_HEUTE_0313 :

_33.000.000—20140313 —VOM—AN, FRÜHES—OLIGOZÄN vor sei nach und nach das ERSCHEINUNGSBILD—DER—HEUTE—NOCH—VORKOMMENDEN Zahnwale entstanden.
_28.000.000—20140313 —SCHON—SEIT MILLIONEN—JAHREN, Zahnwale orientieren sich wahrscheinlich mit 1—ART—ECHOLOT.
_28.000.000—20140313 Darauf weise 1—CA—JAHRE—ALTES Skelett 1—ZAHNWALS (Odontoceti) hin, berichten USA—FORSCHER in der FACH—ZEITSCHRIFT—NATURE".
_28.000.000—20140313 Das Fossil gehöre zu 1—BIS—DAHIN unbekannten Gattung.
_28.000.000—20140313 Typische Merkmale des Schädels wiesen darauf hin, daß das Tier sich mit Echolot orientiert habe.
04830313             —GEWÄHLT, Der verheiratete DIAKON—FELIX—BISCHOF—VON—ROM wird, mit KÖNIG—ODOAKER—ZUSTIMMUNG.
04830313             —BEGAN his reign as CATHOLIC—PAPA, S—FELIX—III—PAPA.
06070313             12. recorded HALLEYS—COMET—PASSAGE,
06940903—06950313    —DATIERT ist die ;;1100—IM, ausgestellte URKUNDE in des CHILDEBERT—III. 4. Regierungsjahr
06940903—06950313    —ZWISCHEN, DEM zur Regierung gelangten CHILDEBERT—III. und
06940903—06950313    für 1—NÄHERE DATIERUNG, andere ANHALTS—PUNKTE fehlen.
09930313             † HODO—I—MARK—GRAF—DER—LAUSITZ
11650313             HEINRICH—MÖNCH t —VOR
11940313             —LANDED, RICHARD—I—KING—OF—ENGLAND, at SANDWICH and
11940313             —IMMEDIATELY—PREPARED, RICHARD—I—KING—OF—ENGLAND, to march north to recover his castles.
11940313             —LANDED, RICHARD—I—KING—OF—ENGLAND, at Sandwich and —IMMEDIATELY prepared to march north to recover his castles.
12070313             —MARSEILLE, Nouveaux statuts du CHAPITRE—DE—MARSEILLE.
12530313             —LETTRE—DU, même ¦¦ EPISCOPO et PREPOSITO—MASSILIENSIS et ARCHI—DIACONO—MAGALONENSIS, AU—SUJET—DE la perception des décimes.
12650313             * EBERHARD—I—GRAF—VON—WÜRTTEMBERG
12910313             130y0921—12910313    —CONFIRMATION de l'accord —DU, /2—PAR l'ARCHEVEQUE d'ARLES, SUR le DÉSIR—DE—DOMINI D. Dei GR—ATIE—MASSILIENSIS—EPISCOPI ac ven. viror.
12910313             F. prepositi ac ceci. MASSILIENSIS capituli.
12910313/12920313    —MARSEILLE—ACCORDS—ENTRE—LE—ÉVÊQUE—DE—MARSEILLE et LE—CHAPITRE—DE—MARSEILLE, G. de Ferreriis, prepositus (n"33'2J.
13320313             † THEODOROS—METOCHITES, byzantinischer Diplomat, hoher Regierungsbeamter, Theologe, Philosoph, Historiker, Astronom, Dichter und Kunstmäzen
13540313             —ELEVATED, WENZEL—DE—LUXEMBOURG—BECAME DUKE—OF—LUXEMBOURG—WHEN the county was, into 1—DUCHY by his brother KARL—KING—OF— at METZ
13910313             Simile del PAGAMENTO di due.
13910313             50—PER terza parte della taglia^ PER—ANNO incepto Die 13900915             fatto e. S—A BOLDRINO—DA—PANICALE stipendivirio della CHIESA.
14000313             Idem solvit PER—MANUS—DOMINI—ALARDI—DE—MOLENDINO prepositi BEATE—MARIE—TRAIECTENSIS eic.
14000313             Prorogatur terminus etc.
14010313             —SUPPORTED, THE—1.—SAMOGITIAN uprising, by Vytautas took place against THE—GERMANY—KNIGHTS.
14010313             (LHC, 20030313             )
14470313             † TIMURIDEN—FÜRST—SCH?H—RUCH,
14560313             —CALIXTUS—III—PAPA—BULA—INTER—CAETARA, confirmando a concessão a ORDEM—DE—CRISTO de todos os poderes espirituais sobre as vilas,
14560313             —CALIXTUS—III—PAPA—BULA—INTER—CAETARA, confirmando a concessão a ORDEM—DE—CRISTO de todos os poderes espirituais sobre as portos,
14560313             —CALIXTUS—III—PAPA—BULA—INTER—CAETARA, confirmando a concessão a ORDEM—DE—CRISTO de todos os poderes espirituais sobre as lugares adquiridos e
14560313             —CALIXTUS—III—PAPA—BULA—INTER—CAETARA, a adquirir desde 0—CABO—BOJADOR e 0—CABO—NÃO, decorrendo por toda a GUINÉ e por toda a plaga meridional até os IndosÂ".
14560313             —CALIXTUS—III—PAPA—BULA—INTER—CAETARA, confirmando a concessão a ORDEM—DE—CRISTO de todos os poderes espirituais sobre as Â"ilhas,
14630000—14650313    —GENANNT, COSTIN—HERINCK, von
14690313             —VON, in 1—ZEIT, die für DIE—GRUND—HERREN wenig günstig war, weitere RENTEN—VERKÄUFE stattfanden und
14790313             * RATS—HERR—LAZARUS—SPENGLER, und Förderer der Reformation in Nürnberg
14890313             † KONRAD—BITZ—BISCHOF—VON—TURKU
14890313             —AM, DER—GROSS—TÜRKE—PRINZ—DSCHEM, wie man ihn nannte, in ROM ankam.
14890313             —VON, CIVITAVECCHIA DER—GROSS—TÜRKE—PRINZ—DSCHEM, wie man ihn nannte nach OST—IA gesegelt, so den Strom heraufkam
14890313             Der INNOCENTIUS—VIII—PAPA dem GROSS—TÜRKE—PRINZ—DSCHEM, wie man ihn nannte 1—ROSS sandte,
14890313             Der INNOCENTIUS—VIII—PAPA dem GROSS—TÜRKE—PRINZ—DSCHEM, wie man ihn nannte brocatne Kleider die ihm wenig behagten sandte
14890313             Der INNOCENTIUS—VIII—PAPA dem GROSS—TÜRKE—PRINZ—DSCHEM, wie man ihn nannte 700—DUCATEN. sandte
14890313             Als DER—GROSS—TÜRKE—PRINZ—DSCHEM ans Land stieg, empfingen ihn VIELE—VOM—HOFE unter denen sich indess keine Prälaten befanden,
14890313             —DANN, ritt PRINZ—DSCHEM —NACH—DEM APOSTOLISCHER—PALAST zwischen dem [VENEDIG]venetianischen BOTSCHAFTER,
14890313             —ALS DER—GROSS—TÜRKE—PRINZ—DSCHEM ans Land stieg,
14890313             —ANKAM—AM, in ROM DER—GROSS—TÜRKE—PRINZ—DSCHEM, wie man ihn nannte,
14890313             —BALD—DARAUF, denen sich auch des babylonischer SULTAN—GESANDTE beigesellte.
14890313             —EMPFINGEN, PRINZ—DSCHEM VIELE—VOM—HOFE unter denen sich indess keine Prälaten befanden,
14910313             † ULRICH—RÖSCH, ABT—VON—S—GALLEN
14940313             —AM—IN ROM eintrafen, ALFONS—II—VON—ARAGÓN—KÖNIG—VON—NEAPEL seine Gesandten
14940313             —AM—IN ROM eintraf der ALESSANDRO—CARAFA—ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—NEAPEL,
14940313             —AM—IN ROM eintraf der MARCHESE—VON—GERACE,
14940313             —AM—IN ROM eintraf der GRAF—VON—POTONZA und
14940313             —AM—IN ROM eintraf ANTONIO—DE—ALESSANDRO,
14940313             welche im ORSINI—PALAST auf MONTE—GIORDAAO einkehrten,
14940313             mit Ausnahme des ERZ—BISCHOF, der bei seinem BRUDER—KARDINAL—OLIVIERI—CARAFA wohnen ging.
14940313             Bei dem feierlichen Einzug fehlten die FRANKREICH—GESANDTEN und DIE—LEUTE des KARDINAL—VON—S—DENIS.
14940313             DIE—GESANDTEN sollten erreichen zweierlei,
14940313             DIE—GESANDTEN sollten erreichen die BELEHNUNG—MIT dem REICH und 1—BÜNDNISS zwischen NEAPEL und dem ALEXANDER—VI—PAPA.
14940313             Geldanerbieten und Versprechungen zu Gunsten der ALEXANDER—VI—PAPA—SÖHNE waren bei diesem der vornehmste Köder.
14940313             NEAPEL—GESANDTSCHAFT in ROM.
14960313             —DOMINICA—QUARTA—QUADRAGESIME, Rmus.
15190313             —LANDED, THE—SPANIARDS under CORTEZ, in VERACRUZ—MEXICO, with 10—STALLIONS, 5—MARES, 1—FOAL.
15220313—15350731    —WEITER—VOM, HEINRICH—HOLT erscheint als MÖNCH und PFARRER—VON—OBER—PLEIS,
15280313             —AUFGEHOBEN wird, Das KLOSTER—INTERLAKEN, der größte Landbesitzer im Oberland,
15280313             —NACHDEM BERN die Abgaben der Bevölkerung an das KLOSTER—INTERLAKEN —NUN für sich einfordert,
15280313             —ALSBALD, ausbrechen die OBERLÄNDER—REFORMATIONS—UNRUHEN.
15280313             † ELSBETH—HÜGLINE oo BALTHASAR—HUBMAIER, Märtyrerin der Täuferbewegung
15280313—15280207    —NACH—ERLASS—VOM, des Berner Reformationsmandats KLOSTER—INTERLAKEN—GEBIET, eingegliedert, dem Kanton BERN.
15300313             * JAN—RUBENS, flämischer Rechtsgelehrter, VATER—VON—PETER—PAUL—RUBENS
15340313             —NACHDEM ihm in einem Prozess trotz eindeutiger Beweislage sein Recht gegen den Junker GÜNTHER—VON—ZASCHWITZ nicht zuerkannt worden ist,
15550118—15840313    —BEZEUGT—IST—VOM, GUMPERT—VON—AHR
15590313             † GEORG—VON—GHESE, Mailänder Kaufmann, Seidenwirker und evangelischer Märtyrer
15590313             † JOHANNES—GROPPER, deutscher katholischer Theologe, Jurist und Kirchenpolitiker
15640313             ZIGMANTAS—AUGUSTAS, gave over to POLAND his rights to LITHUANIA and
15640313             ZIGMANTAS—AUGUSTAS, summons for the 1. representatives on talks regarding union.
15690313             3. HUGENOTTEN—KRIEG
15690313             —SIEGEN DIE—KATHOLIKEN—TRUPPEN, in der
15690313             —SCHLACHT—BEI—JARNAC.
15690313             † LOUIS—I—DE—BOURBON—FÜRST—VON—CONDÉ, FRANZÖSISCHER—FELDHERR, Ihren gefangenen Gegner, lassen DIE—KATHOLIKEN—TRUPPEN kurzerhand erschießen.
15690313             —DEFEATED, COUNT—OF—ANJOU, the Huguenots at THE—BATTLE—OF—JARNAC.
15690313             † LOUIS—CONDE, FRANCE—PRINCE, CO—LEADER—OF—HUGUENOTS, in battle.
15690313             † COUNT—OF—ANJOU defeated the Huguenots at THE—BATTLE—OF—JARNAC.
15690313             —BATAILLE—DE—JARNAC remportée par l'armée royale.
15710313             † MATTHIAS—ERB, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE und Reformator
15730313             † MICHEL—DE—L—HOSPITAL, FRANZÖSISCHER—STAATSMANN, Jurist und humanistischer Schriftsteller
15730313             † MICHEL—DE—LE—HOSPITAL
15990313             * JOHANNES—BERCHMANS, Jesuit, saint, in BELGIUM.
16010313             † MORDECAI—MEISEL, eminent benefactor, PRAGUE
16100313             —PUBLISHED, GALILEO, his OBSERVATIONS—OF—THE—NIGHT—SKY under the title Siderius Nuncius[Starry Messenger].
16100313             BARBARA, moglie del S—GIOVANNI—AIDER[Haider?], oste al LEON biancho, —46—JAHRE—ALT, ;mesi 5,
16100313             —PUBLISHED, Galileo, his OBSERVATIONS—OF—THE—NIGHT—SKY under the title "SIDERIUS—NUNCIUS" (STARRY—MESSENGER).
16190313             † RICHARD—BURBAGE, ENGLISCHER—SCHAUSPIELER und Theaterbesitzer
16280313             † JOHN—BULL, ENGLISCHER—ORGANIST und Cembalist
16290313             † BASILIUS—BESLER, DEUTSCHER—ARZT, Botaniker und Verleger
16330313             —NACH des BISCHOF—TOD, am. endete seine Tätigkeit als Stadthalter vorerst, —BIS ihm schließlich
16340313             * JOHANN—HEINRICH—KYDT, SCHWEIZER—RÖMISCH—KATHOLISCHER Geistlicher und Autor
16340313             ACADEMIE—FRANCAISE task was to preserve THE—PURITY—OF—THE—FRANCE—LANGUAGE, which included maintaining 1—DICTIONARY.
16340313—19980000    —BY, ACADEMIE—FRANCAISE—MEMBERS came to be known as the "immortals" and
16340313—19980000    —BY, ACADEMIE—FRANCAISE—MEMBERS were struggling with masculine NOUNS—OF—POSITIONS held by women who desired feminine endings.
16420313             —TRAITÉ—ENTRE—LA—ESPAGNE et CINQ—MARS allié au DUC—DE—BOUILLON et soutenu par GASTON—DE—ORLÉANS.
16560313             —DENIED, Jews were, the right to build 1—SYNAGOGUE in New AMSTERDAM.
16600313             1—STATUTE was passed limiting THE—SALE—OF—SLAVES in the colony of VIRGINIA.
16650313             HOLLAND erklärte sich also —PLÖTZLICH, zu der schiedsrichterlichen —ENTSCHEIDUNG der Schuldsache, wogegen ES—SICH so lang gesträubt hatte, bereit,
16720313             Ta hwifVitliche Verschleppung der —VERHANDLUNGEN durch die schlechtgesinnttn MINISTER
16770313             —GAINED, MASSACHUSETTS, title to MAINE for $6,000.
16820000—17190313    —STILL, CREDITED, GERMANY—ALCHEMIST—JOHANN—FRIEDRICH—BOTTGER, is with the industrial manufacturing process of MEIßEN—PORCELAIN.
16830313             —DATUM—HAAG.
16830313             Besorgnis wegen des —VERTRAG—MIT—SPANIEN.
16830313             ZWECK—DER—ASSOZIATION.
16830313             FRANKREICH seinen ganzen Raub zu lassen, ist unmöglich.
16830313             Ursachen des GROSSER—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG Sinnesänderung.
16830313             Besorgnis vor SCHWEDEN ganz unGEGRÜNDET.
16830313             bedauern über des GROSSER—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG Abfall.
16830313             der FRANKREICH—ALLIANZ Unzuverlässigkeit und Gefahren.
16830313             Zahlungstermine.
16830313             —GENOMMEN, DER—PRINZ hat auf sich, wenn es denn nicht anders sein kann, sein Äusserstes zu tun, damit DER—STAAT die Bezahlung der ganzen 500.000—FIORINI auf einmal bewilligt.
16830313             Indess besorgt DER—PRINZ sehr, daß, wenn FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG nicht darauf eingeht,
16830313             mit SPANIEN auf den Fuss des VERTRAGes mit den Staaten 16780000             —J—VOM, 1—ALLIANZ zu schliessen —
16830313             doch mit Beschränkung auf die SPANISCHE—NIEDERLANDE,
16830313             SPANIEN nicht zu disponieren sein wird, 1—SO ansehnliche Summe wie 500.000—REICHS—TALER zu bezahlen, und daß
16830313             daher der STREIT—MIT—SPANIEN ungeschlichtet bleiben möchte.
16830313             Den Prinzen, ihn und ALLE—HERREN, die AMERONGEN bei seiner jüngsten AnwesenheiC gesprochen haben,
16830313             hat es übrigens sehr gewundert, daß der KUR—FÜRST —NUN auf einmal mit seinem Eintritt in die ASSOZIATION Schwierigkeit macht und
16830313             sich nur zur Abwehr neuer Angriffe verpflichten will.
16830313             Nicht als ob er meinte, daß DER—KAISER und SPANIEN die Waffen erheben müssten, um FRANKREICH zur Restitution zu zwingen.
16830313             Denn friedliche Unterhandlungen zur Beilegung der Differenzen sind in der ASSOZIATION ausdrücklich vorgesehen, ehe man zu Thätlichkeiten schreite, und
16830313             DER—STAAT wird Alles tun, was nur dazu dienen kann, 1—ERTRÄGLICHEN FRIEDE—ZU—STANDE zu bringen.
16830313             Aber es ist sehr begreiflich, daß SPANIEN nicht 1—SO grosse Summe wird bezahlen wollen für 1—ALLIANZ,
16830313             die ihm des GROSSER—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG Mitwirkung zur Recuperation des ganzen oder eines teils des Geraubten auch dann nicht sichert,
16830313             wenn die gesammten ALLIIERTEN über die KEIJSERLIJCKE der Restitution einverstanden sind.
16830313             Was sollte auch die ganze ASSOZIATION nützen, wenn sie nur neue Angriffe abwehren und also FRANKREICH alles im REICH und in den NIEDERLANDEN Geraubte garantieren will,
16830313             WÄHREND FRANKREICH selbst in ENGLAND mehrmals erklärt hat, es habe mehr occupiert als es behalten wolle?
16830313             —GEFÜRCHTET, Er hat stets, daß die Dinge am BRANDENBURG—HOFE, die AMERONGEN in 1—GÜNSTIGE Positur gebracht, WÄHREND seiner letzten Anwesenheit im Haag sich zum Xachteil verändern würden,
16830313             und der Rückkehr des AMERONGEN mit Besorgniss entgegengesehen.
16830313             Denn die, welche ihrer Sonderinteressen halber 1—GUTES und vollkommenes Einverständniss zwischen dem GROSSER—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG, dem Prinzen und der REPUBLIK nicht wünschen,
16830313             werden sich der Abwesenheit des AMERONGEN —SCHON geschickt zur Erreichung ihres Zwecks bedient haben.
16830313             und das ist auch die eigentliche Ursache der neuen Schwierigkeiten, die AMERONGEN vorgefunden hat.
16830313             Denn neue Engagements hat FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG mit FRANKREICH —SEIT—DER Abreise des AMERONGEN hierher nicht geschlossen, und
16830313             —DER—VERTRAG, auf den er sich —JETZT, beruft, bestand DAMALS—SCHON, als er AMERONGEN seine Intention in dieser Sache kundgab.
16830313             Es ist doch evident, daß der DER—GROSSE—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG, wenn er die Erhaltung des Frieden wirklich wünscht,
16830313             nicht die Vereinigung des REICHs, SPANIENs und der REPUBLIK zu trennen suchen darf,
16830313             da diese die einzige Garantie für ihre Sicherheit ist und
16830313             daher von FRANKREICH ZUMEIST gefürchtet wird, das nichts eifriger betreibt als 1—TRENNUNG der ALLIIERTEN.
16830313             Es ist ferner auffällig, daß sich FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG über den VERTRAG—DES—DENOMBREMENT des •rces beschwert,
16830313             als ob DERSELBE SCHWEDEN Anlass gebe, unsehnliche Truppenmassen in Bremuen und POMMERN aufzustellen,
16830313             WÄHREND der Vertrag doch nicht 1—WORT davon erwähnt:
16830313             Sollte SCHWEDEN wirklich so "wisperturigh** sein und wieder von der ASSOZIATION abfallen, um der anderen Partei sich anzuschliessen,
16830313             so bietet ihm ja gerade der Eintritt in die ASSOZIATION die beste Sicherheit gegen dasselbe.
16830313             Überhaupt ist gar kein Grund ersichtlich, warunm man SCHWEDEN in's Spiel bringt,
16830313             das nicht allein sehr geneigt ist, mit dem Kurfürsten auf gutem Fuss zu stehen,
16830313             sondern auch erklärt hat, seines Wissens bestände zwischen ihm und dem GROSSER—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG keine erhebliche Differenz mehr
16830313             — WÄHREND der KUR—FÜRST das doch behauptet, wie Amerongen bei seiner jüngsten Anwesenheit niitteilte —.
16830313             Fagel kann also nicht einsehen, wie man das Denombrement nur irgend übelnehmen kann,
16830313             duH die Staaten, aufs Äusserste von FRANKREICH l)edrnh(. zu ihrem Schutz abzuschliessen genötigt waren.
16830313             Was die Offerten angeht, die FRANKREICH dt ,i, l\iu,mM.ii uia. iii, so liixHt KJeh dagegen ni<'htf(HAGEN.
16830313—16830309    —EINVERSTÄNDNISS des Prinzen mit DEM—SCHREIBEN—VOM
16830313—16830309    DER—PRINZ hat die in seinem —SCHREIBEN—VOM, ;geäusserten Ansichten über den ZWECK—DER—ASSOZIATION vollständig gebilligt und
16970313             —ZERSTÖRT, anschließend, Der letzte ITZÁ—MAYAS—RÜCKZUGSORT, wird.
17000313             * MICHEL—BLAVET, FRANZÖSISCHER—FLÖTIST und Komponist
17070313             Der PRINZ—EUGENS—VON—SAVOYEN—TRUPPEN militärische Stärke führt im
17070313             —SPANISCHER—ERBFOLGE—KRIEG
17070313             —SCHLACHT—VON—TURIN
17130313             † JOHANN—SAMUEL—ADAMI, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE, Schriftsteller und Sprachforscher
17160313             † GEORG—GABRIEL—SCHUTZ, —46—JAHRE—ALT, composer.
17180313             † FRIEDRICH—NICOLAUS—BRUHNS, norddeutscher Komponist
17190313             † JOHANN—FRIEDRICH—BÖTTGER, DEUTSCHER—NATURFORSCHER und Alchemist, Weiterentwickler des Porzellans in EUROPA
17190313             —ACKNOWLEDGED, He was generally, as the inventor of European porcelain.
17200313             † GIOVANNI—BATTISTA—ALLIPRANDI, Architekt ITALIENISCHER—ABSTAMMUNG, der überwiegend in Böhmen wirkte
17330313—18040000    * † JOSEPH—PRIESTLY, ENGLAND—CHEMIST, author and clergyman.
17360313             * JEAN—AMI—MARTIN, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher und Bibliothekar
17360313             † JOHN—WALSH, ENGLISCHER—MUSIKVERLEGER und Instrumentenbauer
17410313             † RENIER—ROIDKIN, wallonischer Maler
17410313             * JOZEF—II—ARCH—DUKE—OF—AUSTRIA, ROMAN—CATHOLIC—GERMANY—EMPEROR (17650000—1790)0000 .
17420313             * ANNE—HUNTER, BRITISCHE—DICHTERIN und Komponistin
17420313             † ALFONS—AMBUEL, SCHWEIZER—OFFIZIER und Politiker
17440313             * DAVID—ALLAN, SCOTLAND—PAINTER.
17480313             † HEINRICH—XXV—GRAF—REUSS zu GERA
17520313             * JOSEPH—REICHA, DEUTSCHER—CELLIST und Komponist
17520313             * JOSEF—REICHA, composer.
175310313            † —ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—TRIER
17650313             † MATHIAS—GERL, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—ARCHITEKT und Baumeister
17660313             † CHRISTIAN—GOTTLOB—KÄNDLER, Rektor der Stadtschule in Sangerhausen und wissenschaftlicher PUBLIZIST
17670313             † MARIA—JOSÈPHA—VON—SACHSEN mère de LOUIS—AUGUSTE
17720313             —AM Herzoglichen Opernhaus in BRAUNSCHWEIG erfolgt die Uraufführung von GOTTHOLD—EPHRAIM—LESSING bürgerlichem Trauerspiel Emilia Galotti durch KARL—THEOPHIL—DÖBBELIN anlässlich des Geburtstages der HERZOGIN—PHILIPPINE—CHARLOTTE.
17720313             GOTTHOLD—EPHRAIM—LESSING selbst ist bei der Uraufführung nicht anwesend.
17770313             —ORDERED, Congress, its European envoys to appeal to HIGH—RANKING foreign officers to send troops to reinforce THE—USA—ARMY.
17790313             † ROMAN—BENEDIKT—NOLLET, in der Region Trier, in LUXEMBURG und im SAARLAND tätiger Orgelbauer
17810313             * KARL—FRIEDRICH—SCHINKEL, PREUSSISCHER—ARCHITEKT, Stadtplaner, Maler, Grafiker und Bühnenbildner, GRÜNDER—DER—SCHINKELSCHULE
17810313             —DISCOVERED, ASTRONOMER—WILLIAM—HERSCHEL, THE—PLANET—URANUS, which he named 'Georgium Sidus,' in honor of GEORGE—III.
17810313             WILLIAM—HERSCHEL —INITIALLY though THE—PLANET—URANUS was a comet.
17810313             THE—PLANET—URANUS is the 7. planet from the sun and revolves —AROUND the sun every 84.—02—YEARS.
17810313             THE—PLANET—URANUS is 14.6—TIME THE—SIZE—OF—EARTH and has 5—SATELLITES.
17830411—17830313    —ON, —AFTER receiving 1—COPY—OF—THE—PROVISIONAL—TREATY, CONGRESS proclaimed 1—FORMAL—END to hostilities with GREAT—BRITAIN.
17920313             † HAMAD—IBN—SAID—SAYYID—VON—MASKAT
17940313—17940314    —NACHT—AUF—DEN, —IN—DER, den radikalen Arm der Cordeliers,
17940313—17940314    —VERHAFTEN lässt, DER—WOHLFAHRTS—AUSSCHUSS unter MAXIMILIEN—ROBESPIERRE, die führenden Hébertisten unter JACQUES—RENÉ—HÉBERT.
17940313—17940314    1. Höhepunkt, Damit erlangt, der im VOR—JAHR beschlossene Terror der FRANZÖSISCHEN—REVOLUTION einen.
17970313             —AM THÉÂTRE—FEYDEAU—PARIS wird die OPÉRA—COMIQUE—MÉDÉE von LUIGI—CHERUBINI auf das Libretto von FRANÇOIS—BENOÎT—HOFFMAN uraufgeführt.
17970313             Literarische Vorlage ist die Tragödie Medea von Euripides.
17970313             —PREMIERED, CHERUBINI—OPERA "Medee,", in PARIS.
17980313             * ABIGAIL—FILLMORE, 1. Lady der USA
17980313             † GENOVEFA—WEBER, DEUTSCHER—OPERNSÄNGERIN und Schauspielerin
17980313             * ABIGAIL—POWERS—FILLMORE, 1. Lady.
18000313             * MUSTAFA—RE?ID—PASCHA, Großwesir des OSMAN—REICHES
18090313             —NACH—DEM Verlust Finnlands im
18090313             —RUSSISCH—SCHWEDISCHEN—KRIEG und der
18090313             —POMMERN—BESETZUNG  durch FRANZÖSISCHE—TRUPPEN im
18090313             4. KOALITIONS—KRIEG
18090313             † ERNST—WILHELM—CUHN, DEUTSCHER—BIBLIOTHEKAR und Historiker
18090313             —NACH—DEM desaströsen RUSSLAND—FELDZUG
18100313             * GOTTFRIED—CLAES—CARL—HAGENBECK, Hamburger Fischhändler, Tierschausteller und Begründer eines Tierhandels
18130313             Um der GRANDE—ARMÉE—RÜCKZUG zu decken,
18130313             —NIEDERBRENNEN lässt, der FRANZÖSISCHE—MARSCHALL—LOUIS—NICOLAS—DAVOUT, die Brücke über die Elbe in Meißen.
18130313             † GEORG—ADOLF—SUCKOW, DEUTSCHER—NATURWISSENSCHAFTLER, Physiker, Chemiker, Mineraloge und Bergbaukundler
18140313             —BATAILLE—DE—REIMS.
18140313             —VICTOIRE—DE—REIMS
18180000—18810313    * † ALEXANDER—II—TSAR—OF—RUSSIA, was assassinated.
18200000—19060313    * † SUSAN—B—ANTHONY, abolitionist and advocate of black suffrage as well as THE—RIGHTS—OF—WOMEN to vote, at age 85.
18200000—19060313    —SUGGESTED, Eleanor ROOSEVELT, that SUSAN—B—ANTHONY should be added to THE—4—FACES—OF—MOUNT—RUSHMORE.
18200000—19060313    —SUGGESTED, Eleanor ROOSEVELT —LATER, that social reformer and woman suffrage leader SUSAN—B—ANTHONY should be included with the images of WASHINGTON, Jefferson, LINCOLN, and THEODORE—ROOSEVELT, but her suggestion was not accepted.
18200000—19060313    * † SUSAN—B—ANTHONY, abolitionist and advocate of black suffrage as well as THE—RIGHTS—OF—WOMEN to vote, at age 85. Eleanor ROOSEVELT suggested that SUSAN—B—ANTHONY should be added to THE—4—FACES—OF—MOUNT—RUSHMORE.
18210313             * HERMANN—GRUSON, DEUTSCHER—ERFINDER, Wissenschaftler und Unternehmer
18210313             * LEOPOLD—KAUFMANN—OBER—BÜRGERMEISTER—VON—BONN, DEUTSCHER—JURIST, Regierungsbeamter und Lokalpolitiker,
18210313             —NACHFOLGT KÖNIG—VIKTOR—EMANUEL—I. auf dem Thron, Sein Bruder KARL—FELIX.
18240313             * RUDOLF—HILDEBRAND, DEUTSCHER—GERMANIST, Lehrer und Sprachwissenschaftler
18240313             † CARSTEN—ANKER, NORWEGISCHER—INDUSTRIELLER und Diplomat
18260313             † JOHANN—FRIEDRICH—CHRISTOPH—BUFF, deutscher evangelischer Geistlicher
18290313             * HEINRICH—LUDWIG, DEUTSCHER—MALER und Kunsthistoriker
18290313             —GEGRÜNDET, Zum Zwecke der Schifffahrt auf der Donau und ihren Nebenflüssen wird im KAISERTUM—ÖSTERREICH die
18290313             1. DONAU—DAMPFSCHIFFAHRTS—GESELLSCHAFT, die sich zur weltgrößten Binnenreederei entwickeln wird.
18300313             * ANTÔNIO—CONSELHEIRO, brasilianischer sozialer und spiritueller Führer
18340313             * AUGUSTUS—HARE, BRITISCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER und Anekdotenerzähler
18350313             —DEPARTED, CHARLES—DARWIN, VALPARAISO for Andes crossing.
18360313             —ARRIVED, Refugees from THE—ALAMO, in GONZALES—TEXAS, and informed GENERAL—SAM—HOUSTON—OF—18360306             —THE fall of the Alamo.
18390313             † JOHANN—SCHÖN, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—JURIST, Staatswissenschaftler und Schriftsteller
18410311—18410313    —GESICHTET wird zum letzten Mal, DER—RADDAMPFER—PRESIDENT, danach verschwindet es spurlos auf dem Nordatlantik.
18410313             * KARL—ERNST—SCHROD, DEUTSCHER—PRIESTER, Pastoraltheologe und Liturgiker, Weihbischof in Trier
18410313             Die Uraufführung der Oper Il Proscritto von OTTO—NICOLAI findet am Teatro alla Scala in Mailand statt.
18410313             Das Libretto stammt von GAETANO—ROSSI nach der literarischen Vorlage von Frédéric Soulié.
18410313             Gemeinsam mit SIEGFRIED—KAPPER arbeitet der KOMPONIST—DIE—OPER —IN—DEN—NÄCHSTEN—JAHREN beinahe komplett um.
18440313             —WEDNESDAY
18450313             FELIX—MENDELSSOHN—VIOLIN—CONCERTO in E Minor, OPUS—64, had its premiere in LEIPZIG—GERMANY.
18460313             —AM  STADTTHEATER—KÖNIGSBERG wird die Tragödie MARIA—MAGDALENA—VON—FRIEDRICH—HEBBEL uraufgeführt.
18460313             Das Werk gilt als das letzte bürgerliche Trauerspiel.
18460313             Weil die Großgrundbesitzerin MRS—GERRARD im IRISCHEN—BALLINLASS, County Galway, Viehzucht betreiben will, lässt sie rund 300—PÄCHTER aus dem Ort vertreiben und ihre Häuser niederreißen.
18460313             Der Ballinlass Incident ist kein Einzelfall während der Großen Hungersnot in IRLAND.
18470313             Die Oper GRISELDA—VON—FEDERICO—RICCI wird im Teatro La Fenice in Venedig uraufgeführt.
18470313             † CHRISTIAN—GOTTHOLD—ENGELMANN, DEUTSCHER—APOTHEKER und Chemiefabrikant
18480313             —STURM auf das Ständehaus, BEGINNT, Mit dem die
18480313             —MÄRZ—REVOLUTION in WIEN und greift auf das ganze Kaisertum ÖSTERREICH über
18480313             —IN—DEN—FOLGENDEN—TAGEN.
18480313             —AM—GLEICHEN—ABEND,
18480313             METTERNICH was overthrown by 1—MOB in VIENNA.
18480313             —AM,—AUSBRACH 1—AUFSTAND in WIEN selbst
18480313             —ENDED, This, METTERNICH his career as foreign MINISTER—OF—AUSTRIA and
18490000—19360313    * † WILLIAM—ALEXANDER—COULTER, IRISH—BORN maritime artist, in CALIFORNIA.
18490313             † ALESSANDRO—SANQUIRICO, ITALIENISCHER—MALER, Szenograf, Architekt und Dekorateur
18490313             WIEN und FRANKFURT - 3—NEUE Gesetzentwürfe
18490313             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—244—KÖLN.
18520313             * OSCAR—BLUMENTHAL, DEUTSCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER, Kritiker, Bühnendichter und Schachkomponist
18520313             —BEGRÜNDET, Danilo I., das erbliche Fürstentum in MONTENEGRO.
18520313             † GEORG—MOLLER, DEUTSCHER—ARCHITEKT und Stadtplaner
18520313             UNCLE—SAM made his debut as 1—CARTOON—CHARACTER in THE—NEW—YORK—LANTERN.
18530000—19370313    * † ELIHU—THOMSON (ENGLISH—BORN engineer and inventor, in MASSACHUSETTS.
18550313—19160000    * † PERCIVAL—LOWELL, astronomer.
18550313—19160000    PERCIVAL—LOWELL also wrote "THE—SOUL—OF—THE—FAR—EAST" and "Occult JAPAN".
18550313—19160000    —PREDICTED, PERCIVAL—LOWELL, the existence of 1—PLANET behind Neptune —BEFORE
18550313—19300000    —IN, He predicted the existence of 1—PLANET behind Neptune —BEFORE Pluto was discovered by Tombaugh.
18560313             † JACQUES—DELISSE, FRANZÖSISCHER—APOTHEKER und Botaniker
18570313             † WILLIAM—AMHERST—EARL—AMHERST, 1., BRITISCHER—POLITIKER und Staatsmann
18610313             —SIGNED, Jefferson Davis, 1—BILL authorizing slaves to be used as soldiers for the Confederacy.
18620313             * WILHELM—WEIGAND, DEUTSCHER—DICHTER und Schriftsteller
18620313             † CHRISTIAN—FRIEDRICH—LESSING, DEUTSCHER—ARZT und Botaniker
18620313             —PASSED, THE—USA—CONGRESS, 1—BILL prohibiting the military from returning slaves to their masters.
18630313             * RICHARD—ZOOZMANN, DEUTSCHER—DICHTER und Schriftsteller
18650313             * PAUL—VON—RAUTENFELD, SCHWEIZER—ZOLLBEAMTER, Ethnologe und Zoologe
18650313             —ERLAUBEN die SÜD—STAATEN mit 1 Bundesgesetz widerwillig den Einsatz AFRO—AMERIKANISCHER Soldaten in ihrem Heer.
18650313             —SIGNED, CONFEDERATE—PRESIDENT—JEFFERSON—DAVIS, 1—MEASURE allowing black slaves to enlist in THE—CONFEDERATE—STATES—ARMY with the promise they would be set free.
18680313             * MAXIMILIAN—ZUPITZA, DEUTSCHER—ARZT und Offizier
18680313             —BEGAN, The impeachment TRIAL—OF—PRESIDENT—ANDREW—JOHNSON in THE—USA—SENATE.
18700313             * BUNDES—PRÄSIDENT—ALBERT—MEYER, SCHWEIZER—POLITIKER und Journalist, Bundesrat, MINISTER,
18710313             —PONTUS—KONFERENZ in LONDON
18710313             —AUFHEBT, auf gemeinsamen Druck RUSSLANDS und des DEUTSCHES—KAISER—REICH, die Neutralität und Entmilitarisierung des Schwarzen Meeres.
18720313             * JOSEF—ROSEMEYER, DEUTSCHER—BAHNRADFAHRER, Erfinder und Unternehmer
18730313             * GEORG—DEMMLER, DEUTSCHER—ARCHITEKT, Sportler und Sportfunktionär
18740313             * ELLERY—CLARK, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—LEICHTATHLET, Olympiasieger
18760313             * KONRAD—HAENISCH, DEUTSCHER—JOURNALIST—UND—POLITIKER, MdL und Landesminister
18800313             * OTTO—MEISSNER, DEUTSCHER—DIPLOMAT und Staatsbeamter, Leiter des Büros des REICHS—PRÄSIDENTEN und der PRÄSIDIAL—KANZLEI des Führers, Reichsminister
18810313             1—WAVE—OF—REPRESSION and persecution followed.
18810313             1—BOMB was thrown at ALEXANDER—II—TSAR—OF—RUSSIA near his palace by the anarchist group PEOPLE—WILL led by SOPHIA—PEROVSKAYA.
18810313—20050000    —AUTHORED, EDVARD—RADZINSKY, the biography "ALEXANDER—II: THE—LAST—GREAT—TSAR".
18820000—19710313    † ROCKWELL—KENT, artist, illustrator and printmaker, in NEW—YORK.
18820000—19710313    ROCKWELL—KENT was 1—MEMBER—OF—THE rugged realist school of landscape painters.
18820000—19710313    —CREATED, In the 1930s ROCKWELL—KENT, 1—SET—OF—ILLUSTRATIONS for "Moby Dick".
18830313             * TAKAMURA—K?TAR?, JAPANISCHER—LYRIKER, Essayist und Bildhauer
18830313             —CONSPIRED, THE—2—MEN had, to undermine both the government and the Revolutionary PEOPLE—WILL.
18830313             † SERGEI—DEGAEV (26) shot and killed LIEUTENANT—COL.
18830313             Georgii Sudeikin, security CHIEF—OF—TSAR—ALEXANDER—III.
18830313—19210000    —IN, Degaev fled RUSSIA to THE—USA—WHERE he earned 1—PH.D. in mathematics at Johns Hopkins and became the 1. math PROFESSOR—AT the new UNIVERSITY—OF—SOUTH—DAKOTA, where he taught —UNTIL he †.
18840000—19650313    * † CORRADO—GINI, ITALY—STATISTICIAN.
18840000—19650313    —DEVELOPED, CORRADO—GINI, the Gini coefficient, 1—MEASURE—OF—THE—INCOME—INEQUALITY in 1—SOCIETY.
18840313             —SIEGE—OF—KHARTOUM—SUDAN, began.
18840313             —ORDERED, GENERAL—GORDON, 1—COUNTER—ATTACK at Halfaya and troops rescued some 500—FROM 1—MAHDIST—ASSAULT.
18860313             * ALBERT—WILLIAM—STEVENS, balloonist and photographer.
18870313             —PATENTED, CHESTER—GREENWOOD—OF—MAINE, earmuffs.
18880000—18980313    —IN, THE—SHIP—NEW—YORK, built in PHILADELPHIA as the T.F. Oaks, was caught in THE—SURF—OF—HALF—MOON—BAY and broke up —AFTER 1—FEW days.
18880313             * ANTON—SEMJONOWITSCH—MAKARENKO, SOWJET—PÄDAGOGE und Schriftsteller
18880313             —RAGED, Great Blizzard of 18880000            .
18880313             —DURING the blizzard 1—CATTLE drover killed his biggest ox, gutted it, and crawled inside to survive the freeze.
18920313             * JANET—FLANNER, writer ("Letter from PARIS").
18940313             1. DONGHAK—BAUERN—AUFSTAND von.
18940313             1. Striptease professionell getanzt, PARIS, wird im Varietétheater DIVAN—FAYOUNAU der
18940313             Die Künstlerin erhält wegen ihrer Vorführung 1—GELDSTRAFE.
18940313             —PURCHASED, THE—DYNAMITE—SQUADRON of ships, and outfitted in THE—USA, steamed into the harbor of RIO—DE—JANEIRO.
18940313             —SURRENDERED, Rebel sailors —IMMEDIATELY, in exchange for safe passage to ARGENTINA aboard PORTUGAL—WARSHIPS.
18940313             —ENDED, The rebellion, —1—WEEKS—LATER—WHEN the rebel flagship, Aquidbada, was captured off Desterro by THE—USA—CREW—OF—THE—NICTHEROY, THE—FORMER—MORGAN steamship El Cid.
18960313             The 1. telephone station in VILNIUS began operating.
18970313             —GEGRÜNDET, Die S—DIEGO—STATE—UNIVERSITY wird.
18980313             MOST—OF—THE—CARGO was lost.
18980313             THE—SHIP—NEW—YORK was —259—DAYS out of HONG—KONG and all 22—ABOARD under CAPTAIN—THOMAS—PEABODY made it to shore.
18990000—19870313    * † GERALD—MOORE, pianist, in ENGLAND.
19000313             2. BUREN—KRIEG
19000313             HAMBURG, findet die Uraufführung der Oper Das stille Dorf von ALEXANDER—VON—FIELITZ statt.
19000313—19910000    * † GEORGE—SEFERIS, GREECE—POET.
19050313             MARGARETA—GEERTRUIDA—ZELLE tritt auf Einladung des Industriellen ÉMILE—GUIMET in seinem MUSEUM—GUIMET—PARIS vor 1 ausgesuchten Publikum erstmals als Tänzerin MATA—HARI auf.
19050313             Ihr Schleiertanz wird von —ANFANG ein großer Erfolg.
19050313             MARGARETHA—ZELLE made her debut as the oriental dancer "Mata Hari," in PARIS.
19070313             —AM, [USA] Morgan helped to avert the panic he helped to create.
19070313             —AM, [USA] The rumors were started by THE—HOUSE—OF—MORGAN.
19070313             —AM, [USA]1—FINANCIAL—PANIC was triggered by rumors that the Knickerbocker Bank, THE—TRUST—COMPANY—OF—AMERICA were about to become insolvent.
19070313             —AM, [USA]It provided AMERICA with THE—PERCEPTION and rationalization that what THE—USA needed was 1—CENTRAL—BANKING—SYSTEM.
19070313             —AM, [USA]Morgan imported $ 100.000.000 WORTH—OF—GOLD from EUROPE to stop the run on THE—BANKS.
19070313             —AM, [USA]There was 1—RUN on THE—BANKS.
19070313             —AM, [USA]This EXERCISE was a ROUND—TABLE—GROUP PSYCHO—POLITICAL operation.
19070313             —EXPORTED, EUROPE, $ 100.000.000 WORTH—OF—GOLD to [USA]Morgan to ?
19070313             [USA] Aldrich didn't have ANY—BANKING experience.
19070313             —TOURED, USA To investigate the matter THE—COMMISSION, the continent of EUROPE to study THE—EUROPEAN—CENTRAL—BANKING—SYSTEM.
19070313—19090000    [USA] It took nearly —2—YEARS and $ 300.000—OF—TAX—PAYER money to wine and dine THE—MEN—OF—THE—EUROPEAN—CENTRAL—BANKING—SYSTEM—BEFORE THE—COMMITTEE was able to complete their study.
19080313             —OWNED, JERUSALEM—INHABITANTS saw their 1. automobile, by CHARLES—GLIDDEN—OF—BOSTON.
19080313—20020000    * † WALTER—ANNENBERG, PUBLISHER (TRIANGLE—TV—GUIDE), Ambassador to GB, in MILWAUKEE, the 6. of 9—CHILDREN.
19110313             LAFAYETTE Ron Hubbard (L. Ron Hubbard, d.1986), SCI—FI writer, scientologist FOUNDER—OF—SCIENTOLOGY (Dyanetics), was born.
19110313             —APPROVED, THE—SUPREME—COURT, the corporate tax law.
19110313—19860000    * † LAFAYETTE—RON—HUBBARD (L. RON—HUBBARD), SCI—FI writer, scientologist FOUNDER—OF—SCIENTOLOGY (Dyanetics).
19120313             —GEHEIMES DEFENSIV—BÜNDNIS, SERBIEN und BULGARIEN schließe, aus dem der gegen das OSMAN—REICH gerichtete BALKAN—BUND erwächst.
19130313             * WILLIAM—J—CASEY, headed CIA —DURING IRAN Contra scandal (19810000—19870000    ).
19130313             —APPROVED, KANSAS legislature, censorship of motion pictures.
19130313             * WILLIAM—J—CASEY,
19140000—19920313    * † Dulce Pontes, 1—BRAZILIAN—CATHOLIC—FRANCISCAN—SISTER.
19150313             —TRIED, Dodgers manager Wilbert Robinson, to catch 1—BASEBALL dropped from 1—AIRPLANE, but the pilot substituted 1—GRAPEFRUIT.
19170313             —ERÖFFNET, OFFENBACH—AM—MAIN, das auf Initiative HUGO—EBERHARDTS entstandene DEUTSCHE—LEDERMUSEUM.
19180313             —SCHEDULED, Women were, to march in THE—S—PATRICK'S—DAY—PARADE in NEW—YORK due to 1—SHORTAGE—OF—MEN.
19190313             —GEGRÜNDET, BERLIN, wird die DEUTSCHE—GESELLSCHAFT für Schädlingsbekämpfung (Degesch) unter Beteiligung des DEUTSCHEN—REICHES als gemeinnütziges Wirtschaftsunternehmen.
19190313             Das Stammkapital von 1.010.000 Mark wird von 10—FIRMEN erbracht, unter anderem der DEGUSSA und der BASF.
19200313             —FÜR—ABGESETZT—ERKLÄRT, WOLFGANG—KAPP, die demokratisch gewählte DEUTSCHE—REICHS, REGIERUNG unter GUSTAV—BAUER ,
19200313             —ERKLÄRT, WOLFGANG—KAPP, sich selbst, nach der militärischen Besetzung des Berliner Regierungsviertels zum Reichskanzler.
19200313             —4—TAGE—SPÄTER, zusammenbricht der KAPP—PUTSCH.
19200313             The 133-foot, IRON—HULLED tune trawler Ituna sank outside the Golden Gate of S—FRANCISCO as it headed from SF to REEDSPORT—OREGON.
19200313             12—OF 14—CREWMEN escaped.
19200313             THE—KAPP—PUTSCH took place, involving 1—GROUP—OF—FREIKORPS troops who gained CONTROL—OF—BERLIN and installed WOLFGANG—KAPP (1—RIGHT—WING journalist) as CHANCELLOR.
19200313             The national government fled to STUTTGART and called for 1—GENERAL—STRIKE.
19200313             —AM, versuchten GENERAL—WALTHER—VON—LÜTTWITZ und ERICH—LUDENDORFF, DIE—REGIERUNG unter GUSTAV—BAUER (SPD) zu stürzen und
19200313             —AM, versuchten GENERAL—WALTHER—VON—LÜTTWITZ und ERICH—LUDENDORFF, des Versailler VERTRAG Auflagen auszuhebeln,
19200313             des WALTHER—VON—LÜTTWITZ und des ERICH—LUDENDORFF fehlgeschlagener Versuch ist jedoch nicht unter ihrem Namen bekannt geworden, sondern
19200313             des WALTHER—VON—LÜTTWITZ und des ERICH—LUDENDORFF fehlgeschlagener Versuch wird in den Geschichtsbüchern meist unter dem Namen ihres Mitstreiters, des Verwaltungsbeamten WOLFGANG—KAPP, als KAPP—PUTSCH aufgeführt.
19200313—19200317    —CRIPPLED, The strike, GERMANY's ravaged economy and the Kapp government collapsed —AFTER only —4—DAYS.
19200313—20150000    —IN, Wreckage of the ship was found.
19210313             —AUSGERUFEN, In der MONGOLEI wird eine unabhängige Monarchie.
19210313             Der deutschbaltische BARON—ROMAN—VON—UNGERN—STERNBERG wird alleiniger MONGOLEI—HERRSCHER unter dem nominellen OBERHAUPT—BOGD—KHAN.
19210313             —BEGINNT, Eine sechsmonatige MONGOLEI—DIKTATUR.
19210313             —DECLARED, MONGOLIA (formerly Outer MONGOLIA), INDEPENDENCE from CHINA.
19210313             * WARREN—COWAN, in NEW—YORK City and attended
19210313—20080514    WARREN—COWAN was 1—PROMINENT—USA—FILM industry publicist.
19210313—20080514    He was born in NEW—YORK City and attended...
19210313—20080514    He was born in NEW—YORK City and attended... WARREN _ Cowan
19220313             —PREMIERED, GEORGE—BERNARD—SHAW'S "Back to Methusaleh V,", in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19230313             —DEMONSTRATED, LEE—DE—FOREST, his SOUND—ON—FILM moving pictures in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19240313             —DISSOLVED, THE—REICHSTAG was, for the 5. time in GERMANY—HISTORY.
19250000—20060313    * † MAUREEN—STAPLETON, film and stage actress, in LENOX—MASSACHUSETTS.
19250313             —BUTLER—ACT in, per Gesetz verboten, an staatlichen oder staatlich geförderten Schulen die CHARLES—DARWIN—EVOLUTIONS—THEORIE zu lehren, wenn diese Lehre sich auf die Abstammung des Menschen von "niedrigeren" Lebewesen bezieht.
19250313             —PASSED, THE—TENNESSEE legislature, the Butler Bill which prohibited THE—TEACHING—OF—EVOLUTION in the public schools.
19250313—20230321    —SEE
19260000—20160313    * † HILARY—PUTNAM, USA—PHILOSOPHER, at his home in ARLINGTON—MASSACHUSETTS His 16—BOOKS included "THE—MANY—FACES—OF—REALISM" (19870000             ).
19260000—20160313    * † Hilary Putnam, USA—PHILOSOPHER, at his home in ARLINGTON—MASSACHUSETTS.
19280313—19280312    —ON, † In CALIFORNIA HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE—WHEN THE—S—FRANCISQUITO—VALLEY was inundated with water —AFTER THE—S—FRANCIS—DAM burst —JUST—BEFORE midnight.
19300313             —ANNOUNCED, THE—LOWELL—OBSERVATORY in ARIZONA, CLYDE—TOMBAUGH'S 19300218             DISCOVERY—OF—1—NEW—PLANET, —LATER named Pluto.
19300313—19300218    —AM—BEKANNT—GEGEBEN, Die durch CLYDE—TOMBAUGH erfolgte ENTDECKUNG—DES—PLUTO wird am 149. Jahrestag der ENTDECKUNG—DES—URANUS.
19310313             1. der Start einer Feststoffrakete auf europäischem Boden, Den DEUTSCHEN—INGENIEUREN REINHOLD—TILING und seinem Mitarbeiter KARL—POGGENSEE gelingt bei BERLIN.
19320313             1. WAHL—GANG der REICHS—PRÄSIDENTEN—WAHL
19320313             —SIEGT, REICHS—PRÄSIDENT—AMTSINHABER—PAUL—VON—HINDENBURG vor ADOLF—HITLER, verfehlt aber knapp die absolute Mehrheit.
19320313             Hindenburg won 49.6—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE in THE—GERMANY—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION, Hitler won 30.1%, and THE—REST—OF—THE—VOTES went to other candidates.
19320313             —SINCE Hindenburg did not win 1—MAJORITY, 1—RUN—OFF election was set —FOR—APRIL.
19330313             "Machtergreifung" in DEUTSCHLAND durch die NSDAP wird durch
19330313             GERMANY, WAGNER—OPERA "Die Meistersinger" was used to celebrate the 1. NAZI—DOMINATED Reichstag and became the 3. REICH—NATIONAL—FESTIVAL—OPERA.
19330313             —BECAME, JOSEF—GOEBBELS, Nazi MINISTER—OF—INFORMATION and Propaganda.
19330313             JOSEF—GÖBBELS, becomes GERMANY—MINISTER—OF—INFORMATION" + PROPAGANDA - "Information" + PROPAGANDA in history.
19330313             Göbbels, Josef becomes GERMANY—MINISTER—OF "Information" + Propaganda in history.
19350000—20110313    His Bear Research Group reputedly made over 1.25—MILLION doses of LSD from 19650000—19670000.
19350000—20110313    * † IN—AUSTRALIA—OWSLEY—STANLEY, counterculture maker of LSD and Grateful Dead associate, in 1—CAR—CRASH.
19350313             —INTRODUCED, Driving tests were, in GREAT—BRITAIN.
19350313             3000—YEAR—OLD archives were found in JERUSALEM confirming biblical history.
19360313             The 1. meeting of the —FRIDAY the 13. Club founded by PHILIP—KLEIN, advertising executive, was held.
19360313—20010000    —YEAR, Klein requested that the club SELF—DESTRUCT —BEFORE the.
19380313             —FAMED, CLARENCE—S—DARROW (80), attorney in the Scopes Monkey Trial, † in CHICAGO.
19380313             † CLARENCE—S—DARROW (80), famed attorney in the Scopes Monkey Trial, in CHICAGO.
19391130—19400313    —WINTERKRIEG—BIS—ZUM, CA—127.000—SOVIET—SOLDATEN und 25.000—FINNEN zum Opfer fallen.
19400313             —ENDET der WINTER—KRIEG zwischen FINNLAND und der SOWJET—UNION.
19400313             FINNLAND wahrt seine Unabhängigkeit,
19400313             FINNLAND muss aber Teile seines Staatsgebiets an die Sowjetunion abtreten und
19400313             FINNLAND muss die STADT—HANKO als Flottenstützpunkt verpachten.
19400313             —ENDED, THE—105—DAY—WAR between RUSSIA and FINLAND, with the signing of 1—TREATY in MOSCOW.
19400313             —CAPITULATED, FINLAND, conditionally to SOVIET—TERMS, but maintains its INDEPENDENCE.
19400313             —KILLED, Some 27,000 FINLAND—SOLDIERS were, and 43,000 wounded in 1—POPULATION—OF—3.7—MILLION.
19400313             THE—SOVIET—UNION put its losses at 217,500 dead or wounded.
19400313—19190413    —AM, Der revolutionäre SIKH—UDHAM—SINGH erschießt in LONDON SIR—MICHAEL—O'DWYER, den FRÜHEREN—GOUVERNEUR—DES—PUNJAB und Verantwortlichen für das vom BRITISCHEN—MILITÄR verübte MASSAKER—VON—AMRITSAR.
19410313             —ISSUED, Hitler, 1—EDICT calling for 1—INVASION—OF—THE—USSR
19430313             —FAILED, There was 1, assassination attempt on Hitler —DURING THE—SMOLENSK—RASTENBURG flight.
19430313             —CLOSED, Germans, THE—KRAKOW ghetto in POLAND.
19430313             —ENDED, JAPAN—FORCES, their attack on THE—USA—TROOPS on Hill 700 in Bougainville.
19441225             —WWII—IM, —BEGINNT, Mit der Einschließung Budapests durch die ROTE—ARMEE die 19440313             —BIS—ZUM—ANDAUERNDE
19441225—19440313    —SCHLACHT um die STADT—BUDAPEST.
19450313             —DECLARED, PERU, WAR—ON—GERMANY.
19460313             USA—ARMY—PRIVATE 1. Class Sadao Munemori was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor for sacrificing himself to save fellow soldiers from 1—GRENADE at SERAVEZZA—ITALY.
19470313             Die UNIVERSITÄT—BERLIN—CDU—STUDENTENVERTRETER—GEORG—WRAZIDLO und MANFRED—KLEIN sowie ihr parteilose Kommilitonin GERDA—RÖSCH werden von den sowjetischen Behörden verhaftet und zu jeweils —25—JAHREN Zwangsarbeit verurteilt.
19470313             Der Vorwurf lautet: "Bildung einer faschistischen Untergrundorganisation" und "Spionage".
19470313             "THE—BEST—YEARS—OF—OUR—LIVES" won THE—ACADEMY—AWARD for best picture of 19460000             ;
19470313             Oscars also went to its director, WILLIAM—WYLER, lead actor Fredric March and supporting actor HAROLD—RUSSELL;
19470313             Olivia De Havilland won best actress for "To EACH—HIS—OWN";
19470313             ANNE—BAXTER won best supporting actress for "THE—RAZOR—EDGE".
19470313             —OPENED, THE—LERNER and Loewe musical "Brigadoon", on Broadway for 581—PERFORMANCES.
19470313—19560000    —ERST, kommen Die UNIVERSITÄT—BERLIN—CDU—STUDENTENVERTRETER aus der Haft frei.
19510313             —DEMANDED, ISRAEL, DM 6.2—BILLION ($1.5—BILLION) in GERMANY—REPARATIONS for the cost of caring for war refugees.
19510313             † ALFRED—HUGENBERG, GERMANY—RC PRES—DIR of Krupp, media magnate.
19540313             —GEGRÜNDET, Der SOWJET—AUSLANDS—GEHEIMDIENST—KGB wird offiziell.
19540313             —INDOCHINA—KRIEG
19540313             —ANGREIFEN, die Vi?T—MINH unter GENERAL—VÕ—NGUYÊN—GIÁP überraschend mit chinesischem Beutegut aus dem KOREA—KRIEG die FRANZÖSISCHEN—TRUPPEN bei ?i?N—BIÊN—PH?
19540313             —OPENED, Viet Minh GENERAL—GIAP, 1—ASSAULT—ON—FRANCE—FORCES at Dien Bien PHU—VIETNAM.
19540313—19540507    —BIS—ZUM DAUERNDE—SCHLACHT,
19540313—19540507    —ERLEIDEN DIE—FRANZOSEN in der Folge eine entscheidende Niederlage, die zum Verlust ihres KOLONIAL—REICHES in SÜD—OST—ASIEN führt.
19550313             —REGIERT, TRIBHUVAN—KÖNIG—VON—NEPAL Sein Sohn MAHENDRA—KÖNIG—VON—NEPAL, über das Land.
19570313             —ARRESTED, THE—FBI, JIMMY—HOFFA on bribery charges.
19570313             —FOLLOWED, Bloody battles, an ANTI—BATISTA demonstration in HAVANA—CUBA.
19600313             —MOVED, NFL—CHICAGO—CARDINALS, to St Louis.
19610313             1—FLUTKATASTROPHE fordert 145—MENSCHENLEBEN in BABI—JAR.
19610313             oo PABLO—PICASSO, —79—JAHRE—ALT, his model JACQUELINE—ROCQUE (37).
19610313             oo PABLO—PICASSO (79), his model JACQUELINE—ROCQUE (37).
19620313             —VERFASST worden ist, der GEHEIMPLAN—OPERATION—NORTHWOODS, in der Absicht 1 allgemeine Zustimmung und Unterstützung für 1 militärische KUBA—INVASION zu gewinnen.
19620313             —ABLEHNT, PRÄSIDENT—KENNEDY den GEHEIMPLAN—OPERATION—NORTHWOODS, der unter anderem fingierte Angriffe auf USA—BÜRGER vorsieht.
19620313             provided by THE—JCS to SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—ROBERT—MCNAMARA... alfatomega.com/20041101.html
19620313             Written in response to 1—REQUEST from THE—CHIEF—OF—THE—CUBA—PROJECT, COLONEL—EDWARD—LANSDALE,
19620313             the Top Secret memorandum DESCRIBESUSA—PLANS to covertly engineer various pretexts that would justify 1—USA—INVASION—OF—CUBA.
19620313             These PROPOSALS—PART—OF—1—SECRET—ANTI—CASTRO program known as Operation MONGOOSE—INCLUDED staging the assassinations of Cubans living in THE—UNITED—STATES,
19620313             developing 1—FAKE "Communist CUBA—TERROR—CAMPAIGN in THE—MIAMI area, in other FLORIDA cities and even in WASHINGTON,"
19620313             including "sink[ing] 1—BOATLOAD—OF—CUBA—REFUGEES (real or simulated),"
19620313             faking 1—CUBA—AIRFORCE ATTACK—ON—1—CIVIL—JETLINER +
19620313             concocting a "Remember THE—MAINE" incident by blowing up 1—USA—SHIP in CUBA—WATERS and then blaming the incident on CUBA—SABOTAGE.
19620313             provided by THE—JCS to SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—ROBERT—MCNAMARA...
19620313—19620316    1. getrennt in OST—UND WEST—BERLIN, tagt die Synode der Evangelische Kirche, Wegen der Errichtung der Mauer.
19630313             —INVITED, CHINA, SOVIET—PREMIER—NIKITA—KHRUSHCHEV to visit Peking.
19640313             —ERSTOCHEN, Die junge New Yorkerin KITTY—GENOVESE wird in der Nähe ihrer Wohnung in Queens von WINSTON—MOSELEY.
19640313             Die Umstände KITTY—GENOVESE ihrer Ermordung, die über eine halbe —STUNDE dauert und von 38—MENSCHEN beobachtet wird, die aber nicht eingreifen, prägen den Begriff des GENOVESE—SYNDROMS.
19640313             In 1—NOTORIOUS—CASE 38—RESIDENTS—OF—1—NEIGHBORHOOD in THE—NEW—YORK City BOROUGH—OF—QUEENS reportedly failed to respond to the cries of Kitty Genovese (28), 1—GAY—WOMAN, as she was being stabbed to death.
19640313             —CONVICTED, WINSTON—MOSELY was —LATER, and sentenced to life in prison.
19640313             Here he refutes the story of 38—WITNESSES and details the what happened.
19640313—20140000    —AUTHORED, KEVIN—COOK, "Kitty Genovese: THE—MURDER, the Bystanders, the Crime That Changed AMERICA".
19650000—20130313    —IM_MÄRZ, in NORD—DEUTSCHLAND noch deutlich höher lag dem DWD zufolge der Schnee
19650313             He developed the Gini coefficient, 1—MEASURE—OF—THE—INCOME—INEQUALITY in 1—SOCIETY.
19650313—19270000    —IN, Gini was also 1—LEADING fascist theorist and ideologue who wrote "THE—SCIENTIFIC—BASIS—OF—FASCISM".
19680313             Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO) and Humble Oil and Refining Company (—NOW Exxon COMPANY—USA) announced THE—DISCOVERY—OF—OIL on ALASKA—NORTH—SLOPE (Prudhoe Bay).
19680313             The oil companies soon began efforts to construct 1—PIPELINE, but work was suspended due to environmental concerns.
19690313             APOLLO—9, MIT den Astronauten JAMES—MCDIVITT, DAVID—RANDOLPH—SCOTT und Rusty Schweickart an Bord landet wieder sicher auf der Erde, —NACHDEM RENDEZVOUS—UND Andockmanöver der Mondlandefähre unter realen Bedingungen in der Erdumlaufbahn getestet wurden.
19690313             —RESCUED, VIETNAM, Navy LIEUTENANT—JOHN—KERRY, JIM—RASSMAN on the Bay Hap River —WHILE under Viet Cong fire.
19690313             —SPLASHED, THE—APOLLO 9—ASTRONAUTS, down, ending 1—MISSION that included the successful testing of the lunar module.
19690313—20040000    —BECAME, Kerry, the Democratic nominee for PRESIDENT.
19700313             —ORDERED, CAMBODIA, HANOI and Viet Cong troops to get out.
19710313             He was 1—MEMBER—OF—THE rugged realist school of landscape painters.
19710313             In the 1930s he created 1—SET—OF—ILLUSTRATIONS for "Moby Dick".
19710313—19350000    —IN, he authored "Salamina," 1—MEMOIR—OF his 1. ARCTIC —WINTER (1931—32) painting and exploring —WHILE based in the settlement of IGDLORSSUIT—GREENLAND.
19710313—19600000    —IN, he donated 80—PAINTINGS and 800—WATERCOLORS to THE—PEOPLE—OF—THE—SOVIET—UNION.
19730313             —SKIPPED, GEORGE—NORMAN, out of DENVER on a —2-YEAR sentence for embezzling more than $500,000 from the —NOW defunct Rocky Mountain Bank.
19730313—19960000    —IN, He evaded arrest —FOR—23—YEARS and made millions by legal means —UNTIL his capture in KNOXVILLE—TENNESSEE.
19740313             —DROPPED, THE—DOW—JONES, to 577.60.
19750313             BERNARD—SLADE'S "Same Time, —NEXT—YEAR," premiered in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19750313—19780000    —IN, it was made into 1—FILM starring Ellen Burstyn and ALAN—ALDA.
19760313             —CONVICTED, CALIFORNIA, 1—JURY, 4—BLACK—MUSLIMS for 3—MURDERS and 4—ASSAULTS out of 1—TOTAL—OF—23—BAY Area crimes that included 14—MURDERS.
19760313             Jessie LEE—COOKS, LARRY—CRAIG—GREEN, MANUEL—MOORE and J.C.X. Simon were given life sentences.
19770313             JAN—PATOCKA (19070000             *), CZECH—REPUBLIC—PHILOSOPHY—PROFESSOR and 1—OF—THE—3—FOUNDING spokesmen of "Charter 77," † —FOLLOWING 1—GRUELING —11—HOUR interrogation.
19780313             ASSEN, nehmen Ambonesen 70—MENSCHEN als Geiseln und verlangen die Freilassung von 21—MOLUKKISCHEN Gefangenen.
19780313             —AM—TAG—DARAUF beenden NIEDERLÄNDISCHE—ELITEKRÄFTE die Geiselnahme, wobei 1—PERSON später an bei der Aktion erlittenen Verwundungen stirbt.
19790313             —ÜBERNIMMT, die Macht in GRENADA, Die NEW—JEWEL—MOVEMENT unter MAURICE—BISHOP, nach 1 Putsch gegen PREMIERMINISTER—ERIC—GAIRY.
19790313             —ENTERED, European Monetary System (EMS), into force.
19790313—19790101    —RÜCKWIRKEND—ZUM, Das Europäische Währungssystem (EWS) tritt als währungspolitische Zusammenarbeit der Länder der Europäischen Gemeinschaft in Kraft.
19800313             Der als "KILLER—CLOWN" bekannte Serienmörder JOHN—WAYNE—GACY wird in ILLINOIS—USA, wegen der Ermordung von 33—MENSCHEN zu 21-mal lebenslanger Haft und zwölfmaliger Todesstrafe verurteilt.
19800313             Es ist die längste Strafe, die je in den USA verhängt worden ist.
19800313             —ANNOUNCED, Ford Motor Chairman HENRY—FORD—II, he was stepping down.
19800313             1—JURY in WINAMAC—INDIANA, found Ford Motor Company innocent of reckless homicide in the fiery deaths of 3—YOUNG—WOMEN riding in 1—FORD—PINTO.
19810313             —GRANTED, PRESIDENT—REAGAN, ATLANTA $1.5—MILLION to search for the murderer of some 20—BLACK—CHILDREN.
19810313             In the Poletown case THE—MICHIGAN—SUPREME—COURT—ALLOWED—DETROIT to take 1,000 homes and 600—BUSINESSES to make way for 1—GENERAL—MOTORS—CORP. plant.
19810313—20040000    —OVERTURNED, The decision was, —WHEN the court ruled that state and local governments may not take property from 1—PRIVATE—OWNER and give it to another purely for THE—PURPOSE—OF—ECONOMIC—DEVELOPMENT.
19820313             † At THE—MASSACRE—OF—RIO—NEGRO 130 [177] Achi Maya women and children were killed by Xococ patrolmen.
19820313             GUATEMALA, at THE—MASSACRE—OF—RIO—NEGRO 177—ACHI Maya women and children were killed by Xococ patrolmen.
19820313             HANS—JOACHIM—VON—MERKATZ his obituary in the Ostpreusssenblott at
19820313—19981130    —ON, 3—XOCOC PRO—GOVERNMENT—FIGHTERS, CARLOS—CHEN, PEDRO—GONZALEZ and Fermin Lajuj, were sentenced to death for their war crimes in the massacre.
19820313—20030000    —IN, THE—PBS documentary "Discovering Dominga" told the story of 1—MAYAN girl who survived the massacre and her struggle to discover what happened to her family.
19820313—20080000    —IN, 5—FORMER—PARAMILITARY—MEMBERS were sentenced to —780—YEARS each in prison for massacring 26—PEOPLE at RIO—NEGRO.
19830313             "WOMAN—OF—THE—YEAR" closed at Palace Theater NEW—YORK—CITY—AFTER 770—PERFORMANCES.
19850313             —BURIED, Konstantin Chernenko was, near the Kremlin Wall in MOSCOW.
19850313             He oversaw THE—DISMANTLING—OF—THE—SOVIET—NUCLEAR—ARMS stockpile and THE—END—OF—THE—SOVIET—UNION itself.
19850507—19860313    —ON, Unit 2—BECAME operational.
19850702—19860313    —ON, It made its closest approach to the comet.
19860313             STAATSPRÄSIDENT—FRANÇOIS—MITTERRAND weiht in PARIS das futuristische WISSENSCHAFTS—UND Technikmuseum Cité des sciences et de l'industrie im Parc de la Villette ein.
19860313             —STARTET, die SOJUS—T—15—MISSION zu den Raumstationen Mir und SALJUT—7, Vom SOWJET—WELTRAUMBAHNHOF—BAIKONUR
19860313             —DAMAGED, THE—USA—SUBMARINE—NATHANIEL—GREEN was severely, —WHEN it ran aground in THE—IRELAND—SEA.
19860313             ED—BALATTI, —62—JAHRE—ALT, 1—SAN—FRANCISCO used car dealer, was arrested and charged with fencing everything from TVs to vintage wines.
19860313             —CLIMAXED, This, an —11—MONTH undercover investigation.
19860313             —PLAYED, Balatti had, as 1—END on the original 49-er football team in 19460000—19480000.
19860313             Microsoft Corp., an —11—YEAR—OLD—COMPANY, went public and rose from $21 to $28 on opening —DAY.
19860313             Revenues for the —YEAR were $197—MILLION and it employed 1,153—PEOPLE.
19860313             At its debut Microsoft was worth $519—MIL. with —JUST over $85—MIL. in revenue for the prior —6—MONTHS.
19860313—19460000    —PLAYED, Balatti had, as 1—END on the original 49-er football team -48.
19860313—19860500    —DEACTIVATED, It was.
19870313             —ACQUITTED—OF, JOHN—GOTTI was, racketeering.
19870313             —ANNOUNCED, THE—PRESIDENT—OF—ECUADOR, his country had suspended payments on its foreign debt —AFTER earthquakes killed HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE and ruptured the country's main oil pipeline.
19870313             —DESTROYED, The quake, nearly 25—MILES—OF—OIL—PIPELINE.
19870313—19620000    —IN, The book: "Am I—TOO—LOUD?, Memoirs of GERALD—MOORE" was published.
19880313             JAPAN, wird der 54—KM lange SEIKAN—TUNNEL zwischen den INSEL—HONSH und INSEL—HOKKAID? in Betrieb genommen.
19880313             Es handelt sich um den damals längsten Eisenbahntunnel der Welt.
19880313             † JOHN—CURTIS—HOLMES, former porn star, of 1—AIDS—RELATED illness.
19880313—20030000    —IN, the film "Wonderland" starred Val Kilmer as Holmes.
19890313             THE—USA—FOOD and Drug Administration began 1—QUARANTINE—OF—ALL—FRUIT imported from CHILE —AFTER traces of cyanide were found in 2—CHILE—GRAPES.
19890313             —BLASTED, The space shuttle Discovery, off from Cape CANAVERAL—FLORIDA, on a —5—DAY—MISSION.
19890313             CANADA, 1—TRANSFORMER failure on 1—OF—THE—MAIN—POWER—TRANSMISSION—LINES in the HydroQuebec system precipitated 1—CATASTROPHIC—COLLAPSE—OF—THE—ENTIRE—POWER—GRID.
19890313             —PRODUCED, THE—STRING—OF—EVENTS that, the collapse took only —90—SECONDS from start to finish.
19890313             The transformer failure was 1—DIRECT—CONSEQUENCE—OF—GROUND induced currents from 1—SOLAR flare.
19890313             6—MILLION—PEOPLE lost electrical power for 9 or more hours.
19900313             DIE—RICHTERIN—ERTHA—PASCAL—TROUILLOT wird als 1. Frau zur Präsidentin von HAITI ernannt.
19900313             DIE—RICHTERIN—ERTHA—PASCAL—TROUILLOT folgt auf HÉRARD—ABRAHAM, der als zuvor erfolgreicher Putschist gegen den PRÄSIDENT—PROSPER—AVRIL —NACH—3—TAGEN auf das Amt verzichtet.
19900313             † OSKAR—HIPPE, DEUTSCHER—TROTZKIST und Widerstandskämpfer gegen den Nationalsozialismus
19900313             Der Kongress der Volksdeputierten der Sowjetunion beschließt die Einführung eines Präsidialsystems
19900313             —VERLIERT, Damit, die KPdSU ihre Führungsrolle.
19900313             —COMMITTED, BRUNO—BETTELHEIM, —86—JAHRE—ALT, AUSTRIAN—USA psychoanalyst, suicide.
19900313             —INCLUDED, His books, "THE—EMPTY—FORTRESS" (19670000             ), on infantile autism and "THE—USE—OF—ENCHANTMENT" (19760000             ), 1—STUDY—OF fairy tales.
19900313             † BRUNO—BETTELHEIM (86), AUSTRIAN—USA psychoanalyst, committed suicide.
19900313—20020000    —AUTHORED, Theron Raines, "Rising to the Light: 1—PORTRAIT—OF—BRUNO—BETTELHEIM".
19910313             —FLÜCHTET, mit Unterstützung der Sowjetunion nach Moskau, Der ehemalige DDR—STAATS—UND PARTEICHEF—ERICH—HONECKER
19910313             —PROTESTIERT, Die Bundesregierung, beim SOWJET—BOTSCHAFTER—IN—BONN gegen diese Verletzung der DEUTSCHEN—SOUVERÄNITÄT.
19910313             —WARNED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, —DURING 1—VISIT to OTTAWA—CANADA, IRAN against seizing IRAQ—TERRITORY in the aftermath of the Persian Gulf War.
19910313             —PLEADED, Exxon, guilty to criminal charges and agreed to pay $100—MILLION—FINE in a $1.1—BILLION settlement of the Exxon Valdez oil spill.
19910313             —REJECTED, The deal fell apart —WHEN THE—ALASKA—HOUSE, it.
19910313             1—NEW—SETTLEMENT was reached —LATER.
19920313             —ERDBEBEN in der TÜRKISCHEN—REGION ERZINCAN fordert etwa 650—TODESOPFER.
19920313             She was THE—FOUNDER—OF—THE—OBRAS—SOCIAIS—IRMÃ Dulce also known as the Charitable Works FOUNDATION—OF—SISTER—DULCE.
19920313             THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL stood firm in its demand that IRAQ comply totally with Gulf War CEASE—FIRE—RESOLUTIONS, rebuffing 1—APPEAL for leniency from SADDAM—HUSSEIN—SPECIAL—ENVOY, deputy PRIME—MINISTER—TARIQ—AZIZ.
19920313             † Some 498 in 1—EARTHQUAKE at ERZINCAN—TURKEY.
19920313—20190000    —IN, she was canonized as 1—CATHOLIC saint.
19930313             1—DEADLY blizzard paralyzed MUCH—OF—THE—EAST—COAST, leaving more than 100—DEAD in its wake.
19930313             —COVERED, SYRACUSE, NY, was, with fresh snow 43—INCHES thick.
19940313             1—SOUTH—AFRICA—DIPLOMAT took over as LEADER—OF—BOPHUTHATSWANA as the black homeland's PRESIDENT, LUCAS—MANGOPE, was deposed.
19940313             —COLLIDED, The oil tanker Nassia, with 1—EMPTY—CARGO ship at the entrance of the Bosporus.
19940313             27—29—PEOPLE lost their lives.
19940313             9,000 TONS—OF—PETROLEUM spilled and 20,000 tons burned —FOR—4—DAYS—LONG affecting the marine environment.
19940313             —OUTLAWED, THE—ISRAELI—CABINET, 2—JEWISH—EXTREMIST—GROUPS, Kach and Kahane Lives, branding them terrorist organizations.
19950000—19970313    —REVEALED, AUSTRALIA, it was, that THE—AWARD—WINNING autobiography of 1—ABORIGINAL woman, "My Own Sweet Time, " was actually written by a —47—YEAR—OLD—WHITE—MAN in Sidney named LEON—CARMEN.
19950313             Es richtet sich insbesondere gegen die zunehmende Wirklichkeitsentfremdung des Kinos und verbannt Effekte und technische Raffinessen, Illusion und dramaturgische Vorhersehbarkeit.
19950313             2—AMERICANS working for USA—DEFENSE—CONTRACTORS in KUWAIT, DAVID—DALIBERTI and WILLIAM—BARLOON, were seized by IRAQ —AFTER they strayed across the border;
19950313             sentenced to —8—YEARS in prison, both were freed the —FOLLOWING July.
19950313             —KILLED, ISTANBUL police, at least 15—ALAWI (Alevi) demonstrators.
19960000             (Flight INTERNATIONAL, 19960313             )
19960313             Der Amokläufer THOMAS—HAMILTON tötet aus Rache im SCHOTTISCHEN—DUNBLANE 16—ERSTSCHÜLER und ihre Lehrerin mit einem Revolver.
19960313             Danach erschießt sich der Täter mit der Waffe.
19960313             World leaders, including PRESIDENT—CLINTON, held 1—SUMMIT in Sharm EL—SHEIK, EGYPT, where they vowed unequivocal support for the Mideast peace process.
19960313             Liggett, the nation's 5.—LARGEST tobacco company, made history by settling 1—PRIVATE—CLASS—ACTION lawsuit alleging cigarette makers manipulated nicotine to hook smokers.
19960313             —BECAME, Liggett, the 1. tobacco company to acknowledge that cigarettes are addictive and cause cancer.
19960313             —KILLED, THOMAS—HAMILTON, —43—JAHRE—ALT, 16—KINDERGARTEN children, 1—TEACHER and himself in 1—CLASSROOM in DUNBLANE—SCOTLAND.
19960313             (Flight INTERNATIONAL, )
19960313—19970000    —REVEALED, BENNET—LEBOW, owner of Liggett, that PHILIP—MORRIS had agreed to pay $10—MILLION per —YEAR in legal fees —WHILE he kept silent.
19970313             —LOTTERIE—AUFSTAND—IN—ALBANIEN, kurzfristig völlig zusammenbricht, die staatliche Ordnung.
19970313             —LOTTERIE—AUFSTAND—IN—ALBANIEN, führt in DEUTSCHLAND zur Einleitung der OPERATION—LIBELLE zur Evakuierung ausländischer Staatsbürger durch die Bundeswehr.
19970313             —AWARDED, EDDIE—DEBARTOLO, owner of THE—SF 49ers, was, 1—LOUISIANA casino license —1—DAY—AFTER paying FORMER—GOVERNOR—EDWIN—EDWARDS $400,000 in cash.
19970313             7—GIRLS were killed and 6 injured.
19970313             —EXPRESSED, Upon arriving in his hometown, Daqamseh, no regrets, telling 1—REPORTER that Israelis are "human garbage".
19970313             4 masked, suspected Islamic gunmen opened fire in 1—CHRISTIAN village in SOUTH—EGYPT and killed 14—MEN—BEFORE escaping.
19970313             1—JORDAN—MILITARY—COURT—DEEMED—AHMED—DAQAMSEH mentally unstable and sentenced him to life in prison.
19970313             —VOTED, THE—UN—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY, 130 to 2 for ISRAEL to abandon its plan to build new Jewish housing on Arab land.
19970313—20170312    —RELEASED, He was.
19980313             —ENLISTED, USA—SERGEANT—MAJOR—GENE—MCKINNEY, —47—JAHRE—ALT, once THE—ARMY—TOP, man, was cleared on 18—OF 19—CHARGES brought against him by women who said he pressured them for sex.
19980313             —CONVICTED, He was, for OBSTRUCTION—OF—JUSTICE for trying to persuade his CHIEF accuser to lie.
19980313             —REPRIMANDED, McKinney was, and demoted by 1—RANK.
19980313             USA REPRESENTATIVE—JOSEPH—P—KENNEDY—II, D—MASSACHUSETTS, announced he would not seek a 7. term.
19980313             —LEGALIZED, CANADA, the growing of industrial hemp
19980313             —APPROVED, KOREA, PRESIDENT—KIM—DAE—JUNG, 1—AMNESTY that cleared the records of 0f 5.5—MILLION—KOREANS and freed scores of political prisoners.
19980313             —PLANNED, He also, to release 2,300 prison inmates who spent over —2—DECADES in jail for supporting NORTH—KOREA.
19980313             —PROTESTED, KOSOVO, 40,000 ethnic Albanians, against Serbia.
19980313             —ON—FRIDAY- 1—LONDON rally for the jihad was backed by some 50—LOCAL—ISLAMIST—ORGANIZATIONS.
19980313             According to CHRISTOPHER—DELISO,
19980313             In contradiction to THE—KLA leadership's claims about secularism,
19980313             the Kosovar SHEIK specifically defined the militant group as "1—ALBANIAN—ISLAMIC—ORGANISATION which is determined to defend itself,
19980313             its people, its homeland + its religion with all its capabilities and by all means".
19980313             THE—CHIEF—BANK—ACCOUNT for fundraising was in THE—LONDON—BRANCH—OF—TERRORIST—LINKED Habibsons BANK—OF—PAKISTAN.
19980313             In contradiction to THE—KLA leadership's claims about secularism, the Kosovar SHEIK specifically defined the militant group as "1—ALBANIAN—ISLAMIC—ORGANISATION which is determined to defend itself, its people, its homeland + its religion with all its capabilities and by all means".
19980313             —HEADED, THE—ALBANIA—ISLAMIC—SOCIETY—OF—LONDON, by Kosovar SHEIK—MUHAMMED—STUBLA, was lobbying and raising money for THE—KLA—CAMPAIGN.
19990313             Evander Holyfield, THE—WBA and IBF champion, and LENNOX—LEWIS, THE—WBC champion, kept their respective titles —AFTER fighting to 1—CONTROVERSIAL draw in NEW—YORK.
19990313             —REPORTED, It was, that Nasa measurements showed ice sheets in THE—LOW—LYING areas of GREENLAND were melting at the rate of 3-feet per —YEAR.
19990313             † GARSON—KANIN, playwright and film director, in NEW—YORK at age 86.
19990313             INDONESIA, the National Front PARTY—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—MAHATHIR—MOHAMAD won elections in OIL—RICH—SABAH state with 25—OF—THE—48—SEATS.
19990313             KOSOVO, 2—BOMBS struck in Podujevo and 1 in Kosovska Mitrovica killing 6—PEOPLE and wounding 58. THE—STATE—TV blamed the Albanians, who in turn blamed the Serbs.
19990313             —KILLED, TURKEY, 13—PEOPLE were, in 1—BOMB—ATTACK on 1—SHOPPING center in the Goztepe section of ISTANBUL.
19990313             —APPEARED, ZIMBABWE, 3—AMERICANS, in COURT—ON—CHARGES—OF—TERRORISM, espionage and sabotage against PRESIDENT—KABILA.
19990313             —TORTURED, They had been, and pictures with the names: GARY—GEORGE—BLANCHFIELD, Jona LAMONTE—DIXON, and JOSEPH—PETTIJOHN were displayed.
19990313             —ASSOCIATED, The men were, with Harvestfield Ministries in INDIANAPOLIS.
19990313             KOSOVO, 2—BOMBS struck in Podujevo and 1 in Kosovska Mitrovica killing 6—PEOPLE and wounding 58.
19990313             —BLAMED, THE—STATE—TV, the Albanians, who in turn blamed the Serbs.
20000313             CBS began filming its "Survivor" show on THE—MALAYSIA—ISLAND—OF—PULAU—TIGA.
20000313             —LASTED, Filming, to 20000420             and the last survivor was to be awarded a $1—MILLION prize.
20000313             THE—TRIBUNE—CO. bought THE—LA—TIMES in a $6.5—BILLION merger with the Times Mirror Co. This ended —119—YEARS—OF—OWNERSHIP—OF—THE—LA—TIMES by the Otis and CHANDLER families.
20000313             COSTA—RICA, 2—USA—WOMEN were found shot to death near Cabhuita.
20000313             A —16—YEAR—OLD—BOY was —LATER arrested and 2—OTHER—SUSPECTS were sought.
20000313             —ARRESTED, JORGE—ALBERTO—URBINA, —19—JAHRE—ALT was, 20000328            .
20000313             —SENTENCED, THE—16—YEAR—OLD was, to 14 ½ years in prison.
20000313             —REPORTED, JAPAN, the government, that the economy swung back into recession —AT—THE—END—OF—19990000          .
20000313             —DROPPED, TAIWAN, THE—TAIPEI market, 617—POINTS in FEAR—OF—1—ELECTION—WIN by Democratic Progressive Party candidate Chen SHUI—BIAN.
20000313             —ARRESTED, JORGE—ALBERTO—URBINA (19) was, 20000328            .
20000313             —REPORTED, MONGOLIA, the Red Cross, that —WINTER blizzards had killed over 1—MILLION—HEAD—OF livestock and that some 300,000—PEOPLE were SHORT—OF—FOOD.
20000313             —RAISED, The dead animal number was soon, to 1.8—MILLION, or 1 in every 15 in the nation.
20000313—20000328    —WAS—ARRESTED, JORGE—ALBERTO—URBINA (19).
20010303131619       PST by ROBERT—MOORE (mp@ enenkio_org)...
20010313             —BACKED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, off from seeking reductions in carbon dioxide emissions due to projected higher energy costs from 1—SHIFT from coal to natural gas.
20010313             —DETAINED, CHINA, 4—WRITERS were, 1—FEW months —AFTER they had formed the New Youth Study Group for discussing political change in CHINA.
20010313             —SENTENCED, YANG—ZILI, —32—JAHRE—ALT and Zhang Honghai (29) were, to —8—YEARS.
20010313             COSTA—RICA, SHANNON—MARTIN, —23—JAHRE—ALT, 1—STUDENT from TOPEKA, Kan., was stabbed to death, —AFTER she left 1—NIGHTCLUB in Golfito, 100—MILES—SOUTH—OF—S—JOSE.
20010313             —ANNOUNCED, FRANCE, its 1. CASE—OF—FOOT—AND—MOUTH—DISEASE, prompting THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—AGRICULTURE to suspend imports of livestock and fresh meat from THE—EUROPEAN—UNION.
20010313             JAPAN—NIKKEI—STOCK—AVERAGE fell 351 to 11,819, a —16—YEAR low.
20010313             —STAGED, INDONESIA, supporters and OPPONENTS—OF—PRESIDENT—WAHID, protests as police clashed with students who threw rocks and gasoline bombs in JAKARTA.
20010313             —CANCELLED, NORTH—KOREA, negotiations with SOUTH—KOREA due to PRESIDENT—BUSH'S toughened stance on the North.
20010313             aimed at winning USA—SUPPORT for his SHARON—PLANS—TO—OVERTURN—THE "MIDEAST PEACE PROCESS".
20010313             1., THE—JTA revealed, THE—SHARON government announced that it was hiring 2—USA—PUBLIC—RELATIONS—FIRMS—RUBENSTEIN Associates + Morris,
20010313             Carrick and GUMA—TO peddle THE—ISRAEL i government "spin" inside THE—USA—MEDIA + in policymaking circles in NEW—YORK + WASHINGTON.
20010313             BUSH said: "I do not believe, however, that the government should impose on power plants mandatory emissions reductions for carbon dioxide,
20010313             which is not a 'pollutant' under the Clean Air Act".
20010313             VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY SAID—OF—BUSH—CAMPAIGN pledge, "It was 1—MISTAKE
20010313             because we aren't in a position —TODAY to...cap emissions".
20010313             —BRUSHED, Last night, BUSH, off AL—GORE—CRITICISMS—OF his failure to address global warming, saying, "I guess politics never stops.
20010313             1—DISPATCH by THE—JEWISH—TELEGRAPH—AGENCY[JTA] revealed that THE—MEGA—GROUP is more than 1—LOOSE bunch of Jewish billionaires out to do good.
20010313             was about to launch a 2-pronged PROPAGANDA—OFFENSIVE inside THE—USA,
20010313             aimed at winning USA—SUPPORT for ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—ARIEL—SHARON his plans plans to overturn THE—MIDEAST—PEACE—PROCESS.
20010313             1., THE—JEWISH—TELEGRAPH—AGENCY[JTA] revealed, THE—SHARON—GOVERNMENT announced that it was hiring 2—USA—PUBLIC—RELATIONS—FIRMS—RUBENSTEIN—ASSOCIATES + Morris, Carrick and Guma-
20010313             to peddle THE—ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT "spin" inside THE—USA—MEDIA + in POLICY—MAKING—CIRCLES in NEW—YORK + WASHINGTON.
20010313             —CONTINUED, THE—JEWISH—TELEGRAPH—AGENCY[JTA] wire, "More controversially, 1—HANDFUL—OF—JEWISH—MEGA—DONORS has created 1—THINK—TANK they hope will GENE—RATE—LONG—TERM—STRATEGIES for presenting ISRAEL in 1—FAVORABLE—LIGHT".
20010313             —ENDED, Indyk's "—6—MONTH—SABBATICAL" never, BUT—IN THE—CRIMSON—HE—RIGHT about that.
20010313             1., THE—JTA revealed, the Sharon government announced that it was hiring 2—USA—PUBLIC—RELATIONS—FIRMS—RUBENSTEIN Associates + Morris, Carrick and GUMA—TO peddle THE—ISRAEL i government "spin" inside THE—USA—MEDIA + in policymaking circles in NEW—YORK + WASHINGTON.
20010313             Bush said: "I do not believe, however, that the government should impose on power plants mandatory emissions reductions for carbon dioxide, which is not a 'pollutant' under the Clean Air Act".
20010313             —BRUSHED, Last night, Bush, off AL—GORE—CRITICISMS—OF his failure to address global warming, saying, "
20010313             I guess politics never stops ". - - - HE—RIGHT about that.
20010313             Royal Gazette at:
20010313             1—TRAIL—OF—MONEY believed to have come from terrorism and drugs was placed in BANK—OF—BUTTERFIELD and then deposited in BANK—OF—BERMUDA, according to 1—USS—REPORT into money laundering obtained by THE—ROYAL—GAZETTE.
20010313             in THE—CRIMSON
20010313             —ARRESTED, AHMED—RESSAM, 1—ALGERIA—NATIONAL who was, with 1—CARLOAD of explosives —JUST—BEFORE New —YEAR—EVE 19990000             , went on trial in LOS—ANGELES on charges of plotting to bomb SEATTLE and other USA—CITIES —DURING the —MILLENNIUM celebrations.
20010313             —REPORTED, THE—JTA, that NEWLY installed ISRAEL i PRIME—MINISTER—ARIEL—SHARON was about to launch a 2—PRONGED PROPAGANDA offensive inside THE—USA ,
20010313—19870000    —UNTIL, INDYK 's "—6—MONTH—SABBATICAL" never ended, but it was not that THE—AUSTRALIA—GOT his 1. green card, permitting him to work in THE—USA.
20010313—20030000    —SENTENCED, Xu Wei (28) and Jin Haike (26) were, to —10—YEARS in prison for subverting state power.
20010313—20030000    —IN, Kattia Cruz, 28, and LUIS—ALBERTO—CASTRO, 38, were found GUILTY—OF—MURDER and sentenced to —15—YEARS in prison for the killing.
20010313—20110312    —RELEASED, Wei and Haike were, —AFTER completing their jail terms.
20010430             CHAIRMAN—JOINT—CHIEFS—OF—STAFF—JUSTIFICATION for USA—MILITARY—INTERVENTION in CUBA [includes cover memoranda], 19620313             TOP SECRET, 15—PP.
20010430—19620313    —TITLED, This document, "Justification for USA—MILITARY—INTERVENTION in CUBA" was provided by THE—JCS to SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—ROBERT—MCNAMARA, as the key COMPONENT—OF—NORTHWOODS.
20010430—20010313    —TITLED, This document, "Justification for USA—MILITARY—INTERVENTION in CUBA" was provided by THE—JCS to SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—ROBERT—MCNAMARA ,
20010813—20010207    —DATE20010813—20010813—20010313    20010813—20010813—20010604    20011100             —COMPLICATED, The story is too, to greatly detail here, but THE—FBI and media have variously filled Saeed SHEIKH—SHOES with 1—EGYPTIAN named Shaykh Saiid [SYDNEY—MORNING—HERALD, 20010928             , NEW—YORK—TIMES, 20011015             , LOS—ANGELES—TIMES, 20011020             ], 1—SAUDI named Sa'd AL—SHARIF, said to be OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—BROTHER—IN—LAW [NEWSWEEK, 20011111             , AP, 20011218             ], 1—KENYAN named SHEIK—SAYYID—EL—MASRY [CNN, 20011016             , Trial Transcript, 20010220             , Trial Transcript, 20010221             ], 1—MUSTAFA—AHMED—AL—HAWSAWI or AL—HISAWI (suggesting no alias was used) [MISS—NBC, 20011211             , WALL—STREET—JOURNAL, 20020617             ], 1—SHAIKH—SAIID—AL—SHARIF [AP, 20020604             ], 1—ALI—ABDUL
20010813—20010207    —DATE 20010813—20010207    —DATE20010813—20010813—20010313    —DATE 20010813—20010813—20010604    20011100             —COMPLICATED, The story is too, to greatly detail here, but THE—FBI and media have variously filled Saeed SHEIKH—SHOES with 1—EGYPTIAN named Shaykh Saiid [SYDNEY —MORNING Herald, 20010928             , NEW—YORK—TIMES, 20011015             , LOS—ANGELES—TIMES, 20011020             ], 1—SAUDI named Sa'd AL—SHARIF, said to be OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—BROTHER—IN—LAW [NEWSWEEK, 20011111             , AP, 20011218             ], 1—KENYAN named SHEIK—SAYYID—EL—MASRY [CNN, 20011016             , Trial Transcript, 20010220             , Trial Transcript, 20010221             ], 1—MUSTAFA—AHMED—AL—HAWSAWI or AL—HISAWI (suggesting no alias was used) [MISS—NBC, 20011211             , WALL—STREET—JOURNAL, 20020617             ], 1—SHAIKH—SAIID—AL—SHARIF [AP, 20020604             ], 1—ALI—ABDUL—AZIZ—ALI (for SOME—OF—THE—MONEY—TRANSFERS) [Congressional Intelligence Committee, 20020926             ], and so on.
20010813—20010313    —DATE
20011006             [NEWSWEEK, 20020313             ]
20011100             [Cox News, 20020221             , Observer, 20020224             , Telegraph, 20020224             , NEWSWEEK, 20020225             , NEW—YORK—TIMES, 20020225             , USA—TODAY, 20020225             , National Post, 20020226             , BOSTON Globe, 20020228             , NEWSWEEK, 20020311             , NEWSWEEK, 20020313             , GUARDIAN, 20020405             , MISS—NBC, 20020405             ] But only 3—ARTICLES considered that Saeed could have been connected to both groups at the same time [LONDON—TIMES, 20020225             , LONDON—TIMES, 20020421             , PITTSBURGH TRIBUNE—REVIEW, 20020303             ], and only 1—OF—THESE mentioned he could be involved in THE—ISI, AL—QAEDA and financing 20010911             all at the same time.
20011100             [NEWSWEEK, 20020313             ]In fact, his house was given to him by THE—ISI.
20011100             —ADDED, He cryptically, "I know people in the government and they know me and my work".[NEWSWEEK, 20020313             , VANITY—FAIR, 8/02] He did admit to his ties to Ansari, —JUST as Ansari —LATER admitted his ties to Saeed and THE—ISI, but both refused to discuss 20010911            .
20011100             [NEWSWEEK, 20020313             ]Several others were also arrested for their part in PEARL—MURDER.
20011100—20020109    —UNTIL, [AP, 20020226             , NEWSWEEK, 20020313             ] However, it took for WENDY—CHAMBERLIN, THE—USA—AMBASSADOR to PAKISTAN, to officially ask THE—PAKISTAN—GOVERNMENT for help in arresting and extraditing Saeed.
20020309—20020313    —SENTENCED, Brown was, to life in prison without parole.
20020313             —DECLARED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, at 1—NEWS—CONFERENCE that IRAQ—PRESIDENT—SADDAM—HUSSEIN was 1—MENACE "and we're going to deal with him," and said OSAMA—BIN—LADEN had been reduced to 1—MARGINAL—FIGURE in THE—WAR—ON—TERRORISM.
20020313             —REJECTED, THE—USA—SENATE, higher fuel economy standards for cars.
20020313             PRESIDENT—MUBAREK—OF—EGYPT said he would press IRAQ to readmit UN weapons inspectors and had received INDICATIONS—OF—AGREEMENT.
20020313             Mahant Paramhans Ramchandra, HEAD—OF—THE—RAM temple movement, vowed to defy the court order.
20020313             INDONESIA, Sjahril Sabirin, GOVERNOR—OF—THE—CENTRAL—BANK, was CONVICTED—OF—CORRUPTION and sentenced to —3—YEARS in prison.
20020313             Palestinians set off 1—BOMB—NEXT to 1—ISRAEL—TANK escorting 1—CONVOY in GAZA and 3—ISRAELIS were killed.
20020313             2—PALESTINIANS stabbed 1—ISRAEL—HUSBAND and wife in Nachliel.
20020313             † 1—ITALY—PHOTOGRAPHER was killed by fire from 1—ISRAEL—TANK.
20020313             —SENTENCED, He was, to 1—PRISON—TERM—OF—10 to —17—YEARS.
20020313             —DECLARED, ZIMBABWE, PRESIDENT—MUGABE was, the winner with 1.6—MILLION—VOTES to TSVANGIRAI—1.2—MIL.
20020313             —APPOSED, The opposition, the results and MANY—OBSERVERS described the process as deeply flawed.
20020313             THE—PHILIPPINES—AGUS—DWIKARNA, (19640000             *), 1—JEMAAH—ISLAMIYA—TERRORIST—OPERATIONS—FACILITATOR, was arrested.
20020313             —CONVICTED—OF, JULY, he was, carrying C—4—PLASTIC explosives and bomb parts at MANILA—NINOY—AQUINO—INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT as he and 2—OTHER—INDONESIANS were leaving MANILA for BANGKOK.
20020313             NEWSWEEK,
20020313             —CONCERNED, PRESIDENT—BUSH on OSAMA—BIN—LADEN: "I truly am not that, about him".
20020313             [ WHITE—HOUSE, 20020313             ]]
20020313             Pentagon JOINT—CHIEFS—OF—STAFF—CHAIRMAN—MYERS:
20020313             "The goal has never been to get OSAMA—BIN—LADEN".
20020313             [ DOD/CNN, 20020406             ]]
20020313             GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH ,"So I don't know where he is.
20020313             You know, I —JUST don't spend that much time on him.
20020313             And, again, I don't know where he is. I — I'll repeat what I said.
20020313             I truly am not that concerned about him".
20020313             HUMOR—HUMOR—SARGASSO " Blog Archive " De boekenlijst VAN BUSH—HIS—NAME is GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH.
20020313             He became PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA.
20020313             —FROM Jesus is my philosopher to God is my CO—PILOT, GEORGE—BUSH has been
20020313             and is committed to not let " terriers and rogue nations hold this nation...
20020313             LAUGHTER—OF—THE—GODS
20020313             The more I look at the chaotic mess GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH is making in every blessed...
20020313             The world cringes as GEORGE—BUSH, militant neocons and the completely mad...
20020313             G—ETHIC Archives - 20040300             , —WEEK 1 (#4)...
20020313             —CONCERNED, BUSH would state, he wasn't truly that, about OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20020313             —CONCERNED, PRESIDENT—BUSH on OSAMA—BIN—LADEN: "I truly am not that, about him".[WHITE—HOUSE, 20020313             ]]Pentagon JOINT—CHIEFS—OF—STAFF—CHAIRMAN—MYERS: "The goal has never been to get OSAMA—BIN—LADEN".
20020313             [DOD/CNN, 20020604             ]
20020313             GEORGE—W—BUSH,"So I don't know where he is. You know, I —JUST don't spend that much time on him.... And, again, I don't know where he is. I — I'll repeat what I said. I truly am not that concerned about him".
20020313             HUMOR—HUMOR GEORGE—W—BUSH.
20020313             "We cannot let terriers and rogue nations hold this nation hostile or hold our allies hostile.''
20020313             Sargasso " Blog Archive " De boekenlijst VAN BUSH—HIS—NAME is GEORGE—W—BUSH.
20020313             We cannot let terriers and rogue nations hold this nation hostile ".
20020313             Allen L ROLAND—RADIO—WEBLOG—FROM—JESUS is my philosopher to God is my CO—PILOT, GEORGE—BUSH has been... and is committed to not let " terriers and rogue nations hold this nation...
20020313             LAUGHTER—OF—THE—GODS—THE—MORE I look at the chaotic mess GEORGE—W—BUSH is making in every blessed...
20020313             G—ETHIC—ARCHIVES - 20040300             , —WEEK 1 (#4)... and is committed to not let " terriers and rogue nations hold this nation...
20020313             Die Berichterstattung führender internationaler WIRTSCHAFTS—UND Finanzzeitungen über die außer Kontrolle geratene globale Finanzkrise reißt nicht ab.
20020313             —AM - [ DOD/CNN, 20020406             ]] - [DOD/CNN, 20020604             ]
20020313—19920000    —RULED, INDIA, 1—HIGH—COURT—PANEL, that no religious ceremony may be held in Ayodhya at the 67-acre site of THE—FORMER—BABRI Masjid mosque, destroyed by Hindus.
20020313—19990000    —IN, some $80—MILLION intended for the bailout of PT BANK—BALI was used to help finance the election campaign of then PRESIDENT—HABIBIE.
20020313—20140000    —DEPORTED, Dwikarna was, back to INDONESIA.
20030313             Forced into 1—DIPLOMATIC—RETREAT, USA—OFFICIALS said PRESIDENT—BUSH might delay 1—VOTE on his troubled UNITED—NATIONS resolution or even drop it, and fight IRAQ without THE—INTERNATIONAL—BODY—BACKING.
20030313             —VOTED, THE—SENATE, 64-33 to ban 1—PROCEDURE that critics called partial birth abortion.
20030313             ALASKA, ROBERT—SORLIE—OF—NORWAY won the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog race in —9—DAYS, —15—HOURS, —47—MINUTES.
20030313             —KILLED, ISRAEL—SOLDIERS mistakenly, 2—ISRAEL—SECURITY—GUARDS.
20030313             —AGREED, NEPAL and Maoist rebels, to release all PRISONERS—OF—WAR and set guidelines for peace.
20030313             He said the world shouldn't have territory "where no law applies".
20040313             IRAN froze inspections of its nuclear facilities —AFTER THE—UNITED—NATIONS—ATOMIC—AGENCY censured TEHRAN for hiding suspect activities.
20040313             —RELENTED, TEHRAN, —2—DAYS—LATER.
20040313             In the 1. DARPA Grand Challenge robotic vehicles began a 200-mile road race near BARSTOW—CALIFORNIA.
20040313             —SPONSORED, THE—PENTAGON, race ended without 1—WINNER, as none of the autonomous vehicles built by THE—15—QUALIFYING teams was able to travel farther than 7—MILES from the —STARTING line.
20040313             —ARMED, AFGHANISTAN, Taliban, with rockets and heavy machine guns attacked 1—GOVERNMENT—OFFICE—NEAR—THE—AFGHANISTAN—PAKISTAN border, sparking 1—FIREFIGHT that killed 1—AFGHANISTAN—SOLDIER and 3—TALIBAN.
20040313             —KILLED, TIKRIT—IRAQ, 1—ROADSIDE bomb, 2—USA—SOLDIERS and wounded 3. 3—USA—SOLDIERS † in 2—BOMB—EXPLOSIONS in BAGHDAD.
20040313             PAKISTAN, THE—INDIA cricket team beat 1—PAKISTAN team at KARACHI—NATIONAL—STADIUM in 1—MATCH that came down to the final ball.
20040313             † IN—TIKRIT, IRAQ, 1—ROADSIDE bomb killed 2—USA—SOLDIERS and wounded 3.
20040313             † 3—USA—SOLDIERS, in 2—BOMB explosions in BAGHDAD.
20041101—19620313    Bamford himself writes that Operation Northwoods "may be the most corrupt plan ever created by THE—USA—GOVERNMENT".
20041210—19880000    FRIENDS AMERICAS FOUNDATION : GUARDIAN (NEW—YORK) 19850313             (3).
20050227—20050313    —AM, Der 2. Durchgang wird abgehalten und führt in der Folge zur so genannten TULPEN—REVOLUTION.
20050313             2. Durchgang der Parlamentswahl in KIRGISISTAN, bei denen OSZE—WAHLBEOBACHTER massive Unregelmäßigkeiten feststellen, erhält die Opposition nur 6—DER 75—MANDATE.
20050313             Das führt in der Folge zur Tulpenrevolution und dem STURZ—VON—PRÄSIDENT—ASKAR—AKAJEW und PREMIERMINISTER—NIKOLAI—TANAJEW.
20050313             —CRASHED, SOUTH—BRAZIL, 1—TOURIST—FILLED bus, into 1—LOGGING truck, killing 7—PEOPLE and injuring at least 20.
20050313             —KILLED, INDIA, at least 19—PEOPLE were, and 15 injured —WHEN 1—BUS skidded off 1—MOUNTAIN—ROAD into 1—DEEP gorge in Uttaranchal.
20050313             —ADOPTED, ISRAEL—CABINET, 1—REPORT on the state's complicity in setting up 105—ILLEGAL—WEST—BANK—SETTLEMENT outposts and decided to dismantle 24—OF—THEM.
20050313             KYRGYZSTAN held parliamentary runoff elections amid rising tension over signs the longtime leader plans to extend his rule beyond constitutional limits.
20050313             PRESIDENT—ASKAR—AKAYEV, —60—JAHRE—ALT won 1—OVERWHELMINGLY loyal PARLIAMENT in runoff elections.
20050313             The opposition won 6—OF 75—SEATS and said the vote was riddled with abuses.
20050313             —KILLED, Vigilantes in OAXACA—MEXICO, 1—STATE—POLICE—OFFICER setting him on fire in revenge for the shooting of 1—TAXI driver in 1—BARROOM brawl.
20050313             —KILLED, SAUDI—ARABIA—POLICE, 1—ALLEGED—ISLAMIC—MILITANT and arrested 3—OTHERS in 1—SHOOTOUT at 1 suspected terror cell hideout in the Red Sea CITY—OF—JIDDAH.
20050313             MUSINA—SOUTH—AFRICA, THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS held an —18—HOUR vigil on the border with ZIMBABWE to demonstrate against mounting repression in the neighboring country —2—WEEKS—BEFORE 1—KEY—PARLIAMENTARY—ELECTION there.
20050313             —ANNOUNCED, VENEZUELA, that it would seize parts of 4—LARGE—ESTATES, some 270,000 ACRES—OF—FARMLAND, —AFTER finding irregularities in their ownership status.
20050313             —RELEASED, JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA was, from the hospital and returned to his VATICAN apartment overlooking S—PETER'S—SQUARE.
20050313             The inner cabinet of Ariel Sharon, THE—ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER,
20050313             gave "initial authorisation" for 1—ATTACK
20050313             -last —MONTH ON—AT 1—PRIVATE meeting his ranch in the Negev desert.
20050313             Million Worker March: PERMANENT WAR: THE—STAKES—FOR WORKING PEOPLE
20050313             the plan circulating in MANY—WASHINGTON corridors
20050313             industry executives from VICE—PRESIDENT—RICHARD—CHENEY
20050313             Democratic Underground FORUMS—NOTES from "Confronting the...
20050313             are the prize —AT—THE—END—OF—THE rainbow for dick CHENEY—WAR that will not end in our...
20050313             He said FLIGHT 77—TOOK off from WASHINGTON + went to OHIO
20050313             that this happened, VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY was sitting..
20050313             I was in WASHINGTON + said, "Look there's no
20050313             is presented to us as 1—WAR that will not end in our..
20050313             THE—BIG—BROTHER—FILES #50: THE—DECEIVER—IN—CHIEF &His Cohort...
20050313             ( WASHINGTON—POST ) as long as the oil lasts ( CHENEY calls it the war that will not end in our...
20050313             Page 20. 20 ON THE—IRAN—CONTRA INVESTIGATION.
20050313             André Ventura da CRUZ—MARNÔTO—ZÚQUETE... - Research Interests.
20050313             Security in Distributed Sistems.
20050313             Electronic Voting. Secure EXECUTION—OF—APPLICATIONS.
20050313             Distributed Systems. Operating Systems.
20050313             Publications. IMPLY Tecnologia Eletrônica:
20050313             —DEVELOPED, THE—ELECTRONIC—VOTING—PANEL was, by Imply Tecnologia Eletrônica to make voting sistems easier.
20050313             This placard dynamize +. - - L:eXchangeissue 7JAN—MARCH01-
20050313             —LAUNCHED, So, for example, BRAZIL, 1—ELECTRONIC voting system: they are very proud that it is 1—BETTER—SYSTEM than that of THE—USA ,+ it seems...
20050313             INTERNET—BASED Psychological Experimenting-
20050313             Participation in NON—RESTRICTED web surveys: 1—TYPOLOGY and explanatory model for...
20050313             IAN—DEAR—EXCELLENT seminal work on No 10—COMMANDO ("10—COMMANDO 1942000045
20050313             ", published by LEO—COOPER—LTD 19870000             ) IS THE—ONLY—THOROUGH,
20050313             It is not my aim —THEREFORE to repeat what IAN—DEAR has so wonderfully + ably already researched.
20050313             Suffice to say that there were French, DUTCH, Belgian + other "National" Troops (totalling at its largest about 10000000             men altogether) + then the Jewish Troop.
20050313             † -Even —NOW—MANY—OF—3—TROOP cannot speak for 1—VARIETY—OF—REASONS, of the nature of their exploits + others HAVE—OF—COURSE.
20050313             But X Troop were, even by THE—STANDARDS—OF—NO 10—COMMANDO, 1—PARTICULARLY extraordinary bunch
20050313             having, as well as the normal skills of all Commandos, in explosives, parachuting + so on,
20050313             extremely high intelligence + education + were indeed by far the most highly trained group in THE—UK—ARMY,
20050313             especially in fieldcraft, camouflage, compass marching,
20050313             street fighting, housebreaking + lockpicking
20050313             ("—1—DAY in YORK" MICHAEL—ARTON, Hazelwood Press, 19890000             ).
20050313             —ATTACHED, Many were, to THE—SSRF (Small Scale Raiding Force, PART—OF—SOE), SBS + SIS
20050313             REMAIN CLOSED.[ 20050313             —EVEN—NOW- ]
20050313             Geheimdienste... - sich auch im Logo der Operation wiederfand (s.o)... - PERU
20050313             —ORIENTED, Huantar" was directly, by THE—CIA, the intelligence - brought by several Peruvians,
20050313             the Operation Chavin DE—CROSS, that "WOLF—IN 1—SHEEP—SKIN " which, in...
20050313             Discarded Lies: NATO—SECRET—ARMIES...
20050313             common denominator: extreme rightism". THE—GLADIO " SHEEPSKIN " group was
20050313             + also the failed Mossad operation on that...
20050313             TURKEY: TRAPPED IN 1—WEB—OF—COVERT—KILLERS—ROLLING Thunder Times-
20050313             CONFERENCE, 908-369-54391106             SC-1: Annual Poker Run, Rock Hill
20050313             Ground Other Personnel in Incident: 6—OTHER—KELLOGG, Brown & Root employees;
20050313             Thomas... - We, as Mayans + as Mexicans:
20050313             government had the responsibility to redistribute private + public lands to needy communities
20050313             Chamula: un PUEBLO indio de los altos de Chiapas... - Participants List...
20050313             1—LOOK at Amazon Basin Seasonal Dynamics with the Biophysical..-
20050313             Soil, Water + Environmental Science, UNIVERSITY—OF—ARIZONA, 12000000             E. South... UNIVERSITY—OF—SAO—PAULO2, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center3
20050313             SWP—STIFTUNG Wissenschaft + POLITIK—RESEARCHER—PROFILE...
20050313             Pax AMERICANA + gewaltsame Demokratisierung. Zur politischen.
20050313             Defense Policy BOARD—UNTER—GW—BUSH ), Jeb BUSH ( GW BUSH—BRUDER + USA—GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH ist alter
20050313             —POLARISIERT, Der Wahlkampf hat die Amerikaner.
20050313             EgyptAir Flight 990 + HISTORY—OF—FACTION 2.
20050313             my belief that the position of Grand Master passed to his son, Admiral WILHELM—JOHANN, USA—NAVY, also known as WILLIAM—RABORN, WILLIAM—RAEDER, Joseph...
20050313             ME Sharpe, INCORPORATED—BOOK—INFORMATION...
20050313             John; CAMBODIA; CANADA; Canaris, Wilhelm ; Carter, JIMMY—HANSSEN, Robert;
20050313             Harlfinger, Admiral Fritz; HART—RABORN, WILLIAM—F.;
20050313             Radar; Radio; Rado, Alexander; Reagan... - HISTORY—OF—ROCKETRY
20050313             —COMMANDED, THE—SPECIAL—PROJECTS—OFFICE was, by Rear Admiral WILLIAM—F—RABORN...
20050313             People by Last Names: R. - WILLIAM—F—RABORN, Government, CIA DIRECTOR—BIRKENBIHL—INSIDER Wandzeitung...
20050313             Das Hauptübel im Gefängnis sind nämlich die Rassenkämpfe der Insassen, zB Latinos ( Mexikaner, Puerto Ricaner) gegen Schwarze oder Asiaten + umgekehrt...
20050313             THE—BCCI—AFFAIR - 19—ED—ROGERS + Kamal Adham -..phone logs at Rogers + Barbour indicate that on
20050313             SAM—BAMIEH at Intertrade Group in S—MATEO, CALIFORNIA... - TRUSTEES—HOUSTON, TEXAS*.
20050313             $5000—BARNESS HERBERT—DOYLESTOWN—PA 19940907            .
20050313             $5000—BARTH ROBERT—BRYN—MAWR—PA 20191027             94 ...
20050313             LASNET Archive 19940000             : PER your request:
20050313             187 + more info -..7) SAM—BAMIEH, USA—INTERTRADE $112000 Group, S—MATEO—CA 8) DAVID—PRICE, USA—GOLF Santa Monica CA.
20050313             $110000 9) E&A GALLO WINERY.
20050313             1—RESIDENT—OF—SAN—MATEO—COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, who was suing for CONSPIRACY...
20050313             WASHINGTON (AP) - The nation's electronic intelligence agency warned PRESIDENT—BUSH
20050313             Converging USA—NAVY—AIRCRAFT—CARRIER—GROUPS in MIDDLE—EAST
20050313             The convergence of 3—CARRIER—GROUPS in THE—CORRIDOR—OF—THE—MIDDLE—EAST will send very strong message to the Syrians + Iranians.
20050313             USA + CUBA + Democracy
20050313             —DEMONSTRATED, As numerous interventions have, the engine of USA foreign policy has been fueled,
20050313             not by 1—DEVOTION to democracy, but rather by the desire to:
20050313             1)make the world safe for USA transnational corporations;
20050313             —PLANNED, Guantánamo jail switch :
20050313             USA—INMATES face THREAT—OF—WORSE—ABUSE under scheme to send them to prisons in their own countries
20050313             —CITED, Mistreatment of Muslim inmates :
20050313             THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—OFFICE—OF—THE—INSPECTOR—GENERAL said —YESTERDAY it had ''found 1—DISTURBING pattern of discriminatory and retaliatory actions against Muslim inmates" by the warden + guards at 1—UNNAMED—USA—FEDERAL—PRISON
20050313             UK: This shoddy law is 1—DEFEAT for ALL—OF—USA: Forget terrorism.
20050313             THERE—1—LAW for us and 1 for others'
20050313             Foreigners on USA—DEATH—ROW no longer have right to make INTERNATIONAL appeal:
20050313             Showing its impatience with outside interference in THE—USA—SYSTEM—OF—CAPITAL—PUNISHMENT,
20050313             —PULLED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has, out of 1—INTERNATIONAL protocol that allowed foreigners on death row to take their cases to the World Court.
20050313             Congress looking at cuts in food programs for the poor:
20050313             Cuts in food programs for the poor are getting support in Congress as 1—ALTERNATIVE to PRESIDENT—BUSH—IDEA—OF cutting BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS from the payments that go to large farm operations.
20050313             A $2.46—TRILLION question:
20050313             1—OF—THE—HOTTEST topics in world markets is whether ASIA—CENTRAL—BANKS will diversify their huge currency reserves,
20050313             1—MOVE that could hit the dollar hard.
20050313             Gambling Interests Funded DeLay Trip:
20050313             1—INDIA—TRIBE and 1—GAMBLING services company made donations to 1—WASHINGTON public policy group that covered MOST—OF—THE—COST—OF a $70,000 trip to UK by House Majority Leader TOM—DELAY (R—TEXAS) + his wife + 2—AIDES + 2—LOBBYISTS
20050313             Democracy is Dead : Report Documents Republican ABUSE—OF—POWER:
20050313             —ON the Unprecedented Erosion of the Democratic Process in USA 108. Congress.
20050313             Noam Chomsky: THE—TOOTHPASTE—ELECTION:
20050313             Both Parties Try to Exclude People from Voting
20050313             Clearing the way for THE—USA—POLICE—STATE:
20050313             —FORCED, It's not enough that AMERICA ARE, to endure 1—DAILY—INFUSION—OF—THE—CRAWFORD—FUEHRER;
20050313             his mangled ENGLAND—BLARING on the —MORNING radio + his mottled visage peering out from the —EVENING news programs.
20050313             —NOW, we're getting 1—DAILY—DOSAGE—OF uncorroborated theory, innuendo + conjecture masquerading as news.
20050313             Molly Ivins: Move Up the Date For Armageddon:
20050313             JOHN—BOLTON is known for being arrogant, humorless, SELF—RIGHTEOUS + confrontational + he hates THE—UN.
20050313             In other words, the perfect diplomat. THE—HON.
20050313             1—MEMBER—OF—THE—JINSA—BOARD—OF—ADVISORS—IS responsible for withdrawing withdrawing THE—USA—SIGNATURE from the treaty on THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT with its provisions that contradict THE—USA—CONSTITUTION;
20050313             withdrawing THE—USA—SIGNATURE from the unworkable KYOTO Treaty.
20050313             BBC says sorry to ISRAEL:
20050313             —BOWED, THE—BBC has, to 1—ISRAEL—DEMAND for 1—WRITTEN apology from its deputy BUREAU—CHIEF—IN—JERUSALEM,
20050313             —BARRED, SIMON—WILSON, who was, from the country for failing to submit for censorship 1—INTERVIEW with the nuclear whistleblower, Mordechai Vanunu.
20050313             1—THRILLING EPIC—OF—FREEDOM:
20050313             Nothing will stand in THE—WAY—OF—THE—USA—SPIN, which connects events of differing backgrounds + unique circumstances into 1—THRILLING epic of a "freedom intifada" that is spreading all over the Arab world + which will confront terror and be victorious over it.
20050313             URI—AVNERY: BUSH—GURU:
20050313             The idea that the teachings of this particular political philosopher are the guiding star of the mightiest leader in the world,
20050313             THE—COMMANDER—OF—THE biggest military machine in history, is rather frightening
20050313             —WHITEWASHED, ABU—GHRAIB, again:
20050313             —ISSUED, This whitewash is TYPICAL—OF—THE—REPORTS, by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION on the abuse,
20050313             humiliation + TORTURE—OF—PRISONERS at camps run by the military and THE—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY.
20050313             THE—ACCOUNT—OF—USA—TROOPS capturing SADDAM and pulling him from his subterranean hovel has turned out to be —JUST another BUSH lie.
20050313             EX—MARINE criticizes war, recruitment:
20050313             "I was in 1 controlled environment —FOR—12—YEARS," Staff SERGEANT—JIMMY—MASSEY, 33, said.
20050313             He said unethical recruiting techniques and the shooting of civilians in IRAQ have prompted him to speak out against THE—USA—GOVERNMENT.
20050313             Chained, Kicked And Beaten To Death By USA—SOLDIERS:
20050313             War crime claims:
20050313             —KILLED, Massey claims, he + his men had, 30—IRAQ—CIVILIANS.
20050313             He says he + the others are GUILTY—OF—WAR—CRIMES. Targeting Guiliana:
20050313             "Well, this —MORNING our unit went out and shot up 1—BUNCH of civilians and our COMMANDER is writing it up as 1—GREAT—MILITARY—VICTORY".
20050313             USA "hallucinating" over IRAN nuclear talks:
20050313             WASHINGTON is "hallucinating" if it thinks IRAN will scrap its nuclear fuel production plans in return for economic incentives,
20050313             1—SENIOR—IRAN—OFFICIAL has been quoted as saying.
20050313             —DISCOURAGED, USA not, by IRAN—REJECTION—OF—ANTI—NUKE incentives:
20050313             Negotiations over IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM remain on track, despite TEHRAN—COOLNESS to 1—PACKAGE—OF—FINANCIAL—INCENTIVES put on the table by THE—USA + EU,
20050313             1—TOP—WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIAL said —SUNDAY.
20050313             ITALY—HOSTAGE: Nicola said, 'You are free.
20050313             Come with me.' Then they shot him:
20050313             Giuliana Sgrena, for the 1. time in 1—UNITED—KINGDOM—NEWSPAPER,
20050313             she tells her full story in her own words
20050313             Freed ITALY—TOLD to mind 'careless' talk:
20050313             —SUGGESTED, MISS—SGRENA has repeatedly, USA—SOLDIERS shot her on purpose and said —ON—FRIDAY she had little faith in 1—JOINT—INVESTIGATION by ITALY + USAinto the "FRIENDLY—FIRE" incident.
20050313             Occupations and Hypocrisy: Reining in Syria on Behalf of ISRAEL
20050313             If Syria Is Expected To Withdraw from LEBANON,
20050313             Shouldn't ISRAEL—WITHDRAW—FROM the Occupied Territories?
20050313             Understanding Hezbollah of LEBANON:
20050313             It is time AMERICA UNDERSTOOD Hezbollah for what it really is, not what the Israelis and their Zionist friends say it is.
20050313             Propaganda: Under Bush, 1—NEW—AGE—OF—PREPACKAGED—TELEVISION—NEWS:
20050313             —LOOKED, To 1—VIEWER, EACH—REPORT, like ANY—OTHER 90-2. segment on the local news.
20050313             —PRODUCED, In fact, THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT, all 3.
20050313             Eavesdropping Agency Warned BUSH—OF—NEED to Monitor Networks Used by Americans
20050313             Khatami condemns 'military pressure':
20050313             IRAN—PRESIDENT has said that wealthy nations cannot keep —TODAY—TECHNOLOGY for themselves alone and that IRAN must be prepared to defend itself if necessary.
20050313             IRAN agrees to postpone temporarily uranium enrichment:
20050313             —AGREED, IRAN has, to postpone temporarily uranium enrichment to show the world it is not trying to create nuclear weapons, IRAN—PRESIDENT—SAID—SATURDAY
20050313             Syria agrees timetable for total withdrawal from LEBANON:
20050313             —REACHED, THE—UN said it had, "1—UNDERSTANDING" with SYRIA—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—AL—ASSAD on a 2—STAGE—WITHDRAWAL—OF—ALL—SYRIA—TROOPS + intelligence agents from LEBANON.
20050313             LEBANON—PRESIDENT—WARNS—OF 'catastrophe'
20050313             Revealed: ISRAEL plans strike on IRAN—NUCLEAR—PLANT
20050313             The inner cabinet of Ariel Sharon, THE—ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER, gave "initial authorisation" for 1—ATTACK at 1—PRIVATE meeting —LAST—MONTH on his ranch in the Negev desert.Continued
20050313             That's me, 1—MARINE, 1—MURDERER—OF—CIVILIANS'
20050313             "I was 1—SERGEANT—WITH—THE 3. Marine Battalion —DURING the invasion, in the
20050313             "We killed more than 30—PEOPLE.
20050313             That was the 1. time that I had to face up to the horror that my hands were soiled with the blood of civilians.
20050313             We laid down cluster bombs on them.
20050313             USA—MARINES Engaged in Mock Executions of IRAQ—JUVENILES
20050313             —RELEASED, The documents THE—ACLU, —TODAY,
20050313             describe substantiated INCIDENTS—OF—TORTURE + abuse by USA—MARINES, including:
20050313             THE—SPOILS—OF—WAR
20050313             Halliburton 1—COMPANY much like the law practice in JOHN—GRISHAM—NOVEL THE—FIRM:
20050313             1—ROGUE operation, with corrupt management, cynically conning THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT as it rakes in BILLIONS—OF—ILL—EARNED taxpayer dollars.
20050313             Halliburton subsidiary KBR got $12—BILLION worth of exclusive contracts for work in IRAQ.
20050313             But even more shocking is how KBR spent SOME—OF—THE—MONEY.
20050313             FORMER—USA—ARMY—CORPS—OF—ENGINEERS—OFFICIAL—BUNNATINE Greenhouse is blowing the whistle on the Dick CHENEY —LINKED company's PROFITS—OF—WAR.
20050313             Cheney : Stronger Action If IRAN Doesn't Meet INTERNATIONAL—VOWS—:
20050313             USA—VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY said —FRIDAY that if IRAN doesn't live up to its "INTERNATIONAL obligations to forego 1—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM,
20050313             then obviously we'll have to take stronger action".
20050313             Whistleblower Unjust Discharge Case 85-72998...
20050313             ANTI—DRUG—AGENTS] did".— MICHAEL—LEVINE [Drug.. 125, citing JAMES—MILLS, THE—UNDERGROUND—EMPIRE : Where Crime.. Decker;
20050313             OPM—AVERHART; AVERHART—CPO HOOVER ; HOOVER... - Drug War: Viva Zapata
20050313             The result was Mills' THE—UNDERGROUND—EMPIRE : Where Crime + Governments Embrace
20050313             Assassin MICHAEL—DECKER, SUSPECTED—OF—CIA—CONNECTIONS [SEAL, Operation PHOENIX...
20050313             LIBANON: Gotteskrieger am Scheideweg
20050313             Verbrechensbekämpfung: Zypries plant Ausweitung von DNS—TESTS
20050313             ITALIEN: Sprengsatz explodierte in Kirche
20050313             Konzernkrise: WALTER—BAU streicht 3—VIERTEL der DEUTSCHLAND—STELLEN
20050313             ANTI—TERRORKAMPF auf See: Schily will Grundgesetz ändern
20050313             Sektenführer ausgeliefert: CHILE nimmt Schäfer in Haft
20050313             Managervergütung: DAX—KONZERNE lehnen Veröffentlichung der Vorstandsgehälter ab
20050313             INTERVIEW—MIT—BRIGITTE—HAMANN: "Das 3. Reich kann wieder passieren"
20050313             Datenverschlüsselung: Vertraulich speichern
20050313             ALPEN—EROSION: Pilze sollen die Berge retten
20050313             HYBRID—PLÄNE: DEUTSCHLAND—HERSTELLER drücken aufs Tempo
20050313             Pläne für EU—BESCHLUSS: Bundesregierung will das gläserne Handy
20050313             USA : 8—TOTE nach Schießerei bei Gottesdienst
20050313             Streit um Urananreicherung: IRAN hält an Atomprogramm fest
20050313             Umstrittenes Atomprogramm: USA schließen diplomatische Beziehungen mit IRAN aus
20050313             DUE DILIGENCE: ARKADY GAIDAMAK IS PRO—GOVERNMENT. A Congressional Report (pdf)
20050313             The inner cabinet of Ariel Sharon, THE—ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER, gave "initial authorisation" for 1—ATTACK
20050313             He said Flight 77—TOOK off from WASHINGTON + went to OHIO... Read my post...
20050313             PORTLAND imc - - André Ventura da CRUZ—MARNÔTO—ZÚQUETE... Research Interests.
20050313             Distributed Systems. Operating Systems. Publications.
20050313             IMPLY Tecnologia Eletrônica.: THE—ELECTRONIC—VOTING—PANEL was developed by Imply Tecnologia Eletrônica to make voting sistems easier.
20050313             This placard dynamize +.
20050313             L:eXchangeissue 7JAN—MARCH01 - Versiunea HTML So, for example, BRAZIL launched 1—ELECTRONIC voting system: they are very proud that it is 1—BETTER—SYSTEM than that of THE—USA,+ it seems... 20050313             RÜSTUNGSKONTROLLE IM CYBERSPACE —P
20050313             —RESTRICTED, INTERNET—BASED Psychological ExperimentingParticipation in non-, web surveys: 1—TYPOLOGY and explanatory model for...
20050313             Fußnoten.
20050313             1. - Writing 1—SECRET—REPORT on No 3—TROOP—AFTER—WWII. from his home at Crug, Caernarvon
20050313             IAN—DEAR—EXCELLENT seminal work on No 10—COMMANDO ("
20050313             10—COMMANDO 1942000045            ", published by LEO—COOPER—LTD 19870000             ) is the only thorough, published study of this amazing GROUP—OF—MEN + 1—LARGE—SECTION is devoted to the famous "Jewish NUMBER 3—TROOP".
20050313             extremely high intelligence + education + were indeed by far the most highly trained group in THE—UK—ARMY, especially in fieldcraft, camouflage, compass marching, street fighting, housebreaking + lockpicking
20050313             and most files on this aspect of WWII. remain closed.[ 20050313             —EVEN —NOW- ]
20050313             —ORIENTED, PERU Huantar" was directly, by THE—CIA, the intelligence... brought by several Peruvians, the Operation Chavin de... Cross, that "wolf in 1—SHEEP skin " which, in...
20050313             Rolling Thunder TIMES—CONFERENCE, 908-369-54391106             SC-1: Annual Poker Run, Rock Hill... Ground: Ground Other Personnel in Incident: 6—OTHER—KELLOGG, Brown & Root employees;
20050313             Participants List... Alfredo R. Huete, Terrestrial Biophysics + Remote Sensing Lab, UNIVERSITY—OF—ARIZONA... CHRISTOPH—STEINER, EMBRAPA, MANAUS, UNIVERSITY—OF—BAYREUTH...
20050313             1—LOOK at Amazon Basin Seasonal Dynamics with the Biophysical..... Soil, Water + Environmental Science, UNIVERSITY—OF—ARIZONA, 12000000             E. South... UNIVERSITY—OF—SAO Paulo2, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center3
20050313             SWP—STIFTUNG Wissenschaft + POLITIK—RESEARCHER—PROFILE... Fregattenkapitän THOMAS—PAPENROTH, MA.
20050313             E—MAIL: thomas. papenroth @SWP—BERLIN_org.
20050313             Research Unit European + Atlantic Security.
20050313             Pax AMERICANA + gewaltsame Demokratisierung.
20050313             Zur politischen... Defense Policy BOARD—UNTER—GW—BUSH ), Jeb Bush ( GW BUSH—BRUDER + USA—GEORGE—W—BUSH ist alter... Der Wahlkampf hat die Amerikaner polarisiert.
20050313             EgyptAir Flight 990 + HISTORY—OF—FACTION 2. my belief that the position of Grand Master passed to his son, Admiral WILHELM—JOHANN, USA—NAVY, also known as WILLIAM—RABORN, WILLIAM—RAEDER, Joseph...
20050313             ME Sharpe, INCORPORATED—BOOK—INFORMATION... John;
20050313             Harlfinger, Admiral Fritz; Hart... Raborn, WILLIAM—F; Radar; Radio; Rado, Alexander;
20050313             People by Last Names: R. - WILLIAM—F—RABORN, Government, CIA Director
20050313             BIRKENBIHL—INSIDER Wandzeitung... Das Hauptübel im Gefängnis sind nämlich die Rassenkämpfe der Insassen, zB Latinos ( Mexikaner, Puerto Ricaner) gegen Schwarze oder Asiaten + umgekehrt...
20050313             Converging USA—NAVY—AIRCRAFT—CARRIER—GROUPS in MIDDLE—EAST—THE—CONVERGENCE—OF—3—CARRIER—GROUPS in THE—CORRIDOR—OF—THE—MIDDLE—EAST will send very strong message to the Syrians + Iranians.
20050313             USA + CUBA + Democracy As numerous interventions have demonstrated, the engine of USA foreign policy has been fueled, not by 1—DEVOTION to democracy, but rather by the desire to: 1)make the world safe for USA transnational corporations;
20050313             —WORRIED, It's our politicians we should be most, ABOUT—'MUSLIMS are treated like terrorists.
20050313             Foreigners on USA—DEATH—ROW no longer have right to make INTERNATIONAL appeal : Showing its impatience with outside interference in THE—USA—SYSTEM—OF—CAPITAL—PUNISHMENT, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has pulled out of 1—INTERNATIONAL protocol that allowed foreigners on death row to take their cases to the World Court.
20050313             Congress looking at cuts in food programs for the poor : Cuts in food programs for the poor are getting support in Congress as 1—ALTERNATIVE to PRESIDENT—BUSH—IDEA—OF cutting BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS from the payments that go to large farm operations.
20050313             A $2.46—TRILLION question : 1—OF—THE—HOTTEST topics in world markets is whether ASIA—CENTRAL—BANKS will diversify their huge currency reserves, 1—MOVE that could hit the dollar hard.
20050313             Democracy is Dead : Report Documents Republican ABUSE—OF—POWER: 1—CONGRESSIONAL—REPORT (pdf) on the Unprecedented Erosion of the Democratic Process in USA 108. Congress.
20050313             Clearing the way for THE—USA—POLICE—STATE : It's not enough that AMERICA ARE forced to endure 1—DAILY—INFUSION—OF—THE—CRAWFORD—FUEHRER;
20050313             Molly Ivins: Move Up the Date For Armageddon : JOHN—BOLTON is known for being arrogant, humorless, SELF—RIGHTEOUS + confrontational + he hates THE—UN.
20050313             JOHN—BOLTON—NOMINATED as USA—AMBASSADOR to THE—UN : 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—JINSA—BOARD—OF—ADVISORS—IS responsible for withdrawing withdrawing THE—USA—SIGNATURE from the treaty on THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT with its provisions that contradict THE—USA—CONSTITUTION;
20050313             —BOWED, BBC says sorry to ISRAEL : THE—BBC has, to 1—ISRAEL—DEMAND for 1—WRITTEN apology from its deputy BUREAU—CHIEF—IN—JERUSALEM, SIMON—WILSON, who was barred from the country for failing to submit for censorship 1—INTERVIEW with the nuclear whistleblower, Mordechai Vanunu.
20050313             —ASSASSINATED, Hariri reportedly, to make way for large USA—AIR—BASE in LEBANON?
20050313             The idea that the teachings of this particular political philosopher are the guiding star of the mightiest leader in the world, THE—COMMANDER—OF—THE biggest military machine in history, is rather frightening
20050313             —WHITEWASHED, ABU—GHRAIB, again : This whitewash is TYPICAL—OF—THE—REPORTS issued by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION on the abuse, humiliation + TORTURE—OF—PRISONERS at camps run by the military and THE—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY.
20050313             SADDAM—CAPTURE: —JUST Another Bush Lie?
20050313             —CONTROLLED, EX—MARINE criticizes war, recruitment : "I was in 1, environment —FOR—12—YEARS," Staff SERGEANT—JIMMY—MASSEY, 33, said.
20050313             —KILLED, War crime claims: Massey claims, he + his men had, 30—IRAQ—CIVILIANS.
20050313             USA "hallucinating" over IRAN nuclear talks : WASHINGTON is "hallucinating" if it thinks IRAN will scrap its nuclear fuel production plans in return for economic incentives, 1—SENIOR—IRAN—OFFICIAL has been quoted as saying.
20050313             —DISCOURAGED, USA not, by IRAN—REJECTION—OF—ANTI—NUKE incentives : Negotiations over IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM remain on track, despite TEHRAN—COOLNESS to 1—PACKAGE—OF—FINANCIAL—INCENTIVES put on the table by THE—USA + EU, 1—TOP—WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIAL said —SUNDAY.
20050313             Giuliana Sgrena, for the 1. time in 1—UK—NEWSPAPER, she tells her full story in her own words
20050313             Freed ITALY—TOLD to mind 'careless' talk : MISS—SGRENA has repeatedly suggested USA—SOLDIERS shot her on purpose and said —ON—FRIDAY she had little faith in 1—JOINT—INVESTIGATION by ITALY + USAinto the "FRIENDLY—FIRE" incident.
20050313             If Syria Is Expected To Withdraw from LEBANON, Shouldn't ISRAEL—WITHDRAW—FROM—THE—OCCUPIED—TERRITORIES?
20050313             Understanding Hezbollah of LEBANON : It is time AMERICA UNDERSTOOD Hezbollah for what it really is, not what the Israelis and their Zionist friends say it is.
20050313             Propaganda: Under Bush, 1—NEW—AGE—OF—PREPACKAGED—TELEVISION—NEWS : To 1—VIEWER, EACH—REPORT looked like ANY—OTHER 90-2. segment on the local news.
20050313             Khatami condemns 'military pressure' : IRAN—PRESIDENT has said that wealthy nations cannot keep —TODAY—TECHNOLOGY for themselves alone and that IRAN must be prepared to defend itself if necessary.
20050313             That's me, 1—MARINE, 1—MURDERER—OF—CIVILIANS' - "We killed more than 30—PEOPLE.
20050313             USA—MARINES Engaged in Mock Executions of IRAQ—JUVENILES The documents THE—ACLU released —TODAY,
20050313             Halliburton 1—COMPANY much like the law practice in JOHN—GRISHAM—NOVEL THE—FIRM: 1—ROGUE operation, with corrupt management, cynically conning THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT as it rakes in BILLIONS—OF—ILL—EARNED taxpayer dollars.
20050313             -: USA—VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY said —FRIDAY that if IRAN doesn't live up to its "INTERNATIONAL obligations to forego 1—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM, then obviously we'll have to take stronger action".
20050313             Whistleblower Unjust Discharge Case 85-72998... ANTI—DRUG—AGENTS] did".— MICHAEL—LEVINE [Drug.. 125, citing JAMES—MILLS, THE—UNDERGROUND—EMPIRE : Where Crime.. Decker;
20050313             OPM—AVERHART; AVERHART—CPO Hoover ;
20050313             Hoover... - Drug War: Viva Zapata The result was Mills' THE—UNDERGROUND—EMPIRE : Where Crime + Governments Embrace... Assassin MICHAEL—DECKER, SUSPECTED—OF—CIA—CONNECTIONS [SEAL, Operation PHOENIX...
20050313             —ISSUED, OMEGA—NEWS: This whitewash is TYPICAL—OF—THE—REPORTS, by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION...
20050313             —FAILED, In 1—CASE—OF—SELF—CENSORSHIP, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, to report the murders...
20050313   0050313   "We ended up massacring innocent civilians — men, women + children".
20050313—19600000    —IN—THE, s with THE—CIA or Clinton's
20050313—19600000    —IN—THE, Discarded Lies: NATO—SECRET—ARMIES... common denominator: extreme rightism". THE—GLADIO " Sheepskin " group was... s with THE—CIA or Clinton's... + also the failed Mossad operation on that...
20050313—19610000    —FOUNDED, Schaefer, Colonia Dignidad, or Dignity Colony, 1—COMMUNE—LIKE—ENCLAVE, and is accused in the disappearance of 1—DISSIDENT under dictator GENERAL—AUGUSTO—PINOCHET.
20050313—19870000    —BEFORE—HIS—RESEARCH, virtually nothing had been published about them.
20050313—19940000    Individual Contributions to Ridge Campaign in-..$5000—BAMIEH SAM—SAN—MATEO—CA 19940816            .
20050313—20021200    —IN, Chained, Kicked And Beaten To Death By USA—SOLDIERS : 2—AFGHANISTAN—PRISONERS who † in USA—CUSTODY in AFGHANISTAN were chained to the ceiling + kicked + beaten by USA—SOLDIERS in sustained assaults that caused their deaths, according to Army criminal investigative reports that have not yet been made public.
20050313—20030000    —SPRING—OF, "I was 1—SERGEANT—WITH—THE 3. Marine Battalion —DURING the invasion, in the ".
20050331             —FROM fs_ANNOUNCE—ADMIN@freedomsite_org Mon, 20000313052806       ...
20050331             —FROM fs_ANNOUNCE—ADMIN@freedomsite_org Mon, 20000313052806       ... figures of the far right: TERRY—LONG, FORMER—LEADER—OF—THE—ARYAN—NATION;... He was CONVICTED—OF—THEFT but was not deported + got 1—CANADA—PASSPORT...
20050401             ReBelleNation: 20050313             — 20050319             ... Recruitment problems are beginning to dog even active duty units that have not... countries against CUBA —DURING Operation Mongoose, another attempt..
20050404             widerst@nd! - MUND vom 20030313             ...
20050404             widerst@nd! - MUND vom 20030313             ... COLIN—POWELL—5—FEBRUARY 20030000             presentation to THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL... der Öllobby, der jüdischen Lobby, —DIE—HEUTE vor allem im Pentagon eine..
20050408—20030313    —ON, ATTACK ON IRAQ REPORTEDLY BEGAN QUIETLY... military intelligence from RUSSIA—SATELLITES and other RUSSIA—INTELLIGENCE—ASSETS.. "Soldiers For Truth" + is located at:
20050408—20030313    —ON, ATTACK ON IRAQ REPORTEDLY BEGAN QUIETLY... military intelligence from RUSSIA—SATELLITES and other RUSSIA—INTELLIGENCE—ASSETS.. "Soldiers For Truth"
20051212—20050313    Privatizing Combat, the New World Order
20060106—20060313    —ON, A 2. autopsy indicated that Anderson did not die of natural causes.
20060204             SIGNS—OF—THE—TIMES - 20040313             —SATURDAY, 20040313            .
20060312—20060313    It caused so much damage in SPRINGFIELD—ILLINOIS, that the mayor compared it to the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
20060313             Bei 1 KLINISCH—STUDIE—DES—VON—DER—FIRMA—TEGENERO entwickelten ANTIKÖRPER—TGN1412 an 6—MENSCHEN im Londoner Northwick Park Krankenhaus kommt es zu einem so genannten schwerwiegenden unerwünschten Ereignis.
20060313             Die Probanden schweben tagelang in Lebensgefahr.
20060313             Media silent on military links.
20060313             —BY JERRY—WHITE, 20020123             . - - WAYNE—MADSEN: Anthrax and THE—AGENCY
20060313             —BY JERRY—WHITE, 20020123             . - Media silent on military links.
20060313             —BY JERRY—WHITE, 20020123            .
20060313             - - WAYNE—MADSEN: Anthrax and THE—AGENCY
20060313             —CONFIRMED, THE—USA—AGRICULTURE—DEPARTMENT, that 1—COW in ALABAMA had tested positive for mad cow disease.
20060313             —ENTERED, The animal had not, the food supply for PEOPLE—OF—ANIMALS.
20060313             —RAKED, Deadly tornadoes, the Midwest —WHILE wildfires scorched THE—TEXAS—PANHANDLE.
20060313             —ANNOUNCED, THE—NATIONAL—GAY and Lesbian Task Force, 1—MERGER with the Institute for Welcoming Resources, 1—RELIGIOUS—GROUP representing 1,400 Protestant organizations that unconditionally welcome gays and lesbians.
20060313             INCORPORATED in 1—STOCK and cash deal worth about $14.6—BILLION.
20060313             —REACHED, THE—MCCLATCHY—CO. said it has, 1—DEAL to buy Knight Ridder INCORPORATED, the 2.—LARGEST USA—NEWSPAPER—PUBLISHER, for about $4.5—BILLION in cash and stock.
20060313             McClatchy will also assume about $2—BILLION in Knight RIDDER—DEBT.
20060313             SOUTH—KOREA—KIA—MOTORS—CORP. said it will build a $1.2—BILLION factory in WEST—POINT, GEORGIA, its 1. in THE—USA.
20060313             Toyota said it will build 1—PLANT in LAFAYETTE—INDIANA.
20060313             Heart researchers said clogging of arteries by plaque was reversed through aggressive use of 1—ANTICHOLESTEROL statin.
20060313             PETER—TOMARKEN, —63—JAHRE—ALT, former host of the 1980s TV game show "Press Your Luck," and his wife, Kathleen Abigail Tomarken (41), were killed along with 2—OTHERS—WHEN their small plane crashed into Santa Monica BAY—CALIFORNIA.
20060313             ABDUL—RAHIM—WARDAK, AFGHANISTAN—DEFENSE—MINISTER, said the national army will be fully operational within 4 to —5—YEARS and ready to take over more responsibility for security from INTERNATIONAL troops.
20060313             1—UN—AGENCY said bird flu has been found at 2—SITES in AFGHANISTAN and there's 1—HIGH—RISK that tests could prove it to be the deadly H5N1 strain.
20060313             —FIRED, BANGLADESH riot police, tear gas in DHAKA to disperse HUNDREDS—OF—STONE—THROWING activists who tried to march in support of 1—GENERAL—STRIKE.
20060313             —WANTED, RANA—ABDEL—RAHIM—KOLEILAT, —39—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FUGITIVE bank executive, for questioning in THE—UNITED—NATIONS—PROBE—OF—FORMER—LEBANON—PRIME—MINISTER—RAFIK—HARIRI—ASSASSINATION, was arrested in BRAZIL on 1 unrelated charge.
20060313             She offered officers up to $200,000 to release her and was arrested on 1—CHARGE—OF attempted bribery.
20060313             The funds' disappearance was the worst financial scandal at 1—LEBANON—BANK—SINCE the country's 19750000—19900000     —CIVIL—WAR.
20060313             Defense SECRETARY—JOHN—REID said BRITAIN will cut its forces in IRAQ by 10—PERCENT, 1—REDUCTION—OF about 800—TROOPS, by May because IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES are becoming more capable of handling security.
20060313             —PARTICIPATED, LONDON, 6—MEN, in 1—DRUG—TRIAL and soon became seriously ILLINOIS.
20060313             The men had been given does of TGN1412, 1—MONOCLONAL antibody developed by TeGenero AG—OF—WUERZBURG—GERMANY, for treatment of autoimmune and inflammatory diseases and leukemia.
20060313             —INAUGURATED, Newly, PRESIDENT—MICHELLE—BACHELET said that all Chileans older than 60 will —IMMEDIATELY begin receiving free care at public hospitals.
20060313             News reports said the world INDUSTRIAL—STANDARDS—ASSOCIATION has rejected CHINA—CONTROVERSIAL—WIRELESS—ENCRYPTION—STANDARD for global use.
20060313             —ANNOUNCED, Liu Zhijun, CHINA—MINISTER—OF—RAILWAYS, $25—BILLION plans to build 2—NEW—HIGH—SPEED—TRAIN—LINES linking SHANGHAI with BEIJING (1320km) and another linking SHANGHAI and HANGZHOU (175km).
20060313             —INCLUDED, Plans, the use of magnetic levitation technology that can reach speeds of 260—MPH.
20060313             —ENTERED, GERMANY—PUBLIC—SECTOR—STRIKES, their 6. —WEEK developing into 1—TEST—OF—UNION—STRENGTH and exposing cracks between the parties in CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL—COALITION—GOVERNMENT.
20060313             Merck KGaA, 1—MAKER—OF—PHARMACEUTICALS and specialty chemicals, launched a 15—BILLION—EURO (18—BILLION—DOLLAR) hostile takeover bid for BERLIN—BASED rival Schering, opening the way for 1—BITTER bidding battle.
20060313             INDONESIA—STATE—RUN—OIL and gas company Pertamina and Exxon Mobil Corp. agreed to jointly operate the country's largest untapped oil field, ending a —5—YEAR—DISPUTE that had shaken foreign investors' confidence in the sprawling archipelago.
20060313             —APPROVED, IRAN—LAWMAKERS, spending $15—MILLION to investigate alleged USA—INTERVENTION in the country.
20060313             —RECEIVED, IRAQ—OFFICIALS, 1—REPORT alleging that USA—SOLDIERS had killed 1—FAMILY—OF—4 in the Khasir Abyad area, about 6—MILES—NORTH—OF—MAHMOUDIYA.
20060313             —HANGED, Police found 4, men dangling from electricity pylons in 1—BAGHDAD—SHIITE slum, hours —AFTER car bombs and mortars shells ripped through teeming market streets, killing at least 58—PEOPLE and wounding more than 200. 1 armed group that says it was created with government backing to drive AL—QAIDA fighters out of 1—RESTIVE—IRAQ—PROVINCE claimed that it had killed 5—TOP—MEMBERS—OF—THE—TERRORIST—GROUP.
20060313             2—USA—SOLDIERS assigned to the 2. Brigade Combat Team of the 28. Infantry DIVISION—PENNSYLVANIA Army National Guard, were killed in fighting in Anbar province.
20060313             —REPORTED, MYANMAR, its 1. case of the deadly H5N1 STRAIN—OF—BIRD—FLU.
20060313             —OFFERED, NEPAL—ROYAL—GOVERNMENT, amnesty, cash, jobs and land to communist rebels who surrender in the next —3—MONTHS.
20060313             1—SPAIN—JUDGE indicted 32—PEOPLE for allegedly plotting to drive 1—TRUCK packed with explosives into 1—COURTHOUSE that has been the hub for ANTI—TERRORISM—INVESTIGATIONS.
20060313             —SUSPECTED, Authorities, that MOHAMED—ACHRAF was planning to ram 1—TRUCK loaded with 1,100—POUNDS—OF—EXPLOSIVES into the court in downtown MADRID.
20060313             JAN—EGELAND, THE—UN—HUMANITARIAN—CHIEF, said increasing violence has left HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—CIVILIANS in SUDAN—DARFUR region without food and facing the prospect of widespread disease and death within weeks.
20060313             BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA and EGYPT—PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK held talks at THE—VATICAN about IRAN, IRAQ and the prospects for lasting peace in THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20060313             THE—47—LACROSSE players at DUKE—UNIVERSITY, NORTH—CAROLINA, paid 1—COUPLE—OF strippers to entertain them.
20060313             —INDUCTED, THE—CLEVELAND—ROCK and Roll Hall of Fame, Black Sabboth, Blondie, MILES—DAVIS, Lynyrd Skynyrd and the Sex Pistols at 1—CEREMONY in NEW—YORK—CITY.
20060313             USA—CREDIT—CARD issuer CAPITAL—1—FINANCIAL—CORP. said it has agreed to buy NORTH—FORK—BANCORP.
20060313             —HANGED, Police found 4, men dangling from electricity pylons in 1—BAGHDAD—SHIITE slum, hours —AFTER car bombs and mortars shells ripped through teeming market streets, killing at least 58—PEOPLE and wounding more than 200.
20060313             1 armed group that says it was created with government backing to drive AL—QAIDA fighters out of 1—RESTIVE—IRAQ—PROVINCE claimed that it had killed 5—TOP—MEMBERS—OF—THE—TERRORIST—GROUP.
20060313             —DISGRACED, THE—TOKYO—STOCK—EXCHANGE said shares of, JAPAN—INTERNET startup Livedoor Co. will be delisted from the exchange —NEXT—MONTH over alleged securities law violations.
20060313             —DEDICATED, MEXICO—ATTORNEY—GENERAL said he will close 1—SPECIAL—PROSECUTOR'S—OFFICE, to investigating atrocities committed by the government —DURING its —2—DECADE—CAMPAIGN to weed out suspected guerrillas and leftists.
20060313             Cannibal Crickets Cause "Forced Marches" Through Crops: Why do CROP—EATING bugs like Mormon crickets cover so much ground so quickly?
20060313             STEPHEN—SIMPSON, entomologist: "They have 1—INCENTIVE to move, because they're least at risk of being cannibalized if they're going in the same direction as everybody else".
20060313             Warm is good. Even greenhouses are good places.
20060313             —INTERTWINED, THE—BREAD—OF—CONQUEST: The agony and the ecstasy are, in CALIFORNIA—COUNTRYSIDE.
20060313             Artichokes, freestone peaches, and Gravenstein apples are but 1—FEW of the vast NUMBER—OF—CROPS grown in the Golden State,
20060313             which were it 1—COUNTRY, would be the 6. leading agricultural exporter in the world.
20060313             For the workers whose hands create wealth OUT—OF—NATURE, the agony has been EVER—PRESENT,
20060313             —FROM the bloody repression of 19130000             —THE—WOBBLY—LED Wheatland hop pickers strike to the recent attempt by SOUTH—CALIFORNIA grocery workers to hold onto their health care and pensions.
20060313             Yet, in looks and behavior we are very different from them.
20060313             For more than —30—YEARS--well —BEFORE either the human or chimpanzee genome had been sequenced--scientists have speculated that this might be due to the way that the common genes express themselves rather than differences in the genes themselves.
20060313             1—NEW—COMPARISON published in Nature seems to prove that theory.
20060313             LINK—GOVERNMENT By Anthrax
20060313             Anthrax attacks and microbiologist deaths
20060313             —WHILE Media Spotlights 1—ANTHRAX Suspect, Another Is Too Hot to Touch
20060313             BioWarfare, Terror Weapons and THE—USA: Home Brew?
20060313             —BY—FRANCIS—A—BOYLE, 20020418             . - - Synopsis of "Government by Anthrax"
20060313             —BY—RICHARD—J—OCHS.
20060313             Learning the Wrong Lessons from the Anthrax Attacks
20060313             —BY—RICHARD—J—OCHS 20020917            .
20060313             —AIMED, USA anthrax attackers, to assassinate Democratic leaders
20060313             WAYNE—MADSEN: Anthrax and THE—AGENCY—THE—ANTHRAX—TIMELINE—CONNECT the Dots
20060313             FBI closes in on Anthrax TERRORIST—PRIME—SUSPECT is 1—ZIONIST
20060313             FBI—TOP—ANTHRAX—LETTERS—SUSPECT is Jewish
20060313             THE—PROOF of a 20010911             Frameup Is Right —BEFORE You
20060313             THE—ANTHRAX—LETTERS—ANTI—ARAB Frame Up Attempt
20060313             —BY—DANIEL—HOPSICKER—DID—THE—GOVERNMENT—OKAY the Anthrax Attacks?
20060313             Another Top Bioweapons Expert Killed
20060313             Biological Weapons Must Be Abolished —IMMEDIATELY—LINKSZEITUNG—WELT
20060313             Wie die USA—ZEITUNG "WASHINGTON—POST" unter Berufung auf einen Polizeisprecher berichtete,
20060313             wird CLAUDE—ALLEN vorgeworfen, 1—USA—GESCHÄFTSKETTE um über 5000 - THE—ENEMY—WITHIN the Firewall
20060313             THE—AGE is reporting that MANY—BUSINESSES are —NOW considering employees 1—MUCH bigger threat to security than most external threats.
20060313             "With email and instant messaging proving increasingly popular and devices such as laptop computers,
20060313             MOBILE phones and USB storage devices more commonplace in the office, the opportunities for workplace crime are growing".
20060313             A furious GEORGE hits gutless Dems
20060313             GEORGE—CLOONEY (above) says top Democrats like Hillary Clinton (below) should be held accountable for not speaking out —EARLIER against IRAQ war.
20060313             —VOTED, GEORGE—CLOONEY has 1—MESSAGE for Democratic OFFICE—HOLDERS who, for the war in IRAQ,
20060313             only to claim —LATER that they'd been misled by PRESIDENT—BUSH: Water discovery vs. NASA budget cuts
20060313             Author: Feedback The potential DISCOVERY—OF—LIQUID—WATER on 1—MOON—OF—SATURN is bittersweet for MANY—SCIENTISTS.
20060313             Study Finds More News Media Outlets, Covering Less News
20060313             1—STUDY looked at how 1—VARIETY—OF—OUTLETS covered 1—SINGLE—DAY—WORTH—OF—NEWS and concluded that there was enormous repetition of 1—HANDFUL—OF—STORIES.
20060313             Government Sides Against EBay in Patent Dispute
20060313             THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT—YESTERDAY took 1—POSITION against eBay INCORPORATED in 1—PATENT dispute that threatens to shut down 1—OF—THE—ONLINE auction site's popular shopping features.
20060313             Franks Didn't Need Advice, He Already Had All THE—ANSWERS—THE—NY—TIMES has 1—MAJOR—STORY—TODAY
20060313             in which it spells out the flawed internal DECISION—MAKING process early in THE—IRAQ—WAR.
20060313             The story makes very clear that the problems we have in IRAQ —TODAY are THE—RESULT—OF—DECISIONS made by BUSH—TEAM—VERY—EARLY on.
20060313             Shorter version: Franks and Rumsfeld didn't need ANY—ADVICE because they thought they already had all the answers.
20060313             Shorterst version: Disaster.
20060313             Met CHIEF taping 'unacceptable'
20060313             —CRITICISED, Met Police CHIEF—SIR—IAN—BLAIR is, for acting in a "totally unacceptable" way by secretly recording calls.
20060313             MOUSSAOUI judge interrupts trial
20060313             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE halts the sentencing trial of Zacarias MOUSSAOUI to consider government misconduct.
20060313             Milosevic 'took the wrong drugs'
20060313             —NEUTRALISED, Slobodan Milosevic had drugs in his body that may have, his heart medication, 1—EXPERT says.
20060313             EURO—MPS debate mercury curbs
20060313             Tough measures to reduce the use of mercury in EUROPE are to be debated in the European PARLIAMENT.
20060313             'Gene cause' of cocaine addiction
20060313             —ADDICTED, The chances of becoming, to cocaine may depend on people's genes, scientists have discovered.
20060313             Airports fail air pollution test
20060313             —EXCEED, Levels of the pollutant nitrogen dioxide, EU guidelines at most airports in ENGLAND, 1—REPORT suggests.
20060313             Burma reports 1. bird flu case
20060313             —BELIEVED, Burma reports what is, to be its 1. CASE—OF—BIRD—FLU, in chickens near THE—CITY—OF—MANDALAY.
20060313             Short films eye the really small screen
20060313             Independent filmmakers are wondering if MOBILE devices could allow them to get their work in front of 1—MASS—AUDIENCE.
20060313             Under 30 and On THE—CUTTING—EDGE
20060313             Author: —SCUTTLEMONKEY—LEMONKEY—33—CONQ writes "BusinessWeek has 1—INTERESTING piece on cutting edge technology entrepreneurs under 30.
20060313             'Don't look at what the industry is doing,' Erchak says.
20060313             'Look at what they're not doing and focus on that.
20060313             That's where the real disruptive technology comes from.'"
20060313             VENUS Satellite, THE—NEXT—EYE in the Sky
20060313             ERICA—CAMPBELL writes "According to ISRACAST—ISRAEL and FRANCE are working together on 1—NEW—MICRO—SATELLITE called VENUS,
20060313             which is supposed to be far more advanced then present satellites.
20060313             VENUS, which will be launched
20060313             Defending Against Harmful Nanotech and Biotech
20060313             —REPORTED, MARIA—WILLIAMS writes "KurzweilAI_net, that: —THIS—YEAR—RECIPIENTS of the Lifeboat Foundation GUARDIAN Award are ROBERT—A—FREITAS—JUNIORAND BILL—JOY,
20060313             who have both been proposing solutions to the dangers of advanced technology
20060313             pev writes "THERE—1—NEW traveling exhibition in THE—UK entitled 10010000             inventions.
20060313             It contains some of the most interesting inventions from the past few 1000—YEARS.
20060313             The common theme, however, is that they all came from the Islamic world and not the west.
20060313             SOME—CASES, [the list is] quite surprising.
20060313             —PRINTED, For the lazy, the Independent newspaper in THE—UK, their top 20—FROM the exhibition".
20060313             Title: Why I will stop blogging
20060313             I can do it, folks, I have already, in SOME—SENSE, stopped 1—OF—MY rivers,
20060313             and soon, probably —BEFORE the end of 20060000             ,
20060313             I will put this site in mothballs, in archive mode + go on to other things, MURPHY—WILLING—OF—COURSE.
20060313             It's been 1—LONG—TIME coming.
20060313             —WHEN I started blogging, depending on how you look at it,
20060313             either 19940000             , 19960000             or 19970000             ,
20060313             I had different goals + happily the goals have been accomplished.
20060313             BILLIONS—OF—WEBSITES
20060313             —NOW no longer seems 1—OUTRAGEOUSLY ambitious goal.
20060313             We're pretty close to 1—BILLION, I suspect.
20060313             The goal was also to create tools that would make it easy
20060313             for everyone to have 1—SITE + then more specifically 1—CHRONOLOGICAL 1. That's done.
20060313             —CHANGED, How Islamic inventors, the world From coffee to cheques and THE—3—COURSE—MEAL, the Muslim world has given us MANY—INNOVATIONS that we take for granted in daily life.
20060313             GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH.
20060313             Der weigerte sich in WASHINGTON derweil, in klassischer Verleugnungspose, das ganze Theater um seine Person überhaupt zur Kenntnis zu nehmen.
20060313             "Meine Buddys in TEXAS fragen mich: 'Wie kommst du mit all diesem Zeugs nur zurecht?'", sagte Bush vor der Jahrestagung der National Newspaper Association.
20060313             "Wisst ihr, es ist so, dass man sich nach einer Zeitlang einfach dran gewöhnt".
20060313             Dramatischer Wendepunkt
20060313             1—REDNER —NACH—DEM anderen riet Bush, sein offenbar überfordertes Team im Weißen Haus UMZUKREMPELN—1—FORDERUNG,
20060313             die —BEREITS—SEIT dem Skandal um Libby und die Enttarnung der CIA—AGENTIN Valerie Plame durch die Partei geistert.
20060313             "Es fragt sich, ob ihm die Leute in seinem Umfeld gute Dienste leisten", sagte der SENATOR—NORM—COLEMAN.
20060313             Vor allem Stabschef ANDY—CARD,
20060313             so finden immer mehr Republikaner, sei reif für den Ruhestand.
20060313             "Wir können uns —DIESES—JAHR keine große Verluste leisten", sagte Haley Barbour, der GOUVERNEUR—DES—HURRIKAN—GESCHOCKTEN—USA—BUNDESSTAATS—MISSISSIPPI.
20060313             Barbour, der selbst früher Parteichef der Republikaner war, erinnerte daran,
20060313             dass —DIESES—JAHR wichtige KONGRESS—ZWISCHENWAHLEN anstehen + die seien oft ein dramatischer Wendepunkt für 1—REGIERUNGSPARTEI:
20060313             JEDER—WIEDERGEWÄHLTE—PRÄSIDENT—SEIT—DEM —WWII habe in seinem 6. Amtsjahr Niederlagen erlitten.
20060313             Vergessen der ÜBERSCHWENGLICH—ARROGANTE Siegestaumel vom 20041100             ,
20060313             als sich Bush und seine Truppen für weitere —4—JAHRE das Weiße Haus sicherten und die Mehrheit in beiden Kammern des Kongresses.
20060313             Vergessen die Solidarität zwischen Partei und PRÄSIDENT.
20060313             Stattdessen quälen sich die Republikaner, wie in MEMPHIS deutlich wurde,
20060313             zusehends mit einem Loyalitätsspagat: Einerseits fühlen sie sich Bushs erzkonservativer Basis weiter verpflichtet.
20060313             Andererseits wird der PRÄSIDENT immer mehr zu einer Art politischem Kassengift.
20060313             Die Gründe, weshalb Bushs Popularitätswerte auch bei den eigenen Leuten inzwischen auf dem niedrigsten Stand —SEIT seinem Amtsantritt sind,
20060313             lassen sich kaum mehr an einer Hand abzählen:
20060313             das KATASTROPHALE—UND —BIS—HEUTE ANHALTENDE—VERSAGEN des Weißen Hauses —NACH—DEM Hurrikan "Katrina"
20060313             die Bespitzelung von Amerikanern durch den Geheimdienst
20060313             das Blutbad im IRAK—DIE endlose Folterdiskussion
20060313             das explodierende DEFIZIT—VIZEPRÄSIDENT Dick Cheneys Schießwut
20060313             der Prozess gegen Cheneys EX—STABSCHEF "Scooter" Libby
20060313             Bushs missglückte Reise nach PAKISTAN und INDIEN
20060313             die Raubanklage gegen Bushs FRÜHEREN—TOP—POLITIKBERATER CLAUDE—ALLEN
20060313             und zuletzt der von Bush völlig verkorkste Versuch, das TERMINAL—MANAGEMENT in den 6—GRÖSSTEN USA—SEEHÄFEN an die arabisch geführte Firma DUBAI Ports World abzutreten.
20060313             Doch irgendwie wurde die SOUTH—REPUBLICAN—LEADERSHIP—CONFERENCE, das alljährliche Treffen der USA—SÜDSTAATEN—REPUBLIKANER, diesmal zum Flop.
20060313             Zwar hielten ALLE—EHRENGÄSTE im großen Ballsaal des historischen Peabody Hotels artig ihre Reden,
20060313             darunter auch die potentiellen Präsidentschaftsaspiranten JOHN—MCCAIN, TRENT—LOTT und BILL—FRIST.
20060313             Doch die Stimmung war gedrückt, keiner blieb LANGE—UND die "Straw Poll",
20060313             "Es ist, als seien wir die Partei, die sich vor dem Verlieren fürchtet",
20060313             fasste SENATOR—LINDSEY—GRAHAM aus SOUTH—CAROLINA die Stimmung der malträtierten REGIERUNGSPARTEI treffend zusammen.
20060313             "Wir müssen die Partei werden, die sich auf das Gewinnen konzentriert".
20060313             Raubanklage gegen EX—POLITIKBERATER
20060313             Wenige —TAGE—NACH—DEM Fund von 6—STATUEN der Göttin Sekhmet in der ÄGYPTEN—STADT LUXOR haben Archäologen 17—WEITERE SEKHMET—SKULPTUREN ausgegraben.
20060313             Die Figuren aus schwarzem Granit sind knapp 2—METER hoch.
20060313             LUXOR—DIE Statuen der Kriegsgöttin Sekhmet seien im Tempel des Pharaos Amenophis III.
20060313             —AM westlichen NIL—UFER Luxors ausgegraben worden, erklärte der ÄGYPTEN—KULTURMINISTER Faruk Hosni —AM—SONNTAG.
20060313             Die schwarzen GRANIT—SKULPTUREN hätten Menschengröße und mäßen zwischen 1,70 und 1,80 Meter.
20060313             Sie zeigten die Kriegsgöttin mit dem Löwenkopf auf einem Thron mit dem Schlüssel des Lebens in den Händen,
20060313             erklärte der CHEF—DER ÄGYPTEN—ALTERTUMSVERWALTUNG, Zahi Hawass.
20060313             Auf den Seiten des Throns seien die Namen des Pharaos Amenophis III. eingraviert.
20060313             RICHARD—BARNES, konservatives Mitglied der Kontrollbehörde, forderte Blair auf, sich seiner Position entsprechend verantwortlich zu verhalten.
20060313             "Das Ansehen von SCOTLAND Yard muss an vorderster Stelle stehen und unter allen Umständen gewahrt werden",
20060313             sagte Barnes der BBC.
20060313             Der CHEF—DER GROSSBRITANNIEN—BÜRGERRECHTSBEWEGUNG "Liberty", Shami Chakrabarti, forderte den Rücktritt des Polizeichefs.
20060313             Er bezeichnete das Verhalten des SCOTLAND—YARD—CHEFS als "bizarr".
20060313             —GETAN, Was er, habe, sei "verfassungswidrig, unethisch und vermutlich auch unrechtmäßig".
20060313             "Er macht es allen sehr schwer, ihm als obersten Polizisten in diesem Land noch zu vertrauen", sagte Chakrabarti.
20060313             LONDON—DIE Stimmen derer, die an IAN—BLAIR zweifeln, werden immer lauter.
20060313             Im vorigen ;;07;; war es —NACH—DEN Terroranschlägen auf die Londoner U—BAHN unter seiner Leitung zu einer fatalen Panne gekommen:
20060313             SCOTLAND—YARD—BEAMTE hatten den unschuldigen Brasilianer JEAN—CHARLES—DE—MENEZES in der Londoner U—BAHN erschossen,
20060313             weil sie ihn irrtümlich für einen Terroristen hielten.
20060313             Blair hatte auch —NACH—DEM Zwischenfall an seiner "SHOOT—TO—KILL"-Strategie FESTGEHALTEN—DASS Terrorverdächtige im Zweifel mit einem gezielten Schuss getötet werden dürfen.
20060313             In der Unterhaltung ging es um 1—GESETZESÄNDERUNG zur Verwendung von abgehörten Telefonaten.
20060313             Außerdem habe er Telefonate mit Ermittlern mitgeschnitten, die die MENEZES—PANNE untersuchten.
20060313             —ENTTÄUSCHT, Lord Goldsmith sagte, er sei wütend und.
20060313             —INZWISCHEN, Seine Sprecherin teilte, mit, Blair habe sich —HEUTE entschuldigt.
20060313             Die Kontrollbehörden sollen sich —HEUTE mit den Vorwürfen befassen.
20060313             "Alles nur ein böser Traum"
20060313             Unter den Kursgewinnern sieht CITIGROUP—KEINE ÜBERRASCHUNG—DIE Pharmakonzerne,
20060313             die antivirale Heilmittel produzieren (Gilead, Roche, GlaxoSmithKline) oder an Impfstoffen arbeiten (SANOFI—AVENTIS,
20060313             CSL). - - Wobei die Bank vor allzu großer Hoffnung auf Roches Tamiflu warnt:
20060313             Es gebe keinen klinischen Nachweis für die Effektivität von Tamiflu gegen den derzeitigen H5N1-Stamm,
20060313             geschweige denn künftige Mutationen.
20060313             Die beschränkte Verfügbarkeit von Tamiflu sei überdies "1—PETRISCHALE für TAMIFLU—RESISTENTE Stämme".
20060313             Weitere Gewinner der Vogelgrippe wären nach Einschätzung der CITIGROUP—EXPERTEN die Hersteller von Reinigungsprodukten (Henkel,
20060313             P&G, Reckitt Benckiser, Ecolab, Clorox, Kao), das Gesundheitswesen (Tenet,
20060313             Community Hospitals), HOME—ENTERTAINMENT—FIRMEN wie Nintendo oder Blockbuster,
20060313             die vom Drang zur persönlichen Isolation profitieren würden sowie längerfristig die Telekommunikations- (AT&T,
20060313             DEUTSCHLAND—TELEKOM, BT) und die INTERNET—BRANCHE (eBay, Google, —YAHOO).
20060313             All das, so prophezeien die CITIGROUP—ANALYTIKER, könnte —BEREITS—DIESES—JAHR wahr werden, spätestens aber 20080000            .
20060313             "Theoretisch möglich" sei jedoch auch noch ein anderes Szenario: "Es war alles nur ein böser Traum".
20060313             Im schlimmsten Fall werde sich, so fürchten die Experten, an den Börsen und in der Weltfinanz "alles verändern".
20060313             Die politischen Reaktionen auf eine weltweite Pandemie und das Verlangen des gefährdeten Menschen,
20060313             persönlichen Kontakt zu vermeiden, würden "Angebot und Nachfrage" global aus dem Gleichgewicht werfen.
20060313             Die Wirtschaftsaktivität werde sich generell verringern, die finanzielle Risikobereitschaft sinken,
20060313             die Währungspolitik werde sich abschwächen, die Rohstoffpreise würden kollabieren und die Zinsen fallen.
20060313             Im besten Fall würden die Folgen denen der SARS—EPIDEMIE ähneln, nur "extensiver und ausgedehnter":
20060313             Eine "temporäre Störung" der Weltmärkte, ein vorübergehender Absturz der betroffenen Börsen,
20060313             gefolgt jedoch von einer schnellen Erholung und einer globalen, "potentiell ziemlich starken" Aktienrallye.
20060313             Die vorübergehende Phase von Immobilität werde zur "intensiveren Nutzung" von Technologie und vor allem von INTERNET—HANDEL führen.
20060313             Schlecht fürs Bier
20060313             In all' ihren —JAHREN auf der Richterbank habe sie nie eine derartige "ungeheuerliche Verletzung" der Regeln zur Vorbereitung von Zeugenaussagen erlebt,
20060313             erklärte Brinkema —HEUTE ihren drastischen Schritt.
20060313             Brinkema hatte ursprünglich verfügt, dass kein Zeuge vorab Zugang zu Prozessaussagen erhalten solle.
20060313             Dennoch unterrichtete 1—ANWÄLTIN der USA—VERKEHRSSICHERHEITSBEHÖRDE (TSA) 4—ANGESTELLTE der Flugaufsicht (FAA) detailliert über die Inhalte mehrerer geschlossener Sitzungen,
20060313             über die Strategie der Anklage sowie über 1—VERHÖR eines FBI—AGENTEN am 1. der bislang 5—PROZESSTAGE.
20060313             kritisierte Brinkema.
20060313             —NACH—DEM überraschenden Statement der Richterin reichte die Verteidigung sofort einen Antrag auf Einstellung des Verfahrens ein.
20060313             "Wir werden kein faires Verfahren bekommen", sagte Moussaouis Anwalt EDWARD—MACMAHON.
20060313             Sein Antrag zielt darauf ab, dass MOUSSAOUI ohne weiteres Verfahren die Todesstrafe erspart bleibt und er stattdessen zu lebenslanger Haft verurteilt wird.
20060313             Der marokkanischstämmige MOUSSAOUI hatte sich —BEREITS im Vorfeld des Verfahrens schuldig bekannt, in die Planungen für den 11. ;;09;;
20060313             eingeweiht gewesen zu sein; er selbst sollte nach eigener Aussage zwar nicht am 11.
20060313             ;;09;;, jedoch zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt ein entführtes Passagierflugzeug in das Weiße Haus lenken.
20060313             Wegen dieses Schuldbekenntnisses geht es in dem Verfahren nur noch darum, ob gegen MOUSSAOUI die Todesstrafe oder eine lebenslange Haftstrafe verhängt werden soll.
20060313             Die Richterin erwägt die Einstellung des Verfahrens gegen den Franzosen MOUSSAOUI, weil die USA—BUNDESANWALTSCHAFT massiv Zeugen beeinflusst haben soll.
20060313             ALEXANDRIA—SEIT —JAHREN bemüht sich die USA—REGIERUNG für Zacarias MOUSSAOUI die Todesstrafe zu erreichen.
20060313             Der 37-jährige Franzose ist der bislang einzige Angeklagte in den USA, dem im Zusammenhang mit den Anschlägen vom 11. ;;09;;
20060313             der Prozess gemacht wird.
20060313             Doch —JETZT steht die BUSH—ADMINISTRATION möglicherweise vor einer dramatischen Niederlage.
20060313             Richterin Leonie Brinkema verkündete —HEUTE, den Prozess —FÜR—48—STUNDEN auszusetzen, um über eine mögliche Einstellung des Verfahrens nachzudenken.
20060313             Das vorzeitige ENDE—DES—PROZESSES wäre eine absolute Sensation.
20060313             —VERURTEILT, MOUSSAOUI wäre dann zwar zu lebenslanger Haft, würde jedoch einem Todesurteil entgehen.
20060313             In einer fliegenden Untertasse, angetrieben von einem Fusionsreaktor, sollten Passagiere befördert werden.
20060313             Diese Idee des Erfinders CHARLES—OSMOND—FREDERICK ließ sich UNITED—KINGDOM—RAIL
20060313             Der einzige SCHÖNHEITSFEHLER—UND wohl der Grund dafür, dass —BIS—HEUTE kein solches Objekt von einem GROSSBRITANNIEN—BAHNSTEIG aus zu den Sternen geflogen IST—IST erschütternd simpel:
20060313             —HEUTE wie damals gibt es den in der Patentschrift geschilderten Antrieb nicht.
20060313             Kurz gesagt sollten an einem Punkt unter dem Ufo Laserstrahlen so aufeinander treffen,
20060313             dass in einem unter Hochdruck genau dorthin gespritzten Flüssigtreibstoff eine "kontrollierte thermonukleare Fusion" stattfindet.
20060313             "Möglicherweise supraleitende Magneten" an der Unterseite des Gefährts könnten die Partikel aus dieser Fusionsreaktion vom Ufo ablenken.
20060313             "Das alles fußt auf einem Fusionsprozess, den es —BIS—HEUTE nicht gibt.
20060313             Und selbst wenn es ihn gäbe, würde er eine unglaubliche Menge Energie benötigen",
20060313             sagte Michel VAN Baal von der Europäischen Raumfahrtbehörde (Esa) der Londoner Zeitung "Daily Telegraph".
20060313             Im Fall einer weltweiten Epidemie müssten sich Länder auf TRANSPORT—UND Handelsstörungen, Einbrüche bei STROM—UND Gasversorgung und Störungen im internationalen Zahlungsverkehr einstellen.
20060313             Wenn reihenweise Mitarbeiter ausfielen und Zukunftsangst die Verbraucher packe, sei außerdem mit erheblichen Produktionseinbußen und sinkenden Verbraucherausgaben zu rechnen.
20060313             Neben der Geflügelbranche seien bei einer Epidemie auch Tourismus, Transport, Einzelhandel und Versicherungen hart getroffen.
20060313             So würden die Staatskasse wahrscheinlich in erhebliche Finanznöte kommen,
20060313             zumal auch 1—EXPLODIEREN der Gesundheitskosten und der Sozialausgaben zu befürchten sei und ganze Industriezweige unterstützt werden müssten.
20060313             "Die staatliche Finanzlage würde sich deutlich verschlechtern", schreibt der IWF.
20060313             Auf den Finanzmärkten müsse mit einer Kapitalflucht aus aufstrebenden Märkten und hohem Liquiditätsbedarf gerechnet werden.
20060313             Entwickelte Länder sind gut vorbereitet
20060313             Bombenbau: Bush wirft IRAN vor, Aufständische im IRAK zu unterstützen
20060313             Horrorszenarien: IWF warnt vor Wirtschaftschaos durch Vogelgrippe
20060313             ELIZABETH II. in AUSTRALIEN: Staatsbesuch beim eigenen Volk
20060313             Vogelgrippe: H5N1-Verdacht auf Geflügelhof nicht bestätigt
20060313             Urlaub in islamischen Ländern: Die Angst WÄCHST—URTEIL: Berufsverbot für linken Lehrer
20060313             Urteil: Harsche Kritik am Vorgesetzten ist erlaubt
20060313             —GEDACHT, Alterstudie: USA—SENIOREN fitter als
20060313             Atomstreit: IRAN hält sich RUSSLAND—OPTION offen
20060313             ALL—TRANSPORTE: GROSSBRITANNIEN—EISENBAHN patentierte Ufo
20060313             Heldendämmerung: Mao soll von Chinas Banknoten verschwinden
20060313             USA—TRUPPENÜBUNG: IRAK—KRIEG light in der Oberpfalz
20060313             —PROFITIERT, CITIGROUP—ANALYSE: Wer von der Vogelgrippe
20060313             POLIZEI—SKANDAL: SCOTLAND—YARD—CHEF zeichnete heimlich Telefonate auf
20060313             ÄGYPTEN: Weitere LÖWENKOPF—STATUEN entdeckt
20060313             VOGELGRIPPE—VERDACHT: Nutztierbestand in BAYERN gekeult
20060313             Republikaner in der Klemme: Bushs Pannenserie nervt die Parteifreunde
20060313             Krawalle in FRANKREICH: "Villepin allein gegen alle"
20060313             —NOW We Have Another COUNT—OF—IMPEACHMENT—AGAINST Bush, Racketeering:
20060313             "Private equity firm THE—CARLYLE—GROUP established 1—TEAM to acquire PUBLIC—PURPOSE—FACILITIES such as ports —1—DAY—AFTER 1—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES—COMPANY said it would transfer newly acquired operations at USA—PORTS to 1—USA—ORGANIZATION".
20060313             Organic FAIR—TRADE—GOURMET Chocolate Bars (1—VERY—DARK and 1—DARK—CHOCOLATE with Almonds):
20060313             Death Penalty May Be Eliminated as Option. SOLEDAD O'Brien.
20060313             "Feingold brilliantly called her on her ignorance,
20060313             telling her THE—RNC intimidated her, because that's the only way someone would think there is 1—SERIOUS—DEBATE about the legality of the [BUSH—NSA—SPYING] program.
20060313             Contact your SENATOR and ask them to sign on to FEINGOLD—CENSURE resolution.
20060313             —MISSED, In case you've, it, be sure to catch this report on SANDRA—DAY—O'CONNOR—BLASTING
20060313             of SOME—OF—OUR rightwingnut friends.
20060313             Hopefully she'll keep this up.
20060313             THE—BODY—OF—THE—POST is interesting in its own right, but the 1. comment (by someone named "Xavier") packs quite 1—WALLOP -- especially if you are familiar with ALLEN—HISTORY as 1—VEHEMENT—GAY—BASHER:
20060313             I happen to have gone to high school with both claude and his brother and upon READING the words he uttered concerning "queers" I find this very odd —WHEN in high school he was the "QUEEN—OF—THE—QUEERS" and it is very easy to verify.
20060313             20060313             I suspect there is 1—LOT—MORE to the strange, sad CASE—OF—CLAUDE—ALLEN.
20060313             This story shouldn't be allowed to "spend time with its family".
20060313             Not —JUST yet.
20060313             —EXPLAINED, Ritter, that more people should be held accountable for supporting the current war in IRAQ than THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION,
20060313             including MEMBERS—OF—THE—CLINTON administration, congressmen, senators, THE—USA—MEDIA + THE—USA—PEOPLE.
20060313             NIGERIA—MILITANTS highlight woes amid wealth:
20060313             "We ARE not terrorists," screamed 1—BLACK—MASKED militant brandishing 1—ASSAULT—RIFLE.
20060313             "We are freedom fighters!"
20060313             Milosevic said doctors were killing him:
20060313             —SHROUDED, THE—DEATH—OF—SLOBODAN—MILOSEVIC was, in mystery and deepening controversy —ON—SUNDAY night as HOLLAND—PATHOLOGISTS examined his corpse and it emerged that he had claimed he was being slowly killed by doctors.
20060313             Bush Lite: Daschle Weighing WHITE—HOUSE—RUN in '08:
20060313             FORMER—SENATE—DEMOCRATIC—LEADER—TOM—DASCHLE, accusing THE—GOP of spreading 1—MESSAGE—OF—FEAR, says he is considering a 20080000             presidential bid.
20060313             Morally Bankrupt: Republican contenders agree: LET—CUT spending:
20060313             —FOR—2—DAYS—BEFORE 1—AUDIENCE—OF—SOUTH—REPUBLICANS here, the party's potential candidates for 20080000             called for cutting or slowing government spending across THE—BOARD and retooling bedrock entitlement PROGRAMS—MEDICARE,
20060313             Medicaid and Social SECURITY—THAT have become 1—DRAIN on the Treasury.
20060313             Foreign owners tied to USA fleet:
20060313             3FOURTHS—OF—THE—CARGO ships in 1—SPECIAL fleet carrying vital supplies to USA—MILITARY—FORCES are owned by foreign companies,
20060313             raising concerns about THE—LACK—OF—AMERICA OWNED vessels to help the Pentagon in 1—GLOBAL—CRISIS
20060313             MICHAEL—T—KLARE: SAUDI—ARABIA: the sands run out: Oilfields won't satisfy world demand
20060313             USA—TERROR hunt targets animal activists:
20060313             KEVIN—KJONAAS set up 1—WEBSITE with details about businesses that use animals for research information + —NOW he and 5—OTHER—ACTIVISTS have been convicted of inciting terrorism
20060313             PENNSILVANIA seizes paper's computer hard disks:
20060313             THE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—OFFICE says they may show EVIDENCE—OF—1—FELONY:
20060313             unauthorized use of 1—RESTRICTED—WEB—SITE
20060313             Zbigniew Brzezinski: How THE—USA—PROVOKED—THE—SOVIET—UNION into invading AFGHANISTAN:
20060313             And that very —DAY, I wrote 1—NOTE to THE—PRESIDENT in which I explained to him that in my opinion this aid was going to induce 1—SOVIET—MILITARY—INTERVENTION.
20060313             Justice O'Connor: Dictatorship is the danger:
20060313             Video: HARPER—MAGAZINE—PANEL on Case Bush Impeachment:
20060313             HARPER—MAGAZINE hosts 1—PANEL "Is There 1—CASE for Impeachment?", discussing PRESIDENT—BUSH and his policies.
20060313             Forum speakers include LEWIS—H—LAPHAM,
20060313             and MICHAEL—RATNER, PRESIDENT—OF—CENTER for Constitutional Rights.
20060313             THE—SECRET—GOVERNMENT::
20060313             MIKE—WHITNEY : BUSH—ROADBLOCK at the Security Council:
20060313             —CONDUCTED, Surveys were, months —BEFORE THE—WAR—ON—IRAQ which showed that THE—USA—PEOPLE would only support the conflict if there was 1—DANGER that Saddam was developing nuclear weapons.
20060313             —APPROVED, USA—TORTURE: Top commanders, USE—OF—DOGS at ABU—GHRAIB:
20060313             —WHEN Army SERGEANT—MICHAEL—J—SMITH—FACES 1—COURT—MARTIAL—TODAY on charges that he used his military working dog to harass and threaten detainees,
20060313             1—OF—THE—PRIME—EXAMPLES—OF—THAT alleged misconduct will be 1—PHOTOGRAPH—OF—SMITH holding the dog —JUST inches from the face of 1—DETAINEE
20060313             CHRIS—FLOYD: Friendly Fire: Another Crack UK Soldier Quits the Illegal War:
20060313             HERE—1—IMPORTANT—STORY that for SOME—STRANGE—REASON is not on the network news or splashed across the front PAGES—OF—AMERICA—LEADING newspapers:
20060313             MIKE—FERNER: 67—BILLION For Murderous Work:
20060313             —PROCEED, The killing will, as planned, with no congressional intervention,
20060313             although chances are you heard absolutely zip about THE—67—BILLION Dollar Question,
20060313             thanks to THE—GUARDIANS—OF—REALITY who insured the news from that hearing was THE—DUBAI—PORT deal, not the unimaginable sum of our money Congress voted for war, nor the voices raised against it.
20060313             —PROFITED, UNITED—KINGDOM—COMPANIES, by at least £1.1bn out war in IRAQ:
20060313             The company ROLL—CALL—OF—POST—WAR profiteers includes some of the best known names in BRITAIN—BOARDROOMS as well MANY—WHO would prefer to remain anonymous.
20060313             They come from private security services, banks, PR consultancies,
20060313             urban planning consortiums, oil companies, architects offices and energy advisory bodies.
20060313             Troops from IRAQ suffer the 'VIETNAM effect':
20060313             UNITED—KINGDOM—VETERANS—OF—THE—IRAQ war are suffering a "VIETNAM effect" —AFTER returning home to face 1—HOSTILE—PUBLIC,
20060313             according to 1—OF—BRITAIN—FOREMOST experts on POST—TRAUMATIC—STRESS—DISORDER.
20060313             Resolution Relating To THE—CENSURE—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH:
20060313             —MISLED, Whereas GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH repeatedly, the public..... Pdf format
20060313             "What THE—PRESIDENT did by consciously and intentionally violating the constitutional laws of this country with this illegal wiretapping has to be answered".
20060313             Video & Transcript
20060313             - —2—MONTHS—AFTER he was released from the Midland jail, MISTER—GREEN was 1—OF 8—SOLDIERS baptized —DURING 1—CHURCH—OF—CHRIST—SERVICE at Fort Benning.
20060313             mis en ligne par ABU—DABI...
20060313             THE—ADVOCATE—AMONG GLESER 's "projects," the article states that " LEO—GLESER has SOME—STRONG detractors....
20060313             —LEARNED, How they, to stop worrying + love the Bomb.
20060313             Anthrax and THE—POLITICS—OF—TERROR—ANTHRAX Terrorists may be Zionists
20060313             THE—ANTHRAX—PUTSCH—OF—AUTUMN 20010000             20060313             THE—PURSUIT—OF—STEVEN—HATFILL—THE—ANTHRAX—LETTERS
20060313             —BY FRANCIS—A—BOYLE, 20020418            .
20060313             Government By Anthrax by RICHARD—J—OCHS, 20020609            .
20060313             SETH—GODIN: "Global Warming" is Badly Marketed: Global is good.
20060313             How can "global warming" be bad?
20060313             Artichokes, freestone peaches, and Gravenstein apples are but 1—FEW of the vast NUMBER—OF—CROPS grown in the Golden State, which were it 1—COUNTRY, would be the 6. leading agricultural exporter in the world.
20060313             For the workers whose hands create wealth OUT—OF—NATURE, the agony has been EVER—PRESENT, from the bloody repression of 19130000             —THE—WOBBLY—LED Wheatland hop pickers strike to the recent attempt by SOUTH—CALIFORNIA grocery workers to hold onto their health care and pensions.
20060313             SEPARATION—OF—MAN and Ape Down to GENE—EXPRESSION: Humans and chimpanzees have in common more than 98—PERCENT—OF—DNA and 99—PERCENT of genes.
20060313             Anthrax attacks and microbiologist deaths by PAUL—THOMPSON.
20060313             FEDERATION—OF—AMERICA—SCIENTISTS—WHILE—MEDIA—SPOTLIGHTS 1—ANTHRAX Suspect, Another Is Too Hot to Touch BioWarfare, Terror Weapons and THE—USA: Home Brew?
20060313             Synopsis of "Government by Anthrax"By RICHARD—J—OCHS.
20060313             Learning the Wrong Lessons from the Anthrax Attacks By RICHARD—J—OCHS 20020917            .
20060313             —AIMED, USA anthrax attackers, to assassinate Democratic leaders Media silent on military links.
20060313             Wie die USA—ZEITUNG "WASHINGTON—POST" unter Berufung auf einen Polizeisprecher berichtete, wird CLAUDE—ALLEN vorgeworfen, 1—USA—GESCHÄFTSKETTE um über 5000 ...
20060313             THE—ENEMY—WITHIN the Firewall
20060313             "With email and instant messaging proving increasingly popular and devices such as laptop computers, MOBILE phones and USB storage devices more commonplace in the office, the opportunities for workplace crime are growing".
20060313             1—FURIOUS—GEORGE hits gutless Dems GEORGE—CLOONEY (above) says top Democrats like Hillary Clinton (below) should be held accountable for not speaking out —EARLIER against IRAQ war.
20060313             —VOTED, GEORGE—CLOONEY has 1—MESSAGE for Democratic OFFICE—HOLDERS who, for the war in IRAQ, only to claim —LATER that they'd been misled by PRESIDENT—BUSH:
20060313             Water discovery vs. NASA budget cuts Author: Feedback The potential DISCOVERY—OF—LIQUID—WATER on 1—MOON—OF—SATURN is bittersweet for MANY—SCIENTISTS.
20060313             Study Finds More News Media Outlets, Covering Less News 1—STUDY looked at how 1—VARIETY—OF—OUTLETS covered 1—SINGLE—DAY—WORTH—OF—NEWS and concluded that there was enormous repetition of 1—HANDFUL—OF—STORIES.
20060313             Government Sides Against EBay in Patent Dispute THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT—YESTERDAY took 1—POSITION against eBay INCORPORATED in 1—PATENT dispute that threatens to shut down 1—OF—THE—ONLINE auction site's popular shopping features.
20060313             Franks Didn't Need Advice, He Already Had All THE—ANSWERS—THE—NY—TIMES has 1—MAJOR—STORY—TODAY in which it spells out the flawed internal DECISION—MAKING process early in THE—IRAQ—WAR.
20060313             Met CHIEF taping 'unacceptable' Met Police CHIEF—SIR—IAN—BLAIR is criticised for acting in a "totally unacceptable" way by secretly recording calls.
20060313             Moussaoui judge interrupts trial 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE halts the sentencing trial of Zacarias Moussaoui to consider government misconduct.
20060313             Milosevic 'took the wrong drugs' Slobodan Milosevic had drugs in his body that may have neutralised his heart medication, 1—EXPERT says.
20060313             EURO—MPS debate mercury curbs Tough measures to reduce the use of mercury in EUROPE are to be debated in the European PARLIAMENT.
20060313             'Gene cause' of cocaine addiction The chances of becoming addicted to cocaine may depend on people's genes, scientists have discovered.
20060313             Airports fail air pollution test Levels of the pollutant nitrogen dioxide exceed EU guidelines at most airports in ENGLAND, 1—REPORT suggests.
20060313             Burma reports 1. bird flu case Burma reports what is believed to be its 1. CASE—OF—BIRD—FLU, in chickens near THE—CITY—OF—MANDALAY.
20060313             Short films eye the really small screen Independent filmmakers are wondering if MOBILE devices could allow them to get their work in front of 1—MASS—AUDIENCE.
20060313             "BusinessWeek has 1—INTERESTING piece on cutting edge technology entrepreneurs under 30.  'Don't look at what the industry is doing,' Erchak says. 'Look at what they're not doing and focus on that. That's where the real disruptive technology comes from.'"
20060313             Title: Why I will stop blogging I can do it, folks, I have already, in SOME—SENSE, stopped 1—OF—MY rivers, and soon, probably —BEFORE the end of 20060000             , I will put this site in mothballs, in archive mode + go on to other things, MURPHY—WILLING—OF—COURSE.
20060313             —STARTED, —WHEN I, blogging, depending on how you look at it, either 19940000             , 19960000             or 19970000             , I had different goals + happily the goals have been accomplished.
20060313             BILLIONS—OF—WEBSITES—NOW no longer seems 1—OUTRAGEOUSLY ambitious goal.
20060313             The goal was also to create tools that would make it easy for everyone to have 1—SITE + then more specifically 1—CHRONOLOGICAL 1. That's done.
20060313             —CHANGED, How Islamic inventors, the world
20060313             —FROM coffee to cheques and THE—3—COURSE—MEAL, the Muslim world has given us MANY—INNOVATIONS that we take for granted in daily life.
20060313             GEORGE—W—BUSH.
20060313             1—REDNER —NACH—DEM anderen riet Bush, sein offenbar überfordertes Team im Weißen Haus umzukrempeln - 1—FORDERUNG, die —BEREITS—SEIT dem Skandal um Libby und die Enttarnung der CIA—AGENTIN Valerie Plame durch die Partei geistert.
20060313             Vor allem Stabschef ANDY—CARD, so finden immer mehr Republikaner, sei reif für den Ruhestand.
20060313             Barbour, der selbst früher Parteichef der Republikaner war, erinnerte daran, dass —DIESES—JAHR wichtige KONGRESS—ZWISCHENWAHLEN anstehen + die seien oft ein dramatischer Wendepunkt für 1—REGIERUNGSPARTEI: JEDER—WIEDERGEWÄHLTE—PRÄSIDENT—SEIT—DEM —WWII habe in seinem 6. Amtsjahr Niederlagen erlitten.
20060313             Vergessen der ÜBERSCHWENGLICH—ARROGANTE Siegestaumel vom 20041100             , als sich Bush und seine Truppen für weitere —4—JAHRE das Weiße Haus sicherten und die Mehrheit in beiden Kammern des Kongresses.
20060313             Stattdessen quälen sich die Republikaner, wie in MEMPHIS deutlich wurde, zusehends mit einem Loyalitätsspagat: Einerseits fühlen sie sich Bushs erzkonservativer Basis weiter verpflichtet.
20060313             Die Gründe, weshalb Bushs Popularitätswerte auch bei den eigenen Leuten inzwischen auf dem niedrigsten Stand —SEIT seinem Amtsantritt sind, lassen sich kaum mehr an einer Hand abzählen:
20060313             - das KATASTROPHALE—UND —BIS—HEUTE ANHALTENDE—VERSAGEN des Weißen Hauses —NACH—DEM Hurrikan "Katrina"
20060313             - die Bespitzelung von Amerikanern durch den Geheimdienst
20060313             - der Prozess gegen Cheneys EX—STABSCHEF "Scooter" Libby
20060313             - Bushs missglückte Reise nach PAKISTAN und INDIEN
20060313             - die Raubanklage gegen Bushs FRÜHEREN—TOP—POLITIKBERATER CLAUDE—ALLEN
20060313             Zwar hielten ALLE—EHRENGÄSTE im großen Ballsaal des historischen Peabody Hotels artig ihre Reden, darunter auch die potentiellen Präsidentschaftsaspiranten JOHN—MCCAIN, TRENT—LOTT und BILL—FRIST.
20060313             Doch die Stimmung war gedrückt, keiner blieb LANGE—UND die "Straw Poll", die 1. Testwahl für 20080000             , wurde dank eines cleveren Schachzugs McCains zum redundanten Schattenboxen.
20060313             "Es ist, als seien wir die Partei, die sich vor dem Verlieren fürchtet", fasste SENATOR—LINDSEY—GRAHAM aus SOUTH—CAROLINA die Stimmung der malträtierten REGIERUNGSPARTEI treffend zusammen.
20060313             LUXOR—DIE Statuen der Kriegsgöttin Sekhmet seien im Tempel des Pharaos Amenophis III. am westlichen NIL—UFER Luxors ausgegraben worden, erklärte der ÄGYPTEN—KULTURMINISTER Faruk Hosni —AM—SONNTAG.
20060313             Sie zeigten die Kriegsgöttin mit dem Löwenkopf auf einem Thron mit dem Schlüssel des Lebens in den Händen, erklärte der CHEF—DER ÄGYPTEN—ALTERTUMSVERWALTUNG, Zahi Hawass.
20060313             "Das Ansehen von SCOTLAND Yard muss an vorderster Stelle stehen und unter allen Umständen gewahrt werden", sagte Barnes der BBC.
20060313             Im vorigen —JULI war es —NACH—DEN Terroranschlägen auf die Londoner U—BAHN unter seiner Leitung zu einer fatalen Panne gekommen: SCOTLAND—YARD—BEAMTE hatten den unschuldigen Brasilianer JEAN—CHARLES—DE—MENEZES in der Londoner U—BAHN erschossen, weil sie ihn irrtümlich für einen Terroristen hielten.
20060313             —NUN habe BLAIR—1—GESPRÄCH mitgeschnitten, das er mit dem obersten Rechtsberater der Regierung, Lord PETER—GOLDSMITH, geführt hatte, teilte die Polizei mit.
20060313             Unter den Kursgewinnern sieht CITIGROUP—KEINE ÜBERRASCHUNG—DIE Pharmakonzerne, die antivirale Heilmittel produzieren (Gilead, Roche, GlaxoSmithKline) oder an Impfstoffen arbeiten (SANOFI—AVENTIS, CSL).
20060313             Wobei die Bank vor allzu großer Hoffnung auf Roches Tamiflu warnt: Es gebe keinen klinischen Nachweis für die Effektivität von Tamiflu gegen den derzeitigen H5N1-Stamm, geschweige denn künftige Mutationen.
20060313             Weitere Gewinner der Vogelgrippe wären nach Einschätzung der CITIGROUP—EXPERTEN die Hersteller von Reinigungsprodukten (Henkel, P&G, Reckitt Benckiser, Ecolab, Clorox, Kao), das Gesundheitswesen (Tenet, Community Hospitals), HOME—ENTERTAINMENT—FIRMEN wie Nintendo oder Blockbuster, die vom Drang zur persönlichen Isolation profitieren würden sowie längerfristig die Telekommunikations- (AT&T, DEUTSCHLAND—TELEKOM, BT) und die INTERNET—BRANCHE (eBay, Google, Yahoo).
20060313             Die politischen Reaktionen auf eine weltweite Pandemie und das Verlangen des gefährdeten Menschen, persönlichen Kontakt zu vermeiden, würden "Angebot und Nachfrage" global aus dem Gleichgewicht werfen.
20060313             Die Wirtschaftsaktivität werde sich generell verringern, die finanzielle Risikobereitschaft sinken, die Währungspolitik werde sich abschwächen, die Rohstoffpreise würden kollabieren und die Zinsen fallen.
20060313             Im besten Fall würden die Folgen denen der SARS—EPIDEMIE ähneln, nur "extensiver und ausgedehnter": Eine "temporäre Störung" der Weltmärkte, ein vorübergehender Absturz der betroffenen Börsen, gefolgt jedoch von einer schnellen Erholung und einer globalen, "potentiell ziemlich starken" Aktienrallye.
20060313             In all' ihren —JAHREN auf der Richterbank habe sie nie eine derartige "ungeheuerliche Verletzung" der Regeln zur Vorbereitung von Zeugenaussagen erlebt, erklärte Brinkema —HEUTE ihren drastischen Schritt.
20060313             —AM—WOCHENENDE, hatten sie die brisanten Informationen erreicht.
20060313             Dennoch unterrichtete 1—ANWÄLTIN der USA—VERKEHRSSICHERHEITSBEHÖRDE (TSA) 4—ANGESTELLTE der Flugaufsicht (FAA) detailliert über die Inhalte mehrerer geschlossener Sitzungen, über die Strategie der Anklage sowie über 1—VERHÖR eines FBI—AGENTEN am 1. der bislang 5—PROZESSTAGE.
20060313             Damit habe die zum Justizministerium gehörende Bundesanwaltschaft "bedeutende Fehler" begangen und gegen die verfassungsmäßigen Rechte des Angeklagten sowie "die Integrität des Justizsystems" verstoßen, kritisierte Brinkema.
20060313             Der marokkanischstämmige Moussaoui hatte sich —BEREITS im Vorfeld des Verfahrens schuldig bekannt, in die Planungen für den 20060911             eingeweiht gewesen zu sein;
20060313             Moussaoui war einen —MONAT vor dem 20010911             festgenommen worden, —NACHDEM er an einer Pilotenschule im USA—BUNDESSTAAT MINNESOTA als verdächtig aufgefallen war.
20060313             Es ist der einzige Prozess in den USA wegen der Anschläge vom 20010911             — und er droht für die USA—REGIERUNG zum Desaster zu werden.
20060313             Der 37-jährige Franzose ist der bislang einzige Angeklagte in den USA, dem im Zusammenhang mit den Anschlägen vom 20060911             der Prozess gemacht wird.
20060313             Der einzige SCHÖNHEITSFEHLER—UND wohl der Grund dafür, dass —BIS—HEUTE kein solches Objekt von einem GROSSBRITANNIEN—BAHNSTEIG aus zu den Sternen geflogen IST—IST erschütternd simpel: —HEUTE wie damals gibt es den in der Patentschrift geschilderten Antrieb nicht.
20060313             Kurz gesagt sollten an einem Punkt unter dem Ufo Laserstrahlen so aufeinander treffen, dass in einem unter Hochdruck genau dorthin gespritzten Flüssigtreibstoff eine "kontrollierte thermonukleare Fusion" stattfindet.
20060313             "Das alles fußt auf einem Fusionsprozess, den es —BIS—HEUTE nicht gibt. Und selbst wenn es ihn gäbe, würde er eine unglaubliche Menge Energie benötigen", sagte Michel VAN Baal von der Europäischen Raumfahrtbehörde (Esa) der Londoner Zeitung "Daily Telegraph".
20060313             So würden die Staatskasse wahrscheinlich in erhebliche Finanznöte kommen, zumal auch 1—EXPLODIEREN—DER—GESUNDHEITSKOSTEN und der Sozialausgaben zu befürchten sei und ganze Industriezweige unterstützt werden müssten.
20060313             Urlaub in islamischen Ländern: Die Angst wächst
20060313             Urteil: Berufsverbot für linken Lehrer - >20200313             0
20060313             Bush: Locking Horns with Being 1—LOSER -- 1—BUZZFLASH—EDITORIAL
20060313             —NOW We Have Another COUNT—OF—IMPEACHMENT—AGAINST Bush, Racketeering: "Private equity firm THE—CARLYLE—GROUP established 1—TEAM to acquire PUBLIC—PURPOSE—FACILITIES such as ports —1—DAY—AFTER 1—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES—COMPANY said it would transfer newly acquired operations at USA—PORTS to A—USA—ORGANIZATION".
20060313             Organic FAIR—TRADE—GOURMET Chocolate Bars (1—VERY—DARK and 1—DARK—CHOCOLATE with Almonds): It's Fair Trade —MONDAY on BuzzFlash_com!
20060313             WILL—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—BLOW this Case and Provide another Glaring EXAMPLE—OF—BUSH—FAILED—WAR—ON 1—WORD?
20060313             SOLEDAD O'Brien. Idiot.
20060313             "Feingold brilliantly called her on her ignorance, telling her THE—RNC intimidated her, because that's the only way someone would think there is 1—SERIOUS—DEBATE about the legality of the [BUSH—NSA—SPYING] program".
20060313             Want to Sound Off in the BuzzFlash Mailbag, Click Here
20060313             —MISSED, In case you've, it, be sure to catch this report on SANDRA—DAY—O'CONNOR—BLASTING—OF—SOME—OF—OUR rightwingnut friends.
20060313             Permalink 20060313             20060313             You might want to look at this 20030500             post on KEITH—BOYKIN—BLOG.
20060313             THE—BODY—OF—THE—POST is interesting in its own right, but the 1. comment (by someone named "Xavier") packs quite 1—WALLOP -- especially if you are familiar with ALLEN—HISTORY as 1—VEHEMENT—GAY—BASHER: I happen to have gone to high school with both claude and his brother and upon READING the words he uttered concerning "queers" I find this very odd —WHEN in high school he was the "QUEEN—OF—THE—QUEERS" and it is very easy to verify.
20060313             —EXPLAINED, Ritter, that more people should be held accountable for supporting the current war in IRAQ than THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, including MEMBERS—OF—THE—CLINTON administration, congressmen, senators, THE—USA—MEDIA + THE—USA—PEOPLE.
20060313             Milosevic said doctors were killing him : THE—DEATH—OF—SLOBODAN—MILOSEVIC was shrouded in mystery and deepening controversy —ON—SUNDAY night as HOLLAND—PATHOLOGISTS examined his corpse and it emerged that he had claimed he was being slowly killed by doctors.
20060313             Bush Lite: Daschle Weighing WHITE—HOUSE—RUN in '08 : FORMER—SENATE—DEMOCRATIC—LEADER—TOM—DASCHLE, accusing THE—GOP of spreading 1—MESSAGE—OF—FEAR, says he is considering a 20080000             presidential bid.
20060313             Morally Bankrupt:
20060313             Republican contenders agree: LET—CUT spending : —FOR—2—DAYS—BEFORE 1—AUDIENCE—OF—SOUTHERN—REPUBLICANS here, the party's potential candidates for 20080000             called for cutting or slowing government spending across THE—BOARD and retooling bedrock entitlement PROGRAMS—MEDICARE, Medicaid and Social SECURITY—THAT have become 1—DRAIN on the Treasury.
20060313             3FOURTHS—OF—THE—CARGO ships in 1—SPECIAL fleet carrying vital supplies to USA—MILITARY—FORCES are owned by foreign companies, raising concerns about THE—LACK—OF—AMERICA OWNED vessels to help the Pentagon in 1—GLOBAL—CRISIS
20060313             Video: HARPER—MAGAZINE—PANEL on Case Bush Impeachment: HARPER—MAGAZINE hosts 1—PANEL "Is There 1—CASE for Impeachment?", discussing PRESIDENT—BUSH and his policies.
20060313             Forum speakers include LEWIS—H—LAPHAM, EDITOR—OF—HARPER—MAGAZINE;
20060313             MIKE—WHITNEY : BUSH—ROADBLOCK at the Security Council : Surveys were conducted months —BEFORE THE—WAR—ON—IRAQ which showed that THE—USA—PEOPLE would only support the conflict if there was 1—DANGER that Saddam was developing nuclear weapons.
20060313             —WHEN Army SERGEANT—MICHAEL—J—SMITH—FACES 1—COURT—MARTIAL—TODAY on charges that he used his military working dog to harass and threaten detainees, 1—OF—THE—PRIME—EXAMPLES—OF—THAT alleged misconduct will be 1—PHOTOGRAPH—OF—SMITH holding the dog —JUST inches from the face of 1—DETAINEE
20060313             CHRIS—FLOYD: Friendly Fire: Another Crack UK Soldier Quits the Illegal War : HERE—1—IMPORTANT—STORY that for SOME—STRANGE—REASON is not on the network news or splashed across the front PAGES—OF—AMERICA—LEADING newspapers:
20060313             MIKE—FERNER: 67—BILLION For Murderous Work : The killing will proceed as planned, with no congressional intervention, although chances are you heard absolutely zip about THE—67—BILLION Dollar Question, thanks to THE—GUARDIANS—OF—REALITY who insured the news from that hearing was THE—DUBAI—PORT deal, not the unimaginable sum of our money Congress voted for war, nor the voices raised against it.
20060313             —PROFITED, UK—COMPANIES, by at least £1.1bn out war in IRAQ : The company ROLL—CALL—OF—POST—WAR profiteers includes some of the best known names in BRITAIN—BOARDROOMS as well MANY—WHO would prefer to remain anonymous.
20060313             They come from private security services, banks, PR consultancies, urban planning consortiums, oil companies, architects offices and energy advisory bodies.
20060313             Troops from IRAQ suffer the 'VIETNAM effect' : UK—VETERANS—OF—THE—IRAQ war are suffering a "VIETNAM effect" —AFTER returning home to face 1—HOSTILE—PUBLIC, according to 1—OF—BRITAIN—FOREMOST experts on POST—TRAUMATIC—STRESS—DISORDER.
20060313             Resolution Relating To THE—CENSURE—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH: Whereas GEORGE—W—BUSH repeatedly misled the public..... Pdf format
20060313             THE—UK—RAG THE—ECONOMIST once again criticizes THE—USA—INDIA nuke deal for...
20060313             —PROVOKED, Zbigniew Brzezinski: How THE—USA, THE—SOVIET—UNION into invading AFGHANISTAN : It was 19790703             that PRESIDENT—CARTER signed the 1. directive for secret aid to THE—OPPONENTS—OF—THE—PRO—SOVIET—REGIME in KABUL.
20060313             Zbigniew Brzezinski: How THE—USA—PROVOKED—THE—SOVIET—UNION into invading AFGHANISTAN : It was 19790703             that PRESIDENT—CARTER signed the 1. directive for secret aid to THE—OPPONENTS—OF—THE—PRO—SOVIET—REGIME in KABUL.
20060313—19701200    —IM, Diese Idee des Erfinders CHARLES—OSMOND—FREDERICK ließ sich UK—RAIL gar patentieren.
20060313—19730300    —IM, Unter der Patentnummer 1310990 wurde es veröffentlicht.
20060313—19990000    —IN, NIGERIA, and official report said ethnic and religious fighting, land disputes and communal conflicts have driven more than 3—MILLION—NIGERIANS from their homes —SINCE the return to democracy.
20060313—20000000    —SINCE, MARIA—WILLIAMS writes "KurzweilAI_net reported that: —THIS—YEAR—RECIPIENTS of the Lifeboat Foundation GUARDIAN Award are ROBERT—A—FREITAS—JUNIORAND BILL—JOY, who have both been proposing solutions to the dangers of advanced technology. ROBERT—A—FREITAS, JUNIOR has pioneered nanomedicine and ANALYSIS—OF—SELF—REPLICATING nanotechnology. He advocates "1—IMMEDIATE—INTERNATIONAL—MORATORIUM, if not outright ban, on all artificial life experiments implemented as nonbiological hardware.
20060313—20010911    WEGEN DER ANSCHLÄGE VOM, Es ist der einzige Prozess in den USA—UND er droht für die USA—REGIERUNG zum Desaster zu werden.
20060313—20010911    USA—REGIERUNG droht schwere Schlappe im MOUSSAOUI—PROZESS
20060313—20030000    —IN, Koleilat made headlines in LEBANON and EUROPE in connection with questions about her role in the disappearance of $300—MILLION from the private Medina Bank where she worked.
20060313—20050000    —IN, This CASE—OF—THE—DISEASE, as well as 1—FROM TEXAS, was —LATER reported as atypical.
20060313—20060000    —DEFINED, In this context, 'artificial life' is, as autonomous foraging replicators, excluding purely biological implementations (already covered by NIH guidelines tacitly accepted worldwide) and also excluding software simulations which are essential preparatory work and should continue". BILL—JOY wrote "Why the future doesn't need us" in Wired 20000000             —IN and with GUARDIAN 20050000             Award winner RAY—KURZWEIL, he wrote the editorial "Recipe for Destruction" in THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES (reg. required) in which they argued against publishing the recipe for 19180000             —THE influenza virus., he helped launch a $200—MILLION—FUND directed at developing defenses against biological viruses".
20060313—20060312    Think Beyond Impeachment, Says FORMER—UNITED—NATIONS Weapons Inspector
20060313—20060314    Idiot.
20060313—20060314    IRAN and the utter INCOMPETENCE—OF—BUSH—WORLD -- THE—LAST—CHANCE—DEMOCRACY—CAFE by Steven C. —DAY
20060313—20060418    —ON, Events this night led to the arrest of 2—PLAYERS.
20060313—20060911    —AM, er selbst sollte nach eigener Aussage zwar nicht, jedoch zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt ein entführtes Passagierflugzeug in das Weiße Haus lenken.
20060313—20080000    —FÜR, die 1. Testwahl wurde dank eines cleveren Schachzugs McCains zum redundanten Schattenboxen.
20060313—20080000    —IN, ERICA—CAMPBELL writes "According to IsraCast, ISRAEL and FRANCE are working together on 1—NEW—MICRO—SATELLITE called VENUS, which is supposed to be far more advanced then present satellites. VENUS, which will be launched, will carry 1—UNIQUE—SUPER—SPECTRAL—SPACE—CAMERA + will have 1—ADVANCED—PLASMA—THRUSTER engine for propulsion.  'THE—ISRAELI—FRANCE—PROJECT will allow farmers to better treat their crops, fisherman to locate large QUANTITIES—OF—FISH in MID—SEA and will also vastly increase the ability of the scientific community to study and monitor the flora and fauna in MANY—AREAS—AROUND the globe.'"
20060313—20140000    —AUTHORED, WILLIAM—COHAN, "THE—PRICE—OF—SILENCE: THE—DUKE—LACROSSE—SCANDAL, THE—POWER—OF—THE—ELITE, and the Corruption of Our Great Universities".
20060418—20060313    —ON, 2—DUKE—UNIVERSITY lacrosse players were arrested on charges of raping and kidnapping 1—STRIPPER hired to dance at 1—OFF—CAMPUS—PARTY.
20060506—20060313    —ON, memorandum was transmitted to senior defense officials by Under SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE for Intelligence STEPHEN—A—CAMBONE.
20060916             Presseschau Kurdistan, 20031213—20031312 MAURICE—MERLIN in...
20070312—20070313    STOP! BuzzFlash Needs Your Financial Support.
20070313             —ADMITTED, ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES, mistakes in how the Justice Department handled the dismissal of 8—FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS but said he wouldn't resign.
20070313             ALASKA, LANCE—MACKEY won the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race, in —9—DAYS, —5—HOURS, —8—MINUTES.
20070313             NEW—MEXICO got an official state neckwear, a real Western icon, the bolo tie.
20070313             —REPORTED, THE—USA—MORTGAGE—BANKERS—ASSOCIATION, that 13—PERCENT—OF—SUBPRIME borrowers were behind in their payments.
20070313             —ESTIMATED, It was, that 13—PERCENT—OF—ALL—ADJUSTABLE—RATE—MORTGAGES originated 20040000—20060000    —BETWEEN and were headed for repossession in the next few years.
20070313             —FILED, Viacom, a $1—BILLION suit against YouTube and parent company Google, to stop the publication of Viacom videos without authorization.
20070313             —LAUNCHED, Environmental group Greenpeace, 1—FRESH—ATTACK on genetically modified maize developed by USA biotech giant Monsanto, saying that rats fed on 1—VERSION developed liver and kidney problems.
20070313             —REPORTED, Scientists, THE—DISCOVERY—OF—WHAT appear to be SEA—SIZE—BODIES—OF—LIQUID, probably methane or ethane, on the surface of Titan, SATURN—LARGEST—MOON, with 1—ABOUT as big as MONTANA.
20070313             —NAMED, Entrepreneur MARC—HODOSH, —34—JAHRE—ALT was, senior DIRECTOR—OF—THE—ARCHON—GENOMICS X Prize.
20070313             His job was to offer $10—MILLION to the 1. TEAM—OF—RESEARCHERS that can accurately map the genetic codes of 100—PEOPLE in —10—DAYS for 1—COST—OF $10,000 or less per genome.
20070313             —DRAGGED, BOSTON, RAYMOND—ECHAVARRIA, —23—JAHRE—ALT, his EX—GIRLFRIEND, Xiomara Rhodes (21) into 1—ELEVATOR in the office building where she worked and ignited 1 can of gasoline.
20070313             —TREATED, Investigators, the slaying as 1—MURDER—SUICIDE.
20070313             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER crossed the border from PAKISTAN into SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN and blew himself up in 1 crowded pedestrian area, killing 3—CIVILIANS and wounding 8.
20070313             —SIGNED, AUSTRALIA and JAPAN, 1—GROUNDBREAKING defense pact in TOKYO that the leaders of both countries stressed was not aimed at reining in CHINA, but the road ahead for a 2—WAY—TRADE—DEAL looked rougher.
20070313             —ANNOUNCED, BRAZIL, that it will build 1—WALL on 1—SMALL—PORTION—OF—ITS—BORDER with PARAGUAY in 1—EFFORT to combat contraband and smuggling.
20070313             CANADA said it had the highest population growth rate among G—8 industrialized nations 20010000—20060000    —BETWEEN, thanks to the arrival of 1.2—MILLION—IMMIGRANTS.
20070313             —SURRENDERED, COLOMBIA, Trino Luna, THE—GOVERNOR—OF—MAGDALENA province, to FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS, becoming the 1. opposition politician arrested as part of the widening scandal over links between the country's political elite and FAR—RIGHT—MILITIAS.
20070313             —FIRED, Some 20—LAWMAKERS, —LAST—WEEK by ECUADOR—TOP—ELECTORAL—COURT for allegedly interfering with plans for 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—REFERENDUM forced their way past DOZENS—OF—POLICE guarding Congress and took up their seats.
20070313             5—EUROPEANS, kidnapped in ETHIOPIA and held captive —FOR—13—DAYS, were released in good health in ERITREA.
20070313             8—ETHIOPIANS kidnapped with the group were still missing.
20070313             —REJECTED, FRANCE—HIGHEST—COURT, as unlawful the 1. marriage by 1—GAY—COUPLE in FRANCE, annulling the union of THE—2—MEN.
20070313             IRAQ—SHIITE—PRIME—MINISTER made 1—GROUNDBREAKING and unannounced visit to Ramadi, the Sunni insurgent stronghold in Anbar province.
20070313             1—ROADSIDE bomb hit 1—MINIBUS carrying Industry Ministry employees in NORTH—BAGHDAD, killing 2—WORKERS and wounding 6. In Suwayrah police dragged 2—BODIES out of Tigris River.
20070313             —SHOWED, The bodies, SIGNS—OF—TORTURE.
20070313             —STRAINED, Bush sought to soothe, ties by promising to prod Congress to overhaul tough USA—IMMIGRATION—POLICIES, but MEXICO—PRESIDENT—FELIPE—CALDERON criticized USA—PLANS for a 700-mile border fence.
20070313             —MARCHED, HUNDREDS—OF—DEMONSTRATORS, to THE—USA—EMBASSY in MEXICO—CITY, attacking riot police with concrete blocks, metal bars and tearing down barricades to protest BUSH—VISIT.
20070313             † 1—HAMAS military COMMANDER was killed in 1—SHOOTOUT with Fatah gunmen shortly —BEFORE the leaders of THE—2—GROUPS met to try to bridge their differences over 1—POWER—SHARING deal.
20070313             RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN and BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA met for THE—HIGHEST—LEVEL—KREMLIN—VATICAN talks in more than —3—YEARS, focusing on easing tension between ROMAN—CATHOLICS and Orthodox Christians and finding common ground in denouncing intolerance and extremism.
20070313             SERBIA, former customs CHIEF—MIHALJ—KERTES, 1—KEY—AIDE to late PRESIDENT—SLOBODAN—MILOSEVIC, was charged for allegedly siphoning off MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS—OF—STATE—MONEY.
20070313             SOMALIA—PRESIDENT came under mortar attack in his palace, hours —AFTER arriving for 1—RARE—VISIT to the increasingly violent capital, witnesses said.
20070313             † A —12—YEAR—OLD—BOY was killed and 3—OF—HIS—SIBLINGS were wounded in the shelling.
20070313             —RESIGNED, ALICE—AMAFO, SURINAME—YOUNGEST—EVER—CABINET—MEMBER, amid reports she used THOUSANDS—OF—DOLLARS in government funds to pay for her 30. birthday party.
20070313             VIETNAM—FORMER—DEPUTY—TRADE—MINISTER and his son went on trial for accepting bribes for quotas to export textiles to THE—USA, in 1—MAJOR—GRAFT—CASE with 14—DEFENDANTS.
20070313             1—ROADSIDE bomb hit 1—MINIBUS carrying Industry Ministry employees in NORTH—BAGHDAD, killing 2—WORKERS and wounding 6.
20070313             —DRAGGED, SUWAYRAH, police, 2—BODIES out of Tigris River.
20070313             —KILLED, KUT, gunmen, IBRAHIM—SASA, 1—INTERPRETER working for coalition troops.
20070313             JAMAICA, CRICKET—WORLD—CUP began with the 1. match between PAKISTAN and THE—WEST—INDIES.
20070313             —HOSTED, THE—ICC—CRICKET—WORLD—CUP was, by THE—WEST—INDIES 20070313—20070428    —FROM—TO.
20070313             Cheney says Congress ' ANTI—WAR efforts undermine troops in IRAQ:
20070313             Lashing out at lawmakers who profess to back the troops but oppose BUSH—PLANS in IRAQ,
20070313             CHENEY said proof of their commitment would come as they consider legislation to provide nearly $100—BILLION for THE—REST—OF—THIS—YEARÕS COSTS—OF—THE—WARS.
20070313             J ustice aide resigns over prosecutor firing:
20070313             1—TOP—AIDE to USA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES resigned over THE—FIRING—OF—USA—PROSECUTORS and GONZALES pledged —ON—TUESDAY to get to the bottom of 1—GROWING flap that has embarrassed THE—WHITE—HOUSE and prompted calls for him to step down
20070313             Anthrax attack on USA—CONGRESS made by scientists and covered up by FBI, expert says:
20070313             —PERPETRATED, The terrorists who, 20010000             —THE anthrax attack on CONGRESS likely were USA—GOVERNMENT—SCIENTISTS at the army's FORT.
20070313             Detrick, MD., bioterrorism lab having access to "moonsuits" that enabled them to safely process and manufacture SUPER—WEAPONS—GRADE anthrax,
20070313             1—EMINENT authority on the subject says.
20070313             Dow, Nasdaq fall on subprime lender woes:
20070313             —PLUNGED, Stocks, —TUESDAY, driving THE—DOW—JONES—INDUSTRIALS down more than 240—POINTS in their 2.-biggest DROP—OF—THE—YEAR as troubles piled up for subprime lenders.
20070313             Late mortgage payments reach high:
20070313             THE—IRANIAN—SYRIAN—USA—IRAQ—TALKS in BAGHDAD at the weekend MIGHT—AND it's 1—VERY flimsy "might" - be THE—BEGINNING—OF—AMERICA—ROAD—HOME from its disastrous invasion and occupation of Mesopotamia.
20070313             CONTINUE—IRAQ: Pulled Out Or Pushed Out-
20070313             Few Americans pay attention to IRAQ—POLITICS, but over the past few days something has occurred that could change THE—COURSE—OF—THE—WAR.
20070313             For the 1. time —SINCE THE—IRAQ—ELECTION—OF—20050000              ,
20070313             1—COALITION—OF—SUNNI and Shiite Arab parties and leaders is —STARTING to take shape, across the sectarian divide that has fueled THE—CIVIL—WAR.
20070313             ' CONTINUE—TOTAL—WITHDRAWAL? Who are you kidding?-
20070313             —VOTED, Though USA—LEGISLATORS, against appropriating funds for permanent bases in IRAQ,
20070313             —IGNORED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE and PENTAGON have, that prohibition by portraying the huge construction projects to be for temporary facilities tied to THE—ON—GOING conflict.
20070313             For the past —5—YEARS, THE—BUSH—REGIME has held people in secret prisons without warrants, charges, or access to 1—ATTORNEY.
20070313             —TORTURED, Most detainees have been, and abused.
20070313             Our society is in need of 1—POLITICAL and economic overhaul.
20070313             We need to align civic duty with genuine compassion, the desire to make 1—BETTER—WORLD.
20070313             - Our entire society needs to shift from 1—MATERIALISTIC, elitist theocracy living by outdated NORMS—OF—COLONIALISM to 1—TRULY progressive 1,
20070313             where the dignity of all, REGARDLESS—OF—NATIONALITY, is honoured.
20070313             1—UNITED—NATIONS committee has called on ISRAEL to allow PALESTINE—REFUGEES to return to their property and land in ISRAEL and to ensure that the bodies responsible for distributing property,
20070313             such as the Jewish National Fund, not discriminate against the Arab population.
20070313             CONTINUE—NETANYAHU and Meshal Forever-
20070313             Enough empty talk about "1—JEWISH—STATE". There is no such thing.
20070313             The fact that the Palestinians live under unequal conditions does not make them subjects of another entity.
20070313             —ON the contrary, the state's CONTROL—OF—THEIR—LIVES is immeasurably greater than its control over its Jewish citizens.
20070313             —TURNED, BUSH—TRIP to Latin AMERICA has, into another public relations disaster.
20070313             EVERY—TIME—AIRFORCE 1—TOUCHES down in 1—SOUTHERN—CAPITAL, the streets turn into battlegrounds between incensed protestors and FULLY—ARMORED,
20070313             TRUNCHEON—WIELDING ROBO—COPS.
20070313             At the same time, BUSH has to be whisked away in 1—ARMORED—PLATED limousine to 1—UNDISCLOSED—SPIDER—HOLE in the Andean outback.
20070313             CONTINUE—HUGO—CHAVEZ to GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH : Gringo Go Home-
20070313             We broadcast excerpts of CHAVEZ—STINGING attack on BUSH who was in URUGUAY, —JUST 30—MILES away across the River Plate.
20070313             CONTINUE—CHAVEZ underlines support for HAITI:
20070313             —VISITED, HUGO—CHAVEZ, VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT, has, HAITI as PART—OF—1—WIDER—LATIN—USA—TOUR, highlighting VENEZUELA—AID to the country.
20070313             Blix: BRITAIN Embellished IRAQ Dossiers:
20070313             —EMBELLISHED, THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—GOVERNMENT, intelligence used to justify the decision to invade IRAQ 20030000             ,
20070313             THE—FORMER—UNITED—NATIONS CHIEF weapons inspector said in 1—INTERVIEW—BROADCAST—MONDAY.
20070313             Nearly a 3. of veterans returning from IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN who received care from Veterans Affairs 20010000—20050000    —BETWEEN were diagnosed with mental health or psychosocial ills, 1—NEW—STUDY concludes.
20070313             WHITE—HOUSE trades new weapons to support IRAQ/AFGHANISTAN—OCCUPATION:
20070313             THE—WHITE—HOUSE—PLANS to shift $3.2—BILLION in defense spending -- partly from new weapons like the Lockheed MARTIN—CORP.
20070313             F—35—JOINT Strike Fighter -- to occupation in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN
20070313             War pimp alert: Petraeus says IRAN Arming Militants:
20070313             —RELEASED, The top USA—COMMANDER—IN—IRAQ said in 1—INTERVIEW, —MONDAY that it's "indisputable" IRAN is training and arming militants to fight against USA—LED troops in IRAQ.
20070313             USA and ISRAEL in UN WALK—OUT:
20070313             Dems sell out: Dems won't attempt to limit BUSH—AUTHORITY to attack IRAN:
20070313             —CONCERNED, Conservative Democrats as well as lawmakers, about the possible impact on ISRAEL had argued for the change in strategy.
20070313             Have they no shame? THE—AIPAC—CAUCUS
20070313             House Democrats REMOVE d language from 1—IRAQ supplemental bill that would have prevented PRESIDENT—BUSH from attacking IRAN without CONGRESS ional approval.
20070313             Pelosi hears boos at AIPAC:
20070313             War Protestors Camp Out At PELOSI—SF—HOME: They are calling it Camp Pelosi.
20070313             MEMBERS—OF—CODE—PINK are sleeping —JUST steps away from the speaker's front door,
20070313             ALL—OF—THEM hoping she will WAKE—UP this —MORNING and meet their demands.
20070313             IRAN 'EURO—BASED' oil bourse underway:
20070313             He also said the building which will house IRAN—1. oil exchange has been constructed on the Persian Gulf ISLAND—OF—KISH and that the required technical equipment has been installed.
20070313             It is impossible to deprive IRAN of nuclear energy:
20070313             JAPAN—FOREIGN—MINISTER—TARO—ASO said on TOKYO —ON—TUESDAY said that no country can deprive IRAN of using nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.
20070313             Putin acts to help BUSH : RUSSIA: MOSCOW Halts Fuel Shipments To TEHRAN:
20070313             RUSSIA—OFFICIALS have said that nuclear fuel will not be delivered to IRAN —THIS—MONTH as planned because of TEHRAN's alleged failure to make payments on THE—RUSSIAN—BUILT BUSH ehr nuclear power plant.
20070313             IRAN to RUSSIA: No further nuclear plant delays acceptable:
20070313             —WARNED, IRAN, RUSSIA in 1—OFFICIAL—STATEMENT—TUESDAY that no further delays in completing the nuclear power plant in SOUTH—IRAN would be accepted.
20070313             IRAN: No Reason To Suspend Uranium Enrichment Programme:
20070313             IRAN said —TUESDAY it was ready to negotiate over its uranium enrichment programme but it still saw no reason to suspend it,
20070313             in the face of the renewed THREAT—OF—TOUGHER—SANCTIONS by THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL
20070313             Missing IRAN—GENERAL'S—FAMILY—SUSPECTS—ISRAEL:
20070313             —DISAPPEARED, Family of, IRAN—FORMER—DEPUTY—DEFENSE—MINISTER who, from TURKEY —LAST—MONTH, visits TURKEY—EMBASSY in TEHRAN demanding information on his whereabouts.
20070313             ASGARI—WIFE rejects reports he defected to West,
20070313             smuggled family out of IRAN: 'We are here, those are our enemies lies'
20070313             EGYPT: Killing of 19670000             PRISONER—OF—WARS 1—WAR crime:
20070313             Suleiman Awwad, 1—SPOKESMAN for EGYPT—PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK said —ON—TUESDAY that ISRAEL committed 1—WAR—CRIME —DURING THE—6—DAY—WAR —FOLLOWING allegations that 1—ISRAEL—UNIT killed EGYPT—PRISONER—OF—WARS.
20070313             USA to pull out of IRAQ if surge fails:
20070313             —PHASED, THE—PENTAGON is preparing 1—PLAN for 1, PULLOUT—OF—USA—TROOPS from IRAQ in case the "surge" fails or is undercut by CONGRESS.
20070313             REPRESENTATIVE—PELOSI and the democratic leadership REMOVE d language from the Supplemental Appropriations bill which stated that no funds may be authorized for military OPERATION s in or related to IRAN unless specifically authorized by THE—CONGRESS.
20070313             We DO have 1—CHANCE to reverse this in committee, but we urgently need you to send action alerts to your constituents + make phone calls —TODAY AND TOMORROW (—TUESDAY,
20070313             + —WEDNESDAY, 20070314             ).
20070313             He tortured detainees for information he admits they rarely had.
20070313             —SINCE leaving IRAQ he's taken this story public, doing battle on national television against the war's architects for giving him the orders he regrets he obeyed.
20070313             Continue - —60—YEARS—OF—FAULTY—LOGIC
20070313             —60—YEARS—AGO—MONDAY, HARRY—TRUMAN went —BEFORE 1—JOINT—SESSION—OF—CONGRESS to announce what became known as THE—TRUMAN—DOCTRINE.
20070313             —INAUGURATED, With that, 1—ERA—OF—BIPOLARITY was, dividing the world between forces of good and evil.
20070313             ISRAEL—SUPPOSEDLY "defensive" ASSAULT—ON—HIZBULLAH last —SUMMER, in which more than 1,000 LEBANON—CIVILIANS were killed in 1—MASSIVE aerial bombardment that ended with ISRAEL littering the country's south with cluster bombs,
20070313             was cast in a definitively different light —LAST—WEEK by ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT.
20070313             CONTINUE—THE—GOY—WHO—CRIED—WOLF
20070313             —BY—SARAH—POSNER—THE—ISRAEL lobby gives AMERICA—LEADING "Christian" right warmonger 1—WARM—WELCOME.
20070313             CONTINUE—AL—MARTIN—RAW: Political, Economic & Financial Intelligence
20070313             What if 1—CRIMINAL—CABAL took over THE—USA—GOVERNMENT + used its OPERATION s for its own profit?
20070313             —BEFORE they stole THE—WHITE—HOUSE, THE—BUSH—CABAL was the... - THE—VILLAGE—VOICE: THE—BUSH—BEAT
20070313             insiders at the World Bank, outraged at THE—GOP—CABAL—WOLFIE is setting up
20070313             are operating what amounts to 1—SLUSH fund at STATE—MIDDLE—EAST bureau.
20070313             Operation Falcon and the Looming Police State " Is it over yet?
20070313             Gov't CABAL Plots NORTH—AMERICA—UNION (NAU) "
20070313             OPERATION FALCON : Blueprint for removing dissidents and political rivals...
20070313             PNAC.info " —4—YEARS—BEFORE 20010911             , plan was set
20070313             —AFTER being rebuffed —AFTER the marathon Defense Policy BOARD meetings,
20070313             THE—WOLFOWITZ—CABAL set various OPERATION s in motion to plant PROPAGANDA stories,
20070313             CREW wants the immediate appointment of 1—SPECIAL—PROSECUTOR to investigate potential criminal violations related to the recent dismissals of 8—USA—ATTORNEY s.
20070313             But he's —JUST going to end up deeper in the big muddy.
20070313             —COMMITTED, HE—ALREADY, perjury.
20070313             ATTORNEY—GENERAL—GONZALES—SHOULD—RESIGN or Be Remove d from Office -- and take the Godfather,
20070313             Cheney + Fredo, Bush, with you on the way out!
20070313             ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES said "mistakes were made" regarding the firing of 8—USA—ATTORNEY s,
20070313             but he didn't really take responsibility;
20070313             That's 1—START, but We Do Need 1—ATTORNEY To be Fired, or Would You Rather Resign, Alberto 3/14
20070313             THE—BUZZFLASH—MAILBAG -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
20070313             Martha Rosenberg: Kennedy Antibiotic BILL—MEETS 'Resistance' from Big Pharma -- A BuzzFlash Guest Contribution
20070313             Rules, Regulations, Responsibility + Regurgitation -- MISS—SMITH—GOES—TO—WASHINGTON
20070313             IRAQ Refugee Crisis Means More USA—TROOPS Staying and Dying BECAUSE—OF—BUSH—STUBBORNNESS -- 1—BUZZFLASH—NEWS—ANALYSIS
20070313             Sign Up and Protest.
20070313             BUSH was already on his way to 30% approval ratings by the
20070313             THE—NEOCON—WARHAWK—CABAL—FREEMASONRY in the Community —WEEK...
20070313             THE—CABAL—BEARS 1—DANGEROUS—RESEMBLANCE to the "secret parallel government" of NORTH + Gen.
20070313             RICHARD—SECORD 's "Project Democracy" OPERATION that ran
20070313             Operation ROCKINGHAM—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia,
20070313             And don?t forget that 1—OF—THE 8 fired prosecutors,
20070313             —FIRED, Bud CUMMINS—OF—ARKANSAS, was, to make room for 1—FORMER—ROVE aide TIM—GRIFFEN.
20070313             Treason Abounds ~
20070313             Cheney says Congress ' ANTI—WAR—EFFORTS undermine troops in IRAQ: Lashing out at lawmakers who profess to back the troops but oppose BUSH—PLANS in IRAQ, Cheney said proof of their commitment would come as they consider legislation to provide nearly $100—BILLION for THE—REST—OF—THIS—YEARÕS COSTS—OF—THE—WARS.
20070313             Anthrax attack on USA—CONGRESS made by scientists and covered up by FBI, expert says : The terrorists who perpetrated 20010000             —THE anthrax attack on Congress likely were USA—GOVERNMENT—SCIENTISTS at the army's FORT—DETRICK, MD., bioterrorism lab having access to "moonsuits" that enabled them to safely process and manufacture SUPER—WEAPONS—GRADE anthrax, 1—EMINENT authority on the subject says.
20070313             —PLUNGED, Dow, Nasdaq fall on subprime lender woes: Stocks, —TUESDAY, driving the Dow Jones industrials down more than 240—POINTS in their 2.—BIGGEST DROP—OF—THE—YEAR as troubles piled up for subprime lenders.
20070313             Late mortgage payments reach high: Late mortgage payments shot up to a 3 1/—2-YEAR high in the final QUARTER—OF—LAST—YEAR and new foreclosures surged to 1—RECORD—HIGH as borrowers with tarnished credit histories had trouble keeping up with their monthly payments.
20070313             IRAQ: Pulled Out Or Pushed Out
20070313             For the 1. time —SINCE THE—IRAQ—ELECTION—OF—20050000             , 1—COALITION—OF—SUNNI and Shiite Arab parties and leaders is —STARTING to take shape, across the sectarian divide that has fueled THE—CIVIL—WAR.
20070313             Total Withdrawal? Who are you kidding?
20070313             —VOTED, Though USA—LEGISLATORS, against appropriating funds for permanent bases in IRAQ, THE—WHITE—HOUSE and Pentagon have ignored that prohibition by portraying the huge construction projects to be for temporary facilities tied to THE—ON—GOING conflict.
20070313             THE—FUTURE—HAS—CAUGHT—UP—WITH—USA
20070313             BUSH—REAL—WORLD—VICTIMS suffer from more disorientation and hopelessness than KAFKA—CHARACTER, JOSEF—K
20070313             Killing THE—CONSTITUTION—IMPEACHMENT is not enough.
20070313             - Our entire society needs to shift from 1—MATERIALISTIC, elitist theocracy living by outdated NORMS—OF—COLONIALISM to 1—TRULY progressive 1, where the dignity of all, REGARDLESS—OF—NATIONALITY, is honoured.
20070313             UN committee: ISRAEL should let Palestinians return to their land
20070313             1—UNITED—NATIONS committee has called on ISRAEL to allow PALESTINE—REFUGEES to return to their property and land in ISRAEL and to ensure that the bodies responsible for distributing property, such as the Jewish National Fund, not discriminate against the Arab population.
20070313             Netanyahu and Meshal Forever
20070313             HUGO—CHAVEZ : "Bush Should Get THE—GOLD—MEDAL—FOR—HYPOCRISY"
20070313             EVERY—TIME—AIRFORCE 1—TOUCHES down in 1—SOUTHERN—CAPITAL, the streets turn into battlegrounds between incensed protestors and FULLY—ARMORED, TRUNCHEON—WIELDING ROBO—COPS.
20070313             HUGO—CHAVEZ to GEORGE—W—BUSH : Gringo Go HOME—AUDIO and Transcript
20070313             Chavez underlines support for HAITI : HUGO—CHAVEZ, VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT, has visited HAITI as PART—OF—1—WIDER—LATIN—USA—TOUR, highlighting VENEZUELA—AID to the country.
20070313             —EMBELLISHED, THE—UK—GOVERNMENT, intelligence used to justify the decision to invade IRAQ 20030000             , THE—FORMER—UNITED—NATIONS CHIEF weapons inspector said in 1—INTERVIEW—BROADCAST—MONDAY.
20070313             THE—WHITE—HOUSE—PLANS to shift $3.2—BILLION in defense spending -- partly from new weapons like the Lockheed MARTIN—CORP. F—35—JOINT—STRIKE—FIGHTER -- to occupation in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN
20070313             USA and ISRAEL in UN WALK—OUT : Israeli and USA—DELEGATIONS walked out of THE—UNITED—NATIONS' disarmament forum —TODAY—AFTER IRAN said ISRAEL was the "real source of nuclear danger in THE—MIDDLE—EAST" and had a "dark RECORD—OF—CRIMES".
20070313             Dems sell out: Dems won't attempt to limit BUSH—AUTHORITY to attack IRAN : Conservative Democrats as well as lawmakers concerned about the possible impact on ISRAEL had argued for the change in strategy.
20070313             Have they no shame?
20070313             —ADDRESSED, THE—AIPAC—CAUCUS—THE—NIGHT—BEFORE SPEAKER—OF—THE—HOUSE—NANCY Pelosi, THE—USA—ISRAEL—PUBLIC—AFFAIRS—COMMITTEE'S (AIPAC) annual conference, House Democrats remove d language from 1—IRAQ supplemental bill that would have prevented PRESIDENT—BUSH from attacking IRAN without Congress ional approval.
20070313             Pelosi hears boos at AIPAC : Members of the main PRO—ISRAEL lobbying group offered scattered boos to 1—STATEMENT by House Speaker NANCY Pelosi (D—CALIFORNIA) that THE—IRAQ war has been 1—FAILURE on several scores.
20070313             MEMBERS—OF—CODE—PINK are sleeping —JUST steps away from the speaker's front door, ALL—OF—THEM hoping she will WAKE—UP this —MORNING and meet their demands.
20070313             IRAN 'EURO—BASED' oil bourse underway: PRESIDENT—MAHMUD—AHMADINEJAD has directed IRAN—MINISTERS—OF—OIL, economic affairs and finance to appoint THE—BOARD—OF—DIRECTORS—OF—THE—OIL—EXCHANGE.
20070313             It is impossible to deprive IRAN of nuclear energy: JAPAN—FOREIGN—MINISTER—TARO—ASO said on TOKYO —ON—TUESDAY said that no country can deprive IRAN of using nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.
20070313             Putin acts to help Bush :
20070313             RUSSIA: MOSCOW Halts Fuel Shipments To TEHRAN : RUSSIA—OFFICIALS have said that nuclear fuel will not be delivered to IRAN —THIS—MONTH as planned because of TEHRAN's alleged failure to make payments on THE—RUSSIAN—BUILT Bush ehr nuclear power plant.
20070313             IRAN to RUSSIA: No further nuclear plant delays acceptable : IRAN warned RUSSIA in 1—OFFICIAL—STATEMENT—TUESDAY that no further delays in completing the nuclear power plant in SOUTH—IRAN would be accepted.
20070313             IRAN said —TUESDAY it was ready to negotiate over its uranium enrichment programme but it still saw no reason to suspend it, in the face of the renewed THREAT—OF—TOUGHER—SANCTIONS by THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL
20070313             —SMUGGLED, ASGARI—WIFE rejects reports he defected to West, family out of IRAN: 'We are here, those are our enemies lies'
20070313             EGYPT: Killing of 19670000             PRISONER—OF—WARS 1—WAR crime : Suleiman Awwad, 1—SPOKESMAN for EGYPT—PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK said —ON—TUESDAY that ISRAEL committed 1—WAR—CRIME —DURING THE—6—DAY—WAR —FOLLOWING allegations that 1—ISRAEL—UNIT killed EGYPT—PRISONER—OF—WARS.
20070313             USA to pull out of IRAQ if surge fails: THE—PENTAGON is preparing 1—PLAN for 1 phased PULLOUT—OF—USA—TROOPS from IRAQ in case the "surge" fails or is undercut by congress.
20070313             We DO have 1—CHANCE to reverse this in committee, but we urgently need you to send action alerts to your constituents + make phone calls —TODAY AND TOMORROW (—TUESDAY, 20070313             + —WEDNESDAY, 20070314             ).
20070313             —60—YEARS—OF—FAULTY—LOGIC
20070313             "At the present moment in world history, nearly EVERY—NATION must choose between alternative WAYS—OF—LIFE".
20070313             ISRAEL—SUPPOSEDLY "defensive" ASSAULT—ON—HIZBULLAH last —SUMMER, in which more than 1,000 LEBANON—CIVILIANS were killed in 1—MASSIVE aerial bombardment that ended with ISRAEL littering the country's south with cluster bombs, was cast in 1—DEFINITIVELY different light —LAST—WEEK by ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT.
20070313             THE—GOY—WHO—CRIED—WOLF—BY—SARAH—POSNER—THE—ISRAEL lobby gives AMERICA—LEADING "Christian" right warmonger 1—WARM—WELCOME.
20070313             AL—MARTIN—RAW: Political, Economic & Financial Intelligence What if 1—CRIMINAL—CABAL took over THE—USA—GOVERNMENT + used its operation s for its own profit?
20070313             insiders at the World Bank, outraged at THE—GOP cabal Wolfie is setting up... are operating what amounts to 1—SLUSH fund at STATE—MIDDLE—EAST bureau.
20070313             Gov't Cabal Plots NORTH—USA—UNION (NAU) "... Operation Falcon : Blueprint for removing dissidents and political rivals...
20070313             —AFTER being rebuffed —AFTER the marathon Defense Policy BOARD meetings, the Wolfowitz cabal set various operation s in motion to plant propaganda stories,
20070313             Latest Bush evik Fall Guy is GONZALES—CHIEF—OF—STAFF—AFTER—IT—WAS—REVEALED—WH—WAS—INTIMATELY—INVOLVED and Signed Off on Crass Political FIRINGS—OF—USA—ATTORNEY s. Gonzales tries to save his neck.
20070313             ATTORNEY—GENERAL—GONZALES—SHOULD—RESIGN or Be Remove d from Office -- and take the Godfather, Cheney + Fredo, Bush, with you on the way out!
20070313             ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES said "mistakes were made" regarding the firing of 8—USA—ATTORNEY s, but he didn't really take responsibility;
20070313             Right Wing Partisan JUDGE—LAURENCE—SILBERMAN -- Who Helped Strategize THE—IMPEACHMENT—OF—BILL—CLINTON—BEHIND—THE—SCENES—WHILE—RULING on Cases Related to Clinton -- Brings Home the Bacon for THE—NRA + Endangers Us All.
20070313             #—POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS : 6:44 AM—IF not for 20010911            .
20070313             The cabal bears 1—DANGEROUS—RESEMBLANCE to the "secret parallel government" of North + GENERAL—RICHARD—SECORD 's "Project Democracy" operation that ran...
20070313             —ADOPTED, THE—CRIMINAL "High Cabal " THE—AMERICAN "High Cabal ", criminality as their primary strategy —WHEN...
20070313             —BECAME, With the Nixon presidency, criminality, standard operating procedure.
20070313             'Wolfowitz Cabal' Is 1—ENEMY—WITHIN—USA RICHARD—SECORD 's "Project Democracy" operation that ran IRAN—CONTRA.
20070313             In fact, SOME—OF—THE—CABAL—MEMBERS—NOW in THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION are convicted...
20070313             Revealed: THE—SECRET—CABAL—WHICH—SPUN for Blair
20070313             —DESIGNED, BRITAIN ran 1—COVERT 'dirty tricks' operation, specifically to produce misleading...
20070313             washingtonpost_com: Stalled Venture In GAZA Shows ENRON—DARING... about 1—OF—PALESTINE—ELECTRIC—KEY—INVESTORS, SHEIK—MOHAMMED—IMRAN—BAMIEH...
20070313             Bamieh is 1—MAJOR shareholder in the Arab PALESTINE—INVESTMENT Co..
20070313             Bush Absorbing ENRON—AFGHANISTAN... - THE—CARLYLE—WHITE—HOUSE " Netscape_com
20070313             Osama used that Road extensively to equip the Mujahaden in their war against th Russians + has 1—LONG—TERM—AGREEMENT well lubricated by CIA bucks to look...
20070313             THE—BLOG | Sheldon Drobny: THE—WORST—POTUS | THE—HUFFINGTON—POST—WE especially honor RONALD—REAGAN, the man who armed SADDAM—HUSSEIN + THE—AFGHANISTAN—MUJAHADEN.
20070313             The truth be told, THE—USA has been responsible for a...
20070313             New Sayings of Jesus -- Page 1 -- TIME SOME—OF—THE—SAYINGS are WORD—FOR—WORD—VERSIONS—OF—MATERIAL in THE—4—CANONICAL...
20070313             What THE—CIA—LOST in the Libby Case.
20070313             —VINDICATED, The agency was, by his.
20070313             Murder by Injection, Chapter 10, THE—ROCKEFELLER—SYNDICATE—AFTER—HITLER came to power, JOHN—D—ROCKEFELLER assigned his personal press agent, Ivy Lee, to Hitler to serve as 1—FULL—TIME—ADVISER on the rearmament of...
20070313             CHAPTER 2: THE—EMPIRE—OF—I.G. Farben
20070313             Ivy Lee had previously undertaken 1—PUBLIC—RELATIONS—CAMPAIGN for the Rockefeller s, to spruce up the Rockefeller name among THE—USA—PUBLIC.
20070313             Mit dem Verfahren können Zähne dreidimensional erfasst werden, ohne sie zu zerstören.
20070313             Die Synchrotronbilder sind so präzise, dass sie auch die mikroskopisch kleinen Wachstumslinien im Zahngewebe enthüllen.
20070313             Die fossilen Zähne aus MAROKKO haben den gleichen Entwicklungsstand der Zähne eines ebenso alten —HEUTE lebenden Kindes.
20070313             —SCHON vor 160.—000—JAHREN dauerte die Kindheit der Menschen genauso lang wie —HEUTE.
20070313             Das folgern Tanya Smith und ihre Kollegen aus der Untersuchung eines Zahnes von einem achtjährigen Kind aus MAROKKO, das vor etwa 160.—000—JAHREN lebte.
20070313             Smith glaubt, dass die lange Kindheit ein entscheidender Vorteil in der Evolution war:
20070313             "Je schneller man aufwächst, umso weniger Zeit steht für das Lernen und für die ENTWICKLUNG—DES—GEHIRNS zur Verfügung", sagte sie im Gespräch mit SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20070313             Arten mit längerer Kindheit hätten die Möglichkeit, ein komplexeres Verhalten zu erlernen.
20070313             —PROVOZIERT, Homosexualität im Militär: USA—GENERALSTABSCHEF, SCHWULEN—STREIT
20070313             WELT—WALDBERICHT: Erde verlor Wälder von dreifacher Größe Deutschlands
20070313             RAF—DEBATTE: "CHRISTIAN—KLAR ist eine tragische Figur"
20070313             Vatikan: PAPA will Messe auf Latein zurück
20070313             UNO—PROGNOSE für 20500000             : Weltbevölkerung wächst und altert im Eiltempo
20070313             Interview zum KOMA—TRINKEN: "1—ART—WOHLSTANDSVERWAHRLOSUNG"
20070313             Jugendliche Kampftrinker: Flatrate für den Vollsuff
20070313             ALGERIEN: USA warnen vor Anschlag auf Passagiermaschine
20070313             Hinrichtungen: CHINA will öfter von Todesstrafe absehen
20070313             Brennerstudie: Jeder 2. ist 1—RAUBKOPIERER
20070313             COPYRIGHT—PROZESS: Viacom verklagt YouTube auf 1—MILLIARDE—DOLLAR
20070313             Vergiftungssymptome bei Ratten: Genmais angeblich nicht unbedenklich
20070313             Zoll schlägt Alarm: Mehr Drogen, mehr Plagiate, mehr Schwarzarbeit
20070313             RUSSLAND: Putin entlässt unbequemen Wahlleiter
20070313             Geständnisse im SIEMENS—PROZESS: SCHMIERGELD—ZAHLUNGEN waren gängige Praxis
20070313             Insektenalarm: Terrorameisen piesacken friedliebende Mönche
20070313             Boom 20070000             : DEUTSCHLAND—WIRTSCHAFT wird Europas WACHSTUMS—LOKOMOTIVE
20070313             Teilverkauf der HHLA: HAMBURG bringt seinen Hafen an die Börse
20070313             Speichertechnik: Flash schlägt Festplatte
20070313             —EXISTIERT, Evolution des Menschen: Lange Kindheit, —SEIT 160.—000—JAHREN
20070313             Bundeswehr: Struck rechnet mit Einsatz in Darfur
20070313             AFGHANISTAN und IRAK: Zehntausende USA—HEIMKEHRER psychisch erkrankt
20070313             Kalifornische Hitze: Bush senior erlitt Schwächeanfall beim Golfen
20070313             Dickes Ertragsplus: Bundesbank überweist Milliardengewinn an Steinbrück
20070313             KORRUPTIONS—PROZESS: SIEMENS—MITARBEITER legt Geständnis ab
20070313             HIGHLY, Unusual Move, WHITE—HOUSE—ACTUALLY Admits To Something: "WHITE—HOUSE says Rove relayed complaints about prosecutors".
20070313             WILL—PROSECUTORGATE—FINALLY -- At Last -- be ROVE—UNDOING?
20070313             —NOW Bush is Directly Implicated in ProsecutorGate, According to 1—WHITE—HOUSE—SPOKESMAN: "Perino also acknowledged —MONDAY that complaints about the job PERFORMANCE—OF—PROSECUTORS occasionally came to THE—WHITE—HOUSE and were passed on to the Justice Department,perhaps including SOME—INFORMALLY from PRESIDENT—BUSH to Gonzales ".
20070313             Bush eviks Want to Starve Iraqis: Staffers in the embassy's economic section called COMMERCE—PLAN to end the rations a "zombie idea".
20070313             "It was 1—OF—THOSE bad ideas that you think is dead, but it keeps coming up every 9 to —12—MONTHS," the embassy official said.
20070313             "And EACH—TIME it comes up, the plan gets worse".
20070313             Gonzales and Others Committed Perjury: Firings Had Genesis in WHITE—HOUSE 3/13
20070313             "We —NOW know that Gonzales, McNulty and Moschella each lied to Congress. We know that the purge was 1—PLAN that began at THE—WHITE—HOUSE -- and it was overseen by 2—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH—CLOSEST lieutenants in WASHINGTON -- Miers and Gonzales. Sampson is the 2. resignation. There will certainly be more".
20070313             -- and GOP SENATOR—PETE—DOMENICI is in deep, deep trouble over ProsecutorGate.
20070313             1—VETO would be the the kind of brazen move that could even put Republicans over the edge.
20070313             As Republican SENATOR—CHUCK—HAGEL says in the forthcoming issue of Esquire, Bush may think "[h]e's not accountable anymore, which isn't totally true. You can impeach him + —BEFORE this is over, you might see calls for his impeachment. I don't know. It depends how this goes".
20070313             SENATOR—CHARLES—E—SCHUMER, DEMOCRAT—OF—NEW—YORK, said he would seek 1—SUBPOENA for MISTER—ROVE ?s testimony if he did not appear voluntarily.
20070313             REPRESENTATIVE—WAXMAN—DEMANDS—CONDI—RICE—FINALLY—ANSWER—QUESTIONS over IRAQ Lies: 11 Ignored Letters over —4—YEARS -- A BuzzFlash News Alert
20070313             Red Alert: Waxman may hold hearings on shock Halliburton relocation to DUBAI -- TIME asks if company is dodging subpoena s. What are the odds Dick Cheney had 1—HAND in this in order to keep Halliburton far away from Congress ional investigations?
20070313             The odds are pretty good.
20070313             Wahrnehmung von Menschen: Der Hüftschwung macht attraktiv
20070313             Siehe auch - [Bearbeiten] - Antibolschewistische LIGA—TAT—KREIS - Konservative Revolution
20070313             Hamburger NATIONALKLUB—MITGLIEDER—DES—HERRENKLUBS - [Bearbeiten]
20070313             MAX—BRAUWEILER - (Geschäftsführer der Vereinigung der DEUTSCHLAND—ARBEITGEBERVERBÄNDE) - ALEXANDER—RINGLEB
20070313             Freiherr von GAYL—MAX—HILDEBERT—BOEHM - HANS—GRIMM—HANS—BLÜHER
20070313             DEUTSCHLAND—HERRENKLUB aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie Wechseln zu: Navigation, Suche
20070313             Der "DEUTSCHLAND—HERRENKLUB" (DHK) war 1—INTERESSENVEREINIGUNG—VON—GROßGRUNDBESITZERN, Großindustriellen, Bankiers und hohen Ministerialbeamten.
20070313             Treibhausgase: GROSSBRITANNIEN prescht beim Klimaschutz vor
20070313             LATEINAMERIKA—REISE: Reinigungsritual nach BUSH—BESUCH
20070313             Studentenkrawalle: Straßenschlachten an der Akropolis
20070313             "KOMA—SAUFEN": Politiker fordern Alkoholverbot für Jugendliche
20070313             Bleiberecht: Große Koalition einigt sich auf "Aufenthalt auf Probe"
20070313             Neues VIOXX—URTEIL: Merck muss rund 48—MILLIONEN Dollar zahlen
20070313             Nuclear CHIEF warns over N KOREA THE—UN—NUCLEAR—CHIEF—SAYS—THE—DISMANTLING—OF—NORTH—KOREA—NUCLEAR—PROGRAMME will be a "complex process".
20070313             'Thousands riot' in CHINA protest As many as 20,000 rural workers in CENTRAL—CHINA reportedly clash with police in 1—LARGE—SCALE—PROTEST.
20070313             Syria urges broader USA—DIALOGUE—SYRIA calls for a "serious dialogue" with THE—USA as the most senior USA—OFFICIAL in —2—YEARS—VISITS—DAMASCUS.
20070313             —SUSPENDED, New —CENTURY shares, Shares in USA—MORTGAGE—LENDER—NEW—CENTURY are suspended amid fears the group may be close to bankruptcy.
20070313             Merck loses key USA Vioxx lawsuit USA—DRUGS—GIANT—MERCK is to be fined 1—INITIAL $20m in —AFTER losing 1—CASE brought by 1—USER—OF—ITS—VIOXX painkiller.
20070313             Brown to target climate change GORDON—BROWN will try to seize back the green agenda from the Tories by urging action to tackle climate change.
20070313             Government Sites Fail FOIA Rules 1—STUDY shows 79—PERCENT—OF—FEDERAL—AGENCIES are violating 1—FREEDOM—OF—INFORMATION—ACT—AMENDMENT requiring they post records online and help citizens request info over THE—INTERNET.
20070313             In 27B Stroke 6. Plus: States' secrecy penalties.
20070313             No Reprieve for Jailed Blogger 1—APPEALS—COURT upholds 1—EGYPT—MAN—4—YEAR—PRISON—SENTENCE for insulting Islam and the country's PRESIDENT.
20070313             —BY the Associated Press.
20070313             —ORDERED, Legal expert: PRESIDENT—BUSH may have, torture:
20070313             "The administration has been almost pathological in trying to find ways to keep these people from ever seeing 1—REAL—JUDGE or 1—REAL—LAWYER," JOHN—TURLEY, 1—LAW—PROFESSOR at GEORGE—WASHINGTON—UNIVERSITY, told the Associated Press, "and the reasons are obvious".
20070313             1—PSYCHIATRIST—ANALYSIS—OF—GEORGE—W—BUSH : I have adistinct clinical impression that I think explains MUCH—OF—MISTER—BUSH—VISIBLE pathology.
20070313             1. and foremost, GEORGE—W—BUSH has 1—NARCISSISTIC—PERSONALITY—DISORDER.
20070313             GEORGE—MCGOVERN to Cheney : Resign:
20070313             "What we have learned about how he has conducted himself leaves no doubt that he should be OUT—OF—OFFICE," McGovern says of Cheney.
20070313             "If he had ANY—RESPECT for the Constitution or the country, he would resign".
20070313             Crisis Looms in Market for Mortgages : Hanging in the balance is the nation's housing market, which has been 1—BIG—DRIVER—OF—THE—ECONOMY.
20070313             Fewer lenders means MANY—POTENTIAL homebuyers will find it more difficult to get credit, —WHILE HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—HOMES will go up for sale as borrowers default, further swamping 1 stalled market.
20070313             Loan turmoil closes doors for buyers : SHARON—LEWIS is facing a 50% hike in the payment on her ADJUSTABLE—RATE—MORTGAGE—NEXT—MONTH.
20070313             CHINA may sell USA—BONDS:
20070313             In 1—MOVE that speaks to CHINA—GROWING significance in the global economy, its government said —FRIDAY it will look for more aggressive ways to invest
20070313             —TRIED, Feds, to cut aid : FEDERAL—OFFICIALS secretly schemed to limit payouts for sick + dying nuclear weapons workers, including thousands from the Rocky Flats plant outside DENVER, newly released documents show.
20070313             Salim Lone: The last thing we need:
20070313             The new USA—COMMAND for AFRICA will militarise the continent and inflame 1—STRING of regional conflicts
20070313             1—NETWORK—OF—THE—USA—SECRET—PRISONS in AFRICA: According Le Monde newspaper that THE—USA started 1—REGIONAL—NETWORK—OF—USA secret prisons in EAST—AFRICA VIOLATING INTERNATIONAL law.
20070313             Democrats call for resignation of Gonzales :
20070313             Foreclosures May Hit 1.5—MILLION in USA—HOUSING Bust: Hold on to your assets.
20070313             The deepest housing decline in —16—YEARS is about to get worse.
20070313             USA—MORTGAGE—LENDER loses credit, sparking fallout fears : 1—MAJOR—PLAYER in THE—HIGH—RISK—SEGMENT—OF—THE—USA—MORTGAGE—MARKET said —MONDAY its credit was being cut off, prompting renewed concerns about fallout into the overall financial system.
20070313             Climate Report WARNS—OF—DROUGHT, Diseas e: The harmful effects of global warming on daily life are already showing up + within 1—COUPLE—OF—DECADES—HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE won't have enough water, top scientists will say —NEXT—MONTH at 1—MEETING in BELGIUM.
20070313             THE—DRUGGING of our Children : Video documentary: MANY—SCHOOL—SYSTEMS actually work with government agencies to force parents to drug their children, threatening those who refuse with the prospect of having their children taken from the home unless they cooperate.
20070313             BELAFONTE—FIRES—UNDIMMED at 80 -
20070313             1 must listen audio INTERVIEW—WITH—HARRY—BELAFONTE -
20070313             He dismisses the appointment of Condoleezza Rice and —BEFORE her, COLIN—POWELL, to positions of genuine power in GEORGE W BUSH—ADMINISTRATION.
20070313             —DESCRIBED, He has, them as "house slaves" + doesn't feel their presence has helped his cause in ANY—WAY.
20070313             Why LIBBY—PARDON—IS 1—SLAM—DUNK—BY FRANK—RICH—EVEN by WASHINGTON—STANDARDS, few debates have been more fatuous or wasted more energy than the frenzied speculation over whether PRESIDENT—BUSH will or will not pardon Scooter Libby.
20070313             Of course he will. Continue
20070313             —PLOTTED, Blair aides '' to foil police : THE—SUNDAY—TIMES can reveal details of the alleged plot that TONY—BLAIR—INNER—CIRCLE hatched to subvert the police inquiry into the cash for honours scandal.
20070313             Cheney : IRAQ withdrawal may harm ISRAEL : Cheney said that 1—POSSIBLE—WITHDRAWAL—OF—USA—FORCES from IRAQ —BEFORE goals for 1—STABLE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT were completed could damage ISRAEL.
20070313             Cheney says USA 'unflinching' on ISRAEL :
20070313             THE—USA—VICE—PRESIDENT said support for ISRAEL is unflinching and steadfast in 1—SPEECH to THE—USA—ISRAEL—PUBLIC—AFFAIRS—COMMITTEE—POLICY—CONFERENCE
20070313             USA dismisses IRAN—LEADER—UN overture, presses on with sanctions : THE—USA dismissed —ON—MONDAY 1—BID by IRAN—HARDLINE PRESIDENT to defend TEHRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM at THE—UNITED—NATIONS, instead pressing ahead with efforts to impose more sanctions on the Islamic Republic.
20070313             Decoding Bush : 'IRAN, you're next?
20070313             1 noted neocon and unabashed war hawk, RICHARD—PERLE told 1—JOURNALIST that 1—SHORT—MESSAGE could be delivered to other hostile regimes in THE—MIDDLE—EAST, 'You're next.'
20070313             SAM—GARDINER: Game of Strategic Chicken : WHAT—BEHIND the surge on IRAN?
20070313             We are repeatedly told the Administration has no plans for 1—STRIKE on IRAN.
20070313             The forces, the message and the justification are being put in place.
20070313             These moves point to 1—ATTACK, but it is more like 1—GAME—OF—STRATEGIC—CHICKEN.
20070313             New IRAN military strike warning : ISRAEL—SUPPORT for military action against IRAN—NUCLEAR—AMBITIONS is dangerously misguided, 1—NEW—REPORT argues —TODAY.
20070313             —KIDNAPPED, Missing IRAN—OFFICIAL was : relatives : The relatives of 1—IRANIAN—EX—DEPUTY—DEFENSE—MINISTER who went missing in TURKEY accused IRAN—ARCH enemies THE—USA—AND—ISRAEL of kidnapping him, state radio reported —ON—MONDAY.
20070313             —POSTPONED, IRAN nuclear plant launch, : RUSSIA will also not deliver nuclear fuel as planned —THIS—MONTH to IRAN—BUSH ehr power station due to delays in payment, Irina Yesipova, 1—SPOKESWOMAN for Atomstroiexport, said —ON—MONDAY.
20070313             Pepe Escobar : The fall guy in IRAQ : As Lewis "Scooter" Libby was the fall guy in WASHINGTON, Premier Nuri AL—MALIKI will be the fall guy in BAGHDAD.
20070313             —HELPED, UK: Foreign Office, set up IRAQ—OIL—DEALS : THE—UK—GOVERNMENT intervened to help UK and USA—ENERGY—GIANTS in their attempts to secure lucrative contracts to exploit IRAQ's ruined oilfields.
20070313             Halliburton plans move to DUBAI : Halliburton, the oil services company formerly headed by USA—VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY, is moving its headquarters from TEXAS to DUBAI.
20070313             Leahy On Halliburton Move:
20070313             'This Is 1—INSULT—TO—THE—USA—SOLDIERS—AND—TAXPAYERS': House Government Oversight Chairman HENRY—WAXMAN (D—CA) said he will soon hold 1—HEARING on the matter to "understand the ramifications for THE—USA—TAXPAYER and national security".
20070313             IRAQ Talks Could Pave Road Home for AMERICA -
20070313             ROBERT—PARRY: "Over the next few weeks, the congress ional Democratic majorities must decide how scared they still ARE—OF—GEORGE—W—BUSH and his RIGHT—WING attack machine. Or put differently, can 1—WEAKENED—PRESIDENT still intimidate Democrats by questioning their patriotism or doubting their support for the troops?"
20070313             It's That Simple.
20070313             Build the Alternative to the Corporate Press With Your Dollars.
20070313             Entrant #247 into 20080000             —THE—PRESIDENTIAL—RACE -- REPRESENTATIVE—RON—PAUL (R—TX), best known for saying "No" to 1—LOT—OF—THINGS
20070313             "—WHEN MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS pursue 1—ANTI—WAR—STRATEGY that's been called 'slow bleeding,' they are not supporting the troops, they are undermining them," Cheney said in 1—SPEECH to THE—USA—ISRAEL—PUBLIC—AFFAIRS—COMMITTEE;
20070313             No, Cheney, Congress Cares More about Them Than You Do 3/13
20070313             —FORCED, Another 1—BITES the Dust: Army surgeon general, to retire.
20070313             How come everyone is responsible except for Cheney and Bush ?
20070313             SENATOR—CHUCK—HAGEL (R—NE) Has Made 1—DECISION ?
20070313             He Decided That He Isn't Going to Decide Right —NOW Whether He Is Running for PRESIDENT + He May Still Decide to Decide to Run —LATER—THIS—YEAR 3/13
20070313             —INTENDED, Bush evism Fails Us Yet Again: 1—NEW—FEDERAL—RULE, to keep illegal immigrants from receiving Medicaid has instead shut out TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—USA—CITIZENS who have had difficulty complying with requirements to show birth certificates and other documents proving their citizenship
20070313             Vote fraud, "voter registration fraud," and the purge Odd, isn't it, how the current scandal over purged USA—ATTORNEY s has merged with the election fraud controversy?
20070313             The best blog coverage comes, of course, from BRAD—FRIEDMAN and JOSH—MARSHALL.
20070313             —NOW we learn that this thing goes up to STATE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY—DIRECTOR—ALLEN—WEH + from there to -- you guessed it! -- KARL—ROVE: Permalink
20070313             And don?t forget that 1—OF—THE 8 fired prosecutors, Bud Cummins of ARKANSAS, was fired to make room for 1—FORMER—ROVE aide TIM—GRIFFEN.
20070313             Mit dem USA—KONZERN Parexel (Jahresgewinn: über 150—MILLIONEN Euro)... Außerdem sollen die PAREXEL—ÄRZTE ihre eigenen Unterlagen nicht...
20070313             TEGENERO—SKANDAL : Alptraum per INJEKTION—WISSENSCHAFT—STERN.de
20070313             Mit dem USA—KONZERN Parexel (Jahresgewinn: über 150—MILLIONEN Euro), unter dessen KONTROLLE—DER—VERSUCH stattfand, streiten sich die Opferanwälte —BIS—HEUTE...
20070313             BUT—EHRENMITGLIED) - Schwerindustrieller) - Treason Abounds ~
20070313—20010000    —SUMMER—OF, Bush was already on his way to 30% approval ratings by the.
20070313—20060000    —LAUNCHED, The competition was, —YEAR by the nonprofit X Prize Foundation of Santa MONICA—CALIFORNIA, which also has sponsored races to build commercial spacecraft and FUEL—EFFICIENT—CARS.
20070313—20070312    IRAQ Talks Could Pave Road Home for AMERICA-
20070313—20070313    —FROM, THE—ICC—CRICKET—WORLD—CUP was hosted by THE—WEST—INDIES to 20070428            .
20070325             [20070313             ]
20070325             [20070313             ] - [20070315             ] - [20070313             ]
20070327—20070313    —ON, 1—TRAIL against 2—MANAGERS had begun, for USE—OF—FUNDS to smooth contracts with ITALY—UTILITY, Enel.
20070621—20070313    —AM, So kam im Innenausschuss heraus, dass die offizielle Anfrage auf Amtshilfe beim Verteidigungsministerium —SCHON gestellt wurde.
20070624—20140313    —ON, The pieces will be presented in an 8—SPEAKER—SYSTEM th and 15. 20080000             in Centre de Cultura Contemporània de BARCELONA.
20070713             Only the British and the Special Operations forces had been fighting... nevadathunder_com/?m=20060313             20070713             Only the British and the Special Operations forces had been fighting... nevadathunder.com/?m=20060313             20070713             FIREDOGLAKE—FIREDOGLAKE weblog " BUSH—FAVORITE—DEMOCRAT—WOWS...
20070713—20070713    —SEIT, Only the British and the Special Operations forces had been fighting... nevadathunder_com/?m=20060313             seinem Ausscheiden aus dem Amt 20070627             —AM müsse sein Fahrer vor roten Ampeln anhalten, was ihn wiederholt überrascht habe.
20080218—20080313    —ON, police confirmed murder charges against local barman Samson D'Souza (29) and Placido Carvalho, 1 alleged drugs dealer working the beaches of THE—FORMER—PORTUGAL—COLONY.
20080220             Als neue Fälligkeitstermine für die Rückzahlung der Kredite hat KKR —NUN den 20080303             . und den 20080313             . vereinbart.
20080220             —GEFUNDEN, In der Presse, 20080200             20080220             Als neue Fälligkeitstermine für die Rückzahlung der Kredite hat KKR —NUN den 20080303             . und den 20080313             . vereinbart.
20080313             1. die Marke von 1.000—USA—DOLLAR—PRO—UNZE—FEINGOLD—, ÜBERSCHREITET, Der im Aufwind befindliche GOLD—PREIS, im Handel an der NEW—YORK—MERCANTILE Exchange.
20080313             estamos observando, afirma ROBERT—STICKGOLD, professor adjunto de psiquiatria da Harvard Medical
20080313             A meu ver, os latidos dos cães noticiados através dos depoimentos... limitativas do direito de vizinhança, conforme autoriza a Lei 4591/64. omacondominios.wordpress_com/ 20080313             /CAES—EM—APARTAMENTO/
20080313             Animais pequenos não causam incômodo à coletividade
20080313             A meu ver, os latidos dos cães noticiados através dos depoimentos das testemunhas ouvidas neste processo não são capazes de causar transtornos ao cotidiano...
20080313             —RALLIED, USA—GOLD—FUTURES, to 1—RECORD—HIGH—OF $1,000 1—OUNCE, fueled by 1—COMBINATION—OF—1—WEAKENING dollar, strong investment demand and inflation fears due to rising crude oil prices.
20080313             ORLANDO—SENATOR—GARY—SIPLIN, 1—DEMOCRAT, has said the fashion statement has 1—BACK—STORY -- it was made popular by rap artists —AFTER 1. appearing among prison inmates as 1—SIGNAL they were looking for sex.
20080313             AOL said it will acquire Bebo, 1—SOCIAL—WEB—SITE, for $850—MILLION.
20080313             AFGHANISTAN, 1—REMOTE—CONTROLLED bomb hit 1—POLICE—VEHICLE in Saydabad DISTRICT—OF—WARDAK province, killing 1—POLICEMAN and wounding 4—OTHERS.
20080313             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER in KABUL targeting USA—TROOPS killed 6—AFGHANISTAN—CIVILIANS.
20080313             —VOTED, CANADA—PARLIAMENT, to extend its mission in AFGHANISTAN to 20110000             , provided NATO—SUPPLIES—MORE—TROOPS and equipment to back up its forces in the volatile south.
20080313             —ACCUSED, CHAD, SUDAN of sending ANTI—GOVERNMENT—REBELS across their border into its TERRITORY—AS—INTERNATIONAL—MEDIATORS struggled to broker 1—FRESH—PEACE—ACCORD between THE—2—NEIGHBORS.
20080313             —SIGNED, The presidents of CHAD and SUDAN, 1—NON—AGGRESSION—PACT, vowing not to support rebel attacks against EACH—OTHER, many of which were launched from troubled Darfur.
20080313             —AGREED, CHILE said it has, to receive 117—PALESTINE refugees from IRAQ who have spent months living in tents along the desert border with Syria.
20080313             —BURIED, CHINA, 1—AVALANCHE, 12—WORKERS at 1—MOUNTAINOUS—CONSTRUCTION—SITE for 1—PIPELINE in the far northwest.
20080313             1—HUMAN—RIGHTS—GROUP said CHINA—SALES—OF—ASSAULT—RIFLES and other small arms to its ally SUDAN have grown rapidly —DURING the Darfur conflict despite 1—UN—ARMS—EMBARGO.
20080313             1—DEPLOYMENT—OF—100—SUDAN—SOLDIERS arrived in COMOROS, ahead of 1—LIKELY—AFRICA—UNION—BACKED operation against the rebel ISLAND—OF—ANJOUAN.
20080313             —DECLARED, CUBA and MEXICO, their ONCE—CHILLY relations fully restored, and CUBA—FOREIGN—MINISTER said he will soon deliver 1—FORMAL—INVITATION for MEXICO—PRESIDENT to visit THE—ISLAND.
20080313             EGYPT, 1—MUSLIM—BROTHERHOOD leader said more than 90—PERCENT—OF—EGYPT—ISLAMIST—CANDIDATES have been prevented from registering —FOR—APRIL local elections due to 1—CRACKDOWN by the regime and 1—CAMPAIGN—OF—OBSTRUCTION.
20080313             ETHIOPIA, 1—BUS hit 1—LANDMINE—NEAR the disputed ETHIOPIAN—ERITREA—BORDER, killing at least 8—PEOPLE and wounding 27—OTHERS.
20080313             —VOWED, Volkswagen, the biggest European car maker, to become "the best auto manufacturer in the world" and welcomed 1—LOOMING takeover by luxury sports car maker Porsche.
20080313             —ARRESTED, INDIA—POLICE, 100—TIBETAN exiles trying to walk to their homeland as PART—OF—1—MAJOR—PROTEST—AHEAD—OF—THE—BEIJING—OLYMPICS, although the demonstrators vowed the march would go on.
20080313             1 parked car bomb exploded in 1—COMMERCIAL—DISTRICT—OF—CENTRAL—BAGHDAD, killing 18—PEOPLE and wounding 57. 5—MEMBERS—OF—1—AWAKENING—COUNCIL were killed —WHEN gunmen attacked 2—SEPARATE—CHECKPOINTS—NEAR—TIKRIT.
20080313             1—FEMALE—SUICIDE—BOMBER attacked 1—AWAKENING—COUNCIL gathering in the village of Zab outside KIRKUK and 3—PEOPLE were killed with 7—OTHERS wounded.
20080313             —FIRED, The militant Islamic Jihad group in GAZA, more than 12—ROCKETS at SOUTH—ISRAEL—AFTER—ISRAEL—UNDERCOVER forces killed 1—OF—ITS—WEST—BANK—LEADERS, shattering 1—RECENT lull in GAZA fighting.
20080313             CENTRAL—MEXICO, 6—PEOPLE were shot and killed inside 1—PRIVATE—LAW—OFFICE—IN—GUADALAJARA.
20080313             —VOTED, THE—HOLLAND—PARLIAMENT, unanimously to outlaw bestiality and pornography involving animals.
20080313             —PROTESTED, PAKISTAN, more than 1,000 tribesmen, against the killing of 8—CIVILIANS by PAKISTAN—FORCES—THIS—WEEK in the lawless Bajaur tribal region.
20080313             —PASSED, THE—FLORIDA—SENATE, 1—BILL that could mean suspensions for students with droopy britches.
20080313             1 parked car bomb exploded in 1—COMMERCIAL—DISTRICT—OF—CENTRAL—BAGHDAD, killing 18—PEOPLE and wounding 57.
20080313             5—MEMBERS—OF—1—AWAKENING—COUNCIL were killed —WHEN gunmen attacked 2—SEPARATE—CHECKPOINTS—NEAR—TIKRIT.
20080313             estamos observando, afirma ROBERT—STICKGOLD,
20080313             professor adjunto de psiquiatria da Harvard Medical
20080313             — 1—PENTAGON report looking into ties between SADDAM—HUSSEIN—IRAQ and al Qaeda showed no connection between the 2 ,
20080313             —AFTER reviewing 600,000 IRAQ—DOCUMENTS.
20080313             —REPEATED, WHAT—MORE, THE—WHITE—HOUSE knew that its, CLAIMS—OF—COLLABORATION between IRAQ and al Qaeda were unfounded.
20080313             1—RECENT—BOOK by Pulitzer PRIZE—WINNING JOURNALIST—RON—SUSKIND claimed that,
20080313             —AFTER THE—IRAQ war began, THE—WHITE—HOUSE ordered THE—CIA to forge a "backdated, handwritten letter
20080313             " from THE—HEAD—OF—IRAQ—INTELLIGENCE to SADDAM—HUSSEIN, in 1—ATTEMPT to tie Hussein to 20010911             —THE attacks.
20080313             —DISBANDED, SERBIA—PRESIDENT—BORIS—TADIC—PARLIAMENT and called 1—EARLY—GENERAL—ELECTION for 20080511            .
20080313             Von HANS—JÜRGEN—SCHLAMP, Brüssel Kadaver von Nutztieren müssen schnellstmöglich entsorgt werden: So will es die EU —SEIT der BSE—PANIK.
20080313             Boykott USA—PRODUKTE | WALLSTREET—ONLINE.de
20080313             — 1—PENTAGON report looking into ties between SADDAM—HUSSEIN—IRAQ and al Qaeda showed no connection between the 2, —AFTER reviewing 600,000 IRAQ—DOCUMENTS.
20080313             1—RECENT—BOOK by Pulitzer PRIZE—WINNING JOURNALIST—RON—SUSKIND claimed that, —AFTER THE—IRAQ war began, THE—WHITE—HOUSE ordered THE—CIA to forge a "
20080313             backdated, handwritten letter " from THE—HEAD—OF—IRAQ—INTELLIGENCE to SADDAM—HUSSEIN, in 1—ATTEMPT to tie Hussein to 20010911             —THE attacks.
20080313—20080128    —ON, THE—USA—HOUSE—REPUBLICANS' campaign committee said it is missing several 100000 dollars, and possibly more, —AFTER discovering suspected fraudulent activity by former treasurer CHRISTOPHER—WARD, who was dismissed.
20081112—20090313    —ON, the government announced it had recovered —JUST $20.5—MILLION, which would be distributed equally among some 214,000 investors, who would receive about $96 each.
20090311             More than 30—SHIPPING containers of ammonium nitrate fell off 1—SHIP in stormy seas off AUSTRALIA, damaging the ship's hull and leaking up to 30—TONS—OF—OIL 20090313             —SEE.
20090313             —DROPPED, THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION, THE—USE—OF—THE—TERM "enemy combatant" for suspected terrorists detained at GUANTANAMO Bay and slightly modified the legal standard used to justify their continued imprisonment.
20090313             —CREATED, ALAN—W—LIVINGSTON, —91—JAHRE—ALT, the music executive who, Bozo the Clown and signed the Beatles —DURING his tenure as PRESIDENT—OF—CAPITOL—RECORDS, † ion BEVERLY—HILLS.
20090313             † BETSY—BLAIR, —85—JAHRE—ALT, OSCAR—NOMINATED actress and teenage bride (19410000—19570000    ) of GENE—KELLY, in LONDON.
20090313             In the late 1940s Blair took parts in "THE—GUILT—OF—JANET—AMES," and "1—DOUBLE—LIFE".
20090313             —STALLED, But her movie career, —AFTER her enthusiasm for leftist causes landed her on HOLLYWOOD—BLACKLIST.
20090313             oo THE—NEW—JERSEY—BORN actress —LATER, film director KAREL—REISZ.
20090313             —DECLARED, DOZENS—OF—POPULAR—TOURIST—BEACHES on AUSTRALIA—NORTHEAST coast were, 1—DISASTER—ZONE, with their ONCE—PRISTINE sands fouled by 1—MASSIVE—OIL and chemical slick.
20090313             —ANNOUNCED, Terra Firma, 1—LONDON—BASED private equity firm, it would buy 90—PERCENT—OF—CONSOLIDATED pastoral Company, THE—AUSTRALIA—CATTLE—HOLDINGS—OF—THE—PACKER family, which encompass 12—MILLION—ACRES—OF—LAND.
20090313             —KILLED, BANGLADESH, 1—FIRE at DHAKA—22—STORY—BASHUNDHARA City mall, at least 7—PEOPLE as helicopters plucked survivors from the roof.
20090313             THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE across BRITAIN took part in events for Red Nose —DAY, with money going towards helping the disadvantaged in AFRICA and BRITAIN.
20090313             —MURDERED, BURUNDI, 1—ALBINO man was, and dismembered overnight by suspected smugglers with links to TANZANIA—WITCH doctors, the 4. such case in —1—MONTH in THE—CENTRAL—AFRICA—NATION.
20090313             CHINA—PREMIER—WEN—JIABAO said BEIJING is willing to hold talks with the Dalai Lama if TIBET's exiled spiritual leader abandons his separatist cause, as he defended his government's HARD—LINE—POLICIES toward the region.
20090313             GREECE, DOZENS—OF—YOUTHS carrying sledgehammers and iron bars smashed cars, banks and storefronts in 1—UPSCALE DISTRICT—OF—CENTRAL—ATHENS.
20090313             —IDENTIFIED, Leaflets, the attackers as MEMBERS—OF—LOCAL—ANARCHIST—GROUPS.
20090313             1—SIMILAR—ATTACK also occurred in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—THESSALONIKI, leaving 3—BANKS damaged.
20090313             JAPAN said it could shoot down ANY—THREATENING object falling toward its territory, —AFTER NORTH—KOREA said 1 planned rocket launch would send it across JAPAN—TERRITORY.
20090313             SOUTH—NIGERIA, 1—ATTACK took place on Chevron NIGERIA LIMITED—16—INCH MAKARABA—UTONANA pipeline.
20090313             —FORCED, The attack, Chevron cut its crude oil production by 11,500 barrels per —DAY.
20090313             —APPEALED, PAKISTAN—OFFICIALS, to the opposition to join talks aimed at resolving the country's political crisis, even as police stepped up 1—CRACKDOWN on activists trying to reach the capital for 1—PLANNED—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTEST.
20090313             He remained in serious condition —AFTER undergoing surgery.
20090313             —CLOSED, RUSSIA—KONTINENTAL—MANAGEMENT said it has, for good its Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill, located on THE—SOUTH—EDGE—OF—LAKE—BAIKAL.
20090313             It halted production in October.
20090313             —POLLUTED, The plant has, the world's largest freshwater lake with chemical effluent —FOR—DECADES.
20090313             1—SPOKESWOMAN for Doctors Without Borders says 35—OF—ITS—FOREIGN—STAFF are leaving Darfur —AFTER the abduction of 3—COLLEAGUES.
20090313             THE—SWITZERLAND—GOVERNMENT said it would cooperate on cases of INTERNATIONAL tax evasion, breaking with 1—LONG—STANDING tradition of protecting wealthy foreigners accused of hiding BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in the Alpine nation.
20090313             —REPORTED, TAIWAN—ECONOMIC—STIMULUS—PACKAGE was, to include a $104—SHOPPING voucher for EVERY—1—OF—THE—ISLAND 23—MILLION people to be used between THE—CHINA—NEW—YEAR and THE—END—OF—APRIL.
20090313             —ADDED, TAIPEI Mayor Hau LUNG—BIN, $150—FOOD—VOUCHERS for the poor along with job training programs, financial incentives for new hires and loan guarantees for small businesses.
20090313             —SUSPECTED, THAILAND, Muslim militants killed 3—SOLDIERS in 1—AMBUSH in SOUTH—NARATHIWAT province.
20090313             —COLLAPSED, UGANDA, 1—BUILDING, in the capital, KAMPALA, —WHEN nearby construction loosened the foundation.
20090313             —KILLED, At least 5—PEOPLE were, and dozens remained trapped under the rubble.
20090313             † ALAN—W—LIVINGSTON (91), the music executive who created Bozo the Clown and signed the Beatles —DURING his tenure as PRESIDENT—OF—CAPITOL—RECORDS, ion BEVERLY—HILLS.
20090313             ALAN—W—LIVINGSTON came up with the Bozo the Clown character for 19460000             —THE album "Bozo at the Circus," which became 1—HIT and spawned 1—COTTAGE—INDUSTRY—OF merchandise and the television series featuring THE—WING—HAIRED clown.
20090313             JOHN—WORBOYS (19570000             *), 1—LONDON cab driver, was found GUILTY—OF—RAPING or assaulting 12—WOMEN over an —18—MONTH—PERIOD, often —AFTER persuading them to drink champagne spiked with sedatives.
20090313             † In KYRGYZSTAN Medet Sadyrkulov, 1—KEY—OPPOSITION—FIGURE to PRESIDENT—BAKIYEV, was killed in 1 alleged car crash that left him and 2—PASSENGERS burned beyond recognition.
20090313             Iddo GENUTH—WRITES "Scientists at PENNSYLVANIA STATE—UNIVERSITY—AND—VIRGINIA—COMMONWEALTH—UNIVERSITY are producing hydrogen by exposing CLUSTERS—OF—ALUMINUM atoms to water.
20090313             Rather than relying on the electronic PROPERTIES—OF—THE—ALUMINUM, this new process depends on the geometric distribution of atoms within the clusters.
20090313             It requires the presence of 'Lewis acids' and 'Lewis bases' in those atoms (water can act as either).
20090313             Unlike most hydrogen production processes, this method can be used at room temperature and doesn't require THE—APPLICATION—OF—HEAT or electricity to work.
20090313             —EXPERIMENTED, The researchers, with 1—VARIETY—OF—DIFFERENT—ALUMINUM—CLUSTER—PATTERNS, discovering 3—THAT—RESULT in hydrogen production".
20090313             alfatomega.com/20090313.html
20090313             Iddo Genuth writes "Scientists at PENNSYLVANIA STATE—UNIVERSITY—AND—VIRGINIA—COMMONWEALTH—UNIVERSITY are producing hydrogen by exposing CLUSTERS—OF—ALUMINUM atoms to water. Rather than relying on the electronic PROPERTIES—OF—THE—ALUMINUM, this new process depends on the geometric distribution of atoms within the clusters. It requires the presence of 'Lewis acids' and 'Lewis bases' in those atoms (water can act as either). Unlike most hydrogen production processes, this method can be used at room temperature and doesn't require THE—APPLICATION—OF—HEAT or electricity to work. The researchers experimented with 1—VARIETY—OF—DIFFERENT—ALUMINUM—CLUSTER—PATTERNS, discovering 3—THAT—RESULT in hydrogen production".
20090313—20090311    —ON, Queensland state's marine safety authority said up to 100—TONS—OF—FUEL, 250,000 liters, were —NOW believed to have spilled from THE—HONG—KONG—FLAGGED ship Pacific Adventurer amid cyclonic conditions.
20090313—20090421    —ON, he was sentenced to at least —8—YEARS in prison.
20090313—20100000    —IN, SCOTLAND Yard said 102—WOMEN have come forward to accuse Worboys of sexually motivated crimes —SINCE his highly publicized trial.
20090313—20100700    —BY, CALIFORNIA said it faced 1—NEW $8—BILLION shortfall due to declining tax revenues.
20090313—20170000    —ANNOUNCED, BRITAIN—PAROLE—BOARD, that 1—PANEL had approved his release.
20090317             —REPORTED, Authorities in MYANMAR were, to have arrested 5—MEMBERS—OF—DETAINED—PRO—DEMOCRACY—LEADER—AUNG S—SUU—KYI—POLITICAL—PARTY 20090306—20090313    —FROM—TO. the report came —1—DAY—AFTER THE—UN called for the release of more than 2,000 political prisoners in THE—MILITARY—RUN—COUNTRY.
20100310—20100313    —RELEASED, IRELAND—POLICE said they had, 3—OF—THE—ARRESTED—MUSLIMS and USA—JAMIE—PAULIN—RAMIREZ, —31—JAHRE—ALT without charges.
20100313             1—STORM battered parts of PENNSYLVANIA, NEW—JERSEY, NEW—YORK and CONNECTICUT with gusts of up to 70—MPH.
20100313             —BACKED, AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—KARZAI, off from 1—MUCH—CRITICIZED move to control the previously independent monitoring body for upcoming parliamentary elections, offering to allow 2—FOREIGNERS on the commission.
20100313             —ROWED, AFGHANISTAN, back from 1—TOTAL—BAN on media broadcasts of "disturbing" images from insurgent attacks or live PICTURES—OF—SECURITY—OPERATIONS.
20100313             —REPORTED, Police, 4—EXPLOSIONS in KANDAHAR.
20100313             —KILLED, Multiple bomb attacks in KANDAHAR, 35—PEOPLE, but failed to free insurgents from the city prison.
20100313             —INCLUDED, The blasts, 2—CAR—BOMBS, 6—SUICIDE attackers on motorbikes and bicycles, and homemade bombs.
20100313             —TARGETED, The attackers, the city's prison, police headquarters, 1—WEDDING hall next door and other areas on roads leading to the prison.
20100313             Cyclone Tomas began battering ISLAND groups off FIJI—NORTHERN—COAST, causing flooding, pounding seas and 1—DEATH.
20100313             Officials said the storm likely would only sideswipe the main ISLANDS—OF—THE—SOUTH—PACIFIC nation.
20100313             —KILLED, At least 2—PEOPLE were, by the storm.
20100313             —INVADED, GEORGIA—,1—HOAX—TELEVISION—BROADCAST said RUSSIA had, and THE—PRESIDENT had been killed.
20100313             —TRAUMATIZED, It sparked wide anxiety in the country still, by 20080800             —THE war in which RUSSIA—TROOPS advanced deep into the country.
20100313             This was the 3. such slaying in —2—WEEKS.
20100313             —ARRESTED, INDIA, ABDUL—LATIF—RASHID and Riyaz Ali were, late in the —DAY in MUMBAI—MATUNGA suburb.
20100313             Police said THE—2—MEN were preparing to attack several targets in the city, the country's financial and entertainment hub.
20100313             Police said the men had links with terror groups in PAKISTAN and were acting on directions from handlers there.
20100313             —BUSTED, IRAN—FARS the news agency said IRAN has, what it says was 1—USA—FUNDED cyber network group linked to 1 exiled opposition movement that collected data on its nuclear scientists.
20100313             30—MEMBERS—OF—THE—NETWORK with links to the outlawed PEOPLE—MUJAHEDEEN and monarchists were said to have been arrested.
20100313             † Nearly half, in 1—SHOOTOUT between soldiers and armed men.
20100313             —AMBUSHED, Suspected drug gang hit men separately, 2—CARS carrying families with ties to THE—USA—CONSULATE in CIUDAD—JUAREZ, killing 1—USA—COUPLE and 1—MEXICO—MAN.
20100313             3—YOUNG—CHILDREN survived, although 2 suffered wounds.
20100313             1—CONFESSION by de la Rosa suggested that EL—PASO jail officer ARTHUR—H—REDELFS was targeted in THE—CIUDAD—JUAREZ shootings that also killed his wife, Lesley A. Enriquez, 1—EMPLOYEE—OF—THE—USA consulate.
20100313             —KILLED, THE oo ANOTHER consulate worker was, in the other vehicle attacked.
20100313             —ARRESTED, —IN—APRIL MEXICO, a 2. suspect, 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—LOS—AZTECAS gang, who confessed to taking part in THE—KILLING—OF—1—USA consulate official.
20100313             —KILLED, MOZAMBIQUE—HEALTH—MINISTRY—SPOKESMAN said the country's cholera outbreak has —NOW, 42—PEOPLE in the northern and CENTRAL—PARTS—OF—THE—SOUTH—AFRICA—COUNTRY.
20100313             —KILLED, MYANMAR, ethnic rebels in Nam Zam township, Shan State, 20—GOVERNMENT—TROOPS in 1—AMBUSH aimed at deterring the military government from launching 1—OFFENSIVE against them AHEAD—OF—ELECTIONS—THIS—YEAR.
20100313             —SCUFFLED, Several dozen PALESTINE—WOMEN, with ISRAEL—TROOPS on the outskirts of JERUSALEM amid rising religious and political tensions in the disputed city.
20100313             —RENEWED, PAKISTAN, 1, WAVE—OF—VIOLENCE struck Saidu Sharif, the administrative CAPITAL—OF—THE—SWAT—VALLEY, —WHEN 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER on 1 motorized rickshaw killed 13—PEOPLE at 1—SECURITY—CHECKPOINT, raising fears the nation is sliding back into 1—PERIOD—OF—RELENTLESS bloodletting.
20100313             —OPENED, QATAR, a —2—WEEK UN conference, with 1—FOCUS on the Atlantic bluefin tuna and other marine life in the world's overfished oceans.
20100313             SOMALIA, 1—FIGHT over land rights between 2—RIVAL—CLANS in NORTH—AMARA village killed at least 15—PEOPLE.
20100313             —QUOTED, THE—SWITZERLAND—DAILY—NEUE Zuercher Zeitung, SWITZERLAND—ABBOT MARTIN—WERLEN saying —AROUND 60—PEOPLE over the last —15—YEARS have reported being VICTIMS—OF—ABUSE by Catholic priests in SWITZERLAND.
20100313             —CALLED, VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ, for REGULATION—OF—THE—INTERNET—WHILE demanding authorities crack down on 1—CRITICAL—NEWS—WEB—SITE that he accused of spreading false information.
20100313             1—VENEZUELA—POLICE—OFFICIAL said security forces have seized 2—TONS—OF—COCAINE hidden in 2—BULLDOZERS at 1—PORT in THE—CENTRAL—STATE—OF—CARABOBO.
20100313             —INTENDED, The cocaine was, to be smuggled to THE—NETHERLANDS.
20100313             —KILLED, CANADA, 2—PEOPLE were, and 30—HURT by 1—AVALANCHE—NEAR—REVELSTOKE, UNITED—KINGDOM—COLUMBIA, —WHEN the slide hit 1—SNOWMOBILE rally.
20100313             † In HONDURAS Nahum Palacios (36), DIRECTOR—OF—1—TV—STATION in Tocoa near the Caribbean coast, was shot to death as he drove home and was intercepted by 2—OTHER—VEHICLES.
20100313             † In MEXICO 1—SERIES—OF—SHOOTINGS killed 24—PEOPLE in 1—PACIFIC—COAST—STATE plagued by drug gang violence.
20100313             † THE oo ANOTHER consulate worker was killed in the other vehicle attacked.
20100313             —EXTRADITED, —SEPTEMBER, Jesus Ernesto Chavez, was, to THE—USA, for ordering THE—KILLING—OF—LESLEY—A—ENRIQUEZ.
20100313             The 175-nation Convention on INTERNATIONAL—TRADE in Endangered Species (CITES) discussed new proposals on regulating the trade in NUMBER—OF—PLANT and animal species.
20100313—20100326    —ON, suspect RICARDO—VALLES—DE—LA—ROSA (45), 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—BARRIO—AZTECA gang, was arrested for THE—USA—CONSULATE linked killings.
20100323—20100313    —ON, 2—NIGERIA—OIL—WORKERS were found dead in THE—OIL—RICH—NIGER Delta region —AFTER being kidnapped.
20100702             —CONNECTED, EMPLOYEE—LESLEY—ENRIQUEZ, —35—JAHRE—ALT and 2—OTHER—PEOPLE, to THE—USA—CONSULATE in THE—CITY—OF—CIUDAD—JUAREZ were killed 20100313             in attacks that raised concerns that Americans were being caught up in DRUG—RELATED border violence.
20110204             Auch die afrikanischen Meisterschaften (12./20110313             ) in Kairo wurden abgesagt.
20110204             Auch die afrikanischen Meisterschaften (20110312/20110313    ) in Kairo wurden abgesagt.
20110305—20110313    —UNTIL, BENIN—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION, due to take place 20110306             , was postponed.
20110313             —OPENED, VANSANT—VIRGINIA, 1—GUNMAN, fire on sheriff's deputies investigating 1—POSSIBLE—ROBBERY.
20110313             2—OFFICERS were killed and 2 injured —BEFORE the gunman was shot dead.
20110313             2—NATO—SERVICE—MEMBERS were killed this weekend.
20110313             † 1, in 1—INSURGENT—ATTACK in the east and another in 1—BOMB—ATTACK in the south.
20110313             His Bear Research Group reputedly made over 1.25—MILLION doses of LSD 19650000—19670000    —FROM—TO.
20110313             —FIRED, BAHRAIN, riot police, tear gas and rubber bullets at ANTI—GOVERNMENT—DEMONSTRATORS blocking the highway into the capital's financial district and surrounded the protesters' main camp in the capital.
20110313             —INJURED, More than 200—PEOPLE were, there in clashes between riot police and demonstrators.
20110313             —OPENED, BENIN, polls for 1—TWICE—DELAYED presidential election —AFTER 1—LAST—MINUTE scramble to register HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—ELIGIBLE—VOTERS left off voter rolls.
20110313             PRESIDENT—BONI—YAYI sought a 2. term against 13—CANDIDATES.
20110313             —INDICATED, Partial and unofficial results, PRESIDENT—BONI—YAYI and his main challenger, ADRIEN—HOUNGBEDJI, may be headed for 1—RUN—OFF.
20110313             Broadway import "Legally Blonde THE—MUSICAL," based on 20010000             —THE—REESE—WITHERSPOON film, picked up —THIS—YEAR—OLIVIER—AWARD for Best New Musical, in the Society of LONDON THEATRE—PRIZE—GIVING ceremony at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane.
20110313             —KILLED, THE—CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC, at least 6—PEOPLE were, and dozens abducted —DURING 1—ATTACK on Nzako village by LORD—RESISTANCE—ARMY—REBELS.
20110313             —CROSSED, They had, into THE—CAR—LAST—YEAR—AFTER being routed from their bases in UGANDA.
20110313             —CAPTURED, THE—INDIA—NAVY, 61—PIRATES who jumped into the Arabian Sea to flee 1—GUNFIGHT and fire on the hijacked ship from which they had staged several attacks.
20110313             2—INDIA—NAVY ships also rescued 13—CREW members from THE—MOZAMBIQUE—FLAGGED Vega 5, 1—FISHING boat seized in December.
20110313             IRAQ, 22—PEOPLE, including 15—GUARDS, were injured in 1—MELEE that started —AFTER officials found holes in the prison's steel fence and discovered 1—ESCAPE plan by inmates linked to AL—QAIDA in Salahuddin province.
20110313             † 1—INMATE was killed by jumping off the roof in 1—EFFORT to escape from prison —DURING 1—RIOT.
20110313             —APPROVED, ISRAEL said it has, the building of 300 to 500—APARTMENTS and settler homes.
20110313             They would take place in major WEST—BANK—SETTLEMENT—BLOCS that ISRAEL expects to hold on to in ANY—FINAL—PEACE—DEAL.
20110313             —DEVASTATED, People across 1, SWATH—OF—JAPAN suffered for a 3. —DAY without water, electricity and proper food, as the country grappled with the enormity of 1—MASSIVE—EARTHQUAKE and tsunami that left more than 10,000—PEOPLE—DEAD in 1—AREA—ALONE.
20110313             —RAISED, JAPAN—OFFICIALS, their estimate of the quake's magnitude to 9.0. JAPAN also fought to avert 1—MELTDOWN at 3—EARTHQUAKE—CRIPPLED nuclear reactors.
20110313             —FILLED, LEBANON, tens of thousands, 1—CENTRAL—BEIRUT square to mark 20050000             —THE protests that ended SYRIA—30—YEAR—DOMINATION—OF—THE—COUNTRY and to demand that the militant group Hezbollah, seen as 1—PROXY—OF—SYRIA, give up its weapons.
20110313             —ABANDONED, LIBYA—REBELS, Brega, another key town under heavy shelling from advancing government forces, as INTERNATIONAL backing grew only slowly for 1—NO—FLY zone over the country.
20110313             BENGHAZI, 240km EAST—OF—BREGA, all MOBILE telephone services were suddenly cut for 1—UNKNOWN—REASON.
20110313             —ASKED, State television said LIBYA has, foreign firms to resume oil exports, saying its ports are safe despite 1—DEADLY—MONTH—LONG—CONFLICT.
20110313             LIBYA—DE facto oil MINISTER said the country's crude production has fallen "drastically" and that he has reached out to ITALY—OIL—GIANT—ENI SpA for help in extinguishing 1—BLAZE at Ras Lanouf.
20110313             MEXICO, 9—PEOPLE were shot dead in the resort CITY—OF—ACAPULCO.
20110313             —PREVENTED, MOROCCO, security forces, about 100—PEOPLE from holding 1—PRO—REFORM—DEMONSTRATION in CASABLANCA, leaving several people wounded.
20110313             —SUFFOCATED, MAPUTO—MOZAMBIQUE, 2—PEOPLE, to death in 1—CROWD—OF—10,000 at the weekend OPENING—OF—THE—NEW—UNIVERSAL—CHURCH—OF—THE—REIGN—OF—GOD, 1—BRAZILIAN—BASED evangelical church.
20110313             † In CENTRAL—NIGERIA 6—PEOPLE in attacks on 2—VILLAGES—NEAR—JOS.
20110313             —GRANTED, OMAN—RULER, lawmaking powers to officials outside the royal family in the boldest reforms yet aimed at quelling protests for jobs and 1—GREATER—PUBLIC—ROLE in politics.
20110313             —SUSPECTED, PAKISTAN, 2, USA—MISSILE—STRIKES killed 7—MILITANTS in Spalgah village near Miran Shah, NORTH—WAZIRISTAN.
20110313             —WOUNDED, The strikes also, 5—MILITANTS.
20110313             —AMBUSHED, Gunmen, 1—VAN and killed 9—CIVILIANS in 1—STRETCH of the northwest covered by 1—NEW—PEACE—DEAL among tribes from rival Muslim sects.
20110313             —KILLED, Security forces responding to the attack, 3 alleged gunmen.
20110313             1—SUSPECTED—USA—MISSILE—STRIKE missed 1—TARGET in Azam Warsak, SOUTH—WAZIRISTAN.
20110313             —RAIDED, In THE—PHILIPPINES police commandos, 1—HOUSE in Lamitan town on SOUTH—BASILAN ISLAND in search of the former mayor linked to 20070000             —THE bombing that killed 1—LAWMAKER but they instead captured Nawaf Jainuddin.
20110313             —VOTED, Russians from the Bering Strait to the Baltic, in regional elections, testing VLADIMIR—PUTIN—RULING party —BEFORE December parliamentary polls and 1—PRESIDENTIAL—VOTE—NEXT—MARCH.
20110313             RUSSIA—RULING party swept the local elections.
20110313             —ALLOWED, More than 200—SAUDIS were, to protest outside the Interior Ministry to demand THE—RELEASE—OF—DETAINEES in the largest demonstration in the capital —SINCE the regional OUTBREAK—OF—PRO—DEMOCRACY—UNREST.
20110313             1—TOP—SOUTHERN—SUDAN—OFFICIAL said SOUTH—SUDAN is suspending talks and diplomatic contact with NORTH—SUDAN over claims that the northern government is funding militias in the south.
20110313             TUNISIA—TAP news agency said that a 7—PM to 5—AM curfew has been imposed on the mining TOWN—OF—METLAOUI, where clashes —2—DAYS—EARLIER left 2—PEOPLE—DEAD and 20 injured.
20110313             Protests had begun amid rumors that 1—REGIONAL phosphate mining company was secretly recruiting in 1—SPECIFIC—TRIBAL—AREA, INSTEAD—OF—OPENING its jobs to the entire local population.
20110313             —FIRED, YEMEN—POLICE on rooftops, live bullets and tear gas at protesters, injuring more than 100—PEOPLE who were camping near SANAA University.
20110313             † 1—PROTESTER in ADEN, from wounds he suffered —1—DAY—EARLIER bringing that total to 7. Violence left 2—PEOPLE—DEAD in 1—SOUTHERN—PROVINCE.
20110313             Security officials said 2—AMERICANS and 2—BRITONS have been detained by authorities for illegally entering the country.
20110313             † In SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN a roadside bomb killed 4—AFGHANISTAN—CIVILIANS in a car in KANDAHAR province's Shorabak district.
20110313             —RAISED, JAPAN—OFFICIALS, their estimate of the quake's magnitude to 9.0.
20110313             JAPAN also fought to avert a meltdown at 3—EARTHQUAKE—CRIPPLED nuclear reactors.
20110313             1—PROTESTER in ADEN from wounds he suffered —1—DAY—EARLIER bringing that total to 7.
20110313             Violence left 2—PEOPLE—DEAD in 1—SOUTHERN—PROVINCE.
20110313—20010000    —SEIZED, He was allegedly 1—OF—SEVERAL—ABU—SAYYAF gunmen who, several hostages and staged deadly attacks in Lamitan.
20110313—20030000    —JOINED, TURKEY, HUNDREDS—OF—JOURNALISTS, by MEMBERS—OF—SOME—NON—GOVERNMENTAL—ORGANIZATIONS, protested THE—DETENTION—OF—REPORTERS that the authorities allege were involved in 1—ATTEMPT to bring the government down.
20110313—20110318    —ON, the country's electoral commission announced that PRESIDENT—THOMAS—BONI—YAYI had received more than 53—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE, giving him 1—ABSOLUTE—MAJORITY.
20120309—20120313    —ARRESTED, THE—2—MEN were, and all 3—SUSPECTS were charged with attempted murder.
20120313             —BEKANNTGIBT, DIE—ENCYCLOPÆDIA—BRITANNICA, dass sie keine gedruckte Ausgabe mehr auflegen werde.
20120313             —AB—NUN, DIE—ENCYCLOPÆDIA—BRITANNICAA werde nur noch in digitaler Form vertrieben.
20120313             Republican presidential primaries were held in ALABAMA and MISSISSIPPI.
20120313             RICK—SANTORUM won both state.
20120313             —PLACED, Newt Gingrich, 2. in both contests with narrow leads over Mitt Romney.
20120313             —REPORTED, It was, that the chytrid fungus has spread to nearly 600—SPECIES—OF frog and has probably driven over 200—SPECIES to extinction.
20120313             SF STATE—UNIV. biologist Vance T. Vredenburg called it the "worst population CRASH—OF—ANIMALS in history".
20120313             —ATTACKED, AFGHANISTAN, gunmen, 1—MEMORIAL service for 16—VILLAGERS killed by 1—USA—SOLDIER, shooting dead 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—AFGHANISTAN—MILITARY and wounding 1—POLICEMAN in 1—HAIL—OF—GUNFIRE.
20120313             —ABOUT 400—UNIVERSITY—STUDENTS chanting "Death to AMERICA -- Death to Obama" took to THE—STREETS—OF—JALALABAD, in the 1. protest against THE—USA—ARMY—SERGEANT—KILLING spree.
20120313             1—ALGERIA—COURT—SENTENCED—THE—HEAD—OF—AL—QAEDA—NORTH—AFRICA—OFFSHOOT to death in absentia for 1—STRING—OF—20070000              attacks, including 1—DEADLY bombing at THE—PRIME—MINISTER—OFFICE.
20120313             Abdelmalek Droukdel, LEADER—OF—AL—QAEDA in the Islamic Magreb (AQIM), and 8—CO—DEFENDANTS were sentenced to death for premeditated murder, membership of 1—TERRORIST—GROUP and attacks using explosives.
20120313             —RULED, ARGENTINA—SUPREME—COURT, unanimously that ANY—RAPE victim can get 1—ABORTION.
20120313             —SMASHED, BAHRAIN, vandals, the windows of 1—OF—COUNTRY—OLDEST Shiite mosques and ransacked offices and prayer areas, making sure to pull down some framed parchments with Quranic verses.
20120313             Shiite clerics claim at least 38—MOSQUES and affiliated sites, such as charity offices, have been destroyed —SINCE the revolt began in February 20110000            .
20120313             —PACKED, BANGLADESH, 1—FERRY, with about 200—PEOPLE collided with 1—CARGO—BOAT and capsized in the Meghna River, killing 142—PEOPLE and over 12—MORE missing.
20120313             BELGIUM, 1—ARSONIST attack on 1—SHIITE mosque left imam ABDALLAH—DADOU, —46—JAHRE—ALT dead.
20120313             —ATTRIBUTED, Authorities, the attack to tensions between Shiite and Sunni communities.
20120313             —ARGUED, Prosecutors, that kidnappings and THE—HIDING—OF—BODIES so the victims were never found are "permanent crimes".
20120313             —SINCE such crimes continue to the present, they fall outside the 19610000—19790000     period covered by the amnesty law.
20120313             —GATHERED, Some 3,000—PEOPLE, in LIVERPOOL—ENGLAND, for the annual Global Entrepreneurship Congress.
20120313             COLOMBIA, oil tankers carrying oil from the Ombu field in Caqueta came under fire from guerrillas leaving 2—CIVILIANS—DEAD.
20120313             —HALTED, ISRAEL, its airstrikes against GAZA Strip militants and rocket fire from THE—PALESTINE—TERRITORY ebbed as 1—EGYPTIAN—MEDIATED—CEASE—FIRE ending —4—DAYS—OF—CLASHES appeared to be taking effect.
20120313             —NAMED, IVORY—COAST—PRESIDENT—ALASSANE—OUATTARA, Jeannot AHOUSSOU—KOUADIO as PRIME—MINISTER, 1—PROMINENT—MEMBER—OF—1—RIVAL—PARTY which had backed his 20100000             election bid.
20120313             JAPAN said it had won approval from BEIJING to buy CHINA—GOVERNMENT—BONDS for the 1. time, in 1—MOVE aimed at binding ASIA—2—BIGGEST economies and traditional rivals closer together.
20120313             JAPAN, THE—EU and THE—USA—BROUGHT 1—CASE to the World Trade Organization (WTO) alleging that CHINA was exporting too little of tungsten, molybdenum and 17—RARE—EARTH—ELEMENTS.
20120313             —SUSPECTED, NORTH—NIGERIA, sect members shot dead 2—POLICEMEN in KANO.
20120313             —KILLED, Soldiers, 1—OF—THE—ASSAILANTS —DURING the attack.
20120313             PAKISTAN, USA—DRONE—FIRED missiles hit 1—VEHICLE traveling on THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER, killing 6—MILITANTS from 1—GROUP known to have signed 1—NONAGGRESSION—PACT with THE—PAKISTAN—ARMY.
20120313             2—COMMANDERS from the network led by Maulvi Nazir were among the dead in the attack in the Birmal DISTRICT—OF—SOUTH—WAZIRISTAN.
20120313             1—PAKISTAN—COURT—JAILED—NASEEM—AHMED, —42—JAHRE—ALT for life for burning 1—KORAN.
20120313             THE—MUSLIM man said he would appeal the sentence, professing his innocence and saying he had no idea that 1—KORAN was among 1—PILE—OF—BOOKS he set alight.
20120313             RUSSIA—DEPUTY—DEFENSE—MINISTER—ANATOLY—ANTONOV said RUSSIA will abide by existing contracts to deliver weapons to Syria despite PRESIDENT—ASSAD—YEARLONG crackdown on the opposition.
20120313             —SIGNED, Russian and SOUTH—KOREA—SCIENTISTS, 1—DEAL on joint research intended to recreate 1—WOOLLY mammoth, 1—ANIMAL which last walked the earth some 10,—000—YEARS—AGO.
20120313             —BANNED, SOMALIA—SHEBAB rebels, the aid group Save the Children from operating in regions under their control.
20120313             —EXPIRED, It accused Save the Children of distributing, porridge to children, as well as corruption and failing to comply with the rules laid down by THE—AL—QAEDA—LINKED group.
20120313             —SENTENCED, SOUTH—AFRICA—WILDLIFE dealer JACQUES—ELS, —39—JAHRE—ALT was, to —8—YEARS in jail over 38—HORNS cut off sedated rhinos.
20120313             SWITZERLAND, 1—BUS carrying BELGIUM—STUDENTS returning from 1—SKI holiday crashed into 1—WALL in 1—TUNNEL—NEAR—SIERRE, killing 22—BELGIUM— 12—YEAR—OLDS and 6—ADULTS.
20120313             —HOSPITALIZED, Another 24—STUDENTS were, with injuries.
20120313             —RECAPTURED, THE—SYRIA—ARMY, the northern rebel STRONGHOLD—OF—IDLIB near THE—TURKEY—BORDER, 1—MAJOR—BASE that military defectors had held —FOR—MONTHS.
20120313             1—INTERNATIONAL—RIGHTS—GROUP, —MEANWHILE, said the regime was mining the border with TURKEY.
20120313             THE—LCC and the Observatory said that bodies of 6—PEOPLE were found —TODAY near the village of Maaret Shoureen in Idlib province.
20120313             —REACHED, THE—ZIMBABWE—GOVERNMENT and mining firm Zimplats, 1—AGREEMENT to transfer a 51—PERCENT stake to local investors, as required by the country's controversial "indigenization" policy.
20120313             —CALLED, SF STATE—UNIVERSITY—BIOLOGIST—VANCE—T—VREDENBURG, it the "worst population CRASH—OF—ANIMALS in history".
20120313             BELGIUM, an arsonist attack on a Shiite mosque left imam ABDALLAH—DADOU (46) dead.
20120313             BRAZIL, FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS said that they are filing criminal charges for the 1. time related to crimes committed by government representatives —DURING the 19640000—19850000    military dictatorship.
20120313             —UNVEILED, UNITED—KINGDOM—CHIP designer ARM, what it said was the world's most ENERGY—EFFICIENT microprocessor design that will help devices ranging from fridges to medical equipment to parking meters to communicate with other devices.
20120313             —CLAIMED, JACQUES—ELS, the horns were removed from the animals "to protect them from poaching".
20120313—20100000    —NACH—244—JAHREN, solle somit die AUFLAGE—VON die letzte Auflage der Enzyklopädie gewesen sein.
20120313—20100000    —ARRESTED, Els was, —AFTER buying the horns for 760,000 rands ($100,000, 77,000 euros) from game farm manager Tommie Fourie who drugged the animals and cut off their trademark spikes.
20120313—20100000    —ARRESTED, JACQUES—ELS was, —AFTER buying the horns for 760,000 rands from game farm manager Tommie Fourie who drugged the animals and cut off their trademark spikes.
20120313—20120309    —SINCE, At least 24—PALESTINIANS, including at least 4—CIVILIANS, † in CROSS—BORDER fighting.
20130209—20130313    —ON, Another of the injured †.
20130224             —RAISED, ZIMBABWE—BROKE coalition government said it has, enough money privately to pay for 1—REFERENDUM on 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION scheduled 20130316            .
20130313             Der ARGENTINISCHE—KARDINAL—JORGE—MARIO—BERGOGLIO wird im 5. WAHL—GANG des Konklaves als Nachfolger von BENEDIKT—XVI—PAPA zum PAPA gewählt;
20130313             —ANNOUNCED, KEN—SALAZAR, USA Interior Sec., plans for 2—LARGE—FEDERAL—SOLAR—PROJECTS in THE—CALIFORNIA desert.
20130313             SHARES—OF—SILVER —SPRING Networks (SSNI) of Redwood CITY—CALIFORNIA, closed at $22 in 1—IPO—OF—4.75—MILLION—SHARES on THE—NYSE.
20130313             —JUMPED, The maker of smart meter technology, nearly 30% from the $17—OFFER.
20130313             —STARTED, NEW—YORK, KURT—MYERS, —64—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FIRE in his apartment in Mohawk and then killed 2—CUSTOMERS in 1—NEARBY barbershop.
20130313             He then drove to nearby Herkimer and killed 2—MORE—PEOPLE—BEFORE holing up in 1 abandoned building.
20130313             —KILLED, Myers was, THE—NEXT—DAY in 1—EXCHANGE—OF—GUNFIRE with police.
20130313             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN—INTELLIGENCE—AGENTS, 5 suspected suicide bombers and arrested 2—OTHERS, all members of the militant Haqqani network, —DURING 1—RAID in which 1—TRUCK was seized with 7,200—POUNDS—OF—EXPLOSIVE on the outskirts of KABUL.
20130313             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, several people were, and injured —WHEN 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER blew himself up in 1—CROWD—OF—SPORTS fans watching 1—BUZKASHI game in Kunduz province.
20130313             —OPENED, CHILE officially, the $1.3—BILLION Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), the world's most powerful radio telescope.
20130313             It consisted of 66—DISHES.
20130313             —APPROVED, CROATIA—PARLIAMENT, the withdrawal of some 100—PEACEKEEPING troops from the Golan Heights amid fears they could be targeted by SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—TROOPS fighting the rebels.
20130313             —LOOKED, Aleqa Hammond, set to be GREENLAND—1. female PRIME—MINISTER—AFTER winning 42—PERCENT—OF—VOTES in elections on 1—PLATFORM—OF—GREATER—CONTROL and heavier taxation of foreign mining.
20130313             —BASED, Kurdish rebels, in NORTH—IRAQ freed 8 captured TURKEY—SOLDIERS and officials as PART—OF—PEACE—EFFORTS between TURKEY and the rebel group aimed at ending —1—DECADES—LONG—CONFLICT.
20130313             —VOTED, NEW—ZEALAND lawmakers, overwhelmingly in favor of 1—BILL—ALLOWING—SAME—SEX—MARRIAGE, all but assuring that it will soon become law.
20130313             NIGERIA, 1—STRIKE at Aero Contractors Co. of NIGERIA Ltd., halted flights "temporarily".
20130313             KARACHI—PAKISTAN, gunmen shot and killed pioneering activist Perween Rahman (54), THE—DIRECTOR—OF—THE—ORANGI—PILOT—PROJECT, who helped bring services like sewer and water to the city's poorest neighborhoods.
20130313             —ABDUCTED, SOUTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, gunmen, 2—FEMALE—CZECH—REPUBLIC—TOURISTS and their police guard as they were traveling on 1—BUS through troubled Baluchistan province.
20130313             SAUDI—ARABIA, 7—MEN CONVICTED—OF—THEFT, looting and armed robbery were beheaded, more than —1—WEEK—AFTER their families and 1—RIGHTS—GROUP appealed to THE—KING for clemency.
20130313             —TORTURED, NASSER—AL—QAHTANI said he was, to confess and had no access to lawyers.
20130313             SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—TROOPS fought fierce battles with rebels for CONTROL—OF—KEY—NEIGHBORHOODS in THE—NORTH—OF—DAMASCUS.
20130313             —RAGED, Fighting also, in other cities, including in HOMS, where the regime pounded rebel positions with artillery and carried out several airstrikes on the Baba Amr district.
20130313             † TUNISIA—VENDOR—ADEL—KHEDHRI (27) of FULL—BODY burns —1—DAY—AFTER setting himself ablaze.
20130313             Cardinal JORGE—MARIO—BERGOGLIO, —76—JAHRE—ALT, known for his work with the poor in BUENOS—AIRES' slums, was elected as the 266. PAPA.
20130313             He became the 1. Jesuit PAPA and 1. NON—EUROPEAN —SINCE the Middle Ages and decided to call himself FRANCIS—AFTER S—FRANCIS—OF—ASSISI.
20130313             † Myers was killed THE—NEXT—DAY in 1—EXCHANGE—OF—GUNFIRE with police.
20130313             —DETAINED, BAHRAIN—PUBLIC—PROSECUTOR'S—OFFICE said 6—PEOPLE have been, over the last COUPLE—OF—DAYS for allegedly defaming the country's ruler on Twitter.
20130313             Scientists said that the number of Monarch butterflies wintering in MEXICO dropped by 59% —THIS—YEAR, falling to its lowest level —SINCE record keeping began —20—YEARS—AGO.
20130313             TUNISIA—VENDOR—ADEL—KHEDHRI was from 1—POOR—TOWN in NORTH—WEST—TUNISIA and had struggled to find 1—STEADY—JOB to support his mother and siblings.
20130313             "ahnungslos"und "unbedarft".
20130313             —WINTER im;;03;;: DER—GRUND für die Schneemassen
20130313             Hohe SPRIT—PREISE, DEUTSCHE—BAHN verdoppelt Gewinn im FERN—VERKEHR
20130313             Spekulation mit LEBENS—MITTELN: Abgeordnete nehmen DEUTSCHE—BANK—CHEF—IN die Mangel
20130313             —URTEIL—ZU—TARIFVERTRÄGEN: LEIH—ARBEITER erhalten rückwirkend mehr Lohn (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 17:29)
20130313             Rückzahlung von Staatshilfen: MERKELs MINUS—GESCHÄFT mit der COMMERZ—BANK
20130313             —IM_MÄRZ, Nur alle 10—BIS —20—JAHRE vorkämen so heftige Schneefälle, sagt FRIEDRICH.
20130313             Ungewöhnlich langsam habe sich die mehr als 1.000—KM breite Luftmassengrenze südwärts übers Land geschoben.
20130313             LEIH—ARBEITER erhalten rückwirkend mehr Lohn
20130313             Zehntausende ZEIT—ARBEITER können rückwirkend mehr Lohn verlangen.
20130313             —VERJÄHRT, Den Urteilen zufolge, der Anspruch auf nachträgliche Zahlung —NACH—3—JAHRE.
20130313             Betroffen von den Verträgen waren nach Schätzungen von ARBEITS—RECHTLER Schüren BUNDES—WEIT etwa 200.000—ZEITARBEITER.
20130313             Rückrufaktion: Alnatura WARNT—VOR—GLASSCHERBEN in Babybrei
20130313             —NACHHOLEFFEKT: Aus für Praxisgebühr treibt Arzneimittelausgaben
20130313             Konklave: Weißer Rauch! Neuer PAPA ist gewählt
20130313             —BEGINNT, Bedingung für FINANZ—HILFEN: ZYPERN, Prüfung auf GELD—WÄSCHE
20130313             "Alma"-Teleskop: KURZ—NACH—DEM, Urknall leuchtete das All
20130313             Zur besten Sendezeit: Möwe besetzte Schornstein der Sixtinischen Kapelle
20130313             —DER—NEUE—PAPA : es ist 1—ARGENTINIER
20130313             TODES—URTEILE in SAUDI—ARABIEN: 7—JUNGE Männer hingerichtet
20130313             "DIE—GEHANDELTEN Kandidaten aus AFRIKA sind sehr nah am Geist unseres Katholizismus", analysiert DIE—ZEITUNG "Gazeta Wyborcza"
20130313             Satz aus den berühmten "3—GEHEIMNISSEN von Fatima", in denen es heiße, vor dem ENDE—DER—WELT werde "der Satan durch die REIHEN—DER—KARDINÄLE spazieren".
20130313             —VERBRANNT, Niemand hat so VIELE—LEUTE, und die Inquisition durchgesetzt wie die JESUITen.
20130313             1—JESUIT!
20130313             Denket an den von jedem JESUITen geschworenen Eid des Kadavergehorsames!
20130313             UND: Nennen diese Typen sich nicht auch 'Soldaten Gottes'?
20130313             —DER—NEUE—PAPA hat sich laut und deutlich für DAS—SCHWEIGEN der Kirche zu den Verbrechen der Junta entschuligt, in ARGENTINIEN ist er deswegen hoch angesehen.
20130313             KARDINALprotoDIACON JEAN—LOUIS—TAURAN trat —AM—ABEND auf die Loggia des S—PETER—ROM[PETERSDOM]s und sprach die magischen Worte: "Habemus papam".
20130313             DIE—MAGISCHEN Worte
20130313             Das Konklave gehörte zu den kürzesten der KIRCHEN—GESCHICHTE.
20130313             —KURZ—NACH, seiner Wahl telefonierte Franzikus I.
20130313             FRANZISKUS—I—PAPA ist das 266. OBER—HAUPT der KATHOLIKEN—KIRCHE —SEIT—DEM, Heiligen PETRUS.
20130313             —BEREITS, beim letzten Konklave 20050000             war Bergoglio der stärkste Kontrahent JOSEPH—RATZINGERS gewesen.
20130313             Anstatt auf FRANZISKUS—I—PAPA hätten sie auf JOSEF—GEWETTET, erklärten der Provikar des ERZ—DIÖZESE BUENOS—AIRES, EDUARDO—GARCÍA, und REKTOR ALEJANDRO—RUSO.
20130313             GEWETTET - "Habemus Papam FRANCIScum", war um 2033—UHR der 1. Tweet des neuen Papstes.
20130313             Mutmaßliches MORD—KOMPLOTT: POLIZEI findet Waffen und Sprengstoff bei Salafisten
20130313             —REAKTIONEN aus ARGENTINIEN: "Wir haben Messi —, —JETZT den PAPA" - WAHL—IN—ROM: Der ÜBERRASCHUNGS—PAPA
20130313             Wegweisende Anleiheauktion: IRLAND ist zurück am KAPITAL—MARKT
20130313             Der JESUITEN—ORDEN: Intellektuelle Speerspitze der KATHOLIKEN—KIRCHE
20130313             JORGE—MARIO—BERGOGLIO[FRANCISCUS—I—PAPA]Vater war Bahnangestellter in der ARGENTINIEN—HAUPT—STADT.
20130313             "—ERST wenn alles ÜBEREINSTIMMT—DENKEN, Fühlen und TUN—IST es gut".
20130313             Hölderlin, Borges und Dostojewski gelten als des JORGE—MARIO—BERGOGLIO[FRANCISCUS—I—PAPA] beliebteste Autoren.
20130313             [l] DIE—GUTE—NACHRICHT: Die FU BERLIN will Vorlesungsinhalte im INTERNET bereitstellen.
20130313             —DIE—SCHLECHTE—NACHRICHT,
20130313             DIE—NUTZUNG soll exklusiv mit der ITUNES—SOFTWARE möglich sein.
20130313             Angesichts dieser Meldung schäme ich mich meiner Alma Mater und fordere den Rücktritt des —PRÄSIDENT und aller in diese —ENTSCHEIDUNG involvierten Funktionäre.
20130313             In 1—INTERNEN Schreiben, das der REDAKTION vorliegt, wirbt der KANZLER—DER—UNIVERSITÄT für die KO—OPERATION mit APPLE.
20130313             Boah da kommt mir ja das Frühstück wieder hoch.
20130313             —UPDATE, Die FU ist da nicht alleine, auch die FRÜHER mal 1—GANZ guten Ruf genießende Uni KARLSRUHE fördert die Firma APPLE mit STEUERmitteln.
20130313             —UPDATE, Oh wie schön, guckt euch mal das GEORGE—BERNHARD—SHAW—ZITAT auf der OPEN—ACCESS—HOMEPAGE der FU BERLIN an.
20130313             —UPDATE, Netzpolitik_org hatte das —SCHON vor ner —WOCHE,
20130313             [l] LACHER—DES—TAGES: "Drohnen schaffen Arbeitsplätze".
20130313             Nearly 6.000—DEAD pigs in CHINA—RIVER
20130313             5,916 dead, bloated pigs and counting... - New PONTIFf asks crowd to bless him
20130313             JORGE—MARIO—BERGOGLIO, 76, is the fir... - Name symbolizes 'POVERTY, humility'
20130313             Cardinal JORGE—BERGOGLIO—OF—ARGENTINA...
20130313             —AM, Gegen eben diese Riege von Politikern — genauer:
20130313             —AM, Gegen GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH
20130313             —AM, Gegen RICHARD B.
20130313             —AM, Gegen DONALD H.
20130313             —AM, Gegen CONDOLEEZZA—RICE,
20130313             —AM, Gegen COLIN—POWELL—L.[SHABBAS GOY]und
20130313             —AM, Gegen PAUL M.
20130313             —AM, Gegen — reichte SUNDUS SHAKER SALEH 1—KLAGE beim BUNDES—GERICHT—VON—S—FRANCISCO ein.
20130313             —AM, 1—KLAGE beim BUNDES—GERICHT—VON—S—FRANCISCO ein.
20130313—20040000    —IN, 1—OF—THE—MEN told THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS—IN—EARLY—MARCH that he was only 15—WHEN he was arrested as PART—OF—1—RING that stole jewelry and 20050000            .
20130313—20110000    —BANNED, GERMANY—AUTHORITIES, 3—ULTRACONSERVATIVE Islamic groups, including 1—WHOSE INTERNET propaganda videos helped inspire the extremist who killed 2—USA—AIRMEN at FRANKFURT airport.
20130313—20110125    —LEAKED, EGYPT, 1, report concluded that police were behind THE—KILLING—OF—NEARLY 900—PROTESTERS in Tahrir Square —DURING THE—18—DAY—UPRISING that began.
20130313—20130316    —ON, ZIMBABWE—OFFICIAL—ELECTION—BODY said it will not back down on its ban preventing 1—LEADING human rights group from monitoring 1—REFERENDUM o0n 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION.
20140313             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—OBAMA, the 1. congressionally passed public lands bill in —5—YEARS, and called on Congress to do more to protect the wilderness.
20140313             —EXPANDED, The law officially, the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore in GLEN—ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 1—MOVE that will protect 1—ADDITIONAL 32,500 ACRES—OF—LAKE—MICHIGAN coastline.
20140313             USA—AUTHORITIES said AHMED—BEL—BACHA, —44—JAHRE—ALT, held —FOR—12—YEARS without charge at GUANTANAMO Bay, has been turned over to THE—ALGERIA—GOVERNMENT.
20140313             —REDUCED, This, the Gitmo prisoner population to 154.
20140313             —ALLOWED, The amendment, adults over 21 to possess up to 1—OUNCE—OF—MARIJUANA.
20140313             9 remained hospitalized in critical condition.
20140313             † EDWARD—HAUGHEY, —70—JAHRE—ALT, NORTH—IRELAND—WEALTHIEST man, —AFTER his helicopter crashed in thick fog in EAST—ENGLAND.
20140313             —FOUNDED, EDWARD—HAUGHEY had, Norbrook Laboratories, 1—WORLD—LEADING veterinary drugs company.
20140313             Police in SOUTH—WEST—CHINA took away veteran activist Huang Qi, who runs 1—RIGHTS monitoring website, and seized his computers and MOBILE phones in CHENGDU.
20140313             CZECH—REPUBLIC—PRIEST and intellectual TOMAS—HALIK, —65—JAHRE—ALT won 20140000             —THE—TEMPLETON—PRIZE.
20140313             EAST—AFRICA—HEADS—OF—STATE met in ADDIS—ABABA in the latest push for peace in WAR—TORN SOUTH—SUDAN, where almost —3—MONTHS—OF—RAGING conflict has left thousands dead.
20140313             —KILLED, EGYPT, 1—ATTACK on 1—ARMY—BUS, 1—OFFICER and wounded 3—OTHERS in CAIRO.
20140313             —BLAMED, The army, the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood, who in turn strongly condemned the attack.
20140313             —POSTPONED, THE—PARIS—BASED OECD said it has, all activities related to RUSSIA—ACCESSION to the organization —FOLLOWING 1—REQUEST from its 34—MEMBERS.
20140313             —WARNED, GERMANY—ANGELA—MERKEL, MOSCOW that it risked "massive" political and economic damage if it refused to change course on UKRAINE.
20140313             GERMANY—BAYERN MUNICH PRESIDENT—ULI—HOENESS was found guilty and sentenced to 3½ years in prison for evading MILLIONS—OF—EUROS (dollars) in tax through 1—UNDECLARED—SWITZERLAND—BANK—ACCOUNT.
20140313             ISRAEL—DEFENSE—MINISTRY shut down the Kerem Shalom goods crossing into SOUTH—GAZA —FOLLOWING rocket fire over the border.
20140313             LEBANON, clashes broke out in TRIPOLI —AFTER gunmen fatally shot 1—SUNNI man who had Alawite relatives and lived in 1—MOSTLY—ALAWITE AREA—OF—THE—CITY.
20140313             —ARRESTED, MALAYSIA—POLICE, 62—PEOPLE who had illegally crossed the porous border between THAILAND and MALAYSIA.
20140313             MEXICO, 1—TOP—LEADER—OF—THE—SELF—DEFENSE—MOVEMENT in Michoacan state was charged in the murder of 2—MEMBERS—OF—1—RIVAL vigilante faction.
20140313             —RAISED, NEW—ZEALAND—RESERVE—BANK, its benchmark interest rate by quarter of 1—PERCENTAGE—POINT to 2.75—PERCENT —AFTER holding it at 1—RECORD—LOW—FOR—3—YEARS.
20140313             —RETURNED, NORTH—NIGERIA, attackers, to Marabar Kindo village in KATSINA state and gunned down another 7—VILLAGERS.
20140313             RUSSIA said it will impose symmetrical sanctions if THE—USA—AND—EUROPEAN—UNION impose their own.
20140313             —ARRESTED, SRI—LANKA—POLICE, Balendran Jeyakumari and referred her daughter Vithushaini (13) to child care officials.
20140313             47—OTHERS were given life sentences in 1—HEARING.
20140313             —TRIED, All but 1 were, in absentia.
20140313             —LIVED, However only candidates who have, in Syria for 10—CONSECUTIVE —PRIOR—TO nomination can run.
20140313             —APPEALED, UKRAINE—PARLIAMENT, to THE—UN to discuss the occupation by RUSSIA—FORCES—OF—ITS—CRIMEA peninsula and said it reserved the right to ask individual countries for help in resolving the issue.
20140313             1—MAN, —22—JAHRE—ALT was stabbed to death in DONETSK in clashes between PRO—RUSSIA—PROTESTERS and 1—CROWD favoring European integration and denouncing RUSSIA—FORCES' seizure of Crimea.
20140313             —KILLED, YEMEN, 6—SHIITE rebels and 2—SOLDIERS were, in 1—FIREFIGHT—NEAR—SANAA.
20140313             8—OF—THE—HUTHI rebels, also known as Ansarullah (PARTISANS—OF—GOD), were wounded in the clash in Qaratel.
20140313             † IN—TEXAS—RASHAD—CHARJUAN—OWENS (21) drove drunk into 1—CROWD at the South by Southwest (SXSW) music festival in AUSTIN leaving 2—PEOPLE—DEAD and 23 injured.
20140313             † USA—BORDER—AGENT—ESTEBAN—MANZANARES (32) committed suicide.
20140313             —ACCUSED—OF, USA—BORDER was, kidnapping and assaulting 1—IMMIGRANT—WOMAN, her daughter and another girl —1—DAY—EARLIER in MISSION—TEXAS.
20140313             † BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—POLICE said the driver of 1—CITY—BUS was killed —WHEN 1—MAN threw 1—HAND—GRENADE into the vehicle as it stood at 1—BUS stop in BANJA—LUKA.
20140313             —REPORTED, THE—TORONTO—NATIONAL—POST, that 1—NEW—GENERATION—OF—MUTANT lice have become immune to POISONS—OF—DECADES—PAST and constituted 97.1—PERCENT—OF—ALL—CANADA—HEAD lice cases.
20140313             —POUNDED, ISRAEL—WARPLANES, 29—PALESTINE—TARGETS in THE—GAZA—STRIP in response to heavy PALESTINE—ROCKET—FIRE into the Jewish STATE—AS—GAZA militants resumed rocket fire.
20140313             —APPROVED, SYRIA—PARLIAMENT unanimously, 1—NEW—ELECTION—LAW allowing multiple candidates to run for PRESIDENT, opening the door — at least in theory — to other potential contenders besides PRESIDENT—ASSAD.
20140313             Sanktionen: EUROPA leitet 2. Strafstufe gegen RUSSLAND 1
20140313             Gewinneinbruch: DEUTSCHE—BAHN streicht Dividende radikal zusammen
20140313             Demonstration nach Trauerzug: TOTE—BEI—STRAßENSCHLACHTEN in der TÜRKEI
20140313             STADT—TEIL Harlem: Mehrere TOTE—BEI—GASEXPLOSION—IN—NEW—YORK
20140313             USA—HOCHGESCHWINDIGKEITSZUG: KALIFORNIENs neuer Goldrausch
20140313             VENEZUELA: 3—MENSCHEN —STERBEN bei Protesten
20140313             PRESSE—KOMPASS: —3—JAHRE FUKUSHIMA und ATOM—AUSSTIEG—DAS ist die Bilanz
20140313             —1—JAHR FRANZISKUS—I—PAPA: Der nette Weltpfarrer
20140313             Militanter Tierschützer: FBI jagt ÖKO—TERRORIST auf HAWAII
20140313             Fund in BRASILIEN: Diamant weist auf Wassermassen im Erdinneren
20140313             STRIPTEASE—VERBOT: POLIZEI nimmt Nackte am Machu Picchu fest
20140313             Regierungserklärung: MERKEL droht KREML mit härteren Sanktionen
20140313             —RÜCKKEHR ins Leben: INDIEN—GLÄUBIGE kühlen Guru —SEIT—WOCHEN, in Gefriertruhe
20140313             STEUER—VERFAHREN, STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT fordert fünfeinhalb —JAHRE—HAFT—FÜR—HOENEß
20140313             —GEFLOHEN, Warnung der Uno: 100.000e aus Darfur
20140313             —GEGEN, Zensur und Ausspähung: GOOGLE startet Verschlüsselung von Suchanfragen
20140313             —ÜBERGEWICHT, Folgen der Pfunde:, schaltet Gen ab
20140313             Antrag im EUROPA—PARLAMENT: EU—ABGEORDNETE wollen SCHRÖDERSPRECH—VERBOT zur KRIM erteilen
20140313             Gewinn 20130000             : BUNDES—BANK—MACHT—PLUS—VON—4,6—MILLIARDEN—EURO
20140313             SXSW—FESTIVAL—IN—TEXAS: Auto rast in Menschenmenge - 2—TOTE
20140313             —PROTESTE—IN—DER—TÜRKEI—ERDOGAN provoziert DIE—STRAßE
20140313             Paralympics in Sotschi: DBS—PRÄSIDENT—BEUCHER schlägt Mittagessen mit PUTIN aus
20140313             ABHÄNGIGKEIT—VON—RUSSLANDS Gas: Fracking für DIE—FREIHEIT
20140313             —VERURTEILT, STEUER—HINTERZIEHUNG: Gericht, Uli Hoeneß zu dreieinhalb —JAHREN Haft
20140313             Sal.-OPPENHEIM—PROZESS, Schickedanz verlor den Überblick über ihr Geld
20140313             —REAKTIONEN—AUF—HOENEß—SCHULDSPRUCH: "Uli tut mir unendlich leid"
20140313             DLRG—BILANZ: Zahl tödlicher BADEUN—FÄLLE steigt enorm
20140313             Tödliche Unfälle: GENERAL—MOTORS wusste —SCHON—FRÜHER—VON—ZÜNDSCHLOSS—PROBLEMEN
20140313             —BESTIMMT, Medikamente und Impfstoffe: Der nächste Lieferengpass kommt
20140313             Kommentar zum URTEIL—GEGEN—ULI Hoeneß: 1—GANZ gewöhnlicher KRIMineller
20140313             —UKRAINE—KRISE, DEUTSCH—RUSSLAND—GIPFEL—TREFFEN steht auf der Kippe
20140313             Einheitliche Elektronik: EU—PARLAMENT will Standard für HANDY—LADEGERÄTE durchsetzen
20140313             —UKRAINE—KRISE, KERRY spricht von 20.000—RUSSLAND—SOLDATEN AUF—DER—KRIM
20140313             Delfine: Fossiler Zahnwal navigierte mit Echolot
20140313             Verschärfung im NAH—OST—KONFLIKT, HAMAS in höchster Not
20140313             QUELLE—ERBIN als Zeugin vor Gericht: Der Jammer der MADELEINE—SCHICKEDANZ
20140313             EU—PARLAMENT zur UKRAINE—KRISE, Grüne scheitern mit ANTRAG—GEGEN—EX—KANZLER—SCHRÖDER
20140313             —GEGEBEN, EX—PALASTREPORTER: Diana soll königliches Telefonbuch an Presse, haben
20140313             Entwicklungshilfe: 100.000.000—EURO mehr J—IM für AFRIKA
20140313             FINANZ—KRISE—IN—GRIECHENLAND: Abgeordnete müssen Kekse und Kaffee selbst zahlen
20140313             REGIME—KRITIKER: RUSSLAND sperrt INTERNETseiten von PUTIN—KRITIKERN
20140313             —BEGONNEN, Der INTERNET—KONZERN GOOGLE hat damit, Suchanfragen aus CHINA zu verschlüsseln.
20140313             Damit, so DIE—WASHINGTON—POST, fordere DAS—UNTERNEHMEN das Zensur—, ÜBERWACHUNGS—SYSTEM des Landes heraus.
20140313             Sie soll laut GOOGLE DIE—ÜBERWACHUNG—VON—INTERNETNUTZERN durch Regierungen, DIE—POLIZEI oder Hacker erschweren.
20140313             Für die "Große CHINA—FIREWALL"bedeute Googles verstärkte Nutzung der VERSCHLÜSSELUNGS—TECHNOLOGIE 1—BESCHNEIDUNG ihrer INTERNETkontrolle. es sei nicht mehr möglich festzustellen, ob 1—INTERNETNUTZER nach zensierten Begriffen wie "DALAI—LAMA"oder "Platz des Himmlischen Friedens"sucht.
20140313             Für DIE—REGIERUNGEN CHINAs und anderer Länder mit starker nationaler Netzzensur, wie etwa SAUDI—ARABIEN oder VIETNAM, bleibe so nur noch die KOMPLETT—BLOCKADE—VON—GOOGLE, um unliebsame Inhalte von ihren Bürgern fernzuhalten.
20140313             DIE—UNERWARTETE Entwicklung stehe in direktem Zusammenhang mit den Enthüllungen EDWARD—SNOWDENS.
20140313             DER—WHISTLE—BLOWER hatte
20140313             1—GOOGLE—SPRECHERIN erklärte gegenüber der WASHINGTON—POST: "DIE—ENTHÜLLUNGEN des vergangenen —SOMMERS haben DIE—NOTWENDIGKEIT unterstrichen, unsere Netze zu stärken".Dazu gehöre DIE—WELTWEITE, standardmäßige Verschlüsselung der GOOGLE—SUCHE.
20140313             Damit solle auch DIE—INDUSTRIE ermutigt werden, höhere SICHERHEITS—STANDARDS einzuführen.
20140313             —WÄHREND, 1—OFFIZIELLE Stellungnahme aus CHINA —DERZEIT, nicht vorliegt, zeigen sich BÜRGER—RECHT—AKTIVISTEN zufrieden.
20140313             DAS—USA—HAUPT—STADTBLATT zitierte PERCY—ALPHA—VON—GREATFIRE_org: "Das wird Chinesen helfen, an Informationen zu gelangen, die sie nie zuvor gesehen haben.
20140313             Den CHINA—ZENSUR—BEHÖRDEN wird das große Kopfschmerzen bereiten.
20140313             Hoffentlich folgen andere Unternehmen Googles Beispiel".
20140313             —KOOPERIERT, RUSSLAND
20140313             [4]WIEDERHOLUNG—SANKTIONEN, Ausschlüsse, Erpressung und dann militärischer Einfall, so läuft das immer bei der NATO—USA und EU.
20140313             In diesem Fall Russalnd, ohne Erfolg. EUROPA schädigt sich selbst.
20140313             [l] Demonstrieren in VICTORIA (AUSTRALIEN) kostet —JETZT 750—DOLLAR und —BIS zu —2—JAHRE Knast.
20140313             [l] GOOGLE hat der GROSSBRITANNIEN—REGIERUNG speziellen YOUTUBE—ZENSUR—ZUGRIFF eingeräumt.
20140313             Begründung: Die ganzen JIHADISTEN—VIDEOS!1!!
20140313—10121200    —IN, THE—COLORADO—COURT—OF—APPEALS said people whose cases were under appeal —WHEN Amendment 64—TOOK effect, are eligible to have their convictions for possessing small AMOUNT—OF—MARIJUANA dismissed.
20140313—19610000    —GEGRÜNDET—DIE OECD vereint Länder, die sich zu Demokratie und MARKT—WIRTSCHAFT bekennen.
20140313—19610000    Insgesamt gehören der OECD 34—STAATEN an, die meisten davon Industrieländer.
20140313—19610000    MITTLERWEILE sind aber auch SCHWELLEN—LÄNDER wie MEXIKO und CHILE beigetreten.
20140313—19610000    DIE—OECD ist die bedeutendste Vereinigung zur Koordinierung von Wirtschafts-, HANDELS— und Entwicklungspolitik.
20140313—19610000    DIE—EXPERTEN—DER—ORGANISATION erarbeiten beispielsweise regelmäßig KONJUNKTUR—PROGNOSEN und sind für den WELT—WEIT größten SCHULLEISTUNGS—TEST Pisa verantwortlich.
20140313—19680000    —PUSHED, Halik, for religious and cultural freedoms —AFTER THE—SOVIET—INVASION—OF—CZECHOSLOVAKIA and became 1—LEADING ADVOCATE—OF—DIALOGUE among different faiths and NON—BELIEVERS.
20140313—19920000    —SEIT, mit der OECD und beantragte —4—JAHRE—SPÄTER, 1—AUFNAHME in DIE—ORGANISATION.
20140313—19920000    —SEIT, RUSSLAND kooperiert
20140313—20090000    —RESTORED, MADAGASCAR said it has, ties with THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND for the 1. time —SINCE 1—COUP.
20140313—20090000    —IN, Jeyakumari had been vocal in calling for the release of her —15—YEAR—OLD—SON, 1—CHILD recruit of the Tamil Tiger rebels, whom she had handed to the military as fighting ended.
20140313—20140317    —ON, A 3. person † of her injuries.
20140531—20140313    —ON, 1—JUDGE ruled that both girls must stand trial as adults.
20141211—20150313    —ON, doctors announced that the man (21) had made 1—FULL—RECOVERY.
20150304—20150313    —ANNOUNCED, Police, 1—ARREST in the shooting of AL—JUMAILI.
20150309—20150313    —ON, police also arrested SHELTON—MCDANIELS, —29—JAHRE—ALT and JERRY—HARBIN—JUNIOR, —29—JAHRE—ALT in connection with the slaying.
20150313             PRESIDENT—OBAMA, in his 1. visit to THE—PHOENIX—VETERANS—AFFAIRS—HOSPITAL whose practices sparked 1—HEALTH—CARE—SCANDAL, acknowledged lingering weaknesses THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT—RESPONSE to the chronic delays and false waiting lists in THE—VA health system.
20150313             —ARESTED, Police in SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, 8—OF 14—STUDENTS under investigation for 1—SERIES—OF—SEXUAL—ASSAULTS on and off the campus of Venice High School in LOS—ANGELES.
20150313             —KILLED, MISSISSIPPI, 2—PEOPLE were, and 3—LEFT injured in Brookhaven —EARLY—TODAY.
20150313             —OPENED, JIMMY—LYONS, —32—JAHRE—ALT reportedly, fire on 1—FAMILY he lived with leaving Jermaine Sims (31) and 1—DAUGHTER, —9—JAHRE—ALT dead.
20150313             ANDORRA, JOAN—PAU—MIQUEL—PRATS—OF—BANCA—PRIVADA—DE—ANDORRA (BPA) was arrested on SUSPICION—OF—MONEY laundering —FOLLOWING USA—ALLEGATIONS that funds were laundered for groups from CHINA, RUSSIA and VENEZUELA.
20150313             CAMEROON—TROOPS began attacking NIGERIA—BOKO—HARAM—ISLAMIC—EXTREMISTS—NEAR THE—NIGERIA—VILLAGE—OF Ndaba, killing several of the militants over the next —24—HOURS and destroying SOME—OF—THEIR—EQUIPMENT.
20150313             —PROMISED, KUWAIT, THE—UAE and SAUDI—ARABIA all, investments and aid of $4—BILLION each.
20150313             —ANNOUNCED, EGYPT—GOVERNMENT, plans to build 1—NEW—CAPITAL—ADJACENT to CAIRO, in 1—MASSIVE—NEW—PROJECT that in its 1. phase would cost $45—BILLION and take up to —7—YEARS to complete.
20150313             —RULED, GERMANY—TOP—COURT, that Muslim women teachers can wear headscarves as long as it does not cause disruption in school overturning its own 20030000             ban.
20150313             —GUNNED, GUATEMALA, JOURNALIST—GUIDO—VILLATORO, —20—JAHRE—ALT was, down as he entered the office where he worked in THE—SOUTH—WEST—DEPARTMENT—OF—SUCHITEPEQUEZ.
20150313             1—WIRETAP soon led to THE—CAPTURE—OF—SUSPECT—ANTONIO—TELEVARIO—NAVICHOC, 1—OF 2—LEADERS—OF—1—MARA 18—STREET—GANG—CELL that runs extortion rackets in the region.
20150313             —SIGNED, JAPAN and FRANCE, 1—ARMS—TRANSFER—AGREEMENT, paving the way to develop drones and other unmanned equipment together as JAPAN seeks to play 1—GREATER—INTERNATIONAL—MILITARY—ROLE.
20150313             IRAQ, 1—BOMBING in BAGHDAD and 1—EXPLOSION in 1—NEARBY—TOWN killed 7—PEOPLE.
20150313             —CLAIMED, IRAQ—POLICE, —AROUND 50—PERCENT of Tikrit was —NOW—BACK—IN government hands.
20150313             6—SOLDIERS were reported killed and 11 wounded in 1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMB—TIKRIT'S in AL—DYUM neighborhood.
20150313             —STAGED, IRAQ, and Syria THE—USA and its coalition partners, 11—AIR—STRIKES against Islamic State militants over the last —24—HOURS.
20150313             —CLAIMED, AL—SHABAB militants from SOMALIA, responsibility for the attack.
20150313             —SENTENCED, Nasheed was, to —13—YEARS in prison.
20150313             1—BOMB from 1—MYANMAR aircraft fell in CHINA—TERRITORY and killed 4—CHINA—PEOPLE.
20150313             —DENIED, MYANMAR, that ANY—BOMB from its forces had fallen in CHINA and said the rebels might have fired into CHINA to create misunderstanding.
20150313             —CAPSIZED, NORTH—WEST—MYANMAR, 1—CROWDED—DOUBLE—DECKER passenger ferry, —LATE—TODAY—AFTER being slammed by huge waves.
20150313             —KILLED, At least 61—PEOPLE were, with 169—KNOWN survivors.
20150313             —UNCOVERED, NIGERIA—MILITARY said that it had, 1—BOKO—HARAM—BOMB—MAKING factory in THE—NORTH—EAST—TOWN—OF—BUNI—YADI —AFTER soldiers retook the town from the insurgents.
20150313             —ABDUCTED, CENTRAL—NIGERIA, gunmen, 3—CHINA—WORKERS—AFTER 1—SHOOTOUT that left 1—POLICE—OFFICER—DEAD at 1—QUARRY outside Lokoja, THE—CAPITAL—OF—KOGI state.
20150313             —FREED, The workers were, THE—NEXT—DAY through 1—JOINT—OPERATION by the police and other security agents.
20150313             —FACED, He was unlikely to be freed because he still, charges in 1—SEPARATE kidnapping case.
20150313             —POUNDED, PAKISTAN—WARPLANES, militant hideouts in 1—NORTHWESTERN tribal region near THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER, killing at least 48 suspected militants.
20150313             1—SERBIA—MILITARY—HELICOPTER crashed near BELGRADE in foggy weather —LATE—TODAY—WHILE evacuating 1—SICK—BABY from THE—SOUTH—OF—THE—COUNTRY, killing all 7—PEOPLE on BOARD.
20150313             —SUSPECTED, SPAIN, 8, Islamist militants accused of planning attacks and recruiting fighters to send to Syria and IRAQ were arrested in dawn raids across the country.
20150313             —PROCLAIMED, Ordinary jubilees are, EVERY— 25—YEARS.
20150313             † IN—VENEZUELA—RODOLFO—GONZALEZ, —64—JAHRE—ALT sometime —DURING the night —WHILE being held at THE—HEADQUARTERS—OF—THE—INTELLIGENCE—POLICE in 1—APPARENT—SUICIDE that his family said was THE—RESULT—OF—HARSH—PRISON—CONDITIONS and unjust punishment.. Gonzalez was arrested —LAST—YEAR—DURING demonstrations against the socialist government.
20150313             —RALLIED, YEMEN, hundreds, in THE—MILITIA—CONTROLLED CAPITAL—OF—SANAA to call for presidential elections and demanding THE—SON—OF—EX—STRONGMAN—ALI—ABDULLAH—SALEH to run as 1—CANDIDATE.
20150313             † In ZIMBABWE 1—PRISONER in 1—OF—THE—COUNTRY—MOST notorious jails in 1—STAMPEDE —AFTER HUNDREDS—OF—INMATES rioted over the poor quality of their food.
20150313             —OPENED, JIMMY—LYONS (32) reportedly, fire on 1—FAMILY he lived with leaving Jermaine Sims (31) and 1—DAUGHTER (9) dead.
20150313             —ATTACKED, NORTH—KENYA—ISLAMIC, militants, the convoy of 1—GOVERNOR, killing 3—PEOPLE in the 2. attack on GOVERNOR—ALI—ROBA—CONVOY in —5—MONTHS.
20150313             TURKEY, 3—MALE UNITED—KINGDOM—TEENAGERS planning to join Islamic State militants in Syria were detained in ISTANBUL.
20150313             —DECLARED, FRANCISCUS—I—PAPA, 1—EXTRAORDINARY jubilee, or holy —YEAR, to last 20151208—20161120    —FROM—TO.
20150313             † IN—VENEZUELA—RODOLFO—GONZALEZ (64) sometime —DURING the night —WHILE being held at THE—HEADQUARTERS—OF—THE—INTELLIGENCE—POLICE in 1—APPARENT—SUICIDE that his family said was THE—RESULT—OF—HARSH—PRISON—CONDITIONS and unjust punishment.
20150313             —ARRESTED, Gonzalez was, —LAST—YEAR—DURING demonstrations against the socialist government.
20150313             S—PEDRO—DE—ATACAMA/BONN—UNZÄHLIGE Sterne sind 1—STUDIE—ZUFOLGE deutlich FRÜHER entstanden als
20150313             TERRORbotschaft: IS—DROHT—MIT—ANSCHLÄGEN auf BIG—BEN und Eiffelturm
20150313             —GEPLANTES Gesetz: Nahles will Werkverträge vom ZOLL kontrollieren lassen
20150313             Kommentar zur Pille danach: Endlich rezeptfrei!
20150313             SCHÜSSE—IN—USA—STADT FERGUSON: Die Wunde, die nicht heilen will
20150313             Antrag zurückgezogen: ISLAND will nicht mehr in DIE—EU
20150313             Finanznot: GRIECHENLAND will ZUGRIFF—AUF—SOZIALKASSEN gesetzlich regeln
20150313             —STUDIE—ZU—KINDERARMUT: In der Kita sollte Arm auf Reich —TREFFEN
20150313             GRIECHENLAND—KRISE, SCHÄUBLE schließt Grexit nicht mehr aus
20150313             Brief der Spitzenverbände: WIRTSCHAFTS—LOBBY warnt MERKEL vor Belastungen
20150313             —GEWINNT, LOHN—ANSTIEG 20140000             : Wer viel hat, ZUMEIST (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 08:43)
20150313             Anstehende Sonnenfinsternis: es wird dunkel über EUROPA
20150313             Pünktlich zum astronomischen —FRÜHLINGS—ANFANG
20150313             1—SOLCHES Naturspektakel könnte sich AUCH—JE nach WETTERLAGE—AUF die Stromversorgung auswirken
20150313             In 1—ETWA 400—KM schmalen Streifen auf dem NORD—ATLANTIK wird es am kommenden —FREITAG für etwas mehr als —2—MINUTEN komplett dunkel.
20150313             EUROPA, Nordafrika, dem Mittleren Osten, dem westlichen ASIEN und auf GRÖNLAND ist das Ereignis als Teilfinsternis zu sehen
20150313             Auf 1—INTERAKTIVEN Karte DER—USA—WELT—RAUM—BEHÖRDE NASA kann man herausfinden, wie dunkel es am eigenen Standor
20150313             —AM, —ANFANG der Sonnenfinsternis rechnen die Netzbetreiber mit 1—RÜCKGANG—DER—SOLAREINSPEISUNG um —BIS zu 12.000—MEGAWATT.
20150313             —NACH, ENDE—DES—KOSMISCHEN—SCHAUSPIELS erwarten SIE—DAS ist weit brenzliger - 1.plötzlich wieder dazukommende Einspeisung von 19.000—MEGAWATT aus den weit über 20000001             0—SOLARANLAGEN in DEUTSCHLAND.
20150313             DIE—SONNE steht zur Mittagszeit höher, das erhöht die solare Stromproduktion.
20150313             Wenn mit 1—MAL so viel Strom in die Netze gelangt, müssen konventionelle Kraftwerke im Gegenzug umgehend heruntergefahren werden -
20150313             Insbesondere große Industriezentren sind auf 1.sichere, störungsfreie Stromversorgung angewiesen.
20150313             Der komplizierte Eingriff ins Stromnetz KöNNTE—CA—20000005              0—EURO kosten,
20150313             der ÖKO—STROMANTEIL liegt BUNDES—WEIT —HEUTE—BEREITS bei 26,2 %.
20150313             S—JOSÉ: HAUPT—STADT—FLUGHAFEN in COSTA—RICA wegen VULKAN—AUSBRUCH geschlossen
20150313             —BLAMIERT, Änderung des Weltwetters: EL—NIÑO, Meteorologen
20150313             —NEUEN—SICHERHEITS—GESETZ: TÜRKEI—REGIERUNG stoppt Beratungen
20150313             PROZESS—IN—HANNOVER: Meerschweinchen TOT—EHEPAAR zieht vor Gericht
20150313             GROßE—KOALITION: SPD—CHEF—GABRIEL gibt Wahl 20170000             DE—FACTO verloren
20150313             SOFTWAREfehler: GOOGLE entblößt 100.000e Adressen von DOMAIN—INHABERN
20150313             Notkredite für BANKEN: EZB verstärkt DRUCK—AUF—GRIECHENLAND
20150313             ARD—UMFRAGE: DEUTSCHLAND—PFLEGEN Hassliebe zu Smartphones
20150313             BUNDES—REGIERUNG: "Wir wollen GRIECHENLAND ein guter Freund sein"
20150313             Vermessung des Erdmagnetfelds: NASA startet VIERLINGS—SATELLITEN
20150313             —PROTEST privater Rundfunkanbieter: Beschwerde gegen Rechercheverbund von NDR, WDR und "SÜD—DEUTSCHER—ZEITUNG"
20150313             SPRIT—PREISE, Schwacher EURO macht Tanken teurer
20150313             Gutachten: BUNDES—REGIERUNG zweifelt an Sicherheit der ATOM—RÜCKSTELLUNGEN
20150313             DEUTSCHLAND gegen GRIECHENLAND: Bitte aufhören!
20150313             Masern: UNTERRICHTSVERBOT—FÜR—NICHT geimpfte Schüler ist rechtens
20150313             Europäischer DATEN—SCHUTZ, MINISTER einigen sich auf einheitliche Anlaufstellen
20150313             Treffen in BRÜSSEL: JUNCKER und TSIPRAS vereinbaren Taskforce für GRIECHENLAND—HILFEN
20150313             —EVOLUTION: Mensch übernahm zahlreiche GENE—VON—BAKTERIEN
20150313             —GEPLANTE SICHERHEITS—CHECKS: BUNDESWEHR will Einsickern von ISLAMISTEN verhindern
20150313             "4—BIS —5—JAHRE": FRANZISKUS—I—PAPA rechnet mit nur kurzem PONTIFikat
20150313             —URTEIL zu Kopftuchverboten: KARLSRUHE kritisiert Bevorzugung des CHRISTENTUMs
20150313             Hilfszahlung: USA unterstützen SYRIEN—OPPOSITION mit 20000070             0—DOLLAR
20150313             —21—JAHRE—ALTER Patient: Chirurgen melden 1.erfolgreiche PENIS—TRANSPLANTATION
20150313             FINANZ—MINISTER "ganz privat": Griechen spotten über VAROUFAKIS' HOCHGLANZ—HOMESTORY
20150313             DIE—SCHWEDEN—STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT kommt JULIAN—ASSANGE entgegen:
20150313             ASSANGEs SCHWEDEN—ANWALT sagte in 1 1.Reaktion, er begrüße den Vorschlag.
20150313             SCHWEDEN fordert —J—SEIT—DEM, 20100000             die Auslieferung ASSANGEs, um ihn zu 2—VORWÜRFEN des sexuellen Missbrauchs und der Vergewaltigung zu verhören.
20150313             SCHWEDEN hat tatsächlich 1—AUSLIEFERUNGS—ABKOMMEN—MIT—DEN—USA.
20150313             Außerdem gibt es IN—DEN—USA —BISHER, weder 1.ANKLAGE—GEGEN—ASSANGE noch 1—AUSLIEFERUNGS—GESUCH.
20150313             DIE—SCHWEDEN—STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT änderte —NUN ihre Meinung, weil EINIGE—DER—VORWÜRFE—GEGEN—ASSANGE —IM, ;;08;;
20150313             verjähren.
20150313             DIE—STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT sei aber IMMER—NOCH der Meinung, dass 1.Befragung in der Botschaft in LONDON "lückenhaft"wäre und ASSANGE zudem auch für 1—MÖGLICHEN PROZESS—IN—SCHWEDEN verfügbar sein sollte, erklärte Staatsanwältin MARIANNE—NEW—YORK.
20150313             Weil —NUN aber DIE—ZEIT knapp werde, müsse sie 1 "Qualitätsverlust"bei der Befragung in Kauf nehmen.
20150313             WIKILEAKS—SPRECHER Kristinn Hrafnsson sagte: "es ist unverschämt, dass DIE—STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT viereinhalb —JAHRE braucht, um zu dieser —ENTSCHEIDUNG zu kommen".
20150313             [l] Oh Mann ist das mal wieder alles schlimm.
20150313             (5) Sonstige Diensteanbieter, die 1—INTERNETZUGANG nach Absatz 3—ZUR Verfügung stellen, können wegen 1—EECHTSWIDRIGEN Handlung eines Nutzers nicht auf Unterlassung in Anspruch genommen werden, wenn sie zumutbare MAßNAHMEn im Sinne des Absatzes 4—ERGRIFFEN haben und die Namen der Nutzer kennen, denen sie den Zugang gewährt haben.
20150313             Das wird dann vermutlich 1—GERICHT klären müssen, ob ein "bitte geben Sie hier Ihren Namen ein, dmait wir Sie ins INTERNET lassen können"reicht, oder ob man da den Personalausweis kontrollieren muss.
20150313             [l] DER—KREML hat angeblich angesagt, dass sie 1.große Ansage planen, und DIE—JOURNALISTEN sollen sich bitte nicht —SCHON ins Wochenende verabschieden.
20150313             [l] Öh, nanu?
20150313             NS—REPARATIONEN für GRIECHENLAND: Geld für die Opfer, aber nicht für TSIPRAS
20150313             NAZIverbrechen: GRIECHENLAND setzt bei Reparationsforderung auf WEHRMACHT—ARCHIV
20150313             TÜRKEI—STUDENT: —14—MONATE Haft für ERDOGAN—BELEIDIGUNG
20150313             —ZEITUNGSUMFRAGE: Franzosen wollen an körperlichen Strafen für Kinder festhalten
20150313             —12—JAHRE Bauzeit: ÄGYPTEN plant neue HAUPT—STADT
20150313             [l] Nein, nicht der Postillon: KOMMUNISTISCHE—PARTEI [CHINAs] will Wiedergeburt des DALAI—LAMA erzwingen.
20150313             —DISKUTIERT, Auf dem VOLKS—KONGRESS—IN—CHINA, DIE—KOMMUNISTISCHE—PARTEI über die Ankündigung des DALAI—LAMA, nicht wiedergeboren zu werden.
20150313             [l] KURZE—DURCHSAGE—VON—GEORGE—FRIEDMAN (Stratfor):
20150313             The primordial INTEREST—OF—THE—UNITED—STATES has been THE—RELATION—SHIP between GERMANY and RUSSIA, because united they are the only force that could threaten us, and to make sure that doesn't happen.
20150313             [l] Nach 1—GERICHTLICHEN Auseinandersetzung ist —JETZT klar, dass DER—BUND DIE—PESTIZIDE von Bayer Crop Science weiterhin "bienengefährlich"nennen darf.
20150313             [l] SCHWEIZ—PENSIONSFONDS überlegen laut, ob sie ihre Einlagen nicht lieber bar selber lagern, als bei der BANK—NEGATIV—ZINSEN dafür zu zahlen.
20150313             "10vor10" liegt das Schreiben 1—GROSSEN SCHWEIZ—BANK vor, in welchem sie ihrer Kundin, 1—PENSIONSKASSE, mitteilt: "Wir bedauern, dass innert Frist keine ihren Erwartungen entsprechende Lösung gefunden werden konnte".
20150313             [l] IN—DER—UKRAINE gibt es gerade 1.mysteriöse REIHE—VON—TODESFÄLLEN unter PRO—RUSSLAND—POLITIKERN.
20150313             alfatomega.com/20070531.html
20150313             Ich sage ja immer, man muss da vorsichtig sein!
20150313             Ich für meinen Teil bin mir SICHER, dass die 100—MILLIARDEN in —10—JAHREN auf total soliden Annahmen basieren!1!!
20150313             [l] Man kann ja viel sagen über DIE—GRIECHEN, aber ihre Hausaufgaben haben sie gemacht:
20150313             Kammenos hielt SCHÄUBLE auch dessen Verwicklung in die CDU—PARTEISPENDEN—AFFÄRE vor: "Wir Griechen erinnern uns genau, dass Herr SCHÄUBLE sein Amt als PARTEI—VORSITZENDER aufgeben musste, weil er in 1—FALL—VON—BESTECHUNG verwickelt war.
20150313—20070000    —HALTED, THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT formally, proceedings against KENYA—PRESIDENT—UHURU—KENYATTA, —3—MONTHS—AFTER prosecutors dropped charges implicating him in fomenting postelection violence that left more than 1,000—PEOPLE—DEAD and 20080000            .
20150313—20080000    —IN—THE, 1—PAKISTAN—COURT ordered the release of ZAKI—UR—RAHMAN—LAKHVI, the main suspect Mumbai terror attacks, because a —3—MONTH—DETENTION—PERIOD has expired.
20150313—20120000    —RULED, In THE—MALDIVES a 3—JUDGE—PANEL, that MOHAMED—NASHEED, the country's 1. democratically elected PRESIDENT, had issued 1—ILLEGAL—ORDER to detain 1—SENIOR—JUDGE—WHILE in office.
20150313—20150307    —IN—THE, MALI—SPECIAL—FORCES killed 1—SUSPECT—DEADLY—JIHADIST—ATTACK on 1—NIGHTCLUB in the capital.
20150313—20151208    —FROM, FRANCIS—PAPA declared 1—EXTRAORDINARY jubilee, or holy —YEAR, to last, to 20161120            .
20150313—20221025    —AM, DIE—NÄCHSTE Beobachtungschance für 1—PARTIELLE Sonnenfinsternis in DEUTSCHLAND gibt es
20150313—20260812    —AM—ERST—WIEDER1, TOTALE SONNEN—FINSTERNIS stattfindet über EUROPA,
20150313—20810903    —AM, 1—TOTALE SONNEN—FINSTERNIS stattfindet über DEUTSCHLAND —ERST.
20150317—20150313    —SINCE, AL—SHABAB—ISLAMIC—EXTREMISTS soon claimed responsibility, bringing the total number of those killed by the militants to 12.
20160313             Bei 1 Bombenanschlag in der TÜRKISCHEN—HAUPTSTADT—ANKARA werden mindestens 34—MENSCHEN getötet und 125—VERLETZT
20160313             MARYLAND, undercover narcotics Officer Jacai Colson (28) was fatally shot at 1—COMMUNITY center in PRINCE—GEORGE—COUNTY.
20160313             —WOUNDED, Gunman MICHAEL—FORD, —22—JAHRE—ALT was, and arrested along with his 2—BROTHERS.
20160313             —WOUNDED, Colson was mortally, by 1—OF—HIS colleagues.
20160313             —INCLUDED, His 16—BOOKS, "THE—MANY—FACES—OF—REALISM" (19870000             ).
20160313             TEXAS, OFF—DUTY suburban Dalla police Officer KEN—JOHNSON, —35—JAHRE—ALT saw 1—VEHICLE being burglarized and gave chase.
20160313             1—ALTERCATION ensued and Johnson fatally shot JOSE—RAUL—CRUZ, —16—JAHRE—ALT and wounded another juvenile.
20160313             —FLOODED, BRAZIL, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS, the streets in hope of bringing down PRESIDENT—DILMA—ROUSSEFF over corruption and 1—CRUMBLING economy.
20160313             —AWARDED, DUBAI, PALESTINE—TEACHER—HANAN AL—HROUB was, the $1—MILLION—GLOBAL—TEACHER—AWARD for her innovative approach of using play to counter violent behavior.
20160313             —DETAILED, The foundation said her approach, in her book "We Play and Learn," has led to 1—DECLINE in violent behavior in schools where this is usually 1—FREQUENT—OCCURRENCE.
20160313             —TURNED, Germans, out in force to vote in 3—STATE—ELECTIONS, with THE—ANTI—IMMIGRATION—ALTERNATIVE for GERMANY (AfD) party looking to profit from popular angst about CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL—WELCOME—OF—MORE than 1—MILLION—MIGRANTS.
20160313             —INCREASED, GREECE, efforts to move THOUSANDS—OF—MIGRANTS—NEAR the border with MACEDONIA to sheltered camps, as THE—SPREAD—OF—INFECTION became 1—CONCERN with 1—PERSON in 1—SPRAWLING tent city diagnosed with Hepatitis A.
20160313             —PULLED, IRAQ said the Islamic State group said it has, its fighters out of Rutba, 1—DESERT—TOWN in THE—WEST—PROVINCE—OF—ANBAR.
20160313             —ARMED, IVORY—COAST, heavily, gunmen opened fire at the L'Etoile du Sud (SOUTH—STAR) hotel beach resort of GRAND—BASSAM which is popular with Westerners.
20160313             —KILLED, Gunmen from al QAEDA—NORTH—AFRICA—BRANCH, 15—CIVILIANS and 3—SPECIAL—FORCES.
20160313             —ARRESTED, On 20160325—20160326     2—MALIANS were, in NORTH—MALI on suspicion of playing 1—KEY—ROLE in the deadly attack that left 22—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20160313             —ARRESTED, JAPAN, Okinawa police, JUSTIN—CASTELLANOS, —24—JAHRE—ALT 1—USA—NAVY seaman at Camp Schwab.
20160313             —SUSPECTED—OF, Police said he is, sexually assaulting 1—JAPAN—TOURIST in her 40s as she slept at her hotel —EARLIER that —MORNING.
20160313             —DEMONSTRATED, HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—MOROCCANS, to protest THE—UN—CHIEF—REMARKS about the contested WEST—SAHARA territory.
20160313             They took offense —WHEN UN CHIEF—BAN—KI—MOON used the word "occupation" —AFTER 1—VISIT—THIS—MONTH to refugee camps for the region's native Sahraouis in SOUTH—ALGERIA.
20160313             —SUSPENDED, Some 40,000 PALESTINE—TEACHERS, a —3—WEEK—OLD—STRIKE—AFTER PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS promised to increase their salaries —NEXT—YEAR.
20160313             —ACCUSED, RUSSIA, TURKEY of sending its military across THE—SYRIA—BORDER to prevent Kurdish groups there from consolidating their positions.
20160313             SRI—LANKA, crippling power cut, the 2. in as MANY—WEEKS, lasted about —8—HOURS, fueling public unhappiness over 1 perceived lack of action by PRESIDENT—MAITHRIPALA—SIRISENA—GOVERNMENT to avert sudden outages.
20160313             † In THAILAND 8—PEOPLE and 7 were injured —WHEN they accidentally triggered 1—FIRE extinguisher system inside the vault of at THE—BANGKOK headquarters of the Siam Commercial Bank (SCB) and released 1—SUFFOCATING cloud of chemicals.
20160313             —SLAPPED, TURKEY, 1—CURFEW on 2—BORDER—TOWNS in THE—KURDISH—DOMINATED southeast ahead of 1—LOOMING military "CLEAN—UP" operation as it eased 1—LOCKDOWN in DIYARBAKIR.
20160313             37—PEOPLE were killed in 1—ANKARA car bombing that security officials said involved 1—FEMALE—FIGHTER—OF—THE—KURDISTAN—WORKERS—PARTY (PKK).
20160313             —ATTACKED, YEMEN, SAUDI—LED helicopters, al Qaeda militants in ADEN overnight in 1—EFFORT to dislodge them from 1—STRONGHOLD in the southern port city, killing at least 18—PEOPLE.
20160313             ZIMBABWE, 1—ITALY—FATHER and son were shot dead by wildlife rangers —WHILE on 1—ANTI—POACHING patrol in 1—APPARENT—CASE—OF—MISTAKEN identity in the Mana Pools national park.
20160313             * —LIVED, Claudio Chiarelli (50) had, in ZIMBABWE 19820000             —SINCE and that his son (20) in the country.
20160313             † 3—ATTACKERS were also killed.
20160313             NORTH—SYRIA—AL—QAEDA, militants swept through THE—REBEL—HELD TOWN—OF—MAARAT—NUMAN in 1—DISPLAY—OF—DOMINANCE, arresting USA—BACKED fighters and looting weapons stores belonging to the Free SYRIA—ARMY.
20160313             † 7—FSA Division 13—FIGHTERS in the clashes.
20160313             —AM, wird in 3—BUNDES—LÄNDERN gewählt.
20160313             FLÜCHTLINGE: —AM—DONNERSTAG kamen nur noch 92
20160313             VW—ABGAS—AFFÄRE— USA—UMWELT—BEHÖRDE deutet offenbar 1. Entgegenkommen an
20160313             FORSCHUNGS—MISSION—EXOMARS": Reiseziel rot
20160313             GENERAL—MOTORS (GENERAL—MOTORS) heimste —IN—DEN—VERGANGENEN—JAHREN trotz hoher Gewinne milliardenschwere STEUER—VORTEILE ein.
20160313             Auch Chrysler macht es nicht besser
20160313             Der AutoBAUER, —INZWISCHEN, unter dem Dach von Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA), hat DEN—USA gleich ganz den Rücken gekehrt.
20160313             Im Ringen um die Massen hat es
20160313             Doch beim Thema GENERAL—MOTORS sowie Chrysler schweigen sowohl CLINTON als auch DONALD—TRUMP auffallend,
20160313             Das BEISPIEL—DER—AUTO—KONZERNE zeigt, wie schwierig DAS—VERHÄLTNIS—ZWISCHEN Wirtschaft und —POLITIK mitunter sein kann, nicht nur IN—DEN—USA.
20160313             Gleich reihenweise haben sich —BEREITS prominente Wirtschaftsköpfe von DONALD—TRUMP distanziert.
20160313             GOLDMAN—SACHS—CHEF—LLOYD—BLANKFEIN etwa sagte, die Vorstellung, DONALD—TRUMP könnte DIE—KONTROLLE—ÜBER—ATOM—WAFFEN erlangen, mache ihm Angst.
20160313             Starinvestor WARREN—BUFFETT bezeichnetedes DONALD—TRUMPNOTORISCHE—SCHWARZMALEREI über Amerikas ökonomische Situation in seinem jüngsten BRIEF—AN—DIE Aktionäre von Berkshire Hathaway als "völlig falsch".
20160313             So kündigt DONALD—TRUMP beispielsweise für den Fall seiner Wahl 1.drastische Senkung der UNTERNEHMENS—STEUERN an.
20160313             —ZUDEM, will er USA—FIRMEN mit hohen Zöllen vor der Konkurrenz aus CHINA schützen.
20160313             Tatsächlich steht vielmehr der größte TEIL—DER—WALL—STREET hinterdes DONALD—TRUMPVERMUTLICHER—GEGNERIN im KAMPF—UM—DIE Präsidentschaft, HILLARY—CLINTON.
20160313             DER—GRUND: Die Gattin des EX—PRÄSIDENTEN BILL—CLINTON gilt zwar nicht als ausgesprochen wirtschaftsfreundlich.
20160313             "HILLARY wäre einigermaßen vorhersehbar", sagt etwa GREG—VALLIERE, Chefstratege von Horizon Investments laut USA—MAGAZIN "Barron's".
20160313             Auch DAVID—KOTOK, —CHEF—DER—INVESTMENT—FIRMA Cumberland Advisors, präferiert aus Sicht DER—FINANZ—MÄRKTE die DEMOKRATEN—BEWERBERIN—SELBST, wenn er sie selbst nicht wählen würde.
20160313             "Barron's"selbst kommt in seiner Analyse ebenfalls zu dem Resultat, daß CLINTON die bessere Präsidentin für DIE—BÖRSE wäre.
20160313             "Wir können uns über diese STEUER—REFORM nicht freuen", bringt es DAVID—BAHNSEN, —CHEF—DER—ANLAGE—FIRMA THE—BAHNSEN—GROUP, auf Forbes_com auf den Punkt.
20160313             Erstflug der "Ariane 5".
20160313             DIE—SONDE "ExoMars", 1.der aktuell spannendsten Forschungsmissionen DER—EUROPÄISCHEN Raumfahrt.
20160313             DIE—USA—KOLLEGEN vertaten sich bei der Atmosphärenbremsung des "Mars Climate Orbiter"
20160313             —GERECHNET, DIE—NASA—INGENIEURE hatten in der Einheit NEWTONsekunde, DIE—SONDE war auf die Einheit PFUND—KRAFT programmiert.
20160313             Ungleichheit in DEUTSCHLAND: Das LIBUDA—PRINZ—IP
20160313             [l] Demokratie 2.0—AUF der LANDESMITGLIEDERVERSAMMLUNG—DER—GRÜNEN in BERLIN.
20160313             #lmv16 hat gerade per Frauenvotum beschlossen, keine überproportionale Zahl an FRAGEN—VON—MÄNNERN zuzulassen.
20160313             The whole fabric is ALREADY impossible to understand for ANY—HUMAN and cannot be turned into 1—SIMPLE—MODEL.
20160313             In der KI—FORSCHUNG ist die FRAGE—DER—VORHERSAGBARKEIT solcher SYSTEMe (beider Varianten) natürlich —SCHON ausgiebigst diskutiert worden.
20160313             —NATÜRLICH—DAS—ERGEBNIS ist ein interessantes Paper namens "Structural Risk Minimization", das besagt: Je mehr (Lern)Kapazität 1—MODELL hat, desto höher ist DAS—RISIKO, daß es "was falsches"lernt, also 1—GENERAL—ISIERUNGS—FEHLER macht.
20160313             Für diese Kapazität gibt es auch 1—MASS, und zwar die sog.
20160313             DIE—VC—DIMENSION ist genau die maximale Anzahl an punkte, für die 1—LERNER—UNABHÄNGIG von der Färbung der —PUNKTE—1—MODELL (Programm) ausspuckt, das diese Punkte korrekt klassifiziert.
20160313             Der Ansatz, daß 1—MENSCH ein von 1—KI entwickeltes Programm "semantisch"überprüft, ist nur insoweit zielführend, wie die von der KI entwickelten Programme überhaupt Semantik verarbeiten.
20160313             In 1—UNIQUE—LABORATORY in SUSSEX—ENGLAND, a —COMPUTER carefully scrutinized EVERY—MEMBER—OF—LARGE and diverse SET—OF—CANDIDATES.
20160313             DOCTOR—ADRIAN—THOMPSON is 1—RESEARCHER operating from THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—INFORMATICS at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—SUSSEX, and his experimentation in THE—MID—1990S represented SOME—OF—SCIENCE—1.practical attempts to PENET—RATE the virgin DOMAIN—OF—HARDWARE—EVOLUTION.
20160313             The concept is roughly analogous to CHARLES—DARWIN—ELEGANT—PRINCIPLE—OF—NATURAL—SELECTION, which describes how individuals with the most advantageous traits are more likely to survive and reproduce.
20160313             This process tends to preserve favorable characteristics by passing them to the survivors' descendants, —WHILE simultaneously suppressing THE—SPREAD—OF—LESS—USEFUL traits.
20160313             —CALLED, As a —TEST bed, he procured 1—SPECIAL—TYPE—OF—CHIP, 1—FIELD—PROGRAMMABLE—GATE—ARRAY[FPGA]) whose internal logic can be completely rewritten as opposed to the fixed design of normal chips.
20160313             chips. a straightforward task
20160313             o COMPLETE—IT must reliably differentiate between 2—PARTICULAR audio tones.
20160313             —PREDICTED, As, THE—PRINCIPLE—OF—NATURAL—SELECTION could successfully produce specialized circuits using 1—FRACTION—OF—THE—RESOURCES 1—HUMAN would have required.
20160313             5—INDIVIDUAL—LOGIC—CELLS were functionally disconnected from the rest— with no pathways that would allow them to influence THE—OUTPUT— yet —WHEN THE—RESEARCHER disabled ANY—1—OF—THEM—THE—CHIP lost its ability to discriminate the tones.
20160313             Furthermore, the final —PROGRAM did not work reliably —WHEN it was loaded onto other FPGAs of the same type.
20160313             —SELECTED, It seems that evolution had not merely, the best code for the task, it had also advocated those programs which took ADVANTAGE—OF—THE—ELECTROMAGNETIC—QUIRKS—OF—THAT—SPECIFIC microchip environment.
20160313             THE—5—SEPARATE—LOGIC—CELLS were clearly crucial to THE—CHIP—OPERATION, but they were interacting with the main circuitry through SOME—UNORTHODOX method— most likely via the subtle magnetic fields that are created —WHEN electrons flow through circuitry, 1—EFFECT known as magnetic flux.
20160313             There was also evidence that the circuit was not relying solely on the transistors' absolute ON and OFF positions like 1—TYPICAL—CHIP;
20160313             it was capitalizing upon analogue shades of gray along with the digital black and white.
20160313             —TODAY, RESEARCHERS are —JUST beginning to explore THE—REAL—WORLD—POTENTIAL—OF evolving circuitry.
20160313             —INTRIGUED, The space exploration industry is, by the technology— 1—EVOLVING—SYSTEM could dynamically RE—PROGRAM itself to avoid ANY—CIRCUITS damaged by radiation, reducing the need for heavy shielding and redundant systems.
20160313             RESEARCHERS speculate that robots might —1—DAY—USE—EVOLUTION—INSPIRED systems to quickly adapt to unforeseen OBSTACLE—IN—THE—S ir environment.
20160313             NASA —RECENTLY used this approach to produce the antenna for 1—SPACEGOING vessel, resulting in FLAMBOYANT—YET—EFFECTIVE—SHAPES that vaguely resemble organic lifeforms— unlike anything 1—ENGINEER would design without the benefit of MOOD—ALTERING drugs.
20160313             they dispense graceful solutions to complex problems
20160313             —CAUSED, But this apparent intelligence is 1—ILLUSION, by the fact that the overwhelming MAJORITY—OF—DESIGN—VARIATIONS tested by the system— MOST—OF—THEM appallingly unfit for the task— are never revealed.
20160313             even the most advanced microchips fall far SHORT—OF—THE—RESOURCES—NECESSARY to host legitimate intelligence.
20160313             There is also 1—ETHICAL conundrum regarding the notion that human lives 20160501             —DAY depend upon these incomprehensible systems.
20160313             There is concern that 1—DORMANT "gene" in 1—MEDICAL—SYSTEM or flight control —PROGRAM might express itself without warning, sending the mutant —SOFTWARE on 1—UNPREDICTABLE—RAMPAGE.
20160313             —DEFINED, Similarly, poorly, criteria might allow 1—SELF—ADAPTING—SYSTEM to explore dangerous options in its SINGLE—MINDED thrust towards efficiency, placing human lives in peril.
20160313             Only time and testing will determine whether these risks can be mitigated.
20160313             —WHILE—TODAY—COMPUTERS politely use programmed instructions to solve predictable problems, these adaptable alternatives 20160501             —DAY strip away such limits and lay bare the elegant solutions that the human mind is reluctant— or powerless— to conceive on its own.
20160313             WRITTEN—BY—ALAN—BELLOWS, copyright ©
20160313             If you wish to republish or repurpose the text from this article, you must gain permission.
20160313             —REPORTED, Ward, that
20160313             Ceausescus Villa öffnet für Besucher: 80—ZIMMER, Kino, Bunker
20160313             Wohnhaus in EISENACH: Unbekannte zünden ROHR—BOMBE vor FLÜCHTLINGS—UNTERKUNFT
20160313             IDOMEN1—FOTOGRAF: "DIE—MENSCHEN wirkten, als hätten sie ihre Gefühle verloren"
20160313             REGIERUNGS—VIERTEL:—CA—3000—RECHTS—EXTREME vor dem REICHS—TAG
20160313             VERDUN: Unbekannte schmieren HAKEN—KREUZE und ANTI—SEMITISCHE Parolen auf Synagoge
20160313             GO—DUELL Mensch vs. SOFTWARE: Spiel 4—GEHT an den GO—PROFI (Netzwelt, 15:42)
20160313             DIE—4. Partie gewann LEE—SEDOL.
20160313             —NACH, rund viereinhalb —STUNDEN und 184—ZÜGEN gab DIE—SOFTWARE sich geschlagen.
20160313             Es scheint, als hätte der SÜD—KOREA—GO—PROFI schneller aus den Taktiken des Computers gelernt als umgekehrt.
20160313             Kindheit im BOMBEN—KRIEG, "Alles brannte und qualmte"
20160313             FINANZ—KRISE, Was wir von AMERIKA lernen können
20160313             GROß—BRITANNIEN: Vierjähriger sagt Bombe statt Gurke —, Kita schaltet Behörden ein
20160313             Cebit: Bitkom fordert schnellere Digitalisierung
20160313             Erfolg für Kretschmann: Grüne gewinnen WAHL—IN—BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG
20160313             —LAUT, vorläufigem amtlichen Endergebnis holte DIE—PARTEI in BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG 30,3 %.
20160313             DIE—CDU stürzte in ihrer einstigen Hochburg deutlich AB—AUF 27 %.
20160313             DIE—AFD liegt damit sogar knapp vor der SPD und kommt im 1.Anlauf auf 15,1 %.
20160313             DIE—FDP zieht mit 8,3 % souverän in den STUTTGARTer LANDTAG ein.
20160313             Dagegen verpasst DIE—LINKE mit 2,9 % den Einzug ins PARLAMENT deutlich.
20160313             RHEINLAND—PFALZ, verteidigte MINISTER—PRÄSIDENTIN Malu Dreyer die Position der SPD als stärkste Partei.
20160313             DIE—CDU mit Spitzenkandidatin JULIA—KLÖCKNER blieb mit 31,8 % mehr als 2—PUNKTE unter ihrem alten Ergebnis.
20160313             DIE—GRÜNEN stürzten auf 5,3 % ab.
20160313             DIE—NEU angetretene AfD bekam auf Anhieb 12,6 %.
20160313             Auch in RHEINLAND—PFALZ verfehlt DIE—LINKE mit 2,8 % den EINZUG—IN—DEN LANDTAG
20160313             SACHSEN—ANHALT, hat die CDU—VON—MINISTER—PRÄSIDENT—REINER—HASELOFF trotz leichter Verluste DIE—WAHL gewonnen.
20160313             Aus dem Stand wurde DIE—AFD im MAGDEBURGer LANDTAG ZWEIT—STÄRKSTE Kraft.
20160313             —DIE—SPD sackte deutlich ab auf 10,6 % und verzeichnete damit ihr schlechtestes Landtagswahlergebnis.
20160313             Auch DIE—LINKE musste in SACHSEN—ANHALT Einbußen von 7—PROZENTPUNKTEN hinnehmen.
20160313             DIE—GRÜNEN zogen mit 5,2 % gerade so in den LANDTAG ein.
20160313             DIE—FDP scheiterte mit 4,9 % knapp an der Fünfprozenthürde.
20160313             —MOBILISIERT, WAHL—ANALYSE: AfD, ENTTÄUSCHTE—NICHT Überzeugte
20160313             Gotteslästerung: ÄGYPTENs JUSTIZ—MINISTER stürzt über Aussage zu Propheten
20160313             Wahlerfolg der AfD: AFFRONT—NATIONAL
20160313             —NACH, ANSCHLAG—IN—ANKARA: ERDOGAN kündigt entschlossenen KAMPF—GEGEN—TERRORISTEN an
20160313             KI—ÜBERLEGUNGEN—WIR haben —DAMALS, —SCHON Dinge angesprochen, DIE—NOCH—HEUTE aktuell sind.
20160313—19820000    —SINCE.
20160313—19820000    —LIVED, Claudio Chiarelli (50) had, in ZIMBABWE and that his son (20) in the country.
20160313—20110000    —GEGENÜBER, Auch —DIE—SPD erlebte 1—DEBAKEL und fiel auf 12,7 % hat sich ihr Stimmenanteil damit fast halbiert
20160313—20110000    DIE—WAHL—BETEILIGUNG lag bei 70,4 % - 4,2 PROZENT—PUNKTE höher als.
20160313—20110000    DIE—WAHL—BETEILIGUNG in RHEINLAND—PFALZ stieg auf 70,4 % nach 61,8 %.
20160313—20110000    DIE—WAHL—BETEILIGUNG stieg auch in SACHSEN—ANHALT DEUTLICH—VON—51,2 % auf 61,1 %
20160313—20160316    —ARRESTED, Johnson was, on CHARGES—OF—MURDER and aggravated assault.
20160313—20160715    —SENTENCED, Castellanos was, to 2 and 1—HALF—YEARS in prison.
20170313             2—FORMER—PENN State administrators pleaded guilty to mishandling CHILD—SEX—ALLEGATIONS against JERRY—SANDUSKY, more than —5—YEARS—AFTER the scandal rocked the university and led to THE—DOWNFALL—OF—FOOTBALL—COACH—JOE—PATERNO.
20170313             Intel said it will buy ISRAEL—CAR—TECH—FIRM—MOBILEYE for $15.3—BILLION, in 1—DEAL signaling THE—USA—COMPUTER—CHIP—GIANT'S—COMMITMENT to technology for SELF—DRIVING vehicles.
20170313             AFGHANISTAN, 1—ROADSIDE bomb struck 1—BUS in downtown KABUL —DURING rush —HOUR.
20170313             —KILLED, At least 1—WOMAN was, and 19—OTHERS wounded.
20170313             2—AFGHANISTAN—POLICEMEN were shot and killed on the outskirts of KABUL —WHILE warming themselves —AROUND 1—FIRE.
20170313             Taliban extremists cut off the hand and foot of Ghulam Farooq, 1 suspected thief, in public in HERAT province.
20170313             NORTH—BANGLADESH, unknown assailants shot and hacked to death 1—SUFI spiritual leader and his adopted daughter.
20170313             † BURUNDI—HEALTH—MINISTER said about 700—PEOPLE have from malaria in BURUNDI so far —THIS—YEAR.
20170313             —REGISTERED, BURUNDI—HEALTH said authorities have, 1.8—MILLION—INFECTIONS in 1—RISING epidemic.
20170313             —PARDONED, EGYPT—PRESIDENT—ABDEL—FATTAH—EL—SISSI, more than 200—PEOPLE convicted and jailed for their participation in illegal protests.
20170313             —ORDERED, FORMER—PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBAREK was, free from detention.
20170313             —KILLED, ETHIOPIA, gunmen from SOUTH—SUDAN, 28—PEOPLE and kidnapped 43 in GAMBELLA—GOG and Jor areas.
20170313             HUNGARY, nearly 100—MIGRANTS began 1—HUNGER—STRIKE at 1—DETENTION—CENTER, demanding that they be allowed to leave the Bekescsaba camp on THE—ROMANIA—BORDER.
20170313             IRAQ—FORCES said that they have taken more territory from jihadists and were searching for militants and bombs on the edge of the Old City as they press 1—OFFENSIVE in WEST—MOSUL.
20170313             1—AIRSTRIKE hit 1—RESIDENTIAL—AREA in MOSUL.
20170313             —REPORTED, Scores of residents were —LATER, killed.
20170313             —MARCHED, Several 100—PALESTINIANS, in 1—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTEST, calling for THE—RESIGNATION—OF—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS and criticizing his security coordination with ISRAEL.
20170313             —STAGED, Separately, PALESTINE—JOURNALISTS, 1—SIT—IN nearby to protest the violent dispersal of 1—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTEST by PALESTINE—RIOT—POLICE —1—DAY—EARLIER.
20170313             PRESIDENT—RODRIGO—DUTERTE said he has told the military to assert THE—PHILIPPINES—OWNERSHIP—OF—1—LARGE—OCEAN region off the country's northeastern coast where CHINA—SURVEY ships were spotted —LAST—YEAR.
20170313             1—PROSECUTOR said POLAND will seek the arrest and extradition of MICHAEL—KARKOC, —98—JAHRE—ALT from MINNEAPOLIS—MINNESOTA, —AFTER confirming he was 1—NAZI unit COMMANDER suspected of ordering the killing of 44—POLES —WWII—DURING.
20170313             —CHIDED, BRITAIN—PRIME—MINISTER—THERESA—MAY, Sturgeon for demanding 1—INDEPENDENCE—REFERENDUM, saying THE—SCOTLAND—NATIONAL—PARTY (SNP) had "tunnel vision" on breaking away from THE—UK.
20170313             —DETONATED, SOMALIA, 1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMBER, near 1—HOTEL in MOGADISHU, killing at least 6—PEOPLE and injuring 4—OTHERS.
20170313             —CLAIMED, THE—AL—QAIDA—LINKED Islamic extremist group AL—SHABAB, responsibility.
20170313             8—SRI—LANKA—CREW members were taken captive.
20170313             SOUTH—AFRICA and NIGERIA said they would launch 1—JOINTLY run "early warning" system to track and deter xenophobic attacks against NIGERIA—MIGRANTS.
20170313             1—SOUTH—SUDAN—MILITARY—SPOKESMAN said rebels have kidnapped 8—LOCALS working for 1—USA—CHARITY and are demanding aid deliveries as ransom.
20170313             —RULED, SPAIN, 1—COURT—IN—BARCELONA, that FORMER—CATALONIA regional government CHIEF—ARTUR—MAS is to be banned —FOR—2—YEARS from holding public office for going ahead with 1—VOTE on the region's INDEPENDENCE despite 1—RULING against it.
20170313             1—SYRIA—OFFICIAL said opposition fighters will be allowed to leave the last REBEL—HELD neighborhood in THE—CITY—OF—HOMS under 1—RUSSIA—BACKED deal signed —TODAY.
20170313             The deal is to be carried out within 6 to —8—WEEKS.
20170313             † At least 1—WOMAN was killed and 19—OTHERS wounded.
20170313             —PROLONGED, THE—EU said it has, —FOR—6—MONTHS—UNTIL Sept.
20170313             15 1—BLACKLIST—OF—RUSSIAN and Crimean individuals and firms accused of undermining UKRAINE—INTEGRITY and INDEPENDENCE.
20170313             —DOCUMENTED, THE—SYRIAN—OBSERVATORY for Human Rights said it had, the deaths of more than 321,000—PEOPLE—SINCE THE—START—OF—THE—WAR —6—YEARS—AGO and more than 145,000 others had been reported as missing.
20170313             Kinder in SYRIEN: "Das Ausmaß des Leidens ist beispiellos"
20170313             —GESTRICHEN, STREIK—IN—BERLIN: Fast ALLE—FLÜGE in Tegel und Schönefeld
20170313             —DIE—LAGE—AM—MONTAG, Dreistigkeit siegt
20170313             NIEDERLÄNDISCH—TÜRKEI—STREIT: Eskalation in —24—STUNDEN
20170313             Ehemaliger SPD—MINISTER: HORST—EHMKE ist tot
20170313             Freundin des ALT—KANZLERS: HELMUT—SCHMIDTS letzte Lebensgefährtin RUTH—LOAH gestorben
20170313             DONALD—TRUMP—VERSUS—
20170313             —VERLÄNGERT, BERLINer Flughäfen: Bodenpersonal, Streik —BIS—MITTWOCH früh
20170313             Energiereserven: USA finden riesige Ölquellen in ALASKA
20170313             kurz & krass: Frau soll 6800—EURO Parkgebühren ZAHLEN—POLIZEI öffnet Schranke
20170313             MEERES—FORSCHUNG, Die brutale MACHT der Monsterwellen
20170313             SCHULZ' APPELL—AN—DIE—TÜRKEI: "Regiert euer Land"
20170313             UNDER—COVER beim KU—KLUX—KLAN: "Den Dreckskerlen in die Suppe spucken" - NIEDERLANDE—PREMIER RUTTE—VERSUS—
20170313             KARTELL—VERFAHREN, EU ist mit Zusagen von GAZPROM zufrieden
20170313             TERROR—ALARM in ESSEN: 2. VERDÄCHTIGEr freigelassen
20170313             —STREIT—MIT—DER TÜRKEI: MERKEL verspricht den NIEDERLANDEn Unterstützung
20170313             100.000—EURO—PAUSCHALE: ITALIEN wird zur STEUER—OASE für SUPER—REICHE
20170313             Möglicher EURO—AUSTRITT FRANKREICHs: "DE—FACTO wäre das 1—STAATSBANKROTT"
20170313             NATO—JAHRES—BERICHT, EUROPÄER geben mehr für Rüstung AUS—GANZ langsam
20170313             HELLS—ANGELS: ROCKERR—BOSS—HANEBUTH will kirchlich heiraten
20170313             Inhaftierter JOURNALIST: TÜRKEI lässt DEUTSCHLAND—DIPLOMATEN nicht zu DENIZ—YÜCEL
20170313             ERB—GUT—KNÄUEL : 2—METER Faden und nicht 1—KNOTEN
20170313             Zellen verstauen ihre 2—METER lange DNA in 1—WINZIGEN ZELLKERN—OHNE, daß sich das lange Band auch nur einmal verheddert.
20170313             DIE—2—METER lange DNA im Zellkern zu verstauen, ist in etwa so komplex, wie 1 20—KILO—METER—LANGEN Faden in 1—TENNISBALL unterzubringen.
20170313             PREMIER Rutte: NIEDERLÄNDER sollen den "falschen POPULISMUS"stoppen
20170313             Buchzensur: Pu der Bär soll raus aus CHINA
20170313             CLINTONs EX—WAHL—KAMPFMANAGER zu FAKE—NEWS: "Wir müssen das stoppen"
20170313             Schlechtes Wetter: MERKEL—BESUCH bei DONALD—TRUMP verschoben
20170313             Aufgeheizte Stimmung: Auswärtiges Amt mahnt TÜRKEIreisende zur Vorsicht
20170313             —STREIT—UM—MINISTER—AUFTRITTE: ERDOGAN heizt Stimmung gegen DEUTSCHLAND weiter auf
20170313             Diplomatische —KRISE, TÜRKEI sperrt NIEDERLANDE—BOTSCHAFTER aus
20170313             [l] SCHÄUBLE "sieht keinen SPIEL—RAUMFÜR 1.ökonomische Unterstützung der TÜRKEI", solange DENIZ—YÜCEL nicht freigelassen ist.
20170313             Auf die SCHWARZE 0—IST halt Verlass!
20170313             [l] Kennt ihr den —SCHON? [l] Habt ihr das auch gehört?
20170313             1—VERITABLES postapokalyptisches SNAKE—PLISSKEN—SZENARIO!
20170313             —NUN, DER—WDR lässt da mal ein bisschen die Luft raus
20170313—20120000    —SINCE, Pirates operating off THE—COAST—OF—SOMALIA hijacked the Aris 13—OIL—TANKER, marking the 1. time that 1—COMMERCIAL—VESSEL has been captured by SOMALIA—PIRATES.
20170313—20170915    —UNTIL, THE—EU said it has prolonged —FOR—6—MONTHS 1—BLACKLIST—OF—RUSSIAN and Crimean individuals and firms accused of undermining UKRAINE—INTEGRITY and INDEPENDENCE.
20170313—20180000    —IN—LATE, Scottish 1. MINISTER—NICOLA—STURGEON demanded 1—NEW—INDEPENDENCE—REFERENDUM or early 20190000             , once the terms of BRITAIN—EXIT from THE—EUROPEAN—UNION have become clearer.
20170313—20180000    —CONCLUDED, THE—USA—CONGRESSIONAL—BUDGET—OFFICE, that 14—MILLION—MORE—AMERICANS will be uninsured compared with current law under the health plan proposed by House Republicans.
20170329—20170313    —KILLED, THE—UN said 1—MALARIA outbreak has, more than 4,000—PEOPLE in BURUNDI —THIS—YEAR, 1—SIGNIFICANT—INCREASE over THE—700—CITED by the country's health ministry.
20180313             —SACKED, DONALD—TRUMP, his top diplomat Rex Tillerson and named current CIA CHIEF—MIKE—POMPEO to succeed him as SECRETARY—OF—STATE.
20180313             A "sanctuary cities" crackdown took effect in TEXAS —AFTER the 5. USA—CIRCUIT—COURT—OF—APPEALS upheld 1—DIVISIVE law backed y THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION.
20180313             DALLAS—BASED Waste Control Specialists and FRANCE—BASED multinational Orano USA announced they are forming 1—JOINT—VENTURE to license 1—INTERIM—STORAGE—SITE in WEST—TEXAS for HIGH—LEVEL—NUCLEAR—WASTE.
20180313             —SUSPENDED, USA—PASSENGER—RAIL—OPERATOR—AMTRAK said it had temporarily, service between NEW—YORK City and BOSTON due to inclement weather.
20180313             BRITAIN—AMBASSADOR in MOSCOW, LAURIE—BRISTOW, said BRITAIN expected 1—EXPLANATION from RUSSIA on how 1—NERVE agent used in 1—ATTACK on 1—FORMER—DOUBLE—AGENT came to be in BRITAIN.
20180313             —THREATENED, RUSSIA in return, to expel all UK—MEDIA.
20180313             1—LOCAL—LEADER in CONGO DRC said at least 40—PEOPLE have been killed in the last —48—HOURS in ethnic violence in northeastern between Hema cattle herders and Lendu farmers.
20180313             —PROTESTED, GUINEA, opposition supporters, and erected barricades in the mining towns of Boke and Kamsar, disrupting SOME—SHIPMENTS—OF—THE—ALUMINUM ore bauxite.
20180313             IRAQ—AUTHORITIES said they were lifting 1—NEARLY —6—MONTH—AIR blockade imposed on IRAQ—KURDISTAN in response to its holding of 1—INDEPENDENCE—REFERENDUM.
20180313             IRAQ, BRIGADIER—GENERAL—SHAREEF—ISMAEEL—AL—MURSHIDI, 1—BRIGADE—COMMANDER whose forces are tasked with protecting AL—ABADI and BAGHDAD—GREEN—ZONE, was shot dead by militia at 1—CHECKPOINT outside SAMARRA.
20180313             2—OF—AL—MURSHIDI—GUARDS were also killed The militiamen belonged to THE—SO—CALLED—PEACE—BRIGADES, led by Shiite cleric Moqtada AL—SADR.
20180313             —ARMED, MALAYSIA—OFFICIALS said 4—HEAVILY, poachers who targeted wild elephants, have been caught, the 2. such arrest in less than —2—YEARS.
20180313             —SURVIVED, PALESTINE—PRIME—MINISTER—RAMI—HAMDALLAH, 1—ASSASSINATION—ATTEMPT in GAZA —AFTER 1—APPARENT roadside bomb targeted his motorcade.
20180313             THE—PHILIPPINES said it is withdrawing from THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT (ICC) due to what PRESIDENT—RODRIGO—DUTERTE called "outrageous" attacks by UN officials and violations of due process by THE—ICC.
20180313             —EXTENDED, QATAR and THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES each, 1—CONCESSION to 1—OFFSHORE oil field they share to 1—JAPAN—CONSORTIUM despite 1—DIPLOMATIC—CRISIS between THE—2—OF—THEM tearing at the region.
20180313             —DECLARED, SOUTH—AFRICA, that the drought afflicting CAPE—TOWN and other PARTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY is 1—NATIONAL—DISASTER.
20180313             3—SOLAR—PLANTS planned by NORWAY—SCATEC—SOLAR were among 27—ENERGY—DEALS blocked by the court.
20180313             —SEIZED, THE—SYRIA—GOVERNMENT said the military has, CONTROL—OF—THE—QADAM—DISTRICT—SOUTH—OF—AFTER it was evacuated by militants and civilians.
20180313             —AGREED, THAILAND—CABINET, to draft 1—LAW to oversee cryptocurrency trading, seeking to tax the largely unregulated market.
20180313             —PROPOSED, THE—MINISTRY—OF—FINANCE also, the new regulations to help prevent use of digital currencies in money laundering and fraud.
20180313             —PASSED, TURKEY—PARLIAMENT, 1—LAW revamping electoral regulations, backing legislation the opposition said could open the door to fraud and jeopardize the fairness of 20190000             polls, and triggering 1—BRAWL on the floor of the chamber.
20180313             CENTRAL—TURKEY, 1—PASSENGER—BUS hit 1—TRUCK and burst into flames, killing at least 11—PEOPLE, including 1—NUMBER—OF—CHILDREN.
20180313             —KILLED, YEMEN, 7—PEOPLE were, in the port CITY—OF—ADEN—WHEN 1—CAR—BOMB ripped through 1—MILITARY—KITCHEN used by YEMEN—FORCES trained and backed by THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES (UAE).
20180313             —WARNED, UNITED—KINGDOM—INDEPENDENT—REGULATOR—OFCOM, that it could strip RUSSIA —TODAY (RT) of its UK license if the government determined that MOSCOW was behind the poisoning of 1—DOUBLE—AGENT in ENGLAND —THIS—MONTH.
20180313             —THREATENED, RUSSIA in return, to expel all UNITED—KINGDOM—MEDIA.
20180313             —ELECTED, NEPAL—PRESIDENT—BIDHYA—DEVI—BHANDARI was, to a 2. term in voting by national and provincial lawmakers.
20180313             THE—PALESTINIAN—AUTHORITY held Hamas responsible for the attack.
20180313             SOUTH—AFRICA—PRESIDENT—CYRIL—RAMAPHOSA was dealt 1—POLITICAL—BLOW, —AFTER 1—LAST—MINUTE—LEGAL—CHALLENGE by 1—GROUP—LOYAL to ousted leader JACOB—ZUMA blocked the signing of $4.7—BILLION in renewable energy deals.
20180313             RUSSLAND—AFFÄRE: Laut REPUBLIKANERn gab es keine Absprachen zwischen DONALD—TRUMP und MOSKAU
20180313             —BLOCKIERT, Teuerster Deal der TECH—INDUSTRIE: DONALD—TRUMP, QUALCOMM—ÜBERNAHME durch Broadcom
20180313             —DIE—LAGE—AM—DIENSTAG : 1—SCHWIERIGER Test für den USA—PRÄSIDENTEN
20180313             —HANDEL—NACH—EU—AUSTRITT: DEUTSCHE—WIRTSCHAFT legt Wunschzettel für den BREXIT vor
20180313             GROSSBRITANNIEN—JUNGFERN—INSELN: Ist 'ne STEUER—OASE, darf aber nicht so heißen
20180313             AFGHANISTAN: Zehntausende Kriegsvertriebene —SEIT—JAHRES—BEGINN
20180313             —GETÖTET—MEXIKO: Dutzende Kandidaten vor Wahl
20180313             BGH—URTEIL: SPARKASSEN—KUNDIN muss sich Kunde nennen lassen
20180313             Vergeltung für GIFT—ANSCHLAG: Die 9—DAUMENSCHRAUBEN der THERESA—MAY
20180313             —STREIT—UM—EU—STANDARDS: ökonomisch einig, sozial gespalten
20180313             NORD—SYRIEN: TÜRKEI—TRUPPEN haben Afrin offenbar eingekesselt
20180313             Missglücktes Attentat: Wie die RUSSLAND—KÄLTE HITLER rettete
20180313             AMERIKA—SERIE: Wie DONALD—TRUMP sich reich rechnet
20180313             Bildung: Jeder 10. Schüler hat keinen DEUTSCHLAND—PASS (Leben und Lernen, 11:19)
20180313             —VOR, IRAN—BOTSCHAFTSRESIDENZ: ANGRIFF—IN—WIEN hatte offenbar politischen Hintergrund
20180313             Mehr Aufsicht über alles: CHINA verschärft den STAATS—KAPITALISMUS
20180313             OECD—PROGNOSE: DONALD—TRUMP und GroKo treiben Wirtschaft an
20180313             VERFASSUNGS—ÄNDERUNG in CHINA: "DIE—WEST—LICHE—ELITE war fehlgeleitet"
20180313             —18—JAHRE PUTIN an der MACHT: Agent, FELD—HERR, Fackelträger
20180313             Fremde Frauen: Südländerinnen besiedelten BAYERN im Frühmittelalter
20180313             —ATTENTAT—AUF—EX—AGENT SKRIPAL: MOSKAUs Mauern
20180313             Trisomie 21: "Sie hat 1—CHROMOSOM mehr als wir — oder wir haben eines zu wenig"
20180313             ANTWERPEN: Riesendiamant aus LESOTHO für 20000040             0—DOLLAR verkauft
20180313             Demoskopie: Wahlumfragen sind besser als ihr Ruf
20180313             USA—TRUMP entlässt AUßEN—MINISTER—REX—TILLERSON
20180313             SPANIEN: Foto des Königspaares VERBRANNT—STRAFE unzulässig
20180313             —ATTENTAT—AUF—EX—SPION SKRIPAL: Was ist das NERVEN—GIFT Nowitschok?
20180313             —PUTSCH—VERSUCH—IN—DER—TÜRKEI, STAATS—ANWALT fordert lebenslange HAFT—FÜR—USA—PFARRER
20180313             —GEÄNDERT, Doch DIE—ZEITEN haben sich, so auch bei SPIEGEL—ONLINE,
20180313             Deinstallieren von Flash Player | Windows
20180313             Bei Menschen mit DOWN—SYNDROM liegt das Chromosom 21—DREIFACH statt doppelt vor, daher kommt DER—NAME Trisomie 21.
20180313             Unter 1.Risikoschwangerschaft fallen deutlich mehr Frauen, als man —ZUNÄCHST DENKT—ETWA ALLE—SCHWANGEREN, die Mehrlinge erwarten, ALLE—ERSTGEBÄRENDEN über —35—JAHREN, ALLE—DIABETIKERINNEN.
20180313             Ohnehin entschieden sich —BEREITS VIELE—FRAUEN für 1—ABBRUCH aus Sorge, dass das Kind von 3. schlecht behandelt wird und dass die persönliche Belastung zu groß wird, so Schirmer.
20180313             —VON, 3. - Außerdem habe die Familie immer wieder Probleme mit Behörden, etwa wenn die Eltern 1—SCHWERBEHINDERTENAUSWEIS für Nora beantragen wollen.
20180313             Im frühen Mittelalter gab es in BAYERN 1—RÄTSELHAFTEN Zuzug von Frauen, die vermutlich aus Südosteuropa stammten.
20180313             DIE—FRAUEN, die vermutlich aus der SCHWARZMEER—REGION stammen, hoben sich im Aussehen drastisch von den Einheimischen ab, schienen aber gut in die bäuerlichen Gesellschaften integriert gewesen zu sein.
20180313             Im 05010101—06001231    —CENTURY werden auch die Bajuwaren 1. genannt, die im —GEBIET—DES—HEUTIGEN—BAYERN lebten
20180313             Im 05010101—06001231    —CENTURY Die ENTSTEHUNG und Zusammensetzung dieser Gruppe ist —BIS—HEUTE nicht geklärt.
20180313             analysierten Forscher Knochen VON—CA—40—MENSCHEN, die um das —JAHR 500 in 6—BAYERISCHEN Orten bestattet wurden
20180313             in Altenerding und ALT—HEIM im ISAR—GEBIET sowie in Straubing, Burgweinting, ALTEGLOFS—HEIM und Barbing im Donauraum.
20180313             Menschen mit 1—BESTIMMTEN Deformation des Kopfes, dem sogenannten Turmschädel.
20180313             wahrscheinlich wurde damit 1—BESTIMMTEN Schönheitsideal nachgeeifert oder vielleicht auch 1.Gruppenzugehörigkeit angezeigt".
20180313             stammen die frühesten Belege in Südosteuropa für diesen Brauch aber —SCHON aus dem 2
20180313             Genetische Analyse ergaben schließlich, dass
20180313             Das ist auch genau jene Region, aus der die frühesten europäischen Belege für Turmschädel stammen und wo dieser Brauch besonders verbreitet war.
20180313             DIE—MEISTEN hatten dunkle Augen, Haare und TEINT—IM—GEGENSATZ zu den damaligen Einheimischen, die mehrheitlich blond und blauäugig waren und damit heutigen Skandinaviern ähnelten
20180313             "Dies ist ein einmaliges BEISPIEL—VON—WEIBLICHER—MOBILITÄT, DIE—GRÖßERE Kulturräume überbrückt",
20180313             DIE—SCHÄDELDEFORMATION, die viel Arbeit erforderte, in Südosteuropa bei der LAND—BEVÖLKERUNG nicht üblich war
20180313             HITLERs Tod als UNFALL—DAS bot DIE—CHANCE, dass
20180313             VOR—ALLEM würde ein "Unfall"helfen, "die politischen Nachteile eines Attentats zu vermeiden", wie der WIDERSTANDS—KÄMPFER und Jurist FABIAN—VON—SCHLABRENDORFF —NACH—DEM KRIEG schrieb.
20180313             Auch NS—GEGNER, die klar für die Entmachtung HITLERs waren, schreckten damals, —IM—FRÜHJAHR 19430000             , vor der Tat zurück.
20180313             —GEGEN, 3—UHR nachmittags des 19430313             startete die FOCKE—WULF 200—AM HAUPT—QUARTIER der HEERES—GRUPPE —MITTE in Richtung OST—PREUßEN.
20180313             An Bord: Der "Führer"und die Bombe, deren Zeitzünder Schlabrendorff durch das Zerdrücken 1—MIT ätzender Flüssigkeit gefüllten Ampulle in Gang gesetzt hatte.
20180313             der in seinem Leben an die 40—MEHR oder weniger konkreten Mordversuchen entging.
20180313             Dem geplanten Anschlag voraus gingen —MONATE und —JAHRE geheimer Gespräche, Abstimmungen und Vorbereitungen innerhalb eines wachsenden Kreises von REGIME—GEGNERN in und außerhalb der Wehrmacht, die der Wunsch nach 1—STAATS—STREICH einte
20180313             DIE—ENTSCHLOSSENHEIT im MILITÄR wuchs mit den Niederlagen und bekam 1—SCHUB, als HITLER entgegen dem Rat seiner Generäle STALINGRAD und den KAUKASUS gleichzeitig erobern wollte.
20180313             —GESUCHT, DIE—SPITZE der Bewegung hatte 1—MANN, der in der Lage war, "die Initialzündung", wie sie es nannten, in Gang zu setzen
20180313             hatte sich
20180313             —ENTZÜNDET, DIE—ZÜNDUNG ausgelöst worden WAR—ABER das Zündhütchen nicht.
20180313             Gersdorff wollte —NUN selbst 1—ANSCHLAG VERÜBEN—NACHDEM ihm überraschend die Aufgabe zugefallen war, HITLER am 21
20180313             Schlabrendorff wurde
20180313             —67—JAHRE—NACH—DEM missglückten ANSCHLAG—AUF—HITLERS Maschine, 20100000             , ereignete sich bei SMOLENSK tatsächlich 1—FLUGZEUGUNGLÜCK.
20180313             Nächster Rauswurf: DONALD—TRUMP—PERSÖNLICHER Assistent offenbar aus Weißem Haus eskortiert
20180313             Flixbus: 1—ELEKTRISCHE FERNBUS—LINIE der Welt startet
20180313             TÜRKEI: PARLAMENT billigt umstrittene WAHL—RECHT—REFORM
20180313             BREXIT—BRITEN beziffern Schulden bei EU auf nur 20000037             0.000—PFUND
20180313             DONALD—TRUMP—REGIERUNG: DIE—HARD—LINER übernehmen
20180313             —NEUE—CIA—CHEFIN Gina Haspel: Phantom mit dunkler Vergangenheit
20180313             TÜRKEI—VORMARSCH in SYRIEN: Der Kessel von Afrin
20180313             400—K—METER—LANG, 14—METER hoch: JAPANs Betonwall gegen TSUNAMIs
20180313             Verblüffender MILLIARDEN—GEWINN: Warum VW so viel Geld verdient
20180313             —ANTI—TERROR—EINHEIT ermittelt: RUSSLAND—EXILANT in LONDON tot aufgefunden
20180313             —VERLUSTE an den BÖRSEn: TILLERSON—RAUSSCHMISS verunsichert ANLEGER
20180313             Als die Ärzte ihren Patienten jedoch ins CT schieben, um sein GEHIRN zu untersuchen, entdecken sie Verblüffendes: 1—TEIL seiner rechten Hirnhälfte scheint verschwunden zu sein.
20180313             Gersdorff gehörte —NACH—DEM KRIEG zu 1—GRUPPE hoher Offiziere der Wehrmacht, die in USA—KRIEG—GEFANGENSCHAFT an 1—RE—KONSTRUKTION—DER—GESCHICHTE—DES—2. Weltkriegs arbeiteten.
20180313             ZWEIFEL—AN—RECHTS—STAATLICHKEIT: POLEN—VERDÄCHTIGER wird von IRLAND nicht ausgeliefert
20180313             RUDOLF—CHRISTOPH—FREI—HERR—VON—GERSDORFF wäre —NACH—DEM KRIEG gern in DIE—BUNDESWEHR aufgenommen worden
20180313             ehemaligen Führerhauptquartiers im heutigen Ketrzyn in POLEN, ehemals Rastenburg.
20180313             Man erfasst das Himmelreich nicht mit den Augen, man erfasst es mit dem Herzen;
20180313             es erstreckt sich nicht vor einem, es liegt in einem;
20180313             es ist nicht überschaubar, nicht kartografierbar, sondern grenzen—, formlos
20180313             MARIA—MAGDALENA", dem wohl 1. aus weiblicher Perspektive erzählten Bibelfilm der Bibelfilmgeschichte
20180313             Das Sehen ist keine Sache der Optik;
20180313             das Sehen ist 1.Sache des inneren Empfindens. Sehen ist Fühlen.
20180313             Sie sieht, was JESUS sieht und zu sehen lehrt.
20180313             mit dieser Perspektivverschiebung automatisch auch 1.Neubewertung CHRISTLICH—IKONISCHER Darstellungspraktiken in Gang gesetzt wird.
20180313             [l] Endlich! DIE—ZUKUNFT ist —HEUTE!!1!
20180313             —VOM, Design her ist das halb Drone, halb MINI—FLUGZEUG
20180313             [l] DONALD—TRUMP blockiert den Kauf von Qualcomm durch Broadcom
20180313             "There is credible evidence that leads me to believe that Broadcom Ltd.,"by acquiring Qualcomm, "might take ACTION that threatens to impair THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—OF—THE—UNITED—STATES,"TRUMP said in THE—ORDER released —MONDAY—EVENING in WASHINGTON.
20180313             NATIONAL—SECURITY!
20180313             [l] "Führungspersonen zeigen Persönlichkeitsprofile, die bei Männern verbreiteter sind
20180313             Oh nein!
20180313             Ah nee warte, keine Sorge - [l] OLD—AND—BUSTED, FinTech.
20180313             NEW—HOTNESS, RegTech!
20180313             [l] Hey, psst, wisst ihr, welches Land den besten GEHEIM—DIENST hat?
20180313             DÄNEMARK!
20180313             —GEHÖRT, Wie, ihr habt noch nie von deren GEHEIM—DIENST ?
20180313             Mir fällt das gerade ein, weil in BERLIN immer so Plakate aushängen, für 1—THEATERSTÜCK
20180313             —VERTREIBT, DAS—MILITÄR, Hundertausende aus der muslimischen Hinderheit in MYANMAR
20180313             —NOCH, nie ist jemand gefeuert worden, weil er sich von FACEBOOK zum Hass hat anstacheln lassen!1!!
20180313             Ich hatte vor ner Weile 1—GESPRÄCH in 1—ORGANISATION, die angeblich von den RUSSEN mit 1—APT gehackt wurde
20180313             Ja, meine Damen und HERREN—FACEBOOK—IST Schuld.
20180313             —GECYBERT, DIE—RUSSEN haben uns.
20180313             DIE—REICHEN werden immer reicher und DIE—ARMEN immer ärmer.
20180313             Damit konnten alle gut leben.
20180313             [l] —NACHT der Langen Messer im WEIßES—HAUS: DONALD—TRUMP—PERSÖNLICHER Assistent wurde gefeuert, angeblich wegen eines "security clearance issue".
20180313             Oh und DONALD—TRUMP—AUßEN—MINISTER—REX—TILLERSON wurde auch gefeuert
20180313             Erfahren hat TILLERSON DAS—ÜBRIGENS aus 1—TWEET.
20180313             Dass sich IMMER—NOCH Leute finden, die bei DONALD—TRUMP—1.STELLE annehmen, finde ich faszinierend
20180313             —UPDATE, Das hier war der Tweet. Congratulations to all!
20180313             [l] DIE—GUTE—NACHRICHT: DIE—CIA kriegt 1.weibliche Direktorin.
20180313             —DIE—SCHLECHTE—NACHRICHT, Sie hat 1—FOLTERKNAST betrieben und Beweise vernichtet.
20180313             Irgendwas ist ja immer!
20180313             [l] Neulich in DER—BUNDESPRESSEKONFERENZ:
20180313             HORST—SEEHOFER spricht von Heimatmuseum statt HEIMATMINISTERIUM—GACKER
20180313—05000000    —VOR—1.—500—JAHREN
20180313—20110300    —RECORDED, THE—BRITAIN—BASED SYRIA—OBSERVATORY for Human Rights said it has, the deaths of 353,935—PEOPLE—SINCE the conflict began with ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS.
20180313—20150000    —ELECTED, She was 1., as the nation's 1. female PRESIDENT, 1—LARGELY ceremonial role.
20190120             —MARCHED, FRANCE, several 1000—PROTESTERS, in PARIS against abortion and medically assisted reproduction 20190313             —IN—THE for Life.
20190313             THE—USA—GROUNDED—BOEING—MONEY—SPINNING 737—MAX aircraft over safety fears —AFTER 1—ETHIOPIAN—AIRLINES—PLANE—CRASH that killed 157—PEOPLE, leaving the world's largest plane maker facing its worst crisis in years.
20190313             —OUTLINED, THE—USA—PENTAGON, new rules for transgender troops.
20190313             1—NEW—POLICY will largely bar transgender troops and military recruits from transitioning to another sex, and require most individuals to serve in their birth gender.
20190313             —BECAME, PETE—KAISER, the latest ALASKA Native to win the 1,000-mile Iditarod dog sled race.
20190313             —ISSUED, CALIFORNIA—GOVERNOR—GAVIN—NEWSOME, 1—EXECUTIVE—ORDER suspending the state's death penalty.
20190313             —1—WINTER—STORM brought blizzards, rain or floods to more than 25—USA—STATES.
20190313             —CANCELLED, About 1,000 flights were, at DENVER—INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT and nearly 40—MORE at COLORADO—SPRINGS.
20190313             NEW—YORK—CITY, Francesco "Frank" CALI (53), the reputed BOSS—OF—NEW—YORK—GAMBINO crime family, was shot dead outside his home on Staten ISLAND.
20190313             —DECLARED, ALGERIA—GOVERNMENT, itself ready for talks with protesters seeking rapid political change, saying it sought 1—RULING system based on "THE—WILL—OF—THE—PEOPLE" —AFTER opposition groups rejected proposed reforms as inadequate.
20190313             —PROTESTED, HUNDREDS—OF—SCHOOL—TEACHERS and students, in ALGIERS amid fears that PRESIDENT—ABDELAZIZ—BOUTEFLIKA plans to extend his —2—DECADE—RULE.
20190313             —ATTENDED, AUSTRALIA, Cardinal GEORGE—PELL, who in past years, the retreat as Francis' finance MINISTER, was sentenced to —6—YEARS in prison for sexually abusing 2—YOUTHS in the 1990s.
20190313             Pell must serve 1—MINIMUM—OF—3—YEARS and —8—MONTHS—BEFORE he is eligible for parole.
20190313             He planned to appeal.
20190313             —REPORTED, The news site Zurnal, that CROATIA—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICERS have tried to recruit followers of the Salafi branch of Islam to smuggle weapons to their mosques in Bosnia.
20190313             —DENIED, CROATIA, the allegations.
20190313             BRAZIL, —BEFORE Guilherme Taucci Monteiro (17) and HENRIQUE—DE—CASTRO (25) launched 1—ASSAULT—ON—1—K 12—PUBLIC—SCHOOL in SUZANO, 1—SUBURB—OF—SAO—PAULO.
20190313             —OPENED, Monteiro, fire with a.38 caliber handgun and de Castro used 1—CROSSBOW.
20190313             7 were killed at the school, including 5—STUDENTS, 1—TEACHER and 1—SCHOOL—ADMINISTRATOR.
20190313             —BEFORE assaulting the school, they shot and killed 1—MAN who owned 1 used car dealership nearby.
20190313             Instead of facing officers Monteiro shot de Castro in the head and then shot himself.
20190313             —URGED, BRITAIN—FINANCE—MINISTER and business chiefs, the country to avoid a "no deal" Brexit —AFTER another crushing parliamentary defeat for PRIME—MINISTER—THERESA—MAY over her EU—DIVORCE deal with BRUSSELS.
20190313             —PARDONED, CONGO—NEW—PRESIDENT—FELIX—TSHISEKEDI, about 700—POLITICAL—PRISONERS who were jailed under his predecessor.
20190313             —BARRED, EGYPT, the passage, takeoff and landing of Boeing 737—MAX aircraft.
20190313             No EGYPT—AIRLINES had Boeing 737—MAX jets in their fleets.
20190313             —DETAINED, GEORGIA said it had, 2—PEOPLE for handling and trying to sell $2.8—MILLION worth of radioactive uranium-238, which can be developed into nuclear bomb material.
20190313             —EXTENDED, GERMANY—AUTHORITIES, compensation payments to more gay men who were investigated under 1—LAW criminalizing homosexuality that was enthusiastically enforced in WEST—GERMANY —WWII—AFTER.
20190313             —OPENED, GREECE, its biggest land registry OFFICE—IN—ATHENS, home to nearly HALF—OF—THE—GREECE—POPULATION.
20190313             —ARRESTED, INDONESIA, THE—WIFE—OF—1—ISLAMIC—MILITANT, for plotting attacks in JAKARTA detonated 1—BOMB —DURING 1—SIEGE—OF—THEIR—HOME in NORTH—SUMATRA, killing herself and her —2—YEAR—OLD—CHILD.
20190313             —BANNED, IRAQ, USA—PLANE—MAKER Boeing CO—737—MAX aircraft from entering or transiting its airspace.
20190313             1—SENIOR—ISRAEL—OFFICIAL said the army has opened criminal investigations into the deaths of 11—PALESTINIANS killed by ISRAEL—FIRE —DURING protests along THE—GAZA border over the past —YEAR.
20190313             —UNCOVERED, ISRAEL—ARMY said it has, 1—UNIT created by Hezbollah across the ceasefire line in THE—SYRIA—GOLAN Heights and led by Hezbollah COMMANDER—ALI—MUSA—DAQDUQ, previously jailed over 1—ATTACK on USA—FORCES.
20190313             —RELEASED, KENYA, the 6. Global Environment Outlook was, at 1—UN—CONFERENCE in NAIROBI.
20190313             It said unsustainable human activities globally have degraded THE—EARTH—ECOSYSTEMS, endangering the ecological FOUNDATIONS—OF—SOCIETY.
20190313             —BACKTRACKED, MALAYSIA—GOVERNMENT, on 1—EARLIER—PLAN to abolish capital punishment for all crimes, saying the death penalty stays but will no longer be mandatory for selected offences.
20190313             —ORDERED, MALAYSIA—GOVERNMENT, 34—SCHOOLS in SOUTH—JOHOR state to close —AFTER toxic waste illegally dumped into 1—RIVER sickened SCORES—OF—STUDENTS and teachers.
20190313             —HOUSED, NIGERIA, a 3—STORY building that, 1—SCHOOL collapsed in LAGOS.
20190313             20—PEOPLE were soon confirmed dead in the school building, and MOST—OF—THEM are children.
20190313             The school had been operating illegally on the top 2—FLOORS.
20190313             † 45—MIGRANTS reportedly, —WHILE 21—OTHERS were rescued.
20190313             —UNVEILED, SUDAN—NEW—PRIME—MINISTER—MOHAMED—TAHIR—EILA, a 20-member cabinet tasked with solving 1—ECONOMIC—CRISIS that has triggered nationwide protests against THE—DECADES—OLD—RULE—OF—PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BASHIR.
20190313             —DEFENDED, UKRAINE, its decision to deny entry to 1—AUSTRIA—JOURNALIST, claiming that AUSTRIA has been too friendly to RUSSIA.
20190313             1—HUMAN—RIGHTS—EXPERT urged THE—UN to take "immediate action" to provide justice and remedies to displaced minority communities in KOSOVO who were sheltered on LEAD—CONTAMINATED wasteland.
20190313             —SCRAMBLED, VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—MADURO—GOVERNMENT, on to return power to WEST—VENEZUELA —FOLLOWING heavy looting in Zulia, the 2. largest city.
20190313             —OFFERED, CHINA, to help THE—SOUTH—USA—NATION end its worst blackout on record.
20190313             —ABOUT 1,000 flights were cancelled at DENVER—INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT and nearly 40—MORE at COLORADO—SPRINGS.
20190313             —REACTED, Business leaders, with fury —AFTER THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—GOVERNMENT unveiled 1—TEMPORARY tariff regime that could see higher prices on 1—ARRAY of imports ranging from cars to butter, if the country crashes out of THE—EU —LATER—THIS—MONTH without 1—DEAL.
20190313             KENYA, the 6. Global Environment Outlook was released at 1—UN—CONFERENCE in NAIROBI.
20190313             NORWAY—AIR said it will seek compensation from plane maker Boeing for costs and lost revenue —AFTER grounding its fleet of 737—MAX 8—AIRCRAFT—IN—THE—WAKE—OF—THE—ETHIOPIA—AIRLINES—CRASH.
20190313             † 1—BOAT with migrants floundered and took on water —WHILE trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea to SPAIN.
20190313             —CONTINUED, EAST—SYRIA—CLASHES, as THE—SDF worked to thwart IS counterattacks.
20190313             Boeing 737—MAX 8, USA—FLUGBEGLEITER wollen START—VERBOT
20190313             Ehemaliger FINANZ—CHEF—DES—VATIKANS: KARDINAL GEORGE—PELL zu —6—JAHREN Haft verurteilt
20190313             —DIE—LAGE—AM—MITTWOCH, 1—KÖNIG—REICH fürs —CHAOS
20190313             Bilanz: Wirtschaft sieht große Versäumnisse der GroKo
20190313             Kinderpornografie und Missbrauch: Mindestens 15—VERDACHTS—FÄLLE bei POLIZEI in NRW
20190313             Flugzeugunglücke: —JETZT hat DONALD—TRUMP auch noch ein BOEING—PROBLEM
20190313             Verschärftes Sparprogramm: Volkswagen streicht —BIS zu 7.000—STELLEN
20190313             ATOM—KONFLIKT—MIT—NORD—KOREA: SANKTION—WÄCHTER kritisieren Kims Luxusautos
20190313             Wegen befürchteter Preisanstiege: GROSSBRITANNIEN will Zölle bei ungeregeltem BREXIT drastisch senken
20190313             —NACH, KIRCHEN—OUTING mutmaßlicher Missbrauchstäter: Katholischer EX—PRIESTER erschossen
20190313             INDONESIEN: ORANG—UTAN mit 74—GEWEHRKUGELN im Leib entdeckt
20190313             DEUTSCHLAND—POLITIKER zum BREXIT—VOTUM: "Grandioser Schaden"
20190313             Abgestürztes Modell 737—MAX 8: 1. Airline fordert Entschädigung von Boeing
20190313             —UNQUALIFIZIERT, PROMI—BETRUGS—SKANDAL an USA—UNIS: "Weitgehend "
20190313             PRESSE—STIMMEN zur BREXIT—ABSTIMMUNG: "Wie soll May DIESE—KRISE überwinden?"
20190313             Hochansteckendes VIRUS: Behörde WARNT—VOR—MASERN—GEFAHR—IN—MÜNCHNER McDONALD's
20190313             Zu viel Bürokratie: BAYERN will GRUNDSTEUER—ENTWURF nicht mittragen
20190313             Tausende EURO aus Fonds erschlichen: Angebliches BATACLAN—OPFER zu FREIHEITS—STRAFE verurteilt
20190313             Mögliche BREXIT—VERSCHIEBUNG: EU verlangt —ERST einmal Klarheit von GROSSBRITANNIEN
20190313             —VERHORSTET, Digitalsteuer: Wie DEUTSCHLAND es wieder einmal, hat
20190313             OPPOSITION über SEEHOFER als INNEN—MINISTER: 1 "verlorenes —JAHR"
20190313             EKLAT im TSCHECHISCHE—REPUBLIK—PARLAMENT: Politiker sorgt mit HOLOCAUST—VERGLEICH für Empörung
20190313             Drohender harter BREXIT: Hersteller bunkern in GROSSBRITANNIEN Champagner
20190313             "DEUTSCHLAND—WOHNEN & Co.
20190313             PROZESS—IN—MÜNSTER: Somalier verklagt DEUTSCHLAND wegen USA—DROHNEN—ANGRIFF
20190313             DROGEN—EPIDEMIE—IN—DER Mittelschicht: "Wir haben in DEN—USA 1—PILLENKULTUR geschaffen" (SPIEGEL+, 14:27)
20190313             —KLIMA—AKTIVISTEN: Schüler stören im EU—PARLAMENT (Leben und Lernen, 15:09)
20190313             Krankes Kind von IMPF—GEGNERN: TETANUS—BEHANDLUNG kostet mehr als 800.000—DOLLAR
20190313             Aufarbeitung der DDR—GESCHICHTE: STASI—PAPIERE sollen ins Bundesarchiv
20190313             GRENZ—KONTROLLEN: EU will bei hartem BREXIT Zölle auf GROSSBRITANNIEN—WAREN erheben
20190313             E—VOTING: SICHERHEITSlücke in SCHWEIZ—WAHL—SOFTWARE entdeckt
20190313             Drohender NO—DEAL—BREXIT: EU—PARLAMENT beschließt Notfallplan für Studenten in ENGLAND (Leben und Lernen, 16:31)
20190313             BETRUGS—SKANDAL an USA—UNIS: "Völlig außer Kontrolle" (Leben und Lernen, 17:03)
20190313             100—EINGESPERRTE Orcas: Drama um das "WAL—GEFÄNGNIS" von Wladiwostok
20190313             UNO—BERICHT, Forscher kalkulieren Folgen der globalen Umweltzerstörung
20190313             —NEUE—INTERNETGESETZE: Russen fürchten verschärfte Zensur
20190313             —REDUZIERT, DEUTSCHLAND, Botschaftspersonal in CARACAS
20190313             Eingeschränkte Erreichbarkeit: #FACEBOOKDown: Nutzer berichten WELT—WEIT von Störungen
20190313             DRUCK—AUS—BRÜSSEL—EU schubst Briten in Richtung 2. REFERENDUM
20190313             FLÜCHTLINGE: SEEHOFER will GRENZ—KONTROLLEN verlängern
20190313             Boeing 737—MAX: Auch KANADA und DIE—UKRAINE sperren Unglücksflieger aus
20190313             MENSCHENRECHTSBERICHT—USA nennen Golanhöhen nicht mehr ISRAEL—BESETZT
20190313             Abgestürzte Boeing: DEUTSCHLAND—BEHÖRDE will Blackbox nicht auswerten
20190313             LAND—WIRTSCHAFT, Länder bäumen sich gegen QUAL—TIERTRANSPORTE auf
20190313             SIEGES—PROPAGANDA in RUSSLAND: Der Beutezug
20190313             INTERNETnutzer in DEUTSCHLAND erhalten nur selten die gebuchten Geschwindigkeiten.
20190313             71,3—PROZENT—DER—ANSCHLUSSINHABER, die ihre Werte übermittelten, kamen dem Bericht zufolge auf mindestens 50—PROZENT—DES—VERSPROCHENEN—TEMPOS.
20190313             Im Mobilfunk sind die Abstände noch größer: Nur bei 16,1—PROZENT—DER—MESSUNGEN kamen Kunden auf mehr als 50 % DER—VEREINBARTEN Maximalgeschwindigkeit.
20190313             "Über ALLE—BANDBREITEKLASSEN und Anbieter hinweg erreichen Kunden erneut oft nicht die maximale Geschwindigkeit, die ihnen in Aussicht gestellt wurde",
20190313             Zu langsam ist —LAUT—ANGABEN, DER—BUNDESNETZ—AGENTUR 1—ANSCHLUSS, der:
20190313             nicht an 2—MESSTAGEN jeweils mindestens einmal 90 % —DER—VERTRAGLICH vereinbarten Maximalgeschwindigkeit erreicht.
20190313             DIE—NORMALERWEISE zur Verfügung stehende Geschwindigkeit nicht in 90—PROZENT—DER—MESSUNGEN erreicht.
20190313             —VERSPROCHEN, DIE—MINIMALGESCHWINDIGKEIT, die der Anbieter im VERTRAG, hat, an mindestens 2—MESSTAGEN nicht erreicht.
20190313             Lesetipp: Weaponising news: RT, SPUTNIK and targeted disinformation.
20190313             Flooding the zone: RT, SPUTNIK and RUSSIA—FRAMING—OF—THE—SKRIPAL—INCIDENT.
20190313             Heads we win, tails you lose: projecting RUSSIA—STRENGTH.
20190313             Division and dysfunction: how RT and SPUTNIK portray THE—WEST and construct news agendas.
20190313             Über das "Flooding the zone" hatten Frank und ich —SCHON in ALTERNATIVLOS—36—EIN bisschen Gedanken gemacht.
20190313             Appendix 3—IST einfach 1—LISTE—DER—NARRATIVE, die DIE—RUSSEN über SKRIPAL so verbreitet haben.
20190313             —NACH, Untergang von Containerschiff: Ölteppich vor der FRANKREICH—ATLANTIK—KÜSTE
20190313—20180000    —SCHON, Boeing 737—MAX 8, USA—PILOTEN meldeten, SOFTWAREprobleme
20190313—20190316    —ARRESTED, Suspect ANTHONY—COMELLO, —24—JAHRE—ALT was, in NEW—JERSEY.
20190313—20210000    —BY, GREECE, the only European country without 1—PROPER—REGISTER—OF—LAND—OWNERSHIP, was confident it will finally have 1 in place —AFTER spending HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—EUROS on 1—PROJECT that began more than —20—YEARS—AGO.
20200302             USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT—OFFICIALS told reporters that —STARTING 20200313             , 5—CHINA—STATE—AND PARTY—OWNED media companies will be allowed to employ 1 combined 100—CHINA—CITIZENS, a 40% cut from current levels.
20200302             Irfaan Ali (39), 1—FORMER housing MINISTER from the opposition PEOPLE—PROGRESSIVE—PARTY (PPP), sought to unseat incumbent PRESIDENT—DAVID—GRANGER, —74—JAHRE—ALT, whose —5—YEAR tenure has coincided with THE—DISCOVERY—OF—BILLIONS—OF—BARRELS of crude offshore by 1—CONSORTIUM led by Exxon Mobil Corp. The oil was set to provide 1—SIGNIFICANT—ECONOMIC boon in the country of fewer than 800,000. 20200313             —ON the election commission declared that Granger (74) had won the vote.
20200302—20200313    —ON, The oil was set to provide 1—SIGNIFICANT—ECONOMIC boon in the country of fewer than 800,000. the election commission declared that Granger (74) had won the vote.
20200302—20200313    —ON, the election commission declared that Granger (74) had won the vote
20200307             —QUARANTINED, Passengers were, at TRAVIS—AIR—FORCE—BASE and many were released on 1 staggered basis 20200309—20200313    —FROM—TO.
20200311             The ban, to begin at midnight 20200313             , won't apply to Americans trying to return home, or to citizens of THE—UK.
20200313             —BEKANNTGEGEBEN, AN—DIESEM—FREITAG, wurden die SCHUL—SCHLIEßUNGEN infolge der COVID—19—PANDEMIE
20200313             —DECLARED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, THE—CORONA€"VIRUS outbreak 1—NATIONAL—EMERGENCY, freeing up money and resources to fight it, and threw his support behind 1—CONGRESSIONAL aid package.
20200313             Trump said "I don't take responsibility at all" for the slow rollout of testing.
20200313             Trump said that major cruise lines including Royal Caribbean would suspend cruises —FOR—30—DAYS at his request —AFTER repeated TRANSMISSION—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS among passengers at sea.
20200313             1—USA—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT—PLAN to combat THE—CORONA€"VIRUS warned policymakers that 1—PANDEMIC "will last —18—MONTHS or longer" and could include "multiple waves," resulting in widespread shortages that would strain consumers and the nation's health care system.
20200313             —RALLIED, THE—DOW—JONES—INDUSTRIAL—AVERAGE, nearly 20000000             points, its biggest point gain ever, —AFTER PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP declared THE—CORONA€"VIRUS pandemic 1—NATIONAL—EMERGENCY.
20200313             —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION, it is awarding $1.3—MILLION to 2—COMPANIES trying to develop rapid COVID—19—TESTS that could detect whether 1—PERSON is positive for the new CORONA€"VIRUS within an —HOUR.
20200313             THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—HEALTH and Human Services said it is awarding $679,000 to DiaSorin Molecular, of CYPRESS—CALIFORNIA, and $598,000 to QIAGEN, of GERMANTOWN—MARYLAND, to accelerate development of their tests.
20200313             USA—OFFICIALS said inmates at all 122—FEDERAL—CORRECTIONAL facilities across the country will no longer be allowed visits from family, friends or attorneys for the next —30—DAYS, in response to THE—THREAT—OF—THE—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200313             —APPROVED, THE—USA—FOOD and Drug Administration (FDA), Thermo Fisher Scientific INC—CORONA€"VIRUS—TEST, which would allow the firm to increase capacity to 1.4—MILLION—TESTS —1—WEEK.
20200313             THE—USA—FOOD and Drug Administration (FDA) said that THE—NEW—YORK STATE—DEPARTMENT—OF—HEALTH can authorize certain laboratories to begin testing for THE—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200313             —LAUNCHED, THE—USA—FEDERAL—RESERVE, 1—WAVE—OF $37—BILLION—OF—TREASURY—SECURITY—PURCHASES under the enhanced market liquidity measures it announced —1—DAY—EARLIER to address volatile conditions in the government bond market caused by THE—CORONA€"VIRUS outbreak.
20200313             CALIFORNIA, nearly 1.5—MILLION—STUDENTS have been told to stay home for up to —4—WEEKS as public and private school shit down across the state to combat THE—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200313             —BREED, S—FRANCISCO—MAYOR—LONDON, banned nonessential gatherings of more than 100—PEOPLE due to THE—CORONA€"VIRUS outbreak.
20200313             No arrests were made.
20200313             —DECORATED, KENTUCKY, Breonna Taylor (26), Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), was shot at least 8—TIMES by police officers in her apartment by LOUISVILLE police officers.
20200313             Officials —LATER said that police were executing 1—DRUG—WARRANT.
20200313             The aspiring nurse's boyfriend KENNETH—WALKER was inside the apartment with her —WHEN police purportedly attempted to enter without announcement.
20200313             —LICENSED, MISTER—WALKER, who is 1, gun owner, is said to have fired shots at officers —WHEN they attempted to enter.
20200313             —POSTPONED, LOUISIANA—GOVERNOR—JOHN—BEL—EDWARDS, the state's presidential primaries due to FEARS—OF—THE—CORONA€"VIRUS, making it the 1. state to push back its election BECAUSE—OF—THE—OUTBREAK.
20200313             BOSTON, DAVID—SIDOO, 1—FORMER—CANADIAN—FOOTBALL—LEAGUE—PLAYER, pleaded guilty to participating in 1—COLLEGE—ADMISSIONS cheating scheme by hiring someone to take the SATs in place of his 2—SONS.
20200313             —CALLED, His plea deal, —FOR—90—DAYS in prison and 1—FINE—OF $250,000.
20200313             NEW—YORK—CITY, all UNITED—NATIONS staff at its headquarters were told o work from home for at least —3—WEEKS due to THE—CORONA€"VIRUS outbreak unless it was essential for them to be present.
20200313             USA—FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS hit R&B singer R. Kelly with more criminal charges in 1 revised indictment filed in NEW—YORK—CITY.
20200313             PENNSYLVANIA, PHILADELPHIA police Cpl.
20200313             † JAMES—O'CONNOR, —46—JAHRE—ALT was shot and killed —EARLY—TODAY as he served 1—HOMICIDE warrant at 1—HOME.
20200313             —ARRESTED, Several people were, including THE—SUBJECT—OF—THE—WARRANT, HASSAN—ELLIOTT, 1—FUGITIVE wanted in 1—ROBBERY and slaying —LAST—YEAR not far from the scene.
20200313             —INFECTED, More than 134,500—PEOPLE have been, globally by THE—CORONA€"VIRUS and over 4,900 have †, according to 1—REUTERS TALLY—OF—GOVERNMENT—ANNOUNCEMENTS.
20200313             —WARNED, AUSTRALIA, citizens THE—CORONA€"VIRUS pandemic is —NOW so widespread that they should reconsider all foreign travel, as the government stepped up measures to slow THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—DISEASE.
20200313             —RECORDED, BELARUS said it has, 27—PEOPLE infected with CORONA€"VIRUS, 6—MORE than —1—DAY—BEFORE.
20200313             BOSNIA, Muslim men Jasmin Keserovic and Senad Kasupovic were charged with terrorism offences, over accusations they fought for Islamic State.
20200313             The men were PART—OF—1—GROUP—OF—7—FLOWN back to Bosnia from Syria in December, along with 18—WOMEN and children.
20200313             —SUSPENDED, BRAZIL—FEDERAL—AUDIT court, —LATE—TODAY 1—INCREASE—OF—20—BILLION reais ($4.1—BILLION) to social assistance for elderly and disabled people.
20200313             —CONFIRMED, BRITAIN—NUMBER—OF, CORONA€"VIRUS cases rose to 590. 10—PEOPLE have †.
20200313             CHINA—DEATH—TOLL due to THE—CORONA€"VIRUS rose by 13. THE—MAINLAND had 11—NEW confirmed cases.
20200313             —CONFIRMED, The country —NOW has 80,824, CORONA€"VIRUS cases.
20200313             —REPORTED, WUHAN city, 5—NEW—CASES.
20200313             —TOUCHED, The death toll, 3,176.
20200313             CHINA—BILLIONAIRE and Alibaba CO—FOUNDER—JACK—MA said he will donate 500,000 CORONA€"VIRUS testing kits and 1—MILLION masks to THE—USA and urged INTERNATIONAL cooperation to fight the health crisis.
20200313             —REPORTED, COSTA—RICA, which has, 22—CASES, ordered all university classes suspended.
20200313             —SUSPENDED, ECUADOR, large events and shut its schools as it confirmed 15—CASES—OF—THE—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200313             —ENTERED, EGYPT, thunderstorms and flooding —AROUND EGYPT, a 2. —DAY, interrupting daily life in MUCH—OF—THE—COUNTRY, including CAIRO.
20200313             The death toll soon rose to 21.
20200313             —CONFIRMED, ETHIOPIA, its 1. CASE—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200313             FINLAND, FRANCE, GERMANY, LUXEMBOURG and PORTUGAL agreed to take in at least 1,600 migrant children in GREECE traveling without their parents.
20200313             FRANCE, the death toll from CORONA€"VIRUS rose to 61.
20200313             —RECORDED, GERMANY, 3,062 confirmed CASES—OF—THE—CORONA€"VIRUS, with 5—DEATHS.
20200313             —UNLEASHED, THE—GERMANY—GOVERNMENT, the biggest economic aid package in the country's POST—WAR—HISTORY, offering companies "unlimited" credit to keep them afloat —DURING THE—CORONA€"VIRUS crisis.
20200313             GREECE, Katerina Sakellaropoulou (63) was formally sworn in as the country's 1. female PRESIDENT.
20200313             GREECE said it will close all its museums and archaeological sites, including the entire Acropolis that looms over ATHENS, —UNTIL THE—END—OF—THE—MONTH due to THE—IMPACT—OF—THE—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200313             —CONFIRMED, GREECE had 117, cases and 1—FATALITY.
20200313             —BECAME, HONG—KONG, a man (80), the 4. patient to die from CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200313             THE—ICELAND—GOVERNMENT said it would ban public gatherings of 100 or more people and that secondary schools and universities would close —FOR—4—WEEKS to curb THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—CORONA€"VIRUS—OUTBREAK.
20200313             So far, 117—CASES—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS—INFECTIONS have been confirmed in the country.
20200313             —ORDERED, INDIA—AUTHORITIES, the release of KASHMIR—MOST prominent politician, Farooq Abdullah, 1—OF—DOZENS—OF—LEADERS held —SINCE—AUGUST, —WHEN THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT withdrew the troubled region's autonomy.
20200313             2—INDIA—STATES ordered THE—CLOSURE—OF—PUBLIC—BUILDINGS, malls, cinemas and bars in several major cities, with Mumbai and Bengaluru subject to differing restrictions, —AFTER the country reported its 1. death from THE—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200313             —CONFIRMED, INDIA had 74, CASES—OF—THE—VIRUS.
20200313             —ANNOUNCED, IRAN, that the new CORONA€"VIRUS has claimed another 85—LIVES, the highest SINGLE—DAY—DEATH—TOLL in 1—OF—THE—WORLD—WORST affected countries.
20200313             This brought to 514 the overall NUMBER—OF—DEATHS in the country.
20200313             —REACHED, The total NUMBER—OF—PATIENTS has, 11,364 cases.
20200313             IRAN said security forces will clear the streets nationwide within —24—HOURS so all citizens can be checked for CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200313             IRAQ—MILITARY said 5—SECURITY—FORCE—MEMBERS and 1—CIVILIAN were killed —EARLY—TODAY in 1—BARRAGE—OF—USA—AIRSTRIKES launched hours —AFTER 1—ROCKET—ATTACK killed and wounded American and UK—SERVICEMEN at 1—BASE—NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20200313             —KILLED, IRAQ—MILITARY said the strikes, 3—IRAQ—ARMY commandos and 2—FEDERAL—POLICE—OFFICERS.
20200313             —CALLED, IRELAND—NATIONALISTS in NORTH—IRELAND—GOVERNMENT, for THE—CLOSURE—OF—SCHOOLS to mirror measures across the border in THE—REPUBLIC—OF—IRELAND, putting them at odds with their PRO—UK—POWER—SHARING partners.
20200313             —CONFIRMED, NORTH—IRELAND currently has 20, cases of COVID—19 compared with 70 in THE—REPUBLIC—OF—IRELAND, where the population is —AROUND 2 and 1—HALF—TIMES—BIGGER.
20200313             —REPORTED, ISRAEL, 126—CASES—OF—THE—DISEASE have been, and another 35 in the occupied WEST—BANK.
20200313             —GATHERED, Muslims, in SMALLER—THAN—USUAL—NUMBERS at AL—AQSA mosque in JERUSALEM —AFTER religious authorities decided to keep ISLAM—3. holiest site open for prayers but enact health measures to prevent THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200313             ITALY—DEATH—TOLL from THE—CORONA€"VIRUS epidemic shot past 1,000 as the economic impact worsened.
20200313             The total NUMBER—OF—INFECTIONS—ROSE to 15,113.
20200313             JAPAN, total CORONA€"VIRUS infections rose to 1,380.
20200313             —CONFIRMED, KAZAKHSTAN, 1. CORONA€"VIRUS cases.
20200313             —CONFIRMED, KENYA, EAST—AFRICA—1. CASE—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS, 1—WOMAN who had returned to THE—CAPITAL—NAIROBI from THE—USA.
20200313             THE—BANK—OF—MAURITIUS said it will offer 5—BILLION rupees ($131.06—MILLION) in liquidity support to businesses, through commercial banks, to cushion businesses from the impact of THE—COVID—19—PANDEMIC.
20200313             —CONFIRMED, MEXICO has so far, 15—CASES—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS with no deaths.
20200313             Deputy health SECRETARY—HUGO—LOPEZ—GATELL said MEXICO would consider mechanisms to control THE—FLOW—OF—PEOPLE entering MEXICO from THE—USA in 1—EFFORT to limit CORONA€"VIRUS, if necessary.
20200313             —ANNOUNCED, NEPAL—GOVERNMENT, that it was suspending climbing permits for MOUNT—EVEREST and all other peaks in the country due to concern over THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200313             —REACHED, In THE—NETHERLANDS new CORONA€"VIRUS infections, 804, with 10—DEATHS.
20200313             —STOCKPILED, HOLLAND—SHOPPERS, toilet paper, pasta and canned goods as worries about THE—CORONA€"VIRUS outbreak spread.
20200313             —STALLED, The price of tulips for export, at 0—DUE to THE—CORONA€"VIRUS pandemic.
20200313             —ENDED, Growers, up dumping some 400—MILLION flowers.
20200313             PAKISTAN said it will shut all land borders and limit INTERNATIONAL flights —FOR—15—DAYS to halt THE—SPREAD—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200313             —REPORTED, PAKISTAN has, 21—CASES—OF—THE—VIRUS but no deaths.
20200313             —REPORTED, POLAND, its 1. death from CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200313             —CONFIRMED, So far, 47—CASES have been, in the country.
20200313             —DETECTED, SAUDI—ARABIA, 17—NEW—CORONA€"VIRUS—CASES, 11—OF—WHOM were Egyptians.
20200313             —BECAME, SLOVENIA, Janez Jansa (19580000             *), PRIME—MINISTER for a 3. time.
20200313             —RECORDED, SOUTH—KOREA, 110—NEW—CORONA€"VIRUS—CASES, compared with 114—1—DAY—EARLIER, taking the national tally to 7,979, with the death toll rising by 5 to 72 AS—OF—LATE—TODAY.
20200313             —JUMPED, SPAIN, THE—NUMBER—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS—CASES, to 4,209 from 3,004 —1—DAY—EARLIER, as the disease spread mostly in MADRID, the Basque Country and LA—RIOJA regions.
20200313             —INCREASED, The death toll from the epidemic has, to 120—FROM 84 the previous —DAY.
20200313             THE—MADRID, region said THE—NUMBER—OF—CASES—ROSE to 2,078.
20200313             —REPORTED, THAILAND, 5—NEW—CORONA€"VIRUS—CASES, bringing the total to 75.
20200313             —DIAGNOSED, TURKEY said a 2. patient has been, with THE—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200313             —DECLARED, URUGUAY—NEW—PRESIDENT—LUIS—LACALLE—POU, 1—EMERGENCY due to THE—CORONA€"VIRUS pandemic and shut down borders.
20200313             —PRÄSIDENT—MOON—JAE—IN hat dem VIRUS den "Krieg" erklärt.
20200313             Durchschnittlich 12.000—MENSCHEN werden in SÜD—KOREA jeden —TAG auf COVID—19—GETESTET, maximal können die Labore 20.000—TESTS täglich durchführen.
20200313             Die Ergebnisse erhalten DIE—BEHÖRDEN—IN—6—BIS —24—STUNDEN, deutlich schneller als in anderen Ländern.
20200313             wer frühzeitig weiß, daß er infiziert ist, kann Vorsichtsmaßnahmen ergreifen, um andere nicht anzustecken.
20200313             Auch der Virologe CHRISTIAN—DROSTEN—VON—DER—BERLIN—CHARITÉ meint zu dem Vorgehen der Südkoreaner: "Ich finde das absolut vorbildlich. Ich fände es gut, wenn wir eine solche Testquote auch erreichen könnten".
20200313             SÜD—KOREA liegt mit großem Abstand vor anderen Ländern, ergibt 1—VERGLEICH—DER—UNIVERSITÄT—OXFORD
20200313             —SEIT, —MITTE—DER—WOCHE schreckt eine neue Infektion, —NUN in SEOUL, DAS—LAND auf.
20200313             Mehr als 100—MENSCHEN haben sich in einem Callcenter angesteckt.
20200313             —CORONA—KRISE: HAMBURG schließt Schulen und Kitas ab —MONTAG
20200313             Reinigungstipps: So wird das Smartphone keimfrei
20200313             —CORONA—KRISE und Staatsverschuldung: Was kostet uns das Leben?
20200313             1—KOLUMNE—VON—THOMAS—FRICKE
20200313             Kohleausstieg: Kohleländer kritisieren den Regierungsentwurf
20200313             Jobabsagen wegen CORONA: "Für mich ist es existenziell"
20200313             Junge EU—POLITIKER und CORONA: Ab —JETZT am Küchentisch
20200313             —CORONA—KRISE: SPANIEN verhängt Alarmzustand
20200313             —DEMENTIERT, BRASILIEN: —PRÄSIDENT—BOLSONARO, Meldungen über positiven CORONA—TEST
20200313             —CORONA—KRISE: Umtausch von Bahntickets wird einfacher
20200313             Solidarität in des CORONA—VIRUS—ZEITEN: "Wer Banken rettet, muss auch —JETZT helfen"
20200313             —CORONA—VIRUS, DFL sagt Spieltag in der Bundesliga ab
20200313             Fluggesellschaft in der CORONA—KRISE: Muss der STAAT die Lufthansa retten?
20200313             Studie aus den USA: Warum breitere Straßen nicht gegen Stau helfen
20200313             —GEKLECKERT, MILLIARDEN—HILFSPROGRAMM der Bundesregierung: "Es wird nicht, sondern geklotzt"
20200313             Schulschließungen wegen CORONA: Föderales Flickwerk
20200313             —NACH, Raketenangriff, USA—VERGELTUNGSSCHLAG verstärkt Spannungen im IRAK
20200313             —CORONA—KRISE: NORD—RHEIN—WEST—FALEN untersagt Besuche in ALTEN—UND Pflegeheimen
20200313             —CORONA—HILFEN für die Wirtschaft: SCHOLZ und ALTMAIER zücken die Bazooka
20200313             Probleme mit automatischem Bremssystem: Volvo ruft knapp 740.000—AUTOS zurück
20200313             NRW—GESUNDHEITSMINISTER über CORONA: "Wir müssen die Nerven behalten" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—LUKAS—EBERLE
20200313             —DIE—LAGE—AM—ABEND: Der Sport macht dicht
20200313             MERKEL in der CORONA—KRISE: Auf Sicht die Richtige
20200313             —CORONA und die GEFAHR—FÜR—DIE WELT—WIRTSCHAFT: 1—DOMINOSTEIN —NACH—DEM nächsten
20200313             —SPIEGEL—HAUSMITTEILUNG: 49—FRAGEN und Antworten zur Krise: 1—CORONA—SPEZIAL
20200313             —CORONA—VIRUS—NEWSLETTER: Der KAMPF—GEGEN—DIE—FURCHT beginnt bei Ihnen
20200313             INTERNET in der CORONA—KRISE: Telekom hat "die NOTFALL—UND PANDEMIE—PLÄNE aktiviert"
20200313             Wegen CORONA—VIRUS, TÜRKEI stellt Flüge nach DEUTSCHLAND ein
20200313             1—THREAT—TO—EVERYONE: Is GERMANY Ready for THE—CORONA—PANDEMIC?
20200313             Fragmented Authority: Inside GERMANY—PIECEMEAL—RESPONSE to CORONA
20200313             —CORONA—VIRUS— Response: THE—URGENT—SEARCH for 1—CURE for COVID—19—BY Kerstin Kullmann und VERONIKA—HACKENBROCH
20200313             Viral Lethargy: THE—CHALLENGES—FACING—CONCERTED—CORONA—VIRUS— Action By Ullrich Fichtner
20200313             —CORONA—VIRUS, Fast ALLE—BUNDESLÄNDER schließen Schulen und Kitas
20200313             AUSBREITUNG—DES—CORONA—VIRUS, DÄNEMARK schließt seine Grenzen
20200313             Wegen CORONA—AUSBRUCH: PNEUMOKOKKEN—IMPFSTOFF wird knapp
20200313             —ANSTECKUNGSGEFAHR: Wenn die Großeltern ihre Enkel nicht mehr sehen sollen Aufgezeichnet von JULIA—STANEK
20200313             —SPIEGEL—UMFRAGE zum VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ: Große MEHRHEIT—DER—DEUTSCHEN findet Beobachtung des AfD-"Flügels" richtig
20200313             Wegen AUSBREITUNG—VON—CORONA: TRUMP ruft nationalen Notstand aus
20200313             Panne beim RKI: ZAHL—DER—CORONA—INFIZIERTEN in DEUTSCHLAND stieg um 50—STATT um 10—PROZENT
20200313             Wegen CORONA—KRISE: POLEN schließt seine Grenzen
20200313             EX—PREMIER Renzi über CORONA—KRISE: "Passt auf, daß ihr nicht dieselben Fehler macht wie ITALIEN"
20200313             —CORONA—VIRUS, Stadt Nürnberg untersagt DFB—LÄNDERSPIEL gegen ITALIEN
20200313             —FREITAG,
20200313             —CORONA—CRASH an den Aktienmärkten: Was ANLEGER —JETZT tun sollten
20200313             —VERKÜNDET, TRUMP, CORONA—NOTSTAND: In schwierigen Zeiten scheint der wahre Charakter immer durch Aus WASHINGTON berichtet Ralf Neukirch
20200313             —CORONA—KRISE, USA—DEMOKRATEN und TRUMP—REGIERUNG einigen sich auf Hilfspaket
20200313             —CORONA—KRISE: Cooler KANZLER, nervöse REPUBLIK
20200313             DIE—BILDER—DER—WOCHE: Verfluchtes Plastik
20200313             Faktencheck zum Kettenbrief: Schützt ständiges Wassertrinken vor einer CORONA—INFEKTION?
20200313             —CORONA—VIRUS, Etwas mehr NÄHE—BEI allem körperlichen Abstand 1—KOLUMNE—VON—SIBYLLE—BERG
20200313             Sozialer ÖPNV: Die Formel für einen ticketfreien NAH—VERKEHR
20200313             IRAK: Erneuter RAKETEN—ANGRIFF auf USA—STÜTZPUNKT
20200313             Trends do not last forever because nature imposes limits.
20200313             The 19680000—19690000    flu, which I am old enough to recall, did not stop anyone from going to see "2001" -- or rock concerts, or football games, or ANTI—WAR—RALLIES, or presidential campaign events, or the Carson show, or orgies at ROMAN—POLANSKI—PAD, or anything else.
20200313             —KILLED, That flu...what? I think it was 35,000 Americans, although you should probably double check me on that because I'm going on memory
20200313             The point is, the death toll was probably higher than they 1—WE'LL see from THE—CORONA—VIRUS.
20200313             Very sad, no doubt about it. But life went on.
20200313             Nobody thought that destroying the economy in order to kill the flu would have been 1—GOOD—TRADE—OFF.
20200313             the idea of killing the economy in order to kill this presidency sounds good only to those who don't fear homelessness.
20200313             You can't have it both ways.
20200313             You either accept THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—VIRUS uncontrollably or you shut down PARTS—OF—THE—ECONOMY by travel and FREEDOM—OF—MOVEMENT—RESTRICTIONS which unfortunately cause economic loss.
20200313             People lost their homes and livelihoods as well.
20200313             with only 1/410 (.0022 or.2%) as MANY—CASES, the death toll is 45% what the swine flu was.
20200313             "COVID -19 is finally the monster at the door.
20200313             Researchers are working night and —DAY to characterize THE—OUTBREAK but they are faced with 3—HUGE—CHALLENGES.
20200313             1. the continuing shortage or UNAVAILABILITY—OF—TEST kits has vanquished all HOPE—OF—CONTAINMENT.
20200313             Like annual influenzas, this virus is mutating as it courses through populations with different age compositions and acquired immunities.
20200313             The variety that Americans are most likely to get is already slightly different from that of the original outbreak in WUHAN.
20200313             Further mutation could be trivial or could alter the current DISTRIBUTION—OF—VIRULENCE which ascends with age, with babies and small children showing scant risk of serious infection —WHILE octogenarians face mortal danger from viral pneumonia.
20200313             —1—YEAR from —NOW we may look —BACK—IN admiration at CHINA—SUCCESS in containing the pandemic but in horror at THE—USA—FAILURE.
20200313             The inability of our institutions to keep PANDORA—BOX closed, of course, is hardly 1—SURPRISE.
20200313             We are in the early stages of 1—MEDICAL—KATRINA.
20200313             Militant nurses unions in CALIFORNIA and other states are making sure that we all understand the grave dangers created by inadequate stockpiles of essential protective supplies like N95 face masks.
20200313             Even more vulnerable because invisible are THE—HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—LOW—WAGE and overworked homecare workers and nursing home staff.
20200313             I recommend READING the whole thing.
20200313             C'est moi - 1—TEENAGER—WEBSITE tracking THE—CORONA—VIRUS has become 1—OF—THE most vital resources for people seeking accurate and updated numbers on the pandemic.
20200313             THE—URL is nCoV2019.live. That's nCoV2019.live.
20200313             —17—YEAR—OLD—AVI—SCHIFFMANN started the site in —LATE—DECEMBER—WHEN THE—CORONA—VIRUS had not yet been detected outside CHINA.
20200313             —NOW the site's been visited by TENS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE from all over the planet.
20200313             The site tracks deaths, NUMBERS—OF—CASES locally and globally, and it talks about THE—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE who have recovered.
20200313             It also provides 1—INTERACTIVE map, information on the disease, and 1—TWITTER feed.
20200313             The resource, which updates EVERY—MINUTE or so, pulls information from THE—WORLD—HEALTH—ORGANIZATION, the Centers for Disease Control and elsewhere.
20200313             Reported DEATH—RATE is 0.89 AS—OF—TODAY—LA—TEST—FIGURES.
20200313             If you use whataboutism, moving goal posts, and circular logic, THEN—OF—COURSE your criteria will never be met.
20200313             —C'EST MOI—THE—DATA—AT—THE—END—OF—FEBRUARY 8, 20200000             : 813—DEATHS (cumulative total) and 37,552—CASES (cumulative total) worldwide.
20200313             As I said, I'm old enough to recall THE—HONG—KONG flu.
20200313             —ACTED, Nobody, terribly worried about it.
20200313             Added note: I was mistaken about THE—HONG—KONG flu number.
20200313             In —1—YEAR.
20200313             Compared to 50,000—DEATHS or thereabouts for all THE—YEARS—OF—VIETNAM.
20200313             —TREATED, Yet the flu was, with 1—SHRUG.
20200313             Extreme times aid extreme ideologies.
20200313             History is VERY clear on that point.
20200313             Behördenrechte in Zeiten von CORONA: "Notfalls dürften Beamte Zwang anwenden" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—DIETMAR—HIPP
20200313             COVID—19, Durch DAS—CORONA—VIRUS— sinken die CO2-Emissionen in CHINA um 25—PROZENT
20200313             —CORONAKRISE—IN—ITALIEN: "Alles wird gut"
20200313             ITALIEN, SCHWEIZ, ÖSTERREICH: GESUNDHEITS—MINISTER—SPAHN ruft Urlaubsheimkehrer zu freiwilliger Isolation auf
20200313             —CORONA—VIRUS, SEEHOFER fordert europäische Koordinierung bei Einreisekontrollen
20200313             —CORONA—KRISE: Auch MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN schließt Schulen und Kitas
20200313             1. FC Nürnberg in CORONA—QUARANTÄNE: "Man geht solche Szenarien natürlich durch" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—ANTJE—WINDMANN
20200313             Von Bleichmittel —BIS Zwiebeln: 10—HEILMITTEL gegen DAS—CORONA—VIRUS—, die garantiert nicht helfen
20200313             Betrugsmaschen im INTERNET: Wie KRIMinelle von der CORONA—ANGST profitieren
20200313             Fri 20200313
20200313             [l] Der PREPPING—INDUSTRIE hat NACHSCHUB—PROBLEME, weil der ganze Scheiß aus CHINA kommt.
20200313             [l] Sieht aus als käme Chelsea Manning frei.
20200313             Allerdings mit einer offenen Rechnung über $250k.
20200313             Ich nehme mal an, daß es dafür dann 1—CROWDFUNDING—KAMPAGNE geben wird.
20200313             CORONA—KRISE: BELGIEN schließt Cafés, Restaurants und Diskotheken
20200313             BDI—CHEF—KEMPF über DIE—CORONAFOLGEN: "Das Risiko einer Rezession steigt von —TAG zu —TAG" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—ARMIN—MAHLER und FRANK—DOHMEN
20200313             Sagen, was ist.
20200313             DER SPIEGEL—PODCAST: Vom Drogendealer zum Terroristenjäger Von OLAF—HEUSER und CHRISTINA—POHL
20200313             Wegen CORONA—VIRUS, Formel 1—SAGT Saisonauftakt in AUSTRALIEN ab
20200313             MAGDEBURG—DIE internationale AUSBREITUNG—DES—CORONA—VIRUS hat Auswirkungen auf die europaweite NATO—ÜBUNG Defender 20200000            .
20200313             Wie die Bundeswehr —AM—DONNERSTAG mitteilte, wird DIE—USA—ARMEE deutlich weniger STREIT—KRÄFTE nach EUROPA entsenden als geplant.
20200313—20000000    —SINCE, we've repeatedly seen breakdowns in frontline healthcare.
20200313—20090000    —DATE, the swine flu (H1N1)outbreak in THE—USA.
20200313—20150000    —INCLUDED, Charges, the singer of having unprotected sex with 1—GIRL without disclosing he had herpes.
20200313—20180000    —IN, FLORIDA, ANDREW—GILLUM, —40—JAHRE—ALT, who came within 34,000 votes of becoming the state's GOVERNOR, was discovered by police at 1—SOUTH—BEACH—HOTEL—EARLY—TODAY in 1—ROOM with bags of possible crystal meth and in the company of 1—MAN who appeared to have overdosed on drugs.
20200313—20180213    —IN—THE, 1—CHICAGO jury convicted Shomari Legghett (46) of 1.—DEGREE murder, shooting DEATH—OF—POLICE—COMMANDER—PAUL—BAUER, —53—JAHRE—ALT.
20200313—20190000    —IN, 1—UN—REPORT said allegations of sexual abuse and exploitation in UN peacekeeping and political missions rose significantly, with allegations against CIVIL—PERSONNEL nearly doubling.
20200313—20190500    WHISTLEBLOWERIN—CHELSEA—MANNING Ihre Anwesenheit vor Gericht sei nicht mehr nötig, dementsprechend LIEGE kein Haftgrund mehr vor.
20200313—20191100    —SEIT—DEM, Datum wurden ein —BIS 5—NEUE Fälle pro —TAG erkannt.
20200313—20200316    —FROM, AUSTRIA said will introduce border checks with SWITZERLAND and ban flight connections with FRANCE, SPAIN and SWITZERLAND to slow the rapidly spreading CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200313—20200326    "IM ZEITRAUM—VOM, ist im Klinikum ERNST—VON—BERGMANN eine kritische Entwicklung im Rahmen der CORONA—PANDEMIE nicht ausreichend erkannt worden", teilte die Geschäftsführung nach einer nichtöffentlichen Beratung im HAUPT—AUSSCHUSS der Stadtverordnetenversammlung mit.
20200313—20200326    "Dabei sind tatsächlich nachgewiesene und registrierte Infektionen bei einzelnen Mitarbeitern nicht in einen inhaltlichen Zusammenhang gebracht und tiefgreifend analysiert worden".
20200313—20200326    Dies betreffe insbesondere die Abteilungen Nephrologie (Nierenkrankheiten), Urologie, Geriatrie und Allgemeinchirurgie.
20200313—20200326    "Damit hätten im Rückblick unter Umständen noch fundiertere —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN getroffen werden können".
20200313—20200327    —UNTIL, Apple Inc said it will close all its retail stores outside Greater CHINA, to minimize RISK—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS—TRANSMISSION.
20200313—20200413    —UNTIL, THE—BULGARIA—PARLIAMENT voted unanimously to declare 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY as the number of confirmed cases in the country more than tripled to 23.
20200313—20200620    —UNTIL, He delayed 20200404             —THE primary.
20200313—20210300    —BIS, BUNDESTAG verlängert BUNDESWEHR—EINSATZ in AFGHANISTAN
20200327—20200313    —SINCE, GAVIN—NEWSOM has got to be worried —NOW.
20200327—20200313    1—MILLION—CALIFORNIA unemployment claims.. Asking the banks to freeze mortgage payments.
20200327—20200313    —WORRIED, Obviously he is very, about putting more homeless on streets already FULL—OF—HOMELESS in CALIFORNIA.
20200327—20200313    My guess is he will end lockdown sooner rather —LATER—SINCE TRUMP dropped this hot potato on STATE—GOVERNOR—LAPS to open or close their own economies... And —THEREFORE take whatever blame may come for the choice they make.
20200515—20200313    —SINCE, DENMARK Health authorities reported no CORONA€"VIRUS deaths for the 1. time.
20200805—20200323    —ON, BRITAIN—ALL—PARTY—HOME—AFFAIRS—COMMITTEE—SAID—THE—GOVERNMENT'S "inexplicable" decision to lift restrictions on SOME—1—MILLION—PEOPLE who arrived in THE—UK—BETWEEN 20200313             and lockdown contributed to the pace and scale of THE—COVID—19—OUTBREAK in BRITAIN.
20210105             —FIRED, LOUISVILLE police, 2—DETECTIVES, 1—WHO shot Breonna Taylor and another who sought the warrant that led to the deadly raid last 20210313            .
20210303—20210313    —ON, hundreds defied CORONA€"VIRUS restrictions to gather and protest violence against women, but the event ended with clashes between police and those attending.
20210313             CALIFORNIA to date had 3,596,881 CASES—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS and 55,453 deaths.
20210313             THE—SF—BAY—AREA had 414,100 cases and 5,634 deaths.
20210313             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 29,357,116 with the death toll at 532,671.
20210313             ELI—LILLY and Co said its experimental ALZHEIMER—DRUG donanemab slowed THE—RATE—OF—DECLINE in 1—MEASURE—OF—COGNITION and function by 32% compared with 1—PLACEBO in 1—MID—STAGE—TRIAL—OF—PATIENTS at 1—EARLY—STAGE—OF—THE—MIND wasting disease.
20210313             BOLIVIA, EX—PRESIDENT—JEANINE—INEZ, the conservative —1—YEAR—INTERIM—PRESIDENT, was arrested on terrorism and sedition charges over what the government says was 1—COUP—ATTEMPT against former socialist leader Evo Morales.
20210313             —CRITICIZED, BRITAIN—FOREIGN—SECRETARY—DOMINIC—RAAB, CHINA for continuing to violate THE—SINO—UK—JOINT—DECLARATION as BEIJING further tightens control over HONG—KONG.
20210313             —ADMITTED, THE—UK—GOVERNMENT, for the 1. time that Uighurs are being targeted by CHINA on UK—SOIL "in 1—EFFORT to intimidate them into silence".
20210313             —NEARED, FRANCE, THE—NUMBER—OF—NEW—CORONA€"VIRUS—CASES, 30,000 —WHILE THE—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE to receive their 1. vaccine injection topped 5—MILLION.
20210313             1. shots will be given to medical workers as it becomes the last European country to start 1—COVID 19—VACCINATION—PROGRAM.
20210313             —FACED, HONG—KONG, SOME—LAW—FIRMS and banks, compulsory testing for CORONA€"VIRUS as MOST—OF—THE—47—NEWS—CASES recorded —TODAY were linked to 1—GYM used by the financial and expatriate community.
20210313             —REPORTED, HUNGARY, 1—RECORD—BREAKING 9,444 new CORONA€"VIRUS cases.
20210313             —RELATED, The country's COVID—19, deaths reached 16, 790—SINCE THE—START—OF—THE—PANDEMIC.
20210313             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—IRAN—GOVERNMENT is ordering teachers to identify children of the persecuted Baha'i minority to convert them to Islam.
20210313             —STEPPED, JORDAN—HEALTH—MINISTER, down —AFTER at least 7—PATIENTS in 1—HOSPITAL—COVID 19—WARD † due to 1—SHORTAGE—OF oxygen supplies.
20210313             Security forces in MYANMAR again met protests against —LAST—MONTH—MILITARY takeover with lethal force, killing at least 11—PEOPLE by shooting live ammunition at demonstrators.
20210313             —RECEIVED, NORWAY—HEALTH—AUTHORITIES said 3—HEALTH—WORKERS in NORWAY who —RECENTLY, the AstraZeneca vaccine against COVID—19—ARE being treated in hospital for bleeding, blood clots and 1—LOW—COUNT—OF—BLOOD platelets.
20210313             —ANNOUNCED, PAKISTAN—PUNJAB province, the closure of 15—FAMOUS—SHRINES amid a 3. WAVE—OF—THE—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20210313             —ACCUSED, RUSSIA, THE—USA of using IT opportunities to engage in unfair competition and of social media platforms arbitrarily and indiscriminately censoring content.
20210313             —DETAINED, They were, for taking part in 1—EVENT organized by an "undesirable" organization and violating CORONA€"VIRUS restrictions.
20210313             SRI—LANKA—MINISTER for public security Sarath Weerasekera said SRI—LANKA will ban the wearing of the burqa and shut more than a 1000—ISLAMIC—SCHOOLS, the latest actions affecting the country's minority Muslim population.
20210313             —SIGNED, Weerasekera, 1—PAPER—1—DAY—EARLIER for cabinet approval to ban the full face covering on "national security" grounds.
20210313             —ARRESTED, TANZANIA—POLICE said 1—MAN has been, for circulating posts saying that PRESIDENT—JOHN—MAGUFULI is in ill health.
20210313             —DENIED, PRIME—MINISTER—HASSAN—MAJALIWA has, that Magufuli is unwell or battling COVID—19.
20210313             —CELEBRATED, THAILAND, Elephant —DAY and held 1—FRUIT banquet for DOZENS—OF—ELEPHANTS in the ancient CAPITAL—OF—AYUTTHAYA.
20210313             —SAMSTAG, 20210313
20210313             Neues SHOPPING—KONZEPT Click & Meet: Warum Deutschlands Läden leer bleiben
20210313             Die Lage —AM—MORGEN: Von der Wut, die viele in sich tragen
20210313             Milliardenschwere Kursverluste: Investor verklagt TESLA—CHEF—MUSK wegen "erratischer Tweets"
20210313             Klimaabkühlung durch Kalk in der Atmosphäre: Forscher wollen mit Dimmer für die Sonne experimentieren
20210313             CORONA—INZIDENZ bei 350: ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUT legt düstere Prognose für Ostern vor
20210313             Rektor aus ROSTOCK: "Unsere Schüler testen sich selbst — das klappt" - Smart Speaker: Apple stellt HomePod ein
20210313             Razzia in Moskau: Polizei nimmt Dutzende Oppositionspolitiker fest
20210313             Nach Militärputsch: Erneut Tote bei Protesten in MYANMAR
20210313             Deborah Birx: Trumps Coronaberaterin arbeitet künftig für Hersteller von Luftreinigern
20210313             Maskenaffäre: Rechtswissenschaftler sehen Pflicht zur Veröffentlichung von Abgeordnetenliste
20210313             Maskenaffäre im BUNDESTAG: SPD—SPITZE verlangt schärfere Transparenzregeln für Abgeordnete
20210313             COVID—19: Alemanha levanta proibição de transportes aéreos a PORTUGAL
20210313             COVID—19: Algarve sem óbitos e com 4—NOVOS casos
20210313             Alentejo tem 1—ÓBITO e 26—NOVOS casos de COVID—19
20210313             SPD—FRAKTION will Einbeziehung der Hausarztpraxen bei Impfungen
20210313             "Die niedergelassenen Ärzte könnten innerhalb von wenigen —TAGEN den kompletten vorrätigen Impfstoff problemlos verimpfen",
20210313             —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ steigt auf 76,1
20210313             BRASILIEN—MUTANTE erreicht die PHILIPPINEN
20210313             Mehr als 68.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN in den USA
20210313             INDIEN kündigt eingehende Untersuchung zu Nebenwirkungen von AstraZeneca an
20210313             Der Landkreis ELBE—ELSTER in BRANDENBURG will trotz einer —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ über 100—KEINE schärferen Coronaregeln einführen — anders als vorgegeben.
20210313             Der Kreis betont zwar, er gehöre —SEIT mehreren —WOCHEN zu den Regionen mit den höchsten Infektionswerten im Land.
20210313             "Wenn die geltenden Regelungen beachtet werden, bedarf es keiner neuen Einschränkungen",
20210313             Die meisten Infektionen gingen auf private Zusammenkünfte und Feiern sowie Nachlässigkeiten beim Arbeitsschutz zurück.
20210313             In der Coronakrise sind laut einer Studie VIELE—MENSCHEN im Homeoffice zwischen Familie und Beruf stark belastet.
20210313             Beschäftigte großer Unternehmen, die oft von zu Hause aus arbeiten und sich zugleich um Kinder oder andere Angehörige kümmern, fühlen sich häufig gestresst und fürchten um ihre Karriere,
20210313             VIELE—ARBEITNEHMER mit Mehrfachbelastung im Homeoffice sehen sich im Nachteil gegenüber Kinderlosen und liebäugeln relativ oft mit einem Jobwechsel.
20210313             Frauen empfänden die Situation im Durchschnitt belastender als Männer,
20210313             5—EU—LÄNDER dringen auf hochrangige EU—GESPRÄCHE für eine gerechtere Verteilung von CORONA—IMPFDOSEN.
20210313             Das derzeitige Bestellsystem würde sonst "—BIS zum —SOMMER riesige Ungleichheiten unter Mitgliedsstaaten schaffen und vertiefen",
20210313             schrieben die Regierungschefs von ÖSTERREICH, BULGARIEN, LETTLAND, SLOWENIEN und Tschechien an den EU—RATSPRÄSIDENTEN CHARLES—MICHEL und die Kommissionspräsidentin URSULA—VON—DER—LEYEN.
20210313             Thüringen stoppt Impfterminvergabe wegen ASTRAZENECA—LIEFERPROBLEMEN
20210313             Der PRÄSIDENT—DES—DEUTSCHEN—PFLEGERATES, FRANZ—WAGNER, fordert 1—EINSTIEGSGEHALT—VON—4000—EURO für Pflegefachkräfte.
20210313             "Das wäre eine angemessene Entlohnung.
20210313             Damit wäre der Pflegeberuf konkurrenzfähig mit anderen Berufsgruppen",
20210313             NRW, soll die zwischen Bund und Ländern verabredete CORONA-"Notbremse" bei Überschreiten einer landesweiten —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ—VON—100—NACH ANGABEN—DES—GESUNDHEITSMINISTERIUMS nicht automatisch greifen.
20210313             —ZUNÄCHST sei zu prüfen, welche Umstände zu der Überschreitung geführt hätten,
20210313             "Wenn alleine durch die vielen zusätzlichen Testungen bei einem ansonsten stabilen Infektionsgeschehen die Zahlen steigen, muss man das bei den weiteren Bewertungen mit einbeziehen".
20210313             NIEDERLANDE: Halten uns bei Impfstoffbeschaffung an EU—REGELN
20210313             —BIS—MITTE des Jahres sollen demnach nur 100—MILLIONEN Impfstoffdosen an die EU ausgeliefert werden.
20210313             Wegen Produktionsschwierigkeiten an Standorten in der EU hatte AstraZeneca angekündigt, CORONA—IMPFSTOFFE aus Produktionsstandorten außerhalb der EU in die EU—STAATEN zu exportieren.
20210313             Aufgrund von Exportbeschränkungen würden die Lieferungen im 1. Quartal —NUN aber reduziert, hieß es in der Erklärung.
20210313             "Wahrscheinlich" seien auch die geplanten Lieferungen für das 2. Quartal betroffen.
20210313             FRANKREICH strebt mehr als 10—MILLIONEN Impfungen —BIS—MITTE—APRIL an
20210313             Wegen der angespannten Lage in den Krankenhäusern der Hauptstadtregion um PARIS begannen die Behörden —AM—SAMSTAG mit der Verlegung von COVID—19—PATIENTEN in andere Regionen.
20210313             Die neue Generaldirektorin der Welthandelsorganisation WTO, Ngozi OKONJO—IWEALA, appelliert an die Hersteller von CORONA—IMPFSTOFFEN, den Weg für 1—LIZENZFERTIGUNG ihrer Vakzine durch andere Unternehmen freizumachen.
20210313             Dies sei dringend notwendig, um auch arme Länder mit Impfstoff zu versorgen,
20210313             Es gebe weltweit mehr als 130—STAATEN "ohne eine einzige Dosis" Impfstoff.
20210313             "Das ist nicht akzeptabel, denn es sterben deshalb Menschen".
20210313             "Wenn wir nicht weltweit solidarisch handeln, dann werden sich die VIRUS—MUTATIONEN vervielfachen und uns alle heimsuchen".
20210313             Linkspartei fordert Gehaltsdeckel für KRANKENKASSEN—VORSTÄNDE
20210313             ÖSTERREICH wartet mit Lockerungen von CORONA—MAßNAHMEN noch weiter ab.
20210313             Bei Gesprächen zwischen der Regierung und den Bundesländern —AM—MONTAG seien entgegen FRÜHERER—ANKÜNDIGUNGEN keine —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN zur Öffnung von Gastronomie oder Veranstaltungen zu erwarten,
20210313             Die —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ stand —AM—SAMSTAG bei fast 205.
20210313             Millionen Italiener wieder im Lockdown — Öffnungen in Südtirol
20210313             SK—KÖLN—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—953—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—87,6—FÄLLE—GESAMT—35.434—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—3.257,2—TODESFÄLLE—GESAMT—552—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.087.863
20210313             - Global Cases Global Deaths 2.641.907
20210313             COVID—19: Presidente da República assina decreto do Governo sobre PLANO de desconfinamento
20210313             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—2238—(=)—ÓBITOS—43—(=)—RECUPERADOS—2167—(+3)—CASOS—ATIVOS—28—(-3)
20210313             ALCOUTIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—81—(+2)—ÓBITOS—4—(=)—RECUPERADOS—67—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—10—(+2)
20210313             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—65—(=)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—63—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—0—(=)
20210313             CASTRO—MARIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—385—(+1)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—379—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—5—(+1)
20210313             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—3118—(=)—ÓBITOS—51—(=)—RECUPERADOS—2967—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—100—(-1)
20210313             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—622—(+1)—ÓBITOS—13—(=)—RECUPERADOS—599—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—10—(+1)
20210313             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1350—(=)—ÓBITOS—27—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1311—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—12—(-2)
20210313             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—3675—(=)—ÓBITOS—62—(=)—RECUPERADOS—3562—(+6)—CASOS—ATIVOS—51—(-6)
20210313             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—176—(=)—ÓBITOS—11—(=)—RECUPERADOS—165—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—0—(=)
20210313             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1696—(=)—ÓBITOS—21—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1649—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—26—(-2)
20210313             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—2063—(+4)—ÓBITOS—28—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1943—(+5)—CASOS—ATIVOS—92—(-1)
20210313             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1208—(=)—ÓBITOS—12—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1164—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—32—(-2)
20210313             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1489—(+3)—ÓBITOS—29—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1426—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—34—(+3)
20210313             VRSA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1238—(=)—ÓBITOS—19—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1208—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—11—(=)
20210313             VILA—DO—BISPO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—127—(=)—ÓBITOS—6—(=)—RECUPERADOS—120—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—1—(=)
20210313             Soziale Medien taugen nur zu einem: Unsere Daten abzuziehen, und die Massen mit Quatsch beschäftigt zu halten.
20210313             Debatte über Identitätspolitik: Lesen hilft!
20210313             Tausende geflüchtete Kinder in USA—LAGERN: PRÄSIDENT—BIDEN lässt Zustände an Grenze nach MEXIKO prüfen
20210313             DRESDEN: 12—POLIZISTEN bei Demonstration gegen CORONA—MAßNAHMEN verletzt
20210313             Pressefreiheit in AFGHANISTAN: "In KABUL wird man für 1—SMARTPHONE und ein wenig Kleingeld ermordet" Aus KABUL berichtet Emran Feroz
20210313             CORONA€"VIRUS: 3—NEUE FÄLLE—VON—BLUTGERINNSEL nach Impfung in NORWEGEN
20210313             Personen unter —50—JAHREN, die in den letzten —2—WOCHEN mit dem ASTRAZENECA—WIRKSTOFF geimpft wurden, sind —NUN aufgefordert, genau auf Nebenwirkungen zu 8. und bei Blutungen oder blauen Flecken zum Arzt zu gehen.
20210313             —AM Düsseldorfer LANDTAG sind nach Polizeiangaben statt der angemeldeten 500—RUND 2000—MENSCHEN zusammengekommen, um gegen die Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung der Coronapandemie zu demonstrieren.
20210313             Auch in anderen Städten, wie MÜNCHEN—BERLIN und DRESDEN kam es zu ähnlichen Demonstrationen.
20210313             BRASILIEN hat INDIEN als Land mit den zweitmeisten gemeldeten CORONA—INFIZIERTEN weltweit überholt.
20210313             Nur in den USA gibt es mit 29.362.038 mehr registrierte Fälle.
20210313             85.663—NEUE CORONA—INFIZIERTE innerhalb von einem —TAG.
20210313             ERFASSTE—BEI Besuch im Waldbrandgebiet: Demonstranten greifen Auto des ARGENTINIEN—PRÄSIDENTEN Fernández an
20210313             LANDTAGSWAHLEN: Die ANGST—DER—UNION vor der Ampel
20210313             —SAMSTAG, 20210313
20210313             Neues SHOPPING—KONZEPT Click & Meet: Warum Deutschlands Läden leer bleiben
20210313             Handelsstreit: USA erklären 5—CHINESISCHE—TELEKOM—KONZERNE zum Sicherheitsrisiko
20210313             —KRITISIERT, Die ROT—SCHWARZ—GRÜNE Landesregierung war scharf, worden, weil sie die von Bund und Ländern vereinbarte CORONA—NOTBREMSE nicht explizit in ihre Verordnung aufgenommen hat.
20210313             —BEGRÜNDET, AstraZeneca, gekürzte Lieferungen in die EU mit Exportbeschränkungen
20210313             SK—KÖLN—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—953—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—87,6—FÄLLE—GESAMT—35.434—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—3.257,2—TODESFÄLLE—GESAMT—552—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.087.863
20210313             376_DGS_boletim_20210313              covid19.MIN—SAUDE.pt/WP—CONTENT/uploads/2021/03/376_DGS_boletim_20210313.pdf
20210313             Global Cases Global Deaths 2.641.907
20210313             —GEMELDET, Außerdem seien mehrere Fälle, worden, in denen junge Geimpfte Hautblutungen oder blaue Flecken bekommen hätten,
20210314             Sat 20210313
20210410—20210313    —ON, Bitcoin hit 1—RECORD $61,781.83 on Bitstamp exchange, —JUST—AFTER USA—PRESIDENT—JOE—BIDEN signed his $1.9—TRILLION fiscal stimulus package into law.
20210602—20210313    —AM, Dabei untersuchten sie die Maßnahmen, die nach Bekanntwerden der 1. Infektionen —ANFANG—MÄRZ gesetzt wurden, sowie die Schließung des Skigebietes.
20220225—20220313    —BIS, RUSSISCHE—AIRLINE S7 streicht ALLE—FLÜGE nach EUROPA
20220304             Eine solche Begegnung während des diplomatischen Forums in ANTALYA zwischen 2022031—20220313    zu planen, sei eine gute Idee, sagt Gatilow laut der RUSSISCHEN—NACHRICHTENAGENTUR Ria.
20220313             Reaktion auf RUSSISCHE—AGGRESSION: CSU—CHEF—SÖDER fordert Tempo bei Aufrüstung der Bundeswehr
20220313             Angeblicher Plan Russlands: KIEV warnt vor gefälschtem Referendum in Großstadt Cherson
20220313             Krieg in der UKRAINE: Zerstörung in Hafenstadt Mariupol, ZELENSKYY droht Kollaborateuren — das geschah —IN—DER—NACHT
20220313             Coronalage in DEUTSCHLAND: —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ steigt auf über 1500
20220313             Boom der Räucherrituale: Warum sich die Deutschen die Bude vernebeln - Sun 20220313
20220313             [l] Es gab einen Einbruch bei dem Typ, der im Weißen Haus die Sanktionen ausarbeitet.
20220313             1—MAN was seen on the property owned by PRESIDENT—BIDEN—DEPUTY—NATIONAL—SECURITY—ADVISER, Daleep Singh, about 1—P.m. on Feb.
20220313             26, "As far as we know, this could —JUST be 1—NEIGHBORHOOD creep who was on their front lawn".
20220313             [l] Leserbrief mit Innenansichten aus der russischsprachigen UKRAINE:
20220313             meine Frau ist sowjetisch geborene Russin, in historisch russischem Gebiet, die 19910000             plötzlich aufwachte und einen UKRAINISCHEN—PASS an der Backe hatte.
20220313             Ungewollt, aber so waren die Realitäten. Melitopol, südliche UKRAINE.
20220313             Wenn ihr euch das mal auf der Karte angucken wollt: Das ist 100km von der Krim entfernt, 150km in die andere Richtung ist Mariupol, wovon man gerade viel in den Nachrichten gehört hat.
20220313             —INZWISCHEN, Ich war —SCHON sehr oft dort, spreche, auch fließend russisch.
20220313             Die (SOVIET-) Menschen dort "träumten" —30—JAHRE—VON—IHRER—WIEDERVEREINIGUNG—DIE—JUST Realität geworden ist.
20220313             Die Chance auf Unabhängigkeit hatte die UKRAINE tatsächlich während der 1. Kriegstage.
20220313             Aber —NACHDEM diese Gebiete mit russischem Blut befreit werden mussten, wird es für den Süden kein zurück in die UKRAINE mehr geben;
20220313             Die Landverbindung zur Krim, die Wasserversorgung der KRIM—DAS wird RUSSLAND niemals wieder aufgeben.
20220313             Zumal die Bewohner dort ja auch nicht wirklich ANTI—RUSSISCH sind, und die wirtschaftliche Realität während der UKRAINISCHEN—ZEIT dort krass hoffnungslos war.
20220313             —VERLOREN, Kurz: Die südlichen Gebiete sind für die UKRAINE.
20220313             Nebenbei, da die Tochter, Eltern & Geschwister meiner Frau dort noch leben: Der BÜRGERMEISTER—VON—MELITOPOL wurde inzwischen abgeholt, weil er nachweislich mit Nazis zusammengearbeitet hatte (Denazifizierung), und durch einen Nachfolger aus dem Donbas ersetzt.
20220313             Die Polizei wurde ausgetauscht, die neuen Hilfstruppen kommen ebenfalls aus dem Donbas, und —NACH—8—JAHREN Beschuss fackeln die nicht lange mit UKRAINISCHEN—PROTESTLERN".
20220313             Westliche" Dienste wie Vodafone haben ihre Dienste eingestellt, es gibt plötzlich RUSSISCHES—TV, RUSSISCHE—PRODUKTE.
20220313             Die UKRAINISCHE—ZEIT ist —NACH—14—TAGEN —BEREITS nur noch eine (dunkle) Erinnerung.
20220313             Spannend bleibt einzig der Status von ODESSA—DIE Stadt spricht zu 90% russisch, ist aber eine schöngeistige Metropole mit UKRAINISCHER—KREATIVITÄT.
20220313             Weil es halt RUSSISCHE—WELT war.
20220313             Ich glaube kaum, dass die UKRAINE die Stadt wird behalten können, weil einfach zu viel passiert IST—DAS wirst du vielleicht nicht wissen, aber es gab dort —VOR—8—JAHREN schlimme Progrome seitens der UKROPS—DA haben die Russen alleine —SCHON deshalb eine moralische Verpflichtung, dort 1—SCHUTZZONE einzurichten.
20220313             Meine 2—CENTS: Putin wird das —NUN—BIS zum Ende durchziehen.
20220313             Die UKRAINISCHE—ARMEE ist —BEREITS besiegt, 80% sind zerschlagen, es geht Munition und Treibstoff aus.
20220313             Und der kampfstarke TEIL—DER—UKRAINISCHEN—ARMEE steht direkt vor der Einkesselung, und mangels Treibstoff kann er nicht einmal flüchten.
20220313             Warum sollte Putin sich in dieser Situation auf einen Kompromiss EINIGEN—ZUMAL er den Westen komplett bei den Eiern hat.
20220313             Energie ist 1—NEBENSÄCHLICHKEIT, aber denke mal an die Hungersnot (Weizen, Düngemittel) und die damit verursachten MIGRATIONSBEWEGUNGEN—WIR blenden das aktuell noch komplett aus, was da auf uns zukommt.
20220313             Oder das z.B. Halbleiter und Chips Materialien benötigen, die zu 80% aus RUSSLAND kommen und praktisch nicht ersetzt werden KÖNNEN—WARUM sollte RUSSLAND weiter an unfreundliche Staaten liefern, wenn es von dort sanktioniert wird?
20220313             Diese ganze Sanktionsnummer ist entweder einfach nur großes Kino, oder wird uns komplett vor die Füße fallen.
20220313             So wie es aussieht, steuert es gerade auf einen finalen —KONFLIKT zu, der UNS—UND nicht RUSSLAND—IN den Abgrund ziehen wird.
20220313             Sicher, das Leben geht weiter, irgendwie.
20220313             Aber das fette und satte EUROPA, das wird Vergangenheit sein.
20220313             Wohl zurecht. Hervorhebung von mir.
20220313             Der Teil über die Halbleiter bezog sich vermutlich auf diese NEON—MELDUNG.
20220313             Ich weiß ja nicht, wie ihr das seht, aber das deckt sich ja mal überhaupt nicht mit der Darstellung der militärischen Effektivität der RUSSISCHEN—INVASION aus den Medien hier.
20220313             [l] Die BLÄTTER—MÄRZAUSGABE über RUSSLAND und die Nato:
20220313             Von westlicher Seite wurden dagegen nach ENDE—DES—KALTEN—KRIEGES die Sicherheitsbedürfnisse Russlands zunehmend negiert und übergangen, so der Historiker BERND—GREINER.
20220313             Gegen die Vereinbarungen insbesondere der 19970000             —NATO—RUSSLAND—GRUNDAKTE—VON, wie des NATO—RUSSLAND—PAKTES und trotz der Warnungen zahlreicher außenpolitischer Experten rückte das westliche Bündnis immer näher an RUSSLAND heran.
20220313             Weil dabei die Sicherheitszusicherungen seitens der Nato missachtet wurden, so OBERST a.D. WOLFGANG—RICHTER—VON—DER—STIFTUNG—WISSENSCHAFT und Politik, wurde die gemeinsame europäische Sicherheitsgemeinschaft faktisch in Frage gestellt.
20220313             Nach ANSICHT—DES—POLITOLOGEN—AUGUST—PRADETTO bleibt daher nur 1—AUSWEG aus der Krise, nämlich die Neutralität der UKRAINE —NACH—DEM Beispiel Finnlands oder Österreichs.
20220313             — D. Red - Oh, ach?
20220313             —JETZT also doch?
20220313             [l] 1—LESER schickte mir diesen FRANZÖSISCHEN—DOKUMENTARFILM über den Donbass.
20220313             Der Film ist von 20160000             . - Es gibt ENGLISCHE—UNTERTITEL.
20220313             Ich wollte das —ERST nicht ins Blog tun, weil ich mir dachte: Was ist hier die Aussage?
20220313             Den Leuten im Donbass geht es Scheiße? Das wissen wir doch alle!
20220313             Wenn du die Lage im Donbass zeigst, bist du dann nicht bloß 1—PARTISANE?
20220313             KRIEGSZEITEN, gar 1—PROPAGANDIST?
20220313             Aber —NACHDEM ich mal durch meine Inbox geguckt habe, wo Leute fragen, ob ich auch gehört habe, dass UKRAINISCHE—NAZIBRIGADEN in den Donbass reinschießen, denke ich mir —JETZT, ich tue das besser doch mal ins Blog.
20220313             —GEHÖRT, Ja, ich habe das auch.
20220313             Ich glaube, da gibt es auch wenig Zweifel dran, dass das passiert.
20220313             Vielleicht an der Stelle ganz interessant: Die Definition von Völkermord.
20220313             Ich zitiere: c) die absichtliche Unterwerfung unter Lebensbedingungen, die auf die völlige oder teilweise physische ZERSTÖRUNG—DER—GRUPPE abzielen
20220313             —ARGUMENTIERT, Das hat Putin.
20220313             —ENTSCHEIDET, Schaut euch das Video an und, selbst.
20220313             Das Video ist —1—STUNDE lang.
20220313             Der Aufmacher ist aber direkt 1—AUSSCHNITT einer Rede des ehemaligen UKRAINISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTEN Poroschenko.
20220313             —GESEHEN, Den solltet ihr, haben. Sind nur ein paar —SEKUNDEN.
20220313             Beschuss angeblich durch IRAN: Nordirakische Stadt Arbil von Raketen getroffen
20220313             Drohungen gegen Russinnen und Russen in DEUTSCHLAND: Einer wollte das Haus abfackeln, ein anderer mit der Pumpgun vorbeikommen
20220313             Steigende Energiepreise: Lindner lehnt Spritbremse und befristetes Tempolimit ab
20220313             Politische Konsequenzen aus dem Krieg in der UKRAINE: Warum DEUTSCHLAND dringend eine neue Oststrategie braucht 1—ESSAY—VON—ULRICH—SPECK
20220313             Mariya
20220313             —VOR—1—TAG
20220313             —UNCOVERED, To all those who ask why this tragedy was not, —EARLIER: the residents of Donbass have filed more than 5500—CLAIMS to the European Human Rights Court within the last —8—YEARS.
20220313             —CONSIDERED, Not 1—SINGLE 1 was.
20220313             —PROCLAIMED, Thats all you need to know about western self, democracy.
20220313             Konstantin
20220313             —VOR—1—TAG - Here is another films about UKRAINE—AGGRESSION against their own people:
20220313             Part 1. - THE—BEGINNING youtu.be/wMKFYrqucmU
20220313             Part 2. youtu.be/aqtXc0N99Go - Part 3. youtu.be/B_SERVQ—VUW - Part 4. youtu.be/WbkfQFC8Yq4 - MARY—KRU
20220313             —VOR—10—STUNDEN - help distribute this film so that people see not only the "truth" that UKRAINE tells
20220313             Obrigado por mostrar a verdade.
20220313             No meu país, em PORTUGAL, as televisões mentem recusam mostrar isto.
20220313             Pat M
20220313             —VOR—1—TAG - E vai PORTUGAL receber milhares desta gente, tratados melhor que os portugueses.
20220313             Revoltante!
20220313             A carneirada permite tudo e ainda se manifesta a defender a Ucrânia.
20220313             Não temos nada a ver com esse conflito, logo não temos de os ajudar.
20220313             Vergonha! aamir scorpio
20220313             —VOR—14—STUNDEN
20220313             —AFTER watching this I have to say RUSSIA didn't start 1—WAR, they're ending 1.
20220313             Energiekrise durch Ukrainekrieg: Kehren —JETZT die autofreien Sonntage zurück?
20220313             JOHN—BOLTON zu Russlands KRIEG—GEGEN—DIE—UKRAINE: "Ich glaube nicht, dass Putin 1—SCHRAUBE locker hat"
20220313             Truppenübungsplatz Jaworiw: Attacke auf Militärareal nahe der POLNISCHEN—GRENZE — mindestens 35—TOTE
20220313             Einblicke in die Generation Putin — er zieht in den Krieg, sie geht auf die Straße: "Lass uns auswandern, wenn du wieder da bist — sonst müssen wir uns den Partisanen anschließen"
20220313             Coronalockerungen vs. steigende Inzidenz: Streit über die Maske
20220313             Risiko durch Atomkraftwerke in der UKRAINE: "Die Besatzer haben anscheinend absolut keine Ahnung von den Anlagen"
20220313             Ukrainekrieg: BERMUDA erklärt RUSSISCHE—FLIEGER für fluguntauglich
20220313             Attacke auf Viasat: USA—GEHEIMDIENST untersucht Cyberangriff auf Satelliteninternet
20220313             Flugausfälle als Folge der Sanktionen: Tausende Russen in THAILAND gestrandet
20220313             Ukrainer und Russen in THAILAND: "Was nützt 1—PARADIES, wenn Krieg ist"
20220313             Odessa und die Bedrohung durch Putins Truppen: "Ihr Deutschen müsst uns helfen" Aus Odessa berichten ALEXANDER—SAROVIC und Emin Oezmen (Fotos)
20220313             Belagerte Hafenstadt Mariupol: TÜRKEI bittet RUSSLAND um Hilfe bei der Evakuierung ihrer Staatsbürger
20220313             Jahrhundertskandal: Staatsanwaltschaft klagt EX—WIRECARD—CHEF—MARKUS—BRAUN an
20220313             Krieg in der UKRAINE: USA—JOURNALIST stirbt bei Gefechten nahe KIEV
20220313             —VERFLUCHT, Oppositionelle verlassen RUSSLAND: Sie wissen, dass sie, werden 1—ESSAY—VON—MICHAIL—SYGAR
20220313             [l] 1—LESER leitet mir die DEEPL—ÜBERSETZTEN Ausführungen eines RUSSISCHEN—JOURNALISTEN weiter, die ich hier aber lieber nicht verlinken will, weil die von einer RUSSISCHEN—DOMAIN kamen.
20220313             Nicht dass mein Link den in den Knast bringt.
20220313             Jedenfalls, der Journalist meint, man muss zu den Sanktionen die Gesellschaft nach Einkommen segmentieren:
20220313             Die Oberschicht (etwa 0,5%).
20220313             Privatjets, Anwesen und Vermögen im Ausland.
20220313             Sind ein bisschen von den Sanktionen betroffen, aber keineswegs existenzbedrohend.
20220313             Die obere Mittelschicht (eta 4,5%).
20220313             Besitzen 1—HAUS oder 1—WOHNUNG, fahren BMW, machen Urlaub im Ausland.
20220313             Die sind sehr stark von den Sanktionen betroffen. Mittelschicht (etwa 15%).
20220313             —IMPORTIERT, Einkommen in Rubel, Konsumgüter meistens, zahlen Hypothek ab, fahren Hyundai oder Kia, machen jährlich Urlaub in der TÜRKEI, letztes Mal auf der Krim.
20220313             Die sind ebenfalls stark von den Sanktionen betroffen.
20220313             Untere Mittelschicht (etwa 30%).
20220313             ALLE—EINKÜNFTE in Rubel, Verbraucherkredite, würden sich gerne 1—HYPOTHEK leisten können, fahren Lada oder CHINESISCHE—AUTOS, machen alle 3-5 —JAHRE Urlaub in der TÜRKEI oder ÄGYPTEN, sonst bei Verwandten in RUSSLAND.
20220313             Auswirkungen der Sanktionen: mittel. Unterschicht (etwa 40%).
20220313             ALLE—LEBENSMITTEL hausgemacht, ALLE—EINKÜNFTE—RUBEL, Mikrokredite, Abhängig von einem Gemüsegarten und einem NETZ—VON—VERWANDTEN und Freunden.
20220313             Ferien auf der Datscha oder Besuch bei Verwandten.
20220313             Auswirkungen der Sanktionen: gering.
20220313             Unterschicht (etwa 10%): Menschen unterhalbt der Armutsgrenze.
20220313             Auswirkungen der Sanktionen: keine.
20220313             Mit anderen Worten: Zählt man das zusammen, kommt man direkt auf die 80%, die von den Sanktionen nur mittel —BIS gar nicht betroffen sind, und daher möglicherweise weiterhin hinter Putin stehen.
20220313             Da trübt uns einfach unsere eigene Demografie den Blick.
20220313             Wir sehen die Welt aus Sicht von jemandem in den oberen Kategorien, weil wir selbst in den oberen Kategorien sind, und nehmen daher an, die Sanktionen kloppen voll rein.
20220313             Das könnte ein folgenschwerer Irrtum sein.
20220313             [l] Gerücht des Tages: Putin zahlt angeblich syrischen "Freiwilligen" $3000—PRO —MONAT, wenn sie in der UKRAINE aushelfen.
20220313             [l] Gute Nachrichten: Das EU—PARLAMENT will festverbaute Akkus verbieten.
20220313             Wegen der Nachhaltigkeit.
20220313             Das Europaparlament möchte fest verbaute oder verklebte Akkus verbieten, um die Reparierbarkeit und damit die LEBENSDAUER—VON—ELEKTROGERÄTEN zu verlängern.
20220313             Nutzer sollen die Stromspeicher in Smartphones, Computern, Kopfhörern, Elektrozahnbürsten, aber auch E—BIKES und Rollern mit handelsüblichen Werkzeugen austauschen können.
20220313             Sehr schön. Überfällig.
20220313             [l] MongoDB schmeißt angeblich RUSSISCHE—KUNDEN aus ihrer Cloud.
20220313             —VERBREITET, Medienbericht: RUSSISCHE—TIKTOK—STARS sollen KREML—PROPAGANDA, haben
20220313             3—DEUTSCHE, 1—AMERIKANER: 4—TOTE bei Bergunfällen in BAYERN
20220313             —BEKENNT, Arbil: IRAN, sich zu Raketenangriff auf kurdische Stadt
20220313             Nova als Teilchenbeschleuniger: Fachleute beobachten Gammastrahlung bei RS Ophiuchi
20220313             Sogar mit bloßem Auge war im Sternbild Schlangenträger das Aufleuchten des Sterns als sogenannte Nova zu erkennen.
20220313             Für Fachleute war das Ereignis aber noch aus einem anderen Grund spektakulär: Erstmals beobachteten sie bei einer solchen Sternexplosion hochenergetische Gammastrahlung.
20220313             Ihre Erkenntnis verdanken sie auch einem Hobbyastronomen, der die Explosion im All gemeldet hatte.
20220313             SPIEGEL—GESPRÄCH mit britischem Finanzexperten: "Nur dank unserer Butlerdienste können Oligarchen ein ungestörtes JETSET—LEBEN führen"
20220313             Freundschaft mit russischstämmigem Evgeny Lebedev: BORIS—JOHNSON wegen Nähe zu Medienmogul unter Druck
20220313             FRANZISKUS—PAPA zum Krieg in der UKRAINE: "In Gottes Namen, ich bitte euch: Stoppt dieses Massaker!"
20220313             Russlands Krieg und die Folgen: Dollar — 1—WELTWÄHRUNG auf Abruf?
20220313             [l] SHENZHEN geht gerade in Full Lockdown.
20220313             Falls euch das nichts sagt: Das ist die bedeutendste Sonderwirtschaftszone in CHINA, und die größte Anhäufung an COMPUTER—TEILE—HERSTELLERN der Welt.
20220313             Comeback der Wehrpflicht: Wir müssen nicht nur die Bundeswehr, sondern sozial aufrüsten
20220313             KRIEG—GEGEN—DIE—UKRAINE: USA untermauern NATO—VERTEIDIGUNGSBEREITSCHAFT nach Angriff unweit der POLNISCHEN—GRENZE — die Lage im Überblick
20220313             Cyberangriff: BKA ermittelt wegen Datenraubs bei Rosneft DEUTSCHLAND
20220313             ANTI—KRIEGS—DEMOS in DEUTSCHLAND: Zehntausende stehen auf gegen Putin
20220313             Explodierende Energiekosten: Zanken ums Tanken
20220313             "GERMANY for UKRAINE": Bundesregierung plant App für Geflüchtete
20220313             QUEER—GOTTESDIENST in München: Kardinal Marx entschuldigt sich bei queeren Menschen
20220313             —GEBETEN, USA—AMERIKANISCHE—MEDIENBERICHTE: RUSSLAND soll CHINA um militärische Ausrüstung, haben
20220313             —GETESTET, Milde Symptome: BARACK—OBAMA positiv auf CORONA
20220313             RUSSLAND soll nach ANGABEN—VON—VERTRETERN—DER—USA—REGIERUNG CHINA —NACH—DEM Beginn des Kriegs in der UKRAINE um militärische und wirtschaftliche Hilfe gebeten haben.
20220313             Das berichten mehrere Medien, unter anderem die "NEW—YORK—TIMES" und die "WASHINGTON—POST"
20220313             Hintergrund sei, dass RUSSLAND wegen des fortschreitenden Kriegs EINIGE—WAFFEN ausgehen.
20220313             Die USA befürchten —NUN, dass CHINA den RUSSISCHEN—KRIEG—GEGEN—DIE—UKRAINE unterstützen könnte.
20220313             Die nicht namentlich genannten Regierungsvertreter machten dabei keine Angaben dazu, welche Waffen oder Munition Moskau sich von Peking erhoffte.
20220313             Auch blieb unklar, wie oder ob CHINA auf die Anfragen reagierte.
20220313             Es gebe Hinweise darauf, dass sich das Land darauf vorbereite, RUSSLAND zu helfen.
20220313             —GEBETEN, RUSSLAND habe auch um wirtschaftliche Unterstützung, um die Auswirkungen der Sanktionen zu begrenzen, hieß es.
20220313             Das kommunistische CHINA hat sich im —KONFLIKT um die UKRAINE bislang um eine eher neutrale Haltung bemüht.
20220313             RUSSLAND direkt zu unterstützen, dürfte CHINA —KONFLIKTE mit den Unterstützern der UKRAINE einbringen — und diese westlichen Staaten repräsentieren den großen Anteil der globalen Wirtschaft.
20220313             Als Folge der Medienberichte über eine RUSSISCHE—ANFRAGE an CHINA, militärische Ausrüstung zu liefern, meldete sich die CHINESISCHE—BOTSCHAFT in den USA zu Wort.
20220313             Demnach sei die CHINESISCHE—PRIORITÄT, dass die Spannungen in der UKRAINE nicht außer Kontrolle geraten.
20220313             Man wolle 1—ESKALATION verhindern, hieß es.
20220313             "Die derzeitige Situation in der UKRAINE ist tatsächlich beunruhigend".
20220313             USA—REGIERUNG warnte CHINA —BEREITS davor, RUSSLAND wegen Sanktionen zu helfen
20220313             Die übereinstimmenden Medienberichte kamen einen —TAG vor einem geplanten Treffen von USA—PRÄSIDENT—JOE—BIDENS—NATIONALEM—SICHERHEITSBERATER, JAKE—SULLIVAN, mit dem obersten CHINESISCHEN—AUSSENPOLITIKER, YANG—JIECHI, in Rom.
20220313             Die USA—REGIERUNG hat CHINA und CHINESISCHE—FIRMEN —BEREITS mehrfach davor gewarnt, RUSSLAND bei der Umgehung von Sanktionen zu helfen.
20220313             In einem solchen Fall könnten CHINESISCHE—UNTERNEHMEN selbst zum Ziel von USA—STRAFMAßNAHMEN werden, hieß es.
20220313             Sullivan sagte —AM—SONNTAG im Gespräch mit dem TV—SENDER CNN, die Regierung beobachte "genau",
20220313             in welchem Umfang CHINA RUSSLAND "materielle Unterstützung oder wirtschaftliche Unterstützung" gewähre.
20220313             "Das ist eine unserer Sorgen", sagte er.
20220313             —KOMMUNIZIERT, Die USA—REGIERUNG habe Peking aber klar, dass die USA nicht untätig zusehen würden, falls 1—LAND—RUSSLAND für die wirtschaftlichen Schäden der Sanktionen entschädigen sollte.
20220313             [l] Vorgestern ist überraschend 1—DROHNE über KROATIEN abgestürzt.
20220313             Es war nicht sofort klar, ob das eine russische oder UKRAINISCHE—DROHNE war, wieso die über KROATIEN rumkreiste, wieso sie abstürzte, und wie die da überhaupt hin kam, ohne dass sie jemand anfliegen sah.
20220313             Aber immerhin sah es wie 1—AUFKLÄRUNGSDROHNE aus.
20220313             —JETZT stellt sich raus: Die hatte 1—BOMBE an Bord.
20220313             OK und da wird das dann doch plötzlich deutlich dringender, wie die da unbemerkt hinfliegen konnte, immerhin durch den Luftraum von RUMÄNIEN und UNGARN, 2—NATO—MITGLIEDSLÄNDER.
20220313             Man würde ja —SCHON annehmen, dass 1—BOMBER auffallen würde, der durch NATO—LUFTRAUM fliegt, auch wenn er unbemannt ist.
20220313             —PULLED, Air crash investigators have, MOST—OF—THE—DRONE—REMAINING parts from 1—LARGE crater it created on impact,
20220313             1—LARGE crater it created on impact, 1—LARGE crater it created on impact,
20220313             including 1—PARTLY damaged black box that should reveal the drone's flight path.
20220313             —INTEGRATED, NATO said the alliance's, air and missile defense had tracked the object's flight path.
20220313             But CROATIA—OFFICIALS said the country's authorities weren't informed and that NATO reacted only —AFTER questions were posed by journalists.
20220313             —HAPPENED, Banozic said, "We will seek answers to what.
20220313             The defense ministers of ROMANIA and HUNGARY said —THAT—DAY they were evaluating what happened.
20220313             We are waiting for 1—ANSWER," he said.
20220313             Internados: 55 (-)  | Em UCI: 4 (+)  | Ventilados: 2 (=)  Incidência 100—MIL / hab.: 2248 (+)
20220313             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—13547—(+108)—ÓBITOS—55—RECUPERADOS—12282—CASOS—ATIVOS—12100000—1—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—2590
20220313             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—23253—(+113)—ÓBITOS—109—RECUPERADOS—20932—CASOS—ATIVOS—2212—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—3185
20220313             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—23944—(+136)—ÓBITOS—129—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—22200—CASOS—ATIVOS—16150000—1—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—2124
20220313             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—15542—(+183)—ÓBITOS—69—RECUPERADOS—14421—CASOS—ATIVOS—10520000—1—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—2030
20220313             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—9323—(+77)—ÓBITOS—42—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—8458—CASOS—ATIVOS—823—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—1863
20220313             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—18866—(+97)—ÓBITOS—82—RECUPERADOS—17658—CASOS—ATIVOS—11260000—1—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—1793
20220313             SK—KÖLN—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—27.359—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—2.525,1—FÄLLE—GESAMT—263.888—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—24.355,2—TODESFÄLLE—GESAMT—989—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.083.498
20220313             Total Cases 456.908.767  Total Deaths 6.041.077  Total Vaccine Doses Administered 10.688.686.489
20220313             ich gehe von einer Dreiteilung aus (westlich Urkaine, —MITTE neutrales Gebiet, SÜD—OSTEN zuerst neutral aber früher oder später zu RUSSLAND)
20220313             Mein Frau und ich hatten uns eigentlich —BEREITS vor geraumer Zeit darauf geeinigt, dort 1—WOHNUNG zu kaufen und als Rentner (in ca.
20220313             —10—JAHREN) dort zu leben, trotz UKRAINISCHER—BESATZUNG.
202203130802         Gazprom continues supplying gas on schedule for transit via UKRAINE, —SUNDAY bookings at maximum again
202203131022         MOSCOW—DAILY—COVID—19—CASES continue decreasing
202203131155         No 1—RULES out POSSIBILITY—OF—MEETING between Putin, ZELENSKYY, but 1—NEEDS to understand what to discuss, what outcome to expect, SOURCE  Peskov
202203131350         —DENIED, RUSSIA, access to $300—BLN of its reserves, West trying to make CHINA join sanctions, SOURCE  Siluanov
202203131420         DUMA—SLUTSKY expects RUSSIA, UKRAINE to make their positions closer in talks in next few days
202203131642         —DELIVERED, Strike, at training center at Yavoriv range in Lviv region, SOURCE  RUSSIA—DEFENSE—MINISTRY
202203132009         RUSSIA—MARITIME Register of Shipping fulfills obligations to customers, to appeal its exclusion from IACS
202203132016         Advisor to UKRAINE—PRESIDENT—OFFICE—HEAD: Session for preliminary RESULTS—OF—TALKS with RUSSIA to take place —ON—MONDAY
20220313—20210808    —AM, registrierten Astronominnen und Astronomen auf dem 7500—LICHTJAHRE entfernten Stern RS Ophiuchi eine thermonukleare Explosion.
202206031333         —UHR
20230313             —MONTAG, 20230313
20230313             Liveblog der Oscarnacht: 4—OSCARS für "Im Westen nichts Neues" Mit ANDREAS—BORCHOLTE, HANNAH—PILARCZYK und MARC—PITZKE
20230313             Pleiteinstitut: USA—REGIERUNG löst Silicon Valley Bank auf — was das bedeutet
20230313             STUDIE—DES—FRIEDENSFORSCHUNGSINSTITUTS—SIPRI: Die Welt kauft weniger Waffen — EUROPA und Ostasien deutlich mehr
20230313             Rede des Präsidenten: Xi Jinping will Chinas Militär zur "großen Mauer aus Stahl" machen
20230313             Angespannte Lage: USA und SÜDKOREA starten Großmanöver — Pjöngjang testet Raketen
20230313             Die Lage —AM—MORGEN: Die UKRAINE ist —JETZT drittgrößter Waffenimporteur der Welt
20230313             BREXIT—FOLGEN: Experten halten weitere Engpässe in GROSSBRITANNIEN für wahrscheinlich
20230313             Überschwemmungen in AUSTRALIEN: Outback unter Wasser — Krokodile in den Fluten
20230313             Neuer Regierungschef in Peking: "CHINA und die USA können und müssen zusammenarbeiten"
20230313             Deutlich weniger Beschäftigte als vor der Coronakrise: Gastronomie verliert Mitarbeiter
20230313             —BEKOMMT, Ukrainekrieg und weltweite Krisen: BRITISCHES—MILITÄR, zusätzliche Milliarden
20230313             Erstmals —SEIT—30—JAHREN: Tiger kehren in THAILÄNDISCHES—NATURRESERVAT zurück
20230313             TOCHTER—DES—USA—PLEITEINSTITUTS: Bafin erteilt Zahlungsverbot für Silicon Valley BANK—IN—DEUTSCHLAND
20230313             —VERMELDET, Dank höherer Preise: Porsche, trotz Lieferschwierigkeiten Rekordgewinn
20230313             Umweltkatastrophe: "Es ist 1—ALBTRAUM" — Ölteppich vor PHILIPPINEN breitet sich aus
20230313             Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit: IRAN und BELARUS wollen diplomatische Beziehungen ausbauen
20230313             Ersatzloses Streichen der Klimaziele: Juristinnen halten Forderung der FDP für verfassungswidrig
20230313             Sorgen vor Finanzkrise wegen SVB—PLEITE: Dax fällt zeitweise unter 15.000—PUNKTE
20230313             Fehlende Niederschläge: FRANKREICH meldet vielerorts "mäßigen —BIS sehr niedrigen" Grundwasserspiegel
20230313             Neue Details zu NORD—STREAM—SPRENGUNGEN: "Andromeda" steht aufgebockt auf ehemaligem Militärgelände
20230313             Abgabe auf Abgeordnetendiät: Linkenchefin Wissler fordert Nachzahlung von WAGENKNECHT—VERBÜNDETER
20230313             Mon 20230313
20230313             [l] Die Fed ändert mal kurz die Regeln, damit nicht noch ALLE—ANDEREN—BANKEN platzen.
20230313             Die Briten zahlen FRANKREICH eine halbe Milliarde Pfund, damit sie kleine Boote aus dem Ärmelkanal ziehen.
20230313             —UNPRECEDENTED, The "" package will help fund 1—NEW—DETENTION—CENTRE—NEAR—DUNKIRK, more drones and 1—EXTRA—500—POLICE—OFFICERS to prevent migrants making the dangerous journey across THE—ENGLAND—CHANNEL.
20230313             Das klingt für mich wie der Deal zwischen der EU und Nordafrika / der TÜRKEI.
20230313             —FUNKTIONIERT, Das, ja auch super und hat kaum negative Nebenwirkungen.
20230313             Damit ihr mal seht, mit was für Zahlen die da arbeiten:
20230313             —ARRIVED, More than 40,000 migrants, in THE—UK on small boats —LAST—YEAR and the home SECRETARY—SUELLA—BRAVERMAN has suggested —THIS—YEAR—FIGURE could be twice that.
20230313             40 1000!!!! Das ist ja FURCHTBAR!!1!
20230313             Oder wie man beim Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge sagen würde: 2—SCHWACHE —MONATE.
20230313             Der BÜRGERMEISTER—VON—KIEW, Vitali Klitschko, lobt die militärische Unterstützung Deutschlands für die UKRAINE im Abwehrkampf gegen RUSSLAND—UND fordert zugleich mehr Tempo bei weiteren Waffenlieferungen".
20230313             Ich möchte mich nicht beschweren und mich noch einmal bedanken bei den Deutschen",
20230313             sagte der EX—BOXWELTMEISTER dem Redaktionsnetzwerk DEUTSCHLAND".
20230313             DEUTSCHLAND ist 1—DER—GRÖSSTEN—UNTERSTÜTZER—DER—UKRAINE, was die finanzielle Hilfe und was Waffenlieferungen betrifft.
20230313             Aber es stimmt, die DEUTSCHE—REGIERUNG trifft ihre —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN viel zu langsam, und dafür zahlen wir den höchsten Preis: das Leben unserer Soldaten und das Leben unserer Bürger".
20230313             Klitschko äußerte sich zugleich siegesgewiss".
20230313             —MOTIVIERT, Wir sind sehr, sehr.
20230313             Wir gewinnen diesen sinnlosen Krieg. RUSSLAND hat keine Chance".
20230313             Er warnte vor den Konsequenzen einer Niederlage".
20230313             Sollten wir verlieren, würde Putin POLEN angreifen".
20230313             Ziel des RUSSISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTEN WLADIMIR—PUTIN sei, das alte sowjetische Imperium aufzubauen".
20230313             Dazu gehörte VIELE—JAHRE lang auch 1—TEIL—DEUTSCHLANDS.
20230313             Deswegen ist es so wichtig, die UKRAINE mit Waffen zu unterstützen.
20230313             Wir kämpfen, damit Deutsche nicht kämpfen müssen".
20230313             Im Zuge des UKRAINE—KRIEGS und der stark wahrgenommenen Bedrohung durch RUSSLAND stiegen die europäischen Rüstungsimporte im Vergleich der vergangenen beiden Fünfjahreszeiträume dem Bericht zufolge um 47—PROZENT—DIE von europäischen NATO—STAATEN gar um 65—PROZENT.
20230313             Die Strafmaßnahmen der UKRAINE gegen einen mit RUSSLAND verbundenen Zweig der orthodoxen Kirche sind —NACH—DEN Worten des UKRAINISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTEN WOLODYMYR—ZELENSKYY—TEIL—DES—BESTREBENS, "geistliche Unabhängigkeit" zu erlangen".
20230313             Diese —WOCHE wurde ein weiterer Schritt zur Stärkung unserer geistlichen Unabhängigkeit unternommen",
20230313             Die Kirche war —AM—FREITAG aufgefordert worden, ihren Sitz im —980—JAHRE alten Klosterkomplex Pechersk Lawra —BIS zum 20230329             zu verlassen.
20230313             Das Oberhaupt der RUSSISCH—ORTHODOXEN Kirche, PATRIARCH—KYRILL, bat daraufhin FRANZISKUS—PAPA und andere religiöse Führer um Hilfe.
20230313             Kyrill hat den Einmarsch Russlands in die UKRAINE nachdrücklich unterstützt.
20230313             ZELENSKYY und andere Politiker beschuldigen die alteingesessene UKRAINISCHE—ORTHODOXE Kirche (UOC), die UKRAINE zu untergraben und mit der Regierung in Moskau zu kollaborieren.
20230313             Die UKRAINE äußert sich selten zu RUSSISCHEN—VORWÜRFEN über Angriffe auf Gebiete in RUSSLAND oder auf russisch kontrolliertes Gebiet.
20230313             —NACH—DEM Inkrafttreten der 2. Stufe des EU—ÖLEMBARGOS ist kaum noch RUSSISCHES—ERDÖL nach DEUTSCHLAND importiert worden.
20230313             —IM—JANUAR kamen nur noch 3500—TONNEN an,
20230313             "Die Erdölimporte aus RUSSLAND kamen damit praktisch zum Erliegen", so das Statistikamt.
20230313             Der Sekretär des RUSSISCHEN—NATIONALEN Sicherheitsrates, NIKOLAI—PATRUSCHEW, bezweifelt, dass 1—PRO—UKRAINISCHE—GRUPPE hinter den Explosionen an den NORD—STREAM—PIPELINES steckt.
20230313             Die RUSSISCHE—REGIERUNG wisse noch nicht, wer genau für die Anschläge verantwortlich sei, erklärte Patruschew laut der RUSSISCHEN—NACHRICHTENAGENTUR Interfax.
20230313             Die UKRAINE habe durch die ZERSTÖRUNG—DER—GAS—PIPELINES nichts gewonnen, erklärte Patruschew, der ein enger Vertrauter des RUSSISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTEN WLADIMIR—PUTIN ist und als Sekretär des Sicherheitsrates enormen Einfluss in der Außen-, VERTEIDIGUNGS—UND Sicherheitspolitik hat.
20230313             —BERICHTET, Deutsche und USA—MEDIEN hatten, der USA—GEHEIMDIENST gehe davon aus, dass hinter den Explosionen —IM—SEPTEMBER 1—PRO—UKRAINISCHE—GRUPPE stecke.
20230313             —VERMUTET, RUSSLAND spricht von einem terroristischen Angriff und, dass westliche Staaten dahinterstecken.
20230313             Auch angesichts des RUSSISCHEN—KRIEGS gegen die UKRAINE will GROSSBRITANNIEN seine Verteidigungsausgaben weiter erhöhen.
20230313             —BEKANNT, Wie die Regierung, gab, sollen in den kommenden beiden —JAHREN knapp 5—MILLIARDEN Pfund (5,65 Mrd.
20230313             —INVESTIERT, Euro) zusätzlich in die Streitkräfte, werden.
20230313             Davon sollen rund 3—MILLIARDEN Pfund in nukleare Verteidigungsvorhaben fließen.
20230313             Etwa 1,9 Milliarden Pfund sind für die Auffüllung der Munitionsvorräte vorgesehen.
20230313             Ziel seien 2,5 Prozent.
20230313             Verteidigungsminister BEN—WALLACE hatte Medienberichten zufolge 1—ERHÖHUNG auf 3—PROZENT gefordert.
20230313             —BEFINDET, Nach ANSICHT—VON—KRITIKERN, sich die Armee allerdings in marodem Zustand.
20230313             Unterdessen teilte WAGNER—CHEF—JEWGENI—PRIGOSCHIN mit: "Je näher wir dem Stadtzentrum kommen, umso heftiger die Kämpfe und umso mehr Artillerie gibt es".
20230313             Prigoschin räumte ein, dass die Ukrainer "um jeden Meter" kämpften".
20230313             Die Lage ist schwierig, sehr schwierig", schrieb er.
20230313             Die UKRAINISCHE—ARMEE werfe "endlose Reserven" in die Schlacht.
20230313             DEUTSCHLAND wird der UKRAINE 18—MODERNE Kampfpanzer "Leopard 2" liefern, PORTUGAL weitere 3—DER Waffensysteme.
20230313             Dies ist TEIL—DER—MILITÄRHILFE, die der UKRAINE bei der Verteidigung gegen RUSSLAND helfen soll.
20230313             RUSSLAND hat im vergangenen —JAHR dank hoher Ölpreise einen Handelsüberschuss von 332,4 Milliarden USA—DOLLAR (gut 311—MILLIARDEN Euro) erzielt.
20230313             Das Exportvolumen sei um 19,9 Prozent auf 591,5 Milliarden Dollar gestiegen, der Import im gleichen Zeitraum um 11,7 Prozent auf 259,1 Milliarden Dollar geschrumpft, teilte die Zollbehörde mit.
20230313             Hauptgrund für die Entwicklung war der Ölpreis.
20230313             So konnte RUSSLAND—UNGEACHTET seines Kriegs gegen die UKRAINE—DIE Einnahmen aus dem Verkauf von Rohöl und Ölprodukten 20220000             noch um 42—PROZENT steigern.
20230313             Gleichzeitig schränkten die gegen RUSSLAND wegen seines Angriffskriegs gegen die UKRAINE erlassenen Sanktionen den Import ein.
20230313             1—FORTSETZUNG—DES—TRENDS —DIESES—JAHR ist allerdings nicht zu erwarten, der von westlichen Ländern erlassene Preisdeckel auf RUSSISCHES—ÖL und Ölprodukte hat sich in den 1. —2—MONATEN—SCHON deutlich bemerkbar gemacht.
20230313             RUSSLAND, ist eine Gesetzesinitiative zur Erhöhung des Wehrpflichtalters ins Parlament eingebracht worden.
20230313             Dem Gesetzestext entsprechend soll die Einberufung zum Militär 20260000             —AB—ERST mit —21—JAHREN erfolgen, berichtete die Nachrichtenagentur Interfax.
20230313             Zugleich soll das Höchstalter von —DERZEIT—27—JAHREN auf —30—JAHRE hochgesetzt werden.
20230313             Die Erhöhung des Mindestalters von —DERZEIT—18—JAHREN erfolgt demnach stufenweise.
20230313             Wenn jemand freiwillig mit 18—ZUR Armee wolle, solle er diese Möglichkeit aber behalten,
20230313             BULGARIEN, haben Getreideproduzenten einen Importstopp für UKRAINISCHEN—WEIZEN gefordert.
20230313             Die um gut 30—PROZENT billigere, zollfreie Einfuhr aus der UKRAINE mache die heimische Weizenproduktion nicht mehr konkurrenzfähig, sagten Teilnehmer an Protesten in 3—NORDBULGARISCHEN Regionen im Staatsradio BNT".
20230313             Der Markt ist zusammengebrochen, die Lager sind voll",
20230313             beschrieb der Koordinator der Proteste, Dimitar Dimoitrow, die Lage.
20230313             Ähnliche Probleme gebe es auch infolge des Imports von preisgünstigeren Sonnenblumenkernen aus der UKRAINE.
20230313             Die Grünen fordern raschere Waffenlieferungen an die UKRAINE".
20230313             Damit sich die UKRAINE weiterhin verteidigen kann, müssen wir die militärische Unterstützung fortbestehen lassen, aufrechterhalten und auch in Abstimmung von unseren europäischen Partnern daran weiterarbeiten",
20230313             sagte Parteichefin Ricarda Lang".
20230313             Wir müssen aber vor allem auch schneller werden".
20230313             Forderungen des UKRAINISCHEN—AUSSENMINISTERS Dmytro Kuleba an DEUTSCHLAND nach der Lieferung von mehr Munition nannte Lang "mehr als verständlich".
20230313             JEDE—VERZÖGERUNG bei der Lieferung von Waffen mache es für die UKRAINE schwieriger, Territorium gegen RUSSLAND zu verteidigen,
20230313             Die Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung hat eine neue WEBVIDEO—REIHE gegen Desinformation von UKRAINISCHEN—FLÜCHTLINGEN in DEUTSCHLAND gestartet.
20230313             Die vierteilige VIDEO—REIHE mit dem Namen "#wirstattDesinformation" solle falschen und manipulierten Inhalten entgegenwirken, die sich gegen in DEUTSCHLAND lebende UKRAINISCHE—GEFLÜCHTETE richten, teilte die Bundeszentrale mit.
20230313             Das Projekt "Narrative über den Krieg Russlands gegen die UKRAINE" ist den Angaben zufolge auf —12—MONATE angelegt.
20230313             Ziel ist es, mit Erklärvideos vor allem innerhalb RUSSISCH—UND arabischsprachiger Communitys in DEUTSCHLAND Desinformationen zu bekämpfen.
20230313             Dafür werden fortlaufend Narrative auf Deutsch, Russisch und Arabisch analysiert, die in den Sozialen Medien geteilt werden.
20230313             Im Mittelpunkt der Analyse stehen dabei verzerrte Darstellungen des Krieges.
20230313             Die Aufklärungsvideos werden im Laufe des Jahres 20230000             fortlaufend auf "www.bpb.de" sowie in Sozialen Medien veröffentlicht und in deutscher, russischer sowie arabischer Sprache mit jeweils entsprechender Untertitelung abrufbar sein, wie die Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung ergänzte.
20230313             Die Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung
20230313             Vertreter Russlands und der Vereinten Nationen (UN) haben in Genf Gespräche über 1—VERLÄNGERUNG—DES—GETREIDEABKOMMENS mit der UKRAINE begonnen.
20230313             UN—NOTHILFEKOORDINATOR MARTIN—GRIFFITH und die Leiterin der WELTHANDELS—UND Entwicklungskonferenz (UNCTAD), Rebeca Grynspan, trafen am UN—SITZ in Genf ein.
20230313             Die RUSSISCHE—VERTRETUNG in Genf bestätigte den Beginn der Gespräche.
20230313             Nach UN—ANGABEN konnten —BISHER mehr als 24,1 Millionen Tonnen Getreide exportiert werden.
20230313             Zugleich erlaubt das Abkommen RUSSLAND, trotz Sanktionen Dünger und Lebensmittel zu exportieren.
20230313             Moskau hatte wiederholt beklagt, diese Vereinbarung werde nicht umgesetzt und bezeichnete 1—VERLÄNGERUNG deshalb als "kompliziert".
20230313             —VERGANGENE—WOCHE, UN—GENERALSEKRETÄR—ANTÓNIO—GUTERRES hatte dagegen  bei 1 Besuch in KIEV gesagt, das Abkommen zu verlängern, sei von "entscheidender Bedeutung".
20230313             Es habe dazu beigetragen, die globalen Lebensmittelpreise zu senken und damit vor allem Menschen in Entwicklungsländern geholfen.
20230313             Chinas STAATSCHEF—XI—JINPING will einem Medienbericht zufolge bald erstmals —SEIT Beginn des RUSSISCHEN—ANGRIFFSKRIEGS mit dem UKRAINISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTEN WOLODYMYR—ZELENSKYY sprechen.
20230313             Wie DAS—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL, berichtet, unter Berufung auf mit der Angelegenheit vertraute Personen, soll das Gespräch wahrscheinlich nach Xis Besuch beim RUSSISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTEN WLADIMIR—PUTIN in Moskau stattfinden, der wohl für —DIE—NÄCHSTE—WOCHE geplant sei.
20230313             MOSCOW, 20230313             . - /TASS/.
20230313             "In ANY—UNCLEAR situation in UKRAINE THE—KIEV—REGIME blames YANUKOVICH.
20230313             —ALLEGED, It is, that on February 23, YANUKOVICH fled UKRAINE and encouraged about 20—OF—HIS—GUARDS, who were MEMBERS—OF—THE—STATE bodyguard service, to emigrate.
20230313             —CONCOCTED, What idiot has, this case?!
20230313             —NOW, they themselves have admitted that YANUKOVICH was on THE—TERRITORY—OF—UKRAINE on February 21, which means that there was no quitting on his part," Azarov he wrote on his page on 1—SOCIAL—NETWORK.
20230313             THE—FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—URGED—UKRAINIANS to independently assess the inconsistency of THE—KIEV—REGIME'S actions.
20230313             The other defendant in this case is Konstantin Kobzar, THE—FORMER—CHIEF—OF—THE—HEAD—OF—STATE—BODYGUARDS.
20230313             —ON the same —DAY, if the Prosecutor GENERAL—OFFICE is to be believed, YANUKOVICH, —WHILE staying on THE—TERRITORY—OF—1—MILITARY—UNIT—OF—RUSSIA—BLACK—SEA—FLEET in Sevastopol, was "instigating" his bodyguards commit desertion.
20230313             —SERVED, YANUKOVICH, as UKRAINE—PRESIDENT 20100000—20140000    —FROM—TO.
20230313             Der Bestand war wegen der Unterstützung der UKRAINE zuletzt stark gesunken.
20230313—20140000    —IN, THE—KIEV—REGIME'S charges against VIKTOR—YANUKOVICH—EX—PRESIDENT—OF—UKRAINE, of illegal border crossing and incitement to desertion are tantamount to 1—CONFESSION—1—COUP—DE—ETAT was staged in UKRAINE, UKRAINE—FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—NIKOLAY—AZAROV (20100000—20140000    ) said —ON—MONDAY.
20230313—20140200    —DURING—IN, THE—COUP—DE—ETAT, YANUKOVICH was essentially ousted from office by force and, faced with 1—THREAT to his personal safety, had to flee the country.
20230313—20140223    —ACCORDING to INVESTIGATORS—ON, YANUKOVICH and Kobzar illegally crossed THE—RUSSIAN—UKRAINE—BORDER twice and smuggled at least 20—PEOPLE across it.
20230313—20161000    —STRIPPED, UKRAINE—NEW—AUTHORITIES, YANUKOVICH—OF—THE—TITLE—OF—PRESIDENT, and —1—MONTH—LATER launched criminal proceedings against him in absentia on charges of treason.
20230313—20190000    —IN, a COURT—IN—KIEV sentenced YANUKOVICH in absentia to —13—YEARS in prison.
20230313—20210000    —GEGENÜBER, ist der Handelsüberschuss Russlands damit um 68—PROZENT gewachsen.
20230313—20230221    1., they themselves were yelling at the top of their lungs that YANUKOVICH had quit on his own and left THE—TERRITORY—OF—UKRAINE, —ON.
20230313—20250000    —BIS, PREMIERMINISTER—RISHI—SUNAK sagte, mit der Erhöhung stiegen die Rüstungsausgaben von zuletzt 2—PROZENT auf 2,25 PROZENT—DES—BRUTTOINLANDSPRODUKTS (BIP).
20230313—20250000    —AB, Ab —NÄCHSTEM—JAHR sollen Rekruten —ERST mit —19—JAHREN eingezogen werden, mit —20—JAHREN.
20240313             —MITTWOCH, 20240313
20240313             † Gestorben, in PROZESS—PAUSE: FAMILIE—DES—BOEING—WHISTLEBLOWERS gibt Konzern die Schuld an seinem Tod
20240313             Missglückte Mission: JAPANISCHER—RAKETENSTART endet in gewaltiger Explosion
20240313             Streit über Ukrainekurs: Scholz trifft Macron und Tusk in BERLIN
20240313             Anstieg der Verbraucherpreise: Inflationsrate in ARGENTINIEN steigt auf mehr als 270—PROZENT
20240313             Geldanlage: Dax überspringt erstmals Marke von 18.000—PUNKTEN
20240313             Bericht der Internationalen Energieagentur: Hoher Methanausstoß gefährdet Klimaziele
20240313             —AI—ACT, EU—PARLAMENT stimmt für umfassendes KI—GESETZ
20240313             PAPA nach umstrittener UKRAINE—ÄUßERUNG: "Krieg ist immer 1—NIEDERLAGE"
20240313             Unterwasserakustik: Lautsprecher lassen Korallen besser wachsen
20240313             Monatelange —VERHANDLUNGEN: EU—STAATEN einigen sich auf Finanzierung von Waffen für UKRAINE
20240313             Angriffe auf russischem Gebiet: Wie die UKRAINE stört, PUTIN—WAHL