Was geschah in der Geschichte an einem 25. March ?

Ereignisse an einem 25. March

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00310325             1. —EASTER, according to CALENDAR—MAKER—DIONYSIUS—EXIGUUS.
01010325—01010326    KRIEG—ERKLÄRUNG des SENAT an DEKEBALUS
04210325             —AUF—DEN—TAG—GENAU—3—JAHRE—NACH—DEM—FEUER, —AM, wurde das GOTTESHAUS[KIRCHE] "zu Ehren des allerheiligsten Apostel S—GIACOMO"EINGESEGNET—AUF dem Fundament des Hauses von ANTINOPO.
04210325240000       —FOUNDED, VENICE[VENEDIG], on 1—FRIDAY,—AT.
07080325             —BEGAN, CONSTANTINE[KONSTANTIN—I—PAPA], his reign as CATHOLIC—PAPA.
10510325             † HUGO—IV—GRAF—VON—MAINE
10530325             † TSCHECHISCHER—HEILIGER—PROKOP, und Priester
11330325             * HENRY—II—KING—OF—ENGLAND
11650325             DROSO—PRIESTER—UND—MÖNCH t —VOR
12230325             † ALFONS—II—KÖNIG—VON—PORTUGAL
12490325             † PETER—GRAF—VON—VENDÔME
12520325             * KONRADIN—HERZOG—VON—SCHWABEN, letzter legitime männliche STAUFER—ERBE der
12560325             GERHARD—HIRZENACH—PROPST bezeugt —VOM,
12590325             * ANDRONIKOS—II—KAISER—VON—BYZANZ
12700325             —AM, JOHANN—VON—SEIBACH macht sein GLEICH—NAMIGES im Nassauischen gelegenes GUT—SEIBACH zum LEHN—VON—JÜLICH",
12700325             das im Nassauischen gelegenes GUT—SEIBACH in männlicher und weiblicher Linie vererblich sein soll.
12700325             150—MARK—JOHANN—VON—SEIBACH An LEHN—GELD bekam,
12700325             DIE—150—MARK brauchte zu seiner beabsichtigten Pilgerfahrt ins heilige Land JOHANN—VON—SEIBACH, wahrscheinlich.
12730325             * HENRY—PERCY—BARON—PERCY, 1., ENGLISCHER—ADELIGER und Militär
12730325             † TEMPLER—ORDEN—GROß—MEISTER—THOMAS—BÉRARD, des
13050325             † OTTO—III—GRAF—VON—RAVENSBERG
13060325             —WAS—CROWNED, ROBERT—THE—BRUCE (12740000—13290000    ), KING—OF—SCOTLAND as the successor to JOHN—KING—OF—.
13230325             —URKUNDE—VOM, BY, LOUIS—COUNT—OF—FLANDERS appointed "Ph.—DE—ESNEUL neveut à la dicte damoyselle JEHANNE FIL—DE—SA suer" to AD—MINISTER the property of "damoiselle Jehanne damoiselle d'Assy", IN—THE—PRESENCE—OF—"mons. GERART—DE—UPHALISE le CONTE—DE—GRAN Preit, mons. —SOMBREFFE, mons. LOYS—DE—MARIGNY, mons. Sarrazin dou Chasteler en Ardenne chevalier nostre CHANCELIER..".
13380325             —VANME—STOCKE—BÜRGER—ZU—ZÜLPICH, und seine oo ELZEBE verkaufen an Herrn —BLANKART, DECHANT—VON—AACHEN und PROPST—VON—KAISERSWERTH (Werde), 1—FUDER—ZÜLPICHER—MAß WEIN—ZINS [WYNGELTZ] aus ihrem Weingarten, gelegen zwischen der Bachstraße und der GEICHerstraße, wo man zu dem
13470325             * HEILIGE—KATHARINA—VON—SIENA, ITALIENISCHE—MYSTIKERIN und Kirchenlehrerin, der katholischen Kirche
13570325             —CONFIRMED, Her parentage and marriage appear, -dtd-
13570325             confirmed that "unse... swager... Reynart HERE—VAN—SCHON UORST"had transferred to him  oo "sloss Valkenborch"
13570325             in return for "Valkenborch ind Monyoe"
13580325             LE—DAUPHIN—QUITTE—PARIS
13970325             —SONNTAG—REMINISCERE, fiel der auf DEN.
14090325             —KONZIL—VON—PISA, wird eröffnet.
14090325             —KONZIL—VON—PISA hat sich zur Aufgabe GEMACHT, DAS—GROßE—ABENDLÄNDISCHE—SCHISMA zu überwinden.
14200325             —SCHLACHT—BEI—SUDOM??, der
14200325             1. Schlacht der HUSSITEN—KRIEGE,
14200325             —BESIEGT, ein HUSSITISCHES—HEER, ein angreifendes KAISER—HEER und begründet den Ruf der Unbesiegbarkeit ihres HEERFÜHRER—JAN—Žižka.
14340325             —AM, zustande kam 1—VERGLEICH  EUGEN—IV—PAPA mit FRANCESCO—SFORZA.
14340325             Das Vicariat der MARK auf LEBENS—ZEIT und das Gonfalonierat der KIRCHE hätten selbst 1—EHRGEIZIGERN als FRANCESCO—SFORZA bestimmen können.
14340325             ZEIT—ZU—GLEICH und da FORTEBRACCIO—VON—VITERBO Verstärkung erhielt,
14340325             STREIF—ZÜGE DES FORTEBRACCIO—BIS zu den TOREn Roms.
14340325             NICCOLO—PICCONINO mit mailändischen Truppen in UMBRIEN.
14340325—14340529    Sogleich ging FRANCESCO—SFORZA ans Werk.
14340325—14340529    1—STARKE SCHAAR sollte TIVOLI belagern WÄHREND FRANCESCO—SFORZA selbst gegen MONTEFIASCONE zog.
14340325—14340529    —GERECHNET, Aber FRANCESCO—SFORZA hatte ohne den VISCONTI.
14340325—14340529    Als dieser die dem EUGEN—IV—PAPA günstige Wendung der Dinge gewahrte, beschloß er dem FRANCESCO—SFORZA 1—HINDERNISS in den Weg zu legen.
14340325—14340529    Auf sein Anstiften setzte sich sein zuverlässigster FELD—HERR—NICCOLO—PICCININO in Verbindung mit den Peruginern,
14340325—14340529    welche allerdings Grund hatten wegen des Ansammelns so zahlreicher Truppen in ihrer Nähe for die eigne Sicherheit besorgt zu werden.
14340325—14340529    Sein Einrücken in UMBRIEN hemmte FRANCESCO—SFORZA in seinen Bewegungen,
14340325—14340529    erstreckten sich die verheerenden STREIF—ZÜGE der Feinde nochmals —BIS zu den TOREn ROMS.
14340325—14340529    LÄNGST Hier ROM gährte es.
14340325—14340529    —GEWORDEN, Hier ROM In der tat war der Zustand 1—UNERTRÄGLICHER,
14340325—14340529    Hier ROM  kaum bedurfte es der Aufhetzungen der Anhänger des KONZIL und der VISCONTIschen Parteigänger um das leidende VOLK in Bewegung zu setzen.
14340325—14340529    Der EUGEN—IV—PAPA, welcher wegen der Unsicherheit des VATIKANs in den Palast bei der APOSTEL—KIRCHE gezogen war,
14340325—14340529    EUGEN—IV—PAPA wurde in seiner Wohnung TÄGLICH von Klagenden und Hilfeverlangenden heimgesucht.
14340325—14340529    EUGEN—IV—PAPA vermochte nicht zu helfen.
14340325—14340529    ROM Die Lage wurde bedenklich.
14340325—14340529    —SCHONEUGEN—IV—PAPA—DIE—STADT—ROM zu verlassen riet man.
14340325—14340529    Aber auch EUGEN—IV—PAPA—DIE—STADT—ROM zu verlassen  hatte seine Schwierigkeiten,
14340325—14340529    —WÄHREND, der EUGEN—IV—PAPA überhaupt gegen 1—SOLCHEN Schritt DIE—STADT—ROM zu verlassen war.
14340325—14340529    Doch begab EUGEN—IV—PAPA sich von dem Palast bei der APOSTEL—KIRCHE nach TRASTEVERE,
14340325—14340529    1. begab EUGEN—IV—PAPA sich nach S—GRISOGONO
14340325—14340529    2. begab EUGEN—IV—PAPA sich nach S—MARIA,
14340325—14340529    EUGEN—IV—PAPA liess [FLORENZ] ersuchen, 1—GALEERE an der TIBER—MÜNDUNG bereit zu halten.
14340325—14340529    Da die Zudringlichkeit der Bittsteller immer grösser ward, sandte EUGEN—IV—PAPA sie zu seinem Neffen dem KARDINAL—CAMERLENGO—FRANCESCO—CONDULMER.
14340325—14340529    Von des EUGEN—IV—NEFFE—KARDINAL—C—PAPAAMERLENGO—FRANCESCO—CONDULMER erhielten sie Bittsteller zur Antwort, sie dächten an nichts als an ihre Schafe;
14360325             —AM, endlich die  getroffenen Verfügungen über KARDINALat, Conclave, Wahl, Eid, Eigenschaften, Glaubensbekenntniss, Regierungspflichten des PAPA mussten DAS—PAPSTUM umsomehr zum Widerstand herausfordern,
14360325             —CA—UM, gerade da EUGEN—IV—PAPA in ITALIEN wieder freiere Hand erhielt.
14530325             * PEDRO—FERNÁNDEZ—DE—VILLEGAS, SPANISCHER—HUMANIST, Übersetzer und Kleriker
14550324—14550325    † —IN—DER—NACHT—VOM—ZUM—NICOLAUS—V—PAPA, starb
14550325             "Emptio MAGISTRI—DOMINICI—CECCHI pictoris.
14730325             † JEAN—II—DE—CROŸ—GRAF—VON—CHIMAY, burgundischer Adeliger und
14930325             —FESTUM—ANNUNCIATIONIS—BÉATE—MARIE—VIRGINIS, SS—D—N paratus amictu, precedentibus ipsum
14930325             —FERIA—TERTIA
14960325             —FERIA—SEXTA FESTUM—ANNUNCIATIONIS—BÉATE—MARIE—VIRGINIS, [PAPA]SUA—SANCTITÀ—DOMINUS—NOSTER paratus amictu, alba, cingulo, capuccino albo,
14970325             —SABBATO—SANCTO, Rmus.
15000325             * HAMBURG—RATSHERR—JOACHIM—MOLLER—DER—ÄLTERE, Kaufmann und
15100325             * GUILLAUME—POSTEL, FRANZÖSISCHER—HUMANIST und Universalgelehrter
15150325             † LÜBECK—RATSHERR—HERMANN—MESSMANN, Kaufmann, und Diplomat
15210325             * SIMON—MUSAEUS, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE und Reformator
15220325             ], 8 (M. A. FLAMINIO), 13 [ - ANNUNCIATION—OF—THE—VIRGIN—MARY
15220325             —COMMENDED, MARTIN—LUTHER also, the honest ZEAL—OF—THE—BISHOP, adding, however, 1—WARNING against the supposition that THE—ESSENCE—OF—THE—REFORMATION consisted in externals.
15220325             MARTIN—LUTHER but faith and love, and these can exist as well —WHEN THE—SACRAMENT is partaken of in the old way, in 1—FORM.
15220325             —EXHORTED, MARTIN—LUTHER, Hess to do everything that could promote faith, love,
15220325             —INVOKED, MARTIN—LUTHER, upon his FELLOW—LABOURER THE—BLESSING—OF—GOD in the discharge of his OFFICE—OF—EVANGELIST.^
15220325             MARTIN—LUTHER remarking, for instance, that what constitutes 1—CHRISTIAN—IS not 1—PARTICIPATION in THE—LORD—SUPPER in both kinds,
15220325             —EXPRESSED, LUTHER, in A—LETTER—TO—HESS of the, his great joy at the happy PROGRESS—OF—THE—REFORMATION, and
15320325             * PIETRO—PONTIO, composer.
15340000—15370325    5. LITHUANIA—WAR—WITH—RUSSIA,
15360325             * BÜRGERMEISTER—JOHANN—PEILICKE, sächsischer Jurist, Professor und
15370325             5. LITHUANIA—WAR—WITH—RUSSIA, ended with 1—PEACE—TREATY.
15370325             The 5. LITHUANIA—WAR—WITH—RUSSIA (15340000—15370000    ) ended with 1—PEACE—TREATY.
15380325             * KARDINAL—ANTONIO—CARAFA, der ROM—KIRCHE
15380325             * CHRISTOPHORUS—CLAVIUS, DEUTSCHER—MATHEMATIKER, Astronom und Jesuit
15410325             † PAUL—LINDENAU, deutscher lutherischer Theologe
15430325             * JOHANN—YETZELER, SCHWEIZER—THEOLOGE und Dramatiker
15460325             * VERONICA—FRANCO, ITALIENISCHE—DICHTERIN und Kurtisane
15460325             † KONRAD—CORDATUS, deutscher lutherischer Theologe und Reformator
15470325             * GEORG—OBRECHT, DEUTSCHER—KAMERALIST und Professor der Rechte
15480325             † ANNA—FUGGE oo ANTON—FUGGER, Augsburger Patrizierin und
15490325             † VEIT—DIETRICH, deutscher lutherischer Theologe, Schriftsteller und Reformator
15500325             * HANS—ULRICH—KRAFFT, DEUTSCHER—KAUFMANN und Orientreisender
15570325             —BEENDET, Der
15570325             2. —FRIEDE—VON—NOWGOROD, den
15570325             —RUSSISCH—SCHWEDISCHER—KRIEG.
15570325             —RUSSISCH—SCHWEDISCHER—KRIEG zwischen dem ZARENTUM—RUSSLAND unter IWAN—IV—ZAR—VON—RUSSLAND, und SCHWEDEN unter GUSTAV—I—WASA—KÖNIG—VON—SCHWEDEN um den RUSSISCHEN—OSTSEE—ZUGANG hat keine Änderung von Grenzverläufen zur Folge.
15620325             † GERD—OMEKEN, deutscher evangelischer Theologe und Reformator
15660325             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, JOHANNES—CORPUTIUS, den nach ihm benannten Vogelschauplan von DUISBURG.
15810325             * KUR—MAINZ—RAT—JOHANN—DIETRICH—VON—ROSENBACH, und Oberamtmann
15820325             * SEBASTIAN—STRIEPE, brandenburgischer Staatsmann
15830325             † NIKOLAUS—JAGENTEUFEL, deutscher lutherischer Theologe und Pädagoge
15840325             * GEORG—VON—EICKSTEDT, ritterschaftlicher Landrat
15840325             He went on to settle THE—VIRGINIA colony on Roanoke ISLAND, naming it —AFTER the virgin QUEEN.
16090325             † JEAN—GUILLAUME—DUC—DE—CLÈVES, sans héritier direct.
16090325             Pour la succession LE—EMPEREUR—RODOLPHE[KAISER—RUDOLF] soutien LE—ÉLECTEUR—DE—SAXE tandis QU'HENRI—IV. soutient la candidature des princes BRANDEBOURG[DER—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG] et NEUBOURG[PFALZ—GRAF—VON—NEUBURG].
16090325             JOHANN—WILHELM—I—HERZOG—VON—JÜLICH—KLEVE—UND—BERG stirbt, wodurch
16090325             7—FÜRSTEN beanspruchen DAS—REICHE JÜLICHer Erbe,
16090325             1. DÜREN unter des PFALZ—GRAF—VON—NEUBURG HERRSCHAFT kommt
16090325             2. DÜREN unter des KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG HERRSCHAFT kommt.
16090325             Erbsache JÜLICH—KLEVE—BERG durch HERZOG—JOHANN—WILHELM—TOD,
16090325             Pour la succession l'empereur Rodolphe soutien LE—ÉLECTEUR—DE—SAXE tandis QU'HENRI—IV. soutient la candidature des princes Brandebourg et Neubourg.
16090325             † LE—DUC—DE—JULIERS[JÜLICH,JULIACUM] Clèves et Berg sans HÉRITIER.
16090325             DÜREN 1. unter von PFALZ—NEUBURG HERRSCHAFT kommt
16090325             DÜREN 2. unter VON BRANDENBURG HERRSCHAFTkommt.
16210325             * MATTHÄUSA—MERIAN—DER—JÜNGERE, DEUTSCHER—MALER, Kupferstecher und Verleger
16310325             † JAKOB—VARMEIER, DEUTSCHER—MATHEMATIKER, Astronom, Jurist und Attentäter
16340325             1. Siedler erreichen die von CAECILIUS—CALVERT—BARON—BALTIMORE, 2., gegründete KOLONIE—MARYLAND auf den beiden SCHIFF—ARK und SCHIFF—DOVE.
16340325             —DIESER—TAG wird in MARYLAND alljährlich mit dem MARYLAND —DAY begangen.
16340325             —ARRIVED, in PRESENT—DAY—MARYLAND.
16340325             —FOUNDED, MARYLAND was, as 1—CATHOLIC colony.
16340325             —WAS—FOUNDED, MARYLAND, as 1—CATHOLIC colony.
16410325             DER—ANFANG DER—FRIEDENSUNTERHANDLUNGEN zu MÜNSTER und Osnabrück wurde auf den bestimmt;
16440325             * HEINRICH—VON—COCCEJI, Professor für NATUR—UND Völkerrecht an den Universitäten in HEIDELBERG, UTRECHT und FRANKFURT/Oder
16490325             —DATUM—DER—DER—GROSSE—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG, vom Wunsche beseelt, ALLE—HINDERNISSE und Missverständnisse,
16490325             welche 1—ENGEN Freundschaft entgegenstehen, hinwegzuräumen,
16550325             —ENTDECKT, mit seinem selbstgebauten Teleskop, den größten SATURN—MOND—TITAN, Der NIEDERLÄNDISCHE—ASTRONOM—CHRISTIAAN—HUYGENS
16550325             —JAILED, Puritans, GOVERNOR—STONE, —AFTER 1—MILITARY—VICTORY over Catholic forces in THE—COLONY—OF—MARYLAND.
16570325             * JOHANN—BAPTIST—ADOLPH, DEUTSCHER—JESUIT und Bühnendichter
16630325             * GIOVANNI—ODAZZI, römischer Maler und Grafiker
16630325             (l'Estrades schreibt ): LE—LECTEUR de Brandebourg s'est declare ennemi de MISTER—DE—WITT, lequel de son cotd a port^ les Etats h Iny demandcr le payement d'unc Homme consid^rante qu'il leur devoit, sachant —BIEN—QUE—IL lui est in1—
16650315/16650325    (im Museum Mcernianno>WuMlrccnianum).
16680325             1. horse race in AMERICAN, took place.
16730325             ihnen angerechnet werden können
16770325             † WENZEL—HOLLAR, böhmischer Zeichner und Kupferstecher
17030325             † CARL—GUSTAV—VON—LÖWENHAUPT, kursächsischer Regierungsbeamter
17080325             † JAKOB—FRIEDRICH—RÜHLE, DEUTSCHER—JURIST, Reichsritter und Geheimer Rat, Syndikus der STADT—HEILBRONN, Visitator der UNIVERSITÄT—TÜBINGEN
17120325             † NEHEMIAH—GREW, ENGLISCHER—BOTANIKER, Physiker und Physiologe
17240325             † LEMLE—MOSES—REINGANUM, KUR—PFÄLZISCHER "Hofjude"
17280325             † GEORG—HEINRICH—GÖTZE, deutscher lutherischer Theologe und Superintendent der STADT—LÜBECK
17310325             † ABRAHAM—ISACKS—OP—DEN—GRAEFF, deutscher mennonitischer Auswanderer, Mitglied der Original 13
17410325             —OPENED, THE—LONDON—FOUNDLING—HOSPITAL, in temporary accommodations in Hatton Garden —FOLLOWING extensive efforts by former sea CAPTAIN—THOMAS—CORAM (16680000—17510000    ).
17450325             * GEORG—ERNST—WALDAU, deutscher evangelischer Theologe und Kirchenhistoriker
17500325             † WILHELM—LUDWIG—VON—HAGEN—ZU—KÖLN,
17500325             † WILHELM—LUDWIG—VON—HAGEN zu KÖLN in der Kapelle des SIEGBURGer Hofs begraben wurde
17520325             † TEMPLE—STANYAN, ENGLISCHER—POLITIKER, Historiker und Autor
17520325             1. issue of THE—HALIFAX—GAZETTE, APPEARED, The
17620325             * FRANCESCO—GIUSEPPI—POLLINI, composer.
17640325             —ORDONNANCE, réorganisant LA—MARINE
17670325—18150000    * † JOACHIM—MURAT, NAPOLEON—BROTHER in law, in LABASTIDE—MURAT.
17670325—18150000    JOACHIM—MURAT was 1—FRANCE—MARSHAL and became KING—OF—NAPLES (18080000—18150000    ).
17740601             It closed BOSTON harbor —UNTIL restitution for the destroyed tea was made (passed 17740325             ).
17890325             † JULIE—VON—VOß—GRÄFIN—VON—INGENHEIM
17940325             † CHRISTIAN—FRIEDRICH—FRANKE, deutscher evangelischer Theologe
17970325             * JOHN—WINEBRENNER, USA clergyman who founded THE—CHURCH—OF—GOD.
17990325             2. KOALITIONS—KRIEG
17990325             —SCHLACHT—BEI—STOCKACH.
17990325             —VERLIERT, GENERAL—JEAN—BAPTISTE—JOURDAN, wegen der 2. NIEDERLAGE—INNERHALB—VON—4—TAGEN, sein Kommando.
18010325             † NOVALIS, DEUTSCHER—DICHTER
18010325             † ANTHONY—ZIESENIS, —69—JAHRE—ALT, architect, sculptor (Camper).
18070102—18070325    —ON, It passed THE—HOUSE—OF—LORDS by 64—VOTES and cleared THE—HOUSE—OF—COMMONS.
18070325             1. Eisenbahn weltweit, —TRANSPORTIERT, Als die 18040000             errichtete SWANSEA—AND—MUMBLES—RAILWAY zahlende Passagiere.
18070325             —SKLAVEN—HANDEL—ABSCHAFFUNG, Das BRITISCHE—PARLAMENT beschließt mit dem
18070325             —SLAVE—TRADE—ACT
18070325             —SLAVE—TRADE—ACT, led to 1S—OUTH—AFRICA—LABOR—PROBLEM,
18070325             1. railway passenger service began in ENGLAND.
18070325             This led to 1—LABOR—PROBLEM in SOUTH—AFRICA.
18100325             * MAXIMILIAN—VON—GAGERN, deutscher nationalfreiheitlicher Politiker, Vizepräsident des Verfassungsausschusses der Frankfurter Paulskirche
18110325             —KOMET—FLAUGERGUES—C—1811—F1—ENTDECKT, Der FRANZÖSISCHE—ASTRONOM—HONORÉ—FLAUGERGUES, den 18010101—19001231    1. GROßER—KOMET des.
18110325             —ZUCKER—RÜBEN—ANBAU, anordnet, NAPOLEON—BONAPARTE, weil ROHR—ZUCKER—IMPORTE aus WEST—INDIEN fehlen.durch
18110325             —the—Great—Comet—of—18110000, was discovered by HONORÉ—FLAUGERGUES at 2.7—AU from the sun in THE—NOW—DEFUNCT—ARGO—NAVIS—CONSTELLATION,
18110325—18111000    —IN, at its brightest, it displayed 1—APPARENT—MAGNITUDE—OF—0, with 1—EASILY visible coma.
18120325—18700000    * † (OS) ALEXANDER—HERZEN, RUSSIA—AUTHOR.
18120325—18700000    "Life has taught me to think, but thinking has not taught me how to live".
18130325             Die Uraufführung der Oper Die Insulanerinnen von Conradin Kreutzer —NACH—DEM Stück L'isola disabitata von PIETRO—METASTASIO erfolgt in STUTTGART.
18130325             THE—1.—USA—FLAG flown in battle was on the frigate Essex in the Pacific.
18140325             —DÉFAITE—DE—MARMONT et de Mortier à La Fère Champenoise.
18140325             LES—ALLIÉS marchent SUR PARIS
18150325             —RENOUVELLEMENT du PACTE—DE—CHAUMONT.
18190325             * V—U—HAMMERSHAIMB, färöischer Pfarrer und Philologe
18210325             —BEGINNT, unter der ALEXANDER—YPSILANTI—FÜHRUNG von.
18210325             —GAINED—GREECE, INDEPENDENCE from TURKEY (National —DAY).
18210325—18210328    —SEE
18230325             † COELESTIN—JUNGBAUER, —75—JAHRE—ALT, composer.
18250325             * MAX—JOHANN—SIGISMUND—SCHULTZE, DEUTSCHER—MEDIZINER, erkannte als 1. die Bedeutung von Zytoplasma und Zellkern in der lebenden Zelle
18250325             1. BRAZIL—CONSTITUTION, PROMULGATED, by PETER—I. and solemnly sworn in the Cathedral of the Empire.
18250325             —WAS—PROMULGATED, THE—1.—BRAZIL—CONSTITUTION, by PETER—I and solemnly sworn in the Cathedral of the Empire.
18280325             * HEINRICH—KONRAD—SCHNEIDER, DEUTSCHER—PÄDAGOGE, Gründer 1 bekannten Landwirtschaftsschule mit angeschlossener Brauakademie
18280325             † MARIA—REYNOLDS, Protagonistin des 1. öffentlichen USA—SEX—SKANDAL,
18330325             * AUGUST—WILMANNS, DEUTSCHER—ALTPHILOLOGE und Bibliothekar
18350325             * ADOLF—WAGNER, DEUTSCHER—ÖKONOM
18360325             * EDUARD—SCHEVE, Baptistenprediger
18390325             * WILLIAM—BELL—WAIT, educator of the blind.
18430325             —NACH—18—JAHRE—BAUZEIT, 1. 1 Fluss unterquerende Tunnel wird in LONDON eröffnet.
18430325             —IN—DEN—ANFANGS—JAHREN, Den unter MARC—ISAMBARD—BRUNEL—LEITUNG, und seinem Sohn ISAMBARD—KINGDOM—BRUNEL entstandenen THAMES—TUNNEL können ausschließlich Fußgänger benutzen.
18430325             † 17—TEXANS, who picked black beans from 1—JAR otherwise filled with white beans, were executed by 1—MEXICO—FIRING squad.
18430325             —AFTER MONTHS—OF—RAIDING, captivity and escapes in NORTH—MEXICO, MEXICO—PRESIDENT—ANTONIO—LOPEZ—DE—SANTA—ANNA ordered the execution of 1 10. of THE—176—TEXAS freebooters of the Mier Expedition.
18430325             —DEPICTED, The event was —LATER, by artist THEODORE—GENTILZ.
18430325             —OPENED, ENGLAND—THAMES—TUNNEL, —18—YEARS—AFTER construction began.
18430325—18240000    —COMPLETED, It was, under engineer Isambard Brunel, THE—SON—OF—MARC—BRUNEL, who began the project.
18440325             * ADOLF—ENGLER, DEUTSCHER—BOTANIKER und Pflanzenexperte
18490325             * ERNEST—MARTIN, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher und Hochschullehrer
18490325             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—255—KÖLN.
18510325             —DETERMINED, Legal and medical experts —LATER, that small traces of arsenic, found in her supposed victims, were not uncommon in the human body and that tests carried out —AT—THE—TIME proved inconclusive.
18510325             —DURING Victorian BRITAIN's 'poison panic', 167—PEOPLE were charged with murder or attempted murder by poison 18400000—18500000    —BETWEEN.
18510325             † SARAH—CHESHAM (41), of Clavering, Essex, was PUBLICLY—EXECUTED, at CHELMSFORD jail —AFTER being found GUILTY—OF—ATTEMPTING to murder her husband Richard by poisoning him with arsenic —1—YEAR—EARLIER.
18510325             —WERE—CHARGED, —DURING Victorian BRITAIN's 'poison panic', 167—PEOPLE, with murder or attempted murder by poison 18400000—18500000    —BETWEEN.
18510325—20190000    —IN, her descendants wrote to DAVID—GAUKE, the Justice SECRETARY, in 1—BID for 1—POSTHUMOUS—PARDON so their ancestor's name will be cleared.
18520325             kommt es zwischen dem LIBERALER—GEORG—VON—VINCKE und dem KONSERVATIVER—OTTO—VON—BISMARCK zu 1 Pistolenduell, bei dem beide Kontrahenten jedoch unverletzt bleiben.
18520325             —AM, Wegen 1—POLITISCHEN Streits lieferte —OTTO—VON—BISMARK sich
18520325             auf 1—WIESE in TEGEL 1—PISTOLENDUELL mit dem liberalen Abgeordneten GEORG—FREI—HERR—VON—VINCKE (
18520325             bei dem jedoch keiner der 2—DUELLANTEN getroffen wurde.
18540325             * MAX—GRUBE, DEUTSCHER—SCHAUSPIELER, Theaterleiter und Schriftsteller
18560325             A.E. Burnside patented the Burnside carbine.
18570325             FREDERICK—LAGGENHEIM took the 1. photo of 1—SOLAR eclipse.
18590325             * EMIL—BÄR, SCHWEIZER—LEHRER und Historiker
18600325             * FRIEDRICH—NAUMANN, deutscher evangelischer Theologe und Politiker, MdR, Sozialreformer und PUBLIZIST
18620000—19310325    * † IDA—WELLS—BARNETT, black journalist.
18630325             —AWARDED, USA—SECRETARY—OF—WAR—EDWARD—STANTON, Corp. WILLIAM—PITTENGER of the 2. OHIO Regiment and 5—OTHER—UNION—SOLDIERS the 1. USA Medals of Honor.
18630325             There was 1—SKIRMISH at BRENTWOOD—TENNESSEE.
18630325—18620412    —ON, Pittenger had been 1—MEMBER—OF—ANDREWS—RAIDERS who stole the locomotive GENERAL in GEORGIA.
18640325             —BATTLE—OF—PADUCAH, KY (FORREST—RAID).
18650325             —BATTLE—OF—MOBILE, AL (SPAIN—FORT, Fort Morgan, Fort Blakely).
18650325             —BATTLE—OF—BLUFF—SPRING, FL.
18650325             —CAPTURED, CONFEDERATE—FORCES, Fort Stedman —DURING THE—SIEGE—OF—PETERSBURG—VIRGINIA, but were forced to withdraw by counterattacking Union troops.
18650325             * LUISE—ZIETZ in Bargteheide (Holstein)
18670325             * GUTZON—BORGLUM, sculptor of MOUNT—RUSHMORE.
18670325—19570000    * † ARTURO—TOSCANINI, ITALIAN—USA temperamental conductor (NBC), in PARMA—ITALY.
18680325             * AGNES—KARLL, DEUTSCHE—REFORMERIN der Krankenpflege
18720325             * VITO—PARDO, ITALY—SCULPTOR (COLUMBUS monument in ARGENTINA).
18750325             Die komische Oper in einem Akt Trial by Jury von ARTHUR—SULLIVAN mit dem Libretto von WILLIAM—SCHWENCK—GILBERT wird am Royalty Theatre in LONDON uraufgeführt.
18770325             * ALPHONSE—DE—CHATEAUBRIAND, FRANCE—WRITER (Instantanes aux PAYS—BAS).
18780325             * KÄTHE—LOEWENTHAL, DEUTSCHE—MALERIN der Moderne und NS—OPFER
18780325             * SIDNEY—M—GOLDIN, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—REGISSEUR des jiddischen Films
18790000—19730325    * † EDWARD—STEICHEN, pioneer USA photographer.
18790325             —PRIOR—TO this Okinawa had paid tribute to both JAPAN and CHINA.
18790325             —BECAME, Okinawa, imperial JAPAN—1. colony.
18790325             —INVADED—JAPAN, the kingdom of Liuqiu (Ryukyu) Islands, formerly 1—VASSAL—OF—CHINA.
18790325             —WAS—ABOLISHED, THE—RUYKYUAN monarchy, and the islands were annexed to create the Okinawa Prefecture.
18800325             † JOSEPH—RUMMEL, —61—JAHRE—ALT, composer.
18800325             † JOSEPH—RUMMEL (61), composer.
18820325             1. demonstration of pancake making was in 1—NEW—YORK—CITY—DEPT store.
18830000—19690325    * † MAX—FORRESTER—EASTMAN, USA critic and essayist.
18850325             —GRÜNDET, Der ITALIENISCHE—PRIESTER—FILIPPO—SMALDONE, die ORDENS—GEMEINSCHAFT der Salesianerinnen vom Heiligsten Herzen.
18850325             die ORDENS—GEMEINSCHAFT der Salesianerinnen vom Heiligsten Herze, widmet sich der Erziehung, Betreuung und Seelsorge Gehörloser.
18890310—18890325    —ON, upon HEARING—OF—THE—DEATH—OF—YOHANNES, Negus Menelik —IMMEDIATELY proclaimed himself as N?gusä Nägäst.
18920000—18950325    "Sozialpolitisches Centralblatt", Mit der Nummer 26—IM 4. Jahrgang  verläßt HEINRICH—BRAUN die Redaktion.
18940325             —UNEMPLOYED, JACOB—S—COXEY began leading an "army" of, from MASSILLON—OHIO, to WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, to demand help from THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT.
18940325             —ADVOCATED, Coxey, as 1—WAY to provide jobs and increase THE—AMOUNT—OF—MONEY in circulation, 1—PUBLIC—WORKS—PROGRAM—OF—ROAD—CONSTRUCTION and local improvements to be financed by the issuance of $500—MILLION in legal tender notes.
18940325—18940000    —UNEMPLOYED, COXEY—ARMY—OF, disbanded —WHEN Coxey and 2—OTHER—LEADERS were arrested for trespassing on THE—WHITE—HOUSE lawn.
18950325             Die Oper Silvano von PIETRO—MASCAGNI wird am Teatro alla Scala in Mailand uraufgeführt.
18960325             —OPENED, The 1. modern Olympic Games officially, in ATHENS.
18960325             GREECE was on the old Julian calendar —AT—THIS—TIME.
18960325             —WAS—MASTERMINDED, The revival, by BARON—PIERRE—DE—COUBERTIN—OF—FRANCE.
19000325             —ZEIT—IN—DIESER, ausgearbeitet, verabschiedet werden ähnliche Programme auch für HESSEN—NASSAU und
19000325             —ZEIT—IN—DIESER, ausgearbeitet, verabschiedet werden ähnliche Programme auch für WÜRTTEMBERG.
19020325             —PATENTED, IRVING W. Colburn, 1—SHEET—GLASS drawing machine.
19050205—18250325    * † F. W. FRITZSCHE, geboren in LEIPZIG, ZIGARREN—ARBEITER, in PHILADELPHIA gestorben.
19050325             * ALBRECHT—MERTZ—VON—QUIRNHEIM, DEUTSCHER—OFFIZIER, Widerstandskämpfer
19050325             —WERE—CAPTURED, Rebel battle flags that, —DURING the war were returned to the South.
19060325             * JEAN—SABLON, FRANCE—CROONER.
19070325             —BAUERN—AUFSTAND—RUMÄNIEN—REAKTION, auf den, kommt es zu 1 REGIERUNGS—WECHSEL.
19080325             * BRIDGET—DE—OYLY—CARTE, UK—THEATER and hotel director.
19080325—19910000    * † DAVID—LEAN, UK—FILM—DIRECTOR (Bridge on the River Kwai, LAWRENCE—OF—ARABIA), in CROYDON—ENGLAND.
19110325             † † † 146—GROSSTEILS minderjährige Arbeiterinnen, —UMS—LEBEN—KOMMEN,
19110325             Die 146—GROSSTEILS minderjährige ARBEITERINNEN—LEICHEN werden zum Teil am Arbeitsplatz sitzend vorgefunden, den sie sich nicht zu verlassen getraut haben.
19110325             Die Uraufführung der Operette Grigri von PAUL—LINCKE findet am Metropol Theater in Köln statt.
19110325             Mit einer Ausstellung der Vereinigung DEUTSCH—MÄHRISCHER bildender Künstler wird in Brünn das KAISER—FRANZ—JOSEPHS—JUBILÄUMS—KÜNSTLERHAUS eröffnet.
19110325             13—GIRLS survived the fire that broke out on the top 3—FLOORS—OF—THE 10-story NEW—YORK—ASCH—BUILDING as the workday was ending.
19110325             —CAUSED, No 1—KNOWS what, the fire, but it spread quickly, fueled by the fabric scraps and sewing machine oil used in the manufacture women's blouses.
19110325             Then, to THE—HORROR—OF—SPECTATORS 7—STORIES below, the desperate women began to jump to their deaths.
19110325             —FORMED, Appalled by the tragedy, THE—NEW—YORK State legislature, 1—COMMISSION whose findings led to THE—CREATION—OF—NEW—FIRE and building codes that were soon adopted in cities —THROUGHOUT AMERICA.
19110325             —CLOGGED—THE—3—AVENUES—OF escape were almost —IMMEDIATELY, with panicked workers, mostly young immigrant women.
19110325             —UNTER—DEM. wie er mir schreibt, und beharrt, auch —NACH—DEN ERGEBNISSEN—DER—ALVASTRA—FUNDE bei dieser Ansicht.
19130325             —NACH—4—TAGE—STÜRMEN und Regenfällen tritt der OHIO River über die Ufer und überschwemmt DAYTON—OHIO.
19130325             † † †  350—MENSCHEN kommen ums Leben, rund 65.000—WERDEN obdachlos.
19130325             —OPENED, The home of vaudeville, the Palace Theatre, in NEW—YORK City starring ED—WYNN.
19130325             Great DAYTON—OHIO, flood.
19140325             † FREDERIC—MISTRAL, FRANCE—POET (Nobel-19040000             ).
19140325—20090000    * † NORMAN—BORLAUG, —LATER agricultural scientist and Nobel Prize winner (19700000             ), on 1—FARM—NEAR—CRESCO—IOWA.
19150325             —OCCURRED, The 1. submarine disaster, —WHEN A—USA—F—4—SANK off the Hawaiian coast.
19150325             † 21—PEOPLE were killed.
19160000—20060325    * † RICHARD—FLEISCHER, film director, in Woodland HILLS—CALIFORNIA.
19160000—20060325    * † RICHARD—FLEISCHER, film director, in Woodland HILLS—CALIFORNIA His films included "20,000—LEAGUES Under the Sea" (19540000             ) and "CONAN—THE—DESTROYER" (19840000             ).
19160325             † ISHI, the last Yahi Indian in CALIFORNIA, of tuberculosis at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA—HOSPITAL.
19160325             The documentary film "Ishi, the Last Yahi" was made by JOHN—HARRISON—QUINN (20000000             † age 59).
19160325             —WAS—CREMATED, His body, but his brain was removed and shipped to the Smithsonian Institute in WASHINGTON, DC.
19160325             erklärt legt in 1—SITZUNG des PARTEI—VORSTANDES sein Amt als Vorsitzender nieder, da 1—FRUCHTBARES kollegiales ZUSAMMEN—ARBEITEN im PARTEI—VORSTAND —BIS zum nächsten PARTEI—TAG nicht mehr möglich sei.
19160325—20040000    —AUTHORED, ORIN—STARN, "ISHI—BRAIN: In search of the Last "Wild" Indian".
19180325             —WWI—IM, NACHDEM DEUTSCHE—TRUPPEN in MINSK einmarschiert sind,
19180325             —ERKLÄRT, der I. WEISSRUSSISCHE—VOLKS—KONGRESS die Loslösung von SOWJET—RUSSLAND und
19180325             —AUSRUFT, der I. WEISSRUSSISCHE—VOLKS—KONGRESS, "freie und unabhängige WEISSRUSSISCHE—VOLKS—REPUBLIK" ,
19180325             "freie und unabhängige WEISSRUSSISCHE—VOLKS—REPUBLIK", jedoch weder vom DEUTSCHEN—REICH noch von den Westmächten anerkannt wird.
19180325             † CLAUDE—DEBUSSY, —55—JAHRE—ALT, FRANCE—COMPOSER, in PARIS.
19180325             * HOWARD—COSELL, sportscaster (—MONDAY Night Football), in WINSTON—SALEM—NC.
19180325             † CLAUDE—DEBUSSY (55), FRANCE—COMPOSER, in PARIS.
19180325—19190000    —UNTIL, THE—BELARUSIAN—PEOPLE—REPUBLIC lasted.
19190325             * JEANNE—CAGNEY, actress (Lion is in the Streets, Quicksand).
19190325             —ADOPTED, THE—PARIS—PEACE—COMMISSION, 1—PLAN to protect nations from the influx of foreign labor.
19200325             * HOWARD—COSELL (Cohen).
19200325             —DISLIKED, HOWARD—COSELL came to be THE—MOST—LIKED, and the most, sports JOURNALIST—ACROSS—AMERICA.
19200325             —GREECE—INDEPENDENCE—DAY.
19210000—20070325    * † Lynn Merrick, leading lady in USA—WESTERN—FILMS, in FLORIDA.
19210325             —SAILED, THE—USA—NAVY tug Conestoga, out the Golden Gate bound for HAWAII with a 56—MAN crew and was never heard from again.
19210325             * SIMONE—SIGNORET, (Casque d'Or, Room at the Top), in WIESBADEN—GERMANY.
19210325—20090000    —SUSPECTED, Its, wreckage was spotted near the Farallon Islands.
19210325—20160000    —IN, government scientists confirmed the find.
19230325             —ABTRENNT, GROSSBRITANNIEN, Transjordanien von PALÄSTINA  und
19230325             —BILDET, GROSSBRITANNIEN, 1 selbständiges Emirat, im MANDATSGEBIET—PALÄSTINA
19240325             GEORGE—KING—OF— was KING 19220000—19230000    —FROM—TO and 19350000—19470000    —FROM—TO.
19240325             GREECE was made 1—REPUBLIC—AND—GEORGE—II—KING—OF— (18900000—19470000    ) was deposed in favor of 1—NON—ROYAL—GOVERNMENT.
19240325             GEORGE—KING—OF— was KING 19220000—19230000    —FROM—TO and from 19350000—19470000.
19250000—19650325    * † Viola Liuzzo, 1—WHITE—CIVIL—RIGHTS—WORKER from DETROIT, was shot and killed by the Ku Klux Klan on 1—ROAD—NEAR—SELMA—ALABAMA.
19250000—19650325    * † Viola Liuzzo, 1—WHITE—CIVIL—RIGHTS—WORKER from DETROIT, was shot and killed by the Ku Klux Klan on 1—ROAD—NEAR—SELMA—ALABAMA THE—LATER trial of Collie LEROY—JENKINS, 1—OF 3—MEN charged in the killing, ended in 1—HUNG jury.
19250325—19640000    * † FLANNERY—O'CONNOR, novelist and short story writer, in SAVANNAH—GEORGIA.
19280325             * JAMES—A—LOVELL—JR, USN, astronaut (Gemini 7, 12, Apollo 8, 13), in CLEVELAND, Oh.
19310325             50—PEOPLE were killed in riots that broke out in INDIA.
19310325             —ASSAULTED, Gandhi was 1—OF—MANY—PEOPLE.
19310325             —ARRESTED—ALABAMA, 9—YOUNG—BLACK—MEN, at Paint Rock —AFTER riding 1—FREIGHT train, were taken to Scottsboro.
19310325             —HAD—WORKED, VICTORIA Price (21) and Ruby Bates (17), who, as prostitutes in HUNTSVILLE, were also found on the train dressed as boys.
19310325             —CHARGED—THE—9—MEN were soon, with raping THE—2—WHITE—WOMAN, —WHILE riding on the freight train.
19310325             † IDA—WELLS—BARNETT (18620000             ), black journalist.
19310325—18930000    —IN, she investigated THE—KENTUCKY lynching of 1—BLACK—MAN accused of murdering 2—WHITE—GIRLS.
19310325—20080000    —AUTHORED, Paula J. Giddings, "Ida: 1—SWORD among Lions".
19340325             * GLORIA—STEINEM, political activist, editor.
19350312—19350325    —KILLED, COLORADO dust storms, 6—PEOPLE, suffocated livestock and covered the ground with up to 6—FEET—OF—DUST.
19350325             —DECLARED, Hitler, that the Soviets endangered peace in EUROPE.
19360325             —SIGNED, BRITAIN, THE—USA and FRANCE, 1—NAVAL—ACCORD in LONDON.
19390325             —DIE—JUGEND—DIENST—PFLICHT, eingeführt, Im DEUTSCHEN—REICH wird, womit
19390325             —POLIZEILICH—ERZWUNGEN—WERDEN kann, die Mitgliedschaft von Kindern und Jugendlichen in der HITLER—JUGEND auch gegen der ELTERN—WILLEN
19390325             —INTRODUCED, Billboard Magazine, the hillbilly (country) music chart.
19400325             * ANITA—BRYANT, homophobe, singer (GEORGE—GOBEL—SHOW), in BARNSDALL—OKLAHOMA.
19400325             —AGREED, THE—USA, to give BRITAIN and FRANCE access to all USA—WARPLANES.
19400325             THE—USA—AGREED to give BRITAIN and FRANCE access to all USA—WARPLANES.
19410325             —BEITRITT, auf HITLER—DRUCK, dem DREI—MÄCHTE—PAKT der Achsenmächte des —WWELII, DAS—KÖNIG—REICH—JUGOSLAWIEN
19410325             Das führt zu antideutschen Massendemonstrationen im LAND—JUGOSLAWIEN und
19410325             —ATTACKIERT, Der DEUTSCHE—HILFSKREUZER—THOR, an der WEST—AFRIKA—KÜSTE, das BRITISCHE—PASSAGIERSCHIFF—BRITANNIA, das ohne Geleitschutz auf dem Weg nach Bombay ist.
19410325             BRITISCHE—PASSAGIERSCHIFF—BRITANNIA, geht in Flammen auf und sinkt.
19410325             † † † 122—BESATZUNGSMITGLIEDER und 127—PASSAGIERE kommen ums Leben.
19410325             —WAS—INCORPORATED, CAROLINA Paprika Mills in DILLON—SC.
19410325             —JOINED—YUGOSLAVIA, the Axis powers.
19420000             IRENE—FARBER, Director, Piaget...
19420325             It has been —60—YEARS—SINCE 1—OF—THE—GREAT—MONEY laundering scandals of the 19010101—20001231     ended and only —NOW are we beginning to see the true historical aspects of this important PERIOD—OF—WORLD—HISTORY, 1—HISTORY that the remaining Holocaust survivors beg humanity to "never forget".
19420325             —INHERITED, The billions Farish, William "Stamps" III, had more blood on it then Bush, [G HW948] s, so the paper trail of "Union Banking Corporation" stock would be safe —DURING his —12—YEARS in presidential politics.
19420325             —KILLED, THE—BUSH—BANK—HELPED—THE—THYSSEN s make the Nazi steel that, Allied solders.
19420325             As bad as financing the Nazi war machine may seem, aiding and abetting the Holocaust was worse.
19420325             THYSSEN—COAL—MINES used Jewish slaves as if they were disposable chemicals.
19420325             There is no question that the Bush family needs to donate at least $1.5—MILLION to the proper holocaust reparation fund.
19420325             If the Bush family refuses to contribute the money to compensate for Bush [BPS917] 's involvement in the Holocaust, it is like denying the Holocaust itself + their role in 1—OF—THE—DARKEST—MOMENTS in world history.
19420325             Special thanks to JOHN—LOFTUS, Emmy winning journalist, author and current PRESIDENT—OF—THE—FLORIDA—HOLOCAUST—MUSEUM.
19420325             —WAS—DESCRIBED, WILLIAM—FARISH—JUNIOR, by SENATOR—TRUMAN, HARRY in public of approaching "treason" for profiting off the Nazi war machine.
19420325             "STANDARD OIL—OF—NEW—JERSEY" invested millions in IG FARBEN, who opened 1—GASOLINE factory within Auschwitz 19400000            .
19420325             —INHERITED, The billions FARISH, WILLIAM "STAMPS" III, had more blood on it then BUSH,
19420325             [G HW948] s, so the paper trail of "UNION BANKING CORPORATION" stock would be safe —DURING his —12—YEARS in presidential politics.
19420325             Loftus believes history will view BUSH [BPS917] as harshly as THYSSEN.
19420325             but giving aid and comfort to the enemy in TIME—OF—WAR is treason.
19420325             —HELPED, THE—BUSH—BANK, THE—THYSSEN s make the Nazi steel that killed Allied solders.
19420325             There are 6—MILLION skeletons in THE—THYSSEN family closet + 1—MYRIAD of criminal and historical questions to be answered about the Bush family's complicity".
19420325             † —SINCE BUSH [BPS917] is dead, the only way to compensate is for the main inheritors of his estate to make amends with surviving slaves and THE—FAMILIES—OF—SLAVES who, in Bush + THYSSEN—COAL—MINES.
19420325             If the Bush family refuses to contribute the money to compensate for BUSH [BPS917] 's involvement in the Holocaust,
19420325             it is like denying the Holocaust itself + their role in 1—OF—THE—DARKEST—MOMENTS in world history.
19420325             —ANNOUNCED, USA Assistant ATTORNEY—GENERAL—THURMAN—ARNOLD, that WILLIAM—STAMPS—FARISH had pleaded "no contest" to charges of criminal conspiracy with the Nazis.
19420325             Farish was the principal manager of 1—CARTEL—AGREEMENT between Standard Oil and I.G. Farben.
19420325             The cartel built 1—INDUSTRIAL—PLANT to produce artificial rubber and gasoline from coal at Auschwitz to take ADVANTAGE—OF—THE—SLAVE—LABOR.
19420325             THE—DEUTSCHE—USA—PETROLEUM A.G. (DAPAG), the Standard Oil subsidiary in GERMANY, was 94-% owned by Standard OIL—OF—NEW—JERSEY.
19420325             —EXTENDED, KARL—LINDEMANN connections, into THE—INTERNATIONAL banking area as DIRECTOR—OF—SEVERAL banks, including the
19420325             Bush" gping="&POS=18&CM=MLT&CE=6&CS=AWP&SR=12&sample=0">NAZI—PLOT:
19420325             THE—HYDRA—FILES (Prelude to OPUS—DEI Illuminous)
19420325             NAZI—PLOT: THE—HYDRA—FILES (Prelude to OPUS—DEI Illuminous) Known to many of the early
19420325             poppy placed his assets in 1—BLIND—TRUST headed by his close friend WILLIAM—STAMPS—FARISH...
19420325             Amazon_com: Trading With the Enemy: 1—EXPOSE—OF—THE—NAZI—AMERICAN...
19420325             1—EXPOSE—OF—THE—NAZI—USA—MONEY—PLOT, 193300001949         : Books: CHARLES—HIGHAM by Charles
19420325             leverage they wielded behind the scenes.
19420325             (Check out Standard Oil executive WILLIAM—FARISH...
19420325             ALEX—CONSTANTINE—BLACKLIST: Report Reveals BMW—NAZI—TIES
19420325             No 1—LIKES—USA—I don't know WHY—WE may not be perfect, but... AND...
19420325             Report Reveals BMW—NAZI—TIES; CLARENCE—THOMAS and RUPERT—MURDOCH;
19420325             FARISH, William "Stamps" III—GRANDFATHER, WILLIAM—FARISH—JUNIOR, pleaded "no contest" to conspiring with NAZI GERMANY —WHILE PRESIDENT—OF " Standard OIL—OF—NEW—JERSEY
19420325             Bush - the Dresdner Bank + - THE—DEUTSCHLAND—REICHSBANK + the private NAZI—ORIENTED BANK—OF—C.—MELCHIOR & Company
19420325             NAZI—PLOT: THE—HYDRA—FILES (Prelude to OPUS—DEI Illuminous) Known to many of the early... poppy placed his assets in 1—BLIND—TRUST headed by his close friend WILLIAM—STAMPS—FARISH...
19420325             1—EXPOSE—OF—THE—NAZI—USA—MONEY—PLOT, 19330000—19490000    —DATE: Books: CHARLES—HIGHAM by Charles... leverage they wielded behind the scenes.
19420325—19200000    —IN—THE, "It is bad enough that the Bush family helped raise the money for THYSSEN to give HITLER his start s,
19420325—19200000    —IN—THE, "It is bad enough that the Bush family helped raise the money for Thyssen to give Hitler his starts, but giving aid and comfort to the enemy in TIME—OF—WAR is treason.
19420325—19420326    —REACHED, The 1. 700—JEWS from POLAND—LVOV—DISTRICT, concentration camp Belzec.
19420325—19420326    THE—GERMANS began sending Jews to Auschwitz in POLAND.
19430325             —PREMIERED, JIMMY—DURANTE and GARRY—MOORE, on radio.
19440325             —SURVIVED, RAF SERGEANT—NICKOLAS—ALKEMADE, 1—JUMP from his LANCASTER bomber from 18,000 feet without 1—PARACHUTE.
19450306             † 1—SPECIAL—COURT—OF—JUSTICE in the Hague sentenced Rauter to death and he was executed 19490325            .
19450325             —WWII—LETZTE—PHASE, Die USA—ARMY—AIR—FORCES fliegen den letzten und größten Luftangriff auf Prag, bei dem 235—MENSCHEN ums Leben kommen.
19450325             —SPÄTER, DAS—ENDPHASE—VERBRECHEN führt vor 1 DEUTSCHEN—GERICHT nur zu kurzen Haftstrafen und Freisprüchen.
19450325             USA 1. army broke out bridgehead near Remagen.
19460325             * FIROUZ—NADERI, IRANISCH—AMERIKANISCHER—WISSENSCHAFTLER und Leiter des Programms zur Erforschung des Sonnensystems
19470325             * ELTON—JOHN, [Reginald KENNETH—DWIGHT], ENGLAND—SINGER (Rocketman).
19470325             1—COAL—MINE—EXPLOSION in CENTRALIA—ILLINOIS, claimed 111—LIVES.
19480325             —BANNED, THE—ITALIANS, 1—COMPROMISE with YUGOSLAVIA and demanded the return of TRIESTE.
19490325             —PROPOSED, UC PRESIDENT—ROBERT—GORDON—SPROUL, 1—FACULTY loyalty oath.
19490325             —VOTED, THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA BOARD—OF—REGENTS —LATER, to require all employees to sign 1—LOYALTY oath.
19490325             † HANNS—A—RAUTER (54), GERMANY—SS—COMMANDANT in NETHERLANDS, was executed.
19490325             SOVIET—OCCUPIERS—OF—LITHUANIA began Operation "Priboj," a 2. major deportation program (19490325—19490328    ).
19500324—19500325    —VERHAFTET, 17—SCHÜLER und Lehrer werden in Altenburg vom SOWJET—GEHEIMDIENST
19500325             —FORMELL—ENTLÄSST, in die begrenzte Souveränität, DIE—UDSSR, DIE—DDR
19520310—19520325    —AM, FORMULIERT—WERDEN in der Antwortnote Bedingungen, die DIE—SOWJETUNION nicht akzeptiert.
19520325             —REJECTED, THE—USA, BRITAIN, and FRANCE, THE—SOVIET—PROPOSAL for 1 armed, reunified, neutral GERMANY.
19530325             —BUNDESVERTRIEBENEN—GESETZ, VERABSCHIEDET, Der DEUTSCHE—BUNDESTAG, wonach Vertriebene, Heimatvertriebene, Sowjetzonenflüchtlinge und Spätaussiedler sowie deren Hinterbliebene Anspruch auf Leistungen haben.
19530325             —BUNDESVERTRIEBENEN—GESETZ, VERABSCHIEDET, Der BUNDESTAG, das die Eingliederung von Vertriebenen und Flüchtlingen aus den FRÜHEREN—DEUTSCHEN—OST—GEBIETEN und der DDR bundesweit einheitlich regelt.
19530325             —FIRED, THE—USS—MISSOURI, on targets at Kojo, NORTH—KOREA, the last time her guns fire —UNTIL the Persian Gulf War of 19920000            .
19540325             —PIUS—XII—PAPA—ENZYKLIKA—SACRA—VIRGINITAS, lobt  jene Menschen im Dienste Gottes, die in ihrem Leben ehelos und jungfräulich bleiben.
19540325             jene Menschen im Dienste Gottes, die in ihrem Leben ehelos und jungfräulich bleiben, seien für Ehre und Ruhm der Kirche unverzichtbar.
19540325             —MANUFACTURED, RCA, its 1. color TV set and began mass production.
19540325             At THE—ACADEMY—AWARDS, "From Here to Eternity" won 8—OSCARS, including best picture, best director (FRED—ZINNEMANN), best supporting actor (FRANK—SINATRA) and best supporting actress (DONNA—REED).
19540325             Audrey Hepburn won best actress for "ROMAN—HOLIDAY" and WILLIAM—HOLDEN best actor for "Stalag 17".
19540325             —WAS—ADOPTED, 19530000             —THE—RCA design for color TV, as the national standard.
19540325             —WAS—PRICED, The 12" screen TV, at $1000. Westinghouse had introduced 1—COLOR model 1—FEW weeks —EARLIER, but only 1—SET was sold in the 1. —MONTH.
19550325             E. GERMANY was granted full sovereignty by occupying power, USSR.
19570325             —EWG—VERTRAG zur Gründung der EUROPÄISCHE—WIRTSCHAFTSGEMEINSCHAFT und der
19570325             —VERTRAG zur Gründung der EUROPÄISCHE—ATOMGEMEINSCHAFT.
19570325             Gemeinsam mit der —5—JAHRE—FRÜHER—GEGRÜNDETE—EGKS bilden die durch die ROM—VERTRÄGE gegründeten Organisationen DIE—EUROPÄISCHE—GEMEINSCHAFT.
19570325             —SEIZED, USA—POLICE and customs agents, copies of "Howl" by ALLEN—GINSBERG.
19570325             The defending attorneys were J.W. Ehrlich and ALBERT—BENDICH (19290000—20150000    ).
19570325             —BY the Fall JUDGE—CLAYTON—HORN found the poem of "redeeming social importance".
19570325             —MANAGED, Shig —LATER, City Lights and authored the occasional "SHIG—REVIEW".
19570325             THE—TREATIES establishing the European Economic Community and the European Atomic Energy Community were signed in ROME by 6—MEMBER—COUNTRIES.
19570325             —ENABLED, THE—TREATY—OF—ROME, people, goods, services and money to move unchecked —THROUGHOUT the Union.
19570325             Major decisions are made by the Council of Foreign Ministers.
19570325             A 20-member Commission composed of appointed REPRESENTATIVES—OF—EACH—MEMBER—STATE—SERVES as the administrative arm and members represent the Union.
19570325             THE—COMMISSION proposes and executes laws and policies.
19570325             1—EUROPEAN—PARLIAMENT is composed of 626—MEMBERS elected by THE—ELECTORATES—OF—THE—MEMBER—STATES and they sit in party groups.
19570325             THE—COMMISSION proposes, THE—PARLIAMENT advises, and the Council decides.
19570325             The goal was to create 1—COMMON—MARKET for all products but especially coal and steel.
19570325             —ESTABLISHED, THE—EURATOM—TREATY, the European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC or Euratom).
19570325             —WAS—ARRESTED, In May Ferlinghetti, along with City Lights manager Shigeyoshi Murao (19990000             †) on obscenity charges.
19570325             —WAS—FOUNDED, THE—INTERNATIONAL—ORGANIZATION, with THE—PURPOSE—OF—CREATING 1—SPECIALIST market for nuclear power in EUROPE, developing nuclear energy and distributing it to its member states —WHILE selling the surplus to NON—MEMBER—STATES.
19570325             —AM, in ROM gründeten ITALIEN, FRANKREICH, DIE—BUNDES—REPUBLIK und die Beneluxstaaten DIE—EUROPÄISCHE WIRTSCHAFTS—GEMEINSCHAFT (EWG) sowie DIE—EUROPÄISCHE Atomgemeinschaft (Euratom).
19570325—20060000    —EDITED, BILL—MORGAN and NANCY J. Peters, "Howl On Trial: THE—BATTLE—FOR—FREE—EXPRESSION".
19570325—20170325    —AM, —VOR—60—JAHREN, wurde in dieser Stadt ROM 1—GRUNDSTEIN für DIE—EUROPÄISCHE—UNION gelegt.
19570325—20170325    —AM, —VOR—60—JAHREN, 6—LÄNDER zusammenschlossen sich zur EUROPÄISCHE—WIRTSCHAFTS—GEMEINSCHAFT.
19580325             Der BUNDESTAG beschließt die Ausstattung der Bundeswehr mit Atomwaffen im Rahmen der NATO, falls es nicht zu 1 allgemeinen Abrüstungsvereinbarung kommt.
19580325             Less than —1—MONTH—LATER, Zurakowski flew the Arrow at Mach 1.5 at 1—ALTITUDE—OF—50,000—FEET.
19580325             —SCRAPPED, SPITE—OF—THE—AIRCRAFT—EARLY, promise, THE—CANADA—GOVERNMENT, the project —BEFORE the Arrow could be put into production.
19580325             CANADA—ERA—OF—SUPERSONIC—FLIGHT began, —WHEN pilot JAN—ZURAKOWSKI took off from Malton Airport near TORONTO in 1—AVRO—CF—105—ARROW for a —35—MINUTE maiden flight.
19600325             —BRICHT, vor seiner Fertigstellung, Der LE—OROS—STAUDAMM bei FORTALEZA—BUNDESSTAAT—CEARÁ—BRASILIEN und verursacht 1—FLUTWELLE, die rund 1.000—TODESOPFER fordert.
19600325             —GUIDED, The 1., missile was launched from 1—NUCLEAR powered sub, the Halibut.
19610325             —STARTET, SPUTNIK—10, Die Sowjetunion, mit dem HUND—SWJOSDOTSCHKA an Bord als letzten Test vor dem bemannten Raumflug.
19610325             —ERFOLGREICH—VERLAUFEN, Flug und Rückkehr der Landekapsel.
19610325             "Gypsy" closed at Broadway Theater in NEW—YORK—CITY—AFTER 702—PERFORMANCES.
19610325             —PERFORMED, Elvis Presley (26), live on THE—USS—ARIZONA, 1—FUND raiser for 1—MEMORIAL.
19610325             COLONEL—PARKER, PRESLEY—MANAGER, came up with the brilliant idea to have Elvis Presley give the benefit concert in the 4,000-seat Bloch Arena next to the entrance to Pearl Harbor.
19610325             —CARRIED, Sputnik 10, 1—DOG into Earth orbit;
19610325             —LATER recovered.
19610325             Sputnik 10—CARRIED 1—DOG into Earth orbit;
19620325             † AUGUSTE—PICCARD, —78—JAHRE—ALT, SWITZERLAND—EXPLORER, balloonist.
19620325             —WAS—ARRESTED, FRANCE—OAS leader EX—GENERAL—JOUHAUD.
19620325             † AUGUSTE—PICCARD (78), SWITZERLAND—EXPLORER, balloonist.
19640325             —ENDED—EGYPT, 1—STATE—OF—SIEGE (19520000—19640000    ).
19650325             —PREMIERED, The opera "Lizzie Borden", in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19650325             The initial scenario was WRITTEN—BY—RICHARD—PLANT (19970000             † age 87).
19650325             MARTIN—LUTHER—KING—JUNIOR led 1—GROUP—OF—25,000 to THE—STATE—CAPITAL—IN—MONTGOMERY—ALABAMA to protest THE—DENIAL—OF—VOTING rights to blacks.
19650325             —INCREASED, Civil Rights pressures, in THE—USA and blacks and whites marched in Selma and MONTGOMERY.
19650325             —CHARGED, THE—LATER trial of Collie LEROY—JENKINS, 1—OF 3—MEN, in the killing, ended in 1—HUNG jury.
19650325             —ACQUITTED, Jenkins was also, at a 2. trial but was —LATER convicted along with EUGENE—THOMAS of civil rights violations in FEDERAL—COURT and sentenced to —10—YEARS in prison.
19650325             —EXTENDED, WEST—GERMANY—BONDSDAG, war crimes retribution.
19650325             —WAS—COMPOSED, It, by JACK—BEESON with 1—LIBRETTO by Kenward Elmslie.
19650325             † The initial scenario was WRITTEN—BY—RICHARD—PLANT (19970000             , ).
19660325             —VERURTEILT, Das Oberste Gericht der DDR, den ehemaligen KZ—AUSCHWITZ—LAGERARZT—HORST—FISCHER zum Tode.
19660325             —BUNDESREGIERUNG—NOTE—ZUR—DEUTSCHEN—FRIEDENSPOLITIK, wird im Westen positiv aufgenommen und vom Osten abgelehnt.
19690325             —STAGED, John and Yoko Ono, 1—BED—IN for peace in AMSTERDAM.
19690325             —INCLUDED, His books, "Love and Revolution: My Journey Through 1—EPOCH" (19640000             ).
19700325             —BRASILIEN—PRÄSIDENT—EMÍLIO—GARRASTAZU—MÉDICI—DEKRET, erweitert durch sein maritimes Hoheitsgebiet von 12—SEEMEILEN, AUF 200—SEEMEILEN.
19700325             THE—CONCORDE, 1—ANGLO—FRANCE—AIRPLANE, made its 1. supersonic flight.
19710325             Sofort nach seiner Abreise gibt er den Einsatzbefehl für die WEST—PAKISTAN—TRUPPEN und eröffnet damit den
19710325             —BANGLADESCH—KRIEG
19710325             —ARRESTED, SHEIK—MUJIBUR—RAHMAN was, in DHAKA.
19710325             —STARTED, PAKISTAN—FORCES, Operation Searchlight, 1—SYSTEMATIC—PLAN to eliminate ANY—RESISTANCE.
19710325             —WERE—KILLED, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, in student dormitories and police barracks in DHAKA.
19720325             Their immediate goal was the establishment of a "revolutionary junta".
19720325             —SEEMED, It, clear, however, that the officers favored the installation of JOSE—DUARTE as PRESIDENT.
19750325             1. westliches Land, anerkennt ÖSTERREICH eine eigene Staatsbürgerschaft für die DDR.
19750325             (AP, 20000325             )(Econ, 20081004             , p.92)(Econ, 20120126             , p.74)
19750325             —ENDANGERED, HUE was lost and Da Nang was.
19750325             —ORDERED, THE—USA, 1—REFUGEE airlift to remove those in danger.
19750325             LLOYD—MICHAEL—WELCH—JUNIOR, —58—JAHRE—ALT said he was with the girls —WHEN they were abducted but denied ANY—ROLE in their deaths.
19750325             Welch told investigators that he left the mall with THE—2—GIRLS and that he saw his uncle sexually assaulting 1—OF—THEM at his home THE—NEXT—DAY.
19750325             † FAISAL—KING—OF— ibn ABD—AL—AZIZ, —68—JAHRE—ALT—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA was shot to death by 1—NEPHEW with 1—HISTORY—OF—MENTAL—ILLNESS.
19750325             —BEHEADED, The nephew was, the —FOLLOWING June.
19750325             —WAS—ENDANGERED, HUE was lost and Da Nang.
19750325             THE—USA—ORDERED 1—REFUGEE airlift to remove those in danger.
19750325             —VANISHED—MARYLAND, sisters Sheila (12) and Katharine LYON (10), from the Wheaton Plaza Mall.
19750325             —WERE—ABDUCTED, LLOYD—MICHAEL—WELCH—JUNIOR (58) said he was with the girls —WHEN they, but denied ANY—ROLE in their deaths.
19750325             —WAS—BEHEADED, The nephew, the —FOLLOWING June.
19750325—19750921    —PLEADED, Welch, guilty to sexually assaulting 2—GIRLS 19960000             —IN.
19750325—20130000    —AUTHORED, ALEXEI—VASSILIEV, "FAISAL—KING—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA: Personality, Faith and Times".
19750325—20150715    —ON, authorities announced 1—INDICTMENT on 1.—DEGREE felony murder charges in the disappearances.
19750325—20170912    —SENTENCED, LLOYD—MICHAEL—WELCH—JUNIOR was, to —48—YEARS in prison —AFTER pleading guilty to 2—COUNTS—OF—1.—DEGREE felony murder.
19770325             —WAS—MURDERED, ARGENTINA, political writer Rodolfo Walsh, —1—DAY—AFTER writing the "Open Letter to the Military Junta" on the 1. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—MILITARY—COUP.
19770325             —HAD—REPORTED, He, on tortures, mass killings, and THOUSANDS—OF—DISAPPEARANCES.
19770325—19770325    —ON—PHILIPPINES' PRESIDENT—MARCOS, signed Presidential Proclamation NUMBER 16280000             forming 1—AUTONOMOUS region in SOUTH—PHILIPPINES.
19770325—20110000    —IN, Alfredo Astiz (59), 1—FORMER—NAVY—SPY known as "THE—ANGEL—OF—DEATH," was convicted in the kidnapping and disappearing of Rodolfo Walsh.
19790325             —DISAPPEARED—NORTHERN, IRELAND GERARD—EVANS (24), —AFTER leaving 1—DANCE.
19790325             —HAD—BEEN—ABDUCTED, He, executed and secretly buried by THE—IRA for passing information on IRA activities to the police.
19790325—20100000    —IN, His body was found.
19810325             —WAS—DAMAGED, THE—USA—EMBASSY in S—SALVADOR, —WHEN gunmen attacked, firing rocket propelled grenades and machine guns.
19820325             —FEATURED, THE—TV—SHOW "Cagney and Lacey", SHARON—GLESS and Tyne Daly as female police detectives.
19820325             —CONTINUED, The show, to 19880000            .
19850325             57. ACADEMY—AWARDS "Amadeus," F. MURRAY—ABRAHAM and SALLY—FIELD won.
19850325             —ABDUCTED, UK—JOURNALIST—ALEC—COLLETT, —64—JAHRE—ALT was, in BEIRUT as he covered LEBANON—CIVIL—WAR.
19850325             THE—FOLLOWING—YEAR 1—GROUP belonging to PALESTINE—GUERRILLA—LEADER—ABU—NIDAL said it killed him in retaliation for USA—AIR—RAIDS on LIBYA.
19850325—20090000    —IN, His remains were found in THE—EAST—BEKAA Valley.
19860325             —ORDERED, PRESIDENT—RONALD—REAGAN, emergency aid for THE—HONDURAS—ARMY.
19860325             —RULED, USA—SUPREME—COURT, that THE—AIR—FORCE could ban wearing of yarmulkes.
19860826             ROBERT—CHAMBERS owed the Levin family $25—MILLION from 1—WRONGFUL—DEATH—SUIT 19880325             —SEE.
19870325             1. teilnehmen 2—BUNDESWEHR—OFFIZIERE, als Beobachter an 1 militärischen Manöver der Sowjetunion und der DDR bei MAGDEBURG
19870325             —RULED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, employers may sometimes favor women and MEMBERS—OF—MINORITY—GROUPS over men and whites in hiring and promoting in order to achieve better balance in the work force.
19880325             —STARTET, ZDF, Das Literarische Quartett mit MARCEL—REICH—RANICKI im Rahmen des Kulturmagazins aspekte.
19880325             (295).
19880325             NEW—YORK, CITY—SO—CALLED "preppie murder case," ROBERT—E—CHAMBERS—JUNIOR pleaded guilty to 1.—DEGREE manslaughter in THE—DEATH—OF— 18—YEAR—OLD—JENNIFER—LEVIN.
19880325             —RECEIVED, Chambers, 1—SENTENCE—OF—5 to —15—YEARS in prison.
19880325             —WAS—CONVICTED, Chambers, of the killing —AFTER what he described as 1—SESSION—OF—ROUGH—SEX.
19880325             —WALKED, He, out of the Auburn Correctional Facility in AUBURN—N.Y, 20030200             , —AFTER serving 1—FULL—15—YEAR—MAXIMUM—SENTENCE for 19860000             —THE—CENTRAL—PARK killing.
19880325             (299) CODEVILLA,A. Informing Statecraft. CHRISTIC—INSTITUTE.
19880325             —1— (188)... - (188); -... 235);
19880325             (299) Codevilla,A. Informing Statecraft.
19880325             (41-2) Covert Action Information... / - > Cockburn,A.& L. Dangerous Liaison.
19880325             (295). - - (188).
19880325             (185, 191); (Formerly located in WASHINGTON DC.) Affidavit of DANIEL—P—SHEEHAN, 20070325             ... JOHN (212, 235);
19880325             (188); (185, 191); - COCKBURN,A.& L. Dangerous Liaison.
19880325             (299) CODEVILLA,A. - Sheehan Affidavit.
19880325             (41-2) Covert Action Information.
19880325             (188); HERMAN,E. - Christic Institute.
19880325             - COCKBURN,A.& L. Dangerous Liaison.
19880325—19960000    —IN, Sasha Anawalt wrote: "THE—JOFFREY—BALLET: ROBERT—JOFFREY and the Making of 1—AMERICA—DANCE—COMPANY".
19890000             MERCADO Digital.
19890325             —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—THE—EXXON—VALDEZ oil spill in PRINCE—WILLIAM—SOUND, ALASKA—CHIEF—ENVIRONMENTAL—OFFICER, DENNIS—KELSO, criticized cleanup efforts as too slow.
19900325             Star Trek V won as worst picture in the 10. Golden Raspberry Awards.
19900325             80—7—PEOPLE, MOST—OF—THEM—HONDURAN and DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC—IMMIGRANTS, were killed —WHEN 1—ARSON fire raced through the illegal Happy Land Social Club in NEW—YORK City.
19900325             —WAS—CHARGED, JULIO—GONZALEZ, 36, with arson and murder.
19900325—19470000    —STATTFINDEN—SEIT, UNGARN, die 1. freien Wahlen.
19900325—19910800    —CONVICTED, Gonzalez was, and was sentenced to 174—25—YEAR—SENTENCES (1—TOTAL—OF—4,—350—YEARS), the longest sentence ever handed down in NEW—YORK.
19900325—20150000    —IN, He is eligible for parole.
19910325             "Dances With Wolves" won 7—OSCARS, including best picture, at the 63. annual ACADEMY—AWARDS.
19910325             Kathy Bates won best actress for "Misery" and JEREMY—IRONS won best actor for his role in "REVERSAL—OF—FORTUNE".
19920325             —BACKED, LIBYA—LEADER—COLONEL—MOAMMAR—GADHAFI, away from 1—OFFER to turn over 2—SUSPECTS in THE—BOMBING—OF—PAN—AM—FLIGHT—103 to the Arab League.
19920325             SOVIET—COSMONAUT—SERGEI—KRIKALEV, who'd spent —10—MONTHS aboard the orbiting Mir space station, thereby missing the upheaval in his homeland, finally returned to Earth.
19930325             —APPROVED, THE—SENATE, 1—OUTLINE—OF—PRESIDENT—CLINTON—PLAN to spark the economy and trim the budget deficit by 1—VOTE—OF—54—45.
19930707—20040325    —ON, 1—JURY convicted FLORIDA fisherman Jesus Mezquia of her murder and he was sentenced to —36—YEARS in prison.
19940325             Bei dem antisemitischen Anschlag wird niemand verletzt.
19940325             —WENIG—SPÄTER, GEFASST—WERDEN, 4—TÄTER
19940325             —APPROVED, THE—USA—SENATE, a $1.51—TRILLION budget.
19940325             —COMPLETED, USA—TROOPS, their withdrawal from SOMALIA —FOLLOWING 1—LARGELY unsuccessful —15—MONTH—MISSION.
19940325             20,000 UNITED—NATIONS troops were left behind to keep the peace and facilitate "nation building".
19940325             —ORGANIZED, Hnilica, 1—THERESA—LOPEZ style...
19940325—19380000    —SEIT, LÜBECK, wird der 1. Brandanschlag auf 1—SYNAGOGE ausgeführt.
19950325             1. 1—WIKI ins Netz stellt auf der Internetseite, das WardsWiki, Der USA—AMERIKANISCHE—PROGRAMMIERER—WARD—CUNNINGHAM
19950325             2—AMERICANS who had strayed across THE—KUWAIT—BORDER into IRAQ were sentenced to —8—YEARS in prison.
19950325             —WAS—RELEASED, MIKE—TYSON, from THE—INDIANA—YOUTH—CENTER—AFTER serving —3—YEARS for 19920000             —THE rape of Desiree WASHINGTON, 1—BEAUTY pageant contestant.
19950325             —WERE—RELEASED, However, DAVID—DALIBERTI and WILLIAM—BARLOON, by IRAQ the —FOLLOWING July.
19960325             Hyakutake, der "Große Komet von 1996", erreicht seine größte Annäherung an die Erde.
19960325             "Braveheart" won ACADEMY—AWARDS for best picture and best director Mel Gibson;
19960325             NICOLAS—CAGE won best actor for "Leaving LAS—VEGAS," SUSAN—SARANDON best actress for "Dead Man Walking".
19960325             1. Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, accompanied by her daughter, Chelsea, visited USA—TROOPS in Bosnia.
19960325             1—GROUP—OF—18—PEOPLE including 3—CHILDREN, who call themselves the Freeman, shut themselves up on a 960—ACRE—FARM—NEAR—JORDAN—MONTANA.
19960325             —LASTED, The standoff by THE—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—FREEMEN, —81—DAYS.
19960325             —SIGNED, FRANCE, BRITAIN and THE—USA, 1—TREATY to ban nuclear weapons from THE—SOUTH—PACIFIC.
19960325             —FOR—33—DAYS he was chained to 1—CELLAR wall with 1—RANSOM set at 30—MILLION—MARKS ($17.6—MILLION).
19960325             —REDESIGNED, The, $100—BILL went into circulation.
19960325             —ARE—WANTED, MANY—OF—THEM, on STATE—AND—FEDERAL—CHARGES that include writing bad checks and threatening 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE.
19960325             —PROVED, Ongoing negotiations have, fruitless and THE—FBI ordered in 3—ARMORED vehicles and 1—HELICOPTER.
19960325             —HALTED—CHINA, its —18—DAY—INTIMIDATING naval exercises —AROUND TAIWAN led by the new GUIDED—MISSILE destroyer HARBIN.
19960325             FRANCE, BRITAIN and THE—USA—SIGNED 1—TREATY to ban nuclear weapons from THE—SOUTH—PACIFIC.
19960325             —WAS—ATTACKED, GERMANY, JAN—PHILIPP—REEMTSMA, beaten and abducted as he entered his OFFICE—IN—HAMBURG.
19960325             —WAS—CHAINED, For —33—DAYS he, to 1—CELLAR wall with 1—RANSOM set at 30—MILLION—MARKS ($17.6—MILLION).
19960325—19990000    —IN, he published "In the Cellar," 1—CHRONICLE of his captivity.
19970325             —NUDGED, THE—FEDERAL—RESERVE, interest rates higher for the 1. time in —2—YEARS, hoping to stifle ANY—THREAT—OF—RISING inflation.
19970325             —PARACHUTED, FORMER—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH, 73, from 1—PLANE over THE—ARIZONA desert.
19970325             THE—NETHERLANDS, 1—ARSON attack left 1—TURKEY—WOMAN and 5—CHILDREN—DEAD in the Hague.
19980325             Shaken by horror stories from the worst genocide —WWII—SINCE, PRESIDENT—CLINTON grimly acknowledged —DURING his AFRICA—TOUR that "we did not act quickly enough" to stop the slaughter of up to 1—MILLION—RWANDANS —4—YEARS—EARLIER.
19980325             —NETTED, THE—FCC, $578.6—MILLION at auction for licenses for new wireless technology.
19980325             —ENDORSED, The executive BODY—OF—THE—EU, 1—PROPOSAL for 11—NATIONS to be PART—OF—THE—NEW—SYSTEM.
19980325             —PROMISED, RUSSIA, to support 1—COMPREHENSIVE—ARMS—EMBARGO against YUGOSLAVIA, but did not support new sanctions urged by THE—USA.
19980325             —KILLED—TAJIKISTAN, Islamic rebels, over 60—GOVERNMENT—TROOPS and held another 60—HOSTAGE—AFTER a —2—DAY—BATTLE—NEAR the capital.
19981031—20090325    —ARRESTED, DALE—WAYNE—HILL, was, in DAYTON—NEVADA, on 1—CHARGE—OF—FAILURE to register as 1—FELON.
19990325             ALEXEI—YAGUDIN won the men's title for the 2. time at the World Figure Skating Championships held in HELSINKI—FINLAND.
19990325             NATO—FORCES struck SERBIA—AIR—DEFENSES and other sites for a 2. night as SERBIA—FORCES stepped up their efforts to crush resistance in KOSOVO.
19990325             20—MEN were kept back and presumed killed.
19990325             In the village of Velika Krusa 14—ETHNIC—ALBANIANS were killed and burned by SERBIA—POLICE and paramilitaries.
19990325             —PLAYED, Selami Elshani, dead escaped to tell the story.
19990325             Investigators in Bela Crkva —LATER found the bodies of 12—PEOPLE including 7—CHILDREN, all shot in THE—BACK—OF—THE—HEAD, killed —DURING the rampage.
19990325             —ATTACKED, SERBIA—PARAMILITARIES along with THE—SERBIA—ARMY, the village of Krushe e Vogel, 90—KM (55—MILES) SOUTH—WEST—OF—PRISTINA.
19990325             —ISSUED, COLOMBIA, 1—ARREST—WARRANT was, for GERMANY—BRICENO, aka Grannobles, for the kidnapping and killing of 3—AMERICANS.
19990325             Briceno was the brother of JORGE—BRICENO, NUMBER 2—LEADER—OF—FARC.
19990325             KOSOVO, SERBIA—POLICE—OFFICERS took away Bajram Kelmendi, 1—HUMAN—RIGHTS—LAWYER, and his 2—SONS.
19990325             Their bodies were found THE—NEXT—DAY.
19990325             SOUTH—AFRICA WOUTER, Basson, the former head of chemical and biological warfare dubbed "Doctor Death," was indicted on 64—CHARGES that included murder, theft and fraud.
19990325             61—CHARGES remained.
19990325             —WAS—BURNED, The village of Goden, by SERBIA—FORCES and 174—RESIDENTS were forced to leave.
19990325             —WERE—REPORTED, Some 70—MEN, massacred at the village Bellacerk in KOSOVO.
19990325             —WERE—KILLED, In the village of Velika Krusa 14—ETHNIC—ALBANIANS, and burned by SERBIA—POLICE and paramilitaries.
19990325             —APPOINTED—HAITI, PRESIDENT—PREVAL, 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT by decree.
19990325             Conspiracy charges for offenses in NAMIBIA—SWAZILAND, MOZAMBIQUE and BRITAIN were —LATER dismissed.
19990325             Realities Make Living Wage CAMPAIGN—CLAIMS—MORE—CREDIBLE
19990325             in THE—CRIMSON
19990325—20020000    —ACQUITTED—OF, Basson was, 46—COUNTS—OF—MURDER, fraud and drug dealing.
19990512—17070000    —IN, "This was THE—PARLIAMENT adjourned on 17070325             —THE and is hereby reconvened," says the oldest MEMBER—OF—THE—HOUSE—THE—SNP—WINNIE—EWING.
20000316—20000325    —MARCHED, Some 3,000 protestors, at Dorismonds funeral and clashed with police.
20000325             —ARRIVED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, in PAKISTAN under heavy security, where he met with the new military ruler, GENERAL—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF.
20000325             —URGED, Clinton, the government to restore democracy, reduce its nuclear arsenal, fight terrorism and find 1—PEACEFUL—SOLUTION to the Kashmir crises with INDIA.
20000325             COLOMBIA, guerrilla attacks began in Antioquia state and 30—PEOPLE were killed over the next —2—DAYS.
20000325             ISRAEL—PAPA—JOHN—PAUL—II, said Mass at THE—BASILICA—OF—THE—ANNUNCIATION in Nazareth, where Catholics believe that archangel Gabriel told MARY that she would bear THE—SON—OF—GOD.
20000325             HENRY—MACDONALD was THE—AUTHOR—OF—1—NEW—BIOGRAPHY on Trimble.
20000325             SOUTH—AFRICA, 1—FLASHFLOOD down the Storms River Gorge left 7—DEAD and 6—MISSING from 1—GROUP—OF—24—WHITEWATER enthusiasts.
20000325             —DEMONSTRATED—BELARUS, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, in MINSK against THE—RULE—OF—PRESIDENT—LUKASHENKO and clashed with police.
20000325             —WERE—KILLED, COLOMBIA, guerrilla attacks began in Antioquia state and 30—PEOPLE, over the next —2—DAYS.
20000325             —WAS—REPORTED, MOZAMBIQUE, it, that the Messalo river burst its banks —AFTER —1—WEEK—OF—RAIN.
20000325             —WAS—EXPECTED, THE—LIMPOPO, to flood again and THE—CITY—OF—CHOKWE was again threatened.
20001215             —ACQUITTED, Melvin Walker and DAVID—RAMSEY were, 20020325            .
20010000             Campaign against terrorism: Defector claims he saw Saddam's...
20010325             Das Schengener Abkommen tritt für DÄNEMARK—FINNLAND und SCHWEDEN sowie die NICHT—EU—STAATEN ISLAND und NORWEGEN in Kraft und gewährleistet freien WAREN—UND Personenverkehr über die Grenzen hinweg.
20010325             JULIA—ROBERTS won best actress for "Erin Brockovich".
20010325             "Crouching Tiger" won for best foreign film and best music score.
20010325             STEVEN—SODERBERGH won best director for "Traffic," which also featured Benicio DEL—TORO who won the best supporting actor.
20010325             Marcia Gay Harden won best supporting actress for her role in "Pollock".
20010325             SAUDI—ARABIA, the Higher COMMITTEE—FOR—SCIENTIFIC—RESEARCH and Islamic Law claimed that Pokemon games and cards have "possessed the minds" of SAUDI—ARABIA—CHILDREN.
20010325             THE—ACADEMY—AWARDS, "Gladiator" won 5—OSCARS including best picture and best actor for RUSSELL—CROWE.
20010325             —BACKED—MACEDONIA, the government sent infantry troops, by tanks and helicopters into the hills above Tetovo to push back ethnic ALBANIA—INSURGENTS.
20011100             [Gulf News, 20020325             ]FORMER—CIA—AGENT—ROBERT—BAER —LATER claimed he was working with Pearl on investigating 20010911             mastermind Khalid SHAIKH—MOHAMMED.
20011100             [Gulf News, 20020325             ]
20020325             —ERDBEBEN—DER—STÄRKE—5,9 in der AFGHANISTAN—PROVINZ—BAGLAN, fordert etwa 2.000—TOTE und mindestens ebenso VIELE—VERLETZTE, Rund 150.000—MENSCHEN werden obdachlos.
20020325             PLUNKETT—FINANCIAL—SERVICES—INDUSTRY—ALMANAC 20020000—20030000
20020325             —RELEASED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, THOUSANDS—OF—DOCUMENTS on its energy task force —JUST—BEFORE 1—MIDNIGHT deadline.
20020325             —SHOWED, They, that SPENCER—ABRAHAM, SECRETARY—OF—ENERGY, had relied almost exclusively on industry representatives with no input from conservation or environmental groups.
20020325             —PUSHED, THE—USA, for Ariel Sharon to allow Yasser Arafat to attend 1—ARAB summit in BEIRUT.
20020325             the National Parks Conservation Association released its annual list of "AMERICA—10—MOST Endangered National Parks".
20020325             A 5.8-6.1—EARTHQUAKE in AFGHANISTAN and NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN was centered 105—MILES—NORTH—OF—KABUL and early REPORTS—OF—DEATHS reached to 1,800. THE—CITY—OF—NAHRIN was reported destroyed.
20020325             THE—ARGENTINE peso fell to 3.4-3.8 to the dollar.
20020325             —FORMED, Long lines, outside banks and exchange houses in BUENOS—AIRES.
20020325             —ISSUED, North and SOUTH—KOREA, 1—JOINT—STATEMENT with plans to resume dialogue to improve relations.
20020325             —WERE—REDUCED, Deaths in Baghlan province, to 600—800—WITH 100,000 left homeless.
20020325             —WAS—REPORTED, It, that educational changes for younger students in JAPAN included EVERY—SATURDAY off, a 30% decrease in rote learning, and new integral study classes to foster thinking.
20020325             —THWARTED—MADAGASCAR, opposition supporters, 1—ATTEMPT by the military to seize CONTROL—OF—PARLIAMENT.
20020325             Slaves of Our DESIRES—THE—GUARDIAN—OF—LONDON—BERNAYS—FREUD—SLAVES—OF—OUR Desires.htm
20020325             "THE—NEXT—WORLD—ORDER," - IRAQ in the Balance, by EVAN—THOMAS + ROY—GUTMAN ;
20020325             Global Misinformation Campaign was Used to Build Case for War
20020325             NEWSWEEK—IRAQ in the Balance, by EVAN—THOMAS and ROY—GUTMAN ;... - Plunkett Research, Ltd.
20020325             IRAQ in the Balance, by EVAN—THOMAS + ROY—GUTMAN ;
20020325             Global Misinformation Campaign was Used to Build Case for War 20010911             , terrorist attacks.
20020325             Intelligence officials said there is no... NEWSWEEK,
20020325—20010911    —TERRORIST—ATTACKS.
20020325—20010911    Intelligence officials said there is no
20020919             DISCLAIMER 002—SLAVES—OF—OUR Desires THE—GUARDIAN—OF—LONDON - 20020325             FAKE TERROR >>>>>>>>>THE—ROAD—TO >>DICTATORSHIP...
20030000—20030325    —FROM, The.JPG—OF—THE—TEE—SHIRT was copied from 1—WIRETAP_com article and is mirrored here without permission.
20030129             DISCLAIMER 002—SLAVES—OF—OUR Desires THE—GUARDIAN—OF—LONDON - 20020325             20030325             -erwartet -: MILLIARDEN—VERLUSTE in der Öl Branche
20030325             Die UN no werde keine Kompensationen für GEGEN diese Verluste auszahlen,
20030325             spekuliert die Zeitung "Kommersant" ,
20030325             weil : ALLE—VERTRÄGE im Rahmen des UNO—PROGRAMMS enthielten Artikel §§ über
20030325             Umstände der höheren G e wa [ [ t - spekulierte die Zeitung "Kommersant".
20030325             DER—KRIEG—KÖNNTE—ALS # 01# solcher Umstand der höheren Gewalt BE ge werdtet werden.
20030325             [die Herren + ANHÄNsERl der höheren Gewalt,zufällig auch
20030325             die DAMEN+ Herren der Versicherungs fond $,"Prudential"] - Truppenbefehle aus der SCHWEIZ
20030325             Entsprechend mischen sich in den Quellensammlungen der Warbloggs offizielle Militär- + Regierungsquellen beider Kriegsseiten
20030325             mit Nachrichtenagenturen, Zeitungen + TV—KANÄLEN, mit alternativen NEWS—STRUKTUREN wie Indymedia oder den Newsseiten der Hilfsorganisationen
20030325             —BIS hin eben zu den tatsächlichen oder angeblichen Augenzeugen.
20030325             Weil das so ist, entwickeln sich die Warbloggs —DERZEIT zum NACHRICHTEN—NETZWERK—DER—OPPOSITIONSBEWEGUNG gegen den Krieg.
20030325             Nirgendwo finden sich bessere + lebendigere Berichte auch von der "Heimatfront":
20030325             Als in den USA Demonstranten zu verhaftungswürdigen Verkehrsbehinderern wurden,
20030325             verbreiteten sich ihre Erzählungen schnell über das BLOGGING—NETZWERK im INTERNET.
20030325             Genau da liegt die Chance der Weblogs:
20030325             Mit ihnen erlebt im immer kommerzieller geprägten INTERNET die informelle, freie Kommunikations- + Nachrichtenplattform ihr Revival.
20030325             Ob immer alles echt + wahr {AUTHENTISCH} ist, lässt sich von den Blogs so wenig sagen wie von den abendlichen Fernsehnachrichten.
20030325             Essential READING :
20030325             — Warblogs:CC
20030325             — Back to IRAQ
20030325             — THE—AGONIST
20030325             — Tacitus
20030325             — Daily Kos
20030325             — Antiwar
20030325             — Who Dies
20030325             — Hit and Run <
20030325             — Disinfopedia < - Bush [BGW968] : "Wir werden SIEGEN ".
20030325             USA AMERIKA kämpft also genau so gegen EUROPA, wie es gegen den IRAK kämpft.
20030325             —REAGIERT, Das ist 1—TEIL—DER—GRÜNDE, weshalb EUROPA so wütend.
20030325             # DEUTSCHLAND. DEUTSCHLAND ist gegen den Krieg. Gegen jeden Krieg.
20030325             In keinem andern Land war der Ausbruch gegen den Krieg
20030325             so authentisch, kam dieses Gefühl aus dem Innersten der Volksseele.
20030325             Und wer ist wütend darüber ?
20030325             ISRAEL, das Land der Holocaustüberlebenden.
20030325             Wie können sie es nur wagen, diese verdammten Deutschen, gegen diesen Krieg zu sein?
20030325             Eine traurige Ironie der Geschichte:
20030325             ALLE—DEUTSCHEN—FERNSEHSTATIONEN zeigen Bürger, Intellektuelle und gewöhnliches Volk,
20030325             die für den Frieden BETEN—ALLE—ISRAELISCHEN—FERNSEHSCHIRME zeigen Generäle i.R.
20030325             die fröhlich und mit großem Behagen darüber diskutieren,
20030325             wie man riesige Bomben und andere Instrumente des Todes anwendet.
20030325             17-19-13Truppenbefehle aus der SCHWEIZ — SITTEN—USA SCHWEIZ Leuk VS Verestar SATELLITEN—BODENSTATION Firma kann vom Bund SCHWEIZ nicht kontrolliert werden.
20030325             Es ist darum möglich, dass USA Amerikaner Befehle für ihre U SA Truppen im IRAK via SCHWEIZ Wallis senden.
20030325             CAROLINE—SAUSER, SPRECHERIN—DES—SCHWEIZ B undes A mtes für KOM munikation : SCHWEIZ Bund kann diese Möglichkeit nicht ausschliessen,
20030325             Im SCHWEIZ Bund gebe es für {wirksame} entsprechende Kontrollen keine {GESELLSCHAFTLICH—ÖKONOMISCHE PRIVATRECHTLICHE ÖFFENTLICHE} rechtliche Basis.
20030325             Es sei beispielsweise nicht möglich, die über die USA SCHWEIZ Leuk VS Verestar SATELLITEN—BODENSTATION Firma Antennen transferierten Botschaften abzuhören.
20030325             Zudem wären militärische Nachrichten ohnehin verschlüsselt + damit kaum identifizierbar, meinte Sauser.
20030325             -In der vergangenen —WOCHE SCHWEIZ die SVP Wallis von Kanton + Bund, forderte dass die SATELLITEN—BODENSTATION keinen USA Militärinteressen dienen dürfe.
20030325             Die SCHWEIZ Neutralität SCHWEIZ verlange, dass man die Übermittlung von militärischen Befehlen der USA AMERIKA ner im IRAK via SCHWEIZ Wallis Leuk verhindere, befand die SVP.
20030325             —OPENED, Celine Dion, a —3—YEAR gig in the new $95—MILLION—COLOSSEUM theater at Caesars Palace.
20030325             —ISSUED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, 1—ORDER to delay THE—RELEASE—OF—MILLIONS—OF—HISTORICAL—DOCUMENTS for more than —3—YEARS and to ease RECLASSIFICATION—OF—DATA deemed of possible harm to national security.
20030325             —SENTENCED, Giordano was —LATER, to —37—YEARS in FEDERAL—PRISON.
20030325             —TRAINED, THE—USA—NAVY brought in 2—SPECIALLY, BOTTLE—NOSED Atlantic dolphins to help ferret out mines in the approaches of the port of Umm Qasr.
20030325             In the 7. —DAY—OF—OPERATION—IRAQI—FREEDOM—USA—AIRCRAFT dropped more than 2,000 PRECISION—GUIDED bombs on IRAQ —SINCE the war's start.
20030325             —SLOWED, Sandstorms, coalition movement and air missions.
20030325             —REPORTED, USA—OFFICIALS, 150—200—IRAQ—SOLDIERS were killed near Najaf.
20030325             6—SATELLITE jamming devices, which IRAQ was using to try to thwart USA—PRECISION guided weapons, were destroyed in the last —2—NIGHTS.
20030325             1—LIGHT—PLANE carrying 3—AMERICANS crashed in SOUTH—COLOMBIA —WHILE searching for 3—OTHER—AMERICANS captured by rebels —LAST—MONTH.
20030325             Muhamed Sacirbegovic (46), FORMER—BOSNIA ambassador to THE—USA (19920000—20000000    ) was arrested in NEW—YORK—CITY.
20030325             —KILLED, Sprayed bullets also, 1—GIRL, —10—JAHRE—ALT.
20030325             1—WEST—BANK—BOY (14) throwing stones was shot dead.
20030325             —KILLED, THE—PHILIPPINES—TROOPS, 1—SENIOR—COMMANDER—OF—THE—MUSLIM extremist ABU—SAYYAF group in 1—RAID on his hideout.
20030325             —CONTACTED, SAUDI—ARABIA, THE—USA—AND—IRAQ with 1—PEACE—PROPOSAL and was still awaiting 1—RESPONSE.
20030325             THAILAND, police said they shot and killed 42—PEOPLE —DURING a —7—WEEK—OLD—CRACKDOWN on drugs that has drawn protest from human rights groups.
20030325             Nearly 400—DRUG—MAKERS and more than 12,000 dealers were arrested.
20030325             The poachers used acid to remove the tusks.
20030325             —VOTED, THE—SENATE, to slash PRESIDENT—BUSH—PROPOSED $726—BILLION TAX—CUTTING package in half, handing THE—PRESIDENT—1—DEFEAT on the foundation of his plan to awaken the nation's slumbering economy.
20030325             —WAS—CONVICTED, FORMER—WATERBURY—CONNECTICUT, Mayor PHILIP—GIORDANO, by 1—FEDERAL—JURY—OF violating the civil rights of 2—PRETEEN girls by sexually abusing them.
20030325             —WERE—PRODUCED, The "smart" bombs, for 1—RELATIVELY cheap $20,000 each.
20030325             —WERE—KILLED, Some 150—500—IRAQ—FIGHTERS, in fighting EAST—OF—NAJAF.
20030325             —HAS—ACCUSED, THE—BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—GOVERNMENT, him of stealing more than $2.4—MILLION, about $1.8—MILLION from the nation's Investment Fund Ministry and more than $600,000 from THE—ACCOUNT—OF—BOSNIA—REPRESENTATION at THE—UN.
20030325             —KILLED, ISRAEL—TROOPS, 2—WANTED Hamas militants.
20030325             —KILLED, Sprayed bullets also, a girl (10).
20030325             —WERE—ARRESTED, Nearly 400—DRUG—MAKERS and more than 12,000 dealers.
20030325             —KILLED—UGANDA, 1—GANG—OF—IVORY poachers, 6—ADULT—ELEPHANTS and 1—CALF in a "gruesome massacre" in QUEEN—ELIZABETH—NATIONAL—PARK.
20030325             SOURCE :THE " 'VOICE' OF USA—AMERICA" --> - GWI.
20030325             19 --- 00.000 19 -- GWI.
20030325             Bilderberg conference 20040000             - STRESA—ITALY 3-20040606—20500606    ....
20030325             -Also ON—THE—AFL—CIO kicked off a
20030325             "vote no" campaign to remove from THE—BOARD—OF—LOCKHEED—MARTIN—CORP., - its nominating committee chairman +
20030325             1—FORMER—TOP Lockheed Martin executive, NORMAN—AUGUSTINE +
20030325             FRANK—SAVAGE, a FORMER—ENRON Corp. director.
20030325             —RENOMINATED, THE—LOCKHEED—MARTIN—BOARD has, Savage for 1—BOARD—SEAT
20030325             even though reports by both ENRON—OWN—BOARD + - a Senate subcommittee investigation
20030325             offer 1—CLEAR, strong case against individual Enron DIRECTORS—SERVING on other corporate boards.
20030325             (—LAST—YEAR at Lockheed Martin,
20030325             —ORGANIZED, THE—AFL—CIO, 1—CAMPAIGN against Savage that garnered 1—RECORD 28 % "no" vote.)
20030325             In addition to mobilizing campaigns against management proposals, shareholder activists continue to put forward their own proposals,
20030325             which are advisories to BOARD members responsible for protecting shareholder interests.
20030325             Union and UNION—SPONSORED pension funds histor ically have been the biggest sponsors of corporate governance reform shareholder proposals.
20030325             For 20030000             —THE—PROXY—VOTING season, these funds have introduced HUNDREDS—OF—PROPOSALS, nearly double their activity —LAST—YEAR—AND already have made big wins.
20030325             (To help pension fund trustees fulfill their fiduciary obligations in voting on proposals, THE—AFL—CIO has made public its updated
20030325             Proxy Voting Guidelines.
20030325             THE—MAJORITY—OF—UNION—SPONSORED proposals —THIS—YEAR focuses on excessive executive COMPENSATION—INCLUDING salary, stock options and pensions—
20030325             because such remuneration dilutes value for shareholders and shields executives from the financial risks they ask shareholders and workers to take.
20030325             (On
20030325             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, executive order 13292, 1—HITHERTO—LITTLE—KNOWN document that grants the greatest EXPANSION—OF—THE—POWER—OF—THE—VICE—PRESIDENT—IN—USA histor y.
20030325             "What I call for is more openness in what they do," said TONY—GOSLING...
20030325             And according to 1—BBC report on JUNE—CONFERENCE in Stresa: "Not 1—WORD—OF what...
20030325             Es gab zahlreiche Treffen zwischen der Ba'ath Partei + USA—GEHEIMDIENSTLERN.
20030325             Die fortschreitende Krise des kapitalistischen Systems...
20030325             Corporate Political Links
20030325             Corporate_OVERVIEW—HARVEY—PITT + THE—SEC—CARLYLE—UNOCAL—MESSAGE_Boards...
20030325             IRAQ delays hand Cheney firm $1bn : GUARDIAN Unlimited | Special reports...
20030325             ein grundlegendes demokratisches Prinzip:
20030325             den ungehinderten Zugang zum Persischen Golf zu einem vorrangigen strategischen Anliegen der USA erklärte.
20030325             "GEORGE—W—BUSH—TERRORIST in THE—WHITE—HOUSE—THE—WAR—FOR ISRAEL "... His associates included GEORGE—HEBERT, KEVIN—KATTKE + Sal Imburgio.
20030325   —PRAGUE, (RFE/RL) --
20030413—20030325    —AM, So haben sich GIs —SCHON zwischen Kerbela und Nadschaf 3—JOURNALISTEN aus ISRAEL und PORTUGAL gegriffen, die auf eigene Faust im Schatten der USA—TRUPPEN reisten, sie wurden verhört, —3—TAGE lang festgehalten und dann nach Kuweit ausgeflogen.
20030425—20030325    Die Krise des USA—KAPITALISMUS und der Irakkrieg...
20031102—20110325    —ON, NANCY Kissel was CONVICTED—OF—MURDER for a 2. time.
20040325             —ENDORSED, HOWARD—DEAN, JOHN—KERRY as the Democratic presidential candidate.
20040325             1—MILITARY—TRUCK drove out of 1—RUSSIA—MILITARY—BASE in Chechnya —AFTER curfew and hit 1—MINE planted outside to deter 1—REBEL—ATTACK, killing 10—SOLDIERS.
20040325             CHINA—FOREIGN—MINISTER—LI—ZHAOXING, arriving home from NORTH—KOREA, saying his —3—DAY—TRIP yielded 1—AGREEMENT from that country's reclusive leader to "push forward" toward a 3. ROUND—OF—TALKS on its nuclear program.
20040325             —RETIRED, COLOMBIA, attackers shot and killed 3, police officers, at least 2—OF—WHOM were suspected of having links to drug traffickers.
20040325             A 6-continent tour was planned using 2 747s named Zeus and Hera with 1—BILL—OF $50—MILLION.
20040325             † A—USA—SOLDIER, in 1—BOMBING NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD amid warnings that attacks will likely increase with fewer than —100—DAYS left —BEFORE the coalition hands over sovereignty.
20040325             Rebels and the main opposition party, Rally of Republicans, withdrew from IVORY—COAST—POWER—SHARING government —AFTER security forces in ABIDJAN fired on protesters demanding implementation of 1—PEACE—DEAL.
20040325             —KILLED, At least 25—PEOPLE were.
20040325             1—NORWEGIAN—ACADEMY—AWARDED—THE—ABEL—PRIZE in Mathematics to Isadore M. Singer of MIT and SIR—MICHAEL—F—ATIYAH—OF—THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—EDINBURGH for discovering and proving the mathematical concept called the "index theorem".
20040325             2—ATTACKERS were killed and a 3. was wounded and fled.
20040325             —CENTERED, EAST—TURKEY, a 5.1—EARTHQUAKE, at Cat left at least 9—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20040325             —PASSED, USA—CONGRESS, the Unborn VICTIMS—OF—VIOLENCE—ACT, making it 1—SEPARATE—OFFENSE to harm 1—FETUS —DURING violent FEDERAL—CRIME.
20040325             THE—USA—USED its veto power to quash A—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL—RESOLUTION condemning ISRAEL for killing Hamas leader AHMED—YASSIN in 1—MISSILE—STRIKE.
20040325             THE—OLYMPIC torch was lit in ILIDA—GREECE, and began its journey to herald the —SUMMER Olympiad, 20040813—20290813.
20040325             —WERE—KILLED, At least 25—PEOPLE.
20040325             —EMERGED, Armed Palestinians in wetsuits and flippers, from the Mediterranean and fired toward 1—BEACHFRONT—ISRAEL—SETTLEMENT—OF—TEL—KATIFA in GAZA.
20040325             -PORTLAND IMC—SUMMARY of Massive CRIMINALITY—OF—BUSH...
20040325             Rove further arranges insider merger deals for companies he owns stock in...
20040325             1—OF—THE aggrieved firms was BP—AMOCO, the largest oil and gas producer
20040325             Contents / Blog (19) —JUST World Campaign
20040325             IEI will merge with Armco Bank, which has 20—BRANCHES in SOUTH—EAST—ASIA;
20040325             Convicting Padilla: Bad News for All Americans By DAVE—LINDORFF.
20040325             THE—OLYMPIC torch was lit in ILIDA—GREECE, and began its journey to herald the —SUMMER Olympiad, 20040813—20040829.
20040325             1—OF—THE aggrieved firms was BP—AMOCO, the largest oil and gas producer... PORTLAND.indymedia_org/en/2004/03/284027.shtml
20040325             Contents / Blog (19) —JUST World Campaign IEI will merge with Armco Bank, which has 20—BRANCHES in SOUTH—EAST—ASIA;
20040325—19990000    —IN, 1—INDIA—COURT sentenced 4—PAKISTANIS to death for "waging war" against INDIA —AFTER they were caught smuggling the deadly explosive RDX into the country.
20040506             Original Source File: [ DOV—S—ZAKHEIM File Photo]... 20050325             (Spike) Zywicki — biography... but in those days BOOZ—ALLEN... Senior management: JOHN—CHR...
20040923—20030325    —ON, For example, THE—USA—RENAMED—THE—IRAQ—FIGHTERS in CIVIL—CLOTHES known as the Fedayeen Saddam.
20041210             Sheehan Affidavit. 19880325             -.
20041218—19920000    Sheehan Affidavit.- 19880325             (185.
20050113             .. - a man could stand up—: 20050201             — 20050228             ...
20050320             No job security with the gov 't, not... 20050319             20050320             No job security with the gov 't, not... 20050319             20050325             FAYETTEVILLE—NC - 20050319             Rally Against War:
20050325             (Spike) Zywicki — biography
20050325             Option: USA Foreign Relations in the 19010101—20001231     (T7015)...
20050325             The course provides 1—EMPIRICAL and theoretical analysis of the foreign relations of THE—USA—FROM the turn of the 19010101—20001231    —UNTIL the opening of the...
20050325             Option: USA Foreign Relations in the 19010101—20001231     (T7015)... The course provides 1—EMPIRICAL and theoretical analysis of the foreign relations of THE—USA—FROM the turn of the 19010101—20001231    —UNTIL the opening of the...
20050325             JCB Aids Tsunami Disaster Areas — 20050104             Province Considers Scrap Training
20050325             Recycling —TODAY Online :: Business Management :: Workplace Management... JCB Aids Tsunami Disaster Areas — 20050104             Province Considers Scrap Training... Metal Management Facilities Receive ISO Certification — 20031229             20050325             Metal Management Facilities Receive ISO Certification — 20031229             20050325             Recycling —TODAY Online :: Business Management :: Workplace Management... JCB Aids Tsunami Disaster Areas — 20050104             Province Considers Scrap Training... Metal Management Facilities Receive ISO Certification — 20031229             20050610             WOMEN AND GLOBALIZATION Conference 20050727—2005080320050610             1. that friend and set up 1—MEETING," THEN—DELAY—STAFFER—TONY—RUDY wrote to fellow House aide THOMAS—PYLE in a 20051229             .----.
20050325             a man could stand up—: 20050201             — 20050228             ...
20050325             20050202. - Human Dignity and Humiliation STUDIES—NEWS... 20050207             - Nonviolent Peaceforce CANADA and S—PAUL—UNIVERSITY... Email : acydfsecretariat@ yahoo. com ;...
20050325             —FOLLOWING are excerpts from a 19-page report by 1—UN—FACT—FINDING mission into THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—FORMER—LEBANESE—PRIME—MINISTER—RAFIQ—AL—HARIRI, killed by 1—BOMB—BLAST 20050214             —ON
20050325             20050221. - 20050221. - a man could stand up—: 20050201             — 20050228             ...
20050325             20050221. - military bases, the care + FEEDING—OF—USA—CORPORATIONS
20050325             —FROM the Village Voice, 19920225             20050325             —FROM the Village Voice, 19920225             ... he said, were spare parts for THE—IRAN—AIR—FORCE drawn from NATO—STORES.... call from BILL—HAMILTON, owner of 1—SMALL—COMPUTER—COMPANY named Inslaw...
20050325             20050221. - a man could stand up—: 20050201             — 20050228             ...
20050325             FAYETTEVILLE—NC - 20050319             Rally Against War:
20050325             —FORMED, The scribe's worry? "Partisans on the left and right have, cottage industries devoted to discrediting what they dismissively call the 'mainstream media,'" he writes.... Somerby then offers this quote from Milbank (20050320             ):
20050325             Metal Management Facilities Receive ISO Certification — 20031229             20050325             Recycling —TODAY Online :: Business Management :: Workplace Management... JCB Aids Tsunami Disaster Areas — 20050104             Province Considers Scrap Training... Metal Management Facilities Receive ISO Certification — 20031229             20050610             WOMEN AND GLOBALIZATION Conference 20050727—2005080320050610             1. that friend and set up 1—MEETING," THEN—DELAY—STAFFER—TONY—RUDY wrote to fellow House aide THOMAS—PYLE in a 20051229             .----.
20050325             Bechtel CORPORATION—ABOUT Bechtel —LEADERSHIP... RILEY—BECHTEL, Chairman and CEO—STEVE—BECHTEL, JUNIOR, Chairman Emeritus RICK—BURT, Senior VICE—PRESIDENT—AND—GENERAL—COUNSEL... 20050323             20050325             24—NUMBER 11 ... along with GIOVANNI—FALCONE ) as '1—OF—THOSE people who have become the Mafia's... In her review of Hilary SPURLING—BIOGRAPHY—OF—SONIA Orwell (LRB... 20050323             20050325             Metal Management declares quarterly dividend... 20050323             20050325—20050323    THE—UNDOING—OF—AMERICA:
20050325             Recycling —TODAY Online :: Business Management :: Workplace Management... JCB Aids Tsunami Disaster Areas —
20050325             Losing still more legal appeals, Terri SCHIAVO—FATHER, BOB—SCHINDLER, said his severely BRAIN—DAMAGED daughter was "down to her last hours" as she entered her 2. —WEEK without the feeding tube that had sustained her life —FOR—15—YEARS.
20050325             † PAUL—HENNING, —93—JAHRE—ALT, PRODUCER—OF—THE—TV—SERIES "THE—BEVERLY—HILLBILLIES" (19620000—19710000    ) in BURBANK—CALIFORNIA Henning also wrote the show's theme song.
20050325             CAIRO—EGYPT, the new $30—MILLION, 74-acre AL—AZHAR, was to be inaugurated under the auspices of Aga Khan.
20050325             —ANNOUNCED, INDIA, that it has agreed with THE—USA to 1—SERIES—OF—STEPS to boost defense and energy ties.
20050325             † IRAQ, MAJOR—GENERAL—SALMAN—MUHAMMAD, HEAD—OF—1—IRAQ—NATIONAL—GUARD—DIVISION in Basra, was assassinated on route to 1—FUNERAL.
20050325             1—OF 2—SONS was also killed.
20050325             —OPENED, JAPAN—WORLD—FAIR, Aichi Expo 20050000            .
20050325             —SCRAMBLED, The opposition, to restore order in BISHKEK, 1—CAPITAL described as "gone mad" with looting and vandalism, —AFTER driving PRESIDENT—ASKAR—AKAYEV from power.
20050325             —VOTED, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL, to send 10,700 peacekeepers to SUDAN to monitor a peace deal ending a —21—YEAR—CIVIL war.
20050325             1—AILING, silent JOHN—PAPA—PAUL appeared to the faithful via video for Good —FRIDAY services at THE—VATICAN.
20050325             —ANNOUNCED—WASHINGTON, it would sell F—16—FIGHTERS to PAKISTAN.
20050325             —TRIED, Some 10000000             Belarusian demonstrators, to rally outside THE—OFFICE—OF—AUTHORITARIAN—PRESIDENT—ALEXANDER—LUKASHENKO to demand his ouster, but they were beaten back by riot police swinging truncheons.
20050325             —CONFIRMED—CAMBODIA and VIETNAM each, 1—ADDITIONAL—DEATH from bird flu, raising SOUTH—EAST—ASIA—DEATH—TOLL to 48.
20050325             —INAUGURATED, CAIRO—EGYPT, the new $30—MILLION, 74-acre AL—AZHAR, was to be, under the auspices of Aga Khan.
20050325             —IGNITED—GHANA, sparks from 1—WELDER—TORCH, 1—RAGING fire on MV Polaris, 1—GREECE—TANKER moored in Tema, killing 3—PEOPLE and leaving 12—OTHERS feared dead.
20050325             —WAS—APPOINTED, KYRGYZSTAN, Kurmanbek Bakiyev (55), acting PRESIDENT—BY—PARLIAMENT.
20050325             —APPEARED, 1—AILING, silent JOHN—PAPA—PAUL, to the faithful via video for Good —FRIDAY services at THE—VATICAN.
20050325             ALASDAIR—MACINTYRE—PRIMARY Bibliography...
20050325             of Sigmund Freud + OSKAR—PFISTER, HEINRICH—MENG + ERNST—L—FREUD, eds... "Hegel on Faces and Skulls ", in Hegel: 1—COLLECTION—OF—CRITICAL—ESSAYS...
20050325             TINK—SPACE... - Hash, Senior VICE—PRESIDENT, BECHTEL Systems &
20050325             PAUL—UNRUH, Vice Chairman Foster Wollen ,Retired Senior VICE—PRESIDENT & GENERAL—COUNSEL—ADRIAN—ZACCARIA...
20050325             WSG—WORLD Companies...
20050325             (415) 768-12340000             Fax: (415
20050325             W. Foster Wollen Director Fax: (415) 768-9038 ...
20050325             Bechtel CORPORATION—ABOUT Bechtel —LEADERSHIP...
20050325             Das Ministerium für Tourismus fördert einheimisches Kunsthandwerk — weltberühmt...
20050325             In folgenden Fällen wurde das Insolvenz -/.
20050325             Konkursverfahren eröffnet: FMK Bürotechnik GmbH, Elisabethstr.
20050325             12. - 50226 Frechen, vertr. dd GF Gerhard.
20050325             Timeline ITALY 19300000—20040000     ...
20050325             00.000.197 8—HARVEY—SACHS wrote his biography.
20050325             NucNews - 20001228             ...
20050325             became an ALL—NAVY wrestling champion, according to his official biography
20050325             million via BRENCO—PRESIDENT, PIERRE—FALCONE, 19930000—19980000     ...
20050325             LRB | letters from Vol.
20050325             24—NUMBER 11. - along with GIOVANNI—FALCONE ) as '1—OF—THOSE people who have become the Mafia's
20050325             In her review of Hilary SPURLING—BIOGRAPHY—OF—SONIA Orwell (LRB...
20050325             —ASSASSINATED, List of, persons
20050325             PIERRE—NGENDANDUMWE, (19650000             ), BURUNDI—PRIME—MINISTER.
20050325             JOSEPH—BAMINA, (19650000             ), BURUNDI—PRIME
20050325             GIOVANNI—FALCONE, (19920000             ), ANTI—MAFIA judge...
20050325             ;;05;; 23 - Mafia bomb kills ITALY—ANTI—MAFIA JUDGE—GIOVANNI—FALCONE ; ;;05;;
20050325             26 - CHARLES—GESCHKE
20050325             it's 1—FACT that has been virtually purged from his official biography — but
20050325             involves ARMS—FOR—OIL—DEALS between FRANCE—BUSINESSMAN—PIERRE—FALCONE...
20050325             HOUSE—OF—LORDS — —MINUTE...
20050325             of the new OXFORD Dictionary of National Biography as 1—RECORD—OF those men and
20050325             been issued in respect of MISTER—PIERRE—FALCONE and MISTER—ANATO ly Gaidamak;...
20050325             Revere Report: 20041100             ...
20050325             that 1—NUMBER—OF—COMPANIES operated by past BUSH campaign contributor PIERRE—FALCONE
20050325             This is from the new Bernstein biography of Jefferson...
20050325             Moçambique para todos: Junho 20040000             ...
20050325             O francês PIERRE—FALCONE, o ucraniano ARKADI—GAÏDAMAK ou VICTOR—BOUT
20050325             —WAS—EXECUTED, The biography of 1—FORMER—VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—FRELIMO who, —AFTER the...
20050325             walks back and forth and offers 1—ALMOST didactic presentation of his biography
20050325             El valor de las exportaciones mexicanas de drogas ilegales,
20050325             1.19786006             Organización de ALBERTO—SICILIA—FALCÓN :
20050325             —DURANTE un periodo de tres a cuatro meses.
20050325             ynvió treinta y dos millones de dólares a la semana a...
20050325             Historical Text Archive: Articles: Reconceptualizing the Illegal...
20050325             O CONTRA ditório é que... Ou seja 1—ECONOMIA do Algarve está completamente dependente do turismo...
20050325             Servicio Informativo RED RESISTENCIA—AUDIO: La complicidad de LOS—ANGELES..
20050325             ALBERTO—SICILIA—FALCÓN, un exiliado cubano, es detenido por la policía mejicana con la colaboración de agentes antinarcóticos estadounidenses.
20050325             FALCóN. - THE—UNDERGROUND—EMPIRE, Excerpt 2.
20050325             but who were Lu HSU—SHUI, ALBERTO—SICILIA—FALCON, DONALD—STEINBERG?
20050325             homicidal, POWER—OBSESSED CUBA—HOMOSEXUAL named ALBERTO—SICILIA — FALCON..
20050325             THE—UNDERGROUND—EMPIRE, Excerpt 5.
20050325             the finances of Centac targets ALBERTO—SICILIA—FALCON, DONALD—STEINBERG
20050325             once said to have been targeted for takeover by ALBERTO—SICILIA—FALCON...
20050325             ((i)) ch.indymedia_org/it | "Der inszenierte Terrorismus"...
20050325             Landes mit Nervengas: über 5000—TOTE allein AN—BUCH "L'Effroyable Imposture" (deutsch:
20050325             "Der INSZENIERTE—DOCH wie VIELE—CHEFS + Vertreter dieser Kreise... - RAGE AGAINST THE—MACHINE...
20050325             —CONVICTED, If, Reyna and Gonzales face up to —20—YEARS in prison and Gomez up to
20050325             between McDonald's and local residents opposed to the fast food giant's plan to...
20050325             COMICS ÜBER DEN KRIEG? Was UK + USA—COMICMACHER zum IRAK...
20050325             —SCHON vor dem Abfeuern des 1. Schusses so kontrovers diskutiert wie der...
20050325             Damals im WWII.waren Comics über den Krieg sehr beliebt +...
20050325             definitive Tabukeule auszupacken: "Was für manchen Rechten die >Auschwitzlüge< ist, könnte für manchen... die 20010911             >Septemberlüge< werden.
20050325             Eine verdrängte Wahrheit, um die Weltanschauung nicht verändern zu müssen.
20050325             Exame Informática - *Clix...
20050325             CHAMA—SE BrainGate Neural Interface System e já está a ser testada com a
20050325             O BrainGate liga o cérebro do paciente a um PC que possibilita visionar e
20050325             2 . - - Exame Informática - *Clix.
20050325             NASA descobre dois planetas fora do Sistema Solar.
20050325             Espaço Europeus vão à Lua com a Índia em 20070000             . - Cassini.
20050325             resource: the foreign relations of THE—USA (here THE—NOTATION—OF—THE—SECTION—327 is applied as several of.
20050325             its subsections are valid for the subject...
20050325             Fachbibliographien und ONLINE—DATENBANKEN (FabiO)...
20050325             USA Nuclear Policy —AFTER the Cold War- - ?
20050325             Foreign Relations of THE—USA ?
20050325             sponsored by THE—DEUTSCHLAND—FORSCHUNGSGEMEINSCHAFT.
20050325             Foreign Relations of THE—USA - 19170000             , supplement, II. vol.
20050325             I, p. II. 440. Foreign OFFICE—GREAT—BRITAIN,
20050325             Parliamentary Papers, Miscelaneous, LONDON
20050325             DEVELOPMENT—OF—NORTH—USA—SOCIETY + the foreign relations of THE—USA.
20050325             The study. program will combine questions + competencies in the areas of...
20050325             Assembly of WEU...
20050325             THE—FOREIGN—RELATIONS—OF—THE—USA (3. edition), paragraph 334(2));
20050325             the amendment to Article 12—OF—THE—UN—CHARTER by GENERAL—ASSEMBLY—RESOLUTION—377(V)...
20050325             —GLOBALIZED, INTERNATIONAL health in a, development perspective...
20050325             Council of Foreign Relations of THE—USA—TOGETHER with. the Milbank Memorial Fund concluded:
20050325             ?THE—UNITED.
20050325             States can gain significant domestic and.
20050325             Estados Unidos y el Mar Boliviano...
20050325             Foreign Relations of THE—USA, 18980000             —WASHINGTON DC 19000000            .
20050325             18. Foreign Relations of THE—USA—OP.cit. p?gs.
20050325             1-4. 19. Ver el fallo Buchanan en: "El acta de.
20050325             So says THE—INDEPENDENT—TASK—FORCE on Public DIPLOMACY—OF—THE—COUNCIL—OF—FOREIGN—RELATIONS—OF—THE—USA in 1—REPORT published 1—FEW weeks ago...
20050325             Svetlana TITOVA—PERSONAL pages...
20050325             USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—EDUCATION; Foreign Relations of THE—USA.
20050325             USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT.
20050325             Chronology of USA historical documents...
20050325             WHITE—HOUSE Site; USA—TRAVEL and Geography; Gateway to AFRICA—USA—HISTORY;
20050325             Famous USA—SPEECHES; Foreign Relations of THE—USA...
20050325             Trip Report Biology in THE—SHADOW—OF—THE—HAPSBURGS ;;05;;
20050325             10 to ;;06;;... - interpersonal interactions, students had 1—OPPORTUNITY to talk about NATO—POLICIES in KOSOVO, gaining insights into the foreign relations of THE—USA...
20050325             —FROM Trianon to the 1. VIENNA Arbitral Award...
20050325             Foreign Relations of THE—USA, 19380000             —I, 57. 10. PRO., FO., 341/21426, 194. 11.
20050325             Ibid., 211. 12. Ibid., 222. 13. PMH, 19380804             20050325             Rechtsextremisten: NPD plant Schweigemarsch beim HOLOCAUST—DENKMAL
20050325             Umsturz in Kirgisien: Neue Machthaber bekommen Plünderer nicht unter Kontrolle
20050325             THE—KLINGON—CHRONICLES by GERARD—THORNE & PHIL—EMBLETON, 19940000             ...
20050325             —WHEN I told the guy inside the gate that I thought I was going to die out there
20050325             —WHEN THE—2—FLEETS met, the Federation COMMANDER, Admiral Ramius...
20050325             Taglinus FreeRepublicus - 36. Edition...
20050325             CHAD—FAIRBANKS, 04/09—CAPITAL punishment saves...
20050325             Ramius, 04/09—KERRY can take both sides of an
20050325             Newt GINGRICH—CONSERVATIVE—SOLUTION for the drug problem...
20050325             I wonder how receptive ol' Newt would be to the idea of applying capital
20050325             + those who depend on USA from barbarians + heathens + savages...
20050325             BRIAN—URQUHART writes on ANATO l LIEVEN—BOOK—AMERICA—RIGHT or Wrong:
20050325             "For more than —2—CENTURIES, nationalism in all its various FORMS—FROM THE—HIGH—MINDED chauvinism of THE—UK—EMPIRE to the virulent poison of NAZI SM—HAS been 1—FAMILIAR + often negative, phenomenon.
20050325             "The word "nationalism" never quite seemed to fit THE—USA, where continental vastness + enormous power have hitherto been tempered by 1—OFTEN—EXPRESSED distaste for empire + by THE—NOTION—OF—WORLD—LEADERSHIP by example.
20050325             2—USA—PRESIDENTS, Woodrow Wilson and FRANKLIN—ROOSEVELT, both sponsored world organizations whose primary objective was to contain and disperse the aggressive FORCE—OF—NATIONALISM".
20050325             Der Spiegel spent its time bashing DOOMS—DAY scenarios
20050325             using (hack!) MICHEAL—CRICHTON as a straw man.
20050325             It makes it, thank you very much...
20050325             And THE—GUARDIAN gets the award for BEST—SCIENCE—WRITING—SO—FAR—TODAY with this little nugget:
20050325             This is sick...
20050325             —REFUSED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, to participate in 1—TOWN—HALL—MEETING
20050325             in GERMANY because they wouldn't agree to scripted questions:
20050325             "—DURING his trip to GERMANY —ON—WEDNESDAY, the main HIGHLIGHT—OF—GEORGE—W—BUSH—TRIP was meant to be a "town hall"-style meeting with average Germans.
20050325             —SCRIPTED, But with THE—GERMANY—GOVERNMENT unwilling to permit a, event with questions approved in advance,
20050325             THE—WHITE—HOUSE has quietly put the event on ice.
20050325             Was BUSH afraid the event might focus on prickly questions about IRAQ + IRAN rather than the rosy future he's been touting in EUROPE —THIS—WEEK?"
20050325             "But —ON—WEDNESDAY, that town hall meeting will be nowhere on THE—AGENDA—IT—BEEN cancelled.
20050325             but Foreign Ministry sources say the town hall meeting has been nixed for scheduling reasons - 1—TYPICAL—DEVELOPMENT for 1—VISIT—LIKE this with MANY—IDEAS but very little time.
20050325             That, at least, is the diplomats' line.
20050325             Behind the scenes, there appears to be another explanation: THE—WHITE—HOUSE got cold feet.
20050325             —UNCONTROLLED, BUSH—STRATEGISTS felt 1, encounter with THE—GERMANY—PUBLIC would be too unpredictable.
20050325             "It is hard to believe that GEORGE—BUSH has ever read the works of GEORGE—ORWELL, but he seems, somehow, to have grasped 1—FEW—ORWELLIAN precepts.
20050325             —HAS—LEARNED, The lesson THE—PRESIDENT, best--and certainly THE—1—THAT has been the most useful to him--is the axiom that if you repeat 1—LIE often enough, people will believe it.
20050325             1—OF—HIS—ADMINISTRATION—CURRENT favorites is the whopper about AMERICA HAVING been founded on Christian principles.
20050325             —WAS—FOUNDED, Our nation, not on Christian principles but on Enlightenment ones.
20050325             —ENTERED, God only, the picture as 1—VERY—MINOR—PLAYER + Jesus Christ was conspicuously absent.
20050325             —FROM THE—GUARDIAN:
20050325             "PRESIDENT—BUSH has reached 1—DEAD—END in his foreign policy, but he has failed to recognise his quandary.
20050325             "As the strains of BEETHOVEN—6. Symphony, the Pastoral, filled the Concert Noble in BRUSSELS,
20050325             —BEHAVED, BUSH, as though the mood music itself was 1—DRAMATIC—NEW—PHASE in the transatlantic relationship.
20050325             He gives no indication that he grasps the exhaustion of his policy.
20050325             —WAS—REACHED, His reductio ad absurdum, with his statement on IRAN:
20050325             "This notion that THE—USA is getting ready to attack IRAN is simply ridiculous.
20050325             And having said that, all options are on the table". Including, presumably, the "simply ridiculous".
20050325             Why PAKISTAN is Fucked Up
20050325             I don't usually bitch or squeal about Arab of Muslim countries.
20050325             I think they have SOME—VALID gripes (if only they could voice them peacefully), but this is fucked up.
20050325             "As she emerges from her MUD—WALLED house carried high on her elder brother's shoulder —2—YEAR—OLD—RABIA is blissfully UNAWARE—OF—THE—LIFE that awaits her.
20050325             "In —14—YEARS, if THE—RULING—OF—THE—VILLAGE—COUNCIL — or panchayat — where she lives in rural PAKISTAN is obeyed,
20050325             she will be oo to a man —33—YEARS her senior.
20050325             "The decision was taken —LAST—WEEK as 1—PUNISHMENT against her uncle, MOHAMMED—AKMAL, who was found to have slept with another man's wife.
20050325             —AGREED, As PART—OF—THE—COMPENSATION deal he also, to pay 230,000 rupees".
20050325             And this country is our friend.
20050325             —BOMBED, And this country is not being, for human rights violations.
20050325             This country —JUST "happens" to be strategically important to USA, despite harboring OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20050325             SOME—ULTRA—MORAL—GOVERNMENT we've got preaching to USA
20050325             once the judicial probe was complete, the findings would be made public.
20050325             [BUSH and Chiraq ] ont mangé du risotto au homard, nappé d'une sauce à la
20050325             List Company - - Metal Management;
20050325             Metamor Worldwide; Method Products Corp. +; Metzler GROUP—SOUTH—ASIA—TSUNAMI ;
20050325             SOUTH—CHICAGO Bank; SOUTH—FLORIDA Auto Show...
20050325             20050202. - steel from THE—WTC was sold to ALAN—D—RATNER—OF—METAL—MANAGEMENT—OF—NEWARK, NEW—JERSEY.. 20050200             TSUNAMI—KATASTROPHE: 9—MENSCHEN überlebten —38—TAGE auf...
20050325             World Trade Center: Die Wahrheit kommt ans Licht : Politikforum...
20050325             geborstene Stahlträger als Altmetall verkauft Die Entsorgungsfirma Metal Management aus NEWARK
20050325             tsunami, Wir haben hier wahrlich genug Probleme die es lässig...
20050325             and fiberglass insulation that flooded Lower Manhattan like 1—TSUNAMI
20050325             steel from THE—WTC was sold to ALAN—D—RATNER—OF—METAL—MANAGEMENT—OF—NEWARK
20050325             Aluminum Association | Companies/Plants News/title>Aluminum...
20050325             Alcan, Employees Raise CAN$1.2—MILLION in Aid to Tsunami Relief Efforts
20050325             Metal Management INCORPORATED
20050325             USA—METAL—MARKET: Metals link up in mission for S. ASIA...
20050325             to help," said DANIEL—DIENST, Metal MANAGEMENT—CHAIRMAN and CHIEF executive officer.
20050325             LOOKSMART—FINDARTICLES—RESULTS for "+Aluminum +alloys...
20050325             Announces Worldwide Launch of `` Tsunami '' Forged Face Insert Technology Driver
20050325             Editors ?
20050325             Business Wire, 20000414             Metal Management Completes Acquisition.
20050325             Recycling —TODAY E—NEWSLETTER...
20050325             Id=6996. Metal Management Bids on Space at MassPort Scrap recycler fights perception as it
20050325             Id=6988. - Cell Phone Donations Benefit Tsunami Survivors...
20050325             Recycling —TODAY Online :: Business Management :: Workplace Management...
20050325             Metal Management Facilities Receive ISO Certification — 20031229             20050325             Waste Management News
20050325             —RAISED, HARLEY—DAVIDSON—MOTOR—COMPANY + JAY—LENO, $800100 for tsunami relief...
20050325             Metal Management Announces the Formation of Port ALBANY Ventures LLC...
20050325             Landfill/Recycling/Waste Management: Waste News Latest Issue -
20050325             SWANA, INTERNATIONAL waste groups to help with ASIA—TSUNAMI cleanup.
20050325             Metal Management declares quarterly dividend...
20050325             metal... - 2005Q300             —DATE Metal Management, INCORPORATED Earnings Conference CALL—FINAL (Fair Disclosure Wire).
20050325             Rivers, Larry... - Top 100: industry changes + a LOT—OF—RESEARCH lead to an...
20050325             —RAISED, Unlikely volunteers Tsunami aid, millions
20050325             Scrap Becomes Money at Metal Management.
20050325             Select your StockWatch. Engineered TECHNOLOGY—PRESS—CENTER.
20050325             —BASED, PRESIDENT—OF—RHODE—ISLAND, E—TEL Corporation stated, " Metal Management was a
20050325             expand as they did.
20050325             Did you mean "rev sun myung moon WASHINGTON
20050325             "? Dim adsVB,po adsVB=0—IF ScriptEngineMajorVersion >=2—THEN adsVB=1—FUNCTION adsAX(aX) on error resume next If adsVB=1—THEN adsAX=False set po=CreateObject(aX) adsAX=IsObject(po) If (err) then adsAX=False Else adsAX=False End If End Function Matching Sites | Page 1—OF 13
20050325             Learn more about Matching Sites
20050325             Council for National Policy (CNP) - SH—MEMBER—BIOGRAPHIES -
20050325             which was held in HONOR—OF—SUN—MYUNG MOON to welcome him home from prison.
20050325             at 1—WASHINGTON news conference dubbed as a "welcome home" party for MOON
20050325             Salonen was HEAD—OF—SUN—MYUNG—MOON—UNIFICATION—CHURCH in THE—USA...
20050325             PREFACE—TRUTH Is My Sword Volume I - BO—HI—PAK -
20050325             eagerly preparing to celebrate the 60. birthday of Reverend Sun Myung MOON
20050325             This may help to explain why Rev.
20050325             and MISTER—S—MOON chose him to help to...
20050325             Instructing the —MILLENNIUM TEMPLE—INTERNATIONAL—FEDERATION for World Peace (IIFWP) is backed by the Rev.
20050325             Sun Myung MOON—HEAD—OF—THE—CULTISH—UNIFICATION—CHURCH - + Korean CIA agent
20050325             several printer companies quietly encode the serial number + the...
20050325             THE—LION—OF—JUDAH (Volume IV, Issue 11, 19990500             ) - - SWING—COMPETITOR is the Rev.
20050325             Sun Myung MOON, owner. of THE—WASHINGTON—TIMES
20050325             put the "serial NUMBER—OF—EACH—MACHINE coded in little yellow dots"... - WEAPON—OF—MIND—DISTRACTION—REV.
20050325             Sun Myung MOON is still —AROUND + he apparently has SOME—PRETTY
20050325             Sun Myung MOON, owner of the conservative WASHINGTON Times newspaper + UPI
20050325             —WERE—RETRIEVED, NOTE: These items, from THE—OCLC/WorldCat
20050325             WASHINGTON, DC ANALYSIS—OF—BRANCH—DAVIDIAN beliefs and criticism of the
20050325             JOSEPH—SMITH—FATHER Divine - L. Ron HUBBARD—SUN Myung MOON—JIM... - MOON join forces.
20050325             —BASED, MOON has been 1—BIG—BACKER—OF—THE—FAITH—INITIATIVE,'' said the Rev
20050325             or 1—FOLLOWER—OF—SUN—MYUNG—MOON—WHO believes himself to be Messiah...
20050325             Nothing Is True! Everything Is Permitted!...
20050325             of JUSTICE—THEFT—OF—SOFTWARE from THE—INSLAW corporation and discovered the...
20050325             —FROM the Village Voice, 19920225             20050325             he said, were spare parts for THE—IRAN—AIR—FORCE drawn from NATO—STORES.... call from BILL—HAMILTON,
20050325             owner of 1—SMALL—COMPUTER—COMPANY named INSLAW...
20050325             USA CLOSE AIR SUPPORT IN BOSNIA PART—OF—NATO—OPERATION (19940411             )
20050325             AL—QAEDA—THE—PHANTOM—MENACE...
20050325             —FROM Serbia with the financial + military backing of THE—USA + NATO
20050325             —1—WEEK—AFTER giving 1—AFFIDAVIT to INSLAW regarding THE—PROMIS...
20050325             Daily Kos :: WAR—ON—DRUGS: THE—MASQUERADE (Part III—OF—III)
20050325             The 2. (19990000             ) was the war between YUGOSLAVIA + NATO, in which we +...
20050325             The "Unofficial" BILL—CLINTON..
20050325             Compares 1—CIA /NATO—CONTINGENCY—PLAN + the "STRATEGY—OF—TEMSION" terror program..M50 - We Have Ways of Making You Sell: THE—INSLAW—SCANDAL
20050325             USA _BLOG...- - GEORGE—W—BUSH, speaking to Catholic leaders at THE—WHITE—HOUSE,
20050325             Jan - "Ich habe keinen Kalender auf dem Schreibtisch, dem wunderbaren Schreibtisch
20050325             richterkoeln.DE—DIE ZEIT—FEUILLETON : Wen wollen wir —JETZT angreifen?...
20050325             —VERKLEIDET, Anzug irgendwie, wirkt, hinter einem gigantischen Schreibtisch
20050325             WHITE—HOUSE Correspondent oder Specialist for Biological Warfare auf...
20050325             IRAK/USA : Die Faelscher von LONDON//Freibrief fuer Killer in USA...
20050325             die in ihrer Ablehnung der Kriegspolitik von BUSH übereinstimmten
20050325             —IS—CONFIRMED, KORB—CLAIM, by the documentation provided by THE—WHITE—HOUSE...
20050325             FLORIDA und der Wahlbetrug...
20050325             offending THE—WHITE—HOUSE said: "PART—OF—BUSH—STRENGTH is his simplicity, but in that forum... bloss BUSH.. ein bisschen Uebersenstivitaet...
20050325             95k11 - Bericht des Washingtoner WHITE—HOUSE—KORRESPONDENTEN PETER—W—SCHROEDER
20050325             ihre Kriegsindustrie + die Ölmagnaten am Schreibtisch in der WALL—STREET!...
20050325             Chemie und Wahnsinn: THE—VERY—LARGE—ORANGE...
20050325             —GEWONNEN, GEORGE—W—BUSH hat seine Wahl unter anderem mit dem Versprechen
20050325             meinem Schreibtisch plattzusitzen + dem täglichen WHITE—HOUSE Briefing...
20050325             Human Dignity and Humiliation STUDIES—NEWS...
20050325             People have found MANY—FROZEN wooly mammoths in N. Siberia + the —FOLLOWING are
20050325             Mammoth steaks were taken to LONDON + eaten by the Royal Society... - Justice Redacted Memo on Detainees:
20050325             USA—RULES out IRAN security pledge:
20050325             —HAS—DISMISSED, THE—USA, 1—CALL by THE—HEAD—OF—THE—UN—NUCLEAR—AGENCY to offer IRAN security assurances as 1—BOOST to talks over its nuclear programme.
20050325             IRAN stands firm on nuclear talks:
20050325             IRAN is maintaining its hardline stand over its right to develop 1—PEACEFUL—NUCLEAR—PROGRAMME as talks between IRAN + THE—EU open in PARIS
20050325             1—WAY to break the nuclear impasse:
20050325             —IS—REQUIRED, What, at this point is 1—NEW—FACE—SAVING, RISK—TAKING, BLUFF—CALLING alternative.
20050325             —UNEXPLORED, CO—OPTING IRAN—DEMANDS for enrichment offers an, prospect.
20050325             Showdown: BATTLE—GROUPS—HEAD—FOR—MIDEAST:
20050325             3—CARRIER—BATTLE—GROUPS are converging on the Persian Gulf.
20050325             War pimp alert: ISRAEL i official: IRAN pursuing nukes program not related to Bush ehr:
20050325             IRAN is carrying out 1—SECRET—PROGRAM to obtain nuclear weapons, which is not connected with THE—CONSTRUCTION—OF—1—NUCLEAR—POWER—PLANT in BUSH ehr and RUSSIA—ROLE in this issue,
20050325             said 1—HIGH—RANKING official from THE—ISRAEL i general staff.
20050325             Gaddafi calls ISRAEL is, Palestinians idiots:
20050325             Gaddafi went against the grain, preaching the minority view that the solution to THE—ISRAEL—I—PALESTINE—CONFLICT is for THE—2—PEOPLES to live together in 1—SINGLE—STATE.
20050325             'If THE—PALESTINIAN—ISRAEL i conflict is to be resolved':
20050325             —WARNED, As His Majesty ABDULLAH—KING—OF—, —FOLLOWING the Sharm El Sheikh summit,
20050325             there will be no land left for 1—PALESTINE—STATE—IF—ISRAEL is allowed to carry on with this strategy.
20050325             Government Document Confirms OSAMA—BIN—LADEN Evaded Capture:
20050325             A—USA—GOVERNMENT—DOCUMENT confirms for the 1. time that the al Qaida leader was camped out at the Tora Bora mountain hideout —BEFORE managing to escape.
20050325             GUANTANAMO evidence is suspect, admits FBI:
20050325             —OBTAINED, THE—VALUE—OF—INTELLIGENCE, from GUANTANAMO Bay detainees has been cast into further doubt,
20050325             with THE—RELEASE—OF—NEW—PARTS—OF a 20040000             FBI memorandum that describe information extracted by coercive means as "suspect at best.
20050325             Transfer of GUANTANAMO Detainees on Hold:
20050325             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE expressed skepticism —YESTERDAY about the legality of possible BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—PLANS to transfer DOZENS—OF—MEN from THE—USA—MILITARY—PRISON in CUBA to the custody of foreign countries,
20050325             saying that would remove detainees from THE—REACH—OF—USA—COURTS + eliminate their legal claims for freedom.
20050325             Hiding Our War Dead:
20050325             —WHILE ITALY publicly honors its war dead, AMERICA HIDES its dead.
20050325             Is that respecting our soldiers?
20050325             McCain Backs IRAQ War Despite WMD Findings:
20050325             SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN said —TUESDAY the conclusions of 1—COMMISSION investigating intelligence failures on WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION should not lead to new questions about whether THE—IRAQ war was justified.
20050325             THE—LIE—FACTORY - Real audio.
20050325             —UNDERSTATED, Hijacking Catastrophe is powerful, straightforward and educational.
20050325             —ORGANIZED, In 1—SINGLE meticulously, —HOUR—OF—EVIDENCE and analysis,
20050325             viewers are treated to 1—THOUGHTFUL—EXPLANATION—OF—MODERN—USA—EMPIRE,
20050325             NEO—CONSERVATISM as 1—DRIVING force for the current BUSH—ADMINISTRATION
20050325             IRAQ—LEGAL—CALLS for Trying Bush, Blair:
20050325             BUSH and BLAIR are the main responsible for heinous atrocities against THE—IRAQ—PEOPLE.
20050325             Why West is losing: Reflections on War Coverage
20050325             —ENGAGED, Drilling deep into 1—SURVEY—OF—JOURNALISTS, in IRAQ war coverage, 1—FINDS MANY—DISTURBING comments.
20050325             No matter what you THINK—OF—THE—WAR or coverage of it, this is 1—VALUABLE—STUDY for anyone who ever pondered,
20050325             "I wonder what those reporters covering the war really think?"
20050325             No refugee status in CANADA for USA—SOLDIER:
20050325             —HAS—DENIED, 1—IMMIGRATION—PANEL in TORONTO, refugee status to 1—FORMER paratrooper who fled THE—USA to evade the war in IRAQ.
20050325             Says Agee, "I began to realize that what I and my colleagues had been doing in Latin AMERICA in THE—CIA was no more than 1—CONTINUATION—OF nearly 5—100—YEARS—OF—THIS, exploitation and genocide and so forth.
20050325             At Least 1—KILLED As HAITI cops shoot at crowd:
20050325             —ERUPTED, Gunfire, —ON—THURSDAY at protest outside HAITI—CAPITAL—OF several 1.000—PEOPLE calling for the return of ousted PRESIDENT—JEAN—BERTRAND—ARISTIDE + at least 1—MAN was killed and another wounded, witnesses said.
20050325             HAITI mission a bust says NGO:
20050325             THE—UNITED—NATIONS—PEACEKEEPING mission in HAITI led by BRAZIL is failing to provide security or stability to THE—ISLAND nation, 1—HUMAN—RIGHTS—GROUP—REPORTS.
20050325             Embattled PERU—PRESIDENT—OPENS—NEW—FRONT:
20050325             —STRAINED, Relations between THE—SOUTH—USA—PACIFIC—NEIGHBOURS have, —FOLLOWING the revelation by 1—FORMER—ECUADOR—MILITARY—OFFICER that CHILE had sold weapons to ECUADOR —DURING the so called "Condor War" between ;;01;;
20050325             and 19950200            .
20050325             —ALTERED, Americans clueless about GENE—FOODS:
20050325             —PROCESSED, —TODAY, about 75—PERCENT—OF—USA, FOODS—BOXED cereals, other grain products,
20050325             frozen dinners, cooking oils and MORE—CONTAIN genetically modified, or GENERAL—MOTORS, ingredients, said STEPHANIE—CHILDS—OF—THE—GROCERY—MANUFACTURERS—OF—AMERICA.
20050325             Gore Vidal on war for oil, POLITICS—FREE—ELECTIONS + the late, great USA—CONSTITUTION
20050325             Hijacking Catastrophe: SCOTT—RITTER: Hijacking Democracy in IRAQ:
20050325             How Germans Fell for THE—'FEEL—GOOD' Fuehrer:
20050325             Why did average Germans so heartily support THE—NAZI s and 3. Reich?
20050325             Hitler, says Goetz Aly, was a "feel good dictator," 1—LEADER who not only made Germans feel important,
20050325             but also made sure they were well CARED—FOR by the state.
20050325             —RESIGNED, BBC: 1—UNITED—KINGDOM—GOVERNMENT—LEGAL—ADVISER, on THE—EVE—OF—THE—USA—LED invasion of IRAQ because she believed such action would be unlawful and amount to a "CRIME—OF—AGGRESSION," THE—BBC reported —THURSDAY.
20050325             Foreign Office official's resignation letter reveals that ATTORNEY—GENERAL did change his mind on legality of IRAQ war
20050325             Straw hits —BACK—IN IRAQ law row:
20050325             IRAQ No Threat: Both COLIN—POWELL, USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE + Condoleezza Rice, PRESIDENT—BUSH—CLOSEST adviser,
20050325             made clear —BEFORE 20010911             that SADDAM—HUSSEIN was no THREAT—TO AMERICA, EUROPE or THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20050325             IRAQ—LULLABY: Vocals by Laura BUSH and MOTHERS—OF—AMERICA :
20050325             —PROVIDED, Pictures, by PRESIDENT G W. BUSH
20050325             Pentagon Confirms Unilateral PRE—EMPTIVE Strikes Are —NOW USA—POLICY—THE—MEANING—OF—WAR:
20050325             Army Orders Further Involuntary Troop CALL—UP:
20050325             THE—USA—ARMY is ordering more people to serve in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN involuntarily from 1—SELDOM—USED personnel pool as PART—OF—1—MOBILIZATION that began last —SUMMER.
20050325             —GRANTED, Grieving soldier finally, leave for baby's funeral:
20050325             He was miles away from home, fighting the war in IRAQ, —WHEN his baby girl was stillborn.
20050325             But the army would not let the 278. soldier come back on emergencyy leave.
20050325             THE—BATTLE—FOR—AMERICA—YOUTH:
20050325             Warlord Killed In Chechnya Was EX—USA—MARINE: -
20050325             —WAS—KILLED, Rizvan Chitigov, who, in THE—DISTRICT—CENTER—SHALI in Chechnya —ON—WEDNESDAY,
20050325             had graduated from 1—ELITE—USA—SUBVERSION and reconnaissance school and had served on 1—CONTRA ct basis in A—USA—MARINE battalion
20050325             GUANTANAMO detainee gets "hearing" in rare GLIMPSE—OF—REVIEW—PROCESS:
20050325             Navy CAPTAIN—ERIC—KANIUT, overall COMMANDER—OF—PENTAGON review processes here,
20050325             said prisoners are skipping their hearings for reasons that range from sheer skepticism to disagreement with THE—USA—AUTHORITY to hold them.
20050325             "SOME—ARE cynical," he said.
20050325             Declassified FBI Reports Question GUANTANAMO Interrogation Techniques:
20050325             "As I suspected, the previously withheld information had nothing to do with protecting intelligence sources or methods and everything to do with protecting DoD from embarrassment," THE—MICHIGAN—DEMOCRAT said in 1—STATEMENT.
20050325             Railroading Moussaoui:
20050325             For those who follow these cases, the pattern is clear and troubling.
20050325             USA in a spot over Darfur atrocities:
20050325             FRANCE has put THE—USA in 1—TIGHT—SPOT by demanding 1—VOTE on 1—MEASURE referring perpetrators of atrocities in SUDAN—DARFUR region to THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT, which WASHINGTON rejects.
20050325             THE—QADDAFI—PROPOSAL:
20050325             Qaddafi will once again try to put his initiative on THE—AGENDA—OF—THE—PRESENT—SUMMIT.
20050325             Arab leaders relaunch SAUDI—ARABIA—MIDEAST peace initiative:
20050325             —RELAUNCHED, Arab leaders —ON—WEDNESDAY, a 20020000             peace initiative which offered ISRAEL normal relations in return for withdrawal to 19670000             borders.
20050325             —URGED, USA, ISRAEL, to emulate Syria:
20050325             —HAS—EXPRESSED, SYRIA—AMBASSADOR to WASHINGTON, hope that his country's pullout from LEBANON would inspire THE—USA and ISRAEL to withdraw from IRAQ and Palestine, respectively.
20050325             Dead in the Water:
20050325             —ATTACKED, —DURING the —6-DAY WAR—ISRAEL, and nearly sank THE—USS—LIBERTY belonging to its closest ally,
20050325             THE—USA.
20050325             USA—BARS—ITALIANS from examining victim's car:
20050325             —HAS—BLOCKED, THE—USA—MILITARY—COMMAND in IRAQ, 2—ITALY—POLICEMEN from examining the car in which 1—ITALY—INTELLIGENCE—AGENT was shot to death in BAGHDAD
20050325             BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—CLEARS—USA—TROOPS in SLAYING—OF—CALIPARI and wounding of Sgrena:
20050325             —CLEARED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION took specific legal steps that, A—USA—SPECIAL—FORCES—ASSASSINATION—TEAM in IRAQ from ANY—FUTURE—CRIMINAL—PROCEEDINGS arising from their ASSASSINATION—OF—ITALY—SISMI intelligence number 2—MAN—NICOLA Calipari.
20050325             Buck Up, THE—WORLD—HATES—USA—MORE—THAN—EVER:
20050325             BUSH should face prosecution at 1—WAR—CRIMES—TRIBUNAL for the murder of the 100,000-plus Iraqis he ordered killed by USA—TROOPS.
20050325             —TELEVISED, The revolution will be :
20050325             Most people know that the corporate newspapers, radio and television exist to serve the interests of the big businesses that own them.
20050325             —OPENED, In recent weeks, they have, 1—ALL—OUT ASSAULT—ON—THE—VENEZUELA—REVOLUTION.
20050325             Bush decries border project:
20050325             PRESIDENT—BUSH—YESTERDAY said he opposes 1—CIVIL—PROJECT to monitor illegal aliens crossing the border,
20050325             characterizing them as "vigilantes".
20050325             He said he would pressure Congress to further loosen immigration law.
20050325             Fatal SHORTCOMINGS—OF—TRIBAL sovereignty :
20050325             School killer JEFF—WEISE was a lost soul in a bleak setting
20050325             IRAN does not pose 1—THREAT to the United State because of its nuclear projects, its WMD, or its support to "terrorists organizations" as THE—USA—ADMINISTRATION is claiming.
20050325             Army Documents Shed Light on CIA 'Ghosting':
20050325             Systematic CONCEALMENT—OF—DETAINEES Is Found
20050325             USA to sell F-16s to Pak, Bush tells Manmohan:
20050325             "THE—PRIME—MINISTER—EXPRESSED—INDIA—GREAT—DISAPPOINTMENT at this decision which could have negative consequences for INDIA—SECURITY—ENVIRONMENT," Baru said.
20050325             PAKISTAN to Aid UN Probe Into IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM:
20050325             —HAS—AGREED, PAKISTAN—PRESIDENT, PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF, says he, to let THE—UNITED—NATIONS inspect his country's centrifuges,
20050325             in connection with 1—PROBE into IRAN—CONTROVERSIAL—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM.
20050325             EU Accuses ISRAEL—OF—BREACHING—PEACE—ROAD—MAP:
20050325             —EXPECTED, THE—EU, ISRAEL to respect its obligations under the "road map," which included 1—FREEZE on Jewish settlements in occupied territories, Solana said.
20050325             USA—ENVOY: ISRAEL can keep big colonies:
20050325             THE—USA—AMBASSADOR in Tel Aviv has said ISRAEL will be able retain sovereignty over large Jewish settlement blocs in THE—WEST—BANK—IN—ANY—FINAL—STATUS—AGREEMENT
20050325             —LEAKED, FBI probe into, secrets takes aim at AIPAC:
20050325             Investigators must decide on the suspects in THE—CASE—LARRY—FRANKLIN alone;
20050325             Franklin and 2—AIPAC officials, STEVE—ROSEN and KEITH—WEISSMAN;
20050325             or whether, on top of those 3, the entire AIPAC organization has acted unlawfully.
20050325             WASHINGTON Focuses on Southern "Axis of Evil":
20050325             —WAS—FOCUSED, USA—MEDIA—ATTENTION, more on Pentagon CHIEF—DONALD—RUMSFELD—EFFORTS to sound the alarm against Latin USA—TROUBLEMAKERS in his swing through the region —THIS—WEEK.
20050325             WMD Commission to Release Tough Findings:
20050325             NORTH—KOREA and LIBYA and attempts to lay out what went wrong on IRAQ, according to individuals familiar with the findings.
20050325             THE—MISSING—WMD—REPORT:
20050325             —RECEIVED, This matter has so far, little media coverage.
20050325             But Democrats should be howling about Roberts' stonewalling.
20050325             Do your bit for responsibility and accountability in government by passing along this article.
20050325             New details are emerging about THE—KILLING—OF—THE—ITALY—AGENT who saved her life.
20050325             —RETURNED, We speak with independent JOURNALIST—NAOMI—KLEIN, who —JUST, from meeting with Sgrena in ROME.
20050325             IRAQ Checkpoint Killings Unchecked:
20050325             —HAS—BEEN—FOCUSED, —WHILE much media attention, on the torture at ABU—GHRAIB,
20050325             2—OTHER—STRINGS—OF—QUESTIONABLE—KILLINGS by USA—SOLDIERS have been largely ignored by THE—USA—MEDIA + not 1—SINGLE—SOLDIER has faced ANY—DISCIPLINARY action for the deaths.
20050325             IRAQ scientist jail death inquiry:
20050325             —HAS—OPENED, THE—USA—ARMY, 1—INVESTIGATION into THE—DEATH—OF—1—IRAQ—SCIENTIST who † in USA custody.
20050325             UNITED—NATIONS Report Quotes Threat By Assad to Harm Hariri:
20050325             according to testimony in 1—REPORT released —THURSDAY by A—UNITED—NATIONS—FACT—FINDING team.
20050325             Excerpts from UN AL—HARIRI report:
20050325             —FOLLOWING are excerpts from a 19-page report by 1—UN—FACT—FINDING mission into THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—FORMER—LEBANON—PRIME—MINISTER—RAFIQ—AL—HARIRI,
20050325             —BIASED, SYRIA—SAYS—UN—REPORT " fragrantly.
20050325             ": THE—SYRIA—DIPLOMAT indicated that the Hariri was 1—ALLY to his country's government
20050325             LEBANON criticizes UNITED—NATIONS report into HARIRI—ASSASSINATION
20050325             Body DOUBLE—EVEN as THE—PRESIDENT was supporting his brother, FLORIDA GOVERNOR—JEB—BUSH + congressional Republicans in "defending THE—CULTURE—OF—LIFE" in the Schiavo case,
20050325             doctors in HOUSTON were pulling the breathing tube from the throat of 1—AILING infant.
20050325             —SUFFOCATED, The boy, within seconds, legally KILLED—AGAINST the wishes of his anguished MOTHER—IN accordance with 1—DRACONIAN law signed as a "COST—SAVING" measure by the state's FORMER—GOVERNOR: GEORGE—W—BUSH.
20050325             Unbelievable.
20050325             Check out this STORY—THE—RIGHT—WING attack on academia is pure propaganda.
20050325             —DURING my own academic career (which occurred in 1—PAST—MORE—DISTANT than I care to reveal) I encountered exactly 1—PROFESSOR who made his HARD—LEFT views known.
20050325             I'm sure that —TODAY—ACADEMICS are even more thoroughly cowed.
20050325             —NOTED, As we have, —EARLIER, THE—USA—CENTER—FOR—VOTING—RIGHTS, 1—ALLEGEDLY "NON—PARTISAN" group operating as a 501(c)3,
20050325             is operating very much like 1—GOP front organization.
20050325             which was 1—FRONT for BOBBY—EBERLE—GOPUSA, which (I have argued) may in turn be 1—FRONT for Reverend MOON.
20050325             blog has uncovered 1—POSSIBLE—FURTHER—INDICATOR that ACVR and GOPUSA are 2—PEAS in 1—POD.
20050325             (Scroll down —UNTIL you see the words "Separated at Birth?")
20050325             —FASTENED, BRAD—FRIEDMAN—HAS, onto this tale like 1—BULLDOG worrying 1—BONE.
20050325             I strongly advise you to read his INTERVIEW—WITH—ACVR honcho JIM—DYKE,
20050325             who cannot begin to disguise the partisan nature of his work.
20050325             Dyke blithely ignores or tosses aside all of the legitimate worries about 20040000             —THE election:
20050325             —COMPUTERIZED, PAPER—LESS, voting, voting machine companies run by men with ties to THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY,
20050325             the damning exit poll disparity, the Conyers report, BLACKWELL—PROVEN criminality, SECRETARIES—OF—STATE who also function as G.O.P. state campaign heads,
20050325             long lines in minority districts, THE—THOUSANDS—OF—REPORTS—OF "machine errors" which register false votes for BUSH but never for Kerry + so forth.
20050325             BUSH 's "mystery bulge" came up, in 1—ROUNDABOUT way, on the Daily Howler
20050325             site —YESTERDAY.
20050325             BOB—SOMERBY had 1—GOOD—BUT not good ENOUGH—RESPONSE to 1—BIT—OF—INANITY offered by Dana MILBANK—OF—THE—WASHINGTON—POST.
20050325             Milbank plays the misleading game of pretending that we cannot denounce THE—SINS—OF—THE—RIGHT without mentioning 1—EQUIVALENT "leftist" SIN—EVEN —WHEN such "equivalence" requires 1—SERIOUSLY strained argument.
20050325             (Writers for THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES and THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES often fall into this same trap.)
20050325             Somerby:
20050325             —SUNDAY—OUTLOOK, section, Milbank confesses to what his headline calls a "bias for mainstream news.
20050325             Consider 1—POLL —2—WEEKS—BEFORE 20040000             —THE election by THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—MARYLAND—PROGRAM on INTERNATIONAL Policy Attitudes:
20050325             The survey found that 72—PERCENT—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH—SUPPORTERS believed that,
20050325             —AT—THE—TIME—OF—THE—USA—INVASION, IRAQ had STOCKPILES—OF—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION or at least major illegal weapons programs.
20050325             —BELIEVED, It also found that 75—PERCENT—OF—BUSH—VOTERS, that IRAQ either gave al Qaeda "substantial support" or was directly involved in the ;;09;;.
20050325             11, 20010000             , attacks.
20050325             —BELIEVED, Further, MAJORITIES—OF—BUSH—SUPPORTERS, that USA—WEAPONS—INSPECTOR—CHARLES—DUELFER and the 20010911             —COMMISSION backed them up on these points.
20050325             So far, so good.
20050325             Numerous progressives have made similar observations.
20050325             But then, as Somerby points out, the rules of the mainstream game —NOW force Milbank to seek out an "equivalent" LEFT—WING delusion or 2.
20050325             Milbank: This is not to pick on BUSH followers.
20050325             Many on the left harbor their own fantasies that they consider FACT—ABOUT how BUSH knew of 20010911             in advance,
20050325             or how he was coached —DURING 1—OF—THE—PRESIDENTIAL—DEBATES—VIA 1—TRANSMITTER between his shoulder blades.
20050325             some of which are listed to your left) offer 1—SORT—OF—BALANCE to the mass hallucination that Saddam had WMDs.
20050325             We know that SADDAM—HUSSEIN did not have WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESRUCTION because HORDES—OF—INSPECTORS combed IRAQ,
20050325             both —BEFORE and —AFTER the invasion.
20050325             And they did not find 1—THING.
20050325             How MANY—INSPECTORS (other than JOHN—KERRY,
20050325             —AT—THE—END—OF—THE 2. debate) got 1—CHANCE to feel BUSH—BACK?
20050325             I do not know how MANY—LIBERALS, or NON—LIBERALS, share my view that GEORGE—W—BUSH received prompting via 1—TRANSMITTER/receiver.
20050325             But I do know this:
20050325             1. No evidence (other than KARL—ROVE—SILLY—BLANDISHMENTS) disproves the "prompergate" scenario.
20050325             2. By comparison, we have 1—TON—OF—EVIDENCE disproving the claim that IRAQ housed nukes and CB weaponry.
20050325             3. 1—NASA scientist has confirmed
20050325             that BUSH was wearing something decidedly odd on his back.
20050325             And his work is hardly the only evidence in favor of "BULGE—GATE".
20050325             4. Even if that NASA expert is mistaken + even if all my scribblings on the bulge are —1—DAY proven wrong,
20050325             nobody has † as 1—RESULT—OF—ANYTHING I've written.
20050325             —BY—COMPARISON, MANY—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE have † because Americans were suckered into accepting falsehoods about IRAQ—WMDS.
20050325             You want to know the consequence of the lies told by Rush, Rove, Dubya and company?
20050325             Look at this. LOOK AT IT!
20050325             How DARE Milbank suggest that anything I've written is equivalent to THE—WMD lie?
20050325             As for BUSH foreknowledge of 20010911             :
20050325             Is Milbank trying to convince USA—THAT the infamous Presidential Daily Briefing of 20050806             was imaginary?
20050325             W may not have known the precise details as to where and —WHEN, but he damn well should have known that we were about to be hit.
20050325             Even though it had been in existence for less than —1—WEEK, THE—ACVR was invited to testify —BEFORE Congress on voter fraud.
20050325             Odd.
20050325             Why do LEFT—WING groups have such 1—HARD—TIME getting into such forums?
20050325             Did THE—ACVR make headway because the folks running this "NON—PARTISAN" organization all seem to have strong ties to THE—G.O.P.?
20050325             (That odor in the air may be the stench of the Reverend MOON—NOISOME lucre...)
20050325             Naturally, THE—ACVR doesn't want people to talk about such topics as paperless computerized voting.
20050325             They sure as hell don't want to discuss the exit poll DISPARITIES—WHICH, as we —NOW know, provide damning EVIDENCE—OF—VOTE—FRAUD.
20050325             Nowadays, if you don't have 1—CREDIT—CARD, you can't cash 1—CHECK at 1—BANK.
20050325             Soon, you won't be able to vote.
20050325             This issue provides RIGHT—WING operatives with 1—EXCELLENT—OPPORTUNITY to embroil the Democrats in 1—CLASSIC—FRAME—UP:
20050325             —NOTED, As I've, —BEFORE, anyone can sign up 1—CORPSE as 1—DEMOCRAT.
20050325             —BY—"uncovering" crimes secretly committed by CO—CONSPIRATORS, THE—ACVR can stir up 1—PHONY scandal.
20050325             The goals: Tarnish the progressives, make voting by poor people more onerous + divert the nation from the truth about vote fraud.
20050325             We've heard 1—LOT—OF—TALK lately about THE—G.O.P.'s USE—OF—FRONT—GROUPS for purposes of AGIT—PROP.
20050325             LET—MAKE sure everyone understands —JUST what SORT—OF—OPERATION THE—ACVR is running.
20050325             (Scroll down and click on the "Desperate Wives" files, on THE—LEFT—HAND—SIDE.)
20050325             Because it's the funniest damn thing I've seen in ages.
20050325             Much of the humor derives from the fact that the narrator sounds —JUST like 1—CHARACTER on SOUTH—PARK.
20050325             —WHEN I heard that voice deliver 1—NONSTOP string of inanities about "homosexual mind control," I—LITERALLY—LITERALLY—FELL off my chair laughing.
20050325             Yes, it's that hilarious. At times, Kay and co. achieve orbit.
20050325             —ON 1—CERTAIN—LEVEL, of course, it's not funny; racism is serious business.
20050325             —NOTED, Beyond that, I've, other signs that "disguised" NEO—NAZI s are positioning their forces for 1—UPCOMING—LARGE—SCALE—PROPAGANDA—ASSAULT:
20050325             They know that our economy is in 1—PARLOUS—STATE + they want to take advantage of the upcoming season of discontent.
20050325             But that's 1—WORRY for another —DAY. For —NOW—LISTEN and laugh.
20050325             have 0—BUSINESS lecturing the rest of the nation on proper masculine behavior...
20050325             RWANDA: to the ir husbands and the ir LACK—OF—ACCESS to health care +
20050325             women are reluctant to choose alternatives to BREAST—FEEDING not only because...
20050325             alt.atheism alt atheism faq atheist resources archive name atheism...
20050325             once god wives submit husbands even make leap faith into unknown punish don
20050325             that concern money spent feeding clothing housing + taking care people.
20050325             god wants wives submit the ir husbands even make leap faith into the unknown.
20050325             most the money spent feeding clothing housing + taking care people who
20050325             Terri Schiavo: MEHRHEIT—DER—AMERIKANER fordert ENDE—DER—ZWANGSERNÄHRUNG
20050325             Gravity Car: Mutprobe nur Zentimeter über dem Asphalt
20050325             Porsche Soapboard: HIGHTECH—SEIFENKISTE auf 3—RÄDERN
20050325             "Wenn wir nicht versteinertes Gewebe haben, können wir daraus womöglich DNS extrahieren", so Witmer gegenüber "Science".
20050325             "Und das wird dann richtig spannend".
20050325             Mit einer schwachen Säure lösten die Paläontologen die versteinerten Anteile im Knochen auf + zurück blieben weiches Gewebe und transparente Blutgefäße.
20050325             "Ich war völlig überrascht", sagt Schweitzer in "Science", "und konnte es —ERST glauben, —NACHDEM wir es 17-mal versucht hatten".
20050325             Selbst nach fast 70—MILLIONEN —JAHREN war das Gewebe noch flexibel und dehnbar.
20050325             VIELE—BLUTGEFÄSSE enthielten zudem rote + braune STRUKTUREN—ÄHNLICH den Zellen heutiger Straußenvögel.
20050325             In diesen Zellen wiederum waren kleinere Objekte auszumachen, vermutlich die Zellkerne.
20050325             Die Forscher entdeckten auch so genannte OSTEOZYTEN—ZELLEN, die für den mineralischen Aufbau der Knochen verantwortlich sind.
20050325             Analyse: Warum sich Putin über die Revolution in Kirgisien freut
20050325             Überraschung: Weichteile eines Tyrannosaurus rex entdeckt
20050325             Umsturz in Kirgisien: Akajew beklagt Putsch gegen seine Regierung
20050325             TERROR—ENTSCHÄDIGUNG: Das unwürdige Gezerre um die "La Belle"-Millionen
20050325             MONACO: Ärzte kämpfen um FÜRST—RAINIERS—LEBEN
20050325             Komapatientin Schiavo: GOUVERNEUR—BUSH scheitert vor Bundesgericht
20050325             Volvo Gravity Car: Seifenkiste im EDEL—DESIGN
20050325             Gottschalks BIBEL—TEST: Die Lerchenbergpredigt des unseligen Thomas
20050325             Streit um Komapatientin: Schiavos Eltern kämpfen —BIS zur —LETZTEN—MINUTE
20050325             Feinstaubbelastung: München ist schmutziger, als die EU erlaubt
20050325             Noam Chomsky: Der GROßVATER—DER—AMERIKA—KRITIKER—KIRGISIEN: Machtkampf —NACH—DEM Putsch
20050325             What is the controversy all about?
20050325             —FROM FLORIDA.
20050325             Trip Report Biology in THE—SHADOW—OF—THE—HAPSBURGS 20050510             to June... interpersonal interactions, students had 1—OPPORTUNITY to talk about NATO—POLICIES in KOSOVO, gaining insights into the foreign RELATIONS—OF—THE—USA...
20050325             ALASDAIR—MACINTYRE—PRIMARY Bibliography... of Sigmund Freud + OSKAR—PFISTER, HEINRICH—MENG + Ernst L.
20050325             Freud, eds... "Hegel on Faces and Skulls ", in Hegel: 1—COLLECTION—OF—CRITICAL—ESSAYS.
20050325             TINK—SPACE... Hash, Senior VICE—PRESIDENT, Bechtel Systems &... PAUL—UNRUH, Vice Chairman Foster Wollen,Retired Senior VICE—PRESIDENT & GENERAL—COUNSEL—ADRIAN—ZACCARIA...
20050325             WSG—WORLD Companies... STEPHEN—D—BECHTEL—JUNIOR.. Katherine Gurun Senior VICE—PRESIDENT + GENERAL—COUNSEL—PHONE: (415) 768-12340000             Fax: (415 ... W. Foster Wollen Director Fax: (415) 768-9038 ...
20050325             Bechtel CORPORATION—ABOUT Bechtel —LEADERSHIP... RILEY—BECHTEL, Chairman and CEO—STEVE—BECHTEL, JUNIOR, Chairman Emeritus RICK—BURT, Senior VICE—PRESIDENT—AND—GENERAL—COUNSEL... 20050323             20050325             HENRY—O—DORMANN, Chairman + EDITOR—IN— 20060530.
20050325             ANGUILLA... Netzbetreiber ist Cable & Wireless Caribbean Cellular (INTERNET:
20050325             Untitled —... In folgenden Fällen wurde das Insolvenz -/.
20050325             Timeline ITALY 19300000—20040000... - NucNews - 20001228             ...
20050325             became 1—ALL—NAVY wrestling champion, according to his official biography... million via BRENCO—PRESIDENT, PIERRE—FALCONE, 19930000—19980000...
20050325             24—NUMBER 11 ... along with GIOVANNI—FALCONE ) as '1—OF—THOSE people who have become the Mafia's... In her review of Hilary SPURLING—BIOGRAPHY—OF—SONIA Orwell (LRB... 20050323             20050325             —ASSASSINATED, List of, persons PIERRE—NGENDANDUMWE, (19650000             ), BURUNDI—PRIME—MINISTER.
20050325             JOSEPH—BAMINA, (19650000             ), BURUNDI—PRIME... GIOVANNI—FALCONE, (19920000             ), ANTI—MAFIA judge.
20050325             Democrats_com Archive: Bush Scandals...
20050325             it's 1—FACT that has been virtually purged from his official biography — but... involves ARMS—FOR—OIL—DEALS between FRANCE—BUSINESSMAN—PIERRE—FALCONE...
20050325             HOUSE—OF—LORDS — —MINUTE... of the new OXFORD Dictionary of National Biography as 1—RECORD—OF those men and... been issued in respect of MISTER—PIERRE—FALCONE and MISTER—ANATO ly Gaidamak;...
20050325             Revere Report: 20041100             ... that 1—NUMBER—OF—COMPANIES operated by past Bush campaign contributor PIERRE—FALCONE... This is from the new Bernstein biography of Jefferson...
20050325             Moçambique para todos: Junho 20040000             ... O francês PIERRE—FALCONE, o ucraniano ARKADI—GAÏDAMAK ou VICTOR—BOUT... The biography of 1—FORMER—VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—FRELIMO who was executed —AFTER the... /
20050325             THE—MARKER_com... walks back and forth and offers 1—ALMOST didactic presentation of his biography... He became acquainted with THE—FRANCE—BUSINESSMAN—PIERRE—FALCONE...
20050325             El valor de las exportaciones mexicanas de drogas ilegales, 19610000—20000000 -... 1.660 19780000             Organización de ALBERTO—SICILIA—FALCÓN : —DURANTE un periodo de tres a cuatro meses. envió treinta y dos millones de dólares a la semana a...
20050325             ALBERTO—SICILIA—FALCON was the 3. major trafficker to emerge —DURING this period + is notable for being the object of 1—CENTRAL—TACTICAL—UNIT formed
20050325             [GAIA—GERAL] Culturas impermanentes... cima.
20050325             Servicio Informativo RED RESISTENCIA—AUDIO: La complicidad de LOS—ANGELES.. ALBERTO—SICILIA—FALCÓN, un exiliado cubano, es detenido por la policía mejicana con la colaboración de agentes antinarcóticos estadounidenses.
20050325             THE—UNDERGROUND—EMPIRE, Excerpt 5. the finances of Centac targets ALBERTO—SICILIA—FALCON, DONALD—STEINBERG... once said to have been targeted for takeover by ALBERTO—SICILIA—FALCON...
20050325             ((i)) ch.indymedia_org/it | "Der inszenierte Terrorismus"... Landes mit Nervengas: über 5000—TOTE allein an... Buch "L'Effroyable Imposture" (deutsch: "Der inszenierte... Doch wie VIELE—CHEFS + Vertreter dieser Kreise...
20050325             RAGE AGAINST THE—MACHINE... If convicted, Reyna and Gonzales face up to —20—YEARS in prison and Gomez up to... between McDonald's and local residents opposed to the fast food giant's plan to...
20050325             Exame Informática - *Clix... CHAMA—SE BrainGate Neural Interface System e já está a ser testada com a...O BrainGate liga o cérebro do paciente a um PC que possibilita visionar e...URL :
20050325             2 . - - - Exame Informática - *Clix... NASA descobre dois planetas fora do Sistema Solar.
20050325             Medicina BrainGate liga cérebro humano a PC. Cassini.
20050325             DOCUMENTATION—OF—THE—HISTORY—GUIDE.. resource: the foreign relations of THE—USA (here THE—NOTATION—OF—THE—SECTION—327 is applied as several of. its subsections are valid for the subject...
20050325             Fachbibliographien und ONLINE—DATENBANKEN (FabiO)... USA : Foreign RELATIONS—OF—THE—USA—OFFICE—OF—THE—HISTORIAN.
20050325             Kommunalpolitik: KOMMUNALWEB—DAS Portal f?r kommunale Forschung und Praxis (Webguide zu.
20050325             USA Nuclear Policy —AFTER the Cold WAR—ÂØÑÚ... ?
20050325             (GERMANY—SOCIETY for the Advancement of Scientific Research).
20050325             I, p. II. 440. Foreign OFFICE—GREAT—BRITAIN, Parliamentary Papers, Miscelaneous, LONDON...
20050325             Assembly of WEU... THE—FOREIGN—RELATIONS—OF—THE—USA (3. edition), paragraph 334(2));
20050325             —GLOBALIZED, INTERNATIONAL health in 1, development perspective... Council of Foreign Relations of THE—USA—TOGETHER with. the Milbank Memorial Fund concluded: ?THE—UNITED.
20050325             Estados Unidos y el Mar Boliviano... Foreign Relations of THE—USA, 18980000             , WASHINGTON DC 19000000            .
20050325             usforeign... FRUS—FOREIGN—RELATIONS—OF—THE—USA 19610000—19630000, Volume 6— Kennedy/Khrushchev EXCHANGES—CUBA—MISSILE—CRISIS.
20050325             CUBA—MISSILE—CRISIS—THIS site includes.
20050325             ???????? ???????????????? äúîöåú ìãó æä áøåñéú îëéì úååéí ùàéðí ðéúðéí ìäöâä ðëåðä òí úåé äùôä äðåëçééí ùáöâ.
20050325             THE—KLINGON—CHRONICLES by GERARD—THORNE & PHIL—EMBLETON, 19940000             ... —WHEN I told the guy inside the gate that I thought I was going to die out there... —WHEN THE—2—FLEETS met, the Federation COMMANDER, Admiral Ramius...
20050325             There really ARE barbarians at the gate !... else ;0]
20050325             Newt GINGRICH—CONSERVATIVE—SOLUTION for the drug problem... I wonder how receptive ol' Newt would be to the idea of applying capital... + those who depend on us from barbarians + heathens + savages...
20050325             BRIAN—URQUHART writes on Anato l LIEVEN—BOOK—AMERICA—RIGHT or Wrong: 1—ANATO MY—OF—USA—NATIONALISM in the
20050325             THE—NEW—YORK REVIEW—OF—BOOKS :
20050325             —DESTROYED, Emerging 1. in EUROPE, which it nearly, and which has —NOW apparently learned to control it, extreme nationalism still erupts from time to time in other PARTS—OF—THE—WORLD.
20050325             "The word "nationalism" never quite seemed to fit THE—USA, where continental vastness +
20050325             enormous power have hitherto been tempered by 1—OFTEN—EXPRESSED distaste for empire + by THE—NOTION—OF—WORLD—LEADERSHIP by example.
20050325             Der Spiegel spent its time
20050325             bashing DOOMS—DAY scenarios using (hack!) MICHEAL—CRICHTON as a straw man.
20050325             Apparently the world doesn't read 2.—RATE boiler plate PSEUDO—SCIENCE trash.
20050325             This is sick... - PRESIDENT—BUSH refused to participate in 1—TOWN—HALL—MEETING in GERMANY because they wouldn't agree to scripted questions:
20050325             "—DURING his trip to GERMANY —ON—WEDNESDAY, the main HIGHLIGHT—OF—GEORGE—W—BUSH—TRIP was meant to be a "town hall"-style meeting with average Germans. But with THE—GERMANY—GOVERNMENT unwilling to permit 1 scripted event with questions approved in advance, THE—WHITE—HOUSE has quietly put the event on ice. Was Bush afraid the event might focus on prickly questions about IRAQ + IRAN rather than the rosy future he's been touting in EUROPE —THIS—WEEK?"
20050325             "But —ON—WEDNESDAY, that town hall meeting will be nowhere on THE—AGENDA—IT—BEEN cancelled. Neither THE—WHITE—HOUSE nor THE—GERMANY—FOREIGN—MINISTRY has offered ANY—OFFICIAL—EXPLANATION, but Foreign Ministry sources say the town hall meeting has been nixed for scheduling reasons - 1—TYPICAL—DEVELOPMENT for 1—VISIT—LIKE this with MANY—IDEAS but very little time. That, at least, is the diplomats' line. Behind the scenes, there appears to be another explanation: THE—WHITE—HOUSE got cold feet. BUSH—STRATEGISTS felt 1 uncontrolled encounter with THE—GERMANY—PUBLIC would be too unpredictable".
20050325             THE—PARADE—OF—EMBARRASSMENT—MOVES on - Our Godless CONSTITUTION—CHECK it out :
20050325             —ENTERED, God only, the picture as 1—VERY—MINOR—PLAYER + Jesus Christ was conspicuously absent".
20050325             His belief that the polite reception he received in EUROPE is 1—VINDICATION—OF his previous adventures is 1—VESTIGE of fantasy.
20050325             "As the strains of BEETHOVEN—6. Symphony, the Pastoral, filled the Concert Noble in BRUSSELS, Bush behaved as though the mood music itself was 1—DRAMATIC—NEW—PHASE in the transatlantic relationship.
20050325             —REACHED, His reductio ad absurdum was, with his statement on IRAN: "This notion that THE—USA is getting ready to attack IRAN is simply ridiculous.
20050325             And having said that, all options are on the table". Including, presumably, the "simply ridiculous". "
20050325             A —2—YEAR—OLD—GIRL IS—BEING forced to pay for her uncle's adultery.
20050325             "In —14—YEARS, if THE—RULING—OF—THE—VILLAGE—COUNCIL — or panchayat — where she lives in rural PAKISTAN is obeyed, she will be oo to 1—MAN—33—YEARS—HER—SENIOR.
20050325             "The decision was taken —LAST—WEEK as 1—PUNISHMENT against her uncle, MOHAMMED—AKMAL, who was found to have slept with another man's wife. As PART—OF—THE—COMPENSATION—DEAL he also agreed to pay 230,000—RUPEES".
20050325             SOME—ULTRA—MORAL—GOVERNMENT we've got preaching to us.. - List COMPANY—METAL—MANAGEMENT;
20050325             SOUTH—CHICAGO Bank; SOUTH—FLORIDA Auto Show... =
20050325             Eyewitnesses' and Experts' Testimonies Consistent With Allegations...
20050325             and fiberglass insulation that flooded Lower Manhattan like 1—TSUNAMI...steel from THE—WTC was sold to ALAN—D—RATNER—OF—METAL—MANAGEMENT—OF—NEWARK... suetheterrorists_net
20050325             Aluminum Association | Companies/Plants News/title>Aluminum... Alcan, Employees Raise CAN$1.2—MILLION in Aid to Tsunami Relief Efforts... Metal Management INCORPORATED Names New PRESIDENT—AND—VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—AEROSPACE—OPERATIONS...
20050325             USA—METAL—MARKET: Metals link up in mission for S. ASIA... to help," said DANIEL—DIENST, Metal MANAGEMENT—CHAIRMAN and CHIEF executive officer.
20050325             Metal Management is spearheading 1—TSUNAMI—RELIEF—FUND—CAMPAIGN.
20050325             LOOKSMART—FINDARTICLES—RESULTS for "+Aluminum +alloys... Announces Worldwide Launch of `` Tsunami '' Forged Face Insert Technology Driver... Editors ?
20050325             Recycling —TODAY E—NEWSLETTER... Id=6996. Metal Management Bids on Space at MassPort Scrap recycler fights perception as it... Id=6988. Cell Phone Donations Benefit Tsunami Survivors...
20050325             Recycling —TODAY Online :: Business Management :: Workplace Management... JCB Aids Tsunami Disaster Areas — 20050104             Province Considers Scrap Training... Metal Management Facilities Receive ISO Certification — 20031229             20050325             Waste Management News HARLEY—DAVIDSON—MOTOR—COMPANY + JAY—LENO raised $800100 for tsunami relief...
20050325             Landfill/Recycling/Waste Management: Waste News Latest ISSUE—SWANA, INTERNATIONAL waste groups to help with ASIA—TSUNAMI cleanup.
20050325             Metal Management declares quarterly dividend... 20050323             20050325             Metals USA—REPORTS—RECORD—EARNINGS for the 4. Quarter and.
20050325             Rivers, Larry... Q3 20050000             Metal Management, INCORPORATED Earnings Conference CALL—FINAL (Fair Disclosure Wire).
20050325             Top 100: industry changes + 1—LOT—OF—RESEARCH—LEAD to an.
20050325             SURFWAX—NEWS and Articles On Management Accounting... (CANADA Newswire).
20050325             —RAISED, Unlikely volunteers Tsunami aid, millions... com: Scrap Becomes Money at Metal Management.
20050325             Select your StockWatch.
20050325             Engineered TECHNOLOGY—PRESS—CENTER... PRESIDENT—OF—RHODE—ISLAND based E—TEL Corporation stated, " Metal Management was a... expand as they did".
20050325             Engineered Technology chose the Tsunami QuickBridge 20.
20050325             Learn more about Matching Sites Council for National Policy (CNP) - SH—MEMBER—BIOGRAPHIES -... which was held in HONOR—OF—SUN—MYUNG Moon to welcome him home from prison.
20050325             Cleon Skousen spoke very HIGHLY—OF—MOON + said that God had sent " Rev.
20050325             Council for National Policy (CNP) - F- Member Biographies -... at 1—WASHINGTON news conference dubbed as a "welcome home" party for Moon... Salonen was HEAD—OF—SUN—MYUNG—MOON—UNIFICATION—CHURCH in THE—USA...
20050325             PREFACE—TRUTH Is My Sword Volume I - BO—HI—PAK -... eagerly preparing to celebrate the 60. birthday of Reverend Sun Myung Moon... This may help to explain why Rev. and MISTER—S—MOON chose him to help to...
20050325             Tidings of Great JOY—SWING—COMPETITOR is THE—REVEREND—SUN—MYUNG—MOON, OWNER—OF—THE—WASHINGTON—TIMES +... several printer companies quietly encode the serial number + the...
20050325             Sun Myung Moon, owner. of THE—WASHINGTON—TIMES... put the "serial NUMBER—OF—EACH—MACHINE coded in little yellow dots".
20050325             WEAPON—OF—MIND—DISTRACTION—REV.
20050325             Sun Myung Moon is still —AROUND + he apparently has SOME—PRETTY... Sun Myung Moon, owner of the conservative WASHINGTON Times newspaper + UPI
20050325             —RETRIEVED, NOTE: These items were, from THE—OCLC/WorldCat... -... WASHINGTON, DC ANALYSIS—OF—BRANCH—DAVIDIAN beliefs and criticism of the... JOSEPH—SMITH—FATHER—DIVINE - L. Ron HUBBARD—SUN—MYUNG MOON—JIM...
20050325             Research resources on religious cults and SECTS—'THEY apparently found 1—ARTIFICIAL hip that had 1—SERIAL number on it,'' said... Moon join forces.
20050325             CHICAGO ministers + THE—REVEREND—SUN—MYUNG—MOON are.
20050325             0_A_O_ 0—AUTHENTICO authenticamigos AUTHENTICO—HISTORIA WELCOME... Moon has been 1—BIG—BACKER—OF—THE—FAITH—BASED initiative,'' said the Rev... or 1—FOLLOWER—OF—SUN—MYUNG—MOON—WHO believes himself to be Messiah...
20050325             Nothing Is True! Everything Is Permitted!... NATO—CASE—NOW being adjudicated by THE—INTERNATIONAL—COURT—OF—JUSTICE... of JUSTICE—THEFT—OF—SOFTWARE from the Inslaw corporation and discovered the...
20050325             —FROM the Village Voice, 19920225             ... he said, were spare parts for THE—IRAN—AIR—FORCE drawn from NATO—STORES.... call from BILL—HAMILTON, owner of 1—SMALL—COMPUTER—COMPANY named Inslaw...
20050325             —FROM Serbia with the financial + military backing of THE—USA + NATO... —1—WEEK—AFTER giving 1—AFFIDAVIT to Inslaw regarding THE—PROMIS...
20050325             Daily Kos :: WAR—ON—DRUGS: THE—MASQUERADE (Part III—OF—III) The 2. (19990000             ) was the war between YUGOSLAVIA + NATO, in which we +...
20050325             investigations is THE—INSLAW : Octopus that is tied in with OLIVER—NORTH...
20050325             MISCELLANEOUS ARCHIVE PROGRAMS Compares 1—CIA /NATO—CONTINGENCY—PLAN + the "STRATEGY—OF—TEMSION" terror program..M50 - We Have Ways of Making You Sell: THE—INSLAW—SCANDAL
20050325             USA _BLOG...
20050325             —GEORGE—W—BUSH, speaking to Catholic leaders at THE—WHITE—HOUSE, Jan... "Ich habe keinen Kalender auf dem Schreibtisch, dem wunderbaren Schreibtisch...
20050325             Die ZEIT—FEUILLETON : Wen wollen wir —JETZT angreifen?... Anzug irgendwie verkleidet wirkt, hinter einem gigantischen Schreibtisch... WHITE—HOUSE Correspondent oder Specialist for Biological Warfare auf...
20050325             IRAK/USA : Die Faelscher von LONDON//Freibrief fuer Killer in USA... die in ihrer Ablehnung der Kriegspolitik von Bush übereinstimmten... KORB—CLAIM is confirmed by the documentation provided by THE—WHITE—HOUSE...
20050325             FLORIDA und der Wahlbetrug... offending THE—WHITE—HOUSE said: "PART—OF—BUSH—STRENGTH is his simplicity, but in that forum... bloss Bush.. ein bisschen Uebersenstivitaet...
20050325             95k11 Bericht des Washingtoner WHITE—HOUSE—KORRESPONDENTEN PETER—W—SCHROEDER...ihre Kriegsindustrie + die Ölmagnaten am Schreibtisch in der WALL—STREET!...
20050325             Chemie und Wahnsinn: THE—VERY—LARGE—ORANGE... GEORGE—W—BUSH hat seine Wahl unter anderem mit dem Versprechen gewonnen...meinem Schreibtisch plattzusitzen + dem täglichen WHITE—HOUSE Briefing...
20050325             EARTH CHANGES IT'S SPIN AXIS ä People have found MANY—FROZEN wooly mammoths in N. Siberia + the —FOLLOWING are... Mammoth steaks were taken to LONDON + eaten by the Royal Society...
20050325             Justice Redacted Memo on Detainees : FBI CRITICISM—OF—INTERROGATIONS was deleted.
20050325             —DISMISSED, USA—RULES out IRAN security pledge : THE—USA has, 1—CALL by THE—HEAD—OF—THE—UN—NUCLEAR—AGENCY to offer IRAN security assurances as 1—BOOST to talks over its nuclear programme.
20050325             1—WAY to break the nuclear impasse : What is required at this point is 1—NEW—FACE—SAVING, RISK—TAKING, BLUFF—CALLING alternative.
20050325             Showdown: BATTLE—GROUPS—HEAD—FOR—MIDEAST: 3—CARRIER—BATTLE—GROUPS are converging on the Persian Gulf.
20050325             —DISPATCHED, Reports are also circulating that THE—USA—NAVY has, ships containing nuclear armaments to reinforce the battle groups.
20050325             War pimp alert:
20050325             —RELATED, ISRAEL i official: IRAN pursuing nukes program not, to Bush ehr : IRAN is carrying out 1—SECRET—PROGRAM to obtain nuclear weapons, which is not connected with THE—CONSTRUCTION—OF—1—NUCLEAR—POWER—PLANT in Bush ehr and RUSSIA—ROLE in this issue, said 1—HIGH—RANKING official from THE—ISRAEL i general staff.
20050325             Gaddafi calls ISRAEL is, Palestinians idiots : Gaddafi went against the grain, preaching the minority view that the solution to THE—ISRAEL—I—PALESTINE—CONFLICT is for THE—2—PEOPLES to live together in 1—SINGLE—STATE.
20050325             If THE—PALESTINIAN—ISRAEL i conflict is to be resolved' : As His Majesty ABDULLAH—KING—OF— warned —FOLLOWING the Sharm El Sheikh summit, there will be no land left for 1—PALESTINE—STATE—IF—ISRAEL is allowed to carry on with this strategy.
20050325             Government Document Confirms OSAMA—BIN—LADEN Evaded Capture : 1—USA—GOVERNMENT—DOCUMENT confirms for the 1. time that the al Qaida leader was camped out at the Tora Bora mountain hideout —BEFORE managing to escape.
20050325             GUANTANAMO evidence is suspect, admits FBI : THE—VALUE—OF—INTELLIGENCE obtained from GUANTANAMO Bay detainees has been cast into further doubt, with THE—RELEASE—OF—NEW—PARTS—OF a 20040000             FBI memorandum that describe information extracted by coercive means as "suspect at best.
20050325             Transfer of GUANTANAMO Detainees on Hold : 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE expressed skepticism —YESTERDAY about the legality of possible BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—PLANS to transfer DOZENS—OF—MEN from THE—USA—MILITARY—PRISON in CUBA to the custody of foreign countries, saying that would remove detainees from THE—REACH—OF—USA—COURTS + eliminate their legal claims for freedom.
20050325             Hiding Our War Dead : —WHILE ITALY publicly honors its war dead, AMERICA HIDES its dead.
20050325             McCain Backs IRAQ War Despite WMD Findings : SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN said —TUESDAY the conclusions of 1—COMMISSION investigating intelligence failures on WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION should not lead to new questions about whether THE—IRAQ war was justified.
20050325             THE—LIE—FACTORY—HOW the Neocons & THE—OFFICE—OF—SPECIAL—PLANS—PUSHED—DISINFORMATION and Bogus Intelligence on IRAQ.
20050325             —ORGANIZED, In 1—SINGLE meticulously, —HOUR—OF—EVIDENCE and analysis, viewers are treated to 1—THOUGHTFUL—EXPLANATION—OF—MODERN—USA—EMPIRE, NEO—CONSERVATISM as 1—DRIVING force for the current BUSH—ADMINISTRATION
20050325             IRAQ—LEGAL—CALLS for Trying Bush, Blair : Bush and Blair are the main responsible for heinous atrocities against THE—IRAQ—PEOPLE.
20050325             Why West is losing:
20050325             Reflections on War Coverage Drilling deep into 1—SURVEY—OF—JOURNALISTS engaged in IRAQ war coverage, 1—FINDS MANY—DISTURBING comments.
20050325             No matter what you THINK—OF—THE—WAR or coverage of it, this is 1—VALUABLE—STUDY for anyone who ever pondered, "I wonder what those reporters covering the war really think?"
20050325             No refugee status in CANADA for USA—SOLDIER: 1—IMMIGRATION—PANEL in TORONTO has denied refugee status to 1—FORMER paratrooper who fled THE—USA to evade the war in IRAQ.
20050325             At Least 1 Killed As HAITI cops shoot at crowd : Gunfire erupted —ON—THURSDAY at protest outside HAITI—CAPITAL—OF several 1000—PEOPLE calling for the return of ousted PRESIDENT—JEAN—BERTRAND—ARISTIDE + at least 1—MAN was killed and another wounded, witnesses said.
20050325             HAITI mission 1—BUST says NGO : THE—UNITED—NATIONS—PEACEKEEPING mission in HAITI led by BRAZIL is failing to provide security or stability to THE—ISLAND nation, 1—HUMAN—RIGHTS—GROUP—REPORTS.
20050325             Embattled PERU—PRESIDENT—OPENS—NEW—FRONT : Relations between THE—SOUTH—USA—PACIFIC—NEIGHBOURS have strained —FOLLOWING the revelation by 1—FORMER—ECUADOR—MILITARY—OFFICER that CHILE had sold weapons to ECUADOR —DURING the so called "Condor War" between January and February 19950000            .
20050325             Americans clueless about GENE—ALTERED foods : —TODAY, about 75—PERCENT—OF—USA processed FOODS—BOXED cereals, other grain products, frozen dinners, cooking oils and MORE—CONTAIN genetically modified, or GENERAL—MOTORS, ingredients, said STEPHANIE—CHILDS—OF—THE—GROCERY—MANUFACTURERS—OF—AMERICA.
20050325             Hijacking Catastrophe : 20010911             , Fear + the Selling of USA—EMPIRE.
20050325             SCOTT—RITTER: Hijacking Democracy in IRAQ:
20050325             —EMBRACED, THE—IRAQ—ELECTIONS have been, almost universally as 1—GREAT—VICTORY for THE—FORCES—OF—DEMOCRACY
20050325             How Germans Fell for THE—'FEEL—GOOD' Fuehrer : Why did average Germans so heartily support the Nazi s and 3. Reich?
20050325             Hitler, says Goetz Aly, was a "feel good dictator," 1—LEADER who not only made Germans feel important, but also made sure they were well CARED—FOR by the state.
20050325             —CONSIDERED, UK—LEGAL—ADVISER, IRAQ war 'CRIME—OF—AGGRESSION' : BBC: 1—UK—GOVERNMENT—LEGAL—ADVISER resigned on THE—EVE—OF—THE—USA—LED invasion of IRAQ because she believed such action would be unlawful and amount to a "CRIME—OF—AGGRESSION," THE—BBC reported —THURSDAY.
20050325             IRAQ war: The smoking gun?
20050325             Was THE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL leant on to change his mind?
20050325             Straw hits —BACK—IN IRAQ law row : Foreign SECRETARY—JACK—STRAW has mounted 1—ROBUST DEFENCE—OF—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—LORD—GOLDSMITH—ADVICE on the legality of THE—IRAQ war.
20050325             Q&A: was the Government sure IRAQ war was legal?
20050325             IRAQ No Threat : Both COLIN—POWELL, USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE + Condoleezza Rice, PRESIDENT—BUSH—CLOSEST—ADVISER, made clear —BEFORE 20010911             that SADDAM—HUSSEIN was no THREAT—TO AMERICA, EUROPE or THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20050325             IRAQ—LULLABY:
20050325             —PROVIDED, Vocals by Laura Bush and MOTHERS—OF—AMERICA : Pictures, by PRESIDENT G W. Bush
20050325             Pentagon Confirms Unilateral PRE—EMPTIVE Strikes Are —NOW USA—POLICY
20050325             THE—MEANING—OF—WAR : War, specifically USA—IMPERIALIST—WAR, is based on the belief of imperial invincibility — based on mass media imagery of successful USA WARRIORS—SUPERMEN representing 1—RIGHTEOUS superpower.
20050325             Army Orders Further Involuntary Troop CALL—UP : THE—USA—ARMY is ordering more people to serve in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN involuntarily from 1—SELDOM—USED personnel pool as PART—OF—1—MOBILIZATION that began last —SUMMER.
20050325             —GRANTED, Grieving soldier finally, leave for baby's funeral : He was miles away from home, fighting the war in IRAQ, —WHEN his baby girl was stillborn.
20050325             THE—BATTLE—FOR—AMERICA—YOUTH : THE—USA—ARMY admits that it expects to miss its recruiting goals —THIS—MONTH and next and is working on 1 revised sales pitch appealing to THE—PATRIOTISM—OF—PARENTS.
20050325             Warlord Killed In Chechnya Was EX—USA—MARINE:
20050325             † -Rizvan Chitigov, who was killed in THE—DISTRICT—CENTER—SHALI in Chechnya —ON—WEDNESDAY, had graduated from 1—ELITE—USA—SUBVERSION and reconnaissance school and had served on 1—CONTRA ct basis in 1—USA—MARINE battalion
20050325             GUANTANAMO detainee gets "hearing" in rare GLIMPSE—OF—REVIEW—PROCESS : Navy CAPTAIN—ERIC—KANIUT, overall COMMANDER—OF—PENTAGON review processes here, said prisoners are skipping their hearings for reasons that range from sheer skepticism to disagreement with THE—USA—AUTHORITY to hold them.
20050325             Declassified FBI Reports Question GUANTANAMO Interrogation Techniques : "As I suspected, the previously withheld information had nothing to do with protecting intelligence sources or methods and everything to do with protecting DoD from embarrassment," THE—MICHIGAN—DEMOCRAT said in 1—STATEMENT.
20050325             Railroading Moussaoui : THE—MOUSSAOUI case is 1—WINDOW into the increasingly tyrannical WORKINGS—OF—THE—STATE, that's why it's buried on page 14a next to THE—WALL—MART ad.
20050325             USA in 1—SPOT over Darfur atrocities : FRANCE has put THE—USA in 1—TIGHT—SPOT by demanding 1—VOTE on 1—MEASURE referring perpetrators of atrocities in SUDAN—DARFUR region to THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT, which WASHINGTON rejects.
20050325             —TRIED, THE—QADDAFI—PROPOSAL : LIBYA—MUAMMAR—QADDAFI, to present 1—INITIATIVE in BEIRUT but faced immediate rejection, that of 1—CON—FEDERAL—ARRANGEMENT between ISRAEL and Palestine (Isratine).
20050325             Arab leaders relaunch SAUDI—ARABIA—MIDEAST peace initiative : Arab leaders —ON—WEDNESDAY relaunched a 20020000             peace initiative which offered ISRAEL normal relations in return for withdrawal to 19670000             borders.
20050325             —URGED, USA, ISRAEL, to emulate Syria : SYRIA—AMBASSADOR to WASHINGTON has expressed hope that his country's pullout from LEBANON would inspire THE—USA—AND—ISRAEL to withdraw from IRAQ and Palestine, respectively.
20050325             —ATTACKED, Dead in the Water : —DURING THE—6—DAY—WAR—ISRAEL, and nearly sank THE—USS—LIBERTY belonging to its closest ally, THE—USA.
20050325             34—USA—SERVICEMEN were killed in THE—2—HOUR—ASSAULT by ISRAEL i warplanes and torpedo boats.
20050325             Buck Up, THE—WORLD—HATES—USA—MORE—THAN—EVER : Bush should face prosecution at 1—WAR—CRIMES—TRIBUNAL for THE—MURDER—OF—THE—100,000-plus Iraqis he ordered killed by USA—TROOPS.
20050325             The revolution will be televised : Most people know that the corporate newspapers, radio and television exist to serve the interests of the big businesses that own them.
20050325             Bush decries border project: PRESIDENT—BUSH—YESTERDAY said he opposes 1—CIVIL—PROJECT to monitor illegal aliens crossing the border, characterizing them as "vigilantes".
20050325             School killer JEFF—WEISE was 1—LOST soul in 1—BLEAK—SETTING—THE—IRAN—THREAT: THE—BOMB or the Euro?
20050325             USA to sell F-16s to Pak, Bush tells Manmohan : "THE—PRIME—MINISTER—EXPRESSED—INDIA—GREAT—DISAPPOINTMENT at this decision which could have negative consequences for INDIA—SECURITY—ENVIRONMENT," Baru said.
20050325             PAKISTAN to Aid UN Probe Into IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM : PAKISTAN—PRESIDENT, PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF, says he has agreed to let THE—UNITED—NATIONS inspect his country's centrifuges, in connection with 1—PROBE into IRAN—CONTROVERSIAL—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM.
20050325             EU Accuses ISRAEL—OF—BREACHING—PEACE—ROAD—MAP : THE—EU expected ISRAEL to respect its obligations under the "road map," which included 1—FREEZE on Jewish settlements in occupied territories, Solana said.
20050325             —LEAKED, FBI probe into, secrets takes aim at AIPAC : Investigators must decide on the suspects in THE—CASE—LARRY—FRANKLIN alone;
20050325             WASHINGTON Focuses on Southern "Axis of Evil" : —WHILE USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH played NICE to 1—DEEPLY frustrated MEXICO—PRESIDENT—VICENTE—FOX at THE—NORTH—USA—SUMMIT in TEXAS —WEDNESDAY, USA—MEDIA—ATTENTION was focused more on Pentagon CHIEF—DONALD—RUMSFELD—EFFORTS to sound the alarm against Latin USA—TROUBLEMAKERS in his swing through the region —THIS—WEEK.
20050325             WMD Commission to Release Tough Findings : 1—PRESIDENTIAL—COMMISSION investigating WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION is highly CRITICAL—OF—USA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES' performance on IRAN, NORTH—KOREA and LIBYA and attempts to lay out what went wrong on IRAQ, according to individuals familiar with the findings.
20050325             —RECEIVED, THE—MISSING—WMD—REPORT : This matter has so far, little media coverage.
20050325             We speak with independent JOURNALIST—NAOMI—KLEIN, who —JUST returned from meeting with Sgrena in ROME.
20050325             IRAQ Checkpoint Killings Unchecked : —WHILE much media attention has been focused on the torture at ABU—GHRAIB, 2—OTHER—STRINGS—OF—QUESTIONABLE—KILLINGS by USA—SOLDIERS have been largely ignored by THE—USA—MEDIA + not 1—SINGLE—SOLDIER has faced ANY—DISCIPLINARY action for the deaths.
20050325             UNITED—NATIONS Report Quotes Threat By Assad to Harm Hariri : SYRIA—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD threatened FORMER—LEBANON—PRIME—MINISTER—RAFIQ—HARIRI with "physical harm" last —SUMMER if Hariri challenged ASSAD—DOMINANCE over LEBANON—POLITICAL—LIFE, according to testimony in 1—REPORT released —THURSDAY by A—UNITED—NATIONS—FACT—FINDING team.
20050325             Body DOUBLE—EVEN as THE—PRESIDENT was supporting his brother, FLORIDA GOVERNOR—JEB—BUSH + congressional Republicans in "defending THE—CULTURE—OF—LIFE" in the Schiavo case, doctors in HOUSTON were pulling the breathing tube from the throat of 1—AILING infant.
20050325             Unbelievable. Check out this story from FLORIDA.
20050325             THE—RIGHT—WING attack on academia is pure propaganda.
20050325             —NOTED, As we have, —EARLIER, THE—USA—CENTER—FOR Voting Rights, 1—ALLEGEDLY "NON—PARTISAN" group operating as a 501(c)3, is operating very much like 1—GOP front organization.
20050325             —COMPARED, BRAD—FRIEDMAN, it to JEFF—GANNON—TALON—NEWS, which was 1—FRONT for BOBBY—EBERLE—GOPUSA, which (I have argued) may in turn be 1—FRONT for Reverend Moon.
20050325             —NOW THE—WHY—ARE—WE —BACK—IN IRAQ
20050325             I strongly advise you to read his INTERVIEW—WITH—ACVR honcho JIM—DYKE, who cannot begin to disguise the partisan nature of his work.
20050325             Dyke blithely ignores or tosses aside all of the legitimate worries about 20040000             —THE election: PAPER—LESS computerized voting, voting machine companies run by men with ties to THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY, the damning exit poll disparity, the Conyers report, BLACKWELL—PROVEN criminality, SECRETARIES—OF—STATE who also function as G.O.P. state campaign heads, long lines in minority districts, THE—THOUSANDS—OF—REPORTS—OF "machine errors" which register false votes for Bush but never for Kerry + so forth.
20050325             Bush 's "mystery bulge" came up, in 1—ROUNDABOUT way, on THE—DAILY—HOWLER site —YESTERDAY.
20050325             Somerby: In —SUNDAY—OUTLOOK—SECTION, Milbank confesses to what his headline calls a "bias for mainstream news".
20050325             Consider 1—POLL —2—WEEKS—BEFORE 20040000             —THE election by THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—MARYLAND—PROGRAM on INTERNATIONAL Policy Attitudes: The survey found that 72—PERCENT—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH—SUPPORTERS believed that, —AT—THE—TIME—OF—THE—USA—INVASION, IRAQ had STOCKPILES—OF—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION or at least major illegal weapons programs.
20050325             Many on the left harbor their own fantasies that they consider FACT—ABOUT how Bush knew of 20010911             in advance, or how he was coached —DURING 1—OF—THE—PRESIDENTIAL—DEBATES—VIA 1—TRANSMITTER between his shoulder blades.
20050325             'see how it works?
20050325             The commentary about "BULGE—GATE" found on this humble blog (and on 1—NUMBER—OF—OTHERS—WEB—SITES, some of which are listed to your left) offer 1—SORT—OF—BALANCE to the mass hallucination that Saddam had WMDs.
20050325             We know that SADDAM—HUSSEIN did not have WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESRUCTION because HORDES—OF—INSPECTORS combed IRAQ, both —BEFORE and —AFTER the invasion.
20050325             How MANY—INSPECTORS (other than JOHN—KERRY, —AT—THE—END—OF—THE 2. debate) got 1—CHANCE to feel BUSH—BACK?
20050325             3. A
20050325             —CONFIRMED, NASA scientist has
20050325             4. Even if that NASA expert is mistaken + even if all my scribblings on the bulge are —1—DAY proven wrong, nobody has † as 1—RESULT—OF—ANYTHING I've written.
20050325             As for Bush foreknowledge of 20010911             : Is Milbank trying to convince us that the infamous Presidential Daily Briefing of 20050806             was imaginary?
20050325             (See here to understand why we can use the word "damning" with confidence.)
20050325             This issue provides RIGHT—WING operatives with 1—EXCELLENT—OPPORTUNITY to embroil the Democrats in 1—CLASSIC—FRAME—UP: As I've noted —BEFORE, anyone can sign up 1—CORPSE as 1—DEMOCRAT.
20050325             1—PIECE—OF—ANTI—SEMITIC—PROPAGANDA,which you can find here.
20050325             2004062426_Report 20040600             sondern auch seine Mutter, eine professionelle Sprinterin...
20050325             Baker Botts LLP | RAYMOND—G—LARROCA... in proceedings initiated by the Watergate special prosecutor..
20050325             Baker Botts L.L.P. Langley, R. SCOTT—OF—COUNSEL 212.408.2531 ... Larroca, RAYMOND—PARTNER 202.639.7794 ... Larsen, MATTHEW—L—ASSOCIATE 214.953.6673
20050325             ".. instaluje debiana na servie au siebie w domu juz mam od tygodnie :P.
20050325             "Sztuczna Inteligencja nie ma szans z Naturalna Glupota" - JOHN—HENDERS...
20050325             MAM Deuss, Chairman, Transworld Oil Limited.
20050325             Jordo MEDIA—VIEW THE—FEED—BIZOFFSHORE_com
20050325             JOHN—DEUSS is 1—MAVERICK businessman with major intrests in oil + gas ( Transworld Oil ) who is —NOW trying to build 1—GLOBAL—ELECTRONIC—PAYMENTS...
20050325             Was NY MET—ITALY Deal A BLOOMBERG—BERLUSCONI Pact?
20050325             Deuss, CEO—OF—TRANSWORLD—OIL + CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—BERMUDA—COMMERICAL—BANK, once employed CIA spymaster Ted " Blond Ghost " Shackley ( —AFTER Shackley left the...
20050325             -May be, that's why, from USA You can't find it ANY—MORE, —SINCE arround 20071011             ... THE—WIFE—OF—1—FREEMASON...
20050325             (Spike) Zywicki — biography... but in those days BOOZ—ALLEN... Senior management: JOHN—CHR—MAM—DEUSS — Chairman + CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OFFICER;...  - 250
20050325             Annual report ? THE—INVESTMENT—COMPANY—OF—AMERICA-... but Watergate... TERRY—DORNBUSH.
20050325             Maurits E. Edersheim. Lane C. Grijns.
20050325             CALVIN—H—HABER.
20050325             Sex macht fröhlicher als Geld Laut der Studie 'Money, Sex and Happiness: An... Laut der Studie 'Money, Sex and Happiness: An Empirical...
20050325             GENERAL—ADERHOLT and GENERAL—SECORD are but 2—EXAMPLES—OF—THE—RARE—TYPE—OF... 1—NONPROFIT research organization in THE—USA, Shebarshin said: "We have...
20050325             Mikhail S Gorbachev SHEBARSHIN LEONID—V - Bearden,M. Risen,J. THE—MAIN—ENEMY.
20050325             - Shebarshin, LEONID—VLADIMIROVICH.
20050325             Ruka Moskvy: zapiski nachalnika sovetskoi. Secord, Campbell.
20050325             Energy and natural resources in AFGHANISTAN.
20050325             Vernon Jones, THE—WILLIAMS—COMPANIES, INCORPORATED, on behalf of the Interstate Natural...
20050325             MERCADO Digital.—NUCNEWS - 20001228             ...
20050325             Henry O. - Dormann, Chairman + EDITOR—IN—
20050325             twee vliegtuigen... His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa AL—THANI R. - JOHN—CHR.
20050325             HENRY—O—DORMANN, Chairman + EDITOR—IN—CHIEF, LEADERS Magazine.
20050325             IRENE—FARBER.
20050325             There are about 142.000—USA—TROOPS in IRAQ;
20050325             THE—USA—DEATH—TOLL—STANDS at... as THE—WIFE—OF—1—FREEMASON...
20050325—19670000    —AFTER, PHILIP—AGEE is 1—FORMER—CIA—OPERATIVE who left the agenc becoming disillusioned by THE—CIA—SUPPORT for the status quo in the region.
20050325—19670000    —AFTER, THE—NATURE—OF—CIA—INTERVENTION in VENEZUELA : PHILIP—AGEE is 1—FORMER—CIA—OPERATIVE who left the agency becoming disillusioned by THE—CIA—SUPPORT for the status quo in the region.
20050325—19940000    Intelligence News...
20050325—20010911    -3—YEARS—AFTER—THE—ATTACKS, AMERICA—POLITICIANS + media continue to gravely deceive the public about THE—SO—CALLED—WAR—ON—TERRORISM.
20050325—20010911    20010911             , Fear + the Selling of USA—EMPIRE.
20050325—20010911    —IN—THE, It also found that 75—PERCENT—OF—BUSH—VOTERS believed that IRAQ either gave al Qaeda "substantial support" or was directly involved, attacks.
20050325—20050207    Nonviolent Peaceforce CANADA and St.
20050325—20050214    —ON, killed by 1—BOMB—BLAST
20050325—20050323    THE—UNDOING—OF—AMERICA:
20050325—20050324    THE—IRAN—THREAT: THE—BOMB or the Euro?:
20050325—20050325 'see how it works? The commentary about "BULGE—GATE" found on this humble blog (and on 1—NUMBER—OF—OTHERS—WEB—SITES,
20050325—20050925    —ON, It ended.
20050326             1—OF—THOSE, Wackenhut, is 1—VIRTUAL—CIA proprietary... RICHARD—SECORD—RETIRED AF GENERAL tied to CIA drug operations from THE—VIETNAM era... 20050325             20050327             USDOL/OALJ Reporter: Whistleblower Caselist - 19950000             to 19960000             —ERA... Raytheon Engineers & Constructors, INCORPORATED Recommended ORDER—OF—DISMISSAL (ALJ... Wackenhut Corp. Order Recommending DISMISSAL—OF—COMPLAINT (ALJ 20050719             ... 20050325             20050327             HighBeam Research Library Search our extensive archive of more than 34—MILLION—DOCUMENTS from over 3000—SOURCES - 1—VAST... - 20050325             20050327             Apart from what is widely known about OLBERMANN—HIS—WORK at ESPN, Fox, MISS—NBC... 20050325             20050327             USDOL/OALJ Reporter: Whistleblower Caselist - 19950000             to 19960000             —ERA... Raytheon Engineers & Constructors, INCORPORATED Recommended ORDER—OF—DISMISSAL (ALJ... Wackenhut Corp. Order Recommending DISMISSAL—OF—COMPLAINT (ALJ 20050719             ... 20050325             20050408             widerst@ND—MUND vom 20010719             ... Demonstranten aus ganz ITALIEN und dem übrigen Westeuropa Richtung Genua... Staatspräsident ROBERT—MUGABE bislang erworben, um das Land an landlose...
20050714             —EXPOSED, AL—QAEDA cleric, as an MI5 double agent By DANIEL—MCGRORY and RICHARD—FORD, 20040325             20060322             The list, effective 20060325             , bans 92—AIRLINES from plying EU skies all together and puts restrictions on another 3—FROM flying certain TYPES—OF—AIRPLANES into the 25-nation bloc.
20060324—20060325    —KILLED, SOUTH—EAST—TURKEY, government troops, 14—KURDISH—GUERRILLAS—NEAR the hamlet of Senyayla.
20060325             Tradition says she originated in the 10010101—11001231     in CHINA—SOUTH—FUJIAN province, directly across from TAIWAN.
20060325             (Xinhuanet) -- USA—PRESIDENT—NEWS—BUSH rejects call for quick IRAQ handover at Gore: GEORGE—BUSH [ SENIOR] taking credit for the wall coming down is like... mass destruction and the missiles to... Adviser, 19980218            .
20060325             "[ W ]e.
20060325             Hierzu gab es vor kurzem 1—FEATURE bei INDY—MAXE 200602231516
20060325             LOS—ANGELES, 20060324             (AP) — THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE across the country protested —FRIDAY against legislation cracking down on illegal immigrants,
20060325             Author: PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—HANNITY & Colmes Piece on Sheen 20010911             Comments Prison Planet_com | 20060324             20060325             LOS—ANGELES, 20060324             (AP) — THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE across the country protested —FRIDAY against legislation cracking down on illegal immigrants, with demonstrators in cities including LOS—ANGELES, PHOENIX and ATLANTA staging school walkouts, marches and work stoppages.
20060325             —RALLIED, Some 500,000—PEOPLE, in LOS—ANGELES to protest legislation in Congress that would tighten enforcement against undocumented immigrants and erect more walls along the southern border.
20060325             —DUBBED, SF, 1—EVANGELICAL—CHRISTIAN concert, "BATTLE—CRY for 1—GENERATION," drew some 25,000 teens to AT&T Park.
20060325             SEATTLE—WASHINGTON, AARON—KYLE—HUFF, —28—JAHRE—ALT fatally shot 6—PEOPLE at 1—PARTY and then killed himself.
20060325             † BUCK—OWENS, USA—COUNTRY singer, (76).
20060325             —SHAPED, The flashy rhinestone cowboy, THE—SOUND—OF—COUNTRY—MUSIC with hits like "Act Naturally" and brought the genre to TV on THE—LONG—RUNNING "Hee Haw".
20060325             —INCLUDED, His films, "20,000—LEAGUES Under the Sea" (19540000             ) and "CONAN—THE—DESTROYER" (19840000             ).
20060325             —BACKED, Afghan and USA—TROOPS, by USA—AIRCRAFT fought suspected Taliban in SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, leaving 1—USA—SERVICE—MEMBER and 7—MILITANTS—DEAD.
20060325             Researchers said 1—PROTOTYPE scramjet engine, that could ultimately lead to —2—HOUR—JET—FLIGHTS from AUSTRALIA to BRITAIN, was launched in THE—SOUTH—AUSTRALIA—OUTBACK.
20060325             4—EXPLOSIONS were heard, apparently percussion grenades set off by police.
20060325             Kimmie Meissner won the ladies' World Figure Skating Championships title in CALGARY, ALBERTA—CANADA.
20060325             —STARTED, CANADA—HUNTERS, shooting and clubbing harp seal pups at THE—START—OF—1—ANNUAL hunt that is the focus of 1—TECH—SAVVY protest by animal rights groups.
20060325             INDIA, PRIME—MINISTER—MANMOHAN—SINGH and IRAN—VICE—PRESIDENT—RAHIM—MASHAEE held talks in NEW—DELHI —DURING which they stressed the need to strengthen bilateral ties, particularly in the energy sector.
20060325             —REPORTED, It was, that INDONESIA was losing almost 2m HECTARES—OF—FOREST —1—YEAR, 1—AREA the size of MASSACHUSETTS or WALES.
20060325             —CONTINUED, Timber stock, to disappear at 1—RATE—OF—3% —1—YEAR and over the last —15—YEARS has resulted in 1—LOSS—OF a 3. of the country's stock.
20060325             1—BOMB exploded in 1—BOOTH for traffic police in NORTH—BAGHDAD, killing 4—CIVILIANS.
20060325             —WRAPPED, MOHAMMED—VI—KING—OF—MOROCCO, up a —6—DAY—VISIT to WEST—SAHARA with talks on 1—PLAN to give the territory greater autonomy which will be submitted soon to THE—UN.
20060325             —EXILED, NIGERIA said it will send back to LIBERIA, EX—PRESIDENT and 1—TIME warlord CHARLES—TAYLOR, wanted for trial on war crimes by 1—UN—BACKED court.
20060325             Suspected Tamil Tigers blew up their fishing boat to avoid capture by 1—NAVY—PATROL off THE—WEST—COAST—OF—SRI—LANKA, leaving 6—REBELS—DEAD and 8—SAILORS missing.
20060325             TAIWAN—ANNUAL —8—DAY—MATSU festival began.
20060325             —REVERED, Once, as 1—PROTECTOR of mariners and 1—GUARANTOR of bountiful harvests, she is —NOW seen as 1—ALL—PURPOSE—PURVEYOR—OF—HEALTH, wealth and happiness.
20060325             —RALLIED, Tens of thousands, in BANGKOK, begging their KING to intervene in 1—LAST—DITCH effort to force PRIME—MINISTER—THAKSIN—SHINAWATRA from office.
20060325             THE—VATICAN—FOREIGN—MINISTER said that the "time is ripe" for the Holy See and BEIJING to establish diplomatic relations, and confirmed it is ready to move its embassy from TAIWAN.
20060325             —WAS—TITLED, His 19930000             memoir, "—JUST Tell Me —WHEN to Cry".
20060325             —CLASHED—BELARUS, riot police, with protesters in MINSK, forcing demonstrators back and hitting several with truncheons.
20060325             —WAS—REPORTED, It, that FINLAND— 15—YEAR—OLDS have the highest level of mathematical skills, scientific knowledge and READING literacy of ANY—RICH industrialized country.
20060325             —WOODED—HAITI, 17—HUMAN skulls were found in 1—TRASH—STREWN, lot outside PORT—AU—PRINCE, including at least some discovered inside 1—CONTAINER that had been tossed from 1—PASSING car.
20060325             —WERE—KILLED, IRAQ, more than 50—PEOPLE, in violence, many in 1—GUNBATTLE between Shiite militia forces and insurgents SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20060325             —ANNOUNCED—NIGERIA, a —2—DAY—EXTENSION—OF—1—CONTROVERSIAL census to allow for everyone in AFRICA—MOST populous nation to be counted despite delays caused by poor organization and violence.
20060325             —HAD—ARRESTED, PAKISTAN, police said they, 57—RENEGADE tribesmen over the last —24—HOURS in connection with recent bomb and rocket attacks that have killed several people in SOUTH—WEST—PAKISTAN.
20060325             —ARMED—SOMALIA, HUNDREDS—OF—HEAVILY, Islamic militiamen launched 1—OFFENSIVE to try to capture 1—KEY port and airstrip on the northeastern outskirts of MOGADISHU.
20060325             —ORIGINATED, Tradition says she, in the 10010101—11001231    —CENTURY in CHINA—SOUTH—FUJIAN province, directly across from TAIWAN.
20060325             500,000 March in L.A. Against Immigration Bill
20060325             —SURPRISED, They, the police + maybe themselves, their T—SHIRTS turning block —AFTER block of downtown LOS—ANGELES streets white in 1—DEMONSTRATION so massive that few causes in recent USA—HISTORY could have matched it.
20060325             Selling Universal Healthcare
20060325             SELLING UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE....STEVE—BENEN points to polling data that says 70—PERCENT—OF—USA—S think the government spends too little on healthcare + concludes,
20060325             "Public opinion is already leaning towards single payer, whether they're familiar with the phrase or not".
20060325             —MONITORED, THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY could have legally, ordinarily confidential communications between doctors and patients or attorneys + their clients,
20060325             THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—SAID—FRIDAY of its controversial warrantless surveillance program.
20060325             1—GOVERNMENT—LAWYER whose misconduct nearly derailed THE—DEATH—PENALTY—TRIAL—OF—ZACARIAS MOUSSAOUI will not have to testify about her actions at 1—HEARING—MONDAY, court officials said —YESTERDAY.
20060325             Darkhorse Marines Do What They Can
20060325             —FROM THE—NOT—EXCITING—ENOUGH—FOR—THE—NIGHTLY—NEWS—FILE comes word that Marines from Company I,
20060325             3. Battalion, 5. Marine Regiment delivered 1—NEW—TOP—OF—THE—LINE—PEDIATRIC wheelchair to 1—LITTLE—GIRL in AL—HASA,
20060325             IRAQ.
20060325             20,000 in PHOENIX—RALLY for Immigrant Rights
20060325             with demonstrators in cities including LOS—ANGELES, PHOENIX and ATLANTA staging school walkouts,
20060325             marches and work stoppages.
20060325             Congress is considering. GERMANY Accepts Strict Piracy Law
20060325             1—BEAUTIFUL—MIND writes "THE—TIMESONLINE is reporting that GERMANY has accepted 1—NEW—PIRACY—LAW,
20060325             'Germans risk —2—YEARS in prison if they illegally download films and music for private use under 1—NEW—LAW agreed —YESTERDAY.
20060325             —JAILED, Anybody who downloads films for commercial use could be, for up to —5—YEARS.
20060325             —DEFENDED, MANY—POLITICIANS, the new law, amongst them GÜNTHER—KRINGS,
20060325             —CLAIMED, THE—CHRISTIAN—DEMOCRAT legal affairs spokesman, who : 'There should be no legal distinction between stealing chewing gum from 1—SHOP and performing 1—ILLEGAL—DOWNLOAD.'"
20060325             And people who choose to heal with plants go to jail
20060325             —SURVIVED, How we, jail hell
20060325             —NOW, in this remarkable INTERVIEW—WITH—DAVID—ROSE, they describe for the 1. time the extraordinary story of their journey from THE—WEST—MIDLANDS to Camp Delta DAVID—ROSE
20060325             —SURVIVED, How we, jail hell, part 2
20060325             Read part 1—HERE—STUDY: AIPAC Works Against USA—INTERESTS
20060325             EX—UN—CHIEF: AMERICA HAS 'Lost Its Moral Compass'
20060325             "Free" Traders —NOW Aiming to Exploit NORTH—KOREA—ENSLAVED workers
20060325             THE—STAR—SPANGLED Fantasyland of the Fake and Home of the Bogus
20060325             Please keep your comments on TOPIC—THANK you.
20060325             GOD—NAME, this video can not come off of this site as of 20060325             as stated.
20060325             stopped + punished.
20060325             God help us! THE—DOC | 20062203             - 5:44 pm | #
20060325             Please fix it and you must compile these truths and make 1—PERMENANT space for them.
20060325             I suggest you do what ever you need to do to see this video.
20060325             No 1 can watch this video and not call for the release of everyone in Americas gulag.
20060325             —CIVILIZED, No, society would condone this. Guess who? | Homepage
20060325             I feel wounded and tearful to see and hear the actual faces and voices of these men and what has been done to them.
20060325             Perhaps they are young enough or strong enough to continue thier lives uneffected, but I doubt it.
20060325             I would expect to hear of thier difficulty adjusting, nightmares, difficulty trusting, among other problems.
20060325             Have they no legal recourse?
20060325             It is incredible story to watch them lose their innocense + the black spot they will need to overcome for the rest of thier lives.
20060325             —SADDENED, As well, as 1—AMERICA I am deeply, by what has been done in my name;
20060325             that this is what they have in mind —WHEN they say all possible is being done to guarantee my security.
20060325             The price, the cost is too high + will boomerang.
20060325             We will all be in debt for 1—LONG—TIME.
20060325             —SERVED, God help us if justice is not ultimately.
20060325             uh, everybody understands that this isn't 1—DOCUMENTARY, it's 1—DOCU—DRAMA.
20060325             —PURPORTED, MOST—OF—THE—TIME we're watching actors RE—ENACTING, events.
20060325             it's 1—NICE—JOB though. hooboy | 20062303             - 2:34 am | #
20060325             I wish I could tell these men I'm so sorry.
20060325             EVERY—USA—NEEDS to see this film.
20060325             I'm going to write to EVERY—NEWS—ORGANIZATION + talk show encouraging them to invite these 3—MEN,
20060325             MICHAEL—WINTERBOTTOM, MAT—WHITECROSS + possibly the actors to THE—USA to discuss this film.
20060325             1. on my list is OPRAH Winfrey, she reaches more people than cable news or ANY—NEWS—SHOW for that matter.
20060325             I would encourage everyone to do the same. This story needs to be told.
20060325             Sam | 20062303             - 3:40 am | # - They really do control through fear eh?
20060325             My FEAR—OF—WRITING 1—RESPONSE, for starters....
20060325             Perhaps that's why, hours —AFTER the 3/4—OF—THIS moving video through which I could get + tossing + crying —THROUGHOUT the night,
20060325             —WHEN I come to reload the remainder, I find 1—MERE 6—RESPONSES?
20060325             —WATCHED, Are we to believe that we are the only 6—WHOM, this...or are we the only brave 6,
20060325             —NOW 7, who dare to risk what we own, have, know + love to speak out?
20060325             I could care less that these are reinactments.
20060325             Duh, Neocon, no 1 is doubting that.
20060325             The fact remains that IN AMERICA, faithful Muslims and good people,
20060325             like "us" in all other ways, ARE being drug from their homes and interrogated relentlessly, only to return + resume their "regular" life if + —WHEN "lucky"...drug to other horrors if not so.
20060325             THAT is the documentary I expect from this man next, but in such 1—WORLD—OF—INFORMATION vs.
20060325             dissinformation all to keep a power crux,
20060325             what will we ever really see? What will ANY—OF—USA ever really know?
20060325             Do I believe that this has the power to awaken MANY—PEOPLE?
20060325             Absolutely.
20060325             WILL—OPRAH for all the publicists, viewers, or money in all the world EVER air anything remotely close to this....HECK NO...but it is time to awaken others.
20060325             —WATCHED, MOST—OF—USA who, this already knew....
20060325             What more should we EACH—FIND in our hearts/souls to teach and do to stand up against this tyranny and these consistent atrocities committed in our name + honour?
20060325             † My nation has...And herein lies the proof.
20060325             1—TRULY heartbreaking and touching film.
20060325             1—FILM that consolidates the fact that THE—USA—USES THE—EXCUSE—OF—TERRORISM to practice terror.
20060325             However 1—SLIGHT—CRITICISM—OF—THE—FILM in my eyes was that not enough emphasis was given to the torture and agony that the prisoners probably encontered and continue to do so.
20060325             But overall 1—VERY moving PIECE—OF—MEDIA.
20060325             I encourage EVERY—PERSON READING this comment to tell their family,
20060325             friends, colleagues etc to watch this movie to ensure that the illegal & amoral practices + polices carried out by THE—USA—ARMY and government can be displayed clearly.
20060325             1 has to remember that this film only focuses on 3—OF—THE—INNOCENT—PRISONERS that were wrongfully held.
20060325             1—CANNOT ignore the fact that their continues to be over 400—INNOCENT (—UNTIL proven guilty) people that are being held in GUANTANAMO,
20060325             that are most likely encountering the same, if not higher levels of anguish and torture.
20060325             LET—DO everything in our power to work for the release of the remaining prisoners as 'Those who have the privilege to know,
20060325             have 1—DUTY to act" ALBERT—EINSTEIN.
20060325             Rizwaan Sabir BA Politics undergraduate MANCHESTER—ENGLAND Rizwaan Sabir | 20062303             - 4:18 pm | #
20060325             —JUST like the other video, this 1—WILL not play, maybe the Goverment does not want this video view in Pennysilvania.
20060325             I'm getting real mad.
20060325             I watched this late last night + had nightmares. It is revolution time.
20060325             We can hold out —UNTIL the next election, but everytime you hear how democrats are not selling themselves + THE—REPUBLICAN s are in "virtual dead heats" with the dim dems,
20060325             then KNOW you are being prepared to have another "close election" decided by faulty machines.
20060325             If we do not get RID—OF—BUSH + I disagree with anyone who says he should not be impeached,
20060325             that we've had ENOUGH—OF—THIS "back + forth,
20060325             you got me, —NOW I'm gonna get you," as stated by Murtha, then know they are wrong
20060325             I falsely supported CLINTON, because he talked 1—GOOD—GAME—MOST—OF—THE—TIME + because he wasn't 1—REPUBLICAN who wanted to turn back the clock.
20060325             —HAVE—BEEN—IMPEACHED, OKAY—I was wrong, but even still, I thought he should, for lying.
20060325             Even for the highly personal shit because he saw fit to lie to us instead of standing up for his + thereby our, right to privacy.
20060325             BUSH needs to go. chcney needs to go. rumsfeld needs to go.
20060325             gonzalez needs to go back to the gay bars.
20060325             We must stop this bus in its tracks. Revolution?
20060325             You bet. kdaves | 20062303             - 5:11 pm | #
20060325             Is it possible to convert the video to windows media and quick time (Please try and keep the file size small —WHILE maintaining quality) so that we can increase THE—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE who can view this video
20060325             Email me with the video location. Thank you.
20060325             Tom | HOMEPAGE—ITS—TIME to stand up and shout, instead of sit down and shut up.
20060325             This has made me so sick. tho i cant reclick, link wont work i want to watch again.
20060325             This is so terrible, so MANY—PEOPLE ae going thru this + its unjust, they dont deserve this.
20060325             What THE—USA—MILITARY and government are doing is extremely evil.
20060325             —HAS—EARNED, BUSH, his spot right next to Hitler. May God Bless Us all.
20060325             This is seriously mind blowing PEACE AND LOVE—JUST—ANOTHER | 20062303             - 7:03 pm | #
20060325             I real enjoyed this video but I think it made THE—USA & UK soldiers look like Angels compaired to what they are really like.
20060325             We need more videos like these, good work Information Clearing House.
20060325             is there 1—FIX that works without more spyware + NSA holes?
20060325             Please speak up to mozzilla (they think i am 1—CONFIG kiddy) but they will have to help —AFTER more folk start help thread on this at the fourms.
20060325             Also RealPlayer files from other "non political sources" seem to work —JUST fine?
20060325             Why?
20060325             does the clearinghouse use SOME—SPECIAL—FORM—OF—REALPLAYER to encode it's stuff?
20060325             I—HARDLY think this is the case.
20060325             THE—NSA press rel. tell me that it is CONDI and HER NSA super computer stopping this content from working (anyone seen 1—BIG hit in torrent function?)
20060325             This is the Early stages of "Total Spectrum Control".
20060325             p.s. No i am NOT parinoid. Masher1 | Homepage
20060325             4—OR 5—TIMES I've tried watching the video, but it quits early on.
20060325             I'll keep trying.
20060325             READING the comments of those who HAVE seen it, gives me 1—SENSE—OF—THE devistating,
20060325             deliberate 'MANS—INHUMANITY—TO—MAN' cruelty and horrors;
20060325             suffered at the hands of sick, degenerates;
20060325             these 3 & countless other faceless souls endured & are still.
20060325             Q: IS there a 'humane' penalty and —JUST punishment for such INjustices?
20060325             Namely?
20060325             Q: Considering the abundence of [allegedly] closed USA—MILITARY—BASES;
20060325             all things considered; why hasn't USA—INTEREST long —SINCE been abandoned?
20060325             —AM I alone in wondering what sort of quiet 'bargain' must exist that causes THE—CUBA—GOVERNMENT.
20060325             to continue to allow USA—ACCESS to and/or ANY—USE—OF this specific 'USA—MILITARY—INSTILLATION' on their soil?
20060325             —JUST WHO Is THE—AUTHOR—OF—THIS—FILM?
20060325             Anyone? Who made this Film? Sure has an CIA propaganda film.
20060325             Masher1 | HOMEPAGE—THE—TECHNIQUES used are brutal and stupid.
20060325             I can't get over the idiocy of the cartoonish questions asked of these guys.
20060325             —TRAINED, Who, these 'INTERROGATORS'—WITH nothing but the same stupid cliches coming out of their ignorant mouths?
20060325             Is this what GUANTANAMO is all about?
20060325             What 1—WASTE—OF—MONEY and effort.
20060325             I don't think that if this is the best THE—USA can come up with that the world's hyperpower will last for long...but then look at how they messed up in something as basic as Katrina.
20060325             —IMPOVERISHED, No wonder they have to bomb, people back into the stoneage.
20060325             —SUFFERED, —WHILE these screwball UNITED—KINGDOM—FELLOWS, they clearly came away with nothing but contempt for their captors... so much for 'Shock and Awe'...
20060325             —KILLED, You would have thought THE—USA—AUTHORITIES would have —JUST, their useless prisoners OUT—OF—EMBARASSMENT so that their incompetence wouldn't become public knowledge.
20060325             This is the way AMERICA GETS its 'intelligence'?
20060325             —SUCCEEDED, Is this why MISTER—ATTA and company ?
20060325             —SCARED, Please —NOW I really am, for my country.
20060325             My dad always said 'military intelligence was 1—OXYMORAN'. robin | 20062303—20102303    :02 pm | #
20060325             EVERY—AMERICAN should watch this, alright!! Wake up you people.
20060325             It is 1—SEVERE—INDICTMENT on your Government and 1—WORSE—INDICTMENT on yourselves.
20060325             —HAVE—BEEN—SCARED, You, into submission, to scared to comment in case there is 1—KNOCK at your door.
20060325             18—COMMENTS about this. Its pathetic.
20060325             Who would get this LEVEL—OF—ACCESS for 1—FILM—OF this type,at 1—TIME—LIKE this.
20060325             Really access to large transport planes for filming REAL rounds used and other Unusual LEVELS—OF—ACCESS to USA/UNITED—KINGDOM—STUFF
20060325             —JUST what is this movie here for?
20060325             Can anyone think of 1—GOOD—REASON to release this film?
20060325             I surely can.
20060325             This is 1—PLAY an Very elaborate + cunning CIA farie show to make you aware of + to respect this level + TENOR—OF—TREATMENT you can expect to see if this CHARLIE—SHEEN type stuff continues.
20060325             This will be you if you fight the coming level of civic rights loss + other losses that FACE EVERY—SINGLE—SO—CALLED—USA—AFTER this plans next part is revealed + loosed upon THE—WORLD.
20060325             —BLINDED, This is 1—VIDEO that should be shown —THROUGHOUT our, and purposely misinformed nation.
20060325             You will find nothing even remotely as informative as this film on the Controlled Media such as FOX—NEWS or Cable TV.
20060325             I watched it all the way through, not wanting to miss a 2. of these young men's terrible ordeal...from their YOUNG—MEN—INNOCENCE about life,
20060325             all the way through to their sad awakening to the horrors that abound in this world...horrors that could come upon ANY—1—OF—USA —WHEN we least expect it.
20060325             I know that what we have been shown is only the tip of what those innocent young men endured.
20060325             What recourse do they + others like them have ?
20060325             I am so ashamed of what my country is doing secretly + yet supposedly with my approval.
20060325             Anyone that can still believe 1—WORD that emanates from the mouth of anyone connected to this ADMINISTRATION would have to be wearing blinders,
20060325             or else be totally ignorant.
20060325             It is past time to clean out THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20060325             I am including the Congress and Senate, as well.
20060325             MOST—OF—THEM have been 1—PARTY to probably the worst debacle in THE—HISTORY—OF—OUR nation, bar none.
20060325             Democrats, get up on your hind legs and start acting like leaders —BEFORE it is too late.
20060325             1—GOOD—EXAMPLE to follow is SENATOR—RUSS—WEINGOLD.
20060325             We do not want more REPUBLICAN Lites pretending to be Democrats.
20060325             Thank you, PCH.
20060325             As for THE—AUTHORS—OF—THE—FILM, 1—WOULD have thought anyone who had been —FOLLOWING THE—INTERNATIONAL—NEWS over THE—LAST—MONTH would know who they are:
20060325             no, I take that back, the link WORKS—THERE is 1—LAG—OF—1—FEW minutes and 1—DRAG on your browser —WHILE it loads and buffers up.
20060325             No i MEAN THE—REAL—AUTHORS - I can read dude. I also know about google
20060325             so let me get this strait this mark dude pulled all this togher the c130 the armour the troops the uniforms all the live fire everything.
20060325             sorry dudes this is —JUST not even close to being believable.
20060325             The true reason for this film is going to STUN most USA residents i think.
20060325             better look into it USA.
20060325             I mean heck THIS FILM produced in this political climate without SOME—HIGH—LEVEL—HELP is —JUST not going to happen.
20060325             THE—NEO—CON—TOTAL—CONTROL—OF—THE—RELEASE—OF—20010911              info in THE—AMERICAN + BRITSH media will not succumb why this film.
20060325             Or what you are saying is that this 1—GOT THORUGH eh?
20060325             1—LITTLE—VICTORY for the good guys eh?
20060325             look at the content. look at the delevery.
20060325             Who gets access to gitmo for fillming.
20060325             Also look at the very carefully chosen personalitys in the film. sooner or —LATER AMERICA YOU will have to take CONTROL—OF—YOUR land
20060325             Sooner or —LATER. Revere it if you want.
20060325             Propaganda is what is. THE—CIA is the source.
20060325             The link appears to be out Tom.
20060325             i cant open this link and watch the video
20060325             its not WORCATEYE—KING—OF— | 20062403—20122403    :27 am | # - I —JUST finished watching it.
20060325             As I said, it takes 1—FEW minutes to load and buffer up.
20060325             The idea that THE—MAKERS—OF—THE—FILM were PART—OF—SOME—SORT—OF—CIA—SCHEME is 1—LITTLE naive.
20060325             I don't think "Masher1" understands the difference between THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—TV—NETWORKS + THE—USA—ONES.
20060325             Having said that, it is no PART—OF—MY agenda to "revere" the film.
20060325             It might cheer "masher1" up if I point out though that 1—FUNCTION—OF—THE—FILM is to exculpate MI5 from responsibility -
20060325             right at the end it carries 1 printed screen message to the effect that the supposed MI5 interrogator confessed to being 1—USA—PHONY.
20060325             definitely problems with the link, I started watching it —YESTERDAY, but hadn't time, —TODAY it freezes my computer. ian | 20062403             - 1:56 am | #
20060325             Yeah, ROWAN—I caught that too.
20060325             —INVOLVED, THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—INTELLIGENCE is —JUST as, they don't get 1—FREE pass.
20060325             The thing I've been thinking about todays is the release of THE—3—CHRISTIAN peacemakers.
20060325             —PUSHED, Interesting that the story, the massacres by USA—TROOPS—OF—THE—FRONT—PAGES.
20060325             I know it sounds far fetched but I honestly wouldn't put it past this ADMINISTRATION to have had SOME—OF—THIER liberated IRAQ—FRIENDS holding these guys.
20060325             —AFTER all, they were expendible peacenicks.
20060325             —TWISTED, It's really sad that our government is so, that I'd even fathom the thought.
20060325             I've never been 1 to believe in all those far fetched conspiracy theories but I wouldn't put it past our current government.
20060325             I'm also left wondering about the fact that Canadians had special forces in IRAQ.
20060325             I always suspected they were 1—OF—THE—COUNTRIES that supported THE—USA/BRITISH "coalition" but didn't want to be publicly named.
20060325             I think my suspicions have been confirmed.
20060325             I find outfits like the so called "CPT" really irritating.
20060325             If people want to help the Iraqis must they send emissaries, can't they —JUST support IRAQ—HELPING organisations?
20060325             I —JUST downloaded it —NOW without problems, I suppose it depends where you live.
20060325             Try downloading from THE—WEBSITE—OF—CHANNEL 4.
20060325             For those of you having trouble watching it try right clicking on the video and playing it in real player.
20060325             I've had no trouble watching ANY—OF—THE—VIDEOS but the sound is all screwed up so I can't watch from the site directly.
20060325             the above is not working try is 1 - Naive Eh? Well SOD oFF YA fool.
20060325             Go ahead keep your head in the sand i could not care less.
20060325             But this film is GARBAGE ment to further KILLING.
20060325             You think this WILL—STOP—KILLING?
20060325             this is 1—STEP down the ladder if you don't see the message in THE—PROPER—LIGHT.
20060325             this is 1—CIA trick i assure all the real intrested folk (regardless of NSA bott posts promoting this ENTRTAINMENT)
20060325             Me i KNOW government flix —WHEN i see them.
20060325             —SHOCKED, Really this is so blatent that i am sort of, to see this WEIRD fawning over this Obvious ganada flic.
20060325             Are You! Brainwashed? MISTER—UK? Masher1 | Homepage
20060325             And I study MANY—LANDS—MEDIA + government very closely and do not comment lightly about such topics.
20060325             As to the lack of understanding well that is not even worth mention really.
20060325             Masher1 | HOMEPAGE—MOST Brits don't even know WHO owns LONDON.
20060325             perhaps its is you who is to have 1—LEARNING session on what is truth.
20060325             there is 1—MITT FULL—OF—REAL—CANADA—TRUTH here have 1—LOOK.
20060325             no Fights needed this is —JUST plain NEWS folks
20060325             This film is long on show but short on real hard idenifiable facts.
20060325             REAL pretty tho all the action and death strewn about NICE and real like.
20060325             If you are into that crap i suppose.
20060325             "Snach back your BRAINS Zombies"
20060325             "Snach Em back and hold Em" ICE—T (johnny nememonic) Masher1 | Homepage
20060325             I guess the soldiers whould have been better off —JUST beheading the poor guys, like their counterparts do to the prisoners they kidnap.
20060325             —BEHEADED, At least these people can have nightmares, the, ones are —JUST dead. joe | 20062403             - 3:26 am | #
20060325             "This movie shows the sadism and stupidity of THE—USA and UNITED—KINGDOM—SOLDIERS".
20060325             quite 1—SUBJECTIVE—VIEW i see you have there. note: it doesnt matter who is in power, who's in empire or who's occupying the weaker.
20060325             They will always appear brutal. tally ho ENGLAND.
20060325             COUNTERPARTS? WTF? Must be Another NSA bott (JOE)
20060325             CIA was the chopper of the copper man NEVER FORGET THIS.
20060325             hey can I produce something that follows the victims of 20010911             as they burn and fall to their deaths.
20060325             I think it would be 1—GOOD counter point to watch as the dead fall and this shit plays.
20060325             good juxtaposition. if you have not been over thier then shut the fuck up.
20060325             better yet I will ask that cat in AFGHANISTAN that might be put to death for his religious beliefs if these fucks that 1—RE portrayed in this PIECE—OF—FICTION should be shot.
20060325             —UNTIL you actually get off your asses and stop crying and go see the truth for your SELVES wake up you fucking morons your —JUST cattle on the trail, realise the situation your in.
20060325             you think Islam is gonna cry for you —WHEN they slit you open cause you voiced 1—OPINION.
20060325             hey Iv got SOME—VIDEO for ya, its great instead of portrayals and fake shit it shows real people getting beheaded for helping children read and fight infection,
20060325             oh yeah + teaching women to read. hell they deserved it women should shut the fuck up and stay in the home... Anonymous | 20062403             - 4:23 am | #
20060325             Anonymous, are you Deadeye dick Cheyney, Rummy?
20060325             no, 'cause if you're mr average AMERICAN, we're all fucked. ian | 20062403             - 4:29 am | #
20060325             You idiots.
20060325             It's 1—DRAMA!!! You're the same fools that believed Farenhype 20010911            .
20060325             Drinking that much Koolaid will make your teeth rot out.
20060325             (—JUST thought I'd throw that in, it sounds tough) ROWAN—BERKELEY | 20062403             - 5:22 am | #
20060325             anyway, to summarise the objections:
20060325             (1) its all lies - (2) but even if its true they deserve it - (3) why do you all hate AMERICA?
20060325             TOM—DETKO, you're probably right, as I've 1—FEELING it's 1—LOT—WORSE than the video showed in Gitmo.
20060325             As for the Farenhype, well I don't know, MICHAEL—MOORE no doubt made SOME—MONEY.
20060325             The crunch is, us ordinary folks choose what to believe + given the fact that BUSH /the rest,
20060325             lied lied + better lied to get 1—WAR that's making the elite billions + we might die in the war but we won't get squat other than higher fuel prices which will be passed on thus eating at our pockets.
20060325             I think I'll believe that 20010911             was 1—INSIDE job (do your own research), to get the wars the elite wanted.
20060325             Gitmo is 1—SHIT hole and against EVERY—INTERNATIONAL—LAW there is, so they got round that by calling them enemy combatants.
20060325             They Gitmo'ized ABU—GRHAIB because it wasn't tough enough + it wasn't a 5—STAR—HOTEL, ask Lyndie.
20060325             As for IRAQ, THE—MIDDLE—EAST was THE—CRADLE—OF—CIVILISATION, MOST—OF—THE—STARS you see at night have Arabic names.
20060325             They had history in THE—MIDDLE—EAST, though perhaps —NOW no future,
20060325             due to THE—DU that's been dumped on them by the ton + the Halliburton built military camps + last but not least, what the fuck's Koolaid.
20060325             My god, SOME—OF—YOU—USA—S have your heads so far up your arses that i think the apocalpse is the only way forwards.
20060325             You are going to lose the war in IRAQ too MANY—PEOPLE will die and your freedom will be lost.
20060325             i personaly feel bad for the intelligent people who still believe in democracy + understand the base LEVEL—OF—IRONY that currently runs your country,
20060325             to them i say get out but the rest of you racist moronic sanctimonious creationist fools can self destruct if you want but leave THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD out of it.
20060325             you can't even realise the fact that critiscism of your government does not mean hatred of your country,
20060325             this film was made because someone had to tell another SIDE—OF—EVENTS—OTHER than THE—1—YOU get.
20060325             propaganda is a 2—WAY—STREET.
20060325             Thank you Information Clearinghouse for making this available.
20060325             It's 1—DEVASTATING docudrama that exposes the truth about the brutality of THE—AMERICAN and UNITED—KINGDOM—MILITARY.
20060325             —FEATURED, See the 2-part article about the Tipton 3 (THE—3—MEN, in this film) at the Observer
20060325             Remember, this is 1—DOCUDRAMA which means it's 1—REENACTMENT—OF—EVENTS as described by the Tipton 3.
20060325             If even 1/10—OF—WHAT they say is true (and I suspect MOST—OF—IT is very accurate), this is 1—POWERFUL—INDICTMENT—OF—THE—WAR—CRIMES perpetrated by THE—USA—S + BRITISH.
20060325             CitizenKit | Homepage
20060325             Omg.. i hope + pray that USA gvt + UNITED—KINGDOM—GVT get paid back for all the crimes + murders they are guilty of.. BUSH + his croonies..
20060325             blair + so on should be hanged for warcrimes
20060325             bastards cateye |20062403             - 9:16 am | #
20060325             If this is 1—FLICK put out by the gestapo or not i think is irrelevant.
20060325             Remember kids, though the aqueduct be dirty + leaky, it still gets water to the thirsty.
20060325             Rather than squabble about THE—ORIGINS—OF—THE—PIECE—LOOK/listen to it's message. loner | 20062403             - 9:19 am | #
20060325             Somebody has been playing silly buggers with this file.
20060325             —TRIED, It will SORT—OF—PLAY on Real Player, but —WHEN I, to convert it to.MPG the file turns out to be corrupted at —27—SECONDS.
20060325             I suspect that somebody has already converted it from its original DIVX format to RM, but they did not know what they were doing and messed it up.
20060325             People, the rule is if you don't know shit don't do shit.
20060325             If anybody has 1—DECENT—ORIGINAL—COPY + is willing to chat about sending it to me, I can convert it to VCD which can then be copied on ANY—CD—ROM burner.
20060325             It will play on THE—TV + DVD player. Exile | Homepage
20060325             —WATCHED, The windows file works well and I, it —YESTERDAY on RM and it was fine.
20060325             Windows file | HOMEPAGE—HEARTBREAKING!
20060325             All in NORTH—AMERICA + BRITAIN need to see this film.
20060325             Please do not remove on the 26.
20060325             I am angry and although I know there are MANY—GOOD—PEOPLE in THE—USA, I await the —DAY the country collaspes.
20060325             MARTIN—LUTHER—KING—ALICE hesselrode | 20062403             - 5:30 pm | #
20060325             Annonymous, so how do you blame THE—BEHEADING—OF—PEOPLE by radicals on these UK citizens?
20060325             1—AMPLE—DISPLAY—OF—USA—HYPOCRACY.
20060325             - Andrew | 20062403             - 5:39 pm | #
20060325             It is amazing to me that you people are so willing to readily accept this docuDRAMA as fact.
20060325             —HAPPENED—IF this truly, then what happened is sad.
20060325             —DECIDED, However I find it VERY hard to believe that these guys, it would be 1—GOOD—IDEA to —JUST go over to AFGHANISTAN to check things out, see what was going on.
20060325             This isn't like going to the mall to see if there are ANY—SALES—PEOPLE.
20060325             I think what is sad is that there are obviously people in this country that willingly + readily want to believe that AMERICA is bad.
20060325             You are 1—BUNCH of kooky people!
20060325             —WATCHED, Realist | 20062403             - 5:52 pm | # - I, this film in horror!
20060325             I must confess that I did not watch it all. It literally made me sick.
20060325             It took me back to scenes from the movies in my childhood which showed scenes from the Nazis slaughtering the Jews + others.
20060325             I don't want to believe this atrocity but I must be 1—REALIST.
20060325             Our country is FUBAR.
20060325             —PROSECUTED, The criminals who are responsible for this must be, and I don't mean the hired hands.
20060325             I mean the real criminals who created this horror.
20060325             Impeachment is the only answer!
20060325             Or else it calls for 1—REVOLUTION!
20060325             -Sue McFadden | 20062403             - 5:58 pm | #
20060325             I sure HOPE the good USA—S step up soon. Masher1 | Homepage
20060325             CANADA is open, why dont you all go there ya commie liberal pinkos LOL—DONNA | 20062403             - 6:32 pm | #
20060325             —JUST to correct Andrew....There is MORE evidence that THE—CIA chopped off that particular BUNCH—OF—HEADS than there is that SOME—ZARQUI dude no 1—EVER sees was the cutter.
20060325             (read:CIA was using this event to inflame USA—PUBLIC hate AGAINST Iraqi's)
20060325             —CAUSED, This golden dome getting blown only, the isreal/whiehouse residents to cheer no 1—ELSE gained.
20060325             ISREAL—WAR—MACHINE is getting restless + Sharon becoming veggies has really kinked ther style.
20060325             as soon as USA intrests signal "kik SOME—BUTT" this PARTY is going to really start sorting out the Good from BAD.
20060325             Has history not shown you ZIONIST folk you cannot win.
20060325             Give it up all ready.
20060325             Masher1 | HOMEPAGE—TOM, THANK YOU for providing those download links!
20060325             As 1—ARCHIVIST, such links as these are 1—LIFESAVER—ESPECIALLY —SINCE my poor,
20060325             HARD—BATTERED Linux browser crashes (the whole thing, not —JUST 1—WINDOWFULL of tabs!) EVERY—TIME I mistakenly click onto 1—OF—THOSE "gotta' see but no link —JUST watch" pages,
20060325             as convenient as they likely are for THOSE—OF—USA who run the corporate product from Redmond.
20060325             Please, please DO continue to provide DOWNLOAD—LINKS (or 1—SEPARATE—DOWNLOAD—PAGE;
20060325             that'd work GREAT!) for all these precious videos.
20060325             I burn these items to CDs + DVDs for passing on to trustworthy associates with less cybertech resource than I am blessed with.
20060325             (Your HARD—WON Social Security paycheck dedux hard at work for AMERICA!)
20060325             We better be willing to learn 1—TON—O' healing tech right quick.
20060325             This world had enuf trouble already, long —BEFORE the global BUSH Co Corporate Crime Empire took over THE—USA—GOVERNMENT.
20060325             —NOW we have major damage done to our psychosocial and sociospiritual INFRASTRUCTIRE—AND that is no joke.
20060325             Gee.
20060325             Too bad the Bilderbergers + other INTERNATIONAL bankers of this world weren't as careful with their credit + background checks on the Huge War Loans to these Huge War Criminals as our local lending centers are with us proles.
20060325             1—LITTLE—BETTER—EXERCISE—OF—DISCRETION on THE—PART—OF—THE—BIG—MONEY—CROWD would have saved the pleasures of Davos for generations more.
20060325             As 'tis, once THE—DU is in the water, that's that.
20060325             Stupidly, criminally malicious to be sure, blowing up live nuclear power plans —JUST outside BAGHDAD.
20060325             (Remember Chernobyl? GOOGLE!)
20060325             Ditto for —WHEN the goodwill finally evaporates and worldwide pissoff takes hold.
20060325             MISTER—PUTIN still has lots of nukes, remember?
20060325             Pray for peace and take action accordingly.
20060325             Heaven bless the peacemakers and help us all.
20060325             We got HELL—COWBOY himself to chase down, corner, subdue, arrest + stuff into Slobodan MILOSOVIC—OLD—CELL at the Hague.
20060325             Also EVERY—WHITE—HOUSE cabinet officer AFAIK.
20060325             So riddle me this: How MANY—MEMBERS—OF—1—CITIZENS—ARREST—POSSE does it take to screw in 1—WHITE—HOUSE—LIGHT bulb?
20060325             Otherwise, needless screwing —AROUND is simple DERELICTION—OF—DUTY.
20060325             —APPLIED, Especially if the bracelets are not, to all them RePigliPerpy wrists 1.
20060325             Got cuffs?
20060325             REVEREND—C—WALTURTLE—MANN—KING—OF— | Homepage
20060325             I have been very interested in Western values for 1—LONG—TIME, but for the last few years, I saw Western values as completely corrupt KINDS—OF—FASCISM.
20060325             I am happy to stay an ITALIAN—MUSLIM.
20060325             I kept asking myself the same question, 'Why weren't they released sooner?'
20060325             And at the conclusion the only thing that answers that question is the same answer for everything that has happened with this invasion, lies!!!!
20060325             Lies about 20010911             , lies about IRAQ, lies about wiretapping, lies about torture + they —JUST keep getting away with it.
20060325             Viva la Revolucion! - Jessica Newbern | 20062403             - 8:13 pm | #
20060325             This fake empire will vanish soon and the world will be at peace for 1—LONG—TIME... herr obergefreiter | 20062403             - 8:17 pm | #
20060325             LOL? This video is complete horseshit.
20060325             This video boggles THE—MIND—OF—EVERY—SENSIBLE—PERSON + it makes you think how civilized + humane are those bullies who are propagandizing all over to make this world safer!
20060325             We all need to spread the word out to EVERY—NOOK & corner of this planet if we want to stop this bloodshed of innocent people by those who proclaim to "make our country safer".
20060325             —COMMITED, Don't —JUST watch those horrible crimes, by our government, we need to speak up + stand against those who are dehumanizing the human values.
20060325             Anyone who has 1—FREE—TORRENT client like BitTorrent can download this video in better quality + DIVX format from
20060325             A fairly good JASON—MILLER article about torture, here: civillibertarian.blogspot...URE—VICTIM.html
20060325             —VANISHED, Incidentally, 1—COMMENT I —POSTED last night appears to have, from this thread.
20060325             @Masher1 - Theories: 1) It might be THE—WORK—OF—CIA
20060325             2) Might be another childs play by zionists.
20060325             3) Or yeah it might —JUST be true. Facts: 1) G Bay still exists
20060325             2) CIA/MI5/Moussad is still master minding
20060325             3) and yeah it scares me, thinking what would I have done if I were 1—OF—THE 'kings'.
20060325             p.s. Like your website..keep up the good work.
20060325             - Jay | 20062403—20112403    :40 pm | #
20060325             —IS—BASED, For all those that don't believe this film, on truth try READING SOME—ACCOUNTS—OF—OTHER—PRISONERS held at GUANTANAMO.
20060325             They seem to be similar and even worse.
20060325             It's highly unlikely they they all made up similar stories.
20060325             ANDREW—I don't think it's fair to use the phrase "typical USA—HYPOCRISY".
20060325             Lets face it everyone has BOUTS—OF—HYPOCRISY.
20060325             —BLAMED, USA—S are constantly, by NON—USA—S for "reaping what they sow" I suppose it's those same TYPE—OF—PEOPLE that also like to blame UK citizens.
20060325             MANY—PEOPLE justify violence against USA—S + UNITED—KINGDOM—BY stating they deserve what they get for electing warmongers + 1—BRUTAL foreign policy.
20060325             But what about those that oppose them + support 1—CHANGE in policy?
20060325             I understand the anger —AROUND the world but terrorism is indiscriminate intentional killing.
20060325             I don't believe in THE—IRAQ war but I also don't believe in killing civilians for their political beliefs or to get back at governments.
20060325             I make 1—EFFORT not to be hypocritical and fair and to see things from both SIDES—OF—THE—FENCE.
20060325             1—THING I've learned from living abroad for MANY—YEARS is we're all very much alike whether AMERICAN, European, Israeli, PALESTINE—ETC...
20060325             At times I really get fed up with people who like to demonize ANY—1—GROUP—USA—S, Muslims and ANY—OTHER—GROUP.
20060325             i —JUST imagine what might have happened to HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE who didnt have legal rights or families like these guys who were pushing for their release through legal means.
20060325             "1—BUNCH of selfish guys are playing with the whole innocent(foolish) world" -Anonymous | 20062503             - 4:26 am | #
20060325             We like things in others what we don't have, no wonder in AMERICA COWBOY movies are so much liked.
20060325             The idea of fair fight, is always had been alien to USA—CULTURE, it is invention of their minds.
20060325             How can it not be, look at the foundations up which this country is built.
20060325             We Pakhtuns are slow to move but surely we will drive you out + we will ruin your dreams + we will know what honor is + it is not —WHEN you competeing your frari against 1—FIAT.
20060325             —ARE—LIKED, —WHEN these punks GI JOS sit with my brethern they think, they,nay it is —JUST hospitality.
20060325             Allah is setting the stage for your demise.
20060325             I morally support the fight of the Afghan + IRAQ—PEOPLE against the occupation.
20060325             It is their right to be masters of their own destiny.
20060325             But I don't support ANY—RELIGION—WHETHER Christianity or Muslim or JEW—WHOSE god is nothing but 1—BRUTAL—BLOOD—SPILLING imagination.
20060325             Such 1—BEASTLY imaginary being does not deserve worship.
20060325             If 'your' (personal) religion is not 1—OF—PEACE with yourself + the world, then no matter who you are, you are worshipping a "false god".
20060325             - CANADA | 20062503             - 7:18 am | #
20060325             what should worry you is that your troops doing the killings + the beatings + let's not forget lying + stealing are about to come home.
20060325             1—LOT—OF—THESE kooks want to become policemen,but most end up on the streets-- baggers theives crooks.
20060325             —KILLED, If they, women old men children--your in line folks.
20060325             The sad part is that the israelie military is training our young men as killers.
20060325             the outcry + exposure in these beatings + killings has only made our troops--just KILL—IERS.
20060325             No PRISONERS—WOMEN—CHILDREN bullets in the head.
20060325             I suggest that all watchers of this video get to see the documentary called--Hidden WAR—OF—DESERT—STORM. this turned me againist USA.
20060325             also--IFCH ought to link the movie called--Wolves in the Valley--you ain't seen the Ugly USA—S dark side yet!!! -Archers | 20062503             - 8:04 am | #
20060325             —SINCE you're on the subject of comparative religion, CANADA, perhaps you can tell us which religions you think have such 1—GOD.
20060325             It is the personal INTERPRETATION—OF—THE—DESIRES—OF—THEIR "God" by EACH—HUMAN being.
20060325             MANY—PEOPLE—PROFESS—WHAT on the outside appears to BE—'THE same' religion + yet THE—EXECUTION—OF—THAT—BELIEF in the real world is as different as night is from —DAY between different adherents.
20060325             If one's personal interpretation of their religion requires the persecution or KILLING—OF—ANOTHER human BEING—WHETHER it be GEORGE—BUSH—WAR—GOD,
20060325             or THE—TALIBAN—WAR—GOD—THEN that persons religion + god are False Gods who only exist in their own imagination in order to justify the brutality and violence of their own mind + heart.
20060325             A "God" that cannot defend himself except through the violence of his adherents, is 1—EVIL—FIGMENT—OF—MAN—IMAGINATION + does not exist.
20060325             If "God" is Almighty, then let him fight his own battles without human hand.
20060325             —DERIVED, It seems to be 1—WESTERN—TENDENCY—ULTIMATELY, from the jewish BIBLE—TO separate the 'good' + 'bad' aspects of 'god' + treat them as antagonistic to 1—ANOTHER.
20060325             Hindus for example don't do this.
20060325             They don't have ANY—PROBLEM grasping that the same 'god' can be infinitely kind and infinitely cruel at the same time.
20060325             I think that because we are unable to do this, we like to pretend that 'our' god will show only his kind face to us + only his cruel face to our enemies.
20060325             Weil Reester seine Demonstration nicht von der NEO—FASCHISTISCHEN—UNITED—KINGDOM—NATIONAL—PARTY vereinnahmt sehen will,
20060325             arbeitet er eng mit der Polizei zusammen.
20060325             Die ist denn auch "auf alles gut vorbereitet", wie Superintendent DAVE—GEORGE sagt.
20060325             Was darunter wohl zu verstehen ist? Über die Meinungsfreiheit und ihre Ausübung wird auf der Insel zwar viel gestritten.
20060325             Vor kurzem etwa sorgte die gerade —ERST eingeführte Bannmeile rund ums Parlament für Aufregung.
20060325             Unter Berufung auf die Sperrzone war die Polizei gegen eine junge Kriegsgegnerin strafrechtlich vorgegangen worden,
20060325             die am zentralen Kriegerdenkmal in der Nähe des Unterhauses die Namen der mittlerweile 100—IM IRAK getöteten GROSSBRITANNIEN—SOLDATEN verlesen hatte.
20060325             WEISSRUSSLAND: Steinmeier rügt brutales Vorgehen gegen Demonstranten
20060325             Proteste in FRANKREICH: Studenten reden nicht mit Villepin
20060325             Neuer Raketenantrieb: In —5—STUNDEN um die Erde
20060325             Leben auf Mars: Meteorit könnte Bakterienspuren enthalten
20060325             Urananreicherung: IRAN beschleunigt Atomprogramm
20060325             Anglikaner und der Islam: Hohepriester des APPEASEMENTS—AREA Soon to Be Mostly Minority
20060325             The minority population in THE—WASHINGTON region will become the majority in well under —1—DECADE,
20060325             1—BENCHMARK of the racial + ethnic change that is reconfiguring the area's political, economic and social identity.
20060325             Marshals Seize WACO Evidence From FBI
20060325             THE—USA—MARSHALS—SERVICE, acting on orders from THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT,
20060325             —YESTERDAY seized from FBI headquarters new evidence about events preceding the fatal fire that ended THE—51—DAY—SIEGE—OF—THE—BRANCH—DAVIDIAN compound near WACO,
20060325             TEXAS, 00.000 .199 3. - The extraordinary development,
20060325             which UNDERSCORED—RUSSIA Denies Giving USA Intel to IRAQ
20060325             —DENIED, RUSSIA —ON—SATURDAY, that it provided information on USA—TROOPS—MOVEMENTS and plans to BAGHDAD —DURING 20030000             —THE invasion of IRAQ, the Interfax news agency reported.
20060325             Democrats Are SPLIT As Impeachment Whispers Get Louder
20060325             HOLYOKE—MASSACHUSETTS -- To drive through the mill towns and curling country roads here is to journey into New ENGLAND—IMPEACHMENT belt.
20060325             3—OF—THIS state's 10—HOUSE—MEMBERS have called for the investigation and possible IMPEACHMENT—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH.
20060325             THE $64,000 QUESTION IS ANSWERED
20060325             Why did THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION drag its heels for nearly —3—YEARS in releasing THE—MILLIONS—OF—DOCUMENT that fell into its hands —AFTER the fall of Saddam?
20060325             This is why: BAGHDAD—IRAQ — THE—RUSSIA—GOVERNMENT had sources inside THE—USA—MILITARY—COMMAND as THE—USA—MOUNTED the invasion of
20060325             Hundreds join free speech rally
20060325             —ABOUT 300—PEOPLE from 1—NEW—MOVEMENT calling for FREEDOM—OF—EXPRESSION—IN—THE—WAKE—OF—THE cartoons controversy, stage 1—RALLY.
20060325             Thousands flee from CAR violence
20060325             —ALLEGED, Refugees cross into CHAD to escape, systematic KILLING—OF—MEN and boys in THE—CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC.
20060325             Probe returns 1. Mars pictures
20060325             Scientists study the 1. PICTURES—OF—THE—SURFACE—OF—THE—RED—PLANET taken by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.
20060325             die von den MAINSTREAM—MEDIEN trotz ihrer Relevanz unterdrückt oder ignoriert werden.
20060325             Die meisten Themen werden einzig von kleinen und eher alternativen Medienprojekten oder in der Bloggerszene aufgegriffen.
20060325             —ENDE—LETZTER—WOCHE erschien 1—LISTE mit 25—AUSGEWÄHLTEN Nachrichten, die 20050000             —J—IM untergingen.
20060325             Feature lesen: Damit war Indymedia die einzige DEUTSCHLAND—QUELLE, die über Project Censored berichtet!
20060325             In den Ergänzungen steht dann noch was zur DEUTSCHLAND—PROJECT CENSORED—LISTE, die etwas später rauskam.
20060325             "Censored 20060000             " enthält ausserdem die Polemik eines eingeleiteten ethischen GERICHTSVERFAHRENS—ODER einer "professionellen Lynchjustiz",
20060325             ( theoretisch natürlich!) - von DAN—RATHER, 1—MANN, der bei CBS—TELEVISON verankert ist und seinem Team aus 4—JOURNALISTEN.
20060325             —BESCHREIBT, GREG—PALAST, wie sein Kollege sich der REGIERUNGS—PROPAGANDA —SEIT VIETNAM —BIS IRAK, hingegeben hat.
20060325             —BEINHALTET, Weiter, sind Arbeiten von Dahr Jamail, der aus dem IRAK über das dortige Alltagsleben und die ständige Gegenwart des Todes berichtet.
20060325             Jamail ist JOURNALIST—DURCH den Zusatz UNABHÄNGIG—VIELLEICHT der einzige USA—JOURNALIST der in permanenter Gefahr lebt,
20060325             weil er sich im IRAK befindet, ohne in die Truppen der USA "eingebettet" zu sein.
20060325             Die 25 "Top"- Berichte
20060325             Der KERN—DES—BUCHES besteht aus den 25—MEISTZENSIERTEN Berichten,
20060325             die durch 1—MEDIENUNTERSUCHUNG ausfindig gemacht wurden wurden + den Zeitraum von 20040300—20000300    .Apr-20050000             umfassen.
20060325             Die "Tops" —IN—DIESEM—JAHR enthalten die fortschreitenden Verheimlichungen in der REGIERUNG—DER—USA
20060325             - das grosse Töten an ZivilistInnen im IRAK
20060325             - die falsche, journalistische Deckung der Perfektionierung des Wahlbetrugs, der
20060325             - die ZERSTÖRUNG—DER—UMWELT = Natur
20060325             - Die Überwachungspolitik der Regierung und die Unterordnung des Krieges unter die GEO—POLITIK—DER—VEREINIGTEN—STAATEN;
20060325             unter vielen anderen Themen... - "Censored 20060000             "
20060325             Andere Themen des Buch´s: Die geheime Einführung der Überwachungsgesellschaft
20060325             - Die USA nutzen den Tsunami um sich militärische Vorteile in SÜDOST—ASIEN zu verschaffen
20060325             Öl für Nahrungsmittel, der grosse BETRUG—JOURNALISTEN mit völliger Schutzlosigkeit und ohne Versorgung konfrontiert
20060325             - Bremers Instruktionen gefährden landwirtschaftliche Betriebe im IRAK
20060325             - neues Kommerzialisierungssystem für Öl fordert den Dollar
20060325             - Erdrutsche bedrohen das ÖKOLOGISCHE—UND ökonomische System
20060325             - die Rechtsverletzungen des Universalen Untersuchungsprogramms zur geistigen Aneignung
20060325             - die Anmusterung von MeNSC henrechtsverletzern im IRAK
20060325             - die reichen Länder können nicht ohne globale Kompromisse leben
20060325             - die grossen Körperschaften erzwingen Veränderungen in der Justiz
20060325             - Plan der Konservativen elliminiert die akademische Freiheit in den Unterrichtssälen
20060325             - die Vertuschng der Auswirkungen des Betrugs auf die USA—ÖKONOMIE
20060325             - Kinder in Waisenhäusern für AIDS—EXPERIMENTE benutzt - - der Ressourcenraub an den Indigenas
20060325             - neuer Einwanderungsplan begünstigt Ausbeutung
20060325             - gesundheitsschädliche Auswirkungen der Nanotechnologie
20060325             - auch die PALÄSTINA—KINDER erleiden die Repression Israels
20060325             - Körperschaften und Regierung beuten die Ethnien Äthiopiens aus
20060325             - PATRIOT—ACT der USA, 1—INSTRUMENT—DER—VERURTEILUNG... Censored 20060000             20060325             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Argenpress, die 25—THEMEN in SPANIEN—SPRACHE :
20060325             LOS—ANGELES - "Ohne Einwanderer würde dieses Land es zu nichts bringen", wurde die 15-jährige ANNA—BENITEZ von der "LOS—ANGELES—TIMES" zitiert.
20060325             "Wir sind MeNSC hen. Wir sind keine Verbrecher. Wir sind hier, um zu arbeiten", sagte sie, als sie —GESTERN an den Protesten teilnahm.
20060325             —GESTERN waren dort junge Latinos mit Fahnen und Protestschildern durch die Stadt gezogen.
20060325             An einer Schule kam es dabei zu Prügeleien zwischen schwarzen und hispanischen Jugendlichen.
20060325             Im USA—STAAT GEORGIA legten nach ANGABEN—DER—ORGANISATOREN —BIS zu 80.000—LATINOS die Arbeit nieder,
20060325             um gegen ein —AM—DONNERSTAG vom Repräsentantenhaus in ATLANTA beschlossenes Gesetz zu protestieren.
20060325             Falls der Senat zustimmt, werden in GEORGIA lebende Ausländer ohne gültigen Aufenthaltstitel künftig keinen Anspruch mehr auf staatliche Leistungen haben.
20060325             Zudem sollen sie bei Überweisungen in ihre Heimatstaaten 1—SONDERGEBÜHR zahlen müssen.
20060325             —ZENSIERT, USA: "Projekt, "2006
20060325             Mit "Censored 20060000             " wurden die 25, im vergangenen —JAHR meistunterdrücktesten NACHRICHTEN—DER—USA—PRESSE ans Licht der Öffentlichkeit gebracht...
20060325             1—PROJEKT—VON—AKADEMIKERN/rinnen, Studenten/tinnen und kalifornischen Aktivisten/TINNEN—HOCHBRISANT -
20060325             Bush shuns Patriot Act requirement
20060325             Author: Site admin How long will this SORT—OF—THING continue?
20060325             CANADA seal cull to get under way
20060325             CANADA—ANNUAL seal hunt is due to get under way, despite INTERNATIONAL calls for 1—END to the controversial cull.
20060325             —PRESSED, Tories, to reveal lenders
20060325             Labour urges the Conservatives to disclose the names of those who gave them loans —BEFORE the last election.
20060325             FRANCE—STUDENT group snubs PM
20060325             TIM—BERNERS—LEE on the Web
20060325             notmyopinion writes "In 1—WIDE—RANGING INTERVIEW—WITH—THE—BRITISH—COMPUTER—SOCIETY,
20060325             SIR—TIM—BERNERS—LEE criticizes software patents, speaks out on USA + ICANN CONTROL—OF—THE—INTERNET,
20060325             proposes browser security changes + says he got domain names backwards in web addresses all those years ago".
20060325             WASHINGTON—RUSSLAND—AGENTEN hätten demnach strategische Informationen von Quellen "innerhalb des USA—OBERKOMMANDOS —MITTE" erhalten,
20060325             heißt es in einem —GESTERN veröffentlichten Bericht des USA—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTERIUMS.
20060325             Die Informationen über Truppenbewegungen + Angriffspläne seien dann vom RUSSLAND—BOTSCHAFTER—IN—BAGDAD an die damalige IRAK—REGIERUNG weitergeleitet worden.
20060325             Dies sei in den 1. Kriegswochen Ende ;;03;;
20060325             UND—DIE USA—SEITE beruft sich auf offizielle IRAK—DOKUMENTE.
20060325             Die RUSSLAND—GEHEIMDIENSTE widersprachen dem Bericht.
20060325             "Wir halten es nicht für nötig, zu solchen Erfindungen einen Kommentar abzugeben", sagte BORIS—LABUSOW, der SPRECHER—DES—AUSSENGEHEIMDIENSTES.
20060325             USA: IRAK soll seine Grenzen selber sichern
20060325             "Orbiter"-Mission: NASA—SONDE fotografiert Kanäle auf dem Mars
20060325             Nebenverdienst: Parlamentspräsident bezieht Geld vom KOHLE—KONZERN
20060325             DEUTSCHLAND—RENTNER: Generation der Quengler
20060325             IRAK—KRIEG: Moskau soll USA—PLÄNE an Saddam verraten haben
20060325             Bundeswehr: 7000—SOLDATEN sollen WM schützen
20060325             CHARLIE—SHEEN: 'Challenge Me On the Facts'
20060325             Author: PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—CHARLIE—SHEEN:
20060325             'Challenge Me On the Facts' ACTOR—1. response —SINCE media
20060325             Hannity & Colmes Piece on Sheen 20010911             Comments - Sea rise could be 'catastrophic'
20060325             MELTING—OF—THE—ICE—SHEETS could commit the Earth to 1—CATASTROPHIC—RISE in sea level, the journal Science reports.
20060325             No Longer THE—MINORITY: 82% Plus Support CHARLIE—SHEEN
20060325             82% Plus Support CHARLIE—SHEEN—OVER 4-fifths back
20060325             STEVE—JOBS on FRANCE—DRM—LAW - "Terrorist with Nuke" Movie Plot
20060325             —SINCE—WHEN did THE—NEW—SCIENTIST hire novelists to write science stories?
20060325             It is 1—TYPICAL weekday. RUSSIA 'gave IRAQ intelligence'
20060325             RUSSIA gave SADDAM—HUSSEIN intelligence on USA—MILITARY—MOVES —DURING THE—IRAQ war, 1—PENTAGON report says.
20060325             —FEARED, Tory lenders ' reprisals'
20060325             —NAMED, Tory backers did not want to be, because they feared losing government contracts, the party says.
20060325             BT goes —AFTER broadband gluttons
20060325             BT is targeting more than 3,000 broadband users who it says are exceeding their monthly download limits.
20060325             —SUPPLIED, Top secret documents reveal that BRITAIN secretly, ISRAEL with plutonium —DURING HAROLD—WILSON—GOVERNMENT.
20060325             The revelations come as BRITAIN is expressing total opposition to IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAMME.
20060325             MICHAEL—CRICK reports. Give IRAN THE—BOMB:
20060325             THE—USA—GIVES INDIA, already a nuclear power, greater nuclear capability,
20060325             but threatens war, death, THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—IRAN—OIL—SUPPLY + 1—WORLD—WIDE—FINANCIAL—CATASTROPHE if IRAN dares to want the same thing.
20060325             MEPs look into 2—MORE—CASES—OF—EXTRAORDINARY—RENDITION:
20060325             I am not 1—MEMBER—OF—AL—QAEDA" he told MEPs, as the committee investigating alleged use of European countries by THE—CIA for the transportation + illegal DETENTION—OF—PRISONERS discussed
20060325             FBI, police spying is rising, groups allege:
20060325             —HAS—FILED, THE—ACLU, FREEDOM—OF—INFORMATION—REQUESTS for more than 150—GROUPS + individuals.
20060325             —SIGNED, —WHEN PRESIDENT—BUSH, the reauthorization of THE—USA—PATRIOT Act —THIS—MONTH,
20060325             he included 1—ADDENDUM saying that he did not feel obliged to obey requirements that he inform Congress about how THE—FBI was using the act's expanded police powers.
20060325             John W Dean: An Update on PRESIDENT—BUSH—NSA—PROGRAM:
20060325             THE—HISTORICAL—CONTEXT: According to USA—NEWS & World Report, THE—PRESIDENT may also have authorized warrantless BREAK—INS + other physical surveillance,
20060325             such as opening regular mail, in violation of the 4. AMENDMENT—DEATH raises concern at police tactics:
20060325             —UNARMED, The recent killing of an, VIRGINIA doctor has raised concerns about what SOME—SAY is 1—EXPLOSION in THE—USE—OF—MILITARY—STYLE—POLICE—SWAT teams in THE—USA.
20060325             Katrina Donation Earmarked for Bush Firm
20060325             FORMER 1. lady BARBARA—BUSH gave relief money to 1—HURRICANE relief fund on the condition that it be spent to buy educational software from her son NEIL—COMPANY
20060325             Workers On THE—SLAG—HEAP—OF—HISTORY:
20060325             —TODAY, in AMERICA, the richest country on earth, THE—GATES—OF—MANY—TOWNS—WELCOME—VISITORS with abandoned factories.
20060325             And the communities these factories flank tell you more about what's really destroying AMERICA THAN ANY—WALL—STREET—ANALYST or WASHINGTON policy wonk ever could.
20060325             Video: Professor DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN: AUTHOR—OF—THE—NEW—PEARL—HARBOR &The
20060325             Poll reveals widespread ANTI—ARAB sentimen
20060325             File this under pathetic: Did RUSSIA—AMBASSADOR—GIVE—SADDAM—THE—USA—WAR—PLAN?:
20060325             IRAQ Archive Document Alleges RUSSIA—OFFICIAL—DESCRIBED—LOCATIONS,
20060325             Troops, Tanks + Other Forces —BEFORE Operation IRAQ—FREEDOM—BEGAN—BASRA, THE—DENMARK—CENTRAL—ARMY—COMMAND said.
20060325             Report: RUSSIA Had Sources in USA—COMMAND:
20060325             —COLLECTED, THE—RUSSIA—GOVERNMENT, intelligence from sources inside THE—USA—MILITARY—COMMAND as THE—USA—MOUNTED the invasion of IRAQ + the Russians fed information to SADDAM—HUSSEIN on troop movements and plans,
20060325             according to IRAQ—DOCUMENTS cited in 1—PENTAGON report released —FRIDAY.
20060325             —AFTER—3—YEARS—OF—WAR—CANADA | 20062403—20102403    :39 pm | # - Cold Blooded KILLERS—LOOK at the Latins
20060325             Unions Rally for PALESTINE—SHUNS Patriot Act requirement:
20060325             —MONITORED, THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY could have legally, ordinarily confidential communications between doctors and patients or attorneys + their clients, the Justice DEPARTMENT—SAID—FRIDAY of its controversial warrantless surveillance program.
20060325             Responding to questions from Congress, the.
20060325             —FROM THE—NOT—EXCITING—ENOUGH—FOR—THE—NIGHTLY—NEWS—FILE comes word that Marines from Company I, 3. Battalion, 5. Marine Regiment delivered 1—NEW—TOP—OF—THE—LINE—PEDIATRIC wheelchair to 1—LITTLE—GIRL in AL—HASA, IRAQ.
20060325             —BECAME, THE—MARINES, AWARE—OF—THE—GIRL in January, —WHEN.
20060325             —FOR—2—YEARS the Tipton 3—HAVE been silent prisoners in GUANTANAMO Bay.
20060325             —SURVIVED, How we, jail hell, part 2 - Read part 1—HERE
20060325             Study: AIPAC Works Against USA—INTERESTS EX—UN CHIEF: AMERICA HAS 'Lost Its Moral Compass'"Free" Traders —NOW Aiming to Exploit NORTH—KOREA—ENSLAVED workers THE—FARCICAL—END—OF—THE—AMERICA—DREAM—GIVE—USA—YOUR—HUDDLED—MASSES — OR NOT Look at the Latins Unions Rally for Palestine THE—STAR—SPANGLED Fantasyland of the Fake and Home of the Bogus Cold Blooded Killers —AFTER—3—YEARS—OF—WAR
20060325             It needs to stay here in plane sight of the entire world for as long as needed —UNTIL these horrors + inhumanities + the monsters that perpetrated them + the government that created them can be exposed, stopped + punished.
20060325             —CIVILIZED, No, society would condone this.
20060325             Guess who? |Homepage | 20062203—20100000    :47 pm | #
20060325             As well, as 1—AMERICAN, I am deeply saddened by what has been done in my name;
20060325             —PURPORTED, MOST—OF—THE—TIME we're watching actors RE—ENACTING, events. it's 1—NICE—JOB though. hooboy | 20062303             - 2:34 am |
20060325             I'm going to write to EVERY—NEWS—ORGANIZATION + talk show encouraging them to invite these 3—MEN, MICHAEL—WINTERBOTTOM, MAT—WHITECROSS + possibly the actors to THE—USA to discuss this film.
20060325             Perhaps that's why, hours —AFTER the 3/4—OF—THIS moving video through which I could get + tossing + crying —THROUGHOUT the night, —WHEN I come to reload the remainder, I find 1—MERE 6—RESPONSES?
20060325             —WATCHED, Are we to believe that we are the only 6—WHOM, this...or are we the only brave 6, —NOW 7, who dare to risk what we own, have, know + love to speak out?
20060325             The fact remains that IN AMERICA, faithful Muslims and good people, like "us" in all other ways, ARE being drug from their homes and interrogated relentlessly, only to return + resume their "regular" life if + —WHEN "lucky"...drug to other horrors if not so.
20060325             THAT is the documentary I expect from this man next, but in such 1—WORLD—OF—INFORMATION vs. dissinformation all to keep 1—POWER crux, what will we ever really see?
20060325             What will ANY—OF—USA ever really know?
20060325             Do I wish like heck that those working for informationclearinghouse_com would find 1—PERMANENT—SPACE for this video?
20060325             I encourage EVERY—PERSON READING this comment to tell their family, friends, colleagues etc to watch this movie to ensure that the illegal & amoral practices + polices carried out by THE—USA—ARMY and government can be displayed clearly.
20060325             1—CANNOT ignore the fact that their continues to be over 400—INNOCENT (—UNTIL proven guilty) people that are being held in GUANTANAMO, that are most likely encountering the same, if not higher levels of anguish and torture.
20060325             LET—DO everything in our power to work for the release of the remaining prisoners as 'Those who have the privilege to know, have 1—DUTY to act" ALBERT—EINSTEIN.
20060325             We can hold out —UNTIL the next election, but everytime you hear how democrats are not selling themselves + the republican s are in "virtual dead heats" with the dim dems, then KNOW you are being prepared to have another "close election" decided by faulty machines.
20060325             If we do not get RID—OF—BUSH + I disagree with anyone who says he should not be impeached, that we've had ENOUGH—OF—THIS "back + forth, you got me, —NOW I'm gonna get you," as stated by Murtha, then know they are wrong
20060325             Okay, I was wrong, but even still, I thought he should have been impeached for lying.
20060325             bush needs to go. chcney needs to go. rumsfeld needs to go. gonzalez needs to go back to the gay bars.
20060325             —CLOSETED, Why are, gays always the worst? (Because nasty straight people get the right to propagandize, but that's entirely another issue.)
20060325             We must stop this bus in its tracks.
20060325             Revolution? You bet. kdaves | 20062303             - 5:11 pm |
20060325             Its time to stand up and shout, instead of sit down and shut up.
20060325             AMERICA, takeback your country, 20060901             —EXAMPLE to the rest of this world!
20060325             The nsa is blocking most.RA files from this site (EVERY—FREE non commecerial player of realplayer files is affected) at least EVERY—1—I have tried to plug into FIRFOX has crashed on EVERY—RA file in the clearinghouse.
20060325             Masher1 |Homepage | 20062303             - 8:22 pm | #
20060325             This is the Early stages of "Total Spectrum Control". p.s. No i am NOT parinoid.
20060325             Masher1 |Homepage | 20062303             - 8:34 pm | #
20060325             READING the comments of those who HAVE seen it, gives me 1—SENSE—OF—THE devistating, deliberate 'MANS—INHUMANITY—TO—MAN' cruelty and horrors;
20060325             —AM I alone in wondering what sort of quiet 'bargain' must exist that causes THE—CUBA—GOVERNMENT to continue to allow USA—ACCESS to and/or ANY—USE—OF this specific 'USA—MILITARY—INSTILLATION' on their soil?
20060325             Masher1 |Homepage | 20062303             - 9:47 pm | #
20060325             The techniques used are brutal and stupid.
20060325             —SUPPOSED, And we in AMERICA ARE, to feel safer with this Army of Clowns?
20060325             —WHILE these screwball UK—FELLOWS suffered, they clearly came away with nothing but contempt for their captors... so much for 'Shock and Awe'...
20060325             —SCARED, You have been, into submission, to scared to comment in case there is 1—KNOCK at your door.
20060325             Get it stupids it's 1—TUNE—UP—AMERICA.
20060325             Masher1 |Homepage | 20062303—20100000    :14 pm | #
20060325             I watched it all the way through, not wanting to miss a 2. of these young men's terrible ordeal...from their YOUNG—MEN—INNOCENCE about life, all the way through to their sad awakening to the horrors that abound in this world...horrors that could come upon ANY—1—OF—USA —WHEN we least expect it.
20060325             —AFTER—2—YEARS—OF—DEPRIVATION and torture and not even 1—APOLOGY or ANY—FORM—OF—RESTITUTION !
20060325             Anyone that can still believe 1—WORD that emanates from the mouth of anyone connected to this Administration would have to be wearing blinders, or else be totally ignorant.
20060325             ROWAN—BERKELEY | 20062303—20110000    :08 pm |#no, I take that back, the link WORKS—THERE is 1—LAG—OF—1—FEW minutes and 1—DRAG on your browser —WHILE it loads and buffers up.
20060325             ROWAN—BERKELEY | 20062303—20110000    :16 pm | #
20060325             so let me get this strait this mark dude pulled all this togher the c130 the armour the troops the uniforms all the live fire everything. sorry dudes this is —JUST not even close to being believable.
20060325             Masher1 |Homepage | 20062303—20110000    :46 pm | #
20060325             Masher1 |Homepage | 20062403—20120000    :02 am | # - The link appears to be out Tom.
20060325             ian | 20062403—20120000    :19 am |
20060325             i cant open this link and watch the video... its not WORCATEYE—KING—OF— | 20062403—20120000    :27 am |
20060325             I —JUST finished watching it.
20060325             ROWAN—BERKELEY | 20062403             - 1:36 am |
20060325             Try downloading from THE—WEBSITE—OF—CHANNEL 4. Andrew | 20062403             - 2:12 am | #
20060325             the above is not working try is 1—ANDREW | Homepage | 20062403             - 2:14 am | #
20060325             Naive Eh? Well SOD oFF YA fool.
20060325             Are You! Brainwashed? MISTER—UK?
20060325             Masher1 |Homepage | 20062403             - 2:56 am | #
20060325             Masher1 |Homepage | 20062403             - 3:03 am | #
20060325             Most Brits don't even know WHO owns LONDON.
20060325             Masher1 |Homepage | 20062403             - 3:04 am | #
20060325             TRY—THERE is 1—MITT FULL—OF—REAL—CANADIAN—TRUTH here have 1—LOOK. no Fights needed this is —JUST plain NEWS folks
20060325             "Snach Em back and hold Em" ICE—T (johnny nememonic) Masher1 |Homepage | 20062403             - 3:20 am | #
20060325             At least these people can have nightmares, the beheaded ones are —JUST dead. joe | 20062403             - 3:26 am |
20060325             "This movie shows the sadism and STUPIDITY—OF—THE—USA—AND—UK—SOLDIERS".
20060325             I think it would be 1—GOOD counter point to watch as the dead fall and this shit plays. good juxtaposition. if you have not been over thier then shut the fuck up.
20060325             hey Iv got SOME—VIDEO for ya, its great instead of portrayals and fake shit it shows real people getting beheaded for helping children read and fight infection, oh yeah + teaching women to read. hell they deserved it women should shut the fuck up and stay in the home... Anonymous | 20062403             - 4:23 am |
20060325             The crunch is, us ordinary folks choose what to believe + given the fact that Bush /the rest, lied lied + better lied to get 1—WAR that's making the elite billions + we might die in the war but we won't get squat other than higher fuel prices which will be passed on thus eating at our pockets.
20060325             They had history in THE—MIDDLE—EAST, though perhaps —NOW no future, due to THE—DU that's been dumped on them by the ton + the Halliburton built military camps + last but not least, what the fuck's Koolaid.
20060325             ian | 20062403             - 6:24 am |
20060325             this film was made because someone had to tell another SIDE—OF—EVENTS—OTHER than THE—1—YOU get. propaganda is a 2—WAY—STREET.
20060325             CitizenKit |Homepage | 20062403             - 7:26 am | #
20060325             Omg.. i hope + pray that USA gvt + UK—GVT get paid back for all the crimes + murders they are guilty of.. bush + his croonies.. blair + so on should be hanged for warcrimes... bastards cateye |20062403             - 9:16 am |
20060325             If anybody has 1—DECENT—ORIGINAL—COPY + is willing to chat about sending it to me,
20060325             I can convert it to VCD which can then be copied on ANY—CD—ROM burner.
20060325             It will play on THE—TV + DVD player.
20060325             Windows file |Homepage | 20062403             - 3:24 pm | # - Heartbreaking!
20060325             "the arc is long but it bends toward justice".
20060325             Further, how do you justify that?.. hey the nazis burned the jews.. that means we can burn all the germans!
20060325             The criminals who are responsible for this must be prosecuted and I don't mean the hired hands.
20060325             Or else it calls for 1—REVOLUTION! -Sue McFadden | 20062403             - 5:58 pm |
20060325             I sure HOPE the good USA—S step up soon.
20060325             -Masher1 |Homepage | 20062403             - 6:42 pm | #
20060325             ISREAL—WAR—MACHINE is getting restless + Sharon becoming veggies has really kinked ther style. as soon as USA intrests signal "kik SOME—BUTT" this PARTY is going to really start sorting out the Good from BAD.
20060325             Masher1 |Homepage | 20062403             - 6:51 pm | #
20060325             Tom, THANK YOU for providing those download links!
20060325             As 1—ARCHIVIST, such links as these are 1—LIFESAVER—ESPECIALLY —SINCE my poor, HARD—BATTERED Linux browser crashes (the whole thing, not —JUST 1—WINDOWFULL of tabs!) EVERY—TIME I mistakenly click onto 1—OF—THOSE "gotta' see but no link —JUST watch" pages, as convenient as they likely are for THOSE—OF—USA who run the corporate product from Redmond.
20060325             (It showed up in ENGLAND —9—HOURS—AFTER the Shock + Awe blitzkrieg wound down, by 1—ACCOUNT found in passing.)
20060325             A: Exactly 1 + only if the light bulb in question is both burnt out *and* the only 1 in the Oval Office.
20060325             REVEREND—C—WALTURTLE—MANN—KING—OF— |Homepage | 20062403             - 7:13 pm | #
20060325             Anyone who has 1—FREE—TORRENT client like BitTorrent can download this video in better quality + DIVX format from CANADA | 20062403—20100000    :39 pm | #
20060325             1—FAIRLY good JASON—MILLER article about torture, here:
20060325             ROWAN—BERKELEY | 20062403—20100000    :52 pm |
20060325             —WHEN these punks GI JOS sit with my brethern they think, they are liked,nay it is —JUST hospitality.
20060325             To all AMERIANS—YOU been had by your government + by 1—LITTLE shitty country called ISRAEL,
20060325             The sad part is that the israelie military is training our young men as killers. the outcry + exposure in these beatings + killings has only made our troops--just KILL—IERS.
20060325             If one's personal interpretation of their religion requires the persecution or KILLING—OF—ANOTHER human BEING—WHETHER it be GEORGE—BUSH—WAR—GOD, or THE—TALIBAN—WAR—GOD—THEN that persons religion + god are False Gods who only exist in their own imagination in order to justify the brutality and violence of their own mind + heart.
20060325             ROWAN—BERKELEY | 20062503             - 9:06 am |#Name: Email: Comment: ?
20060325             Commenting by HaloScan
20060325             Weil Reester seine Demonstration nicht von der NEO—FASCHISTISCHEN—UK—NATIONAL Party vereinnahmt sehen will, arbeitet er eng mit der Polizei zusammen.
20060325             The minority population in THE—WASHINGTON region will become the majority in well under —1—DECADE, 1—BENCHMARK of the racial + ethnic change that is reconfiguring the area's political, economic and social identity.
20060325             THE—USA—MARSHALS—SERVICE, acting on orders from the Justice Department, —YESTERDAY seized from FBI headquarters new evidence about events preceding the fatal fire that ended THE—51—DAY—SIEGE—OF—THE—BRANCH—DAVIDIAN compound near WACO—TEXAS, 19930000            .
20060325             —UNDERSCORED, The extraordinary development, which.
20060325             RUSSIA Denies Giving USA Intel to IRAQ
20060325             Hundreds join free speech rally About 300—PEOPLE from 1—NEW—MOVEMENT calling for FREEDOM—OF—EXPRESSION—IN—THE—WAKE—OF—THE cartoons controversy, stage 1—RALLY.
20060325             Thousands flee from CAR violence Refugees cross into CHAD to escape alleged systematic KILLING—OF—MEN and boys in THE—CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC.
20060325             Probe returns 1. Mars pictures Scientists study the 1. PICTURES—OF—THE—SURFACE—OF—THE—RED—PLANET taken by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.
20060325             "Censored 2006" enthält ausserdem die Polemik eines eingeleiteten ethischen GERICHTSVERFAHRENS—ODER einer "professionellen Lynchjustiz", ( theoretisch natürlich!) - von DAN—RATHER, 1—MANN, der bei CBS—TELEVISON verankert ist und seinem Team aus 4—JOURNALISTEN.
20060325             Jamail ist JOURNALIST—DURCH den Zusatz UNABHÄNGIG—VIELLEICHT der einzige USA—JOURNALIST der in permanenter Gefahr lebt, weil er sich im IRAK befindet, ohne in die Truppen der USA "eingebettet" zu sein.
20060325             Der KERN—DES—BUCHES besteht aus den 25—MEISTZENSIERTEN Berichten, die durch 1—MEDIENUNTERSUCHUNG ausfindig gemacht wurden wurden + den Zeitraum von 20040300—20060400    -20050000             umfassen.
20060325             - das grosse Töten an ZivilistInnen im IRAK - - die ZERSTÖRUNG—DER—UMWELT = Natur
20060325             unter vielen anderen Themen...
20060325             "Censored 2006" - Andere Themen des Buch´s: Die geheime Einführung der Überwachungsgesellschaft
20060325             - KANADA, TEIL—DER—USA—AMERIKANISCHEN—INTEGRATIONSPLÄNE—DIE USA nutzen Militärbasen zur Erweiterung ihrer Kontrolle SÜD—AMERIKAS
20060325             LOS—ANGELES, sind —HEUTE weitere Großdemonstrationen geplant.
20060325             Im USA—STAAT—GEORGIA legten nach ANGABEN—DER—ORGANISATOREN —BIS zu 80.000—LATINOS die Arbeit nieder, um gegen ein —AM—DONNERSTAG vom Repräsentantenhaus in ATLANTA beschlossenes Gesetz zu protestieren.
20060325             Bush shuns Patriot Act requirement Author: Site admin How long will this SORT—OF—THING continue?
20060325             CANADA seal cull to get under way CANADA—ANNUAL seal hunt is due to get under way, despite INTERNATIONAL calls for 1—END to the controversial cull.
20060325             —PRESSED, Tories, to reveal lenders Labour urges the Conservatives to disclose the names of those who gave them loans —BEFORE the last election.
20060325             notmyopinion writes "In 1—WIDE—RANGING INTERVIEW—WITH—THE—BRITISH—COMPUTER—SOCIETY, SIR—TIM—BERNERS—LEE criticizes software patents, speaks out on USA + ICANN CONTROL—OF—THE—INTERNET, proposes browser security changes + says he got domain names backwards in web addresses all those years ago".
20060325             WASHINGTON—RUSSLAND—AGENTEN hätten demnach strategische Informationen von Quellen "innerhalb des USA—OBERKOMMANDOS —MITTE" erhalten, heißt es in einem —GESTERN veröffentlichten Bericht des USA—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTERIUMS.
20060325             —EXPLODIERT, Raumfahrt: BILLIGFLIEGER—RAKETE—GUTACHTEN für eine schrullige Frau
20060325             Author: PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—CHARLIE—SHEEN: 'Challenge Me On the Facts' ACTOR—1. response —SINCE media
20060325             Sea rise could be 'catastrophic' MELTING—OF—THE—ICE—SHEETS could commit the Earth to 1—CATASTROPHIC—RISE in sea level, the journal Science reports.
20060325             Author: PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—NO—LONGER—THE—MINORITY: 82% Plus Support CHARLIE—SHEEN—OVER 4—FIFTHS back
20060325             STEVE—JOBS on FRANCE—DRM—LAW
20060325             "Terrorist with Nuke" Movie Plot —SINCE—WHEN did THE—NEW—SCIENTIST hire novelists to write science stories?
20060325             1—TRUCK pulls up in FRONT—OF—NEW—YORK CITY—GRAND—CENTRAL—STATION, 1—OF—THE—MOST densely crowded spots in the world.
20060325             It is 1—TYPICAL weekday.
20060325             RUSSIA 'gave IRAQ intelligence' RUSSIA gave SADDAM—HUSSEIN intelligence on USA—MILITARY—MOVES —DURING THE—IRAQ war, 1—PENTAGON report says.
20060325             —FEARED, Tory lenders ' reprisals' Tory backers did not want to be named because they feared losing government contracts, the party says.
20060325             BT goes —AFTER broadband gluttons BT is targeting more than 3,000 broadband users who it says are exceeding their monthly download limits.
20060325             BBC Video: UK—ROLE—IN—BRINGING—NUKES—TO—THE—MIDDLE—EAST: Top secret documents reveal that BRITAIN secretly supplied ISRAEL with plutonium —DURING HAROLD—WILSON—GOVERNMENT.
20060325             MICHAEL—CRICK reports.
20060325             Give IRAN THE—BOMB : THE—USA—GIVES—INDIA, already 1—NUCLEAR—POWER, greater nuclear capability, but threatens war, death, THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—IRAN—OIL—SUPPLY + 1—WORLD—WIDE—FINANCIAL—CATASTROPHE if IRAN dares to want the same thing.
20060325             MEPs look into 2—MORE—CASES—OF—EXTRAORDINARY—RENDITION : "I am not 1—TERRORIST.
20060325             FBI, police spying is rising, groups allege : THE—ACLU has filed FREEDOM—OF—INFORMATION—REQUESTS for more than 150—GROUPS + individuals.
20060325             Bush shuns Patriot Act requirement: —WHEN PRESIDENT—BUSH signed THE—REAUTHORIZATION—OF—THE—USA—PATRIOT—ACT—THIS—MONTH, he included 1—ADDENDUM saying that he did not feel obliged to obey requirements that he inform Congress about how THE—FBI was using the act's expanded police powers.
20060325             THE—HISTORICAL—CONTEXT: According to USA—NEWS & World Report, THE—PRESIDENT may also have authorized warrantless BREAK—INS + other physical surveillance, such as opening regular mail, in violation of the 4. Amendment
20060325             Death raises concern at police tactics : The recent KILLING—OF—1—UNARMED—VIRGINIA doctor has raised concerns about what SOME—SAY is 1—EXPLOSION in THE—USE—OF—MILITARY—STYLE—POLICE—SWAT teams in THE—USA.
20060325             Workers On THE—SLAG—HEAP—OF—HISTORY : —TODAY, in AMERICA, the richest country on earth, THE—GATES—OF—MANY—TOWNS—WELCOME—VISITORS with abandoned factories.
20060325             41—PERCENT—OF—ISRAEL—JEWS favour segregation :
20060325             - Poll reveals widespread ANTI—ARAB sentimen
20060325             IRAQ Archive Document Alleges RUSSIA—OFFICIAL Described Locations, Troops, Tanks + Other Forces —BEFORE Operation IRAQ—FREEDOM—BEGAN Basra, THE—DENMARK—CENTRAL—ARMY—COMMAND said.
20060325             Report: RUSSIA Had Sources in USA—COMMAND : THE—RUSSIA—GOVERNMENT collected intelligence from sources inside THE—USA—MILITARY—COMMAND as THE—USA mounted the invasion of IRAQ + the Russians fed information to SADDAM—HUSSEIN on troop movements and plans, according to IRAQ—DOCUMENTS cited in 1—PENTAGON report released —FRIDAY.
20060325             "I am not 1—TERRORIST.
20060325—20010911    —ON, The movie clearly shows the mindless madness of THE—NWO gang who took over.
20060325—20010911    Lawyer Won't Testify On Her Actions
20060325—20030400    —ANFANG, Dies sei in den 1. Kriegswochen Ende —MÄRZ und geschehen.
20060325—20040300    —FROM, See THE—2—PART—ARTICLE about the Tipton 3 (THE—3—MEN featured in this film) at the Observer :
20060325—20041100    —IM, - die falsche, journalistische Deckung der Perfektionierung des Wahlbetrugs, der im Streit um die Präsidentschaft Bush ´s angeklagt worden war
20060325—20060214    —AM, Der DEUTSCHLAND—ABLEGER "Initiative Nachrichtenaufklaerung" wird seine Liste im Rahmen einer PRESSEKONFERENZ—AN—DER—UNIVERSITÄT—BONN—DER—ÖFFENTLICHKEIT vorstellen.
20060325—20060325    —SEIT, Project CENSORED—UNTERDRÜCKTE Nachrichten 20060000             rund —30—JAHREN veröffentlicht das an der Sonoma STATE—UNIVERSITY—IN—KALIFORNIEN beheimatete Project Censored JEDES—JAHR 1—LISTE—VON—AUSGEWÄHLTEN—NACHRICHTEN,
20060325—20060329    —ON, † Aderian Gaines (36) was shot and killed —WHILE hosting 1—PARTY for teenagers in BERKELEY—CALIFORNIA SWAT teams arrested JAMES—FREEMAN, —29—JAHRE—ALT in BERKELEY and ANTONIO—HARRIS, —18—JAHRE—ALT in OAKLAND for THE—MURDER—OF—GAINES.
20060325—20061127    —SENTENCED, Harris was, to —9—YEARS in prison.
20060325—20070101    —ON, currently the toughest in EUROPE, which comes into effect.
20060325—20070101    —ON, 1—BEAUTIFUL—MIND writes "THE—TIMESONLINE is reporting that GERMANY has accepted 1—NEW—PIRACY—LAW, currently the toughest in EUROPE, which comes into effect. 'Germans risk —2—YEARS in prison if they illegally download films and music for private use under 1—NEW—LAW agreed —YESTERDAY. Anybody who downloads films for commercial use could be jailed for up to —5—YEARS.' MANY—POLITICIANS defended the new law, amongst them GÜNTHER—KRINGS, THE—CHRISTIAN—DEMOCRAT legal affairs spokesman, who claimed: 'There should be no legal distinction between stealing chewing gum from 1—SHOP and performing 1—ILLEGAL—DOWNLOAD.'"
20060426—20040000    —IN, THE—MORNING—OF—THE—ATTACK—GEORGE—BUSH—SENIOR is meets with Shifts Militants to IRAN...acknowledged that THE—PKK had been involved in... NORMAN—SCHWARZKOPF—SENIOR was 1—MILITARY overseer... Clinton ordered the firing of SOME—LISTA.HTML—DEMOCRATS & Liberals:: Comment on Delegated Authority...our PRESIDENT", etc. etc.... MANY—MORE—PRESIDENT—BUSHS... Both involved situations where the public... so is expected to meet PRESIDENT... www.watchblog_com/CGI—BIN/WB—COMMENTS.cgi?entry_id=2580 - x Don't laugh to much, these people are for real......—BEFORE theplanes involved... 01/01, from Bush SENIOR oh... which made $30—BILLION in profits... 20060325             (Xinhuanet) -- USA—PRESIDENT—WEB.pitas_com/mobythor/16_05_2005.HTML—CRISSCROSS—NEWS—BUSH rejects call for quick IRAQ handover at Gore: GEORGE—BUSH [ SENIOR] taking credit for the wall coming down is like... mass destruction and the missiles to... Adviser, 19980218            .
20060800             Jewish And Breaking News: 20070325—20070401              2007032320070325     "THE—USA—MILITARY—FAULTY war plans and insufficient troops in IRAQ left thousands and possibly MILLIONS—OF—TONS—OF—CONVENTIONAL—MUNITIONS unsecured or in THE—HANDS—OF—INSURGENT—GROUPS—AFTER 20030000             —THE invasion — allowing widespread LOOTING—OF—WEAPONS and explosives used to make roadside bombs that cause THE—BULK—OF—USA—CASUALTIES,
20070324—20030325    Die Krise des USA—KAPITALISMUS + der...
20070325             —DIE—BERLINER—ERKLÄRUNG, mit der auf die EUROPÄISCHE—WERTEGEMEINSCHAFT—NOTWENDIGKEIT, hingewiesen wird.
20070325             7/21—BOMBING TRIAL—BG—SOURCE Suspected LONDON 'bomber' accuses CO—DEFENDANT
20070325             Prostitutes, perversions and public SCANDALS—THE—STUFF—OF—THE 20010101—21001231     tabloids was familiar to readers —3—CENTURIES—EARLIER,
20070325             In the early 19010101—20001231.
20070325             Sex in the 1700s Prostitutes, perversions and public SCANDALS—THE—STUFF—OF—THE 20010101—21001231     tabloids was familiar to readers —3—CENTURIES—EARLIER, according to new research from THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—LEEDS.
20070325             RATING—UPDATE: TORONTO ( AG) - Die Analysten von RBC CAPITAL—MARKETS stufen die Aktie von JA Solar Holdings (ISIN US4660901079/WKN A0F5W9) in einer Ersteinschätzung mit "outperform" ein.
20070325             you don't trust THE—WHITE—HOUSE ".
20070325             [20070313             ]
20070325             [20070313             ] - [20070315             ] - [20070313             ]
20070325             [20070315             ]
20070325             [20070313             ] - [20070315             ] - [20070315             ]
20070325             WASHINGTON, 20070320             — Among the hawks in THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, ROBERT—JOSEPH long occupied 1—SPECIAL perch.
20070325             —PUBLISHED, Article, —ON—WEDNESDAY, 20070321             20070325             Wed, 200703215751
20070325             [, 20070322             ] - [MISS—NBC, 20070322             ] - [Fox, 20070322             ]
20070325             WILTON—CONNECTICUT, 20070322             — Student productions at Wilton High School range from splashy musicals like —LAST—YEAR'S "WEST—SIDE—STORY," performed in THE—STATE—OF—THE—ART, $10—MILLION auditorium, to weightier works like ARTHUR—MILLER'S "Crucible," on stage last fall in the school's smaller theater.
20070325             [, 20070322             ] - [MISS—NBC, 20070322             ]
20070325             MIAMI 20070322             (AP) — FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS took the 1. steps toward reducing the prison sentence of FORMER—WASHINGTON lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF, currently scheduled for release 20110000             for 1—FLORIDA fraud conviction.
20070325             News from Last Night (—FRIDAY 20070323             )- BG—SOURCE—CANADA—ENGINEER and Scholar Question 20010911             20070325             —FRIDAY—EVENING, 20070323             , approximately 65—VISITORS crowded into the SkyDragon in HAMILTON, ONTARIO, CANADA to attend THE—HAMILTON 20010911             Truth Symposium which featured 1—VIEWING—OF—911—MYSTERIES followed by 1—TALK with engineer DOCTOR—BOB—KOROL and Scholars for 20010911             Truth and Justice member GRAEME—MACQUEEN.
20070325             POLS 20070323             -- 1—FEDERAL—LAW that would reopen 20070911             —THE victims compensation fund to aid THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE sickened from breathing Ground 0—DUST was proposed —YESTERDAY by NEW—YORK lawmakers.
20070325             WASHINGTON 20070323             (AP) — ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES approved plans to fire several USA—ATTORNEYS in 1—NOVEMBER meeting, according to documents released —FRIDAY that contradict —EARLIER claims that he was not closely involved in the dismissals.
20070325             Sat, 20070324             20070325             —SATURDAY, 20070324            .
20070325             Watch 1—COMPILATION—OF—SNOW—TALKING point:  var
20070325             [20070313             ] - [20070315             ]
20070325             —PUBLISHED, Article, —ON—WEDNESDAY, 20070321             - Wed, 20070321             :57:51
20070325             WILTON—CONNECTICUT, 20070322             — Student productions at Wilton High School range from splashy musicals like —LAST—YEAR'S "WEST—SIDE—STORY," performed in THE—STATE—OF—THE—ART,
20070325             THERE—ANOTHER principle, which is CONGRESS doesn't have the legislative — I mean oversight authority over THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20070325             [, 20070322             ]
20070325             1., THE—WHITE—HOUSE is under no compulsion to do anything.
20070325             The legislative branch doesn't have oversight.
20070325             [MISS—NBC, 20070322             ]
20070325             CONGRESS doesn't have ANY—LEGITIMATE oversight and responsibilities to THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20070325             [Fox, 20070322             ]
20070325             —SATURDAY, 20070324             . - - STE.
20070325             —ARRESTED, GENEVIEVE—MISSOURI, WILLIAM—HUCK—SENIOR, —60—JAHRE—ALT was, on child sex charges and has —SINCE told authorities he molested 40—CHILDREN over a —30—YEAR—PERIOD.
20070325             —INCLUDED, Her over 40—FILMS, "2—GUN—SHERIFF" (19400000             ) and "I—LOVE—TROUBLE" (19480000             ).
20070325             Serzh Sarkisian (Sargsyan), defense MINISTER, was appointed PRIME—MINISTER.
20070325             —PREVENTED, BELARUS, security forces, up to 1,500 OPPONENTS—OF—PRESIDENT—ALEXANDER—LUKASHENKO from protesting in the same square where unprecedented rallies shook THE—FORMER—SOVIET—REPUBLIC—1—YEAR ago.
20070325             —CELEBRATED, EUROPEAN—UNION—LEADERS, HALF—1—CENTURY—OF—UNITY by hailing the bloc's achievements in bolstering peace, democracy and prosperity, then pledged to end —2—YEARS—OF—DEADLOCK over plans to radically overhaul the way THE—EU does business.
20070325             GERMANY, BRIGITTE—MOHNHAUPT (57), a 1—TIME—LEADER—GERMANY—RED—ARMY—FACTION, was released —AFTER 1—QUARTER—CENTURY in prison for her involvement in some of the radical LEFT—WING group's most notorious murders.
20070325             —TROUNCED, Incumbent DONALD—TSANG, his challenger in HONG—KONG—1. contested leadership race —SINCE it returned to CHINA—RULE, but the losing candidate said the vote was rigged and demanded greater democracy.
20070325             Tsang beat PRO—DEMOCRACY—LAWMAKER—ALAN—LEONG 649-123 in the vote by 1—ELECTION—COMMITTEE loaded with tycoons and other elites.
20070325             —BOMBED, Suspected Shiite militants, 1—SUNNI mosque in Haswa in apparent retaliation for 1—SUICIDE—ATTACK THE—DAY—BEFORE against 1—SHIITE shrine in the same city that killed 11—PEOPLE.
20070325             —CLASHED, Gunmen and IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES, in 1—SUNNI area in CENTRAL—BAGHDAD.
20070325             —KILLED, At least 2—PEOPLE were, in fighting.
20070325             —REPORTED, At least 27—IRAQIS were, killed.
20070325             5—USA—SOLDIERS were killed in roadside bombings.
20070325             1—POWERFUL—EARTHQUAKE struck CENTRAL—JAPAN, killing at least 1—PERSON and injuring 170—OTHERS as it toppled buildings, triggered landslides and generated 1—SMALL—TSUNAMI along the coast.
20070325             Citizens of MAURITANIA went to the polls for the 2. time —THIS—MONTH, choosing between 2—MEN vying to usher MAURITANIA into CIVIL—RULE.
20070325             Sidi Ould Cheikh Abdallahi won MAURITANIA—1. free presidential election.
20070325             NIGERIA, 1—DIPLOMATIC—SOURCE said 1—INDIAN and 1—LEBANON—MAN kidnapped in volatile SOUTH—NIGERIA —LAST—WEEK amid disputes over oil revenues have been released.
20070325             Fire broke out in 1—MOSCOW striptease club in THE—EARLY—HOURS, killing 10—PEOPLE.
20070325             —CALLED, European leaders, for new INTERNATIONAL sanctions on SUDAN over its treatment of civilians in Darfur, where the new UN humanitarian CHIEF warned that humanitarian efforts were at RISK—OF—COLLAPSE.
20070325             UN SECRETARY—GENERAL—BAN KI—MOON, declaring the atmosphere "not fully ripe," shunned officials from the Islamic militant Hamas group.
20070325             —TOURED, Ban KI—MOON, 1—PALESTINE—REFUGEE—CAMP and 1—STRETCH—OF—ISRAEL—SEPARATION—BARRIER in THE—WEST—BANK, and said the visit strengthened his resolve to work for Mideast peace.
20070325             —INVOLVED, SOMALIA, 1—OF—THE—ELDERS, in negotiations said talks between ETHIOPIA—MILITARY—OFFICIALS and elders of the dominant Hawiye clan in MOGADISHU have reached 1—IMPASSE, threatening a —2—DAY—TRUCE.
20070325             NORTH—SRI—LANKA, THOUSANDS—OF—TAMIL civilians were on the run as troops and Tiger rebels traded artillery fire across 1—DE facto border, with both sides claiming heavy casualties.
20070325             VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ said that his administration plans to create "collective property" as PART—OF—SWEEPING reforms toward socialism, and that officials would move to seize CONTROL—OF—LARGE ranches and redistribute lands deemed "idle".
20070325             STE.
20070325             —SUSPECTED—AFGHANISTAN, Taliban militants attacked 1—DISTRICT—OFFICE—IN—WARDAK province in 1—CLASH that left 15—MILITANTS and 2—OFFICERS—DEAD.
20070325             —LAUNCHED, In Ghazni province AFGHANISTAN—POLICE and soldiers, 1—JOINT—OPERATION against militants in Andar district, which left 5—SUSPECTED Taliban dead and 7—WOUNDED.
20070325             † ARMENIA—PRIME—MINISTER—ANDRANIK—MARGARIAN (55) of heart failure.
20070325             —WAS—APPOINTED, Serzh Sarkisian (Sargsyan), defense MINISTER, PRIME—MINISTER.
20070325             —CAPTURED, UNITED—KINGDOM—PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR said that THE—15—UNITED—KINGDOM—SAILORS and marines, by IRAN as they searched for smugglers off THE—IRAQ—COAST were not in IRAN—WATERS and warned that BRITAIN viewed their fate as a "fundamental" issue.
20070325             —ANNOUNCED—IRAN, it was partially suspending cooperation with THE—UN—NUCLEAR—WATCHDOG—AGENCY, citing what it called "illegal and bullying" Security Council sanctions imposed on the country for its refusal to stop enriching uranium.
20070325             —WERE—KILLED, At least 2—PEOPLE, in fighting.
20070325             —WERE—REPORTED, At least 27—IRAQIS, killed.
20070325             —WAS—FOLLOWED, The quake, —THROUGHOUT the —DAY by aftershocks.
20070325             This Will be Fun to Watch-
20070325             Pilots For 20010911             —TRUTH—PRESS—RELEASE—FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
20070325             Practical applications still remain 5 to —10—YEARS away, the scientists say.
20070325             —DEVELOPED, Researchers in JAPAN have, 1—PAIR—OF—MOLECULAR—SCALE scissors that open and close in response to light.
20070325             The tiny scissors are the 1. example of 1—MOLECULAR—MACHINE—CAPABLE—OF mechanically manipulating molecules by using light, the scientists say.
20070325             The scissors measure —JUST 3—NANOMETERS in length, small enough to deliver drugs into cells or manipulate genes and other biological molecules,
20070325             says principal investigator Takuzo Aida, Ph.D., professor of chemistry and biotechnology at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—TOKYO.
20070325             The main FUNCTION—OF—THE—ACT would appear to be that of a "loudspeaker", however.
20070325             —SPOTTED, Partly, this is to advise the predator that it has been.
20070325             But DOCTOR—MOURA also speculates that because the Capuchins spread out widely in the dry forested AREAS—OF—NORTH—EAST—BRAZIL —WHEN they forage, the noise could be 1—ALARM—CALL.
20070325             In addition, THE—USE—OF—STONES provides biological anthropologists with 1—RARE and HIGHLY—PRIZED example of primates using stone technology,
20070325             adding to the archaeological record of primate behaviour.
20070325             Most items used by primates in cases where they may be exhibiting SOCIALLY—LEARNED skills are perishable.
20070325             "We already know that these monkey populations use stones as tools to dig holes or to forage and questions remain about why this happens in this area.
20070325             Because it is quite dry and barren, it is possible they learn these skills from 1—ANOTHER because they have to develop them quickly.
20070325             To be sure we would need to research more".
20070325             DOCTOR—MOURA describes THE—ACT—OF—STONE—BANGING as "1—REMARKABLE and novel" behaviour which has yet to be observed in ANY—OTHER—NON—HUMAN primate species.
20070325             But the real significance of his research is that it suggests 1—ELEMENT—OF—HUMAN—LIKE—CULTURE within this FAMILY—OF—CAPUCHINS.
20070325             Let Rove Lie- - I think KARL—ROVE should be permitted to testify to CONGRESS in private, without taking ANY—OATH + without ANY—RECORD being kept of what he says.
20070325             I had hoped we could avoid the indecency of having to spell out the reason why, but apparently we can't.
20070325             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON 3. grade level ad hominem hit pieces can't even pin down basic facts
20070325             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON - "raging fires" CLAIMS—MOLECULAR—TOOLS—MAKE the Cut
20070325             —10—YEARS—AFTER quitting, EX—SMOKERS' arteries relax: study
20070325             —10—YEARS—AFTER quitting, former smokers' arteries returned to 1—LEVEL—OF—STIFFNESS seen in NON—SMOKERS,
20070325             according to 1—ARTICLE published —MONDAY by THE—USA—HEART—ASSOCIATION.
20070325             'Ancestral eve' was MOTHER—OF—ALL tooth decay - Computer Error Rocks ALASKA—FUND
20070325             AP—PERHAPS you know that sinking feeling —WHEN 1—SINGLE keystroke accidentally destroys HOURS—OF—WORK.
20070325             —NOW imagine wiping out 1—DISC drive containing 1—ACCOUNT worth $38—BILLION.
20070325             Dark chocolate said good for arteries
20070325             Dark chocolate is good for the arteries as it helps facilitate blood flow, 1—NEW—STUDY has found.
20070325             EX—DEPUTY Pleads Guilty in Abramoff Case-
20070325             becoming the ninth person and THE—HIGHEST—RANKING BUSH—ADMINISTRATION official convicted in THE—JACK—ABRAMOFF lobbying scandal.
20070325             Hole Found in Protocol Handling Vital National Infrastructure
20070325             Systems that control dams, oil refineries, railroads + nuclear power plants have 1—VULNERABILITY that could cause 1—SYSTEM takeover,
20070325             according to 1—RECENT—RESEARCH—REPORT.
20070325             'JUICED—UP' SUGAR—FUELED Battery Could Power Portable Electronics
20070325             Juicing up your cell phone or iPod may take on 1—WHOLE—NEW meaning in the future.
20070325             —DEVELOPED, Researchers at S—LOUIS—UNIVERSITY—IN—MISSOURI have, 1—FUEL—CELL—BATTERY that runs on virtually ANY—SUGAR—SOURCE ?
20070325             has the potential to operate 3 to 4—TIMES—LONGER on 1—SINGLE—CHARGE than conventional lithium ion batteries, they say.
20070325             MARYLAND to ban phosphorus in soap
20070325             —APPROVED—MARYLAND lawmakers, 1—BAN on dish detergent containing phosphorus in 1—EFFORT to keep phosphates out of CHESAPEAKE Bay.
20070325             Microfossils unravel climate HISTORY—OF—TROPICAL—AFRICA
20070325             Monarch SYSTEM—ON—A—CHIP excels —IN—EARLY testing
20070325             1—REVOLUTIONARY—PROCESSOR—PACKAGE that changes its architecture to adapt to the demands of different computing tasks more than met design expectations in recent trials.
20070325             New evidence of 'human' culture among primates
20070325             Fresh evidence that suggests monkeys can learn skills from EACH—OTHER, in the same manner as humans, has been uncovered by 1—UNIVERSITY—OF—CAMBRIDGE researcher.
20070325             New survey evidence on the health and WELL—BEING—OF—ENGLAND—OLDER generation
20070325             MANY—PEOPLE aged 65 + + lead healthy + active lives, but
20070325             others of their generation face severe health challenges as they get older.
20070325             According to the latest Health Survey for ENGLAND,
20070325             nearly 2 in 3—ADULTS in this age group suffer from high blood pressure,
20070325             roughly 1 in 4 is obese + over 1—QUARTER—OF—WOMEN and more than a 5. of men have SYMPTOMS—OF—DEPRESSION.
20070325             No sex for 40—MILLION—YEARS? No problem
20070325             1—GROUP—OF—ORGANISMS that has never had sex in over 40—MILLION—YEARS—OF—EXISTENCE has nevertheless managed to evolve into distinct species,
20070325             says new research published —TODAY.
20070325             The study challenges the assumption that sex is necessary for organisms to diversify and provides scientists with new insight into why species evolve in the 1. place.
20070325             1—FORMER—WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIAL accused of improperly editing reports on global warming defended his editing changes —MONDAY, saying they reflected
20070325             in the developing world lifesaving drugs and vaccines are still OUT—OF—REACH for many.
20070325             Will access to bird flu vaccines be ANY—DIFFERENT?
20070325             Protein found to shield pancreatic cancer cells from SELF—DESTRUCTION
20070325             —OVEREXPRESSED, An, protein protects human pancreatic cancer cells from being forced to devour themselves,
20070325             removing 1—OF—THE—BODY'S—NATURAL—DEFENSES against OUT—OF—CONTROL—CELL—GROWTH, researchers at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—TEXAS M. D. Anderson Cancer Center report in the March issue of Molecular Cancer Research.
20070325             Right, left makes a difference in tail wag
20070325             ITALY—RESEARCHERS say that dogs' tail wagging sends 1—DIFFERENT—MESSAGE depending on the direction of the wag.
20070325             —ARE—CREATED, —WHEN it comes to risk, not all nanomaterials, equal
20070325             The size, type + dispersion of nanomaterials could all play 1—ROLE in how these materials impact human health and the environment,
20070325             according to 2—GROUPS—OF—RESEARCHERS at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
20070325             Save forests to fight global warming: Stern
20070325             The world should invest 10—BILLION dollars annually to halve deforestation in the fight against global warming,
20070325             Scientists Identify Oldest Preserved PIECES—OF—EARTH—CRUST
20070325             3.8—BILLION years AGO—AS early AS—ACCORDING to 1—REPORT by 1—INTERNATIONAL—TEAM—OF—GEOSCIENTISTS in the
20070325             Scientists progress in successful tissue engineering
20070325             Tissue engineering is 1—RELATIVELY new field of basic and clinical science that is concerned,
20070325             in part, with creating tissues that can augment or replace injured, defective, or diseased body parts.
20070325             Security that nets malicious Web sites
20070325             —WONDERED, Have you ever, how fraudulent or malicious websites can rank highly on search engines like Google or —YAHOO?
20070325             Queensland UNIVERSITY—OF—TECHNOLOGY—IT researcher Professor Audun Josang said 1—WEBSITE—RANKING was determined by THE—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE who visited THE—SITE—THE—MORE hits the higher the ranking.
20070325             Sex in the 1700s - according to new research from THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—LEEDS.
20070325             Smoot donates Nobel prize money to charity
20070325             UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA—BERKELEY astrophysicist GEORGE—SMOOT is donating his Nobel Prize money to 1—CHARITABLE—FUND for science education.
20070325             —TUESDAY—WHEN 1—BLOCKBUSTER study answers whether 1—ARTERY—OPENING procedure plus drugs is better than medication alone for SOME—PATIENTS.
20070325             It's the 1. big study to directly compare angioplasty procedures with drug therapy alone as 1—WAY to prevent heart attacks and deaths in NON—EMERGENCY—CASES.
20070325             TAIWAN Offers 'Freeway' for Butterflies-
20070325             AP—TAIWAN will cordon off PART—OF—1—HIGHWAY to create 1—SAFE—PASSAGE for 1—MASSIVE—SEASONAL butterfly migration in the coming days, 1—OFFICIAL said —SATURDAY.
20070325             WWF Says Pollution, Dams Threaten Rivers-
20070325             AP—THE—YANGTZE—RIVER gets more than HALF—OF—CHINA—INDUSTRIAL—WASTE and sewage.
20070325             EUROPE—DANUBE has lost MOST—OF—ITS surrounding wetlands.
20070325             And THE—RIO—GRANDE has become so shallow that salt water is seeping in,
20070325             bringing ocean fish that threaten freshwater species.
20070325             "Scientists at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—CHICAGO—CENTER for Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes have created 1—SIMULATION—OF—1—WHITE—DWARF exploding into 1—TYPE 1a supernova.
20070325             Understanding these supernovas is also important to testing current cosmological theories regarding dark matter + dark energy,
20070325             as their brightness is used as 1—MEASUREMENT—OF—DISTANCE + discrepancies found in the brightness of very distant supernovas consistently seem to indicate 1—CHANGE in THE—SPEED—OF—EXPANSION—OF—THE—UNIVERSE over time".
20070325             "THE—BBC is reporting that 1—GENETICALLY modified (GENERAL—MOTORS) variety of mosquitoes could be effective in combating THE—SPREAD—OF—MALARIA to humans.
20070325             These GENERAL—MOTORS insects carry 1—GENE that prevents them from being infected by the malaria parasite and has the added benefit of providing 1—FITNESS—ADVANTAGE to the mosquitoes.
20070325             'In the laboratory, equal numbers of genetically modified and ordinary WILD—TYPE mosquitoes were allowed to feed on MALARIA—INFECTED mice.
20070325             —REPRODUCED, As they, MORE—OF—THE—GENERAL—MOTORS, or transgenic, mosquitoes survived.
20070325             According to the researchers, whose results appear in Proceedings of the National ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES journal,
20070325             —AFTER 9—GENERATIONS, 70—PERCENT—OF—THE—INSECTS belonged to THE—MALARIA—RESISTANT strain.
20070325             The modified mosquitoes had 1—HIGHER survival rate and laid more eggs.
20070325             This has major implications for THE—BILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE living in areas with endemic malaria.
20070325             The question in my mind, though, is what effects on the ecosystems of these areas will replacing 1—ORGANISM—LOW on the food chain with 1—GENERAL—MOTORS—VERSION?
20070325             Between the news we saw —LAST—WEEK and biomagnification,
20070325             could this wind up substituting 1—PROBLEM for another?"
20070325             IT and 1—NATIONAL—SECURITY—LETTER—GAG—ORDER
20070325             "1—ARTICLE in THE—WASHINGTON—POST (anonymous for obvious reasons) describes the trauma THE—PRESIDENT—OF—1—SMALL—USA—IT company faces —AFTER receiving 1—NATIONAL—SECURITY—LETTER.
20070325             This is sent by THE—FBI demanding information (140000+ have been sent between 20030000             /2005—ACCORDING to the article).
20070325             Makes for 1—INTERESTING READ—OF—THE—SIDE effects of receiving such 1—LETTER and its requirements for the recipient to remain silent about even the fact he/she has received it.
20070325             —ORDERED, The letter, me to provide sensitive information about 1—OF—MY clients.
20070325             —PROHIBITED, The letter came with 1—GAG provision that, me from telling anyone, including my client, that THE—FBI was seeking this information.
20070325             Based on THE—CONTEXT—OF—THE—DEMAND -- 1—CONTEXT that THE—FBI still won't let me discuss publicly -- I suspected that THE—FBI was abusing its power and that the letter sought information to which THE—FBI was not entitled.'"
20070325             "Scientists have found 1—MORE—EFFICIENT—WAY to harness the spin of 1—ELECTRON to store and process information.
20070325             —DUBBED, The new technology, 'spintronics', has potentials in the development of nanoscale devices that are much more energy efficient than current CHARGE—BASED electronic devices.
20070325             —INCORPORATED, Researchers expect the new technology to be, in computing circuitry within THE—NEXT—DECADE".
20070325             "The latest target of THE—RIAA—IRE is a —10—YEAR—OLD—GIRL in OREGON, who was 7—WHEN the alleged infringement occurred + whose disabled mother lives on Social Security.
20070325             —REPORTED, ATLANTIC, v. Andersen, 1—OREGON case that was widely, 20050000             —WHEN the defendant counterclaimed against THE—RIAA under OREGON—RICO statute and other laws,
20070325             the defendant's mother sought to limit THE—RIAA—DEPOSITION—OF—THE—CHILD to telephone or VIDEO—CONFERENCE.
20070325             —HAS—REFUSED, THE—RIAA, insisting on being able to grill the little girl in person.
20070325             Here are court documents (PDF)".
20070325             RIAA Wins Worst Company In AMERICA 20070000             -
20070325             "—AFTER 15—PUNISHING rounds of combat involving 32—OF—AMERICA—MOST hated companies, 100,000 voters have spoken:
20070325             —HATED, More, than HALLIBURTON, more despised than Walmart, THE—RIAA has defeated all comers to become the Worst Company in AMERICA 20070000             ".
20070325             "1—STUDY in THE—PEER—REVIEWED journal Science shows that mice transgenetically altered with 1—SINGLE—HUMAN gene are then able to see in full TRI—COLOR vision.
20070325             Mice without this alteration are normally colorblind.
20070325             The scientists speculate that mammalian brains even from animals that have never evolved color vision are flexible enough to interpret new COLOR—SENSE—INFORMATION with —JUST the simple ADDITION—OF—NEW photoreceptors.
20070325             "Scientists have long puzzled over how SOME—DINOSAURS and other creatures survived the asteroid impact that supposedly caused THE—KT mass extinction 65—MILLION—YEARS ago and wiped out all the big dinosaurs.
20070325             1—IDEA has been that smaller animals, including mammals, could have endured the fallout, the big chill, the subsequent volcanoes + whatever else by burrowing.
20070325             —NOW scientists have come up with the 1. EVIDENCE—OF—BURROWING dinosaurs.
20070325             They speculate that underground dens might explain how SOME—DINOSAURS got through long, dark winters at high latitudes, too".
20070325             —VOTED—MONTANA, where residents of Missoula County, in 1—REFERENDUM intended to advise county LAW—ENFORCEMENT—TYPES to treat marijuana offenses as LOW—PROFILE.
20070325             —CHANGED, The referendum would not have, ANY—LAWS, but was advisory only.
20070325             —APPROVED, —AFTER voters, it, county commissioners overturned it by a 2—TO—1—VOTE.
20070325             —WERE—SWAYED, They, by THE—ARGUMENT—OF—THE—COUNTY—ATTORNEY, who had a "gut feeling" that MISSOULA—ELECTORATE had misinterpreted the ballot language.
20070325             —HAS—RESULTED, The move, in 1—FLOOD—OF—DISAFFECTION among voters, especially young voters.
20070325             "Is there even 1—POINT to voting ANY—MORE if THE—WILL—OF—THE—PEOPLE can so easily be subverted by 2—PEOPLE?
20070325             1—VOTER—POSTED on 1—COMMENT blog. Hooey Alert-
20070325             —REASONED, BG—MORE " discourse" which,
20070325             1) Defends NIST gibberish - 2) Attacks 20010911             —SKEPTICS unreasonably
20070325             3) Fails to make the slightest headway in explaining the Controlled Demolition with WTC7 Source
20070325             Center 7—SOUTH—SIDE—HOLE Researching this, I began looking for images of THE—WTC 7south side hole the firemen talked about.
20070325             —OBSCURED, The only photo's I could find had this massive hole, by tremendous PLUMES—OF—SMOKE.
20070325             —JUST as conspiracy theorists used the north side photos to suggest that was THE—EXTENT—OF—THE—DAMAGE,
20070325             (1—FEW small fires) conspiracy theorists are —NOW using this photo to suggest the photo shows the total EXTENT—OF—THE—DAMAGE.
20070325             I emphasized the above because for SOME—REASON—CONSPIRACY—THEORISTS don't get it.
20070325             YES—I can't find 1—PHOTO which shows more damage to the south side but conspiracy theorists who have been shown to be wrong time and time again also can't find 1—PHOTO proving the south side only had the damage we see.
20070325             I find this double standard comically obvious.
20070325             What I found most comical was the suggestion that I had to prove this wasn't dust from the north tower collapse.
20070325             How Long- - Amnesty speaks out against USA—MILITARY—TRIBUNALS
20070325             —ON—MONDAY, THE—USA—WILL try Gitmo prisoner DAVID—HICKS, 1—AUSTRALIAN, via 1—MILITARY—TRIBUNAL.
20070325             This past —THURSDAY, human rights group AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL
20070325             issued the —FOLLOWING press release urging THE—USA to abandon the military tribunal system and to try Gitmo detainees in ordinary FEDERAL—COURTS:
20070325             —PROPOSED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT should abandon its, military commissions and bring ANY—GUANTANAMO detainees it charges to trial in the ordinary FEDERAL—COURTS,
20070325             without recourse to the death penalty, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL urged —TODAY, releasing 1—NEW—REPORT on trials under the Military Commissions Act (MCA).
20070325             Ode to BM- - High School kids try to put on 1—PLAY about the war in IRAQ and the Principal, let's call him Big Motherfucker, shuts it down.
20070325             Outrageous.
20070325             $10—MILLION auditorium, to weightier works like ARTHUR—MILLER'S "Crucible," on stage last fall in the school's smaller theater.
20070325             —ADVANCED, For the —SPRING semester, students in the, theater class took on 1—BIGGER—CHALLENGE:
20070325             creating 1—ORIGINAL—PLAY about the war in IRAQ.
20070325             —COMPILED, They, REFLECTIONS—OF—SOLDIERS and others involved,
20070325             including 1—HEARTBREAKING letter from a 20050000             Wilton High graduate killed in IRAQ last ;;09;;
20070325             at age 19 + quickly found their largely sheltered lives somewhat transformed.
20070325             I—CAN'T Tell Whether It's Amy or Not-
20070325             Amy Goodman & Others Waited for WTC-7 to Implode!
20070325             This brief video opens with gray smoke mysteriously emanating from WTC-7.
20070325             1—FIREMAN warns his comrades on what to do if WTC—7—COMES down!
20070325             1—POLICEMAN then demonstrates this same type of foreknowledge!
20070325             —ASSEMBLED, We are shown SCORES—OF—PEOPLE & reporters who have, behind police barricades about 1—HALF—MILE—NORTH—OF—WTC—7,
20070325             obviously waiting for something to happen!
20070325             Among the crowd watching WTC-7 is gatekeeper Amy Goodman of "Democracy —NOW!".
20070325             —CONTROLLED, As WTC—7—BEGINS to implode in a, demolition, MISS—GOODMAN yells, "Oh God", & she runs through the crowd! (I made 2—SCREENSHOTS of Ms.
20070325             Goodman that appear —AT—THE—END—OF—THE clip.)
20070325             Who gave all these people the info that they should stand by & observe WTC-7???
20070325             —REVEALED, Why has MISS—GOODMAN never, this shocking scene that she EYE—WITNESSED???
20070325             Impeach Bush —NOW-
20070325             To Insanity + Beyond! -- Is The 'Unitary Executive' Theory 'Quaint'?
20070325             In —YESTERDAY—COLUMN, "New Developments in THE—USA—ATTORNEY Controversy:
20070325             Why Bush Refuses to Allow KARL—ROVE and HARRIET—MIERS to Testify —BEFORE Congress + What Role New WHITE—HOUSE—COUNSEL—FRED—FIELDING—MAY—PLAY",
20070325             JOHN—DEAN shot more than 1—FEW straight arrows, including these:
20070325             —RECOILED, For THOSE—OF—USA who have, in horror —WHILE watching the carnage of USA led aggression,
20070325             justified by fascist techniques and Orwellian deception, the initial reaction to Brzezinski may well be cheers and support.
20070325             SOME—MAY believe, this is "speaking truth to power".
20070325             The only hope of reasserting 1—LEGITIMATE—GOVERNMENT within THE—USA is based on exposing the whole truth.
20070325             —COMPROMISED, The whole truth involves 1—COMPLETELY, CONGRESS with fake Partisan battles which remove the focus from the overall complicity in larger crimes.
20070325             —ORCHESTRATED, The whole truth involves the details of 1—CAREFULLY, hoax with regard to what happened 20010911             —ON.
20070325             What 1—SHAM! Source
20070325             —HAS—CREATED, The "WAR—ON—TERROR", 1—CULTURE—OF—FEAR in AMERICA.
20070325             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—ELEVATION—OF these 3—WORDS into 1—NATIONAL mantra —SINCE the horrific events of 20010911             has had 1—PERNICIOUS—IMPACT on USA—DEMOCRACY,
20070325             —ON AMERICA—PSYCHE and on USA standing in the world.
20070325             —UNDERMINED, Using this phrase has actually, our ability to effectively confront the real challenges we face from fanatics who may use terrorism against us.
20070325             What 1—OUTRAGE!- - Knight of the Living Dead
20070325             If there was 1—SURPRISING aspect to this situation it has less to do with the confessions themselves than with the fact that for the 1. time in 1—GREAT—MANY—YEARS,
20070325             torture was normalized — presented as something acceptable.
20070325             The ethical consequences of it should worry us all.
20070325             —WHILE THE—SCOPE—OF—MISTER—MOHAMMED—CRIMES is clear and horrifying, it is worth noting that THE—USA—SEEMS incapable of treating him even as it would the hardest criminal — in the civilized Western world,
20070325             Mohammed is —NOW impossible — no court that operates within the frames of Western legal systems can deal with illegal detentions,
20070325             confessions obtained by torture and the like.
20070325             (And this conforms, perversely, to MISTER—MOHAMMED—DESIRE to be treated as 1—ENEMY rather than 1—CRIMINAL.)
20070325             Not Sure About This- - Reverse Foreign Aid
20070325             For the last —10—YEARS, people in CHINA have been sending me money.
20070325             I also get money from countries in Latin AMERICA and SUB—SAHARAN AFRICA — really,
20070325             —FROM EVERY—POOR—COUNTRY. I'm not the only 1—WHO—SO lucky.
20070325             Everyone in 1—WEALTHY nation has become the beneficiary of the generous subsidies that poorer countries bestow upon rich ones.
20070325             Here in THE—USA, this welfare program in reverse allows our government to spend wildly without runaway inflation,
20070325             keeps MANY—USA—BUSINESSES afloat and even provides medical care in PARTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY where doctors are scarce.
20070325             Haven't Read the Whole Article- - THE—WASHINGTON—BACK—CHANNEL
20070325             I. So there I sat, watching THE—USA—GOVERNMENT in all its majesty dragging into COURT—THE—USA—PRESS (in all its piety),
20070325             forcing reporters to betray confidences, rifling their files and notebooks,
20070325             making them swear to their confused memories and motives and burdening their bosses with hefty legal fees — all for THE—HIGH—SOUNDING purpose,
20070325             yet again, of protecting our nation's secrets.
20070325             TOP—SECRET—SECRETS! In wartime!
20070325             Conforms to What ALEX—JONES and Others Have Said-
20070325             NEW—YORK Police Spied Broadly —BEFORE G.O.P. Convention
20070325             For at least —1—YEAR—BEFORE 20040000             —THE—REPUBLICAN—NATIONAL—CONVENTION,
20070325             teams of undercover NEW—YORK City police officers traveled to cities across the country,
20070325             —PLANNED—CANADA and EUROPE to conduct covert OBSERVATIONS—OF—PEOPLE who, to protest at the convention, according to police records and interviews.
20070325             —FROM ALBUQUERQUE to MONTREAL, S—FRANCISCO to MIAMI, undercover NEW—YORK police officers attended meetings of political groups,
20070325             posing as sympathizers or fellow activists, the records show.
20070325             —SHARED, They made friends, meals, swapped E—MAIL messages and then filed daily reports with the department's Intelligence Division.
20070325             —MINED, Other investigators, INTERNET sites and chat rooms.
20070325             IRAN reduces nuclear access
20070325             TEHRAN says it will reduce cooperation with UN nuclear inspectors —AFTER fresh sanctions are imposed.
20070325             Slave trade SHAMEFUL—BLAIR
20070325             Study: Global Warming, Brain Size
20070325             —MOVED, New research finds as humans, from equatorial climes to colder regions, their brains grew.
20070325             Will 1—HEATING planet shrink them?
20070325             In 27B Stroke 6. - FRANCE—POST—UFO—INFO—ONLINE
20070325             —CONDUCTED, YEARS—OF—UFO research, by THE—FRANCE—SPACE—AGENCY is put online for the public to view.
20070325             8—USA—MILITARY—MEN involved in THE—MURDER—OF—1—IRAQ—CIVIL—CAREFULLY stage events for the benefit of 1—OVERHEAD surveillance aircraft.
20070325             Only 1—CONFESSION—TRIPS them up.
20070325             Researchers want to develop smart cockpits and control stations that can sense what soldiers are thinking and adjust to maximize efficiency.
20070325             Activists renew calls to examine voting machines' source code —AFTER 1—DOCUMENT shows the manufacturer knew about problems in advance of 1—CLOSELY contested FLORIDA election.
20070325             With the amygdala constantly contradicting the neocortex, your gray matter tends to see lots of red alerts.
20070325             Commentary by BRUCE—SCHNEIER—SECURITY for Sale
20070325             Blackwater contractors are "operating with unclear LINES—OF—AUTHORITY, OUT—OF—CONTROL—COSTS and virtually no oversight by CONGRESS. This black HOLE—OF—ACCOUNTABILITY—INCREASES the danger to our troops and USA—CIVILIANS serving as contractors".
20070325             Where is the Money Going?
20070325             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has spent more on the military than ANY—OTHER—PRESIDENT.
20070325             The shabby conditions at WALTER—REED—ARMY—MEDICAL—CENTER reveal that the money is not going to THE—VETERANS—OF—THE—WAR in IRAQ.
20070325             Bush, DeLay, Perle and others are collaborators against USA—PEOPLE
20070325             Instead of listening to THE—USA—PEOPLE they are listening to HALLIBURTON ,
20070325             RAYTHEON, AIPAC + other special interest groups who are acting as collaborators against THE—USA—PEOPLE.
20070325             At times, I think our own terrorists are those who have been given the power over ALL—OF—USA and they do not reside overseas, but legislate in WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA
20070325             HERE—JON—STEWART—HILARIOUS but right on take of this situation.
20070325             "I will not resign. I'm going to stay focused on protecting your kids" - said ALBERTO—GONZALEZ.
20070325             Gonzalez digs his heels at THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT so he can continue to rescue and protect BUSH from THE—HANDS—OF—JUSTICE.
20070325             His mere words are 1—INSULT to EVERY—SANE—AMERICAN.
20070325             How far will the political pendulum swing back to the left —AFTER Bush ?
20070325             USA—POLITICS, the pendulum always swings back, so is the swing back from THE—BUSH /Republican fascist 4. Riech going to be 1—DYNAMIC—REBIRTH—OF—USA—SOCIALISM?
20070325             It's already happening and the pig, pig rich are getting nervous.
20070325             3. Circuit Appeals COURT—SETS—DATE for ORAL Arguments in Mumia Case
20070325             3. Circuit will hear 3—CHALLENGES to ABU—JAMAL—CONVICTION +
20070325             Cornered animals are DANGEROUS—BUSH and CHENEY are in trouble.
20070325             They are holding us all hostage with THE—THREAT—OF—1—ATTACK on IRAN.
20070325             Bloggers and Other Writers Should Unionize
20070325             Article examines reasons why independent writers and bloggers should join the National Writers Union (UAW Local 19810000             ) and SOME—OTHER—LABOR—UNION—ISSUES.
20070325             This is your brain on meat
20070325             —SLAUGHTERED, Out of the nearly 40—MILLION—USA—CATTLE, annually, only about 10000000             are tested for mad cow disease.
20070325             Beating BUSH—SWORDS—INTO—PLOWSHARES
20070325             —FROM BUSH—WAGING of his military occupation in IRAQ,
20070325             back to focusing on the needs and concerns of Americans
20070325             THE—DEMOCRATS—CAN'T—BACK—DOWN on Attorneygate
20070325             If CONGRESS should back down on this investigation and "compromise" their principles once again, we could be in 1—WORSE—POSITION than we were —BEFORE this investigation started.
20070325             BUSH—POLITICS—OF—BETRAYAL
20070325             —HAS—BETRAYED, They're further proof THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, AMERICA.
20070325             —PUBLISHED, Article, —ON—WEDNESDAY, 20070321             20070325             Valerie Plame and the Incredible Shrinking Cover Story
20070325             —STRANDED, Like mariners, on 1—ICEBERG adrift in the Gulf Stream, THE—BUSH—APOLOGISTS have less and less to cling to as,
20070325             with time, the refuting testimony and evidence accumulate.
20070325             It has —NOW come to the point that PRO—BUSH—APOLOGETICS are so pathetically lame and absurd that their defenses serve only to strengthen the case against THE—BUSH eviks.
20070325             Fantasyland and 1—PRESIDENT—DEVOID—OF—REALITY
20070325             In the height of the gathering storm that is the debacle over firing USA—ATTORNEYS, PRESIDENT—BUSH reminds us that he —JUST doesn't have 1—CLUE.
20070325             Plame OUTING—TREASON by no other name
20070325             —DESTROYED, Outing covert agent Plame was treason and, 1—CIA—FRONT—COMPANY—BREWSTER Jennings that took HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—USA—TAX—DOLLARS and decades to create.
20070325             —DESTROYED, This outing, 1—MAJOR—SOURCE—OF—U. S. nuclear proliferation intelligence in THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20070325             Knowingly exposing, or knowing about the exposure of 1—COVERT—CIA—AGENT is treason.
20070325             Judges and the Development of Parental Alienation Syndrome
20070325             Imagine adding 100—MILLION—PEOPLE to AMERICA.
20070325             —NOW imagine adding 200—MILLION.
20070325             In your 3. try, go for 300—MILLION.
20070325             —NOW you suffer 1—NIGHTMARE.
20070325             That's where AMERICA—HEADS as it doubles it popultion in this —CENTURY to 600—MILLION.
20070325             If we continue on this TITANIC—LIKE—PATH, we'll end up like the Titanic.
20070325             —ISOLATED, These are not, incidents of W's minions running amok.
20070325             The evil deeds of W's era that include THE—FBI secretly obtaining information on USA—CITIZENS—VIA—NATIONAL—SECURITY—LETTERS,
20070325             W's HAND—PICKED stooge, changing his government + missing deadlines BUSH vowed that Maliki would keep wouldn't have been perpetrated in the traditional USA—DEMOCRACY.
20070325             Retired.
20070325             COLONEL—ANN—WRIGHT—ARRESTED at House Judiciary Committee.
20070325             —26—YEAR—VETERAN—ANN—WRIGHT—ARRESTED at the House Judiciary Committee.
20070325             THE—DEMS—HAVE—ONLY—THEMSELVES to Blame (But We Have to Suffer the Consequences)
20070325             So long as the Democrats let JOE—LIEBERMAN blackmail them in maintaining majority status in the Senate,
20070325             they will continue to be seen as WEAK—KNEED.
20070325             RIGHT—WINGERS are PART—OF—1—NOISE—MACHINE that reaches the general public.
20070325             —WHEN Republicans Have Nothing To Say, They Yell "AL—QAEDA"
20070325             "I believe he should step down. And I don't like saying this.
20070325             This is not my natural personality at all," Feinstein said on FOX—NEWS—SUNDAY.
20070325             "But I think the nation is not well served by this.
20070325             I think we need to get at the bottom of why these resignations were made,
20070325             who ordered them + what the strategy was".
20070325             of his superiors at THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT or anyone at THE—WHITE—HOUSE ".
20070325             But as TPMmuckraker notes,
20070325             new E—MAILS "suggest that he discussed the need for proposed changes with other Justice Department officials
20070325             —ON—SATURDAY new arms and financial SANCTIONS—AGAINST—IRAN for refusing to suspend uranium enrichment.
20070325             —AIMED, THE—PACKAGE—OF—SANCTIONS, at curbing IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM, targets the country's arms exports, its STATE—OWNED BANK—SEPAH and the elite Revolutionary Guards.
20070325             —HALTED, The 15-member body would suspend the sanctions if IRAN, enrichment".
20070325             WHITE—HOUSE counselor DAN—BARTLETT tells MISS—NBC that "BUSH continues to support [ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO] GONZALES despite the latest disclosures
20070325             "about his role in THE—USA—PROSECUTOR—FIRINGS.
20070325             —APPROVED, ABC News reports: "New documents show GONZALES, FIRINGS—OF—USA—ATTORNEYS, contradicting —EARLIER claims he was not closely involved".
20070325             —APPROVED, GONZALES, plans to fire several USA—ATTORNEYS in a ;;11;; meeting.
20070325             focused on a 5-step plan for carrying out THE—FIRINGS—OF—THE—PROSECUTORS, JUSTICE DEPARTMENT officials said —LATE—FRIDAY.
20070325             —SIGNED, There, GONZALES, off on the plan, which was crafted by his CHIEF—OF—STAFF, KYLE—SAMPSON.
20070325             —RESIGNED, Sampson, —LAST—WEEK—IN—THE—WAKE—OF—THE—POLITICAL firestorm surrounding the firings.
20070325             I was not involved in seeing ANY—MEMOS, was not involved in ANY—DISCUSSIONS about what was going on... That's basically what I knew as ATTORNEY—GENERAL.
20070325             —RELEASED, UPDATE III: New documents, tonight, "including GONZALES—APPOINTMENT—CALENDAR,
20070325             7—OF—THE—8—PROSECUTORS were let go on Dec.
20070325             7." The meeting occurred —DURING THE—18—DAY—GAP
20070325             in documents THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT had previously released.
20070325             —RESIGNED, KYLE—SAMPSON, the former aide to ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES who, —LAST—WEEK, has agreed to testify —BEFORE the Senate Judiciary Committee about the firings of 8—USA—ATTORNEYS—LAST—YEAR.
20070325             in part, by THE—WHITE—HOUSE ". "He was right at THE—CENTER—OF—THINGS," Sen.
20070325             Chuck Schumer (D—NY said.
20070325             "He has said publicly that what others have said is not how it happened.
20070325             He contradicts DOJ.
20070325             —ASKED, —WHEN, why FORMER—USA—ATTORNEY—JOHN—MCKAY—OF—WASHINGTON state was ousted, GONZALES responded:
20070325             There was nothing improper about the decision here... THERE—NO—EVIDENCE whatsoever + it's reckless and irresponsible to allege that these decisions were based in ANY—WAY on improper motives.
20070325             CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO GONZALES—GONZALES ' statements are distortions.
20070325             —REVEALED, McKay, —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH that Rep.
20070325             —CONTACTED, DOC—HASTING'S (R—WA) office, him and pressured
20070325             him as to the status of 1—ONGOING investigation into voter fraud in the midst of 1—TIGHT gubernatorial election.
20070325             saying that it is "highly unlikely we could do better in SEATTLE.
20070325             "But —1—MONTH—LATER, McKay was listed as 1—OF—THE—7—ATTORNEYS in the process of being "pushed out.
20070325             ""What happened between those dates to reverse MCKAY—POLITICAL—FORTUNES is 1—BIT—OF—1—MYSTERY.
20070325             GONZALES ' defiant tone comes in the midst of 1—LAST ditch attempt to avoid being fired himself.
20070325             —THIS—WEEK, GONZALES is touring the country in 1—ATTEMPT to get away from WASHINGTON,
20070325             as he "appeared to be launching 1—CAMPAIGN to save his job
20070325             —BY—REPAIRING relations with prosecutors in the field and reaching out to political supporters".
20070325             "THE—USA—MILITARY—PRISON at GUANTANAMO Bay will likely remain open for THE—REST—OF—GEORGE—W—BUSH—PRESIDENCY,
20070325             because it will take time to conduct the legal PROCEEDINGS—OF—THE—DETAINEES there, THE—WHITE—HOUSE said —ON—FRIDAY".
20070325             Q: So, realistically, are you saying that GUANTANAMO Bay will not be shut down —BEFORE THE—END—OF—HIS—PRESIDENCY?
20070325             SNOW: I doubt it, no. I don't think it will.
20070325             "I will veto it if it comes to my desk," BUSH said, adding that he thinks the legislation has "no chance of becoming law".
20070325             UPDATE: House Speaker NANCY Pelosi reacts to the bill's passage: "THE—USA—PEOPLE have lost faith in THE—PRESIDENT—CONDUCT—OF this war.
20070325             THE—USA—PEOPLE see THE—REALITY—OF—THE—WAR, THE—PRESIDENT does not.
20070325             —PASSED, With a 218—212—VOTE, the House
20070325             THE—USA—TROOPS—READINESS, Veterans' Health and IRAQ Accountability Act,
20070325             which calls for THE—REDEPLOYMENT—OF—TROOPS
20070325             —ON the timelines that we've set for ourselves in terms of being successful in that other conflict," Defense SECRETARY—ROBERT—GATES said.
20070325             "It would take 1—LITTLE—LONGER and we would not be as precise.
20070325             We would not have as MANY—PRECISION—WEAPONS.
20070325             J. STEVEN—GRILES, the "FORMER—NUMBER 2—OFFICIAL in the Interior Department," —TODAY "will admit lying to the Senate about his relationship with convicted lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF ,
20070325             who succeeded in gaining the official's intervention at the agency for his INDIA—TRIBAL—CLIENTS". "He is the 10. person — and the 2. HIGH—LEVEL—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIAL
20070325             — to face criminal charges in the continuing JUSTICE DEPARTMENT investigation into ABRAMOFF—LOBBYING activities".
20070325             THE—WHITE—HOUSE refuses to allow KARL—ROVE and other top aides to testify about the administration's prosecutor purge.
20070325             —HAS—OFFERED, Instead, it, closed door "interviews" with no oath and no transcript.
20070325             —REJECTED, Judiciary Committees have, that offer and authorized SUBPOENAS—OF—WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS.
20070325             She told him THE—WHITE—HOUSE—OFFER was perfectly acceptable.
20070325             "You're going to get the truth from KARL—ROVE. WHAT—WRONG with that?" —LATER—O'DONNELL asserted, "You don't trust THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20070325             The bottom line, you don't trust THE—WHITE—HOUSE ".
20070325             As Leahy told O'Donnell, this is about more than whether or not the Senate trusts THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20070325             "We want to have hearings the way this country has had hearing for over —200—YEARS," Leahy stated.
20070325             "Do it open. Do it under oath. And then let THE—USA—PEOPLE decide".
20070325             (HT: Political Discontent)
20070325             "according to 1—GOVERNMENT—ACCOUNTABILITY—OFFICE—REPORT released —YESTERDAY.
20070325             —WAS—FIRED, New emails show that "—2—MONTHS—BEFORE Bud Cummins, as USA—ATTORNEY in LITTLE—ROCK," ROVE protege TIM—GRIFFIN "was maneuvering with THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT to take" Cummins' place.
20070325             "SOME—OF—THE—THOUSANDS—OF—PAGES—OF E—MAILS released —THIS—WEEK underscore the extraordinary planning and effort,
20070325             at the highest LEVELS—OF—THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—AND—WHITE—HOUSE, to secure Griffin 1—JOB". "The evidence runs contrary to assurances from ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—R—GONZALES that no such move had been planned".
20070325             —OUSTED, Another, USA—PROSECUTOR speaks out.
20070325             FORMER—MICHIGAN USA—ATTORNEY—MARGARET—CHIARA "said in 1—INTERVIEW that 1—SENIOR—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—OFFICIAL had told her that her resignation was necessary to create 1—SLOT for '1—INDIVIDUAL they wanted to advance.
20070325             ' The identity of the likely replacement was not disclosed, she said".
20070325             "IRAQ—DEPUTY—PRIME—MINISTER—SALAM—AL—ZUBAIE was wounded in 1—SUICIDE bombing inside his BAGHDAD compound,
20070325             "reports, making this the "2. assassination attempt
20070325             —ON 1—SENIOR—MEMBER—OF—THE—USA—BACKED government in —1—MONTH".
20070325             "—AFTER more than —30—YEARS—OF—STRICT—FEDERAL—PROTECTION, the Yellowstone population of grizzly bears is being removed from the endangered species list by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION".
20070325             —DEDICATED, Groups, to protecting the grizzlies criticized the move,
20070325             "warning that climate change is reducing 1—VITAL—FOOD—SOURCE
20070325             and human population growth is increasing the chances of lethal RUN—INS".
20070325             In his 1. weeks as defense SECRETARY, ROBERT—M—GATES repeatedly argued that the detention facility at Guantánamo Bay,
20070325             —TAINTED—CUBA, had become so, abroad that legal proceedings at Guantánamo would be viewed as illegitimate,
20070325             according to senior administration officials.
20070325             He told PRESIDENT—BUSH and others that it should be shut down as quickly as possible.
20070325             1—STANCE that was backed by THE—OFFICE—OF—VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY, administration officials said.
20070325             As MISTER—GATES was making his case, SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE joined him in urging that the detention facility be shut down,
20070325             administration officials said.
20070325             But THE—HIGH—LEVEL—DISCUSSIONS about closing Guantánamo came to 1—HALT —AFTER MISTER—BUSH rejected the approach.
20070325             We need to shut down Gitmo. HERE—HOW to do it.
20070325             NBC—MIKE—VIQUIERA: "Speaker NANCY Pelosi and her allies in the House —NOW appear to have the Democratic votes necessary
20070325             to pass the measure that requires USA—COMBAT troops to be out of IRAQ by Fall 20080000             at the latest".
20070325             UPDATE: Watch VIDEO—OF—TODAY—HOUSE debate HERE. UPDATE II: Atrios writes:
20070325             It isn't perfect, but the choice isn't between nothing and 1—PONY, it's been nothing and this.
20070325             —HAS—CALLED, From what I understand Pelosi, in EVERY—CHIP she has (and thrown SOME—ELBOWS) for the Bill.
20070325             Whatever its imperfections, it's better than the realistic alternative.
20070325             LET—HOPE it passes.
20070325             UPDATE III: GREG—SARGENT reports, "Less than —24—HOURS—BEFORE the House Dem IRAQ supplemental spending bill is set to go to 1—VOTE,
20070325             the key liberal House Dems holding out against the bill have decided to back it,
20070325             making its passage far more likely".
20070325             —AFTER 2—GRUELING WEEKS—OF—MEETINGS, Progressive MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS brought forth 1—AGREEMENT that provided the momentum to pass 1—SUPPLEMENTAL spending bill that,
20070325             for the 1. time, establishes 1—TIMELINE for THE—WITHDRAWAL—OF—USA—TROOPS from IRAQ.
20070325             CONGRESS women BARBARA—LEE (D—CA), Lynn Woolsey (D—CA), Maxine Waters (D—CA) and Diane Watson (D—CA) have led CONGRESS ional opposition to the war in IRAQ —SINCE—BEFORE it started and have consistently voted against funding for the war as 1—MATTER—OF—CONSCIENCE.
20070325             —DECIDED, Still, they, that they could not stand in THE—WAY—OF—THE—PASSAGE—OF—1—BILL that would establish 1—CLEAR timeline for ending the war,
20070325             —APPEARED, WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—SECRETARY—TONY—SNOW, on the —MORNING talk shows on all the major networks and repeated his talking
20070325             that CONGRESS "has no oversight responsibility over THE—WHITE—HOUSE ". - - 1—SAMPLING of his statements:
20070325             —WAS—ASKED, But back —WHEN he, whether THE—CONSERVATIVE—LED 109. CONGRESS should be investigating MEMBERS—OF—THE—EXECUTIVE—BRANCH, he was singing 1—DIFFERENT tune:
20070325             QUESTION: What is THE—PRESIDENT—OPINION—OF—1—REQUEST by Republican leaders in the House to launch 1—INVESTIGATION—OF—SANDY—BERGER—INVOLVEMENT in the removal of classified documents from the National Archives?
20070325             SNOW: There were questions —LAST—WEEK, about investigations involving Republican members.
20070325             MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS have their own oversight obligations.
20070325             —PROCEED, They may, as they wish.
20070325             They're 1—SEPARATE and CO—EQUAL—BRANCH—OF—GOVERNMENT and I'm not going to tell them what they can and can't do.
20070325             [Briefing, 10/16
20070325             More at TPM Muckraker, Senate COMMITTEE—APPROVES—IRAQ redeployment plan.-
20070325             —APPROVED, THE—SENATE—APPROPRIATIONS—COMMITTEE " a $122—BILLION measure —THURSDAY financing wars in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN but also calling on PRESIDENT—BUSH to pull combat troops out of IRAQ by —NEXT—SPRING.
20070325             —APPROVED, The bill, by 1—VOICE—VOTE,
20070325             is similar to 1 the House began debating —THURSDAY.
20070325             —THREATENED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE has, to veto the House measure and issued 1—VETO—THREAT against 1—EARLIER,
20070325             similar VERSION—OF—THE—SENATE—WITHDRAWAL—LANGUAGE".
20070325             UPDATE: REPRESENTATIVE—PATRICK—MURPHY (D—PA), the only IRAQ war veteran in CONGRESS, explains why the House needs to approve THE—USA—TROOPS—READINESS,
20070325             Veterans' Health and IRAQ Accountability ACT—BOEHNER—60—DAYS On IRAQ Are Up-
20070325             KOPPEL: How long can you and your membership give THE—PRESIDENT and give THE—IRAQ—MILITARY,
20070325             —BEFORE you say, you know what, you're not doing your job?
20070325             BOEHNER: I think it will be rather clear in the next 60 to —90—DAYS as to whether this plan is going to work.
20070325             And, again, that's why we need to have close oversight, so that we —JUST don't look up 60—OR —90—DAYS from —NOW and realize that — that this plan is not working.
20070325             We need to know, as we — as we're — we move through these benchmarks, that the Iraqis are doing what they have to do.
20070325             TIME—UP.
20070325             50—9—DAYS—LATER, the escalation isn't working.
20070325             1—SENIOR—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIAL acknowledged —RECENTLY to THE—WASHINGTON—POST that "right —NOW there is no trend
20070325             "showing the escalation is working. —WHILE sectarian attacks in BAGHDAD are down, "deaths of IRAQ—CIVILIANS and USA—TROOPS have increased outside the capital":
20070325             If violence is down in BAGHDAD, analysts said, it is likely because the Shiite militias operating there are waiting out the buildup in USA—TROOPS,
20070325             nearly ALL—OF—WHOM are being deployed in the capital.
20070325             —ESCALATED, At the same time, Sunni insurgents have, their operations elsewhere.
20070325             —MEANWHILE, Boehner is leading opposition
20070325             (which imposes strict benchmarks on THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT) claiming it will lead to "micromanag[ing] THE—WAR—ON—TERROR,
20070325             undermining our generals on the ground and slowly choking off resources for our troops".
20070325             How MANY—MORE—PERIODS—OF "60 to —90—DAYS" —BEFORE Boehner admits THE—IRAQ strategy is failing?
20070325             ALEXANDRE—GAYDAMAK, his son is the owner of PORTSMOUTH Football (Soccer)
20070325             it is the same people who decide whether THE—UK—BUY 1—NEW—NUCLEAR deterrant
20070325             postmanpatel.blogspot_com/2007 _03_25_archive.HTML—GOING to Shelbina
20070325             PORTSMOUTH Football Club boss HARRY—REDKNAPP is bid click management pay per to finally splash out SOME—OF—ALEXANDRE—GAYDAMAK—CASH.
20070325             FESAM Futbol Ekonomisi Stratejik Arastirma MERKEZI—LATIN AMERICA—NEWS Review:
20070325             sets in context THE—IRAN—CONTRA players, including RICHARD—SECORD, OLIVER—NORTH... SHACKLEY, FRANK—CARLUCHI, Rafael "CHI—CHI" QUINTERO ,
20070325             sets in context THE—IRAN—CONTRA players, including RICHARD—SECORD, OLIVER—NORTH... Shackley, FRANK—CARLUCHI,
20070325             Rafael "CHI—CHI" Quintero, THOMAS—CLINE, lanr.blogspot_com/2007 _03_25_archive.html
20070325             most oppose it strongly".
20070325             BETH—NOLAN, Counsel to THE—PRESIDENT - 20000504             20070325             PATSY—THE alleged ringleader of 20070721             —THE—LONDON bomb plot, Said Ibrahim, allegedly collaborated with 2—OF—THE alleged 20070707             LONDON bombers.
20070325             The alleged HEAD—OF—20070721             —THE—LONDON bombing suspects has been accused in court of collaborating with 20070707             —THE suicide bombers.
20070325             HAROLD—ICKES, Assistant to THE—PRESIDENT—AND—DEPUTY—CHIEF—OF—STAFF - 19940728             20070504             ISBNs 080507287X : Courting Disaster;
20070325             GEORGE—STEPHANOPOULOS, Senior Adviser to THE—PRESIDENT—FOR—POLICY and Strategy - 19940804             20070325             JOHN—PODESTA, Assistant to THE—PRESIDENT—AND—STAFF—SECRETARY - 19940805             20070726             introduced in THE—USA—SENATE by SENATOR—KAY—BAILEY—HUTCHISON... the combined USA—CANADA NORTH—USA—AIR—DEFENCE—COMMAND ( NORAD ), 19960805             ).
20070325             [Briefing,20061016             ]
20070325             This Will be Fun to WATCH—BG—SOURCE—PILOTS—FOR 20010911             TRUTH—PRESS—RELEASE
20070325             FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
20070325             The scissors measure —JUST 3—NANOMETERS in length, small enough to deliver drugs into cells or manipulate genes and other biological molecules, says principal investigator Takuzo Aida, Ph.D., professor of chemistry and biotechnology at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—TOKYO.
20070325             Source: UNIVERSITY—OF—CAMBRIDGE
20070325             In addition, THE—USE—OF—STONES provides biological anthropologists with 1—RARE and HIGHLY—PRIZED example of primates using stone technology, adding to the archaeological record of primate behaviour.
20070325             "We already know that these monkey populations use stones as tools to dig holes or to forage and questions remain about why this happens in this area. Because it is quite dry and barren, it is possible they learn these skills from 1—ANOTHER because they have to develop them quickly. To be sure we would need to research more".
20070325             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON 3. grade level ad hominem hit pieces can't even pin down basic facts
20070325             Huge AMOUNTS—OF—SMOKE—CAME From WTC 5 & 6—NOT WTC 7
20070325             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON - "raging fires" claims
20070325             —DEVELOPED, Molecular Tools Make the Cut Researchers in JAPAN have, 1—PAIR—OF—MOLECULAR—SCALE scissors that open and close in response to light.
20070325             —10—YEARS—AFTER quitting, EX—SMOKERS' arteries relax: study —10—YEARS—AFTER quitting, former smokers' arteries returned to 1—LEVEL—OF—STIFFNESS seen in NON—SMOKERS, according to 1—ARTICLE published —MONDAY by THE—USA—HEART—ASSOCIATION.
20070325             1—NEW—YORK—UNIVERSITY—COLLEGE—OF—DENTISTRY (NYUCD) research team has found the 1. ORAL bacterial evidence supporting the dispersal of modern Homo sapiens out of AFRICA to ASIA.
20070325             Computer Error Rocks ALASKA—FUND—AP—PERHAPS you know that sinking feeling —WHEN 1—SINGLE keystroke accidentally destroys HOURS—OF—WORK.
20070325             Dark chocolate said good for arteries Dark chocolate is good for the arteries as it helps facilitate blood flow, 1—NEW—STUDY has found.
20070325             EX—DEPUTY Pleads Guilty in Abramoff CASE—AP—FORMER—DEPUTY Interior SECRETARY—J—STEVEN—GRILES pleaded guilty —FRIDAY to OBSTRUCTION—OF—JUSTICE,
20070325             Hole Found in Protocol Handling Vital National Infrastructure Systems that control dams, oil refineries, railroads + nuclear power plants have 1—VULNERABILITY that could cause 1—SYSTEM takeover,
20070325             'JUICED—UP' SUGAR—FUELED Battery Could Power Portable Electronics Juicing up your cell phone or iPod may take on 1—WHOLE—NEW meaning in the future.
20070325             —FROM soft drinks to tree sap ? +
20070325             —APPROVED, MARYLAND to ban phosphorus in soap MARYLAND lawmakers, 1—BAN on dish detergent containing phosphorus in 1—EFFORT to keep phosphates out of CHESAPEAKE Bay.
20070325             nearly 2 in 3—ADULTS in this age group suffer from high blood pressure, roughly 1 in 4 is obese + over 1—QUARTER—OF—WOMEN and more than a 5. of men have SYMPTOMS—OF—DEPRESSION.
20070325             No sex for 40—MILLION—YEARS? No problem 1—GROUP—OF—ORGANISMS that has never had sex in over 40—MILLION—YEARS—OF—EXISTENCE has nevertheless managed to evolve into distinct species, says new research published —TODAY.
20070325             Official Defends Editing Climate Papers - Poor Nations Confront WHO on Vaccines
20070325             —AP—CHILDREN rarely die from measles or other preventable diseases in the West, but
20070325             Protein found to shield pancreatic cancer cells from SELF—DESTRUCTION 1 overexpressed protein protects human pancreatic cancer cells from being forced to devour themselves, removing 1—OF—THE—BODY—NATURAL—DEFENSES against OUT—OF—CONTROL—CELL—GROWTH, researchers at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—TEXAS—M.—D.—ANDERSON—CANCER—CENTER—REPORT in the March issue of Molecular Cancer Research.
20070325             Right, left makes 1—DIFFERENCE in tail wag ITALY—RESEARCHERS say that dogs' tail wagging sends 1—DIFFERENT—MESSAGE depending on the direction of the wag.
20070325             —WHEN it comes to risk, not all nanomaterials are created equal The size, type + dispersion of nanomaterials could all play 1—ROLE in how these materials impact human health and the environment, according to 2—GROUPS—OF—RESEARCHERS at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
20070325             In new studies, the teams found that —WHILE carbon nanotubes inhibited growth in mammalian cells, they sustained the growth of commonly occurring bacteria.
20070325             The world should invest 10—BILLION dollars annually to halve deforestation in the fight against global warming, NICHOLAS—STERN, THE—AUTHOR—OF—1—KEY—CLIMATE—CHANGE—REPORT, said —FRIDAY.
20070325             Tissue engineering is 1—RELATIVELY new field of basic and clinical science that is concerned, in part, with creating tissues that can augment or replace injured, defective, or diseased body parts.
20070325             —WONDERED, Security that nets malicious Web sites Have you ever, how fraudulent or malicious websites can rank highly on search engines like Google or Yahoo?
20070325             Smoot donates Nobel prize money to charity UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA—BERKELEY astrophysicist GEORGE—SMOOT is donating his Nobel Prize money to 1—CHARITABLE—FUND for science education.
20070325             Stent Makers Brace for New Heart Study
20070325             —AP—WALL—STREET—ANALYSTS + MANY—DOCTORS anticipate 1—SETBACK for stent makers
20070325             TAIWAN Offers 'Freeway' for BUTTERFLIES—AP—TAIWAN will cordon off PART—OF—1—HIGHWAY to create 1—SAFE—PASSAGE for 1—MASSIVE—SEASONAL butterfly migration in the coming days, 1—OFFICIAL said —SATURDAY.
20070325             WWF Says Pollution, Dams Threaten RIVERS—AP—THE—YANGTZE—RIVER gets more than HALF—OF—CHINA—INDUSTRIAL—WASTE and sewage.
20070325             And THE—RIO—GRANDE has become so shallow that salt water is seeping in, bringing ocean fish that threaten freshwater species.
20070325             Astronomers Explode Virtual Supernova
20070325             Using 700—PROCESSORS + 58,—000—HOURS, they produced a 3 2. movie showing the initial burst that is thought to be THE—SOURCE—OF—MUCH—OF—THE—IRON in the universe.
20070325             Understanding these supernovas is also important to testing current cosmological theories regarding dark matter + dark energy, as their brightness is used as 1—MEASUREMENT—OF—DISTANCE + discrepancies found in the brightness of very distant supernovas consistently seem to indicate 1—CHANGE in THE—SPEED—OF—EXPANSION—OF—THE—UNIVERSE over time".
20070325             GENERAL—MOTORS—MOSQUITO Could Fight Malaria
20070325             According to the researchers, whose results appear in Proceedings of the National ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES journal, —AFTER 9—GENERATIONS, 70—PERCENT—OF—THE—INSECTS belonged to THE—MALARIA—RESISTANT strain.
20070325             The modified mosquitoes had 1—HIGHER survival rate and laid more eggs.' This has major implications for THE—BILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE living in areas with endemic malaria.
20070325             Between the news we saw —LAST—WEEK and biomagnification, could this wind up substituting 1—PROBLEM for another?"
20070325             Makes for 1—INTERESTING READ—OF—THE—SIDE effects of receiving such 1—LETTER and its requirements for the recipient to remain silent about even the fact he/she has received it.'The letter ordered me to provide sensitive information about 1—OF—MY clients.
20070325             —REVIEWED, There was no indication that 1—JUDGE had, or approved the letter + it turned out that none had.
20070325             Researchers Spin Out Smaller Electronics Than Ever
20070325             "Scientists have found 1—MORE—EFFICIENT—WAY to harness the spin of 1—ELECTRON to store and process information. The new technology, dubbed 'spintronics', has potentials in the development of nanoscale devices that are much more energy efficient than current CHARGE—BASED electronic devices. Researchers expect the new technology to be incorporated in computing circuitry within THE—NEXT—DECADE".
20070325             RIAA Going —AFTER a —10—YEAR—OLD—GIRL
20070325             ATLANTIC, v. Andersen, 1—OREGON case that was widely reported 20050000             —WHEN the defendant counterclaimed against THE—RIAA under OREGON—RICO statute and other laws, the defendant's mother sought to limit THE—RIAA—DEPOSITION—OF—THE—CHILD to telephone or VIDEO—CONFERENCE.
20070325             RIAA Wins Worst Company In AMERICA 20070000             20070325             Single GENE—GIVES—MICE 3—COLOR Vision
20070325             —INDICATED, Such 1—RESULT is also, by 1—DOMINANT X chromosome mutation that allows for QUAD—COLOR vision in SOME—WOMEN".
20070325             1—SIDEBAR in the article includes 1—NICE—ILLUSTRATION—OF what 2—COLOR vs. 3—COLOR mice might perceive.
20070325             Voters Vote Yes, County Says NO—STORY from
20070325             "Is there even 1—POINT to voting ANY—MORE if THE—WILL—OF—THE—PEOPLE can so easily be subverted by 2—PEOPLE?" 1—VOTER—POSTED on 1—COMMENT blog.
20070325             —REASONED, Hooey ALERT—BG—MORE " discourse" which,
20070325             —JUST as conspiracy theorists used the north side photos to suggest that was THE—EXTENT—OF—THE—DAMAGE, (1—FEW small fires) conspiracy theorists are —NOW using this photo to suggest the photo shows the total EXTENT—OF—THE—DAMAGE.
20070325             As if dust would have come from —JUST this building —FOR—6—HOURS.
20070325             This past —THURSDAY, human rights group AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL issued the —FOLLOWING press release urging THE—USA to abandon the military tribunal system and to try Gitmo detainees in ordinary FEDERAL—COURTS: THE—USA—GOVERNMENT should abandon its proposed military commissions and bring ANY—GUANTANAMO detainees it charges to trial in the ordinary FEDERAL—COURTS, without recourse to the death penalty, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL urged —TODAY, releasing 1—NEW—REPORT on trials under the Military Commissions Act (MCA).
20070325             Ode to BM—BG—SOURCE
20070325             For the —SPRING semester, students in the advanced theater class took on 1—BIGGER—CHALLENGE: creating 1—ORIGINAL—PLAY about the war in IRAQ.
20070325             —COMPILED, They, REFLECTIONS—OF—SOLDIERS and others involved, including 1—HEARTBREAKING letter from a 20050000             Wilton High graduate killed in IRAQ last —SEPTEMBER at age 19 + quickly found their largely sheltered lives somewhat transformed.
20070325             I—CAN'T Tell Whether It's Amy or NOT—BG—SOURCE—AMY Goodman & Others Waited for WTC-7 to Implode!
20070325             This brief video opens with gray smoke mysteriously emanating from WTC-7. 1—FIREMAN warns his comrades on what to do if WTC—7—COMES down!
20070325             —ASSEMBLED, We are shown SCORES—OF—PEOPLE & reporters who have, behind police barricades about 1—HALF—MILE—NORTH—OF—WTC—7, obviously waiting for something to happen!
20070325             —CONTROLLED, As WTC—7—BEGINS to implode in 1, demolition, MISS—GOODMAN yells, "Oh God", & she runs through the crowd! (I made 2—SCREENSHOTS—OF—MISS—GOODMAN that appear —AT—THE—END—OF—THE clip.)
20070325             Impeach Bush —NOW—BG—SOURCE To Insanity + Beyond! -- Is The 'Unitary Executive' Theory 'Quaint'?
20070325             In —YESTERDAY—COLUMN, "New Developments in THE—USA—ATTORNEY—CONTROVERSY: Why Bush Refuses to Allow KARL—ROVE and HARRIET—MIERS to Testify —BEFORE Congress + What Role New WHITE—HOUSE—COUNSEL—FRED—FIELDING—MAY—PLAY", JOHN—DEAN shot more than 1—FEW straight arrows, including these:
20070325             —RECOILED, For THOSE—OF—USA who have, in horror —WHILE watching THE—CARNAGE—OF—USA led aggression, justified by fascist techniques and Orwellian deception, the initial reaction to Brzezinski may well be cheers and support.
20070325             BRZEZINSKI—ESSAY seems to serve the same perverse purpose as THE—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY—LEADERSHIP—SUPPORT for making sure 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—RECOMMENDATIONS become implemented into law.
20070325             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—ELEVATION—OF these 3—WORDS into 1—NATIONAL mantra —SINCE the horrific events of 20010911             has had 1—PERNICIOUS—IMPACT on USA—DEMOCRACY, on AMERICA—PSYCHE and on USA standing in the world.
20070325             What 1—OUTRAGE! - BG—SOURCE—KNIGHT of the Living Dead
20070325             If there was 1—SURPRISING aspect to this situation it has less to do with the confessions themselves than with the fact that for the 1. time in 1—GREAT—MANY—YEARS, torture was normalized — presented as something acceptable.
20070325             —WHILE THE—SCOPE—OF—MISTER—MOHAMMED—CRIMES is clear and horrifying, it is worth noting that THE—USA—SEEMS incapable of treating him even as it would the hardest criminal — in the civilized Western world, even the most depraved child murderer gets judged and punished.
20070325             But ANY—LEGAL—TRIAL and punishment of MISTER—MOHAMMED is —NOW impossible — no court that operates within the frames of Western legal systems can deal with illegal detentions, confessions obtained by torture and the like.
20070325             Not Sure About THIS—BG—SOURCE - Reverse Foreign Aid
20070325             I also get money from countries in Latin AMERICA and SUB—SAHARAN AFRICA — really, from EVERY—POOR—COUNTRY.
20070325             I'm not the only 1—WHO—SO lucky.
20070325             Here in THE—USA, this welfare program in reverse allows our government to spend wildly without runaway inflation, keeps MANY—USA—BUSINESSES afloat and even provides medical care in PARTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY where doctors are scarce.
20070325             I. So there I sat, watching THE—USA—GOVERNMENT in all its majesty dragging into COURT—THE—USA—PRESS (in all its piety), forcing reporters to betray confidences, rifling their files and notebooks, making them swear to their confused memories and motives and burdening their bosses with hefty legal fees — all for THE—HIGH—SOUNDING purpose, yet again, of protecting our nation's secrets.
20070325             Conforms to What ALEX—JONES and Others Have SAID—BG—SOURCE
20070325             For at least —1—YEAR—BEFORE 20040000             —THE
20070325             Republican National Convention, teams of undercover NEW—YORK City police officers traveled to cities across the country, CANADA and EUROPE to conduct covert OBSERVATIONS—OF—PEOPLE who planned to protest at the convention, according to police records and interviews.
20070325             —FROM ALBUQUERQUE to MONTREAL, S—FRANCISCO to MIAMI, undercover NEW—YORK police officers attended meetings of political groups, posing as sympathizers or fellow activists, the records show.
20070325             IRAN reduces nuclear access TEHRAN says it will reduce cooperation with UN nuclear inspectors —AFTER fresh sanctions are imposed.
20070325             Study: Global Warming, Brain Size New research finds as humans moved from equatorial climes to colder regions, their brains grew.
20070325             WILL—1—HEATING planet shrink them? In 27B Stroke 6.
20070325             —CONDUCTED, FRANCE—POST—UFO Info Online YEARS—OF—UFO research, by THE—FRANCE—SPACE—AGENCY is put online for the public to view.
20070325             —BY the Associated Press.
20070325             UAV Fooled to Hide IRAQ Murder - Only 1—CONFESSION—TRIPS them up.
20070325             By MARTY—GRAHAM.
20070325             Pentagon Preps Mind Fields Researchers want to develop smart cockpits and control stations that can sense what soldiers are thinking and adjust to maximize efficiency.
20070325             —BY NOAH—SHACHTMAN. E—VOTE—MEMO Is a 'Smoking Gun'
20070325             —BY KIM—ZETTER.
20070325             Human Brain 1—POOR—JUDGE—OF—RISK—WITH the amygdala constantly contradicting the neocortex, your gray matter tends to see lots of red alerts.
20070325             Bush, DeLay, Perle and others are collaborators against USA—PEOPLE—INSTEAD of listening to THE—USA—PEOPLE they are listening to Halliburton, Raytheon, AIPAC + other special interest groups who are acting as collaborators against THE—USA—PEOPLE.
20070325             CHENEY /BUSH CRIME SYNDICATE CIRCLE THE—WAGONS—WE are eventually talking about OBSTRUCTION—OF—JUSTICE and blatant Executive branch ABUSE—OF—POWER with the Cheney /BUSH—ADMINISTRATION ~ and they will take " executive privilege " to the supreme court —BEFORE being forced to open up PANDORA—BOX + fully reveal the high crimes of their corrupt administration.
20070325             Bloggers and Other Writers Should Unionize Article examines reasons why independent writers and bloggers should join the National Writers Union (UAW Local 19810000             ) and SOME—OTHER—LABOR—UNION—ISSUES.
20070325             This is your brain on meat Out of the nearly 40—MILLION—USA—CATTLE slaughtered annually, only about 10000000             are tested for mad cow disease.
20070325             ALL—OF—THE 'pork' Bush and his republican enablers are complaining about in THE—IRAQ spending bill is actually 1—DOWN—PAYMENT on 1—LONG—OVERDUE shift in priorities;
20070325             —FROM BUSH—WAGING of his military occupation in IRAQ, back to focusing on the needs and concerns of Americans
20070325             BUSH—POLITICS—OF—BETRAYAL—WHAT do THE—CONVICTION—OF—SCOOTER—LIBBY, the revelation that wounded IRAQ veterans are receiving poor treatment at WALTER—REED—ARMY—MEDICAL—CENTER + the firing of 8—USA—ATTORNEYS have in common?
20070325             —BETRAYED, They're further proof THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has, AMERICA.
20070325             BREAKING: Rural OREGON Grandmothers LOCK—THEMSELVES in Congress man's OFFICE—TO—PROTEST—THE—WAR
20070325             Valerie Plame and the Incredible Shrinking Cover Story Like mariners stranded on 1—ICEBERG adrift in the Gulf Stream, the Bush apologists have less and less to cling to as, with time, the refuting testimony and evidence accumulate.
20070325             Fantasyland and 1—PRESIDENT—DEVOID—OF—REALITY—IN the height of the gathering storm that is the debacle over firing USA—ATTORNEYS, PRESIDENT—BUSH reminds us that he —JUST doesn't have 1—CLUE.
20070325             Plame OUTING—TREASON by no other name Outing covert agent Plame was treason and destroyed 1—CIA—FRONT—COMPANY—BREWSTER Jennings that took HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—USA—TAX—DOLLARS and decades to create.
20070325             The evil deeds of W's era that include THE—FBI secretly obtaining information on USA—CITIZENS—VIA—NATIONAL—SECURITY—LETTERS, THE—WHITE—HOUSE being involved in firing USA—ATTORNEYS, THE—USA—MILITARY destroying EVIDENCE—OF—THEIR—MISDOINGS in AFGHANISTAN + Maliki, W's HAND—PICKED stooge, changing his government + missing deadlines Bush vowed that Maliki would keep wouldn't have been perpetrated in the traditional USA—DEMOCRACY.
20070325             THE—DEMS—HAVE—ONLY—THEMSELVES to Blame (But We Have to Suffer the Consequences) So long as the Democrats let JOE—LIEBERMAN blackmail them in maintaining majority status in the Senate, they will continue to be seen as WEAK—KNEED.
20070325             THE—REACH—OF—BLOGS—PROGRESSIVE blogs reach progressives.
20070325             AL—QAEDA only matters —WHEN GOP needs the fear FACTOR—FEINSTEIN calls on Gonzales to resign.
20070325             This is not my natural personality at all," Feinstein said on FOX—NEWS—SUNDAY. "But I think the nation is not well served by this.
20070325             I think we need to get at the bottom of why these resignations were made, who ordered them + what the strategy was".
20070325             —COORDINATED, Justice DEPARTMENT, on prosecutor purge.
20070325             UNITED—NATIONS approves new IRAN sanctions.
20070325             The 15-member body would suspend the sanctions if IRAN halted enrichment".
20070325             Bush stands by Gonzales.
20070325             WHITE—HOUSE counselor DAN—BARTLETT tells MISS—NBC that "Bush continues to support [ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO] Gonzales
20070325             despite the latest disclosures " about his role in THE—USA—PROSECUTOR—FIRINGS.
20070325             64 % : The "record high" number of Americans who believe THE—IRAQ war was not worth fighting, according to 1—NEW—ABC—NEWS/WASHINGTON—POST—POLL.
20070325             2—THIRDS oppose GEORGE—W—BUSH—TROOP surge;
20070325             Gonzales Approved FIRINGS—OF—USA—ATTORNEYS
20070325             —DENIED, Gonzales, ANY—INVOLVEMENT in the prosecutor purge:
20070325             —OCCURRED, The meeting, —DURING THE—18—DAY—GAP in documents the Justice Department had previously released.
20070325             FORMER—GONZALES aide agrees to testify.
20070325             "His appearance will mark the 1. congress ional testimony by 1—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—AIDE—SINCE THE—RELEASE—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—DOCUMENTS that show the firings were orchestrated, in part, by THE—WHITE—HOUSE ".
20070325             "He was right at THE—CENTER—OF—THINGS," SENATOR—CHUCK—SCHUMER (D—NY said.
20070325             AUDIO: Gonzales on the Offensive: 'Irresponsible and Reckless' to Question Prosecutor Firings
20070325             responded : Listen, we made 1—DECISION at the Department as to the appropriate way forward.
20070325             —REVEALED, McKay, —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH that REPRESENTATIVE—DOC—HASTING'S (R—WA) office contacted him and pressured him as to the status of 1—ONGOING investigation into voter fraud in the midst of 1—TIGHT gubernatorial election.
20070325             —RELEASED, Emails, —THIS—WEEK—SHOW that THEN—GONZALES ' CHIEF—OF—STAFF—KYLE—SAMPSON touted McKay for 1—FEDERAL—JUDGESHIP, saying that it is "highly unlikely we could do better in SEATTLE".
20070325             —LISTED, But —1—MONTH—LATER, McKay was, as 1—OF—THE—7—ATTORNEYS in the process of being "pushed out".
20070325             "What happened between those dates to reverse MCKAY—POLITICAL—FORTUNES is 1—BIT—OF—1—MYSTERY".
20070325             —THIS—WEEK, Gonzales is touring the country in 1—ATTEMPT to get away from WASHINGTON, as he "appeared to be launching 1—CAMPAIGN to
20070325             save his job - Bush to keep Gitmo open to 20090000            .
20070325             "THE—USA—MILITARY—PRISON at GUANTANAMO Bay will likely
20070325             remain open for THE—REST—OF—GEORGE—W—BUSH—PRESIDENCY,
20070325             —FROM—TODAY—PRESS briefing: Bush promises to veto House IRAQ bill.
20070325             House approves redeployment.
20070325             Gates admits USA—MILITARY not ready for new conflict.
20070325             "We WOULD—NOT be able to achieve our goals
20070325             —ON the timelines that we've set for ourselves in terms of being successful in that other conflict," Defense SECRETARY—ROBERT—GATES said. "It would take 1—LITTLE—LONGER and we would not be as precise.
20070325             It would be more of 1—BLUNT—FORCE—EFFORT". Griles to plead guilty.
20070325             J. STEVEN—GRILES, the "FORMER—NUMBER 2—OFFICIAL in the Interior Department," —TODAY "will admit lying to the Senate about his relationship with convicted lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF, who succeeded in gaining the official's intervention at the agency for his INDIA—TRIBAL—CLIENTS".
20070325             "He is the 10. person — and the
20070325             2. HIGH—LEVEL BUSH—ADMINISTRATION official
20070325             O'Donnell Tells Leahy: 'You're Going To Get THE—TRUTH—FROM—KARL—ROVE '
20070325             —REJECTED, THE—HOUSE and Senate Judiciary Committees have, that offer and authorized SUBPOENAS—OF—WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS.
20070325             Borrowing THE—WHITE—HOUSE—TALKING points, MISS—NBC—NORAH—O'DONNELL pestered Senate Judiciary Chairman PATRICK—LEAHY (D—VT) about why he was insisting on "putting on 1—SHOW—TRIAL".
20070325             "You're going to get the truth from KARL—ROVE. WHAT—WRONG with that?" —LATER, O'Donnell asserted, "You don't trust THE—WHITE—HOUSE. The bottom line, you don't trust THE—WHITE—HOUSE ".
20070325             —BLOCKED, Bush, Cheney, Gonzales, Gitmo closing.
20070325             - NICO—FROM—THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES:
20070325             In his 1. weeks as defense SECRETARY, ROBERT—M—GATES repeatedly argued that the detention facility at Guantánamo BAY—CUBA, had become so tainted abroad that legal proceedings at Guantánamo would be viewed as illegitimate, according to senior administration officials.
20070325             —REJECTED, MISTER—GATES—ARGUMENTS were, —AFTER ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—R—GONZALES and SOME—OTHER—GOVERNMENT—LAWYERS expressed strong objections to moving detainees to THE—USA, 1—STANCE that was backed by THE—OFFICE—OF—VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY, administration officials said.
20070325             As MISTER—GATES was making his case, SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE joined him in urging that the detention facility be shut down, administration officials said.
20070325             House IRAQ Withdrawal Plan Appears Likely To Pass
20070325             NBC—MIKE—VIQUIERA: "Speaker NANCY Pelosi and her allies in the House
20070325             —NOW appear to have the Democratic votes necessary
20070325             UPDATE: Watch VIDEO—OF—TODAY—HOUSE—DEBATE—HERE.
20070325             MissLaura and Kagro X are —FOLLOWING the debate online.
20070325             UPDATE II: ATRIOS—WRITES :
20070325             UPDATE III: GREG—SARGENT reports, "Less than —24—HOURS—BEFORE the House Dem IRAQ supplemental spending bill is set to go to 1—VOTE, the key liberal House Dems holding out against the bill
20070325             have decided to back it, making its passage far more likely".
20070325             —FROM the progressives' statement:
20070325             —AFTER 2—GRUELING WEEKS—OF—MEETINGS, Progressive MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS brought forth 1—AGREEMENT that provided the momentum to pass 1—SUPPLEMENTAL spending bill that, for the 1. time, establishes 1—TIMELINE for THE—WITHDRAWAL—OF—USA—TROOPS from IRAQ.
20070325             —DECIDED, Still, they, that they could not stand in THE—WAY—OF—THE—PASSAGE—OF—1—BILL that would establish 1—CLEAR timeline for ending the war, especially if THE—FAILURE—OF—THAT—BILL would mean the passage of 1—SUPPLEMENTAL without ANY—RESTRICTIONS.
20070325             Snow Flashback: 'I'm Not Going To Tell Congress What They Can And Can't Do'
20070325             —APPEARED, WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—SECRETARY—TONY—SNOW, on the —MORNING talk shows on all the major networks and repeated his talking point that Congress "has no oversight responsibility over THE—WHITE—HOUSE ".
20070325             1—SAMPLING of his statements:
20070325             More at TPM Muckraker, Crooks & Liars + the Carpetbagger Report.
20070325             Senate COMMITTEE—APPROVES—IRAQ redeployment plan.
20070325             —THREATENED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE has, to veto the House measure and issued 1—VETO—THREAT against 1—EARLIER, similar VERSION—OF—THE—SENATE—WITHDRAWAL—LANGUAGE".
20070325             USA—TROOPS Readiness, Veterans' Health and IRAQ Accountability Act tomorrow:
20070325             BOEHNER—60—DAYS On IRAQ Are Up
20070325             said on that he supported benchmarks for Iraqis and 1—TIMELINE—OF "60 to —90—DAYS" for the escalation to work:
20070325             KOPPEL: How long can you and your membership give THE—PRESIDENT and give THE—IRAQ—MILITARY, —BEFORE you say, you know what, you're not doing your job?
20070325             —59—DAYS—LATER, the escalation isn't working.
20070325             right —NOW there is no trend " showing the escalation is working. —WHILE sectarian attacks in BAGHDAD are down, "deaths of IRAQ—CIVILIANS and USA—TROOPS have increased outside the capital":
20070325             If violence is down in BAGHDAD, analysts said, it is likely because the Shiite militias operating there are waiting out the buildup in USA—TROOPS, nearly ALL—OF—WHOM are being deployed in the capital.
20070325             —MEANWHILE, Boehner is leading opposition to the House IRAQ plan (which imposes strict benchmarks on THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT) claiming it will lead to "micromanag[ing] THE—WAR—ON—TERROR, undermining our generals on the ground and slowly choking off resources for our troops".
20070325             Grassley supports Rove, Miers subpoenas.
20070325             "SENATOR—CHUCK—GRASSLEY (R—IA) voted with Democrats —THURSDAY to give Judiciary COMMITTEE—CHAIRMAN—PATRICK—LEAHY (D—VT) the authority to subpoena current and FORMER—WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS... The panel voted by voice vote on the authority, but Grassley said he
20070325             wanted the record to show that he voted 'yes' on the issue ".
20070325             But remember, this is all about politics.
20070325             UPDATE: Giuliani: Gonzales should be given " - THE—BENEFIT—OF—THE—DOUBT.
20070325             FACT CHECK: There Is No Precedent Barring WHITE—HOUSE—AIDES From Testifying To Congress
20070325             Senate Judiciary Chairman Pat Leahy (D—VT) has
20070325             called on KARL—ROVE and other top WHITE—HOUSE—AIDES to testify under oath in FRONT—OF—CONGRESS concerning their role in THE—USA—ATTORNEY purge.
20070325             1—RESPONSE from WHITE—HOUSE—COUNSEL FRED—FIELDING is expected —TODAY, but in the meantime, THE—WHITE—HOUSE and its allies have put up 1—FIGHT, arguing that presidential advisers have historically not testified in FRONT—OF—CONGRESS :
20070325             WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—SECRETARY—TONY—SNOW: Well, as you know, Ed, it has been traditional in all WHITE—HOUSE s not to have staffers testify on Capitol Hill.
20070325             WHITE—HOUSE—COUNSELOR DAN—BARTLETT: I find it highly unlikely that 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—WHITE—HOUSE—STAFF would testify publicly to these matters.
20070325             House Minority Leader JOHN—BOEHNER (R—OH): No, I think you're violating 1—PRECEDENT there that should not be violated.
20070325             I believe that under THE—SEPARATION—OF—POWERS, there are limits to the extent to which Congress can subpoena or demand testimony from those who were closest to THE—PRESIDENT.
20070325             But in reality, there is no such precedent.
20070325             According to the Congress ional Research Service, under PRESIDENT—CLINTON, 31—OF—HIS—TOP—AIDES testified on 47—DIFFERENT—OCCASIONS.
20070325             —TESTIFIED, The aides who, included SOME—OF—CLINTON—CLOSEST—ADVISORS:
20070325             HAROLD—ICKES, Assistant to THE—PRESIDENT—AND—DEPUTY—CHIEF—OF—STAFF - 19940728             20070325             JOHN—PODESTA, Assistant to THE—PRESIDENT—AND—STAFF—SECRETARY - 19940805             20070325             SAMUEL—BERGER, Assistant to THE—PRESIDENT—FOR—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AFFAIRS - 20010911             /97
20070325             In contrast, 20000000—20040000    —BETWEEN, Bush allowed only 1—OF—HIS—CLOSEST—ADVISERS, THEN—ASSISTANT to THE—PRESIDENT—FOR—HOMELAND—SECURITY—TOM—RIDGE, to appear in FRONT—OF—CONGRESS.
20070325             —REFUSED, He has also, 3—INVITATIONS from Congress for his aides to testify, a 1. —SINCE PRESIDENT—RICHARD—NIXON 19720000            .
20070325             Clinton did not refuse any.
20070325             CRS also notes that although "WHITE—HOUSE—AIDES do not testify —BEFORE congress ional committees in 1—REGULAR—BASIS...
20070325             under certain conditions they do.
20070325             1., intense and escalating political embarrassment may convince THE—WHITE—HOUSE that it is in THE—INTEREST—OF—THE—PRESIDENT to have these aides testify and ventilate the issue fully.
20070325             2., initial WHITE—HOUSE—RESISTANCE may give way in the face of concerted congress ional and public pressure".
20070325             Bush calls Gonzales.
20070325             "PRESIDENT—BUSH sent 1—POWERFUL—MESSAGE—OF—SUPPORT—TUESDAY for embattled ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES, calling his longtime friend to
20070325             express unwavering support in THE—FACE—OF—CALLS for his resignation.
20070325             —DENIED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE also, reports that it was looking for possible successors for Gonzales.
20070325             'Those rumors are untrue,' WHITE—HOUSE—DEPUTY—PRESS—SECRETARY—DANA—PERINO said".
20070325             JA Solar Holdings "outperform"
20070325             —GESEHEN, Das Kursziel werde bei 23—USD.
20070325             Visa Problems for IRAN CONTINGENT—BG—SOURCE—USA "intentionally thwarted" Ahmadinejad trip
20070325             —PREVENTED, TEHRAN says that THE—USA has intentionally, 1 planned visit by PRESIDENT—AHMADINEJAD to address THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL and has described the move as PART—OF—ITS "hostile approach" toward IRAN—NUCLEAR—ENERGY—PROGRAM.
20070325             IRAN—DEPUTY—FOREIGN—MINISTER—FOR—LEGAL and INTERNATIONAL Affairs, ABBAS—ARAQCHI, has said that THE—USA failed to issue the visa for THE—IRAN—PRESIDENT despite timely efforts by TEHRAN to provide the required documentation, IRNA reported.
20070325             —ATTENDED, He said that USA—OFFICIALS ought to have, to THE—PRESIDENT—VISA request early enough to allow Ahmadinejad and his entourage to arrive in NEW—YORK AHEAD—OF—TODAY—SECURITY—COUNCIL—SESSION.
20070325             IRAN Business NEWS—BG—SOURCE TEHRAN telecommunications to go private - Wed, 200703215751
20070325             1—TOP—TELECOMMUNICATIONS—OFFICIAL says the Telecommunications Company of TEHRAN province is to be privatized.
20070325             Managing Director MOHAMMAD—RUHOLLAHI, said his company was planning to offer to sell stocks to the private sector soon, IRNA reported.
20070325             Buckley ROCKS—BG—SOURCE - Presidential pleasure
20070325             —SATURDAY, 20070324             20070325             Of 1—THING MISTER—BUSH is manifestly guilty.
20070325             It is the criminal (in the metaphorical sense) MISMANAGEMENT—OF—THE—WHOLE—BUSINESS—OF—THE—USA—ATTORNEYS.
20070325             The fault is not personal; it was probably THE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL and other ADVISERS—OF—THE—PRESIDENT who took so MANY—CLUMSY steps.
20070325             But MISTER—BUSH—STRESS on his rights invites 1—COORDINATE stress on his responsibilities.
20070325             "These attorneys," he said, "serve at my pleasure".
20070325             Right.
20070325             But presidential pleasures have to rest on defensible grounds.
20070325             Book REVIEWS—BG—SOURCE I think —THEREFORE I am, I think
20070325             Freedom & Neurobiology: Reflections on Free Will, Language + Political Power
20070325             —BY JOHN—SEARLE—COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY—PRESS £16, 113—PAGES—FT bookshop
20070325             Conversations on Consciousness: What the Best Minds Think About the Brain, Free Will + What It Means to be Human
20070325             —BY SUSAN—BLACKMORE—OXFORD—UNIVERSITY—PRESS £9.99, 274—PAGES—FT bookshop
20070325             4—VIEWS on Free Will
20070325             —BY JOHN—MARTIN—FISCHER, ROBERT—KANE, Derk Pereboom and MANUEL—VARGAS—BLACKWELL Publishing £19.99, 240—PAGES
20070325             If I had free will, I would choose to be funnier.
20070325             I would choose always to have the right witty riposte ready to disarm adversaries and delight friends.
20070325             But sadly, it is not so.
20070325             My lot is for the same lame old gags to hobble out whether I will them to or not, like embarrassing aunts at 1—WEDDING.
20070325             —FROM 911—BLOGGER_COM—BG—SOURCE 20010911             —THE—LIE is in Critical Condition 20010911             Press For Truth
20070325             Source:
20070325             —BY JOE—PLUMMER—THERE was 1—TIME, not long ago, —WHEN daring to question the official account of 20010911             was risky business.
20070325             1 was almost guaranteed to be attacked as a "crazy person" or a "traitor" or a "terrorist sympathizer".
20070325             —CHANGED, Times have.
20070325             At this point, less than 20—PERCENT—OF—THE—POPULATION—BELIEVES they were given the full truth regarding 20010911            .
20070325             Logically 1—MIGHT ask: "Why is that?"
20070325             —FAILED, It wasn't for lack of trying that the government, in its propaganda campaign.
20070325             It wasn't for lack of "helping hands" in the mainstream media.
20070325             (Though even that support has begun to fall apart.)
20070325             —CAUSED, No, it was 1—THING and 1—THING only that, HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—USA—CITIZENS to openly question the official account of 20010911             ;
20070325             the evidence.
20070325             Why Not Hire All the Unemployed to Spy as WELL—BG—SOURCE—WIDE—NET—CAST For Terrorism Watch Lists 1,000 New Names Analyzed EACH—DAY for FBI Master File
20070325             EACH—DAY, THOUSANDS—OF—PIECES—OF—INTELLIGENCE—INFORMATION from —AROUND the world -- field reports, captured documents, news from foreign allies and sometimes idle gossip -- arrive in 1—COMPUTER—FILLED OFFICE—IN—MCLEAN, where analysts feed them into the nation's CENTRAL—LIST—OF—TERRORISTS and terrorism suspects.
20070325             Called TIDE, for Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment, the list is 1—STOREHOUSE for data about individuals that the intelligence community believes might harm THE—USA.
20070325             UK—CORRUPTION—BG—SOURCE Revealed: MINISTER orders blacklist of civil servants
20070325             1—GOVERNMENT—MINISTER ordered his civil servants to draw up 1—SECRET—LIST—OF "negative" officials suspected of being opposed to legislation.
20070325             —ISSUED, The instruction was, by Gerry Sutcliffe, the prisons MINISTER, in 1—APPARENT—BREACH—OF—RULES that bar ministers from politicising the civil service.
20070325             —WANTED, Sutcliffe also, 1—LIST—OF—OFFICIALS who could be trusted to act as "positive champions" for the plans to privatise the probation service and be used to persuade rebellious Labour MPs to change their minds and avert 1—COMMONS—DEFEAT.
20070325             —DETAILED, The instruction, in 1—E—MAIL, has been acquired by THE—SUNDAY—TIMES—DURING 1—INVESTIGATION by the newspaper which placed Sutcliffe at the centre of 1—LOBBYING story.
20070325             More "Mirrors" in 1—HALL—ALREADY—FULL?
20070325             My cryptic headline simply refers to the possibility that nothing is what it seems.
20070325             SOURCE—IRAN 'to try Britons for espionage'
20070325             15—UK—SAILORS and marines arrested by IRAN—REVOLUTIONARY—GUARDS off THE—COAST—OF—IRAQ may be charged with spying.
20070325             1—WEBSITE—RUN by associates of MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD, THE—IRAN—PRESIDENT, reported last night that the Britons would be put —BEFORE 1—COURT and indicted.
20070325             Great NEWS—BG—SOURCE C—SPAN Callers Prevail
20070325             This —SATURDAY—MORNING on C—SPAN—WASHINGTON Journal, at least 3—CALLERS spoke about 911—ISSUES.
20070325             It was awesome! The damn is breaking..
20070325             —REACHED, The media tactics against Rosie and Charlie have, 1—NEW—LOW.
20070325             Twice —ON—FRIDAY I heard news show attacks saying that
20070325             questioning 20010911             is like "holocaust denial".
20070325             ( show hosted by
20070325             —JOINED, SOME—JERK with 1—DEMOCRATIC and GOP strategist who BOTH—IN the assault.)
20070325             So it's not enough to —JUST do personal attacks against Rosie and
20070325             CHARLIE—SHEEN to avoid debating the evidence, —NOW they must imply
20070325             that anyone who speaks out about 20010911             is also ANTI—SEMITIC!
20070325             Let us correct them: "Denying the evidence for the demolition of the
20070325             World Trade Center is like holocaust denial". and..
20070325             "This has nothing to do with ANTI—SEMITISM-- This is about getting THE—TRUTH".
20070325             (Besides, MARK—CUBAN is Jew ish)
20070325             —RETIRED, Korol and MacQueen, both, professors from McMaster University, discussed the topic of controlled demolition primarily focusing on 1—ARTICLE authored by GRAEME—MACQUEEN entitled 118—WITNESSES: THE—FIREFIGHTER—TESTIMONY to Explosions in the Twin Towers published in PDF format at the Journal of 20010911             Studies.
20070325             DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN—BG—SOURCE THE—USA—EMPIRE and 20010911             20070325             DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN—EDITOR—NOTE: Because we at Tikkun are aware of extensive arguments that have appeared elsewhere against the perspective presented by THE—AUTHOR—OF—THIS piece, we debated long and hard about whether to present DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN—ARGUMENT here.
20070325             —DECIDED, We, it was still important, given that if his view is true, the position he articulates would provide adequate grounds for IMPEACHMENT—OF—THE—PRESIDENT, grounds far more substantive than those that formed THE—BASIS—OF—THE—IMPEACHMENT by 1—REPUBLICAN dominated CONGRESS—OF—PRESIDENT—BILL—CLINTON.
20070325             —INVITED, You are, to give your responses to this piece.
20070325             —ACCEPTED, —AFTER the attacks of 20010911             , I, the blowback thesis, according to which the attacks were revenge for USA.
20070325             foreign policy.
20070325             This view led me to undertake 1—EXTENSIVE—STUDY—OF—THE
20070325             —EMBATTLED, USA—EMPIRE, the very reality of which had been 1, issue.
20070325             Clear DECEPTION—THE—NY—POST not only fails to retract their false and misleading quotes (attributed to MARK—CUBA—AMONG others), they layer on more hooey.
20070325             —CONFIRMED, SOURCE—'LOOSE'—BRAIN CHARLIE—SPEAKS, our exclusive story that he'll narrate 1—FEATURE—VERSION—OF—THE—STUPID
20070325             YouTube video "Loose Change," which claims that shadowy USA—GOVERNMENT
20070325             operatives used explosives to bring down the World Trade Center.
20070325             "It's 1—STORY—THAT—NEEDS to be told.
20070325             It's 1—STORY about the truth + the truth needs to be
20070325             exposed," the "2 and 1—HALF—MEN" star told "Extra". "It's not —JUST me, not
20070325             —JUST THE—HOLLYWOOD community [who] is standing up saying what you have given us
20070325             doesn't make sense. We —JUST want better answers".
20070325             1—STORY to WATCH—BG—SOURCE—NEW—ENTITY started —LAST—YEAR at Barksdale AIR—FORCE—BASE
20070325             —STARTED, THE—AIR—FORCE—CYBERSPACE Command, which, —LAST—YEAR at Barksdale AIR—FORCE—BASE, soon may get 1—PROMOTION from THE—AIR—FORCE.
20070325             "We are looking at sometime soon to move it into 1—MAJOR—COMMAND—STATUS, the same as Air Mobility Command or AIR—FORCE—SPACE—COMMAND," GENERAL—T—MICHAEL—MOSELEY, AIR—FORCE—CHIEF—OF—STAFF, told the Senate Appropriations Defense Subcommittee —ON—WEDNESDAY.
20070325             Is BOB—BURNETT 1—FOOL or 1—LIAR? - BG—SOURCE
20070325             PELOSI—TRIUMPH —FRIDAY—VOTE against the war in IRAQ was 1—DOUBLE triumph: 1—LANDMARK vote to put 1—END to the mad POLICIES—OF—GEORGE—BUSH and 1—UNUSUALLY unified stand by 1—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY often distinguished by its disunity.
20070325             The leader who brought Democrats together was SPEAKER—OF—THE—HOUSE—NANCY Pelosi.
20070325             Impeach Bush —NOW—BG—SOURCE—PROSECUTOR—SAYS Bush Appointees Interfered With Tobacco Case
20070325             —PROSECUTED, THE—LEADER—OF—THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—TEAM that, 1—LANDMARK lawsuit against tobacco companies said —YESTERDAY that BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—POLITICAL—APPOINTEES repeatedly ordered her to take steps that weakened the government's racketeering case.
20070325             Haven't Listened to THE—AUDIO—BG—SOURCE—KUCINICH Blasts Democrats
20070325             Not everyone was celebrating the passage of THE—IRAQ spending BILL—ON—FRIDAY.
20070325             REPRESENTATIVE—DENNIS—KUCINICH, D—OHIO, told Truthdig it's "1—DISASTER for THE—USA—PEOPLE".
20070325             The presidential candidate went on to explain his dissatisfaction with his party: "It's the same kind of thinking that led us into IRAQ— that we didn't have ANY—ALTERNATIVES".
20070325             Download MP3 audio FILE—HAVEN'T Read Carefully
20070325             —JUST Like KSM? (Yes I know, much faster)- BG—SOURCE Detained UK—SAILORS have confessed, IRAN says
20070325             Siavosh Ghazi and newswires AFP
20070325             Ho HUM—BG—SOURCE - FORMER—ADMIN Official Pleads Guilty
20070325             Clinton Did It Too! Talking Point Came from Justice Dept
20070325             House Dems to WHITE—HOUSE : LET—TALK—GONZALES : Don't Blame Me, Blame Bush
20070325             PRESIDENT—BUSH shut down 1—INTERNAL—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—INVESTIGATION into the administration's warrantless wiretapping program against THE—ADVICE—OF—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES, according to
20070325             1—LETTER sent by 1—SENIOR—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT official to Congress —YESTERDAY.
20070325             To Democrats, it's yet another example of why Gonzales should step down.
20070325             —CREATED, OFFICE—OF—PROFESSIONAL—RESPONSIBILITY (OPR) -- 1—OFFICE, —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—THE—WATERGATE scandal to prevent similar abuses by DoJ officials -- would have examined whether Department officials had properly reviewed THE—LEGALITY—OF—THE—NSA—TERRORIST—SURVEILLANCE—PROGRAM, which dates back to 20010000            .
20070325             See THE—EXCELLENT—ANIMATION at the Linked SITE—BG—SOURCE 20010911             Investigation & Commentary
20070325             The justification for CANADA—DRACONIAN anti terrorism laws is the official story of 20010911             — that THE—USA was attacked by Islamic terrorists led by OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20070325             physics911 . - - WTC Health AID—BG—SOURCE REOPEN 20010911             FUND: NEW—YORK.
20070325             —INTRODUCED, The measure, by Reps.
20070325             CAROLYN—MALONEY (D—MAN.) and VITO—FOSSELLA (R—S.I.), was announced —1—DAY—AFTER Mayor Bloomberg testified in WASHINGTON and called for reviving the fund.
20070325             It also gave awards to sick or injured rescue workers.
20070325             Rosie is Braver Than I—GAVE—HER—CREDIT—FOR.... - BG—CLIPPED "Ask Rosie" Q & A's. Source
20070325             jane writes: The government has not been able to contain ANY—SCANDAL (No WMDs, Plame, FIRING—OF—PROSECUTORS...etc).How on earth could they have contained WTC7s demolition, which would take weeks to wire?
20070325             research it u will b amazed jason writes:
20070325             I beleive that WTC7 was taken down on purpose...I have PTSD from the whole event so I can't really look at pix or video, but do you think WTC 1 & 2—WHERE taken down, too or was that from the planes?
20070325             pools of molten steel 3—PLACES
20070325             Don writes: Did you see the morons on GLEN—BECK tonight?
20070325             Of course 20010911             was 1—BUSH thing..look at the facts!
20070325             Is Padilla JOHN—DOE #2 (OK City)- BG—SOURCE—PADILLA Judge: Brig Time Doesn't Count
20070325             —BY CURT—ANDERSON—ASSOCIATED Press Writer
20070325             —REFUSED, MIAMI—AP- 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE, to dismiss terrorism support charges against JOSE—PADILLA —ON—FRIDAY, rejecting defense claims that his 3 1/—2—YEARS in custody as 1—ENEMY combatant violated his constitutional right to 1—SPEEDY trial.
20070325             —AGREED, USA—DISTRICT—JUDGE—MARCIA—COOKE, with prosecutors that PADILLA—YEARS in isolation at 1—NAVY brig did not count because he had not yet been charged.
20070325             Only then did the clock start for the 6. AMENDMENT—RIGHT to a "speedy and public trial," Cooke said.
20070325             "I agree that the law in this case is that 1—CRIMINAL—TRIAL proceeding begins with the filing of the criminal process," Cooke said.
20070325             "MISTER—PADILLA has been promptly brought to court in that matter".
20070325             No ANSWERS—BG—SOURCE - CRAIG—CRAWFORD'S 16000000             : Spoiling Point
20070325             Should the fight over subpoenas in THE—USA—ATTORNEY imbroglio climax with SOME—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIALS being held in CONTEMPT—OF—CONGRESS, that would simply be putting 1—LEGAL stamp on what has so clearly become true on the political front: The people at EACH—END—OF—PENNSYLVANIA—AVENUE—NOW hold 1—ANOTHER in deep contempt.
20070325             With both sides using the issue to ignite their core supporters, there seems little chance for finding the common ground that MIDDLE—OF—THE—ROAD—VOTERS want.
20070325             Once again, civility is likely to give way to the politics of contempt.
20070325             Contributing EDITOR—CRAIG—CRAWFORD is 1—NEWS—ANALYST for NBC, MISS—NBC and CNBC.
20070325             Do Lies Win the —DAY? - BG—SOURCE
20070325             Allegedly MISTER—IBRAHIM, 29, spent —2—MONTHS in PAKISTAN at the same time as MOHAMMED—SIDDIQUE—KHAN and Shehzad Tanweer.
20070325             The accusation came from the defence barrister representing Manfo Kwaku Asiedu.
20070325             The 7/7—LONDON Bombings: How to Set Up 1—PATSY—WHO are the terrorists?
20070325             Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and GO—GO girls
20070325             OMAR—SHEIKH—HO HUM—BG—SOURCE Breaking News
20070325             WILL—THIS—SERVE to Raise AWARENESS—BG—SOURCE - News to BBC—BG—SOURCE
20070325             Woolwich Crown COURT—HEARD—MUKHTAR—IBRAHIM was in PAKISTAN at the same time as MOHAMMED—SIDIQUE—KHAN, 1—OF—THE 4 to blow themselves up 20050000            .
20070325             —DENIED, But MISTER—IBRAHIM, he met Khan or fellow suicide bomber Shehzad Tanweer.
20070325             He said he had built hoax devices because he was angry about the treatment of Muslims —AROUND the world.
20070325             140,000 Specific DEMANDS—BG—SOURCE My National Security Letter Gag Order It is THE—POLICY—OF—THE—WASHINGTON—POST not to publish anonymous pieces.
20070325             In this case, 1—EXCEPTION has been made because the author -- who would have preferred to be named -- is legally prohibited from disclosing his or her identity in connection with receipt of 1—NATIONAL—SECURITY—LETTER.
20070325             —CONFIRMED, THE—POST, the legitimacy of this submission by verifying it with the author's attorney and by reviewing publicly available court documents.
20070325             —SURPRISED, It no doubt, most Americans to learn that 20030000—20050000    —BETWEEN THE—FBI issued more than 140,000 specific demands under this provision -- demands issued without 1—SHOWING of probable cause or prior judicial approval
20070325             INTERESTING—BG—SOURCE - THE—BLACKSTONE—IPO: Regulatory Arbitrage Extraordinaire
20070325             —POSTED—BY—VICTOR—FLEISCHER
20070325             Hat tip to BLACKSTONE—LAWYERS for 1—FASCINATING deal structure.
20070325             Here's - 1—LINK to the S-1.
20070325             I'd been wondering if Blackstone was really going give up the tax advantage of the
20070325             2 and 20—STRUCTURE in order to get SOME—LIQUIDITY and acquisition currency.
20070325             PUBLICLY—TRADED entities, of course, are usually taxed as corporations + pay tax at the entity level.
20070325             BLACKSTONE—PLAN is to retain the partnership form and take advantage of 1—EXCEPTION to section 7704, which generally dictates that PUBLICLY—TREATED entities be taxed as corporations.
20070325             Brilliant. And aggressive.
20070325             The basic structure is as follows: Blackstone is THE—GP in various investment funds.
20070325             —LIMITED, THE—GP, itself 1, partnership, is the entity that's going public.
20070325             Investors will receive common units with economic rights (but limited voting rights) in Blackstone.
20070325             LC Final Cut on O'Reilly..... - BG—SOURCE—FOX and O'REILLY—THREATEN—SHEEN—OVER—NARRATING—LOOSE—CHANGE 3. Edition
20070325             FOX—NEWS—THREATENS—SHEEN & CUBA—NOT to Make Film
20070325             Report that Actor Might Narrate Theatrical VERSION—OF—LOOSE—CHANGE—PROMPTS—MAFIOSO—O'REILLY to Warn Against FILM—DISTRIBUTION - "You're Not Gonna Come Back"
20070325             Ho HUM—SOURCE - E—MAILS Show Machinations to Replace Prosecutor Administration Worked —FOR—MONTHS to Make Rove Aide USA—ATTORNEY in ARKANSAS
20070325             —2—MONTHS—BEFORE Bud Cummins was fired as USA—ATTORNEY in LITTLE—ROCK, 1—PROTEGE of presidential adviser KARL—ROVE was maneuvering with the Justice Department to take his place.
20070325             Last —APRIL, TIM—GRIFFIN, 1—ROVE aide and longtime GOP operative, sent THE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—CHIEF—OF—STAFF 1—FLATTERING letter about himself WRITTEN—BY—CUMMINS, the prosecutor he was trying to replace, internal E—MAILS released —THIS—WEEK—SHOW.
20070325             Rove and HARRIET—MIERS, then THE—WHITE—HOUSE—COUNSEL, were keenly interested in putting him in the position, E—MAILS reveal.
20070325             New documents also show that Justice and WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS were preparing for PRESIDENT—BUSH—APPROVAL—OF—THE—APPOINTMENT as early as last —SUMMER, —5—MONTHS—BEFORE Griffin took the job.
20070325             Related to NORTH—KOREA—BG—SOURCE
20070325             Sensing Shift in Bush Policy, Another Hawk Leaves
20070325             As THE—ARCHITECT—OF—MUCH—OF—THE—ADMINISTRATION—STRATEGY for countering nuclear proliferation, he helped engineer the decision to exit THE—ANTI—BALLISTIC—MISSILE—TREATY, worked secretly to squeeze LIBYA to give up its nuclear weapons program + created 1—LOOSE consortium of nations, —NOW numbering more than 80, committed to intercepting illicit weapons at sea, in the air or on land.
20070325             THE—LOBBY—BG—SOURCE
20070325             Soros and Media Heavyweights Attack PRO—ISRAEL—LOBBY—INFLUENCE on USA—POLICY
20070325             WASHINGTON—THE simmering debate over USA—POLICY toward ISRAEL and the role of the Jew ish community in shaping it exploded with NEAR—NUCLEAR—FORCE—THIS—WEEK.
20070325             Several of the nation's BEST—KNOWN INTERNATIONAL affairs commentators fired salvos at PRO—ISRAEL lobbyists and defenders of ISRAEL fired back with unprecedented fury.
20070325             In the space of —3—DAYS, major critiques of Jew ish lobbying were published by controversial billionaire GEORGE—SOROS, Pulitzer PRIZE—WINNING columnist NICHOLAS—KRISTOF, the respected UK—NEWSMAGAZINE THE—ECONOMIST and the popular Web site Salon.
20070325             The replies were furious.
20070325             —ACCUSED, THE—NEW—YORK Sun, Kristof and Soros of spreading a "new blood libel".
20070325             THE—USA—JEW ish COMMITTEE—EXECUTIVE—DIRECTOR, DAVID—HARRIS, wrote in 1—JERUSALEM—POST opinion article that Kristof had a "blind spot" and had "sanctimoniously lectured" ISRAEL.
20070325             Ho HUM—BG—SOURCE Froomkin explains why THE—WHITE—HOUSE doesn't want a transcript
20070325             FROOMKIN—COLUMN—TODAY is particularly instructive.
20070325             HE—RIGHT on the mark, as usual.
20070325             It's very important to understand why the Bush ies don't want 1—TRANSCRIPT.
20070325             Without 1, they can spin and obfuscate like they always do.
20070325             Unfortunately, THE—WASHINGTON press corps usually lets them get away with that: The most telling restriction built into THE—WHITE—HOUSE—OFFER to make senior aides available for private interviews about the firings of 8—USA—ATTORNEYS is that no record of those aides' words would be allowed.
20070325             —CONDEMNED, According to the offer, which has been soundly, by Democrats, MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS investigating the firings could come OUT—OF—THE—CLOSED—DOOR, highly circumscribed interviews and say what they thought they heard.
20070325             But there would be no transcript and no recordings.
20070325             —JUST Ran ACROSS—BG—SOURCE Unanswered Questions of 20010911             :
20070325             Which 1—OF—THESE—MEN—CAN—STEP—FORWARD to Talk about WTC 7? - BG—SOURCE
20070325             Huh? - BG—SOURCE—MORGAN—STANLEY unveils radical SHAKE—UP
20070325             —UNVEILED, MORGAN—STANLEY —ON—THURSDAY, 1—RADICAL—REORGANISATION—OF—ITS—SECURITIES—SALES and trading operations that involves the scrapping of the traditional equities and fixed income divisions.
20070325             —DESIGNED, The restructuring is also, to give greater autonomy to the European and ASIA—REGIONS, which generate 1—INCREASING PROPORTION—OF—THE—WALL—STREET bank's profits.
20070325             - BG—SOURCE—HO HUM—BG—SOURCE Renzi inquiry at issue in ouster
20070325             WASHINGTON - —2—WEEKS—AFTER ARIZONA USA—ATTORNEY—PAUL—CHARLTON was ordered to give up his post, he sent 1—E—MAIL to 1—TOP—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—OFFICIAL asking how to handle questions that his ouster was connected to his investigation of REPRESENTATIVE—RICK—RENZI, R—ARIZONA.
20070325             —FORCED, Charlton, 1—OF 8—FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS, to resign —LAST—YEAR, never received 1—WRITTEN response.
20070325             His December E—MAIL was among more than 3,000 PAGES—OF—RECORDS THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION turned over to Congress —LATE—MONDAY as PART—OF—1—ONGOING congress ional investigation into the ousters.
20070325             —RELEASED, Democrats, the documents —TUESDAY.
20070325             —ALLEGED, The sweeping confession of, AL—QAIDA mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who has claimed involvement in 31—TERROR—PLOTS, has been met with skepticism from GERMANY—COMMENTATORS.
20070325             SOME—EDITORIALISTS have stronger feelings about the "show" trial against Mohammed than whether or not he is telling the truth.
20070325             —RELEASED, According to 1—TRANSCRIPT, —ON—THURSDAY by the Pentagon, suspected AL—QAIDA leader + 20010911             mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed made FAR—REACHING confessions that he was "responsible for 20010911             —THE operation from 1 to Z," and that he personally beheaded kidnapped WALL—STREET—JOURNAL reporter DANIEL—PEARL with his own knife.
20070325             —CLAIMED, Mohammed has allegedly, responsibility for 1—TOTAL—OF—31—TERRORIST—ATTACKS -- some of which were never completed -- 1—ADMISSION that would make him AL—QAIDA—KEY—OPERATION—PLANNER.
20070325             This Doesn't Smell Right
20070325             —FILED, Documents, in FEDERAL—COURT—SAY—ABRAMOFF has provided "substantial assistance" in 1—SEPARATE—WASHINGTON corruption scandal investigation and continues to work with investigators from his prison cell in Cumberland, Md.
20070325             Assistant USA—ATTORNEY—PAUL—F—SCHWARTZ did not recommend how much ABRAMOFF—SENTENCE should be cut.
20070325             —FILED, In the court papers, —WEDNESDAY, Schwartz said prosecutors would recommend 1—REDUCTION in his sentence and would file further documents describing the "nature, extent and value" of his cooperation.
20070325             Abramoff, once a powerful WASHINGTON lobbyist + EX—PARTNER—ADAM—KIDAN—FORT—LAUDERDALE—BASED—SUNCRUZ—CASINOS
20070325             Big NEWS—BG—CORRECTION to Report.
20070325             No 1 is saying there weren't AL—QAIDA—PATSIES.
20070325             Source O'Donnell, Sheen Back 20010911             Conspiracy Theories Stars Cite Movie As EVIDENCE—OF—GOVERNMENT—CONSPIRACY
20070325             (CBS) NEW—YORK - 1—CONTROVERSIAL—NEW—FILM about 20010911             is raising eyebrows, not only for its content, but also for the people involved in the project: Rosie O'Donnell and CHARLIE—SHEEN.
20070325             Lord LEVY—HO—HUM—BG—SOURCE—RUDY: Give Gonzales "THE—BENEFIT—OF—THE—DOUBT"
20070325             Finally — RUDY—GIULIANI, 1—FORMER—USA—ATTORNEY himself, has spoken out about the Attorney Purge.
20070325             THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS quotes Rudy as follows:
20070325             "THE—PRESIDENT has addressed it. THE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL'S an honorable man. HE—1—DECENT—MAN. He should be given 1—CHANCE to explain and everybody should sort of give him THE—BENEFIT—OF—THE—DOUBT and allow him to explain".
20070325             —NOTED, As, here
20070325             SOME—TIME ago, Rudy is the only Presidential candidate with experience as A—USA—ATTORNEY — experience which uniquely qualified him to weigh in on this topic.
20070325             But t - hose expecting real insight from Rudy on the subject may be disappointed by his conclusion: "We should try to remove on both sides as MUCH—OF—THE—PARTISANSHIP as possible".
20070325             Bush is Acting.... 1—C t i n g..... - BG—SOURCE THE—DECIDER is Delusional
20070325             Is GEORGE—BUSH delusional?
20070325             No, that question is not 1—ATTACK on his intelligence.
20070325             Nor is it 1—CRITICISM—OF—SOME—BIZARRE—NEW—POSITION he has taken with regard to THE—AFFAIRS—OF—STATE--although, as it happens, he has.
20070325             Rather, it is 1—SERIOUS—QUESTION about whether THE—PRESIDENT understands what is going on —AROUND him.
20070325             —AFTER he announced —TUESDAY that
20070325             THE—WHITE—HOUSE would not make 1—SERIOUS—EFFORT to cooperate with the Senate Judiciary COMMITTEE—INVESTIGATION into THE—FIRING—OF—USA—ATTORNEYS who would not politicize their prosecutions,
20070325             —ASKED, THE—PRESIDENT was, about SEVERAL—OF—THE—ATTORNEYS who had been removed.
20070325             More WEST—BANK—COVERAGE—BG—SOURCE - Settlers make HEBRON 'unbearable'
20070325             ISRAEL—DEPUTY—PRIME—MINISTER has said the presence of Jew ish settlers inside THE—WEST—BANK—CITY—OF—HEBRON has created an "unbearable situation".
20070325             Shimon Peres' comments come —1—DAY—AFTER settlers took over 1—BUILDING in HEBRON, claiming to have bought it.
20070325             1—LOCAL—PALESTINE—FAMILY has disputed this claim, saying they had purchased the property.
20070325             Arlen Specter: COLLABORATOR—BG—SOURCE—FAQ on Slipping the Provision Stripping the Senate of Oversight into the Patriot Act
20070325             ERIC—ALTERMAN got
20070325             1—LETTER from 1—OF—HIS—READERS about why didn't the Senators do something about the provision that stripped THEM—OF—THE—ABILITY to approve USA—ATTORNEYS—BEFORE it was sent to THE—PRESIDENT.
20070325             Valerie Plame OUTING—BG—SOURCE
20070325             —DECIDED, ERIC—EARLING has
20070325             not to post 1—CORRECTION to his very misleading post from —LAST—WEEK on the Valerie PLAME—WILSON scandal.
20070325             I'm not too surprised.
20070325             This story has been always been complex enough to keep even more intelligent conservatives like Earling believing in fairy tales.
20070325             THE—HEART—OF—THE—STORY is very simple.
20070325             —DISCOVERED, JOE—WILSON, on 1—FACT—FINDING mission to NIGER that 1—OF—THE—MAIN—ARGUMENTS for war in IRAQ being made by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION was false, that Saddam had been seeking yellowcake uranium from AFRICA.
20070325             Once Wilson went public with his knowledge that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION (especially THE—VICE—PRESIDENT—OFFICE) was knowingly misleading THE—USA—PUBLIC,
20070325             they decided that the most effective way to fight back was to discredit Wilson by saying that his wife, 1—COVERT—CIA—AGENT,
20070325             was THE—1—WHO sent him on THE—FACT—FINDING mission + to try to paint him as SOME—ROGUE radical on the left.
20070325             February 19910000             : PAKISTAN Supposedly Considers Funding Covert Operations through Drug...
20070325             PAKISTAN?s army CHIEF—AND—THE—HEAD—OF—THE—ISI, its intelligence agency, propose to sell heroin to pay for the country?s covert operations, according to Nawaz SHARIF—PAKISTAN?s PRIME—MINISTER—AT—THE—TIME.
20070325             Sharif claims that shortly —AFTER becoming PRIME—MINISTER, army CHIEF—OF—STAFF—GENERAL—ASLAM—BEG + ISI director GENERAL—ASAD—DURRANI present him with 1—PLAN to sell heroin through 3. parties to pay for covert operations that are no longer funded by THE—CIA, —NOW that the Afghan...
20070325             Landesweite Atomschutzübung in ISRAEL
20070325             AFP—ISRAEL plant für den kommenden —MONAT eine landesweite Atomschutzübung.
20070325             Bei dem für DEN—USA—SCHLAG gegen IRAN —SCHON zu Ostern?
20070325             NOVOSTI—DIE Militäraktion der USA gegen IRAN wird in der 1. Aprilwoche, knapp vor dem diesjährigen Ostern, wahrscheinlich —SCHON—AM—FREITAG, dem 20070406             , stattfinden, der in den moslemischen Ländern ein arbeitsfreier —TAG ist, schreibt die RUSSLAND—WOCHENZEITUNG "Argumenty Nedeli" unter Berufung auf RUSSLAND—MILITÄREXPERTEN.
20070325             INTERNETTRASH—EIN deutscher ?Global Warming Sceptic? - sfux KARL—WEISS -
20070325             Der Braunschweiger Professor DOCTOR—GERHARD—GERLICH ist einer jener ?Global Warming Sceptics?, die andauernd von interessierten Seiten zitiert werden, hauptsächlich Leute, die mit den ERDÖL—UND AUTO—KONZERNEN verbunden sind, wenn es darum geht, die —BEREITS einsetzende Klimakatastrophe bzw. ihre wesentliche Ursache zu leugnen, die im wesentlichen auf das von den Konzernen zu verantwortende Verbrennen fossiler...
20070325             Patients 'miss out on heart ops' Uncertainty over the most suitable treatment may mean heart patients miss out on best care, 1—EXPERT warns.
20070325             —DISCOVERED, Bird flu, in BANGLADESH The deadly H5N1 STRAIN—OF—BIRD—FLU is found close to THE—BANGLADESH—CAPITAL—OFFICIALS say no reason to panic.
20070325             Rice urges end to MID—EAST—ENMITY—USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE—CALLS on Arab states to do their utmost to reach peace with ISRAEL.
20070325             IRAN seizure 'wrong' says BLAIR—IRAN—DETENTION—OF—15—ROYAL—NAVY—PERSONNEL is "unjustified and wrong", PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR says.
20070325             Mauritanians vote for PRESIDENT—MAURITANIANS vote to elect 1—PRESIDENT in the country's 1. democratic elections —SINCE gaining INDEPENDENCE.
20070325             —RENEWED, Rice seeks, Mid East push USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE—CALLS for 1 united effort to establish 1—PALESTINE—STATE.
20070325             USA—CONCERN over EGYPT reforms The visiting USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—VOICES—CONCERN at constitutional reform in EGYPT, —1—DAY—BEFORE its referendum.
20070325             VENEZUELA aims for CHINA oil deal VENEZUELA says it is working on 1—NUMBER—OF—NEW—OIL—DEALS with CHINA, as it aims to reduce its exports to THE—USA.
20070325             —DERIVED, Viral remedy 'stops ear problems' 1—TREATMENT, from 1—VIRUS can guard against middle ear infections, 1—STUDY suggests.
20070325             Time change marks END—OF—1—ERA—THE switch to UK—SUMMER—TIME—MARKS THE—END—OF—1—ERA for the nation's time signal.
20070325             SIR—ELTON set for NEW—YORK party SIR—ELTON—JOHN gets ready for 1—CONCERT at NEW—YORK—MADISON—SQUARE—GARDEN to celebrate his 60. birthday.
20070325             IRAN claims UK admits incursion THE—15—ROYAL—NAVY—PERSONNEL seized in the Gulf by IRAN have admitted being in the country's waters, IRAN claims.
20070325             EU birthday to mark 'new phase' THE—EU celebrates its 50. anniversary with 1—GATHERING—OF—LEADERS from all 27—MEMBER—STATES in GERMANY.
20070325             Rice begins new MID—EAST—MISSION—USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE arrives in EGYPT at THE—START—OF—1—MIDDLE—EAST—TOUR to spur peace talks.
20070325             —DENIED, Rap star is, UK visa USA rap star Snoop Dogg is denied 1—VISA to enter THE—UK on 1—EUROPEAN tour with P Diddy.
20070325             —AIDED, Suspect ' USA embassy blast' 1—GUANTANAMO inmate says he unwittingly took part in THE—USA—EMBASSY bombing in TANZANIA, 1—TRANSCRIPT shows.
20070325             Labor seeks 4. NSW poll win Polls open in AUSTRALIA—NEW—SOUTH—WALES state with incumbent Labor expected to win a 4. term.
20070325             Millions face drought in CHINA Very low levels of rainfall in SOUTH—WEST—CHINA have left 5.5—MILLION—PEOPLE—SHORT—OF—WATER, officials say.
20070325             IRAQ—MEDICAL—CRISIS as doctors flee IRAQ—HOSPITALS are left in 1—MEDICAL—CRISIS as up to 80—PERCENT—OF—DOCTORS flee, most to neighbouring JORDAN.
20070325             Oil prices leap on Gulf incident Oil prices rise to their highest level —THIS—YEAR—AFTER 15—UK—NAVY—PERSONNEL were seized by IRAN—FORCES in the Gulf.
20070325             —EXHALED, Mosquitoes target, breath Scientists have uncovered the mechanism mosquitoes use to 0 in on their targets.
20070325             —CAPTURED, UK sailors, at gunpoint 15—UK—NAVY—PERSONNEL are taken at gunpoint by IRAN—FORCES, THE—UK—DEFENCE—MINISTRY says.
20070325             Bush aides face new probe threat USA—SENATORS authorise orders to force Bush aides to testify over the sacking of 8—FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS.
20070325             Troubled JAPAN whaler back home JAPAN—MAIN whaling ship arrives —BACK—IN port —AFTER 1—ANTARCTIC hunt hit by 1—SETBACKS including 1—FATAL—FIRE.
20070325             —AGREED, Tougher IRAN sanctions '' The top UK diplomat at THE—UN says 1—NEW—RESOLUTION on IRAN has been agreed and is set to go to 1—VOTE—ON—SATURDAY.
20070325             Iraqis rank 1. in asylum bids The number of Iraqis seeking asylum in industrialised countries jumps by nearly 80% in —1—YEAR, THE—UN says.
20070325             —CARRIED, Spinal disc transplant 'success' Doctors in CHINA have, out the world's 1. spinal disc transplants on 5—PATIENTS, 1—STUDY says.
20070325             Sea floor records ancient Earth 1—SLIVER—OF—4—BILLION —YEAR old seafloor shows the earliest known EVIDENCE—OF—PLATE—TECTONICS on Earth.
20070325             USA—HOUSE—SALES jump as prices dip USA existing home sales rise at their fastest rate in almost —3—YEARS, as prices slip, official figures show.
20070325             World 'ignoring IRAQ—REFUGEES' THE—UN—REFUGEE—AGENCY says there is an "abject denial" of the humanitarian impact of THE—IRAQ war.
20070325             UKRAINE MPs reject new MINISTER—MPS in UKRAINE again reject PRO—WEST—PRESIDENT—YUSHCHENKO—NOMINEE for the post of foreign MINISTER.
20070325             NORWAY—HAMAS link ANGERS ISRAEL—ISRAEL cancels 1—MEETING with 1—VISITING—NORWAY—MINISTER—AFTER he held talks with 1—HAMAS leader in GAZA.
20070325             Settlers in HEBRON 'unbearable' ISRAEL—DEPUTY—PM says the presence of settlers in THE—WEST—BANK—CITY—OF—HEBRON has created 1—UNBEARABLE—SITUATION.
20070325             10,000 passports go to fraudsters THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, including 2—MEN convicted over terror attacks, got passports fraudulently from the Home Office, it admits.
20070325             —EXPECTED, BP facing USA—CRITICISM over blast BP is, to be heavily criticised by USA—SAFETY—OFFICIALS over 1—REFINERY—BLAST that killed 15—WORKERS.
20070325             Virtual worlds are 'worth $1bn' MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE are flocking to inhabit virtual online worlds, says research by analysts Screen Digest.
20070325             UK: 3. agree with IRAQ war A 3. of UK people think THE—IRAQ war was justified but 6 in 10—BELIEVE it was 1—MISTAKE, 1—BBC survey suggests.
20070325             DIRECTOR—OF—NATIONAL—INTELLIGENCE—WIKIPEDIA—DNI ist ein Amtsposten innerhalb der...
20070325             00.Jan2007 wurde JOHN—MCCONNELL als Nachfolger von JOHN—NEGROPONTE nominiert.
20070325             Untitled —.. - Si cherheit der USA kommt der DNI Vizeadmiral a. D. JOHN—MCCONNELL zu dem Schluss, dass sich der IRAK in einer sehr gefährlichen Situation befindet + wies...
20070325             IRAN—DAS hat McConnell... JOHN—PIKE + seinen Mitstreitern kann man nur allerhöchste Anerkennung zollen.
20070325             CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE Agency (CIA )
20070325             ONECLE—CALIFORNIA MCLE, Sample Contracts, Business Forms
20070325             signing THE—ARTICLES—OF—INCORPORATION shall be as follows: JAMES—S—KENT 4180—S. Pecos...
20070325             GERALD—KENT — Jessika Kent : ZoomInfo Business People Information Kent, JAMES—DELAWARE—VALLEY—HOSPITAL, JAMES—S—KENT—WALTON—JAMES—S—KENT...
20070325             BAR—OF—THE—STATE—OF—CALIFORNIA
20070325             Bernays, EDWARD—L—FREUD—USA—NEPHEW and disciple
20070325             In the early 19010101—20001231    —CENTURY.
20070325             Bernays took the crude, RAZZ—MA—TAZZ OCCUPATION—OF—PRESS agentry.
20070325             Sigmund FREUD—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia
20070325             —3—YEARS—LATER the Nazi s took CONTROL—OF—GERMANY and FREUD—BOOKS featured prominently amongs those burned by the Nazi s.
20070325             000.Mar.1938 Nazi GERMANY...
20070325             Why Americans WILL—BELIEVE—ALMOST—ANYTHING
20070325             —FROM his own amazing chronicle Propaganda, we learn how EDWARD—L—BERNAYS took the ideas of his famous uncle Sigmund Freud himself + applied them to the...
20070325             PROPAGANDA : THEN AND —NOW...... home.htm 5. ibid.
20070325             6. LARRY—TYE, THE—FATHER—OF—SPIN: EDWARD—L—BERNAYS... 1. Institute for Propaganda Analysis.
20070325             THE—FINE—ART—OF—PROPAGANDA.
20070325             New... the "father" of public relations is.
20070325             What was Freuds nephew (EDWARD—BERNAYS ) up to —FOR—50—YEARS.
20070325             Shaping the public mind for business.
20070325             THE—FATHER—OF—PROPAGANDA (Public Relations) can be seen here, The...
20070325             Because of his evil "genius", the Nazi 's were able to bend 1—WHOLE nation to their will.
20070325             He declared that propaganda was no more than a... (Trick)...
20070325             Bewegungen gegen politische Repression und gegen den Sicherheitsstaat
20070325             Erklärungen von Andereas Baader, GUDRUN—ENSSLIN, Ulrike Meinhof, JAN—RASPE—IM.
20070325             Gnadengesuch, Petition und Dokumente zum "Fall" BRIGITTE—HEINRICH.
20070325             Widerspenstig - - livres SUR l'inquisition catholique et protestante
20070325             Die Lektüre überzeugt durch kompetente und authentische Recherchen auf der...
20070325             ROLF—HOCHHUTH—ES ist pflicht der sprachforschung + zumal eines DEUTSCHLAND—WÖRTERBUCHS...
20070325             JEDER—STAAT hat genau das Maß von Anstand, das dem Maß seiner Angst entspricht.
20070325             ALI—SCHIRASI—BLOG: Protest gegen Revolutionsgericht in Teheran
20070325             Protest gegen Revolutionsgericht in Teheran. [Frauen] [Gefängnis].
20070325             —LETZTES—JAHR wollten die Frauen in Teheran anläßlich des 8.
20070325             episodes tagged: arthur SILBER—VLOGBOT_NET—ALL Propaganda, All the Time
20070325             E&P: —SATURDAY—NEW—YORK—TIMES features an article... 'Pinch' Sulzberger JUNIOR, BILL—KELLER, ERIC—LICHTBLAU + JAMES—RISEN.
20070325             ALLE—MACHT geht von der Konzerngewalt aus Zu beachten seien weiterhin die politischen Initiativen (u. auf weiterzulesen): INSM, Bürgerkonvent, Konvent für DEUTSCHLAND, etc......
20070325             Slashdot | Bush Signs BILL—ENABLING—MARTIAL—LAW—333.
20070325             Major public emergencies ; interference with STATE—AND—FEDERAL—LAW... or the "JOHN—WARNER—DEFENSE—AUTHORIZATION—ACT—OF—20070000              " ( H.R.5122 ) (2)...
20070325             Slashdot | Bush Signs BILL—ENABLING—MARTIAL—LAW—THE—RELEVANT—PART is Sec.
20070325             Section 333 , " Major public emergencies ; interference with STATE—AND—FEDERAL—LAW ".
20070325             MADRID—DAS SPANIEN—AUSSENMINISTERIUM gab grünes Licht, um mit der Schatzsuche zu beginnen und sprach GROSSBRITANNIEN den Besitz an der Ladung zu.
20070325             An der Bergung, die von einem USA—SPEZIALUNTERNEHMEN geleitet werden soll, müssten aber auch SPANIEN—ARCHÄOLOGEN beteiligt werden, so die Bedingung der SPANIEN—REGIERUNG.
20070325             Nach umstrittenen Äußerungen Klars, der unter anderem seine Hoffnung auf eine "Niederlage der Pläne des Kapitals" zum Ausdruck brachte, stellen andere Politiker in Frage, ob Klar
20070325             —KRITISIERT, EX—RAF—TERRORISTIN: Stoiber, Mohnhaupts Freilassung als Provokation
20070325             Angebliche KORAN—SCHÄNDUNG: Hunderte Jemeniten stürmen GAS—ANLAGE
20070325             —VERLIERT, Gescheitertes Manöver: Frachtschiff, mehr als 30 - Rhein gesperrt
20070325             Verschleppte Briten: Hardliner wollen Landsleute freipressen
20070325             Beschäftigung: Weniger ARBEITSLOSE—MEHR prekäre Jobs
20070325             Kriminelles Netzwerk: Auf der Spur der ERDBEEREIS—MAFIA
20070325             Parteitag: Linkspartei und WASG stimmen Verschmelzung zu
20070325             USA—RANGLISTE: SAP—CHEF unter den 30—BESTEN der Welt
20070325             Weggelaufen: Peitschenhiebe für Frau in SAUDI—ARABIEN
20070325             Linkspartei/WASG: Pfiffe und Buhrufe auf dem FUSIONS—PARTEITAG
20070325             JAPAN: Weitere Nachbeben nach schwerem ERDSTOß—RAF: Noch 3—EX—TERRORISTEN in Haft
20070325             EU—JUBILÄUMSGIPFEL: Berliner Erklärung unterzeichnet
20070325             SCHNÜFFEL—ATTACKE: New Yorker Polizei bespitzelte Pazifisten in EUROPA
20070325             IRAN: Gefangenen Briten droht SPIONAGE—PROZESS
20070325             IRAK—KRIEG: Cheney warnt vor überstürztem Truppenabzug
20070325             URHEBER—UND Wettbewerbsrecht: Abmahnfalle INTERNET
20070325             Fondssparen: Banken kassieren kräftig ab
20070325             Globalisierungspapst Bhagwati: "Ihr Europäer werdet nicht schlafen, oder?"
20070325             —VERÄRGERT, Atomstreit: IRAN, über Sanktionen
20070325             Haftentlassung: EX—TERRORISTIN Mohnhaupt freigelassen
20070325             JAPAN: 1—TOTER und über 100—VERLETZTE bei schwerem Erdbeben
20070325             Atomstreit mit Teheran: Schärfere Sanktionen gegen IRAN—YOU don't trust THE—WHITE—HOUSE ".
20070325             Postman Patel: ALEXANDRE—GAYDAMAK, his son is the owner of PORTSMOUTH Football (Soccer)... it is the same people who decide whether THE—UK—BUY 1—NEW—NUCLEAR deterrant...
20070325             Kampschmidt_net " Going to Shelbina PORTSMOUTH Football Club boss HARRY—REDKNAPP is bid click management pay per to finally splash out SOME—OF—ALEXANDRE—GAYDAMAK—CASH.
20070325             In the early 19010101—20001231    —CENTURY. Latin AMERICA—NEWS—REVIEW:
20070325             sets in context THE—IRAN—CONTRA players, including RICHARD—SECORD, OLIVER—NORTH... Shackley, FRANK—CARLUCHI, Rafael "CHI—CHI" Quintero, THOMAS—CLINE,
20070325             Terrorized by 'WAR—ON—TERROR'—WORLD TRADE—MOST oppose it strongly".
20070325             price: £12.80 - price: £7.99
20070325—20010911    —ON, Why did she wait in the street —BEFORE 5:20 pm, looking directly at WTC-7???
20070325—20010911    —ON, However, there is 1—UNACCEPTABLE lie underneath this essay: The essay completely RE—ENFORCES the lies of what really happened.
20070325—20010911    —ORCHESTRATED, The whole truth involves the details of 1—CAREFULLY, hoax with regard to what happened.
20070325—20010911    —AFTER, It is the wellspring for watch lists distributed to airlines, law enforcement, border posts and USA consulates, created to close 1—OF—THE—KEY—INTELLIGENCE—GAPS revealed : THE—FAILURE—OF—FEDERAL—AGENCIES to share what they knew about AL—QAEDA operatives.
20070325—20010911    —ON, The problem with this justification is that the official story of what happened is physically impossible as 1—HIGHLY qualified team of Canadian, American and INTERNATIONAL scientists, engineers and investigators demonstrate at their website
20070325—20010911    —ON, Articles
20070325—20010911    —CREATED, The fund was originally, by Congress 20010000             to provide financial assistance to THE—FAMILIES—OF—PEOPLE killed.
20070325—20031222    —CLOSED, But the fund, - and THOUSANDS—OF—RESCUE and cleanup workers didn't develop illnesses —UNTIL—AFTER the deadline.
20070325—20051100    —IN, The criminal charges came —WHEN Padilla, A—USA—CITIZEN accused of being 1—AL—QAIDA operative, was added to 1—EXISTING—MIAMI terrorism support indictment.
20070325—20051111    —ON, —AROUND the time —WHEN the bill was being drawn up".
20070325—20051111    —ON, But as TPMmuckraker notes, new E—MAILS "suggest that he discussed the need for proposed changes with other Justice Department officials, —AROUND the time —WHEN the bill was being drawn up".
20070325—20060100    —LAUNCHED, The investigation, by THE—DEPARTMENT—INTERNAL—WATCHDOG, the
20070325—20070123    —ON, House Minority Leader JOHN—BOEHNER (R—OH) said on
20070325—20070309    —REVEALED, THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—INSPECTOR—GENERAL, that THE—FBI has been systematically abusing 1—OF—THE—MOST controversial PROVISIONS—OF—THE—USA—PATRIOT—ACT: the expanded power to issue "national security letters".
20070325—20070312    —DENIED, UPDATE II:, Gonzales, ANY—INVOLVEMENT
20070325—20070312    —ON, UPDATE II: ,
20070325—20070314    —ON, principal associate deputy ATTORNEY—GENERAL—WILLIAM—MOSCHELLA insisted that he pursued changes in the Patriot Act — that allowed THE—PRESIDENT to unilaterally install USA—ATTORNEYS — "on his own, without the knowledge or coordination
20070325—20070314    —ON, principal associate deputy ATTORNEY—GENERAL—WILLIAM—MOSCHELLA insisted that he pursued changes in the Patriot Act — that allowed THE—PRESIDENT to unilaterally install USA—ATTORNEYS — "on his own,without the knowledge or coordination of his superiors at the Justice Department or anyone at THE—WHITE—HOUSE ".
20070325—20070325    —SEIT, BRUCE—R—LINDSEY, Assistant to THE—PRESIDENT—AND—DEPUTY—COUNSEL to THE—PRESIDENT - 19960116             der IAEO—CHEF—MOHAMMAD—ELBARADEI in seinem Bericht an die UNO vom 20070220             festgestellt hat, dass die Internationale Atomenergiebehörde...
20070325—20070911    —ON, It takes months to design 1—IMPLOSION yet it was done in hours. marvin bush?
20070325—20071127    —ON, show that THE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL and his deputy, PAUL—MCNULTY, participated in an —HOUR—LONG meeting about the firings.
20070325—20071127    —RELEASED, UPDATE III: New documents, tonight, "including GONZALES—APPOINTMENT—CALENDAR, show that THE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL and his deputy, PAUL—MCNULTY,participated in an —HOUR—LONG meeting about the firings. 7—OF—THE—8—PROSECUTORS were let go 20071207             —ON".
20070325—20080000    —PASSED, With a 218—212—VOTE, the House, THE—USA—TROOPS—READINESS, Veterans' Health and IRAQ Accountability Act, which calls for THE—REDEPLOYMENT—OF—TROOPS out of IRAQ.
20070407             4—EMAIL from Linda Brookhart, 20070325             0000—DATE.
20070407             8—EMAILS from Linda Brookhart, 20070325             and 27, 20070000            .
20070407             4—EMAIL from Linda Brookhart, 20070325            .
20070407             - - 5 The short segment may be viewed at:
20070414             • Statement to this website 20070325             : "—AFTER 4+ YEARS—OF—RESEARCH—SINCE retirement 20020000             , I am 100% convinced that THE—ATTACKS—OF—20010911              were planned, organized + committed by treasonous perpetrators that have infiltrated the highest levels of our government.
20070417             (Formerly located in WASHINGTON DC.) Affidavit of DANIEL—P—SHEEHAN, 20070325            .
20070830             DISCLAIMER DISCLAIMER 001. Goethe, ->Entgegnung-> 20020325             DISCLAIMER...
20080325             Director Koichiro Matsuura said that VISEGRAD—MEHMED—PASHA—SOKOLOVIC—BRIDGE, a 15010101—16001231     stone bridge over the Drina River that links Bosnia and Serbia, has been added to UNESCO—WORLD—HERITAGE—LIST.
20080325             —RULED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, that USA—RATIFICATION—OF—CERTAIN—TREATIES isn't enforceable unless Congress takes additional steps.
20080325             —REPORTED, The decline, in the Standard & Poor's/CASE—SHILLER index means prices have been growing more slowly or dropping for 19—CONSECUTIVE months.
20080325             FLORIDA, PART—OF—1—CONSTRUCTION crane fell 30—FLOORS at the site of 1—MIAMI condo tower, killing 2—WORKERS and injuring 5.
20080325             —IDENTIFIED, USA—RESEARCHERS, who have, all 1,116 unique proteins found in human saliva glands, said the discovery could usher in 1—WAVE—OF—CONVENIENT, SPIT—BASED diagnostic tests that could be done without the need for 1—SINGLE—DROP—OF—BLOOD.
20080325             —REFUSED, ARGENTINA—PRESIDENT—CRISTINA—FERNANDEZ, to ease tax hikes on agricultural exports, facing down angry farmers embroiled in 1—NATIONWIDE strike that has all but halted production in 1—OF—THE—WORLD—BIGGEST BEEF—EXPORTING nations.
20080325             —INVOLVED, WEST—AUSTRIA, some 70—VEHICLES were, in 1—PILEUP on 1—AUTOBAHN killing 1—PERSON and injuring at least 37—OTHERS.
20080325             —UNCOVERED, BELARUS said it had, 1—SPY ring working for WASHINGTON, deepening 1—DIPLOMATIC and human rights row between the countries.
20080325             Police beat demonstrators with truncheons and hauled them into waiting trucks as THOUSANDS—OF—OPPOSITION—PROTESTERS turned out in defiance of 1—GOVERNMENT—BAN on the anniversary of 19180000             —THE—SHORT—LIVED DECLARATION—OF—INDEPENDENCE.
20080325             1—CEREMONY in SARAJEVO marked the event.
20080325             —AMBUSHED, Instead, DOZENS—OF—ATTACKERS, his entourage with grenades and assault rifles, killing LEON and 10—OTHERS in 1—BRAZEN DEMONSTRATION—OF—POWER.
20080325             —PLUNGED, WEST—HONDURAS, 1—PASSENGER—BUS, off 1—HIGHWAY and rolled 500—YARDS down 1—HILLSIDE, killing 26—PEOPLE and injuring at least 19.
20080325             Officials said INDONESIA plans to restrict access to pornographic and violent sites on THE—INTERNET—AFTER the country's PARLIAMENT passed 1—NEW—INFORMATION—BILL.
20080325             —CLASHED, IRAQ—FORCES, with Shiite militiamen in the southern oil port of Basra and least 22—PEOPLE were killed.
20080325             —PATROLLED, Gunmen, several BAGHDAD neighborhoods as followers of Shiite cleric Muqtada AL—SADR ordered 1—NATIONWIDE civil disobedience campaign to demand 1—END to the crackdown on their movement.
20080325             2—BOMBS exploded in CENTRAL—BAGHDAD, killing 1—CIVILIAN and wounding 8—OTHERS.
20080325             † 1—USA—ALLIED—SUNNI fighter was killed in 1—DRIVE—BY shooting NORTHEAST—OF—THE—CAPITAL.
20080325             —DENIED, THE—MINISTRY—OF—DEFENSE, ANY—DEAL was struck and said it held back to ensure that the operation was seen as IRAQI—LED.
20080325             The effect was that 4,000 UK—SOLDIERS were kept out of action —FOR—6—DAYS—UNTIL 1—DEAL brokered in IRAN ended heavy fighting.
20080325             ABDULLAH—KING—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA made 1—PROPOSAL for dialogue among the world's monotheistic religions.
20080325             Abdullah said SAUDI—ARABIA—TOP—CLERICS gave him 1—GREEN—LIGHT.
20080325             SRI—LANKA, fighting across THE—WAR—RAVAGED northern district killed at least 1—SOLDIER and 19—REBELS.
20080325             SUDAN, 1—WORLD—FOOD—PROGRAM (WFP) driver was shot dead and his assistant seriously wounded in SOUTH—DARFUR state.
20080325             —ATTACKED—AFGHANISTAN, gunmen have, 1—GROUP—OF—POLICE along the border with IRAN, killing 4—POLICE and 2—CIVILIANS.
20080325             Auctioneers said the painting "La Surprise" (~1718) by FRANCE—ARTIST—JEAN—ANTOINE—WATTEAU, missing for —200—YEARS, has been found in 1—UNITED—KINGDOM—COUNTRY—HOUSE and could —NOW sell for up to 5—MILLION—POUNDS.
20080325             —SEIZED, Troops from THE—INDIA—OCEAN archipelago nation of COMOROS, CONTROL—OF—THE—REBEL—ISLAND—OF—ANJOUAN —AFTER 1—SEABORNE assault backed by THE—AFRICA—UNION.
20080325             —WERE—KILLED, EAST—GUATEMALA, at least 9—PEOPLE, and 7—WOUNDED in 1—SHOOTOUT that is likely tied to drug traffickers.
20080325             —WAS—SUMMONED, GUATEMALA—DRUG—BOSS—JUAN—JOSE "Juancho" LEON, by MEXICO—TRAFFICKERS for what he was told was business.
20080325             5—SUSPECTED militants were killed in Basra —WHILE attempting to place 1—ROADSIDE bomb.
20080325             —WAS—REPORTED, —IN—AUGUST it, that 1—SECRET—DEAL with 1—IRAN—BACKED militia kept UNITED—KINGDOM—FORCES OUT—OF—THE—BATTLE, leaving USA and IRAQ—FORCES to fight alone.
20080325             —ARMED—NEPAL, police, with bamboo sticks stopped 1—PROTEST by Tibetan refugees and monks in FRONT—OF—THE—CHINA—EMBASSY and arrested about 100—PARTICIPANTS.
20080325             —RAVAGED—SRI—LANKA, fighting across THE—WAR—NORTHERN—DISTRICT killed at least 1—SOLDIER and 19—REBELS.
20080325             —WAS—REPORTED, It, that Syria is cracking down more on INTERNET use, imposing tighter MONITORING—OF—CITIZENS who link to the Web, as well as jailing bloggers who criticize the government and blocking YouTube and other Web sites deemed harmful to state security.
20080325             —RESUMED, Air travel between GEORGIA and RUSSIA, more than —17—MONTHS—AFTER MOSCOW suspended flights BECAUSE—OF—TENSION between THE—EX—SOVIET—NEIGHBORS.
20080325             "Wäre es nach Ihnen gegangen..". - - - Offener Brief an ANGELA—MERKEL
20080325             Chinas Emissionsrate wächst hierbei am schnellsten:
20080325—19870000    —IN—1—WIDELY watched INDEX—OF—USA—HOME—PRICES fell 11.4—PERCENT in January, its steepest drop —SINCE data for the indicator was 1. collected.
20080325—20070000    —RAISED, The tax on soybeans had been, to 40%, up from 27%.
20080402             —REPORTED, Newspapers, that EGYPT has ordered the seizure of 20080325             —THE—SPECIAL—EDITION—OF—THE—GERMANY—NEWS—MAGAZINE—DER Spiegel —AFTER it was deemed to be insulting to Islam and the Prophet Mohammed.
20090121—20090325    —SENTENCED, Guinan was, to —4—YEARS in prison.
20090310—20090325    —RETIRED, THE—56—SUSPECTS, including 2, 4—STAR—GENERALS, were formally indicted.
20090310—20090325    —ARRAIGNED, BRENDAN—MCCONVILLE, —37—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—SINN—FEIN councilman was, on charges of murdering Carroll.
20090325             —VOTED, THE—USA—HOUSE, to set aside over 2—MILLION—ACRES in 9—STATES as protected wilderness.
20090325             —APPROVED, Legislators also, a $400—MILLION—PROJECT to restore a 3-mile STRETCH—OF—THE—S—JOAQUIN—RIVER in CENTRAL—CALIFORNIA.
20090325             —SIGNED, ARKANSAS GOVERNOR—MIKE—BEEBE, 2—BILLS creating 1—STATE lottery, making his STATE—THE 43. plus THE—DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA to hold such contests.
20090325             The group spent the past several months analyzing more than 600—ANIMAL—SPECIES found —DURING its expedition to THE—SOUTH—PACIFIC—ISLAND nation in July and —AUGUST.
20090325             —REVERED, JOHN—HOPE—FRANKLIN (19150000             *), DUKE—UNIV. historian and SCHOLAR—OF—THE—AFRICA—USA—EXPERIENCE, † in NORTH—CAROLINA.
20090325             —INCLUDED, His books, "From Slavery to Freedom" (19470000             ).
20090325             —RIPPED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, 1—ROADSIDE bomb, through 1—VAN carrying civilians on 1—ROAD used by foreign troops, killing 10 and wounding 7—OTHERS in Khost province.
20090325             Garth Drabinsky and MYRON—GOTTLIEB, CANADA—THEATER impresarios from 1—COMPANY called Livent, were CONVICTED—OF—FRAUD.
20090325             6—FORMER—LIVENT accountants testified in the trial, saying they were ordered to inflate income and profit documentation.
20090325             —SLAMMED, CZECH—REPUBLIC—PRIME—MINISTER—MIREK—TOPOLANEK, the current rotating PRESIDENT—OF—THE—EU, USA—PLANS to spend its way OUT—OF—RECESSION as "1—ROAD to hell".
20090325             1—ECUADOR—AIR—FORCE training jet crashed in 1—JUNGLE area near THE—COLOMBIA—BORDER.
20090325             The pilot and 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—AIR—FORCE rescue team were killed —WHEN 1—CABLE snapped as they were being lifted to 1—HELICOPTER.
20090325             EGYPT, 1—OF—THE—STRONGEST—USA—ALLIES in THE—MIDDLE—EAST, welcomed SUDAN—PRESIDENT despite 1—INTERNATIONAL—WARRANT seeking his arrest on CHARGES—OF—WAR—CRIMES in Darfur.
20090325             EGYPT is not 1—ICC signatory and both it and the Arab League have backed AL—BASHIR.
20090325             THE—EU laid out new labeling rules laid allowing Rose wine customers to know exactly how their grapes were treated to turn their tipple 1—BLUSHING pink.
20090325             —REGISTERED, THE—MT—NIPAYIA, 1—GREEK—OWNED and PANAMA, ship with 1—CREW—OF—19, was hijacked 450—MILES—EAST—OF—SOMALIA—SOUTH—COAST.
20090325             Recent fighting has left at least 25—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20090325             † In IRAQ 1—USA—SOLDIER has of NON—COMBAT injuries.
20090325             Incoming ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU said his government would be a "partner for peace with the Palestinians," softening his rhetoric —1—DAY—AFTER the centrist Labor Party joined his coalition in exchange for vaguely worded promises to pursue negotiations.
20090325             —CARRIED, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, 1—REPORT on its Web site saying ISI operatives provide money, military supplies and strategic planning guidance to Taliban commanders, with PROOF—OF—THE—TIES coming from electronic surveillance and trusted informants.
20090325             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT, a $5—MILLION bounty for Baitullah Mehsud.
20090325             ROMANIA was given 1—LOAN totaling 20—BILLION euros (27—BILLION dollars) by THE—IMF, THE—EU, the World BANK—AND—THE—EUROPEAN—BANK—FOR—RECONSTRUCTION and Development (EBRD).
20090325             1—AUSTERITY—PROGRAM accompanied the loans.
20090325             NORTH—WEST—RUSSIA, Kirovsk mayor ILYA—KELMANZON was shot dead in his office.
20090325             1—LOCAL utilities CHIEF who was in KELMANZON—OFFICE, then shot himself dead.
20090325             —RETURNED, FAHAD—AL—RUWAILY, 1—SENIOR—AL—QAIDA leader, to SAUDI—ARABIA voluntarily and turned himself in.
20090325             —WANTED, He was on 1—LIST—OF—THE—KINGDOM—85—MOST, militants living abroad.
20090325             —ATTACKED, EDINBURGH—SCOTLAND, vandals, THE—HOME—OF—FORMER—ROYAL—BANK—OF—SCOTLAND HEAD—FRED—GOODWIN, smashing windows at THE—HOUSE—OF—THE—EX—CEO whose 700,000 pound ($1.2—MILLION) annual pension has prompted public outrage.
20090325             —DEMONSTRATED, HUNDREDS—OF—SOMALIS, in Baidoa against Islamist fighters —AFTER they imposed 1—BAN on leaf qat, 1—POPULAR—NARCOTIC.
20090325             —REPULSED, SRI—LANKA—MILITARY, 1—TAMIL—TIGER counterattack in THE—NORTH—OF—THE—ISLAND and killed at least 30—OF—THE—REBELS.
20090325             MUHSIN—YAZICIOGLU, leader of the small conservative Great Unity Party, was 1—OF 6—PEOPLE on BOARD.
20090325             —RELEASED, Authorities THE—NEXT—DAY, 1—RECORDING—OF—1—EMERGENCY—CALL made —AFTER the crash by JOURNALIST—ISMAIL—GUNES, who said he thought he was the only survivor.
20090325             All 6—PEOPLE aboard were found dead.
20090325             —VISITED—AUSTRALIA PRIME—MINISTER—KEVIN—RUDD, THE—USA and urged Americans not to view CHINA as 1—ENEMY but as 1—COUNTRY offering huge economic opportunities, even though its leaders have "done SOME—BAD—THINGS in the past".
20090325             —ISSUED—NORTH—DAKOTA officials, 1—URGENT—CALL for volunteers to help with sandbagging as record AMOUNTS—OF—WATER poured into THE—MISSOURI—RIVER and evacuations were ordered in RIVERSIDE areas.
20090325             —RESORTED, CHINA—STATE—MEDIA said forestry officials in far WEST—CHINA have, to scattering abortion pills near gerbil burrows in 1—BID to halt 1—RODENT plague threatening the desert region's fragile ecosystem.
20090325             —CRASHED, 1—ECUADOR—AIR—FORCE training jet, in 1—JUNGLE area near THE—COLOMBIA—BORDER.
20090325             —WERE—KILLED, The pilot and 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—AIR—FORCE rescue team, —WHEN 1—CABLE snapped as they were being lifted to 1—HELICOPTER.
20090325             —OWNED, THE—MT—NIPAYIA, 1—GREEK—AND PANAMA registered ship with 1—CREW—OF—19, was hijacked 450—MILES—EAST—OF—SOMALIA—SOUTH—COAST.
20090325             —HAD—KILLED, THE—INDIA—ARMY said it, 17—MILITANTS from LASHKAR—E—TAIBA in Kashmir.
20090325             —PLEDGED—MEXICO, USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—HILLARY—RODHAM—CLINTON, to stand "shoulder to shoulder" with MEXICO in its violent struggle against drug cartels, and acknowledged THE—USA—SHARES blame because of its demand for drugs and SUPPLY—OF—WEAPONS.
20090325             —ACCOMPANIED, 1—AUSTERITY—PROGRAM, the loans.
20090325             —WERE—KILLED, SUDAN—OFFICIALS said at least 2—PEOPLE, —WHEN attackers set fire overnight to 1—CAMP for the internally displaced in Darfur, destroying HUNDREDS—OF—SHELTERS.
20090325             1—SPOKESMAN for the Darfur rebel group Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) put the toll at 3—DEAD and 3—INJURED and blamed 1—PRO—GOVERNMENT—MILITIA for the attack.
20090325—19990000    —INDICTED, They had been, in THE—USA and
20090325—20020000    —IN, fled to CANADA, where they were charged.
20090325—20090327    —ON, Rescue workers found the wreckage.
20091222—20090102    —ON, 3—OTHER—AIRCRAFT landed at Palanga, on the Baltic coast, —AROUND 330—KM from VILNIUS, and February 18, 20050000             , and 20060325            .
20100123—20100325    —FREED, Salomi was, in exchange for 4—MILITANTS.
20100322—20100325    —ON, Leaders of THE—9—COUNTRIES in the Permanent Interstate COMMITTEE—FOR—DROUGHT—CONTROL in the Sahel (CILSS) planned to meet in N'DJAMENA.
20100325             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE, stricter guidelines for discharging gay and lesbian service members allowing only generals to approve discharges.
20100325             FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL—UNIV.
20100325             (FIU) running back KENDALL—BERRY was stabbed late at night, —AFTER THE—22—YEAR—OLD—JUNIOR from Haines CITY—FLORIDA, was involved in 1—ARGUMENT with another man outside the front DOORS—OF—THE—SCHOOL—STUDENT—RECREATION—CENTER in MIAMI.
20100325             —CRASHED, WEST—TENNESSEE, 1—MEDICAL—HELICOPTER, ion stormy weather killing its crew of 3.
20100325             The top UN envoy for AFGHANISTAN, Staffan de Mistura, met with delegates from HEZB—E—ISLAMI, the country's 2.—BIGGEST militant group, who are in KABUL for talks on 1—POSSIBLE—PEACE—DEAL.
20100325             —THREATENED, AL—QAIDA leader OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, in 1—NEW audio recording released to kill ANY—CAPTURED—AMERICANS if THE—USA—EXECUTES—THE—SELF—PROFESSED mastermind of 20100911             —THE attacks or ANY—OTHER—AL—QAIDA suspects.
20100325             1—TOP—AUSTRALIA—OFFICIAL said about 100—AUSTRALIA—POLICE are being investigated for circulating racist and pornographic E—MAILS via the internal police E—MAIL system, and 1—OFFICER involved in the scandal has committed suicide.
20100325             BELARUS, some 2,000 opposition activists held 1—PROTEST—RALLY despite police blocks that authorities explained were PART—OF—SECURITY—MEASURES against 1 alleged bomb threat.
20100325             —STABBED, LONDON, 1—TEENAGER, —15—JAHRE—ALT was, in front of commuters —DURING the —EVENING rush —HOUR at VICTORIA station.
20100325             Paramedics were unable to resuscitate the boy.
20100325             20—DETAINEES (14 to 17) and were being questioned in connection with the incident.
20100325             —DRILLED, CHINA—OFFICIALS said emergency wells were being, and CLOUD—SEEDING operations carried out in SOUTH—CHINA, where the worst drought in decades has left MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE without water and caused more than 1,000 schools to close.
20100325             —KILLED, COLOMBIA, 1—PACKAGE—BOMB, a —12—YEAR—OLD—BOY who may have been given it to take to 1—POLICE—STATION—AFTER school in THE—COCA—GROWING southwest.
20100325             DUBAI said it would inject 9.5—BILLION dollars into DUBAI World, which announced it was asking creditors to wait for up to —8—YEARS to be repaid in full.
20100325             —AGREED, Leaders of THE—16—EUROZONE countries, to 1—PLAN to rescue GREECE if it finds itself unable to borrow.
20100325             —ANNOUNCED, FORMER—FRANCE—PRIME—MINISTER—DOMINIQUE—DE—VILLEPIN, the creation of 1—NEW—CENTER—RIGHT—PARTY set to challenge bitter rival PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—SARKOZY in elections in —2—YEARS' time.
20100325             This will be the 1. time that pubs anywhere in IRELAND will open on Good —FRIDAY.
20100325             —ARRESTED, KENYA—POLICE, 1—AMERICA—OF—SOMALIA ORIGIN who was on 1—TERROR watch list as he and 2—ASSOCIATES attempted to fly to SOMALIA.
20100325             —RELEASED, All 4 were, THE—NEXT—DAY.
20100325             MEXICO, police were searching for 2—PRISON—GUARDS and 40—PRISONERS who disappeared —AFTER 1—PRE—DAWN jailbreak in THE—MEXICO—CITY—OF—MATAMOROS across the border from BROWNSVILLE—TEXAS.
20100325             —KILLED, Gunmen, 1—DEPUTY—POLICE—CHIEF and his bodyguard in NOGALES, Sonora state.
20100325             1—NETHERLANDS court fined the owner of what was the biggest MARIJUANA—SELLING "coffee shop" in the country almost euro10 million ($13.34—MILLION) for violating liberal HOLLAND—DRUG—LAWS, in what is seen as 1—TEST for authorities seeking to rein in the growth of such cafes.
20100325             —ATTACKED, Pirates, 1—TURKEY—CARGO ship off THE—COAST—OF—NIGERIA, injuring 3—CREW members.
20100325             8 to 10—PIRATES with automatic weapons boarded the Ozay 5. They robbed THE—CREW—OF—MONEY and cellphones but fled —AFTER the ship began making distress calls.
20100325             —ARRESTED, PAKISTAN—POLICE said they had, 2—OF—THE—MEN who kidnapped 1—UK—BOY, —5—JAHRE—ALT—FOR—12—DAYS—THIS—MONTH, and paraded the hooded and shackled suspects —BEFORE the media.
20100325             —SEIZED, Taliban fighters, 1—SECURITY—CHECKPOINT in the Orakzai tribal region close to THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER, sparking clashes that killed 5—SOLDIERS and 32—INSURGENTS in 1—REGION where the army is pressing 1—OFFENSIVE.
20100325             —MANAGED, ASIA nations, to reopen the debate on the final —DAY—OF—THE—CONFERENCE and voted to kill the proposal.
20100325             —VOTED, SWITZERLAND, THE—GENEVA—BASED UN Human Rights Council (HRC), 20-17 for 1—TEXT that lists the "defamation of religion" as 1—INFRINGEMENT—OF—LIBERTY.
20100325             VENEZUELA, GUILLERMO—ZULOAGA, OWNER—OF—GLOBOVISION, was arrested, raising concerns the government is pursuing 1—WIDENING crackdown to silence opponents.
20100325             Globovision is the country's only remaining TV channel that takes 1—CRITICAL—LINE against PRESIDENT—CHAVEZ.
20100325             —SIGNED—MAINE GOVERNOR—JOHN—BALDACCI, into law AMERICA—1. blanket "extended producer responsibility" (EPR) framework law.
20100325             —ORDERED, It, manufacturers to assume the cost of disposing their products —FOLLOWING consumer use.
20100325             —IS—HEADED, HEZB—E—ISLAMI, by warlord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, who is BLACK—LISTED as 1—TERRORIST by THE—UN and THE—USA.
20100325             —DELAYED—BANGLADESH set up 1—WAR—CRIMES—TRIBUNAL for LONG—TRIALS—OF—PEOPLE ACCUSED—OF—MURDER, torture, rape and arson —DURING its 19710000             INDEPENDENCE war.
20100325             —WAS—STABBED, LONDON, 1—TEENAGER (15), in front of commuters —DURING the —EVENING rush —HOUR at VICTORIA station.
20100325             —AGREED—CHINA, to share water level data at 2—DAMS to ease pressure from nations downstream, including CAMBODIA, LAOS—MYANMAR, THAILAND and VIETNAM.
20100325             USA—SULEMAN—ESSA, CANADA—AHMED—ALI—HASSAN and KENYA—MUHAMMED—HUSSEIN—HASH were about to BOARD—1—PLANE ferrying aid to SOMALIA —WHEN they were arrested.
20100325             —WERE—RELEASED, All 4, THE—NEXT—DAY.
20100325             —WAS—REPORTED, It, that deaths from starvation in NORTH—KOREA—SOUTH—PYONGAN province was in the thousands —SINCE January and that the bodies of malnourished elderly people were being found in THE—STREETS—OF—PYONGYANG.
20100325             —KILLED, PAKISTAN—MILITARY—AIRSTRIKES, 61—SUSPECTED militants in 1—AREA—NEAR THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER, including dozens at 1—SEMINARY where Taliban commanders were believed to be meeting.
20100325             —HAD—ARRESTED, PAKISTAN—POLICE said they, 2—OF—THE—MEN who kidnapped 1—UNITED—KINGDOM—BOY (5) for —12—DAYS—THIS—MONTH, and paraded the hooded and shackled suspects —BEFORE the media.
20100325             —REJECTED—QATAR, THE—CITES—UN wildlife meeting, efforts to regulate the trade in overfished porbeagle sharks, reversing 1—EARLIER ruling at the conference and leaving none of the proposed shark species with protection.
20100325             —WAS—ARRESTED, VENEZUELA, GUILLERMO—ZULOAGA, OWNER—OF—GLOBOVISION, raising concerns the government is pursuing 1—WIDENING crackdown to silence opponents.
20100325—20040000    —IN, MAINE—EPR law for electronic waste went into effect.
20100325—20100325    —DATE, has long been 1—TRADITIONAL—DAY—OF—OPPOSITION—DEMONSTRATION, marking what they call Freedom —DAY, the anniversary of 19180000             —THE, declaration of the 1., SHORT—LIVED independent Belarusian state.
20100325—20100402    —ON—IRELAND, 1—JUDGE—IN—LIMERICK ruled that the city's 110—PUBS can open because the city is hosting 1—MAJOR—IRELAND—RUGBY—MATCH.
20110322—20110325    —RELEASED, Hood, 5—HOSTAGES and was arrested in 1—OPERATION that was broadcast live.
20110324—20110325    —SENTENCED, Grant was, to at least —27—YEARS in prison.
20110325             —RULED, THE—WORLD—TRADE—ORGANIZATION, that SOME—ANTI—DUMPING duties imposed by THE—USA on imports of BRAZIL—ORANGE juice violated INTERNATIONAL trade rules.
20110325             —ENDED, The bill also, TENURE—LIKE—JOB protections.
20110325             NY state information technology workers at THE—STATE—DIVISION—OF—HOUSING and Community Renewal hit the jackpot.
20110325             They won $319—MILLION in the multistate Mega Millions game's 5.—LARGEST prize in its history.
20110325             EACH—OF—THE—7—WINNERS will collect 1—CHECK for $19.1—MILLION, —AFTER taxes.
20110325             —AGREED, THE—OREGON—PROVINCE—OF—JESUIT priests, to pay $166.1—MILLION to over 450—NATIVE Americans who were abused at the order's schools —AROUND the Pacific Northwest.
20110325             —ORDERED, AFRICA—HIGHEST—COURT on human rights, LIBYA to —IMMEDIATELY cease ANY—ACTION that would result in THE—LOSS—OF—LIFE.
20110325             —COMPELLED, The order also, LIBYA to report to THE—TANZANIA—BASED court within —2—WEEKS.
20110325             1—GLOBAL—NETWORK—OF—CONSERVATIONISTS said AFRICA—RHINOS face their worst poaching crisis in decades with organized crime syndicates killing more than 800 in the past —3—YEARS—ALONE.
20110325             —TURNED, THOUSANDS—OF—BAHRAINIS, out for 1—SERMON—OF—1—MAJOR—SHI'ITE cleric ahead of "—DAY—OF—RAGE" protests planned across the Gulf Arab country despite 1—BAN imposed under martial law.
20110325             —FIRED, Security forces, tear gas and pellets at ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS—AFTER 1—PROMINENT—SHIITE cleric vowed that their demands for the Sunni monarchy to loosen its grip on power will not be silenced by "brutal force".
20110325             † Activists said 1—PERSON.
20110325             —TOPPLED, CANADA—OPPOSITION—PARTIES, PRIME—MINISTER—HARPER on the grounds that his government was tainted by sleaze, had managed the economy poorly and was in CONTEMPT—OF—PARLIAMENT.
20110325             Bouchard will be in charge of both the air campaign and the naval task force implementing the arms embargo.
20110325             CHINA, Ying Jianguo, general manager of Taizhou Suqi Storage Battery Co. Ltd., was taken into custody in THE—CITY—OF—TAIZHOU in Zhejiang province.
20110325             —REPORTED, The official Xinhua News Agency, 139—CASES—OF—LEAD poisoning near the plant.
20110325             More testing soon found at least 168—VILLAGERS, including 53—CHILDREN, had high lead levels.
20110325             —ARRESTED, CROATIA, Bojan Milkovic, HEAD—OF—THE—INA, the country's national oil company, on corruption charges.
20110325             —AGREED, European leaders, 1—NEW—PACKAGE—OF—ANTI—CRISIS—MEASURES at a —2—DAY—SUMMIT, but were forced to delay increasing their rescue fund and acknowledged they faced new threats from 1—GOVERNMENT—COLLAPSE in PORTUGAL.
20110325             —CALLED, EUROPEAN—UNION—LEADERS, for worldwide stress testing of nuclear plants and committed to putting their 143—REACTORS through the toughest security checks possible.
20110325             1—HONDURAS supreme court judge dismissed 3—ARREST—WARRANTS for FORMER—PRESIDENT—MANUEL—ZELAYA, allowing him to return without detention to the country where he was deposed in a 20090600             coup.
20110325             —1—DAY—LATER Zelaya said he won't return to HONDURAS for FEAR—OF—BEING killed.
20110325             INDIA, Pradeep Kumar, 1—GOVERNMENT—AVIATION—OFFICIAL, and 3—OTHER—PEOPLE were arrested in 1—WIDENING INVESTIGATION—OF—CORRUPTION in awarding flying licenses to airline pilots.
20110325             —SUSPECTED, JAPAN—OFFICIALS said 1, breach in Unit 3—REACTOR at the stricken FUKUSHIMA nuclear plant could mean more serious radioactive contamination, as PRIME—MINISTER—NAOTO—KAN called the country's ongoing fight to stabilize the plant "very grave and serious".
20110325             —JUMPED, The official death toll, past 10,000. With the cleanup and recovery operations continuing and more than 17,400 listed as missing, the final number of dead was expected to surpass 18,000.
20110325             EAST—LIBYA, rebel gunners fought artillery duels with Muammar GADDAFI—FORCES.
20110325             Western warplanes struck at heavy armor used by the government to crush the revolt.
20110325             NATO said its no fly zone operation could last —3—MONTHS, and FRANCE cautioned the conflict would not end soon.
20110325             1—BOAT left TRIPOLI carrying 72—PEOPLE.
20110325             —SURVIVED, Only 9—PEOPLE.
20110325             —ATTACKED, NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, gunmen, 1—MINIBUS carrying mostly Shiite Muslims and killed 8—PEOPLE in 1—AREA that has seen 1—RECENT—PEACE—DEAL between rival Sunni and Shiite tribes.
20110325             1—PALESTINIAN was shot and wounded by ISRAEL—POLICE—AFTER he injured 1—SOLDIER in THE—WEST—BANK.
20110325             THE—PHILIPPINES—CATHOLIC—CHURCH led tens of THOUSANDS—OF—FILIPINOS in 1—OF—THE—BIGGEST rallies against 1 proposed family planning law, saying it will promote artificial contraception and lead to more abortions.
20110325             QATAR flew its 1. sortie —AFTER joining the forces of 10—OTHER nations enforcing THE—NO—FLY zone over LIBYA.
20110325             1—SAUDI—ARABIA—NEWS—AGENCY says several 100—SHIITE Muslims have held protests in EAST—SAUDI—ARABIA to demand THE—RELEASE—OF—DETAINEES and show support for fellow Shiites protesting against the Sunni monarchy in nearby BAHRAIN.
20110325             SYRIA, demonstrations took place in Daraa and —THROUGHOUT the country in what organizers called a "—DAY—OF—DIGNITY".
20110325             Thousands took to the streets demanding reforms and mourning DOZENS—OF—PROTESTERS who were killed —DURING 1—VIOLENT, weeklong crackdown that has brought extraordinary pressure on the country's autocratic regime.
20110325             Presidential adviser Buthaina Shaaban said 34—PEOPLE have been killed in the weeklong crackdown.
20110325             4—PEOPLE were reported killed —WHEN armed forces fired on protesters in Latakia.
20110325             —OPENED, Troops and soldiers, fire in at least 6—PLACES, killing some 15—PROTESTERS.
20110325             YEMEN—PRESIDENT—ALI—ABDULLAH—SALEH told TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—SUPPORTERS that he's ready to step down but only if he can leave the country in "safe hands," —WHILE ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS massed for 1—RIVAL—RALLY.
20110325             —CRITICIZED, The arrests have been, by THE—PRIME—MINISTER—PARTY as being politically motivated.
20110325             —ENDED—CANADA—40. PARLIAMENT, with cheers from opposition legislators as politicians voted along party lines to drive the Conservatives OUT—OF—OFFICE.
20110325             —ARRESTED—EL—SALVADOR police, CARLOS—ERNESTO—TEOS—PARADA, 1—MAN accused of running 1—HUMAN smuggling ring that transported SOME—OF—THE—VICTIMS in the massacre of 72—MIGRANTS in NORTH—MEXICO last —AUGUST.
20110325             —DEPLOYED—ISRAEL, its newly developed "Iron Dome" rocket defense system for the 1. time to defend its southern communities from attacks by GAZA militants —AFTER 1—BLOODY—WEEK—OF—PALESTINE—STRIKES and ISRAEL—REPRISALS.
20110325             —CROWDED—IVORY—COAST, about 1,000—PEOPLE frantically, —AROUND buses rented by MALI to evacuate its citizens, as THE—UN said up to 1—MILLION have fled their homes amid fears of civil war.
20110325             —DRIFTED, It, for more than —2—WEEKS—AFTER it ran OUT—OF—FUEL, water and food.
20110325             —WERE—ARRESTED, The survivors, by PRO—GADHAFI forces —AFTER their boat came ashore in LIBYA, but managed to flee again.
20110325             —HAVE—BEEN—KILLED, Presidential adviser Buthaina Shaaban said 34—PEOPLE, in the weeklong crackdown.
20110325             —HAVE—BEEN—CRITICIZED, The arrests, by THE—PRIME—MINISTER—PARTY as being politically motivated.
20110325—20080000    —IN—THAILAND, 1—COURT—ORDERED—LEADERS—OF—THE—SELF—STYLED—PEOPLE' Alliance for Democracy to pay MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS to airport operators in compensation for occupying BANGKOK—AIRPORTS for —1—WEEK.
20110325—20110330    —UNTIL, The ruling was not made public.
20110325—20110404    —ON, 2—OF—THE—REBELS who were involved in the attacks were reported killed.
20120106—20120325    —AM, findet die Neuwahl im SAARLAND statt.
20120314—20120325    —RELEASED, The rebels, Colangelo.
20120323—20120325    —ON, Another 38—POUNDS—OF—THE—DRUG were found in the panel of 1—CAR at the same checkpoint.
20120323—20120325    —ON, police arrested Binh THAILAND—LUC, —35—JAHRE—ALT in S—MATEO on suspicion of murdering Hua Shun Lei (65), his wife Wan Yi Wu (62), their daughter Ying XUE—LEI, —37—JAHRE—ALT, their son VINCENT—LEI, —32—JAHRE—ALT and his wife Chia Huei Chu (30).
20120325             —CONSIDERED, Obama other key allies, providing SYRIA—REBELS with communications help, medical aid and other "NON—LETHAL" assistance.
20120325             MICHIGAN, the bodies of 2—WOMEN, Abreeya Brown (18) and ASHLEY—CONAWAY, —22—JAHRE—ALT, were discovered in shallow graves on DETROIT—WEST—SIDE.
20120325             5—MEN were soon charged in their abduction and slaying.
20120325             "Titanic" director JAMES—CAMERON, —57—JAHRE—ALT made 1—SOLO submarine dive to the bottom of the Mariana Trench in THE—WEST—PACIFIC, the deepest point in the world's oceans.
20120325             —ARRIVED, Gabor Rakonczay, in Antigua —AFTER canoeing across the Atlantic Ocean in —76—DAYS.
20120325             † 4—PEOPLE—WHEN their small plane crashed shortly —AFTER taking off from 1—TINY—AIRPORT in THE—BAHAMAS en route to FLORIDA.
20120325             —JOINED, BELARUS, several 1000—PEOPLE, 1—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—RALLY calling for the release of political prisoners and for EUROPEAN—STYLE—DEMOCRACY.
20120325             1—MAGNITUDE—7.1—EARTHQUAKE struck CENTRAL—CHILE, the strongest and longest that MANY—PEOPLE said they had felt —SINCE 1—HUGE quake devastated the area —2—YEARS—AGO.
20120325             There were no REPORTS—OF—MAJOR—DAMAGE or deaths due to QUAKE—RELATED accidents.
20120325             20—PEOPLE from DR CONGO drowned —WHEN their boats capsized —WHILE crossing the river border with ZAMBIA enroute to 1—SOCCER game.
20120325             —EMPOWERED, EGYPT—NEWLY, Islamists have tightened their grip, giving themselves 1—MAJORITY on a 100-member panel tasked with drafting 1—CONSTITUTION that will define THE—SHAPE—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT in THE—POST—HOSNI Mubarak era.
20120325             The panel will have nearly 60—ISLAMISTS, including 37—LEGISLATORS selected THE—DAY—BEFORE by PARLIAMENT—2—CHAMBERS.
20120325             HONG—KONG held elections for 1—NEW—CHIEF—EXECUTIVE.
20120325             —HANDPICKED, Only 1,200—PEOPLE, from the populations, were eligible to vote.
20120325             —FAVORED, HENRY—TANG—YING—YEN was, to win.
20120325             SELF—MADE millionaire property consultant Leung CHUN—YING, —57—JAHRE—ALT won the leadership election with 689—VOTES.
20120325             —ANNOUNCED, BERTIE—AHERN, —60—JAHRE—ALT, FORMER—IRELAND—PM (19970000—20080000    ), he has resigned from the Fianna Fail party rather than be expelled over 1—INVESTIGATION into secret payments he received —WHILE in office, but vowed to clear his name.
20120325             —REPELLED, MALI—SOLDIERS, 1—FRESH—ATTACK by Tuareg rebels in THE—NORTH—FOLLOWING 1—COUP as the junta struggled to restore order —AFTER ousting THE—WEST—AFRICA—NATION'S PRESIDENT.
20120325             —DETAINED, MALI—FOREIGN—MINISTER and 13—OTHERS being, by the junta that took over MALI started 1—HUNGER—STRIKE.
20120325             —SUSPECTED, NIGERIA, 3, MEMBERS—OF—BOKO—HARAM were killed overnight in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—MAIDUGURI in 1—SHOOTOUT with soldiers deployed to crush the Islamist sect.
20120325             —ATTACKED, About 20—GUNMEN had, 1—POLICE—STATION with rifles and explosives.
20120325             The club said ISRAEL is holding some 700—MEMBERS—OF—THE—PALESTINE—SECURITY—SERVICES, along with 27—PALESTINE—LAWMAKERS, 24—OF—THEM from Hamas.
20120325             —PLUNGED, RUSSIA—SPACECRAFT controllers intentionally, 1—DEFUNCT communications satellite, called EXPRESS—AM4, into the ocean.
20120325             The company Polar Broadband Systems Ltd. tried in vain to save and recycle THE—RUSSIA—SATELLITE.
20120325             Opposition candidate Macky Sall won the vote.
20120325             —CONCEDED, Wade, defeat —JUST hours —AFTER results showed his opponent winning.
20120325             7—LIFEGUARDS rescued 15—PEOPLE.
20120325             —ATTACKED, SYRIA—FORCES, flashpoint areas, carrying out raids and clashing with rebels as PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD—ALLIES in RUSSIA said the country may be facing its last chance for peace.
20120325             VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ was in CUBA to begin radiation therapy treatment —1—MONTH—AFTER undergoing surgery that removed 1—CANCEROUS tumor.
20120325             UNITED—KINGDOM—TORY treasurer PETER—CRUDDAS, 1—SENIOR—MEMBER—OF—DAVID—CAMERON—CONSERVATIVE—PARTY, resigned —AFTER he apparently offered access to THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—PREMIER in return for party donations of £250,000.
20120325             —RELATED, There were no REPORTS—OF—MAJOR—DAMAGE or deaths due to QUAKE—ACCIDENTS.
20120325             —WAS—FAVORED, HENRY—TANG—YING—YEN, to win.
20120325             —HANDED—FRANCE, down preliminary murder and terrorism charges against Abdelkader Merah alleging he helped his brother Mohamed plan recent attacks against Jewish schoolchildren and paratroopers.
20120325             —WERE—KILLED, NIGERIA, 3—SUSPECTED MEMBERS—OF—BOKO—HARAM, overnight in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—MAIDUGURI in 1—SHOOTOUT with soldiers deployed to crush the Islamist sect.
20120325             —REPORTED, THE—PALESTINIAN—PRISONERS'—CLUB, that —AROUND 30—PALESTINE—PRISONERS have taken up hunger strikes across THE—ISRAEL—PRISON—SYSTEM.
20120325             SENEGAL—VOTED in 1—RUN—OFF election in which incumbent Abdoulaye Wade (85) is fighting off 1—MASS—OPPOSITION—EFFORT to foil his controversial bid for a 3. term.
20120325             6—SOUTH—AFRICA—RUGBY—PLAYERS from 1—LOCAL—CLUB in PORT—ELIZABETH drowned —AFTER 1—RIP—CURRENT pulled 21—PEOPLE out to sea.
20120325             —STAGED—TUNISIA, at least 8,000 Islamists, 1—MASS—DEMONSTRATION in CENTRAL—TUNIS in the latest SHOW—OF—FORCE to demand the adoption of Islamic law in THE—NORTH—AFRICA—COUNTRY.
20120325—19600123    —ON, a 2—MAN crew aboard THE—USA—NAVY—SUBMERSIBLE—TRIESTE, then the only humans to have reached Challenger Deep, spent —JUST—20—MINUTES on the bottom.
20120325—20110818    —LAUNCHED, The $265—MILLION—SATELLITE was, into the wrong orbit, and had been languishing in space —EVER—SINCE.
20120325—20111221    —ON, He had left LAGOS—PORTUGAL.
20120325—20120311    —ON, AFGHANISTAN—OFFICIALS said THE—USA—PAID $50,000 in compensation for EACH—VILLAGER killed and $11,000 for EACH—PERSON wounded in 1—SHOOTING rampage allegedly carried out by 1—ROGUE—USA—SOLDIER.
20120427—20120325    —ON, ALBANY—INDIANA, THE—REMAINS—OF—STEPHANIE—MARIE—KIRK (35), last seen, were found at THE—HOME—OF—WILLIAM—GIBSON.
20130325             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—OBAMA, 1—PROCLAMATION using the Antiquities Act to preserve some 1,000 ACRES—OF—THE—S—JUAN—ISLANDS, WASHINGTON state, as 1—NATIONAL—MONUMENT.
20130325             Lawyers said he was held in 1—CIA—BLACK—SITE in POLAND (20020000—20030000    ), which they say has withheld critical information needed to investigate his case.
20130325             —CHANGED, S—FRANCISCO, EXECUTIVES—OF—THE—PALACE—HOTEL, their minds, amid ringing outcry, and planned to return the Pied Piper painting by Maxfield Parrish to the hotel —FOLLOWING restoration work.
20130325             NEW—JERSEY lottery officials said PEDRO—QUEZADA, —44—JAHRE—ALT, 1—IMMIGRANT from THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC—REP., has won the $338.3—MILLION—POWERBALL jackpot.
20130325             —ACQUIRED, Yahoo, Summly, 1—UK—STARTUP, for some $30—MILLION.
20130325             —CREATED, Summly FOUNDER—NICK—DE—ALOISIO, —17—JAHRE—ALT had, 1—IPHONE app to summarize articles in 300—400—CHARACTERS.
20130325             AFGHANISTAN, THE—USA—MILITARY gave CONTROL—OF—ITS last local detention facility to KABUL, —1—YEAR—AFTER THE—2—SIDES—INITIALLY agreed on the transfer.
20130325             1—FISHING boat carrying nearly 100—ASYLUM—SEEKERS capsized off AUSTRALIA—WEST—COAST.
20130325             2—PEOPLE † and another 93 were rescued —AFTER the boat overturned NORTH—OF—CHRISTMAS—ISLAND.
20130325             CANADA, waste water from SUNCOR—OIL sands operation NORTH—OF—FORT McMurray, Alberta, escaped —WHEN 1—PIPE broke —AFTER freezing.
20130325             1 estimated 350—CUBIC meters of contaminated water was released into the river over a —10—HOUR—PERIOD, the company said, adding that it did not contain TAR—LIKE bitumen.
20130325             Under THE—TERMS—OF—THE—BAILOUT—DEAL, the country' 2. largest bank, Laiki — which sustained the most damaged from bad GREECE—DEBT and loans — is to be SPLIT up, with its nonperforming loans and toxic assets going into a "bad bank".
20130325             The healthy side will be absorbed into THE—BANK—OF—CYPRUS.
20130325             1—DUBAI COURT—CONVICTED—USA—BUSINESSMAN—ZACK—SHAHIN for fraud and sentenced him to —15—YEARS' imprisonment —AFTER 1—NEARLY —5—YEAR—LEGAL—BATTLE that included 1—HUNGER—STRIKE and 1 failed attempt to flee.
20130325             —ISSUED, EGYPT—TOP—PROSECUTOR, arrest warrants for 5—RIGHTS—ACTIVISTS on suspicion of inciting violence against MEMBERS—OF—THE—MUSLIM—BROTHERHOOD.
20130325             ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT said it will resume transferring tax revenues to THE—PALESTINE—AUTHORITY.
20130325             LIBYA—FOREIGN—MINISTER said the widow of the late ruler Moammar Gadhafi and other family members have been granted asylum in OMAN.
20130325             Authorities said they will resettle people OUT—OF—THE—AREA—OF—BORNEO where fighting in Sabah has left 74—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20130325             —WARNED, MYANMAR—GOVERNMENT, that religious violence could threaten democratic reforms —AFTER ANTI—MUSLIM mobs rampaged through 3—MORE—TOWNS in the country's predominantly Buddhist heartland.
20130325             TNT Express NV, 1—DUTCH—BASED package delivery company, said it will restructure operations, taking ?150—MILLION ($195—MILLION) in charges and cutting 4,000 jobs, or 6—PERCENT of its work force, by the end of 20150000            .
20130325             1—TAKEOVER by UPS was blocked by European regulators in January.
20130325             —DECLARED, PERU—GOVERNMENT, 1—ENVIRONMENTAL—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY in 1—REMOTE—AMAZON jungle region it says has been affected by YEARS—OF—CONTAMINATION at the country's most productive oil fields, which are currently operated by ARGENTINA—BASED Pluspetrol.
20130325             —SEARCHED, RUSSIA—PROSECUTORS and tax police, THE—MOSCOW—HEADQUARTERS—OF—AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL and several other rights groups, continuing 1—WAVE—OF—PRESSURE that activists say is PART—OF—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN—ATTEMPT to stifle dissent.
20130325             SYRIA, 1—SERIES—OF—MORTAR strikes near 1—DOWNTOWN traffic circle in DAMASCUS killed 2—PEOPLE and wounded several others.
20130325             —ORDERED, ZIMBABWE—HIGH—COURT, the immediate release of prominent rights lawyer Beatrice Mtetwa, detained —FOR—8—DAYS for obstructing THE—COURSE—OF—JUSTICE.
20130325             1—FREE—MTETWA said her arrest was 1—PLOY to intimidate human rights activists and PRO—DEMOCRACY—GROUPS ahead of upcoming elections expected in July.
20130325             —REVEALED, ABU—ZUBAYDAH, 1—GUANTANAMO detainee who allegedly, valuable information about 20010911             —MASTERMIND Khalid Sheikh Mohamed, sued POLAND.
20130325             —YAHOO acquired Summly, 1—UNITED—KINGDOM—STARTUP, for some $30—MILLION.
20130325             —HAD—CREATED, Summly FOUNDER—NICK—DE—ALOISIO (17), 1—IPHONE app to summarize articles in 300—400—CHARACTERS.
20130325             —CLINCHED—CYPRUS, 1—LAST—MINUTE—SOLUTION to avert imminent financial meltdown —EARLY—TODAY—AFTER it agreed to slash its oversized banking sector and inflict hefty losses on wealthy depositors in troubled banks to secure a 10—BILLION euro ($13—BILLION) bailout.
20130325             —ABSORBED, The healthy side will be, into THE—BANK—OF—CYPRUS.
20130325             —ORDERED, KENYA—SUPREME—COURT, the election commission to recount votes in 22—OF—THE—COUNTRY'S—291—CONSTITUENCIES to see if ANY—OF—THE—TALLIES exceed the number of registered voters.
20130325             —WAS—ARRESTED, ZAMBIA—FORMER—PRESIDENT, Rupiah Banda (76), by police for alleged ABUSE—OF—AUTHORITY and corruption.
20130325             —WAS—RELEASED, He, on bail of Kwacha 500,000 ($100,000) and ordered to turn in his passport.
20130325—20130326    —ON, It opened to public traffic.
20130325—20160000    —UNTIL, MICHEL—DJOTODIA, 1—OF—THE—LEADERS—OF—THE—SELEKA rebel coalition, said that he plans to stay in power, THE—LENGTH—OF—TIME left in the term of Bozize.
20130327             MEXICO, HUNDREDS—OF—ARMED vigilantes took CONTROL—OF—TIERRA—COLORADO, 1—TOWN on 1—MAJOR—HIGHWAY in the Pacific coast STATE—OF—GUERRERO, arresting local police officers and searching homes in response to 20130325             —THE—KILLING—OF—VIGILANTE leader GUADALUPE Quinones Carbajal (28).
20130711             —SENTENCED, In Myan20130325             Buddhists were, over the last —2—DAYS to as many as —15—YEARS in prison for murder and other crimes —DURING —1—NIGHT—OF rioting, burning and killing in CENTRAL—MYANMAR, —FOLLOWING weeks in which it seemed only Muslims were being punished for sectarian violence aimed primarily at MEMBERS—OF—THEIR—OWN religion.
20140125—20160325    —RELEASED, He was.
20140321—20140325    —ON, 1—FEDERAL—APPEALS court put 1—INDEFINITE halt to gay marriage in MICHIGAN.
20140325             1. EBOLA—FIEBER—FÄLLE, offiziell gemeldet, GUINEA, werden die
20140325             Landschaftsmalereien aus den vergangenen 04010101—05001231    EN liefern 1—ABBILD—DER—EINSTIGEN Luft, berichtet 1—GRUPPE um den Physiker Christos Zerefos vom National Observatory in ATHEN im Fachblatt "Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics".
20140325             "DIE—LEBENSSTUFEN"von CASPAR—DAVID—FRIEDRICH (18350000             ): Der Farbkontrast auf Bildern aus 03010101—04001231    EN spiegelt den jeweiligen Partikelgehalt der Atmosphäre wider
20140325             —REOPENED, THE—USA—COAST—GUARD partially, THE—HOUSTON—SHIP—CHANNEL —FOLLOWING 20140322             —THE collision between 1—OIL barge and 1—BULK carrier near TEXAS City.
20140325             170,000 GALLONS—OF—TAR—LIKE—COAL were spilled.
20140325             —SIGNED, UTAH—GOVERNOR—GARY—HERBERT, 1—LAW that allows PARENTS—OF—CHILDREN with severe epilepsy to obtain marijuana extract to help with seizures.
20140325             —RAISED, KING—DIGITAL, ticker KING, $500—MILLION from the sale of 22.2—MILLION—SHARES.
20140325             10—PEOPLE were killed including 2—POLICEMEN, 1—ELECTION—WORKER and 1—PROVINCIAL—COUNCIL—CANDIDATE.
20140325             3—SUICIDE—BOMBERS entered 1—BRANCH—OF—KABULBANK in THE—EAST—PROVINCE—OF—KUNAR, killing at least 3—SECURITY—GUARDS and injuring 2—BANK—WORKERS.
20140325             THE—ARAB—LEAGUE held 1—SUMMIT in KUWAIT.
20140325             Royal Mail, BRITAIN—MAIN postal operator, said it plans to axe 1,600 jobs under 1—FRESH—COST—CUTTING program, —6—MONTHS—AFTER its controversial PART—PRIVATIZATION by the government.
20140325             EGYPT—LEADER—OF—THE outlawed Muslim Brotherhood, MOHAMED—BADIE, —70—JAHRE—ALT, and 682—OTHERS went on trial on charges including murder.
20140325             —BOYCOTTED, Defense lawyers, the court session, attended by 60—OF—THE—DEFENDANTS, —AFTER complaining of irregularities.
20140325             —BARRED, Reporters were, from the courtroom.
20140325             —ARRESTED, INDIA—POLICE, Tehseen Akhtar (23), the alleged head of militant group THE—INDIA—MUJAHIDEEN.
20140325             KENYA—WILDLIFE authority said it needs help to curb THE—KILLINGS—OF—ELEPHANTS and rhinos for their tusks and horns.
20140325             —KILLED, Poachers —THIS—YEAR have, 18—RHINOS and 51—ELEPHANTS.
20140325             MYANMAR said it will ban THE—EXPORT—OF—LOGS —STARTING 20140401             to reduce deforestation and boost its WOOD—BASED industry by exporting only VALUE—ADDED products.
20140325             —PLEDGED, In THE—NETHERLANDS 35—COUNTRIES, to turn INTERNATIONAL guidelines on nuclear security into national laws, 1—MOVE aimed at preventing terrorists from getting their hands on nuclear material.
20140325             —KILLED, NORTH—EAST—NIGERIA, 2—EXPLOSIONS in MAIDUGURI, 11—PEOPLE, including 5—POLICEMEN who were believed to have been targeted.
20140325             —SEIZED, SYRIA—OPPOSITION—FIGHTERS, Samra 1—MEDITERRANEAN coastal village as they pushed to consolidate their presence in 1—KEY—REGIME—BASTION—NEAR THE—TURKEY—BORDER.
20140325             —SEIZED, THAILAND—POLICE, 147—KG (323—POUNDS) of heroin they believe was from MYANMAR and destined for AUSTRALIA.
20140325             —EXCEEDED, The single haul, SOME—OF—THAILAND—RECENT yearly seizure totals.
20140325             —RAIDED, TURKEY—SPECIAL—FORCES, buildings in ISTANBUL used by suspected MEMBERS—OF—1—ISLAMIST—MILITANT—GROUP—ACTIVE in neighboring Syria and IRAQ, leaving 3—POLICEMEN and 2—SUSPECTS wounded.
20140325             Oleksander Muzychko, 1—PROMINENT—UKRAINIAN—FAR—RIGHT—ACTIVIST, was shot dead by police overnight as he tried to escape from 1—CAFE in THE—WEST—REGION—OF—RIVNE.
20140325             THE—UNITED—NATIONS human rights office said 1—EGYPT—COURT—DECISION to sentence 529—MEMBERS—OF—THE—MUSLIM—BROTHERHOOD to death contravened INTERNATIONAL law.
20140325             —ARRESTED, VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—MADURO said officials have, 3—AIR—FORCE—GENERALS on charges of plotting 1—COUP.
20140325             —PUBLISHED, THE—WORLD—HEALTH—ORGANIZATION, 1—REPORT saying air pollution kills about 7—MILLION—PEOPLE—WORLDWIDE—EVERY—YEAR, with more than half of the fatalities due to fumes from indoor stoves.
20140325             —HAS—AGREED, Facebook said it, to purchase Oculus VR, 1—STARTUP specializing in virtual reality, for $2.3—BILLION in cash and stock.
20140325             —ATTACKED—AFGHANISTAN, suicide bombers and gunmen, 1—ELECTION—COMMISSION—OFFICE beside the home of presidential candidate Ashraf Ghani, less than —2—WEEKS—BEFORE 1—CRUCIAL—ELECTION.
20140325             —CALLED—UN—PEACE—MEDIATOR for Syria, Lakhdar Brahimi, for 1—END THE—FLOW—OF—ARMS to the combatants in the war.
20140325             —OUTLAWED, EGYPT—LEADER—OF—THE, Muslim Brotherhood, MOHAMED—BADIE (70), and 682—OTHERS went on trial on charges including murder.
20140325             —WERE—BARRED, Reporters, from the courtroom.
20140325             —WAS—BLAMED, The group, for 1—STRING of deadly attacks including 1 at 1—RALLY in October by election frontrunner Narendra Modi.
20140325             —RECOVERED, In CENTRAL—NIGERIA police, 7—BODIES —FOLLOWING 1—ATTACK on Agena village, Benue state, in renewed violence between herdsmen and farmers.
20140325             —INTERCEPTED—SINGAPORE authorities, about 1—TON—OF—IVORY worth $1.6—MILLION in 1—SHIPPING container from AFRICA marked as carrying coffee berries.
20140325             —HAS—KILLED, SUDAN said 1—PRO—GOVERNMENT—MILITIA, 151—REBELS in clashes —THIS—WEEK in the country's restive Darfur region.
20140325             —ACCEPTED—UKRAINE lawmakers, THE—RESIGNATION—OF—THE—DEFENSE—MINISTER—IGOR—TENYUKH as THOUSANDS—OF—TROOPS began withdrawing from the Crimean Peninsula, —NOW controlled by RUSSIA.
20140325             —WAS—VOTED, COLONEL—GENERAL—MIKHAIL—KOVALYOV, in as his replacement.
20140325             —WAS—WANTED, Police said he, for "hooliganism" and 1—ATTACK on 1—LOCAL—PROSECUTOR.
20140325             G7 statt G8: PUTIN muss draußen bleiben
20140325             USA—TELEFON—DATEN: OBAMA will MASSEN—SPEICHERUNG der NSA beenden
20140325             Flaue Wirtschaft: RATING—AGENTUR sieht BRASILIEN knapp über Ramschniveau
20140325             KRIM—KRISE, Investoren ziehen massenhaft Geld aus RUSSLAND ab
20140325             DAS—USA—MILITÄR hat die Unterstützung der AFGHANISTAN—REGIERUNG für die Eingliederung DER—KRIM in DIE—RUSSISCHE—FÖDERATION kritisiert.
20140325             Zwar habe der AFGHANISTAN—PRÄSIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI—DAS—RECHT—AUF—1—EIGENE Meinung, sagte Konteradmiral JOHN—KIRBY —AM—MONTAG im PENTAGON.
20140325             DIE—BEMERKUNGEN des STAAToberhaupts seien jedoch "offenkundig nicht hilfreich".
20140325             DIE—USA und DIE—NATO seien der Ansicht, daß RUSSLAND die territoriale Unversehrtheit DER—UKRAINE verletzt habe.
20140325             Karsai hatte MEDIEN—BERICHTEN zufolge —AM—WOCHEN—ENDE DIE—ERGEBNISSE—DES—REFERENDUMS begrüßt, das RUSSLAND als GRUND—LAGE für die Eingliederung der Halbinsel zitiert hatte.
20140325             So, so: der AFGHANISTAN—PRÄSIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI hat DAS—RECHT—AUF—1—EIGENE Meinung.
20140325             Das ist nett, daß das 1—GENERAL 1—FREMDEN MACHT noch einmal betont.
20140325             DIE—"eigene Meinung"ist natürlich nur so lange "hilfreich", wie sie der USA—USA—MEINUNG entspricht.
20140325             Hier zeigt sich enmal mehr die Haltung der USA zu ihren VASALLenstaaten: wenn sie nicht spuren, werden sie bombardiert ODER—IM Falle DEUTSCHLANDs Weigerung, 1—ANGRIFFS—KRIEG auf den IRAK MITZUTRAGEN—AUSPIONIERT.
20140325             VERGLEICHE - 1—USA—KONTERADMIRAL gesteht dem gewählten Staatsoberhaupt 1—SOUVERÄNEN Staates 1—EIGENE Meinung zu... danke, AMERIKA!
20140325             Der Mitschnitt des Gesprächs wurde —AM—MONTAG—ZUNÄCHST—VON—KREML—TREUEN Medien aufgegriffen, etwa dem englischsprachigen STAATS—SENDER RUSSIA —TODAY und DER—STAATLICHEN NACHRICHTEN—AGENTUR Ria Nowosti.
20140325             Auf der Aufnahme ist die Stimme TIMOSCHENKOs zu hören, sie spricht mit Nestor Schufritsch, 1—LANGJÄHRIGEN Weggefährten.
20140325             Beide hegen offenbar keinen Verdacht, daß sie abgehört werden.
20140325             Zumindest fällt TIMOSCHENKOs Wortwahl wenig staatsmännisch aus.
20140325             Sie sei "bereit, 1—MASCHINENPISTOLE in die Hand zu nehmen und diesem Drecksack in die STIRn zu schießen", sagt DIE—OPPOSITION—FÜHRERIN.
20140325             Das GESPRÄCH—MIT—SCHUFRITSCH FAND—TIMOSCHENKOS Tirade geht noch weiter.
20140325             Man müsse zu den Waffen greifen und DIE—RUSSEN "fertig machen, ZUSAMMEN—MIT—IHREM ANFÜHRER".
20140325             TIMOSCHENKO benutzt für DIE—RUSSEN dabei die abfällige Bezeichnung "Kazap".
20140325             Überhaupt würzt sie den Dialog mit allerlei RUSSLAND—SCHIMPFWORTEN, die mit DEUTSCHLAND—BEGRIFFEN wie "verdammt", "Dreck"oder "RUSSLAND—HUNDE"eher harmlos übersetzt sind.
20140325             Brisant wird es noch einmal gegen ENDE—DES Gesprächs.
20140325             Schufritsch fragt, wie man denn —IN—ZUKUNFT, mit den "8.000.000—RUSSEN auf dem Territorium DER—UKRAINE"umgehen solle, worauf TIMOSCHENKO antwortet, man solle "sie mit ATOM—WAFFEN erschießen".
20140325             BRISANT—VIA Twitter hat TIMOSCHENKO —INZWISCHEN, zu dem abgehörten Telefonat Stellung bezogen.
20140325             DIE—UNTERREDUNG mit Schufritsch habe tatsächlich stattgefunden, ihre Aussage über die 8.000.000—RUSSEN sei allerdings "1—MONTAGE. Tatsächlich habe ich gesagt: DIE—RUSSEN IN—DER—UKRAINE sind auch UKRAINEr".
20140325             unterscheidet sich ihr WUT—AUSBRUCH am Telefon auch kaum von der Tonalität ihrer öffentlichen Aussagen nach PUTINs KRIM—REDE im KREML.
20140325             In der BILD—ZEITUNG hatte TIMOSCHENKO PUTIN mit HITLER verglichen.
20140325             DIE—"ganze Welt HAT—DIE—VERÖFFENTLICHUNG folgt 1—INZWISCHEN, bekannten Muster.
20140325             Immer wurden die professionell anmutenden Telefonmitschnitte —ZUNÄCHST auf YouTube veröffentlicht und von RUSSLAND—STELLEN aufgegriffen.
20140325             Nie sind es Aufnahmen, die RUSSLAND in 1—SCHLECHTEN Licht erscheinen lassen.
20140325             —2—MONATE vor den PRÄSIDENTEN—WAHLEN IN—DER—UKRAINE
20140325             Erstaunlich finde ich, daß wir hier in der mainstreampresse nichts darüber lesen, daß die Spanier auf DIE—STRAßEN gehen und nicht nur in SPANIEN
20140325             Der Kernsatz: DIE—NSA solle die "systematische Sammlung von DATEN über die Telefongewohnheiten der USA—AMERIKANER beenden", so DIE—ZEITUNG.
20140325             Künftig könnte DER—GEHEIM—DIENST nur mit der Erlaubnis 1—RICHTERS auf bestimmte DATEN zugreifen dürfen.
20140325             —BIS DIE—NEUE—REGELUNG greifen kann, dauert es allerdings noch 1—WEILE: Das —BISHERIGE SPÄH—PROGRAMM soll —NACH—DEM Willen DER—USA—REGIERUNG 1—LETZTES Mal um —90—TAGE verlängert werden.
20140325             —ERST dann wäre Schluss mit der jetzigen Speicherpraxis.
20140325             Dieser schütze USA—BÜRGER vor der Ausspähung ihrer Telefonaktivitäten, lasse aber DIE—DATEN—SAMMLUNG wegen des Verdachts auf SPIONAGE und TERRORISMUS zu.
20140325             Der als Kompromiss gedachte Entwurf solle AM—DIENSTAGVORGELEGT werden.
20140325             Der designierte NSA—CHEF—MICHAEL—ROGERS hatte —VOR—2—WOCHEN—VOR dem USA—SENAT DIE—ÜBERWACHUNG—VON—TELEFON—DATEN verteidigt.
20140325             "DIE—FÄHIGKEIT, mit TERRORISTEN zusammenhängende Telefonverbindungen schnell zu prüfen, ist entscheidend", hatte er gesagt.
20140325             DIE—MASSENHAFTE TELEFON—DATEN—SAMMLUNG des GEHEIM—DIENST—NSA müsse fortgeführt werden.
20140325             Zu bemerken ist, daß dies auch nur für USA—BÜRGER gelten soll, der Rest der Welt besteht aus TERROR—VERDÄCHTIGEN.
20140325             TRANSATLANTISCHES—FREI—HANDEL—ABKOMMEN : EX—WELT—BANK—CHEF—ZOELLICK will Investorenschutz kippen
20140325             —URTEIL—IN—KARLSRUHE: —POLITIK muss Einfluss auf DAS—ZDF beschränken
20140325             Todesursache Smog: 7.000.000—MENSCHEN —STERBEN PRO—JAHR an dicker Luft
20140325             IFO—INDEX: DEUTSCHLAND—UNTERNEHMEN fürchten Folgen DER—KRIM—KRISE
20140325             —GESTRANDET, Flugzeugschaden: STEINMEIER in ÄTHIOPIEN
20140325             Verschollene MALAYSIA—BOEING: Die Ohnmacht der CHINA—REGIERUNG
20140325             Explosion und Schüsse: TALIBAN stürmen Wahlbüro in KABUL
20140325             Farbanalyse: Klimageheimnis auf alten Meisterwerken
20140325             "die wichtigste Ansammlung prähistorischer GRAB—GÜTER, die jemals im Dartmoor, wenn nicht gar im gesamten Südwesten ENGLANDs GEFUNDEN wurde".
20140325             Als das Induviduum in der frühen BRONZE—ZEIT, irgendwann 19000000—15000000    —ZWISCHEN—UND, VOR_CHRISTUS, starb, legte man ihm feine Kleidung an, verbrannte den Leichnam auf dem Scheiterhaufen und gab ihm kostbaren Schmuck, Gefäße und Werkzeuge mit in die Grabkammer.
20140325             dieses filigrane Band aus feinen Strähnen von KUH—HAAR erhalten blieb.
20140325             —ZWISCHEN, der Spitzenborte sitzen —JETZT noch 32—VON ursprünglich 35—PERLEN aus Zinn.
20140325             Das silberweiß schimmernde Metall WAR—DAMALS, noch 1—NOVUM—ERST um 2000_VOR_CHRISTUS—WAREN die Techniken der ZINN—GEWINNUNG vom Erzgebirge ins südliche ENGLAND gelangt.
20140325             Das ARMBAND—IST 1—DER ganz wenigen Schmuckstücke aus Zinn, die überhaupt jemals in vorgeschichtlichen GräBERN BRITANNIENs GEFUNDEN wurden.
20140325             In 1—KORB aus Lindenbast lag 1—WEITERER Schatz: über 200—PERLEN.
20140325             Etwas mehr als 50 % davon sind aus Ton GEFORMT—ALLERDINGS stammt das Material nicht aus dem Dartmoor.
20140325             Auch der Schiefer, aus dem 92—WEITERE Perlen gefertigt sind, ist 1 "Import": aus Kimmeridge in der GRAFSCHAFT Dorset.
20140325             —AM, spektakulärsten sind jedoch 7—PERLEN aus BERNSTEIN, der von DER—OST—SEE—KÜSTE stammt.
20140325             Farbanalysen zeigen, daß DIE—BILDER—VON—TURNER und anderen Künstlern die KLIMA—GESCHICHTE—DER—ERDE nachzeichnen.
20140325             Sie verglichen die Entstehungszeiten Hunderter Werke mit DATEN DER—CA—50—GROßEN Vulkaneruptionen
20140325             DAS—ERGEBNIS: Künstler WAREN—VERMUTLICH UNWISSENTLICH—GETREUE Chronisten historischer Vulkanausbrüche.
20140325             Als beispielsweise CASPAR—DAVID—FRIEDRICH —IN—DEN—JAHREN 18150000/18160000    in Greifswald seine berühmte "Ansicht 1—HAFENS"malte, zeichnete er auch die Himmelsfärbung, die der AUSBRUCH—DES—VULKANS Tambora 18150000             im fernen INDONESIEN bewirkt hatte.
20140325             —VERÄNDERT, DIE—MÄCHTIGE Eruption hatte die Luft WELT—WEIT.
20140325             Abermillionen STAUB—PARTIKEL und Schwefeltröpfchen wurden in die Luft geschleudert und wirkten wie 1—SONNENSCHIRM: Sie blockierten das Sonnenlicht, die Temperatur auf der Erde sank.
20140325             —IM, Folgejahr, als "—JAHR ohne —SOMMER"bekannt, schneite es im;;06;;an der OST—KÜSTE—DER—USA.
20140325             EUROPA erlebte 1—AUSSER—GEWÖHNLICH kalten und regenreichen —SOMMER mit Missernten, hohen GETREIDE—PREISEN und Hungersnöten.
20140325             Gemälde, die jeweils in den 3—FOLGEJAHREN nach großen Vulkanausbrüchen entstanden, erscheinen bei gleichem Sonnenstand wesentlich röter.
20140325             Auch das Gemälde "Schiffe im HAFEN von Greifswald"von CASPAR—DAVID—FRIEDRICH dokumentiert das Resultat: 1—TIEFORANGEFARBENER Wolkenschleier hängt über der Landschaft.
20140325             Das Werk entstand vermutlich —3—JAHRE—NACH—DER TAMBORA—ERUPTION.
20140325             Turners Gemälde "THE—LAKE, Petworth, Sunset"von 18280000             etwa erscheint blass,
20140325             sein Bild "Sunset"von 18330000             hingegen leuchtet rotorange.
20140325             DIE—ERKLÄRUNG für Turners FARB—WECHSEL liefern aber DIE—PHYSIKER.
20140325             Der PHILIPPINEN—VULKAN Babuyan Claro war 18310000             ausgebrochen;
20140325             der tieforangefarbene Sonnenuntergang auf dem Ölgemälde "MISTRES—DANIEL—DENISON—ROGERS—ABIGAIL—BROMFIELD"von JOHN—SINGLETON—COPLEY zeigt Spuren der Aschewolke des ISLAND—VULKANS Laki, der 17830000             ausbrach und für 1—DRAMATISCHE KLIMA—VERÄNDERUNG in EUROPA sorgte.
20140325             DIE—FOLGENDEN ERNTEAUS—FÄLLE und Hungersnöte sollen zum Ausbruch der FRANZÖSISCHE—REVOLUTION beigetragen haben.
20140325             Den letzten wolkenfreien Himmel gab es in DEUTSCHLAND im
20140325             "THE—LAKE, Petworth: Sunset, Fighting Bucks"von WILLIAM—TURNER: Das Gemälde
20140325             Blauer Rigi von WILLIAM—TURNER: Das berühmte Gemälde
20140325             "ROM—VON—S—PIETRO in Montorio aus"von WILLIAM—TURNER
20140325             Vulkan Tambora: Seine mächtige Eruption 18150000             veränderte die Luft WELT—WEIT auf —JAHRE HINAUS—DAMIT veränderten sich die Farben auf Gemälden.
20140325             Wrist/arm BAND—THE carefully woven strands of fibre used to craft this delicate 175MM—LONG—BAND are made from cow hair.
20140325             —REVEALED, X—RAYWRIST/arm band fluorescence (XRF) analysis has, that the circular domed rivets) placed at regular intervals along it are made from tin.
20140325             —NUMBERED, Originally these, 35—BUT only 32—SURVIVE.
20140325             —OXIDISED, The tin has —NOW, but originally would have been silvery and very striking in appearance.
20140325             THE—USE—OF—TIN for decorative objects is exceptionally rare within PRE—HISTORIC burial contexts in BRITAIN and despite tin being 1—LOCALLY available resource on Dartmoor, this is the 1.time it has been found within 1—PRE—HISTORIC—ARCHAEOLOGICAL—CONTEXT.
20140325             Der Laptop, mit dem der damalige USA—PRÄSIDENT—BILL—CLINTON
20140325             CLINTON wollte dem Astronauten unbedingt sofort antworten und nutzte dafür den einzigen Computer, der greifbar war: den Laptop des Arztes des WEIßES—HAUSES, ROBERT—DARLING.
20140325             1—KURZE Dankesnotiz des EX—PRÄSIDENTEN für die Hilfe beim E—MAIL—VERSCHICKEN.
20140325             Der "VANITY—FAIR"hatte BILL—CLINTON
20140325             —LAUT, seiner Tochter Chelsea ist es auch —BIS—HEUTE bei diesen beiden elektronischen Nachrichten geblieben.
20140325             —MINUTEN—PROTOKOLL zur KRIM—KRISE, Die wichtigsten Entwicklungen im Überblick
20140325             Dubiose Finanzprodukte, USA—BÖRSEN—AUFSICHT ermittelt wegen neuer Bankentricks
20140325             Schatzsucher: "Im Goldrausch werden DIE—MENSCHEN irrational"
20140325             —LAUT, SNOWDEN änderte DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG 20090000             auf Druck der NSA DAS—GESETZ zur Beschränkung von Brief-, Post—, Fernmeldegeheimnis.
20140325             Grundgesetzliche Rechte aller BÜRGER wurden dadurch beschnitten.
20140325             DIE—NACHRICHT ging unter.
20140325             Obwohl dieser Vorgang essentiell für das Spähdrama ist, weil wirklich kritische Fragen über die damalige Regierung MERKEL aufgeworfen werden.
20140325             Wie mag der Dialog zwischen NSA und BUNDES—REGIERUNG verlaufen sein?
20140325             JÜRGEN—HABERMAS prägte das Konzept der deliberativen Demokratie, bei dem —POLITIK im öffentlichen DIS—KURS verhandelt wird.
20140325             —GEEIGNET, Eigentlich wäre die Netzöffentlichkeit perfekt dafür, besser als ALLE—MEDIENÖFFENTLICHKEITEN zuvor.
20140325             Theoretisch.
20140325             Aber irgendwie ist zwischen der Vernewstickerung jedweder Relevanz und der Story über die Story über die Story darüber, wie das Weltgeschehen in den sozialen Medien ankam, etwas verschütt gegangen: der TRANSMISSIONS—RIEMEN zwischen Diskursöffentlichkeit und —POLITIK SOWIE—OH, Babyeulen!
20140325             Wissen Sie, wie VIELE—TREFFER der Suchbegriffe "NSA"auf der Seite des BUNDES—AMTES für DIE—SICHERHEIT in der Informationstechnik ergibt?
20140325             Keinen Einzigen! Das Bückstück DEUTSCHLAND hält still...
20140325             Woher kommt die plötzliche Meinungsänderung DER—SPIEGEL—SPITZE?
20140325             —JETZT, sind die Faschisten und Ultranationalisten (in Ihrer Sprache REBELLEN) IN—DER—UKRAINE —NUN doch auf einmal schlecht?
20140325             Noch —GESTERN, wurden die UKRAINE—PUTSCHISTEN von Ihnen als Helden gefeiert!
20140325             Diese Menschen..
20140325             Diese Menschen sind AN—FÜHRER der vom Westen unterstützten MACHT—ÜBERNAHME (für mich 1—KLAREN Putsch).
20140325             Man sollte sich nur deren Reden anhören, um eindeutig zu verstehen wie weit sie von den europäischen Werten oder Ideen sind (zum Glück oder Pech können die meistene kein UKRAINE—ODER Russisch ).
20140325             DIE—EU und DIE—USA unterstützen IN—DER—UKRAINE 1—MISCHUNG—VON—OLIGARCHEN, Ultranationalisten, Faschisten und Banditen mit dem einzigen Ziel DAS—LAND—VON—RUSSLAND wegzureißen.
20140325             Dabei ist die RUSSLAND—REGIERUNG viel 100—MAL europäischer und vernünftiger.
20140325             ZUGÜBERFÄLLE—IN—DER—UKRAINE sind —IN—DEN—LETZTEN—TAGEN 2—GANZEN PASSAGIER—ZÜGE von ultrarechten bewaffneten Banditen überfallen worden.
20140325             —GERAUBT, ALLE—RUSSISCHE—PASSAGIERE wurden angegriffen und.
20140325             Warum schweigt DIE—PRESSE darüber?
20140325             Der letzte Mal war das im internationalen Zug von MOSKAU nach Modlawien.
20140325             Referenz: RIA—NOVOSTI: "Bahnraub in WestUKRAINE: Nationalisten plündern RUSSLAND—FAHRGÄSTE aus"
20140325             DIE—USA sind Triebfeder des Prozesses
20140325             sie sind auch die einzigen die 1—VORTEIL aus DER—ANGELEGEHEIT ziehen.
20140325             Wir bekommen 1—STAAT der korrupter als GRIECHENLAND und mafioser als SIZILIEN ist, 1—GRAB für 100+ MRD EURO STEUER—GELDER, 1—VON WASHINGTON FERNGE—STEUERTE Regierung in KIEW die jegliche zukünftige Intergrationsbestreben in der EU torpediert und 1—AUF Dauer vergiftetes Verhältniss zu unserem Nachbarn RUSSLAND.
20140325             Well done, MISTER—S—MERKEL.
20140325             RT —TODAY lieblings Channel von HILLARY—CLINTON
20140325             In her ;;03;;, 20110000             testimony —BEFORE CONGRESS, SECRETARY—OF—STATE, HILLARY—CLINTON, lamented that THE—USA—PROPAGANDA—MILL was losing ground to its rivals for lack of funding.
20140325             In 1—INFORMAL—INTERVIEW she went further, stating that —WHEN abroad she got her NEWS—FROM—RT, —SINCE CNN had become obsessed with celebrity trials and failed to cover INTERNATIONAL developments.
20140325             —DECLARED, So THE—USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE, publicly that her most trusted news source was....(drum roll ) RUSSIA —TODAY] Quelle
20140325             es gab auch 1—HAFTBEFEHL—VON—DER—UKRAINE. es wurde IN—DER—UKRAINE wegen zahlreicher Verbrechen wie SCHUTZGELD—ERPRESSUNG gegen ihn ermittelt.
20140325             DIE—ANFÄNGE sind die gleichen wie 19320000/19330000.
20140325             DIE—"Freiwilligen"der "Selbstverteidigung des Maidan"bestand zur Hälfte aus Hundertschaften, die aus dem Umfeld der "VATERLANDS—PARTEI" gebildet wurden, und
20140325             zur Hälfe aus Hundertschaften, die durch die RECHTS—RADIKALEN Swoboda, den Rechten Sektor, und anderen RECHTS—RADIKALER Gruppen gebildet wurden.
20140325             Das Bindeglied dieser KOALITION bildete Andrij Parubij als sogenannter "KOMMANDANT" des Maidan.
20140325             Er war GRÜNDUNGS—MITGLIED—DER—SWOBODA,
20140325             DIE—DAMALS, noch SOZIAL—NATIONALEN Partei DER—UKRAINE hieß.
20140325             SPÄTER wechselte er mehrfach DIE—PARTEIZUGEHÖRIGKEIT, und
20140325             landete schließlich 20120000             auf 1—LISTENPLATZ der VATERLANDS—PARTEI.
20140325             1—PERFEKTER Vermittler zwischen RECHTS—RADIKALEN und RECHTS—LIBERALEN Kräften also.
20140325             In enger ZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT—MIT—DMITR
20140325             BELEGE—ZÄHLEN ab ;;09;; selbst Geschäfte von Drogenhändlern und Zigarettenschmugglern zum BRUTTOINLANDSPRODUKT—EBENSO wie Ausgaben für MILITÄR—GÜTER.
20140325             Grund sind neue Vorgaben der EU.
20140325             Der Wert der illegalen Tätigkeiten wird der Behörde zufolge geschätzt: "Das wird modellmäßig berechnet, weil es für diese Kategorie von Aktivitäten keine Basisstatistiken oder Erhebungen gibt", sagte die Sprecherin.
20140325             DIE—DATEN werden ab ;;09;; —DIESES—JAHRES, erfasst.
20140325             —ZEIT—PUNKT—ZU—DIESEM, wird DAS—SYSTEM zur Berechnung des BIP auf das neue Europäische SYSTEM Volksökonomischer Gesamtrechnung (ESVG) umgestellt, —BISLANG galt die Version von 19950000            .
20140325             DIE—NEUE Verordnung stammt
20140325             Auch DIE—AUSGABEN für Forschung und Entwicklung steigern künftig das BIP, da sie ab ;;09;;
20140325             als Investitionen gelten.
20140325             Außerdem zählen künftig auch RÜSTUNGS—GÜTER als Investitionen.
20140325             Kauft 1—LAND also neue Panzer oder Raketen, werde dies laut dem EU—STATISTIKAMT DIE—WIRTSCHAFTS—LEISTUNG 1—LANDES steigern, schreibt das Blatt.
20140325             ÄGYPTEN: UNO prangert TODES—URTEILE gegen 529—MUSLIMBRÜDER an
20140325             ITALIEN: Marine feuerte auf FLÜCHTLINGsschiff
20140325             Neuer JMSTV: RUNDFUNK—KOMMISSION will Altersfreigaben für SOZIALE—MEDIEN
20140325             DIE—BESIEDELUNG EUROPAs von AFRIKA AUS—WAR —BEREITS—CA—50.—000—JAHRE im Gange.
20140325             Wetterbilanz 20130000             : Mildes DEUTSCHLAND
20140325             Gerüchte über Insolvenz: Hunderte Sparer stürmen Bankfilialen in Ostchina
20140325             DIE—NACH—FRAGE EUROPAs ist die größte der Welt, der Gasbedarf liegt bei PRO—JAHR—CA—450.000.000.000—KUBIKMETERN.
20140325             Langfristig werde EUROPA—ABHÄNGIGKEIT vom ausländischen Gas sogar noch wachsen, sagen beide Experten.
20140325             —DENN, die heimischen Vorräte VERSIEGEN—ALLMÄHLICH.
20140325             DIE—FÖRDERMENGE werde insgesamt eher stagnieren, da die neuen Felder die schwindenden Erträge der alten PRODUKTIONsstätten nur noch ausgleichen.
20140325             ALLE—VERFÜGBAREN—KOHLE—, Ölkraftwerke müssten auf Hochtouren arbeiten.
20140325             DIE—STROMVERSORGUNG würde klimaschädlicher und vermutlich teurer Womöglich müssten —BEREITS eingemottete ATOM—KRAFT—WERKE wieder ans Netz.
20140325             Nicht nur in DEUTSCHLAND, sondern auch in JAPAN, wo —DERZEIT, große Mengen Flüssiggas verbraucht werden.
20140325             PUTIN sitzt im energieökonomischen Machtpoker am längeren Hebel.
20140325             Auf —1—HERBST mit ungewöhnlich warmem ;;10;;
20140325             —J—IM, esmittel sind die Niederschlagsmengen —SEIT—BEGINN—DER—WETTERAUFZEICHNUNGEN in 10—TSCHLAND 18810000             um 10 % GESTIEGEN—WINTER—IM sogar um 30 %.
20140325             —UKRAINE—KRISE, OBAMA verhöhnt RUSSLAND als Regionalmacht
20140325             CYBER—ANGRIFFE, USA—BEHÖRDEN informierten mehr als 3.000—FIRMEN
20140325             —KRISE—IN—DER—UKRAINE—KIEWS Regierung riskiert 1—BÜRGER—KRIEG
20140325             —UKRAINE—KRISE, KIEW hofft auf—DOLLAR vom IWF
20140325             KOMMUNAL—WAHLEN—IN—FRANKREICH: FRONT—NATIONAL kündigt Listen mit Konservativen an
20140325             Für AMERIKA gebe es schlimmere Bedrohungen, KREML—CHEF—PUTIN agiere aus 1—POSITION der Schwäche.
20140325             DAS—LAND bedrohe seine unmittelbaren Nachbarn, sagte er im NIEDERLANDE—DEN—HAAG beim Gipfel zur Atomsicherheit.
20140325             DAS—VERHALTEN MOSKAUs resultiere jedoch "nicht aus Stärke, sondern aus Schwäche".
20140325             Auch DIE—USA übten Einfluss auf ihre Nachbarn aus, sagte OBAMA weiter.
20140325             "Wir müssen sie aber in der Regel nicht überfallen, um 1—STARKE kooperative Beziehung zu ihnen zu haben", fügte er hinzu.
20140325             Mit dem "militärischen Vordringen"auf DIE—KRIM und DER—ABTRENNUNG der Schwarzmeerhalbinsel von DER—UKRAINE habe MOSKAU DAS—VÖLKER—RECHT gebrochen.
20140325             Dies zeige, daß MOSKAU —INZWISCHEN, "weniger und nicht mehr Einfluss"habe.
20140325             RUSSLAND stelle keine höchste BEDROHUNG—FÜR—DIE—SICHERHEIT der USA dar, ergänzte DER—PRÄSIDENT.
20140325             Er mache sich mehr Sorgen darüber, daß in MANHATTAN 1—ATOM—BOMBE hochgehen könnte, sagte OBAMA.
20140325             Der republikanische EX—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFT—KANDIDAT Mitt ROMNEY hatte RUSSLAND als "Amerikas geopolitischen Feind Nummer 1"bezeichnet.
20140325             DIE—USA erkennen OBAMA zufolge DIE—KRIM—ANNEXION durch RUSSLAND zwar nicht an.
20140325             Tatsache sei aber, daß die RUSSLAND—STREIT—KRÄFTE die Schwarzmeerhalbinsel kontrollierten, sagte DER—STAAT—CHEF. es blieben nur juristische, diplomatische und politische Argumente, um DIE—FÜHRUNG in MOSKAU unter Druck zu setzen.
20140325             [6]Wenn AUSSEN—POLITIK zur INNNEN—POLITIK wird.
20140325             Wer aus 1—POSITION der Schwäche agiert, ist auch meiner Sicht OBAMA.
20140325             Das Zerschlagen diplomatischen Geschirrs ohne aussenpolitischen NUTZ—WERT tut er nämlich nur, um DIE—HARD—LINER und KALTER—KRIEGER der OPPOSITION im Zaum zu halten.
20140325             Nachtrag: Weitere NIEDERLAGE—FÜR—DIE—NATO: Der VERSUCH—RUSSLAND von den G20 auszuschließen, ist krachend gescheitert, das BRICS Bündnis unterstützt RUSSLAND und ist "besorgt"über den Versuch, 1—MITGLIED auszuschließen:
20140325             Wenn es stimmen sollte, daß der EINMARSCH—IN—1—ANDERES Land 1—ZEICHEN der Schwäche ist, dann sind DIE—USA —SCHON—SEIT—JAHR—10. 1—SCHLAPPSCHWANZ.
20140325             DIE—USA haben können auf etwa 1.000—MILITÄRSTÜTZ—PUNKTE in aller Welt zurückgreifen
20140325             Lupenreiner VÖLKER—RECHTLICHER
20140325             Aber mit gefaelschten Beweisen DIE—UNO volluegen, ANGRIFFS—KRIEGE fuehren, Mutti und DIE—GANZE—WELT abhoeren und DROHNEN—KRIEGE fuehren ist sicherlich mit den viel strapaziertem VÖLKER—RECHT vereinbar, oder?
20140325             Da sag ich nur PANAMA... - Der Kanal war in gefahr und schwups die wups waren Amis da.
20140325             aber da gab es noch mehr
20140325             SPANIEN: VERFASSUNGS—GERICHT erklärt KATALONIEN—REFERENDUM für unrechtmäßg
20140325             [l] Die G8 haben RUSSLAND rausgeschmissen, sind —JETZT nur noch G7. Was für 1—FARCE.
20140325             Wie im Kindergarten. Im Sandkasten.
20140325             Nee, du bist doof und darfst nicht mehr mitmachen!1!!
20140325             1—BESCHÄMENDES Schauspiel.
20140325             Aber hey, diese Meetings sind ja eh Kindergarten.
20140325             Insofern war LAWROWs RE—AKTION —SCHON genau richtig.
20140325             "—JETZT werden ALLE—WICHTIGEN—FRAGEN in der G20 diskutiert", sagte LAWROW.
20140325             "Wenn unsere westlichen Partner glauben, daß sich die G8 überlebt hat, werden wir uns nicht daran klammern. es gibt andere Formate, um wichtige Fragen zu diskutieren".
20140325             Erinnert sich eigentlich noch jemand an 1—ZEIT, als uns DEUTSCHLAND—UNSERE Regierung nicht peinlich sein musste?
20140325             Besonders toll finde ich in DER—ANGELEGENHEIT ja DIE—VON—DER—LEYEN.
20140325             Faselt bei Jauch noch was von Dialog und ZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT und aufeinander zugehen und dann will sie DEUTSCHLAND—PANZER auf DIE—RUSSEN zurollen lassen.
20140325             War es das, was sie mit aufeinander zugehen meinte?
20140325             Ja super, das wird PUTIN ja total toll signalisieren, daß seine Befürchtungen unberechtigt waren.
20140325             Auch die RHETORIK —JETZT, daß DIE—NATO ja nur unser aller Bestes wollen und gar die "friedlichste MILITÄRallianz aller Zeiten"sei.
20140325             Was frühstücken die alle, daß sie solche Statements ohne Würgreiz rauskriegen?
20140325             [l] TIMOSCHENKO hat die Echtheit des auf Youtube veröffentlichten Telefonats bestätigt.
20140325             MONEY—QUOTE aus dem Telefonat:
20140325             "Ich würde all meine Beziehungen geltend machen und DIE—GANZE—WELT erheben lassen, damit von RUSSLAND nur ausgebrannter BODEN übrig bleibt"
20140325             und - "Ich bin selber bereit, 1—MASCHINENPISTOLE in die Hand zu nehmen...  um diese Hunde samt ihres ANFÜHRERs kalt zu machen"
20140325             Und von da an ging es inhaltlich bergab —BIS hin zum Kernwaffeneinsatz.
20140325             Finden Sie in diesem ARTIKEL z.B
20140325—16800000    —IM, Auch der dramatische Sonnenuntergang auf dem Gemälde "SIR—NEIL—O'NEILL"des ENGLAND—PORTRÄTMALERS JOHN—MICHAEL—WRIGHT folgte keinem künstlerischen Modetrend, sondern war Folge zweier Vulkanausbrüche in INDONESIEN J.
20140325—18810000    —SEIT, folgte der viertmildeste —WINTER :
20140325—19510000    —SEIT—AMNACH—DEM trübsten und sonnenscheinärmsten —WINTER
20140325—19900000    —IN, MYANMAR—FOREST—COVER—SHRANK from 57.9—PERCENT of its total land area to 47.6—PERCENT 20050000             —IN.
20140325—19950000    —AB, Man könnte ja mal nachlesen, aus was für 1—FAMILIE die Dame stammt.
20140325—19950000    Wikipedia: Sie kam 20040000             , —NACH—DEN allzu offenensichtlichen Wahlfälschungen, aus der "REVOLUTION—IN—ORANGE" und DER—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTS—WAHL mit ihrem Verbündeten WIKTOR—JUSCHTSCHENKO an DIE—MACHT.
20140325—19950000    Zu 1—MILLIARDENSCHWEREN Vermögen und Einfluss kam Tymoschenko als Chefin des Energiekonzerns "Vereinigte ENERGIE—SYSTEME DER—UKRAINE" (EESU).
20140325—20010911    —NACH—DEN—ANSCHLÄGEN—IN—NEW—YORK—VOM, Er sei sich sicher, daß DIE—OFFENSIVE aus Gründen gestartet worden sei, die "im Interesse der USA und des Westens"lägen.
20140325—20020000    —SOARED, Established, KING—BUSINESS has, in the last —2—YEARS thanks to the spectacular popularity of Candy Crush SAGA, which boasts some 97—MILLION—PLAYERS—WORLDWIDE.
20140325—20140101    —ISOLIERT, Jeder einzelne dieser Punkte würde, betrachtet DAS—POTENTIAL für internationale STAATS—AFFÄREN haben.
20140325—20140101    DIE—MASSE der Enthüllungen aber ist für DIE—MEDIENÖFFENTLICHKEIT nicht mehr verarbeitbar.
20140325—20140101    DIE—STÄNDIGE Impfung mit Spähnews über —INZWISCHEN, 1—DREIVIERTELJAHR hat offenbar bei bedrückend vielen Leuten zu 1—IMMUNISIERUNG geführt.
20140325—20140101    —WEGAKZEPTIERT, Das vermeintlich Unabänderliche wird.
20140325—20140101    —SEIT—JAHRESANFANG wurde unter anderem bekannt, daß die Telefongespräche 1—GANZEN Landes vollständig mitgeschnitten wurden, daß DIE—NSA, anders als ständig behauptet, massive Wirtschaftspionage betreibt, daß allein der GROSSBRITANNIEN—GEHEIM—DIENST über 1000—LEUTE beschäftigt, um mit den ekligstdenkbaren Mitteln 1—ART psychologische KRIEG—FÜHRUNG IM—NETZ und den sozialen Medien zu betreiben, und zwar gegen ALLE—MÖGLICHEN—LEUTE wie zum Beispiel AKTIVISTen.
20140325—20140300    —GESTORBEN, Afghanen seien in 1—KRIEG, "der nicht der unsere ist".
20140325—20140326    —ON, CHINA—EASTERN—CITY—OF—HANGZHOU said will start restricting car sales, joining major cities, including SHANGHAI and BEIJING, in the fight against snarling traffic and heavy smog in the world's largest automobile market.
20150325             —RENEWED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT and major business leaders, their call on THE—THAILAND—GOVERNMENT to crack down on slavery in its fishing fleets, and to punish people who force migrant workers to catch seafood that can end up in THE—USA.
20150325             THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT in a 5—4—DECISION threw out 1—LOWER—COURT ruling that upheld 1—STATE—LEGISLATURE redistricting plan in ALABAMA that packed black voters into certain districts in 1—WAY—CRITICS say diminished their clout at the polls.
20150325             —STAGED, THE—USA and its allies, 19—AIR—STRIKES on Islamic State targets in Syria and IRAQ over the last —24—HOURS.
20150325             —ANNOUNCED, Facebook, that it has started to turn its Messenger service into 1—PLATFORM on top of which other firms can develop content and apps.
20150325             —DECLARED, The interior ministry, 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY.
20150325             1—NUMBER—OF—PILOTS at LUFTHANSA—LOW—COST subsidiary Germanwings refused to fly —FOLLOWING the deadly crash —1—DAY—EARLIER in THE—FRANCE—ALPS, saying they were mourning the victims of the doomed aircraft.
20150325             —REPORTED, It was, that workers in MEXICO—STATE—OF—BAJA—CALIFORNIA have led —1—WEEK—OF—VIOLENT—PROTESTS over low pay, abuses and poor conditions at LARGE—EXPORT—ORIENTED farms.
20150325             —KILLED, PAKISTAN—MILITARY—JETS, 30—MILITANTS in the Tirah Valley of the Khyber tribal region.
20150325             —ANNOUNCED, THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—AMBASSADOR to THE—USA, that his country had initiated airstrikes against the Houthi rebels in YEMEN.
20150325             —GATHERED, SALMAN—KING—OF—, a 10-country coalition of Sunni states to bomb the Houthis.
20150325             —SEIZED, SYRIA—REBELS, 1—ANCIENT—TOWN—NEAR THE—JORDAN border that is 1—KEY—GOVERNMENT—STRONGHOLD, ousting SYRIA—SOLDIERS and allied militiamen from the region —AFTER—4—DAYS—OF—INTENSE—BATTLES.
20150325             11—SOLDIERS and allied militia as well as 17—INSURGENTS were killed as 1—ALLIANCE—OF—ISLAMIST—REBELS including al QAEDA—NUSRA—FRONT overran 17—DEFENSE—POSTS—AROUND Idlib in 1—OFFENSIVE to take the city from the army and allied militia.
20150325             —KILLED, THAILAND security forces, 4—PEOPLE—WHEN they raided 1—VILLAGE in Pattani, 1—OF 3—MUSLIM—DOMINATED provinces bordering MALAYSIA, as PART—OF—1—OPERATION to arrest rebels.
20150325             1—UGANDA health official said 1—OUTBREAK—OF typhoid has infected HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE in the capital, KAMPALA.
20150325             —DETAINED, Police, Sergiy Bochkovsky, DIRECTOR—OF—UKRAINE—STATE—EMERGENCIES—SERVICE, and his deputy VASYL—STOYETSKY, accusing them of "HIGH—LEVEL" corruption.
20150325             YEMEN PRESIDENT—ABED—RABU—MANSOUR—HADI fled the country by sea as Shiite rebels and their allies moved on his last refuge in the south.
20150325             —ANNOUNCED—CALIFORNIA, legal action to suppress a "reprehensible" ballot initiative to outlaw homosexuality -- on PAIN—OF—EXECUTION.
20150325             —DETONATED—AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, 1—CAR—FULL—OF—EXPLOSIVES in downtown KABUL killing at least 7—PEOPLE.
20150325             —STRUGGLED—CHILE, communities in 1—NORTHERN—DESERT region, to cope with RAIN—PROVOKED flooding.
20150325             —WERE—KILLED, At least 24—PEOPLE, as power was knocked out and roadways cut off.
20150325             —WERE—KILLED, The army said 80—MILITANTS, in the area over the weekend with 7—GOVERNMENT—SOLDIERS also killed.
20150325             1—POLAND—COURT sentenced former priest WOJCIECH—GILL to —7—YEARS in prison for abusing 6—MINORS in THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC 20090000—20130000    —BETWEEN, as well as 2 in POLAND in 20010000—20020000.
20150325             —HAD—INITIATED, THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—AMBASSADOR to THE—USA—ANNOUNCED that his country, airstrikes against the Houthi rebels in YEMEN.
20150325             —WAS—CALLED, THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—OPERATION, "Decisive Storm".
20150325             —FORCED—UKRAINE PRESIDENT—PETRO—POROSHENKO, IGOR—KOLOMOISKY to step down as HEAD—OF—THE—KEY—INDUSTRIAL—REGION—OF—DNIPROPETROVSK, —AFTER 1—DISPUTE over control of the main state oil and gas company ended up with armed men storming 2—OFFICE—BLOCKS in Kiev.
20150325             —ARRESTED—UKRAINE, 2—TOP—OFFICIALS on graft charges at 1 televised cabinet meeting hours —AFTER THE—PRESIDENT sacked 1—POWERFUL oligarch as regional GOVERNOR.
20150325             —WERE—KILLED, VIETNAM, least 14—PEOPLE, and 30—INJURED —LATE—TODAY—WHEN 1—HUGE scaffolding collapsed at 1—INDUSTRIAL—COMPLEX owned by TAIWAN—FORMOSA—PLASTICS—GROUP in the Vung Ang economic zone of VIETNAM—HA—TINH province.
20150325             —MARSCHIERT, Truppenverlegung: SAUDI—ARABIENS ARMEE, an Grenze zum JEMEN auf
20150325             NAH—OST—KONFLIKT, OBAMA sieht kaum Chancen für PALÄSTINA—STAAT
20150325             VORRATS—DATEN—SPEICHERUNG, Lassen Sie sich nicht für dumm abspeichern!
20150325             SIGMAR—GABRIEL war nämlich derjenige, der DIE—DISKUSSION—ÜBER—DIE umstrittene Speicherung von TELEFON—DATEN jüngst wieder hat aufkochen lassen.
20150325             Moment.
20150325             "Da wird immer behauptet, das hätte gar nicht STATTGEFUNDEN—DAS ist falsch, wir haben die Norweger gefragt".Aha.
20150325             1., dass es laut der NORWEGEN—BOTSCHAFT nach wie vor keine VDS in NORWEGEN gibt.
20150325             EUROPAs oberste Richter haben entschieden, dass die VDS tief in unsere GRUND—RECHTE eingreift.
20150325             Beschwerde der EU—KOMMISSION: DEUTSCHLAND hat zu wenig NATURSCHUTZ—GEBIETE
20150325             FEIN—STAUB und Abgase: Schlechte Luft erhöht das SCHLAGANFALL—RISIKO
20150325             HAVANNA—BESUCH: EU will ABKOMMEN—MIT—KUBA noch —BIS Ende —DES—JAHRES
20150325             —MACHT—KAMPF—IN—DER—UKRAINE—POROSCHENKO entlässt Oligarch Kolomoiski als GOUVERNEUR
20150325             KONZERN—UMBAU: Airbus verkauft weitere ANTEILE—AN—MILITÄRJET—HERSTELLER Dassault
20150325             Tödliche Pilze: Was Amphibien immun GEGEN—DIE—SEUCHE macht
20150325             Der Chytridpilz stammt URSPRÜNGLICH von afrikanischen Krallenfröschen.
20150325             Gute Stimmung in der Wirtschaft: IFO—INDEX steigt 5. Mal in Folge
20150325             JEMEN: HUTHI—REBELLEN erobern von USA genutzte Luftwaffenbasis
20150325             NSU—DESASTER: Kabinett beschließt Reform des VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZES
20150325             —HEUTE—IN—DEN—FEUILLETONS: "Das Private war politisch"
20150325             "Pony Express": GOOGLE arbeitet offenbar an Bezahlfunktion in Gmail
20150325             Gehaltsunterschiede der Geschlechter: Warum Frauen weniger verdienen
20150325             ARGENTINIEN: Das Märchen vom NAZI—VERSTECK im Dschungel
20150325             —VERHAFTET, Dringender Tatverdacht: POLIZIST wegen Banküberfalls
20150325             MARATHON auf dem Mars: "Opportunity"knackt 42—KILOMETER—MARKE
20150325             KORRUPTION—VORWURF IN—DER—UKRAINE: ZIVILSCHUTZ—CHEF vor laufenden Kameras abgeführt
20150325             KULT—AUTOSHOW "Top Gear": BBC feuert Moderator JEREMY—CLARKSON
20150325             Diskriminierung im SILICON—VALLEY: "Niemand will seine Tochter hier arbeiten sehen"(KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 15:29)
20150325             —NEUEN—BORNA—VIRUS: SACHSEN—ANHALT lässt Bunthörnchen töten
20150325             —REPORT, McKinsey sieht —BIS zu 40—PROZENT—DER—JOBS in BAYERN in Gefahr
20150325             Geoblocking im Netz: EU—KOMMISSION will gegen Ländersperren vorgehen
20150325             Rettungsfonds: BERLIN lehnt Rückzahlung zu viel gezahlter Gelder an ATHEN ab
20150325             FAHNDUNGS—LISTE, CHINA bittet USA um Auslieferung korrupter Beamter
20150325             —ANTI—TERROR—STRATEGIE: EUROPÄER versagen in AFRIKA
20150325             UKRAINE—KONFLIKT, USA liefern 1.HUMVEE—GELÄNDEWAGEN an KIEW
20150325             Kulturkampf auf dem Campus: ISTANBULs Studenten bekämpfen die Rüpel vom IS
20150325             Befreiter USA—SOLDAT: Bergdahl wegen Fahnenflucht und "Feigheit"angeklagt
20150325             Neuer Rekord auf dem Mars: AM—DIENSTAGHAT Rover "Opportunity"als 1.Fahrzeug auf 1—FREMDEN Planeten die MARATHON—DISTANZ erreicht.
20150325             MARS—ROVER "Curiosity".
20150325             [l] DAS—NYPD hat —JETZT 1—SYSTEM namens Shotspotter im Einsatz.
20150325             DIE—NEBENWIRKUNG ist, dass man —JETZT in NEW—YORK nicht mehr auf der Straße reden kann, ohne das Gefühl haben zu müssen, dass das aufgezeichnet wird.
20150325             [l] DIE—WHO stuft Glyphosat —JETZT als "wahrscheinlich krebserregend"ein.
20150325             —BEKANNT, Glyphosat ist 1—UNKRAUTVERNICHTER, der vor allem dafür, ist, dass MONSANTO es unter der Marke "Roundup"verkauft, und genmanipulierte Pflanzen gleich dazu, die dagegen immun sind.
20150325             [l] Die BRASILIEN—JUSTIZ ermittelt gegen Bilfinger.
20150325             [l] Wo wir gerade bei Grey Goo waren: Die METRO—VON—TORONTO musste —HEUTE schließen, wegen Einbruchs 1 "organischen Substanz".
20150325             Bacterial "immune system" used to engineer human DNA in human cells
20150325             SYSTEM lets RESEARCHERS target changes to specific sites in the genome.
20150325             —PUBLISHED, That may be precisely why the significance of 1—PAPER, —LAST—WEEK—WASN'T —IMMEDIATELY obvious.
20150325             In short, CRISPR/Cas9 lets you put ANY—DNA you want anywhere in 1—GENOME.
20150325             In fact, there is nothing to stop THIS—SYSTEM from invading 1—ENTIRE—POPULATION, continuing to convert generation —AFTER generation —UNTIL everything carries THE—MODIFIKATION.
20150325             Fortunately, THE—RESEARCHERS were CONSCIOUS—OF—THE—ISSUES: "we are also keenly aware of the substantial risks ASSOCIATED—WITH—THIS highly invasive method —SINCE the failure to take stringent precautions could lead to THE—UNINTENTIONAL release of [modified] organisms into the environment".The flies were bred behind 3—LAYERS—OF—CONTAINMENT in 1 locked facility.
20150325             Fortunately - 1—OF—THE—AUTHORS—OF this manuscript, the synthetic biologist GEORGE—CHURCH, told 1—SCIENCE—REPORTER that he felt the fly work should never have been published because the technology was too dangerous.
20150325             [l] Scifi des Tages: Wenn die Feuerwehr nicht mit Wasserschläuchen sondern mit 1—STEREOANLAGE und Lautsprechern anrückt.
20150325             The basic concept, Tran said, is that sound waves are also "pressure waves, and they displace some of the oxygen" as they travel through the air.
20150325             [l] DER—ISLAMISCHE STAAT ist so gut wie GESCHICHTE.
20150325             Wie genau?
20150325             [l] POLEN wird nervös und zieht Reservisten ein.
20150325             [l] Selbst das EHEMALIGE—NACHRICHTEN—MAGAZIN verliert langsam die Contenance:
20150325             —VERSUCHT, DIE—REGIERUNG, mal wieder, mit fadenscheinigen Argumenten die VORRATS—DATEN—SPEICHERUNG durchzusetzen.
20150325             Uiuiui!
20150325             [l] Kontrolliert eigentlich DAS—PARLAMENT den BND oder umgekehrt?
20150325             [l] Aus der beliebten Serie "bei UNS ist Kernkraft SICHER", —HEUTE: Im AKW GUNDREMMINGEN ist bei Revisionsarbeiten in Block B die Druckluftzufuhr unterbrochen worden, woraufhin auch Block C 1.Schnellabschaltung vollzog.
20150325             [l] —VOR—6—JAHREN fand NORWEGEN, dass DER—KALTER—KRIEG vorbei sei, und sie haben ihre geheim UBOOT—BASIS Olavsvern verkauft.
20150325             —UPDATE, Gemietet, nicht gekauft - [l] Wisst ihr, was wir —JETZT brauchen?
20150325             [l] Wisst ihr noch, wie wir beim INFORMATIONSFREIHEITS—GESETZ —DAMALS, das Argument gebracht haben, die Behörden könnten mit überzogenen Gebühren Journalisten abzuschrecken versuchen?
20150325             —GEKOMMEN, —NUN, es ist noch schlimmer.
20150325             Das MINISTERium hat unseren Antrag in 66—EINZELANTRÄGE gestückelt;
20150325             DIE—KOSTENOBERGRENZE für 1—IST 500—EURO.
20150325             Wie krass ist DAS denn bitte?!
20150325             [l] Wieviel sind "wir werden eure DATEN schützen"-Versprechungen von Unternehmen wert?
20150325—20090600    —CHARGED, THE—USA—ARMY, SERGEANT—BOWE—BERGDAHL with desertion and misbehavior —BEFORE the enemy for leaving his post in AFGHANISTAN.
20150325—20140700    —IM—BEREITS, hatte sich "Opportunity"den Rekord für die längste Fahrt eines Fahrzeugs auf 1—FREMDEN Planeten geholt.
20150325—20150104    —ARRESTED, SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, Giseleangelique Rene D'Milian (47) was, for plotting to kidnap 2—BABIES, including 1—FOUND dead in 1—DUMPSTER, and attacking their mothers in 1—BIZARRE—SCHEME to fool her boyfriend into thinking she birthed their twins.
20150325—20150408    —ON, 1—INVESTIGATING team said THE—4—MUSLIM men were not MEMBERS—OF—ANY—EXTREMIST—GROUP and called for legal action against those responsible.
20150325—20151201    —SENTENCED—IN—COURT, 2—SOUTH—KOREANS and 2—VIETNAMESE to prison for committing safety violations in the collapse that killed 13—PEOPLE and injured 29—OTHERS.
20150330—20150325    —FILED, S—FRANCISCO, 1—INDICTMENT, was unsealed and charged CARL—FORCE, —46—JAHRE—ALT, 1—SPECIAL—AGENT with THE—DEA, and SHAUN—BRIDGES, —32—JAHRE—ALT, 1—SPECIAL—AGENT with THE—USA—SECRET—SERVICE, with stealing digital currency —DURING the investigation of the Silk Road online marketplace and its FOUNDER—ROSS—WILLIAM—ULBRICHT.
20160226—20160325    —FACED, Both journalists, possible life sentences at 1—TRIAL due to start and are banned from leaving the country.
20160304—20160325    —REPORTED, The ship and crew were, released.
20160313             —ARRESTED, On 20160325—20160326     2—MALIANS were, in NORTH—MALI on suspicion of playing 1—KEY—ROLE in the deadly attack that left 22—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20160322—20160325    —CONFIRMED, BELGIUM—FEDERAL—PROSECUTOR, that Najim Laachraoui (24) was 1—OF—THE—2—AIRPORT—SUICIDE—BOMBERS.
20160323—20160325    —ARRESTED, PIERRE—HAOBSH (26) was, for the murders.
20160323—20160325    —ARRESTED, PIERRE—HAOBSH, —26—JAHRE—ALT was, for the murders.
20160325             —TARGETED, THE—USA and its allies, Islamic State militants in IRAQ with 22—STRIKES and 4 in Syria.
20160325             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—IN—SAN—DIEGO sentenced Navy CAPTAIN—DANIEL—DUSEK, who oversaw operations in THE—USA—PACIFIC—FLEET, to —46—MONTHS in prison for providing classified information to 1—MALAYSIA—DEFENSE—CONTRACTOR in exchange for luxury hotel stays and the services of prostitutes.
20160325             —ATTACKED, In THE—CONGO—DRC—UN—HELICOPTER—GUNSHIPS, UGANDA—REBELS—ACTIVE in the volatile east, inflicting casualties.
20160325             —KILLED, EGYPT—ARMY, 60—GUNMEN in clashes in THE—SINAI—PENINSULA where it is battling 1—JIHADIST—INSURGENCY.
20160325             —STARTED, WEST—INDONESIA, rioting prisoners, 1—FIRE at the Malabero prison in BENGKULU on Sumatra ISLAND.
20160325             5—INMATES were killed.
20160325             —ARRIVED, IRAN—PRESIDENT—HASSAN—ROUHANI, in PAKISTAN on 1—LANDMARK visit, his 1. —SINCE becoming PRESIDENT.
20160325             IRAN—OFFICIAL—IRNA news agency said that 1—AIR—AMBULANCE—HELICOPTER has crashed in SOUTH—IRAN, killing all 7—ONBOARD.
20160325             Mayor AHMED—SHAKER was among the dead, as was 1—OF—HIS bodyguards and at least 5—MEMBERS—OF—THE—SECURITY—FORCES.
20160325             —RALLIED, IRAQ, thousands, in BAGHDAD in support of firebrand Shiite cleric Muqtada AL—SADR.
20160325             —DELIVERED, AL—SADR—ASSOCIATE, SHEIK—ASAD—AL—NASIRI, 1—MESSAGE from the cleric giving PRIME—MINISTER—HAIDER—AL—ABADI —24—HOURS to implement WIDE—RANGING reforms.
20160325             To show their loyalty, workers are putting in extra hours to boost production in everything from coal mining to fisheries.
20160325             RUBEN—ENAJE and 14—OTHER—MEN, SOME—SCREAMING in pain, were nailed to wooden crosses by actors dressed as Roman centurions in S—PEDRO—CUTUD and 2—OTHER—RICE farming villages in Pampanga province NORTH—OF—MANILA.
20160325             —APPROVED, POLAND—ENVIRONMENT—MINISTER said he has, 1—MUCH—PROTESTED plan to allow extensive logging in Bialowieza Forest, EUROPE—LAST pristine forest, arguing it's the way to save it from woodworms.
20160325             RUSSIA—OFFICIALS said THE—BODY—OF—1—LAWYER representing 1—OF 2—RUSSIA—SERVICEMEN on trial in UKRAINE has been found buried in 1 abandoned farm.
20160325             2—MEN have been detained in connection with his murder.
20160325             YURI—GRABOVSKY was representing ALEXANDER—ALEXANDROV, 1—SERVICEMAN captured along with another Russian, Yevgeny Yerofeyev, —LAST—YEAR in REBEL—HELD EAST—UKRAINE.
20160325             —RECAPTURED, SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—FORCES, 1—MAMLUK—ERA citadel in Palmyra from the extremist Islamic State group, as the fierce battle for control of the historic town entered its 3. —DAY.
20160325             —KILLED, USA—DEFENSE—SECRETARY—ASH—CARTER said USA—FORCES, Haji Imam, 1—SENIOR—ISLAMIC—STATE—LEADER described as the group's finance MINISTER, among several key members of the militant group eliminated —THIS—WEEK.
20160325             —RALLIED—BANGLADESH, THOUSANDS—OF—MUSLIMS, in DHAKA to denounce 1—COURT—PETITION seeking to remove Islam as the country's official state religion.
20160325             —PERFORMED—CUBA, Mick Jagger and the Rolling Stones, 1—FREE—CONCERT for HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS in HAVANA.
20160325             —HAS—CRASHED, IRAN—OFFICIAL—IRNA news agency said that 1—AIR—AMBULANCE—HELICOPTER, in SOUTH—IRAN, killing all 7—ONBOARD.
20160325             —RIPPED—IRAQ, 1—SUICIDE—ATTACK, through 1—TROPHY ceremony —AFTER 1—FOOTBALL—TOURNAMENT and killed 41—PEOPLE in the Babil province village of AL—ASRIYA.
20160325             —DECLARED—LIBYA, authorities in CONTROL—OF—TRIPOLI, a "maximum STATE—OF—EMERGENCY" —AFTER 1—UN—BACKED unity government that they reject said its members would HEAD—TO—TRIPOLI to begin work.
20160325             —WERE—KILLED, LIBYA, 1—INDIA—NURSE and her infant son, in 1—ROCKET—ATTACK on their apartment in Zawiya, 1—TOWN—NEAR—TRIPOLI.
20160325             —HAD—SPIED, NORTH—KOREA USA—KIM—TONG—CHOL said he, for SOUTH—KOREAN—INTELLIGENCE in 1—PLOT to bring down THE—NORTH—LEADERSHIP and asked for forgiveness at 1—MEDIA—PRESENTATION.
20160325             —WAS—REPORTED, It, that NORTH—KOREANS are being mobilized en masse to boost production and demonstrate their loyalty to leader KIM—JONG—UN in a —70—DAY—CAMPAIGN aimed at wiping out "indolence and slackness".
20160325             —MARKED, PALESTINE—CHRISTIANS and foreign pilgrims, Good —FRIDAY with 1—PROCESSION through JERUSALEM—COBBLED Old City amid increased security measures —DURING 1—ONGOING WAVE—OF—VIOLENCE.
20160325             —WAS—NAILED, In THE—PHILIPPINES 1—DEVOTEE, to 1—CROSS for the 30. time in 1—ANNUAL—GOOD—FRIDAY ritual, which he dedicated to peace in BELGIUM and other countries targeted by Islamic extremists.
20160325             News reports said that ABD—AR—RAHMAN—MUSTAFA—AL—QADULI (aka Haji Imam), the Islamic State group's 2. in command, was killed —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH.
20160325             —CLAIMED—YEMEN, 3—SUICIDE—BOMBINGS, by the Islamic State group struck CHECKPOINTS—OF—LOYALIST—FORCES in ADEN, killing 22—PEOPLE, including 10—CIVILIANS.
20160325             Razzien: 6—TERROR—VERDÄCHTIGE in BRÜSSEL festgenommen
20160325             NIGERIA—ARMEE will 829—GEISELN aus der Gewalt von BOKO—HARAM befreit haben
20160325             RAZZIA—BEI—PARIS: Planung für Anschlag war in "fortgeschrittenem Stadium"
20160325             —SPIEGEL—UMFRAGE zur AfD: Frust ohne Not
20160325             TERRORISTENversteck in BRÜSSEL: "Ich dachte, da wird eben lange gearbeitet"
20160325             [l] FRANKREICH—ERMITTLER konnten —IN—LETZTER—SEKUNDE 1—TERROR—ANSCHLAG verhindern.
20160325             [l] RAINALD—BECKER—ERINNERTUSA—WIESO wir mit seiner Ernennung zum ARD—CHEF—REDAKTEUR nicht einverstanden waren.
20160325             Dass ausgerechnet dieser ANTI—TERROR—ROTTWEILER, diese USA—DROHNE im TRANS—ATLANTISCHEN PR—BRANDBOMBENEINSATZ, dieser ANTI—INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST—CHEFREDAKTEUR werden soll, das ist echt ein starkes Zeichen, worum es der —POLITIK bei der ARD geht.
20160325             Mir tun ja DIE—LEUTE leid, die in diesem Apparat ihr Dasein fristen.
20160325             Oh, übrigens: Ich denke, "DATEN—SCHUTZ ist TERRORISTENschutz"im Bingo kann man da mindestens anklicken, und "Mehr Befugnisse für DIE—POLIZEI", "Schärfere Gesetze!"und "(mehr) BANKEN (zusammenführen)".
20160325             [l] Die Volksverschlüsselung®™ der Fraunhofer® IIS® wird Open  Source.
20160325             (Kleingedrucktes unleserlich)
20160325             [l] Die F-35-Situation ist noch übler als —BISHER, angenommen.
20160325             MICHAEL—GILMORE, THE—PENTAGON—DIRECTOR—OF—OPERATIONAL—TEST and evaluation, reported that THE—LA—TEST F—35—OPERATING—SYSTEM has 931—OPEN, documented deficiencies, 158—OF—WHICH are Category 1— classified as those that could cause death, severe injury, or severe illness.
20160325             für den Piloten, wohlgemerkt. Das hier ist das MONEY—QUOTE:
20160325             "The limited and incomplete F—35—CYBER—SECURITY testing accomplished to date has nonetheless revealed deficiencies that cannot be ignored,"Gilmore said in his testimony.
20160325             Teepflücker auf SRI—LANKA: Schuften wie zur Sklavenzeit (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 11:36)
20160325             Sie ist, —38—JAHRE—ALT, sieht mit ihrem eingefallenen Gesicht aber aus, als sei sie —SCHON 50.
20160325             —SEIT—MEHR—ALS—150—JAHREN wird hier der WELT—WEIT geschätzte CEYLON—TEE angebaut, und genauso lange schuften —ARBEITER dafür in erbärmlichen Verhältnissen.
20160325             Ihr Behausungen sind —HEUTE so beschämend wie zu Kolonialzeiten: Hütten mit Lehmfußböden und löchrigen Dächern, in denen JEDE—FAMILIE nur 1—RAUM hat.
20160325             400—RUPIEN, umgerechnet 2,50—EURO, bekommt Prameela PRO—TAG, abhängig von der Pflückmenge.
20160325             VIELE—KINDER müssen Feuerholz herbeischleppen oder Wasser von 1—WEIT entfernten, verdreckten BACH holen.
20160325             Wollen Familien die Plantage verlassen und sich 1.bessere Arbeit suchen, sagen die Besitzer unmissverständlich: Dann verliert ihr euer Haus.
20160325             Also bleiben die meisten.
20160325             Ihnen fiele die Jobsuche ohnehin schwer.
20160325             —CA—800.000—PLANTAGEN—ARBEITER gibt es —HEUTE auf der Insel, und sie ALLE—STAMMEN—VON—INDERN ab.
20160325             Als die GROSSBRITANNIEN—KOLONIALHERREN auf der Insel regierten, führten sie Tee ein und brachten, als es nicht ausreichend lokale Arbeitskräfte gab, Menschen aus Südindien in die Kolonie.
20160325             Dort mussten die Migranten in Schuldknechtschaft arbeiten.
20160325             "Ihre —VORFAHREN lebten WÄHREND der GROSSBRITANNIEN—HERRSCHAFT wie SKLAVEN, und diese Bedingungen herrschen leider NOCH—IMMER", sagt der GEWERKSCHAFTS—FÜHRER S.P.
20160325             —VERÄNDERT, Der Rest des Landes habe sich, aber die Plantagen nicht.
20160325             PREMIER—MINISTER—RANIL Wickremesinghe stellte jüngst 1—NEUEN Plan vor, wonach JEDE—TEEARBEITER—FAMILIE 1—STÜCK—LAND und Geld für den Hausbau bekommen soll.
20160325             Gegessen werden jeden —TAG Reis und Linsen, für mehr reicht es nicht.
20160325             Salamanth Serpie ist, —85—JAHRE—ALT.
20160325             TÜRKEI—ERDOGAN ist Nebenkläger im PROZESS—GEGEN—"Cumhuriyet"-Journalisten
20160325             LEBENS—MITTEL: ERNÄHRUNGS—MINISTER—SCHMIDT will Haltbarkeitsdatum abschaffen
20160325             AFD—VORSITZENDE: Petry wirft GABRIEL "zutiefst UNDEMOKRATEN—HALTUNG"vor
20160325             PENTAGON: USA melden Liquidierung mehrerer TOP—IS—TERRORISTEN
20160325             —ANTI—TERROR—EINSATZ—IN—BELGIEN: VERDÄCHTIGEr bei Razzia angeschossen und festgenommen
20160325             Strafrecht: BUNDES—JUSTIZ—MINISTER will zwingende lebenslange HAFT—FÜR—MORD abschaffen
20160325             Misslungene Integration: ANTWERPENs BÜRGER—MEISTER wirft MERKEL "epochalen Fehler"vor
20160325             USA—DYNASTIE ROCKEFELLER: Vom Öl zum Öko
20160325             Razzia im BRÜSSELer Stadtteil Schaerbeek: Das TERROR—NEST
20160325             IRAK: Dutzende TOTE—BEI—SELBSTMORD—ANSCHLAG nach Fußballspiel
20160325             [l] CRAIG—VENTER ist mit seinem künstlichen LEBE—WESEN gescheitert.
20160325             Der Ansatz war, nur die Teile aus dem Genom zu nehmen, die wir verstehen, und 1—BAKTERIUM zu bauen, das nur Fressen und FORT—PFLANZEN kann.
20160325             Damit klar, daß die anderen Genstränge nicht bloß "Junk DNA"waren sondern 1.vitale Rolle spielen.
20160325             —UPDATE, Venter ist 1—DER Leute, die bei jedem Scheitern noch mehr erreichen als andere Leute in 1—GANZEN Leben des "nicht scheiterns".
20160325             [l] ECDSA—KEYS aus Telefonen kann man per elektromagnetischer Abstrahlung extrahieren.
20160325             —FUNKTIONIERT, Damit dieser ANGRIFF, muss man allerdings so ca 1.000—ECDSA—OPERATIONEN beobachten können.
20160325             [l] Kennt ihr den —SCHON?
20160325             —BACKED, NEW—HOTNESS, "GOVERNMENT—ATTACERS may be trying to steal your password"—TERRORWARNSEITEN.
20160325             Wow.
20160325             Im Übrigen ist es natürlich völlig absurd, wenn GOOGLE davor warnt, daß Regierungen Passwörter stehlen wollen.
20160325             [l] Wissenschaftsjournalismus des Tages:
20160325             The more time young adults spend on SOCIAL—MEDIA, the more likely they are to become depressed, 1—STUDY has found.
20160325             Also legt endlich FACEBOOK und Twitter weg und habt Spaß am Leben!
20160325             [l] GUTE—NACHRICHTEN!
20160325             VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTER—ASHTON—CARTER gehe davon aus, daß darunter auch der IS—VIZE—CHEF—IST.
20160325             Pünktlich zu Ostern!
20160325             [l] Ihr habt ja wahrscheinlich gehört, daß APPLE sich gegen DAS—FBI mit 1 "1. Amendment"-Verteidigung wehren will, und möglicherweise fandet ihr nicht offensichtlich, was Verschlüsselungshintertüren mit der MEINUNGS—FREIHEIT zu tun haben.
20160325             DAN—BERNSTEIN erklärt das mal in seinem Blog.
20160325             [l] Bei der Meldung, daß es in UK MELDE—PFLICHT für potentielle spätere TERRORISTEN im Kindergarten gibt, hat sich vielleicht der 1.oder andere gedacht: Da wird —SCHON keiner mitmachen.
20160325             —NUN, äh, wie soll ich sagen...: GROß—BRITANNIEN: Vierjähriger wegen TERROR—VERDACHT gemeldet
20160325             —GEMACHT, Was hat er denn, der Vierjährige?
20160325             Ich finde, diese Meldung passt perfekt zu DE—MAIZIÈRES Ansagen gerade, daß man in KRISEN—ZEITEN (also immer) DATEN—SCHUTZ mal runterfahren und den POLIZEI—STAAT hochfahren muss.
20160325             [l] Oh Scheiße, da bin ich mit meinem Bingo ja VOLL—VON—DER—REALITÄT überrollt worden:
20160325             Der Vorsitzende DER—INNEN—MINISTERKONFERENZ, KLAUS—BOUILLON (aus dem SAARLAND, zwinker), sagte dazu:
20160325             Er kenne die rechtliche Problematik.
20160325             Ich füge mal 1—BINGO—FELD für BUNDESWEHR—EINSATZ—IM—INNEREN dazu.
20160325             The most interesting aspect of this piece concerns the photos of THE—5—WOMEN.
20160325             (This SORT—OF—THING could give rise to 1—GROUND—BREAKING lawsuit: Can the Enquirer really be said to have hidden the identities of the 5?)
20160325             1—BREITBART—RELATED blog has published the names of 3—VERY—REAL—WOMEN whose photos match 3—OF—THE—ENQUIRER images.
20160325             Of course, it has been obvious for SOME—TIME that Salon, like Breitbart, is on Team DONALD—TRUMP.
20160325             The formerly progressive website has become 1—TRULY obnoxious PROPAGANDA operation.
20160325             Salon encourages Democrats should sit out the —ELECTION or go 3.-party if HILLARY wins (as she will).
20160325             Knocking CRUZ—OUT—OF—THE—RACE would secure 1—DONALD—TRUMP victory.
20160325             Even if the story turns out to be pure smear, it may give DONALD—TRUMP—THE—NOMINATION.
20160325             Karfreitagsliturgie: PAPA am Boden
20160325             SYRIEN—REGIME—TRUPPEN rücken laut STAATS—TV weiter auf PALMYRA vor
20160325             CHAOS—PARTEI—TAG—VON—19240000              20160325—19480000    —SEIT, ist SRI—LANKA unabhängig.
20160325—20151200    —OPENED, MYANMAR, THE—YANGON—STOCK—EXCHANGE officially, for business more than —3—MONTHS—AFTER it was launched.
20160325—20210000    —SIGNED, Rouhani and PAKISTAN—PRIME—MINISTER—NAWAZ—SHARIF, a —5—YEARS—STRATEGIC action plan aimed at boosting bilateral trade to THE—LEVEL—OF—USA—DOLLARS 5—BILLION.
20161119—20170325    —ON, 1—APPEALS—COURT suspended their jail sentences.
20170317—20170325    —ACKNOWLEDGED, USA—OFFICIALS, the airstrike that witnesses said killed at least 100—PEOPLE.
20170321—20170325    —FOLLOWED, BRITAIN soon, with similar measures to become effective.
20170325             KRAFT, traten DIE—VERTRÄGE zum19580101            .
20170325             MEXICO, about 100—JOURNALISTS and FREE—SPEECH—SUPPORTERS demonstrated to protest 20170323             —THE—KILLING—OF—REPORTER—MIROSLAVA—BREACH gunned down in THE—NORTH—STATE—OF—CHIHUAHUA.
20170325             —OPENED, THE—SF, Bay Area the 1. —DAY—OF—FULL—SERVICE, at the new Warm Springs BART station in FREMONT.
20170325             —PLUNGED, SYDNEY—OPERA—HOUSE and Harbour Bridge, into darkness to mark Earth —HOUR, as global landmarks began dimming their lights to draw attention to climate change.
20170325             EAST—BANGLADESH, 6—PEOPLE, including 2—POLICEMEN, were killed in explosions near 1—BUILDING in Sylhet.
20170325             —CLAIMED, THE—ISLAMIC—STATE, responsibility.
20170325             —MARCHED, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, through LONDON to protest against BRITAIN leaving THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, —JUST—4—DAYS—BEFORE PRIME—MINISTER—THERESA—MAY launches the start of the formal divorce process from the bloc it joined —44—YEARS—AGO.
20170325             BULGARIA—NATIONALISTS kept up their protests at THE—TURKEY—BORDER against BULGARIA—CITIZENS living permanently in TURKEY who are coming in to vote in BULGARIA—ELECTION.
20170325             —REPORTED, CHINA—OFFICIAL—XINHUA news agency, that CHINA has captured 2,566 fugitives who had fled to more than 90—COUNTRIES and regions and recovered 8.6—BILLION yuan ($1.25—BILLION) of illicit funds 20140000—20160000    —FROM—TO.
20170325             Feng had been wrapping up a —3—WEEK—TRIP researching human rights lawyers.
20170325             —COLLAPSED, SOUTH—CHINA, 1—OPERATION—PLATFORM, at 1—POWER—PLANT under construction in GUANGZHOU, Guangdong province, killing 9—PEOPLE.
20170325             3—EGYPT—SOLDIERS were killed in 1—EXPLOSION that hit their armored vehicle in THE—NORTH—SINAI peninsula.
20170325             —ON the 60. anniversary of the founding of THE—EU, 27—EUROPEAN leaders signed 1—DOCUMENT in ROME enshrining 1—PLEDGE to give member nations more freedom to form partial alliances and set policy —WHEN unanimity is OUT—OF—REACH.
20170325             —MARCHED, HONG—KONG—PRO—DEMOCRACY—ACTIVISTS and HUNDREDS—OF—SUPPORTERS, ahead of 1—VOTE for the city's next leader which they reject as 1—SHAM.
20170325             —KILLED, INDIA, 1—PERSON was, and about 14 injured —WHEN violence erupted —FOLLOWING 1—SCUFFLE between Muslim and Hindu school students in PRIME—MINISTER—NARENDRA—MODI—HOME—STATE—OF—GUJARAT.
20170325             † In JAPAN 1—VIETNAM—MAN held in 1—IMMIGRATION detention center, drawing fresh attention to conditions in the country's detention system.
20170325             VAN Huan Nguyen (aka Nguyen THE—HUNG) was 1—OF—MORE than 11,000 refugees that the country took in over THE—3—DECADES to 20050000             in THE—AFTERMATH—OF—THE—VIETNAM—WAR.
20170325             Nguyen had COMPLAINED—OF—PAIN—THROUGHOUT his detention for —1—WEEK—BEFORE his death.
20170325             —TRIED, Supporters, to break through 1—POLICE cordon outside the national security agency's headquarters, but police turned them back with flash grenades.
20170325             —ARRESTED, Dozens were.
20170325             MALI—MAIN—TUAREG separatist factions said they would boycott talks with the government —NEXT—WEEK on implementing 1—NEARLY —2—YEAR—OLD—PEACE—ACCORD that has been riven by quarrelling.
20170325             —STARTED, PAKISTAN said it has, building 1—FENCE along THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER in areas where it says militants have launched CROSS—BORDER—ATTACKS.
20170325             —RESCUED, THE—PHILIPPINES—SOLDIERS, 1—OF 2—THE—PHILIPPINES—CARGO ship crewmen taken captive —JUST—2—DAYS—AGO by suspected ABU—SAYYAF militants.
20170325             Aurelio Agacac, the ship CAPTAIN, was freed in the remote village of Basakan, Basilan province.
20170325             SOUTH—SUDAN, 6—AID—WORKERS working for the Grass Roots Empowerment for Development Organization (GREDO), were killed in 1—AMBUSH—WHILE traveling from THE—CAPITAL—JUBA towards THE—TOWN—OF—PIBOR.
20170325             † The death toll soon rose to 7—AFTER the driver, DAVID—KIM—CHOOP, also.
20170325             SYRIA, airstrikes hit 1—MAIN—STREET in THE—DAMASCUS suburb of Hamouriyeh killing at least 16—PEOPLE and wounded more than 50. Airstrikes in Idlib province hit several towns and villages as well as the provincial capital the carries the same name.
20170325             SYRIA—ARMY and its allies retook 1—VILLAGE—NEAR—HAMA, as the government tried to turn back 1—MAJOR—INSURGENT—OFFENSIVE.
20170325             —IDENTIFIED—NEVADA, 1—GUNMAN, —LATER, as Rolando Cardenas (55), opened fire on 1—DOUBLE—DECKER bus on THE—LAS—VEGAS Strip, killing 1—PERSON and wounding another —BEFORE finally surrendering.
20170325             —WERE—KILLED, EAST—BANGLADESH, 6—PEOPLE, including 2—POLICEMEN, in explosions near 1—BUILDING in Sylhet.
20170325             —DETAINED—BELARUS authorities, some 400—PEOPLE —DURING 1—ATTEMPT to hold 1—STREET—PROTEST in THE—CAPITAL—MINSK, amid rising public anger over falling living standards and 1—UNPOPULAR tax on the unemployed.
20170325             —PREVENTED—CHINA, Feng Chongyi, 1—ASSOCIATE—PROFESSOR at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—TECHNOLOGY—SYDNEY, from returning to SYDNEY because he's suspected of endangering national security.
20170325             —WAS—KILLED, Another officer managing 1—CHECKPOINT, by sniper fire.
20170325             —STUFFED—ITALY, 1—WOMAN—BODY was found, in 1—SUITCASE that was floating at 1—MARINA in the Adriatic port of RIMINI.
20170325             —HAD—COMPLAINED, Nguyen, of pain —THROUGHOUT his detention for —1—WEEK—BEFORE his death.
20170325             —HAD—GATHERED, KYRGYZSTAN, about 250—PEOPLE, in BISHKEK to demand the release of Sadyr Japarov, who was arrested —WHEN trying to enter the country —EARLIER in the —DAY.
20170325             —WERE—ARRESTED, Dozens.
20170325             —HAD—LIVED, Japarov, the past few years in CYPRUS —AFTER serving 1—PRISON—SENTENCE for organizing a 20130000             protest that turned violent.
20170325             —HAS—SIGNED, MALDIVES' FORMER—PRESIDENT—MOHAMED—NASHEED said that he, 1—AGREEMENT with his 1-time archrival and former strongman to try to restore democracy in the archipelago state.
20170325             —WAS—FREED, Aurelio Agacac, the ship CAPTAIN, in the remote village of Basakan, Basilan province.
20170325             —WERE—KILLED, THE—SOUTH—PHILIPPINES, at least 4—PEOPLE, and 23—OTHERS wounded in 1—GRENADE—ATTACK that appeared to be unrelated to terrorism.
20170325             —WAS—ARRESTED, The attacker, —FOLLOWING the blast in Busbus village near the domestic airport in Sulu province's Jolo town.
20170325             —WERE—KILLED, YEMEN, 16—REBELS, and 24—WOUNDED over the last —24—HOURS in air raids by 1—SAUDI—LED coalition targeting the insurgents on 1—AIR—BASE and arms depot in THE—EAST—OF—THE—REBEL—HELD Hodeida province.
20170325             ISOLATIONS—KURS der USA: IWF drängt DEUTSCHLAND zu Führungsrolle
20170325             SPD—KANZLER—KANDIDAT: SCHULZ sucht Kontakt zur Wirtschaft
20170325             —DIE—LAGE—AM—SAMSTAG, LONDON, was für 1.Stadt!
20170325             —60—JAHRE ROM—VERTRÄGE: Die Jungen wollen EUROPA—VIELE—DER—ALTEN reden es schlecht
20170325             WIRTSCHAFTS—KRISE, Dem Ölland VENEZUELA geht das Benzin aus
20170325             SATELLITENBILD—DER—WOCHE: ALLE—AUGEN blicken nach ROM
20170325             —PROTESTE—IN—WEISSRUSSLAND—LUKASCHENKO versucht es mit Einschüchterung
20170325             Gehälterdebatte: Was Manager für ihr Geld leisten
20170325             Präsidententochter in offizieller Mission: IVANKA—TRUMP plant BILDUNGSBESUCH—IN—DEUTSCHLAND
20170325             —VERORDNET, BRASILIEN: GAMMELFLEISCH—EU, Importstopp
20170325             —60—JAHRE ROM—VERTRÄGE: "Wir brauchen EUROPA"
20170325             —POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS gavan : 1:11 AM
20170325             Re: DEVIN—NUNES has financial ties to RUSSIA.
20170325             I would be 1—LITTLE—CAUTIOUS about this ALPHA—OMEGA Winery thing.
20170325             GEESH—I can't believe I'm defending the guy.
20170325             —POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS last lemming : 1:34 AM
20170325             HUNGER—KATASTROPHE im SÜD—SUDAN: Im Sumpf des Todes
20170325             —GRÜNDUNG: Die Geburtsstunde der EU
20170325             An 1—REGNERISCHEN MONTAGabend 19570000             unterzeichneten 6—EUROPA—LÄNDER die ROM—VERTRÄGE—DER 1.Schritt zur EU.
20170325             Mit der Unterzeichnung von 2—VERTRÄGEN
20170325             Durch Euratom wurde 1.engere ZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT und gemeinsame Regeln für die friedliche Nutzung von ATOM—ENERGIE vereinbart.
20170325             Wichtiger war aber die EWG:
20170325             Sie bildete DIE—GRUND—LAGE der heutigen EU mit —DERZEIT, (noch) 28—MITGLIEDERN.
20170325             Innerhalb von —12—JAHREN sollten Handelshemmnisse abgebaut und ein gemeinsamer Markt geschaffen werden.
20170325             Vereinbart wurde der freie Verkehr von WAREN, Personen, Dienstleistungen und KAPITAL.
20170325             Es wurde außerdem 1.ZOLL—UNION mit 1—GEMEINSAMEN Außenzoll geschaffen.
20170325             —SCHON, bei der Unterzeichnung wurde 1.mögliche Erweiterung des VERTRAGes auf ALLE—EUROPÄISCHE—STAATEN mitgedach
20170325             —KONRAD—ADENAUER, der damalige KANZLER—DER—BUNDES—REPUBLIK, bezeichnete DIE—VERTRÄGE als GRUND—LAGE "für die gemeinsame ZUKUNFT EUROPAs".
20170325             Mit den RÖMER—VERTRÄGEN hoffte man unter dem Eindruck zweier Weltkriege und der BE—DROHUNG durch die SOVIET—UNION auf Frieden und ZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT auf dem Kontinent.
20170325             DIE—GEMEINSAME Organisation DER—KRIEG—WICHTIGEN KOHLE—PRODUKTION, STAHL—PRODUKTION sollte DIE—LÄNDER aneinander binden.
20170325             —SCHON—IN—DEN—JAHREN nach GRÜNDUNG—DER—MONTANUNION zeigte sich, daß es noch zu früh für 1.politische Gemeinschaft war.
20170325             Deswegen stand am —ANFANG—ZUNÄCHST die ökonomische Integration.
20170325             Beim Abschluss der ROM—VERTRÄGE zeigte sich —BEREITS 1—PROBLEM, das sich durch die gesamte GESCHICHTE—DER—EU zieht: fehlende Volksnähe.
20170325             Es waren vor allem DIE—REGIERENDEN, die 1—GEMEINSAMEN europäischen Markt wollten.
20170325             Zwar ratifizierten DIE—NATIONALEN PARLAMENTe DIE—VERTRÄGE, aber DIE—BEVÖLKERUNG war nicht weiter einbezogen.
20170325             DIE—JUBELSTIMMUNG in ROM ging nicht auf DIE—BÜRGER über, es herrschten vielmehr Desinteresse und Gleichgültigkeit.
20170325             Mit den RÖMER—VERTRÄGEN gelang es, Frieden unter den Mitgliedstaaten zu garantieren.
20170325             Durch sie konnte ein gemeinsamer ökonomischer und politischer Rahmen gesetzt werden, der nationale Einzelinteressen zu gemeinsamen Interessen werden ließ
20170325             Geschaffen wurde 1—WELT—WEIT einzigartiger Handelsraum, der auch anderen Regionen als Vorbild dient und den europäischen Wohlstand —BIS—HEUTE ermöglicht.
20170325             [l] DONALD—TRUMP—OBAMACARE—KAPUTTMACHVERSUCH ist gescheitert.
20170325             Comac C919: CHINA—JET steht —KURZ—VOR, dem Erstflug
20170325             JUBILÄUMS—GIPFEL, EU—STAATEN unterzeichnen Erklärung zum 60.
20170325             WAHL—IN—BULGARIEN: POPULISTEN dominieren im ärmsten EU—LAND
20170325             Verdeckte Operationen und deren Erahnung durch den LAIEN—ANDREAS—VON—BÜLOW
20170325             —NACH, GESUNDHEITSREFORM—PLEITE: —JETZT will DONALD—TRUMP sich an der STEUER versuchen
20170325             Schwarzsein in DEUTSCHLAND: "Meine Farbe ist deutsch!"
20170325             "Pulse of EUROPE": Kraftvoll, aber ohne Plan
20170325             —VERLIERT, EU—FEINDLICHE Partei: Ukip, einzigen PARLAMENTarier
20170325             WEISSRUSSLAND: 150—OPPOSITIONELLE in MINSK festgenommen
20170325             ERDOGANs PLÄNE—FÜR—DIE—TÜRKEI: Der Putschist
20170325             —60—JAHRE ROM—VERTRÄGE: EUROPA feiert und zankt
20170325             Bürgerinitiative für DIE—EU: Wir wollen die Freude zurück!
20170325             MOSSUL: ANTI—IS—KOALITION gibt LUFT—ANGRIFFE mit zivilen OPFERn zu
20170325             Hunderte FESTNAHMEN—IN—WEISSRUSSLAND—LUKASCHENKO greift hart durch
20170325             DONALD—TRUMP—TELEFONAT mit Journalisten: Wenn —PLÖTZLICH, DER—PRÄSIDENT anruft
20170325             ERDOGANs VERFASSUNGS—ÄNDERUNG: Deutschtürken mobilisieren für REFERENDUM
20170325—20060000    —SINCE, The death was the 13. in JAPAN—DETENTION—SYSTEM.
20170325—20070000    —STARTED, Conservation group WWF, Earth —HOUR.
20170325—20140000    —FROM, CHINA—OFFICIAL—XINHUA news agency reported that CHINA has captured 2,566 fugitives who had fled to more than 90—COUNTRIES and regions and recovered 8.6—BILLION yuan ($1.25—BILLION) of illicit funds to 20160000            .
20170325—20150700    —SINCE, CHINA—AUTHORITIES have staged 1—WIDE—REACHING crackdown on human rights lawyers across the country.
20170325—20170401    —ALLOWED, Feng Chongyi was, to return to AUSTRALIA.
20180325             † Her father, OLIVER—BROWN (19610000             , ), had tried to enroll her into 1—ALL—WHITE—SCHOOL and became the lead plaintiff in THE—SUPREME—COURT—CASE that struck down racial segregation in public schools.
20180325             Remington, 1—COMPANY that began making flintlock rifles —WHEN there were only 19—USA, filed for bankruptcy protection in DELAWARE.
20180325             WEST—AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—ATTACK—NEAR 1—SHI'ITE mosque in THE—CITY—OF—HERAT killed at least 1—PERSON and wounded 8—OTHERS.
20180325             Testing of ALBANIA—1. ever toll road began and sparked complaints and anger from drivers and from neighboring KOSOVO over the cost of using the 110-km (70-mile) highway linking Milot, near the Adriatic coast, to the Morine border.
20180325             —ALLOWED, PRESIDENT—ALEXANDER—LUKASHENKO, 20180325             to be publicly celebrated —THIS—YEAR for the 1. time in his —24—YEAR—RULE.
20180325             The maiden flight of 1—NEW—NON—STOP regular passenger service between AUSTRALIA and BRITAIN touched down at LONDON—HEATHROW—AIRPORT.
20180325             The new link with PERTH, a 14,498-km (9,009-mile) journey, is —AROUND—3—HOURS—QUICKER than routes that involve stopovers in THE—MIDDLE—EAST to change planes or refuel.
20180325             —VOTED, Some 10,000 municipal councilors, for 70—MEMBERS—OF—THE—UPPER—HOUSE for 1—DURATION—OF—5—YEARS.
20180325             —OUTLINED, CHINA—NEW—CENTRAL—BANK—GOVERNOR, Yi Gang, sweeping plans to rein in rising debt and financial risk, but expressed confidence that BEIJING can prevent potential dangers.
20180325             1—DUBAI COURT—SENTENCED—BRITISH—JOURNALIST—FRANCIS—MATTHEW, —61—JAHRE—ALT to —10—YEARS in jail followed by deportation for bludgeoning to death his wife with 1—HAMMER last —SUMMER.
20180325             —KILLED, EGYPT—AUTHORITIES said police, 6—MILITANTS believed to be involved in 1—WEEKEND bombing in the coastal CITY—OF—ALEXANDRIA that killed 2—POLICEMEN.
20180325             —CONCERNED, THE—EU said it was "extremely " about DR CONGO —AFTER the country announced it would decline a $1.7—BILLION INTERNATIONAL aid package.
20180325             Carles Puigdemont, the fugitive EX—LEADER—OF—CATALONIA and ardent separatist, was arrested by GERMANY—POLICE on 1—INTERNATIONAL—WARRANT as he tried to enter the country from DENMARK.
20180325             Puigdemont faces charges in SPAIN including rebellion that could put him in prison for up to —30—YEARS.
20180325             —POUNDED, ISRAEL—JETS, Hamas positions in GAZA overnight —AFTER Palestinians staged 1—CROSS—BORDER—RAID into SOUTH—ISRAEL.
20180325             —ARMED, The planes hit 1—BASE—OF—HAMAS'S, wing, the Ezzedine AL—QASSAM—BRIGADES, causing damage but no injuries.
20180325             MEXICO, gunfire from 1—HELICOPTER supporting marines against cartel gunmen killed 1—FEMALE passerby and her 2—CHILDREN —DURING 1 confused SERIES—OF—PRE—DAWN gun battles in the northern border CITY—OF—NUEVO—LAREDO.
20180325             1—MARINE was also killed and 12 were wounded.
20180325             † 4—GUNMEN also.
20180325             Its members were disproportionately from HONDURAS.
20180325             —HIGHLIGHTED, The issue, 1—DIVIDE in MOLDOVA between PRO—WESTERN and MOSCOW—BACKED political factions AHEAD—OF—ELECTIONS—IN—NOVEMBER.
20180325             —SUSPECTED, JAPAN—PRIME—MINISTER—SHINZO—ABE, his ratings in 1—SLUMP amid 1, cronyism scandal and COVER—UP, apologized again for causing anxiety and LOSS—OF—CONFIDENCE in his government.
20180325             CENTRAL—MALI, 6—PEOPLE were found dead in 1—MASS—GRAVE.
20180325             —ARRESTED, Villagers —LATER said they had been, by the military —3—DAYS—EARLIER.
20180325             NIGER, 4—LEADING opposition and rights figure were among 23—PEOPLE arrested —AFTER 1—PROTEST against new taxes degenerated into clashes between demonstrators and police.
20180325             † In RUSSIA at least 64—PEOPLE in 1—FIRE that broke out in 1—MULTI—STORY shopping center in the Siberian CITY—OF—KEMEROVO.
20180325             —FEARED, DOZENS—OF—CHILDREN were, to be among the dead.
20180325             1—FEW hours —EARLIER, another car bomb outside the capital killed 1—PERSON plus the driver.
20180325             —RAVAGED, Nearly 2,000 SYRIA—REBELS and civilians began leaving 1, POCKET—OF—EAST—GHOUTA, in fresh evacuations that further emptied the former rebel bastion.
20180325             —INCLUDED, TURKMENISTAN held parliamentary elections that, candidates from 3—PARTIES and SOME—INDEPENDENTS, but no real opposition to PRESIDENT—GURBANGULY—BERDYMUKHAMEDOV, —60—JAHRE—ALT.
20180325             Serdar Berdymukhamedov (36), THE—SON—OF—THE—AUTHORITY—PRESIDENT, scored 1—HUGE—VICTORY in the tightly controlled parliamentary elections.
20180325             TURKMENISTAN has no tradition of competitive elections or political opposition.
20180325             † LINDA—BROWN (75), 1—KEY—FIGURE 19540000             —IN—THE—SCHOOL—SEGREGATION—CASE (Brown vs BOSRD—OF—EDUCATION—OF—TOPEKA), in TOPEKA—KANSAS.
20180325             —WERE—KILLED, WEST—VIRGINIA, 2—FIREFIGHTERS, then their fire truck hit 1—ROCK—WALL—WHILE responding to another deadly accident that left 3—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20180325             —WERE—ARRESTED, BELARUS, SCORES—OF—PROTESTERS, in MINSK as SUPPORTERS—OF—THE—COUNTRY'S repressed opposition tried to hold 1—MARCH.
20180325             —CONTINUED—CAMEROON held senate elections, as tensions, to soar in THE—FRENCH—MAJORITY—COUNTRY—ANGLOPHONE regions where separatist rebels have been fighting government forces for several months.
20180325             —HAS—DECLARED, THE—UNITED—NATIONS, the humanitarian crisis in THE—DR—CONGO to be 1—LEVEL 3, THE—UN—HIGHEST—LEVEL—EMERGENCY.
20180325             —ORGANIZED, SOUTH—MEXICO, a "caravan" of more than 1,200 CENTRAL—USA—MIGRANTS, by the immigrant advocacy group PUEBLO Sin Fronteras, began at TAPACHULA and headed to THE—USA—BORDER.
20180325             —HAD—BEEN—ARRESTED, Villagers —LATER said they, by the military —3—DAYS—EARLIER.
20180325             —WERE—FEARED, DOZENS—OF—CHILDREN, to be among the dead.
20180325             —EXPLODED—SOMALIA, 1—CAR—BOMB, near PARLIAMENT headquarters in MOGADISHU, killing at least 4—PEOPLE along with the driver.
20180325             [l] Wie kommt es eigentlich in ENGLAND zu diesem brennenden Hochhaus?
20180325             Ja, auch in ENGLAND, aber
20180325             —BESCHWERT, Hmm, woher wissen die denn, wer sich ?
20180325             —COMPLAINED, Workers who, of safety violations were reported by police spies and prevented from getting another job in the construction industry, 1—INVESTIGATION has uncovered.
20180325             [l] PUIGDEMONT wurde in SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN FESTGENOMMEN—DER Haftbefehl ist von —FREITAG, aber
20180325             Das sind ja mal Straftatbestände!
20180325             Vielleicht wäre es doch mal an der Zeit, das Strafrecht von SPANIEN zu ENT—FRANCO—ISIEREN?
20180325             —UPDATE, Bei Rebellion musste ich direkt an den IMPERATOR aus Star Wars denken.
20180325             [l] GOOGLE löscht anscheinend gerade PORNO—DARSTELLERN ihre Pornos von ihren GOOGLE—DRIVES.
20180325             —INDEED, LAND—OF—THE—FREE,
20180325             [l] Medienkompetenztraining: ALBRECHT—MÜLLER gibt auf den Nachdenkseiten den enttäuschten alten Mann und findet über verwinkelte VERSCHWÖRUNGS—THEORIEN dann überraschend heraus, dass
20180325             —NATÜRLICH stimmen DIE—VERSCHWÖRUNGS—THEORIEN alle, aber
20180325             Ich war's nicht, HITLER—ADOLFIST—GEWESEN!
20180325             [l] Wo wir gerade bei Star Wars waren: —DER—NEUE—NATIONAL—SECURITY Advisor JOHN—BOLTON wird mal die Unloyalen aus dem WEIßES—HAUS entfernen
20180325             Wer sich an JOHN—BOLTON nicht erinnert: Hier ist 1.Übersicht.
20180325             WELT—WEIT—AKTION für den KLIMA—SCHUTZ, —60—MINUTEN im Dunkeln
20180325             "MARCH—FOR—OUR Lives": Es reicht (Leben und Lernen, 07:41)
20180325             Wüstenstrom für EUROPA: Was wurde aus Desertec?
20180325             Missbrauch in der KATHOLIKEN—KIRCHE: Bernds Vermächtnis
20180325             14.484—KM in der Luft: 1. NONSTOP—LINIENFLUG zwischen AUSTRALIEN und EUROPA gelandet
20180325             SAUDI—ARABIEN und —DAS—ENDE—DES—SCHLEIERSZWANGS: Frauen feiern die neue Freiheit
20180325             MENSCHHEITS—GESCHICHTE: Das Experiment sind wir
20180325             "DIE—GRÖßTE Schwäche DER—MENSCHHEIT ist ihre Unfähigkeit, die Exponentialfunktion zu verstehen".
20180325             Der Physiker AL—BARTLETT in "THE—ESSENTIAL—EXPONENTIAL!"
20180325             Stellen Sie sich bitte folgende Situation VOR—DAS Beispiel ist nicht von mir: 2—MENSCHEN gehen jeweils 30—SCHRITTE
20180325             Wie weit kommt Person 2 in 30—SCHRITTEN? Na?
20180325             DIE—RICHTIGE Antwort lautet: Person 2—HAT nach 30—SCHRITTEN vermutlich nasse Füße, denn sie hat den Erdball fast 30—MAL umrundet.
20180325             in der GESCHICHTE
20180325             Können siebeneinhalb MILLIARDEN—MENSCHEN, die die Exponentialfunktionen nicht wirklich begreifen, mit 1—SICH exponentiell verändernden Welt umgehen oder nicht?
20180325             Vergleichen Sie mal DIE—ZEITSPANNE zwischen der ERFINDUNG—DES—AUTOS und seiner Allgegenwart mit der zwischen der Einführung des iPhones und der Allgegenwart des Smartphones.
20180325             Und —JETZT kommt zu MOORE—LAW der nächste Exponentialturbo hinzu.
20180325             Man könnte sagen, der TECHNISCH—WISSENSCHAFTLICHE Fortschritt und der globalisierte KAPITALISMUS sind ungleiche Brüder, die einander nützen, aber
20180325             Der wissenschaftliche Fortschritt sorgt fürs Exponentielle
20180325             1—NICHT unwesentlicher ANTEIL—DER—INTERNATIONALEN FINANZ—BRANCHE wettet permanent Geld auf Exponentialfunktionen.
20180325             Kathrin Passig hat vor —JAHREN 1—GRANDIOSEN Aufsatz über die "STANDARD—SITUATIONEN der Technologiekritik"geschrieben, in der diese ART—BLICK auf technische Entwicklungen als immer wiederkehrendes Stadium entlarvt wird
20180325             Jemand 19880000             —J—AUS—DEM, würde, zu uns gebeamt, DIE—WELT 20180000             —VON, als SCIENCE—FICTION—WELT erleben.
20180325             zum BEISPIEL—WER hätte ahnen können, dass
20180325             ;03;; for our lives: WAFFEN—LOBBY ätzt gegen DEMONSTRANTEN (Leben und Lernen, 13:13)
20180325             PROPAGANDA: Nicht einmal FACEBOOK weiß, wie FACEBOOK wirkt
20180325             RUSSLAND—GIFTERFINDER: Tödliche Tropfen im Telefonhörer
20180325             Fehlendes Vertrauen: Die gefährliche Schwäche des DONALD—TRUMP—DOLLARS
20180325             FACEBOOK—SKANDAL, Die verlorenen Illusionen des INTERNETs
20180325             KATALANIEN—EX—PRÄSIDENT—PUIGDEMONT: Neumünster statt Waterloo
20180325             PROGNOSE—FÜR—UNKONTROLLIERTEN Fall: CHINA—RAUM—STATION wird über Ostern zur Erde stürzen
20180325             —VORSTOß von SPD—POLITIKERN: Kann 1—GRUND—EINKOMMEN HARTZ—IV ersetzen?
20180325             BARCELONA: Warnschüsse bei Demonstration für PUIGDEMONT
20180325             FACEBOOK—DATEN—SKANDAL, JUSTIZ—MINISTERIN—BARLEY sieht Demokratie bedroht
20180325—20180315    —AM, erschien ein unscheinbares Arbeitspapier, in dem 2—INFORMATIKER neuronale Netze beschreiben, die sich selbst replizieren können
20180325—20180315    SOFTWARE—SYSTEME also, die sich nicht nur selbst optimieren, sondern auch vermehren
20180325—20180315    Das Tolle daran sei, schreiben OSCAR—CHANG und Hod Lipson von der COLUMBIA—UNIVERSITY, dass
20180325—20180315    damit —JETZT "die Möglichkeit ständiger Verbesserung durch natürliche Selektion"bestehe Für SOFTWARE.
20180525—20180325    —SINCE, 10—INTERNATIONAL—NGOS including AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL and Oxfam called for the release of 26—CIVIL—SOCIETY—ACTIVISTS detained —AFTER 1 banned demonstration in NIAMEY—NIGER.
20190325             —PERFORMED, Doctors in BALTIMORE, what's thought to be the world's 1. kidney transplant from 1—LIVING donor with HIV to an HIV—POSITIVE—STRANGER.
20190325             —ARRESTED, Attorney MICHAEL—AVENATTI, —48—JAHRE—ALT was, in NEW—YORK City on charges that included trying to shake down Nike for as much as $25—MILLION by threatening the company with bad publicity.
20190325             —CHARGED, Avenatti has also been, with bank and wire fraud in separate cases in NEW—YORK and CALIFORNIA.
20190325             1—FORMER—DUKE employee will get nearly $34—MILLION for alerting the government.
20190325             DUKE pay $112—MILLION to settle THE—WHISTLE—BLOWER lawsuit.
20190325             4—OF—THE 5 were caught within —24—HOURS.
20190325             —ORDERED, CHINA, 1—NATIONWIDE inspection of chemical firms —4—DAYS—AFTER 1—OF—THE—COUNTRY—WORST—INDUSTRIAL—ACCIDENTS.
20190325             —SIGNED, CHINA—PRESIDENT—XI—JINPING, MULTIBILLION—DOLLAR—DEALS on energy, the food industry, transport and other sectors as well as 1—BILATERAL—STATEMENT on climate change —DURING his state visit to FRANCE.
20190325             —RECEIVED, Jinping, the full honors of 1—FORMAL—RECEPTION —DURING his state visit that included attending the signing of 1—MULTI—BILLION dollar deal between European aircraft maker Airbus to CHINA.
20190325             —AGREED, Jinping, to work with European leaders to seek fairer INTERNATIONAL trade rules and to address the world's economic and security challenges.
20190325             Police in COMOROS used tear gas to disperse demonstrators led by opposition leaders protesting against what they said were fraudulent presidential elections.
20190325             —ANNOUNCED, THE—EU, it has completed its preparations for BRITAIN crashing OUT—OF—THE—BLOC without 1—DIVORCE accord, as fears of 1—CHAOTIC "NO—DEAL" Brexit grew.
20190325             —ARRESTED, FRANCE, —AROUND 20—PEOPLE were, —LATE—TODAY—AFTER gangs of vigilantes attacked camps of ethnic ROMA people in NORTH—EAST—PARIS —AFTER false reports that they were responsible for abductions in the area using white vans.
20190325             THE—HONG—KONG—BASED lawyer for 2—SAUDI—ARABIA—SISTERS who fled the kingdom said the young women have secured emergency visas and departed to 1—NEW—COUNTRY—OF—RESIDENCE.
20190325             —FORCED, Goyal quit amid mounting financial woes which have, Jet Airways to suspend 14—INTERNATIONAL—ROUTES and ground more than 80—PLANES.
20190325             —APPROVED, THE—BOARD, the setting up of 1—INTERIM—MANAGEMENT—COMMITTEE to oversee daily operations and cash FLOW—OF—THE—COMPANY.
20190325             —REPORTED, IRAN—STATE—TV, that flash floods in SOUTH—IRAN have killed at least 17—PEOPLE and injured 74.
20190325             —REPORTED, ITALY—MEDIA, that former communist militant CESARE—BATTISTI, jailed for life over 4—MURDERS carried out in the 1970s, has confessed to the killings —AFTER DECADES—OF—DENYING involvement.
20190325             —CALLED, MEXICO—PRESIDENT—ANDRES—MANUEL—LOPEZ—OBRADOR, on FELIPE—VI—KING—OF—SPAIN—AND—FRANCIS—PAPA to apologize for the conquest and the rights violations committed in THE—AFTERMATH—OF—SPAIN—RULE over MEXICO dating back to 15190000            .
20190325             —REJECTED, MADRID firmly, the proposal.
20190325             1—LONG—RANGE—ROCKET fired from THE—GAZA—STRIP slammed into 1—HOUSE in CENTRAL—ISRAEL and wounded 7—PEOPLE—EARLY—TODAY.
20190325             —RULED, POLAND—CONSTITUTIONAL—TRIBUNAL, that controversial rules introduced by THE—RIGHT—WING government that allow lawmakers to choose MEMBERS—OF—1—JUDICIAL—BODY are in line with the constitution.
20190325             —ARMED, SOUTH—AFRICA—MOBS, with metal rods and machetes began breaking into the homes of foreigners in DURBAN, chasing them out and looting their belongings.
20190325             —3—DAYS—OF—ATTACKS displaced some 300—MALAWI migrants, but no arrests resulted.
20190325             THE—USA—BACKED SYRIA—FIGHTERS who drove the Islamic State from its last strongholds called for 1—INTERNATIONAL—TRIBUNAL to prosecute HUNDREDS—OF—FOREIGNERS rounded up in the nearly —5—YEAR—CAMPAIGN against the extremist group.
20190325             VENEZUELA was hit by 1—POWER—BLACKOUT.
20190325             —KILLED, JEREMY—RICHMAN (49), THE—FATHER—OF—1—OF—THE—20—CHILDREN, 20120000             —IN—THE—SANDY—HOOK—ELEMENTARY—SCHOOL shooting in CONNECTICUT, was found dead of 1—APPARENT—SUICIDE inside his office building in Newtown.
20190325             —WAS—RELEASED, He, —AFTER posting a $300,000 bond.
20190325             —ARRESTED—AUSTRIA, 1—IRAQ—MAN "under suspicion to have carried out terrorist attacks on railways in GERMANY in October and 20181200             ".
20190325             —EXASPERATED, UNITED—KINGDOM—LAWMAKERS, by failed efforts to SPLIT from THE—EUROPEAN—UNION—AFTER—3—YEARS—OF—DEBATES and negotiations voted to give themselves 1—BROADER say on what happens next.
20190325             —WAS—RESTORED, Power, to MUCH—OF—THE—COUNTRY by the —EVENING but went out again —DURING the night.
20190325             [l] Kennt ihr den —SCHON? Der IQ sinkt, wenn Menschen Knappheit erfahren, z.B.
20190325             Not being able to pay your bills has the functional equivalent of lowering your IQ by 13—POINTS.
20190325             [l] Benutzt hier jemand ASUS—PRODUKTE?
20190325             Hackers Hijacked ASUS SOFTWARE Updates to Install Backdoors on THOUSANDS—OF—COMPUTERS
20190325             [l] In CHINA ist neulich 1—CHEMIE—FABRIK explodiert.
20190325             However, local environmental authorities have taken measures to prevent polluted water inside the park from flowing out and contaminating outside waters, ACCORDING—TO—THE—JIANGSU provincial DEPARTMENT—OF—ECOLOGY and Environment.
20190325             USA—DEMOKRATEN fordern Veröffentlichung des kompletten MUELLER—BERICHTS
20190325             Tropensturm "Idai" in MOSAMBIK: KATASTROPHE am Buzi River
20190325             DONALD—TRUMP und die RUSSLAND—AFFÄRE, Was MUELLER HERAUSFAND—UND was nicht
20190325             —DIE—LAGE—AM—MONTAG, "Quantensprung in den DEUTSCH—FRANKREICH—BEZIEHUNGEN"
20190325             "Zu gelassen": EZB—RATSMITGLIED warnt FINANZ—MÄRKTE vor BREXIT
20190325             Binnenschifffahrt: Niedrigwasser bremst Warentransport deutlich
20190325             Trotz KONJUNKTUR—SORGEN, IFO—INDEX steigt überraschend
20190325             Modellrechnung des DLR: Windkraftanlagen töten  —SOMMER—IM, täglich MILLIARDEN Insekten
20190325             Windkraftanlagen können Insekten nicht gefährlich WERDEN—DAS dachten —EXPERTEN lange.
20190325             1—MODELLRECHNUNG des DEUTSCHLAND—ZENTRUMS für LUFT—UND Raumfahrt (DLR) kommt —NUN zu dem Ergebnis:
20190325             Jeden —TAG von 20190400—20191000
20190325             werden in DEUTSCHLAND MILLIARDEN Fluginsekten von Windkraftanlagen getötet.
20190325             dass sie nicht genau sagen können, wie sehr sich DIE—VERLUSTE auf die gesamte Insektenpopulation auswirken.
20190325             DIE—3—EXPERTEN haben —JAHR—FÜR—DAS 20170000             ermittelt, daß die Rotoren DER—CA—31.000—WINDENERGIEANLAGEN in DEUTSCHLAND 1—FLÄCHE von ungefähr 158.000.000—QUADRATMETERN Luft bewegen.
20190325             DIE—MITTLERE Auslastung der Anlagen und die Windgeschwindigkeit führen zu der Aussage, daß
20190325             —WÄHREND, der Insektenflugsaison von ;;04;; —BIS ;;10;;
20190325             etwa 8.000.000—KUBIKKILOMETER durch die Anlagen WEHEN—DAS ist das Zehnfache des DEUTSCHLAND—LUFT—RAUMS —BIS 2000—METER Höhe.
20190325             1—KUBIKKILOMETER Luft enthalte etwa 9—KILOGRAMM Insekten, von denen die meisten 1—BEGEGNUNG mit einer Windkraftanlage überlebten,
20190325             5 % von ihnen, EBEN—CA—1200—TONNEN, fallen rechnerisch den Windrädern zum Opfer.
20190325             Das entspreche 5—BIS 6—MILLIARDEN Heuschrecken, Bienen, Wespen, Zikaden und Käfer an jedem —TAG—DER—WARMEN Saison.
20190325             "Es wäre völlig an den Haaren herbeigezogen, 1—NENNENS—WERTE Gefährdung von Insektenpopulationen durch Windräder abzuleiten",
20190325             Allein in DEUTSCHLAND—WÄLDERN würden PRO—JAHR 400.000—TONNEN Insekten von Vögeln gefressen.
20190325             DER—BUNDES—VERBAND WIND—ENERGIE sieht methodische Schwächen der DLR—STUDIE.
20190325             DEUTSCHLAND, seien durch die WIND—ENERGIE allein im vergangenen —JAHR CO2-EMISSIONEN IN—HÖHE—VON—172.000.000—TONNEN eingespart worden.
20190325             "Windenergieanlagen sind im Zusammenhang der Artenentwicklung von Insekten also als Problemlöser zu verstehen, nicht als Problemursache".
20190325             Rotorblätter, die an der Spitze mit fast 400—KILOMETERN PRO—STUNDE durch die Luft schneiden können.
20190325             Allein 158—SEEADLER fielen dem Register zufolge —IN—DEN—VERGANGENEN—JAHREN Windrädern zum Opfer, bei AKTUELL—CA—800—BRUTPAAREN in DEUTSCHLAND.
20190325             Insgesamt ist auch der starke Schwund von Vogelpopulationen nach ANSICHT—DER—FACHWELT im Wesentlichen auf von der intensiven LAND—WIRTSCHAFT verursachte Probleme zurückzuführen.
20190325             EUROPA, leben laut MONITORING—PROGRAMMEN rund eine halbe Milliarde Vögel weniger als —VOR—40—JAHREN.
20190325             Da fallen geschätzte 100.000—WINDRAD—OPFER pro —JAHR in DEUTSCHLAND statistisch kaum ins Gewicht.
20190325             Tempolimit: Umweltministerin hält EINFÜHRUNG—VON—TEMPO—LIMIT für "komplett unrealistisch"
20190325             XI—JINPING in FRANKREICH: EUROPA tritt —JETZT gemeinsam an
20190325             Hobbykrieger im Luftkampf: Wenn Drohnen gegen Drohnen fighten (SPIEGEL+, 12:11)
20190325             —REAKTION—AUF—MUELLER—BERICHT, "DIE—WAHLEN noch einmal gewonnen"
20190325             AUDIBLE—CHEF—ZUM Erfolg von Hörbüchern: "Wer hat —SCHON Zeit, dicke Schwarten zu lesen?"
20190325             FOLTER und Vergewaltigung: Darum gehen LIBYENs —MILIZEN immer brutaler gegen Migranten vor
20190325             DONALD—TRUMP und der MUELLER—BERICHT, Ist doch 1—GUTE—NACHRICHT
20190325             WAFFEN—INDUSTRIE, MIT—ARBEITER—VON—HECKLER—UND—KOCH sollen unbezahlt mehr arbeiten
20190325             WAFFEN—EXPORTE: GROßE—KOALITION streitet über Rüstungsstopp für SAUDI—ARABIEN
20190325             EU—AUSTRITT: May sieht keine MEHRHEIT—FÜR—BREXIT—ABKOMMEN
20190325             USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP erkennt ISRAEL—SOUVERÄNITÄT über Golanhöhen an
20190325             Über der Ägäis: TÜRKEI—JETS drängen TSIPRAS' Helikopter ab
20190325             Katie Holmes im FLÜCHTLINGS—LAGER, —1—WOCHE in der "Hölle"
20190325             —BESTELLT, XI—BESUCH—IN—FRANKREICH: CHINA, bei Airbus 300—FLUGZEUGE
20190325             This innovation involves using hydrogen as 1—ENERGY—CARRIER.
20190325             —HAS—INKED, USA—DEFENSE—CONTRACTOR LOCKHEED—MARTIN, 1—DEAL with CHINA—RESORT—GIANT—REIGNWOOD Group to build a 10-megawatt power plant that will GENE—RATE—ELECTRICITY from differences in ocean temperatures.
20190325             —DEVELOPED, LOCKHEED—MARTIN, the technology in the 1970s and the recent need to find new ENVIRONMENTALLY—FRIENDLY—ENERGY—SOURCES has brought THE—PROJECT off the shelves and onto the drawing BOARD
20190325             —IS—SHROUDED, HOWEVER—MYANMAR—MULTI—BILLION dollar trade, in controversy and complaints of environmental negligence.
20190325             Theresa Mays BREXIT—CHAOS: Verplant
20190325             USA—DEMOKRATEN nach MUELLER—BERICHT, VERZOCKT—ES kam anders.
20190325             —VERBREITET, DIE—TRIUMPHALE Schlagzeile, die DAS—WEIßE—HAUS, ("Totale Entlastung!"), schafft andere Realitäten, so sehr sie die komplexere Wahrheit dahinter auch verzerrt.
20190325             Komplexitäten haben ohnehin kaum Platz in Amerikas politischer Debatte, was DONALD—TRUMP —SCHON lange erkannt hat.
20190325             Zumal BARR—DER DONALD—TRUMP die Absolution erteilte, —NACHDEM er von ihm handverlesen ins Amt gehoben WURDE—SUSPEKT bleibt.
20190325—20120000    —IN—THE, JEREMY—RICHMAN, —49—JAHRE—ALT, THE—FATHER—OF—1—OF—THE—20—CHILDREN killed SANDY—HOOK—ELEMENTARY—SCHOOL shooting in CONNECTICUT, was found dead of 1—APPARENT—SUICIDE inside his office building in Newtown.
20190325—20130000    —FAKED, Prosecutors said that, data by 1—RESEARCH—TECHNICIAN was used to obtain FEDERAL—GRANTS for NORTH—CAROLINA—DUKE—UNIVERSITY—THE—PROBLEM was discovered —AFTER the technician was fired for embezzling university money.
20190325—20190409    —ON, PRIME—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU, who faces 1—ELECTION, cut short his USA—VISIT—AFTER the rocket attack.
20190327             VENEZUELA, new disruption to the power grid had left 91—PERCENT—OF—THE—COUNTRY offline, reversing a "partial recovery" —SINCE the latest blackouts started 20190325            .
20200310—20200325    —AM, Das Rückspiel in VALENCIA (3:4) hatte ohne Zuschauer und Journalisten stattgefunden.
20200314—20200325    —UNTIL, Volkswagen AG—LAMBORGHINI has also suspended production in ITALY.
20200321             Unter den gegebenen Bedingungen werde es sonst "um den 20200325             herum" zu einem Zusammenbruch des Gesundheitssystems kommen.
20200321—20200325    —UM—DEN—HERUM, Unter den gegebenen Bedingungen werde es sonst zu einem Zusammenbruch des Gesundheitssystems kommen.
20200323—20200325    The shutdown will begin, and last —14—DAYS.
20200323—20200325    —BEGIN, The shutdown will, and last —14—DAYS.
20200324             09-50-01#nodate?#
20200325             In absehbarer Zeit sei mit "kontroversen Debatten zum Umgang mit RUSSLAND und CHINA" in der EU und der Nato zu rechnen.
20200325             Im Papier ist von einem "zunehmenden Einfluss der Gesundheitsversorgung UND—POLITIK" die Rede.
20200325             Mittelfristig dürfte das auch sicherheitspolitische Folgen haben".
20200325             heißt es in einem Lagebericht des Bundesverteidigungsministeriums,
20200325             Jedem, der an der EU festhalte, müsse klar sein, dass ITALIEN die Hilfe der Gemeinschaft brauche,
20200325             CHINA unterstützt —NUN Länder auf der ganzen Welt mit Ärzten und Ausrüstung.
20200325             Kritiker argwöhnen, dass Moskau auch über den Umgang mit der Krise hinaus andere Interessen verfolgt.
20200325             —VERLIERT, CORONA—KRISE EUROPA, den Kampf der BILDER—DER SPIEGEL
20200325             Wed 20200325
20200325             —HEUTE ist dann wohl —DER—TAG, wo die Leute merken, dass der Schlüssel zu skalierbarer Leistung nicht "dann kaufen wir halt mehr Server" ist, sondern "wir 8. darauf, dass das Teil wenig Ressourcen braucht".
20200325             Das ist ja auch 1—VORBILD an Sparsamkeit und Zurückhaltung, dieses Office 365.
20200325             Hey, ich habe einen Vorschlag.
20200325             Schaltet doch mal für ein paar —WOCHEN die Telemetrie ab!
20200325             Das neuartige CORONA€"VIRUS - [l] Putin macht noch HANDS—ON KRISEN—PR!
20200325             [l] Wie schlimm ist die Lage?
20200325             So schlimm: Sony drosselt die Downloadraten für das Playstation Network.
20200325             —INZWISCHEN, Computerspiele sind, notorisch für ihren Bandbreitenbedarf, nicht nur beim Spielen sondern besonders auch —SCHON bei der Installation.
20200325             Wo man früher Disketten, CDs oder DVDs hatte, hat man —HEUTE Downloads, und die sind gerne mal mit höheren zweistelligen Gigabytebereich.
20200325             Ich finde jedenfalls, wenn die ISPs ihr Netz so UNTER—AUSGEBAUT haben, dass sie in Zeiten eines Lockdowns die Downloads nicht in angemessener Zeit befriedigen können, dann ist es Zeit, dass die Bundesnetzagentur mal schmerzhafte Strafen auslobt.
20200325             Denn das heißt, dass die auch an normalen Abenden nicht in der Lage sind, die Nachfrage zu befriedigen.
20200325             Das hätten die Regulierungsbehörden nie hinnehmen dürfen, insbesondere wenn die ISPs dann landesweit Werbung für GIGABIT—ZUGÄNGE schalten, wenn sie noch nicht mal für die 100—MBIT—ZUGÄNGE genug Kapazität haben.
20200325             Update: Leserbrief: Was will Sony denn da noch drosseln?
20200325             Es ist ja an normalen —TAGEN—SCHON so, dass man die Konsole um 19—UHR einschalten muss, wenn man um 20—UHR spielen will, weil ein mögliches 2GB Softwareupdate locker —45—MINUTEN zum Download braucht.
20200325             Hautpflege in Zeiten von CORONA: Cremen, cremen, CREMEN—DEUTSCHLAND wäscht sich die Hände.
20200325             Doch was vor dem neuartigen CORONA€"VIRUS schützt, schadet der Haut.
20200325             Normalerweise müsste dieser Schutzfilm nicht ergänzt werden durch künstliche Cremes".
20200325             Aber es dauert —4—WOCHEN, —BIS zum Beispiel die Oberhautfette produziert sind, und wenn sich jemand ständig die Hände wäscht, macht er seinen Fettfilm kaputt",
20200325             Häufiges Händewaschen sei 1—RISIKO für 1—HANDEKZEM, eine der am weitesten verbreiteten Hauterkrankungen überhaupt.
20200325             "Wenig Waschsubstanz verwenden und höchstens eine ganz milde, synthetische Tensidwaschsubstanz: pH5, keine Duftstoffe, keine Farbstoffe, keine Konservierungsstoffe, nicht stark schäumend".
20200325             Von Hausmitteln wie Olivenöl halten beide Mediziner wenig, es sei denn zur Entfernung von SCHUPPEN—ODER MAKE—UP.
20200325             ONLINE—BETRUGSMASCHEN in der Coronakrise: "Wisse in Sicherheit deine Lieben, Familienmitglieder!"
20200325             CORONA€"VIRUS—KRISE: SPANIEN meldet mehr COVID—19—TOTE als CHINA
20200325             KFW—PROGRAMM: Firmen stürzen sich auf CORONA—HILFEN
20200325             Gefährlicher Gemütszustand: Schützt Euch vor der Coronawut!
20200325             —PLAYED, Worth noting: Fauci, 1—MAJOR—ROLE in spreading both THE—AIDS—PANIC and the current panic.
20200325             You still can't get that stubborn bastard to say the words "Heterosexual AIDS was 1—MYTH".
20200325             BIDEN—NUMBERS are weakening, —WHILE 1—SOLID—MAJORITY—OF—THE—POPULATION has hailed Trump's alleged leadership.
20200325             His "wartime PRESIDENT" pose benefits him significantly and his poll numbers are at their highest level.
20200325             THE—HEIGHT—OF—GROUCHO—POPULARITY was 19680000—19720000     -- not the 1930s, —WHEN Duck Soup was made.
20200325             In the late 1960s, the hippies and protestors and COUNTER—CULTURALISTS—ALL identified with Groucho, because he was the quintessential mad anarchist -- 1—UNCONTROLLABLE—CREATURE—OF—FUN and sexy wordplay and boundless iconoclasm.
20200325             BENEDICT—DONALD is gambling that THE—MAJORITY—OF—THE—EXPERTS will be wrong, and the virus will only kill 1—RELATIVELY small NUMBER—OF—USA peasants, and he'll come out smelling like 1—ROSE, as he has done ALL—OF—HIS—LIFE.
20200325             But this time, he is rolling the dice, hoping to get the economy perking by Election —DAY, because he has no choice.
20200325             The primary reason why BENEDICT—DONALD is prioritizing economic recovery over preserving human LIVES—WHICH won't work, as 1—RAMPANT pandemic will hurt the economy EVEN WORSE than serious, widespread ANTI—PANDEMIC—MEASURES—WILL—AND why he is grasping at quack remedies, follows:
20200325             BENEDICT—DONALD can't allow himself to be removed from office, because that fatuous, illegitimate ruling that "1—SITTING—PRESIDENT cannot be indicted" is the only thing protecting him from being removed from THE—WHITE—HOUSE to the Big House.
20200325             THE—MINUTE he leaves office, he loses that illegitimate immunity to prosecution.
20200325             He is afraid. Good.
20200325             COVID—19: HAMBURG startet Studie zu neuem Antikörpertest
20200325             Wirtschaftsethiker über Coronafolgen: "Das Kapital wird bislang zu wenig an den Kosten der Krise beteiligt"
20200325             Diplomatie: Merkel und Xi vereinbaren "enge Zusammenarbeit"
20200325             DEUTSCHLAND im Homeoffice: Datenverkehr für Videokonferenzen steigt um 100—PROZENT
20200325             Nach starken Schwankungen: Börsen drehen ins Plus
20200325             CORONA—ANGST im Flüchtlingscamp auf Lesbos: "Die Kinder fragen, ob sie an dem Virus sterben werden"
20200325             CORONA€"VIRUS—RISIKOGRUPPE: Wenn Raucher an COVID—19—ERKRANKEN
20200325             Nachkriegsgeneration in der Coronakrise: Der WELTRETTER—KOMPLEX 1—ESSAY—VON—NILS—MINKMAR
20200325             Für Behandlung von Krankheiten: Forscher entwickeln Methode zur Zellverjüngung
20200325             Die Lage —AM—ABEND: Der MILLIARDEN—TAG
20200325             [l] Kurzer Hinweis des NEW—YORK City DEPARTMENT—OF—HEALTH: 2. Have sex with people close to you.
20200325             You are your safest sex partner.
20200325             Masturbation will not spread COVID—19, especiallyif you wash your hands (and ANY—SEX—TOYS) with soap and water for at least —20—SECONDS—BEFORE and —AFTER sex.
20200325             [l] —JETZT kündigt auch Akamai INTERNET—DROSSELUNGEN an.
20200325             Das sind die, von denen man Serverschränke in den Netzen der ganzen ISPs mietet.
20200325             Die, deren Geschäftsmodell es ist, eine Überlastung des Internets zu verhindern, indem die Daten lokal liegen.
20200325             As the world's largest content delivery network, we have been working closely with our customers and carrier partners to maintain continuity for their businesses.
20200325             —DESIGNED, AKAMAI—INTELLIGENT—EDGE—NETWORK—ARCHITECTURE is inherently, to mitigate and minimize network congestion, and because we have deployed our infrastructure deep into carrier networks, we can help those networks avoid overload by diverting traffic away from areas experiencing high LEVELS—OF—CONGESTION.
20200325             Damit ist dann mal ganz klar gesagt, was hier Phase ist.
20200325             Es geht nicht um eine Überlastung des Internets.
20200325             Es geht um unverantwortlicher DSL—UND KABEL—ANBIETER, die ihre Netze kaputtgespart bzw.
20200325             gar nicht —ERST ausgebaut haben, weil sie gemerkt haben, dass man Kundenbindung auch erreicht, wenn das Angebot scheiße ist aber der Kunde keinen anderen Anbieter mit besserem Angebot findet.
20200325             Also greift die unsichtbare Hand des Marktes ein und sorgt dafür, dass unsere Infrastuktur baufällig ist.
20200325             Ganz toll.
20200325             Wie wäre es, wenn wir mit dem Herumlügen aufhören, dass das INTERNET überlastet sei.
20200325             —ÜBERLASTET, Nicht das INTERNET ist.
20200325             Unsere DSL—ANBIETER haben unzureichende Netzkapazitäten.
20200325             Weil es profitabler ist, neue Kunden mit unerreichbaren Zahlen zu ködern, als alten Kunden die versprochene Leistung zu liefern.
20200325             [l] Endlich mal ein nützlicher Life Hack: KLOPAPIER—SPLITTER!
20200325             [l] Old and busted: Andere Länder klauen der SCHWEIZ ATEMMASKEN—LIEFERUNGEN.
20200325             New hotness: Die SCHWEIZ klaut anderen Ländern ATEMMASKEN—LIEFERUNGEN.
20200325             Medizinische Schutzausrüstung darf ab —DONNERSTAG nur noch mit Bewilligung aus der SCHWEIZ ausgeführt werden.
20200325             —BESCHLOSSEN, Das hat der Bundesrat.
20200325             1—AUSNAHME gilt für EU—UND EFTA—STAATEN—SOFERN diese Gegenrecht gewähren.
20200325             Hahahaha, Gegenrecht! Wie geil! [l] Wie ernst ist die Lage?
20200325             So ernst: Es gibt —JETZT ein offizielles TRIAGE—EMPFEHLUNGEN—DOKUMENT für Ärzte.
20200325             Herausgegeben von mehreren ÄRZTE—GESELLSCHAFTEN, soll es Hilfestellung geben, wenn man wegen Überlastung der Ressourcen entscheiden muss, wer auf der Intensivstation die Beatmung kriegt und wer nicht.
20200325             Die Priorisierung von Patienten sollte sich deshalb am Kriterium der klinischen ER—FOLGSAUSSICHT orientieren, was nicht 1—ENTSCHEIDUNG im Sinne der "best choice" bedeutet, sondern vielmehr den Verzicht auf Behandlung derer, bei denen keine oder nur eine sehr geringe Erfolgsaussicht besteht.
20200325             Vorrangig werden dann diejenigen PA—TIENTEN klinisch NOTFALL—ODER intensivmedizinisch behandelt, die dadurch eine höhere Überlebenswahrscheinlichkeit bzw.
20200325             eine bessere Gesamtprognose (auch im weiteren Verlauf) haben.
20200325             Die Einschätzung der klinischen Erfolgsaussicht muss für jeden PATI—ENTEN so sorgfältig wie möglich erfolgen.
20200325             Virologen über COVID—19—MEDIKAMENTE: "Unsere Untersuchungen mit menschlichen Lungenzellen sind vielversprechend"
20200325             Die Situation sei in etwa so, als wolle man 1—FLUGZEUG in der Luft reparieren, obwohl man noch dabei ist, den Bauplan der Maschine zu zeichnen, schreibt der Chemiker und "Science"-Chefredakteur Holden Thorp in der aktuellen Ausgabe des renommierten Fachblatts.
20200325             Laut einer aktuellen Analyse kommen fast 70—WIRKSTOFFE infrage, die die AUSBREITUNG—DES—VIRUS im menschlichen Körper hemmen könnten.
20200325             Pöhlmann: Damit es aktiv wird, braucht das neuartige CORONA€"VIRUS genau wie das MERS—CORONA€"VIRUS das Enzym TMPRSS2, das beim Menschen in den Atemwegen gebildet wird.
20200325             JAPAN, ist 1—WIRKSTOFF namens Camostat Mesilat auf dem Markt, der bei Entzündungen der Bauchspeicheldrüse eingesetzt wird.
20200325             Er hemmt eine ganze REIHE—VON—ENZYMEN und soll dadurch Schmerzen lindern.
20200325             Aus vorherigen Studien wissen wir, dass dieser Wirkstoff auch das Enzym TMPRSS2 hemmt, obwohl er nicht gezielt dafür entwickelt wurde.
20200325             Pöhlmann: Unsere Untersuchungen mit menschlichen Lungenzellen sind vielversprechend.
20200325             Camostat Mesilat hinderte das CORONA€"VIRUS daran, in die Zellen einzudringen.
20200325             Das ist entscheidend, denn es kann sich nur dort vermehren.
20200325             Hoffmann: Wir haben zwar Grund zur Annahme, dass Camostat Mesilat das neue CORONA€"VIRUS im Menschen hemmen kann.
20200325             Wir wissen aber noch nicht, ob der Wirkstoff auch in ausreichender Menge in der Lunge ankommt, wenn Patienten ihn in FORM—VON—TABLETTEN einnehmen.
20200325             Das wäre aber entscheidend, denn COVID—19—BETRIFFT vor allem die Lunge.
20200325             Werden Sie Millionäre, wenn sich herausstellt, dass Camostat auch gegen COVID—19—WIRKT?
20200325             Beide lachen.
20200325             Hoffmann: Für uns ist da finanziell nichts zu holen.
20200325             Das Medikament ist —BEREITS auf dem Markt.
20200325             Die Lizenzen liegen bei den jeweiligen Pharmaherstellern, mit denen wir nichts zu tun haben.
20200325             —VERBESSERT, Einfluss auf Jetstream: Schrumpfendes Ozonloch, Klima auf der Südhalbkugel
20200325             Patienten in Pflegeheimen, die älter als —80—JAHRE und beatmungspflichtig wären, "erhalten eine schnelle Sterbebegleitung mit Opiaten und Schlafmittel durch den Rettungsdienst".
20200325             Wegen der Krise sei die Ethikkommission berufen worden, die in jedem Einzelfall Vorgaben mache
20200325             Oh na da werden sich die alten Leute aber freuen, wenn vor ihrer Sterbehilfe kurz die Ethikkommission berufen wurde.
20200325             —BESTIMMT, Das macht das, viel weniger unangenehm!
20200325             [l] Old and busted: Im Hafen in ITALIEN tauchen Delfine auf.
20200325             Prozess in NEUSEELAND: Mutmaßlicher CHRISTCHURCH—ATTENTÄTER bekennt sich überraschend schuldig
20200325             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT, FEDERAL—CHARGES against VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—NICOLÁS—MADURO and his top deputies for crimes related to NARCO—TERRORISM, money laundering and drug trafficking.
20200325             —AGREED, USA—LAWMAKERS finally, on 1—MAMMOTH economic relief package, buoying stock markets —AROUND the world.
20200325             PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP said he wants to see the country get back to business in 1—MATTER—OF—WEEKS, over THE—OBJECTIONS—OF—PUBLIC—HEALTH—EXPERTS.
20200325             —APPROVED, THE—USA—SENATE unanimously, the "CORONA€"VIRUS Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act'' (CARES Act), 1—BI—PARTISAN bill to provide financial relief to individuals and businesses impacted by THE—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200325             The aid measure would send direct payments of $1,200 to Americans earning up to $75,000, substantially expand help for the jobless, and provide HUNDREDS—OF—BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in loans to businesses affected by the pandemic.
20200325             —CONTINUED, USA—CORONA€"VIRUS—INFECTIONS, to climb rapidly and passed the 55,000 mark, with deaths approaching 800. More than 438,000—PEOPLE—WORLDWIDE have been infected and the number of dead closed in on 20,000.
20200325             THE—USA—SECURITIES and Exchange Commission (SEC) said it would extend its prior conditional regulatory relief from disclosure requirements for public companies affected by THE—CORONA€"VIRUS outbreak.
20200325             —JOINED, MIAMI—WISCONSIN, VERMONT, 1—GROWING LIST—OF—PLACES where residents must stay home.
20200325             —ENACTED, At least 23—STATES have, policies to close nonessential businesses in 1—EFFORT to slow THE—SPREAD—OF—NOVEL—CORONA€"VIRUS on USA—SOIL.
20200325             NEW—YORK GOVERNOR—ANDREW—CUOMO said his state's infections are doubling EVERY— 3—DAYS, threatening to swamp the available intensive care units.
20200325             The state has 26,000 infections and more than 200—DEATHS.
20200325             —OCCURRED, At least 192—OF—THOSE fatalities have, in NEW—YORK—CITY.
20200325             —ISSUED, NEW—YORK state, 1—DIRECTIVE to send recovering CORONA€"VIRUS patients to already vulnerable nursing homes.
20200325             CVS Health said its pharmacy benefit management (PBM) unit was working to set up measures against the hoarding of malaria drug hydroxychloroquine, which is being tested as 1—POTENTIAL—TREATMENT for THE—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200325             —CRIMINALIZED, The decree, individuals who incite noncompliance and misinform or cause uncertainty to the population.
20200325             —REPORTED, It was, that nearly half 1—MILLION—PEOPLE in BRITAIN have filed welfare benefit claims in the past —9—DAYS, 1—SIGN—OF how the government's SHUTDOWN—OF—MUCH—OF—THE—ECONOMY to slow THE—SPREAD—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS is hitting incomes.
20200325             —BECAME, BRITAIN—PRINCE—CHARLES, —71—JAHRE—ALT—OF—WALES, the latest HIGH—PROFILE—INFECTION—OF—1—PANDEMIC that has infiltrated all WALKS—OF—LIFE and paralyzed 1—CONTINENT.
20200325             —SPOTTED, CHINA—HUBEI province, where the outbreak was 1., late —LAST—YEAR, started lifting its lockdown.
20200325             FRANCE said it is pulling out its military forces from IRAQ as its forces are increasingly called upon to help fight THE—CORONA€"VIRUS at home.
20200325             —SECURED, GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL—GOVERNMENT, emergency spending, unlocking 1—HISTORIC rescue package designed to cushion THE—BLOW—OF—THE—CORONA€"VIRUS—PANDEMIC.
20200325             —CONFIRMED, GERMANY, some 32,705 patients have been, with THE—CORONA€"VIRUS, up from 28,942 —1—DAY—EARLIER.
20200325             —COMPARED, So far 154—HAVE †, with 118—1—DAY—EARLIER.
20200325             —BANNED, HUNGARY said it has, the commercial export of hydroxychloroquine sulfate, 1—INGREDIENT used in drugs for CORONA€"VIRUS treatment in several countries.
20200325             INDIA began a —21—DAY—LOCKDOWN.
20200325             —WARNED, PRIME—MINISTER—NARENDRA—MODI, that if he didn't act —NOW, THE—CORONA€"VIRUS could set the world's largest democracy back decades.
20200325             —CLOSED, Everything but essential services like supermarkets were.
20200325             —REPORTED, At least 9—DEATHS have been.
20200325             IRAN said it will ban intercity travel within days as it finally gets tough with THE—CORONA€"VIRUS that has killed more than 2,000—PEOPLE in 1—OF—THE—WORLD—DEADLIEST outbreaks.
20200325             White was requesting 1—HUMANITARIAN—EVACUATION to THE—USA for medical treatment.
20200325             —RESIGNED, ISRAEL—KNESSET—SPEAKER—YULI—EDELSTEIN abruptly, dealing 1—BLOW to PRIME—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU and deepening the country's political turmoil as the embattled leader tries to cling to power amid 1—FAST—SPREADING OUTBREAK—OF—THE—CORONA€"VIRUS and 1—LOOMING corruption trial.
20200325             —VOTED, KOSOVO, 1—MAJORITY—OF—DEPUTIES in THE—PARLIAMENT, to snuff out the government of ALBIN—KURTI, 1—RADICAL—REFORMER, ostensibly over 1—DECLARATION—OF—1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY owing to COVID—19.
20200325             —SUSTAINED, CISSE—BODYGUARD †—OF—INJURIES, —DURING the abduction.
20200325             The airline said it will remain available to offer charter flights for humanitarian purposes, as well as airlifts of pharmaceutical supplies and consumables.
20200325             —CONFIRMED, In THE—NETHERLANDS the number of, CORONA€"VIRUS cases rose by 852 to 6,412. Deaths rose by 80 to 356.
20200325             —REPORTED, THE—FINANCIAL—TIMES, that NORTH—KOREA—OFFICIALS have sought urgent help from INTERNATIONAL contacts to increase CORONA€"VIRUS testing in 1—NATION that could see its dilapidated health care system be crushed by 1—OUTBREAK.
20200325             Communist guerrillas in THE—PHILIPPINES said they would observe 1—CEASE—FIRE in compliance with THE—UN—CHIEF—CALL for 1—GLOBAL halt in armed clashes —DURING THE—CORONA€"VIRUS pandemic.
20200325             ROMANIA—PRESIDENT—KLAUS—IOHANNIS said his government will postpone monthly loan repayments for 1—PERIOD—OF up to —9—MONTHS to help domestic borrowers hit by THE—CORONA€"VIRUS crisis.
20200325             —REPORTED, ROMANIA, 144—NEW—INFECTIONS to 1—OVERALL—OF—906—CASES and 13—DEATHS.
20200325             RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN said he was postponing 1—NATIONWIDE vote on constitutional changes that would allow him to extend his rule due to the worsening situation with CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200325             —REPORTED, RUSSIA—AUTHORITIES, 163—MORE—VIRUS—CASES in the country —SINCE THE—DAY—BEFORE, bringing the national total to 658.
20200325             —REPORTED, Human Rights Watch, that SAUDI—ARABIA—MILITARY—FORCES have committed grave abuses against civilians in 1—EASTERN—PROVINCE—OF—YEMEN over the past —YEAR, including torture, forced disappearances and arbitrary detention.
20200325             —SURGED, The total number of fatalities, by 738 to 3,434.
20200325             THE—SWITZERLAND—GOVERNMENT said it was expanding its border controls to include all countries in the Schengen open border zone to help protect people from CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200325             —REPORTED, TAIWAN, 235—CASES—OF—THE—CORONA€"VIRUS and —JUST 2—DEATHS.
20200325             Italiens Rückgriff auf Hilfen aus CHINA und nunmehr auch auf medizinisches Material und Personal aus RUSSLAND führe infolge der Belieferung mit RUSSISCHEN—MILITÄRMASCHINEN quasi zu Kontakten auf militärischer Ebene.
20200325             Italiens Zuwendung zu CHINA und RUSSLAND erfolgt auch, da sich die EU und deren Mitgliedstaaten aus ITALIENISCHER—SICHT als nur bedingt verlässlich in der Lage zeigen",
20200325             Der saarländische Ministerpräsident TOBIAS—HANS (CDU) fordert —BEREITS 1—RETTUNGSPAKET für ITALIEN.
20200325             So krude die Propaganda auch sein mag, die gegensätzlichen Bilder, die sie in manchen Köpfen entstehen lässt, könnten verfangen: hier die handelnden, helfenden Chinesen und Russen, dort die zögernden, unverlässlichen Europäer mit ihren Ausfuhrbeschränkungen und Grenzschließungen.
20200325             Auch beschränkte sich die Propaganda nicht auf das IN—SZENE—SETZEN von Hilfslieferungen: So leisteten CHINESISCHE—OFFIZIELLE zuletzt noch einer Verschwörungstheorie Vorschub, wonach das CORONA€"VIRUS vom USA—MILITÄR entwickelt und nach WUHAN eingeschleppt worden sei.
20200325             Bei der PR—KAMPAGNE gerät schnell in den Hintergrund, dass staatliche Stellen in CHINA die vom Virus ausgehende Gefahr über —WOCHEN vertuschten.
20200325             Unter anderem schickt Peking Zehntausende Atemschutzmasken und Coronatests in die EU.
20200325             Der CHINESISCHE—MILLIARDÄR JACK—MA spendete 1—MILLION—MASKEN und Hunderttausende Tests an die USA.
20200325             Die Aufbesserung des eigenen Images soll demnach dazu dienen, die Sanktionen aus der Welt zu schaffen, die die EU 20140000             wegen der UKRAINE—KRISE verhängte.
20200325             RUSSISCHEN—MEDIENBERICHTEN zufolge dürfte der EINSATZ—DER—MILITÄRÄRZTE in ITALIEN auch dazu dienen, Erfahrung für den Fall zusammen, dass die Coronakrise in wenigen —WOCHEN auch RUSSLAND mit größerer Wucht trifft als —BIS—JETZT.
20200325             CORONA€"VIRUS—RISIKO im Gefängnis: Assange scheitert vor Gericht mit Antrag auf Freilassung
20200325             Coronakrise: Bundesregierung ist offen für EINSATZ—VON—EURORETTUNGSSCHIRM
20200325             Update: Microsoft will —JETZT Office 365—DROSSELN.
20200325             Ihr werdet euch wundern, wieviel Kapazität dann plötzlich wieder frei ist!
20200325             Update: Nach "Start Me Up" zur Einführung von Windows 95—GIBT es —JETZT wieder einen STONES—SONG für Microsoft ??
20200325             Das neuartige CORONA€"VIRUS
20200325             [l] Putin macht noch HANDS—ON KRISEN—PR!
20200325             SPIEGEL: Es kursieren Verschwörungstheorien, Forscher hätten das Virus absichtlich in Umlauf gebracht, um an einem Medikament zu verdienen.
20200325             Werden Sie Millionäre, wenn sich herausstellt, dass Camostat auch gegen COVID—19 wirkt?
20200325             CORONA€"VIRUS Virologen über Medikamente -"Unsere Untersuchungen mit menschlichen Lungenzellen sind vielversprechend" - DER SPIEGEL
20200325             Kassiererin, Krankenpfleger, Müllwerker: So viel verdienen die CORONA—HELDEN des Alltags
20200325             [l] Im Elsass machen sie —JETZT auch KATASTROPHEN—TRIAGE.
20200325             Der DIFKM—BERICHT listet dann schockierende Fakten auf, die im Kampf gegen das CORONA€"VIRUS im Elsass und der Uniklinik gelten:
20200325             [l] JIMMY—KIMMEL hat ein paar Videos von ITALIENISCHEN—BÜRGERMEISTERN, die ihre Bürger beschimpfen gesammelt ??
20200325             New hotness: In der Innenstadt von BOSTON läuft 1—TRUTHAHN herum.
20200325             Bestellboom bei Amazon: Packen am laufenden BAND—TROTZ CORONA
20200325             SPANIEN: Krankenwagen mit COVID—19—PATIENTEN mit Steinen beworfen
20200325             Landwirtschaft in der CORONA—KRISE: Die Helferlücke
20200325             [l] Schlechte NACHRICHTen, Die Cloud ist voll
20200325             RUSSLAND und CHINA hätten frühe Fehler DER—EUROPÄER im Umgang mit der CORONA—KRISE—WIE die von mehreren Mitgliedstaaten erlassenen Exportbeschränkungen für AUSRÜSTUNG—AUSGENUTZT, sagte Nathalie Tocci vom "INSTITUTE—OF—INTERNATIONAL—AFFAIRS" in Rom der "Financial Times"
20200325             Atalanta Bergamo gegen VALENCIA im Mailänder S—SIRO—ES sollte 1—FUSSBALLFEST werden.
20200325             Ob es auch 1—KATALYSATOR für DIE—CORONA—VIRUS—PANDEMIE war, wird —DERZEIT viel diskutiert.
20200325             Das ACHTELFINAL—HINSPIEL in der Champions League zwischen Atalanta Bergamo und dem FC VALENCIA (4:1) könnte 1—GRUND dafür gewesen sein, daß die Stadt Bergamo und deren Umgebung italienweit am stärksten vom CORONA—VIRUS— betroffen sind.
20200325             DIE—PARTIE war  20200219               —AM, VOR—44.236—ZUSCHAUERN im Mailänder SAN—SIRO—STADION ausgetragen worden.
20200325             —6—TAGE danach hatte VALENCIA mitgeteilt, daß 35—PROZENT—DER—PERSONEN aus dem direkten Umfeld der Profimannschaft positiv auf DAS—CORONA—VIRUS— getestet worden seien.
20200325             —BEZEICHNET, Der BÜRGERMEISTER—VON—BERGAMO, Giorgio Gori, die Begegnung daher —NUN als "biologische Bombe".
20200325             "Damals wussten wir noch nicht, daß sich DAS—VIRUS in der Lombardei ausgebreitet hatte.
20200325             Nicht nur viele der 44.000—ZUSCHAUER in S—SIRO könnten sich infiziert haben.
20200325             VIELE—FANS haben sich in Bergamo in Lokalen, oder in den Wohnungen versammelt, um das Spiel im Fernsehen zu verfolgen, dies könnte zur weiteren Verbreitung der Pandemie beigetragen haben".
20200325             Belegen lassen sich diese Vermutungen nicht.
20200325             "Wegen des CHAMPIONS—LEAGUE—SPIELS sind 44.000—ATALANTA—TIFOSI zum SAN—SIRO—STADION nach MAILAND gereist.
20200325             Sie waren in BUSSEN—ZÜGEN oder auf AUTOBAHN—RASTSTÄTTEN und Restaurants in engem Kontakt.
20200325             —EXPLODIERT, DIE—EPIDEMIE ist in Bergamo genau —2—WOCHEN nach diesem Spiel ", sagte FRANCESCO—LE—FOCHE, Leiter der Abteilung für Infektiologie der ROM—POLIKLINIK "Umberto I", —AM—MONTAG.
20200325             —ZUVOR, soll die hohe Anzahl internationaler Unternehmen in der Gegend um Bergamo die AUSBREITUNG—DES—VIRUS gefördert haben.
20200325             Flüchtlingsunterkünfte: "DIE—HYGIENEREGELN sind hier 1—WITZ"
20200325             —CORONA—VIRUS— "Es ist noch völlig offen, wie es sich weiter entwickelt"
20200325             DIE—EPIDEMIE werde sicherlich noch EINIGE—WOCHEN in unserem Land sein.
20200325             Auf die Frage, ob man mit Blick auf CHINA, wo es —SEIT—TAGEN keine Neuinfektionen gebe, Hoffnungen haben könne, daß auch DEUTSCHLAND DAS—VIRUS in wenigen —WOCHEN eingedämmt haben könnte, antwortete Wieler: "Ich bin optimistisch, daß unsere Maßnahmen helfen. Ich muss aber betonen, daß in CHINA ein massiver Lockdown stattgefunden hat mit großen sozialen VERWERFUNGEN—DAHER kann man DIE—SITUATION in DEUTSCHLAND nicht mit der in CHINA vergleichen".
20200325             Es gebe kein Patentrezept.
20200325             DIE—BEKÄMPFUNGS—STRATEGIE des RKI beruhe weiterhin auf den 3—SÄULEN:
20200325             Eindämmung (Isolation von Erkrankten, Nachverfolgung von Kontakten)
20200325             Schutz der vulnerablen Gruppe (Ältere, Menschen mit Vorerkrankungen)
20200325             Kapazitäten im GESUNDHEITS—SYSTEM erhöhen (Intensivbetten, Testkapazitäten)
20200325             Schlüssel zum langen Leben: Das Geheimnis des Grottenolms
20200325—20200321    —SEIT—DEM, würden Patienten, die älter sind als —80—JAHRE, nicht mehr beatmet.
20200325—20200321    —SEIT—DEM, Stattdessen erfolge "Sterbebegleitung mit Opiaten und Schlafmitteln"
20210325             —DONNERSTAG, 20210325
20210325             Umfrage zu Vielfalt: "Die FILM—UND Fernsehbranche ist von struktureller Diskriminierung durchzogen"
20210325             BRITISCHE—MONARCHIE: Wie QUEEN—VICTORIA die "Royal Family" inszenierte
20210325             Normalerweise ist die Gegend rund um Uluru extrem trocken.
20210325             Normalerweise - In wenigen —TAGEN wurde die übliche Regenmenge für den ganzen —MONAT um das Fünffache übertroffen.
20210325             Untersuchungen laufen: NORDKOREA feuert Geschosse ab — möglicher ballistischer Raketentest
20210325             —STAGNIERT, Schleppende Verteilung: Impftempo in DEUTSCHLAND, — unter 300.000—DOSEN —AM—TAG
20210325             —BEZEICHNET, Demokratie in DEUTSCHLAND: Generalbundesanwalt, Rechtsextremismus als "größte Bedrohung"
20210325             AFGHANISTAN: Biden will mit Taliban über Verbleib von USA—TRUPPEN verhandeln
20210325             Handel nach EU—AUSTRITT: BRITISCHE—EXPORTEURE hadern mit Brexitregeln
20210325             Zwischenhoch: Die Deutschen konsumieren noch gern
20210325             BERLIN: Proteste gegen Räumung einer linken Szenekneipe — Kritik an der Polizei
20210325             Als 1. FRÜHERER—SÜDSTAAT: USA—BUNDESSTAAT VIRGINIA schafft die Todesstrafe ab
20210325             Ökonom über SHUTDOWN—FOLGEN: "Wir unterschätzen den wirtschaftlichen Schaden dramatisch"
20210325             1—INTERVIEW—VON—MARIA—MARQUART
20210325             Regierungserklärung im BUNDESTAG: Merkel verteidigt europäischen Weg bei Pandemiebekämpfung
20210325             Bei Berichterstattung festgenommen: Militär in MYANMAR lässt DPA—JOURNALIST frei
20210325             Lieferung von Coronaimpfstoff: BRITISCHER—GESUNDHEITSMINISTER räumt Vorzugsbehandlung durch AstraZeneca ein
20210325             Pestizidhersteller Syngenta: Wie 1—CHEMIEKONZERN aus Gift Gold machte
20210325             Coronakrise: DEUTSCHE—BAHN macht 5,7 Milliarden Euro Verlust
20210325             Überschüssige Bestände im Shutdown: Klärwerk warnt vor Bierentsorgung über den Abfluss
20210325             Kölner Erzbistum: Einblick in das geheim gehaltene Gutachten
20210325             Anstieg um 13—PROZENT: DEUTSCHLAND meldet 20200000             erneut deutlich mehr Drogentote
20210325             —BEOBACHTET, Krieg in ÄTHIOPIEN: TEAM—VON—ÄRZTE ohne Grenzen, Exekutionen in Tigray
20210325             Korruptionsvorwürfe: Haftbefehl gegen einen Beschuldigten in Maskenaffäre erlassen
20210325             Geldhaus von PETER—FITZEK: Finanzaufsicht wickelt "Reichsbürger"-Bank ab
20210325             Bundesentwicklungsminister Müller: Pandemie treibt Hunderttausende in Kinderarbeit
20210325             Hoher Millionenschaden: Schwarzarbeit und Ausbeutung steigen in der Pandemie kräftig
20210325             Maskenaffäre bei der Union: Polizei durchsucht BÜRO—DES—EX—CDU—ABGEORDNETEN Hauptmann
20210325             WIRECARD—UNTERSUCHUNGSAUSSCHUSS: Abgeordnete werfen Finanzministerium Behinderung bei der Aufklärung vor
20210325             —GESUCHT, Per Haftbefehl : ATTILA—HILDMANN hält sich laut Berliner Staatsanwaltschaft in der TÜRKEI auf
20210325             Milliardendeal: Philips verkauft HAUSHALTS—SPARTE an Fonds aus HONGKONG
20210325             Vor Havarie im Suezkanal: Kapitän der "Ever Given" malte einen Penis ins Meer
20210325             Philosoph RICHARD—DAVID—PRECHT fordert neuen Pflichtdienst: "Coronaleugner arbeiten selten auf Intensivstationen"
20210325             1—INTERVIEW—VON—TOBIAS—BECKER
20210325             Besuch in Tripolis: Maas sichert libyscher Einheitsregierung Unterstützung zu
20210325             —GETRUNKEN, Statistisches Bundesamt zum Alkoholkonsum: Weniger, mehr geraucht
20210325             MERKEL—KRITIK in der CDU: "Wir müssen die Kanzlerschaft auf 2—WAHLPERIODEN begrenzen"
20210325             1—INTERVIEW—VON—MELANIE—AMANN und Veit Medick
20210325             Auf Erholungskurs: USA—WIRTSCHAFT wächst, Arbeitslosenanträge sinken
20210325             3. Coronawelle in KENIA: 60—EURO für 1—IMPFUNG, 4500—EURO für 1—INTENSIVBETT
20210325             Interne Vorgaben: Prominenten den Tod zu wünschen, ist auf Facebook erlaubt
20210325             Umfrage: Stiftung Lesen warnt vor Benachteiligung bildungsferner Haushalte durch Digitalisierung
20210325             CORONA—MUTANTE in Kitas und Schulen: Kinder werden zur Gefahr für ihre Eltern
20210325             Getrennte Flüchtlingsfamilien: Die DEUTSCHE—ASYLPOLITIK ist kinderfeindlich
20210325             Thu 20210325
20210325             [l] Das wird euch —JETZT vermutlich genauso schockieren wie mich, aber AXEL—VOSS ist noch im Amt, und macht weiterhin, was er am besten kann: Alles kaputt.
20210325             Voss beklagt etwa, dass der zweckorientierte, risikobasierte Ansatz aus der DSGVO so gut wie nicht beachtet werde, wonach Verbote und Einschränkungen der Datenverarbeitung
20210325             Mittlerweile gehe es "immer nur noch um den 100-prozentigen Datenschutz",
20210325             eigentlich sogar noch mehr. Ja genau.
20210325             Wir müssen endlich diese DSGVO kaputtmachen.
20210325             Die stehen Voss' edlen Wahlkampfspendern bei der der Verfolgung von Raubmordkopieren im Weg!
20210325             Datenschutz ist Täterschutz!1!!
20210325             Ich bin mir sicher, er wird uns —JETZT noch wie bei den Uploadfiltern ins Gesicht lügen, dass sich aus seinen Ideen kein Nachteil für die Bürger ergäbe.
20210325             Mann ich kann es gar nicht erwarten, dass diese durch und durch korrupte Union bei den Wahlen endlich mal so richtig aus den Parlamenten gefegt wird.
20210325             Há uma semana que não há mortes devido à COVID—19 no Algarve
20210325             GLOBAL—CASES—125.196.693—GLOBAL—DEATHS—2.749.085
20210325             Die Physikerin und Modelliererin Viola Priesemann vom MAX—PLANCK—INSTITUT für Dynamik und Selbstorganisation hat vor neuen CORONA€"VIRUS—VARIANTEN gewarnt, die Impfungen hinfällig machen oder ihre Wirkung reduzieren könnten.
20210325             "Im schlimmsten Fall entwickelt sich 1—VARIANTE, die uns zwingt mit dem Impfen bei 0—WIEDER anzufangen",
20210325             Sogenannte ESCAPE—VARIANTEN entwickelten sich dort, wo VIELE—MENSCHEN —SCHON geimpft seien,
20210325             Es handle sich um Viren, die es schafften den Immunschutz der Impfung zu umgehen.
20210325             "Es gibt 1. Erkenntnisse, dass MANCHE—DER—VIRUS—VARIANTEN das zumindest zum Teil —SCHON können",
20210325             Wenn viele geimpft seien und es gleichzeitig eine hohe Inzidenz gebe, "dann züchten wir uns hier in DEUTSCHLAND diese ESCAPE—VARIANTEN",
20210325             Mehr als 30—MILLIONEN Coronainfektionen in den USA nachgewiesen
20210325             und es dürfte eine hohe Dunkelziffer geben.
20210325             Auch mit Blick auf die Todeszahlen sind die Vereinigten Staaten in absoluten Zahlen das am stärksten von der Pandemie betroffene Land.
20210325             Mehr als eine halbe Million Menschen starben infolge einer Coronainfektion.
20210325             —REGISTRIERT, RKI, 22.657—CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN und 228—NEUE Todesfälle
20210325             Die Zahl der binnen —7—TAGEN gemeldeten Neuinfektionen pro 100.000—EINWOHNER (—7—TAGE—INZIDENZ) lag laut RKI am Donnerstagmorgen bundesweit bei 113,3 — und damit höher als am Vortag (108,1).
20210325             Mehr als die HÄLFTE—DER—EINWOHNER in ISRAEL vollständig geimpft - Sklaverei.
20210325             "Die bittere Realität ist: Über 70—MILLIONEN Kinder schuften unter ausbeuterischen Bedingungen, auf den KAKAO—UND Kaffeeplantagen Afrikas, in Fabriken und Minen — auch für unseren Wohlstand",
20210325             Mehr als 300.000—CORONATOTE in BRASILIEN
20210325             Nach einer Fernsehansprache des Staatschefs —AM—DIENSTAG kam es in zahlreichen Städten des Landes zu Unmutsbekundungen gegen die Coronapolitik der Regierung.
20210325             SPD—FRAKTION fordert CORONA—TESTPFLICHT am Arbeitsplatz
20210325             3. Welle kann laut RKI—CHEF nur mit Lockdown gestoppt werden
20210325             Andere "Werkzeuge" zur Eindämmung der 3. Welle stünden —DERZEIT nicht zur Verfügung.
20210325             Bei der Parlamentswahl in der vergangenen —WOCHE war die rechtsliberale VVD Von Rutte stärkste Kraft geworden.
20210325             Ebenfalls Gewinne verbuchte die linksliberale D66.
20210325             Die Schulden von Bund, Ländern, Gemeinden und Sozialversicherungen
20210325             "Unser Vertrag übertrumpft deren": Der BRITISCHE—GESUNDHEITSMINISTER hat 1—PRIVILEGIERUNG seines Landes durch AstraZeneca gegenüber der EU zugegeben.
20210325             Hancock verweist auf das Vertragsrecht.
20210325             Die ZAHL—DER—CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN in POLEN erreichte den 2. —TAG in Folge einen Rekordwert.
20210325             Innerhalb von —24—STUNDEN kamen 34.151—NEUE Fälle hinzu,
20210325             Die Bundesregierung zieht ihre Bitte an die Kirchen, über Ostern auf Präsenzgottesdienste zu verzichten, zurück.
20210325             Die Aufforderung zum Verzicht auf Präsenzgottesdienste war auf Widerstand in der katholischen und der evangelischen Kirche gestoßen.
20210325             SCHWEDEN will AstraZeneca bei über 65-Jährigen wieder verimpfen
20210325             62—MILLIONEN EU—BÜRGER mindestens einmal geimpft
20210325             Die EU—STAATEN erhielten von den Pharmakonzernen —BISHER rund 88—MILLIONEN Impfdosen.
20210325             Von den Ausfuhren erhielt allein GROSSBRITANNIEN 21—MILLIONEN Dosen, davon 1—MILLION vom Hersteller AstraZeneca und den Rest von Biontech/Pfizer,
20210325             An COVID—19 erkrankte FRANZÖSISCHE—KULTURMINISTERIN erhält Sauerstoff
20210325             USA: Arbeitslosenmeldungen erstmals —SEIT Pandemiebeginn unter 700.000-Marke
20210325             Bei Kindern —BIS—14—JAHREN hat sich die —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ—NACH—DEN RKI—DATEN in den vergangenen —4—WOCHEN bundesweit mehr als verdoppelt — auf zuletzt mehr als 100—FÄLLE pro 100.000—EINWOHNER.
20210325             Für Kinderärzte kann neben dem zunehmenden Öffnen von Kitas und Schulen dabei aber auch vermehrtes Testen 1—ROLLE spielen.
20210325             Europaparlament macht Weg für rasche Einführung von EU—IMPFPASS frei
20210325             GRIECHENLAND schafft Quarantäne für geimpfte Besucher aus ISRAEL ab
20210325             RUSSLAND nimmt Flugverkehr mit DEUTSCHLAND und 5—WEITEREN Ländern wieder auf
20210325             —BEGINNT, Biontech/Pfizer, mit IMPFSTOFF—TESTS bei Kindern
20210325             Die jüngsten Teilnehmer sind —6—MONATE alt.
20210325             Frankreichs Gesundheitsminister OLIVIER—VERAN zeichnet ein düsteres BILD—VON—DER—LAGE im Land.
20210325             Die Situation sei "nicht gut",
20210325             sagt er, die Pandemie breite sich fast überall immer schneller aus.
20210325—19771201    —SEIT, Zugleich gingen Millionen Dosen aus der EU in den Export.
20210325—20200000    —J—IM, Öffentliche Schulden steigen um 14,4 Prozent
20220318             Sánchez forderte, 20220324—20220325    —AM—UND, der EU—GIPFEL, müsse dringend Maßnahmen gegen die Preissteigerungen im Energiebereich ergreifen.
20220325             —FREITAG, 20220325
20220325             —VERGESSEN, Desaster der Coronapolitik: Ups, wir haben die Kinder, — —SCHON WIEDER Die Elternkolumne von JENS—RADÜ
20220325             Folgen des Ukrainekriegs: Die neue Weltordnung der Wirtschaft
20220325             Krieg und Betriebsfrieden: Wie offen darf ich am Arbeitsplatz meine politische Meinung vertreten?
20220325             Ehemaliger Bundeskanzler: Schröder nennt Krieg in UKRAINE "Konsequenz politischen Versagens"
20220325             Interkontinentalrakete: USA verhängen Sanktionen wegen Nordkoreas Raketentest — auch gegen RUSSLAND
20220325             Coronalage in DEUTSCHLAND: RKI meldet 296.498—NEUINFEKTIONEN — Inzidenz steigt weiter
20220325             Die Lage —AM—MORGEN: Wer hält noch zu Putin?
20220325             Versorgungssicherheit: So will sich DEUTSCHLAND unabhängig von Russlands Energie machen
20220325             Krieg in Osteuropa: EU—GIPFEL beschließt Solidaritätsfonds für die UKRAINE
20220325             Trotz Chipmangel: Autobranche steigert Gewinne weltweit um 168—PROZENT
20220325             Details and CONSEQUENCES—OF—THE—NEW, Yet not Approved Policy
20220325             Wegen der Lieferausfälle von Getreide nach der RUSSISCHEN—INVASION der UKRAINE wollen KANADA und die USA ihre Exporte erhöhen.
20220325             Die befürchtete Nahrungsmittelknappheit weltweit werde "Wirklichkeit",
20220325             sagte USA—PRÄSIDENT—JOE—BIDEN —NACH—DEN Gipfeln der Nato und G7-Staaten in Brüssel.
20220325             —GESPROCHEN, Beide Länder hätten deshalb darüber, wie sie die Ressourcen "schneller erhöhen und verteilen" könnten.
20220325             Der USA—PRÄSIDENT rief die anderen Länder auf, ALLE—BESCHRÄNKUNGEN für ihre Nahrungsmittelexporte auszusetzen.
20220325             Die USA prüften zudem "umfangreiche Investitionen, um den Bedarf an humanitärer Hilfe, insbesondere an Nahrungsmittelhilfe, zu decken".
20220325             Die UKRAINE und RUSSLAND stehen für rund 30—PROZENT—DER—GETREIDE—EXPORTE weltweit.
20220325             Die größten Importeure von Getreide aus RUSSLAND und der UKRAINE sind aber vor allem bevölkerungsreiche Länder wie ÄGYPTEN, TÜRKEI, BANGLADESCH und NIGERIA.
20220325             ZELENSKYY fordert bei EU—GIPFEL ENERGIE—SANKTIONEN gegen RUSSLAND
20220325             DEUTSCHLAND gerät damit zunehmend unter Druck.
20220325             Bundeskanzler OLAF—SCHOLZ (SPD) ist gegen 1—ENERGIEEMBARGO, wie es die USA verhängt haben.
20220325             Scholz hatte —ERST—AM—MITTWOCH im BUNDESTAG gewarnt, ein solcher Schritt würde DEUTSCHLAND "in die Rezession stürzen".
20220325             EU—GIPFEL beschließt Solidaritätsfonds für die UKRAINE
20220325             "Angesichts der Zerstörungen und enormen Verluste, die der UKRAINE durch die militärische Aggression Russlands entstanden sind, verpflichtet sich die Europäische Union, die UKRAINISCHE—REGIERUNG bei ihrem unmittelbaren Bedarf und nach Beendigung des RUSSISCHEN—ANGRIFFS beim Wiederaufbau einer demokratischen UKRAINE zu unterstützen".
20220325             —GENANNT, Als Grund wurde, dass die UKRAINE Zugang zu internationaler Liquidität benötige, um den Import von Gütern des täglichen Bedarfs und militärischer Ausrüstung zu finanzieren.
20220325             Unter den derzeitigen Umständen sei das Land nicht in der Lage, Anleihen auf dem internationalen Finanzmarkt auszugeben.
20220325             Auch private Investitionen würden abgezogen.
20220325             Der Fonds soll den Angaben zufolge —ZUNÄCHST das Funktionieren der Behörden sowie die Fortsetzung der Verteidigungsbemühungen gegen RUSSLAND und Nothilfe sicherstellen.
20220325             Langfristig könnten dann massive Investitionen für den Wiederaufbau der Wirtschaft finanziert werden, um die UKRAINE wirtschaftlich im Westen zu verankern.
20220325             zu verankern.
20220325             LONDON: UKRAINE startet Angriffe in von RUSSLAND besetzten Gebieten
20220325             Es sei wahrscheinlich, dass die UKRAINISCHEN—STREITKRÄFTE weiterhin auf logistische Vermögenswerte in von RUSSLAND kontrollierten Gebieten abzielten,
20220325             AUSTRALIEN verhängt weitere Sanktionen gegen RUSSLAND und BELARUS
20220325             gegen 22 "RUSSISCHE—PROPAGANDISTEN und Desinformationsaktivisten"
20220325             Damit erhöhe sich die ZAHL—DER—VON—AUSTRALIEN sanktionierten "kremlfreundlichen Propagandisten" auf 32.
20220325             In enger Abstimmung mit den Partnern könnten weitere Sanktionen gegen beide Länder folgen, um die zu bestrafen, "die die Verantwortung tragen und an den Machthebeln sitzen".
20220325             Das DEUTSCHE—BUNDESAMT für Strahlenschutz (BfS) hat nach eigenen Angaben auch das Szenario eines RUSSISCHEN—ATOMWAFFEN—EINSATZES in der UKRAINE im Blick.
20220325             "Wir untersuchen ALLE—MÖGLICHEN—SZENARIEN, und Kernwaffen sind natürlich auch ein mögliches radiologisches Szenario, auch wenn wir natürlich hoffen, dass es dazu niemals kommt",
20220325             sagte BFS—PRÄSIDENTIN Inge Paulini der Nachrichtenagentur dpa.
20220325             natürlich - Paulini sagte, dass bei einem KERNWAFFEN—EINSATZ auch radioaktive Stoffe freigesetzt würden, die sich aber anders verhielten als die Stoffe, die bei einem AKW—UNFALL austreten würden.
20220325             Es gebe "einen grundsätzlichen Unterschied zwischen einem großen Reaktorunfall in der UKRAINE oder einem Austritt von Radioaktivität über 1—KERNWAFFE",
20220325             Denn bei einem Atomwaffeneinsatz hätten die Stoffe eine andere Zusammensetzung und würden mehr "kurzlebige Radionuklide" enthalten.
20220325             —BEDEUTET, Das, dass sie sehr wahrscheinlich schneller zerfallen.
20220325             Folglich wäre in DEUTSCHLAND bei einem Atomwaffeneinsatz in der UKRAINE die Strahlenbelastung laut Paulini voraussichtlich geringer als nach einem großen Unfall in einem UKRAINISCHEN—AKW.
20220325             "Vor Ort wären die Folgen je nach Szenario aber verheerend",
20220325             Die verhängten Sanktionen hätten keinerlei Auswirkungen auf die RUSSISCHE—REGIERUNG, sagte der ehemalige RUSSISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—UND—PUTIN—VERTRAUTE—DMITRIJ—MEDWEDEW in 1—INTERVIEW—MIT—DER—NACHRICHTENAGENTUR—RIA.
20220325             Es sei "töricht" zu glauben, die Sanktionen könnten etwas bewirken.
20220325             Sie würden die RUSSISCHE—GESELLSCHAFT nur festigen und nicht zu Unmut in der Bevölkerung über die Behörden führen.
20220325             Der VORSITZENDE—DES—AUSWÄRTIGEN—AUSSCHUSSES im BUNDESTAG, MICHAEL—ROTH, hat zu mehr Tempo bei den Waffenlieferungen an die UKRAINE aufgerufen.
20220325             "Wir müssen bei den Waffenlieferungen —JETZT den Turbo einschalten", sagte der SPD—POLITIKER
20220325             "Es gilt —NUN alles zu tun, um die Wehrhaftigkeit und Verteidigungsfähigkeit der UKRAINE nachhaltig zu stärken, um Putin in den Gesprächen zu einer diplomatischen Lösung zu bewegen".
20220325             Roth sagte, es gehe vorrangig um leicht bedienbare Waffensysteme zur Verteidigung, nach der die UKRAINE immer wieder frage.
20220325             Bürgerkrieg in ÄTHIOPIEN: Tigrayische Führung stimmt Waffenstillstand zu
20220325             Kohle, Öl, Gas: Finanzkonzerne investieren 740—MILLIARDEN Dollar in fossile Energie
20220325             AFGHANISTAN: Westliche Staaten fordern von Taliban Wiedereröffnung der Mädchenschulen
20220325             IFO—INDEX: Stimmung in DEUTSCHER—WIRTSCHAFT stürzt ab
20220325             BGH: ENCROCHAT—DATEN zur Aufklärung schwerer Straftaten verwertbar
20220325             Transatlantische Energiepartnerschaft: USA liefern zusätzliches Flüssiggas nach EUROPA
20220325             Coronalage in DEUTSCHLAND: Lauterbach geht von hoher Dunkelziffer bei Infektionen aus
20220325             —BEGINNT, Foltervorwürfe in den Emiraten: Pariser Staatsanwaltschaft, Vorermittlungen gegen INTERPOL—CHEF
20220325             FBI—KAMPAGNE: USA—BUNDESPOLIZEI wirbt nahe der RUSSISCHEN—BOTSCHAFT um Informanten
20220325             Falls Lieferungen aus RUSSLAND ausbleiben: Wem soll in DEUTSCHLAND zuerst das Gas abgedreht werden?
20220325             ANTARKTIS: Eisberg so groß wie Rom bricht ab
20220325             Seltenes Kirchenritual: PAPA plant umstrittenes Weihegebet für RUSSLAND und die UKRAINE
20220325             Mobilfunk: Die Deutschen nutzen wieder mehr SMS
20220325             Nach Artikel über mögliche Tötung Putins: RUSSISCHER—BOTSCHAFTER—VERKLAGT—ITALIENISCHE—ZEITUNG
20220325             Kommentatoren bei EISKUNSTLAUF—WM: Sie nannten sie "Bitch from CANADA" — und flogen raus
20220325             Streaming: Spotify zahlt 7—MILLIARDEN Dollar für Musikrechte - Fri 20220325
20220325             So schlimm: Auf GUANTANAMO Bay hängt die MCDONALD'S—FAHNE auf Halbmast.
20220325             Zum TOD—VON—MADELEINE "NATO—OSTERWEITERUNG" Albright.
20220325             Update: Mispaste.
20220325             —VERGESSEN, Update: Nicht zu : Madeleine "worth it" Albright
20220325             [l] BGH: Von ausländischen Geheimdiensten abgehörte und durchgesteckte digitale Daten als Beweis verwendbar.
20220325             Es geht um ENCROCHAT—NACHRICHTEN zwischen mutmaßlichen Drogendealern.
20220325             Ich weine ja den Drogendealern keine Träne nach, aber ich muss mich doch angesichts dieser Senkung der Anforderungen an Beweise sehr wundern.
20220325             Hätten sie das auch so entschieden, wenn die digitalen "Beweise" aus SAUDI—ARABIA—ARABIEN gekommen wären?
20220325             Woher wissen die denn überhaupt, dass die Beweise echt sind?
20220325             Weil die liebe Kollegen aus FRANKREICH das gesagt haben?
20220325             Ich würde ja gerne mal die Beweiskette sehen.
20220325             Haben die nachgewiesen, dass die Angeklagten überhaupt ENCROCHAT—GERÄTE hatten?
20220325             Haben die Angeklagten die Echtheit bestritten?
20220325             Das finde ich alles sehr beunruhigend, ehrlich gesagt.
20220325             Das nächste Mal muss sich die Staatsanwaltschaft zu JULIAN—ASSANGE dann gar keine Vergewaltigung zurechtkonstruieren, da reicht dann eine angeblich gehackte inkriminierende Textnachricht eines befreundeten Geheimdienstes.
20220325             Sagen wir: Des FBIs.
20220325             Wie, wussten Sie das nicht, dass Assange Drogendealer und Menschenhändler ist?!
20220325             Hier! Diese abgefangene SMS beweist es!1!!
20220325             Update: Achtet auch auf die Begründung! Sie begründen das inhaltlich.
20220325             Wenn die Straftet besonders schwer ist, um die es geht, dann ist das OK.
20220325             Das hätte man ja auch genau andersherum argumentieren können.
20220325             [l] Können wir diese Kriegsberichterstattung mal bitte ein bisschen abkürzen?
20220325             Ich hab keinen Bock mehr. Jaja, wir sind die Guten.
20220325             Die andere Seite sind die Bösen.
20220325             Die haben angefangen, wir verteidigen hier nur. Jaja, wir sind am gewinnen.
20220325             Für die anderen läuft es nicht gut. Die sind so gut wie besiegt.
20220325             Jaja, wir sind die Guten, die anderen sind Faschisten.
20220325             Jaja, WIR wollten gar keinen Krieg.
20220325             Jaja, der Typ da, der CHEF—DER anderen Seite, das ist ein fieses Monster.
20220325             Ein Unmensch!
20220325             —GEWOLLT, Jaja, die OPFER—DER—GEGENSEITE waren, oder zumindest mutwillig in Kauf genommen.
20220325             Die von uns verursachten Opfer hingegen waren alles fiese Schweine, die es nicht besser verdient hatten, und im Übrigen unbeabsichtigte Versehen.
20220325             Jaja, 1000—PROFESSOREN und Kulturschaffende unterstützen unsere Seite, bei dem anderen sind nur tumbe Proleten dafür.
20220325             Jaja, wer unsere Berichterstattung nicht glaubt, ist 1—VERRÄTER und unterstützt die Monster auf der anderen Seite bei ihren unmenschlichen Kriegsverbrechen.
20220325             *Gähn*
20220325             Und ganz modern: Oh, die andere Seite hat uns erwischt?
20220325             Das war alles Fake, das war 1—FALSE—FLAG—OPERATION!!1!
20220325             Alles Schauspieler!1!!
20220325             Muss ich mal wieder 1—BINGO aufsetzen oder was?
20220325             Update: Oh hier ist noch einer: Die Gegner laufen in Scharen zu unserer gerechten Sache über!
20220325             Update: Ui, mit dieser Liste scheine ich ja EINIGE—LEUTE geärgert zu haben.
20220325             Für die bin ich —JETZT (ja, —JETZT—ERST!!) 1—PUTIN—VERSTEHER.
20220325             Dabei war doch ganz klar Putins Propaganda gemeint, nicht unsere.
20220325             Was trieb euch denn ALLE—ZU—DER—ANNAHME, dass hier unsere Propaganda gemeint war?
20220325             Habt ihr etwa kognitive Dissonanz?
20220325             Im Übrigen, wenn ihr mal ganz genau hinguckt, werdet ihr feststellen, dass ich da überhaupt keine Propaganda kritisiert habe.
20220325             Weder die eine noch die andere.
20220325             Ich habe nur keinen Bock mehr auf die und schlug daher vor, Redundanzen rauszukürzen.
20220325             Man könnte z.B. Meldungen der Form "wir sind die Guten, die anderen sind die Bösen" durch "Textbaustein-1" ersetzen.
20220325             Was man da für Energie sparen könnte! CO2-Emissionen!!
20220325             Update: 1—LESER schlägt noch einen Textbaustein vor: Ist gar kein Krieg, eher 1—ART—NOTOPERATION, die mit "chirurgischer Präzision" ausgeführt wird.
20220325             Zum Wohle des Patienten, den wir hier zu retten versuchen, versteht sich.
20220325             Update: Es kann natürlich sein, dass die Leute dachten, ich meine unsere Propaganda, weil die Zensur von RT und Sputnik verhindert, dass sie die PUTIN—PROPAGANDA überhaupt sehen.
20220325             Komisch.
20220325             —GESTERN erzählten mir noch Leute, dass das ja gar keine echte Zensur sei, weil man die ja umgehen kann.
20220325             Ich müsse ja ganz schön inkompetent als IT—FUZZY sein, wenn ich das nicht umgehen könnte!1!!
20220325             BRASILIEN lehnt einen Ausschluss Russlands aus dem G20-Format ab, den USA—PRÄSIDENT—JOE—BIDEN fordert.
20220325             Seine Regierung sei "klar" gegen "Initiativen in verschiedenen internationalen Gremien",
20220325             RUSSLAND auszuschließen, sagte der BRASILIANISCHE—AUSSENMINISTER CARLOS—FRANÇA im Senat.
20220325             "Das Wichtigste wäre im Moment, dass all diese Foren (G20, Welthandelsorganisation und Welternährungsorganisation) voll funktionsfähig sind".
20220325             Und dafür müssten "ALLE—LÄNDER, einschließlich RUSSLAND, anwesend sein".
20220325             Brasiliens Landwirtschaft ist hochgradig von Importen RUSSISCHER—DÜNGERMITTEL abhängig.
20220325             —GETÖTET, Kiew: —SEIT Kriegsbeginn 135—KINDER
20220325             Die Angaben ließen sich —ZUNÄCHST nicht unabhängig überprüfen.
20220325             Der POLNISCHE—VIZEAUSSENMINISTER SZYMON—SZYNKOWSKI vel Sek hat die Forderung nach härteren Sanktionen gegen RUSSLAND bekräftigt und warnt den Westen vor einer "POLITIK—DER—ANGST".
20220325             "Wir fordern stärkere Sanktionen.
20220325             Und das erwarten wir auch von der DEUTSCHEN—REGIERUNG",
20220325             sagte Szynkowski vel Sek im Deutschlandfunk vor dem Besuch von USA—PRÄSIDENT—JOE—BIDEN in POLEN.
20220325             Entscheidend in der jetzigen Phase des Konflikts sei außerdem mehr Unterstützung für die UKRAINE—HUMANITÄR und auch mit Waffen.
20220325             Die Stimmung in den Chefetagen der DEUTSCHEN—WIRTSCHAFT hat sich —NACH—DEM RUSSISCHEN—EINMARSCH in die UKRAINE massiv eingetrübt.
20220325             Das Barometer für das Geschäftsklima fiel —IM—MÄRZ auf 90,8 Punkte nach 98,5 Zählern —IM—FEBRUAR,
20220325             Ab —MONTAG: Keine Züge mehr zwischen HELSINKI und St.
20220325             Petersburg - Der Allegro legt die etwa 400—KILOMETER lange Strecke zwischen HELSINKI und St.
20220325             Petersburg in gut dreieinhalb —STUNDEN zurück.
20220325             Er galt zuletzt als einzige größere öffentliche Verkehrsverbindung zwischen RUSSLAND und der EU, —NACHDEM beide Seiten den Luftraum für die jeweils andere gesperrt hatten.
20220325             —BEZEICHNET, RUSSLAND, Warnungen der USA vor einem RUSSISCHEN—EINSATZ—VON—CHEMIE—WAFFEN in der UKRAINE als taktisches Manöver.
20220325             Es diene nur dazu, um die Aufmerksamkeit von für die USA unangenehmen Fragen abzulenken, sagt der SPRECHER—DES—PRÄSIDIALAMTES in Moskau, DMITRI—PESKOW.
20220325             Das Militär werde PRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN —NUN Vorschläge unterbreiten, wie RUSSLAND auf die Stärkung der NATO—OSTFLANKE reagieren solle, sagt er in einer Telefonkonferenz mit Journalisten.
20220325             Zur Frage, ob RUSSLAND UKRAINISCHE—STÄDTE wie Mariupol wieder aufbauen werde, gebe es keine offizielle Stellungnahme, sagte Peskow.
20220325             Der TÜRKISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN hat WLADIMIR—PUTIN aufgefordert, einen "ehrenvollen Abzug" aus der UKRAINE zu machen.
20220325             "Wir müssen —JETZT sagen '—JETZT musst du der ARCHITEKT—DES—SCHRITTES sein, der zum Frieden getan werden muss'",
20220325             sagte ERDOGAN laut dem TÜRKISCHEN—PRÄSIDIALAMT in Richtung des RUSSISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTEN.
20220325             ERDOGAN wiederholte jedoch, keine Sanktionen gegen RUSSLAND verhängen zu wollen.
20220325             Für die TÜRKEI sei es unmöglich, die Beziehungen zu RUSSLAND aufzugeben.
20220325             Mit Blick auf westliche Sanktionen hat Russlands Außenminister Sergej Lawrow von einem gegen Moskau gerichteten "hybriden Krieg" gesprochen.
20220325             "—HEUTE haben sie uns einen echten hybriden Krieg erklärt, den totalen Krieg",
20220325             sagte Lawrow bei einer Sitzung mit Vertretern einer DIPLOMATIE—STIFTUNG der Staatsagentur Tass zufolge.
20220325             "Diesen Begriff, der in HITLER—DEUTSCHLAND verwendet wurde, sprechen —JETZT europäische Politiker aus, wenn sie davon sprechen, was sie mit der RUSSISCHEN—FÖDERATION tun wollen".
20220325             Die tatsächliche Verwendung des Begriffs durch namhafte EU—POLITIKER in den vergangenen —WOCHEN ist nicht bekannt.
20220325             Lawrow sagte weiter, Europas Politiker wollten RUSSLAND "zerstören, brechen, vernichten, erdrosseln".
20220325             "Wenn wir diese Gesetzlosigkeit der Sanktionen sehen, ist natürlich klar, dass all diese Werte, die uns unsere westlichen Kollegen ständig gepredigt haben — nämlich Meinungsfreiheit, Marktwirtschaft und die Unverletzlichkeit des Privateigentums, die Unschuldsvermutung — wertlos sind".
20220325             Andrang von UKRAINE—GEFLÜCHTETEN bei den Tafeln
20220325             stellten bei der Samstagsausgabe an der Münchner Großmarkthalle Ukrainerinnen und Ukrainer 800—VON insgesamt 12500000             Tafelgästen.
20220325             —AM Wochenende zuvor waren es nur rund 200—GEWESEN.
20220325             Zu den Geflüchteten kämen Menschen, die sich die gestiegenen ENERGIE—UND Lebensmittelkosten nicht mehr leisten können.
20220325             Brühl: "Durch den ZUWACHS—DER—KUNDINNEN und Kunden bei gleichzeitigem Spendenrückgang sind die Tafeln aktuell gefordert wie nie zuvor".
20220325             1—VOLK unter Schock: Wie der Krieg DEUTSCHLAND verändert
20220325             Debatte über Kernenergie: AKW—BETREIBER wirbt für Laufzeitverlängerung
20220325             RUSSLAND—STREIT: Immer mehr SPD—VERBÄNDE drängen auf Schröders Parteiausschluss
20220325             Folgen des Ukrainekriegs: Bauern warnen vor "ungekannten" Preissprüngen
20220325             Trotz Ukrainekrieg: Forscher rechnen mit weniger Arbeitslosen
20220325             Gipfeltreffen in Brüssel: "Die Deutschen sind —JETZT in der Rolle des Neinsagers"
20220325             Kritische Infrastruktur: USA klagen Russen wegen weltweiter Hacks im Energiesektor an
20220325             Militärversagen von Putins Streitkräften: "RUSSLAND könnte die Nato —JETZT genauso wenig angreifen wie den Mars"
20220325             Technische Details zur Hwasong-17: Nordkoreas Langstreckenrakete könnte fast ALLE—LÄNDER erreichen
20220325             —ATTACKIERT, Angeblich "totaler Krieg": Lawrow, Westen mit NS—VOKABULAR
20220325             SPIEGEL—KLIMABERICHT: Warum JOE—BIDEN gerade seine Klimaversprechen bricht
20220325             COVID—19: Omikron kann bei Kindern schweren Pseudokrupphusten auslösen
20220325             Dmitrij Medwedew: FRÜHERER—RUSSISCHER—PRÄSIDENT spricht über mögliche Rückkehr zur Todesstrafe
20220325             Streit über Arbeitsverträge: 12—RUSSISCHE—NATIONALGARDISTEN verweigerten offenbar UKRAINE—INVASION — —NUN klagen sie vor Gericht
20220325             Seemann wollte Jacht eines Oligarchen versenken: "Es war mein 1. Schritt für diesen KRIEG—GEGEN—RUSSLAND"
20220325             Coronazahlen an Schulen: Neuer Höchststand bei Lehrkräften — viele fallen aus
20220325             Entlastung für Nutzer von Bus und Bahn: Verkehrsminister empfehlen Nulltarif statt 9—EURO—TICKET
20220325             Sicherheitsexperte über Waffenlieferungen: "Die UKRAINE muss auch zu Angriffen in der Lage sein"
20220325             Infektionen und Quarantäne bei der Bundespolizei: Tausende Mitarbeiter fallen wegen CORONA aus
20220325             Globaler Protesttag: Klimaschützer fordern Ausstieg aus Kohle, Öl und Gas
20220325             —VERLIERT, Zum Teil mit Gefahrgut: Schiff, 90—CONTAINER im Pazifik
20220325             Die Lage —AM—ABEND: So groß ist die ANGST—DER—DEUTSCHEN vor einem neuen Weltkrieg
20220325             Machtkampf um Gaslieferungen: Lindner rät Energieversorgern von Zahlungen in Rubel ab
20220325             Fridays for Future: 220.000—MENSCHEN demonstrieren in DEUTSCHLAND für den Klimaschutz
20220325             Ermittlungen der Staatsanwaltschaft: SOLDAT hortete gefährliche Chemikalien aus suchthafter Sammelleidenschaft
20220325             Exodus wegen des Ukrainekriegs: RUSSLAND sucht in CHINA und INDIEN nach Ersatz für westliche Marken
20220325             Rückgabe geleaster Maschinen: EU—BEHÖRDE wirft RUSSLAND Diebstahl Hunderter Linienflugzeuge vor
20220325             Erhöhte Feinstaubbelastung: Luftverschmutzung — PARIS verhängt Fahrverbote und Tempolimits
20220325             Alarmierende Studie: Wie VIELE—AFRIKANER sind wirklich an CORONA gestorben?
20220325             NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN: Mädchen kommt mit Pony in Supermarkt — und "Pferdeäpfel" landen neben der Obstwaage
20220325             Biometrie im Krieg: UKRAINE will tote RUSSISCHE—SOLDATEN mit Gesichtserkennung identifizieren
20220325             BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG: Nudelholz, Steine und böse Drohungen — Streit um Speiseöl eskaliert
20220325             Sanktionsfolgen: In RUSSLAND werden Antidepressiva knapp — wegen Hamsterkäufen
20220325             30. Kriegstag — die Situation —AM—ABEND: Biden besucht POLEN, RUSSLAND will Angriffe auf DONBASS—REGION konzentrieren
20220325             Außergewöhnliches Kirchenritual: PAPA weiht RUSSLAND und UKRAINE dem "Unbefleckten Herzen Mariens"
20220325             DSCHIDDA—RENNEN: RAKETEN—ANGRIFF schockt Formel 1 in SAUDI—ARABIEN
20220325             [l] Gott sei Dank!
20220325             ZEITEN, der Not stehen unsere transatlantischen Freunde hinter uns!
20220325             Die EU will so schnell wie möglich von russischem Gas unabhängig werden.
20220325             Unterstützung kommt —NUN aus den USA: PRÄSIDENT—BIDEN hat für —DIESES—JAHR zusätzliche 15—MILLIARDEN Kubikmeter Flüssiggas zugesagt.
20220325             —GELIEFERT, Auch langfristig soll mehr, werden.
20220325             Das nenne ich mal selbstlos und großzügig!
20220325             Dass die uns ihr teures FRACKING—GAS zu dem Preis geben wollen, zu dem wir gerade RUSSISCHES—GAS kriegen!
20220325             Was sagt ihr? Da steht gar nichts vom gleichen Preis?
20220325             Das ist sicher nur 1—MISSVERSTÄNDNIS!1!!
20220325             Außerdem sollten wir froh sein, wenn wir von den Amerikanern abhängig sind und nicht von den Russen.
20220325             Die Russen sind freidrehende Autokraten, die weltweit Regierungen stürzen, auf fremdem Boden Folterknäste und Militärbasen unterhalten, und Angriffskriege führen!
20220325             Von solchen Leuten willst du dich doch nicht abhängig machen!
20220325             Update: Ihr lest hoffentlich alle aufmerksam die verlinkten Artikel.
20220325             —IMPORTIERT, Demnach, die EU rund 155—MILLIARDEN Kubikmeter Gas aus RUSSLAND pro —JAHR—DAS sind etwa 40—PROZENT—DES—VERBRAUCHTEN—GASES in der EU.
20220325             Update: Ein Leser erklärt:
20220325             unsere Presse bekommt die Umrechnung von Flüssiggas zu Gas nicht hin.
20220325             —GEDACHT, Ich hab mir, ich erfreu dich kurz durch was gelerntes:
20220325             —GERECHNET, Erdgas wird in m³.
20220325             LNG ist aber verflüssigt, Faktor 600—IM Volumen.
20220325             15—MILLIARDEN m³ LNG wären 9000—MILLIARDEN m³ Gas.
20220325             Das ist grob das 100fache des DEUTSCHEN—JAHRESVERBRAUCHS....
20220325             ich vermute mal dass sie sich auf den Import von grob 25—MILLIONEN m³ Flüssiggas für —DIESES—JAHR geeinigt haben, grob 100—TANKLADUNGEN der Nakilat Q—MAX—KLASSE
20220325             Bei ~3700—SEEMEILEN pro einfacher Fahrt kommen da dann grob üBERN Daumen 750.000—SEEMEILEN zusammen....
20220325             —VERMUTET, Oder, was ich, habe, haben sie —SCHON auf das Volumen des wieder expandierten Gases umgerechnet, denn warum sonst würden die Amerikaner 1—AUSWEITUNG auf 50—MILLIARDEN m³ in Aussicht stellen.
20220325             [l] Zu dem "Gas in Rubel bezahlen" hier noch 1—GEGENDARSTELLUNG.
20220325             Der Westen verkauft sein Gas eh nicht direkt.
20220325             Der Scholz macht da nicht täglich oder am Monatsende eine Überweisung an Putin.
20220325             Das läuft über Zwischenhändler wie Gunvor (Registriert in: ZYPERN.
20220325             Hauptquartier: SCHWEIZ).
20220325             Die Sanktionen richten sich gegen RUSSISCHE—UNTERNEHMEN, nicht gegen zypriotische.
20220325             Die EU kauft also nach wie vor bei Gunvor in Euro ein.
20220325             Gunvor holt sich dann auf dem Devisenmarkt Rubel für die Euros und berechnet der EU 1—GEBÜHR dafür, Freundschaftspreis!1!!
20220325             Unter dem Strich ändert sich überhaupt nichts.
20220325             Für meine instinktive Annahme, dass der RUBEL—NACHSCHUB limitiert sei, gäbe es keine Hinweise.
20220325             Gazprom steht zwar auf der Sanktionsliste, aber nur die USA verbieten ALLE—TRANSAKTIONEN, die EU hat da ein eingeschränktes Verbot (wenn jemand die Details findet, bitte zuschicken!).
20220325             Bezahlen für Öl und Gas ist wohl explizit ausgenommen.
20220325             Update: Das würde natürlich den Rubelkurs stützen, wenn es über Gunvor und co Nachfrage gäbe.
20220325             Klar.
20220325             [l] Noch 1—LESERBRIEF zum ÖL—UND Gaseinkauf (Kontext, mehr Kontext). - [l] Gute Nachrichten, liebe Leser!
20220325             Privacy Shield 2.0—IST so gut wie in trockenen Tüchern!
20220325             EU—KOMMISSIONSPRÄSIDENTIN URSULA—VON—DER—LEYEN und USA—PRÄSIDENT—JOE—BIDEN haben eine "grundsätzliche Einigung" über den transatlantischen Datenverkehr erzielt.
20220325             Oooooooh!
20220325             Sie freue sich sehr, "dass wir eine grundsätzliche Einigung über einen neuen Rahmen für den transatlantischen Datenverkehr erzielt haben",
20220325             erklärte VON—DER—LEYEN —NACH—DEM Treffen mit ihrem USA—KOLLEGEN.
20220325             Aaaaaaaaah!
20220325             Biden zeigte sich "stolz" über den "weiteren großen Durchbruch" beim Datenverkehr.
20220325             Uiuiuiuiui! Na dann zeigt doch mal her!
20220325             Details nannten die Spitzenpolitiker nicht. Oh. Verstehe.
20220325             Die Art von "Durchbruch".
20220325             Na dann leg ich —SCHON mal ein paar Euro für den Schrems zurück.
20220325             *augenroll*
20220325             Schrems sieht die Ankündigung von der Leyens skeptisch: "Wir hatten 20150000             —BEREITS ein rein politisches Abkommen, das keinerlei Rechtsgrundlage hatte",
20220325             betont der Jurist".
20220325             Wie es —DERZEIT aussieht, könnten wir das gleiche Spiel —JETZT ein 3. Mal spielen".
20220325             Bei dem Deal handle es sich offenbar um einen symbolischen Schritt, der "keinen Rückhalt der Experten in Brüssel hat, da sich die USA nicht bewegt haben".
20220325             Ach. Ach was.
20220325             Die haben sich gar nicht bewegt?
20220325             Ja, äh, was hat denn die Zensursula dann tatsächlich geschafft hier?
20220325             Lasst mich das kurz aufklären. Nichts. Wie immer.
20220325             Internados: 56 (+)| Em UCI: 4 (=) | Ventilados: 2 (=)  Incidência 100—MIL / hab.: 2336
20220325             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—7905—(+31)—ÓBITOS—42—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—7037—CASOS—ATIVOS—826—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—3083
20220325             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—14484—(+91)—ÓBITOS—56—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—13369—CASOS—ATIVOS—10590000—1—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—2651
20220325             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—24571—(+112)—ÓBITOS—111—RECUPERADOS—22913—CASOS—ATIVOS—15470000—1—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—2525
20220325             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—25187(+120)—ÓBITOS—133—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—23246—CASOS—ATIVOS—18070000—1—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—2206
20220325             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—16421—(+32)—ÓBITOS—69—RECUPERADOS—15179—CASOS—ATIVOS—11730000—1—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—2619
20220325             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—19803—(+84)—ÓBITOS—82—RECUPERADOS—18415—CASOS—ATIVOS—13060000—1—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—1980
20220325             741_DGS_boletim_20220322
20220325             COVID—19 | RELATÓRIO—DE—SITUAÇÃO | 20221503—20222103
20220325             SK—KÖLN—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—15.699—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—1.448,9—FÄLLE—GESAMT—295.698—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—27.291,1—TODESFÄLLE—GESAMT—1.006—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.083.498
20220325             Total Cases 478.160.775  Total Deaths 6.112.880  Total Vaccine Doses Administered 10.859.669.481
20220325             "Wie zu Beginn der Pandemie das Klopapier": Habeck befürchtet bei schnellem Lieferstopp BENZIN—HAMSTERKÄUFE
20220325             Drosten warnt vor CORONA—LEICHTSINN: "Wir haben keinen infektionsfreien —SOMMER"
20220325             Putins Krieg und die Folgen: EU—STAATEN ringen um Energiepreise
20220325             —VERGLEICHT, An der NATO—OSTGRENZE: Biden, Widerstand der Ukrainer mit TIANANMEN—PROTESTEN
20220325             —GESTORBEN, Nach Angriff im Gefängnis : Korsischer Separatist Colonna beigesetzt
20220325             Beförderung für Finanzchef: JAMES—VON—MOLTKE wird VIZE—VORSTANDSVORSITZENDER der DEUTSCHEN—BANK
202203250611         JAPAN adds 25—PERSONS, 81—LEGAL entities to its RUSSIA sanction list
202203250611         AUSTRALIA imposes sanctions on 22—RUSSIA—MEDIA—EMPLOYEES, Belarusian PRESIDENT
202203250729         SAUDI—ARABIA—SALIC to buy 35.4—PERCENT—OF—OLAM—AGRI, SINGAPORE firm with assets in RUSSIA
202203250748         USA imposes sanctions on 2—RUSSIA—COMPANIES, 1—INDIVIDUAL for collaboration with N. KOREA, SOURCE  STATE—DEPT
202203250819         MOSCOW begins to publish information about sale of collateral on Fedresource
202203250820         Domestic air traffic in RUSSIA down 1% YoY, INTERNATIONAL traffic up 2.8-fold in Feb
202203250848         Apple ends Apple Pay support for Mir cards
202203250902         FORMER—CHANNEL 1—EDITOR—OVSYANNIKOVA may be fined 50,000 rubles under discrediting RUSSIA—ARMED—FORCES—ARTICLE
202203250945         European wind generation falls to its lowest in —2—MONTHS, Gazprom bookings for transit via UKRAINE at peak —ON—FRIDAY
202203251013         Russian, AZERBAIJAN—DMS hold phone talk amid aggravation of NAGORNO—KARABAKH situation
202203251015         Rossiya Airlines to fly to ARMENIA, EGYPT, ISRAEL, KAZAKHSTAN, TURKEY and UZBEKISTAN via transit hub in SOCHI
202203251042         128—CHILDREN killed by RUSSIA—OCCUPIERS in —1—MONTH—OF—WAR
202203251043         SEVERANCE—OF—RELATIONS with G20 won't be 'deadly harmful' to RUSSIA, SOURCE  Peskov
202203251047         FINLAND suspending passenger rail service to/from RUSSIA as of —MONDAY
202203251050         Gazprom will soon determine ASPECTS—OF—PAYMENT for gas in rubles, SOURCE  Kremlin
202203251101         KAZAKHSTAN in talks with RUSSIA about electricity imports to cover possible shortage
202203251102         EUMETSAT starts delaying provision of meteorological data to RUSSIA, SOURCE  RUSSIA—NATURAL—RESOURCES—MINISTER
202203251358         —LISTED, SPB Exchange conducting transactions with securities, on AMERICA—EXCHANGES without restrictions
202203251359         Gazprom to simulate LONG—TERM—DEVELOPMENT—OF—INDEPENDENT—PRODUCERS, proposes to 'equalize' tax and social burden
202203251359         CBR has taken no gold out of RUSSIA, it is all in regulator's storage facilities
202203251407         More than 60—PERCENT—OF—RUSSIANS say UKRAINE events are most important ones that occurred over past —WEEK, SOURCE  poll
202203251407         —CHANGED, QUALITY—OF—WEATHER forecasts in RUSSIA hasn't, due to delay in data transmission from European satellites, SOURCE  Roshydromet head
202203251412         Main objectives of 1. stage of special operation in UKRAINE generally accomplished, SOURCE  RUSSIA—GENERAL—STAFF
202203251419         RUSSIA leaving WTO would be counterproductive, SOURCE  Foreign Ministry
202203251548         RUSSIA in talks with UKRAINE insists on comprehensive treaty, SOURCE  Medinsky
202203251704         UKRAINE Seeks an Alternative to NATO.
202203251737         ZELENSKYY urges G7 to set up U24 security guarantee system
202203251818         WEST—RULING elites encourage discrimination of all things Russian, SOURCE  Putin
20220325—19430000    —J—IM, hatte NS—PROPAGANDACHEF JOSEPH—GOEBBELS in seiner berüchtigten Sportpalastrede zum "totalen Krieg" aufgerufen.
20220325—20010911    —NACH, Zum Vergleich: Die GITMO—MCDONALD'S—FAHNE auf Halbmast
20240325             —MONTAG, 20240325
20240325             '20010911             Conspiracy Theories RIDICULOUS'—AL—QAEDA
20240325             Bundesinnenministerin: Faeser warnt vor "neuer Dimension der Bedrohungen durch RUSSISCHE—AGGRESSION"
20240325             Medienbericht: CHINA will Regierungscomputer mit westlichen Chips ausmustern
20240325             MOSCOW, 20240325            .
20240325             /TASS/. - More than 90—PERCENT—OF—POLAND—RESIDENTS oppose sending the country's military personnel to UKRAINE, according to 1—SURVEY conducted by the United Surveys research center and commissioned by THE—RMF FM radio station.
20240325             According to the poll results, 90.6—PERCENT—OF—RESPONDENTS opposed the direct PARTICIPATION—OF—THE—POLAND—ARMY in the military conflict in UKRAINE.
20240325             Altogether, 72.9—PERCENT—OF—RESPONDENTS believe that WARSAW should not allow POLAND—CITIZENS to participate in hostilities on the side of Kiev.
20240325             —ALMOST HALF—OF—POLAND—RESIDENTS - 45.9% - do not want WARSAW to supply heavy weapons to Kiev.
20240325             —CONDUCTED, The poll was, on 20240308—20100308     by telephone and online.
20240325             1—TOTAL—OF—1,000—POLAND—RESIDENTS took part in the survey.
20240325             FRANCE—PRESIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON said on February 26—THAT THE—TOPIC—OF—THE—POTENTIAL dispatch of Western ground forces to UKRAINE had been raised at 1—MEETING in PARIS with representatives of about 20—WESTERN—COUNTRIES.
20240325             According to him, the participants did not reach 1—CONSENSUS on this issue, but such 1—SCENARIO cannot be ruled out in the future.
20240325             —AFFIRMED, THE—POLISH—DEFENSE—MINISTRY has repeatedly, WARSAW—LACK—OF—INTENTION to send military personnel to UKRAINE.
20240325             Fleischpreise: MEHRHEIT—DER—DEUTSCHEN würde für mehr Tierwohl bezahlen
20240325             Terror in Moskau: "Die Sicherheitsbehörden versuchen, ihr Versagen durch Härte zu kompensieren"
20240325             Uruk im Zweistromland: Die 1. Stadt der Weltgeschichte
20240325             "Zertrümmert und zerstört": Neuseelands Gletscher schrumpfen erstaunlich schnell
20240325             Nach tödlichem Angriff bei Moskau: Terrorismusforscher Neumann sieht hohe Anschlagsgefahr für DEUTSCHLAND
20240325             Appell an Rewe und Edeka: UKRAINISCHE—AKTIVISTEN fordern Boykott von MILKA—PRODUKTEN
20240325             Möglicher Marktmissbrauch: EU—KOMMISSION eröffnet Untersuchung gegen Apple, Google und Facebook
20240325             Die Zukunft des Parfüms: Warum riechen gerade ALLE—MENSCHEN gleich?
20240325             Elektromobilität: Northvolt feiert Spatenstich für großes Batteriewerk
20240325             USA—RECHTSEXPERTE DAVID—ALAN—SKLANSKY: "Das System ist auf einen Angeklagten wie Trump nicht ausgelegt"
20240325             Bei Besuch in ÄGYPTEN: Baerbock stellt sich gegen Israels geplante Offensive in RAFAH
20240325             Rekruten für die Bundeswehr: Junge Union schlägt Einführung einer KONTINGENT—WEHRPFLICHT vor
20240325             Krieg in Nahost: UNO—SICHERHEITSRAT verlangt erstmals sofortige Waffenruhe im Gazastreifen
20240325             Erfolg der Kommunisten in SALZBURG: Der beachtliche Aufstieg des netten Herrn Dankl
20240325             New Yorker Betrugsprozess: Statt 454—NUR 175—MILLIONEN Dollar — Trump erwirkt deutlich geringere Kaution
20240325             Kreis Tuttlingen in BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG: Razzia bei mutmaßlichem "Reichsbürger" — etliche Waffen gefunden
20240325             VERGLEICH—VON—VERBRAUCHERSCHÜTZERN: DEUTSCHE—BANKEN verlangen höchste Gebühren beim Basiskonto
20240325             Mon 20240325             - [l] Entwarnung!
20240325             War kein Terrorist, bloß ein harmloser Waffennarr.
20240325             Der unerlaubte Besitz einer Kriegswaffe, scharfer Munition und selbst gebauter Sprengkörper verstößt sowohl gegen das Kriegswaffenkontrollgesetz als auch gegen das WAFFEN—UND Sprengstoffgesetz, wie das Gericht feststellte.
20240325             Ja gut, hat man —SCHON mal in der Garage, sowas.
20240325             Falls die Zombies kommen und so.
20240325             Die selbst gebauten Sprengkörper habe er mit Schwarzpulver aus alten Böllern —NACHTS gebastelt, wenn er nicht habe schlafen können.
20240325             Er sei nicht rechtsradikal, betont der Mann.
20240325             Äh. Wie kommt er denn dazu, das extra anzusagen?
20240325             Die laut einem Gutachten voll funktionsfähige Maschinenpistole vom Typ Skorpion fand die Polizei zusammen mit scharfer Munition nicht etwa auf dem Speicher, sondern in einem Stoffbeutel an einem Treppenaufgang.
20240325             Ja gut, war der Dachboden vielleicht voll.
20240325             Die Richterin äußerte Zweifel, dass der Mann die Maschinenpistole — wie angegeben — nur einmal in den Händen gehabt habe, da solche Waffen regelmäßig geölt und geschmiert werden müssten, damit sie funktionsfähig blieben.
20240325             Verkneift euch mal kurz die Frage, woher die Richterin das wusste ?
20240325             Ja gut, aber wenn der seine Waffe warten konnte, dann wird der den Kram wenigstens sicher gelagert haben, oder?
20240325             Ungläubiges Kopfschütteln erntete der Angeklagte, als sich die Schöffen und die Staatsanwaltschaft Fotos der selbst gebastelten Sprengkörper anschauen.
20240325             Die lagen in einem unverschlossenen Schrank in seiner Garage, durch die auch seine 7—ENKELKINDER regelmäßig liefen, wie der Angeklagte zugibt.
20240325             Aber keine Sorge, abgesehen von der vom Gutachter festgestellten "hohen Splitterwirkung" waren die völlig harmlos.
20240325             So harmlos, dass der Mann die jahrelang an Silvester gezündet hat.
20240325             Aber zurück zu "ich bin nicht rechtsradikal".
20240325             Das sagt man ja normalerweise nicht anlasslos. Was war denn der Anlass?
20240325             Denn in einer Hütte auf dem Grundstück, in der sich der 54-Jährige mit Freunden zum Biertrinken traf, hing 1—SCHWARZ—WEIß—ROTE Reichsfahne mit der Aufschrift "DEUTSCHLAND — meine Heimat".
20240325             Auch im Partykeller hing 1—REICHSFAHNE und auf dem Speicher fand die Polizei bei der Durchsuchung NAZI—DEVOTIONALIEN wie HITLER—BILDER.
20240325             —BESTIMMT, OK, denkt ihr euch —JETZT. Die Sache ist klar.
20240325             Ein gefährlicher Terorist, der —JETZT weggesperrt wird.
20240325             Sicherheitsverwahrung!! Aber keine Sorge.
20240325             —ENTKRÄFTET, Er hatte 1—ERKLÄRUNG, die ALLE—BEFÜRCHTUNGEN.
20240325             Die Reichsflagge habe er aufgehängt, "weil sie einfach cool ausgeschaut hat",
20240325             sagt der Angeklagte. Phew.
20240325             Dann ist ja alles gut. Fand auch die Richterin:
20240325             Das Amtsgericht Nördlingen verurteilte ihn zu einer Freiheitsstrafe von —2—JAHREN — ausgesetzt zu —3—JAHREN auf Bewährung.
20240325             Das ist die höchste Strafe, die 1—GERICHT noch auf Bewährung aussetzen kann.
20240325             Alles darüber hinaus würde Gefängnis bedeuten.
20240325             Der lange Arm des Gesetzes hat die Ordnung wieder hergestellt.
20240325             Gerechtigkeit für alle!
20240325             [l] Ich finde kulturelle Unterschiede faszinierend, besonders zwischen Großmächten.
20240325             Aktueller Fall: "Islamischer STAAT" will Beteiligung an Anschlag in Moskau offenbar mit Video beweisen.
20240325             RUSSLAND, müssen die Terroristen sich selber den Terroranschlag nachweisen.
20240325             Der Einsender verweist zum Vergleich auf dieses legendäre ONION—VIDEO ?
20240325             Votum im UNO—SICHERHEITSRAT: Netanyahu streicht USA—REISE als Reaktion auf WAFFENRUHE—FORDERUNG
20240325             EU—BÜRGER im Ukrainekrieg: Europas Söldner an der Front
20240325             Nach Enthaltung im Weltsicherheitsrat: USA—REGIERUNG "perplex" über ISRAELISCHE—BESUCHSABSAGE