Was geschah in der Geschichte an einem 15. March ?

Ereignisse an einem 15. March

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_430.000—20160315    —GEFUNDEN, das mit Abstand älteste NEANDERTALER—ERB—GUT—FOSSILIEN aus SPANIEN haben Forscher.
_00440315_01000000   Auch GAIUS—JULIUS—CAESARSCHRIEB über DIE—EIBE.
_00440315_01000000   Auch GAIUS—JULIUS—CAESAR In seinem 'Gallischen KRIEG[DE BELLUM—GALLICUM]' berichtet er außerdem, "dass
_00440315_01000000   sich CATURVOLUS, 1—HERRSCHER der EBURONEN, durch das EIBE—GIFT, die in GALLIEN, in GERMANien in großer Menge wachse, getötet habe, als die ROM—EROBERER siegreich vordrangen"
_00440315_01000000   Auch GAIUS—JULIUS—CAESAR glaubte, daß DIE—GERMANEN die Pfeile mit EIBE—SAFT vergiftet hätten, um ihn zu töten
_00440315_01000000   —ON—THE—IDES—OF—MARCH, ROMAN—EMPEROR—JULIUS—CAESAR, was murdered by BRUTUS, CASSIUS and other conspirators.
_00440315            —IDEN—DES—MÄRZ, wird der ROM—DIKTATOR—GAIUS—IULIUS—CAESAR bei 1 Attentat im Theater des Pompeius in Rom ermordet.
_00440315            Unter der Führung von MARCUS—IUNIUS—BRUTUS und GAIUS—CASSIUS—LONGINUS beteiligten sich rund 60—PERSONEN an der Verschwörung;
_00440315            etwa 20—SIND —HEUTE namentlich bekannt.
_00440315            —NOCH—AM—SELBEN—TAG, Der Senat gewährt den Mördern Amnestie.
_00440315            † GAIUS—IULIUS—CAESAR, römischer Staatsmann, Feldherr und Autor, PRO—KONSUL, KONSUL, DIKTATOR
_00440315            —PERCEIVED, GAIUS—JULIUS—CAESAR was, as 1—BIG—THREAT to THE—ROMAN—ARISTOCRACY and so his murder was supported by CICERO and most Romans.
_00440315            † GAIUS—JULIUS—CAESAR, at the entrance to CURIA—POMPEA, 1—LARGE courtyard leading to TEATRO—DI—POMPEO, CAESAR was stabbed to death, right under 1—STATUE—OF—POMPEY, his former ally and rival.
_00440315            † [CÄSAR]GAIUS—IULIUS—CAESAR, assassinated by BRUTUS, is killed IN—THE—SENATE—HOUSE;
_00440315            —WHEN CAESAR saw among the conjurators JUNIUS—BRUTUS, whom CAESAR regarded as 1—CHILD—OF his own, he cried:
_00440315            Quoque tu, Brute, fili mi (you too BRUTUS, my child): these were CAESAR his last words[laut Shakespeare].
_00440315            —CAESAR maybe suspected what was going on, but
_00440315            —CAESAR had also been told to BEWARE—OF—THE—IDES—OF—MARCH
_00440315            —CAESAR discarded THE—WARNINGS oo CALPURNIA, not to go to 1—MEETING with THE—SENATE;
_00440315            IDII—MARCII[DIE—IDEN—DES—MÄRZ]
_00440315            —BEWARE, THE—IDES—OF—MARCH.
_00440315            —SOON—RENEWED, THE—CIVIL—WARS are,
_00440315            [CÄSAR]GAIUS—IULIUS—CAESAR, Dictator and IMPERATOR—OF—ROME, stabbed by MARCUS—JUNIUS—BRUTUS and others at THE—THEATER—OF—POMPEY in ROME.
_00440315            CAESAR was stabbed to death, right under 1—STATUE—OF—POMPEY, his former ally and rival.
_00440315            —IDES—OF—MARCH, ROMAN—EMPEROR—GAIUS—IULIUS—CAESAR[CÄSAR] was murdered by BRUTUS, CASSIUS and other conspirators.
_00440315            GAIUS—IULIUS—CAESAR[CÄSAR] had defeated POMPEY in battle and
_00440315            GAIUS—IULIUS—CAESAR[CÄSAR] was perceived as 1—BIG—THREAT to THE—ROMAN—ARISTOCRACY and so his murder was supported by CICERO and most Romans.
_00440315            DIE—IDEN—DES—MÄRZ]
_00440315—20060000   —AUTHORED, ADRIAN—GOLDSWORTHY, "Caesar: Life of 1—COLOSSUS".
00000315             —DIE—IDEN—DES—MÄRZ
02200315             † CHINESISCHER—KRIEGSHERR—CAO—CAO, und Politiker
03510315             —ERNENNT, RÖMER—KAISER—CONSTANTIUS—II., seinen Cousin CONSTANTIUS—GALLUS zum Caesar und
03510315             —ÜBERLÄSST, RÖMER—KAISER—CONSTANTIUS—II. seinen Cousin CONSTANTIUS—GALLUS die Herrschaft über des RÖMER—REICH—OSTEN
04050315             † JAPANISCHER—KAISER—RICH?,
04930303—04930315    —SEE
04930315             —NACH—DER—RABEN—SCHLACHT, Bei 1 Versöhnungsmahl in RAVENNA, tötet DER—OST—GOTEN—HERRSCHER—THEODERICH seinen Rivalen ODOAKER und
04930315             DER—OST—GOTEN—HERRSCHER—THEODERICH, wird damit als OST—RÖMER—KAISER—VERTRETER, Alleinherrscher in ITALIEN.
04930315             als die OST—GOTEN des ODOAKER—REGIMENT in ITALIEN 1—ENDE bereiteten, überging ihr ARIANISMUS auch auf DIE—LANGOBARDEN ,
04930315             † THEODORIC—THE—GREAT beat ODOAKER—OF—ITALY.
04930315             ODOAKER, GERMANY—ARMY—LEADER, KING—OF—ITALY (04760000—04930000    ).
04930315             als die OST—GOTEN des ODOAKER—REGIMENT in ITALIEN 1—ENDE bereiteten, ging ihr ARIANISMUS auch auf DIE—LANGOBARDEN über,
05390315             † JAPANISCHER—KAISER—SENKA,
07520315             † ZACHARIAS—PAPA
08000315             —CA, Zwischen dem DÄNEN—KÖNIG—GOTFRIED oder vielleicht nur JÜTEN—KÖNIG—GOTFRIED, der auch über WESTFOLD am CHRISTIANIA—FJORD HERRschte, und dem KARL—DER—GROßE kam es zum Kriege.
08000315             —MITTE, verließ KARL—DER—GROßE AACHEN, um die von NORMANNEN—PIRATEN bedrohten Küsten zu bereisen, 1—FLOTTE auszurüsten, Küstenwachen einzusetzen.
09330315             —SCHLACHT—BEI—RIADE—AN—DER—UNSTRUT und
09330315             —BEENDET, vorläufig, die UNGARN—EINFÄLLE, DER—OST—FRANKEN—KÖNIG—HEINRICH—I,
09330315             —ROUTED, HENRY—THE—FOWLER, the raiding Magyars at MERSEBURG—GERMANY.
09590000—09630000    BYZANTINE—EMPEROR—ROMANUS—II.
09630315             † ROMANOS—II—KAISER—VON—BYZANZ
09630315             † BYZANTINE—EMPEROR—ROMANUS—II, —25—JAHRE—ALT,
09630315             † BYZANTINE—EMPEROR—ROMANUS—II (25),
10880315             † BERNHARD—VON—KONSTANZ, Gelehrter und PUBLIZIST
11240315             † ERNULF—BISCHOF—VON—ROCHESTER
12060315             † MUHAMMAD—VON—GHUR, Herrscher über das ZENTRAL—AFGHANISCHE GHURIDEN—REICH
12440315             —FRÜHLING, À LE—ÉQUINOXE—DE, qui tombait.
12440315             —EROBERT, JERUSALÉM durch die MOSLEMS.wird
12820000—20140315    —CA, VOR—668—BIS—729—JAHREN,
12920315             † THOMAS—II—BISCHOF—VON—BRESLAU
13110315             —SCHLACHT—AM—KEPHISSOS
13110315             —NACHDEM, DIE—KATALANISCHE—KOMPANIE, des WALTER—V—VON—BRIENNE—HERZOG—VON—ATHEN—HERZOGTUM von seinen Feinden befreit hat, von WALTER—V—VON—BRIENNE—HERZOG—VON—ATHEN aber um ihre Belohnung betrogen worden ist.
13110315             —ÜBERNIMMT, Walter fällt, die Kompanie, die Herrschaft über das Herzogtum Athen.
13190315             Auf des FRIEDRICH—DER—SCHÖNE Verwendung 1—PARTIE—FISCHE[Härjnge?], wird nach BOLOGNA geschickt
13190315             1—PARTIE—FISCHE[Härjnge?] welche von 1—GENANNTEN WIENer für DEUTSCHLAND—STUDENTEN nach BOLOGNA geschickt,
13190315             aber unterwegs aufgehalten worden war 1—PARTIE—FISCHE[Härjnge?],
13190315             durch GROSSER—RAT wieder freigegeben 1—PARTIE—FISCHE[Härjnge?].
13190315             —DIE.
13190315             Cum quidam DOMINUS—HENRICUS—SANDOLI—DE—VIENA mitteret per quemdam suum nuncium certam quantitatem piscium vocatorum atengi ) in duabus botis
13190315             aber unterwegs aufgehalten worden war 1—PARTIE Fische[Härjnge?],
13190315             durch GROSSER—RAT wieder freigegeben 1—PARTIE Fische[Härjnge?].
13310315             † KÖLN—DOM—BAU—MEISTER—JOHANNES—VON—KÖLN, am
13380607—13390315    —UND, Rückgabe beschlagnahmter WAREN an 1—AUS ROM zurückkehrenden DEUTSCHEN.
13390315             CAPTA—IN—40
13430315             Strafnachlass (beantragt) für 1—GENANNTER DEUTSCHLAND—VENEDIG.
13430315             Quod fiat gratia NICOLAO—TEUTHONICO, hospiti ad minus super PLA—TEAM S—MARCI, condempnato PER—OFFICIALES de catavere in soldis 16—GROSSORUM propter SALEM grossum maris de Sardinia circa staria quatuor, ut dicunt, sibi inventum IN—DOMO sua per eoium
13500315             HENRICO Demberg CONFERTUR—CANONICATUS et reservatur [PFRÜNDE]PRAEBENDA necnon dignitasy PERSONAtus vel officium IN—ECCLESIA—TRAJECTENSI.
13550315             - Gotius et UGOLINUS—DE—BACHENSEL,
13550315             —SEIT, in des KIRCHEN—STAAT—SOLD:
13600315             —LANDED, FRANCE—INVASION—ARMY, on ENGLAND—SOUTH—COAST and conquered Winchel.
13600315             MABILIAE—DE—BAEREN nobili domicellae TRAIECTENSIS—DIOECESIS idem PRIVILEGIUM.
13600315             Provenit ex. •*.
13710315             DER—KARDINAL—VIKAR PETRUS für des SÖLDNER—PAPA in ITALIEN 4.000—FLORENI erhalten hat
13710315             —VON, den PROCURATORes NOBILIS—VIRI DOMINI—ANGELI Tauernini, militis Viterbiensis, THESAURARii PROVINCIE[PROVINZIAL—THESAURAR] patrimonii b. Petri in Tuscia.
13710315             Der genannte KARDINAL hat durch JOHANN—BENEDICTI—DE—S—ANGELO—IN—VADO, Urbinat. dioc, notarius et officialis camere ROMANE—ECCLESIE IN—GUERRA contra —VICO vorgeschossen am
13720315             DIOECESIS putavit permutanda.
13820315             —REGAINED, Conservative "Popolo Grasso", power in FLORENCE—ITALY.
13870315             † LUDWIG—VON—HANAU, Domherr in den DIÖZESE—SPEYER, DIÖZESE—WÜRZBURG
13910315             1—JEW—HATING—MONK in SEVILLE—SPAIN, stirred up 1—MOB to attack Jews.
14000315             —GEKRÖNT, SOPHIE—VON—BAYERN—KÖNIGIN—VON—BÖHMEN.wird zur
14070315             * JAKOB—I—MARK—GRAF—VON—BADEN
14080315             —ENTSCHEIDUNG der GIUDICI—DEL—PETIZION in 1—STREITSACHE zwischen 1—GENANNTER DEUTSCHLAND—SCHUHMACHER und 1—GENANNTER Sensal des FONDACO zu Gunsten des ersteren.
14080315             —DIE—MENSIS Super questione vertente inter ser Petrum sutorem S—SOPHIE—EX—1—PARTE petentem et ser FRANCISCUM—BRONICARDO mesetam in fonticuTeotonicorum ex altera absentem supradictus
14200315             L' annunzio della BRACCIO—FORTEBRACCIO—CONTE—DI—MONTONE SIGNORE—DI—ORVIETO sua morte fu salutato con segni di festa, siccome di trionfo della CHIESA.
14630315             * JOHANNES—VIRDUNG, DEUTSCHER—ASTROLOGE und Autor
14810315             —CA—UNTIL, and it remained thus THE—SCHELDT[SCHELDE] —BEFORE ANTWERP[ANTVERPIAE,ANTWERPEN,ANVERS] was frozen over
14810315             —CA—UNTIL, and 1—CROWD—OF pilgrims crossed over it on their way to S—ANNA—KEETENISSE.
14840315             in 1—BULLE—VOM INNOCENTIUS—VIII—PAPA sagt, die 4—REKTOREN der PFARR—KIRCHEN würden auch Pfarrer genannt^.
14930315             —NACHDEM ihre beiden Karavellen Niña und Pinta auf der Rückreise von ihrer 1. Entdeckungsfahrt durch einen Sturm getrennt worden sind,
14930315             —RETURNED, CHRISTOPHER—COLUMBUS, to SPAIN, concluding his 1. voyage to THE—WEST—HEMISPHERE.
15050315             —AM, THE—MAGISTRATES—OF—ANTWERP[ANTVERPIAE,ANTWERPEN,ANVERS] called on all who could bear arms to prepare gun, pike,
15110315             † GEORG—VON—GEMMINGEN, katholischer Priester, DOMHERR—IN Worms und DOMHERR—IN Speyer, sowie  des BISTUM—SPEYER—GENERAL—VIKAR
15130315—15130311    —AM, Da der zum PAPA gewählte LEO—X—PAPA zwar Kardinal, aber kein Geistlicher ist, erfolgt vor seiner Krönung die Priesterweihe.
15230315             —SEIT—DEM, JOHANN—VON—BOCHOLTS wird erwähnt als PROPST.
15260315             FRANÇOIS—I[FRANZ—I—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH] ses 2—FILS restent en otage.
15430315             * NATHAN—CHYTRÄUSA, deutscher evangelischer Theologe, Dichter und Philologe
15470315             † JAKOB—OTTER, deutscher reformierter Theologe und Reformator
15700714             Das neue Messbuch wurde vom KONZIL—VON—_01000712_00440315   * † GAIUS—JULIUS—CAESAR[GAIUS—JULIUS—CÄSAR], ROMAN—GENERAL, STATESMAN.
15720315             —FU—DI—ALLI IL—CONTE—PACIOTTO mise la 1. pietra nel LAZZARETTO—DI—ANCONA disegnato da lui.
15800315             SPAIN—PHILIP—II—KING—OF— put 25,000 gold coins on HEAD—OF—PRINCE—WILLIAM—OF—ORANGE.
15800315             SPAIN—KING—PHILIP—II put 25,000 gold coins on HEAD—OF—PRINCE—WILLIAM—OF—ORANGE.
15810315             † LUÍS—DE—ATAÍDE, PORTUGIESISCHER—ADLIGER und Militär
15940315             † CASIODORO—DE—REINA, spanischer evangelischer Theologe
15950315             † VINCENZO—GAGGINI, sizilianischer Bildhauer
16110315             * JAN—FYT, flämischer Maler
16140315             * FRANCISCUS—SYLVIUS, HESSISCH—NIEDERLÄNDISCHER—ARZT, Anatom und Naturwissenschaftler
16260315             —COLLAPSED, BOLIVIA, THE—POTOSI (S—ILDEFONSO) dam.
16260315             It was 1—OF—THE—MAJOR—HYDRAULIC—DISASTERS in the world with some 4,000 human lives lost.
16360904—16380315    JOHANN—VON—HOLTZEM ist als PROPST—VON—OBER—PLEIS —VOM, erwähnt.
16370315             * JOHANN—ANDREAS—HOCHSTETTER, lutherischer Theologe, Professor an der EBERHARD—KARLS—UNIVERSITÄT—TÜBINGEN
16380315             —TRAITÉ—DE—HAMBOURG avec LA—SUÈDE contre LA—AUTRICHE
16440315             * VEIT—HANS—SCHNORR—VON—CAROLSFELD, DEUTSCHER—HAMMER- und Blaufarbenherr
16460315             MAZARIN devient surintendant à LE—ÉDUCATION—DU—ROI
16620315             † ANDREAS—KUNAD, DEUTSCHER—PÄDAGOGE und lutherischer Theologe
16650315/16650325    (im Museum Mcernianno>WuMlrccnianum).
16720315             —ERLÄSST, die Erklärung zur Gewährung der Gewissensfreiheit, die auf Toleranz gegenüber den Katholiken des Landes abzielt.
16720315             † ERNST—ODOWALSKY, Militär im 3ßigjährigen Krieg
16730315             * JOHANN—CHRISTOPH—MÜLLER, DEUTSCHER—KARTOGRAF und Ingenieuroffizier
16820315             —DATUM—WIEN, Der SPANIEN—GESANDTE ^) hier hat Ordre erhalten, die zwischen SPANIEN und BRANDENBURG schwebenden Differenzen beizulegen,
16820315             über die Satisfaction des GROSSER—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG will er aber nur verhandeln,
16820315             wenn DER GROSSER—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG verspricht, der Haager ASSOZIATION ¦'^) beizutreten;
16820315             im anderen Fall will man keine Satisfaction bezahlen,
16820315             damit man nicht noch selbst die Gegenpartei, wenn auch indirekt, verstärkt.
16820315             Es kommt —NUN darauf an, den KUR—FÜRST—ZU—1—ERKLÄRUNG zu veranlassen.
16820315             Die Dinge lassen sich aber so an, daß wenn FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG nicht der ALLIANZ beitritt und
16820315             dadurch —JETZT die Satisfaction erlangt, er überhaupt keine bekommen,
16820315             sondern noch Scherereien zu erleiden haben wird.
16920315             LE—LOUVRE accueille LA—ACADÉMIE—DE—PEINTURE
16930315             für den Sohn desselben, CARL—LEONHARD—MÜLLER—VON—DER—LÜHRIE, ebenfalls in des KÖNIG—VON—SCHWEDEN KRIEGS—DIENSTEN.
16990315             * ANSELM—DESING, deutscher katholischer Philosoph, Historiker und Pädagoge
17010315             † JOACHIM—VON—AHLEFELDT, Amtmann und LANDRAT—VON—CISMAR
17130315             † PHILIPP—MÜLLER, deutscher lutherischer Theologe
17130315             * NICOLAS—LOUIS—DE—LACAILLE, astronomer who mapped THE—SOUTH—HEMISPHERE.
17330315             † DANIEL—NEBEL, DEUTSCHER—MEDIZINER, Apotheker und Botaniker
17440315             LOUIS—XV. déclare LA—GUERRE—À—LE—ANGLETERRE et à LA—AUTRICHE.
17500315             † DAVID—SCHATZ, sächsischer Architekt und Hofbaumeister
17510315             † ENGELBRECHT—BRASCHE, LÜBECK—KAUFMANN und Ratsherr
17570315             * RENÉ—MAUGÉ, FRANZÖSISCHER—ZOOLOGE und Tiersammler
17630315             * GEORG—LUDWIG—COLLINS, deutscher evangelischer Geistlicher
17630315             * JAMES—WILSON, 1. Hersteller von Globen IN—DEN—USA
17640315             † WILLIAM—ELLERY—VIZEGOUVERNEUR—, BRITISCHER—HÄNDLER, Jurist und Politiker
176560315            † — prior,—MAGISTER—NOVITIORUM—CELLERARIUS—IN—LAACH
17670315             † JOHANN—CARL—SIGMUND—HAUSSDÖRFFER, württembergischer Orgelbauer
17670315—18450000    * † ANDREW—JACKSON, 7. PRESIDENT—OF—UNITED—STATES known as "Old Hickory," in WAXHAW—SOUTH—CAROLINA.
17670315—18450000    1.—USA—PRESIDENT to be born in 1—LOG cabin, ANDREW—JACKSON was 1—HERO—OF—THE—WAR—OF—18120000             , 1—INDIA—FIGHTER and 1—TENNESSEE lawyer.
17670315—18450000    Neither 1—PARTICULARLY intelligent man nor 1—WISE 1, ANDREW—JACKSON became THE—SYMBOL—OF—HIS—AGE by being the right man believing in the right things at the right time.
17670315—18450000    —BELIEVED, Success was 1—RACE, ANDREW—JACKSON, and the government's primary responsibility was to guarantee that EVERY—MAN got 1—FAIR—CHANCE at winning.
17670315—18450000    ANDREW—JACKSON—ADMINISTRATION (18290000—18370000    ) saw THE—DEVELOPMENT—OF—MODERN—STYLE—POLITICAL—PARTIES and changes in the voting laws that nearly tripled the electorate.
17670315—18450608    † ANDREW—JACKSON
17670315—19970000    —IN, MAX—BYRD wrote "JACKSON," 1—BIOGRAPHICAL—NOVEL.
17760315             1. NORDAMERIKA—KOLONIE seine Unabhängigkeit vom BRITISCHEN—MUTTERLAND, SOUTH—CAROLINA erklärt als
17770315             * LEA—MENDELSSOHN—BARTHOLDY, DEUTSCHE—PIANISTIN, Musik- und Kulturförderin
17780315             —SAILED, In command of 2—FRIGATES, the Frenchman la Perouse, east from Botany Bay for the last lap of his voyage —AROUND the world.
17780315             Nootka Sound, VANCOUVER ISLAND, was discovered by CAPTAIN—COOK.
17780315             LE—AMBASSADEUR—DE—FRANCE en ANGLETERRE est rappelé.
17810225             —CROSSED, AMERICA—GENERAL—NATHANAEL—GREENE, THE—DAN—RIVER on his way to his 17810315             confrontation with Lord CHARLES—CORNWALLIS at Guilford COURT—HOUSE, NORTH—CAROLINA
17810315             —BESIEGEN unter großen Verlusten, die von CHARLES—CORNWALLIS kommandierten Briten die doppelt so große AMERIKANISCHE—ARMEE unter dem BEFEHL—VON—NATHANAEL—GREENE in der
17810315             —RETREATED, Greene, —AFTER inflicting severe casualties on Cornwallis' army.
17880315             * JOHANN—PETER—EPPENICH (Joan.
17890315             † JOHANN—FRIEDRICH—REHKOPF, DEUTSCHER—GEISTLICHER und Hochschullehrer
17920315             † JOHANN—NIKOLAUS—MÖCKERT, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Hochschullehrer
17940315             * FELICIAN—MARTIN—VON—ZAREMBA, RUSSISCHER—DIPLOMAT, Prediger und Missionar
17970315             An der OPÉRA—COMIQUE in PARIS erfolgt die Uraufführung der Oper PONCE de LÉON—VON—HENRI—MONTAN—BERTON.
17980315             Le PIUS—VI—PAPA emmené en exil en FRANCE.
17980315             —PROCLAMÉE LA—RÉPUBLIQUE—ROMAINE est
18000315             * HANS—KASPAR—GROB, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher
18040315             —6—TAGE—SPÄTER, Um 1—EXEMPEL an den Bourbonen zu statuieren, wird der FRANZÖSISCHE—HERZOG—LOUIS—ANTOINE—HENRI—DE—BOURBON—CONDÉ—DUC—DE—ENGHIEN, nach 1 Schauprozess wegen angeblichen Hochverrats hingerichtet.
18040315             —ENLÈVEMENT—DU, duc d'Enghien à Ettenheim.
18060315             * AMALIE—BAADER, DEUTSCHE—SCHRIFTSTELLERIN und Vereinsgründerin
18060315             —DEVIENT, MURAT—GRAND—DUC—DE—BERG
18060315             —AM—NOCH—SELBEN—TAG, NAPOLÉON übereignete DIE—SOUVERÄNITÄT über die HERZOGtümer BERG UND KLEVE an seinen Schwager, den FRANZÖSISCHEN—PRINZ—JOACHIM—MURAT,
18080315             * GAETANO—GASPARI, composer.
18100315             * JAKOB—BECKER, DEUTSCHER—MALER, Radierer und Lithograf
18130315—18580000    * † JOHN—SNOW, obstetrician, in YORK—ENGLAND.
18130315—18580000    —WORKED, JOHN—SNOW, on the epidemiology of cholera.
18180315             † KAREL—POSTL, böhmischer Veduten- und Landschaftsmaler, Zeichner und Grafiker des Klassizismus
18200315             Das —NACH—DEM MISSOURI—KOMPROMISS durch Abtrennung aus dem GEBIET—VON—MASSACHUSETTS entstandene MAINE wird 23. Bundesstaat der USA.
18200315             —ENTERED, MAINE, the Union as 1—FREE—STATE and helped maintain the balance in THE—USA—SENATE, that would have been disrupted by the entrance of MISSOURI TERRITORY—INTO—THE—UNION as 1—SLAVE—STATE.
18200315—16470000    —SINCE, MAINE, 1—PROVINCE—OF—MASSACHUSETTS, became the 23. state.
18210315             * JOSEF—LOSCHMIDT, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—PHYSIKER und Chemiker
18210315—18650000    —IN, he became the 1. person to use the kinetic THEORY—OF—GASES to obtain 1—REASONABLY good value for the diameter of 1—MOLECULE.
18210315—18950000    * † JOSEF—LOSCHMIDT, 1—PIONEER—OF—18010101—19001231     physics and chemistry, in Putschim (Pocerny), Bohemia.
18210315—18950000    In his 1. publication (18610000             ) JOSEF—LOSCHMIDT proposed the 1. structural chemical formulae for MANY—IMPORTANT molecules, introducing markings for double and triple carbon bonds.
18210315—18950000    What we call "AVOGADRO—NUMBER" is, in GERMAN—SPEAKING countries, called "LOSCHMIDT—NUMBER".
18220315             † ANTON—ADNER, bayrischer Hausierer und mit —117—JAHREN der älteste bekannte Bayer
18240315             * JULES—CHEVALIER, FRANZÖSISCHER—PRIESTER und Autor
18240315             † CARL—POPPO—FRÖBEL, DEUTSCHER—PÄDAGOGE und Buchdrucker
18250315—18190700    —SEIT, in Haft, FRIEDRICH—LUDWIG—JAHN[TURNVATER—JAHN], auf  der KARLSBADER—BESCHLÜSSEGRUNDLAGE wird unter der Auflage, in keiner Universitäts- oder Gymnasialstadt zu wohnen, freigesprochen.
18300315             * PAUL—HEYSE, DEUTSCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER und Nobelpreisträger
18300315             * ÉLISÉE—RECLUS, FRANZÖSISCHER—GEOGRAF und Anarchist
18300315—19050704    18300704             —NAMED, WILLIAM—SUBLETTE, 1—TRAPPER and explorer, INDEPENDENCE ROCK—WYOMING, —WHEN he celebrated his 54. birthday there.
18300315—19050704    —DATE 18300704             † FRIEDRICH—DELBRÜCK, PREUSSISCHER—THEOLOGE und Erzieher
18310315             * DANIELE—COMBONI, ITALIENISCHER—PRIESTER und Ordensgründer
18350315             * ~ MARY—ANN—MILLING F
18400315             —VERNIMMT, JAKOB—LORBER, nach eigenen Angaben in sich 1—STIMME, die ihn auffordert, zu schreiben.
18400315             Als Schreibknecht Gottes übermittelt der VISIONÄR—JAKOB—LORBER Neuoffenbarungen.
18410000—19150315    * † THOMAS—ROBERT—BARD, USA Republican SENATOR—FROM—VENTURA, CALIFORNIA (19000000—19050000    ).
18410315             * MINISTER—FRIEDRICH—KRAFFT—VON—CRAILSHEIM, bayerischer Jurist und Politiker,
18420315             † MARIA—LUIGI—CHERUBINI, —81—JAHRE—ALT, ITALY—COMPOSER (Dies Irae).
18420315             † MARIA—LUIGI—CHERUBINI (81), ITALY—COMPOSER (Dies Irae).
18430315             Die Oper CHARLES—VI—VON—FROMENTAL—HALÉVY wird in PARIS uraufgeführt.
18440315             "—10—HOURS—FACTORY—BILL.
18440315             —FRIDAY—ON, Ashley, [Anthony]: —10—HOURS' factory bill.
18480315             * FRANZ—SCHAUERTE, DEUTSCHER—PRIESTER und Autor
18480315             —MÄRZ—REVOLUTION in ÖSTERREICH
18480315             —ÜBERGREIFT auch auf UNGARN ,
18480315             —BEGINNT, UNGARN, mit Revolten der einfachen Bevölkerung der FREIHEITS—KAMPF gegen die ÖSTERREICHISCHE—HERRSCHAFT.
18480315             —VERSPRICHT, Im Zuge der MÄRZ—REVOLUTION im KAISERTUM—ÖSTERREICH, KAISER—FERDINAND—I., den Österreichern, Aufhebung der Pressezensur und den Erlass einer Verfassung.
18480315             S—FRANCISCO—THE—CALIFORNIAN, newsspaper ran 1—FILLER on Page 3—ABOUT 1—HORSE—RACE at Mission Dolores.
18480315             HUNGARY, 1—UPRISING against Habsburg rule began in front of the national museum in BUDAPEST.
18480315             —REMEMBERED, This was —LATER, as 1—NATIONAL—HOLIDAY.
18480315             —AM, erfolgte die Proclamation einer REPRÄSENTATIV—VERFASSUNG.
18480315             —NUR—WENIGE—TAGE—SPÄTER, IN PREUßEN eintrat die KATASTROPHE.
18480315             Below it appeared another filler: "Gold Mine Found," which described 1—GOLD find at SUTTER—MILL on THE—AMERICA—FORK.
18490315             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—246—KÖLN.
18490315             ZENSUR—DER Hohenzollernsche GESAMTREFORMPLAN—ZENSUR
18490315             Der Hohenzollernsche Gesamtreformplan - Zensur
18540315             * EMIL—VON—BEHRING, DEUTSCHER—BAKTERIOLOGE und Serologe, 1. Nobelpreisträger für Physiologie und Medizin (Serumtherapie gegen Diphtherie)
18540315             * ISIDOR—PETSCHEK, deutschböhmischer Unternehmer
18540315             DIPHTHERIA—FOE—EMIL—VON—BEHRING—WORK—HELPS subdue this highly infectious disease and wins him 1—NOBEL—PRIZE.
18540315             Compiled by TONY—LONG.
18540315—19010000    —IN, * EMIL—VON—BEHRING, 1. recipient of the Nobel Prize for medicine.
18550315             —ESTABLISHED, LOUISIANA, the 1. health BOARD to regulate quarantine.
18560315             * LUDWIG—TROSKE, DEUTSCHER—INGENIEUR und Professor
18580315             —ELEVATED, PIUS—IX—PAPA, deacon Teodolfo Cardinal Mertel to the status of cardinal.
18590315             RE—ORGANISATION mittelst BULLE[BULLA] PIUS—IX—PAPA
18610315             Der NORWEGISCHE—SPORTVERBANDES—VORLÄUFER, die Zentralvereinigung für die AUSBREITUNG—VON—LEIBESÜBUNGEN und Waffengebrauch, wird gegründet.
18640310             Red River campaign took place in LOS—ANGELES 18640315             —SEE
18640315             —REACHED, Red River Campaign began as the Union forces, ALEXANDRIA, LOS—ANGELES.
18650315             —DELIVERED, LINCOLN, his 2. Inaugural Address.
18650315—20020000    —AUTHORED, RONALD—C—WHITE—JUNIOR, "LINCOLN—GREATEST—SPEECH: The 2. Inaugural".
18670315             —EINGEFÜHRT, die Postanweisung im Zahlungsverkehr, ÖSTERREICH, wird
18670315             —NACH—DEM ausgehandelten ÖSTERREICHISCH—UNGARISCHEN—AUSGLEICH
18670315             —ERHÄLT, UNGARN, seine innere Autonomie.
18690315             —BECAME, CINCINNATI Red Stockings, the 1. pro baseball team.
18710315             * CONSTANTIN—ARGETOIANU, RUMÄNISCHER—DIPLOMAT und Politiker
18740315             * WILHELM—ALTENDORF, DEUTSCHER—KONSTRUKTEUR und Maschinenbauer
18740315             * HAROLD—L—ICKES, New Deal politician.
18780315             Des BERLINER—VEREIN—LEITUNG teilt in der "BERLINER—FREIE—PRESSE", dem SOZIAL—DEMOKRATISCHEN Tageblatt, mit, daß sie sich künftighin auch an den BERLINer Kommunalwahlen, trotz der Schwierigkeiten durch das 3—KLASSEN—WAHL—RECHT, beteiligen werden.
18790315             * MARIE—JUCHACZ, DEUTSCHE—SOZIALREFORMERIN und Frauenrechtlerin
18790315             * MARIE—JUCHACZ in LANDSBERG (Warthe) geboren.
18820315             —ENTSCHEIDET, DAS—REICHS—GERICHT, daß die VerTEILUNG SOZIAL—DEMOKRATISCHER Wahlzettel strafbar sei.
18840315             * WALTER—LAYTON—BARON—LAYTON, 1., BRITISCHER—ZEITUNGSVERLEGER und Nationalökonom
18870315             * HERMANN—SCHÖNLEITER, DEUTSCHER—BÖTTCHER, Parteisekretär, Mitglied des Hannoverschen Provinziallandtages und Widerstandskämpfer gegen die Nationalsozialisten
18900000—19370315    * † HP—LOVECRAFT, AUTHOR—OF—HORROR tales whose works included "THE—COLOR—OUT—OF—SPACE," in PROVIDENCE, RI.
18900315             —BEGINNT, Auf KAISER—WILHELM—II—INITIATIVE, in BERLIN die
18900315             1. Internationale ARBEITER—SCHUTZ—KONFERENZ unter der Leitung von HANS—HERMANN—VON—BERLEPSCH.
18900315—18900329    1—VON DER—DEUTSCHEN—REGIERUNG einberufene internationale ARBEITER—SCHUTZ—KONFERENZ tagt ohne nennenswertes Ergebnis in BERLIN.
18920315             JESSE—RENO erhält in den USA das PATENT für sein schräges Förderband, den Vorgänger der Rolltreppe.
18920315             —UNVEILED, NEW—YORK State, the new automatic ballot voting machine.
18920315             —PATENTED, JESSE—W—RENO, inventor, the 1. escalator in NEW—YORK—CITY.
18950315             —APPEARED, Bone Mizell, the famed cowboy of FLORIDA, —BEFORE 1—JUDGE for altering cattle brands.
18950315             Fridtjof Nansen and Hjalmar Johansen left their ship Fram in 1—ATTEMPT to reach THE—NORTH—POLE by dogsled.
18950315—18960617    —SEE—DATE.
18980000—19810315    * † RENE—CLAIR, FRANCE—DIRECTOR (It Happened Tomorrow).
19000315             —GOETHE—BUND, gründen, CA—150—DEUTSCHE—POLITIKER, Künstler und Gelehrte unter der Führung des SCHRIFTSTELLER—HERMANN—SUDERMANN den.
19000315             —GOETHE—BUND, richtet sich gegen die LEX—HEINZE, die die öffentliche Darstellung "unsittlicher" Handlungen in Kunstwerken, Literatur und Theateraufführungen zensuriert.
19030000—19980315    * † DOCTOR—BENJAMIN—SPOCK, whose child care guidance spanned HALF—1—CENTURY, in S—DIEGO at 94. He was THE—AUTHOR—OF—19460000             —THE "Common Sense BOOK—OF—BABY and Child Care".
19030315             —COMPLETED, THE—BRITISH, THE—CONQUEST—OF—NIGERIA, 500,000 square miles are —NOW controlled by THE—UK.
19040315             300—RUSSIANS were killed as the Japanese shelled PORT—ARTHUR—KOREA.
19050315             —LATER, BERTHOLD—SCHENCK—VON—STAUFFENBERG, ATTEMPTED to assassinate Hitler.
19050315—19440720    * BERTHOLD—SCHENK—GRAF—VON—STAUFFENBERG, DEUTSCHER—JURIST, Widerstandskämpfer des
19060315             Die zum Automobilbau entschlossenen Geschäftspartner HENRY—ROYCE und CHARLES—ROLLS lassen ihre neu gegründete FIRMA—ROLLS—ROYCE Limited in MANCHESTER eintragen.
19070315             1. European country to give women the right to vote, FINLAND
19070315             —BECAME, FINLAND, the 1. European country to give women the right to vote.
19070315—19070316    —BECAME, FINLAND held elections and FINLAND—WOMEN, the 1. in the world to attain full political rights.
19080315             1. PERFORMANCE—OF—MAURICE—RAVEL'S "Rhapsodie Espagnole".
19090315             —PROPOSED, ITALY, 1—EUROPEAN conference on the Balkans.
19090315             * JONAS—ZEMAITIS in Palanga.
19090315             JONAS—ZEMAITIS was 1—FOUNDER—OF—THE—LITHUANIA—INDEPENDENCE—MOVEMENT and served as presidium head.
19090315             † He was shot to death in MOSCOW 19541126            .
19120000—20000315    * † DURWARD—KIRBY, TV funnyman ("Candid Camera" and "THE—GARRY—MOORE—SHOW") at age 87 in Fort MYERS—FLORIDA.
19120315             Die Uraufführung der zweiaktigen Oper Das Spielwerk und die PRINZESSIN—VON—FRANZ—SCHREKER erfolgt an der Hofoper in WIEN.
19130217             Die Ausstellung moderner Kunst ist —BIS zum 19130315             zu sehen.
19130217—19130315    —BIS—ZUM, Die Ausstellung moderner Kunst ist zu sehen.
19130301—19180000    —CHANGED, The filing date was, to 19130315             and
19130315             —DESCRIBED, PRESIDENT—WILSON met with reporters for what's been, as the 1. presidential press conference.
19130315             SOME—SOURCES say WILSON—1. actual press conference was —1—WEEK—LATER.
19130315—19810000    * † LEWIS—ROBERT—WASSERMAN (20020000             † ) in CLEVELAND.
19130315—19810000    LEWIS—ROBERT—WASSERMAN went on to expand the company as MCA—INCORPORATED into 1—MAJOR—ENTERTAINMENT conglomerate.
19140308—19140315    —VERANSTALTET, DIE—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATIE, die "Rote —WOCHE".
19140308—19140315    148 109—NEUE Mitglieder und 83 784—NEUE Abonnenten werden geworben.
19140308—19140315    die "Rote —WOCHE" dient der allgemeinen Agitation für DIE—PARTEI—ORGANISATION und DIE—PARTEI—PRESSE.
19150315—18640000    —IN, Bard was born in Chambersburg, PENNSILVANIA, and came to CALIFORNIA.
19150315—18710000    —IN, he laid out THE—TOWN—OF—HUENEME and built 1—WHARF there.
19160315             —PURSUED, USA—TROOPS, the guerillas, killing 50 on USA—SOIL and 70—MORE in MEXICO.
19160315             —CHASED, GENERAL—PERSHING and his 15,000 troops, PANCHO—VILLA into MEXICO.
19160315             —FAILED, GENERAL—PERSHING, to capture PANCHO—VILLA dead or alive.
19160315—19230000    † PANCHO—VILLA—WAS—ASSASSINATED, at Parral.
19160315—19830000    oo HARRY—JAMES, Betty Grable
19160315—19830000    * † HARRY—JAMES, USA—BAND—LEADER and trumpet player,
19160315—19830000    —REMEMBERED, HARRY—JAMES is best, for his hit "You Made Me Love You".
19170302             —RELEASED, The passengers and crew were, 19170315             in Syria.
19170315             —ABDANKT, NIKOLAUS—II—ZAR—VON—RUSSLAND, Unter dem Druck der
19170315             —FEBRUAR—REVOLUTION  und
19170315             —ÜBERGIBT, NIKOLAUS—II—ZAR—VON—RUSSLAND, die Herrschaft an seinen Bruder MICHAIL—ALEXANDROWITSCH—ROMANOW, der
19170315             WILLIAM—D—STEPHENS (18590000—19440000    ) began serving as the 24. GOVERNOR—OF—CALIFORNIA and continued to 19230108            .
19170315             NICHOLAS—II, last RUSSIA—TSAR, said he will abdicate.
19170315             —AM, Im Verlauf der russischen ;;02;; —REVOLUTION, musste ZAR—NIKOLAUS—II. abdanken.
19170315             —AM, DIE—MACHT übernahm 1—REGIERUNG unter FÜRST—GEORGI—LWOW,
19170315             Die Regierung unter FÜRST—GEORGI—LWOW, SICH aus Konstitutionellen DEMOKRATEN und Menschewiki zusammensetzte.
19170315             Obwohl diese Regierung den KRIEG an der Seite der ENTENTE—MÄCHTE fortsetzte,
19170315             sahen OHL und DEUTSCHLAND—REICHS—LEITUNG in DER—NEUEN Situation 1—CHANCE für 1—SIEG IM—OSTEN.
19170315             —RÜCKTRITT des Zaren ENDE—DES—RUSSISCHEN—REICHES.
19170315             sahen OHL und DEUTSCHE—REICHS—LEITUNG in DER—NEUEN Situation 1—CHANCE für 1—SIEG IM—OST—EN.
19170315—19170315    —BEREITS—AM—NÄCHSTEN—TAG,auf den Thron verzichtet. MICHAIL—ALEXANDROWITSCH—ROMANOW,
19180315             * RICHARD—ELLMANN, USA literary scholar, writer (OSCAR—WILDE).
19200315             —GENERAL—STREIK, der bislang größte, Im DEUTSCHEN—REICH, als Reaktion auf den KAPP—PUTSCH
19200315             —AUFRUF verschiedener Organisationen und Parteien, 12—MILLIONEN—MENSCHEN folgen einem
19200315             —BAHN bricht, Im WEST—DEUTSCHEN—REICH sich der Ruhraufstand.
19220228—19220315    —AM, Die ÄGYPTEN—SCHUTZMACHT—GROSS—BRITANNIEN behält sich bestimmte Rechte in ihrem FRÜHEREN—PROTEKTORAT vor, das 1—KÖNIG—REICH—ÄGYPTEN wird.
19220315             —AUSRUFT sich, Der ÄGYPTISCHE—SULTAN als Fu'?D—I—KÖNIG—VON—ÄGYPTEN.
19220315             —GERAUME—ZEIT fortbesteht, Wegen 4—GRAVIERENDER Vorbehalte bei Gewährung der Unabhängigkeit für ÄGYPTEN  faktisch 1 BRITISCHES—PROTEKTORAT
19220315             —ISSUED, SULTAN—FUAD—I, whereby he changed his title from SULTAN—OF—EGYPT to KING—OF—EGYPT.
19220315             FRANCE was willing to accept raw material INSTEAD—OF—CURRENCY for GERMANY—REPARATIONS.
19230315             1—AMBASSADOR—CONFERENCE set the demarcation line between LITHUANIA and POLAND as 1—NATIONAL—BORDER, which LITHUANIA did not recognize.
19230315             —FELLED, Lenin was, by his 3. stroke.
19240315             —GEDRUCKT werden die letzten Papiermark im Nennwert von 5—BILLIONEN Mark, DEUTSCHLAND,.
19240315             Papiermark im Nennwert von 5—BILLIONEN—MARK, entsprechen nach der Währungsreform desselben Jahres 5—RENTENMARK.
19240315             —RECOGNIZED, SWEDEN, THE—USSR
19260103             AIR Studios; inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame [19990315             ].
19260315             † SOFIE—VON—SUPPÈ oo FRANZ—VON—SUPPÈ, sowie als dessen Nachlassverwalterin Museumsgründerin und Mäzenin.
19280315             * NICOLAS—FLAGELLO, composer.
19280315             —MODIFIED, Mussolini, THE—ITALY electoral system.
19300315             —STREAMLINED, THE—USS—NAUTILUS, the 1., SUBMARINE—OF—USA—NAVY, was launched.
19330315             WIEN, wird DER—NATIONALRAT nach der angeblichen "Selbstausschaltung des Parlaments" von der AUSTRO—FASCHISTISCHE—BUNDESREGIERUNG unter ENGELBERT—DOLLFUSS mit Polizeigewalt am Zusammentreten gehindert.
19330315             Die ÖSTERREICHISCHE—REPUBLIK mündet damit in den AUSTRO—FASCHISTISCHEN Ständestaat.
19330315             —COORDINATED, THE—NAACP began 1, attack on segregation and discrimination.
19330315             abgedruckt in: Stiewe, Pressephoto (ANMERKUNG—16), SEITE—104F.; Lochner an Tochter Betty,
19340315             —RESTORED, HENRY—FORD, the $5—1—DAY—WAGE.
19370315             —OPENED, The 1. state contraceptive clinic, in RALEIGH, NC.
19380000—20090315    RICHARD—MASATO—AOKI had given the Panthers SOME—OF—THEIR 1. guns.
19380000—20090315    * † RICHARD—MASATO—AOKI, FORMER—JAPANESE—AMERICA—FBI informant (19610000—19770000    ) and early MEMBER—OF—THE—BLACK—PANTHERS (19670000             ), in OAKLAND—CALIFORNIA, from complications relating to diabetes.
19380315             † NIKOLAI—IWANOWITSCH—BUCHARIN, sowjetischer Politiker, Ökonom, marxistischer Theoretiker und Philosoph
19390000—20210315    * † Yaphet Kotto, AFRICA—USA—ACTOR, near MANILA in THE—PHILIPPINES.
19390315             —AM—NÄCHSTEN—TAG, zum REICHSPROTEKTORAT—BÖHMEN—UND—MÄHREN, erklärt werden.
19390315             —DIE—TSCHECHOSLOWAKEI, hört auf zu bestehen.
19390315             —OCCUPIED, GERMANY, Bohemia and Moravia, Czechoslovakia.
19390315             —BECAME, SLOVAKIA, independent
19400315             Reichsmarshal Herman Goering said 100—200—CHURCH bells are enough for GERMANY and smelted the rest.
19410315             1—BLIZZARD in NORTH—DAKOTA killed 151. 19410316             —SEE
19410315             THE—PHILIPPINES—AIRLINES maid its maiden flight from MANILA to BAGUIO.
19410316             1—BLIZZARD hit NORTH—DAKOTA and MINNESOTA killing 60. 19410315             —SEE
19420315             † Alexander VAN Zemlinsky (70), AUSTRIAN—USA composer (AFRICA—DANCE).
19430315             —STADT—CHARKOW—RÜCKEROBERUNG, Der DEUTSCHEN—WEHRMACHT gelingt an der OST—FRONT in der
19430315             —SCHLACHT—UM—CHARKOW
19430315             THESSALONIKI—GREECE, occupying GERMANY—FORCES began founding up the 1. batch of Jews in Eleftherias (Freedom) Square.
19430315             Of those, 1,950 survived.
19430315—19430800    —BY, 46,091 Jews had been deported to AUSCHWITZ—BIRKENAU.
19440315             —MERGED, ALGIERS, the provisional government, THE—OFFICE—FRANÇAIS—DE—INFORMATION and FRANCE—AFRIQUE, thus forming Agence Française de Presse (AFP).
19440315             —RAIDED, Allied bombers again, GERMAN—HELD Monte CASSINO—ITALY.
19440315             † OTTO—VON—BELOW, —86—JAHRE—ALT, GERMANY—COMMANDANT (WW I).
19440315             † OTTO—VON—BELOW (86), GERMANY—COMMANDANT (WW I).
19450314—19450315    —AM, bombardierten die Alliierten den Lindener Hafen, verwandelten das Ufer in 1—MONDLANDSCHAFT und versenkten mehrere Schiffe.
19450315             Bing Cosby and Ingrid Bergman were winners in the 17. ACADEMY—AWARDS along with the film "Going my Way".
19450315             PIERRE—DRIEU—LA—ROCHELLE (18930000             *), 1—WELL—KNOWN—FRANCE—COLLABORATIONIST and fascist writer, committed suicide.
19450315             —AM, VORMITTAG DES, war DIE—FRAUENKIRCHE —NACH—DEN LUFT—ANGRIFFE—AUF—DRESDEN in sich zusammengebrochen.
19490315             —ALMOST—4—YEARS—AFTER THE—END—OF—WORLD—WAR—II, clothes rationing in GREAT—BRITAIN ends.
19500315             PHILADELPHIA, wird die Oper THE—CONSUL—VON—GIAN—CARLO—MENOTTI uraufgeführt, für die der Komponist später den PULITZER—PREIS in der Kategorie Musik erhält.
19500315             "Consul" opened at Barrymore Theater in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19500315—19480000    —AUSGEARBEITETE, Der KOPENHAGENER—WELLENPLAN zur Verteilung der Sendefrequenzen für Rundfunksender im Lang- und Mittelwellenbereich tritt in Kraft.
19510315             —GEGRÜNDET, Das Bundeskriminalamt wird in WIESBADEN offiziell.
19510315             —DEMANDED, GENERAL—DE—LATTRE, that PARIS send him more troops for the fight in Indochina (VIETNAM).
19510315             —NATIONALIZED, Persia, THE—ANGLO—IRAN—OIL—COMPANY.
19520315             Auf der INSEL—RÉUNION fällt die größte —BISHER an 1—TAG gemessene NIEDERSCHLAGSMENGE—1.870—MM.
19540315             —PREMIERED, The "CBS —MORNING Show", with WALTER—CRONKITE (19160000—20090000    ) and JACK—PAAR (19180000—20040000    ).
19540315             —1—, The "CBS —MORNING Show" premiered with WALTER—CRONKITE (19160000—20090000    ) and JACK—PAAR (19180000—20040000    ).
19550315             —UNVEILED, THE—USA—AIR—FORCE, 1—SELF—GUIDED missile.
19560315             Das Musical My Fair Lady von FREDERICK—LOEWE und ALAN—JAY—LERNER —NACH—DEM Schauspiel Pygmalion von GEORGE—BERNARD—SHAW wird mit JULIE—ANDREWS und Rex Harrison in den Hauptrollen im MARK—HELLINGER—THEATRE auf dem Broadway in NEW—YORK uraufgeführt.
19560315             Das Stück wird vom Publikum mit Begeisterung aufgenommen und bringt es in der Folge auf 2717—AUFFÜHRUNGEN.
19560315             —OPENED, THE—LERNER and Loewe musical "My Fair Lady", starring JULIE—ANDREWS and Rex Harrison at THE—MARK—HELLINGER—THEATER in NEW—YORK—CITY for 2,715 performances.
19570315             —EXECUTED, Burton Abbot was, for 19550000             —THE abduction and KILLING—OF— 14—YEAR—OLD—STEPHANIE—BRYAN.
19570315             † Burton Abbot was executed for 19550000             —THE abduction and KILLING—OF— 14—YEAR—OLD—STEPHANIE—BRYAN.
19600315             10—NATIONS met in GENEVA to discuss disarmament.
19610315             1. DEUTSCHE—GROSSSTADT, —EINFÜHRT, das Parken mit Parkscheiben, in der INNEN—STADT—KASSEL.
19610315             —CREATED, S—FRANCISCO, a 12-ton statue of S—FRANCIS, by BENNY—BUFANO, was removed from THE—FRONT—OF—S—FRANCIS—OF—ASSISI—CHURCH at 610—VALLEJO St. and taken to OAKLAND.
19610315             UNIÃO—DAS—POPULAÇÕES—DE—ANGOLA[UPA] desencadeava os primeiros ataques às fazendas e vilas coloniais no NORTE—DE—ANGOLA, massacra centenas de colonos brancos e também negros, nas fazendas do café, zonas dos Dembos, Negage, Úcua e Nambuangongo.
19620315             —PREMIERED, RICHARD—RODGER—MUSICAL "No Strings,", in NEW—YORK—CITY for 580—PERFORMANCES.
19620315             He was the 1. world leader to do so.
19620315             1—USA—LOCKHEED—SUPER H Constellation disappeared above the Pacific Ocean and 107—PEOPLE were killed.
19620315             The aircraft was transporting 93—ARMY—MEN and 3—SOUTH—VIETNAM—FROM TRAVIS—AIR—FORCE—BASE, CALIFORNIA to SAIGON—VIETNAM.
19620315             It was en route to CLARK—AIR—BASE in THE—PHILIPPINES —WHEN it disappeared.
19620315—19830315    —OBSERVED, World Consumer Rights —DAY (WCRD) was 1., and has —SINCE become 1—IMPORTANT—OCCASION for mobilizing citizen action.
19640315             oo Actress ELIZABETH Taylor, actor RICHARD—BURTON in MONTREAL; it was her 5. marriage, his 2.
19640315             —ASKED, LBJ, for 1—WAR—ON—POVERTY and for Congress to ensure everybody's right to vote.
19640315             CAMBODIA was receiving military aid from Communist CHINA.
19650315             1. Restaurant von TGI—FRIDAY, —ERÖFFNET in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19650315             —BOMBEN—KRIEG—GEGEN—NORD—VIETNAM, eröffnen, DIE—USA, den verstärkten
19650315             1. einsetzt, DIE—USA—NAPALM—BRAND—BOMBEN.
19650315             His speech was WRITTEN—BY—RICHARD—GOODWIN.
19650315             T.G.I. —FRIDAY—1. restaurant opened in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19650315             Gamal Abdel Nasser was RE—ELECTED EGYPT—PRESIDENT.
19650315             —CALLED, Addressing 1—JOINT—SESSION—OF—CONGRESS, PRESIDENT—JOHNSON, for new legislation to guarantee EVERY—AMERICAN—RIGHT to vote.
19650315—20070000    —AUTHORED, Garth E. Pauley, "LBJ—AMERICA—PROMISE: 19650000             —THE—VOTING—RIGHTS—ADDRESS".
19670315             —NAMED, LBJ, Ellsworth Bunker as the new ambassador to Saigon, SOUTH—VIETNAM.
19670315             —REPLACED, Bunker, Lodge.
19670315—19701200    —IN, TEXAS lawyer Herb Kelleher and businessman Rollin KING—INCORPORATED—SOUTH—WEST—AIRLINES—INITIALLY as "Air SOUTH—WEST—CO." Kelleher and KING faced —4—YEARS—OF—SETBACKS and legal challenges from competitors that culminated in winning key cases —BEFORE THE—SUPREME—COURT—OF—THE—USA and
19670315—19710600    —IN, THE—SUPREME—COURT—OF—TEXAS.
19670315—19710618    —ON, The 1. flights finally took off.
19680315             —HALTED, THE—USA—MINT, the practice of buying and selling gold.
19680315             —NOTED, USA—INTELLIGENCE, WITHDRAWAL—OF—MAJOR—NVA units from the Khe Sanh area.
19690315             —NACH—1—NEUERLICHEN—ZWISCHENFALL am gemeinsamen GRENZ—FLUSS—USSURI
19690315             kommt es GRENZ—FLUSS—USSURI zu erneuten Kämpfen zwischen SOWJET—SOLDATEN und CHINESISCHEN—SOLDATEN.
19690315             A violent CHINESE—RUSSIA—BORDER dispute left 100s dead.
19700315             "Purlie" opened at Broadway Theater in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19700315             Expo '70, promoting "Progress and Harmony for Mankind," opened in OSAKA—JAPAN.
19700315             —FEATURED, The '70 Expo, the Multiscreen Corporation PRODUCTION—OF—THE—FILM—TIGER Child.
19700315—19710300    —IN, In December it moved to the —WINTER Garden Theater and to THE—ANTA—PLAYHOUSE where it closed —IN—NOVEMBER—AFTER 1—TOTAL—OF—688—PERFORMANCES.
19720315             FRANCIS—FORD—COPPOLAS—SPIELFILM—THE—GODFATHER —NACH—DEM gleichnamigen ROMAN—VON—MARIO—PUZO mit MARLON—BRANDO in der Hauptrolle und AL—PACINO, JAMES—CAAN, ROBERT—DUVALL und Diane Keaton in weiteren Rollen hat in den USA seine Uraufführung.
19730315             —BEGRÜNDET, Mit der Uraufführung des Erotikstreifens Liebesgrüße aus der Lederhose wird das Genre der Lederhosenfilme.
19740315             —BECAME, BRAZIL, GENERAL—ERNESTO—GEISEL (19070000—19960000    ), PRESIDENT and ruled —FOR—5—YEARS.
19740315             —ENDED, He gradually, political repression, lifted press censorship and allowed political exiles to return.
19740315             —DOUBLED, Under his rule the foreign debt, to $43—BILLION.
19740315             —ENDED, GENERAL—ERNESTO—GEISEL gradually, political repression, lifted press censorship and allowed political exiles to return.
19740315             —DOUBLED, Under GENERAL—ERNESTO—GEISEL his rule the foreign debt, to $43—BILLION.
19750315             —DISAPPEARED, TED—BUNDY victim JULIE—CUNNINGHAM (26), from VAIL—COLORADO.
19750315             † ARISTOTLE—ONASSIS, —69—JAHRE—ALT GREECE—SHIPPING magnate near PARIS.
19770315             THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES began a —90—DAY—TEST to determine the feasibility of showing its sessions on television.
19780315             —ERSCHEINT, Janoschs illustriertes Kinderbuch Oh, wie schön ist PANAMA.
19790315             BRAZIL, GENERAL—JOAO—BAPTISTA—FIGUEIREDO (19990000             † age 81) began serving as PRESIDENT and continued to 19850000            .
19790315             —SERVED, Aureliano Chaves (20030000             † age 74), as VP.
19790315             He oversaw the transition to democracy begun by his predecessor Ernesto Geisel.
19790315             Inflation —DURING his rule rose from 43% —1—YEAR to 230% —1—YEAR—WHEN he left office.
19790315             Figueiredo was the last of 5—GENERALS to rule —DURING the 19640000—19850000    dictatorship.
19810302             —RELEASED, The passengers and crew were, 19810315             in Syria.
19810315             —KILLED, FERNANDO—BELMONTES, —19—JAHRE—ALT, Steacy McConnell (19) —DURING 1—ROBBERY in Victor, —JUST EAST—OF—LODI, CALIFORNIA.
19810315             He hit her 15—20—TIMES with 1—IRON dumbbell.
19810315             —KILLED, FERNANDO—BELMONTES (19), Steacy McConnell (19) —DURING 1—ROBBERY in Victor, —JUST EAST—OF—LODI, CALIFORNIA He hit her 15—20—TIMES with 1—IRON dumbbell.
19810315—20060000    —REINSTATED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, his death sentence.
19820315             —STALKED, Actress Theresa Saldana (19540000             *) was, and stabbed by ARTHUR—JACKSON.
19820315             —STARRED, She had, in MARTIN—SCORSESE'S 19800000             film "Raging Bull".
19820315             —CONVICTED—OF, ARTHUR—JACKSON was, 2. degree attempted murder and served —12—YEARS.
19820315—19660000    —EXTRADITED, He was then, to ENGLAND for wounding 2—TELLERS and killing 1—MAN who tried to stop 1—BANK—ROBBERY in the Chelsea section of LONDON.
19820315—19940000    —AUTHORED, RONALD—MARKMAN and Ron Labrecque, "Obsessed: THE—STALKING—OF—THERESA—SOLDANA".
19830315             —OBSERVED, World Consumer Rights —DAY (WCRD) was 1. - He was the 1. world leader to do so.
19830315             † REBECCA—WEST (born 18920000             —IN as Cicily Fairfield), UK—WRITER.
19830315             —INCLUDED, REBECCA—WEST—BOOKS, "THE—RETURN—OF—THE—SOLDIER" (19180000             ) and "Black Lamb and Grey Falcon," which was written —FOLLOWING 1—TRIP through YUGOSLAVIA.
19830315             REBECCA—WEST had 1—RELATIONSHIP with H.G. Wells that led to the birth of 1—SON, Anthony.
19830315             Her pen name came from 1—CHARACTER in IBSEN—PLAY "Rosmersholm".
19830315             —OBSERVED, World Consumer Rights —DAY (WCRD) was 1.
19830315             USA—PRESIDENT—JOHN F Kennedy was the 1. world leader to do so.
19830315—19620315    —ON, USA—PRESIDENT—JOHN F Kennedy gave 1—ADDRESS to Congress, in which he formally addressed THE—ISSUE—OF—CONSUMER—RIGHTS.
19830315—19960000    —IN, CARL—ROLLYSON wrote her biography: "Rebecca West: 1—LIFE".
19830315—20000000    —IN, the "Selected Letters of Rebecca West" was edited by BONNIE—KIME—SCOTT.
19830315—20030000    —EDITED, BERNARD—SCHWEITZER, and introduced her work "Survivors in MEXICO".
19840315             THE—ACQUITTAL—OF—1—MIAMI police officer on charges of negligently killing 1—GHETTO youth sparked 1—RAMPAGE by angry blacks in MIAMI;
19840315             550—PEOPLE were arrested.
19840315             USA—COUNCIL for World Freedom
19840315             Conspiracy PLANET—AL—MARTIN  - Bush Family Crime Story: IRAN...
19840315             Anyway Wendy S—CHARLES was a friend of BARBARA—STUDLEY 's.
19840315             Right Web | Profile | - USA—COUNCIL for World Freedom
19840315             Anyway WENDY—S—CHARLES was 1—FRIEND—OF—BARBARA—STUDLEY 's. - USA—COUNCIL for World Freedom
19850115             —SCHEDULED, —JUST —1—DAY—BEFORE he was, to take THE—OATH—OF—OFFICE (19850315             ), Neves became severely ILLINOIS.
19860315             —RULED, THE—AMA, that euthanasia was ethical on coma patients.
19870315             "Starlight Express" by ANDREW—LLOYD—WEBER, opened at Gershwin Theater in NEW—YORK—CITY for 761—PERFORMANCES.
19870315             Peggy Say, the sister of TERRY—ANDERSON, the Associated Press correspondent held hostage in LEBANON, said PRESIDENT—REAGAN was being "unjustly castigated" for his ARMS—FOR—HOSTAGES—DEAL.
19870315—19840327    —OPENED, The initial production had, at the Apollo VICTORIA Theatre in LONDON.
19880315             —DEFEATED, PAUL—SIMON, JESSE—JACKSON in THE—ILLINOIS—DEMOCRATIC—PRIMARY, —WHILE GEORGE—BUSH won 1—RINGING victory over BOB—DOLE in the Republican contest.
19880315             —APPROVED, NFL owners, the move of the St LOUIS—CARDINALS to PHOENIX.
19880315             SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, JOE—MORGAN, —49—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER baseball star and Hall of Famer, was roughed up and handcuffed by LA police and 1—DEA agent, who mistook him for 1—DRUG—SUSPECT.
19880315             1—FEDERAL—APPEAL—COURT—LATER reduced Morgan's $540,000 damage award to between $190,000 and $340,000.
19900315             —SONDER—KONGRESS der Volksdeputierten wird
19900315             —EXECUTED, IRAQ, LONDON—BASED JOURNALIST—FARZAD—BAZOFT, claiming he was 1—SPY.
19910315             Damit, frei ist der Weg zur Wiedervereinigung Deutschlands.
19910315             —2—PLUS—4—VERTRAG, in Kraft tritt
19910315             —2—PLUS—4—VERTRAG, DEUTSCHLAND erlangt seine volle Souveränität und die
19910315             1—INDICTMENT was unsealed in LOS—ANGELES, charging 4—POLICE—OFFICERS with beating black motorist RODNEY—KING.
19910315             —AM, inkraft.
19910315             —AM, soll DIE—BUNDES—REPUBLIK dann, nach —46—JAHREN BESATZUNGS—ZEIT wieder souverän geworden sein.
19910315             —WWII—NACH—DEM, entstandenen Grenzen werden als unabänderlich anerkannt.
19910315—19900912    —2—PLUS—4—VERTRAG tritt in Kraft, —AM, Der von der DDR und der Bundesrepublik DEUTSCHLAND sowie FRANKREICH, GROSSBRITANNIEN, der SOWJET—UNION und den USA abgeschlossene.
19920315             —STATIONIERT—WERDEN, Friedenstruppen (UNPROFOR) der Vereinten Nationen, BOSNIEN—UND—HERZEGOWINA, im Zuge des
19920315             —BOSNIEN—KRIEG,
19920315             —EINTREFFEN, KAMBODSCHA, die 1. MITGLIEDER—DER—UN—UNTAC—MISSION, um vorübergehend die Verwaltung des Landes zu übernehmen.
19920315             —DEBATED, Democratic presidential candidates, in CHICAGO, criticizing PRESIDENT—GEORGE—HW—BUSH—HANDLING of the Persian Gulf War and its aftermath, and clashing over economic issues.
19920315             —EMBARKED, THE—UNITED—NATIONS officially, on its largest peacekeeping operation with the arrival of 1—DIPLOMAT in CAMBODIA.
19920315             THE—UN peacekeeping mission in CAMBODIA soon began running 1—RADIO—STATION to disseminate reliable information —BEFORE elections.
19930315             Die Foron Hausgeräte GmbH geht mit dem zusammen mit Greenpeace und HARRY—ROSIN entwickelten Greenfreeze, dem 1. FCKW- und FKW—FREIEN Kühlschrank, in die Serienfertigung.
19930315             Searchers found THE—BODY—OF—THE 6. and last missing VICTIM—OF—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER bombing in NEW—YORK.
19940315             ILLINOIS Congressman DAN—ROSTENKOWSKI, CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—HOUSE—WAYS and Means Committee, defeated 4—DEMOCRATIC—PRIMARY—CHALLENGERS in his bid for RE—ELECTION.
19950315             —ISSUED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, 1—EXECUTIVE—ORDER formally blocking a $1—BILLION contract between Conoco and IRAN to develop 1—HUGE offshore oil tract in the Persian Gulf.
19950315             —ON—HAGEL resigned from THE—BOARD—OF—AIS as he intended to run for office.[8] MICHAEL—MCCARTHY, the parent company's founder, was HAGEL—CAMPAIGN treasurer.[9]
19960125—19960315    —BRUISED, THROUGH, With Republicans, by 2—GOVERNMENT shutdowns, THE—USA—HOUSE overwhelmingly approved legislation to keep FEDERAL—AGENCIES running.
19960315             Der NIEDERLÄNDISCHE—FLUGZEUGHERSTELLER—FOKKER meldet Insolvenz an.
19960315             —NACH—23—JAHREN, 1. freien Präsidentschaftswahlen, mitten im SIERRA—LEONE—BÜRGER—KRIEG, kann AHMAD—TEJAN—KABBAH die im 2. WAHL—GANG mit fast 60—PROZENT—DER—STIMMEN für sich entscheiden.
19960315             † WOLFGANG—KOEPPEN, DEUTSCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER (Trilogie des Scheiterns)
19960315             —AGREED, THE—LIGGETT—GROUP, to repay more than $10—MILLION in Medicaid bills for TREATMENT—OF—SMOKERS, settling lawsuits with 5—STATES.
19960315             The settlement came —2—DAYS—AFTER Liggett, the nation's 5.—LARGEST tobacco company, made history by settling 1—PRIVATE—CLASS—ACTION lawsuit alleging cigarette makers manipulated nicotine to hook smokers.
19960315             † HELEN—CHADWICK, —42—JAHRE—ALT, UK—ARTIST.
19960315             † HELEN—CHADWICK (42), UNITED—KINGDOM—ARTIST.
19970315             1—ART—SHOW that featured 13—OIL—PAINTINGS by DOCTOR—KEVORKIAN opened in Royal OAK—MICHIGAN They depicted severed heads, moldering skulls and rotting corpses.
19970315             PRESIDENT—CLINTON spent a 2. —DAY at Bethesda Naval Medical Center, recuperating from surgery for 1—PARTIALLY torn knee tendon.
19970315             —EVACUATED, GREECE—FROGMEN and USA—MARINES, HUNDREDS—OF—FOREIGNERS trapped in ALBANIA —AFTER that country's descent into anarchy.
19970315             —OPENED, GERMANY—SOLDIERS, —WHILE rescuing foreigners, fire under hostile conditions in ALBANIA.
19970315             This was their 1. active combat —SINCE WW II.
19970315             —REPORTED, THE—MOSCOW paper Komsomolskaya Pravda, in 1—ARTICLE by ROBERT—BYKOV, retired RUSSIA—COLONEL, that 1—ACCIDENTAL nuclear launch could happen at ANY—TIME due to the aged and UNRELIABILITY—OF—THE—COMMAND—AN—CONTROL—EQUIPMENT.
19980315             Random drug testing at all MALAYSIA—SCHOOLS was to be instituted with urine testing equipment.
19980315—19930000    —AIRED, CBS' "—60—MINUTES", 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—FORMER—WHITE—HOUSE—EMPLOYEE—KATHLEEN—WILLEY, who said PRESIDENT—CLINTON had made unwelcome sexual advances toward her in the Oval Office, 1—CHARGE denied by THE—PRESIDENT.
19990227             HE announced his resignation 19990315            .
19990315             EUROPÄISCHE—KOMMISSION—VIZE—PRÄSIDENT—MANUEL—MARÍN wird mit der Bildung einer neuen Kommission beauftragt.
19990315             BRUCE—SPRINGSTEEN, PAUL—MCCARTNEY, BILLY—JOEL and Dusty SPRINGFIELD were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
19990315             —REPORTED, THE—USA—PRISON—POPULATION was, at 1.8—MILLION with 668—INMATES per 100,000 residents.
19990315             —DERAILED, BOURBONNAIS—ILLINOIS, the "CITY—OF—NEW—ORLEANS" Amtrak train, —AFTER hitting 1—TRUCK loaded with steel.
19990315             The truck was driven by JOHN—STOKES and 11—PEOPLE were killed and 119 injured.
19990315             1—WITNESS testified that Stokes tried to go —AROUND the crossing gates to beat the train, but the testimony was —LATER reported as mistaken.
19990315             —REOPENED, ECUADOR, the banks, as taxi drivers protested THE—DOUBLING—OF—GAS—PRICES.
19990315             —CLAIMED, ERITREA, to have shot down 1—ETHIOPIAN—MIG 23 and to have destroyed 19—TANKS.
19990315             —DENIED, ETHIOPIA, the claims.
19990315             All 20—MEMBERS—OF—THE—EU executive body, the European Commission led by JACQUES—SANTER, resigned —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—CHARGES—OF—FRAUD, corruption and mismanagement.
19990315             —CRASHED, HAITI, 1—UN—HELICOPTER, in the mountains and 13—PEOPLE were killed.
19990315             —INCLUDED, They, 6—ARGENTINES, 6—RUSSIANS and 1—AMERICAN.
19990315             —CLOSED, INDONESIA, the government, 38—BANKS, took over 7, and agreed to bail out 9 in 1—ATTEMPT to revitalize the financial system.
19990315             THE—KOSOVAR—ALBANIA—DELEGATION to peace talks in PARIS said it was ready to sign 1—INTERNATIONAL—ACCORD for KOSOVO.
19990315             KOSOVO, the ethnic Albanians gave 1—WRITTEN pledge to sign 1—PEACE proposal.
19990315             —BECAME, Pluto again, the outermost planet.
19990315             † In NORTH—IRELAND—ROSEMARY—NELSON (40), 1—CATHOLIC—HUMAN—RIGHTS—LAWYER, was killed by 1—CAR—BOMB in Lurgan.
19990315             "Y2K Bug Causes Fears on Nuclear Security", Inter Press Service,
19990315             in THE—CRIMSON—THIS magazine article quotes BASIC report THE—BUG in the Bomb on the highly improbable potential of accidental or mistaken LAUNCH—OF—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS.
19990315             "Y2K Bug Causes Fears on Nuclear Security", Inter Press Service, in THE—CRIMSON
19990315             in THE—CRIMSON
20000315             —SECURED, Their presidential nominations, AL—GORE and GEORGE—W—BUSH dug in for THE—8—MONTH—BATTLE—TO—ELECTION—DAY, with Bush saying he was braced for Gore's "politics of personal destruction and distortions," and Gore arguing that Bush's "risky tax scheme" would hurt the economy.
20000315             —ANNOUNCED, Paleontologist DANIEL—GEBO, THE—DISCOVERY—OF—BONES from 2—TINY primates, the size of 1—HUMAN—THUMB, that lived 42—MILLION—YEARS ago in SHANGHUANG—CHINA.
20000315             MICHIGAN, 4—TEENS beat to death and robbed WILLIE—JONES, —66—JAHRE—ALT as he left THE—MICHIGAN—LANES—BOWLING—ALLEY in GRAND—RAPIDS.
20000315             —STUFFED, The teens then, Jones into their car trunk and drove —AROUND town to show him off.
20000315             † DARRELL—KEITH—RICH, —45—JAHRE—ALT, serial killer, was executed at S—QUENTIN, CALIFORNIA.
20000315             His was the 8. execution in THE—STATE—SINCE—THE—REINSTITUTION—OF—THE—DEATH—PENALTY.
20000315             1—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL—PANEL accused governments of AFRICA and EUROPE of violating SANCTIONS—AGAINST—THE—UNITA rebels in ANGOLA.
20000315             —PASSED, CANADA, the Clarity Act, which set out 1—PROCEDURE for the government to negotiate with ANY—PROVINCE that votes for INDEPENDENCE by 1—CLEAR—MAJORITY.
20000315             —APPROVED, ISRAEL, the security cabinet, 1—TROOP—PULLOUT from 6.1—PERCENT—OF—THE—WEST—BANK—AS—HEZBOLLAH fired rockets at ISRAEL—POSITIONS in SOUTH—LEBANON and NORTH—ISRAEL.
20000315             —INCLUDED, The areas to be ceded, several PALESTINE—VILLAGES and towns near Ramallah, Bethlehem and HEBRON.
20000315             —RAIDED, KOSOVO, USA—TROOPS, 5—LOCATIONS in SOUTH—EAST—KOSOVO and seized large QUANTITIES—OF—ARMS and ammunition from militant Albanians.
20000315             —CLOSED, LIBERIA, the government, 2—LEADING independent radio stations saying they posed 1—SECURITY—RISK.
20000315             —ANNOUNCED, THE—IMF, that UKRAINE had provided false data on its currency reserves 19960000—19980000    —BETWEEN in order to get 3—LOANS approved.
20000315             † DARRELL—KEITH—RICH (45), serial killer, was executed at S—QUENTIN, CALIFORNIA His was the 8. execution in the state —SINCE THE—REINSTITUTION—OF—THE—DEATH—PENALTY.
20000315             † In IRAQ USA and UNITED—KINGDOM—WARPLANES hit southern targets and IRAQ reported that 1—CIVILIAN was killed and 6 injured.
20000315             SANDNet Weekly Update
20010201             —ORDERED, GOVERNOR—DAVIS, large retail outlets to dim lights with penalties beginning 20010315            .
20010209             p.A2)(SFC, 20010215             , p.A3)(SFC, 20010221             . p.A2)(SFC, 20010315             , p.A3)(WSJ, 20010424             , p.A1)(AP, 20080209             )
20010215             —1—, p.A3)(SFC, 20010221             . p.A2)(SFC, 20010315             , p.A3)(WSJ, 20010424             , p.A1)(AP, 20080209             )
20010228—20010315    —SCHEDULED, All warring parties were, to make way for an 18-mile buffer zone, to be monitored by THE—UN.
20010315             Bei Explosionen auf der BOHRPLATTFORM—PETROBRAS—36, DES BRASILIANISCHEN—KONZERN—PETROBRAS vor BRASILIEN kommen mindestens 10—MENSCHEN ums Leben.
20010315             Die BOHRPLATTFORM—PETROBRAS—36 sinkt in Folge und führt zu einem Ölteppich, der allerdings aufs Meer hinaustreibt.
20010315             —CONFIRMED, FEDERAL—AUTHORITIES, that remains found on 1—TEXAS ranch were those of missing atheist leader Madalyn MURRAY—O'HAIR and 2—OF—HER—RELATIVES.
20010315             —SENTENCED, DAVID—WATERS, the key suspect in the slayings, was, to —20—YEARS in prison on 1—FEDERAL—EXTORTION—CHARGE in connection with the case.
20010315             † ANN—SOTHERN, —92—JAHRE—ALT, film and TV actress, in KETCHUM—IDAHO.
20010315             —INCLUDED, ANN—SOTHERN—WORK, 64—MOVIES and over 175—TV—EPISODES.
20010315             AUSTRALIA—HIH—INSURANCE, the country's 2. largest insurance firm, was forced into liquidation.
20010315             This led to 1—REVISION—OF—REGULATORY oversight.
20010315             —KILLED, BRAZIL, 1—PETROBRAS—OIL—PLATFORM—EXPLOSION, 1—WORKER and left 9—MISSING at the 40-story offshore facility.
20010315             The platform was in danger of sinking.
20010315             —ANNOUNCED, BRITAIN, plans to slaughter up to 100,000 more animals due to possible contacts with FOOT—AND—MOUTH—DISEASE—VIRUS.
20010315             Chechen men, wielding knives and claiming to have 1—BOMB, hijacked 1—RUSSIA—PLANE carrying 174—PEOPLE—AFTER it left TURKEY and forced it to land in the holy SAUDI—ARABIA—CITY—OF—MEDINA.
20010315             1—FLIGHT—ATTENDANT, 1—PASSENGER and 1—HIJACKER were killed.
20010315             —RESIGNED, INDIA, defense MINISTER—GEORGE—FERNANDES, in a corruption scandal.
20010315             MACEDONIA, PRIME—MINISTER—LJUBCO—GEORGIEVSKI said that 1—DIRECT—INVOLVEMENT—OF—NATO—TROOPS might be required to stem rebel attacks.
20010315             1—S—MAARTEN registered boat carrying illegal migrants sank near S—MARTIN and at least 20—PEOPLE were killed.
20010315             † ANN—SOTHERN (92), film and TV actress, in KETCHUM—IDAHO.
20010315—19990000    —SENTENCED, In THE—PHILIPPINES 10—POLICE—OFFICERS were, to death for accepting $13,265 in bribes from alleged drug dealers.
20010911             —POST—RESTRICTIONS on Academic RESEARCH—HARVARD, MIT panelists decry FEDERAL—RULES—BY NATHAN—J—HELLER, THE—HARVARD—CRIMSON, 20030224             20010911             —POST—RESTRICTIONS on Academic RESEARCH—HARVARD, MIT panelists decry FEDERAL—RULES—BY NATHAN—J—HELLER, THE—HARVARD—CRIMSON, 20030224             20011100             In the next several months, at least 12—USA—OR—UK—ARTICLES mentioned SAEED—LINKS to AL—QAEDA [ABC News, 20020207             , BOSTON Globe, 20020207             , AP, 20020224             , LOS—ANGELES—TIMES, 20020315             ], including his financing of 20010911             [NEW—YORK Daily News, 20020207             , CNN, 20020208             , AP, 20020209             , GUARDIAN, 20020209             , Independent, 20020210             , Time, 20020210             , NEW—YORK Post, 20020210             , —EVENING Standard, 20020212             , LOS—ANGELES—TIMES, 20020213             , NEW—YORK Post, 20020222             , —SUNDAY Herald, 20020224             , USA—TODAY, 20020308             ], and at least 16—ARTICLES mentioned his links to THE—ISI.
20010911             gegen die USA führten nicht nur zu grundlegenden... Der USA Quadrennial Defense Review Report des Jahres 20010000             listete CHINA als einen der...
20011100             In the next several months, at least 12—USA—OR—UK—ARTICLES mentioned SAEED—LINKS to AL—QAEDA [ABC News, 20020207             , BOSTON Globe, 20020207             , AP, 20020224             , LOS—ANGELES—TIMES, 20020315             ], including his financing of 20010911             [NEW—YORK Daily News, 20020207             , CNN, 20020208             , AP, 20020209             , GUARDIAN, 20020209             , Independent, 20020210             , Time, 20020210             , NEW—YORK Post, 20020210             , —EVENING Standard, 20020212             , LOS—ANGELES—TIMES, 20020213             , NEW—YORK Post, 20020222             , —SUNDAY Herald, 20020224             , USA—TODAY, 20020308             ], and at least 16—ARTICLES mentioned his links to THE—ISI.
20020307             INDIA, the death toll from HINDU—MUSLIM violence in the region climbed to 665, and was expected to climb if construction begins 20020315             on 1—HINDU temple in Ayodha.
20020307             and was expected to climb if construction begins 20020315             on 1—HINDU temple in Ayodha.
20020312—20020315    —ON, she was sentenced to life in prison.
20020315             —OPENED, Disney, its new $532.9—MILLION—MOVIE—THEMED park adjacent to Disneyland PARIS.
20020315             ADMIRAL—ZINNI, USA—ENVOY, met with Yasser Arafat in Ramallah and demanded that he reign in militants and enforced 1—CEASE fire.
20020315             1—HOUSTON jury spared ANDREA—YATES' life —AFTER prosecutors stopped short of demanding the death penalty for the tormented mother who'd drowned her 5—CHILDREN in the bathtub.
20020315             —SENTENCED, Yates was, to life in prison;
20020315             however, she was —LATER acquitted by REASON—OF—INSANITY in 1—RETRIAL.
20020315             —KILLED, LEWISVILLE—TEXAS, JACKSON—CARR, —6—JAHRE—ALT was, and buried by his older sister (15) and brother (10).
20020315             His body was found THE—NEXT—DAY.
20020315             † Sylvester "Pat" Weaver (93), TV pioneer, in Santa BARBARA—CALIFORNIA.
20020315             —CREATED, He had, NBC's "—TODAY" and "Tonight" shows.
20020315             † In LEWISVILLE—TEXAS, JACKSON—CARR (6) was killed and buried by his older sister (15) and brother (10).
20020315             † Sylvester "Pat" Weaver (93), TV pioneer, in Santa BARBARA—CALIFORNIA—HE had created NBC's "—TODAY" and "Tonight" shows.
20030000—20030315    —SCHEDULED, The piece was rehung —UNTIL its, dismantling.
20030315             Dear Associated Press, —TODAY, THE—AP filed 1—STORY with the —FOLLOWING headline: "Poll: Bush [BGW968] Has Solid Support for War".
20030315             However, —AFTER wading through reporter WILL—LESTER—SPIN to actually read the poll results,
20030315             1—FINDS the exact opposite to be true.
20030315             —ABOUT HALF—OF—ADULTS, 47 %, say they support military action to remove IRAQ—PRESIDENT—SADDAM—HUSSEIN from power + disarm IRAQ, even without THE—SUPPORT—OF—THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL.
20030315             Why is the Associated Press afraid to honestly report the poll's findings?
20030315             What can justify such 1—ASTONISHINGLY misleading headline, followed by reporting from MISTER—LESTER with 1—SIMILARLY suspect message -- —WHEN the actual facts presented in the article point to precisely the opposite conclusion?
20030315             I await an explanation + hopefully, a very public correction.
20030315             —MARCHED, MANY—THOUSANDS—OF—ANTI—WAR—DEMONSTRATORS, in SF—WASHINGTON DC and —AROUND the world against plans for 1—WAR with IRAQ.
20030315             —KILLED, CHECHNYA, 6—RUSSIA—SOLDIERS were, by rebel fire and mines.
20030315             —DESTROYED, Attackers, 2—POLLING stations ahead of 20030323             —THE constitutional referendum.
20030315             Hu Jintao was chosen to replace Jiang Zemin as THE—PRESIDENT—OF—CHINA.
20030315             —ARRESTED, PAKISTAN, authorities near LAHORE, Yassir AL—JAZIRI, 1 suspected key AL—QAEDA figure.
20030315             Dear Associated Press, —TODAY, THE—AP filed 1—STORY with the —FOLLOWING headline:
20030315             "POLL: BUSH [BGW968] HAS SOLID SUPPORT FOR WAR".
20030315             —STATED, PRESIDENT—BUSH [BGW968] has resolutely, he will prosecute 1—WAR against IRAQ without the "full support of the [UN ] SECURITY COUNCIL " -- and appears poised to do so.
20030315             What can justify such 1—ASTONISHINGLY misleading headline, followed by reporting from Mr.
20030315             Sincerely, CHRIS—KROMM—DIRECTOR, Institute for SOUTH—STUDIES—DURHAM, NC
20030315             Erbe HANNS—EISLERS und die Vereinbarkeit von Kunst und PROPAGANDA Ode an die politische Musik.doc
20030315             HOWEVER, —AFTER wading through reporter WILL—LESTER—SPIN to ACTUALLY read the poll RESULTS, 1—FINDS THE—EXACT—OPPOSITE—TO—BE—TRUE.
20030318             Published by the Gannett STATE—BUREAU 20030315             20030318             Our friend CHRIS—KROMM, DIRECTOR—OF—THE—INSTITUTE for SOUTH—STUDIES, examined a 20030315             AP news story on 1—POLL on pro + anti war sentiment among We the People + promptly dashed off the —FOLLOWING letter to AP :
20030318             EXAMINED A 20030315             AP NEWS STORY ON 1—POLL on PRO + ANTI WAR SENTIMENT AMONG WE THE—PEOPLE + promptly dashed off the —FOLLOWING LETTER TO AP :
20030827—20050315    —ON, Ebbers was found GUILTY—OF—ALL—CHARGES.
20040315             —INDUCTED, THE—ROCK and Roll Hall of Fame, PRINCE, BOB—SEGER, JACKSON—BROWNE and GEORGE—HARRISON along with ZZ Top, Traffic and the Dells.
20040315             —AGREED, MISSOURI jurors, that vapors from butter flavoring at the microwave popcorn factory had permanently ruined THE—LUNGS—OF—ERIC—PEOPLES.
20040315             The verdict was against INTERNATIONAL Flavors and Fragrances INCORPORATED and its subsidiary Bush Boake ALLEN—INCORPORATED.
20040315             —ORDERED, The flavoring manufacturers were, to pay $18—MILLION to Peoples and $2—MILLION to his wife.
20040315             —IDENTIFIED, OHIO police, CHARLES—A—MCCOY—JUNIOR, —28—JAHRE—ALT as the gunman in 2—DOZEN—HIGHWAY—SHOOTINGS that have terrorized motorists —FOR—MONTHS.
20040315             —AGREED, BANK—OF—AMERICA and FleetBoston Financial, to pay $675—MILLION in fines and fee cuts to settle improper MUTUAL—FUND trading.
20040315             —EXPECTED, Some 13,000 job cuts were, —FOLLOWING the merger of THE—2—COMPANIES.
20040315             —DONATED, THE—BILL—GATES—FOUNDATION, $47—MILLION to private agencies carrying out AIDS prevention programs in INDIA.
20040315             —RESIGNED, Martha Stewart, from THE—BOARD—OF—MARTHA—STEWART—LIVING—OMNIMEDIA —10—DAYS—AFTER being convicted in 1—STOCK—SCANDAL.
20040315             1—NEW—COMPUTER—WORM, named "Phatbot," began appearing in THE—ASIA—PACIFIC region.
20040315             Most call it 1—VARIATION—OF—THE longstanding Gaobot or Agobot family, and sometimes as Polybot.
20040315             —WHEN the worm is run, it sets the system to autostart the worm at boot time;
20040315             attempts to terminate security software running on the computer;
20040315             and probes network shares in 1—ATTEMPT to spread itself.
20040315             —ANNOUNCED, Scientists, THE—DISCOVERY—OF—1—NEW planetoid named Sedna.
20040315             The frozen, shiny red world is some 8—BILLION miles from Earth, the most distant known object in the solar system.
20040315             —PLACED, Some, it in the outer periphery of 1—REGION called the Oort Cloud.
20040315             —REPORTED, THE—WHO, that DRUG—RESISTANT strains of tuberculosis had reached troubling levels in EAST—EUROPE and CENTRAL—ASIA.
20040315             THE—USA—MILITARY said it released 23—AFGHAN and 3—PAKISTAN—CITIZENS from THE—USA—NAVY—PRISON for terrorist suspects in CUBA, leaving about 610—STILL in detention.
20040315             —REACHED, CANADA—NATIONAL—RAILWAY, 1—TENTATIVE agreement with THE—CANADA—AUTO Workers union that could end a 3½-WEEK—OLD—STRIKE by 5,000 employees.
20040315             GEORGIA—PRESIDENT—MIKHAIL—SAAKASHVILI put trade restrictions on Adzharia —AFTER Aslan Abashidze ignored 1—DEADLINE to accept FEDERAL—AUTHORITY.
20040315             —RELENTED, IRAN, and decided to allow 1—VISIT—AT—THE—END—OF—THIS—MONTH, —AFTER temporarily freezing out INTERNATIONAL nuclear inspectors.
20040315             —KILLED, IRAQ, 4—USA—MISSIONARY—RELIEF—WORKERS were, in 1—DRIVE—BY shooting in MOSUL.
20040315             —ATTACKED, ISRAEL—HELICOPTERS, 2 suspected Hamas weapons workshops in GAZA City and PRIME—MINISTER—ARIEL—SHARON called off 1—SUMMIT with his PALESTINE—COUNTERPART.
20040315             Ousted HAITI—PRESIDENT—JEAN—BERTRAND—ARISTIDE left his temporary exile in AFRICA and flew to JAMAICA despite opposition to his presence in the Caribbean.
20040315             —DIFFUSED, PAKISTAN—POLICE, 1—LARGE—BOMB inside 1—VAN parked in front of THE—USA—CONSULATE in KARACHI.
20040315             —KILLED, SAUDI—ARABIA, authorities, Khaled ALI—HAJ, 1—YEMENI, and Ibrahim bin ABDUL—AZIZ bin MOHAMMED—AL—MEZEINI, 1—SAUDI.
20040315             Haj, who also uses the name ABU—HAZIM—AL—SHA'IR, was the "most dangerous" AL—QAEDA operative in the region.
20040315             Haj was 3. on the government's list of SAUDI—ARABIA—26—MOST wanted militants.
20040315             JOSE—LUIS—RODRIGUEZ—ZAPATERO, THE—LEADER—OF—SPAIN—VICTORIOUS—SOCIALISTS, said he will withdraw his nation's support for THE—USA—LED occupation of IRAQ.
20040315             —CELEBRATED, VENEZUELA, OPPONENTS—OF—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ, 1—SUPREME—COURT ruling that signatures on petitions seeking 1—PRESIDENTIAL recall vote were valid unless citizens disclaim them.
20040315             The verdict was against INTERNATIONAL—FLAVORS and Fragrances INCORPORATED and its subsidiary Bush Boake ALLEN—INCORPORATED—THE flavoring manufacturers were ordered to pay $18—MILLION to Peoples and $2—MILLION to his wife.
20040315             —IDENTIFIED, OHIO police, CHARLES—A—MCCOY—JUNIOR.
20040315             (28) as the gunman in 2—DOZEN—HIGHWAY—SHOOTINGS that have terrorized motorists —FOR—MONTHS.
20040315             —WHEN the worm is run, it attempts to terminate security software running on the computer;
20040315             —WHEN the worm is run, it probes network shares in 1—ATTEMPT to spread itself.
20040315             It might make us feel better to see TERROR ists as 1—ALIEN breed, but the fact is that often they inhabit the same physical universe as us; +
20040315             according to SAGEMAN—FINDINGS, they are like us in MANY—WAYS too.
20040315             It is surely time to look anew at what is DRIVINGTHE—NEW—NIHILISM + how we might combat it.
20040315             FAKE TERROR Attack Drill at SHEA—STADIUM...
20040315             —DETONATED, OFFICE—OF—EMERGENCY—MANAGEMENT, 1 unspecified type of fake WEAPON—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION inside the stadium...
20040315             Fake TERROR—AMERICA—DEBATE...
20040315             + new topics cannot be started in the archive.
20040315             FAKE TERROR + the governments that orchestrate it
20040315             agents were accused of creating fake AL—QAEDA cell (more, with pictures...
20040315             Fake TERROR—AMERICA—DEBATE... + new topics cannot be started in the archive.
20040315             Fake Terror + the governments that orchestrate it... agents were accused of creating fake AL—QAEDA cell (more, with pictures...
20040315183514       DEUTSCHE—BANK—DER 11_ —MÄRZ ist nicht der 11_ —SEPTEMBER—MANAGER—MAGAZIN_de.htm
20040315—20031114    —AM, Die von MICHAEL—E—BROWN, CHAD—TRUJILLO und DAVID—LINCOLN—RABINOWITZ gemachte ENTDECKUNG—DES—ASTEROIDEN—SEDNA, eines transneptunischen Objekts, das möglicherweise zu den Zwergplaneten zählt, wird bekanntgegeben.
20040827             [NY-9] (INTRODUCED 20010315             ) Cosponsors
20040827             Latest Major Action: 20010315             Referred to House committee.
20040827             Sponsor: Rep Weiner, ANTHONY—D [NY-9] (introduced 20010315             ) Cosponsors (9)
20040918             —1— D, The latest Joint Intelligence Committee assessment, —FRIDAY, 20040315             , said information on SADDAM—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION was "sporadic and patchy".
20050204             - 146. Edited by Tamara Feinstein.
20050204             - THE—CIA—NAMES—FILE on ADOLF—EICHMANN
20050204             .. www.eyespymag_com/The%20CIA%20and%20Nazi%20War%20Criminals.htm
20050306             How is...Chertoff, Michael,20050202             Nomination Hearing....Cleaves, Art, 20030315             "Investing in Homeland Security
20050306             Bell, Charles, 20040608             , Dietary Supplement Safety Act: How is...Chertoff, Michael,20050202             Nomination Hearing....Cleaves, Art, 20030315             "Investing in Homeland Security...
20050315             —FOUNDED, Wackenhut was, by GEORGE—WACKENHUT, 1—EX—DIRECTOR at THE—CIA + Wackenhut BOARD—OF—DIRECTORS includes several government officials from various executive... 20050314             T oday we read about GEORGE—WACKENHUT, who made millions by hanging out with people like William "LET—MAKE 1—PRE—ELECTION—DEAL with Ayatollah Khomeini" Casey.
20050315             THE—BUSH—RECORD: Actions, Consequences, Failure + Disasters in... I have noticed 1—TROUBLING pattern that characterizes the Bush / Cheney... we could use or find the technologies that create energy without destroying... 20050314             20050315             Congressman Ron PAUL—ADMITS—CONSPIRACY to Create World Government... Summary of the Cheney Energy task FORCE—ENERGY—POLICY: PRESIDENT—BUSH—ENERGY... 20050314             20050315             Official: USA—OIL at the heart of IRAQ crisis... JUDGE—ASKED to Find Bush Admin in CONTEMPT—CHENEY energy task force... 20050314             20050315             Bush and Harken... help remind AMERICANS—OF—THE—CORNERS—BUSH + Cheney cut —DURING their days in... 1—TINY, MONEY—LOSING energy company with large debts of which MISTER—BUSH... 20050314             20050315             ENRON—BUSH—HARVARD—WTC—OIL—CONNECTION—HOW TO CREATE 1—PHONY—POWER—CRISIS: THE—BUSH—ENRON CONNECTION... THE—ROOTS—OF—THE—BUSH—CHENEY—OIL—GOVERNMENT... 20050314             20050315             omission surfaces: Lower Jurassic of THE—UAE + OMAN... 1—OVERPRESSURED—CENTRAL—NORTH—SEA—OIL/gas field... twin patterns in ferroelastic and CO—ELASTIC—MINERALS... 20050314             March/In This Issue
20050315             1—USA—SENATE—INVESTIGATORS released 1—NEW—REPORT that said 9—USA—BANKS, including Citigroup, BANK—OF—AMERICA, and Riggs Bank, enabled Augusto Pinochet, FORMER—CHILE—DICTATOR, and family members to build 1—SECRET—NETWORK—OF—ACCOUNTS to conceal his wealth.
20050315             —MERGED, DC—BASED Riggs Bank, with PNC Financial —FOLLOWING the inquiry, which also revealed that Pinochet and Obiang Nguema, PRESIDENT—OF—EQUATORIAL—GUINEA, had stashed millions in private accounts there.
20050315             —CHARGED, THE—USA, 18—PEOPLE with 1—SCHEME to smuggle SHOULDER—FIRED missiles and other military gear from FORMER—SOVIET—STATES.
20050315             1—PERSON was still at large.
20050315             1—NY FEDERAL—JURY found BERNARD—EBBERS, —63—JAHRE—ALT, FORMER—HEAD—OF—WORLDCOM, guilty on all 9—COUNTS against him, including securities fraud, conspiracy and lying to regulators.
20050315             —SENTENCED, He was —LATER, to —25—YEARS in prison.
20050315             —REPORTED, British and SPAIN—SCIENTISTS, that they have discovered how green tea helps to prevent certain TYPES—OF—CANCER.
20050315             —SHOWED, They, that 1—COMPOUND called EGCG in green tea prevents cancer cells from growing by binding to 1—SPECIFIC enzyme.
20050315             —NOTED, It was, that ISRAEL—RESEARCHERS had found that pomegranate juice, 8—OUNCES —1—DAY, helps lower cholesterol.
20050315             —EMBATTLED, BOLIVIA's, PRESIDENT—CARLOS—MESA asked the country's legislature to authorize 1—EARLY—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION this —SUMMER, saying he can no longer govern among growing protests and road blockades.
20050315             —REPORTED, HONG—KONG press, that Zhang Enzhou was removed as PRESIDENT—OF—CHINA—CONSTRUCTION—BANK (CCB), CHINA—3. largest bank, allegedly for taking bribes.
20050315             1—FRANCE—COURT gave the maximum —10—YEAR—PRISON—SENTENCE to Djamel Beghal (39), the ringleader of 1 alleged plot to send 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER into THE—USA—EMBASSY in PARIS.
20050315             —SENTENCED, The court also, 5—OTHER—DEFENDANTS in the case to 1—9—YEAR—PRISON—TERMS.
20050315             —TESTIFIED, Beghal, that his confession of 1—PLAN to send 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER into THE—USA—EMBASSY was obtained under torture —AFTER his 20010700             arrest in DUBAI—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES.
20050315             —EXTRADITED, He was, to FRANCE —2—MONTHS—LATER and retracted that confession.
20050315             3—CAR—BOMBS exploded in BAGHDAD, killing at least 5—PEOPLE.
20050315             —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—BERLUSCONI, that ITALY would begin pulling its 3,300 troops out of IRAQ —IN—SEPTEMBER.
20050315             THE—NEXT—DAY he said the withdrawal date was merely 1—HOPE.
20050315             —ISSUED, PAKISTAN, release orders for 589—INDIA—PRISONERS as 1—GESTURE—OF goodwill towards NEW—DELHI.
20050315             —HARDENED, In THE—PHILIPPINES—SOME—OF—THE—COUNTRY—MOST, terror suspects were killed in 1 failed prison uprising that left 28—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20050315             The inmates at Camp Bagong Diwa in suburban MANILA had agreed to surrender —AFTER their failed jailbreak —1—DAY—EARLIER, but the deal broke down —WHEN they demanded food 1.
20050315             —IN and Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations dated —JAHR
20050315             Novas perspectivas sobre os Lusitanos (e outros mundos)-
20050315             de SANTA—MARTA (804—M), Cabeça Gorda ( 525—M), Ferreira (578—M) e... PERGUN—TAR se, numa inscrição de Malpartida de Plasencia, consagrada a Ban[...] Vor...
20050315             Wackenhut Corporation@Everything2_com...
20050315             —FOUNDED, WACKENHUT was, by GEORGE—WACKENHUT, 1—EX—DIRECTOR at THE—CIA + WACKENHUT BOARD—OF—DIRECTORS includes several government officials from various executive...
20050315             Wackenhut : Prisons + profits + golf umbrellas...
20050315             Sounding like 1—PARTICULARLY bad —LATE—NIGHT—MOVIE, this is 1—EXTRACT from the authorised biography of GEORGE—WACKENHUT, entitled THE—QUIET—AMERICAN.
20050315             Alien Intelligencer: GEORGE—WACKENHUT 191900002004
20050315             "FORMER—FBI agent GEORGE—RUSSELL—WACKENHUT turned 1—SMALL, SOUTH—FLORIDA detective agency into 1—GLOBAL—LEADER in security.
20050315             Conspiracy THEORIES—AREA 51 - Inoffiziell
20050315             Ihr Boss ist GEORGE—WACKENHUT, 1—FRÜHERER—FBI—AGENT.
20050315             Ursprünglich durften staatliche Stellen keine privaten Firmen zu Überwachungszwecken einstellen.
20050315             prima facie: GEORGE—WACKENHUT
20050315             —FORMED, GEORGE—WACKENHUT, 1—EX—FBI man, his namesake security company in FLORIDA 19540000            .
20050315             —CALLED, MISTER—WACKENHUT once, GEORGE—BUSH "pink".
20050315             Bush WhackedUSA, Monitoring the Net for Progressive News & Opinion...
20050315             (4—POINTS) over BUSH /CHENEY among RVs, with or without NADER—CAMEJO in the mix.
20050315             is to create 1—NATIONAL—ASSEMBLY to work with the new government.
20050315             THE—BUSH—RECORD: Actions, Consequences, Failure + Disasters in...
20050315             I have noticed 1—TROUBLING pattern that characterizes THE—BUSH / CHENEY
20050315             we could use or find the technologies that create energy without destroying
20050315             —PUSHED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has, the crisis to 1 unprecedented level.
20050315             TEXAS BANK—LOOTING, THE—BUSH—MAFIA, Political Corruption and Lots More..
20050315             corruption in TEXAS regarding the land subdivisions called Colonias, the Savings and Loan Crisis + prominent figures including THE—BUSH—FAMILY.
20050315             NewsPro Archive...
20050315             JED—BUSH, DAN—QUAYLE, Dick CHENEY, PAUL—WOLFOWITZ, STEVE—FORBES and others + is 1—PROJECT
20050315             COURT—DENIES—CHENEY attempt to keep energy group secret...
20050315             GEORGE—BUSH understands that most Americans don't have the time, energy... And still they lie: BUSH backs CHENEY on linking Hussein, AL—QAEDA...
20050315             Air AMERICA—RADIO | THE—AL—FRANKEN—SHOW...
20050315             CHENEY et al walking away with billions in IRAQ. Isn't that why THE—BUSH
20050315             1—FAKE news show as 1—ATTEMPT to throw the election to GEORGE—W—BUSH...
20050315             TVSet. org — (Home).. - BUSH—CHENEY ENERGY STRATEGY [—WHEN 1. assuming office
20050315             Scoop: MARK—ROBINOWITZ: Another Stolen Election...
20050315             farce to create 1—ILLUSION—OF—DEMOCRACY, —SINCE Kerry and BUSH are both members.. of Skull and Bones + Kerry,
20050315             BUSH and CHENEY are distant cousins?... - CHENEY—SECRETS...
20050315             —ON CHENEY Energy Panel - 1—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT—TUESDAY rejected THE—BUSH
20050315             between the secret WHITE—HOUSE—DEALS, the fake CALIFORNIA energy crisis...
20050315             —BY STEVE—GELSI, CBS.MarketWatch_com.
20050315             Our Fake Energy Crisis : What Really Happened in CALIFORNIA... - ;;09;;
20050315             Archives2. - Congressman Ron PAUL—ADMITS—CONSPIRACY to Create World Government
20050315             Official: USA—OIL at the heart of IRAQ crisis
20050315             JUDGE—ASKED to Find BUSH Admin in CONTEMPT—CHENEY energy task force... - War Against Terrorism News Archives...
20050315             —ON the energy plan formulated by CHENEY—TASK—FORCE last —SPRING.
20050315             Bush and Harken...
20050315             help remind AMERICANS—OF—THE—CORNERS—BUSH + CHENEY cut —DURING their days in... 1—TINY, MONEY—LOSING energy company with large debts of which MISTER—BUSH...
20050315             the public interest law firm that investigates and prosecutes government
20050315             Dowbrigade News: Wacky News...
20050315             NICE to see USA—CULTURE spreading —AROUND the globe.
20050315             THE—NATION, 19761113             —PARAGUAY: Terror and Profit by Lernoux, Penny...
20050315             national identity in the face of BRAZIL—ECONOMIC and cultural invasion.
20050315             + cultivating the fear + selfishness that immigration produces.
20050315             to create new SADDAM—HUSSEINS + Pinochets + Mobutus to defeat terrorism?...
20050315             Comdemn this cultural vandalism + destruction...
20050315             The horrors of GUATEMALA + Pinochets CHILE + BANZER—SUAREZ—BOLIVIA + El Slavador + HONDURAS +...
20050315             CONTRA—INTELLIGENCE on OLIVER—NORTH—BY Celerino Castillo 3..-..
20050315             MEXICO—FEDERAL—POLICE provide little comfort in WAR—ON—DRUG lords (March
20050315             were being trained at 1—RANCH in Vera Cruz, owned by RAFAEL—CARO—QUINTERO...
20050315             and set up ties to MEXICO—TRAFFICKERS such as RAFAEL—CARO—QUINTERO and...
20050315             getting 1—DRUG—SHIPMENT across the border is 1—TRIUMPH," QUINTERO said.
20050315             1—HOTEL where they were playing 1—PARTY for 1—RELATIVE—OF—RAFAEL—CARO.
20050315             Historical Text Archive: Articles: Noriega and Key Players in the..-..
20050315             MEXICO—TRAFFICKER—RAFAEL—CARO—QUINTERO, MIGUEL—ANGEL—GALLARDO... perched on the edge of MEDELLIN, the drug lord built and donated 500 2—BEDROOM...
20050315             MIHRA_org/ Music Industry Human Rights Association-..
20050315             Politics + the Industry, ACTIVISM: Human Rights, THE—DRUGS—PAGE
20050315             RAFAEL—CARO—QUINTERO + Ernesto Fonseca, met with USA—PILOTS working out of...
20050315             MEXICO—CARTELS + Their Integration-..
20050315             the Sonora Cartel run by the Caro QUINTERO FAMILY—OF—GUADALAJARA... —WHEN it was revealed that he had ties with SEVERAL—OF—THE—MEXICO—DRUG—LORDS.
20050315             told him that major drug figures, including RAFAEL—CARO—QUINTERO... The photos, the ledgers, all the stuff the cops found that —MORNING as they hit...
20050315             Organized Crime and Terrorist Activity in MEXICO,
20050315             1—TRIBUNAL has overturned the sentence of 1—DRUG—LORD convicted of killing USA
20050315             —CONVICTED, RAFAEL—CARO—QUINTERO was, in the highly publicized death of...
20050315             Hemp News NUMBER 30 Compiled by PAUL—STANFORD (treefreeeco@igc_org..-..
20050315             brings -- rival drug lords in Rio battle for turf + distribution rights.
20050315             + set up ties to MEXICO—TRAFFICKERS such as RAFAEL—CARO—QUINTERO +...
20050315             GLOBALISATION + DRUGS + CRIMINALISATION (Vol. 1: Ex.
20050315             Summary +. - - suspect was RAFAEL—CARO—QUINTERO, HEAD—OF—1—OF—THE—GROUPS controlled by Félix
20050315             Latin Drug Lords..USA lawmen + the war AMERICA can't win", New... - Drug War Chronicle, Issue #371-..
20050315             including the notorious RAFAEL—CARO—QUINTERO, who is doing —90—YEARS for the
20050315             the much larger AMOUNT—OF—DRUGS "discovered in THE—HANDS—OF—DRUG—LORDS.
20050315             Prison Talk ONLINE—CIA Sold Cocaine-..
20050315             informants told him that major drug figures, including RAFAEL—CARO—QUINTERO... JORGE—LUIS—OCHOA, —AT—THE—TIME—COLUMBIA—MOST ambitious drug lord.
20050315             Location: Tivoli Restaurant, 17000000             N. MOORE—STREET, Rosslyn, VA-
20050315             Lesley Fields has 1—EXTENSIVE—BACKGROUND in Strategic Sourcing and is the
20050315             1—PREDICTION that the final shoe has yet to drop in Darlene Druyun case;...
20050315             8—CONTRACTS totaling more than $3—BILLION have been referred for further investigation as PART—OF—THE—SCANDAL surrounding Darlene Druyun...
20050315             Other Contract Law News
20050315             GAO sustains Lockheed protest in which Darlene Druyun was involved.
20050315             this article offers background, insight + empirical data relevant to these...
20050315             Darleen Druyun who plead guilty to...
20050315             Documents Relating to the Bay of Pigs Invasion + the Cuban...
20050315             Executive Outcomes: Arming for THE—POST—NATION state era...
20050315             Buckingham had been set up with 1—POCKET—OIL—COMPANY, HERITAGE OIL AND GAS
20050315             British + the Lord Cayzer freight/shipping empire apparatus out of OMAN...
20050315             Major Oil Companies Operating in the Gulf Region...
20050315             omission surfaces: Lower Jurassic of THE—UAE + OMAN
20050315             1—OVERPRESSURED—CENTRAL—NORTH—SEA—OIL/gas field... twin patterns in ferroelastic and CO—ELASTIC—MINERALS...
20050315             With the resignation of JOHN—DEUSS, the controversial PRESIDENT—OF—OMAN—OIL—CO., CHEVRON won the latest round in its continuing battle with the government...
20050315             The nivalry has multiple dimensions.
20050315             Ah competitors are rapidly extending their produet unes.
20050315             He delivered the program "to MISTER—HAI—LIN—NEE, the quality control person at YEI," according to his affidavit.
20050315             Curtis.
20050315             TÜRKEI: Polizisten nach Gewalteinsatz auf Frauendemo vom Dienst suspendiert
20050315             —ATTACKIERT, USA—NOTENBANK Fed: Greenspan, Bush s Haushaltspolitik
20050315             LIBANON: SYRIEN—GEHEIMDIENST verlässt BEIRUT
20050315             WASHINGTON : ANTHRAX—VERSEUCHTE Post im Pentagon
20050315             —VERHANDLUNGEN im IRAK: Wie die USA aus Rebellen Politiker machen wollen
20050315             —GESPROCHEN, Wirtschaftsskandale: EX—WORLDCOM—CHEF—EBBERS schuldig
20050315             ANTI—TERRORKAMPF: 5—EU—STAATEN bilden Netzwerk
20050315             Teleportation: Der Hexenmeister von WIEN
20050315             Orientierung auf See: Sicher navigieren ohne GPS
20050315             Millionen Dollar: Microsoft zahlt für Patentverletzung
20050315             Bundeswehr: Mehr Beschwerden über Misshandlungen
20050315             —VERZEICHNET, Verbraucherproteste: Werberat, deutlich mehr Beschwerden
20050315             Religiosität: Glaube könnte in den Genen liegen
20050315             Poker und Roulette: Die Erfolgsrezepte der Profizocker
20050315             Virtueller Rekorder: Videos aufzeichnen im INTERNET
20050315             MAZEDONIEN: Gefälschte Stimmzettel bei KOMMUNALWAHL—USA : Endspiel um das IRAN—ATOMPROGRAMM
20050315             Musharraf zur Jagd nach OSAMA—BIN—LADEN: "Wir haben JEDE—SPUR verloren"
20050315             Fusionspläne: Britannien baut die Supergewerkschaft
20050315             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Zur Hölle mit dem Patriarchat!"
20050315             BIONIK—WETTBEWERB: Was Rattenzähne scharf MACHT—HISBOLLAH: USA setzen EU unter Druck
20050315             Atomwaffen: NORDKOREA droht mit Ausbau seines Arsenals
20050315             Datenspeicherung: Breiter Widerstand gegen Regierungspläne
20050315             Reformvorschlag: Sozialverbände nennen Arbeitgeberchef Hundt "unverschämt"
20050315             Verhaltenskodex: WAL—MART regelt das Liebesleben seiner Mitarbeiter
20050315             Search Tuna Report for JOSEPH—COORS... - resource from: google.
20050315             Ideas Move Nations - 86.01. - RICHARD—V. ALLEN—SOURCEWATCH
20050315             Rockefeller & Global Missions...
20050315             —ON Population Growth + USA—USA—FUTURE.
20050315             The "contextualizing" of the gospel, which credit
20050315             —ORGANISED, The worldwide fight against transnational, crime...-
20050315             1. - THE—WORLDWIDE—FIGHT against Transnational Organised Crime: AUSTRALIA NUMBER 9—TECHNICAL + Background Paper Page 2. BLANK PAGE Page 3.
20050315             Doughty Street Chambers: Human Rights links...
20050315             —CONCERNED, Exclusively, with deaths in custody + inquests in...
20050315             Aithne_NET—TEXTS—SELECTION—OF—CRITICAL + constructive...
20050315             And the owner of Explosivos Alaveses is none other
20050315             —CALLED, Extremeñas, 1—COMPANY, Unión Española de Explosivos
20050315             + he answered "firstly it' is 1—QUESTION—OF...
20050315             Missile Acronyms... - EW electronic warfare EXPAL Explosivos Alaveses F—SHOB
20050315             Reacteurs a Neutrons Rapides SA NESSG Nuclear
20050315             Equipment Corporation PECSEA PRESIDENT—EXPORT—COUNCIL'S.. - Fast so hell wie 1000—SONNEN?
20050315             TELEPOLIS—WAREN die Nazis näher an einer funktionierenden Atombombe als —BISHER geglaubt?
20050315             NY Prosecutors Arrest 18 Suspected Arms Traffickers
20050315             NEW—YORK (Reuters) - NEW—YORK prosecutors said —ON—TUESDAY 18—PEOPLE have been arrested on CHARGES—OF—TRAFFICKING in arms from RUSSIA,
20050315             RICE—SAYS—USA—CONCERNED at CHINA Military BUILD—UP
20050315             1—ISLAND—WASHINGTON has vowed to defend.
20050315             Ausland: ANTI—TERROR—NETZWERK für EUROPA
20050315    Die Innenminister der 5—GRÖSSTEN EU—STAATEN haben in einem zweitägigen Treffen im SPANIEN—GRENADA beschlossen,
20050315             1—NETZWERK für den AUSTAUSCH—VON—TERROR—INFORMATIONEN zu errichten.
20050315             SPD—BUNDESTAGSFRAKTION: Eigennutz stellt nicht die Basis des Sozialstaates dar, Herr Hundt
20050315             NEWS—ON—WEB: Politik 20050315             CDU—BUNDESTAGSFRAKTION:
20050315             Dem internationalen Terrorismus die Basis entziehen
20050315             Greenspan: Not That Hard to Fix Social Security
20050315             WASHINGTON (Reuters) - FEDERAL—RESERVE—CHAIRMAN—ALAN—GREENSPAN said —ON—TUESDAY that finding 1—WAY to strengthen THE—USA—SOCIAL—SECURITY—RETIREMENT—SYSTEM would not be that hard,
20050315             but politicians appear unwilling to bridge differences.
20050315             PAKISTAN Says Forces Nearly Hunted Down OSAMA—BIN—LADEN
20050315             LONDON (Reuters) - PAKISTAN—PRESIDENT—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF said —ON—TUESDAY his forces believed they nearly hunted down OSAMA—BIN—LADEN about —10—MONTHS—AGO but the trail had —SINCE gone cold.
20050315             RICE—SAYS—USA—HELPED—INDIA, PAKISTAN Rapprochement
20050315             NEW—DELHI (Reuters) - SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE said —TUESDAY that WASHINGTON took SOME—CREDIT for helping NUCLEAR—ARMED—RIVALS—INDIA + PAKISTAN move toward peace as she arrived on her 1. visit to SOUTH—ASIA.
20050315             Man in the middle Angriff auf WLAN Hotspots
20050315    Wissen VERNETZT—DEUTSCHLAND—NEWS für die WELT—NEWSBYTE berichtet,
20050315             dass PC Professionell berichte, dass Blackhats einen Angriff auf WLAN Hotspots machen, in dem sie den Hotspot quasi clonen + ihm dieselbe SSID wie der ursprngliche Access Point geben.
20050315             Die Daten werden vom geflschten Hotspot an den richtigen weitergeleitet, so dass das Opfer nichts davon merkt.
20050315             Natürlich kann dabei der gesamte Traffic mitgelesen werden.
20050315             Kann man sich berhaupt gegen so 1—ATTACKE schtzen? Was meinen die Leser?
20050315             Rice: USA Concerned About CHINA Military BUILD—UP—SCHWEIZ: Blochers Warnung
20050315    Bundesrat CHRISTOPH—BLOCHER warnt in einer Rede vor Zürcher Offizieren vor einem Beitritt zur Europäischen Union:
20050315             Die EU strebe neuerdings eine gemeinsame Armee an, 1—EU—BEITRITT sei somit 1—BEITRITT zu einem künftigen Militärbündnis.
20050315             —VERURTEILT, Wirtschaft: EX—WORLDCOM—CHEF
20050315    Knapp —3—JAHRE nach der Milliardenpleite des USA—TELEKOMMUNIKATIONS—KONZERNS WorldCom ist der frühere Firmenchef BERNARD—EBBERS wegen massiven Betrugs verurteilt worden.
20050315             —ASKED, NEWSFACTOR—THE—FEDERAL—TRADE—COMMISSION has, 1—USA—DISTRICT—COURT to bar Spyware Assassin + its affiliates from offering consumers free spyware detection scans + from selling antispyware software.
20050315             MSN TV Hacker Gets Jail Time, Fine (NewsFactor)
20050315             NEWSFACTOR—THE—RECENT sentencing of 1—LOUISIANA man for setting 1—TROJAN virus loose among Microsoft's (Nasdaq:
20050315             MISS—FT) MSN TV subscribers illustrates THE—INTERNET—VULNERABILITY to security BREACHES—REGARDLESS—OF—THE—MEDIUM used to access it.
20050315             MSN TV (WebTV 20020000             —WHEN the hacking incident took place) is 1—MICROSOFT service that allows subscribers to connect to THE—INTERNET using their television sets.
20050315             Ebbers found GUILTY—OF—WORLDCOM fraud
20050315             INFOWORLD—TOP—NEWS—FORMER—WORLDCOM CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OFFICER—BERNARD—EBBERS—TUESDAY was found guilty on all CHARGES—OF—CONSPIRACY + fraud levelled against him in connection with $11—BILLION of accounting misstatements that led to the telecommunications giant's BANK ruptcy,
20050315             Plans to supplement passwords with security devices won't solve the problems plaguing Web businesses, warns 1—CRYPTO expert.
20050315             Pentagon Mail Center Tests Positive for Anthrax
20050315             —COLLECTED, WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Samples, from 1—DEFENSE—DEPARTMENT mail center near USA PENTAGON building have tested positive for deadly anthrax bacteria in 1—PRELIMINARY—EXAMINATION, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT said —ON—TUESDAY.
20050315             WORLDCOM—EX—CEO—FOUND—GUILTY
20050315             who built 1—SMALL—MISSISSIPPI—BASED long distance company into 1—TELECOMMUNICATIONS powerhouse,
20050315             was found guilty —ON—TUESDAY of all 9—CRIMINAL—COUNTS related to 1—ACCOUNTING scandal that cost investors billions of $s.
20050315             Greenspan: Fix Social Security to Protect Economy
20050315             WASHINGTON (Reuters) - USA—LAWMAKERS must move swiftly to shore up the Social Security retirement system to avoid economically crippling budget deficits in the future,
20050315             USA—ARRESTS 17 in Plot to Smuggle Weapons
20050315             Reuters 20050315             NEW—YORK (Reuters) - USA—AUTHORITIES have arrested 17—PEOPLE in 1—FBI sting operation on charges of planning to smuggle RUSSIA—MILITARY—ARMS,
20050315             including ROCKET—PROPELLED grenade launchers and SHOULDER—FIRED SURFACE—TO—AIR—MISSILES.
20050315             Meet the real online pirates
20050315             Ars Technica An article in Baseline Magazine goes inside a network of true online pirates.
20050315             Not P2 P users, but guys who traffic in stolen identities and financial data.
20050315             Bush Calls on Hizbollah to Lay Down Arms
20050315             Reuters WASHINGTON (Reuters) - PRESIDENT—BUSH held out THE—PROSPECT—OF—LEGITIMACY for THE—LEBANON—GUERRILLA—GROUP—HIZBOLLAH —ON—TUESDAY by saying it can prove it is not 1—TERRORIST—ORGANIZATION by LAY ing down its arms.
20050315             Republican Leader Denies Wrongdoing Over Trips
20050315             admonished by his chamber's ethics committee —LAST—YEAR, —ON—TUESDAY denied ANY—WRONGDOING in taking 2—FOREIGN—TRIPS paid for by outside groups.
20050315             —YAHOO! News: Computer Security & VIRUSES—PC WORLD—GERMANY—RESEARCHERS say hackers control more than 1—MILLION—PCS.
20050315             USA—LAWMAKERS push for data privacy legislation
20050315             Network World on Security (1) 20050315             —FOLLOWING the disclosure of 2—RECENT—LARGE—SCALE—IDENTITY—THEFT—OPERATIONS,
20050315             THE—USA—DATA—BROKERAGE—INDUSTRY will most likely face new laws —THIS—YEAR governing what personal data it collects and shares, several USA—LAWMAKERS said —TUESDAY.
20050315             Companies lining up to root out rootkits
20050315             —NOW security software companies are sitting up + taking notice, releasing software that can spot + remove rootkits from infected systems.
20050315             Bericht über 1—BERATUNG führender DEUTSCHLAND—INDUSTRIELLER in BERLIN über die Finanzierung der, ANTIBOLSCHEWISTISCHEN LIGA " am 10.
20050315             von FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—GRAF, Hartmut Ruddies - 19820000             - 291—SEITEN
20050315             ANTIBOLSCHEWISTISCHE LIGA Liga zum Schutz der DEUTSCHLAND—KULTUR (in:) Vossische
20050315             ANTIBOLSCHEWISTISCHE LIGA ' umgewidmet worden.
20050315             D 19190000             /3—RECHTSFRIEDEN und...
20050315             Die große Verschwörung - X. An der FINNLAND—GRENZE
20050315             Er betrachtete es als seine Hauptaufgabe, 1—USA—ZWEIGSTELLE der Internationalen ANTIBOLSCHEWISTISCHEN LIGA zu errichten...
20050315             Referat zum SpartakusAufstand
20050315             Ihre Anwerbung und Ausrüstung finanzierte die " ANTIBOLSCHEWISTISCHE LIGA ".
20050315             Diese hatte sich —ANFANG—REPUBLICAN Leader Denies Wrongdoing Over Trips
20050315             Dr... Group on CENTRAL—AMERICA...
20050315             Location: Tivoli Restaurant, 17000000             N. MOORE—STREET—ROSSLYN—VA -... Lesley Fields has 1—EXTENSIVE—BACKGROUND in Strategic Sourcing and is the... 1—PREDICTION that the final shoe has yet to drop in Darlene Druyun case;...
20050315             Novas perspectivas sobre os Lusitanos (e outros mundos)-... de SANTA—MARTA (804—M), Cabeça Gorda ( 525—M), Ferreira (578—M) e... PERGUN—TAR se, numa inscrição de Malpartida de Plasencia, consagrada a Ban[...] Vor...
20050315             Alien Intelligencer: GEORGE—WACKENHUT 19190000—20040000 "FORMER—FBI agent GEORGE—RUSSELL—WACKENHUT turned a small, SOUTH—FLORIDA detective agency into a global leader in security.
20050315             Conspiracy THEORIES—AREA 51 - Inoffiziell Ihr Boss ist GEORGE—WACKENHUT, 1—FRÜHERER—FBI—AGENT.
20050315             prima facie: GEORGE—WACKENHUT—GEORGE—WACKENHUT, 1—EX—FBI man, formed his namesake security company in FLORIDA 19540000            .
20050315             Bush WhackedUSA, Monitoring the Net for Progressive News & Opinion... (4—POINTS) over Bush /Cheney among RVs, with or without NADER—CAMEJO in the mix.
20050315             THE—BUSH—RECORD: Actions, Consequences, Failure + Disasters in... we could use or find the technologies that create energy without destroying... THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has pushed the crisis to 1 unprecedented level.
20050315             TEXAS BANK—LOOTING, THE—BUSH—MAFIA, Political Corruption and Lots More.. corruption in TEXAS regarding the land subdivisions called Colonias, the Savings and Loan Crisis + prominent figures including the Bush family.
20050315             NewsPro Archive... JED—BUSH, DAN—QUAYLE, Dick Cheney, PAUL—WOLFOWITZ, STEVE—FORBES and others + is a project... COURT—DENIES—CHENEY attempt to keep energy group secret...
20050315             Air AMERICA—RADIO | THE—AL—FRANKEN—SHOW... Cheney et al walking away with billions in IRAQ.
20050315             Isn't that why the Bush...1—FAKE news show as 1—ATTEMPT to throw the election to GEORGE—W—BUSH... /
20050315             Scoop: MARK—ROBINOWITZ: Another Stolen Election... farce to create 1—ILLUSION—OF—DEMOCRACY, —SINCE Kerry and Bush are both members.. of Skull and Bones + Kerry, Bush and Cheney are distant cousins?...
20050315             CHENEY—SECRETS... on Cheney Energy Panel - 1—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT—TUESDAY rejected the Bush... between the secret WHITE—HOUSE—DEALS, the fake CALIFORNIA energy crisis...
20050315             Carlyle2.htm... SEC investigates accounting under CHENEY—WATCH.
20050315             —BY STEVE—GELSI,CBS.MarketWatch_com... Our Fake Energy Crisis : What Really Happened in CALIFORNIA.
20050315             —SEPTEMBER Archives2.
20050315             Kissinger Clients lead to Enron and Cheney - 911—COVER Up Wobbles... STATE—UNDER—GEORGE—BUSH—SNR...".
20050315             War Against Terrorism News Archives... on the energy plan formulated by CHENEY—TASK—FORCE last —SPRING.
20050315             911 - TERROR IN AMERICA—PART 3 ... the public interest law firm that investigates and prosecutes government...SWITZERLAND—INVESTIGATION INTO BUSH / CHENEY INVOLVEMENT IN OIL COMPANY BRIBES TO...
20050315             Dowbrigade News: Wacky News... NICE to see USA—CULTURE spreading —AROUND the globe.
20050315             We have more than our fair share of Pinochets, Allendes, AL—SAUD'S and freshly minted.
20050315             THE—NATION, 19761113             - PARAGUAY: Terror and Profit by Lernoux, Penny... national identity in the face of BRAZIL—ECONOMIC and cultural invasion.
20050315             + his henchmen are in power, however, BRASILIA has nothing to fear.
20050315             Comdemn this cultural vandalism + destruction... The horrors of GUATEMALA + Pinochets CHILE + BANZER—SUAREZ—BOLIVIA + El Slavador + HONDURAS +...
20050315             CONTRA—INTELLIGENCE on OLIVER—NORTH—BY—CELERINO—CASTILLO 3.-.. MEXICO—FEDERAL—POLICE provide little comfort in WAR—ON—DRUG—LORDS (March... were being trained at 1—RANCH in Vera Cruz, owned by RAFAEL—CARO—QUINTERO...
20050315             Hemp News NUMBER 30 -..DRUG LORDS' INFLUENCE PERVADING MEXICO;
20050315             NEIGHBOR, LAST LINE—OF—DEFENSE—FOR... and set up ties to MEXICO—TRAFFICKERS such as RAFAEL—CARO—QUINTERO and...
20050315             relatedarticles.html -..getting 1—DRUG—SHIPMENT across the border is 1—TRIUMPH," Quintero said.
20050315             Historical Text Archive: Articles: Noriega and Key Players in the..-.. MEXICO—TRAFFICKER—RAFAEL—CARO—QUINTERO, MIGUEL—ANGEL—GALLARDO... perched on the edge of MEDELLIN, the drug lord built and donated 500 2—BEDROOM...
20050315             MIHRA_org/ Music Industry Human Rights Association -..Politics + the Industry, ACTIVISM: Human Rights, THE—DRUGS—PAGE... RAFAEL—CARO—QUINTERO + Ernesto Fonseca, met with USA—PILOTS working out of...
20050315             MEXICO—CARTELS + Their Integration -..the Sonora Cartel run by the Caro Quintero FAMILY—OF—GUADALAJARA... —WHEN it was revealed that he had ties with SEVERAL—OF—THE—MEXICO—DRUG—LORDS.
20050315             FEDS, INFORMANTS FINGER USA GOVT AS DRUG TRAFFICKER -..told him that major drug figures, including RAFAEL—CARO—QUINTERO... The photos, the ledgers, all the stuff the cops found that —MORNING as they hit...
20050315             Other Contract Law News GAO sustains Lockheed protest in which Darlene Druyun was involved.
20050315             IFN—MANHATTAN JUDGE—RULES—ON—PRE—TRIAL—MOTIONS—IN "Kazakhgate...
20050315             00.000.---- -until —RECENTLY—HEADQUARTERED in HOUSTON + headed by JOHN—DEUSS
20050315             With the resignation of JOHN—DEUSS, the controversial PRESIDENT—OF—THE—OMAN—OIL—CO.
20050315             Chevron won the latest round in its continuing battle with the government...
20050315             Earth SCIENCES—PUBLICATIONS
20050315             omission surfaces: Lower Jurassic of THE—UAE + OMAN... 1—OVERPRESSURED—CENTRAL—NORTH—SEA—OIL/gas field... twin patterns in ferroelastic and CO—ELASTIC—MINERALS...
20050315             —ANNOUNCED, New models + une extensions are, almost daily... - FLORIDA Election Stolen... prototype.
20050315             Search Tuna Report for JOSEPH—COORS... Dr... Group on CENTRAL—AMERICA... resource from: google.
20050315             Rockefeller & Global Missions... on Population Growth + USA—USA—FUTURE.
20050315             —ORGANISED, The worldwide fight against transnational, crime... - 1.
20050315             THE—WORLDWIDE—FIGHT against Transnational Organised Crime: AUSTRALIA NUMBER 9—TECHNICAL + Background Paper Page 2. BLANK PAGE Page 3.
20050315             Doughty Street Chambers: Human Rights links... Exclusively concerned with deaths in custody + inquests in......
20050315             Aithne_NET—TEXTS—SELECTION—OF—CRITICAL + constructive... And the owner of Explosivos Alaveses is none other... Extremeñas, 1—COMPANY called Unión Española de Explosivos... + he answered "firstly it' is 1—QUESTION—OF... 20050315             20050315             Missile Acronyms... EW electronic warfare EXPAL Explosivos Alaveses F—SHOB... Reacteurs 1—NEUTRONS—RAPIDES—SA—NESSG—NUCLEAR... Equipment Corporation PECSEA PRESIDENT—EXPORT—COUNCIL'S.
20050315             Fast so hell wie 1000—SONNEN?
20050315             NY Prosecutors Arrest 18 Suspected Arms Traffickers NEW—YORK (Reuters) - NEW—YORK prosecutors said —ON—TUESDAY 18—PEOPLE have been arrested on CHARGES—OF—TRAFFICKING in arms from RUSSIA, including ROCKET—PROPELLED grenades and SHOULDER—FIRED SURFACE—TO—AIR—MISSILES.
20050315             Ausland: ANTI—TERROR—NETZWERK für EUROPA Die Innenminister der 5—GRÖSSTEN EU—STAATEN haben in einem zweitägigen Treffen im SPANIEN—GRENADA beschlossen, 1—NETZWERK für den AUSTAUSCH—VON—TERROR—INFORMATIONEN zu errichten.
20050315             NEWS—ON—WEB: Politik 20050315             CDU—BUNDESTAGSFRAKTION: Dem internationalen Terrorismus die Basis entziehen
20050315             Greenspan: Not That Hard to Fix Social Security WASHINGTON (Reuters) - FEDERAL—RESERVE—CHAIRMAN—ALAN—GREENSPAN said —ON—TUESDAY that finding 1—WAY to strengthen THE—USA—SOCIAL—SECURITY—RETIREMENT—SYSTEM would not be that hard, but politicians appear unwilling to bridge differences.
20050315             PAKISTAN Says Forces Nearly Hunted Down OSAMA—BIN—LADEN LONDON (Reuters) - PAKISTAN—PRESIDENT—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF said —ON—TUESDAY his forces believed they nearly hunted down OSAMA—BIN—LADEN about —10—MONTHS—AGO but the trail had —SINCE gone cold.
20050315             RICE—SAYS—USA—HELPED—INDIA, PAKISTAN Rapprochement NEW—DELHI (Reuters) - SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE said —TUESDAY that WASHINGTON took SOME—CREDIT for helping NUCLEAR—ARMED—RIVALS—INDIA + PAKISTAN move toward peace as she arrived on her 1. visit to SOUTH—ASIA.
20050315             Man in the middle Angriff auf WLAN Hotspots Wissen VERNETZT—DEUTSCHLAND—NEWS für die WELT—NEWSBYTE berichtet, dass PC Professionell berichte, dass Blackhats einen Angriff auf WLAN Hotspots machen, in dem sie den Hotspot quasi clonen + ihm dieselbe SSID wie der ursprngliche Access Point geben.
20050315             Rice: USA Concerned About CHINA Military BUILD—UP NEW—DELHI (Reuters) - SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE said —TUESDAY THE—USA was concerned about CHINA—MILITARY—BUILD—UP because of BEIJING—RISING tensions with TAIWAN, 1—ISLAND—WASHINGTON has vowed to defend.
20050315             SCHWEIZ: Blochers Warnung Bundesrat CHRISTOPH—BLOCHER warnt in einer Rede vor Zürcher Offizieren vor einem Beitritt zur Europäischen Union: Die EU strebe neuerdings eine gemeinsame Armee an, 1—EU—BEITRITT sei somit 1—BEITRITT zu einem künftigen Militärbündnis.
20050315             —VERURTEILT, Wirtschaft: EX—WORLDCOM—CHEF, Knapp —3—JAHRE nach der Milliardenpleite des USA—TELEKOMMUNIKATIONS—KONZERNS WorldCom ist der FRÜHERE—FIRMENCHEF—BERNARD—EBBERS wegen massiven Betrugs verurteilt worden.
20050315             NEWSFACTOR—THE—RECENT sentencing of 1—LOUISIANA man for setting 1—TROJAN virus loose among Microsoft's (Nasdaq: MISS—FT) MSN TV subscribers illustrates THE—INTERNET—VULNERABILITY to security BREACHES—REGARDLESS—OF—THE—MEDIUM used to access it.
20050315             Ebbers found GUILTY—OF—WORLDCOM fraud INFOWORLD—TOP—NEWS—FORMER—WORLDCOM CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OFFICER—BERNARD—EBBERS—TUESDAY was found guilty on all CHARGES—OF—CONSPIRACY + fraud levelled against him in connection with $11—BILLION of accounting misstatements that led to the telecommunications giant's bank ruptcy, according to THE—USA—ATTORNEY—OFFICE—FOR—THE—SOUTH—DISTRICT—OF—NEW—YORK.
20050315             Pentagon Mail Center Tests Positive for Anthrax WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Samples collected from 1—DEFENSE—DEPARTMENT mail center near USA Pentagon building have tested positive for deadly anthrax bacteria in 1—PRELIMINARY—EXAMINATION, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT said —ON—TUESDAY.
20050315             WORLDCOM—EX—CEO—FOUND—GUILTY—NEW—YORK (Reuters) - FORMER—WORLDCOM INCORPORATED CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—BERNARD—EBBERS, who built 1—SMALL—MISSISSIPPI—BASED long distance company into 1—TELECOMMUNICATIONS powerhouse, was found guilty —ON—TUESDAY of all 9—CRIMINAL—COUNTS related to 1—ACCOUNTING scandal that cost investors billions of $s.
20050315             Greenspan: Fix Social Security to Protect Economy WASHINGTON (Reuters) - USA—LAWMAKERS must move swiftly to shore up the Social Security retirement system to avoid economically crippling budget deficits in the future, FEDERAL—RESERVE—CHAIRMAN—ALAN—GREENSPAN warned —ON—TUESDAY.
20050315             USA—ARRESTS 17 in Plot to Smuggle Weapons Reuters 20050315             NEW—YORK (Reuters) - USA—AUTHORITIES have arrested 17—PEOPLE in 1—FBI sting operation on charges of planning to smuggle RUSSIA—MILITARY—ARMS, including ROCKET—PROPELLED grenade launchers and SHOULDER—FIRED SURFACE—TO—AIR—MISSILES.
20050315             Meet the real online pirates Ars Technica 1—ARTICLE in Baseline Magazine goes inside 1—NETWORK—OF—TRUE online pirates.
20050315             Bush Calls on Hizbollah to Lay Down Arms Reuters WASHINGTON (Reuters) - PRESIDENT—BUSH held out THE—PROSPECT—OF—LEGITIMACY for THE—LEBANON—GUERRILLA—GROUP—HIZBOLLAH —ON—TUESDAY by saying it can prove it is not 1—TERRORIST—ORGANIZATION by lay ing down its arms.
20050315             Study Finds Botnet Attacks Worse Than Expected (PC World) Yahoo!
20050315             USA—LAWMAKERS push for data privacy legislation Network World on Security (1) 20050315             —FOLLOWING the disclosure of 2—RECENT—LARGE—SCALE—IDENTITY—THEFT—OPERATIONS, THE—USA—DATA—BROKERAGE—INDUSTRY will most likely face new laws —THIS—YEAR governing what personal data it collects and shares, several USA—LAWMAKERS said —TUESDAY.
20050315             Companies lining up to root out rootkits Network World on Security (1) Stealthy, remote system access programs called "rootkits" could fuel the next big wave of malicious code + are already beginning to influence THE—DESIGN—OF—NEW—INTERNET—WORMS + viruses, according to security experts.
20050315             Republican Leader Denies Wrongdoing Over Trips WASHINGTON (Reuters) - USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES—MAJORITY—LEADER—TOM—DE—LAY, admonished by his chamber's ethics committee —LAST—YEAR, —ON—TUESDAY denied ANY—WRONGDOING in taking 2—FOREIGN—TRIPS paid for by outside groups.
20050315             Antibolschewistische Liga Liga zum Schutz der DEUTSCHLAND—KULTUR (in:) Vossische... Antibolschewistische Liga ' umgewidmet worden.
20050315             Die große Verschwörung - X. An der FINNLAND—GRENZE Er betrachtete es als seine Hauptaufgabe, 1—USA—ZWEIGSTELLE der Internationalen Antibolschewistischen Liga zu errichten...
20050315             Diese hatte sich —ANFANG
20050315—19970501    PORTLAND NORML Weekly News Release -..
20050315—20001001    —UNTIL, DELAY of sentencing of EX—BOEING employee, Darlene Druyun..+ EX—AIR—FORCE—ACQUISITION—OFFICIAL,
20050315—20010000    —IN—EARLY, TVSet. org — (Home).. BUSH—CHENEY ENERGY STRATEGY [—WHEN 1. assuming office... Bush asserted that addressing the nation's " energy crisis " was his most...
20050315—20040800    IEC Journal...
20050315—20050314    T oday we read about GEORGE—WACKENHUT, who made millions by hanging out with people like William "LET—MAKE 1—PRE—ELECTION—DEAL with Ayatollah Khomeini" Casey.
20050315—20050314    March/In This Issue
20050315—20050315    —THE—NEXT—DAY, PRESIDENT—BERLUSCONI said the withdrawal date was merely 1—HOPE.
20050315—20201001    —UNTIL, this article offers background, insight + empirical data relevant to these... 20040800             IEC Journal... delay of sentencing of EX—BOEING employee, Darlene Druyun, 0-..+ EX—AIR—FORCE—ACQUISITION—OFFICIAL, Darleen Druyun who plead guilty to... /
20050317             Fourwinds10_COM—NEWS—GOVERNMENT > Fraud >> Elections -- Was... approximately the early 70's," Goss told recent antagonist MICHAEL—MOORE... We're being sued by MICHAEL—ROY—FUGLER, who's going to tell us everything... - 20050315             20050317             NIBA WEBSITE—HOME... Names ANTHONY—B—PETRELLI—AS—CHAIRMAN, MICHAEL—ROY—FUGLER—AS—SECRETARY/Treasurer... MICHAEL—ROY—FUGLER—NAMED—CHAIRMAN—OF—NATIONAL—INVESTMENT—BANK ing... 20050315             20050317             Fugler appears to have been 1—INTEGRAL—PART—OF—DRUG—SMUGGLER and CIA informer BARRY—SEAL 's... 20050315             20050317             The attorney in question is MICHAEL—ROY—FUGLER, —UNTIL last 20050501             —MEMBER—OF—THE—BOARD—OF—GENESISINTERMEDIA (+ 1—SHAREHOLDER + the person who... 20050315             20050317             Fourwinds10_COM—NEWS—GOVERNMENT > Fraud >> Elections -- Was... approximately the early 70's," Goss told recent antagonist MICHAEL—MOORE... We're being sued by MICHAEL—ROY—FUGLER, who's going to tell us everything... - 20050315             20050317             NIBA WEBSITE—HOME... Names ANTHONY—B—PETRELLI—AS—CHAIRMAN, MICHAEL—ROY—FUGLER—AS—SECRETARY/Treasurer... MICHAEL—ROY—FUGLER—NAMED—CHAIRMAN—OF—NATIONAL—INVESTMENT—BANK ing... 20050315             20050317             Fugler appears to have been 1—INTEGRAL—PART—OF—DRUG—SMUGGLER and CIA informer BARRY—SEAL 's... 20050315             20050317             The attorney in question is MICHAEL—ROY—FUGLER, —UNTIL last 20050501             —MEMBER—OF—THE—BOARD—OF—GENESISINTERMEDIA (+ 1—SHAREHOLDER + the person who... 20050315             20050317             00. - NIBA WEBSITE—HOME... Names ANTHONY—B—PETRELLI—AS—CHAIRMAN, MICHAEL—ROY—FUGLER—AS—SECRETARY/Treasurer... MICHAEL—ROY—FUGLER—NAMED—CHAIRMAN—OF—NATIONAL—INVESTMENT—BANK ing... 20050315             20050317             The attorney in question is MICHAEL—ROY—FUGLER, —UNTIL last 20050501             —MEMBER—OF—THE—BOARD—OF—GENESISINTERMEDIA (+ 1—SHAREHOLDER + the person who... 20050315             20050328             High Speed, Low COST—EMERGING TECHNOLOGY—CIO Magazine 20010315             ..
20050328             High Speed, Low COST—EMERGING TECHNOLOGY—CIO Magazine 20010315             .. Caterpillar INCORPORATED.
20050328             High Speed, Low COST—EMERGING TECHNOLOGY—CIO Magazine 20010315             ..
20050417             Kurznachrichten Di.20050315             - a6-k0503150. BOA—NACHRICHTEN, BOA...
20050417             Kurznachrichten Di.20050315             - a6-k0503150. BOA—NACHRICHTEN, BOA... Die mit Abstand reichsten DEUTSCHLAND—BLIEBEN die ALDI—BRÜDER Karl und... Ramush Haradinaj, hat —AM—MONTAG vor dem Haager Kriegsverbrechertribunal den...
20051117—20060315    —ON, THE—DAY—BEFORE what would have been CARLIE—14. birthday, he was sentenced to 2—TERMS—OF—LIFE—IMPRISONMENT on the charges of sexual battery and kidnapping, and was sentenced to death by lethal injection for murder.
20060306             ARCHIVIST—OF—THE—USA—ANNOUNCES—NEW—STEPS in Response to Withdrawal of Declassified Records from Open Shelves at the National Archives 20060302             Public Interest Declassification BOARD—HOLDS 1. Meeting: Document Withdrawal from the National Archives 1—SERIOUS—CONCERN 20060228             20060315—20060302    Public Interest Declassification BOARD—HOLDS 1. Meeting: Document Withdrawal from the National Archives 1—SERIOUS—CONCERN
20060306             ARCHIVIST—OF—THE—USA—ANNOUNCES—NEW—STEPS in Response to Withdrawal of Declassified Records from Open Shelves at the National Archives 20060302             Public Interest Declassification BOARD—HOLDS 1. Meeting: Document Withdrawal from the National Archives 1—SERIOUS—CONCERN 20060228             20060306             ARCHIVIST—OF—THE—USA—ANNOUNCES—NEW—STEPS in Response to Withdrawal of Declassified Records from Open Shelves at the National Archives 20060302             Public Interest Declassification BOARD—HOLDS 1. Meeting: Document Withdrawal from the National Archives 1—SERIOUS—CONCERN 20060228             20060315—20060302    Public Interest Declassification BOARD—HOLDS 1. Meeting: Document Withdrawal from the National Archives 1—SERIOUS—CONCERN
20060315             —BESCHLIEßT, DIE—UN—GENERALVERSAMMLUNG, im Rahmen der UNA—REFORM, auf Initiative von UN—GENERALSEKRETÄR—KOFI—ANNAN mit großer Mehrheit die Einrichtung des UN—MENSCHENRECHTSRATS, der die UN—MENSCHENRECHTSKOMMISSION ablösen soll.
20060315             146. Edited by Tamara Feinstein.
20060315             National Archives Hosts Summit with FEDERAL—AGENCIES to Discuss RE—REVIEW—OF—DOCUMENTS 20060306             ARCHIVIST—OF—THE—USA—ANNOUNCES—NEW—STEPS in Response to Withdrawal of Declassified Records from Open Shelves at the National Archives 20060302             Public Interest Declassification BOARD—HOLDS 1. Meeting: Document Withdrawal from the National Archives 1—SERIOUS—CONCERN 20060228             20060321             20060228             — SECRETARY—MCPHERSON releases THE—ITA report — dated 20060223             — from CIBER on the Diebold memory cards.
20060315             National Archives Hosts Summit with FEDERAL—AGENCIES to Discuss RE—REVIEW—OF—DOCUMENTS
20060315             National Archives Hosts Summit with FEDERAL—AGENCIES to Discuss RE—REVIEW—OF—DOCUMENTS 20060306             ARCHIVIST—OF—THE—USA—ANNOUNCES—NEW—STEPS in Response to Withdrawal of Declassified Records from Open Shelves at the National Archives 20060302             Public Interest Declassification BOARD—HOLDS 1. Meeting: Document Withdrawal from the National Archives 1—SERIOUS—CONCERN 20060228             20060315             National Archives Hosts Summit with FEDERAL—AGENCIES to Discuss RE—REVIEW—OF—DOCUMENTS 20060306             ARCHIVIST—OF—THE—USA—ANNOUNCES—NEW—STEPS in Response to Withdrawal of Declassified Records from Open Shelves at the National Archives 20060302             Public Interest Declassification BOARD—HOLDS 1. Meeting: Document Withdrawal from the National Archives 1—SERIOUS—CONCERN 20060228             20060315—20060306    ARCHIVIST—OF—THE—USA—ANNOUNCES—NEW—STEPS in Response to Withdrawal of Declassified Records from Open Shelves at the National Archives
20060315             National Archives Hosts Summit with FEDERAL—AGENCIES to Discuss RE—REVIEW—OF—DOCUMENTS 20060306             ARCHIVIST—OF—THE—USA—ANNOUNCES—NEW—STEPS in Response to Withdrawal of Declassified Records from Open Shelves at the National Archives 20060302             Public Interest Declassification BOARD—HOLDS 1. Meeting: Document Withdrawal from the National Archives 1—SERIOUS—CONCERN 20060228             20060315             —PROPOSED, THE—USA—FCC, 1—RECORD—FINE—OF $3.6—MILLION against DOZENS—OF—CBS stations and affiliates in 1—CRACKDOWN on indecent television programming.
20060315             Veteran musher JEFF—KING drove his dog team into the Bering Sea TOWN—OF—NOME, ALASKA, to capture the 1,100-mile Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race, the world's premier DOG—SLED event, for the 4. time.
20060315             LAWRENCE—EDWARD—WOODS, —60—JAHRE—ALT, 1—TRANSIENT with 2—GUNS, shot and killed 2—PEOPLE inside 1—DENNY—RESTAURANT in Pismo BEACH—CALIFORNIA.
20060315             —KILLED, He wounded 2—OTHERS and then, himself.
20060315             AFGHANISTAN—AUTHORITIES said preliminary test results from A—UNITED—NATIONS—LAB left them "99—PERCENT certain" that the country's 1. bird flu outbreak was the deadly H5N1 strain.
20060315             —GREETED, BRITAIN—QUEEN—ELIZABETH—II was, with protests, as well as pomp, —WHEN she arrived in THE—SOUTH—AUSTRALIA—CITY—MELBOURNE to open the Commonwealth Games.
20060315             † 3—HUMAN—VICTIMS, who, over the past few weeks, were thought to have been infected through contact with birds.
20060315             —ISSUED, CHINA, 8—APHORISMS by PRESIDENT—HU—JINTAO were, on a $1—POSTER with plain, black CHINA—CHARACTERS—ABOVE 1—PHOTO of the Great Wall: Love, do not harm the motherland.
20060315             Serve, don't disserve the people.
20060315             Uphold science; don't be ignorant and unenlightened.
20060315             Work hard; don't be lazy and hate work.
20060315             Be united and help EACH—OTHER;
20060315             don't gain benefits at THE—EXPENSE—OF—OTHERS.
20060315             Be honest and trustworthy, not PROFIT—MONGERING at the expense of your values.
20060315             Be disciplined and LAW—ABIDING instead of chaotic and lawless.
20060315             Know plain living and hard struggle, do not wallow in luxuries and pleasures.
20060315             —CAPSIZED, SOUTH—WEST—CHINA, 1—BOAT carrying people home from 1—FAIR, —WHILE crossing 1—RIVER leaving at least 27—DEAD.
20060315             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC is looking to WASHINGTON for help recovering at least $80—MILLION in damages from 1—USA—UTILITY it accuses of dumping THOUSANDS—OF—TONS—OF—COAL ash on the country's beaches, sickening residents and harming the tourism industry.
20060315             —SHIPPED, The government says 82,000 TONS—OF—COAL ash were, from 1—AES plant in GUAYAMA—PUERTO—RICO, and left on beaches in MANZANILLO and the Samana Bay port TOWN—OF—ARROYO—BARRIL 20031000—20040300    —BETWEEN without proper government permits.
20060315             —RESIGNED, Alfredo Castillo, ECUADOR—INTERIOR—MINISTER, as protests over 1—USA free trade plan spread from the Andean highlands to THE—OIL—PRODUCING southeast jungle, where police clashed with demonstrators.
20060315             —APPEARED, His comments, to support the protesters and showed disloyalty to PRESIDENT—PALACIO.
20060315             INDONESIA, protesters, demanding the closure of 1—USA—OWNED gold mine in Papua, clashed with police in the 2. —DAY—OF—VIOLENT—PROTESTS in the province.
20060315             SADDAM—HUSSEIN, testifying for the 1. time in his trial, called on Iraqis to stop killing EACH—OTHER and instead fight USA—TROOPS;
20060315             the judge reprimanded him for making 1—RAMBLING, political speech and ordered THE—TV—CAMERAS switched off.
20060315             —BOMBED, USA—FORCES, 1—HOUSE —DURING 1—RAID—NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD, killing 13—PEOPLE, mostly women and children, —WHILE insurgent attacks elsewhere left 4—DEAD.
20060315             —ANNOUNCED, Interior Ministry officials, another driving ban, from 8—P.m. 20060315             to 4—P.m. 20060316             , to protect against car and suicide bombs —WHILE THE—IRAQ—PARLIAMENT—MEETS for the 1. session —SINCE 20061215             —THE election.
20060315             —REPORTED, It was, that JAPAN—SCIENTISTS had unveiled 1—ROBOTIC—FISH that could —1—DAY be used to observe fish in the ocean or survey oil platforms for damage.
20060315             —SUSPECTED—OF, JAPAN, 4—PEOPLE, committing group suicide were found dead inside 1 parked car.
20060315             —RELEASED, PALESTINE—MILITANTS, the last 4—FOREIGNERS they had seized —1—DAY—EARLIER to protest 1—ISRAEL—MILITARY—RAID on 1—WEST—BANK—PRISON.
20060315             —CALLED, —MEANWHILE, PALESTINE—PRIME—MINISTER—MAHMOUD—ABBAS, the raid an "unforgivable crime".
20060315             —OPENED, SOUTH—KOREA formally, new immigration checkpoints for travelers crossing the heavily fortified border with NORTH—KOREA, symbolizing SEOUL—HOPES for boosting exchanges with its longtime communist foe.
20060315             —ATTACKED, Gunmen, 1—COMPOUND—OF—THE—UN—REFUGEE—AGENCY in THE—TOWN—OF—YEI in SOUTH—SUDAN, killing 1—PERSON and critically wounding 2—OTHERS.
20060315             —RECORDED, SWEDEN, its 1. case of the deadly H5N1 bird flu strain, saying European laboratory tests confirm 2—WILD—BIRDS found dead in the southeast were infected with the virus.
20060315             LAWRENCE—EDWARD—WOODS (60), 1—TRANSIENT with 2—GUNS, shot and killed 2—PEOPLE inside 1—DENNY—RESTAURANT in Pismo BEACH—CALIFORNIA He wounded 2—OTHERS and then killed himself.
20060315             1—UNITED—KINGDOM—SERVICEMAN facing his 1. —DAY—OF—1—COURT martial contended that the war in IRAQ is illegal.
20060315             Flight LIEUTENANT—MALCOLM—KENDALL—SMITH, 1—ROYAL—AIR—FORCE—MEDIC, is the 1. UNITED—KINGDOM—OFFICER accused of refusing to serve in IRAQ.
20060315             —MISSED, BAQOUBA, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER on 1—BICYCLE, 1—POLICE—PATROL and killed at least 2—CIVILIANS.
20060315             THE—NETHERLANDS, 2—BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—MUSLIM army commanders were CONVICTED—OF—WAR—CRIMES for failing to rein in foreign Muslim volunteers who murdered and tortured BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—CROATS and Serbs in a 1990s "holy war".
20060315             —MEANWHILE, PALESTINE—PRIME—MINISTER—MAHMOUD—ABBAS called the raid an "unforgivable crime".
20060315             Bird flu 'causes 1. dog death'
20060315             1—STRAY dog DIES—OF—BIRD—FLU in AZERBAIJAN—REPORTEDLY the 1. time the deadly virus has killed 1—DOG.
20060315             Our main defense so far, THE—RUMSFELD—ENRICHING Tamilflu,
20060315             is based on the deadly strain from VIETNAM.
20060315             —NOW doctors are trying to find 1—VACCINE for the strain in INDONESIA that kills 75—PERCENT—OF—HUMANS that become infected.
20060315             "Toll roads" are coming, THE—CHRISTIAN—SCIENCE—MONITOR—REPORTS
20060315             —ON—WEDNESDAY + that means high costs for the speedy media downloads people have quickly grown to love.
20060315             DOCTOR—VINTON—CERF,
20060315             Normal citizens will be left with "narrow dirt access roads," Cerf testified.
20060315             according to the World Meteorological Association.
20060315             And greenhouse gas levels are still climbing.
20060315             "Global observations coordinated by WMO show that LEVELS—OF—CARBON dioxide,
20060315             the most abundant greenhouse gas in the atmosphere, continue to increase steadily and show no signs of leveling off," said MICHEL—JARRAUD, SECRETARY—GENERAL—OF—THE—AGENCY.
20060315             Americans can keep making the world 1—GASSIER place by flying on planes, driving cars + engaging in other activities that require burning fossil fuels.
20060315             And if you can't do your part, don't fret.
20060315             The world has carbon dioxide to spare.
20060315             "If we stop —NOW CO2 emissions to the atmosphere, it would take 50 to —100—YEARS—BEFORE we were —STARTING to see approaches to preindustrial levels," said LEONARD—BARRIE, CHIEF—OF—ATMOPHERIC—RESEARCH at WMO.
20060315             Bad kiddie porn busts cause 40—SUICIDES
20060315             —AROUND the world, VICTIMS—OF—CREDIT—CARD—FRAUD have found themselves unfairly accused of buying child pornography.
20060315             Over the next —5—YEARS, the team wants to develop 1—FUEL—CELL that can propel itself.
20060315             —DETERMINED, THE—DOD is, to put more robots in the field to transport equipment, conduct battle operations, or serve as reconnaissance vehicles.
20060315             —POWERED, Conceivably, 1—SMALL—ROBOT, by 1—BACTERIA fuel cell could shuttle 1—CAMERA or listening device unobtrusively next to someone.
20060315             "You can feed them pretty much what is available," said ANDREAS—LUTTGE, 1—ASSOCIATE—PROFESSOR—OF—EARTH—SCIENCES and chemistry at Rice.
20060315             "The goal would be to feed them waste water and produce energy".
20060315             Hybrid fuel cells--where 1—STRAIN of bacteria feeds off the waste product of another to produce electricity--are also possible.
20060315             Microbes could become 1—OF—THE—CRUCIAL—INGREDIENTS in THE—FUTURE—OF—THE—ENERGY—INDUSTRY.
20060315             —ISOLATED, Researchers at Stanford have, 1—MICROBE that turns light into hydrogen,
20060315             which could become 1—FUEL—SOURCE.
20060315             —MEANWHILE, CRAIG—VENTER, the 1. person to map the human genome, has formed 1—COMPANY that will try to develop ENERGY—PRODUCING microbes.
20060315             AFGHANISTAN is asking the nation's drug lords to invest their money at home, they're even offering to help
20060315             Electricity belching bacteria could power tiny robots
20060315             Microbe that releases electrons as 1—WASTE—PRODUCT someday could fit in 1—FUEL—CELL.
20060315             1—REALLY Long Runway for Rent
20060315             DarkNemesis618 writes "NASA is looking into putting its 15,000 foot runway up for rent at the Kennedy Space Center.
20060315             The runway, which is used for Space Shuttle landings,
20060315             will soon be used less and less as the Shuttle fleet is set to be retired
20060315             Instant Messaging E—COMMERCE—EXPLOITS—JUDGEMENT—DAY
20060315             Acting on 1—ANONYMOUS tip, FaceTime Security Labs researchers have uncovered 2 "botnet" networks that collectively represent up to 150,000 compromised computers,
20060315             1—OF which is being used as 1—VEHICLE to fraudulently scan desktop and BACK—END—SYSTEMS to obtain credit card numbers...
20060315             Holocaust Archive
20060315             —WHEN TIME named Hitler MAN—OF—THE—YEAR for 19380000             ,
20060315             our cover showed him playing his hymn of hate on 1—ORGAN with tortured victims dangling in the background
20060315             But 1—SPOKESMAN for Burton said that —WHILE he was at the meeting, he does not recall seeing ATTA—NAME or picture on the chart.
20060315             —SURVIVED, Even so, the story has, reflecting the adage that it is impossible to prove that something didn't happen.
20060315             "How do you prove that pink elephants did not dance along your backyard last night?
20060315             said 1 frustrated former member of 20010911             —THE commission staff.
20060315             "It would seem to me that if you are making 1—ALLEGATION,
20060315             the burden of proof is on the person making the charges".
20060315             Said Weldon: "I don't know what THE—BOTTOM—LINE—ANSWER is for Able Danger. All I want is the truth".
20060315             The fact that Phillpott and Shaffer were of relatively high rank and held responsible positions added weight to the allegations.
20060315             But problems soon began to develop with the story.
20060315             Commission members —NOW believe it is 1—CASE—OF—MISTAKEN identity, because military DATA—MINING programs —BEFORE 20010911             produced charts with the names and PICTURES—OF—OTHER AL—QAEDA members who were not PART—OF—THE—PLOT,
20060315             but whose names and pictures resemble Atta's.
20060315             1—SOURCE—FAMILIAR with 1—SENATE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMITTEE—PROBE—OF—THE—ISSUE said that committee had turned up no documentation to support WELDON—STORY.
20060315             —SUPPRESSED, He also maintains that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, information about the Able Danger program OUT—OF—CONCERN it might be embarrassed by disclosures that it failed to follow up leads that might have helped avert the plot.
20060315             "Am I going to take on something that is 1—CHALLENGE?
20060315             Absolutely," Weldon said in 1—LENGTHY—INTERVIEW—LAST—WEEK.
20060315             "I'm not here to kiss people's butts. I'm here to do what's right.
20060315             And if sometimes that means I have to push someone, well what are we here for?"
20060315             WELDON—ALLEGATIONS are the latest in 1—LONG skein of alarming scenarios that THE—DELAWARE—COUNTY—CONGRESSMAN has unspooled as he has sought to draw attention to what he seems to fervently believe are the nation's military and intelligence vulnerabilities.
20060315             —ON occasion, Weldon has turned out to be well ahead of the curve, as he was in the mid-1980s —WHEN he contended that THE—SOVIET—UNION was violating 1—ANTIBALLISTIC—MISSILE—TREATY by deploying 1—RADAR—SYSTEM that could be used as PART—OF—1—DEFENSE to shoot down enemy rockets.
20060315             And he appeared prescient with 1—PREDICTION that the Russians would threaten to cut off access to their vast energy supplies as 1—WAY—OF pressuring neighboring states to toe their strategic political and policy lines.
20060315             He made the prediction
20060315             RFK Assassin Comes Up for Parole in CALIFORNIA ROBERT—F—KENNEDY—ASSASSIN, Sirhan Sirhan, comes up for parole again —THIS—WEEK in 1—POTENTIAL—CONFLICT for Gov.
20060315             oo ARNOLD—SCHWARZENEGGER, who is, to RFK—NIECE.
20060315             THE—POLAND—GOVERNMENT was applying to take over Consolidated Silesian Steel Corporation and Upper Silesian Coal and Steel Company from'"German and USA—INTERESTS" because of rampant "mismanagement,
20060315             excessive borrowing, fictitious bookkeeping and gambling in securities".
20060315             to pay at least its full SHARE—OF—BACK—TAXES.
20060315             Bush and Harriman would eventually hire attorney JOHN—FOSTER—DULLES to help cover up ANY—IMPROPRIETIES that might arise under investigative scrutiny.
20060315             HITLER—INVASION—OF—POLAND
20060315             —ORDERED, Hitler, a'"REBIRTH—OF—THE—GERMANY—ARMY" and contracted Thyssen and United Steel Works for the overhaul.
20060315             THYSSEN—STEEL empire was the cold steel HEART—OF—THE—NEW—NAZI war machine that led the way to
20060315             WWII., killing millions across EUROPE.
20060315             —SOARED, Thyssen's and FLICK—PROFITS, into THE—HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS
20060315             Heir to THE—HOLOCAUST—PAGE 2—UNION Banking Corporation
20060315             Released Under Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act.
20060315             National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book NUMBER 150. Edited by Tamara Feinstein Intern Assistance:
20060315             SARA—COBURN. (20050324             ).
20060315             In the Global Village the Medium is the Message (Score:2) by Quirk (36086)
20060315             —ON—WEDNESDAY 20060315             , @03:40PM (#14927155)
20060315             What isn't being seen for the trees is that the forest, for the 1. time, is visible to everyone on the web.
20060315             For the 1. time we can relatively easily peek and poke into 1—ANOTHER—CULTURAL biases and make 1—VARIETY—OF inter/intra comparisons.
20060315             As governments struggle to literally get 1—GRIP on the world web, the world web citizenry is building 1—NEW hierarchy of cultural cross development.
20060315             We can individually and collectively point fingers at 1—ANOTHER, but the greater fact is that we have in place 1—MECHCANISM that allows us to do so
20060315             Nanotech may pull oil from tar sands
20060315             —ON—FRIDAY I was at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy RESEARCH—ECONOMIC—SUMMIT (SOME—VIDEOS—AVAILABLE),
20060315             where among other things I learned that the oil sands of CANADA are, unfortunately, more accurately thought of as "tar sands".
20060315             —ANNOUNCED, But Chevron has, a $60. - TORN—UP Credit Card Apps Not So Safe
20060315             Maximum Prophet writes "This dude tears up 1—CREDIT—CARD—APPLICATION,
20060315             tapes it back together, sends it in with his cell phone number and father's address + voila, gets 1—CREDIT—CARD.
20060315             Who would have thought security at 1—CREDIT—CARD—COMPANY was so lax?
20060315             The company recommends that s "tear up" financial solicitations —BEFORE throwing them away, "so thieves can't use them to assume your identity"., but according to them,
20060315             "Applications that arrive in damaged form are customarily transferred to 1—ELECTRONIC format, he said -- often by machine.
20060315             In this era where we worry so much about identity theft, this SORT—OF—THING really makes you wonder what the point really is.
20060315             Tangible IMPACT—OF—CENSORSHIP on Search Engines
20060315             1—ANONYMOUS—READER writes "NetworkWorld is reporting that INDIANA UNIVERSITY—INFORMATICS—RESEARCHERS have created 1—SITE that highlights the differences in query results provided by COUNTRY—SPECIFIC—SEARCH—ENGINES.
20060315             cenSEARCHip looks at engines like the versions of Google and —YAHOO built to accommodate FREE—SPEECH—RESTRICTIONS in CHINA, GERMANY and FRANCE".
20060315             Grappling With Climate Change
20060315             As scientific skepticism over global warming all but evaporates, 3—EXPERTS take the temperature of this MAN—MADE catastrophe.
20060315             Leading off is biologist TIM—FLANNERY, who argues computer models are badly blowing PREDICTIONS—OF—THE—PACE—OF—CHANGE.
20060315             1. in a 3—PART—SERIES. By MARK—ANDERSON.
20060315             Leading off is biologist TIM—FLANNERY, who argues computer models
20060315             Global Warming Problems May Be Worse Than Predicted
20060315             Author: DAVE—DREWS—HAVE we less time that we thought —BEFORE the Earth becomes unlivable?
20060315             INTERNET means end for media barons, says Murdoch
20060315             —SOUNDED, RUPERT—MURDOCH last night, the death knell for THE—ERA—OF—THE—MEDIA—BARON,
20060315             comparing —TODAY—INTERNET pioneers with explorers such as CHRISTOPHER—COLUMBUS and JOHN—CABOT and hailing the arrival of a "2. great age of discovery".
20060315             THE—NEWS—CORP media magnate nurtures 1—LONG—HELD distaste... - EU: No Public Hearing for Microsoft
20060315             —REJECTED, THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION has, 1—CALL by Microsoft to open up 1—ANTITRUST hearing scheduled for 20060330             and 31.
20060315             The hearing will decide whether the Redmond company has complied with a 20040300             ruling against it + could lead to additional fines surpassing 200—MILLION—EUROS.
20060315             SENATOR—FEINGOLD: Senate Democrats Are "Cowering" To Bush...
20060315             SENATOR—FEINGOLD said the —FOLLOWING to FOX—NEWS'—TRISH—TURNER: I'm amazed at Democrats, cowering with this PRESIDENT—NUMBERS so low.
20060315             The administration —JUST has to raise THE—SPECTER—OF—THE—WAR and the Democrats run and hide.
20060315             Too MANY—DEMOCRATS are going to do the same thing they DID—JUDGE—TO—DEMAND—GOOGLE—RELEASE—DATA
20060315             UPDATED 1—USA.
20060315             FEDERAL—JUDGE—INDICATED—TUESDAY that he would grant at least PART—OF—1—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE—REQUEST to access search result data from Google.
20060315             IBM: The 'next big thing' no longer exists
20060315             THE—ERA—OF—TECHNOLOGY—BREAKTHROUGHS for their own sake rather than for profit is over, says IBM innovation exec NICHOLAS—DONOFRIO.
20060315             Biometrics unreliable, says EU privacy head
20060315             European Data Protection Supervisor PETER—HUSTINX warns that biometrics may have serious data protection implications.
20060315             —EVOLVED, Humans, color vision to see emotion, not food
20060315             —EVOLVED, Blog: Your eyes, to see rosy cheeks.The eyes in humans and their closest relatives in the primate world are geared to detect...
20060315             QUOTE—OF—THE—DAY: Politicians 'drinking their own bath water'
20060315             Blog: In 1—CLOSING speech —TUESDAY at the South by Southwest interactive conference, science fiction writer BRUCE—STERLING applauded...
20060315             USA—INTERNET Growth Stalling
20060315             abb_road writes "INTERNET usage is predicted to grow by only 1% - USA—ARMY—ROBOTS—BREAK—ASIMOV—1.—LAW
20060315             buanzo writes "THE—USA—ARMY is deploying armed robots in IRAQ that are capable of breaking ASMOV—1. law that they should not harm 1—HUMAN.
20060315             SWORDS (Special Weapons Observation Reconnaissance Detection Systems) robots are equipped with either the M249,
20060315             machine gun which fires 5.56-millimeter rounds at 750—ROUNDS per —MINUTE or the M240, which fires 7.62-millimeter rounds at up to 1,000 per —MINUTE.
20060315             "update this story refers to this ARTICLE—RFID & Viral Vulnerability
20060315             Arleo writes "Student Melanie Rieback and others, PART—OF—1—TANNENBAUM research group in AMSTERDAM, have proven that RFID—TAGS are vulnerable for infection with viruses.
20060315             —TITLED, In 1—RESEARCH—PAPER, "Is Your Cat Infected with 1—COMPUTER—VIRUS?
20060315             is shown how 1—ALTERED—RFID —TAG can be used to send 1—SQL injection attack or 1—BUFFER overflow.
20060315             They describe on the rfidvirus_org website possible exploits of this types of viruses:
20060315             —FROM altering the backoffice of 1—SUPERMARKET to spreading RFID viruses by infected bags on airports".
20060315             Aubrey de Grey, 1—BIOMEDICAL—GERONTOLOGIST from CAMBRIDGE University, goes much further.
20060315             He believes the 1. person to live to 1,000 has already been born and told the meeting that periodic repairs to the body using stem cells,
20060315             gene therapy and other techniques could eventually stop the aging process entirely.
20060315             De Grey argues that if EACH—REPAIR lasts 30 or —40—YEARS, science will advance enough by the next "service" date that death can be put off indefinitely -- 1—PROCESS he calls strategies for engineered negligible senescence.
20060315             —DISMISSED, His maverick ideas are, by others in the field, such as TOM—KIRKWOOD,
20060315             DIRECTOR—OF—NEWCASTLE—UNIVERSITY'S—CENTER—OF—AGING and Nutrition, as little more than 1—THOUGHT experiment.
20060315             Do you have 1—MOMENT to help Impeach PRESIDENT—BUSH?
20060315             This administration must be held accountable for its misdeeds.
20060315             We have considerable work to do and I am going to need your help to make this effort successful.
20060315             Join me in sending the message to THE—PRESIDENT, the media + THE—USA—PEOPLE that we are not going to stand for 1—IMPERIAL—PRESIDENCY—ANY—LONGER.
20060315             ISRAEL—TROOPS attack PALESTINE—JAIL: Kill guard wound 18—OTHERS:
20060315             "We warn ISRAEL against ANY—INCURSION in the prison because it is under American and UNITED—KINGDOM—CONTROL by INTERNATIONAL agreement".
20060315             UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES—TURNS back on dollar in foreign reserves SHAKE—UP
20060315             THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES is planning to switch 10pc of its foreign reserves from dollars to euros in the 1. SIGN—OF—FALL—OUT from WASHINGTON—SNUB to DUBAI Ports World —LAST—WEEK.
20060315             Justice Department looks at lawyers:
20060315             THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT is investigating its lawyers' conduct in sending terrorism suspects to jail —WHEN there was insufficient evidence to charge them with 1—CRIME.
20060315             Hotel USAA: The government's plans for an 'immigration emergency' include relocation and detention centers -- courtesy of Kellogg, Brown and Root.
20060315             Pepper 'kills prostate cancer'
20060315             The ingredient which makes jalapeno peppers hot also makes prostate cancer cells commit suicide, 1—STUDY suggests.
20060315             1,000 children 'consider suicide'
20060315             —INCREASED, THE—NUMBER—OF—CHILDREN contemplating suicide has, by 14% over the past —YEAR, 1—NATIONAL—CHARITY has said.
20060315             Labour loans to be investigated
20060315             LABOUR—TREASURER reveals he did not know the party had secretly taken out loans —LAST—YEAR.
20060315             Saddam denounces court
20060315             FORMER—IRAQ—LEADER—SADDAM—HUSSEIN describes the court trying him for crimes against humanity as a "comedy".
20060315             3. Lords rejection of ID cards
20060315             Government plans to make ID cards compulsory for anyone getting 1—PASSPORT are rejected by the peers.
20060315             DPW to sell off all its USA ports
20060315             DUBAI Ports World confirms it intends to sell all its USA port operations to 1—USA—BUYER within —6—MONTHS—TIME.
20060315             UN creates new human rights body
20060315             THE—UN—VOTES to create 1—NEW—HUMAN—RIGHTS—MONITOR, despite USA—CONCERNS the reforms are not enough.
20060315             Billionaire boosts SAUDI—ARABIA—STOCKS
20060315             Stock markets in the Gulf region suffer 1—SHARP—SELL—OFF as a "CRISIS—OF—CONFIDENCE" weighs on trade.
20060315             Warders' £1m trauma compensation
20060315             6—PRISON—OFFICERS who saw the aftermath of 1—KILLING by 1—INMATE—WIN—MORE than £1m in compensation.
20060315             Terror flight claims 'will fade'
20060315             Claims THE—USA—SECRETLY flies terror suspects through THE—UK will eventually "fall away", says Foreign SECRETARY—JACK—STRAW.
20060315             Solar riches survive probe crash
20060315             Colonial Latin AMERICA CHRONOLOGY SILVER ores found at Potosí.
20060315             How AMERICA WON THE—VIETNAM—WAR, By Losing -- 1—BUZZFLASH—EDITORIAL.
20060315             "THE—VIETNAM—WAR was 1—ILL—CONCEIVED bungling disaster built upon 1—QUICKSAND of lies and mistaken premises.
20060315             —JUST as is its ILL—BEGOTTEN offspring: THE—IRAQ—WAR".
20060315             "Paper Clips": 1—AMERICA—STORY—ABOUT—TOLERANCE in TENNESSEE and the Holocaust
20060315             Get "Paper Clips" (DVD) Here, Along with "1—PROMISE to Remember: THE—HOLOCAUST in the Words and Voices of its Survivors"
20060315             —AMAZED, Feingold: "I'm, at Democrats [in the Senate] cowering,
20060315             with this PRESIDENT—NUMBERS so low" 3/15
20060315             THE—BUZZFLASH—MAILBAG -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
20060315             Losing Hearts and Minds in IRAQ, If There are Anymore to Lose: 11—PEOPLE ?
20060315             —WHILE Others Cower to the Reckless, Failed CULT—OF—BUSHEVISM, Russ Feingold Stands up for THE—USA—CONSTITUTION.
20060315             Send Him Your Thanks.
20060315             IRAQ Edges Closer to Open Civil Warfare.
20060315             Bush Edges Closer to Permanent Vegetative STATE—OF—DENIAL.
20060315             H.R. 16060000             : Time to ACT;
20060315             It's up to you to convince Congress to stand up for H.R. 16060000             ,
20060315             which is scheduled for 1—VOTE tomorrow + prevent THE—FEC from voting on new regulations which may change INTERNET political activity forever.
20060315             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has run into 1—ROCK—WALL at the Security Council.
20060315             Neither RUSSIA nor CHINA will agree to ANY—RESOLUTION that condemns IRAN for "noncompliance" with its treaty obligations.
20060315             In fact, there is general agreement that IRAN has not violated the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) so the point is moot.
20060315             This eliminates ANY—CHANCE that punitive action will be taken against IRAN or that sanctions will be applied.
20060315             THE—PARASITES—OF—GOD -
20060315             —INDOCTRINATED, Have we become so, by the language of empire that we can no longer see the disconnect between these ACTS—OF—TERROR and THE—NON—VIOLENT—TEACHINGS—OF—CHRIST?
20060315             Why are so MANY—WHO call themselves Christians worshiping THE—PARASITES—OF—GOD and empire,
20060315             —WHILE shunning and betraying the genuine article?
20060315             - Arab central banks move assets OUT—OF—DOLLAR:
20060315             Middle Eastern anger over the decision by THE—USA to block 1—DUBAI company from buying 5—OF—ITS ports hit the dollar —YESTERDAY as 1—NUMBER—OF—CENTRAL—BANKS said they were considering switching reserves into euros.
20060315             Chalmers Johnson : No Longer the "Lone" Superpower:
20060315             ALICE—IN—WONDERLAND Policies and THE—MOTHER—OF—ALL—FINANCIAL—CRISES—FBI took photos of antiwar protesters:
20060315             —PHOTOGRAPHED, An FBI agent in PITTSBURGH, MEMBERS—OF—1—ANTIWAR activist group
20060315             USA 'may want to keep IRAQ bases':
20060315             THE—UNITED—STATES may want to keep 1—LONG—TERM—MILITARY—PRESENCE in IRAQ to bolster moderates against extremists in the region and protect oil supplies,
20060315             the army general overseeing USA—OPERATIONS in IRAQ has said.
20060315             Electricity Hits —3—YEAR Low in IRAQ:
20060315             —DIPPED, Electricity output has, to its lowest point in —3—YEARS in IRAQ.
20060315             THE—IRAQIS, in fact, may have to turn to neighboring IRAN to help bail them out of their energy CRISIS—IF not this —SUMMER, then in years to come.
20060315             Secret USA—PLANS—FOR IRAQ—OIL: 'I am still THE—HEAD—OF—STATE':
20060315             —INSISTED, SADDAM—HUSSEIN, —TODAY that he was still IRAQ—PRESIDENT and called on Iraqis to stop fighting EACH—OTHER and rise up against USA and UNITED—KINGDOM—TROOPS as he gave evidence for the 1. time at his trial.
20060315             USA—GENERAL says no proof IRAN behind IRAQ arms:
20060315             PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH said —ON—MONDAY components from IRAN were being used in powerful roadside bombs used in IRAQ + Defense SECRETARY—DONALD—RUMSFELD said —LAST—WEEK that IRAN—REVOLUTIONARY—GUARD—PERSONNEL had been inside IRAQ.
20060315             Bush ready to initiate 'regime change' for the mullahs:
20060315             Buoyed up by achieving its initial goal of dragging Teheran —BEFORE THE—UNITED—NATIONS Security Council,
20060315             which is to debate IRAN —THIS—WEEK, officials are —NOW promoting several measures REMINISCENT—OF—THE—USA—APPROACH towards MOSCOW in the Cold War.
20060315             RUSSIA warns USA on Caspian buildup:
20060315             —CAUTIONED, RUSSIA, THE—USA—ON—TUESDAY against raising its military presence in the strategic Caspian sea region bordering IRAN,
20060315             saying BUILDUP—OF—FORCES from "outside" would destabilize the region, ITAR—TASS news agency said.
20060315             EDWARD—S—HERMAN : Uncle Chutzpah and His Willing Executioners on the Dire IRAN Threat:
20060315             Uncle Chutzpah and his willing EXECUTIONERS—THE—MEDIA, UN and coalition of the cowardly and BRIBED—HAVE isolated IRAN and set her up for possible destabilization and aggression.
20060315             1—WOULDN'T think this possible given the remarkable parallels in argument and (phony) evidence in this case and that of the failed aggression in IRAQ,
20060315             but the power of the aggressor and SUBSERVIENCE—OF—THE—MEDIA and INTERNATIONAL community are apparently boundless.
20060315             Nazis of the Nineties:
20060315             In his book "THE—ROAD to Serfdom," FRIEDRICH—HAYEK warned Americans
20060315             HOWARD—ZINN: Machiavellian Realism and USA Foreign Policy: Means and Ends:
20060315             For THE—USA, as for others countries, Machiavellianism dominates foreign policy,
20060315             but the courage of 1—SMALL—NUMBER—OF dissenters suggests the possibility that SOME—DAY the larger public will no longer accept that kind of "realism.
20060315             —SMILED, Machiavelli himself might have, imperiously at this suggestion + said, "You're wasting your time. Nothing will change. It's human nature".
20060315             Abbas condemns ISRAEL raid as unforgivable crime:
20060315             —CONDEMNED, PALESTINE—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS —ON—WEDNESDAY, ISRAEL—RAID on 1—WEST—BANK—PRISON and seizure of 1—MILITANT—LEADER as 1—CRIME that would not be forgiven.
20060315             SALVADOR option"? : American arrested with weapons in IRAQ:
20060315             The man it described as 1—SECURITY—CONTRACTOR working for 1—PRIVATE—COMPANY, possessed explosives which were found in his car.
20060315             —ARRESTED, It said he was, —ON—TUESDAY. 'THE—SALVADOR—OPTION':
20060315             THE—PENTAGON may put SPECIAL—FORCES—LED assassination or kidnapping teams in IRAQ
20060315             —ACCUSED, WISCONSIN SENATOR—RUSSELL—FEINGOLD, fellow Democrats —ON—TUESDAY of cowering rather than joining him on trying to censure PRESIDENT—BUSH over domestic spying.
20060315             The result was 1—MILITARY—STRIKE by THE—USA and it's allies and subsequently in ample time the dollar was restored as IRAQ—OIL—EXPORT—CURRENCY.
20060315             Die durch den Treibhauseffekt hervorgerufene Klimaerwärmung bedeutet jedenfalls nicht, dass es in allen Weltgegenden gleichmäßig wärmer wird.
20060315             "Aufgrund der sich durch die Treibhausgase erwärmenden Atmosphäre und der damit einhergehenden Aufheizung der arktischen Regionen verlangsam sich der Wärmeaustausch der Nordhalbkugel mit dem wärmeren Süden",
20060315             sagte RÜDIGER—ROSENTHAL vom Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz DEUTSCHLAND (BUND) zu SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20060315             Wenn es —DIESEN—FRÜHLING und —SOMMER nicht außergewöhnlich kalt wird,
20060315             dann werden wir wohl Verluste an Meereis beobachten, die die 20050000             beobachteten noch übertreffen könnten",
20060315             sagte MARK—SERREZE, Wissenschaftler am National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) im USA—BUNDESSTAAT COLORADO,
20060315             der "NEW—YORK—TIMES".
20060315             —BEOBACHTET, Der Forscher hat : Im vergangenen ;;09;;
20060315             war in der ARKTIS soviel Eis geschmolzen,
20060315             "Nimmt man das mit jüngsten NASA—ERKENNTNISSEN zusammen, dass der GRÖNLAND—EISPANZER an einem UMKIPP—PUNKT angelangt sein könnte,
20060315             ist ziemlich klar, dass die ARKTIS beginnt, auf die globale Erwärmung zu reagieren", sagte Serreze der GROSSBRITANNIEN—ZEITUNG "THE—INDEPENDENT".
20060315             UMKIPP—PUNKTE, sogenannte "tipping points", zählen zu jenen Phänomenen, die Klimaforschern große Sorgen bereiten.
20060315             —BESCHREIBT, Man, damit den Moment,
20060315             wo vormals lineare ENTWICKLUNGEN—WIE eine kontinuierliche EISSCHMELZE—DURCH bestimmte Rückkopplungen abrupt abbrechen,
20060315             die Richtung wechseln oder stark beschleunigt werden.
20060315             —BEFÜRCHTET, Ein solches Feedback, Serreze —NUN für den arktischen Ozean:
20060315             Dort ist —NUN mehr Wasser denn je zu sehen.
20060315             —ABSORBIERT, Das dunkle Wasser, mehr Sonnenwärme als reflektierendes Meereis.
20060315             So verstärkt sich die ohnehin —SEIT langem andauernde Erwärmung noch EINMAL—UND —IM—NÄCHSTEN—WINTER würde das arktische Eis im 3. —JAHR in Folge nicht zunehmen.
20060315             Die höchste jemals von der USA—NOTENBANK ausgegebene Banknote hatte jedoch in Wirklichkeit einen Nennwert von 100.000—DOLLAR und war niemals im Umlauf.
20060315             —IM—LETZTEN—JAHR hat die ZAHL—DER—FLUGPASSAGIERE enorm zugelegt: Weltweit flogen —IM—LETZTEN—JAHR rund 4—MILLIARDEN Menschen,
20060315             das sind 6—PROZENT mehr als im Vorjahr.
20060315             Der Flughafen von ATLANTA hat die meisten Gäste abgefertigt.
20060315             GENF—VON den 4—MILLIARDEN Flugpassagieren —IM—LETZTEN—JAHR reisten 1,6 Milliarden auf internationalen Strecken,
20060315             was einer Zunahme von 8—PROZENT entspricht, teilte die Internationale Flughafenbehörde (ACI) —AM—DIENSTAG in Genf mit.
20060315             Der internationale Frachtverkehr legte um 3—PROZENT zu.
20060315             BND—AFFÄRE: Persilschein aus WASHINGTON
20060315             Trotz USA—VETO: Uno gründen Menschenrechtsrat
20060315             Sensationsprozess in Kalifornien: Schreckensherrschaft hinter Gittern
20060315             Joint Strike Fighter: Neuer USA—KAMPFJET sorgt für Ärger
20060315             —GEÖFFNET, ABU—GHUREIB—FOLTERSKANDAL: Archiv des Grauens
20060315             Klimawandel: Eis der ARKTIS kehrt nicht zurück
20060315             EX—DIKTATOR vor Gericht: Saddam ruft zum Kampf gegen USA—TRUPPEN auf
20060315             "Cicero"-Affäre: 2—JOURNALISTEN unter Anklage
20060315             Studentenproteste in FRANKREICH: Freiheit, Gleichheit, Bürgerlichkeit
20060315             Sterbendes Land: Keine Zukunft für die Kuhzunft
20060315             Satellitenbild: EUROPA versinkt im Schnee
20060315             USA—RICHTER: Google soll Userdaten herausrücken
20060315             Kernkraft: E.on fordert doppelte AKW—LAUFZEITEN
20060315             IRAK—WAFFENSCHMUGGEL: USA fehlen Beweise für Irans Verwicklung
20060315             —BESCHLAGNAHMT, Kurioser Fund: 1—MILLIARDE—DOLLAR—NOTEN
20060315             SCHNECKEN—PAARUNG: Die List der Liebespfeile
20060315             —FROM : RALPH—MCGEHEE—SUBJECT: Intel vs.....
20060315             Photos of Deutch, Nora slatkin, executive director and DAVID—COHEN, do.
20060315             1—CORRECTION in the post says the photo is of GEORGE tenet not DAVID—COHEN.
20060315             Senior aides to MISTER—DEUTCH at CIA, namely CIA Executive Director Nora Slatkin and MICHAEL—O'NEILL, the agency's general counsel.
20060315             —FROM : Subject: Federal......
20060315             their real = names?=20—DOESN'T everyone have to show 1—PHOTO—ID to
20060315             Casey, David=20—DOHERTY, GEORGE—HERBERT—WALKER—BUSH, JOHN—DEUTCH, Nora = Slatkin =20 and Hank
20060315             1—OVERVIEW—OF—THE—WAR—ON—TERRORISM...
20060315             CIA Officials Reveal What Went Wrong — Clinton to Blame...
20060315             CIA Director JOHN—DEUTCH and his top assistant, Nora Slatkin.
20060315             E—MAIL —TUESDAY—EVENING:"Deutch and Nora ,
20060315             CLINTON—ANTI—POLITICIANS will use lots of photo ops to... - WAR—ON—TERRORISM...
20060315             [PDF] Colleen PRESTON on Acquisition Reform
20060315             Photos by RICHARD—MATTOX... MISTER—DEUTCH, the Service Acquisition EXECUTIVES—GIL—DECKER, JOHN—DOUGLASS (who assumed the position held by Nora Slatkin ) + Art...
20060315             DefenseLINK News: Daily Activity...
20060315             JOHN—DEUTCH, DCI; JOAN—DEMPSEY, DASD(C3I);
20060315             Nora Slatkin, CIA; LtGen PATRICK—HUGHES, DIA;
20060315             LtGen... - THE—CIA—ROLE in the Attack upon AMERICA...
20060315             Thank You RONNIE—RAYGUN & Pappy Bush For the bang up job that your CIA did in training OSAMA—BIN—LADEN For more on the connection between the Bush Criminal Family and OSAMA—BIN—LADEN click here
20060315             —CLEARED, Moussaoui trial, to resume
20060315             The trial of 20010911             conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui can continue despite ALLEGATIONS—OF—MISCONDUCT by the prosecution, 1—USA—JUDGE—RULES.
20060315             UK gas prices soar on new warning
20060315             Gas prices continue to rise —AFTER National GRID—ALERT asking industrial users to limit their usage.
20060315             Euro MPs back mercury curbs
20060315             Tough measures to reduce the use of mercury in EUROPE are supported by MEMBERS—OF—THE—EUROPEAN—PARLIAMENT.
20060315             Rants 'n' Raves: Mine Shaft
20060315             SOME—SUSPICIOUS—READERS—ELABORATE on how data mining could be 1—TROJAN horse for USA—CITIZENS' privacy in —TODAY—RANTS 'n' Raves.
20060315             SENATOR: Net neutrality may not happen
20060315             Senate Commerce Chairman TED—STEVENS seems lukewarm to mandatory Net neutrality + analysts say it's not 1—GOOD—IDEA.
20060315             Google, feds face off over search records
20060315             GOOGLE—ATTEMPT to fend off Justice DEPARTMENT—REQUEST for search records goes —BEFORE a FEDERAL—COURT—IN—SAN—JOSE, CALIFORNIA
20060315             JUDGE—MAY—FORCE—GOOGLE to Submit to Feds
20060315             The feds may get SOME—OF—GOOGLE—INDEX—OF—SITES but NONE—OF—THE—USER—SEARCH—TERMS.
20060315             —FROM the article, the Judge said he was 'reluctant to give the Justice Department everything it wanted because of the "perception by the public that this is subject to government scrutiny" —WHEN they type search terms into Google_com.'"
20060315             Supercomputer Performs SIMULATION—OF—VIRUS
20060315             moller writes to tell us Red Herring is reporting that researchers from THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA at IRVINE and THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—ILLINOIS at URBANA—CHAMPAIGN have announced that they created 1—COMPUTER—SIMULATION—OF—1—VIRUS.
20060315             "Using 1—OF—THE—WORLD—FASTEST—COMPUTERS at THE—USA—NATIONAL—CENTER for Supercomputing Applications,
20060315             located at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—ILLINOIS at URBANA—CHAMPAIGN, the researchers ran 1—COMPUTER—PROGRAM devised to reverse engineer the dynamics of all atoms making up the virus particle and 1—TINY—DROP—OF—WATER containing it.
20060315             Nature also has 1—INTERESTING write up on the research surrounding this project.
20060315             New Tool Tracks Online Media Consumption
20060315             CARL—BIALIK writes "Technology and market research company BigChampagne is introducing 1—MEASUREMENT—TOOL called BCDash to let media companies quickly track how people -- legally or illegally -- use their products online.
20060315             BigChampagne said BCDash will bring together data from AOL, —YAHOO Music, iTunes, and WAL—MART, along with estimates of illegal file sharing activity for specific titles.
20060315             It's meant as 1—MARKETING tool, THE—WSJ reports: 'Media companies have often been caught FLAT—FOOTED —WHEN 1—VIDEO or song takes off online.
20060315             —BY the time they try to capitalize on it, the opportunity often has passed.'"
20060315             —APPROVED, USA—TORTURE: Top commanders, USE—OF—DOGS at ABU—GHRAIB:
20060315             —WHEN Army SERGEANT—MICHAEL—J—SMITH—FACES 1—COURT—MARTIAL—TODAY on charges that he used his military working dog to harass and threaten detainees,
20060315             1—OF—THE—PRIME—EXAMPLES—OF—THAT alleged misconduct will be 1—PHOTOGRAPH—OF—SMITH holding the dog —JUST inches from the face of 1—DETAINEE
20060315             TIME Magazine Archive Article -- SKIRTS AND DAGGERS -- 20060612             ...... post.
20060315             Bird flu 'causes 1. dog death' 1—STRAY dog DIES—OF—BIRD—FLU in AZERBAIJAN—REPORTEDLY the 1. time the deadly virus has killed 1—DOG.
20060315             Our main defense so far,
20060315             —BASED, THE—RUMSFELD—ENRICHING Tamilflu, is, on the deadly strain from VIETNAM.
20060315             "Toll roads" are coming, the
20060315             CHRISTIAN—SCIENCE—MONITOR—REPORTS—ON—WEDNESDAY + that means high costs for the speedy media downloads people have quickly grown to love.
20060315             DOCTOR—VINTON—CERF, 1—FOUNDING FATHER—OF—THE—INTERNET who —NOW works as 1—GOOGLE executive, warned Congress last that MONEY—HUNGRY scumbags must not be allowed to kill off the "free" INTERNET.
20060315             gassiest —YEAR ever, according to the World Meteorological Association.
20060315             "Global observations coordinated by WMO show that LEVELS—OF—CARBON dioxide, the most abundant greenhouse gas in the atmosphere, continue to increase steadily and show no signs of leveling off," said MICHEL—JARRAUD, SECRETARY—GENERAL—OF—THE—AGENCY.
20060315             —AROUND the world, VICTIMS—OF—CREDIT—CARD—FRAUD have found themselves
20060315             unfairly accused of buying child pornography.
20060315             —ISOLATED, Researchers at Stanford have, 1—MICROBE that turns light into hydrogen, which could become 1—FUEL—SOURCE.
20060315             Electricity belching bacteria could power tiny robots Microbe that releases electrons as 1—WASTE—PRODUCT someday could fit in 1—FUEL—CELL.
20060315             Acting on 1—ANONYMOUS tip, FaceTime Security Labs researchers have uncovered 2 "botnet" networks that collectively represent up to 150,000 compromised computers, 1—OF which is being used as 1—VEHICLE to fraudulently scan desktop and BACK—END—SYSTEMS to obtain credit card numbers...
20060315             —WHEN TIME named Hitler MAN—OF—THE—YEAR for 19380000             , our cover showed him playing his hymn of hate on 1—ORGAN with tortured victims dangling in the background
20060315             "How do you prove that pink elephants did not dance along your backyard last night?" said 1 frustrated former member of 20010911             —THE commission staff.
20060315             "It would seem to me that if you are making 1—ALLEGATION, the burden of proof is on the person making the charges".
20060315             Contradicting Shaffer, 20010911             —THE commission said that —DURING this meeting, he never mentioned that Able Danger had identified Atta and other hijackers —BEFORE the plot, the commission said.
20060315             Commission members —NOW believe it is 1—CASE—OF—MISTAKEN identity, because military DATA—MINING programs —BEFORE 20010911             produced charts with the names and PICTURES—OF—OTHER AL—QAEDA members who were not PART—OF—THE—PLOT, but whose names and pictures resemble Atta's.
20060315             "I'm not here to kiss people's butts. I'm here to do what's right. And if sometimes that means I have to push someone, well what are we here for?"
20060315             RFK Assassin Comes Up for Parole in CALIFORNIA.
20060315             ROBERT—F—KENNEDY—ASSASSIN, Sirhan Sirhan, comes up for parole again —THIS—WEEK in 1—POTENTIAL—CONFLICT for GOVERNOR—ARNOLD—SCHWARZENEGGER, who is oo to RFK—NIECE.
20060315             THE—POLAND—GOVERNMENT was applying to take over Consolidated Silesian Steel Corporation and Upper Silesian Coal and Steel Company from'"German and USA—INTERESTS" because of rampant "mismanagement, excessive borrowing, fictitious bookkeeping and gambling in securities".
20060315             —REQUIRED, THE—POLAND—GOVERNMENT, THE—OWNERS—OF—THE—COMPANY, which accounted for over 45—PERCENT—OF—POLAND—STEEL—PRODUCTION, to pay at least its full SHARE—OF—BACK—TAXES.
20060315             —WANTED, Hitler also, to seriously upgrade GERMANY—MILITARY—MACHINE.
20060315             THE—CIA and Nazi War Criminals Released Under Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act.
20060315             National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book NUMBER 146. Edited by Tamara Feinstein.
20060315             In the Global Village the Medium is the Message (Score:2) by Quirk (36086)—ON—WEDNESDAY 20060315             , @03:40PM (#14927155)
20060315             (| Last Journal: —MONDAY 20061003             , @04:07PM) What isn't being seen for the trees is that the forest, for the 1. time, is visible to everyone on the web.
20060315             —ON—FRIDAY I was at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy RESEARCH—ECONOMIC—SUMMIT (SOME—VIDEOS—AVAILABLE), where among other things I learned that the oil sands of CANADA are, unfortunately, more accurately thought of as "tar sands".
20060315             Maximum Prophet writes "This dude tears up 1—CREDIT—CARD—APPLICATION, tapes it back together, sends it in with his cell phone number and father's address + voila, gets 1—CREDIT—CARD.
20060315             The company recommends that s "tear up" financial solicitations —BEFORE throwing them away, "so thieves can't use them to assume your identity"., but according to them, "Applications that arrive in damaged form are customarily transferred to 1—ELECTRONIC format, he said -- often by machine.
20060315             —HANDLED, So it's possible 1—HUMAN being never, THE—TAPED—UP application and never had the chance to spot the obvious SIGN—OF—TROUBLE".
20060315             1—ANONYMOUS—READER writes "NetworkWorld is reporting that INDIANA UNIVERSITY—INFORMATICS—RESEARCHERS have created 1—SITE that highlights the differences in query results provided by COUNTRY—SPECIFIC—SEARCH—ENGINES. cenSEARCHip looks at engines like the versions of Google and Yahoo built to accommodate FREE—SPEECH—RESTRICTIONS in CHINA, GERMANY and FRANCE".
20060315             Grappling With Climate Change As scientific skepticism over global warming all but evaporates, 3—EXPERTS take the temperature of this MAN—MADE catastrophe.
20060315             1. in a 3—PART—SERIES.
20060315             Global Warming Problems May Be Worse Than Predicted Author: DAVE—DREWS—HAVE we less time that we thought —BEFORE the Earth becomes unlivable?
20060315             INTERNET means end for media barons, says Murdoch RUPERT—MURDOCH last night sounded the death knell for THE—ERA—OF—THE—MEDIA—BARON, comparing —TODAY—INTERNET pioneers with explorers such as CHRISTOPHER—COLUMBUS and JOHN—CABOT and hailing the arrival of a "2. great age of discovery".
20060315             THE—NEWS—CORP media magnate nurtures 1—LONG—HELD distaste.
20060315             EU: No Public Hearing for Microsoft THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION has rejected 1—CALL by Microsoft to open up 1—ANTITRUST hearing scheduled for 20060330             and 31. The hearing will decide whether the Redmond company has complied with a 20040300             ruling against it + could lead to additional fines surpassing 200—MILLION—EUROS.
20060315             The feds say the data would be used to defend 1—LAW against pornography, but the search giant says the demand violates the privacy of its.
20060315             Biometrics unreliable, says EU privacy HEAD—EUROPEAN—DATA—PROTECTION—SUPERVISOR—PETER—HUSTINX warns that biometrics may have serious data protection implications.
20060315             —EVOLVED, Humans, color vision to see emotion, not food Blog: Your eyes evolved to see rosy cheeks.The eyes in humans and their closest relatives in the primate world are geared to detect...
20060315             QUOTE—OF—THE—DAY: Politicians 'drinking their own bath water' Blog: In 1—CLOSING speech —TUESDAY at the South by Southwest interactive conference, science fiction writer BRUCE—STERLING applauded...
20060315             USA—INTERNET—GROWTH—STALLING—USA—ARMY—ROBOTS—BREAK—ASIMOV—1. LAW—BUT com'on, robots with machine guns!
20060315             I don't get to think about that most days! RFID & Viral Vulnerability
20060315             Arleo writes "Student Melanie Rieback and others, PART—OF—1—TANNENBAUM research group in AMSTERDAM, have proven that RFID—TAGS are vulnerable for infection with viruses. In 1—RESEARCH—PAPER titled "Is Your Cat Infected with 1—COMPUTER—VIRUS?" is shown how 1—ALTERED—RFID —TAG can be used to send 1—SQL injection attack or 1—BUFFER overflow.
20060315             They describe on the rfidvirus_org website possible exploits of this types of viruses: from altering the backoffice of 1—SUPERMARKET to spreading RFID viruses by infected bags on airports".
20060315             He believes the 1. person to live to 1,000 has already been born and told the meeting that periodic repairs to the body using stem cells, gene therapy and other techniques could eventually stop the aging process entirely.
20060315             —DISMISSED, His maverick ideas are, by others in the field, such as TOM—KIRKWOOD, DIRECTOR—OF—NEWCASTLE—UNIVERSITY—CENTER—OF—AGING and Nutrition, as little more than 1—THOUGHT experiment.
20060315             UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES—TURNS back on dollar in foreign reserves SHAKE—UP THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES is planning to switch 10pc of its foreign reserves from dollars to euros in the 1. SIGN—OF—FALL—OUT from WASHINGTON—SNUB to DUBAI Ports World —LAST—WEEK.
20060315             Justice Department looks at lawyers: THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT is investigating its lawyers' conduct in sending terrorism suspects to jail —WHEN there was insufficient evidence to charge them with 1—CRIME.
20060315             Pepper 'kills prostate cancer' The ingredient which makes jalapeno peppers hot also makes prostate cancer cells commit suicide, a study suggests.
20060315             1,000 children 'consider suicide' THE—NUMBER—OF—CHILDREN contemplating suicide has increased by 14% over the past —YEAR, 1—NATIONAL—CHARITY has said.
20060315             Labour loans to be investigated LABOUR—TREASURER reveals he did not know the party had secretly taken out loans —LAST—YEAR.
20060315             Saddam denounces COURT—FORMER—IRAQ—LEADER—SADDAM—HUSSEIN describes the court trying him for crimes against humanity as a "comedy".
20060315             3. Lords rejection of ID cards Government plans to make ID cards compulsory for anyone getting 1—PASSPORT are rejected by the peers.
20060315             DPW to sell off all its USA ports DUBAI Ports World confirms it intends to sell all its USA port operations to 1—USA—BUYER within —6—MONTHS—TIME.
20060315             UN creates new human rights body THE—UN—VOTES to create 1—NEW—HUMAN—RIGHTS—MONITOR, despite USA—CONCERNS the reforms are not enough.
20060315             Billionaire boosts SAUDI—ARABIA—STOCKS—STOCK—MARKETS in the Gulf region suffer 1—SHARP—SELL—OFF as a "CRISIS—OF—CONFIDENCE" weighs on trade.
20060315             Warders' £1m trauma compensation 6—PRISON—OFFICERS who saw the aftermath of 1—KILLING by 1—INMATE—WIN—MORE than £1m in compensation.
20060315             Terror flight claims 'will fade' Claims THE—USA—SECRETLY flies terror suspects through THE—UK will eventually "fall away", says Foreign SECRETARY—JACK—STRAW.
20060315             —EXTRACTED, Precious information is, from the remains of the Genesis space capsule that crashed into 1—USA—DESERT in 2004
20060315             Colonial Latin AMERICA CHRONOLOGY 15170000—15180000 .
20060315             Silver ores found at Potosí.
20060315             Silver ores found at ZACATECAS: START—OF—MINING.
20060315             "THE—VIETNAM—WAR was 1—ILL—CONCEIVED bungling disaster built upon 1—QUICKSAND of lies and mistaken premises. —JUST as is its ILL—BEGOTTEN offspring: THE—IRAQ—WAR".
20060315             —AMAZED, Feingold: "I'm, at Democrats [in the Senate] cowering, with this PRESIDENT—NUMBERS so low" 3/15
20060315             most women and children ? were killed —WHEN 1—HOUSE was bombed —DURING A—USA—RAID—NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD —EARLY—WEDNESDAY, police and relatives said.
20060315             It's up to you to convince Congress to stand up for H.R. 16060000             , which is scheduled for 1—VOTE tomorrow + prevent THE—FEC from voting on new regulations which may change INTERNET political activity forever.
20060315             Why are so MANY—WHO call themselves Christians worshiping THE—PARASITES—OF—GOD and empire, —WHILE shunning and betraying the genuine article?
20060315             USA 'may want to keep IRAQ bases' : THE—USA—MAY want to keep 1—LONG—TERM—MILITARY—PRESENCE in IRAQ to bolster moderates against extremists in the region and protect oil supplies, the army general overseeing USA—OPERATIONS in IRAQ has said.
20060315             —DIPPED, Electricity Hits —3—YEAR—LOW in IRAQ : Electricity output has, to its lowest point in —3—YEARS in IRAQ.
20060315             Secret USA—PLANS—FOR IRAQ—OIL : THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION made plans for war and for IRAQ—OIL—BEFORE 20010911             —THE attacks sparking 1—POLICY—BATTLE—BETWEEN—NEO—CONS and Big Oil, BBC—NEWSNIGHT has revealed.
20060315             'I am still THE—HEAD—OF—STATE' : SADDAM—HUSSEIN insisted —TODAY that he was still IRAQ—PRESIDENT and called on Iraqis to stop fighting EACH—OTHER and rise up against USA and UK—TROOPS as he gave evidence for the 1. time at his trial.
20060315             USA—GENERAL says no proof IRAN behind IRAQ arms : PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH said —ON—MONDAY components from IRAN were being used in powerful roadside bombs used in IRAQ + Defense SECRETARY—DONALD—RUMSFELD said —LAST—WEEK that IRAN—REVOLUTIONARY—GUARD—PERSONNEL had been inside IRAQ.
20060315             Bush ready to initiate 'regime change' for the mullahs : Buoyed up by achieving its initial goal of dragging Teheran —BEFORE THE—UNITED—NATIONS Security Council, which is to debate IRAN —THIS—WEEK, officials are —NOW promoting several measures REMINISCENT—OF—THE—USA—APPROACH towards MOSCOW in the Cold War.
20060315             —CAUTIONED, RUSSIA warns USA on Caspian buildup : RUSSIA, THE—USA—ON—TUESDAY against raising its military presence in the strategic Caspian sea region bordering IRAN, saying BUILDUP—OF—FORCES from "outside" would destabilize the region, ITAR—TASS news agency said.
20060315             EDWARD—S—HERMAN : Uncle Chutzpah and His Willing Executioners on the Dire IRAN Threat : Uncle Chutzpah and his willing EXECUTIONERS—THE—MEDIA, UN and coalition of the cowardly and BRIBED—HAVE isolated IRAN and set her up for possible destabilization and aggression.
20060315             1—WOULDN'T think this possible given the remarkable parallels in argument and (phony) evidence in this case and that of the failed aggression in IRAQ, but the power of the aggressor and SUBSERVIENCE—OF—THE—MEDIA and INTERNATIONAL community are apparently boundless.
20060315             For THE—USA, as for others countries, Machiavellianism dominates foreign policy, but the courage of 1—SMALL—NUMBER—OF dissenters suggests the possibility that SOME—DAY the larger public will no longer accept that kind of "realism".
20060315             Abbas condemns ISRAEL raid as unforgivable crime: PALESTINE—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS —ON—WEDNESDAY condemned ISRAEL—RAID on 1—WEST—BANK—PRISON and seizure of 1—MILITANT—LEADER as 1—CRIME that would not be forgiven.
20060315             SALVADOR option"? :
20060315             —ARRESTED, American, with weapons in IRAQ: The man it described as 1—SECURITY—CONTRACTOR working for 1—PRIVATE—COMPANY, possessed explosives which were found in his car.
20060315             Feingold Accuses Democrats of 'Cowering'
20060315             Global Economic Hegemony: 1—NEW—KIND—OF—WARFARE?
20060315             "Aufgrund der sich durch die Treibhausgase erwärmenden Atmosphäre und der damit einhergehenden Aufheizung der arktischen Regionen verlangsam sich der Wärmeaustausch der Nordhalbkugel mit dem wärmeren Süden", sagte RÜDIGER—ROSENTHAL vom Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz DEUTSCHLAND (BUND) zu SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20060315             Als Folge seien künftig häufiger EXTREM—KALTE —WINTER in EUROPA denkbar.
20060315             Wenn es —DIESEN—FRÜHLING und —SOMMER nicht außergewöhnlich kalt wird, dann werden wir wohl Verluste an Meereis beobachten, die die 20050000             beobachteten noch übertreffen könnten", sagte MARK—SERREZE, Wissenschaftler am National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) im USA—BUNDESSTAAT COLORADO, der "NEW—YORK—TIMES".
20060315             1—FORSCHERTEAM—DER—UNIVERSITY—OF—ILLINOIS kam unabhängig vom NSIDC zum gleichen Ergebnis.
20060315             "Nimmt man das mit jüngsten NASA—ERKENNTNISSEN zusammen, dass der GRÖNLAND—EISPANZER an einem UMKIPP—PUNKT angelangt sein könnte, ist ziemlich klar, dass die ARKTIS beginnt, auf die globale Erwärmung zu reagieren", sagte Serreze der GROSSBRITANNIEN—ZEITUNG "THE—INDEPENDENT".
20060315             —BESCHREIBT, Man, damit den Moment, wo vormals lineare ENTWICKLUNGEN—WIE eine kontinuierliche EISSCHMELZE—DURCH bestimmte Rückkopplungen abrupt abbrechen, die Richtung wechseln oder stark beschleunigt werden.
20060315             —BEFÜRCHTET, Ein solches Feedback, Serreze —NUN für den arktischen Ozean: Dort ist —NUN mehr Wasser denn je zu sehen.
20060315             —IM—LETZTEN—JAHR hat die ZAHL—DER—FLUGPASSAGIERE enorm zugelegt: Weltweit flogen —IM—LETZTEN—JAHR rund 4—MILLIARDEN Menschen, das sind 6—PROZENT mehr als im Vorjahr.
20060315             GENF—VON den 4—MILLIARDEN Flugpassagieren —IM—LETZTEN—JAHR reisten 1,6 Milliarden auf internationalen Strecken, was einer Zunahme von 8—PROZENT entspricht, teilte die Internationale Flughafenbehörde (ACI) —AM—DIENSTAG in Genf mit.
20060315             —FROM : RALPH—MCGEHEE  Subject: Intel vs.... Photos of Deutch, Nora slatkin, executive director and DAVID—COHEN, do.
20060315             Hillary Clinton FORUM—ELECTRONIC DEMOCRACY—EVERYBODY Welcome... 8. (Bebeto Matthews/AP Photo ).
20060315             their real = names?=20—DOESN'T everyone have to show a photo ID to... Casey, David=20—DOHERTY, GEORGE—HERBERT—WALKER—BUSH, JOHN—DEUTCH, Nora = Slatkin =20 and Hank... ILLUMINATI—NEWS_com/TERROR—OVERVIEW.mht
20060315             1—OVERVIEW—OF—THE—WAR—ON—TERRORISM... Doesn't everyone have to show 1—PHOTO—ID to claim 1—BOARDING pass?... BILL—CASEY, DAVID—DOHERTY, GEORGE—HERBERT—WALKER—BUSH, JOHN—DEUTCH, Nora Slatkin and Hank...
20060315             CIA Officials Reveal What Went Wrong — Clinton to Blame... CIA Director JOHN—DEUTCH and his top assistant, Nora Slatkin.
20060315             E—MAIL —TUESDAY—EVENING:"Deutch and Nora, CLINTON—ANTI... politicians will use lots of photo ops to.
20060315             [PDF]Colleen PRESTON on Acquisition Reform... Photos by RICHARD—MATTOX... MISTER—DEUTCH, the Service Acquisition EXECUTIVES—GIL—DECKER, JOHN—DOUGLASS (who assumed the position held by Nora Slatkin ) + Art...
20060315             "I will be pushing that very hard".
20060315             DefenseLINK News: Daily Activity... 19960919             TBD House COMMITTEE—ON—INTELLIGENCE 13000000             OPEN Witnesses: JOHN—DEUTCH, DCI;
20060315             JOAN—DEMPSEY, DASD(C3I); Nora Slatkin, CIA; LtGen PATRICK—HUGHES, DIA; LtGen...
20060315             THE—CIA—ROLE in the Attack upon AMERICA... Photos of deutch, nora slatkin, executive director and david cohen, do.
20060315             —CLEARED, Moussaoui trial, to resume The trial of 20010911             conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui can continue despite ALLEGATIONS—OF—MISCONDUCT by the prosecution, 1—USA—JUDGE—RULES.
20060315             UK gas prices soar on new warning Gas prices continue to rise —AFTER National GRID—ALERT asking industrial users to limit their usage.
20060315             Euro MPs back mercury curbs Tough measures to reduce the use of mercury in EUROPE are supported by MEMBERS—OF—THE—EUROPEAN—PARLIAMENT.
20060315             Rants 'n' Raves: Mine Shaft SOME—SUSPICIOUS—READERS—ELABORATE on how data mining could be 1—TROJAN horse for USA—CITIZENS' privacy in —TODAY—RANTS 'n' Raves.
20060315             SENATOR: Net neutrality may not happen Senate Commerce Chairman TED—STEVENS seems lukewarm to mandatory Net neutrality + analysts say it's not 1—GOOD—IDEA.
20060315             Google, feds face off over search records GOOGLE—ATTEMPT to fend off Justice DEPARTMENT—REQUEST for search records goes —BEFORE a FEDERAL—COURT—IN—S—JOSE, CALIFORNIA.
20060315             illeism writes "News_com is reporting that 1—CALIFORNIA—JUDGE may force Google to give the feds at least SOME—OF—THE—INFORMATION it wanted.
20060315             "Using 1—OF—THE—WORLD—FASTEST—COMPUTERS at THE—USA—NATIONAL—CENTER for Supercomputing Applications, located at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—ILLINOIS at URBANA—CHAMPAIGN, the researchers ran 1—COMPUTER—PROGRAM devised to reverse engineer the dynamics of all atoms making up the virus particle and 1—TINY—DROP—OF—WATER containing it".
20060315             —WHEN Army SERGEANT—MICHAEL—J—SMITH—FACES 1—COURT—MARTIAL—TODAY on charges that he used his military working dog to harass and threaten detainees, 1—OF—THE—PRIME—EXAMPLES—OF—THAT alleged misconduct will be 1—PHOTOGRAPH—OF—SMITH holding the dog —JUST inches from the face of 1—DETAINEE
20060315             SARA—COBURN.
20060315             (20050324             ). - - SARA—COBURN.
20060315             (20050324             ). - - (20050324             ).
20060315             —REJECTED, THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION has, 1—CALL by Microsoft to open up 1—ANTITRUST hearing scheduled for 20060330—20060331    —AND.
20060315             EU: No Public Hearing for Microsoft THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION has rejected 1—CALL by Microsoft to open up 1—ANTITRUST hearing scheduled for 20060330—20060331    —AND,
2006031520060315     Arab central banks move assets OUT—OF—DOLLAR : Middle Eastern anger over the decision by THE—USA to block 1—DUBAI company from buying 5—OF—ITS ports hit the dollar —YESTERDAY as 1—NUMBER—OF—CENTRAL—BANKS said they were considering switching reserves into euros.
20060315—19340319    —HANDED, Prescott Bush, Averell Harriman 1—COPY—OF—THAT—DAY—NEW—YORK—TIMES.
20060315—19790000    —J—IM, wie noch nie —SEIT Beginn der Satellitenbeobachtung.
20060315—19790000    —J—IM, Der Forscher hat beobachtet: Im vergangenen —SEPTEMBER war in der ARKTIS soviel Eis geschmolzen, wie noch nie —SEIT Beginn der Satellitenbeobachtung.
20060315—20000000    —IN, Too MANY—DEMOCRATS are going to do the same thing they did.
20060315—20000000    —YEAR, In the, IRAQ had decided that it was no longer going to accept dollars for oil being sold under THE—UN—OIL—FOR—FOOD—PROGRAM and decided to switch to the Euro as IRAQ—OIL—EXPORT—CURRENCY.
20060315—20010911    —IN—THE, Other senior government officials and key players aftermath also have raised questions about WELDON—ACCOUNT.
20060315—20020000    —IN, FBI took photos of antiwar protesters : An FBI agent in PITTSBURGH photographed MEMBERS—OF—1—ANTIWAR activist group, according to documents released —TUESDAY by THE—USA—CIVIL—LIBERTIES—UNION, which said the disclosure marks the latest incident in which THE—FBI has monitored LEFT—LEANING groups.
20060315—20031000    —IN, 20010911             —THE commission said its executive director, PHILIP—ZELIKOW, and 3—OTHERS had met with Shaffer at Bagram Air Base in AFGHANISTAN, where he was on assignment, as PART—OF—ITS—PROBE.
20060315—20040000    was the gassiest —YEAR ever,
20060315—20040000    —IN, He made the prediction, nearly —2—YEARS—BEFORE the explosionsoin January that disrupted gas supplies to GEORGIA, sabotage for which the Russians were prime suspects.
20060315—20050000    —FROM, buanzo writes "THE—USA—ARMY is deploying armed robots in IRAQ that are capable of breaking ASMOV—1. law that they should not harm 1—HUMAN. SWORDS (Special Weapons Observation Reconnaissance Detection Systems) robots are equipped with either the M249, machine gun which fires 5.56-millimeter rounds at 750—ROUNDS per —MINUTE or the M240, which fires 7.62-millimeter rounds at up to 1,000—PER —MINUTE. " update this story refers to this article.
20060315—20060000    —IN, abb_road writes "INTERNET usage is predicted to grow by only 1%, with uptake slowing even more in subsequent years. The article examines causes for the slowdown, including individuals who are actively choosing to not be online. These NON—USERS cite 1—NUMBER—OF—REASONS for their decision, including cost and increased productivity. Is this simply 1—COMBINATION—OF luddites and 1—STATISTICAL quirk, or is THE—INTERNET reaching its saturation point in THE—USA?"
20060315—20060302    Public Interest Declassification BOARD—HOLDS 1. Meeting: Document Withdrawal from the National Archives 1—SERIOUS—CONCERN
20060315—20060306    ARCHIVIST—OF—THE—USA—ANNOUNCES—NEW—STEPS in Response to Withdrawal of Declassified Records from Open Shelves at the National Archives
20060315—20060309    —ON, † Officials in AZERBAIJAN said 1—DOG had †—OF—BIRD—FLU in BAKU.
20060315—20060316    IRAN: Where do we go from here? -
20060315—20060603    —ON, THE—USA—MILITARY said that it had found no wrongdoing by USA—TROOPS accused of intentionally killing civilians —DURING 1—RAID in Ishaqi village NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20060315—20100000    —IN, DarkNemesis618 writes "NASA is looking into putting its 15,000—FOOT runway up for rent at the Kennedy Space Center. The runway, which is used for Space Shuttle landings, will soon be used less and less as the Shuttle fleet is set to be retired. The 1. private venture was seen —LAST—MONTH—WHEN STEVE—FOSSETT took off at KSC in Virgin ATLANTIC—EXPERIMENTAL—PLANE. 1—PROMISING deal in the works comes from 0—GRAVITY—CORP. which offers customers 1—FEW SECONDS—OF—WEIGHTLESSNESS on 1—BOEING 727-200. The shuttle runway, built in the 1970s never got the use it was expected to + with the next GENERATION—OF—SPACE—VEHICLES using parachutes to land, the runway is going to have even less use".
20060315—20110000    —REVIVED, THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT, 1—PROBE into allegations that USA—FORCES shot and killed civilians.
20060401—20011200    —IN, New USA—POLICY to use nuclear weapons against NON—NUCLEAR—COUNTRIES has been officially formulated in 2—USA—GOVERNMENT—DOCUMENTS—NUCLEAR—POSTURE Review delivered to Congress and Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations dated 20050315             20060401—20011200    —IN, New USA—POLICY to use nuclear weapons against NON—NUCLEAR—COUNTRIES has been officially formulated in 2—USA—GOVERNMENT—DOCUMENTS—NUCLEAR—POSTURE Review delivered to Congress and Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations dated 20050315             20060405             (source: Reuters, 20060315             )
20060405             (source: Reuters, 20060315             )
20060405—20060315    —SOURCE: Reuters,
20061219             Re : XAVIER—NAIDOO—AUTOR: anna1286 Datum: 06090315             :32 ich könnt grad kotzen, wenn ich das hier lese!
20070307—20070315    —UNTIL, RESIDENTS—OF—THE—CITY—WANZHOU district had to hand over their dogs.
20070315             GONZALES CHIEF—OF—STAFF—KYLE—SAMPSON (resigned —2—DAYS—AGO), 20070109             :
20070315             FORMER—USA—ATTORNEY MARY—JO—WHITE, 20070305             :
20070315             FORMER—CLINTON CHIEF—OF—STAFF—JOHN—PODESTA, 20070308             :
20070315             —TURNED, THE—USA—SENATE—REPUBLICANS, easily, back Democratic legislation requiring 1—TROOP—WITHDRAWAL from IRAQ to begin within —120—DAYS.
20070315             1 revised transcript was released by THE—USA—MILITARY that said suspected 20010911             mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed confessed to THE—BEHEADING—OF—USA—JOURNALIST—DANIEL—PEARL and 1—CENTRAL—ROLE in 30—OTHER—ATTACKS and plots in THE—USA and worldwide that killed THOUSANDS—OF—VICTIMS.
20070315             Standard & POOR—SAID 1—INCREASE in USA—HOMES for sale as 1—RESULT—OF—SUBPRIME loan borrowers defaulting on their mortgages, in addition to less CONSTRUCTION—OF—NEW—HOMES, is likely to depress gross domestic product growth.
20070315             —ACQUIRED, Cisco said it has, WebEx Communications for $3.2—BILLION in cash.
20070315             —HALTED, This, passenger and freight traffic on Amtrak and the Union Pacific lines on the main EAST—WEST—ROUTE in NORTH—CALIFORNIA.
20070315             —SCANNED, Scientists said 1—SPACECRAFT orbiting Mars has, huge DEPOSITS—OF—WATER—ICE at its south pole so plentiful they would blanket the planet in 36—FEET—OF—WATER if they were liquid.
20070315             † STUART—ROSENBERG, —79—JAHRE—ALT, 1—PROLIFIC—DIRECTOR—OF—SERIES—TELEVISION and theatrical films, at his home in BEVERLY—HILLS.
20070315             —PARTNERED, STUART—ROSENBERG had, with PAUL—NEWMAN on the widely popular prison drama "Cool Hand Luke" and several other movies.
20070315             † BOWIE—KUHN, —80—JAHRE—ALT, former baseball commissioner in JACKSONVILLE—FLORIDA.
20070315             —KILLED, USA—LED coalition forces mistakenly, 5—AFGHANISTAN—POLICE in a clash in a southern province.
20070315             Interpol said it plans to issue INTERNATIONAL requests for the arrest of 5—PROMINENT—IRANIANS and 1—LEBANON—MILITANT in connection with 19940000             —THE—BOMBING—OF—1—JEWISH—CULTURAL—CENTER in ARGENTINA.
20070315             —SIGNED, BULGARIA, RUSSIA and GREECE, 1—DEAL in ATHENS to build a 175-mile pipeline to transport RUSSIA—OIL to 1—PORT in NORTH—GREECE.
20070315             —RELEASED, Human Rights Watch, 1—REPORT that said Children in BURUNDI suffer serious abuses in prison, including torture, rape and food shortages, in 1—CRIMINAL—JUSTICE—SYSTEM that treats them as adults.
20070315             —EXPRESSED, CHINA, "deep regret" over 1—USA—DECISION to punish 1—MACAU bank for allegedly helping NORTH—KOREA launder money, foreshadowing the difficulties of enforcing 1—INTERNATIONAL—AGREEMENT on THE—NORTH—NUCLEAR—DISARMAMENT.
20070315             1—UN—REPORT said COLOMBIA—SECURITY—FORCES killed civilians in several states —LAST—YEAR and falsely labeled many as leftist rebels slain in combat.
20070315             THE—EU said it would put pressure on MEMBERS—OF—THE—SOUTH—EAST—ASIA—REGIONAL grouping ASEAN at talks in GERMANY to urge MYANMAR to improve its human rights record.
20070315             1—FRANCE—COURT convicted 1—DOCTOR in the poisoning DEATH—OF—1—TERMINALLY ill cancer patient, in 1—TRIAL that has raised THE—ISSUE—OF—EUTHANASIA in FRANCE—PRESIDENTIAL—RACE.
20070315             —REPORTED, It was, that the Pascha brothel in COLOGNE—GERMANY, hopes to capitalize on the growing number of retirees by offering a 50% discount for sex in the afternoon.
20070315             —PROTESTED, HUNGARY, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, against Socialist PRIME—MINISTER—FERENC—GYURCSANY at ceremonies to mark the country's national holiday, demanding his resignation and shouting "traitor".
20070315             —ARMED, Communist rebels, with rifles, hand grenades and petrol bombs attacked 1—POLICE—POST in THE—JUNGLES—OF—EAST—INDIA, killing at least 55—OFFICERS.
20070315             EAST—INDIA, farmers angry over plans to build 1—INDUSTRIAL—PARK on their land torched 1—GOVERNMENT—OFFICE in a 2. —DAY—OF—UNREST that has claimed 14—LIVES.
20070315             It included 1—EMBARGO on arms exports and 1—ASSET freeze on more individuals and companies associated with TEHRAN—NUCLEAR and missile programs.
20070315             1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMBER apparently targeting 1—SENIOR—CITY—OFFICIAL struck 1—IRAQ—MILITARY—CHECKPOINT in 1—SHIITE neighborhood in BAGHDAD, killing at least 8—PEOPLE.
20070315             † 1—USA—SOLDIER was killed in 1—EXPLOSION in Salahuddin province.
20070315             —SENTENCED, JORDAN—MILITARY—COURT, to death 4—IRAQ—AL—QAIDA militants charged with terror attacks on Jordanians in IRAQ.
20070315             Of the 4, only 1 is in custody —WHILE the other 3—REMAIN at large and were tried in absentia.
20070315             THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION and THE—UN—DEVELOPMENT—PROGRAM said MALAYSIA should empower its FOREST—DEPENDENT—INDIGENOUS—PEOPLE to alleviate poverty and safeguard their environment.
20070315             —SEIZED, MEXICO—FEDERAL—AGENTS, the cash, 8—LUXURY—VEHICLES, 7—WEAPONS and 1—MACHINE to make pills —DURING 1—RAID at 1—HOUSE in Lomas de Chapultepec.
20070315             —SEIZED, THE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—LATER said the $206—MILLION in cash, was connected to 1—OF—THE—HEMISPHERE—LARGEST—NETWORKS for trafficking pseudoephedrine, the main ingredient in methamphetamines.
20070315             1—RECOUNT put the cashed seized to over $207—MILLION.
20070315             —SIGNED, MONTENEGRO, 1—STABILIZATION and association agreement (SAA), usually the 1. step toward EU membership.
20070315             —BARRED, NIGERIA—ELECTORAL—COMMISSION, VICE—PRESIDENT—ATIKU—ABUBAKAR from crucial elections, omitting his name from the roster of 2—DOZEN approved candidates.
20070315             —FORMED, The rival Hamas and Fatah movements, 1—LONG—ELUSIVE unity government, hoping to end bloody infighting and lead the Palestinians out of yearlong INTERNATIONAL isolation.
20070315             ISRAEL—IMMEDIATELY said that it would not deal with the new government.
20070315             S—PETERSBURG—NIKOLAI—ZAVADSKY, oo 1—LATE—CURATOR at RUSSIA—MOST famous museum, was convicted in THE—THEFT—OF—DOZENS—OF—ART—OBJECTS and sentenced to —5—YEARS in prison.
20070315             —ORDERED, He was also, to pay $283,000 in damages to the Hermitage.
20070315             —DESTROYED, SOMALIA, 1—BOMB—BLAST, 2—HOUSES—NEAR—MOGADISHU, killing 7—PEOPLE, including 4—CHILDREN.
20070315             —PASSED, SPAIN—PARLIAMENT, 1—GENDER—EQUALITY—BILL aimed at getting more SPAIN—WOMEN into elected office and corporate boardrooms, and more men heating baby bottles and changing diapers.
20070315             1—RIGHTS—GROUP said Mukhammadali Karabayev, 1—UZBEKISTAN—OPPOSITION—ACTIVIST, has been sentenced to —6—YEARS in prison on extortion and fraud charges amid 1—SWEEPING crackdown on dissent in the tightly controlled EX—SOVIET—REPUBLIC.
20070315             1—DEFIANT—ZIMBABWEAN—PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE told his critics of his government to "go hang" themselves in his 1. response to the arrest and ASSAULT—OF—OPPOSITION—CHIEF—MORGAN—TSVANGIRAI.
20070315             TANZANIA—PRESIDENT—JAKAYA—KIKWETE went into talks with Mugabe —FOLLOWING growing INTERNATIONAL CONDEMNATION—OF—THE—CRACKDOWN on opposition demonstrators.
20070315             —PARKED, ISKANDARIYAH, 1—BOMB in 1, car exploded as 1—BUS packed with workers passed by, killing at least 4 and wounding 24. The top official in BAGHDAD—SADR—CITY was seriously wounded —WHEN gunmen ambushed his convoy in EAST—BAGHDAD, killing 2—OF—HIS bodyguards.
20070315             —RELEASED, SOUTH—NIGERIA, militants, 2—ITALY—OIL—WORKERS who were kidnapped more than —3—MONTHS—AGO.
20070315             "If 1 believed that the universe had 1—BEGINNING, the obvious question was, what happened —BEFORE the beginning," HAWKING said.
20070315             "What was God doing —BEFORE He made the world?
20070315             —ASKED, Was He preparing hell for people who, such questions?"
20070315             According to HAWKING, THE—ORIGIN—OF—THE—UNIVERSE can be depicted as bubbles in 1—STEAM in boiling water.
20070315             Artificial photosynthesis moves a step closer
20070315             Blog: Scientists at THE—MAX—PLANCK—INSTITUTE for Colloids and Interfaces have devised 1—CATALYST that makes it easier to break apart...
20070315             1—LOOK at good vs. destructive bacteria
20070315             CNET News_com's MICHAEL—KANELLOS explores 1—RAPIDLY expanding sector in THE—WORLD—OF—GREEN—TECH.
20070315             It's biopesticides, which refers to the use of helpful microorganisms to fight those that damage farm or garden products.
20070315             Kanellos spoke with THE—PRESIDENT—OF—AGRAQUEST, 1—OF—1—RISING NUMBER—OF—COMPANIES promoting biopesticides.
20070315             "Researchers in ENGLAND are attempting to build 1—DESKTOP computer that runs on light rather than electronics.
20070315             jkrobin writes to mention that 1—RECENT—REPORT from THE—USA—PATENT—OFFICE—CALLS—PEER—TO—PEER file sharing harmful to children and 1—THREAT to national security.
20070315             "Interestingly, the report makes numerous references to RIAA and MPAA legal actions against file actions,
20070315             as well as cites a 20050000             DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY—REPORT that government workers had installed FILE—SHARING programs that accessed classified information without their knowledge".
20070315             ROLAND—PIQUEPAILLE writes "According to several articles in the press, 1—AUSTRIA—COMPANY has opened 1—NEW—CHIP printing factory.
20070315             But there is 1—TWIST.
20070315             —PRODUCED, The chips, by this factory, dubbed Semiconductor 2.0—BY the company, will be organic semiconductors + will be produced by inkjet printers.
20070315             According to the company, the new factory will be able to produce 40,000 square meters of semiconductors per —YEAR,
20070315             mainly for the biotech, clean tech + defense industries".
20070315             —SCUTTLEMONKEY—LEMONKEY—130 - GogglesPisano writes
20070315             "—EARLIER reported that FORMER—HP chairwoman PATRICIA—DUNN would plead guilty to 1—MISDEMEANOR—CHARGE—OF fraudulent wire communications stemming from her involvement in —LAST—YEAR—CORPORATE eavesdropping scandal.
20070315             —AMENDED, The story was —LATER, —AFTER charges again st Dunn were dropped.
20070315             The original charges, 4—FELONY counts, were reduced to misdemeanors in exchange for 1—PLEA bargain.
20070315             —EXPECTED, Her 3—CO—DEFENDANTS are, to receive —96—HOURS—OF—COMMUNITY—SERVICE;
20070315             in DUNN—CASE this sentence is likely to be waived due to illness".
20070315             Update: 03/15 02:21 GMT by KD : The prosecutor in the case issued 1—CORRECTION to the eariler pronouncement that Dunn would plead guilty to 1—MISDEMEANOR.
20070315             "At court —TODAY, PATRICIA—DUNN did not enter ANY—PLEA in response to the misdemeanor count + the court exercised its discretion by dismissing the case against her," the revised statement said.
20070315             —SCUTTLEMONKEY—LEMONKEY—871 - mr_3ntropy writes
20070315             "Speaking to 1—SOLD out crowd at THE—BERKELEY—PHYSICS—OPPENHEIMER—LECTURE,
20070315             HAWKING said —YESTERDAY that he —NOW believes the universe spontaneously popped into existence from nothing.
20070315             —NEEDED, He said more work is, to prove this but we have time because 'Eternity is 1—VERY—LONG—TIME, especially towards the end.' There is also 1—WEBCAST available (Realplayer or Real Alternative required)".
20070315             BBC ANNOUNCED COLLAPSE—OF—WTC 7—BEFORE IT TOOK PLACE Why hasn't the Press Followed Up!!
20070315             Top Story Update: 20061102             GEORGE—BUSH—ADMITS—DEMOLITIONS?
20070315             BUSH—ODD—REMARK about Explosives at THE—WTC—BLOG—POST—HERE: Very Interesting (from Blondesense) Did BUSH —JUST Admit Bombs in WTC?
20070315             ALEX—JONES—WATCH #14: THE—JOKE is on Prison Planet- - BG—WEB—SITE—POSTS—HOAX as Fact.
20070315             Posting shows lack of minimun LEVEL—OF—APPLICATION—OF—COMMON—SENSE.
20070315             I took stats in grad school —LAST—YEAR + I don't remember it being done this way.
20070315             In this example JAMES—REDFORD on Infowars_com looks at THE—6—CASES—OF—PEOPLE with Arab names similar to those of THE—19—HIJIACKERS having connections to USA—MILITARY—BASES
20070315             "THE—USA—MILITARY for the 1. time —WEDNESDAY said in 1—NEW—REPORT that SOME—OF—THE—VIOLENCE in IRAQ can be described as 1—CIVIL—WAR.
20070315             In its bleakest ASSESSMENT—OF—THE—WAR to date,
20070315             1—QUARTERLY—PENTAGON report said that last
20070315             ;;10;; through ;;12;; was the most violent —3—MONTH—PERIOD
20070315             'SOME—ELEMENTS—OF—THE—SITUATION in IRAQ are properly descriptive of a 'civil war,'
20070315             including THE—HARDENING—OF—ETHNO—SECTARIAN—IDENTITIES + mobilization, the changing CHARACTER—OF—THE—VIOLENCE + population displacements,'" the report says.
20070315             —TODAY on 's Situation Room,
20070315             SENATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE—CHAIRMAN—PATRICK—LEAHY (D—VT) blew off WHITE—HOUSE—SIGNALS that KARL—ROVE + other senior BUSH officials may resist testifying —BEFORE Congress
20070315             "Frankly, I don't care whether [WHITE—HOUSE—COUNSEL FRED—FIELDING] says he's going to allow people or not.
20070315             We'll SUBPOENA the people we want," LEAHY said. "If they want to defy THE—SUBPOENA, then you get into 1—STONEWALL situation I suspect they don't want to have".
20070315             —ANSWERED, Asked whether he'll SUBPOENA ROVE, LEAHY, "Yes. He can appear voluntarily if he wants. If he doesn't, I will SUBPOENA him".
20070315             —ADDRESSED, LEAHY also, THE—RIGHT—WING talking point that THE—USA—ATTORNEY—FIRINGS are meaningless because there "was no crime".
20070315             LEAHY said that —WHILE PRESIDENT—BUSH has the authority to fire ATTORNEY s at will,
20070315             "if it is done to stop 1—ONGOING investigation, then you do get into the criminal area".
20070315             Regardless, he said, the administration's POLITICIZATION—OF—ATTORNEY s "hurts law enforcement.
20070315             That hurts fighting against crime".
20070315             SENATOR—JOHN—SUNUNU (R—NH) has become the 1. Republican MEMBER—OF—CONGRESS to call for ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES to resign.
20070315             "We need to have 1—STRONG, credible ATTORNEY—GENERAL that has THE—CONFIDENCE—OF—CONGRESS and THE—USA—PEOPLE," said Sununu,
20070315             who faces 1—TOUGH—RE—ELECTION—CAMPAIGN—NEXT—YEAR.
20070315             "I think THE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL should be fired," Sununu said.
20070315             BERNARD—KERIK, former police commissioner and confidante of RUDY—GIULIANI, "appears headed for 1—INDICTMENT
20070315             —TURNED, KERIK has, down 1—GUILTY—PLEA that would have included FEDERAL—JAIL—TIME, Dienst says.
20070315             The next step is up to FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS;
20070315             —PLEADED, KERIK has already, guilty to state charges".
20070315             —TODAY—DURING 1—PRESS briefing in MEXICO, PRESIDENT—BUSH attempted to defend his prosecutor purge, stating that firing prosecutors "has been 1—CUSTOMARY—PRACTICE by presidents.
20070315             USA—ATTORNEY s + others serve at THE—PLEASURE—OF—THE—PRESIDENT.
20070315             Past administrations have REMOVE d USA—ATTORNEY s. It is their right to do so".
20070315             But as current and former administration officials have confirmed, BUSH—PURGE—OF—WELL—QUALIFIED prosecutors is unprecendented.
20070315             In recent memory, —DURING THE—REAGAN + CLINTON Administrations, Presidents REAGAN + CLINTON did not seek to REMOVE + REPLACE USA—ATTORNEY s to serve indefinitely under the holdover provision.
20070315             MISTER—ROVE—CLAIMS [—LAST—WEEK] that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—PURGE of qualified and capable USA—ATTORNEY s is "normal and ordinary" is pure fiction.
20070315             Replacing most USA—ATTORNEY s —WHEN 1—NEW—ADMINISTRATION comes in — as we did 19930000             +
20070315             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION did 20010000             — is not unusual.
20070315             —FIRED, But THE—CLINTON administration never, FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS as pure political retribution.
20070315             However, —THROUGHOUT modern history, my understanding is, you did not change THE—USA—ATTORNEY —DURING 1—ADMINISTRATION,
20070315             unless there was SOME—EVIDENCE—OF—MISCONDUCT or other really quite significant cause to do so.
20070315             Bush_Falsely_Claims_His_Prosecutor_Purge_Is_A_Customary_Practice_By_a_Pres" Transcript: (more...)
20070315             IRELAND—EU'S 'worst BINGE—DRINKERS'
20070315             1—EU survey on attitudes towards alcohol finds the highest rates of BINGE—DRINKING in IRELAND.
20070315             SA launches —5—YEAR Aids plan
20070315             SOUTH—AFRICA LAUNCHES a —5—YEAR—PLAN to combat Aids, as research shows new infection rates are 1,500 per —DAY.
20070315             Chiquita admits paying fighters
20070315             USA banana firm Chiquita says it will plead guilty to doing business with 1—PARAMILITARY—GROUP in COLOMBIA.
20070315             Awards for free speech defenders
20070315             5 "defenders of free speech", including 1—CHINA—LAWYER and EGYPT—BLOGGER, are honoured in LONDON.
20070315             Google to Anonymize Data - In 27B Stroke 6. - Google Tightens Privacy Measures
20070315             Global warming impacting European seas
20070315             European scientists say global warming is having 1—SIGNIFICANT—IMPACT on European marine + coastal environments.
20070315             USA—COURT rules against medical marijuana
20070315             —RULED, The 9. USA—CIRCUIT—COURT—OF—APPEALS, —WEDNESDAY that 1—INDIVIDUAL—RIGHT to medical marijuana does not supersede the Controlled Substances Act.
20070315             Study: Weekend Heart Attacks Riskier
20070315             (AP) Heart attack patients have 1—SLIGHTLY higher RISK—OF—DEATH if they go to the hospital on the weekend,
20070315             —WHEN they are more likely to miss or wait longer for crucial treatments, 1—OF—THE—LARGEST—STUDIES—OF—THE—ISSUE finds.
20070315             Paleontologists Discover New Mammal from Mesozoic Era
20070315             125—MILLION—YEARS ago —DURING the Mesozoic Era, in what is —NOW the Hebei Province in CHINA.
20070315             Mars Rover Churns Up Questions With SULFUR—RICH—SOIL
20070315             SOME—BRIGHT—MARTIAN soil containing lots of sulfur + 1—TRACE—OF—WATER intrigues researchers who are studying information provided by NASA—SPIRIT rover.
20070315             AUSTRALIA—DISCOVERY solves mystery of the Andes
20070315             1—RESEARCH—TEAM led by 1—ANU scientist has solved the mystery behind the formation of the Andes by discovering how the jostling of tectonic plate boundaries affects geological formations.
20070315             MIT provides blueprint for future USE—OF—COAL
20070315             —ISSUED, Leading academics from 1—INTERDISCIPLINARY—MIT panel, 1—REPORT—TODAY that examines how the world can continue to use coal,
20070315             1—ABUNDANT + inexpensive fuel, in 1—WAY that mitigates, instead of worsens, the global warming crisis.
20070315             The study, "THE—FUTURE—OF—COAL—OPTIONS for 1—CARBON—CONSTRAINED—WORLD," advocates that THE—USA—ASSUME global leadership on this issue through adoption of significant policy actions.
20070315             —YESTERDAY—FORMER—SENATOR—PETER—FITZGERALD ( R—IL) revealed THAT—BUSH vows migration reform drive
20070315             USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE W BUSH says 1—REFORM—OF—IMMIGRATION—LAWS is essential to improving ties with MEXICO.
20070315             To keep coal, carbon needs to go underground
20070315             Coal will remain KING for power generation —FOR—DECADES, but new carbon storage technologies are needed, MIT says.
20070315             Boardroom COUP—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia
20070315             —BY—AN INDIVIDUAL OR SMALL GROUP—OF—INDIVIDUALS, usually FROM—IRAN Threatens USA with Military Action
20070315             —THREATENED, IRAN has, to respond with military action if THE—USA—ATTACKS the country to destroy TEHRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM.
20070315             FORMALLY—CHINA does not have the right to RE—EXPORT the engines.
20070315             INDIA reacts painfully.
20070315             —SUFFERED, UNITED—KINGDOM—POLICE think that most of the £12-billion loss, by UNITED—KINGDOM—CUSTOMS
20070315             Analysts claim that the main missing trader schemes in GREAT—BRITAIN + THE—NETHERLANDS siphon their proceeds through those banks.
20070315             OMAN—MOVING Into Chemicals Ventures. | Agriculture, Forestry.
20070315             —INTEGRATED, OOC is not to be the " empire" which JOHN—DEUSS once said he would build up with ever expanding assets overseas.
20070315             Owned 100% by the powerful...
20070315             NORTH—END—HOME with lakefront under contract
20070315             However, Windsome Farms is best known —AROUND the —WINTER Equestrian Festival as the property owned by DUTCH—BORN OIL TYCOON JOHN—DEUSS, whose 1. Curacao...
20070315             The deputy and THE—HOLLAND—TYCOON : Mail & GUARDIAN Online
20070315             in Curaçao + DEUSS—LINKED properties in HOLLAND + THE—UK.
20070315             EU Imposes Tax on Unadded VALUE—KOMMERSANT MOSCOW
20070315             —LAST—WEEK, banker JOHN—DEUSS, who is well known to THE—CENTRAL—BANK—OF—RUSSIA...
20070315             Bizoffshore_com :: JOHN—DEUSS and his Banks Caught up In EU Tax...
20070315             —RESIGNED, JOHN—DEUSS + others have, from THE—BOARD—OF—BCB whilst the investigations proceed.
20070315             These were BARCLAYS BANK—IN—THE—UK—AND—RABOBANK—IN HOLLAND,
20070315             Jongerenbestemmingen: what's hot & not 20070000            .
20070315             WASHINGTON—AUF 13—VERSCHREIBUNGSPFLICHTIGEN Schlafmitteln muss in den USA künftig ein deutlicherer Warnhinweis prangen:
20070315             Die Produkte könnten sowohl zu allergischen Reaktionen führen als auch zu einer ganz besonderen FORM—VON—SCHLAFWANDELN—DEM "sleep driving".
20070315             Die neue Beobachtung passt zu Entdeckungen der vergangenen —WOCHEN und —MONATE.
20070315             —ERST IM—KURSEINBRÜCHE: VIELE—BÖRSEN im MINUS—NUR USA—MÄRKTE leicht im Plus
20070315             Umkämpfter Beschluss: GROSSBRITANNIEN rüstet seine Atomwaffen auf
20070315             —GESTIEGEN, Prügelstatistik: Gewalt gegen Polizisten stark
20070315             Friedmans Bodyguards: Wenn Neonazis vor Neonazis schützen sollen
20070315             KOSTEN—PROGNOSE —BIS 2100: Euro zahlen DEUTSCHLAND—FÜR die KLIMA—KATASTROPHE
20070315             Einsame Multimilliardäre: Ruhm, Charme und ein großer Geldbeutel
20070315             Massenentlassung von Anwälten: Demokraten fordern Rücktritt von MINISTER—GONZALES
20070315             OPEN—SKY—ABKOMMEN: EU—PARLAMENT fordert Zulassung von Flüssigkeiten im Handgepäck
20070315             Wachstum in DEUTSCHLAND: Der Osten überholt den Westen
20070315             NAZI—LEIBWÄCHTER: Friedman wirft Polizei und Justiz schwere Fehler vor
20070315             Feuchter Saturnmond: Riesige Seen auf Titan entdeckt
20070315             —KONFLIKTE: NORDKOREA will mit Atomenergiebehörde kooperieren
20070315             ANTI—TERROR—PAKT: BAYERN lässt Hochschulen nach Islamisten suchen
20070315             JOURNALISMUS—TRENDS: Nische statt Massenmarkt
20070315             Verfassungsgericht: Linksfraktion klagt gegen TORNADO—EINSATZ
20070315             AMB Generali: Versicherungskonzern streicht 1000DE—STELLEN
20070315             Tempelberg: Unesco fordert AUSGRABUNGS—STOPP—VON—ISRAEL
20070315             Umsatzprognose: IT—BRANCHE wächst, neue Jobs bleiben aus
20070315             "Astronomers have detected the remnants of 1—ANCIENT—COLLISION in the Kuiper Belt, THE—REGION—OF—BODIES found outside of our solar system.
20070315             The massive impact between 1—NEARLY—PLUTO—SIZED body and 1—HALF as large created a 'collisional FAMILY ' of objects;
20070315             this is the 1. such FAMILY identified in the Kuiper Belt.
20070315             —PRODUCED, The largest body, may cross NEPTUNE—ORBIT in the distant future,
20070315             but it's possible that smaller objects created by THE—SMASH—UP have already fallen into the inner solar system as comets".
20070315             "Close on the heels of the temporary blocking of YouTube by 1—TURKEY—JUDGE,
20070315             1—GROUP—OF—ACADEMICS has published research showing that Web censorship is on the increase worldwide.
20070315             As many as 2—DOZEN—COUNTRIES are blocking content using 1—VARIETY—OF—TECHNIQUES.
20070315             Distressingly, the most CENSOR—HEAVY—COUNTRIES (which includes CHINA,
20070315             IRAN, SAUD i ARABIA, TUNISIA, Burma and UZBEKISTAN) seem to be passing on their technologically sophisticated techniques to other AREAS—OF—THE—WORLD.
20070315             'New censorship techniques include the periodic barring of complete applications,
20070315             such as CHINA—BLOCK on Wikipedia or PAKISTAN—BAN on GOOGLE—BLOGGING service + the use of more advanced technologies such as 'keyword filtering',
20070315             which is used to track down material by identifying sensitive words.'"
20070315             "Supervolcanoes can sleep —FOR—CENTURIES or millennia —BEFORE producing incredibly massive eruptions that can drop ash across 1—ENTIRE—CONTINENT.
20070315             1—OF—THE—LARGEST supervolcanoes in the world lies beneath Yellowstone National Park.
20070315             Significant activity continues beneath the surface.
20070315             And the activity has been increasing lately, SCIENTISTS have discovered.
20070315             In addition, the nearby Teton RANGE—OF—MOUNTAINS is somehow getting shorter.
20070315             —REPORTED, The findings, —THIS—MONTH in the Journal of Journal of Geophysical Research,
20070315             suggest that 1—SLOW and gradual movement of 1—VOLCANO over time can shape 1—LANDSCAPE more than 1—VIOLENT—ERUPTION".
20070315             "It appears that 1—VARIETY—OF genetically modified maize produced by Monsanto is toxic for the liver and kidneys.
20070315             WHAT—WORSE, Monsanto knew about it and tried to conceal the facts in its own publications.
20070315             Greenpeace fought in court to obtain the data and had it analyzed by 1—TEAM—OF—EXPERTS.
20070315             MON863, THE—VARIETY—OF—GENERAL—MOTORS maze in question, has been authorized for markets in THE—USA, EU, AUSTRALIA, CANADA, CHINA, JAPAN, MEXICO + THE—PHILIPPINES.
20070315             Here are GREENPEACE—BRIEF on the study and their account of how the story was unearthed (both PDFs)".
20070315             "Assignment 0 is 1—PRO—AM, OPEN—PLATFORM reporting project.
20070315             The investigation:
20070315             crowd sourcing and peer production are 1—SOCIAL trend growing well beyond tech.
20070315             Why is this happening? Partners: NewAssignment_net and Wired_com, with Newsvine.
20070315             —SCATTERED, Can large GROUP s of widely, people,
20070315             working together voluntarily on the net, report on something happening in their world right —NOW + by dividing the work wisely tell the story more completely,
20070315             —WHILE hitting high standards in truth, accuracy and free expression?' Wired_com:
20070315             'We want out readers and our sources to be 1 and the same.
20070315             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—GO back to sleep, you can trust 1—PRESS—RELEASE from 1—HEAVILY redacted secret military tribunal of 1 tortured detainee
20070315             Martinez — who also serves as the Republican National COMMITTEE—CHAIRMAN — rejected demands by Sen.
20070315             PATRICK—LEAHY (D—VT) that ROVE appear —BEFORE THE—SENATE to discuss his role in THE—ATTORNEY purge.
20070315             "Well, I can see how HARRIET—MIERS would be 1—APPROPRIATE—WITNESS.
20070315             I'm not so sure if KARL—ROVE has much to do with this," he said.
20070315             —JUST—LAST—MONTH, 1—TOP—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—OFFICIAL told SENATOR—CHUCK—SCHUMER (D—NY) in 1—LETTER that the "Department is not aware of KARL—ROVE playing ANY—ROLE
20070315             in the decision to appoint [ROVE ally Tim] Griffin" as USA—ATTORNEY in ARKANSAS.
20070315             —FROM 1—PRESS—CONFERENCE—TODAY with House Minority Leader JOHN—BOEHNER (R—OH):
20070315             BOEHNER: No, I think you're violating 1—PRECEDENT there that should not be violated.
20070315             The question here is what did happen and why were these 7 asked to step down?
20070315             —NOW, let's get the facts and then we can make 1—JUDGMENT.
20070315             QUESTION: Does it prove (inaudible)
20070315             BOEHNER: They may, but I believe that under THE—SEPARATION—OF—POWERS,
20070315             there are limits to the extent to which Congress can subpoena or demand testimony from those who were closest to THE—PRESIDENT.
20070315             —EARLIER, SENATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE conservatives delayed - Senate rejects IRAQ withdrawal bill,-
20070315             Rove : Attorney Scandal 'A LOT—OF—POLITICS' - There was no talk of " mistakes
20070315             "made or actions not "handle[d] properly,
20070315             "a phrase WHITE—HOUSE Press SECRETARY—TONY—SNOW used —TODAY.
20070315             —REPEATED, Instead, ROVE, the false 'Clinton did it too' line
20070315             several times + concluded: "This to my mind is 1—LOT—OF—POLITICS + I understand that's what Congress has the right to play —AROUND with + they're gonna do it".
20070315             Watch it: UPDATE: PAUL—KIEL has more.
20070315             "1—DEMOCRATIC—PLAN to require the withdrawal of USA combat troops from IRAQ passed its 1. test
20070315             —ON—THURSDAY as the House Appropriations Committee voted to endorse the proposal,
20070315             —VOTED, Members, 37—27—ALONG party lines to uphold 1—PROVISION in a $124—BILLION war spending legislation that calls for troops to leave IRAQ —BEFORE 20080900             + possibly sooner if THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT does not meet certain benchmarks".
20070315             UPDATE: Via THE—GAVEL,
20070315             "The effort was defeated shortly —AFTER Appropriations Defense Subcommittee CHAIRMAN JOHN—MURTHA spoke against it.
20070315             "Watch MURTHA—SPEECH, it's powerful: TIMELINE: —4—YEARS—OF—WAR—IN—IRAQ
20070315             —NEXT—MONDAY marks —4—YEARS—SINCE the invasion of IRAQ.
20070315             —CREATED, ThinkProgress has, 1 detailed timeline
20070315             —INTENSIFIED, As the war has, and escalated, some of the critical details have faded from our memories.
20070315             Pentagon Redacted Statements of Khalid Sheikh MOHAMMED—DISCUSSING—TORTURE
20070315             —RELEASED, According to 1—PENTAGON transcript, —YESTERDAY,
20070315             —CONFESSED, KHALID SHEIK—MOHAMMED, to mastermind ing 20010911             20070315             and "more than 30—OTHER—TERROR—ATTACKS or plots
20070315             "at 1—MILITARY hearing held in GUANTANAMO BAY—CUBA.
20070315             Known among CIA officers as "AL—QAEDA—TOUGHEST—PRISONER
20070315             "in GUANTANAMO Bay, MOHAMMED has long been the subject of extreme interrogation techniques, including water boarding. "CIA officers who subjected themselves to the water boarding technique lasted 1—AVERAGE—OF—14—SECONDS—BEFORE caving in...KSM won THE—ADMIRATION—OF—INTERROGATORS—WHEN he was able to last between 2 and 2—AND—A—HALF—MINUTES—BEFORE begging to confess.
20070315             "THE—CIA also reportedly abducted his 7—AND —9—YEAR—OLD sons
20070315             and flew them to THE—USA for interrogation.
20070315             —RAISED, In his remarks to 1—MILITARY—TRIBUNAL, MOHAMMED, objections
20070315             I know USA—PEOPLE are torturing us from seventies.
20070315             [REDACTED]. I know they are talking human rights.
20070315             And I know it is against USA—CONSTITUTION, against USA—LAWS.
20070315             —CLAIMED, MOHAMMED, that CIA interrogators warned him he would be subjected to illegal treatment, calling it "bad luck":
20070315             They said EVERY—LAW, they have exceptions, this is your bad luck you have been PART—OF—THE—EXCEPTION—OF our laws.
20070315             "We won't know that unless there is 1—INDEPENDENT hearing," he said.
20070315             would be enough to convict him at 1—FAIR—TRIAL or would it have to be suppressed as THE—FRUIT—OF—TORTURE?"
20070315             in the investigation into the dismissals of 8—USA—ATTORNEYS.
20070315             It postponed 1—VOTE on the authorization to use subpoenas to compel WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS to testify,
20070315             including PRESIDENT—BUSH—TOP—POLITICAL—ADVISER, KARL—ROVE + FORMER—WHITE—HOUSE—COUNSEL—HARRIET—MIERS," at the request of conservative committee members.
20070315             —LEARNED, GONZALES, that his own conduct would likely be 1—FOCUS—OF—THE—INVESTIGATION,
20070315             according to government records and interviews".
20070315             —REVEALED, Salon_com's MARK—BENJAMIN, who 1., the squalor at WALTER—REED hospital —2—YEARS—AGO,
20070315             —REPORTED, —THIS—WEEK, that injured USA—SOLDIERS are being dispatched back to IRAQ:
20070315             As the military scrambles to pour more soldiers into IRAQ, 1—UNIT—OF—THE—ARMY—3. Infantry Division at Fort Benning,
20070315             GEORGIA, is deploying troops with serious injuries and other medical problems, including GIs who doctors have said are medically unfit for battle.
20070315             —INJURED, SOME—ARE too, to wear their body armor, according to medical records.
20070315             —YESTERDAY, House Armed Services CHAIRMAN Ike Skelton (D—MO) and Military Personnel Subcommittee CHAIRMAN VIC—SNYDER (D—AR) requested 1—IMMEDIATE—REVIEW—OF this report
20070315             in 1—LETTER to the Government Accountability Office.
20070315             —APPEARED, Also —YESTERDAY, Benjamin, on Hardball, 1—OF—THE—FEW major media outlets to cover the scoop.
20070315             —NOTED, Benjamin, that the Army does not dispute the central claim of his report.
20070315             "—WHEN I interviewed the brigade COMMANDER here, he is not disputing that he is sending people back to IRAQ with SOME—OF—THESE problems.
20070315             What he's saying is that I'll put them behind 1—DESK and they'll be safe," Benjamin said.
20070315             "The soldiers frankly —JUST don't buy it. I mean, they've been to IRAQ —BEFORE and there's —JUST not that MANY—SAFE—PLACES".
20070315             —APPEARED, Benjamin, with Army Sgr.
20070315             —ORDERED, RONALD—JENKINS, who was, to IRAQ despite having spinal fusion surgery
20070315             that made it extremely difficult for him to wear body armor.
20070315             —ADMITTED, Jenkins, he was "concerned about reprisal" for speaking out,
20070315             but said, "this is about taking CARE—OF—SOLDIERS.
20070315             And, you know, this is what I've done my whole career...and 1—LOT—OF—SOLDIERS,
20070315             like I said, they can't speak out".
20070315             —PUBLISHED, Jenkins said that —SINCE the story was, he was informed he was no longer being sent to IRAQ.
20070315             —TURNED, Special Prosecutor PATRICK—FITZGERALD has, down requests from the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee to testify on the Valerie Plame leak case.
20070315             —ABOUT the ultimate responsibility of senior WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS for THE—DISCLOSURE—OF—MISS—WILSON—IDENTITY".
20070315             claimed " responsibility for 20010911             —THE—OPERATION from 1 to Z," according to 26—PAGES
20070315             of transcripts released from Gitmo by THE—PENTAGON —YESTERDAY.
20070315             NEW—YORK—TIMES editorial BOARD —TODAY condemns JOINT CHIEFS—OF—STAFF CHAIRMAN GEN.
20070315             PETER—PACE—HOMOPHOBIC—COMMENTS : " GENERAL—PACE should still apologize for his remarks,
20070315             forthrightly.
20070315             —BIGOTED, Then perhaps SOME—GOOD could come out of his, remarks if they added to the growing movement on Capitol Hill to finally allow gay men and lesbians to serve openly in the military".
20070315             1—NEW—POLL finds widespread agreement in 17—COUNTRIES that climate change is 1—PRESSING problem.
20070315             —PASSED, With bipartisan support, the House, 3—BILLS that would " roll back administration efforts to shield its workings from public view".
20070315             UKRAINE's 'oldest man' turns 116
20070315             1—MAN thought to be the oldest living person in the world celebrates his 116. birthday.
20070315             —BEHEADED, Key 20010911             figure ' Pearl'
20070315             Key AL—QAEDA suspect KHALID SHEIKH MOHAMMED says he killed USA—JOURNALIST—DANIEL—PEARL, THE—PENTAGON says.
20070315             IRAN sanctions go to UN council
20070315             —AGREED, UN diplomats say they have, 1—PACKAGE—OF—NEW—SANCTIONS—AGAINST—IRAN over its nuclear programme.
20070315             Corruption judge 'to quiz Chirac'
20070315             THE—FRANCE—PRESIDENT is reportedly to be questioned by 1—JUDGE probing 1—CORRUPTION—CASE once he leaves office.
20070315             Icy map probes satellite's secrets
20070315             1—GLOBAL—GEOLOGICAL—MAP—OF—THE—JOVIAN moon EUROPA is helping SCIENTISTS understand the history of the icy moon.
20070315             Exxon mulls future in VENEZUELA
20070315             USA—OIL—GIANT—EXXON Mobil mulls its future in VENEZUELA as the country's PRESIDENT drives through nationalisation plans.
20070315             Shock jump in USA—PRODUCER prices
20070315             ;;02;; USA—PRODUCER—PRICES jump by more than forecast, boosted by food, toy and energy costs, data shows.
20070315             Sinking the Royal Navy - Neue Solidarität Kernthemen: Südwestasienkrise
20070315             Wenn man die Lage in WASHINGTON mit 2—STICHWORTEN charakterisieren sollte, dann wären diese einerseits " October Surprise " + andererseits "Impeachment".
20070315             Fussnoten: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (B 9/2004 )
20070315             October Surprise : USA—HOSTAGES and the Election of RONALD—REAGAN, NEW—YORK 19910000             ;
20070315             R. Parry, Trick or Treason: THE—OCTOBER—SURPRISE...
20070315             Was das "Marsis"-Instrument an Bord der europäischen Raumsonde "Mars Express" —NUN aber entdeckte, übertraf die Erwartungen: eine —BIS zu 3700—METER dicke Schicht aus fast reinem Eis.
20070315             RADAR—MESSUNGEN: Eis am MARS—SÜDPOL
20070315             Fotostrecke starten: Klicken Sie auf 1—BILD (3—BILDER)
20070315             Das gefrorene Wasser hat 1—GESAMTVOLUMEN—VON—1,6 Millionen Kubikkilometern,
20070315             schreiben die Forscher um JEFFREY—PLAUT vom Jet Propulsion Laboratory der Nasa im Fachblatt "Science" (ONLINE—VORABVERÖFFENTLICHUNG).
20070315             —ENTSPRICHT, Das, in etwa 2—DRITTELN des GRÖNLAND—EISES.
20070315             Diese Menge würde reichen,
20070315             den Mars unter einer 11—METERN dicken Wasserschicht verschwinden zu lassen, würde das Eis schmelzen.
20070315             Downer erklärte, er habe keinerlei Bedenken wegen der Umstände, unter denen die Geständnisse des Scheichs zustande gekommen seien.
20070315             —FESTGEHALTEN, Auch dass MOHAMMED in GUANTANAMO, werde, berührt den MINISTER nicht.
20070315             "Welche Klagen es auch immer über GUANTANAMO gibt, mein Herz blutet nicht wegen eines Mannes,
20070315             der zugibt, für eine ganze Reihe absolut abscheulicher Grausamkeiten ganz oder teilweise verantwortlich zu sein".
20070315             Der Menschenrechtsorganisation HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH (HRW) sind die Verhörmethoden dagegen nicht GLEICHGÜLTIG—AUCH im Falle des Terroristen MOHAMMED.
20070315             HRW—DIREKTOR KENNETH—ROTH stellte —HEUTE die Legalität des Verhörs und des Geständnisses in Frage.
20070315             Letzteres könnte durch Folter erpresst worden sein.
20070315             Dass die Ermittler mit MOHAMMED nicht zimperlich umgegangen sind, war wiederholt vermutet worden.
20070315             So soll er unter anderem durch das so genannte "waterboarding" zum Reden gebracht worden sein.
20070315             Dabei wird das Gesicht mit einem Tuch bedeckt und dieses immer wieder mit Wasser begossen.
20070315             Der Gefolterte kann so kaum mehr atmen und hat das Gefühl zu ertrinken.
20070315             Das USA—JUSTIZMINISTERIUM soll diese Methode in der Vergangenheit im Falle MOHAMMED s ausdrücklich erlaubt haben.
20070315             RADAR—MESSUNGEN: Riesige Eismassen am MARS—SÜDPOL entdeckt
20070315             WELTALL—DESASTER: Tiefensee wirft Industrie Versagen bei MILLIARDEN—SATELLITENPROJEKT vor
20070315             Überraschende Nebenwirkungen: Spritztour auf Schlaftablette
20070315             Münchner ISLAMISTEN—JAGD: Studenten erwägen Klage gegen "SPITZEL—AUFRUF"
20070315             —ENTHAUPTET, MOHAMMED—AUSSAGE: "Ich habe DANIEL—PEARL "
20070315             Kohle: Energie der ZUKUNFT—GEFAHR für die Menschheit
20070315             Chalid SCHEICH—MOHAMMED : Das Testament des CHEF—TERRORISTEN
20070315             Kirchen: Bischöfe fordern Gottesbezug in EU—VERFASSUNG
20070315             AUSTRALIEN: Hochstapler nimmt monatelang an Sicherheitstreffen teil
20070315             NETZWELT—TICKER: Google sorgt sich um die Privatsphäre
20070315             Blutgerinnsel bei der Arbeit: TOURISTENKLASSE—SYNDROM lauert auch im BÜRO
20070315             Umfrage: DEUTSCHLAND—SEHEN Aufschwung nicht als Verdienst der Regierung
20070315             SCHEICH—MOHAMMED : Streit über Geständnis des TERROR—PLANERS
20070315             DEUTSCH—USA—VERHÄLTNIS: USA—GENERAL wirbt für Raketenschild
20070315             —VERWEIGERT, AFGHANISTAN: Bundeswehrsoldat, "Tornado"- Einsatz
20070315             SCHEICH—MOHAMMED : Das Hirn des 20010911             20070315             Erneuerbare Energien: Öko JA—NUR nicht bei MIR—CO2- Quiz: Sind Sie 1—KLIMAEXPERTE?
20070315             Bundesgerichtshof: ANTI—NAZI—SYMBOLE sind nicht strafbar
20070315             Atomstreit: Ahmadinedschad spottet über neue IRAN—SANKTIONEN
20070315             Ehrgeiziges Vorhaben: Russen wollen Menschen zum Mars schicken
20070315             TERROR—PLANER SCHEICH—MOHAMMED : "Ich war verantwortlich von A —BIS Z"
20070315             SUR le site de THE—GUARDIAN—WASHINGTON hawks get power boost
20070315             RUMSFELD is winning THE—DEBATE—JULIAN—BORGER in WASHINGTON
20070315             —PROMISED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, "Al [Gonzales] was right, mistakes were made + he's going to go up to Capitol Hill to correct them".
20070315   —LEAHY said, "We'll find that out".
20070315             —ON THE—USA—ATTORNEY purge.
20070315             overcoming Republican opposition.
20070315             Artificial photosynthesis moves 1—STEP—CLOSER—BLOG: Scientists at THE—MAX—PLANCK—INSTITUTE for Colloids and Interfaces have devised 1—CATALYST that makes it easier to break apart...
20070315             Researchers Building Computers That Run on Light
20070315             File Sharing — Harmful to Children and 1—THREAT to National Security
20070315             "Interestingly, the report makes numerous references to RIAA and MPAA legal actions against file actions, as well as cites a 20050000             DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY—REPORT that government workers had installed FILE—SHARING programs that accessed classified information without their knowledge".
20070315             THE—BIRTH—OF—SEMICONDUCTOR 2.0
20070315             According to the company, the new factory will be able to produce 40,000 square meters of semiconductors per —YEAR, mainly for the biotech, clean tech + defense industries".
20070315             H—P—DUNN—ENTERS—NO—PLEA, Charges Dismissed
20070315             STEPHEN—HAWKING—SAYS—UNIVERSE—CREATED from Nothing
20070315             "Speaking to 1—SOLD out crowd at THE—BERKELEY—PHYSICS—OPPENHEIMER—LECTURE, Hawking said —YESTERDAY that he —NOW believes the universe spontaneously popped into existence from nothing.
20070315             ALEX—JONES—WATCH: #13 Posting NON—SENSE from Other Sources
20070315             Troofer Mathfrom Screw Loose Change by JAMES—B I am constantly amused with the truther MISUSE—OF—STATISTICS, which Pat has commented on —BEFORE.
20070315             Pentagon cites IRAQ 'civil war' for 1. time.
20070315             "THE—USA—MILITARY for the 1. time —WEDNESDAY said in 1—NEW—REPORT that
20070315             SOME—OF—THE—VIOLENCE in IRAQ can be described as 1—CIVIL—WAR.
20070315             In its bleakest ASSESSMENT—OF—THE—WAR to date, 1—QUARTERLY—PENTAGON report said that last
20070315             Leahy Says He'll Subpoena Rove, Discusses Potential Crimes Involved In Attorney Purge
20070315             Senate Judiciary COMMITTEE—CHAIRMAN—PATRICK—LEAHY (D—VT) blew off WHITE—HOUSE signals that KARL—ROVE + other senior Bush officials
20070315             may resist testifying —BEFORE Congress on THE—USA—ATTORNEY purge.
20070315             Leahy said that —WHILE PRESIDENT—BUSH has the authority to fire attorney s at will, "if it is done to stop 1—ONGOING investigation, then you do get into the criminal area".
20070315             —COMMITTED, Asked if he thinks ANY—BUSH—OFFICIALS—MAY have, perjury, Leahy said, "We'll find that out".
20070315             BREAKING: 1. Republican calls for Gonzales to resign.
20070315             "We need to have 1—STRONG, credible ATTORNEY—GENERAL that has THE—CONFIDENCE—OF—CONGRESS and THE—USA—PEOPLE," said Sununu, who faces 1—TOUGH—RE—ELECTION—CAMPAIGN—NEXT—YEAR.
20070315             "ALBERTO—GONZALES can't fill that role".
20070315             —HEADED, Bernie Kerik 'appears, for indictment.'
20070315             BERNARD—KERIK, former police commissioner and confidante of RUDY—GIULIANI, "
20070315             appears headed for 1—INDICTMENT... Kerik has turned down 1—GUILTY—PLEA that would have included FEDERAL—JAIL—TIME, Dienst says.
20070315             Kerik is facing allegations of "mortgage fraud + tax fraud + conspiracy to eavesdrop + making false statements on his application to become USA—HOMELAND—SECURITY—SECRETARY".
20070315             Bush Falsely Claims His Prosecutor Purge Is 'A Customary Practice By Presidents'
20070315             Mass firings are common —WHEN 1—PRESIDENT—TAKES office.
20070315             Gonzales CHIEF—OF—STAFF—KYLE—SAMPSON (resigned —2—DAYS—AGO),
20070315             IRELAND—EU'S 'worst BINGE—DRINKERS' 1—EU survey on attitudes towards alcohol finds the highest rates of BINGE—DRINKING in IRELAND.
20070315             SA launches —5—YEAR—AIDS—PLAN—SOUTH—AFRICA LAUNCHES a —5—YEAR—PLAN to combat Aids, as research shows new infection rates are 1,500 per —DAY.
20070315             Chiquita admits paying fighters USA banana firm Chiquita says it will plead guilty to doing business with 1—PARAMILITARY—GROUP in COLOMBIA.
20070315             Awards for free speech defenders 5 "defenders of free speech", including 1—CHINA—LAWYER and EGYPT—BLOGGER, are honoured in LONDON.
20070315             Google to Anonymize Data Hoping to strike 1—BALANCE between government investigators + privacy advocates, the search giant says it will strip info from its logs —AFTER—2—YEARS.
20070315             In 27B Stroke 6.
20070315             Google Tightens Privacy Measures (AP) Google INCORPORATED is adopting new privacy measures to make it more difficult to connect online search requests with the people making them - 1—MOVE it believes could prevent showdowns with the government over the often sensitive data.
20070315             Global warming impacting European seas European scientists say global warming is having 1—SIGNIFICANT—IMPACT on European marine + coastal environments.
20070315             USA—COURT—RULES against medical marijuana The 9. USA—CIRCUIT—COURT—OF—APPEALS ruled —WEDNESDAY that 1—INDIVIDUAL—RIGHT to medical marijuana does not supersede the Controlled Substances Act.
20070315             Study: Weekend Heart Attacks Riskier (AP) Heart attack patients have 1—SLIGHTLY higher RISK—OF—DEATH if they go to the hospital on the weekend,
20070315             Mars Rover Churns Up Questions With SULFUR—RICH—SOIL—SOME—BRIGHT—MARTIAN soil containing lots of sulfur + 1—TRACE—OF—WATER intrigues researchers who are studying information provided by NASA—SPIRIT rover.
20070315             MIT provides blueprint for future USE—OF—COAL Leading academics from 1—INTERDISCIPLINARY—MIT panel issued 1—REPORT—TODAY that examines how the world can continue to use coal, 1—ABUNDANT + inexpensive fuel, in 1—WAY that mitigates, instead of worsens, the global warming crisis.
20070315             —YESTERDAY—FORMER—SENATOR—PETER—FITZGERALD ( R—IL) revealed that
20070315             Bush vows migration reform drive USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE W Bush says 1—REFORM—OF—IMMIGRATION—LAWS is essential to improving ties with MEXICO.
20070315             To keep coal, carbon needs to go underground Coal will remain KING for power generation —FOR—DECADES, but new carbon storage technologies are needed, MIT says.
20070315             —BY 1—INDIVIDUAL or small GROUP—OF—INDIVIDUALS, usually from
20070315             14. 20070300             IRAN Threatens USA with Military Action
20070315             THE—64—YEAR—OLD—DEUSS has been THE—HEAD—OF—2—BANKS, FCIB in Curacao (1—HOLLAND—TERRITORY) + BCB in BERMUDA.
20070315             —CHARGED, Deuss has been, with money laundering, participation in 1—CRIMINAL—ORGANIZATION + financing unnamed terrorist organizations.
20070315   —JONGERENBESTEMMINGEN: what's hot & not 20070000            .
20070315             Kuiper Belt Collision Found; Possible Comet Source
20070315             "Astronomers have detected the remnants of 1—ANCIENT—COLLISION in the Kuiper Belt, THE—REGION—OF—BODIES found outside of our solar system. The massive impact between 1—NEARLY—PLUTO—SIZED body and 1—HALF as large created a 'collisional family ' of objects; this is the 1. such family identified in the Kuiper Belt. The largest body produced may cross NEPTUNE—ORBIT in the distant future, but it's possible that smaller objects created by THE—SMASH—UP have already fallen into the inner solar system as comets".
20070315             Web Censorship on the Increase
20070315             "Close on the heels of the temporary blocking of YouTube by 1—TURKEY—JUDGE, 1—GROUP—OF—ACADEMICS has published research showing that Web censorship is on the increase worldwide. As many as 2—DOZEN—COUNTRIES are blocking content using 1—VARIETY—OF—TECHNIQUES. Distressingly, the most CENSOR—HEAVY—COUNTRIES (which includes CHINA, IRAN, Saud i Arabia, TUNISIA, Burma and UZBEKISTAN) seem to be passing on their technologically sophisticated techniques to other AREAS—OF—THE—WORLD. 'New censorship techniques include the periodic barring of complete applications, such as CHINA—BLOCK on Wikipedia or PAKISTAN—BAN on GOOGLE—BLOGGING service + the use of more advanced technologies such as 'keyword filtering', which is used to track down material by identifying sensitive words.'"
20070315             Yellowstone Supervolcano Making Strange Rumblings
20070315             "Supervolcanoes can sleep —FOR—CENTURIES or millennia —BEFORE producing incredibly massive eruptions that can drop ash across 1—ENTIRE—CONTINENT. 1—OF—THE—LARGEST supervolcanoes in the world lies beneath Yellowstone National Park. Significant activity continues beneath the surface. And the activity has been increasing lately, scientists have discovered. In addition, the nearby Teton RANGE—OF—MOUNTAINS is somehow getting shorter. The findings, reported —THIS—MONTH in the Journal of Journal of Geophysical Research, suggest that 1—SLOW and gradual movement of 1—VOLCANO over time can shape 1—LANDSCAPE more than 1—VIOLENT—ERUPTION".
20070315             Genetically Modified Maize Is Toxic — Greenpeace
20070315             "It appears that 1—VARIETY—OF genetically modified maize produced by Monsanto is toxic for the liver and kidneys. WHAT—WORSE, Monsanto knew about it and tried to conceal the facts in its own publications. Greenpeace fought in court to obtain the data and had it analyzed by 1—TEAM—OF—EXPERTS. MON863, THE—VARIETY—OF—GENERAL—MOTORS maze in question, has been authorized for markets in THE—USA, EU, AUSTRALIA, CANADA, CHINA, JAPAN, MEXICO + THE—PHILIPPINES. Here are GREENPEACE—BRIEF on the study and their account of how the story was unearthed (both PDFs)".
20070315             Assignment 0—TESTS PRO—AM Journalism
20070315             The investigation: crowd sourcing and peer production are 1—SOCIAL trend growing well beyond tech.
20070315             Why is this happening?
20070315             Partners: NewAssignment_net and Wired_com, with Newsvine.
20070315             —FROM the Wired essay: 'We're trying to figure something out here.
20070315             —SCATTERED, Can large group s of widely, people, working together voluntarily on the net, report on something happening in their world right —NOW + by dividing the work wisely tell the story more completely, —WHILE hitting high standards in truth, accuracy and free expression?' Wired_com: 'We want out readers and our sources to be 1 and the same.
20070315             We think it will make for better journalism.'" - KSM : THE—ULTIMATE—PATSY "Confesses"
20070315             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—GO back to sleep, you can trust 1—PRESS—RELEASE from 1—HEAVILY redacted secret military tribunal of 1 tortured detainee
20070315             Martinez: 'I'm Not Sure Rove Had Much To Do With' Attorney Purge
20070315             —ON  's THE—SITUATION—ROOM, SENATOR—MEL—MARTINEZ (R—FL ) claimed that KARL—ROVE did not have much to do with THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—PARTISAN purge of 8—USA—ATTORNEYS.
20070315             Martinez — who also serves as the Republican National COMMITTEE—CHAIRMAN — rejected demands by SENATOR—PATRICK—LEAHY (D—VT) that Rove appear —BEFORE the Senate to discuss his role in the attorney purge.
20070315             "Well, I can see how HARRIET—MIERS would be 1—APPROPRIATE—WITNESS. I'm not so sure if KARL—ROVE has much to do with this," he said.
20070315             —JUST—LAST—MONTH, 1—TOP—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—OFFICIAL told SENATOR—CHUCK—SCHUMER (D—NY) in 1—LETTER that the "Department is not aware of KARL—ROVE playing ANY—ROLE in the decision to appoint [Rove ally Tim] Griffin" as USA—ATTORNEY in ARKANSAS.
20070315             —PROVIDED, But recent reports have, evidence that "all roads lead to Rove ":
20070315             Breaking: New E—MAILS Show Rove, Gonzales Had Deeper Role In USA—ATTORNEY—FIRINGS
20070315             ABC NEWS—REPORTS that new emails reveal that the plan for firing USA—ATTORNEYS originated in THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20070315             —UNRELEASED, New, E—MAILS from top administration officials show THE—IDEA—OF—FIRING all 93—USA—ATTORNEYS was raised by WHITE—HOUSE—ADVISER—KARL—ROVE
20070315             Boehner says Rove should not testify.
20070315             The conservative establishment is circling the wagons —AROUND KARL—ROVE.
20070315             QUESTION: Should THE—WHITE—HOUSE allow KARL—ROVE (inaudible) to testify?
20070315             BOEHNER: They may, but I believe that under THE—SEPARATION—OF—POWERS, there are limits to the extent to which Congress can subpoena or demand testimony from those who were closest to THE—PRESIDENT.
20070315             delayed 1—VOTE to subpoena Rove and Miers —UNTIL—NEXT—WEEK.
20070315             Senate rejects IRAQ withdrawal bill,- NICO—MISS—NBC reports.
20070315             —ASKED, KARL—ROVE was, about THE—USA—ATTORNEY purge —DURING 1—EVENT—TODAY in Troy, AL.
20070315             There was no talk of "mistakes " made or actions not "handle[d] properly," 1—PHRASE—WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—SECRETARY—TONY—SNOW used —TODAY.
20070315             —REPEATED, Instead, Rove, the false 'Clinton did it too' line several times + concluded: "This to my mind is 1—LOT—OF—POLITICS + I understand that's what Congress has the right to play —AROUND with + they're gonna do it".
20070315             House COMMITTEE—APPROVES—IRAQ withdrawal plan.
20070315             —ON—THURSDAY as the
20070315             —VOTED, House Appropriations Committee, to endorse the proposal, overcoming Republican opposition.
20070315             UPDATE: Via
20070315             —OFFERED, THE—GAVEL, Ranking Member JERRY—LEWIS (R—CA), 1—AMENDMENT that would have stripped language restricting THE—USE—OF—TROOPS who are not properly equipped or trained.
20070315             spoke against it ".
20070315             —CREATED, ThinkProgress has, 1 detailed
20070315             timeline that captures the story of THE—IRAQ war over the past —48—MONTHS.
20070315             SOME—NOTABLE—EVENTS from THE—TIMELINE :
20070315             —RELEASED, According to 1—PENTAGON transcript, —YESTERDAY, Khalid SHEIK—MOHAMMED confessed to mastermind ing 20010911             and "more than 30—OTHER—TERROR—ATTACKS or plots " at 1—MILITARY hearing held in GUANTANAMO BAY—CUBA.
20070315             Known among CIA officers as "AL—QAEDA—TOUGHEST—PRISONER " in GUANTANAMO Bay, Mohammed has long been the subject of extreme interrogation techniques, including water boarding.
20070315             "CIA officers who subjected themselves to the water boarding technique lasted 1—AVERAGE—OF—14—SECONDS—BEFORE caving in...KSM won THE—ADMIRATION—OF—INTERROGATORS—WHEN he was able to last between 2 and 2—AND—A—HALF—MINUTES—BEFORE begging to confess".
20070315             —ABDUCTED, THE—CIA also reportedly, his 7- and —9—YEAR—OLD—SONS and flew them to THE—USA for interrogation.
20070315             In his remarks to 1—MILITARY—TRIBUNAL, Mohammed
20070315             raised objections to the treatment he received, but his statements on torture were redacted by the Pentagon in their publicly released transcript:
20070315             "We need to know if THIS—PURPORTED confession - See the full Pentagon TRANSCRIPT—HERE.
20070315             UPDATE: Danger Room and Talk Left have more.
20070315             Senators delay subpoenas of Rove, Miers.
20070315             USE—OF—SUBPOENAS to 5—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—OFFICIALS in the investigation into the dismissals of 8—USA—ATTORNEYS.
20070315             It postponed 1—VOTE on the authorization to use subpoenas to compel WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS to testify, including PRESIDENT—BUSH—TOP—POLITICAL—ADVISER, KARL—ROVE + FORMER—WHITE—HOUSE—COUNSEL—HARRIET—MIERS," at the request of conservative committee members.
20070315             —BLOCKED, Gonzales, warrantless spying probe.
20070315             MURRAY—WAAS reports: "Shortly —BEFORE ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES advised PRESIDENT—BUSH—LAST—YEAR on whether to shut down 1—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—INQUIRY regarding the administration's warrantless domestic eavesdropping program, Gonzales learned that
20070315             his own conduct would likely be 1—FOCUS—OF—THE—INVESTIGATION,
20070315             Congress Probes Report That Soldiers 'Medically Unfit For Battle' Are Being Sent To IRAQ
20070315             —REVEALED, Salon_com's MARK—BENJAMIN, who 1., the squalor at WALTER—REED hospital —2—YEARS—AGO, —THIS—WEEK reported that injured USA—SOLDIERS are being dispatched back to IRAQ:
20070315             As the military scrambles to pour more soldiers into IRAQ, 1—UNIT—OF—THE—ARMY—3. Infantry Division at Fort BENNING—GEORGIA, is deploying troops with serious injuries and other medical problems, including GIs who doctors have said are medically unfit for battle.
20070315             —YESTERDAY, House Armed Services Chairman Ike Skelton (D—MO) and Military Personnel Subcommittee Chairman VIC—SNYDER (D—AR)
20070315             requested 1—IMMEDIATE—REVIEW—OF this report in 1—LETTER to the Government Accountability Office.
20070315             "—WHEN I interviewed the brigade COMMANDER here, he is not disputing that he is sending people back to IRAQ with SOME—OF—THESE problems. What he's saying is that I'll put them behind 1—DESK and they'll be safe," Benjamin said.
20070315             —ORDERED, RONALD—JENKINS, who was, to IRAQ despite having spinal fusion surgery that made it extremely difficult for him to wear body armor.
20070315             —ADMITTED, Jenkins, he was "concerned about reprisal" for speaking out, but said, "this is about taking CARE—OF—SOLDIERS. And, you know, this is what I've done my whole career...and 1—LOT—OF—SOLDIERS, like I said, they can't speak out".
20070315             Transcript: (more...) - 'Immorality' overlooked in TIME—OF—WAR.
20070315             Fitzgerald said he did "not believe it would BE—APPROPRIATE for me to offer opinions
20070315             —CLAIMED, AL—QAEDA mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, " responsibility for 20010911             —THE operation from 1 to Z," according to 26—PAGES—OF—TRANSCRIPTS released from Gitmo by the Pentagon —YESTERDAY.
20070315             KENNETH—ROTH, executive DIRECTOR—OF—HUMAN—RIGHTS—WATCH, said, "We need to know if this purported confession would be enough to convict him at 1—FAIR—TRIAL or would it have to be suppressed as THE—FRUIT—OF—TORTURE?"
20070315             NEW—YORK—TIMES editorial BOARD —TODAY condemns Joint CHIEFS—OF—STAFF Chairman GENERAL—PETER—PACE—HOMOPHOBIC comments : "
20070315             GENERAL—PACE should still apologize for his remarks, forthrightly.
20070315             85—PERCENT of Americans believe global warming is 1—IMPORTANT or critical threat.
20070315             The measures would "streamline access to records in presidential libraries, expand safeguards for government WHISTLE—BLOWERS + strengthen THE—FREEDOM—OF—INFORMATION—ACT (FOIA)".
20070315             UKRAINE's 'oldest man' turns 116 A man thought to be the oldest living person in the world celebrates his 116. birthday.
20070315             —BEHEADED, Key 20010911             figure ' Pearl' Key AL—QAEDA suspect Khalid Sheikh Mohammed says he killed USA—JOURNALIST—DANIEL—PEARL, the Pentagon says.
20070315             IRAN sanctions go to UN council UN diplomats say they have agreed 1—PACKAGE—OF—NEW—SANCTIONS—AGAINST—IRAN over its nuclear programme.
20070315             Corruption judge 'to quiz Chirac' THE—FRANCE—PRESIDENT is reportedly to be questioned by 1—JUDGE probing 1—CORRUPTION—CASE once he leaves office.
20070315             Icy map probes satellite's secrets 1—GLOBAL—GEOLOGICAL—MAP—OF—THE—JOVIAN moon EUROPA is helping scientists understand the history of the icy moon.
20070315             Exxon mulls future in VENEZUELA USA—OIL—GIANT—EXXON Mobil mulls its future in VENEZUELA as the country's PRESIDENT drives through nationalisation plans.
20070315             Shock jump in USA—PRODUCER—PRICES—FEBRUARY USA—PRODUCER—PRICES jump by more than forecast, boosted by food, toy and energy costs, data shows.
20070315             Sinking the Royal Navy, UK—LAWMAKERS approve TONY—BLAIR—PLAN to begin R&D on 1—NEW—CLASS—OF—BALLISTIC—MISSILE—SUBMARINES to replace the current Vanguard class.
20070315             DANGER, Room.
20070315             Fussnoten: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (B 9/2004 ) 20, Vgl. ders.
20070315             Das gefrorene Wasser hat 1—GESAMTVOLUMEN—VON—1,6 Millionen Kubikkilometern, schreiben die Forscher um JEFFREY—PLAUT vom Jet Propulsion Laboratory der Nasa im Fachblatt "Science" (ONLINE—VORABVERÖFFENTLICHUNG).
20070315             Diese Menge würde reichen, den Mars unter einer 11—METERN dicken Wasserschicht verschwinden zu lassen, würde das Eis schmelzen.
20070315             "Welche Klagen es auch immer über GUANTANAMO gibt, mein Herz blutet nicht wegen eines Mannes, der zugibt, für eine ganze Reihe absolut abscheulicher Grausamkeiten ganz oder teilweise verantwortlich zu sein".
20070315             TERROR—PLANER SCHEICH—MOHAMMED : "Ich war verantwortlich von A —BIS Z" - SUR le site DE—THE—GUARDIAN
20070315             WASHINGTON hawks get power BOOST—RUMSFELD is winning THE—DEBATE—JULIAN—BORGER in WASHINGTON
20070315             USA to Abandon Arms Control Treaty
20070315             1—PANEL appointed by Defense SECRETARY—DONALD—H—RUMSFELD has recommended... missile defenses with arms control + 1—WORKING relationship with MOSCOW.
20070315             1—PANEL appointed by Defense SECRETARY—DONALD—H—RUMSFELD has recommended vastly increased... + which has drawn sharp objections from MOSCOW + BEIJING.
20070315             USA—PRESSES for quick shield deal | Special reports | GUARDIAN...
20070315             —LAST—WEEK, that there would be no USA—VIOLATION—OF—THE—ABM treaty...
20070315             Kremlin resists CHARMS—OF—STAR—WARS | Special reports | GUARDIAN...
20070315             Nuclear Arms Key to New RUSSIA—USA—TALKS
20070315             1—TOP—USA—ARMS—OFFICIAL flies into MOSCOW —THIS—WEEK for talks with Russian... USA—DEFENCE—SECRETARY—DONALD—RUMSFELD —LAST—WEEK failed to persuade his Russian...
20070315             USA, RUSSIA to Resume Talks on Missile Defense, Nuclear Arms
20070315             Rumsfeld then will go to MOSCOW for talks
20070315             Quadrennial Defense Review REPORT—HOMELAND Stupidity
20070315             Disarmament Diplomacy: - Documents & SOURCES—EUROZINE—ARTICLES
20070315             Le Monde diplomatique 20010911             entwickelt.
20070315             "Auch ohne diese Angriffe", schreibt der Politologe... (13) Quadrennial Defence Review Report (QDR ), DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE.
20070315             Hypermacht USA: Von der Abschreckung zur Präventiven Kriegsführung ?IM—QUADRENNIAL Defense Review Report
20070315             The suspicious rapidity of the instant press release aside, why did the World Trade CENTER—WEBSITE carry such 1—BLATANTLY fallacious explanation for the collapse of the 1. tower?
20070315             —ANCHORED, Even the layman knows that ANY—MODERN building is, by core columns, not "outside cladding," + the twin towers were no different.
20070315             To rest 1—BUILDING—INTEGRITY on its "outside cladding" is 1—REVERSAL of all commonly accepted architectural knowledge.
20070315             Why was the World Trade Center website peddling this nonsense
20070315             in contradiction with THE—WORDS—OF—THE—TWIN—TOWER'S—OWN designers ?
20070315             —COMPILED, Included IN—OVER 12—EXAMPLES, here, FRANK—A—DEMARTINI, ON—SITE—CONSTRUCTION—MANAGER for the World Trade Center, said that the towers could sustain "multiple impacts of jetliners" without collapsing.
20070315             In addition, Leslie Robertson, 1—OF—THE—2—ORIGINAL—STRUCTURAL—ENGINEERS for the World Trade Center, stated that,
20070315             "The twin towers were in fact the 1. structures outside the military + nuclear industries designed to resist the impact of 1—JET—AIRPLANE".
20070315             Satellites track monster whirlpool off THE—NSW coast
20070315             1—MASSIVE, mysterious whirlpool of cold water has developed off THE—COAST—OF—SYDNEY, forcing the sea surface to fall almost 1m and ocean currents to change course.
20070315             MEXICO—WRESTLER Campaigns to Stop THE—ENEMIES—OF—THE—SEA
20070315             MEXICO—FAMOUS—PROFESSIONAL wrestler "Hijo del Santo," or "SON—OF—THE—SAINT" broadened his battle arena
20070315             ISRAEL—SUPPOSEDLY "defensive" ASSAULT—ON—HIZBULLAH last —SUMMER, in which more than 1,000 LEBANON—CIVILIANS were killed in 1—MASSIVE aerial bombardment that ended with ISRAEL littering the country's south with cluster bombs, was cast in 1—DEFINITIVELY different light —LAST—WEEK by ISRAEL i PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT.
20070315             THE—GOY—WHO—CRIED—WOLF—BY—SARAH—POSNER—THE—ISRAEL lobby gives AMERICA—LEADING "Christian" right warmonger 1—WARM—WELCOME.
20070315             THE—ARAB—PEACE—INITIATIVE: This TIME—ISRAEL i is Missing an Historic Opportunity
20070315             THE—ARAB—PEACE—INITIATIVE, 20020000             : Official translation of the full text of 1—SAUD i -inspired peace plan adopted by the Arab summit in BEIRUT, 20020000            .
20070315             —ENGAGED, USA—ALLIES in AFRICA—MAY have, in secret prisoner renditions : 1—NETWORK—OF—USA—ALLIES in EAST—AFRICA SECRETLY have transferred to prisons in SOMALIA and ETHIOPIA at least 80—PEOPLE who were captured in KENYA —WHILE fleeing the recent war in SOMALIA, according to human rights advocates here.
20070315             VA system reaches limit, study says:
20070315             Investigators say Bush effort to relieve backlog likely will be unsuccessful
20070315             Foreclosures May Hit 1.5—MILLION in USA—HOUSING Bust : Hold on to your assets.
20070315             The deepest housing decline in —16—YEARS is about to get worse.
20070315             Is AMERICA HEADED for 1—DEPRESSION?:
20070315             The elements are —NOW in place for the 1. time in —80—YEARS for AMERICA to sink into 1—DEPRESSION
20070315             —WARNED, USA, against attacking IRAN: 1—GROUP—OF—NUCLEAR—PHYSICISTS, military experts and diplomats has warned THE—USA + its military allies against launching 1—IRAQ—STYLE—PRE—EMPTIVE WAR—ON—IRAN to cripple its purported nuclear arms programme, saying such 1—ATTACK would escalate the global risk of 1—NUCLEAR holocaust.
20070315             No military bases for USA if it attacks IRAN: Kasuri : PAKISTAN will not provide military bases to THE—USA—IF it launches attacks on IRAN, PAKISTAN Foreign MINISTER—KHURSHID—MEHMOOD—KASURI said.
20070315             He said 1—ATTACK on IRAN will leave 1—NEGATIVE—IMPACT on the politics and economics of not only PAKISTAN but the entire region.
20070315             USA Puppet fears strings may be cut:
20070315             USA—LOOKS at plan to oust Musharraf : Reports —YESTERDAY quoting highly placed USA diplomatic and intelligence OFFICIALS—PREVIOUSLY rusted on to the view that GENERAL—MUSHARRAF was 1—INDISPENSABLE—WESTERN—ALLY in THE—BATTLE—AGAINST—TERRORISM—OUTLINED 1—SUCCESSION—PLAN to replace him.
20070315             No CHANCE—OF—EXTREMIST—GOVERNMENT in PAKISTAN, says EX—CIA officia l: There is no chance of 1—EXTREMIST—GOVERNMENT coming to power in PAKISTAN ANY—TIME soon + if something happens to GENERAL—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF tomorrow, another general would step in," says FORMER—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY (CIA ) official ROBERT—RICHER.
20070315             USA pressurizing Pak to get its support for attack on IRAN : Gul: FORMER—ISI CHIEF, Gen (retd) Hameed Gul has said that the Untied States is paving the way to use PAKISTAN—TERRITORY for its expected attack on IRAN in order to shift the blame of its failure in AFGHANISTAN to PAKISTAN.
20070315             Will the peace process survive Musharraf?:
20070315             Under pressure by the Americans (VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY—RECENT—VISIT) to do more against the Taliban and 1—NATION that has seemingly placed THE—USA as the prime hate object, dethroning INDIA, Musharraf is indeed caught between the proverbial rock and 1—HARD—PLACE.
20070315             Pig at the trough: Pelosi stand on war in IRAQ bothers ISRAEL lobby:
20070315             But House speaker insists USA—COMMITMENT to security of Jewish state is unshakable
20070315             Pigs at the trough:
20070315             Hillary, Obama woo Jewish vote : Democratic presidential hopefuls Hillary Rodham Clinton and BARACK—OBAMA are going head to head for the money and backing of Jewish voters, trying to woo them by asserting their support for ISRAEL and concern about IRAN.
20070315             IRAN will respond if UN adopts sanctions: Foreign MINISTER : LJUBLJANA.
20070315             IRAN—FOREIGN—MINISTER—MANOUCHEHR—MOTTAKI said —ON—WEDNESDAY that IRAN would respond "in equal measure" if THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL passes 1—RESOLUTION approving tougher SANCTIONS—AGAINST—TEHRAN, AFP reported.
20070315             WHAT—IT—ALL—ABOUT, NANCY? -By Linda O'BRIEN—ONCE Again, the Dems have Betrayed THE—SAFETY—OF—THE—USA to Protect their Political Careers.
20070315             Bloggers vs. the Lobby
20070315             ISRAEL—PROPAGANDA fortress faces 1—SURPRISING new challenge.
20070315             —BY SCOTT—MCCONNELL
20070315             —ON New —YEAR—DAY—ISRAEL i superhawk BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU called for an "intense INTERNATIONAL public relations front" to persuade Americans of the need for military confrontation with IRAN.
20070315             The sight of JOHN—EDWARDS addressing 1—CONFERENCE in ISRAEL by satellite feed, along with JOHN—MCCAIN, RUDY—GIULIANI, Newt Gingrich + Mitt ROMNEY—THE—LATTER 2—ACTUALLY flew in to speak in PERSON—INDICATED that the front already exists.
20070315             —AFTER THE—EVENT—BY SCOTT—RITTER
20070315             —DECIDED, HANS—BLIX has, that THE—IRAQ war was 'clearly illegal'.
20070315             Fine, but discovering 1—BIT—OF backbone —NOW is —4—YEARS too late.
20070315             —JUST and Unjust War
20070315             —BELIEVED, SOME—PEOPLE have, that war is not —JUST inevitable but desirable.
20070315             It is adventure and excitement, it brings out the best qualities in men--courage, comradeship + sacrifice.
20070315             It gives respect and glory to 1—COUNTRY.
20070315             Suckered Again - - Abandonment of Vets is 1—MILITARY—TRADITION
20070315             —DISMAYED, Americans were, to learn that soldiers wounded in AFGHANISTAN andIraq--"fallen heroes," as network news calls them--were being warehoused in Building 18, 1—RAT—AND ROACH—INFESTED SATELLITE—OF—THE—ARMY—WALTER—REED—MEDICAL—CENTER.
20070315             Closing the Gap Between Torturer and Victim
20070315             JOHN—PILGER reports on new revelations that torturers in AMERICA's 'WAR—ON—TERROR' were directed personally by THE—USA—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENCE.
20070315             He argues that the historical antedote to such barbarity is the new exuberant democracy movement in Latin AMERICA.
20070315             Damn Right, We're Angry
20070315             —HAPPENED, We're angry because of what has, to our country, because of how we've been treated + because of the innumerable crimes the conservatives have committed.
20070315             We're angry at THE—PRESIDENT, we're angry at the Congress, we're angry at the news media.
20070315             And we have EVERY—RIGHT to be.
20070315             1—INTERVIEW—WITH—SIBEL—EDMONDS:
20070315             -What if THE—FBI—HIRED—SOMEONE—HONEST to Look into 20010911             ? -By DAVID—SWANSON
20070315             Edmonds discusses what she knows, whom it implicates + what she's been through and what hope there is in the new Congress to start 1—INVESTIGATION.
20070315             Audio And Transcript - Feinstein: Lam Fired Over Cunningham Prosecution
20070315             Thirst: Fighting the Corporate Theft of Our Water (Hardcover)
20070315             SIDNEY—BLUMENTHAL: All Roads Lead to Rove 3/15
20070315             JOE—GALLOWAY: 1—DESPERATE—ARMY is scraping the bottom 3/15
20070315             —ESCALATED, Calls for ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES ' ouster, —LATE—WEDNESDAY—WHEN the 1. Republican lawmaker joined in.
20070315             "Attention to those 6,000,000+ folks who live within 40—MILES—OF—WASHINGTON—HUGE—MARCH planned this —SATURDAY at Pentagon. If not —NOW, —WHEN?"
20070315             Sampson Hasn't Left the Justice DEPARTMENT—AFTER—ALL: "We found out this afternoon —AFTER THE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—PRESS—CONFERENCE that MISTER—SAMPSON is still there —WHILE he, quote, 'goes job hunting.' Come on; if you did something wrong and you're out, you should be out".
20070315             According to SENATOR—PAT—LEAHY.
20070315             Like the Musicians on the Titanic, Republicans Going Down with THE—USA—BUSH evik on ProsecutorGate 3/15
20070315             THE—IRAQ war casualty figures are worse than you think.
20070315             —RETURNED, Depleted uranium is killing, soldiers -- slowly.
20070315             —SUFFERED, Children born to veterans show the same birth defects, by IRAQ—CHILDREN.
20070315             Gulf War II is, in a sense, a nuclear war.
20070315             1—IMPORTANT—NEW—FILM called Poison DUst -- note the intentionally capitalized DU -- documents this tragedy.
20070315             Go here to watch it.
20070315             Bush Co does not want you to see this film.
20070315             If everyone in the country knew the truth, recruitment would drop to 0.
20070315             And keep in mind: This administration is doing everything it can to rob returning veterans of their benefits.
20070315             Permalink #—POSTED—BY—JOSEPH
20070315             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: Totale Solidarität, totale FREIHEIT—BÖRSE: Dax springt um 100—PUNKTE
20070315             Pensionszusagen: Bedrohliche Milliardenlücke bei DAX—KONZERNEN
20070315             Zeitungsbericht: BKA warnt nach VIDEO—DROHUNG vor hoher Terrorgefahr
20070315             Ekelige Verteidigung: Raupen würgen um ihr Leben
20070315             Drohung mit Jobabbau: USA—AUTOBOSSE warnen Kongress vor strengeren KLIMA—REGELN
20070315             PALÄSTINA—MACHTKAMPF: Hamas und Fatah einigen sich auf Einheitsregierung
20070315             —BEKENNT, Schmiergeldzahlungen: Chiquita, sich in USA—TERRORVERFAHREN schuldig
20070315             Koalitionen: GRÜNEN—CHEF—BÜTIKOFER ist bereit für die Union
20070315             Atomstreit: SECHSER—GRUPPE einigt sich auf neue Sanktionen gegen IRAN
20070315             Russlands neue Ölpipeline: Bypass für den Bosporus
20070315             Protecting THE—SANCTITY—OF—SEARCH—REQUESTS should be 1—SEARCH—ENGINE'S—TOP—PRIORITY, said KURT—OPSAHL, staff attorney for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, 1—ONLINE civil liberties group.
20070315             "You are talking about 1—POTENTIAL treasure TROVE—OF—INFORMATION," he said.
20070315             "1—PERSON—SEARCHES reflect their dreams, hopes and fears".
20070315             Under its new standards, Google will wipe out 8—BITS—OF—THE—INTERNET protocol, or IP, address that identifies the origin of specific search requests.
20070315             —AFTER THE—IP addresses are altered, the information will be linked to clusters consisting of 256—COMPUTERS instead of —JUST 1.
20070315             Google also will depersonalize computer "cookies" - hidden files that enable Web sites to track the online preferences and travels of their visitors.
20070315             As THE—OWNER—OF—THE—INTERNET—LARGEST—SEARCH—ENGINE, Google has been under growing pressure to adopt greater privacy controls.
20070315             Regulators in EUROPE have been particularly vocal about their concerns.
20070315             With the Incorrect Details of 20010911             Provided by the Military, - BG—ISN'T THE—KSM confession subject to judicial review?
20070315             Is There 1—SECRET—TO 20010911             —THE—INSURANCE—BATTLE?
20070315             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—WHY is Allianz really holding out on paying LARRY—SILVERSTEIN?
20070315             Dresses Made from Wine
20070315             —COMBINED, Horar writes "AUSTRALIA—RESEARCHERS have, art and science to make dresses from fermented fabric, using bacteria to 'grow' slimy dresses from wine and beer".
20070315             Using Google Earth to See Destruction
20070315             "—ON—MONDAY, 1—ENVIRONMENTAL advocacy group [Appalachian Voices] joined with Google to deliver 1—SPECIAL—INTERACTIVE layer for Google Earth. This new layer will tell "the stories of over 470—MOUNTAINS that have been destroyed from coal mining + its impact on nearby ecosystems.
20070315             —ADDED, Separately, the World Wildlife Fund has, the ability to visit its 150—PROJECT—SITES using Google Earth".
20070315             EFF Forces DMCA Abuser to Apologize
20070315             "THE—EFF —JUST announced victory over 1—SERIAL abuser of DMCA copyright notices. To 20070901             —EXAMPLE, their settlement required MICHAEL—CROOK to record 1—VIDEO—APOLOGY to the entire INTERNET for interfering with free speech. HE—ALSO required to withdraw EVERY—BOGUS—DMCA notice + refrain from future bogus notices, never contest the original image again + take 1—REMEDIAL class on copyright law. He'd attempted to use flaws in THE—DMCA to censor 1—EMBARRASSING picture of himself that he —JUST didn't want appearing online — but instead the whole thing backfired".
20070315             An 'immoral' hero. In an
20070315             —TODAY, FORMER—SENATOR—ALAN—SIMPSON (R—WY) declared his opposition to "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (
20070315             Subpoena vote set for tomorrow.
20070315             "THE—SENATE—JUDICIARY—COMMITTEE is set to vote —THURSDAY on whether to
20070315             authorize subpoenas to 14—CURRENT and former administration officials," including KARL—ROVE, HARRIET—MIERS, FORMER—GONZALES aide KYLE—SAMPSON. "—SINCE Rove, Miers + Kelley were —JUST added to the schedule —FOR—THURSDAY—COMMITTEE meeting, panel rules allow ANY—MEMBER to postpone CONSIDERATION—OF—THE—SUBPOENAS for —1—WEEK".
20070315             WILL—ANY—SENATOR give cover to Rove + Miers?
20070315             WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS using RNC email accounts? - NICO—FROM—DAN—FROOMKIN:
20070315             1—CURIOUS—ASPECT—OF—YESTERDAY—DOCUMENT dump is that it shows E—MAILS from J. SCOTT—JENNINGS, who is KARL—ROVE—DEPUTY at THE—WHITE—HOUSE, coming from 1—E—MAIL address at gwb43_com — 1—DOMAIN owned by the Republican National Committee.
20070315             It makes SOME—SENSE that WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS might have and use such accounts —WHEN they conduct party business, rather than WHITE—HOUSE—BUSINESS.
20070315             But the distinction between party and government business seems to have been forgotten here — which I guess is exactly the point.
20070315             Eggen and KANE—WRITE in THE—POST: " Democratic congressional aides said they will investigate whether using the private address for government business violated laws against using taxpayer resources for political work or signaled that WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS considered THE—FIRING—OF—USA—ATTORNEYS to be primarily 1—POLITICAL—ISSUE.
20070315             Jennings did not return 1—CALL to his office seeking 1—COMMENT.
20070315             "'As 1—MATTER—OF—COURSE, THE—RNC provides server space and equipment to certain WHITE—HOUSE—PERSONNEL in order to assist them with their political efforts,' RNC spokeswoman Tracey Schmitt said".
20070315             (HT: 1. Draft) - Der neue Terror ?
20070315             Ratten (1) - onlineredaktion HARALD—HAACK ?
20070315             Eigentlich sind die neuen Terroristen die alten, älter aber als AL—QAIDA und irgendwelche karibischen Seeräuber + sie sind intelligent und lernen schnell.
20070315             Für sie braucht die DEUTSCHLAND—REGIERUNG kein Integrationsprogramm, denn sie sind Kulturfolger, folgen den Menschen —SEIT Tausenden von —JAHREN.
20070315             Sie sind einfach da und sie bleiben so beharrlich unter uns, dass Experten raten sie ?in Grenzen zu halten?
20070315             Es heißt, in DEUTSCHLAND sei der biologische...
20070315             Explosive SCHWEIZ—SEEN—SFUX STEPHAN—FUCHS ?
20070315             4800—TONNEN Munition liegen auf dem Grund der SCHWEIZ—SEEN.
20070315             Und da wird es auch bleiben.
20070315             Zu teuer sei das herausfischen des Kriegsmaterials.
20070315             Davon betroffen sind die schönsten Seen der SCHWEIZ:
20070315             Der THUNER—UND Brienzersee im Kanton BERN, sowie das Gersauerbecken und der Urnersee in der Innerschweiz, am Vierwaldstättersee.
20070315             Bush ?s liebster BÜRGERMEISTER—IM—BETT mit dem Feind?
20070315             New Yorks ehemaliger KRISEN—UND BÜRGERMEISTER—RUDI—GIULIANI lobbiert mit seiner Anwaltsfirma für die von HUGO—CHAVEZ kontrollierte Citgo Petroleum Corporation in TEXAS.
20070315             Ein seltsamer Pakt eines republikanischen Präsidentschaftskandidaten und einem der Lieblingsfeinde Amerikas.
20070315             Key 20010911             suspect 'admits guilt' The alleged 20010911             mastermind admits to 30—OTHER—TERROR—PLOTS in 1—CLOSED—DOOR hearing at GUANTANAMO, THE—USA—SAYS.
20070315             Security tight in CHINA riot town Police and soldiers are on patrol in 1—CENTRAL—CHINA—TOWN—AFTER violent protests involving up to 20,000—PEOPLE.
20070315             —BRACED, HUNGARY, for big protests Security is tight in BUDAPEST as HUNGARY fears more political violence on its National —DAY.
20070315             —AGREED, IRAN sanctions agreement UN diplomats say they have, in principle 1—PACKAGE—OF—NEW—SANCTIONS—AGAINST—IRAN over its nuclear programme.
20070315             CHINA 'regrets' USA—RULING on BANK—CHINA says it "deeply regrets" THE—USA—TREASURY—DECISION to censure 1—MACAU—BASED bank linked to NORTH—KOREA.
20070315             RUSSIA clinches Balkan oil deal RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—PUTIN signs 1—DEAL in ATHENS to build 1—BALKAN oil pipeline with BULGARIA and GREECE.
20070315             Stock markets recover —AFTER slide Global markets show SOME—RECOVERY—SIGNS, —AFTER 1—GLOBAL—SELL—OFF sparked by concerns about THE—USA—ECONOMY.
20070315             —DEEMED, ISLAND leopard, new species Clouded leopards found in Borneo and Sumatra are 1—NEW—SPECIES, according to conservation group WWF.
20070315             Privacy bodies back Google step Privacy bodies welcome GOOGLE—DECISION to anonymise personal data it receives from web searches.
20070315             —QUESTIONED, PM—POWER, —AFTER vote TONY—BLAIR—AUTHORITY is questioned —AFTER his plans to renew Trident spark 1—BACKBENCH rebellion.
20070315             THE—WORLD? Your Oyster? Why Not?
20070315             Never have so MANY—PEOPLE had so much information and done so little with it.
20070315             Commentary by TONY—LONG.
20070315             THE—POLITICAL—SCIENTIST—WIND—FARM—TECH developer and environmentalist JERRY—MCNERNEY beat CALIFORNIA REPRESENTATIVE—RICHARD—POMBO in the last election.
20070315             Nerds do rule. By JEFF—HOWE from Wired magazine.
20070315             HP—BOARDROOM drama Internal investigation into media leaks leads to FULL—FLEDGED scandal, executive resignations and legal action.
20070315             Yahoo wins ruling in CHINA censorship case Blog: Yahoo HONG—KONG has been CLEARED—OF—ANY—LIABILITY for sharing 1—JOURNALIST—E—MAIL account with THE—CHINA—GOVERNMENT in an...
20070315             —REFERRED, Last night on PBS, Leahy, to TIM—GRIFFEN as Rove 's "acolyte," + said...
20070315             News Feeds THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—MADE—GRIFFIN 1—SPECIAL—ASSISTANT—USA in ARKANSAS the next... of 1 unauthorized biography of Moore called "Manufacturing Dissent.
20070315             Megite Garykrall News: WHAT—HAPPENING—RIGHT—NOW...
20070315             ARKANSAS USA—ATTORNEY—BUD Cummins in favor of Rove "protege" TIM—GRIFFEN... CHIEF rationales for running for PRESIDENT.
20070315             —FROM his campaign biography :
20070315             Simple Entropy Search in ALL—OF—ALFATOMEGA, welcome to ALFATOMEGA -->
20070315             —1—HOUR, —1—DAY, —1—WEEK, —1—MONTH, Forever... I see that JOHN—DEUSS was caught thanks to assistance from the public.
20070315             —INTEGRATED, OOC is not to be the " empire" which JOHN—DEUSS once said he would build...
20070315             Intrigue stretching from EUROPE to the Caribbean: THE—JOHN—DEUSS—CASH...
20070315             "What was God doing —BEFORE He made the world? THE—HON—SIR—MICHAEL—PAKENHAM.
20070315             Other witnesses. DOCTOR—JOHN—CHIPMAN.
20070315             —CLEARED, EX—MINISTERS, to work for lobbying firm | Special Reports...
20070315             2—FORMER—MINISTERS, ALAN—MILBURN and LEWIS—MOONIE, were FAST—TRACKED by a...
20070315             IT company HITACHI and on SIR—MICHAEL—PAKENHAM, former ambassador to POLAND, not...
20070315             —CLEARED, GUARDIAN | EX—MINISTERS, to work for lobbying firm
20070315             Farish was close friends with HERMANN—SCHMITZ, CHAIRMAN—OF—IG—FARBEN.
20070315             —HIRED, Farish, Ivy Lee, to write.
20070315             PAUL—LEJEUNE—JUNG (Schwerindustrieller) HEINRICH—BR?
20070315             HERMANN—WARMBOLD (I.G. Farben) Freiherr von Gayl MAX—HILDEBERT—BOEHM...
20070315             IAN—TRAYNOR in MOSCOW —MONDAY
20070315             —CONFESSED, KHALID SHEIK—MOHAMMED, to mastermind ing 20010911             20070315             claimed " responsibility for 20010911             —THE—OPERATION from 1 to Z," according to 26—PAGES
20070315             SCHEICH—MOHAMMED : Das Hirn des 20010911             20070315             —RELEASED, According to 1—PENTAGON transcript, —YESTERDAY, Khalid SHEIK—MOHAMMED confessed to mastermind ing 20010911             and "more than 30—OTHER—TERROR—ATTACKS or plots " at 1—MILITARY hearing held in GUANTANAMO BAY—CUBA.
20070315—19910000    -20070000             ZAO "KOMMERSANT. Publishing House".
20070315—19910000    —RESERVED, All rights.
20070315—20010000    —SINCE, UK—POLICE think that MOST—OF—THE £12-billion loss suffered by UK—CUSTOMS has been organized by Deuss.
20070315—20010510    NucNews-
20070315—20030000    —SINCE, October through December was the most violent —3—MONTH period.
20070315—20040000    —SINCE, The ring had been operating and was run by 1—NATIVE—OF—CHINA who had gained MEXICO—CITIZENSHIP.
20070315—20050100    —IN—EARLY, Both KARL—ROVE + ALBERTO—GONZALES discussed THE—IDEA—OF—FIRING all 93—USA—ATTORNEYS.
20070316—20070315    GUATEMALA: Spirituelles Großreinemachen nach BUSH—BESUCH
20070317             —BY DANIEL—BYMAN—POSTED—THURSDAY 20070315            .
20070325             [20070313             ] - [20070315             ] - [20070313             ]
20070325             [20070315             ]
20070325             [20070313             ] - [20070315             ] - [20070315             ]
20070415             —POSTED—BY ro 20070315             —ON. at 4:38pm in
20070415             wtc 7—POSTED—BY ro 20070315             —ON—438—PM in in the news
20070415             wtc 7—POSTED—BY ro 20070315             —ON—438—PM in in THE—NEWS—AT 5 30—PM
20080315             In einem Lager der ALBANISCHEN—ARMEE mit alter, zu entsorgender Munition im DORF—GËRDEC kommt es zu einer Serie schwerer Explosionen.
20080315             26—PERSONEN sterben, Hunderte werden verletzt.
20080315             —ZERSTÖRT, Mehrere 100—GEBÄUDE werden komplett, 1.500—GEBÄUDE in einem weiten Umkreis beschädigt.
20080315             —CRUSHED, NEW—YORK—CITY, 1—APARTMENT building on MANHATTAN—EAST—SIDE was, in 1—GIANT crane collapse that killed 7—PEOPLE and injured 17.
20080315             3—MILITANTS were killed in THE—FORMER—TALIBAN STRONGHOLD—OF—MUSA—QALA in Helmand province.
20080315             ALBANIA, 26—PEOPLE, including several children, were killed and over 250 injured by 1—SERIES—OF—LARGE—EXPLOSIONS at 1—ARMY—BASE on THE—OUTSKIRTS—OF—THE—CAPITAL—TIRANA.
20080315             The explosions began —WHEN workers were moving stocks of old Chinese and SOVIET—SHELLS stored at the base.
20080315             SOME—WORKERS were repackaging —40—YEAR—OLD—CHINESE—MADE shells to disguise their origin.
20080315             —WARNED, AZERBAIJAN, it would review relations with FRANCE, RUSSIA and THE—USA—AFTER they voted against 1—UN—RESOLUTION calling on ARMENIA to pull OUT—OF—AZERBAIJAN—TERRITORY.
20080315             CHINA—LEGISLATURE RE—ELECTED Hu Jintao as PRESIDENT, giving him a 2. —5—YEAR—TERM as LEADER—OF—THE—WORLD—MOST populous country.
20080315             —RETURNED, It also, Hu as HEAD—OF—THE—CENTRAL—MILITARY—COMMISSION, the body overseeing the armed forces.
20080315             —CONFINED, CHINA kept government workers, to their offices and ordered tourists OUT—OF—TIBET—CAPITAL—WHILE—LINES—OF—SOLDIERS sealed off streets where riots had erupted.
20080315             1—TIBETAN exile group said at least 30—PEOPLE were killed in protests —1—DAY—EARLIER.
20080315             —DEMANDED, TIBET—GOVERNMENT—IN—EXILE, THE—UN intervene to end what it called "urgent human rights violations" by CHINA in the region —FOLLOWING deadly protests.
20080315             —CONSUMED, CONGO—FOREIGN—DEBT stood at $12—BILLION and interest payments, 1—LARGE chunk of its budget.
20080315             IRAN, HARD—LINE—ALLIES—OF—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD pulled ahead in IRAN—PARLIAMENTARY—ELECTIONS, according to partial results, but THE—PRESIDENT—CONSERVATIVE—CRITICS were making 1—STRONG showing that could unsettle his DOMINATION—OF—THE—LEGISLATURE.
20080315             —CLASHED, IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES, with 1—BREAKAWAY faction of Shiite cleric Muqtada AL—SADR—MAHDI—ARMY in Kut, leaving 5—DEAD and 15 wounded.
20080315             —MARCHED, THOUSANDS—OF—ITALIANS, in 1—ANTI—MAFIA protest and called on all citizens to take 1—PUBLIC—STAND against ITALY—POWERFUL—CRIME syndicates.
20080315             —ACCEPTED, Alitalia, ITALY—STATE—OWNED national airline, 1—TAKEOVER offer worth $217—MADE by air FRANCE—KLM, 1—FRENCH—HOLLAND—AIRLINE—GROUP.
20080315             JAPAN, TONY—BLAIR, —DURING 1—MEETING of senior officials from the world's top 20—GREENHOUSE—GAS emitters, urged the world's heaviest polluters including THE—USA, CHINA and INDIA to agree to binding emissions cuts, saying failure to act on global warming would be "unforgivably irresponsible".
20080315             † VYTAUTAS—KERNAGIS, —57—JAHRE—ALT, popular LITHUANIA—SINGER, of cancer.
20080315             Officials said the main telecom operator in THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES, Etisalat, has launched MOBILE services in NIGERIA, becoming the 5. operator there.
20080315             NIGERIA, 1—WINGS—AIRLINE 19-seater aircraft went missing shortly —AFTER leaving LAGOS for the Obudu Cattle Ranch in Cross River state.
20080315             —CROWDED, PAKISTAN, 1—BOMB struck 1—ITALY—RESTAURANT, with foreigners, killing 1—TURKEY—AID—WORKER and wounding at least 12—OTHER—PEOPLE.
20080315             QATAR—BASED investment company IAS INTERNATIONAL said it was undertaking 1—SERIES—OF—DEVELOPMENT—PROJECTS in CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC worth 1.6—BILLION dollars.
20080315             QATAR, THE—CONSECRATION—OF—THE—CHURCH—OF—OUR Lady of the Rosary was held.
20080315             The $15—MILLION, 2,700-seat church was built on land donated by QATAR—EMIR, Sheikh HAMAD—BIN—KHALIFA—AL—THANI.
20080315             —EXPLODED, SOUTH—THAILAND, 1—BOMB, in the parking LOT—OF—1—UPSCALE hotel, killing 2—PEOPLE and wounding 14—OTHERS.
20080315             —REPORTED, It was, that spores of Ug99, 1—WHEAT killing fungus that emerged in EAST—AFRICA NEARLY —10—YEARS—AGO, has been spread by winds into THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—PENINSULA and SOUTH—ASIA.
20080315             † In —SEPTEMBER Kosta Trebicka, 1—BUSINESSMAN turned WHISTLE—BLOWER, was killed —WHEN his jeep crashed on 1—REMOTE—MOUNTAIN—ROAD.
20080315—20080317    —ACCEPTED, THE—ITALY—GOVERNMENT, the offer.
20080315—20080830    —ON, hunters found THE—WRECKAGE—OF—THE—PLANE and the bodies of its 3—CREW members.
20090315             Bei den EL—SALVADOR—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTSWAHLEN, kann sich mit MAURICIO—FUNES erstmals 1—KANDIDAT der linksgerichteten EX—GUERILLA Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional (FMLN) gegen RODRIGO—ÁVILA von der langjährigen REGIERUNGSPARTEI Alianza Republicana Nacionalista (ARENA) durchsetzen.
20090315             FEDERAL—RESERVE—CHAIRMAN—BEN—BERNANKE said AMERICA—RECESSION "probably" will end —THIS—YEAR if the government succeeds in bolstering the banking system.
20090315             —LAUNCHED, The space shuttle Discovery and its crew of 7, from the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Fl., bound for THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION.
20090315             It carried the last set of solar wings to boost the station to full power.
20090315             —DEDICATED, THE—HISTORY—GUILD—OF—DALY—CITY, its new museum located at THE—FORMER—JOHN—DALY—LIBRARY, 6351—MISSION—STREET—CALIFORNIA 94014, (650-757-7177).
20090315             USA—INTERNATIONAL—GROUP said its executives will receive TENS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in new bonuses, in order to meet 1—LEGAL—DEADLINE, even though it received 1—TAXPAYER bailout of more than $170—BILLION dollars.
20090315             THE—GROUP—OF—TOP—EXECUTIVES getting bonuses will receive HALF—OF—THE $9.6—MILLION—NOW, with the average payment —AROUND $112,000. The large BULK—OF—THE—PAYMENTS at issue cover AIG Financial Products, THE—UNIT—OF—THE—COMPANY that sold credit default swaps, the risky contracts that caused massive losses for the insurer.
20090315             MIAMI—FLORIDA, 1—MAN shot 4—PEOPLE to death at 1—FAMILY gathering, then went home and killed himself.
20090315             † ACTOR—RON—SILVER, —62—JAHRE—ALT in NEW—YORK—CITY.
20090315             ACTOR—RON—SILVER had been fighting esophageal cancer —FOR—2—YEARS.
20090315             Silver won 1—TONY—AWARD as 1—TAKE—NO—PRISONERS—HOLLYWOOD producer in DAVID—MAMET'S "SPEED—THE—PLOW" and did 1—POLITICAL—ABOUT—FACE from loyal Democrat to Republican activist —AFTER 20090911             —THE attacks.
20090315             —ALLOWED, BELARUS' AUTHORITY—PRESIDENT—LUKASHENKO, 1 banned organization of ethnic Poles to meet for the 1. time in —4—YEARS, sending 1—TENTATIVE signal of his willingness to relax his tight hold in exchange for warmer ties with the West.
20090315             ABECHE—CHAD, UN forces took over command from EU peacekeepers to protect refugees and displaced people in CHAD and THE—CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC.
20090315             —ENTRENCHED, EL—SALVADOR'S, conservatives faced 1—STIFF—CHALLENGE from the party of former guerrillas in presidential elections.
20090315             Mauricio Funes (19590000             *), 1—LEFTIST—TELEVISION—JOURNALIST, made history by bringing THE—FMLN, 1—PARTY—OF—FORMER—GUERRILLAS, to power for the 1. time —SINCE THE—END—OF—1—BLOODY—CIVIL—WAR.
20090315             —CALLED, GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL, for greater government SUPERVISION—OF—GUN—OWNERS—AFTER 1—SCHOOL shooting —LAST—WEEK that killed 15—PEOPLE.
20090315             33—PRO—DEMOCRACY—LEGISLATORS from HONG—KONG crossed to Macao to confront the local government over banned visitors.
20090315             5 were —IMMEDIATELY returned over "security reasons" and the rest were allowed to deliver 1—LETTER—OF—PROTEST.
20090315             HUNGARY, several 1000—PEOPLE held right wing, ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS in BUDAPEST —DURING 1—NATIONAL—HOLIDAY.
20090315             —DETAINED, Police, 35—PEOPLE.
20090315             —COMMEMORATED, The holiday, the unsuccessful 18480000             revolution against the Habsburgs.
20090315             NORTH—IRELAND—POLICE—COMMANDER said about 300—IRELAND—REPUBLICAN Army dissidents backed by "1—FEW nutters and idiots" are trying to tear apart the peace process, as his detectives interrogated 9—PEOPLE over the killings of 2—SOLDIERS and 1—POLICEMAN.
20090315             2—ISRAEL—POLICE—OFFICERS were shot and killed —WHILE traveling near the Jewish settlement of Massua in THE—WEST—BANK.
20090315             1—FEW days —LATER the Martyrs of Imad Mughniyeh said it was behind the shooting.
20090315             —NAMED, The group is, —AFTER 1—ASSASSINATED—HEZBOLLAH mastermind.
20090315             Israeli and PALESTINE—SECURITY—OFFICIALS said there is no such group.
20090315             They believe rogue militants have used the fake name as cover to evade ISRAEL—REPRISALS.
20090315             —ANGERED, NORTH—MOZAMBIQUE, 1—MOB, by false rumors that health workers were spreading cholera killed 1—RED—CROSS volunteer, 2—HEALTH—WORKERS and 1—POLICEMAN.
20090315             —DEFIED, PAKISTAN—OPPOSITION—LEADER—NAWAZ Sharif, house arrest to lead ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS that briefly turned violent —BEFORE becoming 1—JUBILANT SHOW—OF—FORCE against the country's PRO—WESTERN—PRESIDENT.
20090315             —ATTACKED, Suspected militants, 1—TRANSPORT—TERMINAL in NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN used to supply NATO—TROOPS in AFGHANISTAN —BEFORE dawn and torched DOZENS—OF—CONTAINERS and military vehicles.
20090315             RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—DMITRY—MEDVEDEV said that he will publicly declare his income and encouraged other officials to fight corruption by disclosing relatives' incomes and assets.
20090315             —KILLED, CENTRAL—SOMALIA, clashes between rival Islamist militias, at least 14—PEOPLE over the last —2—DAYS.
20090315             —KILLED, MOST—OF—THOSE, were fighters for THE—AL—SHABAB group or its rival AHLU—SUNAH WAL—JAMEA.
20090315             SRI—LANKA—GOVERNMENT—FORCES overran 1—FORMER—TAMIL—TIGER police post, killing at least 9—REBELS and raising to 41 the number killed in weekend fighting.
20090315             UGANDA began withdrawing troops hunting brutal LORD—RESISTANCE—ARMY—REBELS in neighboring CONGO —AFTER the deadline for them to leave expired.
20090315             FELIX—KULAIGYE, 1—UGANDA—MILITARY—SPOKESMAN, said the operation had been 1—SUCCESS, with —AROUND 100—REBELS killed and more than 200—ABDUCTEES rescued, and that CONGO would continue the hunt.
20090315             —DISPATCHED, PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ, the navy to VENEZUELA—SEAPORTS, warning that state governors who challenge 1—NEW—LAW bringing transportation hubs under FEDERAL—CONTROL could end up in prison.
20090315             Chavez also said that RUSSIA—BOMBERS would be welcome in VENEZUELA, but he denied that his country would offer MOSCOW its territory for 1—MILITARY—BASE.
20090315             —KILLED, YEMEN, 1—BOMB, 4—SOUTH—KOREA—TOURISTS and their YEMEN—GUIDE, the latest attack targeting foreigners visiting this poor Arab country that has both famed historic sites and 1—STRONG—AL—QAIDA presence.
20090315             12—ISLAMIC—SUSPECTS were soon arrested.
20090315             † ACTOR—RON—SILVER (62) in NEW—YORK—CITY.
20090315             ACTOR—RON—SILVER won 1—TONY—AWARD as 1—TAKE—NO—PRISONERS—HOLLYWOOD producer in DAVID—MAMET'S "SPEED—THE—PLOW" and did 1—POLITICAL—ABOUT—FACE from loyal Democrat to Republican activist —AFTER the Sept.
20090315             † 1—BLAST in Nangarhar province killed 4—USA—SOLDIERS.
20090315             † 3—AFGHANISTAN—CIVILIANS from bombs in KABUL and KANDAHAR.
20090315—20050300    —BANNED, THE—UNION—OF—POLES has been, —SINCE riot police were sent in to take over its headquarters.
20090920—20100315    —ON, police detained 3—SUSPECTS for THE—MURDER—OF—OHU.
20091002—20100315    —SENTENCED, Barrett was, to 2½ years in prison.
20100306—20100315    —ON, turned himself into authorities and identified 3—ACCOMPLICES who remained on the ru.
20100306—20100315    —ON, 1—MAN, —21—JAHRE—ALT, who admitted to taking part in the raid, turned himself into authorities and identified 3—ACCOMPLICES who remained on the run.
20100309—20130315    —PLEADED, Madden, guilty to misdemeanor cocaine possession.
20100315             —NOTIFIED, Honda Motor Co., THE—NHTSA it will recall 410,000 Odyssey minivans and Element small trucks, from the 20070000—20080000     model years, due to braking system problems.
20100315             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—ROCKET—ATTACK on Bagram Air Field, 1—PERSON.
20100315             —PREVENTED, AFGHANISTAN—AUTHORITIES in THE—EAST—PAKTIKA province, 3 WOULD—BE suicide bombers from attacking 1—SECURITY—POST in Barmal district.
20100315             † 6 suspected Taliban also, —AFTER their vehicle hit 1—ROADSIDE bomb in Shah Wali Kot DISTRICT—IN—KANDAHAR province.
20100315             3—CIVILIANS were killed and 3—OTHERS were wounded —WHEN their vehicle hit 1—MINE—WHILE they were moving household goods in Ghazni province.
20100315             —KILLED, Fire from insurgents, 1—AFGHANISTAN—CHILD outside 1—NATO—BASE in Kunar province.
20100315             BRITAIN, LOUIS—WAINWRIGHT, —18—JAHRE—ALT and NICHOLAS—SMITH, —19—JAHRE—ALT, both from Scunthorpe, were found dead at different addresses —FOLLOWING —1—NIGHT out.
20100315             They had both taken the drug mephedrone, sold online as plant food and also goes by the names meow meow, mcat and bubble.
20100315             The deaths come —1—WEEK—AFTER 1—SECONDARY—SCHOOL in Leicestershire reported that 180—PUPILS had missed school —AFTER taking the drug, which can be bought for less than £10 1—GRAM.
20100315             —CARRIED, British and ITALY—DOCTORS, out groundbreaking surgery to rebuild the windpipe of a —10—YEAR—OLD—BOY using stem cells developed within his own body.
20100315             Doctors at LONDON—GREAT—ORMOND—STREET—CHILDREN'S—HOSPITAL implanted the boy with 1—DONOR trachea, or windpipe, that had been stripped of its cells and injected with his own.
20100315             CHINA—STATE—MEDIA said at least 94—PEOPLE living near 1—LEAD—FACTORY, MOST—OF—THEM children, have tested positive for lead poisoning, prompting authorities to order the closure of the Zhongyi Alloy Co. in Longchang county of Sichuan province's NEIJIANG city.
20100315             —WAITED, Hundreds more people, for test results.
20100315             —ARRESTED, ISRAEL—HAARETZ newspaper said EGYPT—SECURITY—OFFICIALS have, Yotam Feldman, 1—ISRAEL—JOURNALIST, as he tried to sneak across the porous ISRAELI—EGYPT—BORDER with AFRICA—MIGRANTS.
20100315             Feldman told his investigators he was reporting on AFRICA—MIGRANTS sneaking into ISRAEL from EGYPT.
20100315             —TURNED, IRAQ, THE—USA—MILITARY, over the Taji prison holding some 2,900 detainees to IRAQ—AUTHORITIES.
20100315             1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMBER killed 8—PEOPLE and wounded 28—OTHERS—WHEN his vehicle exploded in 1—BUSY—STREET —DURING the —MORNING rush —HOUR in FALLUJAH.
20100315             † In NORTH—IRAQ 1—USA—SOLDIER, in 1—VEHICLE accident.
20100315             —CHARGED, IRELAND—POLICE, 2—MEN from ALGERIA and LIBYA with minor offenses —FOLLOWING 1—WEEKLONG investigation into Muslim extremists allegedly involved in efforts to kill 1—SWEDEN—ARTIST.
20100315             —CHARGED, ALI—CHARAFE—DAMACHE, —49—JAHRE—ALT—OF—ALGERIA was, with sending 1—THREATENING text message.
20100315             1—LIBYA—WHO used the false name ABDUL—SALAM—MANSOUR—AL—JEHANI was charged with immigration violations.
20100315             —ARRESTED, ITALY—POLICE, the "postmen" of THE—MAFIA—TOP—BOSS, 19—CLOSE—AIDES who delivered the notes MATTEO—MESSINA—DENARO writes to impart orders from his hideout.
20100315             —ANNOUNCED, MEXICO—MARINES and Navy personnel, they had launched 1—RAID against 1—OPERATIONS—BASE—RUN by the Zeta drug gang near MONTERREY.
20100315             1—CONVOY—OF fleeing vehicles opened fire on 1—MARINE—HELICOPTER —FOLLOWING them.
20100315             —CHASED, THE—MARINES, them down, some on foot, and killed 8—SUSPECTS.
20100315             Elsewhere in CHIHUAHUA state, running gun battles in the tourist TOWN—OF—CREEL left 7—PEOPLE—DEAD and 2—SERIOUSLY wounded.
20100315             —REPORTED, Farther south prosecutors, the bodies of 5—MEN were found on the side of 1—HIGHWAY.
20100315             In the Gulf Coast TOWN—OF—TIERRA—BLANCO some 90—CITY—POLICEMEN were held for questioning about the kidnapping of undocumented CENTRAL—USA—MIGRANTS.
20100315             —DETONATED, Militants in NIGERIA—OIL—PRODUCING region, 2—CAR—BOMBS—NEAR 1—GOVERNMENT building in WARRI where officials were discussing 1—AMNESTY—DEAL, showing their resolve to resume attacks —AFTER 1—AGREEMENT to bring peace and economic benefits to the area unraveled.
20100315             —DISCOVERED, PAKISTAN—POLICE, 1—CACHE—OF—BOMB—MAKING equipment and THOUSANDS—OF—POUNDS—OF explosives in 1—EMPTY—LAHORE shop where authorities said 1—STRING—OF—ATTACKS on the eastern city may have been plotted.
20100315             At THE—CITES conference in QATAR 1—TOP—OFFICIAL with THE—UN wildlife agency said the world has "failed miserably" at protecting tigers in the wild, bringing 1—ANIMAL that is 1—SYMBOL for MANY—CULTURES and religions to "THE—VERGE—OF—EXTINCTION".
20100315             SOMALIA—TRANSITIONAL government (TFG) and 1—FACTION—OF—THE—COUNTRY—MODERATE—AHLU Sunna Sufi sect signed 1—DEAL in ADDIS—ABABA to jointly fight extremist elements in SOMALIA.
20100315             —BACKED, THAILAND—PRIME—MINISTER—ABHISIT—VEJJAJIVA, by 1—FORMIDABLE—MILITARY—FORCE, rejected 1—ULTIMATUM to dissolve PARLIAMENT as tens of THOUSANDS—OF—RED—SHIRTED protesters vowed to splatter THE—SEAT—OF—GOVERNMENT with their own blood if their demands weren't met.
20100315             in VENEZUELA representatives of 1—LEFTIST—PARTY asserted their INDEPENDENCE from PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ, accepting 1—DISSIDENT—POLITICIAN into their ranks —WHILE demanding increased tolerance from their socialist leader.
20100315             —LAUNCHED, YEMEN, a 2. —DAY—OF—STRIKES against AL—QAIDA hideouts.
20100315             —KILLED, As many as 9—PEOPLE were, in the raids including SOME—CIVILIANS.
20100315             † In AFGHANISTAN 1—ROCKET—ATTACK on Bagram Air Field killed 1—PERSON.
20100315             NORTH—IRAQ, an USA—SOLDIER in a vehicle accident.
20100315—20100322    —RETURNED, Feldman, home, saying he had been beaten in captivity and that SOME—OF—HIS—MATERIALS had been confiscated.
20110315             CALIFORNIA, EVAN—O'DORNEY, —17—JAHRE—ALT of Danville beat 39—OTHER—FINALISTS to win the Intel Science Talent Search.
20110315             —TITLED, His mathematics entry was, "Continued Fraction Convergents and Linear fractional transformations".
20110315             —OUSTED, FLORIDA, voters in 1—RECALL election, MIAMI Dade Mayor CARLOS—ÁLVAREZ and Commissioner Natacha Seijas —AFTER they supported 1—BUDGET that raised taxes and salaries for county employees.
20110315             MINNESOTA nurse WILLIAM—MELCHERT—DINKEL (19620000             *) was convicted of 2—COUNTS—OF encouraging suicide —WHILE he watched voyeuristically on 1—WEBCAM.
20110315             1—JUDGE found that he had intentionally advised 2—PEOPLE to take their own lives.
20110315             It remained 1—CRIME to assist in someone's suicide.
20110315             "Based on our commitment to transparency and THE—RULE—OF—LAW, the private security companies have been informed that they have been dissolved because of their connection to officials of the Islamic REPUBLIC—OF—AFGHANISTAN".
20110315             2—BOMBINGS killed 1—LOCAL—LEGISLATOR in Laghman province and 1—SCHOOL—PRINCIPAL in Nangarhar province.
20110315             —IMPOSED, BAHRAIN—KING, a —3—MONTH—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY and gave the country's military CHIEF wide authority to BATTLE—1—PRO—DEMOCRACY uprising that has threatened the ruling monarchy and drawn in forces from —AROUND the Gulf.
20110315             † SAUDI—ARABIA—SERGEANT—AHMED—AL—RADDADI was shot and killed by 1—PROTESTER in MANAMA.
20110315             —DISSOLVED, EGYPT—INTERIOR—MINISTER, the country's widely hated state security agency.
20110315             CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL said GERMANY will take 7—OF—ITS 17—REACTORS offline —FOR—3—MONTHS—WHILE the country reconsiders plans to extend the life of its nuclear power plants.
20110315             HAITI, DANNY—PYE, —29—JAHRE—ALT, 1—CHRISTIAN pastor who runs 1—ORPHANAGE with his wife in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—JACMEL, was released from jail held —AFTER being held without charges —FOR—5—MONTHS.
20110315             —JAILED, JUDGE—MAXON—SAMDI —INITIALLY, Pye last October over claims he took property from another GROUP—OF—MISSIONARIES.
20110315             —ADDRESSED, INDONESIA, 1—SMALL mail bomb, to 1—MODERATE—MUSLIM leader exploded in JAKARTA as police were trying to defuse it, wounding 4—PEOPLE.
20110315             —RESIGNED, NORTH—IRAQ, 2—TOP—KURDISH—POLITICIANS, from local government in what appeared to be 1—POLITICAL—MANEUVER to challenge Arabs for CONTROL—OF—THE—OIL—RICH—CITY—OF—KIRKUK.
20110315             —INTERCEPTED, THE—ISRAEL—NAVY, 1—EGYPTIAN—BOUND ship carrying 1—LARGE—DELIVERY—OF—WEAPONS off the Mediterranean coast, saying the arms had been sent by Syria to PALESTINE—MILITANTS in THE—GAZA—STRIP.
20110315             PRIME—MINISTER—NETANYAHU said the source of the weaponry was IRAN.
20110315             —ELECTED, IVORY—COAST, leader Alassane Ouattara extended 1—OFFER to FORMER—PRESIDENT—LAURENT—GBAGBO 1—NATIONAL—UNITY—GOVERNMENT, 1—FUSION of their armed forces and 1—TRUTH and reconciliation committee to avoid civil war.
20110315             —FACED, JAPAN, 1—POTENTIAL—CATASTROPHE—AFTER 1—QUAKE—CRIPPLED nuclear power plant exploded and sent low LEVELS—OF—RADIATION floating toward TOKYO, prompting SOME—PEOPLE to flee the capital and others to stock up on essential supplies.
20110315             —RALLIED, KAZAKHSTAN, several 100—PEOPLE, near the presidential palace to urge the government to assist homeowners battling repossessions, and 1—FEW dozen were detained by police.
20110315             —BLASTED, LIBYA, GADHAFI—MILITARY, rebels with airstrikes and bombardment from warships, tanks and artillery in 1—OVERWHELMING display of firepower, trying for the 1. time to take back THE—CITY—OF—AJDABIYA in the opposition's eastern heartland.
20110315             —RUSHED, Rebel fighters, to the front as mosques in the city broadcast pleas for help defending the city.
20110315             4—NYT journalists were detained the northern port CITY—OF—AJDABIYA where they were covering THE—RETREAT—OF—REBELS.
20110315             —SHIED, Group of 8 (G8) powers, away from imposing 1—NO—FLY zone to protect Libyans from assault by Kadhafi forces, laying it off to THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL.
20110315             —BLOCKED, Flight restrictions sought by FRANCE and BRITAIN were, by RUSSIA and GERMANY.
20110315             —AGREED, MALAYSIA—GOVERNMENT, to release some 35,000 imported Bibles seized by customs officials amid 1—DISPUTE over their USE—OF—THE—WORD "Allah" as 1—TRANSLATION for God.
20110315             1—STATEMENT assured Muslims that the announcement would not jeopardize their interests in 1—ONGOING court case on whether NON—MUSLIMS have the constitutional right to use "Allah".
20110315             —CHASED, MEXICO, 1—CONVOY—OF—GUNMEN, their target into 1—HOME in the resort CITY—OF—ACAPULCO and sprayed the residence with bullets, killing 2—SMALL—CHILDREN and 1—ELDERLY—WOMAN inside.
20110315             —KILLED, Other attacks in ACAPULCO, 1—TOTAL—OF—8—PEOPLE.
20110315             Police in the resort CITY—OF—CANCUN found 4—BODIES that had been set on fire.
20110315             —ANNOUNCED, THE—MEXICO—ARMY, that soldiers had seized 5—METRIC—TONS—OF—MARIJUANA in the northern border CITY—OF—MIGUEL—ALEMAN.
20110315             OMAN, SHEIK—AHMED bin HAMAD—AL—KHALILI, highest religious authority in the Persian Gulf kingdom, called for 1—NATIONWIDE alcohol ban and strict MONITORING—OF—HEALTH—CLUBS in this Muslim country.
20110315             AL—KHALILI told state television that "drunk people are unproductive people who sink into vice".
20110315             † IN—PAKISTAN—QUMAR—DAVID, —50—JAHRE—ALT, 1—CHRISTIAN jailed for blasphemy, of 1 alleged heart attack in KARACHI CENTRAL—JAIL—AFTER COMPLAINING—OF—CHEST—PAIN.
20110315             David was serving a —25—YEAR—PRISON—TERM for blasphemy.
20110315             † IN—PAKISTAN—QUMAR—DAVID—LAWYER suspected the man had been murdered.
20110315             —PROPOSED, PALESTINE—PRESIDENT—MAHMUD—ABBAS, holding elections "as soon as possible" in order to end the divide within the national movement.
20110315             —THRONGED, THOUSANDS—OF—PALESTINIANS, major squares in THE—GAZA—STRIP and THE—WEST—BANK to deliver 1 impassioned appeal to their leaders to end THE—LONG—RUNNING feud that has divided THE—PALESTINE—PEOPLE between 2—RIVAL—GOVERNMENTS.
20110315             † In SOMALIA 13—PEOPLE in mortar attacks in MOGADISHU.
20110315             1—THAILAND COURT—SENTENCED—THANTHAWUT—TAWEEWARODOMKUL, —38—JAHRE—ALT, the administrator of 1—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—WEBSITE, to —13—YEARS in prison on charges of defaming the monarchy and violating the computer crime act.
20110315             —JOINED, URUGUAY said it has, 1—STRING—OF—SOUTH—USA—NATIONS in recognizing 1—INDEPENDENT—PALESTINE—STATE.
20110315             —FORCED, Human Rights Watch said that it has been, to close its OFFICE—IN—UZBEKISTAN —AFTER facing YEARS—OF—HARASSMENT by THE—CENTRAL—ASIA—NATION—AUTHORITIES.
20110315             —POURED, YEMEN, thousands, onto the streets in the southern provinces of Taiz, ADEN and Hadramawt.
20110315             —VISITED, PRESIDENT—SALEH, THE—GOVERNOR—OF—MARIB province, who was stabbed and wounded by protesters —1—DAY—EARLIER.
20110315             Government supporters in AL—HUDAYDAH set fire to the headquarters of the influential opposition Islah party, the main Sunni Islamist party.
20110315             —SUSPECTED, His lawyer, the man had been murdered.
20110315—20110321    —ORDERED, The government, all private security companies to disband —NEXT—YEAR.
20110315—20110321    —RELEASED, THE—4—JOURNALISTS were.
20110315—20140000    —ASSISTED, THE—MINNESOTA—SUPREME—COURT struck down 1—SECTION—OF—THE—STATE'S, suicide law that makes it 1—CRIME to encourage someone to commit suicide.
20110510—20110315    —ON, BAHRAIN, Abdulhussain bin ALI—MIRZA, energy MINISTER—AND—CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OF—THE—STATE—OWNED—BAHRAIN—PETROLEUM—COMPANY (BAPCO), said that 293—EMPLOYEES have been dismissed —SINCE THE—KING declared martial law to quell WEEKS—OF—DEMONSTRATIONS.
20110511—20130315    —SENTENCED, Fehrani was, to —10—YEARS in prison.
20110701—20120315    —REPORTED, The couple were, freed.
20120312             —ISSUED, ALBANIA, 1—TIRANA court, guilty verdicts for 19—DEFENDANTS for 20080315             —THE, explosions that left 26—PEOPLE—DEAD, sentencing them to between 1 and —18—YEARS on charges of gross mismanagement and related offenses.
20120315             —CHARGED, EGYPT—TOP—PROSECUTOR, 75—PEOPLE in connection with the deadly 20120201             soccer riot —LAST—MONTH in the Mediterranean CITY—OF—PORT—SAID in which authorities said fans were thrown to their death off the stadium walls and others killed by explosives as they tried to flee.
20120315             —SHOWED, New research reportedly, 1—LINK between 1—INCREASE in THE—DEATH—OF—BEES and insecticides, specifically the chemicals used to coat corn seeds.
20120315             1—STUDY, titled "Assessment of the Environmental Exposure of Honeybees to Particulate Matter Containing Neonicotinoid Insecticides Coming from Corn Coated Seeds," was published in THE—USA—CHEMICAL—SOCIETY—ENVIRONMENTAL—SCIENCE & Technology journal, and provided insight into colony collapse disorder.
20120315             THE—TALIBAN broke off talks with THE—USA.
20120315             —FIRED, BAHRAIN riot police, tear gas, stun grenades and rubber bullets at protesters, who were marking the 1. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—DEPLOYMENT—OF—1—SAUDI—LED military force in BAHRAIN.
20120315             —JAILED, BRITAIN, 2—MEN who had posed as good Samaritans to steal from 1—INJURED—MALAYSIA—STUDENT, Asyraf Haziq Rosli (21), 1—INFAMOUS—INCIDENT caught on camera —DURING RIOTS—IN—LONDON —LAST—YEAR.
20120315             —SENTENCED, REECE—DONOVAN, —22—JAHRE—ALT was, to 1—TOTAL—OF—5—YEARS in jail for robbery, violent disorder and burglary offences.
20120315             —SENTENCED, JOHN—KAFUNDA, —22—JAHRE—ALT was, to 3 and 1—HALF—YEARS for robbery and —9—MONTHS for violent disorder.
20120315             CHINA, BO—XILAI, —62—JAHRE—ALT, the Communist Party SECRETARY—IN—CHONGQING, was removed from his post.
20120315             Critics had said his ANTI—CORRUPTION had parallels with the Cultural Revolution that gripped CHINA 19660000—19760000    —FROM—TO.
20120315             CHINA, Xu Ming, 1—OF—THE—RICHEST—PEOPLE in CHINA, was detained by 1—POWERFUL—BODY which investigates corruption within THE—RANKS—OF—THE—RULING—COMMUNIST—PARTY.
20120315             His company Shide Group sponsors 1—CHINA—FOOTBALL—CLUB.
20120315             —CALLED, CUBA—CARDINAL—JAIME—ORTEGA, for the ouster.
20120315             —ENTERED, ETHIOPIA—FORCES, archrival ERITREA and carried out what 1—GOVERNMENT—SPOKESMAN described as "1—SUCCESSFUL—ATTACK" against military posts.
20120315             —AGREED, EUROPEAN—UNION nations, to ban financial transfers such as SWIFT payments to HUNDREDS—OF—IRAN—FIRMS and individuals blacklisted by the bloc over TEHRAN's contested nuclear drive.
20120315             —REJECTED, FRANCE, weapons requests by THE—SYRIA—REBEL—FORCES, saying that arming THE—SYRIA—OPPOSITION could lead to catastrophic civil war.
20120315             —OPENED, SOUTH—FRANCE, 1—GUNMAN on 1—MOTORBIKE, fire on 3 uniformed paratroopers at 1—BANK—MACHINE in Montauban, killing 2 and critically wounding the other.
20120315             —4—DAYS—EARLIER, 1—GUNMAN on 1—MOTORBIKE shot and killed another paratrooper in TOULOUSE, about 50—KM (30—MILES) away.
20120315             The same CALIBER—OF—WEAPON was used in both attacks.
20120315             GABON students demanding THE—PAYMENT—OF—SCHOLARSHIPS—FUNDS and police clashed in LIBREVILLE, leaving 3—PEOPLE wounded.
20120315             GUINEA—BISSAU, soldiers and PARA—MILITARY—TROOPS were the 1. to vote in presidential elections, —3—DAYS—BEFORE THE—REST—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20120315             † Authorities —LATER said he, of kidney failure.
20120315             —TRADED, ISRAEL—AIRCRAFT and GAZA rocket squads, strikes across the border as THE—ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—BLAMED—IRAN for the violence from THE—PALESTINE—TERRITORY.
20120315             1—FEMALE—ISRAEL—SOLDIER was stabbed on JERUSALEM—LIGHT—RAIL, and police apprehended 1—PALESTINE—SUSPECT at 1—JERUSALEM crossing into THE—WEST—BANK.
20120315             Kashmir scientists at SHER—I—KASHMIR—UNIVERSITY said they have cloned 1—RARE—HIMALAYAN goat, hoping to help increase THE—NUMBER—OF—ANIMALS famed for their silky soft undercoats used to make pashmina wool, or cashmere.
20120315             CH.
20120315             Karchang, 1—THAILAND construction giant, officially began work on the $3.5—BILLION dam at Xayaburi in NORTH—LAOS.
20120315             1—DECEMBER agreement by the Mekong River Commission had called for further study on the environmental IMPACTS—OF—THE—DAM.
20120315             —OPENED, LIBYA—STOCK—MARKET, with 1—YAWN, the 1. —DAY—OF—TRADING—SINCE the fall of Moamer Kadhafi, with turnover of less than $10,000. THE—LSM index closed at 1,473 points.
20120315             —CALLED, MOROCCO, 1—MINISTER—IN—THE—ISLAMIST—GOVERNMENT, for 1—CHANGE to 1—LAW allowing 1—RAPIST to marry his victim —AFTER 1—TEENAGER forced into such 1—UNION committed suicide.
20120315             Amina AL—FILALI, —16—JAHRE—ALT drank rat poison —LAST—WEEK in Larache, near TANGIERS in the north, —AFTER being forced to marry the man who raped her.
20120315             —DENIED, MOZAMBIQUE—CAHORA—BASSA dam, cutting power to ZIMBABWE, which had claimed THE—STATE—OWNED company had pulled the plug over unpaid bills totaling —AROUND $75—MILLION.
20120315             —RAIDED, NIGERIA, gunmen, 1—MAINLY—CHRISTIAN village in KADUNA State, killing 10—PEOPLE, including 1—PASTOR and injuring 4—OTHERS.
20120315             1—NORWAY—MILITARY—PLANE crashed killing all 5—PEOPLE on BOARD —DURING 1—EXERCISE in NORTH—SWEDEN.
20120315             4—MEN and 1—WOMAN, all Norwegians, were on BOARD—THE C—130—HEADING from Evenes, on NORWAY—ARCTIC—COAST, to THE—SWEDEN—CITY—OF—KIRUNA.
20120315             PAKISTAN, SWITZERLAND—COUPLE—DAVID—OCH and Daniela Widmer, held captive for nearly —1—YEAR by the Taliban, turned up at 1—ARMY—POST—CLOSE to THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER, claiming to have escaped from their captors.
20120315             Taliban commanders said 1—RANSOM was paid in exchange for their release.
20120315             —LOADED, PUERTO—RICO—,1—VINTAGE—CARGO—PLANE, with bread crashed in 1—LAGOON near THE—INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT, killing the airline's owner and another crew member.
20120315             SOUTH—KOREA—AUTHOR—KYUNG—SOOK—SHIN won ASIA—MOST prestigious prize for literature for her novel "Please Look —AFTER Mom," about 1—FAMILY—GUILTY SOUL—SEARCHING —AFTER the disappearance of their elderly mother.
20120315             KORUS, 1—LONG—DELAYED free trade agreement between THE—USA—AND—SOUTH—KOREA, took effect.
20120315             —TIGHTENED, It slashed tariffs, intellectual property rights and opened up SOUTH—KOREA—SERVICES—MARKET.
20120315             The agreement won praise from THE—2—COUNTRIES' leaders and prompting rallies by supporters and opponents.
20120315             —MUTILATED, SYRIA, 23, corpses were found near Mazraat Wadi Khaled, WEST—OF—THE—CITY—OF—IDLIB.
20120315             —ENTERED, The regime's bloody crackdown, its 2. —YEAR to 1—RISING world outcry.
20120315             —ATTACKED, Violent clashes broke out overnight as rebels, army posts in THE—EAST—REGION—OF—DEIR—EZZOR (Deir EL—ZOUR).
20120315             —SHOWED, State television, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE waving SYRIA—FLAGS and ASSAD—PORTRAIT in cities including DAMASCUS, the 2.—LARGEST city ALEPPO and Latakia.
20120315             —BESIEGED, Tanks and snipers, opposition areas, including THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—DARAA.
20120315             —KILLED, At least 34—OTHER—PEOPLE were, in violence, mostly in Idlib province bordering TURKEY.
20120315             —PLANTED, TURKEY—DEPUTY—PRIME—MINISTER—SAID—SYRIA has, landmines near its border with TURKEY along routes used by refugees fleeing the regime's deadly crackdown on dissent.
20120315             The foreign ministry said —AROUND 1,000 SYRIA—REFUGEES, including 1—DEFECTING general, flocked into TURKEY in the last —24—HOURS.
20120315             —DENOUNCED, ZAMBIA—EX—PRESIDENT—RUPIAH—BANDA, the dissolution of his former ruling Movement for MULTI—PARTY—DEMOCRACY as 1—ATTACK on freedom and accused the new administration of persecuting him.
20120315             THE—MOVEMENT for Multiparty Democracy, whose —20—YEAR—RULE came to 1—END—IN—SEPTEMBER, was dissolved by THE—CHIEF—REGISTRAR—OF—SOCIETIES for owing 390—MILLION kwacha ($75,876) in registration fees dating back to 19930000            .
20120315             —EVICTED, CUBA—POLICE, 13—DISSIDENTS from 1—CHURCH they had been occupying —FOR—2—DAYS demanding that BENEDICTUS—XVI—PAPA air 1—LIST—OF—GRIEVANCES —DURING his upcoming trip to THE—ISLAND.
20120315—19940000    —IN—THE, She was accused of lying to obtain her citizenship by denying her role RWANDA genocide.
20120315—20110000    —IN, CHILE—POLICE used water cannons and tear gas to break up 1—MARCH by THOUSANDS—OF—STUDENTS, the 1. protest —THIS—YEAR by student groups whose demonstrations demanding education reform paralyzed major cities.
20120315—20130000    —IN, Karzai also said he —NOW wants AFGHANISTAN—FORCES take the lead for countrywide security, —1—YEAR ahead of schedule.
20120523—20130315    —SENTENCED, Fury was, to —17—YEARS in prison.
20130315             Defense SECRETARY—CHUCK—HAGEL said THE—USA is deploying 14—NEW—GROUND—BASED missile interceptors in ALASKA to counter renewed nuclear threats from NORTH—KOREA and IRAN.
20130315             Hagel also said THE—USA would shift some "resources," which he didn't specify, from the delayed Aegis ANTI—MISSILE—PROGRAM in EUROPE.
20130315             —AGREED, SAC Capital, to pay THE—SEC 1—RECORD $616—MILLION to settle 1—LONG—STANDING probe into insider trading.
20130315             —CRASHED, FLORIDA, 1—SMALL—PLANE, near FORT—LAUDERDALE Executive Airport killing all 3—MEN aboard.
20130315             BRAZIL, 1—NEW—OIL—LAW that gives 1—GREATER—SHARE—OF royalty revenues from the country's oil fields to NON—PRODUCING states went into effect and producing states filed appeals against it with THE—SUPREME—COURT.
20130315             3—UK—MUSLIMS, including 1—CONVERT who was featured in 1—DOCUMENTARY about radical Islam, pleaded guilty to terrorism charges in LONDON.
20130315             RICHARD—DART, —29—JAHRE—ALT, Imran Mahmood (21), and Jahangir Alom (26), were arrested last July and accused of traveling to PAKISTAN 20100000—20120000    —BETWEEN with the intention of committing terrorist acts.
20130315             —ARRESTED, BRITAIN, DOCTOR—DAVINDERJIT—BAINS, —LAST—YEAR, admitted 39—CHARGES against 30—VICTIMS, including sexual assault, voyeurism and sexual activity with 1—CHILD.
20130315             He had used 1—TIEEX 4GB Waterproof HD Spy Watch DVR, which has 1—CAMERA on its face, to record assaults on patients at his practice in Royal Wootton Bassett in WEST—ENGLAND.
20130315             1—CANADA—JOINT—VENTURE operating 1—OF—THE—WORLD—LARGEST—GOLD—MINES and THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC reached 1—AGREEMENT to inspect the company's exports, ending 1—STANDOFF that halted 1—SHIPMENT valued at nearly $12—MILLION.
20130315             SOUTH—WEST—CHAD, over the last —24—HOURS at least 86—ELEPHANTS, including 33—PREGNANT—FEMALES, were killed by poachers for the ivory of their tusks.
20130315             —CONFIRMED, CHINA, Li Keqiang was, as premier.
20130315             1—SNOWSTORM in HUNGARY brought drifts 10—FEET (3m) high and violent GUSTS—OF—WIND, forcing THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE to spend the night in their cars or emergency shelters —AFTER being stranded on 1—MAJOR—HIGHWAY.
20130315             INDIA, 1—SWITZERLAND—WOMAN, —39—JAHRE—ALT on 1—CYCLING trip in Madhya Pradesh state with her husband was GANG—RAPED by 8—MEN.
20130315             —REMAINED, At least 2—OTHERS, at large.
20130315             —CLASHED, IRAQ, protesters, with police trying to prevent them from reaching THE—ABU—HANIFA mosque, the most venerated Sunni mosque in BAGHDAD, as sect members again massed for ANTI—GOVERNMENT—RALLIES in several IRAQ—CITIES.
20130315             —REPORTED, Several people were, injured.
20130315             —SIGNED, ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU, 1—COALITION—DEAL with rival parties to form the next government.
20130315             —KILLED, CENTRAL—LEBANON, at least 8—SYRIANS were, and 29 were injured —WHEN the bus they were traveling in from Syria overturned in the mountains.
20130315             —LOADED, CENTRAL—MEXICO, 1—TRUCK, with fireworks exploded —DURING 1—RELIGIOUS—PROCESSION in the rural village of Jesus Tepactepec, killing at least 13—PEOPLE and injuring 154.
20130315             —BLAMED, NORTH—KOREA, SOUTH—KOREA and THE—USA—FOR—CYBER—ATTACKS that temporarily shut down websites —THIS—WEEK at 1—TIME—OF elevated tensions over THE—NORTH—NUCLEAR—AMBITIONS.
20130315             —KILLED, SOUTH—PAKISTAN, 1—BOMB—BLAST—JUST—AFTER midnight, 3—PEOPLE and wounded 4—OTHERS outside 1—CABLE—TV—OFFICE—IN—KARACHI.
20130315             1—SPECIAL—PROSECUTOR charged with investigating THE—EMBEZZLEMENT—OF—STATE—FUNDS has asked KARIM—WADE to justify 1—FORTUNE that he estimates is worth up to 694—BILLION WEST—AFRICA—FRANCS, equal to more than $1.3—BILLION.
20130315             SENEGAL, 3—STUDENTS set themselves on fire on THE—CAMPUS—OF—THE—COUNTRY—LARGEST—UNIVERSITY to protest changes in the way credits are being counted in the college's geography department.
20130315             —SURVIVED, All 3.
20130315             † In SOUTH—AFRICA 24—PEOPLE—WHEN 1—BUS veered off 1—ROAD and rolled over near CAPE—TOWN.
20130315             GENERAL—SALIM—IDRIS, THE—CHIEF—OF—SYRIA—MAIN, WESTERN—BACKED rebel group, marked the 2. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—START—OF—THE uprising against PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD by pledging to fight —UNTIL the "criminal" regime is gone.
20130315             —FAILED, Leaders at 1—EUROPEAN—UNION—SUMMIT, to agree if they should send arms to the rebels.
20130315             THE—HEAD—OF—1—UN—TEAM investigating casualties from USA—DRONE—STRIKES in PAKISTAN declared —AFTER 1—SECRET—RESEARCH—TRIP to the country that the attacks violate PAKISTAN—SOVEREIGNTY.
20130315             SENEGAL, lawyer El Hadj Amadou Sall said that his client, THE—SON—OF—SENEGAL'S—EX—PRESIDENT, is being unjustly accused.
20130315             NEUE—STUDIEN zu IRAK—KRIEG: Mehr als 100.000—MENSCHEN getötet
20130315             —STREIT—UM—FINANZ—HILFEN: ZYPERN drängelt, MERKEL bremst
20130315             CHINA—TOURISTEN in EUROPA: Ansturm der SHOPPING—KAISER
20130315             SCHNEECHAOS—IN—UNGARN: —TAUSENDE—MENSCHEN müssen in Autos übernachten
20130315             BÜRGER—BETEILIGUNG IM—NETZ: Das Märchen von der MITMACH—CDU
20130315             Werbefalle im Kleingedruckten: DATEN—SCHÜTZER kritisieren neue CDU—PLATTFORM
20130315             BEATLES—SEKRETÄRIN FREDA—KELLY: Krisen, Kult und Kaugummis
20130315             Fotostrecke: Nichts geht mehr auf UNGARNs Straßen
20130315             —KAMPF—GEGEN—ASSAD: FRANKREICH erwägt Alleingang bei WAFFEN—LIEFERUNG
20130315             Managerbezüge: SPD startet eigene Initiative gegen Gehaltsexzesse
20130315             DÜSSELDORF und KÖLN/BONN: Hunderte Flüge fallen wegen Streiks aus
20130315             —NEUE—MOBILITÄTSKONZEPTE : Im Schwarm durch DIE—STADT
20130315             Komplizierte Familienbande: INSEL—BRAUNBÄREN haben EISBÄR—VORFAHREN
20130315             Erinnerungen an FRANZISKUS: "Als Kind 1—KLEINER Teufel"
20130315             MÜNCHHAUSEN—CHECK: Das sind die ZAHL—MEISTER—VON—STUTTGART 21
20130315             STEUERgerechtigkeit: "FOLTER kann auch sehr erfolgreich sein" - BAGDAD
20130315             —KRIEG—IN—SYRIEN: Ruf nach Waffen für REBELLEN spaltet EUROPA
20130315             Gewährleistung: EU—KOMMISSION erhöht den DRUCK—AUF—APPLE
20130315             —KASSIERT, LEHMAN—INSOLVENZ: AMTS—GERICHT, 67.000.000—EURO Gebühr
20130315             8—TONNEN—BOMBE: AFGHANISTAN—GEHEIM—DIENST will GROß—ANSCHLAG verhindert haben
20130315             Anklage: JOURNALIST—SOLL—ANONYMOUS—PASSWORT verraten haben
20130315             SKANDAL—IN—SHANGHAI: Tote Schweine im Überfluss
20130315             —BESTREITET, Zwickauer Morde: Schily, eigene Fehler bei NSU—FAHNDUNG
20130315             Abzug aus AFGHANISTAN: BUNDESWEHR schließt TRANSIT—ABKOMMEN—MIT—TÜRKEI—ATHEISTEN in LONDON: Kirche ohne Gott
20130315             Viel interessanter, erzählt Udolph, sei ohnehin DER—BÜRGERLICHE Nachname des neuen Papstes.
20130315             JOHANNES—PAUL ist komplett eingedeutscht.
20130315             JUAN—CARLOS—IST der 1. "Rey de ESPAÑA", dessen Name nicht eingedeutscht wurde, der letzte wurde noch ALFONS—XIII und nicht etwa ALFONSo genannt.
20130315             Irischsprachige ihn Proinsias
20130315             es ist üblich, in den historischen Büchern aller Ländern, daß die ganzen alten europäischen Monarchen MITTELALTER—IM und danach, jeweils in der Landesprache genannt werden.
20130315             "FRANCISCUM"ist der Akkusativ, "FRANCISCUS"dagegen der Nominativ.
20130315             —SCHON SCHILLER wusste
20130315             —SCHON, SCHILLER wusste mit dem Namen "Franz"umzugehen.
20130315             "Das Auge ist des Leibes Licht..".
20130315             In dem wohl größten Moment seines Lebens habe FRANZISKUS—I—PAPA—SINN für Humor gezeigt, verriet 1—SPANIEN—KARDINAL: "Möge Gott euch vergeben, was ihr getan habt", soll —DER—NEUE—PAPA zu den Kardinälen gesagt haben.
20130315             VATIKANsprecher Federico Lombardi sagte, die Anschuldigungen stammten von linken Kräften, die der Kirche schaden wollten.
20130315             Kritiker werfen dem neuen PAPA vor, er habe WÄHREND der
20130315             So ist es wenig verwunderlich, daß —DER—NEUE—PAPA—DIE—KARDINÄLE bei ihrem ZUSAMMEN—TREFFEN an diesem Freitagmorgen auf den Zusammenhalt eingeschworen hat.
20130315             auf den Zusammenhalt eingeschworen
20130315             Auf DEUTSCHLAND—ZITIERTE DER—PAPA—WÄHREND der Audienz Hölderlin: "es ist ruhig DAS—ALTER und fromm".
20130315             Zu BEGINN der Audienz war FRANZISKUS—I—PAPA kurz aus dem Tritt geraten und gestolpert.
20130315             es heißt, Bergoglio sei wegen seiner Bescheidenheit im Kreis der Kardinäle sehr beliebt gewesen.
20130315             FRANZISKUS—I—PAPA ist der 1. JESUIT, der DAS—AMT des PAPA übernimmt.
20130315             In den kommenden —TAGEN will FRANZISKUS—I—PAPA seinen Vorgänger in der Residenz CASTEL—GANDOLFO besuchen.
20130315             Mehr muss man dazu eigentlich gar nicht wissen.
20130315             Wann hat es das jegeben, dass 1—PAPA sich mit seinem Vorgänger besprechen kann.
20130315             Gerade wir DEUTSCHE...
20130315             sollten an die Namen und DEUTSCHLAND—STAATS—BÜRGERN Käsemann und Zieschank erinnern, die als Studenten WÄHREND der ARGENTINIEN—JUNTA in den 70er —JAHREN gefoltert und umgebracht wurden.
20130315             —INTERVIEW—MIT—HANS—KÜNG
20130315             —VOM, HANS—KÜNG zum neuen HANS—PAPA—KÜNG zum neuen PAPA: Reformen sind überfällig | CICERO Online
20130315             DIE—GANZE Welt scheint FRANZISKUS—I—PAPA zu feiern, nicht so UTA—RANKE—HEINMANN.
20130315             Zur Einordnung: Die MILITÄR—DIKTATUR in ARGENTINIEN hat 30.000—TODES—OPFER gefordert.
20130315             Und dann stutter unter Anklage, 1—HACKER, der gehackte Handyaufnahmen ins Netz stellte, auf dem sich FOOTB—MILITARY junta -- Puppet Masters -- Sott_net
20130315             Ist es auch vernünftig, 1—PAPA als moralische Figur zu sehen, als jemanden, dessen Worte auch nur ansatzweise 1—ETHISCHEN Impetus ausdrücken, als den obersten PRIESTER 1—WELT—WEIT agierenden RIESEN—ORGANISATION—WO er damit doch automatisch 1—POLITISCHEN Akteur ist unter anderen politischen Akteuren, so wie JOHANNES—PAUL—II.
20130315             Sexueller Missbrauch: SPANIEN—KARATE—MEISTER zu —302—JAHREN Haft verurteilt
20130315             PASSWORT—HERAUSGABE: BUNDES—TAG will SPÄH—SCHNITTSTELLE entschärfen
20130315             GIPFEL—BRÜSSEL—EUROPÄER feilschen um ZYPERN—MILLIARDEN
20130315             MANIPULATION im Fußball: Fahnder verzweifeln an Wettmafia
20130315             Explosive Chemikalie: Salafisten besaßen Ammoniumnitrat
20130315             Ungewöhnliche Beute: Spinnen fressen Fledermäuse
20130315             —VERURTEILT, Verletzung der Souveränität: UNO, USA—DROHNEN—ANGRIFFE—IN—PAKISTAN
20130315             AIDS—BEHANDLUNG: FRÜH—ZEITIGE Therapie dämmt HIV langfristig 1
20130315             BIENEN—SCHUTZ und LAND—WIRTSCHAFT, EU—KOMMISSION bei PESTIZID—VERBOT unentschlossen
20130315             [l] Tolle Idee aus AMERIKA: Lasst uns doch unsere ATOM—RAKETENSILOS mit 1—U—BAHN—NETZ verbinden.
20130315             [l] REUTERS-"SOCIAL—MEDIA"-Redakteur (haha!) MATTHEW—KEYS angeklagt.
20130315             —HANDED, Using the name AESCracked, Keys, over the login credentials and told hackers to "go fuck SOME—SHIT up", the indictment says.
20130315             [l] es gibt 1—UPDATE zu der LUXEMBURG—STAYBEHIND—GESCHICHTE.
20130315             [l] Wenn 1—GRUPPE —SCHON "BÜNDNIS—FÜR—VERBRAUCHERBILDUNG"heißt, dann weiß man ja gleich, woher der Wind weht.
20130315             Nahe dran?
20130315             Mcdonalds soll —JETZT an Schulen DIE—KINDER beraten, wie man sich richtig ernährt.
20130315             An Schulen. DIE—KINDER. Wie man sich richtig ernährt.
20130315             Mcdonalds!!
20130315             Und die gute Frau MINISTERIN—AIGNER grinst debil in die Kamera.
20130315             Wer sich —JETZT fragt, was ich gegen Mcdonalds habe, die seien doch noch harmlos, die auf LEBENS—MITTEL—FUTURES spekulierenden BANKEN seien doch viel schlimmer: RECHT habt ihr.
20130315             Wer ist da noch so? Und die METRO.
20130315             [l] Lame Excuse des Tages: JP—MORGAN zu Vorwürfen von Anlegertäuschung, Umgehung von REGULIERUNGS—BEHÖRDEN und Regelverletzung:
20130315             Man habe immer in gutem Glauben gehandelt, teilte DAS—MANAGEMENT dagegen mit.
20130315             Aber Herr Richter, wir haben das doch nicht böse gemeint, als wir die REGULIERUNGS—BEHÖRDE und unsere Kunden gezielt in die Irre geleitet haben!
20130315             Das war alles in gutem Glauben, niemand meinte da was Böses mit!1!!
20130315             [l] —HEUTE ist mal wieder so 1—SCHLECHTE—LAUNE—TAG.
20130315—20000000    —IM, DIE—SÜD—DEUTSCHLAND—SCHREIBT: "Der andere inhaftierte Pater, Yori, starb J.
20130315—20130317    —ON, police arrested 5—MEN, who admitted to the attack.
20130720             1—INDIA—COURT sentenced 6—MEN, CONVICTED—OF—THE—GANG rape last 20130315             —OF—1—SWITZERLAND—WOMAN, to life in prison.
20130720             —SENTENCED, 1—INDIA—COURT, 6—MEN, CONVICTED—OF—THE—GANG rape last 20130315             —OF—1—SWITZERLAND—WOMAN, to life in prison.
20130720             1—INDIA—COURT sentenced 6—MEN, CONVICTED—OF—THE—GANG—RAPE—LAST 20130315             —OF—1—SWITZERLAND—WOMAN, to life in prison.
20130720             —SENTENCED, 1—INDIA—COURT, 6—MEN, CONVICTED—OF—THE—GANG—RAPE—LAST 20130315             —OF—1—SWITZERLAND—WOMAN, to life in prison.
20140000—20190315    VW hat —UND, Wertpapiere in DEN—USA ausgegeben, obwohl TOP—MANAGER —BEREITS von Abgasmanipulationen wussten.
20140315             AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI told THE—USA—ITS—SOLDIERS can leave —AT—THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR because his military, which already protects 93—PERCENT—OF—THE—COUNTRY, was ready to take over entirely.
20140315             † 3—MEN from the Arab community, in clashes with Mozabite Berbers in Ghardaia.
20140315             —ERUPTED, Clashes 1., in December and 5—MOZABITES were killed —BEFORE violence was stopped by 1—HEAVY—POLICE—DEPLOYMENT in —LATE—JANUARY.
20140315             EGYPT, gunmen shot dead 6—ARMY—OFFICERS—NEAR—CAIRO, the 2. attack on EGYPT—SECURITY—FORCES in —3—DAYS that the military has blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood of deposed PRESIDENT—MOHAMED—MURSI.
20140315             —ARRESTED, GUYANA, businessman LENNOX—LA—CRUZ, —50—JAHRE—ALT was, on suspicion of killing his wife and 4—OF—HIS 5—CHILDREN by locking them inside their home and setting it on fire the previous —EVENING.
20140315             —REPORTED, LEBANON, 10—PEOPLE were, killed in the last —48—HOURS—OF clashes in TRIPOLI linked to the conflict in neighboring Syria.
20140315             —ARMED, CENTRAL—NIGERIA, some 40—ASSAILANTS, with guns and machetes stormed the villages of Angwan Gata, Chenshyi and Angwan Sankwai, attacking locals in their sleep and torching their homes on KADUNA state.
20140315             The overnight attacks left at least 100—DEAD.
20140315             —BLAMED, Local residents, mostly Christians, the bloodshed on Muslim Fulani herdsmen.
20140315             —KILLED, NIGERIA, at least 20—PEOPLE were, and dozens were injured in ABUJA —AFTER THOUSANDS—OF—PANICKED—JOB—SEEKERS stampeded —DURING 1—GOVERNMENT—RECRUITMENT—DRIVE at the national stadium.
20140315             —SEIZED, RUSSIA—FORCES, 1—NATURAL—GAS—DISTRIBUTION—STATION in Strelkova, about 10—KM outside Crimea.
20140315             —VETOED, RUSSIA, 1—UN—RESOLUTION declaring 20140315             —THE referendum on the future of UKRAINE—CRIMEAN—PENINSULA illegal, but close ally CHINA abstained in 1—SHOW—OF—MOSCOW—ISOLATION.
20140315             —VOTED, Slovaks, in the 1. round of 1—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION, 1—LARGELY ceremonial post.
20140315             PRIME—MINISTER—ROBERT—FICO and BUSINESSMAN—TURNED philanthropist Andrej Kiska (51) beat 12—OTHER—CANDIDATES in the 1. round of voting.
20140315             Turnout was low at 43.4—PERCENT.
20140315             Both men will compete in a 20140329             election.
20140315             —CHARGED, He was, with offering a $460,000 bribe to 1—SENIOR—POLICE—OFFICIAL in 1—ATTEMPT to win 1—EQUIPMENT—DEAL for the technology company.
20140315             —KILLED, SOUTH—AFRICA, 3—PEOPLE were, —WHEN their small plane crashed near 1—LANDING strip in KwaZulu NATAL province.
20140315             —ENTERED, SYRIA—SOLDIERS, EAST—DISTRICTS—OF—THE—TOWN—OF—YABROUD, the last rebel bastion near THE—LEBANON—BORDER—NORTH—OF—DAMASCUS, and advanced towards the main street.
20140315             —SCRAMBLED, UKRAINE—MILITARY, aircraft and paratroops to repel 1—ATTEMPT by RUSSIA—FORCES to enter 1—LONG—SPIT—OF—LAND belonging to 1—REGION adjacent to Crimea.
20140315             † In ALGERIA about 100—ACTIVISTS from 1—NEW—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—MOVEMENT staged 1—RARE—PROTEST against the ailing PRESIDENT—ABDELAZIZ—BOUTEFLIKA (77) and his decision to run for a 4. term.
20140315             THE—GAZA—STRIP—ONLY—POWER—PLANT shut down due to 1—LACK—OF—FUEL from ISRAEL, which closed 1—GOODS crossing —AFTER militant rocket attacks.
20140315             SOUTH—AFRICA—TAKALANI—TSHIVHASE, (59), the executive DIRECTOR—OF—PINNACLE—HOLDINGS, was arrested by the police's elite ANTI—CORRUPTION—UNIT and released on bail the same —DAY.
20140315             —MASSAKER—IN—RUANDA: EX—GEHEIM—DIENST—OFFIZIER wegen VÖLKER—MORD zu —25—JAHREN Haft verurteilt
20140315             PRÄSIDENTEN—WAHL—IN—ALGERIEN: Der schwache Kandidat
20140315             KRIM—KRISE, OBAMA schickt VIZE—BIDEN nach OST—EUROPA
20140315             VENEZUELA—MADURO wirft DEN—USA UMSTURZ—PLÄNE vor
20140315             Rentner: Keine Ruhe vor dem FISKUS (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 09:07)
20140315             —HEUTE—IN—DEN—FEUILLETONS, "DIE—SOVIET—NABELSCHNUR ist durchtrennt"
20140315             Schimon PERES in Verkleidung: Der Bart bin ich
20140315             Verschollene MALAYSIA—BOEING: Fahnder suchen den Saboteur von Flug MH370
20140315             Icann: USA wollen KONTROLLE—ÜBER—INTERNET—VERWALTUNG lockern
20140315             —VOR, dem REFERENDUM: KRIM—BEWOHNER heben massenhaft Geld ab
20140315             Zuzug vom Balkan: SPD wehrt sich gegen PLÄNE—FÜR—SCHÄRFERES Asylrecht
20140315             STEUER—HINTERZIEHUNG: SCHÄUBLE will Selbstanzeige teurer machen
20140315             Schaden durch LIBOR—SKANDAL, USA—EINLAGENSICHERUNG verklagt DEUTSCHE—BANK
20140315             —NEUE—GADGETS: Dieses Smartphone verspricht —2—WOCHEN AKKU—LAUFZEIT
20140315             —3—JAHRE — AUFSTAND—IN—SYRIEN: Was aus den REVOLUTIONären geworden ist
20140315             USA—EXPERTEN zum KRIM—KONFLIKT, "Wir sollten PUTIN nicht drohen"
20140315             —KRISE—AUF—DER—KRIM: Zehntausende marschieren in MOSKAU für Frieden
20140315             KRIM—KRISE, G8 bereiten Rauswurf RUSSLANDs vor
20140315             Bei 1—GROSSDEMO protestierten KRIEG—GEGNER GEGEN—DIE—EINMISCHUNG RUSSLANDs auf der Halbinsel.
20140315             es sei 1—DER größte Kundgebungen in MOSKAU —SEIT—MONATEN, berichtete der Radiosender Echo Moskwy.
20140315             Unter den DEMONSTRANTEN waren auch prominente PUTIN—GEGNER wie DER—FRÜHERE—VIZE—REGIERUNGS—CHEF—BORIS—NEMZOW und die AKTIVISTinnen der Punkband Pussy Riot.
20140315             Der Protestzug startete am MOSKAUer PUSCHKIN—PLATZ und sammelte sich dann auf der SACHAROW—STRAßE.
20140315             Sie demonstrierten in der Nähe des KREML.
20140315             Zu der GEGEN—KUNDGEBUNG hatten nationalistische Gruppierungen aufgerufen.
20140315             —INZWISCHEN, steht die mehrheitlich russischsprachige Halbinsel KRIM am SCHWARZEn Meer faktisch unter der Kontrolle MOSKAUs.
20140315             DER—WEST—EN wirft der Regierung in MOSKAU vor, mit 1—VÖLKER—RECHT—WIDRIGEN Volksentscheid DIE—ANNEXION DER—KRIM besiegeln zu wollen.
20140315             VÖLKER—RECHT—WIDRIGEN Volksentscheid d
20140315             [3]50000 - DIE—ZAHL stammt von der NACHRICHTEN—AGENTUR—AFP.
20140315             Richtig ist, das DIE—STADT 1—KUNDGEBUNG —BIS 50.000—TEILNEHMER genehmigt hat.
20140315             Gezählt wurden —BIS 14:00 MOSKAUer Zeit 3000—TEILNEHMER.
20140315             (Quelle Interfax und NEWSru_com) Diese Quellen sind nicht so unzuverlässig, wie hier immer gesagt wird.
20140315             [4]70 % - DIE—ZUSTIMMUNG für PUTIN ist —SEIT der begonnenen Wiederangliederung DER—KRIM an RUSSLAND stark gestiegen, auf ca.
20140315             70 %. - - Soviel zu den wahren MEHRHEITS—VERHÄLTNISSEN.
20140315             Das ist DIE—OFFIZIELLE—ZAHL DER—POLIZEI.
20140315             AFP schätzte vor Ort etwa 20.000—TEILNEHMER.
20140315             Das war 1—DEMO für den Frieden zwischen DER—UKRAINE und RUSSLAND.
20140315             Nicht 1—REINE "Anti PUTIN Demo"
20140315             ALLE—ACHTUNG, in RUSSLAND demonstrieren sogar Menschen
20140315             —GEGEN, die Einmischung IN—DER—UKRAINE.
20140315             1—VOLLES Lob an RUSSLAND und PUTIN.
20140315             DER—DIKTATORISCHEN, EU und DEUTSCHLAND ist es genau umgekehrt.
20140315             DER—STAAT und die "STAATEN—GEMEINSCHAFT"betreiben selbst die Einmischung in DIE—UKRAINE und DER—DEUTSCHE—AUßEN—MINISTER sorgt höchst persönlich für den Sturz 1—FREMDEN Regierung.
20140315             Im Volk gibt es dagegen überhaupt keinen Widerstand oder gar Demonstration.
20140315             —BEGEISTERT, Nein, hier wird STEINMEIER, gefeiert, DIE—KANZLERIN—DROHT—RUSSLAND mit ernsten Konsequenzen, DIE—AMERIKANER schicken von ihren MILITÄRbasen in DEUTSCHLAND Drohnen gegen RUSSLAND und in den Medien wird —SCHON zum "Sanktionskrieg"aufgerufen.
20140315             —GEDACHT, Wer hätte, daß sich DIE—WELT in so kurzer Zeit so radikal verändert.
20140315             ehe ich zu Spon wechselte, hatte ich mich nach der
20140315             —INFORMIERT, Lage IN—DER—UKRAINE auf Rianovosti. es Stimmt, es waren Zehntausende, die in MOSKAU für Frieden demonstrierten.
20140315             Aber da war noch 1—ANDERE Demonstration, etwa 3000:"Laut dem Gesprächspartner der Agentur hatten die Festgenommenen 1—FLAGGE mit Symbolen getragen, die mit dem "3. Reich" verbunden waren.Die Aktion zählte nach POLIZEI—ANGABEN 3000—TEILNEHMER".Wer lügt —NUN besser?
20140315             es ist leider klar, daß SPIEGEL—ONLINE seine Leser für dumm genug hält, um zu glauben, 1—GROSSER TEIL—DER—RUSSISCHEN—BEVÖLKERUNG würde auf der Straße stehen, um gegen DIE—POLITIK PUTINs in DER—KRIM zu DEMONSTRIEREN—DAS Gegenteil ist der Fall, und in diesem Fall ist das gut so.
20140315             Warum hat DIE—KRIM nicht das gleiche RECHT wie der Kosowo SEINERZEIT ?
20140315             Und erinnert sich noch jemand an GRENADA?
20140315             Oder an die Einmischung der USA in CHILE?
20140315             Was sollte PUTIN davon haben, 1—KRIEG anzuzetteln?
20140315             Und wer zettelt denn ständig "REVOLUTIONen"u.ä. an?
20140315             Golf.KRIEG und IRAK und noch davor VIETNAM —SCHON vergessen?
20140315             Die KONFRONTATION—MIT RUSSLAND soll vor allem DIE—EU schwächen.
20140315             BRÜSSELs Feinde sitzen nicht in MOSKAU, sondern in WASHINGTON—ZUM —ANFANG 1—VIDEO vom ZDF:
20140315             —SPIEGEL—ONLINE, Das KRIM—REFERENDUM steht BEVOR —, DIE—USA und DIE—EU versuchen weiter, WLADIMIR—PUTIN zu stoppen oder ihm Auswege anzubieten.
20140315             Hat das Aussicht auf Erfolg?
20140315             Fiona Hill: Nein, denn PUTIN ist —ZEIT—PUNKT—ZU—DIESEM, nicht an 1—AUSWEG gelegen.
20140315             Wir bieten ihm gesichtswahrende Gesten an unter der Annahme, daß er sein Gesicht auf internationaler Bühne wahren will.
20140315             Aber darum geht es ihm nicht.
20140315             —EMPFINDET, Vielmehr, er die Vorgänge IN—DER—UKRAINE als existentielle Bedrohung.
20140315             —KALKULIERT, Sorgfältig hat er DIE—KOSTEN und Risiken seiner Handlungen.
20140315             Er wartet —JETZT ab, wie DIE—LEUTE auf DAS—REFERENDUM —AM—SONNTAG reagieren.
20140315             PUTIN ist —IN—DEN—VERGANGENEN—WOCHEN—BIS zum Limit vorgedrungen und hat deshalb Raum, sich —NACH—DEM REFERENDUM zurückzuziehen.
20140315             —SPIEGEL—ONLINE, Rückzug klingt gut.
20140315             Gaddy: Ja, aber wenn wir ihn unsererseits kommende —WOCHE zurückzudrängen suchen, wenn wir seine Botschaft nicht verstehen, dann wird er die wiederholen.
20140315             Und JEDES—MAL, wenn er sie wiederholt, wird die Sache harscher.
20140315             —SPIEGEL—ONLINE, Was genau ist PUTINs Botschaft?
20140315             Hill: Dass er genug hat von unseren angeblichen Aktionen gegen ihn und RUSSLAND.
20140315             —VERSUCHT, Aus seiner Sicht, DER—WEST—EN, RUSSLAND kleinzuhalten und dessen ROTE—LINIEN zu ignorieren: Blick auf die Osterweiterung der NATO, zuletzt in Sachen EU und UKRAINE.
20140315             Gaddy: PUTIN geht so vor: Er macht 1—ZUG, geht ans Limit, aber nicht darüber hinaus.
20140315             —DANN, wartet er auf unsere Reaktion.
20140315             —BEOBACHTET, Er, genau, wie JEDER—EINZELNE auf der anderen Seite agiert.
20140315             Wenn wir mit harten Bandagen kämpfen, dann geht ERUSA—ENTSCHIEDENER vor.
20140315             Hill: Wir sollten wirklich vorsichtig sein, ihn zu bedrängen oder ihm zu drohen.
20140315             —SCHON mehrfach hat er klar gemacht, daß er auf Kränkungen unverhältnismäßig reagiert.
20140315             —SPIEGEL—ONLINE, KANZLERIN—ANGELA—MERKEL hat PUTIN —AM—DONNERSTAG in 1—REGIERUNGSERKLÄRUNG scharf wie nie zuvor gewarnt, daß er RUSSLAND "massiv ökonomisch und politisch schaden"würde, sollte er seinen —KURS fortsetzen.
20140315             Gaddy: Sie sollte es besser wissen.
20140315             DIE—VERSUCHE, PUTIN mit Härte zu begegnen, werden nach hinten losgehen.
20140315             Er wird DIE—KONTROLLE DER—KRIM nicht aufgeben.
20140315             —SPIEGEL—ONLINE, Müssen wir akzeptieren, daß DIE—KRIM für DIE—UKRAINE mehr oder weniger verloren ist?
20140315             Gaddy: Ja, ob wir das wollen oder nicht. es ist der Job unserer DIPLOMATEN und Politiker, dies der Bevölkerung im Westen nicht als völlige KAPITULATION zu präsentieren.
20140315             Wir müssen —JETZT 1—WEG finden, der uns PUTIN nicht zum Feind macht.
20140315             Nicht, weil wir ANGST—VOR—1—RUSSISCHER—ANGRIFF haben, sondern weil PUTIN niemals nachgeben würde.
20140315             Gaddy: DAS—EU—PARTNERSCHAFTSABKOMMEN, das seinem Wesen nach 1—ENTSCHEIDUNG DER—UKRAINE zwischen RUSSLAND und EUROPA forderte, war 1—FEHLER.
20140315             PUTIN hat das als BE—DROHUNG seiner Eurasischen Union verstanden, als Versuch, die RUSSLAND—WIRTSCHAFT zu untergraben.
20140315             Er glaubt, DIE—EU handele als politischer Arm der NATO.
20140315             —SPIEGEL—ONLINE, Könnte es zum KRIEG—GEGEN—RUSSLAND kommen?
20140315             Gaddy: Alles ist möglich.
20140315             PUTIN hat schwerwiegend GEHANDELT—ABER er hätte auch weiter gehen können.
20140315             Ist er aber nicht.
20140315             —GEMACHT, Er hat 1—DRASTISCHEN Zug, das war's. —BISHER.
20140315             Das zeigt mir, daß er nicht so weit gehen will wie irgend möglich, sondern nur —BIS zu jenem Punkt, den er für seine Botschaft zu benötigen glaubt.
20140315             Er ist bereit zu weiteren AKTIONEN—ABER das heißt nicht, daß er sie auch ergreifen würde.
20140315             [3]Hill & Gaddy haben in vielen recht
20140315             nur an 1—STELLE sind sie blind, DIE—EU ist in der Tat 1—BEDROHUNG, nicht nur für RUSSLAND, sondern auch in NORD—AFRIKA und an vielen anderen Stellen der Welt.
20140315             Das liegt daran, das in diesem künstlichen STAATENgebilde nichts demokratisch ist, sondern nur 1—KLEINER Clan von STAAT—CHEFS —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN für 320.000.000—BÜRGER treffen, von denen sich keiner wehren kann und selbst der PSEUDO—DEMOKRATEN—WEG von Länderparlament Zustimmungen ist witzlos, in denen z.B. in DEUTSCHLAND 1—GROKO herrscht, mit der Konsequenz, daß alle das machen müssen, was DIE—KANZLERIN will.
20140315             —FRÜHER, hatte man so etwas DIKTATUR genannt, —HEUTE ist es menschenbeglückende Euroktatie.
20140315             Swoboda RADIKALE erschiessen DEMONSTRANTEN 1.Erkenntnissen zufolge hätten die PRO—RUSSLAND—KRÄFTE, die sich auf dem SWOBODA—PLATZ von Charkow getroffen hatten, am späten Freitagabend 1—GEBÄUDE des rivalisierenden Lagers zu stürmen versucht.
20140315             Zuvor waren aus 1—AUTO auf gleichgesinnte DEMONSTRANTEN Schüsse abgefeuert worden, hieß es aus POLIZEIkreisen.
20140315             DIE—AUTOINSASSEN seien zu 1—GEBÄUDE verfolgt worden, aus dem heraus UKRAINE—NATIONALISTEN weitere Schüsse abgegeben hätten.
20140315             (T—ONLINE / reuters) Männer haben also aus 1—AUTO heraus auf DEMONSTRANTEN das feuert eroeffnet.
20140315             LANGE—ZEIT war RUSSLAND angeschlagen, mußte (aus seiner Sicht) tatenlos zusehen, wie DIE—NATO immer näher an MOSKAU rückte.
20140315             Und das obwohl 19910000             1—VERSPRECHEN gegeben wurde, DIE—NATO in den Grenzen —DES—JAHRES 19910000             zu halten.
20140315             —GEBROCHEN, Dies wurde, wie so vieles! Übrigens, an alle die so gern DAS—VÖLKER—RECHT zittieren: DAS—VÖLKER—RECHT untersagt auch die politische Einmischung andere Länder in die inneren Angelegenheiten 1—LANDES!
20140315             Und mit den ganzen "Freiheitsengeln"ala Brok, MCCAIN und NULAND war es an dieser Stelle —SCHON gebrochen!
20140315             Das ist der 1.ARTIKEL der mit VERSTAND verfasst wurde —SEIT Ausbruch der 'Krise'.Was MERKEL und Co nicht verstehen ist das sie PUTIN maßlos provoziert haben und wie könnte PUTIN jemand ernst nehmen der ihm vorwirft das er 1—ABKOMMEN zum Anschluss mit 1—DURCH DEMONSTRANTEN geputschten PARLAMENT annimmt wenn DIE—EU mit ihrem Assoziierungsabkommen genau das gleiche macht.
20140315             Man stelle sich mal vor, wie das abginge, wenn in PANAMA DIE—MENSCHEN gegen KORRUPTION und Armut protestierten, und auf einmal tauchten haufenweise RUSSLAND—POLITIKER auf, die für 1—ABKEHR—VON—DEN—USA und 1—PARTNERSCHAFT PANAMAs mit RUSSLAND werben würden.
20140315             Da wär doch die Hölle los.
20140315             Aber DIE—POLITIKER aus EU und USA meinen, zeigen zu müssen, daß man mit RUSSLAND machen kann, was sie selber sich nicht bieten lassen würden.
20140315             Das kann RUSSLAND nicht hinnehmen.
20140315             Und wir in EUROPA, die wir am RUSSLAND—GAS hängen, sollten es gar nicht —ERST versuchen, denn, ja, das wird kolossal nach hinten losgehen.
20140315             —GESTORBEN, Das Traurige ist, daß LEUTE dafür, sind.
20140315             DIE—USA—REGIERUNG hat durch die Instrumentalisierung des Westens und die gnadenlos imperialistischen "Weltsheriffsambitionen",die sie ja VÖLKER—RECHT—WIDRIG ausdauernd betreiben diese Entwicklung forciert und zeichnen maßgeblich verantwortlich ,wobei sie sich natürlich für unschuldig HALTEN—WIE immer......
20140315             DAS—INTERVIEW ist trügerisch. es enthält VIELE—RICHTIGE—PASSAGEN.
20140315             —VERKENNT, Aber der Ton, die Lage, und DAS—INTERVIEW zeigt auf PUTIN, anstelle dass die beiden, Hill und Gaddy, die WECHSEL—BEZIEHUNG zwischen Ost und West selbst beachten.
20140315             DIE—2—UNTERSTELLEN PUTIN 1—DÜNNHÄUTIGKEIT, die ihn 1—BISSCHEN PLEMM—PLEMM sein läßt. WENN IRGENDWAS PLEMM—PLEMM ist gerade, dann, und darauf gehen die 2—GAR nicht ein, daß 1—NAZI—REGIERUNG sich an DIE—MACHT geputscht hat, die die westlichen Regierungen empfangen, die eilig die diversesten Gesetze verabschiedet hat —IN—DEN—LETZTEN—WOCHEN, DAS—USA—MILITÄR —BEREITS IN—DER—UKRAINE vertreten ist... und so fort.
20140315             WENN die Sanktionen nicht zurückgenommen werden, DIE—PUTSCHISTEN nicht vor Gericht kommen, die TODESSCHÜSSE—AUF—DEM Maidan nicht aufgeklärt werden, BARROSO weiterhin Geld in DIE—UKRAINE schießt und —SCHON, gerade zum Schaden der EU, DIE—GRENZEN zur EU über 1—BIS;;06;;auf die Beine gestellte FREI—HANDEL —ZONE mit DER—UKRAINE aufgemacht werden sollen, DER—IWF DIE—REGELN diktiert, denen sich die PUTSCH—REGIERUNG weiterhin unterwirft, DIE—UKRAINE—WÄHRUNG—VON—DER—DOLLAR—BINDUNG gelöst werden soll, danach DIE—UKRAINE 1—INFLATION erlebt, kommt es zu 1—AUSVERKAUF DER—UKRAINE, und dem stellt sich PUTIN entgegen.
20140315             DIE—UKRAINE ist, wie DIE—KRIM, vielerseits und VIELERORTS—ETHNISCH—RUSSISCH.
20140315             —BEFINDET, PUTIN, sich in dem gleichen Spagat wie OBAMA oder DIE—EUROPÄISCHEN Regierungen auch. es gibt keinen "PUTIN", ohne nicht auch 1 "MERKEL"oder 1 "OBAMA"oder 1 "BARROSO"oder 1 "CAMERON"gleichwohl nennen zu müssen.
20140315             DIE—VÖLKER hinter den REGIERUNGS—CHEFS sind allesamt nur emotionale Masse.
20140315             Hier geht es um reine GEO—POLITIK und GEO—STRATEGIE—WIE in den Zeiten DER—KAISER und DER—KÖNIGE, DER—PRINZ—EN und Prinzessinnen.
20140315             Was man erlebt —HEUTE, hat sich in Wirklichkeit über —JAHRE —BEREITS angebahnt und abgezeichnet.
20140315             Wenn man der NATO den kleinen Finger reicht, reisst die 1—DEN Arm ab.So geschehen bei der Osterweiterung.
20140315             JA—ER darf nicht in 1—SOUVERÄNES Land einmarschieren weil RUSSEN sich bedroht fühlen.
20140315             Wenn das zulässig wäre könnten VIELE—ARMEEN in VIELE—LÄNDER einmarschieren.
20140315             zb.
20140315             —NACH, GRENADA, PANAMA, IRAK, AFGHANISTAN und weil es so spassig war einzumarschieren, nach VIETNAM.
20140315             —VERDAMMT, Na, hätte er mal dem KIEWer Regime den BESITZ—VON—MASSEN—VERNICHTUNGS—WAFFEN, wahlweise B oder C—WAFFEN, vorwerfen sollen.
20140315             —DANN, wäre es ok gewesen?
20140315             das an Gorbatschow gegebene Versprechen, nicht über die ODER—NEIßE—LINIE zu gehen, einfach gebrochen wurde.
20140315             POLEN und die baltischen Länder sind —JETZT NATO—MITGLIED und in der EU.
20140315             Weiter hätte DER—WEST—EN niemals gehen dürfen, tat es aber mit der Einmischung IN—DER—UKRAINE.
20140315             —LEGITIMIERT, Deren Regierung ist durch nichts, ist durch Gewalt an DIE—MACHT gelangt
20140315             DER—WEST—EN verkauft das als DEMOKRATEN—SACHE, was sie nicht sein kann.
20140315             Sie wurde ja nicht gewählt.
20140315             DIE—KRIM hingegen ist —SEIT—JAHRHUNDERTEN russisch, wurde von 1—UKRAINER (Chruschtschow)—AN—DIE—UKRAINE gegeben (so 1—ZUFALL aber auch).
20140315             Ob diese Hingabe rechtens war, darf angezweifelt werden.
20140315             DIE—LUSTIGEN Fotos amüsieren DIE—ISRAEL—ÖFFENTLICHKEIT, haben aber 1—ERNSTEN Hintergrund.
20140315             PERES erklärt selbst, diese Verkleidungen habe er —MITTE der siebziger —JAHRE auf dem Weg zu GEHEIM—VERHANDLUNGEN in JORDANIEN angezogen.
20140315             —GEKOMMEN, So sei er unerkannt ins Nachbarland : "Diese Verkleidungen habe ich auf dem Weg zu meinen TREFFEN—MIT—KÖNIG—HUSSEIN getragen, als wir die Friedensverträge vorbereiteten".
20140315             PERES.
20140315             Er forderte seine Follower auf, eigene Fotos von Verkleidungen einzuschicken, die sicher "viel besser als meine"seien.
20140315             1—FRIEDENS—VERTRAG unterzeichneten ISRAEL und JORDANIEN 19940000             , MINISTER—PRÄSIDENT—WAR—DAMALS, Jizchak Rabin.
20140315             Mit ihm und dem PALÄSTINA—POLITIKER—JASSIR—ARAFAT zusammen erhielt PERES 19940000             den FRIEDENS—NOBEL—PREIS für die gemeinsamen Bemühungen, den NAH—OST—KONFLIKT zu beenden.
20140315             es ist nicht unrealistisch zu sagen, daß DIE—KRIM für RUSSLAND so teuer wird, wie der Rest DER—UKRAINE für den Westen.
20140315             Mit dem Unterschied, daß RUSSLAND DIE—KOSTEN alleine tragen muss.
20140315             Mit zusätzlichen Sanktionen wird da —SCHON 1—SEHR hübsche Zahl zusammenkommen.
20140315             Kein Wunder, daß der RUSSLAND—MARKT nervöser ist als DIE—BÖRSEN im Westen.
20140315             —VOR, KRIM—REFERENDUM: UKRAINE wirft RUSSLAND neue Gebietsverletzung vor
20140315             WEN—MEINEN—SIE mit Weltgemeinschaft?
20140315             Und welche Rechte implizieren Sie dieser "Weltgemeinschaft"?
20140315             Dass die "Demonstration"auf dem Maidan 1—WILLENSBEKUNDUNG aller UKRAINEr war, glauben Sie wahrscheinlich selbst nicht.
20140315             Die Teilnahme in der KONTAKT—GRUPPE
20140315             macht keinen Sinn solange der ZWECK—DER—KONTAKT—GRUPPE ist, PUTIN zum Nachgeben zu zwingen.
20140315             PUTIN wird in der KONTAKT—GRUPPE mitmachen, sobald DIE—NATO akzeptiert, daß es in KIEW 1—PUTSCH gegeben hat, daß die gegenwärtige Regierung keine Legitimität hat, usw. Solange der "Westen"darauf besteht, daß das was in KIEW abgelaufen ist, legitim war machen Gespräche keinen Sinn, denn beide Seiten werden sich bekannte Positionen vorlesen.
20140315             Das bringt nichts. Alles wird Gut!
20140315             Liebe DEUTSCHLAND—MITBÜRGER! Ich bin in RUSSLAND geboren, in DEUTSCHLAND aufgewachsen und danach —10—JAHRE in RUSSLAND gearbeitet.
20140315             Fiona Hill und CLIFFORD—G—GADDY kenne ich nicht.
20140315             DIE—2—HABEN vieles richtig dargestellt.
20140315             Meiner Meinung nach, kommt die ganze Sch...e aus AMERIKA.
20140315             —DENN, es geht nur um das 1 - MACHT und BODENschätze für DIE—ZUKUNFT sichern.
20140315             DIE—RE—AKTION PUTINs ist für mich nachvollzielbar.
20140315             Wer will —SCHON 1—RAKETEN—SYSTEM vor der Nase?
20140315             —GELESEN, Ich habe Mal, daß DIE—RUSSEN ca.
20140315             200—KM—300—KM brauchen, um die feindliche Raketen abzufangen.
20140315             —STATIONIERT, Wenn diese IN—DER—UKRAINE, werden, wäre es nicht mehr so weit —BIS nach MOSKAU.
20140315             Keiner in RUSSLAND will Kriege führen, denn JEDES—JAHR am ;;0509;;werden DIE—MENSCHEN über die schrecklichen Folgen 1—KRIEGES erinnert.
20140315             DEUTSCHLAND—UND andere BÜRGER aus EUROPA werden immer sehr respektvoll behandelt.
20140315             RUSSLAND, sind ca. 6.000—DEUTSCHLAND—FIRMEN angesiedelt.
20140315             Also liebe FRAU—MERKEL, Sie werde ich nicht mehr wählen.
20140315             Lassen Sie sich weiter von DER—CIA abhöhren und machen Sie auch weiter das, was der Ami sagt!
20140315             Prost!
20140315             —SCHON, nach meinen 1.berufliche Aufenthalten in RUSSLAND habe ich gelernt, daß DIE—RUSSEN meinen, was sie sagen.
20140315             KOSOVO, EAST—TIMOR, SUDAN
20140315             DIE—FRAGE ist schlicht, was ist höher zu bewerten, Souveränität und Integrität von STAATEN der das SELBST—BESTIMMUNGSRECHT der darin lebenden VOLKS—GRUPPEN? —BISHER, hat DER—WEST—EN immer dem SELBST—BESTIMMUNGSRECHT den Vorrang gegeben.
20140315             Sonst gäbe es Länder wie DIE—UKRAINE, LETTLAND oder LITAUEN ja gar nicht und die Frage, sollten TIBET, Katalunia oder SCHOTTLAND unabhängig werden dürfen, würde sich noch nicht mal im Ansatz überhaupt stellen.
20140315             Der 'Westen' zieht nur in diesem Fall Souveränität und Integrität vor, weil dies eher seinen Interessen dient.
20140315             Das ist reichlich verlogen und wird auch von den 90—PROZENT—DER—WELT—BEVÖLKERUNG die nicht zum 'Westen' gehören, auch so wahrgenommen.
20140315             eigentlich an DER—UKRAINE??
20140315             DIE—UKRAINE hat riesige Agrarflächen und DIE—WELT—BEVÖLKERUNG wird —BIS—MITTE, dieses Jh. um 2—MRD.
20140315             Menschen anwachsen WÄHREND
20140315             in EUROPA und DEN—USA DIE—BAUERN langsam wegsterben. es gab diese —WOCHE 1—BERICHT—DER—UN um WIEVIELE—PROZENT—DER—AUSSTOSS an LEBENS—MITTELN
20140315             Liebe —EXPERTEN verwechseln RUSSLAND mit PUTIN
20140315             "RUSSLAND nimmt DIE—EU als große BE—DROHUNG wahr".
20140315             Das stimmt ganz und gar nicht.
20140315             DIE—EXPERTEN sollten sich —NACH—DEN neuesten Umfrageergebnissen in RUSSLAND umschauen.
20140315             DIE—EU steht nicht als Feind da.
20140315             —GEDACHT, Diese Rolle ist für DIE—USA.
20140315             Sieh an, im DEUTSCHLAND—ÖFFENTLICH—RECHTLICHEN Rundfunk gibt es doch auch ausgewogene BERICHT—ERSTATTUNG zur UKRAINE.
20140315             [l] Die Wälder um Tschernobyl herum vergammeln nicht ordentlich.
20140315             DIE—STRAHLUNG hat offenbar DIE—INSEKTEN, Mikroben und Pilze in MIT—LEIDENSCHAFT gezogen.
20140315             —PASSED, Nearly —30—YEARS have, —SINCE the Chernobyl plant exploded and caused 1 unprecedented nuclear disaster.
20140315             Give the gift of Smithsonian magazine for only $12!
20140315             Follow us: @SmithsonianMag on Twitter
20140315             Birds —AROUND Chernobyl have significantly smaller brains that those living in NON—RADIATION poisoned areas;
20140315             Other studies have found that the Chernobyl area is at RISK—OF—FIRE, and —27—YEARS' WORTH—OF—LEAF litter, Mousseau and his colleagues think, would likely make 1—GOOD—FUEL—SOURCE for such 1—FOREST—FIRE.
20140315             This poses 1—MORE worrying —PROBLEM than —JUST environmental destruction: Fires can potentially redistribute radioactive contaminants to places OUTSIDE—OF—THE—EXCLUSION—ZONE, Mousseau says.
20140315             "There is growing concern that there could be 1—CATASTROPHIC—FIRE in the coming years," he says.
20140315             —THROUGHOUT—THE, 1930s, CURTISS—WRIGHT designed and built aircraft for MILITARy, commercial, and private markets.
20140315             But it was the Wright engine division and the longstanding relationship with THE—USA—MILITARY that would help the company through the difficult YEARS—OF—THE—GREAT—DEPRESSION.
20140315             —FORMER—SENATOR—BOB—GRAHAM (D—FLORIDA),
20140315             Their most memorable clash was at THE—BATTLE—OF—HYDASPES (JHELUM) against THE—ARMY—OF—PORUS, THE—RULER—OF—THE—PAURAVA—DOM—KING—OF—WEST—ERN—PUNJAB.
20140315             —BELIEVED, For MORE—THAN—25—CENTURIES it was, that ALEXANDER—FORCES defeated the Indians.
20140315             —BESTED, Greek and ROMAn accounts say the Indians were, by the superior courage and stature of the Macedonians.
20140315             ALEXANDER—TROUBLES began as soon as he crossed THE—INDIA—BORDER
20140315             —OFFERED, THE—ASSAKENOI, stubborn resistance from their mountain strongholds of Massaga, Bazira and Ora.
20140315             The bloody fighting at MAS—SAGA was 1—PRELUDE to what awaited ALEXANDER in INDIA.
20140315             —ON the 1.—DAY—AFTER bitter fighting the Macedonians and Greeks were forced to retreat with heavy losses.
20140315             —WOUNDED, ALEXANDER himself was seriously, in the ankle.
20140315             —KILLED, On the 4. —DAY THE—KING—OF—MAS—SAGA was, but THE—CITY refused to surrender.
20140315             THE—COMMAND—OF—THE—ARMY went to his old mother, which brought the entire WOMEN—OF—THE—AREA into the fighting.
20140315             Realising that his plans to storm INDIA were going down at its very gates, ALEXANDER called for 1—TRUCE.
20140315             —AGREED, THE—ASSAKENOI ;
20140315             In his entire conquering career ALEXANDER—HARDEST—ENCOUNTER was THE—BATTLE—OF—HYDASPES, in which he faced PORUS—KING—OF—PAURAVA, 1—SMALL but prosperous INDIA—KINGDOM on THE—RIVER—JHELUM.
20140315             —DESCRIBED, Porus is, in GREECE—ACCOUNTS as standing 7—FEET—TALL.
20140315             In ;;0532;; 6—BCE, THE—EUROPEAN and Paurava armies faced EACH—OTHER across THE—BANKS—OF—THE—JHELUM.
20140315             —BY all accounts it was 1—AWE—INSPIRING spectacle.
20140315             The 34.000—MACEDONIA—INFANTRY and 7000—GREECE—CAVALRY were bolstered by THE—INDIA—AMBHI—KING—OF—, who was PORUS—RIVAL.
20140315             Ambhi was THE—RULER—OF—THE neighbouring DOM—KING—OF—TAKSHASHILA(Taxila) and had offered to help ALEXANDER on condition he would be given PORUS—KINGDOM.
20140315             Facing this tumultuous force led by THE—GENIUS—OF—ALEXANDER was the Paurava army of 20.000—INFANTRY, 20000000             cavalry and 200—WAR—ELEPHANTS.
20140315             Being 1—COMPARATIVELY small kingdom by INDIA—STANDARDS, Paurava couldn't have maintained such 1—LARGE standing army, so it's likely MANY—OF—ITS defenders were hastily armed civilians.
20140315             —EXAGGERATED, Also, THE—GREEKS habitually, enemy strength.
20140315             —ACCORDING—TO, GREECE—SOURCES, for several days the armies eyeballed EACH—OTHER across THE—RIVER.
20140315             THE—GREEK—MACEDONIA—FORCE—AFTER having lost several 1000—SOLDIERS fighting THE—INDIA—MOUNTAIN—CITIES, were terrified at the prospect of fighting the fierce Paurava army.
20140315             —CREATED, They had heard about the havoc INDIA—WAR—ELEPHANTS, among enemy ranks.
20140315             The modern EQUIVALENT—OF—BATTLE—TANKS, the elephants also scared the wits OUT—OF—THE—HORSES in THE—GREECE—CAVALRY.
20140315             Another terrible weapon in the Indians' armoury was THE—2—METER bow.
20140315             As tall as 1—MAN it could launch massive arrows able to transfix more than 1—ENEMY—SOLDIER.
20140315             Indians STRIKE—THE—BATTLE was savagely fought.
20140315             As the volleys of heavy arrows from the long INDIA—BOWS scythed into the enemy's formations, the 1.WAVE—OF—WAR—ELEPHANTS waded into THE—MACEDONIA—PHALANX that was bristling with 17-feet long sarissas.
20140315             —IMPALED, SOME—OF—THE—ANIMALS got, in the process.
20140315             —RUSHED, Then a 2. wave of these mighty beasts, into the gap created by the 1., either trampling THE—MACEDONIA—SOLDIERS or grabbing them by their trunks and presenting them up for the mounted INDIA—SOLDIERS to cut or spear them.
20140315             It was 1—NIGHTMARISH—SCENARIO for the invaders.
20140315             —PUSHED, As the terrified Macedonians, back, THE—INDIA—INFANTRY charged into the gap.
20140315             LANGE—ZEIT RUSSLAND angeschlagen, war
20140315             Menschen anwachsen WÄHREND in EUROPA und DEN—USA DIE—BAUERN langsam wegsterben. es gab diese —WOCHE 1—BERICHT—DER—UN um WIEVIELE—PROZENT—DER—AUSSTOSS an LEBENS—MITTELN —BIS—MITTE, das —JAHRHUNDERTS gesteigert werden muss, hab die genaue Zahl VERGESSEN—EINDRÜCKLICH war sie allemal.
20140315             DIE—FLÄCHEN dazu sind begrenzt.
20140315             Und ohne DIE—UKRAINE hört RUSSLAND auf, WELT—MACHT zu sein.
20140315             ZHUKOV would know 1—FLEEING force if he saw 1;
20140315             Das liegt daran, das in diesem künstlichen STAATENgebilde nichts demokratisch ist, sondern
20140315             nur 1—KLEINER Clan von STAAT—CHEFS —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN für 320.000.000—BÜRGER treffen, von denen sich keiner wehren kann und selbst der PSEUDO—DEMOKRATEN—WEG von Länderparlament Zustimmungen ist witzlos, in denen z.B. in DEUTSCHLAND 1—GROKO herrscht, mit der Konsequenz, daß alle das machen müssen, was DIE—KANZLERIN will.
20140315    - RUSSLAND, sind ca.
20140315             6.000—DEUTSCHLAND—FIRMEN angesiedelt.
20140315—19910000    —SINCE, "We have conducted research in Chernobyl and have noticed 1—SIGNIFICANT—ACCUMULATION—OF—LITTER over time,"
20140315—20120000    —SINCE, In RUSSIA tens of thousands have gathered in downtown MOSCOW in the largest ANTI—GOVERNMENT—DEMONSTRATION, protesting against 20120316             —THE—KREMLIN—BACKED referendum in Crimea on whether to break away from UKRAINE and merge with RUSSIA.
20140315—20140308    —ON, MALAYSIA—PRIME—MINISTER—NAJIB—RAZAK said the missing MALAYSIA—FLIGHT—370 was deliberately diverted and continued flying for more than —6—HOURS—AFTER severing contact with the ground.
20150315             —INVOLVED, Tambako was, in protecting ABDUL—BASIT—USMAN, 1—OF—THE—USA' "most wanted terrorists," who had escaped a 20150125             raid.
20150315             —KIDNAPPED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, gunmen, 8—ETHNIC—HAZARA people from 2—CARS but —LATER released all but 1—OF—THE—HOSTAGES.
20150315             —ESTIMATED, BRAZIL, 1, 1.5-2.2—MILLION—PEOPLE took to the streets across the country in protest over corruption, with MANY—CALLING for PRESIDENT—DILMA—ROUSSEFF—IMPEACHMENT.
20150315             CHINA, Xu Caihou (71), THE—HIGHEST—RANKING military officer to fall victim to PRESIDENT—XI—JINPING—ANTI—CORRUPTION—DRIVE, †—OF—CANCER.
20150315             —TRADED, Islamic State fighters, sniper fire and mortar rounds with IRAQ—TROOPS and allied Shi'ite militia forces in THE—CITY—OF—TIKRIT but no major advances were made by either side.
20150315             —ADDRESSED, NIGERIA—BOKO Haram leader ABUBAKAR—SHEKAU reportedly, his fighters and told them to return to Gwoza and kill the women they had taken as wives.
20150315             —ATTACKED, EAST—PAKISTAN, 1—PAIR—OF—SUICIDE—BOMBERS, 2—CHURCHES in LAHORE as worshippers prayed inside killing 17—PEOPLE.
20150315             —POUNDED, SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—WARPLANES, 1—DAMASCUS suburb, killing at least 18—PEOPLE and scattering shattered concrete blocks and mangled cars in the streets.
20150315             † IN—CHINA—XU—CAIHOU (71), THE—HIGHEST—RANKING military officer to fall victim to PRESIDENT—XI—JINPING—ANTI—CORRUPTION—DRIVE, of cancer.
20150315             —KILLED, NORTH—KENYA—SOMALI—SHEBAB, militants, 1—MAN and wounded 3—OTHERS in 1—SHOOTING in THE—TOWN—OF—MANDERA.
20150315             Müllers Memo: DEUTSCHLAND ist für die DIGITALE—REVOLUTION nicht gerüstet
20150315             Appell beim VOLKS—KONGRESS: REGIERUNGS—CHEF—STIMMT—CHINESEN auf härtere Zeiten ein
20150315             NOBEL—PREIS—TRÄGERIN NÜSSLEIN—VOLHARD: "Man muss einfach ausprobieren"
20150315             —ZERSTÖRT, Zyklon "Pam"wütet in VANUATU : Das Paradies ist
20150315             —SCHLACHT—VON—GALLIPOLI: "Ich befehle euch zu sterben"
20150315             KORRUPTION—IN—KUBA: Eier, wir brauchen Eier
20150315             Schutz für Politiker: "An der Wohnungstür ist Schluss"
20150315             DIE—MOTOREN des Schiffes arbeiteten so leise wie möglich, ZUGLEICH sollte kaum auffälliger Dampf aus dem Schornstein aufsteigen.
20150315             Wenige —TAGE nach Kriegsbeginn im
20150315             Der DEUTSCHLAND—ADMIRAL WILHELM—SOUCHON kommandierte die 2—SCHIFFE.
20150315             Das OSMAN—REICH befand sich damit bald als DEUTSCHLAND—VERBÜNDETER im KRIEG—ZUSTAND.
20150315             Souchon rühmte sich in seinem Tagebuch: "Ich habe DIE—TÜRKEN in 1—PULVERFASS geworfen und den KRIEG—ZWISCHEN—RUSSLAND und der TÜRKEI entzündet
20150315             1—VORSTOSS zu See auf KONSTANTINOPEL war damit unmöglich geworden.
20150315             Einen —MONAT—SPÄTER, am ;; Blutige Offensiven sollten zahlreiche Opfer fordern,
20150315             —ETWA 44.000—SOLDATEN fielen auf Seiten der ENTENTE,—CA—56.000—AUF osmanischer.
20150315             DIE—ERFOLGREICHE Abwehr der —INVASION war auch 1—OFFIZIER namens MUSTAFA—KEMAL—PASCHA zu verdanken, der für seine außerordentliche Härte bekannt war.
20150315             Aus Kemal Pascha, OBAMA als Entertainer: Lahme Ente, funny Man
20150315             —BÜRGER—KRIEG: USA wollen mit SYRIEN—DIKTATOR—ASSAD verhandeln
20150315             Bronzestatue des RUSSLAND—PRÄSIDENTEN: Ave, PUTIN!
20150315             Zu wenig Kinder in JAPAN: Mit MACHT zum Baby
20150315             ATOM—STREIT—USA mit IRAN: —BIS Ende;;03;;
20150315             sollen die wichtigsten Punkte geklärt sein
20150315             OST—UKRAINE: Junge DEUTSCHLAND—SCHLIESSEN sich Separatisten an
20150315             NATIONALER—VOLKS—KONGRESS—IN—PEKING: "DER—KAISER ist nackt"
20150315             [l] Die Justiz—, INNEN—MINISTER—DER—EU—LÄNDER zeigen euch den Stinkefinger.
20150315             DIE—JUSTIZ—, INNEN—MINISTER—DER—EU wollen wesentliche DATEN—SCHUTZPRINZIPIEN untergraben.
20150315             Was zur Hölle?!
20150315             [l] Also so langsam wird das in MOSKAU ein bisschen beunruhigend.
20150315             ISTANBUL: TÜRKEI—FAHNDER stoppen junge BRITEN auf DSCHIHAD—REISE
20150315             Vorschlag von VAROUFAKIS: 1—DENKMAL für MERKEL, HOFFNUNG—FÜR—DIE—GRIECHEN
20150315             Hundefreunde in INDIEN: "Menschen gibt es viel zu viele"
20150315             —4—JAHRE KRIEG—IN—SYRIEN: es BEGANN mit 1—KINDERSTREICH
20150315             —VERBIETET, PARIS: Zugbegleiter, lesbischem Paar den Abschiedskuss
20150315             BRASILIEN: 100.000e gehen gegen Regierung auf DIE—STRAßE
20150315             Unruheherd FERGUSON: VERDÄCHTIGEr nach Schüssen auf POLIZISTEN gefasst
20150315             JAHRES—TAG DER—KRIM—KRISE, PUTIN wollte RUSSLAND—ATOM—WAFFEN aktivieren
20150315             UNESCO—WELT—KULTUR—ERBE: Brand in MOSKAUer KLOSTER
20150315             IRAK: SADDAM—HUSSEINS—GRAB liegt in Trümmern
20150315             DEUTSCHLAND und das OSMAN—REICH pflegten —SEIT—JAHRZEHNTEN 1.enge Verbindung.
20150315             IM—GEGENSATZ zu GROß—BRITANNIEN, FRANKREICH und RUSSLAND hegte DAS—DEUTSCHE—REICH in der Region keine territorialen Ambitionen.
20150315             —BEGINN—DES 1. WELT—KRIEGS blieben DIE—OSMANEN noch neutral, umworben nicht nur von DEUTSCHLAND, sondern auch von GROß—BRITANNIEN und FRANKREICH.
20150315             Mit den Dardanellen und dem Bosporus kontrollierten sie die einzige Verbindung zum Schwarzen Meer.
20150315             Aus Kemal Pascha, —SPÄTER, Atatürk: "VATER—DER—TÜRKEN"genannt, wurde nach der ABSCHAFFUNG—DES—OSMAN—SULTANATS—DER—GRÜNDER und 1.PRÄSIDENT—DER—MODERNEN TÜRKEI.
20150315—19160000    —ANFANG, —BIS die restlichen Truppen aus GROß—BRITANNIEN, FRANKREICH, AUSTRALIEN, NEUSEELAND und INDIEN evakuiert wurden.
20160222—20140315    —ARRESTED, NIGERIA—ANTI—GRAFT—AGENCY, former interior MINISTER—ABBA—MORO, under THEN—PRESIDENT—GOODLUCK—JONATHAN, over the death of at least 20—PEOPLE in 1—STAMPEDE tragedy.
20160304—20160315    —ON, He † in hospital.
20160315             —CAUSED, Flooding, by DAYS—OF—HEAVY—RAIN forced the closure of 1—SECTION—OF—I—10, 1—MAJOR—EAST—WEST—USA—HIGHWAY on THE—LOUISIANA—TEXAS border along the rising SABINE—RIVER.
20160315             A 2. PENNSYLVANIA SUPREME—COURT—JUSTICE, MICHAEL—EAKINS, quit the bench over 1—WIDENING scandal over raunchy and otherwise offensive emails that he and others exchanged with friends and lawyers.
20160315             —CHARGED, PENNSYLVANIA, 3—LEADERS—OF—1—FRANCISCAN religious order were, with allowing 1—FRIAR who was 1—KNOWN sexual predator to take on jobs that enabled him to molest more than 100—CHILDREN.
20160315             AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—ASHRAF—GHANI said that Islamic State militants are "on the run" —FOLLOWING 1—MASSIVE—MILITARY—OPERATION that included elite commando units in remote districts on the border with PAKISTAN.
20160315             They came under 1—BARRAGE—OF—AUTOMATIC—WEAPONS—FIRE through 1—DOOR from at least 2—PEOPLE barricaded inside, injuring 4—OFFICERS.
20160315             1—SPECIAL—FORCES—SNIPER shot dead ALGERIA—GUNMAN MOHAMED—BELKAID, —35—JAHRE—ALT—WHEN he tried to fire at police from 1—WINDOW.
20160315             1—ISLAMIC—STATE—FLAG was found next to his body. 2—SUSPECTS were detained.
20160315             —ACCEPTED, BRAZIL—SUPREME—COURT said it had, 1—PLEA—AGREEMENT offered by prosecutors to SENATOR—DELCÍDIO do Amaral, 1—LEGISLATIVE—ALLY—OF—PRESIDENT—DILMA—ROUSSEFF —UNTIL he was arrested —LAST—YEAR in 1—FAR—REACHING corruption scandal.
20160315             —ACCUSED, Newsmagazine Veja said that Amaral in the plea agreement, Rousseff aides of trying to pay him to keep quiet.
20160315             CHINA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY said water will be released from Jinghong dam in THE—SOUTH—WEST—PROVINCE—OF—YUNNAN to help alleviate 1—DROUGHT in PARTS—OF—SOUTH—EAST—ASIA, including VIETNAM.
20160315             —LINKED, BEIJING—BASED JOURNALIST—JIA—JIA, with 1—ONLINE petition calling for THE—CHINA—PRESIDENT—RESIGNATION, disappeared from THE—BEIJING airport on his way to HONG—KONG.
20160315             —CRITICIZED, The petition, XI—HANDLING of economic and domestic affairs and noted that more and more FACTIONS—OF—THE—COMMUNIST—PARTY oppose THE—PRESIDENT—TIGHTENING grip over speech, government bureaucracy and dissent within the party.
20160315             —STRANDED, The last direct flight carrying, CUBA—MIGRANTS from COSTA—RICA arrived in MEXICO, ending 1—EFFORT that transported 6,003 Cubans.
20160315             —AGREED, EUROPEAN—UNION—LAWMAKERS and member states, on 1—LONG—TERM—PLAN to end over fishing of cod, sprat and herring stocks in the Baltic Sea, the 1. such plan of its kind under the EU's reformed fisheries policy.
20160315             —OPENED, GERMANY—POLICE, 1—HOMICIDE probe —AFTER 1—CAR—BOMB killed 1—DRIVER on 1—CENTRAL—BERLIN street, with authorities saying there was currently no terrorism link.
20160315             —KILLED, INDONESIA—POLICE, 2 suspected CHINA—UIGHUR militants in CENTRAL—SULAWESI province —DURING 1—HUNT for ABU—WARDAH—SANTOSO, the country's most wanted Islamic radical.
20160315             —CLAIMED, IRAN—ANNUAL—FIRE—FESTIVAL ahead of the Persian New —YEAR, 3—LIVES and injured more than 2,500, HUNDREDS—OF—WHOM remain hospitalized.
20160315             —TERRIFIED, IRAQ, residents fled THE—TOWN—OF—HIT as security forces closed in and jihadist fighters hunkered down to defend 1—OF—THEIR—MAIN—BASTIONS in Anbar province.
20160315             —APPROPRIATED, ISRAEL—ARMY—RADIO said the government has, 579—ACRES in the occupied WEST—BANK—NEAR—THE—DEAD—SEA and THE—PALESTINE—CITY—OF—JERICHO.
20160315             —DUMPED, MACEDONIA, about 1,500 migrants and refugees back into GREECE overnight —AFTER they forced their way across the border, as European nations continued to pass the buck in 1—MIGRATION—CRISIS that risks tearing THE—EU apart.
20160315             —ORDERED, MEXICO—CITY—GOVERNMENT, traffic restrictions and recommended people stay indoors due to serious air pollution, issuing its 2.—HIGHEST alert warning for ozone levels for the 1. time in —13—YEARS.
20160315             —ELECTED, MYANMAR—PARLIAMENT, 1—CLOSE—FRIEND and confidant of Nobel laureate Aung S—SUU—KYI as PRESIDENT, making Htin Kyaw the 1. HEAD—OF—STATE who does not HAIL from 1—MILITARY—BACKGROUND—SINCE the 1960s.
20160315             —STARTED, RUSSIA—WARPLANES began leaving Syria as MOSCOW, to draw down forces that have tipped the war PRESIDENT—BASHAR—AL—ASSAD—WAY.
20160315             RUSSIA—DEPUTY—DEFENSE—MINISTER—NIKOLAI—PANKOV said THE—AIR—FORCE will continue striking targets in Syria linked to Islamic State and other terrorist groups despite 1—PARTIAL—WITHDRAWAL.
20160315             —STUMBLED, SPAIN, 1—PERSON, across 83—KG (182—POUNDS) of cocaine on 1—BEACH in the popular Mediterranean tourist ISLAND—OF—FORMENTERA.
20160315             —NAMED, TAIWAN—PRESIDENT—ELECT—TSAI—ING—WEN, Lin Chuan, 1—FORMER—FINANCE—MINISTER, as TAIWAN—NEXT—PREMIER, tasked with reinvigorating THE—ISLAND—SLOWING HIGH—TECH economy and stabilizing relations with neighbor CHINA.
20160315             † 2—GRADUATE students in their 30s, at THE—SCENE—OF—THE—ACCIDENT.
20160315             —SURVIVED, Verraporn, with minor injuries and refused both alcohol and drug tests.
20160315             22—CHILDREN were among at least 119 killed.
20160315             —APPROVED, FRANCIS—PAPA, sainthood for Mother Teresa, the missionary —NUN who became 1—GLOBAL if controversial SYMBOL—OF—COMPASSION for her care of the sick and destitute.
20160315             The pontiff —SEPTEMBER 20160904             as the date for her canonization.
20160315             1—ZIMBABWE—STATE—OWNED newspaper said THE—NUMBER—OF—CITIZENS requiring food aid has risen to 4—MILLION, up from 3—MILLION—INITIALLY.
20160315             —CARRIED, THE—UNITED—STATES and its allies, out 11—AIR—STRIKES against Islamic STATE—IN—IRAQ and Syria.
20160315             An Islamic State flag was found next to his body.
20160315             † In THAILAND MERCEDES driver Janepob Verraporn (37), THE—SON—OF—1—WEALTHY—THAILAND—BUSINESSMAN, crashed into 1—SLOWER—CAR—WHILE driving at 1 estimated 240—KM (150—MILES) per —HOUR.
20160315             —BOMBED, NORTH—YEMEN—SAUDI—LED, warplanes, 1—BUSY—MARKET in THE—CITY—OF—MASTABA.
20160315             —NACH—AM, —9—TAGEN auf scheinbar aussichtsloser Mission, wird die "ABRAHAM—CRIJNSSEN"in den HAFEN von Geraldton gezogen.
20160315             3—MILLIARDEN Schadensersatz: Großaktionäre reichen KLAGE—GEGEN—VW ein
20160315             Timurlengia Euotica: Forscher präsentieren neuen —VORFAHREN des T—REX
20160315             "Hart aber fair"zum Wahlsonntag: "Ich dulde in meiner Partei keine FREMDEN—FEINDLICHKEIT", sagt der AFD—SPRECHER
20160315             "Vatileaks 2"—PROZESS, PRIESTER gesteht Weitergabe geheimer Dokumente an Journalisten
20160315             —KRIEG—IN—SYRIEN: —5—JAHRE Leid
20160315             PUTIN—BEFEHL: Teilabzug aus SYRIEN BEGINNT—RUSSLAND—SOLDATEN packen ein
20160315             FLÜCHTLINGsexodus aus Idomeni: ATHEN geht von organisierter Aktion aus
20160315             RICHTUNGS—STREIT nach Wahlpleiten: Linke Loser
20160315             Burma: VERTRAUTER—VON—SUU Kyi zum Präsidenten gewählt
20160315             Industrie 4.0: Warum manchen Robotern ARBEITS—LOSIGKEIT droht
20160315             RAUBSAURIER—EVOLUTION: T—REX' —VORFAHREN waren klein, aber clever
20160315             AUFRUHR an der grünen Grenze: Nur weg aus Idomeni
20160315             AFD—WAHLERFOLG in Bitterfeld: Wo der Frust wohnt
20160315             Prozessbeginn in NORWEGEN: Gericht verhandelt Breiviks MENSCHEN—RECHT—KLAGE
20160315             GEHIRNerkrankung: NFL—FUNKTIONÄR bestätigt ZUSAMMENHANG—ZWISCHEN—FOOTBALL und CTE
20160315             —HEUTE—IN—DEN—FEUILLETONS, Die raue Seite der Melancholie
20160315             DEUTSCHLAND in Kauflaune: Konsum steigt so stark wie —SEIT—JAHREN nicht mehr
20160315             —EXPLODIERT, BERLINer Innenstadt: Auto, WÄHREND der FAHRT—1—TOTER
20160315             WEST—BERLIN in den Siebzigern: Die Luftschlösser der ANARCHISTEN
20160315             WHO—BERICHT, MILLIONEN—MENSCHEN —STERBEN infolge ungesunder Umgebung
20160315             BRETTSPIEL—TURNIER: SOFTWARE schlägt GO—GENIE mit 4—ZU 1 - "Engel der Armen": Mutter TERESA wird
20160315             Kanye West über seine Tweets: "Das ist Kunst"
20160315             Heimlich mitgeschnitten: Wie DIE—GENOSSEN die Besetzung der Nikolaikirche planten
20160315             PUTINs SYRIEN—STRATEGIE: 1—ABZUG ist kein Rückzug
20160315             PRESSE—KOMPASS: "Mit LUFT—SCHLÄGEN alles platt machen —, dann ab nach Hause"
20160315             Siegeszug der AfD: Der UNDERDOG—EFFEKT
20160315             Schlägerei in USA—GERICHT: Staatlicher Ermittler vermöbelt Verteidiger
20160315             Heiligsprechung von Mutter TERESA: Wunder gibt es immer wieder
20160315             Krankenstand: Frauen fehlen häufiger im Job als Männer (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 13:42)
20160315             Niedrige ZINSEN: Sparkassen wollen kostenlose Konten abschaffen
20160315             Wagniskapital: Regierung stockt Förderung für START—UPS auf
20160315             430.—000—JAHRE—ALT: Forscher entdeckten
20160315             TÜRKEI—ERDOGAN will Journalisten schärfer kontrollieren
20160315             UNGARN—REGIERUNGS—CHEF—ORBÁN schürt ANGST—VOR—DER—"Zerstörung EUROPAs"
20160315             —ANTI—TERROR—RAZZIA—IN—BRÜSSEL: POLIZISTEN verletzt, VERDÄCHTIGEr auf der Flucht
20160315             In 1—REDE zum UNGARN—NATIONALFEIERTAG hat REGIERUNGS—CHEF—VIKTOR—ORBÁN erneut gegen FLÜCHTLINGE gehetzt sowie DIE—EU und DEUTSCHLAND für ihre FLÜCHTLINGS—POLITIK verbal angegriffen.
20160315             —2—TAGE vor Beginn des EU—GIPFELS zur FLÜCHTLINGS—FRAGE kritisierte der Ungar DIE—DEUTSCHLAND—PLÄNE zur Beilegung DER—KRISE scharf.
20160315             Ohne DEUTSCHLAND namentlich zu nennen, wandte sich ORBÁN gegen Pläne zur "Zerstörung EUROPAs".
20160315             Man lasse sich von den "Rotten unverbesserlicher KÄMPFER—FÜR—DIE—MENSCHEN—RECHTE"nicht belehren, sagte der Spitzenpolitiker.
20160315             Migranten brächten laut ORBÁN "Verbrechen und TERROR"nach EUROPA.
20160315             "Wenn wir die VÖLKER—WANDERUNG stoppen wollen, müssen wir vor allem BRÜSSEL bremsen", sagte ORBÁN.
20160315             DER—KONTINENT werde "von 1—ZIG—MILLIONEN—MASSE"und von 1 "finalen Gefahr"bedroht.
20160315             DIE—"VÖLKER—WANDERUNG"werde als humanitär ausgegeben, es gehe aber "um 1.Gebietsbesetzung, die RAUM—VERLUST für uns bedeutet".
20160315             Der REGIERUNGS—CHEF—SAGTE auch, EUROPA sei nicht frei, weil "DIE—WAHRHEIT nicht ausgesprochen werden darf".
20160315             —FRÜHER, habe die SOVIET—UNION als Feind der Freiheit ihren Willen mit Gefängnissen, Lagern und Panzern anderen aufgezwungen.
20160315             ORBÁN—REDE vor dem Nationalmuseum wurde von Protestrufen Hunderter DEMONSTRANTEN begleitet.
20160315             Unter den ORBÁN—FREUNDLICHEN Zuhören waren wie JEDES—JAHR VIELE—GÄSTE aus POLEN, die ORBÁN als Freunde seiner FLÜCHTLINGS—POLITIK willkommen hieß.
20160315             —NACH, der aufwendigen Analyse zweier Knochen aus der nordspanischen Höhle Sima de los Huesos
20160315             DIE—"Knochengrube"- so DER—DEUTSCHE—NAME der HÖHLE—IN der Provinz BURGOS ist 1—WELT—WEIT einmaliger Fundort.
20160315             Dort wurden hervorragend erhaltene Überreste von 28—INDIVIDUEN gefunden, deren Alter auf 430.—000—JAHRE datiert wird.
20160315             —NUN, gelang es den Forschern, DNA aus 1—OBERSCHENKELKNOCHEN und aus 1—SCHNEIDEZAHN zu rekonstruieren.
20160315             DAS—ERBGUT verglichen sie mit dem Genom von NEANDERTALER, DENISOVA—MENSCH und HOMO—SAPIENS.
20160315             "DIE—RESULTATE zeigen, daß die HOMINIDEN aus der Sima de los Huesos frühe NEANDERTALER oder eng mit den —VORFAHREN von NEANDERTALERn verwandt waren",
20160315             DIE—DNA—ANALYSE EINES—EBENFALLS in der Höhle GEFUNDENEN—BACKENZAHNS deute in die gleiche Richtung.
20160315             VIELE—KNOCHEN aus der Höhle starke Ähnlichkeiten zu denen von NEANDERTALERn aufweisen.
20160315             "Unsere Ergebnisse liefern uns 1—WICHTIGEN FIX—PUNKT auf der Zeitachse DER—MENSCHLICHEN EVOLUTION",
20160315             Tatsächlich passt DAS—ALTER der FUNDE—ALSO etwa 430.—000—JAHRE—GUT zu 1—FRÜHEREN—GENOM—STUDIE, der zufolge NEANDERTALER und DENISOVA—MENSCHEN sich VOR—380.000—BIS 470.—000—JAHREN—VON—1—GEMEINSAMEN Ahnen abspalteten.
20160315             Basierend auf der mittleren MUTATIONS—RATE beim HOMO—SAPIENS berechnen DIE—FORSCHER, daß die Linien von archaischen und modernen Menschen sich VOR—550.000—BIS 750.—000—JAHREN voneinander trennten.
20160315             —ZUVOR, war das Verhältnis der Individuen in der Sima de los Huesos zu anderen UR—MENSCHEN UNKLAR—ETWA zu NEANDERTALERn, die —BIS vor etwa 40.—000—JAHREN weite Teile EURASIENs besiedelten oder zum damit verwandten DENISOVA—MENSCH, der zumindest in Südsibirien verbreitet war.
20160315             "Sima de los Huesos ist —DERZEIT, die einzige Fundstätte außerhalb des Permafrosts, in der wir DNA—SEQUENZEN aus dem Mittleren Pleistozän untersuchen können - 1—EPOCHE, die vor etwa 125.—000—JAHREN ENDETE",
20160315             DIE—ZUVOR, frühesten DNA—ANALYSEN—VON—FRÜH—MENSCHEN überhaupt seien etwa 100.—000—JAHRE—ALT gewesen.
20160315             hatte vor gut —2—JAHREN 1.—STUDIE gesorgt, in der das gleiche DEUTSCH—SPANIEN—FORSCHER—TEAM die mitochondriale DNA (mtDNA) aus 1—KNOCHEN aus der Sima de los Huesos rekonstruierte.
20160315             DIE—ANALYSE hatte ergeben, daß die mtDNA eher dem DENISOVA—MENSCHEN entsprach als späteren NEANDERTALERn.
20160315             Den damaligen Befund erklären DIE—FORSCHER —NUN damit, daß sich DAS—ERBGUT DER—NEANDERTALER im Lauf der Zeit verändert HABE—ETWA durch den Zustrom anderer FRÜH—MENSCHEN—VON—AFRIKA nach WEST—EUROPA.
20160315             DIE—ENTDECKUNG eines
20160315             Der T—REX—VERWANDTE war demnach zwar nur so groß wie 1—PFERD, verfügte aber offenbar —BEREITS über 1.große INTELLIGENZ, die der Fleischfresser auf seinen Beutezügen einsetzte.
20160315             —ERST als DIE—VORFAHREN der TYRANNO—SAURIER ihre klugen Hirne und scharfen Sinne entwickelt hatten, wuchsen sie auf die kolossale Größe des T—REX"
20160315             "TYRANNO—SAURIER mussten klug werden, bevor sie groß wurden".
20160315             DIE—1.TYRANNO—SAURIER traten VOR—CA—170.000.—000—JAHREN auf und hatten etwa DIE—GRÖßE eines Menschen.
20160315             DIE—90.000.—000—JAHRE—ALT Fossilien des Timurlengia Euotica dokumentieren laut den Forschern —NUN 1—BISHER, unbekannten Zwischenschritt in der EVOLUTION hin zum 7—TONNEN schweren T—REX.
20160315             1—TEAM—VON—PALÄONTOLOGEN unter Führung der UNIVERSITY—OF—EDINBURGH hatte den Timurlengia Euotica den Angaben zufolge bei Ausgrabungen
20160315             "Timurlengia war ein flinker Jäger mit schmalen, messerartigen Zähnen, die für das Aufschlitzen von Fleisch geeignet waren".
20160315             Anders Breivik wieder vor Gericht: Die Rechte eines Massenmörders
20160315             Hyposensibilisierung: Tablette hilft HAUSSTAUB—ALLERGIKERN
20160315             "TURKEY—AIRLINES"-Maschine: BOMBEN—ALARM am Flughafen HANNOVER
20160315             Nebenkläger im NSU—PROZESS, "VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ hat Mordserie mit ermöglicht"
20160315             JEMEN: Dutzende Zivilisten —STERBEN offenbar bei LUFT—ANGRIFFEN
20160315             Umstrittene FLUGBLATT—AKTION in Idomeni: Die gefährlichen Helfer
20160315             Under THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION, for example, we've said we're not going to torture people.
20160315             Clarke war der COUNTER—TERRORISMUS—EXPERTE unter CLINTON und BUSH Junior, und wir hatten —NACH—DEM in der FNORD—SHOW den CYBER—BULLSHITTING—AWARD benannt, weil der immer so viel CYBER—CYBER—CYBER—VON sich gegeben hat.
20160315             [l] DIE—RUSSEN sind in SYRIEN fertig, PUTIN holt seine Truppen —JETZT zurück nach RUSSLAND.
20160315             [l] Wie lange dauert eigentlich die Installation eines Skimmers im Einzelhandel?
20160315             [l] Habt ihr —SCHON von dem großen WAHLSIEG—DER—CDU gehört?
20160315             DIE—80—PROZENT—DER—WÄHLER, damit meint sie die, die nicht DIE—AFD gewählt haben.
20160315             [l] Wisst ihr, was noch viel zu wenig ÜBERWACHT wird?
20160315             Under new guidelines, THE—FBI is instructing high schools across THE—COUNTRY to report students who criticize government policies and "western corruption" as potential future terrorists, warning that "anarchist extremists" are —IN—THE—SAME—CATEGORY as ISIS and young people who are poor, immigrants or travel to "suspicious" countries are more likely to commit horrific violence.
20160315             Und hier ist das HOCHGLANZ—PDF des FBI dazu.
20160315             2—BRIETBART editors, MICHELLE—FIELDS and BEN—SHAPIRO, have resigned, primarily because the site has become "less of 1—NEWS—SITE and more of 1—PROPAGANDA—ORGANIZATION dedicated to THE—TRUMP—CAMPAIGN".(Those were the words of another resigned editor, Joran Stepmon.) Shapiro wrote:
20160315             And THE—ISRAELIS themselves seem to love, love, love DONALD J.
20160315             —BÜRGER—KRIEG—SYRIEN, OPPOSITION grundsätzlich zu direkten —VERHANDLUNGEN—MIT—REGIME bereit
20160315             USA—OBAMA beklagt vulgären Ton im WAHL—KAMPF
20160315             —FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE—ÖSTERREICH will MAZEDONIEN bei Grenzsicherung helfen
20160315             "Feindliche Aktivitäten": NORD—KOREA verurteilt USA—STUDENT zu —15—JAHREN ARBEITS—LAGER
20160315             Vorwahlen DER—USA—REPUBLIKANER: Das CHAOS—SZENARIO rückt näher
20160315             Vorstandsbeschluss: DEUTSCHE—BÖRSE will Fusion mit LONDON
20160315             KOALITIONen: Gysi hält Bündnis von CDU und Linken für denkbar
20160315             —DISKRIMINIERT, Lücke im RECHT: Vom Algorithmus
20160315             —BEDEUTET, Jemanden zu diskriminieren, ihn aufgrund seiner Eigenschaften zu benachteiligen.
20160315             Weniger bedeuten mehr Schutz.
20160315             Es geht um die aus der KOMBINATION—DER—INFORMATIONEN—ÜBER—UNS möglichen Rückschlüsse.
20160315             DAS—URTEIL über uns wird anhand dieser Informationen ermittelt, beschlossen, verkündet und vollstreckt, Widerspruch ausgeschlossen.
20160315             DIE—AUTOMATISIERTE —ENTSCHEIDUNG über 1—MENSCHEN ist seine ALGORITHMUS—GEWORDENE Verdinglichung.
20160315             Quasi gottgleich kann 1.immer autarker werdende —TECHNOLOGIE—ENTSCHEIDUNGEN über uns ausrechnen und uns damit in die Nähe von Dingen rücken.
20160315             Dass Algorithmen objektiv entscheiden, ist dabei 1.;;03;;.
20160315             Digitale Diskriminierung breitet sich aus 1—LÜCKE heraus aus:
20160315             Das DATEN—SCHUTZRECHT, das flächendeckend auf digitale Vorgänge angewendet wird, kennt kein allgemeines Diskriminierungsverbot.
20160315—16370000    —IN, NORWAY—ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCE and Letters said UK—MATHEMATICIAN—SIR—ANDREW—J—WILES has won THE—ABEL—PRIZE in math for his stunning PROOF—OF—FRANCE—MATHEMATICIAN—PIERRE—DE—FERMAT—LAST—THEOREM, 1. conjectured by Fermat.
20160315—18480315    —AM, feiert UNGARN den Beginn der antihabsburgischen Revolte.
20160315—20160326    —REPORTED, Jia was, freed.
20160315—20161113    —IN—THE, Belgian and FRANCE—POLICE—OFFICERS arrived to search 1—FLAT in 1—BRUSSELS suburb in 1—RAID targeting suspects PARIS attacks.
20161127             (see 20170315             ).
20170302             THE—70—DAY—DATA—GATHERING campaign will start 20170315            .
20170315             —CHARGED, USA, 2—RUSSIA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENTS and 2—HACKERS with masterminding 20140000             —THE theft of 500—MILLION—YAHOO accounts, the 1. time THE—USA—GOVERNMENT has criminally charged RUSSIA—SPIES for cyber offences.
20170315             —NAMED, The indictment, THE—FSB officers involved as Dmitry Dokuchaev and his superior, IGOR—SUSHCHIN, who are both in RUSSIA.
20170315             —INVOLVED, The alleged criminals, included Alexsey Belan and KARIM—BARATOV, who was arrested in CANADA —1—DAY—EARLIER.
20170315             —RAISED, THE—USA—FEDERAL—RESERVE, its benchmark interest rate for the 2. time in —3—MONTHS.
20170315             —RAISED, THE—SHORT—TERM—RATE was, by 1—QUARTER—POINT to 1—RANGE—OF—0.75% to 1%.
20170315             1—GROUP—OF—17—REPUBLICANS in Congress signed 1—RESOLUTION vowing to seek "economically viable" ways to stave off global warming, possibly putting them on 1—COLLISION—COURSE with PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP who has called climate change 1—HOAX.
20170315             —CONVICTED—OF, FORMER—LOS—ANGELES County SHERIFF—LEE—BACA, —74—JAHRE—ALT was, obstructing an FBI investigation into corrupt and violent guards.
20170315             LOUISIANA, 3—PEOPLE were found shot to death and a 4. fatally stabbed at 1—APARTMENT—COMPLEX in Matairie, 1—SUBURB—OF—NEW—ORLEANS.
20170315             —KILLED, WEST—AUSTRIA, 3—PEOPLE were, —WHEN their ski touring group was swept away by 1—AVALANCHE in the Tyrol region.
20170315             A 4. person was missing.
20170315             —STAGED, BRAZIL—CIVIL—SERVANTS, rural workers and labor confederations, nationwide demonstrations against PRESIDENT—MICHEL—TEMER—PENSION—REFORM—PLAN, with HUNDREDS—OF—PROTESTERS occupying THE—PREMISES—OF—THE—FINANCE—MINISTRY in BRASILIA.
20170315             —RESCUED, CAMEROON said regional forces had, the hostages, who were held in villages by the jihadist group, in 1—OPERATION along THE—NIGERIA—CAMEROON border.
20170315             —WRAPPED, CHINA, up its annual National PEOPLE—CONGRESS.
20170315             —TITLED, On its final —DAY it passed legislation, THE—GENERAL—PRINCIPLES—OF—CIVIL—LAW.
20170315             —PROPOSED, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION gave its blessing to AT&T's, $85—BILLION PURCHASE—OF—TIME—WARNER, saying that it raises no competition concerns in EUROPE.
20170315             The deal still needs approval from USA—REGULATORS.
20170315             INDONESIA—GOVERNMENT said that 1—BRITISH—OWNED cruise ship must pay compensation for THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—CORAL reefs in 1—POPULAR—TOURIST—AREA known for its extensive marine biodiversity.
20170315             The 4,200-ton cruise ship M.V. Caledonian Sky ran aground in the waters of RAJA—AMPAT in WEST—PAPUA province —LAST—WEEK, causing extensive damage to the coral reefs.
20170315             —ANNOUNCED, KENYA, that it will ban all plastic bags, becoming the 2. AFRICA—COUNTRY to do so —AFTER RWANDA.
20170315             —SEIZED, Forces loyal to LIBYA—UN—BACKED unity government, the headquarters of 1—RIVAL—MILITIA in a 3. —DAY—OF—INTENSE fighting for CONTROL—OF—TRIPOLI.
20170315             —FLOCKED, MILLIONS—OF—DUTCH, to the polls in 1—TEST—OF—THE "patriotic revolution" promised by FAR—RIGHT MP Geert Wilders.
20170315             PRIME—MINISTER—MARK—RUTTE—CONSERVATIVE—VVD party won the elections with 33—SEATS.
20170315             —APPROVED, NEW—ZEALAND, 1—LAW that declared the Whanganui River to be 1—LEGAL—PERSON, in the sense that it can own property, incur debts and petition the courts.
20170315             Days —LATER 1—INDIA—COURT—DECLARED—THE—GANGES and Yamuna rivers to be people too.
20170315             —LAUNCHED, PAKISTAN, 1—NATIONAL census, the country's 1. in —19—YEARS.
20170315             11—THE—PHILIPPINES—LEGISLATORS who voted against 1—BILL—TO—RE—INTRODUCE capital punishment lost key posts in the country's Congress, in 1—APPARENT follow through of 1—THREAT by the house speaker to purge obstacles to the draft.
20170315             —ACCUSED—OF, He was, embezzling almost 1—BILLION dollars.
20170315             —PRESENTED, SIERRA—LEONE, a 709-carat diamond was, to PRESIDENT—ERNEST—BAI—KOROMA.
20170315             It was among THE—20—LARGEST diamonds ever found.
20170315             OCTOBER, the stone was taken by 1—SALES—TEAM from the National Minerals Agency to ANTWERP—BELGIUM, to meet sales agents, auction houses and potential buyers.
20170315             —KILLED, SYRIA, 2—SUICIDE—BOMB—ATTACKS, at least 31—PEOPLE and wounded dozens more in DAMASCUS, in the 2. such SPATE—OF—BOMBINGS in THE—SYRIA—CAPITAL in —5—DAYS.
20170315             16—LAWYERS were among the dozens killed in the suicide attack that struck the main judicial building in DAMASCUS.
20170315             —ORDERED, TURKEY said its red meat association has, 1—CONSIGNMENT—OF prize HOLLAND—CATTLE to be sent back to THE—NETHERLANDS, saying it no longer wants to farm the cows due to the diplomatic crisis between the countries.
20170315             Human Rights Watch said 155—PEOPLE, including 15—CHILDREN, were killed in fierce fighting that erupted last 20171126             in WEST—UGANDA between security forces and 1—TRIBAL—KING—PALACE—GUARDS.
20170315             —APPROVED, UKRAINE—SECURITY and Defence Council, the suspension of all cargo traffic with SEPARATIST—HELD territory.
20170315             1—FEDERAL—JURY in CHICAGO convicted SOUTH—KOREAN—CEO—HEON—SEOK—LEE—OF defrauding municipal governments into using FEDERAL—MONEY on WASTEWATER—TREATMENT—EQUIPMENT they were falsely told was made in AMERICA.
20170315             † IN—CAMBODIA—SOK—AN (66), 1—DEPUTY—PRIME—MINISTER who was 1—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—HUN—SEN—CLOSEST—POLITICAL and personal allies.
20170315             —ON its final —DAY it passed legislation titled THE—GENERAL—PRINCIPLES—OF—CIVIL—LAW.
20170315             Pastor EMMANUEL—MOMOH found the diamond in Yakadu village in the country's DIAMOND—RICH—EAST—KONO—DISTRICT.
20170315             Küste vor SOMALIA: Piraten kapern Öltanker -
20170315             SYRIEN: 60.000—MENSCHEN erhalten
20170315             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, USA—PRÄSIDENT: Sender, DONALD—TRUMP—STEUER—ERKLÄRUNG 20050000             —VON,
20170315             —IM—SCHON, WAHL—KAMPF weigerte sich DONALD—TRUMP, seine STEUER—ERKLÄRUNG zu veröffentlichen, wie es IN—DEN—USA für PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTS—KANDIDATEN eigentlich üblich ist.
20170315             Angeblich —BIS 1.laufende Prüfung abgeschlossen sei
20170315             —KURZ—NACH, seiner AMTS—EINFÜHRUNG verkündete seine Beraterin KELLYanne Conway schließlich, daß die Erklärung DIE—AMERIKANER nicht interessiere, stattdessen solle sie weiter unter Verschluss bleiben.
20170315             —NUN, hat der TV—SENDER MISS—NBC—TEILE—VON—DONALD—TRUMP—STEUER—ERKLÄRUNG 20050000             —J—AUS—DEM, zugespielt bekommen.
20170315             Daraus geht hervor, daß DONALD—TRUMP —DAMALS, 150.000.000—DOLLAR eingenommen und 38.000.000—DOLLAR an STEUERN bezahlt hat.
20170315             DAS—WEIßE—HAUS bestätigte diese Zahlen —SCHON vor Ausstrahlung der Sendung.
20170315             —LAUT, MISS—NBC beinhaltet die STEUER—ERKLÄRUNG 1—ABSCHREIBUNG IN—HÖHE—VON—105.000.000—DOLLAR durch Verluste.
20170315             Vermeintlich brisante Details waren aus den Unterlagen aber offenkundig nicht herauszulesen, da es nicht die Quellen für die EINNAHMEN beinhaltet
20170315             DAS—WEIßE—HAUS kritisierte, es sei illegal STEUERunterlagen zu stehlen und zu veröffentlichen.
20170315             DONALD—TRUMP sei 1—DER erfolgreichsten Geschäftsmänner der Welt gewesen, es habe in seiner Verantwortung für sein Unternehmen, für seine Familie und seine Angestellten gelegen, nicht mehr STEUERN zu zahlen als rechtlich erforderlich.
20170315             MISS—NBC hatte das vorliegende Material von dem Journalisten DAVID—CAY—JOHNSTON erhalten, der in der Sendung sagte, es sei in seinem Briefkasten gelandet.
20170315             JOHNston sagte in der Sendung, er wisse nicht, wer ihm das Material zugespielt hätte, wollte aber nicht ausschließen, daß es DONALD—TRUMP selbst dafür verantwortlich sei, er wollte damit von anderen Themen ablenken
20170315             —BEREITS, ;;1000;;             —IM, hatte DIE—NEW—YORK—TIMES berichtet, daß DONALD—TRUMP 19950000             1—VERLUST—VON—916.000.000—DOLLAR geltend gemacht habe.
20170315             AFRIKAs größtes NATURSCHUTZ—GEBIET, Grenzenlose Wildnis
20170315             —GEÖFFNET, Wahllokale : DIE—NIEDERLANDE stimmen AB—EUROPA bangt
20170315             ENERGIE—WENDE: E.on macht höchsten VERLUST—DER—FIRMEN—GESCHICHTE
20170315             [l] RACHEL—MADDOW (MISS—NBC) sagt, sie haben die Tax Returns von DONALD—TRUMP organisiert und veröffentlichen —DIE—HEUTE—NACHT.
20170315             Und tatsächlich: Es handelt sich um DIE—DOKUMENTE—VON—20050000          .
20170315             THE—DOCUMENTS—SHOW—DONALD—TRUMP and his oo Melania paying $5.3—MILLION in regular FEDERAL—INCOME—TAX—A —RATE of less than 4% However, thedes DONALD—TRUMPPAID 1—ADDITIONAL $31—MILLION in the "alternative minimum tax," or AMT.
20170315             —VERMUTET, Besonders schön ist, daß der JOURNALIST, DONALD—TRUMP könnte ihm das selbst geleakt haben.
20170315             Protonmail or Tutanota are better for those who feel the need to play secret squirrel.
20170315             VIVALDI MAIL, at
20170315             The free account gives you 5—GIGS, which may be enough for —1—DECADE or so of reasonably heavy usage.
20170315             The maximum attachment size is 25—MB. Those taxes
20170315             —DAMALS, gab es den Beruf des Aschensammlers.
20170315             Holzasche Kaliumcarbonat (Pottasche)K2CO3
20170315             Bekannt ist wohl den meisten Urlaubern auf den Kanarischen Inseln oder in der ALGARVE die rotblühende, buschige Barilla.
20170315             enthalten MEERES—PFLANZEN oder Pflanzen, die am Meeresstrand wachsen, mehr Natrium, deshalb enthält ihre Asche mehr Soda (Natriumcarbonat Na2CO3).
20170315             Wie man früher Pottasche HERSTELLTE—KALIUMCARBONAT nannte man Pottasche.
20170315             Ist alles letztlich egal. Herstellen von Pottasche aus Holzasche
20170315             100—G Holzasche werden mit 500—ML destilliertem Wasser versetzt und gut gerührt.
20170315             Wir lassen die Aufschlämmung über —NACHT stehen, rühren nochmals kräftig und filtrieren dann ab.
20170315             Ergebnis: Es bildet sich 1.weißer, feinkristalliner Rückstand.
20170315             —ZERSTÖRT, Werden beim Glühen nicht ALLE—CARBONATE ?
20170315             3—MIT Pottasche kann man Seife herstellen ("sieden").
20170315             Oftmals waren die Aschensammler selbst Seifensieder.
20170315             4—KALIUMCARBONAT ist auch —NOCH—HEUTE 1—ROHSTOFF für die Glasherstellung.
20170315             Welche Bedeutung die Pottasche für die Glasherstellung hatte, belegt eindrucksvoll die folgende, von O.
20170315             Seife aus Fett hergestellt
20170315             140318_historische_wald_und_holzberufe.pdf
20170315             INDIEN: Forscher entdecken 1.600.000.—000—JAHRE—ALTE pflanzenähnliche Fossilien
20170315             ELEKTRO—SCHOCK—EXPERIMENT: Fast jeder würde auf Befehl foltern
20170315             DIGITAL—BRANCHE in DONALD—TRUMP—ZEITEN: Was haben wir nur angerichtet
20170315             BREXIT: GROSSBRITANNIEN—BAU—FIRMEN bangen um 200.00$—EU—ARBEITER
20170315             G20: DEUTSCHLAND will USA—BEKENNTNIS zum FREI—HANDEL
20170315             —FUNKTIONIERT, Protokoll des VW—RÜCKRUFS, Teil 11: "Das Auto, nicht mehr wie vorher"
20170315             Angebliche Vergiftung: Ermittlungen zum TOD—VON—V—MANN 'Corelli' erneut eingestellt
20170315             STEUERverpflichtungen: Immer mehr Griechen schlagen ihr Erbe aus
20170315             Verrohung im INTERNET: 99—POSEN online, der 100.
20170315             BGH—URTEIL: SNOWDEN muss nicht in DEUTSCHLAND vernommen werden
20170315             —ENTLASTET, Krebsgefahr: EU—BEHÖRDE, Glyphosat
20170315             —PROTEST—GEGEN—"SCHMAROTZER—STEUER": Die Wut der Weißrussen
20170315             —BESCHLAGNAHMT, Studentenprojekt: BERLIN—POLIZEI, KOKOSNUSS—KANONE
20170315             Kleine Räuber: Spinnen vertilgen mehr Insekten als Menschen Fleisch
20170315             —REAKTION—AUF—ANGRIFFE: EU—SPITZE knöpft sich ERDOGAN vor
20170315             ERDOGANs NAH—OST—POLITIK, Der SULTAN—HAT—ES—SICH verscherzt
20170315             —POSTSTELLE geräumt: Paket mit Sprengstoff im FINANZ—MINISTERIUM abgefangen
20170315             —GEFUNDEN, Weißes Pulver : Borussia Dortmunds Geschäftsstelle evakuiert
20170315             Dieselautos: Renault betrügt laut Behörde —SEIT—25—JAHREN
20170315             GELD—POLITIK, USA—NOTEN—BANK erhöht den LEIT—ZINS erneut
20170315             HITLER privat: Fotoalbum von EVA—BRAUN für 39.000—EURO versteigert
20170315             —ENDLICH, verständlich: Wie ZINSEN DIE—WELT verändern
20170315             Diplomatische —KRISE, TÜRKEI weist HOLLAND—KÜHE aus
20170315             —STREIT—UM—WAHL—KAMPF—AUFTRITTE: DEUTSCHLAND verschärft Ton gegenüber der TÜRKEI
20170315             "Welt"—KORRESPONDENT Yücel: TÜRKEI—GERICHT erhält Haftbefehl aufrecht
20170315             DIE—FOSSILIEN, bei denen ES—SICH wahrscheinlich um Rotalgen handelt, lagen einbettet in 1.600.000.—000—JAHRE—ALTEN PHOSPORITGESTEIN—1—SEDIMENTGESTEIN, das vor allem in flachen Meeren entsteht.
20170315             Forscher haben in INDIEN pflanzenähnliche Fossilien entdeckt, die deutlich älter sind als —BISHER, bekannte Funde.
20170315             DIE—FADENARTIGEN Fossilien wurden zuerst entdeckt.
20170315             DIE—FORSCHER berichten, daß sie in den Fossilien TEILE—VON—CHLOROPLASTEN identifizieren konnten.
20170315             —ZUDEM, haben sie MITHILFE—VON—RÖNTGENMIKROSKOPEN Strukturen in den Zellwänden entdeckt, die typisch für Rotalgen sind.
20170315             Der —BISHER, älteste Fund 1—FOSSILEN Rotalge ist etwa 1.200.000.—000—JAHRE—ALT—ALSO 400.000.—000—JAHRE jünger als die neuen Funde aus INDIEN.
20170315             —REAKTIONEN: Erleichterung über WILDERS—SCHLAPPE
20170315             FINANZ—MINISTERIUM: Paket mit Sprengstoff stammte aus GRIECHENLAND
20170315             NIEDERLANDEs Wahlgewinner Rutte: SIEG—DER—VERNUNFT
20170315             [l] Aus der beliebten Reihe "gut, daß das keine TERRORISTEN waren", diesmal: Waffendepot in SPANIEN ausgehoben.
20170315             Wo kriegt man so VIELE—WAFFEN her?
20170315             —DEACTIVATED, The organised crime group sold, firearms which did not comply with the existing deactivation standards, and live firing firearms, in SPAIN and other European countries like FRANCE and BELGIUM.
20170315             —DEAKTIVIERT, Voll, und so, DIE—KRIEGSWAFFEN!1!!
20170315             [l] Ich wollte mich ja aus dieser HÖMÖOPATHIE—GESCHICHTE raushalten, aber —JETZT platzt mir der Kragen:
20170315             Krankenkassen wehren sich gegen Kosten von CANNABIS auf REZEPT—UND warum?
20170315             1—SPRECHER—DES—SPITZENVERBANDES der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung sagte DER—DEUTSCHEN—PRESSE Agentur, für den regelhaften Leistungsanspruch fehle der Nachweis der Wirksamkeit.
20170315             ACH NEE, liebe Krankenkassen!
20170315             Haben die "Heilpraktiker"eine bessere Lobby oder was geht hier ab?
20170315             [l] Wer hat uns eigentlich verraten?
20170315             Na klar, DIE—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATEN!
20170315             DER—BGH findet, der NSA—UNTERSUCHUNGS—AUSSCHUSS muss SNOWDEN nicht vorladen, weil die OPPOSITION zu klein ist und weil —DIE—SPD auf der falschen Seite mitkämpft.
20170315             —BASED, Yandex email, a service, in RUSSIA.
20170315—20070000    —IN, —EARLIER efforts by KENYA and 20110000             failed.
20170315—20120000    —INCREASED, Wilders, his bloc from 15 to 20. THE—DENK party, catering to HOLLAND—MUSLIMS, won 3—SEATS.
20170315—20130600    —ARRESTED, Belan was, in EUROPE but escaped to RUSSIA —BEFORE he could be extradited to THE—USA.
20170315—20140800    —SENTENCED, GERMANY, 3—MEN and 1—WOMAN were, to prison terms between 3 and —5—YEARS for forming THE—SO—CALLED—OLDSCHOOL Society, 1—FAR—RIGHT—TERRORIST—GROUP with 1—PLAN to bomb refugee homes as 1—TACTIC to scare migrants into leaving the country.
20170315—20170317    —ON, 1—MAN purporting to be ABUBAKAR—SHEKAU, THE—LEADER—OF—NIGERIAN—ISLAMIST—MILITANT—GROUP—BOKO Haram, denied in 1—POSTED video that 5,000—PEOPLE held by the group had been freed by WEST—AFRICA—FORCES—EARLIER in the —WEEK.
20170317—20170316    —DATED, In cables, 20170310             and 20170315             , Tillerson had issued detailed instructions to consular officials for implementing TRUMP—TRAVEL—ORDER, which was due to take effect.
20180315             —SLAPPED, THE—USA—TREASURY—DEPARTMENT said sanctions have been, on 19—RUSSIA—INDIVIDUALS and 5—GROUPS, including MOSCOW—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICES, for meddling 20160000             —IN—THE—USA—ELECTION and malicious cyber attacks.
20180315             —JOINED, The leaders of THE—USA, FRANCE and GERMANY, BRITAIN in blaming RUSSIA for poisoning 1—FORMER—SPY with 1—POWERFUL nerve agent.
20180315             CALIFORNIA wildlife officials said RICHARD—PARKER, —67—JAHRE—ALT had shot and killed more that 130 protected birds of prey in Lassen County.
20180315             —REPORTED, Parker was, jailed on charges of taking protected birds of prey and migratory NON—GAME—BIRDS.
20180315             —TRAPPED, FLORIDA, at least 8—CARS were, —WHEN the 950-ton bridge suddenly gave way in MIAMI.
20180315             —KILLED, At least 6—PEOPLE were.
20180315             —EXECUTED, THE—USA—STATE—OF—GEORGIA, Carlton GARY (67), known as the "stocking strangler," for raping and killing 3—ELDERLY—WOMEN in the 19770000—19780000 .
20180315             † 9—WOMEN had been attacked and 7—OF—THEM.
20180315             —REPORTED, Local media, that Bosnia has banned LEADERS—OF—THE—RUSSIA—NIGHT—WOLVES motorcycle club from entering the country —NEXT—WEEK—BECAUSE—OF—SECURITY—CONCERNS.
20180315             The club is under USA—SANCTIONS for its role in 1—PRO—RUSSIA—SEPARATIST—INSURGENCY in UKRAINE.
20180315             —TROUBLED, BRAZIL's, national oil company Petrobras —POSTED net losses of 446—MILLION reais ($139.7—MILLION) for 20170000             , reflecting continued fallout from the "Car Wash" corruption scandal, but sharply improving on the previous —YEAR.
20180315             ANGLO—HOLLAND—CONSUMER—GIANT—UNILEVER chose THE—NETHERLANDS over LONDON to host its headquarters, dealing 1—BLOW to BRITAIN—EFFORTS to keep multinational companies onside —FOLLOWING Brexit.
20180315             —EXPLODED, WEST—CAMBODIA, 1—LAND—MINE, accidently —DURING clearance training at 1—MILITARY—BASE, killing 2—PEOPLE, including 1—AUSTRALIA—TRAINER, and injuring 3—OTHERS.
20180315             BEIJING WKW Automotive Parts said it plans to invest about 16—BILLION yuan ($2.53—BILLION) in 1—NEW—ENERGY—CAR—PROJECT, to cash in on the increasing popularity of environmentally friendly vehicles as PART—OF—CHINA—EFFORTS to cut pollution.
20180315             MEMBERS—OF—THE—UIGHUR—MUSLIM ethnic group held demonstrations in cities —AROUND the world to protest 1—SWEEPING—CHINA—SURVEILLANCE and security campaign that has sent THOUSANDS—OF—THEIR—PEOPLE into detention and political indoctrination centers.
20180315             —STAGED, FRANCE—PENSIONERS and retirement home workers, protests across the country, kicking off 1—SERIES—OF—STRIKES against PRESIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON—REFORMS.
20180315             —ARRESTED, GREECE—POLICE said they have, 11—PEOPLE on suspicion of running 1—SMUGGLING ring transporting HUNDREDS—OF—REFUGEES and migrants from THE—GREEK—TURKEY—LAND—BORDER to the cities of ATHENS and THESSALONIKI over the past —YEAR.
20180315             1—GREECE—COURT sentenced 1—UNIVERSITY lecturer (46) to 2—LIFE—TERMS in prison for fatally poisoning his wife and her grandmother with arsenic.
20180315             —MARCHED, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—SUPPORTERS—OF—HUNGARY—RIGHT—WING—PRIME—MINISTER—VIKTOR—ORBAN, in BUDAPEST to back his bid for a 3. term in OFFICE—IN—APRIL elections, MANY—OF—THEM hailing his hardline stance on immigration.
20180315             —JOINED, They were, by THOUSANDS—OF—SUPPORTERS—OF—POLAND—RULING conservative PiS party.
20180315             —PASSED, INDONESIA, the Law on REPRESENTATIVE—ASSEMBLIES, —LAST—MONTH by the 560-member PARLIAMENT, came into force automatically —AFTER—30—DAYS despite PRESIDENT—JOKO "Jokowi" WIDODO—REFUSAL to sign it BECAUSE—OF—PUBLIC—OPPOSITION.
20180315             Critics say the law could protect legislators from investigations by the powerful ANTI—GRAFT—COMMISSION.
20180315             IRAQ, 1—USA—HH 60—PAVE Hawk helicopter carrying 7—PEOPLE crashed near AL—QAIM, Anbar province, killing all on BOARD.
20180315             —ANNOUNCED, MALAYSIA—PRIME—MINISTER—NAJIB—RAZAK, cash handouts on top of bonuses already paid to staff of the largest GOVERNMENT—LINKED asset management firm, as he prepared for 1—GENERAL—ELECTION that must be held by —AUGUST.
20180315             PAKISTAN, 1—TALIBAN—LINKED—PAKISTAN—CLERIC and 6—OF—HIS—FAMILY—MEMBERS were killed in 1—POWERFUL—EXPLOSION at the cleric's home in the remote SOUTH—WEST—TOWN—OF—QILLAH—SAIFULLAH, Baluchistan province.
20180315             —OCCURRED, The explosion apparently, —WHEN 1—BOMB or 1—EXPLOSIVE device was being loaded in 1—VEHICLE.
20180315             —VOTED, PERU—CONGRESS, by 1—WIDE—MARGIN to allow impeachment proceedings to begin against PRESIDENT—PEDRO—PABLO—KUCZYNSKI over his ties to Odebrecht, THE—BRAZIL—CONSTRUCTION—GIANT.
20180315             POLAND—PROSECUTORS say USA—AUTHORITIES are moving ahead with their request to extradite MICHAEL—KARKOC, —99—JAHRE—ALT—OF—MINNESOTA man to be tried on allegations he was involved in 1—WORLD—WAR—II massacre of civilians.
20180315             —RESIGNED, SLOVAKIA—PRIME—MINISTER—ROBERT—FICO and his government, as 1—WAY out of the political crisis triggered by the slayings of 1—INVESTIGATIVE journalist and his fiancée. PRESIDENT—ANDREJ—KISKA asked deputy PRIME—MINISTER—PETER—PELLEGRINI to form 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT.
20180315             1—SOUTH—AFRICA—COURT granted bail to 6—POLICE—OFFICERS charged with murder and attempted murder in connection with 20120000             —THE—KILLING—OF—STRIKING mine workers at LONMIN—MARIKANA mine.
20180315             Subsequent protests by HUNDREDS—OF—AFRICA—MIGRANTS and SPAIN—RESIDENTS degenerated into rioting.
20180315             —ENDED, SRI—LANKA—GOVERNMENT, 1—WEEKLONG ban on social media that was imposed BECAUSE—OF—CONCERNS that it was being used to fan ANTI—MUSLIM violence in the country's central region.
20180315             —CALLED, SYRIA—CHARITIES and rights groups, on Western leaders to threaten 1—BOYCOTT of the upcoming football World Cup in RUSSIA to protest against MOSCOW—SUPPORT for SYRIA—REGIME.
20180315             —BLANKETED, SYRIA, government and RUSSIA—FORCES, the besieged REBEL—HELD EAST—GHOUTA region with airstrikes and rocket fire.
20180315             —CAPTURED, Regime forces, Hammuriyeh.
20180315             More than 12,000—PEOPLE fled THE—ENCLAVE—OF—EAST—GHOUTA.
20180315             1—JOINT—CONVOY—OF—FOOD—SUPPLIES for some 26,000—PEOPLE entered Douma, the largest town in Ghouta and PART—OF—1—SEPARATE—REBEL—CONTROLLED pocket.
20180315             NORTH—SYRIA, HUNDREDS—OF—RESIDENTS—OF—THE—KURDISH—ENCLAVE under TURKEY—ASSAULT trickled OUT—OF—AFRIN—CENTER toward neighboring villages amid 1—INTENSIFYING offensive.
20180315             —PLAYED, Senior Kurdish official OMAR—ALLOUSH, who, 1—KEY—ROLE with THE—USA in implementing its POST—ISLAMIC—STATE—POLICY in NORTH—SYRIA, was found dead in his apartment in NORTH—SYRIA.
20180315             —TORTURED, THE—UN—HUMAN—RIGHTS—OFFICE said in 1—REPORT that MEXICO—AUTHORITIES had, DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE in connection with 1—INVESTIGATION into 20140000             —THE disappearance of 43—STUDENTS, and called for 1—FULL—INQUIRY.
20180315             † In SPAIN street vendor Mbame Ndiaye (35) of SENEGAL, who had been running away from police officers, of cardiorespiratory arrest —AFTER he escaped 1—POLICE—CRACKDOWN on informal street sales.
20180315             † In Syria ANNA—CAMPBELL (27), 1—UNITED—KINGDOM—WOMAN fighting alongside Kurdish forces was killed in TURKEY—SHELLING" on frontlines —AROUND Afrin city.
20180315             —ADOPTED, THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL unanimously, 1—RESOLUTION renewing for —1—YEAR—ITS—PEACE—MISSION in SOUTH—SUDAN, —WHILE also threatening to —LATER impose 1—ARMS—EMBARGO if necessary.
20180315             [l] GUTE—NACHRICHTEN!
20180315             DIE—USA forschen zwar auch an Railguns herum, aber
20180315             [l] Per BIG—DATA auf Taxifahrten kann man sehen, ob der Fed —DEMNÄCHST den LEIT—ZINS ändert.
20180315             [l] Die Libyschen Milizen, mit denen DEUTSCHLAND zusammenarbeitet, fühlen sich nicht ganz so an RECHT und Gesetz gebunden wie wir hier.
20180315             DIE—HIEBE der Peitsche sind deutlich zu hören
20180315             Wir sollten das genau so handhaben, wir wir das in vergleichbaren Fällen bei uns handhaben
20180315             Wie, das Argument gilt so nur für Abgeordnete? [l] Oh GUT—OK,
20180315—20000000    —EXECUTED, ALABAMA, MICHAEL—WAYNE—EGGERS, —50—JAHRE—ALT for killing his employer at 1—TRAVELING carnival.
20180315—20130800    —RULED, The court, that the geology lecturer at the Aristotle UNIVERSITY—OF—THESSALONIKI gradually poisoned his —34—YEAR—OLD—WIFE and her —85—YEAR—OLD grandmother.
20180315—20150000    —SINCE, CAMEROON—OCTOGENARIAN PRESIDENT—PAUL—BIYA, who has ruled THE—CENTRAL—AFRICA—COUNTRY with 1—IRON—GRIP—FOR—DECADES, held his 1. cabinet meeting.
20180315—20180329    —PUBLISHED, THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION, 1 updated draft TEXT—OF—THE—TREATY that will regulate BRITAIN—EXIT from THE—EUROPEAN—UNION., 20190000             , but SOME—OF—THE—KEY sticking points remain unresolved.
20180316             —WÄHREND, der Fernseher in dem PRIVAT—HAUS der Familie —AM—DONNERSTAG (20180315             ) lief, spielten die Unbekannten —PLÖTZLICH, 1—AUFNAHME aus dem LANDTAG auf das Gerät ein
20180324             —ARRESTED, MALAYSIA—AUTHORITIES said police have, 7—MEN with links to the Islamic State militant group who were planning attacks on NON—MUSLIM PLACES—OF—WORSHIP and other targets in multiple operations 20180227—20180315    —BETWEEN.
20180325—20180315    —AM, erschien ein unscheinbares Arbeitspapier, in dem 2—INFORMATIKER neuronale Netze beschreiben, die sich selbst replizieren können
20180325—20180315    SOFTWARE—SYSTEME also, die sich nicht nur selbst optimieren, sondern auch vermehren
20180325—20180315    Das Tolle daran sei, schreiben OSCAR—CHANG und Hod Lipson von der COLUMBIA—UNIVERSITY, dass
20180325—20180315    damit —JETZT "die Möglichkeit ständiger Verbesserung durch natürliche Selektion"bestehe Für SOFTWARE.
20190310             99 .MICHAEL—KRAIG is quoted in this wire story on THE—POSSIBILITY—OF—FAILURES—OF—NUCLEAR—EARLY warning systems as 1—CONSEQUENCE—OF—THE
20190315             Im NEUSEELÄNDISCHEN—CHRISTCHURCH tötet ein islamfeindlicher Attentäter insgesamt 51—MENSCHEN beim Besuch zweier Moscheen.
20190315             —FERNBLEIBEN dem Unterricht, Mindestens 1,7 Millionen Schüler weltweit, um unter dem Motto "Fridays for Future" für besseren Klimaschutz zu demonstrieren.
20190315             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, the 1. veto of his presidency, overriding congressional opposition to secure emergency funds to build more walls on THE—USA—MEXICO border.
20190315             —COVETED, THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT said that it is eliminating 1, —5—YEAR—TOURIST visa for Cubans, dealing 1—HEAVY—BLOW to entrepreneurs and CUBA—MEMBERS—OF divided families, who used the visas to see relatives in THE—USA and buy precious supplies for their businesses on THE—ISLAND.
20190315             —ASKED, THE—USA—SPECIAL—COUNSEL—OFFICE, 1—COURT to delay sentencing for USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—FORMER—DEPUTY—CAMPAIGN—CHAIRMAN, RICK—GATES, amid "ongoing investigations" stemming from THE—RUSSIA investigation.
20190315             —BANNED, THE—USA—ENVIRONMENTAL—PROTECTION—AGENCY, consumer sales of 1—PAINT stripper —FOLLOWING personal appeals by FAMILIES—OF—MEN who † —WHILE using the product.
20190315             The rule does not affect commercial uses.
20190315             Merwin was a 2—TIME winner of the Pulitzer Prize and THE—USA—POET laureate 20100000—20110000    —FROM—TO.
20190315             MINNESOTA, THE—BODY—OF—1—CHILD was found inside 1—BLANKET along 1—HIGHWAY—NEAR—AUSTIN.
20190315             Dariaz Higgins, THE—FATHER—OF—NOELANI—ROBINSON, —2—JAHRE—ALT, was accused of killing her mother, Sierra Robinson (24), in MILWAUKEE —LAST—WEEK.
20190315             THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—TENNESSEE said it will begin providing free tuition to state residents stating in the fall of 20200000            .
20190315             —GRANTED, WASHINGTON, STATE—1—USA—DISTRICT—JUDGE, 1—TEMPORARY restraining order that let Microsoft take over 99—WEBSITES that IRAN—HACKERS had used to try to steal sensitive information from targets in THE—USA.
20190315             —MARCHED, ALGERIA, 1—HUGE—CROWD—OF—DEMONSTRATORS, through ALGIERS for a 4. consecutive —FRIDAY to step up demands for PRESIDENT—ABDELAZIZ—BOUTEFLIKA—OUSTER, rejecting his offer not to seek RE—ELECTION.
20190315             —KNOCKED, NORTH—CHINA, 1—LANDSLIDE, down several buildings, killing 7—PEOPLE and leaving 13—OTHERS missing in Xiangning county, Shanxi province.
20190315             CONGO, DRC at least 1—PERSON was left dead —AFTER protests over local elections turned violent.
20190315             —ASKED, THE—CATHOLIC—CHURCH in COSTA—RICA, for forgiveness —FOLLOWING recent accusations that 3—OF—ITS—PRIESTS sexually abused minors, amid 1—CLERICAL—ABUSE—SCANDAL that has ravaged the institution's credibility —AROUND the globe.
20190315             CZECH—REPUBLIC—POLICE said they have broken up 1—INTERNATIONAL ring smuggling migrants from SOUTH—EAST—ASIA to WEST—EUROPE.
20190315             —IMPOSED, THE—EU, sanctions on 8—MORE—RUSSIA—OFFICIALS that it says were involved in the seizure by RUSSIA—OF—UKRAINE—SHIPS and crew —IN—NOVEMBER.
20190315             —BACKED, GREECE, calls by BOLIVIA—LEFT—WING—PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES for 1 negotiated settlement to the severe political and financial crisis in VENEZUELA, in what marks 1—DIFFERENT—APPROACH to that pursued by key European allies.
20190315             —STARTED, THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT, exhuming 1—MASS—GRAVE left behind by the Islamic State group in THE—NORTH—WEST—SINJAR region in the presence of Nobel Peace Prize laureate Nadia Murad, whose slain relatives are believed to have been buried in the area.
20190315             ISRAEL struck DOZENS—OF—HAMAS targets in THE—GAZA—STRIP overnight in response to rockets from THE—PALESTINE—ENCLAVE, including rare fire toward its economic CAPITAL—TEL—AVIV.
20190315             KENYA, nations meeting at THE—UN—ENVIRONMENT—ASSEMBLY in NAIROBI announced that they had agreed to "significantly reduce" SINGLE—USE—PLASTICS over THE—NEXT—DECADE.
20190315             —MARCHED, POLAND, THOUSANDS—OF—STUDENTS, in rainy WARSAW and other cities to demand 1—BAN on burning coal, 1—MAJOR—SOURCE—OF—CARBON dioxide.
20190315             —SKIPPED, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—YOUNG—PEOPLE, school across the globe to march through the streets for 1—INTERNATIONAL—DAY—OF—STUDENT—PROTESTS aimed at pushing world leaders into action on climate change.
20190315             NEW—ZEALAND, shootings at 2—MOSQUES in CHRISTCHURCH left 50—DEAD in the country's WORST—EVER mass shooting.
20190315             —STREAMED, Video footage by the shooter was live, and widely shared online.
20190315             Brenton HARRISON—TARRANT, 1—AUSTRALIAN—BORN man (28), was arrested and charged with murder.
20190315             He left behind a 74-page document —POSTED on social media under his name in which he said he hoped to survive the attack to better spread his views in the media.
20190315             —RELEASED, NICARAGUA, 50—PRISONERS held for taking part in ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS, authorities said, giving 1—FRESH—IMPETUS to peace talks on ending the country's long running political crisis.
20190315             —LAUNCHED, EAST—SYRIA, THE—IS, 3—SUICIDE—ATTACKS outside Baghouz, killing 6—PEOPLE as they fled the village near THE—IRAQ—BORDER.
20190315             An SDF official said IS militants were holding some 300—PRISONERS, both civilians and SDF fighters.
20190315             Freeman Mbowe, THE—HEAD—OF—TANZANIA—MAIN—OPPOSITION—PARTY, condemned what he described as 1—CLIMATE—OF—FEAR installed by a "police state" —AFTER he was held in prison for more than —3—MONTHS.
20190315             1—TURKEY—COURT—CONVICTED—NEIL—PRAKASH, —27—JAHRE—ALT, 1—AUSTRALIAN—BORN—ISLAMIC—STATE—MILITANT, of belonging to 1—TERROR—GROUP and sentenced him to more than —7—YEARS in prison.
20190315             The court said he could be released in 2½ years under TURKEY—LAW.
20190315             —CREATED, VENEZUELA PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—MADURO, 1—MILITARY—UNIT charged with protecting basic installations and services such as electricity and water —JUST over —1—WEEK—AFTER the country was hit with 1—MASSIVE—BLACKOUT.
20190315             6 was allowed to leave VENEZUELA if he chose and soon flew home from CARACAS.
20190315             Cyclone Idai hit ZIMBABWE, cutting off power and communications.
20190315             † At least 31—PEOPLE, in SOUTH—EAST—ZIMBABWE as homes and bridges were swept away by the tropical storm.
20190315             The confirmed dead soon rose to 98 with least 217—MORE missing.
20190315             USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—MIKE—POMPEO said THE—USA will revoke or deny visas to INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT—PERSONNEL who attempt to investigate or prosecute alleged abuses committed by USA—FORCES in AFGHANISTAN or elsewhere and may do the same with those who try to take action against ISRAEL.
20190315             † USA—POET W.S. Merwin at his home in HAWAII.
20190315             † In AFGHANISTAN SULTAN—MAHMOUD—KHIRKHOWA, 1—REPORTER with the local Zhman TV and radio, was killed —WHEN 2—MEN on 1—MOTORCYCLE opened fire on his vehicle in EAST—KHOST province.
20190315             —NICKNAMED, LONDON, MICHAEL—SEED, a —58—YEAR—OLD—MAN, "Basil," was found GUILTY—OF—BEING—THE 6. MEMBER—OF—1—GANG—OF aging criminals who carried out 20150000             —THE—EASTER weekend robbery at the Hatton Garden Safety Deposit building, 1 the most audacious in THE—ANNALS—OF—UNITED—KINGDOM—CRIME.
20190315             MEMBERS—OF—PRESIDENT—FELIX—TSHISEKEDI'S—UNION for Democracy and Social Progress took to the streets in KINSHASA and in other PARTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY—AFTER the party failed to win ANY—SENATE—SEATS from KINSHASA in the regional assembly.
20190315             —DETAINED, VENEZUELA, GERMANY—JOURNALIST—BILLY 6, by VENEZUELA—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICES —4—MONTHS—AGO, was freed in CARACAS, but must report to the court EVERY— 15—DAYS.
20190315             FACEBOOK—WERBUNG, die wohl aus RUSSLAND kam,
20190315             PUTIN ordnete laut USA—GEHEIMDIENSTEN Wahlbeeinflussung an,
20190315             —USA—SENATS—BERICHT, RUSSLAND—EINFLUSS größer als gedacht?
20190315             Beim Freitagsgebet in CHRISTCHURCH: Mehrere Tote nach —ANGRIFF—AUF—2—MOSCHEEN in NEUSEELAND
20190315             S—PATRICK—DAY 20190000             Und —JETZT wird grün(d)lich gefeiert
20190315             Sahra WAGENKNECHT über ihren Rückzug: "Ich war ziemlich ausgebrannt, ja" (SPIEGEL+, 06:15)
20190315             VORWURF—DES—BETRUGS an Aktionären, USA—BÖRSEN—AUFSICHT verklagt VW
20190315             Havarie von Containerschiff: FRANKREICH—KÜSTE droht Ölpest
20190315             Umstrittener TECHNOLOGIE—KONZERN, Huawei soll Funknetz der DEUTSCHLAND—BAHN ausrüsten
20190315             Verschiebung des EU—AUSTRITTS: DEUTSCHLAND—POLITIKER sprechen sich für BREXIT—AUFSCHUB aus
20190315             —MACHT—KAMPF—IN—DER SPD: Nahles will Kritiker kaltstellen
20190315             —NACH, Flugzeugabsturz: Boeing setzt Auslieferung der 737—MAX aus
20190315             "FRIDAYs for Future": Schüler streiken in mehr als 100—LÄNDERN für KLIMA—SCHUTZ (Leben und Lernen, 09:18)
20190315             "Sojus"-Rakete: Im 2. VERSUCH—RAUMFAHRER erreichen ISS
20190315             [l] Wegen der BOEING—GESCHICHTE hat Pavel hier einen hochinteressanten Thread AUF—TWITTER.
20190315             [l] Du weißt, daß du deine COPYRIGHT—REFORM wirklich massivst GEGEN—DIE—WAND gefahren hast, wenn sich besorgt der UNO—MENSCHENRECHTS—BEAUFTRAGTE einschaltet.
20190315             "EUROPE has 1—RESPONSIBILITY to modernise its copyright law to address the challenges of the digital age," said THE—UN—SPECIAL—RAPPORTEUR on FREEDOM—OF—EXPRESSION—AHEAD—OF—1—CRITICAL—VOTE on the Directive.
20190315             "Article 13—OF—THE—PROPOSED—DIRECTIVE appears destined to drive INTERNET platforms toward monitoring and RESTRICTION—OF—USER—GENERATED content even at the point of upload.
20190315             Wow, DIE—VERSCHWÖRUNG der RUSSLAND—GOOGLE—BOTS hat sogar die UNO infiltriert!!1!
20190315             Herzlichen Glückwunsch an dieser Stelle für die CDU.
20190315             [l] DIE—USA—BÖRSEN—AUFSICHT verklagt VW und Winterkorn.
20190315             DIE—USA—BÖRSEN—AUFSICHT spricht von Betrug
20190315             [l] In ISRAEL sind bei TEL—AVIV 2—RAKETEN aus dem GAZA—STREIFEN eingeschlagen, haben aber keinen Schaden angerichtet.
20190315             Bei teilweise gewaltsamen Protesten an der GAZA—GRENZE wurden —SEIT dem 20180330             —LAUT—ANGABEN—DES—GESUNDHEITS—MINISTERIUMS in GAZA mehr als 260—PALÄSTINENSER getötet und Tausende weitere verletzt.
20190315             [l] 2—ÖLTEPPICHE vor der FRANKREICH—KÜSTE bedrohen die Strände im Golf von Biskaya.
20190315             Ich —FRAGE mich ja, wann sich EUROPA darauf einigen kann, keine Gammelschiffe mit der Flagge aus Steueroasen mehr anlegen zu lassen, oder aus Gegenden, bei denen man die behördlichen SICHERHEITSauflagen mit ein bisschen Schmiergeld loswerden kann.
20190315             [l] Verwendet hier jemand Youtube?
20190315             —DANN, youtubed nochmal schnell, solange AXEL—VOSS—YOUTUBE noch nicht verboten hat.
20190315             "Wir müssen darüber nachdenken, ob diese ART—VON—GESCHÄFT existieren sollte", sagt AXEL—VOSS, Chefverhandler des EU—PARLAMENTS
20190315             Unglaublich.
20190315             Bundesrat zu Strafrecht und Darknet: "Paragraf würde BÜRGER—RECHTE sehr stark einschränken"
20190315             —RECHTS—RADIKALE und ihre Psyche: "DIE—SEHNSUCHT nach Unterordnung ist stark" (SPIEGEL+, 10:10)
20190315             Wer sich im Darknet bewegt, surft unter dem Radar.
20190315             NORD—RHEIN—WEST—FALEN und HESSEN haben —IM, ;;0100;;
20190315             einen Gesetzesantrag im Bundesrat eingereicht, weil sie härter gegen Betreiber von DARKNET—ANGEBOTEN durchgreifen können wollen.
20190315             In dem Entwurf heißt es, daß künftig Nutzer bestraft werden können, die internetbasierte Leistungen anbieten, um Straftaten zu ermöglichen und deren "Zugang und Erreichbarkeit durch besondere technische Vorkehrungen beschränkt" ist.
20190315             DIE—LÄNDER begründen ihren Vorstoß damit, daß DIE—BETREIBER—VON—DARKNET—PORTALEN mit illegalen Produkten im Angebot einen "niedrigschwelligen ZUGRIFF—AUF—LOGISTISCHE Infrastrukturen für die Begehung von Straftaten" anbieten.
20190315             Wenn es —NACH—DEM RECHTS—AUSSCHUSS im Bundesrat geht, soll DAS—GESETZ sogar noch weiter verschärft werden.
20190315             —BETREIBT, Wer 1—PORTAL, auf dem illegale Waffen, Drogen, Arzneimittel oder Kinderpornografie angeboten werden, der muss auch —SCHON nach heutigem Strafrecht mit Konsequenzen rechnen
20190315             Für BÜRGER—RECHTLER, Journalisten und WHISTLE—BLOWER sei das Darknet eine durchaus sinnvolle Einrichtung, meint der Anwalt.
20190315             —KRITISIERT, Auch der [CCC]CHAOS—COMPUTER—CLUB (CCC), den Entwurf.
20190315             Betroffen könnten dann auch Websites sein, die ihr Angebot parallel im Darknet anbieten.
20190315             Gescheiterter Gipfel mit TRUMP: NORD—KOREA droht mit Abbruch der ATOM—GESPRÄCHE
20190315             Drohende MILITÄRaktion: TÜRKEI drängt IRAN zu Offensive gegen PKK
20190315             UMFRAGE—MEHRHEIT hält KRAMP—KARRENBAUER als KANZLERIN für ungeeignet
20190315             "FRIDAYs for Future": ALTMAIER kritisiert Demos während der SCHULZeit (Leben und Lernen, 12:05)
20190315             5G-Ausbau: BND warnte BUNDES—REGIERUNG vor Huawei
20190315             EU—STIMMEN zur BREXIT—VERSCHIEBUNG: Mehr Zeit für DIE—BRITEN?
20190315             Nur, wenn sie einen Plan haben
20190315             RHEINLAND—PFALZ: Tödliche SPRENGFALLEN—ERMITTLER gehen von Einzeltäter aus
20190315             —GRÜNDUNG, der Grünen —VOR—40—JAHREN: Pfarrer, Grafen und Bauern mit (Sonnen-)Blume
20190315             TERROR—ANSCHLAG—IN—NEUSEELAND: Nationalistischer Eifer, Waffenkult, Rassenhass
20190315             Schwere WIRTSCHAFT—KRISE: TÜRKEI meldet höchste Arbeitslosenquote —SEIT—9—JAHREN
20190315             Linke nach WAGENKNECHT—RÜCKZUG: Unter Schock
20190315             SPANIEN: Regierung will Gebeine von DIKTATOR—FRANCO
20190315             AFGHANISTAN—ERMITTLUNGEN, USA verweigern Mitarbeitern des STRAFGERICHT—HOFS die Einreise
20190315             —GETAN, KRITIK—AN—MERKEL: "Für die Wirtschaft —BISHER nicht viel "
20190315             VOLKS—KONGRESS, Planen CHINAs KOMMUNISTEN wirklich die neoliberale Wende?
20190315             Linke Sammlungsbewegung: "Aufstehen"-Initiatoren rechnen mit WAGENKNECHT ab
20190315             AUTO—INDUSTRIE, FORD will mehr als 5000—ARBEITSPLÄTZE abbauen
20190315             —NACH, RECHTSEXTREMISMUS—VERDACHT: Umstrittener BND—AUSBILDER darf weiter lehren
20190315             Boeing in der 737—MAX—KRISE: Hybris, Gier, Absturz (SPIEGEL+, 18:00)
20190315             Aus ANGST—VOR—DEN—USA: Hat die Telekom illegal IRAN—FIRMEN boykottiert? (SPIEGEL+, 18:00)
20190315             Warum ganz normale Menschen pöbeln, prügeln und randalieren: DEUTSCHLAND rastet aus (SPIEGEL+, 18:01)
20190315             Gekündigte Telefonleitungen: IRAN—BANK—ZEIGT—TELEKOM wegen "Illegalem Boykott" an
20190315             NORD—RHEIN—WEST—FALEN: POLIZIST schießt auf Bewohner von FLÜCHTLINGS—HEIM
20190315             —BETRIFFT—AGGRESSIVE Gesellschaft, EBOLA, Gentests
20190315             —KONFERENZ—IN—NAIROBI: Die Welt versinkt im PLASTIK—UND die UNO schaut zu
20190315             —PROTESTE—IN—VIELEN Ländern: Schüler demonstrieren WELT—WEIT für mehr KLIMA—SCHUTZ (Leben und Lernen, 18:04)
20190315             Wegen Sanktionen: RUSSLAND—OLIGARCH verklagt USA
20190315             DER—BREXIT wird verschoben, so will es das LONDONer Unterhaus.
20190315             Doch ob der EU—AUSTRITT GROßBRITANNIENs tatsächlich
20190315             Sagen sie Nein, würde GROSSBRITANNIEN ungeregelt aus der EU STÜRZEN—MIT verheerenden Folgen vor allem für die GROSSBRITANNIEN—WIRTSCHAFT.
20190315             Das zumindest ist die verbreitete Ansicht. Jolyon Maugham.
20190315             Gibt es keine Einigung auf einen AUSTRITTsvertrag, zieht GROSSBRITANNIEN seinen Antrag auf den EU—AUSTRITT einseitig zurück.
20190315             —BEFÜRCHTET, Genau diesen Trick hatte das EUROPAparlament.
20190315             Um ihn zu verhindern, schrieben DIE—ABGEORDNETEN —SCHON—VOR—2—JAHREN 1—PASSAGE in ihre BREXIT—RESOLUTION, laut der DIE—BRITEN ihre AUSTRITTsmitteilung nur unter Bedingungen widerrufen können, "die von allen Mitgliedstaaten der EU—27—FESTGELEGT werden".
20190315             Doch das hat ausgerechnet DER—EUROPA—GERICHT—HOF—HOF durchkreuzt.
20190315             Dass sie ihn später auch neu stellen darf, "ist für mich klar", schreibt Maugham.
20190315             —BEZEICHNET, Er, sich ohne falsche Bescheidenheit auch als "leitende Kraft" hinter dem sogenannten WIGHTMAN—URTEIL.
20190315             Für den SPD—EUROPAABGEORDNETEN JO—LEINEN wäre es eine "Horrorvorstellung", wenn DER—BREXIT weitere —JAHRE wie eine dunkle Wolke über der EU HINGE—UND dass mit GROSSBRITANNIEN 1—MITGLIED, das ganz eigene Interessen verfolgt, "bei allen wichtigen —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN Sand ins Getriebe streuen oder sie mit Blick auf seinen baldigen AUSTRITT beeinflussen könnte".
20190315             Gefahr, "dass das LONDONer —CHAOS den gesamten EU—ENTSCHEIDUNGSPROZESS belastet".
20190315             "In der DEUTSCHLAND—RECHTSWISSENSCHAFT ist das EUGH—URTEIL massiv kritisiert worden, da es Missbrauch Tür und Tor öffne",
20190315             —ÜBERRASCHT, Beobachter über TERROR—ANSCHLAG—IN—NEUSEELAND: "Das, mich nicht, so schrecklich es auch ist"
20190315             MAUER—STREIT, DONALD—TRUMP hält Notstand durch Veto aufrecht
20190315             EU—URHEBER—RECHT—REFORM: CDU will Uploadfilter überflüssig machen
20190315             Piloten sorgen sich um Sicherheit: USA—AIRLINES stoppt Flüge nach
20190315—20151100    —DISCOVERED, Over 70—MASS—GRAVES have been, in Sinjar —SINCE it was liberated from IS.
20190315—20170000    —IN, 1—COURT—IN—NORTH—MACEDONIA sentenced 16—PEOPLE, including 1—FORMER—INTERIOR—MINISTER, from 7 to —18—YEARS in prison for their role in 1—VIOLENT—INTRUSION in PARLIAMENT at the height of 1—POLITICAL—CRISIS.
20190315—20180330    —SEIT—DEM, Bei teilweise gewaltsamen Protesten an der GAZA—GRENZE,—LAUT—ANGABEN—DES—GESUNDHEITS—MINISTERIUMS in GAZA mehr als 260—PALÄSTINENSER getötet und Tausende weitere verletzt.
20190315—20190610    —AM, SPANIEN: Regierung will Gebeine von DIKTATOR—FRANCO exhumieren (Politik, 15:50)
20190502—20190315    —ON, 1—TURKEY—CITIZEN who was wounded —DURING deadly attacks at 2—MOSQUES in THE—NEW—ZEALAND CITY—OF—CHRISTCHURCH † —WHILE undergoing surgery raising the death toll from the shooting to 51.
20190521             AUSTRALIA—BRENTON—HARRISON—TARRANT, —28—JAHRE—ALT was already facing murder and attempted murder charges from 20190315             —THE—SHOOTINGS.
20190521—20190315    —FROM—THE, AUSTRALIA—BRENTON HARRISON—TARRANT, —28—JAHRE—ALT was already facing murder and attempted murder charges shootings.
20190618             —SENTENCED, NEW—ZEALAND, PHILIP—ARPS, —44—JAHRE—ALT to —21—MONTHS in prison for distributing videos of 20190315             —THE massacre at 2—MOSQUES in THE—CITY—OF—CHRISTCHURCH.
20200000             betrug das UKRAINISCHE—BIP nach ANGABEN—DER—WELTBANK rund 155,5 Milliarden Dollar(141—MILLIARDEN Euro).
20200304—20200315    —UNTIL, GERMANY ordered the closure of all schools and universities.
20200306             IRAQ said it will halt border trade with IRAN and KUWAIT 20200308—20200315    —BETWEEN to curb THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—CORONA—VIRUS.
20200307             —CANCELED, The government, 1—RALLY planned for 20200315             —THE national holiday in CENTRAL—BUDAPEST.
20200314             —SONNTAG, 20200315             20200314             —SONNTAG, 20200315             20200314             2020
20200314             —SONNTAG, 20200315             20200314             20200000             - Mehrere Bundesstaaten betroffen: USA—VORWAHLEN wegen CORONA—EPIDEMIE verschoben
20200314             EGYPT said it will suspend schools and universities —FOR—2—WEEKS—STARTING 20200315             amid to prevent THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200314             NEW—ZEALAND PRIME—MINISTER—JACINDA—ARDERN said that everyone entering the country from midnight 20200315             must self isolate —FOR—14—DAYS in 1—EFFORT to contain THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—NEW—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200314             SAUDI—ARABIA said it would halt all flights to the kingdom —FOR—2—WEEKS beginning 20200315            .
20200314             —SONNTAG, 20200315             20200314             EGYPT said it will suspend schools and universities —FOR—2—WEEKS—STARTING 20200315             amid to prevent THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200314             —SONNTAG, 20200315             20200314             EGYPT said it will suspend schools and universities —FOR—2—WEEKS—STARTING 20200315             amid to prevent THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200314             NEW—ZEALAND PRIME—MINISTER—JACINDA—ARDERN said that everyone entering the country from midnight 20200315             must self isolate —FOR—14—DAYS in 1—EFFORT to contain THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—NEW—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200314—20200315    —FROM, RUSSIA—PRIME—MINISTER—MIKHAIL—MISHUSTIN signed orders to close the land borders with POLAND and NORWAY for most foreign citizens.
20200315             —ARRIVED, GUYANA, 1—TEAM from the 15-nation Caribbean Community, to supervise 1—RECOUNT—OF—20200302             —THE elections.
20200315             —PROMISED, JOE—BIDEN, to choose 1—WOMAN as his VICE—PRESIDENT should he win the Democratic presidential nomination.
20200315             He made the pledge on stage with rival Bernie Sanders in the 1. debate held without 1—LIVE—AUDIENCE—BECAUSE—OF—CONCERNS over THE—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200315             Sanders said he would also likely choose 1—WOMAN.
20200315             —RECORDED, USA—OFFICIALS, nearly 3,000 CASES—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS with 63—DEATHS, up from 58—1—DAY—EARLIER.
20200315             —INFECTED, Globally more than 162,000 were, and over 6,400 have †.
20200315             —TESTED, THE—USA—NAVY said 1—SAILOR aboard 1—WARSHIP ship has, positive for THE—CORONA€"VIRUS for the 1. time.
20200315             The only state not reporting cases is WEST—VIRGINIA.
20200315             —NEARED, Cases, 160,000 worldwide, as deaths top 6,000. Several countries cautioned that fewer tests are being performed as more people fall ILLINOIS 1—USA—ARMY—SOLDIER tested positive for THE—CORONA€"VIRUS, marking the 1. USA—ARMY—CASE in EUROPE.
20200315             THE—USA—FEDERAL—RESERVE slashing its benchmark rate back to 1—RECORD—LOW slashing it by 1—FULL—PERCENTAGE—POINT to 1—RANGE between 0 and 0.25%.
20200315             —SLUMPED, Global markets.
20200315             THE—FED also said it would buy $700—BILLION in Treasury and mortgage bonds.
20200315             THE—PEACE—CORPS told its volunteers —AROUND the world that it is suspending all operations globally and evacuating all volunteers in LIGHT—OF—THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—NEW—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200315             —ANNOUNCED, CALIFORNIA—GOVERNOR—GAVIN—NEWSOM, new state measure to combat THE—CORONA€"VIRUS, urging that bars close and restaurants reduce capacity.
20200315             —ASKED, Newsom also, all state residents 65 and older to isolate themselves at home.
20200315             GEORGIA, 7—PEOPLE were dead —AFTER 1—SHOOTING incident —INITIALLY reported as 1—MURDER—SUICIDE in Moncure, Chatham County.
20200315             —INCLUDED, The victims, the suspected shooter.
20200315             † In MISSOURI 5—PEOPLE including 1—POLICE—OFFICER and 1—GUNMAN in 1—SHOOTING at 1—SPRINGFIELD gas station —AFTER gunman JOAQUIN—ROMAN, —31—JAHRE—ALT went inside and opened fire.
20200315             —REPORTED, NEW—JERSEY, its 2. death from THE—CORONA€"VIRUS, The state has 69—POSITIVE—TESTS, up from 50 THE—DAY—BEFORE.
20200315             NEW—YORK—GOVERNOR—ANDREW—CUOMO said 2—STATE—ASSEMBLY—MEMBERS, HELENE—WEINSTEIN and CHARLES—BARRON, have tested positive for COVID—19. The state reported 729 confirmed cases, 1—INCREASE—OF—69. There have been 3—DEATHS.
20200315             —ANNOUNCED, NEW—YORK—CITY—MAYOR BILL—DE—BLASIO, 1—DECISION to close city schools through at least 20200420            .
20200315             USA sportswear giant Nike Inc said it is closing ALL—OF—ITS—STORES in THE—USA and several other countries to limit THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200315             —CLOSED, Several AFRICA—COUNTRIES, borders, canceled flights and imposed strict entry and quarantine requirements to contain THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—NEW—CORONA€"VIRUS, which has 1—FOOTHOLD in 26—NATIONS on the continent as cases keep rising.
20200315             —REPORTED, AUSTRALIA—NEW—SOUTH—WALES, the country's most populous state, 22—NEW—CASES taking the totally tally to 134. 8—NEW—CASES—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS were confirmed in THE—STATE—OF—VICTORIA, bringing the total NUMBER—OF—CASES in that state to 57. AUSTRALIA said it will impose —14—DAY—SELF—ISOLATION on INTERNATIONAL travelers arriving from midnight and ban cruise ships from foreign ports —FOR—30—DAYS.
20200315             —CONFIRMED, AUSTRIA, the number of, CORONA€"VIRUS cases jumped to 800, from 602—1—DAY—EARLIER.
20200315             —REPORTED, BELGIUM—HEALTH—MINISTRY, 197—NEW—CASES, bringing the total of confirmed infections to 886.
20200315             —DOUBLED, Confirmed cases had almost, to 43 with 2—DEATHS.
20200315             —WHISKED, CAMEROON, 1—PASSENGER arriving from BRUSSELS was, to 1—HOSPITAL and diagnosed inside —4—HOURS as the country's 4. CASE—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200315             CAMBODIA said FRANCE—NATIONAL travelling from PARIS via SINGAPORE to PHNOM—PENH has been infected with THE—CORONA€"VIRUS, bringing the country's TALLY—OF—CASES to 8.
20200315             † 1—UN—PEACEKEEPER from BURUNDI was killed —WHEN troops were trying to stop 1—ATTACK in Grimari in THE—CENTER—OF—THE—COUNTRY that began —WHEN ANTI—BALAKA fighters under the command of DIMITRI—AYOLOMA opened fire on the homes of the mayor and 1—REGIONAL—OFFICIAL.
20200315             —REPORTED, CHINA, 16—NEW confirmed CASES—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS bringing its total to 80,860. BEIJING said it will quarantine all travelers from overseas, including CHINA—CITIZENS, at designated locations —FOR—14—DAYS as the government shifts its focus to limiting imported CORONA€"VIRUS cases.
20200315             DENMARK—GOVERNMENT told private companies struggling with drastic measures to curb THE—SPREAD—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS that it would cover 75—PERCENT—OF—EMPLOYEES' salaries, if they promised not to cut staff.
20200315             —RECORDED, ETHIOPIA has —NOW, 4—CORONA€"VIRUS—CASES.
20200315             FINLAND had 1—TOTAL—OF—240—CORONA€"VIRUS—CASES.
20200315             FRANCE—VOTERS went to the polls in the 1. ROUND—OF—ELECTIONS to choose mayors and TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—LOCAL—OFFICIALS.
20200315             GEORGIA had 30—CASES—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS, the highest number in THE—SOUTH—CAUCASUS region.
20200315             —CONFIRMED, GERMANY—HEALTH—MINISTRY, 1—REPORT in newspaper Welt —AM—SONNTAG, which said PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP had offered funds to lure the company CureVac to THE—USA, and THE—GERMANY—GOVERNMENT was making COUNTER—OFFERS to tempt it to stay.
20200315             —LOGGED, GUATEMALA, its 1. fatality from THE—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200315             —AGREED, Incumbent PRESIDENT—DAVID—GRANGER had, to the recount.
20200315             1—LOCAL—COURT soon blocked the recount.
20200315             —REPORTED, INDONESIA, 21—NEW—CORONA€"VIRUS—INFECTIONS, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 117.
20200315             —ADDED, IRAN—HEALTH—MINISTRY, another 113—DEATHS and 1,209 new confirmed cases of THE—COVID—19—INFECTION.
20200315             —CLAIMED, It said the outbreak has, 724. Some 13,938—PEOPLE have been infected across the country.
20200315             —DECIDED, ISRAEL—PRESIDENT—REUVEN—RIVLIN said he has, to give opposition leader BENNY—GANTS—THE 1. opportunity to form 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT.
20200315             —PROPOSED, PRIME—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU, a —6—MONTH "emergency government" to confront THE—CORONA€"VIRUS crisis and end 1—POLITICAL deadlock —AFTER the country's 3. inconclusive election in less than —1—YEAR.
20200315             —RECORDED, ITALY, 368—MORE—DEATHS from THE—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200315             It had 24,747 cases and 1,809 deaths.
20200315             JAPAN, THE—NUMBER—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS—INFECTIONS—ROSE to 1,484, increasing by 1—FASTER—PACE than the previous —DAY.
20200315             —INCLUDED, The total NUMBER—OF—INFECTIONS, 697—FROM the Diamond PRINCESS cruise ship and 14—RETURNEES on charter flights from CHINA.
20200315             —CONFIRMED, JORDAN, 12—NEW—CORONA€"VIRUS—CASES.
20200315             —RECORDED, LEBANON—HEALTH—MINISTRY said that it had, 99—CASES—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200315             —CALLED, PRESIDENT—MICHEL—AOUN, for citizens to work from home and avoid socializing to prevent THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—VIRUS.
20200315             —INTERCEPTED, LIBYA—COAST—GUARD, over 400—EUROPE—BOUND migrants off the country's Mediterranean coast and returned them to THE—CAPITAL—OF—TRIPOLI over the past —24—HOURS.
20200315             —CONFIRMED, MALAYSIA, 190—NEW—CORONA€"VIRUS—CASES, pushing its overall total to 428, the most in SOUTH—EAST—ASIA.
20200315             —REACHED, MEXICO—OFFICIALS said the number of monarch butterflies that, their —WINTER resting grounds decreased by about 53% —THIS—YEAR.
20200315             —COVERED, The population, only 6.9—ACRES, down from 15—ACRES —1—YEAR—EARLIER.
20200315             —KILLED, NIGER—ARMY reportedly, at least 50—BOKO Haram Islamist extremists —DURING 1—OVERNIGHT attack on THE—EAST—TOUMOUR military post.
20200315             —KILLED, NIGERIA, 1—PIPELINE—EXPLOSION, at least 15—PEOPLE and destroyed about 50—BUILDINGS—AFTER 1—FIRE broke out in 1—SUBURB—OF—LAGOS.
20200315             —IMPOSED, PERU—PRESIDENT—MARTIN—VIZCARRA, 1—LOCKDOWN and quarantine as his country reported 71—CASES—OF—THE—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200315             —RECORDED, THE—PHILIPPINES, 4—ADDITIONAL—CORONA€"VIRUS—DEATHS and 29—NEW—CASES, bringing the domestic TALLY—OF—INFECTIONS to 140, as authorities placed the entire CAPITAL—MANILA under "community quarantine" for about —1—MONTH.
20200315             POLAND—CORONA€"VIRUS—CASES—ROSE to 111—CASES with 3—DEATHS.
20200315             The count was rising as the nation is —NOW testing all those who are in quarantine.
20200315             9—OF—THE—CASES were imported.
20200315             —CONFIRMED, SINGAPORE has, 1—TOTAL—226—CASES—OF—THE—VIRUS so far, with 105—HAVING fully recovered.
20200315             —REPORTED, SOUTH—AFRICA, its 1. local TRANSMISSION—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS, increasing THE—NUMBER—OF—CASES to 62. PRESIDENT—CYRIL—RAMAPHOSA introduced SOCIAL—DISTANCING and declared 1—NATIONAL—STATE—OF—DISASTER to combat THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—CORONA€"VIRUS as his counterparts in SUB—SAHARAN AFRICA TOOK similar steps to curb the threat in 1—REGION that accounts for only 1—PERCENT—OF—GLOBAL—HEALTH—CARE spending.
20200315             The country's total tally stands at 8,162 with 1—TOTAL—OF—75—DEATHS.
20200315             —JUMPED, SWITZERLAND, CORONA€"VIRUS infections, by nearly 1,000 cases in —24—HOURS to 2,200 and 14—DEATHS were recorded from the virus across the country.
20200315             —ENTERED, SYRIA—BRUTAL conflict, its 10. —YEAR with PRESIDENT—BASHAR—AL—ASSAD—REGIME consolidating its hold over 1—WAR—WRACKED country where foreign powers are flexing their muscle.
20200315             —FORCED, Rebel provocations, RUSSIA and TURKEY to cut short their 1. joint patrol.
20200315             —REPORTED, THAILAND, 32—NEW—CASES—OF—THE—CORONA€"VIRUS in the largest daily jump in infections —SINCE the outbreak began, bringing its total tally to 114.
20200315             TURKEY said THOUSANDS—OF—MUSLIMS returning to home from 1—PILGRIMAGE in SAUDI—ARABIA were being taken into quarantine due to concerns about THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200315             VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—NICOLÁS—MADURO wrote to THE—IMF asking for a $5bn loan to fight COVID—19.
20200315             VIETNAM—HEALTH—MINISTRY said all passengers coming from or through CHINA, SOUTH—KOREA, THE—UK—AND—SCHENGEN countries will be quarantined and tested for CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200315             —REPORTED, VIETNAM, 37—NEW—CORONA€"VIRUS—CASES over the past —WEEK, taking the tally to 53.
20200315             † USA—OFFICIALS recorded nearly 3,000 CASES—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS with 63—DEATHS, up from 58—1—DAY—EARLIER.
20200315             —NEARED, Cases, 160,000 worldwide, as deaths top 6,000. Several countries cautioned that fewer tests are being performed as more people fall ILLINOIS.
20200315             1—USA—ARMY—SOLDIER tested positive for THE—CORONA€"VIRUS, marking the 1. USA—ARMY—CASE in EUROPE.
20200315             —ANNOUNCED, THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—GOVERNMENT, ENGLAND will join 1—GROWING LIST—OF—COUNTRIES offering HIV—PREVENTION—PILL to all those at high risk of catching the virus.
20200315             —CALLED, Airlines, on THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—GOVERNMENT to help ensure their survival —DURING THE—CORONA€"VIRUS crisis —AFTER THE—USA extended restrictions on European travelers to include BRITAIN.
20200315             THE—CENTRAL—AFRICA—REP.
20200315             —CONFIRMED, THE—NETHERLANDS—THE—NUMBER—OF—DEATHS—ROSE, by 8 to 20, —WHILE, cases increased by 176 to 1,135.
20200315             20, —WHEN the country saw 1—SURGE of over 500 in —4—DAYS.
20200315             —DIAGNOSED, SPAIN's, CASES—OF—THE—CORONA€"VIRUS jumped 35% to 7,753 and the death toll rose by 152 to 288. Ford Motors said it would shut its SPAIN—PLANT in THE—EAST—REGION—OF—VALENCIA for —1—WEEK—STARTING tomorrow —AFTER 3—EMPLOYEES tested positive for CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200315             THE—NORTH—WEST—TURKISH, and RUSSIA—TROOPS began joint patrols on the key M4 highway.
20200315             —SONNTAG, Mehrere Bundesstaaten betroffen, USA—VORWAHLEN wegen CORONA—EPIDEMIE verschoben
20200315             Ab —DIENSTAG sollen zwischen RUSSLAND und der UKRAINE sowie Moldawien keine Züge mehr fahren.
20200315             Man werde vorübergehend GRENZ—KONTROLLEN wieder einführen, sagte Regierungschef JÜRI—RATAS —IN—DER—NACHT zu —SONNTAG.
20200315             Die Maßnahme tritt —DIENSTAG (20200317             ) in Kraft.
20200315             —GERETTET, Mit einfachen Maßnahmen könnten —TAUSENDE—MENSCHEN, werden, teilten die Experten aus GROSSBRITANNIEN in einem offenen Brief mit.
20200315             Es sei möglich, die Geschwindigkeit der AUSBREITUNG—DES—NEUARTIGEN—CORONA—VIRUS— "dramatisch" zu bremsen.
20200315             Unkontrolliert könnten sich aber —IN—DEN—NÄCHSTEN—WOCHEN Millionen Briten mit dem Erreger anstecken.
20200315             GROSSBRITANNIEN, sind zum Beispiel Großveranstaltungen noch nicht generell verboten und —BISHER nur wenige Schulen geschlossen.
20200315             Der GROSSBRITANNIEN—STAATLICHE GESUNDHEITS—DIENST NHS (National Health Service) galt —SCHON vor der CORONA—KRISE als überlastet und marode.
20200315             Die Mängel im GESUNDHEITS—DIENST waren auch zentrales Thema im Wahlkampf.
20200315             Wer aus EUROPA in DIE—USA zurückkehrt, muss sich an einem von 13—FLUGHÄFEN einem Screening UNTERZIEHEN—GEGEBENENFALLS wird QUARANTÄNE angeordnet.
20200315             Aus mehreren Flughäfen, darunter CHICAGO O'Hare und DALLAS/FORT—WORTH, gibt es allerdings Berichte, wonach Menschen stundenlang eng aneinandergedrängt warten müssen, —BIS sie überprüft werden.
20200315             Wegen des CORONA—VIRUS— werden Besucher nicht an des OST—PAPA—ERMESSEN im VATIKAN teilnehmen können.
20200315             —ZUDEM, soll auch bei Generalaudienzen und Segnungen die Öffentlichkeit nicht mehr teilnehmen könne.
20200315             SÜD—KOREA—PRÄSIDENT—MOON—JAE—IN erklärt die am stärksten vom VIRUS—AUSBRUCH betroffenen Provinzen zu "besonderen KATASTROPHEnzonen".
20200315             Dies ermöglicht der Regierung, Sanierungskosten mit —BIS zu 50—PROZENT zu unterstützen und EINWOHNER—VON—STEUERN und anderen Zahlungsverpflichtungen zu entbinden.
20200315             DIE—ZAHL—DER—BESTÄTIGTEN—NEUINFEKTIONEN fällt mit 76—ALLERDINGS so gering aus wie —SEIT mehr als —3—WOCHEN nicht mehr.
20200315             Trotz des CORONA—VIRUS— werden in FRANKREICH —HEUTE neue STADT—UND Gemeinderäte gewählt.
20200315             Stimmberechtigt sind fast 48—MILLIONEN Menschen.
20200315             Laut Umfragen könnten VIELE—BÜRGER aus ANGST—VOR—EINER Ansteckung nicht wählen GEHEN—ZUMAL die Regierung massive Einschränkungen des öffentlichen Lebens angeordnet hat.
20200315             Eigentlich sollte sich ISRAEL—REGIERUNGSCHEF—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU ab —DIENSTAG einem Prozess wegen Korruptionsvorwürfen stellen.
20200315             —NUN wurde der Auftakt des Verfahrens wegen des CORONA—VIRUS— um —2—MONATE verschoben.
20200315             ISRAEL—JUSTIZ—MINISTER—AMIR—OCHANA hatte starke Einschränkungen des Gerichtssystems verhängt.
20200315             Gerichte sollen nur in besonderen Notfällen aktiv werden.
20200315             Davon ausgenommen ist das Höchste Gericht des Landes.
20200315             DIE—USA und DEUTSCHLAND streiten laut einem Bericht der "Welt —AM—SONNTAG" über die Tübinger Firma CureVac, die einen Impfstoff gegen DAS—CORONA—VIRUS— entwickeln will.
20200315             USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP versuche, DEUTSCHLAND—WISSENSCHAFTLER, die an einem CORONA—IMPFSTOFF arbeiten, mit hohen finanziellen Zuwendungen nach AMERIKA zu locken beziehungsweise das Medikament exklusiv für sein Land zu sichern, berichtete die Zeitung unter Berufung auf DEUTSCHLAND—REGIERUNGSKREISE.
20200315             zu locken b - mit hohen finanziellen Zuwendungen
20200315             ZUWENDUNGEN—DEMNACH soll der USA—PRÄSIDENT—DER—FIRMA einen hohen Betrag angeboten haben, um sich deren Arbeit exklusiv zu sichern.
20200315             TRUMP tue alles, um einen Impfstoff für DIE—USA zu bekommen.
20200315             "Aber eben nur für DIE—USA", zitiert das Blatt eine anonyme Quelle in der Bundesregierung.
20200315             —AM—SONNTAG begann die POLIZEI damit, ALLE—STRASSEN in die 12—MILLIONEN—EINWOHNER—METROPOLE abzuriegeln.
20200315             Bewaffnete Polizisten standen an allen Zufahrtsstraßen.
20200315             —SEIT—DEM—MORGEN dürfen in MANILA auch keine Inlandsflüge mehr starten und landen.
20200315             Innerhalb der Stadtgrenzen fahren aber noch Busse und Bahnen.
20200315             DIE—CORONA—PANDEMIE wird auch für die POLIZEI in DEUTSCHLAND zur Belastungsprobe.
20200315             DER—PRÄSIDENT—DER—BUNDESPOLIZEI, DIETER—ROMANN, sagte der "Welt —AM—SONNTAG", neben den Mitarbeitern im GESUNDHEITS—SYSTEM stünden auch die Polizisten in den Bundesländern und die Bundespolizei "in vorderster Reihe", etwa bei den verstärkten GRENZ—KONTROLLEN oder an Bahnhöfen und Flughäfen.
20200315             "Diese Krise ist nicht nur 1—DES—GESUNDHEITSWESENS, sondern auch 1—DER—SICHERHEIT und Ordnung",
20200315             INFEKTIONEN—MIT—DEM neuartigen CORONA—VIRUS—IN—DEN Reihen DER—POLIZEI könnten schnell erhebliche Konsequenzen haben,
20200315             weil die Beamten oft mit vielen Bürgern und anderen Polizisten Kontakt hätten.
20200315             Bei mehr als 2,2 MILLIONEN—KINDERN —BIS—16—JAHREN bundesweit sind beide Eltern oder das alleinerziehende Elternteil in Vollzeit beschäftigt.
20200315             —LAUT, Bundesverteidigungsministerin Annegret KRAMP—KARRENBAUER wird die Bundeswehr den KAMPF—GEGEN—DAS—CORONA—VIRUS— unterstützen.
20200315             So habe die Bundeswehr gerade ihre Reservisten aufgerufen, sich zu melden, um in den Bundeswehrkrankenhäusern mitzuhelfen,
20200315             DIE—BUNDESWEHR verhandele, schließe Verträge und beschaffe Atemmasken, Schutzanzüge und Medikamente.
20200315             DIE—BUNDESWEHR ist aber auch selbst von dem neuartigen CORONA—VIRUS— betroffen.
20200315             Nach ANGABEN—VON—KRAMP—KARRENBAUER wurden —BIS Freitagabend 120—BEGRÜNDETE Verdachtsfälle und 18—BESTÄTIGTE CORONA—VIRUS—FÄLLE verzeichnet.
20200315             ISRAEL, müssen wegen der CORONA—VIRUS—PANDEMIE Restaurants und Einkaufszentren geschlossen bleiben.
20200315             —ZUDEM, sind —NUN auch Versammlungen mit mehr als 10—TEILNEHMERN verboten.
20200315             Daher könnte der für —DIENSTAG angesetzte Beginn des Korruptionsprozesses gegen NETANYAHU vershcoben werden.
20200315             —VERSCHIEBT, Der USA—BUNDES—STAAT GEORGIA, wegen des CORONA—VIRUS— die PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTS—VORWAHLEN vom 20200324             auf den 20200519            .
20200315             Damit geht ein 2. BUNDES—STAAT diesen Schritt.
20200315             LOUISIANA hatte als 1. BUNDES—STAAT die Vorwahlen verschoben.
20200315             —BEGRÜNDET wird die Maßnahme mit dem Vermeiden von Menschenansammlungen, in denen sich DAS—VIRUS weiter verbreiten könnte.
20200315             4—ANDERE Bundesstaaten (ARIZONA, FLORIDA, ILLINOIS und OHIO) halten allerdings an den Terminen in der kommenden —WOCHE fest.
20200315             NEWS—UPDATE —AM—SONNTAG Die wichtigsten Entwicklungen zu CORONA—DER SPIEGEL—WISSENSCHAFT
20200315             Technischer Fortschritt: Brauchen wir Bürgerrechte für Roboter?
20200315             1—INTERVIEW—VON—SILKE—WEBER
20200315             —CORONA—KRISE: Ostermesse im VATIKAN findet ohne Besucher statt
20200315             —REMEMBER—WHEN leaders inspired us to be our best selves?
20200315             —REMEMBER—WHEN people understood —WHEN to put partisanship and pettiness aside?
20200315             —REMEMBER—WHEN incessant ad hominem attacks and inane CONSPIRACY—THEORIES were considered the hallmark of tiny minds?
20200315             —REMEMBER—WHEN politics was not war?
20200315             —REMEMBER—WHEN politics ended and mere life could take its proper place?
20200315             Please share this video, especially to those of 1—DIFFERENT—POLITICAL—PERSUASION.
20200315             Ask them: Remember decency?
20200315             —BREED—OF, Spam Cartoon is 1—NEW, graphic humour: very short animations that laugh about issues, politics, stars, grudges, atmospheres, catastrophes and, who knows, EX—GIRLFRIENDS.
20200315             Created by André Carrilho and João PAULO—COTRIM with CRISTINA—SAMPAIO (drawings), João Fazenda (drawings) and JOSÉ—CONDEIXA (sound).
20200315             Spam Cartoon on Vimeo
20200315             —WHEN, reality spins in endless movement why should cartoons keep still?
20200315             —BREED—OF, Spam Cartoon is 1—NEW, graphic humour: very short animations that laugh about issues...
20200315             THE—FEAST—ABSTRACT:Aerosolized pathogens are 1—LEADING cause of respiratory infection and transmission.
20200315             —CURRENTLY used protective measures pose potential risk of primary/secondary infection and transmission.
20200315             Here, we report the development of 1—UNIVERSAL, reusable virus DEACTIVATION—SYSTEM by functionalization of the main fibrous filtration unit of surgical mask with sodium chloride salt.
20200315             The salt coating on the fiber surface dissolves upon exposure to virus aerosols and recrystallizes —DURING drying, destroying the pathogens.
20200315             —WHEN, tested with tightly sealed sides, SALT—COATED filters showed remarkably higher filtration efficiency than conventional mask filtration layer,
20200315             and 100% survival —RATE was observed in mice infected with virus penetrated through SALT—COATED filters.
20200315             —CAPTURED, VIRUSes, on SALT—COATED filters exhibited rapid infectivity loss compared to gradual decrease on bare filters.
20200315             —PROVED, SALT—COATED filters, highly effective in deactivating influenza viruses regardless of subtypes and —FOLLOWING storage in harsh environmental conditions.
20200315             Our results can be applied in obtaining 1—BROAD—SPECTRUM, airborne pathogen prevention device in preparation for epidemic and pandemic of respiratory diseases.
20200315             To DEMONST—RATE THE—CONCEPT—OF—VIRUS DEACTIVATION—SYSTEM based on salt recrystallization, the middle layer of 3—PLY surgical mask, polypropylene (PP) microfiber filter, was coated with NaCl salt as 1—ACTIVE—VIRUS—NEGATION—UNIT
20200315             2—HYPOTHESES.
20200315             THE—SALT—COATING can enhance ADSORPTION—OF—VIRUS on the filter fibers and inactivate virus by the increase of osmotic pressure followed by the crystallization of salts.
20200315             Notably, for DEMONSTRATION—OF—THE—CONCEPT—OF—SALT—RECRYSTALLIZATION based virus deactivation system, NaCl salt was used, which has 1—CRITICAL—RH—OF—75% at 30?°C35.
20200315             However, salts with higher critical RH can be easily used, such as ammonium sulfate, potassium chloride and potassium sulfate, which have critical RH—OF—80%, 84% and 96.3% at 30?°C, respectively
20200315             This suggests that SALT—COATED filters may be developed for specific environmental conditions.
20200315             we have shown that stability of the salt coating is not compromised by high temperature and humidity, which suggests safe use and LONG—TERM—STORAGE/reuse at such environmental conditions.
20200315             In fact, the destruction mechanism of viruses solely depends on the simple, yet robust naturally occurring salt recrystallization process, combining the destabilizing effects of salt crystal growth and concentration increase —DURING drying of aerosols.
20200315             How to cite this article: Quan, F.-S. et al.
20200315             Universal and reusable virus DEACTIVATION—SYSTEM for respiratory protection.
20200315             Universal and reusable virus DEACTIVATION—SYSTEM for respiratory protection | Scientific Reports
20200315             —CORONA—VIRUS, In ENGLAND wird geboxt und Darts GESPIELT—DIE Entwicklungen im Sport im Überblick
20200315             —CORONA—KRISE: ÖSTERREICH fährt auf Notbetrieb herunter
20200315             Weltgrößter ÖL—KONZERN, Gewinneinbruch bei SAUDI—ARABIA—ARAMCO
20200315             —CORONA—KRISE: DEUTSCHE—BAHN stellt REGIONAL—VERKEHR auf Sonderfahrplan um
20200315             Infektiologe zur CORONA—PANDEMIE: Wie sieht die Zukunft —NACH—DEM Ausbruch aus?
20200315             1—INTERVIEW—VON—IRENE—BERRES
20200315             —VERÄNDERT, DER—ALLTAG in DEUTSCHLAND, sich momentan massiv.
20200315             Klar ist aber, daß sich DAS—VIRUS weiter ausbreiten wird.
20200315             —AKTUELL gehen wir davon aus, daß JEDER—INFIZIERTE in einer Gesellschaft ohne Immunität, wie wir sie momentan noch haben, im Schnitt 3—ANDERE Menschen ansteckt.
20200315             Gestoppt werden kann die Weiterverbreitung des VIRUS —ERST, wenn JEDER—INFIZIERTE nur noch weniger als eine andere Person infiziert.
20200315             Hatten 2—DRITTEL der Bevölkerung Kontakt mit dem VIRUS und sind dadurch immun, fallen von den 3—MENSCHEN, die jeder anstecken würde, 2—WEG.
20200315             DAS—VIRUS wird dann zwar weiter zirkulieren, aber nicht mehr massenhaft infizierbare Personen finden.
20200315             So ist zumindest DIE—THEORIE.
20200315             DIE—MAßNAHMEN sind dazu da, den Ausbruch so weit wie möglich zu verlangsamen.
20200315             Das ist sehr sinnvoll, damit unser eigentlich gut funktionierendes KRANKENHAUS—SYSTEM nicht aufgrund der großen Anzahl an Patienten zusammenbricht, die auf der Intensivstation behandelt werden müssen.
20200315             Das ist momentan eine konkrete Gefahr.
20200315             dass sich DIE—SITUATION über —MONATE hinziehen kann.
20200315             Ziebuhr: Das ist wahrscheinlich.
20200315             —MOMENTAN, Wir müssen aber von —TAG zu —TAG gucken.
20200315             —VERSCHWINDET, Kann es sein, daß DAS—VIRUS irgendwann wieder, wenn genug Menschen immun sind?
20200315             Ziebuhr: Das halte ich für sehr unwahrscheinlich.
20200315             —CORONA—VIREN haben außerdem die unangenehme Eigenschaft, daß sie in der Lage sind, die sogenannte Interferonantwort zu UNTERDRÜCKEN—EINEN bestimmten Strang der Immunreaktion, der eigentlich die VIRUS—AUSBREITUNG im Körper unterdrückt.
20200315             Das könnte auch anderen Viren dabei helfen, sich im Körper auszubreiten.
20200315             —CORONA—VIRUS— Wie sieht die Zukunft —NACH—DEM Ausbruch aus? - DER SPIEGEL
20200315             —CORONA und RECHTS—POPULISMUS: Wahnsinn prallt auf VIRUS 1—KOLUMNE—VON—CHRISTIAN—STÖCKER
20200315             Dem auf Desinformation in den sozialen Medien spezialisierten USA—PROJEKT "Media Matters" zufolge bewerben sich mindestens 18—VERSCHWÖRUNGSTHEORETIKER um Sitze im USA—KONGRESS.
20200315             DIE—KANDIDATEN—DER—REPUBLIKANER hängen der sogenannten QANON—THEORIE an.
20200315             Dazu kommt ein weiteres knappes Dutzend ehemaliger Kandidaten.
20200315             QAnon ist 1—ART globalisierte Fortschreibung der sogenannten PIZZAGATE—THEORIE, derzufolge 1—GRUPPE—VON—DEMOKRATEN unter der Führung von HILLARY—CLINTON in einer Pizzeria in WASHINGTON einen Kinderschänderring BETRIEB—1—VERWIRRTER mit Sturmgewehr stürmte die Pizzeria schließlich, verletzte aber zum Glück niemanden.
20200315             —INZWISCHEN, geht es um einen weltumspannenden Ring von Satanisten und Kinderschändern, dem natürlich weiterhin führende Demokraten, aber auch GEORGE—SOROS, weite TEILE—DER—GEHEIMDIENSTE, der sogenannte DEEP—STATE, HOLLYWOODstars, VIELE—STAATSCHEFS und ALLE—EHEMALIGEN—PRÄSIDENTEN—DER—USA angehören.
20200315             DONALD—TRUMP ist der THEORIE zufolge der einzige, der diese VERSCHWÖRUNG zerschlagen kann.
20200315             Eigentlich sollte er das MITHILFE—DES—SONDERERMITTLERS—ROBERT—MUELLER und heimlich vorbereiteten Massenverhaftungen tun, aber das scheint irgendwie nicht geklappt zu haben.
20200315             DIE—QUELLE von QAnon ist "Q", angeblich ein zum inneren Kreis der USA—REGIERUNG gehörender geheimnisvoller Murmler im Dunkeln, der immer wieder kryptische Botschaften unters Volk bringt.
20200315             Zuerst auf der Bilderplattform 4chan, dann auf der extremeren, mittlerweile geschlossenen —KOPIE 8chan und —JETZT auf der nächsten —KOPIE 8kun.
20200315             Der frühere Betreiber von 8chan, der Plattform, auf der diverse RECHTS—EXTREME Massenmörder in jüngerer Zeit ihre Taten angekündigt haben, hat mittlerweile eine eigene sogenannte Superpac gegründet, einen Spendenverein zur Finanzierung der Wahlkämpfe von QANON—ANHÄNGERN.
20200315             DIE—ORGANISATION nennt sich "Disarm THE—DEEP—STATE".
20200315             Über den vermeintlichen "DEEP—STATE" flucht bekanntlich auch DONALD—TRUMP gern und oft.
20200315             Gemeint sind damit Beamte und Verwaltungsangestellte.
20200315             "Q" macht immer wieder Vorhersagen, die dann nicht eintreffen, siehe Mueller, aber das scheint die Anhänger der THEORIE nicht zu beirren.
20200315             Auch der Massenmörder von Hanau scheint, wenn man sich sein letztes Video ansieht, teilweise von QAnon inspiriert worden zu sein.
20200315             Er sprach darin unter anderem von unterirdischen Einrichtungen, in denen Kinder misshandelt und getötet würden.
20200315             Bei JEDER—WAHLKAMPFVERANSTALTUNG—VON—DONALD—TRUMP sind begeisterte Fans mit Q—T—SHIRTS dabei und der —PRÄSIDENT revanchiert sich: Kürzlich nutzte er seinen Twitteraccount, um Nachrichten von klar erkennbaren QANON—ANHÄNGERN an seine 68—MILLIONEN Follower zu verteilen.
20200315             DAS—FBI stuft QAnon als potenzielle TERROR—GEFAHR ein, QANON—ANHÄNGER haben im Namen der VERSCHWÖRUNGS—THEORIE —SCHON diverse Gewaltverbrechen begangen.
20200315             DIE—REPUBLIKANER dulden die Anhänger dieses gefährlichen Horrormärchens nicht nur in ihren Reihen, sie wollen sie sogar ins Parlament entsenden.
20200315             —JETZT, aber wird diese Phase zu einem brutalen Ende kommen.
20200315             —FUNKTIONIERT, DIE—FORTGESETZTE REALITÄTS—VERLEUGNUNG—VON—POPULISTEN wie TRUMP, —NUN nicht mehr, sie prallt mit der exponentiellen Wucht, mit der sich DAS—VIRUS verbreitet, auf die brutale Wirklichkeit.
20200315             Das Gleiche gilt für die bislang von den Republikanern für völlig irrelevant erklärten eklatanten Schwächen des USA—GESUNDHEITSSYSTEMS:
20200315             Es gibt in den USA 28—MILLIONEN nicht Krankenversicherte, 11—MILLIONEN illegal Eingewanderte und eine unbekannte ZAHL—VON—MENSCHEN ohne Anrecht auf Lohnfortzahlung im Krankheitsfall.
20200315             Viele davon werden einen Teufel tun, sich testen zu lassen.
20200315             TRUMP ist nicht der einzige Rechtspopulist und VERSCHWÖRUNGstheoretiker, dessen Egotrip und REALITÄTS—VERLEUGNUNG gerade mit der unleugbaren Realität des VIRUS kollidiert
20200315             BRASILIEN—PRÄSIDENT—JAIR—BOLSONARO, der DIE—CORONA—KRISE noch —AM—DIENSTAG als "Fantasie" und Erfindung der Medien bezeichnet hatte, ließ sich —AM—DONNERSTAG dann mit Mundschutz fotografieren.
20200315             1—MITGLIED seiner Delegation auf der Reise in DIE—USA—WAR positiv auf DAS—VIRUS getestet worden.
20200315             [l] Gute NACHRICHTen, CHICAGO O'Hare Airport hat —JETZT Enhanced COVID19 Screening!
20200315             —UPDATE, Anderswo gibt es ähnliche Bilder.
20200315             [l] Old and busted: Lange Schlangen im Supermarkt, Klopapier alle.
20200315             NEW—HOTNESS: Lange Schlangen am Gun Store, "Costco in the Marina is like 1—WAR—ZONE".
20200315             [l] Vielen Dank an dieser Stelle an GROSSBRITANNIEN.
20200315             —VERGESSEN, Eure Mithilfe als Kontrollgruppe wird nicht, werden.
20200315             —CORONA—KRISE—DEUTSCHLAND fährt runter
20200315             —CORONA—KRISE: Scheuer will BAHN—FAHRPLÄNE aufrechterhalten
20200315             Notstand wegen CORONA—VIRUS, SPANIEN steht still
20200315             DER—TOURISMUS ist das Lebenselixier SPANIENs.
20200315             15—PROZENT—DER—GESAMTEN—WIRTSCHAFTS—LEISTUNG—DES—LANDES stammen aus diesem Sektor.
20200315             Die Branche wird in den kommenden —MONATEN einbrechen.
20200315             Die SPANIEN—REGIERUNG nimmt das in KAUF—UM Leben zu retten.
20200315             In der vergangenen —WOCHE konnte man zuschauen, wie sich die Stimmung in SPANIEN drehte.
20200315             Quälend langsam sickerte die Erkenntnis in die Gesellschaft, daß der CORONA—VIRUS— mehr ist als nur eine heftige Grippe.
20200315             Dass nur Maßnahmen helfen würden, die fast JEDER—IM—LAND —BISHER für undenkbar hielt.
20200315             Denselben Lernprozess machen —DERZEIT VIELE—EUROPÄISCHE—STAATEN durch.
20200315             "Ich weiß nicht, wie man MADRID dichtmacht", sagte die konservative Regionalpräsidentin.
20200315             Vor einer —WOCHE noch zogen am Weltfrauentag mehr als 100.000—FRAUEN und Männer durch MADRID.
20200315             FERNANDO—SIMÓN, der EPIDEMIE—BEAUFTRAGTE der SPANIEN—REGIERUNG, riet explizit nicht davon ab, an der Demo teilzunehmen.
20200315             Dicht an dicht standen die Demonstrantinnen.
20200315             2—MINISTERINNEN und die EHEFRAU—DES—MINISTER—PRÄSIDENTEN, Begoña Gómez, führten den Marsch an, alle 3—SIND —NUN am CORONA—VIRUS— erkrankt.
20200315             —SEIT—FREITAG sind Bars und Restaurants dicht, —SEIT—SAMSTAG die Parks.
20200315             VIELE—MADRILENEN interpretierten das jedoch als Einladung, das Wochenende im Heimatdorf oder an der Küste zu verbringen.
20200315             Tausende reisten aus der Stadt aus, darunter auch der SPANIEN—EX—PRÄSIDENT—JOSE—MARIA—AZNAR und seine Frau Ana Botella, die EX—BÜRGERMEISTERIN—VON—MADRID.
20200315             In der Küstenregion MURCIA schotteten schimpfende Regionalpolitiker ganze Städte ab, weil so VIELE—MADRILENEN angekommen waren.
20200315             —IN—DER—WOCHE, in der sich die Spanierinnen und Spanier nach und nach der Dimension der Krise bewusst wurden, haben sich DIE—CORONA—FALLZAHLEN im Land mehr als verzehnfacht.
20200315             DIE—KRANKENHÄUSER in MADRID stoßen —BEREITS—JETZT an ihre Grenzen.
20200315             DIE—REGIERUNG schaltete —AM—SONNTAG Anzeigen auf den Titelseiten der großen Tageszeitungen: "Diesen VIRUS stoppen wir gemeinsam", steht dort.
20200315             Mit dem AUSBRUCH—DES—CORONA—VIRUS—IN—DEUTSCHLAND scheint es sich in etwa so zu verhalten wie mit dem KLIMA—WANDEL,
20200315             DIE—DATEN legen alle miteinander nahe, daß er kommt, aber es fällt schwer, die Bedeutung dieser Erkenntnis zu erfassen und das eigene Verhalten entsprechend zu ändern.
20200315             Bei Maßnahmen zum Schutz der öffentlichen Gesundheit ist es eben so: Wenn alle mitmachen und sie funktionieren, verläuft die Sache glimpflich, und dann sieht es im Nachhinein aus, als sei die ganze Aufregung übertrieben gewesen.
20200315             —GEMISCHT, DIE—ENTWICKLUNGEN haben über —NACHT ALLE—KARTEN neu.
20200315             Gerade FLORIDA mit seinen Tourismuszentren und Seniorenkolonien ist 1—BRENN—PUNKT der Pandemie.
20200315             Manche stellen —BEREITS die Frage, ob TRUMP, der —AM—FREITAG den nationalen Notstand ausrief, die PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTS—UND Kongresswahlen —IM—NOVEMBER verschieben und damit länger im Amt bleiben könnte.
20200315             Dies ist aber höchst unwahrscheinlich: Der Termin von USA—PRÄSIDENT—WAHLEN—DER—DIENSTAG —NACH—DEM 1. —MONTAG—IM—NOVEMBER—IST gesetzlich verankert.
20200315             Eine Änderung bedürfe einer Mehrheit im Kongress und der Zustimmung der Bundesstaten.
20200315             "DIE—LEUTE wählten ja auch im —BÜRGER—KRIEG".
20200315             In "Le Monde" ist —HEUTE nachzulesen, daß sich Bars und Cafés in vielen Vierteln der HAUPTSTADT trotz des sich ausbreitenden CORONA—VIRUS— —ERST nach einem Einschreiten DER—POLIZEI zur Schließung bewegen ließen.
20200315             In allen drängten sich die Besucher.
20200315             "Man hat mir den Fußball genommen, die Festivals, man nimmt mir alles, was ich mag", so zitiert die Zeitung einen von ihnen, "ich bin hier, weil ich ANGST—VOR—DER Langeweile habe".
20200315             Niemand weiß, wie lange der Ausnahmezustand anhalten wird.
20200315             Gezahlt werden darf nur noch mit Karte, Bargeld nimmt der Käsehändler nicht mehr an, aus hygienischen Gründen.
20200315             Wegen CORONA—VIRUS, SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN riegelt seine Inseln für Touristen ab
20200315             Rom IN—QUARANTÄNE: Gespenstisch schön
20200315             —CORONA—VIRUS, SEEHOFER garantiert freien WAREN—VERKEHR trotz Grenzschließungen
20200315             BERUFS—TÄTIGKEIT werde explizit nicht verboten.
20200315             Von INFEKTIONEN—MIT—DEM CORONA—VIRUS— sei auch die Bundespolizei betroffen, Romann nannte 4—BESTÄTIGTE Infektionen und 240—POLIZISTEN, die als Kontaktpersonen in QUARANTÄNE seien.
20200315             "DIE—ZAHLEN steigen ständig", sagte er.
20200315             Es stünden noch Ergebnisse von 90—TESTS aus.
20200315             DIE—UNTERBINDUNG der INFEKTIONS—KETTEN sei das Wichtigste, die Verbreitung des VIRUS finde weiter über die SOZIALKONT—AKTE statt.
20200315             Wie das ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUT (RKI) mitteilte, gab es —AM—SONNTAG 4838—LABORBESTÄTIGTE Infektionen.
20200315             —AM—SAMSTAG waren es noch 3795. Die ZAHL—DER—TODESFÄLLE wurde mit 12—ANGEGEBEN.
20200315             Sorge vor Pandemie auf LESBOS: Geflüchtete nähen ATEMSCHUTZ—MASKEN 1—VIDEO—VON—MARTIN—JÄSCHKE
20200315             —CORONA—EPIDEMIE—IN—FRANKREICH: LVMH produziert Desinfektionsmittel statt Champagner
20200315             —CORONA—KRISE: DEUTSCHLAND—IMPFSTOFF—FIRMA wird nicht in DIE—USA verkauft
20200315             SEEHOFER erklärt Grenzkontrollen: "Sie können 1—MINISTERIUM auch von zuhause aus führen"
20200315             Wenn es darum geht, echte Probleme zu lösen, dann hat DIE—WAHRHEIT einen klaren praktischen Vorteil: Sie funktioniert.
20200315             Leider hat Bullshit einen enormen Vorteil gegenüber der Wahrheit: Er ist oft die bessere Geschichte.
20200315             Im harten Wettbewerb um Aufmerksamkeit siegt der Bullshitter regelmäßig, gerade wenn es um komplexe Themen geht, die die meisten BÜRGER nicht selbst beurteilen können.
20200315             DIE—BULLSHITTER haben einen Wettbewerbsvorteil gegenüber ihrer seriösen Konkurrenz.
20200315             Ihre Geschichten sind leicht zu verstehen und manchmal sogar unterhaltsam.
20200315             DIE—CORONA—KRISE wird alles in den Schatten stellen, was die westliche Welt in Friedenszeiten erlebt hat.
20200315             Wir haben es mit einer globalen Epidemie zu tun, die eine synchrone globale Rezession nach sich ziehen wird.
20200315             Für —MONTAG haben sich die STAATS—UND Regierungschefs der G7—STAATEN zum Videogipfel verabredet.
20200315             Es soll 1—ART—VON—GEMEINSAMER—ANTWORT geben.
20200315             Immerhin. Eigentlich müssten —JETZT die G20 ran.
20200315             Anders als die G7 repräsentieren sie einen GROßTEIL—DER—WELT—BEVÖLKERUNG und der WELT—WIRTSCHAFTSLEISTUNG.
20200315             Der Offenbarungseid der POPULISTEN—KOLUMNE—DER SPIEGEL
20200315             BREAKING: MEXICO is considering closing their border with THE—USA to prevent Americans from bringing CORONA—VIRUS— to MEXICO.
20200315             —TURNED, How the tables have ! Faßt alles zusammen :
20200315             THE—NUMBER—OF—CORONA—VIRUS—CASES outside CHINA will increase tenfold EVERY— 19—DAYS if no drastic measures are taken to contain its spread, ACCORDING—TO, 1—STUDY by 1—TEAM—OF—CHINA—SCIENTISTS.
20200315             Ach regelmässig das Handy desinfizieren damit regelmässiges Hände waschen Sinn macht.
20200315             Es gibt ausreichend wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen, die klar belegen, daß diese SCHUTZ—MASKEN eine erstaunlich gute Schutzwirkung für den Träger besitzen, statistisch liegt die Wirksamkeit mit um 80% sogar über einer Grippeschutzimpfung.
20200315             Und erstaunlicherweise sind die einfachen OP—MASKEN hier nicht signifikant schlechter als die teuren N95 (FFP2/3) MASKEN.
20200315             Das Problem ist nur, daß der Markt leergekauft ist und daher gibt man vermutlich ungern zu, daß DIE—MASKEN helfen würden, weil man die Bevölkerung nicht noch zusätzlich verunsichern möchte.
20200315             Übrigens ist Ihr Ratschlag sich nicht anhusten zu lassen auch etwas irreführend, da mitnichten nur aktuelle Huster gefährlich (ansteckend) sind, das Aerosol mit Viren hält sich —BIS zu einer halben —STUNDE in der Luft.
20200315             Oft hört man auch von ein —BIS 2—METERN Abstand, die dann sicher sein sollen.
20200315             CHINA, hat man leider die Erfahrung machen müssen, daß sich Personen angesteckt habe, die über 4—METER von einem Erkrankten gesessen haben (geschlossener Raum).
20200315             Wie sieht denn der Verlauf —NUN vom einkaufen —BIS zum Kühlschrank einräumen aus ,DIE—VIREN sind ja —NUN dann wärend des Einkaufs auch auf der Verpackung,also müsste ja alles was in die Wohnung kommt desinfiziert werden oder sehe ich das falsch, ?!
20200315             Ich arbeite im EINZEL—HANDEL und werde —AM—TAG ca 20—MAL angehustet ????
20200315             Auch die Ware wird schön von den meisten Menschen an gesprüht.
20200315             Vom Bargeld brauchen wir garnicht sprechen ?
20200315             1—SCHUTZBRILLE nicht vergessen, eine —MASKE hilft nicht alleine!
20200315             Das sei die höchste Zahl an To­des­fällen in den vergangenen —30—JAHREN, wie der —PRÄSIDENT—DES—ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUTS (RKI), LOTHAR—WIELER, —HEUTE mit Blick auf eine eigene aktuelle Auswertungen erklärte.
20200315             Es gebe auch saisonale Wellen mit wenigen 100—TODESFÄLLEN (Aus dem Aerzteblatt)
20200315             Neben den genannten Beispielen von Fingernägeln kurz schneiden, Haare bzw.
20200315             Haarpony kürzen, empfehle ich aus hygienischen Gründen auch (Männer-)Bärte zu trimmen.
20200315             Diese sind häufig extrem KEIM—UND Bakterienbehaftet.
20200315             Die Centers for Disease Control and Preventation (CDC) haben gerade 1—STUDIE veröffentlicht, die zeigt, welche Bartlänge für zum Tragen von ATEMSCHUTZ—MASKEN geeignet oder gefährlich ist.
20200315             Aber es gibt nirgends wo zu kaufen, was werden wir machen ?????
20200315             Wenn diese MASKEN nicht schützen warum werden diese dann in Praxen und Krankenhäusern getragen
20200315             Weil sie verhindern das Bakterien der Ärzte nicht an die Patienten kommen.
20200315             —VERHINDERT, Es, die Weitergabe von Bakterien, aber verhindert halt nicht die "Aufnahme"
20200315             Gern verwechselt.
20200315             DIE—MASKEN von Ärzten&Co. im z.B. OP&Intensivstationen, schützen nicht den Träger der —MASKE vor dem Patienten sondern umgekehrt.
20200315             Die Wirksamkeit des Schutzes der MASKEN zeitlich ist sehr gering.
20200315             Nach Durchfeuchtung durch die Atemluftfeuchtigkeit müsssen sie getauscht werden.
20200315             Wenn es nur die Weitergabe der Bakterien/Viren des MASKENträgers verhindern würde, dann würde dies heissen, daß DIE—MASKE von Innen nach Aussen filtert, und nicht auch von Aussen nach Innen.
20200315             Das ist unlogisch.
20200315             Was für ein seltsames Material sollte das sein?
20200315             CHINA, und ITALIEN schützen sich Tausende gesunde Ärzte mit diesen MASKEN (PP3 und PP2) vor kranken Patienten und es schützen sich nicht gesunde Patienten vor kranken Ärzten.
20200315             Das Problem ist nur das sie nach spätestens —2—STUNDEN wieder gewechselt werden müssen!
20200315             Und helfen nur bedingt gegen direktes anhusten! Die Augen bleiben ja frei.
20200315             Und was mache ich danach sterilium über den Kopf Schütten?!?
20200315             Ich bin trotzdem für DIE—MASKE, da ich mir dann nicht in Gedanken an Mund und Nase fassen kann, über den Augen habe ich 1—BRILLE—BEIM—EINKAUFEN trage ich Einmalhandschuhe.
20200315             Türklinken, Lichtschalter, Schlüsselbund usw. immer desinfizieren.
20200315             Ich zahle möglichst Bargeldlos, dann kriege ich auch kein Kleingeld in die Hand gedrückt.
20200315             In unserer Gästetoilette habe ich nur noch Einmalpapierhandtücher!!
20200315             Weil die ATEMSCHUTZ—MASKEN nix bringen, haben die mir im KH (Immunschwäche, Leukämie) immer welche aufgesetzt, auf Flur und in Untersuchungsräumen.
20200315             —GETRAGEN, Haben die auch selber.
20200315             Die wollten die nutzlosen Dinger einfach aufbrauchen, um mehr Platz für Antibiotika im Schrank zu haben.
20200315             Ich versteh die Idee, man saugt und kann mit der Zeit tropfen von außen nach innen saugen, aber die Idee ist quatsch.
20200315             Wenn man einkauft, dauert das —5—MINUTEN.
20200315             In der Zeit wird man ein —BIS 2—MAL feucht angehaucht.
20200315             Natürlich schützt DIE—MASKE solange.
20200315             Aber ich trau mich nicht, sie zu tragen, weil man mich für infiziert hält, weil alle an diesen Mythos glauben, daß DIE—MASKEN nur zum Schutz anderer da wären.
20200315             —INFIZIERT, Und wer wirklich, ist, trägt sie aus dem selben Grund nicht.
20200315             Wegen Gruppenzwang.
20200315             —INFIZIERT, Außerdem weiß wegen Inkubationszeit keiner, ob er, ist.
20200315             Wer DIE—MASKE mit dem Motiv Selbstschutz trägt, könnte genauso andere schützen.
20200315             Es geht nicht um ums es geht um ältere und kranke Menschen für die wir uns nicht anstecken sollten.
20200315             Die könnten durch CORONA sterben.
20200315             Also sollten wir uns nicht anstecken und älteren und kranken Menschen helfen
20200315             bullshit...auch junge menschen —STERBEN dran. die wahrscheinlichkeit das es zum tod führt ist bei älteren nur etwas höher. wäre sweet wenn leute unterm seniorenalter immun wären aber nope....da musste dich besser informieren. jeder..absolut jeder kann(!) muss nicht..aber kann —STERBEN wenn er infiziert wird. aber davon mal abgesehen, es geht nichtmal um ä geht darum, die kontaminierung generell einzudämpfen. auch wenn man glück hat und sich die krankheit nur als husten äussert, wirst du es nicht los wenn jeder infiziert ist. du kommst als patient einfach nicht dran wenn 50% der nation krank ist. und sogar ne ganz normale, einfache grippe kann durchaus zum tod führen wenn sie zu lange deinen körper beansprucht. ausserdem darfst auch nicht vergessen das wir auch keine tatsächlichen —MEDIKAMENTE haben gegen den virus...also..ja..bitte UNBEDINGT —ERST RICHTIG informieren bevor du falsche angaben öffentlich machst und es leute dann auf die leichte schulter nehme
20200315             Psalm 91—ZU beten ist auch zu empfehlen.
20200315             Wer im Schutz des Höchsten wohnt und ruht im Schatten des Allmächtigen, der sagt zum Herrn:"Du bist für mich Zuflucht und Burg, mein Gott, dem ich vertraue.
20200315             Er rettet dich aus der Schlinge des Jägers und aus allem Verderben.
20200315             —BESCHIRMT, Er, Dich mit seinen Flügeln, unter seinen Schwingen findest du Zuflucht, Schild und Schutz ist dir seine Treue.
20200315             Du brauchst dich vor dem Schrecken —DER—NACHT nicht zu fürchten, noch vor dem Pfeil, der —AM—TAG dahinfliegt, nicht vor der Pest, die im Finstern schleicht, vor der Seuche, die wütet —AM—MITTAG.
20200315             Hahaa in BERLIN —MORGENS zur Arbeit/ Schule....alle auf 1—HAUFEN in Bus Bahn Tram....2 Meter abstand sollte man halten zum anderen Fahrgast halten....wie soll das gehen Epidemie ausruf in ITALIEN...viel zu spät alle zu hause hause bleiben aber nur für ne —WOCHE ist auch viel zu wenig...
20200315             —AUSGERUFEN, Warum wird das hier nicht ?
20200315             Wozu GEZ Beiträge, wenn die Qualität überwiegend schlecht ist ?
20200315             Wo bleiben die praktischen Alltags Tips von den ÖFFENTLICH—RECHTLICHEN?
20200315             Ich war vor ein paar —TAGEN beim Arzt.
20200315             Er wollte mir zur Begrüßung die Hand reichen die ich dankend abgelehnt habe.
20200315             Daraufhin war er sauer und hat gefragt was dieser "Scheiß" soll.
20200315             —AKZEPTIERT, Da er das nicht, hat habe ich für mich die —ENTSCHEIDUNG getroffen dass ich das letzte mal in dieser Praxis war.
20200315             Guten —TAG, Sie zeigen 1—FFP3 —MASKE der Fa.
20200315             3M. - - Das weiße Kunststoffgehäuse vorne an der —MASKE ist kein Filter der gewechselt werden kann, sondern beherbergt 1—AUSATEMVENTIL, welches man nicht wechseln kann.
20200315             Das Ventil erleichtert die Ausatmung durch Reduzierung des Ausatemdrucks.
20200315             Die Einatmung ist erschwert, da das Ventil bei der Einatmung schließt und die Luft durch die weißen Flächen der —MASKE strömt.
20200315             —GEFILTERT, Dabei wird sie entsprechend des Abscheidevermögens.
20200315             —BESTIMMT, DIE—MASKE ist zum einmaligen Gebrauch, und kann nicht aufbereitet werden.
20200315             FFP—MASKEN mit Ausatemventil sind ausschließlich für nicht infizierte sinnvoll.
20200315             FF—MASKEN ohne Ventil sind für infizierte und nicht infizierte sinnvoll.
20200315             Sinnvoll heißt aber nicht, daß jedermann die Dinger tragen muss.
20200315             Wichtig ist, daß Personal der kritischen Infrastruktur mit MASKEN ausgestattet ist, um 1—VERSCHLEPPUNG bei Kontakt mit verschiedenen Patienten zu vermeiden.
20200315             Gruß aus dem Zivilschutz.
20200315             Alta wenn wir abkratzen! Kratzen wir halt ab.
20200315             Meine Güte. Ob man —JETZT stirbt oder sonnst wann.
20200315             Ist doch scheiß egal. Irgendwann Kratz man eh ab. Halbe Angst ist auch Angst.
20200315             Also scheiß auf DIE—ANGST.
20200315             Mit SCHUTZ—MASKE greift man sich auf jeden Fall nicht so unbewusst ins Gesicht zu den Schleimhäuten: NASE—MUND!
20200315             Egal ob da —JETZT wirklich ein ausgehusteter VIRUS durchkommt oder nicht, das "Unbewusste Ins Gesicht Greifen" wird reduziert!
20200315             Wer noch dazu Brillenträger ist, hat auch die Augen besser geschützt!
20200315             Also 2—TIPP von wisenschaftlar sagen wenn mann trokene Hals rauer hals rachen.solte mann vermeiden..immer öfter wasser trinken.weil solte CORONA akiv sein bei trokener hals so wird inherhalb kurzer zeit Nieren und leber versagen können.aber bei feuchter Zustand schutzt es.und CORONA wird ohne nebenwirkung ausgeschieden
20200315             Angesichts der noch vielen Unklarheiten über die tatsächliche Ausbreitungsgeschwindigkeit und die genauen Verbreitungswege des VIRUS, sowie die tatsächlich zu erwartende Mortalität und zu möglichen sonstigen Langzeitfolgen solcher VIRUSinfekte ist es immer noch sehr schwierig, eine genaue Risikoabschätzung für die verschiedenen Szenarien der VIRUS—EPIDEMIE—IN—EUROPA zu machen.
20200315             Von daher ist es richtig, wenn DIE—POLITIK hier unpopuläre Massnahmen beschliessen, wenn dies die weitere schnelle Verbreitung des VIRUS effektiv bremsen kann.
20200315             Hinzu kommt noch die Gefahr, daß das GESUNDHEITS—SYSTEM bei einer rasanten AUSBREITUNG—DES—VIRUS bald vor unlösbaren Aufgaben steht und es dann zu massiven Ausfällen der Gesundheitsversorgung der Bevölkerung kommen kann.
20200315             Wer möchte dafür dann am Ende die Verantwortung übernehmen?
20200315             Der gezeigte einfache MUND—NASEN—SCHUTZ schützt laut PROFESSOR—KEKULÉ und PROFESSOR—ZASTROW (Facharzt für Hygiene) sehr wohl gegen die Tröpfcheninfektion bei CORONA.
20200315             DAS—VIRUS kommt NICHT so einfach hindurch, da es an größere Tröpfchen gebunden ist, die die Membran nicht überwinden können.
20200315             Außerdem gibt es 1—STUDIE der "Lungenärzte IM—NETZ", die eine ähnliche Schutzwirkung des MNS wie bei FFP3—MASKEN nahelegt.
20200315             Alles klar "MASKEN machen kein Sinn " deswegen ist EUROPA CORONA Zentrum, in CHINA ist so gut wie keine neu Infektionen mehr, anders als in DEUTSCHLAND ,
20200315             MUNDSCHUTZ—MASKEN und Desinfektionsmittel gegen den CORONA—VIRUS— sind mittlerweile Mangelware in DEUTSCHLAND.
20200315             Der Export von HYGIENE—ARTIKEL gegen COVID—19—UNTERSAGT.
20200315             Im WELT Interview erklärt PROFESSOR—KLAUS—DIETER—ZASTROW, Facharzt für Hygiene, einfache Methoden, um zum Beispiel einen gebrauchten Mundschutz ohne Aufwand wieder einsatzfähig zu machen.
20200315             Auch Handdesinfektionsmittel lassen sich einfach herstellen.
20200315             MUNICPALITY—OF—PORTIMÃO cancels the Formula 1—GRAND—PRIX of Motorcycles, channeling 350 1000—EUROS for THE—PURCHASE—OF—HOSPITAL—VENTILATORS
20200315             —CANCELED, PORTIMÃO, the Formula 1—GRAND—PRIX of Motorcycles, earmarking 350 1000—EUROS for THE—PURCHASE—OF—HOSPITAL—VENTILATORS
20200315             Guten —TAG, Psalm 91—ZU beten ist auch zu empfehlen.
20200315             —VOR—2—JAHREN: BERLIN — Die außergewöhnlich starke Grippewelle 20170000/20180000 hat nach SCHÄTZUNGEN—CA—25.100—MENSCHEN in DEUTSCHLAND das Leben gekostet.
20200315             —REAKTION—AUF—WELTWEITE Krise, USA—NOTENBANK senkt LEIT—ZINS auf fast 0—PROZENT
20200315             TRUMP—REAKTION—AUF—DAS—CORONA—VIRUS— sehen: Die Realität ist im Zweifel optional, in der Regel lästig.
20200315             Der Export von HYGIENE—ARTIKEL gegen COVID—19 untersagt.
20200315—10000000    —BY, PRIME—MINISTER—BOYKO—BORISSOV said BULGARIA will raise the salaries of all medics involved in treating CORONA€"VIRUS patients levs ($566) per —MONTH as it steps up measures to contain THE—FAST—SPREADING infection.
20200315—20180000    —J—IM, Zum Beispiel die PANDEMIE—TASK—FORCE des Centers for Disease Control, die sich abrupt fast vollständig auflöste und seitdem nicht wiederhergestellt wurde.
20200315—20180000    —ESTIMATED, More than 100,000—PEOPLE were, to be living with HIV in THE—UK.
20200315—20191227    —AM, Allein, verschaffte TRUMP so 20—UNTERSCHIEDLICHEN QANON—FANACCOUNTS gigantische Reichweite.
20200315—20200220    —SINCE, SOUTH—KOREA reported 76—NEW—CORONA€"VIRUS—CASES in —24—HOURS, 1—ALL—TIME—LOW, —WHEN the country saw 1—SURGE of over 500 in —4—DAYS.
20200315—20200316    —ON, Hours —LATER the mayor also took aim at the city's nightlife, saying he would sign 1—ORDER limiting the city's 27,000 restaurants and bars to takeout and delivery only effective on THE—MORNING—OF—20200317      .
20200315—20200316    —REPORTED, MALAYSIA, 1—DAILY jump of 125—CASES to 553. 338—OF—MALAYSIA—CASES have been linked to the religious gathering at 1—MOSQUE in KUALA—LUMPUR 20200228—20200301    —BETWEEN.
20200315—20200316    —FROM, GEORGIA—GOVERNMENT said it will temporarily shut its border with RUSSIA for travelers in 1—BID to stop THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200315—20200316    —ON, Hours —LATER the mayor also took aim at the city's nightlife, saying he would sign 1—ORDER limiting the city's 27,000 restaurants and bars to takeout and delivery only effective on THE—MORNING—OF—20200317         .
20200315—20200316    20200316             —REPORTED, MALAYSIA, 1—DAILY jump of 125—CASES to 553. 338—OF—MALAYSIA—CASES have been linked to the religious gathering at 1—MOSQUE in KUALA—LUMPUR 20200228—20200301    —BETWEEN.
20200315—20200318    —AM,
20200315—20200318    —AM, sollten BÜRGER die Gelegenheit haben, Einwendungen gegen das geplante TESLA—WERK in Grünheide bei BERLIN öffentlich vorzubringen.
20200315—20200318    —BERICHTET, Daraus wird wegen des CORONAvisus nichts, das "Handelsblatt".
20200315—20200318    Die Anhörung sei vom brandenburgischen Landesumweltamt auf unbestimmte Zeit verschoben WORDEN—DAS stoße auf Kritik.
20200315—20200318    Dem Bericht zufolge haben sich 361—KRITIKER Einwände gegen das Projekt angemeldet.
20200326—20190315    —COMMITTED, NEW—ZEALAND, Brenton HARRISON—TARRANT, —29—JAHRE—ALT, man who, the worst atrocity in NEW—ZEALAND—MODERN—HISTORY—WHEN he slaughtered 51—WORSHIPPERS at 2—CHRISTCHURCH mosques, unexpectedly pleaded guilty to all charges.
20200421             Gegenwärtig ist eine solche Auszählung —BIS zum 20200315             darstellbar.
20200421—20200315    Ob die Sterbefallzahlen ab der 20200302             HÄLFTE insgesamt erhöht sind, werden die künftig regelmäßig veröffentlichten Sonderauswertungen zeigen.
20200421—20200315    —BIS—ZUM,—GEGENWÄRTIG ist 1—SOLCHE Auszählung darstellbar.
20200421—20200315    Vor diesem Datum traten nur vereinzelt Sterbefälle auf, die mit COVID—19 in Verbindung gebracht werden.
20200426—20200315    —SINCE, BELGIUM, the number of newly reported CORONA€"VIRUS cases continued to decline with 809 added over the last —24—HOURS bringing the total to 46,134. The death toll reached 7,094 and 10,785 patients have recovered.
20200623—20200315    —AM, Als der Feldherr und Diktator auf Lebenszeit GAIUS—JULIUS—CÄSAR —J—IM 44—VOR Christus während einer Senatssitzung erdolcht wurde, entbrannte in Rom ein fast —2—JAHRZEHNTE andauernder Machtkampf, in dessen Folge die ROM—REPUBLIK unterging.
20210120             Der Abschalttag ist der 20210315            .
20210225—20210315    —BIS, UNGARN verlängert TEIL—LOCKDOWN
20210304—20210315    —AB, Schulen in NIEDERSACHSEN weiten Betrieb wieder aus
20210305             Zur Begleitung der laufenden Öffnung des gesellschaftlichen und wirtschaftlichen Lebens will die Regierung ab dem 20210315             kostenlose Tests für alle anbieten.
20210315             PRESIDENT—JOE—BIDEN—ADMINISTRATION told THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT that it thinks LOW—LEVEL crack cocaine offenders should be among the beneficiaries of 1—FEDERAL—LAW that reduced certain prison sentences, reversing the position taken under his predecessor DONALD—TRUMP.
20210315             —CONFIRMED, THE—USA—SENATE, NEW—MEXICO REPRESENTATIVE—DEB—HAALAND as interior SECRETARY, making her the 1. Native American to lead 1—CABINET—DEPARTMENT—AND—THE 1. to lead THE—FEDERAL—AGENCY that has wielded influence over the nation's tribes for nearly —2—CENTURIES.
20210315             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—USA—BASED branch of the Jesuits has unveiled plans for a "truth and reconciliation" initiative in partnership with DESCENDANTS—OF—PEOPLE once enslaved by THE—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—ORDER.
20210315             —PLANNED, THE—JESUITS, to raise $1—BILLION within —5—YEARS in pursuit of racial justice and racial healing.
20210315             THE—USA—EMBASSY in MOZAMBIQUE said USA special operations forces will support MOZAMBIQUE—EFFORTS to prevent THE—SPREAD—OF—TERRORISM and violent extremism".
20210315             CALIFORNIA to date had 3,600,364 CASES—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS and 55,815 deaths.
20210315             THE—SF—BAY—AREA had 414,922 cases and 5,656 deaths.
20210315             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 29,492,614 with the death toll at 535,597.
20210315             † S—FRANCISCO—STEPHEN—BECHTEL—JUNIOR, (95), philanthropist and retired CEO—OF—THE—BECHTEL construction company (19600000—19900000    ), at his home in Pacific Heights.
20210315             FLORIDA, THE—BODY—OF—NEIL—CLARK, —67—JAHRE—ALT, 1—LONGTIME—OHIO lobbyist who had pleaded not guilty in 1—SWEEPING $60—MILLION—FEDERAL—BRIBERY—INVESTIGATION, was found dead in Collier County.
20210315             —VOTED, County officials in coastal NORTH—CAROLINA, on whether to raise property taxes to help save 1—MAIN—ROAD from rising seas.
20210315             † 8—MIGRANTS in 1—CAR—CRASH in TEXAS on USA—HIGHWAY—277, about 30—MILES—NORTH—OF—THE—BORDER—CITY—DEL—RIO.
20210315             —URGED, SENATOR—MITT—ROMNEY—OF—UTAH in 1—PUBLIC—LETTER, USA—SPECTATORS, companies and diplomats to boycott 20220000             —THE—BEIJING—WINTER—OLYMPICS, to punish CHINA for its human rights abuses.
20210315             He favored that approach over 1—ATHLETE boycott.
20210315             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—NEW—FEATURE has appeared at smoke shops in MONTANA, gas stations in the Carolinas and delis in FAR—FLUNG CORNERS—OF—NEW—YORK City: 1—BRIGHTLY—LIT bitcoin ATM, where customers can buy or sell digital currency, and sometimes extract hard cash.
20210315             There are —NOW bitcoin ATMs in EVERY—STATE—EXCEPT—ALASKA.
20210315             Billionaire hedge fund investor WILLIAM—ACKMAN said he donated 26.5—MILLION—SHARES in newly public SOUTH—KOREA—E—COMMERCE—GIANT—COUPANG Inc to 3—ENTITIES, including his foundation.
20210315             —RELEASED, Advanced Micro Devices Inc, 1—NEW—DATA—CENTER—CHIP aimed at taking away more market share from rival Intel Corp. CALIFORNIA—BASED AMD designs the chip but taps TAIWAN Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd to fabricate the chip using TSMC—7—NANOMETER chipmaking process.
20210315             CEO—MARK—ZUCKERBERG said Facebook is adding informational labels to posts about vaccines as it expands efforts to counter COVID—19—RELATED misinformation flourishing on its platforms.
20210315             GENERAL—MOTORS—CO said that due to the global semiconductor chip shortage THE—USA—AUTOMAKER is building certain 20210000             LIGHT—DUTY—FULL—SIZE pickup trucks without 1—FUEL—MANAGEMENT module, hurting those vehicles' fuel economy performance.
20210315             Gilead Sciences Inc and rival Merck & Co Inc said they will test 1—COMBINATION—OF—THEIR—EXPERIMENTAL—HIV drugs to develop 1—LONG—ACTING treatment for the infection that affects millions worldwide.
20210315             —DOSED, Moderna Inc said it had, the 1. patients in 1—EARLY—STAGE—STUDY—OF—1—NEW—COVID 19—VACCINE—CANDIDATE for evaluation as 1—NEXT—GENERATION shot.
20210315             The new candidate, MISTER—NA 12830000             , could potentially be stored in refrigerators instead of freezers.
20210315             —SUBMITTED, Purdue Pharma, its bankruptcy restructuring plan —JUST—BEFORE midnight.
20210315             The blueprint requires members of the billionaire Sackler family to relinquish CONTROL—OF—THE—COMPANY and transforms it into 1—NEW—CORPORATION with revenue directed exclusively toward abating the addiction epidemic that its signature painkiller, OxyContin, helped create.
20210315             AUSTRALIA, more than 100,000—PEOPLE took to the streets in DOZENS—OF—RALLIES across the country to protest violence against women and the government's handling of 2—RAPE cases involving HIGH—LEVEL—POLITICAL—FIGURES.
20210315             BRITAIN said it was imposing new sanctions on Bashar AL—ASSAD—REGIME, including asset freezes and travel bans on THE—SYRIA—DICTATOR—CLOSE—ALLIES.
20210315             Rogers Communications Inc said it was buying rival SHAW—COMMUNICATIONS—INC for about C$20—BILLION in 1—DEAL that would create CANADA—2.—LARGEST cellular and cable operator but might attract stiff regulatory scrutiny.
20210315             1—REGIONAL—COURT—IN—WEST—AFRICA ordered the immediate release of 1—VENEZUELA—BUSINESSMAN—CLOSE to PRESIDENT—NICOLÁS—MADURO, finding that his arrest in CAPE—VERDE on USA—MONEY laundering charges was unlawful.
20210315             —INSTRUCTED, The court also, CAPE—VERDE to cease all extradition proceedings against ALEX—SAAB and compensate him $200,000 for damages.
20210315             —REPORTED, It was, that 25—PERCENT—OF—CHILE—POPULATION has received at least 1—SHOT—OF—THE—CORONA€"VIRUS—VACCINE.
20210315             CHINA said it will simplify visa applications for foreign nationals who have been inoculated with CHINESE—MADE COVID—19—VACCINES, its latest small step towards normalizing INTERNATIONAL travel.
20210315             —REPORTED, CHINA, 1—NEW—COVID 19—VACCINE for emergency use.
20210315             —DEVELOPED, The vaccine, jointly, by Anhui Jifei Longcom Biopharmaceutical Co. and THE—CHINA—ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES, is the 5. CORONA€"VIRUS vaccine developed and approved in CHINA and the 4. to be given emergency use approval.
20210315             The largest sandstorm in —1—DECADE swept across NORTH—CHINA and MONGOLIA, grounding flights and closing schools.
20210315             —KILLED, At least 10—PEOPLE were, and nearly 400—LEFT missing.
20210315             Attacks on CHINESE—RUN—FACTORIES in MYANMAR—BIGGEST city drew demands from BEIJING for protection for their property and employees.
20210315             1—REPORT by medical charity MSF has found that nearly 70—PERCENT—OF—HEALTH—FACILITIES in ETHIOPIA—CONFLICT—HIT NORTH—REGION—OF—TIGRAY have been vandalized and equipment looted.
20210315             —LAUNCHED, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, legal action against BRITAIN for unilaterally changing trading arrangements for NORTH—IRELAND that BRUSSELS says breach the Brexit divorce deal agreed with LONDON —LAST—YEAR.
20210315             GERMANY, FRANCE, ITALY and SPAIN said they would stop administering the AstraZeneca COVID—19—VACCINE—AFTER several countries reported possible serious SIDE—EFFECTS.
20210315             GERMANY—IDT—BIOLOGICA said it would make Johnson & JOHNSON—COVID 19—VACCINE using capacity previously reserved by JAPAN—TAKEDA, helping to ease concerns about THE—USA—DRUGMAKER—ABILITY to meet its production goals.
20210315             HONG—KONG authorities said that the city's vaccine scheme would be widened to include those aged between 30—60—YEARS—OLD and domestic helpers, as they aim to increase take up amongst residents in THE—ASIA—FINANCIAL—HUB.
20210315             HUNGARY, demonstrators in BUDAPEST broke 1—BAN on public gatherings to demand 1—END to the country's lockdown restrictions, even as 1—SURGE in COVID—19—CASES and hospitalizations sweeps the country.
20210315             INDONESIA said it will delay the administering of ASTRAZENECA—COVID 19—VACCINE due to REPORTS—OF—BLOOD clots among SOME—RECIPIENTS in EUROPE and would await 1—REVIEW from the World Health Organization (WHO).
20210315             —CHARGED, IRAN, 1—FRANCE—TOURIST with spying and "spreading propaganda against the system.
20210315             —ARRESTED, BENJAMIN—BERIER was, SOME— 10—MONTHS—AGO—AFTER taking pictures in 1—DESERT—AREA where photography is prohibited.
20210315             —RULED, ITALY—TOP—ADMINISTRATIVE—COURT, against 1—CONSERVATIVE think tank affiliated with FORMER—WHITE—HOUSE—ADVISER—STEVE—BANNON over its use of 1—HILLTOP monastery to train future populist leaders.
20210315             Cases have risen over the past —3—WEEKS, driven by the spread of the variant 1. found in BRITAIN and 1—SLOW—VACCINATION—CAMPAIGN.
20210315             LIBYA—1. unity government in years was sworn in in THE—EAST—CITY—OF—TOBRUK, charged with unifying the country —AFTER YEARS—OF—VIOLENCE and division and overseeing THE—RUN—UP to national elections.
20210315             THE—NETHERLANDS began —3—DAYS—OF—GENERAL—ELECTIONS.
20210315             —STORMED, NIGERIA, gunmen on motorcycles, the primary school in Rama village in Birnin Gwari local government area as children were arriving for classes.
20210315             3—TEACHERS were abducted.
20210315             —INCLUDED, His films, "Nothing But a Man" (19640000             ), "Live and Let Die" (19730000             ), "BLUE—COLLAR" (19780000             ), "Alien" (19790000             ), "Running Man" (19870000             ) and "Midnight Run" (19880000             ).
20210315             —VACCINATED, RUSSIA—RDIF sovereign wealth fund said RUSSIA has, 3.5—MILLION—PEOPLE with both shots of its Sputnik V vaccine against COVID—19, which puts it ahead of all countries in EUROPE in terms of the absolute NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE fully vaccinated.
20210315             —VALUED, THAILAND, 6—PEDIGREE cats, at THOUSANDS—OF—DOLLARS were confiscated in 1—THAILAND—DRUG—NETWORK—RAID on suspicion they were being used to launder money.
20210315             —REPORTED, It was, that UGANDA—OPPOSITION—FIGURE—BOBI Wine has been arrested —WHILE leading 1—PROTEST in KAMPALA.
20210315             —DECREED, THE—VATICAN, that the Catholic Church won't bless SAME—SEX—UNIONS—SINCE God "cannot bless sin".
20210315             —REPORTED, It was, that VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—MADURO is pressing banks to implement digital payment systems as hyperinflation prompts chronic SHORTAGES—OF—CASH in the bolivar currency.
20210315             —MONTAG, 20210315             20210315             —VERLIERT, Datenanalyse zur Wahl in BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG: CDU, massiv Stimmen an Grüne und FDP
20210315             Bäume im Stress: Nachruf auf die Fichte
20210315             SPIEGEL—EXPERIMENT zu LANDTAGSWAHLEN: So lassen wir Dutzende Wahlkreisanalysen automatisiert schreiben
20210315             Die Ergebnisse: GRÜNEN—TRIUMPH in BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG — SPD siegt in RHEINLAND—PFALZ
20210315             CORONA in den USA: Fauci warnt Amerikaner vor neuem Lockdown à la ITALIEN
20210315             Neue SIPRI—STUDIE: Kein Land liefert so VIELE—WAFFEN wie die USA
20210315             CDU—DEBAKEL bei den LANDTAGSWAHLEN: Schock für den Neuen
20210315             Satellitenbild —DER—WOCHE: Hier sind AFRIKA und EUROPA nur 14—KILOMETER voneinander entfernt
20210315             Wenig Kontakte, keine Lernmotivation: Warum die Coronakrise manchen Kindern besonders schadet
20210315             Mehr Opfer als durch Kriege und 20010911             : NEW—YORK gedenkt seiner mehr als 30.000—CORONA—TOTEN
20210315             SYRIEN: Strafanzeige gegen Putins Söldner wegen Folter und Mordes
20210315             SOFORTHILFE—BETRUG: Staatsanwälte ermitteln in mehr als 25.000—VERDACHTSFÄLLEN
20210315             Löwen, Giraffen, Elefanten: DEUTSCHLAND—TROPHÄENJÄGER töten Hunderte geschützte Tiere
20210315             Mysteriöser TWITTER—FEHLER: Erwähne MEMPHIS und dein Account ist gesperrt
20210315             Wahl in RHEINLAND—PFALZ: Der Erfolg der DREYER—AMPEL
20210315             Staub aus der Wüste Gobi: Sandsturm fegt über Peking
20210315             Kriegsrecht in Teilen Yangons verhängt: Bislang blutigster —TAG in MYANMAR
20210315             Söder nach CDU—WAHLDEBAKEL: "Schlag ins Herz der Union"
20210315             "Der Nutzen überwiegt die Risiken": Warum MANCHE—LÄNDER vorerst auf AstraZeneca verzichten — DEUTSCHLAND aber nicht
20210315             Unterstützung von Kriegsverbrechen: Syriens 1. Lady Asma AL—ASSAD könnte GROSSBRITANNIEN—STAATSBÜRGERSCHAFT verlieren
20210315             Wählerwanderung in BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG: Bei wem die Grünen punkten konnten Von ANNA—SOPHIE—SCHNEIDER und MARCEL—PAULY
20210315             Wählerwanderung in RHEINLAND—PFALZ: Wo die Sozialdemokraten Wähler verloren — und neue gewannen Von ANNA—SOPHIE—SCHNEIDER und MARCEL—PAULY
20210315             Wertvollstes "Fintech" der Welt: Be­zahl­dienst Stripe ist —JETZT 95—MIL­li­ar­den Dollar wert
20210315             POLITIKER—IMAGE: Faul, korrupt und machtbesessen
20210315             AUSTRALIEN: Tausende Frauen protestieren gegen sexualisierte Gewalt
20210315             Impfstoff: RUSSLAND meldet Einigung über SPUTNIK—V—PRODUKTION in DEUTSCHLAND
20210315             Trotz weniger Polizeieinsätzen: ZAHL—DER—DELIKTE im Berliner Clanmilieu bleibt hoch
20210315             Steigende Coronazahlen: Intensivärzte fordern sofortige Rückkehr zum Lockdown in DEUTSCHLAND
20210315             Streit über Nuklearprogamm: IRAN macht wegen Atomabkommens Druck auf USA
20210315             Wahlniederlagen im Südwesten: CDU—FÜHRUNG geht auf SPD los
20210315             Nach Wahlsieg in RHEINLAND—PFALZ: SPD—KANZLERKANDIDAT Scholz offen für Ampel im Bund
20210315             Elektromobilität: VW baut Netz eigener Batteriezellwerke in EUROPA auf
20210315             Krise am Schwarzen Meer: Auf der Krim wird das Trinkwasser knapp
20210315             Laschet nach CDU—WAHLDEBAKEL: "Beim Management der Krise müssen wir besser werden"
20210315             NIEDERLANDE: Premier Rutte vor Wiederwahl trotz "Kindergeldaffäre"
20210315             Brexitstreit: EU startet Verfahren gegen GROSSBRITANNIEN
20210315             Mord an Sarah E. in LONDON: Gewaltsamer Einsatz gegen Mahnwache — Wut über die Polizei
20210315             CORONA—PANDEMIE: Impfung mit AstraZeneca in DEUTSCHLAND wird ausgesetzt
20210315             Mit Unterstützung von FRANZISKUS—PAPA: Vatikan erklärt Segnungen gleichgeschlechtlicher Beziehungen für unzulässig
20210315             Mon 20210315             20210315             [l] Wisst ihr, warum die Amerikaner von Solarwinds überrascht wurden?
20210315             Das haben sie —JETZT rausgefunden.
20210315             —EXPLOITED, Both hacks, the same gaping vulnerability in the existing system:
20210315             —LAUNCHED, They were, from inside THE—USA—  on servers run by Amazon, GoDaddy and smaller domestic providers — putting them OUT—OF—REACH—OF—THE—EARLY warning system run by the National Security Agency.
20210315             Ja Scheiße, da stehen uns doch glatt die Fesseln im Weg, die wir der NSA angelegt haben!1!!
20210315             Das hat die CIA herausgefunden.
20210315             Die finden ja alles raus. Alles finden die raus!
20210315             Ja gut, sagt ihr —JETZT vielleicht.
20210315             Es gibt ja auch noch das FBI, das wäre ja auch zuständig, und hat nichts gemerkt.
20210315             Und das DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY.
20210315             Ich denke mal, die Marschrichtung ist damit klar.
20210315             Wir müssen unbedingt die NSA und die CIA im Inland spionieren lassen!1!!
20210315             Denn WENN sich jemand mit Cybersicherheit auskennt, dann sind es die CIA und die NSA, denen beiden jeweils ihre Exploits aus den Cyberhänden geflutscht sind, ohne dass sie es gemerkt haben.
20210315             [l] Habt ihr eigentlich auch so ein portables EKG—GERÄT im Haus?
20210315             Ihr wisst —SCHON, Google Assistant und Amazon Alexa?
20210315             —GEMACHT, Wisst ihr noch, wie wir uns Sorgen, haben, die würden unsere Privatsphäre verletzen?
20210315             HAHAHA, Mann waren wir naiv!
20210315             Update: Übrigens, als Kontext dazu:
20210315             Das USA—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTERIUM Pentagon will Menschen anhand ihres Herzschlags erkennen.
20210315             1—LASERSCANNER soll diesen aus der Distanz messen.
20210315             Ja da ist das natürlich eine enorme Ersparnis, wenn man keinen Laser braucht, und das Opfer noch selber die Kosten dafür trägt.
20210315             [l] Ist euch aufgefallen, dass Datenschutz plötzlich wieder auf der Agenda steht?
20210315             Bei den Konservativen?
20210315             Also natürlich wie früher als Erbfeind, dem man elegant die Schuld in die Schuhe schieben kann, dass man das COVID—MANAGEMENT so verkackt hat.
20210315             Aber —JETZT neu: Als Schutzschild, um die Aufklärung eigener Affären zu verhindern.
20210315             Der Tagesspiegel hat da einen launigen Kommentar zu.
20210315             Dieselben Leute, die jahrelang auf dem Datenschutz herumgebasht haben, beanspruchen —JETZT Privatsphäre und Datenschutz für sich selber.
20210315             Im Artikel geht es konkret um Schäuble und Spahn.
20210315             Schäuble versteckt die Korruption der Abgeordneten plötzlich hinter deren "berechtigtes Interesse an der Vertraulichkeit von personenbezogenen Daten".
20210315             Wann fiel ihnen das auf? Als Spahn vorschlug, er könne ja mal die Namen der Abgeordneten veröffentlichen, die mit Maskendeals an ihn herangetreten sind.
20210315             Ist ja eigentlich eh spannend, dass Spahn noch im Amt ist, —NACHDEM er seine Parteigenossen derartig unter den Bus zu werfen versucht hat.
20210315             Und Spahn? Da gab es die Villa in Dahlem, aber es gab auch das hier, das ich gar nicht mitgekriegt hatte:
20210315             Er soll bei einer privaten Abendveranstaltung in LEIPZIG Parteispenden eingeworben haben, und damit niemand weiß von wem, pro Nase 9999—EURO und damit einen Euro unter der Offenlegungsgrenze.
20210315             Natürlich nennt Spahn die Spender nicht. Datenschutz. Ach nee.
20210315             Na sowas.
20210315             Ab wann gilt eigentlich die ganze Partei als kriminelle Vereinigung und wird zerschlagen?
20210315             Frage für 1—SUPERWAHLJAHR.
20210315             [l] Kurze Durchsage von CARSTEN—LINNEMANN (CDU, VORSITZENDER—DER—MITTELSTANDS—UND Wirtschaftsunion sowie Fraktionsvize im BUNDESTAG):
20210315             Das Problem greift tiefer.
20210315             Wir haben von den letzten 22—LANDTAGSWAHLEN 21—VERLOREN.
20210315             Das ist eine katastrophale Entwicklung.
20210315             Wir müssen uns als Partei von der Regierung emanzipieren.
20210315             Ui! Es gibt in der CDU jemanden, der mitzählt?!
20210315             [l] Wisst ihr, was ich gerade noch witziger als die KORRUPTIONS—PUNKTLANDUNG der CDU finde?
20210315             Dass der Scholz glaubt, die CDU nicht mehr wählen können sei ja fast sowas wie wieder SPD wählen können.
20210315             [l] Bug des Tages: MEMPHIS. Ob da 1—KI am Sperrknopf saß?
20210315             [l] Old and busted: USA—COAST—GUARD beschlagnahmt NARCO—U—BOOT.
20210315             Mit INNEN—VIDEO!
20210315             —1—JAHR, —NACHDEM der 1. Mensch in NEW—YORK nach einer bestätigten Coronainfektion gestorben ist, hat die Millionenmetropole der mehr als 30.000—WEITEREN Toten seitdem gedacht.
20210315             Bei einer live übertragenen Gedenkveranstaltung traten am Sonntagabend (Ortszeit) unter anderem Musiker der New Yorker Philharmoniker auf.
20210315             BILDER—VON—EINIGEN—GESTORBENEN wurden währenddessen auf die Pfeiler der BROOKLYN—BRIDGE projiziert.
20210315             Auch die NIEDERLANDE stoppen ASTRAZENECA—IMPFUNGEN
20210315             "Die entscheidende Frage ist, ob die Beschwerden nach oder wegen der Impfung auftraten",
20210315             —BEKANNT, In den Niederlanden sei bislang kein Fall, bei dem es zu schwereren Nebenwirkungen gekommen sei.
20210315             Lehrerverband fordert verbindliches Testen von Schülern
20210315             "Wenn wir nicht wollen, dass die überwiegende Mehrzahl der Schulen wieder auf Distanzunterricht umsteigen muss, weil dort die 100ER—INZIDENZGRENZE überschritten wird,
20210315             müssen wir —JETZT sofort die Impfungen von Lehrkräften an allen Schularten vorziehen, ALLE—SCHÜLERINNEN und Schüler mindestens zweimal wöchentlich testen",
20210315             Pirmasens zieht die CORONA-"Notbremse" nur mit halber Kraft, obwohl die —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ in der RHEINLAND—PFÄLZISCHEN Stadt —SEIT mehr als —3—TAGEN bei über 100—LIEGT.
20210315             Zwar gelten ab —MONTAG strengere Regeln wie zum Beispiel 1—KONTAKTBESCHRÄNKUNG im öffentlichen Raum und beim Einkaufen, die Geschäfte bleiben aber weiter geöffnet.
20210315             PIRMASENS, darf man ab —MONTAG zwar nur noch 1—PERSON eines anderen Hausstandes treffen, auch wird die maximale Kundenzahl im Einzelhandel verringert.
20210315             Doch die Geschäfte bleiben grundsätzlich offen, außerdem gibt es keine nächtliche Ausgangsbeschränkung oder 15—KILOMETER—BEGRENZUNG.
20210315             PIRMASENS, liegt die Inzidenz —SEIT—DONNERSTAG bei über 100, —AM—SONNTAG lag sie bei 154,1 — Höchstwert in RHEINLAND—PFALZ.
20210315             —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ steigt auf 82,9
20210315             und damit deutlich höher als am Vortag (79).
20210315             Der bundesweite —7—TAGE—R—WERT lag laut RKI—LAGEBERICHT vom Sonntagabend bei 1,19 (Vortag ebenfalls 1,19).
20210315             —VERÄNDERT, Sportsoziologe Gebauer: Coronakrise, Verhältnis von Fußballern und Schiedsrichtern
20210315             Man könne sehen, "dass sich die Spieler offenbar stärker den Schiedsrichtern zuwenden und sie mehr beachten.
20210315             1—SCHIEDSRICHTER musste manchmal jemanden, der ein böses Foul verübt hat, zurückholen lassen, damit er überhaupt seine Gelbe oder Rote Karte in Empfang nehmen konnte",
20210315             Die Schiedsrichter hätten "in der jetzigen Situation eine viel stärkere Autorität auf dem Spielfeld.
20210315             Sie haben nicht das Publikum gegen sich und können auch besser mit den Spielern sprechen, da kein ohrenbetäubender Lärm herrscht",
20210315             "Der Fußballstar, hinter dem —BIS dahin zigtausend Menschen standen und durch Gebrüll unterstützt wurde, ist —JETZT machtlos gegenüber dem Schiedsrichter und steht dort allein.
20210315             Das ergibt eine vollkommen andere Balance im Verhältnis von Spieler zu Schiedsrichter".
20210315             —BEGONNEN, Die Wahlen zum neuen NIEDERLANDE—PARLAMENT haben.
20210315             —AM Mittwochmorgen um 7.30—UHR öffneten rund 16000000             Wahllokale.
20210315             Rund 13—MILLIONEN Bürger sind aufgerufen, die 150—ABGEORDNETEN der 2. Kammer zu wählen.
20210315             Wegen der Coronapandemie wird die Parlamentswahl zum 1. Mal an insgesamt —3—TAGEN stattfinden.
20210315             Hauptwahltag ist —DER—MITTWOCH.
20210315             37—PARTEIEN stellen sich zur Wahl — ein neuer Rekord.
20210315             In den Umfragen liegt die rechtsliberale VVD von Ministerpräsident MARK—RUTTE unangefochten auf dem 1. Rang mit etwa 24—PROZENT,
20210315             gefolgt von der PVV des Rechtspopulisten Geert Wilders mit etwa 12—PROZENT.
20210315             Unsicher ist, ob die bisherige Koalition — VVD, christdemokratische CDA, linksliberale D66 und ChristenUnie — erneut 1—MEHRHEIT erzielen wird.
20210315             Ergebnisse werden —ERST—AM späten Mittwochabend erwartet.
20210315             ZAHL—DER—CORONATOTEN in ISRAEL steigt über 6000
20210315             Die Coronakrise hat den privaten Konsum in DEUTSCHLAND stark gedrosselt.
20210315             Die Haushalte gaben im vergangenen —JAHR preisbereinigt 5,0 Prozent weniger aus als —1—JAHR—ZUVOR,
20210315             Vor allem während der 1. Jahreshälfte gingen die Ausgaben in fast allen Bereichen zurück.
20210315             Im 1. Lockdown entfielen unter anderem Kosten für BAHN—UND Flugreisen genauso wie für Restaurantbesuche.
20210315             Lediglich für Nahrungsmittel und Getränke gaben die Menschen mehr Geld aus.
20210315             Im Gesamtjahr stieg dieser Posten um 6,3 Prozent.
20210315             Im 2. Halbjahr wuchs aber die Bereitschaft, langlebige Konsumgüter anzuschaffen.
20210315             Dazu zählen Autos, Möbel oder größere Elektrogeräte.
20210315             Nach einem Rückgang um 8,5 Prozent in der 1. Jahreshälfte wurden im 2. Halbjahr 7,8 Prozent mehr ausgegeben als im entsprechenden Vorjahreszeitraum.
20210315             Anders als mehrere andere europäische Länder nutzt GROSSBRITANNIEN weiter den Coronaimpfstoff von AstraZeneca.
20210315             "Wir prüfen die Berichte genau, aber angesichts der großen Anzahl verabreichter Dosen und der Häufigkeit, mit der Blutgerinnsel auf natürliche Weise auftreten können, deuten die verfügbaren Beweise nicht darauf hin, dass der Impfstoff die Ursache ist",
20210315             Angesichts steigender Coronazahlen fordern Deutschlands Intensivärzte eine sofortige Rückkehr in den Lockdown.
20210315             "Von den Daten, die wir —JETZT haben und sehen und mit dem Durchsetzen der GROSSBRITANNIEN—MUTANTE würden wir sehr stark dafür plädieren, —JETZT sofort wieder in einen Lockdown zu gehen, um einfach eine starke 3. Welle zu verhindern",
20210315             sagte der wissenschaftliche Leiter des DIVI—INTENSIVREGISTERS, CHRISTIAN—KARAGIANNIDIS, a
20210315             "Man sieht sehr deutlich, dass wir sehr schnell —JETZT wieder in steigende Intensivzahlen geraten werden, sofern wir dem Virus —JETZT die Möglichkeit dazu geben".
20210315             "Wir gewinnen auch nicht viel, wenn wir —JETZT die nächsten ein, —2—WOCHEN offen lassen, weil wir ganz schnell auf einem hohen Niveau ankommen und es auf dem hohen Niveau doppelt so schwierig sein wird, von den Zahlen wieder herunterzukommen",
20210315             Wichtig sei es, —NUN die über 50- und über 60-Jährigen schnell zu impfen.
20210315             Dann würden auch weniger infizierte Menschen schwer krank.
20210315             Die Belastung für das Personal auf den Intensivstationen sei —BIS—HEUTE ohne Unterbrechung sehr hoch und steige —NUN wieder weiter.
20210315             Es gelte, sich —IN—DEN—SOMMER zu retten,
20210315             —GETESTET, Positiv sei es, wenn umfangreich auf CORONA, werde.
20210315             So könnten wahrscheinlich rund 50—BIS 60—PROZENT—DER—INFEKTIONSFÄLLE entdeckt werden.
20210315             USA: CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN weiter rückläufig
20210315             Bislang haben in den USA mehr als 69,7 Millionen Menschen die 1. Impfung gegen das Virus erhalten, rund 37,4 Millionen —SCHON beide Impfdosen,
20210315             Köln bei Inzidenz —JETZT über 100
20210315             1—SPRECHER—VON—OBERBÜRGERMEISTERIN—HENRIETTE—REKER (parteilos) sagte, man wolle —NUN—ERST einmal abwarten, ob der Wert —IN—DEN—NÄCHSTEN—TAGEN stabil und signifikant über der Marke bleibe.
20210315             —SEIT—SAMSTAG gilt sie auch in einem TEIL—DES—AUSGEHVIERTELS am Brüsseler Platz und am Rheinufer zwischen Drehbrücke Deutz und Zoobrücke.
20210315             Um Ansammlungen von Personen, die keine Maske tragen, auf dem Rheinboulevard vorzubeugen, ist dort zusätzlich ESSEN und Trinken verboten.
20210315             Auftaktfeier zum OLYMPIA—FACKELLAUF ohne Zuschauer
20210315             Das florierende Geschäft im INTERNET konnte das nicht ausgleichen.
20210315             Allerdings sieht H&M einen 1. Trend wieder nach oben
20210315             EUROPA, sind 30—FÄLLE—VON—GERINNUNGSSTÖRUNGEN nach einer ASTRAZENECA—IMPFUNG bekannt — bei knapp 5—MILLIONEN Geimpften.
20210315             Einen Zusammenhang sehen Experten nicht,
20210315             Bund will Coronahilfe für internationale Kultur fortsetzen
20210315             Die Mittel gehen laut Auswärtigem Amt an Organisationen in Kunst, Kultur und Bildung, die mit ihrer Arbeit gesellschaftliche Vielfalt und das kulturelle Leben vor Ort stärken.
20210315             Der Hilfsfonds habe dazu beigetragen, kulturelle Partnerstrukturen im Ausland zu erhalten und zu stärken.
20210315             Deswegen sollen die Mittel von zuletzt 3—AUF —NUN 6—MILLIONEN Euro verdoppelt werden.
20210315             Wegen des weiter langsamen Verlaufs bei den Coronaimpfungen fordert CSU—CHEF—MARKUS—SÖDER einen Exportstopp für die in EUROPA hergestellte Vakzine von AstraZeneca.
20210315             "Es kann nicht sein, dass aus EUROPA heraus ständig Impfstoff abfließt",
20210315             —GESPROCHEN, Zudem müsse mit den USA über die Probleme, werden.
20210315             "Es kann nicht sein, dass die USA an der Stelle Impfstoff vielleicht hortet und umgekehrt EUROPA darauf wartet.
20210315             —BEDEUTET, Gute Partnerschaft, auch, im Impfen 1—BRÜCKE über den Atlantik zu bauen". EUROPA müsse dafür "ALLE—HEBEL" in Bewegung setzen.
20210315             Experten in ITALIEN halten an ASTRAZENECA—IMPFSTOFF fest
20210315             Tel Aviver ICHILOV—KRANKENHAUS schließt letzte Coronastation
20210315             ISRAEL ist ein sehr junges Land, rund 30—PROZENT—DER—BÜRGER sind unter —16—JAHRE alt.
20210315             Sie können —BISHER noch nicht geimpft werden.
20210315             Junge Selbstständige, die —ERST kurze Zeit am Markt sind, LEIDEN unter der Coronapandemie besonders.
20210315             —SEIT Ausbruch der Krise haben demnach 40—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN mehr als die Hälfte ihrer Umsätze verloren.
20210315             Wegen der coronabedingten Einbußen hielten es 30—PROZENT mindestens für wahrscheinlich, ihre Selbstständigkeit aufgeben zu müssen.
20210315             Ebenso viele mussten wegen der Krise ihren Lebensstandard sehr stark einschränken,
20210315             Während für 41—PROZENT—DER—SELBSTSTÄNDIGEN—FRAUEN—LOCKDOWNS besonders geschäftsschädigend waren, gaben das nur 27—PROZENT—DER—MÄNNER an.
20210315             —NACH—DEM sprunghaften Anstieg der Urlaubsbuchungen für die Ferieninsel Mallorca hat die Bundesregierung zum generellen Verzicht auf touristische Reisen wegen der Coronapandemie aufgerufen.
20210315             "Der Appell ist, auf jede nicht unbedingt notwendige Reise zu verzichten",
20210315             "Das Fehlen einer Reisewarnung ist keine Einladung zum Reisen".
20210315             Die —ENTSCHEIDUNG müsse aber jeder für sich treffen.
20210315             Lediglich bei der Einreise nach SPANIEN muss ein negativer Test vorgewiesen werden.
20210315             —GEWESEN, Insgesamt seien es 1,4 Milliarden Übernachtungen, teilte die europäische Statistikbehörde Eurostat —AM—MONTAG mit.
20210315             —AM stärksten seien MALTA, ZYPERN und GRIECHENLAND betroffen gewesen.
20210315             —GEKOMMEN, Dort sei es zu Rückgängen von mehr als 70—PROZENT.
20210315             Die ANTI—CORONA—MAßNAHMEN haben auf den Klimawandel und die Kohlendioxidbelastung kaum Auswirkungen.
20210315             Großzügig ausgelegt lasse sich sagen, "die ökonomische Minderung ist nicht mehr als 8—PROZENT.
20210315             —ENTSPRICHT, Das, einem —MONAT weniger Emissionen",
20210315             Das sei nicht sehr viel bei jährlich 40—GIGATONNEN CO2-Emissionen.
20210315             "Das würde hier bedeuten, dass wir (...) den Lockdown unbegrenzt fortsetzen und JEDES—JAHR eine weitere Maßnahme mit ähnlicher Wirkung installieren".
20210315             Weitere Lockerungen in Thüringen trotz steigender INZIDENZ—ES gelten jedoch Auflagen.
20210315             So ist die ANZAHL—DER—KUNDEN im Verhältnis zur Verkaufsfläche begrenzt.
20210315             Dort, wo das Tragen einer Maske nicht möglich ist — wie bei der Gesichtskosmetik — muss ein negativer Coronatest vorgelegt werden.
20210315             Morddrohungen, HASS—TWEETS, Anfeindungen — damit sind Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler konfrontiert, die in der Pandemie informieren und aufklären.
20210315             Woher kommt der Kampf um die Fakten?
20210315             Ab wann wird aus Wissenschaftsfeindlichkeit auch Demokratiefeindlichkeit?
20210315             Niedersächsische Regierung warnt vor Mallorcaurlaub
20210315             Vor Ort träfen sich Menschen aus ganz DEUTSCHLAND und EUROPA und es bestehe die Gefahr einer Verbreitung des Virus.
20210315             "Man holt sich da sehenden Auges ein richtiges Problem ins Land",
20210315             "Die Menschen werden nicht am Urlaubsort krank, sie stecken auf dem Weg zurück und zu Hause weitere an und verbreiten das Virus weiter".
20210315             Schülervertreter beklagen fehlende Schnelltests
20210315             "Ich bin zutiefst enttäuscht und wütend, dass die Länder noch immer an den Schnelltests scheitern", sagte der Generalsekretär der Bundesschülerkonferenz, Dario Schramm.
20210315             "Wir fahren aktuell wieder mit dem Kurs 'wird —SCHON gut gehen'.
20210315             Mit dieser Einstellung und ohne die Tests werden diese Öffnungen aber wohl kaum gut gehen", sagte Schramm.
20210315             Islamistische Extremisten haben womöglich in zahlreichen Fällen in BERLIN Coronasoforthilfen erhalten.
20210315             Etwa 60—ENTSPRECHENDE Ermittlungsverfahren wegen Betrugs würden —DERZEIT bei der Generalstaatsanwaltschaft geführt,
20210315             Ermittelt werde zum Teil auch wegen des Verdachts der Terrorismusfinanzierung.
20210315             —BISHER gebe es aber keinen Nachweis, dass Coronasoforthilfen an die Terrormiliz IS weitergeflossen seien.
20210315             "In vielen Fällen ist es gelungen, die erlangten Gelder rechtzeitig durch die Ermittlungsbehörden zu sichern",
20210315             In anderen Fällen hätten Betrüger Geld zurückgezahlt, als sie von Ermittlungen gegen andere hörten.
20210315             Die "Welt —AM—SONNTAG" hatte von mehr als 100—ERMITTLUNGSVERFAHREN gegen 60—ISLAMISTEN und Moscheevereine durch Staatsanwaltschaft und Kriminalpolizei berichtet.
20210315             "Die ZAHL—DER—THROMBEMBOLISCHEN—VORFÄLLE bei geimpften Menschen ist nicht höher als die Zahl in der Gesamtbevölkerung", schrieb die Ema in einem Statement.
20210315             Studie liefert weitere Hinweise: B.1.1.7—IST tödlicher als das ursprüngliche Virus
20210315             rechnen die Wissenschaftler der LONDON School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine mit einem um 55—PROZENT höheren Sterberisiko bei Infektionen mit B.1.1.7—IM Vergleich zu dem ursprünglichen Virus.
20210315             Bekannte Risikofaktoren wie Alter, Geschlecht und Ethnie seien dabei berücksichtigt worden.
20210315             Das absolute Sterberisiko bei einer Coronavirusinfektion erhöhe sich für einen Mann aus der Gruppe der 55- —BIS 69-Jährigen damit von 0,6 auf 0,9 Prozent innerhalb von —4—WOCHEN nach einem positiven Test.
20210315             Rechne man ungeprüfte und möglicherweise mangelhaft untersuchte FÄLLE—VON—B1.1.7—MIT ein, müsse sogar von einem schätzungsweise 61—PROZENT höheren Sterberisiko im Vergleich zur Ursprungsvariante ausgegangen werden
20210315             COMEÇ1—HOJE—1—PRIMEIRA de quatro fases do desconfinamento
20210315             —BEFÜRWORTET, Die SPD—VORSITZENDE Saskia Esken, in BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG Sondierungsgespräche mit den Grünen und will die GRÜN—SCHWARZE Regierung ablösen.
20210315             "BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG braucht eine progressive Regierung und die gibt es nur mit der SPD", sagte sie dem Nachrichtenportal "Watson".
20210315             PORTUGAL CASE—FATALITY Ratio: 2,05% PORTUGAL Cases: 814.257—DEATHS: 16.684
20210315             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—2238—(=)—ÓBITOS—43—(=)—RECUPERADOS—2169—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—26—(-1)
20210315             ALCOUTIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—82—(=)—ÓBITOS—4—(=)—RECUPERADOS—67—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—11—(=)
20210315             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—65—(=)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—63—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—0—(=)
20210315             CASTRO—MARIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—385—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—380—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—4—(-1)
20210315             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—3120—(+2)—ÓBITOS—51—(=)—RECUPERADOS—2979—(+9)—CASOS—ATIVOS—90—(-7)
20210315             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—622—(=)—ÓBITOS—13—(=)—RECUPERADOS—602—(+3)—CASOS—ATIVOS—7—(-3)
20210315             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1350—(=)—ÓBITOS—27—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1321—(+3)—CASOS—ATIVOS—2—(-3)
20210315             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—3678—(+1)—ÓBITOS—62—(=)—RECUPERADOS—3571—(+5)—CASOS—ATIVOS—45—(-4)
20210315             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—176—(=)—ÓBITOS—11—(=)—RECUPERADOS—165—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—0—(=)
20210315             MONCHIQUE tem incidência 0, nova matriz de risco do país está no verde
20210315             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1696—(=)—ÓBITOS—21—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1652—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—23—(-2)
20210315             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—2067—(+2)—ÓBITOS—28—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1982—(+21)—CASOS—ATIVOS—57—(-19)
20210315             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1208—(=)—ÓBITOS—12—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1165—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—31—(+1)
20210315             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1490—(=)—ÓBITOS—29—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1431—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—30—(-1)
20210315             VRSA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1238—(=)—ÓBITOS—19—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1210—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—9—(-2)
20210315             VILA—DO—BISPO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—127—(=)—ÓBITOS—6—(=)—RECUPERADOS—120—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—1—(=)
20210315             PORTUGAL também suspende a vacina da AstraZeneca
20210315             COVID—19: Há mais um óbito no Alentejo e 12—CASOS - 378_DGS_boletim_20210315-16.00
20210315             Auf Druck der Kommunistischen Partei: Alibaba soll offenbar Beteiligungen an Medien abstoßen
20210315             #METOO—VORWÜRFE: Intendant Dörr verlässt Berliner Volksbühne
20210315             ASTRAZENECA—VAKZINE: Spahn nennt Impfstopp "reine Vorsichtsmaßnahme"
20210315             Mallorca ist nicht mehr Risikogebiet: Das Ostergeschenk
20210315             RUBIK—CUBE: Achtjähriger löst 3—ZAUBERWÜRFEL in —90—SEKUNDEN
20210315             Kremlkritiker: Nawalny offenbar in besonders berüchtigtes Straflager verlegt
20210315             Wahlkarte BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG: Noch grüner wird schwierig
20210315             Spaniens Vizeregierungschef: PABLO—IGLESIAS kündigt überraschend Rücktritt an
20210315             Klimastudie: Dürren in EUROPA so extrem wie noch nie
20210315             EXCHANGE—SCHWACHSTELLE: Hacker greifen PAUL—EHRLICH—INSTITUT an
20210315             Fall from Grace: MERKEL—CONSERVATIVES—MIRED in Scandal and Incompetence
20210315             RUSSLAND: Redaktion der russischen "Nowaja Gaseta" mit chemischer Substanz angegriffen
20210315             Trotz 3. Coronawelle: Europäischer TOURISMUS—AKTIENINDEX springt auf Rekordhoch
20210315             Experiment für die Wissenschaft: Menschen wollen wochenlang in Höhle leben
20210315             Nach ASTRAZENECA—VERWIRRUNG: SPD—POLITIKER fordert Spahns Entlassung
20210315             Sandsturm in CHINA: "Es sieht aus wie das ENDE—DER—WELT"
20210315             Fall Sarah E. in LONDON: Holt euch die Straße zurück Aus LONDON berichtet JULIA—SMIRNOVA
20210315             Teure Flugtickets: Das MALLORCA—SCHNÄPPCHEN fällt aus
20210315             Anspruch auf Teilzeit: Hafenarbeiterin klagt auf familienfreundliche Arbeitszeiten — und bekommt Recht
20210315             Impfstopp in DEUTSCHLAND: Das ASTRA—DESASTER
20210315             Gesundheitsminister unter Druck: Söder verteidigt Spahn
20210315             —BEFÜRCHTET, Forscher, impfresistentes Virus: "BRASILIEN ist 1—GEFAHR für die Weltgesundheit"
20210315             Der ASTRAZENECA—IMPFSTOPP in DEUTSCHLAND stößt in der Politik auf Kritik.
20210315             Irritiert äußerte sich die SPD—EUROPAPOLITIKERIN Katarina Barley.
20210315             "Die neueste Generation der Antibabypille hat als Nebenwirkung Thrombosen bei 8—BIS 12—VON 10.000—FRAUEN.
20210315             —GESTÖRT, Hat das —BISHER irgendwen ?", fragte sie
20210315             "Die ASTRAZENECA—AUSSETZUNG zerstört Vertrauen in einen guten Impfstoff", schrieb auf Twitter der GRÜNEN—EUROPAPOLITIKER ERIK—MARQUARDT, "bloß weil niemand mehr Verantwortung für —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN übernehmen" wolle.
20210315             "Mit dieser bürokratischen Lethargie würde man bei Seenot auch nicht vom sinkenden Schiff springen, weil man dabei nass werden könnte", s
20210315             "Herr Spahn muss se