_HEUTE_0318 :

00370318             für ungültig erklärt wird, vom ROM—SENAT, das VERSTORBENER—RÖMER—KAISER—TIBERIUS—TESTAMENT, in dem er seinen Enkel TIBERIUS—GEMELLUS zum Miterben ernennt,
00370318             —BESTIMMT, zum alleinigen RÖMER—KAISER—CALIGULA
02350318—02080000    † * MARCUS—AURELIUS—SEVERUS—ALEXANDER, SYRIA—EMPEROR—OF—ROME, was murdered.
03170318             † VALENTINA, christliche Märtyrerin
07310318             —GEWÄHLT, Der aus SYRIEN stammende GREGOR—III—PAPA wird als GREGOR—II—PAPA—NACHFOLGER, zum PAPA.
09810318             † SLAVNÍK, böhmischer Adliger
10260318             † HEIMO—BISCHOF—VON—KONSTANZ
11020318             † ARIBO—II—PFALZ—GRAF—VON—BAYERN
11320318             —AM, in KÖLN
11320318             —KURZ—ZUVOR, in NEUß
11320318             —NACHWEISBAR—AM, in KÖLN am KÖNIGS—HOF die ABTE—VON—SIEGBURG sind
11320318             —KURZ—ZUVOR,—NACHWEISBAR in NEUß am KÖNIGS—HOF die ABTE—VON—SIEGBURG sind
11870318             † BOGISLAW—I—HERZOG—VON—POMMERN
11900318             † † † 57—JEWS, KILLED, THE—PEOPLE—OF—BURY—S—EDMONDS—ENGLAND.
12120318             —ABLEGT, KLARA—VON—ASSISI, in der PORTIUNCULA—KAPELLE, das Gelübde —NACH—DEN evangelischen Räten.
12270318             † HONORIUS—III—PAPA
12290318             —NACHDEM abgetreten hat, SULTAN—AL—KAMIL, dem KAISER—FRIEDRICH—II., DIE—STADT—JERUSALEM, im
12290318             —FRIEDE—VON—JAFFA
12290318             —PRÄSENTIERT sich KAISER—FRIEDRICH—II. als KÖNIG—VON—JERUSALEM mit Krone und königlichen Gewändern in der JERUSALEM—GRABESKIRCHE, obwohl
12290318             —2—JAHRE—ZUVOR, KAISER—FRIEDRICH—II., vom PAPA exkommuniziert wurde.
12440000—13140318    * † JACQUES—DE—MOLAY—GRAND—MASTER—OF—THE—TEMPLARS, was burned at the stake along with his aides, FRANCE.
12810318             sono ricordati 2—SCRIVANI in servigio della Corte, cioè 1—ANGELO—DE—MARCHIA, e 1—BANDUGNO de Marchia il quale scrive unum tacuynum de febribus tradotto da ERACIO Judeo).
12940318             * HEINRICH—VI—HERZOG—VON—BRESLAU
13020318—13061112    DIETRICH—VON—BOTTLENBERG belegt vom
13050318             ein an ihre Behausung (mansio) angrenzendes und angebautes Haus ÜBERNOMMEN haben,
13050318             dazu noch ÜBERNOMMEN haben, des JOHANNES—GENANNT—RUFUS—MAGD—GUDA.
13050318             Sie schlagen das Haus ihrem eigenen Erbe zu
13050318             mit der Verpflichtung, daß sie JEDES—JAHR auf MARIÄ—LICHTMEß (;;0202;;)
13050318             SIE ÜBERNOMMEN haben, 1 an ihre Behausung (mansio) angrenzendes und angebautes Haus ,
13050318             das durch den TOD—DER—JUTTA auf dem Wege der Schenkung an die besagte KIRCHE—S—MARIEN—ZÜLPICH gekommen ist,
13050318             Sie schlagen das Haus ihrem eigenen Erbe zu mit der Verpflichtung, daß sie auf
13050318             der Kirche 3—SCHILLING[SOLIDOS—DENARIORUM—LEGALIUM] um ihres Seelenheils willen aus ihrem Haus zahlen,
13050318             so wie dieses in der Weierstraße (in vico qui dicitur Wigergasse) gelegen ist.
13050318             Außerdem bestimmen sie, daß
13050318             auch nach ihrem Tod die Erben dieses Hauses DAS—GELD an die Kirche zahlen,
13050318             damit ihre Memorien um so sicherer in der Kirche gehalten werden.
13050318             SIEGEL—ZEUGEN sind die ZÜLPICHer SCHÖFFEN
13050318—00000202    —MARIÄ—LICHTMEß, JEDES—JAHR
13140318             —ABSORBED, Surviving monks fled, with some, by other orders.
13140318             † JACQUES—DE—MOLAY[JACOB—DE—MOLAY JACOBUS—VON—MOLAY][MEHLING] in PARIS der 23., letzte GROß—MEISTER des Templerordens.
13140318             † JACQUES—DE—MOLAY[JACOB—DE—MOLAY JACOBUS—VON—MOLAY][MEHLING] In seine Zeit als GROß—MEISTER fällt die Zerschlagung des Ordens durch PHILIPP—DER—SCHÖNE KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH
13140318             —NACHDEM sie ihre unter Folter erzwungenen Geständnisse der Ketzerei widerrufen haben.
13140318             Der AUFGELÖSTE—TEMPLER—ORDEN—LETZTER—GROßMEISTER—JACQUES—DE—MOLAY wird zusammen mit GEOFFROY—DE—CHARNAY in PARIS als Ketzer auf dem Scheiterhaufen verbrannt,
13140318             † JACQUES—DE—MOLAY [JACOB—DE—MOLAY JACOBUS—VON—MOLAY][MEHLING] In seine Zeit als GROß—MEISTER fällt die Zerschlagung des Ordens
13140318—12440000    † * JACQUES—DE—MOLAY[JACOB—DE—MOLAY JACOBUS—VON—MOLAY][MEHLING], Grand Master of the Templars, was burned at the stake along with his aides, FRANCE.
13210318             † MATTHÄUSA—CSÁK, UNGARISCHER—ADELIGER und Oligarch
13720318             —INFRASCRIPTISEXEQUENDA demandatur 70—ANNI—POST diversas INSTANTIAS TANDEM definitive confirmata in causa, quam STEPHANUS—DE—MANHER et CAPITULUM—S—PETRI—TRAIECTENSIS diu in curia moverant;
13730318             (AMOLDO—EPISCOPO—TRAJECTENSI committitur, ut cum PETRO MICHAELe et MARIA—PAULI—TRAIECTENSIS—DIOECESIS qui olim non ignorantes, "qaod DICTUS PETRUS
13800318             * HEILIGE—LIDWINA—VON—SCHIEDAM, niederländische katholische
14140318             ERNST—DER—EISERNE lässt sich als letzter HERZOG—VON—KÄRNTEN auf dem Fürstenstein in KARNBURG—BEI—MARIA—SAAL in SLOWENISCHER—SPRACHE einsetzen und nennt sich von diesem Zeitpunkt an ERZ—HERZOG.
14140318             ERNST—DER—EISERNE ist damit der 1. Habsburger, der diesen ERZ—HERZOG—TITEL tatsächlich führt.
14380318             Zu 1—ALBRECHT—II—VON—HABSBURG—KÖNIG—VON—UNGARN—DEUTSCHER—KÖNIG—KRÖNUNG kommt es allerdings nie.
14520318             —AM—SONNTAG—LAETARE, nicht verlassen DIE—KAISERIN den Palast bei S—PETER hatte,
14550318             However, MUCH—OF—THE—INFLUENCE found in his work is thought to come from DOMINICAN—TEACHINGS.
14550318             —GAINED, FRA—ANGELICO, 1—REPUTATION as 1—PAINTER under that name —BEFORE joining the Dominicans in the 1420s.
14550318—13870000    —CA, † FRA—ANGELICO, ITALY—MONK and Renaissance painter born as Guido di Pietro.
14550318—14450000    —STAYED, FRA—ANGELICO, at DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC—MONASTERIES in FLORENCE for MOST—OF—HIS—LIFE doing 1—VARIETY—OF—RELIGIOUS painting —UNTIL being called to ROME by EUGENE—IV—PAPA, where he completed several chapel frescoes.
14550318—14550000    —IN, Returning to FLORENCE in the early 1450s, he † on 1—RETURN—VISIT to ROME and is entombed at the church of SANTA—MARIA della Minerva.
14550318—19840000    —BEATIFIED, FRA—ANGELICO was, by JOHANNES—PAUL—II—PAPA.
14770318             —ON—THE, those Magistrates who were still at liberty
14770318             —ON—THE, those Magistrates published 1—ORDINANCE intended to quiet THE—STREETS,
14770318             —ON—THE, especially —AFTER dark;
14770318             —ON—THE, EACH—HOUSEHOLDER was ordered
14770318080000       —AFTER—O—CLOCK.
14770318080000       —AFTER—O—CLOCK to hang 1—LIGHT—BEFORE his dwelling at nightfall, and
14770318080000       —AFTER—O—CLOCK all who were not poorters or MEMBERS—OF—ANY—GUILD
14770318080000       —AFTER—O—CLOCK were forbidden to walk abroad
14930318             † JOHANN—VON—LANNOY—STATTHALTER—VON—HOLLAND—UND—SEELAND, westflämischer Adliger,
14950318             "Condutio M." Berardini alias pecto ad pingendum supra portam palati] " (RIFORME—TOME—XXXIII (a,
14990318             CHAPITRE où LOUIS—DE—LURBIII renonce à la nioilià des produits de l'Jfjlisc de Méounes, que lui avait accordée ALEXANDER—VI (n"L')7^i);
15060318—15000000    —J—IM—ENTSCHEIDET, JULIUS—II—PAPA, dass die aus der S—STEPHANUS—KIRCHE—MAINZ gestohlene ANNA—HAUPT—RELIQUIE in DÜREN verbleiben darf.
15080318             † ALBRECHT—IV—HERZOG—VON—BAYERN
15210318             —VERZICHTEN JOHAN—PILL und seine oo GRIETGEN, die keine Kinder haben,
15210318             auf das Rückkaufrecht von 5—MORGEN—ACKERLAND im BESSENICHER—FELD und 3? —MORGEN 1—VIERTEL—ACKERLAND ebendort,
15210318             die sie laut 3—SCHÖFFENURKUNDEN des MERSBURDENer Gerichts zu ZÜLPICH 15200531             ,
15210318             —ES—SIEGELN, Greve und SCHÖFFEN.
15220318             —ENTDECKT, Der SPANISCHE—SEEFAHRER—JUAN—SEBASTIÁN—ELCANO, auf seiner Weltumrundung, 1—INSEL, der er jedoch keinen Namen gibt.
15260318             —FREIGELASSEN—WIRD, von KAISER—KARL—V., im Austausch gegen 2—SEINER Söhne, die als Geiseln nach MADRID gebracht werden, Der in Gefangenschaft geratene FRANZ—I—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH in der
15260318—    —SCHLACHT—BEI—PAVIA
15320318             —BANNED, ENGLAND—PARLIAMENT, payments by ENGLAND—CHURCH to ROME.
15360318             * KARL—VON—UTENHOVE, flämischer Gelehrter und Dichter
15410318             † HENRICUS—UBBIUS, ostfriesischer Jurist, KANZLER—UND—CHRONIST
15480318             * CORNELIS—KETEL, NIEDERLÄNDISCHER—ARCHITEKT, Bildhauer und Maler
15530318             † VÁCLAV—HÁJEK—Z—LIBO?AN, böhmischer Chronist
15580318—18060000    —J—IM, Auf dem FRANKFURTER—KURFÜRSTENTAG erneuern die Teilnehmer den Kurverein und geben ihm 1—SATZUNG, die —BIS—ZUM—REICHSENDE in Kraft bleibt.
15630318             Poltrot de Méré est écartelé en place de Grève à PARIS.
15630318             † ALBRECHT—II—GRAF—VON—HOYA
15760318             † JOHANN—STÖSSEL, deutscher evangelischer Theologe und Reformator
15760318             † KARL—I—GRAF—VON—HOHENZOLLERN
15780318             * ADAM—ELSHEIMER, DEUTSCHER—MALER (Taufdatum)
15780318             † JOHANN—BAUMGART, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE, Kirchenlieddichter und Schuldramatiker
15820318             —ATTENTAT—AUF, WILHELM—I—VON—ORANIEN, 1—FÜHRER im Achtzigjährigen Krieg, verübt DER—BISKAYER—JEAN—JAUREGUY, das das Opfer verletzt überlebt.
15840318             —SUCCEEDED, IVAN—IV was, by his WEAK—MINDED son, Fyodor I. BORIS—GODUNOV, FYODOR—BROTHER—IN—LAW, assumed general control.
15840318             —REPLACED, —DURING his rule Ivan, the sale of beer and mead with vodka at STATE—RUN taverns.
15840318             —DURING his rule Ivan replaced the sale of beer and mead with vodka at STATE—RUN taverns.
15840318             —NACH—DEM TOD—VON—IWAN—IV—DER—SCHRECKLICHE—ZAR—VON—RUSSLAND, kommt sein geisteskranker Sohn FJODOR—ZAR—VON—RUSSLAND, an die Macht.
16040318             * JOHANN—IV—KÖNIG—VON—PORTUGAL
16080318             —NACH SISSINIOS Sieg über JAKOB
16340318             * MARIE—MADELEINE—DE—LA—FAYETTE, FRANZÖSISCHE—ADLIGE und Schriftstellerin
16430318             —SCHLACHT—VON—NEW—ROSS
16450318             —AM, dem ehrwürdigen Herrn TILMAN—KOX, den einstigen REKTOR des Altares des HEILIGER—S—ANTONIUS, um Auskunft GEBETEN.
16450318             —AM, Durch Plünderung Süchteln's, wie Herr TILMAN—KOX noch expreß von KÖLN aus, schreibt".
16460318             * DÄNISCHER—GENERALMAJOR—MATHIAS—NUMSEN, und Geheimrat
16510318             † GERARD—SEGHERS, flämischer Maler
16510318             † PAUL—RÖBER, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE
16620318             —PERSONENNAHVERKEHR—BEGINN, weltweit.
16730318             wird nach langen GERICHT—VERFAHREN, zwischen von Anstell aus DROVE, dem GRAF—VON—MERODE,
16730318             zugunsten von ELISABETHA—VON—ANSTELL, EHEFRAU—VON—JOHANN—WERNERUS—VON—WEVORDEN, auf KAISERliches Dekret beigelegt.
16810318             LOUVOIS autorise LE—USAGE—DE—LA—DRAGONNADE en POITOU
16810318             —A, o pintor MANUEL—DA—SILVA era já referido como morador em VILA—VIÇOSA,
16810318             —A, o pintor MANUEL—DA—SILVA tendo oo 2.
16810318             A MANUEL—DA—SILVA oo Inês Mendes Gançoza, e
16810318             MANUEL—DA—SILVA são ambos nomeados como procuradores de MIGUEL—LUÍS e JOÃO RODRIGUES
16810318             numa escritura de venda de umas casas térreas a PEDRO—FERNANDES—FOLIAS—257V.-258.
16830318             Gemeinschaftliches Verhandeln mit SPANIEN und den STAATEN—SENDUNG LAMBERG, NACH BERLIN.
16830318             DER—FÜRST—VON—ANHALT.
16830318             Absicht, die KUR—FÜRSTIN zu gewinnen und durch sie den KUR—FÜRST—VON—FRANKREICH abzuziehen.
16830318             Hoffnung auf den Druck der POLEN—ALLIANZ auf den KUR—FÜRSTEN, Langsamkeit DER—KAISERLICHEN Politik.
16830318             Misstrauen gegen den DER—GROSSE—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG.
16830318             Proposition SCHWERIN's.
16830318             T' zedert mijnen laetsten onder dato den 14. deser over den toe- 16830318             . stant hier te hooff in aensien VAN den heere KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG hebbe ick met d' een en d' ander nader gesprooeken,
16830318             om H. H. M. te können verseeckeren, hoe het daer ontrent alhier gesteh is, sijnde sulx :
16830318             Dat men opregbte genegentbeijt hecft, om over des beere KUR—FÜRSTEN—VON—BRANDENBURG s prctensien te bandelen, doch soodanig, dat
16840318             —AMERONGEN—AN—DEN—GRIFFIER.
16840318             —DATUM—POTSDAM,
16870318             * JOHANN—TOBIAS—DRESSEL, sächsischer Orgelbauer
16920318             —DEPRIVED—OF, WILLIAM—PENN was, his governing powers.
17070318             * JÓZEF—BAKA, POLNISCHER—JESUITENPATER, Missionar, Prediger und Dichter
17080318             † GEORG—THORMANN, SCHWEIZER—GEISTLICHER und Theologe
17130318             † SLOWAKISCHER—RÄUBERFÜHRER—JURAJ—JÁNOŠÍK, Nationalheld
17220318             * HEINRICH—XI—FÜRST—REUSS—ZU—GREIZ
17230318             * KÖNIG—VON—PREUSSEN—HOFFAKTOR—DANIEL—ITZIG, und Bankier
17240318             * DIONYSIUS—VAN—DE—WIJNPERSSE niederländischer reformierter Theologe und Philosoph
17304219—17430318    —VOM, WILHELM—LUDWIG—VON—HAGEN ist als KELLNER bezeugt,
17430318—17530127    —VOM—BIS ist er als Kapitelssekretär,
17450318             † ROBERT—WALPOLE, —68—JAHRE—ALT, 1. UK—PREMIER (17210000—17420000    ).
17450318             † ROBERT—WALPOLE (68), 1. UNITED—KINGDOM—PREMIER (17210000—17420000    ).
17450318—20070000    —IN, ROBERT—WALPOLE—CHILDREN found that he had run up debts of over £50,000. EDWARD—PEARCE authored "THE—GREAT—MAN — SIR—ROBERT—WALPOLE: Scoundrel, Genius and BRITAIN—1. PRIME—MINISTER.
17590318             † NICOLAUS—JONAS—SORBER, DEUTSCHER—STÜCK—UND Glockengießer
17610318             * EBERHARD—VAN—SPANKEREN, deutscher evangelischer Geistlicher
17620318             * KARL—CHRISTIAN—GMELIN, DEUTSCHER—BOTANIKER und Naturforscher
17630318             * FRIEDRICH—GOTTLOB—HAYNE, DEUTSCHER—BOTANIKER, Apotheker und Hochschullehrer
17650318             * DAVID—H—CHASS, HOLLAND—BARON, general (fought NAPOLEON at Waterloo).
17660318             —REPEALED, BRITAIN, the Stamp Act of 17650000            .
17660318             —DAS—BRITISCHE—STEMPEL—GESETZ in den BRITISCHE—NORD—AMERIKA—KOLONIEN, Widerstände bei den "SÖHNE—DER—FREIHEIT" ausgelöst hatte.
17740318             * BÜRGERMEISTER—JOHANN—FRIEDRICH—HÜTTER, Jurist und
17790318             * RUDOLF—EMANUEL—STIERLIN, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher und Heimatforscher
17810318             —ENTDECKT, hauptsächlich im STERNBILD—JUNGFRAU, mehrere Galaxien, Der FRANZÖSISCHE—ASTRONOM—CHARLES—MESSIER, die er in seinen Katalog als Objekte Messier 84—UND Messier 86—BIS Messier 90—AUFNIMMT.
17820318             † ERNST—JAKOB—DANOVIUS, deutscher lutherischer Theologe
17820318—18500000    * † USA—STATESMAN—JOHN—C—CALHOUN.
17860318             † FERDINAND—STERZINGER, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—THEOLOGE und Kirchenrechtler
17930318             —AUSRUFT, vom Balkon des Deutschhauses, ANDREAS—JOSEPH—HOFMANN, die - 1. REPUBLIK auf deutschem Boden.
17930318             —SCHLACHT—BEI—NEERWINDEN während des - 1. KOALITIONS—KRIEG
17950318             —CRÉATION—DE—MANDATS territoriaux grâce auxquels les porteurs pourraient se faire adjuger 1—PARTIE des BIENS—NATIONAUX
17950318             —ABGEFUNDEN, Der HERZOG—VON—KURLAND, wird mit 1—PENSION ,
17990318             * WILHELM—LUDWIG—VOLZ, badischer Offizier und Hochschullehrer
17990318             † ADAM—FRIEDRICH—OESER, DEUTSCHER—MALER und Bildhauer
18040519             —CRÉATION de 18040318             échaux d'Empire.
18070318             † JOHANN—PETER—PICHLER, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—BILDNISSTECHER und Mezzotintokünstler
18080318             —ÉMEUTES—DD—ARANJUEZ.
18090318             † KAROLINE—KAULLA, DEUTSCHE—HOFFAKTORIN und Unternehmerin
18100318             * KARL—LUDWIG—FRIEDRICH—MEZGER, DEUTSCHER—GYMNASIALLEHRER und Klassischer Philologe
18130318             * FRIEDRICH—HEBBEL, DEUTSCHER—DRAMATIKER und Lyriker
18130318             —BEFREIUNGS—KRIEGES
18160318             * CARL—GRAEB, DEUTSCHER—MALER und Radierer
18170318             † JOHANN—JAKOB—WALDER, SCHWEIZER—POLITIKER, Jurist und Komponist
18200318             —PROCLAMIREN—AM, ließ auch der GROß—HERZOG—VON—HESSEN—DARMSTADT 1—STÄNDISCHE Verfassung mit 2—KAMMERN ;
18220318             * PROSPERO—ALBRICI, SCHWEIZER—JURIST, Weinhändler und Politiker
18230318             * ALFRED—CHANZY, FRANZÖSISCHER—GENERAL und Diplomat
18240318             † FERDINAND—FRANZ—WALLRAF, DEUTSCHER—BOTANIKER, Mathematiker, Priester und Kunstsammler
18250318             * JOSEF—ARNOLD, SCHWEIZER—POLITIKER, Nationalrat
18280318             * WILLIAM—RANDAL—CREMER, BRITISCHER—GEWERKSCHAFTER und Politiker, Nobelpreisträger
18290318             —SALINEN—KONVENTION zur Regelung von zwischenstaatlichen FRAGEN—DER—SALZGEWINNUNG.
18290318             Diese betreffen den Salzabbau vom ÖSTERREICHISCHEN—DÜRRNBERG aus —BIS auf bayerisches Staatsgebiet und die Holzgewinnung für die bayerische SALINE—BAD—REICHENHALL im ÖSTERREICHISCHEN—PINZGAU (Saalforste).
18290318             —SALINEN—KONVENTION, gilt als der älteste noch gültige STAATS—VERTRAG Europas.
18330318             * WILLIAM—W—ARMSTRONG, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—DRUCKER, Redakteur und Politiker
18350318             —DEPARTED, CHARLES—DARWIN, SANTIAGO—CHILE, on his way to Portillo Pass.
18370318             STEPHEN—GROVER—CLEVELAND was the 22. (18850000—18890000    ) and 24. (18930000—18970000    ) PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA, the only PRESIDENT elected for 2—NONCONSECUTIVE terms.
18370318             * STEPHEN—GROVER—CLEVELAND in CALDWELL—NEW—JERSEY He was the 22. (18850000—18890000    ) and 24. (18930000—18970000    ) PRESIDENT—OF—UNITED—STATES, the only PRESIDENT elected for 2—NONCONSECUTIVE terms.
18380318             * RANDAL—CREMER, UK—TRADE unionist, pacifist (Nobel 19030000             ).
18380318             * RANDAL—CREMER, UNITED—KINGDOM—TRADE—UNIONIST, pacifist (Nobel 19030000             ).
18390318             * HEINRICH—ADAM, DEUTSCH—ÖSTERREICHISCHER—ARCHITEKT und Wiener Gemeinderat
18390318             —UNTERSAGT, ausländischen Handelsgesellschaften, Opium nach CHINA zu importieren und
18390318             —ENTSENDET, KOMMISSAR—LIN—ZEXU zur Durchsetzung dieser Bestimmung nach Kanton.
18390318             —AUSLÖST, CHINESISCHER—KAISER—DAOGUANG—EDIKT, indirekt den nachfolgenden
18390318             1. OPIUM—KRIEG.
18420318—18980000    * † STEPHANE—MALLARME, FRANCE—ESSAYIST and symbolist poet.
18420318—18980000    "EVERY—SOUL is 1—MELODY which needs renewing".
18430318             * JOSEF—LANGL, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—MALER, Bildhauer und Erzähler
18460318             —AM, CARL—D´Ester gehörte zu der Delegation, die KÖNIG—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—IV. DIE—PETITIONEN der KÖLNer überreichte.
18480318             welche sich endlich am in einen inneren Krieg verwandelten,
18480318             —STAGNIERT, ENGELS, BRÜSSEL,der Handel, völlig, und
18480318             ENGELS, BRÜSSEL,am 1. —TAG lehnte er 45—FRANCS ab,
18480318             ENGELS, BRÜSSEL,am 3. —TAG verkaufte er sie zu 10—FRANCS pro Aktie!
18480318             ENGELS, BRÜSSEL, ENGELS, BRÜSSEL,am 2. —TAG 35—FRANCS;
18480318             ENGELS, BRÜSSEL,und einjagt so den wegen des ständig wachsenden Budgets ohnehin unzufriedenen STEUER—ZAHLERN Angst, Schrecken.
18480318             durch einen am von Bezirksabgeordneten erwählten Landesausschuß DIE—STÄNDEVERSAMMLUNG zusammenberufen war.
18480318             BERLIN Unter den 183—OPFERN der Straßenkämpfe befinden sich hauptsächlich Handwerker und Arbeiter.
18480318             —NACH, DEM—SOZIALE Fragen stehen auf allen Versammlungen und im Vereinsleben DER—ARBEITER—VEREINE stark im Vordergrund.
18480318             FRIDRICH—ENGELS, BRÜSSEL,
18480318             —AUSBRUCH der REVOLUTION—IN—BERLIN.
18480318             FRIEDRICH—ENGELS, BRÜSSEL, Die braven BÜRGER—VON—BRÜSSEL, die sich —VOR—NOCH WENIGEN —TAGEN nicht scharf genug gegen jegliche Absicht verwahren konnten, dem BEISPIEL—DER—FRANZÖSISCHEN—REPUBLIK zu folgen,
18480318             FRIEDRICH—ENGELS, BRÜSSEL, Die braven BÜRGER—VON—BRÜSSEL haben den Rückschlag der PARISer FINANZ—KRISE zu spüren bekommen.
18480318             FRIEDRICH—ENGELS, BRÜSSEL, WÄHREND Die braven BÜRGER—VON—BRÜSSEL noch GEGEN—DIE—POLITISCHE Nachahmung zeterten, erlitten sie —SCHON DIE—FINANZIELLE Nachahmung.
18480318             FRIEDRICH—ENGELS, BRÜSSEL, fanden Die braven BÜRGER—VON—BRÜSSEL die BRÜSSELer BÖRSE in vollkommenster und demütigendster ABHÄNGIGKEIT—VON—DER—BÖRSE in PARIS.
18480318             FRIEDRICH—ENGELS, BRÜSSEL, Der Kordon von Truppen, der DIE—SÜD—GRENZE besetzt hält, hat keineswegs die Baisse der BÖRSEnpapiere daran gehindert, mit Paukenschlägen in das garantiert neutrale —GEBIET BELGIENs einzufallen.
18480318             FRIEDRICH—ENGELS, BRÜSSEL, Die Bestürzung, die auf dem BRÜSSELer MARKT herrscht, hat in der Tat restlos alles erfaßt.
18480318             FRIEDRICH—ENGELS, BRÜSSEL, DIE—BÖRSENPAPIERE finden keine Käufer mehr,
18480318             FRIEDRICH—ENGELS, BRÜSSEL, die Notierungen sind rein nominell,
18480318             —VERSCHWINDET, FRIEDRICH—ENGELS, BRÜSSEL, DAS—GELD, schneller noch als in PARIS,
18480318             —STAGNIERT, FRIEDRICH—ENGELS, BRÜSSEL, der Handel, völlig, und
18480318             FRIEDRICH—ENGELS, BRÜSSEL, die meisten FABRIKANTEN[KAPITALISTEN] haben —BEREITS ihre —ARBEITER entlassen.
18480318             FRIEDRICH—ENGELS, BRÜSSEL, Hier EINIGE—BEISPIELE für die allgemeine Entwertung:
18480318             FRIEDRICH—ENGELS, BRÜSSEL, am 1. —TAG lehnte er 45—FRANCS ab,
18480318             FRIEDRICH—ENGELS, BRÜSSEL, am 2. 35—FRANCS;
18480318             FRIEDRICH—ENGELS, BRÜSSEL, am 3. —TAG verkaufte er sie zu 10—FRANCS—PRO—AKTIE!
18480318             FRIEDRICH—ENGELS, BRÜSSEL, Grundstücke, die —VOR—2—JAHREN für 6.000—FRANCS gekauft wurden, finden für 33% dieser Summe keinen Käufer mehr.
18480318             FRIEDRICH—ENGELS, BRÜSSEL, Und —IN—DIESEM—AUGENBLICK allgemeiner Panik fordert DIE—REGIERUNG 1. 1—VORSCHUSS—VON—2—DRITTELN der direkten STEUERN
18480318             FRIEDRICH—ENGELS, BRÜSSEL, und jagt so den wegen des ständig wachsenden Budgets ohnehin unzufriedenen STEUER—ZAHLERN Angst, Schrecken 1.
18480318             FRIEDRICH—ENGELS, BRÜSSEL, und dann 1—ZWANGS—ANLEIHE—VON—50.000.000 —BIS 60.000.000
18480318             —MÄRZ—REVOLUTION,
18480318             —FORT—PFLANZT—SICH, im DEUTSCHEN—BUND,
18480318             —BEWAFFNETER—KAMPF—ZWISCHEN—BÜRGERN—UND—MILITÄR, etwa 300—TOTE fordert.
18480318             FRIEDRICH—ENGELS, BRÜSSEL, WÄHREND Die braven BÜRGER—VON—BRÜSSEL noch Hymnen auf die BELGISCHE—UNABHÄNGIGKEIT und Neutralität sangen,
18480318             FRIEDRICH—ENGELS, BRÜSSEL, - Effekten, die vor —DER—FEBRUAR—REVOLUTION an der BÖRSE—LONDON über pari gestanden HATTEN—JE Aktie zu 100—FRANCS -, zum Verkauf an.
18490318             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—249—KÖLN.
18490318             —DER, Die "Neue PREUSSISCHE—ZEITUNG" über DEN. ;;1803;;
18490318             * THEODOR—AURACHER, DEUTSCHER—ALTPHILOLOGE und Fachautor
18500318—18520318    —SEE
18500318—18520318    —SEE—DATE.
18510318             —OPENED, S—FRANCISCO, the new 40—FOOT—WIDE—MISSION—PLANK—ROAD, at 1—COST—OF $96,000. 1—HORSE rider was charged 25—CENTS;
18510318             1—WAGON with 2—HORSES, was charged 75—CENTS;
18510318             a 4—HORSE—TEAM, was charged $1. - The road was 1—ENORMOUS—FINANCIAL—SUCCESS.
18510318             §—1—UND 2. GESETZ—VOM ("STATE—OF—NEW—JERSEY. 1—ACT to —LIMIT THE—HOURS—OF—LABOUR etc"..)
18520318             —FOUNDED, HENRY—C—WELLS, Wells, Fargo & Co. with WILLIAM—C—FARGO in S—FRANCISCO as 1—WESTERN—EQUIVALENT to their east coast AMERICA—EXPRESS.
18520318             † FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—CAROVÉ, DEUTSCHER—JURIST, Germanist und Philosoph
18520318—20020000    —HEADQUARTERED, It evolved into Wells Fargo Bank, in S—FRANCISCO and —NOW 1—OF—THE—LARGEST—FINANCIAL—INSTITUTIONS in THE—USA—PHILIP—L—FRADKIN authored "Stagecoach: Wells Fargo and THE—USA—WEST" for the company's 150. anniversary.
18530318             * EMILIE—KEMPIN—SPYRI, 1. als Juristin promovierte und habilitierte Schweizerin
18550318             —NACH vierjähriger Bauzeit eröffnet, Die von JOHN—AUGUSTUS—ROEBLING erbaute NIAGARA—FALLS—SUSPENSION—BRIDGE, die
18550318             1. dauerhafte Brücke über den NIAGARA—RIVER und die
18550318             1. Hängebrücke im Eisenbahnverkehr, wird.
18560318             † HENRY—POTTINGER, BRITISCHER—OFFIZIER und Kolonialbeamter, GOUVERNEUR—VON—HONGKONG, der Kapkolonie und Madras
18580318             —DESIGNED, RUDOLF—DIESEL, THE—COMPRESSION—IGNITION—ENGINE (18930000             ).
18580318             * RUDOLF—DIESEL, DEUTSCHER—INGENIEUR, Erfinder des Dieselmotors
18580318             † FRANZ—KUGLER, DEUTSCHER—DICHTER
18610318             —VERURTEILT, USA—IX—PAPA—ALLOKUTION—IAMDUDUM—CERNIMUS, an das KARDINALS—KOLLEGIUM, die geistigen Strömungen seiner Zeit und die politischen Bestrebungen, die MACHT—PAPA weiter zu verringern.
18610318             Er greift damit insbesondere den Risorgimento in ITALIEN an.
18630318             —RIOTED, CONFEDERATE—WOMEN, in SALISBURY—NORTH—CAROLINA to protest the lack of flour and salt in the South.
18640318             —CRUMBLED, THE—DALE—DIKE on Humber RIVER—ENGLAND, drowning some 240.
18640318             * MIKAEL—LYBECK, finnlandschwedischer Schriftsteller
18650318             —ADJOURNED, THE—CONGRESS—OF—THE—CONFEDERATE—STATES—OF—AMERICA, for the last time.
18650318             FERDINAND—FREILIGRATH bedankt sich bei KARL—VOGT für die vertrauliche MitTEILUNG, daß
18650318             man in der Geschäftsführung der BANQUE—GÉNÉRALE—SUISSE in GENF entschlossen ist, die LONDONer Agentur der BANK
18650318             binnen 1—HALBEN —JAHRES zu schließen.
18650318             so daß sich FERDINAND—FREILIGRATH besser auf diese Situation einstellen kann.
18650318             Hätte er FERDINAND—FREILIGRATH die ganze Zeit in 1—HIESIGEN DEUTSCHLAND—ODER ENGLAND—HANDELS—FIRMA gearbeitet, so wäre er —JETZT für sein ganzes Leben versorgt.
18650318             —BESCHWERT, FERDINAND—FREILIGRATH, sich darüber, daß man ihm von seiten der Genfer Bankzentrale —NUN DIE—SCHULD für halblegale Finanztransaktionen in die Schuhe schieben will,
18650318             DIE—JAMES—FAZY hier mit 1—HERRN SCHWEITZER unter teilweiser Umgehung der LONDONer Filiale getätigt hat und
18650318             —GEFÜHRT, DIE—NUN zu Verlusten, haben.
18650318             FERDINAND—FREILIGRATH hat hierbei, soweit es ihm möglich war, wie sonst auch immer gewissenhaft geprüft und im Interesse der BANK zu handeln versucht.
18650318             man in der Geschäftsführung der BANQUE—GÉNÉRALE—SUISSE in GENF entschlossen ist, DER BANQUE—GÉNÉRALE—SUISSE—AGENTUR—LONDON
18650318             FERDINAND—FREILIGRATH bittet KARL—VOGT, darauf hinzuwirken, daß die Schließung so lange als möglich, wenn es geht, —BIS—ZUM—JAHR—ENDE, noch herausgezögert wird,
18650318             Für FERDINAND—FREILIGRATH wird es in jedem Fall hart werden, in seinem Alter nach —9—JAHREN aufopferungsvoller Tätigkeit in der Bankfiliale den ARBEIT—PLATZ zu verlieren.
18650318             —NUN, die zu Verlusten geführt haben.
18650318             —BATTLE—OF—WILSON—RAID to Selma, AL.
18650318             —HINEINGEZOGEN—WIRD, das offiziell neutrale ARGENTINIEN, In den ausgebrochenen
18650318             —TRIPEL—ALLIANZ—KRIEG
18650318             erklärt PARAGUAY den KRIEG—ARGENTINIEN, weil seine Truppen keine Durchmarschrechte durch die ARGENTINISCHE—PROVINZ—CORRIENTES erhalten.
18690318             —TRIED, NEVILLE—CHAMBERLIN, to make peace "in our time" with GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—ADOLF—HITLER, but instead made it easier for Hitler to take over continental EUROPE.
18690318             * NEVILLE—CHAMBERLIN, UNITED—KINGDOM—PRIME—MINISTER (19370000—19400000    ).
18690318             —BEGONNEN, Für den Bau des SUEZ—KANALS wird, die Bitterseen mit Mittelmeerwasser zu fluten.
18700318             THE—1.—USA—NATIONAL—WILDLIFE—PRESERVE was Lake Merritt in OAKLAND—CALIFORNIA Lake Merritt, actually 1—TIDAL lagoon, was named —AFTER SAMUEL—MERRITT, 1—PHYSICIAN and 1—OF—THE 1. mayors of OAKLAND.
18710318             † GENERAL—CLAUDE—MARTIN—LECOMTE, PARIS, killed by HIS OWN soldiers,
18710318             † GENERAL—JACQUES—LEONARD—CLEMENT—THOMAS, PARIS, killed by HIS OWN soldiers.
18710318             LOUIS—ADOLPHE—THIERS[ADOLF!] attempts to disarm PARIS AND—LOUIS—ADOLPHE—THIERS[ADOLF!] outraged,
18710318             LOUIS—ADOLPHE—THIERS[ADOLF!] sends FRANCE—TROOPS (regular army), but,
18710318             MANY—TROOPS peacefully withdraw from PARIS—SOME—TROOPS remain in PARIS.
18710318             through fraternization with PARIS—WORKERS, FRANCE—TROOPS (regular army) refuse to carry out LOUIS—ADOLPHE—THIERS[ADOLF!] ORDERS
18710318             —ANKÜNDIGT.
18710318             JOHANN—BAPTIST—VON—SCHWEITZER, seinen Rücktritt als PRÄSIDENT—DES—ADAV, nicht zuletzt wegen seiner Wahlniederlage bei den REICHS—TAG—WAHLEN.
18710318             —BIS, zur Wahl des neuen Präsidenten, weiterführt, JOHANN—BAPTIST—VON—SCHWEITZER, des ADAV Geschäfte.
18710318             —IN—DER—NACHT, FRANZÖSISCHE—REGIERUNGS—TRUPPEN, versuchen zu entwaffnen, DIE—PARISER—NATIONAL—GARDE, was führt zum offenen
18710318             —PARISER—KOMMUNE—AUFSTAND
18710318             † GEORG—GOTTFRIED—GERVINUS, DEUTSCHER—HISTORIKER und Politiker, Mitglied der Frankfurter Nationalversammlung
18710318—18710528    —PARISER—KOMMUNE.
18710318—18710528    DIE—REGIERUNGS—GEWALT übernommen wird durch der HANDWERKER—VERTRETER und DER—ARBEITER—VERTRETER.
18720318             * CHARLES—LABAN—ABERNETHY, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—JURIST und Politiker, Mitglied des Repräsentantenhauses
18740318             —SIGNED, HAWAII, 1—TREATY giving exclusive trading rights with the islands to THE—USA.
18740318             den GEDENKTAG—DER—ERHEBUNG der Kommune von PARIS zu feiern, was verboten wird.
18750318             als STAATS—ANWALT H.—VON—TESSENDORFF Das Gericht stimmt zu.
18750318             "Zerstören wir DIE—SOZIALISTISCHE—ORGANISATION, und es existiert keine sozialistische Partei mehr", erklärt STAATS—ANWALT H.—VON—TESSENDORFF,
18750318             als STAATS—ANWALT H.—VON—TESSENDORFF die Auflösung des VEREIN beantragt.
18750318             Dem PREUSSISCHEN—BEISPIEL folgen die meisten anderen Länder.
18750318             —BALD, sind DIE—ORGANISATIONEN in 4—FÜNFTEL des REICH verboten.
18760318             † FERDINAND—FREILIGRATH in Cannstatt
18760318             † FERDINAND—FREILIGRATH, DEUTSCHER—LYRIKER, Dichter und Übersetzer
18760318             † LUDWIG—GIESEBRECHT, DEUTSCHER—DICHTER und Historiker
18800318             * ALEXANDER—ZINN, DEUTSCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER und Politiker
18800318             * WALTER—HOHMANN, DEUTSCHER—BAUINGENIEUR UND—BEAMTER, Pionier der Raumfahrt
18810318             —OPENED, Barnum and BAILEY—GREATEST—SHOW on Earth, in MADISON—SQUARE—GARDENS.
18830318             * CHINO—SH?SH?, JAPANISCHER—GERMANIST und Übersetzer
18840318             * AUGUST—THALHEIMER, DEUTSCHER—PHILOSOPH und Marxist
18860318             † CHRISTIAN—FELIX—ACKENS, DEUTSCHER—CHORLEITER und Komponist
18870318             † FERDINAND—SCHELLER, DEUTSCHER—KLAVIER—UND Orgelbauer
18880318             † CHARLES—MONSELET, FRANZÖSISCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER und Journalist, Lyriker und Librettist
18890318             —VERBOTEN wird Die BERLINER—VOLKSZEITUNG auf des SOZIALISTEN—GESETZ Grund
18890318             —ZUM—WEGEN 1—LEITARTIKELS
18890318             * JACOB—MANGERS, LUXEMBURGISCHER—GEISTLICHER, Oberhirte der katholischen Kirche in NORWEGEN, Apostolischer Vikar bzw BISCHOF—VON—OSLO
18900318             * GUNNAR—ANDERSEN, NORWEGISCHER—FUSSBALLSPIELER und Skispringer
18900318             —EINREICHT, REICHS—KANZLER—OTTO—VON—BISMARCK, sein Entlassungsgesuch bei KAISER—WILHELM—II., worauf
18900318             —ZUVOR der junge MONARCH—KAISER—WILHELM—II. mehrfach gedrängt hat.
18910318             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Aus Anlaß —DES—JAHR—TAGES der PARISER—KOMMUNE, WILHELM—LIEBKNECHT im Namen des Vorstandes der Partei 1—ADRESSE—AN—DEN Nationalrat der FRANKREICH—ARBEITER—PARTEI,
18910318             in der hervorgehoben wird, daß der Weltfrieden —JETZT in der Hand des FRANKREICH—UND DEUTSCHEN—VOLKES LIEGE.
18920314—18920318    —TAGES—ORDNUNG u. a.: DIE—ORGANISATIONS—FRAGE (C, Legien).
18920314—18920318    —DER—KONGREß—BESCHLIEßT, DIE—GENERAL—KOMMISSION mit folgenden Aufgaben zu betrauen:
18920314—18920318    —DER—KONGREß—BESCHLIEßT, Betreibung der Agitation,
18920314—18920318    —DER—KONGREß—BESCHLIEßT, Führung 1—EINHEITLICHEN GEWERKSCHAFTsstatistik,
18920314—18920318    —DER—KONGREß—BESCHLIEßT, HER—AUSGABE 1—BLATTES, das die Verbindung sämtlicher GEWERKSCHAFTEN unterhalten soll und Pflege internationaler Beziehungen.
18920314—18920318    —DER—KONGREß—BESCHLIEßT, Für diese Aufgabe müssen die angeschlossenen Verbände PRO—JAHR für JEDES—MITGLIED 20—PFENNIG—AN—DIE—GENERAL—KOMMISSION bezahlen.
18920314—18920318    —DER—KONGREß—BESCHLIEßT, Zum Vorsitzenden der KOMMISSION wird C, Legien,
18920314—18920318    —DER—KONGREß—BESCHLIEßT, zu Mitgliedern werden WILHELMINE—KÄHLER,
18920314—18920318    —DER—KONGREß—BESCHLIEßT, zu Mitgliedern werden W. A. Demuth und
18920314—18920318    —DER—KONGREß—BESCHLIEßT, zu Mitgliedern werden C. Fehmerling gewählt.
18920314—18920318    —DER—KONGREß—BESCHLIEßT, Als Organisationsform werden DIE—ZENTRAL—VERBÄNDE anerkannt und empfohlen, "Industrieverbände" zu bilden.
18920314—18920318    —DER—KONGREß—BESCHLIEßT, Von besonderen Organisationen für ARBEITER—INNEN soll abgesehen werden;
18920314—18920318    —DER—KONGREß—BESCHLIEßT, den GEWERKSCHAFTEN wird empfohlen, DIE—FRAUEN als gleichberechtigte Mitglieder aufzunehmen.
18920314—18920318    DAS—SCHWERGEWICHT der gewerkschaftlich organisierten —ARBEITER liegt noch bei den Gesellen handwerklicher Betriebe und den qualifizierten SpezialARBEITern der Leicht—, Fertigwarenindustrie.
18920314—18920318    —BESCHLIEßT—DER—KONGREß, DIE—GENERAL—KOMMISSION mit folgenden Aufgaben zu betrauen:
18920314—18920318    —BESCHLIEßT—DER—KONGREß, Betreibung der Agitation,
18920314—18920318    —BESCHLIEßT—DER—KONGREß, Führung 1—EINHEITLICHEN GEWERKSCHAFTsstatistik,
18920314—18920318    —BESCHLIEßT—DER—KONGREß, Die Aufgaben und Befugnisse der GENERAL—KOMMISSION werden —SPÄTER, immer mehr erweitert.
18920314—18920318    —BESCHLIEßT—DER—KONGREß, Zum Vorsitzenden der KOMMISSION wird C, Legien,
18920314—18920318    —BESCHLIEßT—DER—KONGREß, zu Mitgliedern werden A. —VON—ELM,
18920314—18920318    —BESCHLIEßT—DER—KONGREß, zu Mitgliedern werden WILHELMINE—KÄHLER,
18920314—18920318    —BESCHLIEßT—DER—KONGREß, zu Mitgliedern werden C. Deisinger,
18920314—18920318    —BESCHLIEßT—DER—KONGREß, zu Mitgliedern werden W. A. Demuth und
18920314—18920318    —BESCHLIEßT—DER—KONGREß, zu Mitgliedern werden C. Fehmerling gewählt.
18920314—18920318    —BESCHLIEßT—DER—KONGREß, Von besonderen Organisationen für ARBEITER—INNEN soll abgesehen werden;
18920314—18920318    —DER—KONGREß—BESCHLIEßT, Die Aufgaben und Befugnisse der GENERAL—KOMMISSION werden —SPÄTER, immer mehr erweitert.
18920314—18920318    —DER—KONGREß—BESCHLIEßT, zu Mitgliedern werden A. —VON—ELM,
18920314—18920318    —DER—KONGREß—BESCHLIEßT, zu Mitgliedern werden C. Deisinger,
18920314—18920318    —DER—KONGREß—BESCHLIEßT, Die Vorstellung der [SOGENANNT]"Lokalisten", auf festgefügte ZENTRAL—VERBÄNDE zu verzichten, wird abgelehnt.
18930318             * OLIVIER—GUIMOND, KANADISCHER—SCHAUSPIELER und Komiker
18930318—19180000    * † WILFRED—OWEN, —WWI—ENGLAND—POET.
18930318—19180000    —KILLED, WILFRED—OWEN was, —1—WEEK—BEFORE Armistice —DAY—OF—WW—I.
18940318             * ERIC—HULTÉN, SCHWEDISCHER—BOTANIKER und Phytogeograph
18950318             Some 200—BLACKS left SAVANNAH—GEORGIA, for LIBERIA.
18950318             * WALTER—RHEINER, DEUTSCHER—DICHTER und Schriftsteller
18950318             * WILHELM—REXRODT, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER, Mitbegründer der LDP in SACHSEN—ANHALT, Abgeordneter der Länderkammer der DDR
18950318             1. Buslinie der Welt mit 1—BENZINBETRIEBENEN Omnibus, eingesetzt durch die Netphener Omnibusgesellschaft, gebaut von CARL—BENZ, aufnimmt zwischen KÖLN—DEUZ und SIEGEN ihren Betrieb.
18970318             Fr. gr. in-8° de 20—P.
18970318             Le chanoine Albanis, BIO—BIBLIOGRAPHIE;Romans, gr. in-8° de 20—P.
18970318             A la liste des publications il faut ajouter :
18970318             Le chevalier Roze et la servante de Dieu ANNE—MADELEINE—REMUZAL : G p. gr. in-8'' en épreuves.
18970318             La bibliographie des principales se trouve à la 4"p. de la couverture de ce volume;elle compreiid 2—ARTICLES posthumes;
18970318             il y a lieu d'y ajouter :
18970318             Documents concernant LE—DIOCÈSE—DE—VIVIERS, tirés des ARCHIVES du VATIKAN, dans Bull, d'hist. ecclés. et d'archéol. relig. du DIOCESIS—DE—VALENCE (18970000             ), t. XYII, PAGINA—81—IOJ;à part, gr. in-80.
18970318             * CLEMENS—HESEMANN, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER und Landwirtschaftsfunktionär, MdL, MdB
18990318             —DISCOVERED, Phoebe, 1—MOON—OF—SATURN, was, by Pickering.
19020318             Das Streichsextett Verklärte —NACHT—VON—ARNOLD—SCHÖNBERG wird in WIEN uraufgeführt.
19040318—19040319    —ZUSAMMENKUNFT der Geschäftsleiter aller Druckereien, DIE—PARTEIBLÄTTER herstellen: Die Gesamtauflage der politischen Parteizeitungen beträgt 599.880.
19060318             * ROY—L—JOHNSON, USA—ADMIRAL (WW II—PACIFIC Ocean).
19060318             * PAUL—RASSINIER, FRANZÖSISCHER—POLITIKER, Pazifist und Historiker, Geschichtsrevisionist, Holocaustleugner
19060318             Dem RUMÄNISCHEN—LUFTFAHRTPIONIER Traian Vuia gelingt mit dem selbst gebauten Flugzeug Traian Vuia 1 1—ZWÖLFMETERFLUG in einem Meter Höhe.
19070318             * JAKOW—IOSSIFOWITSCH—DSCHUGASCHWILI, ältester SOHN—DES—JOSEF—STALIN und sowjetischer Artillerieoffizier
19080318             DIE—BETEILIGUNG an der traditionellen Ehrung der ;;03;;-Gefallenen
19090318             Einar Dessau of DENMARK used 1—SHORT—WAVE transmitter to converse with 1—GOVERNMENT—RADIO—POST about 6—MILES away in what is believed to have been the 1. broadcast by a "ham" operator.
19110318             —OPENED, THEODORE—ROOSEVELT, THE—ROOSEVELT Dam in PHOENIX—ARIZONA, the largest dam in THE—USA to date.
19110318             1—VOTE was held for THE—INCORPORATION—OF—DALY—CITY, CALIFORNIA.
19110318             The voting place was the upstairs BACKROOM—OF—JACK—LETLOS'—RESTAURANT on Mission Rd.
19110318             The vote was for 132, against 130. Also passed in the vote was the new official NAME—OF—DALY—CITY in honor of JOHN—DALY.
19110318             1—VOTE was held for THE—INCORPORATION—OF—DALY—CITY, CALIFORNIA The voting place was the upstairs BACKROOM—OF—JACK—LETLOS'—RESTAURANT on Mission Rd.
19110318             In der expressionistischen Zeitschrift Der Sturm erscheint ALFRED—LICHTENSTEINS—GEDICHT—DIE—DÄMMERUNG.
19130318             —KILLED, GREECE—I—KING—OF—GEORGE was, by 1—ASSASSIN.
19130318             —SUCCEED, CONSTANTINE I was to.
19130318             † GREECE—I—KING—OF—GEORGE was killed by 1—ASSASSIN.
19130318             GEORG—I—KÖNIG—DER—HELLENEN, wird von dem Revolutionär ALEXANDER—SCHINAS in Saloniki ermordet.
19130318             † GEORG—I—KÖNIG—VON—GRIECHENLAND
19140000—19860318    * † BERNARD—MALAMUD, writer.
19150318             —DIE—SPD—REICHS—TAGS—FRAKTION beschließt mit 77—STIMMEN—GEGEN—23—STIMMEN, geschlossen für den Etat zu stimmen.
19150318             DIE—ARMADA von über 1—DUTZEND Schlachtschiffen fuhr am ;;
19150318             aus allen Rohren feuernd immer weiter in die Dardanellen ein.
19150318             —SEIT—JAHRZEHNTEN DEUTSCHLAND und das OSMAN—REICH pflegten 1.enge Verbindung.
19150318             IM—GEGENSATZ zu GROß—BRITANNIEN, FRANKREICH und RUSSLAND hegte DAS—DEUTSCHE—REICH in der Region keine territorialen Ambitionen.
19150318             Mit den Dardanellen und dem Bosporus kontrollierten sie die einzige Verbindung zum Schwarzen Meer.
19150318             —AM, versuchte schließlich das BRITISCH—FRANKREICH—GESCHWADER, die OSMAN—KÜSTENVERTEIDIGUNG zu vernichten —, erlitt durch die Seeminen der "Nusret"eine vernichtende Niederlage.
19150318             —AM, Die Armada von über 1—DUTZEND Schlachtschiffen fuhr aus allen Rohren feuernd immer weiter in die Dardanellen ein.
19150318             —AM, DIE—ARMADA von über 1—DUTZEND Schlachtschiffen fuhr
19150318             —BEGINN—DES 1. WELT—KRIEGS blieben DIE—OSMANEN noch neutral, umworben nicht nur von DEUTSCHLAND, sondern auch von GROß—BRITANNIEN und FRANKREICH.
19150318             —WWI—IM,
19150318             —SCHEITERT, ein gemeinsamer Angriff der britischen und FRANZÖSISCHEN—MARINE auf die Dardanellen in der
19150318             —SCHLACHT—VON—GALLIPOLI.
19150318             —VERSENKT, Bei dem Desaster wird unter anderem das BRITISCHE—SCHLACHTSCHIFF—HMS—IRRESISTIBLE.
19160318             —ON THE—EAST—FRONT, the Russians countered the Verdun assault with 1—ATTACK at Lake Naroch.
19160318             THE—RUSSIANS lost 100,000—MEN and the Germans lost 20,000.
19170318             THE—GERMANS sank THE—USA—SHIPS, CITY—OF—MEMPHIS, Vigilante and THE—ILLINOIS, without ANY—TYPE—OF warning.
19180318             —BEGINNT, mit Artilleriefeuer der DEUTSCHEN—TRUPPEN auf alliierte Stellungen, dem —2—STUNDEN—SPÄTER das DEUTSCHE—ÜBERSCHREITEN des FLUSS—YSER folgt, Die
19180318             4. FLANDERN—SCHLACHT.
19180318             † JOSEPH—DENIKER, FRANZÖSISCHER—ANTHROPOLOGE und Rassentheoretiker
19190318             DARMSTADT, findet die Uraufführung der Oper Gaudeamus von ENGELBERT—HUMPERDINCK statt.
19210224             Das ist der Auftakt zum —BIS zum 19210318             dauernden Kronstädter Matrosenaufstand gegen die Regierung Sowjetrusslands.
19210318             Steamer "HONG—KOH" ran aground off Swatow CHINA killing 1,000.
19210318             Im Gefängnis von Kronstadt kommt es zu Massenerschießungen.
19210318             —ENDET, Der POLNISCH—SOWJETISCHE Krieg, durch den.
19210318             —FRIEDE—VON—RIGA
19210318             —ERHÄLT—POLEN, erheblichen Gebietszuwachs, während
19210318             —GARANTIERT bekommt, DIE—SOWJETUNION, freien Warenverkehr nach LITAUEN
19210318—19210224    —AM, wird endgültig blutig niedergeschlagen, Der
19210318—19210224    —KRONSTÄDTER—MATROSEN—AUFSTAND bei Petrograd gegen die Regierung Sowjetrusslands, der begonnen hat,
19220318             —SENTENCED, Mohandas K. Gandhi was, in INDIA to —6—YEARS' imprisonment for civil disobedience.
19220318             —RELEASED, He was, —AFTER serving —2—YEARS.
19220318             * BAHR, im thüringischen Treffurt.
19220318             MAHATMA—GANDHI tritt in BRITISCH—INDIEN 1—FREIHEITSSTRAFE—VON—6—JAHREN wegen zivilen Ungehorsams an, von denen er aber gesundheitsbedingt nur —2—JAHRE absitzen wird.
19240000—20200318    * † CATHERINE—HAMLIN, AUSTRALIA—OBSTETRICIAN and gynaecologist, in ETHIOPIA.
19250318             —KILLED, The great TRI—STATE—TORNADO, 695—PEOPLE in ILLINOIS, INDIANA and MISSOURI and injured some 13,000—PEOPLE, and causing $17—MILLION in property damage.
19250318             Several other destructive tornadoes in TENNESSEE, KENTUCKY, and INDIANA, as well as tornadoes in ALABAMA and KANSAS brought the total to at least 747—DEAD.
19250318             DER—TRI—STATE—TORNADO zieht durch die USA—BUNDESSTAATEN MISSOURI, ILLINOIS und INDIANA, wo er mindestens 695—TOTE und über 2.000—VERLETZTE fordert.
19250318             —BISHER, in der GESCHICHTE—DER—VEREINIGTEN—STAATEN, DER—TRI—STATE—TORNADO ist damit der tödlichste Tornado
19260000—20170318    * † Rock 'n' roll legend Chuck Berry, at his home in THE—S—LOUIS area.
19261018—20170318    * † CHUCK—BERRY—AM—SAMSTAG, —90—JAHRE—ALT, starb, gilt nicht nur als 1—DER wichtigsten Innovatoren des Rock'n'Roll und etablierte die Gitarre als Hauptinstrument des neuen STILS—ER begründete auch das Selbstbewusstsein 1—JUNGEN Community, die sich der etablierten Erwachsenenkultur nicht mehr unterordnete.
19290318             HAMZA—HAKIMZODA—NIYOZIY, der BEGRÜNDER—DER—USBEKISCHEN—SOWJETLITERATUR, wird in Shohimardon von Islamisten ermordet, weil er gegen das dortige Pilgerzentrum agitiert hat.
19310318             —BECAME, JACKIE—MITCHELL, the 2. female in professional baseball as she signed with THE—CHATTANOOGA—LOOKOUTS, 1—TENNESSEE—CLASS—AA minor league team.
19310318             —MARKETED, Schick INCORPORATED, the 1. electric razor.
19310318—18980000    —PLAYED, Lizzie ARLINGTON, 1—GAME, pitching for READING (PA) against ALLENTOWN.
19320318             * JOHN—UPDIKE, USA—POET, novelist.
19320318             JOHN—UPDIKE wrote "Witches of Eastwick".
19330318             —FORCED, Other stories tell of Jews being, to clean the streets with toothbrushes, of book burnings, of 10,000 refugees fleeing GERMANY + of 30,000—PEOPLE—JEWS + Communists + Socialists + Libertarians + + gays, + others —IMPRISONED in concentration camps.
19330318             * UNITA—BLACKWELL, 1. black mayor in MISSISSIPPI.
19330318             —OUSTED, NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORTS that THE—NAZI s have, all Jewish PROFESSIONALS—LAWYERS, doctors, TEACHERS—FROM their jobs.
19330318             1—FRONT—PAGE—STORY under the headline "GERMANY—FUGITIVES Tell of Atrocities at Hands of NAZI s" describes BROWN SHIRTS dragging Jews out of 1—BERLIN restaurant + forcing them to run 1—GAUNTLET of kicks + blows such that the face of the last man through "resembled 1—BEEFSTEAK".
19330318             —FORCED, Other stories tell of Jews being, to clean the streets with toothbrushes,
19330318             of book burnings, of 10,000 refugees fleeing GERMANY + of 30,000—PEOPLE—JEWS + COMMUNISTS + SOCIALISTS + LIBERTARIANS + + GAYS ,
19330318             + others —IMPRISONED in CONCENTRATION CAMPS.
19340318             —OWNED, P—UBLISHED IN—NEW—YORK TIME s article Flick, 2—THIRDS—OF—CSSC —WHILE "USA—INTERESTS" held the rest.
19340318             THE—USA—NATIONAL—ARCHIVE documents show that BBH—INVOLVEMENT with CSSC was more than simply holding the shares in the mid-1930s.
19340318             BUSH—FRIEND + fellow "bonesman" Knight WOOLLEY ,
19340318             another PARTNER—AT—BBH, wrote to Averill HARRIMAN
19340318             BUSH—FRIEND + fellow "bonesman" Knight Woolley, another PARTNER—AT—BBH, wrote to Averill Harriman
19360318             —INITIATED, FREDERIK—WILLEM—DE—KLERK, the abolition of apartheid.
19360318             —INITIATED, FREDERIK—WILLEM—DE—KLERK—PRESIDENT—OF—REPUBLIC—OF—SOUTH—AFRICA, the abolition of apartheid.
19370318             Some 300—PEOPLE, mostly children, were killed in 1—GAS—EXPLOSION at 1—SCHOOL in New LONDON—TEXAS.
19370318             † In MISSOURI JIM—THE—WONDER—DOG at age 12 at the Lake of the Ozarks.
19370318             —VERIFIED, The dog had uncanny abilities that were, but never explained.
19370318             1—GASEXPLOSION an der New LONDON School in New LONDON—TEXAS, tötet 295—MENSCHEN, größtenteils Kinder.
19380318             —REQUIRED, NY 1., serological blood tests of pregnant women.
19380318             —NATIONALIZED, MEXICO—PRESIDENT—LAZARO—CARDENAS, his country's petroleum reserves and took CONTROL—OF—FOREIGN—OWNED oil facilities.
19380318             —VERSTAATLICHT, Der MEXIKANISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—LÁZARO—CÁRDENAS—DEL—RÍO, im Zuge der Institutionalisierung der MEXIKANISCHEN—REVOLUTION die ÖL—INDUSTRIE und die Elektrizitätswerke.
19390318             —RAISED, THE—USA, the duties on GERMANY—IMPORTS by 25—PERCENT.
19390318             CONNECTICUT and MASSACHUSETTS, the only other states to hold out, also accepted THE—BILL—OF—RIGHTS in —THIS—YEAR.
19400318             ADOLF—HITLER and Benito Mussolini held 1—MEETING at the Brenner Pass across the Alps —DURING which THE—ITALY—DICTATOR agreed to join in GERMANY—WAR against FRANCE and BRITAIN.
19420318             The 3. military draft began in THE—USA—BECAUSE—OF—WWII.
19420318             —ALLOWED, They were, to work out.
19430318             USA—FORCES took Gafsa in TUNISIA.
19430318             The ships JAMES—OGLETHORPE (USA) and Terkolei (Neth.), were torpedoed and sank.
19430318             —CALLED, THE—REICH, off its offensive in Caucasus.
19430318             —EVACUATED, Red Army, BELGOROD.
19440318             —OCCUPIED, Nazi GERMANY, HUNGARY.
19440318             —REACHED, THE—RUSSIANS, the Rumanian border in the Balkans.
19450318             1,250—USA—BOMBERS attacked BERLIN.
19450318             —ATTACKED, USA—TASK—FORCE 58, targets on Kyushu.
19450318             —INTRODUCED, Suicide bombs were.
19450318             1.250—AMERIKANISCHE—BOMBER fliegen —WWII—IM den, gemessen an der Bombenlast schwersten, Luftangriff auf BERLIN.
19480317—19480318    2. DEUTSCHE—VOLKSKONGRESS mit Delegierten aus OST—DEUTSCHLAND, UND WEST—DEUTSCHLAND, OST—BERLIN, bezeichnet sich als einzige legitime Vertretung GESAMT—DEUTSCHLANDS.
19480317—19480318    2. DEUTSCHE—VOLKSKONGRESS mit Delegierten aus OST—DEUTSCHLAND UND WEST—DEUTSCHLAND bezeichnet sich als einzige legitime Vertretung Gesamtdeutschlands.
19480318             —SIGNED, FRANCE, GREAT—BRITAIN and Benelux, THE—TREATY—OF—BRUSSELS.
19480318             Philips began experimental TV broadcasting.
19500318             —LANDED, Nationalist troops, on THE—MAINLAND—OF—CHINA and captured Communist held Sungmen.
19520318             The 1. plastic lens for cataract patients was fitted in PHILADELPHIA.
19520318             There was 1—COMMUNIST—OFFENSIVE in KOREA.
19530318             * MARGARET—L—AUGUSTINE, project manager for Biosphere 2, in BUFFALO—NEW—YORK.
19530318             —ANNOUNCED, THE—BRAVES baseball team, that they were moving from BOSTON to MILWAUKEE.
19530318             —ERDBEBEN in der WEST—TÜRKEI fordert 1.100—MENSCHENLEBEN.
19540318             HOWARD—HUGHES paid $23.5—MILLION for THE—RKO motion picture company.
19590318             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—EISENHOWER, THE—HAWAII statehood bill.
19590318             —DEPOSITED, THE—PUBLISHER—OF—BIG—TABLE—MAGAZINE, at THE—CHICAGO—POST—OFFICE several 100—COPIES—OF—ITS 1. issue of Big Table Magazine.
19590318             —ALLEGED, THE—POST—OFFICE—GENERAL—COUNSEL—LATER, that the 1. and 3. articles were obscene and filthy.
19590318             —PUBLISHED, The magazine was, by ROLAND—PITSCHEL (19420000—20090000    ) and his sister.
19590318—19590821    —BECAME, HAWAII, 1—STATE.
19610318             —INTRODUCED, The "Poppin' Fresh" Pillsbury Dough Boy was.
19610318             1. Der SOVIET—LANGSTRECKEN—ABFANGJÄGER—TUPOLEW—TU—128, absolviert seinen Erstflug.
19620318             —AGREED, FRANCE and ALGERIA—REBELS, to 1—TRUCE, which took effect THE—NEXT—DAY.
19620318             LA—VANGUARDIA—ESPANOLA—PAGE—20;
19620318             FRANKREICH und die Front de Libération Nationale unterzeichnen in ÉVIAN—LES—BAINS die VERTRÄGE—VON—ÉVIAN zur Beendigung des Algerienkrieges.
19620318             —AM—FOLGENDEN—TAG—1—WAFFENSTILLSTAND tritt in Kraft und
19630318             * VANESSA—L—WILLIAMS, 1. black Miss AMERICA (19830000             ), singer, in MILLWOOD—NEW—YORK.
19630318             THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT made its Gideon v Wainwright ruling which said poor defendants have 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—RIGHT to 1—ATTORNEY.
19630318—19620100    —FORCED, Gideon had been, to defend himself in FLORIDA, and petitioned THE—SUPREME—COURT to hear his complaint.
19650318             The 1. spacewalk took place as SOVIET—COSMONAUT—ALEKSEI—LEONOV (30) left his Voskhod 2—CAPSULE and remained outside the spacecraft —FOR—20—MINUTES, secured by 1—TETHER.
19650318             —STARTET, vom WELTRAUMBAHNHOF—BAIKONUR, Das sowjetische Raumschiff Woschod 2unter dem Kommando von PAWEL—IWANOWITSCH—BELJAJEW ins All.
19650318             —AM—GLEICHEN—TAG unternimmt der 2. Kosmonaut ALEXEI—ARCHIPOWITSCH—LEONOW als 1. Mensch einen Außenbordeinsatz.
19660318             Hedda Hopper, USA—GOSSIP columnist (18900000—19660000    ).
19660318             †.
19660318             "Having only friends would be dull anyway -- like eating eggs without salt".
19670318             1—DER 1. Supertanker, Die von BP gecharterte TORREY—CANYON, läuft vor Cornwall auf Grund und verursacht eine Ölverschmutzung an den Küsten Südenglands und Frankreichs.
19680318             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—JOHNSON, Public Law 90—269—REMOVING gold backing from USA—PAPER—MONEY.
19690318             —AUTHORIZED, PRESIDENT—RICHARD—M—NIXON, Operation Menu, the 'secret' BOMBING—OF—CAMBODIA 19690223             —SEE.
19691000—20050318    -Workshop AM—FÜR eine demokratische Handelspolitik...-
19700318             —PARALYZED, THE—USA—POSTAL—SERVICE was, by the 1. postal strike.
19700318             1—WALKOUT—OF—LETTER—CARRIERS in Brooklyn and Manhattan set off 1—STRIKE that involved 210,000—OF—THE—NATION—750,000 postal employees.
19700318             —DECLARED, PRESIDENT—NIXON, 1—STATE—OF—NATIONAL—EMERGENCY and assigned military units to NEW—YORK—CITY—POST—OFFICES.
19700318             CAMBODIA, PRINCE—SIHANOUK was overthrown by GENERAL—LON—NOL.
19700318             —ENTMACHTET, Der KAMBODSCHANISCHE—PREMIERMINISTER—LON—NOL, mit Hilfe des Parlaments PRINZ—NORODOM—SIHANOUK, der sich zu diesem Zeitpunkt auf Auslandsreise befindet, als STAATSCHEF.
19700318—19880000    —IN—THE, The next —8—YEARS are covered book "Goodnight CAMBODIA, Forbidden History" by Vibol Ouk, who lived through THE—HORRORS—OF—POL—POT.
19710318             Bei einem Bergrutsch stürzen große Gesteinsmassen in den See Lago Yanahuin in PERU, die ausgelöste Flutwelle von 30—M Höhe zerstört die Minensiedlung Chungar und tötet mehrere 100—PERSONEN.
19720309—19900318    Es sind die 1. und —BIS zum (den 1. freien Wahlen der Volkskammer) einzigen Gegenstimmen.
19730318             DEUTSCHLAND, wird im Westdeutschen Fernsehen mit Je später —DER—ABEND die 1. TALK—SHOW ausgestrahlt.
19740318             DER—SPIEGEL am. DER—SPIEGEL 12/- Flamme aus dem Wasser
19750318             Mulla Mustafa gave the order to the Kurdish army to abandon the struggle.
19750318             —OBTAINED, This time round, Mulla Mustafa, refuge in THE—USA.
19770309             —PROPOSED, PRESIDENT—CARTER, 1—END to travel restrictions to CUBA, VIETNAM, N. KOREA and CAMBODIA effective as of 19770318            .
19770318             —TRANSFORMED, SF, PAUL—GAER, AL—TRANSBAY—TAVERN on 4. St. into the Hotel UTAH Saloon.
19770318             † Marien Ngouabi, the military PRESIDENT—OF—THE—REPUBLIC—OF—THE—CONGO (CONGO—BRAZZAVILLE), was assassinated.
19770318             —DISCOVERED, THE—VIETNAMESE "" and returned to THE—USA the remains of BRUCE—C—DUCAT.
19770318             —FOR—11—YEARS, Ducat, alive or dead, was 1—PRISONER—OF—WAR.
19770318—20070000    —DATED, The structure, back to 19080000             and marked its 30. anniversary.
19780318             —CONDEMNED, PAKISTAN, the Punjab High Court, FORMER—PRESIDENT—ZULFIKAR—ALI—BHUTTO to death on charges of 1—POLITICAL—MURDER.
19790317—19790318    —GRÜNDEN, 500—DELEGIERTE, FRANKFURT, die "Sonstige Politische Vereinigung Die Grünen", die zu den Europawahlen antreten soll
19790317—19790318    PETRA—KELLY ist die "Sonstige Politische Vereinigung Die Grünen"Spitzenkandidatin.
19790317—19790318    —GRÜNDEN, 500—DELEGIERTE die "Sonstige Politische Vereinigung Die Grünen", die zu den Europawahlen antreten sollFRANKFURT,
19790317—19790318    PETRA—KELLY ist Spitzenkandidatin.
19790318             —DETAINED, IRAN—AUTHORITIES, USA—FEMINIST—KATE Millett, —1—DAY—BEFORE deporting her and 1—COMPANION for what were termed "provocations".
19800318             JOHN—FAVARA struck 1—KILLED—FRANK—GOTTI, —12—JAHRE—ALT, THE—SON—OF—MOBSTER—JOHN—GOTTI, as the boy darted in front of his car on 1—MINIBIKE in Brooklyn.
19800318             † ERICH—FROMM, DEUTSCH—USA—AMERIKANISCHER—PSYCHOANALYTIKER, Philosoph und Sozialpsychologe
19800318             —ESTLEGT, Das Politbüro der SED, die AUFGABEN—DER—UNIVERSITÄTEN in der "entwickelten sozialistischen Gesellschaft" der DDR.
19800318—19800728    —DISAPPEARED, Favara.
19800318—20090000    —IN, it was reported that mobster CHARLES—CARNEGLIA, —62—JAHRE—ALT had killed Favara and dissolved his body in acid.
19800318—20090000    —DISAPPEARED, Favara, 20090728             —ON. it was reported that mobster CHARLES—CARNEGLIA (62) had killed Favara and dissolved his body in acid.
19810318             THE—TV—SERIES "Greatest USA—HERO" began with ROBERT—CULP as an FBI agent.
19810318—19660000    —DISCLOSED, THE—USA, that there were biological weapons tested in TEXAS.
19810318—19860000    —UNTIL, He played in 44—EPISODES.
19820318             † WASSILI—IWANOWITSCH—TSCHUIKOW, sowjetischer Militärführer und Politiker, Held der Sowjetunion, MARSCHALL
19820318             OST—BERLIN, treffen 1. Abgeordnete von Volkskammer und BUNDESTAG offiziell zusammen
19820318             LEIPZIG, treffen sich während der Messe Bundeswirtschaftsminister OTTO—GRAF—LAMBSDORFF und der Leiter der DDR—WIRTSCHAFTSKOMMISSION, GÜNTER—MITTAG, zu informellen Gesprächen.
19830318             MEXICO—FINANCIAL—CRISIS was causing 1—SURGE of illegal aliens over the border into TEXAS.
19830318             † JOSEF—KOCH, DEUTSCHER—ARZT, Mitbegründer des DEUTSCHEN—ROTEN Kreuzes
19830318             Junge Jenenser demonstrieren am offiziellen Gedenktag zur Bombardierung Jenas mit eigenen Plakaten gegen die zunehmende Militarisierung der Gesellschaft
19830318             An der Aktion beteiligt ist auch DOROTHEA—FISCHER
19830318             —SEIT dem Tod ihres Freundes MATTHIAS—DOMASCHK 19810000             engagiert sie sich in Jena gegen das SED—REGIME.
19850318             —REINSTATED, Baseball commissioner PETER—UEBERROTH, WILLIE—MAYS and MICKEY—MANTLE.
19850318             The 1. remote location for ABC's "Nightline" news was in SOUTH—AFRICA.
19850318             Die Evangelische Kirche in DEUTSCHLAND und der Bund der Evangelischen Kirchen in der DDR veröffentlichen ein gemeinsames Wort zum Frieden
19850318             —GEFALLEN, Auch der Kirche sei es schwer, die Realität von 2—DEUTSCHEN—STAATEN anzuerkennen: "Aber wir haben erkannt: Die Erhaltung des Friedens hat den Vorrang vor allem anderen".
19860318             —ANNOUNCED, Buckingham Palace, THE—ENGAGEMENT—OF—PRINCE—ANDREW to SARAH—FERGUSON.
19860318             —INCLUDED, His work, "Talking Horse: BERNARD—MALAMUD on Life and Work," edited by ALAN—CHEUSE and NICHOLAS—DELBANCO (19970000             ).
19860318—20060000    —IN, his daughter authored "My Father Is 1—BOOK: 1—MEMOIR—OF—BERNARD—MALAMUD".
19870318             SUSAN—BUTCHER won her 2. consecutive Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race, covering the distance from ANCHORAGE to NOME—ALASKA, in —11—DAYS, —2—HOURS, —5—MINUTES and —13—SECONDS.
19880318             † IN—ALABAMA—ELIZABETH—DORLEEN—SENNETT, —45—JAHRE—ALT, THE—WIFE—OF—1—PREACHER, —AFTER she was brutally beaten and stabbed in 1—CONTRACT killing.
19880318             —1—WEEK—AFTER becoming 1—SUSPECT in the case, the victim's husband, CHARLES—SENNETT, shot and killed himself in his son's backyard.
19880318             —CONTRACTED, Sennett had, BILL—GRAY—WILLIAMS to kill his wife for $3,000. According to court documents, Williams paid KENNETH—EUGENE—SMITH and JOHN—FORREST—PARKER $1,000 each to commit the murder.
19880318             —CONTROLLED, The government of PANAMA, by GENERAL—MANUEL—ANTONIO—NORIEGA, declared a "STATE—OF—URGENCY" in 1—MOVE apparently aimed at forcing THE—REOPENING—OF—BANKS and other businesses that closed —DURING PANAMA—ECONOMIC and political crisis.
19880318—19890000    —CONVICTED, Parker was, and
19880318—20100000    —IN, executed for the murder.
19890318             —LANDED, The space shuttle Discovery, at Edwards AIR—FORCE—BASE in CALIFORNIA, completing a —5—DAY—MISSION.
19890318             Die Uraufführung der komischen Oper Der heiße Ofen von HANS—WERNER—HENZE findet in KASSEL statt.
19900318             There was 1—THEFT—OF—ART—WORK from the Isabella STEWART—GARDNER—MUSEUM in BOSTON.
19900318             2—MEN dressed as policemen made off with masterworks that included Rembrandt's "THE—STORM on the Sea of Galilee," Vermeer's "THE—CONCERT," Manet's "Chez Tortoni," and 5—PAINTINGS and drawings by EDGAR—DEGAS and a 12000000             BC CHINA—BRONZE beaker valued at $300—MILLION.
19900318             The theft led SENATOR—EDWARD—KENNEDY to sponsor the museum theft provision of 19940000             —THE—OMNIBUS—CRIME—ACT.
19900318             1—ALLIANCE—OF—CONSERVATIVE—PARTIES won 1—SURPRISING victory over the Communists in EAST—GERMANY—1. free elections.
19900318             —AM, enttarnte ihn DER—SPIEGEL als IM DER—STASI.
19900318             —AM, gestohlen.
19900318             —AM, war für den DA—VORSITZENDEN Schnur DER—MINISTER—PRÄSIDENTEN—POSTEN in greifbarer Nähe.
19900318             —AM, enttarnte ihn DER—SPIEGEL als 1—STASI—I—M.
19900318             Beim Kunstraub von BOSTON werden von 2—TÄTERN, die als Polizisten verkleidet sind, aus dem ISABELLA—STEWART—GARDNER—MUSEUM 13—KUNSTWERKE im Gesamtwert von mehr als 500—MILLIONEN USA—DOLLAR geraubt.
19900318             Der größte Kunstraub in der GESCHICHTE—DER—USA ist bislang nicht aufgeklärt.
19900318             In der DEUTSCHEN—DEMOKRATISCHEN REPUBLIK finden die einzigen freien Wahlen zur Volkskammer statt.
19900318             Die CDU der DDR wird mit Abstand stärkste Partei, insgesamt ziehen 12—PARTEIEN in die Volkskammer ein.
19900318             —GEWINNT, In der ESTNISCHEN—SOZIALISTISCHEN Sowjetrepublik, die ESTNISCHE—UNABHÄNGIGKEITSBEWEGUNG die 1. freien Wahlen, ihr Ziel ist die Loslösung Estlands von der Sowjetunion.
19900318             1. und einzige freie Volkskammerwahl in der DDR
19900318             Die Parteien der Allianz für DEUTSCHLAND (aus CDU, Demokratischer Aufbruch und DSU) gewinnen 48,0 %, die SPD bekommt 21,9 %;
19900318             16,4 % erhält die PDS und 5,3 % die Allianz Freier Demokraten
19900318             Das Bündnis 90 (Neues Forum, Demokratie —JETZT und die IFM) muss sich mit nur 2,9 PROZENT—DER—STIMMEN begnügen.
19900318—20130000    —IN, THE—FBI said it knows who stole the artwork but withheld the identity of the thieves.
19910318             —DEFEATED, NEVADA, IRELAND—BOXER Pat Lawler (27), ROBERTO—DURAN in a 6. round technical knockout in LAS—VEGAS.
19910318             Lawler, 1—RESIDENT—OF—SAN—FRANCISCO, was an 8—1—UNDERDOG for the fight.
19910318             —SHOWED, Results from 1—NON—BINDING—SOVIET—REFERENDUM, overwhelming support for preserving the union, 1—VICTORY for PRESIDENT—MIKHAIL—S—GORBACHEV.
19910318             However, in 1—BOOST for RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—BORIS—N—YELTSIN, voters in his republic also endorsed electing the federation PRESIDENT by direct ballot.
19910318             Der FRANZÖSISCHE—RECHTSPOPULIST JEAN—MARIE—LE—PEN wird von einem Gericht in Versailles zu einer Geldstrafe von 1,2 Millionen Francs verurteilt, weil er Gaskammern als 1—DETAIL in des —WWII—GESCHICHTE bezeichnet hat.
19910318             —AM 1. Jahrestag der 1. freien Volkskammerwahlen in der DDR demonstrieren Tausende gegen den wirtschaftlichen Niedergang Ostdeutschlands.
19920318             —SENTENCED, Leona Helmsley was, to —4—YEARS for tax evasion.
19920318             —CLAIMED, SOUTH—AFRICA—PRESIDENT—FW—DE—KLERK, victory for his reforms —1—DAY—AFTER 1—WHITES—ONLY—REFERENDUM on whether to end apartheid.
19920318             —VOTED, USA—NATIONAL—FOOTBALL—LEAGUE—OWNERS, to drop the use of instant videotape replays to settle disputed calls —DURING games.
19920318             Die Uraufführung der Oper Eréndira von Violeta Dinescu findet in München statt.
19920318—19990000    —IN, Instant replay was brought back.
19930318             —ON Capitol Hill, the House approved PRESIDENT—CLINTON—DEFICIT—REDUCTION blueprint on 1—VIRTUAL—PARTY—LINE—243—183—VOTE.
19930318             —OUTRAGED, PENNSYLVANIA, Amish man EDWARD—GINGERICH, his normally peaceful religious community of Rockdale Township, where he crushed his wife's skull and used 1—KITCHEN—KNIFE to remove her stomach organs from her dead body.
19930318—19940000    —DIAGNOSED, Gingerich was, with schizophrenia and convicted of manslaughter.
19930318—20070000    —IN, —AFTER serving his maximum sentence of —4—YEARS in prison for the killing, moved to 1—MENTAL—INSTITUTION in MICHIGAN —BEFORE going to INDIANA and eventually returning to PENNSYLVANIA and the Brown Hill Amish community.
19930318—20110000    —COMMITTED, Gingerich (44), suicide in 1—BARN in CAMBRIDGE Springs, PENNSILVANIA.
19940318             —RETURNED, The space shuttle COLUMBIA, from a —2—WEEK—MISSION.
19940318             Published reports said 1. lady Hillary Rodham Clinton had made nearly $100,000 from the commodities market in the late 1970's on 1—INITIAL—INVESTMENT—OF—ONLY $1,000.
19940318             —FILED, Zsa Zsa Gabor, HUNGARIAN—BORN actress, for bankruptcy.
19940318             —SIGNED, Muslim and Croat leaders, agreements to create 1—BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—FEDERATION.
19940318             —SIGNED, LITHUANIA and POLAND, 1—AGREEMENT in WARSAW on friendship and neighborly cooperation.
19940318             —PUBLISHED, THE—SOUTH—AFRICA GOLDSTONE Commission, 1—REPORT which finally confirmed that senior SOUTH—AFRICA—POLICE (SAP) officials had been involved in supplying Inkatha with weapons and financial support.
19940318             —CONDEMNED, THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL unanimously, THE—HEBRON mosque massacre.
19940318             WASHINGTON, unterzeichnen Vertreter der kroatischen und muslimischen Bevölkerungsgruppen Bosniens während des BOSNIEN—KRIEGES 1—VERTRAG zu der FÖDERATION—BOSNIEN—UND—HERZEGOWINA—GRÜNDUNG
19940318             † GÜNTER—MITTAG, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER, Abgeordneter der Volkskammer, Mitglied des Politbüros des ZK der SED und des Staatsrates der DDR
19950318             —CRITICIZED, THE—USA—CATHOLIC—CONFERENCE—ADMINISTRATIVE—BOARD, 1—REPUBLICAN welfare reform plan, saying it would hurt poor children and could push women to have abortions.
19950318             —ANNOUNCED, MICHAEL—JORDAN, that he was ending his —17—MONTH—NBA retirement.
19950318             oo SPAIN—PRINCESS—ELENA, 1—BANKER, JAIME—DE—MARICHALAR y Saenz de Tejada, in Seville;
19950318             it was SPAIN—1. royal wedding in —89—YEARS.
19960000             - He'd better have 1—BODYGUARD.
19960318             —COMMITTED, Salvi —LATER, suicide in his cell.
19960318             —SHIPPED, Some 2,000 CHINA—MADE assault guns were illegally, through the port of OAKLAND in THE—USA.
19960318             † ODYSSEUS—ELYTIS, GREECE—POET and Nobel Prize winner (19790000             ), in ATHENS at age 84.
19960318             † Salvi —LATER committed suicide in his cell.
19960627             By DAVID—PEREZ, in Workers World.—WHEN PRESIDENT—BILL—CLINTON signed THE—HELMS—BURTON Act into law, Sen.
19970318             Labor SECRETARY—DESIGNATE ALEXIS—HERMAN got 1—GENERALLY favorable reception from Democrats and Republicans alike at her Senate confirmation hearing.
19970318             Bulldozers began clearing away rocks and earth for 1—JEWISH housing project in disputed EAST—JERUSALEM, triggering PALESTINE—PROTESTS.
19970318             FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—ARTHUR—ROBINSON (19260000—20140000    ) began serving as the 3. PRESIDENT—OF—TRINIDAD & Tobago.
19970318             —BACKED, PRIME—MINISTER—BASDEO—PANDAY, Robinson as PRESIDENT.
19980318             —INSTRUCTED, According to Steele, Willey, her to tell NEWSWEEK that Willey had confided the alleged episode to her —IMMEDIATELY—AFTER it supposedly happened;
19980318             —VOTED, THE—NEW—YORK—CITY—BOARD—OF—EDUCATION, to require its schoolchildren to wear uniforms.
19980318             1—STUDY—OF—FINLAND—SMOKERS reported in the Journal of the national Cancer Institute indicated that vitamin E reduced the risk of prostate cancer.
19980318             —OUTLINED, INDIA, the Bharatiya Janata Party agenda was.
19980318             It included plans to protect domestic industry from foreign competition and to develop nuclear weapons for protection against CHINA and PAKISTAN.
19980318—19930000    —RELEASED, JULIE—HIATT—STEELE, 1—FORMER—FRIEND—OF—KATHLEEN Willey's, 1—SWORN affidavit undercutting WILLEY—CLAIM that PRESIDENT—CLINTON had made 1 unwanted sexual advance toward her.
19980318—19970000    —IN, Steele said she 1. heard about the accusation.
19980318—19990000    —IN, The dress code would begin.
19990129—20100318    —EXECUTED, Powell was.
19990215—19990318    —RENTED, Their, Pontiac was found burned near Long Barn in Tuolemne County and 2 burned bodies were found in the trunk.
19990318             —CONTINUED, AFGHANISTAN, fighting, for a 2. —DAY and 12—PEOPLE were reported killed by Taliban bombing in Parwan province.
19990318             —OPENED, CHINA, the Grand Hyatt SHANGHAI, on the top 35—STORIES—OF—THE—NEW $540—MILLION—JIN Mao Tower, the 3. tallest in the world.
19990318             —SIGNED, PARIS, the ethnic Albanians, the peace proposal, which THE—SERBIA—DELEGATION rejected.
19990318             the Clinton administration warned NATO would act against SERBIA—TARGETS if YUGOSLAVIA—LEADER—SLOBODAN Milosevic didn't accept the agreement.
19990318             INDIA, 35—UPPER—CASTE villagers of Senari in BIHAR state were killed by MEMBERS—OF—THE—MAOIST—COMMUNIST—CENTER.
19990318             —KILLED, INDONESIA, at least 59—PEOPLE were, on Borneo as ethnic groups clashed for a 3. —DAY.
19990318             —CAUSED, MALAYSIA, 1—OUTBREAK—OF encephalitis, 1—ORDER for the extermination of 64,000 pigs and the evacuation of 11,000—PEOPLE.
19990318             I wrote to Sgt Bryson and requested 1—INTERVIEW on tape, I wish to report evidence on several matters,
19990318             1—REGARDING HAYWARD & Sons EX—BUILDING—CONTRACTORS this was to protect creditors in receivership,
19990318             I am still to be interviewed by Dorset Police,
19990318             —STATED, HAYWARD & Sons was, in my statement to Troon in
19990318             —REVOKED, ECUADOR—PRESIDENT—MAHUAD, the decree doubling gas prices under protests from taxi drivers.
19990318             I wrote to Sgt Bryson and requested 1—INTERVIEW on tape, I wish to report evidence on several matters, 1—REGARDING HAYWARD & Sons EX—BUILDING—CONTRACTORS this was to protect creditors in receivership,
19990318             I am still to be interviewed by Dorset Police, HAYWARD & Sons was stated in my statement to Troon in
19990318—19960000    —IN, 1—USA—FEDERAL—JUDGE—ORDERED—USA—TELEPHONE—COMPANIES to pay $6.2—MILLION owed to CUBA to the families of 3—CUBA—AMERICANS killed.
19990422             —BELIEVED, It was, to be 1—RETALIATION for 19990318             —THE—MASSACRE in BIHAR.
20000318             —REPORTED, KENYA, it was, that some 10,000 cattle, 25,000 camels and 20,000 goats had starved to death over the last —3—MONTHS.
20000318             † 2—MILLION—PEOPLE faced famine and 20, in the last —2—WEEKS in the Wajir district.
20000318             He won with 39—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE over JAMES—SOONG with 37%.
20000318             —ELECTED, Annette Lu (55) was, as VICE—PRESIDENT.
20010318             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION planned to sidestep THE—USA—BAR—ASSOCIATION in THE—SCREENING—OF—FEDERAL—JUDGES, an "indication that they want to pick judges of the hard right".
20010318             † 1—AMTRAK train bound for the Bay Area derailed in IOWA and 1—PERSON was killed with 96 injured.
20010318             —SUSPECTED, ALGERIA, weekend attacks by, Islamic militants left 5—PEOPLE—DEAD and 23 injured.
20010318             —KILLED, Chechen rebels, at least 21—RUSSIA—TROOPS.
20010318             FRANCE, mayoral elections were held in PARIS.
20010318             Bertrand Delanoe, CANDIDATE—OF—THE—SOCIALIST, Communists and 2-other LEFT—WING parties, won over PHILIPPE—SEGUIN.
20010318             Socialists also won in LYON.
20010318             —ENDED, This, 1—CENTURY—OF nearly unbroken rule by the right.
20010318             —BANNED, IRAN, the judiciary, the nation's only real opposition group and closed down 4—PRO—REFORM—NEWSPAPERS.
20010318             —ORDERED, MACEDONIA, the government, 1—GENERAL—MOBILIZATION to counter the guerrilla assault.
20010318             † JOHN—PHILLIPS, who CO—FOUNDED the Mamas and the Papas and wrote its biggest hits, including "CALIFORNIA Dreamin" and "—MONDAY," in LOS—ANGELES at age 65.
20010318             1—ACCIDENT that injured 17—SHUT down several heavily traveled highways —AROUND WASHINGTON DC for several hours.
20010318             —INVOLVED, THE—VIRGINIA crash, 1—QUEBEC tour bus, 1—TRUCK and 2—CARS.
20010318—20050000    —REPORTED, It was, that THE—USA—NATIONAL—RECONNAISSANCE—OFFICE was planning a $25—BILLION project for some 12—SATELLITES to be deployed.
20011200             [CHICAGO Tribune, 20020318             ]
20020301—20020318    —BIS, Im Osten Afghanistans beginnt die —BIS zum dauernde Operation Anaconda mit dem Ziel, 500—DORT vermutete AL—QAIDA  und TALIBAN—KÄMPFER zu töten.
20020318             1—USA—FEDERAL—GRAND—JURY unsealed a 20020307             indictment against 7—MEN that included 3—COLOMBIA—GUERRILLAS for smuggling planeloads of cocaine.
20020318             —INCLUDED, These, TOMAS—MOLINA—CARACAS, COMMANDER—OF—THE—FARC 16. Front.
20020318             Flooding hit KENTUCKY, TENNESSEE and VIRGINIA —FOLLOWING a 2. —DAY—OF—HEAVY—RAINS.
20020318             † IN—OHIO—BRITTANIE—CECIL, —13—JAHRE—ALT—2—DAYS—AFTER being hit by 1—HOCKEY puck —WHILE watching an NHL game between THE—COLUMBUS—BLUE—JACKETS and CALGARY Flames.
20020318             It was apparently the 1. such fan fatality in NHL history.
20020318             ANGOLA—ARMY and Unita rebels began CEASE—FIRE—TALKS.
20020318             —PLANNED, BRITAIN, to send 1,700 troops to AFGHANISTAN to join the 6,300—USA—FORCES.
20020318             —VOTED, BRITAIN—HOUSE—OF—COMMONS again, to ban fox hunting along with the hunting of stags and hares with packs of hounds.
20020318             VAN—LEO—PORTRAITS gave EGYPT—BEGGARS, strippers and the elite the look of HOLLYWOOD film stars.
20020318             INDIA, police shot and killed 4—PEOPLE—WHILE trying to disperse mobs and stop looting in 2—TOWNS, Bharuch and Modasa, in Gujarat state.
20020318             ISRAEL withdrew SOME—FORCES from PALESTINIAN—RULED TERRITORY—AS—VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY arrived to help with peace talks.
20020318             1—UN—CONFERENCE on aid opened in MEXICO.
20020318             —DISCOVERED, SPAIN, police, at least 19—CORPSES at the home and car of 1—EX—FUNERAL—PARLOR—EMPLOYEE—IN—MALAGA.
20020318             —BECAME, ZIMBABWE, TERRY—FORD, the 10. white farmer killed by militants in the last —2—YEARS.
20020318             1000—500 im Osten Afghanistans vermutete AL—QAIDA—KÄMPFER, TALIBAN—KÄMPFER zu töten, für beendet und bezeichnet sie als vollen Erfolg, was von einigen militärischen Beobachtern allerdings angezweifelt wird.
20020318—20020301    —SEIT, USA—GENERAL—TOMMY—FRANKS erklärt die laufende OPERATION—ANACONDA mit dem Ziel,
20020319             THE—BODY—OF—NICK—KHARABADZE, —29—JAHRE—ALT, was found 20020318            .
20020319             THE—BODY—OF—NICK—KHARABADZE (29), was found 20020318            .
20030129             180303 warblogg.html --20030318             USA—PRESSESTIMMEN ZUR BUSH—REDE "Sorgt sich Bush um die Menschen oder das Öl?" Ein klarer.".
20030300             presentation by scott ritter, former un weapons inspector,20030318             , chapman university, ORANGE, ca".
20030318             —REMEMBERED, But the Germans, well that fateful —DAY—70—YEARS—AGO - 19330227            .
20030318             Published by the Gannett STATE—BUREAU 20030315             20030318             Our friend CHRIS—KROMM, DIRECTOR—OF—THE—INSTITUTE for SOUTH—STUDIES, examined a 20030315             AP news story on 1—POLL on pro + anti war sentiment among We the People + promptly dashed off the —FOLLOWING letter to AP :
20030318             EXAMINED A 20030315             AP NEWS STORY ON 1—POLL on PRO + ANTI WAR SENTIMENT AMONG WE THE—PEOPLE + promptly dashed off the —FOLLOWING LETTER TO AP :
20030318             —NOTICED, The 70. anniversary wasn't, in THE—USA + was barely reported in the corporate media.
20030318             —REMEMBERED, But the Germans, well that fateful —DAY—70—YEARS—AGO—FEBRUARY 27, 19330000            .
20030318             —COMMEMORATED, They, the anniversary by joining in demonstrations for peace that mobilized citizens all across the world.
20030318             It started —WHEN the government, in the midst of 1—WORLDWIDE—ECONOMIC—CRISIS, received reports of 1—IMMINENT—TERRORIST—ATTACK.
20030318             1—FOREIGN—IDEOLOGUE had launched feeble attacks on 1—FEW famous buildings, but the media largely ignored his relatively small efforts.
20030318             The intelligence services knew, however, that the odds were he would eventually succeed.
20030318             (Historians are still arguing whether or not rogue elements in the intelligence service helped the terrorist;
20030318             the most recent research implies they did not.)
20030318             —IGNORED, But THE—WARNINGS—OF—INVESTIGATORS were, at the highest levels, in part because the government was distracted;
20030318             the man who claimed to be the nation's leader had not been elected by 1—MAJORITY—VOTE and THE—MAJORITY—OF—CITIZENS claimed he had no right to the powers he coveted.
20030318             He was 1—SIMPLETON, SOME—SAID, 1—CARTOON character of 1—MAN who saw things in BLACK—AND—WHITE—TERMS and didn't have the intellect to understand the subtleties of running 1—NATION in 1—COMPLEX and internationalist world.
20030318             His coarse USE—OF—LANGUAGE—REFLECTING his political roots in 1—SOUTHERNMOST STATE—AND his simplistic and OFTEN—INFLAMMATORY nationalistic rhetoric offended the aristocrats, foreign leaders + THE—WELL—EDUCATED elite in the government and media.
20030318             —JOINED, And, as 1—YOUNG—MAN, he'd, 1—SECRET—SOCIETY with 1—OCCULT—SOUNDING name and bizarre initiation rituals that involved skulls and human bones.
20030318             Nonetheless, he knew the terrorist was going to strike (although he didn't know where or —WHEN) + he had already considered his response.
20030318             —WHEN 1—AIDE brought him word that the nation's most prestigious building was ablaze, he verified it was the terrorist who had struck and then rushed to the scene and called 1—PRESS—CONFERENCE.
20030318             "You are —NOW witnessing the beginning of 1—GREAT epoch in history," he proclaimed, standing in front of THE—BURNED—OUT building, surrounded by national media.
20030318             "This fire," he said, his voice trembling with emotion, "is the beginning".
20030318             He used the occasion - "1—SIGN from God," he called IT—TO declare 1—ALL—OUT WAR—ON—TERRORISM and its ideological sponsors, 1—PEOPLE, he said, who traced their origins to THE—MIDDLE—EAST and found motivation for their evil deeds in their religion.
20030318             —2—WEEKS—LATER, the 1. detention center for terrorists was built in Oranianberg to hold the 1. suspected allies of the infamous terrorist.
20030318             In 1—NATIONAL—OUTBURST—OF—PATRIOTISM, the leader's flag was everywhere, even printed large in newspapers suitable for window display.
20030318             Within —4—WEEKS—OF—THE—TERRORIST—ATTACK, the nation's —NOW—POPULAR—LEADER had pushed through LEGISLATION—IN THE—NAME—OF—COMBATING terrorism and fighting the philosophy he said spawned IT—THAT suspended constitutional guarantees of free speech, privacy + habeas corpus.
20030318             Police could —NOW intercept mail and wiretap phones;
20030318             suspected terrorists could be imprisoned without specific charges and without access to their lawyers;
20030318             police could sneak into people's homes without warrants if the cases involved terrorism.
20030318             To get his patriotic "Decree on THE—PROTECTION—OF—PEOPLE and State" passed over the objections of concerned legislators and civil libertarians, he agreed to put a —4-YEAR sunset provision on it: if the national emergency provoked by the terrorist attack was over —BY—THEN, the freedoms and rights would be returned to the people + the police agencies would be RE—RESTRAINED.
20030318             Legislators would —LATER say they hadn't had time to read the bill —BEFORE voting on it.
20030318             —IMMEDIATELY—AFTER PASSAGE—OF—THE—ANTI—TERRORISM—ACT, his FEDERAL—POLICE—AGENCIES stepped up their program of arresting suspicious persons and holding them without access to lawyers or courts.
20030318             —INTERRED, In the 1. —YEAR only 1—FEW 100 were, and those who objected were largely ignored by the mainstream press, which was afraid to offend and thus lose access to 1—LEADER with such high popularity ratings.
20030318             —PROTESTED, Citizens who, the leader in PUBLIC—AND there were MANY—QUICKLY found themselves confronting the newly empowered police's batons, gas + jail cells, or fenced off in protest zones safely OUT—OF—EARSHOT—OF—THE—LEADER—PUBLIC—SPEECHES.
20030318             (In the meantime, he was taking almost daily lessons in public speaking, learning to control his tonality, gestures + facial expressions.
20030318             He became 1—VERY—COMPETENT orator.)
20030318             Within the 1. months —AFTER that terrorist attack, at the suggestion of 1—POLITICAL—ADVISOR, he brought 1—FORMERLY obscure word into common usage.
20030318             He wanted to stir a "racial pride" among his countrymen, so, instead of referring to the nation by its name, he began to refer to it as "THE—HOMELAND," 1—PHRASE publicly promoted in the introduction to a 19340000             speech recorded in Leni RIEFENSTAHL—FAMOUS—PROPAGANDA—MOVIE "Triumph Of THE—WILL".
20030318             —HOPED, As, people's hearts swelled with pride + the beginning of 1—USA—VERSUS—THEM mentality was sewn.
20030318             Our land was "the" homeland, citizens thought: all others were simply foreign lands.
20030318             We are the "true people," he suggested, the only ones worthy of our nation's concern;
20030318             if bombs fall on others, or human rights are violated in other nations and it makes our lives better, it's of little concern to us.
20030318             Playing on this new nationalism + exploiting 1—DISAGREEMENT with THE—FRANCE—OVER his increasing militarism, he argued that ANY—INTERNATIONAL—BODY that didn't act 1. and foremost in the best interest of his own nation was neither relevant nor useful.
20030318             —ORCHESTRATED, His propaganda MINISTER, 1—CAMPAIGN to ensure the people that he was 1—DEEPLY religious man and that his motivations were rooted in Christianity.
20030318             —PROCLAIMED, He even, the need for 1—REVIVAL—OF—THE—CHRISTIAN faith across his nation, what he called a "New Christianity".
20030318             EVERY—MAN in his rapidly growing army wore 1—BELT buckle that declared "Gott Mit Uns" - God Is With USA—AND MOST—OF—THEM fervently believed it was true.
20030318             Within —1—YEAR—OF—THE—TERRORIST—ATTACK, the nation's leader determined that the various local police and FEDERAL—AGENCIES—AROUND the nation were lacking the clear communication and overall coordinatedadministration necessary to deal with the terrorist threat facing the nation, particularly those citizens who WERE—OF—MIDDLE—EASTERN—ANCESTRY and thus probably terrorist and communist sympathizers + various troublesome "intellectuals" and "liberals".
20030318             He proposed 1—SINGLE—NEW—NATIONAL—AGENCY to protect THE—SECURITY—OF—THE—HOMELAND, consolidating THE—ACTIONS—OF—DOZENS—OF—PREVIOUSLY independent police, border + investigative agencies under 1—SINGLE—LEADER.
20030318             —TRUSTED, He appointed 1—OF—HIS most, associates to be LEADER—OF—THIS new agency, THE—CENTRAL—SECURITY—OFFICE for the homeland + gave it 1—ROLE in the government equal to the other major departments.
20030318             —NOTED, His assistant who dealt with the press, that, —SINCE the terrorist attack, "Radio and press are at out disposal".
20030318             Those voices questioning the legitimacy of their nation's leader, or raising questions about his checkered past, had by —NOW faded from the public's recollection as his central security office began advertising 1—PROGRAM encouraging people to phone in tips about suspicious neighbors.
20030318             This program was so successful that THE—NAMES—OF—SOME—OF—THE—PEOPLE "denounced" were soon being broadcast on radio stations.
20030318             —DENOUNCED, Those, often included opposition politicians and celebrities who dared speak out - 1—FAVORITE target of his regime and the media he —NOW controlled through intimidation and ownership by corporate allies.
20030318             To consolidate his power, he concluded that government alone wasn't enough.
20030318             He reached out to industry and forged 1—ALLIANCE, bringing former executives of the nation's largest corporations into high government positions.
20030318             1—FLOOD—OF—GOVERNMENT—MONEY poured into corporate coffers to fight the war against the Middle Eastern ancestry terrorists lurking within the homeland + to prepare for wars overseas.
20030318             He encouraged large corporations friendly to him to acquire media outlets and other industrial concerns across the nation, particularly those previously owned by suspicious PEOPLE—OF—MIDDLE—EASTERN—ANCESTRY.
20030318             He built powerful alliances with industry;
20030318             1—CORPORATE—ALLY got the lucrative contract worth millions to build the 1. LARGE—SCALE—DETENTION—CENTER for ENEMIES—OF—THE—STATE.
20030318             Soon more would follow.
20030318             —FLOURISHED, Industry.
20030318             But —AFTER 1—INTERVAL—OF—PEACE —FOLLOWING the terrorist attack, voices of dissent again arose within and without the government.
20030318             —STARTED, Students had, 1—ACTIVE—PROGRAM opposing him (—LATER known as the White Rose Society) + leaders of nearby nations were speaking out against his bellicose rhetoric.
20030318             He needed 1—DIVERSION, something to direct people away from the corporate cronyism being exposed in his own government, questions of his possibly illegitimate rise to power + THE—OFT—VOICED concerns of civil libertarians about the people being held in detention without due process or access to attorneys or family.
20030318             With his number 2—MAN - 1—MASTER at manipulating THE—MEDIA—HE began 1—CAMPAIGN to convince the people of the nation that 1—SMALL,limited war was necessary.
20030318             Another nation was harboring many of the suspicious Middle Eastern people + even though its connection with the terrorist who had set afire the nation's most important building was tenuous at best, it held resources their nation badly needed if they were to have room to live and maintain their prosperity.
20030318             —DELIVERED, He called 1—PRESS—CONFERENCE and publicly, 1—ULTIMATUM to THE—LEADER—OF—THE—OTHER nation, provoking 1—INTERNATIONAL uproar.
20030318             He claimed the right to strike preemptively in SELF—DEFENSE + nations across EUROPE—AT 1. - denounced him for it, pointing out that it was 1—DOCTRINE only claimed in the past by nations seeking worldwide empire, like CAESAR—ROME or ALEXANDER—GREECE.
20030318             It took 1—FEW months + intense INTERNATIONAL debate and lobbying with European nations, but, —AFTER he personally met with THE—LEADER—OF—THE—UK, finally 1—DEAL was struck.
20030318             —AFTER the military action began, PRIME—MINISTER—NEVILLE—CHAMBERLAIN told the nervous UK—PEOPLE that giving in to this leader's new 1.—STRIKE doctrine would bring "peace for our time".
20030318             —ANNEXED, Thus HITLER—AUSTRIA in 1—LIGHTNING move, riding 1—WAVE—OF—POPULAR—SUPPORT as leaders so often do in TIMES—OF—WAR.
20030318             In 1—SPEECH responding to CRITICS—OF—THE—INVASION, Hitler said, "Certain foreign newspapers have said that we fell on AUSTRIA with brutal methods. I can only say; even in death they cannot stop lying. I have in the course of my political struggle won much love from my people, but —WHEN I crossed the former frontier [into AUSTRIA] there met me such 1—STREAM—OF—LOVE as I have never experienced. Not as tyrants have we come, but as liberators".
20030318             —DISSENTED, To deal with those who, from his policies, at the advice of his politically savvy advisors, he and his handmaidens in the press began 1—CAMPAIGN to equate him and his policies with patriotism and the nation itself.
20030318             National unity was essential, they said, to ensure that the terrorists or their sponsors didn't think they'd succeeded in splitting the nation or weakening its will.
20030318             TIMES—OF—WAR, they said, there could be only "1—PEOPLE, 1—NATION + 1—COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF" ("Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer") + so his advocates in the media began 1—NATIONWIDE campaign charging that critics of his policies were attacking the nation itself.
20030318             —LABELED, Those questioning him were, "ANTI—GERMAN" or "not good Germans," and it was suggested they were aiding THE—ENEMIES—OF—THE—STATE by failing in the patriotic necessity of supporting the nation's valiant men in uniform.
20030318             It was 1—OF—HIS most effective ways to stifle dissent and pit WAGE—EARNING people (from whom MOST—OF—THE—ARMY came) against the "intellectuals and liberals" who were critical of his policies.
20030318             Nonetheless, once the "small war" annexation of AUSTRIA was successfully and quickly completed + peace returned, VOICES—OF—OPPOSITION were again raised in the Homeland.
20030318             enough to rouse the populace and totally suppress dissent.
20030318             1—FULL—OUT war was necessary to divert public attention from the growing rumbles within the country about disappearing dissidents;
20030318             violence against liberals, Jews + union leaders;
20030318             —1—YEAR—LATER, to the —WEEK, Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia;
20030318             the nation was —NOW fully at war + all internal dissent was suppressed in THE—NAME—OF—NATIONAL—SECURITY.
20030318             It was THE—END—OF—GERMANY—1. experiment with democracy.
20030318             As we conclude this REVIEW—OF—HISTORY, there are 1—FEW milestones worth remembering.
20030318             —BY the time of his successful and brief action to seize AUSTRIA, in which almost no GERMANY—BLOOD was shed, Hitler was the most beloved and popular leader in THE—HISTORY—OF—HIS nation.
20030318             Hailed —AROUND the world, he was —LATER Time magazine's "MAN—OF—THE—YEAR".
20030318             Most Americans remember his OFFICE—FOR—THE—SECURITY—OF—THE—HOMELAND, known as the Reichssicherheitshauptamt and its SchutzStaffel, simply by its most famous agency's initials: THE—SS.
20030318             —DEVELOPED, We also remember that the Germans, 1—NEW—FORM—OF highly violent warfare they named "lightning war" or blitzkrieg, which, —WHILE generating devastating CIVIL—LOSSES, also produced 1—HIGHLY desirable "shock and awe" among the nation's leadership according to the authors of 19960000             —THE book "Shock And Awe" published by the National Defense UNIVERSITY—PRESS.
20030318             Reflecting on that time, THE—USA—HERITAGE—DICTIONARY(Houghton Mifflin Company, 19830000             ) left us this DEFINITION—OF—THE—FORM—OF—GOVERNMENT THE—GERMANY—DEMOCRACY had become through HITLER—CLOSE—ALLIANCE with the largest GERMANY—CORPORATIONS and his policy of using war as 1—TOOL to keep power: FAS—CISM (fbsh'iz'em) n. 1—SYSTEM—OF—GOVERNMENT that exercises 1—DICTATORSHIP—OF—THE—EXTREME—RIGHT, typically through THE—MERGING—OF—STATE and business leadership, together with belligerent nationalism".
20030318             —TODAY, as we face financial and political crises, it's useful to remember that the ravages of the Great Depression hit GERMANY and THE—USA—ALIKE.
20030318             Through the 1930s, however, Hitler and ROOSEVELT chose very different courses to bring their nations back to power and prosperity.
20030318             GERMANY—RESPONSE was to use government to empower corporations and reward the society's richest individuals, privatize much of the commons, stifle dissent, strip people of constitutional rights + create 1—ILLUSION—OF—PROSPERITY through continual and EVER—EXPANDING war.
20030318             —PASSED, AMERICA, minimum wage laws to raise the middle class, enforced ANTI—TRUST—LAWS to diminish THE—POWER—OF—CORPORATIONS, increased taxes on corporations and the wealthiest individuals, created Social Security + became the employer of last resort through programs to build national infrastructure, promote the arts + replant forests.
20030318             To the extent that our Constitution is still intact, the choice is again ours.
20030318             —LIVED, THOM—HARTMANN, and worked in GERMANY —DURING the 1980s + is THE—AUTHOR—OF—OVER 12—BOOKS, including "Unequal Protection" and "THE—LAST—HOURS—OF—ANCIENT—SUNLIGHT".
20030318             This article is copyright by THOM—HARTMANN,but permission is granted for reprint in print, email, blog, or web media so long as this credit is attached.
20030318             outline Homeland [In]Security's "Red Alert" response: it will mean MARTIAL—LAW.
20030318             Red Alert would end SOME—PERSONAL—FREEDOMS
20030318             Published by the Gannett STATE—BUREAU 20030315
20030318             which is the highest in THE—COLOR—CODED readiness
20030318             against terror, you will be assumed by authorities to be the enemy
20030318             if you so much as venture outside your home, the state's ANTI—TERROR—TSAR says.
20030318             "This state is on top of it,"
20030318             said Sid Caspersen, NEW—JERSEY—DIRECTOR—OF—THE—OFFICE—OF—COUNTER—TERRORISM.
20030318             Caspersen, 1—FORMER—FBI agent,
20030318             was briefing reporters, alongside GOVERNOR—JAMES—E—MCGREEVEY,
20030318             —THURSDAY,
20030318             —WHEN for the 1. TIME—HE disclosed the realities
20030318             of how 1 red alert would shut the state down.
20030318             A red alert would also tear AWAY—VIRTUALLY all personal FREEDOMS—TO move about and associate.
20030318             "Red means all NON—CRITICAL functions cease," - Caspersen said.
20030318             "NON—CRITICAL would be almost all businesses, except HEALTH—RELATED".
20030318             1 red alert means there is 1—SEVERE—RISK—OF—TERRORIST—ATTACK, according to FEDERAL—GUIDELINES from the
20030318             "The state will restrict TRANSPORTATION—AND access to critical locations,"
20030318             says the state's new brochure on dealing with terrorism.
20030318             "You must adhere to the restrictions announced by authorities and prepare to evacuate, if instructed.
20030318             Stay alert for emergency messages".
20030318             Caspersen went further than the brochure.
20030318             "The government agencies would run at 1—VERY—LOW threshold," - he said.
20030318             "You literally are staying home,
20030318             is what happens, unless you are required to be out.
20030318             No different than if you had 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY—WITH 1—SNOWSTORM".
20030318             "The reason being is, what we're saying is,
20030318             'Everybody sit down!' - "If you are left standing, you are probably 1—TERRORIST.
20030318             And if you are not law enforcement or emergency response; That's how we're going to catch you.
20030318             "You're not going to have 1—SEAT to go to.
20030318             "That is the basic premise of it".
20030318             ********
20030318             Our friend CHRIS—KROMM, DIRECTOR—OF—THE—INSTITUTE for SOUTH—STUDIES, examined a 20030315             AP news story on 1—POLL on pro + anti war sentiment among We the People + promptly dashed off the —FOLLOWING letter to AP :
20030318             Commentary: Civil & Human RIGHTS—WHEN Democracy Failed: THE—WARNINGS—OF—HISTORY by imc for THOM—HARTMANN (No verified email address)
20030318             Address: 4. Reich Current rating: 92
20030318             SCOTT—RITTER—PRESENTATION.mp3 WAR—ON—IRAQ: How Did We Get Here?
20030318             Presentation by SCOTT—RITTER
20030318             SCOTT—RITTER Q&A.mp3 SCOTT—RITTER answers audience questions —AFTER his presentation.
20030318             —MOUNTED, THE—USA, "Operation Liberty Shield" to detain asylum seekers from suspect countries.
20030318             1—JURY in CORPUS—CHRISTI, TEXAS, cleared Bayer Corp. of liability in a $560—MILLION—LAWSUIT that accused the pharmaceutical giant of ignoring research linking THE—CHOLESTEROL—LOWERING drug Baycol to DOZENS—OF—DEATHS.
20030318             —CHARGED, SALT—LAKE—CITY, BRIAN—MITCHELL and Wanda Barzee were, with aggravated kidnapping, sexual assault and burglary in the abduction of ELIZABETH ANN—SMART, who was found with them —6—DAYS—EARLIER.
20030318             Olympic gold medal figure skater SARAH—HUGHES won THE—SULLIVAN—AWARD as the nation's top amateur athlete.
20030318             1—MAJOR snowstorm hit COLORADO and WYOMING with over 3—6—FEET—OF—SNOW.
20030318             —CLOSED, THE—DENVER—AIRPORT, under the worst storm in —90—YEARS.
20030318             AUSTRALIA, PRIME—MINISTER—JOHN—HOWARD said his government would commit 2,000 military personnel to ANY—USA—LED strike aimed at disarming IRAQ.
20030318             —KILLED, COLOMBIA, gunmen, LUIS—EDUARDO—ALFONSO—PARADA, —27—JAHRE—ALT, print and radio journalist, outside his OFFICE—IN—THE—EAST—STATE—OF—ARAUCA.
20030318             —REPORTED, Alfonso had, on alleged corruption in Arauca and said he was receiving death threats.
20030318             —SIGNED, CONGO leaders, 1—CEASE—FIRE with tribal militias and local chiefs in NORTH—EAST—CONGO.
20030318             Some $900—MILLION in USA—BILLS and as much as 100—MILLION in euros was taken from IRAQ—CENTRAL—BANK—BY—SADDAM—HUSSEIN and his family.
20030318             —BECAME, This, the largest cash theft in recent history.
20030318             —KILLED, ISRAEL—FORCES, 2—HAMAS militants in WEST—BANK clashes.
20030318             † 1—ISRAEL—SOLDER was killed.
20030318             It gave MAHMOUD—ABBAS (ABU—MAZEN), the new PM, CONTROL—OF—DOMESTIC—AFFAIRS and internal security issues.
20030318             —ELECTED, SERBIA, THE—PARLIAMENT, Zoran Zivkovic to replace assassinated PRIME—MINISTER—ZORAN—DJINDJIC.
20030318             —PROMISED, Zivkovic, to continue reforms, fight crime and bring war crimes suspects to justice.
20030318             YEMEN, 1—MAN shot 4—HUNT Oil company workers.
20030318             He killed 3 and shot himself dead.
20030318             It started —WHEN the government, in the midst of 1—WORLDWIDE—ECONOMIC—CRISIS,
20030318             received reports of 1—IMMINENT—TERRORIST—ATTACK.
20030318             1—FOREIGN—IDEOLOGUE had launched feeble attacks on 1—FEW famous buildings,
20030318             but the media largely ignored his relatively small efforts.
20030318             The intelligence services knew, however,
20030318             that the odds were he would eventually succeed.
20030318             —IGNORED, But THE—WARNINGS—OF—INVESTIGATORS were, at the highest levels,
20030318             in part because the government was distracted;
20030318             His coarse USE—OF—LANGUAGE—REFLECTING his political roots in 1—SOUTHERNMOST—STATE—AND his simplistic and OFTEN—INFLAMMATORY nationalistic rhetoric offended the aristocrats,
20030318             foreign leaders + THE—WELL—EDUCATED elite in the government and media.
20030318             —WHEN 1—AIDE brought him word that the nation's most prestigious building was ablaze,
20030318             he verified it was the terrorist who had struck and then rushed to the scene and called 1—PRESS—CONFERENCE.
20030318             "You are —NOW witnessing the beginning of 1—GREAT epoch in history," he proclaimed,
20030318             standing in front of THE—BURNED—OUT building, surrounded by national media.
20030318             He used the occasion - "1—SIGN from God," he called IT—TO declare 1—ALL—OUT WAR—ON—TERRORISM and its ideological sponsors,
20030318             1—PEOPLE, he said, who traced their origins to THE—MIDDLE—EAST and found motivation for their evil deeds in their religion.
20030318             In 1—NATIONAL—OUTBURST—OF—PATRIOTISM,
20030318             the leader's flag was everywhere, even printed large in newspapers suitable for window display.
20030318             Within —4—WEEKS—OF—THE—TERRORIST—ATTACK,
20030318             the nation's —NOW—POPULAR—LEADER had pushed through LEGISLATION—IN THE—NAME—OF—COMBATING terrorism and fighting the philosophy he said spawned IT—THAT suspended constitutional guarantees of free speech,
20030318             privacy + habeas corpus.
20030318             To get his patriotic "Decree on THE—PROTECTION—OF—PEOPLE and State" passed over the objections of concerned legislators and civil libertarians,
20030318             he agreed to put a —4-YEAR sunset provision on it:
20030318             if the national emergency provoked by the terrorist attack was over —BY—THEN,
20030318             the freedoms and rights would be returned to the people + the police agencies would be RE—RESTRAINED.
20030318             his FEDERAL—POLICE—AGENCIES stepped up their program of arresting suspicious persons and holding them without access to lawyers or courts.
20030318             —INTERRED, In the 1. —YEAR only 1—FEW 100 were,
20030318             and those who objected were largely ignored by the mainstream press,
20030318             which was afraid to offend and thus lose access to 1—LEADER with such high popularity ratings.
20030318             —PROTESTED, Citizens who, the leader in PUBLIC—AND there were MANY—QUICKLY found themselves confronting the newly empowered police's batons,
20030318             gas + jail cells, or fenced off in protest zones safely OUT—OF—EARSHOT—OF—THE—LEADER—PUBLIC—SPEECHES.
20030318             (In the meantime, he was taking almost daily lessons in public speaking,
20030318             learning to control his tonality, gestures + facial expressions.
20030318             Within the 1. months —AFTER that terrorist attack,
20030318             at the suggestion of 1—POLITICAL—ADVISOR,
20030318             he brought 1—FORMERLY obscure word into common usage.
20030318             He wanted to stir a "racial pride" among his countrymen,
20030318             so, instead of referring to the nation by its name,
20030318             he began to refer to it as "THE—HOMELAND," 1—PHRASE publicly promoted in the introduction to a 19340000             speech recorded in Leni RIEFENSTAHL—FAMOUS—PROPAGANDA—MOVIE "Triumph Of THE—WILL.
20030318             We are the "true people," he suggested,
20030318             the only ones worthy of our nation's concern; if bombs fall on others,
20030318             or human rights are violated in other nations and it makes our lives better, it's of little concern to us.
20030318             Playing on this new nationalism + exploiting 1—DISAGREEMENT with THE—FRANCE—OVER his increasing militarism,
20030318             he argued that ANY—INTERNATIONAL—BODY that didn't act 1. and foremost in the best interest of his own nation was neither relevant nor useful.
20030318             He thus withdrew his country from the League Of Nations in ;;10;;,
20030318             —PROCLAIMED, He even, the need for 1—REVIVAL—OF—THE—CHRISTIAN faith across his nation,
20030318             what he called a "New Christianity.
20030318             the nation's leader determined that the various local police and FEDERAL—AGENCIES—AROUND the nation were lacking the clear communication and overall coordinatedadministration necessary to deal with the terrorist threat facing the nation,
20030318             particularly those citizens who WERE—OF—MIDDLE—EASTERN—ANCESTRY and thus probably terrorist and communist sympathizers + various troublesome "intellectuals" and "liberals.
20030318             He proposed 1—SINGLE—NEW—NATIONAL—AGENCY to protect THE—SECURITY—OF—THE—HOMELAND,
20030318             consolidating THE—ACTIONS—OF—DOZENS—OF—PREVIOUSLY independent police,
20030318             border + investigative agencies under a single leader.
20030318             —TRUSTED, He appointed 1—OF—HIS most, associates to be LEADER—OF—THIS new agency,
20030318             THE—CENTRAL—SECURITY—OFFICE for the homeland + gave it 1—ROLE in the government equal to the other major departments.
20030318             —NOTED, His assistant who dealt with the press, that,
20030318             —SINCE the terrorist attack, "Radio and press are at out disposal.
20030318             Those voices questioning the legitimacy of their nation's leader,
20030318             or raising questions about his checkered past,
20030318             had by —NOW faded from the public's recollection as his central security office began advertising 1—PROGRAM encouraging people to phone in tips about suspicious neighbors.
20030318             He reached out to industry and forged 1—ALLIANCE,
20030318             bringing former executives of the nation's largest corporations into high government positions.
20030318             He encouraged large corporations friendly to him to acquire media outlets and other industrial concerns across the nation,
20030318             particularly those previously owned by suspicious PEOPLE—OF—MIDDLE—EASTERN—ANCESTRY.
20030318             But —AFTER 1—INTERVAL—OF—PEACE —FOLLOWING the terrorist attack,
20030318             voices of dissent again arose within and without the government.
20030318             He needed 1—DIVERSION, something to direct people away from the corporate cronyism being exposed in his own government,
20030318             questions of his possibly illegitimate rise to power + THE—OFT—VOICED concerns of civil libertarians about the people being held in detention without due process or access to attorneys or family.
20030318             Another nation was harboring many of the suspicious Middle Eastern people + even though its connection with the terrorist who had set afire the nation's most important building was tenuous at best,
20030318             it held resources their nation badly needed if they were to have room to live and maintain their prosperity.
20030318             —DELIVERED, He called 1—PRESS—CONFERENCE and publicly, 1—ULTIMATUM to THE—LEADER—OF—THE—OTHER nation,
20030318             provoking 1—INTERNATIONAL uproar.
20030318             He claimed the right to strike preemptively in SELF—DEFENSE + nations across EUROPE—AT 1.—DENOUNCED him for it,
20030318             pointing out that it was 1—DOCTRINE only claimed in the past by nations seeking worldwide empire,
20030318             like CAESAR—ROME or ALEXANDER—GREECE.
20030318             It took 1—FEW months + intense INTERNATIONAL debate and lobbying with European nations,
20030318             but, —AFTER he personally met with THE—LEADER—OF—THE—UK, finally 1—DEAL was struck.
20030318             —AFTER the military action began,
20030318             PRIME—MINISTER—NEVILLE—CHAMBERLAIN told the nervous UNITED—KINGDOM—PEOPLE that giving in to this leader's new 1.—STRIKE doctrine would bring "peace for our time".
20030318             —ANNEXED, Thus HITLER—AUSTRIA in 1—LIGHTNING move,
20030318             riding 1—WAVE—OF—POPULAR—SUPPORT as leaders so often do in TIMES—OF—WAR.
20030318             In 1—SPEECH responding to CRITICS—OF—THE—INVASION,
20030318             Hitler said, "Certain foreign newspapers have said that we fell on AUSTRIA with brutal methods.
20030318             I can only say; even in death they cannot stop lying.
20030318             I have in the course of my political struggle won much love from my people,
20030318             but —WHEN I crossed the former frontier [into AUSTRIA] there met me such 1—STREAM—OF—LOVE as I have never experienced.
20030318             Not as tyrants have we come, but as liberators".
20030318             —DISSENTED, To deal with those who, from his policies,
20030318             at the advice of his politically savvy advisors,
20030318             he and his handmaidens in the press began 1—CAMPAIGN to equate him and his policies with patriotism and the nation itself.
20030318             National unity was essential, they said,
20030318             to ensure that the terrorists or their sponsors didn't think they'd succeeded in splitting the nation or weakening its will.
20030318             TIMES—OF—WAR, they said, there could be only "1—PEOPLE,
20030318             1—NATION + 1—COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF" ("1—VOLK,
20030318             ein Reich, ein Fuhrer") + so his advocates in the media began 1—NATIONWIDE campaign charging that critics of his policies were attacking the nation itself.
20030318             Nonetheless, once the "small war" annexation of AUSTRIA was successfully and quickly completed + peace returned,
20030318             —RAISED, VOICES—OF—OPPOSITION were again, in the Homeland.
20030318             violence against liberals,
20030318             Jews + union leaders; and the epidemic of crony capitalism that was producing EMPIRES—OF—WEALTH in the corporate sector but threatening the middle class's WAY—OF—LIFE.
20030318             the terrorist act that catapulted Hitler to legitimacy and reshaped THE—GERMANY—CONSTITUTION.
20030318             —BY the time of his successful and brief action to seize AUSTRIA,
20030318             in which almost no GERMANY—BLOOD was shed,
20030318             —BELOVED, Hitler was the most, and popular leader in THE—HISTORY—OF—HIS nation.
20030318             Most Americans remember his OFFICE—FOR—THE—SECURITY—OF—THE—HOMELAND,
20030318             known as the Reichssicherheitshauptamt and its SchutzStaffel,
20030318             simply by its most famous agency's initials: THE—SS.
20030318             —DEVELOPED, We also remember that the Germans, 1—NEW—FORM—OF highly violent warfare they named "lightning war" or blitzkrieg,
20030318             which, —WHILE generating devastating CIVIL—LOSSES,
20030318             also produced 1—HIGHLY desirable "shock and awe" among the nation's leadership according to the authors of 19960000             —THE book "Shock And Awe" published by the National Defense UNIVERSITY—PRESS.
20030318             Reflecting on that time, THE—AMERICA—HERITAGE—DICTIONARY(Houghton Mifflin Company,
20030318             FAS—CISM (fbsh'iz'em) n. 1—SYSTEM—OF—GOVERNMENT that exercises 1—DICTATORSHIP—OF—THE—EXTREME—RIGHT,
20030318             typically through THE—MERGING—OF—STATE and business leadership, together with belligerent nationalism".
20030318             —TODAY, as we face financial and political crises,
20030318             it's useful to remember that the ravages of the Great Depression hit GERMANY and THE—USA—ALIKE.
20030318             Through 19300000             —THE S,
20030318             GERMANY—RESPONSE was to use government to empower corporations and reward the society's richest individuals,
20030318             privatize much of the commons, stifle dissent,
20030318             strip people of constitutional rights + create 1—ILLUSION—OF—PROSPERITY through continual and EVER—EXPANDING war.
20030318             —PASSED, AMERICA, minimum wage laws to raise the middle class,
20030318             enforced ANTI—TRUST—LAWS to diminish THE—POWER—OF—CORPORATIONS,
20030318             increased taxes on corporations and the wealthiest individuals,
20030318             created Social Security + became the employer of last resort through programs to build national infrastructure, promote the arts + replant forests.
20030318             —LIVED, THOM—HARTMANN, and worked in GERMANY —DURING 19800000             —THE S + is THE—AUTHOR—OF—OVER 12—BOOKS,
20030318             including "Unequal Protection" and "THE—LAST—HOURS—OF—ANCIENT—SUNLIGHT.
20030318             This article is copyright by THOM—HARTMANN,but permission is granted for reprint in print,
20030318             email, blog, or web media so long as this credit is attached.
20030318             Tue ;;03;; 18 '03 (Modified on 3:03pm Fri ;;03;; 21 '03)
20030318             —BY—TOM—BALDWIN—GANNETT—STATE—BUREAU—TRENTON -- - If the nation escalates to "red alert,"
20030318             1 red alert means there is 1—SEVERE—RISK—OF—TERRORIST—ATTACK,
20030318             "The state police and the emergency management PEOPLE—WOULD take control over the highways.
20030318             Address: 4. Reich Current rating: 92 - SCOTT—RITTER—PRESENTATION.mp3
20030318             Presentation by SCOTT—RITTER—SCOTT—RITTER Q&A.mp3
20030318             SCOTT—RITTER answers audience questions —AFTER his presentation.
20030318             Cook, the 1. CASUALTY—OF—WAR
20030318             The report said Hollinger INTERNATIONAL put $63.6—MILLION into 11—COMPANIES—PERLE recommended + lost nearly $50—MILLION".
20030318             Perle was 1—FAITHLESS fiduciary.
20030318             Friend turns back on Black Hollinger director Perle says he was misled by chairman.
20030318             SOME—CONVINCED—FORMER—PENTAGON official will be vindicated STEPHEN—LABATON...
20030318             BustBob_com :: view documents-
20030318             It emerged —RECENTLY that Breeden is examining HOLLINGER—DEALINGS with companies with links to Kissinger + Perle.
20030318             Hollinger put...-
20030318             THE—SEC is also (as of 20031200             ) investigating dealings with companies with links to HENRY—KISSINGER + RICHARD—N—PERLE.
20030318             Hollinger put £8m into UK firm.
20030318             —MISLED, Perle says Hollinger bosses, him 20040909             THE—GUARDIAN—FORMER—PENTAGON policy adviser RICHARD—PERLE —YESTERDAY moved to
20030318             —MISLED, Perle says —NOW that he was, by Black: printer friendly...-
20030318             "With the notable exception of Perle, NONE—OF—HOLLINGER'S—NON—BLACK—GROUP—DIRECTORS derived ANY—FINANCIAL or other improper personal benefit from their service
20030318             The report said Perle should return the money to THE—CHICAGO company.
20030318             Hollinger INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED (HLR) Stock Quote + News • Historical...
20030318             Is "PRINCE—OF—DARKNESS" RICHARD—PERLE—ABOUT to Go Down in Flames?-
20030318             According to the Post, Perle heads Hollinger Digital, which put $2.5—MILLION into 1—VENTURE—CAPITAL—FIRM called Trireme Partners that aimed to cash in on the...
20030318             THE—CHICAGO—GROUP (USA).
20030318             The daily + —SUNDAY papers could come up for sale —AFTER CONRAD—BLACK,
20030318             who owns the Telegraph as PART—OF—THE—HOLLINGER—GROUP, —RECENTLY resigned from the company -
20030318             It is 1—QUIRK—OF—HISTORY that both men have drawn over the years on the teaching of their shared Yale oratory professor,
20030318             Rollin Osterweis.
20030318             Both men were at Yale —2—YEARS apart from 1—ANOTHER + both took classes on oratory and debating skills with the professor.
20030318             —BECAME, It was MISTER—KERRY who, 1—OF—HIS—STAR—PUPILS.
20030318             Most famously, abajo el muro, no a la impunidad ISRAELí Cita:
20030318             Cartel y manifiesto con firmas de los convocantes
20030318             - Yet on THE—PRESIDENT—BUSH made the —FOLLOWING statement in 1—LETTER to CONGRESS.
20030318             at 00000006             Subject: Welcome to the Message BOARD!
20030318             "Cocaine 1" Bust Lifts Veil on Global Narcotics CARTEL—LOOKING... - WAR—ON—IRAQ: How Did We Get Here?
20030318             —RECEIVED, ALFA—BANK, 1—INVOICE for the preliminary fee (80.000 ... document as all documents in FSB, having a "top secret " signature stamp...
20030318             Part 6—HE held 1—MAJORITY—STAKE in THE—FRANKLIN—NATIONAL—BANK—OF—NEW—YORK, controlled a... included calls to street violence + secret society propaganda.
20030318             —MITTWOCH, 20030319             22.15—UHR (Ortszeit) - im Oval OFFICE—DES—WEIßEN—HAUSES:
20030318             † ADAM—OSBORNE, BRITISCH—USA—AMERIKANISCHER—BUCHAUTOR, Softwareentwickler und Computerdesigner, Erfinder des Laptop
200303182000         h, Embajada de EEUU—EMBAJADA de ISRAEL (Serrano 75—RUBÉN Darío)
20030318—19331000    —IN, He thus withdrew his country from the League Of Nations + then negotiated 1—SEPARATE—NAVAL—ARMAMENTS—AGREEMENT with ANTHONY—EDEN—OF—THE—UK to create 1—WORLDWIDE—MILITARY ruling elite.
20030318—19700000    —IN—THE, Perle, Kissinger still tied to Novak via Hollinger : RICHARD—PERLE — who was suspected of leaking classified information to Novak + Evans 's...-
20030318—20030227    , was the 70. ANNIVERSARY—OF—HOLLAND—TERRORIST—MARINUS—VAN—der—LUBBE—SUCCESSFUL—FIREBOMBING—OF—THE—GERMANY—PARLIAMENT (Reichstag) building, the terrorist act that catapulted Hitler to legitimacy and reshaped THE—GERMANY—CONSTITUTION.
20030318—20030319    —CALLED, ZIMBABWE, a —2—DAY—NATIONAL—STRIKE, to protest the increasingly AUTHORITY—GOVERNMENT, shut down businesses and disrupted transportation services across the country.
20030318—20030321    Tue (Modified on 3:03pm Fri '03)
20030318—20030505    —REPORTED, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, that Saddam ordered the money taken from THE—CENTRAL—BANK and sent his son Qusai in THE—MIDDLE—OF—THE—NIGHT.
20030318—20091230    —ON, prosecutors ordered the preventative detention of JOSE—RUBEN—PENA—TOBON, 1—PARAMILITARY—COMMANDER—OF—THE—RIGHT—WING—PARAMILITARY—BLOC that killed Alfonso.
20030321             Presentation by SCOTT—RITTER, FORMER—UN Weapons Inspector, 20030318             , Chapman University, ORANGE—CA.
20030508             —KIDNAPPED, His wife was, 20030318             as she left 1—SAN—PEDRO—SULA beauty parlor.
20040318             Nativism, in its 18010101—19001231     surge, was very much the darling CAUSE—OF—THE—NEW—ENGLAND elites.
20040318             Addressing THOUSANDS—OF—SOLDIERS at Fort CAMPBELL—KENTUCKY, PRESIDENT—BUSH warned that terrorists could never be appeased and said there was no safety for ANY—NATION that "lives at the mercy of gangsters and mass murderers".
20040318             —DECLARED, Overruling its staff, THE—FCC, that 1—EXPLETIVE (the "F—WORD") uttered by rock star Bono on NBC the previous —YEAR was indecent and profane.
20040318             —ARRESTED, NEW—JERSEY officials, 11—PEOPLE in 1—PHARMACEUTICAL—THEFT ring and charged them with stealing some $3—MILLION in drugs for resale.
20040318             A 100-foot diameter asteroid passed within 26,500—MILES—OF—EARTH, THE—CLOSEST—EVER brush on record by 1—SPACE—ROCK.
20040318             1—REBEL—GROUP in CHAD captured Amari Saifi, 1—OF—NORTH—AFRICA—MOST notorious terrorists, along with 9—OTHERS.
20040318             —SUSPECTED, Saifi is and 1—ALGERIA—EXTREMIST, in THE—HOSTAGE—TAKING—OF—32—EUROPEAN tourists —LAST—YEAR.
20040318             GEORGIA—PRESIDENT—MIKHAIL—SAAKASHVILI met with Aslan Abashidze in BATUMI, Ajaria, to settle misunderstandings.
20040318             —COLLIDED, NORTH—EAST—GUATEMALA, 1—BUS, with 1—TRACTOR—TRAILER, killing at least 14—PEOPLE.
20040318             ABDULLAH—KING—OF—JORDAN—AND—PRIME—MINISTER—ARIEL—SHARON held 1—SECRET meeting at THE—ISRAEL—LEADER—RANCH to discuss SHARON—PLAN to withdraw unilaterally from PALESTINE—AREAS.
20040318             USA—ARMY soldiers shot 2—AL—ARABIYA television network employees.
20040318             Albanians set fire to SERBIA—ORTHODOX—CHURCHES in KOSOVO as NATO scrambled to deploy up to 1,000 more troops to stifle 1—EXPLOSION—OF—ETHNIC—VIOLENCE.
20040318             —REACHED, The death toll, 31 with hundreds injured in fighting between Serbs and ethnic Albanians as violence continued for a 2. —DAY.
20040318             —UNIDENTIFIED, NORTH—WEST—UGANDA, gunmen raided and looted 1—COLLEGE and killed 2—USA—MISSIONARIES and 1—UGANDA—STUDENT.
20040318             CRI NEWS-. - - Aircraft Video Shows OSAMA—BIN—LADEN
20040318             BUSH [BGW968] 's BACK—DOOR political machine
20040318             It's ANTI—DEMOCRATIC, ANTI—CONSTITUTIONAL + is working to create a 1—PARTY—AMERICA
20040318             As AMERICA—MAINSTREAM—MEDIA focuses on PRESIDENT—BUSH [BGW968] 's campaign war chest,
20040318             it's missing the story of some 350—RIGHT—WING political organizations loaded with manpower,
20040318             money + momentum, that are marching in LOCK—STEP to support THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY and THE—PRESIDENT—RE—ELECTION.
20040318             In "THE—APPARAT: Bush [BGW968] 's BACK—DOOR—POLITICAL—MACHINE,"
20040318             veteran reporter JERRY—M—LANDAY details how this ANTI—DEMOCRATIC,
20040318             ANTI—CONSTITUTIONAL—NETWORK, that operates OUTSIDE—OF—CAMPAIGN funding constraints,
20040318             is pursuing its unprecedented goal of a 1—PARTY—STATE.
20040318             New from MediaTransparency_org JERRY—M—LANDAY—THE—APPARAT—BUSH [BGW968] 's BACK—DOOR—POLITICAL—MACHINE
20040318             As AMERICA—MAINSTREAM—MEDIA focuses on PRESIDENT—BUSH [BGW968] 's campaign war chest, it's missing the story of some 350—RIGHT—WING political organizations loaded with manpower, money + momentum, that are marching in LOCK—STEP to support THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY and THE—PRESIDENT—RE—ELECTION.
20040318             In - "THE—APPARAT: Bush [BGW968] 's BACK—DOOR—POLITICAL—MACHINE," veteran reporter JERRY—M—LANDAY details how this ANTI—DEMOCRATIC, ANTI—CONSTITUTIONAL—NETWORK, that operates OUTSIDE—OF—CAMPAIGN funding constraints, is pursuing its unprecedented goal of a 1—PARTY—STATE.
20040318             Read about it only at MediaTransparency_org + then pass it on.
20040318             —CONVINCED, SAMUEL—P—HUNTINGTON is 1—BIGOT, that immigrant hordes are poisoning our ANGLO—PROTESTANT—USA.
20040318             This in itself is not surprising;
20040318             there have always been plenty of his kind on THE—USA—SCENE.
20040318             Nor is it surprising that this bigot is 1—PROFESSOR at Harvard.
20040318             What is surprising is that —NOW, 1—CENTURY and 1—HALF—AFTER THE—KNOW—NOTHINGS vanished in disgrace, Huntington feels free to promote his nativist hatred in print + can be celebrated for doing so.
20040318             2—BILLION +14% Bechtel $206—MILLION $362—MILLION +76% McKesson $125—MILLION $234—MILLION +87% Northrop Grumman $154—MILLION $147—MILLION -5% United Defense $154—MILLION $129—MILLION -16% Environmental Chemical $53—MILLION $93—MILLION +75% USA—SHIP $72—MILLION $72—MILLION 0% Actus Lend Lease $60—MILLION $62—MILLION +126% ChevronTexaco $27—MILLION $61—MILLION +3% Nova Group $72—MILLION $72—MILLION 0% Source: Chronicle ANALYSIS—OF—DEFENSE DEPARTMENT—DATA—CHRONICLE—GRAPHIC.
20040318             CHART (3): BAY TO... (SFGate_com -- Unrest, Conflicts & War Breaking News)
20040318—20000000    —IN, CRI NEWS -... Aircraft Video Shows OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, Says Report.
20040318—20000000    —IN, Video taken from 1—AIRCRAFT over AFGHANISTAN.
20040505             5—MILLION in grants with SAMUEL—HUNTINGTON—NAME on them NY Presss JOHN—DOLAN—HISPANIC—PANIC—SAMUEL—P—HUNTINGTON and the return of THE—KNOW—NOTHINGS.
20040821—20120318    —ON, 1—COURT—CHARGED—TAREQUE—RAHMAN, —46—JAHRE—ALT, the eldest SON—OF—FORMER—PREMIER—KHALEDA Zia, over the grenade attack.
20041031—20040318    —ON, NEW—YORK: Narinder Virk, a —41—YEAR—OLD—SOUTH—CALIFORNIA housewife who faces 1—MAXIMUM—SENTENCE—OF—LIFE in prison for the attempted drowning of her kids, will be examined in court by 1—PANEL—OF—MENTAL—HEALTH—EXPERTS, ADAM—PEARLMAN, Ventura County deputy district attorney, told News INDIA—TIMES on the phone.
200411031804         Wahlpannen: Verschwörungstheorien sprießen —SCHON
200411031804         USA—WAHL: Weißes Haus ist von BUSH[BGW968] s Sieg überzeugt
200411031804         WAHL—HÄNGEPARTIE: —NACHT der Swinger
200411031811         —POSTED, AEDT OHIO key to tight USA—ELECTION
200411031841         —POSTED, AEDT Patagonian toothfish pirates using fear: Govt
200411031841         —POSTED, AEDT Republicans tipped to control USA—SENATE
20041114—20040318    2—BILLION +14% Bechtel $206—MILLION $362—MILLION +76% McKesson $125—MILLION $234—MILLION +87% Northrop Grumman $154—MILLION $147—MILLION -5% United Defense $154—MILLION $129—MILLION -16% Environmental Chemical $53—MILLION $93—MILLION +75% USA—SHIP $72—MILLION $72—MILLION 0% Actus Lend Lease $60—MILLION $62—MILLION +126% ChevronTexaco $27—MILLION $61—MILLION +3% Nova Group $72—MILLION $72—MILLION 0% Source:
20050306             Brands/Taco Bell ! 20050318             .---- A Night of Ferocious Joy....MICHAEL—CHERTOFF,
20050318             DIANA - 19010101—20001231     MEDICINE—AN AMBULANCE RIDE TO HELL.
20050318             ---- —1—NIGHT—OF—FEROCIOUS—JOY....MICHAEL—CHERTOFF, Bush nominee,eid Torture News by Stop Chertoff Coalition 20050131             —357—PM...
20050318             JESSE—HELMS—WARNS—OF—BILL—CLINTON—UN—AMBITIONS — 20050202             ...
20050318             JESSE—HELMS—WARNS—OF—BILL—CLINTON—UN—AMBITIONS — 20050202             ... JESSE—HELMS—WARNS—OF—BILL—CLINTON—UN—AMBITIONS—BY—SUSAN—JONES—CNSNEWS_com —MORNING Editor 20050202             (CNSNews_com) - FORMER—USA Sen...
20050318             Released into Congressional Record, 19990212             . - - MISTER—HELMS.
20050318             LAVI HOUSHANG: Village Voice 19920225             (31).
20050318             AHMED—HEIDARI... - LAVI HOUSHANG: Village Voice 19920225             (31).
20050318             This informational update gives 1—BRIEF sketch of THE—HELMS—BURTON Law, outlines the arguments... 20050316             FindLaw for Legal PROFESSIONALS—CASE—LAW, FEDERAL—AND—STATE... Jump to: [Opinion] [Concurrence] [Dissent] MITCHELL et al. v. HELMS et al... GUY—MITCHELL, et al., PETITIONERS v. MARY—L—HELMS et al.
20050318             Standard & POOR—SAID the public debt in AMERICA, GERMANY and FRANCE was about 65—PERCENT—OF—GDP.
20050318             —SENTENCED, FORMER—CONNECTICUT 3-term GOVERNOR—JOHN—G—ROWLAND was, to a —YEAR in prison —AFTER pleading guilty to a single FEDERAL—CORRUPTION charge.
20050318             —REMOVED, Doctors in FLORIDA, the feeding tube of Terri Schiavo (41) despite efforts by congressional Republicans to halt the process.
20050318             —REVISED, The S&P 500—INDEX was, —AFTER the market close to change THE—WEIGHTINGS—OF—MANY—OF—ITS—SHARES.
20050318             THE—SMALLCAP 600 and MidCap 400—MADE the same changes.
20050318             —AGREED, WAL—MART, to pay 1—RECORD $11—MILLION to settle 1—CIVIL—IMMIGRATION—CASE for using illegal immigrants to clean floors at stores in 21—STATES.
20050318             † SOL—LINOWITZ, —91—JAHRE—ALT, USA—DIPLOMAT.
20050318             1—CAMBODIAN—JAPAN—JOINT—VENTURE, JC Royal, was awarded a —30—YEAR—MANAGEMENT—LEASE to oversee and upgrade the Choeung Ek memorial, site of the killing fields (19750000—19790000    ).
20050318             —MARKED, Profits were, for the unregistered Sun Fund charity.
20050318             —APPROVED, World donors, $1—BILLION in aid projects for HAITI, promising to repair its roads and rebuild its battered power grid, in 1—EFFORT to help THE—WEST—HEMISPHERE—POOREST nation as it prepares for fall elections.
20050318             —WELCOMED, ISRAEL, 1—TEMPORARY—TRUCE declared by PALESTINE—MILITANTS and promised to hold its fire in return, but demanded that THE—PALESTINE—AUTHORITY eventually dismantle the armed groups.
20050318             —EXPLODED, PAKISTAN—BALUCHISTAN, province bombs, in 2—TRAINS killing 2—PEOPLE and wounding 9.
20050318             —SENTENCED, FORMER—SOLOMON—ISLANDS—WARLORD HAROLD—KEKE and 2—OTHER—MEN were, to life in prison for 20020000             —THE—MURDER—OF—1—CATHOLIC—PRIEST.
20050318             Expert: Better ID checks won't beat fraud
20050318             [GAIA—GERAL] Nova arma de destruição maciça dos USA :a...
20050318             USA : 1—MANIPULAÇÃO do clima para fins militares Manipulações do clima por parte do Exército dos USA : o programa Haarp 1—ATENÇÃO
20050318             —24—HOUR News: World NEWS—ITALY—FOREIGN MINISTER—DISPUTES—USA...
20050318             DGI 20050000             —CREATING Superior Defence Intelligence Capabilities...
20050318             THE—INTER—INSTITUTIONAL Working Group on Economic Intelligence
20050318             Garcia, where he served as Officer in Charge...
20050318             DGI 20050000             (Defence Geospatial Intelligence) EVENT—DEFENCE...
20050318             Boguslaw Samol, Acting Director, DEFENCE INTELLIGENCE—POLAND;
20050318             Deputy CHIEF—GEO—OFFICER, SHAPE, NATO;... - ROGER—L—SIMON: Time Is Everything...
20050318             intercepted a secure communication between a senior ISRAEL—INTELLIGENCE officer in WASHINGTON...
20050318             DoD ON—SITE—INSPECTION—AGENCY; MISTER—RAY—W—POLLARI, Acting Deputy
20050318             for Arms Control; MAJOR—GENERAL—JOHN—LANDRY, USA, National Intelligence Officer for GENERAL...
20050318             War and Piece: 20040900             Archives...
20050318             PAUL—R—PILLAR, the national intelligence officer for the... Among other sources, POLLARI is on record... of THE—ITALY—PARLIAMENT—INTELLIGENCE oversight committee...
20050318             War and Piece: Ghorbanifar
20050318             And THE—HEAD—OF—SISMI, NICOLO POLLARI, as well as the Italian
20050318             THE—GADFLYER: War and Piece by Laura Rozen
20050318             in the description of 1—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIAL,
20050318             ANOTHER—HE was LARRY—FRANKLIN, 1—DESK—OFFICER with the...
20050318             Informed Comment : 20040801             — 20040831             ...
20050318             But Franklin is THE—IRAN desk officer for USA PENTAGON
20050318             Rhode, Ledeen and THE—HEAD—OF—ITALY—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY, SISMI, NICOLO POLLARI, as well...
20050318             Daily Kos :: FEITH & COMPANY: SOME—DOTS...
20050318             privately by THE—HEAD—OF—SISMI, POLLARI, who also
20050318             allegedly received highly classified USA—INTELLIGENCE on IRAN
20050318             LEAKING—OF—THE—NAME—OF—CIA—OFFICER—VALERIE Plame... - Daily Kos : TANG, Revisited -
20050318             THE—HEAD—OF—SISMI, NICOLO POLLARI, as well as
20050318             35-13: "—WHEN 1—RATED—OFFICER—FAILS—TO...
20050318             —INSTRUCTED, Sources also said A—USA—OFFICER was
20050318             it could explain why USA—INTELLIGENCE had not
20050318             NICOLO POLLARI, ITALY—SECRET—SERVICE—CHIEF, said in... - Published by Traprock Peace Center
20050318             For 1—OFFICER, IRAQ—DUTY—MEANS—MORE than combat pay
20050318             SISMI, ITALY—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE, contrary to what its director NICOLO ' POLLARI says (Corriere..
20050318             Flan: 20042208             ...
20050318             learned from USA—GOVERNMENT—SOURCES that NICOLO POLLARI, the head
20050318             described by them as 1—DESK—OFFICER in the
20050318             as 1—VETERAN—OF—THE—DEFENSE—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY who...
20050318             Funeral Attendant: 1—DESCRIPTION for the funeral attendant job...
20050318             —DURING her -.Post) ROME _ ITALY paid homage —YESTERDAY to 1—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICER killed in
20050318             he wanted and the risks he ran," said POLLARI
20050318             who provide rebels everything from intelligence and logistics
20050318             1—SENIOR—USA—MILITARY—OFFICER declined to endorse...
20050318             That there was only THE—1—OFFICER suggests that it
20050318             wounding her + killing THE—ITALY—INTELLIGENCE—AGENT WHO—BLANK—GENERATION...
20050318             —LATER, ITALY—SPY—CHIEF—POLLARI raised the matter privately
20050318             sent from 1—USA consular officer in BAGHDAD...
20050318             PEPIS messages for 20040000             —THE archive...
20050318             THE—FORMER—RAF warrant officer's outburst came at the
20050318             dead_men_november...
20050318             The wounded were mostly police, said officer HASSAN—MAHMUD... NICOLO POLLARI, HEAD—OF—ITALY—VASSAL military intelligence services, said —ON—TUESDAY the...
20050318             ANTITERRORISMO—STAMPA 20040928             Questioni di intelligence
20050318             militare, 1.500—AGENTI, POLLARI ) Cesis (coordinamento...
20050318             Issues & Alibis - - 1—SENIOR—CIA—OFFICER told me that he was
20050318             intentions —EARLIER, EVERY—SCRAP—OF—INTELLIGENCE about IRAQ's
20050318             Koppinen & POLLARI ) + 19940000             (Sahlberg & Leppilampi)
20050318             of multiple intelligence... facilitator (this 1 is always used), safety officer...
20050318             Prova del 4. - - Agenzia Repubblica alla CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OFFICER di "Brasil
20050318             guerra per essere questa Intelligence militare italiana
20050318             Il generale Nicol? POLLARI (foto), par di... - ATKOL Forums...
20050318             —LATER, ITALY—SPY—CHIEF—POLLARI raised the matter privately with TENET, who himself went to Hadley —IN—EARLY... "I had 1—ISRAEL—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICER—PITCH me in...
20050318             —FRAMED, ITALY says FRANCE, the us + UK...
20050318             meeting 1—SENIOR—FRANCE—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICER based in
20050318             soompi forums > FBI probes for ISRAEL—SPY in Pentagon...
20050318             Pollard, 1—FORMER—NAVAL—INTELLIGENCE officer who gave TOP—ISRAEL+AMERICA=trouble?...
20050318             —LATER, ITALY—SPY—CHIEF—POLLARI raised the matter privately with TENET ,
20050318             who - 19700000             S for offering classified documents to 1—ISRAEL—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICER in the...
20050318             War Without End :: View TOPIC—FBI PROBES DOD (FEITH's) OFFICE—OF...
20050318             MARK—HERTLING, another 1. Armored Division officer, said that Iraqis make up
20050318             KERRY—EDWARDS Online Forum > Could Franklin have —JUST been taking...
20050318             spy as LARRY—FRANKLIN, 1—DESK—OFFICER in the
20050318             KERRY—EDWARDS Online Forum
20050318             —PLEDGED, Then —THIS—WEEK, another IRAN—OFFICER, to
20050318             IRAN CONTRA 2? Fresh scrutiny on 1—ROGUE...
20050318             is —NOW under investigation for passing USA—INTELLIGENCE to IRAN
20050318             broadcast on MISS—NBC, FORMER—CIA—OFFICER and NBC...
20050318             LP: IRAN—CONTRA II? Fresh Scrutiny On A Rogue Pentagon Operation...
20050318             ANY—USA intel officer who is... Intelligence is politics no matter who badly that intelligence is...
20050318             War Without End :: View TOPIC—USA—AIR—FORCE LIEUTENANT—COLONEL—SPEAKS...
20050318             military intelligence agency, SISMI, NICOLO POLLARI, as WELL—ITALY s CIVIL—INTELLIGENCE service,
20050318             —ASSOCIATED, SISDE, - was THE—IRAN desk officer with the... - News/Activism by keyword ROCKETS...
20050318             This advertisement intervenes whereas NICOLO POLLARI, DIRECTOR—OF—THE—BE 1—GENUINE—THREAT.
20050318             SISMI, ITALY—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE, contrary to what its director Nicol?
20050318             POLLARI says (Corriere...
20050318             Wilsongate: WH outs fmr ambassador WILSON—CIA wife in revenge...
20050318             —FROM German and, perhaps, ITALY—COMPANIES".
20050318             POLLARI did NOT—WHO was 1—UNDERCOVER—CIA—OFFICER,
20050318             was OUTED—THE simmering scandal about USA—INTELLIGENCE on IRAQ...
20050318             o * PRINCIPLES—OF—DESIGN—IMPROVEMENT for... USA
20050318             Current Deputy Security Advisor in a Flag Officer Grade in
20050318             J. TENET to be Deputy DIRECTOR—OF—CIA—HEARINGS—BEFORE
20050318             Barf rama by pat POLLARI... - Usenet Archive...
20050318             route ´+ will place 1 armed > officer on each
20050318             HANS—FRITZSCHE, OSWALD—POHL, Franz... (Bréviaire de la haine: Le IIIe Reich...
20050318             Nixon tapes: "THE—WARREN—COMMISSION was the "Greatest hoax -.ever.
20050318             been posing in GERMANY as 'Professor OSWALD—LE—WINTER ' of the
20050318             greatest interest in relation to LE —WINTER is his
20050318             in the 'October surprise' hoax, which alleged... - Personenregister Bd 2.
20050318             Werner, Wolfram 575. Westmoreland WC 260. Wiesenthal, Simon 479. —WINTER, Oswald le 262. Wisnewski, Gerhard 348f.
20050318             Witte, Ludo De 257. Wolf, Markus 157, 297.
20050318             EXTORTION—FROM the Conspiracy Newsletter...
20050318             LE —WINTER IS 1—OF—THOSE.
20050318             Der ehemalige CIA CHEF—DOCTOR—OSWALD—LE—WINTER, der in PORTUGAL um Asyl bat,
20050318             sagte 20010000             —ENDE—VOR dem PORTUGAL—PARLAMENT unter Eid aus, die CIA würde...
20050318             Eyal Ofer, with texts by URI—AVNERY, MANUELA—DVIRI, Freimut Duve,
20050318             OSWALD—LE—WINTER : Die MAUER—ISRAEL—PALÄSTINA, Melzer Verlag, 20040000             , ISBN: 3937389342 ...
20050318             NAZI—SCHERGEN im Sold der USA...
20050318             Laut OBERST—OSWALD—LE—WINTER, CIA—VERBINDUNGSOFFIZIER zur GLADIO, enthalten diese Verträge die Zustimmung aller Regierungen, daß weder Anhänger des rechtes...
20050318             Livra PORTUGAL: Compare preços e leia opiniões de Desmantelar a... - Classifique este Produto.
20050318             Odeio, Amo.
20050318             1, 5. Desmantelar a América ~ OSWALD—LE—WINTER.
20050318             Descrição. • Autor: OSWALD—LE—WINTER. • Género: Documentários.
20050318             also disproves the statement made in the film by 1 disembodied voice talking on
20050318             the telephone to 1—MYSTERIOUSLY silhouetted OSWALD—LE—WINTER purporting to...
20050318             —DEMANDED, The suit also, government files on jailed fraudster and SELF—PROCLAIMED
20050318             "CIA agent" OSWALD—LE—WINTER + others, who were foiled in a 19980000             effort to...
20050318             1, OSWALD—LE—WINTER, 1—AUSTRIAN—BORN USA—WHO claims to have been 1—HIGH—RANKING CIA officer,
20050318             is serving —4—YEARS in 1—AUSTRIA—JAIL for his part...
20050318             Poeta & Espiao: a Verdadeira Historia de Oswald le —WINTER...
20050318             Poeta & Espiao: a Verdadeira Historia de OSWALD—LE—WINTER.
20050318             Carvalho, Frederico Duarte. Editor: Polvo.
20050318             Ano de edição: 20040000             . - - Local de edição: LISBOA.
20050318             LE —WINTER OSWALD
20050318             GERMANY 198000001990          AUSTRIA 19980000             : Assn
20050318             —MENTIONED, The names below are, on the listed pages with the name LE —WINTER OSWALD...
20050318             LE —WINTER OSWALD : Sick,G. October Surprise... - 20041206...
20050318             —SERVED, COLONEL—OSWALD—LE—WINTER—OF—THE—CIA, who, as USA liaison officer with GLADIO, has stated that the planning staff of the Red Brigades was made UP—OF—CIA...
20050318             PRINZESSIN—DIANA—LADY—DIANA—SPENCER > Aktuelle Nachrichten 19990000             ...
20050318             OSWALD—LE—WINTER gab sich als ehemaliger CIA—AGENT aus + wollte dem UK Geschäftsmann MOHAMMED—AL—FAYED für 15—MILLIONEN $ angebliche Beweise...
20050318             OSWALD—VON—WOLKENSTEIN: Zeittafel
20050318             —HERBST/—WINTER : Oswald wird von Margareta von Prades geehrt +
20050318             für das Marienjubiläum 14180000             in Le Puy
20050318             ist 1—DER—ABGEBILDETEN—PERSONEN—OSWALD (siehe Hartmann...
20050318             Historical PEOPLE—BIOGRAPHIES—WHO is Mao Tse Tung?
20050318             Pol Pot biography. JOHN—WOOLMAN: biography.
20050318             Slobodan Milosevic. Biography : Mao Zedong.
20050318             CHE—GUEVARA : revolution hero. Ancient.
20050318             Search Results for biography Fidel Castro
20050318             Sitio increíble... CHE—GUEVARA : revolution hero Short biography by Kelly Wittman.
20050318             THE—ANCIENT—GREEK—HISTORY—LINKS—PAGES (ALEXANDER—THE—GREAT, Ancient... - CHE—GUEVARA : revolution hero...
20050318             —EXECUTED, THE—NEXT—DAY they, CHE—GUEVARA by shooting him in his cell.
20050318             —PROPOSED, In addition, I am also enclosing 1—DRAFT of, BY—LAWS.
20050318             —DISCUSSED, Both the certificate and THE—BY—LAWS have been, with Ambassador Helms.
20050318             DAVID—PEREZ, MEXICO, CANADA prep to defy HELMS—BURTON...
20050318             MEXICO, CANADA prep to defy HELMS—BURTON.
20050318             ISAR - "CBS Fight a Litmus Test for Conservatives: Helms Group...
20050318             THOMAS—B—EDSALL and DAVID—A—VISE, "CBS Fight 1—LITMUS—TEST for Conservatives:
20050318             Helms Group Faces Legal Hurdles in Ideological Takeover Bid," WASHINGTON—POST
20050318             FAIR MEDIA ADVISORY: Media Downplay Bigotry of JESSE—HELMS...
20050318             —ALLUDED, MOST—OF—THE—COVERAGE, to Helms ' unrepentant racism + HOMOPHOBIA—THOUGH few called it that...
20050318             Military action against IRAQ probable.
20050318             SENATOR—JESSE—HELMS, WASHINGTON—JESSE—HELMS ' Political Voodoo...
20050318             as a VOODOO Doll... SENATOR—JESSE—HELMS (RN.C.) got his panties in a wad yet again —LAST—WEEK...
20050318             LA LEGGE HELMS—BURTON
20050318             PROGETTO DI LEGGE HELMS—BURTON: Approvata nel 19950000             dal Governo USA ed entrata in vigore nel medesimo anno quale ulteriore inasprimento...
20050318             salon politics feature : How the media downplay ed Jesse
20050318             —ATTACKED, HELMS ' racism DAVID—BRODER, reporters for ignoring Helms ' racist career in covering his retirement —LAST—WEEK...
20050318             Helms ' horror: SECRETARY—GENERAL BILL—EX—SEN.
20050318             JESSE—HELMS wants your help stopping Bill + Hillary Clinton from taking over the world...
20050318             Helms explains webcasting deal | THE—REGISTER...
20050318             Helms explains webcasting deal... We were 1—LITTLE tardy in getting this statement from SENATOR—HELMS to you.
20050318             It's worth parsing in full.
20050318             Click Here. JESSE—HELMS—THE—GREAT—SATAN
20050318             —FOR—YEARS—NOW the vitriol that SENATOR—JESSE—HELMS has directed against anyone who is not 1—WHITE,
20050318             heterosexual, small town southerner, has made him the "Great... - JESSE—HELMS ' Contra Cocaine Connection
20050318             SENATOR—JESSE—HELMS ' SUPPORT—OF—DICTATORS + death squad commanders is well known.
20050318             HR 2506, Section 518 - Prohibition on Funding for Abortions + Involuntary Sterilization (from FY 20020000             Foreign Operations Appropriations Act).
20050318             JESSE—HELMS—WARNS—OF—BILL—CLINTON—UN—AMBITIONS—BY—SUSAN—JONES—CNSNEWS_com —MORNING Editor 20050202            .
20050318             ASIL Insights.
20050318             HELMS—BURTON, THE—USA + THE—WTO 19970300             . - - --By JOHN—STATES.
20050318             HELMS—BURTON does several things. It. JESSE—HELMS, White Racist
20050318             JESSE—HELMS—ANNOUNCEMENT—LAST—WEEK that he will not run for reelection —NEXT—YEAR in NORTH—CAROLINA...
20050318             SENATOR—JESSE—HELMS ' CLOSED—DOOR—IMPEACHMENT—STATEMENT — 20050212             ...
20050318             Mr.
20050318             —SUMMER—OF—LOVE ~ THE—EVENT
20050318             —ABOUT this event... by Chet Helms. Chet Helms by JAY—BLAKESBERG.
20050318             MITCHELL—V. HELMS...
20050318             MITCHELL—V. HELMS (98-16480000             ) 530—USA 793 (20000000             ) 151—F.3d 347, reversed.
20050318             Syllabus, Opinion [ Thomas ],
20050318             Concurrence [ O'Connor ], Dissent [ Souter ] - v. HELMS et al... - donate.
20050318             REVERSED—NUMBER 98—1648. - (19990500             ). - - JESSE—HELMS on Budget & Economy.
20050318             Online NewsHour: HELMS—BURTON
20050318             CUBA—DISCORD & HELMS—BURTON... 20050711             .---- CHARLES—KRAUSE gives 1—BACKGROUND—REPORT on the events that led to the signing of THE—HELMS—BURTON legislation...
20050318             High. Helms Amendment
20050318             HELMS, Jesse, (19210000             —UNTIL—NOW). - JESSE—HELMS... "You are 1—ASSHOLE"
20050318             Dear MISTER—HELMS... "Jessuvius, why do you not make haste to resign?
20050318             However, in the malodorous CASE—OF—JESSE—HELMS—I make 1—RARE—EXCEPTION...
20050318             Global Exchange : HelmsBurton.html... - 1—CLOSER—LOOK at THE—HELMS—BURTON LAW.
20050318             This informational update gives 1—BRIEF sketch of THE—HELMS—BURTON Law, outlines the arguments.
20050318             Jump to: [Opinion] [Concurrence] [Dissent] MITCHELL et al. v. HELMS et al
20050318             GUY—MITCHELL, et al., PETITIONERS v. MARY—L—HELMS et al.
20050318             Memo to Jess Helms from InfoTimes...
20050318             CUBA and USA—RELATIONS: THE—HELMS—BURTON Act
20050318             THE—HELMS—BURTON Act... THE—HELMS—BURTON Act, as it is better known, is 1—MULTI—FACETED bill which restricts both USA and foreign freedoms...
20050318             Missing the Target: THE—FAILURE—OF—THE—HELMS—BURTON Act.
20050318             —BY MARK—GROOMBRIDGE
20050318             —FLAWED, THE—HELMS—BURTON law is legally and practically...
20050318             THE—ARREAT—SUMMIT—ITEMS: Elite Barbarian Helms...
20050318             Elite Armor: Helms | Armor | Shields | Gloves | Boots | Belts Elite Weapons:
20050318             Axes | Bows | Crossbows | Daggers | Javelins | Maces | Polearms Scepters | Spears...
20050318             Min. 27741. Helms, Jesse.
20050318             THE—COLUMBIA—ENCYCLOPEDIA, 6. Edition.
20050318             JESSE—HELMS—CENTER—FOUNDATION...
20050318             Email: THE—JESSE—HELMS—CENTER exists to promote the principles of free enterprise, REPRESENTATIVE—DEMOCRACY, traditional USA—VALUES + 1—STRONG—NATIONAL...
20050318             * SENATOR—HELMS in MONROE—NORTH—CAROLINA 19211018             ...
20050318             What You Need to Know about JESSE—HELMS
20050318             So why did USA—VOTERS swing towards Helms and the extreme right last ;;11;;?
20050318             What You Need to Know about JESSE—HELMS—HELMS nods.
20050318             "Yes, sir".
20050318             STERBEHILFE—STREIT: Drama um Komapatientin spitzt sich zu
20050318             Bush seeks to alter global nuclear pact:
20050318             —ACKNOWLEDGED, BUSH—AIDES have, that IRAN appears to have THE—RIGHT—ON paper, at LEAST—TO enrich uranium to produce electric power.
20050318             —MANAGED, But BUSH has, to convince his reluctant European allies that the only acceptable outcome of their negotiations with IRAN is that it give up that right.
20050318             Knesset resolution demands POLLARD—RELEASE:
20050318             —KILLED, FAMILY—OF—PROTESTER, by bulldozer suing Caterpillar:
20050318             —KILLED, The parents of a —23—YEAR—OLD—ACTIVIST, —WHILE trying to prevent the demolition of 1—PALESTINE—HOME have sued Caterpillar INCORPORATED,
20050318             the company that made the bulldozer that ran over her.
20050318             Coalition of the Willing?":
20050318             The cracks in the coalition of the willing are growing wider.
20050318             —SHIPPED, From 1—HIGH—FLYING 300,000 soldiers who, out to IRAQ
20050318             BRITAIN will likely be asked to fill gap in IRAQ left by ITALY
20050318             More UK troops will probably be asked to go to IRAQ to help fill the void left by ITALY's proposed withdrawal of its 3,000 troops there, 1—UK military expert said.
20050318             THE—TRIALS—OF—UK—PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR, whose willingness to go along even with the most illegitimate + DANGEROUS—OF—BUSH—MAD—SCHEMES has made him 1—HERO to USA conservatives,
20050318             is paying 1—HIGH—PRICE for being what his countrymen refer to as "BUSH—LAPDOG".
20050318             UK: No escape from the war: They will not be so lucky.
20050318             We have our very own fake PROPAGANDA "journalists" operating in THE—UK.
20050318             UK government pays for their wages + they provide news as if they were normal journalists rather than paid propagandists.
20050318             Pentagon 'hid' damning Halliburton audit:
20050318             —ACCUSED—OF, USA PENTAGON stood, sitting on 1—DAMAGING report from its own auditors on a $108.4m (£56.6m) overcharge by Halliburton for its services in IRAQ —YESTERDAY.
20050318             KBR spent millions getting $82,100 worth of LPG into IRAQ:
20050318             —NEEDED, IRAQ, fuel.
20050318             —ORDERED, Halliburton Co. was, to get it there — quick.
20050318             —CHARGED, So THE—HOUSTON—BASED contractor, USA PENTAGON $27.5—MILLION to ship $82,100 worth of cooking and heating fuel.
20050318             IRAQ 'facing corruption threat':
20050318             THE—RECONSTRUCTION—OF—POST—WAR—IRAQ is in danger of becoming "the biggest corruption scandal in history",
20050318             —WARNED, Transparency INTERNATIONAL has.
20050318             PAUL—WOLFOWITZ to Be Nominated as Next World BANK—PRESIDENT:
20050318             PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH will name WOLFOWITZ —LATER—TODAY.
20050318             which analysts said would be largely 1—FORMALITY.
20050318             —MISSSED, In case you, it: Confessions of an Economic Hit Man:
20050318             How THE—USA—USES—GLOBALIZATION to Cheat Poor Countries Out of Trillions.
20050318             Real Video and transcript.
20050318             —DISCIPLINED, Interrogator, over techniques —NOW teaching soldiers:
20050318             1—EX—ARMY—INTERROGATOR punished for sexually humiliating detainees at THE—GUANTANAMO prison is —NOW teaching soldiers interrogation techniques, THE—NEW—YORK Daily News has learned.
20050318             'Abusive techniques' at Gitmo had Navy brass talking pullout:
20050318             —UNDISCLOSED, The previously, events were revealed at 1—HEARING—OF—THE—SENATE—ARMED—FORCES—COMMITTEE—TUESDAY.
20050318             The disclosures shed new light on the military services' objections to THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—POLICIES on how to interrogate prisoners from THE—AFGHANISTAN war.
20050318             —ACCUSED—OF, Army CAPTAIN, terrorizing IRAQ—TOWN:
20050318             —OPENED, MARTIN—COURT—MARTIAL, —MONDAY with witnesses saying he ruled like 1—TYRANT over Ar Rutbah,
20050318             1—COMMUNITY—OF—25,000 in IRAQ—WESTERN—DESERT, kicking and screaming at CIVIL—DETAINEES and pointing 1—PISTOL at them.
20050318             Report: MANY—† in USA Custody in War:
20050318             † At least 108—PEOPLE have, in USA custody in IRAQ + AFGHANISTAN, MOST—OF—THEM violently, according to government data provided to AP.
20050318             Chavez followers get paramilitary training:
20050318             THE—START—OF—TRAINING for "Popular Defense Units" marks 1—MORE confrontational stage in USA—VENEZUELA—RELATIONS.
20050318             The admirals + generals are ACCUSED—OF—REBELLION + DISOBEDIENCE—OF—THE—LAWS—OF—THE—COUNTRY, for their role in the coup that removed PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ from power for about —48—HOURS.
20050318             PAUL—CRAIG—ROBERTS: AMERICA—HAS—BEEN Economy:
20050318             Outsourcing is rapidly converting USA—CORPORATIONS into 1—BRAND—NAME with 1—SALES—FORCE selling foreign designed, engineered + manufactured goods.
20050318             Whether or not they realize it, USA—CORPORATIONS have written off THE—USA—CONSUMER—MARKET.
20050318             Bush Defends Packaged News Stories from Government:
20050318             PRESIDENT—BUSH said —ON—WEDNESDAY that THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—PRACTICE—OF sending packaged news stories to local television stations was legal + he had no plans to cease it.
20050318             Video: Despotism & Democracy:
20050318             Measures how 1—SOCIETY ranks on 1—SPECTRUM stretching from DEMOCRACY to despotism.
20050318             Where does your community, state and nation stand on these scales?
20050318             ANNAN—BOW at ARAFAT—GRAVE—SPARKS—OUTRAGE in City:
20050318             UNITED—NATIONS SECRETARY—GENERAL—KOFI—ANNAN—DECISION to LAY 1—WREATH at the grave of Yasser ARAFAT—WHILE on his way to the dedication of 1—HOLOCAUST museum in ISRAEL is infuriating NEW—YORK politicians and Jewish leaders.
20050318             Irgun:
20050318             —CONSIDERED, THE—IRGUN was, to be 1—TERRORIST—ORGANIZATION by the British, amongst others, but MANY—JEWS regarded its members as freedom fighters.
20050318             Its best known activity was THE—BOMBING—OF—KING—DAVID—HOTEL in JERUSALEM
20050318             Video: BBC INTERVIEW—WITH—RAFIK—HARIRI:
20050318             HARDtalk spoke to MISTER—HARIRI 20011100             —WHEN he was still the country's PRIME—MINISTER.
20050318             —TALKED, They, about THE—WAR—ON—TERROR + the situation in THE—MIDDLE—EAST + relations with neighbouring Syria.
20050318             THE—S—PATRICK—4 and Resistance to the War in IRAQ:
20050318             THE—S—PATRICK—4 were 4—PEOPLE from the Catholic peace movement who,
20050318             —ON S—PATRICK'S—DAY—LAST—YEAR, poured their blood —AROUND at 1—MILITARY recruiting station in Ithaca,
20050318             NEW—YORK + they were put on trial.
20050318             —REFUSED, And the jury, to convict.
20050318             Wolfowitz To Rule the World (Bank ): Wolfowitz to spread NEO—CON gospel
20050318             PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH appears to be sending 1—MESSAGE to the world that he intends to spread into development policy the same NEO—CONSERVATIVE—PHILOSOPHY that has led his foreign policy.
20050318             Democrats for Wolfowitz :
20050318             SENATOR—JOE—BIDEN isn't the only Democrat supporting PAUL—WOLFOWITZ for PRESIDENT—OF—THE—WORLD—BANK.
20050318             1—PERFECT—FIT: Wolfowitz at the World Bank:
20050318             If you want to know how Professor WOLFOWITZ got the job, follow the money.
20050318             UK: Short savages Wolfowitz nomination:
20050318             EUROPE Alarmed by Wolfowitz Nomination:
20050318             GERMANY, MICHAEL—MÜLLER, the Social Democrats deputy parliamentary leader, described the choice as "horrifying".
20050318             Wolfowitz Pick for World BANK—PROMPTS—HEAD—SCRATCHING:
20050318             As with his FELLOW—NEO—CONSERVATIVES, WOLFOWITZ also has special concerns about the fate of ISRAEL,
20050318             where he lived —DURING PART—OF—HIS teenaged years and which —NOW is his sister's home.
20050318             —PLEASED, ISRAEL, with choice of Wolfowitz:
20050318             1—OFFICIAL said that WOLFOWITZ would likely ensure that the Palestinians fulfill strict conditions regarding reform and democratization in order to get the money.
20050318             ISRAEL: 1—CALL for Divestment:
20050318             Hizbollah Says WILL—NOT—LAY—DOWN—WEAPONS:
20050318             "I'm holding on to THE—WEAPONS—OF—THE—RESISTANCE because I think the resistance
20050318             is the best formula to protect LEBANON and to deter ANY—ISRAEL—AGGRESSION," Sheikh HASSAN—NASRALLAH said in 1—LIVE—TELEVISION—INTERVIEW—WITH—HIZBOLLAH'S—AL—MANAR station.
20050318             Yeshiva students attack Palestinians, wound at least 5:
20050318             —ATTACKED, Some 40—YESHIVA students from 1—WEST—BANK—SETTLEMENT, 1—GROUP—OF—8—PALESTINE—LABORERS —ON—THURSDAY—MORNING, wounding at least 5—OF—THEM
20050318             —DESCENDED, New IRAQ assembly, into farce:
20050318             Despite calls for the meeting to be held outside the heavily protected Green Zone,
20050318             to demonstrate PARLIAMENT—INDEPENDENCE from its USA protectors, the threat was such that the deputies had no choice but to meet there in 1—VAST—CONVENTION—CENTRE.
20050318             Analysis: BERLUSCONI—NON—PULLOUT announcement:
20050318             Berlusconi under fire at home —AFTER IRAQ withdrawal climbdown:
20050318             ITALY—PRIME—MINISTER—SILVIO—BERLUSCONI took 1—BATTERING from the press and opposition parties,
20050318             —AFTER being forced into 1—IGNOMINIOUS climbdown by his more powerful allies over his stated intention to withdraw ROME—TROOPS from IRAQ
20050318             MP Expelled from Commons —AFTER BLAIR—REMARK:
20050318             —EXPELLED, An MP was, from the Commons chamber —TODAY—AFTER he claimed that TONY—BLAIR had "misled" PARLIAMENT over the war with IRAQ.
20050318             Australians Against New IRAQ Deployment:
20050318             MANY—ADULTS in AUSTRALIA reject their government's decision to send more soldiers to IRAQ, according to 1—POLL by AC Nielsen.
20050318             Only 37—PERCENT—OF—RESPONDENTS support the deployment of 450—TROOPS.
20050318             BULGARIA to Pull Out of IRAQ:
20050318             Official: BULGARIA will gradually withdraw its troops from IRAQ by THE—END—OF—THIS —YEAR, MINISTER—OF—DEFENSE—NIKOLAY—SVINAROV said —THURSDAY.
20050318             USA—ARMY seeks longer enlistments as recruitment falters:
20050318             —ASKED, THE—USA—ARMY has, Congress to allow it to extend enlistment contracts offered to future soldiers by —2—YEARS in order to "stabilize the force," as top defense officials warned that key recruitment targets for the —YEAR could be missed.
20050318             Report: 2—AIPAC officials take paid leave over USA—SPY probe:
20050318             who were investigated for allegedly passing classified information from USA PENTAGON ,
20050318             have taken 1—PAID LEAVE—OF—ABSENCE from THE—GROUP—DUTCHMAN in IRAQ genocide hearing:
20050318             prosecutors have said at his 1. public hearing.
20050318             JUDGE—DISMISSES—VIETNAM—SUIT over Agent ORANGE:
20050318             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE dismissed 1—LAWSUIT—THURSDAY charging that USA chemical companies committed war crimes against about 4—MILLION—VIETNAM—CITIZENS by making Agent ORANGE
20050318             USA cancels Agent ORANGE study in VIETNAM:
20050318             The research "could have been definitive" in 1—CLASS action brought by VIETNAM—PLAINTIFFS against USA—MANUFACTURERS—OF—AGENT—ORANGE,
20050318             including Monsanto and Dow Chemicalsy.
20050318             —INCREASED, Carpenter says the ongoing legal action would have " THE—RELUCTANCE—OF—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT to fund this project".
20050318             Report: CHINA, RUSSIA To "Rehearse Invasion Of TAIWAN":
20050318             The initial plans were to practice operational teamwork in combating terrorism —DURING the exercise.
20050318             However, BEIJING, skillfully changing THE—FORMAT—OF—THE—EXERCISE, has tried to RE—ORIENT THE—2—COUNTRIES' armies to practicing 1—INVASION—OF—TAIWAN.
20050318             TRAIL—OF—BLOOD—LEADS from COLOMBIA to USA
20050318             The world can follow THE—TRAIL—OF—BLOOD from the massacred farmers and human rights workers + teachers + journalists and labor leaders in COLOMBIA.
20050318             That TRAIL—OF—BLOOD—LEADS to our door.
20050318             GENERAL—WESLEY—CLARK calls for USA—MILITARY return to HAITI:
20050318             He says the roughly 76—100—U—N troops + policemen in HAITI need U—S help.
20050318             Clark says the force can only deal with "the surface problems".
20050318             Cheerleading War and Slaughter:
20050318             The assumption that 1—NATION has the right to forcefully change the culture of another negates the concept of "principle" based on morality.
20050318             It is on its face anarchy. Charge Him or Release Him
20050318             —EXERCISED, Make no mistake about it: The governmental power, in the Padilla + AL—MARRI cases will be 1—BACK—DOOR to military CONTROL—OF—OUR nation.
20050318             —WHILE THE—USA—PEOPLE might not realize that, Pentagon officials most certainly do.
20050318             Halliburton exec on fraud charges
20050318             1—FORMER—EMPLOYEE—OF—1—HALLIBURTON subsidiary has been indicted on charges of defrauding THE—USA—MILITARY—OF—MORE than $3.5m for fuel in IRAQ.
20050318             GIs must begin paying at pumps in KUWAIT
20050318             The days —WHEN 1—USA—ARMY—TRUCK could fill up for free at 1—GAS—STATION in this OIL—RICH—STATE are ending.
20050318             KUWAIT—ENERGY—MINISTER said —YESTERDAY USA—TROOPS are going to have to start paying for fuel.
20050318             Is IRAQ becoming the world's biggest cash cow?
20050318             Corruption wastes money, BANK rupts countries + costs lives.
20050318             ISLAMABAD makes a tradeoff: PAKISTAN clashes leave MANY—DEAD:
20050318             Clashes between Baluchi tribesmen + THE—PAKISTAN—ARMY in Baluchistan have left 50—PEOPLE—DEAD + scores injured,
20050318             1—ALJAZEERA correspondent in ISLAMABAD said.
20050318             Independent Media: Enemy Target-
20050318             Although, there is no "evidence" of 1—SYSTEMATIC—POLICY to kill journalists,
20050318             it seem that 1—POLICY—OF preventing independent media reporting from the war is THE—USA—ADMINISTRATION—TOP—PRIORITY.
20050318             CHRIS—FLOYD: Filter Tips: 1—RELENTLESS—DEGENERATION—OF—USA—SOCIETY is taking place.
20050318             —NORMALIZED, Brutality + atrocity are becoming, systemized + rewarded.
20050318             What follows is 1—REPRESENTATIVE—SELECTION—OF—CATEGORIES—OF—DATA that have been withdrawn from public access in THE—BUSH—YEARS, with reflections on what they mean.
20050318             Over 725—PROTESTS Planned to Mark 2. ANNIVERSARY—OF—IRAQ—INVASION: Roads out of BAGHDAD become NO—GO zones
20050318             —DECLARED, Nearly —2—YEARS—SINCE PRESIDENT—BUSH, 1—END to major combat operations in IRAQ, BAGHDAD is still 1—OF—THE—MOST dangerous cities in the world.
20050318             —RINGED, It is, in peril.
20050318             Play ing the Democracy Card : How AMERICA FURTHERS ITS NATIONAL INTERESTS in THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20050318             Secret USA—PLANS—FOR IRAQ—OIL
20050318             "We saw 1—INCREASE in THE—BOMBING—OF—OIL—FACILITIES and pipelines [in IRAQ] built on the premise that privatisation is coming" PALAST—REPORTING for BBC Newsnight
20050318             —PUSHED, THE—INDUSTRY—FAVORED plan was, aside
20050318             AMERICA—AGENDA for Global Military Domination
20050318             —RELEASED, USA PENTAGON has, the summary of 1—TOP—SECRET—PENTAGON document, which sketches AMERICA—AGENDA for global military domination.
20050318             CHOSSUDOVSKY—THE document explicitly acknowledges AMERICA—GLOBAL military mandate, beyond regional war theaters.
20050318             —DIRECTED, This mandate also includes military operations, against countries,
20050318             which are not hostile to USA, but which are considered strategic from THE—POINT—OF—VIEW—OF—USA—INTERESTS.
20050318             Weltsicherheitsrat: Rice unterstützt Tokios Wunsch nach ständigem Sitz
20050318             Chirac unter Druck: EU—VERFASSUNG droht durchzufallen
20050318             —AKZEPTIERT, Illegale Beschäftigung: Wal Mart, 11—MILLIONEN $ Strafe
20050318             —DIFFAMIERT, REICHEN—RANKING: Castro fühlt sich von "Forbes"
20050318             "Antikes Viagra": EU verklagt DEUTSCHLAND wegen Knoblauchpillen
20050318             Sicherer Surfen: DIALER—ANBIETER müssen vor Kosten warnen
20050318             ROHÖL—PREISVERGLEICH: Billiger als ein Fässchen Chanel NUMBER 5
20050318             Kampf dem Psychoterror: Stalker sollen härter bestraft werden
20050318             Defizitpranger: Berlusconi hat Brüsseler Bürokraten satt
20050318             Neues Gesetz: Gerichte erreichen das INTERNET—ZEITALTER
20050318             Hochwasserschutz: In Flutgebieten darf weiter gebaut werden
20050318             Waffendeal: UKRAINE lieferte Cruise Missiles an IRAN und CHINA
20050318             Genetischer Fingerabdruck: Keine Mehrheit für Ausweitung polizeilicher Maßnahmen
20050318             Meer oder Berge: Bei Allergie richtiges Reiseziel wählen
20050318             Manager, Künstler und Denker ohne Examen
20050318             Tsunami in ASIEN: Forscher warnen vor neuem Beben
20050318             Fleischers Memoiren: "Passen Sie auf, was Sie sagen"
20050318             ROT—GRÜN in der Krise: Der Flügelschlag des Schmetterlings
20050318             Comeback der MÄRCHEN—LITERATUR: Fesche Zwerge, zarte Drachen
20050318             —GEFÄHRDET, Experimente : Nasa klagt über MONDSTAUB—MANGEL
20050318             JANE—GOODALL über Ökotourismus: "Es gibt skrupellose Reiseveranstalter"
20050318             Artenschutz für Gorillas: Dschungelcamp der letzten Hoffnung
20050318             Weltbank : Wolfowitz sucht die Nähe von Bono
20050318             Colonia Dignidad: Anklage gegen Sektenchef Schäfer in CHILE—USA—HAUSHALT: Schlappe für Bush
20050318             D19800000             —DURING THE—MID—NORTH—CAROLINA SENATOR—JESSE—HELMS vigorously supported 1—NICARAGUA—REBEL—GROUP closely tied to narcotrafficking.
20050318             He continued his support long —AFTER the drug link was widely known in WASHINGTON and reported in the national press.
20050318             What did Helms know about drug network undergirding these guerrilla fighters?
20050318             —WHEN did he know it? And what was the extent of his involvement with the contra faction most tainted by cocaine?
20050318             —UNCOVERED, THE—SENATOR won't say, but Dossier has, the facts.
20050318             (This article originally appeared in THE—INDEPENDENT, 1—WEEKLY—PAPER based in DURHAM—NORTH—CAROLINA.)
20050318             1: Cocaine and 1—COVERT—WAR - 2: COMMANDER 0 and the Smuggler - 3: "THE—ENEMY—OF—MY—ENEMY"
20050318             4: THE—SENATOR—SILENCE—HELMS/Contra/Cocaine Documents INDEX—DOSSIER message BOARD: Share your views
20050318             Energie: Ölpreis klettert von Rekord zu Rekord
20050318             Wettbewerb: EU—KOMMISSION rüffelt Microsoft
20050318             Segundo COLBY—ATWOOD, VICE—PRESIDENTE da consultoria de mídia...
20050318             † SOL—LINOWITZ (91), USA—DIPLOMAT.
20050318             How Do You Shoot Babies? THE—ETHICAL—SPECTACLE,
20050318             [GAIA—GERAL] Nova arma de destruição maciça dos USA :a... USA : a manipulação do clima para fins militares Manipulações do clima por parte do Exército dos USA : o programa Haarp A atenção
20050318             DGI 20050000             - Creating Superior Defence Intelligence Capabilities... LIEUTENANT—GENERAL—POLLARI has been THE—DIRECTOR—OF—SISMI... THE—INTER—INSTITUTIONAL Working Group on Economic Intelligence... Garcia, where he served as Officer in Charge...
20050318             DGI 20050000             (Defence Geospatial Intelligence) EVENT—DEFENCE... GENERAL—NICOL?
20050318             Pollari, Director, ITALY—INTELLIGENCE AND... Boguslaw Samol, Acting Director, DEFENCE INTELLIGENCE—POLAND;... Deputy CHIEF—GEO—OFFICER, SHAPE, NATO;...
20050318             ROGER—L—SIMON: Time Is Everything... And THE—HEAD—OF—SISMI, Nicolo Pollari, as well as the Italian... intercepted 1—SECURE—COMMUNICATION between 1—SENIOR—ISRAEL—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICER in WASHINGTON...
20050318             MISTER—RAY—W—POLLARI, Acting Deputy... for Arms Control;
20050318             MAJOR—GENERAL—JOHN—LANDRY, USA, National Intelligence Officer for GENERAL...
20050318             War and Piece: 20040900             Archives... PAUL—R—PILLAR, the national intelligence officer for the... Among other sources, Pollari is on record... of THE—ITALY—PARLIAMENT—INTELLIGENCE oversight committee...
20050318             War and Piece: Ghorbanifar And THE—HEAD—OF—SISMI, Nicolo Pollari, as well as the Italian... I read RICHARD—CLARK—MANEUVERS this —SPRING (1—STATE—DEPARTMENT—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICER ) as an...
20050318             THE—GADFLYER: War and Piece by Laura Rozen And THE—HEAD—OF—SISMI, Nicolo Pollari, as well as the... in the description of 1—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIAL, another... he was LARRY—FRANKLIN, 1—DESK—OFFICER with the...
20050318             Informed Comment : 20040801             — 20040831             ... But Franklin is THE—IRAN desk officer for USA Pentagon... Rhode, Ledeen and THE—HEAD—OF—ITALY—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY, SISMI, Nicolo Pollari, as well...
20050318             Daily Kos :: FEITH & COMPANY: SOME—DOTS... privately by THE—HEAD—OF—SISMI, Pollari, who also... allegedly received highly classified USA—INTELLIGENCE on IRAN... LEAKING—OF—THE—NAME—OF—CIA—OFFICER—VALERIE Plame...
20050318             Daily Kos : TANG, REVISITED—THE—ITALY—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE—ORGANIZATION—SISMI provided logistics +... THE—HEAD—OF—SISMI, Nicolo Pollari, as well as... 35-13: "—WHEN 1—RATED—OFFICER—FAILS—TO...
20050318             KINSHASA On THE—POTOMAC: Did THE—ITALIANS—PAY 1—RANSOM—FOR—MS... Sources also said 1—USA—OFFICER was instructed... it could explain why USA—INTELLIGENCE had not... Nicolo Pollari, ITALY—SECRET—SERVICE—CHIEF, said in...
20050318             Published by Traprock Peace Center HTML... For 1—OFFICER, IRAQ—DUTY—MEANS—MORE than combat pay... SISMI, ITALY—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE, contrary to what its director Nicolo ' Pollari says (Corriere..
20050318             spookspot: 20040829—20040904    ... the outing of Valerie Plame, THE—CIA—OFFICER, started growing... Ledeen + THE—HEAD—OF—ITALY—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY, SISMI, Nicolo Pollari, as well...
20050318             Flan: 20042208             ... learned from USA—GOVERNMENT—SOURCES that Nicolo Pollari, the head... described by them as 1—DESK—OFFICER in the... as 1—VETERAN—OF—THE—DEFENSE—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY who...
20050318             Funeral Attendant: 1—DESCRIPTION for the funeral attendant job... flanked by THE—HEAD—OF—ITALY—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE, Nicolo Pollari, —DURING her...Post) ROME _ ITALY paid homage —YESTERDAY to 1—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICER killed in
20050318             riverrun@Everything2_com... he wanted and the risks he ran," said Pollari... who provide rebels everything from intelligence and logistics... 1—SENIOR—USA—MILITARY—OFFICER declined to endorse...
20050318             truthout || Nicola Calipari and the Soldier who Shot Him.
20050318             he wanted and the risks he ran," said Pollari... That there was only THE—1—OFFICER suggests that it... wounding her + killing THE—ITALY—INTELLIGENCE—AGENT who
20050318             Blank Generation... —LATER, ITALY—SPY—CHIEF—POLLARI raised the matter privately... under investigation for passing USA—INTELLIGENCE to IRAN... sent from 1—USA consular officer in BAGHDAD...
20050318             PEPIS messages for 20040000             - the archive... THE—FORMER—RAF warrant officer's outburst came at the... USA—GOVERNMENT—SOURCES that Nicolo Pollari, THE—HEAD—OF—ITALY—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY, SISMI...
20050318             d05my3. - CIVIL—WORK—FORCE—OF—THE—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY... —FOLLOWING bills: HR 10400000             , Reserve Officer Personnel Management... of Defense: RAY—W—POLLARI, Acting Deputy.
20050318             Estratti di notizie militari al 20043009             ... Selezionato come 1. Officer dell?unit?
20050318             antiterrorismo... Stampa 20040928             Questioni di intelligence... militare, 1.500—AGENTI, Pollari ) Cesis (coordinamento...
20050318             Issues & Alibis - 1—SENIOR—CIA—OFFICER told me that he was... intentions —EARLIER, EVERY—SCRAP—OF—INTELLIGENCE about IRAQ's... Nicolo ' Pollari, DIRECTOR—OF—THE—ITALY—SECRET—SERVICE...
20050318             VARIATIONS—OF—CO—OPERATIVE—LEARNING—WERSJA HTML Koppinen & Pollari ) + 19940000             (Sahlberg & Leppilampi)... of multiple intelligence... facilitator (this 1 is always used), safety officer...
20050318             Prova del 4 ... Agenzia Repubblica alla CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OFFICER di "Brasil... guerra per essere questa Intelligence militare italiana... Il generale Nicol?
20050318             Pollari (foto), par di...
20050318             —FRAMED, DiscussAnything_com - - ITALY says FRANCE, the us + UK... meeting 1—SENIOR—FRANCE—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICER based in... USA—GOVERNMENT—SOURCES that Nicolo Pollari, THE—HEAD—OF—ITALY—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY, SISMI...
20050318             soompi forums > FBI probes for ISRAEL—SPY in Pentagon... Pollard, 1—FORMER—NAVAL—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICER who gave top... USA—GOVERNMENT—SOURCES that Nicolo Pollari, THE—HEAD—OF—ITALY—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY, SISMI...
20050318             thebackpacker_COM—TRAIL talk — ISRAEL+AMERICA=trouble?
20050318             —LATER, ITALY—SPY—CHIEF—POLLARI raised the matter privately with Tenet, who... 1970s for offering classified documents to 1—ISRAEL—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICER in the...
20050318             HEAD—OF—ITALY—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY, SISMI, Nicolo Pollari, as well... 1970s for offering classified documents to 1—ISRAEL—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICER in the...
20050318             dsonline | documenti MARK—HERTLING, another 1. Armored Division officer, said that Iraqis make up... Nicolo Pollari, HEAD—OF—SISMI, THE—ITALY—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY, told...
20050318             KERRY—EDWARDS Online Forum > Could Franklin have —JUST been taking... spy as LARRY—FRANKLIN, 1—DESK—OFFICER in the... from USA—GOVERNMENT—SOURCES that Nicolo Pollari, THE—HEAD—OF—ITALY—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY, SISMI...
20050318             KERRY—EDWARDS Online Forum Then —THIS—WEEK, another IRAN—OFFICER pledged to... from USA—GOVERNMENT—SOURCES that Nicolo Pollari, THE—HEAD—OF—ITALY—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY, SISMI...
20050318             Maui_net Bulletin BOARD : IRAN CONTRA 2?
20050318             Fresh scrutiny on 1—ROGUE... —LATER, ITALY—SPY—CHIEF—POLLARI raised the matter... is —NOW under investigation for passing USA—INTELLIGENCE to IRAN... broadcast on MISS—NBC, FORMER—CIA—OFFICER and NBC...
20050318             LP: IRAN—CONTRA II? Fresh Scrutiny On 1—ROGUE—PENTAGON—OPERATION... —LATER, ITALY—SPY—CHIEF—POLLARI raised the matter privately with... ANY—USA intel officer who is... Intelligence is politics no matter who badly that intelligence is...
20050318             military intelligence agency, SISMI, Nicolo Pollari, as well... ITALY s CIVIL—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICE, SISDE, associated... was THE—IRAN desk officer with the...
20050318             News/Activism by keyword ROCKETS... This advertisement intervenes whereas Nicolo Pollari, DIRECTOR—OF—THE... be 1—GENUINE—THREAT".
20050318             So said 1—IDF—INTELLIGENCE—BRANCH—OFFICER appearing —BEFORE.
20050318             ISRAEL—SPY in PENTAGON—VENDIO Community —LATER, ITALY—SPY—CHIEF—POLLARI raised the matter privately... Amana Books) by MICHAEL—SABA, 1—OFFICER—OF—THE... CHARLES—R—BABCOCK, "USA 1—INTELLIGENCE—TARGET—OF...
20050318             ITALY—OCTOBER Surprise :: from www.uruknet.info :: news from... For 1—OFFICER, IRAQ—DUTY—MEANS—MORE than combat pay... SISMI, ITALY—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE, contrary to what its director Nicol?
20050318             Wilsongate: WH outs fmr ambassador WILSON—CIA—WIFE in revenge... from German and, perhaps, ITALY—COMPANIES".
20050318             Pollari did not... who was 1—UNDERCOVER—CIA—OFFICER, was outed... the simmering scandal about USA—INTELLIGENCE on IRAQ.
20050318             o * PRINCIPLES—OF—DESIGN—IMPROVEMENT for... USA Current Deputy Security Advisor in 1—FLAG—OFFICER—GRADE in... J. Tenet to be Deputy DIRECTOR—OF—CIA—HEARINGS—BEFORE... Barf rama by pat pollari...
20050318             Usenet Archive... route ´+ will place 1 armed > officer on each... from USA—GOVERNMENT—SOURCES that Nicolo Pollari, THE—HEAD—OF—ITALY—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY, SISMI...
20050318             M. Weber: THE—NUREMBERG—TRIALS and the Holocaust.
20050318             Do the "War... G. Tillion, " Le Systeme concentrationnaire allemand," Revue de l... Journal of Historical Review, 19890000—19900000 WINTER- (Vol... Legal brief for OSWALD—POHL ("Grundzüge des.
20050318             ROBERT—FAURISSON: How THE—UK—OBTAINED the Confessions of...
20050318             He came in THE—WINTER—OF—19450000—19460000 + was put in a... cases, we know of JULIUS—STREICHER,
20050318             NewsMakingNews Secret Connections Covert Operations Truth... Click.
20050318             Nixon tapes: "THE—WARREN—COMMISSION was the "Greatest hoax...ever". Click... OSWALD—LE —WINTER ADDRESSES PORTUGAL—PARLIAMENT—ON—THE "OCTOBER SURPRISE".
20050318             THE—CROWN—OFFICE—COMMENTS on the film: MALTA—DOUBLE—CROSS... been posing in GERMANY as 'Professor OSWALD—LE—WINTER ' of the... greatest interest in relation to Le —WINTER is his... in the 'October surprise' hoax, which alleged...
20050318             Personenregister Bd 2.
20050318             EXTORTION—FROM the Conspiracy Newsletter... with Sources in intelligence —THROUGHOUT EUROPE.
20050318             The man, GEORGE—MEARAH, is actually OSWALD—LE—WINTER.
20050318             ERINNERUNGEN EINES AMERIKAFREUNDES UND MORALISTEN... Der ehemalige CIA CHEF—DOCTOR—OSWALD le —WINTER, der in PORTUGAL um Asyl bat, sagte 20010000             —ENDE—VOR dem PORTUGAL—PARLAMENT unter Eid aus, die CIA würde...
20050318             Qantara.DE—MIDDLE—EAST—CONFLICT—THE—INNER—WALL—WILL—CONTINUE... Eyal Ofer, with texts by URI—AVNERY, MANUELA—DVIRI, Freimut Duve, OSWALD—LE—WINTER : Die MAUER—ISRAEL—PALÄSTINA, Melzer Verlag, 20040000             , ISBN: 3937389342 ...
20050318             NAZI—SCHERGEN im Sold der USA... Laut OBERST—OSWALD—LE—WINTER, CIA—VERBINDUNGSOFFIZIER zur Gladio, enthalten diese Verträge die Zustimmung aller Regierungen, daß weder Anhänger des rechtes...
20050318             THE—CROWN—OFFICE—COMMENTS on the film: MALTA—DOUBLE—CROSS.
20050318             OSWALD—LEWINTER, the mysterious + sometimes nefarious CIA operative.
20050318             $20—MILLION—PLOT TO SHOW PALACE BEHIND DIANA—DEATH... 1, OSWALD—LE—WINTER, 1—AUSTRIAN—BORN—USA—WHO claims to have been 1—HIGH—RANKING—CIA—OFFICER, is serving —4—YEARS in 1—AUSTRIA—JAIL for his part...
20050318             Poeta & Espiao: a Verdadeira Historia de Oswald le —WINTER... Poeta & Espiao: a Verdadeira Historia de Oswald le —WINTER.
20050318             LE —WINTER OSWALD—GERMANY 19800000—19900000 AUSTRIA 19980000             : Assn... The names below are mentioned on the listed pages with the name LE —WINTER OSWALD...
20050318             AHMED—HEIDARI... 19910000             (43).
20050318             LE —WINTER OSWALD : Sick,G. October Surprise.
20050318             PRINZESSIN—DIANA—LADY—DIANA—SPENCER > Aktuelle Nachrichten 19990000             ... OSWALD—LE—WINTER gab sich als ehemaliger CIA—AGENT aus + wollte dem UK Geschäftsmann MOHAMMED—AL—FAYED für 15—MILLIONEN $ angebliche Beweise...
20050318             OSWALD—VON—WOLKENSTEIN: Zeittafel —HERBST/—WINTER : Oswald wird von Margareta von Prades geehrt +... für das Marienjubiläum 14180000             in Le Puy... ist 1—DER—ABGEBILDETEN—PERSONEN—OSWALD (siehe Hartmann...
20050318             Search Results for biography Fidel Castro Sitio increíble... CHE—GUEVARA : revolution hero Short biography by Kelly Wittman.
20050318             CHE—GUEVARA : revolution hero... THE—NEXT—DAY they executed CHE—GUEVARA by shooting him in his cell.
20050318             Che reportedly said, ?Go ahead, you are only killing 1—MAN.?
20050318             RICHARD—HELMS and BCCI.. In addition, I am also enclosing 1—DRAFT—OF proposed BY—LAWS.
20050318             DAVID—PEREZ, MEXICO, CANADA prep to defy HELMS—BURTON... MEXICO, CANADA prep to defy HELMS—BURTON.
20050318             ISAR - "CBS Fight a Litmus Test for Conservatives: Helms Group... THOMAS—B—EDSALL and DAVID—A—VISE, "CBS Fight a Litmus Test for Conservatives: Helms Group Faces Legal Hurdles in Ideological Takeover Bid," WASHINGTON—POST
20050318             FAIR MEDIA ADVISORY: Media Downplay Bigotry of JESSE—HELMS... MEDIA ADVISORY: Media Downplay Bigotry of JESSE—HELMS... MOST—OF—THE—COVERAGE alluded to Helms ' unrepentant racism + HOMOPHOBIA—THOUGH few called it that...
20050318             CNN_COM—HELMS: Military action against IRAQ PROBABLE—SEPTEMBER... SENATOR—JESSE—HELMS told CNN.
20050318             CNN_com... Helms : Military action against IRAQ probable.
20050318             JESSE—HELMS ' Political Voodoo... as a VOODOO Doll... SENATOR—JESSE—HELMS (RN.C.) got his panties in a wad yet again —LAST—WEEK...
20050318             salon politics feature : How the media downplay ed JESSE—HELMS ' racism DAVID—BRODER attacked reporters for ignoring Helms ' racist career in covering his retirement —LAST—WEEK... /
20050318             NEW—YORK Daily NEWS—HOME—RUSH & Molloy: Helms' horror... COLUMNIST ARCHIVE.
20050318             Helms ' horror: SECRETARY—GENERAL—BILL... EX—SENATOR—JESSE—HELMS wants your help stopping Bill + Hillary Clinton from taking over the world.
20050318             Helms explains webcasting deal | THE—REGISTER... Helms explains webcasting deal... We were 1—LITTLE tardy in getting this statement from SENATOR—HELMS to you.
20050318             It's worth parsing in full. Click Here.
20050318             JESSE—HELMS—THE—GREAT—SATAN —FOR—YEARS—NOW the vitriol that SENATOR—JESSE—HELMS has directed against anyone who is not 1—WHITE, heterosexual, small town southerner, has made him the "Great...
20050318             JESSE—HELMS ' Contra Cocaine Connection SENATOR—JESSE—HELMS ' SUPPORT—OF—DICTATORS + death squad commanders is well known.
20050318             But few people are aware of his connection to USA—CIA.
20050318             USAID Health: Family Planning, Overview, Helms Amendment... Helms Amendment.
20050318             SENATOR—HELMS + Murder THE—ETHICAL—SPECTACLE,
20050318             washingtonpost_com: JESSE—HELMS, White Racist washingtonpost_com.
20050318             JESSE—HELMS, White Racist... JESSE—HELMS—ANNOUNCEMENT—LAST—WEEK that he will not run for reelection —NEXT—YEAR in NORTH—CAROLINA.
20050318             —SUMMER—OF—LOVE ~ THE—EVENT—ABOUT this event... by Chet Helms.
20050318             Chet Helms by JAY—BLAKESBERG.
20050318             MITCHELL—V. HELMS... MITCHELL—V. HELMS (98-16480000             ) 530—USA 793 (20000000             ) 151—F.3d 347, reversed.
20050318             Syllabus, Opinion [ Thomas ], Concurrence [ O'Connor ], Dissent [ Souter ]... v. HELMS et al.
20050318             MITCHELL—V. HELMS... donate.
20050318             MITCHELL—V. HELMS (98-16480000             ) 530—USA 793 (20000000             ) 151—F.3d 347, reversed... NUMBER 98—1648. GUY—MITCHELL, et al., PETITIONERS v. MARY—L—HELMS et al.
20050318             JESSE—HELMS on the Issues... JESSE—HELMS on Abortion.
20050318             Click here for 3—FULL quotes on Abortion OR background on Abortion... (19990500             ).
20050318             JESSE—HELMS on Budget & Economy.
20050318             Online NewsHour: HELMS—BURTON CUBA—DISCORD & HELMS—BURTON... 20050711             .---- CHARLES—KRAUSE gives 1—BACKGROUND—REPORT on the events that led to the signing of THE—HELMS—BURTON legislation...
20050318             High.
20050318             HELMS, JESSE—BIOGRAPHICAL—INFORMATION—HELMS, Jesse, (19210000             —UNTIL—NOW).
20050318             Senate YEARS—OF—SERVICE: 19730000—20030000 PARTY: Republican.
20050318             HELMS, Jesse, 1—SENATOR—FROM—NORTH—CAROLINA; born in.
20050318             JESSE—HELMS... "You are 1—ASSHOLE" Dear MISTER—HELMS... "Jessuvius, why do you not make haste to resign?"... However, in the malodorous CASE—OF—JESSE—HELMS—I make 1—RARE—EXCEPTION...
20050318             CUBA and USA—RELATIONS: THE—HELMS—BURTON Act THE—HELMS—BURTON Act... THE—HELMS—BURTON Act, as it is better known, is 1—MULTI—FACETED bill which restricts both USA and foreign freedoms...
20050318             Missing the Target: THE—FAILURE—OF—THE—HELMS—BURTON Act. by MARK—GROOMBRIDGE... THE—HELMS—BURTON law is legally and practically flawed.
20050318             THE—ARREAT—SUMMIT—ITEMS: Elite Barbarian Helms... Elite Armor: Helms | Armor | Shields | Gloves | Boots | Belts Elite Weapons: Axes | Bows | Crossbows | Daggers | Javelins | Maces | Polearms Scepters | Spears...
20050318             THE—ARREAT—SUMMIT—ITEMS: Elite Helms Elite Helms... as possible.
20050318             —FROM simple leather caps to royal crowns, helms offer protection from the harsh realities of combat.
20050318             Min.
20050318             20050318             27741. Helms, Jesse.
20050318             ATTRIBUTION: JESSE—HELMS (b. 19210000             ), USA Republican SENATOR—FROM—NORTH—CAROLINA.
20050318             NEW—YORK—TIMES, p. A19 (19941123             ). - - Helms, RICHARD—MCGARRAH.
20050318             JESSE—HELMS—CENTER—FOUNDATION...Email: THE—JESSE—HELMS—CENTER exists to promote the principles of free enterprise, representative democracy, traditional USA—VALUES + 1—STRONG—NATIONAL...
20050318             What You Need to Know about JESSE—HELMS—SO why did USA—VOTERS swing towards Helms and the extreme right last —NOVEMBER?... What You Need to Know about JESSE—HELMS... Helms nods.
20050318             Bush seeks to alter global nuclear pact : BUSH—AIDES have acknowledged that IRAN appears to have THE—RIGHT—ON paper, at LEAST—TO enrich uranium to produce electric power.
20050318             —PASSED, Knesset resolution demands POLLARD—RELEASE : THE—KNESSET, 1—RESOLUTION—ON—TUESDAY demanding that the government make THE—USA—RELEASE—OF—POLLARD 1—CONDITION for ISRAEL—FREEING—OF—PALESTINE—PRISONERS.
20050318             —KILLED, FAMILY—OF—PROTESTER, by bulldozer suing Caterpillar : The parents of a —23—YEAR—OLD—ACTIVIST killed —WHILE trying to prevent the demolition of 1—PALESTINE—HOME have sued Caterpillar INCORPORATED, the company that made the bulldozer that ran over her.
20050318             Coalition of the Willing?": The cracks in the coalition of the willing are growing wider.
20050318             + of those, close to 87—PERCENT -- about 150,000 soldiers -- are American.
20050318             BRITAIN will likely be asked to fill gap in IRAQ left by ITALY More UK troops will probably be asked to go to IRAQ to help fill the void left by ITALY's proposed withdrawal of its 3,000 troops there, 1—UK military expert said.
20050318             PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR, whose willingness to go along even with the most illegitimate + DANGEROUS—OF—BUSH—MAD—SCHEMES has made him 1—HERO to USA conservatives, is paying 1—HIGH—PRICE for being what his countrymen refer to as "BUSH—LAPDOG".
20050318             UK: No escape from the war : The front benches of both main parties would like to fight the forthcoming election on the Basil Fawlty principle of "don't mention the war".
20050318             Did UK BBC Broadcast Fake News Reports?
20050318             Pentagon 'hid' damning Halliburton audit : USA Pentagon stood accused of sitting on 1—DAMAGING report from its own auditors on a $108.4m (£56.6m) overcharge by Halliburton for its services in IRAQ —YESTERDAY.
20050318             KBR spent millions getting $82,100 worth of LPG into IRAQ : IRAQ needed fuel.
20050318             IRAQ 'facing corruption threat' : THE—RECONSTRUCTION—OF—POST—WAR—IRAQ is in danger of becoming "the biggest corruption scandal in history", Transparency INTERNATIONAL has warned.
20050318             PAUL—WOLFOWITZ to Be Nominated as Next World BANK—PRESIDENT : PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH will name Wolfowitz —LATER—TODAY.
20050318             WOLFOWITZ—NOMINATION must be approved by ALL—OF—THE—WORLD—BANK—MEMBER—COUNTRIES, which analysts said would be largely 1—FORMALITY.
20050318             —MISSSED, In case you, it:
20050318             Confessions of 1—ECONOMIC—HIT—MAN : How THE—USA—USES—GLOBALIZATION to Cheat Poor Countries Out of Trillions.
20050318             —DISCIPLINED, Interrogator, over techniques —NOW teaching soldiers : 1—EX—ARMY—INTERROGATOR punished for sexually humiliating detainees at THE—GUANTANAMO prison is —NOW teaching soldiers interrogation techniques, THE—NEW—YORK Daily News has learned.
20050318             'Abusive techniques' at Gitmo had Navy brass talking pullout : The previously undisclosed events were revealed at 1—HEARING—OF—THE—SENATE—ARMED—FORCES—COMMITTEE—TUESDAY.
20050318             —ACCUSED—OF, Army CAPTAIN, terrorizing IRAQ—TOWN : MARTIN—COURT—MARTIAL opened —MONDAY with witnesses saying he ruled like 1—TYRANT over Ar Rutbah, 1—COMMUNITY—OF—25,000 in IRAQ—WESTERN—DESERT, kicking and screaming at CIVIL—DETAINEES and pointing 1—PISTOL at them.
20050318             † Report: MANY—† in USA Custody in War : At least 108—PEOPLE have, in USA custody in IRAQ + AFGHANISTAN, MOST—OF—THEM violently, according to government data provided to AP.
20050318             Chavez followers get paramilitary training : THE—START—OF—TRAINING for "Popular Defense Units" marks 1—MORE confrontational stage in USA—VENEZUELA—RELATIONS.
20050318             PAUL—CRAIG—ROBERTS: AMERICA—HAS—BEEN—ECONOMY : Outsourcing is rapidly converting USA—CORPORATIONS into 1—BRAND—NAME with 1—SALES—FORCE selling foreign designed, engineered + manufactured goods.
20050318             Bush Defends Packaged News Stories from Government : PRESIDENT—BUSH said —ON—WEDNESDAY that THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—PRACTICE—OF sending packaged news stories to local television stations was legal + he had no plans to cease it.
20050318             Video: Despotism & Democracy : Measures how 1—SOCIETY ranks on 1—SPECTRUM stretching from democracy to despotism.
20050318             ANNAN—BOW at ARAFAT—GRAVE—SPARKS—OUTRAGE in City : UNITED—NATIONS SECRETARY—GENERAL—KOFI—ANNAN—DECISION to lay 1—WREATH at the grave of Yasser ARAFAT—WHILE on his way to the dedication of 1—HOLOCAUST museum in ISRAEL is infuriating NEW—YORK politicians and Jewish leaders.
20050318             Its best known activity was the bombing
20050318             Video: BBC INTERVIEW—WITH—RAFIK—HARIRI : HARDtalk spoke to MISTER—HARIRI 20011100             —WHEN he was still the country's PRIME—MINISTER.
20050318             THE—S—PATRICK—4 and Resistance to the War in IRAQ : THE—S—PATRICK—4 were 4—PEOPLE from the Catholic peace movement who, on S—PATRICK—DAY—LAST—YEAR, poured their blood —AROUND at 1—MILITARY recruiting station in ITHACA—NEW—YORK + they were put on trial.
20050318             Wolfowitz To Rule the World (Bank ):
20050318             Wolfowitz to spread NEO—CON gospel By nominating PAUL—WOLFOWITZ to be HEAD—OF—THE—WORLD—BANK, PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH appears to be sending 1—MESSAGE to the world that he intends to spread into development policy the same NEO—CONSERVATIVE—PHILOSOPHY that has led his foreign policy.
20050318             Democrats for Wolfowitz : SENATOR—JOE—BIDEN isn't the only Democrat supporting PAUL—WOLFOWITZ for PRESIDENT—OF—THE—WORLD—BANK.
20050318             1—PERFECT—FIT: Wolfowitz at the World Bank : If you want to know how Professor Wolfowitz got the job, follow the money.
20050318             Wolfowitz Pick for World BANK—PROMPTS—HEAD—SCRATCHING : As with his FELLOW—NEO—CONSERVATIVES, Wolfowitz also has special concerns about the fate of ISRAEL, where he lived —DURING PART—OF—HIS teenaged years and which —NOW is his sister's home.
20050318             —PLEASED, ISRAEL, with choice of Wolfowitz : THE—WORLD—BANK is expected to supervise THE—IMPLEMENTATION—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—MILLION—OF $s WORTH—OF—PROJECTS to rebuild GAZA.
20050318             —SHOCKED, —DURING this period I was, and disgusted at what my comrades and I were repeatedly ordered to do to PALESTINE—CIVILIANS.
20050318             Hizbollah Says WILL—NOT—LAY—DOWN—WEAPONS : "I'm holding on to THE—WEAPONS—OF—THE—RESISTANCE because I think the resistance... is the best formula to protect LEBANON and to deter ANY—ISRAEL—AGGRESSION," Sheikh HASSAN—NASRALLAH said in 1—LIVE—TELEVISION—INTERVIEW—WITH—HIZBOLLAH—AL—MANAR station.
20050318             —DESCENDED, New IRAQ assembly, into farce : Despite calls for the meeting to be held outside the heavily protected Green Zone, to demonstrate PARLIAMENT—INDEPENDENCE from its USA protectors, the threat was such that the deputies had no choice but to meet there in 1—VAST—CONVENTION—CENTRE.
20050318             ITALY—PRIME—MINISTER—SILVIO—BERLUSCONI took 1—BATTERING from the press and opposition parties, —AFTER being forced into 1—IGNOMINIOUS climbdown by his more powerful allies over his stated intention to withdraw ROME—TROOPS from IRAQ
20050318             MP Expelled from Commons —AFTER BLAIR—REMARK : An MP was expelled from the Commons chamber —TODAY—AFTER he claimed that TONY—BLAIR had "misled" PARLIAMENT over the war with IRAQ.
20050318             Australians Against New IRAQ Deployment : MANY—ADULTS in AUSTRALIA reject their government's decision to send more soldiers to IRAQ, according to 1—POLL by AC Nielsen.
20050318             BULGARIA to Pull Out of IRAQ : Official: BULGARIA will gradually withdraw its troops from IRAQ by THE—END—OF—THIS —YEAR, MINISTER—OF—DEFENSE—NIKOLAY—SVINAROV said —THURSDAY.
20050318             USA—ARMY seeks longer enlistments as recruitment falters : THE—USA—ARMY has asked Congress to allow it to extend enlistment contracts offered to future soldiers by —2—YEARS in order to "stabilize the force," as top defense officials warned that key recruitment targets for the —YEAR could be missed.
20050318             2—SENIOR—OFFICIALS at THE—PRO—ISRAEL lobby, THE—USA—ISRAEL—PUBLIC—AFFAIRS—COMMITTEE (AIPAC), who were investigated for allegedly passing classified information from USA Pentagon, have taken 1—PAID LEAVE—OF—ABSENCE from the group
20050318             Dutchman in IRAQ genocide hearing : 1—HOLLAND—BUSINESSMAN—ACCUSED—OF—COMPLICITY in genocide for selling chemicals to IRAQ in the 1980s knew that SADDAM—HUSSEIN might use them as weapons, prosecutors have said at his 1. public hearing.
20050318             USA cancels Agent ORANGE study in VIETNAM : The research "could have been definitive" in 1—CLASS action brought by VIETNAM—PLAINTIFFS against USA—MANUFACTURERS—OF—AGENT—ORANGE, including Monsanto and Dow Chemicalsy.
20050318             Report: CHINA, RUSSIA To "Rehearse Invasion Of TAIWAN" : The initial plans were to practice operational teamwork in combating terrorism —DURING the exercise.
20050318             TRAIL—OF—BLOOD—LEADS from COLOMBIA to USA The world can follow THE—TRAIL—OF—BLOOD from the massacred farmers and human rights workers + teachers + journalists and labor leaders in COLOMBIA.
20050318             Cheerleading War and Slaughter : The assumption that 1—NATION has the right to forcefully change the culture of another negates the concept of "principle" based on morality.
20050318             It is on its face anarchy.
20050318             Charge Him or Release Him Make no mistake about it: The governmental power exercised in the Padilla + AL—MARRI cases will be 1—BACK—DOOR to military CONTROL—OF—OUR nation.
20050318             Halliburton exec on fraud charges 1—FORMER—EMPLOYEE—OF—1—HALLIBURTON subsidiary has been indicted on charges of defrauding THE—USA—MILITARY—OF—MORE than $3.5m for fuel in IRAQ.
20050318             GIs must begin paying at pumps in KUWAIT The days —WHEN 1—USA—ARMY—TRUCK could fill up for free at 1—GAS—STATION in this OIL—RICH—STATE are ending.
20050318             ISLAMABAD makes 1—TRADEOFF : —BEFORE RICE—WHIRLWIND visit to INDIA, PAKISTAN and AFGHANISTAN WASHINGTON was abuzz with talk that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION had convinced Musharraf to lend support to USA action against IRAN for its alleged nuclear weapons program.
20050318             PAKISTAN clashes leave MANY—DEAD: Clashes between Baluchi tribesmen + THE—PAKISTAN—ARMY in Baluchistan have left 50—PEOPLE—DEAD + scores injured, 1—ALJAZEERA correspondent in ISLAMABAD said.
20050318             Independent Media: Enemy TARGET—ALTHOUGH, there is no "evidence" of 1—SYSTEMATIC—POLICY to kill journalists, it seem that 1—POLICY—OF preventing independent media reporting from the war is THE—USA—ADMINISTRATION—TOP—PRIORITY.
20050318             THE—AGE—OF—MISSING—INFORMATION: THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—CAMPAIGN against openness What follows is 1—REPRESENTATIVE—SELECTION—OF—CATEGORIES—OF—DATA that have been withdrawn from public access in the Bush years, with reflections on what they mean.
20050318             Over 725—PROTESTS Planned to Mark 2. ANNIVERSARY—OF—IRAQ—INVASION : 20050319             marks the 2. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—IRAQ invasion.
20050318             Roads out of BAGHDAD become NO—GO zones Nearly —2—YEARS—SINCE PRESIDENT—BUSH declared 1—END to major combat operations in IRAQ, BAGHDAD is still 1—OF—THE—MOST dangerous cities in the world.
20050318             Permanent force reduction in IRAQ unlikely —UNTIL between 20060000—20080000
20050318             —STAGGERED, The military is planning 1, ROTATION—OF—SOLDIERS + large units that will be in IRAQ 20060000—20080000 BETWEEN+early-
20050318             THE—USA—FLAUNTS THE—BANNER—OF—DEMOCRACY in THE—MIDDLE—EAST—ONLY—WHEN that advances its economic, military, or strategic interests.
20050318             —DIRECTED, This mandate also includes military operations, against countries, which are not hostile to USA, but which are considered strategic from THE—POINT—OF—VIEW—OF—USA—INTERESTS.
20050318             —BEZEICHNET, Atomenergiebehörde: BARADEI—NORDKOREA als unmittelbare Gefahr
20050318             —BY JON—ELLISTON—DOSSIER—EDITOR pscpdocs@aol_COM—MAILTO:pscpdocs@aol_com
20050318             Technews Homem vendia fotos obscenas da filha na Web... em BARCELONA, oferecia fotos e vídeos de sua própria filha... a seus sites.
20050318             Missing the Target: THE—FAILURE—OF—THE—HELMS—BURTON—ACT 12 20010605            .
20050318             PBD—PROGRESSIVE—BLOG Digest: 20040801—20040831     ... THE—HEAD—OF—ITALY—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY, SISMI, Nicolo Pollari, as well...refer to our boss) + BRUCE—HARDCASTLE, our defense INTELLIGENCE—OFFICER (DIO...
20050318             NEW—YORK—TIMES, p. A19 (19941123             ).
20050318             DefenseLink: Contracts —FOR—FRIDAY—CALCASIEU Refining Company, Lake Charles, LA, * is being awarded 1—MAXIMUM $58479120 fixed price with economic price adjustment contract for fuel naval...
20050318             20041206... - -Workshop AM—FÜR eine demokratische Handelspolitik...—...
20050318             Grundlegendes Interesse: Einkauf von billigen Rohstoffen für WEITERVER—ARBEITUNG zu Lebensmitteln für Export...
20050318             —POSTED—BY: Q Date: 20001227             —1222—PM.
20050318             Auf Grund einer Gerichtsentscheidung in FLORIDA auf Antrag ihres Ehemannes wird die künstliche Ernährung der Wachkomapatientin Terri Schiavo eingestellt.
20050318—19460000    —IN, of KING—DAVID—HOTEL in JERUSALEM, which killed close to a 100—PEOPLE.
20050318—19670000    —IN—THE, ABDULLAH—II—KING—OF—JORDAN proposed 1—NEW—PEACE—STRATEGY that drops traditional Arab demands that ISRAEL give up all land seized war and offers the Jewish state normalized relations with Arab countries.
20050318—19770000    —IN, he negotiated 19990000             —THE transfer of THE—PANAMA—CANAL to PANAMA.
20050318—19800000    —IN—THE, 1—HOLLAND—BUSINESSMAN—ACCUSED—OF—COMPLICITY in genocide for selling chemicals to IRAQ S knew that SADDAM—HUSSEIN might use them as weapons,
20050318—19860000    —FROM, ISRAEL: 1—CALL for Divestment : to 19910000             I served in THE—ISRAEL—ARMY in the occupied territories.
20050318—19910000    (43).
20050318—19910000    KILIAN—MARTIN: Village Voice 19920225             (31 35).
20050318—20010000    Helms, RICHARD—MCGARRAH... Davids, PENNSILVANIA.
20050318—20020000    —DENIED, THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT said it had, 1—DIPLOMATIC visa to the Hindu nationalist CHIEF—MINISTER—OF—GUJARAT state, Narendra Modi, and revoked his existing tourist/business visa under THE—USA—IMMIGRATION and Nationality Act due to his role in religious riots.
20050318—20030000    —IN—EARLY, From 1—HIGH—FLYING 300,000 soldiers who shipped out to IRAQ, only 172,750 remain.
20050318—20050316    FindLaw for Legal PROFESSIONALS—CASE—LAW, FEDERAL—AND—STATE...
20050318—20050331    —ON, THE—BRAIN—DAMAGED woman †, at age 41.
20050320             A 3.. 20050318             20050320             A 3.
20050320             20050318             20050324             alfatomega.com/20060316.html - 200303180936.
20050320             - alfatomega.com/20060316.html
20050324             200303180936      .
20050324             alfatomega.com/20060316.html - 200303180936     .
20050324             —BEGINNT, FLUGZEUGFORUM—DER KRIEG—GEGEN—DEN—IRAK... Die Navy SEAL's + die Spezialeinheiten der INDIEN—ARMEE wollen... 200303180936     .
20050324             Die Navy SEAL's + die Spezialeinheiten der INDIEN—ARMEE wollen - 200303180936      .
20050415             CIA, (MEMORANDUM—OF—CONFERENCE with THE—PRESIDENT, 19600318             ;
20050415             Bay of Pigs Chronology... (MEMORANDUM—OF—CONFERENCE with THE—PRESIDENT, 19600318             ;
20050415             (MEMORANDUM—OF—CONFERENCE with THE—PRESIDENT, 19600318             ; CIA—1—PROGRAM—OF—COVERT.
20050626             SADDAM—ELDEST daughter, Raghad, said her father finished the novel 20030318             , —1—DAY—BEFORE THE—USA—LED WAR—ON—IRAQ began
20050723             180303warblogg.html 20030318             Bush [BGW968]- "Sorgt sich Bush [BGW968] Bush [BGW968].
20050723             180303warblogg.html 20030318             Bush [BGW968]- "Sorgt sich Bush [BGW968].Die Bush [BGW968] USA amerikanischen.USA amerikanischen.USA.
20050723—20030318    BUSH [BGW968]- "Sorgt sich BUSH [BGW968].Die BUSH [BGW968] USA amerikanischen.USA amerikanischen.USA.
20051020             Artenschutz für Gorillas: Dschungelcamp der letzten Hoffnung (20050318             )
20051020             - Artenschutz für Gorillas: Dschungelcamp der letzten Hoffnung (20050318             )
20060311             Gewerkschaften, STUDENTEN—UND Schülerorganisationen haben für den 20060318             zu einem weiteren Protesttag gegen die Vorlage aufgerufen.
20060318             THE—BAY—AREA—NEWS—STATION—FRI 20060310             —949—PM—ET
20060318             —DETAINED, INDONESIA—AUTHORITIES said they have, another 11—PEOPLE in Papua province —AFTER 3—POLICEMEN and 1—SOLDIER † in clashes with protesters demanding closure of 1—GIANT—MINE—RUN by USA—BASED FREEPORT—MCMORAN Cooper & Gold INCORPORATED 57—PEOPLE had already been detained —AFTER 20060316             —THE violence in the provincial capital, Jayapura, on the northeastern shore of Papua.
20060318             † BILL—BEUTEL, —75—JAHRE—ALT, the longtime television news anchor and HOST—OF—THE—SHOW that became ABC's "Good —MORNING AMERICA" (19750000—20010000    ), in Pinehurst, NC.
20060318             AFGHANISTAN, at least 9—POLICEMEN, 1—FORMER—GOVERNOR, his 4—COMPANIONS and 1—SECURITY—GUARD were killed in separate attacks in AFGHANISTAN blamed on the Taliban.
20060318             1—MUDSLIDE swept down on 1—SCOUTING expedition in CENTRAL—COLOMBIA, killing 9—YOUNG hikers and leaving 2—OTHERS missing.
20060318             The scouts had —JUST been bathing and practicing knots —WHEN they were carried away.
20060318             CUBA, the wives and mothers of about 2—DOZEN—POLITICAL—PRISONERS marched along SEVERAL—OF—THE—CITY—MAIN—AVENUES, singing hymns and carrying signs READING "amnesty" to commemorate the 3. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—CRACKDOWN that put their husbands behind bars.
20060318             † EGYPT—HEALTH—MINISTRY said a —30—YEAR—OLD—EGYPT—WOMAN HAS—OF—BIRD flu, the country's 1. human VICTIM—OF—THE—VIRUS.
20060318             As many as 1.5—MILLION—PEOPLE took to THE—STREETS—OF—FRANCE—CITIES in 1—SHOW—OF—STRENGTH over 1 contested new labor law, the government's 1. Employment Contract (CPE), as police deployed in force in PARIS to HEAD—OFF—THE—RISK—OF—VIOLENCE.
20060318             1—OPEN—ENDED contract for under —26—YEAR—OLDS that can be terminated within the 1. —2—YEARS without explanation, THE—CPE is supposed to encourage employers to take on young staff by removing some of the financial risks involved.
20060318             Police made 170—ARRESTS.
20060318             —PULLED, Shooting into the air, the security forces, people out of their cars, kicking and beating them.
20060318             IRAQ—INTERIOR—MINISTRY said 16—MEN were found dead with their hands tied and bullets in their heads.
20060318             —RELEASED, THE—USA—MILITARY, more than 350—DETAINEES in IRAQ.
20060318             —RECOMMENDED, The releases were, by 1—REVIEW—COMMITTEE—CONSISTING—OF—USA—OFFICERS and IRAQ—OFFICIALS from the ministries of human rights, justice and interior, which found no reason to hold them.
20060318             1—MAOIST—DICTATED strike hobbled NEPAL for a 5. —DAY.
20060318             —FORMED, Hamas said it has, 1—GOVERNMENT —2—WEEKS—BEFORE 1—DEADLINE but apparently without coalition partners that might have softened the Islamic militant group's image.
20060318             Slobodan Milosevic was laid to rest in 1—MAKESHIFT—GRAVE dug in THE—BACKYARD—OF—THE—FAMILY—ESTATE in Pozarevac, EAST—SERBIA.
20060318             —ATTENDED, About 80,000—PEOPLE, the farewell ceremony in BELGRADE, —WHILE some 20,000 mourned the former leader in Pozarevac.
20060318             Tens of THOUSANDS—OF—SLOGAN—CHANTING—TAIWAN—TOOK to the streets to protest rival CHINA—MILITARY—THREATS against THE—ISLAND.
20060318             2—USA—NAVY—WARSHIPS exchanged gunfire with suspected pirates off THE—COAST—OF—SOMALIA, and 1—SUSPECT was killed and 5—OTHERS were wounded.
20060318             alfatomega.com/20060318.html
20060318             High tech helps airport screening switch
20060318             No need to worry so much about tweezers--airport screeners are focusing on explosives —NOW, Homeland Security CHIEF—MICHAEL—CHERTOFF said.
20060318             JUDGE—GRANTS—DOJ —JUST PART—OF—GOOGLE data sought
20060318             —EXPECTED, Blog: —JUST in As, THE—JUDGE—HEARING—THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—REQUEST for access to...
20060318             —TAPPED, Only 15—YALE seniors are "" for SKULL & BONES EACH—YEAR.
20060318             BONESMEN run USA—INDUSTRY and are often put in THE—SECRETARY—OF—COMMERCE—POSITION by presidents.
20060318             Bush sends Skull & Bones man to AUSTRALIA
20060318             Australians are nervous about PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—CHOICE—OF—1—LOYAL
20060318             as the new USA—AMBASSADOR to that country.
20060318             Former assistant ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ROBERT—MCCALLUM is the new USA—DIPLOMAT in AUSTRALIA,
20060318             'How to steal 1—ELECTION'—ACCORDING to Professor STEVE—FREEMAN
20060318             The rising PERCENTAGE—OF—PRO—LEGALIZATION—AMERICANS coincides with the rising percentage of Americans who have no trust and no faith in THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT.
20060318             50% say 'legalize it!'
20060318             Nearly HALF—OF—ALL—AMERICANS say they want legal marijuana and they want it —NOW.
20060318             1—NEW—ZOGBY poll shows that 46%
20060318             of all Americans agree that pot "should be regulated like alcohol".
20060318             And on both THE—EAST—COAST and THE—WEST—COAST, clear majorities supported legalization -- 53% and 55%, respectively.
20060318             —COMMISSIONED, The poll was, by the National Organization for THE—REFORM—OF—MARIJUANA—LAWS, known as NORML.
20060318             —OPPOSED, Shockingly, the people most, to regulating the legal SALE—OF—MARIJUANA are those between 30 and —49—YEARS—OLD -- 58—PERCENT—OF—THAT—AGE—GROUP is against it.
20060318             That's even worse than with the elderly.
20060318             Only 52—PERCENT of Americans over 65—OPPOSE making marijuana legal.
20060318             Booher, though, won't back down, insisting that the state has been lying to him all along the way.
20060318             "I don't know what I can do. But I do know 1—THING," Booher said —THURSDAY.
20060318             "If they'd have told the truth, there never would have been 1—VIOLATION".
20060318             Avian flu lands in 5—MORE—COUNTRIES
20060318             —UNABATED, The deadly migration continues,
20060318             as the unstoppable avian flu was discovered in 5—MORE—COUNTRIES—WITNESS—COACH—LAWYER 'didn't act alone'
20060318             The woman who almost blew the government's chance to get the death penalty
20060318             for 1 alleged 20010911             plotter has begun 1—COUNTER attack.
20060318             —GAINED, Carla Martin, infamy
20060318             —WHEN THE—JUDGE—IN—THE—ZACARIAS—MOUSSAOUI trial found she had been coaching witnesses.
20060318             —YESTERDAY she was placed on paid administrative LEAVE—AND was named AOL—EMPLOYEE—OF—THE—WEEK.
20060318             For 1—TIME it seemed that the death penalty would no longer be allowed as 1—POSSIBILITY in the case.
20060318             "It was 1—OF—THE—MOST—BONE—HEADED blunders ever
20060318             —RELENTED, Not surprisingly, JUDGE—LEONIE—BRINKEMA, saying that capital punishment was still 1—OPTION.
20060318             But it appears irrevocable damage has been done to MARTIN—REPUTATION and career.
20060318             —NOW she and her lawyer are fighting back, saying she's been "viciously vilified.
20060318             "Someone has decided they're going to throw her under the bus + that's exactly what's happened here," Howard said.
20060318             He says that Martin will be presenting her case to Brinkema, explaining that she didn't know that what she was doing was wrong + that she didn't act alone.
20060318             'It's not our top priority'
20060318             Transportation Security Administration screeners at 21—DIFFERENT—AIRPORTS failed
20060318             to catch BOMB—MAKING materials —DURING 1—RECENT—TEST
20060318             —SHOWED, The probe's observations also, what exactly the universe is made of.
20060318             Only about 4—PERCENT—OF—IT is actual matter, another 22% is composed of SO—CALLED dark matter -- which is not made of atoms,
20060318             doesn't emit or absorb light and is only detected by its gravity -- and the rest,
20060318             74%, made up of 1—MYSTERIOUS—DARK—ENERGY, which scientists believe is making the universe expand —NOW.
20060318             Poll: GOP Losing Edge on Foreign Policy Issues
20060318             1—NEW—POLL—OF—LIKELY—VOTERS finds support dropping for PRESIDENT—BUSH and his party on issues of foreign policy and national security -- AREAS—OF—DEBATE they once dominated.
20060318             THE—BAY—AREA—NEWS—STATION—FRI ;;03;;
20060318             10, 9:49 PM ET—THE—CALIFORNIA—HIGHWAY—PATROL advises Bay Area motorists who are planning on celebrating St.
20060318             PATRICK—DAY with 1—COUPLE pints to leave their keys at home.
20060318             This weekend THE—CHP is making 1—COOPERATIVE effort with other statewide law enforcement... HIP—HOP trends spread to suburbia/Lyrics.
20060318             FRANCE Weighs Forcing iPods to Play Other Than iTunes
20060318             1—BILL under debate in THE—FRANCE—PARLIAMENT may require iPods to be able to play music purchased from competing INTERNET services,
20060318             not —JUST Apple COMPUTER—OWN iTunes Music Store.
20060318             There was 1—WHIRLWIND—OF—ACTIVITY in the days —PRIOR—TO PRESIDENT—BUSH—ARRIVAL at 1—HOME on the beach in Gautier —LAST—WEEK,
20060318             with government officials and SECRET—SERVICE scouting 1—LOCATION and checking the neighborhood where BUSH would stop.
20060318             "OUT—OF—TOUCH" "Incompetent" "Good" "Idiot" "Liar"...
20060318             Deep doubts about THE—IRAQ war and pessimism about AMERICA—FUTURE have shattered public confidence in PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH and helped drive his approval ratings to their lowest level ever, pollsters say.
20060318             —LAUNCHED, As BUSH, 1—SERIES—OF—SPEECHES to drum up support for the war, 1—NEW—ROUND—OF...
20060318             AMERICA IS Becoming 1—STRANGE—PLACE—INDEED
20060318             I think this —MORNING—WASHINGTON—POST—STORY
20060318             points out —JUST what 1—STRANGE—PLACE—AMERICA is in politically.
20060318             It's strange to me that it is news merely because MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS from THE—PRESIDENT—OWN—PARTY asks 1—FEW questions about our national security.
20060318             There was 1—TIME that the Congress actually thought that was their job, regardless of which party was in THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20060318             Franks Didn't Need Advice, He Already Had All THE—ANSWERS—THE—NY—TIMES has 1—MAJOR—STORY—TODAY
20060318             in which it spells out the flawed internal DECISION—MAKING process early in THE—IRAQ—WAR.
20060318             The story makes very clear that the problems we have in IRAQ —TODAY are THE—RESULT—OF—DECISIONS made by BUSH—TEAM—VERY—EARLY on.
20060318             Shorter version: Franks and Rumsfeld didn't need ANY—ADVICE because they thought they already had all the answers.
20060318             Shorterst version: Disaster. Farinella To Run BAYH—PAC
20060318             In 1—PRELUDE to 20080000             —THE—PRESIDENTIAL—RACE,
20060318             —HIRED, THE—WASHINGTON—POST blog is reporting that SENATOR—EVAN—BAYH has, MARC—FARINELLA to take over the helm of his PAC.
20060318             As someone famous once said, it is in TIMES—OF—CRISIS that one's true character is revealed.
20060318             So what we —NOW know about PRESIDENT—BUSH, is that he and his administration are profoundly imcompetent + —WHEN THE—PRESIDENT feared that was about to be exposed, he simply lied to cover it up.
20060318             —FROM—TODAY—WAPO:
20060318             —3—DAYS—AFTER Hurricane Katrina wiped out MOST—OF—NEW—ORLEANS,
20060318             —APPEARED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, on television and said, "I don't think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees.
20060318             His staff has spent the past —6—MONTHS trying to take back, modify or explain away those 10—WORDS.
20060318             The release of 1—PRE—STORM—VIDEO showing officials warning BUSH —DURING 1—CONFERENCE—CALL that the hurricane approaching the Gulf Coast posed 1—DIRE threat to the city and its levees has revived 1—DISPUTE—THE—WHITE—HOUSE had hoped to put behind it:
20060318             —MISINFORMED, Was THE—PRESIDENT, misspoken or misleading?
20060318             The video leaves little doubt that key people in government did anticipate that the levees might not hold.
20060318             To critics, especially Democrats but even SOME—REPUBLICANS, it reinforces the conclusion that the government at its highest levels failed to respond aggressively enough to the danger bearing down on NEW—ORLEANS.
20060318             To BUSH aides, the seeming conflict between BUSH—PUBLIC—STATEMENTS and the private deliberations captured on tape reflects little more than 1—INARTFUL—STATEMENT opponents are exploiting for political purposes.
20060318             Here are the highlights of his record:
20060318             Is under investigation by the Justice Department for his ties to JACK—ABRAMOFF.
20060318             Steered defense appropriations for technology the military did not request to 1—MAJOR—CAMPAIGN—CONTRIBUTOR.
20060318             Took action supporting JACK—ABRAMOFF tribal clients that contradicted his "ANTI—GAMING position," —WHILE taking TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—DOLLARS in campaign contributions from Abramoff and his clients.
20060318             —SUPPORTED, Took action, by 2—LOBBYING firms that employed his wife.
20060318             SHORT—CIRCUITED an FDIC investigation into the primary owner of 1 failed S&L that cost taxpayers billions.
20060318             —TODAY is Public Citizen's "National Call Out Corruption —DAY".
20060318             To get more information on how to take part, click here.
20060318             USA warns over IRAN talks tactic
20060318             WASHINGTON says 1—OFFER by IRAN to discuss IRAQ could be a "device" to divert attention from its nuclear plans.
20060318             Thousands due at ANTI—WAR—RALLY
20060318             ANTI—WAR—PROTESTERS are due to march in LONDON to mark —3—YEARS—SINCE THE—START—OF—THE—IRAQ conflict.
20060318             —FAILED, Jobcentre service level ''
20060318             —SUFFERED, THE—UK—JOBCENTRE—PLUS system, a "catastrophic failure" last —SUMMER, 1—REPORT says.
20060318             —LOANED, Labour secretly, £14m
20060318             —LOANED, Labour was secretly, nearly £14m AHEAD—OF—LAST—YEAR—GENERAL—ELECTION, the party confirms.
20060318             —ALLOWED, New Moussaoui testimony
20060318             THE—USA—JUDGE in the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui rules that new witnesses may testify, —AFTER barring "tainted" ones.
20060318             —BOMBED, Police petrol, at fire site
20060318             Police and fire crews come under attack at the scene of 1—LARGE blaze in County Armagh.
20060318             FTSE 100—MAKES it back to 6,000
20060318             LONDON—LEADING share index, THE—FTSE 100, moves above 6,000 for the 1. time in —5—YEARS—BEFORE closing —JUST SHY—OF—THAT—LEVEL.
20060318             'Rendition flights' landed in UK
20060318             6—USA—PLANES linked by campaigners to "extraordinary rendition" used UK airports, the government confirms.
20060318             Ice layers record comet creation
20060318             —FORMED, THE—DEEP—IMPACT—MISSION is casting new light on how comets, and how they shed their ice in space.
20060318             UK heads world digital TV TAKE—UP
20060318             THE—UK has the world's highest level of digital TV viewers at nearly 70%, says 1—REPORT by Ofcom.
20060318             Scientists make 'bionic' muscles
20060318             Artificial muscles 100—TIMES—STRONGER than human ones and powered by alcohol and hydrogen have been made.
20060318             Sleep loss 'harms route memory'
20060318             Losing sleep can interfere with THE—PART—OF—THE—BRAIN—RESPONSIBLE for finding your way round, 1—STUDY says.
20060318             Low carb diet health risk fears
20060318             —FOLLOWING 1—LOW carb diet could cause serious health conditions, doctors have warned.
20060318             DRUG—RELATED HIV rates 'soaring'
20060318             —REACHED, THE—NUMBER—OF—HIV—POSITIVE—DRUGS—USERS who inject has, its highest level for more than —1—DECADE.
20060318             Satellites WILL—SEE—MORE, Faster
20060318             The next GENERATION—OF—COMMERCIAL—SATELLITES will offer higher resolution + more frequent image updates,
20060318             so applications like Google Earth will come closer than ever to 1—REAL—TIME—LOOK at the globe.
20060318             SKULL AND BONES owns Deer ISLAND, in the St Lawrence + uses it for 1—ANNUAL—RETREAT.
20060318             The society is said to have the skull of the Apache CHIEF—GERONIMO, dug up by MISTER—BUSH—GRANDFATHER—PRESCOTT BUSH, in 1—GLASS—CASE.
20060318             —INCLUDED, Its members have, presidents + generals +journalists + businessmen.
20060318             Another Google lawsuit - Earth Life Possibly Could Reach Titan
20060318             dylanduck writes "New simulations show that big asteroid impacts on Earth could have sent about 600—MILLION boulders flying into space.
20060318             —ABOUT 100—HAVE reached JUPITER—MOON—EUROPA—BUT they landed at 24—MILES/sec.
20060318             'This must be rather frustrating if you're 1—BACTERIUM that survived launch from Earth,' says 1—RESEARCHER.
20060318             But 30—BOULDERS from EACH—IMPACT—REACH—TITAN—AND they land gently".
20060318             "'I thought the Titan result was really SURPRISING—HOW many would get there and how slowly they'd land,' Treiman told New Scientist.
20060318             'The thing I don't know about is if there are ANY—BUGS on Earth that would be happy living on Titan.'
20060318             TITAN—SURFACE—TEMPERATURE is 1—VERY—COLD -179C and its chemistry is very different from Earth's".
20060318             NASA Reaffirms Big Bang Theory
20060318             Peretz writes "NASA has found evidence reinforcing 1—THEORY—OF what took place POST—BIG—BANG and time expansion.
20060318             They claim: 'Over THE—COURSE—OF—MILLIONS—OF—YEARS, gravity exploited the density differences to create THE—STRUCTURE—OF—THE—UNIVERSE—STARS and galaxies separated by vast voids.
20060318             Thereby creating a 'structure' to the universe -- 1—KIDDUSH cup.
20060318             '...finds that the 1. stars---the forebears of all subsequent GENERATIONS—OF—STARS AND—OF—LIFE itself---were fully formed remarkably early,
20060318             only about 400—MILLION—YEARS—AFTER inflation.
20060318             —CALLED, This is, THE—ERA—OF—REIONIZATION,
20060318             the point —WHEN the light from the 1. stars ionized hydrogen atoms, liberating electrons from the protons.'
20060318             Digging up THE—SKULL—AND—BONES connection
20060318             IF PRIME—MINISTER—JOHN—HOWARD ever wants anything from the new USA—AMBASSADOR, ROBERT—MCCALLUM, here's 1—SUGGESTION: don't mention GENERAL—RUSSELL.
20060318             That is the code used by MEMBERS—OF—1—OF—THE—WORLD—MOST powerful and elite secret societies.
20060318             —ALLEGED, PRESIDENT—BUSH is, to have used its connections to get his 1. job.
20060318             Quest for immortality ends as freezer gives up ghost
20060318             —PRESERVED, —FOR—YEARS they were FRANCE—BEST, corpses, lying in 1—FREEZER in 1—CHATEAU in the Loire Valley,
20060318             in the hope that modern science could —1—DAY bring them back to life.
20060318             —ENDED, But THE—FRANCE—COUPLE'S—JOURNEY into the future, prematurely —WHEN,
20060318             —22—YEARS—AFTER his mother's body was put into cold store, their son discovered the freezer unit had broken down and they had started to thaw.
20060318             RIGHT—WING Blocks Funding For Port Security, Disaster Preparedness You gotta wonder why.
20060318             —BURIED, But, in the comments is this wonderful idea from poster WC:
20060318             —OPENED, As for me, the other —DAY I, 1—OF—THE—ENDLESS—PIECES—OF junk mail (credit card offer) that has the postage paid return envelope.
20060318             Got to thinking what I could do to take advantage of the free postage.
20060318             Then it hit me...send back 1—LIST detailing the corruption of Republicans in Congress and of this administration.
20060318             SOME—WHO open my little surprise may not read past the 1. few lines.
20060318             Many will be Repubs and it may —JUST piss them off.
20060318             I say good! The thing is, even if no 1—READS the whole list, it may at least get them to thinking.
20060318             And there are PLENTY—OF—PEOPLE in this country who need to think about things that are going on + start questioning our elected (or installed) leaders.
20060318             Can't hurt to try.
20060318             —NOW that's 1—WINNER.
20060318             Police probing suspicious activity —AROUND Loop buildings BUSH—NUMBERS—DROP and the fake terror rises.
20060318             Studentenproteste in FRANKREICH: Villepin zum ENDE—DER—UNI—BLOCKADEN auf
20060318             Es sei "komisch", dass es einen konservativen republikanischen Präsidenten gebe,
20060318             der seine Außenpolitik mit Argumenten seines demokratischen Vorgängers BILL—CLINTON verteidige, sagte der angesehene Politikwissenschaftler.
20060318             Im Wahlkampf des Jahres 20000000             hatten BUSH und die heutige Außenministerin Condoleezza Rice die USA—INTERVENTIONEN in SOMALIA,
20060318             HAITI und auf dem Balkan noch als "falschen Idealismus" kritisiert.
20060318             "Diese Regierung hat zwar die richtigen Ziele, aber sie sieht nicht,
20060318             wie schwach ihre Instrumente zur Durchsetzung sind", meint jedoch New Gingrich, ehemaliger SPRECHER—DES—REPRÄSENTANTENHAUSES.
20060318             sagte in einem Interview, es sei naiv gewesen zu glauben, die USA könnten zum Geburtshelfer der Demokratie werden.
20060318             n —DER—GESTERN vorgelegten Neufassung der Sicherheitsstrategie heißt es,
20060318             es sei die POLITIK—DER—USA, "in allen Nationen und Kulturen der Welt die demokratischen Bewegungen und Institutionen zu unterstützen und die Tyrannei zu beenden".
20060318             Bei den Republikanern unterstützen vor allem Abgeordnete wie die Senatoren JOHN—MCCAIN aus ARIZONA und SAM—BROWNBACK aus KANSAS den Kurs des Weißen Hauses:
20060318             Wahlen abzuhalten sei immer noch besser als Umstürze durch Gewalt.
20060318             Man müsse einsehen, dass es bei der Demokratisierung oft 2—SCHRITTE vor und dann einen zurück gebe.
20060318             Zu den Kritikern gehören demnach namhafte Republikaner wie die Senatoren RICHARD—LUGAR und Chuck Hagel,
20060318             aber auch der frühere Außenminister HENRY—KISSINGER.
20060318             —ALARMIERT, Sie seien, über die hohen Kosten, die die Militäreinsätze + der Aufbau einer Demokratie im IRAK + in AFGHANISTAN verursachen.
20060318             —GESTERN—ERST billigte das Repräsentantenhaus mit einem Sondergesetz zusätzliche Kriegsausgaben + gewährte weitere 67,6 Milliarden Dollar.
20060318             Im Gegensatz zu den Neokonservativen der Partei befürchteten die Kritiker,
20060318             dass sich Extremisten in instabilen Ländern ohne demokratische Vergangenheit und gefestigte Zivilisationsstrukturen durchsetzen und Minderheiten nicht geschützt werden können.
20060318             Sie fühlen sich durch die Entwicklung im IRAK bestätigt, wo es zwar Wahlen gab, es aber seitdem immer wieder zu massiven Auseinandersetzungen zwischen ethnischen Gruppen kommt.
20060318             sagt Hagel.
20060318             Die Kritiker fühlen sich auch durch die Erfolge etwa der radikalen Hamas in den PALÄSTINA—GEBIETEN bestätigt.
20060318             Zum Jahrestag des IRAK—KRIEGES hatte BUSH —IN—DIESER—WOCHE die USA—BÜRGER erneut um Geduld gebeten.
20060318             Jüngsten Umfragen zufolge ist der PRÄSIDENT jedoch im Ansehen seiner Landsleute auf dem Tiefpunkt angelangt.
20060318             Nur etwa 36 % sind noch mit seiner Amtsführung einverstanden.
20060318             —INZWISCHEN, Laut einer Umfrage des GALLUP—INSTITUTS meinen, 57—PROZENT—DER—USA—BÜRGER,
20060318             die Invasion im IRAK sei 1—FEHLER gewesen.
20060318             67 % sind sogar der Ansicht, BUSH habe keinen Plan, um die Lage im IRAK in den Griff zu bekommen.
20060318             Comedy Centeral: Motion Censure:
20060318             —SERVED, Clearly BILL—FRIST knows that revenge is 1—DISH—BEST, with confusing parliamentary rhetoric.
20060318             —SUPPLIED, PAKISTAN, USA—MISSILES to Taliban:
20060318             —CLAIMED, It is, that THE—MISSILES—ORIGINALLY supplied to THE—AFGHANISTAN—MUJAHEDDIN by THE—USA—DURING the war against THE—RUSSIANS—HAVE been fitted with new battery packs allegedly provided by THE—PAKISTAN—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICE, ISI, in the last —4—MONTHS.
20060318             Pepe Escobar : In the heart of Pipelineistan:
20060318             Pipelineistan actors are actively discussing the possibility of limited USA—STRIKES against,
20060318             for instance, THE—BUSHEHR plant, as was implied by 1—RECENT belligerent STATEMENT—OF—THE—USA—AMBASSADOR to THE—UN, JOHN—BOLTON.
20060318             AUSTRALIA: PM denies lying about kickbacks:
20060318             —FAILED, MISTER—HOWARD, to explain why the nation's top spy agencies never passed on the explosive intelligence about AUSTRALIA—COMPANIES breaking UNITED—NATIONS sanctions in IRAQ as long as —8—YEARS—AGO.
20060318             Manufacturing Consent for war: USA accuses IRAN of "unhelpful activities" in IRAQ:
20060318             —ACCUSED, USA—OFFICIALS in IRAQ —ON—FRIDAY again, IRAN of meddling in its neighbour's internal affairs,
20060318             saying the Islamic Republic was carrying out "unhelpful activities" there.
20060318             Do You Feel Safe With This MAN—FINGER on the Button?
20060318             Americans slightly favor plan to censure:
20060318             1—NEW—POLL finds that 1—PLURALITY—OF—AMERICANS favor plans to censure PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH, —WHILE 1—SURPRISING 42% favor moves to actually impeach THE—PRESIDENT.
20060318             Blair finally calls for GUANTANAMO to close:
20060318             —JOINED, TONY—BLAIR, the growing calls for THE—USA—DETENTION—CAMP at GUANTANAMO Bay to be closed —AFTER he was questioned about THE—CLAIMS—OF—TORTURE by 2—UNITED—KINGDOM—RESIDENTS held there
20060318             Brzezinski calls for IRAQ pull out:
20060318             1—OF—AMERICA—MOST respected elder national security statesmen called for 1—FULL—PULL—OUT from IRAQ —THURSDAY.
20060318             Brzezinski said.
20060318             But, "We are not in 1—POSITION to do this," he said.
20060318             SADDAM—HUSSEIN turns the tables at USA—RUN—SHOW—TRIAL:
20060318             —ASKED, Hussein, "What about those who are dying in BAGHDAD?
20060318             Are they not innocents? Are they not Iraqis?
20060318             —JUST—YESTERDAY, 80—BODIES—OF—IRAQIS were discovered in BAGHDAD.
20060318             Aren't they innocent?" - THE—INSIDE—STORY—OF—THE—INVASION and Occupation of IRAQ:
20060318             —ALMOST—3—YEARS to THE—DAY—AFTER the war started, 1—NEW—BOOK titled "Cobra II" details the inside STORY—OF—THE—INVASION and occupation of IRAQ.
20060318             The book is WRITTEN—BY—MICHAEL—GORDON, CHIEF military correspondent for THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES + retired Marine general BERNARD—TRAINOR.
20060318             Audio and TRANSCRIPT—VIDEO: THE—50—BILLION Dollar Robbery: :
20060318             —FOLLOWING THE—IRAQ war, BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS—OF—IRAQ—MONEY was directed to USA—COMPANIES to rebuild the country.
20060318             —UNACCOUNTED, But much of it remains, for + THE—BBC—PETER—MARSHALL has been investigating startling ALLEGATIONS—OF—POST—WAR profiteering.
20060318             The time for accounting:
20060318             The case against THE—IRAQ war and occupation has been entirely vindicated.
20060318             It must be brought to 1—END
20060318             Video: TONY—BENN—RALLIES—SUPPORT for ANTI—WAR—MARCHES:
20060318             —AIMED, FORMER—LABOUR—GOVERNMENT—MINISTER—TONY—BENN speaks in MANCHESTER at 1—RALLY, at building support for THE—INTERNATIONAL—DAY—OF—ACTION against war on 18. 20030300            .
20060318             This is the 3. anniversary of 20030000             —THE invasion of IRAQ.
20060318             Demos against war will take place in over 60—CIITES araound the world on this date.
20060318             " I t's far easier to fight for principles than to live up to them.
20060318             A must watch —5—MINUTE video
20060318             Pink Slips Abound for Prosecutors and Therapists:
20060318             Humanity Suffers THE—SAVAGERY—OF—THE—USA—EMPIRE—POST 20010911             WORLDVIEW—BY JASON—MILLER
20060318             Despite his decidedly porcine features,
20060318             MISTER—ROVE'S—MACHIAVELLIAN lust for power, narcissistic lack of empathy,
20060318             sycophantic devotion to THE—BUSH—CRIME—FAMILY, deceitful nature + conniving mind coalesce to leave THE—PRINCE looking like 1—PAUPER.
20060318             The central battlefield in the global resource war -
20060318             Once we observe the sharp black OUTLINE—OF—AMERICA—NEWEST—BATTLEFIELD, the illusions of the "WAR—ON—TERROR" are quickly dispelled.
20060318             This is the geographic REALITY—OF—THE—PRESENT—CONFLICT.
20060318             THE—WAR—ON—TERROR is merely public relations fluff.
20060318             THE—END—OF—CIVILIZATION
20060318             I had 1—MILD epiphany the other —DAY: it's not PRESIDENT—BUSH who's living in 1—FANTASY world, it's MOST—OF—HIS—CRITICS who are.
20060318             I'm no apologist for BUSH — I neither like nor dislike him.
20060318             HE—NO—MORE—SIGNIFICANT to me than 1—FLY buzzing —AROUND outside my window.
20060318             So permit me to explain my reasoning.
20060318             —DEMONIZED, We, THE—IRAQ—PEOPLE and we were given carte blanche to shoot 1. and ask questions —LATER.
20060318             I think that the truth hurts.
20060318             I think —WHEN 1—LOT—OF—MARINES read this book it's going to bring to their POINT—OF—VIEW THE—VIOLATIONS—OF—THE—GENEVA—CONVENTIONS.
20060318             ComputerWorld: NEW—ORLEANS' WI—FI network —NOW 1—LIFELINE.
20060318             I missed this bit
20060318             —MENTIONED, It was, —AT—THE—END—OF—THE 1. —HOUR of the Diane Rehm - BUSH—RATINGS—SLUMP
20060318             1—BITTERLY divided electorate gives PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH 1—APPROVAL rating of only 36—PERCENT in the latest NEWSWEEK poll,
20060318             —JEUDI 23—MARS : manif centrale à PARIS : on restera dans la rue !
20060318             Appel à la jeunnesse ( ou à tous ceux qui ont encore l'envie de résist
20060318             Premier président de la Vème République à avoir obtenu un score extrême(...) 20061803             - (lire la suite...)
20060318             —LINKED, Warmer Oceans, to Stronger Hurricanes
20060318             '—SINCE 19700000             —THE S, ocean surface temperatures —AROUND the globe have been on the rise--from 1—HALF to 1—DEGREE—FAHRENHEIT,
20060318             depending on the region.
20060318             —LINKED, Last —SUMMER, 2—STUDIES, this temperature rise to stronger and more frequent hurricanes.
20060318             —CALLED, Skeptics, other factors into account, such as natural variability,
20060318             but 1—NEW—STATISTICAL—ANALYSIS shows that only this sea surface temperature increase explains this trend.'"
20060318             Linguizic writes "According to Scientific American, global warming could be creating stronger hurricanes:
20060318             —LINKED, Last —SUMMER, 2—STUDIES, this.
20060318             —TARGETED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION could continue its policy of spying on, Americans without obtaining warrants,
20060318             but only if it justifies the action to 1—SMALL—GROUP—OF—LAWMAKERS, under legislation introduced —YESTERDAY by key Republican senators.
20060318             Source: THE—WASHINGTON—POST—GOP Irritation At Bush Was Long Brewing
20060318             —ERUPTED, PRESIDENT—BUSH—TROUBLES with congressional Republicans, which, —DURING the backlash to THE—DUBAI seaport deal,
20060318             are rooted in policy frustrations and personal resentments that GOP lawmakers say stretch back to the opening DAYS—OF—THE—ADMINISTRATION.
20060318             Source: THE—WASHINGTON—POST
20060318             —DELAYED, EX—LOBBYIST—ABRAMOFF cooperating, has sentencing
20060318             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—FRIDAY granted 1—SENTENCING delay on former lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF—GUILTY—PLEA to corruption charges in WASHINGTON.
20060318             Source: CNN—NEWSWEEK Poll: Bush At Record Low Approval Ratings... 36% Approval...65% Disapprove Of IRAQ War Handling...42% Back Censure...
20060318             matching the low point in his presidency recorded last ;;11;;.
20060318             Task Force 6-26: —BEFORE and —AFTER ABU—GHRAIB, A—USA—UNIT Abused Detainees
20060318             —TRAINED, The military's most highly, counterterrorism unit committed serious ABUSES—OF—IRAQ—PRISONERS.
20060318             SPAIN—MASS binge leads to riots
20060318             Mass street drinking parties in SPAIN lead to clashes with police, leaving dozens injured and under arrest.
20060318             Happy 3. BIRTHDAY—IRAQ War!
20060318             spent their —SATURDAY celebrating THE—USA—WAR in IRAQ.
20060318             —DRESSED, They brought colorful signs and SOME—EVEN, in crazy costumes.
20060318             Despite the happy birthday, MOST—OF—THOSE who took to the streets —TODAY looked decidedly glum -- almost heartbroken at the very thought of THE—3—YEARS—OF—SEEMINGLY pointless bloodshed —NOW entering a 4. —YEAR.
20060318             —NOTICED, Like MANY—TODDLERS, THE—IRAQ—WAR itself hardly, the birthday party.
20060318             It was too busy doing what it does EVERY—DAY: killing people,
20060318             Even the war's USA minders admit they have no idea what their little guy will become,
20060318             but it's looking more and more likely THE—IRAQ—WAR will be known as THE—IRAQ—CIVIL—WAR—LONG—BEFORE it turns —4—YEARS—OLD.
20060318             "The possibility of civil war may be higher —TODAY than it has been in the last —3—YEARS, yet I believe we are still far away from such 1—EVENT," Lt.
20060318             GENERAL—PETER—CHIARELLI told the Independent.
20060318             LONDON, the huge CROWD—OF—DEMONSTRATORS found 1—PESKY adversary in the form of 1—FAMILY—OF—USA—TOURISTS.
20060318             "Police said the event had begun peacefully," the Telegraph reported.
20060318             "Though 1—OF—GROUP—OF—USA—VISITORS berated 1—COUPLE with banners which declared their country's PRESIDENT—AS—THE—'WORLD—NUMBER 1—TERRORIST.'
20060318             Organizers said the crowds were smaller —THIS—YEAR, as if it's —JUST not fun anymore.
20060318             THE—USA,—  where 1—MAJORITY opposes the war and believes it never should have been started — people realize there's no point in protesting, experts said —TODAY.
20060318             Even huge protests get little or no media coverage, THE—SO—CALLED "opposition party" avoids THE—ANTI—WAR—CROWDS + those who run the war pay no attention whatsoever to THE—OPINIONS—OF—THE—USA—PEOPLE.
20060318             Professor STEVE—FREEMAN
20060318             of THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—PENNSYLVANIA says it's easier to cheat democracy than LAS—VEGAS
20060318             —MANUFACTURED, The awful little robots were, to be sickly, underweight infants who only knew pain and horror.
20060318             Robot camel jockeys! AIBO put to sleep
20060318             HAMAS—FÜHRER Yassin gezielt ermordet :Hip Hop Network (Forum, Dates, Shop, News...) HAMAS—FÜHRER Yassin gezielt ermordet : Hip Hop Network mit Jam-......
20060318             ohnmächtig angesichts derart viel sinnloser Gewalt...
20060318             Bush will Verdächtige für immer WEGSPERREN—OHNE PROZESS—SEITE 2 - Ilumnia Seite 2-Bush will Verdächtige für immer WEGSPERREN—OHNE
20060318             noch eine 2. derart teure und riesige Institution... - Man Throws Own Penis At Cops
20060318             Operation B.S. - The reported "largest air assault —SINCE THE—START—OF—THE—IRAQ—WAR" was 1—TOTAL dud,
20060318             There were no air strikes.
20060318             —JUST 48 "suspected insurgents" were captured + 17—OF—THOSE were —IMMEDIATELY released.
20060318             "1—SPOKESMAN for THE—USA—MILITARY, LIEUTENANT—COLONEL—CRAIG—COLLIER, says it has been difficult to differentiate between insurgents and the local community," AUSTRALIA—ABC reported —TODAY.
20060318             Time Magazine put it more bluntly:
20060318             "In fact, there were no airstrikes and no leading insurgents were nabbed in 1—OPERATION that SOME—SKEPTICAL—MILITARY—ANALYSTS described as little more than 1—PHOTO op.
20060318             —FIRED, WHAT—MORE, there were no shots, at all and the units had met no resistance, said THE—USA and IRAQ—COMMANDERS".
20060318             103—INCHES of Hawaiian rain
20060318             Endless Hawaiian DOWNPOUR—WEB site files complaint against Google - JUDGE—TELLS—DOJ "No" on search queries
20060318             —RULED, That's what 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE, —TODAY—WHEN he decided to drastically limit 1—SUBPOENA issued to Google by THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE.
20060318             (You can read the entire ruling.
20060318             —FORCED, Google, to reveal websites, but not search terms
20060318             THE—BATTLE—OF—GOLIATH, vs. Goliath, aka THE—USA—GOVERNMENT vs. Google the search engine has been told that they should reveal 50,000 URLs on Google?s database.
20060318             This was only 1—HALF—WIN for THE—USA—GOVERNMENT however, who wanted search terms rather than URLs.
20060318             Violated Clean Air Act.
20060318             1—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT—BLOCKED—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—4—YEAR—EFFORT to loosen emission rules for aging COAL—FIRED power plants,
20060318             unanimously ruling —YESTERDAY that the changes violated the Clean Air Act and that only Congress could authorize such revisions.
20060318             A 3—JUDGE—PANEL—OF—THE—USA.
20060318             Think THE—INTERNET will replace TV ? Think again
20060318             —ASKED, CRAIG—MOFFET—OF—BERNSTEIN—RESEARCH was, to testify —BEFORE the Senate Commerce Committee on the subject of Net Neutrality.
20060318             His comments WERE—OF—COURSE—RIGHT on the money.
20060318             The interesting conclusions that can be drawn from his testimony are —JUST as relevant to the discussion of the.
20060318             Movie Review | 'V for Vendetta': Who Is This Masked Avenger?
20060318             GUY—FAWKES, Count of Monte Cristo or 1—CLONE?
20060318             —MASKED, This FUTURE—SHOCK—STORY about 1, avenger at war with 1—TOTALITARIAN—UNITED—KINGDOM—REGIME sags —WHEN it should zip.
20060318             THE—PERFECT—PAYDAY
20060318             SOME—CEOS reap millions by landing stock options —WHEN they are most valuable.
20060318             Luck -- or something else? -- On —1—SUMMER—DAY—JOB—PROTESTS—GRIP—FRANCE—CITIES
20060318             HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—WORKERS and students march in FRANCE to protest against 1—NEW—YOUTH—LABOUR—LAW.
20060318             Terror suspect bids to leave UK
20060318             1—ALGERIA—MAN held as 1 suspected terrorist begins negotiations to voluntarily leave THE—UK.
20060318             Thousands join ANTI—WAR protest
20060318             —TRAPPED, OAPs, —SINCE Christmas
20060318             1—GROUP—OF—12—ELDERLY—PEOPLE have been stuck on the upper floors of 1—CARE—HOME—SINCE Christmas —DAY because 1—LIFT has broken down, it emerges.
20060318             TAIWAN protest at CHINA 'threat'
20060318             THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS demonstrate in TAIWAN against the perceived military threat from CHINA.
20060318             —FREED, IRAN—DISSIDENT, from jail
20060318             —FREED, Key IRAN—DISSIDENT—JOURNALIST—AKBAR—GANJI is, —AFTER—5—YEARS in prison on charges of insulting the authorities.
20060318             —DEFENDED, Loans, by Labour chairman
20060318             —RAISED, THE—LABOUR—CHAIRMAN defends the way the party, £13.95m in undisclosed loans from wealthy backers.
20060318             Earth could seed Titan with life
20060318             Terrestrial rocks blown into space by asteroid impacts may have brought life to 1—MOON—OF—SATURN, scientists say.
20060318             SOUTH—PARK 'battling' Scientology
20060318             SOUTH—PARK says it will "battle" Scientology —AFTER 1—TV—CHANNEL axed 1—EPISODE mocking its church and TOM—CRUISE.
20060318             —INTERESTED, You may, in these related articles:
20060318             Like Mass Can Time Be Converted Into Energy?
20060318             1. Mass Producible Quantum Computer Chip
20060318             Quantum Search Engine Using Individual Atoms
20060318             Can New Born Chickens Influence 1—ROBOT? TIOTI Interview, Democracy
20060318             —INTERVIEWED, CO—FOUNDER—OF—TIOTI, PAUL—POD, has been, about the current development and wanders off into rants on global release schedules,
20060318             the regeneration of advertising and THE—DEATH—OF—THE—NETWORKS.
20060318             I really can't wait for this!
20060318             Solar Pyramids Being Built in INDIA—THIS is really cool.
20060318             It's passive solar energy production in 1—LARGE—STRUCTURE you could concievably live in!
20060318             —URGED, Abbas, to quit, scrap government:
20060318             —ASKED, Fatah officials have, THE—PALESTINE—PRESIDENT to resign, dissolve THE—PALESTINE—AUTHORITY and return responsibility for the occupied territories to ISRAEL in protest against Tel AVIV—ACTIONS.
20060318             Oil shortage threatens military:
20060318             1—GRIM—VIEW—OF—THE nation's energy future + its implications for the military, emerges in 1—JUST released report by THE—USA—ARMY—CORPS—OF—ENGINEERS.
20060318             AUSTRALIA: Phone taps won't be random:
20060318             —REJECTED, Ruddock: MISTER—RUDDOCK —TODAY, claims that proposed new telephone interception powers could be randomly used to tap the phones of anonymous callers to the National Security Hotline.
20060318             FRANCE braces for mass protests:
20060318             —BRACED, FRANCE, for mass protests —ON—SATURDAY against 1—NEW—EMPLOYMENT—LAW as unions said more than 1—MILLION—PEOPLE would march to increase pressure on the government to repeal the measure.
20060318             NEW—YORK—CITY police used covert tactics, `proactive arrests' at protests:
20060318             Among the most effective strategies, 1—POLICE—CAPTAIN wrote, was THE—SEIZURE—OF—DEMONSTRATORS on 5. Avenue who were described as "obviously potential rioters".
20060318             Dissent was once 1—CHERISHED—USA—VALUE:
20060318             THE—PITTSBURGH advocacy group, which spends much of its time opposing war and violence,
20060318             released FEDERAL—DOCUMENTS—THIS—WEEK that it says proves THE—FBI was spying on peace activists here.
20060318             The real meaning of 20010911             :
20060318             GOP gives only lip service to fiscal discipline:
20060318             Senate approves billions in ELECTION—YEAR—DEFICIT spending
20060318             —TRAVELED, Pigs at the trough: House GOP leader well :
20060318             —ACCEPTED, THE—CENTER for Public Integrity said that Boehner, 42—PRIVATELY sponsored trips
20060318             Congressmen get in fight, spew racial epithets:
20060318             Congressional debate about immigration has gotten ugly, according to —THURSDAY—EDITION—OF—ROLL Call.
20060318             THE—STAR—SPANGLED fantasyland of the fake and home of the bogus:
20060318             —RUGGED, USA—POLITICIANS—AIM for, macho images because insecure voters want to feel that real men are in charge
20060318             Industry decries CLEAN—AIR ruling:
20060318             refineries and factories avoid installing costly new pollution controls —WHEN they modernize.
20060318             —KILLED, Girl, 8, is, in ISRAEL—RAID:
20060318             An —8—YEAR—OLD—PALESTINE—GIRL was shot dead by THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY in THE—NORTH—WEST—BANK last night.
20060318             Iqbar Zayed was riding in 1—CAR driven by her uncle in Yamun, EAST—OF—JENIN, —WHEN she was hit, PALESTINE—HOSPITAL—SOURCES said.
20060318             CHARLEY—REESE : Consequences of 1—WAR—STAT
20060318             e : War consists of killing people and destroying property.
20060318             That's all there is to war.
20060318             ANY—HONEST—SOLDIER will tell you the same thing: His job is to kill people and destroy property.
20060318             That's true of all BRANCHES—OF—THE—SERVICE.
20060318             Global Protests MARK—IRAQ—WAR—ANNIVERSARY:
20060318             —MARCHED, ANTI—WAR—PROTESTERS, in AUSTRALIA, ASIA, TURKEY and EUROPE —ON—SATURDAY in demonstrations that marked the 3. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—USA—LED invasion of IRAQ with 1—DEMAND that coalition troops pull out.
20060318             Click Here to Find 1—ANTI—WAR—EVENT In Your Area:
20060318             —PLANNED, There are currently 438—EVENTS, in 49—STATES and counting...
20060318             Cost of IRAQ war could surpass $1—TRILLION:
20060318             1—THING is certain about THE—IRAQ war: It has cost 1—LOT—MORE than advertised.
20060318             In fact, the tab grows by at least $200—MILLION—EACH—AND—EVERY—DAY.
20060318             Organizing Voters to End WAR—PROTESTS + Petitions are Not Enough
20060318             "I will not vote for or support ANY—CANDIDATE for PRESIDENT—OR—CONGRESS who does not make 1—SPEEDY end to the war in IRAQ + preventing ANY—FUTURE—WAR—OF—AGGRESSION,
20060318             1—PUBLIC—POSITION in his or her campaign.
20060318             Click here to make 1—DIFFERENCE". Pledging to Vote for Peace -
20060318             —BY—THE—NATION—HOW MANY—AMERICANS would pledge to cast their votes in ;;11;;
20060318             only for candidates who want to end the war in IRAQ?
20060318             Ask yourself: Does THE—PRESIDENT behave like 1—SERVANT—OF—THE—PEOPLE; or does he resemble 1—EMPEROR?
20060318             Ask the same QUESTION—OF—BILL—FRIST, Hillary Clinton + ALL—OF—OUR so called public servants.
20060318             Who do their policies benefit?
20060318             Who is working for whom? Do they live like you?
20060318             What KIND—OF—HEALTH—INSURANCE do they have?
20060318             How do their benefits compare to your own? Do they have money worries?
20060318             —KILLED, Are their children getting, in IRAQ?
20060318             How do their retirement pensions compare to your own?
20060318             The farcical END—OF—THE—USA—DREAM -
20060318             —SUPPOSED, THE—USA—PRESS is, to be challenging the lies of this WAR—BY ROBERT—FISK
20060318             —STUFFED, MISTER—WELSHOFER, it transpired in court, had, THE—IRAQ—GENERAL—ABED—HAMED—MOWHOUSH—HEAD 1. into 1—SLEEPING bag and sat on his chest,
20060318             1—ACTION—WHICH—NOT—SURPRISINGLY—CAUSED the general to expire.
20060318             Prison isn't all fun and games, but 1—NEW—PROGRAM in OREGON finds that SOME—GAMES actually produce better prisoners.
20060318             1—RECENT—INCENTIVE—PROGRAM allows inmates to purchase 1—USA$35—GAME console —AFTER—18—MONTHS without disciplinary problems + to play their choice of 50 preloaded games.
20060318             Rare 19720000             Documentary on ARPAnet
20060318             I—SELDOM—SEEN look at THE—BEGINNINGS—OF—THE—INTERNET we know and love.
20060318             Watch the architects of ARPAnet explain what it is and what they envisioned for the future of ARPAnet and networks as 1—WHOLE.
20060318             Well put Here's the funniest remark I've seen all —WEEK.
20060318             —FROM Americablog:
20060318             —MUSTERED, Il Duce could have, more support —WHILE hanging in Piazza Loreto.
20060318             HERE—MORE, from HOPSICKER—WEB—SITE:
20060318             At the same time their planes were flying back and forth from VENEZUELA with illegal cargo HILLIARD—CHARTER service was also,
20060318             unbelievably, being utilized at virtually no COST—DESPITE the fact that rentals for Lear jets can run as high as $1,800 an —HOUR—BY FLORIDA GOVERNOR—JEB—BUSH.
20060318             Even stranger, both GOVERNOR—JEB—BUSH and FLORIDA SECRETARY—OF—STATE—KATHERINE—HARRIS were providing celebrity endorsements to HILLIARD—OPERATION well —AFTER the company's Lear (N351WB) had been busted by DEA agents armed with machine guns.
20060318             Pretty poor advance work, at the very least...
20060318             1 would think 1—SITTING—GOVERNOR—SEEMS—WELL—ADVISED to steer well clear of anything to do with heroin trafficking.
20060318             —HONORED, Yet GOVERNOR—JEB—BUSH, HILLIARD—OPERATION—CALLED at various times FLORIDA Air,
20060318             Sunrise Airlines and Discover AIR—WITH 1—PERSONAL—VISIT, even posing for photos with the "Discover Air family".
20060318             —COMMEMORATED, The company promptly, the memorable event by posting PICTURES—OF—THE—VISIT on their website.
20060318             —REALIZED, Finally somebody in the Bush camp, their lethal potential exposure + the webpage was hastily taken off the Discover Air site.
20060318             Think -- think real hard -- about the reason why ANY—COVERT—OPERATOR would set up 1—FAKE charter airline service.
20060318             FLORIDA.
20060318             Do you really think that Kathy is going to spend $10—MILLION—DOLLARS' worth of her daddy's money?
20060318             And do you really think that if IT happens —BEFORE the election, she will lose?
20060318             LET—FACE it -- 1—NEW—TERROR—ATTACK is the only thing that can salvage the neocon experiment.
20060318             Such 1—ATTACK is —THEREFORE inevitable.
20060318             We already know who the perps will be (the neocons) and who the fall guys will be (the Iranians).
20060318             Afterward will come the great ROUND—UP of the "AMERICA—HATERS" - defined as you + me + anyone else who considers Big Brother doubleplusungood.
20060318             There will also be war with IRAN.
20060318             Nuclear war. The signs are unmistakable.
20060318             Come and see: Video game therapy--1—NEW—FRONTIER
20060318             Neurofeedback taps young people's fascination with animation and electronics to sweeten tedious and often frightening medical treatments.
20060318             Visa warns software may store customer data
20060318             Cash register software by Fujitsu comes under scrutiny —WHILE WAVE—OF—DEBIT—CARD—FRAUD hits country.
20060318             —LIMITED, Judge: Google must give feds, access to records
20060318             In nod toward privacy concerns, ruling says search giant must turn over 1—SWATH of indexed URLs--but not users' search queries.
20060318             Opera Software CO—FOUNDER—PASSES—AWAY
20060318             worb writes "1—OF—THE—2—FOUNDERS—OF—OPERA—SOFTWARE, Geir Ivarsoy, —RECENTLY passed away —AFTER 1—LONG—BATTLE with cancer.
20060318             —ATTENDED, His funeral —YESTERDAY was, by Opera employees who paid their last respects to their former lead programmer.
20060318             —WHILE Opera hasn't had the same success as Firefox on the desktop,
20060318             it has had considerable success in THE—MOBILE—PHONE—MARKET due to its speed and small footprint, combined with excellent standards compliance + innovative features".
20060318             Google Avoids Surrendering Search Info
20060318             Mercury News has details of 1—SAN—FRANCISCO judge's decision that Google should give the DoJ SOME—DETAILS on its search engine,
20060318             but is not required to turn over records to the government.
20060318             "McElvain emphasized the study would be more meaningful if it included search requests processed by Google,
20060318             which by SOME—ESTIMATES fields nearly HALF—OF—ALL online queries in THE—USA.
20060318             —CONCURRED, Ware, with the Justice Department on that point, writing in his order that 'the government's study may be significantly hampered if it did not have access to SOME—INFORMATION from the most often used search engine.
20060318             But Ware said the government didn't clearly explain why it needed 1—LIST—OF—SEARCH—REQUESTS to conduct its study,
20060318             prompting him to conclude the Web site addresses would be adequate".
20060318             Reaction to the news is available on the Google Blog.
20060318             Google Keeps Search Data Private
20060318             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—REFUSES—THE—USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—DEMAND that Google give it access to users' searches.
20060318             He orders the company to provide 50,000 web addresses indexed by its
20060318             at 09:21:42 AM PDT SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—DONALD—RUMSFELD, attempting in vain to defend his administration's failed IRAQ policy:
20060318             —DESCRIBED, SOME—HAVE, the situation in IRAQ as 1—TIGHTENING noose, noting that "time is not on our side"and that "morale is down".
20060318             —DESCRIBED, Others have, a "very dangerous" TURN—OF—EVENTS and are "extremely concerned".
20060318             —EXPRESSED, Who are they that have, these concerns?
20060318             must be watching with fear the progress that IRAQ has made over the past —3—YEARS.
20060318             The terrorists seem to recognize that they are losing in IRAQ.
20060318             I believe that history will show that to be the case.
20060318             Fortunately, history is not made up of daily headlines, blogs on Web sites or the latest sensational attack.
20060318             History is 1—BIGGER—PICTURE + it takes SOME—TIME and perspective to measure accurately.
20060318             History, for Rumsfeld, would ideally be made up of neatly organized DOD press releases.
20060318             Yet the legacy of this war will include the blogs.
20060318             —EMPOWERED, THE—INTERNET has, the citizens of this country to preserve facts in the face of 1—RELENTLESS—PROPAGANDA—CAMPAIGN.
20060318             Where the administration has sought to COVER—UP and hide the reality of this conflict, blogs have stepped up to counter their revisionist history.
20060318             —PIXELATED, As the scribes of 1—NEW—MILLENNIUM, we preserve in, form EVERY—FOLLY, EVERY—LIE + EVERY—DEATH—RUMSFELD wishes was overshadowed by false CLAIMS—OF—VICTORY.
20060318             Ultimately, it will be THE—TRUTH—SEEKERS, on and off THE—INTERNET,
20060318             that will shape the legacy of this war as 1—ILL—CONCEIVED fraud perpetrated on THE—USA—PUBLIC,
20060318             as 1—ENDLESS—WAR grossly mismanaged by those who breached the public trust.
20060318             —ROCKED, Credit derivatives, by loss at GENERAL—MOTORS—FINANCE—ARM—BY Ambrose EVANS—PRITCHARD —THE—TELEGRAPH—LONDON—SATURDAY, In accordance with Title...
20060318             Farinella To Run BAYH—PAC—GO To Jail, Play Video Games?
20060318             KB / Dvorak UNCENSORED—OUCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
20060318             Skull & Bones MEMBER—AND blowing stuff up. and there's no end in sight
20060318             causes busted dams, deadly floods, eyewitnesses report.
20060318             killing more PEOPLE—LANDSLIDES and sewage spills--
20060318             lucilie IMPERATORE—MILITANT—FSE—SHOW this —MORNING.
20060318             spanning THOUSANDS—OF—MILES. without A—USA—AMBASSADOR.
20060318             Australians are nervous about PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—CHOICE—OF—1—LOYAL—SKULL & Bones member as the new USA—AMBASSADOR to that country.
20060318             an entire —YEAR without A—USA—AMBASSADOR.
20060318             There are MANY—BONESMEN in THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION.
20060318             —IDENTIFIED, At least 11—HAVE been. 'How to steal 1—ELECTION'
20060318             According to Professor STEVE—FREEMAN—OF—THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—PENNSYLVANIA it's easier to cheat democracy than Vegas
20060318             —UNABATED, The deadly migration continues, as the unstoppable avian flu was discovered in
20060318             5—MORE—COUNTRIES spanning THOUSANDS—OF—MILES.
20060318             WITNESS—COACH lawyer 'didn't act alone'
20060318             THE—WOMAN who almost blew the government's chance to get the death penalty for 1 alleged 20010911             plotter has begun 1—COUNTER attack.
20060318             —GAINED, Carla Martin, infamy —WHEN THE—JUDGE—IN—THE—ZACARIAS—MOUSSAOUI trial found she had been coaching witnesses.
20060318             —PLACED, —YESTERDAY she was, on paid administrative leave and was named AOL—EMPLOYEE—OF—THE—WEEK.
20060318             "It was - 1—OF—THE—MOST—BONE—HEADED blunders ever seen in 1—HIGH—PROFILE—FEDERAL—CASE," said FORMER—USA—ATTORNEY—KENDALL—COFFEY.
20060318             Not surprisingly, JUDGE—LEONIE
20060318             —RELENTED, Brinkema, saying that capital punishment was still 1—OPTION.
20060318             she didn't act alone.
20060318             'It's not our top priority'Transportation Security Administration screeners at 21—DIFFERENT—AIRPORTS failed to catch BOMB—MAKING materials —DURING 1—RECENT—TEST
20060318             Only about 4—PERCENT—OF—IT is actual matter, another 22% is composed of SO—CALLED dark matter -- which is not made of atoms, doesn't emit or absorb light and is only detected by its gravity -- and the rest, 74%, made up of 1—MYSTERIOUS—DARK—ENERGY,
20060318             which scientists believe is making the universe expand —NOW.
20060318             Poll: GOP Losing Edge on Foreign Policy Issues 1—NEW—POLL—OF—LIKELY—VOTERS finds support dropping for PRESIDENT—BUSH and his party on issues of foreign policy and national security -- AREAS—OF—DEBATE they once dominated.
20060318             THE—CALIFORNIA—HIGHWAY—PATROL advises Bay Area motorists who are planning on celebrating S—PATRICK—DAY with 1—COUPLE pints to leave their keys at home.
20060318             1—BILL under debate in THE—FRANCE—PARLIAMENT may require iPods to be able to play music purchased from competing INTERNET services, not —JUST Apple COMPUTER—OWN iTunes Music Store.
20060318             There was 1—WHIRLWIND—OF—ACTIVITY in the days —PRIOR—TO PRESIDENT—BUSH—ARRIVAL at 1—HOME on the beach in Gautier —LAST—WEEK, with government officials and SECRET—SERVICE scouting 1—LOCATION and checking the neighborhood where Bush would stop.
20060318             The reason for all the fuss was kept 1—SECRET even.
20060318             I think this —MORNING—WASHINGTON—POST—STORY—POINTS out —JUST what 1—STRANGE—PLACE—AMERICA is in politically.
20060318             Franks Didn't Need Advice, He Already Had All THE—ANSWERS
20060318             THE—NY—TIMES has 1—MAJOR—STORY—TODAY in which it spells out the flawed internal DECISION—MAKING process early in THE—IRAQ—WAR.
20060318             Shorterst version: Disaster.
20060318             Farinella To Run BAYH—PAC—FARINELLA To Run BAYH—PAC -
20060318             In 1—PRELUDE to 20080000             —THE—PRESIDENTIAL—RACE, THE—WASHINGTON—POST blog is reporting that SENATOR—EVAN—BAYH has hired MARC—FARINELLA to take over the helm of his PAC.
20060318             HE—ALSO the smartest political operative that I know.
20060318             —3—DAYS—AFTER Hurricane Katrina wiped out MOST—OF—NEW—ORLEANS, PRESIDENT—BUSH appeared on television and said, "I don't think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees".
20060318             The release of 1—PRE—STORM—VIDEO showing officials warning Bush —DURING 1—CONFERENCE—CALL that the hurricane approaching the Gulf Coast posed 1—DIRE threat to the city and its levees has revived 1—DISPUTE—THE—WHITE—HOUSE had hoped to put behind it: Was THE—PRESIDENT misinformed, misspoken or misleading?
20060318             USA warns over IRAN talks tactic WASHINGTON says 1—OFFER by IRAN to discuss IRAQ could be a "device" to divert attention from its nuclear plans.
20060318             Thousands due at ANTI—WAR—RALLY—ANTI—WAR—PROTESTERS are due to march in LONDON to mark —3—YEARS—SINCE THE—START—OF—THE—IRAQ conflict.
20060318             —FAILED, Jobcentre service level '' THE—UK—JOBCENTRE—PLUS system suffered a "catastrophic failure" last —SUMMER, 1—REPORT says.
20060318             —LOANED, Labour secretly, £14m Labour was secretly loaned nearly £14m AHEAD—OF—LAST—YEAR—GENERAL—ELECTION, the party confirms.
20060318             —ALLOWED, New Moussaoui testimony, THE—USA—JUDGE in the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui rules that new witnesses may testify, —AFTER barring "tainted" ones.
20060318             —BOMBED, Police petrol, at fire site Police and fire crews come under attack at the scene of 1—LARGE blaze in County Armagh.
20060318             FTSE 100—MAKES it back to 6,000 LONDON—LEADING share index, THE—FTSE 100, moves above 6,000 for the 1. time in —5—YEARS—BEFORE closing —JUST SHY—OF—THAT—LEVEL.
20060318             'Rendition flights' landed in UK 6—USA—PLANES linked by campaigners to "extraordinary rendition" used UK airports, the government confirms.
20060318             Ice layers record comet creation THE—DEEP—IMPACT—MISSION is casting new light on how comets formed and how they shed their ice in space.
20060318             UK heads world digital TV TAKE—UP THE—UK has the world's highest level of digital TV viewers at nearly 70%, says 1—REPORT by Ofcom.
20060318             Scientists make 'bionic' muscles Artificial muscles 100—TIMES—STRONGER than human ones and powered by alcohol and hydrogen have been made.
20060318             Sleep loss 'harms route memory' Losing sleep can interfere with THE—PART—OF—THE—BRAIN—RESPONSIBLE for finding your way round, 1—STUDY says.
20060318             Low carb diet health risk fears —FOLLOWING 1—LOW carb diet could cause serious health conditions, doctors have warned.
20060318             DRUG—RELATED HIV rates 'soaring' THE—NUMBER—OF—HIV—POSITIVE—DRUGS—USERS who inject has reached its highest level for more than —1—DECADE.
20060318             Satellites WILL—SEE—MORE, Faster The next GENERATION—OF—COMMERCIAL—SATELLITES will offer higher resolution + more frequent image updates,
20060318             Another Google lawsuit Blog: Google, already fighting numerous lawsuits, is —NOW being sued for banishing 1—WEB—SITE from its index, according to 1—ASSOCIATED...
20060318             They claim: 'Over THE—COURSE—OF—MILLIONS—OF—YEARS, gravity exploited the density differences to create THE—STRUCTURE—OF—THE—UNIVERSE—STARS and galaxies separated by vast voids.' Thereby creating a 'structure' to the universe -- 1—KIDDUSH cup.
20060318             '...finds that the 1. stars---the forebears of all subsequent GENERATIONS—OF—STARS AND—OF—LIFE itself---were fully formed remarkably early, only about 400—MILLION—YEARS—AFTER inflation.
20060318             —CALLED, This is, THE—ERA—OF—REIONIZATION, the point —WHEN the light from the 1. stars ionized hydrogen atoms, liberating electrons from the protons.'
20060318             —PRESERVED, —FOR—YEARS they were FRANCE—BEST, corpses, lying in 1—FREEZER in 1—CHATEAU in the Loire Valley, in the hope that modern science could —1—DAY bring them back to life.
20060318             —ENDED, But THE—FRANCE—COUPLE—JOURNEY into the future, prematurely —WHEN, —22—YEARS—AFTER his mother's body was put into cold store, their son discovered the freezer unit had broken down and they had started to thaw.
20060318             Of course, that is where the drugs come through.
20060318             —BURIED, But, in the comments is this wonderful idea from poster WC: As for me, the other —DAY I opened 1—OF—THE—ENDLESS—PIECES—OF junk mail (credit card offer) that has the postage paid return envelope.
20060318             Police probing suspicious activity —AROUND Loop buildings
20060318             BUSH—NUMBERS—DROP and the fake terror rises.
20060318             Es sei "komisch", dass es einen konservativen republikanischen Präsidenten gebe, der seine Außenpolitik mit Argumenten seines demokratischen Vorgängers BILL—CLINTON verteidige, sagte der angesehene Politikwissenschaftler.
20060318             Im Wahlkampf des Jahres 20000000             hatten Bush und die heutige Außenministerin Condoleezza Rice die USA—INTERVENTIONEN in SOMALIA, HAITI und auf dem Balkan noch als "falschen Idealismus" kritisiert.
20060318             "Diese Regierung hat zwar die richtigen Ziele, aber sie sieht nicht, wie schwach ihre Instrumente zur Durchsetzung sind", meint jedoch New Gingrich, ehemaliger SPRECHER—DES—REPRÄSENTANTENHAUSES.
20060318             FRANCIS—FUKUYAMA, 1—DER—NEOKONSERVATIVEN—VORDENKER—DER—REPUBLIKANER, sagte in einem Interview, es sei naiv gewesen zu glauben, die USA könnten zum Geburtshelfer der Demokratie werden.
20060318             n —DER—GESTERN vorgelegten Neufassung der Sicherheitsstrategie heißt es, es sei die POLITIK—DER—USA, "in allen Nationen und Kulturen der Welt die demokratischen Bewegungen und Institutionen zu unterstützen und die Tyrannei zu beenden".
20060318             Bei den Republikanern unterstützen vor allem Abgeordnete wie die Senatoren JOHN—MCCAIN aus ARIZONA und SAM—BROWNBACK aus KANSAS den Kurs des Weißen Hauses: Wahlen abzuhalten sei immer noch besser als Umstürze durch Gewalt.
20060318             Zu den Kritikern gehören demnach namhafte Republikaner wie die Senatoren RICHARD—LUGAR und Chuck Hagel, aber auch der FRÜHERE—AUßENMINISTER—HENRY—KISSINGER.
20060318             Im Gegensatz zu den Neokonservativen der Partei befürchteten die Kritiker, dass sich Extremisten in instabilen Ländern ohne demokratische Vergangenheit und gefestigte Zivilisationsstrukturen durchsetzen und Minderheiten nicht geschützt werden können.
20060318             "Ich bezweifle, dass man eine demokratische Regierung in einem Land ohne demokratische Tradition einrichten kann", sagt Hagel.
20060318             —INZWISCHEN, Laut einer Umfrage des GALLUP—INSTITUTS meinen, 57—PROZENT—DER—USA—BÜRGER, die Invasion im IRAK sei 1—FEHLER gewesen.
20060318             Comedy Centeral: Motion Censure : Clearly BILL—FRIST knows that revenge is 1—DISH—BEST served with confusing parliamentary rhetoric.
20060318             Pepe Escobar : In the heart of Pipelineistan : Pipelineistan actors are actively discussing the possibility of limited USA—STRIKES against, for instance, THE—BUSHEHR plant, as was implied by 1—RECENT belligerent STATEMENT—OF—THE—USA—AMBASSADOR to THE—UN, JOHN—BOLTON.
20060318             —FAILED, AUSTRALIA: PM denies lying about kickbacks : MISTER—HOWARD, to explain why the nation's top spy agencies never passed on the explosive intelligence about AUSTRALIA—COMPANIES breaking UNITED—NATIONS sanctions in IRAQ as long as —8—YEARS—AGO.
20060318             Manufacturing Consent for war:
20060318             USA accuses IRAN of "unhelpful activities" in IRAQ: USA—OFFICIALS in IRAQ —ON—FRIDAY again accused IRAN of meddling in its neighbour's internal affairs, saying the Islamic Republic was carrying out "unhelpful activities" there.
20060318             GREG—MOSES: THE—BUSH—DOCTRINE—OF—NUCLEAR—PREEMPTION : Do You Feel Safe With This MAN—FINGER on the Button?
20060318             Americans slightly favor plan to censure : 1—NEW—POLL finds that 1—PLURALITY—OF—AMERICANS favor plans to censure PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH, —WHILE 1—SURPRISING 42% favor moves to actually impeach THE—PRESIDENT.
20060318             —RESPECTED, Brzezinski calls for IRAQ pull out : 1—OF—AMERICA—MOST, elder national security statesmen called for 1—FULL—PULL—OUT from IRAQ —THURSDAY.
20060318             - It would take A—USA—COMMITMENT—OF—HALF 1—MILLION troops to make 1—SIGNIFICANT—DIFFERENCE in fighting THE—IRAQ—INSURGENCY, Brzezinski said.
20060318             Are they not innocents? Are they not Iraqis?... —JUST—YESTERDAY, 80—BODIES—OF—IRAQIS were discovered in BAGHDAD.
20060318             Audio and transcript
20060318             Video: THE—50—BILLION Dollar Robbery : : —FOLLOWING THE—IRAQ war, BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS—OF—IRAQ—MONEY was directed to USA—COMPANIES to rebuild the country.
20060318             Video: TONY—BENN—RALLIES—SUPPORT for ANTI—WAR—MARCHES : FORMER—LABOUR—GOVERNMENT—MINISTER—TONY—BENN speaks in MANCHESTER at 1—RALLY aimed at building support for THE—INTERNATIONAL—DAY—OF—ACTION against war on 18. 20030300            .
20060318             Despite his decidedly porcine features, MISTER—ROVE—MACHIAVELLIAN lust for power, narcissistic lack of empathy, sycophantic devotion to the Bush crime family, deceitful nature + conniving mind coalesce to leave THE—PRINCE looking like 1—PAUPER.
20060318             What Did You See at the War, Jimmy?
20060318             I missed this bit about 1—SPEECH given by retired SUPREME—COURT—JUSTICE—SANDRA—DAY—O'CONNOR, warning of "dictatorship" in THE—USA.
20060318             —MENTIONED, It was, —AT—THE—END—OF—THE 1. —HOUR of the Diane Rehm show this —MORNING.
20060318             MEMES LOIS, MEME COMBAT—CONTRE LE—EXPLOITATION—DE la guerre et de la désolation.
20060318             (lire la suite...)
20060318             linguizic writes "According to Scientific American, global warming could be creating stronger hurricanes: '—SINCE the 1970s, ocean surface temperatures —AROUND the globe have been on the rise--from 1—HALF to 1—DEGREE—FAHRENHEIT, depending on the region. Last —SUMMER, 2—STUDIES linked this temperature rise to stronger and more frequent hurricanes. Skeptics called other factors into account, such as natural variability, but 1—NEW—STATISTICAL—ANALYSIS shows that only this sea surface temperature increase explains this trend.'"
20060318             Linguizic writes "According to Scientific American, global warming could be creating stronger hurricanes: '—SINCE the 1970s, ocean surface temperatures —AROUND the globe have been on the rise--from 1—HALF to 1—DEGREE—FAHRENHEIT, depending on the region.
20060318             —TARGETED, BILL—WOULD—ALLOW—WARRANTLESS—SPYING—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION could continue its policy of spying on, Americans without obtaining warrants, but only if it justifies the action to 1—SMALL—GROUP—OF—LAWMAKERS, under legislation introduced —YESTERDAY by key Republican senators.
20060318             GOP Irritation At Bush Was Long Brewing PRESIDENT—BUSH—TROUBLES with congressional Republicans, which erupted —DURING the backlash to THE—DUBAI seaport deal, are rooted in policy frustrations and personal resentments that GOP lawmakers say stretch back to the opening DAYS—OF—THE—ADMINISTRATION.
20060318             —DELAYED, EX—LOBBYIST—ABRAMOFF cooperating, has sentencing, 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—FRIDAY granted 1—SENTENCING delay on former lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF—GUILTY—PLEA to corruption charges in WASHINGTON.
20060318             1—BITTERLY divided electorate gives PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH 1—APPROVAL rating of only 36—PERCENT in the latest NEWSWEEK poll, matching the low point in his presidency recorded last —NOVEMBER.
20060318             His image as 1—EFFECTIVE—LEADER in THE—WAR—ON—TERROR is tarnished, with less than half the public (44.
20060318             For its 3. birthday, THE—IRAQ—WAR got THE—BIGGEST party ever.
20060318             —FROM AUSTRALIA to ENGLAND and TURKEY to JAPAN,
20060318             HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE spent their —SATURDAY celebrating THE—USA—WAR in IRAQ.
20060318             It was too busy doing what it does EVERY—DAY: killing people, killing more people and blowing stuff up.
20060318             Even the war's USA minders admit they have no idea what their little guy will become, but it's looking more and more likely THE—IRAQ—WAR will be known as THE—IRAQ—CIVIL—WAR—LONG—BEFORE it turns —4—YEARS—OLD.
20060318             "The possibility of civil war may be higher —TODAY than it has been in the last —3—YEARS, yet I believe we are still far away from such 1—EVENT," LIEUTENANT—GENERAL—PETER—CHIARELLI told the Independent.
20060318             Chiarelli is AMERICA—2.—IN—COMMAND in IRAQ.
20060318             "Though 1—OF—GROUP—OF—USA—VISITORS berated 1—COUPLE with banners which declared their country's PRESIDENT—AS—THE '
20060318             WORLD—NUMBER 1—TERRORIST.
20060318             Protests also took place in ROME, GENEVA, STOCKHOLM, TORONTO, COPENHAGEN, ATHENS, VIENNA, MONTREAL, MADRID and all the major USA—CITIES including NEW—YORK, WASHINGTON, CHICAGO and LOS—ANGELES.
20060318             experts said —TODAY. 'How to steal 1—ELECTION'
20060318             Professor STEVE—FREEMAN—OF—THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—PENNSYLVANIA says it's easier to cheat democracy than LAS—VEGAS
20060318             HAMAS—FÜHRER Yassin gezielt ermordet : MZEE_com : Hip Hop Network (Forum, Dates, Shop, News...) HAMAS—FÜHRER Yassin gezielt ermordet : Hip Hop Network mit Jam-...... ohnmächtig angesichts derart viel sinnloser Gewalt...
20060318             Bush will Verdächtige für immer WEGSPERREN—OHNE PROZESS—SEITE 2 - Ilumnia Seite 2-Bush will Verdächtige für immer WEGSPERREN—OHNE... noch genauer zu sein, hotmail_com... noch eine 2. derart teure und riesige Institution...
20060318             Man Throws Own Penis At Cops —2—HOURS—AGO permalink KB / Dvorak Uncensored Ouch !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
20060318             total dud, eyewitnesses report.
20060318             —WHILE USA—MEDIA claimed "Operation Swarmer" was SOME—MASSIVE—MILITARY—CAMPAIGN, in reality it was nothing but SOME—HELICOPTERS flying —AROUND.
20060318             —REPORTED, ABC, —TODAY. Time MAGAZINE—PUT it more bluntly :
20060318             "In fact, there were no airstrikes and no leading insurgents were nabbed in 1—OPERATION that SOME—SKEPTICAL—MILITARY—ANALYSTS described as little more than 1—PHOTO op. WHAT—MORE, there were no shots fired at all and the units had met no resistance, said THE—USA and IRAQ—COMMANDERS".
20060318             —BUSTED, Endless Hawaiian downpour causes, dams, deadly floods, landslides and sewage spills -- and there's no end in sight
20060318             Web site files complaint against Google
20060318             Google INCORPORATED—MYSTERIOUS—METHODS for ranking Web sites came under attack —FRIDAY in 1—LAWSUIT accusing the online search engine LEADER—OF—RUINING SCORES—OF—INTERNET businesses that have been wrongfully banished from its index.
20060318             —FILED, The civil complaint, in USA—DISTRICT—COURT—IN—S—JOSE by.
20060318             —POSTED—BY—NICOLE—WONG, Associate GENERAL—COUNSEL—GOOGLE will not have to hand over ANY—USER—SEARCH queries to the government.
20060318             COURT—UNANIMOUSLY—RULES—BUSH—ADMIN. Violated Clean Air Act.
20060318             1—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT—BLOCKED—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—4—YEAR—EFFORT to loosen emission rules for aging COAL—FIRED power plants, unanimously ruling —YESTERDAY that the changes violated the Clean Air Act and that only Congress could authorize such revisions.
20060318             Oddly, that was good news for CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—JEFFREY—RICH.
20060318             His annual grant of.
20060318             Job protests grip FRANCE—CITIES—HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—WORKERS and students march in FRANCE to protest against 1—NEW—YOUTH—LABOUR—LAW.
20060318             —SUSPECTED, Terror suspect bids to leave UK 1—ALGERIA—MAN held as 1, terrorist begins negotiations to voluntarily leave THE—UK.
20060318             Thousands join ANTI—WAR—PROTEST—ANTI—WAR—PROTESTERS—MARCH through LONDON to mark —3—YEARS—SINCE THE—START—OF—THE—IRAQ conflict.
20060318             —TRAPPED, OAPs, —SINCE Christmas 1—GROUP—OF—12—ELDERLY—PEOPLE have been stuck on the upper floors of 1—CARE—HOME—SINCE Christmas —DAY because 1—LIFT has broken down, it emerges.
20060318             TAIWAN protest at CHINA 'threat' THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS demonstrate in TAIWAN against the perceived military threat from CHINA.
20060318             —FREED, IRAN—DISSIDENT, from jail Key IRAN—DISSIDENT—JOURNALIST—AKBAR—GANJI is freed —AFTER—5—YEARS in prison on charges of insulting the authorities.
20060318             —DEFENDED, Loans, by Labour chairman THE—LABOUR—CHAIRMAN defends the way the party raised £13.95m in undisclosed loans from wealthy backers.
20060318             Earth could seed Titan with life Terrestrial rocks blown into space by asteroid impacts may have brought life to 1—MOON—OF—SATURN, scientists say.
20060318             SOUTH—PARK 'battling' Scientology SOUTH—PARK says it will "battle" Scientology —AFTER 1—TV—CHANNEL axed 1—EPISODE mocking its church and TOM—CRUISE.
20060318             Can New Born Chickens Influence 1—ROBOT?
20060318             —SUBMITTED, TIOTI Interview, Democracy, by fudged71 —28—MINUTES—AGO
20060318             —INTERVIEWED, CO—FOUNDER—OF—TIOTI, PAUL—POD, has been, about the current development and wanders off into rants on global release schedules, the regeneration of advertising and THE—DEATH—OF—THE—NETWORKS.
20060318             —SUBMITTED, Solar Pyramids Being Built in INDIA, by nickaster —19—MINUTES—AGO
20060318             This is really cool.
20060318             —URGED, Abbas, to quit, scrap government : Fatah officials have asked THE—PALESTINE—PRESIDENT to resign, dissolve THE—PALESTINE—AUTHORITY and return responsibility for the occupied territories to ISRAEL in protest against Tel AVIV—ACTIONS.
20060318             Oil shortage threatens military: 1—GRIM—VIEW—OF—THE nation's energy future + its implications for the military, emerges in 1—JUST released report by THE—USA—ARMY—CORPS—OF—ENGINEERS.
20060318             AUSTRALIA: Phone taps won't be random: Ruddock: MISTER—RUDDOCK —TODAY rejected claims that proposed new telephone interception powers could be randomly used to tap the phones of anonymous callers to the National Security Hotline.
20060318             Dissent was once 1—CHERISHED—USA—VALUE: THE—PITTSBURGH advocacy group, which spends much of its time opposing war and violence, released FEDERAL—DOCUMENTS—THIS—WEEK that it says proves THE—FBI was spying on peace activists here.
20060318             The real meaning of 20010911             : There is 1—RUSH to replace the World Trade Center with something or other but inaction to replace THE—HOUSES—OF—THE—HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS who lost their homes to Hurricane Katrina.
20060318             —TRAVELED, Pigs at the trough: House GOP leader well : THE—CENTER for Public Integrity said that Boehner accepted 42—PRIVATELY sponsored trips 20000100—20051200    —FROM—TO.
20060318             That put him on the road to other countries and "golfing hotspots," often with his wife, Debbie, for about half —1—YEAR, "only —9—DAYS—OF which he listed as being 'at personal expense,' " the center said.
20060318             Congressmen get in fight, spew racial epithets : Congressional debate about immigration has gotten ugly, according to —THURSDAY—EDITION—OF—ROLL Call.
20060318             Industry decries CLEAN—AIR ruling : 1—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT—ON—FRIDAY overturned 1—CLEAN—AIR—REGULATION issued by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION that would have let MANY—POWER—PLANTS, refineries and factories avoid installing costly new pollution controls —WHEN they modernize.
20060318             —KILLED, Girl, 8, is, in ISRAEL—RAID : An —8—YEAR—OLD—PALESTINE—GIRL was shot dead by THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY in THE—NORTH—WEST—BANK last night.
20060318             CHARLEY—REESE : Consequences of 1—WAR—STAT e : War consists of killing people and destroying property.
20060318             Global Protests MARK—IRAQ—WAR—ANNIVERSARY : ANTI—WAR—PROTESTERS marched in AUSTRALIA, ASIA, TURKEY and EUROPE —ON—SATURDAY in demonstrations that marked the 3. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—USA—LED invasion of IRAQ with 1—DEMAND that coalition troops pull out.
20060318             Click Here to Find 1—ANTI—WAR—EVENT—IN—YOUR—AREA: There are currently 438—EVENTS planned in 49—STATES and counting...
20060318             Cost of IRAQ war could surpass $1—TRILLION : 1—THING is certain about THE—IRAQ war: It has cost 1—LOT—MORE than advertised.
20060318             "I will not vote for or support ANY—CANDIDATE for PRESIDENT—OR—CONGRESS who does not make 1—SPEEDY end to the war in IRAQ + preventing ANY—FUTURE—WAR—OF—AGGRESSION, 1—PUBLIC—POSITION in his or her campaign.
20060318             Click here to make 1—DIFFERENCE".
20060318             Pledging to Vote for PEACE—BY THE—NATION—HOW MANY—AMERICANS would pledge to cast their votes —IN—NOVEMBER only for candidates who want to end the war in IRAQ?
20060318             —BLEED, To, and to die in the dust
20060318             —STUFFED, MISTER—WELSHOFER, it transpired in court, had, THE—IRAQ—GENERAL—ABED—HAMED—MOWHOUSH—HEAD 1. into 1—SLEEPING bag and sat on his chest, 1—ACTION WHICH—NOT SURPRISINGLY—CAUSED the general to expire.
20060318             —ORDERED, The military jury, - reader, hold your breath - 1—REPRIMAND for MISTER—WELSHOFER, the forfeiting of $6,000—OF—HIS—SALARY and confinement to barracks —FOR—60—DAYS.
20060318             /Go To Jail, Play Video Games?
20060318             Rare 19720000             Documentary on ARPAnet submitted by D4r7h3v1l —3—HOURS—43—MINUTES—AGO
20060318             —FROM Americablog: PRESIDENT—BUSH is at 33% in the new poll taken by THE—PEW—RESEARCH—CENTER, which puts him slightly above amoebic dysentery and —JUST below Dick CHENEY—SMILE.
20060318             At the same time their planes were flying back and forth from VENEZUELA with illegal cargo HILLIARD—CHARTER service was also, unbelievably, being utilized at virtually no COST—DESPITE the fact that rentals for Lear jets can run as high as $1,800 an —HOUR—BY FLORIDA GOVERNOR—JEB—BUSH.
20060318             —HONORED, Yet GOVERNOR—JEB—BUSH, HILLIARD—OPERATION—CALLED at various times FLORIDA Air, Sunrise Airlines and Discover AIR—WITH 1—PERSONAL—VISIT, even posing for photos with the "Discover Air family".
20060318             Come and see: Video game therapy--1—NEW—FRONTIER—NEUROFEEDBACK taps young people's fascination with animation and electronics to sweeten tedious and often frightening medical treatments.
20060318             Visa warns software may store customer data Cash register software by Fujitsu comes under scrutiny —WHILE WAVE—OF—DEBIT—CARD—FRAUD hits country.
20060318             —LIMITED, Judge: Google must give feds, access to records In nod toward privacy concerns, ruling says search giant must turn over 1—SWATH of indexed URLs--but not users' search queries.
20060318             Mercury News has details of 1—SAN—FRANCISCO judge's decision that Google should give the DoJ SOME—DETAILS on its search engine, but is not required to turn over records to the government.
20060318             "McElvain emphasized the study would be more meaningful if it included search requests processed by Google, which by SOME—ESTIMATES fields nearly HALF—OF—ALL online queries in THE—USA.
20060318             —CONCURRED, Ware, with the Justice Department on that point, writing in his order that 'the government's study may be significantly hampered if it did not have access to SOME—INFORMATION from the most often used search engine.' But Ware said the government didn't clearly explain why it needed 1—LIST—OF—SEARCH—REQUESTS to conduct its study, prompting him to conclude the Web site addresses would be adequate".
20060318             Google Keeps Search Data Private 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—REFUSES—THE—USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—DEMAND that Google give it access to users' searches.
20060318             He orders the company to provide 50,000 web addresses indexed by its search engine but it won't have to reveal what people have looked for in their searches.
20060318             MILOSEVIC—BEISETZUNG: Trauernde verabschieden sich mit "Slobo-"-Rufen
20060318             Nach tagelangen Protesten von Studenten, zum Teil mit gewalttätigen Ausschreitungen, hatten Universitätsrektoren Villepin —GESTERN—ABEND aufgefordert, das Gesetz auszusetzen.
20060318             Stattdessen solle der Regierungschef in den kommenden —6—MONATEN einen breiten Dialog über die Beschäftigungspolitik beginnen.
20060318             Villepin habe den Eindruck erweckt, er sei zu einer "bedeutsamen Geste" bereit, um den —KONFLIKT nicht weiter eskalieren zu lassen, sagte Universitätspräsident YANNICK—VALLÉE.
20060318             In 60—VON 84—UNIVERSITÄTEN blockieren oder stören Studenten aus Protest gegen das Gesetz den Lehrbetrieb.
20060318             Auch Schulen werden bestreikt.
20060318             Umfragen zufolge wollen 68—PROZENT—DER—FRANZOSEN 1—RÜCKNAHME—DER—REFORM, mit der Villepin die hohe Arbeitslosigkeit in der jungen Generation bekämpfen will.
20060318             Sie liegt in Problemvierteln bei —BIS zu 40 %.
20060318             Gewerkschaftsanführer BERNARD—THIBAULT schließt nicht aus, dass auf die Proteste 1—GENERALSTREIK folgen könnte.
20060318             "Wenn sie nicht auf uns hören, müssen wir darüber nachdenken, ob wir zu einem landesweiten Generalstreik übergehen", erklärte Thibault.
20060318             —VERANSTALTET, Die Gewerkschaft CFDT, landesweit 160—KUNDGEBUNGEN gegen den "Vertrag zur Ersteinstellung" (CPE).
20060318             Die Gewerkschaften wollen über eine "höhere Gangart" entscheiden,
20060318             wenn der Protesttag ihrer Einschätzung nach erfolgreich verlaufen ist.
20060318             "Chirac, Villepin, eure Probezeit ist um", war der beliebteste Slogan auf den Transparenten.
20060318             Kraftprobe zwischen Villepin und dem Volk
20060318             Bei den Demonstrationen gegen die Lockerung des Kündigungsschutzes in FRANKREICH werden —HEUTE mehr als 1—MILLION—MENSCHEN erwartet.
20060318             Der 3. Protesttag gegen die Reform gilt als entscheidende Kraftprobe zwischen dem unnachgiebigen PREMIERMINISTER—DE—VILLEPIN und seinen Gegnern.
20060318             PARIS - - Die Stimmung in FRANKREICH heizt sich auf.
20060318             Beim 1. Protesttag —VOR—6—WOCHEN waren es 400.000—DEMONSTTRANTEN, die auf die Straße gingen.
20060318             —VOR—2—WOCHEN waren es —SCHON 700.000.
20060318             —HEUTE sollen es über 1—MILLION—MENSCHEN werden, die gegen die umstrittene Arbeitsmarktreform des konservativen Premierministers DOMINIQUE—DE—VILLEPIN demonstrieren.
20060318             Milosevic: Begräbnis wird zum nationalen Ereignis
20060318             Vor Somalias Küste: Piratenangriff auf USA—KRIEGSSCHIFFE
20060318             FRANKREICH: 3. Protesttag in Folge gegen Villepins ARBEITSMARKT—GESETZ
20060318             Proteste in FRANKREICH: Kraftprobe zwischen Villepin und dem Volk
20060318             Linkspartei: Lafontaine im Visier der Staatsschützer
20060318             —GESTORBEN, Vogelgrippe: Ägypterin an H5N1
20060318             Einbürgerungstest: REICH—RANICKI wäre durchgefallen
20060318             WALDBRAND—STUDIUM: Diplomierte Pyromanen und Brandstifter
20060318             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Das messianische Versprechen des Kapitalismus"
20060318             USA: Regierung will Klagen von GUANTANAMO—HÄFTLINGEN stoppen
20060318             at 09:21:42 AM PDT SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—DONALD—RUMSFELD,
20060318             attempting in vain to defend his administration's failed IRAQ policy :
20060318             In fact, these are the exact WORDS—OF—TERRORISTS discussing IRAQ—ABU—MUSAB—AL—ZARQAWI + his ASSOCIATES—WHO are describing their own situation +
20060318             Ultimately, it will be THE—TRUTH—SEEKERS, on and off THE—INTERNET, that will shape the legacy of this war as 1—ILL—CONCEIVED fraud perpetrated on THE—USA—PUBLIC,
20060318             He says that Martin will be presenting her case to Brinkema... Disarmament Diplomacy: - Bitter AFTERMATH—OF—WEN—HO—LEE—PLEA—BARGAIN... to 1—OF 59 ...
20060318—20020000    —IN, Luck -- or something else? -- On —1—SUMMER—DAY, shares of Affiliated Computer Services INCORPORATED sank to their lowest level in —1—YEAR.
20060319—20060318    PROTESTE—GEGEN—IRAK—KRIEG: "Genug Heuchelei, genug Lügen"
20070317             The 0.27% point hike in —1—YEAR—DEPOSIT and lending benchmark rates will go into effect 20070318            .
20070318             1 estimated 3,000 protesters marched in SF to mark the 4. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—USA—INVASION—OF—IRAQ and demanding 1—END to the war there.
20070318             Scientists said that —AFTER—4—YEARS—OF—INTENSIVE—COLLABORATION, 18—TOP—MATHEMATICIANS and computer scientists from THE—USA—AND—EUROPE have successfully mapped E8, 1—OF—THE—LARGEST and most complicated structures in mathematics.
20070318             —FILED, BANGLADESH—POLICE, extortion charges against Tarique Rahman, 1—FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—SON, who had been 1—POWERFUL—POLITICAL—LEADER in 1—COUNTRY that ranks among the world's most corrupt.
20070318             BANGLADESH, Cholesh Ritchil, 1—ACTIVIST—OF—THE—GAROS people, was tortured to death —WHILE in army custody.
20070318             Father EUGENE—HOMRICH, —79—JAHRE—ALT, 1—NATIVE—OF—MUSKEGON, MICHIGAN, made the news public.
20070318             —KILLED, NORTH—CHINA, 1—COAL—MINE—EXPLOSION, 19 with 2—MINERS still missing and presumed dead in 1—MINE in the suburbs of Shanxi province's JINCHENG—CITY.
20070318             Officials said CESARE—BATTISTI, 1—FORMER—ITALY—COMMUNIST—REVOLUTIONARY who went into hiding in FRANCE 2 and 1—HALF—YEARS ago, was arrested in BRAZIL.
20070318             Eurostar trains ran on 1—NORMAL schedule —FOLLOWING 1—TRACKSIDE fire the fire, near THE—LONDON terminus at Waterloo station, that brought chaos to the service over the previous —2—DAYS.
20070318             —WALKED, EGYPT, over 100—MAINLY Islamist lawmakers, OUT—OF—PARLIAMENT to protest government moves to push through constitutional laws that opponents fear will entrench the ruling party's grip on power.
20070318             The ruling centrist PARTY—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—MATTI—VANHANEN retained power.
20070318             THE—CENTER—PARTY won 23.1—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE—WHILE the Conservatives had 22.3% and the Social Democrats 21.4%, according to provisional results.
20070318             IRAN—JUSTICE—MINISTRY said Shahram Jazayeri, 1—FUGITIVE—IRAN—BUSINESSMAN, was arrested outside the country —AFTER escaping from authorities —LAST—MONTH.
20070318             —OPENED, IRAQ, gunmen, fire on 1—MINIBUS carrying civilians, killing 7—MEN and wounding 4—OTHERS in Hibhib, —JUST EAST—OF—BAQOUBA.
20070318             1—ROADSIDE bomb hit 1—IRAQ—POLICE—CONVOY in EAST—BAGHDAD, killing 2—POLICEMEN and wounding 5. In Shorja market, BAGHDAD—MOST popular central shopping district, 1—MAN tossed 1—GRENADE into 1—GROUP—OF—WORKERS.
20070318             † 1—WORKER was killed and another was wounded.
20070318             11—BODIES were found, 6 in Baqouba, in DIWANIYAH and 4 in MOSUL, MANY—WITH—SIGNS—OF—TORTURE and all apparently VICTIMS—OF—SECTARIAN—KILLINGS.
20070318             —CAPTURED, USA—TROOPS, 12 suspected militants in raids across IRAQ.
20070318             JAMAICA, BOB—WOOLMER, —58—JAHRE—ALT, PAKISTAN cricket coach, was found dead in his hotel room, hours —AFTER PAKISTAN was upset by IRELAND and eliminated from advancing at the Cricket World Cup.
20070318             1—PATHOLOGIST—REPORT found WOOLMER—DEATH was due to "asphyxia as 1—RESULT—OF—MANUAL—STRANGULATION".
20070318             1—INQUEST into WOOLMER—DEATH ended with THE—JAMAICA—JURY—UNABLE to reach 1—RULING.
20070318             —MASKED, JAPAN, 3, men stole 220-pound BLOCK—OF—GOLD worth more than $2—MILLION from the Ohashi Collection Kan museum in Takayama.
20070318             26—RAILWAYS and 75—BUS—COMPANIES in the greater TOKYO area were scheduled to begin sharing 1—NEW stored value system called Pasmo.
20070318             NIGERIA, 1—SENIOR veterinary official said the deadly H5N1 bird flu virus is spreading among poultry farms —AROUND KANO, NORTH—NIGERIA—LARGEST—CITY.
20070318             —CONVICTED—OF, PAKISTAN, the lawyer for 1—MAN, killing WALL—STREET—JOURNAL reporter DANIEL—PEARL said he will file 1—APPEAL using 1—AL—QAIDA—LIEUTENANT—RECENT—CONFESSION that he beheaded the reporter.
20070318             SOMALIA, insurgents struck THE—MOGADISHU—SEAPORT and former intelligence quarters, killing 2—PEOPLE and injuring at least 16—WHO were caught in fighting that drew in Ethiopian and government troops.
20070318             THE—UN said a 1. GROUP—OF—CONGO—REFUGEES, who escaped a 20040000             massacre at 1—CAMP in BURUNDI, left for THE—USA to start 1—PROGRAM to resettle more than 500—PEOPLE.
20070318             ZIMBABWE, NELSON—CHAMISA, 1—SPOKESMAN for the opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), was prevented from leaving the country and suffered serious injuries —AFTER being beaten up at HARARE INTERNATIONAL Airport.
20070318             —HANDED, AFGHANISTAN—TALIBAN said it had, 1—ITALY—JOURNALIST, whom it captured —2—WEEKS—AGO and threatened to kill, to tribal elders pending 1—FINAL—DEAL for his release.
20070318             1—ROADSIDE bomb hit 1—IRAQ—POLICE—CONVOY in EAST—BAGHDAD, killing 2—POLICEMEN and wounding 5.
20070318             SHORJA, market, BAGHDAD—MOST popular central shopping district, 1—MAN tossed 1—GRENADE into 1—GROUP—OF—WORKERS.
20070318             PANAMA—POLICE working with agents from THE—USA—DOCTOR—UG—ENFORCEMENT—AGENCY seized 1—BOAT off the nation's Pacific coast carrying 21.4—TONS—OF—COCAINE in 1—OF—THE—BIGGEST maritime cocaine busts anywhere on record.
20070318—18870000    —IN, E8 was discovered over 1—CENTURY ago, and —UNTIL—NOW, no 1—THOUGHT the structure could ever be understood.
20070318—19560000    —NUMBERED, Homrich began working with the Garos —WHEN they, about 25,000 in the Modhupur forest.
20070318—19930000    —IN, the former revolutionary was given 1—LIFE—SENTENCE by 1—ITALY—COURT for his role in 4—MURDERS committed 19780000             —IN and 19790000            .
20070318—20020000    —SENTENCED, Jazayeri had been, to —27—YEARS in prison for embezzlement in 1—HIGH—PROFILE—CONVICTION.
20070318—20070000    —BY, illegal logging had reduced the forest to a 10. of its size to 23,000 square miles.
20070808             SINO—USA—MUZI Forum AMERICANS HOAX BY STATE—DEPT, EXPOSED by EnenKio Kingdom... budabob (20010914             )... WHITE—HOUSE—REVEALS TAIWAN Arms Sale... Coldeye (20010318             )...
20080318             alfatomega.com/20080214.html, CAROL—QUINN—BARBARA—CONSALVO.
20080318             - Konsolidierter Ausweis des Eurosystems zum 20080314             Einleitende Anmerkungen
20080318             HARRY—CURTIS. alfatomega.com/20080214.html
20080318             —APPROVED, THE—USA—FEDERAL—RESERVE, a.75% cut in THE—FEDERAL—FUNDS—RATE to 2.25%.
20080318             —AIMED, This was, at shoring up THE—USA—FINANCIAL—SYSTEM shaken by huge losses in the housing market.
20080318             —RESPONDED, THE—DJIA, with 1—GAIN—OF—420.41 to close at 12,392.66.
20080318             —ADDRESSED, BARACK—OBAMA, his problem with pastor Jeremiah Wright in 1—SPEECH in PHILADELPHIA and turned to 1—BROAD—DISCUSSION—OF—RACE, hitherto untouched in his campaign.
20080318             —ENDED, THE—USA—FCC, 261—ROUNDS—OF bidding in the auction of airwaves and raised almost $20—BILLION.
20080318             —BURNED, Protesters in AUSTRALIA, CHINA—FLAGS, demanding freedom for TIBET, —FOLLOWING similar demonstrations in EUROPE and THE—USA—AGAINST—BEIJING—CRACKDOWN on ANTI—GOVERNMENT—RIOTS—IN—THE—HIMALAYAN region.
20080318             5—BELGIUM—PARTIES sealed 1—DEAL for 1—COALITION—GOVERNMENT under CHRISTIAN—DEMOCRAT—YVES—LETERME, ending 1—POLITICAL—LIMBO which threatened to SPLIT the linguistically divided country.
20080318             BOTSWANA, De Beers and the government set up 1—DIAMOND—TRADING—COMPANY (DTC) as 1—JOINT—VENTURE.
20080318             † ANTHONY—MINGHELLA, —54—JAHRE—ALT, Oscar winning UK—DIRECTOR.
20080318             —TURNED, ANTHONY—MINGHELLA, such literary works as "THE—ENGLAND—PATIENT," "THE—TALENTED—MISTER—RIPLEY" and "Cold Mountain" into acclaimed movies.
20080318             —TOUCHED, The world's biggest passenger plane, Airbus's A380, down in LONDON on its 1. commercial flight to EUROPE facing questions from green groups over its ECO—FRIENDLY billing.
20080318             —RECOGNIZED, CANADA formally, the breakaway REPUBLIC—OF—KOSOVO, 1—DECISION—SERBIA said was 1—MAJOR—MISTAKE that could encourage separatists in THE—PROVINCE—OF—QUEBEC.
20080318             EGYPT—PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK, amid rising public discontent at SKY—ROCKETING food prices, said in the official AL—AHRAM daily that uncontrolled population explosion is draining the state's budget.
20080318             1—BABY is born EVERY— 23—SECONDS in EGYPT, which is the Arab world's most populous nation with 1—POPULATION—OF—78—MILLION.
20080318             EGYPT—POLICE fatally shot 1—SUDAN—WOMAN and arrested a 2. 1—WHO was with 1—INFANT as they tried to cross into ISRAEL.
20080318             INDIA, 4—MIGRANT—WORKERS were shot and killed in 2—SEPARATE—SHOOTINGS on the outskirts of Impala, THE—CAPITAL—OF—MANIPUR state.
20080318             —VOWED, INDIA, the Dalai Lama, he would resign as LEADER—OF—TIBET—EXILES if violence back home worsened, —JUST hours —BEFORE his aides said 19—PEOPLE were killed in new demonstrations.
20080318             —BOYCOTTED, IRAQ—MAIN—SUNNI bloc, 1—CONFERENCE aimed at reconciling the nation's sectarian groups.
20080318             1—ROADSIDE bomb near 1—GAS—STATION in NORTH—BAGHDAD killed 3—PEOPLE, including 2—POLICE—OFFICERS.
20080318             —PUSHED, VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY, delving into internal IRAQ—POLITICS, 1—KURDISH—LEADER to play 1—HELPFUL—ROLE in passing legislation to foster national reconciliation and forge 1—NEW—AGREEMENT for USA—IRAQ relations in years to come.
20080318             —ADDRESSED, ISRAEL—ANGELA—MERKEL, CHANCELLOR—OF—GERMANY, ISRAEL—PARLIAMENT and condemned the rocket attacks from GAZA.
20080318             —SIGNED, KENYA—PRESIDENT—MWAI—KIBAKI, into law 2—BILLS passed by PARLIAMENT that put in place 1—POWER—SHARING deal which halted POST—ELECTION—UNREST.
20080318             SRI—LANKA, battles, roadside bombings and artillery attacks across the front LINES—OF—SRI—LANKA—CIVIL—WAR killed 35—ETHNIC—TAMIL rebels and 2—SOLDIERS.
20080318             —KILLED, The combatants were, in at least 17—DIFFERENT—CONFRONTATIONS.
20080318             Darfur rebels said they had fought off 1—MAJOR—ASSAULT from SUDAN—GOVERNMENT—FORCES in the troubled region, inflicting casualties and pushing troops back to WEST—DARFUR—CAPITAL.
20080318             1—APPEALS—COURT—IN—HO—CHI—MINH—CITY sentenced 1—AUSTRALIA—WOMAN to death for heroin trafficking.
20080318             VIETNAM—BORN Jasmine Luong (34), of SYDNEY, was convicted —DURING a —1—DAY TRIAL—OF—TRAFFICKING 3—POUNDS—OF—HEROIN.
20080318             —EXPLODED, YEMEN, 1—MORTAR shell, by 1—HIGH—SCHOOL—NEXT to THE—USA—EMBASSY, killing 1—YEMEN—GUARD and wounding 13—STUDENTS and 3—OTHER—GUARDS.
20080318             5—SUSPECTS were —LATER arrested in the attack, which THE—USA—SAID targeted its embassy.
20080318             1—INTERIOR—MINISTRY—OFFICIAL—LATER said AL—QAIDA militant HAMZA—AL—DAYAN launched 3—MORTARS at the embassy —BEFORE fleeing the scene in 1—VEHICLE with 3—ACCOMPLICES.
20080318             —INVADED, The warmongers, crushed and occupied 1—COUNTRY that was no threat to anyone.
20080318             —LOOTED, They stood by as it was, exacerbated sectarianism, flattened entire towns,
20080318             tortured untold numbers of innocents, brought in GUM—CHEWING, tattooed foreign mercenaries and paid crony companies BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS for mythical reconstruction projects.
20080318             CONTINUE—FINANZKRISE für Geldhäuser teuer.
20080318             Auch die Nummer 2—DER SCHWEIZ, die Credit Suisse, muss mit Abschreibungen von 7,3 Milliarden Franken rechnen.
20080318             ZÜRICH—JETZT schwappt die USA—KREDITKRISE endgültig nach EUROPA herüber.
20080318             Laut einem Analystenbericht drohen der SCHWEIZ—GROSSBANK—UBS neue Abschreibungen von mehr als 11—MILLIARDEN Euro.
20080318             Auch Finanzinstitute in anderen Ländern stehen demnach vor herben VERLUSTEN—BETROFFEN ist unter anderem die DEUTSCHLAND—BANK.
20080318             Aber ein paar Allmachtsphantasien müssen doch erlaubt sein.
20080318             — alttestamentarische Schärfe gegen das Böse. WURDEN—IN der Geschichte
20080318             Der Mensch lebt in einer Welt, die vom Überlebenskampf geprägt ist.
20080318             Die Täter dieser Welt wissen ihr unglaubliches Glück nicht zu schätzen, dass sie selbst gesund sind.
20080318             Und darüber, was sie anderen Menschen mit einer Gewalttat antun, machen sie sich keine Vorstellung — welch LEIDEN, Schmerzen und Horror!
20080318             Die einen Dummköpfe sind der Ansicht, ihre Nachbarn brächten ihnen nicht genügend Respekt entgegen.
20080318             Andere Narren glauben felsenfest daran, dass ALLE—MENSCHENKINDER nur dann glücklich leben können,
20080318             wenn sie ihr Tagwerk ausschließlich —NACH—DEN Vorschriften eines bestimmten Buchs oder Programms verbringen.
20080318             Wieder andere Esel bilden sich ein, ihnen persönlich stünde auf diesem Globus ein eigenes Land zu, am besten ein ganzer Kontinent.
20080318             Denn was hilft nach Ansicht MANCHER—IDIOTEN am besten gegen die Ungerechtigkeiten auf diesem Planeten?
20080318             Ja, genau, andere Menschen zu demütigen, zu verprügeln, zu erschießen, in die Luft zu sprengen oder auf andere, kaum fassbare Arten zu quälen oder zu töten.
20080318             Kreditmarkt: Experten fürchten Milliardenlöcher bei europäischen Banken
20080318             KANZLERIN—IN—DER—KNESSET: "Wir werden Sie nie alleine lassen"
20080318             AFGHANISTAN: Isaf tötet AUFSTÄNDISCHE—POLITIKER sprechen von vielen toten Zivilisten
20080318             LOTHAR—MATTHÄUSA über Frau Matthäus: "Ich war nur noch zum Ausgleichen ihrer Kreditkarten gut"
20080318             Kreditkrise: Banker VERZWEIFELN—POLITIK machtlos
20080318             Augenblick: TRÜMMERTRÄUME—FINANZKRISE: USA—NOTENBANK senkt Leitzins um 0,75 Punkte
20080318             Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (Bafin): "Bafin und Bundesbank müssen in Krisenzeiten effizienter und koordinierter zusammenarbeiten".
20080318             Beide, so der SPD—WIRTSCHAFTSEXPERTE, "werkeln mir —BIS—JETZT zu sehr nebeneinander her".
20080318             in BAYERN: "Die Politik hat sich da nicht gerade mit Ruhm bekleckert".
20080318             Auch Meisters Fraktionskollege Fuchs warnt vor einem Eingreifen der Politik.
20080318             Angesichts steigender Preise für Energie und Lebensmittel müsse aber über eine weitere Senkung der Beiträge zur Arbeitslosenversicherung nachgedacht werden.
20080318             Außerdem sollten die Steuerzahler "1—STÜCK weit" von den zusätzlichen Abgaben entlastet werden,
20080318             die dadurch anfallen, dass sie durch Lohnerhöhungen als Inflationsausgleich in einen höheren Steuertarif rutschten.
20080318             Es wäre falsch, von politischer Seite einzugreifen oder über Konjunkturprogramme zu sprechen, sagte der VIZE—VORSITZENDE—DER—UNIONS—BUNDESTAGSFRAKTION.
20080318             Meister warnt ebenfalls vor politischen Eingriffen.
20080318             Die Zentralbank selbst wisse am besten, was sie zu tun habe.
20080318             "Meine Erfahrung IST—IMMER dann, wenn man Druck ausübt oder Ratschläge gibt, macht die EZB genau das Gegenteil dessen, was die Politik sich vorstellt".
20080318             herrscht allgemein Zurückhaltung.
20080318             "Ich sehe da nicht allzu viel, was die Bundesregierung tun kann", sagt Christdemokrat Fuchs.
20080318             auch der CDU—FINANZEXPERTE MICHAEL—MEISTER.
20080318             "Die Gefahr besteht —JETZT darin, dass durch die Reaktionen der USA—NOTENBANK in billiges Geld gegangen wird".
20080318             Fuchs fragt sich daher: "Wie lange hält das dann unsere Exportwirtschaft aus?"
20080318             Die aktuelle Zinspolitik der Europäischen Zentralbank (EZB) wird daher genau beobachtet.
20080318             Sollte die USA—NOTENBANK Fed wie erwartet die Zinsen wie —AM—DIENSTAG weiter senken,
20080318             könnte es zu einer verstärkten Flucht in den EURO—RAUM KOMMEN—MIT der Folge, dass die DEUTSCHLAND—EXPORTWIRTSCHAFT leidet.
20080318             Auch in der Großen Koalition wollen Bundespolitiker vor allem eines nicht:
20080318             durch unbedachte Äußerungen noch zusätzliche Unruhe in dem ohnehin aufgewühlten Finanzmarkt erzeugen
20080318             Zwar wird von manchen Medien und Politikern —SCHON an den großen New Yorker Börsenkrach von 19290000             erinnert,
20080318             der damals katastrophale weltweite Auswirkungen zeitigte.
20080318             Bundesfinanzminister Peer Steinbrück.
20080318             "Wir sind in DEUTSCHLAND sehr stark darauf angewiesen,
20080318             die bisherige gute Zusammenarbeit zwischen Politik, Bundesbank, Bankenverbänden und Bankinstituten so dicht zu halten,
20080318             dass wir die Folgewirkungen in DEUTSCHLAND minimieren können", so der SPD—POLITIKER.
20080318             EINGESCHRÄNKT—GLAUBE - glaube in der momentanen Lage
20080318             BERLIN—RAINER—WEND nutzte die Vorlage aus FRANKFURT.
20080318             In der Sache habe DEUTSCHE—BANK —CHEF—JOSEF—ACKERMANN—SCHON Recht,
20080318             wenn er ein stärkeres Eingreifen der Regierungen in der Finanzkrise fordere.
20080318             "Aber es wäre schön, wenn Herr Ackermann nicht nur —ERST in der Krise —NACH—DEM STAAT rufen würde",
20080318             stichelt der wirtschaftspolitische SPRECHER—DER—SPD—BUNDESTAGSFRAKTION.
20080318             Der Bankmanager habe sich schließlich in der Vergangenheit stets gegen eine staatliche Aufsicht über Privatbanken gewehrt.
20080318             Vielleicht wäre aber gerade das angesichts der weltweiten Finanzkrise "—SCHON früher notwendig gewesen", so Wend zu SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20080318             REAGIEREN—WIE reagieren auf die WELT—FINANZKRISE?
20080318             Politiker der großen Parteien warnen vor Panikreaktionen.
20080318             Dem Städtetag zufolge reichen die Investitionen in vielen Gemeinden aber immer noch nicht aus, um den Verfall von Schulen und Straßen zu stoppen.
20080318             Zudem warnte er davor, dass es für 20080000             unter anderem durch neue Steuerregeln Risiken gebe,
20080318             die trotz guter Konjunkturlage zu sinkenden Einnahmen führen könnten.
20080318             Die Wissenschaftler gehen davon aus, dass sich die KASEIN—GENE bei den gemeinsamen Vorfahren aller Säugetiere entwickelten.
20080318             Und genau dieses Auftauchen der Milchproteine erkläre die Emanzipation der meisten Säugetiere vom Ei.
20080318             Die geplatzte Technologieblase und der 11. ;;09;;
20080318             rissen auch die DEUTSCHLAND—WIRTSCHAFT mit nach unten.
20080318             Kaum einer wollte mehr konsumieren, kaum einer investieren.
20080318             Die ZAHL—DER—ARBEITSLOSEN stieg und stieg.
20080318             Diesseits des Atlantik haben die Zentralbanker einen klaren Auftrag:
20080318             Sie müssen die Inflation in Zaum halten.
20080318             Radikale Zinssenkungen, um die Wirtschaft anzukurbeln, sind deshalb meist nicht möglich.
20080318             —AM—ABEND des 19. ;;10;; verzeichnete die NEW—YORK Stock Exchange den größten Kurssturz ihrer Geschichte — 22,6 % an einem —TAG.
20080318             —SCHON—KURZ—NACH seinem Amtsantritt 19870000             sah sich Greenspan einer gewaltigen Aufgabe gegenüber:
20080318             Die Kurse an der USA—BÖRSE stürzten ins Bodenlose. am
20080318             Das billige Geld legte damit den Grundstein für die Hypothekenkrise, die schließlich die aktuelle Finanzkrise ausgelöst hat.
20080318             Mit anderen Worten: Gerade weil die Notenbank auf den Crash der New Economy reagierte und die Zinsen senkte,
20080318             schlitterte die Wirtschaft erneut in einen Abschwung.
20080318             Die Krise schien BEZWUNGEN—DOCH die nächste bahnte sich —SCHON an.
20080318             Wenige —MONATE später war der Traum vom Reichtum ohne Arbeit aus.
20080318             Die NEW—ECONOMY—BLASE platzte, Aktien von DOT—COM—UNTERNEHMEN verloren massiv an Wert.
20080318             Die Finanzwelt ließ sich bereitwillig verzaubern, Anleger kauften überbewertete Aktien auf Kredit.
20080318             Doch lässt sich gar nichts dagegen tun?
20080318             HAMBURG—DIE GESCHICHTE—DES—KAPITALISMUS ist 1—GESCHICHTE voller Krisen.
20080318             —BELASTET, LIECHTENSTEIN: Steueraffäre, Bilanz der Landesbank kaum
20080318             USA—VORWAHLEN: Obama warnt vor Missbrauch der Rassenfrage
20080318             Unruhen in Lhasa: Chinesen melden Erfolge in TIBET—100—REBELLEN sollen aufgegeben haben
20080318             Finanzkrise: Ökonomen kritisieren USA—NOTENBANK—DEMOKRATEN drängen Bush zum Handeln
20080318             Revolutionärer USA—SOLARPLAN: So wird Öl überflüssig - und NORDKOREA.
20080318             Staaten wie IRAN und NORDKOREA.
20080318             Die USA hingegen betonen, das System richte sich nicht gegen RUSSLAND, sondern diene als Schutz gegen Staaten wie IRAN und NORDKOREA.
20080318             WEB—GURU zu NUTZER—BEOBACHTUNG: "Ich würde den Provider wechseln"
20080318             —BESCHWÖRT, KANZLERIN—IN—DER—KNESSET: Merkel, Freundschaft zu ISRAEL
20080318             Muslimische Lehrerin: Nonnentracht ja, Kopftuch nein
20080318             Raketenschild: RUSSLAND und USA finden keine Einigung
20080318             SAUDI—ARABIEN: Elfjähriger will seine zehnjährige Cousine heiraten
20080318             Netzticker: Die Vorratsdatenspeicherung ist 1—FLOP
20080318             —ÜBERRANNT, Tourismus in TIBET: Von Besuchern
20080318             Evolution: Wie sich der Mensch vom Eierlegen befreite
20080318             Streit mit Parteiführung: Demokraten in FLORIDA wollen Vorwahlen nicht wiederholen
20080318             Öffentliche Haushalte: Kommunen verdienen kräftig
20080318             Finanzmärkte im Chaos: SPD will strengere BANKEN—AUFSICHT—UND stichelt gegen Ackermann
20080318             TIBET—KRISE: "Wir sitzen hier fest"
20080318             Folgen der Finanzkrise: IWH senkt Konjunkturprognose
20080318             Streit um Moscheen: BISCHOF—BEZEICHNET—MINARETTE als Provokation - sagte Thumann weiter.
20080318             Betroffen seien vor allem Maschinenbau, Automobilindustrie sowie die LUFT—UND Raumfahrt.
20080318             Auf einer Podiumsdiskussion sagte Ackermann: "Es reicht nicht mehr, die Banken zu gegenseitiger Hilfe aufzufordern.
20080318             Es gibt keinen Liquiditätsengpass, sondern einen Investorenstreik.
20080318             Ich glaube hier nicht allein an die Selbstheilungskräfte der Märkte".
20080318             BERLIN/DÜSSELDORF—ERST JOSEF—ACKERMANN, —JETZT Peer Steinbrück: —NACH—DEM CHEF—DER—DEUTSCHEN—BANK hat auch der Finanzminister vor den Folgen der USA—FINANZMARKTKRISE gewarnt und eine enge Zusammenarbeit von Politik und Banken verlangt.
20080318             "Wir sind in DEUTSCHLAND sehr stark darauf angewiesen, die bisherige gute Zusammenarbeit zwischen Politik,
20080318             Bundesbank, Bankenverbänden und Bankinstituten so dicht zu halten, dass wir die Folgewirkungen in DEUTSCHLAND minimieren können", sagte der SPD—POLITIKER.
20080318             DEUTSCHE—BANK—CHEF—ACKERMANN hatte zuvor Regierungen und Zentralbanken zu gemeinsamem Handeln aufgefordert.
20080318             SCHÜRF—RAUSCH in MOSAMBIK: Sklaven des Goldes
20080318             Trotz Finanzkrise: USA—INVESTMENTBANKER verblüffen die MÄRKTE—KURSE steigen
20080318             Prognose: CO2- Abscheidung könnte Kohlekraftwerke unrentabel machen
20080318             1—ROBOTER, der mit Hilfe eines aktiven Schwanzes klettere, sei —BEREITS—NACH—DEM Vorbild der Geckos konstruiert worden.
20080318             Die Kletterkünste der Geckos sind legendär: Beim senkrechten Aufstieg in die Höhe legen sie in nur einer —SEKUNDE 15—MAL die Länge ihres eigenen Körpers zurück.
20080318             Kreditkrise: NORTH—ROCK will 20000000             Mitarbeiter entlassen
20080318             CAROLINE—FOTOS: KARLSRUHE stärkt Presserecht
20080318             Anleitung zur Partnerwahl: Frauen, heiratet nach unten!
20080318             —ENTLASSEN, SKANDAL—HÄNDLER: Kerviel aus Haft
20080318             SPITZER—NACHFOLGER: Auch New Yorks neuer GOUVERNEUR—BEICHTET—AFFÄRE
20080318             Auftritt in der Knesset: Parlamentarier wollen Merkels Rede boykottieren
20080318             Bankenpleite: BEAR—STEARNS—AKTIONÄRE wehren sich gegen Notverkauf
20080318             Lehren der Finanzkrise: Legt die BONUS—BANKER an die Kette
20080318             Finanzmärkte im Chaos: Steinbrück warnt vor "größter Krise —DER—LETZTEN—JAHRZEHNTE"
20080318             Gewalt in TIBET: Dalai Lama droht mit Rücktritt
20080318             45—GIGABYTE —J—IM: Menschen produzieren riesigen digitalen Schatten
20080318             Feuer im Chemiewerk: Giftwolke über Köln
20080318             Auch für MICHAEL—HARTMANN (SPD) steht fest: "Was geheim ist, muss auch geheim bleiben!" Um sinnvolle Änderungsvorschläge zu unterbreiten...
20080318             —LISTED, This takes you to the 1. doc, and the 1. page of the doc's 5—PAGES:
20080318             maybe I have security clearance and you don't #
20080318             I checked the links to all the docs (7 or 8) + they work #
20080318             —DECLASSIFIED, What you want is the " documents" link on this page:
20080318             ROADMAP TO THE—PROJECT > click (at left) Declassified Documents or scroll to Declassified Documents where it reads:
20080318             "These once classified documents provide information on human radiation experiments —DURING THE—EARLY—DAYS—OF—THE—COLD—WAR.
20080318             Users are able to view images of the original documents, replete with classification stamps, HAND—WRITTEN notes + other marginalia".
20080318             Not for me, H. I hit "Search HREX Archive" and I get nada.
20080318             —NOW that I know your TECHNISH—1. I also hit "Search HREX Archive" and also got nada.
20080318             Then I hit "ROADMAP TO THE—PROJECT" (it's on the far left of the same list as "Search HREX Archive") and got in.
20080318             —DECLASSIFIED, THE—CLINTON—ADMINISTRATION, nearly 1—BILLION documents.
20080318             They fought government secrecy as zealously as the Bush Gang promote it.
20080318             Open government and the new fundamentalism Permalink
20080318             And what about THE—FREEDOM—OF—INFORMATION—ACT?
20080318             FOIA enthusiasts never had it so good as in the Clinton years.
20080318             The headlines for the Wikipedia entry
20080318             6. REAGAN—EXECUTIVE—ORDER limiting THE—FOIA
20080318             7. Expansion of THE—FOIA —DURING the Clinton Administration
20080318             8. - THE—ELECTRONIC—FREEDOM—OF—INFORMATION—ACT—AMENDMENTS—OF—19960000              20080318             9. BUSH—EXECUTIVE—ORDER limiting THE—FOIA—HOW dare anyone accuse Clinton of not advocating 1—OPEN—GOVERNMENT?
20080318             As MARTIN—ANDERSON used to say: "In politics, the question is always 'Compared to what?'" Compared to ANY—OTHER—PRESIDENCY,
20080318             BILL—CLINTON'S was by far the most transparent.
20080318             in SHANGHAI kam es gar zu regelrechten Panikverkäufen.
20080318             "Die jüngsten Maßnahmen der Notenbank verschieben offenbar große Risiken zu den Steuerzahlern", sagte der Mehrheitsführer der Demokraten im Senat, HARRY—REID.
20080318             Die USA hätten die Situation im Griff, sagte Bush anschließend im Weißen Haus -
20080318             Der Chefvolkswirt des Allianz/DRESDNER—BANK—KONZERNS, MICHAEL—HEISE,
20080318             rechnet damit, dass die anhaltende Krise zu einer tiefgreifenden Neustrukturierung im Finanzsystem führen wird.
20080318             "Wir müssen damit rechnen, dass eine nachhaltige Bereinigung und Konsolidierung im Finanzsystem stattfindet",
20080318             sagte Heise der "Berliner Zeitung" mit Verweis auf den Notverkauf der USA—INVESTMENTBANK Bear Stearns.
20080318             "Die Kredithebel, die im Finanzsystem —IN—DEN—LETZTEN—JAHREN entstanden sind, werden gewaltig zurückgefahren".
20080318             "Dies ist eine sehr ungewöhnliche Zeit".
20080318             "Die Fed ist in höchster Alarmstimmung", sagte der Chefvolkswirt des Finanzportals economy_com, MARK—ZANDI.
20080318             Dies erlebe man höchstens einmal in einem Vierteljahrhundert.
20080318             Auch der Chefvolkswirt der DEUTSCHLAND—BANK, NORBERT—WALTER, sieht kein schnelles ENDE—DER—FINANZKRISE.
20080318             "Vor Ende 20090000             werden die Turbulenzen nicht zu Ende sein", sagte er den Dortmunder "Ruhr Nachrichten".
20080318             "Wir brauchen die Neuordnung und 1—NEUBESINNUNG auch bei den Regulatoren der Finanzmärkte", fügte Walter hinzu.
20080318             Die Hoffnung auf 1—ENDE—DER—FINANZKRISE sei "verfrüht" gewesen.
20080318             "Die Ereignisse in den USA und ihre Auswirkungen auf das Vertrauen der Anleger sind zu gewichtig", erklärte er.
20080318             Kapitulation vor der Krise: DEUTSCHE—BANK—CHEF—ACKERMANN glaubt nicht mehr an die Selbstheilungskräfte des Marktes.
20080318             "Es gilt nicht nur das Prinzip der Rendite, sondern auch wieder die Beachtung des Risikos.
20080318             Das ist die alte und einfache Tugend".
20080318             —INZWISCHEN, Das haben, auch die Banken BEGRIFFEN—UND versuchen —DERZEIT krampfhaft dem Eindruck entgegenzuwirken,
20080318             aus reiner Gewinngier die Risiken fundamental unterschätzt zu haben.
20080318             "Wenn Sie einen Mietwagen mit Selbstbeteiligung haben, fahren Sie automatisch vorsichtiger als ohne".
20080318             Das Problem sei, dass die strukturierten Kreditpakete so komplex seien, dass es keine klaren Verantwortlichkeiten GEBE—UND sich damit alle herausreden könnten.
20080318             "Obwohl Spekulationen und Übertreibungen zum System gehören, empfiehlt sich immer eine gesunde Skepsis gegenüber hohen Gewinnen".
20080318             "Man hat sich mit den hochrisikoreichen Kreditpaketen auf eine ziemlich waghalsige Transaktion eingelassen und immer darauf vertraut,
20080318             dass es gutgeht", sagt ROLAND—DÖHRN vom RHEINISCH—WESTFÄLISCHEN Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (RWI).
20080318             Um sich auf den Märkten Geld zu besorgen, habe man außerdem Lücken in der Regulierung bewusst ausgenutzt:
20080318             "Kredite an Tochtergesellschaften, die dann in die spekulativen Finanzprodukte gegangen sind, wurden etwa auf —364—TAGE BEGRENZT—WEIL ab einem —JAHR Eigenkapital hinterlegt werden muss.
20080318             Die Banken seien also nicht durch Zufall in die Krise geschlittert.
20080318             Es ist also 1—TEUFELSKREIS", sagt IW—EXPERTE Jäger.
20080318             "Die Märkte reagieren —DERZEIT auf JEDE—NEUE—INFORMATIONEN—ÜBERTRIEBEN—UND drücken den Kurs nach unten".
20080318             Das erkläre, warum die Banken so große Schwierigkeiten hätten, genaue Angaben zur Höhe ihrer Verluste zu machen.
20080318             —VERLIERT, Neues Umfragetief: SPD sackt auf 22 % AB—BECK, weiter
20080318             BÖRSEN—TEUFELSKREIS: Wie Amerikas Banken ihr Renommee verzockten
20080318             his BLUE—BLOODED—WALL—STREET—BANK was —YESTERDAY once again at THE—HEART—OF—ATTEMPTS to contain the deepening global financial crisis
20080318             —BLAMED, PETERSBURG—RUSSIA -- RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—DMITRY—MEDVEDEV, "aggressive" USA—POLICIES—SATURDAY for the global financial crisis + said...
20080318             seen meeting with members of... GEORGIA—KONTOGIANNIS.
20080318             CAROL—QUINN—BARBARA—CONSALVO.
20080318             † ANTHONY—MINGHELLA (54), Oscar winning UNITED—KINGDOM—DIRECTOR.
20080318             —TURNED, ANTHONY—MINGHELLA, such literary works as "THE—ENGLAND—PATIENT," "THE—TALENTED—MR.
20080318             —ACCLAIMED, Ripley" and "Cold Mountain" into, movies.
20080318             1—UNITED—KINGDOM—JUDGE ruled against Exxon Mobil Corp., tossing out 1—ORDER to freeze $12—BILLION in assets belonging to VENEZUELA—STATE—OIL—COMPANY in 1—CASE that stemmed from the nationalization of 1—PROJECT—LAST—YEAR.
20080318             —TORCHED, THE—UAR—SOUTH—ASIA—WORKERS, striking over pay in the Emirate of SHARJAH, offices and vehicles.
20080318             Huh? Actually the page IS—LINDA Heard
20080318             —ON FOIA tell the story...
20080318             How to Destroy 1—COUNTRY and Get Off SCOT—FREE—THINK about it for 1—MOMENT.
20080318             —LOOTED, They stood by as it was, exacerbated sectarianism, flattened entire towns, tortured untold numbers of innocents, brought in GUM—CHEWING, tattooed foreign mercenaries and paid crony companies BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS for mythical reconstruction projects.
20080318             Finanzkrise für Geldhäuser teuer.
20080318             Andere Narren glauben felsenfest daran, dass ALLE—MENSCHENKINDER nur dann glücklich leben können, wenn sie ihr Tagwerk ausschließlich —NACH—DEN Vorschriften eines bestimmten Buchs oder Programms verbringen.
20080318             Außerdem sollten die Steuerzahler "1—STÜCK weit" von den zusätzlichen Abgaben entlastet werden, die dadurch anfallen, dass sie durch Lohnerhöhungen als Inflationsausgleich in einen höheren Steuertarif rutschten.
20080318             Sollte die USA—NOTENBANK Fed wie erwartet die Zinsen wie —AM—DIENSTAG weiter senken, könnte es zu einer verstärkten Flucht in den EURO—RAUM KOMMEN—MIT der Folge, dass die DEUTSCHLAND—EXPORTWIRTSCHAFT leidet.
20080318             Auch in der Großen Koalition wollen Bundespolitiker vor allem eines nicht: durch unbedachte Äußerungen noch zusätzliche Unruhe in dem ohnehin aufgewühlten Finanzmarkt erzeugen
20080318             Zwar wird von manchen Medien und Politikern —SCHON an den großen New Yorker Börsenkrach von 19290000             erinnert, der damals katastrophale weltweite Auswirkungen zeitigte.
20080318             glaube in der momentanen Lage
20080318             In der Sache habe DEUTSCHE—BANK—CHEF—JOSEF—ACKERMANN —SCHON Recht, wenn er ein
20080318             "Aber es wäre schön, wenn Herr Ackermann nicht nur —ERST in der Krise —NACH—DEM STAAT rufen würde", stichelt der wirtschaftspolitische SPRECHER—DER—SPD—BUNDESTAGSFRAKTION.
20080318             Wie reagieren auf die WELT—FINANZKRISE?
20080318             Zudem warnte er davor, dass es für 20080000             unter anderem durch neue Steuerregeln Risiken gebe, die trotz guter Konjunkturlage zu sinkenden Einnahmen führen könnten.
20080318             Die geplatzte Technologieblase und der 20080911             rissen auch die DEUTSCHLAND—WIRTSCHAFT mit nach unten.
20080318             Diesseits des Atlantik haben die Zentralbanker einen klaren Auftrag: Sie müssen die Inflation in Zaum halten.
20080318             —AM—ABEND des 20081019             verzeichnete die NEW—YORK Stock Exchange den größten Kurssturz ihrer Geschichte — 22,6 % an einem —TAG.
20080318             —SCHON—KURZ—NACH seinem Amtsantritt 19870000             sah sich Greenspan einer gewaltigen Aufgabe gegenüber: Die Kurse an der USA—BÖRSE stürzten ins Bodenlose. am
20080318             Mit anderen Worten: Gerade weil die Notenbank auf den Crash der New Economy reagierte und die Zinsen senkte, schlitterte die Wirtschaft erneut in einen Abschwung.
20080318             Finanzcrash: So haben Notenbanken und Regierungen auf FRÜHERE—KRISEN reagiert
20080318             Die "Gemengelage von Dollarschwäche, steigenden Ölpreisen, nachlassender USA—KONJUNKTUR und Finanzkrise" mache den Firmen zunehmend zu schaffen, sagte Thumann weiter.
20080318             Auf einer Podiumsdiskussion sagte Ackermann: "Es reicht nicht mehr, die Banken zu gegenseitiger Hilfe aufzufordern. Es gibt keinen Liquiditätsengpass, sondern einen Investorenstreik. Ich glaube hier nicht allein an die Selbstheilungskräfte der Märkte".
20080318             "Wir sind in DEUTSCHLAND sehr stark darauf angewiesen, die bisherige gute Zusammenarbeit zwischen Politik, Bundesbank, Bankenverbänden und Bankinstituten so dicht zu halten, dass wir die Folgewirkungen in DEUTSCHLAND minimieren können", sagte der SPD—POLITIKER.
20080318             —BEICHTET, SPITZER—NACHFOLGER: Auch New Yorks neuer GOUVERNEUR, Affäre
20080318             maybe I have security clearance and you don't #—POSTED—BY—AITCHD—HUH?
20080318             Actually the page is
20080318             I checked the links to all the docs (7 or 8) + they work #—POSTED—BY—AITCHD: 7:37 PM
20080318             —DECLASSIFIED, What you want is the " documents" link on this page: Press the button.
20080318             —STILL nothing! #—POSTED—BY—JOSEPH
20080318             Declassified Documents or scroll to Declassified Documents where it reads:
20080318             the links work #—POSTED—BY—AITCHD: 5:24 PM Not for me, H. I hit "Search HREX Archive" and I get nada.
20080318             #—POSTED—BY—PERRY—OPEN—GOVERNMENT and the new fundamentalism Permalink
20080318             The headlines for the Wikipedia entry on FOIA tell the story.
20080318             As MARTIN—ANDERSON used to say: "In politics, the question is always 'Compared to what?'" Compared to ANY—OTHER—PRESIDENCY, BILL—CLINTON'S was by far the most transparent.
20080318             Der Chefvolkswirt des Allianz/DRESDNER—BANK—KONZERNS, MICHAEL—HEISE, rechnet damit, dass die anhaltende Krise zu einer tiefgreifenden Neustrukturierung im Finanzsystem führen wird.
20080318             "Wir müssen damit rechnen, dass eine nachhaltige Bereinigung und Konsolidierung im Finanzsystem stattfindet", sagte Heise der "Berliner Zeitung" mit Verweis auf den Notverkauf der USA—INVESTMENTBANK Bear Stearns.
20080318             "Es gilt nicht nur das Prinzip der Rendite, sondern auch wieder die Beachtung des Risikos. Das ist die alte und einfache Tugend".
20080318             —INZWISCHEN, Das haben, auch die Banken BEGRIFFEN—UND versuchen —DERZEIT krampfhaft dem Eindruck entgegenzuwirken, aus reiner Gewinngier die Risiken fundamental unterschätzt zu haben.
20080318             "Man hat sich mit den hochrisikoreichen Kreditpaketen auf eine ziemlich waghalsige Transaktion eingelassen und immer darauf vertraut, dass es gutgeht", sagt ROLAND—DÖHRN vom RHEINISCH—WESTFÄLISCHEN Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (RWI).
20080318             Um sich auf den Märkten Geld zu besorgen, habe man außerdem Lücken in der Regulierung bewusst ausgenutzt: "Kredite an Tochtergesellschaften, die dann in die spekulativen Finanzprodukte gegangen sind, wurden etwa auf —364—TAGE BEGRENZT—WEIL ab einem —JAHR Eigenkapital hinterlegt werden muss".
20080318             TIBET—KRISE: Chinas Premier macht Dalai Lama für Gewaltausbruch verantwortlich
20080318             Kletterkünstler: Geckos verhindern Sturz mit Schwanz
20080318—20080000    —IN, THE—WORLD—FOOD—PROGRAM (WFP) made a 6—MILLION—DOLLAR—APPEAL to feed some 90,000 BURUNDI—REFUGEES in TANZANIA who expect to return to THE—CENTRAL—AFRICA—COUNTRY.
20080318—20080310    Das Parlament, NUMBER 11 - Geheimes bleibt geheim
20080318—20080314    —ZUM, Konsolidierter Ausweis des Eurosystems Einleitende Anmerkungen
20080318—20090000    —IN, 4—AL—QAIDA militants were convicted for the attack and sentenced to death.
20080426—20090318    —PLEADED, Fritzl, guilty to all charges against him, including homicide, —AFTER his daughter appeared unexpectedly in the courtroom.
20080516             Here is the full TEXT—OF—ROBIN—COOK—RESIGNATION—SPEECH in THE—HOUSE—OF—COMMONS, which won applause from SOME—BACKBENCHERS in unprecedented Commons scenes._COM—FULL—TEXT: ROBIN—COOK speech - 20030318             20080516             Here is the full TEXT—OF—ROBIN—COOK—RESIGNATION—SPEECH in THE—HOUSE—OF—COMMONS, which won applause from SOME—BACKBENCHERS in unprecedented Commons scenes._COM—FULL—TEXT: ROBIN—COOK speech - 20030318             20080904             COM—FULL—TEXT: ROBIN—COOK speech - 20030318             20080904             COM—FULL—TEXT: ROBIN—COOK speech - 20030318             20080904             The musical "Fela!" premiered OFF—BROADWAY at 37—ARTS—THEATRE B in NEW—YORK City.
20080904             COM—FULL—TEXT: ROBIN—COOK speech - 20030318             20090318             —NAMED, USA—PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, retired AIR—FORCE—GENERAL—SCOTT—GRATION as his special envoy to SUDAN to confront what WASHINGTON sees as a "horrendous" situation in Darfur.
20090318             —ENDORSED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE, 1—BILL to triple the size of the AmeriCorps program and expand service opportunities for students and seniors.
20090318             THE—USA—CENTRAL—BANK said it would pump more than $1—TRILLION into the economy with plans to buy up to $300—BILLION LONG—TERM—GOVERNMENT—BONDS and some $750—BILLION in MORTGAGE—BACKED securities, which would help revive the country's sagging housing market.
20090318             THE—USA—GOVERNMENT sued Union Pacific in S—DIEGO and HOUSTON saying the rail company had failed to prevent smuggling of illegal drugs by rail into THE—USA—FROM—MEXICO.
20090318             —INVOLVED, At least 1—CASE, cocaine.
20090318             —SUPPORTED, NEW—MEXICO GOVERNOR—BILL—RICHARDSON, who has, capital punishment, decided to sign legislation to repeal the state's death penalty.
20090318             Felipe E. Sixto (29) of MIAMI, 1—FORMER—WHITE—HOUSE—AIDE, was sentenced to 2½ years in FEDERAL—PRISON for stealing nearly $600,000 from 1—FEDERALLY funded nonprofit group that promotes democracy in CUBA.
20090318             ALASKA, lance Mackey won his 3. consecutive Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race.
20090318             —ANNOUNCED, IBM, that it was in talks to acquire Sun Microsystems for at least $6.5—BILLION in cash.
20090318             —FALTERED, The deal soon, as the companies failed to agree on terms.
20090318             Natasha Richardson (45).
20090318             † UK—ACTRESS, in NEW—YORK—CITY from 1—SEVERE—BRAIN—INJURY in 1—SKIING accident in CANADA —EARLIER—THIS—WEEK.
20090318             THE—AUSTRALIA—GOVERNMENT said it plans to crack down on excessive executive pay packages.
20090318             It will amend the Corporations Act to require shareholder approval for ANY—TERMINATION—PAYMENTS that exceed average annual base salary, which excludes additional compensation such as shares or stock options.
20090318             —VOTED, AZERBAIJAN citizens overwhelmingly, to scrap presidential term limits in THE—OIL—RICH—COUNTRY courted by RUSSIA and the West.
20090318             —CLAIMED, Opposition leaders, the constitutional referendum was rigged and vowed to dispute the outcome in court.
20090318             1—SMALL—EUROPEAN observer mission said, however, that the vote was transparent and it had seen no violations.
20090318             SEAN—HODGSON, —57—JAHRE—ALT, 1—UK—MAN who spent —27—YEARS in prison, walked free —AFTER his murder conviction was overturned BECAUSE—OF—NEW—DNA evidence in 1—CASE that may help others who have been wrongly convicted.
20090318             —DISCUSSED, The prime MINISTERS—OF—CHINA and NORTH—KOREA, the nuclear situation on the Korean peninsula as they met in BEIJING amid rising tensions over PYONGYANG—ATOMIC and missile programs.
20090318             COSTA—RICA said it will RE—ESTABLISH—DIPLOMATIC—TIES with CUBA, and EL—SALVADOR—NEW—PRESIDENT—ELECT, Mauricio Funes, promised to do the same —AFTER he takes office.
20090318             —OPENED, EGYPT, its border crossing with THE—GAZA—STRIP for the 2. time in —2—MONTHS to allow medical aid and Palestinians to enter the coastal territory.
20090318             —ROUNDED, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL said authorities in GAMBIA have, up about 1,000—PEOPLE and forced them to drink hallucinogens in 1—WITCH—HUNTING campaign.
20090318             Authorities began inviting "witch doctors," who combat witches, to come from nearby GUINEA soon —AFTER the death —EARLIER—THIS—YEAR—OF—PRESIDENT—YAHYA—JAMMEH—AUNT.
20090318             The concoctions left 6—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20090318             —ARRESTED, Mumbai police, 1—INDIA—BUSINESSMAN, —49—JAHRE—ALT for allegedly raping his daughter for more than —8—YEARS, apparently on the advice of 1—HINDU mystic who.said it would make him wealthy.
20090318             —ARRESTED, Tantrik Hansmukh Bhai Rathode (54) was, THE—NEXT—DAY.
20090318             † IN—IRAN—OMID—MIRSAYAFI, —29—JAHRE—ALT, 1—BLOGGER convicted of insulting the country's ruling clerics in TEHRAN—MAIN—PRISON.
20090318             —KILLED, IRAQ, 1—BOMB, 1—FARMING couple in Diyala province.
20090318             1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMBER struck 1—PATROL, killing 1—POLICEMAN and wounding 2—OTHERS in MOSUL.
20090318             † GIANNI—GIANSANTI, —52—JAHRE—ALT, 1—AWARD—WINNING—ITALY—PHOTOGRAPHER, in ROME —AFTER battling bone cancer.
20090318             GIANNI—GIANSANTI shot 19780000             —THE image that for MANY—CAPTURED—THE—HORROR—OF—THAT—ERA — THE—BULLET—RIDDLED BODY—OF—ALDO—MORO, the kidnapped FORMER—ITALY—CHRISTIAN—DEMOCRAT premier, in the truck of 1 parked car.
20090318             —SNAPPED, GIANNI—GIANSANTI also had, candid PORTRAITS—OF—PAPA—JOHN—PAUL—II —DURING his pilgrimages.
20090318             —DISSOLVED, KUWAIT—EMIR, Sheikh Sabah al AHMAD—AL—JABER—AL—SABAH, the 50-member PARLIAMENT, to avert parliamentary questioning of his nephew, THE—PRIME—MINISTER.
20090318             He called for new elections within —2—MONTHS, saying SOME—LAWMAKERS had abused democracy and become 1—THREAT to stability.
20090318             —DETAINED, KYRGYZSTAN police, several prominent activists as they held 1—CEREMONY to mark the 7. ANNIVERSARY—OF—SHOOTINGS that left 6—PROTESTERS—DEAD.
20090318             —ENDORSED, MADAGASCAR—HIGHEST—COURT, the army's move to replace the toppled PRESIDENT with his rival, but THE—AFRICA—UNION was considering whether it constituted 1—COUP.
20090318             MEXICO, Vicente "El Vicentillo" Zambada, top figure in the Sinaloa drug cartel, was arrested —BEFORE dawn at 1—HOME in 1—ELITE—MEXICO—CITY—NEIGHBORHOOD.
20090318             —ARRESTED, MOZAMBIQUE—INTERIOR—MINISTRY said 12—PRISONERS, —DURING 1—RIOT over 1—CHOLERA epidemic have † in their cell in unclear circumstances.
20090318             —ARRESTED, They were among 29—PEOPLE, —WHEN riots broke out —LAST—MONTH—WHEN Red Cross volunteers were blamed for causing 1—CHOLERA epidemic plaguing the country.
20090318             RUSSIA said it was banning THE—HUNTING—OF—BABY harp seals, weeks —AFTER PRIME—MINISTER—PUTIN reportedly called the hunt 1—BLOODY—INDUSTRY.
20090318             —RALLIED, Defiant SUDAN—PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BASHIR, Arab supporters in Darfur by saying no war crimes COURT—OR—THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL can touch even "1—EYELASH" on him despite 1—INTERNATIONAL—ORDER for his arrest.
20090318             YEMEN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER struck 1—CONVOY carrying SOUTH—KOREA—OFFICIALS sent to YEMEN to investigate 1—BOMBING —EARLIER in the —WEEK that killed 4—SOUTH—KOREA—TOURISTS.
20090318             No 1 was hurt.
20090318             ROT—KREUZ—BERICHT: Im Schattenreich der USA—FOLTERKNÄSTE
20090318             —EXTRADITED, COLOMBIA, FORMER—MAJOR—JULIO—CESAR—PARGA—RIVAS to THE—USA on drug trafficking charges.
20090318             —SNAPPED, He also had, candid PORTRAITS—OF—JOHANNES—PAUL—II—PAPA—DURING his pilgrimages.
20090318             —CITED, RUSSIA—NEWS—AGENCIES, 1—TOP—DEFENSE—OFFICIAL as confirming that 1—CONTRACT to sell powerful AIR—DEFENSE—MISSILES to IRAN was signed —2—YEARS—AGO, but saying no such weapons have yet been delivered.
20090318—20010000    —SINCE, The government cited at least 58—OCCASIONS—OF—ILLEGAL—DRUG—TRANSPORT, mostly marijuana.
20090318—20090701    —COMMITTED, The repeal takes effect, and applies only to crimes, —AFTER that date.
20090903—20100318    —RELEASED, Lwin (40) was.
20091022—20100318    —RELEASED, Lefevre was.
20100211—20110318    —CONVICTED—OF, CHRISTOPHER—GRADY was, murdering his daughter.
20100225—20110318    —SENTENCED, Karim was, to —30—YEARS in prison.
20100318             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—OBAMA, a $17.6—BILLION JOB—CREATION—MEASURE —1—DAY—AFTER it was passed by Congress.
20100318             The final VERSION—OF—THE—USA—FOREIGN—ACCOUNT—TAX—COMPLIANCE—ACT—OF—20090000              (FATCA) became law as PART—OF—THE—HIRING—INCENTIVES to Restore Employment (HIRE) Act.
20100318             FATCA was due to take effect 20140701            .
20100318             —REQUIRED, FATCA, foreign financial institutions to spill the beans on USA—CLIENTS, turning it into 1—ENFORCEMENT—ARMS—OF—THE—IRS.
20100318             DAVID—COLEMAN—HEADLEY (19600000             *), CHICAGO—BASED PAKISTAN—AMERICAN, pleaded guilty to 12—COUNTS—OF—TERRORISM for his role as 1—SCOUT for 20080000             —THE coordinated assault in Mumbai that left 173—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20100318             USA federal and state agents swept across THE—EL—PASO area to round up and question MEMBERS—OF—THE—BARRIO—AZTECA gang, which is believed to be behind the recent MURDER—OF—USA consular workers in neighboring CIUDAD—JUAREZ.
20100318             7—PEOPLE were arrested.
20100318             † FESS—PARKER, former film and TV star, at his home in Santa YNEZ—CALIFORNIA.
20100318             FESS—PARKER was best know for his role as DAVY—CROCKET on the Disneyland TV show.
20100318             —PLAYED, FESS—PARKER—LATER, DANIEL—BOONE in the 19640000—19700000     TV series "DANIEL—BOONE".
20100318             —LANDED, Astronauts from THE—USA—AND—RUSSIA, safely in NORTH—KAZAKHSTAN—CHILLY steppes —AFTER spending almost —6—MONTHS on THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION.
20100318             —BOOSTED, AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI, the power of 1—ANTI—CORRUPTION—BODY that had faced fierce accusations of being toothless and HALF—HEARTED in its battle to wipe out official graft.
20100318             USA—MILITARY—OFFICIALS said operations to push the Taliban out of their AFGHANISTAN—STRONGHOLD—OF—KANDAHAR are under way and will steadily build in the months ahead.
20100318             MICHAEL—DALY, —49—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—DETECTIVE with SCOTLAND YARD—DRUG—SQUAD, was sentenced to —22—YEARS in prison for his role in 1—PLOT to smuggle HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS worth of cocaine into IRELAND.
20100318             Daly his CO—CONSPIRATOR—ALAN—WELLS, 1—FORMER firefighter (57), have both admitted conspiring to supply to the drug.
20100318             —SENTENCED, Wells was, to —15—YEARS.
20100318             —REPORTED, CHINA—STATE—MEDIA, that PARTS—OF—SOUTH—CHINA are suffering from the worst drought in decades, leaving MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE with inadequate water and huge AREAS—OF—FARMLAND too dry to plant.
20100318             —ACTED, THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC—REPRESENTATIVE—JORGE—PUELLO, —32—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FUGITIVE who once, as the lawyer for 1—GROUP—OF—USA—BAPTIST—MISSIONARIES accused of kidnapping 33—HAITI—CHILDREN, was arrested on HUMAN—TRAFFICKING charges at the request of THE—USA.
20100318             ISRAEL—COPYCAT drugs giant Teva made 1—MAJOR stride into EUROPE with THE—5—BILLION—DOLLAR—PURCHASE—OF—RATIOPHARM, formerly owned by 1—GERMANY—BILLIONAIRE who killed himself.
20100318             —OPENED, MEXICO, gunmen in 1—CONVOY—OF—6—VEHICLES, fire on 1—NAVY—HELICOPTER on 1—RECONNAISSANCE—PATROL in Fresnillo, outside of MONTERREY.
20100318             —RETURNED, Marines aboard the chopper, fire, killing 1—OF—THE—GUNMEN as suspected gang members blocked roads in the city.
20100318             1—ROCKET fired by PALESTINE—MILITANTS from THE—GAZA—STRIP killed 1—THAILAND—WORKER inside ISRAEL, in the 1. death from such 1—ATTACK—SINCE ISRAEL—GAZA offensive —LAST—YEAR.
20100318             ISRAEL—MISSILES hit smuggling tunnels and 1—METAL workshop in GAZA.
20100318             1—POLAND—COURT convicted 3—MEN—OF—THE—THEFT—OF—THE—NOTORIOUS "Arbeit Macht Frei" (Work Sets You Free) sign from the Auschwitz memorial site in December.
20100318             The men, 2—OF—WHOM are brothers, were given prison sentences ranging from —18—MONTHS to 2 1/—2—YEARS.
20100318             QATAR, THE—CITES convention said consumer appetite for caviar is pushing sturgeon to THE—BRINK—OF—EXTINCTION.
20100318             —REJECTED, Fishing nations led by JAPAN, 1—USA backed proposal to ban export of the Atlantic bluefin tuna.
20100318             1—PROPOSAL to ban THE—INTERNATIONAL—SALE—OF polar bear skins also failed to pass.
20100318             —SIGNED, SUDAN—GOVERNMENT and 1—COLLECTION—OF—DARFUR rebel groups, 1—CEASE—FIRE, opening the way for political negotiations ahead of 1—FULL—PEACE—AGREEMENT.
20100318             Government REPRESENTATIVE—GHAZI—SALAH—EDDIN—ATABANI and rebel leader AL—TIJANI—AL—SISSI signed the truce in DOHA—QATAR.
20100318             AL—SISSI—LIBERATION and Justice Movement is 1—UMBRELLA—ORGANIZATION that includes several small Darfur rebel groups that —RECENTLY united to negotiate with the government.
20100318             —FACED, ZIMBABWE—RIVAL—LEADERS, fresh pressure to mend their differences and push toward new elections, as SOUTH—AFRICA—PRESIDENT—JACOB—ZUMA led talks on the fragile unity government.
20100318             † FESS—PARKER, former film and TV star, at his home in Santa YNEZ—CALIFORNIA He was best know for his role as DAVY—CROCKET on the Disneyland TV show.
20100318             Free Online Library: MISTER—FELTMAN expresses hope to draw inspiration from TUNISIA—VIEWS and opinions regarding... by "Agency TUNIS Afrique...
20100318—20070702    —FOILED, DALY—PLAN was, —WHEN his boat ran OUT—OF—FUEL in rough seas and was shipwrecked off THE—IRELAND—COAST.
20110128—20100318    Free Online Library: MISTER—FELTMAN expresses hope to draw inspiration from TUNISIA—VIEWS and opinions regarding
20110312—20110318    —ARRESTED, Police, Norwood for murdering Murray.
20110313—20110318    —ON, the country's electoral commission announced that PRESIDENT—THOMAS—BONI—YAYI had received more than 53—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE, giving him 1—ABSOLUTE—MAJORITY.
20110318             —ENDORSED, PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, military action against LIBYA—MOAMMAR—GADHAFI, saying USA—VALUES and credibility are at stake to stop "the potential for mass murder" of innocents.
20110318             —DISAVOWED, THE—USA, torture and pledged to treat terror suspects humanely, but set aside calls to drop the death penalty, as THE—UN carried out its 1. REVIEW—OF—WASHINGTON—HUMAN—RIGHTS—RECORD.
20110318             —CONFIRMED, THE—USA—FEDERAL—RESERVE and BANK—OF—CANADA, that they had intervened to cool the soaring yen, in concert with other G7 central banks.
20110318             USA wildlife advocates and THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—INTERIOR reached 1—AGREEMENT to lift gray wolf protections in MONTANA and IDAHO and allow HUNTING—OF—THE—PREDATORS to resume.
20110318             —APPROVED, THE—INTERNET—CORPORATION for Assigned names and Numbers, the.xxx domain for ADULT—CONTENT—WEBSITES.
20110318             —BURIED, BAHRAIN—SHIITES, their dead amid 1 continued government crackdown in this SUNNI—RULED ISLAND nation in the Persian Gulf.
20110318             —ANNOUNCED, CANADA, it was deploying CF—18—FIGHTER—JETS to help enforce 1—NO—FLY zone over LIBYA and said the deployment would go ahead despite the ceasefire declared by LIBYA—STRONGMAN—MOAMER Kadhafi.
20110318             —FLOCKED, EGYPT, PRO—DEMOCRACY—ACTIVISTS, to CAIRO—ICONIC—TAHRIR Square for 1—NEW—PROTEST to urge a "no" vote in 1—WEEKEND—REFERENDUM on the military's plans for the future —AFTER Hosni MUBARAK—OUSTER.
20110318             —RECEIVED, HAITI, FORMER—PRESIDENT—JEAN—BERTRAND—ARISTIDE, celebrity treatment —FOLLOWING his arrival —AFTER—7—YEARS in exile.
20110318             —ORDERED, HONDURAS' PRESIDENT, striking school teachers back to work —FOLLOWING clashes with police that left 1—TEACHER—DEAD and 2—OTHERS injured.
20110318             —RALLIED, IRAQ, THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS, in mostly Shiite cities against what SOME—ARE calling "sectarian attacks" by security forces against SHIITE—LED protesters in THE—SUNNI—RULED kingdom of BAHRAIN.
20110318             ITALY—FOREIGN—MINISTER said his nation will allow its military bases to be used for THE—UN—BACKED military intervention to enforce 1—NO—FLY zone over LIBYA.
20110318             The earthquake and tsunami has —NOW officially left more than 6,900 dead and more than 10,700 missing.
20110318             —CONCEDED, JAPAN—ENGINEERS, that burying 1 crippled nuclear plant in sand and concrete may be 1—LAST—RESORT to prevent 1—CATASTROPHIC—RADIATION—RELEASE.
20110318             —RAISED, Authorities, the rating of the nuclear crisis to 1—LEVEL 5—FROM 1—LEVEL 4 on a 7—POINT—INTERNATIONAL—SCALE.
20110318             Radiation at the crippled FUKUSHIMA NUMBER2—NUCLEAR—REACTOR was recorded at 500—MICROSIEVERTS per —HOUR.
20110318             —DEMONSTRATED, JORDAN, HUNDREDS—OF—PROTESTERS calling for reforms, peacefully, rejecting the beginning of 1—NATIONAL—DIALOGUE as insufficient.
20110318             LIBYA said it will halt all military operations —IMMEDIATELY in compliance with 1—NEWLY adopted UN Security Council resolution.
20110318             1—LIBYA—REBEL—SPOKESMAN dismissed THE—CEASE—FIRE—ANNOUNCEMENT, claiming Moammar GADHAFI—FORCES are still attacking key cities in the east and the west.
20110318             MALAYSIA—POLICE said that they had found equipment they suspect could be used to make nuclear weapons smuggled on BOARD—1—SHIP headed to IRAN.
20110318             —VOTED, MEXICO—SENATORS, with 69 in favor and 1—ABSTENTION to get rid of 1—LAW that made cheating on 1—SPOUSE—1—OFFENSE—PUNISHABLE by —2—YEARS in prison.
20110318             —ENFORCED, They said it was never, but remained on the books.
20110318             —PASSED, The change already, the lower HOUSE—OF—DEPUTIES and —NOW went to PRESIDENT—FELIPE—CALDERON for his signature.
20110318             6—GUNMEN were shot dead —DURING 1—GUNFIGHT with security forces in THE—MONTERREY —WHILE 8 alleged kidnappers were killed in the Gulf coast STATE—OF—VERACRUZ.
20110318             —CARTED, NIGERIA, sea raiders, away some $400,000 from DOUALA—PAN—AFRICA ECOBANK killing 7—PEOPLE.
20110318             2—GUNMEN were arrested —AFTER the attack.
20110318             CAMEROON—ARMY—LATER said it killed 18—PIRATES SUSPECTED—OF—THE—ROBBERY.
20110318             —DETAINED, Police in CAMEROON —LATER, 4—NAVY—OFFICERS and 5—CIVILIANS in connection with the robbery.
20110318             —PROMISED, SAUDI—ARABIA—KING, 1—MULTIBILLION dollar PACKAGE—OF—REFORMS, raises, cash, loans and apartments in what appeared to be the Arab world's most expensive attempt to appease residents inspired by the unrest that has swept 2—LEADERS from power.
20110318             —FOILED, SENEGAL—GOVERNMENT, 1 alleged coup —JUST hours —BEFORE ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS were set to begin by arresting 15—PEOPLE who had planned attacks across the capital.
20110318             Opposition leaders said the accusations were 1—WAY—OF undercutting the demonstrations.
20110318             —SPARKED, SWAZILAND, 1—PROTEST, by plans to freeze civil service salaries drew nearly 7,000 demonstrators, 1—OF—THE—LARGEST—CROWDS ever seen in the normally placid monarchy, as PRO—DEMOCRACY—ACTIVISTS used —FRIDAY—GATHERING to push their cause.
20110318             SYRIA, human rights activists said plainclothes security officers forcefully broken up about 12—PROTESTERS in CENTRAL—DAMASCUS.
20110318             —LAUNCHED, SYRIA—SECURITY—FORCES, 1—HARSH—CRACKDOWN on protesters calling for political freedoms.
20110318             † Accounts from activists and social media say at least 5—PEOPLE, in Daraa.
20110318             YEMEN—GOVERNMENT—SNIPERS firing from rooftops and houses shot at TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—DEMONSTRATORS, killing at least 52—PEOPLE and injuring hundreds in the crowd demanding the ouster of the autocratic PRESIDENT.
20110318             —RAISED, The total dead —AFTER about —1—MONTH—OF—PROTESTS was, to 80.
20110318             in 1—UMLAUFBAHN um den Merkur einschwenken.
20110318             —SENTENCED, INDIA, 2—UNITED—KINGDOM—MEN were, to —6—YEARS in jail in INDIA for sodomizing young boys living at THE—ANCHORAGE—SHELTER—HOME in Mumbai.
20110318             Die USA—AMERIKANISCHE—RAUMSONDE MESSENGER, erreicht den Orbit des Planeten Merkur.
20110318             —ARABISCHER—FRÜHLING, Während des, werden bei den Protesten im JEMEN 52—MENSCHEN durch staatliche Schützen getötet, —DIESER—TAG wird als Umbruch in dem Aufruhr gewertet.
20110318—20010000    —IN, Charges against DUNCAN—GRANT and JOHN—ALLAN—WATERS were originally filed.
20110318—20110308    —ON, police confiscated 2—CONTAINERS from THE—MV—BUNGA—RAYA—SATU traveling from CHINA to TEHRAN.
20110321—20110318    —ON, The gathering was meant to mourn those who † —AFTER security troops fired at protesters in Deraa killing 5—PEOPLE.
20110329—20110318    —SINCE, Human Rights Watch said more than 60—PEOPLE have † as security forces cracked down on protesters.
20110423—20110318    —REACHED, The death toll from —2—DAYS—OF—VIOLENCE, 120. Rights campaigners said the death toll rose to —AROUND 350, with scores of missing —SINCE the demonstrations broke out.
20110423—20110318    —ON, Rights campaigners said the death toll rose to —AROUND 350, with SCORES—OF—MISSING —SINCE the demonstrations broke out.
20120210—20120318    —NAMED, GUINEA BISSAU PRIME—MINISTER—CARLOS—GOMES—JUNIOR, Adiato Djalo Nandigna, his current communications MINISTER, to stand in for him —UNTIL presidential polls in which he is 1—CANDIDATE.
20120221—20120318    —ON, deputy interior MINISTER—OMAR—AL—KHADRAWI said the men had committed no crime and were free to leave LIBYA.
20120318             1—OFFICIAL at least 25—MILITANTS and 4—SOLDIERS were killed in Bara, 1—RESTIVE town in Khyber tribal district in gunfights between 20120312             and —TODAY.
20120318             Mitt Romney won all 20—DELEGATES in THE—PUERTO—RICO—REPUBLICAN presidential primary.
20120318             † CHINA, Ling Gu, THE—SON—OF—1—LOYAL—AIDE to PRESIDENT—HU—JINTAO, was killed in 1—FERRARI accident which —INITIALLY garnered only minimal coverage in CHINA—STATE—MEDIA.
20120318             2—YOUNG—WOMEN were also injured.
20120318             —BOTCHED, Ling Jihua made 1, attempt to COVER—UP the incident.
20120318             —ELECTED, GERMANY—LAWMAKERS, JOACHIM—GAUCK (72), 1—FORMER—LUTHERAN pastor and advocate of civil rights, as the new PRESIDENT.
20120318             GUINEA—BISSAU began voting for 1—NEW—PRESIDENT, 1—OFFICE nobody has held for 1—FULL —5—YEAR term.
20120318             Chronic instability here has fed 1—BOOMING cocaine trade.
20120318             EX—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE—DEPUTY—CHIEF—COLONEL—SAMBA—DIALLO was shot dead by men in military uniform in the capital hours —AFTER polls closed in 1—PRESIDENTIAL—VOTE.
20120318             He was ACCUSED—OF—INVOLVEMENT in a 20090000             bombing that killed the country's then army CHIEF.
20120318             —SUSPECTED—OF, INDONESIA police fatally shot 5—MEN who were, planning ROBBERIES—OF—MONEY changers, jewelers and other targets on the resort ISLAND—OF—BALI so they could fund terrorist attacks.
20120318             —KILLED, INDONESIA, at least 10—MEMBERS—OF—1—FAMILY were, as their minivan spun OUT—OF—CONTROL—AFTER colliding with 1—MOVING train and flipped over in 1—NEARBY—RICE—FIELD in WEST—JAVA province.
20120318             —ERUPTED, LIBYA, 1—CLASH, in TRIPOLI between 1—MILITIA and residents of THE—ABU—SELIM neighborhood, 1—PRO—GADHAFI stronghold, killing at least 1—PERSON.
20120318             —AMBUSHED, MEXICO, gunmen, and killed 12—POLICE—OFFICERS on 1—ROAD leading OUT—OF—THE—TOWN—OF—TELOLOAPAN.
20120318             —WOUNDED, Another 11—OFFICERS were.
20120318             They had been sent to search for the bodies of 10—PEOPLE whose severed heads were found in SOUTH—GUERRERO state.
20120318             —BOMBED, PAKISTAN—PLANES, the tribal belt bordering AFGHANISTAN, killing 26—MILITANTS.
20120318             4—MILITANTS and 1—SOLDIER were killed —WHEN militants stormed 1—SECURITY—FORCES—CHECK—POINT in Miranshah.
20120318             State news said it was a "terrorist bombing".
20120318             2—PEOPLE were reported killed and 30 wounded.
20120318             —FACED, The opposition, 1—HARSH—SECURITY—CRACKDOWN aimed at preventing rallies marking —1—YEAR—SINCE the 1. nationwide DEMONSTRATIONS—OF—THE—COUNTRY—UPRISING.
20120318             † TONGA—GEORGE—TUPOU—V—KING—OF—THE (63), who brought democracy to the impoverished SOUTH—PACIFIC—ISLAND nation, in HONG—KONG.
20120318             Next in line was his younger brother, CROWN—PRINCE—TUPOUTO'A—LAVAKA—ATA.
20120318             —MASSED, TURKEY, THOUSANDS—OF—KURDS, in DIYARBAKIR and ISTANBUL to celebrate the Kurdish new —YEAR (Nowruz).
20120318             † 1—KURDISH—POLITICIAN and TURKEY—POLICEMAN, as riot police fired tear gas to disperse the crowds.
20120318             —FILED, URUGUAY, murder charges were, against 2—MALE—NURSES and 1—FEMALE—NURSE was charged with covering up 1—CRIME in 1—CASE involving more than 12—DEATHS at 2—HOSPITALS in MONTEVIDEO.
20120318             CENTRAL—YEMEN, 2—GUNMEN on 1—MOTORCYCLE shot dead JOE—SCHRUM, —29—JAHRE—ALT, 1—USA—TEACHER working at 1—LANGUAGE—INSTITUTE.
20120318             He was shot in his car in Taiz city.
20120318             His youngest brother Ling Wancheng, DIRECTOR—OF—THE—COMMUNIST—PARTY'S—GENERAL—OFFICE, —LATER fled to THE—USA.
20120318             —NACH—DEM Rücktritt von CHRISTIAN—WULFF wird JOACHIM—GAUCK zum 11. Bundespräsidenten der Bundesrepublik DEUTSCHLAND gewählt.
20120318—20120903    —ON, 1—REPORT said Ling was HALF—NAKED—WHEN the crash occurred and his 2—PASSENGERS were naked or HALF—DRESSED, suggesting they had been involved in SOME—KIND—OF—HIGH—SPEED—SEX—GAME.
20121110—20160318    —SENTENCED, BOB—LEONARD was, to life in prison.
20130316             —LIFTED, The general suspension on Dana was, 20130318             , but 1—PLANE remained grounded.
20130317—20130318    —ON, police ignored 1—JUDGE—ORDER to release Mtetwa.
20130318             —ANNOUNCED, FORMER—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—HILLARY—RODHAM—CLINTON, her support for gay marriage, putting her in line with other potential Democratic presidential candidates on 1—SOCIAL—ISSUE that is rapidly gaining public approval.
20130318             1—USA—MILITARY—OFFICIAL said 1—HUNGER—STRIKE at THE—GUANTANAMO—BAY prison has grown and —NOW involves at least 21—OF—166—MEN held there.
20130318             1—NEW—ACADEMIC—STUDY said 1 estimated 2.2—PERCENT—OF—ALL—USA—GUN—SALES are made to smuggling rings that take the firearms to MEXICO.
20130318             —FILED, THE—USA—ATTORNEY in S—FRANCISCO, criminal charges against FRED—BUENROSTRO, FORMER—CEO—OF—CALPERS, and FORMER—BOARD—MEMBER—ALFRED—VILLALOBOS for extensive malfeasance in the nation's largest public employee pension fund.
20130318             FLORIDA, college student JAMES—OLIVER—SEEVAKUMARAN, —30—JAHRE—ALT put 1—BULLET in his head as police closed in.
20130318             He had 2—GUNS, HUNDREDS—OF—ROUNDS—OF—AMMUNITION and 1—BACKPACK filled with explosives.
20130318             —PULLED, He had, 1—DORM fire alarm in 1—APPARENT—ATTEMPT to force other students out into the open so that he could slaughter them.
20130318             —KILLED, NEVADA, 7—MARINES were, —WHEN 1—MORTAR round exploded —DURING 1—LIVE—FIRE training exercise at the Hawthorne Army Depot.
20130318             —SENTENCED, NEW—JERSEY, computer hacker ANDREW—AUERNHEIMER, —27—JAHRE—ALT was, to —3—YEARS and —5—MONTHS in prison for stealing the personal data of about 120,000 Apple Inc iPad users, including BIG—CITY mayors, 1—TV—NETWORK—NEWS—ANCHOR and 1—HOLLYWOOD movie mogul.
20130318             —CLOSED, UTAH, Willard Bay STATE—PARK—OFFICIALS, down the facility on the northeastern edge of the Great Salt Lake and evacuated 2—CAMPERS and the park manager's family —AFTER—AROUND 4,200 to 6,300 gallons of diesel fuel leaked from the pipeline —JUST NORTH—OF—THE—PARK.
20130318             —FRUSTRATED, AFGHANISTAN—OPPOSITION—PARTIES, with the government's LACK—OF—PROGRESS in making peace with the Taliban, confirmed that they have been talking —SINCE THE—BEGINNING—OF—THE—YEAR to the Taliban as well as the militant group headed by Gulbuddin Hekmatyar.
20130318             —WELCOMED, AUSTRALIA, visiting MYANMAR PRESIDENT—THEIN—SEIN, closer ties with AUSTRALIA as he asked for continued support through his country's transition to "peace, democracy and prosperity," 1—MISSION that he said "has no parallel in modern times".
20130318             —AGREED, BRITAIN—3—MAIN—POLITICAL—PARTIES, to create 1—NEW—SYSTEM to regulate the country's SCANDAL—HUNGRY—NEWSPAPERS, —AFTER 1—PUBLIC—INQUIRY exposed 1—CULTURE—OF—INDUSTRIAL—SCALE—PHONE hacking and other unethical behavior.
20130318             † CHINA—POLICE arrested oo 1—TIBETAN woman who —LAST—WEEK—AFTER setting herself alight in protest.
20130318             —EXTENDED, INDIA—SUPREME—COURT indefinitely, its order barring THE—ITALY—AMBASSADOR from leaving the country and rejected his explanation of his country's refusal to return 2—ITALY—MARINES charged with killing 2—INDIA—FISHERMEN.
20130318             LEBANON, several 100—DEMONSTRATORS—ANGRY over attacks against Sunni Muslim clerics blocked roads with garbage bins and burning tires in BEIRUT and other LEBANON—CITIES.
20130318             † In NIGERIA at least 41—PEOPLE in 1—SUICIDE—CAR bombing that struck 1—BUS—STATION in KANO.
20130318             —BLAMED, The explosion came hours —AFTER another attack, on Boko Haram killed 1—TEACHER and injured 3—STUDENTS in MAIDUGURI.
20130318             THE—PAKISTAN—TALIBAN withdrew their offer of holding peace talks with the government, saying that the authorities were not serious about —FOLLOWING through with negotiations.
20130318             PAKISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER blew himself up in 1—COURTROOM in PESHAWAR, killing 4—PEOPLE and wounding more than 40—OTHERS.
20130318             PALESTINE—ATTACKERS shot and wounded 1—ISRAEL—MAN in 1—DRIVE—BY shooting at 1—WEST—BANK—BUS stop.
20130318             —TRIED, USA—OFFICIALS visiting WARSAW, to reassure POLAND that the cancellation of the final stage of 1—EUROPEAN missile defense system will not sideline the country and was not made to appease RUSSIA.
20130318             —NICKNAMED, RWANDA, CONGO—WARLORD Bosco Ntaganda (39), "THE—TERMINATOR," showed up at the gates of THE—USA—EMBASSY in KIGALI.
20130318             SOMALIA, 1—EXPLOSIVES—LADEN car, apparently targeting 1—TRUCK—FULL—OF—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIALS, hit 1—CIVIL—CAR and exploded, setting 1—NEARBY—MINI—BUS on fire and killing at least 7—PEOPLE in MOGADISHU.
20130318             —WOUNDED, THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMITTEE—OF—THE—RED—CROSS said more than 60—PEOPLE have been, in fighting between SOUTH—SUDAN—ARMY and 1—REBEL—GROUP over the last —2—WEEKS.
20130318             —BYPASSED, THE—STOCKHOLM—INTERNATIONAL—PEACE—RESEARCH—INSTITUTE, 1—SWEDEN—THINK tank, said CHINA has, BRITAIN as the world's 5. largest arms exporter.
20130318             SYRIA—MAIN—OPPOSITION—COALITION began 1—PUSH to form 1—INTERIM—GOVERNMENT to provide services to people living in PARTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY—NOW controlled by rebel forces.
20130318             —ACCUSED, ARGENTINA—GOVERNMENT, THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—BANKING giant HSBC of facilitating money laundering and tax evasion.
20130318             THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—GOVERNMENT said it will join industrial partners to create a 2—BILLION pound aerospace center, PART—OF—EFFORTS to bolster manufacturers as it struggles to revive 1—FLAGGING economy.
20130318—20060000    —ASKED, Ntaganda, to be handed over to THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT, which issued its 1. arrest warrant for him.
20140227—20140318    —AM, RUSSISCHE—TRUPPEN landen auf der KRIM, infolgedessen kommt es zur Annexion der Krim
20140317—20140318    —RELEASED, Both were.
20140318             —WARNED, USA—VICE—PRESIDENT—JOE—BIDEN, RUSSIA that THE—USA—AND—EUROPE will impose further sanctions as MOSCOW seeks to annex THE—UKRAINE—TERRITORY.
20140318             —ACCUSED, THE—USA—AND—EUROPEAN—UNION (EU), CHINA of using arrests and harassment to silence human rights activists, also voicing consternation at the death in custody of 1—PROMINENT—DISSIDENT.
20140318             —PLEADED, NEW—YORK—CITY, GUATEMALA—EX—PRESIDENT—ALFONSO—PORTILLO, guilty in FEDERAL—COURT to 1—CONSPIRACY—CHARGE saying he accepted $2.5—MILLION in bribes to continue to recognize TAIWAN diplomatically —DURING his 20000000—20040000     presidency.
20140318             THE—MEGA—MILLIONS jackpot of $414—MILLION, the 3. largest in the game's history, went to 2—WINNERS—OF—TICKETS sold in FLORIDA and MARYLAND.
20140318             —KILLED, NORTH—AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, 15—PEOPLE in 1—ATTACK on 1—BUSY marketplace in Maimana, Faryab province.
20140318             —SUSPENDED, BRITAIN, export licenses for military items to RUSSIA.
20140318             1—CHECHEN—ISLAMIC—MILITANT—GROUP, the Caucasus Emirate, reported that its leader, Doku Umarov (49), was dead.
20140318             —ORDERED, CHINA—EDUCATION—MINISTRY, 1—NATIONWIDE investigation into whether schools are giving students medication without permission —AFTER 1—PROTEST in Xi'an by parents of kindergarteners who were given 1—ANTIVIRAL drug.
20140318             1—CAIRO court sentenced 1—POLICE—OFFICER to —10—YEARS in prison with labor in connection with the deaths of 37—ISLAMISTS last —AUGUST.
20140318             † 1—LEGAL—SOURCE said the men had, from asphyxiation in the back of 1 crammed police VAN —WHILE they were being moved to 1—JAIL on the outskirts of CAIRO.
20140318             —CLAIMED, EGYPT, THE—AL—QAIDA—INSPIRED Ansar AL—SHARIAH—BRIGADES, it was behind the slayings of 26—EGYPT—TROOPS in what it describes as "the 1. phase of 1—CAMPAIGN to punish traitors".
20140318             FRANCE—FOREIGN—MINISTER—LAURENT—FABIUS said that LEADERS—OF—THE—GROUP—OF—8—WORLD—POWERS have suspended RUSSIA—PARTICIPATION in the club amid tensions over UKRAINE and RUSSIA—INCURSION into Crimea.
20140318             —ARRESTED, FRANCE—POLICE, 57—GREENPEACE activists who used 1—TRUCK to ram their way into 1—NUCLEAR—POWER—PLANT operated by EDF in EAST—FRANCE.
20140318             —RECOVERED, GREECE—AUTHORITIES said they have, the bodies of 7—IMMIGRANTS, including 2—CHILDREN, who drowned overnight —WHEN 1—BOAT sank in THE—EAST—AEGEAN Sea —AFTER traveling illegally from nearby TURKEY.
20140318             —JUMPED, Iranians, over bonfires, threw firecrackers and floated wishing lanterns to celebrate 1—ANCIENT—FESTIVAL (Chaharshanbe Souri) marking THE—END—OF—THE—PERSIAN —YEAR, ignoring calls by MANY—ISLAMIC—CLERICS to shun 1—RITUAL that has officially been denounced as pagan.
20140318             IRAQ, 1—SERIES—OF—BOMBINGS targeting commercial streets and security forces in and SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD killed 8—PEOPLE.
20140318             —RESPONDED, ISRAEL—FORCES, with artillery fire into SYRIAN—HELD territory.
20140318             Gunmen from LEBANON—MILITANT—HEZBOLLAH group and local Shiite residents tightened their chokehold on Arsal, 1—SUNNI town near THE—SYRIA—BORDER, sparking concerns the standoff would cut off aid to THOUSANDS—OF—SYRIA—REFUGEES stranded in the area.
20140318             LIBYA, Adison Karkha (54), a CHRISTIAN—IRAQ—MEDICAL school professor, was found slain inside his car in a central city.
20140318             —TRIED, MOROCCO, HUNDREDS—OF—MIGRANTS, to force their way into SPAIN—NORTH—AFRICA—ENCLAVE—OF—MELILLA in 2 attempted mass crossings, throwing stones at police who tried to stop them.
20140318             500—PEOPLE made it over.
20140318             —SIGNED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, 1—TREATY to annex Crimea, describing the move as correcting past injustice and 1—NECESSARY—RESPONSE to what he called Western encroachment upon RUSSIA—VITAL—INTERESTS.
20140318             —ALLEGED, SERBIA, Balkan drug boss Darko Saric (43), 1—OF—THE—MOST wanted figures in THE—CRIME—RIDDLED region, surrendered to police as 1—DRAGNET involving THE—CIA closed in on him in Latin AMERICA.
20140318             He faced 13—INDICTMENTS including the trafficking of 5.7—METRIC—TONS—OF—COCAINE from SOUTH—AMERICA to EUROPE and laundering of 22—MILLION—EUROS in Serbia.
20140318             —ANNOUNCED, THE—SYRIA cabinet proudly, the creation of 1—NATIONAL—SPACE—AGENCY.
20140318             —OCCUPIED, TAIWAN—ACTIVISTS, the main chamber of the Legislative Yuan to try to stop the government ratifying 1—CONTENTIOUS—TRADE—AGREEMENT with CHINA.
20140318             —BECAME, THE—3—WEEK—PROTEST, known as the "Sunflower Movement".
20140318             —ADDED, UNITED—NATIONS human rights investigators said they have, to their list of suspected war criminals from both sides in THE—SYRIA—CIVIL—WAR—AFTER 1—NEW—ROUND—OF atrocities in recent weeks.
20140318             VENEZUELA, ANTHONY—ROJAS, —18—JAHRE—ALT, mechanical engineering student, was fatally shot in Tariba, on outskirts of S—CRISTOBAL.
20140318             —PARTICIPATED, Rojas had, in past opposition protests in S—CRISTOBAL, but was not doing so —WHEN he was shot.
20140318             TUBAN, SOUTH—YEMEN, 1—SUICIDE—CAR bombing at 1—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE—HEADQUARTERS killed 1—PERSON and wounded 12—OTHERS.
20140318             —HEUTE—IN—DEN—FEUILLETONS, "Der Preis, den wir zahlen, ist viel, viel zu hoch"
20140318             GRAVITATIONS—WELLEN—NACHWEIS, "Wir haben hier etwas Großes" - es ist —DAS—ÄLTESTE
20140318             —BISLANG bekannte dieser Art, berichten Forscher in der FACH—ZEITSCHRIFT "PLoS 1".
20140318             Hafenlotsenbrüderschaft HAMBURG.
20140318             DIE—MITGLIEDER arbeiten freiberuflich und organisieren ihre 1ätze selbst.
20140318             Sie sammeln ihre Einkünfte und teilen diese am ENDE—DES Monats brüderlich.
20140318             —NACH, 1—8—MONATE—PRÜFUNG samt Stresstests und Gesundheitschecks erhalten Hafenlotsen die sogenannte Bestallung.
20140318             Den Wissenschaftlern gelangen —NUN Messungen, die sowohl die EXISTENZ—VON—GRAVITATIONS—WELLEN als auch DIE—INFLATION selbst belegen.
20140318             "Wenn sich das bestätigt, haben wir hier etwas Großes, sogar größer als das Higgs", so KARSTEN—DANZMANN, Direktor am ALBERT—EINSTEIN—INSTITUT in POTSDAM und HANNOVER, über die Bedeutung der Entdeckung.
20140318             Danzmann war an dem Fund nicht beteiligt, er ist aber mit dem GEO600—EXPERIMENT ebenfalls auf der Suche —NACH—DEN geheimnisvollen Wellen, die ALBERT—EINSTEIN vor knapp —1—JAHRHUNDERT vorhersagte.
20140318             Das Signal ist überraschend klar.
20140318             "Wir sehen 1—DIREKTES ABBILD—DER—GRAVITATIONS—WELLEN, die das Licht in bestimmter Weise polarisieren",
20140318             Mit Licht meint Kovac die Hintergrundstrahlung, sie entstand 380.—000—JAHRE—NACH—DEM Urknall.
20140318             Durch die —BIS—HEUTE andauernde Expansion des Alls wurde das Licht der Hintergrundstrahlung drastisch langwelliger, es liegt —NUN bei den Mikrowellen —, damit im EMPFANGS—BEREICH—VON—RADIOTELESKOPEN.
20140318             im Vergleich zur ZEIT—SPANNE, in der sich DIE—INFLATION abspielte, dauert JEDER—WIMPERNSCHLAG—ÄONEN.
20140318             In dieser minimalen Spanne soll sich der gesamte Kosmos von subatomaren Dimensionen —BIS zum Format 1—FUSSBALLS aufgebläht haben.
20140318             Auch EINSTEINs Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie wird durch DIE—BISHER, direkteste Messung von GRAVITATIONS—WELLEN untermauert.
20140318             Über die unsichtbaren Wellen, die von beschleunigten Massen ausgehen, schrieb der Physiker 19160000             , ihr Effekt sei so klein, "dass man GRAVITATIONS—WELLEN wahrscheinlich nie beobachten wird".
20140318             —BEZEICHNET, Manchmal werden sie als Kräuselungen der Raumzeit.
20140318             Anders als Licht sind GRAVITATIONS—WELLEN keine elektromagnetischen Wellen, sie breiten sich aber ebenso wie diese mit Lichtgeschwindigkeit aus.
20140318             Dass —NUN beide Theoriekonstrukte, Inflation und GRAVITATIONS—WELLEN, experimentell bestätigt wurden, beeindruckt DIE—PHYSIKER.
20140318             "Bicep war zwar schneller, aber mit den Messungen Plancks werden wir BALD—SCHON 1—UNABHÄNGIGE Bestätigung vorlegen können — oder auch Widerlegung".
20140318             Der Vorteil Plancks LIEGE darin, daß er den gesamten Himmel erfasse und nicht nur 1—AUSSCHNITT wie Bicep;
20140318             1—DER ältesten erhaltenen Beispiele nicht nur für den "Kinderakt"ist der Dornauszieher.
20140318             DER—KNABE ist nackt, nicht ohne Anmut, und bei der Skulptur im Konservatorenpalast in ROM sind deutlich die Genitalien zu erkennen.
20140318             Der 1.lebensgroße Akt 1—JÜNGLINGS in Vollansicht ist, nach der ANTIKE, der von Donatello in der Frührenaissance entworfene "DAVID"- dessen haarlose Verletzlichkeit allerdings nur den zotteligen Goliath kontrastieren sollte, den er soeben erlegt hatte.
20140318             Auf dem Roten Platz in MOSKAU haben SICH—CA—120.000—MENSCHEN —AM—FRÜHEN—ABEND zu 1—KONZERT versammelt, um die "Heimkehr"DER—KRIM zu feiern.
20140318             Das teilt DIE—POLIZEI mit.
20140318             Mehrere Sänger und Politiker traten dabei auf.
20140318             PRÄSIDENT—PUTIN ließ sich bei 1—KURZEN Auftritt mit "Rossija!
20140318             Rossija!"-Rufen begrüßen.
20140318             MERKEL rückt zudem Äußerungen von FRANKREICH—AUßEN—MINISTER—LAURENT—FABIUS zurecht.
20140318             "Darüber hinaus sind keine —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN gefallen", so DIE—KANZLERIN.
20140318             "Was G8 anbelangt, gibt es keinen neuen Sachstand".
20140318             USA—VIZE—PRÄSIDENT—JOE—BIDEN bekräftigte in Warschau die UNTERSTÜTZUNG—FÜR—POLEN: Er sei in dem Land, um die gemeinsame Haltung zur Lage IN—DER—UKRAINE zu bekräftigen.
20140318             —GLEICHZEITIG, betonte er DIE—USA—UNTERSTÜTZUNG—FÜR—DIE Modernisierung der POLEN—ARMEE.
20140318             "Gemeinsame Verteidigung bedeutet gemeinsame Verantwortung".DONALD—TUSK sagte zudem: "Das RUSSLAND—VORGEHEN AUF—DER—KRIM ist 1—HERAUSFORDERUNG für die gesamte freie Welt".
20140318             —SEIT—DEM, —SONNTAG sind sie von den 75—PROZENT—DER—LEUTE legitimiert, die mit Ja gestimmt haben.
20140318             Oder wie wollen Sie argumentieren, daß jemand mit Ja stimmt, der gegen diese Regierung ist ?
20140318             Mir scheint, daß ist —IM—MOMENT die mit ABSTAND am besten legitimiert Regierung in ganz EUROPA.
20140318             Wäre DIE—DEUTSCHE—REGIERUNG z.B. auf 75 % aller Wähler angewiesen, gäbe es keine —VERHANDLUNGEN übdr das [SOGENANNT]FREI—HANDEL—ABKOMMEN", es hätte vermutlich auch den EURO nicht gegeben, HartzIV nicht, etc.
20140318             —LEGITIMIERT, Übrigens: DIE—REGIERUNG in KIEW ist genausowenig, denn ihr Verfahren, mit welchem sie JANUKOWITSCH gestürzt hat, entspricht ebenfalls nicht der ukr.
20140318             ARCHÄOLOGEN haben im SUDAN 1—MEHR als 3.—200—JAHRE—ALTES, von KREBS—METASTASEN befallenes männliches Skelett entdeckt. es ist —DAS—ÄLTESTE—BISLANG bekannte dieser Art, berichten Forscher in der FACH—ZEITSCHRIFT "PLoS 1".
20140318             GRAVITATIONS—WELLEN und NOBEL—PREIS—DAS gab es —BEREITS 19730000             .—DAMALS, erhielten DIE—USA—FORSCHER RUSSELL—HULSE und JOSEPH—TAYLOR für ihre Untersuchungen des Doppelpulsars PSR 1913+16—DIE begehrte Trophäe. —DENN, bei der Erklärung der Spiralbahnen der 2—PULSARE konnte nur die Relativitätstheorie helfen: DAS—SYSTEM verliert Energie durch GRAVITATIONS—WELLEN,—DAMALS, immerhin —SCHON 1—INDIREKTER Beweis für ihre Existenz.
20140318             den NOBEL—PREIS für den indirekten Nachweis von GRAVITATIONS—WELLEN am Pulsar 1913+16—GAB es 19930000             , nicht 19730000            .
20140318             —SEIT, —LETZTEM—JAHR dürfen RUSSLAND—POLITIKER —BIS runter zu dem BÜRGER—MEISTER keine AUSLANDS—KONTEN haben, wenn sie ihren Posten behalten wollen.
20140318             Hat man die Memo beim Spon nicht bekommen oder wieso die Unterstellungen im Ticker?
20140318             "Er bemüht sich —NUN, nach Kräften zu demonstrieren, wie wenig ihn das interessiert".
20140318             es liegt an uns BÜRGER im Westen, ob wir uns weiter durch unsere Regimes als hässliche Fratze in der Welt repräsentieren lassen, oder ob wir den ARABERn und der Welt zeigen, wie man 1—WIRKLICHEN —FRÜHLING veranstaltet.
20140318             DIE—GROßE MEHRHEIT—DER RUSSEN und DER—KRIM—BEWOHNER sei für die VEREINIGUNG—MIT—RUSSLAND, sagte PUTIN: "Nur DAS—VOLK ist der Quell aller MACHT".
20140318             PUTIN wandte sich EIGENS—AN—DIE—DEUTSCHEN.
20140318             PUTIN weiter: "Ich bin mir sicher, daß Sie das nicht vergessen haben. Ich rechne damit, daß DEUTSCHLANDs BÜRGER das Streben der RUSSLAND—WELT nach WIEDER—HERSTELLUNG ihrer Einheit unterstützen".
20140318             Den Zusammenbruch der SOVIET—UNION HABE—DAMALS, niemand vorhersehen können.
20140318             —REKLAMIERT, PUTIN, für MOSKAU DAS—RECHT, die Interessen der Auslandsrussen zu verteidigen.
20140318             Wie lautet der Kernsatz der Rede? "Alles hat 1—GRENZE".
20140318             PUTIN wirft DEM—WESTEN vor, RUSSLAND —SEIT—DEM, ENDE—DER—SOVIET—UNION betrogen und "ständig in die Ecke gedrängt"zu haben
20140318             EUROPA und DIE—USA hätten nie aufgehört, MOSKAUs Einfluss eindämmen zu wollen.
20140318             1—SPALTUNG DER—UKRAINE erteilte PUTIN 1—ABSAGE: "Wir wollen keine TEILUNG DER—UKRAINE, das ist nichts, was wir nötig hätten".
20140318             DIE—ÜBERGANGS—REGIERUNG in KIEW erkennt PUTIN weiterhin nicht an: "es gibt niemanden, mit dem wir reden könnten".MANCHE—MINISTER müssten ohnehin —ERST die KÄMPFER auf dem Maidan um Erlaubnis fragen, wenn sie ihre Termine planten, spottete PUTIN.
20140318             DIE—BREITE Bevölkerung bejubelt den Beitritt der KRIM.
20140318             PUTINs UMFRAGE—WERTE schießen in die Höhe.
20140318             Sogar MICHAIL—GORBATSCHOW, der VATER—DER—PERESTROIKA, begrüßt DAS—MILITÄR—VORGEHEN des KREML: "DIE—KRIM wurde DER—UKRAINE nach SOVIET—GESETZEN zugeschlagen, ohne DAS—VOLK zu fragen. —JETZT, hat DAS—VOLK beschlossen, diesen Fehler zu korrigieren".
20140318             RUSSLAND sehe sich im Prinzip als "einen STAAT, der sich selbst genügt".
20140318             So hat es 20060000             der enge PUTIN—VERTRAUTE Sergej Iwanow im GESPRÄCH—MIT—DEM SPIEGEL gesagt.
20140318             Das Verschwinden der Moa sei die schnellste —BISHER, dokumentierte Ausrottung 1—SOGENANNTEN MEGAFAUNA—VERTRETERS durch den Menschen, schreiben DIE—FORSCHER in den "PROCEEDINGS—OF—THE—NATIONAL—ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES".
20140318             DIE—WISSENSCHAFTLER gehen davon aus, daß ALLE—ARTEN binnen 1—ODER —2—JAHRHUNDERTEN ausgerottet wurden, einzig durch den Menschen.
20140318             In grauer VOR—ZEIT ging es auch —SCHON brachialer zu.—DAMALS, waren aus Stäben und Bändern konstruierte Schlagfallen ANGESAGT—JEDENFALLS in NORD—ITALIEN.
20140318             "Einfach aber effektiv", urteilt Klein.
20140318             Er besitzt 1—EXEMPLAR, angefertigt —NACH—DEM Vorbild 1—HÖHLENZEICHNUNG aus der Zeit um 6.000_VOR_CHRISTUS.
20140318             Mäusekot diente als Medizin im KAMPF—GEGEN—ZAHNSCHMERZEN.
20140318             —DENN, das Gen spielt 1—WICHTIGE Rolle bei der Signalweiterleitung in die STIRnlappen im GEHIRN.
20140318             DIE—STRUKTUR sei "mit 1—DIRIGENTEN vergleichbar, der DAS—GEHIRN als Orchester koordiniert", erklärt Markett.
20140318             Das Gen DRD2 spielt in diesem Bild DIE—ROLLE des Taktstocks.
20140318             MACHT der Dirigent damit 1—FEHLER, kommt das Orchester durcheinander.
20140318             DIE—ÜBERTRAGUNGS—, Speicherkapazität für die unglaublichen Datenmengen, die DER—GEHEIM—DIENST erfasst, gehören offenbar zu den zentralen Problemen der NSA, das zeigt sich hier einmal mehr.
20140318             ARCHÄOLOGEN haben im SUDAN 1—MEHR als 3.—200—JAHRE—ALTES, von KREBS—METASTASEN befallenes männliches Skelett entdeckt. es ist —DAS—ÄLTESTE
20140318             Android Wear: GOOGLE kündigt SMARTWATCH—BETRIEBS—SYSTEM an
20140318             —UKRAINE—KRISE, JAPAN schließt sich SANKTIONEN—GEGEN—RUSSLAND an
20140318             —GEFÄHRDET, Nuklerarprogramm: KRIM—KRISE, ATOM—GESPRÄCHE mit IRAN
20140318             SANKTIONEN—IN—DER—KRIM—KRISE, Dreht den RUSSEN den Gashahn zu
20140318             —KAMPF—FÜR—MEHR Lohn: ÖFFENTLICHER—DIENST streikt in 5—BUNDES—LÄNDERN
20140318             ARBEITS—MARKT: Wanka fordert höhere Altersgrenze beim MINDEST—LOHN
20140318             Uralter Krebsnachweis: 3.—200—JAHRE—ALTES Skelett zeigt Metastasen
20140318             TOD—VON—MICK Jaggers Freundin: ROLLING—STONES sagen Konzert ab
20140318             KINDER—FOTOGRAFIE von Künstlern: Die Mädchen von OST—BERLIN
20140318             —STREIT—MIT—GABRIEL: EU will 65—BRANCHEN ihre ÖKO—STROMRABATTE lassen
20140318             LEBENS—MITTEL: UNO WARNT—VOR—PREISSCHUB bei Frühstückswaren
20140318             TV—EXPERIMENT zu CANNABISkonsum: RTL EXTRA—BREIT
20140318             Kraftwerk Fessenheim: GREENPEACE—AKTIVISTEN dringen auf AKW—GELÄNDE vor
20140318             Endgültiges Urteil: KARLSRUHE verwirft Klagen gegen EURO—RETTUNGS—SCHIRM
20140318             E.ON—CHEF—: Teyssen hält ATOM—, Kohlestrom für kaum profitabel
20140318             Beifang: Die gefährlichsten Meere für Delfin und Schildkröte
20140318             —STREIT—ÜBER—FILM—ENDE: Kinobesucher töten Mann auf Parkplatz
20140318             Lohnkluft: Frauen verdienen im Schnitt 20 % weniger als Männer
20140318             GENMAIS—GIFTE: Resistente Schädlinge breiten sich aus
20140318             —REDE—VOR—DEM PARLAMENT: PUTIN besiegelt KRIM—ANNEXION
20140318             —GESTOHLEN, POMPEJI: Bildnis von Jagdgöttin Artemis
20140318             —REAKTION—AUF—SPIONAGE: BUNDES—REGIERUNG nimmt USA—FIRMEN ins Visier
20140318             —NACH, Festnahme in WIEN: Oligarch darf gegen 125.000.000—EURO die Haft verlassen
20140318             ÜBERWACHUNGS—GESELLSCHAFT: —POLITIK mit dem Leak
20140318             "TEMPEL—RITTER"-Kartell: Drogengangster sollen mit KINDER—ORGANEN gehandelt haben
20140318             SNOWDEN—ENTHÜLLUNGEN, CDU—MANN Binninger soll NSA—AUSSCHUSS leiten
20140318             EURO—KRISE, OECD WARNT—VOR—SOZIALER Spaltung
20140318             —EINIGUNG—MIT—TROIKA: GRIECHENLAND kann mit neuem Hilfspaket rechnen
20140318             —UKRAINE—KONFLIKT, GAZPROM plant Geschäfte AUF—DER—KRIM
20140318             CLAUSEWITZ—GESELLSCHAFT: Wo KRIEGS—VERBRECHER wohlgelitten bleiben
20140318             DIE—IDEE 1—SOLCHEN rasanten Ausdehnungsphase geht auf DAS—JAHR
20140318             es geht um etwa 10—37—SEKUNDEN, 1—DEZIMALUNGETÜM aus 37—NULLEN, 1—KOMMA und —AM—ENDE 1 1.
20140318             GRAVITATIONS—WELLEN und NOBEL—PREIS—DAS gab es —BEREITS
20140318             DIE—PRESSEMELDUNG erklärt das ganz hübsch, finde ich: "...Gravitational waves squeeze space as they travel, and this squeezing produces 1—DISTINCT—PATTERN in the cosmic microwave background. Gravitational waves have a "handedness,"much like light waves, and can have LEFT—AND RIGHT—HANDED polarizations. "The swirly B—MODE pattern is 1—UNIQUE signature of gravitational waves because of their handedness.
20140318             This is the 1.direct IMAGE—OF—GRAVITATIONAL waves across the primordial sky,"..".-
20140318             —NACH, PROTESTE—IN—KAIRO: ÄGYPTEN—POLIZIST wegen Totschlags verurteilt
20140318             Gesche Joost: Steinbrücks Netzexpertin wird MERKELs INTERNETbotschafterin
20140318             NEUSEELAND: Mensch machte Vogelgiganten den Garaus
20140318             —URTEIL—ZU—EURO—RETTUNGS—SCHIRM: KARLSRUHE sagt ja ohne Aber
20140318             PUTIN—REDE zur KRIM—KRISE, Der Großmächtige
20140318             es ist 1—LEGENDÄRES und oft reproduziertes Motiv aus der ANTIKE, das 1—SITZENDEN Jüngling beim Versuch zeigt, sich 1—SPLITTER aus dem Fuß zu ziehen.
20140318             Zum Telefonat von KANZLERIN—MERKEL und USA—PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA erklärt REGIERUNGS—SPRECHER—STEFFEN—SEIBERT: die 2—REGIERUNGS—CHEFS seien sich einig, daß die einseitige Unabhängigkeitserklärung DER—KRIM und die eingeleitete Aufnahme in DIE—RUSSISCHE—FÖDERATION "inakzeptable Schläge GEGEN—DIE—TERRITORIALE Integrität DER—UKRAINE" darstellten.
20140318             "Dieser —KONFLIKT bringt uns in die Gefahr, wieder zurückgeworfen zu werden in DIE—ZEITEN des KALTER—KRIEG", sagt SPD—FRAKTION—CHEF—THOMAS—OPPERMANN in BERLIN vor der Sitzung seiner FRAKTION.
20140318             Trotz des —VERTRAG über den Anschluss DER—KRIM sei RUSSLAND weiterhin MITGLIED—DER—G—8—GRUPPE.
20140318             Lediglich die Vorbereitungen für das geplante G—8—TREFFEN im;;06;;in Sotschi seien ausgesetzt worden.
20140318             1—DER ältesten erhaltenen Beispiele nicht nur für den "Kinderakt"ist der Dornauszieher. es ist 1—LEGENDÄRES und oft reproduziertes Motiv aus der ANTIKE, das 1—SITZENDEN Jüngling beim Versuch zeigt, sich 1—SPLITTER aus dem Fuß zu ziehen.
20140318             DER—BUNDES—REGIERUNG, gebe es —INZWISCHEN, 1 "klareren Blick"dafür, daß "Härte"das einzige sei, was bei RUSSLAND—PRÄSIDENT—PUTIN wirke, sagte HRW—CHEF—KENNETH—ROTH nach 1—GESPRÄCH FÜHRENDER—MENSCHEN—RECHTLER mit MERKEL in BERLIN.
20140318             Auch in RUSSLAND sei die MEHRHEIT—DER Bevölkerung laut Umfragen für die AUFNAHME—DER—HALBINSEL, 83 % würden dafür sogar 1—KONFLIKT—MIT—DEM—WESTEN in Kauf nehmen, sagte DER—PRÄSIDENT.
20140318             "In den Herzen DER—MENSCHEN ist DIE—KRIM immer 1—INTEGRALER Teil RUSSLANDs geblieben".
20140318             PUTIN zählte die Osterweiterung der NATO auf, DIE—PLÄNE—FÜR—1—USA—GEFÜHRTEN Raketenschirm in OST—EUROPA und die ABSPALTUNG—DES—FRÜHER—VON—SERBIEN regierten KOSOVO.
20140318             Mit den Alleingängen des Westens aber sei —NUN Schluss.
20140318             IN—DER—UKRAINE habe dieser 1—ROTE—LINIE überschritten, "grob, verantwortungslos und unprofessionell".
20140318             DIE—"Sponsoren und Kuratoren"DER—NEUEN Regierung in KIEW säßen in WASHINGTON und BRÜSSEL.
20140318             IN—DER—UKRAINE seien aber die Interessen von Millionen RUSSEN betroffen, DER—KREML deshalb zum Handeln gezwungen.
20140318             "Uns wird gesagt, wir würden INTERNATIONALES—RECHT verletzen. Schön, daß sie (DER—WESTEN - d. Red.) sich wenigstens noch daran erinnern, daß es INTERNATIONALES—RECHT gibt. Danke dafür, besser spät als nie", spottete PUTIN, 1—ANSPIELUNG auf den USA—EINMARSCH im IRAK und das NATO—EINGREIFEN in JUGOSLAWIEN.
20140318             DIE—WISSENSCHAFTLER hatten die Gene von fast 300—VERTRETERN—VON—4—MOA—ARTEN analysiert.
20140318             Demnach starben die Tiere innerhalb kürzester Zeit aus,
20140318             Psychologie: Schusseligkeit liegt in den Genen
20140318             TRUPPEN—VERSORGUNG, USA—MARINE will Strom aus dem All zur Erde beamen
20140318             —GELASSEN, KRIM—KRISE, RUSSLAND—WIRTSCHAFT gibt sich trotz Sanktionen
20140318             —BESCHLAGNAHMT, VON—DERGESTAPO : Bayerische Staatsbibliothek gibt NAZI—RAUBGUT zurück
20140318             Umfrage, OP—PFLEGER würden sich lieber in anderer Klinik operieren lassen
20140318             ABHÖR—PROGRAMM Mystic: NSA schneidet ALLE—TELEFONATE 1—LANDES mit
20140318             KRIM—KRISE, KIEW meldet erschossenen Soldaten in SIMFEROPOL
20140318             Digitaler MARKT: MUSIK—INDUSTRIE erzielt 1.Umsatzplus —SEIT—12—JAHREN
20140318             PUTINs KRIM—ANNEXION: Der verstörte Westen
20140318             DIE—ÜBERWACHUNGS—INSTRUMENTE mit den Namen Mystic und Retro würden wie 1 "Zeitmaschine"funktionieren, heißt es in dem Bericht.
20140318             DIE—NSA könne Gespräche auch dann abhören, wenn 1—VERDÄCHTIGE Person zum ZEIT—PUNKT des Telefonats noch gar nicht im Blickfeld des GEHEIM—DIENSTES gewesen sei.
20140318             Mystic scheint dabei DIE—DATEN—BANK zu heißen, in der die Telefonmitschnitte gespeichert werden, Retro ist 1—WERKZEUG, mit dem sich diese DATEN—BANK durchsuchen lässt und Mitschnitte abgezweigt werden können.
20140318             DER—GEHEIM—DIENSTHAUSHALT für das —JAHR 20130000             , den SNOWDEN ebenfalls bei seiner Flucht mitnahm,
20140318             In 1—DOKUMENT, das DIE—WASHINGTON—POST veröffentlichte, ist zu lesen, an 1—BESTIMMTEN DATEN—SAMMELSTELLE der NSA sei "mehr gesammelt und nach Hause geschickt worden, als die Bandbreite hergab".
20140318             1—SPRECHERIN—DES—NATIONALER—SICHERHEITS—RATS der USA wollte den Bericht gegenüber der WASHINGTON—POSTNICHT kommentieren, sagte aber "neue und im Entstehen begriffene Bedrohungen"seien "oft im großen und komplexen SYSTEM DER—INTERNATIONALEN Telekommunikation verborgen", was zur Folge hätte, daß "DIE—USA konsequent massenhafte technische Aufklärung betreiben müssen, um diese BE—DROHUNGEN zu identifizieren".
20140318             MAROKKO: 500—FLÜCHTLINGE stürmen SPANIEN—EXKLAVE Melilla
20140318             ITALIEN: Höchstes Gericht bestätigt ÄMTER—VERBOT—FÜR—BERLUSCONI
20140318             SIMFEROPOL: KRIM—POLIZEI meldet Tote auf beiden Seiten
20140318             In der Pogromnacht vom 9. auf den
20140318             —AM, drangen MITGLIEDER—DER—PARTEI—SWOBODA (stellt den VERTEIDIGUNS—MINISTER—DER—UKRAINE—ÜBERGANGSREGIERUNG) in das BÜRO—DES—DIREKTORS 1—STAAT—FERNSEHSENDERS ein, bedrohten und schlugen ihn und zwangen ihn dazu 1—RÜCKTRITTSERKLÄRUNG zu unterschreiben.
20140318             ÜBERGANGSPREMIER—MINISTER—ARSENIJ Jazenjuk verurteilte DAS—VORGEHEN.
20140318             —DOKUMENTIERT, Hier 1—LINK zu 1—VIDEO, das diese "Aktion" :
20140318             —EINGLIEDERT, Im Rahmen der KRIM—ANNEXION, RUSSLAND, die UKRAINISCHE—HALBINSEL in sein Staatsgebiet.
20140318             Im Rahmen der SONNENBLUMEN—BEWEGUNG, besetzen protestierende Studenten das TAIPEH—REPUBLIK—CHINA—TAIWAN—PARLAMENTSGEBÄUDE in ) und halten es über die folgenden —24—TAGE weiter besetzt.
20140318—16190000    1—TRIVIALE BRÜSSELer Brunnenfigur von, die als "Manneken Pis"—HEUTE noch 1—GEWISSE Popularität genießt
20140318—19380000    DIE—BÜCHER waren  —VON—DER—GEHEIMEN Staatspolizei beschlagnahmt und DER—STAATSBIBLIOTHEK übergeben worden.
20140318—19540000    —ALS die Halbinsel DER—UKRAINE zugeschlagen wurde, sei die —ENTSCHEIDUNG—IN—HINTERZIMMERN gefallen, "die Bewohner DER—KRIM und von Sewastopol wurden nicht gefragt".
20140318—19900000    DIE—DEUTSCHEN sollten sich an erinnern.
20140318—20130600    —IM, Frühere Funde von noch älteren Knochen hatten gezeigt, daß es Krebserkrankungen —BEREITS—SEIT—MEHR—ALS—100.—000—JAHREN gibt.
20140701—20150318    —ON, 1—COURT—IN—PYINMAMA town sentenced 5—PEOPLE for spreading rumors and creating panic.
20141205—20150318    —SENTENCED, Robles was, to —39—MONTHS in prison.
20150318             —KILLED, ARIZONA, 1—GUNMAN, 1—PERSON and wounded 5—OTHERS in rampage in MESA.
20150318             S—FRANCISCO police officer MICHAEL—ROBISON, —46—JAHRE—ALT, a —23—YEAR—VETERAN, resigned —AFTER being identified as 1—OF 4—OFFICERS involved in sending racist and homophobic text messages.
20150318             GENERAL—MOTORS said Opel will leave THE—RUSSIA—MARKET by December in the face of plummeting sales in the economically troubled country.
20150318             Chevrolet production will be cut back significantly to focus on TOP—END—PRODUCTS such as the Corvette sports car and Tahoe SUV, which are imported into RUSSIA from THE—USA.
20150318             Evolution Marketplace, 1—WEBSITE for illegal drugs, was taken down in 1—APPARENT "exit scam" by its anonymous administrators who made off with up to $15—MILLION in Bitcoin payments they were holding in escrow.
20150318             † AFGHANISTAN, Mattiullah Khan, the police CHIEF—OF—URUZGAN province, was killed —WHILE visiting KABUL by 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER disguised as 1—WOMAN.
20150318             1—BOMB exploded in Helmand province near THE—GOVERNOR—OFFICES in Lashkar Gah killing 7—PEOPLE and wounding over 45.
20150318             —ERUPTED, EAST—CONGO, DRC violent clashes have, between the army and 1—MILITIA, forcing MANY—CIVILIANS to flee their homes.
20150318             —KILLED, Rebels, at least 4—CIVILIANS as they fled THE—CONGO—ARMY—OPERATION.
20150318             1—FRANCE—COURT handed controversial COMEDIAN—DIEUDONNE a —2—MONTH suspended jail sentence for condoning terrorism —AFTER 1—COMMENT suggesting he sympathized with 1—OF—THE—JIHADISTS who attacked PARIS.
20150318             —CLASHED, GERMANY, ANTI—CAPITALIST—PROTESTERS, with riot police near the new headquarters of the European CENTRAL—BANK (ECB) in FRANKFURT.
20150318             —COUNTED, Police, 3,500; rally organizers said 7,000.
20150318             1—GERMANY—COURT—BANNED—UBER from offering its ridesharing service nationwide, adding to the company's troubles in EUROPE.
20150318             —CANCELED, GERMANY, HUNDREDS—OF—FLIGHTS were, in 1—STRIKE by Lufthansa pilots at the airline's SHORT—AND MEDIUM—HAUL—OPERATIONS.
20150318             —ADOPTED, THE—GREECE—PARLIAMENT overwhelmingly, a "humanitarian crisis" bill aimed at helping its poorest people, ignoring apparent pressure from THE—EUROPEAN—UNION to halt the legislation.
20150318             LIBYA, fighting, between Islamic State militants and forces loyal to the government based in TRIPOLI, killed 12—TROOPS—NEAR—NOFALIYA.
20150318             —BANNED, MOLDOVA, airport authorities, 1—RUSSIA—TELEVISION crew from entering MOLDOVA and sent them back to MOSCOW.
20150318             They were traveling to cover elections this weekend in THE—SEMI—AUTONOMOUS—REGION—OF—GAGAUZIA, 1—REGION where most voters disapprove of MOLDOVA—EUROPEAN aspirations and want closer links to RUSSIA.
20150318             —RETURNED, NORTH—EAST—NIGERIA, Islamists, to the border TOWN—OF—GAMBORU, killing 8—PEOPLE.
20150318             3—MORE were killed there THE—NEXT—DAY.
20150318             —KILLED, PAKISTAN—AIR—STRIKES reportedly, 34—MILITANTS in the Tirah Valley in the Khyber region.
20150318             Residents put the toll at 20. THE—PAKISTAN—TALIBAN claimed responsibility for the killing in PESHAWAR—OF—1—DISTRICT—PRESIDENT—OF—THE ruling PAKISTAN Muslim LEAGUE—NAWAZ (PML—N).
20150318             POLAND—FOREIGN—MINISTER says his government will reciprocate if RUSSIA continues to BILL—FOR—POLAND—DIPLOMATIC—BUILDINGS—AFTER the Arbitration COURT—IN—S—PETERSBURG allowed bailiffs to evict POLAND—CONSULATE there, saying POLAND owes some $1—MILLION in rent.
20150318             An 8. suspect was caught —AFTER an HOURS—LONG—MANHUNT.
20150318             —STORMED, SWEDEN, gunmen with automatic weapons, into 1—RESTAURANT in in suburban GOTEBORG, killing 2—PEOPLE and wounding about 12 in 1—SHOOTING that police said was likely GANG—RELATED.
20150318             —ISSUED, THAILAND—AUTHORITIES said they had, emergency measures across at least 9—PROVINCES as thick smoke caused by farmers burning vegetation to clear their fields chokes THE—NORTH—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20150318             —OPENED, TUNISIA, gunmen, fire at the Bardo National Museum in TUNIS.
20150318             —KILLED, Overall 22—PEOPLE were, including 21—FOREIGN—TOURISTS.
20150318             —KILLED, Yassine AL—ABIDI and 1—FELLOW gunman were, by police.
20150318             —ARRESTED, Security forces, 9—PEOPLE THE—NEXT—DAY in connection with the attack.
20150318             DIE—ZAHL—DER—DEMONSTRANTEN bewege sich "im oberen dreistelligen Bereich".
20150318             DIE—POLIZEI hatte sich auf 1—SCHWIERIGEN —EINSATZ vorbereitet, zeigt sich jedoch überrascht von der Heftigkeit der Ausschreitungen.
20150318             Im FRANKFURTer Ostend, wo DIE—EZB ihren Sitz hat, gab es kaum 1.Straßenkreuzung, an der nicht Mülltonnen, Autoreifen oder Fahrzeuge brannten.
20150318             —BEREITS, —IN—DER—NACHT hatten in der Stadt Autos gebrannt.
20150318             Das Bündnis macht DIE—ZENTRAL—BANK für "SPAR—POLITIK und Verarmung"in Teilen EUROPAs verantwortlich.
20150318             DIE—POLIZEI hat TEILE—DER—INNENSTADT abgesperrt.
20150318             "Wir wollen 1—LAUTEN, aber friedlichen Protest", sagte ULRICH—WILKEN, 1—DER Organisatoren der Demonstration.
20150318             Der Protest richte sich gegen DIE—EZB als 1—TEIL—DER—SOGENANNTEN—TROIKA, die DIE—ARBEIT der GRIECHENLAND—REGIERUNG behindere.
20150318             DIE—FEUERWEHR rief DIE—DEMONSTRANTEN via Twitter auf, die Löscharbeiten nicht zu behindern.
20150318             —VOR, dem weiträumig abgesperrten Gelände der EZB hatte 1.Mahnwache von Kapitalismusgegnern —ZUNÄCHST ruhig begonnen.
20150318             [l] BILD—DES—TAGES: Spielplatz in FRANKFURT (WESELer Werft) mit NATOdraht gesichert.
20150318             [l] Als DIE—NIEDERLANDE ihre Container mit MILITÄRäquipment aus der AFGHANISTAN—MISSION zuhause aufmachten, waren da nur Steine drin
20150318             [l] DEMONSTRANTEN haben die FRANKFURTer Feuerwehr angegriffen.
20150318             [l] CISCO liefert —JETZT Router an Tarnadressen von verlassenen Häusern und so, damit DIE—NSA die Router nicht abfängt.
20150318             Statt wie geplant 250$—BILDER—DES—MERKURS hat "Messenger"MITTLERWEILE 250.000—GEMACHT.
20150318             Sie hat auf dem sonnennächsten Planeten tonnenweise Eis gefunden, —BISHER, unkartierte REGIONEN—DER—OBERFLÄCHE fotografiert und festgestellt, dass der Merkur ganz langsam schrumpft.
20150318             Tagsüber werden auf dem Merkur Temperaturen von 430—GRAD—CELSIUS erreicht.
20150318             können wir zusammenhängende GEBIETE—DES—MERKURS erkennen, die wir noch nie zuvor so genau gesehen haben"
20150318             Immens ist —AM—MITTWOCH die Schadenfreude DER—USA—REPUBLIKANER, die NETANYAHU als 1—DER ihren betrachten.
20150318             Das ist —JETZT kein Hochdruckwasser, es geht eher darum, es den Obdachlosen möglichst ungemütlich zu machen.
20150318             [l] IM—GEGENSATZ zur POLIZEI hat die FAMILIE—DES—1—VERBRANNTEN—NEONAZIS mal ein bisschen ermittelt und die gefundenen Beweise dem NSU—UNTERSUCHUNGS—AUSSCHUSS übergeben.
20150318             Sie fand unter anderem 1—SEIT—LANGEM vermissten Schlüsselbund des Wagens, 1—HANDY, 1—FEUERZEUG, 1.Pistole und 1.Machete.
20150318             Ist —SCHON erstaunlich, was man so findet, wenn man ein bisschen sucht!
20150318             TODES—STRAFE: MISSOURI richtet, —74—JAHRE—ALTEN hin
20150318             —NEWS—BLOG zu den BLOCKUPY—KRAWALLEN, 10.000—DEMONSTRANTEN am RÖMER
20150318             Kommentar zur WAHL—IN—ISRAEL: SIEG—DER—PANIK
20150318             Umfrageergebnis: Die Mehrheit will keine Massenüberwachung
20150318             WAHL—IN—ISRAEL: HERZOG—RÄUMT—NIEDERLAGE—EIN—NETANYAHU will schnell Regierung bilden
20150318             FLORIDA: Tigerpythons bedrohen Säugetiere der Everglades
20150318             OST—UKRAINE—SEPARATISTEN wettern gegen veränderten Gebietsstatus
20150318             Blockupy in FRANKFURT—AM—MAIN: AUSNAHME—ZUSTAND rund um DIE—EZB
20150318             BUNDES—VERFASSUNGS—GERICHT: Mutter muss Erzeuger von Kuckuckskind doch nicht benennen
20150318             —PROTESTE—IN—FRANKFURT: Das will Blockupy
20150318             —VEREINFACHT, HASS—TWEETS: Twitter, Missbrauchsmeldungen an Behörden
20150318             POLITIKER—DIENSTWAGEN: CSU—POLITIKER fahren die übelsten Dreckschleudern
20150318             Reportage aus der FRANKFURTer City: BÜRGER—IN—ANGST
20150318             Studie: Tarifflucht trifft vor allem Schlechtverdiener
20150318             Biometrie: Für Windows 10—BRAUCHT man kein Passwort mehr
20150318             BAYERNs RAUSCHGIFT—BILANZ, 42 % mehr Drogentote in —3—JAHREN
20150318             BUNDES—HAUSHALT, SCHWARZ—ROT beschließt Mehrausgaben
20150318             EZB—ERÖFFNUNGSFEIER trotz Krawall : Drinnen Party, draußen Protest
20150318             —REGIERT, Machtpoker : Von Moshe Kahlon hängt es ab, wer ISRAEL
20150318             —VERBINDET, Gelockertes Embargo: USA—CHARTERFLUG, NEW—YORK direkt mit KUBA
20150318             Fall JASON—HARRISON: POLIZISTEN erschießen psychisch Kranken in DALLAS
20150318             Teure Delikatesse: CHINAs Feinschmecker dezimieren Seegurken WELT—WEIT
20150318             TERROR—ANSCHLAG—IN—TUNESIEN: Attentäter erschießen Touristen, GEISEL—NAHME in Museum
20150318             ENTSCHÄDIGUNG—FÜR—NS—GRÄUEL: —EXPERTE sieht Stiftung als Lösung für GRIECHENLAND
20150318             Vermittlung privater Fahrer: GERICHT—VERBIETET—UBER deutschlandweit
20150318             Sibirische Zwillinge: Trauriger Fund auf JUNG—STEIN—ZEITLICHEM—FRIEDHOF
20150318             WACHSTUMS—PROGNOSEN: KONJUNKTUR—EXPERTEN prophezeien DEUTSCHLAND goldene Zeiten
20150318             —ZUKUNFT—DER—MEDIEN: DATEN sammeln, Kontrolle verlieren
20150318             Traumata: VIELE—SOLDATEN scheuen die Psychotherapie
20150318             REAKTIONEN—AUF—BLOCKUPY—AUSSCHREITUNGEN: "DIE—MENSCHEN sind nicht glücklich über die Folgen der Krise"
20150318             AUSSCHREITUNGEN—IN—FRANKFURT: Im SCHATTEN der Schläger
20150318             FRANKFURT/MAIN—BEI den BLOCKUPY—PROTESTEN zur offiziellen Eröffnung des Neubaus DER—EUROPÄISCHEN ZENTRAL—BANK (EZB) in FRANKFURT—AM—MAIN hat es —BEREITS—AM—MORGEN schwere Krawalle gegeben.
20150318             —LAUT—ANGABEN—VON—BLOCKUPY werden 60—BUSSE aus 39—EUROPÄISCHEN Städten und 1—SONDERZUG mit DEMONSTRANTEN erwartet.
20150318             —NACH, POLIZEI—ANGABEN haben Autonome versucht, das 1.POLIZEI—REVIER auf der Zeil zu stürmen.
20150318             GRIECHENLAND—KRISE—IN—BRÜSSEL: Der große Nebengipfel
20150318             Auch 1—FLÜCHTLINGS—HEIM und DIE—STRAßENBAHN wurden in MIT—LEIDENSCHAFT gezogen.
20150318             Belastetes Stromnetz: GROß—STÖRFALL Sonnenfinsternis
20150318             Bizarres Urtier: Forscher enträtseln Nashorn mit Nilpferdkopf
20150318             SÜD—USA—HUFTIERE bildeten ab dem Paläozän, also vor etwa 60.000.—000—JAHREN, 1.riesige, sehr vielfältige Gruppe —HEUTE ausgestorbener Säugetiere.
20150318             Absatzeinbruch: Opel zieht sich aus RUSSLAND zurück
20150318             "Messenger"-Sonde: Heiße Abschiedsgrüße vom Merkur
20150318             WAHLEN—IN—ISRAEL—NETANYAHUS—SIEG, Obamas Niederlage
20150318             [l] DIE—KATHOLISCHE—KIRCHE in S—FRANZISCO hat 1—OBDACHLOSEN—WEGSPÜL—SYSTEM installiert, inmitten der schlimmsten Dürre, die KALIFORNIEN je erlebt hat.
20150318             † EAST—UKRAINE, 1—CIVILIAN was killed and 1 injured —AFTER tripping 1—BOMB in Vuglegirsk, 1—SEPARATIST—CONTROLLED town 35—KM (21—MILES) NORTH—EAST—OF—THE—REBEL—STRONGHOLD—OF—DONETSK.
20150318—19920000    —HIRED, Robison had come out as gay —BEFORE being.
20150318—19940000    —SINCE, Police soon arrested EX—CON RYAN—GIROUX, —41—JAHRE—ALT, who has already served 3—STINTS in state prison.
20150318—19950000    —IN—THE, SERBIA—PROSECUTORS arrested 7—SUSPECTS, accused of taking part in killing more than 1,000 BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—MUSLIMS Srebrenica massacre, in PRE—DAWN raids at different locations in Serbia.
20150321             —RETURNED, NORTH—EAST—NIGERIA, CHAD—TROOPS, to the border TOWN—OF—GAMBORU, —AFTER Boko Haram took advantage of 1—LACK—OF—MILITARY—PRESENCE to kill 11—PEOPLE on 20150318—20190318.
20150321             —RETURNED, NORTH—EAST—NIGERIA, CHAD—TROOPS, to the border TOWN—OF—GAMBORU, —AFTER Boko Haram took advantage of 1—LACK—OF—MILITARY—PRESENCE to kill 11—PEOPLE on 20150318—20150319.
20150328—20150318    —IN—THE, TUNISIA, Khaled BEN—HAMADI—CHAIEB, the operational CHIEF deadly museum attack on foreign tourists, was among 9—PEOPLE killed in ANTI—TERRORIST—OPERATIONS.
20160318             Im Vergleich zum 18000101—18991231    kratzte die globale Temperatur damit an der kritischen Schwelle von 1,5 Grad, die laut UNO—KLIMA—VERTRAG möglichst vermieden werden sollte.
20160318             Dramatisches: Die Temperaturkurve der NORD—HALBKUGEL war 2—GRAD über die Durchschnittstemperatur 18000101—18991231    —DES, GESCHNELLT—DIE 2—GRAD—GRENZE gilt KLIMA—FORSCHERN als gefährliche Schwelle.
20160318             USA—DEFENSE—SECRETARY—ASH—CARTER said PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA will name the 1. woman to HEAD—1—USA combatant command, selecting AIR—FORCE—GENERAL—LORI—ROBINSON as the next HEAD—OF—THE—MILITARY—NORTH—COMMAND.
20160318             —WRAPPED, LAX Airport police found 11—PACKAGES—OF cocaine, in green cellophane inside 1—OF—THE—BAGS left behind by 1—FLEEING flight attendant wearing her "known crew member" badge.
20160318             Marsha Gay Reynolds "31" used 1—AIRLINE badge with her real name to BOARD another flight THE—NEXT—MORNING.
20160318             She surrendered —4—DAYS—LATER at Kennedy Airport in NEW—YORK.
20160318             1—FLORIDA jury awarded wrestler Hulk Hogan $115—MILLION in his sex tape lawsuit against Gawker Media.
20160318             —REPORTED, It was —LATER, that PETER—THIEL, CO—FOUNDER—OF—PAYPAL and 1—EARLY—INVESTOR in Facebook, secretly backed Hogan in the lawsuit.
20160318             —ANNOUNCED, GENERAL—MILLS, that it would voluntarily add genetically engineered food (GMO) information to its labels.
20160318             —SUSPECTED, ALGERIA, jihadists launched 1—ROCKET—ATTACK on the In Salah gas asset in Krechba jointly run by BRITAIN—BP, NORWAY—STATOIL and ALGERIA—COMPANY—SONATRACH.
20160318             —CLAIMED, AL—QAIDA—NORTH—AFRICA—ARM soon, responsibility for the attack.
20160318             AUSTRALIA—PRIME—MINISTER—MALCOLM—TURNBULL won approval from PARLIAMENT to simplify the country's convoluted system of proportional representation under which the Senate is elected.
20160318             BELGIUM, Salah Abdeslam (26), the prime surviving suspect —IN—NOVEMBER—PARIS attacks, was arrested along with 4—OTHERS.
20160318             —FIRED, BRAZIL—RIOT—POLICE, water cannon and tear gas to clear ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS from SAO—PAULO—CENTRAL—AVENUE—PAULISTA, ahead of 1 planned demonstration in favor of embattled PRESIDENT—DILMA—ROUSSEFF.
20160318             The work and pensions SECRETARY said he could no longer support policies that he believes are driven more by political ideology than economic necessity.
20160318             —ORDERED, CHINA state media said the environment ministry has, 1—INVESTIGATION—AFTER 1—PROVINCIAL—ENVIRONMENTAL—PROTECTION—BODY fined 1—POLLUTING factory —JUST 603—YUAN ($90) for dumping waste water.
20160318             The chemical plant in Gaoyou city in Jiangsu province was given the fine for dumping water with 1—ABNORMAL pH level.
20160318             THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC—REP. film director JAN—NEMEC, —79—JAHRE—ALT, 1—REPRESENTATIVE—OF—THE—NEW—WAVE—OF—CZECHOSLOVAK cinema in the 1960s, †.
20160318             —INCLUDED, His films, "DIAMONDS—OF—THE—NIGHT" (19640000             ), about 2—BOYS escaping from 1—TRANSPORT to 1—NAZI death camp and "Report on the Party and Guests" (19660000             ), targeting TOTALITARY—POWER.
20160318             —AFTER "Oratorio for PRAGUE," 1—DOCUMENTARY about 19680000             —THE—SOVIET—LED invasion of Czechoslovakia, Nemec was banned and lived in GERMANY and THE—USA 19740000—19890000    —FROM—TO.
20160318             —APPROVED, EU leaders, 1—CONTROVERSIAL—DEAL with TURKEY intended to halt illegal migration flows to EUROPE in return for financial and political rewards for ANKARA.
20160318             1—GERMANY—FEDERAL—COURT ruled that 1—LEVY charged to EVERY—HOUSEHOLD to finance public broadcasters, regardless of whether it has 1—RADIO or television, is constitutional.
20160318             GUYANA, 1—SOUTH—USA—COUNTRY—OF—800,000—PEOPLE, held LONG—DELAYED local elections.
20160318             The ruling coalition Partnership of National Unity won 25—OF 30—CITY council seats in GEORGETOWN.
20160318             The opposition PEOPLE—PROGRESSIVE—PARTY led in most other parts.
20160318             IRAQ, THOUSANDS—OF—FOLLOWERS of influential IRAQ—SHIITE cleric Muqtada AL—SADR took to the streets in BAGHDAD, pushing through security lines to cross 1—BRIDGE on the Tigris River to begin setting up tents in anticipation of 1—PROLONGED—SIT—IN close to the Green Zone, where the government is headquartered.
20160318             —TRIED, ISRAEL—SOLDIERS shot dead 1—PALESTINE—MAN who, to stab them in the occupied WEST—BANK.
20160318             —PICKED, ITALY—SHIPS, up some 600—MIGRANTS and recovered 1—BODY, as European leaders met in BRUSSELS to try to stem THE—FLOW—OF—MIGRANTS to the continent.
20160318             —ERUPTED, IVORY—COAST, clashes, between farmers and herders.
20160318             THE—UN peacekeeping mission —LATER said it planned to double its troop presence in the country's northeast from 200 to 400.
20160318             —PERISHED, THE—RED—CROSS said HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—FARM—ANIMALS have, in 1—SLOW—MOVING natural disaster in MONGOLIA and THE—INTERNATIONAL—AID—RESPONSE has been insufficient.
20160318             —FIRED, NORTH—KOREA, at least 1—BALLISTIC—MISSILE which flew about 800—KM (500—MILES) —BEFORE hitting the sea off its east coast, as the isolated state stepped up its defiance of tough new UN and USA—SANCTIONS.
20160318             —BATTLED, THE—PHILIPPINES—TROOPS, about 100—MUSLIM militants in fierce fighting that killed 7—GUNMEN and 1—SOLDIER and wounded 1—TOP—MILITANT—COMMANDER in 1—JUNGLE off Patikul town, Sulu province.
20160318             —INCLUDED, The wounded, 1—ARMED—REBEL—COMMANDER—RADULAN—SAHIRON, who led THE—ABU—SAYYAF faction.
20160318             —ARRESTED, SERBIA—INTERIOR—MINISTER said police have, 46—PEOPLE, including 1—FORMER soccer player, 1—JUDGE and more than 12—POLICE—OFFICERS, ACCUSED—OF—CORRUPTION and money laundering.
20160318             —ACCUSED—OF, SOUTH—AFRICA, THE—INDIA—GUPTA brothers, who are, corrupting PRESIDENT—JACOB—ZUMA, lashed out at "xenophobic and hate speech" against them, and denied benefiting from links to the government.
20160318             SYRIA, RUSSIA—WARPLANES flew in SUPPORT—OF—GOVERNMENT—TROOPS in 1—OFFENSIVE to recapture the historic TOWN—OF—PALMYRA from the hands of the Islamic State group.
20160318             16—CIVILIANS were killed in air strikes on Raqa, the main STRONGHOLD—OF—THE—ISLAMIC—STATE—JIHADIST—GROUP.
20160318             THE—UN—WORLD—FOOD—PROGRAM said SOME—SYRIANS in the besieged areas of Daraya and Deir AL—ZOR have been reduced to eating grass because food supplies are cut off.
20160318             "MAYBRIT—ILLNER"zum EU—TÜRKEI—DEAL: "Eine moralische BANKROTTerklärung"
20160318             Auf dem Zwergplaneten ist es mit etwa minus 230—GRAD—CELSIUS extrem kalt.
20160318             Da Wassereis leichter ist als stickstoffhaltiges Eis, driften in manchen Gegenden des Pluto Wassereisberge durch DAS—ÜBRIGE Stickstoffeis.
20160318             DIE—RAUMSONDE "New Horizons"hat sich längst weit vom Zwergplaneten entfernt, funkt aber weiterhin Beobachtungsdaten vom vergangenen;;07;;zur Erde, als sie Pluto passiert hatte.
20160318             DIE—WALES—FIRMA Riversimple hat 1—WASSERSTOFFAUTO entwickelt, das nicht mehr kosten soll als ein herkömmlicher Verbrenner.
20160318             —PLATZIERT, Der Wasserstofftank ist im Heck des Wagens, viel Platz für Gepäck bleibt daher nicht.
20160318             "Immer, wenn jemand 1.radikal neue Idee hat, reden alle nur darüber, aus welchen Gründen es nicht funktionieren könnte.
20160318             Das 4.000—EINWOHNER zählende EIFEL—STÄDTCHEN—HILLESHEIM ist so etwas wie das Epizentrum aller Eifelkrimis, die selbsternannte KRIMIHAUPT—STADT DEUTSCHLANDs.
20160318             —GELEGEN, DIE—EHEMALIGE—NS—ORDENSBURG—VOGELSANG, mitten im Nationalpark EIFEL.
20160318             Beschlüsse der Länderkammer: BUNDES—RAT billigt "Konto für Jedermann"
20160318             DIE—WELT erlebt 1.starke Wärmeperiode, angeheizt vor allem vom pazifischen WETTER—PHÄNOMEN El Niño.
20160318             DER—AUßERDEM brach er den —ERST
20160318             —LAUT, Pääbo handelt ES—SICH beim DENISOVA—MENSCHEN um 1.weit entfernte SCHWESTER—GRUPPE des NEANDERTALERs.
20160318             —WÄHREND, DIE—NEANDERTALER vor allem in EUROPA und Westasien lebten, zogen DENISOVA—MENSCHEN durch OST—ASIEN.
20160318             DIE—FORSCHER gehen davon aus, daß es mindestens 1.Vermischung von modernen Menschen und DENISova gegeben HAT—WANN genau, ist unklar.
20160318             —VERMUTET, Pääbo, daß es dazu auf dem asiatischen Festland gekommen ist.
20160318             GIPFEL—BRÜSSEL—EU—CHEFS einigen sich auf gemeinsame Linie für TÜRKEI—DEAL
20160318             UNO—GENERAL—SEKRETÄR: Zurückschicken von FLÜCHTLINGEn ist keine Lösung
20160318             —DIE—LAGE—AM—FREITAG, MERKELs Entfremdung von den DEUTSCHEN
20160318             Fotos vom Zwergplaneten: Plutos rotes Geheimnis
20160318             DIE—ASTRONOMEN haben auf den Bildern der Raumsonde ganze Ketten von dahintreibenden, —BIS zu 20—KM breiten Hügeln ausgemacht, die durch die Tiefebene SPUTNIK Planum wandern.
20160318             —MACHT—KAMPF—IN—DER—CSU: AIGNER bekräftigt Anspruch auf SEEHOFERs Nachfolge
20160318             STRATEGIE—PAPIER: SPD—LINKE fordern Stopp der Rente mit 67—UND höhere STEUERN
20160318             EU geeint vor TÜRKEI—VERHANDLUNGEN: Geht doch
20160318             ATOM—KONFLIKT—MIT—PJÖNGJANG—NORD—KOREA testet erneut Mittelstreckenraketen
20160318             Gehälter von Frauen: Das AUSBILDUNGS—SYSTEM ist DAS—PROBLEM
20160318             Erneuter RÜCK—SCHLAG, Mindestens 2—NEUE EBOLA—FÄLLE in GUINEA
20160318             GRIECHENLAND: Schlepper brachten FLÜCHTLINGE per KLEIN—FLUGZEUG nach ITALIEN
20160318             Zocker in der —KRISE, Fast 1.000—HEDGE—FONDS machen dicht
20160318             —ENTPUPPT, Wohnhaus in EISENACH: Vermeintliche ROHR—BOMBE, sich als Wasserpfeife
20160318             —DEBATTE—ÜBER—FLÜCHTLINGE: Die verkehrte Sprache
20160318             † EX—MINISTER—PRÄSIDENT: LOTHAR—SPÄTH ist tot
20160318             —FLÜCHTLINGS—VERHANDLUNGEN—MIT—ANKARA: Es geht um Schicksale, Visafreiheit und sehr, sehr viel Geld
20160318             Mehr als 7.000—QUADRAT—KILOMETER—GROß ist DAS—MITTELGEBIRGE, das sich von AACHEN —BIS TRIER, von KOBLENZ —BIS an die BELGIEN—GRENZE erstreckt.
20160318             DIE—WÜSTUNG ist einfach zu erreichen über Wanderwege, die sich über die Dreiborner Hochebene schlängeln.
20160318             DEUTSCHLAND—VERTRETUNGEN in der TÜRKEI: Mehrere NACHRICHTEN—DIENSTE warnten vor Attentat
20160318             ERB—GUT—SPUREN: Die Liaison mit dem DENISOVA—MENSCHEN
20160318             —RENFRIED, Stö beim EU—GIPFEL: ZYPERN zickt
20160318             "Weiße Wölfe TERROR—CREW": Neonazis gingen systematisch vor
20160318             EX—AUßEN—MINISTER: GUIDO—WESTERWELLE ist tot
20160318             —KLIMA: ;;02;; war wärmster —MONAT—SEIT—BEGINN—DER—MESSUNGEN
20160318             GIPFEL—BRÜSSEL—EU und TÜRKEI einigen sich offenbar auf FLÜCHTLINGS—ABKOMMEN
20160318             Der ;;02;; war nicht nur der wärmste ;;02;;, sondern auch der wärmste —MONAT—SEIT—BEGINN—DER—MESSUNGEN—VOR—136—JAHREN.
20160318             MITTEL—EUROPA, ist der ;;02;; zwar traditionell besonders kalt, doch tropische Hitzewallungen machen solch kleine Frostregionen unbedeutend.
20160318             DIE—GLOBALE Mitteltemperatur habe
20160318             Der vergangene ;;02;; war —BEREITS der 10. —MONAT in Folge, der seinen jeweiligen TEMPERATUR—REKORD knackte.
20160318             —DER, übertraf den ;;02;; des VORJAHRES—DEN —BISHERIGEN ;;02;;—REKORDHALTER—UM 0,33 Grad.
20160318             Auch in DEUTSCHLAND verlief der ;;02;;
20160318             vergleichsweise mild: Südwest—, Westwinde trieben die Mitteltemperatur auf 3,4 Grad, sie lag damit um 3—GRAD über dem Durchschnitt der Vergleichsperiode
20160318             ist die globale Durchschnittstemperatur
20160318             In den kommenden —JAHREN erwarten Forscher allerdings 1.Abflachung der Temperaturkurve: EL—NIÑO hat seinen HÖHE—PUNKT überschritten, sein Wärmeschub flaut ab.
20160318             —NUN, zeigt sich: Der DENISOVA—URMENSCH hat weitaus weniger Spuren im ERB—GUT MODERNER—MENSCHN hinterlassen als DER—NEANDERTALER—ABER es gibt Ausnahmen.
20160318             —WÄHREND, außerhalb AFRIKAs das Genom —HEUTE LEBENDER—MENSCHEN ungefähr zu 2 % vom NEANDERTALER stammt, fand sich nur bei Menschen aus PAPUA—NEUGUINEA 1.signifikante Abstammung vom DENISOVA—MENSCHEN mit 1—ANTEIL zwischen 1,9 und 3,4 %.
20160318             Sie lebten vermutlich —VOR—NOCH etwa 40.—000—JAHREN im zentralasiatischen ALTA1—GEBIRGE.
20160318             Wissenschaftler aus DEN—USA hatten —BEREITS 20140000             im Magazin "Nature"berichtet, daß das HÖHEN—GEN der TIBETer, durch das sie ohne Atemprobleme an das Leben auf mehr als 4000—METERN Höhe angepasst sind, vermutlich vom DENISOVA—MENSCHEN stammt.
20160318             Gefährliches VIRUS: Klinik meldet 2—WEITERE LASSA—FÄLLE in DEUTSCHLAND
20160318             PARIS—ATTENTÄTER Salah Abdeslam laut MEDIEN—BERICHTEN gefasst
20160318             ABGAS—AFFÄRE: VW—VORSTÄNDE sollen —SCHON früher von drohenden Strafzahlungen gewusst haben
20160318             —JAHRES—TAG—DER—ANNEXION, PUTIN besucht Halbinsel KRIM
20160318             Manipulierte Zinssätze: Haftbefehl gegen frühere DEUTSCHE—BANK—MANAGER
20160318             FLÜCHTLINGS—GIPFEL, EU zahlt hohen Preis für TÜRKEI—DEAL
20160318             † 1—CRUISE ship off THE—FLORIDA coast rescued 18—CUBA—MIGRANTS who said 9—FELLOW—TRAVELERS —DURING their —22—DAY—LONG—JOURNEY.
20160318             —UNVEILED, UNITED—KINGDOM—MINISTER—IAIN—DUNCAN—SMITH quit, —2—DAYS—AFTER cuts were, in a 6. consecutive austerity budget that included plans to cut benefits for the disabled —WHILE giving tax breaks for the better off.
20160318             —CALLED, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, for more countries to impose sanctions on RUSSIA over its annexation of UKRAINE—CRIMEAN peninsula —2—YEARS—AGO, but the Kremlin said Crimea was RUSSIA—LAND and its status NON—NEGOTIABLE.
20160318             † VIZEKANZLER—GUIDO—WESTERWELLE, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER, MdB, Bundesvorsitzender der FDP, Außenminister,
20160318—19740000    —FROM, —AFTER "Oratorio for PRAGUE," 1—DOCUMENTARY about 19680000             —THE—SOVIET—LED invasion of Czechoslovakia, Nemec was banned and lived in GERMANY and THE—USA to 19890000            .
20160318—20070000    —OUTED, Thiel had been, as gay by 1—GAWKER—OWNED website.
20160318—20130000    —IN, The current system under which households pay 1—MONTHLY levy of 17.50—EUROS ($19.72) was introduced.
20160318—20151200    —IM, Außerdem brach er den —ERST, aufgestellten Rekord als wärmster —MONAT WELT—WEIT —SEIT—BEGINN—DER—MESSUNGEN—ER überbot ihn um 0,09 Grad.
20160318—20160320    —ON, 1—JURY added $25—MILLION to the verdict in punitive damages.
20160318—20160324    —BY, at least 20—PEOPLE were killed and more than 1,000 were sent fleeing into neighboring BURKINA—FASO.
20160319             Their rocket took off in windy conditions from RUSSIA—SPACE—BASE in KAZAKHSTAN at 2126—GMT 20160318            .
20170318             Batagaika Crater has been growing —SINCE the 19600101—19691231    s, and the growth —RATE is continuously increasing.
20170318             —PROTESTED, ANGOLA, about 200—DEMONSTRATORS, under heavy police surveillance in LUANDA against 1—DRAFT—LAW criminalizing all abortions.
20170318             —SUSPECTED, BANGLADESH police in DHAKA shot dead 1, militant on 1—MOTORBIKE carrying 1—BAG with improvised explosive devices.
20170318             —TARGETED, CONGODRC—UN—MISSION said government forces have, civilians, including women and children, resulting in numerous deaths in CENTRAL—CONGO —THIS—WEEK and are restricting UNITED—NATIONS peacekeepers' access to the area.
20170318             † EGYPT, SALEM Salmy AL—HAMADEEN (aka ABU—ANAS—AL—ANSARI), a leader in Islamic STATE—EGYPT—AFFILIATE, was killed in an air raid.
20170318             Meeting in CAIRO representatives of THE—UNITED—NATIONS, EUROPEAN—UNION, Arab League and AFRICA—UNION supported efforts by LIBYA—UNITY—GOVERNMENT to assert control over TRIPOLI —AFTER DAYS—OF—FIGHTING with rival militias.
20170318             † FRANCE, 1—MAN was shot to death —AFTER attempting to seize 1—SOLDIER—WEAPON at the Orly Airport.
20170318             —IDENTIFIED, He was soon, as Ziyed BEN—BELGACEM, a —39—YEAR—OLD born in FRANCE.
20170318             Judicial sources said he became 1—RADICALIZED—MUSLIM —WHEN he served 1—PRISON—TERM several years ago for DRUG—TRAFFICKING.
20170318             GERMANY, finance CHIEFS—OF—THE—WORLD—TOP 20—ECONOMIES (G20) pledged to finalize new banking regulations, easing concerns that the new USA—ADMINISTRATION would pull out of 1—LONG—DELAYED global accord known as BASEL III.
20170318             —DROPPED, The G20, 1—PLEDGE to fully oppose trade protectionism, amid pushback from THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP.
20170318             —DEMONSTRATED, GERMANY, —AROUND 9,000 Kurdish supporters, in FRANKFURT against TURKEY—PRESIDENT—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN and 1—APRIL referendum that would give him sweeping new powers.
20170318             —PICKED, INDIA—PRIME—MINISTER—NARENDRA—MODI, Hindu hardliner Yogi Adityanath to lead Uttar Pradesh, the country's most populous state, —AFTER his party won 1—LANDSLIDE victory —LAST—WEEK.
20170318             —ACCUSED—OF, Adityanath has been, inciting violence against INDIA—MUSLIM minority.
20170318             —REPORTED, IRAN, the Fars SEMI—OFFICIAL—NEWS—AGENCY, that Faezeh Hashemi, the outspoken DAUGHTER—OF—IRAN—LATE—PRESIDENT—AKBAR—HASHEMI—RAFSANJANI, has been sentenced to —6—MONTHS in prison for "spreading lies against the judiciary".
20170318             —CARRIED, THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY, out the airstrikes —EARLY—TODAY against 2—HAMAS targets in THE—GAZA—STRIP in retaliation for 1—PROJECTILE that landed in 1—OPEN—FIELD.
20170318             —CLAIMED, No militant group has, responsibility for the firing.
20170318             —SUSPECTED, NIGERIA, 3—SUICIDE—BOMBERS, to be MEMBERS—OF—BOKO—HARAM detonated explosive devices strapped on their bodies —LATE—TODAY, killing at least 4—PEOPLE in MAIDUGURI.
20170318             POLAND, HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE, braving the —WINTER cold and rain, protested in WARSAW against plans by the conservative government to curb the power of local governments and to subject the judiciary to the ruling party's control.
20170318             RUSSIA—AUTHORITIES said VLADIMIR—EVDOKIMOV, —56—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—TOP—SPACE—AGENCY—OFFICIAL, has been found dead with 2—STAB wounds in 1—PRISON where he was being held on CHARGES—OF—EMBEZZLEMENT.
20170318             —JAILED, He had been, in December on charges of embezzling 200—MILLION rubles ($3.1—MILLION) from the MiG aerospace company.
20170318             —TARGETED, SOUTH—AFRICA BURGLARS, CHIEF—JUSTICE—MOGOENG—MOGOENG—OFFICES—EARLY—TODAY, stealing 15—COMPUTERS containing sensitive information about 250—JUDGES.
20170318             —CRITICIZED, His court had severely, THE—ANC government.
20170318             —KIDNAPPED, SOUTH—SUDAN—REBELS, 4—OIL—WORKERS including 1—PAKISTAN—NATIONAL, in 1—BID to force their Chinese and MALAYSIA—CONSORTIUM to leave the country.
20170318             SYRIA, nearly 1,500—PEOPLE, mostly civilians, left the last OPPOSITION—HELD DISTRICT—OF—HOMS under 1—CONTROVERSIAL—RUSSIAN—SUPERVISED deal to bring the city under full government control.
20170318             —UNCOVERED, THAILAND—POLICE, 1—PLOT to assassinate the country's PRIME—MINISTER—AFTER seizing 1—WEAPONS cache at 1—HOUSE belonging to red shirt leader Wuthipong Kochathamakun, who has been on the run —SINCE the military coup.
20170318             —DETAINED, TURKEY—MEDIA said authorities have, 740—PEOPLE for suspected links to the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) over the last —3—DAYS.
20170318             —RESIGNED, Rima Khalaf, 1—UN—UNDERSECRETARY—GENERAL, —AFTER refusing to withdraw her report for THE—UN—ECONOMIC and Social Commission for WEST—ASIA.
20170318             —AUTHORED, She had, 1—RECENT—REPORT that accused ISRAEL of establishing an "apartheid regime".
20170318             —INFORMED, PALESTINE—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS soon, Rima Khalaf by phone that she would receive the Palestine Medal of the Highest Honor in recognition of her "courage and support" for THE—PALESTINE—PEOPLE.
20170318             TÜRKEI: BND zweifelt an Gülens Verantwortung für PUTSCH—VERSUCH
20170318             EUROPA: GABRIEL hält EU—BEITRITT der TÜRKEI für unrealistisch
20170318             FRANKREICH: Mann am Flughafen PARIS—ORLY erschossen
20170318             BÖRSE im Höhenflug: Die DONALD—TRUMP—RALLYE braucht DONALD—TRUMP gar nicht
20170318             Straffällige Einwanderer, USA—REGIERUNG will Abschiebungen mit speziellen Richtern beschleunigen
20170318             —DENN, die Qualität unserer SOFTWARE stinkt ganz barbarisch, und alle wissen es.
20170318             [l] Anlässlich des MERKEL—BESUCHS bei DONALD—TRUMP sind auch ein paar DEUTSCHLAND—JOURNALISTEN mitgefahren und haben dann 1—KULTURSCHOCK ausgelöst, als sie... dem Präsidenten Fragen stellten.
20170318             —CLAIMED, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, that GERMANY—NEWS—AGENCY—REPORTER—KRISTINA Dunz was interested in "FAKE—NEWS"—WHEN she asked him about isolationist policies.
20170318             Das finde ich —JETZT noch nicht sonderlich konfrontativ, ehrlich gesagt.
20170318             —ADMITTED, Politico reporter Tara Palmeri, her GERMANY—COLLEAGUES posed more substantial questions.
20170318             Krass.
20170318             —ASKED, DONALD—TRUMP was also, POINT—BLANK by 1—REPORTER why he keeps making statements he knows are not true.
20170318             Das hingegen ist 1.gut gestellte Frage.
20170318             The straightforward line of questioning visibly put off DONALD—TRUMP, ACCORDING—TO—GOFF.
20170318             —UPDATE, Ich möchte nochmal ausdrücklich daran erinnern, daß wir hier von DEUTSCHLAND—JOURNALISTEN reden, die im Inland nicht gerade durch pointierte Fragen auffallen.
20170318             [l] Wusstet ihr eigentlich, das schwule Männer weniger Geld verdienen als lesbische Frauen?
20170318             Schwule Männer verdienen laut 1—AUSTRALIEN—STUDIE—BIS zu 19% weniger als Heteros.
20170318             —KOMMENTIERT, Der Einsender :
20170318             Sicher gibt's in dieser Richtung noch weitere Ungerechtigkeiten zu entdecken.
20170318             In der Tat. SYRIEN: Letzte REBELLEN verlassen HOMS
20170318             FLÜCHTLINGE: DEUTSCHLAND—AGENTEN nehmen ASYL—BEWERBER ins Visier
20170318             —FLÜCHTLINGS—ABKOMMEN: 1. Syrer soll in DIE—TÜRKEI abgeschoben werden
20170318             —NACH, der NIEDERLANDE—WAHL: Mehr EUROPA!
20170318             —1—JAHR FLÜCHTLINGS—DEAL: Der große Bluff
20170318             —ANGRIFF am PARIS—FLUGHAFEN—ORLY: DIE—TERROR—ANGST kehrt zurück
20170318             ANGELA—MERKEL bei DONALD—TRUMP: Wenn Blicke reden könnten
20170318             SINDH—PAKISTAN—SCHWERE Überschwemmungen: Halb PERU wird weggespült
20170318             Heftiger Sturm über Norddeutschland: 1—MANN stirbt, Hunderte FEUERWEHR—1ÄTZE
20170318             —ANGRIFF am PARIS—FLUGHAFEN—ORLY: Ermittler sehen Hinweise auf geplanten TERROR—ANSCHLAG
20170318             POLEN—PRÄSIDENT—DUDA unterzeichnet umstrittene Versammlungsrechtsnovelle
20170318             BRÜSSEL: Mehrere Verletzte bei GEBÄUDE—EXPLOSION
20170318             EX—BANK—CHEF—FUNKE vor Gericht: Der Mann, der DEUTSCHLAND zittern ließ
20170318             WEIßES—HAUS: SECRET—SERVICE stoppt weiteren Eindringling
20170318             [l] DONALD—TRUMP stellt klar, daß DIE—NATO 1.stinknormale SCHUTZGELD—ERPRESSUNG ist.
20170318             ROCK'N'ROLL—IKONE: CHUCK—BERRY ist tot
20170318             NASA findings —SHOW that 1—MINI—MOON has been orbiting our planet for almost —100—YEARS.
20170318             The resulted instability of the region is not the only concern, but it will also result in releasing stored carbon that was locked away for THOUSANDS—OF—YEARS.
20170318             FRANK—GÜNTHER from THE—ALFRED—WEGENER—INSTITUTE in GERMANY said, "Global ESTIMATIONS—OF—CARBON stored in permafrost is [the] same amount as WHAT'—IN—THE—S atmosphere.
20170318             —JUSTIZ—GEGEN—RECHTS—EXTREME: Da weint der biedere —BÜRGER—KRIEGER
20170318             —FACED, Those were 2—OF—THE—TOUGH—QUESTIONS—DONALD—TRUMP, —DURING 1—PRESS—CONFERENCE—FRIDAY with MERKEL that led USA—JOURNALISTS who cover THE—WHITE—HOUSE to praise the tenacity of their GERMANY—COLLEAGUES.
20170318             Der Wage Gap macht gerade die Runde, weil
20170318             —REAKTIONEN—AUF—MERKELS Besuch bei DONALD—TRUMP: "Großer Zerstörer"trifft "letzte Verteidigerin der liberalen Weltordnung"
20170318             STUDIE—ZUR—GEHALTSLÜCKE: Auch Frauen würden Frauen weniger Gehalt zahlen (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 16:09)
20170318             G20—TREFFEN—IN—BADEN—BADEN: Gruppentherapie mit USA—AMERIKANERN
20170318             GRENZE—ZU—MEXIKO: DONALD—TRUMP—MAUER soll schön WERDEN—ABER nur auf DER—USA—SEITE
20170318             † CHUCK—BERRY, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—SÄNGER, Gitarrist und Komponist, Pionier des Rock 'n' Roll
20170318—19580000    His hit "JOHNNY—B—GOODE" was so influential and recognizable that THE—USA—SPACE—PROGRAM chose it to represent rock music for potential extraterrestrial listeners on the Voyager spacecraft.
20170318—20140000    —IN, Elite IRAQ—FORCES said they were battling house by house in the Old CITY—OF—MOSUL, inching towards the mosque where the Islamic State group proclaimed its "caliphate".
20180224—20180318    —IN—THE, It was reported that S—PETERSBURG restaurateur Yevgeny Prigozhin is believed to control more than 12—NEWS—PORTALS in RUSSIA that attract TENS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—VISITORS and serve as 1—IMPORTANT—STATE—PROPAGANDA—WEAPON as PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN runs for RE—ELECTION—VOTE.
20180318             —LIFTED, SRI—LANKA PRESIDENT—MAITHRIPALA—SIRISENA said he had, 1—NATIONWIDE STATE—OF—EMERGENCY imposed 20180306             —ON—AFTER BUDDHIST—MUSLIM clashes.
20180318             —BELIEVED, This was, to be the 1. pedestrian fatality involving 1—SELF—DRIVING car.
20180318             —SUSPENDED, Uber soon, autonomous testing in TEMPE, PITTSBURGH, TORONTO and S—FRANCISCO.
20180318             —ANNOUNCED, Uber —LATER, plans to end all AUTONOMOUS—CAR testing in CALIFORNIA.
20180318             CALIFORNIA, police in SACRAMENTO shot and killed 1—BLACK—MAN who was seen breaking into at least 3—VEHICLES and 1—NEIGHBOR—HOME.
20180318             —FIRED, Officers, 20—SHOTS at the man who was holding 1—CELL—PHONE in his hand.
20180318             † In MASSACHUSETTS 3—PEOPLE in 1—FIRE in SPRINGFIELD.
20180318             —DISPLACED, As many as 80—PEOPLE were, by the fire.
20180318             —AWARDED, ABU—DHABI state energy company ADNOC said it had, FRANCE—OIL—GIANT—TOTAL—STAKES in 2—OFFSHORE oil concessions.
20180318             —SIGNED, ABU—DHABI—NATIONAL—OIL—CO. said it has, 1—DEAL worth $1.45—BILLION with FRANCE—OIL—GIANT—TOTAL SA granting it stakes in offshore fields.
20180318             —DRESSED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—ATTACKER, in 1—SCHOOL—UNIFORM set off 1—GRENADE amid 1—GROUP—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—UNIVERSITY—STUDENTS in KABUL, killing himself and wounding 5—STUDENTS.
20180318             —CALLED, AUSTRALIA—PRIME—MINISTER—AND—SOUTH—EAST—ASIA—LEADERS meeting in SYDNEY, on NORTH—KOREA to end its nuclear program and urged UN countries to fully implement sanctions against the country.
20180318             NORTH—AUSTRALIA, about 25,000 homes were without power in THE—CITY—OF—DARWIN —AFTER 1—TROPICAL—CYCLONE felled trees, canceled flights, closed schools and delayed shipping.
20180318             Bush and grass fires sweeping across AUSTRALIA—SOUTHEAST destroyed homes, killed cattle and forced hundreds to flee as dry, hot winds fanned the flames.
20180318             AUSTRALIA, 1—FIRE began in SOUTH—NEW—SOUTH—WALES and over the next —24—HOURS consumed 69—HOMES.
20180318             The convicted men were MEMBERS—OF—THE—JAMAAT—UL—MUJAHIDEEN—BANGLADESH group.
20180318             His body was found THE—NEXT—DAY.
20180318             † 1—AUTOPSY —LATER concluded that Dombroski had, from 1—APPARENT—FALL with no signs of foul play.
20180318             A 2. —DAY—OF—ICY weather led LONDON—HEATHROW—AIRPORT to cancel more than 100—FLIGHTS and disrupted the homecoming celebrations of IRELAND—ALL—CONQUERING rugby team.
20180318             —APPOINTED, CHINA—CEREMONIAL legislature, Premier Li Keqiang, THE—NUMBER 2—LEADER—OF—THE—RULING—COMMUNIST—PARTY, to a 2. —5—YEAR—TERM.
20180318             —APPOINTED, The largely RUBBER—STAMP PARLIAMENT, senior GRAFT—BUSTER YANG—XIAODU as HEAD—OF—THE—COUNTRY—CONTROVERSIAL—NEW—ANTI—CORRUPTION—BODY, though real power will remain as always with the ruling Communist Party.
20180318             —DECLARED, CROATIA, 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY in its CENTRAL—KOSINJ valley —AFTER the Lika river flooded, cutting off road access to about 500—PEOPLE and leaving SOME—VILLAGES without electricity.
20180318             —KNOCKED, ISRAEL—FORCES, out 1—TUNNEL in THE—GAZA—STRIP dug by Hamas militants to MOUNT—CROSS—BORDER—ATTACKS.
20180318             —KILLED, KASHMIR, 5—MEMBERS—OF—1—INDIA—FAMILY were, and 2 injured by shelling from PAKISTAN—TROOPS in the Poonch region along THE—LINE—OF—CONTROL, the de facto border between INDIA and PAKISTAN.
20180318             —CALLED, PHILIPPINES PRESIDENT—RODRIGO—DUTERTE, for other signatories of THE—ROME—STATUTE that established THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT (ICC) to join his country in withdrawing from the treaty.
20180318             —VOTED, Russians, in 1—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION that was expected to give VLADIMIR—PUTIN 1—EASY—VICTORY, but his opponents alleged officials were compelling people to come to the polls so that 1—LOW turnout does not tarnish the win.
20180318             PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN easily won another —6—YEAR—TERM with about 76.69—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE with turnout at 67.7—PERCENT.
20180318             —CLOSED, THE—PYEONGCHANG—WINTER—PARALYMPICS, with 1—DAZZLING ceremony featuring light shows, dancing and music.
20180318             SYRIA, more than 20,000—PEOPLE left EAST—GHOUTA via THE—TOWN—OF—HAMMOURIYEH.
20180318             THE—CENTER for Reconciliation in Syria, 1—BODY—RUN by RUSSIA—DEFENSE—MINISTRY said more than 68,000—PEOPLE have left THE—EAST—GHOUTA —SINCE humanitarian corridors were set up in the area.
20180318             13—PEOPLE were killed —LATE—TODAY in air strikes and artillery fire on the battered TOWN—OF—DOUMA in EAST—GHOUTA.
20180318             TURKEY—FORCES and their SYRIA—REBEL—ALLIES swept into THE—NORTH—WEST—SYRIA—TOWN—OF—AFRIN, raising their flags in the town center and declaring full control —AFTER an —8—WEEK—CAMPAIGN to drive out Kurdish YPG forces.
20180318             —INDICATED, THE—KURDISH—ADMINISTRATION—OF—THE—AFRIN region, that KURDISH—DOMINATED forces fighting TURKEY—BACKED groups in the area will shift from direct confrontation to guerrilla tactics.
20180318             [l] Der LUFTHANSA—VORSTAND äußert sich zu BER:
20180318             "Meine PROGNOSE ist: Das Ding wird abgerissen und neu gebaut", sagte LUFTHANSA—VORSTAND Thorsten Dirks
20180318             Öhm, das hätten wir —SCHON früher haben können ?
20180318             [l] SEEHOFER marodiert —SCHON gleich gut los und will SCHENGEN abschaffen
20180318             [l] JENS—SPAHN legt nach, —DIESMAL über "ungeborenes menschliches Leben"
20180318             [l] Blei scheint noch gefährlicher zu sein als —BISHER, bekannt.
20180318             The study found that deaths, especially from cardiovascular disease, increased markedly with exposure, even at the lowest levels
20180318             DIE—DATEN seien durch 1.App namens thisisyourdigitallife beschafft worden, die ALEKSANDR—KOGAN, 1—AKADEMIKER der CAMBRIDGE—UNIVERSITÄT, in seiner Privatzeit entwickelt habe.
20180318             Was die Befragten nicht wussten, war, dass
20180318             —CA—30.000.000 dieser Profile hätten genug Informationen enthalten, um sie mit anderen DATEN zu kombinieren und sogenannte psychografische Profile zu erstellen, schreibt DIE—NEW—YORK—TIMES.
20180318             —BEKANNT, FACEBOOK hat —INZWISCHEN, gegeben, CAMBRIDGE—ANALYTICA und ihre MUTTER—FIRMA Strategic Communication Laboratories (SCL) von seiner Plattform auszuschließen
20180318             GROß—BRITANNIEN: Ausschuss WARNT—VOR—BREXIT—CHAOS
20180318             PUTIN vor sicherem Sieg: RUSSLAND hat keine Wahl
20180318             —MILITÄR—OFFENSIVE: TÜRKEI—ARMEE besetzt SYRIEN—STADT Afrin
20180318             NUKLEAR—VORFALL : Wie RUSSLAND DIE—AUFKLÄRUNG über die radioaktive Wolke blockiert
20180318             G20—TREFFEN—IN—BUENOS—AIRES: OLAF—SCHOLZ will GOOGLE und Co
20180318             MORD—ANSCHLAG—IN—LONDON: "Für May ist es 1—RIESENSCHRITT, RUSSLAND so zweifelsfrei zu beschuldigen"
20180318             KÜNSTLICHE—INTELLIGENZ: —SAURIER auf Surfbrettern
20180318             Blei im Aas: Warum in AFRIKA so VIELE—GEIER sterben
20180318             SPD—PLAN: Langzeiterwerbslose sollen gemeinnützige Arbeit leisten
20180318             GROß—BRITANNIEN: Wütender Autofahrer rast in NACHTKLUB—VIELE—VERLETZTE
20180318             Afrin in SYRIEN: Die neuen Herren übernehmen DIE—MACHT—PRÄSIDENTENKÜR: So wählt RUSSLAND
20180318             ;03;;—WINTER: Gefühlt minus 50—GRAD, —JETZT droht Sonnenbrand
20180318             —GEWINNT, PUTIN, RUSSLAND—WAHL: 1—SIEG wie gemacht
20180318             Cirque du Soleil: Akrobat stürzt vor Publikum AB—TOT
20180318             Wählermobilisierung durch FALL—SKRIPAL: PUTIN—MIT—ARBEITER dankt GROSSBRITANNIEN—REGIERUNG
20180318             [l] Video des Tages: In Jakutien warten DIE—WÄHLER geduldig, —BIS DER—MIT—ARBEITER DIE—WAHLURNE vorgefüllt hat
20180318             —NACH, übereinstimmenden Berichten der NEW—YORK—TIMES und des "LONDON—OBSERVER"hat die Firma CAMBRIDGE—ANALYTICA sich unerlaubt Zugriff AUF—CA—50.000.000 FACEBOOK—PROFILE verschafft und DIE—PRIVATEN DATEN genutzt, um 1.SOFTWARE zu entwickeln, die DONALD—TRUMP bei seinem PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTS—WAHL—KAMPF
20180318             DIE—ZEITUNGSBERICHTE stützen sich größtenteils auf DIE—AUSSAGEN—DES—WHISTLE—BLOWERS CHRISTOPHER—WYLIE, der laut NEW—YORK—TIMES —BIS spät ins —JAHR 20140000             bei CAMBRIDGE—ANALYTICA gearbeitet hat.
20180318             DER—STAATS—ANWALT des USA—BUNDES—STAATS MASSACHUSETTS kündigte —AM—SAMSTAG, 1.offizielle Untersuchung der in den Zeitungsberichten veröffentlichten Angaben an.
20180318             BND—WARNUNG: NORD—KOREA—ATOM—RAKETEN können DEUTSCHLAND erreichen
20180318             VERSCHWÖRUNGS—THEORIEN IM—NETZ: Wenn Leute glauben, dass
20180318             Rede von WAHL—SIEGER PUTIN: "Ich bin Mitglied eures Teams"
20180318             † In ARIZONA 1—UBER car operating in autonomous mode struck Elaine Herzberg (49) in TEMPE, who soon of her injuries at 1—LOCAL—HOSPITAL.
20180318             THE—PHILIPPINES, 1—FIRE at 1—HOTEL at THE—MANILA—PAVILION—HOTEL and Casino killed 5—PEOPLE and injured nearly 2—DOZEN.
20180318             —SIEGT, Bei der RUSSLAND—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTSWAHL, WLADIMIR—WLADIMIROWITSCH—PUTIN mit 76,3 PROZENT—DER—STIMMEN und startet damit seine 4. Amtszeit.
20180318—20140600    —AB, Kogans Firma Global Science Research habe ZUSAMMEN—MIT—CAMBRIDGE—ANALYTICA, —ETWA 270.000—WAHLBERECHTIGTE USA—AMERIKANER an bezahlten Persönlichkeitstests teilnehmen lassen
20180318—20151100    —IN, 1—BANGLADESH court sentenced 7—MILITANTS to death —AFTER finding them GUILTY—OF—KILLING 1—SHRINE worker.
20180318—20160600    —IM, Besonderes Augenmerk wurde laut "Observer"auf Persönlichkeitsmerkmale wie Rasse, Geschlecht, sexuelle Orientierung, den geschätzten IQ und Kindheitstraumata gelegt, dazu habe DIE—SOFTWARE Rückschlüsse auf politische Überzeugungen und zahlreiche charakterliche Eigenschaften GEMACHT—OFFENBAR mit dem Ziel, bestimmte ZIEL—GRUPPEN mit WAHL—KAMPFWERBUNG besonders persönlich anzusprechen.
20180318—20180205    —ON, ISRAEL—AUTHORITIES—ARAB ISRAEL—ABED—HAKIM—ASSI (19980000             *), suspected of having stabbed to death Rabbi Itamar BEN—GAL, —29—JAHRE—ALT near 1—SETTLEMENT in the occupied WEST—BANK, has been arrested.
20180318—20200000    —CHARGED, Uber driver Rafaela Vasquez (46) was, with negligent homicide.
20190318             USA—FEDERAL—AUTHORITIES said 1—MILLION—POUNDS (0.45—MILLION kg) of pork products allegedly smuggled from CHINA have been seized at 1—NEW—JERSEY port.
20190318             —FEARED, Officials, the meat could be contaminated with AFRICA—SWINE fever virus, which has killed more than 1—MILLION pigs in CHINA.
20190318             —SENTENCED, FORMER—PENNSYLVANIA pediatrician JOHNNIE—BARTO was, to at least —79—YEARS in prison for the sexual assault of 31—CHILDREN, MOST—OF—THEM patients.
20190318             1—GROUP—OF—BIG—INTERNET—COMPANIES added more than 800—DIFFERENT—VERSIONS—OF—THE—NEW—ZEALAND mosque shooting video to 1 shared database used to block violent terrorist images and videos.
20190318             —FACED, The world's biggest plane maker, escalating pressure —AFTER ETHIOPIA pointed to parallels between its crash and 1 in INDONESIA, sharpening focus on THE—SAFETY—OF—SOFTWARE installed in BOEING—737—MAX planes.
20190318             CHECHNYA, Oyub Titiev, who runs THE—OFFICE—OF—THE—MEMORIAL—HUMAN—RIGHTS—CENTER in THE—SOUTH—RUSSIA—REGION, was sentenced to —4—YEARS in 1—PENAL settlement —AFTER he was found GUILTY—OF—POSSESSING illegal drugs.
20190318             —FRAMED, His supporters say he was, with the drugs planted in his car.
20190318             —KILLED, CONGO, DRC 32—PEOPLE were, and 91—OTHERS injured —WHEN 1—FREIGHT train carrying stowaways derailed overnight in CENTRAL—KASAI province.
20190318             CRIMEA, RUSSIA—FLAGS flew across SIMFEROPOL as PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN flew in to mark the 5. ANNIVERSARY—OF—MOSCOW—INTERNATIONALLY condemned annexation of the peninsula from UKRAINE.
20190318             —INAUGURATED, Putin, 2—NEW—POWER—STATIONS in Crimea.
20190318             —PUBLISHED, EGYPT, new regulations were, in the official gazette —LATE—TODAY, allowing THE—SUPREME—MEDIA—REGULATORY—COUNCIL to block websites and accounts for "fake news," and impose stiff penalties of up to 250,000 EGYPT—POUNDS ($14,400), all without having to obtain 1—COURT—ORDER.
20190318             —CONDEMNED, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION and NATO, RUSSIA's 20140000             annexation of UKRAINE—CRIMEAN—PENINSULA —5—YEARS—AFTER MOSCOW declared the region RUSSIA—TERRITORY.
20190318             —ANNOUNCED, FRANCE—PRIME—MINISTER—EDOUARD—PHILLIPE, 1—BAN on "yellow vest" protests on PARIS' CHAMPS—ELYSEES avenue and 2—OTHER—CITIES.
20190318             † 1—INDIA—POLICE—OFFICIAL said 1—PROTESTER and 1—POLICEMAN have in clashes outside Vedanta LTD—EAST—INDIA—ALUMINA refinery in Odisha state.
20190318             —KILLED, INDONESIA—OFFICIALS said THE—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE, —AFTER torrential downpours triggered flash floods and mudslides that tore through mountainside villages in Papua province has climbed to 79.
20190318             1—INDONESIA—OFFICIAL and veterinarian said that 1 endangered orangutan with 1—YOUNG—BABY on Sumatra ISLAND was blinded —AFTER being shot at least 74—TIMES with 1—AIR—GUN—LAST—WEEK.
20190318             —RUSHED, The baby † from malnutrition as rescuers, THE—2—ANIMALS to 1—ORANGUTAN veterinary clinic.
20190318             He was 1—OF—DOZENS—OF—FOREIGN—NATIONALS facing the death penalty in IRAQ.
20190318             —FAMED, MILAN—MAYOR—GIUSEPPE—SALA said ITALY's, La Scala opera house will —IMMEDIATELY return 3—MILLION—EUROS ($3.4—MILLION) sent to 1—ESCROW account by SAUDI—ARABIA.
20190318             He did not rule out future dealings with the kingdom despite concerns raised over its human rights record.
20190318             —REPORTED, It was, that military roadblocks on KASHMIR—MAIN—HIGHWAY are delaying ambulances carrying patients and leading to confrontations with motorists that occasionally turn physical.
20190318             —KILLED, MOZAMBIQUE—PRESIDENT—FILIPE—NYUSI said that more than 1,000 may have by, by Cyclone Idai.
20190318             The official death count stood at 84. THE—RED—CROSS said that 90—PERCENT—OF—BEIRA, 1—CITY—OF—500,000, had been damaged or destroyed.
20190318             The death toll in MALAWI from heavy rains and flooding stood at 56 AS—OF—LAST—WEEK.
20190318             —LAUNCHED, HOLLAND—POLICE, 1—HUGE—MANHUNT for 1—GUNMAN who killed 3—PEOPLE and wounded 9—OTHERS in 1 suspected terror attack inside 1—TRAM in UTRECHT.
20190318             —ARRESTED, TURKISH—BORN suspect Gokmen Tanis (37) was, —AFTER a —7—HOUR—MANHUNT by security forces.
20190318             2—OTHER—SUSPECTS were also in custody, but were soon released.
20190318             —ARRESTED, Another suspect was, THE—NEXT—DAY.
20190318             —REPORTED, It was, that RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN has signed bills restricting online media and making 1—CRIMINAL—OF anyone who insults the state, laws that critics see as PART—OF—KREMLIN efforts to stifle criticism and tighten media control.
20190318             —STAGED, DOZENS—OF—SERBIA—HIGH—SCHOOL—STUDENTS have, 1—SIT—DOWN protest demanding that authorities release 1—FELLOW—STUDENT who was jailed —DURING weekend ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS in Serbia.
20190318             SCORES—OF—SUDAN—PROTESTERS chanting "freedom, peace, justice" rallied in KHARTOUM, as 1—CAMPAIGN against PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BASHIR—RULE was poised to enter its 4. —MONTH.
20190318             —WARNED, Syria's the defence MINISTER, that government forces will reclaim CONTROL—OF—NORTHEASTERN areas controlled by THE—USA—BACKED Kurds, whether by force or through reconciliation.
20190318             —BATTLED, EAST—SYRIA, USA—BACKED SDF forces, holdout jihadists —AFTER —1—NIGHT—OF shelling and heavy air strikes.
20190318             —CARRIED, TURKEY and IRAN, out 1—JOINT—OPERATION against militants from the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) on TURKEY—EASTERN—BORDER.
20190318             1—UN—REPORT released —TODAY showed 1—INCREASE in allegations of sexual abuse and exploitation by staff working in UN agencies and their partner organizations.
20190318             —CONVICTED—OF, Barbarin, the archbishop of LYON, was —RECENTLY, failing to report 1—KNOWN predator priest to police.
20190318             BERTELSMANN—CHEF—THOMAS—RABE über GOOGLE und FACEBOOK: "Allein schaufeln wir nur unser eigenes Grab" (SPIEGEL+, 05:56)
20190318             —GEFOLTERT, PROZESS—IN—SAUDI—ARABIEN gegen 3—FRAUEN: Sie wurden offenbar, dabei wollten sie bloß Auto fahren (SPIEGEL+, 07:35)
20190318             DIE—BERINGSTRAßE ist eine schmale Meerenge, die RUSSLAND—VON—ALASKA trennt.
20190318             DIE—CA—80—KILOMETER, die den PAZIFIK und den Arktischen Ozean verbinden, sind nahezu eisfrei.
20190318             DAS—KLIMAABKOMMEN WURDE—DIE—EISMASSEN schmelzen, und der Permafrostboden taut.
20190318             In den teilweise Hunderte Meter dicken Permafrostschichten der ARKTIS sind —SEIT der letzten EIS—ZEIT gigantische Mengen Biomasse aus abgestorbenen Pflanzen konserviert.
20190318             —BEGINNT, Sobald sie tauen, die Zersetzung durch MIKROORGANISMEN—UND zusätzliche Treibhausgase wie Kohlendioxid und Methan werden frei.
20190318             Das Tauen der Permafrostböden gilt daher als möglicher sogenannter KIPP—PUNKT im globalen Klimasystem.
20190318             Auch im vergangenen —JAHR war es in der ARKTIS ungewöhnlich warm.
20190318             DIE—AUSBREITUNG—DES—MEEREISES hat laut Esa —IN—DIESEM—MÄRZ ein neues Rekordtief erreicht.
20190318             [l] Habt ihr euch auch gefragt, wie Boeing ihr MCAS durch die Zulassung gekriegt hat?
20190318             DIE—ANTWORT lag fast —SCHON auf der Hand:
20190318             Das war der alte Klassiker "Selbstzertifizierung", der große Bruder von "freiwillige Selbstverpflichtung".
20190318             [l] Kennt ihr den —SCHON? Fahrgast mit 1,7 Promille bringt ICE zum außerplanmäßigen Stopp.
20190318             Gut, immerhin besser als wenn der LOK—FÜHRER besoffen ist und einen planmäßigen Stopp verpeilt ?
20190318             [l] Myspace meint es Ernst mit DATEN—SCHUTZ!
20190318             [l] —NACH—DEM ATTAC—URTEIL hat —JETZT campact 1—RUNDMAIL geschrieben, daß sie davon ausgehen, auch bald die Gemeinnützigkeit aberkannt zu bekommen.
20190318             Auf der einen Seite kann man sich fragen, wieso eine politische Pressure Group wie Attac oder campact überhaupt jemals als gemeinnützig galt.
20190318             Insofern habe ich den Eindruck, daß das nicht gut und nicht gerecht ist.
20190318             Stellt sich die Frage, wie man das —IN—ZUKUNFT, organisieren kann.
20190318             Und 1—WAGENKNECHT tut den Teufel, sich therapieren zu lassen.
20190318             1—LESER weist darauf hin, daß die BERTELSMANN—STIFTUNG und die INSM gemeinnützig sind (und VIELE—ANDERE—LOBBY—GESELLSCHAFTEN).
20190318             [l] MARIO—BARTH und Die Anstalt haben gerade zu einer schönen Illustration von Uploadfiltern beigetragen.
20190318             [l] Die BVG hat für ihr Frauenticket einen Ticketautomaten mit FRAUEN—GESICHTSERKENNUNG aufgestellt.
20190318             CHARITÉ—PSYCHIATER über Wutbürger: "—JETZT kommt die Aggression zurück" (SPIEGEL+, 15:52)
20190318             NACH—KRAWALLEN bei GELBWESTEN—PROTEST: FRANKREICH will härter gegen Randalierer vorgehen
20190318             —GEFÄHRDET, RÜSTUNGS—AUSGABEN, DEUTSCHLAND, die Nato (SPIEGEL+, 01:57)
20190318             —ATTENTAT—IN—CHRISTCHURCH: MUTMAßLICHER—SCHÜTZE kaufte Waffen ONLINE—UND will sich selbst verteidigen
20190318             USA—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTS—WAHL 20200000             Beto O'Rourke und die "verrückten" Hände
20190318             —ABSTURZ der Boeing 737—MAX: Schwere Vorwürfe gegen Flugaufsicht und Boeing
20190318             —KRISE: Maduro fordert MINISTER—ZUM—RÜCKTRITT auf
20190318             —GEPLANTE Werksschließungen in DEN— USA—TRUMP attackiert GENERAL—MOTORS
20190318             EU—DOKUMENT zum BREXIT—BRITEN müssen —BIS ;;07;; gehen — oder an EUROPAwahl teilnehmen
20190318             Truppen zur "Friedenssicherung": PENTAGON weist BERICHT—ÜBER—STATIONIERUNG—VON—USA—SOLDATEN in SYRIEN zurück
20190318             SPD—SPITZENKANDIDATIN BARLEY über den BREXIT: "DIE—BRITEN haben die Nase voll"
20190318             Bandenkriege in CHICAGO: Online drohen, offline schießen
20190318             Fusionsgespräche von Commerzbank und DEUTSCHE—BANK: Aktien im Höhenrausch
20190318             TRUMP—HERAUSFORDERER: Republikaner attackieren O'Rourke mit altem POLIZEI—FOTO
20190318             MEDIEN—BERICHT, SAUDI—ARABIEN soll SONDER—KOMMANDO zur Dissidentenjagd unterhalten
20190318             Satellitenbild: TEMPERATUR—ANSTIEG in der ARKTIS lässt sich nicht mehr aufhalten
20190318             ANTRAG—DER—VERTEIDIGUNG: RICHTER—IM—CHEMNITZ—PROZESS sollen politische Haltung offenlegen
20190318             BESTECHUNGS—SKANDAL an Hochschulen: Lehrerin verklagt Felicity Huffman und Lori Loughlin
20190318             Im Atlantik vor FRANKREICH : KAMPF—GEGEN—DAS ÖL—BEVOR es die Küste erreicht
20190318             DAS—KLIMAABKOMMEN wurde
20190318             Ob die vereinbarten KLIMA—SCHUTZZIELE tatsächlich erreicht werden, ist fraglich
20190318             —LAUT, DER—EUROPÄISCHEN WELT—RAUMORGANISATION Esa gibt es —DERZEIT, im Beringmeer so wenig Eis wie noch nie —SEIT—BEGINN—DER—AUFZEICHNUNGE
20190318             —HUSTLED, As Boeing
20190318             —UPLOADED, Myspace lost all the music its users, 20030000—20150000                 —BETWEEN,
20190318             Auf der anderen Seite ist das halt DIE—ORGANISATIONSFORM DER—LINKEN.
20190318             WAGENKNECHT: "Ist DER—MENSCH für die Wirtschaft da oder die WIRTSCHAFT—FÜR—DEN Menschen?", sei ja —NUN "1—PRODUKT der —POLITIK—DER—LETZTEN—JAHRE".
20190318             —ANGRIFF—AUF—MILITÄR—BASIS: Mehr als 20—TOTE bei ANSCHLAG—IN—MALI
20190318             UNGLÜCK—IM—KONGO: Güterzug entgleist - 34—BLINDE Passagiere —STERBEN
20190318             —ATTENTAT—IN—CHRISTCHURCH: Regierung in NEUSEELAND einigt sich auf schärfere Waffengesetze
20190318             Niedergang eines NETZ—WERKS: Ja, MySpace gibt es NOCH—ES hat nur Ihre DATEN verloren
20190318             —PLÄDIERT, BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG: —STUDIE, für langsamen Umstieg auf E—AUTOS
20190318             —GESTIEGEN, Produktpiraterie: HANDEL—MIT—GEFÄLSCHTEN WAREN ist WELT—WEIT
20190318             BREXIT—VERSCHIEBUNG:
20190318             ABRÜSTUNGS—KONFERENZ—IN—GENF: Schlachtfeld Weltall
20190318             Nur Bares ist Wahres: BUNDES—BANK zweifelt am Nutzen der FÜNFHUNDERTER—ABSCHAFFUNG
20190318             —ENTSCHEIDUNG über Mays EU—DEAL: Unterhaussprecher schließt 3. ABSTIMMUNG—ÜBER—UNVERÄNDERTEN BREXIT—ANTRAG aus
20190318             Meteorologen: Risiko von Starkregen in Teilen DEUTSCHLANDs unterschätzt
20190318             —SEIT—JAHRES—BEGINN, Mehr als 30.000—MASERN—FÄLLE und 11—TOTE in DER—UKRAINE
20190318             Boeing 737—MAX 8: FRANKREICH—BEHÖRDE bestätigt Ähnlichkeiten bei Flugzeugabstürzen
20190318             Mit einem Bulldozer verfolgte 1—WILDSCHÜTZER im USA—BUNDES—STAAT PENNSYLVANIAA
20190318             Haushaltsplanung: SCHOLZ bricht Zusagen für Verteidigung und Entwicklungshilfe
20190318             CHEMNITZ: Hunderte Hooligans und Neonazis besuchen Begräbnis von RECHTS—RADIKALEM
20190318             Trotz Protest: PUTIN unterzeichnet umstrittenes GESETZ—GEGEN—"Fake News"
20190318             MOSAMBIK: Mehr als 1.000—TODESOPFER durch Wirbelsturm "Idai" befürchtet
20190318             INDIEN—PAKISTAN—KONFLIKT, Neue Gefechte in Kaschmir
20190318             "Aufstehen"-Bewegung: LAFONTAINE sondierte bei der SPD
20190318             † ISRAEL—MILITARY expanded its massive manhunt for 1—PALESTINE—ASSAILANT as authorities announced that a 2. Israeli of wounds sustained in 1—WEST—BANK shooting attack the previous —DAY.
20190318             —TURNED, FRANCISCUS—I—PAPA, down 1—OFFER to resign by FRANCE—ROMAN—CATHOLIC cardinal PHILIPPE—BARBARIN (68), but suggested he stand aside "for 1—WHILE".
20190318—20140000    —SINCE, CHINA reported that it has arrested nearly 13,000—PEOPLE, described as terrorists, and broken up hundreds of "terrorist gangs" in Xinjiang.
20190318—20200320    —SENTENCED, Tanis was, to life in prison for killing 4—PEOPLE.
20190318—20300000    —BIS, BERICHT, 56.000.000—KINDER könnten an vermeidbaren Ursachen —STERBEN
20190318—20500000    —BIS, DIE—TEMPERATUREN in der ARKTIS werden laut UNO um mindestens 3—GRAD Celsius steigen.
20190318—20500000    —BIS, werden die Temperaturen in der ARKTIS im Vergleich zum vorindustriellen Zeitalter um mindestens 3—BIS 5—GRAD Celsius im —JAHRESMITTEL STEIGEN—SELBST wenn die Ziele des PARISer KLIMA—SCHUTZABKOMMENS erfüllt und DER—GLOBALE—AUSSTOß an Treibhausgasen massiv gesenkt werden würde.
20190318—20800000    —BIS, seien sogar Temperaturanstiege von —BIS zu 9—GRAD Celsius möglich, heißt es in dem Bericht, der während DER—UNO—UMWELTKONFERENZ vorgestellt wurde.
20191011—19650318    —PRECEDED, His —12—MINUTE spacewalk, the 1. USA spacewalk by ED—WHITE by less than —3—MONTHS.
20200315—20200318    —AM, sollten BÜRGER die Gelegenheit haben, Einwendungen gegen das geplante TESLA—WERK in Grünheide bei BERLIN öffentlich vorzubringen.
20200315—20200318    —BERICHTET, Daraus wird wegen des CORONAvisus nichts, das "Handelsblatt".
20200315—20200318    Die Anhörung sei vom brandenburgischen Landesumweltamt auf unbestimmte Zeit verschoben WORDEN—DAS stoße auf Kritik.
20200315—20200318    Dem Bericht zufolge haben sich 361—KRITIKER Einwände gegen das Projekt angemeldet.
20200318             —ANNOUNCED, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, that CANADA and THE—USA—HAVE agreed to temporarily close their shared border to nonessential travel in THE—WAKRE—OF—THE—CORONA€"VIRUS—PANDEMIC.
20200318             —ASKED, THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION, Congress for $500—BILLION for direct payments to taxpayers and $500—BILLION in loans for businesses, as THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT ramped up its efforts to address the fallout from THE—CORONA€"VIRUS epidemic.
20200318             —TAPPED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, his authority under THE—70—YEAR—OLD—DEFENSE—PRODUCTION—ACT to give the government more power to steer production by private companies and try to overcome shortages in masks, ventilators and other supplies.
20200318             —DESCRIBED, Trump, himself as a "wartime PRESIDENT" fighting 1—INVISIBLE—ENEMY.
20200318             —RESUMED, WALL—STREET, 1—STEEP slide —WHILE bond markets rushed to price in the sheer SCALE—OF—GOVERNMENT—SUPPORT—PROGRAMS and handouts announced over the past —24—HOURS, all aimed at softening the economic SHOCK—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200318             —TUMBLED, Stocks, more than 5%.
20200318             —ERASED, THE—DJIA, virtually all its gains —SINCE PRESIDENT—TRUMP'S 20170000             inauguration.
20200318             THE—USA—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT gave taxpayers 1—EXTRA—90—DAYS to pay their FEDERAL—TAXES and announced that it won't pursue FORECLOSURES—OF—EVICTIONS on government guaranteed mortgages for at least —60—DAYS.
20200318             —CONFIRMED, THE—USA—NOW has more than 5,800, CASES—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS with at least 115—DEATHS.
20200318             —INFECTED, The virus has —NOW, over 205,000 and killed over 8,700 in 164—NATIONS.
20200318             —ARRIVED, ALASKA, THOMAS—WAERNER—OF—NORWAY, 1. at the finish line in Nome to win the Iditirod Trail Sled Dog Race.
20200318             —SIGNED, CALIFORNIA—GOVERNOR—GAVIN—NEWSOM, 1—EXECUTIVE—ORDER sending $100—MILLION to local governments for shelter support and emergency housing to help slow THE—SPREAD—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS among the homeless population.
20200318             Another $50—MILLION will be used to buy trailers and lease hotel and motel rooms to quarantine homeless people showing symptoms of COVID—19.
20200318             HAWAII officials said 2—CRUISE ships won't be allowed to disembark in HONOLULU —AFTER being turned away by other ports, even with no positive CASES—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS on either vessel.
20200318             NEVADA shut down all NON—ESSENTIAL—BUSINESSES, including THE—LAS—VEGAS casinos at THE—HEART—OF—THE—STATE—ECONOMY, due to THE—CORONA€"VIRUS pandemic.
20200318             —SENTENCED, Smith, to —40—YEARS in state prison, will —NOW get 1—NEW—TRIAL.
20200318             SOUTH—TEXAS, 1—IMMIGRANT, —27—JAHRE—ALT from HONDURAS was found dead at 1—USA—IMMIGRATION and Customs Enforcement fsamily detention center.
20200318             This was the ninth death to occur in ICE custody —SINCE last October.
20200318             A 5.7-magnitude earthquake shook SALT—LAKE—CITY and its suburbs —EARLY—TODAY, sending spooked residents fleeing their homes, knocking out power for tens of thousands and closing the city's airport.
20200318             —ANNOUNCED, It was, that Pixar animation pioneers Pat Hanrahan and ED—CATMULLS are —THIS—YEAR—WINNERS of the $1—MILLION Turing Award.
20200318             Honda Motor Co said it is temporarily halting production in NORTH—AMERICA—FOR —6—DAYS because of the anticipated decline in auto sales due to THE—CORONA€"VIRUS outbreak and will reduce production by about 40,000 vehicles.
20200318             —COMMITTED, JPMorgan Chase & Co said that it has, $50—MILLION to funds and community groups that are providing food, support and medical supplies for people hurt by THE—CORONA€"VIRUS in THE—USA, EUROPE and ASIA.
20200318             1—NEW—REPORT said 1—TINY—FOSSIL skull nicknamed "Wonderchicken" may be the oldest known fossil from this group.
20200318             1—SKULL—OF—PARTRIDGE—SIZED bird, named Asteriornis maastrichtensis, was found in BELGIUM and said to be some 66.7 to 66.8—MILLION—YEARS—OLD.
20200318             —BLAMED, It lived —JUST—BEFORE the asteroid impact that's, for killing off MANY—SPECIES, most notably the giant dinosaurs.
20200318             —REPORTED, BANGLADESH, its 1. CORONA€"VIRUS death.
20200318             —REPORTED, BURKINA—FASO, its 2. death from COVID—19.
20200318             —CONFIRMED, DJIBOUTI, its 1. CORONA€"VIRUS case.
20200318             CATHERINE—HAMLIN and her husband, Reginald Hamlin, CO—FOUNDED THE—ADDIS—ABABA Fistula Hospital.
20200318             —TREATED, THE—HAMLINS, together with the hospital staff, have, more than 60,000 women to date for obstetric fistula.
20200318             —BANNED, THE—EU, nonessential travel from THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD into 26—MEMBER nations —FOR—30—DAYS due to THE—CORONA€"VIRUS pandemic.
20200318             —PROTESTED, FRANCE, several 100—AMAZON workers, at 1—OF—ITS—SITES, calling on the online retailer to cease operations or make it easier for employees loath to work —DURING THE—CORONA€"VIRUS outbreak to stay away.
20200318             —ANNOUNCED, GAMBIA, its 1. CORONA€"VIRUS case.
20200318             —BECAME, Mitterteich, Bavaria, the 1. GERMANY—TOWN to impose 1—CURFEW to slow THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200318             —ALLOWED, Citizens there were still, to buy groceries, go to work and visit the doctor.
20200318             Clashes broke out on THE—GREECE—BORDER with TURKEY —BEFORE dawn, —AFTER about 500—MIGRANTS attempted to break down 1—BORDER—FENCE and enter GREECE.
20200318             —ANNOUNCED, HUNGARY—PRIME—MINISTER—VIKTOR—ORBAN, 1—BLANKET moratorium on loan repayments for all companies and private borrowers —UNTIL THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR to limit the economic fallout from THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200318             —JUMPED, INDONESIA—DEATH—TOLL, from 5 to 19. THOUSANDS—OF—MUSLIM pilgrims from across ASIA gathered at Gowa, —JUST—2—WEEKS—AFTER 1—SIMILAR—EVENT in MALAYSIA caused more than 500—INFECTIONS.
20200318             † IRAN—GOVERNMENT said another 147—PEOPLE have from THE—CORONA€"VIRUS raising the total to 1,135—PEOPLE out of 17,361 cases —SINCE it 1. emerged in the Islamic REPUBLIC—1—MONTH ago.
20200318             —DEFENDED, PRESIDENT—HASSAN—ROUHANI, the response of his administration, which has yet to impose 1—LOCKDOWN.
20200318             —PACKED, Food markets were still, with shoppers and highways were crowded with traffic as families traveled between cities ahead of 20200320             —THE—PERSIAN—NEW—YEAR.
20200318             —REPORTED, ITALY, nearly 500—NEW—DEATHS from the novel CORONA€"VIRUS, the highest —1—DAY—OFFICIAL—TOLL—OF—ANY—NATION.
20200318             —ADDED, ITALY, 4,207 new cases.
20200318             —KILLED, LIBYA, 5—WOMEN were, —LATE—TODAY and 5—OTHERS were wounded, including 1—CHILD, —WHEN their houses were shelled near TRIPOLI.
20200318             —WARNED—OF, MALAYSIA, "1—TSUNAMI" of cases if people did not follow new restrictions as infections surged across SOUTH—EAST—ASIA.
20200318             —REPORTED, MEXICO, its 1. death from THE—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200318             —REPORTED, MOLDOVA, its 1. death due to THE—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200318             —ASKED, MOROCCO, citizens not to leave their homes except to buy essential goods, seek medical treatment or go to work, as 1—PRECAUTIONARY measure.
20200318             —PASSED, NEW—ZEALAND lawmakers, 1—LANDMARK bill that treats abortion as 1—HEALTH—ISSUE rather than 1—CRIME.
20200318             —RAIDED, PAKISTAN—SECURITY—FORCES, 1—MILITANT hideout in NORTH—WAZIRISTAN, triggering 1—SHOOTOUT that killed 4—SOLDIERS and 7—MILITANTS.
20200318             —CLOSED, RUSSIA—KREMLIN—GUARD said it has, Bolshevik revolutionary VLADIMIR—LENIN—TOMB on MOSCOW—RED—SQUARE to the public amid CORONA€"VIRUS fears.
20200318             —REPORTED, RUSSIA has, 147—CASES—OF—THE—VIRUS so far and no deaths.
20200318             —SUSPENDED, SAUDI—ARABIA, work in most of the private sector —FOR—15—DAYS and directed businesses to implement WORK—FROM—HOME—POLICIES due to THE—CORONA€"VIRUS pandemic.
20200318             —TESTED, SOUTH—AFRICA, THE—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE that, positive for CORONA€"VIRUS rose to 116—FROM 85 THE—DAY—BEFORE.
20200318             14—OF—THOSE hadn't traveled outside the country.
20200318             —STEPPED, SOUTH—AFRICA, up travel bans as the virus continued to spread at 1—RAPID—PACE.
20200318             —EXTENDED, SWITZERLAND, border controls and suspended the issue of Schengen and national visas —FOR—3—MONTHS due to CORONA€"VIRUS pandemic.
20200318             TAIWAN said it would ban entry for most foreigners as its CORONA€"VIRUS tally rose by 23 to 100, MOST—OF—THEM imported.
20200318             —ADVISED, PRESIDENT—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN, his people not to leave home unless necessary —FOR—3—WEEKS and to minimize social contact —UNTIL THE—THREAT—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS recedes, but did not instruct people to stay away from work.
20200318             —STOPPED, THE—UAE, —FRIDAY sermons to help stop THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200318             1—VIETNAM COURT—JAILED—SUNG 1—SINH and Lau 1—LENH, from the Hmong ethnic minority, for life —AFTER finding them GUILTY—OF—ATTEMPTING to overthrow the state and set up 1—STATE—OF—THEIR—OWN in NORTH—DIEN Bien province in 20180000—20190000 .
20200318             12—OTHER—PEOPLE were also sentenced in the case to terms of up to —20—YEARS.
20200318             —CLOSED, WALES, its schools due to THE—CORONA€"VIRUS pandemic.
20200318             —FOLLOWED, SCOTLAND and WALES soon.
20200318             SBER—BANK, Kreml kauft Mehrheit an der größten RUSSLAND—BANK—AKTIENHANDEL: Börsen rauschen erneut ab
20200318             TV—ANSPRACHE der KANZLERIN: MERKEL sieht CORONA—KRISE als größte Herausforderung —SEIT dem —WWII
20200318             Maintaining Order: Supermarkets and Hospitals Hire More SECURITY Guards By STEFAN—SCHULTZ
20200318             —NACH, wütender Kritik: JOHNSON lässt GROSSBRITANNIEN—SCHULEN wegen CORONA schließen
20200318             —CORONA in den USA: Waffen statt Klopapier
20200318             PORTIMÃO Municipality provides psychological support to families and people in isolation
20200318             SBER—BANK, Kreml kauft Mehrheit an der größten RUSSLAND—BANK
20200318             —BIS ein Impfstoff verfügbar ist: Epidemiologen empfehlen monatelange Einschränkungen des öffentlichen Lebens
20200318             Ausgehverbote, Geldbußen, Haftstrafen: ITALIEN verschärft KAMPF—GEGEN—CORONA
20200318             THE—NETHERLANDS—ORGANIZERS—OF—THE—EUROVISION—SONG, contest said it will not take place —THIS—YEAR due to the global CORONA€"VIRUS outbreak.
20200318             Sie sei erbost über die Unvernunft MANCHER—IN—DER—CORONA—KRISE, zum Beispiel, daß am Mittwochabend (20200318             ) so VIELE—AM—AACHENER—WEIHER in großen Menschenansammlungen DAS—WETTER genossen.
20200318             Die Menschen sollten sich an die Abstandsregeln halten, auch um Risikogruppen zu schützen.
20200318             —BEFINDET, HENRIETTE—REKER, sich momentan in QUARANTÄNE und betreibt ihre Amtsgeschäfte von zu Hause aus.
20200318             Maintaining Order: Supermarkets and Hospitals Hire More SECURITY Guards
20200318             Aktienhandel: Börsen rauschen erneut ab
20200318—19710000    —CIRCLED, TEXAS, Apollo 15—ASTRONAUT—AL—WORDEN, —88—JAHRE—ALT, who, the moon alone —WHILE his 2—CREWMATES TEST—DROVE the 1. lunar rover, † at 1—REHAB center in HOUSTON.
20200318—20130000    —OVERTURNED, SOUTH—CAROLINA—SUPREME—COURT, the attempted murder CONVICTION—OF—MICHAEL—JUAN—SMITH, 1—BLOODS—GANG—MEMBER who shot and critically injured 1.—YEAR UNIVERSITY—OF—SOUTH—CAROLINA student Martha Childress.
20200318—20190000    —IN, THE—NETHERLANDS was to host 20200000             —THE contest —AFTER HOLLAND—SINGER—SONGWRITER DUNCAN—LAURENCE won with 1—SONG called "Arcade".
20200318—20200402    —UNTIL, The curfew will last.
20200318—20200405    —UNTIL, BELGIUM imposed 1—LOCKDOWN from midday due to THE—CORONA€"VIRUS pandemic.
20200410—20200318    —ON, THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC—BECAME—THE 1. nation in EUROPE to make MASK—WEARING mand
20200412—20200318    —REIMPOSED, JAPAN, Ssuzuki Naomichi, THE—MAYOR—OF—HOKAIDO, 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY that had been lifted.
20200418—20200318    —REPORTED, MALAYSIA, 54—NEW—CORONA€"VIRUS—CASES, the lowest daily increase —SINCE the government imposed curbs on movement and business, taking the cumulative total to 5,305. The health ministry also reported 2—NEW—DEATHS, bringing total fatalities to 88.
20200503—20200318    —SINCE, SPAIN—CORONA€"VIRUS—DEATH—TOLL—ROSE by 164 to 25,264, marking the lowest —1—DAY—INCREASE.
20200724—20200318    —GESCHLOSSEN, Das 5—MILLIONEN—EINWOHNER—LAND hatte seine Grenzen.
20210318             —DONNERSTAG,
20210318             —THIS—WEEK in THE—COVID—CRISIS
20210318             Frauen entdecken die Männerdomäne Angeln: Wenn sie besser fängt als er, kippt die Stimmung
20210318             Gesetzentwurf: DÄNEMARK will Höchstmarke für "nicht westliche" Bewohner einführen
20210318             1. Dog: JOE—BIDENS—HUND darf nach "Beißvorfall" zurück ins Weiße Haus
20210318             Avancen durch BIDEN—REGIERUNG: NORDKOREA will Kontaktversuche der USA ignorieren
20210318             USA gegen RUSSLAND: Auf Crashkurs mit Putin — was hat Biden vor?
20210318             Die Lage —AM—MORGEN: Explodiert die Union?
20210318             Pläne für höhere Tabaksteuer: Zigarettenlobby warnt vor Schwarzmarktboom
20210318             Bundesinnenminister: Seehofer spricht sich für einfachere Coronaregeln aus
20210318             Großeinsatz in BREMEN: Landeskriminalamt enttarnt mutmaßlich korrupten Ermittler
20210318             Suche nach seltenen Nebenwirkungen: Die Impfdetektive
20210318             GALLUP—UMFRAGE: Jeder 3. Mitarbeiter fühlt sich ausgebrannt
20210318             ist —NUN in NEW—YORK für mehr als 720—000—DOLLAR (etwa 600.000—EURO) versteigert worden.
20210318             1—MANN habe die Schüssel mit BLAU—WEIßEM Blumenmuster im vergangenen —JAHR auf einem Flohmarkt im USA—BUNDESSTAAT CONNECTICUT entdeckt und
20210318             spontan für 35—DOLLAR (etwa 30—EURO) gekauft, teilte das Auktionshaus SOTHEBY—MIT.
20210318             Der Malstil, die FORM—DER—SCHALE und auch der Ton des Blaus sind charakteristisch für das frühe 14010101—15001231    —CENTURY".
20210318             —BEKANNT, Nur 6—WEITERE Schüsseln dieser Art seien, — und die meisten davon befänden sich in renommierten Museen, wie dem UNITED—KINGDOM—MUSEUM in LONDON,
20210318             Für Laien ist es fast unmöglich, den Wert solcher Gegenstände zu bestimmen.
20210318             Selbst Fachleute können die Echtheit solcher Kunstwerke nur bestätigen, wenn sie diese aus nächster Nähe betrachten und das Porzellan berühren können.
20210318             Für die MING—DYNASTIE etwa typisch sind die glatte Oberfläche, die seidige Glasur und die für die damalige Zeit charakteristischen Farben und Mustern.
20210318             IFO—INSTITUT: Jede 5. Firma ist existenzbedroht
20210318             Atomkonflikt: Blinken fordert CHINA auf, Einfluss auf NORDKOREA auszuüben
20210318             Novum im All: Marsrover schickt erstmals Tonaufnahme von Fahrt auf dem Mars
20210318             Die rund 16-minütige Tonaufnahme ist bei der etwa 27—METER langen Fahrt des Rovers vor einigen —TAGEN von einem Mikrofon aufgenommen worden.
20210318             Die Nasa teilte die Tonaufnahme über Twitter.
20210318             PRESSEKONFERENZ: Kölner Erzbistum stellt brisantes Gutachten zu Missbrauch vor
20210318             Coronakrise: Uno rechnet mit schneller Erholung der Weltwirtschaft — aber nicht in EUROPA
20210318             Statistisches Bundesamt: Auftragsbestand der Industrie wächst weiter
20210318             Auswertung von Wetterdaten: Schneesaison in den Alpen hat sich um —WOCHEN verkürzt
20210318             CORONA—GEDENKTAG in ITALIEN: "Die Menschen verkriechen sich"
20210318             CORONA—TESTZENTREN: 136.000—SCHNELLTEST—ERGEBNISSE standen ungeschützt im INTERNET
20210318             —BELASTET, Missbrauchsfälle im Erzbistum Köln: Gutachten, verstorbenen Kardinal Meisner schwer
20210318             Khat in DJIBOUTI: Drug Trade Is Firmly in WOMEN—HANDS in this AFRICA—COUNTRY By BENJAMIN—MOSCOVICI in DJIBOUTI City
20210318             Belarussische Oppositionspolitikerin: Tichanowskaja ruft zu —VERHANDLUNGEN mit LUKASCHENKO—REGIERUNG auf
20210318             "VW ist das neue Tesla": REDDIT—ZOCKER stürzen sich auf VOLKSWAGEN—AKTIEN
20210318             3. Pandemiewelle: Wirtschaftsforschungsinstitute senken Wachstumsprognosen
20210318             Medienberichte: Spahn soll teures Maskenprogramm gegen Widerstände im Ministerium durchgesetzt haben
20210318             Coronapandemie: Bei Abiturienten werden die Zukunftssorgen immer größer
20210318             —VERLÄNGERT, Trotz Streit über den Namen: Radebeul, die "Mohrenstraße"
20210318             Streit mit Einlagensicherung: Verstaatlichte Hypo Real Estate hat offenbar 75—MILLIONEN Euro bei Greensill investiert
20210318             OSZE: Verstöße gegen Waffenruhe in der Ostukraine nehmen zu
20210318             Diplomatische Spannungen: Putin wünscht Biden nach "Killer"-Äußerung "Gesundheit"
20210318             Satellit aus MYANMAR: Heikle Fracht auf der ISS
20210318             Steigende Nichtschwimmerzahlen: "Ertrinken zählt im Kindesalter weiter zu den häufigsten Todesursachen"
20210318             "Wir halten keine —WOCHEN mehr aus": Branchenverband warnt vor Massensterben bei Hotels und Gaststätten
20210318             Krisenfolge: Rentenerhöhung im Westen fällt aus, Miniplus im Osten
20210318             Neue Hilfen: Bund und Länder einigen sich auf CORONA—HÄRTEFALLFONDS
20210318             Brexitfolgen: GROSSBRITANNIEN—AUSFUHREN in die EU brechen ein
20210318             Verbotsverfahren gegen prokurdische HDP: Erdogans politischer Nuklearschlag
20210318             —ENTLASTET, Neues Missbrauchsgutachten, Woelki: "Niemand nimmt die Vorwürfe ernst"
20210318             Erfolgreiche Coronastrategie: Warum CHILE schneller impft als JEDES—ANDERE—LAND
20210318             Pariser Kommune: "Pflicht zu sterben oder zu SIEGEN"
20210318             WASSERSTOFF—LKW: Die neuen Dampfmaschinen
20210318             Unterschriftenquorum: Kleinstparteien klagen erfolgreich gegen Berliner Wahlgesetz
20210318             Reaktion auf Maskenaffäre: Kühnert und fast 50—SPD—KANDIDATEN wollen ALLE—NEBENEINKÜNFTE spenden
20210318             —LEGALISIERT, Neues Gesetz: SPANIEN, Sterbehilfe
20210318             Durchbruch bei Mäusen: Forscher züchten Embryos in künstlicher Gebärmutter
20210318             Treibhausgas: Kühe stoßen —BIS zu 82—PROZENT weniger Methan aus — wenn man sie mit Algen füttert
20210318             Reaktionen auf Missbrauchsgutachten: Kirchenrechtler wirft Gutachtern Entlastung von Verantwortlichen im Erzbistum Köln vor
20210318             —BESTREITET, Teure FFP2-Masken auf Staatskosten: Apothekerlobby, Einflussnahme auf überhöhte Maskenpreise
20210318             Wegen Qualitätsmängeln: HAMBURG zieht Hunderttausende Masken für Schulen aus dem Verkehr
20210318             CORONA: Ema hält an Empfehlung von ASTRAZENECA—IMPFSTOFF fest
20210318             Steigende CORONA—INZIDENZEN: Söder will "harte Notbremse" durchsetzen
20210318             Katholische Kirche: Hamburger ERZ—BISCHOF—HESSE bietet AMTSVERZICHT—PAPA an
20210318             Missbrauchsgutachten über das Erzbistum Köln: "Im Ordner 'Brüder im Nebel' bewahrte der ERZ—BISCHOF—GEHEIME—UNTERLAGEN auf"
20210318             Thu 20210318
20210318             Der ist —NUN leider in vielen anderen Ländern gar nicht zugelassen, u.a. in der EU.
20210318             Aber die ist eh nicht auf der Liste, wahrscheinlich wegen der Größenordnung unseren Verkackens.
20210318             So far it is open to foreigners from places including HONG—KONG, THE—USA, THE—UK, INDIA, AUSTRALIA, IRAQ, THAILAND, CROATIA, ISRAEL, PAKISTAN and THE—PHILIPPINES.
20210318             Das ist —SCHON geil. Der IRAK, aber nicht die EU.
20210318             Hintergrund ist, dass der IRAK Sinovac zugelassen hat und daraufhin von CHINA Dosen davon geschenkt bekommen hat.
20210318             Übrigens, erinnert ihr euch noch an das Gezeter, dass CHINA zuviel Einfluss in der WHO hat?
20210318             Ja? Dann ratet doch mal, wessen Impfstoffe immer noch nicht WHO—ANERKANNT sind!
20210318             Kommt ihr NIE drauf!
20210318             Klar, warum würde man auch den Impfstoff von dem einen Land reinlassen, das Covid im Wesentlichen besiegt hat?
20210318             [l] Die CDU ist doch die Wirtschaftspartei, nicht?
20210318             Die Sozen können nicht rechnen und machen immer nur Schulden und Verlust, aber die Union, das sind die, die sich auskennen!
20210318             Aktueller Datenpunkt: Spahn hat Apotheken 6€ pro FFP2-Maske erstattet, als die im Einkauf 1€50—KOSTETEN.
20210318             Ergebnis: Die Rechnung sei "sehr gut aufgegangen", sagt Glass.
20210318             —FORMULIERT, Oder, ein bisschen klarer : "Wir haben uns dumm und dämlich verdient".
20210318             Das ist 1—APOTHEKER aus BERLIN.
20210318             Oder konkret: kurz vor Weihnachten bescherte ihm Gesundheitsminister JENS—SPAHN noch Einnahmen von 170.000—EURO.
20210318             —GEMANAGED, Boah 1—GLÜCK, dass das die CDU, hat und nicht jemand, der nicht wirtschaften kann und bloß unsere Steuergelder verprasst hätte!
20210318             Und: Gut, dass das die CDU war und keine korrupte Abgreiferpartei wie die mit der Maskenaffäre neulich.
20210318             Man stelle sich bloß mal vor, wie viel Potential für KICK—BACKS, Provisionen und anderweitiges in den Topf greifen es hier gegeben hätte!
20210318             —GEGANGEN, Pfew, da ist ja nochmal 1—KELCH an uns vorüber !
20210318             Das hätten wir ja nie aufgeklärt gekriegt, wenn es da Verdacht auf Korruption gegeben hätte!1!!
20210318             1—GLÜCK, dass es bei uns sowas nicht gibt. Alle grundehrlich, die Leute.
20210318             [l] —NACHDEM ja —JETZT ALLE—HOFFNUNG auf dem EMA liegt, kommt hier noch ein etwas unerfreulicher Leserbrief zum EMA rein.
20210318             —BEZEICHNET, Der Leserbrief, das EMA als "langsamen Moloch" und führt dann aus:
20210318             [l] Ach. Das ist ja bedauerlich.
20210318             Der Munitionsskandal bei der KSK kann leider nicht aufgeklärt werden.
20210318             —GELÖSCHT, Jemand hat die Logs für 20180000            .
20210318             —GELÖSCHT, Ja, absichtlich.
20210318             Nicht "verlorengegangen". Nicht "Brand im Rechenzentrum".
20210318             Gelöscht.
20210318             Wer setzt denn bitte 1—MUNITIONS—DOKUMENTATIONS—SYSTEM auf, bei dem einfach jemand hingehen und ALLE—DATEN löschen kann!?!?
20210318             Oder mit anderen Worten: Was machen die ITler da eigentlich beruflich?
20210318             Naja, denkt ihr euch —JETZT vielleicht, spielen wir halt das Backup ein.
20210318             Gibt es anscheinend nicht. Warum auch.
20210318             [l] Leserbrief aus NRW, von jemandem, der sich freiwillig gemeldet hat, ehrenamtlich an einem Schnelltestzentrum mitzuhelfen.
20210318             Hier ist —HEUTE ein öffentliches Testcenter an den Start gegangen.
20210318             Ich bin ehrenamtliches Helferlein.
20210318             3—LEUTE pro Schicht, Schutzkleidung wird gestellt.
20210318             —GEMACHT, Die Stadt hat das im Alleingang. Finanzierung ist unklar.
20210318             Aus Düsseldorf kommt nur Grillezirpen und der eine oder andere einsame Tumbleweed, wenn man Richtlinien haben will, wie man das denn machen soll.
20210318             Mein Städtchen hat —JETZT ne Privatfirma ins Boot geholt, Zelte und Heizung hat das THW aufgebaut und dann sitzen pro Schicht —BIS zu 8—LEUTE in der Teststraße und testen Leute.
20210318             Stadt bezahlt erszmal aus eigenem Säckel in der vagen Hoffnung, dass D'dorf irgendwann bissi Kohle rüberwachsen läßt.
20210318             Mir fallen spontan —JETZT nur Länder wie SOMALIA und andere failed states ein, um das Level an Generalversagen seitens Laschet und Laumann zu beschreiben.
20210318             Aber in der PK die Fresse aufreißen wie 1—GROSSER und ganz charmant autoritär kritisch fragende Journos zusammenscheißen.
20210318             Ich hab —FREITAG meine 1. Schicht.
20210318             —8—STUNDEN Dienst an der Allgemeinheit. Großartig.
20210318             Auch noch die Ehrenamtler einmal durchverschleißen.
20210318             Wir sind —JETZT—SCHON in der 2. Ableitung.
20210318             Eigentlich geht es um das Durchimpfen, das haben sie verkackt.
20210318             Dann ging es um die Tests, das haben sie verkackt.
20210318             —JETZT geht es um Freiwillige, die einspringen, um das Verkacken vorher zu lindern, die das verkacken sie auch noch.
20210318             Langsam wird die Luft dünn, noch Dinge zu finden, die man verkacken kann.
20210318             [l] Kurze Durchsage des Bundesdatenschutzbeauftragten MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN:
20210318             Datenschutzbeauftragter: Behörden sollen unverzüglich auf Microsoft verzichten
20210318             Dass ich das noch erleben darf!
20210318             Begründung: Zusammen mit dem Landesrechnungshof fordert er "unverzügliches Handeln".
20210318             Da sich die großen Anbieter bei dem PROBLEM—DES—ABFLUSSES personenbezogener Daten nicht zu bewegen scheinen,
20210318             "bleibt letztlich nur der Rückgriff auf OPEN—SOURCE—PRODUKTE, um den Datenschutz und auch die digitale Souveränität der Landesregierung zu wahren".
20210318             Wie, was? Da fließen personenbezogene Daten ab, wenn man seine Software in die Cloud schiebt?
20210318             Meine Fresse, wieso hat uns denn da niemand vor gewarnt?!
20210318             [l] Das wird euch —JETZT sicher genauso überraschen wie mich: Mehr als 130 000—CORONA—TESTERGEBNISSE standen ungeschützt im Netz.
20210318             1—SICHERHEITSLÜCKE in Software für Testzentren machte Resultate von Schnelltests samt Namen und Adressen Unbefugten zugänglich.
20210318             I'm shocked, SHOCKED, to find that incompetence is going on here!
20210318             Tja, ist 1—SOFTWAREPROHBLEM. Kann man nichts machen.
20210318             [l] Wie hättet ihr an Putins Stelle reagiert, wenn JOE—BIDEN euch einen "Killer" nennt und euch mit "Konsequenzen" droht, die ihr "bald sehen werdet"?
20210318             Hättet ihr mal die Schätzung des GRU über die ANZAHL—VON—SKELETTEN in Bidens Keller veröffentlicht?
20210318             Ich meine, alleine die ganzen Drohnenmorde unter Obama!
20210318             —GESTIMMT, Und auch davor hat der Biden für JEDEN Krieg, den jemand ernsthaft vorgeschlagen hat.
20210318             SERBIEN, SYRIEN, LIBYEN, IRAK... - gelegentlich so SPD—STYLE "mit Bauchschmerzen", so mit Dolchstoßlegende, wisst —SCHON,
20210318             "also ICH hab ja immer intern opponiert, bevor ich dann dafür gestimmt habe, als es drauf ankam".
20210318             Oder man hätte mal die Arbeit seiner Vizepräsidentin ein bisschen statistisch auswerten können.
20210318             —GETAN, Oder man tut, was was Putin tatsächlich, hat:
20210318             Man sagt "it takes 1 to know 1" zu dem Killervorwurf und wünscht Biden im Übrigen beste Gesundheit zwinker
20210318             Und zwar nicht nur einfach so Gesundheit, nein!
20210318             Putin, responding to BIDEN—CHARACTERISATION—OF him, said he knew THE—USA—LEADER personally, and,
20210318             in 1—APPARENT—REFERENCE to BIDEN—AGE (78), SAID—HE sincerely wished him good health.
20210318             Das ist sowas wie Merkels vollstes Vertrauen.
20210318             Schönes Alter haben Sie da erreicht!
20210318             Wäre ja zu schade, wenn das nicht so weiterginge!1!!
20210318             COVID—19: Algarve tem mais 2—ÓBITOS e 8—CASOS
20210318             Turistas britânicos regressam a PORTUGAL a partir de 17—DE Maio
20210318             O Instituto de Conservação da Natureza e Florestas (ICNF) disponibiliza 50.000—ÁRVORES autóctones produzidas nos seus viveiros,
20210318             gratuitamente, aos cidadãos e proprietários rurais que desejem fazer plantação nas suas propriedades.
20210318             A iniciativa DESTINA—SE a assinalar o Dia Internacional das Florestas, que acontece no dia 21—DE Março.
20210318             No Algarve, há 3—LOCAIS de recolha: o Viveiro Florestal de Monte Gordo,
20210318             o Centro de Educação Ambiental da Quinta de Marim, em OLHÃO, e
20210318             o Largo do Infantário, no Chinicato (LAGOS).
20210318             As espécies disponíveis para recolha são: medronheiros, sobreiros, azinheiras, pinheiros mansos, alfarrobeiras, romãzeiras, castanheiros, amieiros, entre outras folhosas.
20210318             Cada cidadão pode recolher um máximo de 10 (dez) exemplares;
20210318             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—2242—(=)—ÓBITOS—43—(=)—RECUPERADOS—2174—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—25—(=)
20210318             ALCOUTIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—83—(=)—ÓBITOS—4—(=)—RECUPERADOS—67—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—12—(=)
20210318             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—67—(+1)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—63—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—2—(+1)
20210318             CASTRO—MARIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—388—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—381—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—6—(=)
20210318             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—3128—(+4)—ÓBITOS—51—(=)—RECUPERADOS—3005—(+4)—CASOS—ATIVOS—72—(=)
20210318             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—629—(=)—ÓBITOS—14—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—609—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—6—(-3)
20210318             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1352—(=)—ÓBITOS—27—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1323—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—2—(=)
20210318             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—3687—(+1)—ÓBITOS—62—(=)—RECUPERADOS—3586—(+8)—CASOS—ATIVOS—39—(-7)
20210318             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—176—(=)—ÓBITOS—11—(=)—RECUPERADOS—165—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—0—(=)
20210318             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1697—(+1)—ÓBITOS—21—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1657—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—19—(+1)
20210318             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—2086—(+12)—ÓBITOS—30—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—1991(+3)—CASOS—ATIVOS—65—(+8)
20210318             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1210—(=)—ÓBITOS—12—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1175—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—23—(-1)
20210318             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1493—(+2)—ÓBITOS—29—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1437—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—27—(+2)
20210318             VRSA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1240—(=)—ÓBITOS—19—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1214—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—7—(-2)
20210318             VILA—DO—BISPO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—127—(=)—ÓBITOS—6—(=)—RECUPERADOS—121—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—0—(=)
20210318             1. CORONA—IMPFUNGEN in der ANTARKTIS
20210318             KEINER—DER—GEIMPFTEN im Alter zwischen 25—UND —58—JAHREN habe eine allergische Reaktion auf den Impfstoff gezeigt,
20210318             Mehr als 5—DER rund 19—MILLIONEN Chilenen haben —BEREITS ihre 1. Dosis erhalten.
20210318             ITALIEN gedenkt der CORONA—TOTEN: Bäume für neues Leben in Bergamo
20210318             Boschini ist Koordinator des Kommunalverbandes Comuni Virtuosi, der den Plan für den Gedenkwald —SEIT—LETZTEN—SOMMER vorangetrieben hatte.
20210318             Die Experten prüften —DERZEIT, ob es einen Zusammenhang zwischen der EINNAHME—VON—VERHÜTUNGSMITTELN, Rauchen und Impfen gebe,
20210318             —POTENZIERT, Möglicherweise hätten sich "hier Risiken ",
20210318             NEUSEELAND plant vorsichtige Öffnung für Tourismus mit Nachbarländern
20210318             Umfrage: Jeder 3. hat zu Hause fast täglich Internetprobleme
20210318             eine repräsentative ONLINE—UMFRAGE des Meinungsforschungsinstituts Civey im Auftrag des INTERNETKNOTEN—BETREIBERS DE—CIX
20210318             Die VORSITZENDE—DER—KULTUSMINISTERKONFERENZ, Britta Ernst (SPD), hat davor gewarnt, die Schulen in der Pandemie schnell wieder zu schließen.
20210318             "Wenn wir über Schließungen diskutieren, müssen wir nicht als 1. über die Schulen diskutieren",
20210318             Kinder und Jugendliche hätten wirklich ihr Päckchen zu tragen.
20210318             "Die haben sehr zu LEIDEN",
20210318             Gemeldete CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN in den USA sinken weiter
20210318             —AM—MITTWOCH wurden 56.930—NEUE Fälle gemeldet,
20210318             Die Bundeswehr ist —NACH—DEN Worten von Verteidigungsministerin Annegret KRAMP—KARRENBAUER (CDU) bereit, eigene Impfzentren zu eröffnen, in denen die Bevölkerung rund um die Uhr gegen das CORONA€"VIRUS geimpft werden kann.
20210318             Über die Einrichtung müsste Bundesgesundheitsminister JENS—SPAHN (CDU) entscheiden.
20210318             Luftwaffe fliegt Beatmungsgeräte nach BRASILIEN
20210318             Die Luftwaffe der Bundeswehr wird 80—BEATMUNGSGERÄTE in das schwer von der CORONA—PANDEMIE getroffene BRASILIEN fliegen.
20210318             Die DEUTSCHLAND—HILFE soll —AM—FREITAG kommender —WOCHE von Köln aus starten und —AM—FOLGENDEN—TAG in MANAUS landen,
20210318             BULGARIEN verschärft CORONA—MAßNAHMEN
20210318             Wer von Mallorca heimkehrt, muss keine Quarantäne mehr einhalten.
20210318             Die Buchungen steigen prompt, die Kritik ist groß.
20210318             —GESUNKEN, Dabei ist nur die Inzidenz der Balearen
20210318             Die Staatsanwaltschaft Köln hat wegen des Verdachts des Subventionsbetrugs im Zusammenhang mit CORONA—SOFORTHILFEN 1—GROSSRAZZIA gestartet.
20210318             Es gehe um 3—ENTSPRECHENDE Verfahren, außerdem ein weiteres Verfahren wegen des Verdachts der Beihilfe zur Insolvenzverschleppung und zum schweren Bankrott,
20210318             Die Tatverdächtigen sollen in der 1. Jahreshälfte des vergangenen Jahres in über 40—FÄLLEN Soforthilfe im Umfang von 450.000—EURO zu Unrecht beantragt und hierdurch 170.000—EURO erlangt haben.
20210318             —GESTELLT, Unter anderem sollen sie Anträge für Unternehmen, haben, die nicht oder nicht mehr am Markt tätig waren.
20210318             GRIECHENLAND erwägt trotz hoher CORONA—ZAHLEN Lockerungen
20210318             Hintergrund ist die Vermutung, dass gerade die strengen Maßnahmen zu einem Anstieg der Fälle führen,
20210318             JAPAN kündigt ENDE—DES—CORONA—NOTSTANDS für OLYMPIA—STADT Tokio an
20210318             —GELUNGEN, EINIGE—EXPERTEN warnen jedoch davor, dass es Tokio zwar, sei, die Neuinfektionsrate zu senken, der Rückgang sich jedoch abgeflacht habe und wieder ansteigen könnte.
20210318             TOKIO, steht die Kirschblütenzeit an, in der sich Japaner traditionell zum "Hanami", der Blütenschau, mit viel ESSEN und Alkohol unter den blühenden Bäumen versammeln.
20210318             RKI meldet höchsten Anstieg von Neuinfektionen —SEIT—ANFANG—JANUAR
20210318             Die —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ lag laut RKI —AM—DONNERSTAG bundesweit bei 90— und damit erneut deutlich höher als am Vortag (86,2).
20210318             Vor einer —WOCHE (11.03.) hatte sie noch bei 69,1 gelegen.
20210318             Nach einem CORONA—AUSBRUCH in einem Kindergarten in Schrozberg in BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG ist die kleine Gemeinde zu einem der bundesweit am stärksten belasteten Hotspots geworden.
20210318             Die —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ schoss innerhalb weniger —TAGE auf einen vergleichbar astronomischen Wert von 10650000             ,5 Fälle (Stand —MITTWOCH) pro 100.000—EINWOHNER binnen —7—TAGEN.
20210318             Kiew ab —SAMSTAG—FÜR—3—WOCHEN in hartem Lockdown
20210318             Bundespräsident FRANK—WALTER—STEINMEIER zeichnet 6—BÜRGERINNEN und Bürger für ihr Engagement in der Coronapandemie mit dem Bundesverdienstkreuz aus.
20210318             —ENGAGIERT, Die Geehrten hätten sich "in herausragender Weise, etwa in der Krankenpflege, bei der Hilfe für Schulkinder und ältere Menschen oder bei der bundesweiten und grenzüberschreitenden Bekämpfung des Virus",
20210318             Die Stadt DUISBURG wird die Kitas anders als geplant nicht wegen der steigenden COVID—19—ANSTECKUNGSZAHLEN ab —MONTAG schließen.
20210318             Das Land NRW habe dies verboten.
20210318             Duisburgs Oberbürgermeister Sören Link kritisierte die —ENTSCHEIDUNG als nicht nachvollziehbar.
20210318             "—NACHDEM—BEREITS für die Schulen der Wechsel in den Distanzunterricht alternativlos abgelehnt wurde, lässt uns die Landesregierung mit dieser —ENTSCHEIDUNG ein weiteres Mal im Regen stehen".
20210318             Steigende CORONA—ZAHLEN besorgen BELGIEN.
20210318             Erstmals —SEIT—NOVEMBER zählte das Land im —7—TAGE—SCHNITT täglich mehr als 3000—NEUINFEKTIONEN,
20210318             Trotz steigender Inzidenzzahlen dringt der Handel in DEUTSCHLAND auf eine flächendeckende Öffnung der Geschäfte.
20210318             Die Hygienekonzepte und Abstandsregeln im Handel hätten sich bewährt.
20210318             "Mit ihnen ist eine Öffnung aller Geschäfte —SCHON—HEUTE bedenkenlos möglich",
20210318             Genth betonte, das ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUT habe bestätigt, dass das Ansteckungsrisiko beim Einkaufen gering sei.
20210318             —NACH—DEM Stopp der Impfungen mit AstraZeneca können sich Berliner Polizisten —NUN mit anderen Impfstoffen schützen lassen.
20210318             Inzwischen gebe es "die freie Wahl des Impfstoffes",
20210318             Das EUROPA—BÜRO—DER—WELTGESUNDHEITSORGANISATION—WHO warnt —NACH—DEM vorübergehenden Aussetzen des Einsatzes des CORONA—IMPFSTOFFES von AstraZeneca in mehreren Ländern vor voreiligen Schlüssen.
20210318             "In Impfkampagnen ist es Routine, potenzielle unerwünschte Ereignisse zu melden.
20210318             —BEDEUTET, Das, nicht notwendigerweise, dass die Ereignisse mit der Impfung in Verbindung stehen",
20210318             —GEMELDET, Inzwischen 13—VORFÄLLE mit ASTRAZENECA—IMPFSTOFF, - 3—PATIENTEN seien gestorben.
20210318             Insgesamt handele es sich um 12—FRAUEN und einen Mann zwischen 20—UND —63—JAHREN.
20210318             In den Niederlanden haben die Behörden in 2—FÄLLEN Berichte über Blutgerinnsel und verminderte Thrombozytenzahlen nach Impfungen mit dem ASTRAZENECA—MITTEL erhalten,
20210318             "Entscheidend ist nicht, wo 1—IMPFSTOFF herkommt, sondern ob er wirksam und sicher ist.
20210318             Wenn Sputnik diese Kriterien erfüllt, dann sollten wir diesen Impfstoff einsetzen",
20210318             Die sächsischen Sicherheitsbehörden wollen die "Querdenken"-Bewegung von Coronakritikern angesichts einer wachsenden Radikalisierung stärker in den Blick nehmen.
20210318             Landespolizeipräsident Kretzschmar sieht die Gefahr, dass Schnittmengen zwischen der ASYL—UND ausländerfeindlichen PEGIDA—BEWEGUNG und den "Querdenkern" immer größer werden.
20210318             Es gehe ihnen darum, grundsätzlich gegen die bestehende Staatsform zu protestieren und sich gegen —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN der Regierung aufzulehnen.
20210318             Es gehe —JETZT—ZUNÄCHST um eine schnelle Zulassung,
20210318             Der Impfstoff sei offenbar teils besser als —BEREITS zugelassene, sagt er.
20210318             Es müsse geprüft werden, ob Impfungen "auf eigenes Risiko" möglich wären.
20210318             Mehr als 90.000—NEUE CORONA—FÄLLE in BRASILIEN binnen —24—STUNDEN
20210318             PRÄSIDENT—JAIR—BOLSONARO, der das CORONA€"VIRUS—VON—ANFANG an verharmlost hatte, zieht mittlerweile auch den Sinn einer Impfung in Zweifel.
20210318             Trotz wieder deutlich steigender Infektionswerte sieht SACHSEN—ANHALT —DERZEIT keinen Anlass, die jüngsten Lockerungen der CORONA—REGELN zurückzunehmen.
20210318             BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG führt Maskenpflicht an Grundschulen ein
20210318             Die USA stehen kurz davor, das von PRÄSIDENT—JOE—BIDEN angekündigte Ziel von 100—MILLIONEN CORONA—IMPFUNGEN in den 1. —100—TAGEN seiner Präsidentschaft zu erreichen.
20210318             USA bestätigen Pläne für IMPFSTOFF—LIEFERUNGEN an KANADA und MEXIKO
20210318             HESSEN und BAYERN verzichten aufgrund steigender CORONA—INFEKTIONSZAHLEN auf weitere Öffnungsschritte
20210318             "Wir haben ein sehr dynamisches Geschehen. Die 3. Welle ist da",
20210318             SCHWEDEN hält vorerst an ASTRAZENECA—STOPP fest, ITALIEN impft damit ab —FREITAG wieder
20210318             —KRITISIERT, CO2-Einsparpläne: EU—STUDIE, Greenwashing bei Airlines
20210318             Verzicht auf Mehrwertsteuer: Scholz erleichtert Kleiderspenden von unverkaufter Saisonware
20210318             Damit es nicht im Abfluss landet: Brauereien verlängern Mindesthaltbarkeit für Bierfässer
20210318             Urteil in DRESDEN: Bewährungsstrafen für 3—UNTERSTÜTZER der "Gruppe Freital"
20210318             Sensationsfund aus der Kreidezeit: Millionen —JAHRE alter "Adlerhai" entdeckt
20210318             Paläontologen haben ein ungewöhnliches Urzeittier entdeckt.
20210318             Das Fossil ist 93—MILLIONEN —JAHRE alt und stammt von einem Adlerhai,
20210318             Aquilolamna MILARCAE—DAS Fossil aus der Kreidezeit
20210318             Die Kombination aus flügelartigen Brustflossen und Nahrungsfilterung habe man —BISHER nur von Mantarochen und Verwandten gekannt — die aber —ERST 30—MILLIONEN —JAHRE später auftauchten.
20210318             Der Unterwasserflug sei im Laufe der Evolution offenbar zweimal und auf unterschiedliche Weise entstanden.
20210318             MEXIKO Millionen —JAHRE alter "Adlerhai" aus der Kreidezeit ENTDECKT—DER SPIEGEL
20210318             Fragwürdige Geschäfte von Unionspolitikern: Weiterer CSU—ABGEORDNETER tritt zurück
20210318             Diplomatische Spannungen: Putin schlägt Biden LIVE—DEBATTE VOR—DER verbale SCHLAG—ABTAUSCH
20210318             geht WEITER—AUCH wenn der jüngste Vorstoß des Kremlchefs wohl nicht ganz Ernst gemeint ist.
20210318             der jüngste Vorstoß des Kremlchefs
20210318             —UNTERDESSEN, Die USA drohen, - mit Sanktionen im Fall NORD—STREAM 2.
20210318             Unverhohlene Vorwürfe und Sanktionsdrohungen von der EINEN — Giftpfeile von der ANDEREN Seite
20210318             NACH—GELEGT.
20210318             Er lade Biden dazu ein, "unsere Diskussion fortzusetzen, aber unter der Bedingung, dass wir dies faktisch live tun, oder wie man es auch nennt online", sagte Putin.
20210318             —AM Wochenende wolle er "in die Taiga fahren, um ein bisschen zu entspannen", ergänzte er süffisant.
20210318             —AM—FREITAG oder —MONTAG hätte er aber Zeit.
20210318             Bidens Sprecherin Jen Psaki machte allerdings in WASHINGTON deutlich, dass es Biden nicht bedauere, Putin in einem Interview als "Killer" bezeichnet zu haben.
20210318             Biden habe "eine direkte Antwort auf eine direkte Frage gegeben", sagte Psaki.
20210318             Nach der BIDEN—ÄUßERUNG, er halte Putin für einen "Killer", sagte der Kremlchef in einer Fernsehansprache, man solle nicht von sich auf andere schließen.
20210318             Putin wünschte dem 78-jährigen Biden auch "gute Gesundheit, ohne JEDE—IRONIE" und bekräftigte dann, dass Moskau sich nicht von WASHINGTON einschüchtern lassen werde.
20210318             "Wir werden unsere Interessen verteidigen und mit ihnen zu Bedingungen zusammenarbeiten, die für uns vorteilhaft sind", sagte er.
20210318             aufgefordert.
20210318             USA—AUßENMINISTER ANTONY—BLINKEN bekräftigte —AM—DONNERSTAG die Warnung,
20210318             die Warnung, "dass JEDES—UNTERNEHMEN, das an der NORD—STREAM—2—PIPELINE beteiligt ist, USA—SANKTIONEN riskiert und die Arbeit an der Pipeline sofort einstellen sollte".
20210318             Man verfolge die Bemühungen zur Fertigstellung des Projekts und werte Informationen über Firmen aus, "die daran beteiligt zu sein scheinen".
20210318             Blinken betonte, die BIDEN—REGIERUNG werde die vom USA—KONGRESS mit parteiübergreifenden Mehrheiten verabschiedeten Sanktionsgesetze gegen NORD—STREAM 2—UMSETZEN.
20210318             Ehemaliger VIZE—AUßENMINISTER: USA—SENAT bestätigt WILLIAM—BURNS als CIA—CHEF
20210318             Im Kreis Düren kehren die weiterführenden Schulen mit Ausnahme der Abschlussklassen in der kommenden —WOCHE zum Distanzunterricht zurück, wie der Kreis und die Staatskanzlei —AM—ABEND mitteilten.
20210318             Die Landesregierung habe einen entsprechenden Antrag des Kreises genehmigt.
20210318             —FORDERUNGEN, Vorausgegangen waren —ZUNÄCHST vehement vom Land abgelehnte, aus mehreren Städten,
20210318             angesichts steigender Infektionszahlen die Öffnungen der weiterführenden Schulen —BIS zu den Osterferien auszusetzen oder zurückzufahren.
20210318             Mehrere Städte, darunter WUPPERTAL, DORTMUND und der Oberbergische Kreis, hatten —BEREITS angekündigt, beim Land ähnliche Schritte beantragen zu wollen wie Düren.
20210318             Nach ANGABEN—DES—LANDESZENTRUMS für Gesundheit lagen —AM—DONNERSTAG inzwischen 19—KREISFREIE Städte und Kreise über der Inzidenz von mehr als 100—NEUINFEKTIONEN pro 100.000—EINWOHNER binnen —7—TAGEN.
20210318             GLOBAL—CASES—121.714.255—GLOBAL—DEATHS—2.689.940
20210318             —DONNERSTAG, 20210318
20210318             —THIS—WEEK in THE—COVID Crisis
20210318             DÄNISCHE—STUDIE: Coronainfektion schützt Ältere nicht zuverlässig vor erneuter Ansteckung
20210318             Suche nach seltenen Nebenwirkungen: Die Impfdetektive - ft
20210318             GALLUP—UMFRAGE: Jeder 3. Mitarbeiter fühlt sich ausgebrannt - iere
20210318             Eine auf einem Flohmarkt erstandene Schüssel hat sich als teure CHINESISCHE—ANTIQUITÄT entpuppt — und
20210318             EXPERTEN—DES—AUKTIONSHAUSES begutachten, die zum Schluss kamen, dass es sich um eine sehr seltene Schüssel aus der CHINESISCHEN—MING—DYNASTIE zwischen dem 14. und 16010101—17001231    —CENTURY handelt.
20210318             Satellit aus MYANMAR: Heikle Fracht auf der ISS - ft
20210318             Repressionen gegen prokurdische Partei: DEUTSCH—TÜRKISCHE—PARLAMENTARIERGRUPPE verurteilt geplantes HDP—VERBOT
20210318             Brexitfolgen: BRITISCHE—AUSFUHREN in die EU brechen ein
20210318             Streit mit dem EU—PARLAMENT: IRISCHE—DATENSCHUTZBEAUFTRAGTE lehnt "perverse" Anhörung ab
20210318             CORONA: Ema hält an Empfehlung von ASTRAZENECA—IMPFSTOFF fest - ft
20210318             Nach FRAKTIONS—RAUSWURF: UNGARISCHE—FIDESZ verlässt Europäische Volkspartei
20210318             [l] CHINA lässt wieder Einreisen zu -- wenn sie mit dem CHINESISCHEN—COVID—IMPFSTOFF geimpft wurden.
20210318             —GEMACHT, Die Stadt hat das im Alleingang.
20210318             Finanzierung ist unklar.
20210318             MARCO—BOSCHINI, 1—DER—VÄTER—DES—PROJEKTES, das in einem Park in der Nähe des großen Krankenhauses "Papa GIOVANNI—XXIII" entsteht.
20210318             MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERNS Ministerpräsidentin MANUELA—SCHWESIG (SPD) zeigt sich offen für Impfungen mit dem RUSSISCHEN—IMPFSTOFF Sputnik V.
20210318             Bayerns Ministerpräsident MARKUS—SÖDER (CSU) und Berlins Regierender BÜRGERMEISTER—MICHAEL—MÜLLER (SPD) haben sich für den RUSSISCHEN—IMPFSTOFF Sputnik V ausgesprochen.
20210318             Interne Dokumente: Ölkonzerne wissen —SEIT—JAHRZEHNTEN von Gesundheitsgefahr durch Luftverschmutzung
20210318             Diplomatische Spannungen: Putin schlägt Biden LIVE—DEBATTE vor
20210318             Der verbale SCHLAG—ABTAUSCH
20210318             Die Beziehungen ZWISCHEN den USA und RUSSLAND sind so angespannt wie —SEIT—JAHREN nicht.
20210318             —NUN hat der RUSSISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN—NOCH—EINMAL nachgelegt.
20210318             Im RUSSISCHEN—STAATSFERNSEHEN schlug Putin seinem Amtskollegen in WASHINGTON, JOE—BIDEN, 1—LIVE—DEBATTE vor.
20210318             Die BIDEN—REGIERUNG hat Unternehmen zum Ausstieg aus dem Bau der DEUTSCH—RUSSISCHEN—OSTSEE—GASPIPELINE aufgefordert.
20210318—18720000    —EM, no NEBRASCA—USA, face à escassez de árvores e florestas, a população decidiu dedicar um dia à plantação de árvores.
20210318—20120000    —DESDE, o Dia Internacional das Florestas é comemorado a 21—DE Março, a marcar o início da Primavera, para celebrar e alertar para a importância de todos os tipos de florestas.
20210318—20210000    —YEAR, We expect USA real GDP growth of over 6% in calendar as employment increases by more than 5—MILLION—JOBS.
20210318—20210107    —AM, Der Höchstwert lag bislang bei 87.843—NEUEN Fällen.
20210318—20210301    —SEIT—DEM, Abgesehen von den Öffnungen der Schulen und Kitas habe KEINER—DER—SCHRITTE einen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Infektionen gehabt,
20210322             10—PROZENT hatten sich zum Zeitpunkt der Umfrage (20210316—20210318             —BIS) noch nicht entschieden.
20220312—20220318    —BIS, Vom 14. werde es keinen Aktienhandel gegeben, teilte der wichtigste RUSSISCHE—HANDELSPLATZ der Agentur Tass zufolge mit.
20220318             —FREITAG, 20220318
20220318             —VERÄNDERT, Wie sich die rechte Protestszene : "Die Pandemie bricht als Krisenthema weg, da kommt der Krieg gerade recht"
20220318             —GEHOLFEN, Parker hat uns, die Sonne zu berühren"
20220318             ILLNER—TALK zum Ukrainekrieg: "Ob die Russen das lange vertragen werden, diese Verluste?"
20220318             FACEBOOK—MUTTERKONZERN: AUSTRALISCHE—BEHÖRDE verklagt Meta wegen Kryptowerbung
20220318             Coronazahlen des RKI: —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ steigt auf über 1700
20220318             Die Lage —AM—MORGEN: Geld für ESSEN oder Geld für Sprit?
20220318             UNO—ANGABEN: IRAN soll im vergangenen —JAHR mindestens 280—MENSCHEN hingerichtet haben
20220318             Nachhaltigkeit: Wirtschaft und Arbeitsmarkt profitieren offenbar von Klimaauflagen
20220318             Scherzanruf bei der Regierung: Hochstapler mimt UKRAINISCHEN—PREMIER — und telefoniert mit britischem Verteidigungsminister
20220318             Integrationsbeauftragte erwartet mehr RUSSISCHE—ASYLBEWERBER
20220318             JEDER—MENSCH habe in DEUTSCHLAND das Recht, einen Asylantrag zu stellen, das gelte natürlich auch für RUSSISCHE—STAATSBÜRGER.
20220318             Wie bei allen anderen Asylanträgen werde es dann 1—EINZELFALLPRÜFUNG geben.
20220318             —IM—JANUAR stellten 172—MENSCHEN aus der RUSSISCHEN—FÖDERATION in DEUTSCHLAND einen Asylantrag, —IM—FEBRUAR waren es 187—ANTRÄGE.
20220318             Einen deutlichen Anstieg der Zahlen hat das Bundesinnenministerium auch —IM—MÄRZ noch nicht registriert.
20220318             Das während der sogenannten Flüchtlingskrise von 20150000             gesammelte Wissen darüber, wie so 1—SITUATION bewältigt werden könne, sei in den Kommunen immer noch vorhanden.
20220318             Politisch motivierte Anfeindungen, die sich gegen Russisch sprechende Menschen oder gegen Menschen richteten, die für Russen gehalten werden, seien inakzeptabel, betonte sie.
20220318             "Wir haben FÄLLE—VON—ZUM—BEISPIEL—LEBENSMITTELLÄDEN, die nicht mehr besucht werden oder die beschmiert werden".
20220318             Da müsse man dagegenhalten.
20220318             USA drohen CHINA mit Konsequenzen bei Militärhilfen für RUSSLAND
20220318             USA—PRÄSIDENT—JOE—BIDEN werde bei seinem —AM—FREITAG stattfindenden Telefonat mit dem CHINESISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTEN Xi Jinping beurteilen, wo dieser stehe.
20220318             und deutlich machen, dass CHINA die Verantwortung für ALLE—MASSNAHMEN tragen wird, die die RUSSISCHE—AGGRESSION unterstützen".
20220318             Die USA würden nicht zögern, CHINA gegebenenfalls Kosten aufzuerlegen.
20220318             CHINA stehe in der Verantwortung, seinen Einfluss auf Putin geltend zu machen und die Einhaltung internationaler Regeln einzufordern, sagte Blinken.
20220318             Es scheine aber, dass CHINA das Gegenteil tue.
20220318             Chinas Außenministerium wertete die Vorhalte aus den USA als Desinformation.
20220318             Psaki sagte, dass CHINA das Vorgehen Russlands nicht verurteile, spreche Bände.
20220318             Stoltenberg: Es gibt keine Spaltung innerhalb der NATO—STAATEN
20220318             NATO—GENERALSEKRETÄR JENS—STOLTENBERG sieht wegen unterschiedlicher Vorschläge und Ideen in der Verteidigungspolitik keine Spaltung zwischen den Mitgliedstaaten im Osten und Westen.
20220318             Dennoch gebe es Diskussionen, um langfristiger zu schauen, welche Veränderungen in der ABSCHRECKUNGS—UND Verteidigungspolitik erfolgen müssten, um einer neuen Sicherheitsbedrohung entgegenzustehen, sagte der NATO—GENERALSEKRETÄR.
20220318             Die Nato ist Stoltenberg zufolge innerhalb ihrer Möglichkeiten in der UKRAINE aktiv.
20220318             Stoltenberg sagte zudem, dass die Alliierten der Nato die UKRAINISCHEN—TRUPPEN —SEIT der illegalen Annexion der Krim 20140000             trainiert hätten und "all das hat gegen diese Invasion durch die RUSSISCHEN—TRUPPEN geholfen".
20220318             Die Inflation und die ankommenden Kriegsflüchtlinge aus der UKRAINE haben bei den Tafeln in DEUTSCHLAND die Nachfrage stark steigen lassen.
20220318             "Tafeln sind so sehr gefordert wie nie zuvor",
20220318             sagte der Verbandsvorsitzende JOCHEN—BRÜHL
20220318             Durch die stark gestiegenen ENERGIE—UND Lebensmittelkosten habe die ZAHL—DER—TAFEL—BESUCHER stark zugenommen.
20220318             "Hinzu kommen —JETZT die 1. Geflüchteten aus der UKRAINE, und deren Zahl wird ziemlich sicher weiter steigen",
20220318             Die Mehrausgaben für Sprit und Kühlung der Lebensmittel könnten ehrenamtliche Vereine nicht stemmen.
20220318             Bundeswirtschaftsminister ROBERT—HABECK (Grüne) hat die Bevölkerung in DEUTSCHLAND für ihren Zusammenhalt angesichts der Coronapandemie und des Kriegs in der UKRAINE gelobt.
20220318             "Man sieht —DERZEIT, was DEUTSCHLAND leisten kann, wenn alle sich unterhaken",
20220318             Habeck räumte ein, dass gerade Menschen mit wenig Geld die —DERZEIT hohen Energiepreise "—SCHON schmerzlich zu spüren" bekämen.
20220318             Doch werde "die schwierige ökonomische Situation aufgefangen durch die Bereitschaft zusammenzustehen und den Ukrainern zu helfen"
20220318             Theater in Mariupol
20220318             Das Gebäude war UKRAINISCHEN—ANGABEN zufolge —AM—MITTWOCH durch einen gezielten RUSSISCHEN—BOMBENABWURF weitgehend zerstört worden.
20220318             RUSSLAND wiederum machte das ukrainische nationalistische Regiment Asow für die schwere Explosion verantwortlich.
20220318             JAPAN will weitere Sanktionen gegen 15—RUSSISCHE—EINZELPERSONEN und 9—ORGANISATIONEN verhängen.
20220318             Darunter soll auch der staatliche Waffenexporteur Rosoboronexport fallen.
20220318             AUSTRALIEN verhängt weitere Sanktionen gegen das RUSSISCHE—FINANZMINISTERIUM und 11—WEITERE Banken und Regierungsorganisationen.
20220318             "Mit der kürzlich erfolgten Einbeziehung der RUSSISCHEN—ZENTRALBANK hat AUSTRALIEN —NUN ALLE—RUSSISCHEN—REGIERUNGSSTELLEN ins Visier genommen, die für die Emission und Verwaltung der RUSSISCHEN—STAATSSCHULDEN verantwortlich sind",
20220318             Bauernpräsident: Versorgung mit Getreide ist 20220000             gesichert
20220318             zumindest —IN—DIESEM—JAHR
20220318             "Wir leben in einer sogenannten Gunstregion für Getreideanbau und der Selbstversorgungsgrad in der EU ist sehr hoch".
20220318             Hamsterkäufe seien völlig unsinnig.
20220318             Er rechne aber damit, dass "die Preise für Lebensmittel vermutlich noch weiter steigen werden".
20220318             —SEIT—DIENSTAG gilt 1—AUSFUHRSTOPP etwa von Weizen, Roggen und Gerste aus RUSSLAND.
20220318             die Produktion in der UKRAINE kann die Preise weltweit beeinflussen.
20220318             Heftige Explosionen am Flughafen von Lwiw
20220318             Beobachtungen von Reportern britischer und POLNISCHER—MEDIEN legten nahe, dass mehrere mutmaßlich RUSSISCHE—MARSCHFLUGKÖRPER am Flughafen der Stadt eingeschlagen seien.
20220318             "Raketen haben das Flughafengelände von Lwiw getroffen",
20220318             ZAHL—DER—OPFER nach Bombardement von Theater in Mariupol immer noch unklar
20220318             RUSSLAND hat einem heimischen Medienbericht zufolge 1—FLUGVERBOTSZONE über die ostukrainische DONBASS—REGION verhängt.
20220318             Dies meldet die RUSSISCHE—NACHRICHTENAGENTUR Interfax unter Berufung auf einen Vertreter der dortigen Separatistenregion Donezk.
20220318             Chinas 0—COVID—POLITIK vor dem Scheitern: Wenn die Werkbank der Welt geschlossen wird
20220318             Ukrainekrieg: Auch CHINA kämpft mit hohen Benzinpreisen
20220318             60—KILOMETER vor POLEN: RUSSISCHER—ANGRIFF erschüttert Flughafen von Lwiw
20220318             Straßenumfrage in Moskau: "Die Situation ist 1—SACKGASSE"
20220318             Strom, Heizen, Tanken: Energiekosten für Verbraucher sind —SEIT Kriegsbeginn um 1—VIERTEL gestiegen
20220318             Überraschende Wendung im Ukrainekrieg: Experten sprechen vom DAVID—GEGEN—GOLIATH—SZENARIO — und "die Russen sind —JETZT David"
20220318             Agrarminister Cem Özdemir: "Weniger Fleisch zu ESSEN, wäre 1—BEITRAG gegen Putin"
20220318             BUNDESTAG streitet über Coronalockerungen: "Auch für Zwischenrufe gilt die Maskenpflicht"
20220318             Frühlingstradition in INDIEN: Millionen Menschen feiern HOLI—FEST fast ohne CORONA—AUFLAGEN
20220318             Wegen Putins Angriffskrieg: Baerbock kündigt sicherheitspolitische Neuaufstellung an
20220318             AUSTRALIEN: Great Barrier Reef von "erheblichem Hitzestress" betroffen
20220318             Der gesunde Menschenverstand: Nein zur Flugverbotszone!
20220318             Gestiegene Spritpreise: AMPEL—KOALITION erwägt höhere Pendlerpauschale für alle
20220318             Einstündiges Telefonat: Scholz drängt Putin zur Waffenruhe, Kreml verwahrt sich gegen Einmischung
20220318             Westukraine vor russischem Ansturm: "Kiew ist das Herz, aber Lwiw ist die Seele"
20220318             Wirtschaftsminister ROBERT—HABECK (Grüne) hat dazu aufgerufen, alles dafür zu tun, um die Macht von Russlands STAATSCHEF—WLADIMIR—PUTINS zu zerstören.
20220318             Den direkten Krieg finanziere Putin zwar mit Rubel, also aus dem Inland heraus, sagte Habeck in der ARD.
20220318             Er brauche die Devisen aus den ÖL—UND Gasverkäufen aber zur Finanzierung von Importen.
20220318             Habeck bremste erneut bei der Forderung nach einem sofortigen Stopp der Energieimporte aus RUSSLAND.
20220318             "Wenn wir bei Öl und Gas sagen können, wir haben Lieferketten gesichert, dann können wir den nächsten Schritt gehen",
20220318             sagte er.
20220318             "Daran arbeiten wir, daran arbeite ich".
20220318             Habeck verwies darauf, dass mit KATAR, den USA, KANADA und NORWEGEN —DERZEIT versucht werde, die Belieferung der geplanten neuen FLÜSSIGGAS—TERMINALS in DEUTSCHLAND zu sichern.
20220318             Allerdings sei der Bezug von Gas aus ökologischen und politischen Gründen auch aus anderen Ländern als RUSSLAND teilweise problematisch.
20220318             "Die Förderung von Erdöl und Erdgas schafft Machtkonzentration und Machtkonzentration schafft häufig auch Anfälligkeit für Korruption".
20220318             Deshalb sei die Reduktion des Gasverbrauchs das Allerwichtigste.
20220318             "Wir müssen von den fossilen Energien runter", sagte Habeck.
20220318             Der RUSSISCHE—STAATSSENDER RT darf sein Programm in DEUTSCHLAND vorerst weiter nicht verbreiten.
20220318             Das Verwaltungsgericht BERLIN lehnte einen Eilantrag gegen das Verbot des Programms ab, wie es erklärte.
20220318             Der entsprechende Bescheid der Landesmedienanstalt sei aller Voraussicht nach rechtmäßig, hieß es.
20220318             RUSSLAND hat nach Einschätzung der BRITISCHEN—GEHEIMDIENSTE angesichts seines stockenden Vormarsches in der UKRAINE Probleme, die eigenen Truppen mit Lebensmitteln oder Benzin zu versorgen.
20220318             Dass RUSSLAND keine Kontrolle über den Luftraum habe und sich kaum über unbefestigtes Gelände bewege, verhindere, dass die RUSSISCHE—ARMEE effektiv mit dem Nötigsten versorgt werden könne, hieß es —IN—DER—NACHT in einem GEHEIMDIENST—UPDATE des BRITISCHEN—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTERIUMS.
20220318             Die Gegenangriffe UKRAINISCHER—KRÄFTE zwängen RUSSLAND dazu, VIELE—SOLDATEN dafür einzusetzen, ihre eigenen Versorgungswege zu verteidigen.
20220318             Dies schwäche die RUSSISCHE—KAMPFSTÄRKE deutlich, hieß es.
20220318             Der RUSSISCHE—AUSSENMINISTER Sergej Lawrow hat sich über die USA ausgelassen.
20220318             RUSSLAND habe keine Illusionen, dass man sich auf den Westen verlassen könne, sagte er.
20220318             Moskau werde niemals 1—WELTBILD akzeptieren, das von den USA dominiert werde, die wie ein globaler Sheriff sein wollten.
20220318             Lawrow sagte, dass die USA wollen, dass die Welt wie einer AMERIKANISCHER—SALOON sei, in dem die Amerikaner das Sagen haben.
20220318             Es gebe VIELE—LÄNDER, die keine Anweisungen von "Uncle Sam" haben wollten, sagte Lawrow.
20220318             Die RUSSISCHE—ARMEE hat von weiteren Geländegewinnen im ostukrainischen Verwaltungsgebiet LUHANSK berichtet.
20220318             90—PROZENT seien unter Kontrolle gebracht worden, sagte Generalmajor IGOR—KONASCHENKOW, SPRECHER—DES—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTERIUMS.
20220318             Die Kräfte der Volksrepublik LUHANSK seien "mit Feuerunterstützung der RUSSISCHEN—STREITKRÄFTE" vorgerückt.
20220318             Zudem zögen die Kräfte den Ring um die Hafenstadt Mariupol in der Oblast Donezk enger.
20220318             Die Angaben konnten nicht unabhängig überprüft werden.
20220318             POLEN meldet 2—MILLIONEN Geflüchtete
20220318             Der staatliche RUSSISCHE—SENDER RT darf sein Programm nicht mehr in GROSSBRITANNIEN ausstrahlen.
20220318             Die BRITISCHE—MEDIENAUFSICHTSBEHÖRDE Ofcom entzog RT die Sendelizenz.
20220318             —GEEIGNET, Der Lizenznehmer ANO TV Nowosti sei nicht, 1—LIZENZ zu besitzen, teilte Ofcom mit.
20220318             Die Behörde verwies auf 29—ERMITTLUNGEN wegen mangelnder Unparteilichkeit bei der aktuellen Berichterstattung über den RUSSISCHEN—ANGRIFFSKRIEG gegen die UKRAINE.
20220318             RT gilt als Propagandasender des Kremls.
20220318             Der Sender war zuvor —BEREITS von Ofcom wegen ähnlicher Vorwürfe mit einer Geldstrafe von 200.000—PFUND belegt worden.
20220318             Auch in DEUTSCHLAND gehen Behörden gegen RT vor.
20220318             In einer 1. Stellungnahme bezeichnete der Kreml die —ENTSCHEIDUNG der Ofcom als "Irrsinn".
20220318             Die POLNISCHE—REGIERUNG will formell einen Friedenseinsatz der Nato in der UKRAINE beantragen.
20220318             Eine entsprechende Vorlage werde beim nächsten Gipfel eingereicht, kündigte Ministerpräsident MATEUSZ—MORAWIECKI an.
20220318             Beim Besuch in Kiew mit den Staatschefs von POLEN, SLOWENIEN und Tschechien hatte der POLNISCHE—VIZEPREMIER Jaros?aw Kaczy?ski eine solche Friedensmission ins Spiel gebracht.
20220318             —BELASTET, Ukrainekrieg, DEUTSCHE—METALL—UND Elektroindustrie stark
20220318             Die DEUTSCHE—METALL—UND Elektroindustrie spürt die Folgen des Ukrainekriegs —BEREITS deutlich.
20220318             Rund 69—PROZENT aller Unternehmen erwarten Kostensteigerungen im Einkauf und fast die Hälfte rechnet mit spürbaren Einbußen bei Umsatz und Gewinn, wie der Arbeitgeberverband Gesamtmetall zu einer Umfrage unter knapp 14000000             Betrieben mitteilte.
20220318             Dabei konnte jedes 3. Unternehmen aufgrund der extremen Unsicherheit noch gar keine Prognose abgeben.
20220318             Während die HÄLFTE—DER—BETRIEBE mit RUSSISCHEN—KUNDEN —BEREITS ihre Exporte gestoppt habe, sei die Suche nach neuen Lieferanten merklich schwieriger.
20220318             Denn aus RUSSLAND, der UKRAINE und BELARUS kommen dem Verband zufolge VIELE—ROHSTOFFE und Vorleistungen.
20220318             Der Verband sieht die Umfrage nur als aktuelle Bestandsaufnahme.
20220318             "Was sich im Falle einer Verschärfung des Krieges, von weitergehenden Sanktionen oder durch Zweitrundeneffekte, etwa durch hohe Inflation, an Auswirkungen ergäbe, ist überhaupt nicht abzusehen",
20220318             "Die Folgen eines ENERGIE—UND Rohstoffembargos wären aber definitiv dramatisch und —SCHON—JETZT droht der METALL—UND Elektroindustrie eine massive Kostenexplosion und ein erneutes Rezessionsjahr".
20220318             FRANZISKUS—PAPA hat die RUSSISCHE—INVASION in die UKRAINE erneut heftig kritisiert.
20220318             Der Krieg sei ein "perverser Machtmissbrauch",
20220318             sagte er, der wehrlosen Menschen "brutaler Gewalt" aussetze.
20220318             Bundeskanzler OLAF—SCHOLZ (SPD) hat erneut mit dem RUSSISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTEN WLADIMIR—PUTIN telefoniert.
20220318             Das knapp einstündige Gespräch sei dem Krieg und den Bemühungen, diesen zu beenden, gewidmet gewesen, teilte die Bundesregierung in BERLIN mit.
20220318             Wie der Kreml mitteilte, habe Putin Kriegsverbrechen der UKRAINISCHEN—ARMEE beklagt.
20220318             Beim Beschuss von Wohnvierteln in den Städten Donezk und Makijiwka habe es zahlreiche Todesopfer gegeben.
20220318             "Diese Kriegsverbrechen wurden im Westen ignoriert", hieß es aus dem Kreml.
20220318             Unabhängige Informationen dazu gibt es nicht, vielmehr werden der Kremlarmee vom Westen Kriegsverbrechen vorgeworfen
20220318             Bei dem Telefonat auf Initiative von Scholz habe Putin erklärt, dass auf RUSSISCHER—SEITE alles getan werde, um zivile Opfer zu vermeiden, teilte der Kreml mit.
20220318             —INTERESSIERT, RUSSLAND sei an einer Lösung, hieß es.
20220318             Jedoch unter den —BISHER genannten Bedingungen.
20220318             RUSSLAND fordert unter anderem, die Separatistengebiete LUHANSK und Donezk in der Ostukraine als unabhängig sowie die annektierte SCHWARZMEER—HALBINSEL Krim als Teil Russlands anerkennt.
20220318             Aus Kiew hieß es, dass EINIGE—DER—FORDERUNGEN "absolut inakzeptabel" seien.
20220318             Reaktionen auf Putins Angriffskrieg: Steinmeier nennt Hass gegen in DEUTSCHLAND lebende Russen "rote Linie"
20220318             Fri 20220318
20220318             [l] ARD "investigativ" hat ein paar noch unabgedruckte Pressemitteilungen der Sicherheitsbehörden gefunden und druckt sie sofort ab.
20220318             Seid ihr auch so froh, dass wir ARD investigativ haben?
20220318             Ich meine, wo sonst kriegt man so überzeugende Quellenarbeit?
20220318             So stringente Beweisführung?
20220318             Nirgendwo, sage ich euch! Auch inhaltlich voll überzeugend.
20220318             Die Gefährdungslage ist erhöht.
20220318             —BEOBACHTET, Der Verfassungsschutz.
20220318             Oh und sie haben eine... festhalte, bitte!... Arbeitsgruppe gegründet!
20220318             Na dann ist ja alles in trockenen Tüchern.
20220318             Man legt die Tücher einfach auf die Sessel, dann furzt man sie trocken.
20220318             Auch die Bundeswehr sieht eine erhöhte Gefährdungslage und rechnet mit möglichen Cyberangriffen RUSSISCHER—STELLEN.
20220318             —BESTIMMT, Das hat, die CIA herausgefunden!
20220318             Bislang zählt das BKA rund 500—STRAFTATEN und Delikte in diesem Zusammenhang, darunter vor allem Beleidigungen und Bedrohungen, insbesondere geäußert im INTERNET.
20220318             —REGISTRIERT, Aber auch Sachbeschädigungen wurden, zuletzt etwa 1—BRANDANSCHLAG auf die Sporthalle der DEUTSCH—RUSSISCHEN—LOMONOSSOW—SCHULE im Berliner Ortsteil Marzahn in der vergangenen —WOCHE.
20220318             Ausreisen, um sich der RUSSISCHEN—SEITE anzuschließen, sollen prinzipiell unterbunden werden.
20220318             Wer sich hingegen UKRAINISCHEN—STREITKRÄFTEN anschließen will, soll reisen dürfen.
20220318             Gestoppt werden sollen hingegen in allen Fällen Personen, die den Behörden als Extremisten bekannt sind.
20220318             In den vergangenen —JAHREN —BEREITS waren EINIGE—RECHTSEXTREMISTEN aus DEUTSCHLAND in die UKRAINE gereist, um sich dort Kampfeinheiten anzuschließen, wie dem ULTRA—NATIONALISTISCHEN AZOW—REGIMENT, in dem zahlreiche ausländische Freiwillige dienen.
20220318             [l] Habt ihr in letzter Zeit mal was von RT gehört?
20220318             Nicht?
20220318             In sozialen Netzen finden die ja nicht mehr statt, Fernsehen von denen wurde auch verboten, die Webseite geht —SEIT—ANFANG des Monats nicht mehr.
20220318             Auch bei Google findet man keinen RT—CONTENT mehr.
20220318             Hier ist der zugehörige Eintrag aus der LUMEN—DATENBANK.
20220318             Wenn ihr da mal ein bisschen das Kleingedruckte durchlest, findet ihr diesen Absatz hier:
20220318             As regards the posts made by individuals that reproduce the content of RT and Sputnik, those posts shall not be published and, if published, must be deleted.
20220318             Also nicht nur RT.
20220318             Auch Privatleute, die RT—CONTENT wiedergeben.
20220318             Das ist übrigens nicht nur DEUTSCHLAND.
20220318             1—KUMPEL aus BELGIEN hat gerade mal probiert und bei dem kommt 1—STOPPSCHILD—SEITE.
20220318             —PROBIERT, Er hat daraufhin mal Tor, und auch per Tor kam er nicht dran.
20220318             Das ist nicht verwunderlich, denn die meisten Tor Exit Nodes stehen in...
20220318             DEUTSCHLAND.
20220318             JA—DEUTSCHLAND, weil das immer alle für den Hort der Freiheit hielten.
20220318             Wo sonst würde man seine Exit Nodes aufstellen, wenn nicht in einem Land, wo verfassungsmäßig garantiert keine Zensur stattfindet?
20220318             Seid ihr eigentlich auch so froh, dass ihr bei den Guten seid?
20220318             Update: Wo ist eigentlich die Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte, wenn man sie braucht?
20220318             Update: Das ist übrigens technisch 1—DNS—SPERRE.
20220318             —BETREIBT, Wer seinen eigenen DNS—SERVER, ist nicht betroffen.
20220318             Im Moment scheinen auch die öffentlichen DNS—SERVER von Google, Cloudflare und IBM noch nicht zu zensieren.
20220318             Update: Mehrere Leser schreiben mir, dass sie von der Zensur noch nichts bemerkt haben, bei ihnen ginge es.
20220318             Ich kann hier gerade live testen, dass Vodafone und O2 das zensieren.
20220318             1—KUMPEL mit TELEKOM—DSL kann es noch auflösen.
20220318             —BEMERKENSWERT, Das wäre ja, wenn ausgerechnet die Telekom die Zensurorder nicht umgesetzt hätte.
20220318             Ansonsten kann es auch sein, dass ihr in eurem WLAN—ROUTER,—ODER—EINGETRAGEN habt.
20220318             Oder, was auch mal interessant zu wissen wäre, vielleicht benutzt ihr Firefox und die haben ihr DOH—ANTIZENSUR-"Experiment" auch für DEUTSCHLAND freigeschaltet und resolven dann über
20220318             Außerdem scheint es einen Unterschied zu geben, ob man nach rt.com fragt oder nach de.rt.com. de.rt.com ist auch bei der Telekom blockiert, meint mein Kumpel.
20220318             RUSSISCHES—KRIEGSGERÄT: Wirtschaftsministerium lässt mögliche Verstöße gegen Exportauflagen prüfen
20220318             DIHK—UMFRAGE: 4—VON 5—FIRMEN spüren Folgen des RUSSISCHEN—ANGRIFFSKRIEGS
20220318             "Ablehnung staatlichen Handelns": Rechtsextremisten unterwandern verstärkt CORONA—PROTESTSZENE in BAYERN
20220318             Krieg in der UKRAINE: Liebe Europäer, machen Sie sich keine Illusionen
20220318             Spektakulärer Fund in der PERUANISCHEN—WÜSTE: Forscher präsentieren 36—MILLIONEN —JAHRE alten Schädel eines Urzeitwals
20220318             In den Meeren der Urzeit trieb sich 1—UNGEHEUER herum, geformt wie eine dicke Wasserschlange und —BIS zu 18—METER lang: der Basilosaurus, die "Königsechse".
20220318             Im Widerspruch zu seinem Namen war er kein echter Dinosaurier, sondern vermutlich das größte Säugetier seiner Zeit.
20220318             Er lebte vor ungefähr 41—BIS 35—MILLIONEN —JAHREN, —HEUTE zählt man ihn zu den Walen.
20220318             Die 1. Vorfahren der Wale, wie der Basilosaurus, entstanden vor etwa 55—MILLIONEN —JAHREN — als sich Landtiere zurück auf den Weg ins Meer machten.
20220318             Putins Angriffskrieg gegen die UKRAINE: Bosch fährt Russlandgeschäft stark zurück
20220318             Polit-"Tatort" mit Wotan Wilke Möhring: Kinder, wir müssen über Tyrannenmord sprechen
20220318             Laxes Infektionsschutzgesetz trotz hoher Inzidenzen: Der Maskendeal
20220318             Spannungen im Südchinesischen Meer: CHINA lässt Flugzeugträger durch Meerenge mit TAIWAN fahren
20220318             Während der Krieg in der UKRAINE weiter tobt, hat CHINA offenbar ein militärisches Zeichen in der Auseinandersetzung mit dem Inselstaat TAIWAN gesetzt.
20220318             Der Zeitpunkt der Durchfahrt war offenbar kein Zufall: USA—PRÄSIDENT—JOE—BIDEN und sein CHINESISCHER—AMTSKOLLEGE Xi Jinping waren —AM—NACHMITTAG zu einem Gespräch verabredet.
20220318             Die USA haben sich der Verteidigungsfähigkeit Taiwans verpflichtet und liefern dorthin auch Waffen.
20220318             Wie die Nachrichtenagentur Reuters unter Berufung auf eine anonyme Quelle berichtet, begleitete der USA—ZERSTÖRER USS RALPH—JOHNSON die Route des CHINESISCHEN—FLUGZEUGTRÄGERS in einiger Entfernung.
20220318             Es handele es sich um eine routinemäßige Trainingsmission, hieß es.
20220318             Taiwans Präsidentin Tsai ING—WEN sah sich durch den Krieg in Osteuropa darin bestätigt, in ihrem Land 1—RESERVISTENARMEE zum Schutz vor CHINA aufzubauen.
20220318             "Die jüngste Situation in der UKRAINE beweist einmal mehr, dass der Schutz des Landes neben der internationalen Solidarität und Unterstützung von der Einheit des ganzen Volkes abhängt",
20220318             Putin bei Auftritt im LUSCHNIKI—STADION: "Wir wissen, was wir tun müssen und zu welchem Preis"
20220318             Verschlechterte Gesundheitsversorgung: Mehr Coronainfizierte, weniger Betten
20220318             Sportwagenbauer: Porsche meldet erfolgreichstes —JAHR seiner Geschichte
20220318             Update: Die Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte äußert sich.
20220318             Sie finden, der Kreml solle seine Klagen mal selber finanzieren.
20220318             Ich weiß nicht, wie ihr das seht, aber ich fand nicht, dass es hier um die Rechte von RT geht.
20220318             Ich fand, dass es hier um meine Rechte geht.
20220318             Das mag euch —JETZT überraschen, aber ich hätte meine Rechte viel lieber von der GFF verteidigt als vom Kreml.
20220318             Update: Die rechtliche Grundlage für die Vorzensur ist anscheinend diese EU—VERORDNUNG.
20220318             Ich hätte ja gerne mal eine 2. Expertenmeinung eingeholt dazu, ob die überhaupt die Befugnis für so 1—ZENSURANORDNUNG haben.
20220318             Schade, dass die GFF dafür offenbar nicht zur Verfügung steht.
20220318             —ENTTÄUSCHT, Ich bin ehrlich gesagt ziemlich, von Ulfs Argumentation hier.
20220318             Ist 1—HAFTBEFEHL eines Landes, das extraterritoriale Folterknäste betreibt, auch nicht so schlimm, solange Fefe weiß, wo die ECUADORIANISCHE—BOTSCHAFT ist?!
20220318             Das kann ja wohl nicht ernsthaft das Bewertungskriterium sein.
20220318             Bundespräsident FRANK—WALTER—STEINMEIER hat vor Anfeindungen gegen Russen in DEUTSCHLAND gewarnt.
20220318             Alle seien aufgewühlt vom Krieg in der UKRAINE, doch sei dies der Krieg der politischen Führung in Moskau und nicht der RUSSISCHEN—MENSCHEN hier, sagte Steinmeier in BERLIN.
20220318             Von diesen lehnten VIELE—DEN—FELDZUG gegen die UKRAINE ebenfalls ab.
20220318             Nach kritischen Äußerungen zum Krieg in der UKRAINE hat der frühere RUSSISCHE—VIZEREGIERUNGSCHEF ARKADI—DWORKOWITSCH den Vorstand des VORZEIGE—TECHNOLOGIEPARKS Skolkowo bei Moskau verlassen.
20220318             Dworkowitsch hatte sich der kremlkritischen Zeitung "Nowaja Gaseta" zufolge in 1—INTERVIEW—MIT—EINEM—USA—MAGAZIN für eine friedliche Lösung im UKRAINE—KONFLIKT ausgesprochen.
20220318             Die Kremlpartei Geeintes RUSSLAND sprach daraufhin von "Verrat" und forderte Dworkowitschs Entlassung.
20220318             Dworkowitsch wolle sich "auf die ENTWICKLUNG—VON—BILDUNGSPROJEKTEN konzentrieren",
20220318             teilte die SKOLKOWO—STIFTUNG mit.
20220318             Die Europäische Flugsicherheitsbehörde (EASA) hat vor Beeinträchtigungen des zivilen Flugverkehrs durch den Ukrainekrieg gewarnt.
20220318             —SEIT Beginn der RUSSISCHEN—INVASION hätten Störungen der im Flugverkehr verwendeten Navigationssignale zugenommen, hieß es in einer auf der EASA—WEBSITE veröffentlichten Sicherheitsinformation.
20220318             Betroffen seien auch Regionen, die relativ weit von dem Kriegsgebiet entfernt liegen, etwa das Mittelmeer und FINNLAND.
20220318             Die Beeinträchtigungen seien entweder auf "Störungen" von Satellitenortungssignalen zurückzuführen oder auf deren "Missbrauch",
20220318             hieß es.
20220318             Autofreie —SONNTAG, schärfere Tempolimits, Homeoffice und günstiger Nahverkehr — all dies empfiehlt die Internationale Energieagentur (IAE) den Industrieländern, um die Abhängigkeit von russischem Öl zu reduzieren.
20220318             "In Folge des schrecklichen RUSSISCHEN—ANGRIFFS auf die UKRAINE könnte die Welt die schlimmste Ölkrise —SEIT—JAHRZEHNTEN erleben",
20220318             sagte IEA—DIREKTOR Fatih Birol.
20220318             Die Agentur stellte 10—VORSCHLÄGE vor, die nicht nur bei den Folgen des Ukrainekriegs, sondern auch beim Kampf gegen den Klimawandel und gegen Luftverschmutzung helfen sollten.
20220318             Unter Vorsitz von PRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN hat sich Russlands nationaler Sicherheitsrat nach ANGABEN—DES—KREMLS mit der Lage in der UKRAINE befasst.
20220318             "Bei dem Treffen wurde die aktuelle internationale Situation besprochen und der Meinungsaustausch über die laufende SPEZIAL—OPERATION der RUSSISCHEN—STREITKRÄFTE in der UKRAINE fortgesetzt",
20220318             sagte Kremlsprecher DMITRI—PESKOW—DER—AGENTUR—INTERFAX zufolge.
20220318             Moskau nennt den KRIEG—GEGEN—DAS—NACHBARLAND eine "militärische SPEZIAL—OPERATION".
20220318             Die RUSSISCHE—BOTSCHAFT in SOFIA erklärte —AM—FREITAG, die —ENTSCHEIDUNG Bulgariens, 10—RUSSISCHE—DIPLOMATEN auszuweisen, sei "ein weiterer aggressiver Schritt",
20220318             auf den Moskau entsprechend reagieren werde.
20220318             In einer Erklärung auf ihrem TELEGRAM—KANAL erklärte die Botschaft, sie sehe die Ausweisungen als Zeichen der Absicht Bulgariens, die BULGARISCH—RUSSISCHEN—BEZIEHUNGEN auf 1—MINIMUM zu reduzieren.
20220318             "Diese feindselige Demarche wird bald eine entsprechende Bewertung und 1—REAKTION erfahren, die dem neuen Geist der bilateralen Beziehungen angemessen ist",
20220318             so die Botschaft.
20220318             Putin spricht im LUZHNIKI—STADION — Fernsehübertragung bricht ab
20220318             Während Putins Rede brach die Liveübertragung im RUSSISCHEN—STAATSFERNSEHEN allerdings abrupt ab.
20220318             —BEGRÜNDET, Kreml, TV—UNTERBRECHUNG bei PUTIN—REDE mit technischer Panne
20220318             Chinas PRÄSIDENT—XI—JINPING hat im Gespräch mit seinem USA—KOLLEGEN JOE—BIDEN CHINESISCHEN—STAATSMEDIEN zufolge erklärt, dass niemand Interesse an Konflikten wie in der UKRAINE haben könne.
20220318             "So etwas wie die Ukrainekrise wollen wir nicht sehen", wird Xi zitiert.
20220318             Die baltischen Staaten ESTLAND, LETTLAND und LITAUEN haben insgesamt 10—RUSSISCHE—DIPLOMATEN zu unerwünschten Personen erklärt und des Landes verwiesen.
20220318             Inmitten schwerster Spannungen zwischen RUSSLAND und dem Westen ist eine rein RUSSISCHE—BESATZUNG zur Internationalen Raumstation ISS aufgebrochen.
20220318             Das Raumschiff vom Typ Sojus MS-21 mit den Kosmonauten OLEG—ARTEMJEW, DENIS—MATWEJEW und Sergej Korssakow an Bord hob vom RUSSISCHEN—WELTRAUMBAHNHOF Baikonur in KASACHSTAN ab.
20220318             Zu sehen war, wie die Rakete in den Nachthimmel über Zentralasien aufstieg.
20220318             "Alles ist normal an Bord",
20220318             ging aus Funksprüchen der Bodenstation hervor. Der Besatzung gehe es gut.
20220318             Auf der ISS treffen die Kosmonauten auf 2—WEITERE Russen und 4—USA—AMERIKANER.
20220318             Der DEUTSCHE—MATTHIAS—MAURER feierte dort —AM—FREITAG seinen 52. Geburtstag.
20220318             Die wegen des Angriffs auf die UKRAINE gegen Moskau verhängten Sanktionen haben auch die Zusammenarbeit zwischen den USA und RUSSLAND in der Raumfahrt schwer belastet.
20220318             Roskosmos hatte deshalb zuletzt die Zukunft der ISS nach Auslaufen des Vertrags 20240000             offen gelassen.
20220318             Litauens Außenminister Gabrielius Landsbergis hat eine neue Strategie zum Schutz des östlichen NATO—BÜNDNISGEBIETES gefordert.
20220318             "Die gesamte Verteidigung der Ostflanke muss strategisch neu geschrieben werden",
20220318             sagte er der Agentur BNS zufolge in VILNIUS.
20220318             "Wir hoffen auf eine schnelle Lösung".
20220318             Norwegens KÖNIG—HARALD—V. hat beim Besuch einer Flüchtlingsunterkunft in der HAUPTSTADT—OSLO über die schwierige Position des Westens im Ukrainekrieg gesprochen.
20220318             Auf die Frage, ob NORWEGEN genug tue, um der UKRAINE zu helfen, antwortete der 85-jährige KÖNIG—DEM—SENDER—NRK zufolge, dies sei eine schwierige Frage.
20220318             Tue man zu viel, riskiere man einen Weltkrieg, tue man zu wenig, 1—HUNGERSNOT.
20220318             Es gehe darum, das richtige Gleichgewicht zu finden.
20220318             KÖNIG—HARALD sitzt —SEIT—31—JAHREN auf dem NORWEGISCHEN—THRON.
20220318             Er gilt als besonnen, mitfühlend und ruhig und wird deshalb vom Volk geschätzt.
20220318             Bundesverteidigungsministerin CHRISTINE—LAMBRECHT (SPD) sieht kaum weitere Möglichkeiten zur Abgabe von BUNDESWEHR—WAFFEN an die UKRAINE.
20220318             "Die Möglichkeiten über die Bundeswehr sind erschöpft",
20220318             Wenn allerdings bei DEUTSCHEN—UNTERNEHMEN Waffen zur Lieferung an die UKRAINE angekauft würden, sei das "kein Weg, der über das Verteidigungsministerium geht",
20220318             sagte Lambrecht.
20220318             "Das ist dann 1—WEG, der über das Wirtschaftsministerium geht, weil wir dann über Rüstungsexporte sprechen".
20220318             Die RUSSISCHE—ARMEE setzt nach eigenen Angaben ihre Angriffe auf militärische Ziele in der UKRAINE fort.
20220318             Das Verteidigungsministerium in Moskau bestätigte am Freitagabend 1—OFFENSIVE auf den Flugplatz nahe der westukrainischen Großstadt Lwiw.
20220318             —GEWESEN, Dort seien UKRAINISCHE—KAMPFFLUGZEUGE abgestellt.
20220318             —ZERSTÖRT, Zudem sei 1—WERKSTATT, worden,
20220318             Russlands PRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN hat erneut mit seinem FRANZÖSISCHEN—KOLLEGEN EMMANUEL—MACRON telefoniert.
20220318             Das teilte der Kreml am Freitagabend in Moskau mit.
20220318             Bei dem Gespräch sei es um die Lage im Kriegsgebiet UKRAINE gegangen.
20220318             Putin versicherte demnach, dass die RUSSISCHEN—STREITKRÄFTE alles unternehmen würden, "um das Leben von Zivilisten zu retten".
20220318             Putin habe zudem auf "Kriegsverbrechen" der UKRAINE aufmerksam gemacht, hieß es in der Mitteilung.
20220318             Die Initiative für das Telefonat ging dem Kreml zufolge von Macron aus.
20220318             Mit der Androhung neuer und weltweit greifender Sanktionen will die USA—REGIERUNG Dutzende RUSSISCHE—FLUGZEUGE "effektiv stilllegen".
20220318             —GEHÖRT, Zu den betroffenen 99—MASCHINEN, demnach etwa 1—FÜNFTEL aller Flugzeuge der staatlichen RUSSISCHEN—AIRLINE Aeroflot sowie mehrere Frachtflugzeuge und 1—PRIVATJET—DES—OLIGARCHEN—ROMAN—ABRAMOWITSCH.
20220318             Damit dürften die Flugzeuge vor allem im internationalen Verkehr kaum mehr eingesetzt werden können.
20220318             Das USA—HANDELSMINISTERIUM in WASHINGTON erklärte —AM—FREITAG, jegliche Dienstleistung zur Ermöglichung von FLÜGEN—SEI es zum Beispiel die Wartung oder das Betanken der MASCHINEN—STELLE einen Verstoß gegen USA—REGULARIEN dar und könne mit Sanktionen geahndet werden.
20220318             Dies gelte auch für Dienstleistungen in RUSSLAND selbst.
20220318             Xi spricht sich für ENDE—DES—KRIEGES aus — "so schnell wie möglich"
20220318             SCHWEIZ schließt sich EU—SANKTIONEN gegen Export von Luxusgütern nach RUSSLAND an
20220318             PIPELINE—DATEN: Gasflüsse aus RUSSLAND gehen zurück
20220318             Waffen und Ausrüstung: EU—STAATEN einigen sich auf weitere 500—MILLIONEN Euro für UKRAINE—MILITÄRHILFE
20220318             Mögliche Auslieferung von Assange: Weitere BRITISCHE—VERTRETUNGEN erhalten Drohbriefe
20220318             FORMER—USA National Security Adviser McMaster on the War in UKRAINE: "It Has Already Escalated" Interview Conducted by RENÉ—PFISTER und MAXIMILIAN—POPP
20220318             Parteianhänger jubeln: Bulgariens EX—MINISTERPRÄSIDENT Borissow freigelassen
20220318             Freigelassen wurden auch EX—FINANZMINISTER Wladislaw Goranow sowie Borissows frühere Medienberaterin Sewdalina Arnaudowa, die ebenso am Vorabend in Haft genommen wurden.
20220318             —ERST—AM vergangenen —SONNTAG wurde der 62-Jährige als CHEF seiner bürgerlichen Partei GERB wiedergewählt, die aktuell größte Oppositionskraft ist.
20220318             Demonstranten warfen Borissow wiederholt korrupte Amtsführung vor.
20220318             —VERSCHIEBT, Reaktion auf den Krieg in der UKRAINE: BELGIEN, Atomausstieg um —10—JAHRE
20220318             News zum Krieg in Osteuropa: DEUTSCHLAND und SPANIEN beschwören Europas Einigkeit gegen Putin
20220318             Scholz und Sánchez rufen zur europäischen Einigkeit gegen Putin auf
20220318             Wie —BISHER werden wir die UKRAINE weiter unterstützen, die sich so mutig dem Aggressor entgegenstellt".
20220318             sagte Scholz.
20220318             Der Krieg in der UKRAINE bedeute auch für die EU 1—ZEITENWENDE.
20220318             Die Gemeinschaft müsse ihre Verteidigungsfähigkeit durch Investitionen und vor allem bessere Kooperation stärken, auch in enger Abstimmung mit den USA und der Nato.
20220318             Sánchez forderte, der EU—GIPFEL am 24. und 20220325             müsse dringend Maßnahmen gegen die Preissteigerungen im Energiebereich ergreifen.
20220318             "Diese Zeiten müssen unsere Einheit, unsere Gemeinsamkeit verstärken", sagte der Spanier.
202203180126         Media: most Russians support war against UKRAINE and want Putin to continue ruling
202203180636         S&P downgrades RUSSIA LONG—TERM—RATINGS to CC, with negative outlook
202203180639         RUSSIA creates NO—FLY zone over Donbas, SOURCE  DPR people's militia official
202203180751         BNY Mellon suspending new banking business and investment in RUSSIA
202203180806         AUSTRALIA imposes sanctions against 11—RUSSIA—BANKS, state entities, SOURCE  AUSTRALIA—FOREIGN Ministry
202203180834         Sberbank suspends money transfers in 5—CURRENCIES due to sanctions
202203180849         NEW—ZEALAND imposes sanctions on Putin, Mishustin, Lavrov, Shoigu, SOURCE  document
202203180905         Euroclear restricts transactions on NSD account
202203181014         —TRANSFERRED, Cargo with weapons, to UKRAINE to become legitimate TARGETS—OF—RUSSIA—TROOPS, SOURCE  Lavrov
202203181041         Putin discusses UKRAINE and negotiations with its representatives with Scholz, SOURCE  Kremlin
202203181051         —STORED, Plenty of foodstuffs, at RUSSIA—WAREHOUSES, distribution centers, deliveries uninterrupted, SOURCE  Agriculture MINISTER
202203181056         —EXPECTED, CENTRAL—BANK—OF—RUSSIA holds key rate at 20%, as
202203181247         LITHUANIA, LATVIA and ESTONIA expel several RUSSIA—DIPLOMATS
202203181249         Pirelli suspends investment in RUSSIA
202203181331         SWITZERLAND imposes sanctions on RUSSIA analogous to EU's 4. sanctions package, SOURCE  statement
202203181457         RUSSIA—INFLATION in 20220000—20230000     will be higher than previous estimates, CBR won't let it spiral, SOURCE  Nabiullina
202203181626         ISS—BOUND Soyuz-2.1a rocket with 3—RUSSIA—COSMONAUTS aboard lifts off from Baikonur
202203181626         MOSCOW, KYIV 'somewhere halfway' regarding demilitarization of UKRAINE, SOURCE  Medinsky
202203181634         Russian, UKRAINE—DELEGATIONS maximally converge positions on UKRAINE—NEUTRAL—STATUS, NON—ACCESSION to NATO at talks, SOURCE  Medinsky
202203181650         RUSSIA—MEDINSKY: Donbas people themselves should decide how to govern territories where they live
202203181656         —DISCUSSED, RUSSIA—DEFENSE—MINISTRY says current issues, with CHINA—AMBASSADOR in MOSCOW
202203181736         Putin, Macron discuss current situation at RUSSIA—UKRAINE talks in phone call
202203181817         Lavrov briefs Arab countries' ambassadors on special military operation in UKRAINE
202203182059         Soyuz MS-21 spaceship docks with ISS in manual mode
20220318—20210000    —BIS, BORISSOW war von 20090000             mit kurzer Unterbrechung Bulgarien—Regierung—chef gewesen.
20220318—20300000    —BIS, Die Nasa strebt 1—LAUFZEIT an.
20230215—20230318    —AM, Die UN blickt mit Sorge auf die anstehenden Gespräche über 1—FORTSETZUNG des auslaufenden Abkommens zum Export von ukrainischem Getreide.
20230219—20230318    —AM, Die Vereinten Nationen blicken mit Sorge auf die anstehenden Gespräche über 1—FORTSETZUNG des auslaufenden Abkommens zum Export UKRAINISCHEN—GETREIDES.
20230222—20230318    —AM, Das auslaufende Abkommen zum GETREIDE—EXPORT solle um mindestens —1—JAHR verlängert werden, denn die Agrarmärkte bräuchten Planungssicherheit.
20230309—20230318    —AM, Das UN—WELTERNÄHRUNGSPROGRAMM (World Food Programme, WFP) hat vor "gravierenden Konsequenzen" gewarnt, wenn das auslaufende SCHWARZMEER—GETREIDEABKOMMEN zwischen der UKRAINE und RUSSLAND nicht verlängert wird.
20240317—20140318    —SIGNED—ON, 1—TREATY on Crimea's and SEVASTOPOL—ACCESSION to RUSSIA was.
20240317—20140318    Reunification with RUSSIA
20240317—20140318    —REFUSED, UKRAINE, THE—USA—AND—THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, to recognize CRIMEA—INDEPENDENCE and its reunification with RUSSIA.
20240317—20240318    —ON, the peninsula marks THE—DAY—OF—CRIMEA—REUNIFICATION with RUSSIA.
20240318             —MONTAG, 20240318
20240318             —KRITISIERT, Äußerung von Mützenich: Nouripour, Haltung der SPD zum Ukrainekrieg
20240318             USA—AUßENMINISTER: NORDKOREA feuert während BLINKEN—BESUCH in SÜDKOREA Raketen ab
20240318             —VERZICHTET, Bundespräsident zur Wahl in RUSSLAND: Steinmeier, auf Glückwunsch an Putin
20240318             Nach Anschlag auf TESLA—ANLAGE: BKA warnt vor Bedrohungen aus dem linken Spektrum
20240318             Repression in Putins RUSSLAND: "Die Menschen tun sich schwer damit anzuerkennen, dass der STAAT verbrecherisch ist"
20240318             Mutmaßlicher Geheimnisverrat: 105—TEILNEHMENDE waren bei Ausschusssitzung zu TAURUS—MARSCHFLUGKÖRPERN dabei
20240318             Seltene Unmutsbekundung: Kubaner protestieren gegen Stromausfälle und Lebensmittelknappheit
20240318             Warum Geisteswissenschaften studieren?: "Ein Bedarf an Experten kann über —NACHT entstehen"
20240318             Immobilienkrise: ZAHL—DER—BAUGENEHMIGUNGEN auch zu Jahresbeginn deutlich gesunken
20240318             Mon 20240318
20240318             [l] Lacher des Tages: Amerikanische "SICHERHEITS—EXPERTIN" findet, die Bundeswehr sei unsicher.
20240318             Begründung: The military in NATO—ALLY—GERMANY is offering communications apps to soldiers and other FEDERAL—EMPLOYEES on CHINA—PHONE—MAKER—HUAWEI—APP—STORE — even though the telecoms giant has been deemed 1—SECURITY—RISK by THE—USA and EUROPEAN—UNION, NEWSWEEK can reveal.
20240318             Ja aber echt mal!
20240318             Der BUNDESWEHR—MESSENGER im HUAWEI—APPSTORE?! Das geht ja GAR nicht!1!!
20240318             Da können die Chinesen den doch analysieren —JETZT!1!!
20240318             Ja, äh, die Chinesen können den selbstverständlich auch analysieren, wenn der im APPLE—ODER GOOGLE—APPSTORE ist.
20240318             Noch großartiger: Der Messenger ist Open Source!
20240318             Da musst du gar nichts reverse engineeren, da kannst du einfach die Sourcen runterladen!
20240318             —BASIERT, Das, übrigens auf Matrix.
20240318             Der Quellcode für das Backend liegt da auch rum.
20240318             GERMANY—DEFENSE—MINISTRY told NEWSWEEK the apps were secure, but security specialist Nathalie Vogel said there were clear risks.
20240318             "They are repeating the same mistakes over and over again and they are threatening allies by giving access to the Chinese," said Vogel, 1—RESEARCH—FELLOW at the Center for Intermarium STUDIES—OF—THE—INSTITUTE—OF—WORLD—POLITICS in WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA
20240318             Es gibt da natürlich tatsächlich Risiken, aber diese Expertin ist zu inkompetent, die zu benennen.
20240318             1—APPSTORE kann dir ja eine andere App geben, als die Entwickler hochgeladen haben.
20240318             Da müsste man eigentlich prüfen.
20240318             Die Hardware könnte natürlich auch verwanzt sein, die Firmware könnte dich bescheißen, etc.
20240318             Eigentlich ist —SCHON die Prämisse unsicher, dass man sicher kommunizieren kann, wenn man das Gerät eingekauft hat.
20240318             1—DER—GRUSELIGSTEN—SNOWDEN—VERÖFFENTLICHUNGEN war, dass die NSA CISCO—LIEFERUNGEN abfingen und die Hardware im Transit manipulierten.
20240318             Ist alles 1—FRAGE—DES—AUFWANDES, den die Unterdrückungsbehörden zu investieren bereit sind.
20240318             Auf dem Spektrum der Kompromisse ist aber "die App ist Open Source und wir tun sie in App Stores" vergleichsweise OK.
20240318             —ERST—JETZT, durch den Digital Markets Act, wird Sideloading von Apps eine reelle Alternative gegen die eigentliche Bedrohung hier: Dass die Amerikaner uns Backdoors unterschieben.
20240318             Vor denen freidrehenden Geheimdiensten würde ich mir deutlich mehr Sorgen machen als vor den Chinesen.
20240318             Streit um Marschflugkörper für die UKRAINE: Schröder lobt Scholz für Nein zu Taurus
20240318             Strafaktion wegen Menschenrechtsverstoß: EU verhängt wegen Nawalnys Tod Sanktionen gegen RUSSLAND
20240318             Abgeriegeltes Gebiet: Uno warnt vor unmittelbar bevorstehender Hungersnot im Gazastreifen
20240318             Urteil in BERLIN: Gericht untersagt Polizist Internetauftritt als "Officer"
20240318             Betrugsurteil in NEW—YORK: Trump kann laut Anwälten Kaution nicht aufbringen
20240318             —KRITISIERT, TAURUS—STREIT: Bundestagspräsidentin Bas, STRACK—ZIMMERMANN nach AUSSCHUSS—LEAK
20240318             —DISTANZIERT, Reaktion des Verteidigungsministers: Pistorius, sich von Mützenichs Forderung, den Krieg einzufrieren
20240318             Krieg im Gazastreifen: ISRAEL meldet TOD—VON—PROMINENTEM—HAMAS—FUNKTIONÄR bei Einsatz im SCHIFA—KRANKENHAUS
20240318             Minimalbetrieb: Computerprobleme legen TEILE—DER—UNIKLINIK—BONN lahm
20240318             Sanktionen gegen radikale Siedler: EU erhöht Druck auf ISRAEL
20240318             Krisenstaat in der Karibik: 10—TOTE bei Angriff auf Reichenviertel in HAITI
20240318             —GETÖTET, Weißes Haus bestätigt: ISRAEL hat Nummer 3—DER Hamas
20240318             Waffen und Munition: EU—AUßENMINISTER billigen 5—MILLIARDEN Euro Militärhilfe für UKRAINE
20240318—20240615    soll "Veteranentag" in DEUTSCHLAND werden, Gemeinsamer Antrag: