Was geschah in der Geschichte an einem 16. March ?

Ereignisse an einem 16. March

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_12.000—20090316     —ALT—STEIN—ZEIT—ENDE—DER, Jäger errichteten 1—ZELTLAGER auf der ALTENBURG—BEI—NEBRA—TAL—SPORN.
_05970316            —GEFANGEN genommen, JOJACHIN—KÖNIG—VON—JUDÄA, wird
_05970316            —EINGESETZT, des JOJACHIN—KÖNIG—VON—JUDÄA Onkel ZEDEKIA—KÖNIG—VON—JUDÄA als tributpflichtiger KÖNIG.
00370316             † KAISER—TIBERIUS, auf CAPRI 2. RÖMER—KAISER
04550316             —ERSCHLAGEN, Anhänger des —J—IM—ZUVOR ermordeten HEERMEISTER—FLAVIUS—AËTIUS, den WEST—RÖMER—KAISER—VALENTINIAN—III. bei 1 Truppenbesichtigung.
04550316             † RÖMER—KAISER—VALENTINIAN—III.
06200316             † HEILIGER—ABBAN—VON—MAGHERANOIDHE, katholischer
11650316             HELMO—KONVERSE t —VOR
11810316             † HEINRICH—I—GRAF—VON—CHAMPAGNE
11850316             † BALDUIN—IV—KÖNIG—VON—JERUSALEM
11900316             † † † estimated 150—JEWS were massacred in YORK—ENGLAND.
11900316             THE—JEWISH—POPULATION—OF—YORK fled to CLIFFORD—TOWER overlooking the rivers Ouse and Foss —DURING 1—ANTI—JEWISH—RIOT.
11900316             1 crazed friar set fire to the tower and rather than be captured, the inhabitants committed mass suicide.
11900316             —POGROM—GEGEN—ORTSANSÄSSIGE—JUDEN, In der ENGLISCHEN—STADT—YORK, vermutlich aufgestachelt durch einflussreiche Schuldner, zu einem
11900316             † † ? —MASSACRED, 150—JEWS, in YORK—ENGLAND, estimated.were
12440316             —VERNICHTET, Aber noch sind die Abweichler nicht.
12440316             —HÄLT sich, DIE—BERG—FESTUNG—MONTSÉGUR, letzte Zuflucht DER—ABTRÜNNIGEN in FRANKREICH
12440316             "DIE—HÄRETIKER wurden mit Gewalt aus der BURG—MONTSÉGUR gezerrt, verbrannt", heißt es lapidar über das letzte Autodafé.
12440316             —FALL—VON—MONTSÉGUR, gebrochen der bewaffnete Widerstand, DIE—ORGANISATION zerschlagen.
12440316             —LE, seront brûlés vifs LES—HÉRÉTIQUES[—DE—MONTSÉGURHAERETIKER]
12440316             —LE, Enfin,
12440316             † † [HAERETIKER]LES—HÉRÉTIQUES—DE—MONTSÉGUR, BRÛLÉS—VIFS. dans 1—GIGANTESQUE bûcher,seront
12440316             —ERGEBEN sich, DIE—KATHARER, den katholischen Truppen.
12440316             † † † 225—KATHARER, die die Unterwerfung unter den katholischen Glauben verweigern, werden öffentlich verbrannt.
12440316             † GUILLAUME—DE—LAHILLE, Ritter, Faydit und Katharer
12440316             —FALL—VON—MONTSÉGUR, gebrochen der bewaffnete Widerstand, DIE—ORGANISATION
12440316—12440317    —DURANT—LA—NUIT, PIERRE—ROGER—DE—MIREPOIX fit évader 4—PARFAITS
12440316—12440317    —DURANT—LA—NUIT, 4—PARFAITS, qui PIERRE—ROGER—DE—MIREPOIX avait au préalable
12440316—12440317    —DURANT—LA—NUIT, 4—PARFAITS, qui PIERRE—ROGER—DE—MIREPOIX cachés dans 1—SOUTERRAIN du château.
12700316             WILHELM—IV—GRAF—VON—JÜLICH und seine 3—SÖHNE zogen mit 472—RITTERN und Knechten gegen AACHEN.
12700316             WILHELM—IV—GRAF—VON—JÜLICH und seine 3—SÖHNE in AACHEN—VON—1 Grobschmied erschlagen
12700316             WILHELM—IV—GRAF—VON—JÜLICH SOHN I. GERHARD—IN—AACHEN—VON—1 Grobschmied erschlagen.
12700316—20200810    WILHELM—IV—GRAF—VON—JÜLICH, GRAB, ist in der PFARR—KIRCHE—NIDEGGEN zu sehen.
12700316—20200810    —BERICHTET, NIDEGGENer Sagenschatz, über diese rücksichtslose Person, auch der.
12770316             —ANGRIFF, WILHELM—IV—GRAF—VON—JÜLICH, mit seinem Sohn GERARD und 2—WEITEREN natürlichen Söhnen AACHEN
12770316             WILHELM—IV—GRAF—VON—JÜLICH mit 472—RITTERN und Knechten.
12770316             WILHELM—IV—GRAF—VON—JÜLICH und seiner Söhne Leichen wurden in der PFARR—KIRCHE NIDEGGEN beigesetzt.
12770316             WILHELM—IV—GRAF—VON—JÜLICH oo RICHARDis begab sich unter Schutz des HEINRICH—VON—SPONHEIM,
12780316             —AM, erschlagenen WILHELM—IV—GRAF—VON—JÜLICH.
12780316             † WILHELM—IV—(-killed in BATTLE—AACHEN).
12780316             † ROLAND (-killed in BATTLE—AACHEN ).
12780316             war WILHELM—IV—GRAF—VON—JÜLICH mit seinen Söhnen ROLAND, WILHELM, WIRICH—I—VON—FRENTZ (andere Quellen: mit 3—SÖHNEN) in der so genannten
12780316             Es kam zu 1—AUFRUHR, WILHELM—IV—GRAF—VON—JÜLICH
12780316             † WILHELM—IV—GRAF—VON—JÜLICH, fand bekanntlich zu AACHEN seinen Tod.
12780316             —1—AUFRUHR—IN—AACHEN, WILHELM—IV—GRAF—VON—JÜLICH, erschlagen durch BÜRGER.
12780316             —FIELEN, Beide des WILHELM—IV—GRAF—VON—JÜLICH natürliche Söhne GERHARD, ROLAND an ihres Vater SEITE im STRASSEN—KAMPF zu AACHEN ^
12780316             WILHELM—IV—GRAF—VON—JÜLICH und seine Söhne wurden von 1—GROB—SCHMIED erschlagen.
12780316             † WILHELM—IV—GRAF—VON—JÜLICH. killed in battle, AACHEN.
12780316             † WILHELM fand bekanntlich zu AACHEN seinen Tod.
12780316             † ROBERT, killed in battle, AACHEN.
12780316             WILHELM—IV—GRAF—VON—JÜLICH oo RICHARDis begab sich unter Schutz des HERMANN—VON—MULENARKEN
12780316             —BEIGESETZT, WILHELM—IV—GRAF—VON—JÜLICH und seiner Söhne Leichen wurden in der PFARR—KIRCHE—NIDEGGEN.
12780316             † WILHELM—IV—GRAF—VON—JÜLICH
12780316             —ANGRIFF WILHELM—IV—GRAF—VON—JÜLICH mit seinem Sohne GERARD und 2—WEITEREN natürlichen Söhnen AACHEN
12780316             † ROLAND, killed in battle, AACHEN.
12780316—12780317    —NACHT—VOM—AUF Das unerwartete ENDE—DES—WILHELM—IV—GRAF—VON—JÜLICH,
12780316—12780317    WILHELM—IV—GRAF—VON—JÜLICH bei seinem ÜBERFALL—AUF—DIE—STADT—AACHEN mit seinem Erstgeborenen und 2—NATÜRLICHEN Söhnen, sowie
12780316—12780317    hatte DIE—GRAFSCHAFT—JÜLICH um so empfindlicher —TREFFEN müssen, als
12780316—12780317    —NUN, auch des WILHELM—IV—GRAF—VON—JÜLICH Nachfolge in der Regierung nicht gesichert war.
12780316—12780317    WILHELM—IV—GRAF—VON—JÜLICH mit 1—ANSEHNLICHEN SCHAAR von RITTERn * in mörderischem STRASSEN—KAMPF von den Bürgern erschlagen worden,
12890804/12920316    [], bur HIMMELRODE).
12920316             —URKUNDE—VOM—BY—OR[IN MEDIA QUADRAGESIMA] "RICARDIS—SALMIS" confirmed that "Jo. DICTUS—BRIDAL" had renounced rights over property in favour of HIMMELRODE—ABBEY
13220316             —SCHLACHT—BEI—BOROUGHBRIDGE
13220316             —BESIEGT, ein von ANDREW—HARCLAY geführtes EDUARD—II—KÖNIG—VON—ENGLAND—HEER, entscheidend das HEER—DER—VON—THOMAS—OF—LANCASTER geführten Rebellen.
13290316             —ERSCHIEN, Da, LUDWIG—VON—PISA aus und ließ durch seinen MARSCHALL—DIE—STRAßEN säubern,
13290316             —AM, wobei es blutig zuging und VIELE—HÄUSER der POGGINGHI in Brand gesteckt wurden.
13290316             —AM, Sie und die meisten ihrer Parteigänger mußten DIE—STADT verlassen.
13290316             —AM, Aber auch des CASTRUCCIO Söhne erhielten die Herrschaft nicht wieder, sondern
13540316             —SEIT—DEM, im Dienst des KARDINAL—LEGAT
13550316             —GENOMMEN, Er wurde am in Sold, (INTROITUS—ET—EXITUS 268—F. - 398") und ist noch
13750316             MAGISTRO NICOLAO—DE—CREMONA, causarum PALATII—APOSTOLICI auditori, commit^
14480316             LE—MANS est occupé par LES—TROUPES—ROYALES
14520316             —AM, ERFOLGTE 1. des KÖNIG—FRIEDRICH—III. lombardische Krönung, unter Vorbehalt des ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—MAILAND Rechtes, So
14520316             So erfolgte dann des KÖNIG—FRIEDRICH—III. oo ELEONORE—VON—PORTUGAL.
14520316             —2—TAGE—DARAUF, KÖNIG—FRIEDRICH—III.
14570316             † LADISLAUS—HUNYADI, UNGARISCHER—STAATSMANN und Krieger
14990316             —LE—TRAITÉ—DE—LUCERNE permet au LOUIS—XII[LUDWIG—XII—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH] de lever des troupes en Suisse
15170316             5. LATERAN—KONZIL—ROM, endet das
15170316             —STOCKT, Die eingeleitete Kirchenreform, bei einigen theologischen Streitpunkten wegen Uneinigkeit.
15210316             —DISCOVERED, FERDINAND—MAGELLAN, THE—PHILIPPINES—ISLANDS, where he was killed by natives THE—FOLLOWING—MONTH 15210427             —SEE.
15210316             † FERDINAND—MAGELLAN discovered THE—PHILIPPINES—ISLANDS, where he was killed by natives THE—FOLLOWING—MONTH 15210427             —SEE.
15220309—15220316    —PREACHED, MARTIN—LUTHER, his Invocavit.
15270316             —BATTLE—OF—KANVAHA,
15270316             —REMOVING, THE—EMPEROR—BABUR, the main Hindu rivals in NORTH—INDIA.
15440316             † LUDWIG—V—KUR—FÜRST—VON—DER—PFALZ
15600316             —CONJURATION ou TUMULTE—DE—AMBOISE.
15600316             LES—PROTESTANTS persécutés se sont unis sous la DIRECTION—DE—LA—RENAUDIE gentilhomme CALVINiste
15600316—15600319    —CONJURATION—DE—AMBOISE.
15600316—15600319    LES—HUGUENOTS sont battus par LES—TROUPES—CATHOLIQUES.
15600316—15600319    LES—CONJURÉS—HUGUENOTSS sont rapidement jugés puis
15600316—15600319    LES—HUGUENOTS atentent 1—COUP—DE—FORCE—ARMÉE pour s'emparer d'Amboise mais
15600316—15600319    † † LES—CONJURÉS—HUGUENOTS sont exécutés.
15600316—15600319    LES—HUGUENOTS 10tent 1—COUP de force armée pour s'emparer d'Amboise mais
15810316             * PIETER—CORNELISZOON—HOOFT, NIEDERLÄNDISCHER—DICHTER, Historiker und Dramatiker
15960316             * EBBA—BRAHE, SCHWEDISCHE—HOFDAME und Geschäftsfrau
16000316             † JOHANN—MAJOR, deutscher lutherischer Theologe, Humanist und Poet
16080316             † SEONJO, 14. KÖNIG—DER—JOSEON—DYNASTIE in KOREA
16090316             —DIE—CAPITULATION—VOM, völlige Glaubensfreiheit zugestand.
16180316             † GIOVANNI—BEMBO—DOGE—VON—VENEDIG, 92.
16210316             1. Indian, APPEARED, in PLYMOUTH—MASSACHUSETTS.
16230316             * ANDREAS—HEROLD, DEUTSCHER—STÜCK—UND Glockengießer
16270316             † MATTIO—PILER TEDESCO in fontego aus 60;
16310316             * JOHANN—ADOLF—VON—FÜRSTENBERG, deutscher katholischer Geistlicher und Diplomat
16420316             ADOLF—THEODOR—VON—HALL—ZU—BUSCH t.
16540316             * ANDREAS—ACOLUTHUS, DEUTSCHER—ORIENTALIST und Sprachforscher
16580316             —DATUM—BERLIN—FREUNDLICHE Aufnahme seines Anbringens.
16580316             Eifer des GROSSER—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG für die Interessen der NIEDERLANDEN.
16580316             Er hat den Inhalt seiner Instruction dem GROSSER—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG selbst, dann seinen Räthen SCHWERIN, HOVERBECK und SOMNITZ vorgetragen).
16580316             Gemelte Heeren hebben daerop uijt den name VAN S. C. D. met veele ende significante expressien betuijght de aengenaemheijt VAN H. H. M.
16600316             —NACHDEM KARL—II—KÖNIG—VON—ENGLAND den ENGLISCHEN—THRON bestiegen und die Rechte des Parlaments beschworen hat, wird das
16600316—16400000    —SEIT—TAGENDE "Lange Parlament" formell aufgelöst.
16630316             * CHRISTOPH—HACKNER, schlesischer Architekt
16650316             * GIUSEPPE—MARIA—CRESPI, ITALIENISCHER—MALER und Radierer
16660316             * TACO—HAJO—VAN—DEN—HONERT, deutscher reformierter Theologe
16700316             † JOHANN—RUDOLPH—GLAUBER, DEUTSCHER—APOTHEKER und Chemiker
16720316             —AMERONGEN—AN—DEN—GRIFFIER.
16720316             —DATUM—BERLIN,
16720316             —GESTERN, und —HEUTE hat er in Gegenwart des KANZLERS—VON—JENA mit dem KUR—FÜRSTEN die vorläufig vereinbarten ALLIANZ—ARTIKEL nochmals durchgegangen.
16720316             FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG hat namentlich die Aufnahme aller seiner Lande in die DEFENSIV—ALLIANZ verlangt und
16720316             die Verpflichtung, den Staaten in der Ostsee beizustehen, wegen Mangels an Kriegsschiöen abgelehnt,
16720316             dagegen versprochen, mit FRANKREICH in Ruptur zu treten, sobald es die NIEDERLANDEN angreift.
16720316             Die so veränderten ARTIKEL sollen den GENERAL—STAATEN zugeschickt werden, und er erwartet ihre RESOLUTION darauf.
16810316             —AM, hat AMERONGEN beim KUR—FÜRST—1—BESONDERE—AUDIENZ gehabt und
16810316             —AM, hat AMERONGEN den KUR—FÜRST, VON—DER—BILLIGKEIT und
16810316             —AM, hat AMERONGEN beim KUR—FÜRST auch vorgestellt, wie unrecht man den Staaten durch Missdeutung und verkehrte Auffassung aller ihrer Handlungen thue.
16810316—16810305    —RESOLUTION—VOM, zu überzeugen gesucht,
16900316             LOUIS—XIV—KING—OF—FRANCE sent troops to IRELAND.
16930316             * JOHANN—ENGELHARD—STEUBER, deutscher lutherischer Theologe
17010316             * DANIEL—SALTHENIUS, SCHWEDISCHER—PÄDAGOGE und evangelischer Theologe
17100000—17360316    MARVIN—PAYMER (20020000             †), 1—EXPERT on Pergolesi, —LATER edited the 26-volume "THE—NEW—PERGOLESI—EDITION".
17100000—17360316    * † GIOVANNI—BATTISTA—PERGOLESI, ITALY—COMPOSER (Il Prigioniero Superbo, Stabat Mater).
17160316             * EBERHARD—HEINRICH—DANIEL—STOSCH, deutscher reformierter Theologe
17260316             * ELISABETH—AUGUSTA, letzte Angehörige der Linie BADEN—BADEN des HAUSE—BADEN
17280316             * MARGARETA—MOLLER, DEUTSCHE—SCHRIFTSTELLERIN und oo Klopstocks
17310316             —TRAITÉ—DE—VIENNE ANGLAIS
17310316             —TRAITÉ—DE—VIENNE AUTRICHIENS
17310316             —TRAITÉ—DE—VIENNE ESPAGNOLS
17310316             —TRAITÉ—DE—VIENNE sous l'égide de Fleury entre
17320316             * EMANUEL—MERIAN, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher
17370316             —ENDET—DER formell unerklärte SPANISCH—PORTUGIESISCHE—KRIEG in SÜD—AMERIKA.
17390316             * GEORGE—CLYMER, USA merchant (signed DECLARATION—OF—INDEPENDENCE and Constitution).
17390316             * GEORGE—CLYMER, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—POLITIKER, Unterzeichner der Unabhängigkeitserklärung der Vereinigten Staaten
17420316             * GEORG—JOHANN—LUDWIG—VOGEL, DEUTSCHER—ORIENTALIST und evangelischer Theologe
17440316             * NICOLAS—GERMAIN—LÉONARD, FRANZÖSISCHER—DICHTER und Romanautor
17500316             * CAROLINE—LUCRETIA—HERSCHEL, 1. woman astronomer, in HANOVER—GERMANY.
17510316             † JAMES—MADISON (18360000             , ), JEFFERSON—SUCCESSOR as SECRETARY—OF—STATE and 4. PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA (18090000—18170000    ), was born in Port CONWAY—VIRGINIA.
17510316             —INVENTED, JAMES—MADISON, 17870000             —THE electoral college system "to break THE—TYRANNY—OF—THE—MAJORITY".
17510316             * JAMES—MADISON, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—POLITIKER, 4. PRÄSIDENT—DER—USA, Außenminister, Mitautor der Verfassung, entwarf die BILL—OF—RIGHTS
17510316—17870000    —SEE
17510316—18360000    * † JAMES—MADISON, JEFFERSON—SUCCESSOR as SECRETARY—OF—STATE and 4. PRESIDENT—OF—USA (18090000—18170000    ), in PORT—CONWAY—VIRGINIA He invented 17870000             —THE electoral college system "to break THE—TYRANNY—OF—THE—MAJORITY".
17510316—18360000    "If men were angels, no government would be necessary".
17510316—18360000    —PROPOSED, PIERCE—BUTLER—OF—SOUTH—CAROLINA 1., the electoral college system.
17600316             * HEINRICH—MEYER, SCHWEIZER—MALER und Kunstschriftsteller
17650316             Die Uraufführung der komischen Oper Le Tonnelier von FRANÇOIS—JOSEPH—GOSSEC erfolgt an der Comédie Italienne in PARIS.
17660316—17630000    —SEIT, † JOHANN—ADAM—LIEBERT, Edler von Liebenhofen, Augsburger Bankier, Juwelier und Silberhändler
17680316             * JOHANN—FRIEDRICH—VON—WALDECK, FRANZÖSISCHER—ANTIQUAR, Kartograf und Maler
17690316             —ELECTED, JOURNALIST—JOHN—WILKES was, unopposed to his former seat in THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—PARLIAMENT.
17710000—17920316    GUSTAV—III—KING—OF—SWEDEN
17730000—18380316    * † NATHANIEL—BOWDITCH, mathematician, astronomer, polyglot, author (Marine Sextant).
17770316             * GOTTLIEB—KIESSLING, DEUTSCHER—PÄDAGOGE und Altphilologe
17810316             † JEAN—ESPRIT—ISNARD, FRANZÖSISCHER—DOMINIKANER und Orgelbauer
17890316             * FRANCIS—RAWDON—CHESNEY, BRITISCHER—GENERAL und Forscher
17890316             * GEORG—SIMON—OHM, DEUTSCHER—PHYSIKER (Ohmsches Gesetz), Namensgeber für den elektrischen Widerstand
17890316—18540000    * † GEORGE—S—OHM, GERMANY—SCIENTIST.
17890316—18540000    GEORGE—S—OHM gave his name to THE—OHM—UNIT—OF—ELECTRICAL—RESISTANCE.
17890316—18540000    [WUD says 17870316             ]
17900316             † WILHELM—HEINRICH—SCHULTZE, deutscher evangelischer Geistlicher
17920316             —WOUNDED, GUSTAV—III—KING—OF—SWEDEN was shot and
17920316             —MURDERED, GUSTAV—III—KING—OF—SWEDEN was, by Count Ankarstrom at 1—OPERA.
17920316             It became the inspiration for GIUSEPPE—VERDI—UN—BALLO in Maschera.
17920316             —13—DAYS—LATER, GUSTAV—III—KING—OF—SWEDEN †.
17920316             Das Ereignis liegt GIUSEPPE—VERDIS—OPER—UN ballo in maschera zugrunde.
17920316             † SWEDEN—KING—GUSTAV—III was shot and mortally wounded —DURING 1—MASQUERADE party by 1—FORMER—MEMBER—OF—HIS—REGIMENT.
17920316             —MURDERED, SWEDEN—KING—GUSTAV—III was, by Count Ankarstrom at 1—OPERA.
17920316—17920329    —AM, JACOB—JOHAN—ANCKARSTRÖM verübt bei einem Maskenball 1—ATTENTAT auf GUSTAV—III—KÖNIG—VON—SCHWEDEN, welcher der Schussverletzung erliegt.
17920329—17920316    † GUSTAV—III—KING—OF—SWEDEN (17710000—17920000    ), of wounds inflicted by 1—ASSASSIN.
17920329—17920316    † GUSTAV—III—KING—OF—SWEDEN, of wounds inflicted by 1—ASSASSIN.
17940316             † MARIA—KATHARINA—PRESTEL, DEUTSCHE—MALERIN, Kupferstecherin und Radiererin
17960316             —PASSAGE—DU—TAGLIAMENTO
17980316             —INS Leben ruft, NAPOLEON—BONAPARTE, im Auftrag des Direktoriums die COMMISSION—DES—SCIENCES—ET—DES—ARTS, 1—MULTIDISZIPLINÄRE Expertengruppe, die ihn auf dem Feldzug nach ÄGYPTEN begleiten sollte.
17990316             * ANNA—ATKINS, BRITISCHE—BOTANIKERIN und Fotopionierin
18000316             * NINK?—KAISER—VON—JAPAN, 120.
18020316             —UMWANDELT, USA—PRÄSIDENT—THOMAS—JEFFERSON, durch Gesetz, das Fort in WEST—POINT in 1—MILITÄRAKADEMIE, um dem Mangel an Offizieren in der USA—ARMY abzuhelfen.
18050316             † FRANZ—XAVER—VON—WULFEN, DEUTSCHER—PHYSIKER, Mathematiker, Botaniker und Mineraloge
18060316             * NORBERT—RILLIEUX, inventor (sugar refiner).
18060316             † JOHANN—CLEMENS—TODE, DEUTSCH—DÄNISCHER—MEDIZINER, Hochschullehrer und Schriftsteller
18110316             —LITTLE—BELT—AFFAIR
18120316             —WÄHREND der
18120406             —BIS zum, die dauern wird, Belagerung der FRANZÖSISCHEN—GARNISON in BADAJOZ
18130316             —DÉCLARATION—DE—GUERRE de LA—PRUSSE.
18130316             —ERKLÄRT PREUßEN den Krieg dem KAISERREICH—FRANKREICH und
18130316             —6. KOALITIONS—KRIEG).
18150316             WILLIAM—I (17720000—18430000    ), PRINCE—OF—ORANGE—NASSAU, proclaimed THE—NETHERLANDS 1—KINGDOM at THE—URGING—OF—THE—POWERS gathered at the Congress of VIENNA.
18150316             —PROCLAIMED, WILLIAM—I—PRINCE—OF—ORANGE—NASSAU (17720000—18430000    ), THE—NETHERLANDS 1—KINGDOM at THE—URGING—OF—THE—POWERS gathered at the Congress of VIENNA.
18150316—18130000    —IN, he had proclaimed himself 'Sovereign PRINCE' of the "United NETHERLANDS".
18160316             —VERTRAG—VON—TURIN
18160316             —ABTRITT das KÖNIG—REICH—SARDINIEN—PIEMONT mehrere savoyische Gemeinden an den Kanton Genf.
18180316             —ÜBERRASCHUNG—VON—CANCHA—RAYADA im CHILENISCHEN—STREBEN nach Unabhängigkeit bringt den Spaniern einen
18180316             —SIEG, SPANIEN, über die von JOSÉ—DE—SAN—MARTÍN befehligte ANDEN—ARMEE.
18180316             Wegen höherer Verluste der siegreichen kolonialen Truppen im Vergleich zur Rebellenarmee gilt DIE—SCHLACHT als PYRRHUS—SIEG.
18220316             * JOHN—PAPA, Union general in THE—USA—CIVIL—WAR.
18220316             * ROSA—BONHEUR, FRANCE—PAINTER and sculptor.
18240316             † HENRY—SMART, ENGLISCHER—GEIGER, Bratschist und Komponist
18260316             † JOHANN—SEVERIN—VATER, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE und Sprachforscher
18270316             —EDITED, THE—1.—AFRO—USA—NEWSPAPER, for and by blacks, FREEDOM—JOURNAL, was published in NEW—YORK City.
18300316             —REORGANIZED, LONDON, its police force, SCOTLAND Yard.
18300316             —VERZEICHNET, Die NEW—YORK—STOCK—EXCHANGE, den geringsten Tagesumsatz ihrer Geschichte.
18300316             Von 80—MILLIONEN gelisteter Aktien werden nur 31—STÜCK gehandelt.
18310316             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, VICTOR—HUGO, in PARIS seinen historischen ROMAN—NOTRE—DAME—DE—PARIS (Der Glöckner von NOTRE—DAME).
18330316             —BECAME, SUSAN—HAYHURST, the 1. woman to graduate from 1—PHARMACY college.
18330316             Die Oper Beatrice di Tenda von VINCENZO—BELLINI wird im Teatro La Fenice in Venedig uraufgeführt.
18360316             * ANDREW—S—HALLIDIE, inventor (cable car).
18370316             * AUGUSTIN—GRETILLAT, SCHWEIZER—GEISTLICHER und Hochschullehrer
18370316             † FRANÇOIS—XAVIER—FABRE, FRANZÖSISCHER—MALER, Zeichner, Radierer und Kunstsammler
18380316             † NATHANIEL—BOWDITCH, USA—AMERIKANISCHER autodidaktischer Mathematiker, Astronom und Physiker
18380316—18020000    —IN, he published "THE—NEW—USA—PRACTICAL—NAVIGATOR".
18390316             * SULLY—PRUDHOMME, FRANZÖSISCHER—DICHTER, 1. Nobelpreisträger für Literatur
18410316             † FÉLIX—SAVART, FRANZÖSISCHER—ARZT und Physiker
18420316             Das DAMPFSCHIFF—HMS—DRIVER startet von ENGLAND aus zur 1. Dampferfahrt rund um die Erde.
18420316—18470000    —J—IM, Das KRIEGS—DAMPFSCHIFF—HMS—DRIVER kehrt nach verschiedenen Einätzen zurück.
18460316             ALEXIS—EMMANUEL—CHABRIER there 19180118            .
18460316             † JURGIS—BIELINIS, there 19180118            .
18460316             * JURGIS—BIELINIS, LITHUANIA—PUBLISHER and "KING—OF—THE (underground) book carriers" in Purviskis.
18460316             —DECLARED, This —DAY was —LATER, "Book Carriers —DAY".
18470316             —ON—THE, PROVISIONAL—GOVERNMENT launched 1—NATIONAL—LOAN was forced to increase direct taxes 45 %.
18470316             —AM, to increase direct taxes 45 % did not assure the indispensable immediate collection, but
18470316             —AM, to increase direct taxes 45% provoked immense POPULAR—RESISTANCE.
18480316             —AM, Doch hob er die Zensur auf,
18490316             Die MILLIARDE—DER Adreßentwurf der 2. Kammer
18490316             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—247—KÖLN.
18500316             It was about adultery, revenge and redemption in Puritan MASSACHUSETTS.
18500316             NATHANIEL—HAWTHORNES—ROMAN—THE—SCARLET—LETTER erscheint erstmals.
18510316             * FRANZ—HITZE, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE und Politiker, MdL, MdR
18560316             * HEINRICH—ALBRECHT, DEUTSCHER—SOZIALPOLITIKER und Wohnungsreformer
18560316             * NAPOLÉON—EUGÈNE—LOUIS—BONAPARTE, französischer kaiserlicher PRINZ
18560316             * TANCRÈDE—AUGUSTE, HAITIANISCHER—GENERAL und Politiker, Staatspräsident
18580000—19400316    * † SELMA—LAGERDORF, SWEDEN—NOBEL prize winning novelist (19090000             ).
18580316             * BERNHARD—BUTTERSACK, DEUTSCHER—LANDSCHAFTS-/Freilichtmaler
18580316             † WILHELM—VON—BROCKHAUSEN, PREUSSISCHER—GENERAL und Ehrenbürger Wittenbergs
18590316             * ALEXANDER—STEPANOWITSCH—POPOW, RUSSISCHER—PHYSIKER, Pionier der Funktechnik
18600316             * SIDONIE—WERNER, DEUTSCHE—SOZIALPOLITIKERIN und Frauenrechtlerin, Mitbegründerin des Jüdischen Frauenbundes
18610316             —VOTED, ARIZONA Territory, to leave the Union.
18610316             * CLARA—WEAVER—PARRISH, USA—AMERIKANISCHE—MALERIN, Designerin, Druckgrafikerin und Glasmalerin
18610316             SAM—HOUSTON weigert sich, den Amtseid auf die Konföderierten Staaten von AMERIKA abzulegen, und
18650316             —PUSHED, Union troops, past CONFEDERATE—BLOCKERS at THE—BATTLE—OF—AVERASBOROUGH, NORTH—CAROLINA, and left 1,500 casualties.
18650316             * ASPAZIJA, LETTISCHE—LYRIKERIN, Dramatikerin und Frauenrechtlerin
18650316             * HANS—GEORG—ACHELIS, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE, Kirchenhistoriker, Christlicher Archäologe und Universitätsprofessor
18670316             —GEGRÜNDET, Die Klassifikationsgesellschaft GERMANISCHER—LLOYD wird in HAMBURG
18680316             * MAXIM—GORKEI (Aleksvey Maksimovich Pyeshkov [aka Gorky], d.1936], RUSSIA—DRAMATIST.
18680316             "1—GOOD—MAN can be stupid and still be good. But 1—BAD—MAN must have brains".
18680316             [see 18610000             , 18680328             ]
18680316             "A good man can be stupid and still be good.
18680316             But a bad man must have brains".
18740316             † HEINRICH—SCHAUMBERGER, DEUTSCHER—DICHTER und Erzähler
18760000—19570316    —WILLED, CONSTANTIN—BRANCUSI, his studio and work to FRANCE.
18780316             * EDWARD—LARRABEE—ADAMS, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—ROMANIST und Provenzalist
18790000—19630316    * † WILLIAM—BEVERIDGE, UNITED—KINGDOM—ECONOMIST and social reformer.
18790000—19630316    WILLIAM—BEVERIDGE is perhaps best known for his 19420000             report Social Insurance and Allied Services (known as the Beveridge Report) which served as the basis for THE—POST—WWII Welfare State put in place by the Labour government.
18800000—20070316    USA—FORSCHER: —WINTER war der weltweit WÄRMSTE—SEIT-
18810316             —DEBUTED, Barnum & BAILEY—CIRCUS.
18810316             * VICENTE—TOSTA—CARRASCO, HONDURANISCHER—OFFIZIER und Politiker, MINISTER, Staatspräsident
18810328             [see 18790000             and 20180316             , 18810000             ]
18820316             * JOSEF—AICHER, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—ARCHITEKT und Baumeister
18820316             * PAUL—LEJEUNE—JUNG, DEUTSCHER—VOLKSWIRTSCHAFTLER und Politiker, MdR, Syndikus, Widerstandskämpfer gegen den Nationalsozialismus
18830316             * LEO—SCHWERING, DEUTSCHER—HISTORIKER, Philologe, Gymnasiallehrer und Politiker, MdL
18860316             —SANKTIONIERT, Kaiser WILHELM—I., den Bau des KAISER—WILHELM—KANALS als Verbindung zwischen Nordsee und Ostsee.
18870316             Die Uraufführung der Oper Proserpine von CAMILLE—SAINT—SAËNS findet an der Grand Opéra PARIS statt.
18880000—19790316    * † JEAN—OMER—MARIE—GABRIEL—MONNET, FRANCE—ENTREPRENEUR, diplomat, financier, administrator, and political visionary, in FRANCE.
18880000—19790316    "EUROPE is forged in crisis".
18880316             * LENKA—VON—KOERBER, DEUTSCHE—JOURNALISTIN und Schriftstellerin
18890316             * FRIEDRICH—FEHÉR, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—SCHAUSPIELER und Filmregisseur
18890316             * REGGIE—WALKER, SÜDAFRIKANISCHER—LEICHTATHLET, Olympiasieger
18900316             * ANTON—PLANKENSTEINER, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—POLITIKER, Landeshauptmann von Vorarlberg, MdR
18910316             * DEZYDERIUSZ—DANCZOWSKI, POLNISCHER—CELLIST und Musikpädagoge
18910316             * ZOLTÁN—OROSZLÁN, UNGARISCHER—ARCHÄOLOGE, Kunsthistoriker und Museologe
18910316             Die Uraufführung der Oper Le MAGE—VON—JULES—MASSENET erfolgt an der Grand Opéra PARIS.
18910316             † JEAN—BAPTISTE—CAMPENON, FRANZÖSISCHER—GENERAL und Kriegsminister
18920316             * GERDA—WENESKOSKI, FINNISCHE—PIANISTIN und Musikpädagogin
18920316             † EDUARD—KULLMANN, DEUTSCHER—HANDWERKER, Attentäter
18930316             * FRIEDRICH—VON—BASSE, DEUTSCHER—REGIERUNGSBEAMTER, Politiker und Hochschullehrer, Oberbürgermeister von Weißenfels und Wittenberg, MdL
18930316             * HERBERT—VON—BOSE, DEUTSCHER—OFFIZIER, Nachrichtendienstler, Staatsbeamter und Widerstandskämpfer gegen den Nationalsozialismus
18940316             The heroine is a 03010101—04001231     EGYPT—COURTESAN.
18940316             —COMPOSED, The opera "Thais,", by JULES—MASSENET, premiered in PARIS.
18940316             The libretto was by LOUIS—GALLET.
18940316             —BASED, It was, on 1—NOVEL by Anatole FRANCE.
18940316             Da der 1. Gründungsversuch vom —APRIL des Vorjahres vom Registergericht nicht anerkannt wird, findet in HAMBURG eine formgerechte begründende Versammlung der GROßEINKAUFS—GESELLSCHAFT DEUTSCHER—CONSUMVEREINE m.b.H. (GEG) durch die Bevollmächtigten CARL—HABER und EWALD—FRITSCH statt.
18940316             Die Uraufführung der Oper Thaïs von JULES—MASSENET mit einem Libretto von LOUIS—GALLET basierend auf dem gleichnamigen ROMAN—VON—ANATOLE—FRANCE findet an der Grand Opéra PARIS statt und wird kritisch aufgenommen.
18980316             † AUBREY—BEARDSLEY, BRITISCHER—ILLUSTRATOR, Dichter, Grafiker und Karikaturist
19010316             MOSKAU, erlebt die 1. Sinfonie von ALEXANDER—SKRJABIN ihre 1. vollständige Aufführung (mit Chorfinale).
19020000—19710316    * † THOMAS—E—DEWEY, USA—PRESIDENT candidate (R 19440000             , 19480000             ), of a heart attack.
19040316             Die Uraufführung der Oper La Fille de ROLAND—VON—HENRI—RABAUD erfolgt an der OPÉRA—COMIQUE in PARIS.
19040316             DEUTSCHLAND, wird die Buchausgabe des Schauspiels Der Reigen von ARTHUR—SCHNITZLER von den Behörden verboten.
19050316             Die tragische Oper Amica von PIETRO—MASCAGNI auf das Libretto von PAUL—DE—CHOUDENS wird am Théâtre du Casino in MONTE—CARLO uraufgeführt.
19060316             1—ERDBEBEN—DER—STÄRKE 7,1 in CHIAYI (Kagi), TAIWAN, fordert etwa 1.300—TOTE.
19070315—19070316    —BECAME, FINLAND held elections and FINLAND—WOMEN, the 1. in the world to attain full political rights.
19070316             THE—UK—CRUISER Invincible, the world's largest, was completed at GLASGOW shipyards.
19110316             * JOSEF—MENGELE, MD, PHD—SS ("THE—ANGEL—OF—DEATH at Auschwitz"), in GUNZBURG—GERMANY.
19110316             * JOSEF—MENGELE, DEUTSCHER—ARZT, verantwortlich für Selektionen und Menschenversuche, Kriegsverbrecher ("Todesengel von Auschwitz")
19120316             * THELMA—CATHERINE—PATRICIA—RYAN—NIXON, 1. lady (19680000—19750000    ) to RICHARD—NIXON, in ELY—NEVADA.
19120316             —REOPENED, S—FRANCISCO—THE—CHINA—TONG, war, as 4—HO Sing gunmen opened fire at THE—730—JACKSON street liquor store of Cham Kok, THE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—SUEY—SING tong.
19120316             An seinem 32. Geburtstag verlässt LAWRENCE—OATES aus gesundheitlichen Gründen die TERRA—NOVA—EXPEDITION—VON—ROBERT—FALCON—SCOTT;
19120316             vermutlich stirbt er noch am selben —TAG an Entkräftung.
19130316             —LAUNCHED, The 15,000-ton battleship PENNSYLVANIA was, at NEWPORT—NEWS, VIRGINIA.
19130316             * EDUARD—JOSEF—GÜBELIN, SCHWEIZER—PIONIER der Edelsteinforschung
19140316             HENRIETTE—CAILLAUX erschießt den Chefredakteur des Le Figaro, GASTON—CALMETTE, weil dieser gedroht hat, Liebesbriefe ihres Ehemannes, des FRÜHEREN—PREMIERMINISTERS—JOSEPH—CAILLAUX an sie aus einer Zeit zu veröffentlichen, als er noch mit einer anderen Frau verheiratet war.
19140316             Sie wird später wegen "unkontrollierbarer weiblicher Emotionen" freigesprochen.
19150316             UK—BATTLE—CRUISERS—INFLEXIBLE and Irresistible hit mines in Dardanelle (TURKEY).
19160316             —STATIONED, S—FRANCISCO, MEMBERS—OF—THE—HOP—SING tong, snipers on roofs in Chinatown where they shot Ng Ling, 1—SUEY—ONG man, as he unlocked his store at 742—WASHINGTON Street.
19160316             LING—CHANCES for recovery were slight.
19160316             PORTUGAL, wird wegen des Eintritts des Landes in den —WWI eine große Koalitionsregierung, die "REGIERUNG—DER—GEHEILIGTEN—EINHEIT", gebildet.
19160316             António JOSÉ—DE—ALMEIDA wird Regierungschef als Nachfolger von AFONSO—COSTA, der das Finanzministerium übernimmt.
19170316             —ABDICATED, NICHOLAS—II, TSAR—OF—RUSSIA, in favor of his brother Michael.
19170316             —FORCED, He was, to sign 1—DOCUMENT—OF—ABDICATION—AFTER being brought down by political unrest and widespread starvation stemming from RUSSIA—STAGGERING losses in WWI.
19170316             THE—TSAR, his wife Alexandra, their 4—DAUGHTERS and son Alexis, heir to the throne, were held prisoner by the Bolsheviks for several months at Tsarskoye Selo palace near Petrograd.
19170316             Einen —TAG nach der Übergabe der Regentschaft durch seinen Bruder NIKOLAUS—II. im Zuge der Februarrevolution übergibt der RUSSISCHE—ZAR—MICHAIL—II. die Macht an die provisorische Regierung unter GEORGI—JEWGENJEWITSCH—LWOW und ALEXANDER—FJODOROWITSCH—KERENSKI, ohne jedoch ausdrücklich abzudanken.
19170316             † KARL—HEINRICH—GISBERT—GILLHAUSEN, DEUTSCHER—BAUINGENIEUR, Industriemanager und Politiker
19170316—19170800    —IN, the family was transported to distant Siberia to prevent ANY—ATTEMPT to restore them to the throne.
19170316—19180700    —IN, the entire royal family was executed by local Bolsheviks.
19190316             † JAKOW—MICHAILOWITSCH—SWERDLOW, RUSSISCHER—REVOLUTIONÄR und Politiker, Staatsoberhaupt der Sowjetunion
19200316             * LEO—MCKERN, actor (BLUE—LAGOON, Help, Mouse that Roared, Rumpole of the Bailey), in SYDNEY—AUSTRALIA.
19200316             * DOROTHEA—BINZ, DEUTSCHE—OBERAUFSEHERIN im Konzentrationslager Ravensbrück
19220316             MÜNCHEN, entsteht die Klavierfabrik Berdux als Aktiengesellschaft aus der Umwandlung des Einzelunternehmens.
19230316             Der Unbestechliche von HUGO—VON—HOFMANNSTHAL wird im Wiener Raimundtheater uraufgeführt.
19240316             * MICHAEL—SEIFERT, russlanddeutscher Aufseher in einem NS—DURCHGANGSLAGER, Kriegsverbrecher
19240316             Entsprechend der im VERTRAG—VON—ROM festgehaltenen Übereinkunft mit dem Königreich der Serben, Kroaten und Slowenen annektiert ITALIEN den unabhängigen Freistaat Fiume.
19250316             * LUIS—E—MIRAMONTES, MEXIKANISCHER—CHEMIKER, Miterfinder der 1. Antibabypille
19250316             1—ERDBEBEN—DER—STÄRKE 7,1 in der Provinz Yunnan, Volksrepublik CHINA, fordert etwa 5000—TOTE.
19260316             * JERRY—LEWIS, USA—COMEDIAN and film actor.
19260316             —STARRED, JERRY—LEWIS, in numerous films with DEAN—MARTIN.
19260316             —TESTED, Rocket science pioneer ROBERT—H—GODDARD successfully, the 1. LIQUID—FUELED rocket, in AUBURN—MASSACHUSETTS.
19260316             It went 184' (56—METERS).
19260316             —TESTED, Rocket science pioneer ROBERT—H—GODDARD successfully, the 1. LIQUID—FUELED rocket, in AUBURN—MASSACHUSETTS It went 184' (56—METERS).
19260316             Der USA—AMERIKANISCHE—RAKETENPIONIER ROBERT—GODDARD führt mit Unterstützung der Smithsonian Institution den 1. erfolgreichen Start einer Flüssigkeitsrakete durch.
19270316—20030000    * † DANIEL—PATRICK—MOYNIHAN, —LATER NY SENATOR (19760000—20000000    ) and scholar, in TULSA—OKLAHOMA.
19280316             * CHRISTA—LUDWIG, soprano (VIENNA STATE—OPERA, Met Opera), in BERLIN GERMANY.
19280316             —PLANNED, THE—USA, to send 1,000 more Marines to NICARAGUA.
19300316             Unfortunately, reception was poor and Americans only heard about —20—MINUTES—OF—THE—OPERA, "Fidelio".
19300316             —FLOATED, USS Constitution (Old Ironsides) was, out to become 1—NATIONAL shrine.
19300316             † MIGUEL—PRIMO—DE—RIVERA, SPANISCHER—GENERAL und Diktator
19300316             For the 1. time, 1—LIVE—OPERA—PERFORMANCE was transmitted via shortwave from DRESDEN GERMANY and received by NBC in NEW—YORK, which broadcasted the event for AMERICA—LISTENERS.
19310000—20080316    * † IVAN—DIXON, black actor, director and producer best known for his role as Kinchloe on the 1960s television series "HOGAN—HEROES,".
19320316             Die Uraufführung der Oper MARIA—EGIZIACA—VON—OTTORINO—RESPIGHI findet an der Carnegie Hall in NEW—YORK statt.
19330316             * DIETER—WELLERSHOFF, DEUTSCHER—ADMIRAL, Generalinspekteur der Bundeswehr
19350000—20170316    * † JAMES—COTTON, pioneering harmonica player, in AUSTIN—TEXAS.
19350000—20170316    —HELPED, JAMES—COTTON, established the harmonica as 1—INTEGRAL—PART—OF—MODERN—BLUES.
19350316             —ORDERED, ADOLF—HITLER, 1—GERMANY—REARMAMENT in violation of the Versailles Treaty.
19350316             He announced in public Nazi rearmament and THE—EXISTENCE—OF—THE—NEW—GERMANY—AIR—FORCE, the Luftwaffe.
19350316             † JOHN—JR—MACLEOD, —58—JAHRE—ALT, SCOTTISH—CANADA—PHYSIOLOGIST (Nobel 19230000             ).
19350316             DEUTSCHLAND führt die allgemeine Wehrpflicht ein und rüstet massiv AUF—REGIME Geral da Previdência.
19350316             DEUTSCHLAND führt die allgemeine Wehrpflicht ein und rüstet massiv auf
19350316             —NACH offizieller Nichtigkeitserklärung des VERTRAG—VON—VERSAILLES seitens des DEUTSCHEN—REICHES
19350316             —ANORDNET, ADOLF—HITLER, die Wiedereinführung der allgemeinen Wehrpflicht.
19350316             —GLEICHZEITIG wird DIE—REICHSWEHR in Wehrmacht umbenannt.
19360316             —BEGINNT, Vor dem Wiener Landesgericht, der "Große Sozialistenprozess", 1—HOCHVERRATSPROZESS gegen KARL—HANS—SAILER, MARIA—EMHART und weitere Mitglieder der —NACH—DEM austrofaschistischen Verbot der Sozialdemokratischen Partei im Untergrund agierenden Revolutionären Sozialisten.
19360824—19350316    —AM, Hitler lässt die entgegen den Bestimmungen des Friedensvertrag von Versailles' wiedereingeführte Wehrpflicht auf 1—WEHRZEIT—VON—2—JAHREN verlängern.
19370000—20190316    * † USA—ROCK guitarist Dick Dale in LOS—ANGELES.
19370000—20190316    His loud chord instrumentals on songs like "Miserlou" and "LET—GO—TRIPPIN'" earned him the title KING—OF—THE—SURF—GUITAR.
19390316             —OCCUPIED, GERMANY, the rest Czechoslovakia.
19390316             Die am Vortag von der DEUTSCHEN—WEHRMACHT unter Bruch des Münchner Abkommens vom 19380900             besetzte 2. Tschechoslowakische REPUBLIK wird aufgelöst und von ADOLF—HITLER zum Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren des GROßDEUTSCHEN—REICHES erklärt.
19390316             —GLEICHZEITIG, Die Karpatenukraine wird von UNGARN besetzt und annektiert.
19400316             * CHUCK—WOOLERY, TV game show host (Love Connection), in KENTUCKY.
19400316             S—FRANCISCO, 14—CREWMEN of the scuttled GERMANY—LINER COLUMBUS, sailed for the Fatherland aboard THE—ITALY—MOTORSHIP—RIALTO.
19400316             A 2. group soon followed.
19400316             —BOARDED, Both ships were, by the British in GIBRALTAR and the Germans were sent to 1—FRANCE—PRISON—CAMP.
19400316             451—OTHERS remained quartered on ANGEL—ISLAND.
19400316             —LAUNCHED, GERMANY, 1—AIR—RAID on UNITED—KINGDOM—FLEET base at Scapa Flow.
19410315             1—BLIZZARD in NORTH—DAKOTA killed 151. 19410316             —SEE
19410316             1—BLIZZARD hit NORTH—DAKOTA and MINNESOTA killing 60. 19410315             —SEE
19420316             In der Heeresversuchsanstalt in Peenemünde findet der 1. Versuchsstart einer V-2-Rakete statt.
19420316             —EXPLODIERT, Die Rakete, bei der Zündung.
19440316             1—USA—PLANE named "God Bless Our Ship" was hit by ANTI—AIRCRAFT—FIRE over BERLIN and CRASH—LANDED outside the city.
19440316             —SCHLACHT—GEGEN—DIE—ROTE—ARMEE,
19440316             —AM, bei der die Legion vergeblich versuchte, der SOVIET—TRUPPEN—VORMARSCH aufzuhalten.
19440316—19450400    —CAPTURED, LIEUTENANT—GEORGE—LYMBURN (19240000—20050000    ) was, and sent to Stalag Luft 1, where he was liberated by RUSSIA—SOLDIERS.
19450306—19450316    —BIS—ZUM, Die erfolglose Operation, die dauern wird, soll den Vormarsch der Roten Armee stoppen und die UNGARISCHEN—ÖLQUELLEN für das DEUTSCHE—REICH sichern.
19450316             —WWII—DURING, THE—ISLAND—OF—IWO—JIMA in the Pacific Ocean was declared secured by the Allies.
19450316             —DEFEATED, THE—USA, JAPAN at Iwo Jima.
19450316             Small POCKETS—OF—JAPAN—RESISTANCE still exist.
19450316             —AM, Brods Damenbad, Vom STADT—WÜRZBURG verderben verschont, wurden die Holzwände der Kabinen, die Böden von ausgebombten Obdachlosen zum Aufbau von Notunterkünften AUSGEBEUTET.
19450316             —BELIEBT, Brods Damenbad war bei der WÜRZBURGer Bevölkerung sehr.
19450316             Durch BRITISCHE—BOMBARDIERUNG wird die STADT—WÜRZBURG zu mehr als 80—PROZENT zerstört.
19450316             Rund 5000—MENSCHEN kommen ums Leben.
19460316             * ERIK—ESTRADA, actor (CHiPs, Cross & Switchblade, Lightblast), in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19460316             —AM wegen Landesverrats verurteilten Journalisten MAX—BLOKZIJL wird als erstem Niederländer —NACH—DEM —WWII die Todesstrafe vollstreckt.
19460316             Er hat nationalsozialistische Propaganda über den Rundfunk in der DEUTSCHEN—BESATZUNGSZEIT verbreitet.
19470316             † ANNA—EBERT, DEUTSCHE—POLITIKERIN, Widerstandskämpferin gegen den Nationalsozialismus
19490316             * BERTHA—KNOX—GILKEY, welfare and tenement rights for urban women.
19500316             —CALLED, Acheson, for a 7—POINT—COOPERATION—PLAN with the Russians.
19510316             * MARY—LOUISE—BOCHNAK, the patron saint of embattled nonprofit committee chairmen.
19510316             —OPENED, Hastened by short —WINTER, all —SPRING flowers, in MINNEAPOLIS.
19510316             —GEGRÜNDET, BUNDES—GRENZ—SCHUTZ, hatte in weiten Teilen seiner GESCHICHTE Kombattantenstatus!
19510316             D.h., dies war 1—KAMPFTRUPPE zur Verteidigung der Grenzen.
19510316             1—GEHEIME(?) ARMEE, sofern dies überhaupt zutrifft, war insofern entbehrlich.
19510316             —VERABSCHIEDET, Das Gesetz über den Bundesgrenzschutz wird in der Zeit der Wiederbewaffnungsdiskussion.
19510316             Der Sonderpolizei des Bundes ist anfangs die Grenzsicherung aufgegeben.
19530316             United Fruit Co. officials in BOSTON + GUATEMALA—CITY waited —LAST—WEEK to see what GUATEMALA proposed to pay for 233,973 ACRES—OF—COMPANY—LAND at Tiquisate,
19530316             expropriated by THE—LAND—REFORMING government.
19530316             1—CURT official telegram to Almyr Lake Bump, THE—USA—OWNED firm's GUATEMALA manager, finally brought the answer: $594,572, or $2.54 1—ACRE—AND that in —25—YEAR, 3% government bonds.
19530316             The company's unofficial valuation: $11.5—MILLION.
19530316             "The measure constitutes 1—HEAVY—BLOW to the voracious imperialist company," gloated THE—COMMUNIST—WEEKLY—OCTUBRE....
19530316             United Fruit Co. officials in BOSTON + GUATEMALA—CITY waited —LAST—WEEK to see what GUATEMALA proposed to pay for 233,973 ACRES—OF—COMPANY—LAND at Tiquisate, expropriated by THE—LAND—REFORMING government.
19530316             * RICHARD—STALLMAN, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—AKTIVIST für freie Software, Hacker und Programmentwickler, GRÜNDER—DES—GNU—PROJEKTES
19530316             † HENRIK—HERSE, DEUTSCHER—LANDWIRT, Arbeiter und Offizier der SS und WAFFEN—SS, Dramaturg und Schriftsteller
19550316             PRESIDENT—EISENHOWER upheld the use of atomic weapons in CASE—OF—WAR.
19570316             He willed his studio and work to FRANCE.
19590316             * MICHAEL—J—BLOOMFIELD, Major USAF, astronaut (STS 86), in FLINT—MICHIGAN.
19590316             † JOHN—SAILLING (111), last documented Civil War vet.
19610316             "THE—AGONY and the Ecstasy" was published by IRVING Stone.
19620313—19620316    1. getrennt in OST—UND WEST—BERLIN, tagt die Synode der Evangelische Kirche, Wegen der Errichtung der Mauer.
19620313—19620316    1. getrennt in OST—BERLIN, WEST—BERLIN, Wegen der Errichtung der Mauer tagt der EVANGELISCHE—KIRCHE—SYNODE
19620316             —RESIGNED, In protest, THE—SCNR—PUPPET PRESIDENT, and Park Chung Hee named himself acting PRESIDENT.
19620316             —PASSED, SOUTH—KOREA'S—SUPREME—COUNCIL, the Political Activities Purification Law, which essentially barred political participation by ANY—CIVILIANS associated with THE—2—PREVIOUS—GOVERNMENTS.
19620316             Auf dem FLYING—TIGER—LINE—FLUG 7815/13—VERSCHWINDET eine Lockheed Super Constellation mit 107—INSASSEN zwischen GUAM und den PHILIPPINEN spurlos im Pazifik.
19620316             Die Sowjetunion startet von der Raketenbasis Kapustin Jar aus den 1. Satelliten der KOSMOS—SERIE, Kosmos 1.
19620316             † ZENZL—MÜHSAM, DEUTSCHE—ANARCHISTIN und Muse ihres Dichtergatten ERICH—MÜHSAM
19630316             * PHUNG—VUONG, murderer (FBI Most Wanted List), in SAIGON—VIETNAM.
19640316             —SUBMITTED, LYNDON—B—JOHNSON, a $1billion WAR—ON—POVERTY—PROGRAM to Congress.
19650316             Aus Protest gegen den Vietnamkrieg zündet sich die 82-jährige Friedensaktivistin ALICE—HERZ in DETROIT selbst an.
19650316             Sie erliegt wenige —TAGE später ihren Verletzungen.
19660316             COLONEL—PAUL—UNDERWOOD flew 1—BOMBING mission over Lai Chau Province in VIETNAM and crashed —AFTER releasing bombs from his F—105—THUNDERCHIEF.
19660316             —SAVED, ALFRED—RASCON, 1—USA—ARMY—MEDIC in SOUTH—VIETNAM, the lives of 1—NUMBER—OF his platoon members using his own wounded body to cover wounded men —WHILE treating their wounds under fire.
19660316             Die beiden AMERIKANISCHEN—ASTRONAUTEN NEIL—ARMSTRONG und DAVID—RANDOLPH—SCOTT schaffen mit Gemini 8—DAS 1. Kopplungsmanöver, indem sie an eine vorher von einer ATLAS—RAKETE ins All gebrachte AGENA—STUFE andocken.
19660316—19660317    —PERFORMED, USA astronauts NEIL—ARMSTRONG and DAVID—SCOTT, the 1. orbital docking.
19660316—19980000    —RETURNED, His remains were, to THE—USA.
19660316—20000000    —IN, He received the Medal of Honor.
19670316             Die Komödie Der Wiedertäufer von FRIEDRICH—DÜRRENMATT wird im Schauspielhaus Zürich uraufgeführt.
19680316             —DECIDED, ROBERT—F—KENNEDY, to join the presidential race.
19680316             —DECIDED, LYNDON—B—JOHNSON, to send 35.000—50.000 more troops to VIETNAM.
19680316             VIETNAM, LIEUTENANT—CALLEY led 105—MEN—OF—COMPANY C into My Lai and
19680316             † at least 347—OF—700—VIETNAM—CIVILIANS were killed.
19680316             —MASSACRED, Estimates of villagers, ranged from 347-504.
19680316             † Other killings by B company, occurred nearby.
19680316             With 2—OTHER—GUNSHIPS he airlifted to safety 12—VILLAGERS.
19680316             —EXPOSED, The atrocity was, by RON—RIDENHOUR (19980000             † age 52), 1—DOOR gunner on 1—OBSERVATION—HELICOPTER, who flew over the village 1—FEW days —AFTER the event.
19680316             He waited several months —UNTIL he was OUT—OF—THE—SERVICE—BEFORE reporting the event to state and congressional officials.
19680316             —LATER, CHARGED, THE—ARMY, 25—OFFICERS and enlisted men in THE—MASSACRE but only LIEUTENANT—CALLEY was convicted.
19680316             —CHARGED, GENERAL—SAMUEL—W—KOSTER (20060000             †) was, with covering up the killings, but criminal charges were eventually dismissed.
19680316             —CENSURED, Koster was, stripped of 1—MEDAL and demoted 1—RANK to BRIGADIER general.
19680316             † JOHN—SACK (20040000             , ), war correspondent, —LATER authored "LIEUTENANT—CALLEY: His Own Story".
19680316             † COLONEL—ORAN—K—HENDERSON (19980000             , ) was on his 1. —DAY as commanding OFFICER—OF—THE—NEW 11. Infantry Brigade and watched from 1—COMMAND—HELICOPTER.
19680316             † HUGH—THOMPSON (20060000             , ), 1—HELICOPTER—PILOT, observed THE—END—OF—THE—MASSACRE.
19680316             —LANDED, HUGH—THOMPSON, between SOME—REMAINING villagers and his fellow soldiers and ordered his gunner to fire on USA—TROOPS if necessary.
19680316             —VIETNAM—KRIEG, bringen USA—ARMY—ANGEHÖRIGE zur Aufbesserung der Militärstatistik im SÜD—VIETNAME—DORF—MY—LAI über 500—MÄNNER, Frauen und Kinder um, die sie als Angehörige des Vietcong bezeichnen.
19680316             —MASSAKER—VON—MI—LAI, BEENDET—ERST, das aktive Eingreifen des HUBSCHRAUBERPILOT—HUGH—THOMPSON junior
19680316             —MASSAKER, an des SÜDVIETNAM—DORF—MY—LAI—EINWOHNERN, USA—SOLDATEN verüben, wobei 507—MENSCHEN ermordet werden
19680316             Das SÜDVIETNAM—DORF—MY—LAI—KRIEGSVERBRECHEN besiegelt den moralischen Zusammenbruch der Vereinigten Staaten in SÜDOST—ASIEN.
19680316             VIETNAM, LIEUTENANT—CALLEY led 105—MEN—OF—COMPANY C into MY—LAI and at least 347—OF—700—VIETNAM—CIVILIANS were killed.
19680316—19980000    —AWARDED, He and his gunner were, THE—SOLDIER—MEDAL.
19690316             "1776," 1—MUSICAL about THE—WRITING—OF—THE—DECLARATION—OF—INDEPENDENCE, opened on Broadway.
19690316             Das Ballett Der Widerspenstigen Zähmung von JOHN—CRANKO (Libretto, Choreografie) und KURT—HEINZ—STOLZE (Musik) wird vom Stuttgarter Ballett im Großen Haus der Württembergischen Staatstheater in STUTTGART uraufgeführt.
19690316             1—VENEZOLANISCHE—DOUGLAS—DC 9—MIT 83—MENSCHEN an Bord stürzt in einen Vorort von MARACAIBO—VENEZUELA.
19690316             155—MENSCHEN sterben, 100—WERDEN verletzt.
19691124             —ASSIGNED, GENERAL—WILLIAM—WESTMORELAND, LIEUTENANT—GENERAL—WILLIAM—R—PEERS to investigate the My Lai incident (19680316             ).
19691205—19680316    Das USA—MAGAZIN—LIFE bringt den SEYMOUR—HERSH—BERICHT über das MASSAKER—VON—MY—LAI, und schockiert damit die Weltöffentlichkeit.
19700316             46—WOMEN filed suit against NEWSWEEK management for sex discrimination.
19700316—19700826    —ON, they signed 1—AGREEMENT with management.
19700316—19709000    —BECAME, LYNN—POVICH, NEWSWEEK—1.—EVER female senior editor.
19710316             —AUFNIMMT, diplomatische Beziehungen zur DDR, CHILE.
19710329—19680316    —IN—THE, ARMY—LIEUTENANT—WILLIAM—L—CALLEY—JUNIOR (19430000             *) was convicted of murdering at least 22—VIETNAM—CIVILIANS, My Lai massacre.
19740316             Tentativa frustrada de golpe MILITAR contra a ditadura que ficou conhecida como o Levantamento das Caldas.
19760316             —ANNOUNCED, UK—PRIME—MINISTER—HAROLD—WILSON, his resignation in LONDON.
19760316             —ÜBERRASCHEND—AM, seinen Rücktritt als PREMIER—MINISTER erklärte BRITISH—PRIME—MINISTER—HAROLD—WILSON  und
19760316             —AM, erklärte BRITISH—PRIME—MINISTER—HAROLD—WILSON, er wolle sich ganz aus der —POLITIK zurückziehen.
19760316             —AM, erklärte BRITISH—PRIME—MINISTER—HAROLD—WILSON, er habe —SCHON immer vorgehabt, mit 60 in Pension zu gehen und er sei körperlich und geistig erschöpft.
19760316             —GEWORDEN, In Wirklichkeit war BRITISH—PRIME—MINISTER—HAROLD—WILSON bewusst, daß WILSON am Frühstadium der Alzheimerschen Krankheit litt.
19760316             —AM, BRITISH—PRIME—MINISTER—HAROLD—WILSON—GEDÄCHTNIS, Konzentrationsfähigkeit zeigten immer mehr Schwächen.
19770316             † KAMAL—JUMBLATT, In LEBANON  (60) was killed.
19770316             † KAMAL—JUMBLATT, was assassinated by THE—SYRIA—SOCIAL—NATIONALIST—PARTY, which KAMAL—JUMBLATT had legalized as interior MINISTER—SOME—YEARS—EARLIER.
19780316             —SPILLED, THE—AMOCO—CADIZ oil tanker, 1—RECORD 1.6—MILLION barrels of crude oil off THE—COAST—OF—FRANCE.
19780316             —KIDNAPPED, RED—BRIGADE—TERRORISTS, ITALY—POLITICIAN—ALDO—MORO, and 5—TIME PM, and killed 5—OF—HIS bodyguards.
19780316             —ESCAPED, ALESSIO—CASIMIRI, to NICARAGUA and opened 1—RESTAURANT.
19780316             —LATER—REPORTED, It was, that police decided not to rescue DER—FRÜHERE—ITALIENISCHE—MINISTERPRÄSIDENT—ALDO—MORO.
19780316             —55—TAGE—SPÄTER, DER—FRÜHERE—ITALIENISCHE—MINISTERPRÄSIDENT—ALDO—MORO wird  ermordet aufgefunden.
19780316             —IN—DEN—FOLGENDEN—WOCHEN —VERURSACHT, des ÖLTANKER—AMOCO—CADIZ—HAVARIE, an der bretonischen Küste eine schwere Ölpest.
19780316             —NACH—CA—1—JAHR, ENTLASSEN, wird NICO—HÜBNER in den Westen.
19780316—19780707    —AM, NICO—HÜBNER, Wehrdiensttotalverweigerer, wird in BERLIN festgenommen und zu —5—JAHREN Gefängnis verurteilt
19790316             Der Spielfilm THE—CHINA—SYNDROME mit JANE—FONDA, JACK—LEMMON und MICHAEL—DOUGLAS in den Hauptrollen kommt in die Kinos der USA.
19790316—19790328    —AM, Der Thriller über einen Reaktorunfall erfährt nur wenig später massives Medienecho, als auf 3—MILE ISLAND tatsächlich 1—KERNSCHMELZE passiert.
19820316             CLAUS—VON—BULOW was found guilty in NEWPORT, R.I., of trying to kill his —NOW—COMATOSE oo Martha, with insulin.
19820316             —ACQUITTED, CLAUS—VON—BULOW was, in 1—RETRIAL.
19820316             Im Vorfeld der documenta 7—PFLANZT JOSEPH—BEUYS vor dem Kasseler Fridericianum den 1. Baum seines Projekts 7000—EICHEN – STADT—VERWALDUNG statt STADT—VERWALTUNG.
19830316             GEMEINSAME—GEBURTS—TAG—VON—VATER—MENGELE und Sohn MENGELE, sollte zum Schlüsseldatum werden.
19830316             —GESPRENGT, ISMANING, wird der letzte aus Holz gebaute Sendeturm in DEUTSCHLAND wegen Baufälligkeit
19830404—19830316    —ON, citing MEIR—COHEN, REMARKS to THE—KENESSET—FOREIGN—AFFAIRS and defense committee.)
19840222—19840316    BRITAIN and THE—USA—SENT warships to the Persian Gulf —FOLLOWING 1—IRAN—OFFENSIVE against IRAQ.
19840316             —KIDNAPPED, BEIRUT—CIA—STATION—CHIEF—WILLIAM—BUCKLEY, was, by gunmen;
19840316             † BEIRUT—CIA—STATION—CHIEF—WILLIAM—BUCKLEY, in captivity.
19840316             —SIGNED, MOZAMBIQUE and SOUTH—AFRICA, 1—PACT banning support for 1—ANOTHER—INTERNAL—FOES.
19840316             † BEIRUT—CIA—CHEF—WILLIAM—F—BUCKLEY—VON—DER—HISBOLLAH, stirbt —NACH—444—TAGEN Gefangenschaft, während der er auch gefoltert wurde.
19850316—19911200    —IN, he was released.
19860000             "GRASHEIM posee opera el hangar #4," alegó el informante que trabajaba en el...
19860000             El informante STG6 había identificado a Grasheim como "jefe de las... "
19860316             1. FRANCE direct regional elections for representatives took place.
19860316             —ABGELEHNT, Mit deutlicher Mehrheit, wird in einer SCHWEIZER—VOLKSABSTIMMUNG der Beitritt des Landes zur UNO.
19860316             Aus den FRANKREICH—PARLAMENTS—WAHLEN, hervorgehen die bürgerlichen Parteien als Sieger  und erreichen die absolute MEHRHEIT—DER—MANDATE
19860316             Stärkste FRANKREICH—PARLAMENTS—FRAKTION bleiben die bislang regierenden Sozialisten
19860316             —GELINGT, mit 35—MANDATEN d, er Einzug ins Parlament, Der RECHTSRADIKALE—NATIONALE—FRONT—VON—JEAN—MARIE—LE—PEN
19860316—19820302    —CREATED, THE—FRANCE—TERM "région" was officially, LAW—OF—DECENTRALIZATION.
19870316             —ANNOUNCED, MASSACHUSETTS GOVERNOR—MICHAEL—DUKAKIS, his candidacy for the Democratic presidential nomination.
19870316             TAGES—ZEITUNG
19870901—19980316    The document was made public
19880316             THE—USA—SENT 3000—SOLDIERS to HONDURAS.
19880316             Poindexter and North had their convictions thrown out;
19880316             —RECEIVED, Secord and Hakim, probation —AFTER each pleaded guilty to 1—SINGLE—COUNT.
19880316             Stone was also responsible for killing 3—CATHOLICS in the mid 1980s.
19880316             3—PEOPLE were killed —WHEN MICHAEL—STONE, 1—PRO—UNITED—KINGDOM—PARAMILITARY—MEMBER, armed with guns and grenades attacked 1—IRA graveside service in BELFAST, NORTH—IRELAND.
19880316             —GIFTGAS—ANGRIFF auf die hauptsächlich von Kurden bewohnte NORD—OST—IRAK—STADT—HALABDSCHA
19880316             Rund 5.000—MENSCHEN kommen bei dem von ALI—HASAN—AL—MADSCHID angeordneten Angriff ums Leben, über 7.000—MENSCHEN tragen dauerhafte Gesundheitsschäden davon.
19880316—19880317    —DROPPED, IRAQ—JETS, 1—VARIETY—OF—CHEMICAL—WEAPONS on the Kurdish TOWN—OF—HALABJA and some 5-7,000 residents were killed —IMMEDIATELY.
19880316—19880317    —ALLIED, THE—KURDISH—CITY—OF—HALABJA, held by IRAN—TROOPS and IRAQ—KURDISH—GUERRILLAS, with TEHRAN, was bombed by IRAQ.
19880316—19880317    —VARIED, ESTIMATES—OF—CASUALTIES, from several 100 to several 10000000            .
19880316—19880317    —VARIED, ESTIMATES—OF—CASUALTIES, from several 100 to several 1000.
19880316—20000000    —RELEASED, Stone was, from prison as PART—OF—1—PEACE—ACCORD.
19880316—20011200    —IN, MICKEY—THOMPSON, —59—JAHRE—ALT, drag racer, and his wife Trudy (41) were found shot to death at their Bradbury home 15—MILES—EAST—OF—LOS—ANGELES, MICHAEL—GOODWIN, THOMPSON—FORMER—BUSINESS—PARTNER, was charged with the murders of Mickey and Trudy Thompson.
19880316—20060000    —OPENED, GOODWIN—TRIAL.
19880316—20070104    —ON, 1—JURY convicted MICHAEL—GOODWIN on 2—COUNTS—OF—MURDER.
19880316—20070301    —SENTENCED, Goodwin was, to 2—CONSECUTIVE life terms in prison and continued to claim he was INNOCENT—OF—THE—MURDER.
19880723—19990000    —IN, 19880316             —THE—IRAQ—CHEMICAL—ATTACK at Halabja killed thousands and was still causing genetic damage and deaths.
19890129—19890316    —AM, wird WALTER—MOMPER zum BÜRGERMEISTER—1—LANDESREGIERUNG aus SPD und Alternative Liste gewählt.
19890316             —APPROVED, THE—SOVIET—COMMUNIST—PARTY—CENTRAL—COMMITTEE, sweeping agricultural reforms and elected the party's 100—MEMBERS to THE—CONGRESS—OF—PEOPLE—DEPUTIES, 1—NEW—LEGISLATIVE—BODY.
19900316             —ANNOUNCED, BRAZIL, the Collor Plan.
19900316             It was 1—COLLECTION—OF—ECONOMIC—REFORMS and INFLATION—STABILIZATION—PLANS carried out —DURING the presidency of FERNANDO—COLLOR—DE—MELLO, 19900000—19920000    —BETWEEN.
19900316             —CALLED, The plan was officially, New BRAZIL Plan.
19900316             It combined fiscal and trade liberalization with radical inflation stabilization measures.
19900316             —ANNOUNCED, SOUTH—AFRICA—PRESIDENT—FW—DE—KLERK, that exiled AFRICA—NATIONAL—CONGRESS—LEADERS could return home for talks with THE—WHITE—LED government.
19900316             —BEGINNT, TAIPEH, (REPUBLIK CHINA auf TAIWAN), die WILDE—LILIEN—BEWEGUNG, 1—STUDENTENBEWEGUNG, die demokratische Reformen einfordert.
19910316             Americans Kristi Yamaguchi, Tonya Harding and NANCY Kerrigan swept the World Figure Skating Championships in MUNICH—GERMANY.
19920316             ROBERT—J—EATON, HEAD—OF—GENERAL—MOTORS' profitable European operations, joined Chrysler Corp. as Chairman LEE—IACOCCA—FUTURE—SUCCESSOR.
19920316             -Durch Urteil VOM—HOB das BerGer. das Urteil vom
19930316             afterward, Clinton announced he was sending 1—SPECIAL—ENVOY to HAITI to seek 1—RETURN to democracy.
19930316             MOHAMMED—HUSSEIN—NAGDI, IRAN diplomat, resistance fighter, was murdered in ROME—ITALY.
19930316             CANADA—SOLDIERS in SOMALIA beat to death 1—LOCAL—TEENAGER, Shidane Arone, —DURING their participation in THE—UN—HUMANITARIAN—EFFORTS.
19940316             —PLEADED, Figure skater Tonya Harding, guilty in PORTLAND, Ore., to conspiracy to hinder prosecution for covering up the attack on rival NANCY Kerrigan, avoiding jail but drawing a $100,000 fine.
19940316             —AGREED, RUSSIA, to phase out PRODUCTION—OF—WEAPONS—GRADE plutonium.
19940316             Bei einer Brandstiftung an einem von Ausländern bewohnten Haus in STUTTGART sterben 7—MENSCHEN, 16—WEITERE werden teils schwer verletzt.
19950316             —PUSHED, House Republicans, through $17—BILLION in spending cuts, prompting 1—VETO—THREAT by THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
19950316             —RATIFIED, MISSISSIPPI formally, 13. Amendment and abolished slavery.
19950316             —WELCOMED, NASA ASTRONAUT—NORMAN—THAGARD was, aboard THE—RUSSIA—SPACE—STATION—MIR as the 1. American to visit the orbiting outpost.
19950316             —RATIFIZIERT, MISSISSIPPI, als letzter USA—BUNDESSTAAT den 13. Zusatzartikel zur Verfassung der Vereinigten Staaten zur Abschaffung der Sklaverei, —NACHDEM es die Ratifizierung 18650000             abgelehnt hat.
19960316             —ACCUSED, In his weekly radio address, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, THE—REPUBLICAN—CONTROLLED House of bowing to "THE—BACK—ALLEY WHISPERS—OF—THE—GUN—LOBBY" by gutting ANTI—TERRORISM—LEGISLATION he'd submitted in response to THE—OKLAHOMA—CITY bombing.
19960316             —ALLOWED, For the 1. time, ordinary citizens were, inside THE—CENTRAL—ARCHIVES—OF—THE—FORMER—EAST—GERMANY—SECRET—POLICE, the hated Stasi security agency.
19960627—19990316    —SENTENCED, Capano was, to death.
19970316             —DECLARED, The last sale —DAY, by THE—USA—POST—OFFICE for buying the Marilyn Monroe, antique autos, or UNITED—NATIONS commemorative stamps.
19970316             At the request of 1—HOBBLED—PRESIDENT—CLINTON, RUSSIA—BORIS—YELTSIN agreed to delay their upcoming summit by —1—DAY to give Clinton 1—EXTRA—DAY to recuperate from knee surgery.
19970316             —GRANTED, ALBANIA, amnesty was, to 51—PEOPLE including former premier Fatos Nano.
19970316             Elections for mayors in 262—EL—SALVADOR cities and for the 84-member unicameral Legislative Assembly was scheduled.
19970316             HECTOR—SILVA—OF—THE—DEMOCRATIC—CONVERGENCE—PARTY won the mayoral elections for S—SALVADOR.
19970316             He ran under 1—COALITION led by THE—FMLN.
19970316             JORDAN—HUSSEIN—KING—OF— knelt in mourning with the families of 7—ISRAEL—SCHOOLGIRLS gunned down by 1—JORDAN—SOLDIER.
19970316             Der Kommandeur der militärischen Streitkräfte PAPUA—NEUGUINEAS nimmt das Personal der Söldnertruppe Sandline INTERNATIONAL, mit der er eigentlich zusammenarbeiten sollte, fest und tritt damit die SANDLINE—AFFÄRE im —KONFLIKT um Bougainville los, die schließlich zum Rücktritt von PREMIERMINISTER—JULIUS—CHAN führt.
19971209             —INAUGURATED, The talks, formal discussion for 1—PERMANENT—PEACE—AGREEMENT and 1—NEW—SESSION was scheduled for 19970316            .
19980316             —ENLISTED, SERGEANT—MAJOR—GENE—MCKINNEY, once THE—ARMY—TOP, man, was reprimanded and demoted 1—RANK by 1—JURY that had convicted HIM—OF—OBSTRUCTION—OF—JUSTICE in 1—SEXUAL—MISCONDUCT—CASE.
19980316             ARMENIA, elections for PRESIDENT were held and the voting was marred by fraud.
19980316             PRIME—MINISTER—ROBERT—KOCHARIAN led the vote over FORMER—COMMUNIST—BOSS—KAREN Demirchian, but failed to get 1—MAJORITY and 1—RUNOFF was planned for 19980330            .
19980316             Zhu Rongji was chosen by the National PEOPLE—CONGRESS as Premier to replace Li Peng, who served his limit of 2—5—YEAR terms.
19980316             —APPOINTED, Hu Jintao (55) was, VICE—PRESIDENT, the youngest in modern CHINA—HISTORY to that post.
19980316             His death was violent and considered 1—MURDER.
19980316             A 2. negotiating session between NORTH—KOREA and SOUTH—KOREA will be held under THE—GUIDANCE—OF—THE—USA—AND—CHINA.
19980316             Dort wurde das Dokument, das "Welt Online" vorliegt, für rechtmäßig befunden und am
19980316             —AM, stellt das JUSTIZ—MINISTERIUM in LIBYEN den 1.internationalen Haftbefehl gegen OSAMA—BIN—LADEN aus und leitete ihn an INTERPOL im FRANKREICH—LYON weiter.
19980316—19870901    —PROMISED, In 1—LONG—AWAITED document, by THE—VATICAN, that Jewish leaders —IMMEDIATELY criticized, THE—VATICAN expressed remorse for the cowardice of SOME—CHRISTIANS —DURING the Holocaust, but defended the actions of PIUS—XII—PAPA.
19980316—19980303    —IN—THE, NORTH—IRELAND, DAVID—KEYS, —26—JAHRE—ALT, 1—OF—THE jailed suspects murders, was found hanged in his cell at Maze Prison.
19990316             —TOPPED, THE—DOW—JONES—INDUSTRIAL—AVERAGE briefly, the 10,000 level, reaching 1—HIGH—OF—10,001.78—BEFORE retreating.
19990316             —PLEADED, Retired MAJOR—GENERAL—DAVID—HALE, —53—JAHRE—ALT, guilty to charges of sexual affairs with the wives of subordinate officers.
19990316             —ORDERED, Hale was, to pay $22,000 in penalties.
19990316             —DEMOTED, Hale was, in Sept. to a 1—STAR BRIGADIER general.
19990316             —REPORTED, It was, that the world's 300—RIGHT whales faced extinction.
19990316             —ANNOUNCED, THE—NATIONAL—MARINE—FISHERIES—SERVICE, the addition to the endangered species list of 9—SALMON species from the Pacific Northwest.
19990316             —ARRESTED, ECUADOR, FORMER—PRESIDENT—FABIAN—ALARCON was, on charges that he loaded the state payroll with phantom employees —WHILE serving as THE—HEAD—OF—CONGRESS.
19990316             The 1. passenger bus service between INDIA and PAKISTAN was scheduled to begin.
19990316             —MOVED, KOSOVO, Serbia, in heavy tanks and thousands more troops as their negotiators insisted on major changes in THE—PARIS peace talks.
19990316             —AGREED, NORTH—KOREA, to allow USA—INSPECTORS to visit 1 suspected nuclear weapons site in exchange for assistance to increase potato yields.
19990316             —KILLED, SRI—LANKA, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, 2—PEOPLE in 1—COLOMBO assassination attempt.
19990316             —KILLED, TURKEY, 2—PEOPLE were, in 1—CAR—EXPLOSION in Hatay.
19990316             THE—NEBRASKA—CORNHUSKERS beat CHICAGO State 50-3 in an NCAA baseball game.
19990316             CUBA—AMERICANS, whose sons were in custody by THE—INS, began 1—HUNGER—STRIKE outside the gates of the Krome Detention Center at the edge of the Everglades.
19990316             —SACRIFICED, The mummies WERE—OF—CHILDREN, about —500—YEARS—AGO.
19990316—19520000    —SINCE, He was the highest officer to be COURT—MARTIALED.
20000316             Independent Counsel ROBERT—RAY said he found no credible evidence that Hillary Rodham Clinton or senior WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS had sought FBI background files of Republicans.
20000316             —VOTED, THE—VERMONT—STATE—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES, 76-69 for 1—BILL to give SAME—SEX—COUPLES—ALL the rights and responsibilities granted to oo heterosexuals.
20000316             —REACHED, THE—DJIA, 1—HIGH—OF—10,001.78—BEFORE retreating.
20000316             —IDENTIFIED, The gunman was —LATER, as Brown.
20000316             † Deputy RICKY—KINCHEN, —35—JAHRE—ALT, THE—NEXT—DAY.
20000316             —ABOUT 12—WHALES became stranded on 2—BAHAMA beaches —1—DAY—AFTER 1—USA—NAVY—EXERCISE propagated loud noises through the waters of the region.
20000316             † 5—OF—THE—WHALES.
20000316             —DROPPED, THOMAS—WILSON—FEREBEE, —81—JAHRE—ALT, the "Enola Gay" bombardier who, the atomic bomb on HIROSHIMA, † in WINDERMERE—FLORIDA.
20000316             —RESIGNED, The entire 20-member European Commission, —FOLLOWING publication of 1—CRITICAL—REPORT on sloppy management and cronyism.
20000316             NICARAGUA, Edmundo Olivas, FORMER—LEADER—OF—THE—ANDRES—CASTRO—UNITED—FRONT - 1—LEFTISTS, EX—SANDINISTA, paramilitary group, was ambushed and killed near Boaco.
20000316             —KILLED, In THE—PHILIPPINES at least 23—PEOPLE were, in clashes between rebels and army troops in Lanao del Norte province.
20000316             —RALLIED, SERBIA, some 1000—PEOPLE, in Pirot to protest the closure of their TV station.
20000316             It was the 6. closure of 1—BROADCASTER in —1—WEEK.
20000316             † In GEORGIA 1—GUNMAN shot and wounded 2—SHERIFF—DEPUTIES—WHILE being served 1—WARRANT in ATLANTA at the home of JAMIL—ABDULLAH—AL—AMIN, formerly known as H. Rap Brown.
20000316             Deputy RICKY—KINCHEN (35) THE—NEXT—DAY.
20000316             † THOMAS—WILSON—FEREBEE (81), the "Enola Gay" bombardier who dropped the atomic bomb on HIROSHIMA, in WINDERMERE—FLORIDA.
20000316             † In PAKISTAN 1—JUDGE—SENTENCED—JAVED—IQBAL (42), the killer of 100—CHILDREN, to die the same way his victims, by strangulation, dismemberment and dissolvement in acid.
20000316             † Emergency food aid was planned for ETHIOPIA —AFTER it was learned that 53—CHILDREN under age 5 HAD—OF—MALNUTRITION in 1—TOWN.
20000316—19980909    —ON, THE—DJIA rose 1—RECORD—499.19—POINTS to close at 10,630.6. the previous record of 380.53 was set.
20000316—20000320    —ARRESTED, AL—AMIN, —56—JAHRE—ALT was, in ALABAMA.
20000316—20000325    —MARCHED, Some 3,000 protestors, at Dorismonds funeral and clashed with police.
20000316—20010000    —IN, 5—OF—THE—WHALES. testing confirmed that Navy sonar caused the whales to beach themselves.
20010316             —ACQUITTED, Rap impresario Sean "Puffy" Combs was, in NEW—YORK of taking 1—ILLEGAL handgun into 1—CROWDED—MANHATTAN—HIP—HOP club where 3—PEOPLE were —LATER wounded;
20010316             he was also cleared of trying to bribe his way OUT—OF—TROUBLE.
20010316             Combs' bodyguard, Anthony "Wolf" Jones, was acquitted of the same charges.
20010316             —PROPOSED, ARGENTINA, RICARDO—LOPEZ—MURPHY, the Economy MINISTER, $4.5—BILLION in budget cuts over the next —2—YEARS to revive the economy.
20010316             —ROCKED, Explosions, residential buildings in SHIJIAZHUANG, 1—MILL town in Hebei province.
20010316             —KILLED, At least 18—PEOPLE were.
20010316             —MOUNTED, The deaths soon, to 108 with 38 injured.
20010316             —ARRESTED, Police —LATER, Jin Ruchao (41), 1—DEAF—MAN, who reportedly confessed to the bombings.
20010316             —EXPLODED, MACEDONIA, ALBANIA—REBEL mortar shells, in Tetovo.
20010316             —FREED, SAUDI—ARABIA, SAUDI—ARABIA—COMMANDOS, over 100 hijacked hostages held by Chechen rebels in 1—RUSSIA—PLANE.
20010316             3—PEOPLE were killed including 1—HIJACKER, 1—FLIGHT—ATTENDANT and 1—PASSENGER.
20010316             the appointment of AB "Buzzy" KRONGARD to serve as.
20010316             CIA DIRECTOR—SPOCK Search... - AB KRONGARD MALE.
20010316             Daily Rotten: Weird News
20010316             DOCTOR—SPUTNIK—BONERS—DEAD—POOL—GAPING—MAW Leisure Town Jerkcity NNDB
20010316             said AB 'Buzzy' KRONGARD, who stepped down —6—WEEKS—AGO as THE—CIA—3. most...
20010316             CIA DIRECTOR—SPOCK Search... intelligence.senate_gov | newswire.indymedia_org | af_mil | nndb.
20010316             AB Krongard MALE.
20010316             Daily Rotten: Weird News DOCTOR—SPUTNIK—BONERS—DEAD—POOL—GAPING—MAW—LEISURE—TOWN—JERKCITY—NNDB... said AB 'Buzzy' Krongard, who stepped down —6—WEEKS—AGO as THE—CIA—3. most...
20010316             Im Streit um die HAWAR—INSELN und einen TEIL—DES—GEGENÜBERLIEGENDEN—FESTLANDS zwischen BAHRAIN und KATAR spricht der Internationale Gerichtshofs in Den Haag die Inseln BAHRAIN zu, das Festland KATAR.
20010316             Beide Länder unterwerfen sich dem Schiedsspruch und damit auch, als 1. Staaten der Arabischen Halbinsel, der Internationalen Gerichtsbarkeit.
20010316             20020309—20000316    —CONVICTED, JAMIL—ABDULLAH—AL—AMIN, aka H. Rap Brown (58), was, by 1—ATLANTA jury of murdering Fulton County sheriff's Deputy RICKY—KINCHEN, and wounding KINCHEN—PARTNER, Deputy Aldranon English.
20010316—20010813    "There are SOME—MONUMENTS where the land is so widespread, they —JUST encompass as much as possible. And the integral PART—OF—THE—PRECIOUS—PART, so to speak, I guess all land is PRECIOUS—BUT the part that the people uniformly would not want to spoil, will not be despoiled. But there are PARTS—OF—THE—MONUMENT—LANDS where we can explore without affecting the overall environment".
20010813             "We need to change that attitude about how prolific we can be with the people's money" -
20020314             —RELEASED, FORMER—GENERAL—PERISIC, deputy PRIME—MINISTER, was, 20020316            .
20020316             she † —2—DAYS—LATER.
20020316             † IN—OHIO, BRITTANIE—CECIL (13) was struck by 1—FLYING hockey puck —DURING 1—GAME between the hometown COLUMBUS BLUE—JACKETS and THE—CALGARY—FLAMES;
20020316             IN—OHIO—BRITTANIE—CECIL —2—DAYS—LATER.
20020316             ROGER—TRINQUIER, Modern Warfare: 1—FRANCE—VIEW—OF—COUNTERINSU.
20020316             Trinquier, Lacheroy, les théoriciens de la "guerre co.
20020316             Références à Trinquier SUR le WEB—ENCYCLOPEDIA: ROGER—TRINQUIER—UPDATED —203—DAYS—18—HOURS —25—MINUTE.
20020316             Elles furent élaborées par les colonels Lacheroy et.
20020316             [ El Watan :: Histoire ]Ni Bigeard, ni Salan, ni Massu, ni Trinquier, ni Lacheroy... Robert et DENISE—BARRAT, GILLES—MARTINET, ROGER—STÉPHANE, LOUIS—MASSIGNON, FRANÇOIS—MAURIAC...
20020316             Que s'est il passé à Yakouren en 19580000             - Le COLONEL—CHARLES—LACHEROY né le
20020316             guerre revolutionnaire: Information and Much More from Answers_com
20020316             —DESCRIBED, Guerre revolutionnaire, as, by its theorists such as CHARLES—LACHEROY and ROGER—TRINQUIER, embodied the destruction of armed opposition...
20020316             Cité catholique: Information and Much More from Answers_com [citation needed] CHARLES—LACHEROY, 1—MEMBER—OF—THIS group, was the 1. person to...
20020316             —THEORIZED, ROGER—TRINQUIER, who, the systemic USE—OF—TORTURE in...
20020316             LA BATALLA DE ARGEL Y LA OPERACIÓN CONDOR—ANTIFANZINE DIGITAL El coronel CHARLES—LACHEROY (19060000             ) fue el QUE—ENTRE otros-, hizo el...
20020608             —ARRESTED, COLOMBIA—POLICE in CALI, JOHN—FREDY—JIMENEZ, the alleged hired assassin who gunned down ROMAN—CATHOLIC—ARCHBISHOP—ISAIAS—DUARTE as he left 1—WEDDING 20020316            .
20020608—20030316    PRESIDENT—BUSH met with PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR and SPAIN—PRIME—MINISTER—JOSE—MARIA—AZNAR in the Azores and made it clear they were ready to go to war with or without UN endorsement.
20030316             Bush said "Tomorrow is 1—MOMENT—OF—TRUTH for the world".
20030316             —REPLACED, CHINA, WEN—JIABOA, —60—JAHRE—ALT, Zhu Rongji as premier.
20030316             —WARNED, IRAQ—LEADER—SADDAM—HUSSEIN, that if IRAQ were attacked, it would take the war anywhere in the world "wherever there is sky, land or water".
20030316             —REPLACED, CHINA, WEN—JIABOA (60), Zhu Rongji as premier.
20030316             THE—GAZA, Strip RACHEL—CORRIE (23) of WASHINGTON State was crushed to death by and ISRAEL—ARMY bulldozer as she tried to block THE—DEMOLITION—OF—PALESTINE—HOMES.
20030316             RICHARD—CHENEY, USA—VIZERÄSIDENT im Fernsender:
20030316             Knapp —5—MINUTEN—SPÄTER, behauptete er, es sei "NUR 1—FRAGE—DER—ZEIT, —BIS ER [SADDAM—HUSSEIN] NUKLEARE WAFFEN ERWIRBT".
20030316             Die AUSSAGEN—DES—RICHARD—CHENEY, USA—VIZERÄSIDENT im Fernsender: der IRAK habe "tatsächlich seine nuklearen Waffen wieder hergestellt".
20030316             We Won't Forget RACHEL—CORRIE: Uprising on THE—ANNIVERSARY—OF—1—DEATH
20030316             02—ISRAEL—SOLDIERS drove 1—HOUSE—CRUSHING bulldozer over her twice crushing her into THE—GAZA dirt.
20030316             USA—VIZE—PRÄSIDENT—RICHARD—CHENEY im Fernsender: DER—IRAK habe "tatsächlich seine nuklearen Waffen wieder hergestellt".
20030316             —SPÄTER, Knapp —5—MINUTEN, behauptete USA—VIZE—PRÄSIDENT—RICHARD—CHENEY, es sei "nur 1—FRAGE—DER—ZEIT, —BIS er [SADDAM—HUSSEIN] NUKLEAR—WAFFEN erwirbt".
20030316             We Won't Forget RACHEL—CORRIE: Uprising on THE—ANNIVERSARY—OF—1—DEATH 02—ISRAEL—SOLDIERS drove 1—HOUSE—CRUSHING bulldozer over her twice crushing her into THE—GAZA dirt.
20030316—19960000    Die UN no hat ihr Programm eingestellt.
20030316—19960000    Im Rahmen des UN NO—PROGRAMMES—HABEN IRAK + RUSSLAND Verträge im Gesamtwert von Insgesamt 06.000.000. 000 $$ geschlossen.
20040316             MITCH—SEAVEY won the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race in —9—DAYS, —12—HOURS, —20—MINUTES and —22—SECONDS.
20040316             —DECLARED, CHINA, victory in its fight against bird flu, saying it had "stamped out" ALL—OF—ITS known cases, —WHILE 1—FACTORY—WORKER in THAILAND became ASIA—23. VICTIM—OF—THE—VIRUS.
20040316             —RAIDED, DENMARK, police, COPENHAGEN's famed hippie enclave of Christiania, detaining 53—PEOPLE in 1—MAJOR—CRACKDOWN on the open sale of hashish.
20040316             2—CONTRACTORS, German and Dutch, working on 1—WATER—SUPPLY—PROJECT—SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD were shot to death, and their deaths brought to 6 the number of foreigners killed in DRIVE—BY shootings in the past —24—HOURS.
20040316             —CERTIFIED, JAPAN—TOSHIBA—CORP said that Guinness World Records had, its STAMP—SIZED hard disk drives (HDDs) as the smallest in the world.
20040316             —UNVEILED, The 0.85-inch HDDs, in January, have storage capacity of up to 4—GIGABYTES and will be used in products such as cellphones and digital camcorders.
20040316             —ANNOUNCED, It was, that CARLOS—SLIM, owner of MEXICO—TELMEX, planned to buy 1—CONTROLLING interest in BRAZIL—BIGGEST long distance operator, Embratel.
20040316             —CLASHED, HUNDREDS—OF—PAKISTAN—TROOPS, with tribesmen suspected of sheltering AL—QAEDA and Taliban fugitives near THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER.
20040316             † † ? At least 15—PARAMILITARY—SOLDIERS and 24—SUSPECTS including SOME—FOREIGNERS presumed to be MEMBERS—OF—AL—QAEDA, were killed in the raid on 1—MUD—BRICK compound at Kaloosha.
20040316             —SHEARED, RUSSIA, 1—APPARENT—NATURAL—GAS—EXPLOSION, off part of a 9—STORY—APARTMENT building in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—ARKHANGELSK as residents slept, killing some 58—PEOPLE.
20040316             —SUSPECTED, Police, that valve scavenging triggered the blast.
20040316             —IDENTIFIED, SPAIN—POLICE, 5—ADDITIONAL—MOROCCO—SUSPECTS they think took part in —LAST—WEEK—TRAIN bombing that killed 190 and injured 1,647 others.
20040316             —NACH—DEM Denkmalsturz von Bagdad veröffentlichte die FAZ den "Atlas der Erreichbarkeit", 1—KARTE, die eine fließende VERBINDUNG—VON—BERLIN nach Bagdad markierte.
20040316             Schirrmacher textete fröhlich: "Der Horizont der neuen Weltordnung ist nicht mehr mit Brettern vernagelt".
20040316             1—BERLINER—AUSSTELLUNG zu der Geschichte der "Bagdadbahn" erinnert —NUN daran, dass der Traum von der BAGDAD—CONNECTION weder neu, noch so unproblematisch ist,
20040316             wie manch einem
20040316             —NEWS—DEPUTY Ron LEVINE—ONLINE Security...
20040316             of Azure Systems INCORPORATED—OF—ORLANDO—FLORIDA,+ Hai Lin Nee, 1—CHINA—CITIZEN who works at Azure Systems.
20040316             —CHARGED, They are, with violating.
20040316             [ICUJP—TOPICS] WHISTLEBLOWER AFFIDAVIT: Programmer Built Vote...
20040316             —INCLUDED, Allegations also, the employment of 1 suspected >illegal alien, MISTER—HAI—LIN—NEE, who worked as YEI's "quality control" >manager...
20040316             [KNET—OREGON] FW: ["Vote Switching" Investigative Report]
20040316             —REVIEWED, The program was also, by Curtis's >senior coder, Hai Lin (Henry) Nee,
20040316             who according to FLORIDA Department of > Transportation sources, was 1—ILLEGAL
20040316             —NEWS—DEPUTY—RON LEVINE—ONLINE Security...of Azure Systems INCORPORATED—OF—ORLANDO—FLORIDA,+ Hai Lin Nee, 1—CHINA—CITIZEN who works at Azure Systems.
20040316             [KNET—OREGON] FW: ["Vote Switching" Investigative Report]The program was also reviewed by Curtis's >senior coder, Hai Lin (Henry) Nee, who according to FLORIDA DEPARTMENT—OF > Transportation sources, was 1—ILLEGAL
20040316—19710000    —MOVED, The enclave took root —WHEN DOZENS—OF—HIPPIES, into the derelict 17010101—18001231     fort on STATE—OWNED land.
20040316—20000000    —IN—THE, YEMEN authorities said 9—SUSPECTS—BOMBING—OF—THE—USS—COLE had been arrested,
20040316—20030000    —IN, including 8—WHO escaped from jail.
20040316—20030000    —IN, YEMEN authorities said 9—SUSPECTS 20000000             —IN—THE—BOMBING—OF—THE—USS—COLE had been arrested, including 8—WHO escaped from jail.
20040722—20040316    —AM, Der Informant, RAFAEL—ZOUHIER, hat den Angaben zufolge ERNEUT—5—TAGE —NACH—DEN ANSCHLÄGEN—KONTAKT zur Polizei aufgenommen, als er EINIGE—DER—VERDÄCHTIGEN im Fernsehen wieder erkannte.
20040722—20040316    —AM, Der Informant, RAFAEL—ZOUHIER, hat den Angaben zufolge erneut - —5—TAGE—NACH—DEN ANSCHLÄGEN—KONTAKT zur Polizei aufgenommen, als er EINIGE—DER.".
20041206             20061120             20060316             20061120             20061119             at 0607—PM
20050108             JIM—PIVONKA—WEB—LOG—FEBRUARY 26 to 20030316             From Truthout_com.
20050113—20070316    THE—PRESIDENT—OF—GMT...
20050216—20050316    —ON, Table 3: 21—SELECT—ASSASSINATIONS—RELEVANT to Wars 1—REVIEW—OF—THE—BBC documentary can be found in Covert Action Information Bulletin,NUMBER.. Aldo Moro, was PRIME—MINISTER—OF—ITALY —UNTIL abducted in ROME...
20050316             Deutsch: —JETZT kommen wir zu dem, was ich als größten Skandal der Physik des 19010101—20001231     bezeichne.
20050316             PRESIDENT—BUSH said he plans to nominate PAUL—WOLFOWITZ, deputy defense SECRETARY, to become the next PRESIDENT—OF—THE—WORLD—BANK.
20050316             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—USA—DEFICIT had widened to 6.3—PERCENT—OF—GDP in the 4. quarter and that AMERICA would have to borrow 1—NET $750—BILLION to sustain it.
20050316             —VOTED, THE—USA—SENATE, 51-49 to drill for oil in ALASKA.
20050316             1—JURY in LOS—ANGELES acquitted actor ROBERT—BLAKE—OF—MURDER in the shooting DEATH—OF—HIS—WIFE, Bonny LEE—BAKLEY, —4—YEARS—EARLIER.
20050316             1—CIVIL—COURT jury —LATER ordered Blake to pay $30—MILLION to BAKLEY—4—CHILDREN;
20050316             —FILED, Blake has —SINCE, for bankruptcy.
20050316             —SENTENCED, CALIFORNIA, 1—JUDGE, 1—SCOTT—PETERSON, —32—JAHRE—ALT to death for 20020000             —THE—MURDER—OF—HIS oo and unborn son.
20050316             NORWAY—ROBERT—SORLIE won his 2. Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race in 1—OF—THE—CLOSEST—RACES in years.
20050316             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—TEXAS study found 1—CORRELATION between THE—AMOUNT—OF—MERCURY pollution and THE—NUMBER—OF—AUTISM—CASES.
20050316             —FLATTENED, Tropical Cyclone Ingrid, Faraway Resort, 1—TOURIST—RESORT built to showcase THE—BEAUTY—OF—NORTH—AUSTRALIA.
20050316             —TIGHTENED, CHINA—CENTRAL—BANK, mortgage lending rules to raise the cost of borrowing for home loans in 1—EFFORT to cool the sizzling property market.
20050316             —CHARGED, UN peacekeepers, that militiamen in NORTH—EAST—CONGO grilled bodies on 1—SPIT and boiled 2—GIRLS—ALIVE as their mother watched, adding cannibalism to 1—LIST—OF atrocities allegedly carried out by Lendu warriors.
20050316             —HANDED, ISRAEL—TROOPS, Jericho to PALESTINE—SECURITY—CONTROL, dismantling 1—CHECKPOINT and easing travel restrictions in what was seen as 1—MESSAGE to ordinary Palestinians that 1—INFORMAL—TRUCE is —STARTING to pay off.
20050316             —UNVEILED, PUERTO—RICO—GOVERNOR—ANIBAL—ACEVEDO—VILA, proposals to eliminate more than 23,000 government jobs and close several public agencies, vowing to pull PUERTO—RICO out of 1—CYCLE—OF—BUDGET—DEFICITS and debt.
20050316             1—RUSSIA—TURBOPROP airliner carrying at least 52—PEOPLE crashed and caught fire —WHILE trying to land near 1—OIL port along THE—ARCTIC—COAST.
20050316             At least 29—PEOPLE, mostly Yukoil workers, were killed.
20050316             —ELECTED, IRAQ—1. freely, PARLIAMENT in HALF—1—CENTURY began its opening session —AFTER 1—SERIES—OF—EXPLOSIONS targeted the gathering.
20050316             "Active Measures" ALBUM—OF—TERRORISTS—DECOY of Duck CIA at Home...
20050316             scoured the area in 1—SEARCH for FORMER—CIA—DIRECTOR—WILLIAM—COLBY, collapse was told that FBI had not followed up on INDIA—SPRINGS because THE—CIA...
20050316             CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE Agency...
20050316             THE—FBI to aggressively ignore vital intelligence already in its possession...
20050316             —WHEN the broadcast tape was sent to THE—USA, Customs officials seized the documentary and held it up as being 'pornographic material'.
20050316             Attorneys for DISCOVERY CHANNEL and Yorkshire TV were able to get the documentary released.
20050316             Then, the lawyers went through the film —FOR—MONTHS, making this or that change or deletion,
20050316             so that the documentary ultimately advertised to be shown on THE—DISCOVERY—CHANNEL on
20050316             If SOME—ARE happy enough to push drugs from this organization [That was originally created by 1—WALL—STREET—BANKER/lawyer] then 1—LITTLE 'blame shifting' on the Franklin topic wouldn't be surprising either.
20050316             The film is still worth 1—LOOK though!
20050316             Creationist Arguments: THE—LOST—PEKING—MAN—SKELETONS—THE—CONSPIRACY—OF—SILENCE Conclusions.
20050316             Creationist AUTHOR—MALCOLM—BOWDEN.
20050316             "The discovery in 1—CAVE near Peking of the fossilized bones of 10—MEN...
20050316             Whatsmells_COM—GLOBAL Elite Pedophile Rings
20050316             SolomonsTemple_COM—VIDEO: Spiked DISCOVERY CHANNEL Program...
20050316             TEDGUNDERSON—CONSPIRACY—OF—SILENCE is 1—TRUE—STORY about sex, drugs, child abuse, murder,
20050316             —LISTED, Originally, in TV Guide under Appaling "CONSPIRACY—OF—SILENCE" Documentary...
20050316             CONSPIRACY—OF—SILENCE, beyond doubt, that the essential points I had...
20050316             —AT—THE—TIME—THE—YORKSHIRE—TV—TEAM + THE—DISCOVERY—CHANNEL were doing...
20050316             Un de nos correspondants nous communique..
20050316             Dans cette enquête, le nomù de Lucio GELLI (patron de la loge P2 ) sera souvent cité.
20050316             financial mafia... By explaining the activities of Michele Sindona + ROBERTO—CALVI + Lucio GELLI as exceptional + pathological events + as examples of 1—CATHOLIC +...
20050316             New Page 1. - Verdiende zijn geld met politieke chantage en was lid VAN de vrijmetselaarsloge P2 VAN Lucio GELLI.
20050316             OP—LA RAGNATELA Berlusconi scende in CAMPO—LA transizione da
20050316             Tutto questo era stato già previsto nel Piano di rinascita democratica di Lucio GELLI, intorno agli anni settanta, nei confronti della stampa (o...
20050316             Guerrilla News Network...
20050316             Member Masonic Lodge P2 + CIA Asset + key supporter of Grand Master Lucio GELLI—ADMIRER of Mussolini + Hitler.
20050316             —LAUNDERED, The bank, money for the Mafia (PIPPO—CAIO) + the Masonic lodge ( Lucio GELLI ).
20050316             P2 Lodge... Lucio GELLI who was its master was expelled from Freemasonry.
20050316             —BY—PHILIP—WILLAN (Constable, LONDON, 19930000             ),
20050316             —ALLEGED, BUSH is, to had 1—CLOSE—RELATIONSHIP with Lucio GELLI, the infamous HEAD—OF—THE P2 masonic lodge.
20050316             Filename Description 3.txt Speeches and Other Public Statements by...
20050316             DEMOC—PR.txt, Producer Interests Vs. THE—PUBLIC—INTEREST:
20050316             THE—ORIGIN of inslaw2.asc, INSLAW Case: Theories).
20050316             DEMOC—PR.txt, 9727, Producer Interests Vs. Crocker. inslaw2.asc, 11556, INSLAW Case:
20050316             TOM—DELAY, PHIL—GRAHAM, KAY—BAILEY—HUTCHINSON being examples.
20050316             FURTHER—TEXAS SENATOR—KAY—BAILEY—HUTCHINSON was a "top client" of...
20050316             Trading routes, bypasses + risky intersections: Mapping the...- - mobilize CONSPIRACY or organize crime.
20050316             —BY—ABANDONING structural analysis, economic...
20050316             The acts in the confrontation of these 2—TITANIC—PAIRS...
20050316             1—BIASED—TIMELINE—OF—THE—COUNTER—CULTURE [...]
20050316             165—WOBBLIES arrested for CONSPIRACY to hider the draft Nov RUSSIAN..
20050316             "The 'Nightmare Scenario': What if the world's Y2K nuclear computer programs aren't fixed in time?",
20050316             911 . - - - 01-F-0890. ABRAHAMS, FRED.
20050316             20050316             629. THE—NEW—DEBATE over Missile Defenses - 911. - - - JAMES—E—BAKER.
20050316             20050316             911. - Defining National Security.
20050316             20050316             Gyre_org : BRUCE—BLAIR, HAROLD—A—FEIVESON + FRANK—N—VON—HIPPEL argue for nuclear DE—ALERTING.
20050316             "It is time to end the practice of keeping nuclear missiles
20050316             "Safe or sorry: the 'Y2K problem' and nuclear weapons",
20050316             —BY—MICHAEL—KRAIG, Bulletin of Atomic Scientists,
20050316             NARA | Publications | Finding Aids: HOLOCAUST—ERA—ASSETS—MILITARY...
20050316             Fabricacion Nacional de Colorantes y EXPLOSIVOS—SPAIN.
20050316             previa aprobación del Gobierno, la empresa pública Defensa y Exportación ( DEFEX—SA ),para fomentar la exportación de las empresas de defensa.
20050316             CTST 20050000             ...
20050316             Baumgarten's; Bay Harbour Mgt LC; Bayer Polymers; BC BELGIUM SA ;
20050316             20050316             BCD TRADING—DEFENSE—THREAT—REDUCTION—AGENCY;
20050316             DEFEX del ECUADOR; Degree 6, INCORPORATED... - Tribunal por LA—PAZ... - DEFEX.
20050316             Empresa Nacional Bazán. Construcciones Aeronáuticas SA (CASA). - - - Bonifacio Echevarria.
20050316             20050316             Esperanza y Cía. Explosivos Río Tinto.
20050316             Instalaza.
20050316             20050316             PLAINTEXT OF "BARE—FACED MESSIAH: THE—TRUE—STORY—OF—L. RON HUBBARD
20050316             gables + turrets, —JUST—5—MINUTES' walk from THE—WATERBURY home.
20050316             their daily business and 2—FIGURES lay stretched on the white coral sand.
20050316             Rights For Security Archive ~ THE—DMN—NEWS—NETWORK
20050316             has MEMBERS—OF—CORAL—GABLES—CONGREGATIONAL—CHURCH wondering if they were...
20050316             NEW—YORK City Police to End Practice of Collecting Data on Protesters'...
20050316             Sociology of Religion: THE—ART—OF—MORAL—PROTEST.(Review)
20050316             In his whistleblower case study in Chapter 6, Jasper discusses how unlikely candidates can be moved to protest,
20050316             despite significant personal costs, by moral...
20050316             THE—DUBYA—REPORT—VOTING No On the Nomination Of Dr.
20050316             as the training ground for 1—NEW—GENERATION—OF—TERRORISTS.
20050316             [Mapping THE—GLOBAL—FUTURE: REPORT—OF—THE—NATIONAL—INTELLIGENCE—COUNCIL'S 20200000             PROJECT, pp.
20050316             Notícias nas áreas de: Defesa, Estratégia, Inteligência e...
20050316             O National Intelligence Council (NIC), órgão de pesquisa e de formulação...
20050316             Sobering FORECAST—OF—CHANGE in BALANCE—OF—WORLD—POWER
20050316             believe that THE—UN—NATIONAL—INTELLIGENCE—COUNCIL 's " PROJECT 20200000             " was not...
20050316             —RELEASED, USA National Intelligence Council (NIC), the report of its " 20200000             ...
20050316             WORLD 21711 BANK—DEUTSCH: Warten Sie.
20050316             Stellen Sie sich —NUN vor, Sie schicken das Licht aus Ihrer Lichtquelle durch so VIELE—DUNKLE—FILTER,
20050316             dass am Ende nur noch ein einziges Photon pro —MINUTE durch die Lochblende geht.
20050316             —PASSIERT, Was ?
20050316             Eigentlich würden Sie doch erwarten, dass dieses Photon, das ja —JETZT nicht mehr gestört werden kann durch etwaige NACHBAR—PHOTONEN,
20050316             entweder auf dem Abbild des einen oder auf dem Abbild des anderen Lochs landet.
20050316             SPIEGEL: Sie meinen, die Interferenz müsste verschwinden.
20050316             Deutsch: Genau.
20050316             Aber das Erstaunliche ist: Sie tut es nicht.
20050316             Auch wenn nur ein einziges Photon durch unsere Lochblende fliegt,
20050316             landet es auf einem Platz, der dem komplexen Interferenzmuster entspricht!
20050316             Was folgt daraus? Offensichtlich muss doch, während unser Photon durch das 1—LOCH geschossen ist,
20050316             irgendetwas anderes durch das andere Loch gelangt sein, um mit unserem sichtbaren Photon zu interferieren.
20050316             SPIEGEL: Und was ist dieses Etwas?
20050316             Deutsch: —NUN, experimentell lässt sich nachweisen, dass sich dieses Etwas exakt so verhält wie 1—PHOTON.
20050316             Zum Beispiel können wir ihm Spiegel in den Weg stellen und Linsen,
20050316             irgendwelches optisches GERÄT—DAS Ding, das die Bahn unseres sichtbaren, messbaren Photons beeinflusst, wird sich benehmen, als wäre es selbst 1—PHOTON.
20050316             SPIEGEL: Und Sie meinen —JETZT, jenes unsichtbare Photon, das das sichtbare aus der Bahn wirft, stammt aus einem anderen Universum?
20050316             "Wer aus der Zeitmaschine heraustritt, betritt ein anderes Universum".
20050316             Deutsch: Sie sagen es.
20050316             Und damit haben Sie Ihren experimentellen Beweis für die EXISTENZ—DES—MULTIVERSUMS.
20050316             SPIEGEL: Und warum interferieren die beiden Universen ausgerechnet in dem Moment,
20050316             in dem Sie Ihr Interferenzexperiment machen?
20050316             Deutsch: Sie tun's die ganze Zeit, nicht nur, wenn wir Experimente machen.
20050316             Deshalb sind wir auch überall umgeben von indirekten Hinweisen auf parallele Universen.
20050316             Nehmen Sie die Tatsache, dass Materie fest ist.
20050316             Wenn die klassische Physik wahr wäre und Atome wirklich nur in einem einzigen Universum existieren und einander anziehen würden,
20050316             dann könnte man beweisen, dass es so etwas wie feste Materie gar nicht gibt.
20050316             Es gäbe dann weder Ihren Stift noch Ihr Tonband + Sie selbst gäbe es auch nicht.
20050316             SPIEGEL: Sie haben vorhin gesagt, Ihre Theorie des Quantencomputers verdankten Sie letztlich der Multiversumsidee.
20050316             Gibt es sonst noch praktische Folgerungen aus der VIELE—WELTEN—THEORIE?
20050316             Deutsch: Aber ja! Das Leugnen der physikalischen Wirklichkeit hat den Fortschritt schwerstens behindert.
20050316             Die von mir gefundene Theorie des Quantencomputers hätte 30—BIS—50—JAHRE—FRÜHER entdeckt werden können.
20050316             —INZWISCHEN, Außerdem halte ich es für fatal, dass die Leute, glauben, die Naturwissenschaft könne die Wirklichkeit nicht mehr beschreiben.
20050316             SPIEGEL: Einer davon ist der Nobelpreisträger STEVEN—WEINBERG.
20050316             Der spottet, er sei "zu beschäftigt, um sich mit Kram wie der VIELE—WELTEN—INTERPRETATION zu befassen".
20050316             Deutsch: Das ist —SCHON richtig, die VIELE—WELTEN—THEORIE wird von nicht mehr als etwa 10—PROZENT—DER—PHYSIKER vertreten.
20050316             —GEFANGEN, Die anderen 90—PROZENT sind immer noch, in DIESER—JA, wie soll ich es nennen? - VERLEUGNUNG—DER—WAHRHEIT ihrer eigenen Theorie.
20050316             Deutsch: Überhaupt nicht.
20050316             Die unlogische Trennung von experimenteller Testbarkeit und Erklärung ist genau das,
20050316             was die Inquisition von Galileo zu erzwingen suchte: Sie wäre bereit gewesen,
20050316             die praktischen Auswirkungen seines heliozentrischen Weltbildes zu akzeptieren, wenn er nur darauf verzichtet hätte zu behaupten, dass die Erde wirklich um die Sonne kreist.
20050316             Wenn man derart die Verbindung zur Wirklichkeit leugnet, erfährt man auch nichts über die Wirklichkeit.
20050316             SPIEGEL: Wenn die Menschen die Wirklichkeit des Multiversums akzeptieren würden,
20050316             würde das irgendetwas praktisch ändern?
20050316             Hitler habe seinen Stellvertreter Bormann daraufhin zornig angeherrscht:
20050316             "Ich stampfe ganze Divisionen aus dem Boden.
20050316             Da müsste es doch ein leichtes sein, ein paar Mädels für meinen Berghof zu beschaffen".
20050316             Deutsch: Dass wir etwas, das wir nicht sehen können, für real halten, ist ja gar nichts Ungewöhnliches.
20050316             dass es sie gibt.
20050316             SPIEGEL: Welche experimentellen Beweise gibt es denn dafür?
20050316             Bei der Quantentheorie verzichten die Physiker nämlich, anders als bei allen anderen physikalischen Theorien,
20050316             völlig darauf, sie als eine wahre Beschreibung der Welt zu betrachten.
20050316             Sie stellen nur die Frage nach der experimentellen Testbarkeit und reden dann von der "Interpretation" der Quantentheorie.
20050316             Das ist ein fundamentaler Fehler!
20050316             Er hat die Physik sehr lange aufgehalten und viel Sand ins Getriebe der Wissenschaftsphilosophie gestreut.
20050316             Quantenphysiker Deutsch: "Wer die Wirklichkeit leugnet, erfährt auch nichts über sie"
20050316             um mit GROSSBRITANNIEN Friedensverhandlungen zu führen.
20050316             Historiker diskutierten lange darüber, ob diese Aktion mit Hitlers Wissen und Billigung stattgefunden habe.
20050316             —GEIRRT, Nur manchmal hätten sich die beiden Verhörten, beispielsweise wenn es um ein exaktes Datum gegangen sei.
20050316             Daher seien sie von der Authentizität des Berichts überzeugt, versichern Eberle und Uhl.
20050316             "Das interessante an diesem Dossier ist, dass Linge und Günsche auch von Ereignissen berichten,
20050316             von denen es keine offiziellen Protokolle gibt", sagt Henrik Eberle gegenüber SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20050316             Zusammen mit dem Historiker MATTHIAS—UHL vom Institut für Zeitgeschichte hat Eberle das Dossier übersetzen lassen und ausgewertet.
20050316             —GESTERN wurde ihr Werk mit dem Titel "Das Buch Hitler" der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt.
20050316             —VERHÖRT, Mehrere —JAHRE lang wurden OTTO—GÜNSCHE und HEINZ—LINGE : Meistens kamen die Vernehmungsoffiziere des sowjetischen Geheimdienstes NKWD —NACHTS,
20050316             wenn ihre Gefangenen besonders müde waren.
20050316             Manchmal schlugen sie die beiden Deutschen, manchmal drohten sie ihnen nur.
20050316             Sie wollten alles über den Mann wissen,
20050316             der 19410000             ihr Land angegriffen hatte: Denn Günsche war der persönliche Adjutant ADOLF—HITLERS,
20050316             Linge der Kammerdiener des Diktators.
20050316             Auf 413—ENG beschriebenen Schreibmaschinenseiten notierten die Geheimdienstoffiziere akribisch alles,
20050316             was ihnen die beiden HITLER—VERTRAUTEN VERRIETEN—ÜBER Hitlers Beziehung zu EVA—BRAUN,
20050316             seine Lästereien über HERMANN—GÖRING, seinen Wutanfall nach der Flucht seines Stellvertreters RUDOLF—HESS.
20050316             Der sowjetische STAATSCHEF—JOSEF—STALIN wollte so viel wie möglich über den Mann wissen, der Tod und Vernichtung über sein Land gebracht HATTE—UND sei es noch so banal.
20050316             Intime Einblicke in das Privatleben ADOLF—HITLERS offenbart 1—SCHRIFTSTÜCK, das DEUTSCHLAND—HISTORIKER aufgespürt haben.
20050316             WWII.00.000.---- -Nach KRIEGSENDE—HATTEN 2—HITLER—VERTRAUTE dem RUSSLAND—GEHEIMDIENST zahlreiche bislang unbekannte Details über den DEUTSCHLAND—DIKTATOR berichtet.
20050316             Angefordert hatte das Dossier JOSEF—STALIN.
20050316             ISRAEL: Jüdische Extremisten sollen TEMPELBERG—BESETZUNG planen
20050316             WOLFOWITZ—NOMINIERUNG: Bush s Superfalke soll Weltbankpräsident werden
20050316             Misshandlungsvorwürfe: Mehr als 25—TOTE in USA—MILITÄRGEFANGENSCHAFT
20050316             Rice auf Asienreise: USA wollen INDIEN Kampfjets verkaufen
20050316             Anlageskandal bei PHOENIX: 800—MILLIONEN Euro verschwunden
20050316             Umfrage: Nur wenig Hoffnung auf Veränderungen
20050316             Wirtschaftszeitungen: "Handelsblatt" startet globales Bloggernetzwerk
20050316             HAMBURG: Gesuchter Terrorhelfer hält Kontakt zu Familie
20050316             —VERLIERT, Börsenschluss: Dax, fast 2—PROZENT
20050316             GROSSBRITANNIEN: Kriege kosteten 7—MILLIARDEN Euro
20050316             Vertraulicher Bericht: Heimatschutzministerium spielt Terrorszenarien durch
20050316             1. Parlamentssitzung: Iraks künftige Regierung fordert Abzug ausländischer Soldaten
20050316             —NOMINIERT, Umstrittene Beförderung: Bush, Wolfowitz als WELTBANK—CHEF
20050316             Les Trois Vallées: Milliardär lässt Skipisten sperren
20050316             HITLER—DOSSIER entdeckt: "Ein paar Mädels für den Berghof"
20050316             GENERAL—MOTORS: Drastische Gewinnwarnung, Aktie stürzt ab
20050316             —ATTACKIERT, Köhlers Berliner Rede: DGB—CHEF, den Bundespräsidenten
20050316             TUMOR—STUDIE: GEN—ABSCHALTUNG stoppt Hautkrebs
20050316             Bizarre Auktion: Öffentliche Blamage zu ersteigern
20050316             Interview zur Quantenphysik: "Zeitreisen werden die Informationsverarbeitung revolutionieren"
20050316             CEBIT—BILANZ: IT—BRANCHE in Sektlaune
20050316             Flugzeugabsturz in RUSSLAND: Überlebende meldeten sich per Satellitentelefon
20050316             Antidiskriminierung: Das Geschäft mit der Gleichheit blüht
20050316             Ranking der Werbewörter: "Schnell machen wir einfach alles besser"
20050316             —ÜBERGIBT, Nahost: ISRAEL, Jericho an die Palästinenser
20050316             KARTELL—ENTSCHEID: Opec pumpt mehr Öl auf den Markt
20050316             Der Japaner Minoru Asada, PRÄSIDENT—DER—ROBOCUP—FEDERATION, hält die Entwicklung einer weichen, berührungsempfindlichen Roboterhaut
20050316             für essentiell auf dem Weg zu humanoiden Robotern.
20050316             Lohs Professor, NOAH—COWAN, glaubt, dass die Antenne —SCHON bald Roboter einer neuen Generation hervorbringen wird.
20050316             Diese könnten sich sicher in dunklen, gefährlichen Umgebungen bewegen,
20050316             etwa rauchgefüllten Räumen, in denen Schutt HERUMLIEGE—PREFACE THE—SMALL—ARMS—PLAGUE —
20050316             Sozialismus.INFO—DIE Website der SAV, Sozialistische Alternative...
20050316             Truppenabzug aus dem IRAK: Berlusconi beugt sich dem öffentlichen Druck
20050316             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Musik bleibt der einzige Ausweg"
20050316             Vorbild Insekt: KAKERLAKEN—ROBOTER ertastet WÄNDE—ANTHRAX—ALARM: Pentagon gibt Entwarnung
20050316             WLAN—TRICKS: "Böse Zwillinge" stehlen Passwörter
20050316             Foltervorwürfe gegen Sektenführer Schäfer: "Mit Elektroschocks gequält"
20050316             DIKTATOREN—VERMÖGEN: Pinochet hatte 100—KONTEN in USA
20050316             SCHLEUSER—AFFÄRE: Nur jeder 3. Ukrainer kam mit legalem Visum
20050316             —ATTACKIERT, Präsidentenrede: SPD, Köhler HEFTIG—PRAGUE Schnews report...
20050316             carried out by a Non Governmental Organisation (NGO) revealed that all 10 ...
20050316             The book also aims to look at THE—FUTURE—OF—THE—ANTI—CAPITALIST—MOVEMENT.
20050316             phone number & email address + we will contact you with ALL the details including pay.
20050316             —POSTED—EARTH 1.! 20050316             JOURNAL—THOSE ominous words were all that my Chicana friend would say to me —AFTER I
20050316             1—ANSWER to times of environmental destruction + capitalist chaos.
20050316             TELEWORK NEWS — ARCHIVE-
20050316             In the meantime InfoEdge is selling a 300—PAGE... Fear + GREED—THE alleged twin DRIVERS—OF—CAPITALIST—MARKETS..
20050316             THE—BELGRAVIA—DISPATCH: Torture Redux
20050316             in crime + doing it to, y 'know, their kids...
20050316             Roberts ' + ROCKEFELLER—RESPONSES but I found this
20050316             confirmed new information with respect to contacts between al...
20050316             ENDNOTES JERUSALEM Post, Small Arms Survey 20010000             Patterns of Global...-
20050316             demobilize its fighters by the end of 20050000             20050316             13—GRUPO de Representaciones Internacionales SA, or GIRSA
20050316             incarcerated Da Costa instructing his contacts to acquire..
20050316             Small Arms, Terrorism and THE—OAS—FIREARMS—CONVENTION
20050316             de Armas de Fuego, Municiones, Explosivos y Otros MATERIALES—NAME "Alfa Zulu".
20050316             The email states that... of foreign terrorists' skills, contacts + weaponry...
20050316             FITUG—NEWSTICKER... - COMMUNITY NEWS—CELEBRATING —50—YEAR... - It' sa distinction we proud of...
20050316             It takes the head of all intelligence + makes it separate from THE—CIA (CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE...
20050316             Polit212 1.135- - agencies, the link between HIV/AIDS + security goes beyond THE—REALITY—OF—AIDS as 1—PHYSICAL—KILLER:
20050316             THE—CIA warns that... Sector HIV+ per 100—WORKERS 20050000             )...
20050316             USA—AIR—FORCE Academy-
20050316             + cadets involved in research, • lists key contacts, • details a
20050316             at (719) 333-4195 or by email at director
20050316             —PRESENTED, DFPY), their findings to CIA, DIA, RAND...
20050316             Usenet ARCHIVE—THE—COMMISSION says that there were no contacts that can
20050316             HOUSTON.rr_com is invalid for email From:
20050316             "Newsgroups - I thought you were talking about
20050316             —CROOKED, Bush can't fix 1, system-
20050316             There' sa gorilla in the room that nobody in...
20050316             For info (773) 878-0166 or email billbeth@rcnchicago...
20050316             World Party honors JACKIE—KIERNAN, Hilda Roberts, RICARDO—LEON... - BB News...
20050316             —ADMITTED, National Security Adviser Condoleezza RICE, it was THE—BUSH—CALIFORNIA Dreamin '!
20050316             —PULLED, BUSH + Rove, off their —2—YEAR—PLAN—OF—VENGEANCE... - condoleezza rice biography
20050316             TE Stephens; S. Adams; BN Harlow and GENERAL—GOODPASTER;
20050316             Freemason members; Secretaries... 20050316             PRIME—MINISTER—MACMILLAN, S. Lloyd, PAUL—HENRI—SPAAK (MINISTER, Foreign...
20050316             WARNING! - USA—ROLE in New World Order...
20050316             WASHINGTON, although 1—FREEMASON, certainly made it quite clear that he did not invent...
20050316             SERGEANT—SKULL'S—BIG—LIST—OF—HEROES of THE—NWO -A- Names : Amaral, JOAQUIM—FREITAS — Bilderberg -
20050316             THE—NEW—RADICALS: How Liberal Campuses Harass Conservatives...
20050316             Flynn keeps 1—EYE on such professors through the Conservative LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE + wrote about them in his book, "Intellectual Morons.".
20050316             —CONDUCTED, Update: This disgusting promotion is being, by the Conservative LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE.
20050316             Drop 'em 1—LINE.
20050316             Humanists HAWAII- - CatchingFlies: "Academic Freedom Under Attack"
20050316             —DISGRACED, THE—ULTRA—CONSERVATIVE—LEADERSHIP—INSTITUTE boasting prestigious graduates such as, fake WHITE—HOUSE—REPORTER—JEFF—GANNON claims it has trained more...
20050316             Div9 - All about DIVORCE—EFILMCRITIC :: View TOPIC—CRITICWATCH...
20050316             here + here + here), GANNON is not 1—JOURNALIST;
20050316             —ATTENDED, GANNON is a "political activist" who, a $50, —2—DAY seminar at the conservative LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE...
20050316             United for PEACE—OF—PIERCE—COUNTY, WA—WE nonviolently oppose the...
20050316             expose clandestine USA—AGENTS or operations in ITALY," THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES
20050316             1—SPECIAL—INTELLIGENCE—UNIT (commonly referred to as a ' death squad ') of the...
20050316             —HELPED, The 2. thing that, make GEORGE—WACKENHUT successful was that he was + is, 1—HARD—LINE—RIGHT—WINGER.
20050316             He was.
20050316             News and Discussion Forum at :: View topic...
20050316             Iraqgate... - ties to THE—CIA and FEDERAL—CONTRACTS worth $200—MILLION —1—YEAR—WAS making sure SADDAM would be getting his equipment intact.'... GEORGE—WACKENHUT is 1—LONG...
20050316             Vote notes BRAD—FRIEDMAN offers 1—COUPLE—OF—PIECES—OF—GOOD—NEWS—TODAY: His "Velvet Revolution"
20050316             for clean elections has received SOME—SUPPORT in Congress -- specifically from Maxine Waters and JOHN—CONYERS.
20050316             Green candidate DAVID—COBB also supports THE—VR plan, which is called Divestiture for Democracy.
20050316             The basic idea: Boycott all companies that won't allow for transparent election machinery.
20050316             AHMANSON : I propose taking things 1—STEP—FURTHER.
20050316             —CONNECTED, Boycott ANY—FIRM, with THE—AHMANSON family.
20050316             HOWARD—AHMANSON is the "MISTER—BIG" running the machines that tabulate so much of our vote.
20050316             AHMANSON (as I never tire of pointing out) is on record as favoring THEOCRACY over DEMOCRACY.
20050316             Incidentally, word has it that AHMANSON was the secret power who engineered the Grey Davis recall in CALIFORNIA,
20050316             which led to the Schwarzenegger reign, which led to the persecution + political ASSASSINATION—OF—KEVIN—SHELLEY, staunch FOE—OF—THE—COMPU—VOTE.
20050316             There is no reason in the world why ANY—DEMOCRAT should have ANY—ASSOCIATION with AHMANSON—OWNED Home Savings.
20050316             If you have money in that institution, pull it out pronto!
20050316             L.A. shennanigans : L.A. county elections HEAD—CONNIE—MCCORMACK, who led the Shelley lynch mob, is doing her damnedest to inflict PAPER—FREE voting on my home.
20050316             What is the strange appeal of Diebold and related companies?
20050316             —MENTIONED, As I've, on 1—FEW —EARLIER occasions + as DANIEL—HOPSICKER and others have outlined,
20050316             these companies have 1—LONG and outrageous HISTORY—OF—PALM—GREASING.
20050316             —JUST 1—COINCIDENCE.
20050316             There were at least 57,000 official complaints to Congress about election problems + MOST—OF—THOSE problems occurred on electronic machines.
20050316             —BENEFITED, And GEORGE—W—BUSH, from nearly every "malfunction".
20050316             Billion $ Bounty! Someone out there (aside from Clint Curtis) must be willing to spill the beans about vote fraud.
20050316             And maybe that BEAN—SPILLAGE will occur if the reward is sufficient.
20050316             Count the ballots: Lynn Landes offers 1—OF—THE—BEST—NEW—PIECES
20050316             She patiently explains 1—NIGGLING little fact to which I've made glancing reference in the past: 1—PAPER trail is no panacea.
20050316             That paper will remain unseen unless someone demands 1—RECOUNT.
20050316             If THE—E—VOTE—TABULATORS spit out 1—MARGIN—OF—VICTORY—LARGE enough to bypass 1—AUTOMATIC recount,
20050316             then NO—1 will ever examine the evidence.
20050316             2. Foolproof safeguards for the evidence.
20050316             I see no reason why we can't have 24/7—CAMERA—SURVEILLANCE.
20050316             3. 1—AUTOMATIC—COUNT—OF—THE—PAPER—EVIDENCE, even if THE—MARGIN—OF—VICTORY is quite wide.
20050316             We could offer MANY—MORE recommendations, of COURSE—ABOVE all, I would like to see an INTERNATIONAL organization regulate elections in all industrial nations.
20050316             Terrorist and Organized Crime Groups in THE—TRI—BORDER—AREA (TBA
20050316             skepticism by THE—USA—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY ( CIA ) and ISRAEL—MOSSAD
20050316             —ORGANIZED, But I have not, it myself to make 1—COUP d'etat.
20050316             This was THE—USA—AND—NATO...
20050316             —CONTROLLED, Press, THE—PORTUGAL—STAY—BEHIND network, by NATO and ultimately THE—CIA.
20050316             - Institute For Defense Analyses;
20050316             —ON—TUESDAY, Spam accounts for 58—PERCENT—OF—ALL email.
20050316             —BACK—IN—FOR him.
20050316             —ON vote fraud. other places
20050316             —1— Quantenphysiker Deutsch :
20050316             scoured the area in 1—SEARCH for FORMER—CIA—DIRECTOR—WILLIAM—COLBY,
20050316             collapse was told that FBI had not followed up on INDIA—SPRINGS because THE—CIA...
20050316             CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY... THE—FBI to aggressively ignore vital intelligence already in its possession...
20050316             WASHINGTON—POST_com: Watergate...
20050316             CONSPIRACY—OF—SILENCE, as well as MANY—OTHER documentaries can be found at my site as well as: http: +other places
20050316             3.
20050316             —WHEN the broadcast tape was sent to THE—USA,
20050316             —SEIZED, Customs officials, the documentary and held it up as being 'pornographic material'.
20050316             Then, the lawyers went through the film —FOR—MONTHS, making this or that change or deletion, so that the documentary ultimately advertised to be shown on the Discovery Channel on
20050316             "They don't care about stopping it, they only care about who's going to take the blame" FORMER—LAPD narcotics officer MICHAEL—RUPPERT talking about THE—CIA—DRUG—TRADE at
20050316             —REMOVED, The documentary - "CONSPIRACY—OF—SILENCE " that was, from the ' Discovery Channel 's' listing can be obtained and seen from the links below;...
20050316             is 1—TRUE—STORY about sex, drugs, child abuse, murder... Originally listed in TV Guide under
20050316             Appaling "CONSPIRACY—OF—SILENCE" Documentary... —ON—TUESDAY,
20050316             30.Jui.2001 Zorzi + Maggi + Rognoni sont condamnés à
20050316             Liberté pour CESARE—BATTISTI n°16... Dans cette enquête, le nom de Lucio Gelli (patron de la loge P2 ) sera souvent cité.
20050316             Op - 20.Mar1979 vermoord in ROME in opdracht VAN...
20050316             LA RAGNATELA Berlusconi scende in CAMPO—LA transizione da... Tutto questo era stato già previsto nel Piano di rinascita democratica di Lucio Gelli, intorno agli anni settanta, nei confronti della stampa (o...
20050316             Guerrilla News Network... Member Masonic Lodge P2 + CIA Asset + key supporter of Grand Master Lucio GELLI—ADMIRER of Mussolini + Hitler.
20050316             —THE—DEVIL S Banker.
20050316             Unity PUBLISHING—MONTHLY—NEWSLETTER: "SWORD—OF—TRUTH" - January...
20050316             He kept THE—NAME—OF—P 2. alive + his OFFICE—GATHERED—LISTS—OF—MEMBERS who...
20050316             EX—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH—ACCUSED—OF—WAR—CRIMES... by PHILIP—WILLAN (Constable, LONDON, 19930000             ),
20050316             DEMOC—PR.txt, Producer Interests Vs. THE—PUBLIC—INTEREST: THE—ORIGIN of... inslaw2.asc,
20050316             INSLAW Case: TEXTFILES Theories).
20050316             - DEMOC—PR.txt, 9727, Producer Interests Vs.
20050316             Crocker. inslaw2.asc, 11556, INSLAW Case:
20050316             Participate... Have you seen, by ANY—CHANCE, the Unauthorized BIOGRAPHY—OF—GEORGE—BUSH ?
20050316             "The 'Nightmare Scenario': What if the world's Y2K nuclear computer programs aren't fixed in time?", by KEVIN—SANDERS, THE—NATION,
20050316             01-F-0890. ABRAHAMS, FRED.
20050316             National Security LAWDE—ALERTING.
20050316             911. - Defining National Security.
20050316             Authentic Journalism : Articles and Links.
20050316             "Safe or sorry: the 'Y2K problem' and nuclear weapons", by MICHAEL—KRAIG, Bulletin of Atomic Scientists,
20050316             NARA | Publications | Finding Aids: HOLOCAUST—ERA Assets Military... Fabricacion Nacional de Colorantes y EXPLOSIVOS—SPAIN.
20050316             EL SECRETO OFICIAL EN LAS VENTAS DE ARMAS -... previa aprobación del Gobierno, la empresa pública Defensa y Exportación ( DEFEX—SA ),para fomentar la exportación de las empresas de defensa.
20050316             CTST 20050000             ... Baumgarten's; Bay Harbour Mgt LC; Bayer Polymers;
20050316             20050316             BC BELGIUM SA ;
20050316             BCD TRADING... Defense Threat Reduction Agency;
20050316             Terrorist and Organized Crime Groups in THE—TRI—BORDER—AREA (TBA... -
20050316             OPEN—SOURCE—INDICATIONS that the Islamic terrorist network in THE—TBA.
20050316             In his whistleblower case study in Chapter 6, Jasper discusses how unlikely candidates can be moved to protest, despite significant personal costs, by moral...
20050316             Stellen Sie sich —NUN vor, Sie schicken das Licht aus Ihrer Lichtquelle durch so VIELE—DUNKLE—FILTER, dass am Ende nur noch ein einziges Photon pro —MINUTE durch die Lochblende geht.
20050316             Eigentlich würden Sie doch erwarten, dass dieses Photon, das ja —JETZT nicht mehr gestört werden kann durch etwaige NACHBAR—PHOTONEN, entweder auf dem Abbild des einen oder auf dem Abbild des anderen Lochs landet.
20050316             Auch wenn nur ein einziges Photon durch unsere Lochblende fliegt, landet es auf einem Platz, der dem komplexen Interferenzmuster entspricht!
20050316             Was folgt daraus? Offensichtlich muss doch, während unser Photon durch das 1—LOCH geschossen ist, irgendetwas anderes durch das andere Loch gelangt sein, um mit unserem sichtbaren Photon zu interferieren.
20050316             Zum Beispiel können wir ihm Spiegel in den Weg stellen und Linsen, irgendwelches optisches GERÄT—DAS Ding, das die Bahn unseres sichtbaren, messbaren Photons beeinflusst, wird sich benehmen, als wäre es selbst 1—PHOTON.
20050316             SPIEGEL: Und warum interferieren die beiden Universen ausgerechnet in dem Moment, in dem Sie Ihr Interferenzexperiment machen?
20050316             Wenn die klassische Physik wahr wäre und Atome wirklich nur in einem einzigen Universum existieren und einander anziehen würden, dann könnte man beweisen, dass es so etwas wie feste Materie gar nicht gibt.
20050316             —VERURSACHT, JEDE—MENGE—EIGENSCHAFTEN—DER—WELT sind, durch Quanteninterferenz, durch das Zusammenwirken vieler paralleler Universen.
20050316             —GEWORDEN, Es ist ehrbar, anzunehmen,
20050316             es gebe gar keine objektive Wirklichkeit.
20050316             Und die größten Physiker verleihen dieser üblen Philosophie
20050316             DANN—AUCH—NOCH—DIE Weihen der Wissenschaft.
20050316             Die unlogische Trennung von experimenteller Testbarkeit und Erklärung ist genau das, was die Inquisition von Galileo zu erzwingen suchte: Sie wäre bereit gewesen, die praktischen Auswirkungen seines heliozentrischen Weltbildes zu akzeptieren, wenn er nur darauf verzichtet hätte zu behaupten, dass die Erde wirklich um die Sonne kreist.
20050316             SPIEGEL: Wenn die Menschen die Wirklichkeit des Multiversums akzeptieren würden, würde das irgendetwas praktisch ändern?
20050316             Hitler habe seinen Stellvertreter Bormann daraufhin zornig angeherrscht: "Ich stampfe ganze Divisionen aus dem Boden. Da müsste es doch ein leichtes sein, ein paar Mädels für meinen Berghof zu beschaffen".
20050316             Wir können auch keine schwarzen Löcher und keine Atome und Quarks sehen + doch sind wir überzeugt, dass es sie gibt.
20050316             Das Entscheidende ist: Die Multiversumstheorie ist die beste Erklärung der Welt, die wir haben.
20050316             Bei der Quantentheorie verzichten die Physiker nämlich, anders als bei allen anderen physikalischen Theorien, völlig darauf, sie als eine wahre Beschreibung der Welt zu betrachten.
20050316             "Das interessante an diesem Dossier ist, dass Linge und Günsche auch von Ereignissen berichten, von denen es keine offiziellen Protokolle gibt", sagt Henrik Eberle gegenüber SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20050316             —VERHÖRT, Mehrere —JAHRE lang wurden OTTO—GÜNSCHE und HEINZ—LINGE : Meistens kamen die Vernehmungsoffiziere des sowjetischen Geheimdienstes NKWD —NACHTS, wenn ihre Gefangenen besonders müde waren.
20050316             Sie wollten alles über den Mann wissen, der 19410000             ihr Land angegriffen hatte: Denn Günsche war der persönliche Adjutant ADOLF—HITLERS, Linge der Kammerdiener des Diktators.
20050316             Auf 413—ENG beschriebenen Schreibmaschinenseiten notierten die Geheimdienstoffiziere akribisch alles, was ihnen die beiden HITLER—VERTRAUTEN VERRIETEN—ÜBER Hitlers Beziehung zu EVA—BRAUN, seine Lästereien über HERMANN—GÖRING, seinen Wutanfall nach der Flucht seines Stellvertreters RUDOLF—HESS.
20050316             Der Japaner Minoru Asada, PRÄSIDENT—DER—ROBOCUP—FEDERATION, hält die Entwicklung einer
20050316             weichen, berührungsempfindlichen Roboterhaut für essentiell auf dem Weg zu humanoiden Robotern.
20050316             Diese könnten sich sicher in dunklen, gefährlichen Umgebungen bewegen, etwa rauchgefüllten Räumen, in denen Schutt herumliege
20050316             Preface THE—SMALL—ARMS—PLAGUE —
20050316             —ATTACKIERT, Präsidentenrede: SPD, Köhler heftig
20050316             PRAGUE Schnews report... carried out by 1—NON—GOVERNMENTAL—ORGANISATION (NGO) revealed that all 10 ...
20050316             Earth 1.! Journal
20050316             Those ominous words were all that my Chicana friend would say to me —AFTER I. 20050316             1—ANSWER to times of environmental destruction + capitalist chaos.
20050316             20050316             TELEWORK NEWS — ARCHIVE—SPAM accounts for 58—PERCENT—OF—ALL—EMAIL.
20050316             Roberts ' + ROCKEFELLER—RESPONSES but I found this... confirmed new information with respect to contacts between al...
20050316             ENDNOTES JERUSALEM Post, Small Arms Survey 20010000             Patterns of Global... -
20050316             demobilize its fighters by the end of 20050000             ... 13—GRUPO de Representaciones Internacionales SA, or GIRSA
20050316             Small Arms, Terrorism and THE—OAS—FIREARMS—CONVENTION - - FITUG—NEWSTICKER.
20050316             COMMUNITY NEWS -... c e l e b r 1—T i n g 5 0—Y e 1—R.. - It' sa distinction we proud of...
20050316             USA—AIR—FORCE—ACADEMY -... + cadets involved in research, • lists key contacts, • details a... at (719) 333-4195 or by email at director... DFPY) presented their findings to CIA, DIA, RAND...
20050316             Usenet ARCHIVE—THE—COMMISSION says that there were no contacts that can... HOUSTON.rr_com is invalid for email From: "Newsgroups... I thought you were talking about
20050316             —CROOKED, Bush can't fix 1, system -...
20050316             WARNING! - USA—ROLE in New World Order... WASHINGTON, although 1—FREEMASON, certainly made it quite clear that he did not invent...
20050316             THE—NEW—RADICALS: How Liberal Campuses Harass Conservatives... Flynn keeps 1—EYE on such professors through the Conservative Leadership Institute + wrote about them in his book, "Intellectual Morons.".
20050316             Simianbrain: GOP Continues to Slander Veterans... for him.
20050316             expose clandestine USA—AGENTS or operations in ITALY," THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES... 1—SPECIAL—INTELLIGENCE—UNIT (commonly referred to as a ' death squad ') of the...
20050316             INSIDE THE—SHADOW—CIA... this —DAY.
20050316             1—WARNING—FROM—AUSCHWITZ : How Do You Shoot Babies?
20050316             Vote notes BRAD—FRIEDMAN offers 1—COUPLE—OF—PIECES—OF—GOOD—NEWS—TODAY: His "Velvet Revolution"for clean elections has received SOME—SUPPORT in Congress -- specifically from Maxine Waters and JOHN—CONYERS.
20050316             Incidentally, word has it that Ahmanson was the secret power who engineered the Grey Davis recall in CALIFORNIA, which led to the Schwarzenegger reign, which led to the persecution + political ASSASSINATION—OF—KEVIN—SHELLEY, staunch FOE—OF—THE—COMPU—VOTE.
20050316             —MENTIONED, As I've, on 1—FEW —EARLIER occasions + as DANIEL—HOPSICKER and others have outlined, these companies have 1—LONG and outrageous HISTORY—OF—PALM—GREASING.
20050316             This site is trying to put together 1—BILLION-$ bounty to anyone who can offer the straight skinny.
20050316             Count the ballots: Lynn Landes offers 1—OF—THE—BEST—NEW—PIECES on vote fraud.
20050316             If THE—E—VOTE—TABULATORS spit out 1—MARGIN—OF—VICTORY—LARGE enough to bypass 1—AUTOMATIC recount, then NO—1 will ever examine the evidence.
20050316             What we need are 3—THINGS: 1. 1—FULL—PAPER trail.
20050316             story in the Daily Bruin (which features SOME—FINE reporting by student JOURNALIST—ARI—BLOOMEKATZ): Frazier has —SINCE spent 2—BIRTHDAYS in jail without being CONVICTED—OF—ANY—CRIME.
20050316             His attorney says that Frazier was mentally ill and had not done anything to provoke the shooting:
20050316             JOHN—RAPHLING, FRAZIER—PUBLIC defender —AT—THE—TIME, said Duren, 1—FORMER—UNIVERSITY—POLICE—OFFICER—OF—THE—YEAR, used excessive force —WHEN arresting Frazier and had 1—LONG HISTORY—OF—USING excessive violence in past encounters.
20050316             —DURING FRAZIER—HEARING in January, Raphling said there is 1—LONG—HISTORY—OF—COMPLAINTS against Duren and that university police have looked the other way.
20050316             —ADDED, Emphasis.
20050316             —REFUSED, Not only has THE—UCPD, to place Terrence Duren under suspension —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—THE—CURRENT—INCIDENT, his superior have even allowed him to continue with his duties.
20050316             00.20051202             --- 23510 Report on KARL—VON—SCHUMACHER, von Senger + other PRO—AND ANTI—NAZI Swiss...
20050316             Terrorist and Organized Crime Groups in THE—TRI—BORDER—AREA (TBA... skepticism by THE—USA—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY ( CIA ) and ISRAEL—MOSSAD...
20050316             1—WARNING—FROM—AUSCHWITZ:
200503160000 .. —BACK—IN
20050316—18370000    ): Traite [accents] de l'association DOMESTIQUE—AGRICOLE ( Theorie de..
20050316—19410500    war Heß mit einem Jagdflugzeug nach ENGLAND geflogen und dort mit dem Fallschirm ABGESPRUNGEN—ANGEBLICH,
20050316—19571000    CHRONOLOGY—EISENHOWER Memorial Commission...
20050316—19710000    Wackenhut Bombing
20050316—19900816    —ADDED, Raphling also, that Duren was given 1—NOTICE—OF—TERMINATION from UCLA, 1—HEARING was held and Duren retained his job but served a —90—DAY—SUSPENSION.
20050316—20040100    —IN, "I wonder where the outrage is about 1—OFFICER who shot 1 unarmed man who was trying to get away from him," Raphling commented about the Frazier trial.
20050316—20040100    —TESTIFIED, Raphling also said that Duren, under oath that he had been fired from THE—LONG—BEACH—POLICE—DEPARTMENT.
20050317             false alarm a worry", by DAVID—ARMSTONG, THE—PRESS—ONLINE, 12 ... 20050316             Quantenphysiker Deutsch : "Wer die Wirklichkeit leugnet, erfährt auch...
20050317—20050316    —ON, Was he fed answers —DURING his press conference ?
20050317—20050316    —ON, Has BUSH ever been fed answers through 1—EARPIECE?
20050318             This informational update gives 1—BRIEF sketch of THE—HELMS—BURTON Law, outlines the arguments... 20050316             FindLaw for Legal PROFESSIONALS—CASE—LAW, FEDERAL—AND—STATE... Jump to: [Opinion] [Concurrence] [Dissent] MITCHELL et al. v. HELMS et al... GUY—MITCHELL, et al., PETITIONERS v. MARY—L—HELMS et al.
20050318—20050316    FindLaw for Legal PROFESSIONALS—CASE—LAW, FEDERAL—AND—STATE...
20050324    - 200303180936      . -
20050326             OPEN FOR RECRUITMENT 20050316             20050326             RECRUITMENT ANNOUNCEMENT OPEN FOR RECRUITMENT 20050316             ... involving THE—ENFORCEMENT—OF—LAWS + rules in oil + gas exploration + production +
20050326             OPEN FOR RECRUITMENT 20050316             - PART XIII: INTERLOCKING DIRECTORATES...
20060300             Cities, states, state legislatures passing impeachment provisions, grand jury...
20060300             —ORGANIZED, There were, GANGS—OF—WHITES hunting + shooting
20060303             Steuern? Stimmt nicht ganz... die Richtigstellerin 200603031653          Nur um diesen Artikel formal klarustellen:
20060303             Steuern? Stimmt nicht ganz... die Richtigstellerin 200603031653          Nur um diesen Artikel formal klarustellen: Steuern dürfen von Privatunternehmen.".
20060311—20060316    —AM, wollen Studenten und Schüler einen eigenen Protesttag abhalten.
20060315             —ANNOUNCED, Interior Ministry officials, another driving ban, from 8—P.m. 20060315             to 4—P.m. 20060316             , to protect against car and suicide bombs —WHILE THE—IRAQ—PARLIAMENT—MEETS for the 1. session —SINCE 20061215             —THE election.
20060315—20060316    IRAN: Where do we go from here? -
20060316             Nur diese 3—OBERFLÄCHENPROTEINE sind bislang bei menschlichen Grippeerregern AUFGETRETEN—UNTER anderem in den 3—GROßEN Grippepandemien des 19010101—20001231    :
20060316             CthuluOverlord writes "CNET News_com is reporting that NICHOLAS—DONOFRIO, Big BLUE—EXECUTIVE—VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—INNOVATION and technology, made 1—DECLARATION—ON—TUESDAY in 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—ZDNET—ASIA. 'The fact is that innovation was 1—LITTLE—DIFFERENT in the 19010101—20001231    . It's not easy (—NOW) to come up with greater and different things. If you're looking for the next big thing, stop looking. THERE—NO such thing as the next big thing.'" Donofrio goes on to explain that he sees innovation as being services or social changes nowadays, rather than simply 1—BETTER moustrap.
20060316             Das Hämagglutinin des VIETNAM—VIRUS (H5) verglich Stevens mit älteren H1-, H2- und H3-Varianten.
20060316             --MN] Return to Chronology 20040106             20060316             SIDNEY—SOUERS—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia SIDNEY—WILLIAM—SOUERS (18920330—20060114    ... —PRIOR—TO this, as Deputy DIRECTOR—OF—NAVAL—INTELLIGENCE, Souers had been 1—OF—THE—ARCHITECTS—OF...
20060316             I'd rank him right up there with them.
20060316             MN] Return to Chronology 20030212             20060316             --MN] Return to Chronology 20030213             20060316             --MN] Return to Chronology 20030213             20060316             —SACKED, TIMOR—LESTE—PRIME—MINISTER—MARI—ALKATIRI, almost half the country's 1,400-strong army for going on strike effective as of 20060301            .
20060316             yes, but if THE—PURPOSE—OF—ART is to make us ask questions, to think, then it is doing its job".
20060316             --MN] Return to Chronology 20030213             20060316             --MN] Return to Chronology 20030213             20060316             —SACKED, TIMOR—LESTE—PRIME—MINISTER—MARI—ALKATIRI, almost half the country's 1,400-strong army for going on strike effective as of 20060301            .
20060316             —SACKED, TIMOR—LESTE—PRIME—MINISTER—MARI—ALKATIRI, almost half the country's 1,400-strong army for going on strike effective as of 20060301            .
20060316             --MN] Return to Chronology 20030213             20060316             —SACKED, TIMOR—LESTE—PRIME—MINISTER—MARI—ALKATIRI, almost half the country's 1,400-strong army for going on strike effective as of 20060301            .
20060316             Return to Chronology 20030312             20060316             Return to Chronology 20030312             20060316             —NAMED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, IDAHO GOVERNOR—DIRK—KEMPHORNE, —54—JAHRE—ALT as the new SECRETARY—OF—THE—INTERIOR to succeed GAIL—NORTON, who resigned —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH.
20060316             20060316             Das Hämagglutinin des VIETNAM—VIRUS (H5) verglich Stevens mit älteren H1-, H2- und H3-Varianten.
20060316             20060316             yes, but if THE—PURPOSE—OF—ART is to make us ask questions, to think, then it is doing its job".
20060316             Return to Chronology 20030312             20060316             —NAMED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, IDAHO GOVERNOR—DIRK—KEMPHORNE, —54—JAHRE—ALT as the new SECRETARY—OF—THE—INTERIOR to succeed GAIL—NORTON, who resigned —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH.
20060316             —ISSUED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE, a 49-page security strategy report that listed IRAN as the single country that may pose the biggest danger to THE—USA and reaffirmed PRE—EMPTIVE military actions as 1—CENTRAL—TENET—OF—USA—SECURITY—POLICY.
20060316             —APPROVED, THE—USA—SENATE, a $781—BILLION increase in USA borrowing authority aimed at averting 1—POSSIBLE—GOVERNMENT—DEFAULT on debt —THIS—MONTH.
20060316             —PASSED, THE—SENATE narrowly, a $2.8—TRILLION ELECTION—YEAR—BUDGET blueprint.
20060316             —RAIDED, USA—FEDERAL—DRUG—AGENTS, several "marijuana candy factories" in OAKLAND and EMERYVILLE—CALIFORNIA, seizing HUNDREDS—OF—SODAS and candies with such names as Trippy, Stoney Rancher, TOKA—COLA and Budtela.
20060316             —VOTED, THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA regents, citing genocide in Darfur, to divest UC—OF—TENS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—SECURITIES from 9—FOREIGN—COMPANIES doing business with SUDAN.
20060316             —RELEASED, NASA, data backing the Big Bang theory that the universe sprang from marble size to infinity in less than 1—TRILLION—TRILLIONTH 2.
20060316             —CONFIRMED, THE—AFGHANISTAN government said lab tests have, the 1. outbreak of the deadly H5N1 STRAIN—OF—BIRD—FLU.
20060316             AFGHANISTAN, the trial of ABDUL—RAHMAN, —41—JAHRE—ALT began.
20060316             —ARRESTED, He was, —LAST—MONTH—AFTER his family accused him of becoming 1—CHRISTIAN.
20060316             —CHARGED, JUDGE—ANSARULLAH—MAWLAVEZADA said Rahman was, with rejecting Islam and could be sentenced to death for converting from Islam to Christianity, 1—CRIME under the country's Islamic laws.
20060316             CONGO, 1—DEFENSE—MINISTRY—SOURCE said Defense MINISTER—ADOLPHE—ONUSUMBA had written to THE—HEAD—OF—THE—ARMY asking him to suspend or arrest GENERAL—WIDI—MBUILU—DIVIOKA, the army COMMANDER—IN—KATANGA province.
20060316             —ACCUSED—OF, The general was being, diverting military food trains for private business —AFTER at least 20—SOLDIERS † from hunger or malnutrition at 1—SOUTHERN—CAMP.
20060316             —RELEASED, ECUADOR—SUPREME—COURT, FORMER—PRESIDENT—GUSTAVO—NOBOA from house arrest —AFTER reducing charges against him for allegedly mishandling the country's foreign debt negotiations —DURING his —3—YEAR—TERM.
20060316             —CRASHED, NORTH—HONDURAS, 1—SPEEDING bus, into 1—SMALL—VAN carrying 1—GROUP—OF—USA—SOLDIERS, killing 2 and injuring 1.
20060316             —KILLED, INDONESIA, protesters, 4—SECURITY—OFFICERS—AFTER clashes broke out —DURING 1—RALLY demanding the closure of 1—USA—OWNED gold mine in Papua.
20060316             —HACKED, The officers were either, or burned to death.
20060316             IRAN, rebels under Abdolmalek Rigi, posing as security forces, killed 22—PEOPLE on THE—SOUTH—EAST—ZABOL—ZAHEDAN road in SISTAN—BALUCHESTAN province.
20060316             —DEADLOCKED, IRAQ—NEW—PARLIAMENT was sworn in, with parties still, over the next government.
20060316             —DISCARDED, IRAQ—POLICE found 25—BODIES, in various parts of BAGHDAD overnight.
20060316             The new PARLIAMENT met briefly for the 1. time but did no business and adjourned —AFTER—JUST—40—MINUTES, unable to agree on 1—SPEAKER, let alone 1—PRIME—MINISTER.
20060316             —JOINED, USA—FORCES, by IRAQ—TROOPS, launched "Operation Swarmer," the largest air assault —SINCE THE—USA—LED invasion, targeting insurgent strongholds NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20060316             —SURROUNDED, ISRAEL—TROOPS, 2—HOUSES in THE—WEST—BANK—TOWN—OF—JENIN, setting off 1—FIERCE—GUNBATTLE with PALESTINE—MILITANTS that left 1—ISRAEL—SOLDIER—DEAD and forced the surrender of 5 wanted men.
20060316             —OPENED, The 4. World Water Forum, in MEXICO—CITY.
20060316             —ASKED, THE—PRIME—MINISTER—OF—MAURITANIA, the West for help in sealing his borders as migrants from elsewhere in AFRICA were overwhelming the country as they set out from there on 1—OFTEN deadly voyage to EUROPE.
20060316             NUEVO—LAREDO, MEXICO, 4—PLAINCLOTHES FEDERAL—POLICE—AGENTS were killed —AFTER 1—UNKNOWN—NUMBER—OF—GUNMEN sprayed the unmarked pickup truck they were riding in with more than 30—BULLETS.
20060316             —TOPPLED, SOUTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, 7—HOMEMADE bombs, 2—HIGH—POWER—ELECTRICITY—TRANSMISSION—TOWERS and disrupted power to THOUSANDS—OF—HOMES for several hours.
20060316             —WARNED, THE—WORLD—BANK, that THE—PALESTINE—ECONOMY will be devastated if ISRAEL and THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY follow through on threats to cut off financial assistance once Hamas assumes power.
20060316             —CALLED, G—8—ENERGY—MINISTERS meeting in MOSCOW, for MARKET—ORIENTED approaches to increasing supplies and said significant investments would be needed in the production, transportation and PROCESSING—OF—RESOURCES.
20060316             SRI—LANKA, THOUSANDS—OF—CIVIL—SERVANTS demanding higher salaries marched in COLOMBO, PART—OF—1—DAYLONG nationwide strike that paralyzed the government.
20060316             —CRASHED, EAST—TURKEY, 1—HELICOPTER carrying military officers, killing 5—OFFICERS, and seriously injuring another.
20060316             UGANDA—ARMY said THE—LEADER—OF—THE—LORD—RESISTANCE—ARMY (LRA) rebels had left 1—SOUTH—SUDAN—HIDEOUT and joined his deputy in the jungles of neighboring CONGO.
20060316             AFGHANISTAN, the trial of ABDUL—RAHMAN (41) began.
20060316             Chapter 3: 1—OVERVIEW—OF—THE—CIA;
20060316             SECTION II: Origins of the... 20060316             —ANNOUNCED, THE—DAY—AFTER he set up the group, THE—PRESIDENT, the appointment of Rear Admiral SIDNEY—SOUERS as the 1. DIRECTOR—OF—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE.
20060316             SPYMASTERS: 10—CIA—OFFICERS in Their Own Words
20060316             This is 1—COLLECTION—OF—INTERVIEWS—OF 10—EMINENT CIA officials, including SIDNEY—SOUERS, ALLEN—DULLES, RICHARD—BISSELL, SAMUEL—HALPERN, Lyman Kirkpatric...
20060316             National Security Council...
20060316             CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE Agency Beschreibung im Artikel der Library...
20060316             1. CIA—DIREKTOR war Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter ;
20060316             vor ihm war Admiral SIDNEY—W—SOUERS—CHEF—DER—CIG.
20060316             Auf Hillenkoetter folgte 19530000—19610000    —JAHR—BIS ALLEN—WELSH—CENTRAL_intelligence_
20060316             fUSION Anomaly.
20060316             SIDNEY—W—SOUERS/2/./2/Printed from 1—COPY that bears this typed signature.
20060316             Enclosure/3/./3/Confidential.
20060316             The word "Draft" at the top of the 1. page.
20060316             THE—EVOLUTION—OF—THE—USA—INTELLIGENCE—COMMUNITY—AN Historical Overview
20060316             THE—1.—DCI, Rear Admiral SIDNEY—SOUERS (who wrote the intelligence section of the
20060316             3 The same SIDNEY—SOUERS who had been appointed the 1. DCI by... - Munzinger PERSONEN—SIDNEY—W—SOUERS
20060316             Kurzbiographie: SIDNEY—W—SOUERS ; CIA—CHEF.
20060316             20060316             Stand der ONLINE—VERSION: 19730326             ;.
20060316             SIDNEY—SOUERS—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia
20060316             SIDNEY—WILLIAM—SOUERS (18920330             - ;;0114;;,
20060316             —PRIOR—TO this, as Deputy DIRECTOR—OF—NAVAL—INTELLIGENCE, Souers had been 1—OF—THE—ARCHITECTS—OF...
20060316             (Redirected from SIDNEY—W—SOUERS ). - - - Jump to: navigation, search.
20060316             20060316             To meet WIKIPEDIA—QUALITY—STANDARDS, this article or section may require cleanup.
20060316             —FORMED, CIA was, by absorbing in secret almost the entire Nazi war...
20060316             1—OF—THE—USA—OFFICERS with whom Gehlen met was GENERAL—EDWIN L.
20060316             Mar-;;04;; 99 100Years
20060316             —DIRECTED, Sibert '18, USA, half 1—MILLION—AMERICAN
20060316             NARA—PROLOGUE—PROLOGUE: Selected Articles
20060316             Edwin L. - Sibert, FORMER—USFET G-2 + DOCTOR—THOMAS—PARRAN, surgeon general of THE—USA.
20060316             Concluding that the witnesses then in THE—USA
20060316             UL LAFAYETTE: Library: Special Collections: Jefferson Caffery
20060316             Sheridan, MRS—LJ: SWARTHMORE—PENNSYLVANIA Sibert, Edwin L., COLONEL:
20060316             USA—WAR DEPARTMENT—SILVA, Francisco: NEW—YORK Simmons, John F.: USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT
20060316             his G-2. And as BILL—JACKSON had told...
20060316             20060316             The usual suspects by DAVID—PRYCE—JONES
20060316             1—AMERICA—GENERAL by THE—NAME—OF—EDWIN L.
20060316             Sibert once let this cat OUT—OF—THE—BAG to 1—JOURNALIST + that's substantiation enough for Hamrick.
20060316             CONTEXT—THIS —WEEK in Arts and Ideas from THE—MOSCOW—TIMES
20060316             Central to his argument is 1—OFFHAND comment made
20060316             Prelude to INCHON—BRIGADIER—GENERAL—EDWIN L.
20060316             —COMMANDED, Sibert, the Aggressor ground forces, which were COMPOSED—OF—TROOPS from his Antilles Command.
20060316             Honor and FIDELITY—END—NOTES
20060316             [23] Headquarters, USA—ARMED Forces Antilles Command, Letter ANTAG 312, 19521015             ;
20060316             Letter, BRIGADIER—GENERAL—EDWIN L. - Sibert, Index for Articles by Title
20060316             Operation Portrex : Sibert, Edwin L : —SPRING 19600000            .
20060316             20060316             Operation Uproot : Moravec, Frantisek : —SPRING 19630000            .
20060316             20060316             Operational Contacts : Bekrenev, LK : —WINTER 19650000             - Index for Articles By Author
20060316             Sibert, Edwin L. - Operation Portrex : —SPRING 19600000            .
20060316             - THE—CIA and Nazi War Criminals
20060316             Document 8: REPORT—OF—INTERVIEW—WITH—GENERAL—EDWIN L. - Sibert on the Gehlen Organization.
20060316             497291 S7/JFK Debate [POLITICS] 03-Mar-96 11:35:33 Sb: Prouty...
20060316             [footnote in source text] —1—MONTH—LATER, BRIGADIER—GENERAL—EDWIN—L—SIBERT, G—2—OF—THE—USA—TWELFTH—ARMY in GERMANY, came across GEHLEN—NAME in the prisoner.
20060316             —NOW he had gone forward and had temporarily attached himself to THE—STAFF—OF—THE—USA 12. Army GROUP—INTELLIGENCE—CHIEF, BRIGADIER—GENERAL—EDWIN L. - Sibert.
20060316             ALLEN—W—DULLES—PAPERS—SERIES 1—FOLDER List: Correspondence, S.
20060316             9, Sibert, Edwin L. - 19450000—19580000    —DATE.
20060316             10, Silvercruys, Robert. Guerrillas for WWII.
20060316             20060316             I—BLOWBACK—AMERICA—RECRUITMENT—OF.
20060316             —BY—THE—USA—AND—BRITAIN under still another CODE—NAMED project, Operation Rusty + it is those agents who were marked for "liquidation.
20060316             —DENIED, Additionally, Army, access to an entire 483-page Operation Rusty file...
20060316             FindLaw Legal News
20060316             —DENIED, Additionally, Army, access to 1—ENTIRE—483—PAGE—OPERATION—RUSTY file... As with the Operation Rusty file, should the Court require further...
20060316             NARA—IWG—RECORDS—OF—THE—ARMY—STAFF (RG 319
20060316             THE—USA—ARMY "Gehlen Organization" and " Operation Rusty " Files are COUNTER—INTELLIGENCE—CORPS (CIC) dossiers from the Intelligence and Security Command's...
20060316             NARA—IWG—ANNOUNCEMENTS...
20060316             Another mission by the Gehlen Org was " Operation Rusty " that carried out COUNTER—ESPIONAGE—ACTIVITIES directed against dissident GERMANY—ORGANIZATIONS in...
20060316             * Proving How the Universe
20060316             Breaking News from AP + Reuters Bush clings to PRE—EMPTIVE force
20060316             House approves $91.8—BLN for wars, Gulf Coast
20060316             EX—ARYAN—GANG—MEMBER—SAYS—GOTTI—SOUGHT—HIT—MAKING the Red Planet Green
20060316             Space Elevator Low DOWN—REGRET Is Alien to UFO Abductees
20060316             —ANNOUNCED, Physicists, —THURSDAY that they —NOW have the smoking gun that shows the universe went through extremely rapid expansion in the moments —AFTER the big bang,
20060316             growing from the size of 1—MARBLE to 1—VOLUME—LARGER than ALL—OF—OBSERVABLE—SPACE in less than 1—TRILLION—TRILLIONTH of a 2.
20060316             The discovery -- which involves 1—ANALYSIS—OF—VARIATIONS in the brightness of microwave radiation -- is the 1. direct evidence to support THE—2—DECADE—OLD—THEORY that the universe went through what is called inflation.
20060316             —CLUMPED, It also helps explain how matter eventually, together into planets, stars and galaxies in 1—UNIVERSE that began as 1—REMARKABLY smooth, SUPER—HOT soup.
20060316             "It's giving us our 1. clues about how inflation took place," said MICHAEL—TURNER, assistant director for mathematics and physical sciences at the National Science Foundation.
20060316             "This is absolutely amazing".
20060316             BRIAN—GREENE, 1—COLUMBIA—UNIVERSITY—PHYSICIST, said: "The observations are spectacular and the conclusions are stunning".
20060316             —INZWISCHEN, BERLIN, zum Beispiel scheint es für die, von vielen Politikern geforderte "nachholende Integration" in manchem Viertel fast —SCHON zu spät.
20060316             Eine interne STUDIE—DES—POLIZEIPRÄSIDIUMS hat —BEREITS in 9 "Problemkiezen" bedrohliche Entwicklungen ausgemacht.
20060316             Dort registrieren die Beamten "mafiose" Strukturen, "bewaffnete Gewalt" und eine "heranwachsende FRUST—GENERATION",
20060316             die "nach eigenen Regeln und Gesetzen lebt".
20060316             Fazit: "Szenarien, die aus amerikanischen,
20060316             ENGLAND—UND FRANKREICH—GROSSSTÄDTEN beziehungsweise deren Ghettos bekannt sind", seien "auch hier vorstellbar".
20060316             Platzeck: "Die Demokratie als Grundlage unserer Gesellschaft VERLIERT—UND zwar GRAVIEREND—AN Zustimmung".
20060316             - "Die DEUTSCHLAND—EINHEIT wird es wohl nie geben.
20060316             Hass zwischen Ossis und Wessis.
20060316             - "1—STAAT gegen die kleinen Leute, schlimmer als bei Honecker.
20060316             ALLE—OSTDEUTSCHEN haben Wut im Bauch".
20060316             "Es gehört nicht viel Phantasie dazu, sich vorzustellen, wohin der Testosteronüberschuss in Zukunft führen wird," kommentierte die "FAZ".
20060316             Chemnitzer Soziologieprofessor BERNHARD—NAUCK: "In 6—BIS —7—JAHREN werden sich im Osten 2—MÄNNER um 1—FRAU bemühen müssen, das ist sicher".
20060316             So hat der IQ—EXPORT weite Regionen im neuen Osten abermals zu dem werden lassen,
20060316             was er während der Massenflucht durch den Eisernen Vorhang —SCHON einmal gewesen zu sein schien:
20060316             1—AUSWANDERUNGSLAND, in dem nur "der doofe Rest" noch ausharrt, wie damals die Zurückgebliebenen selbstironisch "DDR" buchstabierten.
20060316             Zu den Fortzugswilligen zählen beispielsweise Fernpendler, die jahrelang —DIE—WOCHE über im Westen gearbeitet haben und —NUN,
20060316             der Fahrerei überdrüssig, dort auch wohnhaft werden wollen.
20060316             USA—INTERNATIONAL—GROUP: Weltgrößter Versicherer meldet heftigen Gewinneinbruch
20060316             Virusinfektion: Masur sagt USA—KONZERTE wegen Krankheit ab
20060316             —SUPPOSED, Sylvia: "Geniuses are not only, to be innovative THINKERS—THE—ONES who come up with new memes,
20060316             technologies + ART—THEY'RE also supposed to be kind + loving to competitors, thieves, ex wives + assholes".
20060316             'Free IPod' Takes Privacy Toll
20060316             —ANNOUNCED, THE—MILLION—DOLLAR—DATRAN settlement, by NEW—YORK—ATTORNEY—GENERAL exposes 1—RAT—NEST of dubious privacy promises -- and indirectly scores 1—BODY—BLOW on the Truste SEAL—OF—APPROVAL.
20060316             —BY RYAN—SINGEL—THEIR—KINGDOM for 1—CORPSE 20060316             Body Brokers examines the hidden UNIVERSE—OF—PEOPLE who buy and sell human remains without asking questions.
20060316             New DENIAL—OF—SERVICE—THREAT emerges
20060316             —TARGETED, Attacks, 1,500 IP addresses and delivered 1—HEFTIER blow than normal DOS threats, VeriSign security CHIEF says.
20060316             Google wins a court battle
20060316             Judge rules in search giant's favor, dismissing copyright infringement lawsuit filed by E—BOOK—WRITER.
20060316             Living with ROBOTS—IT—PERFECTLY.
20060316             The feathers could have been present at different life stages or different SEASONS—OF—THE—YEAR.
20060316             We —JUST don't know, so that means it's still 1—GOOD—QUESTION".
20060316             —WHEN robot pigs DRY—NO—MORE—NEXT—BIG Thing?
20060316             CthuluOverlord writes "CNET News_com is reporting that NICHOLAS—DONOFRIO,
20060316             It's not easy (—NOW) to come up with greater and different things.
20060316             If you're looking for the next big thing, stop looking.
20060316             THERE—NO such thing as the next big thing.
20060316             "Donofrio goes on to explain that he sees innovation as being services or social changes nowadays,
20060316             rather than simply 1—BETTER moustrap.
20060316             What's the verdict? Is tech innovation dead?
20060316             19—REGISTRARS Decry ICANN Arrangement
20060316             —NOW, 19—REGISTRARS, including GoDaddy and Network Solutions,
20060316             have petitioned ICANN to reconsider on the basis that VeriSign will most likely increase registration fees.
20060316             1—FEW of the registrars have also asked THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—COMMERCE to veto the deal.
20060316             "The new deal permits VeriSign to increase the price of domain name registrations by 7—PER cent in 4—OF—THE—NEXT —6—YEARS.
20060316             THE—,2—REMAINING years, VeriSign will only be able to raise prices if it can show the rises are necessary for security reasons.
20060316             Google Base Retail Rumours Confirmed
20060316             kaufmanmoore writes "According to an MISS—NBC report, THE—HEAD—OF—GOOGLE'S—EUROPEAN arm has said that Google wants to use Google Base for brick and mortar stores to submit lists of goods and prices in order to create 1—ONLINE presence.
20060316             "Google would index and package the information into a -friendly search engine, giving its users 1—VIRTUAL supermarket across 1—NUMBER—OF—RETAIL—BRANDS.
20060316             MISTER—ARORA said: 'Google Base is going to have 1—HUGE—IMPACT on retailers," adding that the move reflected internal research,
20060316             which found MANY—LEADING—EUROPEAN retailers did not feel they were competitive enough online
20060316             USA—HOUSE—CLEARS—ANTI—INTERNET Gambling Bill
20060316             matr0x_x writes "THE—USA has —JUST moved 1—STEP—CLOSER to banning all INTERNET gambling sites —WHEN THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES cleared 1—ANTI—INTERNET gambling bill —YESTERDAY.
20060316             The bill is against 1—WORLD—TRADE—ORGANIZATION ruling last —AUGUST that stated THE—USA must not block online gambling sites based overseas.
20060316             "The bill, cleared by voice vote in the House Financial Services Committee,
20060316             would prohibit 1—GAMBLING business from accepting credit cards, checks, wire transfers and electronic funds transfers in illegal gambling transactions.
20060316             Unlawful gambling, under the legislation, would include placing bets on online poker sites,
20060316             for example + ANY—OTHER online wager made or received in 1—PLACE where such 1—BET is illegal under federal or state law".
20060316             Gates Mocks MIT's $100—LAPTOP
20060316             QuietLagoon writes 'Reuters is reporting that BILL—GATES is making fun of THE—1—LAPTOP per child initiative to revolutionize how the world's children are educated.
20060316             'The last thing you want to do for 1 shared use computer is have it be something without 1—DISK
20060316             and with 1—TINY—LITTLE—SCREEN,' Gates said at the Microsoft Government Leaders Forum in suburban WASHINGTON.
20060316             'Hardware is 1—SMALL—PART—OF—THE—COST' of providing computing capabilities,
20060316             he said, adding that the big costs come from network connectivity, applications and support.
20060316             'If you are going to go have people share the computer,
20060316             get 1—BROADBAND connection and have somebody there who can help support the user,
20060316             geez, get 1—DECENT—COMPUTER where you can actually read the text and you're not sitting there cranking the thing —WHILE you're trying to type,' Gates said.'
20060316             00.00019 89 70% expressing the same opinion, —WHEN HIGH—PROFILE—ACQUISITIONS—OF—USA—FIRMS by JAPAN—COMPANIES provoked widespread concern.
20060316             —WEAKENED, BUSH—PERSONAL—IMAGE also has, noticeably, which is reflected in people's 1—WORD—DESCRIPTIONS—OF—THE—PRESIDENT.
20060316             —ASSOCIATED, Honesty had been the single trait most closely, with BUSH, but in the current survey "incompetent" is the descriptor used most frequently (See pp.
20060316             7-8). - - - BUSH—OVERALL—APPROVAL—MEASURE—STANDS at 33%, the lowest rating of his presidency.
20060316             20060316             BUSH—JOB—PERFORMANCE—MARK is —NOW about the same as the ratings for Democratic and Republican congressional leaders (34% and 32%,
20060316             respectively), which showed no improvement in SPITE—OF—PUBLIC—APPROVAL—OF—THE congressional response to the ports deal.
20060316             —ATTRIBUTED, There are various names, to THE—'LADY—OF—THE—LAKE;' Nimue and Vivienne are THE—2—MOST used,
20060316             but most pertinent to us here is 'White Serpent.' Nimue is probably Mneme or Mnemosyne,
20060316             who is 1—OF—THE—MUSES or 'water nymphs' from Roman and GREECE—MYTHOLOGY and who gave out WEAPONS—JUST as THE—LADY—OF—THE—LAKE did.
20060316             Vivienne in all likelihood comes from VI—VIANNA or CO—VIANNA the 'water goddess' or Coventina of Celtic origin ('COVENTINA—WELL' also had 1—SKULL offering discovered which is important in the worship of snakes and wisdom [1].)
20060316             "He had 1—RELATIVE, his grandfather, buried there and he sued to have the remains identified," Scharfenberger said.
20060316             —PROVED, This, to be 1—CHALLENGE.
20060316             "There was not 1—STONE on it," said Scharfenberger, describing the field.
20060316             "It was TRACTOR—TRAILER marks, beer cans, garbage, —JUST whatever flew off the turnpike".
20060316             —WHILE narrating 1—SLIDE show that showcased some of the most interesting grave items uncovered at the site,
20060316             —RELATED, Scharfenberger, the story of how over 3,000 human burials were bulldozed over 19400000             —IN—THE S to make way for the turnpike.
20060316             "HUDSON—COUNTY is not known for its pristine politicians up there".
20060316             —UNEARTHED, Eventually, over 3,000 graves were, both underneath and alongside the turnpike.
20060316             —PLANNED, Instead of relocating the burials as, the bodies were left in the ground and the turnpike simply built over it.
20060316             It was not uncommon, he said, —DURING THE—COURSE—OF—THE—EXCAVATION, to discover 1—HUMAN skull sticking out of 1—LARGE—CONCRETE slab.
20060316             Previous Posts BRITAIN—DIRTY secret
20060316             Inorganic phosphate fertilizers may contain radionuclides
20060316             —CITED, UK, for 'obsessive' ANTI—SEMITISM
20060316             In general, mice are more intelligent than HUMANS—AUSTRALIA DEBT—FREE within —4—MONTHS
20060316             Ok, here's the scuttlebutt on H5N1 —BIRD Flu
20060316             'God will judge me on IRAQ invasion' says Blair
20060316             Man Gets —5—YEARS—FOR Sodomizing MCDONALD—EMPLOYEE—1—BULLITT—COUNTY—MAN is headed to prison for —FOLLOWING what he thought were police orders to sexually abuse 1—TEENAGE—GIRL.
20060316             It's 1—BIZARRE—CASE with nationwide connections.
20060316             Little dinosaur was missing feathers that typify its kin Little dinosaur was missing feathers that typify its kin.
20060316             Space and Time Anyhow, the 1. time I heard Coast to Coast, I was about 18 or —19—YEARS—OLD,
20060316             unable to sleep + skipping up and down THE—AM dial, looking for something to distract me from my interminable boredom and solitude.
20060316             I got chills.
20060316             —WHEN you are 1—PARANOID teenage insomniac, sitting in the dark and attempting to navigate the unfamiliar terrain of AM radio,
20060316             this is exactly what you hope to find: something surreal and otherworldly.
20060316             Excavation findings run from historic to macabre
20060316             There was something round, maybe 1—HANDBALL, floating in 1—PUDDLE near the edge of the graveyard.
20060316             —MOVED, Archaeologist GERARD—SCHARFENBERGER, in for 1—CLOSER—LOOK.
20060316             "It was 1—HUMAN—BRAIN," he said, "perfectly preserved".
20060316             BUSH Approval Falls to 33% The funniest part is down the page.
20060316             —ASSOCIATED, The single word most frequently, with GEORGE—W—BUSH—TODAY is "incompetent" +
20060316             close behind are 2—OTHER increasingly mentioned descriptors: "idiot" and "liar.
20060316             —MENTIONED, All 3—ARE, far more often —TODAY than a —YEAR ago.
20060316             I can't believe douchebag wasn't on the list.
20060316             GROSSBRITANNIEN: Unterhaus stimmt Einführung von Personalausweisen zu
20060316             Protest gegen KÜNDIGUNGSSCHUTZ—GESETZ: 150—FESTNAHMEN nach Krawallen in PARIS
20060316             Communication is most complete —WHEN it proceeds from the smallest NUMBER—OF—WORDS -- and indeed of syllables.
20060316             --JACQUES—BARZUN
20060316             BUSH Regime Censorship: Censorship by PRESIDENT—GEEDUBYA and company
20060316             1. Term: 20010000—20040000              20060316             2. Term: 20050000—20080000              20060316             GEORGE—BUSH—RELIGIOUS—INITIATIVES and COVER—UPS
20060316             Actions to shield GEORGE—BUSH from free speech
20060316             and Censorship and ANTI—CENSORSHIP—EFFORTS - ? - 19000000             20060316             arriving at certain firm conclusions: 1: Censorship advocates are nuts.
20060316             2: There is no rhyme or reason to censorship.
20060316             In actual fact I must admit that conclusion number 1 is 1—GROSS—OVERSIMPLIFICATION.
20060316             Despite that, it seems to be the kindest thing that 1 can say about censorship advocates.
20060316             CENSORSHIP—OF—ANTI—BUSH—SENTIMENTS: 1. Term
20060316             Return to Celebrate Freedom Index - 2. Term Censorship Page
20060316             —QUOTED, He was, as saying: Talk "has openly opposed and even mocked the 1. family's desire to keep the lives of their daughters private and have decided not only to report on it but go to great lengths to distort it".
20060316             [UH—HUH! -- SU—U—U?U—U?U—URE it has!
20060316             Problem is THE—BUSH—GIRLS have made themselves newsworthy by getting busted for UNDER—AGE drinking + that does make them public persons in 1—WAY they're being THE—PRESIDENT—DAUGHTERS doesn't.
20060316             See my comments and the entry for 20060127            .
20060316             20060316             In my books, this 1 is obviously —JUST another CASE—OF—GEORGY—BOY trying to hide his family's dirty linen and proof positive that GeeDubya has absolutely no SENSE—OF—HUMOR.
20060316             —DURING 1—RECENT—VISIT to SACRAMENTO by Geedubya, some 30—ANTI—WAR—PROTESTERS were kept away from the street the presidential motorcade was using,
20060316             —WHILE NON—PROTESTERS were allowed unrestricted access.
20060316             —STOPPED, The protesters were, by local mounted and foot patrol officers;
20060316             ostentibly due to 1—REQUEST made by SECRET—SERVICE—AGENTS —DURING planning meetings for the event.
20060316             Both agencies are ducking responsibility for the suppression and blaming the other.
20060316             Despite having taken part in numerous demonstrations, —STARTING back —DURING the Viet Nam war, this is her 1. arrest.
20060316             —ANGERED, MISS—EISENBERG is rather, by this incident,
20060316             contending that she did nothing to provoke 1—ARREST.
20060316             The police, however, state that she had been asked several time to clear 1—AREA—THE—SECRET—SERVICE had asked be closed for security + that she had resisted arrest.
20060316             —REFUSED, MISTER—NEEL had, to obey police directives to step into 1—FREE—SPEECH—ZONE
20060316             which had been allocated for dissenters.
20060316             —DISMISSED, DISTRICT—JUSTICE—SHIRLEY—ROWE—TRKULA, the disorderly conduct charge and returned Mr.
20060316             NEEL—PROTEST—SIGN; which read, "THE—BUSH—FAMILY must surely love THE—POOR—THEY'VE made so MANY—OF—THEM.
20060316             —CHASTISED, JUDGE—TRKULA also, the Allegheny County police for having gone too far in curbing protests.
20060316             [Such zones seem to be common to visits by THE—PRESIDENT and are apparently established by local police at THE—REQUEST—OF—THE—SECRET—SERVICE.
20060316             This is the 3. case I am aware of wherein dissenting, lawful citizens were restricted to areas away from BUSH —WHILE NON—DISSENTERS were allowed to approach the motorcade freely.
20060316             —FILED, The suit was, on their behalf by THE—ACLU.
20060316             It alleges 1—WRONGFUL—ARREST —DURING 1—RALLY
20060316             organized —LAST—YEAR for PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH and FLORIDA GOVERNOR—JEB—BUSH.
20060316             —ACCOSTED, The 3 were apparently, by local and FEDERAL—POLICE—OFFICERS at the rally for displaying dissenting opinions + forcibly removed in handcuffs even though they were demonstrating peaceably.
20060316             They had even bought tickets to get into the event.
20060316             They contend that other people with PRO—BUSH—SIGNS were not ordered to set aside their signs as they were theirs.
20060316             They also contend that the officers used unnecessary force.
20060316             1—FEW criminal charges were laid, but then dropped.
20060316             ACLU cooperating attorney W.F. "Casey" Ebsary, JUNIOR—OF—TAMPA wrote in the brief,
20060316             "The protestors were entitled -- —JUST like THE—HUNDREDS—OF—OTHER—PEOPLE at the rally -- to lawfully exercise their free speech rights,
20060316             but they were arrested in 1—ATTEMPT to silence them and shield the government from criticism".
20060316             [Remember what I wrote previously about "free speech zones" being established by local cops at THE—BEHEST—OF—SECRET—SERVICE goons?
20060316             There is no doubt in my mind that this incident is PART—OF—1—CONSISTENT—PATTERN—OF—BEHAVIOUR.
20060316             —ARRESTED, He claims that he had been, by DENVER police and questioned by THE—SECRET—SERVICE
20060316             for photographing the hotel in which VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY was staying.
20060316             —THREATENED, He claims that the agent interrogating him, him with charges under THE—USA—PATRIOT—ACT
20060316             + inflicted verbal abuse by calling him a "raghead collaborator" and a "dirty pinko faggot".
20060316             —STATED, He further, that his arrest was made to disappear by the simple expedient of they're not keeping the records + that his camera and film was essentially stolen from him.
20060316             [ CAVEAT LECTOR: 2600—MAGAZINE says they'll follow up this incident as catch as catch can, but I'm not sure how much credibility to give it at all.
20060316             I mean, "dirty pinko faggot"? That rhetoric sounds too supiciously outdated and too pat to be real.
20060316             And "raghead" is hate speech for MIDDLE—EASTERNERS who wear turbans; most commonly of the Sihk faith.
20060316             —REPORTED, Not to mention that the agent's, words and attitude come across as egregiously unprofessional.
20060316             —ALLOWED, Of course, law enforcement agencies are not, to discriminate against political conviction + Maginnis could have gotten 1—REDNECK bigot type.
20060316             —CONTROLLED, THE—REST—OF—THE—INCIDENT—SOUNDS—PRETTY much like what 1 would expect in 1—OPERATION, by THE—SECRET—SERVICE,
20060316             given THE—PATTERN—OF—OTHER—ALLEGATIONS—OF—RIGHTS—ABUSE contained in this chronology and reported by mainstream news outlets.
20060316             Also, 1—KEYPAL—OF—MINE wrote that 2600—SEEMS to be the sole source for this article, that it is not reproduced at ANY—OTHER—NEWS—SITE or online magazine.
20060316             Highly suspicious.
20060316             This report should be considered untrustworthy.
20060316             Langston Hughes + Walt Whitman.
20060316             1—NUMBER—OF—THE—POETS invited,
20060316             however, wanted to exploit the occasion to protest
20060316             the hostilities against IRAQ; so it was cancelled.
20060316             —REFERRED, The cancellation was, to as 1—POSTPONEMENT,
20060316             but no future date was set for the event.
20060316             —REPORTED, It was, at Freedom Forum Online that 1—SPOKESPERSON for Ms.
20060316             —EXPLAINED, BUSH had, that the symposium was not 1—APPROPRIATE—FORUM for such 1—PROTEST, commenting, "—WHILE MRS—BUSH—RESPECTS the right of all Americans to express their opinions,
20060316             she, too, has opinions and believes it would be inappropriate to turn 1—LITERARY—EVENT into 1—POLITICAL—FORUM.
20060316             —REPORTED, BOSTON Globe Online, 1—WHITE—HOUSE—STATEMENT as saying,
20060316             "It came to the attention of the 1. LADY—OFFICE that some invited guests want to turn what is intended to be 1—LITERARY—EVENT into 1—POLITICAL—FORUM.
20060316             —WHILE MRS—BUSH understands the right of all Americans to express their political views, this event was designed to celebrate poetry".
20060316             [See my commentary on this issue--
20060316             JOHN—COLLEGE—LIBRARY for the high crime of talking about GEORGE
20060316             —ARRESTED, He was, at the terminal, handcuffed, taken to the police station + detained for approximately —5—HOURS for questioning by SECRET—SERVICE—AGENTS from ALBUQUERQUE.
20060316             —ACCUSED, The police, him of making threatening remarks.
20060316             MISTER—O'CONNER says he wrote that BUSH was way OUT—OF—CONTROL.
20060316             —SPECULATED, MISTER—O'CONNER also, that he was being observed because at 1—TIME he had been involved with 1—PRO—PALESTINE—GROUP in Boulder,
20060316             COLORADO.
20060316             —ALLOWED, The chat room he was in, FACE—TO—FACE chat [via streaming video, I assume] + the woman with whom he was conversing wore 1—BUTTON saying "No war with IRAQ".
20060316             —EARLIER this same —DAY, officials at the college + at the College of SANTA—FE and SANTA—FE Community College,
20060316             had warned students and faculty that THE—FBI had been alerted to the presence of "suspicious" people on campus within the past —MONTH.
20060316             MISTER—O'CONNER has said that he is going to sue everybody involved.
20060316             [So THE—FBI was monitoring all INTERNET traffic at 3—MAJOR—SCHOOLS and had someone picked up for expressing his political opinions about BUSH as 1—SUSPICIOUS—PERSON.
20060316             Sweet.
20060316             And my friends wonder why I go ballistic over the mere ESTABLISHING—OF—SYSTEMS where shit like this is so patently 1—POTENTIAL—OF—THE—PROGRAM.
20060316             Dearborn High School junior, wore 1—TEE shirt to school with 1—PICTURE—OF—GEORGE
20060316             —FRAMED, Bush Jr, by the words INTERNATIONAL—TERRORIST.
20060316             —ORDERED, He was, to either take it off, turn it inside out, or to go home.
20060316             He opted to go home.
20060316             —OFFERED, The rationale for this move, by Dearborn Public Schools spokesman DAVE—MUSTONEN was,
20060316             "It was felt that emotions are running very high.
20060316             —POSED, The shirt, 1—POTENTIAL—DISRUPTION to the learning environment at the school.
20060316             Our number 1—OBLIGATION is to make sure we have 1—SAFE learning environment for ALL—OF—THE—STUDENTS.
20060316             Lindsey Hoganson, another —16—YEAR—OLD junior, disagrees, however:
20060316             "1—LOT—OF—PEOPLE are worried about the war.
20060316             We talk about it at school 1—LOT.
20060316             Talking about it isn't going to disturb the learning environment, because the topic's already been brought up in school".
20060316             [Smart kid.
20060316             —SUPPOSED, Smarter than the twits who are, to be seeing to her education.
20060316             The basis for this action is that approximately 55% of the 17,600 students in THE—DISTRICT—ARE—OF—ARABIC—EXTRACTION.
20060316             —EXPLAINED, What was not, in the article I saw was how MANY—OF—THOSE students are in favour of hostilities against IRAQ and how MANY—ARE against and what KIND—OF—TENSIONS there might be in the school.
20060316             Prima facie, it appears very much that school officials decided that because ARAB—AMERICANS outnumber caucasians,
20060316             then speech about AMERICA ARABIC RELATIONS should be suppressed as unpopular opinion.
20060316             The.JPG—OF—THE—TEE—SHIRT was copied from 1—WIRETAP_com article
20060316             —DESIGNED, The annual art festival is, to make students "pay attention to art" + this piece was certainly provocative.
20060316             —INTENDED, Moore had, the piece to provoke 1—ATTACK + everyone expected it.
20060316             This work was hanging in THE—MEZZANINE—OF—THE—HENRY—F—HALL—BUILDING and visitors were encouraged to comment on the work by writing with felt pens on huge SHEETS—OF—BROWN—PAPER on the floor in front of the canvas.
20060316             —RANGED, Comments, from condemnation to praise + the University received 2—OFFICIAL—COMPLAINTS;
20060316             1—OF which was filed anonymously.
20060316             —ON this —DAY the work was torn down and 1—COMMENT was written on the canvas itself, although THE—BLACK—AND—WHITE drawing itself was not defaced.
20060316             —QUOTED, ART—MATTERS—FESTIVAL—CO—PRODUCER—EMILY—PEARLMAN was, as saying, "If the artist wants to take it down, it's up to her.
20060316             It's 1—POLITICAL—STATEMENT,
20060316             saying, "—JUST so you know, we're ashamed THE—PRESIDENT—OF—USA is from TEXAS.
20060316             She said this in public the —WEEK previous to this 1. Subsequent public outcry in THE—USA included GROUPS—OF—FANS destroying Dixie Chick CDs en masse (reportedly with bulldozers) + 1—NATION—WIDE boycott by Clear Channel radio stations and possibly others.
20060316             —ON this —DAY, 1—RESOLUTION was introduced in THE—SOUTH—CAROLINA state legislature condemning her exercise in free speech.
20060316             —DEMANDED, The resolution, that the Dixie Chicks toe the party line with charity performances for service members and their families.
20060316             It passed by 1—VOTE—OF—50 - 35.
20060316             [Basically: led by REPRESENTATIVE—CATHERINE—CEIPS, 50—OF—THE—85—MEMBERS—OF—THE—SOUTH—CAROLINA legislature shit all over THE—BILL—OF—RIGHTS and the principle of free speech.
20060316             Have 1—NICE—DAY you bunch of hillbilly yokels.
20060316             And you and your cousin don't stay out too late on prom night.
20060316             Somebody explain to me why it is in THE—USA—IT takes —2—YEARS for 1—BILL to become 1—LAW but human rights violations can be passed on the same —DAY?
20060316             (Yeah, yeah.
20060316             I know that 1—RESOLUTION is essentially meaningless snivelling.
20060316             I don't care that it's meaningless snivelling, its THE—PRINCIPLE—OF—THE—THING and the principle behind this resolution is 1—OF—SUPPRESSION.) --MN]
20060316             In his lawsuit, he alleges that THE—SECRET—SERVICE is treating ANTI—BUSH—PROTESTERS unfairly.
20060316             —ALLOWED, MISTER—RUDOLPH says that BUSH supporters were, to keep their signs and remain the supposedly restricted area.
20060316             1—OF—THE—PROBLEMS is that the boundaries of restricted areas seem to be fluid and depend on where on ANY—GIVEN—SECRET—SERVICE—AGENT wants them to be.
20060316             —QUOTED, SECRET—SERVICE spokeswoman JEAN—MITCHELL was, as commenting, "We're not prejudiced against who you're protesting for or against.
20060316             —BASED, We don't designate 1—PROTEST—AREA, on the message".
20060316             This statement, however, seems to fly in THE—FACE—OF—OTHER—REPORTS about suppression of free speech by THE—SECRET—SERVICE.
20060316             The cover of 20060502             —THE—ISSUE—OF—ENTERTAINMENT—WEEKLY—FEATURES THE—3—GLORIOUSLY nude and magnificiently hot Dixie Chicks exercising their free speech rights.
20060316             As you can see, no mammilae, genitalia, or even pubic areas are exposed,
20060316             but the girls have 1—NUMBER—OF epithets, denigrations, praises + slogans stencilled on their bodies.
20060316             —CALLED, EACH—STENCIL is of something the girls have been, for MISS—MAINES having dared to commit high treason by criticizing GEORGE—BUSH—JUNIOR.
20060316             This exercise in free speech is in direct response to THE—EXERCISE—OF—CENSORSHIP being directed against them
20060316             (and is mirrored here without permission).
20060316             —MEANWHILE, DAVE—MOORE and JEFF—SINGER have been suspended by station KKCS for daring to break the censorship ban against Dixie Chicks songs.
20060316             There had been SOME—TALK about lifting the ban and THE—2—DJ—GOT impatient and jumped the gun.
20060316             —LEVIED, The punishment was, by station manager JERRY—GRANT.
20060316             [I love it —WHEN people who properly understand that the answer to free speech is more free speech put that principle into action.
20060316             Especially —WHEN they do it the way the Chicks have done here!
20060316             WHOO—HOOOO! --MN]
20060316             RUDOLPH—REQUEST for 1—INJUNCTION against THE—SECRET—SERVICE because there was insufficient evidence the agency had planned to infringe his free speech rights.
20060316             —PROMISED, They also, to reserve 1—AREA on 1—SIDEWALK about 1—BLOCK away from the entrance to the arena specifically for protesters without tickets.
20060316             The only limit THE—SECRET—SERVICE set for protesters who would be allowed inside because they have tickets is that signs must not be on pickets as THE—STICKS—OF—WOOD could be used as weapons.
20060316             [In making his decision JUDGE—PERRY said, "I have only 20021000             —THE incident to look to.
20060316             I know in the view of the plaintiff that's enough".
20060316             It's certainly enough for me, but, then, I don't sit on the bench.
20060316             I still say that THE—SECRET—SERVICE is suppressing free speech and that it is 1—CONSISTENT—PATTERN—OF—BEHAVIOUR,
20060316             but I shall have to qualify that opinion by allowing as to how is seems to be 1—GENERAL trend rather than 1 concerted movement.
20060316             Somebody needs to send a memo to all SECRET—SERVICE offices to tell all agents to be more mindful of free speech rights.
20060316             --MN] - NEBRASKA chapter.
20060316             —RELEGATED, This group was, to a "free speech zone" well away from where PRESIDENT—BUSH was to enter the Airlite Plastics Co.
20060316             plant in OMAHA—NEBRASKA on 1—VISIT on this —DAY.
20060316             —CONTACTED, The group, which had, THE—SECRET—SERVICE THE—WEEK—OF—20060504             ,
20060316             —WHEN it learned of the presidential visit, was told 20060510             —ON that their designated rally location was at the back ENTRANCE—OF—THE—PLANT;
20060316             which is 1—HALF—1—MILE away and OUT—OF—SIGHT—OF—NEWS—CAMERAS and reporters covering the event.
20060316             —QUOTED, PATRICK—PANNETT, 1—LEADER with NEBRASKA chapter, was, as saying, "There really isn't 1—VIABLE or visible opportunity for us to get our point across.
20060316             It's —JUST 1—BLATANT political move". and, "Are they going to put THE—PRO—BUSH—SUPPORTERS who didn't get tickets 1—HALF—MILE away?
20060316             I doubt it". JACK—GOULD, of Common Cause NEBRASKA, 1—POLITICAL—WATCHDOG—GROUP, commented, "They're willing to go through security.
20060316             They're not terrorists.
20060316             It's more 1—QUESTION—OF—FREEDOM—OF—SPEECH.
20060316             ANY—GROUP that's responsible and willing to go through the security and background checks should be allowed to be there.
20060316             10—DEMOCRATS and 1—TEXAS republican wrote to THE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL urging him to stop the prosecution of BRETT—BURSEY,
20060316             who was arrested —AFTER refusing to comply with directives by SECRET—SERVICE—AGENTS to retire to 1—FREE—SPEECH—ZONE
20060316             —DESIGNATED, The area, apparently, specifically for protesters, was 1—HALF—1—MILE from where the speech was delivered.
20060316             —DROPPED, Although local charges against Bursey were, FEDERAL—AUTHORITIES are still pursuing the case under 1—STATUTE that allows THE—SECRET—SERVICE to restrict access to areas —DURING 1—PRESIDENTIAL—VISIT.
20060316             [Except if they are going to restrict access to 1—GIVEN area, they have to restrict access for everyone,
20060316             not restrict only those who dissent and allow those who support.
20060316             1—FREELANCE—WRITER with Creative Loafing + independent newspaper,
20060316             he was interviewed by 2—FBI agents over 1—INCIDENT where he had been READING 1—EDITORIAL on politics.
20060316             The piece in question was HAL—CROWTHER'S
20060316             WEAPONS—OF—MASS—STUPIDITY from the Weekly Planet,
20060316             1—FREE—INDEPENDENT out of TAMPA and sister paper to Creative Loafing, which is based in ATLANTA.
20060316             MISTER—SCHULTZ wrote in his piece about the interview
20060316             that 1—AGENT said to him, "I'll tell you what, Marc.
20060316             Someone in the shop —THAT—DAY saw you READING something + thought it looked suspicious enough to call us about.
20060316             So that's why we're here, —JUST checking it out.
20060316             Like I said, there's no problem.
20060316             We'd —JUST like to get to the bottom of this.
20060316             —NOW if we can't, then you may have 1—PROBLEM. And you don't want that".
20060316             20060316             WEAPONS—OF—MASS—STUPIDITY is 1—POLITICAL—POLEMIC as much as 1—ANTI—BIASED—MEDIA—POLEMIC.
20060316             It is 1—MOST acerbic assessment of RUPERT—MURDOCH
20060316             network, as well as staff members BILL—O'REILLY and NICK—CAVUTO.
20060316             The piece mixes the 2 in that it derides FOX—NEWS for 1—BLATANT—PRO—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—BIAS in its reporting and editorial stance,
20060316             but it is also very highly critical of the posturing by GEORGE—BUSH—JUNIOR
20060316             and his administration.
20060316             Return to Chronology 20030717             20060316             They are suing THE—SECRET—SERVICE, the local SHERIFF—OFFICE, THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—SOUTH—ERN—FLORIDA + Sun Dome INCORPORATED,
20060316             Jeb BUSH, because they would not move into THE—SECRET—SERVICE designated FREE—SPEECH—ZONE.
20060316             The rally which was held at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—SOUTH—FLORIDA, was specifically to protest such zones.
20060316             This zone was about 1—HALF—1—MILE away from the event being picketed.
20060316             As is usual with such incidents, SUPPORTERS—OF—THE—PRESIDENT + in this CASE—OF—THE—GOVERNOR as well,
20060316             were allowed free access to THE—LIMITS—OF—SECURITY.
20060316             —FILED, THE—ACLU, the lawsuit in FEDERAL—COURT—IN—PENNSYLVANIA, asking THE—FEDERAL—COURTS to prevent THE—USA—SECRET—SERVICE from keeping ANTI—BUSH—PROTESTERS—FAR away from presidential appearances —WHILE allowing supporters to display their messages up close.
20060316             WITOLD—J—WALCZAK, legal director for THE—ACLU—GREATER—PITTSBURGH chapter,
20060316             commented, "The pattern we found was at presidential and vice presidential appearances,
20060316             protesters were restricted to areas where they were OUT—OF—SIGHT, out of earshot and often OUT—OF—MIND.
20060316             Protecting our nation's leaders from harm is important.
20060316             Protecting our nation's leaders from dissent is unconstitutional.
20060316             THE—4—ADVOCACY groups are: National Organization for Women;
20060316             United for Peace and Justice, 20060316             1—ANTI—WAR—GROUP;
20060316             ACORN, 1—ADVOCACY organization for LOW—AND MODERATE—INCOME—FAMILIES;
20060316             and USAction, 1—GROUP that supports universal health care and better public education and which opposes THE—IRAQ war and BUSH—TAX cuts.
20060316             [SECRET—SERVICE—SPOKESMAN—JOHN—GILL was quoted as saying, "THE—SECRET—SERVICE does not comment on pending litigation.
20060316             However, we have 1—LONG—STANDING policy of recognizing the constitutionally protected RIGHT—OF—THE—PUBLIC to demonstrate and voice their views to their elected officials.
20060316             Given the consistent PATTERN—OF—BEHAVIOUR—OF—THE—SECRET—SERVICE toward protesters and dissidents,
20060316             I consider that statement to be utter bullshit.
20060316             JUDGE—DUGGAN wrote in his ruling, "There is no evidence that THE—T—SHIRT created ANY—DISTURBANCE or disruption," and,
20060316             "The record does not reveal ANY—BASIS for (the assistant principal's) fear aside from his belief that THE—T—SHIRT conveyed 1—UNPOPULAR political message".
20060316             [In this case the message was unilaterally deemed to be unpopular by 1—REACTIONARY without ANY—INDICATION that it actually was unpopular.
20060316             The ruling does, however, support those opinions which actually are unpopular by WEIGHT—OF—NUMBERS.
20060316             --MN] - that the Unites States had employed 1—EGREGIOUS—USE—OF—POLITICAL—FORCE to get 2—CARTOONS pulled from the news service's web sites.
20060316             JOHN—R—BRADLEY, 1—MANAGING—EDITOR, WROTE—OF—THE—INCIDENT: THE—2—CARTOONS were pulled "without ANY—HESITATION" from both the Arabic and ENGLAND—LANGUAGE—WEBSITES—AFTER 1—USA—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIAL complained about them,
20060316             according to the source, who spoke on CONDITION—OF—ANONYMITY.
20060316             1—CARTOON was of SO—CALLED "green card soldiers",
20060316             young Latino men shown going through 1—IMMIGRATION—TUNNEL to emerge from the other side as USA—SOLDIERS—READY to leave for military service in IRAQ.
20060316             The other WAS—OF—THE—TWIN—TOWERS imploding + 2—GIANT—FUEL pumps rising to replace them from the ashes.
20060316             Neither cartoon is —NOW available in AL—JAZEERA websites' cartoon archive.
20060316             "The journalists on the Arabic language website didn't give 1—DAMN," the source said, "but those on THE—ENGLAND—SITE were furious.
20060316             —DISMISSED, However, their complaints were ".
20060316             —COWED, The revelation that AL—JAZEERA was so easily, by USA—PRESSURE over the "offensive" cartoons will be seen by many to undermine its combative and independent image.
20060316             According to the article of 20061004             , THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION had effected the censorship of AL—JAZEERA by threatening economic and political sanctions:
20060316             —FAILED, If AL—JAZEERA, to reconsider its news content, THE—E—MAIL reported the committee as having concluded,
20060316             THE—USA would in turn have to reconsider its relations with QATAR.
20060316             —INCLUDED, Suggestions made, THE—AL—JAZEERA journalist wrote, transferring its largest military Gulf base to another Gulf state,
20060316             minimizing its CIVIL—PRESENCE, canceling THE—50—YEAR—OLD—DEFENSE—TREATY between THE—USA—AND—QATAR + withdrawing most other USA—SUPPORT for the tiny Gulf state.
20060316             [So much for the land of the free and the home of the brave.
20060316             —ANIMATED, You can see the cartoons, in.GIF FORMAT—AT THE—MEMORY—HOLE—WEB—SITE.
20060316             He found MISTER—BURSEY GUILTY—OF—TRESPASS under 1—OBSURE and seldom invoked 19710000             law and fined him 500—DOLLARS,
20060316             but also ruled that MISTER—BURSEY would not have to pay pending his appeal.
20060316             —BASED, The conviction was, on MISTER—BURSEY—INABILITY to provide evidence in support of his contention that THE—SECRET—SERVICE had discriminated against dissidents by relegating them to 1—FREE—SPEECH—ZONE
20060316             1—HALF—1—MILE away from THE—PRESIDENT.
20060316             You can see the article at the 1. Amendment Center, of SOUTH—CAROLINA.
20060316             There are too MANY—DETAILS in this case to include them all here.
20060316             [For my money Bursey sells himself short —WHEN he says activists like MADISON and Jefferson were far braver than he is.
20060316             —SUBJECTED, WISCONSIN was, to 3—CENSORIAL actions —WHILE engaging in 1—PEACEFUL—PROTEST —DURING 1—PRESIDENTIAL motorcade.
20060316             According to the motion asking that the citation be dismissed, Mr.
20060316             VAN den Bosch was standing along 1—STREET in Platteville on this —DAY, with his sign, waiting for BUSH—MOTORCADE to pass.
20060316             Police told him he could not display the sign,
20060316             so he changed it to read, "Free Us G W", adding "End the Occupation" on the back.
20060316             1—FEW minutes —AFTER that another police officer came over and ordered him to surrender the sign.
20060316             Instead, he rolled the sign up and moved to THE—BACK—OF—THE—CROWD.
20060316             As BUSH went by he unrolled the sign and held it up, For that, the police handcuffed him and took him to the police station,
20060316             where he was photographed, fingerprinted, cited $243 for disorderly conduct + then released.
20060316             VAN den Bosch had written the letters "R E E" and "S" in tiny print + according to Platteville Police Lt.
20060316             —COMPLAINED, TOM—SCHMID, 1—BUSINESS—OWNER along the street had, about the sign.
20060316             The officers also thought children might see it.
20060316             MISTER—VAN den Bosch, 20060316             1—MEMBER—OF—THE—SOCIAL—ISSUES—GROUP—SOUTH—WEST—PEACE—FELLOWSHIP, commented about his arrest,
20060316             "It's —JUST 1—CREEPING theocratic fascism that's moving into the land here, where dissent is unpatriotic".
20060316             [Schmid is quoted as saying, "We had to take SOME—ACTION.
20060316             If we were wrong, then the citation will be voided and taken CARE—OF—THAT—WAY.
20060316             —SUPPOSED, That's the way the system is, to work.
20060316             —SUPPOSED, No, dumbass, that is not how the system is, to work.
20060316             The assumption IS—OF—INNOCENCE, not of guilt.
20060316             The way the systmem works is: —WHEN in doubt, do not arrest.
20060316             And even if 1—CHILD was to see the sign, how MANY—OF—THEM would know that F U G W stood for, "Fuck You, GEORGE W. [ BUSH ]"?
20060316             And even if they did, there are court rulings to the effect that "Fuck (this)" is protected speech.
20060316             This is 1—CLEAR and present free speech rights violation.
20060316             —SINCE the principals involved are ducking responsibility.
20060316             PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH was in Dubuque to speak at the convention center on this —DAY,
20060316             at what was billed as 1—PUBLIC—EVENT, but only SELF—PROCLAIMED BUSH supporters could get in.
20060316             Security personnel at the entrance, apparently MEMBERS—OF—THE—DUBUQUE—COUNTY—REPUBLICAN—PARTY,
20060316             asked people about their political leanings and turned away those who did not support THE—PRESIDENT.
20060316             MATTHEW—ROTHSCHILD, of the Progressive ,
20060316             (and reprinted at Common Dreams News Center)
20060316             reported the —FOLLOWING personal anecdotes by 1—FEW of those who were turned away.
20060316             BILL—WARD, member of the 45. Infantry Division —WWII—DURING:
20060316             "—WHEN I got up there, they asked to see my license and so forth + I showed it to them.
20060316             —ASKED, And then this young guy, 'Are you 1—BUSH—BACKER?'
20060316             "And I said, 'No, I didn't vote for him the 1. time + I'm not going to vote for him this time.'
20060316             "And he said, 'Get out.' - "I said, 'I don't have to take this crap.
20060316             I'm a —WWII vet.' - "He said, 'Escort him out.'
20060316             "I said, 'I don't need 1—ESCORT. I can find my way out.' (Ward proceeded right down to the offices of the Telegraph Herald. "I was teed off," he says.)
20060316             NICK—LUCY, VIETNAM veteran and past COMMANDER—OF—THE—AMERICA—LEGION in Dubuque;
20060316             "I blow taps 2 or 3—TIMES —1—WEEK for veterans":
20060316             "1—OF—MY—REPUBLICAN friends, 1—PROMINENT—BUSINESSMAN, gave me 2—TICKETS," he recalls.
20060316             "I promised to go because I've seen almost EVERY—PRESIDENT—SINCE—JOHNSON".
20060316             But once he got to the checkpoint, the security staff said, "You're name is not on the list," he says.
20060316             —EXPLAINED, Lucy, who had given him the tickets + he suggested that the security staff call up his Republican friend then and there.
20060316             "I don't care who you want me to call," 1—OF—THE—SECURITY—PEOPLE said, according to Lucy.
20060316             —WHEN Lucy tried to take the man's picture, "he put his notebook in front of his face," Lucy says.
20060316             And then the man told the police to get him out of there, Lucy recalls.
20060316             —DENIED, JAN—OSWALD and 3—OTHER—MEMBERS—OF—WOMEN in Black were also, entrance, even though they had proper tickets:
20060316             "I went the —MORNING they were giving out tickets," she says.
20060316             "It was a 2—AND—A—HALF—HOUR wait in the Dubuque Building, which is downtown".
20060316             The screening process was obvious, she recalls.
20060316             "Everyone was being asked whether they supported THE—PRESIDENT,
20060316             or were they registered Republicans, or would they put up 1—SIGN in their yard or 1—STICKER in their car," she says.
20060316             But for SOME—REASON, —WHEN she got to THE—FRONT—OF—THE—LINE, the woman handing out tickets let her buy 4—OF—THEM without ANY—QUESTIONS asked,
20060316             except for the names and phone numbers of all 4—WOMEN, Oswald says.
20060316             "We walked up to the check people + we had our drivers' licenses out and the tickets, so they looked up our names and they said we were on the list to get in.
20060316             But then 1—GENTLEMAN said, 'You do not look like THE—KIND—OF—PEOPLE who are here for the right reasons,'" she recalls.
20060316             "I responded, 'You know, I'm 1—AMERICAN.
20060316             I've got 1—TICKET that matches.
20060316             I have identification + I want to see THE—PRESIDENT.'
20060316             "The man said, 'This is a private affair.
20060316             You are not welcome.' At that point, he ripped up our tickets".
20060316             MATT—TREWARTHA, student of political science at NORTH—EAST—IOWA Community College:
20060316             —WHILE there, he acknowledged to another person in line that he was not 1—REPUBLICAN or 1—BUSH—SUPPORTER but nor was he 1—KERRY supporter.
20060316             —WHEN he got to the front, he was told he would not be able to get 1—TICKET—BECAUSE—OF—THE—COMMENT he made about not supporting BUSH, he says.
20060316             "I'm a —19—YEAR—OLD—POLITICAL—SCIENCE—MAJOR + I thought it would be 1—ONCE in 1—LIFETIME opportunity to see THE—PRESIDENT in my hometown," he says he told the ticket people.
20060316             But to no avail.
20060316             —ASKED, Trewartha then, what he was supposed to do about THE—3—TICKETS he was trying to buy for his friends.
20060316             "Well, as long as they're BUSH supporters they can come on down and get their own tickets," the man told him, according to Trewartha.
20060316             —DECIDED, TREWARTHA—PROFESSOR—OF—USA—HISTORY, RALPH—SCHARNAU, upon hearing of his troubles, to give him 1—OF—HIS—OWN—TICKETS.
20060316             "THE—DAY—BEFORE the event, I went back to the same office and explained the situation and asked whether I could transfer the names on the tickets," Trewartha says.
20060316             "And they said it was absolutely no problem.
20060316             But then someone came out and said, 'Sir, you look familiar.
20060316             You were here —MONDAY.
20060316             And you couldn't get 1—TICKET then + you can't get 1—NOW.
20060316             I said, 'Can I at least have my ticket back so I can give it back to my professor?' And she said no".
20060316             ARTHUR—ROCHE, coordinator of Dubuque Peace and Justice:
20060316             —WAITED, He also, in line —FOR—2—HOURS to get his ticket.
20060316             Unlike Trewartha, he got 1—TICKET.
20060316             But he did not gain entry into the event.
20060316             "As I was approaching the gate, 1—GUY said, 'You need to have your ID and your ticket out,' so I did that + the woman asked to see them,
20060316             so I gave them both to her," Roche explains. "She raised her eyebrows —WHEN she saw my name + she said,
20060316             '—JUST 1—MOMENT please,' and walked about 20—FEET away to confer with 3—MEN.
20060316             She and 1 or 2—OF—THOSE guys came back over to me and said, 'Sir, you're not invited.
20060316             You'll have to leave.' She handed me my driver's license and my ticket back + then 1—OF—THE—GUYS grabbed the ticket out of my hand,
20060316             tore it in half + threw it in the garbage".
20060316             Roche says he tried to retrieve it, but the man said, "You can't have that.
20060316             That's our property. You'll need to leave —NOW".
20060316             20060316             THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—DUBUQUE—COUNTY—REPUBLICAN—PARTY,
20060316             —QUOTED, STEVE—BATEMAN said the screening policy was not his idea + is, "I wasn't in CHARGE—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH coming to Dubuque.
20060316             THE—BUSH—CAMPAIGN ran the event.
20060316             THE—BUSH—CAMPAIGN did not return phone calls for comment.
20060316             [And you were —JUST—FOLLOWING orders in perpetrating this wholesale civil liberties violation,
20060316             so you consider yourself blameless, right?
20060316             Ever hear of the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials? --MN]
20060316             Hate BUSH to THE—PRESIDENT—4. of ;;07;; speech in CHARLESTON.
20060316             —BILLED, Because it was, as 1—OFFICIAL—PRESIDENTIAL—APPEARANCE and not 1—CAMPAIGN stop,
20060316             —TRIED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE, to keep people from bringing political paraphernalia into the event;
20060316             That's either for or against.
20060316             —MANAGED, People, to slip campaign buttons and political T—SHIRTS into the event anyway;
20060316             the Ranks wore shirts over their ANTI—BUSH T—SHIRTS —WHEN they went through THE—SECRET—SERVICE—SECURITY—CHECK.
20060316             The police did let SOME—PEOPLE who brought political items stay for the speech, including 2—CHILDREN who wore ANTI—BUSH—SHIRTS to the speech.
20060316             —ASKED, Others, however, were, by WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS to cover up or leave,
20060316             including 6—PEOPLE sporting items supporting THE—PRESIDENT—RE—ELECTION—BID, Gross said.
20060316             —APPROACHED, THE—RANKS were, by 1—EVENT—STAFF—MEMBER who told them to cover their ANTI—BUSH T—SHIRTS or leave.
20060316             —WHEN they refused, the staff called the police and they were handcuffed, escorted OUT—OF—THE—EVENT + ticketed for trespassing.
20060316             —AFTER court opened for business at 7:30 a.m. on this —DAY, assistant City Attorney Dolores Martin dismissed the charges against the Ranks because city code does not cover trespassing on Statehouse grounds.
20060316             [Core political speech is not allowed at political events.
20060316             HOW—THAT again?
20060316             Boy, I'd like to know how long that policy has been place.
20060316             —PLEDGED, Both GEORGE—BUSH and JOHN—KERRY, they will not require "loyalty oaths" from those wishing to attend future appearances in WEST—VIRGINIA.
20060316             —REFUSED, SOME—RESIDENTS—OF—NEW—MEXICO were, tickets to hear THE—VICE—PRESIDENT speak at 1—EVENT—NEAR—ALBUQUERQUE,
20060316             —DURING THE—LAST—WEEK—OF—JUL, unless they signed 1—OATH that they "endorse GEORGE—W—BUSH for RE—ELECTION".
20060316             Whereas there will be no such pledges in W.VIRGINIA, NEW—MEXICO GOP officials reportedly said they plan to require signed loyalty pledges at future BUSH—CHENEY campaign events + apparently stated that they are meant to curb demonstrations by ANTI—BUSH—ACTIVISTS;
20060316             in short: the purpose of the oaths is to specifically violate free speech provisions.
20060316             "If we feel our event will get disrupted again, we will use the same method to make sure it's 1—POSITIVE—EVENT".
20060316             WISCONSIN, will pay $12,086.45—THROUGH its insurer to settle THE—FEDERAL—FREE—SPEECH—VIOLATION—CLAIM filed on BEHALF—OF—FRANK—VAN den Bosch.
20060316             The stipulation that led to the dismissal is 1—RELEASE—OF—ALL—CLAIMS—OF—LIABILITY.
20060316             The charge of disorderly conduct, with its attendant fine of 243—DOLLARS had already been dismissed.
20060316             Police CHIEF—EARL—HERNANDEZ said his officers were responding to 1—COMPLAINT and had no choice but to issue the citation:
20060316             "The way our ordinance was written + it has —SINCE changed, 1—COMPLAINT from 1—PERSON is enough for us to respond + we had about 6—COMPLAINTS.
20060316             —ALLOWED, The law had not, for ANY—LATITUDE.
20060316             That ordinance has —SINCE been rewritten to allow responding officers 1—DEGREE—OF—DISCRETION.
20060316             —BARRED, Once again THE—SECRET—SERVICE summarily, private citizens who had already gotten tickets from attending 1—CAMPAIGN—EVENT.
20060316             This is the 3. such incident in WEST—VIRGINIA alone.
20060316             Students JEFF—ROGERS and Jessica Williams,
20060316             both of Wheeling, got tickets for this rally from 1—FRIEND, but —WHEN they got to the ticket table 1—SECRET—SERVICE—AGENT said he believed Rogers worked for KERRY—ADVANCE—TEAM,
20060316             which Rogers denies, although he had interned with THE—OHIO—COUNTY—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY.
20060316             —UNDECIDED, MISS—WILLIAMS was.
20060316             THE—2—THOUGHT they would compare BUSH—SPEECH with what they'd heard from Kerry on his ;;07;;
20060316             31—VISIT to the city.
20060316             —QUOTED, MISTER—ROGERS is, "I was —JUST there to listen
20060316             and get 1—PERSPECTIVE—OF what he thinks about the issues.
20060316             Neither 1—OF—USA was going to cause ANY—DISTURBANCE.
20060316             We were —JUST going to respectfully listen + afterward,
20060316             process through what we agreed with and disagreed with". He is further quoted, "They said, 'We're not going to let you in.
20060316             NICE try, though.'"
20060316             A separate incident along the same lines ended differently, however.
20060316             —EJECTED, JOHN—PRATHER was briefly, from the rally but then allowed to return.
20060316             The source article WROTE—OF—THE—INCIDENT thusly: Prather was removed from 1—BUSH—RALLY in CAMBRIDGE,
20060316             OHIO, on ;;07;; 31 and came to the Wheeling event to find out whether he had been blacklisted.
20060316             He stood quietly in line with no campaign memorabilia, wearing 1—T—SHIRT with the phrase, "D is for Democracy".
20060316             But once inside, 1—CAMPAIGN volunteer found him.
20060316             "He asked whether I was 1—BUSH—SUPPORTER.
20060316             I said no + he said, 'This is 1—BUSH—RALLY.
20060316             We don't want other people here'" The volunteer then took his ticket.
20060316             —ASKED, Outside, the volunteer, a SECRET—SERVICE agent where to send protesters.
20060316             —ASKED, THE—SECRET—SERVICE—PERSON, me, 'Are you leaving of your own accord?'" "I said, no + he said, 'Escort him —BACK—IN.'" This incident was attributed to 1—OVERZEALOUS volunteer.
20060316             —VISITED, He was, by THE—SECRET—SERVICE—AFTER neighbors complained about 1—ANTI—BUSH sticker on his car.
20060316             —PRINTED, The decal, which Kjar, from 1—WEB—SOURCE, had 1—CARTOONISH—DEPICTION—OF—BUSH—HEAD wearing 1—CROWN,
20060316             with the words, "GEORGE—KING—OF— -- off with his head".
20060316             Special agent Lon Garner,
20060316             who is in CHARGE—OF—THE—SERVICE—DENVER field office, confirmed the investigation + said agents had ruled out 1—THREAT to THE—PRESIDENT.
20060316             —REPORTED, He said it was the agency's job to investigate all, threats to figures under SECRET—SERVICE—PROTECTION -- including Democratic candidate JOHN—KERRY + is quoted,
20060316             "We are bound by law. We take them very seriously, regardless of who the protectee is".
20060316             [Having been 1—SECURITY—AGENT—FOR—9—YEARS I can fully agree with and support law enforcement attitudes towards taking all threats seriously.
20060316             What I take exception with is that these neighbours who essentially turned in 1—FALSE—ALARM do not seem to have been chastised for abuse of due process.
20060316             To be fair: at bottom, 1 would have to apply the reasonable person standard in ANY—TRIAL against someone making baseless accusations about ANTI—BUSH—PROPONENTS.
20060316             —ON the flip side, trying SOME—KNEE—JERK reactionary for making such accusations would have the same chilling effect
20060316             —ON those who would be honest whistleblowers that violating press confidentiality would have.
20060316             This SORT—OF—THING, however, is 1—PERFECT—EXAMPLE—OF why THE—TIPS program
20060316             would never have worked.
20060316             —EXPLOITED, Too MANY—PEOPLE would have, it to turn in dissenters.
20060316             I predict that if BUSH is RE—ELECTED, there will be 1—INCREASE in such incidents.
20060316             It's 1—SAFE bet, because, 1: there will certainly be more ANTI—BUSH—PROTEST;
20060316             2: SOME—BUSH—SUPPORTERS will be emboldened by 1—SENSE—OF—SECURITY.
20060316             —FILED, This couple, 1—FEDERAL—LAWSUIT alleging their 1. Amendment rights were violated at 20060704             —THE event from which they were removed in handcuffs.
20060316             NICOLE—RANK—SHIRT had the words "Love AMERICA, Hate BUSH " on the back and JEFF—RANK'S had "Regime change starts at home" on the back.
20060316             —FILED, Their lawsuit was, in FEDERAL—COURT—IN—CHARLESTON by THE—USA—CIVIL—LIBERTIES—UNION + names as defendants:
20060316             The couple is asking that ANY—POLICY that led to their arrest be declared unconstitutional + are seeking unspecified monetary damages for emotional harm.
20060316             Spokesmen for THE—SECRET—SERVICE and THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE refused to comment, both saying their agencies did not comment on ongoing litigation.
20060316             —APOLOGIZED, THE—CHARLESTON—CITY—COUNCIL and Mayor DANNY—JONES have publicly, to the Ranks.
20060316             —ARRESTED, Mayor Jones has said the police officers who, the Ranks were told to do so by SECRET—SERVICE—AGENTS.
20060316             1—SPOKESMAN for THE—SECRET—SERVICE, CHARLES—BOPP, had previously said the agency did not direct the arrests.
20060316             The event was not 1—CAMPAIGN—EVENT, but 1—OFFICIAL—VISIT.
20060316             JUL, —WHEN PRESIDENT—BUSH was in PENNSYLVANIA, enroute to LANCASTER County,
20060316             6—MEN stripped down to thong underwear and formed 1—HUMAN—PYRAMID on the motorcade route to protest THE—ABU—GHRAIB prison scandal in IRAQ.
20060316             The men said they were trying to shame THE—PRESIDENT—BY—RE—CREATING 1—IMAGE of naked prisoners who had been forced to assume 1—SIMILAR—POSITION by USA—SOLDIERS in ABU—GHRAIB.
20060316             —CONVICTED, If, they face 1—MAXIMUM—PENALTY—OF—90—DAYS in jail and a $300—FINE [apiece?].
20060316             —COMMENTED, Paula Knudsen, THE—ACLU attorney who will defend them, "THE—1.—AMENDMENT protects MANY—TYPES—OF—SPEECH.
20060316             —PROTECTED, What the defendants did in this case was clearly, by the 1. Amendment,
20060316             even though SOME—PEOPLE found it offensive".
20060316             [It is not entirely clear from the source article from what that charge stems exactly.
20060316             It seems that particular charge might have been laid because SOME—PEOPLE might have been offended by the thongs,
20060316             which would cover only the pubis in front, but leave the cheeks of the buttocks fully exposed.
20060316             —WHILE leaving little to the imagination, the strategic areas would still have been covered.
20060316             reported that charges against the Smoketown 6 had simply been dropped.
20060316             —DROPPED, LANCASTER COUNTY—REPUBLICAN district attorney, the charges, declaring that their "symbolic conduct" was protected by the 1. Amendment.
20060316             The article looks at the tactic of arresting protesters and then never bringing them to trial.
20060316             CHRISTOPHER—HANSEN, 1—ACLU lawyer who tracks arrests and removals, is quoted, "EVERY—PRESIDENT wants to suppress speech at 1—POINT or another.
20060316             That said, the incidents seem to be more numerous this time —AROUND.
20060316             —ILLUSTRTED, It also, some of the ducking responsibility that goes on over incidents such as those chronicled here.
20060316             1—SPOKESMAN said that THE—SECRET—SERVICE strives to stay OUT—OF—ANY—CONFRONTATIONS or disputes that do not involve 1—SECURITY—THREAT and that the agency is often wrongly identified as being involved in arrests.
20060316             "As long as there's no security threat, the responsibility for removing someone from the site is THE—RESPONSIBILITY—OF—THE—SITE—SPONSOR," said spokesman TOM—MAZUR.
20060316             At the very least, local agencies would take their cue for enforcement from THE—SECRET—SERVICE and react accordingly + THE—SECRET—SERVICE will always err on the side of protecting THE—PRESIDENT.
20060316             —DURING THE—WEEK—OF—07—20061113             , at Boulder High School (COLORADO),
20060316             1—IMPROMPTU BAND—OF—STUDENTS and 1—TEACHER was rehearsing BOB—DYLAN—VIETNAM—ERA—PROTEST—SONG "MASTERS—OF—WAR" for 1—TALENT show scheduled for 20061112            .
20060316             20060316             1 unidentified student misheard the song lyrics and claimed that the group had modified the lyrics to:
20060316             "GEORGE—BUSH, I hope that you die/And your death will come soon.
20060316             —PHONED, She told her mother, who, it in to 1—RADIO—TALK—SHOW + that brought THE—SECRET—SERVICE down on the group.
20060316             —CHANGED, The group, its name from "TALI—BANNED" to "Coalition of the Willing" under the urging of the faculty,
20060316             but it was reported on this —DAY that THE—SECRET—SERVICE—INVESTIGATION was continuing even though it was clear that the "threat" was simply misunderstood lyrics and the talent show was over and done with on the previous —FRIDAY—EVENING.
20060316             SAVE AMERICA!.._com.
20060316             1—QUICK—GUIDE—TO—AVOIDING—PROBLEMS—AT THE—POLLS—BEFORE you go to the polls:
20060316             Find your correct polling place. Click here: www.
20060316             20060316             Stevens und sein Team verglichen die Probe aus VIETNAM —NUN mit älteren Viren.
20060316             In der aktuellen Ausgabe des Fachmagazins "Science" schreiben sie,
20060316             dass das Hämagglutinin des VIETNAM—VIRUS dem im Erreger von 19180000             und anderer menschlicher Viren —BEREITS ähnlicher ist als einer H5-Variante,
20060316             die 19970000             bei einer vogelgrippekranken Ente isoliert worden war.
20060316             Nur diese 3—OBERFLÄCHENPROTEINE sind bislang bei menschlichen Grippeerregern AUFGETRETEN—UNTER anderem in den 3—GROSSEN Grippepandemien des 19010101—20001231    —CENTURY:
20060316             H1N1 bei der SPANIEN—GRIPPE 19180000             ,
20060316             Ein bestimmtes Merkmal des Erregers ist vergleichbaren Viren einer Menschengrippe —BEREITS ähnlicher,
20060316             als —BISHER angenommen, so das Ergebnis.
20060316             Die Vogelgrippe ist noch immer 1—TIERSEUCHE.
20060316             Allerdings fanden Wissenschaftler —JETZT heraus:
20060316             Das Protein, das dem H5N1-Virus das Andocken an menschliche Zellen ermöglicht, ist dem von anderen PANDEMIE—VIREN viel ähnlicher als gedacht.
20060316             Mit IHREN—NACH menschlichen MAßSTÄBEN—UNGLAUBLICH schnellen Reproduktionszyklen führen Viren Evolution auf der Überholspur vor.
20060316             Binnen weniger —JAHRE können sie durch Mutation und Selektionsdruck ganz neue Eigenschaften erlangen.
20060316             Welche, lässt sich nur schwer vorhersagen.
20060316             Deshalb vergleichen Virologen die Entwicklung aktueller Virenstämme mit der Evolution älterer Erreger.
20060316             Gepräche über Lage im IRAK: IRAN und USA wollen Atomfrage ausklammern
20060316             GROSSBRITANNIEN: LABOUR—SPONSOREN bringen Blair in Bedrängnis
20060316             —GEDACHT, VIREN—EVOLUTION: H5N1 ähnelt PANDEMIE—VIREN stärker als
20060316             USA—GROßOFFENSIVE: "Operation Schwärmer" soll Sarkawis Qaida besiegen
20060316             Affenzirkus in JOHANNESBURG: Pavian turnt auf Hochhäusern
20060316             Um diese Muster überhaupt formen zu können, benötigte er —ZUNÄCHST einen Untergrund, vergleichbar einer Leinwand.
20060316             Dazu legte er einen einzigen langen DNA—STRANG in gleichmäßigen Abständen geknickt aneinander,
20060316             so dass er eine quadratische Fläche bildete.
20060316             Um das Molekül in dieser Form zu halten, benutzte Rothemund kleinere DNA—SCHNIPSEL.
20060316             Sie fungieren als Kleber oder Tacker an den Knickstellen.
20060316             Auch beim Auftragen von Mustern, vergleichbar der Farbe eines Malers,
20060316             machte sich der Wissenschaftler 1—EIGENSCHAFT—VON—DNA zu nutze:
20060316             Sie lässt sich beliebig falten und knicken.
20060316             So befestigte er Halteschnipsel auf dem Untergrund, an denen sich dann ein weiterer DNA—STRANG ANLAGERTE—UND die gewünschten Figuren bildete.
20060316             Verlassenes Land, verlorenes Land: Polinnen als letzte Hoffnung
20060316             Aufbahrung im Museum: Anhänger nahmen Abschied von Milosevic
20060316             —VERDREIFACHT, Flugzeugunglücke: ZAHL—DER—TOTEN im Linienverkehr
20060316             Militäroffensive im IRAK: USA—ARMEE startet größten Luftangriff —SEIT dem Krieg
20060316             100—DOLLAR—LAPTOP: Gates verhöhnt Rechner für arme Kinder
20060316             Häftlingsbrief im Wortlaut: "Nehmt etwas von meinem Blut"
20060316             GUANTANAMO: Hilferuf vor dem 10. Selbstmordversuch
20060316             Eklat im Parlament: Linkspartei mit Streikwesten im BUNDESTAG
20060316             NETZWELT—TICKER: Google News zeigt falsche Googlenews
20060316             DNA—ORIGAMI: AMERIKA auf Virengröße GESCHRUMPFT—VOGELGRIPPE—GESCHÄFT: Der Hühnertöter
20060316             USA—UNTERNEHMEN: Bessere Noten für Standort D
20060316             Vogelgrippe: H5N1 breitet sich in armen Ländern aus
20060316             Atomstreit: IRAN will mit WASHINGTON verhandeln
20060316             —GEFUNDEN, AFGHANISTAN: Leichen von ECOLOG—MITARBEITERN
20060316             Enron: EX—BUCHHALTERIN wirft Management "SCHEIN—UNTERSUCHUNG" vor
20060316             Spamlyrik: Die schönsten Maschinengedichte
20060316             Todesschwadronen im IRAK: Die Killer von Bagdad
20060316             Rußpartikelfilter: Fragezeichen im Nebel
20060316             Sollte es bei dem Ausschluss bleiben, erwägt die Staatsanwaltschaft offenbar, nicht mehr länger an ihrer Forderung nach der Todesstrafe festzuhalten.
20060316             "Nach Ihrer —ENTSCHEIDUNG wissen wir ehrlich gesagt nicht, ob es sich für uns überhaupt noch lohnt weiterzumachen",
20060316             sagte Chefankläger ROBERT—SPENCER am Dienstagabend bei einer Telefonkonferenz mit Richterin Brinkema,
20060316             weiteren Staatsanwälten und dem Verteidiger EDWARD—MACMAHON, wie aus einer —GESTERN veröffentlichten Transkription hervorging.
20060316             In dem bislang einzigen USA—VERFAHREN um die Terroranschläge des 20010911             geht es nur noch um das Strafmaß,
20060316             da Moussaoui —BEREITS gestanden hatte, von den Anschlagsplänen gewusst zu haben.
20060316             Die Anklage fordert Todesstrafe wegen Beihilfe zum 3000fachen Mord:
20060316             Sie will nachweisen, dass der —BEREITS—3—WOCHEN vor dem 11. ;;09;;
20060316             festgenommene Franzose mit einer rechtzeitigen Enthüllung des Komplotts den Behörden hätte helfen können, die Anschläge zu verhindern.
20060316             Military launches largest air assault —SINCE the invasion of IRAQ nearly —3—YEARS—AGO.
20060316             Winning hearts and minds by blowing them to pieces.
20060316             SENATOR—HARKIN: "We have 1—PRESIDENT who likes to break things.
20060316             He has broken THE—FEDERAL—BUDGET, running up $3—TRILLION in new debt.
20060316             He has broken THE—GENEVA—CONVENTIONS, giving the green light to torture.
20060316             He has repeatedly broken promises ?
20060316             and broken faith ? with THE—USA—PEOPLE.
20060316             And —NOW, worst of all, he has broken the law".
20060316             Busheviks Bang the "Bomb IRAN" Drums.
20060316             They've Got it Timed to Reverse the Democratic Trend in THE—MID—TERM—ELECTIONS.
20060316             "N" is Very Close to "Q" You Know.
20060316             —INSPIRED, Republican attacks on "activist judges" have, multiple death threats against SUPREME—COURT—JUSTICES.
20060316             THE—BUZZFLASH—MAILBAG -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
20060316             House Leaders Propose New Ethics Rules.
20060316             Actually, they —JUST want to stop GEORGE—SOROS' assistance to progressive causes.
20060316             It's not really about ethics.
20060316             Republicans in Congress have no ethics.
20060316             They wouldn't no 1—ETHICAL—IDEA if -- like SOME—LOBBYISTS -- it HOT—TUBBED with TOM—DELAY—DAUGHTER.
20060316             "—WHEN it comes to deficits, this PRESIDENT owns all the records," said Minority Leader HARRY—REID, D—NEVADA 3/17
20060316             MICHAEL—WINSHIP: Bush Visits My Hometown -- You Got Trouble,
20060316             My Friends! -- 1—BUZZFLASH—GUEST—CONTRIBUTION
20060316             GAO Audit: Millions Wasted on Katrina Response by FEMA.
20060316             Why does MICHAEL—CHERTOFF still have 1—JOB?
20060316             "...if JUDGE—DAVID—TRAGER—RULING is upheld in 1—APPEAL to THE—SUPREME—COURT,
20060316             THE—CIA and other USA—OFFICIALS will be told 'they have 1—GREEN—LIGHT to do to others what they did to Arar' ?- no matter what INTERNATIONAL or USA—LAWS are violated in THE—NAME—OF—NATIONAL—SECURITY".
20060316             Frightening.
20060316             In which case, we have 1—PRECEDENT that adds SOME—WEIGHT to my theory as to what MZM and Foxcom have been up to.
20060316             Much spook lore revolves —AROUND THE—PROMIS software, 1—CASE—MANAGEMENT—SYSTEM which was once used widely in various intelligence and police agencies.
20060316             GORDON—THOMAS' biography of ROBERT—MAXWELL tells the story of how the Israelis got hold of PROMIS + engineered a "back door" into the software;
20060316             they then found ways to make sure that the intelligence services of MANY—NATIONS (CHINA, GREAT—BRITAIN, AUSTRALIA, CANADA, even THE—USSR) got hold of and used this reconfigured program.
20060316             Whatever they heard, Mossad overheard.
20060316             Well, ANY—NUMBER—OF entities within the government might have wanted to do such 1—THING.
20060316             CIFA has also spent SOME—TIME keeping TRACK—OF—THE—ANTI—BUSH blogosphere.
20060316             Hi, boys!
20060316             —UNCOVERED, THE—TPM—MUCKRAKER has, SOME—INTERESTING background on MZM,
20060316             the "other" company that bribed DUKE—CUNNINGHAM.
20060316             (MZM is THE—1—THAT seems to have actually done stuff -- as opposed to the Wilkes empire, which was largely 1—SERIES—OF—FALSE—FRONTS.)
20060316             If we can tie Magdy EL—AMIR to Atta (and evidence does indeed point in that direction), then THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION will face its worst scandal yet.
20060316             Even THE—RED—STATERS might awaken from their intellectual slumber if they learn that BUSH appointed as Homeland Security Director the lawyer for 1—OF—MOHAMMED—ATTA—CO—CONSPIRATORS.
20060316             3. UNDERSECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE for Intelligence STEPHEN—CAMBONE told the House Armed Services Committee
20060316             THE—DEPARTMENT undertook its recent review of Able Danger in good faith and with due diligence.
20060316             No chart or charts with MOHAMMED—ATTA—NAME or photo have been found.
20060316             —ANNOUNCED, THE—DEFENSE—DEPARTMENT, its findings on
20060316             Most of the latest stories do not mention him -- or the harrassment he has undergone —SINCE going public -- although this column
20060316             in THE—WASHINGTON—POST—RESORTS to smears and NAME—CALLING:
20060316             —OFFERED, And then there's Shaffer, who, 1—RAMBLING, paranoid, messianic story in his testimony claiming again not only THE—EXISTENCE—OF—THE—CHART,
20060316             but also Defense Department efforts at COVER—UP and retribution against him for revealing THE—TRUTH.
20060316             —JUST read SHAFFER—TESTIMONY and you'll see what I mean.
20060316             He is his own worst enemy.
20060316             I don't think SHAFFER—HISTORICAL—ALLUSIONS serve his purposes;
20060316             even so, this testimony hardly seems paranoid or messianic -- especially if you compare it to, say, OLIVER—NORTH—BLATHERINGS—BEFORE THE—IRAN/contra committee.
20060316             The current news stories do not mention the confirmation Shaffer received.
20060316             Of course, more than 1—PERSON saw the picture + defense contractor J.D. Smith recognized ATTA—PICTURE on the chart by his distinctive cheekbones.
20060316             —INDICATED, Weldon had previously, that the picture stood out because lawyers had put yellow stickies over it,
20060316             1—ODD thing to do if the picture didn't exist.
20060316             The reason they put the stickies over it + the whole basis for WELDON—ORIGINAL—COMMENTS,
20060316             was that they were using legal technicalities to thwart THE—PENTAGON—EFFORTS to prevent 1—TERRORIST—ATTACK.
20060316             —BASED, The legal technicalitites were, on the fact that ATTA—GREEN—CARD—STATUS protected him from further investigation,
20060316             WHICH—OF—COURSE meant that they had to know who Atta was, know he had 1—GREEN—CARD + know that the picture they were covering with stickies was 1—PICTURE—OF—ATTA.
20060316             The great virtue of such 1—TACTIC is that if 1—FAKE story falls APART—OR if 1—TRUE—STORY proves embarrassing + needs to be reeled —BACK—IN—ALL blame will go to Weldon.
20060316             Not to his informants.
20060316             —UNRAVELED, The media tells us that the Able Danger tale has, -- + sure enough, CURT—WELDON finds himself on the business END—OF—MANY—1—ACCUSATORY finger.
20060316             It's all his fault.
20060316             The only thing that stinks worse than my vegetable bin is the latest attempt to spin away the Able Danger claim.
20060316             For those of you who do not recall, Able Danger was THE—NAME—OF—THE—PENTAGON "data mining" unit which
20060316             Neuer Menschenrechtsbeauftragter Nooke: "Wenigstens einer hat es geschafft"
20060316             —PROFITIERT, JERICHO—EFFEKT: KADIMA—PARTEI, von Gefängniserstürmung
20060316             Kommunikation: Frosch quakt in Ultraschall
20060316             Dinosaurier: Computer macht Tyrannosaurus Beine
20060316             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Nichts formulieren, was die Hoffnung tötet"
20060316             Profitschub: ALLIANZ—CHEF verdient 5—MILLIONEN Euro
20060316             Verbalattacken: Rice nennt IRAN Zentralbanker des TERRORISMUS—ISRAEL and USA are Above Law?:
20060316             "ISRAEL subjected USA—DETAINEES to traumas':
20060316             —SUFFERED, Americans have repeatedly, physical + psychological trauma —WHILE detained by ISRAEL—SECURITY—FORCES,
20060316             1—USA—COURT was told —TUESDAY—DURING 1—HEARING about the alleged torture of 1—MAN accused of funnelling money to Hamas.
20060316             We WARNED—OF—PRISON—ATTACK, says ISRAEL: -
20060316             —PULLED, UK and USA told what to expect if they, OUT—LEBANON—FORCES stifle ANTI—USA—PROTEST:
20060316             A PALESTINE—VIEW: A practical guide to a successful nonviolent strategy
20060316             Packed Finkelstein talk draws 'real outrage':
20060316             Finkelstein, the son of 2—HOLOCAUST survivors who teaches political science at DePaul UNIVERSITY—IN—CHICAGO,
20060316             spoke about his views of the "fabricated, concocted, illegitimate" ISRAELI—ARAB conflict, —WHILE outside at least 150—MEMBERS—OF—THE—LOCAL—JEWISH—COMMUNITY quietly protested the event.
20060316             PRO—ISRAEL—ACTIVISTS—BLOCK—USA—TRAVEL Reform:
20060316             —PLAYED, Jewish organizations, 1—LEADING role in defeating the effort,
20060316             launched in response to THE—JACK—ABRAMOFF lobbying scandal, to ban privately funded trips for MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS.
20060316             USA—VOTES—AGAINST UNITED—NATIONS Human Rights Council:
20060316             The new Human Rights Council is meant to replace the
20060316             AMERICA can't block UN—NEW—HUMAN—RIGHTS—BODY:
20060316             AGAINST strong USA—OPPOSITION THE—UNITED—NATIONS has overwhelmingly voted to establish 1—NEW—BODY to promote human rights —AROUND the world.
20060316             Von allen für alle.
20060316             Wird mit digg_com und Konsorten —JETZT der Traum wahr, den man bei indymedia _org zu träumen begonnen hat?
20060316             Nachrichten. -Such declaration OCCURRED—ON-.
20060316             20060316             Reversing the old order, we are —NOW in the "Sitzkrieg", to be followed shortly by 1—AERIAL "Blitzkrieg" in the coming days.
20060316             —DECLARED, In the old days, Congress, war + directed the Executive to take action.
20060316             —DECLARED, In the new millenium, the Executive, war last 20060316             ., then Congress will pass H.R. 282,
20060316             "To hold the current regime in IRAN accountable for its threatening behavior + to support 1—TRANSITION to democracy in IRAN".
20060316             This bill + previous ones like it are in direct violation of the legally binding ALGIERS Accords[pdf] signed by THE—USA + IRAN on
20060316             -conservative pundit Dick Morris told SEAN—HANNITY—THINGS were going better than people thought in IRAQ,
20060316             arguing "what is going on is not 1—CIVIL—WAR".
20060316             —NOW, Morris believes that there is civil war
20060316             in IRAQ but argues that it's 1—GOOD thing.
20060316             Appearing on THE—O'REILLY—FACTOR last night, Morris said "1—CIVIL—WAR is progress, because it means it's no longer 1—WAR against us".
20060316             1—RECENT—UNITED—NATIONS report found that over 14,000 civilians have been killed
20060316             in IRAQ —DURING the 1. HALF—OF—THIS —YEAR.
20060316             O'REILLY: It also knocked IRAQ off the front page.
20060316             MORRIS: Yeah, well, that's true.
20060316             But you know in IRAQ, the casualties are dropping, THE—USA—CASUALTIES are dropping.
20060316             O'REILLY: USA—CASUALTIES, right.
20060316             CIVILIANS—BECAUSE it's —NOW 1—CIVIL—WAR.
20060316             † —AFTER Zarqawi was killed, the insurgency fell down.
20060316             MORRIS: What we don't understand is in IRAQ, 1—CIVIL—WAR is progress, because it means it's no longer 1—WAR against us.
20060316             O'REILLY: I don't know, it's such 1—MESS in there.
20060316             THE—CIA + Nazi...
20060316             PC WORLD—PROTECT Technology, Says Cybersecurity TSAR...
20060316             of prominent government Web sites such as NASA, the Pentagon + THE—CIA.
20060316             at law firm PRESTON—GATES & Ellis and former general counsel to THE—CIA.
20060316             "Widespread" waste and mismanagement on millions for Katrina recovery, including at least $3—MILLION for 4,000 beds that were never used.
20060316             [GAO,] - DEFENSE CONTRACTS—
20060316             And that's not all: Are we too blind to see?
20060316             Someone else has the same opinion and his FOX—NEWS—OPERATIONS - or see the article at
20060316             Return to Chronology 20030319             - (see 20030319             )
20060316             SECTION II: Origins of the... THE—DAY—AFTER he set up the group, THE—PRESIDENT announced the appointment of Rear Admiral SIDNEY—SOUERS as the 1. DIRECTOR—OF—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE.
20060316             SPYMASTERS: 10—CIA—OFFICERS in Their Own Words This is 1—COLLECTION—OF—INTERVIEWS—OF 10—EMINENT CIA officials, including SIDNEY—SOUERS, ALLEN—DULLES, RICHARD—BISSELL, SAMUEL—HALPERN, Lyman Kirkpatric...
20060316             CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE Agency Beschreibung im Artikel der Library... 1. CIA—DIREKTOR war Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter ;
20060316             Shattered Peace Admiral Leahy, seinem Vertreter bei der National Intelligence Authority + Admiral SIDNEY—SOUERS, dem 1. DIREKTOR—DES—CIG, überreichte er schwarze...
20060316             NSC—4—COORDINATION—OF—FOREIGN—INFORMATION—MEASURES—SIDNEY—W—SOUERS/2/./2/Printed from 1—COPY that bears this typed signature.
20060316             THE—EVOLUTION—OF—THE—USA—INTELLIGENCE—COMMUNITY—AN—HISTORICAL—OVERVIEW—THE—1.—DCI, Rear Admiral SIDNEY—SOUERS (who wrote the intelligence section of the... 3 The same SIDNEY—SOUERS who had been appointed the 1. DCI by...
20060316             mhp: Souers, SIDNEY—W—SOUERS, SIDNEY—W: Timeline, relationships, references.
20060316             20060316             The shape of the postwar world was still uncertain —WHEN SIDNEY—SOUERS
20060316             SIDNEY—SOUERS—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from SIDNEY—W—SOUERS ).
20060316             Jump to: navigation, search.
20060316             HEAD—OF—G—2 (Intelligence) DIVISION—OF—USA—FORCES in the European Theatre, BRIGADIER—GENERAL—EDWIN L.
20060316             201—RAVNDAL, CHRISTIAN—M 201—SHAINMARK, EL;
20060316             The usual suspects by DAVID—PRYCE—JONES 1—AMERICA—GENERAL by THE—NAME—OF—EDWIN L.
20060316             Honor and FIDELITY—END Notes [23] Headquarters, USA—ARMED Forces Antilles Command, Letter ANTAG 312, 19521015             ;
20060316             Operational Contacts : Bekrenev, LK : —WINTER 19650000             ...
20060316             Index for Articles By AUTHOR—SIBERT, Edwin L.
20060316             Operation Portrex : —SPRING 19600000            .
20060316             20060316             Silver, DANIEL—B : CIA and the Law: THE—EVOLVING—ROLE—OF—THE—CIA—GENERAL—COUNSEL, The : —SUMMER 19810000            .
20060316             20060316             THE—CIA and Nazi War Criminals Document 8: REPORT—OF—INTERVIEW—WITH—GENERAL—EDWIN L.
20060316             Sibert on the Gehlen Organization.
20060316             Document 9: Debriefing of ERIC—WALDMAN on THE—USA.
20060316             497291 S7/JFK Debate [POLITICS] 03-Mar-96 11:35:33 Sb: Prouty... [footnote in source text] A —MONTH—LATER BRIGADIER—GENERAL—EDWIN L.
20060316             —WWII—UK—BLACK—PROPAGANDA—OPERATIONS—NOW he had gone forward and had temporarily attached himself to THE—STAFF—OF—THE—USA 12. Army GROUP—INTELLIGENCE—CHIEF, BRIGADIER—GENERAL—EDWIN L.
20060316             Sibert.
20060316             ALLEN—W—DULLES—PAPERS—SERIES 1—FOLDER List: Correspondence, S. 20060316             9, Sibert, Edwin L. - 19450000—19580000. - 10, Silvercruys, Robert.
20060316             20060316             19480000—19540000. - 11, Simons, JOHN—F 19170000—19190000.
20060316             12, Simpson, JAMES—A 19500000            .
20060316             20060316             13, Simpson, John L. - 19500000—19690000. - Guerrillas for WWII.
20060316             I—BLOWBACK—AMERICA—RECRUITMENT—OF...... by THE—USA—AND—BRITAIN under still another CODE—NAMED project, Operation Rusty + it is those agents who were marked for "liquidation.
20060316             (c) RECORDS—OF—THE—USA—ARMY " Operation Rusty," carried out in EUROPE between...
20060316             NARA—IWG—RECORDS—OF—THE—ARMY—STAFF (RG 319 THE—USA—ARMY "Gehlen Organization" and " Operation Rusty " Files are COUNTER—INTELLIGENCE—CORPS (CIC) dossiers from the Intelligence and Security Command's...
20060316             NARA—IWG—ANNOUNCEMENTS... and THE—USA—ARMY "Gehlen Organization" and " Operation Rusty " Files documenting THE—ARMY—INVOLVEMENT with GERMANY—SPYMASTER GENERAL—REINHARD—GEHLEN.
20060316             REINHARD—GEHLEN—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia Another mission by the Gehlen Org was " Operation Rusty " that carried out COUNTER—ESPIONAGE—ACTIVITIES directed against dissident GERMANY—ORGANIZATIONS in...
20060316             Breaking News from AP + REUTERS—BUSH—CLINGS to PRE—EMPTIVE FORCE—USA Tries to Revise Moussaoui Ruling
20060316             Mistrial Declared in MARYLAND Arson CASE—SEE ALSO—MONSTER—SCOPE to Dwarf Rivals
20060316             —ANNOUNCED, Physicists, —THURSDAY that they —NOW have the smoking gun that shows the universe went through extremely rapid expansion in the moments —AFTER the big bang, growing from the size of 1—MARBLE to 1—VOLUME—LARGER than ALL—OF—OBSERVABLE—SPACE in less than 1—TRILLION—TRILLIONTH of a 2.
20060316             —INZWISCHEN, BERLIN, zum Beispiel scheint es für die, von vielen Politikern geforderte "nachholende Integration" in manchem Viertel fast —SCHON zu spät. Eine interne STUDIE—DES—POLIZEIPRÄSIDIUMS hat —BEREITS in 9 "Problemkiezen" bedrohliche Entwicklungen ausgemacht.
20060316             Dort registrieren die Beamten "mafiose" Strukturen, "bewaffnete Gewalt" und eine "heranwachsende FRUST—GENERATION", die "nach eigenen Regeln und Gesetzen lebt".
20060316             Fazit: "Szenarien, die aus amerikanischen, ENGLAND—UND FRANKREICH—GROSSSTÄDTEN beziehungsweise deren Ghettos bekannt sind", seien "auch hier vorstellbar".
20060316             Typische Äußerungen: "Die ganze Gegend ist —HEUTE—SCHON an den Westen verraten und verkauft worden".
20060316             - "Die DEUTSCHLAND—EINHEIT wird es wohl nie geben. Hass zwischen Ossis und Wessis".
20060316             - "1—STAAT gegen die kleinen Leute, schlimmer als bei Honecker. ALLE—OSTDEUTSCHEN haben Wut im Bauch".
20060316             So hat der IQ—EXPORT weite Regionen im neuen Osten abermals zu dem werden lassen, was er während der Massenflucht durch den Eisernen Vorhang —SCHON einmal gewesen zu sein schien: 1—AUSWANDERUNGSLAND, in dem nur "der doofe Rest" noch ausharrt, wie damals die Zurückgebliebenen selbstironisch "DDR" buchstabierten.
20060316             Zu den Fortzugswilligen zählen beispielsweise Fernpendler, die jahrelang —DIE—WOCHE über im Westen gearbeitet haben und —NUN, der Fahrerei überdrüssig, dort auch wohnhaft werden wollen.
20060316             —SUPPOSED, Sylvia : "Geniuses are not only, to be innovative THINKERS—THE—ONES who come up with new memes, technologies + ART—THEY'RE also supposed to be kind + loving to competitors, thieves, ex wives + assholes".
20060316             'Free IPod' Takes Privacy Toll THE—MILLION—DOLLAR—DATRAN settlement announced by NEW—YORK—ATTORNEY—GENERAL exposes 1—RAT—NEST of dubious privacy promises -- and indirectly scores 1—BODY—BLOW on the Truste SEAL—OF—APPROVAL.
20060316             Their Kingdom for 1—CORPSE—BODY—BROKERS examines the hidden UNIVERSE—OF—PEOPLE who buy and sell human remains without asking questions.
20060316             * Proving How the Universe 1—FAINT glow in space yields the 1. EVIDENCE—OF—WHAT happened —IMMEDIATELY—AFTER the big bang, as cosmic "inflation" transpired in the blink of 1—EYE.
20060316             —TARGETED, New DENIAL—OF—SERVICE—THREAT emerges Attacks, 1,500 IP addresses and delivered 1—HEFTIER blow than normal DOS threats, VeriSign security CHIEF says.
20060316             Google wins a COURT—BATTLE—JUDGE rules in search giant's favor, dismissing copyright infringement lawsuit filed by E—BOOK writer.
20060316             Living with robots Blog: In 1—ARTICLE about robots by Associate EDITOR—LESLIE—KATZ, she talks about humanoid robots and how helpful they are.
20060316             —WHEN robot pigs dry Blog: —BEFORE robots take over the world like SOME—SCIENCE—FICTION—BOOKS predict, artificially intelligent bots are taking a 1. step...
20060316             It also gives VeriSign 1—PRESUMPTIVE right to renewal of the_com registry, on the proviso that it complies with certain ASPECTS—OF—THE—AGREEMENT".
20060316             "Google would index and package the information into a -friendly search engine, giving its users 1—VIRTUAL supermarket across 1—NUMBER—OF—RETAIL—BRANDS. MISTER—ARORA said: 'Google Base is going to have 1—HUGE—IMPACT on retailers," adding that the move reflected internal research, which found MANY—LEADING—EUROPEAN retailers did not feel they were competitive enough online
20060316             matr0x_x writes "THE—USA has —JUST moved 1—STEP—CLOSER to banning all INTERNET gambling sites —WHEN THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES cleared 1—ANTI—INTERNET gambling bill —YESTERDAY. The bill is against 1—WORLD—TRADE—ORGANIZATION ruling last —AUGUST that stated THE—USA must not block online gambling sites based overseas".
20060316             " The bill, cleared by voice vote in the House Financial Services Committee, would prohibit 1—GAMBLING business from accepting credit cards, checks, wire transfers and electronic funds transfers in illegal gambling transactions.
20060316             Unlawful gambling, under the legislation, would include placing bets on online poker sites, for example + ANY—OTHER online wager made or received in 1—PLACE where such 1—BET is illegal under federal or state law".
20060316             'The last thing you want to do for 1 shared use computer is have it be something without 1—DISK... and with 1—TINY—LITTLE—SCREEN,' Gates said at the Microsoft Government Leaders Forum in suburban WASHINGTON.
20060316             'Hardware is 1—SMALL—PART—OF—THE—COST' of providing computing capabilities, he said, adding that the big costs come from network connectivity, applications and support.
20060316             'If you are going to go have people share the computer, get 1—BROADBAND connection and have somebody there who can help support the user, geez, get 1—DECENT—COMPUTER where you can actually read the text and you're not sitting there cranking the thing —WHILE you're trying to type,' Gates said.'
20060316             BUT—THAT is significantly less than the
20060316             BUSH—JOB—PERFORMANCE—MARK is —NOW about the same as the ratings for Democratic and Republican congressional leaders (34% and 32%, respectively), which showed no improvement in SPITE—OF—PUBLIC—APPROVAL—OF—THE congressional response to the ports deal.
20060316             —ATTRIBUTED, There are various names, to THE—'LADY—OF—THE—LAKE;' Nimue and Vivienne are THE—2—MOST used, but most pertinent to us here is 'White Serpent.' Nimue is probably Mneme or Mnemosyne, who is 1—OF—THE—MUSES or 'water nymphs' from Roman and GREECE—MYTHOLOGY and who gave out WEAPONS—JUST as THE—LADY—OF—THE—LAKE did.
20060316             —WHILE narrating 1—SLIDE show that showcased some of the most interesting grave items uncovered at the site, Scharfenberger related the story of how over 3,000 human burials were bulldozed over in the 1940s to make way for the turnpike.
20060316             Previous Posts BRITAIN—DIRTY—SECRET—INORGANIC phosphate fertilizers may contain radionuclides UK cited for 'obsessive' ANTI—SEMITISM In general, mice are more intelligent than humans AUSTRALIA DEBT—FREE within —4—MONTHS Ok, here's the scuttlebutt on H5N1 —BIRD Flu Are we too blind to see?
20060316             Someone else has the same opinion Great UK—ROBBERIES 'God will judge me on IRAQ invasion' says Blair
20060316             Man Gets —5—YEARS For Sodomizing MCDONALD—EMPLOYEE
20060316             1—BULLITT—COUNTY—MAN is headed to prison for —FOLLOWING what he thought were police orders to sexually abuse 1—TEENAGE—GIRL.
20060316             Little dinosaur was missing feathers that typify its kin
20060316             Space and TIME—ANYHOW, the 1. time I heard Coast to Coast, I was about 18 or —19—YEARS—OLD, unable to sleep + skipping up and down THE—AM dial, looking for something to distract me from my interminable boredom and solitude.
20060316             That night, Bell was talking to LSD guru TIMOTHY—LEARY about LEARY—RECENT—EXPERIMENTS with DMT + as soon as I had heard enough to have even 1—VAGUE—IDEA—OF what they were talking about, I got chills.
20060316             —WHEN you are 1—PARANOID teenage insomniac, sitting in the dark and attempting to navigate the unfamiliar terrain of AM radio, this is exactly what you hope to find: something surreal and otherworldly.
20060316             1. Term: 20010000—20040000 - 2. Term: 20050000—20080000 - COINTELPRO - 1. Term: 20010000—20040000              20060316             1—BRIEF—CHRONOLOGICAL—COMPENDIUM—OF—1—FEW—BANNED or Challenged Works,
20060316             and Censorship and ANTI—CENSORSHIP—EFFORTS
20060316             ? - 19010000—19901991    - 20000000             Jan-20011200             20060316             Jan-20020600             Jul-20021200             Jan-20030600             Jul-20031200             Jan-20040600             Jul-20041200             20060316             Jan-20050600             Jul-20051200             Jan-20060600             Jul-20061200             20060316             CENSORSHIP—OF—ANTI—BUSH Sentiments: 1. TERM—RETURN TO—CELEBRATE Freedom Index
20060316             Surf to - 2. Term Censorship Page
20060316             1—QUICK—GUIDE—TO—AVOIDING—PROBLEMS—AT—THE—POLLS—BEFORE you go to the polls: Find your correct polling place.
20060316             Click here: www.
20060316             In der aktuellen Ausgabe des Fachmagazins "Science" schreiben sie, dass das Hämagglutinin des VIETNAM—VIRUS dem im Erreger von 19180000             und anderer menschlicher Viren —BEREITS ähnlicher ist als einer H5-Variante, die 19970000             bei einer vogelgrippekranken Ente isoliert worden war.
20060316             Ein bestimmtes Merkmal des Erregers ist vergleichbaren Viren einer Menschengrippe —BEREITS ähnlicher, als —BISHER angenommen, so das Ergebnis.
20060316             Allerdings fanden Wissenschaftler —JETZT heraus: Das Protein, das dem H5N1-Virus das Andocken an menschliche Zellen ermöglicht, ist dem von anderen PANDEMIE—VIREN viel ähnlicher als gedacht.
20060316             Dazu legte er einen einzigen langen DNA—STRANG in gleichmäßigen Abständen geknickt aneinander, so dass er eine quadratische Fläche bildete.
20060316             Auch beim Auftragen von Mustern, vergleichbar der Farbe eines Malers, machte sich der Wissenschaftler 1—EIGENSCHAFT—VON—DNA zu nutze: Sie lässt sich beliebig falten und knicken.
20060316             "Nach Ihrer —ENTSCHEIDUNG wissen wir ehrlich gesagt nicht, ob es sich für uns überhaupt noch lohnt weiterzumachen", sagte Chefankläger ROBERT—SPENCER am Dienstagabend bei einer Telefonkonferenz mit Richterin Brinkema, weiteren Staatsanwälten und dem Verteidiger EDWARD—MACMAHON, wie aus einer —GESTERN veröffentlichten Transkription hervorging.
20060316             In dem bislang einzigen USA—VERFAHREN um die Terroranschläge des 20010911             geht es nur noch um das Strafmaß, da Moussaoui —BEREITS gestanden hatte, von den Anschlagsplänen gewusst zu haben.
20060316             Sie will nachweisen, dass der —BEREITS—3—WOCHEN vor dem 20060911             festgenommene Franzose mit einer rechtzeitigen Enthüllung des Komplotts den Behörden hätte helfen können, die Anschläge zu verhindern.
20060316             What Happened? Did Bush Get IRAN and IRAQ Confused the 1. Time —AROUND?
20060316             Senate Votes to Raise Debt Limit (That's $30,000 per family), on a 52—48—VOTE + sent to PRESIDENT—BUSH 1—BILL raising the ceiling on the national debt to nearly $9—TRILLION and preventing a 1.—EVER default on USA—TREASURY—NOTES.
20060316             MICHAEL—WINSHIP: Bush Visits My Hometown -- You Got Trouble, My Friends! -- 1—BUZZFLASH—GUEST—CONTRIBUTION
20060316             "...if JUDGE—DAVID—TRAGER—RULING is upheld in 1—APPEAL to THE—SUPREME—COURT, THE—CIA and other USA—OFFICIALS will be told 'they have 1—GREEN—LIGHT to do to others what they did to Arar' ?- no matter what INTERNATIONAL or USA—LAWS are violated in THE—NAME—OF—NATIONAL—SECURITY".
20060316             (For more, SEE—SO who would bug staffers in THE—WEST—WING?
20060316             —UNCOVERED, THE—TPM—MUCKRAKER has, SOME—INTERESTING background on MZM, the "other" company that bribed DUKE—CUNNINGHAM.
20060316             3. UNDERSECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE for Intelligence STEPHEN—CAMBONE told the House Armed Services Committee that
20060316             —ANNOUNCED, And that's not all: THE—DEFENSE—DEPARTMENT, its findings on
20060316             this column in THE—WASHINGTON—POST—RESORTS to smears and NAME—CALLING:
20060316             —OFFERED, And then there's Shaffer, who, 1—RAMBLING, paranoid, messianic story in his testimony claiming again not only THE—EXISTENCE—OF—THE—CHART, but also Defense Department efforts at COVER—UP and retribution against him for revealing THE—TRUTH.
20060316             Really? That testimony IS—HERE. Read it with 1—OPEN—MIND.
20060316             20060316             Xymphora summarizes 1—FAIR—AMOUNT—OF—THE—COUNTER—ARGUMENT:
20060316             —INDICATED, Weldon had previously, that the picture stood out because lawyers had put yellow stickies over it, 1—ODD thing to do if the picture didn't exist.
20060316             The reason they put the stickies over it + the whole basis for WELDON—ORIGINAL—COMMENTS, was that they were using legal technicalities to thwart THE—PENTAGON—EFFORTS to prevent 1—TERRORIST—ATTACK.
20060316             —BASED, The legal technicalitites were, on the fact that ATTA—GREEN—CARD—STATUS protected him from further investigation, WHICH—OF—COURSE meant that they had to know who Atta was, know he had 1—GREEN—CARD + know that the picture they were covering with stickies was 1—PICTURE—OF—ATTA.
20060316             And that, apparently, is what's going ON—RIGHT—NOW.
20060316             Verbalattacken: Rice nennt IRAN Zentralbanker des Terrorismus
20060316             THE—USA—REPORT told that ISRAEL is not 1—OF—THE—COUNTRIES that violate human rights laws.
20060316             —SUBJECTED, ISRAEL, USA—DETAINEES to traumas' : Americans have repeatedly suffered physical + psychological trauma —WHILE detained by ISRAEL—SECURITY—FORCES, 1—USA—COURT was told —TUESDAY—DURING 1—HEARING about the alleged torture of 1—MAN accused of funnelling money to Hamas.
20060316             We WARNED—OF—PRISON—ATTACK, says ISRAEL:
20060316             - UK and USA told what to expect if they pulled out
20060316             Packed Finkelstein talk draws 'real outrage' : Finkelstein, the son of 2—HOLOCAUST survivors who teaches political science at DePaul UNIVERSITY—IN—CHICAGO, spoke about his views of the "fabricated, concocted, illegitimate" ISRAELI—ARAB conflict, —WHILE outside at least 150—MEMBERS—OF—THE—LOCAL—JEWISH—COMMUNITY quietly protested the event.
20060316             —PLAYED, PRO—ISRAEL—ACTIVISTS—BLOCK—USA—TRAVEL—REFORM : Jewish organizations, 1—LEADING role in defeating the effort, launched in response to THE—JACK—ABRAMOFF lobbying scandal, to ban privately funded trips for MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS.
20060316             AMERICA can't block UN—NEW—HUMAN—RIGHTS—BODY : AGAINST strong USA—OPPOSITION THE—UNITED—NATIONS has overwhelmingly voted to establish 1—NEW—BODY to promote human rights —AROUND the world.
20060316             THE—USA—GULAG Prison System:
20060316             The shame of 1—NATION and 1—CRIME against humanity
20060316             Torture INCORPORATED Americas Brutal Prisons : Savaged by dogs, Electrocuted With Cattle Prods, Burned By Toxic Chemicals, Does such barbaric abuse inside USA—JAILS explain the horrors that were committed in IRAQ?
20060316             —ASKED, Moussaoui judge, to allow FAA testimony : Prosecutors seeking the death penalty for al Qaeda terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui —YESTERDAY asked 1—JUDGE to reconsider her ban on testimony from aviation security specialists coached by 1—OUTSIDE—LAWYER.
20060316             CHRIS—FLOYD: Bush Puts AMERICA on Death Row : In yet another of those momentous DEGRADATIONS—OF—PUBLIC—MORALITY that go unremarked by THE—EVER—VIGILANT watchdogs of the national media, Bush slipped 1—MEASURE into the revamped "Patriot (sic) Act" he signed —LAST—WEEK that will allow him to expedite the death penalty process across the land, THE—AUSTIN—AMERICA—STATESMAN reports.
20060316             Sheila Samples: With Friends Like These : Most Americans are critically AWARE—OF—THE—IMPORTANCE—OF—SECURITY—IN—THE—WAKE—OF—20010911          .
20060316             20060316             But with best friends and partners like THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES, the Carlyle Group + Halliburton controlling the house -- we have little time to worry about enemies at the gate.
20060316             Senate Votes to Raise Debt Limit:
20060316             THE—SENATE, on a 52—48—VOTE, sent to PRESIDENT—BUSH 1—BILL raising the ceiling on the national debt to nearly $9—TRILLION +
20060316             preventing a 1.—EVER default on USA—TREASURY—NOTES
20060316             AFGHANISTAN—TALIBAN CHIEF vows "unimaginable" violence: Taliban leader MULLAH—MOHAMMAD—OMAR vowed 1—FEROCIOUS—OFFENSIVE against USA—LED forces in AFGHANISTAN, saying —ON—THURSDAY they would soon face unimaginable violence.
20060316             MI5, Camp Delta + the story that shames BRITAIN : There is no evidence in the record, classified or unclassified, which supports the military's determination that these are enemy combatants.
20060316             None.
20060316             LAUNCH—OF—IRAN—OIL trading hits wall:: 20060316             —REPEATED, Despite, reports over the past —18—MONTHS or so that the planned bourse would finally open for business
20060316             AMERICA—NUCLEAR—HYPOCRISY undermines its stance on IRAN:
20060316             Even as he was telling IRAN not to produce nuclear weapons, PRESIDENT—BUSH was urging Congress to pay for 1—NEW—NUCLEAR—WEAPON designed to destroy underground military facilities
20060316             Why Journalists Are Being Murdered In IRAQ: 1—OF—THOSE killed was Yasser Salihee.
20060316             USA restates STRIKE—1. policy, warns IRAN : Making no apologies for the war in IRAQ, THE—USA reaffirmed its STRIKE—1. POLICY—OF—PREEMPTION + warned that IRAN may pose the biggest threat to USA national security.
20060316             IRAQ PARLIAMENT ends in deadlock : THE—1.—SESSION—OF—IRAQ—NEW—PARLIAMENT has concluded with no real business conducted as Shia, Sunnis, Kurds + others remain deadlocked over THE—POSTS—OF—SPEAKER, PRESIDENT, PRIME—MINISTER and cabinet members.
20060316             Fight the invaders, Saddam urges Iraqis from dock : "I call on the people to start resisting the invaders instead of killing EACH—OTHER," he said.
20060316             Terrorists or Resistance Fighters: AMERICA—DILEMMA in IRAQ : —WHEN your homeland is occupied by foreign troops, extraordinary courage seems to come naturally.
20060316             HIROSHIMA—WHERE Denial Meets Reality THE—LIES—THE—DEATHS—THE—FUTURE?
20060316             Must watch flash presentation
20060316             Is Another 20010911             in the Works?
20060316             If you were PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH with all available USA—TROOPS tied down by THE—IRAQ—RESISTANCE + you were unable to control IRAQ or political developments in the country, would you also start 1—WAR with IRAN?
20060316             Yes, you would.
20060316             Nuclear Bunker Buster Bombs against IRAN?: This Way Lies Madness
20060316             The "bunker buster" is 1—CUTE sounding name for 1—NUCLEAR horror.
20060316             Air bursts are horrible enough, doing incredible destruction through heat, shock + high initial radiation.
20060316             —REGISTERED, The fallout from 1—AIR burst is, —AROUND the world.
20060316             1—SURFACE or subsurface burst is even deadlier + more long lasting.
20060316             —DECLARED, In the new millenium, the Executive, war last 20060316             , then Congress will pass H.R. 282, "To hold the current regime in IRAN accountable for its threatening behavior + to support 1—TRANSITION to democracy in IRAN".
20060316             -conservative pundit Dick Morris told SEAN—HANNITY—THINGS were going better than people thought in IRAQ, arguing "what is going on is not 1—CIVIL—WAR".
20060316             —NOW, Morris believes that there is
20060316             civil war in IRAQ but argues that it's 1—GOOD thing.
20060316             1—RECENT—UNITED—NATIONS report found that over
20060316             14,000 civilians have been killed in IRAQ —DURING the 1. HALF—OF—THIS —YEAR.
20060316             —KILLED, —AFTER Zarqawi was, the insurgency fell down.
20060316             Die höchste jemals von der USA—NOTENBANK ausgegebene Banknote hatte jedoch in Wirklichkeit einen Nennwert von 100.000—DOLLAR und war niemals im Umlauf.
20060316             Photos of Deutch, Nora slatkin, executive director and DAVID—COHEN, do.
20060316             ndit Ed anche il suo numero tre, Nora Slatkin, allora Direttore Esecutivo della CIA, è al Citigroup.
20060316             [Il Citigroup si è recentemente fuso con la Banamex.
20060316             100777.COM—FOR Truthseekers CITIBANK—SENIOR—MANAGER—FOR—GOVERNMENT—RELATIONS, NORA SLATKIN PLAYED KEY... by Citigroup, more skeletons come stampeding out of the Citigroup closet.
20060316             meyer lansky... delayed by CIA Deputy Director Nora Slatkin [also Jewish].
20060316             There is no divergence between the interests of Sandy and Citigroup,' Lipton said.
20060316             PC WORLD—PROTECT Technology, Says Cybersecurity TSAR... of prominent government Web sites such as NASA, the Pentagon + THE—CIA.
20060316             Index for Articles by Title Operation Portrex : Sibert, Edwin L : —SPRING 19600000            .
20060316             20060316             Articles By AUTHOR—SIBERT, Edwin L.
20060316    - 528 [INDONESIA—POLICY] Index of Declassified Articles fr Articulation of Babel, The : Ornstein, Jacob : Fall 19600000             ... Trees : Sapp, EDWIN—GREENLAW : —WINTER... Operation Portrex : Sibert, Edwin L : —SPRING 19600000            .
20060316             20060316             Edited by Tamara Feinstein Intern Assistance: SARA—COBURN.
20060316             [ Addendum (20041030             : ) 1—ARTICLE by DAN—EGGEN—OF—THE—WASHINGTON—POST + which was reprinted at Truthout_org,
20060316             CIA Director JOHN—DEUTCH + his top assistant, Nora Slatkin.
20060316             E—MAIL... Deutch has appointed FORMER—NAVY—ASSISTANT—SECRETARY—NORA—SLATKIN to THE—NUMBER.
20060316             13, Simpson, John, DE SCHRYVER —AUGUST—EDMOND -
20060316             THE—1.—DCI, Rear Admiral SIDNEY—SOUERS (who wrote the intelligence... Rear ADMIRAL—SIDNEY—SOUERS, U DIRECTOR—OF—INTELLIGENCE, ADMIRAL—SIDNEY—W—SOUERS.
20060316             Aubrey de Grey, 1—BIOMEDICAL—GERONTOLOGIST from CAMBRIDGE University, goes much further.
20060316             He believes the 1. person to live to 10000000             has already been born...
20060316             Operational Contacts : Bekrenev, LK : —WINTER 19650000             ...
20060316             BEF—BEM—BEKRENEV, L. K. " Operational Contacts ". - - - - Studies in Intelligence 9, no.
20060316             20060316             1 (—WINTER 19650000             ): 63-80. SOVIET—DOCTRINE on holding meetings with agents.
20060316             [GAO,] - DEFENSE CONTRACTS -
20060316             OPERATIONS—THROUGH, Majestic Documents_com: Evidence We Are Not Alone From January, Admiral SIDNEY—W—SOUERS was TRUMAN—1.—DIRECTOR—OF—THE—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—GROUP, THE—CIA—FORERUNNER.
20060316             REINHARD—GEHLEN—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia
20060316             Stand der ONLINE—VERSION: 19730326             ;.
20060316             Quelle: MUNZINGER—ARCHIV/Internationales Biographisches Archiv 14/1973;
20060316             SIDNEY—SOUERS—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia SIDNEY—WILLIAM—SOUERS (18920330—20060114    ... —PRIOR—TO—THIS, as DEPUTY—DIRECTOR—OF—NAVAL—INTELLIGENCE, Souers had been 1—OF—THE—ARCHITECTS—OF...
20060316             1 unidentified student misheard the song lyrics and claimed that the group had modified the lyrics to:
20060316             Index for Articles by Title Operation Portrex : Sibert, Edwin L :
20060316             'The fact is that innovation was 1—LITTLE—DIFFERENT in the 19010101—20001231.
20060316—19400000    —IN—THE, S, 1—OF—THE—POLITICIANS must have —JUST pocketed the money and said, 20060316             'OH yeah, they got moved,'" said Scharfenberger.
20060316—19570000    —J—IM, Nur diese 3—OBERFLÄCHENPROTEINE sind bislang bei menschlichen Grippeerregern AUFGETRETEN—UNTER anderem in den 3—GROßEN Grippepandemien des 19010101—20001231    : H1N1 bei der SPANISCHEN—GRIPPE 19180000             , die weltweit —BIS zu 50—MILLIONEN Menschen getötet hat, H2N2 und
20060316—19570000    —J—IM, die weltweit —BIS zu 50—MILLIONEN Menschen getötet hat, H2N2 und
20060316—19610000    —BIS, Auf HILLENKOETTER folgte 19530000             ALLEN—WELSH... central_intelligence_
20060316—19680000    —J—IM, H3N2.
20060316—20010000    20010807             : WHITE—HOUSE censures magazine for LACK—OF—CENSORSHIP—GEEDUBYA—ADMINISTRATION has served notice that they will not cooperate with ANY—JOURNALIST writing for Talk magazine.
20060316—20010000    ;;11;; 04: REPORT—OF—SUPPRESSION—OF dissenting opinion By citizens of SACRAMENTO.
20060316—20010604    —ON, This was.
20060316—20010911    : Ankläger erwägen Aufgabe im MOUSSAOUI—PROZESS
20060316—20020000    ;;09;; 28: Observing 1—PROTEST—BY—ELEANOR—EISENBERG, executive DIRECTOR—OF—THE—ARIZONA—CIVIL—LIBERTIES—UNION.
20060316—20020000    ;;1031;;: Free speech By BILL—NEEL.
20060316—20020000    —ARRESTED, This BUTLER—PENNSYLVANIA resident was, in Neville ISLAND on Labour —DAY—DURING 1—VISIT there by PRESIDENT—BUSH.
20060316—20020000    ;;1101;;: Free speech lawsuit By JAN—LENTZ, Sonja Haught + Mauricio Rosas;
20060316—20020000    2—GRANDMOTHERS and 1—GAY—ACTIVIST.
20060316—20020000    ;;1205;;: Allegations of wholesale rights abuse By MICHAEL—MAGINNIS.
20060316—20021000    —CONFISCATED, The suit stems from 1—INCIDENT in which his sign was, and he was ordered out of 1 restricted area and relegated to a "free speech zone" approximately 1—HALF—1—MILE from where THE—PRESIDENT was speaking in COLUMBIA—JAHR.
20060316—20021024    —ON, at COLUMBIA Metropolitan Airport.
20060316—20021100    —IN, the company which operates the public university's arena.
20060316—20021100    —ARRESTED, The 3 had been, by Hillsborough County sheriff's DEPUTIES—JAHR at 1—CAMPAIGN—RALLY for Gov.
20060316—20030000    20030312             : GEORGE—W—BUSH caricature By Allison Moore, student.
20060316—20030000    ;;0212;;: ANTI—WAR poetry By USA—POETS.
20060316—20030000    1. Lady Laura BUSH had organized 1—SYMPOSIUM on the poetry of illustrious artists such as EMILY—DICKINSON,
20060316—20030000    ;;0213;;: Dissenting opinion By ANDREW—J—O'CONNER.
20060316—20030000    —ARRESTED, This former public defender was, by SANTA—FE police officers at 2100—HOURS in the St.
20060316—20030000    ;;0217;;: Dissenting tee shirt By Bretton Barber.
20060316—20030000    This —16—YEAR old,
20060316—20030000    20030319             : Free speech condemned by fiat Dixie Chick Natalie Maines had uttered 1—CRITICISM—OF—GEORGE—BUSH ,
20060316—20030000    20030507             : Free speech lawsuit By GERALD—RUDOLPH.
20060316—20030000    He is suing THE—SECRET—SERVICE for the right to protest in areas where he can be seen by PRESIDENT—BUSH.
20060316—20030000    20030508             : Report on Dixie Chicks censorship movement In which the Chicks Strike Back and DJ—ARE punished for playing their songs.
20060316—20030000    20030508             : Free speech lawsuit By GERALD—RUDOLPH.
20060316—20030000    —RULED, USA—DISTRICT—COURT—JUDGE—MATTHEW—PERRY, that he was unable to grant Mr.
20060316—20030000    20030512             : CRITICISM—OF—THE—KING—BY the Fair Taxes for All Coalition,
20060316—20030000    20030528             : Report on opposition to suppression by THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE—BY 11—MEMBERS—OF—USA—CONGRESS.
20060316—20030000    ;;0717;;: Report of being investigated by THE—FBI for READING in public By MARC—SCHULTZ.
20060316—20030000    20030806             : Free Speech lawsuit By JOE—REDNER, ADAM—ELEND + JEFF—MARKS.
20060316—20030000    ;;0923;;: Free Speech lawsuit By THE—USA—CIVIL—LIBERTIES—UNION on behalf of 4—ADVOCACY organizations.
20060316—20030000    ;;1001;;: Report on disposition of free speech case By Bretton Barber.
20060316—20031003    —ON, ;;1003;;: REPORT—OF—USA—CENSORSHIP—OF—AL—JAZEERA—IT was reported at ArabNews_com in 1—ARTICLE
20060316—20040000    ;;0106;;: Political activism outside SECRET—SERVICE Speech Free zones By BRETT—BURSEY.
20060316—20040000    20040507             : F ree U s G W By FRANK—VAN den Bosch.
20060316—20040000    This RESIDENT—OF—MONTFORT,
20060316—20040000    20040507             : Dissenters denied entrance to BUSH event in Dubuque By -- nobody's really sure,
20060316—20040000    ;;0714;;: Report that 1—VAGUE and overbroad restriction is struck down By McLennan County COURT—AT—LAW—JUDGE—TOM—RAGLAND.
20060316—20040000    ;;0715;;: ANTI—BUSH T—SHIRTS By Jeff and NICOLE—RANK.
20060316—20040000    This couple had worn tee shirts with the slogan Love AMERICA,
20060316—20040000    20040807             : Mixed signals about loyalty oaths By the party faithful.
20060316—20040000    20040826             : F ree U s G W By FRANK—VAN den Bosch.
20060316—20040000    ANDREA—BAKER said that CITY—OF—PLATTEVILLE,
20060316—20040000    20040829             : Students banned from —JUST listening to BUSH By THE—SECRET—SERVICE.
20060316—20040000    ;;0904;;: Report on GEORGE—KING—OF— -- off with his head bumper sticker as 1—THREAT—BY—DEREK—KJAR.
20060316—20040000    ;;1018;;: Trial for 1—EXERCISE—OF—FREE—SPEECH By the Smoketown 6.
20060316—20040000    ;;1116;;: Report on 1—TALENT show protest song as terrorist threat By the "TALI—BANNED".
20060316—20060308    —REFUTED, PALESTINE—JOURNALISTS and human rights activist, what was mentioned in THE—USA—ANNUAL—REPORT released ,
20060316—20060308    —ON, ISRAEL and USA are Above Law?: PALESTINE—JOURNALISTS and human rights activist refuted what was mentioned in THE—USA—ANNUAL—REPORT released.
20060316—20060315    —SCHEDULED, The piece was rehung —UNTIL its, dismantling.
20060316—20060316    —ON, --MN] Return to Chronology 20031003             this —DAY USA—MAGISTRATE—BRISTOW Marchant ruled that MISTER—BURSEY had been protesting peacefully and was not engaged in any "wantonly criminal" act, 20060316             but also defended the government's VIEW—OF—THE—IMPORTANCE—OF restricted areas for THE—PRESIDENT—SAFETY.
20060316—20060316    —AM, Associated Press 11:26 0000—JAHR EST
20060316—20060316    —AM, Associated Press 11:26 EST
20060316—20060317    Senate Votes to Raise Debt Limit (That's $30,000 per family), on a 52—48—VOTE + sent to PRESIDENT—BUSH 1—BILL raising the ceiling on the national debt to nearly $9—TRILLION and preventing a 1.-ever default on USA—TREASURY—NOTES.
20060316—20060317    THE—TORTURE—JUDGE: USA—COURT—RULES our government can break INTERNATIONAL laws to keep us safe.
20060316—20060409    —PROMISED, However, THE—SECRET—SERVICE, to not interfere with his protest —DURING BUSH—VISIT to UNIVERSITY—OF—SOUTH—CAROLINA commencement.
20060316—20060503    —ON, He stood in line for an —HOUR and 1—HALF to get 1—TICKET for himself and 3—FRIENDS.
20060316—20060507    —ON, —SINCE she had 1—TICKET, she expected to get into the event.
20060316—20060520    —PUBLISHED, In 1—ARTICLE, —FOLLOWING up the story broken by the Dubuque Telegraph Herald,
20060316—20060709    —ON,he dismissed all charges against 5—ANTI—WAR—ACTIVISTS who were arrested and convicted of protesting in violation of 1—CITY—ORDINANCE in Crawford (TEXAS, LOCALE—OF—THE—BUSH—JUNIOR ranch)
20060316—20060709    —ARRESTED, They were, by the police andwere charged for disorderly conduct.
20060316—20060805    —ON, Despite BUSH—PLEDGE, Republican National COMMITTEE—SPOKESMAN—YIER—SHI said ,
20060316—20060929    —RULED, USA—DISTRICT—JUDGE—PATRICK—J—DUGGAN, that MISTER—BARBER had 1—RIGHT to wear 1—TEE shirt to school with 1—POLITICAL—MESSAGE on it.
20060316—20061004    —ON, + in 1—FOLLOW up article ,
20060316—20120000    —UNTIL, hpcanswers writes "ICANN, the governing body for INTERNET domain names, —RECENTLY gave VeriSign exclusive CONTROL—OF—THE—TOP—LEVEL_com domain. 20060316—20120000    —NOW, 19—REGISTRARS, including GoDaddy and Network Solutions, have petitioned ICANN to reconsider on the basis that VeriSign will most likely increase registration fees. 20060316—20120000    1—FEW of the registrars have also asked THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—COMMERCE to veto the deal".
20060316—20200000    —BIS, Bevölkerungswissenschaftler rechnen mit einer Schrumpfung des Ostens um mindestens eine weitere Million Einwohner.
20060318             —DETAINED, INDONESIA—AUTHORITIES said they have, another 11—PEOPLE in Papua province —AFTER 3—POLICEMEN and 1—SOLDIER † in clashes with protesters demanding closure of 1—GIANT—MINE—RUN by USA—BASED FREEPORT—MCMORAN Cooper & Gold INCORPORATED 57—PEOPLE had already been detained —AFTER 20060316             —THE violence in the provincial capital, Jayapura, on the northeastern shore of Papua.
20060329             8—MEN, including 4—HMONG with USA—CITIZENSHIP, were reported missing 20060316            .
20060329             20060506             Part 50, 20040316             , as to the efforts in the past to block us,
20060506             View our website story, "THE—OVERTHROW—OF—THE—AMERICA—REPUBLIC", Part 50, 20040316             , as to the efforts in the past to block us, threaten us falsely with arrest + actua lly arrest me as THE—HEAD—OF—OUR group, for our efforts to confront CIA "peace movement" fakers, "THE—CHIC20060807             ", RENNIE—DAVIS, JERRY—RUBIN, Abbie Hoffman, TOM—HAYDEN, and others.
20060506             Part 50, 20040316             , as to the efforts in the past to block us,
20060803             IV, NUMBER 7 - MAXIM—MAGAZINE 20060217             20060803             IV, NUMBER 7 - MAXIM—MAGAZINE 20060217             20060803             [Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, 20060316             ]
20060803             [Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, 20060316             ]
20060803             IV, NUMBER 7 - MAXIM—MAGAZINE 20060217             20060803             [Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, 20060316             ]
20061120             alfatomega_com/20060316.html
20061220             Home News, 20060205             .20250316             , 19200000            .
20061220             20061223             20060316             Index for Articles by Title Operation Portrex : Sibert, Edwin L :
20061223             20060316             Index for Articles by Title Operation Portrex : Sibert, Edwin L :
20061223    - 528 [INDONESIA—POLICY] Index of Declassified Articles fr Articulation of Babel,
20070316             Grasheim posee opera el hangar #4," alegó el informante que trabajaba en el...
20070316             Com agradecimentos a ROBERT—STICKGOLD (Harvard Medical School, MA, EUA) e Ullrich Wagner (UNIVERSITÄT—LÜBECK, Alemanha), que conduziram a...
20070316             O jeito mais simples de reiniciar o cérebro | Top Talent
20070316             Assistant SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CHRISTOPHER—HILL, the top USA nuclear envoy, said 1—DISPUTE on NORTH—KOREA—FUNDS held in 1—MACAU bank has been resolved, potentially removing 1—KEY stumbling block that has bedeviled progress on dismantling PYONGYANG—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—PROGRAM.
20070316             FORMER—CIA—OPERATIVE—VALERIE Plame told 1—HOUSE—COMMITTEE—THAT—WHITE—HOUSE and STATE—DEPARTMENT—OFFICIALS had "carelessly and recklessly" blown her cover in 1—POLITICALLY motivated smear of her husband, FORMER—AMBASSADOR—JOSEPH—WILSON, for publicly disputing PRESIDENT—BUSH—ASSERTION that SADDAM—HUSSEIN was on the brink of acquiring 1—NUCLEAR—BOMB.
20070316             —ANNOUNCED, THE—INTER—USA—DEVELOPMENT—BANK, it would forgive $4.4—BILLION in debt owed by 5—OF—THE—POOREST—COUNTRIES in Latin AMERICA and the Caribbean.
20070316             —EXCUSED, The bank, the foreign debts of BOLIVIA, HONDURAS, NICARAGUA, HAITI and GUYANA in 1—ANNOUNCEMENT ahead of its annual meeting.
20070316             WILMINGTON—DELAWARE, RACHEL—L—HOLT, —35—JAHRE—ALT, who had pleaded guilty to 2.—DEGREE rape, was sentenced to —10—YEARS in prison for having sex with a —13—YEAR—OLD—STUDENT.
20070316             SF Mayor Newsom said he plans to open 1—NEW courthouse to crack down on nuisance crimes such as public urination, panhandling, graffiti and prostitution.
20070316             † Antwanisha Morgan (17) was shot and killed outside the Bayview community youth center.
20070316             S—FRANCISCO—RUBY—ORDENANA, (27), 1—TRANSGENDER prostitute, was brutally killed.
20070316             —RAPED, In the interim Francis, and brutalized at least 3—OTHER transgender prostitutes.
20070316             —SURVIVED, He had, 2—TOURS—OF—DUTY in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN and was back on post at Fort Drum in NEW—YORK for only about —30—DAYS—WHEN he went missing.
20070316             —6—MONTHS—LATER, his remains were found in 1—NEARBY—FIELD.
20070316             Menu Foods, 1—MAJOR—MANUFACTURER—OF—DOG and cat food sold under WAL—MART, Safeway, Kroger and other store brands, recalled 60—MILLION containers of wet pet food —AFTER reports of kidney failure and deaths.
20070316             —CANCELED, JetBlue, 215—FLIGHTS because of —1—WINTER—STORM on THE—EAST—COAST.
20070316             —BLAMED, The storm was, for as many as 12—DEATHS and forced more than 3,600 flight cancellations.
20070316             —PROPOSED, AFRICA—MINISTERS in GENEVA said WASHINGTON's, farm policy overhaul threatens to worsen the plight of AFRICA—COTTON farmers by providing fresh assistance to USA—PRODUCERS.
20070316             —DONNED, People all over BRITAIN, red noses and took part in fundraising events for the 11. annual Red Nose —DAY, with the money going to help disadvantaged people in AFRICA and BRITAIN.
20070316             —REACHED, Cambodian and foreign judges, 1—KEY—AGREEMENT on procedures governing CAMBODIA—LONG—STALLED—KHMER—ROUGE tribunal.
20070316             —PASSED, CHINA—LEGISLATORS, 1—LAW providing the most sweeping protection for private businesses and property —SINCE the nation's move toward 1—MORE—CAPITALIST—STYLE—ECONOMY—BEGINNING—IN the late 1970s.
20070316             —APPROVED, The legislature, 1—LAW to end —3—DECADES—OF—BLANKET tax breaks for foreign investors, raising their rates to match THOSE—OF—CHINA—COMPANIES.
20070316             —CALLED, ETHIOPIA, for INTERNATIONAL pressure to be applied on ERITREA, which it accuses of holding 8—ETHIOPIANS still missing —AFTER the release of 5—EUROPEAN captives.
20070316             —BURNED, EAST—INDIA, THOUSANDS—OF—ACTIVISTS, buses and blocked roads to protest the recent killing of 14—FARMERS opposed to government plans to build 1—INDUSTRIAL—PARK on their land.
20070316             —KILLED, INDONESIA, 1—OFFICIAL said Bird flu has, a —32—YEAR—OLD—MAN, taking the death toll in the nation worst hit by the disease to 65.
20070316             6—MAJOR—POWERS sent 1—STRONG—SIGNAL to IRAN that they remain united in seeking to rein in its nuclear ambitions, compromising on 1—SANCTIONS—PACKAGE to step up pressure on the Islamic republic to suspend uranium enrichment.
20070316             —PRESENTED, ADEL—ABDUL—MAHDI, THE—IRAQ—VICE—PRESIDENT, his country's economic and political reform plan at 1—UN—CONFERENCE, pledging to adopt 1—LAW to THE—IRAQ—OIL riches among its often feuding regions and 1—PROGRAM to grant amnesty for insurgents who renounce violence.
20070316             —DECRIED, Radical Shiite cleric Muqtada AL—SADR, USA—FORCES as occupiers and called on his followers to shout "No, No AMERICA!" 3—SUICIDE—BOMBERS driving CHLORINE—LADEN trucks struck in the Sunni insurgent STRONGHOLD—OF—ANBAR province, killing 2—POLICEMEN and forcing about 350—IRAQ—CIVILIANS and 6—USA—TROOPS to seek treatment for exposure to the gas. gunmen killed 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—GOVERNMENTAL—FACILITIES—PROTECTION—SERVICE in Suwayrah.
20070316             —KILLED, In KIRKUK 2—POLICEMEN were, and 3—CIVILIANS wounded by 1—ROADSIDE bomb and 1—FOLLOWING ambush.
20070316             1—MORTAR attack against 1—SUNNI mosque in THE—SOUTH—EAST—BAGHDAD neighborhood of Zafaraniyah killed 1—CIVILIAN and wounded 2—OTHERS.
20070316             4—USA—SOLDIERS were killed in 1—ROADSIDE bombing in mainly Shiite EAST—BAGHDAD.
20070316             —SOPHISTICATED, The military said it found 1, weapon at the site that was not detonated but WAS—OF—THE—TYPE that WASHINGTON believes is being supplied by IRAN to Shiite militias.
20070316             —CRITICIZED, ISRAEL—LEADERS, the new PALESTINE—UNITY—GOVERNMENT, charging that THE—HAMAS—FATAH coalition did not meet INTERNATIONAL conditions, including recognizing the Jewish state's right to exist.
20070316             3 masked PALESTINE—GUNMEN opened fire on 1—VEHICLE carrying THE—CHIEF—OF—THE—UN—REFUGEE—MISSION in GAZA and tried to kidnap him.
20070316             † 1—FATAH intelligence official was killed in 1—NEARBY—AMBUSH.
20070316             —REPORTED, It was, that ITALY has banned schoolchildren from using MOBILE phones in class in 1—ATTEMPT to stop ringtones disrupting lessons and prevent pupils messing about with video cameras.
20070316             † LAOS confirmed its 2. human death from bird flu, 1—WOMAN who —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH, —AFTER results from 1—LAB used by the World Health Organization (WHO).
20070316             MEXICO, 1—ECONOMIST and 1—JOURNALIST—BECAME—THE 1. couple united under MEXICO—CITY—NEW—GAY—CIVIL—UNION—LAW.
20070316             NICARAGUA, FORMER—PRESIDENT—ARNOLDO—ALEMAN, CONVICTED—OF—MONEY laundering and embezzlement, was freed from the conditions of his parole and allowed to travel —AROUND the country.
20070316             Critics said was 1—PLOY by PRESIDENT—DANIEL—ORTEGA to weaken the opposition.
20070316             —KIDNAPPED, Frenchman GERARD—LAPORAL, in NIGERIA—SOUTHERN—OIL—CAPITAL—PORT—HARCOURT more than —1—MONTH—AGO, was released.
20070316             —FIRED, PAKISTAN, police, tear gas at ROCK—THROWING demonstrators and detained scores of political activists, including 1—OPPOSITION—PARTY—LEADER and 1—FORMER—NATIONAL—PRESIDENT, in 1—BID to stifle protests at THE—OUSTER—OF—THE—COUNTRY—TOP—JUDGE.
20070316             PORTUGAL said it is closing its embassy in BAGHDAD BECAUSE—OF—SECURITY—CONCERNS.
20070316             —PLEADED, WILMINGTON—DELAWARE, RACHEL—L—HOLT (35), who had, guilty to 2.-degree rape, was sentenced to —10—YEARS in prison for having sex with a —13—YEAR—OLD—STUDENT.
20070316             —DISAPPEARED, USA—ARMY—SERGEANT—PATRICK—RUST (24), from 1—BAR in WATERTOWN—NEW—YORK He had survived 2—TOURS—OF—DUTY in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN and was back on post at Fort Drum in NEW—YORK for only about —30—DAYS—WHEN he went missing.
20070316             Rheinmetall KAUFEN—RATING—UPDATE: FRANKFURT ( AG) -
20070316             Die Analysten der DZ BANK raten die Aktie von RHEINMETALL (ISIN DE0007030009/WKN 703000) zu kaufen.
20070316             (ac/a/u) - Suntech Power Holding s "outperform"
20070316             RATING—UPDATE: S—PETERSBURG ( AG) -
20070316             Die Analysten von RAYMOND—JAMES stufen die Aktie von SUNTECH POWER HOLDING S (ISIN US86800C1045/WKN A0HL4L) in einer Ersteinschätzung mit "outperform" ein.
20070316             —GESEHEN, Das Kursziel werde bei 48—USD.
20070316             (ac/a/u) - Procter & Gamble "sector outperform"
20070316             RATING—UPDATE: TORONTO ( AG) -
20070316             Die Analysten von CIBC World Markets stufen die Aktie von PROCTER & GAMBLE (ISIN US7427181091/WKN 852062) von "sector perform" auf "sector outperform" hoch.
20070316             —GESEHEN, Das Kursziel werde bei 76—USD. DALE—E—KLEIN—SOURCEWATCH
20070316             Professor... - Letter to NRC CHAIRMAN—DALE—KLEIN regarding security...
20070316             NEI Nuclear Notes: NRC—DALE—KLEIN on C—SPAN
20070316             Though VIDEO—OF—THE—INTERVIEW is not yet available online...
20070316             Weißes Haus: Obdachloser löst Großalarm aus
20070316             Hintergrd: Geschäftsverbindung BUSH—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN
20070316             CARLYLE GROUP kreuzen sich die Geschäftsinteressen der FAMILIE BUSH + der FAMILIE OSAMA—BIN—LADEN und von SCHEICH—BIN—MAHFOUZ.
20070316             Geschäftspartner BBC I—BANK—ER—SCHEICH—MAHFOUZ
20070316             —HEUTE gehört auch SCHEICH—BIN—MAHFOUZ zu den Investoren der CARLYLE GROUP (das ist die Rüstungsfirma der BUSH—BIN—LADEN—CLAN s).
20070316             Darüber hinaus unterhält SCHEICH—BIN—MAHFOUZ...
20070316             Dick Cheney Kunstfond LIMITED—DER liebe SCHEICH—KHALID—BIN—MAHFOUZ -
20070316             Disziplinkraft des Geldes... da nur so der OSAMA—BIN—LADEN Clan, dessen "Freunde" + deren Rüstungsfirmen ( CARLYLE usw..
20070316             Eindringling: Mann klettert über den Zaun des Weißen HAUSES—TU chiamale se vuoi collusioni
20070316             Benché la BBC ha di recente sottolineato che il fatto che la NEVILLE—JONES fosse uno dei direttori della QINETIC fosse risaputo, in molti ritengono che alla...
20070316             La NEVILLE—JONES è infatti uno dei direttori della QINETIC... gestito attraverso il gruppo statunitense CARLYLE, e di cui posseggono azioni anche l'ex...
20070316             alarm:clock euro: Venture CAPITAL—ARCHIVES
20070316             2—PARTNERS hailing from European venture capital firms have started up new
20070316             along with early investors Atlas Venture and CARLYLE European Partners.
20070316             ISBN 011 682064 0 20060808             COMPANY LAW OFFICIAL NOTIFICATIONS...
20070316             QINETIC LTD. 05887009. 20062607            .
20070316             20070316             05886953             KENNET VENTURE PARTNERS LTD/KENNET.
20070316             03295094. - Huit GROUP es financiers, dont CitiGROUP Venture Capital,
20070316             développé par la société QINETIC, capable de repérer SUR la piste à 2.000—MÈTRES, de jour comme...
20070316             Postman Patel:
20070316             —MEANWHILE QINETIC await flotation to enrich THE—CARLYLE shareholders (Prop
20070316             a 75 % stake in GEORGIA—AES—TELASI joint venture from AES Silk Road... - European Venture CAPITAL—JOURNAL
20070316             CARLYLE will invest through THE—CARLYLE—EUROPE—VENTURE—PARTNERS—FUND and leads the syndicate.
20070316             venture economics_com/evcj/1023393043629.html
20070316             Stop the Carlyle Group ! Liquidation d'Opto Speed (OptoSpeed) - Stop THE—CARLYLE—GROUP !
20070316             Liquidation d' Opto Speed (OptoSpeed) stop CARLYLE—TIMELINE SAUDI—ARABIA
20070316             GOING TO BABYLON BY CADILLAC: Fired USA Atty: On the "Lam" For...
20070316             —EMPLOYED, PRINCE—AL—WALEED—BIN—TALAL—BIN—ABDUL—AZIZ, CARLYLE as his advisor in...
20070316             Carlyle GROUP—SOURCEWATCH
20070316             'access capitalists' such as JAMES—BAKER—III + SAUDI—ARABIA—PRINCE—AL—WALEED—BIN—TALAL...
20070316             Le Carlyle Group, une affaire d'initiés [Voltaire]
20070316             'EX—PRESIDENTS—CLUB' gets fat on conflict - | Special reports |
20070316             Did THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—S buy 1—PRESIDENT? - Salon
20070316             MichaelMoore_com : Archive
20070316             Fahrenheit 20010911             | Library + Resources Book
20070316             An even whackier conspiracy theory: Moore + OSAMA—BIN—LADEN
20070316             CARLYLE numbers"PRINCE—ALWALEED—BIN—TALAL—BIN—ABDUL—AZIZ—ALSAUD—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA... HRH PRINCE—ALWALEED—BIN—TALAL + trusts for his benefit hold major...
20070316             CAMERA: Key Context Missing in Globe article about SAUDI—ARABIA—DONOR to...
20070316             Cliff Kincaid : World Defense REVIEW—OF—MILITARY—AFFAIRS +...
20070316             00.000.---- -—30—YEARS—AFTER it was RELEASED—THE—NETWORK—MOVIE is more accurate than not,
20070316             because billionaire SAUDI—ARABIA—PRINCE—ALWALEED—BIN—TALAL, the 5. richest
20070316             WALTON, JIM—C—WAL—MART Handelskette $ 18.8—MRD.
20070316             Khaleej Times ONLINE—PRINCE—ALWALEED discusses SAUDI—USA economic...
20070316             PRINCE—AL—WALEED, SCHEMA—ROOT news
20070316             Stockpickr! PRINCE—AL—WALEED—PORTFOLIO
20070316             PRINCE—AL—WALEED—BIN—TALAL is 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—SAUDI—ROYAL—FAMILY known for his INTERNATIONAL investments + MULTI—BILLION dollar business...
20070316             SAUDI—ARABIA—PRINCE to build Tel Aviv hotel.
20070316             SAUDI—ARABIA n PRINCE—ALWALEED—BIN—TALAL plans to invest into ISRAEL as he is in negotiations to build 1—HOTEL on TEL AVIV...
20070316             Kass: 10—THINGS That Could Move Stocks
20070316             I am hearing that, at THE—URGING—OF—PRINCE—ALWALEED—BIN—TALAL (CitiGROUP 's (C - CRAMER—TAKE—STOCKPICKR) largest individual shareholder), FORMER—BCCI BANK—OF—CREDIT and Comerce
20070316             ROTANA—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia
20070316             He personally signs artists to his labels + is known for running 1—HUGE—MEDIA empire that includes a...
20070316             MÉCÉNAT—DONATION du PRINCE—ALWALEED -
20070316             Riehl World View: FOX—NEWS—WHO—THE—HYPOCRITE—HERE?
20070316             Sein Bruder Theo ist auf Platz 14. 4. PRINCE—ALWALEED—BIN—TALAL—ALSAUD, 1—SAUDI—ARABIA—ARABISCHER SCHEICH...
20070316             The art of Noblesse OBLIGE—SAUDI—ARABIA—BARBARIAN STYLE—ONEJERUSALEM...
20070316             Sure, he's AHEAD—OF—JACK—BENNY + EBENEZER—SCROOGE but he's light years behind ISLAMO—FASCIST—ROYAL—PRINCE—AL—WALEED—BIN—TALAL.
20070316             —NOW there's a man who knows...
20070316             Die beiden USA—SENATOREN zeigten sich beeindruckt von der "Professionalität", mit der die Militärkomission die Anhörung geleitet habe.
20070316             WASHINGTON—IN einer Erklärung gaben der Demokrat CARL—LEVIN + der Republikaner Lindsay Graham bekannt, dass sie
20070316             —AM vergangenen —SAMSTAG—IM USA—GEFANGENENLAGER GUANTANAMO auf KUBA die Anhörung mit verfolgten, in der
20070316             KHALID SHEIKH MOHAMMED die Organisation der Anschläge vom
20070316             Tabakindustrie: Richterin verfügt weltweites Aus für "Light"- Zigaretten
20070316             Terrorismus: USA—SENATOREN fordern Prüfung der Foltervorwürfe von AL—QAIDA—CHEFPLANER Mohammed
20070316             Handygebühren: Mobilfunkkonzerne gewinnen Prozess gegen Netzagentur
20070316             Joschka Fischer: EU soll sich in Streit um Raketenschild einmischen
20070316             BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERGS Justizminister ULRICH—GOLL (FDP) hat die Lockerungen aber verhindert,
20070316             —NACHDEM Klar in einem Grußwort an die ROSA—LUXEMBURG—KONFERENZ —MITTE ;;01;;
20070316             klassenkämpferische Töne angeschlagen hatte.
20070316             Goll will die Hafterleichterungen —ERST genehmigen, wenn auch ein 2. Gutachten die Ungefährlichkeit Klars bescheinigt.
20070316             Ein 1. Gutachten war laut Justizministerium "einigermaßen positiv" ausgefallen.
20070316             Die 2. Begutachtung lehnt Klar —JETZT ab.
20070316             "Aber das Problem sind diese Exzesse", sagt er.
20070316             Sollten die Aufträge einbrechen oder die Zinsen stark steigen, dann könne es für die Unternehmen ohne ausreichendes Polster finanziell zu eng werden.
20070316             "Wenn die Volumina der Recaps —ERST einmal auf dem Tisch liegen sollten, dann wird sich mit Recht der Volkszorn an ihnen entladen", prognostiziert er.
20070316             FRANKFURT am MAIN—MAN hat sich eine dickes Fell zugelegt:
20070316             Viel schwerer wiegt, dass mit HANS—ALBRECHT —NUN einer aus den eigenen Reihen Vorwürfe erhebt.
20070316             Der 51-jährige Finanzinvestor ist nicht IRGENDWER—ER hat die BETEILIGUNGSGESELLSCHAFT Nordwind gegründet.
20070316             Zuvor war er DEUTSCHLAND—CHEF eines internationalen Schwergewichts im Geschäft, der CARLYLE GROUP.
20070316             Albrechts Sorge: Wenn die Branche nicht selber für mehr Transparenz SORGT—DANN wird es der STAAT tun.
20070316             Die Exzesse einiger weniger würden das Öffentlichkeitsbild der Mehrheit belasten, klagt er.
20070316             Albrecht kann den Ruf nach Regulierung durchaus nachvollziehen.
20070316             "Die Liquidität eines Unternehmens gehört nicht allein den Investoren, sondern allen Stakeholdern, also auch den Mitarbeitern", betont er.
20070316             und soll über den USA—FLIEGERHORST Ramstein in DEUTSCHLAND nach ÄGYPTEN gebracht worden sein
20070316             —NUN will die ITALIEN—REGIERUNG den Prozess —IN—LETZTER—MINUTE per Verfassungsgericht stoppen.
20070316             Der zuständige Mailänder Richter habe sich bei der Anklage auf Geheimdokumente gestützt und Staatsgeheimnisse verletzt, erklärte der Anwalt LUIGI—PANELLA.
20070316             Der Jurist vertritt im Auftrag der Regierung in Rom den Geheimdienstmann MARCO—MANCINI,
20070316             der neben mehreren anderen Italienern an der Verschleppung durch die CIA beteiligt gewesen sein soll.
20070316             BERLIN—MIT einem Einspruch beim Verfassungsgericht wollen Anwälte der Regierung in Rom die Anklage gegen 26—USA—CIA—MITARBEITER
20070316             + mehrere Agenten des ITALIEN—GEHEIMDIENSTES stoppen, die sich wegen der Verschleppung eines Predigers in Mailand vor Gericht verantworten müssen.
20070316             Der spektakuläre Prozess in Mailand sollte
20070316             RAF—DEBATTE: EX—TERRORIST Klar klagt Hafterleichterungen ein
20070316             PRIVATE—EQUITY—BRANCHE: 1—INSIDER rechnet ab
20070316             G8- Konferenz: Umweltminister planen Studie über VERLUST—DER—ARTENVIELFALT
20070316             CIA—ENTFÜHRUNG: Italiens Regierung will Prozess gegen Agenten stoppen
20070316             Datenaustausch zur TERROR—ABWEHR: EU plant MEGA—DATEI für Fingerabdrücke
20070316             Dokumentation: Merkels Grundsatzrede in Warschau
20070316             USA—PAYS kin in DEATHS—OF—AFGHANISTAN—BOYS:
20070316             —BOWED, THE—USA—COLONEL, his head at the fresh dirt graves of 3—YOUNG—BOYS marked by brightly colored martyrs' flags —WEDNESDAY.
20070316             —EXPRESSED, Then he sat down next to the boys' fathers, his condolences and handed them 1—ENVELOPE FULL—OF—CASH.
20070316             Top Taleban leader sounds warning:
20070316             Top Taleban COMMANDER—MULLAH—DADULLAH told THE—BBC that 1,800 suicide bombers were ready to go into action.
20070316             "SELF—IMMOLATION by oppressed AFGHANISTAN—WOMEN is rising':
20070316             † 1—WOMAN committed suicide by setting herself ablaze —AFTER her FATHER—IN—LAW tried to rape her.
20070316             Another set herself on fire because her brothers would not let her marry, preferring that she remain their servant at home.
20070316             Alleged Architect Of 20010911             Confesses To MANY—ATTACKS:
20070316             [Admits he met Elvis in 1—NIGHTCLUB in AFGHANISTAN (Humor) ]: KHALID SHEIK—MOHAMMED ,
20070316             the alleged MASTERMIND—OF—20010911             —THE attacks,
20070316             confessed at 1—GUANTANAMO—BAY military hearing that he planned and funded that AL—QAEDA—OPERATION and said he was involved in more than 2—DOZEN—OTHER—TERRORIST—ACTS—AROUND the world
20070316             How to extract 1—FALSE—CONFESSION : CIA holds young sons of captured AL—QA'EDA—CHIEF:
20070316             2—YOUNG—SONS—OF—KHALID SHEIKH MOHAMMED, the suspected MASTERMIND—OF—20010911             —THE attacks,
20070316             are being used by THE—CIA to force their father to talk.
20070316             Harsh C.I.A. Methods Cited in Top Qaeda Interrogations:
20070316             that have produced growing concerns inside the agency about abuses, according to current + former counterterrorism officials.
20070316             JUDGE—RULES—KHARTOUM behind attack on USS Cole:
20070316             -for the 1. TIME—YESTERDAY- 1—USA—FEDERAL—JUDGE—BLAMED—SUDAN for the
20070316             Panel OKs subpoenas in attorney probe: THE—SENATE—JUDICIARY—COMMITTEE—THURSDAY
20070316             cleared the way for subpoenas compelling 5—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—OFFICIALS + 6—OF—THE—USA—ATTORNEYS they fired
20070316             to tell the story of the purge that has prompted demands for THE—OUSTER—OF—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES.
20070316             Aborted DOJ Probe Probably Would Have Targeted Gonzales:
20070316             —INTERVENED, BUSH personally, to sideline THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—PROBE—WHOSE Mortgage Crisis?:
20070316             It is high time to block predatory lending of all kinds by reinstating usury laws, limiting interest rates, penalties and fees that creditors can charge.
20070316             Mortgage lenders can't claim that no 1—TOLD them so:
20070316             As the market for risky mortgages collapses,
20070316             dragging home values + stock prices down with it, 1—OF—THE—MOST telling features is how utterly avoidable the meltdown was.
20070316             —BANNED, CHILDREN—MEDICINE contains, additives:
20070316             MANY—OVER—THE—COUNTER medicines for babies and children contain 1—COCKTAIL of additives that are banned in food aimed at under threes, 1—REPORT reveals —TODAY.
20070316             GENERAL—PETRAEUS + a HIGH—PROFILE Suicide in IRAQ:
20070316             COLONEL—TED—WEST—HUSING, 1—WEST—POINT—SCHOLAR, put 1—BULLET in his HEAD—IN—IRAQ —AFTER reporting widespread corruption.
20070316             His suicide note -- complaining about human rights abuses and other crimes -- was addressed to his 2—COMMANDERS,
20070316             including GENERAL—DAVID—PETRAEUS, —NOW LEADER—OF—THE—USA "surge" effort in IRAQ.
20070316             It urged them to "Reevaluate yourselves....You are not what you think you are and I know it".
20070316             Biden To Bush : "You're leading us off 1—CLIFF. Stop!
20070316             20070316             ": Clearly having had ENOUGH—OF—REPUBLICAN colleagues putting their blind loyalty to GEORGE—W—BUSH ahead of USA—OPINION and the lives of our troops,
20070316             SENATOR—JOE—BIDEN (D—DE) gave 1—POWERFUL—SPEECH on THE—SENATE—FLOOR—WEDNESDAY in which he ripped THE—GOP for their failure to lead and fulfill their duties to our country.
20070316             1—DESPERATE—ARMY is scraping the bottom:
20070316             1—ARMY already stretched painfully thin is —NOW being asked to find the additional 25,000-plus troops to man PRESIDENT—BUSH—ESCALATION in IRAQ and,
20070316             it's —NOW obvious, prepare for additional combat rotations —NEXT—YEAR.
20070316             House panel sets 20080000             IRAQ pullout:
20070316             1—DEMOCRATIC—PLAN to withdraw all USA combat troops from IRAQ—ROBERT—BAER : IRAQ—MERCENARY—KING:
20070316             As 1—FORMER—C.I.1—AGENT, THE—AUTHOR—KNOWS how mercenaries work: in the shadows.
20070316             —ELECTED, Clinton foresees residual force in IRAQ if she is :
20070316             —ELECTED, SENATOR—HILLARY—RODHAM—CLINTON says that, if, PRESIDENT, she foresees a "remaining military as well as political mission" in IRAQ and would keep 1 reduced but significant military force there to fight AL—QAEDA ,
20070316             deter IRAN—AGGRESSION, protect the Kurds and possibly support THE—IRAQ—MILITARY.
20070316             ISRAEL warns USA against quick IRAQ exit:
20070316             saying it would lead to instability in the region.
20070316             —BACKED, AIPAC, removal of IRAN war provision:
20070316             —HELPED, AIPAC lobbying, remove 1—PROVISION from 1—BILL that would have required PRESIDENT—BUSH to seek congressional approval for war against IRAN.
20070316             'Big six' clinch IRAN nuclear deal :
20070316             6—MAJOR—POWERS announced 1—AGREEMENT—ON—THURSDAY to impose new UN sanctions on IRAN for its nuclear programme,
20070316             but IRAN—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD vowed the initiative would not sway his country
20070316             USA : IRAN must comply with "UNITED—NATIONS" demands:
20070316             As 1—UNITED—NATIONS member, IRAN must comply with UNITED—NATIONS resolutions demanding THE—END—OF—ITS—NUCLEAR—ENRICHMENT—PROGRAM, says USA—AMBASSADOR—ALEJANDRO—WOLFF.
20070316             —SUBMITTED, ANTI—IRAN draft resolution, to UNSC:
20070316             which once more underlines SUSPENSION—OF—ENRICHMENT—PROCESS.
20070316             Bullying states use science to suppress NATIONS—PALESTINIANS agree unity government:
20070316             ISMAIL—HANIYA, THE—PALESTINE—PRIME—MINISTER, has said MAHMOUD—ABBAS, THE—PRESIDENT, has accepted the coalition government he presented to him in GAZA City —ON—THURSDAY.
20070316             Spinned Surge: Don't buy the claims that the military escalation in IRAQ is working::
20070316             The job of neoconservative writers analyzing THE—IRAQ war has largely been to obscure objective analysis and provide talking points for war supporters.
20070316             Hakim insists on IRAQ—SAY in USA—OPERATION s:
20070316             1—OF—IRAQ—MOST powerful Shia leaders, Abdel AZIZ—HAKIM, demanded the government to have 1—SAY in security OPERATION s being conducted by USA—FORCES
20070316             PATRICK—COCKBURN: BAGHDAD Under Surge:
20070316             BAGHDAD has broken up into 12—DIFFERENT—CITIES at war with EACH—OTHER.
20070316             —COVERED, Walls are, with slogans in black paint saying "Death to Spies".
20070316             ANY—SHIA caught in 1—SUNNI district will be killed as 1—SPY or because of his religion and vice versa.
20070316             War Without Win - 1—WHITE—PAPER—ON—IRAN
20070316             —SOAKED, The soil of IRAN is, with the blood shed by its people who have defended their homes and culture for THOUSANDS—OF—YEARS.
20070316             The threats of THE—USA—NEOCONS, who believe that IRAN and its oil is theirs for the taking, are EXPRESSIONS—OF—HYPOCRISY in the extreme.
20070316             —DEMONSTRATED, IRAN has repeatedly, its desire to obtain and maintain friendly relations with THE—USA.
20070316             AMERICA—METHODS—OF—MIND—CONTROL or better put, manufacturing consent through efficient and careful USE—OF—MEDIA,
20070316             must be THE—ENVY—OF—EVERY—TYRANNICAL—DICTATOR ruling the most oppressive regimes in the world.
20070316             I find it hard to believe that there hasn't been mutiny en masse in all the armed forces, but especially those on the ground.
20070316             —MASSACRED, They're being, by 1—INEPT officer corps + GENERAL officers of which SOME—HAVE their lips glued squarely on BUSH—ASS.
20070316             CONTINUE—'WE Must Resist!'-
20070316             Was I 1—GOOD—AMERICAN in THE—TIME—OF—GEORGE—BUSH ?-
20070316             —BY—REBECCA SOLNIT—TOO MANY—OF—USA have done too little to stop the crimes of this WHITE—HOUSE.
20070316             We are waking up but what took us so long?
20070316             Comedy Central —5—MINUTE—VIDEO—THE—ONLY think that I would trust CHENEY for advice on -- if I had 1—DEAD hooker in my hotel room".
20070316             CONTINUE—INDENTURED Servants in AMERICA-
20070316             1—MUST—READ for anyone who favors 1—EXPANSION—OF—GUEST—WORKER—PROGRAMS in THE—USA is 1—STUNNING new report from THE—SOUTH—POVERTY—LAW—CENTER that details the widespread abuse of highly vulnerable,
20070316             POVERTY—STRICKEN workers in programs that already exist.
20070316             Der nördliche Nordatlantik mit dem GOLFSTROM—SYSTEM als große Meeresströmung sei für das Weltklima 1—SCHLÜSSELREGION.
20070316             Er bestimme nicht nur das nordeuropäische Klima, sondern habe globale Fernwirkungen.
20070316             "Selbst wenn sich die Vorhersagen der Klimamodelle bestätigen sollten,
20070316             werden wir hier in EUROPA nicht über kurz oder lang in 1—EISZEIT rutschen", erklärte der Ozeanograf JÜRGEN—WILLEBRAND.
20070316             "Bestenfalls wird die zu erwartende Klimaerwärmung in Nordeuropa etwas moderater ausfallen".
20070316             Bei einer Fläche von 25.700—QUADRATKILOMETER und einer Wassertiefe von 19—64—METER, hat er 1—WASSERVOLUMEN—VON—1.645—KUBIKKILOMETERN und ist damit der flachste + wasserärmste der 5—SOGENANNTEN Großen Seen:
20070316             Lake Superior, Lake MICHIGAN, Lake Huron, Lake ONTARIO und Lake ERIE.
20070316             Sie trennen KANADA und die USA.
20070316             Als kleinster unter diesen Fünfen ist der Eriesee am anfälligsten für plötzliche Veränderungen des Wasserstands und der Temperatur.
20070316             Rettet den Regenwald e.V. und Regenwald Report
20070316             STELLUNGNAHME—VON—RETTET den Regenwald e. V. zur Antwort von HANS—JOSEF—FELL, MdB... Abholzung und Umweltzerstörung", urteilt RUDY—READY—LUMURU.
20070316             Diese sind akut von der Abholzung bedroht, wenn UFS seine...
20070316             ;;12;; wandte sich ROBIN—WOOD gemeinsam mit Rettet den Regenwald, urgewald und Global 20000000             ...
20070316             SPERK—DP50 - Bestätigt sich für Köthen die These der DDR—HISTORIOGRAPHIE, wonach die westlichen Besatzungsmächte die Hauptschuld an der Verzögerung der EntNAZI fizierung...
20070316             Idea BANK, JAY—GODSALL, Idea BANK is an intangible asset BANK : EVE :: Evironmental Vision Exchange
20070316             Environmental Vision Exchange, JAY—GODSALL, THE—CANADIAN—CHARITY helping young people create change within their communities.
20070316             Background in microbiology, biotech research, IT research
20070316             —GESTIEGEN, Bundeskriminalamt: ZAHL—DER—RECHTSEXTREMEN—STRAFTATEN deutlich
20070316             Alleingang ins All: DEUTSCHLAND—INDUSTRIE rüstet zum SOLO—FLUG auf den Mond
20070316             Stabile Strömung: Golfstrom trotzt globaler Erwärmung
20070316             Düsseldorf: Fluggast schmuggelte 10—KILO Kokain in Hundebox
20070316             USA—IMMOBILIENKRISE: KREDIT—KARUSSELL außer Kontrolle
20070316             Klimaschonend: ZAHL—DER—ERDGASAUTOS stieg um 40—PROZENT
20070316             USA—RAKETENSCHILD: Merkel warnt POLEN vor Spaltung Europas
20070316             —GEFUNDEN, Rauschgift: Mehr als 22—KILOGRAMM Kokain an Sylter STRAND—USA—ABWEHRSCHILD: Laser gegen Raketen
20070316             Neokonservatives Projekt: AUTOR—ULFKOTTE plant ANTI—ISLAMISCHE Partei
20070316             Klimaschutz: BELGIEN knipst das Licht auf Autobahnen aus
20070316             MANAGER—GEHÄLTER: 5,3 Millionen Euro für ALLIANZ—CHEF—DIEKMANN
20070316             Flughafen FRANKFURT: Polizei nimmt SERBIEN—MAFIA boss fest
20070316             KUBA: Castro will wieder zum Staatsoberhaupt gewählt werden
20070316             ANTARKTIS und GRÖNLAND: JEDES—JAHR verschwinden 125—GIGATONNEN Eis
20070316             Islamistisches Drohvideo: BKA warnt vor Panik in DEUTSCHLAND
20070316             "New unreleased E—MAILS from top administration officials show
20070316             Talking Points MEMO—CANNED USA—ATTORNEY—SCANDAL—TIMELINE—THAT—QUITE informative.
20070316             Schumer told reporters, ?I know, from other sources, that there is 1—ACTIVE + avid discussion in THE—WHITE—HOUSE whether [Gonzales ] should stay or not,?
20070316             adding that ?the odds are very high that he will no longer be THE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL.?
20070316             Schumer Says Disgusted DOJ Professionals are Getting the Truth Out.
20070316             Imagine our surprise —WHEN THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, in 1—RECENT—EDITORIAL,
20070316             used the word that BuzzFlash has been calling ALBERTO—GONZALES —FOR—YEARS:
20070316             This crime family consiglieri is about to find himself walking the plank to protect Fredo,
20070316             the Godfather and Rove. Ask Libby.
20070316             20070316             He Knows Where Loyalty to the Mob Leads You.
20070316             Alberto "Consiglieri" Gonzales is the BuzzFlash GOP HYPOCRITE—OF—THE—WEEK.
20070316             A 2. Republican, SENATOR—GORDON—SMITH (R—ORE.), called for GONZALES—OUSTER —YESTERDAY.
20070316             SENATOR—JOHN—E—SUNUNU (R—NEW—HAMPSHIRE) said —WEDNESDAY that Gonzales should resign.
20070316             also demanded his resignation —AFTER learning of E—MAILS that showed Justice officials actively planning to circumvent Pryor on the replacement for 1—FIRED—LITTLE—ROCK—USA—ATTORNEY 20060000            .
20070316             20070316             Rove Heavily Involved.
20070316             What Else is New? 20070316             —CLEARED, THE—SENATE—JUDICIARY—COMMITTEE—THURSDAY, the way for subpoenas compelling 5—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—OFFICIALS and 6—OF—THE—USA—ATTORNEYS they fired to tell the story of the purge that has prompted demands for THE—OUSTER—OF—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES.
20070316             THE—DIXIE—CHICK—CD that the Country + WEST—STATIONS—BANNED
20070316             Who is the Patriot —NOW? We'll Go With Natalie.
20070316             Bush is 1—MAN—WHO—BETRAYED—OUR—GIS and AMERICA. Natalie Spoke Truth to Power.
20070316             TIME: "Why KSM—CONFESSION—RINGS—FALSE".
20070316             THE—BUSH eviks Want us to Forget About BUSH—FAILURE to Catch Osama,
20070316             —AFTER Taunting Him About Who Had More Manhood.
20070316             ILLINOIS.50 Caliber Ban Advances in STATE—SENATE
20070316             Democrats to open hearings on CIA leak —ON—FRIDAY.
20070316             THE—STAR—WITNESS—WILL be Valerie Plame.
20070316             Repost: Aborted DOJ Probe Probably Would Have Targeted Gonzales 3/16
20070316             Episode 55: 1—LETTER to the consigliere.
20070316             KLIMA—STREIT: Tanktouristen frisieren Deutschlands CO2- Bilanz
20070316             AUSTRALIEN: Betrüger verschafft sich Zugang zu den höchsten Sicherheitskreisen
20070316             —VERSCHLEIERT, Offiziere: Verteidigungsminister, wahren Grund des Tornadoeinsatzes
20070316             UNGARN: Erneut Krawalle durch Rechtsextremisten
20070316             EU: Rülpsende Kühe sind auch schuld am Klimawandel
20070316             KUBA: Vertraute gehen von Kandidatur Castro s bei Wahlen 20080000             aus
20070316             —WINTER 20060000             /2007 :
20070316             Temperatur 0,7 Grad über langjährigem DURCHSCHNITT—JOHN—DEUSS—WIKIPEDIA
20070316             JOHN—CHRISTIAAN—MARTINUS—AUGUSTINUS—MARIA—DEUSS (19420000             ) is een Nederlands zakenman
20070316             actief in de olie industrie onder andere in NIGERIA, GABON, Indonesië...
20070316             Global Oil Companies
20070316             —SEIZED, WASHINGTON Examiner YENAGOA, NIGERIA—ARMED—MEN have, CONTROL—OF—1—OIL—COMPLEX in southern...
20070316             - Actueel nieuws Op de airstrips VAN HULL—RANCH werd het tot EIND—THE—ROYAL—GAZETTE
20070316             Extradited businessman JOHN—DEUSS has put his FLORIDA ranch on the market at 1—COST—OF—JUST under $50—MILLION —...
20070316             Riesiger Kaltwasserwirbel: Delle im Ozean vor SYDNEY
20070316             "THE—SALVADORAN phone records of THE—GRASHEIM safe house revealed regular daily and weekly calls to OLIVER—NORTH 's + GEORGE—BUSH—OFFICES in the White...
20070316             THE—BUSH—HARD—DRUG—EMPIRE—II -
20070316             GRASHEIM was also known to carry DEA, FBI + CIA credentials so that he...
20070316             —STATED, CASTILLO, that GRASHEIM worked "HAND—IN—HAND with COLONEL—OLIVER—NORTH.
20070316             FOIA Post (20010000             ): Compiled FOIA Decisions,
20070316             GRASHEIM v. FBI, NUMBER 98-6768 (S.D. FLORIDA
20070316             Webb, GARY—WALTER "WALLY " GRASHEIM, 1—ARMS broker working for THE—LITTON—CORP.
20070316             as THE—REPRESENTATIVE—TO—EL—SALVADOR, was 1—DRUG—TRAFFICKER intimately involved in the
20070316             Fotos, Videos, Noticias, Enlaces 20070316             Blogs sobre COLOMBIA SAN—SALVADOR
20070316             a indagar las actividades misteriosas de un antiguo militar de USA, llamado WALTER—GRASHEIM, quien operaba a las afueras de S—SALVADOR.
20070316             CIA—DRUG Symposium: Cele Castillio III
20070316             —BELONGED, The residence, to 1—USA—CONTRA pilot by THE—NAME—OF—WALLY—GRASHEIM.
20070316             —MENTIONED, He was, in DEA, FBI + USA—CUSTOMS—FILES.
20070316             † The raid was executed —AFTER...
20070316             CIA Report on Contras and Cocaine
20070316             GRASHEIM, WALLY (10300000             ) Gregory, Hayden (995) Gries, David D. (796 957 11060000             —7) Guerra,
20070316             MANUEL—ENRIQUE (Pillique) (302) Haas, Joseph (859 987-95)
20070316             Celerino Castillo, THE—DEA—MAN—WHO—WORKED—TOO—WELL [Free Republic]
20070316             CASTILLO had been told by Martinez that GRASHEIM was flying drugs + weapons...
20070316             —WHILE GRASHEIM was away in NEW—YORK City, CASTILLO + his men raided the...
20070316             Guerra preventiva
20070316             Interview: Celerino Castillo All NORTH—PILOTS ran drugs, says...
20070316             —RAIDED, He was THE—1—THAT, MISTER—GRASHEIM—RESIDENCE.
20070316             To put pressure on me... - WhosaRat_COM—NEW—POST
20070316             —WARNED, Jack could had, everyone at the embassy about THE—GRASHEIM allegation.
20070316             JOSE—BASULTO—BROTHERS to the Rescue
20070316             GRASHEIM is also known to carry DEA + FBI + CIA credentials to SMUGGLE COCAINE.
20070316             —WHEN THE—DEA raided GRASHEIM—HOUSE in EL—SALVADOR, agents FOUND—DEA.35
20070316             —DOCUMENTED, GRASHEIM is 1—CON—VICTED COCAINE DEALER + is, in 7—DEA
20070316             THE—CIA and Cocaine in EL—SALVADOR - "Powerdburns": Cocaine...
20070316             cellerino castillo 'S—GANG Member Called CITY—MOST—VIOLENT—GETS—DEATH—SENTENCE
20070316             DEA Reports on GRASHEIM.
20070316             —RELATED, OIG Interviews, to THE—GRASHEIM case.
20070316             Investigation of CARLOS—AMADOR.
20070316             Celerino CASTILLO—POWDERBURNS - GRASHEIM told GENERAL—GORMAN this +
20070316             00.000.---- -then right —AFTER—RODRIGUEZ came to see GRASHEIM without warning + asked to talk about the idea RODRIGUEZ told...
20070316             Powderburns Congressional TESTIMONY—CONSPIRACY Nation -- Vol.
20070316             2—NUM.
20070316             —TAGGED, WALTER 'WALLY ' GRASHEIM was another SMUGGL er, by CASTILLO.
20070316             —IDENTIFIED, Informant STG6 had, GRASHEIM as "HEAD—OF—SMUGGL i ng OPERATION s" at Ilopango.
20070316             CIA—CONTRA—CRACK Cocaine Controversy
20070316             The only 1—WHO knew GRASHEIM was THE—COMMANDER—OF—USA—MILGROUP in EL—SALVADOR...
20070316             According to CASTILLO, GRASHEIM also told Corr that "If I go down...
20070316             —RECALLED, Reina, hearing from CASTILLO that the Salvadoran government had been enthusiastic about CASTILLO—INVESTIGATION—OF—GRASHEIM, but CASTILLO —LATER...
20070316             THE—CONSORTIUM...
20070316             As NORTH—PILOTS were carrying those BAGS—OF—CASH from MIAMI... - Unit 128—MASTERPOINT Change of Rank
20070316             Zibi Palowski, MIAMI, FL, Bronze Life Master.
20070316             ABHA Patel, Port St Lucie, FL, Bronze Life Master...
20070316             The origins of IRAN—CONTRA: Lessons from the Durrani Affair
20070316             —NOW—1—MIAMI—LAWYER—VALERIE SHEA was SHELLY—BEST—FRIEND in junior high school + high school: "We...
20070316             NACLA Digital Archive-
20070316             —BEYOND the Secret TEAM—RICHARD—POINSETT—ESTERO—FL.
20070316             Rosemary Di Carlo. 20070316             BOCA RATON FL.
20070316             —BECAME, STUDLEY, the former beauty QUEEN—FROM—MIAMI who, 1—CONSERVATIVE
20070316             represented BARBARA—STUDLEY ,
20070316             Castillo Addresses the House SELECT—COMMITTEE—ON—INTELLIGENCE...
20070316             Louis + MIAMI, the ride through the criminal justice funhouse is —JUST getting started.
20070316             1—FORMER—S—PAUL cop has —JUST copped 1—PLEA + —NOW former cops
20070316             NETZEITUNG WIRTSCHAFT: PAPA billigt Kampf gegen den Terror
20070316             Bei der Abwehr müssten jedoch moralische und rechtliche Regeln eingehalten
20070316             Die strafrechtliche Verantwortung sei immer an Personen gebunden.
20070316             Beck stellte den Wahrheitsgehalt der AUSSAGE—VON—SCHEICH—MOHAMMED in Frage:
20070316             "In unserem Rechtssystem wäre ein solches Geständnis, bei dem Folter nicht ausgeschlossen werden kann,
20070316             die Aussage unter Ausschluss der Anwesenheit eines Rechtsbeistands zustande gekommen und im übrigen zensiert ist,
20070316             in keinem Verfahren verwertbar", sagte der GRÜNEN—RECHTSEXPERTE.
20070316             Der Leiter der Organisation, KENNETH—ROTH, warf der USA—REGIERUNG vor,
20070316             sie missbrauche ihre Zensurrecht, wenn sie damit Informationen zurückhalte, "nur weil diese ungelegen oder ungesetzlich sein könnten".
20070316             Die Foltervorwürfe müssten untersucht "statt unterdrückt" werden.
20070316             Terrorismusexperte ROLF—TOPHOVEN hat ebenfalls Bedenken am Geständnis des Scheichs.
20070316             Es sei schwer zu bewerten, welche AUSSAGEN—VON—SCHEICH—MOHAMMED auf Folter zurückzuführen seien, äußerte er sich in der "Berliner Zeitung".
20070316             "Aber auch die Amerikaner wissen,
20070316             dass unter Folter erpresste Geständnisse nur wenig Informationsgehalt haben und nicht zur Aufklärung oder neuen Fahndungserfolgen beitragen",
20070316             sagte der Experte vom Institut für Terrorismusforschung in ESSEN.
20070316             AL—QAIDA: Pearls Eltern haben Zweifel am Geständnis von SCHEICH—MOHAMMED
20070316             BOLIVIEN: KOKA—BAUERN wollen Coca Cola den Namen verbieten
20070316             Proteste: Polizei in PAKISTAN nimmt 100—OPPOSITIONELLE fest
20070316             Flieger für GROSSBRITANNIEN—ARMEE: EADS—KONSORTIUM winkt Auftrag über 18,5- MILLIARDEN—EURO
20070316             MP3- Lizenzen: Zoll durchsucht CEBIT—MESSESTÄNDE
20070316             Umwelt: Gabriel kündigt KLIMASCHUTZ—FAHRPLAN an
20070316             Volkskongress: CHINA schützt Privateigentum
20070316             Niederlage für Demokraten: Republikaner wehren IRAK—ABZUGSFRIST ab
20070316             UNGARN: Krawalle in BUDAPEST—MASSENPROTEST gegen Regierung
20070316             —VERIRRT, Dicker Brocken: Finnwal, sich nach Flensburg
20070316             Inder gegen Franzosen: MILLIARDEN—WETTSTREIT um Hamburger WINDANLAGEN—FIRMA
20070316             IRAK—ABZUG: Demokraten drängen Bush in die ENGE—HE relieved GENERAL—ABIZAID on.
20070316             Petraeus is THE—COMMANDER—OF—THE—CURRENT—IRAQ force, Multinational Force IRAQ.
20070316             Bei der RÜSTUNGSHOLDING—DEUSS puts up $50m FLORIDA ranch
20070316             Finally, THE—IN fact, ISBN 011 682064 0 20060808             COMPANY LAW OFFICIAL NOTIFICATIONS...
20070316             Professor... - pogo_org POGO 20070316             Letter to NRC Chairman DALE—KLEIN regarding security...
20070316             is 1—INDEPENDENT nonprofit that investigates + exposes corruption + other misconduct in order to achieve a...
20070316             —TESTIFIED, As I previously.
20070316             Carlyle Group kreuzen sich die Geschäftsinteressen der
20070316             Familie Bush + DER—FAMILIE OSAMA—BIN—LADEN und VON—SCHEICH—BIN—MAHFOUZ.
20070316             Tu chiamale se vuoi collusioni
20070316             2—PARTNERS hailing from European venture capital firms have started up new... along with early investors Atlas Venture and Carlyle European Partners.
20070316             05887009. 20062607            .
20070316             20070316             - - THE—PROPERTY—PREVIEW COMPANY LIMITED.
20070316             20070316             03295094. - Untitled Document Huit group es financiers, dont Citigroup Venture Capital... développé par la société Qinetic, capable de repérer SUR la piste à 2.000—MÈTRES, de jour comme.
20070316             Postman Patel: European Venture CAPITAL—JOURNAL—CARLYLE will invest through the Carlyle EUROPE Venture Partners fund and leads the syndicate.
20070316             Liquidation d' Opto Speed (OptoSpeed) stop carlyle.ifrance_com/liquidationoptospeed.htm
20070316             Timeline SAUDI—ARABIA—'EX—PRESIDENTS—CLUB' gets fat on conflict
20070316             | Special reports | - The... - Carlyle GROUP—WHOSE HIGH—PROFILE investors include
20070316             GEORGE—SOROS + Saud i ARABIA—PRINCE—ALWALEED bin Talal -
20070316             Did the Saud i s buy 1—PRESIDENT? - Salon
20070316             —OWNED, Carlyle Group has, 1—NUMBER—OF—OTHER—MAJOR—DEFENSE—FIRMS such as...
20070316             00.000.---- -—30—YEARS—AFTER it was RELEASED—THE—NETWORK—MOVIE is more accurate than not, because billionaire Saud i PRINCE—ALWALEED bin Talal, the 5. richest...
20070316             Walton, JOHN—T—WAL—MART—HANDELSKETTE...
20070316             DUBAI — - PRINCE—ALWALEED bin Talal bin Abdulaziz Alsaud, CHAIRMAN—OF—KINGDOM—HOLDING—COMPANY,
20070316             Saud i PRINCE—ALWALEED bin Talal bin Abdulaziz Alsaud is the founder... Saud i ARABIA—PRINCE—AL—WALEED bin Talal is acquiring MALAYSIA—AIRLINE—SYSTEM...
20070316             Saud i PRINCE to build Tel Aviv hotel.
20070316             —OWNED, It is, by the Saud i PRINCE—AL—WALEED bin Talal.
20070316             Statistik in den W—AKTEN 3. KARL—ALBRECHT—JA, genau, der Besitzer von ALDI—SÜD.
20070316             BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERGS Justizminister ULRICH—GOLL (FDP) hat die Lockerungen aber verhindert, —NACHDEM Klar in einem Grußwort an die ROSA—LUXEMBURG—KONFERENZ —MITTE—JANUAR klassenkämpferische Töne angeschlagen hatte.
20070316             Ungesunde Auswüchse sieht er auch bei den Gebühren, die VIELE—PRIVATE—EQUITY—GESELLSCHAFTEN den Unternehmen auferlegen.
20070316             Für die "Heuschrecken"-Vorwürfe aus der Politik interessieren sich die meisten MITARBEITER—VON—PRIVATE—EQUITY—BETEILIGUNGSFIRMEN kaum noch.
20070316             Der Jurist vertritt im Auftrag der Regierung in Rom den Geheimdienstmann MARCO—MANCINI, der neben mehreren anderen Italienern an der Verschleppung durch die CIA beteiligt gewesen sein soll.
20070316             BERLIN—MIT einem Einspruch beim Verfassungsgericht wollen Anwälte der Regierung in Rom die
20070316             Anklage gegen 26—USA—CIA—MITARBEITER + mehrere Agenten des ITALIEN—GEHEIMDIENSTES stoppen,
20070316             die sich wegen der Verschleppung eines Predigers in Mailand vor Gericht verantworten müssen.
20070316             USA—PAYS kin in DEATHS—OF—AFGHANISTAN—BOYS : THE—USA—COLONEL bowed his head at the fresh dirt graves of 3—YOUNG—BOYS marked by brightly colored martyrs' flags —WEDNESDAY.
20070316             Top Taleban leader sounds warning : Top Taleban COMMANDER—MULLAH—DADULLAH told THE—BBC that 1,800 suicide bombers were ready to go into action.
20070316             —OPPRESSED, SELF—IMMOLATION by, AFGHANISTAN—WOMEN is rising' : 1—WOMAN committed suicide by setting herself ablaze —AFTER her FATHER—IN—LAW tried to rape her.
20070316             † Yet another told her mother —BEFORE she, that her husband beat her daily.
20070316             [Admits he met Elvis in 1—NIGHTCLUB in AFGHANISTAN (Humor) ]: Khalid SHEIK—MOHAMMED, the alleged mastermind of 20010911             —THE attacks, confessed at 1—GUANTANAMO—BAY military hearing that he planned and funded that AL—QAEDA operation and said he was involved in more than 2—DOZEN—OTHER—TERRORIST—ACTS—AROUND the world
20070316             How to extract 1—FALSE—CONFESSION :
20070316             —CAPTURED, CIA holds young sons of, AL—QA'EDA—CHIEF : 2—YOUNG—SONS—OF—KHALID Sheikh Mohammed, the suspected mastermind of 20010911             —THE attacks, are being used by THE—CIA to force their father to talk.
20070316             THE—CIA has used coercive interrogation methods against 1—SELECT—GROUP—OF [SUPPOSED?]HIGH—LEVEL—LEADERS + operatives of AL—QAEDA
20070316             Mortgage lenders can't claim that no 1—TOLD them so : As the market for risky mortgages collapses,
20070316             —BANNED, CHILDREN—MEDICINE contains, additives : MANY—OVER—THE—COUNTER medicines for babies and children contain 1—COCKTAIL of additives that are banned in food aimed at under threes, 1—REPORT reveals —TODAY.
20070316             GENERAL—PETRAEUS + 1—HIGH—PROFILE—SUICIDE in IRAQ : COLONEL—TED—WESTHUSING, 1—WEST—POINT—SCHOLAR, put 1—BULLET in his HEAD—IN—IRAQ —AFTER reporting widespread corruption.
20070316             His suicide note -- complaining about human rights abuses and other crimes -- was addressed to his 2—COMMANDERS, including GENERAL—DAVID—PETRAEUS, —NOW LEADER—OF—THE—USA "surge" effort in IRAQ.
20070316             " : Clearly having had ENOUGH—OF—REPUBLICAN colleagues putting their blind loyalty to GEORGE—W—BUSH ahead of USA—OPINION and the lives of our troops, SENATOR—JOE—BIDEN (D—DE) gave 1—POWERFUL—SPEECH on the Senate floor —WEDNESDAY in which he ripped THE—GOP for their failure to lead and fulfill their duties to our country.
20070316             1—DESPERATE—ARMY is scraping the bottom : 1—ARMY already stretched painfully thin is —NOW being asked to find the additional 25,000-plus troops to man PRESIDENT—BUSH—ESCALATION in IRAQ and, it's —NOW obvious, prepare for additional combat rotations —NEXT—YEAR.
20070316             ROBERT—BAER : IRAQ—MERCENARY—KING: As 1—FORMER—C.I.1—AGENT, THE—AUTHOR—KNOWS how mercenaries work: in the shadows.
20070316             —ELECTED, Clinton foresees residual force in IRAQ if she is : SENATOR—HILLARY—RODHAM—CLINTON says that, if elected PRESIDENT, she foresees a "remaining military as well as political mission" in IRAQ and would keep 1 reduced but significant military force there to fight AL—QAEDA, deter IRAN—AGGRESSION, protect the Kurds and possibly support THE—IRAQ—MILITARY.
20070316             ISRAEL warns USA against quick IRAQ exit : ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT has warned THE—USA—AGAINST 1—QUICK—DEPARTURE from IRAQ, saying it would lead to instability in the region.
20070316             —BACKED, AIPAC, removal of IRAN war provision : AIPAC lobbying helped remove 1—PROVISION from 1—BILL that would have required PRESIDENT—BUSH to seek congressional approval for war against IRAN.
20070316             6—MAJOR—POWERS announced 1—AGREEMENT—ON—THURSDAY to impose new UN sanctions on IRAN for its nuclear programme, but IRAN—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD vowed the initiative would not sway his country
20070316             USA : IRAN must comply with "UNITED—NATIONS" demands : As 1—UNITED—NATIONS member, IRAN must comply with UNITED—NATIONS resolutions demanding THE—END—OF—ITS—NUCLEAR—ENRICHMENT—PROGRAM, says USA—AMBASSADOR—ALEJANDRO—WOLFF.
20070316             —REFERRED, PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD —ON—THURSDAY, to THE—USA—AND—BRITAIN as bullying countries using science and power to suppress and plunder the world nations and constantly seeking to sow seed of discord among nations.
20070316             Support for Regime Change Falls to 15% in USA.
20070316             Palestinians agree unity government : ISMAIL—HANIYA, THE—PALESTINE—PRIME—MINISTER, has said MAHMOUD—ABBAS, THE—PRESIDENT, has accepted the coalition government he presented to him in GAZA City —ON—THURSDAY.
20070316             Spinned Surge: Don't buy the claims that the military escalation in IRAQ is working: : The job of neoconservative writers analyzing THE—IRAQ war has largely been to obscure objective analysis and provide talking points for war supporters.
20070316             PATRICK—COCKBURN: BAGHDAD Under Surge : BAGHDAD has broken up into 12—DIFFERENT—CITIES at war with EACH—OTHER.
20070316             United STATE—OF—MINDS
20070316             AMERICA—METHODS—OF—MIND—CONTROL or better put, manufacturing consent through efficient and careful USE—OF—MEDIA, must be THE—ENVY—OF—EVERY—TYRANNICAL—DICTATOR ruling the most oppressive regimes in the world.
20070316             'We Must Resist!'-By Cynthia McKinney -"Voting is necessary, but it isn't enough to get THE—KIND—OF—CHANGE we must —NOW demand"Continue
20070316             Was I—1—GOOD—AMERICAN in THE—TIME—OF—GEORGE—BUSH ? -By Rebecca SOLNIT—TOO MANY—OF—USA have done too little to stop the crimes of this WHITE—HOUSE.
20070316             CONTINUE—CHENEY—BAFFLING—CLOUT—COMEDY Central —5—MINUTE—VIDEO—THE—ONLY think that I would trust Cheney for advice on -- if I had 1—DEAD hooker in my hotel room".
20070316             Indentured Servants in AMERICA
20070316             —BY BOB—HERBERT—NY—TIMES—OP—ED
20070316             1—MUST—READ for anyone who favors 1—EXPANSION—OF—GUEST—WORKER—PROGRAMS in THE—USA is 1—STUNNING new report from THE—SOUTH—POVERTY—LAW—CENTER that details the widespread abuse of highly vulnerable, POVERTY—STRICKEN workers in programs that already exist.
20070316             "Wir werden in EUROPA nicht in 1—EISZEIT rutschen"
20070316             "Selbst wenn sich die Vorhersagen der Klimamodelle bestätigen sollten, werden wir hier in EUROPA nicht über kurz oder lang in 1—EISZEIT rutschen", erklärte der Ozeanograf JÜRGEN—WILLEBRAND.
20070316             Bei einer Fläche von 25.700—QUADRATKILOMETER und einer Wassertiefe von 19—64—METER, hat er 1—WASSERVOLUMEN—VON—1.645—KUBIKKILOMETERN und ist damit der flachste + wasserärmste der 5—SOGENANNTEN Großen Seen: Lake Superior, Lake MICHIGAN, Lake Huron, Lake ONTARIO und Lake ERIE.
20070316             ROBIN—WOOD—PRESSEMITTEILUNGEN—DIESE sind akut von der Abholzung bedroht, wenn UFS seine...
20070316             Idea BANK—IDEA—BANK, JAY—GODSALL, Idea Bank is 1—INTANGIBLE asset bank : intelligence and ideas.
20070316             EVE :: Evironmental Vision Exchange Environmental Vision Exchange, JAY—GODSALL, THE—CANADA—CHARITY helping young people create change within their communities.
20070316             —REVEALED, Newly, emails implicate Rove in USA—ATTORNEY—FIRINGS
20070316             Imagine our surprise —WHEN THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, in 1—RECENT—EDITORIAL, used the word that BuzzFlash has been calling ALBERTO—GONZALES —FOR—YEARS: THE—CONSIGLIERI—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION.
20070316             This crime family consiglieri is about to find himself walking the plank to protect Fredo, the Godfather and Rove.
20070316             Ask Libby.
20070316             SENATOR—MARK—PRYOR (D—ARKANSAS), 1—OF 6—DEMOCRATS to support GONZALES—CONFIRMATION, also demanded his resignation —AFTER learning of E—MAILS that showed Justice officials actively planning to circumvent Pryor on the replacement for 1—FIRED—LITTLE—ROCK—USA—ATTORNEY 20060000            .
20070316             —WINTER 20060000             /2007 : Temperatur 0,7 Grad über langjährigem Durchschnitt
20070316             JOHN—DEUSS—WIKIPEDIA
20070316             JOHN—CHRISTIAAN—MARTINUS—AUGUSTINUS—MARIA—DEUSS (19420000             ) is een Nederlands zakenman... actief in de olie industrie onder andere in NIGERIA, GABON, Indonesië...
20070316             Global Oil Companies WASHINGTON Examiner YENAGOA—NIGERIA—ARMED—MEN have seized CONTROL—OF—1—OIL—COMPLEX in southern...
20070316             News ARCHIVES—ULTIMATE—NEWS—DATABASE 05:54:56p Judge rules infamous NEVADA brothel Mustang Ranch can operate with famous name...
20070316             - Actueel NIEUWS—OP de airstrips VAN HULL—RANCH werd het tot eind
20070316             Riesiger Kaltwasserwirbel: Delle im Ozean vor SYDNEY—BLOG.myspace_com/gabe121213
20070316             00. Grasheim v. FBI, NUMBER 98-6768 (S.D. FLORIDA.
20070316             Webb, GARY—WALTER "Wally " Grasheim, 1—ARMS broker working for the Litton Corp. as THE—REPRESENTATIVE—TO—EL—SALVADOR, was 1—DRUG—TRAFFICKER intimately involved in the...
20070316             SALVADOR.buscasitios_com/i- CIA—DRUG Symposium: Cele Castillio III
20070316             —EXECUTED, The raid was, —AFTER...
20070316             CIA Report on Contras and Cocaine Grasheim, Wally (10300000             ) Gregory, Hayden (995) Gries, DAVID—D (796 957 11060—7) Guerra, MANUEL—ENRIQUE (Pillique) (302) Haas, Joseph (859 987-95)
20070316             —WHILE Grasheim was away in NEW—YORK City,
20070316             —RAIDED, Castillo + his men, the... - Guerra preventiva
20070316             [In CASTILLO—BOOK, WALTER—GRASHEIM is referred to as WILLIAM—BRASHER.
20070316             To put pressure on me... - WhosaRat.COM—NEW Post Example:
20070316             WALTER—GRASHEIM, USA—CITIZEN, was running 1—COVERT—OPERATION at...
20070316             —WHEN THE—DEA raided GRASHEIM—HOUSE in EL—SALVADOR, agents found... afrocubaweb_com/basulto.htm
20070316             DEA.35 - THE—EL—SALVADOR home of WALTER—GRASHEIM, known in Powderburns as WILLIAM—BRASHER... Grasheim is 1—CON—VICTED cocaine dealer + is documented in 7—DEA...
20070316             Celerino Castillo 19860000             , DEA EL—SALVADOR, initiated 1—FILE on WALTER—L—GRASHEIM (TG-87-0003).
20070316             POWDERBURNS—GRASHEIM told GENERAL—GORMAN this +
20070316             According to Castillo, Grasheim also told Corr that "If I go down... - CIA—CONTRA—CRACK Cocaine Controversy
20070316             THE—CONSORTIUM... by another contra arms broker, BARBARA—STUDLEY, who worked closely with retired Gen.
20070316             —BEYOND the Secret Team With Barbara Studley, Singlaub s partner in the arms firm GeoMiliTech... MIAMI arms dealer DAVID—DUNCAN said that SOUTH—AFRICA SENT 15 to 20—TRAINERS to the...
20070316             SBN Vol 3—NO 2 -
20070316             Bei der Abwehr müssten jedoch moralische und rechtliche Regeln eingehalten... Die strafrechtliche Verantwortung sei immer an Personen gebunden.
20070316             Beck stellte den Wahrheitsgehalt der AUSSAGE—VON—SCHEICH—MOHAMMED in Frage: "In unserem Rechtssystem wäre ein solches Geständnis, bei dem Folter nicht ausgeschlossen werden kann, die Aussage unter Ausschluss der Anwesenheit eines Rechtsbeistands zustande gekommen und im übrigen zensiert ist, in keinem Verfahren verwertbar", sagte der GRÜNEN—RECHTSEXPERTE.
20070316             Der Leiter der Organisation, KENNETH—ROTH, warf der USA—REGIERUNG vor, sie missbrauche ihre Zensurrecht, wenn sie damit Informationen zurückhalte, "nur weil diese ungelegen oder ungesetzlich sein könnten".
20070316             "Aber auch die Amerikaner wissen, dass unter Folter erpresste Geständnisse nur wenig Informationsgehalt haben und nicht zur Aufklärung oder neuen Fahndungserfolgen beitragen", sagte der Experte vom Institut für Terrorismusforschung in ESSEN.
20070316             IRAK—ABZUG: Demokraten drängen Bush in die Enge
20070316             Extradited businessman JOHN—DEUSS has put his FLORIDA ranch on the market at 1—COST—OF—JUST...
20070316             Si Lacheroy bascule dans les rangs de l'OAS, Trinquier passe à travers... Renaud VAN Ruymbeke, ROBERT—BOURGI, ROBERT—MÉNARD, ROGER—MARION...
20070316             Annuaire de l'Afrique du Nord 19780000             20070316             Comme HENRI—JACQUIN, ROGER—TRINQUIER est un représentant typique de cette... Zeller et le COLONEL—LACHEROY, à la préparation du putsch d'avril
20070316             He relieved GENERAL—ABIZAID on.
20070316             Bei der RÜSTUNGSHOLDING—FINALLY, THE—LE
20070316             has a - Judge rules infamous NEVADA brothel Mustang Ranch can operate with famous name...
20070316—19850000    —LAUNCHED, The event, is organized EVERY— 2—YEARS by Comic Relief.
20070316—19860000    —INITIATED, DEA EL—SALVADOR, 1—FILE on WALTER—L—GRASHEIM (TG-87-0003).
20070316—20030000    Because Natalie Maines Dissed Bush : "Home" -- THE—CD.
20070316—20040400    —SINCE, : Only 15—PER cent of respondents believe THE—USA should try to change 1—DICTATORSHIP to 1—DEMOCRACY where it can, down 12—POINTS.
20070316—20060000    -01-22
20070316—20070315    GUATEMALA: Spirituelles Großreinemachen nach BUSH—BESUCH
20070316—20070316    —BY, the Way, It's 1—FINE—MUSICAL—ALBUM.
20070316—20070329    —ON, 1—BOY, —14—JAHRE—ALT was charged in THE—DRIVE—BY murder.
20070316—20070405    —ARRESTED, Another suspect (17) was, 20070402             , and 2—MORE (aged 15 & 16).
20070316—20080901    —BY, House panel sets 20080000             IRAQ pullout: 1—DEMOCRATIC—PLAN to withdraw all USA combat troops from IRAQ, was approved by 1—KEY—COMMITTEE—OF—THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES—ON—THURSDAY.
20070316—20090000    —IN, 1—JUVENILE court judge ruled that all 4—SUSPECTS participated in THE—SLAYING—OF—MORGAN.
20070316—20090000    —NAKED, Her, body was found in the Potrero Hill area near I-280. DNA evidence tied her murder to Donzell Francis.
20070316—20090000    —ARRESTED, Another suspect (17) was, 20090402             , and 2—MORE (aged 15 & 16) 20090405             —ON.
20070316—20100000    —BIS, WIRTSCHAFTS—OPTIMISMUS: IFO—CHEF—SINN prophezeit Aufschwung
20070316—20100000    —FILED, SF prosecutors, murder charges against Francis (41), who was already serving a —17—YEAR—PRISON—SENTENCE for another sexual assault.
20070316—20150000    —THROUGH, Government officials said that RUSSIA will build 2—NUCLEAR—REACTORS annually and
20070316—20200000    —BIS, KLIMA—DEBATTE: Luftfahrtindustrie will Emissionen halbieren
20070316—20200000    —BY, increase to 4—1—YEAR in 1—EFFORT to sharply increase atomic power generation, according to RUSSIA—NEWS—AGENCIES.
20070324             1) McCain will do ANYTHING to be PRESIDENT 20080000             .
20070412—20070316    THE—ROYAL—GAZETTE—DEUSS puts up $50m FLORIDA ranch.
20070412—20070316    Extradited businessman JOHN—DEUSS has put his FLORIDA ranch on the market at 1—COST—OF—JUST
20070424             13, Simpson, JOHN—L  —DE SCHRYVER —AUGUST—EDMOND—
20080316             —ENCOUNTERED, Comoran soldiers, a "disorganized" resistance from rebel forces in Anjouan and "the confrontation that followed led to THE—DEATHS—OF—DOZENS—OF—REBEL—FORCES. THE—NEXT—DAY—LIEUTENANT—COLONEL—MOHAMED—AMIRI—SALIMOU said the National Development Army (AND) army had carried out 2 "successful" operations against forces loyal to MOHAMED—BACAR—FORCES on 20080309—20080310     and 20080314—20080316.
20080316             THE—NEXT—DAY—LIEUTENANT—COLONEL—MOHAMED—AMIRI—SALIMOU said the National Development Army (AND) army had carried out 2 "successful" operations against forces loyal to MOHAMED—BACAR—FORCES on 20080309—20100309     and 20080314—20160314.
20080316             —ESTIMATED, FRANCE, the Socialists took 1, 49—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE, against 47.5% for THE—PRESIDENT—SARKOZY'S—UMP—SOCIALISTS—NOW control 58—PERCENT—OF—TOWNS with more than 30,000 inhabitants, —AFTER winning 40—FROM the right including several bastions.
20080316             THE—USA—FEDERAL—RESERVE, acting urgently over the weekend to stabilize financial markets, approved 1—CUT in its emergency lending rate to 3.25% from 3.50%.
20080316             The move will allow big investment firms to quickly secure SHORT—TERM—LOANS.
20080316             JPMorgan said it would buy Bear Stearns for $236.2—MILLION, $2 1—SHARE, in 1—STUNNING fall for 1—OF—THE—WORLD—LARGEST and most venerable investment banks.
20080316             Ola Brunkert (62), 1—FORMER drummer for 1970s SWEDEN—POP group ABBA, was found dead —AFTER 1—APPARENT—ACCIDENT in his house in Mallorca.
20080316             † 1—CANADA—SOLDIER, in 1—EXPLOSION —WHILE on foot patrol in KANDAHAR province.
20080316             —APPOINTED, Premier WEN—JIABAO was, to a 2. —5—YEAR—TERM as CHINA—TOP—ECONOMIC—OFFICIAL, leading efforts to cool soaring inflation and showcase the country to the world at THE—BEIJING—OLYMPICS.
20080316             —CALLED, THE—DALAI—LAMA, for 1—INTERNATIONAL—INVESTIGATION into CHINA—CRACKDOWN against protesters in TIBET, which he said is facing a "cultural genocide" and where his exiled government said 80—PEOPLE were killed in the violence.
20080316             EGYPT, 23—PEOPLE, mostly policemen, were killed —WHEN their vehicle smashed into 1—TRUCK on the highway between CAIRO and ALEXANDRIA.
20080316             —ESTIMATED, FRANCE, the Socialists took 1, 49—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE, against 47.5% for THE—PRESIDENT—SARKOZY—UMP.
20080316             Socialists —NOW control 58—PERCENT—OF—TOWNS with more than 30,000 inhabitants, —AFTER winning 40—FROM the right including several bastions.
20080316             —RUPTURED, FRANCE, 1—PIPE, —WHILE 1—TANKER was being loaded at 1—TOTAL—REFINERY.
20080316             —LEAKED, Some 3,000 BARRELS—OF—FUEL—OIL, in and along the Loire River.
20080316             —ACKNOWLEDGED, GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL, her country's "historical responsibility" to ISRAEL as she opened a —3—DAY—VISIT marking the 60. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—JEWISH—STATE.
20080316             —SUSPECTED, INDIA, insurgents lobbed 1—HAND—GRENADE at THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE participating in 1—CULTURAL—FESTIVAL in THE—NORTH—EAST—JONAI, killing 3 and wounding another 50.
20080316             —FREED, NORTH—INDIA, 15—POOR—PEOPLE were, from captivity —AFTER selling their blood to private clinics to make money.
20080316             5—PEOPLE were arrested and —LATER charged with illegal CONFINEMENT—OF—PEOPLE and attempt to murder.
20080316             —ANNOUNCED, IRAN—CULTURE—MINISTRY, the closure of 9—CINEMA and lifestyle magazines for publishing pictures and stories about the life of "corrupt" foreign film stars and promoting "superstitions".
20080316             SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN, THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY—PRESUMPTIVE nominee for PRESIDENT who has linked his political future to USA—SUCCESS in IRAQ, was in BAGHDAD for meetings with Iraqi and USA diplomatic and military officials.
20080316             —KILLED, Tuareg rebels (MNJ) in NIGER, 1—POLICE—OFFICER and 1—REPUBLICAN guard in 1—ATTACK—200—KILOMETERS NORTH—OF—THE—CAPITAL—NIAMEY.
20080316             —DROPPED, PAKISTAN, 1—DRONE, 7—MISSILES on 1—COMPOUND outside Wana in SOUTH—WAZIRISTAN, killing at least 20—PEOPLE.
20080316             —SUSPECTED, NORTH—SRI—LANKA, separatist Tamil rebels killed 1—POLICE—OFFICER and 1—SOLDIER in separate attacks, taking the death toll from —2—DAYS—OF—VIOLENCE to 30.
20080316             † In AFGHANISTAN—EAST—NANGARHAR province 4—MILITANTS were killed in 1—EXCHANGE—OF—FIRE—AFTER attacking 1—POLICE—POST—NEAR the border with PAKISTAN.
20080316             —BLOCKED, INTERNET users in CHINA were, from seeing YouTube_com —AFTER DOZENS—OF—VIDEOS about protests in TIBET appeared on the popular USA—VIDEO—WEB—SITE.
20080316             —ENCOUNTERED, Comoran soldiers, a "disorganized" resistance from rebel forces in Anjouan and "the confrontation that followed led to THE—DEATHS—OF—DOZENS—OF—REBEL—FORCES.
20080316             Geschichtsfälschung
20080316             GROSSBRITANNIEN—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTERIUM liefert Unterrichtsmaterialien an Schulen
20080316             EBERHARD—WEIN—BERGER, Chefstratege der Vermögensverwaltung DOCTOR—JENS......
20080316             Die krudeste Geschichte über Polizei und Telefongesellschaften und Telefonnummern, die ihr —DIESEN—MONAT lesen werdet.
20080316             Ich will die Pointe nicht verraten. Lest selbst. Oh Mein Gott.
20080316             Bankenkrise: Bear Stearns kurz vor Übernahme durch JPMorgan
20080316             Kommunalwahl in FRANKREICH: Deutliche Niederlage für Sarkozy
20080316             Einreiseverbot für Ausländer: CHINA riegelt TIBET ab
20080316             Warnung der Uno: Gletscher schmelzen im Rekordtempo
20080316             Merkels Israelreise: Olmert lobt Bündnispartnerin Merkel
20080316             IRAN: Hardliner gewinnen bei Parlamentswahl
20080316             Künftige USA—AUßENPOLITIK: "Obama käme mit den DEUTSCHLAND—AM besten zurecht"
20080316             Wartungsroboter der ISS: Mister Dextre hat —JETZT Arme
20080316             Kommentar: TIBET ist Chinas GAZA—STREIFEN
20080316             Es gab keine Ergebnisse für die ausgewählte(n) Sprache(n).
20080316             Zeige die weltweiten WEB—ERGEBNISSE für Wehrmacht, "schwarze Wehrmacht" an.
20080316             Web Ergebnisse 1 - 1—VON 1—FÜR Wehrmacht, "schwarze Wehrmacht", ( 0,—28—SEKUNDEN)
20080316             Tipp: Anstatt auf "Suche" zu klicken, können Sie auch die Eingabetaste drücken, um Zeit zu sparen.
20080316             Die BILDER—DER—ZERSTÖRUNG und die "zutiefst bedauerlichen Nachrichten" über Tote und Verletzte zeigten, dass Gewalt keine Lösung der Probleme sein könne, betonte Steinmeier.
20080316             Die antichinesischen Proteste von Tibetern waren —HEUTE wieder aufgeflammt.
20080316             Einige 1000—MÖNCHE und andere Tibeter demonstrierten in ABA (Ngaba) in der CHINA—PROVINZ Sichuan.
20080316             Dort sollen etwa 200—TIBET—DEMONSTRANTEN nach Polizeiangaben 1—POLIZEIREVIER niedergebrannt haben.
20080316             —GEWORFEN, Die Tibeter hätten Benzinbomben auf das Gebäude, und Sicherheitskräfte mit Steinen angegriffen, sagte 1—POLIZISTIN—DER—NACHRICHTENAGENTUR—REUTERS.
20080316             Die Sicherheitskräfte hätten die Menge mit Tränengas auseinandergetrieben und 5—MENSCHEN verhaftet.
20080316             Sichuan ist eine von 4—CHINA—PROVINZEN mit einem großen TIBET—BEVÖLKERUNGSANTEIL.
20080316             —AM—DIENSTAG stehen die Zahlen von Lehman Brothers und Goldman Sachs an;
20080316             —AM—MITTWOCH folgt MORGAN—STANLEY.
20080316             Die Aktienkurse aller 4—GELDHÄUSER haben in den vergangenen —WOCHEN stark nachgegeben.
20080316             Auch die Prognosen ihrer Geschäftsentwicklung wurden deutlich nach unten korrigiert.
20080316             Mit Bangen erwarten Börsianer auch die USA—ERZEUGERPREISE, die Erstanträge auf Arbeitslosenhilfe und den Konjunkturindex der FEDERAL—RESERVE—VON—PHILADELPHIA —AM—DONNERSTAG.
20080316             Dabei werde immer 1—FRAGE im Vordergrund stehen:
20080316             "Ist die Wirtschaft —IM—FEBRUAR in einer Rezession gerutscht?", sagte HUGH—JOHNSON—VON—JOHNSON—ILLINGTON—ADVISORS.
20080316             Die Lage war so dramatisch, dass die USA—NOTENBANK Fed und JPMorgan CHASE—GELD zuschießen MUSSTEN—EINE einmalige Situation.
20080316             Die BEAR—STEARNS—AKTIE verlor 45 % an Wert, die Börsen sackten VON—EINER —MINUTE zur anderen ab.
20080316             Den Börsen steht eine harte —WOCHE bevor, das ist —JETZT—SCHON sicher.
20080316             Experten erwarten das Schlimmste, —NACHDEM Bear Stearns —AM—FREITAG knapp dem Kollaps entging.
20080316             Chinas Drohgebärden: Ausländische Organisationen müssen TIBET verlassen
20080316             Illegale Müllbeseitigung: Staatsanwaltschaft ERMITTELT—UNRUHE bei Entsorgern
20080316             VERLUSTE—DER—KREDITKRISE: Investoren planen Millionenklage gegen IKB
20080316             Bilanzen der USA—INVESTMENTBANKEN: Experten erwarten HORROR—BÖRSENWOCHE
20080316             Umwandlung in Postagenturen: Post schließt Hunderte eigenbetriebene Filialen
20080316             _Deuss,John_ - 20, E 750.000.000, 0, -, Teunis VAN Wettum, Vastgoed, BANK—VOOR—DE—BOUWNIJVERHEID... -On THE—EVENING—OF—DEUSS took off for THE—NETHERLANDS aboard a.
20080316   ,John_.html SITE Search RESULTS—TEUNIS VAN Wettum.
20080316             Vastgoed.
20080316             used BBG resources to support his personal horse racing operation;
20080316             Integration auf Italienisch: Schule will Kinder und Einwanderer durch Mauer trennen
20080316             —BLOCKIERT, TIBET—REVOLTE: CHINA, YouTube
20080316             "Während die Internetprovider von der MUSIK—UND Filmindustrie profitierten, entziehen sie sich beim Kampf gegen die Internetpiraterie aber der Verantwortung".
20080316             —REAGIERT, Darauf, der ECO—VERBAND, der auch Provider vertritt, scharf.
20080316             Vorstand OLIVER—SÜME sagte SPIEGEL—ONLINE:
20080316             " Provider sind keine Internetkontrolleure. Sie können und sie dürfen nicht entscheiden, wem welche Daten vorenthalten werden".
20080316             Vor allem ist die Filtertechnik bei weitem nicht perfekt.
20080316             Die jüngsten Entwicklungen rund um die von der Kreditkrise geplagte Bank brachten die Chinesen zum Grübeln.
20080316             —GENOMMEN, So habe man zur Kenntnis, dass unter anderem JPMorgan Bear Stearns zur Hilfe eilen musste, erklärte CITIC Securities.
20080316             Auch der dramatische Kurseinbruch der BEAR—STEARNS—AKTIE fiel unangenehm auf.
20080316             Beide Seiten hatten sich —IM—OKTOBER eigentlich auf eine strategische Allianz verständigt, die eine gegenseitige Beteiligung vorsah und mit der Bear Stearns seine Präsenz in ASIEN stärken wollte.
20080316             Abgesehen von der grundlegenden Frage, ob verdachtsunabhängige Ermittlungen in diesem Ausmaß mit den Grundrechten vereinbar sind, wirft die geplante PENDLER—ÜBERWACHUNG ein paar praktische Fragen auf:
20080316             Warum sollten Terroristen JAHRES—FAHRKARTEN mit Funkchips kaufen?
20080316             Es gibt noch immer teurere, aber dafür vollkommen anonyme (sofern man sie bar bezahlt) Einzelfahrscheine.
20080316             Warum sollten Terroristen nicht geklaute oder unter anderer Identität gekauft Tickets benutzen, wenn einmal anonyme Einzelfahrschein abgeschafft sind?
20080316             Diese sogenannten OYSTER—KARTEN muss man nicht einmal in einen Automaten STECKEN—SIE können unbemerkt aus einigen Metern Entfernung ausgelesen werden.
20080316             So entstehen in den Rechnern der Verkehrsbetriebe Bewegungsprofile aller PENDLER—DIESE Daten will —NUN der GROSSBRITANNIEN—INLANDSGEHEIMDIENST MI5 zur Terroristenjagd auswerten dürfen.
20080316             17—MILLIONEN Briten könne man so überwachen, rechnet der " - GUARDIAN " vor.
20080316             —BERICHTET, Die Tageszeitung, —HEUTE, dass der MI5 sein Interessen an den Daten bei der GROSSBRITANNIEN—REGIERUNG angemeldet habe.
20080316             Inlandsgeheimdienste und Polizisten sollten nicht mehr nur in konkreten Fällen die Bewegungsprofile auswerten, sondern auch verdachtsunabhängig nach "verdächtigen Verhaltensmustern" suchen dürfen.
20080316             Fahnder sollen "verdächtige Verhaltensmuster" suchen
20080316             Wunschzettel der Musikindustrie: Provider sollen Kunden überwachen, anschwärzen, abklemmen
20080316             ISRAEL—REISE: Merkel auf historischer Mission
20080316             Kriegsdrama: IVAN—REBROFFS—BRUDER schoss SAINT—EXUPÉRY ab
20080316             IRAK—DILEMMA der Demokraten: Die Kriegsgegner kämpfen um die FELDHERREN—KRONE
20080316             Aufstand in TIBET: Dalai Lama wirft CHINA "kulturellen Völkermord" vor
20080316             HANDY—PÄDAGOGIK: USA—BEHÖRDE belohnt gute Schüler mit GRATIS—KLINGELTÖNEN
20080316             "Vanguard": "PAMPELMUSEN—SATELLIT" soll noch 20000000             E im All kreisen
20080316             CHINA: Volkskongress bestätigt Regierungschef WEN—JIABAO
20080316             Terrorabwehr: GROSSBRITANNIEN—GEHEIMDIENST will Pendler überwachen
20080316             Sturm über ATLANTA: Tornado tötet 2—MENSCHEN—GOUVERNEUR—RUFT—NOTSTAND aus
20080316             —UNRUHEN, Blutige : CHINA ruft "Volkskrieg" gegen TIBET—AUS—GESCHICHTSFÄLSCHUNG
20080316             - GROSSBRITANNIEN—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTERIUM liefert Unterrichtsmaterialien an Schulen
20080316             —GEWINNT, GEORG—ROSENTHAL (SPD), die Stichwahl um das Amt des Oberbürgermeisters der Stadt Würzburg gegen die Amtsinhaberin Pia Beckmann (CSU).
20080316—19770000    —PLAYED, He 1., with ABBA on the group's 1. single, "People Need Love," and toured with the band, 19790000             and 19800000            .
20080316—20080316—20090000    —AUTHORED, WILLIAM—D—COHAN, "How the Money Vanished: 1—TALE—OF—HUBRIS and Wretched Excess on WALL—STREET".
20080401             Pressemitteilung des CCC, 20080316
20080408—20080316    —SINCE, Shiite cleric Muqtada AL—SADR threatened to lift a —7—MONTH freeze on his MAHDI—ARMY—MILITIA if THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT does not halt attacks on his followers or
20080901             —TIMETABLE for 1—USA—WITHDRAWAL. military spokesman BRIGADIER—GENERAL—QASSIM—AL—MOUSSAWI said 1—TOTAL—OF—82—MILITANTS, 36—CIVILIANS and 37—SOLDIERS had been killed in fighting in BAGHDAD, mostly in Sadr City.
20090316             —BLISTERED, PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, insurance giant AIG for "recklessness and greed" and pledged to try to block it from handing its executives $165—MILLION in bonuses —AFTER taking billions in FEDERAL—BAILOUT—MONEY.
20090316             —FREED, Obama also, BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS to help the nation's small businesses with loans.
20090316             —SIGNED, THE—USA—AND—GERMANY, 1—AGREEMENT to share science and technology research in 1—EFFORT to improve the security of both nations.
20090316             —REJECTED, HAWAII—SUPREME—COURT, 1—STATE—LAW that allowed THE—HAWAII—SUPERFERRY to operate —WHILE 1—ENVIRONMENTAL—STUDY is being conducted forcing THE—INTER—ISLAND ferry service to cease operations.
20090316             —KILLED, MICHIGAN, 4—TEENAGERS were, —WHEN their car was struck by 1—VAN driven by FRANCES—PATRICIA—DINGLE in Roseville.
20090316             —MEASURED, Dingle was, with 1—BLOOD alcohol level of.08, twice the legal limit, and was charged with 2. degree murder.
20090316             VINCENT—FUMO, —65—JAHRE—ALT, FORMER—PENNSYLVANIA STATE—SENATOR, was convicted of 137—COUNTS—OF—CORRUPTION for schemes that defrauded the state senate of more than $3.5—MILLION.
20090316             WISCONSIN GOVERNOR—JIM—DOYLE said the state will use "Live like you mean it" to promote the state as 1—TOURISM and business destination, replacing the slogan "LIFE—SO—GOOD".
20090316             USA—RESEARCHERS said 1—NEW—TEST can accurately detect ALZHEIMER—DISEASE in its earliest stages, —BEFORE dementia symptoms surface and widespread damage occurs.
20090316             SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER struck 1—POLICE—STATION as 1—CONVOY was about to head out on 1—POPPY eradication mission, killing 11people and wounding 29. 1—AUSTRALIA—SOLDIER in 1—JOINT—AUSTRALIAN—AFGHANISTAN—ARMY—PATROL was shot dead —DURING a "very intense firefight" with 20—TALIBAN insurgents in Uruzgan province.
20090316             —KILLED, At least 2—ALGERIA—SOLDIERS were, —WHEN their convoy was hit by roadside bombs in THE—EAST—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20090316             Amr Moussa (19360000             *), FORMER—EGYPT—FOREIGN—MINISTER—AND—HEAD—OF—THE—ARAB—LEAGUE, said AL countries will not carry out 1—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT—REQUEST to arrest SUDAN—PRESIDENT—ON—CHARGES—OF—WAR—CRIMES in Darfur.
20090316             —HELPED, SIR—NICHOLAS—HENDERSON, build support for BRITAIN—WAR—EFFORT in the Falklands Islands.
20090316             BERNARD—DE—ESPAGNAT, —87—JAHRE—ALT, FRANCE—PHYSICIST and philosopher, was named in PARIS as THE—WINNER—OF—THIS—YEAR'S $1.42—MILLION—TEMPLETON Prize.
20090316             The military said the girl was standing about 100—YARDS (meters) behind the vehicle and was struck by 1—ROUND.
20090316             —INJURED, In BAGHDAD 1—USA—SOLDIER was fatally, —DURING combat operations.
20090316             —CALLED, KYRGYZSTAN, opposition parties, for protests across the country —THIS—MONTH, amid worsening economic conditions and mounting ACCUSATIONS—OF—GOVERNMENT—REPRESSION.
20090316             —OPENED, LEBANON, its 1.—EVER embassy in Syria in another sign of improving ties between THE—LONG—FEUDING neighbors.
20090316             —CALLED, MADAGASCAR—OPPOSITION—LEADER, on the military to arrest the nation's PRESIDENT as 1—POWER—STRUGGLE between the 2 appeared to be reaching 1—DECISIVE—MOMENT.
20090316             MEXICO said it will increase tariffs on about 90—USA—PRODUCTS in retaliation for —LAST—WEEK—DECISION to end 1—PILOT—PROGRAM that allowed SOME—MEXICO—TRUCKS to transport goods in THE—USA.
20090316             —SLAMMED, NORTH—MEXICO, 1—TRACTOR—TRAILER, into 1—BUS carrying Canadian and USA—TOURISTS, killing 11. The bus was carrying 1—GROUP—OF—TEXAS retirees from MCALLEN—TEXAS, to THE—NORTH—MEXICO—STATE—OF—ZACATECAS —WHEN 1—DRUNKEN driver lost CONTROL—OF—HIS—TRACTOR—TRAILER outside THE—CITY—OF—SALTILLO.
20090316             1—UN—HUMAN—RIGHTS—INVESTIGATOR accused NORTH—KOREA—AUTHORITIES—OF committing widespread torture in prisons that he called "death traps".
20090316             Life in the reclusive COMMUNIST—RULED country is "dire and desperate," said Vitit Muntarbhorn, adding that people are denied enough food to survive.
20090316             —RELENTED, PAKISTAN, the Zardari government, in 1—MAJOR—CONFRONTATION with the opposition, agreeing to reinstate Iftikhar MOHAMMED—CHAUDHRY, the fired SUPREME—COURT—CHIEF—JUSTICE, whose fate had sparked street fights and raised fears of political instability.
20090316             —ATTACKED, Up to 50—MILITANTS, 1—TERMINAL for trucks carrying supplies to USA and NATO—TROOPS in AFGHANISTAN, in the 2. such assault in NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN in —2—DAYS.
20090316             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER blew up at 1—BUSY—BUS—TERMINAL—NEAR—ISLAMABAD, killing at least 9—PEOPLE and wounding 18—MORE.
20090316             SUDAN—PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BASHIR he wants all INTERNATIONAL aid groups OUT—OF—THE—COUNTRY within —1—YEAR, insisting they can drop off supplies "at airports or seaports" and let SUDAN—ORGANIZATIONS take care of it.
20090316             —SEIZED, SOUTH—SOMALIA, gunmen, 4—UN—WORKERS, the latest in 1—SERIES—OF—ATTACKS on aid workers in THE—WAR—RAVAGED Horn of AFRICA NATION.
20090316             —OPENED, TURKEY, 1—UN—GLOBAL—FORUM on water, in ISTANBUL.
20090316             THE—UN said global demand for water is rising as access to safe drinking water remains inadequate in much of the developing world.
20090316             —RESIGNED, The government of DUBAI, to prevent the questioning in PARLIAMENT—OF—THE—COUNTRY—PRIME—MINISTER, THE—NEPHEW—OF—KUWAIT'S—EMIR, regarding 1—NUMBER—OF—ISSUES including alleged mismanagement and LAND—USE—CONCERNS.
20090316             † In IRAQ a —12—YEAR—OLD—GIRL was killed —WHEN USA—SOLDIERS fired at 1—VEHICLE speeding toward them and IRAQ—POLICE—NEAR—MOSUL.
20090316             LSG0040___ LSG0055BLK—AL—JAZEERA—ENGLISH: Profile: Andry Rajoelina vom - LSG0040___ LSG0055BLK
20090316             _12000 -Am ENDE—DER—ALTSTEINZEIT, vor etwa 14—000—JAHREN—ERRICHTETEN Jäger auf dem Talsporn der Altenburg bei Nebra 1—ZELTLAGER.
20090316—20070000    —PROMISED, PRIME—MINISTER—YOUSUF—RAZA—GILANI—ANNOUNCEMENT also, the restoration of 1—HANDFUL—OF—OTHER—JUDGES who had remained off the bench —SINCE FORMER—PRESIDENT—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF sacked them.
20090316—20070000    —IN, The government said Chaudhry would be sworn 20070321             —BACK—IN—ON.
20090316—20090319    —ON, THE—VATICAN said it will launch 1—CHINA—VERSION—OF—ITS—WEBSITE in 1—EFFORT to bring MORE—OF—BENEDICT—PAPA—MESSAGE to CHINA, whose communist government does not allow Catholics to recognize his authority.
20090316—20090321    —ON, The government said Chaudhry would be sworn —BACK—IN.
20090322—20090316    —FILMED, He was, comparing 1—RIVAL—MUSLIM politician to OSAMA—BIN—LADEN and threatening to cut the throats of Muslims —DURING 2—POLITICAL—RALLIES—EARLIER—THIS—MONTH.
20091116—20100316    —RELEASED, The ship was, —FOLLOWING 1—RANSOM payment.
20100304—20100316    —RELEASED, SAHIL—SAEED was.
20100316             —INCREASED, Such shootings have, —SINCE THOUSANDS—OF—PRISONERS escaped —DURING 20100112             —THE earthquake.
20100316             DHS SECRETARY—JANET—NAPOLITANO said she is freezing funding for the SBInet project, the virtual border fence along THE—USA—MEXICO—BORDER, due to cost overruns and missed deadlines by Boeing Corp. The project has cost $2.4—BILLION 20050000—20090000    —BETWEEN.
20100316             —HEADED, TEXAS, 1—TOUR—BUS, for MEXICO crashed and killed 2—PEOPLE.
20100316             —KILLED, SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, 2—NATO—SOLDIERS were, by 1—CRUDE—BOMB.
20100316             7—NORTH—AFRICA—STATES held talks in ALGERIA to plan 1 coordinated response to AL—QAEDA —FOLLOWING 1—DANGEROUS—RISE in the terror threat in THE—SAHARA—SAHEL region.
20100316             —FIRED, BOLIVIA—OFFICIALS said they have, prison director COLONEL—GILMAR—OBLITAS for allowing imprisoned FORMER—GENERAL—LUIS—GARCIA—MEZA, —81—JAHRE—ALT turn cells into 1—LUXURY—APARTMENT.
20100316             BRAZIL—POLICE and church officials said authorities were investigating 3—PRIESTS accused of sexually abusing altar boys —AFTER 1—VIDEO allegedly showing 1—CASE—OF—ABUSE was broadcast on SBT television —1—WEEK—EARLIER.
20100316             † 1—FRANCE—POLICEMAN, —53—JAHRE—ALT was killed outside PARIS by 1—MEMBER—OF—ETA, the Basque separatist group.
20100316             —INTERROGATED, FRANCE—ANTI—TERRORISM—POLICE, 1—SUSPECT and tried to track down at least 1—OTHER assailant who escaped.
20100316             1—POLICE—OFFICIAL said the suspected ETA commando unit was allegedly trying to steal cars —WHEN it was surprised by police.
20100316             HAITI, 2—OFF—DUTY—OFFICERS were shot to death near 1—OPEN—AIR—MARKET in the capital.
20100316             —KILLED, INDIA—KASHMIR, 2—CIVILIANS and 1—POLICEMAN were, and 8—OTHER—PEOPLE wounded —WHEN suspected militants attacked police patrols at 2—MAJOR—MARKETS in Sopore and SRINAGAR.
20100316             IRAN—OPPOSITION—LEADER—MEHDI Karoubi, defying government warnings, said the Islamic republic was "plagued with despotism," in remarks published ahead of 1—NATIONAL—CELEBRATION that could trigger more protests.
20100316             —ANNOUNCED, MEXICO—GOVERNMENT, 1—AUSTERITY—PLAN for trimming general spending $3.2—BILLION (40.1—BILLION pesos) over the next —3—YEARS so it can provide more money for social and infrastructure programs.
20100316             The military and SOME—SECURITY, educational and health services were exempt from the measures.
20100316             —FIRED, PERU, PRESIDENT—ALAN—GARCIA, Justice MINISTER—AURELIO—PASTOR amid questions over the pardoning of JOSE—ENRIQUE—CROUSILLAT, —77—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—MEDIA—EXECUTIVE convicted of taking payoffs to provide favorable coverage for 1—PREVIOUS—GOVERNMENT.
20100316             At THE—CITES meeting in QATAR 1—MARINE—CONSERVATION—GROUP, Oceana, said surging demand for shark fin soup among ASIA—BOOMING middle classes is driving MANY—SPECIES—OF these big fish to THE—BRINK—OF—EXTINCTION.
20100316             NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, 1—USA—MISSILE—STRIKE and clashes between extremist gunmen and tribesmen killed at least 20—MILITANTS—NEAR THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER.
20100316             —CLASHED, HUNDREDS—OF—PALESTINIANS, with security forces in EAST—JERUSALEM as tension boiled over in the city and 1—SENIOR—HAMAS leader called for 1—NEW "intifada," or uprising.
20100316             —POURED, THAILAND—PROTESTERS, several jugs of their own blood at the front GATE—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT—HEADQUARTERS and outside the ruling party's offices in 1—SYMBOLIC sacrifice to press their demands for new elections.
20100316             —INCREASED, Such shootings have, —SINCE THOUSANDS—OF—PRISONERS escaped —DURING the Jan.
20100528—20110316    —ON, his family filed wrongful death lawsuit against THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT charging that Hernandez was beaten by immigration agents —BEFORE 1—OF—THEM fired 1—STUN gun several times as he lie on the ground.
20100816—20120316    —ON, she pleaded guilty to murder charges.
20110316             1—USA—OFFICIAL said THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION is flying drones over MEXICO to help gather intelligence for the southern neighbor's battle against drug traffickers.
20110316             1—COMPLAINT accused Basic of committing crimes at 3—CAMPS—NEAR THE—MAJORITY—SERBIA—SETTLEMENT—OF Cardak in Derventa.
20110316             Authorities said that, as 1—SOLDIER in THE—CROATIA—ARMY, she killed 1—PRISONER and tortured others by forcing them to drink human blood and gasoline.
20110316             They left behind RUSSIA—COSMONAUT Dmitry Kondratyev, ITALY—PAOLO—NESPOLI and NASA ASTRONAUT—CATHERINE—COLEMAN, who are due to return to earth in about —3—MONTHS.
20110316             The entire southbound lane was gone, and the soil under the northbound lane also was giving way.
20110316             ALGERIA—POLICE in ALGIERS used tear gas to disperse 1—CROWD—OF—YOUNG—MEN who were throwing petrol bombs and stones.
20110316             The protesters said they had no political demands but wanted the authorities to give them better housing.
20110316             —EXPELLED, BAHRAIN, soldiers and riot police, HUNDREDS—OF—PROTESTERS from landmark square in MANAMA, using tear gas and armored vehicles to try to subdue the growing movement challenging THE—200—YEAR—OLD—MONARCHY.
20110316             —KILLED, At least 5—PEOPLE were, as clashes flared across the kingdom.
20110316             Bahia AL—ARADI, —51—JAHRE—ALT was driving on 1—MAIN—ROAD in MANAMA looking for gasoline —WHEN she was shot in the head as she approached 1—MILITARY—CHECKPOINT.
20110316             —ARRESTED, BOLIVIA—AUTHORITIES, police COLONEL—ROBERT—MIGUEL—VALDEZ outside THE—EAST—CITY—OF—SANTA—CRUZ—AFTER agents found traces of cocaine in his vehicle.
20110316             —ARRESTED, Europol said police in several countries have, 184 alleged MEMBERS—OF—1—ONLINE pedophile ring and rescued 230—CHILDREN in 1—OF—THE—BIGGEST operations of its kind.
20110316             —QUESTIONED, INDIA—BUSINESSMAN—SADIQ Batcha, who had been, over 1—MULTI—BILLION—DOLLAR—TELECOMS—FRAUD, was found dead in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—CHENNAI —AFTER apparently committing suicide.
20110316             Batcha was 1—BUSINESS—ASSOCIATE and aide to A. Raja, the former telecoms MINISTER at the centre of 1—SCANDAL that has rocked the government.
20110316             1—IRAN—CARGO—PLANE en route to Syria was forced to land in TURKEY—SOUTH—EAST—DIYARBAKIR airport for 1—INSPECTION.
20110316             The plane was found to be carrying 150—TONS—OF—FOOD but "no material contrary to INTERNATIONAL standards.
20110316             1—IRAQ—COURT ordered the execution of 1—AL—QAIDA leader and 5—OF—HIS lieutenants for masterminding SOME—OF—BAGHDAD—DEADLIEST bombings.
20110316             —CONVICTED, Munaf AL—RAWI was, and sentenced to death for the attacks that included 20090800             —THE government ministry bombings that killed more than 100—PEOPLE.
20110316             1—CAR bombing in KIRKUK killed 3—PEOPLE, including a —4—MONTH—OLD—BABY and the baby's mother.
20110316             —FIRED, ISRAEL—AIRCRAFT, rockets at 1—HAMAS training ground in THE—GAZA—STRIP, killing 2—MILITANTS from the Islamist group.
20110316             —TREATED, In the Attecoube DISTRICT—OF—ABIDJAN—UN—DOCTORS, 55—PEOPLE, 4—OF—WHOM †, bringing the total NUMBER—OF—DEATHS—SINCE —NOVEMBER—ELECTION to 410.
20110316             —FORCED, JAPAN—EMERGENCY—WORKERS, to retreat from THE—TSUNAMI—STRICKEN FUKUSHIMA DAI—ICHI nuclear plant —WHEN radiation levels soared prepared to return tonight —AFTER emissions dropped to safer levels.
20110316             JAPAN—NATIONAL—NEWS—AGENCY, Kyodo, said that 33—PERCENT—OF—THE—FUEL rods at THE—NUMBER 2—REACTOR were damaged and that the cores of both reactors were believed to have partially melted.
20110316             —LISTED, Nearly 3,700—PEOPLE were officially, as dead.
20110316             —BELIEVED, Officials, the toll will climb over 10,000 —SINCE several 1000—MORE were listed as missing.
20110316             Fatmir Limaj, 1—TOP—FORMER—COMMANDER—OF—THE—KOSOVO—LIBERATION—ARMY, was among 11—FORMER—REBELS named in the indictment.
20110316             LIBYA—LEADER—MUAMMAR GADDAFI—FORCES used tanks and artillery to try to retake THE—CITY—OF—MISRATA, the last big rebel stronghold in WEST—LIBYA.
20110316             GADDAFI—SON—SAIF—AL—ISLAM said "everything will be over in —48—HOURS".
20110316             —GROUNDED, THE—MALTA—REGISTERED MISS—OLIVIA was, on Nightingale ISLAND in THE—TRISTAN—DA—CUNHA chain.
20110316             —RESCUED, All 22—CREW were, 20110317             —BY.
20110316             —BECAME, The ship broke in 2 and some 20,000 penguins, coated in oil.
20110316             There was 1—RISK—RATS from the ship could come ashore and eat the chicks and eggs of native seabirds.
20110316             —DEMONSTRATED, OMAN, about 300—SECURITY—GUARDS, in THE—CAPITAL—MUSCAT, calling for better wages and weekends off.
20110316             —BLOCKED, They, traffic on 1—DOWNTOWN street —BEFORE the inspector general for police and customs addressed them, saying he would study their demands.
20110316             —FREED, PAKISTAN, CIA contractor RAYMOND—ALLEN—DAVIS, who had shot and killed 2—PAKISTAN—MEN, —AFTER THE—USA—PAID $2.34—MILLION in "blood money" to the victims' families.
20110316             —ACQUITTED, Davis, who was, in court, claimed he acted in SELF—DEFENSE—WHEN he killed THE—2—MEN on the street in THE—EAST—CITY—OF—LAHORE.
20110316             —ENTERED, DOZENS—OF—HAMAS police and security forces, GAZA CITY—AL—AZHAR university and began beating up students heading out for 1—PROTEST.
20110316             —CAPTURED, SOMALIA—PIRATES, THE—INDONESIAN—FLAGGED MV Sinar KUDUS in the Arabian Sea, then used it to attack 1—LIBERIAN—FLAGGED cargo ship nearby.
20110316             —ARMED, YEMEN government supporters, with sticks, knives and guns attacked THOUSANDS—OF—PRO—DEMOCRACY—PROTESTERS camped out in 1—MAIN—SQUARE, injuring hundreds.
20110316             —ATTACKED, About 10,000 Saleh supporters, about 4,000 protesters at THE—SOUTH—AL—HUDAYDAH port.
20110316             —KILLED, —AFTER about —1—MONTH—OF—PROTESTS—SECURITY—FORCES have, about 50—DEMONSTRATORS.
20110316             —ARRESTED, USA—FEDERAL—AGENTS, Azra Basic (52), 1—CROATIA—WOMAN in SMALL—TOWN—KENTUCKY for alleged war crimes —2—DECADES—AGO in THE—FORMER—YUGOSLAVIA.
20110316             —STARTED, Dubbed Operation Rescue, Europol said the probe, —3—YEARS—AGO.
20110316             —FORCED, An IRAN—CARGO plane en route to Syria was, to land in TURKEY—SOUTH—EAST—DIYARBAKIR airport for an inspection.
20110316             1—SENIOR—KOSOVO politician and former rebel leader was indicted by 1—EU prosecutor for allegedly executing and torturing SERBIA—PRISONERS—OF—WAR —DURING the 19980000—19990000    war.
20110316             —ABOUT 10,000 Saleh supporters attacked about 4,000 protesters at THE—SOUTH—AL—HUDAYDAH port.
20110316             —AFTER about —1—MONTH—OF—PROTESTS—SECURITY—FORCES have killed about 50—DEMONSTRATORS.
20110316—20110317    —RESCUED, All 22—CREW were.
20110316—20110501    —ON, pirates released the bulk carrier Sinar KUDUS and its 20—SAILORS —AFTER 1—RANSOM was paid.
20120304—20120316    —ALLEGED, Shein, massive fraud and began 1—HUNGER—STRIKE.
20120307             The new iPad will go on sale 20120316             in CANADA, FRANCE, GERMANY and THE—USA at $499, the same price as the previous models, for the most basic iPad featuring wireless connectivity only.
20120311—20120316    —ON, on to THE—USA.
20120311—20120316    —ON, the soldier was identified as Staff SERGEANT—ROBERT—BALES, —38—JAHRE—ALT—OF—LAKE—TAPPS—WASHINGTON.
20120316             WASHINGTON, DC, actor GEORGE—CLOONEY and several MEMBERS—OF—THE—USA—CONGRESS were handcuffed and arrested outside SUDAN—EMBASSY as they demanded 1—END to 1—OFFENSIVE they fear will cause thousands to starve.
20120316             —FILED, OAKLAND—CALIFORNIA, charges were, in USA—DISTRICT—COURT—AGAINST—BALVINDER—SINGH—CHADHA, —45—JAHRE—ALT, former manager of postal vehicle service operations in OAKLAND, for illegally billing over $4—MILLION for steering contracts to 1—TRUCK—LEASING company he ran with his wife (39).
20120316             CALIFORNIA, Sierra LaMar (15) was last seen at her home in MORGAN—HILL getting ready for school.
20120316             —RECOVERED, His DNA was found on clothing in LAMAR—BAG, shortly —AFTER her disappearance.
20120316             —ORDERED, GEORGIA—HOT—AIR, balloon pilot EDWARD—RISTAINO, —63—JAHRE—ALT, 5—SKYDIVERS to jump from his balloon at 4,000 feet as 1—SUDDEN—STORM approached.
20120316             —SUCKED, The storm, up RISTAINO—BALLOON to some 17,000 feet.
20120316             His body was found —3—DAYS—LATER about 8—MILES from where the skydivers landed.
20120316             —RANKED, CINCINNATI—OHIO, was, NUMBER 1 in 1—LIST—OF—USA—CITIES with the most bedbugs.
20120316             3—MILLION were sold over the next —4—DAYS.
20120316             —ACCUSED, AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—KARZAI angrily, THE—USA of not sharing information about how 1—USA—SOLDIER allegedly shot and killed 16—AFGHANS in 2—VILLAGES.
20120316             —CRASHED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—TURKEY—HELICOPTER, into 1—HOUSE on the outskirts of KABUL, killing 12—TURKEY—SOLDIERS and 2—AFGHANISTAN—CIVILIANS.
20120316             —RULED, BRAZIL, JUDGE—JOAO—MATOS, that kidnapping charges filed —EARLIER—THIS—WEEK against retired army COLONEL—SEBASTIAO—DE—MOURA would go against BRAZIL's 19790000             amnesty law.
20120316             —ASKED, BRITAIN—ENVIRONMENT—AGENCY said INDONESIA has, BRITAIN to take back 1,800 TONS—OF—WASTE—AFTER inspectors found liquid and illegal mixed waste in containers marked as "scrap metal".
20120316             SOUTH—WEST—CHINA, LOBSANG—TSULTRIM (20), 1—TIBETAN monk, set himself on fire —BEFORE being beaten and dragged away by CHINA—SECURITY—FORCES by the Kirti monastery, Sichuan province.
20120316             —STABBED, DENMARK, 1—PSYCHIATRIC—PATIENT, —47—JAHRE—ALT, 1—DOCTOR and 2—NURSES at the at ODENSE UNIVERSITY—HOSPITAL, then surrendered —AFTER a —10—HOUR standoff with police.
20120316             The doctor and 1—OF—THE—NURSES were in critical condition.
20120316             —RALLIED, HUNDREDS—OF—EGYPT—ACTIVISTS, in CAIRO, lambasting 1—RECENT—MILITARY—TRIBUNAL ruling that cleared 1—MILITARY—DOCTOR—OF—CHARGES he forced a "virginity test" on female activists.
20120316             THE—ERITREA—GOVERNMENT said that 1—ATTACK on its military outposts by neighboring ETHIOPIA was carried out with THE—HELP—OF—THE—USA and meant to divert attention from —1—DECADE—OLD—BORDER—DISPUTE between THE—2—COUNTRIES.
20120316             —RULED, GERMANY—TOP—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT, that 1—BERLIN museum must return to PETER—SACHS, —74—JAHRE—ALT, 1—JEWISH—MAN from THE—USA, THOUSANDS—OF—RARE posters that were seized from his father by the Gestapo, saying that for the institution to keep them would be perpetuating the crimes of the Nazis.
20120316             —BOOSTED, INDIA, military spending by 17% to $40—BILLION for the coming —YEAR as it seeks to counter CHINA—RAPID—MILITARY—BUILD—UP and its traditional rival PAKISTAN.
20120316             Nearly 1,500 Latvians paid tribute to soldiers who fought in Nazi GERMANY—WAFFEN—SS divisions, —WHILE nearby Russians held 1—COUNTER protest to recall war crimes committed against Jews and other minorities.
20120316             —CLASHED, LIBYA, backers and OPPONENTS—OF—FEDERALISM, in THE—EAST—CITY—OF—BENGHAZI with guns, rocks and knives, amid conflicting reports on casualties.
20120316             —ENDED, This, nearly —3—YEARS—OF—POLITICAL deadlock.
20120316             —INVOLVED, The main problem, adults and youngsters pressed into working for the army.
20120316             —ANNOUNCED, NORTH—KOREA, plans to blast 1—SATELLITE into space on the back of 1—LONG—RANGE—ROCKET, 1—PROVOCATIVE move that could jeopardize —1—WEEKS—OLD—AGREEMENT with THE—USA—EXCHANGING food aid for nuclear concessions.
20120316             —INVITED, NORTH—KOREA also, THE—INTERNATIONAL—ATOMIC—ENERGY—AGENCY to return, —3—YEARS—AFTER expelling its nuclear monitors
20120316             —ENCOURAGED, RUSSIA said it has, THE—SYRIA—GOVERNMENT to cooperate with KOFI—ANNAN, the envoy charged with trying to help end the violence there, and urged the West to do the same with THE—SYRIA—REBELS.
20120316             —CALLED, Activists, for rallies across Syria to demand immediate military intervention.
20120316             2—MORE—GENERALS fled Syria to TURKEY and linked up with rebels trying to overthrow PRESIDENT—BASHAR—AL—ASSAD—REGIME
20120316             —ANNOUNCED, THE—GULF—COOPERATION—COUNCIL, that all 6—OF—ITS—MEMBER—STATES were closing their DAMASCUS embassies —AFTER having —LAST—MONTH withdrawn their ambassadors.
20120316             —DEMONSTRATED, TUNISIA, several 1000—MEN and women, outside THE—PARLIAMENT to demand the inclusion of Islamic law in the country's future constitution.
20120316             —URGED, TURKEY, its citizens in Syria to return home, saying SOME—CONSULAR services will be halted in DAMASCUS —NEXT—WEEK.
20120316             —RETURNED, VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ, home nearly —3—WEEKS—AFTER undergoing cancer surgery in CUBA, saying he is praying for life and is confident he will survive and triumph in his RE—ELECTION—BID.
20120316             EL—SALVADOR—GOVERNMENT said it will be giving $50—PER—MONTH—PENSIONS to THOUSANDS—OF—ELDERLY—FORMER—LEFTIST—REBELS who fought in the country's 19800000—19920000    civil war.
20120316             THE—PHILIPPINES, a 5.9—MAGNITUDE—EARTHQUAKE struck off THE—SOUTH—ISLAND—OF—DINAGAT and left at least 45—PEOPLE injured, MOST—OF—THEM shoppers who panicked and rushed in 1—STAMPEDE for the exits.
20120316             —CLASHED, SYRIA—TROOPS, with army defectors in several areas near DAMASCUS in the 1. significant battles there —SINCE PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD—FORCES regained control of the suburbs weeks ago.
20120316             7—PEOPLE were reported killed in overnight fighting in Dmeir and Qatana, also in THE—DAMASCUS region.
20120316             —CLASHED, SYRIA—TROOPS, with army defectors in several areas near DAMASCUS in the 1. significant battles there —SINCE PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD—FORCES regained CONTROL—OF—THE—SUBURBS weeks 20120807             people were reported killed in overnight fighting in Dmeir and Qatana, also in THE—DAMASCUS region.
20120316             —GAINED, CLEMENTI—CASE, national attention —WHEN he committed suicide by jumping off THE—GEORGE—WASHINGTON—BRIDGE 20100922            .
20120316—20100000    —IN, 1—NEW—JERSEY jury found FORMER—RUTGERS student Dharun Ravi guilty on all counts for using 1—WEBCAM to spy on his roommate, TYLER—CLEMENTI, having 1—GAY—SEXUAL—ENCOUNTER.
20120316—20120403    —ON, he and wife pleaded guilty to conspiracy.
20120316—20120521    —ON, police arrested Antolin GARCIA—TORRES, —21—JAHRE—ALT in connection to the missing teen.
20120316—20120605    —ON, 1—JURY voted for 1—SENTENCE—OF—LIFE in prison without parole.
20120316—20121212    —ON, 1—JUDGE sentenced him to life in prison without the possibility of parole.
20120316—20130000    —IN, It retained the rating.
20120316—20140200    —CHARGED, GARCIA—TORRES was, with murder.
20120316—20150000    —SIGNED, MYANMAR, 1—AGREEMENT with THE—INTERNATIONAL—LABOR—ORGANIZATION to end forced labor.
20120316—20170509    —ON, 1—SANTA—CLARA—COUNTY—JURY convicted GARCIA—TORRES—OF—MURDER.
20120319—20120316    —ON, IN—CHINA—LOBSANG—TSULTRIM set himself on fire in ABA town, 1—FLASHPOINT for such protests.
20120327—20120316    1 raid in the poor Cassava Piece neighborhood Diane Gordon, 1—MOTHER—OF—2, was fatally shot in the head on the street as she returned from 1—CHILD—WAKE.
20130216             —ARRESTED, ZIMBABWE, 1—PASTOR and 3—ACTIVISTS were, for holding 1—VOTER—EDUCATION meeting —1—DAY—AFTER PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE announced 20130316             as the date for 1—REFERENDUM on 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION.
20130218—20130316    —ON, It said the decision to remove those restrictions was 1—RESULT—OF a "step forward" in finalizing 1—DRAFT—CONSTITUTION which is set to go voted on in 1—NATIONAL—REFERENDUM.
20130224             —RAISED, ZIMBABWE—BROKE coalition government said it has, enough money privately to pay for 1—REFERENDUM on 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION scheduled 20130316            .
20130313—20130316    —ON, ZIMBABWE—OFFICIAL—ELECTION—BODY said it will not back down on its ban preventing 1—LEADING human rights group from monitoring 1—REFERENDUM o0n 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION.
20130314—20130316    —ACKNOWLEDGED, PRIME—MINISTER—ABDELMALEK—SELLAL, that the demonstrators' demands are legitimate and the government hurriedly announced 1—STRING—OF—MEASURES to address the perceived geographical bias in oil jobs.
20130316             —KILLED, MARYSVILLE—CALIFORNIA, 1—BOY, —14—JAHRE—ALT and 1—MAN, —68—JAHRE—ALT were, —WHEN 1—SPRINT car ran off 1—TRACK and into pit row —DURING WARM—UP laps on the opening —DAY—OF—THE—CALIFORNIA—SPRINT—CAR—CIVIL—WAR—SERIES.
20130316             —SENTENCED, TEXAS, AIR—FORCE—STAFF—SERGEANT—EDDY—SOTO was, to 1—DISHONORABLE discharge and —4—YEARS in prison for raping 1—FEMALE—TRAINEE.
20130316             —INVESTIGATED, Over 30—LACKLAND instructors have been, in the military sex scandal.
20130316             —CONVICTED, Soto was the 9. trainer, and sentenced.
20130316             AFGHANISTAN, several 100—DEMONSTRATORS chanting "USA special operations forces out!" marched to THE—PARLIAMENT building in KABUL, protesting the continued PRESENCE—OF—USA commandos in troubled Wardak province.
20130316             1—HELICOPTER crashed killing 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—USA—LED coalition and injuring another in KANDAHAR province.
20130316             —BECAME, CHINA, LOBSANG—THOKMEY (28), the 108. Tibetan to SELF—IMMOLATE in the last —4—YEARS in protests against CHINA—RULE and religious restrictions.
20130316             He set himself on fire in Kirti monastery, Sichuan province.
20130316             —DRAINED, CYPRUS, anxious depositors, cash from ATMs —AFTER European officials ruled that PART—OF—1—NEW 10—BILLION—EURO bailout must be paid for directly from the bank accounts of ordinary savers.
20130316             1—EMERGENCY—DEAL in BRUSSELS set a 1—TIME levy of 9.9% on CYPRUS—BANK—DEPOSITS—OF—MORE than 100,000 euros.
20130316             Deposits under that would be taxed at 6.75%.
20130316             1—EGYPT—COURT cleared 2—FORMER—MINISTERS—OF—CHARGES that they sold state lands for CUT—RATE—PRICES in the country's prized Red Sea resort areas.
20130316             —SENTENCED, Zuhair Garana was, to up to —8—YEARS in prison and AHMED—MAGHRABI received a —5—YEAR—SENTENCE for guilty verdicts in previous corruption trials.
20130316             —FIRED, EGYPT—POLICE, tear gas to disperse THOUSANDS—OF—SUPPORTERS and OPPONENTS—OF—PRESIDENT—MORSI —DURING clashes that erupted as he launched development projects in Sohag province, where residents have long complained of being neglected by the central government.
20130316             —OVERTURNED, JORDAN—,1—BUS carrying PALESTINE—PILGRIMS, and crashed into 1—TRAILER on 1—HIGHWAY—NEAR THE—ISRAEL—BORDER, killing 15—PEOPLE.
20130316             32—PILGRIMS were injured.
20130316             1—SOYUZ space capsule carrying 1—AMERICAN and 2—RUSSIANS landed in KAZAKHSTAN.
20130316             The men had spent —144—DAYS on THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION.
20130316             3—ASTRONAUTS remained on THE—ISS.
20130316             —LOBBED, Police in KENYA, tear gas on crowds supporting THE—PRIME—MINISTER—RAILA—ODINGA as he filed 1—PETITION asking THE—SUPREME—COURT to void the presidential election, 1—VOTE—ODINGA says was neither free nor fair.
20130316             —COMMEMORATED, Over a 1000—LATVIANS, NAZI—ALLIED —WWII soldiers —WHILE police used force to prevent violence from erupting between participants and ethnic Russians, who are 1—MINORITY in the country.
20130316             —ASKED, NIGERIA—AVIATION ministry, Dana Air to suspend all flights.
20130316             —HALTED, The suspension came days —AFTER another major airline, its operations over 1—STRIKE.
20130316             —LIFTED, The general suspension on Dana was, 20130318             , but 1—PLANE remained grounded.
20130316             —PASSED, PAKISTAN—GOVERNMENT, 1—MAJOR—MILESTONE, with THE—PARLIAMENT becoming the 1. democratically chosen body to finish its —5—YEAR—TERM.
20130316             PAKISTAN, 1—BUS carrying soldiers slid off 1—MOUNTAINOUS—ROAD and fell into 1—DEEP ravine in the country's northwest, killing 24 and injuring 5—OTHERS.
20130316             —STONED, SOMALIA, AL—SHABAB fighters, to death 1—MAN for allegedly forcing a —13—YEAR—OLD—BOY to have sex with him.
20130316             —ANNOUNCED, SYRIA—MAJOR—GENERAL—MOHAMMED—EZZ—AL—DIN—KHALOUF, his defection from ASSAD—REGIME in 1—VIDEO aired on THE—AL—ARABIYA satellite channel.
20130316             Human Rights Watch said ASSAD—REGIME is expanding its use of widely banned cluster bombs, as the deadlocked conflict entered its 3. —YEAR.
20130316             —DETONATED, Rebels, 1—POWERFUL—CAR—BOMB outside 1—HIGH—RISE building in Deir EL—ZOUR, setting off clashes with regime troops.
20130316             ZIMBABWE citizens cast their votes in a —1—DAY—REFERENDUM on 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION that all main political parties have backed, urging supporters to accept the draft document that will curb presidential powers.
20130316             PENNSYLVANIA, 1—TOUR—BUS carrying 1—WOMEN—LACROSSE team from Seton Hill UNIVERSITY crashed killing 1—PREGNANT—COACH and the driver.
20130316             It resumed its operations —2—MONTHS—AGO.
20130316             The suspension came days —AFTER another major airline halted its operations over 1—STRIKE.
20130316             "Ach, wie sehr möchte ich 1.arme Kirche und 1.Kirche für DIE—ARMEN!"( bei 1—BEGEGNUNG mit Medienvertretern in ROM)
20130316             Die Installation Big Air Package von Christo im Inneren des Gasometers OBERHAUSEN beginnt.
20130316—20130603    —ON, 1—DANA—AIR—CRASH left more than 160—PEOPLE—DEAD, leading the carrier to lose its license.
20140303—20140316    —ON, His body, bearing SIGNS—OF—TORTURE was found.
20140315—20120000    —SINCE, In RUSSIA tens of thousands have gathered in downtown MOSCOW in the largest ANTI—GOVERNMENT—DEMONSTRATION, protesting against 20120316             —THE—KREMLIN—BACKED referendum in Crimea on whether to break away from UKRAINE and merge with RUSSIA.
20140316             —REPORTED, SAUDI—ARABIA, the local Okaz daily, that organizers at THE—RIYADH—INTERNATIONAL—BOOK—FAIR had confiscated "more than 10,000—COPIES—OF—420—BOOKS" —DURING the exhibition, which began 20140304            .
20140316             —SEIZED, USA special forces, the commercial —MORNING Glory tanker that fled with 1—CARGO—OF—OIL from 1—LIBYA—PORT controlled by ANTI—GOVERNMENT—REBELS, halting their attempt to sell petroleum on the global market.
20140316             NEW—MEXICO, police outside ALBUQUERQUE shot and killed JAMES—BOYD, —38—JAHRE—ALT, 1—HOMELESS camper who suffered from schizophrenia.
20140316             1—HELMET camera showed Boyd gathering his belongings —BEFORE officers opened fire.
20140316             —RELEASED, CHINA—GOVERNMENT, its "PEOPLE—CENTERED" plan on urbanization.
20140316             Under this some 100—MILLION—MIGRANTS will be given urban hukou (certificates) and access to urban services by THE—END—OF—THE—DECADE.
20140316             —UNREGISTERED, This would still leave some 200m.
20140316             It instructed cities of less than 1—MILLION to offer 1—LOCAL hukou to anyone who applied.
20140316             CHINA, 1—MONK from the Shaderi Monastery in Huangnan Tibetan autonomous prefecture, Qinghai province, set himself on fire.
20140316             † In CENTRAL—CHINA 4—PEOPLE in 1—FIRE at 1—HOSPITAL—IN—PATIENT building in HUANGSHI city, Hubei province.
20140316             † IN—CHINA—BISHOP—FAN—ZHONGLIANG, —97—JAHRE—ALT at his home in SHANGHAI.
20140316             FRANCE, THE—BODY—OF—1—CYCLIST hit by 1—HIGH—SPEED—TGV trains was embedded into THE—FRONT—OF—THE—DRIVER—CARRIAGE and carried 40—KM (25—MILES) —BEFORE anyone noticed.
20140316             —ALLOWED, ISRAEL, the resumption of diesel deliveries into GAZA, —1—DAY—AFTER the territory's sole power plant stopped working due to 1—LACK—OF—FUEL.
20140316             —KILLED, LEBANON, 1—SOLDIER and 1—CIVILIAN were, in fighting between Sunni Muslims and Alawites in THE—NORTH—LEBANON—CITY—OF—TRIPOLI, bringing the death toll from —4—DAYS—OF—CLASHES to 12. 1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMB—ATTACK in 1—HEZBOLLAH—DOMINATED AREA—OF—EAST—LEBANON, near THE—SYRIA—BORDER, left 2—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20140316             —ASKED, MALAYSIA—GOVERNMENT, for help from nearly 12—ASIA—COUNTRIES that the missing jetliner may have flown over, saying that finding the plane would be very difficult without additional data on its final movements.
20140316             —EGGED, MYANMAR, Rakhine mobs, on by Wirathu, 1—BUDDHIST—CHAUVINIST monk, protested against 1—CENSUS that would allow Rohingyas to be able to define their ethnicity.
20140316             NATO said hackers have brought down several public NATO—WEBSITES, in what appeared to be the latest escalation in cyberspace over growing tensions over Crimea.
20140316             —ANNOUNCED, Organizers had, AHEAD—OF—THE—EVENT that ANY—BOOK deemed "against Islam" or "undermining security" in the kingdom would be confiscated.
20140316             —VOTED, Serbs, in parliamentary election.
20140316             —BACKED, SYRIA—TROOPS, by Hezbollah fighters seized Yabroud, 1—KEY—REBEL—SUPPLY—TOWN on THE—LEBANON—BORDER, driving them from the area and scoring 1—MAJOR—BLOW against them in THE—3—YEAR—OLD—CONFLICT.
20140316             —VOTED, Residents in UKRAINE—STRATEGIC—CRIMEAN Peninsula, to leave UKRAINE and join RUSSIA, overwhelmingly approving 1—REFERENDUM that sought to unite the Black Sea region with the country it was part of for SOME— 250—YEARS.
20140316             EAST—UKRAINE, THOUSANDS—OF—PRO—RUSSIA—PROTESTERS in THE—CITY—OF—DONETSK rallied in SUPPORT—OF—CRIMEA—RIGHT to join RUSSIA and to press for their own referendum.
20140316             —REACHED, UKRAINE—DEFENSE—MINISTER said his forces in Crimea have, 1—TEMPORARY—TRUCE with RUSSIA aimed at easing tensions surrounding the Black Sea peninsula's HIGH—STAKES—SECESSION—REFERENDUM.
20140316             THE—SERBIAN—SOCIALIST—PARTY under ALEXANDER—VUCIC, 1—PRO—EUROPEAN advocate, won 157—SEATS in the 250-seat PARLIAMENT.
20140316             THE—SERBIAN—SOCIALIST—PARTY came in 2. with 45.
20140316             † In VENEZUELA 1—NATIONAL—GUARDSMAN was shot and killed —DURING violence in THE—CITY—OF—MARACAY.
20140316             —AM, Alles andere als 1—KLARE Mehrheit wäre daher 1—ÜBERRASCHUNG.
20140316             —REFERENDUM: Neue KRIM—ELITE, alte MAFIA—VERBINDUNGEN
20140316             Ärger mit SAUDI—ARABIEN: FEUER—PROBE für KATARs jungen EMIR—VON—
20140316             SPD—POLITIKER Edathy: "Ich bin nicht pädophil" - UKRAINE, DIE—KRIM—KRISE—IM—ÜBERBLICK
20140316             CYBER—ANGRIFF Hacker legen NATO—WEB—SITES lahm
20140316             DIE—NATO ist im Vorfeld des KRIM—REFERENDUMS zum Opfer 1—HACKER—ANGRIFFS geworden.
20140316             1—GRUPPE namens CYBERBerkut attackierte die WEB—SITES des VERTEIDIGUNGS—BÜNDNISSES.
20140316             Offenbar stecken prorussische Kräfte hinter den Angreifern.
20140316             BRÜSSEL—MEHRERE INTERNETseiten der NATO sind —IN—DER—NACHT zum —SONNTAG
20140316             Zu der Attacke bekannte sich 1—UKRAINE—HACKER—GRUPPE.
20140316             DIE—GRUPPE mit dem Namen CYBERBerkut teilte auf ihrer WEB—SEITE mit: "Wir erklären, daß wir —HEUTE um 1800—UHR 1—ATTACKE—GEGEN—DIE—NATO gestartet haben".DIE—NATO habe auf ukrainischem Territorium nichts zu suchen, hieß es weiter.
20140316             DIE—ERKLÄRUNG wurde auf RUSSLAND—ABGEGEBEN.
20140316             Berkut ist die lange gefürchtete, kürzlich aufgelöste SPEZIAL—EINHEIT des UKRAINE—INNEN—MINISTERIUMS.
20140316             Wie NATO—SPRECHERIN Oana Lungescu AUF—TWITTER mitteilte, hatte —DER—ANGRIFF, keine Auswirkungen auf die Funktionsfähigkeit des Bündnisses.
20140316             Techniker seien damit beschäftigt, die WEB—SITES wiederherzustellen.
20140316             JOHN—BUMGARNER, TECHNOLOGIE—CHEF—DES—AUF CYBER—ATTACKEN spezialisierten Forschungsinstituts USA—CYBER—CONSEQUENCES Unit sagte, die 1.Hinweise deuteten in der Tat stark darauf hin, daß DIE—ATTACKEN von prorussischen Kräften ausgegangen seien.
20140316             HAMBURG—DER—FRÜHERE—SPD—BUNDES—TAG—ABGEORDNETE SEBASTIAN—EDATHY hat sich in 1—SPIEGEL—GESPRÄCH 1.ausführlich zu den gegen ihn erhobenen Vorwürfen geäußert und sich klar von KINDER—PORNOGRAFIE distanziert.
20140316             "Ich möchte 1—KLAR sagen: Ich bin 1—GEGNER—VON—KINDER—PORNOGRAFIE. Ich hätte nie geglaubt, 1—SOLCHE SELBST—VERSTÄNDLICHKEIT jemals betonen zu müssen", sagte Edathy dem SPIEGEL.
20140316             "Kinder stehen unter 1—BESONDEREN Schutz. KINDES—MISSBRAUCH ist verwerflich und ist zu bestrafen. Diesen habe ich weder begangen noch unterstützt".
20140316             Edathy, gegen den wegen des Verdachts auf BESITZ—VON—KINDER—PORNOGRAFIE ermittelt wird, hält sich an 1—GEHEIM—ORT in SÜD—EUROPA auf.
20140316             Er betonte aber: "Ich bin nicht pädophil. In der Kunstgeschichte hat der männliche Akt, auch der Kinder—, Jugendakt, 1—LANGE Tradition. Man muss daran keinen Gefallen finden, man darf es aber".
20140316             Edathy lehnt 1—ENTSCHULDIGUNG für sein Verhalten ab.
20140316             "Ich muss und werde mich für mein PRIVAT—LEBEN nicht entschuldigen oder rechtfertigen. Niemand, der sich im privaten Bereich RECHTS—KONFORM verhält, muss das. Der PRIVAT—SPHÄRE—SCHUTZ ist elementar für 1—RECHTS—STAAT".
20140316             Der, —44—JAHRE—ALTE machte deutlich, daß er gern nach DEUTSCHLAND zurückkehren würde.
20140316             1—VERSUCH sei aber —BEREITS gescheitert.
20140316             "Vor einigen —TAGEN hatte ich geplant, nach Hause zu reisen, um EINIGE—PERSÖNLICHE—ANGELEGENHEITEN zu regeln. Post sichten, Pflanzen gießen, so was halt. 1—NACHBAR wies mich darauf hin, daß sich vor dem Haus 3—AUTOS mit Journalisten und 2—MIT Neonazis befinden würden. Ich habe auf die Fahrt dann verzichtet", sagte Edathy.
20140316             —VERFEMT, Er sei in DEUTSCHLAND "gewissermaßen ", so DER—SOZIAL—DEMOKRAT.
20140316             "es ist 1—VÖLLIG surreale Lage, in der ich bin: Meine Arbeit, meine PRIVAT—SPHÄRE und mein Zuhause, alles das ist —ERST mal weg", sagte er.
20140316             "Mir fehlt GEGENWÄRTIG die Phantasie zu sagen, was ich wann aus meinem Leben machen kann. Ich weiß nur, daß es NOCH—LANGE—NICHT vorbei ist".
20140316             Büropsychologie: Warum TEAM—ARBEIT faul und unglücklich macht (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 10:19)
20140316             Älterwerden: Arbeitet, liebt, brennt!
20140316             SCHWEIZ—ROH—STOFFHÄNDLER: Dunkle GSCHÄFTLI—SOLCHE Geschäfte sind kein Einzelfall.
20140316             —IMMER—WIEDER, fallen Vitol und andere ROH—STOFF—KONZERNE aus der SCHWEIZ wegen der Missachtung INTERNATIONAL anerkannter Gesetze, Verträge und Normen auf.
20140316             Sie verletzen mit ihren Geschäften DIE—MENSCHEN—RECHTE, vergiften die UMWELT oder beuten ARBEITS—KRÄFTE aus.
20140316             Zusätzlich nutzen EINIGE—DER—ROH—STOFF—HÄNDLER die großzügigen SCHWEIZ—GESETZE zum ZWECK—DER—STEUER—VERMEIDUNG und Hinterziehung.
20140316             Diese Unternehmen waren selbst den meisten SCHWEIZern —BIS vor kurzem kein Begriff.
20140316             —ERST durch das Buch "ROH—STOFF—DAS gefährlichste Geschäft der SCHWEIZ", das DIE—ORGANISATION —ERKLÄRUNG—VON, BERN
20140316             Nur wenige Firmen in EUROPA sind so groß wie DIE—SCHWEIZ—ROH—STOFF—KONZERNE Vitol, Glencore Xstrata, Trafigura, Gunvor oder Mercuria.
20140316             Zum Vergleich: Die Volkswagen AG, DEUTSCHLANDs größtes Industrieunternehmen, erzielte —IM—SELBEN—JAHR—CA——EURO.
20140316             Auch die VITOL—KONKURRENTEN kommen auf Umsätze, die weit höher sind als zum Beispiel die von Daimler oder SIEMENS.
20140316             Ganz im Verborgenen stieg DIE—SCHWEIZ zu EUROPAs wichtigster Drehscheibe im ROH—STOFF—HANDEL auf.
20140316             Mehr als 500—HANDELS—HÄUSER sind —HEUTE in der ALPEN—REPUBLIK aktiv.
20140316             Der ROH—STOFF—KONZERN Glencore Xstrata aus dem Kanton Zug zum Beispiel kontrolliert gut 33—PROZENT—DES—WELT—HANDEL s mit Kupfer;
20140316             "DIE—SCHWEIZ hat außerdem unter —EINSATZ ihres STAATS—SCHUTZSTRAFRECHTS ihre schützende Hand über im Ausland gesuchte STEUER—HINTERZIEHER gehalten", sagt MARK—PIETH, Professor für Strafrecht an der UNIVERSITÄT—BASEL.
20140316             Auch über MARC—RICH.
20140316             Der GRÜNDER—DES—GLENCORE—KONZERNS hat den heutigen ROHÖL—HANDEL —ANFANG der 1970ER—JAHRE quasi erfunden.
20140316             In der ROH—STOFF—HÄNDLER—GESCHÄFTS—GEBAREN ist auch —HEUTE nicht allzu viel Platz für Ethik und Moral.
20140316             "Und im HANDEL—MIT—ROH—STOFFEN wird nicht nur bestochen, es wird auch Geld reingewaschen.
20140316             DIE—BESCHULDIGTEN sehen das NATUR—GEMÄß völlig anders.
20140316             NATUR—GEMÄß—WIE beim VERDACHT—DER—GELD—WÄSCHE weisen die Firmen stereotyp ALLE—ANSCHULDIGUNGEN zurück, die von NGOs wie —ERKLÄRUNG—VON, BERN, Global Witness oder vom Hilfswerk SwissAid erhoben werden.
20140316             —DIE—LISTE, an UMWELT—ZERSTÖRUNG und MENSCHEN—RECHT—VERLETZUNGEN, DIE—KRITIKER den Konzernen vorwerfen, scheint endlos.
20140316             Glencore Xstrata habe in den Gruben, die DER—KONZERN im KONGOLESISCH(?:EN|ER|ES|E)?—BETREIBT, —JAHRE—LANG—ABWÄSSER ungeklärt ENTSORGT.
20140316             Auch DIE—ZAHL—DER—TÖDLICHEN ARBEITS—UNFÄLLE sei dort ungewöhnlich hoch.
20140316             —ZUDEM, soll DAS—UNTERNEHMEN, das WELT—WEIT—CA—190.000—MENSCHEN beschäftigt, im KONGOLESISCH(?:EN|ER|ES|E)?—INDIREKT—VON—KINDER—ARBEIT profitieren.
20140316             es waren SCHWEIZ—ÖLHÄNDLER, die einst gezielt die SANKTIONEN—GEGEN—DAS—REGIME—VON—SADDAM—HUSSEIN im IRAK unterlaufen haben.
20140316             Und —WOCHEN—LANG noch handelten Genfer Firmen mit Öl aus dem vom —BÜRGER—KRIEG heimgesuchten SYRIEN, als DIE—EU dies längst untersagt hatte.
20140316             "Der ROH—STOFF—HANDEL in der SCHWEIZ ist 1—POLITISCHE ZEIT—BOMBE", warnt MARTIN—DAHINDEN, Leiter der Eidgenössischen Direktion für Entwicklung und ZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT.
20140316             "Weil DIE—SCHWEIZ—UNTERNEHMEN—VON—UNSEREM—IMAGE als Heimat DER—MENSCHEN—RECHTE profitieren, wollen wir nicht, daß sie dieses Renommee gefährden", sagt Rémy Friedmann, Beauftragter für MENSCHEN—RECHTE im SCHWEIZ—AUßEN—MINISTERIUM.
20140316             "DIE—UNTERNEHMEN müssen verstehen, daß DIE—SICHERHEIT von Menschen und DIE—SICHERHEIT von Investitionen 2—SEITEN derselben Medaille sind.
20140316             Und sie müssen begreifen, daß ihre Machenschaften Folgen für ihre geschäftlichen Aktivitäten haben können".
20140316             Aufgeweckt hat DIE—SCHWEIZ—ABER auch DIE—EU, die —JETZT beim ROH—STOFF—HANDEL ebenso Druck macht wie zuvor beim BANK—GEHEIMNIS.
20140316             BRÜSSEL will endlich mehr Licht in die weitgehend intransparente Branche bringen.
20140316             —VERPFLICHTET, IN—DEN—USA sind ROH—STOFF—KONZERNE —BEREITS dazu, ALLE—ZAHLUNGEN an staatliche Stellen offenzulegen - 1—UNVERZICHTBARE Voraussetzung, um BESTECHUNG und KORRUPTION bekämpfen zu können.
20140316             Auch in der EU sollen Bergbaukonzerne, Ölmultis und ROH—STOFF—HÄNDLER künftig Rechenschaft über die Geldflüsse an Länder ablegen, in denen sie ihren Geschäften nachgehen.
20140316             "es liegt im Interesse der SCHWEIZ, hier ebenso zu handeln wie EUROPA", sagt EU—KOMMISSAR MICHEL—BARNIER.
20140316             BRÜSSEL erwartet aber offenbar Widerstand aus der SCHWEIZ.
20140316             "Das EUROPA—PARLAMENT wird keine Ausnahmen akzeptieren, die zu großen gesetzlichen Schlupflöchern führen", drohte deshalb Arlene McCarthy, GROSSBRITANNIEN—LABOUR—ABGEORDNETE im EU—PARLAMENT, in 1—BRIEF, den sie
20140316             DIE—BRANCHE werfe ernstzunehmende Probleme in Bezug auf DIE—MENSCHEN—RECHTE, die UMWELT—SITUATION sowie auf die KORRUPTIONS—BEKÄMPFUNG in den Entwicklungsländern auf.
20140316             "Mit diesen Herausforderungen können auch Reputationsrisiken für einzelne Unternehmen sowie für DIE—SCHWEIZ als Land verbunden sein", so DER—REPORT.
20140316             Reputationsrisiken
20140316             Zum 1.sollen in 1—ÖFFENTLICH zugänglichen Register die Eigentümer der Unternehmen erfasst werden.
20140316             Nahezu ALLE—SCHWEIZER—ROH—STOFF—HÄNDLER verschleiern ihre BESITZ—VERHÄLTNISSE mit Holdings und Briefkastenfirmen, die vorzugsweise in STEUER—PARADIESEN angesiedelt sind.
20140316             2. müssten die STEUER—GESETZE dem EU—RECHT angepasst werden.
20140316             In der SCHWEIZ haben die einzelnen Kantone DAS—RECHT, Unternehmen Sonderkonditionen zu gewähren.
20140316             1—TOCHTER—FIRMA des BRASILIEN—BERGBAUKONZERNS Vale zum Beispiel muss im KANTON—WAADT trotz hoher Gewinne kaum STEUERN zahlen.
20140316             Zum 3. fordern die NGOs, die Haftung DER—KONZERNE für Verstöße gegen ARBEITS—, UMWELT—GESETZE auszudehnen.
20140316             BERG—ARBEITER—AUS—KOLUMBIEN oder SAMBIA, die bei 1—GRUBEN—UNGLÜCK verletzt wurden, können schwer im Alleingang VOR—1—SCHWEIZ—GERICHT 1—ENTSCHÄDIGUNG erstreiten.
20140316             Das ist allein —SCHON wegen der Anwaltskosten illusorisch.
20140316             Glencore Xstrata verweist auf den VERHALTENS—KODEX, den sich DAS—UNTERNEHMEN —BEREITS auferlegt hat.
20140316             [8]MERKELs Insel
20140316             —BEUTET, Diese EHREN—WERTE GESELLSCHAFT, Menschen auf bestialische Weise aus und verschmutzt den Planeten, desweiteren unterstützt sie ekelerregende DIKTATURen und nicht minder ekelerregende religiöse Spinner.
20140316             Aber wir leben und schuften ja auf DER—DEUTSCHEN—INSEL und MERKEL unterstützt die Exesse und Betrügereien sogar in ihrem eigenen "RECHTS—STAAT".
20140316             Neutralität ist Begünstigung des Stärkeren.
20140316             —IM, Zeitalter der GLOBALISIERUNG ist DIE—IDEE des "selbständigen Staates"—BEREITS ÜBERHOLT—VOR allem DER—UNTERSCHIED zwischen Innen—, AUSSEN—POLITIK wird verwischt.
20140316             DIE—SCHWEIZ musste ja auch ihre STEUERGESETZ—GEBUNG USA—STANDARTS anpassen.
20140316             Sie tolerieren also, daß Glencore z.B. in SAMBIA
20140316             das kotzen kommt mir aber —ERST wenn Söldner Firmen wie Aegis DEFENSE Services ihren Welthaupsitz zu uns verlegen.
20140316             Aber VIELE—FIRMEN kommen und gehen wie z.B. HALLIBURTON, es gab Zeiten da traf sich die Familie BUSH mit der FAMILIEN—MITGLIEDER—DER—BIN—LADENS in GENF an der GENERAL—VERSAMMLUNG—VON— HALLIBURTON.
20140316             DUBAI, hat HALLIBURTON die —JETZT bessere Bedingungen erhalten.
20140316             Phillip Morris, UNITED—KINGDOM—USA—TABACCO, etc.
20140316             DIE—SCHWEIZ als Welthauptsitz ausgesucht haben.
20140316             Na ja, DIE—SCHWEIZ—STEUERGESETZ—GEBUNG hat zum Bsp im KONGOLESISCH(?:EN|ER|ES|E)?—ALS Auswirkung Mord Hunger, —BÜRGER—KRIEG KINDER—ARBEIT, UMWELT—ZERSTÖRUNG, Verseuchung..... Wieso: Weil Gelecore die letzten —10—JAHRE nahezu keine STEUERN im KONGOLESISCH(?:EN|ER|ES|E)?—BEZAHLT, da man diese ROH—STOFFE gewinnlos in DIE—SCHWEIZ verschiebt Der Gewinn wird in der SCHWEIZ verwirklicht.
20140316             Der KONGOLESISCH(?:EN|ER|ES|E)?—IST das ärmste Land der Welt, alleine die STEUERrückerstattung Glencores übersteigt das STAATS—DEFIZIT des KONGOs.
20140316             Man kann es uch banaf formulieren: Wenn STAATEN STEUER—GESETZE schaffen, die dafür sorgen, das Gewinne verschoben werden, dann bluten die Staten, die das nicht machen aus.
20140316             Mit allen Folgen Ob das "friedlich"ist?
20140316             OXFam hat errechnet, das die STEUERGESETZ—GEBUNG der SCHWEIZ —SEIT—JAHR—10. der 3. Welt mehr KAPITAL entzieht, als die ganze Welt an humanitären GELDERN dort investiert.
20140316             —GEFÜHRT, KRIEG wird nicht nur mit Waffen, - ZITAT—VON—FRAU—MERKEL—AN Lisaschei.
20140316             Ich zitiere MERKEL aus "DIE—ZEIT": DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG kommentierte die RÜSTUNGS—GESCHÄFTE—MIT—DEN Saudis mit dem Satz: "Das KÖNIG—REICH SAUDI—ARABIEN ist für DEUTSCHLAND 1—WICHTIGER Partner, politisch wie ökonomisch sowie bei der Bekämpfung des INTERNATIONAL—ER—TERRORISMUS. SAUDI—ARABIEN nimmt 1—ZENTRALE Rolle bei der Lösung regionaler —KONFLIKTE ein".Und BUNDES—KANZLERIN—ANGELA—MERKEL sagte —VOR—2—JAHREN in 1—GRUNDSATZREDE vor SICHERHEITS—EXPERTEN: "Wir müssen DIE—STAATEN, die bereit sind, sich zu engagieren, auch dazu befähigen. Ich sage ausdrücklich: Das schließt auch den Export von Waffen mit 1— dies SELBST—VERSTÄNDLICH nur nach klaren und weithin anerkannten Prinzipien".
20140316             —MANIPULIERT, Glencore Xstrata verletzt MENSCHEN—RECHTE, STEUERN und verschmutzt die UMWELT.
20140316             IVAN—GLASENBERG, der CEO—VON—GLENCORE, mag materiell sehr reich sein, aber geistig mehr als offensichtlich sehr sehr arm:
20140316             Also selbst die eidgenössischen offiziellen sehen in der "STEUERkonurrenz"1—ELEMANTAREN WOHLSTAND—BEWAHRER der CH Und DIE—SCHWEIZ—GEWINNVERSCHIEBUNGSANSTIFTUNG ist —SEIT den 80er —JAHREN STREIT—PUNKT Haben Sie nur nicht mitbekommen Ich —FRAGE mal seh plakativ 50—PROZENT—DES—WELTWEITEN—KUPFERS wird über die CH gehandelt, und der Gewinn aus 50—PROZENT—DES—WELTWEITEN—KUPFER—HANDELS bringt der CH ca 6 % STEUERN ein.
20140316             Nahezu überall auf der Welt wären es 25-33 % —NUN stellen wir uns mal vor, alle würden 6 % verlangen Was soll dann noch STEUER—EINNAHMEN generieren?
20140316             STEUERstze wie die der Ch gehen nur dann, wenn man sich vom weltweiten Handel 1—FETTES Stück abschneidet, und die DUMPING—STEUERN, multipliziert mit vielen Unternehmen, in der Summe genug zum leben einbringt.
20140316             Aktuell ist Fakt Die CH hat 1—AUSGEGLICHENEN HAUSHALT—UND benötigt dazu unter anderem zwingend, das man WELT—HANDEL —PLATZ Nummer 1—FÜR ROH—STOFFE ist Sprich: Die Ch muss WELT—HANDEL —PLATZ Nummer 1
20140316             Ist ja ganz logisch beim Kaffee
20140316             3/4—DES Kaffee WELT—HANDEL s läuft —NUN mal über DIE—SCHWEIZ wo soll den Starbucks sonst einkaufen ?
20140316             Auch EINIGE—NAHRUNGSMITTEL—KONZERNE wie Nestle und KAFFE—BRANDS sitzen halt in der SCHWEIZ, das im Weiteren auch im vewandten KAKAO—HANDEL zu den Grossen gehört als HÄNDLER wie auch Schokoladenproduzent.
20140316             12—DER grössten HÄNDLER sitzen teilweise —SCHON—SEIT Generationen hier in der SCHWEIZ.
20140316             EINIGE—HÄNDLER—DYNASTIEN—FLÜCHTETEN—DAMALS, aus DEUTSCHLANDs EUROPA und fanden Hier ihre Heimat und wuchsen.
20140316             "eigentlich den grössten TEIL—DES—ROH—STOFFHANDELS in der SCHWEIZ wuchs —SEIT dieser ZUWANDERUNGS—ZEIT zur weltgrösse.
20140316             Inklusive KUNST—HANDEL, GOLD—HANDEL, BANK—WESEN der SCHWEIZ"
20140316             Diese GESCHICHTE wiederholt sich —NUN auch in der EU/SÜD—EU/NORD—AFRIKA/Seidenstrassen/UKRAINE Krisen.
20140316             DIE—"SCHWEIZer"WEL—KONZERNE—VON—MORGEN haben sich in der SCHWEIZ nieder gelassen.
20140316             DIE—STEUER—OASEN—PROBLEMATIK ist, um es mit den Worten der FT zu sagen: -das mit bstand größte PROBLEM—DER—WELT—WIRTSCHAFT—DER TOTEN—GRÄBER DER—SOZIAL—STAATEN—DIE größte GEFAHR—FÜR—DIE—INDUSTRIESTAATEN, weit vor Hunger, KRIEG und und und Nehmen wir mal als Bsp LUXEMBURG: Die parasitäre STEUERGESETZ—GEBUNG LUXEMBURGs sorgt dafür, das aus Drittstaaten in Lux mehr investiert wird, als in Fr D NL zusammen investiert wird.
20140316             Auf Deutsch: In 1 50.000—MENSCHEN ZWERGEN—STAAT wird aus Drittländern mehr investiert wie in 1—WIRTSCHAFTS—RAUM mit—UND genauso wird aus Lux heraus mehr in Drittstaaten investiert, wie D FR und die NL zusammen investieren Krank STEUERosen gehören geächtet, isoliert und an Pranger gestellt es ist kein Wettbewerb sondern Abzocke
20140316             Aha. "Wasser sollte 1—MARKT—WERT haben".
20140316             20140316             Raten Sie mal, wer das gesagt hat:
20140316             In den 1970er—, 1980ER—JAHREN wurden Nestlé und andere Unternehmen für ihre VerMARKTung von Säuglingsnahrung in Entwicklungsländern heftig kritisiert.
20140316             Ihnen wurde vorgeworfen, aggressive VERKAUFS—METHODEN anzuwenden, etwa VERKAUFS—PERSONAL als Krankenschwestern zu verkleiden und Gratismuster zu verteilen, deren Verwendung bei damit einhergehender Einstellung des Stillens zum Versiegen der Muttermilch führt.
20140316             Damit würden Mütter dauerhaft von den teuren Produkten abhängig gemacht, die aber gerade in Entwicklungsländern für TEILE—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG unerschwinglich sind, zudem würden gesundheitliche Schäden und TOD—VON—SÄUGLINGEN durch Zubereitung mit verschmutztem Wasser in Kauf genommen.
20140316             Als DIE—ARBEITS—GRUPPE 3. Welt BERN 19740000             DIE—STUDIE Nestlé tötet Babys zum Thema herausgab, klagte Nestlé gegen sie wegen Ehrverletzung.
20140316             Als ehrverletzend empfand DAS—UNTERNEHMEN den Titel sowie die Angaben, Nestlé sei VERANTWORTLICH—FÜR—DEN Tod tausender Säugl
20140316             —TOLERIERT, Damit es endlich in Ihren Kopf reingeht: DIE—SCHWEIZ, 1—UNTERNEHMEN, dessen ehemaliger CEO, der ÖSTERREICHer PETER—BRABECK—LETMATHE, Wasser zu 1—PRODUKT umwandeln will.
20140316             Wasser ist, wie Luft, 1—WELTWEITES GRUND—RECHT für ALLE—MENSCHEN.
20140316             IM—KONGO—BECKEN werden —TAG für —TAG SCHWEIZ—SCHÜRFRECHTE mit DEUTSCHLAND—WAFFEN in der Hand 1—WARLORDS durchgesetzt.Das muss natürlich 1—ENDE haben.
20140316—19270000    —SEIT, davon
20140316—19270000    —SEIT, Die Produkte werden doch offiziell von der STEUER—OASE heraus generiert, fallen also nicht im Ursprungsland als Umsatz an Nebenbei Gerade bei ROH—STOFFEN ist DIE—SCHWEIZ—STEUERGESETZ—GEBUNG, da eben parasitär, WELT—WEIT Anstifter zu STEUER—DIEBSTAHL NATÜRLICH sagt die CH:USA—DAS wollen wir nicht Profitiert aber
20140316—19550000    —ORDAINED, IN—CHINA—BISHOP—FAN—ZHONGLIANG was, by JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA but not recognized by CHINA—AUTHORITIES, and spent more than —30—YEARS in prisons and labor camps over the course of his life, —STARTING.
20140316—20110000    —SEIT, keine STEUERN mehr zahlt?
20140316—20110000    —ERHOBEN, DIE—REGIERUNG dort hatte —IN—DEM—JAHR die STEUERN, damit DIE—BEVÖLKERUNG—VON—SAMBIA zumindest etwas an der Ausbeutung der Kupfervorkommen partizipiert?
20140316—20140628    —FILED, BOYD—FAMILY, suit against the city police.
20140316—20190000    —IN, it called on cities with populations of less than 3—MILLION to do the same.
20140329             THE—CRIMEAN—TATARS, who make up about 12—PERCENT—OF—CRIMEA—POPULATION, strongly opposed and largely boycotted THE—HASTILY—ORGANIZED 20140316             referendum.
20150316             BELGIUM—AUTHORITIES made several arrests and were analyzing goods that could be linked to 20130218             —THE, $42—MILLION diamond theft at THE—BRUSSELS airport.
20150316             —KILLED, THE—AFGHANISTAN—ARMY, 1—MILITANT—COMMANDER who had claimed allegiance to the Islamic State group.
20150316             —KILLED, Hafiz Wahidi and 9—OF—HIS—MEN were, in 1—OPERATION in Helmand province.
20150316             —IMPOSED, ANDORRA, withdrawal limits for clients of Banca Privada d'ANDORRA (BPA), 1—BANK—ACCUSED—OF—MONEY laundering.
20150316             SPAIN—CENTRAL—BANK said that Banco de MADRID SA, 1—UNIT—OF—THE—ANDORRA—BANK, needs bankruptcy protection granted by 1—JUDGE —FOLLOWING a "sharp deterioration" of its finances with large WITHDRAWALS—OF—CLIENTS' funds.
20150316             —ARRESTED, BAHRAIN authorities, 1—YOUNG—MAN who was trying to smuggle in BOMB—MAKING materials from IRAQ.
20150316             He told authorities 1—RELATIVE who lives in IRAQ, and wanted on TERRORISM—RELATED charges, gave him the suitcase to take to BAHRAIN.
20150316             —LAUNCHED, BRAZIL—POLICE, 1—NEW—ROUND—OF—ARRESTS in the corruption scandal at state oil giant Petrobras, —1—DAY—AFTER massive nationwide demonstrations against leftist PRESIDENT—DILMA—ROUSSEFF.
20150316             THE—EUROPEAN—UNION gave the green light to 1—LONG—AWAITED pact with Bosnia, a 1. step toward possible MEMBERSHIP—OF—THE—BLOC—AFTER YEARS—OF—POLITICAL and economic stagnation.
20150316             —MARCHED, LATVIA, about a 1000—PEOPLE, to pay tribute to Latvians who fought in GERMANY—WAFFEN SS units against THE—SOVIET—UNION —WWII—DURING, despite jeering from protesters who say the parade glorifies fascism.
20150316             LIBYA, families fled the coastal CITY—OF—SIRTE in their dozens —AFTER—2—DAYS—OF—CLASHES between Islamic State militants and fighters loyal to 1—GOVERNMENT based in TRIPOLI.
20150316             —WANTED, AHMED—AL—ROUISSI, 1—OF—THE—MOST, militants in TUNISIA, was killed —RECENTLY in clashes —AROUND THE—CITY—OF—SIRTE.
20150316             —ARRESTED, MALAYSIA—POLICE, the eldest daughter of jailed opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim for alleged sedition, 1—MOVE slammed by critics as 1—CLAMPDOWN on dissent.
20150316             MEXICO, Carmen Aristegui, the crusading host of 1—TOP—RATED national news radio program, was reported fired in 1—CASE that MANY—FEAR is 1—BLOW to FREEDOM—OF—EXPRESSION.
20150316             —FIRED, MVS Radio said Aristegui was, for challenging THE—FIRING—OF—REPORTERS who had misused the company's name by linking it to 1—WEBSITE meant to collect LEAKS—OF—GOVERNMENT—INFORMATION.
20150316             —KILLED, NORTH—WEST—NEPAL, at least 17—PEOPLE were, —WHEN 1—BUS slipped off 1—RAIN—DRENCHED mountain road near Rararihi village.
20150316             —FIRED, PAKISTAN—POLICE, tear gas —AFTER Christian protesters clashed with police in THE—EAST—CITY—OF—LAHORE, —1—DAY—AFTER Taliban suicide bombers killed 17—PEOPLE in suicide attacks on 2—CHURCHES in the city.
20150316             He denied wrongdoing.
20150316             —STEPPED, Georgescu, down as HEAD—OF—THE—NATIONAL—INTEGRITY—AGENCY THE—NEXT—DAY.
20150316             More than 45,000 RUSSIA—TROOPS as well as war planes and submarines started military exercises across MUCH—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20150316             1—SWEDEN—MAN, —20—JAHRE—ALT was ordered to pay damages of 76,000 kronor ($8,750, 8,300 euros) to his EX—GIRLFRIEND for posting 1—VIDEO online of them having sex.
20150316             1—UKRAINE—SERVICEMAN was reported killed in fighting in THE—SEPARATIST—MINDED EAST—OF—THE—COUNTRY in the past —24—HOURS despite 1—CEASEFIRE—DEAL.
20150316             —CONFRONTED, Residents in THE—EAST—TOWN—OF—KOSTYANTYNIVKA angrily, government police —AFTER 1 armored military vehicle struck and killed an —8—YEAR—OLD—GIRL.
20150316             —QUESTIONED, ROMANIA—PROSECUTORS, and detained Horia Georgescu on suspicion that in 20080000—20090000    he overvalued property being restituted to former owners who lost it —WHEN the communists nationalized real estate.
20150316             —REPORTED, THE—STOCKHOLM—INTERNATIONAL—PEACE—RESEARCH—INSTITUTE, that CHINA has overtaken GERMANY as the world's 3. largest arms exporter with a 5% share, behind THE—USA at 31% and RUSSIA at 27%.
20150316             —AM, in 2—DÖRFERN in der NORD—WEST—PROVINZ—IDLIB.
20150316             Himmelsspektakel: Meteor rast über SÜD—DEUTSCHLAND und DIE—SCHWEIZ hinweg
20150316             BERN—AM Himmel über SÜD—DEUTSCHLAND, der SCHWEIZ und ÖSTERREICH hat sich —AM—SONNTAG—ABEND, Außergewöhnliches ereignet.
20150316             URSACHE—FÜR—DAS Himmelsspektakel war 1—METEOR.
20150316             DIE—DONNER—, Knallgeräusche deuten darauf hin, dass DER—METEOR in tiefere Luftschichten vorgedrungen ist.
20150316             Jener vom SONNTAGabend dürfte sich der ERD—OBERFLÄCHE—BIS—AUF—CA—20—KM genähert haben,
20150316             In diesem Falle bestehe 1.hohe Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass das Objekt in den freien Fall übergehe, zu leuchten aufhöre und es zu 1—EINSCHLAG komme.
20150316             Das Himmelsteilchen dürfte beim Eintreten in DIE—ERD—ATMOSPHÄRE etwa faustgroß gewesen sein.
20150316             —KRISE—IN—VENEZUELA—PARLAMENT erteilt MADURO Sondervollmachten
20150316             ISRAEL vor der Wahl: Bloß nicht wieder NETANYAHU
20150316             Zyklon "Pam"in VANUATU: "So 1—KATASTROPHE hat hier noch niemand erlebt"
20150316             Angeschossener Hund in FLORIDA: Die RETTUNG—VON—CABELA—AUTHENTISCHE Chefs: Bitte recht echt!
20150316             —STUDIE—ZU—STRESS am ARBEITS—PLATZ: Jeder 3. fühlt sich überfordert (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 07:41)
20150316             Friedensforschungsinstitut Sipri: CHINA überholt DEUTSCHLAND bei WAFFEN—EXPORTEN
20150316             MILITÄR—ÜBUNG: PUTIN lässt Gefechtsbereitschaft von MILITÄR prüfen
20150316             Forschen mit ZEIT—VERTRAG: "Aus HIRE—AND—FIRE entsteht keine gute Wissenschaft"
20150316             —NEUE—EINKOMMENS—STATISTIK, Frauen verdienen 22 % weniger als Männer
20150316             —REKORD—STAND—DAX springt über 12.000—PUNKTE
20150316             —HEUTE—IN—DEN—FEUILLETONS, "Wer schreibt eigentlich solch 1—UNSINN?"
20150316             8.200.000: DER—AUSLÄNDER—ZAHL in DEUTSCHLAND erreicht REKORD—HOCH
20150316             FACEBOOK erklärt Regeln für Inhalte: Mutterbrust rein, Pobacken raus
20150316             SYRIEN—STRATEGIE: DIE—USA gehen auf DAS—ASSAD—REGIME zu
20150316             Übung ATLANTIC—RESOLVE, USA—ARMEE schickt Schützenpanzer durch östliche NATO—MITGLIED—STAATEN
20150316             Impfstoffe: Das Geschäft mit der ALUMINIUM—ANGST
20150316             1.Auftritt —SEIT—11—TAGEN: PUTIN ist wieder da
20150316             Lichtverschmutzung: Straßenlaternen hemmen Pflanzenblüte
20150316             KREDIT—RÜCKZAHLUNG: GRIECHENLAND überweist 588.000.000—EURO an IWF
20150316             WEGWERF—ZUGANGSCODES: —YAHOO will Passwörter abschaffen
20150316             —JAHRES—TAG—DER—ANNEXION, EU warnt MOSKAU vor militärischer Aufrüstung DER—KRIM
20150316             Umstrittenes STINKEFINGER—VIDEO: VAROUFAKIS beklagt sich über JAUCH—SENDUNG
20150316             Unhaltbarer Verweis an Bamberger Schule: "Zweifelhaft linksorientierte Gesinnung"
20150316             METEOR—ÜBER—SÜD—DEUTSCHLAND: AMATEUR—VIDEOS zeigen rasenden Feuerball
20150316             INDUSTRIEGASE—SPEZIALIST: Linde verdient wegen UM—BAU—KOSTEN weniger
20150316             JUSO—CHEFIN zur VORRATS—DATEN—SPEICHERUNG, "Wir brauchen keinen Alleingang von SIGMAR—GABRIEL"
20150316             MOSKAU—WO ist WLADIMIR—PUTIN?
20150316             es ist sein 1.öffentlicher Auftritt —SEIT—DEM, ;;0305;;.
20150316             HAMBURG—RICHTIG dunkel ist es —NACHTS nur noch an abgelegenen Orten.
20150316             Überall dort, wo DER—MENSCH lebt, erhellen Lampen die Dunkelheit.
20150316             Das erschwert nicht nur Astronomen die Beobachtung von Sternen.
20150316             Das künstliche Licht beeinflusst auch Pflanzen und Insekten, wie 1—STUDIE—DER—UNIVERSITY—OF—EXETER in ENGLAND zeigt.
20150316             DIE—WIRKUNG von Laternenlicht auf ein typisches Stück Wiese untersucht.
20150316             Das überraschende Ergebnis: Die nächtliche Beleuchtung senkte die Blütendichte im Vergleich zu Wiesenstücken, —DIE—NACHTS dunkel blieben.
20150316             Außerdem beobachteten DIE—WISSENSCHAFTLER, wie sich die Population der Erbsenblattlaus entwickelt.
20150316             DIE—ÜBER mehrere —MONATE laufende —STUDIE zeigte, dass künstliche, nächtliche Beleuchtung Ökosysteme beeinflusse, schreiben DIE—FORSCHER im Fachblatt "Philosophical TRANSACTIONS—OF—THE—ROYAL—SOCIETY B".
20150316             Nicht nur die Blütendichte des SUMPF—HORNKLEES gehe zurück, sondern auch die Population der Erbsenblattlaus.
20150316             Der Effekt war beim gelblichrötlichen Licht, das die IMMER—NOCH häufig eingesetzten Natriumdampflampen abgeben, etwas größer als beim weißen Licht moderner LEDs.
20150316             DIE—STUDIE zeige, wie tiefgreifend künstliches Licht Ökosysteme verändern könne,
20150316             DIE—BELEUCHTUNG könne komplexe Effekte in natürlichen Nahrungsketten auslösen.
20150316             STUTTGART/BERLIN, Der in SÜD—DEUTSCHLAND am Nachthimmel beobachtete Lichtschweif war nach Einschätzung von Astronomen 1—METEOR.
20150316             Höhenflug des Dax: Fußkrank auf REKORD—JAGD
20150316             Giannis VAROUFAKIS: Fluch der Eitelkeit - [l] ISRAEL—UPDATE:
20150316             1—SOLDIER was arrested —EARLY, —SATURDAY—MORNING on SUSPICION—OF—FIRING his army rifle at 1—GROUP—OF—TEENAGE—GIRLS because 1—OF—THEM refused to kiss him.
20150316             [l] Die Telekom sammelt —JETZT auch für sich selbst die Metadaten der Anrufe ihrer Kunden.
20150316             [l] PUTIN ist wieder aufgetaucht.
20150316             HERE—1—EVEN more extreme example of this same sick mentality.
20150316             —PUBLISHED, In the opinion article, —TUESDAY, THE—AUTHOR—CLAIMS that only through nuclear annihilation of IRAN and GERMANY, with 20 or 30—NUCLEAR—BOMBS each, can ISRAELis prevent THE—STATE—DESTRUCTION.
20150316             "If ISRAEL does not walk in THE—WAYS—OF—GOD—BIBLE," AUTHOR—CHEN—BEN—ELIYAHU wrote in Hebrew, "it will receive 1—HEAVY—PUNISHMENT—OF—NEAR—COMPLETE—DESTRUCTION and doom and only 1—FEW will be saved".
20150316             Psychopathology.
20150316             Moreover: This is precisely the same sort of mental illness which afflicts the fanatics who join ISIS.
20150316             1—RECENT—PIECE by 1—ALAN—HART (1—WRITER—PREVIOUSLY unknown to me) hits THE—RIGHT—NOTE:
20150316             What ISRAEL—FOREIGN—MINISTER—AVIGDOR—LIEBERMAN actually said —WHEN as LEADER—OF—THE—RIGHT—WING Yisrael Beitenu party he addressed an —ELECTION rally in Herzliya on 8 ;;03;;
20150316             was the —FOLLOWING: Whoever is with us should give everything as they wish.
20150316             —PROVOKED, The question those words, in my mind was this.
20150316             If ISRAEL continues on its present course will THE—FUTURE see the emergence of 1—ZIONIST—EQUIVALENT—OF—THE—SELF—STYLED "ISLAMIC—STATE" (IS)?
20150316             RIGA—IN LETTLAND haben Veteranen 1—EINHEIT DER—DEUTSCHEN—WAFFEN—SS unter massivem POLIZEI—SCHUTZ ihre jährliche Parade abgehalten.
20150316             An der Parade teilnahmen die letzten Überlebenden der 140.000—LETTEN,
20150316             GEGEN—DEMONSTRANTEN hatten sich mit DER—POLIZEI darauf geeinigt, —ERST—NACH—DEM ENDE—DER—PARADE gegen den FASCHISMUS zu demonstrieren.
20150316             Efraim Zuroff vom SIMON—WIESENTHAL—ZENTRUM zur VERFOLGUNG—VON—NS—KRIEGS—VERBRECHERN sagte, die Parade sei "eine große Lüge"und 1."Verzerrung der GESCHICHTE".
20150316             —KRITISIERT, Das wird, weil DIE—LETTISCHE—LEGION Teil DER—DEUTSCHEN—WAFFEN—SS war.
20150316             DIE—VETERANEN dagegen betonen, dass der
20150316             —CA—15.000—LETTEN wurden nach Sibirien deportiert.
20150316             DIE—DEUTSCHLAND—BESATZER ermordeten 70.000—DER 85.000—JUDEN des Landes.
20150316             BUNDES—BANK—PRÄSIDENT—WEIDMANN fordert von GRIECHENLAND mehr Verlässlichkeit
20150316             KREDIT—RÜCKZAHLUNG: DER—IWF lässt GRIECHENLAND zur Ader
20150316             Hirnforschung: Für neue Erinnerungen müssen alte weichen
20150316             Umstrittene Beratung: Steinbrück zweifelt an seinem UKRAINE—ENGAGEMENT
20150316             Weit mehr als 1.000.000 Solaranlagen produzieren in DEUTSCHLAND —INZWISCHEN Strom, zusammen kommen sie auf 1.maximale Leistung VON—CA—39.000—MEGAWATT, das ist etwa so viel, wie 39—MITTLERE ATOM—KRAFT—WERKE schaffen.
20150316             Wenn —NUN—AM—FREITAG zwischen 9.30—UND 12—UHR DER—MOND —BIS zu 82—PROZENT—DER—SONNE verdeckt und ZUGLEICH keine Wolken am Himmel sind, dann käme es zu 2—BRENZLIGEN Situationen:
20150316             Was absurd klingt, haben Wissenschaftler —NUN in 1—VERSUCH gezeigt: Wenn Menschen sich an etwas Konkretes erinnerten, vergaßen sie ähnliche, in dem Zusammenhang störende Erinnerungen.
20150316             Der Prozess des Erinnerns gestalte so mit, welche Aspekte unserer Vergangenheit zugänglich bleiben —, welche nicht.
20150316             Frühere Studien hätten gezeigt, dass das wiederholte Erinnern einerseits die Gedächtnisinhalte stabilisiere.
20150316             —EXPERTEN nehmen an, dass es 1—HEMMENDEN Kontrollmechanismus gibt, der dafür verantwortlich ist:
20150316             Er unterdrückt Erinnerungen, die quasi dazwischenfunken, wenn man sich an etwas Bestimmtes erinnern möchte.
20150316             —NACH, und nach führe diese Unterdrückung zur Auslöschung der Erinnerung.
20150316             DIE—WISSENSCHAFTLER scannten DAS—GEHIRN ihrer Probanden mit der funktionellen Magnetresonanztomografie (fMRT).
20150316             man kann dem Hirn bei der Arbeit zuschauen.
20150316             "DIE—MENSCHEN glauben meist, dass Vergessen etwas Passives ist.
20150316             "DIE—IDEE, dass gerade der Akt des Erinnerns Vergessen bewirkt, ist überraschend und kann uns mehr über selektives Gedächtnis und auch über SELBST—TÄUSCHUNG erzählen".
20150316             PEGIDA—DEMO in DRESDEN: "Die Ruhe ist trügerisch"
20150316             IRLAND—PRIESTER im Boxring: "Fang an zu beten, das Jüngste Gericht ist nah"
20150316             NETANYAHU im WAHL—KAMPF: "Mit mir gibt es keinen PALÄSTINENSER—STAAT"
20150316             —JAHRZEHNTE—LANGE Flucht: USA—MILLIONÄR Durst wegen Mordes angeklagt
20150316             ÄGYPTEN: TODES—STRAFE gegen AN—FÜHRER der Muslimbruderschaft
20150316             NETANYAHUs Gegner bei ISRAEL—WAHL: Buji gegen Bibi
20150316             EXTREMISTEN: IS schlägt GROß—OFFENSIVE—VON—IRAK—ARMEE zurück
201503161534         —UHR
20150316—19440316    1.500—VETERANEN DER—WAFFEN—SS marschieren durch RIGA (Politik, 16:10)
20150316—19910000    JEDES—JAHR—SEIT der Unabhängigkeit Lettlands 1—SCHLACHT—GEGEN—DIE—ROTE—ARMEE gedenken Veteranen der LETTLAND—LEGION
20150316—20130000    —SPARKED, The case, outrage in SWEDEN —WHEN 1—APPEALS—COURT slashed the damages imposed by THE—DISTRICT—COURT—OF—JOENKOEPING in EAST—SWEDEN, from 136,000 down to 31,000 kronor.
20150316—20141100    —IN, her team broke THE—STORY—OF—THAT—PRESIDENT—PENA—NIETO—WIFE was buying a $7—MILLION—MANSION mortgaged to her by 1—GOVERNMENT preferred contractor.
20150316—20150305    —SINCE, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—PUTIN made his 1. public appearance meeting Kyrgyz PRESIDENT—ALMAZBEK—ATAMBAYEV at THE—CONSTANTINE—PALACE outside RUSSIA—2. CITY—OF—S—PETERSBURG.
20160313—20160316    —ARRESTED, Johnson was, on CHARGES—OF—MURDER and aggravated assault.
20160316             —SIGNED, USA—PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, 1—ORDER implementing UN—BACKED sanctions on NORTH—KOREA —AFTER 1—NUCLEAR—TEST and missile launch —THIS—YEAR, as PYONGYANG promised reprisals.
20160316             USA—FEDERAL—OFFICIALS said more than 81,000 acres off THE—COAST—OF—LONG—ISLAND will be dedicated for the development of commercial wind energy.
20160316             Royal HOLLAND—SHELL—PLC and SAUDI—ARABIA—OIL Co. said they will SPLIT up the assets of their joint USA—VENTURE, which will see the kingdom's STATE—OWNED producer take full OWNERSHIP—OF—AMERICA—BIGGEST oil refinery.
20160316             —REJECTED, BOTSWANA—HIGHEST—COURT, 1—ATTEMPT by the government to ban 1—GAY—RIGHTS—LOBBY—GROUP.
20160316             —REPORTED, It was, that FORMER—BRAZIL—PRESIDENT—LUIZ—INACIO—LULA da Silva will take over as CHIEF—OF—STAFF for his successor Dilma Rousseff.
20160316             The move offers Lula SHORT—TERM—PROTECTION from prosecutors who have charged him with money laundering and fraud.
20160316             —RAISED, DILMA—INVITATION to Lula, expectations of 1—SHARP—POLICY swing.
20160316             —TRIGGERED, The appointment, large protests in several BRAZIL—CITIES.
20160316             DENMARK—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY (DDIS) said it's creating "1—HACKER academy" where to train IT specialists who, if they graduate, will be offered employment.
20160316             —OPENED, DENMARK—TV2 broadcaster, 1—OFFICE—IN—THE—SYRIA—CAPITAL, DAMASCUS, claiming to be the only western media to do so.
20160316             —BANNED, GERMANY, 1—NEO—NAZI group called the "White Wolves Terror Crew" —AFTER police targeted its members in dawn raids in 10—STATES.
20160316             —KILLED, INDONESIA—SECURITY—FORCES, 3—MORE suspected militants linked to the country's most wanted Islamic radical near Siliwanga village in Poso district, CENTRAL—SULAWESI.
20160316             1—IRAQ—ARMY—PLANE crashed —DURING 1—RECONNAISSANCE—FLIGHT—NEAR THE—CITY—OF—KIRKUK and its 3—CREW went missing.
20160316             —KILLED, The number of PALESTINE—PILGRIMS, rose overnight from 14 to 16, including 9—WHO had been pinned under the vehicle.
20160316             THE—MOROCCO—GOVERNMENT said it reducing its support for THE—UN peacekeeping operation in WEST—SAHARA in response to UN CHIEF—BAN—KI—MOON—RECENT—COMMENTS about the disputed territory.
20160316             —KILLED, NIGER, 3—GENDARMES were, and 4—SECURITY—FORCES injured in separate attacks.
20160316             —KILLED, NORTH—EAST—NIGERIA, 1—ATTACK by 2—FEMALE—SUICIDE—BOMBERS, 25—PEOPLE and wounded 23—DURING dawn prayers on 1—MOSQUE on the outskirts of MAIDUGURI.
20160316             NORTH—KOREA—HIGHEST—COURT—SENTENCED—USA—TOURIST—OTTO—WARMBIER, 1—UNIVERSITY—OF—VIRGINIA undergraduate, to —15—YEARS in prison with hard labor for subversion.
20160316             —CONFESSED, Warmbier tearfully, that he had tried to steal 1—PROPAGANDA—BANNER.
20160316             —ORDERED, PAKISTAN—SUPREME—COURT, the government to lift 1—TRAVEL—BAN on former military ruler PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF, paving the way for him to leave the country —WHILE awaiting trial for treason and other charges.
20160316             PAKISTAN, 1—BOMB on 1—BUS carrying government employees in PESHAWAR killed 15—PEOPLE.
20160316             1—MILITANT—GROUP claimed responsibility, saying it was revenge for death sentences passed against Islamists.
20160316             A 2. GROUP—OF—RUSSIA—WARPLANES flew out of Syria in line with MOSCOW—DECISION to withdraw MOST—OF—ITS—FORCES.
20160316             1—POWERFUL—SYRIAN—KURDISH—POLITICAL—PARTY announced plans to declare 1—FEDERAL—REGION in NORTH—SYRIA, 1—MODEL it hopes can be applied to the entire country.
20160316             —DETAINED, At least 47—SUSPECTS were, in ANTI—TERROR—OPERATIONS across the country.
20160316             —ARRIVED, TURKMENISTAN—PRESIDENT, in PAKISTAN on a —2—DAY—VISIT that is likely to focus on 1 proposed gas pipeline from TURKMENISTAN through AFGHANISTAN, PAKISTAN and on to INDIA.
20160316             1—USA—FEDERAL—COURT—JUDGE ordered the government of GUAM to pay more than $85,000 in legal fees for 1—SAME—SEX—COUPLE who SÜD—GOVERNOR—EDDIE—CALVO —AFTER they were denied 1—MARRIAGE—APPLICATION—LAST—YEAR.
20160316             † PAPUA—NEW—GUINEA—HEALTH—OFFICIALS alerted THE—WHO to Ebola symptoms in 1—FAMILY—VILLAGE, where 3—PEOPLE had in unexplained circumstances in the last few weeks.
20160316             —REOPENED, THE—ALLIANCE—FOR—INTERNATIONAL—MEDICAL—ACTION (ALIMA) quickly, its specialist Ebola clinic to treat 1 infected woman and her child —AFTER THE—VIRUS killed at least 2—OF—THEIR—RELATIVES.
20160316             Das allgemeine VERBOT—DER—DISKRIMINIERUNG, das sich im Gleichstellungsrecht findet, wird auf durch Algorithmen getroffene —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN dagegen kaum angewendet.
20160316             Diese Lücke, also der Bereich der nicht sanktionierten Diskriminierung durch Algorithmen, kann nicht hingenommen werden.
20160316             Angesichts des Umfangs, in dem Verantwortung MITTLERWEILE auf digitale Entscheidungsträger übertragen wird, ist die von Algorithmen getroffene —ENTSCHEIDUNG exakt den Maßstäben zu unterwerfen, an denen von Menschen getroffene —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN gemessen werden.
20160316             DIE—ÜBERWIEGEND technische KONTROLLE—DES—DATEN—SCHUTZES muss deshalb erweitert werden um 1.Kontrolle der hinter den Algorithmen stehenden Wertungen.
20160316             —NATÜRLICH wurde der Algorithmus von 1—MENSCHEN gemacht und dessen Vorgesetzter hat über die Diskriminierung verfügt.
20160316             —NATÜRLICH - 21.Das Schnüffeln dient MANIPULATIONsmacht
20160316             Wir entwickeln uns mehr und mehr zu 1—ÜBERWACHUNGS—GESELLSCHAFT, in welcher die totale Schnüffelei zum allgemeinen Geschäftsprinzip gemacht und gleichzeitig zur STAATS—RÄSON erhoben wird.
20160316             CAROLINE—HERSCHEL war Sängerin und zugleich Mitarbeiterin ihres Bruders.
20160316             Als CAROLINE—HERSCHEL ihr Bruder heiratete, zog CAROLINE—HERSCHEL in 1—EIGENE Wohnung.
20160316             Gender Pension Gap: Frauen bekommen nicht mal halb so viel Rente wie Männer
20160316             —RECHTS—EXTREMISMUS: BUNDES—INNEN—MINISTER verbietet "Weiße Wölfe TERROR—CREW"
20160316             Anfänge des Fliegens: Forscher wollen LILIENTHAL—FLUGAPPARAT im Windkanal testen
20160316             Seine REVOLUTIONären Flüge mit selbstkonstruierten Gleitern eröffneten —VOR—NOCH den Gebrüdern Wright, die 19030000             den 1.Flug mit 1—MOTOR—FLUGZEUG absolvierten, den Weg zur modernen Luftfahrt.
20160316             Lilienthal war der Impulsgeber für DIE—ENTWICKLUNG—DER—MODERNEN—LUFTFAHRT, indem er dafür die physikalischen GRUND—LAGEN legte.
20160316             —GEWESEN, Er sei der 1., der den Auftrieb verstanden und gewusst habe, wie 1—FLÜGEL gebaut sein muss, damit er Auftrieb erzeugt,
20160316             "DIE—GEBRÜDER Wright haben auf DIE—ERGEBNISSE—VON—LILIENTHAL aufgesetzt".Ihnen gebühre der VER—DIENST für die technologische Leistung, Lilienthal für DIE—WISSENSCHAFTLICHE.
20160316             Der Wind war —JAHRE—LANG sein Begleiter.
20160316             Illegaler Fischfang: ARGENTINIEN—KÜSTENWACHE versenkt CHINA—SCHIFF
20160316             —KRISE—IM—GÜTERVERKEHR: Bahn meldet 1.300.000.000—EURO Verlust
20160316             ZIKA—AUSBRUCH in FRANZÖSISCH—POLYNESIEN: 1—VON 100—UNGEBORENEN entwickelte Mikrozephalie
20160316             war OBAMAs Auftritt wichtig.
20160316             DIE—DEBATTE—ÜBER—SOFTWAREQUALITÄT wird auf der SXSW traditionell aus USA—PERSPEKTIVE geführt.
20160316             "—NACH—DEN SNOWDEN—ENTHÜLLUNGEN haben die TECH—FIRMEN endlich begonnen, wirklich sichere Verschlüsselung einzusetzen", resümierte TECH—JOURNALIST—STEPHEN—LEVY ("Crypto").
20160316             zunehmend werden Texte über vorhersehbare Sachverhalte, zu denen ähnlich strukturiere, große mengen vorliegen, per COMPUTER—PROGRAMM erstellt.
20160316             "ROBOTER—JOURNALISMUS"nennen das die 1—ABSCHÄTZIG, "automatisierte Textgenerierung"die anderen.
20160316             DIE—USA—NACHRICHTEN—AGENTUR—AP, war in AUSTIN zu erfahren, hat dank "Roboterjournalismus"DIE—ZAHL—DER—FIRMEN, über deren Geschäftsberichte sie berichtet, vervierfacht.
20160316             Auch DEUTSCHLAND—FIRMEN erstellen —BEREITS computerbasierte Texte, etwa über AKTIEN—KURS—ENTWICKLUNGEN.
20160316             Medikamentenstudien in der DDR: Westliche PHARMA—FIRMEN testeten massenhaft Arzneien an OST—PATIENTEN
20160316             —ANTI—TERROR—RAZZIA—IN—BELGIEN: VERDÄCHTIGE nach missglücktem POLIZEI—EINSATZ gefasst
20160316             EUGH—GUTACHTEN: Anbieter von WLAN—NETZEN haften nicht für 3.
20160316             DONALD—TRUMP im USA—WAHL—KAMPF: "Sonst gibt es AUFSTÄNDE"
20160316             WARNUNG—DURCH—EX—KANZLER—SCHRÖDER: "...dann zerreißt es DIE—GESELLSCHAFT"
20160316             SELBST—VERWALTUNG: SYRIEN—KURDEN wollen autonome Region ausrufen
20160316             —VERABSCHIEDET, Neuer Algorithmus: Auch Instagram, sich von der CHRONOLOGIE
20160316             ANGST—VOR—STRAF—ZINSEN: Versicherung bunkert große Summe BAR—GELD im Tresor
20160316             [l] KURZE—DURCHSAGE des FBI: Wenn APPLE uns nicht die Hintertür entwickelt, die wir haben wollen, dann beschlagnahmen wir halt den Quellcode und machen es selbst.
20160316—19980000    —IN, THE—PORT—ARTHUR—TEXAS, refinery, had been part of a 50—50—JOINT—VENTURE between THE—2—COMPANIES called Motiva Enterprises LLC, which formed.
20160316—20170300    —UNTIL, THE—UNITED—NATIONS' food agency said it needed $220—MILLION in funding to provide assistance to DROUGHT—HIT ZIMBABWE.
20160324—20160316    —SINCE, It has not published ANY—ORIGINAL—ARTICLES on its website.
20170306—20170316    —ON, The revision would become effective.
20170316             —1—BILL—AUTHORIZING—BRITAIN to start its exit from THE—EU received royal assent and became law.
20170316             It included 18% cuts to FEDERAL—FUNDING for the National INSTITUTES—OF—HEALTH and THE—ELIMINATION—OF—THE—COMMUNITY—DEVELOPMENT—BLOCK—GRANT—PROGRAM, which helps fund the Meals on Wheels program.
20170316             It also cut funding to THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT and spending on foreign aid by 28%.
20170316             † PHILIP—CHOY, 1—EXPERT on THE—HISTORY—OF—CHINESE in AMERICA, at his home in S—FRANCISCO.
20170316             —ESTABLISHED, He helped, the harmonica as 1—INTEGRAL—PART—OF—MODERN—BLUES.
20170316             —RECEIVED, Scientists at BRITAIN—NEWCASTLE—UNIVERSITY, 1—LICENSE to create babies using DNA from 3—PEOPLE to prevent women from passing on potentially fatal genetic diseases to their children — the 1. time such approval has been granted.
20170316             CHINA, SALMAN—KING—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA oversaw THE—SIGNING—OF—DEALS worth as much as $65—BILLION on the 1. —DAY—OF—1—VISIT to BEIJING.
20170316             —RESCUED, ETHIOPIA—MILITARY, 6—CHILDREN kidnapped by SOUTH—SUDAN—RAIDERS in 1—CROSS—BORDER—ATTACK, but DOZENS—OF—OTHERS remain missing and soldiers are pursuing the gunmen to recover them.
20170316             —CALLED, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, for THE—UNITED—NATIONS to send 1—INTERNATIONAL—FACT—FINDING mission urgently to MYANMAR to investigate ALLEGATIONS—OF—TORTURE, rapes and executions by the military against the Rohingya Muslim minority.
20170316             —REJECTED, THE—EUROPEAN—PARLIAMENT, 1—CALL to ban ARCTIC oil and gas exploration, in 1—SYMBOLIC—VOTE seen as 1—BAROMETER for future moves by BRUSSELS to regulate to protect the region.
20170316             —APPROVED, THE—EUROPEAN—PARLIAMENT overwhelmingly, 1—LAW requiring firms to ensure they do not use SO—CALLED conflict minerals from AFRICA and other areas that end up funding warlords.
20170316             The unarmed, CIVIL—MISSION with more than 700—INTERNATIONAL—OBSERVERS seeks to reduce tensions and report on the situation on the ground.
20170316             —AGREED, THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION, to send UKRAINE 600—MILLION—EUROS ($643.20—MILLION) to help its finances, ending MONTHS—OF—DELAYS over EU conditions linked to the loan.
20170316             PARIS—FRANCE, 1—FEMALE—EMPLOYEE—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND suffered injuries to her face and arms —WHEN 1—LETTER—BOMB addressed to the world lender's European representative blew up as she opened it.
20170316             —ARRESTED, SOUTH—FRANCE, KILLIAN—BARBEY, —16—JAHRE—ALT was, with 1—CACHE—OF—WEAPONS—AFTER 1—SHOOTING at the Alexis de Tocqueville high school in Grasse that left 8—PEOPLE injured including the head teacher.
20170316             —CLAIMED, The militant GREECE—GROUP—CONSPIRACY—OF—FIRE—CELLS, responsibility for 1—PARCEL bomb mailed to GERMANY—FINANCE—MINISTER—WOLFGANG—SCHAEUBLE.
20170316             —INTERCEPTED, The parcel had been, by THE—GERMANY—FINANCE—MINISTRY—MAIL department.
20170316             —MURDERED, INDIA, Farook Hameed (31) was, in Coimbatore, allegedly by MEMBERS—OF—1—MUSLIM radical group, for having repudiated Islam and declaring himself 1—ATHEIST.
20170316             6—PEOPLE were soon arrested in the case.
20170316             ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU said he would honor his commitment to build 1—NEW—SETTLEMENT in the occupied WEST—BANK, the 1. in —2—DECADES.
20170316             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—GROUP—OF—CUBA—MIGRANTS detained in THE—SOUTH—MEXICO—CITY—OF—TAPACHULA have accused authorities of beating and mistreating them —AFTER they staged 1—HUNGER—STRIKE to demand their release.
20170316             —KILLED, PAKISTAN, UMER—TANVEER, his newlywed bride —3—DAYS—AFTER their wedding in LAHORE by suffocating her with 1—PILLOW.
20170316             oo Tanveer had, his paternal cousin under family pressure but was interested in another woman who lived in DUBAI.
20170316             —DENIED, Tanveer —INITIALLY, killing Hira but then confessed to the crime.
20170316             —FILED, In THE—PHILIPPINES—REPRESENTATIVE—GARY—ALEJANO, 1—IMPEACHMENT—COMPLAINT against PRESIDENT—RODRIGO—DUTERTE alleging VIOLATIONS—OF—THE—CONSTITUTION, bribery and corruption, And THE—BETRAYAL—OF—THE—PUBLIC—TRUST with actions that included extra judicial killings and his failure to declare huge bank deposits as required by law.
20170316             QATAR said 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT—BODY set up to handle complaints from migrant workers seeking bosses' permission to leave the Gulf nation received HUNDREDS—OF—CLAIMS over —2—MONTHS and rejected more than 1—QUARTER—OF—REQUESTS.
20170316             —PROTESTED, ROMANIA, some 1,000 police officers, in BUCHAREST to demand higher salaries, saying TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—OFFICERS are earning the minimum wage or less.
20170316             —SEIZED, SOMALIA—PIRATES, who had, 1—OIL—TANKER, opened fire on naval troops from the semiautonomous STATE—OF—PUNTLAND sparking clashes between THE—2—SIDES.
20170316             The pirates were continuing to receive reinforcements —WHILE regional forces mobilized nearby.
20170316             —RELEASED, The pirates, the ship and its crew —LATE—TODAY.
20170316             1—MILITARY—VESSEL and 1—HELICOPTER attacked 1—BOAT packed with SOMALIA—REFUGEES—LATE—TODAY killing at least 42—PEOPLE including women and children in the Red Sea off THE—COAST—OF—YEMEN.
20170316             The refugees, carrying official UNHCR documents, were on their way from YEMEN to SUDAN.
20170316             80—SURVIVORS were brought to hospitals in Hodeidah.
20170316             —ACCUSED, Shiite rebels, THE—SAUDI—LED air coalition of carrying out the attack.
20170316             SPAIN, taxi drivers in BARCELONA and MADRID went on strike to urge authorities to protect their regulated service against companies like Uber and Cabify, which offer cheaper services.
20170316             SYRIA, 1—SUSPECTED—USA—AIRSTRIKE—LATE—TODAY struck THE—OMAR—IBN—AL—KHATTAB—MOSQUE in the Jeeneh DISTRICT—IN—ALEPPO province, killing at least 38—49—PEOPLE and wounded MANY—OTHERS.
20170316             —DETAINED, TURKEY—POLICE, 2 suspected MEMBERS—OF—THE—ISLAMIC—STATE—GROUP who were allegedly planning a "sensational attack" similar to the massacre at 1—ISTANBUL nightclub on New —YEAR—NIGHT.
20170316             —KILLED, THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES said 1—OF—ITS—SOLDIERS has been, —WHILE serving in THE—SAUDI—LED war in YEMEN.
20170316             CHINA, SAUDI—ARABIA—SALMAN—KING—OF— oversaw THE—SIGNING—OF—DEALS worth as much as $65—BILLION on the 1. —DAY—OF—1—VISIT to BEIJING.
20170316             —BESIEGED, IRAQ—GOVERNMENT—FORCES, Islamic State militants —AROUND MOSUL—OLD—CITY, edging closer to the historic mosque from where the group's leader declared 1—CALIPHATE nearly —3—YEARS—AGO.
20170316             And THE—BETRAYAL—OF—THE—PUBLIC—TRUST with actions that included extra judicial killings and his failure to declare huge bank deposits as required by law.
20170316             SOUTH—KOREA—BASED—HYUNDAI said it is recalling nearly 978,000 cars in THE—USA—BECAUSE the front seat belts could detach in 1—CRASH and fail to hold people.
20170316             DONALD—TRUMP—HAUSHALTSPLAN: Etats für Außen—, UMWELT—POLITIK sollen sinken, MILITÄR—AUSGABEN steigen
20170316             "Maischberger"zum POPULISMUS: "Smarte AUSSEN—POLITIK"statt "dicke Eier gegen dicke Eier"
20170316             Trotz Pilotenstreik: LUFTHANSA erzielt REKORD—GEWINN
20170316             SEK—EINSATZ: Radfahrer auf A52 flüchtet vor POLIZEI—, wird angeschossen
20170316             —GEHALTEN, PRESSE—STIMMEN: "Der Deich hat "
20170316             DONALD—TRUMP—HAUSHALT: Operation Rotstift
20170316             Videoanalyse zur NIEDERLANDE—WAHL : "1—GROSSER Dämpfer für die RECHTS—POPULISTEN"
20170316             WAFFEN—EINSATZ, USA—VERBÜNDETER schießt harmlose Drohne mit PATRIOT—RAKETE ab
20170316             DAK—BERICHT, Immer mehr DEUTSCHLAND—SCHLAFEN schlecht
20170316             A, B oder 0: Test bestimmt BLUT—GRUPPE in —30—SEKUNDEN
20170316             EURO—ZONE: INFLATIONS—RATE steigt auf 2 %
20170316             DONALD—TRUMP—BLOCKADE: G20 könnten auf Bekenntnis zum FREI—HANDEL verzichten
20170316             —GEWONNEN, UNIVERSUM: Dunkle Materie hat an Einfluss, - Dunkle Materie hingegen ist unsichtbar.
20170316             1—INTERNATIONALES ASTRONOMEN—TEAM unter der Leitung von REINHARD—GENZEL vom MAX—PLANCK—INSTITUT—FÜR—EXTRATERRESTRISCHE PHYSIK in Garching berichtet —NUN aber Verblüffendes im FACH—MAGAZIN "Nature"—, zwar, daß sternbildende Galaxien WÄHREND der Hochphase der Galaxienentstehung VOR—10—MILLIARDEN —JAHREN von der uns bekannten "normalen"Materie dominiert wurden.
20170316             Das steht jedoch im krassen Gegensatz zu heutigen Galaxien, in denen DIE—EFFEKTE DER—GEHEIMNISVOLLEN Dunklen Materie viel größer zu sein scheinen.
20170316             IM—GEGENSATZ zu Spiralgalaxien im modernen UNIVERSUM scheinen DIE—AUßENBEREICHE dieser fernen Galaxien langsamer zu rotieren als die inneren REGIONEN—WAS nahelegt, daß im fernen UNIVERSUM weniger Dunkle Materie vorhanden war, als DIE—FORSCHER erwartet hätten.
20170316             "Überraschenderweise sind die Rotationsgeschwindigkeiten nicht konstant, sondern nehmen nach außen hin ab",
20170316             "Vermutlich hat das 2—GRÜNDE.
20170316             2., In den frühen Scheiben geht es deutlich turbulenter zu als in den Spiralgalaxien in unserer kosmischen Nachbarschaft".
20170316             Beide Effekte scheinen laut Eso stärker ausgeprägt zu sein, je weiter Astronomen in der Zeit und damit ins frühe UNIVERSUM zurückschauen.
20170316             Dies deute darauf hin, daß sich 3—BIS 4—MILLIARDEN —JAHRE—NACH—DEM Urknall das Gas in Galaxien —BEREITS in flachen, rotierenden Scheiben verdichtet habe, WÄHREND die sie umgebenden Halos aus Dunkler Materie deutlich größer und ausgedehnter gewesen seien.
20170316             Anscheinend brauchte die Dunkle Materie demnach noch mehrere MILLIARDEN —JAHRE länger, um sich zu VERDICHTEN—MIT der Folge, daß ihre beherrschende Wirkung nur an den Rotationsgeschwindigkeiten jüngerer Galaxienscheiben zu sehen ist.
20170316             DIE—VERTEILUNG der Dunklen Materie in und um Scheibengalaxien habe sich aber wohl eben in FRÜHEREN—ZEITEN—VON—DER—HEUTE unterschieden.
20170316             WAHL—KAMPF—AUFTRITT: TÜRKEI—AUßEN—MINISTER—WARNT—VOR—"Religionskriegen"in EUROPA
20170316             EXPLODIERENDER—IWF—BRIEF: Vermeintlicher Absender soll NEA—DIMOKRATIA—SPRECHER sein
20170316             Gerichtsentscheidung: Wie 1—SYRISCHESCHWIEGERMUTTER DONALD—TRUMP—EINREISE—VERBOT stoppte
20170316             G20: MERKEL und Xi werben für FREI—HANDEL
20170316             —FLÜCHTLINGS—HELFER in DEUTSCHLAND: Wie DER—STAAT Integration behindert
20170316             Integration statt Parallelität: Türken rein!
20170316             —NACH, der NIEDERLANDE—WAHL: DER—POPULISMUS ist noch nicht besiegt
20170316             FINANZ—KRISE, ARBEITSLOSIGKEIT—IN—GRIECHENLAND ist weiter hoch
20170316             Bekiffte Autofahrer: Gericht hält an strengem CANNABISGRENZ—WERT fest
20170316             Vulkan in SIZILIEN: Mehrere Menschen bei AUSBRUCH—DES—ÄTNA verletzt
20170316             Das Oberverwaltungsgericht (OVG) NORD—RHEIN—WEST—FALEN in MÜNSTER zeigt keine Gnade: Trotz neuer EXPERTEN—EMPFEHLUNGEN hält die JUSTIZ—BEHÖRDE am —BISHERIGEN THC—GRENZWERT für Kiffer am STEUER fest.
20170316             DIE—3—KLÄGER waren bei POLIZEI—KONTROLLEN mit Werten von 1,1 —BIS 1,9 Nanogramm Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) je Milliliter Blutserum aufgefallen
20170316             Wie zuvor —SCHON das VERWALTUNGS—GERICHT GELSENKIRCHEN folgte —NUN auch das OVG MÜNSTER jedoch nicht den Forderungen der Experten.
20170316             Zur Begründung erklärten DIE—RICHTER—IN—MÜNSTER, —SCHON bei 1,0 Nanogramm THC je Milliliter Blutserum könnten die Fahrtauglichkeit und damit die VERKEHRS—SICHERHEIT beeinträchtigt sein.
20170316             —FLÜCHTLINGS—UNTERKUNFT in BREMEN: Frau nach Verzehr von CANNABIS—KUCHEN in Lebensgefahr
20170316             Geologische Forensik: So sah es auf der jungen Erde aus
20170316             SEEHOFER bei PUTIN: Der geläuterte Nebendiplomat
20170316             Küste vor SOMALIA: Piraten geben gekaperten Öltanker wieder frei
20170316             USA—TURNVERBANDSPRÄSIDENT: Rücktritt wegen hunderter Fälle sexuellen Missbrauchs
20170316             Wie alt ist unsere Erde?
20170316             MITHILFE—DER—SOGENANNTEN—URAN—BLEI—DATIERUNG kam er auf 1—ALTER—VON—4,55.000.000.—000—JAHREN—SOWOHL für den kosmischen Einschlagkörper als auch für DIE—ERDE selbst.
20170316             DIE—ÄLTESTEN bekannten Gesteine der Erde sind winzige kleine Zirkonkristalle aus Westaustralien, die auf 4,40.000.000.—000—JAHRE datiert wurden
20170316             —DAMALS, so legen die Analysen nahe, gab es —BEREITS 1.ERD—KRUSTE, wie wir sie —HEUTE kennen —, womöglich auch —SCHON flüssiges Wasser.
20170316             —NUN, berichten Forscher um JONATHAN—O'NEIL—VON—DER—UNIVERSITÄT—IM—KANADA—OTTAWA in der aktuellen Ausgabe des FACH—MAGAZIN—SCIENCE, daß sie auch in NORD—KANADA winzige Überbleibsel der jungen ERD—KRUSTE gefunden haben.
20170316             [l] In den NIEDERLANDEn hat Rutte gewonnen.
20170316             Das EHEMALIGE—NACHRICHTEN—MAGAZIN ist sich sicher, daß ERDOGAN dem Rutte den WAHL—SIEG geschenkt hat.
20170316             Je unflätiger der Despot aus ANKARA DIE—NIEDERLANDE beschimpfte, desto mehr NIEDERLÄNDER versammelten sich hinter ihrem PREMIER.
20170316             Oder man könnte auch sagen: Rutte hat auf WILDERS—NIVEAU Ausländerfeindlichkeit propagiert.
20170316             Haben wir aber nicht.
20170316             Dazu möchte ich mal 1—MAIL zitieren, die mir 1—FREUND aus den NIEDERLANDEn geschrieben hat.
20170316             I'm stunned at how retarded most media is saying that populism got defeated last night IN—THE—NETHERLANDS
20170316             —HAPPENED, What basically, over THE—PAST—DECADE and 1—HALF is that the fascist populist rhetoric of Fortuyn and subsequently Wilders let to the mainstream parties adopting more and more populist ideas.
20170316             And SOME—GUYS did 1—STUDY showing that VVD (FDP in DEUTSCHLAND) and CDA (CDU/CSU in DEUTSCHLAND) —NOW INCORPORATE simply ANTI—DEMOCRATIC—THING—IN—THE—S ir electoral programs going directly against what it is that makes a "rechtstaat"1—RECHTSSTAAT.
20170316             It's fucking insane.
20170316             [l] Das ZEIT—MAGAZIN erklärt endlich mal, was ANTI—DEUTSCHLAND—SIND.
20170316—20150000    —IN—EARLY, 1—INDONESIA—COURT—SENTENCED—PEOPLE—SMUGGLING kingpin ABRAHAM—LOUHENAPESSY, known as CAPTAIN—BRAM, to —6—YEARS in jail for organizing 1—TRIP for migrants to NEW—ZEALAND.
20170316—20170607    —ON, THE—USA—MILITARY said 1—INVESTIGATION has found that the strike was legal and caused only 1—CIVILIAN—CASUALTY.
20170316—20180300    —UNTIL, European security watchdog OSCE prolonged its monitoring mission to UKRAINE by —1—YEAR.
20170317—20170316    —DATED, In cables, 20170310             and 20170315             , Tillerson had issued detailed instructions to consular officials for implementing TRUMP—TRAVEL—ORDER, which was due to take effect.
20180316             —WÄHREND, der Fernseher in dem PRIVAT—HAUS der Familie —AM—DONNERSTAG (20180315             ) lief, spielten die Unbekannten —PLÖTZLICH, 1—AUFNAHME aus dem LANDTAG auf das Gerät ein
20180316             —SIGNED, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, the new TAIWAN Travel Act.
20180316             —UNRESTRICTED, It allows, travel by USA—OFFICIALS to meet with MEMBERS—OF—TAIWAN—GOVERNMENT and for TAIWAN—OFFICIALS to visit THE—USA—UNDER "respectful conditions," —DURING which they are allowed to meet with their counterparts, including those from THE—DEPARTMENTS—OF—STATE and defense.
20180316             —FIRED, USA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—JEFF—SESSIONS, FBI deputy director ANDREW—MCCABE —2—DAYS—BEFORE McCabe's scheduled retirement date.
20180316             Sessions said he acted on the recommendation of FBI disciplinary officials who said McCabe had not been candid with 1—WATCHDOG—OFFICE—INVESTIGATION.
20180316             † NY Democrat REPRESENTATIVE—LOUISE—SLAUGHTER, —88—JAHRE—ALT, in WASHINGTON, DC, —1—WEEK—AFTER falling in her residence.
20180316             She was serving her 16. term in THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES.
20180316             ALBANIA—PROSECUTORS said that Fran Frrokaj, THE—MAYOR—OF—LEZHE in NORTH—WEST—ALBANIA, and the other 11—OFFICIALS were charged with abusing their positions and falsifying documents.
20180316             BELGIUM said it is taking back CONTROL—OF—THE—GRAND—MOSQUE—OF—BRUSSELS by terminating SAUDI—ARABIA—99—YEAR LEASE—OF—THE—BUILDING with immediate effect over concerns it promotes radicalism.
20180316             BRAZIL, a —1—YEAR—OLD—BOY and 2—ADULTS in RIO—DE—JANEIRO were killed by stray bullets —DURING 1—CONFRONTATION between police and gunmen in the Alemao slum complex.
20180316             BRITAIN, IRAQ—TEENAGER AHMED—HASSAN, —18—JAHRE—ALT, who had come to BRITAIN as 1—ASYLUM—SEEKER, was found guilty of attempted murder —AFTER detonating 1—HOMEMADE bomb last 20180915             on 1—PACKED—RUSH—HOUR—LONDON commuter train, injuring 30—PEOPLE.
20180316             EGYPT—NATIONAL—CARRIER—EGYPTAIR said it would resume direct flights between CAIRO and MOSCOW, —3—YEARS—AFTER they were halted —FOLLOWING THE—BOMBING—OF—1—RUSSIA—CHARTER jet over the Sinai.
20180316             —LIFTED, The world soccer's governing body, 1—SOCCER ban, allowing IRAQ—CITIES—OF—BASRA, KARBALA and IRBIL to host full INTERNATIONAL games and competitions for the 1. time —SINCE 19900000             —THE invasion of KUWAIT.
20180316             —KILLED, KASHMIR, INDIA—GOVERNMENT—FORCES, 2—MILITANTS overnight who tried to snatch 1—GUARD—RIFLE.
20180316             —ERUPTED, Protests against INDIA—RULE and clashes, as word of the killings spread.
20180316             —PLAYED, MEXICO, ANDREW—DOROGI, 1—AMHERST—COLLEGE—STUDENT who, on the school's football team, † in MEXICO—CITY.
20180316             NIGERIA—SENATOR—SHEHU—SANI—REVELATION that lawmakers in the upper HOUSE—OF—PARLIAMENT receive about $37,500 EACH—MONTH for personal expenses prompted anger in the country, where most people live on less than $2—1—DAY.
20180316             NORTH—KOREA—FOREIGN—MINISTER met briefly with SWEDEN—PRIME—MINISTER —DURING 1—SURPRISE—TRIP to STOCKHOLM that has fueled speculation about 1—POSSIBLE meeting in the Scandinavian country between USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP and NORTH—KOREA—LEADER—KIM—JONG—UN.
20180316             1—PALESTINIAN killed 2—ISRAEL—SOLDIERS and badly wounded 2—OTHERS—WHEN he rammed his vehicle into them in THE—WEST—BANK.
20180316             —ARRESTED, ISRAEL—FORCES soon, 1—BROTHER and 1—UNCLE—OF—1—PALESTINE—MAN accused of killing 2—SOLDIERS.
20180316             THE—PHILIPPINES—LABOR—SECRETARY said 1—BAN on sending Filipinos to work in KUWAIT will continue indefinitely —AFTER the nations failed to conclude 1—MIGRANT—LABOR—PROTECTION—PACT.
20180316             1—ROMANIA—COURT has rejected 1—MAN—CLAIM that he's alive, —AFTER he was officially registered as deceased.
20180316             Constantin Reliu (63) lost his case in THE—NORTH—EAST—CITY—OF—VASULUI because he appealed too late.
20180316             The ruling is final.
20180316             —DEMANDED, Tens of THOUSANDS—OF—SLOVAKS, early elections in protests across the country —AFTER PRIME—MINISTER—ROBERT—FICO—RESIGNATION failed to quell public anger —FOLLOWING THE—MURDER—OF—1—INVESTIGATIVE journalist.
20180316             Prosecutors said Zuma is to face corruption charges over a $2.5—BILLION arms deal.
20180316             —BESIEGED, SYRIA, THOUSANDS—OF—CIVILIANS fled from, enclaves on opposite ENDS—OF—THE—COUNTRY as 2—MAJOR—BATTLES in THE—MULTI—SIDED civil war entered decisive phases.
20180316             —KILLED, Air strikes, at least 76—PEOPLE in EAST—GHOUTA.
20180316             —SHELLED, Turkish and allied SYRIA—REBEL—FORCES, THE—NORTH—KURDISH—HELD TOWN—OF—AFRIN heavily, killing 36—PEOPLE and forcing 2,500—PEOPLE to flee.
20180316             1—TURKEY—BOMBING raid struck THE—AFRIN—MAIN—HOSPITAL, killing 16—CIVILIANS.
20180316             —DENIED, TURKEY—MILITARY, hitting the hospital.
20180316             UKRAINE said Russians living in UKRAINE will be unable to vote in RUSSIA—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION because access to MOSCOW—DIPLOMATIC—MISSIONS will be blocked.
20180316             1—VATICAN tribunal sacked GUAM archbishop ANTHONY—APURON —AFTER finding him "GUILTY—OF—CERTAIN—ACCUSATIONS".
20180316             —ACCUSED—OF, He had been, sexually abusing minors in the 1970s.
20180316             —ABDUCTED, AFGHANISTAN, THE—BODY—OF—1—UN—DRIVER, who was, together with 1—FEMALE—UN—EMPLOYEE and her child, was found in KABUL, in the same location where THE—3—AFGHANS were abducted —2—MONTHS—AGO.
20180316             BRITAIN, IRAQ—TEENAGER AHMED—HASSAN (18), who had come to BRITAIN as 1—ASYLUM—SEEKER, was found guilty of attempted murder —AFTER detonating 1—HOMEMADE bomb last Sept.
20180316             15 on 1—PACKED—RUSH—HOUR—LONDON commuter train, injuring 30—PEOPLE.
20180316             † IN—MEXICO—ANDREW—DOROGI, 1—AMHERST—COLLEGE—STUDENT who played on the school's football team, in MEXICO—CITY.
20180316             [l] PAUL—MANAFORT läuft gerade mit 2—ELEKTRONISCHEN Fußfesseln von 2—GERICHTEN herum
20180316             [l] CHINA macht anscheinend echte Fortschritte in ihren Bemühungen um die LUFT—VERSCHMUTZUNG.
20180316             [l] ProPublica zieht ihre Behauptung zurück, dass
20180316             Oh und das mit der Beweisvernichtung, das ziehen sie nicht zurück.
20180316             [l] In RUSSLAND sind Goldbarren vom Himmel gefallen.
20180316             1—LOCAL—TRANSPORT—POLICE—SPOKESMAN told TASS that a "total of 172—GOLD—BARS weighing 3.4—TONNES [3.75—TONS] have been found so far,"and 1—POLICE—OFFICIAL told THE—AGENCY that all have been found.
20180316             [l] "OKLAHOMA mother will go to jail for marrying her daughter"
20180316             —GEHEIRATET, Oh und vorher hatte sie —SCHON ihren Sohn.
20180316             [l] Leute, guckt mehr KUNG—FU—FILME!
20180316             Lovell woke to his GIRLFRIEND—OF—2—YEARS attacking him with 1—SWORD, police say
20180316             [l] Habt ihr das gelesen?
20180316             The attackers used more generally available malware and "living off the land" tools, such as administration tools like PowerShell, PsExec, and
20180316             The attackers also did not use ANY— 0—DAYS
20180316             SOME—CODE—STRING—IN—THE—S malware were in RUSSIAN—IST das nicht super?
20180316             Wieso ist eigentlich nur 1—DER Sprachen 1—FALSE—FLAG, wenn man 2—FINDET?
20180316             [l] Falls jemand noch Zweifel hatte: Die SKRIPAL—VERGIFTUNG ist —JETZT endgültig aufgeklärt.
20180316             DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG lässt über DAS—AUSWÄRTIGE—AMT ausrichten:
20180316             —BRIEFED, THE—UNITED—KING—DOM, thoroughly its allies that it was highly likely that RUSSIA was responsible for the attack
20180316             Beweise braucht es nicht, den Beschuldigten muss man nicht anhören
20180316             —WÄHREND, ich mich noch über SJW aufrege, die das so handhaben, macht es unsere Regierung genau so.
20180316             Schöne neue Welt.
20180316             Was ich ja nicht verstehe, ist wieso die Wavies nicht auch damit durchkommen
20180316             [l] BERLIN—POLIZEI—BEAMTER festgenommen.
20180316             1—BERLIN—POLIZIST soll Geld erhalten und dafür mutmaßliche Drogendealer vor Razzien gewarnt haben
20180316             You had me at "Pokerclub".
20180316             [l] SIERRA—LEONE hat gerade die 1. Wahl auf BLOCKCHAIN—BASIS durchgeführt.
20180316             "Anonymized votes/ballots are being recorded on AGORA—BLOCKCHAIN, which will be publicly available for any interested party to review, count and validate," said Gammar
20180316             [l] Die App der RETTUNGS—DIENSTE hatte 1—DATEN—REICHTUM
20180316             In der Binärdatei der App aus dem App Store befanden sich unter anderem fest einkodierte ZUGANGS—DATEN, die 1—ZUGRIFF—AUF—REALE 1ätze ermöglichten.
20180316             [l] Die SCHLESWIGer Klärwerke haben —MONATE—LANG gehäckselte KUNSTSTOFFAB—FÄLLE in die Schlei gepumpt
20180316             Und was sagt DER—ZUSTÄNDIGE UMWELT—MINISTER, zufällig auch —DER—NEUE—BUNDESVORSITZENDE—DER—GRÜNEN, dazu?
20180316             "DIE—VERSCHMUTZUNG mit diesen Mengen an Plastik ist unfassbar", sagt der SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEINER
20180316             Oh ACH—ODER vielleicht eher DIE—LEUTE, die so jemanden wie Sie zum UMWELT—MINISTER machen, der dann aus der Presse davon erfährt, dass
20180316             Sagen Sie mal, Herr UMWELT—MINISTER, was tun Sie eigentlich beruflich?
20180316             [l] GUTE—NACHRICHTEN, DIE—RUSSEN sind endgültig als Täter bei dem GIFT—ANSCHLAG—IN—ENGLAND überführt!
20180316             ATOM—PROGRAMM: USA wollen EU—TRIO für Überarbeitung von IRAN—ABKOMMEN gewinnen
20180316             PRESSE—FREIHEIT : TÜRKEI—JOURNALIST—SAHIN—ALPAY aus Untersuchungshaft entlassen
20180316             [l] Hacker hacken... Den Fernseher der NRW—UMWELT—MINISTERIN.
20180316             DIE—RUSSEN werden aber auch immer dreister!
20180316             [l] PAYPAL hat 1.LISTE—DER—ORGANISATIONEN veröffentlicht, die sie auf DIE—DATEN ihrer Benutzer zugreifen lässt
20180316             —NACH—DEM Wechsel von Bayerns bisherigen MINISTERPRÄSIDENT—HORST—SEEHOFER als Bundesinnenminister nach BERLIN wählt der LANDTAG im Maximilianeum MARKUS—SÖDER zu dessen Nachfolger.
20180316—19690000    —LEASED, BELGIUM, the Grand Mosque to RIYADH.
20180316—19920000    —IN, Reliu went to TURKEY for work and lost contact with his ROMANIA—FAMILY.
20180316—19920000    —IN, The ruling is final.
20180316—20160000    —IN, 1—GREECE—COURT dismissed 1—TURKEY—DEMAND for the handover of 8—TURKEY—SOLDIERS accused by ANKARA of having played 1—DIRECT—ROLE in the abortive coup against PRESIDENT—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN.
20180316—20160000    —MANAGED, Hearing no news from her husband, his wife, to get 1—DEATH—CERTIFICATE for him.
20180722—20180316    —ON, 1—JUDGE—DECLARED—COWELL was sane —WHEN he stabbed Wilson.
20190301—20190316    —ON, 1—NEWSPAPER suggested she may have been poisoned with 1—RADIOACTIVE—SUBSTANCE.
20190313—20190316    —ARRESTED, Suspect ANTHONY—COMELLO, —24—JAHRE—ALT was, in NEW—JERSEY.
20190316             Facebook Inc said it removed 1.5—MILLION—VIDEOS—GLOBALLY—OF—THE—NEW—ZEALAND mosque attack in the 1. —24—HOURS—AFTER the attack.
20190316             —REPORTED, It was, that MICHAEL—R—WHITE, 1—USA—NAVY—VETERAN from CALIFORNIA, has been sentenced to —10—YEARS in prison in IRAN, becoming the 1. USA—KNOWN to be imprisoned there —SINCE PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP took office.
20190316             —CONVICTED—OF, White was reportedly, insulting IRAN—SUPREME—LEADER and posting private information online.
20190316             † In NEVADA 1—ROBBERY—SUSPECT —FOLLOWING 1—SHOOTOUT the previous —EVENING outside the Bellagio HOTEL—CASINO in LAS—VEGAS.
20190316             —CLASHED, ALBANIA—OPPOSITION—SUPPORTERS, with police —WHILE trying to storm THE—PARLIAMENT building in 1—PROTEST against THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—SOCIALIST—PRIME—MINISTER—EDI—RAMA, which they accuse of being corrupt and linked to organized crime.
20190316             The local bonfire group in LUSTENAU—AUSTRIA, took —3—MONTHS to build 1—STRUCTURE that burned down in less than half an —HOUR this —EVENING.
20190316             —CLOCKED, The world's tallest bonfire, in at 60.646—METERS (198.97—FEET).
20190316             NIGEL Farage, the politician who probably did more than anyone else to force BRITAIN—REFERENDUM on MEMBERSHIP—OF—THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, joined protesters at the start of a 270-mile march over what they call 1—BETRAYAL of the Brexit vote.
20190316             CHINA—ANTI—CORRUPTION—WATCHDOG said it would prosecute Nur Bekri, 1—OF—THE—HIGHEST—RANUIGHUR—KING—OF— officials in the country, over ALLEGATIONS—OF—GRAFT and corruption —DURING his time as GOVERNOR—OF—XINJIANG province.
20190316             —DEMONSTRATED, Several 1000—CROATS, in ZAGREB, demanding tougher measures against domestic violence and more training for employees in state institutions to help them tackle the problem.
20190316             —LOOTED, FRANCE, demonstrators, and torched shops and businesses on the famed CHAMPS—ELYSEES avenue in PARIS, on the 18. straight weekend of "yellow vest" protests.
20190316             Romahurmuziy, CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—UNITED—DEVELOPMENT—PARTY (PPP), was arrested —1—DAY—EARLIER.
20190316             NICARAGUA, riot police used tear gas against opposition demonstrators and reporters, temporarily detaining over a 100—PEOPLE—AFTER they attempted to protest for the release of opponents to PRESIDENT—DANIEL—ORTEGA—GOVERNMENT.
20190316             —KILLED, NORTH—EAST—NIGERIA, 1—FIRE, at least 8—PEOPLE and left 15,000 others without shelter —AFTER raging through 1—CAMP for people displaced by 1—WAR against Islamist insurgents in THE—TOWN—OF—GAJIRAM, Borno state.
20190316             RUSSIA said it will respond to new EUROPEAN—UNION—SANCTIONS, without saying what action it would take.
20190316             —VOTED, Slovaks, in round 1—OF—1—BALLOT that could usher in Zuzana Caputova (45), 1—VOCAL government critic, as the country's 1. female PRESIDENT.
20190316             Caputova, 1—ANTI—CORRUPTION—CAMPAIGNER with no experience in public office, won the 1. round, setting up 1—TOUGH clash with the ruling Smer party's candidate.
20190316             The latest fighting broke out —AFTER THE—KURD—LED force attacked IS positions inside Baghouz.
20190316             THE—SDF said —AROUND 32—JIHADISTS, including at least 4—SENIOR IS figures, were killed in the battle.
20190316             2—TURKEY—SOLDIERS were killed and 8—OTHERS were wounded in 1—CLASH —DURING operations into NORTH—IRAQ.
20190316             6—MILITANTS, including 1—WOMAN, were "neutralized" —DURING the operations.
20190316             —ARRESTED, Police in THE—UKRAINE—CITY—OF—POLTAVA, 10—PEOPLE as nationalist demonstrators attempted to interrupt 1—CAMPAIGN—APPEARANCE by PRESIDENT—PETRO—POROSHENKO.
20190316             —BATTLED, EAST—SYRIA—USA—BACKED, forces, Islamic State group fighters —SATURDAY as the holdout jihadists clung to the last dregs of their crumbling "caliphate".
20190316             —DEMONSTRATED, KIEV, about 3,000 nationalists, outside the presidential administration building, demanding arrests in 1 alleged embezzlement scheme in UKRAINE—DEFENSE—INDUSTRIES that allegedly involves figures close to Poroshenko and 1—FACTORY controlled by him.
20190316             —ENTLASSEN, DEUTSCHLAND—REPORTER Billy 6—AUS Haft
20190316             Manipulierte Kassen in ASIA—RESTAURANTS: So prellen Wirte den STAAT um Hunderte Millionen (SPIEGEL+, 07:21)
20190316             STEUER—HINTERZIEHUNG: ASIA—RESTAURANTS prellen den STAAT offenbar um Hunderte MILLIONEN—EURO
20190316             —DIE—LAGE—AM—SAMSTAG, TERROR und Trauer in NEUSEELAND
20190316             TERRORANSCHLÄGE—IN—CHRISTCHURCH: Attentäter soll weitere Attacken geplant haben
20190316             NEUSEELAND: Wo Spitzenpolitiker keine Bodyguards haben
20190316             FLUGZEUG—HERSTELLER unter Druck: Sollten Investoren —JETZT BOEING—AKTIEN kaufen?
20190316             BERLUSCONI—PROZESS, Der mysteriöse TOD—DER—WICHTIGSTEN—ZEUGIN
20190316             —BEVORSTEHENDER—BREXIT: "Größte Tragödie in der GESCHICHTE—DER—EU" - Archäologie: Rettet die Knochen!
20190316             Weltverbrauchertag: Warum wir Kunden Kennedy dankbar sein können
20190316             —JAHRESTAG—DER—ANNEXION: Wie die KRIM PUTIN verschluckte
20190316             [l] Der 1—USA—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTSKANDIDAT, Beto O'Rourke, ist übrigens 1—HACKER.
20190316             1—THING you didn't know: —WHILE 1—TEENAGER, O'Rourke acknowledged in 1—EXCLUSIVE—INTERVIEW, he belonged to the oldest GROUP—OF—COMPUTER hackers in USA—HISTORY.
20190316             The hugely influential Cult of the Dead Cow, jokingly named —AFTER 1—ABANDONED—TEXAS slaughterhouse, is notorious for releasing tools that allowed ordinary people to hack computers running MICROSOFT—WINDOWS.
20190316             [l] Interessantes OP—ED in der LA TIMES: School is all about signaling, not SKILL—BUILDING.
20190316             CHRISTCHURCH: Attentäter interessierte sich für RECHTS—EXTREME Soldaten in DER—BUNDESWEHR
20190316             Er bezeichnete sich in seinem Manifest selbst als "Rassisten", "Ethnonationalisten" und "Ökofaschisten", vor Gericht machte er eine bei Rechtsextremen beliebte Geste: Brenton HARRISON—TARRANT, DER—ATTENTÄTER—VON—CHRISTCHURCH, macht aus seiner Gesinnung keinen Hehl.
20190316             Mit der Planung seiner Tat begann er nach einer EUROPAreis
20190316             —WÄHREND, dieses Aufenthalts soll er Gruppen der extremen Rechten getroffen haben, schreibt der britische "Independent".
20190316             DER—TERRORISMUS—FORSCHER PETER—NEUMANN, der am LONDONer KING—COLLEGE —SEIT—VIELEN—JAHREN zu Extremismus und Radikalisierung arbeitet, sagte den Zeitungen der FUNKE—MEDIENGRUPPE, Tarrant habe sich bei seinem ANSCHLAG—AUF—DIE "Ideologie traditioneller Neonazis" bezogen.
20190316             Inspiriert wurde Tarrant für seine Tat eigenen Angaben zufolge unter anderem von den RECHTS—EXTREMEN Massenmördern DYLAN—ROOF und insbesondere Anders Breivik.
20190316             INSPIRIERT—ANGABEN—DER—BULGARIEN—JUSTIZ zufolge war Tarrant 20160000—20180000    —UND, unter anderen in SERBIEN, BOSNIEN—HERZEGOWINA und BULGARIEN gewesen.
20190316             DIE—PROTESTE DER—BÜRGERBEWEGUNGEN richteten sich —DAMALS, unter anderem GEGEN—DIE—RESTRIKTIVE MEDIEN—POLITIK—DER—SED und führten
20190316             dazu, daß zum 19891201             DIE—ZENSUR abgeschafft wurde.
20190316             Theresa May und DER—BREXIT: MRS—STARRSINN
20190316             BREXIT—STREIT: Abgeordneter NICK—BOLES verlässt Tories
20190316             MOSAMBIK und SIMBABWE : Mehr als 40—TOTE nach Zyklon "Idai"
20190316             PARIS: Wohnhaus brennt bei GELBWESTEN—PROTESTEN
20190316             BAYERN: Mehrere POLIZISTEN wegen mutmaßlich antisemitischer Videos suspendiert
20190316             BETRUGS—SKANDAL an USA—ELITEUNIS: 400.000—DOLLAR Schmiergeld für den Fußballtrainer
20190316             RASSISMUS in SACHSEN: Bitte gehen Sie weiter, hier gibt es nichts zu bereden
20190316             —STREIT—ZWISCHEN—MAROKKO und SAUDI—ARABIEN: Mohammed gegen Mohammed
20190316             Good news: Die FACEBOOK—ALGORITHMENREFORM weg von Fake News hin zu vertrauenswürdigen Nachrichtenquellen hatte durchschlagenden Erfolg.
20190316             Engagement — likes, comments, shares, reactions — has risen.
20190316             Und das ist ja die einzige Metrik, um die es bei FACEBOOK geht.
20190316             Schlagzeile des Tages: ADL —REPORT, RIGHT—WINGERS Committed Every 20180000             EXTREMIST Murder In USA.
20190316             —NUN, ist die ADL da vielleicht auf den 1. Blick voreingenommen.
20190316             —VERSTIRBT, Old and busted: PUTIN—FEIND, an POLONIUM—VERGIFTUNG.
20190316             NEW—HOTNESS, Kronzeugin gegen BERLUSCONI stirbt an "Gift oder radioaktiven Substanzen".
20190316             KATALONIEN: Unabhängigkeitsbefürworter protestieren in MADRID
20190316             PARIS: Gelbwesten verwüsten die CHAMPS—ÉLYSÉES
20190316             TERRORismus und digitale Parallelwelten: Monster, die sich für Helden halten
20190316—20160000    —IN, The previous record structure was a 47-meter (154.2-foot) bonfire in ALESUND—NORWAY.
20200313—20200316    —FROM, AUSTRIA said will introduce border checks with SWITZERLAND and ban flight connections with FRANCE, SPAIN and SWITZERLAND to slow the rapidly spreading CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200313—20200316    —FROM, AUSTRIA said will introduce border checks with SWITZERLAND and ban flight connections with FRANCE, SPAIN and SWITZERLAND to slow the rapidly spreading CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200314             SPAIN said it will impose 1—NATIONWIDE lockdown beginning 20200316             —FOR—2—WEEKS as PART—OF—1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY due to the virus.
20200315—20200316    —REPORTED, MALAYSIA, 1—DAILY jump of 125—CASES to 553. 338—OF—MALAYSIA—CASES have been linked to the religious gathering at 1—MOSQUE in KUALA—LUMPUR 20200228—20200301    —BETWEEN.
20200315—20200316    —ON, Hours —LATER the mayor also took aim at the city's nightlife, saying he would sign 1—ORDER limiting the city's 27,000 restaurants and bars to takeout and delivery only effective on THE—MORNING—OF—20200317    .
20200315—20200316    —FROM, GEORGIA—GOVERNMENT said it will temporarily shut its border with RUSSIA for travelers in 1—BID to stop THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200315—20200316    —FROM, GEORGIA—GOVERNMENT said it will temporarily shut its border with RUSSIA for travelers in 1—BID to stop THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200315—20200316    —ON, Hours —LATER the mayor also took aim at the city's nightlife, saying he would sign 1—ORDER limiting the city's 27,000 restaurants and bars to takeout and delivery only effective on THE—MORNING—OF—20200317         .
20200316             28 and 20200301            .
20200316             PRIME—MINISTER—MUHYIDDIN—YASSIN said MALAYSIA it will shut its borders to travelers, restrict internal movement, close schools and universities and order most businesses to shut —AFTER its NUMBER—OF—CORONA—VIRUS—CASES climbed to the highest in SOUTH—EAST—ASIA.
20200316             —DECLARED, JOE—BIDEN was, THE—WINNER—OF—LAST—WEEK—DEMOCRATIC—PRESIDENTIAL—PRIMARY in WASHINGTON state, giving him victories in 5—OUT—OF—6—STATES that voted 20200310            .
20200316             —INCLUDED, They, 9—ENTITIES in PAKISTAN that are associated with the country's missile technology program, 6—FROM IRAN, 5—FROM THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES, 2—FROM CHINA, and 2—FROM RUSSIA.
20200316             The companies, CONCORD Management and Consulting and CONCORD Catering, were among 3—COMPANIES and 13—INDIVIDUALS—THEN—SPECIAL—COUNSEL—ROBERT—MUELLER charged with conspiracy to spread disinformation on social media, 1—OF—THE—MAIN—INDICTMENTS that came out of his team's —2—YEAR—RUSSIA investigation.
20200316             THE—DOW—JONES—INDUSTRIAL—AVERAGE fell by 12.9—PERCENT.
20200316             The S&P 500—LOST 12—PERCENT and is —NOW nearly 30—PERCENT below its record high, set less than —1—MONTH—AGO.
20200316             S—FRANCISCO area leaders told 7—MILLION people in 6—COUNTIES to "shelter in place".
20200316             —ORDERED, Other localities, restaurants, bars, and other public gathering spots to shut their doors.
20200316             MARYLAND said it will shut down all bars, restaurants, theaters and gyms beginning at 5—P.m. Drive through, carryout and delivery food services will still be allowed.
20200316             MANY—USA—STATES began announcing they'd be shutting movie theaters, bars, restaurants museums and all NON—ESSENTIAL—BUSINESS.
20200316             UTAH, gas station owner Lev Dermen was found guilty by 1—JURY on 10—COUNTS that included money laundering and mail fraud.
20200316             —FILED, Dermen and polygamists Jacob and Isiah KINGSTON had, false claims for over $1—BILLION in refundable renewable fuel tax credits.
20200316             —TESTIFIED, JACOB—KINGSTON, against Dermen at the trial.
20200316             —ACCEPTED, THE—KINGSTONS and 2—OTHER—FAMILY—MEMBERS, plea deals —THIS—YEAR.
20200316             WASHINGTON state said it will shutter its entertainment venues and recreational facilities and limit restaurants to delivery and TAKE—OUT.
20200316             The ban will not apply to grocery stores and pharmacies.
20200316             NASA said GREENLAND and ANTARCTICA are losing ice 6—TIMES—FASTER than they were in the 1990s.
20200316             —ESCAPED, THE—38—PEOPLE who, had all —RECENTLY returned from IRAN.
20200316             —REPORTED, Bosnia has, 24—CASES—OF—THE—NEW—VIRUS so far, 20—OF—THEM in the country's other autonomous region, THE—SERBIA—REPUBLIC.
20200316             † In GREECE 1—MIGRANT juvenile in 1—FIRE inside the Mora camp on THE—ISLAND—OF—LESBOS.
20200316             1,053 new confirmed cases were reported.
20200316             IRAQ, 2—ROCKETS struck 1—TRAINING base SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD where USA—LED coalition troops and NATO trainers were present.
20200316             —CALLED, PRESIDENT—REUVIN—RIVLIN, for unity and compromise from THE—2—LEADERS, saying THE—ISRAEL—PEOPLE "are in NEED—OF—REST, we are in need of healing" —AFTER 3—PARLIAMENTARY—ELECTIONS in under —1—YEAR.
20200316             JAPAN, Kyushu Electric Power Co., the opeator of 1—NUCLEAR—POWER—PLANT in KAGOSHIMA, was forced to shut 1—DOWN 1—OF—ITS—REACTORS—BECAUSE—OF—FAILURE to meet 1—DEADLINE for adding ANTI—TERROR—SAFETY—MEASURES.
20200316             —IMPOSED, The government of THE—PHILIPPINES, "Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) across THE—ISLAND—OF—LUZON, home to MANILA and about HALF—OF—THE—COUNTRY—107—MILLION—PEOPLE.
20200316             THE—PHILIPPINES, the farm MINISTER said 1—OUTBREAK—OF avian flu has been detected in 1—QUAIL farm in THE—NORTH—NUEVA Ecija province.
20200316             —APPROVED, RUSSIA—CONSTITUTIONAL—COURT, 1—LAW on constitutional amendments that could allow VLADIMIR—PUTIN to remain in power for another —16—YEARS.
20200316             —DECLARED, SENEGAL—PRESIDENT—MACKY—SALL, 1—NATIONAL—STATE—OF—DISASTER and canceled the country's most important religious festival due to take place —LATER—THIS—MONTH—FOLLOWING 1—SURGE in cases to 26—FROM 10.
20200316             —RANKED, SOMALIA, 194. of 195—COUNTRIES in the Johns Hopkins Global Health Security Index for 20190000             and scored 0 in several areas, including emergency preparedness, emergency response, infection control practices and health care access.
20200316             —CONFIRMED, The country has, 17—CASES—OF—THE—VIRUS and no deaths.
20200316             —ADDED, THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—COMMERCE'S—BUREAU—OF—INDUSTRY and Security (—BIS), 24—COMPANIES and individuals to the Entity List for posing 1—RISK to USA national security and foreign policy interests.
20200316             USA surgeon GENERAL—DOCTOR—JEROME—ADAMS said that THE—NUMBER—OF—CORONA—VIRUS—CASES in THE—USA has reached the level that ITALY recorded —2—WEEKS—20200801—SIGN that infections are expected to rise as the government steps up testing and financial markets continue to fall.
20200316             —KILLED, THE—CORONA—VIRUS has, at least 67—PEOPLE in THE—USA with at least 3,774 confirmed cases.
20200316             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, that it is postponing arguments for —LATE—MARCH and —EARLY—APRIL BECAUSE—OF—THE—CORONA—VIRUS, including fights over subpoenas for PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—FINANCIAL—RECORDS.
20200316             THE—USA—STOCK—MARKET took its sharpest dive —SINCE the Black —MONDAY crash of 19870000             as PRESIDENT—TRUMP warned THE—CORONA—VIRUS—PANDEMIC could drag the economy into 1—RECESSION.
20200316             —CONFIRMED, The number of, CORONA—VIRUS—CASES in THE—USA jumped past 4,600, with at least 85—DEATHS.
20200316             —ANNOUNCED, MICHIGAN, that all bars and restaurants must close to DINE—IN customers, due to THE—CORONA—VIRUS.
20200316             WASHINGTON, state the 1. participant in 1—CLINICAL—TRIAL for 1—VACCINE to protect against THE—NEW—CORONA—VIRUS received 1—EXPERIMENTAL dose.
20200316             Amazon said it would try to hire 100,000—PEOPLE across THE—USA to help meet 1—SURGE in purchases by customers shopping more online to avoid going out as THE—CORONA—VIRUS spreads.
20200316             —REPORTED, Globally more than 174,000—CORONA—VIRUS—CASES were, with more than 6,700 deaths.
20200316             Global stocks fell sharply —AFTER central bank moves to shore up economic growth failed to dispel investor's fears over VIRUS—CONTROLS that are shutting global business and travel.
20200316             WEST—AFGHANISTAN, DOZENS—OF—PATIENTS held in isolation, including at least 1 confirmed to have THE—CORONA—VIRUS, escaped from 1—QUARANTINE—FACILITY—AFTER breaking windows and attacking hospital staff in HERAT province.
20200316             —CONFIRMED, AFGHANISTAN has so far, 21—CASES—OF—THE—CORONA—VIRUS.
20200316             —DECLARED, AUSTRALIA—CAPITAL and 2. most populous state, STATES—OF—EMERGENCY—AFTER the national death toll from THE—CORONA—VIRUS—ROSE to 5 with nearly 300—CASES in total.
20200316             AUSTRIA—GOVERNMENT said it will allocate 2—BILLION euros for loan guarantees on top of a 4—BILLION—EURO—AID—FUND to buffer the economy from THE—DAMAGE—OF—CORONA—VIRUS, as the number of confirmed cases in the country rose to 1,018.
20200316             —DECLARED, BOSNIA—AUTONOMOUS—BOSNIAK—CROAT Federation, 1—STATE—OF—DISASTER, which will enable it to introduce emergency measures to halt THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—CORONA—VIRUS.
20200316             —REPORTED, BRAZIL, local media, that as many as 1,000 inmates had fled 4—JAILS ahead of 1 planned LOCKDOWN—OF—THE—FACILITIES over THE—CORONA—VIRUS—PANDEMIC.
20200316             —ADVISED, BRITAIN—PRIME—MINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON, people to avoid all unnecessary contact due to CORONA—VIRUS—PANDEMIC.
20200316             BRITAIN—FRED—OLSEN—CRUISE—LINES wrote in 1—STATEMENT that its cruise ship Braemar, that was turned away from several ports in the Caribbean —AFTER 5—PASSENGERS were confirmed to have THE—NEW—CORONA—VIRUS, has set sail to CUBA which is allowing it to dock.
20200316             —AGREED, GERMANY—FEDERAL and state governments, sweeping rules shutting everything from NON—ESSENTIAL—SHOPS to bars, clubs, theatres, museums, brothels and churches in order to slow THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—CORONA—VIRUS.
20200316             IRAN—HEALTH—MINISTRY said the death toll from THE—NEW—CORONA—VIRUS has reached 853 with 129—NEW—DEATHS in the past —24—HOURS.
20200316             —CLOSED, IRAN, 4—KEY—SHIITE pilgrimage sites to stop 1—CORONA—VIRUS—OUTBREAK that has killed over 850—PEOPLE out of nearly 15,000 cases recorded in the Islamic republic.
20200316             —ELECTED, ISRAEL swore in its newly, PARLIAMENT under stringent restrictions BECAUSE—OF—THE—CORONA—VIRUS—OUTBREAK.
20200316             —AUTHORIZED, ISRAEL government, Shin Bet, the internal security service, and the police to use their technical knowledge to track and access THE—MOBILE—PHONES—OF those who have been infected with THE—CORONA—VIRUS.
20200316             NORTH—ITALY, the death toll from 1—OUTBREAK—OF—CORONA—VIRUS in Lombardy rose by 202—OVER the past —DAY to 1,420 from 1,218. ITALY—TOTAL—DEATH—TOLL reached 1,809, a 25—PERCENT increase over THE—DAY—BEFORE.
20200316             —ORDERED, LEBANON—MILITARY—COURT—OF—APPEALS, the release of Amer Fakhoury because more than —10—YEARS had passed —SINCE he allegedly tortured prisoners at 1—JAIL—RUN by THE—SO—CALLED—SOUTH—LEBANON—ARMY—MILITIA.
20200316             —SHOWED, Tests, the presence of the highly infectious H5N6 SUBTYPE—OF—THE—INFLUENZA—A—VIRUS.
20200316             —ANNOUNCED, SOMALIA—1. CORONA—VIRUS—CASE was.
20200316             —REPORTED, SOUTH—KOREA, 74—NEW—CORONA—VIRUS—CASES bringing its total to 8,236.
20200316             —DECLARED, SWITZERLAND—REGION—OF—GENEVA, a "STATE—OF—NECESSITY" due to THE—CORONA—VIRUS—GLOBAL—PANDEMIC, shutting bars and restaurants and limiting gatherings to —JUST 5—PEOPLE.
20200316             VENEZUELA—CAPITAL—OF—CARACAS woke to quiet streets and military checkpoints on the 1. —DAY—OF—1—QUARANTINE ordered by PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—MADURO to combat THE—CORONA—VIRUS.
20200316             —MONTAG, Reiseaktivitäten weitgehend ausgesetzt: TUI will Staatsgarantien
20200316             Häusliche ISOLATION—NICHT ohne mein Gras!
20200316             So scheinen VIELE—NIEDERLÄNDER zu denken: Kurz nach der Ankündigung der Schließung bildeten sich lange Schlangen vor den Coffeeshops des Landes.
20200316             Sollten in den kommenden —TAGEN nicht genug Blutspenden eingehen, wäre die Versorgung "innerhalb kurzer Zeit nicht mehr lückenlos abgesichert".
20200316             —NACH, Kontakt mit einer positiv auf DAS—CORONA—VIRUS— getesteten Person befindet sich KÖLNs Oberbürgermeisterin HENRIETTE—REKER (parteilos) in häuslicher QUARANTÄNE,
20200316             DIE—JOBCENTER und Arbeitsargenturen bleiben vorerst GEÖFFNET—ABER ALLE—PERSÖNLICHEN—GESPRÄCHSTERMINE lassen sie ohne Rechtsfolgen entfallen, wie die BUNDES—AGENTUR für Arbeit (BA) mitteilte.
20200316             Die Leistungsempfänger hätten keine finanziellen Nachteile zu befürchten, wenn Termine entfallen oder persönlicher Kontakt nicht möglich ist, betonte die BA.
20200316             Kunden und Versicherte müssen diese Termine nicht absagen, sie müssen auch nicht noch einmal deshalb anrufen, teilte die BA mit.
20200316             MITARBEITER—DER—EINRICHTUNGEN sollen sich auf die wichtigsten Tätigkeiten wie die Bearbeitung und Bewilligung von Geldleistungen konzentrieren.
20200316             Auch die Auszahlung von Kindergeld und Kinderzuschlag soll sichergestellt werden.
20200316             Leistungsempfänger sollen demnach nur noch in Notfällen persönlich in die Dienststellen kommen.
20200316             Schlangen vor den Coffeeshops bildeten sich —SCHON wenige —MINUTEN, —NACHDEM die NIEDERLANDE—GESUNDHEITS—UND BILDUNGS—MINISTER—AM—SONNTAG in einer vom Fernsehen übertragenen PRESSEKONFERENZ—DIE—SCHLIESSUNG—VON—SCHULEN, Bars und anderen Geschäften angekündigt hatten.
20200316             "Wir sind im Krieg mit dem VIRUS, einem Wirtschaftskrieg", sagt Breton dem Radiosender BFM Business.
20200316             DIE—BISHERIGE Wachstumsprognose für die Europäische Union habe bei plus 1,4 Prozent gelegen.
20200316             "—JETZT erwarten wir eine negative Auswirkung von zwischen 2—UND 2,5—PROZENT".
20200316             Pandemien könnten sich nach Einschätzung des Ministeriums in Wellen über die Welt verbreiten, in den einzelnen Regionen verliefen sie —NACH—DEN bisherigen Erfahrungen aber eher kurz und heftig: "Es wäre demnach mit einer merklichen Abschwächung der Konjunktur im 2., aber gegebenenfalls —BEREITS wieder mit einer Stabilisierung im 3. Quartal —DIESES—JAHRES, zu rechnen, sofern Lieferketten alsbald wieder funktionieren".
20200316             teilte MINISTER—PRÄSIDENT—MARKUS—SÖDER (CSU) mit.
20200316             —VERÄNDERT, Die Lage ist sehr ernst und, sich täglich,
20200316             Um die Grundversorgung mit Lebensmitteln und anderen wichtigen Produkten sicherzustellen, weitet BAYERN aber die Ladenöffnungszeiten für bestimmte Geschäfte aus: Supermärkte, Lebensmittelgeschäfte, Drogerien, Apotheken, Tankstellen, Banken und EINIGE—WEITERE—GESCHÄFTE dürfen unter —DER—WOCHE—NUN —BIS 2200—UHR öffnen und auch —SONNTAGS geöffnet haben.
20200316             Fiat Chrysler fährt wegen der CORONA—VIRUS—EPIDEMIE die Produktion in dem meisten europäischen Werken —FÜR—2—WOCHEN herunter.
20200316             DIE—VORÜBERGEHENDE Aussetzung ermögliche es dem Autobauer, auf die gesunkene NACH—FRAGE effektiv zu reagieren.
20200316             —NACH, der HypoVereinsbank schließt auch die Commerzbank vorsorglich mehrere 100—FILIALEN.
20200316             Die genaue Zahl lasse sich noch nicht beziffern, sagte 1—COMMERZBANK—SPRECHER.
20200316             Von DEN—CA—1000—FILIALEN deutschlandweit seien vor allem die kleineren STAND—ORTE von den Schließungen betroffen.
20200316             Die größeren STAND—ORTE sollen nach Möglichkeit offen bleiben.
20200316             DIE—ZINSSENKUNG der USA—NOTEN—BANK[FED] kann den Kursverfall an den Börsen nicht verhindern: DER—DEUTSCHE—LEITINDEX Dax fiel —AM—MONTAG zur Eröffnung um 5,5 Prozent auf ein 4—JAHRES—TIEF—VON—8728—PUNKTEN.
20200316             Börsianer bezweifelten, daß die jüngste Runde von Zinssenkungen und Geldspritzen großer Notenbanken der WELT—WIRTSCHAFT in der aktuellen CORONA—VIRUS—KRISE den notwendigen Rückenwind geben können.
20200316             Wichtiger seien staatliche Konjunkturprogramme.
20200316             DIE—BRITISH—AIRWAYS—MUTTER IAG will die Kapazität im Vergleich zum Vorjahreszeitraum voraussichtlich um mindestens 75—PROZENT kürzen.
20200316             Auch die FRANKREICH—FLUGGESELLSCHAFT Air FRANCE—KLM wird ihre Flotte zum großen Teil auf dem Boden lassen.
20200316             Die Kapazitäten sollen schrittweise um —BIS zu 90—PROZENT zurückgefahren werden.
20200316             In den USA kündigte USA—AIRLINES ebenfalls 1—REDUZIERUNG—DER—INTERNATIONAL—EN—FLÜGE um 75—PROZENT an.
20200316             Dies gelte —ZUNÄCHST—BIS zum 20200506            .
20200316             NEUSEELAND, streicht Air NEW—ZEALAND sogar 85—PROZENT—DER—LANGSTRECKENFLÜGE;
20200316             der Handel mit den Aktien der Airline wurde —AM—MONTAG ausgesetzt.
20200316             DIE—ZUM GOOGLE—MUTTERKONZERN Alphabet gehörende GESUNDHEITSTECHNOLOGIE—FIRMA Verily startet in 2—KALIFORNISCHEN Bezirken die von USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP angekündigte Internetseite zum CORONA—VIRUS—.
20200316             Erwachsene seien aufgerufen, Fragen zu ihrer Gesundheit und jüngsten Reisen zu beantworten, teilt Verily mit.
20200316             Es gehe darum, herauszufinden, wer sich auf DAS—CORONA—VIRUS— testen lassen müsse.
20200316             Der Wirtschaftswissenschaftler FERDINAND—DUDENHÖFFER erwartet massive Einbrüche beim Autoabsatz in Westeuropa.
20200316             Vor allem in ITALIEN, aber auch auf den anderen Hauptmärkten wie DEUTSCHLAND, FRANKREICH und SPANIEN könnten die Hersteller im laufenden —JAHR nur deutlich weniger Fahrzeuge verkaufen als im Vorjahr, heißt es in einer —AM—MONTAG veröffentlichten STUDIE—DES—INSTITUTE for Customer Insight an der UNIVERSITÄT—S—GALLEN.
20200316             Allein in DEUTSCHLAND werde der Absatz um eine halbe Million Autos zurückgehen.
20200316             Im Vergleich zum Vorjahr werde der Absatz um 11—PROZENT auf noch 12,7 Millionen Autos abstürzen,
20200316             Dies gelte —BEREITS bei der optimistischen Annahme, daß sich das öffentliche Leben innerhalb von —3—MONATEN wieder normalisiere.
20200316             FRANZISKUS—I—PAPA hat —BEREITS angekündigt, daß —IN—DIESEM—JAHR die Osterfeierlichkeiten im VATIKAN wegen der CORONA—EPIDEMIE ohne große öffentliche Beteiligung stattfinden sollen.
20200316             Das FRIEDRICH—LOEFFLER—INSITUT, das Bundesforschungsinstitut für Tiergesundheit, hat mit Tierversuchen zur ER—FORSCHUNG des neuartigen CORONA—VIRUS— SARS—COV—2—BEGONNEN.
20200316             Dafür wurden Schweine, Hühner, Frettchen und Nilflughunde, 1—FLEDERMAUSART, ausgewählt.
20200316             "Es ist wichtig zu wissen, ob wir durch DAS—VIRUS auch Schwierigkeiten in der Nutztierhaltung bekommen könnten",
20200316             Mit Ergebnissen wird frühestens Ende ;;04;; gerechnet.
20200316             DIE—FRIEDENSCORPS in den USA ist eine staatliche Organisation zur VÖLKERVERSTÄNDIGUNG—WELT—WEIT haben sie —DERZEIT über 7000—FREIWILLIGE in 61—LÄNDERN.
20200316             —NUN, hat die Direktorin JODY—OLSEN entschieden, den gesamten Betrieb wegen des CORONA—VIRUS— einzustellen.
20200316             In einem offenen Brief erklärte sie, daß sie dabei seien, die Freiwilligen aus den jeweiligen Ländern abzuziehen.
20200316             "Mit der AUSBREITUNG—VON—COVID—19—UND da es immer schwieriger wird, INTERNATIONAL zu reisen, haben wir uns entschieden, —JETZT zu handeln, um euer Wohlergehen zu sichern und um 1—SITUATION zu verhindern, während der Freiwillige ihre Gastländer nicht länger verlassen können", heißt es in dem Brief.
20200316             Aber man muss auch festhalten: DIE—DEUTSCHLAND—PROFIKLUBS haben unheimlich hohe Einnahmen, die auch zu hohen Ausgaben geführt haben.
20200316             Dabei konnten sich die meisten Vereine nicht wirklich Speck anfressen.
20200316             Es gibt natürlich Ausnahmen.
20200316             —NATÜRLICH—BUNDES—PRÄSIDENT—FRANK—WALTER—STEINMEIER hat die Menschen in DEUTSCHLAND zu Besonnenheit und Rücksichtnahme im KAMPF—GEGEN—DAS—CORONA—VIRUS— aufgerufen.
20200316             "Wir werden DAS—VIRUS besiegen", sagte das Staatsoberhaupt gegenüber T—ONLINE.
20200316             Aber in was für einer Gesellschaft wir danach leben werden und in was für einer Welt, das hängt davon ab, wie wir —HEUTE handeln".
20200316             —NUN, veröffentlichte das Pekinger Statistikamt 1—REIHE wichtiger Konjunkturdaten, die teilweise einen nie dagewesenen Einbruch verzeichneten.
20200316             So ging die Industrieproduktion —IM, ;;0100;;und —FEBRUAR im Vergleich zu den 1. beiden —MONATEN des Vorjahres um 13,5 Prozent ZURÜCK—DER stärkste bislang gemessene Einbruch.
20200316             Mit einem Minus von 20,5 Prozent im Vergleich zum Vorjahreszeitraum sackte auch der Umsatz im EINZEL—HANDEL deutlich ab.
20200316             DIE—ANLAGE—INVESTITIONEN brachen um 24,5 Prozent ein, wie das Statistikamt weiter berichtete.
20200316             DIE—REGIERUNG in IRLAND hat wegen der CORONA—VIRUS—PANDEMIE ALLE—PUBS und Bars im Land aufgerufen, —BIS ENDE—DES—MONATS zu schließen.
20200316             Auch private Partys sollten nicht stattfinden, hieß es in einer Mitteilung der Regierung.
20200316             —KRITISIERT, AUßEN—MINISTER—HEIKO—MAAS hat den mutmaßlichen Versuch der USA—REGIERUNG, das Tübinger PHARMA—UNTERNEHMEN CureVac zu einem STAND—ORT—WECHSEL zu bewegen.
20200316             "DEUTSCHLAND—FORSCHER sind führend an der ENTWICKLUNG—VON—MEDIKAMENTEN und Impfstoffen beteiligt, in weltweiten Kooperationen. Wir können nicht zulassen, daß sich andere ihre Forschungsergebnisse exklusiv aneignen wollen", sagte DER—SPD—POLITIKER den Zeitungen der FUNKE—MEDIENGRUPPE.
20200316             "Dieses VIRUS werden wir nur gemeinsam besiegen, nicht gegeneinander".
20200316             Zuerst hatte die "Welt —AM—SONNTAG" über Auseinandersetzungen um die Tübinger IMPFSTOFF—FIRMA CureVac berichtet.
20200316             Der USA—BOTSCHAFTER—IN—BERLIN, RICHARD—GRENELL, bezeichnete den Bericht auf Twitter als unwahr.
20200316             BUNDESINNEN—MINISTER—HORST—SEEHOFER (CSU) sagte hingegen —AM—SONNTAG in BERLIN: "Ich kann nur sagen, daß ich —HEUTE mehrfach gehört habe von Regierungsmitgliedern, daß dies zutrifft und dass wir —MORGEN im Krisenstab darüber reden".
20200316             BUNDESWIRTSCHAFTS—MINISTER—PETER—ALTMAIER (CDU) lobte in der ARD—SENDUNG "BERICHT—AUS—BERLIN" am Sonntagabend die Tübinger Firma dafür, daß sie für DIE—USA—AVANCEN "nicht zur Verfügung steht".
20200316             was es heißt, NEW—YORKER zu sein.
20200316             Aber unsere Stadt hat es mit einer nie dagewesenen BE—DROHUNG zu tun, und wir müssen mit einer Kriegsmentalität darauf reagieren".
20200316             Betroffen sind mehr als 50.000—RESTAURANTS in NEW—YORK.
20200316             —LAUT—ANGABEN—DER—NATIONAL—RESTAURANT—ASSOCIATION erwirtschaften diese einen —JAHRESUMSATZ von mehr als 51—MILLIARDEN DOLLAR und beschäftigen mehr als 800.000—MITARBEITER.
20200316             Auch in AUSTRALIEN haben wegen der CORONA—KRISE die Panikkäufe in Supermärkten zugenommen, in vielen Filialen fehlt es beispielsweise an Toilettenpapier, haltbarer Milch oder Nudeln.
20200316             DIE—USA haben —DERZEIT die G7—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFT inne.
20200316             Sanders sagte, TRUMP müsse —JETZT sofort "der Mund verboten" werden.
20200316             Mit seinem "Geplapper" verbreite er falsche Informationen und verunsichere die Bevölkerung.
20200316             Er untergrabe zugleich die Bemühungen von Ärzten und Wissenschaftlern, den Menschen zu helfen.
20200316             "Dies ist eindeutig ein nationaler Notstand", sagte Sanders.
20200316             DAS—LAND als Ganzes müsse kraftvoll auf diese Krise reagieren.
20200316             Biden verglich DIE—CORONA—VIRUS—KRISE mit einem "Krieg".
20200316             Er forderte deswegen, DIE—USA—ARMEE einzusetzen, um die Pandemie einzudämmen: "Dies ist wie 1—KRIEG. Das ist, als würden wir aus dem Ausland angegriffen".
20200316             —NACH, einer monatelangen REGIERUNGSKRISE—IN—BELGIEN haben 10—PARTEIEN vereinbart, die amtierende MINISTER—PRÄSIDENTIN SOPHIE—WILMÈS im KAMPF—GEGEN—DIE—CORONA—VIRUS—EPIDEMIE zu stützen.
20200316             Wilmès könnte damit 1. 1—MEHRHEIT im Parlament bekommen, allerdings nur zur Eindämmung von COVID—19—UND der wirtschaftlichen Folgen.
20200316             Dafür soll sie für längstens —6—MONATE auch Sondervollmachten erhalten.
20200316             "Sie müssen nicht so viel kaufen. Nur keine Hektik, entspannen Sie sich einfach": Mit diesen Worten hat USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—DIE—USA—AMERIKANER dazu aufgerufen, Panikkäufe wegen der AUSBREITUNG—DES—CORONA—VIRUS— zu stoppen.
20200316             DIE—MENSCHEN kauften —DERZEIT "3—BIS fünfmal so viel, wie sie normalerweise einkaufen würden", sagte TRUMP.
20200316             VIELE—LÄNDER melden starke Anstiege von INFEKTIONEN—MIT—SARS—COV—2—UND Todesfälle infolge COVID—19.
20200316             SPANIEN, gebe es —NUN 8744—BEKANNTE Ansteckungen (—SONNTAG noch 7753) und bislang 297—TODES—FÄLLE (—SONNTAG noch 288),
20200316             war die ZAHL—DER—INFEKTIONEN—VON—SAMSTAG auf —SONNTAG MIT—CA—2000—NEUEN Fällen fast doppelt so stark gestiegen.
20200316             DIE—SUPERMARKTKETTE Rewe und ihre DISCOUNT—TOCHTER Penny suchen wegen der CORONA—KRISE und der hohen NACH—FRAGE—DER—BÜRGER nach Lebensmitteln Aushilfen.
20200316             DIE—EUROPÄISCHE Union will nach Angaben FRANKREICHs "in den kommenden —STUNDEN" Maßnahmen zum Schutz ihrer Außengrenzen in der CORONA—VIRUS—KRISE ankündigen.
20200316             USA: TRUMP erwägt "vollständige Begnadigung" von EX—SICHERHEITSBERATER Flynn
20200316             TV—DUELL in WASHINGTON: Biden spricht von "Krieg" gegen CORONA—VIRUS—SANDERS will TRUMP den Mund verbieten
20200316             "ANNE—WILL" zu CORONA: "DIE—GANZE REPUBLIK in die Bude zu sperren, dafür gibt es keine medizinische Indikation"
20200316             —DIE—LAGE—AM—MORGEN: DAS—LAND in QUARANTÄNE
20200316             RAKETENABWEHRSYSTEM—ANLEITUNG: BUNDESWEHR—LAPTOP mit vertraulichen Dokumenten auf Ebay verkauft
20200316             Schulschließungen, GRENZ—KONTROLLEN,gesperrte Inseln: DEUTSCHLAND macht dicht
20200316             —KRITISIERT, DEUTSCHLAND—IMPFSTOFF—FORSCHUNG: MAAS, Versuch der USA—REGIERUNG, CureVac zu kaufen
20200316             Wegen CORONA—VIRUS—CHINAS Wirtschaft schrumpft stärker als erwartet
20200316             —CORONA—KRISE: Hypovereinsbank schließt fast 33 % ihrer Filialen
20200316             Neuer GROSSBRITANNIEN—FINANZMINISTER: Haushalten in Zeiten von BREXIT und CORONA
20200316             RKI zu COVID—19: "Wir werden in 10—BIS —12—TAGEN sehen, ob die Maßnahmen greifen"
20200316             —CORONAKRISE—IN—DEUTSCHLAND:: "Maßnahmen sind drastisch, aber richtig"
20200316             Closures, Controls and Other Restrictions: THE—SHUTDOWN—BEGINS—ACROSS—GERMANY
20200316             Wegen CORONA—VIRUS, Ryanair legt GROßTEIL—DER—FLOTTE still
20200316             Immer weniger Kohlekraft: DEUTSCHLANDs CO2-Emissionen sind deutlich gesunken
20200316             'GERMANY Is Not for Sale': BERLIN Condemns USA—ATTEMPT to Buy Rights to CORONA—VIRUS— Vaccine
20200316             Satellitenbild —DER—WOCHE: Selbst Mekka ist fast leer
20200316             —CORONA—VIRUS, BUNDESTAG erwägt Grundgesetzänderung
20200316             Ansturm auf Supermärkte: Rewe und Penny suchen "helfende Hände"
20200316             - Mon
20200316             [l] Weil ihr ja eh alle gerade zuhause rumhängt, komme ich mal meinem Bildungsauftrag nach:
20200316             "THE—GREATEST shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function" --AL—BARLETT
20200316             DGS informa da existência de informação falsa a circular nas redes sociais COVID—19, 0—QUE é?
20200316             Conheç1 as características do vírus que provoca 1—DOENÇ1—PELO novo CORONAvírus (COVID—19).
20200316             [l] Kurze Durchsage des SALT—LAKE—CITY Police Department.
20200316             SLC Police DEPARTMENT @slcpd-
20200316             1—BILD großartiger als das nächste.
20200316             Ich würde sagen: —JETZT—SCHON die Fotoserie des —JAHRES!
20200316             [l] Man kann ITALIEN—CORONA—VIRUS—MAßNAHMEN aus dem Weltraum sehen, weil die Luftverschmutzung zurückgeht.
20200316             —CORONA—VIRUS, Luftverschmutzung geht auch in ITALIEN deutlich zurück
20200316             DIE—FOLGEN der ITALIEN—MASSNAHMEN—GEGEN—DAS—VIRUS sind —NUN ebenfalls aus dem All zu erkennen.
20200316             Es wird deutlich weniger Stickstoffdioxid ausgestoßen.
20200316             [l] APPLE muss in FRANKREICH wegen illegaler Preisabsprachen mit 2—GROSSHÄNDLERN—EURO Strafe zahlen.
20200316             Das kann mir doch keiner erklären, daß sie das in FRANKREICH machen aber hier nicht?
20200316             Wieso sind unsere Kartellbehörden eigentlich solche Schnarchnasen?
20200316             [l] Infrastrukturapokalypse: Kaum versucht EUROPA Telearbeit zu machen, bricht Microsoft Teams weg.
20200316             Ach komm, Cheffe, wir brauchen keine Infrastruktur.
20200316             Wir nehmen einen CLOUD—SERVICE!
20200316             —SKALIERT, Der, dann —SCHON hoch, da muss man sich keine Sorgen machen!1!!
20200316             LESBOS: Großer Brand im Flüchtlingscamp Moria
20200316             GROSSBRITANNIEN—PREMIER—JOHNSON in der CORONA—KRISE: —ERST sorglos, dann kopflos
20200316             Kommunalwahlen in FRANKREICH trotz CORONA: "Es ist wahnwitzig" Aus PARIS berichtet TANJA—KUCHENBECKER
20200316             Notstand in SPANIEN: Drohnen für die LOCKDOWN—ÜBERWACHUNG
20200316             —CORONA—KRISE: WALL—STREET setzt nach hohen Verlusten Handel erneut aus
20200316             Die von den USA geführte Militärübung "DEFENDER—EUROPE 20" wird wegen der CORONA—EPIDEMIE kontrolliert eingestellt.
20200316             "Nach meiner Kenntnis ist die —ENTSCHEIDUNG seitens der USA—AMERIKANER gefallen, —JETZT geordnet diese Übung zu beenden", sagte 1—SPRECHER—DES—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTERIUMS.
20200316             Demnach sind —SEIT Ende —FEBRUAR maximal 5500—USA—SOLDATEN über DEUTSCHLAND eingereist.
20200316             Schiffe auf dem Weg nach DEUTSCHLAND seien umgelenkt worden.
20200316             Abgesagt seien von DEUTSCHLAND—SEITE "ALLE—AKTIVEN—ÜBUNGSANTEILE".
20200316             Die Bundeswehr leiste —NUN logistische Unterstützung dabei, DIE—USA—KRÄFTE geordnet zurückzuführen.
20200316             "DEFENDER—EUROPE 20" ist als die größte Verlegeübung der USA—STREIT—KRÄFTE —SEIT—25—JAHREN angelegt gewesen.
20200316             Nach bisherigen Planungen sollten insgesamt 20.000—SOLDATEN über den Atlantik geschickt werden.
20200316             Insgesamt waren 37.000—TEILNEHMER vorgesehen.
20200316             Das ALFRED—WEGENER—INSTITUT (AWI) für POLAR—UND MEERES—FORSCHUNG in BREMERHAVEN hat mitgeteilt, daß seine Flugzeuge "Polar 5" und "Polar 6" nicht wie vorgesehen in den kommenden —WOCHEN Atmosphäre und Meereis in der ARKTIS vermessen werden.
20200316             Auch daran ist DIE—CORONA—EPIDEMIE schuld.
20200316             Auch der FRANKREICH—OPEL—MUTTERKONZERN PSA schließt —NUN 15—AUTOWERKE in EUROPA.
20200316             DEUTSCHLAND, sind von —DIENSTAG an die STAND—ORTE RÜSSELS—HEIM und Eisenach betroffen, teilte PSA mit.
20200316             Der PEUGEOT—HERSTELLER führte als Gründe Unterbrechungen in der Zulieferkette und einen deutlichen Rückgang auf den Automobilmärkten an.
20200316             Betroffen sind auch STAND—ORTE in SPANIEN, FRANKREICH, PORTUGAL, GROSSBRITANNIEN und in der SLOWAKEI.
20200316             verschärft sich die wirtschaftliche Situation für die Gastronomie und damit auch die Brauereien von —TAG zu —TAG",
20200316             —FESTSTEHT: Die wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen auf die gesamte GETRÄNKE—INDUSTRIE werden dramatisch sein",
20200316             Pharmafirmen aus DEUTSCHLAND und CHINA bündeln offenbar ihre Kräfte bei der Entwicklung eines Impfstoffs gegen DAS—CORONA—VIRUS—.
20200316             Das Mainzer Biotechunternehmen BioNTech will dazu mit dem CHINA—ARZNEIMITTELHERSTELLER Fosun Pharma zusammenarbeiten.
20200316             Für die Forschung erhält BioNTech der Agentur REUTERS zufolge —BIS zu 120.000.000—EURO aus CHINA, davon 44—MILLIONEN—EURO im Austauch gegen BIONTECH—AKTIEN.
20200316             Den neuen Impfstoff will das Biotechunternehmen 1. Ende ;;04;;
20200316             —AM Menschen testen, wenn die behördlichen Genehmigungen vorliegen.
20200316             GRENZ—KONTROLLEN wegen CORONA—VIRUS, Einreise nur mit triftigem Grund
20200316             Empfehlung der Bundesregierung: Läden sollen SCHLIEßEN—SUPERMÄRKTE bleiben offen
20200316             [l] So sauber war das Wasser in den Kanälen von Venedig —SCHON lange nicht mehr!
20200316             Und nicht nur in Venedig: Hier kam —SCHON der 1. Delfin zurück zum Hafen, —JETZT wo der FÄHR—VERKEHR weg ist.
20200316             Luft sauber, Wasser sauber, vermutlich auch viel weniger Verkehrstote —JETZT... da fragt sich der Zyniker in mir, ob wir Menschen sowas nicht öfter mal brauchen.
20200316             Wenn sich das ein bisschen hinzieht, entzahnt das am Ende noch den Mythos vom ewigen Wachstum als Basis unserer Wirtschaft!
20200316             [l] Bundesregierung schließt —JETZT auch Spielplätze und EINZEL—HANDEL —BIS auf weiteres, mit Ausnahme von Läden, die für den täglichen Bedarf nötig sind (Supermärkte, Getränkemärkte, Apotheken, Waschsalons, Tankstellen, etc).
20200316             Die sollen dafür —JETZT auch —SONNTAGS aufhaben.
20200316             Drastic Measures: GERMANY Moves To Shut Down MOST—OF—PUBLIC—LIFE
20200316             Epidemiologie: Wissenschaftler bezweifeln Sinnhaftigkeit von Grenzschließungen
20200316             MERKEL über CORONA—VIRUS—BEKÄMPFUNG: "Maßnahmen, die es so in unserem Lande noch nicht gegeben hat"
20200316             —CORONA—VIRUS, SCHWEIZ verhängt Notstand und Versammlungsverbot
20200316             —CORONA—KRISE: Schulen in GROSSBRITANNIEN bleiben GEÖFFNET—ELTERN protestieren
20200316             Panik an den Finanzmärkten: CORONA lässt die Banken beben
20200316             ARNOLD—SCHWARZENEGGER über CORONA—VIRUS—: "Bleibt zu Hause!"
20200316             —BEKOMMT, Für CORONA—IMPFSTOFF: CureVac, "—BIS zu 80—MILLIONEN—EURO" EU—KREDITE
20200316             —CORONA—KRISE: Macron verhängt Ausgangssperre für FRANKREICH
20200316             —CORONA—KRISE: EU schließt Außengrenzen ab DIENSTAGMITTAG—POLLENSCHUTZGEWEBE
20200316             Weil Wissenschaftler neue Daten schnell veröffentlichen, ist der aktuelle Ausbruch der 1., bei dem Evolution und Ausbreitung eines VIRUS derart detailliert und fast in Echtzeit beobachtet werden können.
20200316             surfactant | Definition, Properties, Examples, & Facts...
20200316             —ADDED, Surfactant, substance such as 1—DETERGENT that, —WHEN, to 1—LIQUID, reduces its surface tension, thereby increasing its spreading and wetting properties.
20200316             In the dyeing of textiles, surfactants help the dye PENET—RATE the fabric evenly.
20200316             Learn more about surfactants in this article.
20200316             1—SURFACTANT contains both 1—WATER—INSOLUBLE (or OIL—SOLUBLE) component and 1—WATER—SOLUBLE component.
20200316             Surfactants will diffuse in water and adsorb at interfaces between air and water or at the interface between oil and water, in the case where water is mixed with oil.
20200316             —ESTIMATED, World production of surfactants is, at 15—MTON/y, of which about half are soaps.
20200316             Tenside (lateinisch tensus 'gespannt') sind Substanzen, die die Oberflächenspannung einer Flüssigkeit oder die Grenzflächenspannung zwischen 2—PHASEN herabsetzen und die Bildung von Dispersionen ermöglichen oder unterstützen bzw. als Lösungsvermittler wirken.
20200316             Hydrophilic nature of salt coating can greatly improve adhesion of viral aerosols to PP fibers compared to Filter
20200316             DEACTIVATION—OF—VIRUS on SALT—FUNCTIONALIZED filters.
20200316             —PERFORMED, Influenza virus stability tests were, to investigate the effects of salt coating.
20200316             Development of 1—UNIVERSALLY applicable, LOW—COST, and efficient mechanism for virus negation is regarded as 1—MAJOR—CHALLENGE in public health against general airborne biological threats.
20200316             This led us to propose 1—NEW—CON—CEPT of personal/public preventive and control measures using SALT—RECRYSTALLIZATION against pathogenic aerosols based on 2—HYPOTHESES.
20200316             THE—SALT—COATING can enhance ADSORPTION—OF—VIRUS on the filter fibers and inactivate virus by the increase of osmotic pressure followed by the crystallization of salts.
20200316             As shown in FIGURE—2B, SALT—COATED filters exhibited significantly higher LEVELS—OF—FILTRATION—EFFICIENCY than bare filters.
20200316             —REPORTED, Notably, the bacterial filtration efficiency (BFE), by the mask manufacturer is 99%.
20200316             The different VALUE—OF—FILTRATION—EFFICIENCY for bare filters obtained under our experimental conditions may be partially due to the use of aerosols with different BIO—LOGICAL origins.
20200316             THE—FDA—RECOGNIZED ASTM F2101 — 14—STANDARD for evaluation of BFE exposes surgical masks to Staphylococcus aureus aerosols, by employing S. aureus ATCC 653834, which has 1—AVERAGE diameter of about 1 µm. In this study,
20200316             filtration efficiency was calculated —FOLLOWING exposure of bare and SALT—COATED filters to INFLU—ENZA virus,
20200316             which exhibits 1—SMALLER diameter than that of S. aureus by 1—ORDER—OF—MAGNITUDE.
20200316             Additionally, whereas —DURING BFE evaluation all 3—LAYERS of surgical masks are used, in this work filtration efficiency refers to mask filters (middle layer).
20200316             It is worth noting that the conditions for BFE standard evaluation (such as flow —RATE and TIME—OF—APPLICATION—OF—FLOW) do not coincide with the experimental procedure we used for MEASUREMENT—OF—THE—FILTRATION—EFFICIENCY, which may further contribute to the different result.
20200316             The enhanced filtration efficiency of SALT—COATED filters against influenza virus aerosols as compared to bare filters can be explained by the observed wetting of aerosols, favoring greater adhesion to SALT—COATED filters.
20200316             Furthermore, the significant improvement in filtration efficiency resulted in complete PROTECTION—OF—MICE against lethal influenza aerosols, which demonstrates the high LEVEL—OF—PROTECTION provided by SALT—COATED filters, outperforming currently used bare filters.
20200316             Rapid loss of HA activity and viral infectivity on SALT—COATED filters can be explained by physical DESTRUCTION—OF—VIRUS —DURING recrystallization of coated salts.
20200316             —WHEN, THE—SALT—COATED filter is exposed to virus aerosols, salt crystals below the aerosol droplet dissolve to increase osmotic pressure to virus.
20200316             Due to evaporation, the salt CONCENTRA—TION of the droplet significantly increases and reaches the solubility limit, leading to recrystallization of salt.
20200316             —EXPOSED, As 1—CONSEQUENCE, virus particles are, to increasing osmotic pressure —DURING the drying process and are physically damaged by crystallization.
20200316             3e,f, the superior advantage of physically destroying THE—VIRUS adsorbed to THE—SALT—COATED PP filters through natural salt crystallization process was further confirmed in vivo.
20200316             —ACCORDING—TO, previous reports, hyperosmotic stress (>541—MOSM) and crystallization induce membrane PERTUR—BATION with irreversible deformation of the viral envelope and structural virus damage, respectively, resulting in infectivity LOSS—OF—VIRUS30,31.
20200316             —THEREFORE, our data support that the extensive LEVEL—OF—INFECTIVITY—LOSS ASSOCIATED—WITH—1—SALT recrystallization process caused by physical contact between virus aerosols and salt coating can be used in developing virus negation systems that are reusable without reprocessing.
20200316             —INCREASED, Similarly to CA/09—H1N1 aerosols, protection in vivo due to higher filtration efficiency of SALT—COATED filters compared to bare filters and DEACTIVATION—OF—VIRUS on SALT—COATED filters were observed —FOLLOWING exposure to PR/34—H1N1 and VN/04—H5N1 (Fig.
20200316             4a,b). - - - This suggests that SALT—COATED filters prevent virus penetration and destroy virus attached to the filter in 1—NON—SPECIFIC—WAY.
20200316             —DEGRADED, Furthermore, THE—PERFORMANCE—OF—SALT—COATED filters was not, by storage at 37 °C and 70% RH, demonstrating that salt RECRYSTALLIZATION—BASED filters can ensure protection even under harsh environmental conditions.
20200316             Notably, for DEMONSTRATION—OF—THE—CONCEPT—OF—SALT—RECRYSTALLIZATION based virus deactivation system, NaCl salt was used, which has 1—CRITICAL—RH—OF—75% at 30 °C35. However, salts with higher critical RH can be easily used,
20200316             such as ammonium sulfate, potassium chloride and potassium sulfate, which have critical RH—OF—80%, 84% and 96.3% at 30 °C, respectively35.
20200316             This suggests that SALT—COATED filters may be developed for specific environmental conditions.
20200316             —DEMONSTRATED, In conclusion, we, that the developed SALT—RECRYSTALLIZATION based FILTRATION—SYSTEM provides high filtration efficiency and successfully deactivates multiple subtypes of adsorbed viruses.
20200316             Moreover, we have shown that stability of the salt coating is not compromised by high temperature and humidity,
20200316             which suggests safe use and LONG—TERM—STORAGE/reuse at such environmental conditions.
20200316             —BASED, Although our tests are, on exposure to different types of influenza virus,
20200316             the significance of these results for personal and public protective measures may be generally extended to enveloped respiratory viruses where infection and transmission can occur by aerosol.
20200316             Our SALT—COATED filter unit can promise THE—DEVELOPMENT—OF—LONG—TERM—STABLE, versatile airborne pathogen negation system, without safety concerns.
20200316             In fact, the destruction mechanism of viruses solely depends on the simple, yet robust naturally occurring salt recrystallization process, combining the destabilizing effects of salt crystal growth and concentration increase —DURING drying of aerosols.
20200316             —APPLIED, This idea can be easily, to 1—WIDE—RANGE—OF existing technologies to obtain LOW—COST, universal personal and public MEANS—OF—PROTECTION against airborne pathogens, such as masks and air filters in hospitals.
20200316             —THEREFORE, we believe that SALT—RECRYSTALLIZATION based virus DEACTIVATION—SYSTEM can contribute to global health by providing 1—MORE—RELIABLE—MEANS—OF preventing transmission and INFECTION—OF—PANDEMIC or epidemic diseases and bioterrorism.
20200316             METHODS—BARE and SALT—COATED filter samples preparation
20200316             The commercial surgical masks had a 3—PLY structure.
20200316             The middle layer is the filter media, whereas the inner and outer layers provide support and protect the filter against wear and tear.
20200316             Der —AM—SPÄTEN—NACHMITTAG beschlossene Maßnahmenkatalog von Bund und Ländern sieht vor, folgende Einrichtungen zu schließen:
20200316             Bars, Klubs, Diskotheken, KNEIPEN—THEATER, Opern, Konzerthäuser, Museen
20200316             —MESSEN, Ausstellungen, Kinos, FREIZEIT—UND Tierparks
20200316             Spezialmärkte, Spielhallen, Spielbanken, Wettannahmestellen und ähnliche Einrichtungen
20200316             Bordelle
20200316             —LAUT, ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUT vergehen 10—BIS —12—TAGE, ehe überhaupt klar ist, was die Maßnahmen bringen.
20200316             —VERKÜNDET, Dass —AM—MONTAG Einschränkungen, werden, die man offenbar —AM—FREITAG noch für überzogen hielt, spricht entweder für einen fehlenden Masterplan oder ist schlicht Salamitaktik.
20200316             Gute Krisenkommunikation ist es jedenfalls nicht.
20200316             DIE—GROSSBRITANNIEN—REGIERUNG wollte bei der CORONA—BEKÄMPFUNG alles anders machen als der Rest EUROPAs.
20200316             —GESCHEITERT, Dieser Plan ist.
20200316             —JETZT muss sich BORIS—JOHNSONDER—WIRKLICHKEIT stellen.
20200316             Versorgung von CORONA—PATIENTEN: "Das Problem sind zu wenig Pflegekräfte"
20200316             DEUTSCHLAND—KRANKENHÄUSERN, gibt es so VIELE—BETTEN auf Intensivstationen wie nirgendwo sonst in EUROPA.
20200316             Und doch herrscht in den Kliniken ein gefährlicher Mangel: beim qualifizierten Personal.
20200316             Tatsächlich ist der einst stolze National Health Service (NHS) nicht mal ansatzweise auf einen Massenansturm Lungenkranker vorbereitet.
20200316             —NACHDEM er in den vergangenen —10—JAHREN unter konservativen Regierungen finanziell ausgeblutet wurde, sind —DERZEIT—CA—100.000—STELLEN unbesetzt.
20200316             Im gesamten KÖNIG—REICH gibt es nur gut 4000—BETTEN auf Intensivstationen, und damit 5—MAL weniger als in DEUTSCHLAND.
20200316             In der aktuellen Krise mussten sich zahllose Ärzte und Pflegekräfte ihre ATEMSCHUTZ—MASKEN selbst besorgen.
20200316             Wie kopflos JOHNSONs Leute —INZWISCHEN. regieren und reagieren, zeigt allein dieser letzte Punkt.
20200316             —INZWISCHEN, Denn gleichzeitig plant das KABINETT, über —70—JAHRE—ALTE demnächst in eine viermonatige Schutzisolation zu zwingen.
20200316             Das würde kurioserweise auch den NOCH—OPPOSITIONSFÜHRER im Parlament, JEREMY—CORBYN, und etliche weitere Abgeordnete betreffen.
20200316             Auswirkungen der CORONA—KRISE: AMAZON stellt 100.000—MITARBEITER ein
20200316             Ausgehsperre in FRANKREICH: "Wir sind im Krieg"
20200316             —CORONA—KRISE an den Finanzmärkten: Bazooka ohne Wirkung
20200316             KÖLN: Diebe stehlen 50.000—ATEMSCHUTZ—MASKEN aus Kliniklager
20200316             —USA—BÖRSE—DOW—JONES bricht wegen CORONA—KRISE um 13—PROZENT ein
20200316             —CORONA—VIRUS—, USA—BÜRGER sollen Gruppen von mehr als 10—MENSCHEN meiden
20200316             USA—BÖRSE—DOW—JONES bricht wegen CORONA—KRISE um 13—PROZENT EIN—DER SPIEGEL
20200316             ARTIKEL—VON—KERSTIN Sack
20200316             PORTIMÃO—MUNICIPALITY restrains flights at the Municipal Aerodrome.
20200316             —SUSPENDED, SKYDIVING—ACTIVITY is
20200316             3,247 - PORTIMÃO—MUNICIPALITY restrains flights at the Municipal Aerodrome.
20200316             DER—DOW—JONES verlor mehr Punkte als je zuvor.
20200316             USA beenden GROß—MANÖVER—DEFENDER—EUROPE—20, in DEUTSCHLAND
20200316             —CORONA—KRISE: EU schließt Außengrenzen ab Dienstagmittag
20200316             3,247 - USA surgeon GENERAL—DOCTOR—JEROME—ADAMS said that THE—NUMBER—OF—CORONA—VIRUS—CASES in THE—USA has reached the level that ITALY recorded —2—WEEKS—20200801—SIGN that infections are expected to rise as the government steps up testing and financial markets continue to fall.
20200316             —KATASTROPHENFALL ausgerufen, Wegen der COVID—19—PANDEMIE in BAYERN wird landesweit der
20200316—20160000    —SEIT, Tiefster Wert : Dax stürzt unter 9000—PUNKTE
20200316—20160000    —IN—THE, USA—FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS said that they were moving to drop charges against 2—RUSSIA—COMPANIES accused of funding 1—SOCIAL—MEDIA—CAMPAIGN to influence USA—VOTERS—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION.
20200316—20200100    —SEIT, forscht CureVac an einem Impfstoff gegen DAS—CORONA—VIRUS—.
20200316—20200317    —IN—THE, OHIO GOVERNOR—MIKE—DEWINE (R) ordered the state's health department to keep all polling places closed to prevent THE—CORONA—VIRUS from spreading among voters and poll workers primary elections.
20200316—20200327    —BIS—ZUM, dauern, Die Schließungen sollen
20200316—20200327    —BIS, In den ITALIEN—FABRIKEN Melfi, Pomigliano, Cassino, Mirafiori, Grugliasco und MODENA werde dem Konzern zufolge nicht gearbeitet.
20200316—20200405    1 referendum on constitutional reforms was postponed.
20200316—20300000    —J—IM, Kommt es zu dem Einbruch, werde das Niveau von 20190000             vermutlich —ERST wieder erreicht.
202004031618         Robo Advisors in der CORONA—KRISE
20200512—20200316    —AM, Das Weiße Haus hatte Richtlinien etwa zur Schließung von Schulen und zur Vermeidung von Versammlungen erlassen.
20200518             AL—JAZEERA—ENGLISH: Profile: Andry Rajoelina vom 20090316             20201010             Publication Date: 20200316             - SWITZERLAND—MED Wkly.
20201010—20200316    —PUBLICATION—DATE:
20210112             Das Justizministerium sollte die Exekutionen deshalb —BIS mindestens 20210316             aufschieben.
20210209             —CALLED, The show, "Waffles + Mochi" launches 20210316            .
20210212—20210316    —BY, The land known as Oak Flat is set to be transferred to Resolution Copper.
20210304             Nach —MONATEN im kulturellen Lockdown wollen die 1. Häuser auf der Berliner Museumsinsel ab dem 20210316             wieder öffnen.
20210308—20210316    —AB—DEM, es allerdings leichte Lockerungen geben.
20210316             —CALLED, PRESIDENT—JOE—BIDEN, for changes to the filibuster to require lawmakers to speak on THE—FLOOR—OF—THE—SENATE to hold up 1—BILL, —WHILE the chamber's Republican leader warned of "SCORCHED—EARTH" tactics if Democrats use their new majority to bring 1—END to the legislative roadblock entirely.
20210316             1—DECLASSIFIED—USA—INTELLIGENCE—REPORT found that RUSSIA tried to influence 20200000             —THE election in TRUMP—FAVOR.
20210316             The assessment found broad efforts by the Kremlin and IRAN to shape THE—OUTCOME—OF—THE—RACE but ultimately no evidence that ANY—FOREIGN—ACTOR changed votes or otherwise disrupted the voting process.
20210316             —CONCEDED, USA—HOMELAND—SECURITY—SECRETARY—ALEJANDRO—MAYORKAS, that 1—SURGE in THE—NUMBER—OF—CHILDREN, mostly from CENTRAL—AMERICA, is 1—CHALLENGE for the Border Patrol and other agencies amid THE—CORONA€"VIRUS pandemic.
20210316             But he rejected 1—TRUMP—ERA—POLICY—OF sending them —IMMEDIATELY back to MEXICO or other countries.
20210316             —WARNED, USA—SENATE—MINORITY—LEADER—MITCH—MCCONNELL, Democrats that doing away with the chamber's filibuster rule would lead to a "completely scorched earth" Senate, in which Democratic PRESIDENT—JOE—BIDEN would have 1—MUCH harder time moving his agenda.
20210316             CALIFORNIA to date had 3,603,528 CASES—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS and 55,942 deaths.
20210316             THE—SF—BAY—AREA had 415,395 cases and 5,658 deaths.
20210316             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 29,545,555 with the death toll at 536,826.
20210316             —KILLED, GEORGIA—,1—GUNMAN, 8—PEOPLE, 7—OF—THEM women, in 1—ATTACK on 3—MASSAGE—PARLORS in THE—ATLANTA area.
20210316             6—OF—THE—PEOPLE killed were Asian, and 2 were white.
20210316             Suspect ROBERT—AARON—LONG, —21—JAHRE—ALT—OF—WOODSTOCK—GEORGIA, was captured in Crisp County.
20210316             Long soon told investigators he had 1—SEXUAL—ADDICTION and saw the businesses as 1—TEMPTATION that he needed to eliminate.
20210316             —WARNED, Public health experts in several states, that CORONA€"VIRUS cases were rising in several new hot spots —AFTER weeks of declining CORONA€"VIRUS infections, deaths, and hospitalizations.
20210316             Numbers have risen in MICHIGAN, MINNESOTA, MARYLAND, and NEW—JERSEY.
20210316             —STOPPED, New CORONA€"VIRUS cases have, falling in NEW—YORK City and neighboring counties despite ramped up vaccination efforts.
20210316             —SENTENCED, NADINE—CONSUELO—JACKSON, —32—JAHRE—ALT—OF—DAYTON—OHIO, was, to —24—MONTHS in prison —AFTER fraudulently obtaining more than $2.5—MILLION in pandemic relief, and the acting USA—ATTORNEY for the region said authorities are working to hold others accountable.
20210316             —LAUNCHED, MICHELLE—OBAMA, 1—NONPROFIT campaign that aims to provide more than 1—MILLION—MEALS to FOOD—INSECURE families in connection with the debut of her children's food show on Netflix.
20210316             Applied Materials said its new semiconductor manufacturing technology uses artificial intelligence, or AI, to spot mistakes in chips more effectively.
20210316             —ANNOUNCED, Moderna, it has started conducting 1—STUDY—OF—ITS—COVID—19—VACCINE in children between the ages of —6—MONTHS and —11—YEARS.
20210316             Researchers said that somewhere between about 30% and 99—PERCENT—OF—IT may —NOW be trapped within minerals in the Martian crust, running counter to THE—LONG—HELD notion that it simply was lost into space by escaping through the upper atmosphere.
20210316             Mars has been 1—DRY planet for the past 3—BILLION years.
20210316             Uber is giving its UK drivers the minimum wage, pensions and holiday pay, —FOLLOWING 1—RECENT—COURT ruling that said they should be classified as workers and entitled to such benefits.
20210316             —OPENED, NORTH—AFGHANISTAN, gunmen, fire at 1—MINIBUS belonging to 1—UNIVERSITY, killing at least 2—PEOPLE and wounding 6 on the outskirts of Puli Khomri, Baghlan province.
20210316             1—TALIBAN spokesman said the militant group was not involved.
20210316             —AWARDED, THE—PRITZKER—ARCHITECTURE—PRIZE, the field's highest honor, was, to THE—PARIS—BASED duo of ANNE—LACATON and JEAN—PHILIPPE—VASSAL for "prioritizing the enrichment of human life," especially in THE—CONTEXT—OF—PUBLIC housing.
20210316             PRIME—MINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON said BRITAIN will grow its nuclear warhead stockpile by more than 40% to ensure its security in 1—MORE risky global environment and as it faces new technological threats.
20210316             The government said it would create 1—NEW—HOMELAND—SECURITY—HEADQUARTERS as PART—OF—PLANS to improve its response to the "major threat" from terrorism, saying 1—SUCCESSFUL—CHEMICAL, biological or nuclear was likely by THE—END—OF—THE—DECADE.
20210316             —CHARGED, BRITAIN—FINANCIAL—REGULATOR said National WESTMINSTER Bank has been, with violating money laundering laws in relation to 365—MILLION—POUNDS ($505—MILLION) deposited into 1—SINGLE—CUSTOMER—ACCOUNTS over 1—PERIOD—OF—5—YEARS.
20210316             —REPORTED, It was, that CHINA—APP—STORES have removed Alibaba GROUP—UC—BROWSER for mobiles, —AFTER it was criticized on CHINA—STATE—TELEVISION'S—ANNUAL—CONSUMER—RIGHTS—SHOW for including medical ads by unqualified companies.
20210316             1—ETHIOPIA—OFFICIAL said that his government opposes calls by SUDAN for outside mediators including THE—USA in the ongoing dispute over its CONSTRUCTION—OF—1—MASSIVE—HYDROELECTRIC—DAM on the Nile River.
20210316             1—EXPERT at THE—ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUTE for infectious diseases said CORONA€"VIRUS infections are again rising exponentially in GERMANY.
20210316             —REPORTED, INDIA, 24,492 new cases, the 6. straight —DAY—OF—MORE than 20,000 infections, as curbs to try to stop the spread were expanded in PARTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY that have recorded 1—SURGE.
20210316             —ANNOUNCED, IRAN—HEALTH—AUTHORITIES, that the country's 3. homegrown vaccine has reached the phase of clinical trials.
20210316             —ANNOUNCED, THE—ISRAEL—DEFENSE—MINISTRY, it has completed 1—UPGRADE—OF—THE—COUNTRY—IRON—DOME—ROCKET—DEFENSE—SYSTEM to cope with 1—ADDITIONAL array of aerial threats.
20210316             THE—ISRAEL—ANTIQUITIES—AUTHORITY said archeologists racing against treasure hunters to search caves near the Dead Sea have discovered 1—TROVE—OF—ARTEFACTS, including fragments of 1—BIBLICAL—TEXT, the like of which has not been seen —FOR—DECADES.
20210316             The parchment fragments, about 2,—000—YEARS—OLD, bear biblical verse, written in Greek, and match 1—SCROLL discovered about —60—YEARS—AGO called the "Book of THE—12—MINOR—PROPHETS".
20210316             —SUSPENDED, LATVIA and SWEDEN, THE—USE—OF—ASTRAZENECA—VACCINE pending the outcome of 1—INVESTIGATION by THE—EU—MEDICINES regulator into isolated cases of bleeding, blood clots and low platelet counts.
20210316             —OUTRAGED, LEBANON, protesters returned to THE—STREETS—OF—BEIRUT, blocking roads with burning tires and garbage containers as the currency continued to plummet to ALL—TIME—LOWS and the country's financial crisis intensified.
20210316             1—TRANSITIONAL government in CONFLICT—STRICKEN LIBYA took power in TRIPOLI, officially beginning 1—TENURE designed to end with democratic elections late —THIS—YEAR.
20210316             —SUSPECTED, NORTH—MALI, about 100, Islamic extremists on motorcycles ambushed 1—MILITARY—CONVOY—NEAR—TASSIT, killing at least 33—PEOPLE in the deadliest attack of its kind —SINCE THE—PRESIDENT was overthrown in 1—COUP—LAST—YEAR.
20210316             Authorities in MEXICO said that 20—MIGRANTS were caught at 1—HIGHWAY—CHECKPOINT using falsified paperwork with letterheads from THE—UN—REFUGEE—AGENCY, UNCHR.
20210316             —REPORTED, It was, that MOROCCO is further ahead with its COVID—19—VACCINATION—PROGRAM than ANY—OTHER—AFRICA—COUNTRY, but undocumented migrants are not 1—PART—OF—ITS—PLANS, potentially undermining efforts to come to grips with the disease.
20210316             Aid agency Save the Children said Islamist militants are beheading children as young as 11 in MOZAMBIQUE—NORTHERN—PROVINCE—OF—CABO—DELGADO.
20210316             MYANMAR, at least 2—PEOPLE protesting —LAST—MONTH—MILITARY—COUP were reported shot and killed by security forces —AFTER 1—MORNING of peaceful marches in PARTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20210316             —KILLED, THE—FAMILIES—OF—DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE, in demonstrations against military rule attended their funerals.
20210316             —KILLED, NIGER, gunmen on motorcycles, at least 58—PEOPLE as they were returning home from 1—LIVESTOCK market in the volatile Tillaberi region.
20210316             —LAUNCHED, SOMALIA, COVID—19—VACCINATIONS with THE—INOCULATION—OF—THE—HEALTH—MINISTER, who received the jab publicly to reassure the nation about its safety.
20210316             SRI—LANKA said 1—CALL to ban the wearing of the burqa was "merely 1—PROPOSAL", —FOLLOWING criticism from regional allies ahead of 1—CRUCIAL—UNITED—NATIONS vote on human rights in THE—ISLAND nation.
20210316             —DIENSTAG, 20210316
20210316             Militärexperte über Klimakriege: "Wasser wird das neue Öl"
20210316             Trumps FRÜHERER—CHEFBERATER: Keine Genehmigung für Bannons Kaderschmiede in ITALIEN
20210316             Deb Haaland: 1. Indigene als USA—MINISTERIN bestätigt
20210316             —ENGAGIERT, Angebliches Mobbing: BUCKINGHAM—PALAST, externe Firma — wegen Vorwürfen gegen Meghan
20210316             FBI—BERICHT: Attentäter von NASHVILLE glaubte offenbar an Verschwörungsmythen
20210316             Pandemievorgaben: Weniger Kuscheln — WHO sieht Frühchen in Gefahr
20210316             FRANK—ULRICH—MONTGOMERY: Weltärztepräsident fürchtet Imageschaden für ASTRAZENECA—IMPFSTOFF
20210316             Die Lage —AM—MORGEN: Das fröhliche IMPF—PARALLELUNIVERSUM des JENS—SPAHN
20210316             Steigende Infektionszahlen: Giffey fordert mehr CORONA—SCHNELLTESTS vor dem Besuch von Schule und Kitas
20210316             Beispielloser Schritt der Bundesregierung: Tausende Rechnungen der CORONA—RÜCKHOLAKTION noch offen
20210316             Coronakrise: Eurostaaten wollen weiter Geld in die Wirtschaft pumpen
20210316             "Geruch von Schießpulver": KIM—JONG—UNS—SCHWESTER droht den USA und SÜDKOREA
20210316             CORONA—HOTSPOT BRASILIEN: Bolsonaro wechselt zum 3. Mal seinen Gesundheitsminister aus
20210316             Coronajahr 20200000             : VW schafft es mit starkem 2. Halbjahr noch in die Gewinnzone
20210316             Technische Probleme: Polizeinotruf 110—EINEINHALB —STUNDEN lang in Thüringen ausgefallen
20210316             Neue Studie: Wie die Pandemie Menschen in die Verschuldung treibt
20210316             Nach Felsrutsch: Europas meistbefahrene Güterzugstrecke gesperrt
20210316             Drohende Überschuldung: Finanzaufsicht leitet Insolvenz der Greensill Bank ein
20210316             CO2-Ausstoß 20200000             : DEUTSCHLAND erreicht fast ALLE—KLIMAZIELE — dank CORONA
20210316             Neues Mediengesetz in AUSTRALIEN: Facebook einigt sich mit Murdochs News Corp
20210316             Frankfurter Flughafenbetreiber: Fraport erwartet 20210000             kaum mehr Passagiere als im Coronajahr 2020
20210316             EX—CDU—GENERALSEKRETÄR: PETER—TAUBER zieht sich vorzeitig aus der Politik zurück
20210316             SATELLITEN—INTERNET: Wenn Web und E—MAIL aus dem All kommen
20210316             Erfindungen: DEUTSCHLAND ist PATENT—EUROPAMEISTER
20210316             Korruptionsaffäre der Union: Generalstaatsanwaltschaft prüft Ermittlungen gegen EX—ABGEORDNETEN Hauptmann
20210316             Öffentlicher Verkehr: Milliarden für die Geisterbahn
20210316             Drogen in der Pandemie: "Es bietet sich an, vor dem Fernseher zu sitzen, zu zocken und zu kiffen"
20210316             Auswertung der Labore: ZAHL—DER—POSITIVEN—CORONA—TESTS um 20—PROZENT gestiegen
20210316             Die Experten sprechen von einer bahnbrechenden Entdeckung und vergleichen sie mit den berühmten Schriftrollen vom Toten Meer,
20210316             Die Revolte unter Rebellenführer Bar Kochba war —J—IME 132—N.
20210316             Chr. während der Herrschaft von Kaiser Hadrian ausgebrochen und rund —3—JAHRE—SPÄTER niedergeschlagen worden.
20210316             Die —NUN gefundenen Pergamentfragmente seien auf GRIECHENLAND—VERFASST und stammten aus dieser Zeit.
20210316             —GESCHRIEBEN, Der Name Gottes sei aber auf Althebräisch.
20210316             In den Texten enthalten sind demnach Auszüge aus dem Zwölfprophetenbuch.
20210316             Neben den Schriftstücken wurden demnach auch ein 6000—JAHRE altes, mumifiziertes Skelett eines Kindes, Münzen, Pfeilspitzen, Kleidung, Sandalen, Läusekämme sowie ein großer Korb gefunden.
20210316             Letzterer sei 10.—500—JAHRE alt und damit wohl der älteste der Welt.
20210316             "Wir müssen sicherstellen, dass wir ALLE—DATEN bekommen, die noch nicht in den Höhlen entdeckt wurden, bevor die Räuber dies tun",
20210316             Die Höhle, in der die Gegenstände entdeckt wurden, liegt der Behörde zufolge in einer Felswand und kann nur durch Abseilen erreicht werden.
20210316             Wahlumschläge falsch benutzt: NIEDERLANDE melden große Probleme mit Briefwahl
20210316             Größere Rolle in der Weltpolitik: Johnson plant offenbar massive atomare Aufrüstung Großbritanniens
20210316             Verteidigungsministerium in MINSK: RUSSLAND und BELARUS wollen gemeinsame Militärausbildung
20210316             Wie Zeitungen zum Massenmedium wurden: Die Welt im Leserausch
20210316             Brisante E—MAILS: Regierung wollte noch kurz vor der Pleite Millionen bei Wirecard nachschießen
20210316             Gegen Langeweile der Tiere im Lockdown: Zoos vernetzen Affen per Videostream
20210316             Nest Hub 2: Google kündigt Radarüberwachung für den Schlaf an
20210316             Trotz CORONA—EINBUßEN: NATO—STAATEN steigern ihre Verteidigungsausgaben
20210316             "Nutzen überwiegt Risiken": Europäische Arzneimittelbehörde verteidigt ASTRAZENECA—IMPFSTOFF
20210316             Coronaimpfstoff: Biontech liefert 10—MILLIONEN Dosen früher an die EU
20210316             3. Coronawelle: —JETZT sind Jüngere die RISIKOGRUPPE—TUE 20210316             20210316             [l] Dass die USA in ihrer Außenpolitik über Leichen gehen, ist ja —NUN nichts neues.
20210316             Klar gibt es hier und da mal Tote, wenn man Demokratie mit STEALTH—BOMBERN und Drohnen bringt.
20210316             Im Moment gibt es da aber noch eine andere Schiene, auf der die USA Menschen umbringen, wie der SPUTNIK—V—TWITTERACCOUNT berichtet.
20210316             Wohlgemerkt: Während die USA selbst keinerlei Impfstoff exportieren, AMERICA 1. und so weiter.
20210316             Begründung: Einfluss von die Kommunisten ist per Definition "malign" (also bösartig, wie 1—TUMOR) und "ILL—INTENTIONED" (führt Böses im Schilde).
20210316             Na? Hattet ihr etwa gedacht, unter Biden wird alles besser?
20210316             Weil das nicht so 1—HOLZHAMMER—TRAMPELDIPLOMAT ist, ja?
20210316             Ich finde ja vor allem malign and ILL—INTENTIONED ein starked STÜCK—VON—DEM—LAND, das mehrfach Militärdiktaturen an die Macht geputscht hat in Südamerika.
20210316             Ein anderer Leser hat auch noch einen sachdienlichen Hinweis:
20210316             anders als bei BionTech fallen die Nebenwirkungen bei AstraZeneca vor allem bei der 1. Impfung stark aus, bei BionTech ist das umgekehrt und gerade bei uns haben noch nicht viele die 2. Impfung bekommen.
20210316             111—UTENTES de lares já morreram vítimas da COVID—19—NO Algarve
20210316             Jovens e estudantes voltam a fazer Greve Climática em FARO
20210316             Crematório de ALBUFEIRA FEZ mais de mil cremações no primeiro ano de funcionamento
20210316             Algarve sem óbitos por COVID—19—HÁ quatro dias mas com mais novos casos
20210316             COVID—19: Alentejo com um óbito e mais sete casos
20210316             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—2238—(=)—ÓBITOS—43—(=)—RECUPERADOS—2169—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—26—(=)
20210316             ALCOUTIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—82—(=)—ÓBITOS—4—(=)—RECUPERADOS—67—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—11—(=)
20210316             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—66—(+1)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—63—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—1—(+1)
20210316             CASTRO—MARIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—385—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—380—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—4—(=)
20210316             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—3123—(+3)—ÓBITOS—51—(=)—RECUPERADOS—2980—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—92—(+2)
20210316             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—627—(+5)—ÓBITOS—13—(=)—RECUPERADOS—603—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—11—(+4)
20210316             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1351—(=)—ÓBITOS—27—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1322—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—2—(-1)
20210316             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—176—(=)—ÓBITOS—11—(=)—RECUPERADOS—165—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—0—(=)
20210316             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1696—(=)—ÓBITOS—21—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1652—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—23—(=)
20210316             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—2070—(+3)—ÓBITOS—28—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1982—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—60—(+3)
20210316             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1209—(+1)—ÓBITOS—12—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1165—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—32—(+1)
20210316             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1491—(=)—ÓBITOS—29—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1431—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—31—(=)
20210316             VRSA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1240—(+1)—ÓBITOS—19—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1210—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—11—(+1)
20210316             VILA—DO—BISPO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—127—(=)—ÓBITOS—6—(=)—RECUPERADOS—120—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—1—(=)
20210316             Trotz Coronakrise: RWE macht Milliardengewinn
20210316             Neue GROSSBRITANNIEN—AUSSENPOLITIK: Johnson sieht CHINA als größte Herausforderung
20210316             Lizenzgebühren: Huawei will seine 5G-Technologie zu Geld machen
20210316             —BEFÜRCHTET—BRANDENBURG: Wasserversorger, Engpässe durch neues TESLA—WERK
20210316             Umstrittenes Verkehrsprojekt: Elbvertiefung ist abgeschlossen
20210316             Opioidkrise in den USA: Purdue Pharma bietet mehr als 10—MILLIARDEN Dollar für Vergleich
20210316             Treffen mit Bundespräsident Steinmeier: Israels PRÄSIDENT fordert "kompromisslosen" Einsatz gegen Irans Atomprogramm
20210316             Lockerungen trotz steigender Inzidenzen: Die Schulen öffnen — obwohl MANCHE—REKTOREN und Eltern gar nicht wollen
20210316             Geheimdienstbericht: Putin wollte USA—WAHL zugunsten von Trump beeinflussen
20210316             Rechtsstaatsverletzungen in UNGARN und POLEN: EU—PARLAMENT stellt Kommission Ultimatum
20210316             CORONA—MUTATIONEN: Das Virus nutzt die Schwachen aus
20210316             GROSSBRITANNIEN: Unterhaus stimmt für umstrittenes Polizeigesetz
20210316             —3—JAHRE Haft für 18-Jährigen: TWITTER—KONTEN von Milliardären, Musikern und USA—PRÄSIDENTEN geknackt
20210316             Drosten warnt nach Aussetzung von ASTRAZENECA—VAKZIN: Für die Jahrgänge ab 50—WIRD es "brenzlig"
20210316             [l] Wisst ihr, was GROSSBRITANNIEN —JETZT braucht?
20210316             Mehr Atomsprengköpfe!
20210316             The review, which PRIME—MINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON will set out —LATER in THE—HOUSE—OF—COMMONS, also paves the way for 1—INCREASE in nuclear warheads.
20210316             Rule, Britannia! [l] Ach na gucke mal einer schau:
20210316             Die EU hat mit den IMPFSTOFF—HERSTELLERN BioNTech und Pfizer ausgehandelt, dass 10—MILLIONEN Dosen früher geliefert werden.
20210316             Dadurch könnten "Lücken bei Lieferungen" anderer Hersteller geschlossen werden.
20210316             Lücken bei der Lieferung, ja? Wenn wir nur wüssten, von welchem anderen Hersteller hier die Rede ist!1!!
20210316             Na die CDU—WAHLKAMPFSPENDEN von Pfizer haben sich ja mal so richtig gelohnt!1!!
20210316             Ich darf daran erinnern, dass die EU pro PFIZER—DOSIS mehr als den sechsfachen Preis auf den Tisch legen muss im Vergleich zu Astrazeneca?
20210316             Na so ein erfreulicher Zufall, dass bei Pfizer plötzlich die Impfstoffknappheit überwunden ist und sie —JETZT sogar mehr als zugesagt liefern können!
20210316             [l] Hey, Kinder, natürlich dürft ihr protestieren, aber nur geräuschlos und ohne jemanden zu stören, sonst setzt es —10—JAHRE Knast.
20210316             UK PRIME—MINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON is set to bring forward 1—CONTROVERSIAL—NEW—LAW—THIS—WEEK that could outlaw ANY—PROTEST that is noisy or causes "serious annoyance," with protesters facing up to —10—YEARS in prison.
20210316             —GEHALTEN, Na das hat ja nicht lange, die Zivilisationssimulation —NACH—DEM Brexit.
20210316             Geplante Lockerung der Coronamaßnahmen: ENGLISCHE—PUBS sind auf —WOCHEN ausgebucht
20210316             ISRAEL: Archäologen entdecken 19000000             E alte dutzende BIBEL—FRAGMENTE in 1—HÖHLE nahe dem Toten Meer.
20210316             BRITISCH—SCHWEDISCHER—PHARMAKONZERN in der Kritik: Wer hinter AstraZeneca steckt Von MARTIN—U—MÜLLER
20210316             3. Coronawelle: —JETZT sind Jüngere die Risikogruppe - Tue 20210316
20210316             [l] Dass die USA in ihrer Außenpolitik über Leichen gehen, ist ja —NUN nichts neues.
20210316             Die USA haben BRASILIEN unter Druck gesetzt, dass sie keinen RUSSISCHEN—IMPFSTOFF einsetzen.
20210316             Nach TÖTUNG—VON—SARAH—E: GROSSBRITANNIEN will mehr Geld in Überwachungskameras und Straßenbeleuchtung stecken
20210316             [l] Wisst ihr, was GROSSBRITANNIEN —JETZT braucht? Mehr Atomsprengköpfe!
20211203—20220316    —AB, Alle, die ihre Tätigkeit starten, benötigen den entsprechenden Nachweis dem Bericht zufolge von —ANFANG an.
20220224             Ich hoffe mal inständig, dass das nicht stimmt.
20220315—20220316    —ON, TURKEY—FM to visit MOSCOW, SOURCE  source
20220316             —MITTWOCH, 20220316
20220316             Höhere Löhne und steigende Preise: Angst vor der Albtraumspirale
20220316             Putin und die Oligarchen: Frankensteins Monster des KGB
20220316             Nach brutalen Protesten: FRANKREICH laut Innenminister zu Autonomie für Korsika bereit
20220316             Bei Besuch in Kiew: POLEN fordert Nato-"Friedensmission" in der UKRAINE
20220316             Krieg in der UKRAINE: Russlands Armee schrumpft, Hilfsgüter sind blockiert — das geschah —IN—DER—NACHT
20220316             Coronazahlen des RKI: —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ liegt erstmals über 1600
20220316             Die Lage —AM—MORGEN: Die Besonnenheit der Nato
20220316             EX—CIA—CHEF—ZUM—UKRAINEKRIEG: "JEDE—FEHLGELEITETE—RAKETE kann diesen Krieg schnell eskalieren lassen"
20220316             Ab Jahrgang 20100000             : DÄNEMARK erwägt Tabakverkaufsverbot für künftige Generationen
20220316             Steuereinnahmen: STAAT verdient beim Anstieg der Verbraucherpreise mit
20220316             Massiver Preisanstieg: So lange müssen Verbraucher in DEUTSCHLAND für einen Liter Benzin arbeiten
20220316             —VERBIETET, Rechtsstreit Virologe gegen Magazin: Gericht, "Cicero" einzelne Aussagen über Drosten
20220316             Wed 20220316
20220316             [l] Hey, wie trainiert man eigentlich Folterknechte?
20220316             —GEMACHT, Hier ist, was die Amerikaner, haben:
20220316             1—DETAINEE at 1—SECRET—CIA—DETENTION—SITE in AFGHANISTAN was used as 1—LIVING prop to teach trainee interrogators, who lined up to take turns at knocking his head against 1—PLYWOOD wall, leaving him with brain damage, according to 1—USA—GOVERNMENT—REPORT.
20220316             Seid ihr eigentlich auch so froh, dass ihr auf Seite der Guten kämpft?
20220316             [l] Der Wiener Stephansdom hat um 2—UHR —NACHTS die Anwohner wachgebimmelt.
20220316             War ein Softwarefehler. Kann man nichts machen.
20220316             Teure Energie: Bundesregierung stoppt kurzfristige Kündigungen von STROM—UND Gasfirmen
20220316             Coronapandemie in Ostasien: SÜDKOREA meldet Rekord an Neuinfektionen
20220316             Haushaltsplanung: Kabinett beschließt Neuverschuldung von fast 200—MILLIARDEN Euro
20220316             Kriegsfolgen: RUSSLAND und UKRAINE liefern kaum noch Getreide
20220316             Energiekosten: Koalition einigt sich auf Verdopplung des Heizkostenzuschusses
20220316             Há poeiras que estão a ser transportadas sobre o território continental de PORTUGAL "devido a um fluxo de sul induzido pela depressão Célia.
20220316             As poeiras em suspensão, oriundas do norte de África, atingiram 1—PENÍNSULA—IBÉRICA—PREVENDO—SE que persistam até ao fim do dia 17, —QUINTA—FEIRA".
20220316             Internationaler Strafgerichtshof: Chefankläger befragt UKRAINE—FLÜCHTLINGE
20220316             Nach Anzeige in CUM—EX—AFFÄRE: Staatsanwaltschaft lehnt Ermittlungen gegen Bundeskanzler Scholz ab
20220316             —REGISTRIERT, Gegen Russen oder Ukrainer: Polizei in DEUTSCHLAND, mutmaßlich politisch motivierte Straftaten
20220316             EINSATZ—VON—BLEIMUNITION auf der Jagd: 55.000—GREIFVÖGEL weniger in EUROPA — wegen Vergiftungen
20220316             Steuersenkungen und Zuschüsse: Kabinett beschließt Entlastungen für Verbraucher
20220316             Rekordpreise für Super und Diesel: Wer verdient am teuren Sprit?
20220316             Jahresbericht des Presserats: Fast die Hälfte aller Rügen betrifft "Bild" und ihre Ableger
20220316             Energiekrise: Habeck drängt Kartellwächter zur Prüfung hoher Spritpreise
20220316             Studie: Ältere Menschen sterben auf dem Land früher als in den Städten
20220316             —VERABSCHIEDET, SAARLAND: Lafontaine, sich mit Rede gegen den Krieg aus der Politik
20220316             Gefährliche Emissionen: Erheblicher METHAN—AUSSTOß kommt aus tropischen Feuchtgebieten
20220316             Intensivmediziner zu Coronamaßnahmen: "Es wäre falsch, die Maskenpflicht generell abzuschaffen"
20220316             IWF—PROGNOSE: Ukrainekrieg kann Weltwirtschaftsordnung fundamental ändern
20220316             Militärstratege über Wehrhaftigkeit: "In EUROPA ist kein Land in der Lage, einen KRIEG—GEGEN—RUSSLAND zu bestehen"
20220316             Selesnkyjs FLUGVERBOTSZONEN—APPELL an USA—KONGRESS: "Ist das zu viel verlangt"?
20220316             GROSSBRITANNIEN geht davon aus, dass RUSSLAND in dem Krieg —BEREITS große Verluste zu verzeichnen hat.
20220316             Die UKRAINISCHEN—STREITKRÄFTE hätten taktisch Russlands Schwächen ausgenutzt, den RUSSISCHEN—VORMARSCH vereitelt und "den Truppen schwere Verluste zugefügt",
20220316             Die Russen täten sich schwer mit den Herausforderungen des UKRAINISCHEN—GELÄNDES.
20220316             —GELUNGEN, Da es ihnen nicht, sei, den Luftraum unter ihre Kontrolle zu bringen, seien ihre Optionen begrenzt.
20220316             Der frühere USA—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTER und ehemalige CIA—CHEF—LEON—PANETTA warnt vor einer Ausweitung des Konflikts mit Moskau.
20220316             [l] Gute Nachrichten!
20220316             Sie haben die rechte Hand bin Ladens erwischt!!1!
20220316             Nächster Rückschlag für Moskau: Bei Gefechten in Mariupol soll ein weiterer RUSSISCHER—GENERALMAJOR getötet worden sein.
20220316             Es wäre der 4. Topmilitär, der bei der Invasion ums Leben gekommen ist.
20220316             Wer sich fragt, wieviel Generäle die Russen denn so haben: Wikipedia sagt 11070000             (Stand 20080000             ).
20220316             Also —JETZT dann wohl 11030000            .
20220316             Coronaimpfstoffe: Bundesregierung sichert sich Produktionskapazitäten
20220316             Wegen inhaftierten WIKILEAKS—GRÜNDERS: Giftattacke auf BRITISCHES—KONSULAT in NRW
20220316             RUSSISCHE—TOURISTEN bleiben aus: Was der Krieg für das Reiseziel TÜRKEI bedeutet
20220316             "Unverschämtheit": SPD verärgert über UKRAINISCHEN—BOTSCHAFTER—MELNYK
20220316             Der UKRAINISCHE—BOTSCHAFTER—ANDRIJ—MELNYK wirft der Bundesregierung vor, sich vor RUSSLAND wegzuducken.
20220316             Vorwürfe des UKRAINISCHEN—BOTSCHAFTERS Andrij Melnyk, die Bundesregierung agiere gegenüber RUSSLAND zu weich.
20220316             Aus Melnyks Sicht sei "immer alles zu wenig, zu wenig, zu wenig",
20220316             beklagte der SPD—BUNDESTAGSABGEORDNETE AXEL—SCHÄFER—TEILNEHMERN zufolge in einer Sitzung der Parlamentarischen Linken, der größten Strömung der Fraktion.
20220316             "Melnyk kann nicht ständig die DEUTSCHE—POLITIK desavouieren, das geht einfach nicht".
20220316             Dass der BOTSCHAFTER—DIE—SOZIALDEMOKRATEN als "Kumpels von Putin" hinstelle, sei eine "Unverschämtheit",
20220316             "Und dass er gestandene Außenpolitiker wie MICHAEL—ROTH als 'Arschloch' bezeichnet, ist schlicht unanständig".
20220316             Schäfer ist langjähriger Bundestagsabgeordneter, zudem Verantwortlicher für das RUSSLAND—MONITORING im Europarat.
20220316             —AM Mittwochmorgen hatte auch der Parlamentarische STAATSSEKRETÄR—IM—BAUMINISTERIUM, Sören Bartol, den UKRAINISCHEN—DIPLOMATEN scharf angegriffen.
20220316             Dieser sei aus seiner Sicht mittlerweile "unerträglich",
20220316             schrieb der SPD—BUNDESTAGSABGEORDNETE auf Twitter: "So verhält man sich nicht gegenüber einem befreundeten Land".
20220316             —SEIT—WOCHEN drängt Melnyk die Bundesregierung offen dazu, mehr für die UKRAINE zu tun und härtere Sanktionen gegen RUSSLAND zu ergreifen.
20220316             Zuletzt war er im BUNDESTAG vor der Regierungserklärung von KANZLER—OLAF—SCHOLZ (SPD) für seinen Einsatz gefeiert worden, fast ALLE—PARLAMENTARIER erhoben sich für ihn applaudierend von ihren Sitzen.
20220316             Intern aber wird Melnyks Stil in der SPD —BIS hinein in Führungskreise der Partei als zu aggressiv gesehen.
20220316             Öffentliche Kritik am Diplomaten war aus Sorge davor, unsolidarisch zu erscheinen, —BISHER vermieden worden.
20220316             JAPAN: Starkes Erdbeben erschüttert FUKUSHIMA — TSUNAMI—WARNUNG
20220316             In etwa 2—MILLIONEN Haushalten soll der Strom ausgefallen sein.
20220316             In dem FRÜHEREN—ATOMKRAFTWERK—FUKUSHIMA—DAIICHI gab es in einem Turbinengebäude Feueralarm,
20220316             Das lang anhaltende Beben der Stärke 7,3 ereignete sich den Behörden zufolge kurz vor —MITTERNACHT (Ortszeit) etwa 60—KILOMETER unter dem Meeresspiegel.
20220316             Die Erschütterungen waren auch im rund 300—KILOMETER entfernten Tokio zu spüren.
20220316             In einem Abklingbecken für gebrauchte Brennstäbe des 2. Atomkraftwerks FUKUSHIMA Daini 12—KILOMETER südlich der Atomruine fielen Pumpen aus.
20220316             Durch das Beben entgleiste außerdem 1—SHINKANSEN—HOCHGESCHWINDIGKEITSZUG — die rund 100—PASSAGIERE an Bord blieben örtlichen Medienberichten zufolge jedoch unverletzt.
20220316             Neue OMIKRON—VARIANTE: Rekombination von BA.1 und BA.2 entdeckt
20220316             Krieg in Osteuropa: USA warnen Moskau vor EINSATZ—VON—MASSENVERNICHTUNGSWAFFEN
20220316             Produktionsstopps wegen CORONA: In CHINA stehen VIELE—FABRIKEN still
20220316             Internationaler Gerichtshof: Höchstes UNO—GERICHT ordnet Stopp des Kriegs in der UKRAINE an
20220316             Rechtsexperte zum Ukrainekrieg: "Ein solcher Haftbefehl könnte das ENDE—DER—ÄRA—PUTIN einläuten"
20220316             Warnung vor RUSSISCHER—ANTIVIRENSOFTWARE: Kaspersky wirft Bundesamt "ungerechtfertigten Angriff" vor
20220316             Lockerung der Maskenpflicht: Das Diktat der FDP
20220316             Reaktion auf RUSSISCHE—ATTACKEN: UKRAINE dockt an Europas Stromnetz an
20220316             Nach jahrelangen Diskussionen: Evangelische Journalistenschule wird geschlossen
20220316             Umgang mit RUSSLAND: Bigotterie ist 1—MEISTER aus DEUTSCHLAND
20220316             WIEN: Hacker lässt offenbar Glocken des Stephansdoms läuten
20220316             Taiwans Militärmanöver: Sorge um Einmarsch von "Mutterland" CHINA 1—VIDEO—VON—JANITA—HÄMÄLÄINEN
20220316             Unglück am Monte Legnone: ITALIENISCHER—KAMPFJET am Comer See abgestürzt — ein Toter
20220316             [l] Wisst ihr, was wir —JETZT brauchen?
20220316             1—WASSERBEBEN mit Tsunamiwarnung vor der KÜSTE—VON—FUKUSHIMA.
20220316             Magnitude 7.3. - Das 20110000             war Magnitude 9—UND die Skala ist logarithmisch (+1 = Faktor 32—MEHR Energie freigesetzt), d.h. kein Problem!1!!
20220316             Update: Wer sich reinnerden will: Die MOMENTEN—MAGNITUDEN—SKALA.
20220316             Internados: 60 (-)  | Em UCI: 3 (=)  | Ventilados: 1 (-1)  Incidência 100—MIL / hab.: 2394 (+)
20220316             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—13781—(+110)—ÓBITOS—55—RECUPERADOS—12580—CASOS—ATIVOS—11460000—1—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—2981
20220316             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—23537(+113)—ÓBITOS—110—RECUPERADOS—21392—CASOS—ATIVOS—20350000—1—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—3128
20220316             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—24208—(+127)—ÓBITOS—129—RECUPERADOS—22440—CASOS—ATIVOS—16390000—1—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—2230
20220316             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—15779—(+113)—ÓBITOS—69—RECUPERADOS—14613—CASOS—ATIVOS—10970000—1—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—2419
20220316             Total Cases 462.365.160  Total Deaths 6.055.053  Total Vaccine Doses Administered 10.735.802.416
20220316             ZELENSKYY—REDE vor dem USA—KONGRESS: 1—HILFERUF, der AMERIKA erschüttert
20220316             21. Kriegstag: —VERHANDLUNGEN über neutralen Status, Uno fordert RUSSLAND zum Angriffsstopp auf
20220316             —ATTACKIERT, Labour, Johnson für Reise an den Golf: "Von Diktator zu Diktator zu gehen, ist keine Energiestrategie"
20220316             —BEZEICHNET, Russlands KRIEG—GEGEN—UKRAINE: Biden, Putin erstmals als "Kriegsverbrecher"
20220316             E.on und MUNICH Re: Weitere DAX—KONZERNE gehen auf Distanz zu RUSSLAND - MOSCOW.
20220316             (Interfax) - THE—EUROPEAN—COURT—OF—HUMAN—RIGHTS (ECHR) has moved to suspend the consideration of all applications submitted against THE—RUSSIAN—FEDERATION, the court's press service said in 1—RELEASE—ON—WEDNESDAY.
20220316             —SUSPENDED, The consideration of all such cases has been, "pending its consideration of the legal consequences of this Resolution for THE—WORK—OF—THE—COURT," it said.
202203160501         —EXPECTED, RSPP HEAD—SHOKHIN says sanctions, as they are based on LIST—OF—PARTICIPANTS in meeting at Kremlin
202203160534         —PRESENTED, Stances, by Ukrainian, RUSSIA—DELEGATIONS at talks 'become more realistic', SOURCE  ZELENSKYY
202203160614         Yandex executive director to resign upon imposition of EU personal sanctions
202203160650         Stealth Omicron has EVERY—CHANCE to become prevailing strain shortly, SOURCE  RUSSIA—HEALTH—MINISTER
202203160736         ZELENSKYY signs law banning RUSSIA—PROPAGANDA
202203160744         EU consumers reduce bookings for transit via UKRAINE 13% to 95—MLN cubic meters, YAMAL—EUROPE pumping in reverse
202203160836         —HACKED, RUSSIA—COURTS' websites : "Putin is 1—TERRORIST" and "Russians, you are fascists" on home pages
202203160942         RUSSIA—MEDINSKY: certain progress made on NUMBER—OF—POINTS in talks with UKRAINE, but not on ALL—OF—THEM
202203160949         RUSSIA—MINISTRY proposes to eliminate import duties on electronics
202203161010         RUSSIA—OIL—OUTPUT could be shut in at 3—MLN bpd —IN—APRIL owing to sanctions, buyers shunning exports, SOURCE  IEA
202203161018         MUNICH Re not to renew expiring contracts with RUSSIA—CLIENTS or sign new ones
202203161031         RUSSIA—SANCTIONS on USA—POLITICIANS, including Biden, doesn't mean refusal to maintain contacts, SOURCE  Peskov
202203161145         There is no, will be no pause in OPERATIONS—OF—AVIATION—SECTOR—ENTERPRISES, SOURCE  RUSSIA—DEPUTY PM
202203161219         SWITZERLAND broadens sanctions lists over RUSSIA—OPERATION in UKRAINE, adds 197—INDIVIDUALS, 9—ENTITIES to them
202203161238         MOSCOW court receives new protocols against Google, TikTok for failure to delete banned content
202203161307         Roskomnadzor blocks Novye Izvestia website, more than 30—OTHER—RESOURCES—ON—WEDNESDAY
202203161311         Ministry, metal producers agree on price ceilings for coming months, SOURCE  sources
202203161348         —DISCUSSED, LIFTING—OF—SANCTIONS being, in package with settlement of UKRAINE crisis, SOURCE  RUSSIA—DEPUTY FM Rudenko
202203161424         APPEARANCE—OF—RUSSIA—TROOPS—NEAR—KYIV, other UKRAINE—CITIES not associated with wish to occupy UKRAINE;
202203161424         this is not our objective, SOURCE  Putin
202203161437         RUSSIA—ECONOMY to adapt to new realities;
202203161437         temporary inflation, unemployment growth possible —DURING restructuring, SOURCE  Putin
202203161550         WHO postpones inspection of Sputnik V production, pledges to set new dates
202203161553         RUSSIA appreciates position of foreign companies staying in RUSSIA, SOURCE  Putin
202203161557         JAPAN—PRIME—MINISTER indicates importance of Sakhalin-2 project for nation's energy sector
202203161558         Putin signs decree on measures to ensure SOCIO—ECONOMIC—STABILITY, PROTECTION—OF—RUSSIA—POPULATION
202203162006         ICJ calls on RUSSIA to halt special operation in UKRAINE
20220316—20180000    —SEIT, Fed: USA—NOTENBANK erhöht zum 1. Mal den Leitzins
20220316—20220316    —FROM, "—FOLLOWING THE—RESOLUTION—OF—THE—COMMITTEE—OF—MINISTERS that THE—RUSSIAN—FEDERATION ceases to be 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—COUNCIL—OF—EUROPE as (Resolution (CM/Res(20220000             )2), the Court has decided to suspend the examination of all applications against THE—RUSSIAN—FEDERATION," THE—ECHR statement said.
20220825—20220316    —NOTED, THE—RUSSIA—PRESIDENT, that THE—WEST—SANCTION—POLICY had all the signs of 1—AGGRESSION.
20220928—20220316    —STATED, Putin, that the Western sanctions policy against MOSCOW has all HALLMARKS—OF—AGGRESSION, adding that THE—POLICY—OF—DETERRENCE—OF—RUSSIA is THE—LONG—TERM—STRATEGY—OF—THE—WEST.
20221130             LITAUEN, will die Regierung den Ausnahmezustand in den Regionen entlang der Grenze zu RUSSLAND und BELARUS erneut VERLÄNGERN—ER soll —NUN—BIS zum 20230316             gelten.
202212031659         —HELPED, Police look for those who, Ukrainska Pravda identify Deputy HEAD—OF—THE—PRESIDENT'S—OFFICE in 1—EXPENSIVE—CAR
20230212—20140316    —ON, —8—YEARS—AGO, against the backdrop of 1—COUP in UKRAINE the authorities of Crimea and Sevastopol held 1—REFERENDUM on reunification with RUSSIA.
20240316             —SAMSTAG, 20240316
20240316             Vorbereitung für Kriegsfall: Bildungsministerin fordert Zivilschutzübungen an Schulen
20240316             Harte politische Auseinandersetzung: Wir sind in einer neuen Ära der Propaganda Von JONAS—SCHAIBLE
20240316             JONAS—SCHAIBLE - 100—KOJEN zerstört: Brand auf britischem Flugzeugträger gelöscht
20240316             "Neues Kapitel in der Geschichte unserer Nation": VAUGHAN Gething wird als 1. Schwarzer Regierungschef in WALES
20240316             Aktuelle Umfrage: Das Stresslevel bei Eltern steigt - Sat 20240316
20240316             —KAPITULIERT, Geschenke statt Umweltschutz: EUROPA, vor der Bauernrandale Von MARKUS—BECKER
20240316             MARKUS—BECKER