
20050412             —NOW SOME—INTERNET—WEB—SITES that traffic in conspiracy theories have fashioned something of 1—POLITICAL thriller out of 1—SERIES—OF—APPARENTLY unrelated events they say prove the elections really were stolen.
20050412             To which Brad responds (in part):
20050412             Never mind also that we've never said that anything "proves the elections really were stolen" on this blog.
20050412             —SCHON—SEIT —JAHREN haben die Geheimdienste ihrer Majestät mit Computerproblemen zu kämpfen.
20050412             1—BERICHT des parlamentarischen Geheimdienstausschusses zeigt, dass ein neues Computersystem für den Inlandsgeheimdienst MI5 rund 50 % mehr kosten wird als geplant.
20050412             Dabei wird es weniger leisten, als es ursprünglich sollte.
20050412             Geheimdienste: Der MI5 kommt mit dem Netz nicht klar
20050412             Asthma: Rauchende Omas schaden auch Enkeln
20050412             —INSTALLIERT, Gefahr im Mittelmeer: ITALIEN, TSUNAMI—WARNSYSTEM
20050412             Blitzbesuch im IRAK: Rumsfeld fordert mehr Tempo beim Aufbau der Demokratie
20050412             SENATS—ANHÖRUNG: Breitseiten gegen UNO—HASSER BOLTON
20050412             Praxisgebühr: 1,7 Millionen Patienten dürfen gratis zum Arzt gehen
20050412             CATERING—KRISE: Ver.di droht der Lufthansa mit Arbeitskampf
20050412             Wahl in GROSSBRITANNIEN: Blair legt in Umfragen zu
20050412             Lohndumping: ROT—GRÜN kämpft gegen POLEN—SCHLACHTER
20050412             Lohndumping: Schröder will nicht für "ein paar Kröten" arbeiten lassen
20050412             Wertedebatte: Thierse warnt SPD vor Rückfall in Klassenkampf
20050412             —ENTTÄUSCHT, Nach Treffen mit Scharon: Palästinenser sind von Bush
20050412             '—NOW THE—TALIBAN will pay 1—PRICE' vowed PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH ,
20050412             as USA + UK fighter planes unleashed missile attacks against major cities in AFGHANISTAN.
20050412             THE—USA—ADMINISTRATION—CLAIMS that OSAMA—BIN—LADEN is behind the tragic events of 20010911             —THE.
20050412             1—MAJOR—WAR supposedly 'against INTERNATIONAL terrorism' has been launched,
20050412             yet the evidence amply confirms that AGENCIES—OF—USA—GOVERNMENT have —SINCE the Cold War harbored the 'Islamic Militant Network' as PART—OF—WASHINGTON—FOREIGN—POLICY—AGENDA.
20050412             SCOTLAND —ON—SUNDAY, GLASGOW, 20010615             at, see also UPI, 20010709             .
20050412             For further details see MICHEL—CHOSSUDOVSKY—WASHINGTON behind Terrorist Assaults in.".
20050412             At the helm of National Public Radio is KEVIN—KLOSE, formerly director of the
20050412             office because of massive VOTER—FRAUD in the infamous 19970000             election..
20050412             IRAQ Occupation and Resistance Report...
20050412             Checking for vote fraud the modern way: Foreign observers planning to watch
20050412             —FAMED, This is what, Argentine writer Rodolfo Walsh, writing —BEFORE his...
20050412             WILLENSFREIHEIT—FREIER Wille...
20050412             Moderation: DOCTOR—CARSTEN—KÖNNEKER (Chefredakteur Gehirn und Geist).
20050412             In der Diskussion zeigten sich die Positionen sehr schnell klar.
20050412             REPORT—OF—TROUBLE—MAKERS gathering bandits into 1—MOVEMENT—OF—REBELLION
20050412             Gathering of political dissidents in Chalco;
20050412             MISTREATMENT—OF—CITIZENS; THE—INSTITUTE on Religion + Democracy
20050412             ANDREW—J—WEAVER—MARTIN—MARTY—CENTER U of CHICAGO Divinity School
20050412             FRED—BARNES... who appears to have "broken" the " accusations " against Reverend...
20050412             CURSOR—MEDIA—TRANSPARENCY...
20050412             —BY—ANDREW—J—WEAVER + NICOLE—SEIBERT for Mediatransparency_org
20050412             —HURLED, VENEZUELA n government officials have, accusations at USA—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION...
20050412             10329 - 1—DEMOCRACY—LANE—FAIRFAX—VIRGINIA 22030 ... USA—DEMOCRACY depends upon 1—VIBRANT civil society COMPOSED—OF—FAMILIES.
20050412             Council for National Policy — Demopedia..
20050412             10329 - A DEMOCRACY LANE FAIRFAX—VA 22030 703 890 0113
20050412             —INCLUDED, THE—CNP has, MANY—MEMBERS bent on replacing USA—DEMOCRACY with theocracy...
20050412             People of Alt.Atheism...
20050412             McLeod, Kathy Leah DATE—OF—BIRTH: 19690000             Country
20050412             various other stuff too numerous to LIST—AUSTRALIA Personal Conviction:
20050412             Atheist/Agnostic Profession: Customer... - Blog for AMERICA...
20050412             blog gets his/her name given to Ashcroft + ends up on 1—TERRORIST—LIST.
20050412             Atheist, agnostic + humanist organizations in the Americas.. His name as on 1—LIST—OF—TOP 26—SUSPECTS issued by SAUDI—ARABIA —LAST—YEAR...
20050412             20041000             THE—IRAQ—WAR—WAS—WRONG—BLOG:
20050412             No not me ( atheist agnostic ) but, SOME—OTHER'S, I had them praying to
20050412             past and present, 1—LIST that includes/* IWW_SELFNOTE Don't publish till...
20050412             Their names are Kathy Smith (formerly, in succession, Kathy Wilkens + Kathy... Buddhist, atheist, agnostic or whether 1—INDIVIDUAL or 1—CORPORATION...
20050412             Democratic Underground FORUMS—FOR those upset about THE—PAPA...
20050412             Edited by Kathy in CAMBRIDGE... don't fall in with the squeaky wheels who get offended by atheist/agnostic opinions...
20050412             We felt we were in the inside loop," said NEAL—BLAIR—PRESIDENT—OF—FREE—THE—EAGLE
20050412             SEATTLE st louis TALLAHASSEE—RED hills TENNESSEE URBANA—CHAMPAIGN UTAH VERMONT western mass
20050412             CLEVELAND IMC (((i)))... - Is Libertarian candidate GARY—NOLAN 1—NEOCON?
20050412             HOUSTON Indymedia
20050412             URBANA—CHAMPAIGN—ATLANTA Independent Media Center (((i))): newswire/26344.
20050412             2. Part Operation Skymaster...
20050412             TIME Magazine Archive ARTICLE—WAR—ON—DRUGS: —DAY—OF—RECKONING...
20050412             —LANDED, TONY—AIZPRUA, the pilot whose plane, on I-75, served no time at all, —WHILE NORIEGA—TRUSTED bagman LIEUT—COLONEL—LUIS del Cid got his —70—YEAR. general. COLONEL.
20050412             Voting Fraud News - THE—USA—CHRONICLE...
20050412             Citizens for Legitimate Government, Bush Election Coup 20000000             2K...
20050412             Web Results 1 - 8—OF—ABOUT 42 for Optech and TABULATOR—BY ES&S.
20050412             ( 0.—16—SECONDS) You SPEAK—BUSH—SPEAKS_COM—VOTING Machines Count Backwards in OKLAHOMA..
20050412             All 77—COUNTIES use the Optech Eagle voting machines and TABULATOR—MADE by ES&S, Sen HAGEL—REPUBLICAN company.
20050412             The respectable, CONSERVATIVE "TULSA.
20050412             National Ballot Integrity Project Discussion FORUM—OKLAHOMA...
20050412             All 77—OKLAHOMA counties used the Optech Eagle voting machines and TABULATOR—MADE by ES&S, SENATOR—HAGEL'S (R) company...
20050412             Prove vote fraud in 1—PLACE. Disinfotainment —TODAY.
20050412             the Restaurant 19630000             , from his savings as 1—CONTRA ctor in KUWAIT... who set fire to SPAIN—EMBASSY in GUATEMALA
20050412             SAW POLAND—AIR—FORCE...
20050412             Answers to GENERAL—WHO... —WHEN THE—DIRECTOR—OF—WOMEN—MARINES' office was disbanded because of the strides
20050412             the Distinguished Service Medal ( Army ). - - His citation reads in part.
20050412             _AUTHENTICO—HISTORIA—INDEX_20040823242526_UPDATED...
20050412             Webradios werden durch Gebührenerhöhung der GVL in die Knie gezwungen
20050412             KLAMM—NEWS :: Webradios sehen schweren Zeiten in die Augen.. 06.04. 19:23 | (05)USA : Handy von Einbrecher wählt zufällig 911—UND informiert...
20050412             Web Results 1 - 100—OF—ABOUT 1,030 for truthisall. Final Projection.
20050412             Kerry 337—EV/51.80%. - - BUSH 201—EV/48.20%. - Updated:, 1-Nov.
20050412             Simulation, Expected, Weighted, 5000—TRIALS. Projection, Elec. Vote, Pop.
20050412             Vote%, Win Prob%. - - Kerry, 337, 51.80, 99.80.
20050412             Democratic Underground Forums - 4PM EXIT POLL (PRE—HACK) ELECTION...
20050412             ALTHECAT, THIS WAS THE—FINAL—ELECTION—MODEL—PROJECTION, TruthIsAll... in 1—POST on the Democratic Underground website under the forum name TruthIsAll...
20050412             Democratic Underground Forums - 100% ABSOLUTE PROOF: FINAL NEP...
20050412             You divert from THE—POINT—OF—THE—POST: 41% to 43% was IMPOSSIBLE, TruthIsAll
20050412             I remember READING about the initial 11719,
20050412             TruthIsAll,-20050324             - Who Really Won?: TruthIsAll...
20050412             TruthIsAll at Democratic Underground writes this: LET—CALCULATE the probability that:
20050412             1. 41—OUT—OF—50—STATES would move beyond the Exit poll...
20050412             Who Really Won?: THE—MANDATE—SHRINKS... - TruthIsAll ;
20050412             Call in THE—FEDS; Dear Media: Why Should You Cover the Election Story?
20050412             FLORIDA: Get RID—OF—ELECTION—DAY; Cincy Enquirer: It's deja vu time... - FEDERAL—REVIEW...
20050412             And who is " TruthIsAll "? Well, you may remember him from THE—PRE—ELECTION—CROWD
20050412             and at 50% only 1—HANDFUL—OF—TIMES), TruthIsAll CALCULATED—USING...
20050412             Miraberto, you're not too stupid to be 1—DEMOCRAT.. are growing tired of this tripe by " truthisall ". lmao smokingdevil.
20050412             Angry in the Great White North...
20050412             or the entire electoral system is corrupt, or maybe truthisall is, well.. TruthIsAll evidently frequents enough message boards to have earned the...
20050412             Democratic Underground FORUMS—PART—IIIA. To believe Bush won the.
20050412             Edited-20041227             by TruthIsAll... Use TruthIsAll. n/t, TruthIsAll, Dec-27-04 01:58 AM, #5. I'm sorry TIA, bleever, Dec-27-04 01:54 AM...
20050412             Democratic Underground FORUMS—PART II: To believe Bush won the election is...
20050412             TruthIsAll Click to send private message to this AUTHOR—THIS... am kick, TruthIsAll, Nov-16-04 10:28 AM, #7 ...
20050412             USA presidential election, 20040000             , exit POLLS—WIKIPEDIA, the free...
20050412             exit poll as reported by TruthIsAll on...
20050412             —REPORTED, Final exit poll as, by TruthIsAll on.
20050412             84—KERRY VOTES CAME UP BUSH ! from TruthIsAll on DU (12/8)
20050412             PART III: Scoop: Unanswered Questions For REPRESENTATIVE—CYNTHIA—MCKINNEY...
20050412             EDITOR—NOTE: The questions appear to be identical to.
20050412             i cant think: E—VOTING ROUND—UP.. - USA—SAMIZDAT: Rebel Scum
20050412             TEGENLICHT—FORUM—SUGGESTIES en brandende kwesties...
20050412             Democratic Underground ( TruthIsAll ): THE—TIME—ZONE—DISCREPANCY—DEMOCRATIC—UNDERGROUND ( TruthIsAll ):
20050412             "To believe BUSH won, you have to believe...
20050412             Democratic Underground ( TruthIsAll ): "To believe BUSH won, you have to believe...
20050412             Democratic Underground ( TruthIsAll ): THE—TIME—ZONE—DISCREPANCY
20050412             Worse Than 20000000             : —TUESDAY—ELECTORAL—DISASTER...
20050412             IMPORTANT: 100000 OHIO Bush Votes Illegal (Updated with new...
20050412             which attributes the message (below) to 1—ANONYMOUS poster at DemocraticUnderground_com named " TruthIsAll ":
20050412             To believe that BUSH won the election.. - PORTLAND IMC—NEWSWIRE ARCHIVE—PAGE—138.
20050412             those manufactured polls, the odds of having the annouced results were 1—OUT—OF—4.5—BILLION.
20050412             Below the simple statistical calculations by TruthIsAll...
20050412             THE—COLUMBIA—UNION: National/INTERNATIONAL Archives... - Paging TruthIsAll.
20050412             Most of the prominent LEFT—LEANING bloggers are
20050412             (below) to 1—PSEUDONYMOUS poster at Democratic Underground called " TruthIsAll ":
20050412             "TruthIsAll" THE—NOMME—DE—NET—OF—1—POSTER on the Democratic Underground,
20050412             directs our attention to 1—STARTLING new interpretation of the exit poll
20050412             Liberation News Service: LNS POST—COUP II Supplement (20071109             )...
20050412             THE—1—POSTED by ' TruthIsAll ' are nothing more than...
20050412             Liberation News Service: LNS POST—COUP II Supplement (20041120             )...
20050412             The new data confirms what was already widely known
20050412             Underground website under the forum name TruthIsAll... - ed fitzgerald's unfutz...
20050412             Update: TruthIsAll took 1—MOMENT out from weathering Hurricane Frances to
20050412             even if Kerry only gets 50—PERCENT—OF—THE—UNDECIDEDS, according to TruthIsAll's...
20050412             —ON Democratic Underground by TruthIsAll in which (in my correspondant's words) "He
20050412             THE—RANDI—RHODES—SHOW -> FRAUD—04—COMPILATION...
20050412             TRUTHISALL—SERIES "To believe BUSH won, you have to believe..". sums up awhole LOT—OF—INFO from various sources, as well as his own statistical...
20050412             1—CORRUPTED—ELECTION: Despite what you may have heard, the exit...
20050412             Edited on Thu Feb-17-05 04:34 AM by TruthIsAll THE—NATIONAL—EXIT—POLL had Kerry winning the bulk of THE—21—MILLION—NEW—VOTERS by a 3—2—MARGIN...
20050412             Democratic Underground ( TruthIsAll ): "To believe BUSH won, you have to believe..".... Democratic Underground ( TruthIsAll ): THE—TIME—ZONE—DISCREPANCY...
20050412             AlterNet: Election 20040000             : Worse Than 20000000             ?...
20050412             Perhaps rants like THE—1—POSTED by " TruthIsAll " are nothing more than...
20050412             ANALYSIS—VOTE Counts May Have Been Altered —FRIDAY, 2005041 —JAHR...
20050412             Scoop: Complete USA Exit Poll Data Confirms Net Suspicions...
20050412             RonaldReagan_Com Message BOARD: RR_com Gloat Thread!!!...
20050412             To believe that BUSH won the election, you must also believe: - By TruthIsAll Anyone that is familiar with TruthIsAll knows that this idiot claims to be...
20050412             Mystery Pollster: NBC—SHUSTER on Exit Polls...
20050412             1—BLOGGER (" Truthisall ") —POSTED the —FOLLOWING statistical calculation on the Democratic Underground + I would be enormously grateful for some...
20050412             Mystery Pollster: What About Those GERMANY—EXIT—POLLS?...
20050412             Okay that was 1—BIT—MEAN, but I —JUST read TruthIsAll's "rebuttal" to 1—OF—YOUR posts and I'ma bit frustrated... For 1—GOOD laugh that lasts only as...
20050412             VELVETREVOLUTION.USA : Election 20040000             > Background Items..
20050412             THE—PA—VOTERS—COALITION—RELEASES—ELECTION—DAY 20040000             Analysis, The report evaluates how the election...
20050412             Margo KINGSTON—WEBDIARY—
20050412             1—POSTER by the name of ' TruthIsAll ' at Democratic Underground did 1—ANALYSIS on the Election Incident Reporting System and came up with some...
20050412             DNC: Kicking ASS—EVENING Open Thread 10/30.
20050412             —CHECKED, This from TruthisALL Election Model Projections - I, the TruthisAll site.
20050412             —UPDATED, It says it's, but are all the polls listed up to date.. - KIT—WATKINS—ELECTION—FRAUD -
20050412             1—OUT—OF—4.5—BILLION by TruthIsAll More Voting Questions Raised by JON—CRAIG—THE—UNEXPLAINED—EXIT—POLL—DISCREPANCY by STEPHEN—F—FREEMAN,
20050412             Democrats.USA—ONLINE Think Tank for Democrats — Editorial...
20050412             With great thanks + appreciation to folks like MICHAEL—MOORE, WILL—PITT, LEIGH—ADDAMS, DAVE—THE—CLASS—WARRIOR, " TruthIsAll " + "demwing2," MISTER—KERRY..
20050412             Documentation Kerry won 20040000             —THE—U.
20050412             Democratic Underground ( TruthIsAll ): THE—TIME—ZONE—DISCREPANCY—RECOUNT this!...
20050412             TruthisAll posts on DU: Breaking: BUSH approval ratings on Rebound, because.... Edited on Mon Aug-25-03 10:21 PM by TruthIsAll Promise not to tell?...
20050412             —BY—TRUTHISALL, DU.
20050412             It makes it all so easy to raise the eyebrows of those who refuse to believe.
20050412             Historically, exit polls have been much more accurate... - workflow management tools — collaxa...
20050412             Best 1: the xform ravings of truthisall, with all THE—DU crowd nodding their heads in wise agreement You can always make further reference model in...
20050412             —PREDICTED, LIBERAL analyst from TruthIsAll who also, 1—KERRY victory with a 99.8% probability...
20050412             Democrats_com Archive: Campaign 20040000             Predictions...
20050412             THE—ELECTION—MODEL by TruthIsAll is 1—COMPREHENSIVE and unique election analysis model which cuts through the fog of polling.
20050412             Right —NOW, the model shows.
20050412             Jakit: Don't BELIEVE—THE—HYPE...
20050412             —NAMED, It was WRITTEN—BY—1—POSTER, TruthIsAll on the DemocraticUnderground forums:
20050412             To believe that BUSH won the election, you must also believe: That the...
20050412             ReDefeat Bush — Content... -
20050412             —POSTED by " TruthIsAll " on the DemocraticUnderground_com forum.
20050412             Those who, like Kerry, have folded like so MANY—LAWN chairs, apparently believe there's.
20050412             —FROM Truthisall, 10/31: Election Model Projections.
20050412             —BASED, If the election were held —TODAY, then, on recent state polling, the Electoral Vote Simulation.
20050412             DA.C - JOHN—KERRY will be elected 44. PRESIDENT—OF—UNITED—STATES...
20050412             —BY—THE—WAY, that site states it was created by " truthisall "?
20050412             What the heck is that? Too funny.
20050412             Here is 1—MUCH more realistic and credible web site with.
20050412             Maya del MAR—DAYKEEPER—JOURNAL: ALEX—MILLER—MIGNONE...
20050412             — TruthIsAll, DemocraticUnderground_com.
20050412             In "2004: Another Stolen Election?
20050412             (20040800             Daykeeper) and —AGAIN—IN my predictions for the election in...
20050412             the Democratic Underground site under the name ' TruthIsAll ' has intimated.. 1—DISCUSSION thread initiated by ' TruthIsAll ,' "I learned something about...
20050412             Stolen Election... - Data compilation and calculation: " TruthIsAll ".
20050412             **More information on election fraud:
20050412             THE—SOLAR—BUS—ELECTION—FRAUD and Reform Center.
20050412             wheresmyvote_org :: View TOPIC—REDEFEAT Bush : Overturn the...--
20050412             —POSTED—BY—" TruthIsAll " on the DemocraticUnderground_com forum Those who,
20050412             wotisitgood4: back to the election...
20050412             TruthIsAll thinks he(?) has ' incontrovertible proof' that the exit polls were broken:
20050412             possible counterpoints to TRUTHISALL—LOGIC:
20050412             but i wanted to help out truthisall and save him/her some of the grief i went
20050412             TruthIsAll thinks he(?) has ' incontrovertible proof' that the exit...
20050412             [CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Complete USA Exit Poll Data Confirms Net...
20050412             —EMERGED, The data, this —EVENING NZT in 1—POST on the Democratic Underground website under the forum name TruthIsAll.
20050412             The new data confirms what was... - THE—DAILY—BLITZ...
20050412             ( TruthIsAll, the moonbat who started that thread, has been posting flawed PSEUDO—SCIENTIFIC—POLL—ANALYSIS—FOR—MONTHS telling DUers + anyone who would...
20050412             Welcome to GuvWurld
20050412             THE—SOLAR—BUS—ELECTION—FRAUD + Reform Center 17650000             - Daypop Archives...
20050412             TruthIsAll (3705—POSTS) Jan-20-03 The strange case of the missing 20010911             interceptors... The missing interceptors: It has been standard...
20050412             Professor DEWDNEY—ALTERNATIVE scenario suggests 20010911             was an...
20050412             The strange case of 20010911             —THE—CELL—PHONE—CALLS.
20050412             in Lobby/Latest GENERAL—DISCUSSION—FORUM (Protected).
20050412             TruthIsAll (3675—POSTS) Jan-20-03, Why Are We —BACK—IN IRAQ?...
20050412             The "concrete evidence that the "chatty Dem" explanation is wrong, wrong, wrong" can be found in 1—POST started by TruthIsAll at Democratic Underground...
20050412             Does it Matter?: 20041107             — 20041113             ...
20050412             GuvWurld: No Confidence Movement Primer...
20050412             to accept the results as announced means believing 1—LONG—LIST—OF—IMPLAUSIBLE—SCENARIOS (credit TruthIsAll, Democratic Underground)....
20050412             Revere Report: 20041200             ...
20050412             Edited on Thu Dec-30-04 10:05 PM by TruthIsAll
20050412             —AM I READING this correctly? If I am, we have THE—SMOKING—GUN: BOSTON IMC: newswire/30664.
20050412             —BY—TRUTHISALL To believe that BUSH won the election, you must also believe:
20050412             1- That the exit polls were WRONG... 2- That Zogby's 5pm election —DAY calls...
20050412             News Hounds: Were Voters Intimidated in OHIO?...
20050412             "1—POSTER named ' TruthIsAll ' on the DemocraticUnderground_com forums laid out the questionable RESULTS—OF—TUESDAY—ELECTION in succinct fashion: "To...
20050412             News Hounds: What About Voting in THE—USA ?...
20050412             1—ANTHOLOGY of the Best Political Opinion and Commentary From the...
20050412             (Follow this link, then search " truthisall ") (2) Similarly, what is it about THE—BUSH—SUPPORTERS in OHIO (etc.) that makes them embarrassed to admit..
20050412             Skunkworks: FRANCE—REPRODUCTIVE—CRISIS...
20050412             (—POSTED with apologies to " TruthIsAll ".) Comment —POSTED by:
20050412             19. Sorry, Oscar, but it turns out you're 1—IDIOT...
20050412             noted that 1—POSTER named " TruthIsAll " on 1—DEMOCRATICUNDERGROUND_com forum...
20050412             12thharmonic Blog " 20040000             " ;;11;;... - Get the workflow book and here...
20050412             Best 1: the wild ravings of truthisall, with all THE—DU crowd nodding their heads in wise agreement This way you benefit from the speed of OpenGL...
20050412             Get the bpm workflow and here...
20050412             Best 1: the wild ravings of truthisall, with all THE—DU crowd nodding their heads in wise agreement —LATER,
20050412             this will help greatly in helping you to... - workflow diagrams...
20050412             continuous electronic system often called digital workflow Best 1:
20050412             the wild ravings of truthisall, with workflow diagrams THE—DU crowd nodding their...
20050412             NEW—YORK—TIMES Killed "Bush Bulge" STORY—GENERAL—DISCUSSION
20050412             —BY—TRUTHISALL—TO believe that BUSH won the election, you must also believe: 1- That the exit polls were WRONG...
20050412             Latest Electoral College Projections - ;;10;;
20050412             28. - TruthIsAll, 217, 321, -, 30-Oct-20040000             .
20050412             USA—TODAY, 205, 165, 169, 29-Oct-20040000             .
20050412             SAM—WANG—META—ANALYSIS, 255, 283, -, 30-Oct-20040000             .
20050412             Wizbang... - Best 1: the wild ravings of truthisall, with all THE—DU crowd nodding their heads in wise agreement.
20050412             Complete USA Exit Poll Data Confirms Fraud Suspicions...
20050412             Edited on Wed Nov-17-04 01:30 AM by TruthIsAll Calculated in %ages.
20050412             Final 4pm Exit Polls.
20050412             —OCCURRED, Note that the largest shifts, in the —FOLLOWING.
20050412             Conservative UNDERGROUND—BEST/Worst of DU... - Husband wants me to stop READING;
20050412             truthisall strikes again; Funniest DU member;
20050412             1—TREASURE that I didn't even know I had DU1;
20050412             Randi "BAGHDAD Betty"... - GEORGE—W—BUSH—WON 20040000             —THE—ELECTION...
20050412             this —EVENING NZT in 1—POST on the Democratic Underground website under the forum name TruthIsAll... Edited on Fri Nov-26-04 01:23 AM by TruthIsAll...
20050412             Common Ground Common Sense > Online Café Archive...
20050412             (1—REPLIES); "RED State, BLUE—STATE"- a great read (3—REPLIES);
20050412             Draft Update: Private Corp Says (0—REPLIES);
20050412             TruthisAll (0—REPLIES)... - Chapter 09—BEV—FINAL.pmd-
20050412             "This could make Watergate look like 1—GAME—OF tiddlywinks... Get 1—GOOD—SEAT.
20050412             This could be quite 1—LONG ride!" — " TruthIsAll "...
20050412             Black Box VOTING—COPYRIGHT ?2003. - TruthIsAll.
20050412             Best disinfectant for secret VOTE—COUNTING: Sunlight.
20050412             Public examination of those files is the best thing that could have happened.
20050412             Chapter 09-Talion-
20050412             "TruthIsAll ". - - Public EXAMINATION—OF—THE—FILES is the best thing that could have.
20050412             happened.
20050412             —INFORMED, It's the only way we can engage in 1, debate.
20050412             Stolen! 20040000             —THE—ELECTION—FRAUD: This Far and No Further...
20050412             In conclusion, I will quote 1—POSTER on the Democratic Underground forums simply known as " TruthIsAll ," who sums up the entire stunt most succinctly: To...
20050412             51—CAPITAL—MARCH - "You Stole My Vote"...
20050412             —RECOMMENDED, TRUTHISALL—ORIGINAL thread Also see the Demopedia article (highly !) Exit Polls.
20050412             thirdredeye... - [by ' TruthIsAll ' at DemocraticUnderground forum].
20050412             Permalink @20041109             014842—PM.
20050412             fans of CONAN—O'BRIEN might want to know... - 1—OPEN—LETTER to THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES...
20050412             website under the forum name TruthIsAll.
20050412             The new data confirms what was already widely known about the swing in.
20050412             FAVOUR—OF—GEORGE—BUSH, but amplifies...
20050412             ;;11;; 2—TRUTH—THE—STRANGE—DEATH—OF—USA—DEMOCRACY...
20050412             61] For as the mathematician who posts his analyses of exit poll data at the Democratic Underground site under the name ' TruthIsAll ' has intimated.
20050412             JOHN—CONYERS, JUNIOR—CONYERSBLOG...
20050412             Especially pay attention to TRUTHISALL—POSTS...
20050412             —LATER that BUSH was "still in 1—LEARNING—PHASE" —WHEN it came to SOUTH—AMERICA.
20050412             —TRANSLATED, END QUOTE ( by TruthIsAll at democraticunderground_com)...
20050412             ARMANDO—CHALLENGE...
20050412             PORTLAND imc - 20040000             .10.26 - USA applying GENEVA 'exceptions' in IRAQ...
20050412             this thing here, link. '—AFTER visibly urinating on.
20050412             In this career biography of JOHN—NEGROPONTE, the new USA National Intelligence
20050412             Text of 1—PWHCE talk by VIETNAM—HUMAN—RIGHTS—ACTIVIST—QUYNH Dao...
20050412             Perspectives on World History and Current Events (PWHCE) — Home...
20050412             Beginning his career in VIETNAM —DURING THE—VIETNAM—WAR, Negroponte stood up...
20050412             THE—UNDERGROUND—EMPIRE, Excerpt 2.
20050412             War: European Theatre of —WWII..
20050412             IRON YOUTH—HELLENIC National Socialist Art
20050412             —RULED, THE—LEADER—OF—THE—NS regime that, in GREECE in the 30s was IOANNIS—METAXASHERE we offer the transcription of 1—OF—HIS—ADDRESSES to THE—GREECE—WORKERS...
20050412             STUDIA HELLENICA | El Fascismo Griego: el Régimen de Ioannis...
20050412             Haz click aqui para oir las palabras de Metaxas ( metaxas. mp3
20050412             Konstantinos Plevris, IOANNIS—METAXAS (Biografia), Nea Thesis, 19960000             JON—V. Kofas,
20050412             Autoritarismo EN—CHAOS Central: Stupidity Archives...
20050412             dictator was probably high on drugs —WHEN he decided to invade KUWAIT 19900000             ... THE—IRAQ—MINISTER—OF—DISINFORMATION who became famous for his absurd...
20050412             dictator was probably high on drugs —WHEN he decided to invade KUWAIT 19900000             20050412             —BECAME, THE—IRAQ—MINISTER—OF—DISINFORMATION who, famous for his absurd...
20050412             PADUKAH REMEMBERED...
20050412             00.000 .1990 —ALONE—GUNS were used to kill 222—CHILDREN under the age of 10 + 6795
20050412             "heroes" of —TODAY—MOVIES are psychopathic murderers who, in real... - THE—USA—MIND: Archives...
20050412             also use this quote from Mondale on why he didn't run for the Senate 19900000             :
20050412             —LACKED, MILWAUKEE police say that the accused murderers all, parental...
20050412             Preemptive Karma... - ALBERT—EINSTEIN 18790000—19550000    ...
20050412             In den Briefen aus jener Zeit zeigt sich die Verachtung Einsteins - A pictorial biography.
20050412             NEW—YORK 19550000             .
20050412             EU Energy Policy and Future European Energy Markets: Consequences...-
20050412             DEUTSCHLAND—MILITARISMUS, Imperialismus und Antisemitismus von 18700000             ...
20050412             der Flügel um Otto + GREGOR—STRASSER—DAS—PROJEKT der "Vereinigten Staaten von
20050412             Opitz, Europastrategien des DEUTSCHLAND—KAPITALS—S.447f)...
20050412             DEUTSCHLAND—MILITARISMUS, Imperialismus und Antisemitismus 18700000—20030000    —JAHR—BIS-
20050412             Alldeutschen, 18950000             (in: Opitz, Europastrategien des DEUTSCHLAND—KAPITALS..
20050412             Flügel um Otto + GREGOR—STRASSER—DAS—PROJEKT der' Vereinigten Staaten von...
20050412             2. - Unterstützt wurde er von Nationalrevolutionären und dem STRASSER—FLÜGEL der
20050412             Der Faschismusforscher REINHARD—OPITZ analysierte den Ideenkomplex der...
20050412             3. - freilich wird nichts davon gesagt, daß OTTO—STRASSER über Jaksch —SCHON in den 30er
20050412             Duisberg + BETHMANN—HOLLWEG in: OPITZ—R.: Europastrategien des...
20050412             REINHARD—OPITZ : Faschismus und Neofaschismus, insbesondere Kapitel... - Fears of. shortage. in USA.
20050412             POST—WAR. reconstruction. Growth of VENEZUELA n. production.
20050412             EAST—TEXAS.
20050412             "Democrats, Paper 'Trails' Aren't Good Enough; Count THE—DAMN—BALLOTS!"
20050412             01.20000402             5 "Scientific Analysis Suggests Presidential Vote Counts May Have Been Altered"
20050412             30.20000302             5 "As Blackwell SAYS—OHIO'S
20050412             24.20000302             5 "Understanding the difference between paper ballots and paper audit trails"
20050412             20.20000302             5 "Save Our Democracy"
20050412             16.20000302             5 "Republicans maneuvering to get Voting Rights Act killed"
20050412             10.20000302             5 "Legal filing highlights BLACKWELL—HYPOCRISY in OHIO recount case"
20050412             07.20000302             5 "Selma —40—YEARS—LATER"
20050412             06.20000302             5 "Exit Poll MADNESS—ANALYST STEVE—FREEMAN & Company Offer False Choice"
20050412             04.20000302             5 "Libertarians To Testify in OHIO House: Modernize OHIO—ELECTION—LAWS"
20050412             03.20000302             5 "THE—NEW—VOTING—RIGHTS—MOVEMENT—BEGINS—HERE —TODAY"
20050412             02.20000302             5 "Voting in AMERICA"
20050412             Revolution in Progress: Don't Blame the Oil Sheikh's
20050412             de los intereses financieros de WALL—STREET, Rockefeller + - JP Morgan
20050412             donde trabajó en la biografía del general confederado Stonewall JACKSON...
20050412             Tiwy_COM—INTERNET en AMERICA LATINA LATINA seleccionados por un estudio del banco de inversión JP Morgan,
20050412             mantener un espacio con fotografías, anécdotas, biografía, mensajes de...
20050412             Inicio, MJL, Biografía, AUDIO—VIDEO, Preguntas... Y luego está el banco JP MORGAN—CHASE, combinado.[FIGURE 210].
20050412             Estos bancos están por hundirse, Biografía La Dra.
20050412             Magda Bandera: La "Caixa" de Reconstrucciones.. Una vez comentado el bilderberguismo del candidato español.. en un consorcio de bancos liderado por el JP MORGAN—CHASE que resultó elegido por LOS—ANGELES.
20050412             Magda Bandera: Las palabras exactas de Bush... Goldman Sachs Group, JP MORGAN—CHASE + MORGAN—STANLEY all gave $100000... satírica (leed el texto en español
20050412             Genworth Financial | MI EUROPE | Biografías de los Directivos... Info Prensa;
20050412             Biografía CEO; Biografías de los Directivos... 3 años en el sector de la banca de inversiones para JP Morgan como contable cualificado...
20050412             Genworth Financial | MI EUROPE | BIOGRAFIAS DOS GESTORES... Imprensa;
20050412             Biografia do CEO; Biografias dos Gestores... Antes de entrar para a GE, Andy trabalhou na banca de investimentos, concretamente na JP Morgan...
20050412             resena.negroni.htm 18980000             La Guerra Hispano AMERICANA en PUERTO—RICO - 18980000             THE—SPAIN—USA—WAR... como Contador Público Autorizado para JP Morgan en la ciudad de Nueva YORK...
20050412             Busca biografias personajes5 - biografia biografía biografías de famosos celebridades en deporte música teatro... 2812—JP Morgan (JOHN—PIERPONT) Finanaciero norteamericano (18370000—19130000    —DATE)...
20050412             InfoMoreno | Petroleo... acuerdo con importantes descuentos con los ferrocarriles que controlaba JP Morgan..
20050412             Por ejemplo, en su voluminosa biografía de JOHN—D—ROCKEFELLER I.
20050412             ECUADOR, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores... se reunirá con su homólogo español MIGUEL—ANGEL—MORATINOS..
20050412             BIOGRAPHY—OF—DOCTOR—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE... More Issues.
20050412             Admiral PLC, CITY—OF—WESTMINSTER, Rokbuild Ltd. Akhter Group (Holdings) PLC,
20050412             Table 1.16 ... - Akhter Group (Holdings) PLC,
20050412             Fitzpatrick PLC, Services Sound and Vision Corporation.
20050412             —LAST—MONTH THE—UNIVERSITY—GRANTED—THE—AKHTER—GROUP plc 1—LICENCE to exploit the technology.
20050412             Akhter Group (Holdings) PLC
20050412             Moyola Construction LTD—EDMUND—NUTTALL...
20050412             Sogea Holdings (UK) LTD—AKHTER Group (Holdings) PLC.
20050412             Moyola Construction LTD—EDMUND—NUTTALL—LTD—CAP Gemini.
20050412             UK LTD—MARCONI MOBILE LTD—DATA Sciences UK...
20050412             THE—PAJAMAHADIN—BUT Congressional + CIA investigators agree, the intelligence... FORMER—CONGRESSMAN—DICK Armey once said that conservatives believe it —WHEN they see...
20050412             SPENCER—BLOG—ARCHIVES 1-03 ... 1—OF—THE—MOST surprising is Dick Armey, THE—SOON—TO—RETIRE House... Um.
20050412             Judging from this story I think it's safe to say they're telling 1—FIB.
20050412             Earths_net... And IRAN, the former "terrorist state" has seen THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—THIS—WEEK—MOVE to... DICK ARMEY AND THE—PUSSYCAT: THE—ILLOGIC—OF—INTERNET—FILTERS...
20050412             Burnt ORANGE Report... —WHEN someone like Dick Armey calls BARNEY—FRANK "BARNEY—FAG", that's pretty... Fib Caps on NON—ECONOMIC—DAMAGES will bring down doctors' malpractice...
20050412             Ghost in the Machine: Politics (20020000—20040000    —DATE) Archives... THE—CIA—STATION—CHIEF—IN—BAGHDAD "has warned that the situation in IRAQ is... Salon delves into the growing rift between TOM—DE—LAY + Dick Armey over...
20050412             Ghost in the Machine: Election 20040000             Archives... into WHITE—HOUSE—EFFORTS to ARM—TWIST THE—CIA into the right conclusions... Salon delves into the growing rift between TOM—DE—LAY and Dick Armey over...
20050412             Betriebssystem: Apples "Tiger" kommt Ende —APRIL
20050412             to reproduce faithfully in THE—CLASSROOM—THE—ZIONIST—MASTER—NARRATIVE—AS the "true" VERSION—OF—HISTORY.
20050412             We aren't going to do that + nobody can make us do IT—THE—CHRISTIAN—RIGHT—FUNDAMENTAL—PROBLEM
20050412             1—AREA which includes 1—PART—OF—EGYPT, 1—LARGE slice of IRAQ + Syria,
20050412             not to mention all the land from the Mediterranean to THE—JORDAN—RIVER.
20050412             they plan to try to preserve his power by launching 1—AGGRESSIVE—MEDIA—STRATEGY + calling in favors from prominent conservative leaders
20050412             THE—ITEM—BELOW is —POSTED to demonstrate how successful the Bush Cabal has been in misleading THE—USA—PEOPLE into believing that IRAQ was responsible for, or associated with the tragedy of 20010911             .
20050412             Taking ADVANTAGE—OF—IGNORANCE :
20050412             Simple LACK—OF—KNOWLEDGE can sometimes be 1—KILLER.
20050412             Take the invasion of IRAQ, for example.
20050412             The doctrine "will send 1—MESSAGE to the world that THE—GENEVA—CONVENTIONS are not law, but mere policies that can be changed according to tastes of 1—PARTICULAR—GOVERNMENT,"
20050412             A must watch flash PRESENTATION—ZARQAWI 'rejects amnesty offer'
20050412             Their publicly terming ISRAEL—1—NUCLEAR—POWER on 1—PAR with INDIA + PAKISTAN might be 1—SIGN that THE—USA—PERCEIVES of nuclear issues as too serious to condone the double standards it employs freely on other issues.
20050412             GORDON—BROWN—YEAR—LONG—ANTI—POVERTY crusade is in jeopardy —THIS—WEEK, as THE—USA—PREPARES to block his plans for 1—SALE—OF—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND—GOLD—RESERVES to raise cash for debt relief.
20050412             VENEZUELA: Revolution in Progress:
20050412             VENEZUELA: PRESIDENT—CHAVEZ—FRIAS calls for CREATION—OF—MILITARY—STRATEGY THE—PRESIDENT says it is time to start studying ideas, concepts and doctrines of asymmetrical conflict.
20050412             'VENEZUELA represents hope' : —THIS—WEEK—OF—SOLIDARITY will mark the 3. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—DEFEAT—OF—1—USA—BACKED coup against VENEZUELA n PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ,
20050412             INQUIRIES—OF—TOP—LOBBYIST—SHINE Unwelcome Light in Congress:
20050412             Why was there really 1—WAR?
20050412             Shin BETH—CHIEF—WARNS—OF—NEW intifada:
20050412             ISRAEL i occupation forces raid NABLUS The troops have begun to demolish 1—HOUSE, 1—PALESTINE—OFFICIAL told Aljazeera.
20050412             Dear GEORGE and Dick Neither of you have ANY—IDEA—OF—THE—TRUE—HUMAN, sorrowful COST—OF—WAR nor do you care that you are ruining lives by the thousands and thousands.
20050412             We "bled RUSSIA —FOR—10—YEARS—UNTIL it went bankrupt + was forced to withdraw in defeat," OSAMA—BIN—LADEN boasted in his 20041000             videotape.
20050412             Allah willing - 1 must watch INTERVIEW—WITH—GORE—VIDAL : "I would say that, in the long run, the world will be saved USA—DESPOTISM by the coming BANKRUPTCY—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20050412             The worldfaces "1—PERMANENT—OIL—SHOCK" + will have toadjust to sustained high prices in the next —2—DECADES,
20050412             —RESTATED, IRAQ—NEW—PRESIDENT—JALAL—TALABANI has, his support for 1—CONTINUED—USA + AUSTRALIA—MILITARY—PRESENCE in IRAQ, —1—DAY—AFTER large demonstrations demanding USA—TROOPS leave the country.
20050412             1—IDEA being floated in BAGHDAD is that if SADDAM—PUNISHMENT was jail for life, rather than the execution he is widely assumed to face,
20050412             —MENTIONED, Of the dozen or so locations, in Pentagon or media ACCOUNTS—OF—NEW basing locations,
20050412             USA mulls 7—BASES in AFGHANISTAN THE—USA—ARMY plans to establish 7—MILITARY bases in AFGHANISTAN, USA—ARMY CORPS—OF—ENGINEERS COLONEL—JOHN—BO'DOWD told reporters in KABUL —ON—MONDAY.
20050412             HOUSE—OF—SAUD—RE—EMBRACES totalitarianism : Residents of the tiny provincial CAPITAL—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA—NORTHERNMOST province —LAST—WEEK witnessed 1—GRISLY scene in the main public square:
20050412             THE—EGYPT—SUPREME—COUNCIL for Human Rights (ESCHR), 1—STATE—BACKED organisation set up —LAST—YEAR, gave credence in its 1. annual report to widespread ALLEGATIONS—OF—TORTURE by EGYPT—POLICE + security forces.
20050412             'BOMB—PLOT' CUBA—CROSSES into USA 1—CUBA—EXILE, accused by PRESIDENT—FIDEL—CASTRO—HAVANA of plotting to kill him, is preparing to apply for asylum in THE—USA, his lawyer says.
20050412             Fugitive CUBA—EXILE to seek asylum in USA, says he worked with CIA :- 1—CUBA—EXILE accused of plotting to assassinate Fidel Castro and wanted by VENEZUELA on charges of blowing up 1—CUBA—AIRLINER 19760000             is in THE—USA, his attorney said —MONDAY.
20050412             —OBTAINED, Moscoso, $4—MILLION for pardoning Posada and his accomplices : Posada Carriles used false documents provided by THE—USA—EMBASSY in PANAMA to leave that country.
20050412             MARY—SHAW: Mind Control and THE—USA—MEDIA : THE—USA—MAINSTREAM—MEDIA are frequently accused by the right of being too liberal.
20050412             'Did Wyly coyotes' ILL—GOTTEN loot buy WHITE—HOUSE ?'
20050412             DeLay Fundraising Plied Special Interests TOM—DELAY routinely solicited donations by identifying legislative actions that prospective givers wanted, from video gambling to lawsuit limits, memos show.
20050412             Higher Prices, Stagnant Wages Produce Pay Cut for USA—WORKERS : Inflation has outpaced the rise in salaries for the 1. time in —14—YEARS.
20050412             Trade Deficit Hits ALL—TIME—HIGH in February : THE—USA—TRADE—DEFICIT, exacerbated by surging IMPORTS—OF—OIL and textiles, soared to 1—ALL—TIME—HIGH—OF $61.04—BILLION in February.
20050412             —DENOUNCED, In theocracy they trust Christian right leaders, SEPARATION—OF—CHURCH and state and prayed for 1—JUDGE—DELIVERANCE to Satan.
20050412             Religion —NOW more 1—PART—OF—POLITICS—TALK—OF—FAITH, values is nearly omnipresent —45—YEARS—AGO, JOHN—F—KENNEDY was elected PRESIDENT only —AFTER reassuring skeptical voters that his Catholicism did not mean THE—PAPA would be dictating USA—FOREIGN and domestic policy from ROME.
20050412             TV EVANGELIST—MINISTERIAL and media empire claim USA a 'Christian nation', don't believe in THE—SEPARATION—OF—CHURCH and state + aims to extend political reach
20050412             Senators May Have Blown COVER—OF—CIA—AGENT—COMMITTEE—CHAIRMAN—RICHARD—LUGAR, R—INDIANA + SENATOR—JOHN—KERRY, D—MASSACHUSETTS, both mentioned 1—NAME, Fulton Armstrong, that had not previously come up in public ACCOUNTS—OF—THE—INTELLIGENCE flap.
20050412             TEHRAN to take legal action against USA for funding IRAN opposition : "Our country and the regime are stable enough not to be disturbed by such measures. However, such acts are against INTERNATIONAL norms and law. The foreign ministry will take necessary legal action" against WASHINGTON, he said.
20050412             Not GUILTY—OF—CONSPIRACY to poison LONDON with ricin
20050412             THE—ARMAGEDDON—MAN: A comprehensive look at JOHN—BOLTON—CAREER reveals a man who champions extremism in THE—SERVICE—OF—EXPEDIENCY.
20050412             Negroponte Used CIA Back Channels to Defy Congress Papers illustrate NEGROPONTE—CONTRA ROLE—SHOW intelligence nominee was active in USA—EFFORT.
20050412             Sharon rejects USA—SETTLEMENTS warning : ISRAEL i PRIME—MINISTER—ARIEL—SHARON has rejected 1—WARNING from USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH not to expand WEST—BANK—SETTLEMENTS, saying ISRAEL will continue its hold on areas it considers of strategic importance.
20050412             SHARON—MUST—BE—TOLD—THAT—USA—CANNOT Support Violations of INTERNATIONAL Humanitarian Law
20050412             A PALESTINE—PRISON—STATE?
20050412             Jewish settlers in HEBRON wreak havoc on PALESTINE—NEIGHBORS : Settlers demolished PART—OF—THE—HOUSE with sledgehammers, working under THE—NOSES—OF—SOLDIERS—POSTED on TOP—OF—THE—STRUCTURE.
20050412             IRAQ—GOVERNMENT—FACES—OLD nemeses, deadly demands If it's to survive at all, the government must swiftly demonstrate its INDEPENDENCE from WASHINGTON.
20050412             POLAND—DEFENSE—MINISTER—POLAND wants to withdraw its 1,700 troops from IRAQ early —NEXT—YEAR, the defense MINISTER—SAID—TUESDAY.
20050412             USA audit probes possible Halliburton $212m overcharge Halliburton, THE—HOUSTON—BASED oil services company, may have overcharged THE—USA—GOVERNMENT by $212m (£113m, €165m) for work in IRAQ, according to portions of Pentagon audits released —ON—MONDAY.
20050412             Report criticizes HALLIBURTON—WORK—SERIOUS—COST overruns + a "poor performance" have plagued HALLIBURTON—CONTINUING $1.2—BILLION contra ct to repair IRAQ—VITAL—SOUTHERN—OIL—FIELDS, 1—NEW—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT—REPORT says.
20050412             Torture Air, Incorporated: It appears that Dick Cheney himself gave the greenlight for the kidnapping and torture scenario.
20050412             EX—INTEL CHIEF—BLASTS—BOLTON at Hearing : 1—FORMER—CHIEF—OF—THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT—BUREAU—OF—INTELLIGENCE and research castigated JOHN—R—BOLTON —ON—TUESDAY as a "KISS—UP, KICK—DOWN SORT—OF—GUY" who abused analysts who disagreed with his VIEWS—OF—CUBA—WEAPONS capabilities.
20050412             According to THE—FORMER—HEAD—OF—EXXONMOBIL—GULF operations, "IRAQ—EXILES approached us saying, you can have our oil if we can get —BACK—IN there", THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION decided to use its overwhelming military might to create 1—PLIANT—AND DEPENDABLE—OIL protectorate in THE—MIDDLE—EAST and achieve that essential "opening" of the Gulf oilfields.
20050412             Let them eat bombs
20050412             —BY TERRY—JONES—THIS, of course, comes as 1—BITTER—BLOW for all THOSE—OF—USA who, like GEORGE—BUSH and TONY—BLAIR, honestly believe that children thrive best —WHEN we drop bombs on them from 1—GREAT—HEIGHT, destroy their cities and blow up hospitals, schools and power stations.
20050412             Charge Him or Release Him
20050412             JOSE—PADILLA—USA—CITIZEN Imprisoned Without Trial or Charges —FOR—2—YEARS + —308—DAYS
20050412             Morgan calls BRAD—1—DEMOCRAT, even though he isn't 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—PARTY.
20050412             Geheimdienste: Der MI5 kommt mit dem Netz nicht klar - CRG - "OSAMAGATE" MICHEL—CHOSSUDOVSKY.
20050412             '—NOW the Taliban will pay 1—PRICE' vowed PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH, as USA + UK fighter planes unleashed missile attacks against major cities in AFGHANISTAN.
20050412             1—MAJOR—WAR supposedly 'against INTERNATIONAL terrorism' has been launched, yet the evidence amply confirms that AGENCIES—OF—USA—GOVERNMENT have —SINCE the Cold War harbored the 'Islamic Militant Network' as PART—OF—WASHINGTON—FOREIGN—POLICY—AGENDA.
20050412             Full TEXT—THE—CREEPING—USA—CONSTITUTIONAL—COUP... At the helm of National Public Radio is KEVIN—KLOSE, formerly DIRECTOR—OF—THE... office because of massive VOTER—FRAUD in the infamous 19970000             election..
20050412             IRAQ Occupation and Resistance Report... Checking for vote fraud the modern way: Foreign observers planning to watch... This is what famed Argentine writer Rodolfo Walsh, writing —BEFORE his...
20050412             10, DAVID—ICKE—TELL the Truth!...
20050412             WILLENSFREIHEIT—FREIER Wille... Moderation: DOCTOR—CARSTEN—KÖNNEKER (Chefredakteur Gehirn und Geist).
20050412             THE—INSTITUTE on Religion + Democracy ANDREW—J—WEAVER—MARTIN—MARTY—CENTER U of CHICAGO Divinity School... FRED—BARNES... who appears to have "broken" the " accusations " against Reverend...
20050412             CURSOR—MEDIA—TRANSPARENCY... by ANDREW—J—WEAVER + NICOLE—SEIBERT for Mediatransparency_org... VENEZUELA n government officials have hurled accusations at USA—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION...
20050412             CHRISTLICH—FUNDAMENTALISTISCHE Organisationen und Pressure Groups... Contact information.
20050412             Council for National Policy — Demopedia.. 10329 - 1—DEMOCRACY—LANE—FAIRFAX, VA 22030 703 890 0113 ... THE—CNP has included MANY—MEMBERS bent on replacing USA—DEMOCRACY with theocracy...
20050412             People of Alt.Atheism... McLeod, Kathy Leah DATE—OF—BIRTH: 19690000             Country... various other stuff too numerous to list... AUSTRALIA Personal Conviction: Atheist/Agnostic Profession: Customer...
20050412             Blog for AMERICA... blog gets his/her name given to Ashcroft + ends up on 1—TERRORIST—LIST.
20050412             To 1—ATHEIST/agnostic, THE—DRIVE—OF—SELF—IMPROVEMENT + human equality.
20050412             Rantburg: Never forgive, never forget!
20050412             THE—IRAQ—WAR—WAS—WRONG—BLOG: 20041000             ... No not me ( atheist agnostic ) but, SOME—OTHER'S, I had them praying to... past and present, 1—LIST that includes/* IWW_SELFNOTE Don't publish till...
20050412             SCIENTOLOGY—CRIMINAL—HISTORY in CANADA... Their names are Kathy Smith (formerly, in succession, Kathy Wilkens + Kathy... Buddhist, atheist, agnostic or whether 1—INDIVIDUAL or 1—CORPORATION...
20050412             Democratic Underground FORUMS—FOR those upset about THE—PAPA... Edited by Kathy in CAMBRIDGE... don't fall in with the squeaky wheels who get offended by atheist/agnostic opinions...
20050412             Is Libertarian candidate GARY—NOLAN 1—NEOCON?
20050412             AZ IMC. NOLA Indymedia List Future Events.
20050412             CLEVELAND IMC (((i)))... We felt we were in the inside loop," said Neal Blair, PRESIDENT—OF—FREE—THE—EAGLE... SEATTLE st louis TALLAHASSEE—RED—HILLS—TENNESSEE URBANA—CHAMPAIGN UTAH VERMONT western mass west...
20050412             HOUSTON Indymedia Media Text Image Audio Video Other... TALLAHASSEE—RED—HILLS.
20050412             URBANA—CHAMPAIGN... We felt we were in the inside loop," said Neal Blair, PRESIDENT—OF—FREE—THE—EAGLE.
20050412             CHICAGO Indymedia: newswire/36601... TALLAHASSEE—RED—HILLS.
20050412             ATLANTA Independent Media Center (((i))) TALLAHASSEE—RED—HILLS.
20050412             2. Part Operation Skymaster... 19880000             —WHEN his old friend from the smuggling days called, pilot TONY—AIZPRUA.. He worked with his friends TONY—AIZPRUA and Iglesias, who stayed in...
20050412             TIME Magazine Archive ARTICLE—WAR—ON—DRUGS: —DAY—OF—RECKONING... TONY—AIZPRUA, the pilot whose plane landed on I-75, served no time at all, —WHILE Noriega's trusted bagman Lieut.
20050412             COLONEL—LUIS del Cid got his —70—YEAR.
20050412             TIME Magazine Archive PREVIEW—WAR—ON—DRUGS: —DAY—OF—RECKONING... general.
20050412             COLONEL.
20050412             Voting Fraud News Vote fraud news... All 77—COUNTIES use the Optech Eagle voting machines + TABULATOR—MADE by ES&S, Sen HAGEL—REPUBLICAN company...
20050412             Web Results 1 - 8—OF—ABOUT 42 for Optech and TABULATOR—BY ES&S. ( 0.—16—SECONDS)You SPEAK—BUSH—SPEAKS_COM—VOTING Machines Count Backwards in OKLAHOMA.. All 77—COUNTIES—USE the Optech Eagle voting machines and TABULATOR—MADE by ES&S, Sen HAGEL—REPUBLICAN company.
20050412             National Ballot Integrity Project Discussion FORUM—OKLAHOMA... All 77—OKLAHOMA counties used the Optech Eagle voting machines and TABULATOR—MADE by ES&S, SENATOR—HAGEL'S (R) company...
20050412             CANNONFIRE: 20041128             — 20041204             ... All 77—COUNTIES use the Optech Eagle voting machines and TABULATOR—MADE by ES&S, Sen HAGEL—REPUBLICAN company.
20050412             Prove vote fraud in 1—PLACE.
20050412             Disinfotainment —TODAY... All 77—COUNTIES use the Optech Eagle voting machines and TABULATOR—MADE by ES&S, Sen HAGEL—REPUBLICAN company.
20050412             Answers to GENERAL—WHO... —WHEN THE—DIRECTOR—OF—WOMEN—MARINES' office was disbanded because of the strides... the Distinguished Service Medal ( Army ).
20050412             His citation reads in part... 20050412             _AUTHENTICO—HISTORIA—INDEX_20040823242526_UPDATED... Threat Shuts Down Emergency Shuttle Landing Site in MOROCCO"/SPIEGEL+ NASA+... patients and the terminally ill + bombarded monkeys with microwaves.
20050412             Welcome to NASA News, links, mission schedules + NASA for kids.
20050412             Webradios werden durch Gebührenerhöhung der GVL in die Knie gezwungen KLAMM—NEWS :: Webradios sehen schweren Zeiten in die Augen.. 06.04. 19:23 | (05)USA : Handy von Einbrecher wählt zufällig 911—UND informiert...
20050412             ( 0.—35—SECONDS) - THE—ELECTION—MODEL by TruthIsAll... Created by TruthIsAll.
20050412             Last update: 20041101             —700—PM. Final Projection.
20050412             Election Model Created by TruthIsAll Updated: 1-Nov Simulation... TruthIsAll.
20050412             Democratic Underground Forums - 4PM EXIT POLL (PRE—HACK) ELECTION... ALTHECAT, THIS WAS THE—FINAL—ELECTION—MODEL—PROJECTION, TruthIsAll... in 1—POST on the Democratic Underground website under the forum name TruthIsAll...
20050412             Who Really Won?: TruthIsAll... TruthIsAll at Democratic Underground writes this:
20050412             LET—CALCULATE the probability that: 1. 41—OUT—OF—50—STATES would move beyond the Exit poll.
20050412             Who Really Won?: THE—MANDATE—SHRINKS... TruthIsAll ;
20050412             FEDERAL—REVIEW... Over on DU, I found 1—FANTASTIC effort by DU member TruthIsAll... Anyway, TruthIsAll sets the current probability of 1—KERRY victory at 97.4%..
20050412             FEDERAL—REVIEW... And who is " TruthIsAll "?
20050412             Well, you may remember him from THE—PRE—ELECTION—CROWD... and at 50% only 1—HANDFUL—OF—TIMES), TruthIsAll CALCULATED—USING...
20050412             THE—RIGHT—SOCIETY... " Truthisall " is 1—JOKE.
20050412             Angry in the Great White North... or the entire electoral system is corrupt, or maybe truthisall is, well.. TruthIsAll evidently frequents enough message boards to have earned the...
20050412             USA presidential election, 20040000             , exit POLLS—WIKIPEDIA, the free... exit poll as reported by TruthIsAll on... Final exit poll as reported by TruthIsAll on.
20050412             '—AFTER visibly urinating on.
20050412             PWHCE MIDDLE—EAST—PROJECT: JOHN—NEGROPONTE—BIOGRAPHY... In this career biography of JOHN—NEGROPONTE, the new USA National Intelligence... Text of 1—PWHCE talk by VIETNAM—HUMAN—RIGHTS—ACTIVIST—QUYNH Dao...
20050412             Perspectives on World History and Current Events (PWHCE) — Home... Biography: JOHN—NEGROPONTE—DAVID—BENNETT reviews THE—CAREER—OF—AMERICA—NEW—NATIONAL—INTELLIGENCE—DIRECTOR, JOHN—NEGROPONTE ;
20050412             WINDS—OF—CHANGE—ARE we... 20050410             20050412             TREVOR—STANLEY... DAVID—BENNETT—ARTICLE about JOHN—NEGROPONTE, AMERICA—NEW—NATIONAL... Beginning his career in VIETNAM —DURING THE—VIETNAM—WAR, Negroponte stood up...
20050412             IRON YOUTH—HELLENIC—NATIONAL—SOCIALIST—ART THE—LEADER—OF—THE—NS regime that ruled in GREECE in the 30s was IOANNIS—METAXASHERE we offer the transcription of 1—OF—HIS—ADDRESSES to THE—GREECE—WORKERS...
20050412             Haz click aqui para oir las palabras de Metaxas ( metaxas. mp3 ... Konstantinos Plevris, IOANNIS—METAXAS (Biografia), Nea Thesis, 19960000             JON—V. Kofas, Autoritarismo en... d
20050412             Chaos Central: Stupidity Archives... dictator was probably high on drugs —WHEN he decided to invade KUWAIT 19900000             ... THE—IRAQ—MINISTER—OF—DISINFORMATION who became famous for his absurd...
20050412             Preemptive Karma... largest security firms: Wackenhut Services INCORPORATED and Vance FEDERAL—SECURITY—SERVICES... —NOW, if Wackenhut and Vance lost out on previous contra cts...
20050412             ALBERT—EINSTEIN 18790000—19550000... In den Briefen aus jener Zeit zeigt sich die Verachtung Einsteins... A pictorial biography.
20050412             - MAX—FLÜCKIGER: ALBERT—EINSTEIN in BERN.
20050412             EU Energy Policy and Future European Energy Markets: Consequences... -... + FRASER—CAMERON, THE—ENLARGEMENT—OF—THE—EUROPEAN—UNION (SHEFFIELD—ENGLAND :
20050412             DEUTSCHLAND—MILITARISMUS, Imperialismus und Antisemitismus von 18700000             ... der Flügel um Otto + GREGOR—STRASSER—DAS—PROJEKT der "Vereinigten Staaten von... 19180000             (in: Opitz, Europastrategien des DEUTSCHLAND—KAPITALS, S.447f)...
20050412             DEUTSCHLAND—MILITARISMUS, Imperialismus und Antisemitismus 18700000—20030000     -... Alldeutschen, 18950000             (in: Opitz, Europastrategien des DEUTSCHLAND—KAPITALS.. Flügel um Otto + GREGOR—STRASSER—DAS—PROJEKT der' Vereinigten Staaten von...
20050412             2. - Unterstützt wurde er von Nationalrevolutionären und dem STRASSER—FLÜGEL der... Der Faschismusforscher REINHARD—OPITZ analysierte den Ideenkomplex der.
20050412             3. freilich wird nichts davon gesagt, daß OTTO—STRASSER über Jaksch —SCHON in den 30er... Duisberg + BETHMANN—HOLLWEG in: Opitz, R.: Europastrategien des...
20050412             Der SS—STANDARTENFÜHRER ALFRED—FRANKE—GRICKSCH... REINHARD—OPITZ : Faschismus und Neofaschismus, insbesondere Kapitel.
20050412             Investment Perspektive... SPINDLETOP—TEXAS. Sumatra. production. begins.
20050412             KOMINFORM—INFORMATIONEN für KommunistInnen und KPÖ—MITGLIEDER
20050412             USA—TRUPPEN strömen in die westirakische Provinz Anbar..
20050412             Bei Torgau an der Elbe treffen einander erstmals sowjetische und amerikanische...
20050412             KLARTEXT—ONLINE, Sozialistische Monatszeitung der KV Bad Doberan...
20050412             Sowjetische und USA—TRUPPEN treffen sich in Torgau an der Elbe
20050412             Tidbits in the news... Conyers to Carter : JOHN—CONYERS has politely informed JIMMY—CARTER—OF—1—LITTLE—FACT—MOST—OF—USA already knew: Putting JAMES—BAKER on 1—COMMISSION designed to investigate CLAIMS—OF—VOTE—FRAUD is about as dumb as putting MICHAEL—CORLEONE on 1—COMMISSION investigating organized crime.
20050412             Even dumber : Putting "Thor" Hearne of THE—EL—FAKE—O USA—CENTER for Voting Rights on the Academic Advisory BOARD for that same commission.
20050412             Can the bankruptcy bill be defeated?
20050412             SOME—MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS are going to try their damnedest.
20050412             Check out the major press conference coverage at
20050412             The bankruptcy bill is emblematic of what this Republican Congress is all about: coddle big business and the wealthy at EVERY—TURN, even —WHEN the least fortunate are trampled in the process.
20050412             Many, MANY—PEOPLE who land in bankruptcy court end up there because they or 1—FAMILY—MEMBER got sick and lost their job and medical insurance.
20050412             I don't hold out much hope that this atrocious legislation can be defeated, but the fight remains 1—WORTHY 1.
20050412             I fear he may be right.
20050412             Corrupt OHIO SECRETARY—OF—STATE—KEN—BLACKWELL has said that the vote in OHIO was 1—NATIONAL—MODEL.
20050412             "Scientific Analysis Suggests Presidential Vote Counts May Have Been Altered"
20050412             30.20000302             5 - 24.20000302             5
20050412             "Understanding the difference between paper ballots and paper audit trails"
20050412             20.20000302             5 - "Save Our Democracy" - 16.20000302             5
20050412             "Legal filing highlights BLACKWELL—HYPOCRISY in OHIO recount case"
20050412             SCOTLAND —ON—SUNDAY, GLASGOW, 20010615             at,
20050412             see also UPI, 20010709             . - His citation reads in part...
20050412             THREAT Shuts Down Emergency Shuttle Landing Site in MOROCCO"/SPIEGEL+ NASA+... patients and the terminally ill + bombarded monkeys with microwaves.
20050412             Created by TruthIsAll.
20050412             Sound Bites (20041107             )...
20050412             [by ' TruthIsAll ' at DemocraticUnderground forum].
20050412             Operation IRAQ—LIBERATION, Don't Blame the Oil Sheikh's
20050412             Last update: 20041101             —700—PM.
20050412             Last update: 20041101             0000—DATE—0700—PM.
20050412             Sound Bites (20041107             )... - MAX—BLUMENTHAL...
20050412—18510000    -18540000             P 08—MARIANO Riva Palacio Collection:
20050412—18980000    La Guerra Hispano AMERICANA en PUERTO—RICO - 18980000             THE—SPAIN—AMERICA—WAR
20050412—19480700    —BY, SAW POLAND—AIR—FORCE... THE—POLAND—FORCES had been officially disbanded and the Air... 19920000             to POLAND and handed over to the present —DAY POLAND—AIR—FORCE...
20050412—19800000    —IN—THE, In 1—BITTER—IRONY, THE—USA—AIR—FORCE is targeting the training camps established s by THE—CIA.
20050412—19800100    —IN, FORUM... the Restaurant 19630000             , from his savings as 1—CONTRA ctor in KUWAIT... who set fire to SPAIN—EMBASSY in GUATEMALA, killing 37—PEOPLE...
20050412—19880000    —WHEN his old friend from the smuggling days called, pilot TONY—AIZPRUA.. He worked with his friends TONY—AIZPRUA and Iglesias, who stayed in...
20050412—20010911    —ON, in fact, than †.
20050412—20010911    —ON, Regime Change Was 1—IMMORAL—EXCUSE for War PRESIDENT—BUSH—TRUE—REASON for invading IRAQ — regime change — was 1—POOR + immoral excuse for initiating 1—CONFLICT that has killed + maimed TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—INNOCENT—PEOPLE — MANY—MORE—INNOCENT—PEOPLE, in fact, than †.
20050412—20040000    Election Theft Corporate News Lies!...
20050412—20040000    Exit Poll Analysis — Demopedia...
20050412—20040000    —IN, "As Blackwell Says, OHIO's was a National Model"
20050412—20041108    —ON, "Worse than 20000000             : —TUESDAY—ELECTORAL—DISASTER" at Truthout_org ,
20050412—20050331    —FROM, ZIMBABWE—MAIN—OPPOSITION—MOVEMENT for Democratic Change (MDC) lodged a 1. court challenge against results polls it says were rigged.
20050412—20050331    —ON, Pinging TruthIsAll ! 9—POSTED —083504—PM—PST by RWR8189 (Its —MORNING in AMERICA AGAIN!) [ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies...
20050412—20050410    —JAHR
20050412—20050411    —DATE 20050700             An den eigentlichen Tagungsort dürften die KONFERENZ—GEGNER wohl
20050412—20050411    —DATE 20050412—20050411    —DATE
20050417             200506041020. - 200506041020. - Quelques autres articles tirés du dossier du Soir du 20020412             20050417             200506041020. - 200506041020. - Quelques autres articles tirés du dossier du Soir du 20020412             20050417             200506041020. - 200506041020. - ARCADI—GAYDAMAK suspecté de blanchiment en ISRAËL. LeMonde.
20050417             200506041020. - Quelques autres articles tirés du dossier du Soir du 20020412             20050417             200506041020. - ARCADI—GAYDAMAK suspecté de blanchiment en ISRAËL. LeMonde.
20050417             200506041020. - 200506041020. - Quelques autres articles tirés du dossier du Soir du 20020412             20050417             200506041020.
20050417             Quelques autres articles tirés du dossier du Soir du 20020412             20050417             Le 20010412             Repères DÉPÊCHES : " "ANGOLAGATE" : Arcadi Gaydamak.. Acteur manquant de l'"Angolagate", Arcadi Gaydamak ne semble toujours pas prêt à.
20050417             Quelques autres articles tirés du dossier du Soir du 20020412             ... La guerre psychologique ( PSYOP ) s'apprend dans les académies militaires...
20050417             taz 20010412             Makedonien und GroßKOSOVO... Ramush Haradinaj, früher LPK—MITGLIED in der SCHWEIZ und später UÇK—GENERAL, trat... Makedonien nicht unter einem APARTHEID—REGIME wie ihre " Brüder " im KOSOVO...
20050417             acrimed | " Le Monde " rénove le vocabulaire... Le 20010412             Repères DÉPÊCHES : " "ANGOLAGATE" : Arcadi Gaydamak.. Acteur manquant de l'"Angolagate", Arcadi Gaydamak ne semble toujours pas prêt à..
20050417             200506041020. - Quelques autres articles tirés du dossier du Soir du 20020412             20050417             taz 20010412             Makedonien und GroßKOSOVO
20050417             200506041020. - 200506041020. - Quelques autres articles tirés du dossier du Soir du 20050621—20050412    —IN—THE, THE—CIA was involved coup d'etat against PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ—FRIAS
20050928—20080412    | 110000  ... de armas de origen turco pero nacionalizado Jordano,
20060400             UK dismisses talk of IRAN attack UK Foreign SECRETARY—JACK—STRAW says reports of 1—POSSIBLE—USA nuclear strike against IRAN are "nuts".
20060400             Erdbeben von 19060000             : Forscher simulieren S—FRANCISCOS—UNTERGANG...
20060400             —WORKED, NATO, MI6 and fascist paramilitary ITALY—GANGS, together to terrorize Italians...
20060404—20060412    —SIGNED, GOVERNOR—ROMNEY, it.
20060408             THE—CENTURY—OF—THE—SELF...
20060412             - RASMUS—BENESTAD and RAY—PIERREHUMBERT 1—SPECIAL—REPORT in THE—OBSERVER—ON—SUNDAY (20060409             ) titled
20060412             THE—USA—TREASURY—DEPARTMENT said "transactions with THE—PALESTINE—AUTHORITY by USA—PERSONS are prohibited, unless licensed".
20060412             —BASED, It said the decision was, on "existing terrorism sanctions".
20060412             —DISCOVERED, Police checking on 1—HOME in LEOLA—PENNSYLVANIA, 1—GRUESOME scene: the bodies of 6—PEOPLE, some wrapped in sheets and blankets in the basement, and blood, bone fragments and 1—HAMMER upstairs.
20060412             —CHARGED, JESSE—DEE—WISE, —21—JAHRE—ALT was, the —NEXT—DAY for the murder of 6—RELATIVES.
20060412             —LEASED, THE—INDIANA—TOLL—ROAD was, for $3.8—BILLION to 1—SPANISH—AUSTRALIA—CONSORTIUM that is to maintain and run it —FOR—75—YEARS.
20060412             —DEFENDED, Google INCORPORATED CEO—ERIC—SCHMIDT, the search engine's cooperation with CHINA—CENSORSHIP as he announced the creation of 1—BEIJING research center and unveiled 1—CHINESE—LANGUAGE—BRAND—NAME.
20060412             † WALTER—CLYDE—PEARSON, —77—JAHRE—ALT, USA poker champion, in NEVADA.
20060412             —STABBED, JOE—VAN—HOLSBEECK, —17—JAHRE—ALT was, to death at THE—BRUSSELS—CENTRAL—TRAIN—STATION in 1—ROBBERY by 2—MEN for his MP3 player.
20060412             —CHARGED, BRAZIL, FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS, 1—FORMER—TOP—PRESIDENTIAL—AIDE and DOZENS—OF—OTHERS with trying to bribe legislators into supporting BRAZIL—RULING party.
20060412             —CALLED, BRITAIN and THE—USA, for sanctions against 4—SUDAN—WHO have blocked peace efforts and violated human rights in THE—CONFLICT—WRACKED Darfur region.
20060412             Officials said Canadian and USA—POLICE have broken up 1—CRIMINAL ring that smuggled DOZENS—OF—INDIAN and PAKISTAN—NATIONALS into THE—USA at 1—COST—OF up to $35,000 each.
20060412             —MOVED, The final leg of CANADA—CONTENTIOUS seal hunt, to the ice floes off NORTH—EAST—NEWFOUNDLAND and Labrador, with sealers expected to harvest another 234,000 harp seal pups.
20060412             —CLASHED, SOUTH—CHINA, THOUSANDS—OF—VILLAGERS, with police over government plans to tear down sluice gates built for irrigation, leaving 1—WOMAN—DEAD and several people injured.
20060412             Authorities said COLOMBIA—BIGGEST RIGHT—WING paramilitary group has disbanded as PART—OF—1—ONGOING peace process, but SOME—RENEGADE factions continued to operate.
20060412             —LAUNCHED, Government troops and UN peacekeepers, 1—FRESH—MILITARY—OFFENSIVE in CONGO—RESTIVE east, targeting RWANDA—HUTU rebels blamed for attacking civilians at home and in CONGO.
20060412             ECUADOR—ENVIRONMENT—MINISTER—ANA—ALBAN said some 5,000 Ecuadorians illegally residing in the ecologically fragile Galapagos Islands will face deportation to the mainland.
20060412             —APPROVED, FRANCE—LOWER—HOUSE—OF—PARLIAMENT, 1—COMPROMISE youth job plan to replace 1—MEASURE that triggered nationwide protests and plunged the country into crisis.
20060412             1—INDIA—COURT struck down 1—CONTROVERSIAL—ORDER banning dance bars in the financial hub of Mumbai, bringing cheers from champions of the drinking houses.
20060412             † RAJ—KUMAR, —77—JAHRE—ALT, INDIA—MOVIE star, in BANGALORE.
20060412             JAKARTA—INDONESIA, some 150—MEMBERS—OF—THE—ISLAMIC—DEFENDERS' Front, protesting PLAYBOY—DECISION to launch 1—INDONESIA—EDITION—OF—THE—MAGAZINE, clashed with police and stoned the company's editorial offices.
20060412             —KILLED, IRAQ, car and roadside bombings, 13—PEOPLE, including 3—USA—SOLDIERS, and injured dozens.
20060412             —HUNTED, Gunmen in BAGHDAD, down 3—DIFFERENT—GOVERNMENT—EMPLOYEES and shot them dead on their way to work.
20060412             1—CAR—BOMB exploded as worshippers were leaving 1—SHIITE mosque near Baqouba, killing 26—PEOPLE and injuring 32—OTHERS.
20060412             —ACCUSED—OF, He was, being 1—SECURITY—THREAT but charges were never filed and no public hearing was permitted.
20060412             —5—MONTHS—LATER military officials said Hussein was being held for "imperative REASONS—OF—SECURITY" under UN resolutions.
20060412             —KILLED, THE—ISRAEL—ARMY, to AL—AQSA infiltrators trying to enter from GAZA.
20060412             —ARRESTED, ITALY—POLICE, 3—PEOPLE suspected of aiding ITALY—NUMBER 1—FUGITIVE and reputed Mafia boss Bernardo Provenzano, who was captured —1—DAY—EARLIER.
20060412             KYRGYZSTAN, Edil Baisalov, LEADER—OF—1—COALITION—OF—CIVIC—GROUPS called For Democracy and Civil Society, suffered 1—GUNSHOT wound in THE—BACK—OF—THE—HEAD—WHEN he was leaving his office in the capital, BISHKEK.
20060412             —ALLEGED, Baisalov has led 1—CAMPAIGN against 1—BID by, criminal boss Ryspek Akmatbayev to become 1—LAWMAKER.
20060412             —ABANDONED, MALAYSIA, plans to build 1—CONTROVERSIAL—NEW—BRIDGE to SINGAPORE, saying that THE—CITY—STATE—DEMAND for airspace access in return for its agreement was unacceptable.
20060412             2—PEOPLE were killed in 1—GRENADE—ATTACK on 1—RESTAURANT and 1—SHOP—OWNER was gunned down as violence shook towns on MEXICO—RESORT—STUDDED—PACIFIC—COAST.
20060412             SOUTH—NEPAL, police shot and killed 1—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTER as authorities foiled PRO—DEMOCRACY—ACTIVISTS' plans to hold 1—MASS—RALLY in the heart of Katmandu and detained DOZENS—OF—DEMONSTRATORS.
20060412             —RIOTED, KARACHI—PAKISTAN, MOBS—OF—YOUTHS, for a 2. straight —DAY to protest 1—SUICIDE bombing that killed at least 56—PEOPLE, which 1—TOP—PAKISTAN—OFFICIAL said was aimed at "eliminating" the leadership of 1—MODERATE—SUNNI—MUSLIM group.
20060412             PAKISTAN—ARMY helicopters struck 1—MILITANT hideout in NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN in 1—ATTEMPT to kill 1 wanted senior AL—QAIDA operative.
20060412             Mohsin MUSA—MATAWALLI—ATWAH, —45—JAHRE—ALT, 1—EGYPTIAN and AL—QAIDA member wanted for his suspected role in THE—BOMBINGS—OF—USA embassies in EAST—AFRICA, was killed.
20060412             —KILLED, NORTH—EAST—SRI—LANKA, 2—EXPLOSIONS in 1—MARKET, 17—PEOPLE in THE—TOWN—OF—TRINCOMALEE and cast 1—CLOUD over upcoming peace talks.
20060412             † THE—REVEREND—WILLIAM—SLOANE—COFFIN, —81—JAHRE—ALT, a FORMER—YALE chaplain known for VIETNAM—ERA peace activism in STRAFFORD—VERMONT.
20060412             WALTER—CLYDE—PEARSON won 19730000             —THE—WORLD—SERIES—OF—POKER championship and introduced the "FREEZE—OUT" STYLE—OF—TOURNAMENT poker where all players start with the same AMOUNT—OF—CHIPS and the winner takes all.
20060412             IRAN—DEPUTY—NUCLEAR—CHIEF said the country intends to move toward LARGE—SCALE uranium enrichment involving 54,000 centrifuges, signaling its resolve to expand 1—PROGRAM—THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY has insisted it halt.
20060412             —SHACKLED, In the few years —SINCE the 1., AFGHANISTAN—SHUFFLED off to GUANTANAMO, THE—USA—MILITARY has created 1—GLOBAL—NETWORK—OF—OVERSEAS—PRISONS, its islands of high security keeping 14,000 detainees beyond the reach of established law.
20060412             7—SUSPECTED militants and 2—CHILDREN were believed killed.
20060412             Are laser weapons ready for duty?
20060412             newsmaker Los Alamos honcho DOUG—BEASON says directed energy beams will soon be able to zap missiles in flight.
20060412             PHONE—JAMMING Records Point to WHITE—HOUSE—KEY—FIGURES in 1—PHONE—JAMMING scheme designed to keep NEW—HAMPSHIRE Democrats from voting on
20060412             REPUBLICAN—PARTY—PERVERTS GOP Pervert Hall of Fame —NOW contains over 50—5—NAMES.
20060412             Truly disgusting. MANSON—FAMILY—VALUES.
20060412             PORTUGAL rules was OK to slap mentally ill child
20060412             Arab Times- 1—PORTUGAL—COURT—RULING that it was not illegal to slap 1—MENTALLY ill child in 1—CARE—HOME
20060412             caused outrage —ON—WEDNESDAY with 1—RIGHTS—GROUP saying the decision was like something from the Middle Ages.
20060412             —THREATENED, Comment " - 1, turf grab by 1—CONTROVERSIAL—PENTAGON intelligence unit is causing concern among both privacy experts and SOME—OF—THE—DEFENSE—DEPARTMENT—OWN—PERSONNEL.
20060412             —DURING the past several weeks about how to proceed with 1—POSSIBLE—MERGER between the Counterintelligence Field Activity (CIFA), a
20060412             In this report the Infowars team's protest and questioning of whitewasher in CHIEF—AND—COVER—UP conspirator THOMAS—KEAN
20060412             I have been to enough sporting events to...
20060412             1—OF—THE—GREAT—PRIVILEGES—OF—POWER is the right to attack others for doing --- or allegedly doing exactly what you do without anybody who matters calling you on your hypocrisy.
20060412             GEORGE—W—BUSH could be the Destroyer of His Country.
20060412             To preserve our freedoms, AMERICA must return to the ideology upon which THE—USA was founded + Americans must demand that our elected leaders adhere to those ideals.
20060412             Bush Must Be Shocked: HE—THE—LEAKER:
20060412             Why didn't PRESIDENT—BUSH—JUST come out and say that he was the leaker?
20060412             —BECAME, Instead, —WHEN this leak 1., public, THE—PRESIDENT said that anyone in his administration involved in the leak would be fired.
20060412             Is he going to fire himself —NOW?
20060412             New ITALY—PM to Pull IRAQ Troops:
20060412             Romano Prodi, THE—LEADER—OF—THE—UNION—COALITION, which won the latest elections in ITALY,
20060412             said —ON—WEDNESDAY that he will withdraw THE—ITALY—TROOPS from IRAQ —WHEN he takes office, claiming there was no justification for THE—USA—LED invasion of the Arab country.
20060412             —ISOLATED, Blair, on IRAQ conflict as Berlusconi bows out:
20060412             —ISOLATED, The defeat of Silvio Berlusconi has left TONY—BLAIR, in EUROPE as the last political leader supporting the war in IRAQ.
20060412             SOS over IRAQ—SCIENTISTS:
20060412             —SINCE THE—USA—LED invasion of IRAQ—INFANT mortality in Basra is up by 30%:
20060412             "THE—MORTALITY—OF—CHILDREN in Basra has increased by nearly 30 % compared to the Saddam Hussein era," DOCTOR—HAYDAR—SALAH,
20060412             1—PAEDIATRICIAN at the Basra CHILDREN—HOSPITAL, pointed out.
20060412             "Children are dying daily + no 1 is doing anything to help them".
20060412             —MISSED, In case you, it: "We Think the Price Is Worth It":
20060412             † Lesley Stahl on USA—SANCTIONS—AGAINST—IRAQ: We have heard that 1—HALF—MILLION—CHILDREN have.
20060412             † I mean, that's more children than in HIROSHIMA.
20060412             And, you know, is the price worth it?
20060412             but the price--we think the price is worth it
20060412             —IGNORED, Truth about IRAQ—MOBILE—WEAPONS—FACTORIES, experts say:
20060412             "We have found THE—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION," Bush trumpeted.
20060412             - But even as MISTER—BUSH spoke, USA—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIALS had evidence that it was not true.
20060412             1—MISSION to IRAQ—NOT made public —UNTIL—NOW—HAD already concluded that the trailers had nothing to do with biological weapons.
20060412             —MISSED, In case you, it: What Happens —WHEN You Remain Silent?:
20060412             60—4—SUMMERS ago, —WHEN Hitler fabricated POLAND—PROVOCATIONS in his attempt to justify GERMANY—INVASION—OF—POLAND,
20060412             there was not 1—PEEP out of senior GERMANY—OFFICIALS.
20060412             More on this TOPIC—ROBERT—DREYFUSS : HAWK—TIED Democrats:
20060412             As THE—RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER correctly reminds us, there is 1—LOT about the manufactured crisis over IRAN that is déjà vu :
20060412             the axis of evil again, attempts to tie IRAN to AL—QAEDA, accusations about WMD,
20060412             USA—GOVERNMENT—EFFORTS to play footsie with IRAN—EXILES + bluster about demanding action by THE—UNITED—NATIONS or else.
20060412             War pimp alert : IRAN Could Produce Nuclear Bomb in —16—DAYS, USA Says
20060412             `: `Using those 50,000 centrifuges they could produce enough highly enriched uranium for 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPON in —16—DAYS,'' STEPHEN—RADEMAKER,
20060412             USA Assistant SECRETARY—OF—STATE—FOR—INTERNATIONAL—SECURITY and Nonproliferation, told reporters —TODAY in MOSCOW.
20060412             THE—HUMAN—COSTS—OF—BOMBING—IRAN:
20060412             "THE—NUMBER—OF—DEATHS could exceed 1—MILLION + THE—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE with increased cancer risks could exceed 10—MILLION,"
20060412             Nuclear Chicken and the "Madman" Theory:
20060412             —ON  ;;04;; 2, the Daily Telegraph, favored mouthpiece for THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—MILITARY, ran 1—STORY about UNITED—KINGDOM—MEETINGS and EVALUATIONS—OF—USA—PLANS to attack IRAN;
20060412             anonymous officials said that 1—STRIKE on IRAN was "inevitable" if it did not comply with demands to freeze uranium enrichment.
20060412             Seymour Hersh: BUSH—ADMINISTRATION Planning Possible Major Air Attack on IRAN:
20060412             We speak with Pulitzer Prize winning JOURNALIST—SEYMOUR—HERSH about his latest article in the New Yorker that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has increased clandestine activities inside IRAN and intensified planning for 1—POSSIBLE—MAJOR—AIR—ATTACK.
20060412             —RESTATED, And PRESIDENT—BUSH has, his doctrine of PRE—EMPTIVE strikes and preventive war in the new National Security Strategy released —RECENTLY.
20060412             If ever there was 1—NATION not to drive to extremes, it is IRAN:
20060412             —MARKED, EVERY—STEP—OF—THE—WAY, his career has been, by mendacity, duplicity,
20060412             smirking chatter and deadly ideological blindness
20060412             COURT—REJECTS—UK appeal against Hicks citizenship ruling:
20060412             "Obviously very positive and it's another step along the road of getting DAVID—UNITED—KINGDOM—CITIZENSHIP and hopefully getting David out of GUANTANAMO Bay," he said.
20060412             Padilla Can't Wait-
20060412             —TODAY, the answer in AMERICA is 1—PROVISIONAL "yes".
20060412             And —LAST—WEEK the government took 1—IMPORTANT—STEP toward cementing this "yes" into 1—PERMANENT—POWER.
20060412             THE—PENTAGON has its Long War,
20060412             the rebranded "WAR—ON—TERROR" that VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY swears will last —FOR—DECADES, 1—REPLAY—OF—THE—WAR between Eastasia and Oceania in GEORGE—ORWELL—1520—4. Continued.
20060412             —WAGED, The trailer park HQ where the 'long war' is being, -
20060412             They are planning for 1—GLOBAL—CONFLICT that, WASHINGTON believes, will dominate the next —20—YEARS.
20060412             THE—PENTAGON calls it the "long war":
20060412             1 integrated military, financial and diplomatic campaign against AL—QAIDA and its affiliates that will eventually span the globe,
20060412             shaping the lives of the coming generation much as the cold war defined the baby boomers.
20060412             Democracy Be DAMNED—REPUBLICANS Need Another War-
20060412             THOM—HARTMANN—UNLESS—DEMOCRATS in Congress and THE—USA—PEOPLE—STAND up and speak OUT—IN the process Bush and his Republican enablers may —JUST bring about the end of the great USA—EXPERIMENT in democracy.
20060412             How to Break THE—USA—TRANCE
20060412             Doris "Granny D" HADDOCK—IF we Americans are SPLIT into 2—MEANINGFUL—CAMPS, it is not conservative versus liberal.
20060412             THE—2—CAMPS are the politically awake + the hypnotized.
20060412             EMPIRE—WAR—ON—LABOR
20060412             CHARLES—SULLIVAN—WHY are we so afraid to acknowledge that USA—AGGRESSION is interrelated with capitalism,
20060412             class privilege, war profiteering and worker abuse in EVERY—PART—OF—THE—WORLD?
20060412             Are we —JUST going to sit quietly in our living rooms —BEFORE the television's tiny light —WHILE the world burns?
20060412             It appears so.
20060412             If you prefer BuzzFlash Without Corporate or Political Advertising, Then Support it Financially —NOW.
20060412             this is the book to read. We strongly recommend it.
20060412             —BEYOND Orwellian: WHITE—HOUSE—LAMBASTES Media for Reporting the Truth
20060412             THE—BUZZFLASH—MAILBAG -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
20060412             BuzzFlash WINGS—OF—JUSTICE—AWARD for —THIS—WEEK: Protestors Taking to the Streets to Defend Immigrant Rights.
20060412             "And so the irony is not lost on BuzzFlash that the people who are newest to AMERICA—LOVE—THEIR—LIBERTY—ALL the more dearly".
20060412             Did Bush tell prosecutor what he knew, or what he told us?
20060412             "THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has spawned so MANY—DISASTERS lately that it is hard to keep track of them all".
20060412             Bush Continued to Push the Lie For 1—ENTIRE—YEAR.
20060412             ITALIEN: Berlusconi spricht von Wahlbetrug
20060412             AN>Atomstreit: USA fordern Sanktionen gegen IRAN
20060412             Rauschgetränk: Indianer produzieren "echte Cola"
20060412             Dreharbeiten: Prügelszene wurde zu echter SCHLÄGEREI—TIEFSEE: Fischboom in 4000—METERN Tiefe
20060412             Umfrage: USA—REGIERUNG gefährlicher als IRAN
20060412             ITALIEN: Stimmzettel VERMISST—WAHLURNEN auf der Straße
20060412             DEUTSCHLAND—REAKTIONEN auf ITALIEN—WAHL: BERLIN weint Berlusconi keine Träne nach
20060412             Jugendgewalt im TV: ZDF—CHEFREDAKTEUR räumt Fehler ein
20060412             INTERVIEW—MIT—MARIO—ADORF: "Berlusconi wird seine Macht verteidigen"
20060412             Geldtransportfirma: USA—INVESTOR schluckt Heros
20060412             AN>Expertenwarnung: TSCHERNOBYL—SARKOPHAG akut einsturzgefährdet
20060412             Ölpreis: Rückkehr des 100—DOLLAR—GESPENSTES
20060412             Wahlkrimi in ITALIEN: Berlusconi träumt noch immer vom Sieg
20060412             Studie: MEHRHEIT—DER—DEUTSCHEN für Zwang zum ORGANSPENDE—AUSWEIS
20060412             Palästinenser: Uno schränkt Kontakte zu HAMAS—REGIERUNG ein
20060412             —25—JAHRE Space Shuttle: Vom ALL—LASTER zur Altlast
20060412             Medizin: Chaostheorie soll Parkinsonkranken HELFEN—PORTUGAL: Weinpanscher auf die Galeere
20060412             Wahl in ITALIEN: Zehntausende Wahlzettel werden überprüft
20060412             Physik: Schnell rotierende Eier machen Sprünge
20060412             Machtkampf in Rom: ITALIEN drohen USA—VERHÄLTNISSE
20060412             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Der Rest ist das Leben"
20060412             COMPUTER—FORENSIK: "Der PC ist 1—BEWEISMITTEL"
20060412             I guess we should thank THE—PENTAGON for actually coming right out and TELLING the WaPo that the Zarqawi thing was —JUST 1—OF—THEIR—PROPAGANDA—CAMPAIGNS.
20060412             I guess that made it easy enough for the WaPo to connect the dot.
20060412             TIM—HOWELLS—WOW! Great to see that the mighty geniuses at the WaPo etc are —STARTING to cautiously question aspects of the transparent farce that has had the blogosphere in stitches —FOR—YEARS!
20060412             TIM—HOWELLS—PULLING Out All the Emotional Stops on the Moussaoui 20010911             —TRIAL PSY—OP-
20060412             Jurors weighing the fate of 20010911             conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui were shown gruesome photographs —TUESDAY—OF—BODIES burned inside THE—PENTAGON +
20060412             heard from 2—DETERMINED military officers who crawled almost blindly through falling debris, choking smoke + searing heat to safety.
20060412             —ON—MONDAY that too much highly emotional evidence could imperil 1—DEATH—SENTENCE on appeal, prosecutors showed the most GUT—WRENCHING evidence yet in 1—TRIAL studded with horrific images.
20060412             —POSED, Is the threat, by JORDANIAN—BORN terror mastermind ABU—MUSAB—AL—ZARQAWI real?
20060412             Is Zarqawi himself 1—FICTION, as SOME—MAINTAIN—HENCE THE—IMPORTANCE—OF—ZARQAWI—GATE.
20060412             Prove that Zarqawi is largely 1—MYTH + you call into question ALL—OF—THE—EVIDENCE that has ever been offered by this administration to prove ANY—POINT.
20060412             —INFURIATED, Even his base supporters will become.
20060412             And NO—1 will trust ANY—BUSH—SUPPLIED "evidence" surrounding future events,
20060412             such as THE—IRAN attack + "Big Wedding II."
20060412             If ANY—TRUE patriots at THE—PENTAGON are READING these words, all I can say is: More leaks, please!
20060412             Randi Rhodes on Our Messianic PRESIDENT-
20060412             Randi Rhodes on Our Messianic (Psychotic) PRESIDENT 10Apr.2006
20060412             "MESSIAHS DON'T NEED AN EXIT STRATEGY".
20060412             15—PERSONEN wurden verhaftet und 17—WEBSEITEN wegen angeblicher Piraterie am Wochenende geschlossen.
20060412             Die SPANIEN—POLIZEI spricht von einem "Schlag ohne Vorbild in EUROPA".
20060412             —BEKANNT, Derlei Aussagen sind, auch wenn sich andere Vorgänge nicht selten als Schläge ins Wasser
20060412             entpuppten + Ermittlungen deutlich wurden, die von der die Musikindustrie oder Autorenvereinigungen voran getrieben wurden.
20060412             Die Vereinigung der Netizen (AI/)
20060412             hält das Vorgehen der Polizei für "bedenklich".
20060412             Introducing the Dell DE—CRAPIFIER...
20060412             It's 1—SAD—STATE—OF—AFFAIRS—WHEN you buy 1—NEW—COMPUTER these days and it comes PRE—LOADED with 1—TON—OF—GARBAGE—SOFTWARE that brings your new machine to 1—CRAWL.
20060412             If anyone's bought 1—DELL—PC in the last few years, you probably know what I'm talking about.
20060412             —JUST—RECENTLY, I was.
20060412             OECD Broadband Statistics, 20061200             52005
20060412             The number of broadband subscriptions —THROUGHOUT THE—OECD continued to increase —DURING 20050000             from 136—MILLION
20060412             Broadband penetration growth in THE—OECD held steady at 15% in the 2. HALF—OF—THE—YEAR reaching 13.6—SUBSCRIBERS per 100—INHABITANTS in...
20060412             For example, putting your car keys in your leftover BAG—OF—LUNCH at work will prevent you from going home without your leftovers.
20060412             Stuff like that.
20060412             —TODAY—I took delivery of 8—CUBIC yards of premium mulch.
20060412             So, in order to give me. AIR—FORCE 1—SECURITY Leak
20060412             —LAST—WEEK THE—S—FRANCISCO—CHRONICLE broke the story that AIR—FORCE 1—DEFENSES were exposed on 1—PUBLIC—INTERNET—SITE:
20060412             Bush Finally Tells Truth About CIA Leak-
20060412             Site admin What else is he not telling us.
20060412             Wanted Cheap, Not Faster Broadband-
20060412             More than 50—PERCENT—OF—ONLINE—USA—HOUSEHOLDS are using broadband.
20060412             DSL is gaining ground on cable.
20060412             —INTERESTED, Consumers are still more, in.
20060412             Business bites the blogging bullet
20060412             —AFTER all, the last thing 1—FIRM wants, —AFTER spending years burnishing its corporate image, is to have its work undermined by critical accounts circulating on THE—INTERNET.
20060412             But in recent years, companies ranging from UK supermarkets Tesco and Sainsbury's to worldwide computer retailer Dell have...
20060412             Blair seeking to calm NHS fears
20060412             TONY—BLAIR will meet local health bosses to discuss the growing unrest in THE—NHS amid spiralling job cuts.
20060412             Jurors shown 20010911             —IMAGES
20060412             Pictures of dead Pentagon workers are shown to 1—COURT deciding the sentence for Zacarias Moussaoui.
20060412             —QUIZZED, Ministers, on RAF flights
20060412             —URGED, Ministers are, to explain why they took HUNDREDS—OF—JOURNEYS on THE—QUEEN—FLIGHT.
20060412             Berlusconi disputes Prodi victory
20060412             CENTRE—LEFT leader Romano Prodi narrowly wins ITALY—ELECTION—BUT—PRIME—MINISTER—SILVIO—BERLUSCONI disputes the vote.
20060412             Howard faces IRAQ probe grilling
20060412             —SUMMONED, AUSTRALIA—PRIME—MINISTER—JOHN—HOWARD is, to testify in person at 1—INQUIRY into alleged corruption over IRAQ.
20060412             'Top Mafia boss' caught in ITALY—NASDAQ snaps up 15% stake in LSE
20060412             THE—USA—NASDAQ Stock Market buys a 15% stake in its former takeover target THE—LONDON—STOCK—EXCHANGE.
20060412             IRAN declares key nuclear advance
20060412             —PRODUCED, IRAN—PRESIDENT says his nation has, the enriched uranium needed to make nuclear fuel.
20060412             —JUSTIFIED, IRAQ service refusal ''
20060412             —REFUSED, An RAF doctor who, to serve in IRAQ tells 1—COURT martial he disobeyed orders "as 1—DUTY under INTERNATIONAL law".
20060412             —JAILED, Pc conman, for —4—YEARS
20060412             —SWINDLED, An —89—YEAR—OLD—WOMAN, out of £280,000 by 1—FORMER—POLICEMAN is described as "the perfect victim".
20060412             Skilling denies COVER—UP at Enron
20060412             FORMER—ENRON CHIEF—JEFFREY—SKILLING denies encouraging workers to lie about THE—STATE—OF—THE—FIRM—FINANCES as PART—OF—1—COVER—UP.
20060412             UK Police mergers given GO—AHEAD
20060412             + EAST—ANGLIA + the Midlands + SOUTH—EAST + Yorkshire + Humber police forces ENLARGED—ARE to get-.
20060412             Prostate cancer cholesterol link
20060412             —PRODUCED, Scientists have, evidence linking high cholesterol levels to 1 raised risk of prostate cancer.
20060412             Merck to pay $9m Vioxx damages
20060412             Merck is to appeal against 1—COURT verdict that it must pay $9m to 1—MAN who had 1—HEART—ATTACK—AFTER taking Vioxx.
20060412             Drug firms 'inventing diseases'
20060412             Pharmaceutical firms are inventing diseases to sell more drugs, researchers have warned.
20060412             'Near death' has biological basis
20060412             Near death experiences are biological rather than spiritual ones, research suggests.
20060412             —SCUTTLEMONKEY—LEMONKEY—315—MARCT22 writes to tell us
20060412             CNet is reporting that the next weapons coming OUT—OF—THE—USA—ARSENAL could be stepping right off THE—PAGES—OF—SCIENCE—FICTION to be there.
20060412             Klimaschutz: Bundesregierung verschärft Regeln für Energiekonzerne
20060412             (WIRTSCHAFT, USA—KRITIK: "IRAN fordert offen die Welt heraus"
20060412             Umstrittenes Wahlergebnis: ITALIEN droht wochenlange Blockade
20060412             MEXICO Army Finds TONS—OF—COCAINE on CIA Plane from arriving from...
20060412             T14650. STEPHEN—MARSHALL—NEW—BOOK about the Liberal Elite.
20060412             Forum : Miscellaneous. View Forums; View Threads; Add Thread.
20060412             T14650. Check out the Sundance AWARD—WINNING USA—BLACKOUT.
20060412             $102000 0—ATTN: GLENN—KOVAR 10240000             Sonta Lane
20060412   —ARE laser weapons ready for duty?
20060412             PHONE—JAMMING Records Point to WHITE—HOUSE
20060412             —DESIGNED, Key figures in 1—PHONE—JAMMING scheme, to keep NEW—HAMPSHIRE Democrats from voting on
20060412             I have been to enough sporting events to... - Ignoring THE—LESSON—OF—EAST—TIMOR :
20060412             PAUL—STREET : THE—ARROGANCE—OF—POWER : 1—OF—THE—GREAT—PRIVILEGES—OF—POWER is the right to attack others for doing --- or allegedly doing exactly what you do without anybody who matters calling you on your hypocrisy.
20060412             THE—POOR—MAN—AIR—FORCE:
20060412             Bush Must Be Shocked: HE—THE—LEAKER : Why didn't PRESIDENT—BUSH—JUST come out and say that he was the leaker?
20060412             New ITALY—PM to Pull IRAQ Troops: Romano Prodi, THE—LEADER—OF—THE—UNION—COALITION, which won the latest elections in ITALY, said —ON—WEDNESDAY that he will withdraw THE—ITALY—TROOPS from IRAQ —WHEN he takes office, claiming there was no justification for THE—USA—LED invasion of the Arab country.
20060412             —ISOLATED, Blair, on IRAQ conflict as Berlusconi bows out : The defeat of Silvio Berlusconi has left TONY—BLAIR isolated in EUROPE as the last political leader supporting the war in IRAQ.
20060412             1—HUMAN—RIGHTS—ORGANISATION puts the number at about a 10000000             and has 1 documented list of 105—CASES.
20060412             These professors, it says, were not random CASUALTIES—THEY were assassinated.
20060412             Infant mortality in Basra is up by 30%:
20060412             "THE—MORTALITY—OF—CHILDREN in Basra has increased by nearly 30 % compared to the Saddam Hussein era," DOCTOR—HAYDAR—SALAH, 1—PAEDIATRICIAN at the Basra CHILDREN—HOSPITAL, pointed out.
20060412             "We Think the Price Is Worth It": And, you know, is the price worth it?
20060412             SECRETARY—OF—STATE—MADELEINE—ALBRIGHT: I think this is 1—VERY—HARD—CHOICE, but the price--we think the price is worth it
20060412             —IGNORED, Truth about IRAQ—MOBILE—WEAPONS—FACTORIES, experts say : "We have found THE—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION," Bush trumpeted.
20060412             What Happens —WHEN You Remain Silent? : —64—SUMMERS—AGO, —WHEN Hitler fabricated POLAND—PROVOCATIONS in his attempt to justify GERMANY—INVASION—OF—POLAND, there was not 1—PEEP out of senior GERMANY—OFFICIALS.
20060412             More on this topic
20060412             ROBERT—DREYFUSS : HAWK—TIED Democrats : As THE—RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER correctly reminds us, there is 1—LOT about the manufactured crisis over IRAN that is déjà vu : the axis of evil again, attempts to tie IRAN to AL—QAEDA, accusations about WMD—USA—GOVERNMENT—EFFORTS to play footsie with IRAN—EXILES + bluster about demanding action by THE—UNITED—NATIONS or else.
20060412             War pimp alert : IRAN Could Produce Nuclear Bomb in —16—DAYS, USA Says `: `Using those 50,000 centrifuges they could produce enough highly enriched uranium for 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPON in —16—DAYS,'' STEPHEN—RADEMAKER, USA Assistant SECRETARY—OF—STATE—FOR—INTERNATIONAL—SECURITY and Nonproliferation, told reporters —TODAY in MOSCOW.
20060412             Seymour Hersh: BUSH—ADMINISTRATION Planning Possible Major Air Attack on IRAN : We speak with Pulitzer Prize winning JOURNALIST—SEYMOUR—HERSH about his latest article in the New Yorker that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has increased clandestine activities inside IRAN and intensified planning for 1—POSSIBLE—MAJOR—AIR—ATTACK.
20060412             PATRICK—J—BUCHANAN: Is War With IRAN Inevitable?
20060412             REPORTEDLY—USA—CARRIER—BASED aircraft in the Persian Gulf are already simulating bombing runs on IRAN.
20060412             THE—USA—AND—BRITAIN are goading IRAN to acquire nuclear weapons, —WHILE BLAIR—JIHADIST—RHETORIC is inciting a 4. crusade
20060412             —MARKED, EVERY—STEP—OF—THE—WAY, his career has been, by mendacity, duplicity, smirking chatter and deadly ideological blindness
20060412             COURT—REJECTS—UK appeal against Hicks citizenship ruling : "Obviously very positive and it's another step along the road of getting DAVID—UK—CITIZENSHIP and hopefully getting David out of GUANTANAMO Bay," he said.
20060412             Padilla Can't WAIT—AZIZ—HUQ—CAN A—USA—CITIZEN be locked up for 3—PLUS years without access to 1—COURT or opportunity to challenge the government's reasons for detention?
20060412             THE—WAR—ON—IRAN—THE—OMINOUS—SIGNS are "on the table" for all to see.
20060412             THE—PENTAGON has its Long War, the rebranded "WAR—ON—TERROR" that VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY swears will last —FOR—DECADES, 1—REPLAY—OF—THE—WAR between Eastasia and Oceania in GEORGE—ORWELL—1524.
20060412             —INTEGRATED, THE—PENTAGON calls it the "long war": 1, military, financial and diplomatic campaign against AL—QAIDA and its affiliates that will eventually span the globe, shaping the lives of the coming generation much as the cold war defined the baby boomers.
20060412             Democracy Be DAMNED—REPUBLICANS Need Another WAR—THOM—HARTMANN—UNLESS—DEMOCRATS in Congress and THE—USA—PEOPLE—STAND up and speak OUT—IN the process Bush and his Republican enablers may —JUST bring about the end of the great USA—EXPERIMENT in democracy.
20060412             How to Break THE—USA—TRANCE—DORIS "Granny D" HADDOCK—IF we Americans are SPLIT into 2—MEANINGFUL—CAMPS, it is not conservative versus liberal.
20060412             EMPIRE—WAR—ON—LABOR—CHARLES—SULLIVAN—WHY are we so afraid to acknowledge that USA—AGGRESSION is interrelated with capitalism, class privilege, war profiteering and worker abuse in EVERY—PART—OF—THE—WORLD?
20060412             "THE—WHITE—MAN—BURDEN": If you want to know why the World BANK—AND—THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND are colossal failures at easing THE—PLIGHT—OF—THE—WORLD—POOR, this is the book to read.
20060412             We strongly recommend it.
20060412             Busheviks Made Secret Agreement to Hide Reclassification Program from Public 4/12
20060412             ITALIEN: Berlusconi spricht von Wahlbetrug AN>Atomstreit: USA fordern Sanktionen gegen IRAN
20060412             Geldtransportfirma: USA—INVESTOR schluckt Heros AN>Expertenwarnung: TSCHERNOBYL—SARKOPHAG akut einsturzgefährdet
20060412             WHITE—HOUSE Claims No Agenda To Attack IRAN
20060412             THE—WHITE—HOUSE—FT_com / World / UK—GREENSPAN warns on global asset price fall
20060412             ZARQAWI—GATE: More important than you THINK—TIM—HOWELLS wrote:
20060412             TIM—HOWELLS—ZARQAWI—GATE: More important than you think
20060412             TIM—HOWELLS—PULLING Out All the Emotional Stops on the Moussaoui 20010911             Trial PSY—OP—SPOOKED This is ridiculous: ALEXANDRIA—VIRGINIA (AP)
20060412             ZARQAWI—GATE: More important than you think
20060412             Is Zarqawi himself 1—FICTION, AS—SOME—MAINTAIN ?
20060412             Hence THE—IMPORTANCE—OF—ZARQAWI—GATE.
20060412             And NO—1 will trust ANY—BUSH—SUPPLIED "evidence" surrounding future events, such as THE—IRAN attack + "Big Wedding II."
20060412             Randi Rhodes on Our Messianic PRESIDENT—RANDI Rhodes on Our Messianic (Psychotic) PRESIDENT 10Apr.2006
20060412             Kriminalsierung von Tauschbörsen in SPANIEN
20060412             Introducing the Dell DE—CRAPIFIER... It's 1—SAD—STATE—OF—AFFAIRS—WHEN you buy 1—NEW—COMPUTER these days and it comes PRE—LOADED with 1—TON—OF—GARBAGE—SOFTWARE that brings your new machine to 1—CRAWL.
20060412             Lifehack: Mulch Don A "lifehack" is 1—TECHNIQUE or idea that helps or prevents you.
20060412             So, in order to give me.
20060412             AIR—FORCE 1—SECURITY Leak —LAST—WEEK THE—S—FRANCISCO—CHRONICLE broke the story that AIR—FORCE 1's defenses were exposed on 1—PUBLIC—INTERNET—SITE:
20060412             Lessons from Venus
20060412             'VENUS—THE—HOT—SPOT', provides 1—WELL—WRITTEN account on 1—MISSION called the Venus Express.
20060412             THE—VENUS express is 1—EUROPEAN—SPACE—AGENCY (ESA) mission to probe the the atmosphere of.
20060412             Bush Finally Tells Truth About CIA LEAK—SITE—ADMIN—WHAT else is he not telling us.
20060412             Wanted Cheap, Not Faster BROADBAND—OM MALIK—FORRESTER—RESEARCH—JUST released 1—NEW—REPORT,
20060412             Business bites the blogging bullet —AFTER all, the last thing 1—FIRM wants, —AFTER spending years burnishing its corporate image, is to have its work undermined by critical accounts circulating on THE—INTERNET.
20060412             Blair seeking to calm NHS fears TONY—BLAIR will meet local health bosses to discuss the growing unrest in THE—NHS amid spiralling job cuts.
20060412             Jurors shown 20010911             images Pictures of dead Pentagon workers are shown to 1—COURT deciding the sentence for Zacarias Moussaoui.
20060412             —QUIZZED, Ministers, on RAF flights Ministers are urged to explain why they took HUNDREDS—OF—JOURNEYS on THE—QUEEN—FLIGHT.
20060412             Berlusconi disputes Prodi victory CENTRE—LEFT leader Romano Prodi narrowly wins ITALY—ELECTION—BUT PRIME—MINISTER—SILVIO—BERLUSCONI disputes the vote.
20060412             Howard faces IRAQ probe grilling AUSTRALIA—PRIME—MINISTER—JOHN—HOWARD is summoned to testify in person at 1—INQUIRY into alleged corruption over IRAQ.
20060412             'Top Mafia boss' caught in ITALY Bernardo Provenzano, thought to be THE—HEAD—OF—THE—MAFIA, is arrested in Sicily —AFTER—4—DECADES on the run.
20060412             Nasdaq snaps up 15% stake in LSE THE—USA—NASDAQ—STOCK—MARKET buys a 15% stake in its former takeover target THE—LONDON—STOCK—EXCHANGE.
20060412             IRAN declares key nuclear advance IRAN—PRESIDENT says his nation has produced the enriched uranium needed to make nuclear fuel.
20060412             —JUSTIFIED, IRAQ service refusal '' An RAF doctor who refused to serve in IRAQ tells 1—COURT martial he disobeyed orders "as 1—DUTY under INTERNATIONAL law".
20060412             —JAILED, Pc conman, —FOR—4—YEARS An —89—YEAR—OLD—WOMAN swindled out of £280,000 by 1—FORMER—POLICEMAN is described as "the perfect victim".
20060412             Skilling denies COVER—UP at Enron FORMER—ENRON CHIEF—JEFFREY—SKILLING denies encouraging workers to lie about THE—STATE—OF—THE—FIRM—FINANCES as PART—OF—1—COVER—UP.
20060412             UK—POLICE—MERGERS given GO—AHEAD + EAST—ANGLIA + the Midlands + SOUTH—EAST + Yorkshire + Humber police forces ENLARGED—ARE to get-.
20060412             —PRODUCED, Prostate cancer cholesterol link Scientists have, evidence linking high cholesterol levels to 1 raised risk of prostate cancer.
20060412             Merck to pay $9m Vioxx damages Merck is to appeal against 1—COURT verdict that it must pay $9m to 1—MAN who had 1—HEART—ATTACK—AFTER taking Vioxx.
20060412             Drug firms 'inventing diseases' Pharmaceutical firms are inventing diseases to sell more drugs, researchers have warned.
20060412             'Near death' has biological basis Near death experiences are biological rather than spiritual ones, research suggests.
20060412             SCI—FI Weapons to Join USA—ARSENAL?
20060412             CHINA—DEAL: USA—UNTERNEHMEN hoffen auf MILLIARDEN—AUFTRÄGE 20060412             Umstrittenes Wahlergebnis: ITALIEN droht wochenlange Blockade
20060412             HTMLparser v2.0.0 - New version of
20060412             —RELEASED, NET C# HTML parser has been, with about 100% improvement in performance, fixed bugs and support for text encodings to parse NON—ENGLAND—PAGES correctly.
20060412             Estimate is the collective JUDGMENT—OF—THE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMUNITY.
20060412             Moyers, "the Secret Government ";
20060412             4. Coverup : Behind THE—IRAN—CONTRA Affair ;
20060412             5.. (437—MB)... BILL—MOYERS, "the Secret Government "; 4. Coverup : Behind...
20060412             BRENT—KOVAR $1692980 121 6. Street EAST—S—PETERSBURG, FL 335715 Goal Management, Ltd.
20060412083032       "WAR—ON—TERROR"... MEXICO ARMY FINDS TONS—OF—COCAINE on CIA Plane arriving from VENEZUELA ?
20060412083032#1     B14492/Wed,
20060412—20030000    —IN, SOS over IRAQ—SCIENTISTS : —SINCE THE—USA—LED invasion of IRAQ, 1—ALARMING NUMBER—OF—THE—COUNTRY—LEADING academics have been killed.
20060412—20030527    —ON, —2—DAYS—BEFORE, USA—INTELLIGENCE Determined They Were NOT Bio Labs and Had NOTHING To Do With WMD.
20060412—20030529    —ON, LIAR—IN—CHIEF—STRIKES—AGAIN:, Bush Told the Nation We Found Bio Labs in IRAQ that Proved IRAQ Had WMD.
20060412—20050600    —IN, OECD Broadband Statistics, 00.Dec52005 The number of broadband subscriptions —THROUGHOUT THE—OECD continued to increase —DURING 20050000             from 136—MILLION to 158—MILLION 20051200             —BY.
20060412—20060402    —ON, Nuclear Chicken and the "Madman" Theory :, the Daily Telegraph, favored mouthpiece for THE—UK—MILITARY, ran 1—STORY about UK—MEETINGS and EVALUATIONS—OF—USA—PLANS to attack IRAN;
20060412—20060413    SUDAN—JANJAWEED MILITIA with local CHAD—RECRUITS shot or hacked to death 118—VILLAGERS in EAST—CHAD in 1—BLOODY—SPILLOVER—OF—VIOLENCE from SUDAN—DARFUR region.
20060412—20060802    —ON, 1—POLAND—TEEN, suspected in the murder, was extradited to BELGIUM and taken into POLICE—CUSTODY.
20060412—20060911    —LISTENED, Jurors in the Zacarias Moussaoui trial, to 1—RECORDING of terrified shouts and cries in the cockpit as desperate passengers twice charged panicked hijackers —DURING the final half —HOUR of doomed United Flight 93.
20060412—20061204    —AFTER, Bernardo Provenzano, thought to be THE—HEAD—OF—THE—MAFIA, is arrested in Sicily ades on the run.
20060413             THE—ALEX—JONES—REPORT 20060412             th 2006
20060413             THE—ALEX—JONES—REPORT 20060414—20060412    —SINCE, OKLAHOMA, KEVIN—RAY—UNDERWOOD, —26—JAHRE—ALT was arrested —AFTER investigators found THE—BODY—OF—JAMIE—ROSE—BOLIN, —10—JAHRE—ALT, missing, in 1—BEDROOM closet in his apartment.
20060419             Gold to stabilise above $600/oz 20060412             —POSTED—THE—GOLD—PRICE was forecast to stabilise above $600/oz —THIS—YEAR + might even test all time records amid growing investment demand.
20060419—20060412    THE gold price was forecast to stabilise above $600/oz —THIS—YEAR + might even test all time records amid growing investment demand.
20060727—20060412    —ON, 1—FEW days —EARLIER, 1—IOF attack helicopter fired 1—MISSILE at 1—AMBULANCE in the village of AL—MANSURI, killing 2—WOMEN and 4—YOUNG—GIRLS.
20060918             (AP, 20040412             ) 1—WOMAN,
20060918             (AP, 20040412             ) 1—WOMAN, shot in the gut, was making rasping, gurgling noises as the doctors worked frantically to extract 1—BULLET and patch the wound.
20060918             (AP, 20040412             ) 1—WOMAN, not LINCOLN".
20070108             Cessna 421 ( YV - 314P ) PORTUGAL—GOVERNMENT—LISBON—PORTUGAL, 19800412             (©).
20070108             Photos d'accidents 19800000             Cessna 421 ( YV - 314P ) PORTUGAL—GOVERNMENT LISBON—PORTUGAL, 19800412             (©).
200702041201         —AM—EST, ANTIWAR Activist: Problem is Racism, Not 20010911             or Bilderberg
20070212             p.54)(AP, 20070813             )(WSJ, 20071213             , p.A18)(AP, 20080412             )
20070212             p.54)(AP, 20070813             )(WSJ, 20071213             , p.A18)(AP, 20080412             )
20070212             Katherine + MARK—VALENTINE, TTEES for THE—VALENTINE—FAMILY—TRUST U/D/T 97171212             p.54)(AP, 20070813             )(WSJ, 20071213             , p.A18)(AP, 20080412             )
20070405—20070412    —ON, 4—NEW—CHARGES were added.
20070411             Der nächste Teil wird —AM—DONNERSTAG, den 20070412             , erscheinen:
20070412             the council is headed by KAROL—SITKO.
20070412             —SCHEDULED, The new USA "forever" postage stamp was, to go on sale.
20070412             —ACKNOWLEDGED, World BANK—PRESIDENT—PAUL—WOLFOWITZ, that he erred in helping 1—CLOSE—FEMALE—FRIEND get transferred to 1—HIGH—PAYING job.
20070412             "I made 1—MISTAKE for which I am sorry," he said.
20070412             —FIRED, CBS, DON—IMUS from his radio program for insulting the Rutgers women's basketball team on the air.
20070412             In the —EVENING, Imus met with team members at THE—NEW—JERSEY GOVERNOR—MANSION in Princeton.
20070412             —INVOLVED, NEW—JERSEY GOVERNOR—JON—S—CORZINE was, in an SUV crash as he headed to 1—MEETING between radio show host DON—IMUS and the Rutgers women's basketball team.
20070412             —OCCURRED, The crash, —WHEN THE—SUV, driven by 1—STATE trooper, was hit by another vehicle that swerved to avoid the pickup truck.
20070412             —REQUIRED, Corzine was not wearing his seat belt, as, by law, and the crash left him with such serious injuries that he required 1—VENTILATOR.
20070412             NEW—YORK—CITY, transit officials and politicians broke ground on the 2. Avenue line in EAST—HARLEM.
20070412             —ANNOUNCED, Muzak, plans to merge with rival DMX.
20070412             The company was moving in the direction of sensory branding and identifying songs that suit particular companies.
20070412             1—STUDY said scientists have decoded the genome sequence of rhesus monkeys proving they share 93—PERCENT—OF—MAN—GENETIC—MAKE—UP.
20070412             † Kelsie B. Harder, onomastician (1—STUDENT—OF—NAMES and their origins), in POTSDAM—NEW—YORK.
20070412             —INCLUDED, His books, "Illustrated DICTIONARY—OF—PLACE—NAMES" (19760000             ),
20070412             —BACKED, SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, 1—USA—LED coalition and AFGHANISTAN—TROOPS, by aircraft clashed with suspected Taliban fighters, leaving more than 35—MILITANTS—DEAD.
20070412             Roadside bombs struck 2—NATO—CONVOYS in the east, killing 2—SOLDIERS.
20070412             —RESCUED, USA and AFGHANISTAN—TROOPS, 5—CIVIL—CONTRACTORS pinned down by small arms fire from insurgents in CENTRAL—AFGHANISTAN —AFTER their helicopter made 1—EMERGENCY landing.
20070412             1—COALITION—AIRCRAFT attacked the militants, killing 3.
20070412             —EVACUATED, The contractors were, to 1—NEARBY—COALITION—BASE.
20070412             —ACCUSED—OF, BRAZIL—POLICE broke up 1—GANG, killing HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE over several years, arresting 18—SUSPECTS and searching for 10—OTHERS.
20070412             —HIRED, The gang, made UP—OF—POLICE—OFFICERS, guns and businessmen, had carried out up to 200—KILLINGS —1—YEAR over the past —5—YEARS, MOST—OF—THEM linked to loan sharking.
20070412             —SETTLED, LONDON, the Beatles' Apple Corps company, 1—ROYALTIES dispute with record label EMI, raising hopes that Beatles recordings may soon be legally available online.
20070412             INDIA TEST—FIRED 1—NEW—MISSILE—CAPABLE—OF carrying nuclear warheads with a 1,900-mile range.
20070412             —FORCED, INDONESIA said the missile, 2—OF—ITS jetliners off course.
20070412             —KILLED, MOHAMMED—AWAD, 1—MODERATE—SUNNI lawmaker, was, in the attack and 22 were wounded.
20070412             The —NEXT—DAY 1—INSURGENT—UMBRELLA—GROUP that includes AL—QAIDA in IRAQ claimed 1—OF—ITS "knights" carried out THE—PARLIAMENT—SUICIDE bombing.
20070412             11—CIVILIANS were killed in 1—BOMBING—OF—BAGHDAD—AL—SARAFIYA bridge.
20070412             THE—BODIES—OF—RADIO newscaster and her husband were found in MOSUL, —3—DAYS—AFTER being kidnapped by gunmen.
20070412             —NAMED, Toyota, the 1. NON—JAPANESE to its BOARD—OF—DIRECTORS, appointing USA—JAMES—PRESS, the automaker's PRESIDENT—OF—NORTH—USA—OPERATIONS, amid growing fears of 1—POLITICAL—BACKLASH for its booming USA—SALES.
20070412             —SIGNED, MEXICO—PRESIDENT—FELIPE—CALDERON, 1—LAW eliminating prison sentences for libel or defamation, drawing praise from media watchdog groups.
20070412             —DETAINED, MOROCCO—POLICE, 2—MEN—NEAR the scene of 3—SUICIDE—BOMBINGS in CASABLANCA, and 1—POLICE—OFFICIAL said 1 was carrying explosives.
20070412             1—INTERNATIONAL—CONSERVATION—GROUP tens of THOUSANDS—OF—VILLAGERS could be displaced and 1—FRAGILE—ECOSYSTEM destroyed by 1—HYDROPOWER project being built on NORTH—EAST—MYANMAR—SALWEEN—RIVER.
20070412             1—NORWAY—OIL rig support vessel carrying 15—PEOPLE capsized off NORTH—SCOTLAND and 5—CREW members were missing.
20070412             —KILLED, PAKISTAN—PRESIDENT—GENERAL—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF said that tribesmen have, about 300—FOREIGN—MILITANTS —DURING 1—WEEKSLONG offensive near THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER and acknowledged for 1. time that they received military support.
20070412             —ERUPTED, Gunfights, —AGAIN—IN villages near THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER where clashes between Sunni and Shiite Muslims have killed at least 49—PEOPLE over the past —WEEK.
20070412             POLAND—OFFICIALS said Google plans to open 1—OPERATIONS—CENTER in WROCLAW —LATER—THIS—YEAR, creating 200—NEW—JOBS and boosting the city's efforts to become 1—TECHNOLOGY—HUB.
20070412             —HALTED, RUSSIA—AUTHORITIES said they have, the work of all foreign adoption agencies for several months, virtually shutting down THE—PLACEMENT—OF—CHILDREN from 1—OF—THE—MOST important countries for USA—FAMILIES seeking to adopt.
20070412             THE—SWISS—BASED Nestle SA, the world's biggest food and drink company, said it will buy Gerber Products Co. from pharmaceutical maker Novartis SA for $5.5—BILLION, giving it the largest share of the global baby food market.
20070412             1—SYRIAN—USA—BUSINESSMAN with ties to THE—DAMASCUS government made 1 unprecedented appearance —BEFORE 1—ISRAEL—PARLIAMENTARY—PANEL, telling lawmakers that SYRIA—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD is ready to make peace with the Jewish state.
20070412             —PARDONED, THAILAND police said THE—KING has, 1—SWITZERLAND—MAN who was given a —10—YEAR—SENTENCE for SPRAY—PAINTING over images of the revered monarch, but the longtime THAILAND resident has been ordered to leave the country.
20070412             —LAUNCHED, TURKEY—ARMY—CHIEF said the military had, several "large scale" offensives against rebels in the predominantly Kurdish southeast, and he asked the government for approval to launch 1—INCURSION into neighboring NORTH—IRAQ.
20070412             —STONED, UGANDA, protesters, to death 2—PEOPLE—OF—ASIA—ORIGIN —DURING 1—DEMONSTRATION against 1—UGANDAN—INDIA—COMPANY that wants to grow sugar cane in this country's largest natural forest.
20070412             2—OTHERS were also killed in the rioting.
20070412             —EXPRESSED, ZIMBABWE opposition leader MORGAN—TSVANGIRAI, optimism about planned talks between his party and PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE—GOVERNMENT to end the crisis in the country.
20070412             † Kelsie B. Harder, onomastician (1—STUDENT—OF—NAMES and their origins) in POTSDAM—NEW—YORK His books included "Illustrated DICTIONARY—OF—PLACE—NAMES" (19760000             ),
20070412             7 were killed by 1—POWERFUL—SUICIDE—TRUCK—BOMB, and 4—PERISHED —WHEN their cars plummeted into the river.
20070412             GovTech, GWB43 and THE—WHITE—HOUSE
20070412             "Die Religion, nicht bloß speziell die katholische Kirche,
20070412             ist immer genau an diesem Problem gescheitert:
20070412             Dass sich vermeintliche Erfahrungen als falsch herausgestellt haben und zurückgenommen werden mussten", sagte JOSEF—REICHHOLF.
20070412             "Wahrheiten aus Offenbarungen und wissenschaftliche ERKENNTNIS—DAS sind 2—VÖLLIG unterschiedliche Dinge".
20070412             Die Debatte um die Deutungshoheit über die ENTWICKLUNG—DES—LEBENS nennt Biologe Reichholf "einen Rückzugskampf" der Kirche.
20070412             "JEDES—JAHR wird mehr Wirklichkeit entschlüsselt".
20070412             Evolution und Schöpfung: PAPA weist Naturwissenschaft in die Schranken
20070412             BIOMTRIE—DATENBANK: Ermittler träumen von Verbrecherjagd per Mausklick
20070412             Colony Collapse DISORDER—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia
20070412             Colony Collapse Disorder (or CCD ) is THE—NAME—OF—THE—PHENOMENON that describes the massive DIE—OFF affecting 1—ENTIRE beehive or bee colony.
20070412             And that's renaissance magic...
20070412             —UNTOUCHED, —AFTER lying almost, in the vaults of 1—ITALY—UNIVERSITY for —500—YEARS,
20070412             1—BOOK on the magic arts WRITTEN—BY—LEONARDO—DA—VINCI—BEST—FRIEND and teacher has been translated into English for the 1. time.
20070412             The world's oldest magic text,
20070412             De viribus quantitatis (On THE—POWERS—OF—NUMBERS) was penned by LUCA—PACIOLI,
20070412             1—FRANCISCAN monk who shared lodgings with Da Vinci + is believed to have helped the artist with THE—LAST—SUPPER.
20070412             —SHOCKED, WHITE—HOUSE—CLAIMS It Lost RNC Emails I am, SHOCKED!
20070412             Cannonfire has more on the "Oops" excuse.
20070412             Disappearing Honeybees Concern Beekeepers + Farmers
20070412             Beekeeper DAVID—HACKENBERG owns the Buffy Bee honey farm outside TAMPA—FLORIDA.
20070412             He says he has lost as many as 2—THIRDS—OF his beehives within 1—MATTER—OF—WEEKS.
20070412             RIP: KURT—VONNEGUT—KURT—VONNEGUT, whose dark comic talent and urgent moral vision in novels such as "SLAUGHTERHOUSE—5," "CAT—CRADLE" and "God Bless You,
20070412             † MISTER—ROSEWATER" caught the temper of his times and the imagination of 1—GENERATION—WEDNESDAY night in Manhattan.
20070412             MISTER—ROSEWATER was 84.
20070412             MONSANTO—GENERAL—MOTORS corn MON863 shows kidney, liver toxicity in animal studies:
20070412             1—VARIETY—OF genetically modified corn that was approved for human consumption 20060000             caused signs of liver and kidney toxicity as well as hormonal changes in rats
20070412             —EXPANDED, Spy CHIEF wants, powers: IMF Cuts USA—GROWTH Forecast:
20070412             THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND cut its forecast for USA economic growth 20070000             to 2.2 %,
20070412             the slowest expansion in —5—YEARS, on 1—WEAKENING housing market.
20070412             Recession 20070000             :
20070412             It seems increasingly clear that we will see A—USA—RECESSION—THIS—YEAR.
20070412             The main reason for this is that the housing bubble that fueled the recovery of the last few years has essentially burst.
20070412             Defaults Rise in Next LEVEL—OF—MORTGAGES:
20070412             SOME—OF—THE—PROBLEMS afflicting mortgages sold to borrowers with weak,
20070412             or subprime, credit increasingly appear to be cropping up in loans made to homeowners who were thought to be less risky.
20070412             Citigroup set to announce heavy job cuts: reports:
20070412             Global banking behemoth Citigroup is on the verge of announcing 1—MAJOR—OVERHAUL—OF—ITS—OPERATIONS that will see over 26,000 jobs eliminated or reassigned, according to USA—MEDIA—REPORTS—TUESDAY.
20070412             Libby supporters in Republican Jewish Coalition attack Pelosi: This is truly shameful.
20070412             1—GOP front group, is doing 1—SWIFTBOATING—OF—NANCY—PELOSI—HILLARY—PATHETIC ploy:
20070412             —DUMPED, Electronic voting machines :
20070412             —VOTED, THE—BOARD—OF—SUPERVISORS, unanimously —MONDAY to revert back to the old paper ballot voting methods here,
20070412             dumping the new electronic voting machines —AFTER—JUST 1—FEW elections.
20070412             Castro Slams USA—RELEASE—OF—EX—CIA—AGENT:
20070412             Letter Accuses WASHINGTON Of Freeing "Monster" Wanted In CUBA—VENEZUELA For Terrorism
20070412             Posada Carriles + CHAVEZ—CONTROVERSIAL—DECREE—POWERS—IRAN offers 'proof' of CIA torture:
20070412             IRAN—STATE—TELEVISION has shown officials from the Interational COMMITTEE—OF—THE—RED—CROSS examining 1—IRAN—DIPLOMAT who has accused THE—CIA—OF torturing him —WHILE he was detained in IRAQ.
20070412             —CONFIRMED, IRAN—ENVOY wounds '':
20070412             THE—HEAD—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—RED—CROSS in TEHRAN says he saw wounds on 1—IRAN—DIPLOMAT who has alleged that USA—FORCES in IRAQ tortured him.
20070412             IRAN defence drill ANGERS MOSCOW:
20070412             —EXPRESSED, MOSCOW has, its annoyance to TEHRAN over 1—IRAN—AIR—DEFENCE—EXERCISE—NEAR 1—RUSSIAN—BUILT nuclear plant, RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY has said.
20070412             RUSSIA threatening new cold war over missile defence:
20070412             Kremlin accuses USA—OF—DECEPTION on EAST—EUROPEAN interceptor bases - 480—USA—NUCLEAR—WARHEADS in EUROPE:
20070412             1—DOCUMENTARY aired on ITALY—TV—CHANNEL, RAI 24, has claimed that THE—USA—MILITARY is keeping 480—NUCLEAR—WARHEADS across EUROPE, 90 in ITALY.
20070412             Faced with 1—EVER—MORE—RUTHLESS—INSURGENCY in BAGHDAD—DESPITE PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH 's "surge" in TROOPS—USA—FORCES in the city are —NOW planning 1—MASSIVE and highly controversial COUNTER—INSURGENCY—OPERATION that will seal off vast AREAS—OF—THE—CITY,
20070412             enclosing whole neighbourhoods with barricades and allowing only Iraqis with newly issued ID cards to enter.
20070412             CONTINUE—IRAQIS Finally UNITE—AGAINST THE—USA
20070412             You have to hand it to SENATOR—JOE—LIEBERMAN, I—CONNECTICUT, for having the chutzpah to cite the fiercely ANTI—USA—RALLY that dominated THE—ANNIVERSARY—OF—IRAQ—4. —YEAR—OF—USA—OCCUPATION as evidence that the troop "surge" is working.
20070412             —OPPOSED, As, to Lieberman, who continues to act as BUSH—OVEREAGER lap dog, his masters in THE—WHITE—HOUSE knew better than to celebrate at this depressing moment.
20070412             CONTINUE—IACOCCA: Where Have All the Leaders Gone?-
20070412             —AM I the only guy in this country who's fed up with what's happening?
20070412             Where the hell is our outrage?
20070412             We should be screaming bloody murder.
20070412             We've got 1—GANG—OF—CLUELESS bozos steering our SHIP—OF—STATE—RIGHT over 1—CLIFF,
20070412             we've got corporate gangsters stealing us blind + we can't even clean up —AFTER 1—HURRICANE much less build 1—HYBRID—CAR.. Continue
20070412             Let us become the giant wave that will inevitably come crashing down upon THE—SHORES—OF—THE—SYSTEM and the people that hold its levers.
20070412             Let us change, alter or abolish the system, let us return and restore the nation to the People,
20070412             let us finally + emphatically, join hands in unison in pursuit of a better tomorrow, using strength in numbers to defeat strength through wealth.
20070412             CONTINUE—ALBERTO—GONZALES is 1—SYMPTOM—HE refuses to resign.
20070412             —WORKED, His explanation is that he has, too hard to surrender.
20070412             —AFTER all, he gave up 1—TEXAS—SUPREME—COURT—JUDGESHIP for the opportunity to engage in this morass.
20070412             resulting in the loss of 1 undetermined number of E—MAILS concerning official WHITE—HOUSE—BUSINESS.
20070412             We knew it would happen.
20070412             —HAPPENED, And —NOW it has.
20070412             —EVINCED, THE—OOPS story has already, HUNDREDS—OF—COMMENTS on Kos,
20070412             THE—CAROL—LAM firing: DANIEL—HOPSICKER has 1—NEW—PIECE
20070412             that'll set your head spinning like Linda Blair on 1—TILT—A—WHIRL.
20070412             —UNCOVERED, He has, 1—CAROL—LAM quote which pretty much confirms that the fired prosecutor had intended to bring charges against another big fish.
20070412             —HAPPENED, Moreover, what, to Vance may be what happened to Berg -- who was photographed in 1—ABU—GHRAIB—STYLE—ORANGE jumpsuit,
20070412             sitting in surroundings that bore 1—STRIKING resemblance to the images that came OUT—OF—THAT—NOTORIOUS—PRISON.
20070412             —UNEARTHED, THE—911—INVESTIGATOR—MICHAEL—WRIGHT, evidence supporting the view that Berg was working under CIA supervision at OU [UNIVERSITY—OF—OKLAHOMA],
20070412             perhaps spying on some of the alleged 911—HIJACKERS who were living nearby —AT—THE—TIME.
20070412             Whatever the truth of this, suspicion must arise that NICK—BERG was 1—PART—TIME—CIA—OPERATIVE and/or FBI informant.
20070412             Leahy Tells It Like It Is: Bush Aides Lying About Lost E—MAILS.
20070412             "You can't erase E—MAILS, not —TODAY. They've gone through too MANY—SERVERS," said LEAHY—D—VERMONT "Those E—MAILS are there, they —JUST don't want to produce them. We'll subpoena them if necessary".
20070412             Remembering KURT—VONNEGUT: Slaughter House 5—DVD
20070412             Yeah, McCain and Bush, the Insurgent Surge, Alas, is THE—1—THAT'S Working: "Blast hits IRAQ—PARLIAMENT".
20070412             Another ROSE—MARY—WOODS—ALERT: WHITE—HOUSE—SAYS SHADOW—RNC E—MAIL Alerts About Prosecutor Firings Accidentally Deleted.
20070412             Oh, Yeah, THE—DOG—ATE—MY—HOMEWORK.
20070412             —WHEN WILL—THE—DEMS—GROW—SOME—CHEST—HAIR and Impeach These Crooks?
20070412             They are Going to Bomb IRAN Soon, So Get Started —NOW.
20070412             Out of IRAQ Button and Rectangular Magnet from BuzzFlash.
20070412             Display Them Proudly!
20070412             SIDNEY—BLUMENTHAL: Upending the Mayberry Machiavellis
20070412             2—IRAQ—POLITICIANS were killed —TODAY—WHEN 1—BOMB rocked THE—PARLIAMENT building in THE—HEAVILY—FORTIFIED BAGHDAD Green Zone.
20070412             Gleichheit zählte, selbst wenn sie kostspielig war
20070412             Obwohl JEDES—ENGAGEMENT für den Einzelnen also Kosten verursachte,
20070412             beobachteten die Wissenschaftler, dass rund 3—VIERTEL der Teilnehmer wenigstens einmal aktiv wurden.
20070412             Immerhin 1—DRITTEL tat dies 5—MAL oder häufiger. Und was taten die Probanden?
20070412             "Ihre Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass materielle Gleichheit mehr ist als nur ein lange liebgewonnenes Ideal utopischer Philosophen und politischer Theoretiker",
20070412             vermeldete die UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA in Davis.
20070412             —BETRACHTET, Über das gesamte Experiment,
20070412             strebten die Teilnehmer eindeutig danach, das SPIELGELD—NIVEAU aller dem Durchschnitt anzupassen.
20070412             Aus FRÜHEREN—UNTERSUCHUNGEN weiß Fowler außerdem, dass das Verhalten in solchen Experimenten auch mit größerem politischen Engagement im echten Leben einhergeht.
20070412             "Der 'ROBIN—HOOD—IMPULS', den die Leute im Experiment zeigen", sagte Fowler, "scheint sich draußen in der Welt in gutem Bürgersinn auszudrücken".
20070412             KURT—VONNEGUT starb im Alter von —84—JAHREN in NEW—YORK an den Folgen einer Kopfverletzung.
20070412             Kampf gegen Kurden: TÜRKEI—ARMEECHEF fordert Einmarsch in den IRAK
20070412             Ökostrom: Koalition will Windkraft stärker FÖRDERN—ZU Lasten der Solarenergie
20070412             —GENOMMEN, Natürliche Gerechtigkeit: Den Reichen soll, werden
20070412             Im vergangenen —HERBST musste Wolfowitz nach heftigem Gegenwind im Verwaltungsrat der Weltbank Abstriche von seinen Plänen machen.
20070412             Wichtige Länder wie INDIEN und CHINA hatten laut Medienberichten gedroht, andernfalls die Zusammenarbeit zurückzuschrauben.
20070412             Bei dem Streit schreckten Kritiker auch nicht vor persönlichen Sticheleien gegen Wolfowitz zurück:
20070412             "Wie kann die Weltbank Ratschläge über gute Regierungsführung erteilen,
20070412             wenn ihr PRÄSIDENT—MIT—DEM—IRAK—KRIEG das Völkerrecht gebrochen hat?
20070412             wird 1—MEXIKO—VERTRETER in einem Tagungsprotokoll der Bank zitiert.
20070412             SPD: "Dann ist Ende im Gelände"
20070412             Bei diesem Thema ist die Kluft in der Koalition noch tiefer.
20070412             Die SPD lehnt die Vorratsdatenspeicherung von Fingerabdrücken nämlich kategorisch ab.
20070412             "Wir sagen nein + damit ist Ende im Gelände", sagte Wiefelspütz SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20070412             Zu verhandeln gebe es in der Frage nichts, denn der Plan sei verfassungswidrig.
20070412             "Meinen Fingerabdruck bekommt der STAAT nur, wenn 1—VERDACHT gegen mich besteht", sagte der Sozialdemokrat.
20070412             betonte Wiefelspütz.
20070412             Der Vorstoß der Union sei eine "Provokation" und "völlig indiskutabel".
20070412             Der Rechtsstaat müsse Grenzen ziehen, "sonst nehmen wir demnächst DNA—PROBEN bei Säuglingen ab".
20070412             Dass die SPD sich bei der Nutzung von Passfotos deutlich flexibler zeige, sei ein gewisser Widerspruch, räumte Wiefelspütz ein.
20070412             Dies sei aber "historisch bedingt",
20070412             schließlich hätte der STAAT immer —SCHON 1—PASSFOTO von jedem Bürger GEHABT—WENN auch in analoger Form.
20070412             Der innenpolitische SPRECHER—DER—GRÜNEN—FRAKTION, WOLFGANG—WIELAND,
20070412             forderte die SPD auf, den "maßlosen Überwachungswahn" des Innenministers Schäuble umgehend zu stoppen.
20070412             Fotos und Fingerabdrücke dürften —NACH—DEM rotgrünen Passgesetz allein zur Identifizierung des rechtmäßigen Passinhabers benutzt werden,
20070412             nicht aber zu Fahndungszwecken.
20070412             1—ZENTRALDATEI mit Fotos und Fingerabdrücken sei "ausdrücklich verboten",
20070412             weil sie jeden Menschen zu einem potentiell Verdächtigen mache.
20070412             Es drohe ein "Überwachungsmoloch orwellschen Ausmaßes", warnte der GRÜNEN—POLITIKER.
20070412             —VERLIERT, Korruption: Wolfowitz, jeden Rückhalt
20070412             Verbraucherschutz: "Seehofer hat —BISHER nichts umgesetzt"
20070412             ComDef 20010000             offers 1—GLIMPSE into THE—FUTURE—OF—DEFENSE at 1—KEY—MOMENT in history + will provide opportunities for INTERNATIONAL networking with government, military, & industry leadership.
20070412             Search RESULTS—THOMAS (LIBRARY—OF—CONGRESS)...
20070412             Group Watch: USA—INSTITUTE—OF—PEACE
20070412             The underlying cites for this profile are —NOW kept at Political Research Associates, (617) 666-5300.
20070412             1—GROUP COMPOSED—OF—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE strategists and headed by former deputy DIRECTOR—OF—THE—CIA ,
20070412             RAY—CLINE.
20070412             (3) Kintner is or was on the Strategy BOARD—OF—THE—AMERICA—SECURITY—COUNCIL.
20070412             1—THINK tank that has helped to shape the Reagan and BUSH policies on THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20070412             THE—POLITICAL—GRAVEYARD: Index to Politicians: Kinnick to Kirburis
20070412             Kintner, WILLIAM—ROSCOE (19150000—19970000    ) — also known as WILLIAM—R
20070412             Kintner — Born 19150000             . - - Served in THE—USA—ARMY —WWII—DURING;
20070412             served in THE—USA—ARMY—ARCHIV—FINDMITTEL online Kahn, Marcia L.-
20070412             WALTER—STAHL; Hilde Walter; ERIC—M—WARBURG.
20070412             Laufzeit 19450000—19730000     ...
20070412             LAWRENCE—B—LINDSEY—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia
20070412             —BEFÜRWORTET, Irans Atompläne: Jung, USA—RAKETENABWEHR für EUROPA
20070412             —AM Nanga Parbat: MAMMUT—STAUDAMM bedroht buddhistischen Bilderschatz
20070412             Global Village: Das Haus der guten Hoffnung
20070412             STAMMZELL—GESETZ: USA—SENAT trotzt Bush s VETO—DROHUNG
20070412             ONLINE—DURCHSUCHUNG: Kritiker nennen Ansatz "absurd"
20070412             Erbanlagen: GEN—QUARTETT lässt Brustkrebs Metastasen bilden
20070412             Arbeitslose: Ernteeinsatz wird zum Pflichtprogramm
20070412             Fauxpas: FORD—CHEF entschuldigt sich für Witz über Bush
20070412             Innere Sicherheit: Polizei soll Zugriff auf Passfotos bekommen
20070412             —CALLED, SKYSCRAPERCITY—PHILIPPINES 19730000             (part II) -, GEOMILITECH Corporation.
20070412             —RETIRED, Similarly, —WHEN TED—SHACKLEY had, under pressure from THE—CIA ,
20070412             he had joined 1—CONSULTING firm in HOUSTON... - Center for Cooperative Research
20070412             NACLA Digital ARCHIVE—TRICONTRANENTAL
20070412             With BARBARA—STUDLEY, his partner in the arms firm GEOMILITECH, Singlaub also drafted 1—MEMO outlining 1—CONTRA—INTERNATIONAL—OF—SORTS with its own arms...
20070412             The executive DIRECTOR—OF—THE—GROUP was DOCTOR—KAROL—SITKO, "1—ROTUND—POLISH—GERMANY—EMIGRE who has maintained close ties......
20070412             pages cited this search: 1—ORDER—HARD—COPY—OF these PAGES—SHOW 1—SOCIAL—NETWORK diagram
20070412             Council for National Policy Database H—M
20070412             1—SUBSIDIARY—OF—THE—PRO—NAZI—GERMANY—AMERICA—NATIONAL—CONGRESS [DANK], the council is headed by KAROL—SITKO... SITKO was also the organizer for the West...
20070412             Council for National Policy (CNP) - HO—MEMBER—BIOGRAPHIES..
20070412             Groups Council for Citizenship Education : "1—SUBSIDIARY—OF—THE—PRO—NAZI—GERMANY—AMERICA—NATIONAL—CONGRESS [DANK],
20070412             Scoop: Mazur: JOHN—DEUSS ' Editors On Record On THE—MAN—ROYAL Gazette.
20070412             MISTER—DEUSS, 1—KEEN horseman, used to rent stables in SMITH—BUT the buildings —NOW
20070412             Project for the Exposure of Hidden INSTITUTIONS—LE Cercle
20070412             Whitney was 1—ROCKEFELLER associate, 1—FRIEND—OF—THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—ROYAL—FAMILY...
20070412             He did this with controversial partners as JOHN—DEUSS + TED—SHACKLEY...
20070412             1—LIMEY—IN—BERMUDA: 10—QUESTIONS for Ewart Brown
20070412             You spoke of JEREMY—PAXMAN and JOHN—HUMPHRIES and their amazing
20070412             reminded of this —WHEN I see how BERMUDA has played host and prostituted itself to DEUSS...
20070412             Secret Societies and Undue Influence. 1. Introduction.
20070412             —HEADED, THE—USA—PEOPLE—WONDER why AMERICA is, the way of THE—ROMAN—EMPIRE:
20070412   —GOVTECH, GWB43 and THE—WHITE—HOUSE
20070412             Tras la decisión de liberar al terrorista Posada CARRILES—LA respuesta brutal
20070412             "Die Religion, nicht bloß speziell die katholische Kirche, ist immer genau an diesem Problem gescheitert:
20070412             —AFTER lying almost untouched in the vaults of 1—ITALY—UNIVERSITY—FOR—500—YEARS, 1—BOOK on the magic arts WRITTEN—BY—LEONARDO—DA—VINCI—BEST—FRIEND and teacher has been translated into English for the 1. time.
20070412             De viribus quantitatis (On THE—POWERS—OF—NUMBERS) was penned by LUCA—PACIOLI, 1—FRANCISCAN monk who shared lodgings with Da Vinci + is believed to have helped the artist with THE—LAST—SUPPER.
20070412             VIA—WIT of the Staircase.
20070412             —POSTED—BY—PROFESSOR—HEX—DISAPPEARING Honeybees Concern Beekeepers + Farmers
20070412             RIP: KURT—VONNEGUT
20070412             KURT—VONNEGUT, whose dark comic talent and urgent moral vision in novels such as "SLAUGHTERHOUSE—5," "CAT—CRADLE" and "God Bless You, MISTER—ROSEWATER" caught the temper of his times and the imagination of 1—GENERATION, † —WEDNESDAY night in Manhattan.
20070412             —EXPANDED, Spy CHIEF wants, powers : PRESIDENT—BUSH—SPY—CHIEF is pushing to expand the government's surveillance authority at the same time the administration is under attack for stretching its domestic eavesdropping powers.
20070412             IMF Cuts USA—GROWTH—FORECAST: THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND cut its forecast for USA economic growth 20070000             to 2.2 %, the slowest expansion in —5—YEARS, on 1—WEAKENING housing market.
20070412             Recession 20070000             : It seems increasingly clear that we will see 1—USA—RECESSION—THIS—YEAR.
20070412             Defaults Rise in Next LEVEL—OF—MORTGAGES : SOME—OF—THE—PROBLEMS afflicting mortgages sold to borrowers with weak, or subprime, credit increasingly appear to be cropping up in loans made to homeowners who were thought to be less risky.
20070412             Citigroup set to announce heavy job cuts: reports : Global banking behemoth Citigroup is on the verge of announcing 1—MAJOR—OVERHAUL—OF—ITS—OPERATIONS that will see over 26,000 jobs eliminated or reassigned, according to USA—MEDIA—REPORTS—TUESDAY.
20070412             THE—REPUBLICAN—JEWISH—COALITION, 1—GOP front group, is doing 1—SWIFTBOATING—OF—NANCY—PELOSI
20070412             HILLARY—PATHETIC ploy: SENATOR—HILLARY—CLINTON—DECISION to CO—SPONSOR 1—BILL to make it 1—CRIME to burn THE—USA—FLAG—AMOUNTS to political pandering of the worst kind.
20070412             —DUMPED, Electronic voting machines, : THE—BOARD—OF—SUPERVISORS voted unanimously —MONDAY to revert back to the old paper ballot voting methods here, dumping the new electronic voting machines —AFTER—JUST 1—FEW elections.
20070412             IRAN offers 'proof' of CIA torture : IRAN—STATE—TELEVISION has shown officials from the Interational COMMITTEE—OF—THE—RED—CROSS examining 1—IRAN—DIPLOMAT who has accused THE—CIA—OF torturing him —WHILE he was detained in IRAQ.
20070412             —CONFIRMED, IRAN—ENVOY wounds '' : THE—HEAD—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—RED—CROSS in TEHRAN says he saw wounds on 1—IRAN—DIPLOMAT who has alleged that USA—FORCES in IRAQ tortured him.
20070412             —EXPRESSED, IRAN defence drill ANGERS MOSCOW : MOSCOW has, its annoyance to TEHRAN over 1—IRAN—AIR—DEFENCE—EXERCISE—NEAR 1—RUSSIAN—BUILT nuclear plant, RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY has said.
20070412             Kremlin accuses USA—OF—DECEPTION on EAST—EUROPEAN interceptor bases
20070412             480—USA—NUCLEAR—WARHEADS in EUROPE : 1—DOCUMENTARY aired on ITALY—TV—CHANNEL, RAI 24, has claimed that THE—USA—MILITARY is keeping 480—NUCLEAR—WARHEADS across EUROPE, 90 in ITALY.
20070412             Divide and RULE—AMERICA—PLAN for BAGHDAD
20070412             Faced with 1—EVER—MORE—RUTHLESS—INSURGENCY in BAGHDAD—DESPITE PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH 's "surge" in TROOPS—USA—FORCES in the city are —NOW planning 1—MASSIVE and highly controversial COUNTER—INSURGENCY—OPERATION that will seal off vast AREAS—OF—THE—CITY, enclosing whole neighbourhoods with barricades and allowing only Iraqis with newly issued ID cards to enter.
20070412             Iraqis Finally UNITE—AGAINST THE—USA.
20070412             Iacocca: Where Have All the Leaders Gone?
20070412             We've got 1—GANG—OF—CLUELESS bozos steering our SHIP—OF—STATE—RIGHT over 1—CLIFF, we've got corporate gangsters stealing us blind + we can't even clean up —AFTER 1—HURRICANE much less build 1—HYBRID—CAR.
20070412             Let us change, alter or abolish the system, let us return and restore the nation to the People, let us finally + emphatically, join hands in unison in pursuit of 1—BETTER tomorrow, using strength in numbers to defeat strength through wealth.
20070412             ALBERTO—GONZALES is 1—SYMPTOM—BY WILLIAM—SUMNER—SCOTT, J.D. - He refuses to resign.
20070412             GWB43 -- the "Oops" excuse: Did we call the shot or what?
20070412             —MISHANDLED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE said —WEDNESDAY it had, REPUBLICAN—PARTY—SPONSORED E—MAIL accounts used by nearly 2—DOZEN—PRESIDENTIAL—AIDES, resulting in the loss of 1 undetermined number of E—MAILS concerning official WHITE—HOUSE—BUSINESS.
20070412             THE—CAROL—LAM firing: DANIEL—HOPSICKER has 1—NEW—PIECE that'll set your head spinning like Linda Blair on 1—TILT A—WHIRL.
20070412             —HAPPENED, Moreover, what, to Vance may be what happened to Berg -- who was photographed in 1—ABU—GHRAIB—STYLE—ORANGE jumpsuit, sitting in surroundings that bore 1—STRIKING resemblance to the images that came OUT—OF—THAT—NOTORIOUS—PRISON.
20070412             —UNEARTHED, THE—911—INVESTIGATOR—MICHAEL—WRIGHT, evidence supporting the view that Berg was working under CIA supervision at OU [UNIVERSITY—OF—OKLAHOMA], perhaps spying on some of the alleged 911—HIJACKERS who were living nearby —AT—THE—TIME.
20070412             Dear Winston, 5. edition -- from THE—AUTHOR—OF—THE—LAST—CHANCE—DEMOCRACY—CAFÉ
20070412             Obwohl JEDES—ENGAGEMENT für den Einzelnen also Kosten verursachte, beobachteten die Wissenschaftler, dass rund 3—VIERTEL der Teilnehmer wenigstens einmal aktiv wurden.
20070412             Immerhin 1—DRITTEL tat dies 5—MAL oder häufiger.
20070412             Und was taten die Probanden? Sie bestraften die reichsten Mitspieler, indem sie ihnen Spielgeld wegnahmen, berichten JAMES—FOWLER und seine Kollegen im Wissenschaftsmagazin "Nature".
20070412             "Ihre Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass materielle Gleichheit mehr ist als nur ein lange liebgewonnenes Ideal utopischer Philosophen und politischer Theoretiker", vermeldete die UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA in Davis.
20070412             —BETRACHTET, Über das gesamte Experiment, strebten die Teilnehmer eindeutig danach, das SPIELGELD—NIVEAU aller dem Durchschnitt anzupassen.
20070412             Bei dem Streit schreckten Kritiker auch nicht vor persönlichen Sticheleien gegen Wolfowitz zurück: "Wie kann die Weltbank Ratschläge über gute Regierungsführung erteilen, wenn ihr PRÄSIDENT—MIT—DEM—IRAK—KRIEG das Völkerrecht gebrochen hat?", wird 1—MEXIKO—VERTRETER in einem Tagungsprotokoll der Bank zitiert.
20070412             Die SPD werde darauf bestehen, dass die Fingerabdrücke unmittelbar —NACH—DEM Einscannen und Übertragen in den Pass vernichtet werden, betonte Wiefelspütz.
20070412             Dies sei aber "historisch bedingt", schließlich hätte der STAAT immer —SCHON 1—PASSFOTO von jedem Bürger GEHABT—WENN auch in analoger Form.
20070412             Der innenpolitische SPRECHER—DER—GRÜNEN—FRAKTION, WOLFGANG—WIELAND, forderte die SPD auf, den "maßlosen Überwachungswahn" des Innenministers Schäuble umgehend zu stoppen.
20070412             Fotos und Fingerabdrücke dürften —NACH—DEM rotgrünen Passgesetz allein zur Identifizierung des rechtmäßigen Passinhabers benutzt werden, nicht aber zu Fahndungszwecken.
20070412             1—ZENTRALDATEI mit Fotos und Fingerabdrücken sei "ausdrücklich verboten", weil sie jeden Menschen zu einem potentiell Verdächtigen mache.
20070412             —SCHOCKIERT, Passfotos und Fingerabdrücke: SCHÄUBLE—PLAN, die GENOSSEN—EZB: Leitzinsen bleiben unverändert
20070412             SAMUEL—LEWIS, —WHILE PRESIDENT—OF—USIP, also works with THE—WASHINGTON—INSTITUTE on Near EAST—POLICY, 1—THINK tank that has helped to shape the Reagan and Bush policies on THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20070412             served in THE—USA—ARMY... - - ARCHIV—FINDMITTEL online Kahn, Marcia L. - HANS—GLOBKE; William R. - Kintner ;
20070412             WALTER—LEISLER—KIEP; JOHN—J—MCCLOY;. - - - WALTER—STAHL; Hilde Walter; ERIC—M—WARBURG.
20070412             Laufzeit 19450000—19730000    —DATE.
20070412             —RETIRED, Similarly, —WHEN TED—SHACKLEY had, under pressure from THE—CIA, he had joined 1—CONSULTING firm in HOUSTON.
20070412             Center for Cooperative Research
20070412             Entrevista con JAIME—SÁNCHEZ—SUSARREY, Ariel Ruiz Mondragón, 435 ...
20070412—20070316    THE—ROYAL—GAZETTE—DEUSS puts up $50m FLORIDA ranch.
20070412—20070316    Extradited businessman JOHN—DEUSS has put his FLORIDA ranch on the market at 1—COST—OF—JUST
20070412—20070400    The deadliest —MONTH—OF—THE—IRAQ occupation 4/12
20070412—20070411    TEL—AVIV: ISRAEL schießt beinahe USA—PASSAGIERFLUGZEUG ab
20070412—20070411    Ethische Bedenken: NORWEGEN zieht sich aus Goldmine zurück
20070412—20070514    —ON, The cost for 1. class mail was set to rise to 41—CENTS.
20070412—20080228    AUßENPOLITIKFORUM—DISKUSSIONEN rund ums Weltgeschehen...
20070413—19610412    RUSSIA Wins Race, Puts 1. Man in Space
20070413—19610412    THE—SOVIET—UNION—YURI—GAGARIN becomes the 1. man into space + the space race is officially on.
20070413—20070412    —IN—THE, published ISSUE—OF—NATURE, people will spend their own money to make the rich less rich and the poor less poor.
20070413—20070412    —IN—THE, According to 1—NEW—STUDY—OF behavioral economics, published ISSUE—OF—NATURE, people will spend their own money to make the rich less rich and the poor less poor.
20070415—20070412    —TODAY, WASHINGTON, THE—WORLD—BANK—PRESIDENT—PAUL—D—WOLFOWITZ, apologized for his role in arranging 1—HIGHLY paid job at THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT for 1—WOMAN with whom he has 1—PERSONAL—RELATIONSHIP.
200708041202         —AM. look for the trap and the power of nightmares
20070904             La Crisis 20070112             , La mirada del ángel, Ariel Ruiz Mondragón, 388. 20070412             , Entrevista con JAIME—SÁNCHEZ—SUSARREY, Ariel Ruiz Mondragón, 435 ...
20080119—20110412    —ON, Navarro was found GUILTY—OF—DRUG—CHARGES and 2. degree murder for killing Aguilar.
20080412             —BECAME, ZUCKER—WIFE—ANITA Zucker, GOVERNOR—OF—HBC, CANADA—LARGEST—RETAILER, making her the 1. woman to hold that position in the company's —338—YEAR—HISTORY.
20080412             8—OTHER—PEOPLE, including 5—INDIA—WORKERS and 2—CIVILIANS, were wounded in the blast.
20080412             —KILLED, Militants, 4—ERADICATION—POLICE in KANDAHAR—MAIWAND district.
20080412             The ship was used to protest CANADA—ANNUAL seal hunt.
20080412             —DEFENDED, CHINA—PRESIDENT—HU—JINTAO, the crackdown on protests in TIBET and denied the disturbances were linked to human rights in his 1. public comments on the incident.
20080412             —ANNOUNCED, HAITI—PRESIDENT—RENE—PREVAL, 1—DROP in THE—PRICE—OF—RICE in 1—BID to defuse anger of rising food prices that fueled DAYS—OF—DEADLY—PROTESTS and looting.
20080412             —DISMISSED, HAITI—LAWMAKERS, PRIME—MINISTER—JACQUES—EDOUARD—ALEXI, hoping to defuse widespread anger over rising food prices.
20080412             —KILLED, IRAN, 1—EXPLOSION, 14—PEOPLE inside 1—MOSQUE in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—SHIRAZ.
20080412             1—POLICE—OFFICIAL said 1—HOMEMADE bomb caused the explosion.
20080412             The —NEXT—DAY—ABBAS—MOHTAJ, deputy interior MINISTER—IN—CHARGE—OF—SECURITY, said the explosion was "THE—RESULT—OF—1—ACCIDENT".
20080412             —CONVICTED, —IN—NOVEMBER IRAN—REVOLUTIONARY—COURT, 3—MEN—OF—INVOLVEMENT in 1—EXPLOSION and sentenced them to death.
20080412             —DETAINED, IRAQ—SOLDIERS acting on tips from, Shiite militiamen found 14—BODIES that had been buried in 1—FIELD—SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20080412             The bodies were found —AFTER MEMBERS—OF—AL—SADR—MAHDI—ARMY—MILITIA were detained and confessed to killing and burying DOZENS—OF—SUNNIS as well as SOME—SHIITES killed for criminal purposes.
20080412             † 1—USA—SOLDIER was killed by 1—ROADSIDE bomb in BAGHDAD.
20080412             —VOTED, MACEDONIA—LAWMAKERS, to dissolve PARLIAMENT and hold early elections, —FOLLOWING 1—DISPUTE with neighboring GREECE that halted the Balkan nation's bid to join NATO.
20080412             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—INTERNATIONAL—TEAM—OF—SCIENTISTS had completed 1—INVENTORY—OF—LIFE on MADAGASCAR, 1—OF—EARTH—LARGEST and most diverse islands.
20080412             Election officials said NEPAL—COMMUNIST—FORMER—REBELS have won control in 11—OF—THE—21—CONSTITUENCIES where vote counting has been completed in the election for 1—ASSEMBLY to write 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION.
20080412             —OPENED, HARALD—V—KING—OF—, NORWAY's $840—MILLION—NATIONAL—OPERA—HOUSE on the shores of THE—OSLO—FJORD, kicking off 1—GALA performance.
20080412             THE—PARLIAMENT—DECISION to approve construction and funding of 1—NATIONAL—OPERA—HOUSE belatedly confirmed 1—OVERLY optimistic 18810000             report in 1—OSLO newspaper that the capital was about to get 1—NEW—OPERA—HOUSE.
20080412             SPAIN—RE—ELECTED—PRIME—MINISTER—JOSE—LUIS—RODRIGUEZ—ZAPATERO was sworn in for his 2. term.
20080412             He announced 1—GOVERNMENT which for the 1. time included more women than men and 1—FEMALE—DEFENSE—MINISTER.
20080412             —CLAIMED, Both sides, they had inflicted heavy casualties.
20080412             TAIWAN—VICE—PRESIDENT—ELECT said he and CHINA—PRESIDENT—HU—JINTAO held "candid and harmonious" talks in THE—HIGHEST—LEVEL—CONTACT ever between the sides, and they had brought results.
20080412             —RALLIED, THOUSANDS—OF—SECULARIST—TURKS, in ANKARA against the ruling AK Party, which is facing 1—HIGH—COURT—CHALLENGE by 1—PROSECUTOR who wants it shut down for alleged Islamist activities.
20080412             Investigators in TURKEY found THE—BODY—OF—GIUSEPPINA—PASQUALINO di Marineo (33), 1—ITALY—ARTIST known as Pippa Bacca.
20080412             She was on her way to ISRAEL in 1—PLEA for peace.
20080412             —DETAINED, Police, 1—MAN suspected of killing her.
20080412             —HOPED, AFRICA—LEADERS, to find 1—RESOLUTION to ZIMBABWE—DEEPENING political crisis at 1—EMERGENCY—SUMMIT in ZAMBIA, but state media reported that PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE would not attend the "unnecessary" meeting.
20080412             THE—ELECTORAL—COMMISSION said it would conduct 1—FULL recount of the presidential and parliamentary ballots cast in 23—CONSTITUENCIES, all but 1—OF—THEM won by the opposition.
20080412             —RIOTED, About 20,000 workers, over high food prices and low wages close to THE—BANGLADESH—CAPITAL—DHAKA, amid spreading global unrest over soaring grocery costs.
20080412             1—UNIT—OF—CANADA—NATIONAL—POLICE boarded and seized the Farley Mowat, 1—HOLLAND—REGISTERED yacht belonging to the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.
20080412             —KILLED, ECUADOR, 5—YOUNG UNITED—KINGDOM—WOMEN were, in 1—BUS—CRASH—WHILE THE—15—OTHER—PEOPLE on BOARD were injured.
20080412             † At least 13—SHIITE militants in the clashes, which erupted the previous —EVENING and tapered.
20080412             —KILLED, A—USA—SOLDIER was, by 1—ROADSIDE bomb in BAGHDAD.
20080412             —CLASHED, SUDAN, the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), with SUDAN—ARMED—FORCES in WEST—DARFUR near THE—SUDAN—CHAD border.
20080412             Offiziell wird die ROUTE—AM—IN Nürnberg mit einem PANEUROPA—FEST eröffnet, teilte die Stadt Nürnberg mit.
20080412             Der Weg startet am Pariser Ostbahnhof und führt über Straßburg nach HEIDELBERG und vorn dort auf der Burgenstraße via Rothenburg ob der Tauber nach Nürnberg.
20080412             Bei Waidhaus geht es nach Tschechien und von dort über Pilsen nach Prag.
20080412             WHITE—HOUSE Authorized War Crimes
20080412             DOZENS—OF—TOP—SECRET, talks and meetings in THE—WHITE—HOUSE, the most senior BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIALS discussed + approved specific details of how HIGH—VALUE al Qaeda suspects would be interrogated by THE—CIA,
20080412             sources tell ABC News. Continue
20080412             —SHAMED, USA, by Mandela terror link:
20080412             1—BILL has been introduced in THE—USA—CONGRESS to remove from databases ANY—REFERENCE to SOUTH—AFRICA—GOVERNING party and its leaders as terrorists.
20080412             HAITI food riots ease but critics demand PM—HEAD:
20080412             —RETURNED, Taxis, vendors and shoppers, to THE—DEBRIS—STREWN STREETS—OF—THE—HAITI—CAPITAL—ON—THURSDAY —AFTER THE—PRESIDENT appealed for 1—END to food riots,
20080412             but the government came under fire from opposition politicians for not doing enough.
20080412             BRAZIL Sends 14—TONS—OF—FOOD—TO—HAITI—FOLLOWING—RIOTS:-
20080412             BRAZIL is sending TONS—OF—FOOD to HAITI to feed hungry residents —FOLLOWING DAYS—OF—FOOD—RIOTS in the impoverished nation.
20080412             Chávez seizes sugar plantations:
20080412             The farms in Lara state were taken over by army units at the request of the Chávez government's National Land Institute, or INTI.
20080412             —HANDLED, The institute in recent years has, TAKEOVERS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—ACRES—OF underused farmland and turned them over to worker cooperatives.
20080412             Chavez emboldens workers with takeover precedent:
20080412             His VICE—PRESIDENT, Ramon Carrizalez, said "the worker comes 1." in CHAVEZ—VENEZUELA.
20080412             Report says RUSSIA to sell 3—SUBMARINES to VENEZUELA in deal with Chavez:
20080412             —CITED, Interfax, 1 unnamed military official as saying that the subs would be DIESEL—ELECTRIC—MODELS,
20080412             of the "Varshavyanka" class, known under NATO—TERMS as 1—KILO—CLASS sub.
20080412             ECUADOR military crisis to test Correa:
20080412             —FIRED, Correa, his defence MINISTER—ON—TUESDAY and 3—TOP—MILITARY—COMMANDERS quit in protest —1—DAY—LATER—AFTER THE—PRESIDENT claimed their intelligence units shared data with THE—USA—DURING 1—BORDER crisis with COLOMBIA
20080412             —UNPRECEDENTED, In an, move, lawmakers voted 224—195—YESTERDAY to deny PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—REQUEST that Congress vote on the pact within —90—DAYS,
20080412             upending over —30—YEARS—OF—TRADE consensus between THE—USA—EXECUTIVE and legislative branches
20080412             Obama weighs in on COLOMBIA trade flap: Gas, diesel prices hit new record:
20080412             —EXTENDED, USA retail gas prices, their record run —THURSDAY, adding to the pain consumers feel EVERY—TIME they fill up.
20080412             Experts predict prices will rise even higher as peak —SUMMER driving season approaches.
20080412             —NEEDED, No Congress approval, for IRAQ troop deal:
20080412             USA—OFFICIAL: IRAQ and THE—USA—ARE set to negotiate 1—STATUS—OF—FORCES—AGREEMENT (SOFA) to legitimize USA—OPERATIONS in IRAQ beyond THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR,
20080412             —WHEN THE—UNITED—NATIONS resolution governing their presence expires.
20080412             —LEGITIMIZED, Leaders' mistakes, occupation:
20080412             1—IRAQ—POLITICIAN held "SOME—LEADERS" responsible for THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL (UNSC) resolution "legitimizing" USA—OCCUPATION—OF—IRAQ
20080412             Manufacturing Consent For 1—ATTACK—ON—IRAN—GATES: IRAN Boosts Support for Militias:
20080412             IRAN—SUPPORT for militias in IRAQ has grown, top USA—DEFENSE—LEADERS said —FRIDAY,
20080412             asserting that recent battles in Basra gave the Iraqis 1—EYE—OPENING view of IRAN—INCREASED negative role there.
20080412             IRAN cleric rejects BUSH—ACCUSATIONS on IRAQ:
20080412             —REJECTED, 1—INFLUENTIAL—IRAN—CLERIC—ON—FRIDAY, PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—ACCUSATIONS that IRAN was arming and funding Shi'ite militias in IRAQ to kill USA—SOLDIERS, state radio reported.
20080412             IRAN triggering Shiite "backlash" in IRAQ, USA—AMBASSADOR—CLAIMS:
20080412             "THE—IRANIANS are not going to take over IRAQ," Ambassador RYAN—CROCKER told reporters —AFTER his testimony —THIS—WEEK—BEFORE Congressman who voiced concern about IRAN—INFLUENCE, especially in recent fighting.
20080412             Presstitute and war pimp alert: USA—SHIFTS—FOCUS on its main adversary in IRAQ to 'special groups':
20080412             There is little doubt that Shiite extremists fighting USA + IRAQ—FORCES have received IRAN—WEAPONS,
20080412             although IRAN—GOVERNMENT denies supplying them.
20080412             Navy ship fires warning flare at IRAN—BOAT in Persian Gulf:
20080412             —ARMED, The official says there were no signs ANY—BOAT was.
20080412             Manufacturing Consent For 1—ATTACK—ON—IRAN: Spy photos 'show IRAN missile site':
20080412             —PINPOINTED, The imagery has, the facility from where on
20080412             Presstitute and war pimp alert: : Concern about IRAN is mounting:
20080412             Concerns also have been growing over the unpredictable consequences of 1—POSSIBLE—ATTACK on ISRAEL by THE—IRANIAN—AND SYRIAN—BACKED LEBANON—TERRORIST—GROUP—HEZBOLLAH.
20080412             —UNPROVOKED, IRAN condemns ISRAEL—INSOLENT, outrageous, threats:
20080412             "... I wish to inform you that THE—ISRAEL—REGIME has continued with its insolent,
20080412             outrageous and unprovoked threats against the Islamic REPUBLIC—OF—IRAN," read 1—LETTER that IRAN—AMBASSADOR and permanent REPRESENTATIVE—TO—THE—UN—MOHAMMAD—KHAZAEE sent to THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL—PRESIDENT—DUMISANI—SHADRACK—KUMALO
20080412             The neocons may yet get their WAR—ON—IRAN—EVER —SINCE PRESIDENT—NOURI—AL—MALIKI ordered the attacks in Basra on THE—MAHDI—ARMY,
20080412             GENERAL—DAVID—PETRAEUS has been laying the predicate for USA—AIR—STRIKES on IRAN and 1—WIDER—WAR in THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20080412             New report says site is being used to develop missiles with 4,000 mile range.
20080412             CONTINUE—ARE THE—USA—AND IRAN Backing THE—SAME—HORSE?
20080412             —4—MINUTE—VIDEO—RAED Jarrar on why both IRAN and THE—USA—ARE supporting the same players in IRAQ Continue
20080412             VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY went on RIGHT—WING talk radio —YESTERDAY with 1—DRAMATIC—NEW—ARGUMENT for preventing IRAN from getting nuclear weapons,
20080412             casting THE—IRAN—LEADERSHIP as apocalyptic zealots who yearn for 1—NUCLEAR—CONFLAGRATION.
20080412             CONTINUE—BODY—OF—WAR
20080412             —CALLED, PHIL—DONAHUE, discusses his new documentary, "BODY—OF—WAR".
20080412             Video and Transcript
20080412             This documentary tells the story of 1—FORMER—IRAQ war soldier, TOMAS—YOUNG and follows his physical rehabilitation and his decision to actively protest THE—IRAQ war.
20080412             The financial and economic crisis —NOW upon us is by far the most MENACING—OF—THE—PAST—CENTURY—EVEN more so than the Great Depression of 19300000             —THES.
20080412             It is not —JUST a "subprime" crisis;
20080412             it is SYSTEMIC—AFFECTING the entire financial system.
20080412             "In ITALIEN absorbiert die Verwaltungsmaschine 18,7—PROZENT—DER—ÖFFENTLICHEN—AUSGABEN", beklagt die Confindustria.
20080412             Tatsächlich erlebt ITALIEN die weltweite Finanzkrise + die beginnende Rezession in den USA mit einer explosiven SOZIO—ÖKONOMISCHEN Ausgangslage aus hoher Staatsverschuldung,
20080412             dem geringsten Wachstum innerhalb der gesamten EU und den zweitniedrigsten Löhnen aller OECD—STAATEN.
20080412             Hunger im Überfluß
20080412             "Es herrscht zunehmend Konsens darüber, daß wir die Auswirkungen der verschiedenen Arten und Herstellungsweisen von Biokraftstoffen auf die Lebensmittelpreise untersuchen müssen", soll Brown geschrieben haben.
20080412             Nach Ansicht vieler Experten sind es nicht Biospritanbau und gestiegene Ener­giekosten allein, die Nahrungsmittel derart verteuern.
20080412             Vor allem haben internationale Investoren —NACH—DEM QUASI—ZUSAMMENBRUCH der USA—FINANZMÄRKTE einen beträchtlichen Teil ihrer Gelder in die ROHSTOFF—UND Nahrungsgüterbranche lanciert.
20080412             Die dadurch angeheizte Spekulation dürfte wesentlich zur Teuerung beigetragen haben.
20080412             ÄGYPTEN—BURKINA—FASO, KAMERUN, INDONESIEN—CÔTE DE—IVOIRE—MAURETANIEN, Moçambique und SENEGAL begehren die Hungernden auf.
20080412             In großen asiatischen Staaten wie INDIEN,
20080412             PAKISTAN, INDONESIEN oder auf den PHILIPPINEN versuchen die Regierungen, mit Hilfe staatlicher Subventionen das Schlimmste abzuwenden.
20080412             FAO—GENERALDIREKTOR JACQUES—DIOUF fürchtet,
20080412             daß bald weitere Krisenherde hinzukommen.
20080412             In vielen Entwicklungsländern seien die Preise für Brot, Reis, Milch und andere Grundnahrungsmittel in den vergangenen —MONATEN drastisch gestiegen, heißt es in dem Papier.
20080412             Die Preisexplosion hat nichts mit einer Knappheit an Getreide zu tun.
20080412             —J—IM - -In —DIESEM—JAHR—ERWARTET die FAO eine weitere Steigerung und rechnet mit einer Rekordernte von 2,16 Milliarden Tonnen.
20080412             Dies könnte, so hoffen die EXPERTEN—DER—UN—ORGANISATION, die angespannte Lage etwas verbessern.
20080412             —INZWISCHEN, Diese scheint in zahlreichen Ländern, bedrohlich.
20080412             Bundeskriminalamt: BKA bildete Personenschützer in CHINA und USBEKISTAN aus
20080412             —UNRUHEN, Immer mehr : Agrarpreise explodieren
20080412             G—7—MIT Aktionsplan gegen FINANZKRISE—ERTRAGSSAISON lässt Anleger zittern
20080412             Sanddünen auf dem Mars
20080412             Durch Tschernobyl verseuchte Felder sollen Bioethanol liefern
20080412             CHINA weist "arrogante Einmischung" ZURÜCK—BND—MANN im SIEMENS—VORSTAND
20080412             —FINED, Activists, for peace fliers in SDF housing
20080412             Haïti annonce une baisse du prix du riz pour tenter de calmer la population
20080412             El cine más joven triunfa en el Festival de Málaga
20080412             Tories join Brown in bid to block fraud investigations
20080412             —ALLEGED, Balkans body parts trade
20080412             Historische Begegnung: Chinas PRÄSIDENT trifft künftigen VIZE—TAIWANS
20080412             Politologe über Identitätsshopping: "Wir glauben, wir sind, was wir kaufen"
20080412             Die Spezialisten dafür saßen bei der ICM Voice & Data Recording an der Münchner Hofmannstraße, abgeschirmt vom Rest des Unternehmens.
20080412             HAMBURG—NEUE Erkenntnisse über den SIEMENS—KONZERN: Nach Aussagen ehemaliger hochrangiger Manager soll das Unternehmen lange eng mit dem Bundesnachrichtendienst verflochten gewesen sein.
20080412             Siemens agierte demnach als 1—ART technischer Hilfsdienst in GRENZ—UND Grauzonen des Agentenhandwerks.
20080412             Siemens war der Hauslieferant des BND für Spionagetechnik.
20080412             Außerhalb der Grenzen Italiens wird das wohl niemand verstehen.
20080412             Wie so manches nicht, was in der Politik dieses wunderbaren Landes geschieht.
20080412             Eines Landes, das eine ästhetische Weltmacht ist, aber in Neapel Müllhaufen brennen lässt.
20080412             Eines Landes, dessen Manager im Ausland, bei BMW oder der HypoVereinsbank, Erfolge feiern und dessen umsatzstärkstes Unternehmen die Mafia ist.
20080412             SCHMIERGELD—AFFÄRE: Fahnder weiten SIEMENS—ERMITTLUNGEN auf neue Sparte AUS—WEITERER EX—VORSTAND im Visier
20080412             Konzern im IMAGE—TIEF: Siemens eng mit BND VERFLOCHTEN—EX—MANAGER packen aus
20080412             ITALIEN—WAHLEN: Die Rückkehr des Paten
20080412             1—FEW years —PRIOR—TO writing this letter, Anwar Sadat contacted Muslim BROTHERHOOD—LEADER—HASSAN—AL—BANNA, 1—ARDENT supporter of Nazi GERMANY.
20080412             "—1—DAY I invited HASSAN—AL—BANNA, LEADER—OF—THE—MUSLIM—BROTHERHOOD, to the army camp where I.
20080412             —BECAME, EGYPT, 1—SAFE—HAVEN for Nazi war criminals galore.
20080412             THE—REVIEW—THE—SWASTIKA and the Crescent
20080412             1—OFFICIAL—OF—AMERICA—PREMIER—NEO—NAZI group, the National Alliance...
20080412             —FOUNDED, HASSAN—AL—BANNA, THE—EGYPT—SCHOOLTEACHER who, the Muslim Brotherhood...
20080412             CIA FOIA—SEARCH Keywords
20080412             Institute for the Study of Violent Groups
20080412             See al Zawahiri, DOCTOR—AYMAN—AL—ARCHAD, 64—AL—ATACH, Tufik, 85—AL—BADAWI, Jamal, 85—AL—BANNA, Hassan, 116—AL—BANSHIRI, ABU—UBAIDAH, 78, 80, 83, 101...
20080412             Special Contributions Archive
20080412             AL—BANNA had connections to Sufism + he used THE—SUFI—TARIQA model for...
20080412             —OUTLINED, AL—BANNA, 1—GRADUALIST—STRATEGY in 3—STAGES: the Propaganda Stage...
20080412             News you dont hear on THE—TV—CONSPIRACY—CAFE—HOME
20080412             —MURDERED, —AFTER Rabin was, Ephraim Fuchs, the Master of the Grand Lodge of..
20080412             The ultimate irony is that Muslim Brotherhood FOUNDER—HASSAN—AL—BANNA...
20080412             FRIEDRICH—ENGELS—LAGE der arbeitenden Klasse in ENGLAND -
20080412             Die elende Sklaverei, in der das Geld den Bourgeois hält, ist durch die Bourgeoisieherrschaft selbst der Sprache aufgedrückt.
20080412             Das Geld macht den Wert des...
20080412             STURZ—DER—BOURGEOISIEHERRSCHAFT, Eroberung der politischen Macht durch das Proletariat
20080412             die Kommunisten (können) ihre Theorie in dem einen Ausdruck:
20080412             —RISKIERT, CVP SCHWEIZ—WER mit dem Feuer spielt, einen Flächenbrand... - ÖSTERREICH—FELSBILDMUSEUM.
20080412             saw thereby a possibility to set up a clandestine NAZI memorial.
20080412             SAUDI—ARABIA—BLOGGER—POSTS—VIDEO on violent CHRISTIAN—EXTREMISM—REPLIES: 25—BY: budski on ;;04;;
20080412             "1—SAUDI—ARABIA—BLOGGER has made 1—SHORT—VIDEO featuring alleged Christian extremists preaching violence + 1—BIBLE—PASSAGE calling for war,
20080412             in response to 1—ANTI—QURAN film that sparked protests across the Muslim world.
20080412             Raed AL—SAEED... MORE—UNITED Mutations Motzblog " Durchgeknallt
20080412             Sie kehren aus dem Krieg zurück + bringen das Grauen mit nach Hause:
20080412             It's Red Sea Management who connects them. What is Lycos Retriever?
20080412             Lycos Retriever is 1—UNIQUE—NEW—SERVICE from Lycos.
20080412             Retriever is 1—INFORMATION fusion engine, bringing together information from across the Web into 1—CONCISE, EASY—TO—READ summary.
20080412             Retriever Topic pages include meaty extracts from HIGH—QUALITY—WEB—PAGES which give you basic information and let you know where to go for more.
20080412             EACH—TOPIC—PAGE focuses not on 1—WORD, but 1—IDEA.
20080412             It also gives you helpful links to pages that tell you more about specific aspects of the basic idea.
20080412             Retriever evaluates both the quality and THE—FRESHNESS—OF—THE—INFORMATION it's reporting.
20080412             What it returns to the user is 1—BRIEFING book, with perspectives from all over the Web, not 1—DRY encyclopedia article or 1—PERSON—OPINION on 1—SUBJECT.
20080412             Our Lycos 50—PAGE is the leading place on the Web to find the latest trends.
20080412             Retriever takes this much further, finding not the top 50, but THOUSANDS—OF—TOP queries that users ask.
20080412             Countryside Alliance
20080412             It has 1—EXTRAORDINARILY complete, very UP—TO—DATE 'library' of daily news cuttings,
20080412             reports, inquiry submissions and visits, Hansard speeches, letters from individuals, etc, etc" "..1—INVIGORATING and bold adventure.".
20080412             Warmwell is 1—INDEPENDENT website,
20080412             END—MEINE politische Meinung zu FRAGEN—DER—GEGENWART...
20080412             die eigenen Geräte der Bürger mittels des Bundestrojaner zu Blockwarten konvertieren!
20080412             deer Algorithmus ist fertig, es fehlt nur noch die Hardware.
20080412             War has always been theatre.
20080412             That´s why they call 1—WAR—ZONE THE—THEATRE—OF—OPERATIONS.
20080412             The military was the 1. HOLLYWOOD.
20080412             What is more dramatic than war?
20080412             It´s better than Shakespeare or Desperate Housewives.
20080412             World Prout Assembly: Torture Archives...
20080412             Atrocity Threatens to Become Official USA Foreign Policy...
20080412             Leaked documents THE—UK—GOVERNMENT are trying to block under Secrets ACT—PUBLISHED here...
20080412             Conspiracy: THE—CASES—OF—ASHER Karni and RYAN—G—ANDERSON
20080412             [24] THE—LAVON—AFFAIR should be closely scrutinized —TODAY, as there are SOME—ACTUAL—PARALLELS..
20080412             —PLAGUED, ELT—OLITIK: S1The scandal known as the Lavon affair, ISRAEL for —10—YEARS.
20080412             See Michael. WStock. ISRAEL. 126. ssKennet Love.
20080412             SUEZ: THE—TWICE—FOUGHT—WAR(New.
20080412             Struggles For Existence : THE—WEBSITE—OF—JOHN—HARTUNG
20080412             Do you remember the Lavon Affair -- —WHEN ISRAEL gave bombs to EGYPT—JEWS +
20080412             —ERST kürzlich hatte das Bundesverfassungsgericht in einem Urteil entschieden:
20080412             So darf 1—EINGRIFF nur erfolgen, wenn es "tatsächliche Anhaltspunkte" dafür gibt,
20080412             dass eine "konkrete Gefahr für ein überragend wichtiges Rechtsgut" besteht wie:
20080412             "Leib, Leben und FREIHEIT—DER—PERSON" oder "Güter der Allgemeinheit",
20080412             deren Bedrohung die Grundlagen des Staates oder der EXISTENZ—DER—MENSCHEN—BERÜHREN—WIE die Funktionsfähigkeit "existenzsichernder öffentlicher Versorgungseinrichtungen".
20080412             —ÜBERWACHT, E—MAIL—KONTEN bei —YAHOO oder AOL sollen, werden
20080412             INTERNATIONAL existieren —DERZEIT rund 100—DIESER Knotenpunkte,
20080412             —BESCHREIBT, Jacob, darin unter anderem einen - -bislang nicht bekannten
20080412             Nordafghanistan: Gewalt im BUNDESWEHR—GEBIET nimmt drastisch zu
20080412             Gesundheitsreform: Beitragszahler sollen bei Krankenkassenpleiten haften
20080412             TIBET—POLITIK: Merkel trotzt CHINA—WEITERES Treffen mit Dalai Lama geplant
20080412             —FINANZIERT, Wahlkampfspenden: MILLIONÄRS—CLIQUE, Obamas Wahlkampf mit
20080412             —ENTLASTET, CIA—FLÜGE: Sonderermittler, Bundesregierung
20080412             KAMERA—ÜBERWACHUNG: CAFÉ—KETTE Balzac filmte rechtswidrig Kunden
20080412             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Kommerz durchdringt ALLE—LEBENSWELTEN"
20080412             Bestechungsaffäre: Neue Unterlagen belasten EX—SIEMENS—CHEF—HEINRICH—VON—PIERER
20080412             Innere Sicherheit: Verfassungsschutz will INTERNET—KNOTENPUNKTE überwachen
20080412             Aktionsplan: Finanzminister schüren Hoffnung auf ENDE—DER—KREDITKRISE
20080412             Toward 1—THEORY—OF—INTELLIGENCE: Workshop Report
20080412             intelligence is essential to the defense but not to the offense.
20080412             —AM—MITTWOCH hatte der Ölpreis noch mit 112,21 Dollar noch einen neuen Höchststand erreicht.
20080412             GENERAL—ELECTRIC ist nach Alcoa —BEREITS der 2. Konzern, der zum Auftakt der USA—QUARTALSSAISON
20080412             weit unter den Erwartungen der Analysten blieb.
20080412             In der kommenden —WOCHE melden unter anderem Finanzwerte wie die Citigroup, JP Morgan und Merrill Lynch ihre ERGEBNISSE—HIER werden weitere Abschreibungen erwartet.
20080412             Auch der Konsumgüterkonzern Johnson & Johnson sowie der Mischkonzern Honeywell dürften mit ihren Zahlen belegen,
20080412             wie stark die Unternehmen —BEREITS unter der Kreditkrise LEIDEN.
20080412             Für die kommende —WOCHE werden weitere schlechte Nachrichten erwartet.
20080412             BUENOS—AIRES: Jubel, TRUBEL—UND ein bisschen Protest beim Fackellauf
20080412             Rezessionsangst: WALL—STREET schließt tief im Minus
20080412             SCHWEIZ: Rechtes POLIT—MOBBING treibt Frauen auf die Straße
20080412             Treffen in WASHINGTON: Rice und Steinmeier rügen CHINA
20080412             Kursrutsch: Rezessionsangst lähmt die Weltbörsen
20080412             Wie Spekulanten ISLAND plattmachen, um davon zu profitieren.
20080412             He informed me that all people in this party — except for him, of course — were shorting ICELAND".
20080412             —DESCRIBED, The executive says the fund manager, ICELAND—PROFIT—MAKING potential as the "2. COMING—OF—CHRIST".
20080412             Sources: Top Bush Advisors Approved 'Enhanced Interrogation' - sources tell ABC News.
20080412             —SHAMED, USA, by Mandela terror link : 1—BILL has been introduced in THE—USA—CONGRESS to remove from databases ANY—REFERENCE to SOUTH—AFRICA—GOVERNING party and its leaders as terrorists.
20080412             HAITI food riots ease but critics demand PM—HEAD : Taxis, vendors and shoppers returned to THE—DEBRIS—STREWN STREETS—OF—THE—HAITIAN—CAPITAL—ON—THURSDAY —AFTER THE—PRESIDENT appealed for 1—END to food riots, but the government came under fire from opposition politicians for not doing enough.
20080412             BRAZIL Sends 14—TONS—OF—FOOD—TO—HAITI—FOLLOWING—RIOTS: -BRAZIL is sending TONS—OF—FOOD to HAITI to feed hungry residents —FOLLOWING DAYS—OF—FOOD—RIOTS in the impoverished nation.
20080412             Chávez seizes sugar plantations : The farms in Lara state were taken over by army units at the request of the Chávez government's National Land Institute, or INTI.
20080412             Chavez emboldens workers with takeover precedent : His VICE—PRESIDENT, Ramon Carrizalez, said "the worker comes 1." in CHAVEZ—VENEZUELA.
20080412             —CITED, Interfax, 1 unnamed military official as saying that the subs would be DIESEL—ELECTRIC—MODELS, of the "Varshavyanka" class, known under NATO—TERMS as 1—KILO—CLASS sub.
20080412             —UNPRECEDENTED, In 1, move, lawmakers voted 224—195—YESTERDAY to deny PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—REQUEST that Congress vote on the pact within —90—DAYS, upending over —30—YEARS—OF—TRADE consensus between THE—USA—EXECUTIVE and legislative branches
20080412             Obama weighs in on COLOMBIA trade flap : Clinton, who is battling Obama for the Democratic nomination, —THIS—WEEK accepted THE—RESIGNATION—OF—MARK—PENN as her campaign's top strategist —AFTER revelations he had met with COLOMBIA—OFFICIALS to promote the trade agreement.
20080412             Gas, diesel prices hit new record : USA retail gas prices extended their record run —THURSDAY, adding to the pain consumers feel EVERY—TIME they fill up.
20080412             —NEEDED, No Congress approval, for IRAQ troop deal : USA—OFFICIAL: IRAQ and THE—USA—ARE set to negotiate 1—STATUS—OF—FORCES—AGREEMENT (SOFA) to legitimize USA—OPERATIONS in IRAQ beyond THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR, —WHEN THE—UNITED—NATIONS resolution governing their presence expires.
20080412             Manufacturing Consent For 1—ATTACK—ON—IRAN
20080412             Gates: IRAN Boosts Support for Militias : IRAN—SUPPORT for militias in IRAQ has grown, top USA—DEFENSE—LEADERS said —FRIDAY, asserting that recent battles in Basra gave the Iraqis 1—EYE—OPENING view of IRAN's increased negative role there.
20080412             IRAN cleric rejects BUSH—ACCUSATIONS on IRAQ : 1—INFLUENTIAL—IRAN—CLERIC—ON—FRIDAY rejected PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—ACCUSATIONS that IRAN was arming and funding Shi'ite militias in IRAQ to kill USA—SOLDIERS, state radio reported.
20080412             IRAN triggering Shiite "backlash" in IRAQ, USA—AMBASSADOR—CLAIMS: "THE—IRANIANS are not going to take over IRAQ," Ambassador RYAN—CROCKER told reporters —AFTER his testimony —THIS—WEEK—BEFORE Congressman who voiced concern about IRAN—INFLUENCE, especially in recent fighting.
20080412             Presstitute and war pimp alert:
20080412             USA—SHIFTS—FOCUS on its main adversary in IRAQ to 'special groups': There is little doubt that Shiite extremists fighting USA + IRAQ—FORCES have received IRAN—WEAPONS, although IRAN—GOVERNMENT denies supplying them.
20080412             Navy ship fires warning flare at IRAN—BOAT in Persian Gulf : The official says there were no signs ANY—BOAT was armed.
20080412             —PINPOINTED, The imagery has, the facility from where ON—PRESSTITUTE and war pimp alert: :
20080412             Concern about IRAN is mounting: Concerns also have been growing over the unpredictable consequences of 1—POSSIBLE—ATTACK on ISRAEL by THE—IRANIAN—AND SYRIAN—BACKED LEBANON—TERRORIST—GROUP—HEZBOLLAH.
20080412             "... I wish to inform you that THE—ISRAEL—REGIME has continued with its insolent, outrageous and unprovoked threats against the Islamic REPUBLIC—OF—IRAN," read 1—LETTER that IRAN—AMBASSADOR and permanent REPRESENTATIVE—TO—THE—UN—MOHAMMAD—KHAZAEE sent to THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL—PRESIDENT—DUMISANI—SHADRACK—KUMALO
20080412             Petraeus Points To War With IRAN
20080412             The neocons may yet get their WAR—ON—IRAN.
20080412             —ORDERED, —EVER—SINCE PRESIDENT—NOURI—AL—MALIKI, the attacks in Basra on THE—MAHDI—ARMY, GENERAL—DAVID—PETRAEUS has been laying the predicate for USA—AIR—STRIKES on IRAN and 1—WIDER—WAR in THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20080412             Do Satellite Photos Show IRAN Ballistic Missile Facility?
20080412             Are THE—USA—AND—IRAN—BACKING—THE—SAME—HORSE? Cheney on the Warpath Again?
20080412             VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY went on RIGHT—WING talk radio —YESTERDAY with 1—DRAMATIC—NEW—ARGUMENT for preventing IRAN from getting nuclear weapons, casting THE—IRAN—LEADERSHIP as apocalyptic zealots who yearn for 1—NUCLEAR—CONFLAGRATION.
20080412             Bombenexplosion: Tote bei Anschlag auf Moschee in IRAN
20080412             In großen asiatischen Staaten wie INDIEN—PAKISTAN, INDONESIEN oder auf den PHILIPPINEN versuchen die Regierungen, mit Hilfe staatlicher Subventionen das Schlimmste abzuwenden.
20080412             FAO—GENERALDIREKTOR JACQUES—DIOUF fürchtet, daß bald weitere Krisenherde hinzukommen.
20080412             FRIEDRICH—ENGELS—LAGE der arbeitenden Klasse in ENGLAND—DIE elende Sklaverei, in der das Geld den Bourgeois hält, ist durch die Bourgeoisieherrschaft selbst der Sprache aufgedrückt.
20080412             SAUDI—ARABIA—BLOGGER—POSTS—VIDEO on violent Christian extremism
20080412             "1—SAUDI—ARABIA—BLOGGER has made 1—SHORT—VIDEO featuring alleged Christian extremists preaching violence + 1—BIBLE—PASSAGE calling for war, in response to 1—ANTI—QURAN film that sparked protests across the Muslim world.
20080412             Raed AL—SAEED.
20080412             United Mutations Motzblog " Durchgeknallt Sie kehren aus dem Krieg zurück + bringen das Grauen mit nach Hause:
20080412             Tausende USA—SOLDATEN können mit ihren Erlebnissen im IRAK nicht umgehen.
20080412             How it WORKS—LYCOS has 1—LONG—TRADITION—OF understanding what users want to know.
20080412             Countryside Alliance - " warmwell_com.. 1—AMAZING LABOUR—OF—LOVE...
20080412             It has 1—EXTRAORDINARILY complete, very UP—TO—DATE 'library' of daily news cuttings, reports, inquiry submissions and visits, Hansard speeches, letters from individuals, etc, etc" "..1—INVIGORATING and bold adventure.".
20080412             Please do visit warmwell_com and communicate your views.
20080412             —ANSWERED, All emails are, and the site aims to give 1—VOICE to everyone with something to contribute.
20080412             END—MEINE politische Meinung zu FRAGEN—DER—GEGENWART... die eigenen Geräte der Bürger mittels des Bundestrojaner zu Blockwarten konvertieren!
20080412             Source:
20080412             World Prout Assembly: Torture Archives... Atrocity Threatens to Become Official USA Foreign Policy...
20080412             Conspiracy: The cases of Asher Karni and RYAN—G—ANDERSON [24] THE—LAVON—AFFAIR should be closely scrutinized —TODAY, as there are SOME—ACTUAL—PARALLELS..
20080412             The leaked DEA report can be downloaded on pdf here.
20080412             —PLAGUED, ELT—OLITIK: S1The scandal known as the Lavon affair, ISRAEL—FOR—10—YEARS.
20080412             Vorbeugendes Schnüffeln ist TABU—ES muss Gefahr für Leib und Leben bestehen, bevor der STAAT—FESTPLATTEN ausspähen darf.
20080412             So darf 1—EINGRIFF nur erfolgen, wenn es "tatsächliche Anhaltspunkte" dafür gibt, dass eine "konkrete Gefahr für ein überragend wichtiges Rechtsgut" besteht wie:
20080412             Foreign Intelligence : THE—USA, THE—USSR, THE—UK + the 3. World (WASHINGTON.
20080412             GENERAL—ELECTRIC ist nach Alcoa —BEREITS der 2. Konzern, der zum Auftakt der
20080412             USA—QUARTALSSAISON weit unter den Erwartungen der Analysten blieb.
20080412             Auch der Konsumgüterkonzern Johnson & Johnson sowie der Mischkonzern Honeywell dürften mit ihren Zahlen belegen, wie stark die Unternehmen —BEREITS unter der Kreditkrise LEIDEN.
20080412             1—EXECUTIVE who works with 1—BIG—ICELAND—BANK recalls: "Upon entering the bar I was approached by 1—OF—THE—HEDGE fund managers.
20080412             | 11:00:00 ... de armas de origen turco pero nacionalizado Jordano, Sarkis Soghanalian Kupelian...
20080412             CLINTON—ROGUES—GALLERY: Yet, the Clinton WHITE—HOUSE bio states that Li is a "MEMBER—OF—THE—BOARD—OF... The accused, Sarkis Soghanalian, a —70—YEAR—OLD—CITIZEN—OF—LEBANON...
20080412             CC CD DT EX—FW—IN—IN/that JJ—JJR—JJS—LS—MD—NN—NNS—NP—NPS—PDT—POS...
20080412             Sarkari Sarkin Sarkis Sarkisian Sarkissian Sarles Sarley Sarli Sarlinas... Sogang Sogdian Sogefi Sogen Sogeti Sogge Soghanalian Sogo Sogol Sogrape...
20080412             They're —NOW already unleashing BIO—WAR—ON—THE—COLOMBIA—COCOA growers.
20080412             1—BIO—WAR that may easily affect yams which spill over from the cocoa.
20080412             ELIE—HOBEIKA, ASSASSINATED By USA—CIA—MOSSAD—DIA=Assef Shawqat+...
20080412             I think that THE—WHITE—HOUSE—MURDER—INCORPORATED is the biggest and most consequential intelligence fiasco of our lifetime.
20080412             UNIVERSIDAD TORCUATO DI TELLA Cuando Sarkis Soghanalian, el mercader de armas cuyo perfil describimos en el Capítulo...
20080412             El científico opera ahora con su propia empresa, AG/ Bio.
20080412             NATHAN—HALE—INSTITUTE for Intelligence and Military Affairs™ Gallery of INTERNATIONAL Arms Dealers — Sarkis SOGHANALIAN—GENERAL—FRANKS—DOUBTS—CONSTITUTION—WILL...
20080412             FBI Watch [Archive] - Page 3 - SignOnSanDiego Forums Who has the ability to activate 1—BIO—ATTACK? RUSSIA, CHINA, USA.
20080412             SonsOfTheLight by scandal_sheet_1
20080412             biography published THE—YEAR—AFTER he left OFFICE—GIVES—SOME—IDEA what Baker... GEORGE—BUSH : THE—UNAUTHORIZED—BIOGRAPHY --- by Webster G. Tarpley & Anton...
20080412             Global Free Press: Peircing THE—VEIL—OF—CENSORSHIP...
20080412             but in fact was 1—FRONT for THE—USSR—SECRET—OFFENSIVE bio weapons programme.
20080412             with IRAQ—ARMS—DEALER—SARKIS Soghanalian, SYRIA
20080412             Wikipedia:WikiProject ARMENIA... THOMAS—ARTSRUNI;
20080412             Vardan Areveltsi; Sarkis Pitsak; Grigor Tatevatsi; Toros Taronatsi;
20080412             Hakob Jughaetsi; DANIEL—VAROUJAN... {{ARMENIA—BIO—STUB}}... - Disillusionments....
20080412             —BY—PATRICK—J—BUCHANAN,
20080412—19820000    —SEIT, VERBRAUCHERVERTRAUEN auf tiefstem Stand
20080412—20080300    —FIRED, ECUADOR military crisis to test Correa: Correa, his defence MINISTER—ON—TUESDAY and 3—TOP—MILITARY—COMMANDERS quit in protest —1—DAY—LATER—AFTER THE—PRESIDENT claimed their intelligence units shared data with THE—USA—DURING 1—BORDER crisis with COLOMBIA.
20080412—20080331    —ON, She was last seen hitchhiking in 1—WEDDING gown.
20080412—20080411    —ON, replies: 25—BY: budski
20080412—20080411    —DATE 20080702—20080411    —ON, Here in TOKYO—JAPAN, 3—PEACE—ACTIVISTS, Toshiyuki Obora, Nobuhiro Onishi and Sachimi Takada were found guilty by THE—SUPREME—COURT—OF—PUTTING—ANTI—WAR fliers into the mail BOXES—OF—THE—FAMILIES—OF—THE—JAPAN—SOLDIERS who were dispatched to IRAK on THE—ORDERS—OF—UNCLE—SAM.
20080412—20090600    —SENTENCED, Murat Karatas was, to life in prison for her rape and murder.
20080501             —REPORT by the official news agency IRNA again said the explosion was no accident, and those responsible had ties to the West.
20090409—20090412    —ON, 1—PARLIAMENTARY—COMMITTEE criticized police for raiding the exhibition.
20090409—20090412    —RECOVERED, The body of a 14. soldier was.
20090409—20090412    —ON, The body of a 14. soldier was recovered.
20090410—20080412    —HANGED, IRAN, 3—MEN for their involvement in 1—BOMBING inside 1 packed mosque that killed 14—PEOPLE.
20090412             USA—NAVY—SEAL snipers on 1—DESTROYER shot and killed 3—SOMALIA—PIRATES and plucked 1—UNHARMED—CAPTAIN—RICHARD—PHILLIPS to safety.
20090412             A 4. pirate surrendered.
20090412             —SPARKED, His rescue, concern for other hostages and fears that the stakes have been raised for future hijackings in THE—INDIA—OCEAN shipping lane.
20090412             —PACKED, FLORIDA, 1—POWER—BOAT, with 12—PEOPLE slammed into 1 docked tug boat, killing 5—OCCUPANTS—OF—THE—PLEASURE craft and seriously injuring 7 on the Intracoastal Waterway in S—JOHNS—COUNTY.
20090412             —KILLED, TEXAS, 2—FIREFIGHTERS were, —WHILE battling 1—HOUSE—FIRE in HOUSTON.
20090412             —HELPED, The pretty Ivory Snow girl, bring HARD—CORE—ADULT—FILMS into the mainstream consciousness —WHEN she starred in the explicit movie "Behind the Green Door" (19720000             ).
20090412             —GUNNED, KANDAHAR—AFGHANISTAN, Taliban gunmen on motorbikes, down, female legislator Sitara Achikzai.
20090412             BAHRAIN, 1—PARDON by SHEIK—HAMAD—KING—OF— bin ISA—AL—KHALIFA led to the release of 178—PEOPLE imprisoned on SECURITY—RELATED charges.
20090412             Among them were 22—SHIITE activists who have been on trial —SINCE February on charges of seeking to destabilize the government and promote regime change through terrorism.
20090412             —ANNOUNCED, CHINA, a $10—BILLION infrastructure fund and $15—BILLION in credits and loans to help its SOUTH—EAST—ASIA—NEIGHBORS face the global financial crises.
20090412             † In THE—CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC at least 22—PEOPLE as cattle farmers and traders clashed over stolen oxen with guns, blades and arrows.
20090412             —SPARKED, Fighting was, by 1—DISPUTE over 170—OXEN stolen by bandits —10—DAYS—EARLIER but —LATER retrieved.
20090412             —COMPLETED, COLOMBIA, 1—CARAVAN of some 500—MOTORCYCLES, a —3—WEEK ride dedicated to hostages held by FARC rebels, but fell short of securing the release of captives.
20090412             At least 22—COLOMBIA—SOLDIERS and police were held by THE—FARC as political bargaining chips.
20090412             A 2. roadside bombing struck 2—CARS carrying Iraqis in the Jisr Diyala area, about 10—MILES (16—KM) SOUTH—EAST—OF—BAGHDAD.
20090412             9—PEOPLE were wounded in the explosion, including 2—WOMEN and 1—TEENAGE—BOY.
20090412             ISRAEL—NEW—PRIME—MINISTER—NETANYAHU spoke to THE—PALESTINE—PRESIDENT—ABBAS on Easter for the 1. time —SINCE taking office, telling him that he seeks close cooperation to drive peace efforts forward.
20090412             —CONFESSED, JORDAN—AUTHORITIES said 1—MAN has, to stabbing to death his pregnant sister (28) and mutilating her body to protect the family honor.
20090412             The incident, the ninth such case —THIS—YEAR and the 2. —THIS—MONTH, took place in the village of Basira, in the conservative Bedouin HEARTLAND—OF—SOUTH—JORDAN.
20090412             —RUSHED, MALAYSIA—POLICE, to 1—ROBBERY—SCENE—ONLY to find the suspects were fellow officers.
20090412             3—MEN—OF—1—SPECIAL—ELITE—POLICE—UNIT were allegedly caught robbing 5—MEN at 1—HOUSE.
20090412             1—OF—THE—OFFICERS was armed with 1—PISTOL.
20090412             NIGERIA, fire broke out on THE—TRANS—NIGER Pipeline.
20090412             All the feeder flowstations outside Ogoniland (in Rivers State) adjoining it were shut down to allow for repairs.
20090412             —ARMED, NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, about 150—MILITANTS, with rockets and automatic weapons attacked 1—TRANSPORT—TERMINAL that lies along 1—KEY—SUPPLY—ROUTE used by USA and NATO—TROOPS, wounding 3—GUARDS and torching 8—CEMENT trucks.
20090412             PUERTO—RICO—ARMY—SPC.
20090412             Nokware Rosado Munoz (28) had been arguing with his pregnant wife about his upcoming redeployment to IRAQ —BEFORE hanging himself.
20090412             —ORDERED, SRI—LANKA—PRESIDENT, government troops to halt their offensive against cornered Tamil rebels —FOR—2—DAYS to give tens of THOUSANDS—OF—CIVILIANS 1—CHANCE to escape the fighting.
20090412             ZIMBABWE set up 1—PARLIAMENTARY—TEAM to spearhead the writing of 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION which PRESIDENT—MUGABE—OPPONENTS say will be key to holding free and fair elections.
20090412             1—STATE—NEWSPAPER reported that ZIMBABWE will not use its own local currency for at least —1—YEAR, —WHILE it tries to repair 1—ECONOMY which critics say was destroyed by PRESIDENT—MUGABE.
20090412             † Marilyn Chambers (19520000             * as Marilyn ANN—BRIGGS), adult film star, was found dead at her home in THE—LOS—ANGELES suburb of Canyon Country.
20090412             —ARRESTED, BANGLADESH, security officials, 8—SUSPECTED militants of 1—BANNED—ISLAMIC—GROUP—AFTER raiding 1—HOUSE in DHAKA.
20090412             —CALLED, THAILAND—OUSTED PRIME—MINISTER—SHINAWATRA, for 1—REVOLUTION—AFTER rioting erupted in the capital, with protesters commandeering public buses and swarming triumphantly over military vehicles in unchecked defiance —AFTER the government declared 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY.
20090412             Vor der Küste liegen bedeutende Fischvorkommen,
20090412             die in Abwesenheit einer effektiven Küstenwache allerdings vermehrt von auswärtigen Fangflotten illegal ausgebeutet werden.
20090412             Etwa 700—SCHIFFE, so schätzt die Welternährungsorganisation
20090412             fischen JEDES—JAHR ohne Lizenz vor SOMALIA.
20090412             Nach Schätzungen von Clive Schofield,
20090412             AUTOR—1—STUDIE über die Plünderung der SOMALIA—FISCHBESTÄNDE,
20090412             haben die fremden Fangflotten erheblich mehr Protein
20090412             VIELE—BEWOHNER—VON—EYL leben von der Fischerei.
20090412             Diese Lebensgrundlage wird jedoch dadurch beeinträchtigt,
20090412             dass thailändische, spanische, CHINA—UND RUSSLAND—FLOTTEN illegal die Küste Somalias überfischen und
20090412             kein funktionierender SOMALIA—STAAT sie daran hindert. von dem
20090412             Auch die USA—STREITKRÄFTE meldeten den Tod mehrerer Militanter.
20090412             In der SS waren bekennende Atheisten unerwünscht, das gleiche galt für die NSDAP.
20090412             "Zu behaupten, der Nationalsozialismus sei gottlos, ist eine grandiose Geschichtsverfälschung", so SCHMIDT—SALOMON.
20090412             Falls Mixa es nicht besser wisse, lege er eine "ungeheure Bildungslosigkeit" —AN—DEN—TAG.
20090412             "Die MEHRHEIT—DER—NAZI—ELITE verstand sich nachweislich als christlich",
20090412             "Wenn man weiß, dass in der NAZI—ZEIT gerade den Juden Gottlosigkeit vorgeworfen wurde,
20090412             erkennt man, wie perfide die Argumentation Mixas ist".
20090412             Vielmehr seien FREIDENKER—VERBÄNDE von den Nazis aufgelöst, bekennende Atheisten verfolgt worden.
20090412             Die NS—DIKTATUR habe sich gegen Kommunisten,
20090412             Sozialdemokraten, Liberale, Gewerkschafter,
20090412             Juden, Sinti, Homosexuelle, Behinderte und andere gerichtet.
20090412             "Es war mitnichten die Diktatur einer dezidierten Atheistenbewegung", so Ladwig.
20090412             "Widerstand gab es aus den Kirchen nur von Einzelnen".
20090412             Die Behauptung des Bischofs, aus dem Glauben erwachse automatisch Humanität,
20090412             sei "völlig unhaltbar", meint RUDOLF—LADWIG,
20090412             VORSITZENDER—DES—INTERNATIONALEN—BUNDES der Konfessionslosen und Atheisten (IBKA).
20090412             Mixas Worte seien Teil einer "langfristigen Kirchenstrategie,
20090412             die GESCHICHTE—DER—EIGENEN—INSTITUTION hinsichtlich des Faschismus historisch unkorrekt zu entlasten".
20090412             "Das Ganze leidet darunter, dass wir
20090412             Notstand in BANGKOK: Krawalle stürzen THAILAND in schwere Staatskrise
20090412             VIELE—TOTE: Schleuser werfen Flüchtlinge ins Meer
20090412             BUNDESWEHR—ÜBUNGSPLATZ: Tausende demonstrieren gegen "Bombodrom"
20090412             —KOPIERT, Starthilfe für die Autobranche: GROSSBRITANNIEN—REGIERUNG, Abwrackprämie
20090412             Ostereklat: BISCHOF—MIXAS—ATHEISTEN—PREDIGT empört Nichtgläubige
20090412             Da die Kaisermutter gerade so schön in Fahrt war,
20090412             entdeckte sie in PALÄSTINA auch gleich noch die sterblichen Überreste der Heiligen 3—KÖNIGE.
20090412             Geboren war die Fachdisziplin der christlichen Archäologie.
20090412             Und die Kirche erklärte Helena zur Heiligen.
20090412             Weil der Lavastrom von Schmelzwasser und heißen Felsbrocken durch das Tal des Drift River und erreichte das gleichnamige Ölterminal des CHEVRON—KONZERNS.
20090412             Der Ausbruch vereitelte den Plan, die dort gelagerten 23,9 Millionen Liter Öl vorsorglich in Sicherheit zu bringen.
20090412             1—TANKER musste unverrichteter Dinge wieder zurückkehren.
20090412             Der Weltbedarf an pflanzlichem Öl und Holz ist groß wie nie,
20090412             der Lebensraum für den ORANG—UTAN schwindet mit alarmierender Geschwindigkeit.
20090412             Die Affen waren vom Besuch aus der Zivilisation allerdings nicht gerade begeistert.
20090412             JAKARTA—DIE Wissenschaftler waren auf einer Expedition in die Wälder der Kalksteingebirge im Osten der INDONESIEN—INSEL Borneo, als sie auf die ORANG—UTANS trafen.
20090412             Sie zückten ihre Kameras, um die außergewöhnliche Begegnung FESTZUHALTEN—UND da flogen ihnen —SCHON Knüppel und Äste um die Ohren.
20090412             Ein großer männlicher Affe wollte sich partout nicht fotografieren LASSEN—UND sein Weibchen und 1—JUNGES beschützen.
20090412             Vulkanausbruch: "La Cumbre" bedroht Tierwelt auf Galapagosinseln
20090412             GRUNDGESETZ—NACHFOLGER: Müntefering empfiehlt neue Verfassung für DEUTSCHLAND
20090412             "Urbi et Orbi": PAPA fordert Frieden in Nahost und AFRIKA
20090412             Sensationsfund auf Borneo: Forscher entdecken neue ORANG—UTAN—POPULATION
20090412             Easter —SUNDAY OBSERVATION—BOTH "Thomas" and "Didymus" mean twin.
20090412             "Thomas" is Aramaic and "Didymus" is Greek.
20090412             "Twin" is 1—NICKNAME, like calling Simon "Rock".
20090412             To THE—BEST—OF—MY knowledge, the only ancient text which addresses the "Whose twin?
20090412             question is the Book of THOMAS—THE—CONTENDER, 1—OF—THE—WORKS found at Nag Hamadi.
20090412             But it is ancient, and (on this matter) it is all we have.
20090412             Supposedly, Matthew wrote this book in order to relate the "secret words" which Jesus gave to Thomas.
20090412             HERE—HOW Jesus starts his briefing:
20090412             "—NOW, —SINCE it has been said that you are my twin and true companion,
20090412             examine yourself, and learn who you are,
20090412             in what way you exist, and how you will come to be".
20090412             Spacey.
20090412             The important point here is that Thomas/Didymus is the twin of Jesus.
20090412             Presumably, he is not 1—BIRTH—TWIN -- that would mean 1—MAJOR—RE—WRITE—OF—THE—NATIVITY narratives.
20090412             So he's 1—LOOKALIKE. And thus, this question:
20090412             Does it not strike you as awfully coincidental that THE—1—PERSON not present —WHEN "Jesus" walked into that room was the disciple who looked so much like Jesus that he was given the nickname "the Twin"?
20090412             Mallet: —SEIT Beginn der industriellen Förderung hat die Menschheit etwa 10000000             Milliarden Barrel verbraucht,
20090412             den Großteil davon in den vergangenen —30—JAHREN.
20090412             Die gleiche Menge steht noch einmal zur VERFÜGUNG—PLUS mögliche Neufunde.
20090412             Hinzu kommen unkonventionelle Vorkommen wie Schweröl, Ölsand oder Ölschiefer.
20090412             Allerdings ist deren Erschließung teuer.
20090412             Und bei den Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt sind noch nicht ALLE—ASPEKTE geklärt
20090412             Generell bringt die Krise sogar Vorteile:
20090412             —NORMALISIERT, Die Preise für Bohrgeräte haben sich wieder
20090412             Mallet: Das Problem sind die Förderlizenzen.
20090412             Die Staaten, in denen es Öl gibt, verhalten sich sehr restriktiv.
20090412             In den siebziger —JAHREN hatten die 7—GROSSEN Ölkonzerne die Kontrolle über 70—PROZENT—DER—RESERVEN.
20090412             —HEUTE sind es nur noch 7 %, der allergrößte Teil befindet sich in staatlicher Hand.
20090412             Mallet: Leicht zugängliche Ölfelder gibt es kaum noch,
20090412             die Nordseeböden zum Beispiel sind praktisch leer.
20090412             Neue Vorkommen findet man nur noch tief im Meer,
20090412             in abgelegenen Gegenden wie in KASACHSTAN oder in FORM—VON—ÖLSANDEN.
20090412             Alles nicht billig bei der Erschließung.
20090412             Man kommt den gutgehüteten Geheimnissen der Pixeldoktoren sogar per Software auf die Spur.
20090412             Dennoch bleibt die Frage, was sollen wir bekämpfen?
20090412             Die Globalisierung selbst oder die tatsächlichen Unzulänglichkeiten?
20090412             aber stets zu Gunsten des reinen Überlebens.
20090412             —ZUNÄCHST einmal war der mutmaßliche Auslöser der Wirtschaftskrise die Intransparenz internationaler Finanzmärkte und weniger der unkontrollierte Welthandel.
20090412             Unternehmer beispielsweise fremdeln mit der ständigen Notwendigkeit zur Begründung von —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN,
20090412             erfolgt doch in der Wirtschaft Handeln eher aufgrund von Befehlen und Anweisungen.
20090412             —BEHERRSCHT, Adam, mit einem Wort, den Kern der wissenschaftlichen Methode.
20090412             Kürzlich forderte etwa die Giordano BRUNO—STIFTUNG,
20090412             eine humanistische Vereinigung, den Feiertag Christi Himmelfahrt in den "Evolutionstag" umzubenennen.
20090412             ÖL—MANAGER Mallet: "Wir müssen sparen, sparen, sparen"
20090412             Entführter Kapitän: SOMALIA—CLANS verhandeln mit Piraten über USA—GEISEL
20090412             Proteste: THAILAND—REGIERUNG verhängt Ausnahmezustand in BANGKOK
20090412             Kraftstoffzusatz: Weniger Abgase durch Wasser im Tank
20090412             Biologie: Roboter kann selbständig forschen
20090412             ArchiologInnen fanden Skelette und Artefakte,
20090412             die auf ein friedliches Leben über 12000000             —JAHRE schließen lassen.
20090412             Es gibt also guten Grund zur Annahme,
20090412             das die bislang 1. Siedlung der Menschheit,
20090412             die den Namen Stadt verdient, 1—FRIEDENSSTADT war.
20090412             Vor der Küste liegen bedeutende Fischvorkommen, die in Abwesenheit einer effektiven Küstenwache allerdings vermehrt von auswärtigen Fangflotten illegal ausgebeutet werden.
20090412             Etwa 700—SCHIFFE, so schätzt die Welternährungsorganisation (FAO), fischen JEDES—JAHR ohne Lizenz vor SOMALIA.
20090412             Nach Schätzungen von Clive Schofield, AUTOR—1—STUDIE über die Plünderung der SOMALIA—FISCHBESTÄNDE,
20090412             Protein aus Somalias Gewässern entnommen, als die Welt dem Land in FORM—VON—HUMANITÄRER—HILFE zur Verfügung gestellt hat [3].
20090412             Diese Lebensgrundlage wird jedoch dadurch beeinträchtigt, dass thailändische, spanische, CHINA—UND RUSSLAND—FLOTTEN illegal die Küste Somalias überfischen und
20090412             AUFSTÄNDISCHE—DIE Nato erklärte, —AM—FREITAG seien in der Provinz Kunar 18—AUFSTÄNDISCHE getötet worden.
20090412             "Wenn man weiß, dass in der NAZI—ZEIT gerade den Juden Gottlosigkeit vorgeworfen wurde, erkennt man, wie perfide die Argumentation Mixas ist".
20090412             Die NS—DIKTATUR habe sich gegen Kommunisten, Sozialdemokraten, Liberale, Gewerkschafter, Juden, Sinti, Homosexuelle, Behinderte und andere gerichtet.
20090412             Die Behauptung des Bischofs, aus dem Glauben erwachse automatisch Humanität, sei "völlig unhaltbar", meint RUDOLF—LADWIG, VORSITZENDER—DES—INTERNATIONALEN—BUNDES—DER—KONFESSIONSLOSEN und Atheisten (IBKA).
20090412             Mixas Worte seien Teil einer "langfristigen Kirchenstrategie, die GESCHICHTE—DER—EIGENEN—INSTITUTION hinsichtlich des Faschismus historisch unkorrekt zu entlasten".
20090412             Da die Kaisermutter gerade so schön in Fahrt war, entdeckte sie in PALÄSTINA auch gleich noch die sterblichen Überreste der Heiligen 3—KÖNIGE.
20090412             Auch in ALASKA hat 1—VULKANAUSBRUCH—ANFANG—APRIL die Natur gefährdet.
20090412             Der Weltbedarf an pflanzlichem Öl und Holz ist groß wie nie, der Lebensraum für den ORANG—UTAN schwindet mit alarmierender Geschwindigkeit.
20090412             To THE—BEST—OF—MY knowledge, the only ancient text which addresses the "Whose twin?" question is the Book of THOMAS—THE—CONTENDER, 1—OF—THE—WORKS found at Nag Hamadi.
20090412             Yeah, I know that this book is not canon.
20090412             HERE—HOW Jesus starts his briefing: "—NOW, —SINCE it has been said that you are my twin and true companion, examine yourself, and learn who you are, in what way you exist, and how you will come to be".
20090412             Mallet: —SEIT Beginn der industriellen Förderung hat die Menschheit etwa 1000—MILLIARDEN Barrel verbraucht, den Großteil davon in den vergangenen —30—JAHREN.
20090412             Generell bringt die Krise sogar Vorteile: Die Preise für Bohrgeräte haben sich wieder normalisiert
20090412             —BEFINDET, —HEUTE sind es nur noch 7 %, der allergrößte Teil, sich in staatlicher Hand.
20090412             Mallet: Leicht zugängliche Ölfelder gibt es kaum noch, die Nordseeböden zum Beispiel sind praktisch leer.
20090412             Neue Vorkommen findet man nur noch tief im Meer, in abgelegenen Gegenden wie in KASACHSTAN oder in FORM—VON—ÖLSANDEN.
20090412             Unternehmer beispielsweise fremdeln mit der ständigen Notwendigkeit zur Begründung von —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN, erfolgt doch in der Wirtschaft Handeln eher aufgrund von Befehlen und Anweisungen.
20090412             Kürzlich forderte etwa die Giordano BRUNO—STIFTUNG, eine humanistische Vereinigung, den Feiertag Christi Himmelfahrt in den "Evolutionstag" umzubenennen.
20090412             ArchiologInnen fanden Skelette und Artefakte, die auf ein friedliches Leben über 12000000             —JAHRE schließen lassen.
20090412             Es gibt also guten Grund zur Annahme, das die bislang 1. Siedlung der Menschheit, die den Namen Stadt verdient, 1—FRIEDENSSTADT war.
20090414             —HIJACKED, It was not exactly clear if those ships were, 20090412             or 20090413. THE—LIBERTY—SUN, A—USA—FLAGGED cargo ship, repelled 1—PIRATE attack off THE—SOMALIA—COAST.
20090421             In 1—NEW—YORK COURT—SOMALIA—PIRATE Abduwali Abdukhadir Muse (18) was charged with piracy and other crimes relating to the 20090408—20090412     SIEGE—OF—THE—MAERSK—ALABAMA.
20100205—20100412    —ON, The deal commits THE—NORTH—IRELAND Assembly to elect 1—JUSTICE—MINISTER 20100309             and BRITAIN to transfer CONTROL—OF—MORE than 20—CRIMINAL—JUSTICE and LAW—ENFORCEMENT—AGENCIES to BELFAST.
20100403—20100412    —REFLOATED, The ship was.
20100409—20100412    —KIDNAPPED, The 4, men were released.
20100409—20100412    —RELEASED, THE—4—KIDNAPPED men were.
20100412             PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA and presidents, prime ministers and other top officials from 47—COUNTRIES started work on 1—BATTLE—PLAN to keep nuclear weapons OUT—OF—TERRORIST—HANDS.
20100412             —CALLED, EGYPT, for world powers to press both IRAN and ISRAEL on nuclear weapons, saying that THE—MIDDLE—EAST should be 1—ZONE—FREE—OF—THE—ULTRA—DESTRUCTIVE—ARMS.
20100412             CHINA said sanctions were not the answer to THE—IRAN—ATOMIC standoff.
20100412             —SPURNED, IRAN—ENVOY to THE—UN—NUCLEAR—WATCHDOG, THE—USA—NUCLEAR—SUMMIT, saying ANY—DECISION taken at the conference is not binding on nations absent from the event.
20100412             —SIGNED, THE—USA—AND—BRAZIL, 1—AGREEMENT meant to bolster military ties, but BRAZIL—DEFENSE—MINISTER—NELSON—JOBIM did not offer ANY—HINT about 1—KEY—DEFENSE—CONTRACT sought by USA—BASED Boeing Co.
20100412             —ANNOUNCED, Winners of the Pulitzer Prize were.
20100412             Liaquat Ahamed won the history category for his book "LORDS—OF—FINANCE: THE—BANKERS—WHO—BROKE the World" (20090000             ).
20100412             —ATTACKED, In KANDAHAR city, 3—SUICIDE—BOMBERS, 1—AFGHANISTAN—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICES compound, but security forces repelled them.
20100412             —KILLED, Roadside bombs, 4—POLICEMEN and 2—AFGHANISTAN—SOLDIERS in Faryab province's Ghormach district.
20100412             † 3—WOMEN, —WHEN mortars fired by suspected insurgents hit their homes in Kapisa province.
20100412             2—PEOPLE were wounded —WHEN their tractor ran over 1—MINE in the far SOUTH—WEST—PROVINCE—OF—NIMROZ.
20100412             —ACCUSED—OF, BRAZIL, rancher Vitalmiro Moura, ordering 20050000             —THE—MURDER—OF—USA—NUN and Amazon defender DOROTHY—STANG, was found guilty and sentenced to —30—YEARS in prison.
20100412             —CONVICTED—OF, Moura was previously, STANG—MURDER and then acquitted in 1—AUTOMATIC retrial.
20100412             —OVERTURNED, That decision was, —LAST—YEAR on 1—TECHNICALITY.
20100412             —FORCED, BRAZIL, THE—THREAT—OF—NEW mudslides, officials to begin evicting 2,600 families from AT—RISK—AREAS as they embarked on 1—SLUM demolition program on RIO—DE—JANEIRO—HILLS.
20100412             CANADA—PRIME—MINISTER—STEPHEN—HARPER said CANADA will return spent nuclear fuel to its supplier, THE—USA, as PART—OF—1—GLOBAL—DRIVE to secure fissile materials.
20100412             —EASED, CHINA, requirements for companies to qualify for government PURCHASING—OF—TECHNOLOGY—AFTER 1—PLAN to favor domestic technology was met with heavy criticism from other countries and business groups.
20100412             1—MENTALLY ill CHINA—MAN rampaged with 1—MEAT cleaver near 1—ELEMENTARY school, hacking to death a 2. grader and 1—ELDERLY—WOMAN.
20100412             5—OTHERS were wounded in the 2. random attack on schoolchildren in CHINA in —3—WEEKS.
20100412             —CHASED, YANG—JIAQIN, —40—JAHRE—ALT, his victims through Xizhen VILLAGE—OF—THE—SOUTH—GUANGXI region not long —AFTER classes ended.
20100412             1—EGYPT—ACTIVIST said MOHAMMED—ELBARADEI, emerging opposition leader and FORMER—HEAD—OF—THE—UN—NUCLEAR—WATCHDOG—AGENCY, has called for 1—BOYCOTT of the upcoming elections.
20100412             —TURNED, ElBaradei has, his focus to promoting electoral reforms and constitutional amendments that would allow 1—CREDIBLE—RIVAL—CANDIDATE to run in —NEXT—YEAR—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION.
20100412             Neofonie, THE—GERMANY—MAKER—OF—1—NEW tablet PC, the WePad, was reportedly setting out to rival APPLE—IPAD with the promise of even more technology such as 1—BIGGER—SCREEN, 1—WEBCAM and USB ports.
20100412             —WHEN it hits stores —STARTING—LATE—JULY, it will also boast 1—COMPLETE—OPEN—SOURCE—OFFICE—PACKAGE.
20100412             GUATEMALA, NOE—VASQUEZ, THE—CHIEF—OF—THE—ANTI—DRUG—OFFICE—IN—THE—PETEN region, was arrested along with 2—OTHER—POLICE—AGENTS for allegedly passing information to MEXICO—ZETAS drug gang.
20100412             —RAIDED, INDONESIA—POLICE, 1—HOME used by suspected terrorists in the far WEST—PROVINCE—OF—ACEH, fatally shooting Enal Tao (38), allegedly involved in the beheadings of 3—CHRISTIAN girls.
20100412             2—OTHER—SUSPECTS were arrested at the house in Cot Irie village on the outskirts of BANDA—ACEH.
20100412             IRAQ, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER blew up 1—CAR in MOSUL killing 1—POLICEMAN and 1—CIVILIAN, as 2—SOLDIERS were killed near BAGHDAD.
20100412             NORTH—ITALY, 1—LANDSLIDE threw 1—PASSENGER—TRAIN from its tracks near the border with AUSTRIA, killing 9—PEOPLE and injuring 28. 1—LARGE—IRRIGATION—PIPE burst at 1—HIGHER—ELEVATION as the 2-car train passed below.
20100412             —JOINED, Mexican and USA—OFFICIALS said 3—MEXICO—CARTELS have, forces to destroy the Zetas gang of hit men that has grown into 1 feared drug trafficking outfit with reach into CENTRAL—AMERICA.
20100412             —SKINNED, Police found THE—BODY—OF—1—MAN whose face had been, in CUERNAVACA.
20100412             —KILLED, In nearby Temixco, 1—MAN and his pregnant wife were, by gunmen who left 1—THREATENING message.
20100412             —APPOINTED, NORTH—IRELAND—CATHOLIC and Protestant lawmakers, DAVID—FORD their 1. justice MINISTER, 1—POWER—SHARING landmark that IRA dissidents protested by bombing the local BASE—OF—BRITAIN—SPY—AGENCY—MI5.
20100412             —ARMED, PAKISTAN, DOZENS—OF—MILITANTS, with rockets and automatic weapons attacked 2—SECURITY—CHECKPOINTS in the villages of Shireen Dara and Sangrana.
20100412             —REPELLED, Security forces successfully, the attack, but 2—SOLDIERS were killed and 3—OTHERS wounded.
20100412             —SUBSIDED, —AFTER the battles, authorities found the bodies of 15—DEAD—MILITANTS—AROUND THE—2—CHECKPOINTS.
20100412             —REMOVED, Intelligence officials said insurgents, the bodies of at least 26—OTHERS who were killed.
20100412             RUSSIA, EDUARD—CHUVASHOV, 1—JUDGE—OF—MOSCOW—CITY—COURT, was found shot to death in the stairwell of his apartment building.
20100412             He was the judge in several HIGH—PROFILE—CASES, including the February sentencing of 9—SKINHEAD gang members who killed 6—NON—SLAVS.
20100412             —URGED, OBSERVERS—SUDAN to extend voting in its 1. open elections in —24—YEARS—AFTER THOUSANDS—OF—BALLOTS were cast incorrectly and polling faced serious delays in MANY—AREAS—OF—AFRICA—LARGEST—COUNTRY.
20100412             1—SWITZERLAND—COURT—REJECTED—HANNIBAL—GADHAFI—DEMAND for 100,000 SWITZERLAND—FRANCS ($94,500) in reparations for the publication of 1—POLICE mug shot from his 20080000             arrest in GENEVA.
20100412             —RELEASED, He was —LATER, and charges were dropped.
20100412             —RULED, THAILAND—ELECTION—COMMISSION, that the ruling party be dissolved for alleged MISUSE—OF—POLL—DONATIONS, in 1—POTENTIAL—VICTORY for ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS who paraded slain comrades through BANGKOK to press THE—PRIME—MINISTER to resign.
20100412             —RESPONDED, THE—VATICAN, to allegations it long concealed clerical sex abuse by making it clear for the 1. time that bishops and clerics worldwide should report such crimes to police if they are required to by law.
20100412             —OPENED, AFGHANISTAN, INTERNATIONAL troops, fire on 1—BUS carrying AFGHANISTAN—CIVILIANS in KANDAHAR province, killing 4—PEOPLE, setting off ANTI—USA—PROTESTS in 1—KEY—SOUTHERN—CITY where coalition forces hoped to rally the public for 1—COMING offensive against THE—TALIBAN.
20100412             —ARRESTED, ARGENTINA, LUIS—CAICEDO—VELANDIA was, as he walked near 1—BUENOS—AIRES shopping mall and placed under extremely high security. the suspected COLOMBIA—DRUG—TRAFFICKER, who operated under the radar —FOR—YEARS in ARGENTINA, was —LATER described as 1—RINGLEADER capable of giving direct orders to COLOMBIA—MOST—WANTED cocaine kingpins and with close ties to MEXICO—FEARED Sinaloa cartel.
20100412             1—UNITED—KINGDOM—SCIENTIFIC—EXPEDITION said it has discovered the world's deepest known underwater volcanic vent off THE—CAYMAN—ISLANDS.
20100412             13—CIVILIANS were reportedly killed in A—USA—MISSILE—STRIKE elsewhere in NORTH—WAZIRISTAN.
20100412             PAKISTAN intelligence officials said the missile attack close to THE—TOWN—OF—MIRAN—SHAH killed 4—SUSPECTED militants.
20100412—20080000    —ARRESTED, Gadhafi was, for allegedly beating up his servants in 1—LUXURY—HOTEL.
20100412—20100419    meeting: SALVADOR—BRAZIL—UNITED—NATIONS OFFICE—ON—DRUGS and Crime — UNODC
20100429—20110412    —INTRODUCED, Professor Alvarez, ChronoZoom, 1—FREE—INTERACTIVE—ZOOMABLE timeline for THE—HISTORY—OF—EVERYTHING—BEING developed at UC BERKELEY.
20110204             Press reports say 1—OPTION is that THE—PRESIDENT resigns —IMMEDIATELY and hands over power to a 3—MAN—CONSTITUTIONAL—COUNCIL.
20110204             —DENIED, USA—OFFICIALS—HAVEN'T, this, but they stress MANY—DIFFERENT options are being considered and that all decisions must be made by THE—EGYPT—PEOPLE.
20110204             Speaking on USA—TV, he told THE—DAILY—SHOW with JON—STEWART: "1—OF—MY—CHIEF—GOALS—RIGHT—NOW it to make sure we keep THE—LINES—OF—COMMUNICATIONS—OPEN, I have talked to my counterpart 1—COUPLE—OF—TIMES.
20110204             She told BBC Arabic TV: "I made 1—VIDEO asking people not to be scared, asking how long will we live in fear, that we should go to the streets and that there are PLENTY—OF—MEN in EGYPT, and we can protect ourselves from MUBARAK—THUGS.
20110204             More soldiers and tanks at prominent positions in ALEXANDRIA—THERE were 1—NUMBER—OF armed police and plainclothes policemen near the main square.
20110204             1—SECRET—POLICEMAN—NEAR the square was identified, beaten, bundled away and driven off in 1—CAR.
20110204             THE—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS say they will not move —UNTIL Mubarak goes, but there's 1—MUCH more visible police presence here.
201102041201         UN human rights CHIEF—NAVI—PILLAY calls for a "transparent and impartial" investigation into the recent violence in EGYPT.
201102041205         #Tahrir" : AL—JAZEERA reporting that Arab League HEAD—AMR—MOUSSA, who said —EARLIER he'd consider running for the presidency, has joined protesters in Tahrir Square.
201102041206         Mosa'ab Elshamy tweets: "Mixed feelings towards Arab League GENERAL—SECRETARY, Amr Moussa.
201102041208         PRIME—MINISTER—SHAFIQ says THE—SUEZ—CANAL is still operating normally,
20110204121          May El Tabbakh in ALEXANDRIA wants security to be restored in her area: "I have been locked in at home for more than —1—WEEK—NOW.
201102041211         1—OF—HOSNI—MUBARAK—MAIN—SUPPORTERS,
201102041212         USA—JOURNALIST—LAUREN E Bohn
201102041216         —STARTED, THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS—REPORTS that THE—EGYPT—MILITARY has, rounding up journalists,
201102041217         SULTAN—AL—QASSEMI,1—COLUMNIST for THE—NATIONAL, tweets: "El Baradei: I met with 9—PROTEST—LEADERS last night.
201102041218         3—POLAND—JOURNALISTS covering the unrest in CAIRO have been detained by police,
201102041220         THE—WHITE—HOUSE says it is in discussions with EGYPT—FIGURES on 1—ORDERLY TRANSFER—OF—POWER from MISTER—MUBARAK.
201102041224         EGYPT : Prominent activist Asma Mahfouz, 1—OF—THE—TAHRIR—SQUARE—DEMONSTRATION—LEADERS, says she has received death threats from MEMBERS—OF—THE—RULING—NDP party.
201102041227         Sharif Kouddous tweets: "On 1—BALCONY —NOW with BIRDS—EYE—VIEW.
201102041229         —CHARTERED, THE—UN is sending 2, aircraft to evacuate MOST—OF—ITS—STAFF in EGYPT,
201102041229         —FROM THE—BBC—PAUL—DANAHAR in Tahrir Square: "—WHILE people are no doubt jostling behind the scenes for 1—ROLE in 1—TRANSITIONAL government it's worth saying that the whole —WEEK I have been here I haven't heard anyone chant THE—NAME—OF—ANY—OTHER—POLITICIAN but Mubarak and that was "Mubarak Go".
201102041231         THE—BBC—WYRE—DAVIS in ALEXANDRIA tells us:
201102041235         THE—BBC—WYRE—DAVIES in ALEXANDRIA: "It's 1—VERY—TENSE—SITUATION here.
201102041241         If you're —JUST joining us, greetings.
201102041242         There are LOTS—OF—TWEETS about journalists being under attack close to Tahrir SQUARE—SUCH as TRISTAN—REDMAN
201102041245         —STORMED, AL—JAZERA—ENGLAND—TWEETS: "Al jazeera ARABIC—CAIRO office has been, by unknown men and the office has been trashed #EGYPT #tahrir"
201102041247         Leading EGYPT—OPPOSITION—POLITICIAN MOHAMED—ELBARADEI tells THE—BBC—WORLD—SERVICE: "MISTER—MUBARAK has lost legitimacy, MISTER—MUBARAK needs to go. This is 1 united voice coming from almost EVERY—SINGLE—EGYPTIAN, right, left and centre. And I hope he will listen to that, leave in dignity and get EGYPT to go on with its life. 1—NEW—LIFE based on democracy and social justice".
201102041248         Rami Raoof tweets from CAIRO: "THE—INTERNET—CONNECTION (3g) is very very slow. Its difficult to access THE—INTERNET from here —AROUND Tahrir Square. #EGYPT #Jan25".
201102041249         THE—BBC—PAUL—DANAHAR says:
201102041251         More from MOHAMED—ELBARADEI—INTERVIEW—WITH—THE—BBC—NEWSHOUR programme.
201102041255         —FIRED, Shots are being, in the air —AROUND Tahrir Square as ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS push back regime supporters, reports AP.
201102041256         Referring to the prospect of 1—ISLAMIST—STYLE—TAKE—OVER in EGYPT, MIDDLE—EAST—COMMENTATOR—MISHAAL AL—GERGAWI tweets (in 3—TAKES): "2—THINGS about 1—RADICAL—ISLAMIC—REPUBLIC emerging in EGYPT: 1) EGYPT—MUSLIM Brotherhood has become significantly moderate and hasn't been involved in terrorist attacks; 2) Muslim Brotherhood isn't 1—MAJORITY in EGYPT, there are the youth, other groups, the Copts and the army. #Jan25"
201102041258         —CRITICISED, VODAFONE—WHICH was, among SOME—QUARTERS for allegedly CO—OPERATING with THE—EGYPT—GOVERNMENT in shutting down MOBILE communications and sending out PRO—MUBARAK MESSAGES—RELEASES 1—STATEMENT defending its actions:
20110412             —SIGNED, CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR—JERRY—BROWN, legislation requiring the state's utilities to get 33—PERCENT—OF—ITS—ELECTRICITY from renewable sources by the end of 20200000             .
20110412             NEW—YORK, Lashanda Armstrong drove 3—OF—HER 4—CHILDREN into the Hudson River in Newburgh —FOLLOWING 1—DOMESTIC—DISPUTE.
20110412             —SURVIVED, Her —10—YEAR—OLD—SON, by crawling out her car window.
20110412             —EXECUTED, OHIO, a 2—TIME—MURDERER using pentobarbital as 1—STAND—ALONE—EXECUTION—DRUG.
20110412             —EXECUTED, CLARENCE—CARTER (49) was the 2. inmate in the country, with the surgical sedative.
20110412             —KILLED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, 1—ROADSIDE bomb, 5—ROAD—CONSTRUCTION—WORKERS who were in 1—CAR driving near THE—PAKISTAN—BORDER.
20110412             1—ROADSIDE bomb killed 2—AFGHANISTAN—POLICE—OFFICERS as they were destroying opium poppies in KANDAHAR province.
20110412             BAHRAIN, Zainab AL—KHAWAJA, —27—JAHRE—ALT, THE—DAUGHTER—OF—ABDULHADI—AL—KHAWAJA, —50—JAHRE—ALT, 1—PROMINENT—HUMAN—RIGHTS—ACTIVIST, went on hunger strike to protest THE—ARREST—OF—SEVERAL family members, including her father and her husband, over ANTI—GOVERNMENT—DEMONSTRATIONS.
20110412             BANGLADESH, 1—BAN went into effect forbidding teachers from bringing their phones into class.
20110412             1—BAN on student cell phones in class rooms was already in effect.
20110412             —HOSPITALIZED, EGYPT—FORMER—PRESIDENT—MUBAREK was, —AFTER suffering 1 alleged heart attack.
20110412             —INDICATED, State media, the hospital visit may have been 1—PLOY to escape legal problems.
20110412             —UNVEILED, ISRAEL, followers of the Bahai faith, their newly renovated holy site on THE—ISRAEL—COAST, drawing attention to 1—OF—THE—HOLY—LAND—LESSER—KNOWN religions.
20110412             —RECOGNIZED, IVORY—COAST—INTERNATIONALLY, PRESIDENT, Alassane Ouattara, called for peace —AFTER his rival was arrested with THE—HELP—OF—FRANCE—FORCES.
20110412             —RAISED, JAPAN—NUCLEAR—REGULATORS said they, the rating from 5 to 7, the highest level on 1—INTERNATIONAL—SCALE—OF—NUCLEAR—ACCIDENTS.
20110412             JAPAN, 1—POWERFUL 6.0—EARTHQUAKE struck near the crippled FUKUSHIMA nuclear plant, shaking buildings in TOKYO.
20110412             —ISSUED, No tsunami warning was, and no damage —IMMEDIATELY reported.
20110412             —SHELLED, LIBYA, Moammar GADHAFI—FORCES, the only major city in the western half that remained under partial rebel control.
20110412             FRANCE said NATO should be doing more to take out heavy weaponry targeting civilians.
20110412             —KNOCKED, NATO, out 16—QADDAFI tanks.
20110412             4—PALESTINIANS suffocated —WHILE trying to repair 1—GAZA smuggling tunnel hit in 1—ISRAEL—AIRSTRIKE—LAST—WEEK.
20110412             —KILLED, Human rights groups say about 160—WORKERS have been, in the tunnels over the past —3—YEARS.
20110412             —FIRED, SWAZILAND police, water cannons and tear gas, beat people with batons and arrested activists to prevent PRO—DEMOCRACY—PROTESTS in SUB—SAHARAN AFRICA—LAST—ABSOLUTE—MONARCHY.
20110412             —LAUNCHED, SYRIA—PRO—GOVERNMENT—GUNMEN, 1—ATTACK on 2—VILLAGES, Bayda and Beit Jnad, in the northeast.
20110412             —ANNULLED, URUGUAY—SENATE, 1—AMNESTY for crimes against humanity committed —DURING the 19730000—19850000     dictatorship, overturning THE—VIEW—OF—VOTERS who upheld the law in 2—REFERENDUMS.
20110412             —PASSED, The measure, 16—15—AFTER a —12—HOUR—DEBATE and went to the lower house for minor changes.
20110412             —DEMONSTRATED, YEMEN, tens of thousands, in major cities across the country rejecting 1—MEDIATION—PROPOSAL by neighboring Gulf countries because it does not provide for trying THE—PRESIDENT.
20110412             † 3—CHILDREN from 1—INSURGENT—GRENADE tossed —DURING 1—NATO—OPERATION in NORTH—FARYAB province.
20110412             † Detainee KARIM—FAKHRAWY—OF "AL—WASAT" under police custody.
20110412             —SHATTERED, He faced 1—HUGE—TASK reuniting 1—COUNTRY, by CIVIL—WAR.
20110412             † GBAGBO—INTERIOR—MINISTER, Desire Tagro —AFTER being badly beaten by fighters who captured him —1—DAY—EARLIER along with Gbagbo.
20110412             —RAISED, JAPAN, the crisis level at its crippled nuclear plant to 1—SEVERITY on par with 19860000             —THE—CHERNOBYL disaster, citing high overall radiation leaks that have contaminated the air, tap water, vegetables and seawater.
20110412             † 4—POLICEMEN as the security forces traded fire with automatic weapons and ROCKET—PROPELLED grenades.
20110412—20110214    —KILLED, At least 29—PEOPLE have been, —SINCE the protests began.
20110412—20110317    —ERUPTED, SOUTH—WEST—CHINA, clashes, between security forces and locals at the Kirti Tibetan Buddhist monastery in Sichuan province, under lockdown —AFTER 1—MONK set himself on fire and †.
20111214—19610412    —ON, preparing the 1. human flight to space by YURI—GAGARIN.
20120314             —RELEASED, Bosusco was, 20120412             —ON—AFTER local officials agreed to release 5—REBELS from prison.
20120406             1—CEASE—FIRE was expected to begin 20120412             .
20120409—20120412    —ON, the court sentenced 18—OF—THE—MEN to life imprisonment.
20120412             —DROPPED, CALIFORNIA, 1—LARGE thunder storm, 1—RECORD 1.24—INCHES—OF—RAIN in S—FRANCISCO.
20120412             —EXECUTED, FLORIDA, serial killer DAVID—ALAN—GORE, —58—JAHRE—ALT.
20120412             —ENTERED, NEW—JERSEY—NEWARK—MAYOR—CORY—BOOKER, —42—JAHRE—ALT, the burning house his neighbor and rescued her daughter, Zina Hodge (47).
20120412             —SUFFERED, Booker, 2. degree burns and smoke inhalation.
20120412             —CHOPPED, SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, angry residents in Helmand province, off the ears of 1—MAN accused of planting 1—ROADSIDE bomb that killed 2—CIVILIANS.
20120412             —DEPLOYED, CHINA, a 3. ship in 1—AREA—OF—THE disputed SOUTH—CHINA—SEA where 1—TENSE standoff with THE—PHILIPPINES—VESSELS has dragged on, sparking alarm in MANILA.
20120412             —CLOSED, CHINA—STATE—MEDIA said 42—WEBSITES have been, and more than 210,000 posts deleted —SINCE MID—MARCH in 1—CRACKDOWN on online "rumors", as 1—MAJOR—POLITICAL—SCANDAL rocked the country.
20120412             —PASSED, EGYPT—ISLAMIST—DOMINATED—PARLIAMENT, 1—NEW—BILL stripping senior Mubarak regime figures, such as EX—SPY—CHIEF—OMAR—SULEIMAN, from the right to run for office for the next —10—YEARS.
20120412             The ruling military council must ratify the bill —BEFORE it can go into effect.
20120412             —ARRESTED, GUINEA—BISSAU soldiers, PRIME—MINISTER—CARLOS—GOMES—JUNIOR, hours —AFTER the leader's home was attacked with grenades in what former colonial ruler PORTUGAL described as 1—MILITARY—COUP.
20120412             —ARRESTED, PRESIDENT—RAIMUNDO—PEREIRA was also.
20120412             IRAQ, Hamed Yussef Hamadi (72), the culture MINISTER—UNDER—SADDAM—HUSSEIN, was released —AFTER over —6—YEARS in prison and left the country.
20120412             JAPAN—SONY—CORP. said it will slash 10,000 jobs, or about 6—PERCENT of its global workforce, and try to turn —AROUND its MONEY—LOSING TV business over the next —2—YEARS.
20120412             † In JAPAN 8—PEOPLE—WHEN 1—APPARENTLY epileptic driver crashed his minivan into 1—CROWD—OF pedestrians in THE—TEMPLE—SPOTTED ancient CAPITAL—OF—KYOTO.
20120412             —THREATENED, MALI—NEW—INTERIM—LEADER, Dioncounda Traore (70), to wage total WAR—ON—TUAREG rebels and Islamists controlling THE—NORTH—OF—THE—COUNTRY as he took THE—OATH—OF—OFFICE, ending 1—BRIEF—PERIOD—OF—MILITARY—RULE.
20120412             1—STRONG 6.9—MAGNITUDE—EARTHQUAKE struck off THE—COAST—OF—MEXICO, waking up residents living near the Gulf of CALIFORNIA, only hours —AFTER 1—SEPARATE temblor swayed tall buildings in MEXICO—CITY, causing evacuations.
20120412             —RELEASED, PAKISTAN, 26—INDIA—FISHERMEN held in prison for more than —2—YEARS for violating territorial waters.
20120412             Officials said at least 450—INDIA—FISHERMEN are still in PAKISTAN—JAILS, —WHILE INDIA has over 150—PAKISTAN—FISHERMEN in its prisons.
20120412             —ANNOUNCED, The deal was, late —LAST—YEAR and was formally approved by Anglo shareholders in January.
20120412             SOUTH—KOREA—RULING conservatives won 1—PARLIAMENTARY—POLL fought mostly on economic issues, with analysts saying voters opted for stability ahead of 1—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION in December.
20120412             —REJECTED, SOUTH—SUDAN—PRESIDENT—SALVA—KIIR, calls to pull out from contested border regions, but said he did not want war with KHARTOUM.
20120412             —ARRESTED, SWAZILAND—POLICE, union leaders as 1—CRACKDOWN on banned PRO—DEMOCRACY—PROTESTS intensified, with armed patrols in urban areas to disperse ANY—GATHERINGS in AFRICA—LAST—ABSOLUTE—MONARCHY.
20120412             —BROKERED, SYRIA, 1—FRAGILE—CEASE—FIRE, by THE—UN took hold with regime forces apparently halting widespread attacks on the opposition.
20120412             —BLOODSHED, Renewed, killed at least 4—PEOPLE, putting to the test 1—HARD—WON ceasefire plan that was supposed to take effect at dawn.
20120412             —WALKED, TUNISIA—JOURNALISTS, OUT—OF—THE—COUNTRY—CONSTITUENT—ASSEMBLY as Interior MINISTER—ALI—LARAYEDH defended 1—POLICE—CRACKDOWN, widely branded as brutal, on 1 banned rally.
20120412             YEMEN, 1—BATTLE—BETWEEN—AL—QAEDA militants and armed civilians for CONTROL—OF—THE—YEMEN—TOWN—OF—LODER (Lawder) spread to nearby Mudia, as the death toll from —4—DAYS—OF—CLASHES reached 177.
20120412             —ARMED, OHIO police shot and killed an, man at 1—CROWDED—CRACKER—BARREL restaurant where 1—WOMAN and 1—GIRL had been killed and another person was wounded, sending customers fleeing out the back door in Brooklyn.
20120412             —VOTED, BRAZIL—SUPREME—COURT, 8-2 to authorize abortions in CASES—OF—FETUSES with no brains.
20120412             —APPROVED, THE—SOUTH—AFRICA ANTI TRUST TRIBUNAL said it has, a $5.1-billion deal by Anglo American to buy 40—PERCENT of De Beers, allowing it to take CONTROL—OF—THE—WORLD—LARGEST diamond firm.
20120412             —FAVORED, Gomes had been, to win 20120429             —THE—RUNOFF—AFTER his challenger KUMBA Yala, 1—FORMER—PRESIDENT who was overthrown in a 20030000             coup, said he would boycott the vote BECAUSE—OF—IRREGULARITIES in the 1. ROUND—OF—BALLOTING.
20120412             ROUND—OF—BALLOTING.
20120412—19810000    —IN, He had spent —28—YEARS on Death Row for killing 6—WOMEN and 19830000             .
20120412—19970000    —ORDERED, TURKEY—PROSECUTORS, THE—ARREST—OF—DOZENS—OF—FORMER—MILITARY—OFFICERS, including 4—RETIRED generals, over their role in forcing the resignation of 1—ISLAMIST—PRIME—MINISTER—NECMETTIN—ERBAKAN.
20120412—20030412    —ON, The previous record was.92 inches.
20120412—20060124    —ARRESTED, Hamadi was.
20120412—20120410    —ON, 1—THE—PHILIPPINES—WARSHIP attempted to arrest several CHINA—FISHERMEN accused of illegal entry and poaching, but was prevented by the arrival of 2—CHINA—SURVEILLANCE ships.
20120517             —ARRIVED, GUINEA—BISSAU, some 70—ECOWAS soldiers, on 1—MISSION to restore stability —AFTER the country's 20120412             coup, as transitional government PRIME—MINISTER—RUI—DUARTE—BARROS took office.
20120519             Officials said GUINEA—BISSAU—JUNTA, PARLIAMENT and 1—GROUP—OF—POLITICAL—PARTIES have signed 1—ROADMAP aimed at ending the crisis created by 20120412             —THE—COUP.
20130412             —ARMED, FAIRFIELD—CONNECTICUT, men stole over $4—MILLION in jewelry from 1—STORE—AFTER kidnapping the store manager and another employee to gain access.
20130412             —UNHARMED, The victims were.
20130412             —STORMED, AFGHANISTAN, Taliban militants, 1—AFGHANISTAN—ARMY outpost in Kunar province, killing 13—SOLDIERS in 1—AREA that is 1—MAJOR—INFILTRATION—ROUTE for insurgents crossing the mountainous border between AFGHANISTAN and PAKISTAN.
20130412             1—SOLDIER remained missing.
20130412             —JOINED, BAHRAIN, THOUSANDS—OF—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—DEMONSTRATORS, 1—MARCH that included breakaway protests against the scheduled Formula 1—RACE—LATER —THIS—MONTH.
20130412             —AGREED, EUROPEAN—UNION—FINANCE—MINISTERS said they've, to extend THE—REPAYMENT—OF—EMERGENCY—LOANS to IRELAND and PORTUGAL for 1—FURTHER —7—YEARS, easing the pressure on both countries to exit their bailout programs and resume normal borrowing.
20130412             —VOTED, THE—FRANCE—SENATE, to legalize SAME—SEX—MARRIAGE, putting 1—LANDMARK bill on track to become law by —SUMMER.
20130412             —CONTESTED, FRANCE, 1, AUCTION—OF—DOZENS—OF—NATIVE—USA—TRIBAL masks went ahead —FOLLOWING 1—PARIS court ruling, in SPITE—OF—APPEALS for 1—DELAY by the Hopi tribe, its supporters including actor ROBERT—REDFORD, and THE—USA—GOVERNMENT.
20130412             —FILED, GERMANY—PROSECUTORS, corruption charges against FORMER—PRESIDENT—CHRISTIAN—WULFF over alleged favors that prompted his resignation.
20130412             It was the 1. time 1—FORMER—GERMANY—PRESIDENT faced charges in court.
20130412             IRAQ, 1—PAIR—OF—BOMBS struck in quick succession outside 1—SUNNI mosque NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD, killing at least 11—PEOPLE and wounding more than 30. Minutes —AFTER the Kanaan attack, 1—BOMB exploded near 1—SHIITE mosque in WEST—BAGHDAD, wounding 8.
20130412             —SHELLED, ISRAEL troops, 1—POSITION on THE—SYRIA—SIDE—OF—THE—GOLAN—HEIGHTS from which they received fire.
20130412             NORTH—MALI, 1—SUICIDE bombing by MEMBERS—OF—1—AL—QAIDA branch in NORTH—AFRICA killed at least 3—SOLDIERS from CHAD.
20130412             2—SUICIDE—BOMBERS were killed in the operation, and MANY—CIVILIANS were injured in the attack.
20130412             RUSSIA, ANTI—DRUGS—SPECIAL—FORCES, widely known by their RUSSIA—ACRONYM, MAS, issued 1—LOW—KEY—STATEMENT on vk_com saying that it has halted drug raids.
20130412             —FORMED, MAS was, —LAST—YEAR to track down spice pushers.
20130412             —PRODUCED, Spice in over 900—VERSIONS, mass, in CHINA and SOUTH—EAST—ASIA, was reportedly being exported to RUSSIA as bath salts, incense and slimming additives, often in mail packages.
20130412             —AGREED, THE—2—PRESIDENTS, to the free MOVEMENT—OF—PEOPLE and goods across the border.
20130412             THE—SMALL—ARMS—SURVEY, 1—INDEPENDENT—SWITZERLAND—RESEARCH—GROUP, said SUDAN has supplied weapons and ammunition to rebels fighting neighboring SOUTH—SUDAN—GOVERNMENT.
20130412             —BATTLED, SYRIA—FORCES, rebels in THE—CENTRAL—PROVINCE—OF—HOMS near the border with LEBANON as PART—OF—1—COUNTEROFFENSIVE aimed at regaining CONTROL—OF—TERRITORY—AROUND the country.
20130412             —CARRIED, SYRIA—WARPLANES, out airstrikes —AROUND the country.
20130412             —ALLEGED, TUNISIA, 1—MOB—OF, religious conservative Salafis attacked 1—POLICE—STATION and clashed with security forces, leaving 1—PERSON—DEAD and 2—WOUNDED in the coastal TOWN—OF—HERGLA.
20130412             —AM, gab es erneut Proteste vor dem JUSTIZ—MINISTERIUM in BRASÍLIA—ES geht um 1—UMSTRITTENEN Vorstoß der Agrarlobby.
20130412—20080000    —IN, THE—USA—ANNOUNCED sanctions for 18—RUSSIANS under the Magnitsky Law, named for RUSSIA—LAWYER—SERGEI—MAGNITSKY, who was arrested for tax evasion —AFTER accusing RUSSIA—POLICE—OFFICIALS—OF stealing $230—MILLION in tax rebates.
20130412—20110000    —TRAVELED, SUDAN—PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BASHIR, to SOUTH—SUDAN for the 1. time —SINCE the south peacefully broke away from SUDAN.
20140402—20140412    —ON, 1—BOY, —16—JAHRE—ALT was charged with assault and ethnic intimidation in the beating of Utash, who remained in critical condition.
20140412             —CONCLUDED, The 188-nation IMF, weekend meeting in WASHINGTON, DC, with pledges to work for faster growth to alleviate unemployment.
20140412             —KILLED, ALGERIA, 1—MAN was, in THE—SOUTH—TOWN—OF—GHARDAIA, the 2. fatality in less than —24—HOURS—OF—ETHNIC—VIOLENCE between Berbers and Arabs in the region.
20140412             Ghardaia has been THE—SCENE—OF—VIOLENCE—SINCE December —WHEN fighting erupted between Berbers and Arabs, known as Chaambas.
20140412             CHILE, 1—FIRE began raging in the port CITY—OF—VALPARAISO.
20140412             —KILLED, At least 15—PEOPLE were, and 2,900 homes destroyed.
20140412             —EVACUATED, Thousands were, including more than 200—FEMALE—INMATES at 1—PRISON.
20140412             CHINA—XINJIANG, region Abdubasit Ablimit (17) was shot —AFTER he reportedly tried twice to seize weapons from police at 1—CHECKPOINT in AKSU prefecture.
20140412             † He, of his wounds the —NEXT—DAY.
20140412             —CIRCULATED, Another account that, —AFTER said Ablimit was killed —AFTER running 1 red light in 1—APPARENT—ATTEMPT to avoid paying 1—FINE.
20140412             —ARRIVED, FRANCE—FOREIGN—MINISTER, in CUBA for 1—BRIEF but historic visit, the 1. by such 1—HIGH—RANKING—FRANCE—OFFICIAL in —30—YEARS and 1—SIGN—OF—THE quickening pace of improving ties between THE—EUROPEAN—UNION and HAVANA.
20140412             —SUSPECTED, INDIA, Maoist rebels set off 2—BOMBS in THE—EAST—STATE—OF—CHHATTISGARH, killing 14—PEOPLE, MOST—OF—THEM paramilitary soldiers and officials charged with holding elections in the region.
20140412             —CALLED, KUWAIT—OPPOSITION, for broad democratic reforms including 1—WESTERN—STYLE—PARTY—SYSTEM to limit THE—POWERS—OF—THE—EMIRATE—RULING family.
20140412             —ARRESTED, Police in LEBANON, MARCELLO—DELL'UTRI, the man who created Forze Italia!
20140412             in the 1990s.
20140412             —DISAPPEARED, He had, in the face of a —7-YEAR sentence for aiding and abetting mobsters.
20140412             —COLLIDED, MYANMAR, 1—PASSENGER—BUS, with 1—CAR and burst into flames along 1—HIGHWAY, killing 12—PASSENGERS and injuring 5—OTHERS.
20140412             —SEIZED, PAKISTAN, gunmen, some 100—TRIBESMEN on the border of Orakzai and Khyber tribal regions.
20140412             The militants, —FOLLOWING negotiations with tribal elders, soon released over 90—TRIBESMEN but still held 7—INFLUENTIAL—MEN.
20140412             —WOODED, In THE—PHILIPPINES marines patrolling 1, area in Sulu province's mountainous Patikul town stumbled on about 30—MILITANTS.
20140412             1—ENSUING —30—MINUTE clash killed 1—MILITANT and wounded 1—UNKNOWN—NUMBER—OF—OTHER—GUNMEN.
20140412             1—RUSSIAN—SU 24—TACTICAL—BOMBER flew over THE—USS—DONALD—COOK in the Black Sea.
20140412             1—ELECTRONIC—DEVICE disabled all radars, control circuits, systems, information transmission, etc. on BOARD—THE—USA destroyer.
20140412             —REPEATED, The unarmed RUSSIA—AIRCRAFT, 1 simulated missile attack 12—TIMES—BEFORE flying away.
20140412             SAUDI—ARABIA, THE—DEATH—OF—1—FOREIGN—MAN, —45—JAHRE—ALT due to MERS brought the nationwide toll in the world's MOST—AFFECTED country to 68.
20140412             —KILLED, SOUTH—TAJIKISTAN, 6—CHILDREN were, and at least 7—PEOPLE left missing and presumed dead as 1—RESULT—OF—1—MUDSLIDE.
20140412             TURKEY—PRIME—MINISTER—ERDOGAN said he will "go —AFTER" Twitter, accusing THE—SITE—OF—TAX—EVASION, —AFTER it was used to spread damaging leaks implicating his inner circle in corruption scandals.
20140412             —ARMED, UKRAINE, PRO—RUSSIA—MILITANTS raised THE—RUSSIA—FLAG in THE—EAST—CITY—OF—SLAVIANSK, deepening 1—STAND—OFF with MOSCOW which, Kiev warned, was dragging EUROPE closer to a "gas war" that could disrupt supplies across the continent.
20140412             —SNEAKED, IGOR—GIRKIN, 1—FORMER—RUSSIA—MILITARY—OFFICER, across the border into the Donbas region and with 1—FEW dozen men seized the small TOWN—OF—SLOVIANSK.
20140412             —EXCEEDED, His army never, 600—MEN.
20140412             —SUSPECTED, YEMEN, AL—QAIDA militants ambushed special forces troops, killing 2—SOLDIERS and wounding 5—OTHERS.
20140412             —ENDED, USA—OFFICIALS, 1—STAND—OFF with HUNDREDS—OF—ARMED—PROTESTERS in THE—NEVADA desert, calling off the government's ROUNDUP—OF—CATTLE it said were illegally grazing on FEDERAL—LAND and giving about 300—ANIMALS back to the rancher who owned them.
20140412             —REJECTED, IRAN, A—USA—DECISION to deny 1—VISA for its newly appointed ambassador to THE—UNITED—NATIONS, pledging to take up the case directly with the world body in 1—DISPUTE that has reopened old wounds dating to 19790000             —THE—ISLAMIC—REVOLUTION.
20140412             —KILLED, 1—ENSUING —30—MINUTE clash, 1—MILITANT and wounded 1—UNKNOWN—NUMBER—OF—OTHER—GUNMEN.
20140412             —DISABLED, 1—ELECTRONIC—DEVICE, all radars, control circuits, systems, information transmission, etc. on BOARD—THE—USA—DESTROYER.
20140412             2—SUSPECTED AL—QAIDA militants on 1—MOTORCYCLE shot 1—SECURITY—MAN in SANAA, killing him instantly and taking his weapon —BEFORE fleeing the scene.
20140412             Mission "OSIRIS—REX": NASA will mit Sonde auf Asteroid landen
20140412             Der USA—RÜSTUNGS—, TECHNOLOGIE—KONZERN LOCKHEED—MARTIN hat das Design des Raumschiffs entworfen und wird es bauen.
20140412             —NACH—DER—MISSION—DIE—NASA plant, 1—ASTEROIDEN zu fangen und in 1—UMLAUFBAHN des Mondes zu ziehen.
20140412             —DANN, könnten Astronauten darauf LANDEN—ALLERDINGS frühestens 20250000             .
20140412             DIE—GEPLANTE Mission würde zur 3. weichen Landung auf 1—ASTEROIDEN führen, nicht zur 2. DIE—1.war
20140412             Das Kampagnenziel von mindestens 50.000—DOLLAR für den 3D-Drucker Micro war innerhalb von gerade mal —11—MINUTEN erreicht.
20140412             —NACH, nicht einmal —12—STUNDEN war —BEREITS 500.000—DOLLAR ZUSAMMEN—DIESER Blitzstart ist wohl neuer KICKSTARTER—REKORD.
20140412             GESETZ—ENTWURF zu KINDER—PORNOGRAFIE: MAAS will —BISLANG legale Nacktbilder verbieten
20140412             —HEUTE—IN—DEN—FEUILLETONS, "Im LITERATUR—BETRIEB wird sich angepasst"
20140412             OST—UKRAINE: Prorussische Bewaffnete stürmen POLIZEIwache
20140412             Trotz "Heartbleed"und Co.: DEUTSCHLAND—FIRMEN lassen gravierende SICHERHEITS—LÜCKEN zu
20140412             Abschreibungen auf Aktien: RWE—KRISE kostet Kommunen MILLIARDEN
20140412             Aber klar ist —SCHON—JETZT: Das Auto wird immer mehr zum fahrenden Computer.
20140412             HAMBURG—BEWAFFNETE Unbekannte haben im ostukrainischen Slawjansk 2—ÖFFENTLICHE Gebäude gestürmt.
20140412             Dem INNEN—MINISTERIUM zufolge übernahmen Angreifer in Kampfanzügen —AM—SAMSTAG, unter "RUSSLAND!
20140412             RUSSLAND!"-Rufen Dutzender Zivilisten DIE—KONTROLLE—ÜBER—DAS POLIZEIkommissariat und den Sitz des GEHEIM—DIENSTES SBU in Slawjansk.
20140412             —ZUVOR, hatten prorussische DEMONSTRANTEN —BEREITS in mehreren ostukrainischen Städten Regierungsgebäude besetzt.
20140412             DIE—ENTWICKLUNG schürt Sorgen, daß DIE—REGIERUNG in MOSKAU nach der Halbinsel KRIM auch andere Landesteile in die RUSSLAND—FÖRDERATION eingliedern könnte.
20140412             RUSSLAND hat nach NATO—ANGABEN —INZWISCHEN, 40.000—SOLDATEN an der Grenze zusammengezogen
20140412             Der RUSSLAND—AUßEN—MINISTER—SERGEJ—LAWROW HATTE—FREITAG—AM, erklärt, sein Land wolle, daß DIE—UKRAINE innerhalb ihrer Grenzen als Ganzes erhalten bleibe.
20140412             DIE—EINGLIEDERUNG weiterer Landesteile DER—UKRAINE sei nicht im Interesse RUSSLANDs.
20140412             Der  UKRAINE—STAAT—GAS—KONZERN NAFTOGAZ kündigte —AM—SAMSTAG, an, —BIS auf weiteres seine Zahlungen für RUSSLAND—GAS—LIEFERUNGEN auszusetzen.
20140412             DER—STAATS—KONZERN GAZPROM hatte den Preis zuletzt von 268—AUF 485—DOLLAR pro 10000000             Kubikmeter ERHÖHT—MIT der Begründung, daß 1—ZUVOR gewährter Rabatt ausgelaufen sei.
20140412             KIEW hält den Preis für zu hoch und will nachverhandeln.
20140412             [6]DIE—MERKELANHÄNGER haben die MEINUNGS—FREIHEIT gekappt.
20140412             Weil es wenige PRO—MERKEL—KOMMENTARE gibt, wird das Forum geschlossen.
20140412             Jeder, der nicht unsere Meinung vertritt, ist nicht willkommen
20140412             [9]Diese Behörden haben dem Volke zu dienen
20140412             und sollten kein Machtinstrument sein, um gegen selbiges vorzugehen!
20140412             Dienen sie aber faschistischen Putschisten, müssen sie aufgelöst werden.
20140412             Ich verstehe nicht, wo da DAS—PROBLEM liegt?
20140412             Wenn es in DEUTSCHLAND —NACH—DEM Kriege üblich war, NAZISPITZEN—KRÄFTE in Führungsämter auch dieser Behörden zu hieven, muß dies nicht zwangsläufig IN—DER—UKRAINE auch so sein!
20140412             Von wegen Agenten
20140412             —GEGANGEN, DONETSK, sind 100 000—MENSCHEN auf DIE—STRAßE. es ist pure PROPAGANDA auch des SPIEGELS hier so zu tun, als seine da mal kleine Grüppchen unterwegs.
20140412             DER—OSTEN DER—UKRAINE steht in Flammen weil Hunterttausende DIE—ZENTRAL—REGIERUNG ablehnen.
20140412             BLACKWATER—WIE man hört ist 1 150—MANN starke Söldnertruppe von BLACKWATER in der OST—UKRAINE aktiv.
20140412             DIE—USA—AGGRESSOREN lassen nichts unversucht, die von ihnen angezettelte KRISE—IN—1—BEWAFFNETEN —KONFLIKT zu treiben.
20140412             Wir haben diese tägliche PROPAGANDA satt.
20140412             Und wir haben es satt, daß man uns DIE—DEMOKRATIE und freie Meinungsäußerung VORGAUCKELT.
20140412             Wo es keine gibt. Aus der PROPAGANDA—ABTEILUNG
20140412             —IDENTIFIZIERT, Ach und ihre PROPAGANDA—ABTEILUNG hat die alle, und durchgezählt?
20140412             Menno welchen Schwachsinn erzählen sie da aus der PROPAGANDA küche.
20140412             Sowas gelingt ihnen ja noch nicht mal bei den Speziealeinheiten der dt.
20140412             —POLIZEI und MILITÄR—ABER sie wissen das ja BESSER—GELLE?
20140412             Aber ich geb ihnen mal 1—PAAR andere zahlen.. Von den Forenschreibern die PRO—WESTLICHE PROPAGANDA verbreiten sind 5 % Menschen, der Rest Socketpuppen, die immer die gleichen unsinnigen PROPAGANDA Sprüche mit an den Haaren herbeigezogenen Begründungen dort ablassen!
20140412             Und. alle werden irgendwann vor den Gerichten landen mit Anklagen wie VOLK—VERHETZUNG und VERBREITUNG—VON—LÜGEN.. Keine Sorge.. das wird —SCHON werden!
20140412             Auch DIE—SONDEREINHEIT Alfa des SICHERHEITS—DIENSTES DER—UKRAINE hat sich geweigert, den Befehl zur —ERSTÜRMUNG der von Protestteilnehmern besetzten Verwaltungsgebäude in DONEZK und Lugansk durchzuführen.
20140412             PUTIN—VERSTEHER sind in 1.
20140412             DIE—NÄCHSTE Gruppe POLIZEI ("Berkut") hat abgesagt, nach Slavjansk zu fahren, und sind in DONEZK auf die Seite der DEMONSTRANTEN übergegangen.
20140412             Sie schauen zu VIELE—HOLLYWOOD—ACTIONFILME.
20140412             In richtigen Kriegen kriegen DIE—USA—AMIS regelmäßig 1—AUF die Nase... welchen KRIEG haben die denn —IN—DEN—LETZTEN—JAHR—ZEHNT en —SCHON gewonnen, IRAK—AFGHANISTAN, LIBYEN...???
20140412             Killerdrohnen aus der guten Stube abgefeuert, das können sie allerdings ganz gut!
20140412             Wird hier aber nicht helfen... DIE—LETZTE USA—DROHNE die über DER—KRIM abgefangen wurde, wird gerade in RUSSLAND auseinandergenommen ?
20140412             PUTSCH—REGIERUNG will KEINER—JA, DIE—RUSSEN sind Schuld.
20140412             DIE—RUSSLAND—BEVÖLKERUNG erkennt diese illegitime PUTSCH—REGIERUNG nicht an.
20140412             Müssen sie auch nicht, und werden sie auch nicht.
20140412             Das ist das ENDE—DER—JETZIGEN UKRAINE.
20140412             Aber genau das, war ja vorauszusehen.
20140412             Ist das Dummheit oder Absicht des Westens ?
20140412             DIE—FRAGE ist berechtigt, denn so dumm kann man ja nicht sein, oder ?
20140412             DAS—PROBLEM sind immer die...
20140412             Klar doch, unglaublich,—DAMALS, durften Frauen mit offenem Haar durch DIE—STRAßEN gehen, konnten sowohl studieren als auch Handwerke erlernen.
20140412             Unter den Sowjets hatten nämlich religiöse Fanatiker nicht mehr viel zu melden.
20140412             —BIS diese dann vom Westen ausgerüstet wurden... Aber weil ES—DAMALS, eben Sowjets waren und keine Amis, muss es ja 1—BRUTALE Unterdrückung gewesen sein.
20140412             NSA—UNTERSUCHUNGS—AUSSCHUSS: Regierung will Befragung SNOWDENs "sorgfältig"prüfen
20140412             —BÜRGER—KRIEG—IN—SYRIEN—ALEPPO erlebt schwerste KÄMPFE —SEIT fast —2—JAHREN
20140412             —KRIEG—SIMULATION "This WAR—OF—MINE": Überlebenskampf als Computerspiel
20140412             BERLIN, EDWARD—SNOWDEN wäre bedingungslos bereit, vor dem NSA—UNTERSUCHUNGS—AUSSCHUSS im BUNDES—TAG auszusagen.
20140412             Doch NOCH—IMMER ist unklar, ob der Informant tatsächlich vor dem Gremium sprechen wird.
20140412             —SEIT—TAGEN herrscht darüber 1—HEFTIGER STREIT—ZWISCHEN—KOALITIONS—, OPPOSITIONsabgeordneten.
20140412             DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG hat —JETZT aber immerhin zugesagt, die Bedingungen für 1—VERNEHMUNG des ehemaligen USA—GEHEIM—DIENST—MITARBEITERS auszuloten.
20140412             "Diese rechtlich komplexen Fragen gilt es, sorgfältig zu prüfen und dem Ausschuss zu beantworten", sagte INNEN—MINISTER—THOMAS—DE—MAIZIÈRE (CDU) der "PASSAUER—NEUE—PRESSE".
20140412             Dennoch bleibt die CDU skeptisch: "Ich halte 1—VERNEHMUNG auf deutschem BODEN für rechtlich sehr problematisch", sagte PATRICK—SENSBURG (CDU), —DER—NEUE—VORSITZENDE—DES NSA—AUSSCHUSSES der BILD—AM—SONNTAG.
20140412             Das betreffe —SCHON die Frage, ob 1—SICHERE Anreise möglich sei.
20140412             Zu prüfen sei, "ob 1—VERNEHMUNG in 1—SICHEREN Drittland oder per VIDEO—KONFERENZ möglich ist".
20140412             Sensburg sagte zudem, für DAS—ZIEL, DAS—VERTRAUEN DER—BÜRGER—IN—ELEKTRONISCHE Kommunikation wiederherzustellen, reiche 1—VERNEHMUNG SNOWDENs bei weitem nicht aus.
20140412             Der EX—GEHEIM—DIENST—MANN selbst bekundete seine Bereitschaft zu 1—AUSFÜHRLICHEN Aussage vor dem Ausschuss.
20140412             "Ich bin gern bereit, vor dem UNTERSUCHUNGS—AUSSCHUSS auszusagen, und knüpfe dies grundsätzlich an keine Bedingungen", teilte er in 1—BRIEF seines BERLINer Anwalts WOLFGANG—KALECK an den Ausschussvorsitzenden mit, der der SÜD—DEUTSCHE—ZEITUNG(SZ) und dem NDR in —KOPIE vorlag.
20140412             —BISHER, war er dazu nur bereit gewesen, wenn er im Gegenzug von DEUTSCHLAND oder 1—VERGLEICHBAREN Land aufgenommen würde.
20140412             Dem BUNDES—JUSTIZ—MINISTERIUM liegt laut "SZ"1—FESTNAHMEERSUCHEN vor.
20140412             Sollte dem EX—GEHEIM—DIENSTLER für 1—DEUTSCHLAND—BESUCH kein freies Geleit zugesichert werden, droht ihm die Auslieferung.
20140412             DE—MAIZIÈRE sicherte dem UNTERSUCHUNGS—AUSSCHUSS Unterstützung zu.
20140412             "Allerdings müssen wir dabei auch DIE—SICHERHEITS—INTERESSEN DEUTSCHLANDs und die Vertraulichkeit DER—DIENSTE in DER—INTERNATIONALEN ZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT beachten und respektieren", sagte er.
20140412             —ZUDEM, sagte DE—MAIZIÈRE, er habe seinen Gesprächspartnern IN—DEN—USA und GROß—BRITANNIEN persönlich geraten, Antworten auf FRAGEN—DES—UNTERSUCHUNGS—AUSSCHUSSES nicht zu verweigern.
20140412             "Was wir —BISHER, aus WASHINGTON gehört haben, reicht uns nicht", sagte DER—MINISTER.
20140412             —KRISE—IN—DER—OST—UKRAINE: Angreifer sollen auf POLIZISTEN geschossen haben
20140412             —BÜRGER—KRIEG—TOTE und Verletzte bei angeblichem GIFT—GAS—ANGRIFF—IN—SYRIEN
20140412             Das kann sie gar nicht, DIE—USA—JUSTIZ ist nämlich (theoretisch) unabhängig.
20140412             Ganz grosses Kino war die Zusicherung ohnehin, er würde "nicht gefoltert".
20140412             Muss man bei jedem anderen also damit rechnen?
20140412             BEIRUT—EIGENTLICH sollen die GIFT—GAS—BESTÄNDE in SYRIEN nach und nach außer Landes gebracht und unschädlich gemacht WERDEN—JETZT das: Regierung und OPPOSITION beschuldigen sich gegenseitig, bei KÄMPFEn in der zentral gelegenen Provinz Hama CHEMIE—WAFFEN eingesetzt zu haben.
20140412             Das meldet DAS—SYRIEN—STAATS—FERNSEHEN: REBELLEN der mit AL—QAIDA vernetzten AL—NUSRA—FRONT hätten bei 1—ANGRIFF—AUF—DAS Dorf Kafr SITA—FREITAG—AM, "giftiges Chlor"eingesetzt.
20140412             2—MENSCHEN seien dabei gestorben, 100—WEITERE hätten an Atemnot gelitten.
20140412             Zudem plane AL—NUSRA solche Angriffe auch in den Orten Wadi Deif (Provinz Idlib) und Morek (Provinz Hama).
20140412             Auf FACEBOOK berichteten AKTIVISTen aus Kafr Sita laut der NACHRICHTEN—AGENTUR—AFP—VON—1—ANGRIFF mit "CHLOR—GAS", durch den es "mehr als 100—FÄLLE—VON—ATEMNOT"gegeben habe.
20140412             —TAGUNG, Auf der, VIDEO—PLATTFORM YouTube wurden Filme veröffentlicht, auf denen hustetende Kinder und Männer zu sehen sind.
20140412             Unter anderem sind AP zufolge 3—JUGENDLICHE in 1—LAZARETT mit SAUERSTOFF—MASKEN vor dem Gesicht zu sehen.
20140412             1—MANN, offenbar 1—ARZT, spricht von 1 "gelben Produkt"mit 1 "Geruch, der CHLOR—GAS ähnelt".
20140412             DAS—REGIME setzt derweil etwa mit dem —EINSATZ—VON—FASSBOMBEN in von REBELLEN kontrollierten Gebieten 1—TERRORKAMPAGNE GEGEN—DIE—ZIVIL—BEVÖLKERUNG fort.
20140412             [l] 1—DER Lektionen aus —20—JAHREN Arbeit im SECURITY—UMFELD ist, daß wenn 1—BEHAUPTET, es gibt 1—BUG, und der andere behauptet, der sei aber nicht exploitbar, daß sich dann im Nachhinein so gut wie immer raustellt, daß der doch exploitbar war.
20140412             DIE—AKTUELLE Inkarnation war, daß die nervigen SelbstverMARKTer von Cloudflare sich hingestellt haben, und behauptet haben, also in IHREM Setup käme man per Heartbleed aber nicht an die SSL—ZERTIFIKATE ran, daher müssten sie —JETZT auch nicht alle zurückrufen und neumachen.
20140412             Als Beweis haben sie 1—TESTSTELLUNG hingestellt, und DAS—INTERNET herausgefordert, ihnen 1—MIT ihrem Schlüssel signierte Botschaft zu schicken.
20140412             Hier ist ihre CHALLENGE—WEBSEITE.
20140412             —EXTRAHIERT, Und siehe da: jemand hat den Key.
20140412             [l] FNORD—DES—TAGES, "MALAYSIA—MILITARY withheld radar data on Flight MH370 as nations searched wrong area, sources say"
20140412             Oh, was, NOCH VERFASSUNGS—KONFORMER?! Uiuiuiui!
20140412             [l] LACHER—DES—TAGES: ERDOGAN beschuldigt Twitter der STEUER—HINTERZIEHUNG.
20140412             1—KLASSIKER!
20140412             [l] Habt ihr euch auch —SCHON immer mal gefragt, wo eigentlich dieser IRLAND—DATEN—SCHUTZ—BEAUFTRAGTE sitzt, der FACEBOOK und co mit ihrem Bullshit durchkommen lässt?
20140412             Na gehen wir doch mal gucken! Die Homepage sagt: Canal House, Station Road, Portarlington, Co.
20140412             —UPDATE, Wenn man einmal um die Ecke läuft, sieht man den Eingang.
20140412             —SWAYED, RESEARCHERS find people with a 'supersense' for justice are, by reason rather than emotion.
20140412             It's Time to Break Up THE—NSA
20140412             —AM, daß die RUSSLAND—LUFTWAFFE 1.Waffe besitzt, die ALLE—RADARE, REGELKREISE—ÜBERTRAGUNG von Informationssystemen, usw.
20140412             Und was man bei Afganistan immer vergisst, DAS—PROBLEM BEGANN mit der BESETZUNG—DURCH—DIE—UDSSR.
20140412             Das AUSLIEFERUNGS—ABKOMMEN—MIT—DEN—USA sieht vor, ihn festzunehmen und auszuliefern, wenn ihm IN—DEN—USA 1—HAFT—STRAFE von mindestens —1—JAHR, jedoch weder FOLTER noch TODES—STRAFE droht.
20140412             —ZUGESICHERT, DIE—USA—REGIERUNG hat das —SCHON.
20140412—21820000    "Bennu"könnte außerdem der Erde gefährlich werden.
20140412—21820000    Auch wenn DIE—CHANCE 1—ZUSAMMENSTOßES nur bei 1—ZU 18000000             liegt: Er sei —LAUT—ANGABEN, der NASA 1—DER gefährlichsten DER—MENSCHHEIT bekannten Asteroiden.
20140413             —BLAMED, Rebels and the government have, EACH—OTHER for the alleged poison gas attacks on 20140411—20140412.
20150412             Hillary Clinton officially began her campaign for USA—PRESIDENT.
20150412             —TURNED, BRAZIL, some 660,000 ANTI—GOVERNMENT—DEMONSTRATORS, onto the streets in 152—CITIES—THROUGHOUT the country to demand THE—IMPEACHMENT—OF—PRESIDENT—DILMA—ROUSSEFF.
20150412             —PROTESTED, CHINA, HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE in SOUTH—GUANGDONG province, against the expansion of 1—COAL—FIRED power plant.
20150412             Hours —LATER 1—SUICIDE—TRUCK bombing at 1—POLICE—STATION in EL—ARISH killed 8—PEOPLE.
20150412             —KILLED, IRAQ, 1—SERIES—OF—CAR—BOMBINGS in BAGHDAD, at least 12—PEOPLE.
20150412             1—VESSEL capsized off THE—LIBYA—COAST, with survivors who were brought to ITALY telling charity workers that as many as 400—OTHERS perished.
20150412             —STABBED, THE—PHILIPPINES—POLICE said 2—CHINA—MEN were, to death and another was injured in violence among crew MEMBERS—OF—THE—MV—QING—MAY—CARGO ship that radioed THE—PHILIPPINES—AUTHORITIES for medical help.
20150412             RUSSIA—HEAD—OF—ITS—SPACE—COMMAND said in 1—FILM—BROADCAST—TODAY that specialists have uncovered 1—GROUP—OF—SPY—SATELLITES, which warned of "enemy" satellites that could masquerade as space junk.
20150412             SCOTLAND, Karen Buckley (24) from CORK was last seen leaving 1—GLASGOW nightclub in THE—EARLY—HOURS.
20150412             1—SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—AIR—RAID struck near 1—SCHOOL in 1—OPPOSITION—HELD neighborhood in ALEPPO, killing at least 9—PEOPLE, including 5—CHILDREN.
20150412             —SUSPECTED, YEMEN, AL—QAEDA militants killed 1—ARMY—COLONEL—IN—CENTRAL—SHABWA province.
20150412             —DISMISSED, SAUDI—ARABIA, IRAN—CALLS to end air strikes on YEMEN as SAUDI—LED attacks hit 1—MILITARY—CAMP in Taiz, killing 8—CIVILIANS.
20150412             —ARMORED, EGYPT, 1—ROADSIDE attack on an, military vehicle in THE—TOWN—OF—SHEIKH—ZUWEID—NORTH—SINAI, killed 6—SOLDIERS and wounded 2—OTHERS.
20150412             —KILLED, KENYA, 1—STUDENT was, and 141—INJURED in 1—STAMPEDE on THE—CAMPUS—OF—THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—NAIROBI —WHEN students mistook several accidental explosions for 1—EXTREMIST—ATTACK.
20150412             —OPENED, LIBYA, gunmen, fire —EARLY—TODAY at the local GUARDS—OF—THE—SOUTH—KOREAN—EMBASSY in TRIPOLI, killing 1—OF—THEM as well as 1—CIVIL—WHO was in the area.
20150412             —KILLED, In CENTRAL—MALI 2—GOVERNMENT—SOLDIERS were, and others wounded —WHEN their vehicle struck 1—LANDMINE—NEAR—DIABALY.
20150412             —KILLED, PAKISTAN, A—USA—DRONE—STRIKE, at least 4—SUSPECTED Taliban militants in NORTH—WAZIRISTAN.
20150412             —REPORTED, RUSSIA, THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—SIBERIA—KHAKASSIA region, that more than 70—PEOPLE have been injured by agricultural fires that got OUT—OF—CONTROL and swept through more than 20—TOWNS and villages.
20150412             —DESCRIBED, In THE—VATICAN—FRANCIS—PAPA, 19150000             —THE—MASSACRE—OF as many as 1.5—MILLION—ARMENIANS as "the 1. genocide of the 19010101—20001231    —CENTURY" at a 100. anniversary MASSACHUSETTS TURKEY swiftly summoned THE—VATICAN—AMBASSADOR in ANKARA to protest.
20150412             [l] Bug —DER—WOCHE: Dass FACEBOOK —SEIT—JAHREN unerlaubt und ungebeten auch NICHT—USER trackt, das war "1—BUG", sagt FACEBOOK.
20150412             [l] Soll noch mal jemand sagen, an der BÖRSE investieren lohnt sich nicht!
20150412             Gut, er —ZEIT—RAUM—IN—DEM auch über 2—MILLIARDEN $ an Gebühren an die Broker und Fondsmanager gezahlt (das sind 97—PROZENT—DES—GESAMTERTRAGES), aber hey, Gewinn ist Gewinn!1!!
20150412             —UPDATE, Bloomberg eilt den Bankstern zur Seite und weist darauf hin, dass das im Vergleich gar nicht so viel Gebühren sind, und dass ja doch noch einiges hängen geblieben ist.
20150412             Der Punkt ist aber, dass es 1.Weile so aussah, als sei das 1—VERSEHEN gewesen.
20150412             Aber GREG—PALAST hat sich —JETZT über fiese Tricks das offizielle STRATEGIE—PAPIER—VON—BUSH —DAMALS, besorgt, und da steht drin:
20150412             The key was in the flow chart on page 15, IRAQ Oil Regime TIME—LINE & Scenario Analysis:
20150412             Und der Satz ist echt der Hammer, denn er belegt, dass das tatsächliche Ziel war, die Position der Saudis in OPEC zu stützen statt sie kaputtzumachen.
20150412             Greg bringt das wunderschön auf den Punkt:
20150412             OIL—MEN, whether JAMES—BAKER or GEORGE—BUSH or DICK—CHENEY, are not in the business of producing oil.
20150412             —SUCCEEDED, And they've.
20150412             [l] KURZE—DURCHSAGE der NATO: Die RUSSLAND—DELEGATION, das sind fast alles Spione.
20150412             —FUNKTIONIERT, Ja, meine Damen und Herren, so, Diplomatie und Völkerverständigung!
20150412             [l] In AUSTRALIEN werden —JETZT IMPF—GEGNER von den SOZIAL—LEISTUNGEN abgeklemmt.
20150412             [l] Wisst ihr noch, wie —AM—ENDE—DER—BUSH—JAHRE einige befürchteten, BUSH könnte MARTIAL—LAW ausrufen und so —DIE—NÄCHTEN PRÄSIDENTEN—WAHLEN verschieben, um länger im Amt zu bleiben?
20150412             Das befüchten —JETZT EINIGE—RECHTS—AUßEN—FUNDIS bei den REPUBLIKANERn über OBAMA.
20150412—20060000    —RELEASED, AL—QAEDA leader IBRAHIM—AL—RUBAISH, from GUANTANAMO, was killed along with others in 1—APPARENT—USA—DRONE—STRIKE on 1—GROUP—OF—MILITANTS—WEST—OF—THE port CITY—OF—MUKALLA.
20150412—20150415    —ON, officers arrested a —21—YEAR—OLD—MAN and said they were "—FOLLOWING 1—DEFINITE—LINE—OF enquiry".
20150412—20150416    —ON, police said they have recovered human remains on 1—FARM—CLOSE to the city.
20150412—20150421    —BY, at least 34—PEOPLE were confirmed dead and 393—PEOPLE injured.
20150419             † IN—BALTIMORE, MARYLAND, FREDDIE—GRAY, —25—JAHRE—ALT—FOLLOWING his 20150412             arrest —WHEN he somehow suffered an 80—PERCENT severed spinal cord and 3—BROKEN vertebrae.
20160409—20160412    —ON, a 2. group of 37 was deported in 1—MOVE that drew 1—ANGRY—REACTION from TAIPEI.
20160410             —TENDERED, UKRAINE—PRIME—MINISTER—ARSENY—YATSENIUK, his resignation, effective 20160412             , in 1 televised broadcast and signaled support for parliamentary speaker and presidential ally Volodymyr Groysman to take over his post.
20160410—20160412    —BY, the death toll rose to 112 and 7—OFFICIALS at the Puttingal temple were arrested.
20160412             Übrigens fällt bei der Gelegenheit auf, daß dieser §—103—STGB eigentlich völlig überflüssig ist, 1—DEMOKRATIE unwürdig, und auch unter dem Namen "SCHAH—PARAGRAF"bekannt ist, weil DER—SCHAH von Persien ihn 19600101—19691231    —JAHREN—IN—DEN, besonders häufig anwenden ließ.
20160412             † SYRIA—JOURNALIST—MOHAMMED—ZAHIR—AL—SHERQAT from wounds —AFTER being shot 20160410             in THE—TURKEY—CITY—OF—GAZIANTEP.
20160412             —ON Equal Pay —DAY PRESIDENT—OBAMA designated the iconic home and headquarters of the National WOMAN—PARTY as 1—NATIONAL—MONUMENT to highlight the push for women's equality.
20160412             —NAMED, The currently, SEWALL—BELMONT House and Museum in WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, will become the new BELMONT—PAUL—WOMEN—EQUALITY—NATIONAL—MONUMENT.
20160412             Silicon Valley billionaire YURI—MILNER said that he is adding a 2. $100—MILLION to deploy tiny spacecraft to SETI, the search for alien life in the universe.
20160412             This was the state's 4. execution —THIS—YEAR.
20160412             † ANNE—JACKSON, —90—JAHRE—ALT, USA—STAGE actress, at her home in Manhattan.
20160412             —SHARED, ANNE—JACKSON had, 1—LONG and distinguished career with her husband ELI—WALLACH (20140000             †).
20160412             —ANNOUNCED, THE—TALIBAN, THE—START—OF—THEIR —SPRING offensive, pledging to launch LARGE—SCALE—OFFENSIVES against government strongholds backed by suicide and guerrilla attacks to drive AFGHANISTAN—WESTERN—BACKED government from power.
20160412             CHINA said it will release more water from 1—DAM in its SOUTH—WEST—PROVINCE—OF—YUNNAN to help alleviate 1—DROUGHT in PARTS—OF—SOUTH—EAST—ASIA, —FOLLOWING 1—INITIAL—RELEASE begun —LAST—MONTH.
20160412             —BECAME, ITALY—PRIME—MINISTER—MATTEO—RENZI, THE—HIGHEST—RANKING European leader to visit TEHRAN —SINCE its nuclear deal with world powers.
20160412             —AIMED, Renzi began a —2—DAY—VISIT to the Islamic republic, at restoring ties that —BEFORE sanctions had seen ITALY ranked as IRAN—TOP—EUROPEAN trading partner.
20160412             —KILLED, KASHMIR, 2—YOUNG—MEN were, in firing by INDIA—GOVERNMENT—FORCES at ROCK—THROWING protesters, who were demanding THE—ARREST—OF—1—INDIA—SOLDIER for assaulting 1—GIRL, —16—JAHRE—ALT in 1—RESTROOM.
20160412             LEBANON, 1—EXPLOSION—JUST outside THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—SIDON killed local PALESTINE—SECURITY—OFFICIAL—FATHI Zeidan amid tensions between the main PALESTINE—FACTION and extremists groups.
20160412             † In NORTH—MALI 3—FRANCE—PEACEKEEPING soldiers —AFTER their armored car ran over 1—LANDMINE.
20160412             —KILLED, EAST—NEPAL, at least 22—PEOPLE were, —WHEN 1—BUS slipped off 1—MOUNTAIN gravel road and rolled down 1—HILL.
20160412             —RAIDED, PANAMA—AUTHORITIES, THE—HEAD—OFFICES—OF—LAW—FIRM—MOSSACK Fonseca regarding —RECENTLY leaked documents about offshore firms it had helped create.
20160412             The official SAUDI—ARABIA—PRESS—AGENCY said under changes approved by the cabinet, religious officers will no longer be allowed to detain people and instead must report violators to police or drug squad officers.
20160412             —LAUNCHED, SYRIA—TROOPS and their allies, 1—OFFENSIVE to retake 1—IMPORTANT hilltop village SOUTH—OF—THE—CITY—OF—ALEPPO from militants, including AL—QAIDA—LOCAL affiliate, as PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD—GOVERNMENT prepared for parliamentary elections THE—FOLLOWING—DAY.
20160412             —CLAIMED, The shooting attack was, by the Islamic State.
20160412             2—TURKEY—SOLDIERS were killed and more than 50—PEOPLE wounded —WHEN 1—CAR—BOMB exploded at 1—MILITARY—POST in the restive KURDISH—DOMINATED southeast.
20160412             THE—TURKEY—ARMY hit Islamic State targets in NORTH—SYRIA, in response to CROSS—BORDER—ROCKET—FIRE that struck 1—BORDER—TOWN in SOUTH—EAST—TURKEY for the 2. —DAY in 1—ROW.
20160412             —PLEDGED, THE—CATHOLIC—CHURCH in FRANCE, to shed light on all CASES—OF—PAEDOPHILIA, including "historic cases", —FOLLOWING 1—SCANDAL over 1—ARCHBISHOP accused of covering up 1—PRIEST—CRIMES.
20160412             —DETAINED, INDONESIA, 3—THAILAND—FISHING captains were, —WHEN they were found operating trawlers under MALAYSIA—FLAGS that were fishing off KALIMANTAN—INDONESIA—PART—OF—BORNEO ISLAND.
20160412             PANAMA—PAPERS—USA—AGENTEN nutzten offenbar BRIEFKASTEN—FIRMEN
20160412             "Hart aber fair"zum ISLAMISMUS: RELIGION ist wie Beton
20160412             —DIE—LAGE—AM—DIENSTAG : Ist —DIE—SPD verrückt geworden?
20160412             —NEUE—UMFRAGE: SPD rutscht unter 20 %
20160412             Berühmte Grotte: Menschen nutzten CHAUVET—HÖHLE —BEREITS VOR—37.—000—JAHREN
20160412             In der für ihre prähistorischen Wandmalereien bekannten CHAUVET—HÖHLE—SÜD—FRANKREICH haben sich —BEREITS vor etwa 37.—000—JAHREN Menschen aufgehalten
20160412             Auf DER—GRUND—LAGE von mehr als 250—RADIOKARBON—DATIERUNGEN gehen Forscher von 2—LÄNGEREN Phasen menschlicher Aktivität in der Höhle aus.
20160412             —ENTSTANDEN, Erkenntnisse, daß die Wandmalereien vor DIESER—ZEIT, sind.
20160412             Datierungen von Holzkohleresten vom Boden der Grotte, Malereien und KOHLE—SPUREN an den Wänden sowie Bärenknochen.
20160412             Dies fällt teilweise ZUSAMMEN—MIT—DEN 1.menschlichen Spuren, welche laut den Forschern aus dem —ZEIT—RAUM—VON—VOR—37.000—BIS etwa 33.—500—JAHREN stammen.
20160412             Darauf folgt 1.2000—BIS 3.—000—JAHRE lange Pause, in der DIE—FORSCHER keine Hinweise auf Menschen in der Höhle fanden.
20160412             diente die Höhle dem Menschen offenbar erneut VOR—31.000—BIS 28.—000—JAHREN als Unterschlupf.
20160412             —ANSCHLIEßEND sei keine Kohle am Boden oder Malerei in der Höhle mehr entdeckt worden.
20160412             Das ENDE—DER—HÖHLE als Aufenthaltsort für Menschen fällt zeitlich in etwa mit 1—STEINSCHLAG zusammen, der VOR—29.—400—JAHREN den Eingang teilweise verschloss.
20160412             Bekannt ist sie vor allem für ihre Tierzeichnungen.
20160412             Zu sehen ist etwa ein mit dem Finger in den feuchten Untergrund geschabter Uhu und ein berühmt gewordenes 12—METER breites Panorama mit PFERDEN—LÖWEN und Rhinozerossen.
20160412             TERROR—ABWEHR: Regierung erwägt —EINSATZ—DER—BUNDESWEHR im Inneren
20160412             BRASILIEN: Mögliche AMTS—ENTHEBUNG—VON—PRÄSIDENTIN—ROUSSEFF rückt näher
20160412             KPMG, PWC—EY, Deloitte: Wirtschaftsprüfer sollen Asylanträge bearbeiten
20160412             Südchinesisches Meer: CHINA empört über G7—ERKLÄRUNG zu INSEL—STREIT
20160412             NEO—NAZI—ERFOLG in der SLOWAKEI: Werdegang eines HETZErs
20160412             Sicherheit auf Straßen: THAILAND schickt Verkehrssünder zur Arbeit in Leichenhallen
20160412             Verurteilter NATO—SPION: Herr  K. und das Staatsgeheimnis
20160412             Planetenjäger : WELT—RAUM—TELESKOP "KEPLER"läuft wieder störungsfrei
20160412             Faule Kredite: ITALIEN stützt BANKEN mit milliardenschweren Fonds
20160412             Mysteriöse Suizidserie unter Indigenen: Der ALP—TRAUM der Attawapiskat
20160412             OECD—OECD—STUDIE—DEUTSCHLAND bei STEUERlast auf Rang 3
20160412             Erfolg im Labor: Manipulierte Zellen produzieren Insulin nach Bedarf
20160412             —PROGNOSTIZIERT, WELT—WIRTSCHAFT: IWF, "schwere Schäden"durch BREXIT
20160412             —ZITIERT, INSEL—STREIT—IM—PAZIFIK: CHINA, G7—DIPLOMATEN zum Gespräch
20160412             Tricks der GROß—KONZERNE: Scharfe KRITIK—AN—STEUERPLÄNEN der EU—KOMMISSION
20160412             Preis für CHINA—KÜNSTLER: Mit Hang zum Drama
20160412             COMPUTER—SIMULATION, Warum wir monogam leben
20160412             Tihange 2: NRW klagt mit Städteregion gegen BELGIEN—ATOM—KRAFT—WERK
20160412             NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN: Behörden überprüfen in großem Stil FLÜCHTLINGE aus Nordafrika
20160412             —FLÜCHTLINGS—CAMP in Idomeni: Helfer unter Verdacht
20160412             BÖHMERMANN—AFFÄRE: "Relikt aus Zeiten der unseligen Majestätsbeleidigung"
20160412             Fall Böhmermann: Wie ERDOGAN DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG austrickste
20160412             FACEBOOK—ENTWICKLER—KONFERENZ F8: Kaufen, Buchen, BEZAHLEN—ALLES wird Kommunikation
20160412             Flucht über DAS—MITTELMEER: Retter greifen binnen —48—STUNDEN 4.000—FLÜCHTLINGE auf
20160412             Doch zumindest im allergrößten TEIL—DER—WESTLICHEN—WELT setzte sich irgendwann die Monogamie durch, die Treuebeziehung zwischen Mann und Frau kam in Mode.
20160412             DIE—WISSENSCHAFTLER glauben, daß sexuell übertragbare Krankheiten mit zur Herausbildung monogamer Gesellschaften beigetragen haben.
20160412             Dies schließen sie aus Computersimulationen, welche DIE—BEVÖLKERUNGSENTWICKLUNG und den Einfluss von Infektionskrankheiten darauf abbilden.
20160412             Als DIE—LANDWIRTSCHAFT aufkam und DIE—MENSCHEN sesshaft wurden, setzte sich in einigen Gemeinschaften die Monogamie als soziale Norm durch —, zwar sehr erfolgreich.
20160412             1—GROßTEIL—DES—WELT—WEITEN BEVÖLKERUNGS—WACHSTUMS der vergangenen —JAHRHUNDERTE gehe auf solche monogamen Gruppen zurück,
20160412             Warum die Monogamie in diesen Gemeinschaften entstand, war —BISHER, noch weitgehend unklar.
20160412             Sie fütterten ihre Modelle mit Angaben zur Bevölkerungsstruktur UND—ENTWICKLUNG in kleinen und größeren Gruppen sowie mit  zur AUSBREITUNG—DER—GESCHLECHTSKRANKHEITEN
20160412             DIE—SIMULATIONEN stützen folgende THEORIE: Krankheiten wie Syphilis, Gonorrhö oder CHLAMYDIEN—INFEKTIONEN führten häufig zu Unfruchtbarkeit und können damit DIE—ENTWICKLUNG 1—POPULATION entscheidend beeinflussen.
20160412             In kleineren Gruppen mit nicht mehr als 30—ERWACHSENEN verschwänden solche Infektionskrankheiten relativ schnell wieder, da weitere Ansteckungskandidaten fehlten.
20160412             In größeren Gruppen, wie sie mit den sesshaften bäuerlichen Gemeinschaften entstanden, würden sexuell übertragbare Krankheiten hingegen schnell zum Dauerproblem.
20160412             Unfruchtbarkeit nehme zu, was DIE—MENSCHEN mit nur 1—SEXUALPARTNER letztlich begünstigte.
20160412             DIE—VERBREITUNG ansteckender Krankheiten könne DIE—ENTWICKLUNG sozialer Normen erheblich beeinflussen,
20160412             Soziale Normen seien jedoch ein komplexes Phänomen.
20160412             —GEFÖRDERT, Vermutlich gebe es mehrere Mechanismen, die Monogamie, hätten.
20160412             DIE—ABNAHME häuslicher und anderer —KONFLIKTE als Folge monogamer Beziehungen hätten vermutlich ebenfalls monogame Gruppen gestärkt.
20160412             —BEIDE ÖKONOMIEn vertragen sich nicht.
20160412             Und dass es bei den Griechen, RÖMERN und GERMANEN keine venerischen Krankheiten gab, das ist ein reines Märchen.
20160412             ARTIKEL (Wikipedia ) ganz lesen
20160412             Lesen sie den ARTIKEL bitte vollständig. EIGENTUMUSA—ERBSCHAFT
20160412             Mit dem Übergang vom Nomadentum zur Sesshaftigkeit muss sich das Eigentumsrecht und als Folge davon auch das Erbschaftsrecht entwickelt haben.
20160412             [l] OLD—AND—BUSTED, ALUFOLIE—HUT.
20160412             [l] Das EHEMALIGE—NACHRICHTEN—MAGAZIN so: MERKEL könnte über das BÖHMERMANN—GEDICHT stürzen.
20160412             DIE—DEUTSCHE—WELLE so:
20160412             Prosecuting Böhmermann satire could 'cost MERKEL the chancellery'
20160412             Und weiter: TÜRKEI—SATIRIKER stellen sich hinter Böhmermann.
20160412             —CONVICTED, If satirist JAN—BÖHMERMANN is, for defaming TURKEY—ERDOGAN, it'll send 1—MESSAGE on THE—LIMITS—OF—DEMOCRACY, they say.
20160412             Und wem das noch nicht apokalyptisch genug ist: EU—PARLAMENTS—PRÄSIDENT—SCHULZ warnt, DIE—EU sei auf dem Weg in den Abgrund und könnte implodieren, wenn man —JETZT nicht schnell handelt.
20160412             Also, mal UNTERUSA—HERR Böhmermann.
20160412             [l] Wenn ihr zu dem BÖHMERMANN—GEDICHT —BISHER, nur DAS—VIDEO mit dem Gedicht selbst gesehen habt, oder 1—TRANSKRIPT von dem Gedicht gelesen habt, dann solltet ihr euch dringend mal den Kontext durchlesen.
20160412             [l] Syrer legt Brand in Rasthaus, malt als falsche Fährte 1—HAKEN—KREUZ an die Wand.
20160412             [l] "I am on the Kill List.
20160412             Ergebnis: Freunde nehmen seine Einladungen lieber nicht an, und er schläft draußen unter Bäumen, um Kollateralschäden zu minimieren.
20160412             [l] Es gab in DEUTSCHLAND übrigens —SCHON mal 1—ZENSURFALL für Satire im ZDF.
20160412             —UPDATE, Die Hintergrundstory.
20160412             —UPDATE, Noch mehr Hintergrund (CTRL—F verunfallt)
20160412             —UPDATE, Noch ein paar andere Beispiele, bei denen aus Satire 1.STAATS—AFFÄRE wurde.
20160412             [l] Öhm... whut?
20160412             Da sieht man mal, wie wichtig es ist, daß man 1.SATIRE—FREUNDLICHE KULTUR—PFLANZEN gt.
20160412             Ja!
20160412             Wir haben es hier mit 1—PARAGRAPHEN für Majestätsbeleidigung zu tun!
20160412             Da wird 1—PLÖTZLICH, vieles klarer, gell?
20160412             [l] DIE—DETAILS aus der fetten POLIZEI—AKTION—GEGEN—KRIMINELLE Mitglieder arabischer Clans lesen sich aber auch eher unvorteilhaft.
20160412             1—ABGESCHLOSSENE Ausbildung haben DIE—VERDÄCHTIGEN ÄUß—ERST selten.
20160412             *grusel*
20160412—19960000    —EXECUTED, GEORGIA—KENNETH—FULTS, (47) was, for killing his neighbor —DURING 1—BURGLARY.
20160412—20090000    —IN, He and Beppe Grillo CO—FOUNDED THE—5—STAR—MOVEMENT (M5S).
20160412—20140000    * † —SHARED, ANNE—JACKSON had, 1—LONG and distinguished career with her husband ELI—WALLACH.
20160412—20150100    —IN—THE, SPAIN—POLICE arrested ANTOINE—DENIVE, —27—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FRENCHMAN who they believe supplied weapons to PARIS attacker Amedy Coulibaly for use attacks in THE—FRANCE—CAPITAL.
20160412—20160507    —ESCAPED, The captains, —AFTER scaling THE—WALL—OF—THEIR—DETENTION—CENTER in THE—MIDDLE—OF—THE—NIGHT.
20160414—20160412    —ON, foreign MINISTER—LUBOMIR—ZAORALEK had suggested ENGLAND—SPEAKERS should begin referring to THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC—REP. as Czechia.
20160414—20160412    —SUGGESTED, FOREIGN—MINISTER—LUBOMIR—ZAORALEK had, ENGLAND—SPEAKERS should begin referring to THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC—REP. as Czechia.
20160523—20160412    —SUFFERED, He had † due to spinal injuries, in the back of 1—POLICE—VAN.
20170412             —DECLARED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, that USA—RELATIONS with RUSSIA "may be at 1—ALL—TIME—LOW".
20170412             —OFFERED, His top diplomat, 1—SIMILARLY grim assessment from the other side of the globe —AFTER meeting with RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN in MOSCOW.
20170412             PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP said he won't label CHINA 1—CURRENCY—MANIPULATOR and voice confidence that CHINA—PRESIDENT—XI—JINPING will help him deal with NORTH—KOREA—MOUNTING threat.
20170412             —IMPLEMENTED, THE—USA—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT hiring freeze, by PRESIDENT—TRUMP was lifted, but budget director Mick Mulvaney said MANY—JOBS will remain unfilled as THE—WHITE—HOUSE embarks on 1—GOVERNMENT—WIDE workforce reduction.
20170412             WASHINGTON, DC, Sharafat ALI—KHAN, —32—JAHRE—ALT, 1—PAKISTAN—NATIONAL—FORMER—RESIDENT—OF—BRAZIL, pleaded guilty to helping smuggle DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE from PAKISTAN and AFGHANISTAN into THE—USA—THROUGH—BRAZIL and Latin AMERICA 20140000—20160000    —FROM—TO.
20170412             —CLAIMED, Islamic State militants, responsibility.
20170412             —APOLOGIZED, BRITAIN—DAILY—MAIL newspaper, to USA 1. Lady Melania Trump and agreed to pay her damages over 1—ARTICLE that included allegations that she worked as 1—ESCORT in the 1990s.
20170412             —DISCLOSED, Damages were not, but were believed to be under $3—MILLION (2.8—MILLION—EUROS).
20170412             —DETAINED, GERMANY—INVESTIGATORS, 1—ISLAMIST—SUSPECT over 3—EXPLOSIONS that rocked Borussia DORTMUND—TEAM—BUS —1—DAY—EARLIER, confirming the probe was examining 1—POSSIBLE "terrorist link".
20170412             (CEU) could issue diplomas if it extended 1—LICENSE—AGREEMENT with its HUNGARY—SISTER—SCHOOL to teach its courses.
20170412             1—RECENT—LAW stipulated that THE—CEU, viewed as 1—BASTION—OF—INDEPENDENT thinking in EAST—EUROPE, must open 1—BRANCH in its home STATE—OF—NEW—YORK alongside its campus in BUDAPEST and secure 1—BILATERAL—AGREEMENT—OF—SUPPORT from THE—USA—GOVERNMENT.
20170412             —UNCOVERED, TERRY—KILLING, the "Fast and Furious" operation in which USA—AGENTS allowed criminals to buy guns with the intention of tracking them to criminal organizations.
20170412             —DESTROYED, NIGERIA—MILITARY, 13—ILLEGAL refineries in the restive NIGER Delta oil hub, in 1—OPERATION in which 2—SOLDIERS † in clashes with "sea robbers".
20170412             Putin used the meeting to give his views on why USA—RUSSIA—RELATIONS had reached such 1—LOW—POINT.
20170412             —BANNED, RUSSIA, the use on its TERRITORY—OF—USA—BASED—ZELLO, 1—SMARTPHONE app widely used like 1—WALKIE—TALKIE to organize demonstrations and other gatherings.
20170412             1—RUSSIA—LAW—DEMANDS that INTERNET services store copies in RUSSIA of all messages sent via them —FOR—6—MONTHS and make them available to authorities on demand.
20170412             1—SAUDI—ARABIA—WOMAN claiming she sought asylum in AUSTRALIA was stopped on 1—LAYOVER in THE—PHILIPPINES and returned to RIYADH.
20170412             Dina ALI—LASLOOM said in SELF—RECORDED videos THE—PHILIPPINES—AUTHORITIES had held her at THE—MANILA airport and confiscated her passport.
20170412             SENEGAL, 1—FIRE tore through makeshift straw shelters at 1—MUSLIM religious retreat near THE—TOWN—OF—MEDINA—GOUNASS in THE—SOUTH—EAST—REGION—OF—TAMBACOUNDA, killing 25—PEOPLE and triggering 1—STAMPEDE.
20170412             —CLASHED, SOMALIA—SECURITY—FORCES, with pirates —EARLY—TODAY and freed 9—SEAMEN kidnapped on THE—INDIA—AL—KAUSAR cargo ship —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH.
20170412             —MARKED, SOUTH—AFRICA TENS, of thousands, the 75. BIRTHDAY—OF—PRESIDENT—JACOB—ZUMA with 1—PROTEST against him, pushing for his resignation BECAUSE—OF—SCANDALS and his dismissal of 1—WIDELY respected finance MINISTER.
20170412             1—TANZANIA—COURT approved the extradition to THE—USA—OF—ALI—KHATIB—HAJI—HASSAN, the alleged LEADER—OF—1—GLOBAL—DRUG trafficking ring.
20170412             YEMEN, Intensified confrontations between government forces and Huthi rebels on the southwestern coast killed 18—FIGHTERS in the past —24—HOURS.
20170412             —OPERATED, YEMEN, 1—COURT, by Houthi rebels sentenced Yehia AL—GEBEIHY, 1—PROMINENT—JOURNALIST, to death on espionage charges, accusing him of collaborating with 1—SAUDI—LED coalition that is battling the group.
20170412             LITHUANIA said it will keep increasing military spending —AFTER hitting NATO—RECOMMENDED level of 2—PERCENT of economic output in the next —2—YEARS, as RUSSIA builds up capabilities on the borders of its Baltic neighbors.
20170412             KORRUPTION—IN—BRASILIEN: STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT darf gegen 8—MINISTER ermitteln
20170412             UKRAINE—ZENTRAL—BANKERIN Gontarjewa: Die Bändigerin der Oligarchen
20170412             —DIE—LAGE—AM—MITTWOCH, —ERST Gegner, dann Freunde —, umgekehrt
20170412             OXFAM—STUDIE, USA—KONZERNE schaffen Billionen $ in STEUER—OASEN
20170412             CARTER—PAGE: FBI durfte DONALD—TRUMP—BERATER überwachen
20170412             —NACH, VEGANER—KRITIK—AN—KINDERLIED: Der FUCHS darf in LIMBURG—WIEDER die Gans stehlen
20170412             UMFRAGE—MÜTTER sollten —3—JAHRE Babypause machen
20170412             UNICEF—BERICHT, BOKO—HARAM zwingt immer mehr Kinder zu SELBSTMORD—ATTENTATEN
20170412             —FOTOGRAFIERT, Spektakuläre Astronomie: Wie, man 1—MONSTER?
20170412             Sessions zu USA—EINWANDERUNGS—POLITIK, "DIE—GESETZLOSIGKEIT ist vorbei"
20170412             Umfrage, Autofahrer würden auch Rad oder Bahn fahren
20170412             —VON, Alphabet und APPLE über COCA—COLA und GENERAL—MOTORS —BIS zu WAL—MART und WALT—DISNEY: Die 50—GRÖßTEN USA—KONZERNE vermeiden es zunehmend, STEUERN zu zahlen —, schleusen gigantische Geldbeträge an den STEUER—BEHÖRDEN vorbei.
20170412             1—STUDIE—DER—ENTWICKLUNGS—ORGANISATION Oxfam zeigt, daß die untersuchten Firmen
20170412             Im Vergleich zum Vorjahr ist das 1—ANSTIEG—UM—CA——$.
20170412             haben sich DIE—USA—KONZERNE eines NETZ—WERKS von mehr als 17500000             TOCHTER—FIRMEN und Zweigniederlassungen bedient, um die Gewinne zu verschieben.
20170412             —DEFINIERT, Als STEUER—OASEN, DIE—STUDIE OFF—SHORE—FINANZZENTREN, DIE—UNTERNEHMEN mit niedrigen oder gar keinen STEUERN locken und durch mangelnde Kooperation beim internationalen Bemühen gegen STEUER—VERMEIDUNG auffallen.
20170412             Oxfam weist darauf hin, daß sich die Firmen mit diesen Strategien in 1—LEGALEN Rahmen bewegten.
20170412             Statt des gesetzlich vorgeschriebenen USA—STEUERSATZES—VON—35 % hätten die untersuchten Unternehmen dank verschiedener Schlupflöcher im Schnitt nur 25,9 % gezahlt.
20170412             —ZUDEM, bemühen sich die Firmen laut Oxfam zunehmend um politische Einflussnahme.
20170412             davon seien 325.000.000—FÜR STEUERfragen aufgewendet worden.
20170412             "Bei internationalen Konzernen ist STEUER—VERMEIDUNG MITTLERWEILE Volkssport".
20170412             Bei internationalen KONZERNEN—MITTLERWEILE - Volkssport ist STEUER—VERMEIDUNG
20170412             DIE—FIRMEN prellten DIE—STAATEN dadurch um Mittel, die diese für Bildung, Gesundheitsversorgung und Infrastruktur bräuchten.
20170412             Oxfam forderte, dem 1—RIEGEL vorzuschieben.
20170412             DIE—VON—USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP und den REPUBLIKANERn geplante STEUER—REFORM dürfte DAS—SYSTEM laut Oxfam eher noch ungerechter machen.
20170412             Statt GROß—KONZERNE in DIE—PFLICHT zu nehmen, würden diese zulasten der Unter—, Mittelschicht noch weiter begünstigt.
20170412             —ACCORDING—TO, THE—WORLD—HEALTH—ORGANIZATION, 1.1::00.000.000—PEOPLE do not have access to electricity —WHILE
20170412             3—BILLION people use solid fuels such as wood, charcoal, coal, and dung for cooking and heating.
20170412             THE—USE—OF—SOLID—FUELS, often indoors, negatively affects THE—HEALTH—AND QUALITY—OF—LIFE as family members have to deal with indoor smoke from kerosene lanterns.
20170412             Fortunately, the increasing availability of solar energy technology is helping combat POVERTY all across THE—WORLD and reducing the negative health EFFECTS—OF—SMOKE—INHALATION.
20170412             —POWERED, Solar, lighting in homes in CAMBODIA, for example, helps children do school work at night.
20170412             —UNDERDEVELOPED, CAMBODIA has lots of sunshine and an, electrical grid making it perfect for EASY—TO—INSTALL renewable energy technology.
20170412             —BY, using Energy POVERTY Index Scores, RESEARCHERS are able to identify areas where energy POVERTY is highest and solutions are needed the most.
20170412             In fact, in coming decades, experts see solar energy becoming the cheapest SOURCE—OF—ENERGY in nearly all markets and locations because photovoltaic panels don't need to be connected to THE—WORLD—RAPIDLY aging and fragile electricity grid in order to provide electricity to END—USERS.
20170412             Data scientists are currently hard at work dealing with —TODAY—UNMANAGEABLE—VOLUMES—OF—DATA in fields such as
20170412             particle physics, human resources, automation, weather prediction, law, cancer research,
20170412             and more.
20170412             HUMAN—IN—THE—S se and other professions are simply underwhelming —WHEN trying to interpret huge AMOUNTS—OF—MIND—NUMBING data.
20170412             The fact that IBM Watson can read and interpret 500—GIGABYTES—OF—DATA per 2., the equivalent of 1—MILLION—BOOKS, or 800—MILLION—PAGES, is telling.
20170412             WHAT—MORE, IBM Watson can "read" 10—BILLION files in —45—MINUTES!
20170412             The current strategy for data scientists is to use deep machine learning and artificial intelligence to create new SETS—OF—ALGORITHMS that model highly abstract data.
20170412             —ACCOMPLISHED, This is, by using multiple NON—LINEAR processing layers that yield new REPRESENTATIONS—OF—DATA.
20170412             This is known as Massively Parallel Processing, in which different parts of a —SOFTWARE—PROGRAM can run simultaneously and separately to yield new data insights
20170412             There is no end in sight for THE—DEVELOPMENT—OF—NEW and more intelligent computational tools to derive new understanding from the analysis of massive data sets.
20170412             1—OF—THE—LARGEST—CREATORS—OF—NEW—DATA is the Large Hadron Collider  at CERN near GENEVA—SWITZERLAND, which
20170412             which creates 3—GIGABYTES—OF—DATA  per 2. or about 25—PETABYTES  per —YEAR.
20170412             —CREATED, CERN has, 1—HUGE—WORLDWIDE computing grid of 170—DATA—CENTERS in 42—COUNTRIES with MORE—THAN—530—PETABYTES—OF—STORAGE.
20170412             1—KEY—ADVANTAGE—OF—SIMULATIONS is the ability to run scenarios and —TEST theories —WHILE THE—LHC is turned off.
20170412             —UNCOVERED, In fact, the Higgs Boson was, —WHEN CERN scientists used data from LHC Run #1.
20170412             With the growing AMOUNT—OF—LHC data, scientists are using simulations to help uncover new discoveries and answer questions such as:
20170412             What is the role of supersymmetric particles?
20170412             What is the actual nature of dark matter? Are there parallel universes?
20170412             1—GROUP in S—FRANCISCO is covertly grafting FRUIT—BEARING branches to NON—FRUIT bearing public trees.
20170412             Their aim is to turn the entire city into 1—ORCHARD to provide fruits to its residents FREE—OF—CHARGE.
20170412             Although city officials think the group is breaking THE—LAW, promoters of urban agriculture appreciate what they are doing.
20170412             1—OF—THESE alternative PRODUCTION methods includes Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion.
20170412             THE—HISTORY—OF—OTEC dates back to 18810000             —WHEN 1—FRANCE—PHYSICIST proposed the concept,
20170412             —DESTROYED, The plant was, by storms soon —AFTER it was built.
20170412             —IN—THE—SUBSEQUENT—YEARS, the technology never took off, largely because of
20170412             f DECADES—OF—LOW—PRICES for oil AND—OTHER—FOSSIL—FUELS.
20170412             —INAUGURATED, But —NOW its back, —AFTER 1—SMALL—OTEC plant was, in HAWAII —THIS—MONTH.
20170412             The plant will harness THE—DEEP—OCEAN—TEMPERATURES for power.
20170412             This 100-kilowatt plant built by Maki Ocean Engineering will be connected to THE—USA—GRID.
20170412             The plant will GENE—RATE—ENERGY to power only 120—HAWAIIAN homes.
20170412             this small plant will pave the way for larger plants that will provide stable, clean power to 1—WIDER—GEOGRAPHICAL—AREA in future.
20170412             If the current refugee crisis in EUROPE tells us anything, it is that having the ability to quickly build quality housing is 1—NECESSITY in coming decades —WHEN continued political and environmental issues may turn the current refugee drip into 1—FLOOD.
20170412             per —YEAR.
20170412             Over the next —15—YEARS, without considering potential refugee problems, THE—UNITED—NATIONS estimates that 4—BILLION—OF—THE—PLANET—INHABITANTS living in population intensive areas who earn 1—YEARLY income of below $3,000, will need 1—MINIMUM—OF—100,000—NEW—FUNCTIONAL and sustainable housing units
20170412             —BY, delivering sustainable houses more efficiently and cheaply, WASP will challenge current construction industry models with 1—NEW—MODEL referred to as the "maker economy or "SELF—MANUFACTURING".
20170412             —WHILE huge players like Caterpillar cater to mainstream businesses, smaller players are innovating from the bottom with simple, but effective technology, and giving hope to MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE in need.
20170412             —RECENTLY, JAPAN—COMPOSER—YOSHIKI battled his own hologram at SXSW 20140000             .
20170412             —DESIGNED, Kathleen McDermott, 1—HONG—KONG—BASED artist, the Personal Space Dress in order to keep creepy guys or even regular people at 1—SAFE and/or comfortable distance.
20170412             The dress is 1—ELECTRONIC—GARMENT, featuring proximity sensors that identify —WHEN someone is too close and communicate to the dress to automatically expand outward in 1—UMBRELLA—LIKE fashion.
20170412             —CALLED, THE—PERSONAL—SPACE—DRESS is PART—OF—1—LARGER—MOVEMENT—OF—WEARABLES, URBAN—ARMOR, which challenges "the persistence of ideologies asserted at women in public space through advertising, architecture and socially normative behavior".
20170412             —LAST—YEAR, 1—COMPANY known as B/E Aerospace patented aircraft solar powered window shades that produced electricity to power passenger personal devices —DURING flights.
20170412             THE—INTERNET, MOBILE devices, and SOCIAL—MEDIA have completely transformed the way we eat, interact, live, socialize, shop, travel, and consume information and media.
20170412             The idea of collaborative consumption means sharing PROPERTY—OF—ANY—KIND to anyone
20170412             through 1—NUMBER—OF—INTERNET—BASED sharing services.
20170412             Of course, there are THE—RIDE—SHARING services like Uber and Lyft and DriveMyCar and apartment and HOME—SHARING services like Airbnb.
20170412             For example, homeowners are —NOW renting property using Airbnb and are being charged with fraud because they have applied for and received 1—HOMESTEAD exemption on their private residence on which they are —NOW making money.
20170412             —RULED, In SOME—JURISDICTIONS, Airbnb is being, out completely by local boards or stripping homeowners who rent their property of their homestead exemption, significantly increasing their yearly tax bill.
20170412             Another issue with the sharing or collaborative consumption economy is 1—LACK—OF—MUTUAL—TRUST between those providing services and those consuming them.
20170412             —RENTED, Setting expectations on behavior and use of, property is not as easy for private homeowners as it is for commercial establishments.
20170412             MANY—BELIEVE that being successful —IN—THE—SHARING economy is as simple as downloading 1—APP to 1—SMARTPHONE.
20170412             BUT—THE sharing economy is actually 1 CAN—OF—WORMS that is likely to be messy —FOR—YEARS to come as new regulations are put in place.
20170412             THE—FOLLOWING video presentation, "THE—CASE for Collaborative Consumption" by RACHEL—BOTSMAN explains how humans are —NOW "wired to share".
20170412             RESEARCHERS at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—VETERINARY Medicine VIENNA[WIEN] trained dogs to distinguish between happy and angry expressions.
20170412             —DEMONSTRATED, THE—RESEARCHERS, in 1—SERIES—OF—TESTS that dogs could accurately tell the difference not only for THE—PEOPLE they knew but even for the faces they were seeing for the 1.time.
20170412             —TRAINED, Dogs were, in 2—SEPARATE—GROUPS.
20170412             THE—RESEARCHERS—PLAN to continue their STUDY—OF—DOGS' abilities to recognize human emotions.
20170412             A —TEAM—OF—RESEARCHERS from THE—MASSACHUSETTS—INSTITUTE—OF—TECHNOLOGY, working with MICROSOFT and Adobe, have found 1—WAY to recover sound by monitoring video of microscopic movements made by almost ANY—INANIMATE object.
20170412             The idea is that someone speaking in 1—ROOM creates 1—VIBRATION in the air.
20170412             THE—TEAM was able to record the tiniest movements made by 1 potted plant and convert it back into the sound that created it
20170412             —EXTRACTED, They successfully, the recording of "MARY—HAD 1—LITTLE—LAMB," which was played alongside 1 potted plant, by analyzing HIGH—SPEED—VIDEO—OF—THAT potted plant.
20170412             THE—TEAM was also able to pick up 1—CONVERSATION by training 1—CAMERA on 1—POTATO chip bag from the other side of 1—SOUNDPROOF glass door.
20170412             The technology is similar to the laser microphones used by SPY—AGENCIES to eavesdrop on conversations.
20170412             This technology may be useful in retrieving audio from silent CCTV footage to help solve crimes.
20170412             —DEFINED, Scientists are —NOW using " BLOCK—DOMAIN proteins" as synthetic elements to form artificial nanoscale biological materials and cellular compartments including organelles.
20170412             scientists have devised methods for programming the synthesis and ASSEMBLY—OF—PROTEINS to create 1—VARIETY—OF—BUILDING blocks and artificial elements.
20170412             —ACCORDING—TO, researchers, these new protein structures have applications in nanobiotechnology, synthetic biology, and materials science, including THE—CREATION—OF—ARTIFICIAL—CELLS and BIO—METAMATERIALS to carry out various physical and chemical functions.
20170412             The wide application of these new capabilities will allow for better analysis and understanding of such diverse subjects as martian atmosphere chemistry;
20170412             combustion chemistry; gene expression, translation and signal cascading;
20170412             artificial chemistry, and more.
20170412             1—REAL—WORLD—EXAMPLE includes THE—CREATION—OF—SYNTHETIC—BLOOD for which clinical trials begin
20170412             CREATION—OF—THE—WORLD—1.artificial neuron that mimics the function of 1—ORGANIC—BRAIN—CELL.
20170412             —REACHED, THE—PELAMIS technology has, its 2.—GENERATION and, in a 20110000             joint venture with Aegir Wave Power, began THE—CREATION—OF—A 10—MW farm using 13—PELAMIS machines.
20170412             —PRIOR—TO, this, Pelamis filled orders for 3 750—KILO—WATT machines that were installed at the Agucadoura Wave Farm.
20170412             USA und RUSSLAND: Ende 1—FREUNDSCHAFT
20170412             STUDENTEN—PROTESTE—IN—BUDA—PEST, "In UNGARN zählt außer des ORBÁN—WILLEN gar nichts mehr"
20170412             KAPITALISMUS und öffentliche Empörung: Darum sollte United Airlines vom Markt verschwinden
20170412             TILLERSON bei LAWROW: Frostiger Empfang in MOSKAU
20170412             RHEINLAND—PFALZ: Mann drohte wegen Glockengeläuts mit Kirchensprengung
20170412             —VERSCHIEBT, Wegen KOFFER—CHAOS: Air BERLIN, Start neuer USA—FLÜGE
20170412             Produktwerbung: Die süßen Versprechen der LEBENS—MITTELKONZERNE
20170412             Armuts—, REICHTUMS—BERICHT, So verharmlost DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG DIE—KINDERARMUT
20170412             G20—GIPFEL—HAMBURG: POLIZISTEN und SENAT streiten über Demoverbot
20170412             GROß—BRITANNIEN: Studenten müssen beim BREXIT draufzahlen
20170412             Falsche Behauptungen: DAILY—MAIL zahlt MELANIA—TRUMP Entschädigung
20170412             —RELEASED, —BEFORE the photo was, —ON—FRIDAY, 1—SOURCE told me that Pompeo had personally briefed DONALD—TRUMP on;;04;;6—ABOUT THE—CIA—BELIEF that SYRIA—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—AL—ASSAD was likely not responsible for the lethal POISON—GAS—INCIDENT in NORTH—SYRIA —2—DAYS—EARLIER — and thus Pompeo was excluded from the larger meeting as DONALD—TRUMP reached 1—CONTRARY—DECISION.
20170412             —MESHED, —WHILE TILLERSON—COMMENT, with Official WASHINGTON—HASTILY formed groupthink of ASSAD—GUILT, it is hard to believe that CIA analysts would have settled on such 1—FIRM—CONCLUSION so quickly, especially given the remote LOCATION—OF—THE—INCIDENT and the fact that the initial information was coming from PRO—REBEL—SOURCES.
20170412             Thus, 1—SERIOUS—QUESTION arises whether PRESIDENT—TRUMP did receive that "high DEGREE—OF—CONFIDENCE" assessment from THE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMUNITY or whether he shunted Pompeo aside to eliminate 1—OBSTACLE to his desire to launch the;;04;;6—ROCKET—ATTACK.
20170412             If so, such 1—DANGEROUS—DECEPTION—MORE than anything else we've seen in the 1.2—PLUS MONTHS—OF—THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION would be grounds for impeachment — ignoring THE—OPINION—OF—THE—USA—INTELLIGENCE—COMMUNITY so THE—PRESIDENT could carry out 1—POLITICALLY popular  missile strike that killed SYRIAns.
20170412             COLONEL—LAWRENCE—WILKERSON is usually 1—WELCOME—PRESENCE on liberal and mainstream cable news shows, though not right —NOW.
20170412             "ASSAD—MILITARY has gained 1—DECISIVE—ADVANTAGE over THE—REBELS and he had —JUST scored 1—MAJOR—DIPLOMATIC—VICTORY with THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION—ANNOUNCEMENT that THE—USA—WAS no longer seeking 'regime change' in SYRIA.
20170412             "In fact MOST—OF—MY sources are telling me — including MEMBERS—OF—THE—TEAM that monitor global CHEMICAL—WEAPONS, including people in SYRIA, including people IN—THE—USA—INTELLIGENCE—COMMUNITY — that what most likely happened  is that they hit 1—WAREHOUSE that they intended to hit and had told both sides, RUSSIA and THE—USA, that they were going to hit.
20170412             Life is 1—BARREL—OF—MONSTERS
20170412             —25—JAHRE Disneyland PARIS: 1—WELT wie aus Zuckerwatte
20170412             GRIECHENLAND—HILFEN: LAGARDE dringt auf Schuldendiskussion
20170412             ERDOGAN über DEUTSCHLAND: "Sie drehen durch"
20170412             —BEWIRBT, Wegzug aus LONDON: DEUTSCHLAND, sich um EU—BANKEN—AUFSICHT
20170412             Dubiose Umfrage: Das UMWELTMÄRCHEN—MINISTERIUM
20170412             Inhaftierter TÜRKEI—KORRESPONDENT: DENIZ—YÜCEL heiratet im Gefängnis
20170412             —ANSCHLAG—VON—BERLIN: Amri war laut Ermittlern Einzeltäter
20170412             Neuer Umgang mit islamistischen Gefährdern: "Hauptsache weg"
20170412             —ANSCHLAG—AUF—BVB: 3—BOMBEN, 2—BEKENNTNISSE, ein großes Rätsel
20170412             Umstrittener Chefstratege: DONALD—TRUMP geht auf Distanz zu BANNON
20170412             Geschäft mit Emiraten: Regierung nickt neue RÜSTUNGS—EXPORTE ab
20170412             Vieles ist jedoch —20—STUNDEN—NACH—DEM Anschlag noch unklar —, das hängt auch mit dem Bekennerschreiben zusammen.
20170412             —BIS dato hat es noch nie 1—ATTENTÄTER gegeben, der im Namen des IS handelte und am Tatort 1—BEKENNERSCHREIBEN hinterließ.
20170412             Was auch nicht ins Muster des IS passt: —AM—ENDE—DES—SCHREIBENS nennen DIE—TÄTER 2—KONKRETE politische Forderungen: den Abzug der Tornados aus SYRIEN und die Schließung der Ramstein Air Base.
20170412             Es war jedoch nie die Rede davon, daß DIE—ANSCHLÄGE eingestellt würden, wenn DER—WESTEN seinen KAMPF—GEGEN—DEN—IS einstelle.
20170412             —UNTER—DEM, Strich bleiben nach der Untersuchung des Bekennerschreibens nur 2—MÖGLICHKEITEN: DIE—TÄTER wollen 1.falsche Fährte legen und die Tat ISLAMISTEN zuschreiben.
20170412             Für WASHINGTON steht fest, daß DAS—ASSAD—REGIME DIE—STADT mit 1—NERVEN—GIFT angegriffen hat.
20170412             —FEST steht: Es gibt keinen Hinweis darauf, daß in dem TEIL—VON—CHAN—SCHEICHUN, aus dem die GIFT—GASOPFER stammen, am vergangenen —DIENSTAG überhaupt 1—HAUS getroffen wurde.
20170412             TILLERSON—BESUCH—IN—MOSKAU—PUTIN lässt sich kein —ULTIMATUM stellen
20170412             The goal for THE—USA [...] is 1) to make sure that we destabilize SYRIA
20170412             Der macht die Kabarettisten alle arbeitslos, der Mann.
20170412             [l] In ALABAMA dürfen Kirchen —JETZT ihre eigene POLIZEI haben.
20170412             Pelamis has been manufacturing ocean energy harvesting commercial equipment 20090200             —SINCE—WHEN, it secured 1—ORDER from 1—GERMANY—UTILITY—COMPANY.
20170412—19300000    —UNTIL, it wasn't, that CUBA developed the 1.OTEC power plant.
20170412—19910000    —INDICTED, FLORIDA, Gustavo Falcon (55), as PART—OF—1—MAJOR cocaine smuggling operation, was arrested in Kissimmee.
20170412—20100000    —TESTIFIED, BRAZIL, Marcio Faria, 1—FORMER—ODEBRECHT executive, in 1—PLEA bargain that construction giant Odebrecht paid $40—MILLION to PRESIDENT—MICHEL—TEMER—PARTY and another party to ensure 1—CONTRACT with the state oil company.
20170412—20150226    —ON, S—FRANCISCO, prosecutors said 2—LOCAL—POLICE—DETECTIVES will not face criminal charges for shooting and killing Amilcar PEREZ—LOPEZ, —21—JAHRE—ALT 1—GUATEMALA—IMMIGRANT armed with 1—KNIFE.
20180123—20180412    —WARNED, SOUTH—AFRICA CAPE—TOWN, residents were, that they face losing piped water to their homes, 1—WHOLE —9—DAYS—EARLIER than predicted, as it suffered its worst drought in 1—CENTURY.
20180412             Das Markgräfliche Opernhaus in Bayreuth wird nach 1 sechsjährigen Sanierungsphase mit der Oper Artaserse von JOHANN—ADOLPH—HASSE wiedereröffnet, mit der auch die Bayreuther Aufführungsgeschichte 17480000             begann.
20180412             —PLEADED, CALIFORNIA, CARL—FERRER, THE—CEO—OF—BACKPAGE_com, guilty to STATE—AND—FEDERAL—CHARGESINCLUDING conspiracy and money laundering and agreed to testify in ongoing prosecutions against others at the website that authorities have dubbed 1—LUCRATIVE nationwide "online brothel".
20180412             —REPORTED, BERKELEY—CALIFORNIA, THE—HYPER—LOCAL—NEWS—SITE—BERKELEYSIDE, that it has raised $1—MILLION in 1—DIRECT—PUBLIC offering (DPO) with nearly 400—OF—ITS—READERS.
20180412             —RECEIVED, The site has, a $60,000 grant from the Lenfest Institute, 1—NONPROFIT organization focused on finding business models to sustain local journalism.
20180412             MINNESOTA, sheriff's Deputy BRIAN—KROOK shot and killed BENJAMIN—EVANS, —23—JAHRE—ALT, 1—SUICIDAL man who held 1—GUN to his own head —DURING a —40—MINUTE standoff with police.
20180412             —THREATENED, CANADA—PRIME—MINISTER—JUSTIN—TRUDEAU cut short 1—VISIT to PERU to try defuse 1, constitutional crisis over expanding a 1,150-km (715-mile) pipeline to move 890,000 BARRELS—OF—OIL per —DAY from landlocked ALBERTA—OIL sands to the Pacific coast.
20180412             CHINA—COMMERCE—MINISTRY said trade negotiations with THE—USA would be impossible as WASHINGTON—ATTEMPTS at dialogue were not sincere, and vowed to retaliate should USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP escalate current tensions.
20180412             CHINA, Sun Zhengcai, former party leader of the western megacity of CHONGQING, pleaded guilty to bribery in court and expressed repentance.
20180412             —RESUMED, EGYPT and RUSSIA, direct flights, more than 2—AND—A—HALF—YEARS—AFTER they were suspended —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—1—BOMBING that brought down 1—RUSSIA—PASSENGER—PLANE over THE—SINAI—PENINSULA.
20180412             —VOWED, FRANCE—PRESIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON, that he would not back down on his plans to overhaul the state rail operator, urging workers to call off —3—MONTHS—OF—STRIKES and pursue the reforms "together".
20180412             —CARRIED, PRESIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON said FRANCE has proof THE—SYRIA—GOVERNMENT, out 1—CHEMICAL—WEAPONS—ATTACK—LAST—WEEK and will decide whether to strike back —WHEN all the necessary information has been gathered.
20180412             —AGREED, Diplomats, to move the most controversial language to 1—NON—BINDING annex and avoided 1—CONTENTIOUS—VOTE.
20180412             † In GERMANY 1—WOMAN, —34—JAHRE—ALT and her —1—YEAR—OLD—DAUGHTER—AFTER being stabbed at 1—BUSY—SUBWAY—STATION in CENTRAL—HAMBURG.
20180412             The suspected assailant (33), the woman's EX—HUSBAND from NIGER, was arrested.
20180412             —NAMED, GERMANY, HERBERT—DIESS, —59—JAHRE—ALT was, as the new boss of VW, replacing longtime insider MATTHIAS—MUELLER.
20180412             1—GREEK—MIRAGE 20000000             —5—AIR—FORCE—FIGHTER—JET crashed into the Aegean Sea —AFTER returning from 1—PATROL, killing the pilot.
20180412             THE—GOVERNOR—OF—INDONESIA—CONSERVATIVE—ACEH province said canings will no longer be allowed to be carried out in public for violations of Shariah law.
20180412             Caning will only take place inside prisons or other PLACES—OF—DETENTION.
20180412             Adults can still witness the punishment but recording won't be allowed.
20180412             —REPORTED, It was, that HASSAN—AL—KONTAR, 1—SYRIA—MAN, said he has been stranded at the main airport serving THE—MALAYSIA—CAPITAL for over —1—MONTH—AFTER being denied entry to several countries, and begged for help to escape.
20180412             NEW—ZEALAND said it will stop issuing permits for offshore oil and gas exploration as it moves to combat climate change.
20180412             —KILLED, NORTH—NIGERIA, gunmen, 26—PEOPLE in Zamfara state, in the latest in 1—SERIES—OF—ATTACKS blamed on cattle thieves.
20180412             —ATTACKED, The victims were miners from KURU—KURU that were, and residents of Jarkuka village who had come to help their neighbors.
20180412             —KILLED, SOUTH—SOMALIA, 1—BOMB, up to 5—SPECTATORS at 1—FOOTBALL—MATCH in the port TOWN—OF—BARAWE, the 1. time 1—EXPLOSION has targeted 1—STADIUM.
20180412             —SIGNED, SPAIN, a framework deal to sell SAUDI—ARABIA 5—SMALL warships worth —AROUND 1.8—BILLION euros ($2.2—BILLION).
20180412             SAUDI—ARABIA—CROWN—PRINCE—MOHAMMED bin Salman was in MADRID on 1—STATE—VISIT.
20180412             —CHARGED, SWEDEN—AUTHORITIES said they have, Dorjee Gyantsan (49), 1—TIBETAN man, with spying for CHINA, on suspicion that he gathered information on Tibetans who had fled to SWEDEN.
20180412             1—COURT—IN—TRINIDAD—AND—TOBAGO ruled that COLONIAL—ERA—LAWS banning SAME—SEX intimacy between consenting adults are unconstitutional.
20180412             —STORMED, In CENTRAL—AFGHANISTAN THE—TALIBAN, 1—GOVERNMENT compound, triggering an HOURS—LONG—GUNBATTLE that killed 15, including 3—TOP—LOCAL—OFFICIALS in the Khuja Omari DISTRICT—OF—GHAZNI province.
20180412             FRANCE, Palestinian, Israeli, JORDANIAN—USA and EU delegations along with representatives of UNESCO leadership negotiated 1—COMPROMISE resolution on "Occupied PALESTINE".
20180412             —AMNESTY—JAHRES—BERICHT zu HINRICHTUNGEN: Die schlimmsten STAATEN
20180412             —KLIMA—WANDEL: Forscher finden Hinweise auf Abschwächung des GOLF—STROMS
20180412             Möglicher USA—ANGRIFF—IN—SYRIEN: DONALD—TRUMP—SPRECHERIN: "Noch ist nichts entschieden"
20180412             Designierter USA—AUßEN—MINISTER: Pompeo kündigt härtere Linie gegen RUSSLAND an
20180412             Pläne der NOTEN—BANK, USA—REGIERUNG will BANKEN—REGULIERUNG weiter lockern
20180412             Staub über DEUTSCHLAND: Guck mal da oben, die SAHARA!
20180412             UNGARN: EU—BERICHT beklagt "systemische BE—DROHUNG—VON—DEMOKRATIE"
20180412             —ZERSTÖRT, Philosophin Ágnes Heller über DIE—WAHL: "ORBÁN, die Seele UNGARNs"
20180412             DER—AUSLÄNDER—ZAHL—HOCH—SCHULE in TRIER: Warum nicht KARL—MARX—UNI?
20180412             Verdacht RUSSLAND—WAHL—MANIPULATION: Reddit sperrte knapp 1000—NUTZER—KONTEN
20180412             SYRIEN—KONFLIKT, Airlines ändern Flugrouten aus SICHERHEITS—GRÜNDEN
20180412             —NUN, wollen Forscher neue Hinweise dafür gefunden haben, daß DIE—HYPOTHESE vom schwächer werdenden GOLF—STROM stimmt.
20180412             Temperaturdaten der Meeresoberfläche zeigten, daß sich das STRÖMUNGS—SYSTEM —SEIT den FÜNFZIGER—JAHREN um 15 % verlangsamt habe, erklärte das POTSDAM—INSTITUT—FÜR—KLIMAFOLGEN—FORSCHUNG (PIK).
20180412             DIE—URSACHEN für die Abschwächung könnten nach Einschätzung der Wissenschaftler, die ihre Erkenntnisse in der FACH—ZEITSCHRIFT "Nature"veröffentlichten, auf den durch Menschen verursachten KLIMA—WANDEL zurückzuführen sein.
20180412             Warum also nennt sich die TRIERer Uni nicht ebenfalls nach 1—GEISTESGRÖßE aus der Gegend, nämlich nach KARL—MARX?
20180412             —BEKANNT, KARL—MARX sei "WELT—WEIT ", schreibt Gysi: "Und selbst wenn man seinen Ansatz nicht teilt, so kann man doch bei Marx viel darüber lernen, wie man mit wissenschaftlicher Methode komplexe Sachverhalte analysieren kann".Nicht zuletzt wird —J—IN—DIESEM, Marxens 200—GEBURTS—TAG begangen.
20180412             DER—AUTOR—VON "DAS—KAPITAL"ist 1—DER einflussreichsten Denker DEUTSCHLAND—HERKUNFT.
20180412             DER—KAPITALISMUS, der unsere GESELLSCHAFT präge, habe es Marx eben nie verziehen, daß er ihm "den Schleier weggezogen"und ihn entlarvt habe.
20180412             Andere gehen die Frage etwas pragmatischer an: Unabhängig davon, wie man Marx bewerte, werde er von vielen in der Welt mit den OPFERn kommunistischer DIKTATORen in Verbindung gebracht.
20180412             † UNGARN—KÖNIG—MATTHIAS—CORVINUS gewidmet, der 14900000             starb.
20180412             Und wie in BUDAPEST wurde DER—NAMENSGEBER wieder entfernt, als der kommunistische STAAT sein Ende fand.
20180412             UNI—PRÄSIDENT—MICHAEL—JÄCKEL.
20180412             USA—MISSOURI—GOUVERNEUR soll wegen sexueller Übergriffe zurücktreten
20180412             RECHTS—STREIT, FACEBOOK—KOMMENTAR GELÖSCHT—NUTZER erwirkt einstweilige Verfügung
20180412             —EXPERTEN bestätigen GROSSBRITANNIEN—ANGABEN: EX—SPION SKRIPAL wurde mit potenziell tödlicher Chemikalie vergiftet
20180412             SYRIEN: MERKEL schließt Beteiligung an MILITÄR—EINSATZ aus
20180412             —NEUEN—WELT—RAUMTELESKOP: "Tess"ist neugierig
20180412             —VERMEHRT, GENETIK—PUNK GEORGE—CHURCH: Der Mann, der sein GEHIRN
20180412             WTO—PROGNOSE hebt WACHSTUMS—PROGNOSE—FÜR—WELT—HANDEL deutlich an
20180412             KOOPERATION—MIT—DEUTSCHLAND: SAUDI—ARABIEN—START—UPS wollen expandieren
20180412             —VORSTOß von Ikea, Nestlé & Co.: —KONZERNE fordern schärfere Abgasregeln für Lkw
20180412             —AM—DONNERSTAG wurde der fast 7—METER lange Einbaum —NUN geborgen.
20180412             das URALT—BOOT sei aus Eichenholz gefertigt, aus 50 % eines mindestens 1,20—METER starken Baumes.
20180412             —BEREITET, Bodensee: Das Gewässer hat ARCHÄOLOGEN —SCHON viel Freude.
20180412             Neben 1—STEIGENDEN Wasserspiegel könnte auch DIE—INVASION feindlicher Krieger 1.Rolle gespielt haben.
20180412             Chaotische SYRIEN—POLITIK,DONALD—TRUMP—STRATEGIE hält immer nur —BIS zum nächsten Tweet
20180412             [l] Dieser ARTIKEL—ÜBER—FILTERBLASEN und ECHO—KAMMERN enthält schlechte Nachrichten für mein Blog:
20180412             1—MIGHT be tempted to think that the solution is —JUST more intellectual autonomy.
20180412             Mich macht fertig, wenn DIE—LEUTE mir Dinge unterstellen, die ich (absichtlich!!) nicht gesagt habe,
20180412             Mich macht fertig, wenn Leute von 1—MESS—PUNKT auf DIE—WELT verallgemeinern.
20180412             [l] Jemand hat vor dem LAND—GERICHT—BERLIN 1.Einstweilige Verfügung gegen FACEBOOK erwirkt, 1—KOMMENTAR nicht zu löschen.
20180412             Der Nutzer hatte 1—ZEITUNGSARTIKEL, in dem es unter anderem um Äußerungen des UNGARN—MINISTER—PRÄSIDENTEN VIKTOR—ORBAN zur AUFNAHME—VON—FLÜCHTLINGEN in DEUTSCHLAND ging, kommentiert.
20180412             [l] Ihr müsst —JETZT sehr stark sein: DONALD—TRUMP—TRICKLE—DOWN—STEUER—REFORM funktioniert genau so gut wie die von REAGAN.
20180412             [l] Sagten wir, WENIGER WAFFEN—EXPORTE an KRISEN—REGIONEN und in KRIEG—FÜHRENDE Warlords?
20180412             Wir meinten natürlich MEHR WAFFEN—EXPORTE nach SAUDI—ARABIEN!
20180412             im 1. Quartal 20180000             war SAUDI—ARABIEN Hauptprofiteur von DEUTSCHLAND—RÜSTUNGSGENEHMIGUNGEN.
20180412             Immer diese fiesen Linken mit ihren fiesen Kleinen Anfragen!1!!
20180412             (meine Primärquelle war eig.
20180412             Je früher Kinder starken Schmerzen ausgesetzt sind, desto schmerzempfindlicher scheinen sie als Erwachsene zu werden.
20180412             [l] SKODA—ANGESTELLTE in TSCHECHIEN kriegen 12% mehr Lohn.
20180412             [l] GUTE—NACHRICHTEN!
20180412             —GEÄUßERT, DIE—OPCW hat sich zum SKRIPAL—FALL ! Gucken wir doch mal:
20180412             DIE—ORGANISATION für DAS—VERBOT chemischer Waffen (OPCW) kommt bei der toxikologischen Untersuchung im FALL—DES—FRÜHEREN—RUSSISCHEN—DOPPEL—AGENTEN—SERGEJ—SKRIPAL zum gleichen Ergebnis wie GROß—BRITANNIEN.
20180412             Aha. Also: DIE—RUSSEN waren es, ja?
20180412             —BENANNT, Das verwendete Gift wird darin nicht, es zeichnete sich —LAUT—ANGABEN, der —EXPERTEN aber durch 1."hohe Reinheit"aus.
20180412             Hmm.
20180412             Na vielleicht sollten wir mal In den Bericht gucken!
20180412             —DESIGNATED, THE—RESULTS—OF—ANALYSIS by THE—OPCW, laboratories of environmental and biomedical samples collected by THE—OPCW —TEAM confirm THE—FINDINGS—OF—THE—UNITED—KINGDOM relating to the identity of the toxic chemical that was used in SALISBURY and severely injured 3—PEOPLE.
20180412             Oh ach, warte mal.
20180412             Sie bestätigen nicht allgemein, was DIE—BRITEN sagen, sondern was DIE—BRITEN sagen, welches Gift das ist.
20180412             Sie bestätigen explizit nicht, was DIE—BRITEN über den Täter oder die Herkunft sagen.
20180412             Das tut die OPCW übrigens generell nicht.
20180412             Das ist gar nicht deren Aufgabe. Aber weiter im Text:
20180412             THE—TAV —TEAM notes that the toxic chemical was of high purity.
20180412             —CONCLUDED, The latter is, from the almost complete absence of impurities.
20180412             Warum sagen sie uns das?
20180412             Weil man Herkunftsanalysen anhand der Verunreinigungen macht.
20180412             Der Stoff war SO—REIN, daß man nicht sagen kann, wo es herkam.
20180412             Ja, äh... Mist!
20180412             [l] OLD—AND—BUSTED, Syrer fliehen über TÜRKEI nach DEUTSCHLAND.
20180412             NEW—HOTNESS, Syrer fliehen zurück in Richtung TÜRKEI.
20180412             SYRIEN—FLÜCHTLINGE reisen illegal und auf zum Teil riskanten Routen in DIE—TÜRKEI, da sie kein Visum für die Ausreise erhalten.
20180412             [l] DAS—EU—PARLAMENT schlägt vor, Robotern 1—RECHTLICHEN Status als "elektronische Person"zu geben.
20180412             Hey, ist das der Versuch, die HAFTUNGS—FRAGE bei selbstfahrenden Autos zu klären?
20180412             ECHO—KAMMERN—ECHO—CHAMBERS and epistemic bubbles.
20180412             —BLURRED, Current usage has, this crucial distinction,
20180412             An 'epistemic bubble' is 1—INFORMATIONAL network from which relevant voices have been excluded by omission.
20180412             As social scientists tell us, we like to engage in selective exposure, seeking out information that confirms our own worldview.
20180412             —WHEN, we take networks built for social reasons and start using them as our information feeds, we tend to miss out on contrary views and run into exaggerated DEGREES—OF—AGREEMENT.
20180412             In epistemic bubbles, other voices are not heard;
20180412             in ECHO—CHAMBERS, other voices are actively undermined.
20180412             The way to break 1—ECHO—CHAMBER is not to wave "the facts" in the faces of its members.
20180412             LUDWIG—WITTGENSTEIN says: imagine looking through 1—STACK of identical newspapers and treating EACH—NEXT—NEWSPAPER headline as yet another reason to increase your confidence.
20180412             —SHATTERED, Luckily, though, epistemic bubbles are easily.
20180412             Jamieson and CAPPELLA—BOOK—IS—THE 1. empirical study into how ECHO—CHAMBERS function.
20180412             In their analysis, ECHO—CHAMBERS work by systematically alienating their members from all outside epistemic sources.
20180412             In fact, exposure to contrary views could actually reinforce their views
20180412             Perversely, exposure to outsiders with contrary views can thus increase ECHO—CHAMBER members' confidence in their insider sources, and hence their attachment to their worldview.
20180412             ECHO—CHAMBERS arise because we trust others too much, so the solution is to start thinking for ourselves.
20180412             As ELIJAH—MILLGRAM argues in THE—GREAT—ENDARKENMENT (20150000             ), modern knowledge depends on trusting long CHAINS—OF—EXPERTS.
20180412             ECHO—CHAMBERS operateas 1—KIND—OF—SOCIAL parasite on that vulnerability, taking ADVANTAGE—OF—OUR epistemic condition and social dependency.
20180412             Jamieson and CAPPELLA—ANALYSIS is mostly forgotten these days, the term hijacked as —JUST another synonym for filter bubbles
20180412             DOUBLE—SPEAK involves no interest in clarity, coherence or truth.
20180412             There is at least 1—POSSIBLE escape route, however.
20180412             —SUGGESTED, DESCARTES, that we imagine 1—EVIL demon that was deceiving us about everything.
20180412             LET—CALL this the Cartesian epistemic reboot.
20180412             If I demonstrate goodwill in ACTION, then you have SOME—REASON to think that I also have goodwill in matters of thought and knowledge.
20180412             "I will provide 1—PROPAGANDISTIC casus belli.
20180412             FALL—SKRIPAL: MOSKAU weist OPCW—BERICHT zurück, LONDON fordert Konsequenzen
20180412             —NACH, mutmaßlichem GIFT—GAS—ANGRIFF, OPCW—EXPERTEN auf dem Weg nach SYRIEN
20180412             MAAS, RUSSLAND—UND—DE SYRIEN—KRISE, Mehr Härte wagen
20180412             Smog: Warum dreckige Luft gut fürs Klima ist
20180412             [l] ÖSTERREICH will die PATIENTEN—DATEN—DES—LANDES für die Forschung freigeben.
20180412             Grundsätzlich soll keine namentliche Zuordnung möglich sein.
20180412             Seht ihr?
20180412—20030000    —SEIT, ist DIE—UNIVERSITÄT—DEM—UNGARN—KÖNIG—MATTHIAS—CORVINUS gewidmet, der 14900000             starb.
20180412—20170300    —CONVICTED, TEXAS, 1—FEDERAL—JURY, STEVE—STOCKMAN, 1—FORMER—STATE—CONGRESSMAN arrested, on fraud and conspiracy charges for misusing charitable donations to pay for personal and political expenses.
20180412—20190400    —UNTIL, THE—COUNCIL—OF—THE—EUROPEAN—UNION extended the sanctions put on IRAN over human rights violations by —1—YEAR.
20180412—20200000    —ACQUITTED—OF, Krook was, 2.—DEGREE manslaughter.
20180412—20280000    —BY, POLAND—PRIME—MINISTER—MATEUSZ—MORAWIECKI said his government plans to spend up to $8.8—BILLION on cleaner heating as PART—OF—ITS—EFFORTS to fight smog.
20180529             —CLOSED, More than 8,000 Starbucks stores, for employee antibias training as 1—DIRECT—RESULT—OF—20180412             —THE incident —WHEN 2—BLACK—MEN were arrested at 1—STARBUCKS store in PHILADELPHIA.
20190322—20190412    —UNTIL, Failing that she would have to choose 1—NEW—PATH.
20190410—20190412    —ON, The bill needs only THE—APPROVAL—OF—NEW—ZEALAND—GOVERNOR general, 1—FORMALITY, —BEFORE becoming law.
20190412             —KILLED, Murataj was, 20190409             in 1—EXCHANGE—OF—FIRE with police at ALBANIA—INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT.
20190412             A. SAMUEL—PATTEN, 1—WASHINGTON political consultant, was sentenced to —3—YEARS—OF—PROBATION for illegal lobbying and skirting the ban on foreign donations to PRESIDENT—TRUMP—INAUGURAL campaign.
20190412             —REPORTED, LOUISIANA—DIOCESE—OF—LAFAYETTE, where the 1. widely, CASE—OF—CLERGY sex abuse became public in the 1980s, released 1—LIST—OF—33—PRIESTS and 4—DEACONS credibly accused of sexually abusing 1—MINOR or vulnerable adult.
20190412             BOSTON, MARK—RIDDELL, —36—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—FLORIDA prep school administrator, admitted to secretly taking THE—SAT and ACT for students, or correcting their answers, as PART—OF—1—NATIONWIDE college admissions cheating scheme.
20190412             MINNESOTA, EMMANUEL—ARANDA—OF—MINNEAPOLIS threw 1—BOY, —5—JAHRE—ALT from a 3. floor balcony at THE—MALL—OF—AMERICA.
20190412             —SURVIVED, The child, head trauma and multiple broken bones.
20190412             TEXAS, 1—TRANSGENDER woman was beaten —AFTER 1—MINOR—TRAFFIC—ACCIDENT and the attack was caught on cell phone video.
20190412             —LISTED, PAN—AFRICA—E—COMMERCE—COMPANY—JUMIA, on THE—NEW—YORK Stock Exchange with shares beginning trading at $14.50—UNDER ticker symbol JMIA.
20190412             —SEIZED, ALBANIA—PROSECUTORS said they have, 300,000 euros ($340,000) as well as apartments, 1—VILLA and 9—VEHICLES owned by Admir MURATAJ—FAMILY.
20190412             —RALLIED, ALGERIA, HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS, in ALGIERS for an 8. successive —FRIDAY to demand THE—DEPARTURE—OF—THE—RULING elite, as the country prepared for 1—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION in July.
20190412             —FIRED, Police, tear gas, water cannons and arrested 108—PEOPLE.
20190412             —REITERATED, ARGENTINA, its support for VENEZUELA—OPPOSITION—LEADER by issuing diplomatic credentials to 1—NEW delegate and officially announcing its withdrawal from the regional UNASUR bloc, which has been criticized over its lack of action on VENEZUELA.
20190412             BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—SERBIA—LEADER—MILORAD Dodik, who —NOW heads BOSNIA—MULTI—ETHNIC—JOINT—PRESIDENCY, told 1—CONFERENCE discussing war crimes —DURING THE—BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—CONFLICT that the Srebrenica massacre was "something that does not exist".
20190412             —KILLED, BRAZIL, at least 2—PEOPLE were, —WHEN 2—BUILDINGS collapsed in the hillside Itanhanga favela WEST—OF—RIO—DE—JANEIRO —FOLLOWING 1—STORM that struck the Rio area —3—DAYS—AGO.
20190412             The death toll from the collapsed building soon rose to 10 with 14—PEOPLE listed as missing.
20190412             —DAMAGED, COLOMBIA, 1—BOMBING, 1—SECTION—OF—THE—TRASANDINO pipeline.
20190412             STATE—RUN—COMPANY—ECOPETROL soon began investigating crude spillage from the Cano Limon pipeline to determine if it was also caused by 1—ATTACK.
20190412             ESTONIA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY said 1—RUSSIAN—STATE—CONTROLLED television station has been portraying MEMBERS—OF—THE—JEHOVAH—WITNESSES in ESTONIA in "1—HOSTILE and ridiculing" way.
20190412             —REJECTED, INTERNATIONAL Criminal Court judges, 1—REQUEST by the court's prosecutor to open 1—INVESTIGATION into war crimes and crimes against humanity in AFGHANISTAN and alleged crimes by USA—FORCES linked to the conflict.
20190412             —RALLIED, THOUSANDS—OF—IRANIANS, —AFTER prayers against THE—USA—DECISION to designate the country's powerful Revolutionary Guards as 1—FOREIGN—TERRORIST—ORGANIZATION.
20190412             —KILLED, ISRAEL—TROOPS, PALESTINE—TEENAGER—MAISARA Shalouf (15) —DURING protests along the frontier.
20190412             —REPORTED, It was, that VENICE—POPULATION has declined rapidly from roughly 175,000 —WWII—AFTER to about 50,000 —TODAY.
20190412             Remaining residents complain that their city is being overrun by tourists —WHILE they have to pick up the bill for cleaning and security.
20190412             —UNOCCUPIED, Squatters were taking over, buildings in Venice in defiance of what they say are high rents forcing families OUT—OF—THE—CITY as tourism takes over.
20190412             —KIDNAPPED, Suspected AL—SHABAAB jihadis in NORTH—EAST—KENYA, 1—CUBA—GENERAL practitioner and 1—SURGEON in Mandera and whisked them to SOMALIA.
20190412             1—OF 2—POLICE officers escorting the doctors to work was shot dead by the attackers, who —LATER demanded $1.5—MILLION (1.35—MILLION—EUROS) for their release.
20190412             —BOGGED, EAST—LIBYA—FORCES, down in street battles in 1—PUSH to seize THE—CAPITAL—TRIPOLI deployed warplanes to hit 2—GOVERNMENT—POSITIONS as more civilians fled fighting.
20190412             —DECIDED, MALAYSIA—GOVERNMENT said it has, to resume 1—CHINA—BACKED rail link project, —AFTER THE—CHINA—CONTRACTOR agreed to cut the construction cost by 1—3.
20190412             MEXICO, business and political leaders from THE—USA—AND—MEXICO gathered in MERIDA to promote greater trade at 1—MOMENT—WHEN actions by both governments have rattled investors.
20190412             Some 350—MIGRANTS broke the locks on 1—GATE at MEXICO—BORDER with GUATEMALA and forced their way into SOUTH—MEXICO to join 1—LARGER—GROUP—OF—MIGRANTS trying to make their way to THE—USA.
20190412             —RIPPED, SOUTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMB, through 1—OUTDOOR—MARKET on the outskirts of QUETTA, killing 20—PEOPLE, HALF—OF—THEM ethnic Hazaras, in 1—ATTACK apparently aimed at minority Shi'ite Muslims.
20190412             —CLAIMED, THE—ISLAMIC—STATE—GROUP soon, responsibility.
20190412             —VISITED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, ROCKET—MAKER—ENERGOMASH and said the government will offer more cash to develop new rockets and create more incentives for space industry workers.
20190412             —THRONGED, HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—DEMONSTRATORS, the streets surrounding the defense ministry compound in THE—CAPITAL—KHARTOUM voicing anger at the ruling transitional military council.
20190412             He named GENERAL—ABDEL—FATTAH—BURHAN as his successor.
20190412             3—MORE—PEOPLE, including 1—SOLDIER, were killed at rallies and SIT—INS across the country —FOLLOWING the military OVERTHROW—OF—PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BASHIR.
20190412             UZBEKISTAN, the elder DAUGHTER—OF—PRESIDENT—SHAVKAT—MIRZIYOYEV was appointed deputy HEAD—OF—1—NEWLY established state agency in CHARGE—OF—COMMUNICATIONS and media regulation.
20190412             —ANNOUNCED, A—USA—FEDERAL—COURT—SETTLEMENT was, that would allow almost 2,700 children living in CENTRAL—AMERICA to safely reunite with their parents who are —NOW living in THE—USA—UNDER protected status.
20190412             —ANNOUNCED, AFGHANISTAN, THE—TALIBAN, THE—START—OF—THEIR —SPRING offensive despite talking peace with THE—USA and ahead of 1—SIGNIFICANT gathering of Afghans meant to discuss resolutions to the protracted war and 1—EVENTUAL—WITHDRAWAL—OF—USA—TROOPS from the country.
20190412             NORTH—KOREAN—LEADER—KIM—JONG—UN said he is open to a 3. summit with PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, but set THE—YEAR—END as 1—DEADLINE for WASHINGTON to offer mutually acceptable terms for 1—AGREEMENT to salvage THE—HIGH—STAKES—NUCLEAR—DIPLOMACY.
20190412             THE—SUDAN—ARMY said it will not extradite, DEPOSED—PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BASHIR but will put him on trial at home.
20190412             —NAMED, SUDAN—DEFENSE—MINISTER—GENERAL—AWAD—IBN—OUF, who was, de facto leader —AFTER overthrowing AL—BASHIR —1—DAY—EARLIER, announced he was stepping down as transitional leader.
20190412             THE—WORLD—TRADE—ORGANIZATION upheld SOUTH—KOREA—IMPORT ban on JAPAN—SEAFOOD from areas affected by 20110000             —THE—NUCLEAR—DISASTER in FUKUSHIMA.
20190412             —DIE—LAGE—AM—FREITAG: DONALD—TRUMP und ASSANGE—EINE besondere Beziehung
20190412             —VOR, STICHWAHL—IN—DER—UKRAINE: Warum MERKEL POROSCHENKO empfängt
20190412             WIKILEAKS: ASSANGE—MIT—ARBEITER in ECUADOR festgenommen
20190412             1. Auftragsflug von "Falcon Heavy": ELON—MUSK—RAKETE bringt Satelliten ins All
20190412             Umstrittener GESETZ—ENTWURF in ÖSTERREICH: Nutzer von Plattformen wie FACEBOOK sollen private Adressen angeben
20190412             RUSSLAND—AFFÄRE: EX—BERATER—VON—OBAMA wegen Falschaussage angeklagt
20190412             STELL—VERTRETER—VON—KIM—JONG—UN : NORD—KOREA hat ein neues Staatsoberhaupt
20190412             —NACH, MILITÄR—PUTSCH: SUDANs neuer —PRÄSIDENT vereidigt
20190412             Deutschtest: Jeder 2. Zuwanderer verfehlt Sprachziele des Integrationskurses (Leben und Lernen, 09:33)
20190412             GLYPHOSAT—PROZESSE, USA—RICHTER—FORDERT—BAYER zur gütlichen Einigung auf
20190412             Sorge vor weltweitem Abschwung: Letzte Hoffnung DONALD—TRUMP
20190412             Der Anwalt GREGORY—CRAIG muss sich im Zuge der Ermittlungen von RUSSLAND—SONDERERMITTLER ROBERT—MUELLER wegen des Vorwurfs der Falschaussage vor Gericht verantworten.
20190412             CRAIG soll Ermittler zu seiner LOBBY—TÄTIGKEIT für die frühere UKRAINE—REGIERUNG belogen haben.
20190412             —BESTREITET, Der Anwalt, DIE—VORWÜRFE.
20190412             Er hatte auch in der Administration des FRÜHEREN—USA—PRÄSIDENTEN BILL—CLINTON gearbeitet.
20190412             [l] Wenn man die "Anklage" der USA—GEGEN—JULIAN—ASSANGE liest, bleibt "Journalismus" übrig.
20190412             [l] Benutzt hier jemand CHROME?
20190412             Browsers such as CHROME, Edge, Safari, and Opera enable hyperlink auditing by default and most allow you to disable it.
20190412             Das ist ja super, dieses CHROME!
20190412             Oh, und falls ihr euch fragt, wieso CHROME das nicht abschaltbar machen will:
20190412             —WHILE not as common as JS and redirect tracking, this feature is used in THE—GOOGLE search results in order for GOOGLE to track clicks on their links.
20190412             [l] Es gab gerade eine spannende —STUDIE dazu, wie der Aufenthalt im All einen Menschen verändert.
20190412             —AM, —THURSDAY, —JUST over —3—YEARS—AFTER MISTER—KELLY, 55, returned to Earth, NASA researchers reported that his body experienced 1—VAST—NUMBER—OF—CHANGES—WHILE in orbit.
20190412             —SEEMED, MANY—OF—THESE biological changes, harmless, disappearing —AFTER he returned to Earth.
20190412             Oh Scheiße, das ist ja ein fieser Rückschlag.
20190412             [l] Sagten wir "keine RÜSTUNGS—EXPORTE an SAUDI—ARABIA—ARABIEN mehr"?
20190412             Bedauerliches Missverständnis!
20190412             Das KABINETT hat im GEHEIM tagenden BUNDES—SICHERHEITS—RAT dem Export an Kriegsmaterial unter anderem an SAUDI—ARABIEN und die Vereinigten Arabischen EMIRATE zugestimmt.
20190412             Ach komm, Fefe, das ist doch bloß —JETZT 1—KRISENGEBIET.
20190412             WIKILEAKS—GRÜNDER: Warum JULIAN—ASSANGE seinen Schutz verlor (SPIEGEL+, 12:04)
20190412             WIKILEAKS: ASSANGEs Anwalt bringt FRANKREICH als Zufluchtsort ins Spiel
20190412             —GESTIEGEN, Signale der Erholung: CHINAs Exporte sind —IM—MÄRZ stark
20190412             Razzia in MÜNCHEN: BAU—ARBEITER arbeiten schwarz für die STRAF—JUSTIZ
20190412             Vorwurf des Marktmissbrauchs: Vergleichsportal Idealo fordert 500.000.000—EURO—VON—GOOGLE
20190412             ISRAEL nach der Wahl: Die Zweistaatenlösung vor dem Aus
20190412             Neuer Rekord: JP—MORGAN macht 9,2—MILLIARDEN—$ GEWINN—IN —3—MONATEN
20190412             Bad Segeberg: Mann stirbt nach POLIZEIkontrolle
20190412             MITTELMEER: Mehr als 200—BUNDESTAGSABGEORDNETE fordern europäische Seenotrettung
20190412             Fall WIKILEAKS: Es geht um mehr als nur ASSANGE
20190412             Politiker der LINKS—PARTEI und der Grünen haben DIE—FESTNAHME des WIKILEAKS—GRÜNDERS kritisiert und sich gegen eine drohende AUSLIEFERUNG—AN—DIE—USA gewandt.
20190412             ist die Erkenntnis wichtig, daß hier längst nicht nur WIKILEAKS und JULIAN—ASSANGE angeklagt sind, sondern der generelle Umgang mit GEHEIMEN Informationen und deren Enthüllung verhandelt wird.
20190412             —STUDIE mit Zwillingen: Das doppelte Scottchen
20190412             —IRRITIERT, Umstrittener Sender: JUSTIZ—MINISTERIN—BARLEY, mit RUSSIA—TODAY—INTERVIEW
20190412             Wegen Rechtsstaatsverstößen: EU—SOZIALDEMOKRATEN suspendieren Rumänen
20190412             Drohender Abschwung: IWF fordert höhere Löhne in DEUTSCHLAND
20190412             Psychologie: Wer sich unsicher fühlt, spart mehr
20190412             1—TOKYO COURT—APPROVED—THE—DETENTION—OF—NISSAN—FORMER—CHAIRMAN—CARLOS—GHOSN 20190422             —(?:THRU|THROUGH), allowing prosecutors to interrogate him daily on fresh ALLEGATIONS—OF—FINANCIAL—MISCONDUCT.
20190412—19610412    —ON, PUTIN—VISIT came on Cosmonauts —DAY, 1—HOLIDAY marking THE—ANNIVERSARY—OF—YURI—GAGARIN—FLIGHT, to become the 1. human in space.
20190412—20060000    —ALLEGED, Prosecutors in NEW—YORK, Carvajal used his high office to coordinate the smuggling of approximately 5,600 kilograms of cocaine from VENEZUELA to MEXICO.
20190412—20120000    —FOUNDED—IN, The company was, as AFRICA—INTERNET—GROUP and is headquartered in BERLIN—GERMANY.
20190412—20190409    † Murataj, was, in 1—EXCHANGE—OF—FIRE with police at ALBANIA—INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT.
20190412—20190414    —ARRESTED, EDWARD—THOMAS, —29—JAHRE—ALT was, and suspicion of aggravated assault.
20190412—20190422    —APPROVED, THROUGH, 1—TOKYO court, THE—DETENTION—OF—NISSAN—FORMER—CHAIRMAN—CARLOS—GHOSN, allowing prosecutors to interrogate him daily on fresh allegations of financial misconduct.
20190412—20190514    —PLEADED, Aranda, guilty to attempted premeditated 1. degree murder.
20200412             —DEVOTED, THE—LUXEMBOURG—COURT—OF—CASSATION had, an 20200402             —HEARING to THE—CASE—OF—IRAN—ASSETS frozen there on A—USA—REQUEST, according the investigative news site Paperjam.
20200412             † More than 20,602—PEOPLE in THE—USA—HAVE as 1—RESULT—OF—COVID 19. At least 530,000—PEOPLE in THE—USA—HAVE tested positive and over 2.6—MILLION—AMERICANS have been tested for the disease.
20200412             Worldwide, more than 1.79—MILLION—PEOPLE have been diagnosed —SINCE the virus emerged in CHINA in December and the death toll has passed 109,000.
20200412             THE—SF—BAY—AREA had 4,980 cases and 134—DEATHS.
20200412             —ANNOUNCED, THE—TALIBAN, it will be releasing 20—AFGHANISTAN—GOVERNMENT—PRISONERS the group has been holding, in the 1. phase of its commitment under its historic peace deal with THE—USA.
20200412             —CRITICIZED, BRAZIL—HEALTH—MINISTER—HENRIQUE—MANDETTA, people for gathering in public without referring directly to PRESIDENT—JAIR—BOLSONARO, who hit the streets over the weekend, drawing crowds and greeting followers.
20200412             —REMAINED, Churches, open over the Easter holidays, but most Bulgarians stayed home.
20200412             CHINA—CITIES—NEAR the border with RUSSIA said they would tighten border controls and quarantine measures on arrivals from abroad —AFTER the number of imported cases of COVID—19—HIT a —1—MONTH—HIGH.
20200412             —RECORDED, THE—WORLD—HEALTH—ORGANIZATION said Democratic REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO has, a 2. Ebola death in days —FOLLOWING more than —7—WEEKS without 1—NEW—CASE.
20200412             —AGREED, OPEC—RUSSIA and other oil producers, to reduce output by 9.7—MILLION barrels —1—DAY in May and June, close to 10—PERCENT—OF—THE—WORLD—PRODUCTION.
20200412             Demand for oil is down about 35—PERCENT —SINCE THE—START—OF—THE—CRISIS.
20200412             —REACHED, Total cases, 16,585.
20200412             —RETWEETED, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, 1—CALL to fire DOCTOR—ANTHONY—FAUCI —AFTER the nation's top expert on infectious diseases said lives could have been saved if the country had shut down sooner —DURING THE—NOVEL—CORONA—VIRUS—OUTBREAK.
20200412             CALIFORNIA to date had 22,432 CASES—OF—CORONA—VIRUS and 634—DEATHS.
20200412             —TALLIED, NEW—YORK, 671—NEW—DEATHS due to THE—CORONA—VIRUS.
20200412             The deal calls for the government to release 5,000 Taliban prisoners in exchange for 1,000 government officials held by THE—TALIBAN insurgents.
20200412             —ANNOUNCED, BANGLADESH, 1—RELIEF—PACKAGE worth about $1.7—BILLION to help farmers struggling BECAUSE—OF—RESTRICTIONS imposed to stem THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—CORONA—VIRUS.
20200412             —RECORDED, BRITAIN, 737—ADDITIONAL—CORONA—VIRUS—DEATHS in the last —24—HOURS.
20200412             —DISCHARGED, PRIME—MINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON was, from 1—LONDON hospital where he was treated in intensive care for THE—VIRUS.
20200412             —REPORTED, THE—UK, 84,279 positive test results for COVID—19 and 10,612 deaths.
20200412             BRITAIN said it was pledging 200—MILLION—POUNDS ($248—MILLION) to THE—WORLD—HEALTH—ORGANIZATION[WHO] and charities to help slow THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—CORONA—VIRUS in vulnerable countries and so help prevent a 2. WAVE—OF—INFECTIONS.
20200412             —REPORTED, BULGARIA has, 669—CASES—OF—THE—CORONA—VIRUS and 28—DEATHS.
20200412             —CONFIRMED, GERMANY—NUMBER—OF—CORONA—VIRUS—INFECTIONS—ROSE by 2,821 to 120,479. The reported death toll rose by 129 to 2,673.
20200412             —REPORTED, INDONESIA, 399—NEW—CASES—OF—THE—CORONA—VIRUS, its biggest daily jump so far, bringing the total NUMBER—OF—INFECTIONS in the country to 4,241. There were also 46—NEW—CORONA€”VIRUS—RELATED deaths, taking the total to 373. INDONESIA said it has imposed curbs on public transport ahead of the annual exodus to home villages that marks THE—END—OF—THE—MUSLIM fasting —MONTH of Ramadan, in 1—BID to slow THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—CORONA—VIRUS.
20200412             IRAN—PRESIDENT—HASSAN—ROUHANI said the country had won 1—LEGAL "victory" over $1.6—BILLION of its assets that had long been frozen on A—USA—REQUEST in LUXEMBOURG.
20200412             —ANNOUNCED, IRAN, 117—NEW—DEATHS from THE—NOVEL—CORONA—VIRUS, bringing the overall official toll to 4,474, even as it eased SOME—RESTRICTIONS that had been imposed to slow THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—ILLNESS.
20200412             1,657 new infections were confirmed in the past —24—HOURS, taking the total to 71,686. IRAN announced its 1. CORONA—VIRUS—CASES on February 19.
20200412             —APPROVED, THE—ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT, 1—TIGHT—QUARANTINE—OF several areas of JERUSALEM, including the historic Old City, in 1—BID to slow THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—CORONA—VIRUS in the city's most susceptible neighborhoods.
20200412             —REPORTED, MALAYSIA—HEALTH—MINISTRY, 153—NEW confirmed CASES—OF—THE—NOVEL—CORONA—VIRUS, raising the cumulative total to 4,683. The data included 3—NEW—DEATHS, raising the total number of fatalities from the outbreak to 76.
20200412             —REPORTED, THE—NETHERLANDS'—NATIONAL—INSTITUTE for Health (RIVM), 1,188 new CORONA—VIRUS—INFECTIONS over the past —24—HOURS, taking the total to 25,587. THE—NUMBER—OF—DEATHS—ROSE by 94 to 2,737.
20200412             —RECORDED, THE—PHILIPPINES, 50—CORONA—VIRUS—DEATHS, its highest in 1—SINGLE—DAY, taking the toll to 297. The health ministry said 220—NEW—INFECTIONS took THE—TALLY—OF—CASES to 4,648.
20200412             PORTUGAL, THE—CORONA—VIRUS—OUTBREAK spread further into care homes over the Easter weekend, with 100—NEW—CASES—OF—COVID—19—REPORTED in 1—SINGLE—RESIDENCE and care homes accounting for —AROUND 1 in 8—OF—THE—COUNTRY'S—504—DEATHS.
20200412             —TESTED, There have been about 7,700—PEOPLE, so far with more than 780—CONFIRMED cases and 42—DEATHS.
20200412             —BANNED, SOUTH—AFRICA, which has, the sale of all alcohol and cigarettes under 1—CORONA—VIRUS—LOCKDOWN that triggered 1—WAVE—OF—LOOTINGS—OF liquor shops, said it had caught police officers who were complicit in illegal alcohol sales.
20200412             —REACHED, SPAIN, THE—CORONA—VIRUS—DEATH—TOLL, 16,972, with confirmed cases at 166,019. 1—TOTAL—OF—619—PEOPLE † over the past —24—HOURS rising for the 1. time in —3—DAYS, SOME—BUSINESSES prepared to reopen under 1—EASING—OF—THE—COUNTRY—STRICT—LOCKDOWN—REGIME.
20200412             —CALLED, TURKEY, on private banks to do more to help customers hurt by the economic IMPACT—OF—THE—CORONA—VIRUS, saying that STATE—OWNED banks had offered delays in repayments for loans.
20200412             —KILLED, More than 1,000—PEOPLE have been, by THE—CORONA—VIRUS in TURKEY.
20200412             Vários bilhões de toneladas de terra são movidos anualmente por humanos com recurso a pás, máquinas ou dinamite.
20200412             NIKOLAUS—GEYRHALTER observa pessoas em minas, pedreiras e em grandes cenários de obras numa luta constante para transformar o planeta.
20200412             —SONNTAG, 20200412             .
20200412             ISRAEL: Gantz beantragt Verlängerung für Regierungsbildung
20200412             GROSSBRITANNIEN—POLITOLOGE über CORONA—FOLGEN: "Wir können unsere gute, alte Demokratie nicht retten" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—JÖRG—SCHINDLER und MAXIMILIAN—POPP
20200412             —CORONA—KRISE: VON—DER—LEYEN rät von Buchung des Sommerurlaubs ab
20200412             Mehr als 20.600: USA verzeichnen —NUN WELT—WEIT die meisten Toten in der CORONA—PANDEMIE
20200412             JOHNSONs Botschaft an Mediziner: "Verdanke ihnen mein Leben"
20200412             —CORONA—PANDEMIE: BILL—GATES fordert von G20-Staaten mehr Geld für Impfstoffe
20200412             Vor Friedensgesprächen: AFGHANISTAN—REGIERUNG lässt weitere 100—TALIBAN frei
20200412             Über Ostern nutzen wegen der CORONA—KRISE nur 1—FÜNFTEL so VIELE—FAHRGÄSTE die Bahn wie 20190000             .
20200412             DIE—BEWÄLTIGUNG der CORONA—KRISE soll das bestimmende Thema der DEUTSCHLAND—EU—RAT—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFT werden.
20200412             "Wir werden sie zu einer 'CORONA—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFT' machen, um CORONA und seine Folgen zu überwinden", schreibt AUßEN—MINISTER—HEIKO—MAAS (SPD) in einem Gastbeitrag in der "Welt".
20200412             "Es gilt, Lehren aus der Krise zu ziehen, zum Beispiel, indem wir den EU—KATASTROPHENSCHUTZ und die gemeinsame Beschaffung und PRODUKTION—VON—LEBENSWICHTIGEN—MEDIZINGÜTERN verbessern".
20200412             "Sobald wir über den Berg sind, wird eine der 1. Aufgaben darin bestehen, die Beschränkungen für freies Reisen und den Binnenmarkt schrittweise und koordiniert zurückzuführen", schreibt MAAS.
20200412             Dem AUßEN—MINISTER zufolge muss der EU—HAUSHALT für die nächsten —7—JAHRE zu einem "WIEDERBELEBUNGS—PROGRAMM für EUROPA" werden.
20200412             "Also denken wir ihn neu und investieren —JETZT massiv in die ZUKUNFT—IN Forschung, KLIMA—SCHUTZ, technologische Souveränität und krisenfeste GESUNDHEITS—UND Sozialsysteme".
20200412             Im KAMPF—GEGEN—DIE—CORONA—EPIDEMIE will das BUNDESVERKEHRS—MINISTERIUM mit der DEUTSCHLAND—BAHN eine "Landbrücke" für Transporte mit dringend benötigter Schutzausrüstung von CHINA nach DEUTSCHLAND organisieren.
20200412             "Wir wollen damit zusätzlich zur 'Luftbrücke' PRO—WOCHE zwischen 20—UND 4$—TONNEN MASKEN und Schutzmaterial für unsere Krankenhäuser, Altenheime und Pflegeeinrichtungen beschaffen und transportieren",
20200412             Bei der Bahn ist dem Bericht zufolge von einer "Eisenbahnbrücke Eurasia" die Rede.
20200412             Die Züge sollten im Wochentakt von CHINA über KASACHSTAN —BIS nach KALININGRAD in RUSSLAND fahren.
20200412             Von dort gehe es per Schiff über die Ostsee nach ROSTOCK.
20200412             Der Transport dauere —12—TAGE.
20200412             DIE—CORONA—KRISE könnte auch den Zeitplan für zahlreiche Raumfahrtprojekte beeinflussen.
20200412             "—ERST wenn wir zurück zur Normalität kommen, können wir sagen, welche Programme im Verzug sind und was das dann bedeutet",
20200412             "Es ist schwer messbar, wie viel Zeit wir aktuell verlieren. Und solange nicht klar ist, wie lange die Maßnahmen anhalten, ist 1—PROGNOSE sowieso nicht möglich",
20200412             Problematisch könne es in der Produktion werden, wenn Zulieferer ihre Arbeit einstellten und wichtige Teile fehlten.
20200412             —DERZEIT gibt es wegen der CORONA—KRISE keine Starts am Weltraumbahnhof in Kourou in FRANZÖSISCH—GUAYANA.
20200412             NORDKOREA will striktere Maßnahmen zum Schutz der Bevölkerung in der CORONA—VIRUS—PANDEMIE anwenden.
20200412             Bei dem Treffen —AM—SAMSTAG wurde laut KCNA die Sorge geäußert, daß sich DAS—VIRUS "ungeachtet von Grenzen und Kontinenten" ausbreite.
20200412             —GEFÄHRDET, Experten halten NORDKOREA für besonders.
20200412             Das mit zahlreichen Sanktionen belegte Land ist INTERNATIONAL nahezu vollständig isoliert, das GESUNDHEITS—SYSTEM ist schwach.
20200412             —BEREITS kurz nach Bekanntwerden der 1. CORONA—VIRUS—INFEKTIONSFÄLLE in CHINA hatte PJÖNG—JANG —IM, ;;0100;;seine Grenzen zum Nachbarland geschlossen.
20200412             Tausende Nordkoreaner und Hunderte Ausländer, darunter auch Diplomaten, wurden wochenlang IN—QUARANTÄNE gestellt.
20200412             Der Flüchtlingspakt zwischen der EU und der TÜRKEI findet praktisch —SEIT—ANFANG—MÄRZ keine Anwendung mehr.
20200412             —CORONA—BESCHRÄNKUNGEN: Wirtschaftsweise raten von starrer Öffnung ganzer Branchen ab
20200412             hatte ein von der NORDRHEIN—WESTFÄLISCHEN LANDE—REGIERUNG eingesetztes interdisziplinäres Gremium Vorschläge gemacht und unter anderem eine klare Reihenfolge beim Wiederhochfahren der Wirtschaft empfohlen.
20200412             Auch die Ökonomen CLEMENS—FUEST, CHEF—DES—MÜNCHNER IFO—INSTITUTS und CHRISTOPH—M—SCHMIDT, der —PRÄSIDENT—DES—RWI—LEIBNIZ—INSTITUTS für Wirtschaftsforschung, haben klare Vorstellungen von einem Neustart.
20200412             Vielmehr sollte DIE—POLITIK "klare Regeln vorgeben, die helfen, die VIRUS—AUSBREITUNG einzudämmen und eine Überlastung des Gesundheitssystems durch schwere Krankheitsverläufe zu vermeiden",
20200412             COVID—19 in den USA: Wie Amerikas RECHTS—EXTREME DIE—CORONA—KRISE ausnutzen
20200412             DIE—CORONA—PANDEMIE stellt Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft vor enorme Herausforderungen.
20200412             "Viele von ihnen sehen DIE—USA —DERZEIT in einer Lage, in der das Vertrauen in den STAAT abnimmt, hinzu kommt der große wirtschaftliche Abschwung", sagt JOSHUA—FISHER—BIRCH vom Counter Extremism Project (CEP) dem SPIEGEL.
20200412             —BEOBACHTET, FISHER—BIRCH, Kanäle und Gruppenchats im MESSENGER—DIENST Telegram.
20200412             Das Ziel dieser ART—VON—HETZE: in der CORONA—KRISE Panik stiften.
20200412             In einem rechtsextremen Kanal mit knapp 1.400—MITGLIEDERN wird DAS—VIRUS als Teil eines jüdischen Komplotts bezeichnet, das Weiße dazu bringen solle, sich zu Hause einzuschließen, während die Regierung sie entrechte.
20200412             Es wird unter anderem dazu aufgefordert in die Öffentlichkeit zu gehen, selbst wenn man krank sei.
20200412             Andere Kanäle rufen dazu auf, die Tätigkeit der NATIONAL—GARDE zu stören und mit kleinen, selbstgebauten Sprengkörpern für Panik zu sorgen.
20200412             —SEITDEM, soziale Medien wie FACEBOOK und Twitter sowie Googles Videoplattform YouTube verstärkt gegen Hetze und Extremismus vorgingen, sagt FISHER—BIRCH, habe die Bedeutung von Telegram mit seinen Kanälen und Chatgruppen zugenommen.
20200412             —BEOBACHTET, FISHER—BIRCH, nach eigenen ANGABEN—CA—100—TELEGRAM—KANÄLE, die dem rechtsextremen Spektrum zuzuordnen sind.
20200412             DIE—GRÖßTEN davon hätten zwischen 3000—UND 5000—MITGLIEDER, kleinere 200—BIS 300.
20200412             Einem Bericht des Senders ABC zufolge versandte das NEW—YORKER BÜRO—DES—FBI —IM—MÄRZ Warnungen an örtliche POLIZEIbehörden.
20200412             Demnach riefen RECHTSRECHTS—EXTREMEN—GRUPPEN Mitglieder, die sich mit dem VIRUS infizieren sollten, dazu auf, DAS—CORONA—VIRUS— unter Polizisten und Juden zu verbreiten: "durch Körperflüssigkeiten und persönliche Interaktionen".
20200412             Auch das SOUTH—POVERTY Law Center warnte Ende —MÄRZ, daß Rassisten und Rechtsextremisten sich durch die Pandemie in ihrem Glauben gestärkt fühlten, die moderne Gesellschaft stehe kurz vor dem Kollaps.
20200412             Sie hofften, daß die Regierung DAS—VIRUS nicht unter Kontrolle bekomme, weitere TEILE—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG dadurch radikalisiert würden und sie selbst dieses —CHAOS ausnutzen könnten, heißt es in einer Mitteilung der Organisation, die sich dem Schutz von Bürgerrechten und dem KAMPF—GEGEN—RASSISMUS verschrieben hat.
20200412             Der —36—JAHRE—ALTE TIMOTHY—WILSON plante laut der Bundespolizei einen BOMBEN—ANSCHLAG—AUF—1—KRANKENHAUS.
20200412             Fehlende Kollekten bei Kirchen und Hilfswerken: Die Leere im Klingelbeutel
20200412             —CORONA—VIRUS—IN—SYRIEN: "Das einzig Gute ist, daß wir belagert sind"
20200412             Diskussion über LOCKDOWN—AUSSTIEG: Politiker befürworten MUNDSCHUTZ—PFLICHT
20200412             —CORONA—KRISE: Beispielloser Einbruch der Passagierzahlen an DEUTSCHLAND—FLUGHÄFEN—VON—MARTIN—U—MÜLLER
20200412             Und über den Sinn von STOFF—MASKEN aus der heimischen Produktion bestehen große Zweifel.
20200412             Läden sollen früher öffnen als Diskotheken, in Restaurants sollen Tische weit auseinander stehen, und nur wenige Gäste zugelassen werden.
20200412             Fußballspiele, Messen und Kongresse müssten dagegen noch länger verboten bleiben.
20200412             Als problematisch bezeichnete Söder Änderungen der derzeitigen Beschränkungen in Bereichen, in denen das Abstandnehmen schwierig IST—KONKRET in der Gastronomie, in Clubs, Diskotheken, Hotels und auch bei größeren Veranstaltungen.
20200412             FRANK—ULRICH—MONTGOMERY, VORSITZENDER—DES—VORSTANDES des Weltärztebundes: "Ich persönlich halte nicht viel von der MASKENpflicht", sagte er —AM—DIENSTAG dem Bayerischen Rundfunk.
20200412             "Wer DAS—VIRUS in sich trägt, der sollte eine —MASKE tragen. Aber das sind ja nicht 83—MILLIONEN, die Herr Söder mit seiner MASKEN—PFLICHT beglücken will, sondern das sind im Moment immer noch nur 130.000".
20200412             DIE—GANZ hochwertigen MASKEN mit komplettem Schutz sollten dem medizinischen Personal vorbehalten sein, sagte MONTGOMERY.
20200412             "DIE—ALLGEMEINEN MASKEN für alle gibt es momentan nicht zu kaufen. Und ich halte es für absurd, Menschen Pflichten aufzuerlegen, die sie gar nicht erfüllen können".
20200412             Selbstgestrickte oder andere MASKEN würden "selbst von der Weltgesundheitsorganisation abgelehnt, weil sich in ihnen DAS—VIRUS konzentrieren kann und man dann beim Berühren sozusagen die Infektion befördert".
20200412             Allerdings habe er sich auch selbst "eine —MASKE genäht und ich trage natürlich 1—MASKE, wenn ich in die Öffentlichkeit gehe, auch um meiner Solidarität und meiner Höflichkeit gegenüber meinen Mitmenschen Ausdruck zu verleihen. Aber die muss man oft waschen, die muss man pflegen, diese MASKE".
20200412             Der VORSITZENDE—DES—BUNDES—DEUTSCHER—KRIMINALBEAMTER, SEBASTIAN—FIEDLER, hat —AM—DONNERSTAG das Tragen eines Mundschutzes im öffentlichen Raum befürwortet.
20200412             "Ich kann gar nicht verstehen, daß in DEUTSCHLAND keine lautere Debatte darüber aufkommt, daß man Lockerungen mit MASKEN, die JEDER—DRAUSSEN trägt, verbindet",
20200412             "Das wäre auch für ALLE—EINSATZKRÄFTE eine große Erleichterung".
20200412             Beim Motorradfahren müsse man schließlich auch einen Helm aufsetzen, beim Autofahren müsse man sich anschnallen: "Warum sollten wir also nicht eine —MASKE anziehen —IN—DIESEN—TAGEN?"
20200412             Bundeskanzlerin ANGELA—MERKEL (CDU) und die MINISTER—PRÄSIDENTEN der Länder wollen —AM—MITTWOCH über die nächste Phase des Kampfes gegen das neuartige CORONA—VIRUS— beraten.
20200412             Der STÄDTE—UND Gemeindebund hat flächendeckende CORONA—TESTS als Voraussetzung für 1—LOCKERUNG der Schutzmaßnahmen genannt.
20200412             Dazu gehöre der Aufbau eines bundesweit einheitlichen TEST—UND Meldesystems, sagte Hauptgeschäftsführer GERD—LANDSBERG
20200412             —ZUDEM, müssten die Testkapazitäten deutlich ausgebaut werden, damit 80—BIS 100—PROZENT—DER—KONTAKTPERSONEN—VON—INFIZIERTEN innerhalb eines Tages gefunden und getestet werden könnten.
20200412             —BIS Ende —MAI müssten die Tests von —DERZEIT 60.000—AUF 500.000—PRO —TAG hochgefahren werden, forderte Landsberg.
20200412             FRANZISKUS—I—PAPA hat die Ostermesse wegen der CORONAKRISE—IN—KLEINEM Rahmen gefeiert.
20200412             Der GOTTES—DIENST begann am Sonntagvormittag im fast leeren Petersdom.
20200412             Gegen 12—UHR sollte das —83—JAHRE alte katholische Kirchenoberhaupt den Segen "Urbi et Orbi" sprechen.
20200412             SPANIEN, ist die ZAHL—DER—TODESFÄLLE in der CORONA—KRISE wieder stärker angestiegen: 619—MENSCHEN starben binnen —24—STUNDEN an den Folgen einer Infektion,
20200412             das war zum 3. Mal in Folge 1—ABSCHWÄCHUNG des Anstiegs von Todesfällen.
20200412             DIE—STRIKTEN Ausgangssperren für die Bevölkerung, die —SEIT dem ;;0314;;
20200412             gelten, wurden —BIS zum ;;0425;; verlängert.
20200412             Für das private DEUTSCHLAND—RETTUNGSSCHIFF "ALAN—KURDI" mit knapp 150—MIGRANTEN an Bord zeichnet sich eine vorläufige Lösung ab.
20200412             Die Geretteten sollen "—IN—DEN—NÄCHSTEN—STUNDEN" auf ein anderes Schiff verlegt und dort IN—QUARANTÄNE gestellt werden, teilte das ITALIEN—VERKEHRS—MINISTERIUM —SONNTAG in Rom mit.
20200412             CHINA ist besorgt über den Zustrom von infizierten Reisenden aus RUSSLAND.
20200412             DIE—GRENZSTADT Suifenhe nahe der RUSSLAND—HAFENSTADT Wladiwostok,
20200412             —BIS—SAMSTAG wurden in der STADT—CA—300—FÄLLE gemeldet, DARUNTER—CA—100—INFIZIERTE, die keine Symptome zeigten.
20200412             Wegen des Zustroms von heimkehrenden Chinesen über die Grenze, von denen nach bisherigen Erfahrungen im Schnitt zwischen 10—UND 20—PROZENT infiziert sind, wurde ein provisorisches Krankenhaus in einem Bürogebäude für 600—PATIENTEN eingerichtet.
20200412             "Champion ohne Krone": MOTORSPORT—LEGENDE Stirling Moss ist tot
20200412             WIKILEAKS—GRÜNDER: JULIAN—ASSANGE soll im BOTSCHAFTS—EXIL zweimal Vater geworden sein
20200412             Zugleich betonte der Gesundheitsminister, daß DIE—DEUTSCHEN mit dem CORONA—VIRUS— dauerhaft leben werden müssen.
20200412             "DAS—VIRUS wird bleiben, wir werden dauerhaft damit leben und umgehen müssen".
20200412             Es sei wichtig, dies als Gesellschaft zu akzeptieren.
20200412             Auch —DERZEIT befänden sich demnach noch rund 100—KREUZFAHRTSCHIFFE vor den Küsten der USA mit fast 80.000—BESATZUNGSMITGLIEDERN an Bord, heißt es in einer Mitteilung der Behörde.
20200412             Schneller Genesungsprozess: Der GROSSBRITANNIEN—REGIERUNGSCHEF BORIS—JOHNSONIST —3—TAGE nach Verlassen der Intensivstation —NUN auch aus dem Krankenhaus entlassen worden.
20200412             Zur Arbeit kehrt er jedoch —ERST einmal nicht zurück.
20200412             —VERWEIGERT, ISRAEL: Rivlin, Gantz Verlängerung der Regierungsbildung
20200412             Menschenrechtsorganisation: Modeketten stornieren Aufträge in Südasien
20200412             Ausgangssperren in der TÜRKEI: Leere Großstädte, verlassene Küsten
20200412             Wirtschaftliche Folgen der CORONA—PANDEMIE: Die Welt nach der Krise 1—KOLUMNE—VON—HENRIK—MÜLLER
20200412             Jeder 3. BUNDES—BÜRGERBEKOMMT —SEIT Beginn der CORONA—KRISE weniger von seinen engsten Nachbarn mit.
20200412             Von "viel weniger Kontakt zu den engsten Nachbarn" sprechen weitere 10—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN.
20200412             "Ich habe gleich viel Kontakt wie vor der CORONA—KRISE", sagen 56—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN.
20200412             Sogar mehr Kontakt zu den Nachbarn als vor der Krise haben 4—PROZENT.
20200412             —LAUT, dem am vergangenen —DONNERSTAG vorgestellten Zwischenergebnis der Studie haben 15—PROZENT—DER—BÜRGER in der Gemeinde Gangelt —NUN 1—IMMUNITÄT gegen DAS—VIRUS ausgebildet.
20200412             Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, an der Krankheit zu sterben, liegt demnach, bezogen auf die Gesamtzahl der Infizierten, bei 0,37 Prozent.
20200412             Die in DEUTSCHLAND —DERZEIT von der USA—JOHNS—HOPKINS—UNIVERSITÄT berechnete entsprechende Rate liegt mit 1,98 Prozent um das Fünffache höher.
20200412             DIE—GEFÄLSCHTE Seite ist den Berichten zufolge 1—EX—AKTE und vollständige —KOPIE der echten Website.
20200412             Der einzig sichtbare Unterschied ist, daß bei der Fälschung 1—ANTRAGSFORMULAR vorhanden und auszufüllen ist.
20200412             Die FAKE—SEITE liegt auf einem Server in den USA, der Anmelder verbirgt sich hinter einem ANONYMISIERUNGS—DIENST in PANAMA.
20200412             Ermittler im CYBERcrime Competence Center der NORDRHEIN—WESTFÄLISCHEN POLIZEI versuchen nach einer AN—FRAGE—VON—NDR, WDR und "Süddeutscher Zeitung" —SEIT Sonntagmittag, die falsche Seite offline nehmen zu lassen.
20200412             Offenbar wollten KRIMinelle für ihren Betrug die Osterfeiertage ausnutzen.
20200412             Betrüger fälschen Website von NRW—WIRTSCHAFTSMINISTERIUM, um Soforthilfen abzugreifen
20200412             DAS—KÖNIG—REICH SAUDI—ARABIEN ist in der arabischen Welt DAS—LAND mit den meisten Infizierten.
20200412             —GESTORBEN, ITALIEN, sind so wenige Menschen am CORONA—VIRUS—, wie —SEIT mehr als —3—WOCHEN nicht mehr.
20200412             Der Druck auf die Intensivstationen habe weiter nachgelassen,
20200412             Nur 200—ANGESTELLTE von Walt Disney World in FLORIDA sollen weiter ARBEITEN—DER Rest wird nach Informationen der "NEW—YORK Times" in den Zwangsurlaub geschickt.
20200412             DIE—ANGESTELLTEN sollen dem Bericht zufolge ihr Gehalt ab kommendem —SONNTAG nicht weiter ausgezahlt bekommen, dafür würden sie ihre Gesundheitsversicherung nicht verlieren.
20200412             Recherchen der "NEW—YORK Times" zufolge soll TRUMP die Warnungen und Empfehlungen seiner Experten in der CORONA—KRISE lange ignoriert haben.
20200412             Fauci bestätigte das "CNN" in Bezug auf die —ERST—MITTE—MÄRZ eingeführten Regeln zur Wahrung von sozialer Distanz.
20200412             OPEC+: Ölstaaten einigen sich auf Förderkürzung
20200412             Süleyman Soylu: TÜRKEI—INNEN—MINISTER tritt nach verunglückter Ausgangssperre zurück
20200412             TÜRKEI: Erdogan lehnt Rücktrittsgesuch seines Innenministers ab
20200412             —CORONA—KRISE—BEGINN—SEIT—DER, Jeder 3. BUNDES—BÜRGER, BEKOMMT weniger von seinen engsten Nachbarn mit.
20200412             —VERSTOß—GEGEN—AUSGANGSSPERREN in INDIEN: Touristen müssen 500—MAL "Tut mir leid" schreiben
20200412             Diese werden unter anderem von rechtsextremen Gruppen genutzt, welche die moderne AMERIKANISCHE—GESELLSCHAFT dem Ende nahe wähnen, ihren Zusammenbruch beschleunigen und an ihrer Stelle einen weißen EHTNO—STAAT errichten wollen.
20200412             1—MITTEL, das sie nutzen, um diesen Prozess zu beschleunigen, sind VERSCHWÖRUNGS—THEORIEN: Zum Teil würden Chinesen, USA—AMERIKANER mit CHINESISCHEN—WURZELN oder Asiaten im Allgemeinen für die Verbreitung des VIRUS verantwortlich gemacht, zum Teil Juden oder der STAAT ISRAEL,
20200412             DIE—VORRICHTUNG, die er für 1—BOMBE hielt und mit der er die Tat begehen wollte, war nach Behördenangaben 1—ATTRAPPE—DES—FBI.
20200412—19600000    —60—JAHRE—OSTER—MÄRSCHE, "Zur Not gehe ich allein" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—CHRISTOPH—GUNKEL
20200412—202000426   —BIS—zum—verlängert, Das ÖSTERREICH—BUNDESLAND—Tirol hat die QUARANTÄNE für den Skiort—Sölden .
20200412—20200318    —REIMPOSED, JAPAN, Ssuzuki Naomichi, THE—MAYOR—OF—HOKAIDO, 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY that had been lifted.
20200412—20200400    —ANFANG, In den 2 wichtigsten muslimischen Städte Mekka und Medina verhängte SAUDI—ARABIEN zudem 1 komplette Ausgangssperre.
20200412—20911200    —SINCE—IN, THE—VIRUS emerged in CHINA, Worldwide, more than 1.79—MILLION—PEOPLE have been diagnosed  and
20200412—20911200    —SINCE—IN, THE—VIRUS emerged in CHINA, Worldwide, THE—DEATH—TOLL has passed 109,000.
20200418—20200412    —SINCE, The country registered 482—FATALITIES down from 525—1—DAY—EARLIER, the lowest.
20200419—20200412    —ON, Confirmed infections were up 78% to 16,365, from 9,200.
20200504             LAGOS Casos confirmados 3 - Data 202005041200          nachm.
20200529             Die höchste sogenannte Übersterblichkeit —SEIT Beginn der Coronakrise in DEUTSCHLAND gab es den bisherigen Daten zufolge zwischen dem 6. und 20200412             , als die ZAHL—DER—TODESFÄLLE 13—PROZENT über dem vierjährigen Durchschnitt lag.
20200604             Kampf gegen Eichenprozessionsspinner in OWL—STÄDTEN—DATA 202006041200          nachm.
20201222—20200412    —SINCE, TAIWAN reported its 1. locally transmitted CASE—OF—COVID 19.
20210329             Geschäfte ohne Waren des täglichen Bedarfs und die Außengastronomie bleiben allerdings noch mindestens —BIS zum 20210412             geschlossen
20210406             —BISHER ist die nächste BUND—LÄNDER—RUNDE für den 20210412             geplant.
20210406             Modellversuche in NIEDERSACHSEN beginnen nicht vor dem 20210412             20210412             —MONTAG, 20210412             20210412             Politische Einflussnahme bei Netflix, Amazon Prime und Co.: Warum bald der Zensor in der TÜRKEI entscheiden könnte, was wir sehen dürfen Von LARS—OLAV—BEIER, Laura Höflinger, OLIVER—KAEVER und ANNA—SOPHIE—SCHNEIDER
20210412             CORONA—ERKENNUNG: Wirtschaftsweise unterstützt Testpflicht in Firmen
20210412             Aerosolforscher fordern Kurswechsel: "DRINNEN lauert die Gefahr"
20210412             "Wenn wir die Pandemie in den Griff bekommen wollen, müssen wir die Menschen sensibilisieren, dass DRINNEN die Gefahr lauert",
20210412             heißt es in einem Brief an die Bundesregierung und an die Landesregierungen
20210412             Es gilt als sicher, dass sich das CORONA€”VIRUS vor allem über Luft verbreitet.
20210412             "Leider werden —BIS—HEUTE wesentliche Erkenntnisse unserer Forschungsarbeit nicht in praktisches Handeln übersetzt",
20210412             kritisieren die Verfasser.
20210412             WOHNUNGEN, Büros, Klassenräumen, Wohnanlagen und Betreuungseinrichtungen müssten Maßnahmen ergriffen werden.
20210412             INNENRÄUMEN, finde auch dann 1—ANSTECKUNG statt, wenn man sich nicht direkt mit jemandem trifft,
20210412             sich aber 1—INFEKTIÖSER vorher in einem schlecht belüfteten Raum aufgehalten hat, warnen sie.
20210412             Debatten über das Flanieren auf Flusspromenaden, den Aufenthalt in Biergärten, das Joggen oder Radfahren seien hingegen kontraproduktiv.
20210412             Maßnahmen wie die Maskenpflicht beim Joggen an Alster und Elbe in HAMBURG etwa seien eher symbolischer Natur und ließen "keinen nennenswerten Einfluss auf das Infektionsgeschehen erwarten",
20210412             schreiben die Experten.
20210412             SARS—COV—2—ERREGER würden fast ausnahmslos in Innenräumen übertragen.
20210412             Im Freien sei das ÄUß—ERST selten, im Promillebereich.
20210412             —VERSCHWENDET, Hierauf sollten die begrenzten Ressourcen nicht, werden,
20210412             Auch würden im Freien nie größere Gruppen — sogenannte Cluster — infiziert, wie das in Innenräumen etwa in Heimen, Schulen, Veranstaltungen, Chorproben oder Busfahrten zu beobachten sei.
20210412             Auch die Ausgangssperren versprechen aus Sicht der Wissenschaftler mehr, als sie halten können.
20210412             "Die heimlichen Treffen in Innenräumen werden damit nicht verhindert, sondern lediglich die Motivation erhöht, sich den staatlichen Anordnungen noch mehr zu entziehen",
20210412             "In der Fußgängerzone 1—MASKE zu tragen, um anschließend im eigenen Wohnzimmer 1—KAFFEETAFEL ohne Maske zu veranstalten, ist nicht das, was wir als Experten unter Infektionsvermeidung verstehen".
20210412             Mit Ausgangsbeschränkungen will die Politik verhindern, dass sich Menschen zeitweise überhaupt treffen.
20210412             Stattdessen empfehlen die Autoren mehrere Maßnahmen wie zum Beispiel,
20210412             Treffen in Innenräumen so kurz wie möglich zu gestalten, mit häufigem STOß—ODER Querlüften Bedingungen wie im Freien zu schaffen,
20210412             effektive Masken in Innenräumen zu tragen sowie
20210412             Raumluftreiniger und Filter überall dort zu installieren, wo Menschen sich länger in geschlossenen Räumen aufhalten müssen — etwa in Pflegeheimen, Büros und Schulen.
20210412             "Die Kombination dieser Maßnahmen führt zum Erfolg",
20210412             "Wird das entsprechend kommuniziert, gewinnen damit die Menschen in dieser schweren Zeit zugleich 1—STÜCK ihrer Bewegungsfreiheit zurück".
20210412             Zu den Unterzeichnern zählen der PRÄSIDENT—DER—GESELLSCHAFT für Aerosolforschung, Christof Asbach, Generalsekretärin Birgit Wehner und
20210412             der frühere PRÄSIDENT—DER—INTERNATIONALEN—GESELLSCHAFT für Aerosole in der Medizin, GERHARD—SCHEUCH.
20210412             —VERBIETET, Konsequenzen aus WIRECARD—SKANDAL: Scholz, seinen Mitarbeitern das Zocken
20210412             Thüringen: Gericht kippt Coronaregeln für 2—SCHÜLER — Ministerium kritisiert Beschluss
20210412             —GEWINNT, ECUADOR: Konservativer Banker Lasso, Präsidentenwahl
20210412             Einigung nach langem Streit: Bauernhilfen werden strikter an Umweltauflagen gekoppelt
20210412             MINNESOTA: Polizist erschießt Afroamerikaner — Hunderte gehen auf die Straße
20210412             Kanzlerkandidatur: —ERST Strauß, dann Stoiber — und —JETZT Söder?
20210412             —GELÜFTET, Grabgeheimnis : Wer ist das Kind im Sarg des Bischofs?
20210412             Lange rätselten Historiker, wer das Kind ist.
20210412             —NUN zeigen Analysen des Erbguts: Bei dem Fötus im etwa —342—JAHRE alten Sarg des Bischofs Winstrup handelt es sich vermutlich um seinen Enkel.
20210412             Handelseinbruch nach Brexit: GROSSBRITANNIEN—HANDELSKAMMER warnt vor "irreversibler Schwäche"
20210412             Urananreicherung in Natans: Irans Außenminister wirft ISRAEL—JETZT offiziell Angriff auf Atomanlage vor
20210412             RIESEN—SEEKABEL NordLink: DEUTSCHLAND nutzt NORWEGEN —JETZT als Batterie
20210412             Das Unterseekabel NordLink, das Deutschlands Stromnetz mit dem Norwegens und vor allen Dingen Norwegens großen Stauseen verbindet,
20210412             hat die mehrere —MONATE dauernde Probephase erfolgreich abgeschlossen und beginnt —NUN mit dem Regelbetrieb.
20210412             Die Leitung in den hohen Norden gilt als Leuchtturmprojekt der Energiewende.
20210412             Das Phänomen, um das es geht, heißt "Dunkelflaute": 1—KOMBINATION—VON—WENIG—WIND und zugleich geringer Sonneneinstrahlung.
20210412             ZUKUNFT, soll in solchen Lagen über NordLink Strom nach DEUTSCHLAND fließen, der in Norwegens Wasserkraftwerken gewonnen wird und "Dunkelflauten" so ausgleichen könnte.
20210412             Das Kabel verläuft zwischen den Umspannwerken Wilster in SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN und Tonstad in NORWEGEN 516—KILOMETER am Meeresboden, insgesamt misst die Leitung sogar 623—KILOMETER.
20210412             Die Baukosten wurden mit insgesamt etwa 2—MILLIARDEN Euro angegeben.
20210412             Durch die Leitung können —BIS zu 1.400—Megawatt Strom fließen.
20210412             —ENTSPRICHT, Das, in etwa der Leistung des aktuell größten DEUTSCHLAND—ATOMKRAFTWERKS Isar 2.
20210412             Potenzielles Coronamedikament: Antikörpermittel senkt laut Hersteller Risiko für COVID—19—UM 81—PROZENT
20210412             Klimaschutz in FRANKREICH: Abgeordnete stimmen für Verbot von Inlandsflügen entlang von TGV—STRECKEN
20210412             Organisiertes Verbrechen in der EU: Kriminelle Netzwerke profitieren von der Pandemie
20210412             Wette auf steigende Preise: Firma baut Tresor für 15.000—TONNEN Silber
20210412             Künstliche Intelligenz: Microsoft kauft SIRI—MITERFINDER Nuance für fast 20—MILLIARDEN Dollar
20210412             B.1.351: BIONTECH—IMPFSTOFF schützt offenbar weniger gut vor Mutante
20210412             Neue Mobilfunktechnologie: —JETZT kommt das echte 5G 1—NETZWELT—NEWSLETTER
20210412             Trotz 3. Coronawelle: SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN lässt Eisdielen, Cafés und Biergärten im Freien öffnen
20210412             Chemiewaffen in SYRIEN: Kontrolleure machen Regierungstruppen für CHLORGAS—ANGRIFF verantwortlich
20210412             Neue ANDROID—FUNKTION "Kopf hoch": Handys warnen bald davor, mit dem Handy in der Hand zu laufen
20210412             Indigene Stadtplanung: "1—HIMMEL, der mit fliegenden Autos übersät ist, wäre 1—ALBTRAUM"
20210412             Joining the Wolves: ERDOGAN—PACT with THE—ULTRA—NATIONALISTS By Sebnem Arsu, MAXIMILIAN—POPP und ANNA—SOPHIE—SCHNEIDER
20210412             Kleine Anfrage im BUNDESTAG: Bundesregierung hat bislang kaum Informationen über Long Covid
20210412             GROSSBRITANNIEN—EU—EXPORT bricht ein: Der schale Triumph des BORIS—JOHNSON
20210412             —BERICHTET, Nach Werbung für CORONA—IMPFUNG: USCHI—GLAS, von Hassmails
20210412             Abstimmung in KIRGISISTAN: Umstrittene Verfassungsreform gibt STAATSCHEF—SCHAPAROW mehr Macht
20210412             Verbot von Maskenpflicht an Weimarer Schulen: Wie 1—AMTSRICHTER die Coronaleugner jubeln lässt
20210412             Mon 20210412
20210412             [l] Old and busted: Mittelsmänner bescheißen im Werbemarkt Google zu Lasten der Werbekunden.
20210412             New hotness: Google bescheißt im Werbemarkt Google, zu Lasten der Werbekunden.
20210412             Google ist da nämlich in einer besonderen Position, weil
20210412             sie sowohl das System zum Auswählen der angezeigten Werbung betreiben, als auch das System, wo du als Werbekunde Anzeigenplatz buchen kannst.
20210412             Sie haben dann mit den Daten aus dem einen System das andere System getuned, so dass
20210412             die Leute häufiger den Zuschlag kriegten, die über Googles eigenes System Anzeigen geschaltet haben, und
20210412             —KASSIERT, Google hat dann die Provision.
20210412             So und —JETZT stellt euch mal vor, ihr baut so 1—BESCHEISSSYSTEM.
20210412             Das braucht ja einen guten Namen. Was nimmt man da?
20210412             Für 1—SYSTEM, das aus Schall und Rauch besteht und den kleinen Mann abzockt?
20210412             Google musste nicht lange nachdenken:
20210412             —CALLED, The unredacted elements refers to 1—PROGRAM, "Project Bernanke," 1—SYSTEM that Google allegedly kept secret from publishers and other rivals.
20210412             —VIEWED, Bernanke was also, as 1—ANTITRUST issue by the states in the lawsuit, due to how it operated.
20210412             [l] - Bernanke? Sagt euch das was? Oh ja richtig!
20210412             Der, der für die Nullzinsen und das Gelddrucken verantwortlich ist.
20210412             Und für die Milliardenbailouts für die Banken in der Finanzkrise.
20210412             Für die größte Vermögensumverteilung von unten nach oben in der GESCHICHTE—DER—WELT.
20210412             DER Bernanke! Wartet, geht noch weiter!
20210412             Interessantes Detail am Rande:
20210412             The filing also mentions "Jedi Blue," 1—AGREEMENT between Google and Facebook where the social network wouldn't compete with Google in online advertising,
20210412             in exchange for preferential treatment in GOOGLE—ADVERTISING tools.
20210412             Was war das genau? Engadget hat ein paar Details:
20210412             Nicknamed "Jedi Blue," it reportedly gave Facebook favors in ad header bidding,
20210412             where sites could solicit ad space bids from multiple exchanges at once, in return for backing GOOGLE—OPEN—BIDDING approach to selling those ads.
20210412             The terms gave Facebook inherent advantages, according to the Times.
20210412             Facebook had more time to bid for ads, direct billing deals with the sites hosting the ads, and help from Google to understand ad audiences.
20210412             As PART—OF—THE—AGREEMENT, Facebook said it would bid on at least 90—PERCENT of ad auctions —WHEN it could identify users,
20210412             and promised minimum spending levels up to $500—MILLION per —YEAR.
20210412             —ASKED, It also, Google to avoid using bid info to skew ad auctions in its favor.
20210412             Tja, die Amis machen sowas halt gleich in großem Stil.
20210412             Nicht wie bei uns wo ein paar CDU—KLEINKRIMINELLE Provisionen skimmen.
20210412             Update: 1—LESER empfiehlt zu Bernanke das Video hier.
20210412             [l] Die ÖSTERREICH—POST möchte gerne Pakete in der Wohnung abstellen.
20210412             Wie? Nein, nicht klingeln.
20210412             Die wollen einen Nachschlüssel.
20210412             Das erscheint euch etwas riskant?
20210412             Kein Problem, die Post hat 1—LÖSUNG.
20210412             Möglich wird das, indem die Wohnungstür mit einem smarten Türschloss von Nuki ausgestattet wird.
20210412             Dieses wird an der Wohnungsseite der Tür angebracht und ermöglicht die kontaktlose Öffnung der Tür, indem man von außen ein dafür berechtigtes Smartphone an diese hält.
20210412             Wisst ihr, wem ich noch viel weniger trauen würde als der Post?
20210412             Richtig! Einem smarten Türschloss. Die haben ja wohl ne Macke!
20210412             —BEKANNT, Update: Falls euch das irgendwie, vorkommt: Amazon stellte so 1—SYSTEM vor dreieinhalb —JAHREN vor.
20210412             [l] "Why We're Freaking Out About Substack" schreibt die NEW—YORK—TIMES.
20210412             Substack?
20210412             Das war doch die Site, bei der MATT—TAIBBI und GLENN—GREENWALD —JETZT publizieren!
20210412             Tja, stellt sich raus: So ein NEWSPAPER—OF—RECORD?
20210412             Das braucht man gar nicht mehr, wenn man seine News auch woanders herkriegen kann, am besten auch noch mit weniger Propaganda drin.
20210412             Arrancou projeto que vai proteger os camaleões do Algarve
20210412             Não há casos de COVID—19—ENTRE profissionais de saúde ou surtos em lares do Algarve
20210412             Surto na construção civil em PORTIMÃO já foi responsável por 153—CASOS de COVID—19
20210412             Número elevado de casos nas escolas pode indicar que vírus mudou "qualquer coisa"
20210412             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—183—(+1)—ÓBITOS—11—(=)—RECUPERADOS—170—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—2—(+1)
20210412             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—72—(=)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—66—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—4—(=)
20210412             VILA—DO—BISPO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—138—(=)—ÓBITOS—6—(=)—RECUPERADOS—132—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—0—(=)
20210412             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1374—(+2)—ÓBITOS—27—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1339—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—8—(+2)
20210412             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—2405—(+12)—ÓBITOS—30—(=)—RECUPERADOS—2146—(+12)—CASOS—ATIVOS—229—(=)
20210412             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1248—(=)—ÓBITOS—12—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1212—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—24—(-2)
20210412             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—686—(=)—ÓBITOS—14—(=)—RECUPERADOS—649—(+7)—CASOS—ATIVOS—23—(-7)
20210412             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—2390—(+9)—ÓBITOS—44—(=)—RECUPERADOS—2246—(+6)—CASOS—ATIVOS—100—(+3)
20210412             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—3752—(+1)—ÓBITOS—63—(=)—RECUPERADOS—3646—(+5)—CASOS—ATIVOS—43—(-4)
20210412             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—3220—(+4)—ÓBITOS—52—(=)—RECUPERADOS—3100—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—68—(+3)
20210412             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1756—(+1)—ÓBITOS—22—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1686—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—48—(-1)
20210412             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1518—(+1)—ÓBITOS—29—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1469—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—20—(=)
20210412             VRSA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1265—(=)—ÓBITOS—19—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1239—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—7—(=)
20210412             CASTRO—MARIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—389—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—388—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—0—(=)
20210412             ALCOUTIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—84—(+1)—ÓBITOS—4—(=)—RECUPERADOS—79—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—1—(+1)
20210412             INCIDÊNCIA—NACIONAL: 70,0 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19—POR 100 000—HAB.
20210412             Continente: 67,4casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19—POR 100 000—HAB.
20210412             R(t) Nacional: 1,04 Continente: 1,03
20210412             CORONA—KONTROLLE in Unternehmen: Wirtschaft stemmt sich mit eigenen Vorschlägen gegen Testpflicht
20210412             THAILAND vor Neujahrsfest mit Rekordzahl an Neuinfektionen
20210412             Die Grünen pochen auf Änderungen an der geplanten Regelung für eine bundesweite CORONA—NOTBREMSE.
20210412             Mit ihrem Vorhaben räume die Bundesregierung praktisch ein, dass das bisherige Format der Ministerpräsidentenkonferenzen gescheitert sei,
20210412             Experten beurteilen die Ergebnisse einer aktuellen Studie zur Einnahme eines Asthmasprays bei COVID—19—ALS vielversprechend.
20210412             "Der beschriebene Effekt ist beachtlich und bedeutsam",
20210412             Die Studie unter Leitung der UNIVERSITÄT—OXFORD wurde im Fachmagazin "THE—LANCET" veröffentlicht.
20210412             Sie hatte ergeben, dass
20210412             bei Patienten, die im frühen Stadium ihrer COVID—ERKRANKUNG das antientzündlich wirkende Medikament Budesonid inhalierten, das Risiko für einen Krankenhausaufenthalt deutlich sank.
20210412             —GENESEN, Zudem seien sie schneller,
20210412             München zieht —AM—MITTWOCH wieder die Notbremse
20210412             Verhältnismäßig wenige Schwarze und Latinos haben in den USA —BEREITS 1—CORONA—IMPFUNG erhalten.
20210412             Rund 18—PROZENT—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG gelten als Latinos oder hispanischen Ursprungs — sie machen unter den Geimpften aber nur 10,7 Prozent aus,
20210412             Trotzdem legen Umfragen nahe, dass es bei Schwarzen und Latinos eine deutlich höhere Skepsis bezüglich Impfungen gibt.
20210412             Die Regierung bemüht sich, die Impfbereitschaft in diesen Bevölkerungsgruppen —NUN durch mehrere Initiativen zu erhöhen.
20210412             Die Pläne der Bundesregierung für nächtliche Ausgangssperren zur Eindämmung der 3. CORONA—WELLE stoßen im Berliner Abgeordnetenhaus auf breite Ablehnung.
20210412             Sowohl die Regierungsfraktionen von Linken und Grünen als auch AfD und FDP lehnten ein solches Vorgehen im Zuge einer bundeseinheitlichen CORONA-"Notbremse" ab.
20210412             Sie bezweifeln auch, ob die Einhaltung einer solchen Regel in BERLIN tatsächlich zu kontrollieren sei.
20210412             "Die Erfahrungen mit Ausgangssperren auf nationaler wie internationaler Ebene zeigen, dass diese kaum zur Eindämmung des Infektionsgeschehens beitragen",
20210412             erklärten die LINKEN—FRAKTIONSCHEFS ANNE—HELM und CARSTEN—SCHATZ.
20210412             "Daher ist aus unserer Sicht die damit verbundene Einschränkung der Grundrechte nicht zielführend und verhältnismäßig.
20210412             —SCHON gar nicht, solange Menschen tagsüber im Betrieb oder im BÜRO weiterhin in großer Zahl zusammenkommen dürfen".
20210412             RUSSLAND beschränkt Flugverkehr mit TÜRKEI
20210412             Russlands oberste Amtsärztin ANNA—POPOWA sagte, 80—PROZENT—DER—INS—LAND gebrachten Coronafälle stammten von Menschen, die vorher in der TÜRKEI gewesen seien.
20210412             Das Land ist auch für Russen ein beliebtes Urlaubsziel.
20210412             Erdogan hatte bei dem Gespräch RUSSLAND zwar nicht erwähnt, aber eine friedliche Lösung des Konflikts angemahnt.
20210412             Wissenschaftler appellieren erneut zu "NO—COVID—STRATEGIE"
20210412             1—BLICK in die NIEDRIGINZIDENZ—LÄNDER AUSTRALIEN, VIETNAM, THAILAND, CHINA, SÜDKOREA—JAPAN, FINNLAND, NORWEGEN und ISLAND macht schnell deutlich, welcher Kurs der bessere ist".
20210412             —MONTAG, 20210412
20210412             Politische Einflussnahme bei Netflix, Amazon Prime und Co.: Warum bald der Zensor in der TÜRKEI entscheiden könnte, was wir sehen dürfen Von LARS—OLAV—BEIER, Laura Höflinger, OLIVER—KAEVER und ANNA—SOPHIE—SCHNEIDER
20210412             RUSSISCHER—TRUPPENAUFMARSCH an der Grenze zur UKRAINE: "Wir sind überall" Aus Woronesch berichtet CHRISTINA—HEBEL
20210412             SCHWEDISCHE—FORSCHER haben MITHILFE—VON—DNA—MATERIAL des Bischofs und des Fötus einen familiären Zusammenhang hergestellt,
20210412             CHINESISCHE—VAKZINEN: Impfstoffe angeblich doch wirksam — ranghoher Experte Chinas rudert zurück
20210412             Mon 20210412
20210412             [l] Old and busted: Mittelsmänner bescheißen im Werbemarkt Google zu Lasten der Werbekunden.
20210412             INCIDÊNCIA - Nacional: 70,0 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20210412             Continente: 67,4casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20210412             Die —ENTSCHEIDUNG aus Moskau erfolgt wenige —TAGE nach einem Treffen des UKRAINISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTEN WOLODYMYR—ZELENSKYY mit seinem TÜRKISCHEN—KOLLEGEN RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN inmitten neuer Spannungen im —KONFLIKT um die Ostukraine.
20210412             Zudem sagte er erneut, dass sich Moskau widerrechtlich die UKRAINISCHE—HALBINSEL Krim —VOR—7—JAHREN einverleibt habe.
20210412—20210502    —BIS, WIEN, wird der Lockdown verlängert.
20210412—20210608    —UNTIL, HAWAII—GOVERNOR—DAVID—IGE issued another emergency proclamation in response to THE—CORONA€”VIRUS pandemic that extends the statewide eviction moratorium.
20210414             Das USA—PHARMAUNTERNEHMEN hat nach eigenen Angaben bislang (Stand 20210412             ) 132—MILLIONEN Dosen seines CORONA—IMPFSTOFFS weltweit ausgeliefert, rund 117—MILLIONEN Dosen davon gingen an die USA.
20210527—20210412    —SEIT—DEM, Die ZAHL—DER—NEUINFEKTIONEN war —AM—MITTWOCH mit 3542—FÄLLEN so hoch wie nicht mehr,
20210615—19890412    —AM, BERNERS—LEE hatte  seinen Vorschlag für 1—SYSTEM für Informationsmanagement vorgelegt, aus dem das World Wide Web hervorging.
20210615—19890412    —DAMALS, BERNERS—LEE arbeitete bei der Europäischen Organisation für Kernforschung (Cern) in Genf.
20210615—19890412    —HEUTE gilt BERNERS—LEE als Erfinder des Internets.
20220412             —DIENSTAG, 20220412
20220412             Streit über Boykott von Energielieferungen: Welche Sanktionen Putin wirklich schaden
20220412             Coronazahlen des RKI: —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ steigt leicht auf 10870000             ,2
20220412             Harte Coronamaßnahmen: USA ordnen Abzug des nicht notwendigen diplomatischen Personals aus SHANGHAI an
20220412             Prognose der WTO: Welthandel droht Einbruch wegen des Ukrainekriegs
20220412             Sturm auf das Kapitol: Ehemaliger USA—POLIZIST schuldig gesprochen
20220412             Neue Hochrechnung: Kirchenmitglieder sind nur noch 1—MINDERHEIT in DEUTSCHLAND
20220412             Der RUSSISCHE—KRIEG—GEGEN—DIE—UKRAINE könnte die globale Wirtschaft nach einer Analyse der Welthandelsorganisation (WTO) —IN—DIESEM—JAHR—BIS zu 1,3 Prozentpunkte Wachstum kosten.
20220412             Das Bruttoinlandsprodukt dürfte 20220000             nach Modellrechnungen nur noch um 3,1 —BIS 3,7 Prozent wachsen, erklärte die WTO in Genf in einer Analyse über die Folgen des Krieges für den Handel.
20220412             Als Grund führt die Organisation höhere LEBENSMITTEL—UND Energiepreise und fallende Exporte Russlands und der UKRAINE an.
20220412             "Ärmere Länder sind durch den Krieg großen Risiken ausgesetzt, weil sie im Vergleich zu reicheren Ländern einen größeren Teil ihres Einkommens für Lebensmittel ausgeben",
20220412             hieß es.
20220412             "Das könnte Folgen für die politische Stabilität haben".
20220412             Der ehemalige militärpolitische BERATER—VON—ALTBUNDESKANZLERIN—ANGELA—MERKEL, Brigadegeneral a.D. ERICH—VAD, hat sich gegen die Lieferung von schweren Waffen an die UKRAINE ausgesprochen.
20220412             Solche Lieferungen seien potenziell ein "Weg in den 3. Weltkrieg",
20220412             Außerdem könne man komplexe Waffensysteme wie den Kampfpanzer Leopard oder den Schützenpanzer Marder nur nach jahrelanger Ausbildung systemgerecht bedienen und einsetzen, sagte Vad.
20220412             Sie nützten den Ukrainern militärisch aktuell und auf absehbare Zeit also gar nichts.
20220412             Der RUSSISCHE—OPPOSITIONELLE WLADIMIR—KARA—MURSA ist —AM—MONTAG vor seinem Wohnhaus in Moskau von der Polizei festgenommen worden.
20220412             KARA—MURSA müsse über —NACHT in einem Polizeirevier bleiben, teilte sein Anwalt Wadim Prochorow mit.
20220412             Ihm werde Widerstand gegen die Staatsgewalt zur Last gelegt.
20220412             Dies kann nach russischem Recht 1—ARRESTSTRAFE—VON—BIS zu —15—TAGEN nach sich ziehen.
20220412             —BEKANNT, Von anderen Vorwürfen war —ZUNÄCHST nichts.
20220412             KARA—MURSA ist allerdings ein prominenter KRITIKER—VON—PRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN.
20220412             FDP fordert rasche Lieferung schwerer Waffen in die UKRAINE
20220412             Dagegen halte er 1—DISKUSSION über 1—TEMPOLIMIT auf DEUTSCHEN—AUTOBAHNEN —FÜR—3—MONATE aktuell für unsinnig.
20220412             "Das ist wirklich Blödsinn.
20220412             Wir haben —JETZT den Krieg in der UKRAINE, und einigen Leuten fällt es offensichtlich nur ein, über das Tempolimit zu reden".
20220412             Der FINNISCHE—NETZWERKAUSRÜSTER Nokia will wegen der RUSSISCHEN—INVASION in die UKRAINE keine Geschäfte mehr in RUSSLAND machen.
20220412             Nokia ziehe sich aus dem Markt zurück,
20220412             Damit geht der Konzern einen Schritt weiter als der SCHWEDISCHE—KONKURRENT Ericsson, der angekündigt hat, ALLE—AKTIVITÄTEN in RUSSLAND auf unbestimmte Zeit auszusetzen.
20220412             Falls RUSSLAND tatsächlich CHEMIE—WAFFEN in der UKRAINE eingesetzt hat, dann sind der BRITISCHEN—REGIERUNG zufolge für 1—REAKTION darauf ALLE—OPTIONEN auf dem Tisch.
20220412             "Es gibt EINIGE—DINGE, die jenseits des Erlaubten liegen",
20220412             sagte der für die Streitkräfte zuständige MINISTER—JAMES—HEAPPEY—DEM—SENDER—SKY—NEWS.
20220412             1—EINSATZ chemischer Waffen würde 1—REAKTION—DES—WESTENS hervorrufen.
20220412             "Und ALLE—OPTIONEN liegen auf dem Tisch, wie diese Reaktion aussehen könnte".
20220412             Die BRITISCHE—AUSSENMINISTERIN LIZ—TRUSS hatte —AM—MONTAG erklärt, GROSSBRITANNIEN arbeite mit seinen Partnern zusammen, um die Einzelheiten von Berichten zu überprüfen, denen zufolge RUSSISCHE—STREITKRÄFTE möglicherweise chemische Kampfstoffe bei einem Angriff auf Mariupol eingesetzt haben.
20220412             —GESTORBEN, Unicef: Mindestens 142—KINDER, — eigentliche Zahl deutlich höher
20220412             "Der Krieg ist weiter 1—ALBTRAUM für die Kinder der UKRAINE",
20220412             sagte UNICEF—NOTHILFEKOORDINATOR MANUEL—FONTAINE einer Mitteilung zufolge.
20220412             Die UKRAINE prüft unbestätigte Informationen, wonach RUSSLAND bei der Belagerung der südukrainischen Hafenstadt Mariupol chemische Waffen eingesetzt haben könnte, sagte die stellvertretende UKRAINISCHE—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTERIN HANNA—MALYAR.
20220412             "Es gibt die Theorie, dass es sich um Phosphormunition handeln könnte",
20220412             sagte die Ministerin in einem Fernsehkommentar und fügte hinzu: "Offizielle Informationen werden später kommen".
20220412             "Es gibt die Theorie,
20220412             Kremlchef WLADIMIR—PUTIN ist zu einem Treffen mit dem belarussischen Machthaber ALEXANDER—LUKASCHENKO im äuß1. Osten Russlands eingetroffen.
20220412             Putin sei in der Stadt Blagoweschtschensk nahe der CHINESISCHEN—GRENZE gelandet, meldete die staatliche RUSSISCHE—NACHRICHTENAGENTUR Ria Nowosti.
20220412             Auch Lukaschenko, mit dem Putin anlässlich des Tages der Raumfahrt den geplanten Weltraumbahnhof Wostotschny besichtigen will, sei —BEREITS vor Ort.
20220412             Geplant seien neben einem Gespräch mit Lukaschenko außerdem Treffen mit Arbeitern des Bahnhofs und die Auszeichnung von Kosmonauten,
20220412             Anschließend will Putin erstmals —SEIT Beginn des RUSSISCHEN—ANGRIFFSKRIEGS gegen die UKRAINE vor fast —7—WOCHEN die FRAGEN—VON—MEDIENVERTRETERN beantworten.
20220412             Putin arrives in Amur region on working visit
20220412             THE—RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—PROGRAM includes 1—VISIT to the Vostochny spaceport together with his Belarusian counterpart ALEXANDER—LUKASHENKO
20220412             INDIA—RUSSIA friendship persists, no damage to INDIA—USA—RELATIONS — Defense Ministry
20220412             "THE—USA knows that INDIA and RUSSIA are natural allies and that our relationship is very stable," INDIA—DEFENSE—MINISTER—RAJNATH—SINGH said
20220412             but this relationship does not negatively affect the country's cooperation with THE—USA, INDIA—DEFENSE—MINISTER—RAJNATH—SINGH said in 1—EXCLUSIVE—INTERVIEW—WITH—THE—HINDUSTAN—TIMES.
20220412             USA—USES—CONFLICT in UKRAINE for containing RUSSIA — CHINA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY
20220412             USA and NATO—POLICIES have brought RUSSIA—UKRAINE rifts to 1—CRITICAL—POINT, spokesperson Zhao Lijian stressed
20220412             BEIJING, 20220412             .
20220412             /TASS/. - THE—USA—AUTHORITIES intentionally fuel the conflict in UKRAINE for containing CHINA and RUSSIA, CHINA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY—SPOKESPERSON—ZHAO Lijian told 1—NEWS briefing —ON—TUESDAY.
20220412             "USA and NATO—POLICIES have brought RUSSIA—UKRAINE rifts to 1—CRITICAL—POINT.
20220412             THE—AMERICA—SIDE has taken no steps to ease THE—ESCALATION—OF—TENSIONS, but on the contrary, it has been adding fuel to the conflict, thus forcing other countries to take sides," he said.
20220412             "THE—USA is systematically spreading disinformation in order to discredit CHINA and distort its fundamental stance in FAVOR—OF—PEACE—TALKS.
20220412             It has been trying to dodge responsibility, staging provocations and trying to derive benefits, find room for maneuver and at the same time contain RUSSIA and CHINA," Zhao said.
20220412             TOKYO, 20220412             . - /TASS/.
20220412             —APPROVED, THE—JAPAN—GOVERNMENT—ON—TUESDAY, additional sanctions against 398—PEOPLE and 28—ORGANIZATIONS from RUSSIA in connection with the situation —AROUND UKRAINE, according to THE—WEBSITE—OF—THE—JAPAN—FOREIGN—MINISTRY.
20220412             In particular, DEPUTIES—OF—THE—STATE—DUMA fell under sanctions.
20220412             —NACH—DEM —WWII war die Bundesrepublik DEUTSCHLAND ein wirtschaftlicher Riese und militärischer Zwerg.
20220412             —SEIT der Wiedervereinigung von BRD und DDR hat der DEUTSCHE—KAPITALISMUS seine militärische Zurückhaltung begonnen aufzugeben.
20220412             —NUN wird der Überfall des RUSSISCHEN—MILITÄRS auf die UKRAINE genutzt, um DEUTSCHLAND zur drittstärksten Militärmacht der Welt zu machen.
20220412             WINDESEILE, wurde 1—AUFRÜSTUNGSPAKET—VON—100—MILLIARDEN Euro zusammengestellt.
20220412             Noch vor wenigen —WOCHEN hieß es von den Regierenden es sei kein Geld für Bildung, ein ausgebautes Gesundheitssystem, für KLIMA—UND Umweltschutz da.
20220412             In einem Fernsehinterview antwortete Bundesfinanzminister CHRISTIAN—LINDNER (FDP) auf die Frage, wer das denn bezahlen solle überraschend ehrlich, es werden die Bürger*innen sein.
20220412             Konkret heißt das massive Einsparungen in allen erdenklichen Bereichen und das Ausbleiben von dringend notwendigen Investitionen in Klimaschutz, Bildung, Gesundheit und Soziales.
20220412             Die gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz der Bundeswehr nimmt unter jungen Menschen zu.
20220412             Laut einer aktuellen Umfrage der KÖRBER—STIFTUNG sprechen sich 67—PROZENT für 1—EINGREIFEN—DEUTSCHLANDS in internationalen Krisen aus.
20220412             Vor dem Hintergrund der aktuellen Situation in der UKRAINE erscheint das ERGEBNIS—DER—UMFRAGE wenig überraschend.
20220412             Vor dem Angriff Russlands lag die Zustimmung dafür noch bei 45—PROZENT.
20220412             Mit dem Niedergang der USA und dem Aufstieg Chinas zu einer imperialistischen Großmacht wurden die internationalen Kräfteverhältnisse neu gemischt.
20220412             Die großen kapitalistischen Machtblöcke treten in einen Konkurrenzkampf um Märkte und Rohstoffe.
20220412             Auch die EU und DEUTSCHLAND versuchen ihre wirtschaftlichen Interessen in Zukunft unabhängiger von der USA, auch mit militärischen Mitteln zu vertreten.
20220412             Der VORSITZENDE—DES—AUSWÄRTIGEN—AUSSCHUSSES im BUNDESTAG, MICHAEL—ROTH (SPD), unterstützt die Lieferung schwerer Waffen an die UKRAINE.
20220412             Eine entsprechende Forderung von Bundesaußenministerin Annalena Baerbock (Grüne) sei "sicherlich richtig",
20220412             sagte Roth —AM—DIENSTAG im Deutschlandfunk.
20220412             Die UKRAINE müsse in die Lage versetzt werden, von der RUSSISCHEN—ARMEE besetzte Gebiete "zu befreien".
20220412             "Das ist aus meiner Sicht die einzige Chance, um überhaupt zu einer Verhandlungslösung zu kommen",
20220412             argumentierte Roth.
20220412             "Die UKRAINE muss aus einer Position der Stärke und der Wehrhaftigkeit mit RUSSLAND verhandeln".
20220412             —BEENDET, Nur so könne dieser Krieg, werden.
20220412             Der VORSITZENDE—DES—AUSSENAUSSCHUSSES sah nicht die Gefahr, dass die Nato über verstärkte Waffenlieferungen in den Krieg hineingezogen werden könnte.
20220412             Es sei aber "ein schwieriger Balanceakt", sagte er.
20220412             "Rote Linie" bleibe, dass die Nato keine Truppen in die UKRAINE schicken oder aus der Luft in den —KONFLIKT eingreifen werde.
20220412             Etwa 335.000—UKRAINISCHE—GEFLÜCHTETE in DEUTSCHLAND registriert
20220412             Russlands PRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN zeigt sich siegesgewiss.
20220412             Die Ziele der "Spezialoperation" würden erreicht, sagte er während der Besichtigung des RUSSISCHEN—WELTRAUMBAHNHOFS "Wostotschny" im äuß1. Osten Russlands.
20220412             Das berichtete die RUSSISCHE—NACHRICHTENAGENTUR Interfax.
20220412             "Die offizielle Prognose dürfte 1—SCHRUMPFUNG um mehr als 10—PROZENT vorsehen",
20220412             sagte Rechnungshofchef Alexej Kudrin nach ANGABEN—DER—NACHRICHTENAGENTUR RUSSISCHEN—RIA.
20220412             Die Nachrichtenagentur Reuters erfuhr aus Regierungskreisen, dass mit einem Rückgang des Bruttoinlandsproduktes zwischen 10—UND 15—PROZENT zu rechnen sei.
20220412             Ursprünglich hat Moskau für 20220000             mit einem Wirtschaftswachstum von 3—PROZENT geplant.
20220412             Die CO—BUNDESVORSITZENDE der Grünen, Ricarda Lang, hat sich besorgt über den möglichen EINSATZ—VON—CHEMIEWAFFEN durch die RUSSISCHE—ARMEE in der UKRAINE geäußert.
20220412             "Das wäre ein historischer Bruch —SEIT dem —WWI hier in EUROPA", sagte sie den Sendern RTL/ntv.
20220412             Das UKRAINISCHE—ASOW—REGIMENT, das in Mariupol kämpft, hatte —AM—MONTAG auf Telegram erklärt, eine RUSSISCHE—DROHNE habe eine "giftige Substanz" auf UKRAINISCHE—TRUPPEN und Zivilisten abgeworfen.
20220412             Betroffene hätten danach unter Atemproblemen und neurologischen Problemen gelitten.
20220412             Vorbote der Inflation: Großhandelspreise steigen so schnell wie —SEIT—60—JAHREN nicht
20220412             Krieg in der UKRAINE: Putin gibt sich siegesgewiss
20220412             Sicherheitskosten: Meta gibt 27—MILLIONEN Dollar für Schutz von MARK—ZUCKERBERG aus
20220412             Privater Gasverbrauch: Saunaverbot und Einschränkungen für Singles möglich
20220412             "Offensichtlich nicht gewünscht": Steinmeier plante Besuch in der UKRAINE — ZELENSKYY will ihn nicht treffen
20220412             Baerbock über Bundeswehreinsatz in MALI: "Besondere Verantwortung für DEUTSCHLAND"
20220412             Nach Invasion in die UKRAINE: RUSSISCHE—WIRTSCHAFT bricht dramatisch ein
20220412             Pläne für neues Sicherungsgesetz: Habeck will als letztes Mittel Energiefirmen enteignen
20220412             Sonderedition: UKRAINISCHE—POST bringt Marken mit Stinkefinger für Russen heraus
20220412             Angriffskrieg in der UKRAINE: Hat RUSSLAND in Mariupol Chemiewaffen eingesetzt?
20220412             8,5 Prozent: Inflationsrate in den USA steigt auf 40—JAHRES—HOCH - Tue 20220412
20220412             [l] BORIS—JOHNSON und sein Finanzminister RISHI—SUNAK müssen wegen ihrer COVID—PARTYS Strafe zahlen.
20220412             Wieviel, fragt ihr?
20220412             —NUN, äh... - No 10 would not say whether Johnson and Sunak would contest the fines — likely to be £20 or £50— or pay them straight away.
20220412             and justice was served! [l] Habt ihr auch gelesen?
20220412             Der ÖSTERREICHISCHE—KANZLER—NEHAMMER ist zu Putin gereist?
20220412             —GELESEN, Habt ihr möglicherweise in der "Bild", denn die haben zuerst berichtet.
20220412             —BEGLEITET, Ihr werdet nicht ahnen, wer Nehammer, hat!
20220412             Deren EX—CHEFREDAKTEUR KAI—DIEKMANN — er verließ 20170000             den SPRINGER—VERLAG — war jedenfalls übers Wochenende mit Nehammer auf Reisen.
20220412             Ach. Ach was.
20220412             Von der ÖVP heißt es dazu —NUN: "KAI—DIEKMANN wurde vom Bundeskanzleramt angefragt, diese Reise aufgrund seiner Expertise in Bezug auf politisch internationale Reisen zu begleiten".
20220412             "politisch internationale Reisen", ja? Als REISE—INFLUENCER, wie?
20220412             Seine Agentur Storymachine hat, wie die ÖVP dem STANDARD bestätigt, einen Exklusivvertrag mit der Volkspartei und deren Parlamentsklub.
20220412             Auf deren Mandat, so heißt es, kommuniziere GEORG—STREITER, EX—RESSORTLEITER Politik der "Bild",
20220412             für die ÖVP in Belangen des U—AUSSCHUSSES.
20220412             —RUINIERT, Ihr seht also: Die "Bild"-Mischpoke, nicht nur DEUTSCHLAND sondern auch unsere Nachbarn.
20220412             [l] Ihr ahnt ja nicht, was das Kartellamt herausgefunden hat!
20220412             "AUTOBAHN—TANKSTELLEN sollten gemieden werden: An Straßentankstellen sind die Preise hoch, an der Autobahn jedoch meist noch etwa 25—CENT höher".
20220412             Nein!!
20220412             An Autobahntankstellen wird man abgezockt?!
20220412             Das ist ja UN—GLAUB—LICH, Bob!!
20220412             —BESTIMMT, Das hat, die CIA herausgefunden.
20220412             Die finden ja alles raus. Alles finden die raus!
20220412             Der Linkenpolitiker BERND—RIEXINGER hat sich auf Twitter dagegen ausgesprochen, schwere Waffen in die UKRAINE zu liefern.
20220412             Es sei wichtig, "raus aus der militärischen Logik" zu kommen, schrieb er.
20220412             Der Krieg dauere —SCHON viel zu lange.
20220412             "Das Leid auf beiden Seiten wird weiter vergrößert und zehntausenden das Leben kosten.
20220412             Erschreckend wie Grüne immer mehr Öl ins Feuer gießen".
20220412             Der UKRAINISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—WOLODYMYR—ZELENSKYY hat Zweifel an der Entschlossenheit Europas geäußert, den Druck auf RUSSLAND wegen der Kriegsgräuel in seinem Land zu erhöhen.
20220412             "EINIGE—EU—STAATEN können sich nicht festlegen, wann sie zumindest spürbar den Kauf RUSSISCHER—ENERGIETRÄGER einschränken",
20220412             Vor dem Auftakt der diesjährigen Ostermärsche —AM—DONNERSTAG hat der FDP—AUßENPOLITIKER ALEXANDER—GRAF—LAMBSDORFF die pazifistischen Anliegen der Beteiligten kritisiert.
20220412             "Wenn Ostermarschierer —JETZT Abrüstung fordern und in Interviews vorschlagen, die UKRAINE 'gewaltfrei zu unterstützen', spucken sie den Verteidigern Kiews und Charkiws ins Gesicht",
20220412             schrieb Lambsdorff in der "Zeit".
20220412             "Sie traumatisieren die zu uns Geflüchteten ein 2. Mal, denn sie schützen die Mörder und Vergewaltiger von Butscha, Irpin und Mariupol",
20220412             warf der FDP—POLITIKER den Organisatorinnen und Organisatoren der Märsche vor.
20220412             Die frühere EKD—RATSVORSITZENDE MARGOT—KÄSSMANN wandte sich in dem Medienbeitrag jedoch dagegen, "—JETZT den Pazifismus zu verdammen".
20220412             —GESTOPPT, Es sei klar, dass die Aggression in der UKRAINE, werden müsse, "aber es ist auch klar, dass es keinen sauberen Verteidigungskrieg gibt",
20220412             sagte sie weiter.
20220412             Daher lehne sie auch Waffenlieferungen an die UKRAINE ab.
20220412             Nur Friedensverhandlungen könnten wirklich die Lösung sein.
20220412             —GEWESEN, Allerdings sei es 1—FEHLER—DER—FRIEDENSBEWEGUNG, nach der RUSSISCHEN—ANNEXION der Krim Unrecht einfach hinzunehmen.
20220412             Die TRADITION—DER—OSTERMÄRSCHE für den Frieden reicht in die 1960ER—JAHRE zurück.
20220412             "Das wäre ein zivilisatorischer Bruch ohne Gleichen",
20220412             mit Bezug auf Vorwürfe UKRAINISCHER—KÄMPFER,
20220412             Auch der GRÜNEN—VORSITZENDE wies darauf hin, dass der Bericht nicht bestätigt sei.
20220412             Es gelte, 1—BALANCE zu finden zwischen notwendigem Beistand für die UKRAINE und einer Begrenzung des Kriegs,
20220412             "Niemand hat 1—INTERESSE daran, dass Nuklearmächte einander militärisch direkt gegenüberstehen".
20220412             Zugleich sei "mehr als sichtbar",
20220412             dass die UKRAINE schwere Waffen brauche.
20220412             LITAUEN fordert Waffen für UKRAINE
20220412             LITAUEN fordert - Parallel zum Kriegsgeschehen in der UKRAINE werden die —VERHANDLUNGEN zwischen Kiew und Moskau fortgesetzt.
20220412             Die Gespräche gestalteten sich schwierig, "online in Arbeitsgruppen, doch finden sie statt",
20220412             sagte Präsidentenberater Mychajlo Podoljak —AM—DIENSTAG der Nachrichtenagentur INTERFAX—UKRAINE.
20220412             UKRAINE meldet 870.000—ZURÜCKGEKEHRTE Kriegsflüchtlinge
20220412             Frankreichs PRÄSIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON geht nicht von einem baldigen Nachgeben Russlands im Ukrainekrieg aus.
20220412             PRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN habe "entschieden, dass er nicht aufhören wird",
20220412             sagte Macron der Wochenzeitung "Le Point".
20220412             "Er braucht einen militärischen Sieg für sich selbst",
20220412             auch wenn er verstanden habe, dass die UKRAINE sich nicht unterwerfen werde.
20220412             An diesem Datum wird in RUSSLAND jährlich der Sieg über NAZI—DEUTSCHLAND gefeiert.
20220412             Aus diesen Gründen, "glaube ich ziemlich wenig an unsere kollektive Fähigkeit, (Putin) kurzfristig an einen Verhandlungstisch zu bringen" sagte Macron weiter.
20220412             Nach Absage an Steinmeier lädt die UKRAINE —NUN Scholz ein
20220412             — um über die Lieferung schwerer Waffen zu sprechen.
20220412             Vizekanzler ROBERT—HABECK drückt bei den DEUTSCHEN—WAFFENLIEFERUNGEN in die UKRAINE aufs Tempo.
20220412             "Es nützt nichts, wenn wir sagen: In einem Dreivierteljahr kriegt ihr irgendwas.
20220412             —JETZT muss das Zeug da runter.
20220412             Und so handeln wir auch", sagte Habeck am Dienstagabend auf ProSieben und Sat.1. sagte Habeck.
20220412             Er betonte aber auch, dass sich die liefernden Länder "nicht total entblößen" dürften, also ihre eigene Verteidigungsfähigkeit erhalten müssten.
20220412             Nach Abzug der Franzosen: BUNDESWEHR—EINSATZ in MALI könnte gefährlicher werden
20220412             Wie der Krieg die "Partygate"-Affäre verdrängte: Der ewige Glücksritter aus Downing Street
20220412             Bundestagstrio in Lwiw: "Der Wunsch nach schweren Waffen wurde uns sehr klar vermittelt"
20220412             MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN: NORD—STREAM—BETREIBER hatte Einfluss auf Gründung der Klimastiftung MV
20220412             USA—PRÄSIDENT—JOE—BIDEN hat angesichts des Ukrainekriegs und der Gräueltaten gegen Zivilisten in dem Land von "Völkermord" gesprochen.
20220412             "Ihr Familienbudget, Ihre Möglichkeit zu tanken, nichts davon sollte davon abhängen, ob 1—DIKTATOR die halbe Welt entfernt Krieg erklärt und Völkermord begeht",
20220412             sagte Biden - Die USA—REGIERUNG und ihre Verbündeten täten alles, damit Putin seine Energieressourcen nicht als Waffe gegen AMERIKANISCHE—FAMILIEN, Familien in EUROPA und auf der ganzen Welt einsetzen könne, so Biden weiter.
20220412             Der UKRAINISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—WOLODYMYR—ZELENSKYY hatte den RUSSISCHEN—TRUPPEN angesichts von Gräueltaten gegen Zivilisten —BEREITS Genozid vorgeworfen.
20220412             Die USA—REGIERUNG hatte sich an dieser Stelle bislang zurückgehalten.
20220412             Der Nationale Sicherheitsberater von USA—PRÄSIDENT—BIDEN, JAKE—SULLIVAN, sagte am Wochenende zwar, die jüngst bekannt gewordenen Gräueltaten unter anderem im Kiewer Vorort Butscha seien eindeutig Kriegsverbrechen.
20220412             Auf die Frage, ob es sich auch um Genozid handele, wich Sullivan allerdings aus.
202204121652         Lavrov says that negotiations with UKRAINE will continue, but without ceasefire
20220412—19940000    —SEIT, Die RUSSISCHE—REGIERUNG erwartet wegen der westlichen Sanktionen nach der RUSSISCHEN—INVASION der UKRAINE den stärksten Konjunkturabsturz.
20220412—20220509    —AM, So wolle Putin "einen Sieg und eine glorreiche Militärparade " erzwingen, sagte Macron.
20220412—20220512    —FROM, THE—JAPAN—GOVERNMENT has also approved 1—BAN on new investments in RUSSIA and will freeze assets of Sberbank and ALFA—BANK.
20220412—20220512    —FROM, New investments from JAPAN to Russian can be made only with special permits.
20220412—20230000    —AB, Gleichzeitig will die Regierungskoalition wieder zur schwarzen 0—ZURÜCK.
20240412             —FREITAG, 20240412
20240412             Wachsender Einfluss in der Sahelzone: RUSSLAND schickt Waffen und Militärausbilder nach NIGER
20240412             Drohender Vergeltungsschlag gegen ISRAEL: USA bitten CHINA, TÜRKEI und SAUDI—ARABIEN um Einflussnahme auf IRAN
20240412             Bedrohung durch RUSSLAND: Tusk fordert EU—HILFEN für Nachbarländer der UKRAINE
20240412             Wettbewerbsverzerrungen: USA—LUFTFAHRT fordert mehr Protektionismus von Biden gegen CHINA
20240412             Krieg im Nahen Osten: ISRAEL rechnet mit iranischem Vergeltungsschlag und droht mit Gegenmaßnahmen
20240412             —BEFÜRCHTET, Welthandel: PROGNOS—INSTITUT, dauerhaften Rückbau der Globalisierung
20240412             —NOTIERT, Inflation: Statistisches Bundesamt, —IM—MÄRZ 1—PLUS—VON—2,2 Prozent
20240412             "Politbarometer" in DEUTSCHLAND: Zustimmung zu militärischer Unterstützung der UKRAINE steigt
20240412             Israelfeindliche Zusammenkunft: "PALÄSTINA—KONGRESS" in BERLIN – Polizei vor Großeinsatz
20240412             —ENTSTANDEN, Phänomen GRB221009A: Wie der gigantische Lichtblitz, ist
20240412             A99 bei München: Polizeistreife findet bei Autokontrolle 18—KILO Gold -  •
20240412             —PLÄDIERT, Russlands Angriffskrieg in der UKRAINE: Wagenknecht, für EX—KANZLER—SCHRÖDER als offiziellen Friedensmittler
20240412             Plastik statt Bares: BUNDESTAG beschließt Bezahlkarte für Asylbewerber - •
20240412             Krieg in der UKRAINE: Hofreiter fordert 2—NEUE PATRIOT—SYSTEME für Kiew
20240412             Europawahl: Belgiens Justiz ermittelt zu russischem Einflussversuch
20240412             Rekrutierung in der UKRAINE: ZELENSKYY hofft auf Erfolge durch umstrittenes neues Mobilisierungsgesetz
20240412             Überschwemmungen in Osteuropa: RUSSISCHE—BEHÖRDEN evakuieren Großstadt ORENBURG
20240412             Klimaurteil des Europäischen Gerichtshofs für Menschenrechte: Der Scheinsieg von Straßburg Von KURT—STUKENBERG
20240412             KURT—STUKENBERG
20240412             BUNDESTAG beschließt neues Namensrecht: Ehepaare dürfen künftig Doppelnamen als Familiennamen eintragen
20240412             Menschenrechtsverletzungen: EU setzt Hamas und Islamischen Dschihad auf Sanktionsliste
20240412             Gipfel zwischen USA, JAPAN und PHILIPPINEN: Biden baut 1—BOLLWERK gegen CHINA
20240412             Milde Witterung: Wird 20240000             1—WESPEN—UND Stechmückenjahr?
20240412             Studie zur Lehrerarbeitszeit: Rund 1—DRITTEL—DER—ARBEITSZEIT entfällt auf Unterricht
20240412             Veranstaltung in BERLIN: Polizei löst umstrittenen "PALÄSTINA—KONGRESS" auf
20240412             Krieg in Nahost: Noch —2—WOCHEN—BIS zur Bombe?
20240412             —VERABSCHIEDET, Energiewende: BUNDESTAG, Gesetz für WASSERSTOFF—AUTOBAHNEN
20240412             Immobilien: EU beschließt emissionsfreie Gebäude ab 2050 - ft
20240412             Drohender Angriff Irans: USA verstärken Militärpräsenz im Nahen Osten
20240412             [l] Von Boeing lernen heißt SIEGEN lernen.
20240412             Siemens Gamesa: THE—BLADE fell off.
20240412             Das Bauteil wiegt 22—TONNEN, immerhin wurde niemand verletzt.
20240412             Warum wurde niemand verletzt?
20240412             Weil die —SCHON ahnten, mit was für einer Qualität sie rechnen müssen.
20240412             1—SIEMENS—GAMESA wind turbine blade weighing 22—METRIC tons fell off the machinery —ON—WEDNESDAY but no 1 was hurt, the Odal Vind wind farm in NORWAY said, —1—MONTH—AFTER it halted SEVERAL—OF—THE—COMPANY—TURBINES because of blade damage.
20240412             Bei Siemens kaufen ist wie bei Tesla kaufen!
20240412             MOSCOW, 20240412             .
20240412             /TASS/. - The space industry development contributes to solving ANY—TASK, including bolstering the country's defense capabilities, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN said at 1—MEETING in the Kremlin with his Belarusian counterpart ALEXANDER—LUKASHENKO, and THE—2—COSMONAUTS who have —RECENTLY returned to Earth from THE—ISS—RUSSIA—OLEG—NOVITSKY and BELARUS' MARINA—VASILEVSKAYA.
20240412             "Nowadays, it is impossible to effectively solve ANY—TASKS on Earth without outer space.
20240412             Among them are THE—STRENGTHENING—OF—DEFENSE capabilities, the advanced new materials, medicines, logistics and transportation.
20240412             Generally speaking, space technologies can be applied everywhere, wherever you point your finger," Putin said.
20240412             According to THE—PRESIDENT, it is 1—IMPORTANT—TOPIC, and —THEREFORE RUSSIA focuses and will be focusing its attention on it.
20240412             We constantly work on this.
20240412             It is clear that money is always short, but still there is movement," he concluded.
20240412             Urteil gegen Influencerin: Trans Frau in NIGERIA muss —6—MONATE in Haft, weil sie Geld in die Luft warf
20240412             Angespannte Sicherheitslage im Nahen Osten: Auswärtiges Amt fordert Deutsche zur Ausreise aus IRAN auf
20240412             Nach USA—INFORMATIONEN: CHINA soll RUSSLAND beim Ausbau des Militärs unterstützen
20240412—20240412    —ADDRESSED, In addition, Putin, the cosmonauts, congratulating them and the entire space industry on the Cosmonautics —DAY, which is marked.
20240412—20300000    —UNTIL, "We have 1—PROGRAM [to develop the space sector] in RUSSIA and
20240412—20360000    —UNTIL, to further it.