Was geschah in der Geschichte an einem 29. January ?

Ereignisse an einem 29. January

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_02460129            † ÄGYPTEN—PHARAO—PTOLEMAIOS—II.
04740129             LEO—II.
04740129             —NACH, seines Großvater, OST—RÖMER—REICH—KAISER—LEO—I—TOD, wird
04740129             OST—RÖMER—REICH—KAISER—LEO—II, gekrönt.
04740129             —GLEICHZEITIG, wird des OST—RÖMER—REICH—KAISER—LEO—II. Vater, der Isaurier Tarasicodissa, unter dem Namen ZENON zum MIT—KAISER erhoben.
05700129             † GILDAS, vielleicht in IRLAND.
07610129             † DAVID—BISCHOF—VON—SPEYER
09040129             SERGIUS—III—PAPA, den CHRISTOPHORUS—PAPA—ANTI—PAPA, gefangen gesetzt hat.
09040129             SERGIUS—III—PAPA, wird.
09690129             † PETER—I—ZAR—VON—BULGARIEN
11180000—11190129    GELASIUS—II—PAPA
11190129             † GELASIUS—II—PAPA,
11290129             † MINAMOTO—NO—TOSHIYORI, japanischer Dichter
11650129             REGINGER, PRIESTER t —VOR
11650129             - BERNARD—MÖNCH t —VOR, (TOTENBUCH—DEUTZ).
11800129             † Sob?slav II—HERZOG—VON—BÖHMEN und LAND—GRAF—VON—MÄHREN
12340129             † Ottaviano di Paoli de' Conti di Segni, italienischer Kardinal und Camerlengo
12920129             * Ibn Qaiyim AL—DSCHAUZ?ya, sunnitischer Gelehrter
13220129             (m. V.) die Cum captum fuerit in isto MAJORI—CONSILIO—DIE—27—MENSIS—PRESENTIS, quod quidam MAGISTER—JOANNES—TEUTHONICUS,
13230129             —BEWILLIGT, DER—GROSSE—RAT, 1—GENANNTER DEUTSCHEN 1—BESTIMMTE Summe für die probeweise Errichtung von Mühlen..
13260101—13260129    —QUA—DIE, firmavit banderia m et factus fuit conestabulus) 7—FLORENI—PRO—EQUO et 2—FLORENI—PRO—RONCINO IN—MENSE: 32—FLORENI 41
13270129             † Adolf von der Pfalz, Pfalzgraf bei Rhein
13480129             Nobili mulieri Agneti dominae CASTRI—DE—MONTFORDE TRAIECTENSIS—DIOECESIS conceditur
13640129             —BATAILLE—DE—AURAY
13640129             † CHARLES—DE—BLOIS, tué, à LA—BATAILLE—DE—AURAY.
13640129             —CHARLES—DE—BLOIS est vaincu et
13670129             † HERMANN—VON—WICKEDE I, Lübecker BÜRGERMEISTER
14290109             The conference at Luck began (14290109—14290129    ).
14290109—14290129    —CONFERENCE—AT—LUCK
14290109—14290129    —HOSTED, VYTAUTAS, 1—GRAND—CONGRESS—AT—LUCK, ostensibly to unite the region against threats from THE—TURKS to THE—SOUTH.
14300129             † ANDREI—RUBLJOW, russischer Ikonenmaler
14380129             † JOHN—MERBURY, englischer Politiker und Beamter
14550129             * JOHANNES—REUCHLIN, deutscher Philosoph und Humanist
14580129             —DIE—IN—CONSILIO—GENERALE, PRÒ—TEMPORE—FUTURO non fieret in DIE—FESTI celebrati per ECCLESIAM : manu dicti ser FRANCISCI.
14580129             —DIE, FUIT DELIBERATUM per dictum CONSILIUM quod dictus GUASPAR, ex quo ipse petiit veniam in Consilio, quod ipse esset liberatus de omni gravamine etc. manu dicti ser FRANCISCI.
14650129             † Ludwig, französischer Adliger, HERZOG—VON—SAVOYEN, FÜRST—VON—PIEMONT—GRAF—VON—AOSTA und Maurienne
14770129             † GREGOR—VON—SANOK—ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—LEMBERG, polnischer Professor an der Krakauer Akademie1. Vertreter des Humanismus in Polen
14830117—14830129    —13—TAGE, zur Rückreise von VENEDIG nach ULM, FELIX—FABRI brauchte
14920129/14930000    —DÉPÊCHE—DE—VALORI aux 8—DE PRATICA.
14950129             —AM, marschfertig war des [CHARLES—VIII]KARL—VIII—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH—HEER
14950129             —AM—IN voller Rüstung zog KARL—VIII—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH[CHARLES—VIII] zum VATIKAN, vom PAPA Abschied zu nehmen,
14950129             ROIS—CATHOLIQUES—DE—ESPAGNE qu'exigent que LA—FRANCE[FRANKREICH] renonce à l'expédition italienne.
14950129             ROIS—CATHOLIQUES—DE—ESPAGNE qu'exigent que LA—FRANCE[FRANKREICH] renonce à l'expédition italienne.
14990129             * KATHARINA—VON—BORA, deutsche Reformatorin, oo MARTIN—LUTHER
15050129             konnte dem wütenden Element, das des FONDACO ganzen Bau verzehrte, mit Hilfe der im FONDACO Arsenal Bediensteten Einhalt getan werden,
15050129             —NOCH—AM—NÄMLICHEN—TAGE—ALSO—AM, (UND NICHT —SPÄTER—ERST), trat DIE—REPUBLIK—VENEDIG—REGIERUNG in Beratung über des FONDACO Wiederaufbau.
15050129             Der Gewinn, den DIE—REPUBLIK—VENEDIG aus dem FONDACO wie aus dem HANDEL—MIT—DEN DEUTSCHEN überhaupt —BISHER, gezogen war ja zu augenscheinlich,
15050129             als daß man auch nur 1—AUGENBLICK hätte Bedenken tragen können, auf der REPUBLIK—VENEDIG—STAATSKOSTEN 1—FONDACO Neubau aufzuführen.
15050129             —SOGLEICH DER—REPUBLIK—VENEDIG—RAT—DER—10—ERTEILTE 1—DER—BEAMTEN des SALZ—AMT, aus dessen reichen Einkünften derartige AUSGABEN—DAMALS, gedeckt wurden,
15050129             —SOGLEICH DER—REPUBLIK—VENEDIG—RAT—DER—10—ERTEILTE dem FRANCESCO—DI—GARZONI, Vollmacht die Summe von 500—DUKATEN auszugeben für die nächsten dringendsten Bedürfnisse '
15050129             DIE—IM FONDACO Arsenal Bediensteten für ihre Mühewaltung 1—GELD—GESCHENK erhielten ^).
15050129             SOGLEICH DER—REPUBLIK—VENEDIG—RAT—DER—10—ERTEILTE dem FRANCESCO—DI—GARZONI, Vollmacht die Summe von 500—DUKATEN auszugeben für die nächsten dringendsten Bedürfnisse '^).
15190129             —COMMENCEMENT de l'ARMEE, le,
15190129             Tout en admirant beaucoup le talent du spirituel Hollandais,
15190129             —IL, s'etonnait que LE—ROI—DE—FRANCE[KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH] l'eut appele a PARIS pour y enseigner les BELLES—LETTRES, alors que Bude lui paraissait tout désigne a cet office.
15190129             Pourquoi PRÉFERAIT—IL 1—FLAMAND[FLANDERN,FLANDRES,VLANDRES] et 1—ETRANGER a 1—FRANCAIS bien connu ?
15190129             CHRISTOPHE—DE—LONGUEIL y voyait 1—POINT DE—AMOUR—PROPRE national.
15190129             Cette lettre tomba, on ne sait comment, aux mains de LOUIS Ruze qui la remit a ERASMUS—VON—ROTTERDAM.
15190129             —ECRIVIT a CHRISTOPHE—DE—LONGUEIL avec cette bonhomie narquoise et cette pointe de fine ironie qui caracterise son style.
15190129             —IL, protestait de son amitie pour l'auteu1— du panegyrique de S—LOUIS.
15190129             —IL, reconnaissait la justesse de ses observations stylistiques, confessant que le LAISSER—ALLER, l'abandon, degeneraient parfois chez lui en negligence, que son habitude des digressions nuisait a la clarte de l'expose.
15190129             Mais il le suppliait de ne pas suspecter les INTENTIONS—DU—ROI.—
15190129             S'il avait enseigné a PARIS,
15190129             —IL, n'aurait caus6 aucun tort ni a Bude, ni a ses confreres.
15190129             —AM, contraire, le souverain, en invitant ERASMUS—VON—ROTTERDAM voulait reunir a PARIS les PIONNIERS—DE—LA—NOUVELLE science, et faire de sa capitale 1—FOYER intellectuel de 1. ordre.
15190129             ERASMUS—VON—ROTTERDAM terminait en exhortant CHRISTOPHE—DE—LONGUEIL a continuer ses études avec z6le
15190129             Des. Erasmi OPERA—OMNIA, Lngd.
15190129             Batav., 17030000             , t. ILL—EPISTOLAE, nÂ" 38—2,
15190129             LA—LETTRE—DE—CHRISTOPHE—DE—LONGUEIL - JACQUES—LUCAS, doyen d'Orleans,
15190129             contenant le parallele ENTRE ERASMUS—VON—ROTTERDAM et BUDE, [ROM,ROMA]ROME,
15190129—15580000    —LA—EDITION—DE, REPRODUIT, IV. 34, pp 310—14,
15190401—15190129    LOUVAIN[LÖWEN,LEUVEN] la reponse DE—ERASMUS—VON—ROTTERDAM
15190401—15190129    LOUVAIN[LÖWEN,LEUVEN]AU—SUJET—DE cette lettre.
15230129             which was to be carried on in GERMAN.
15230129             —SUMMONED, THE—GOVERNMENT accordingly, all THE—CLERGY of its jurisdiction to appear at THE—COUNCIL—HOUSE—OF—ZÜRICH on
15230129             —WHEN efforts would be made to arrive at the truth through the medium of learned discussions between THE—2—PARTIES.
15230129             as well as 1—NUMBER—OF learned men belonging to the neighbouring cantons, were likewise invited to this "DISPUTATION"
15230129             this "DISPUTATION" was to be carried on in GERMAN.
15250129             * Lelio Sozzini, italienischer Humanist, Jurist und Theologe
15250129             —EARLY—ON—THE—MORNING—OF, at THE—COUNCIL—HALL—OF—ZÜRICH Burgomaster Roust opened the proceedings with 1—SPEECH, inviting ANY—WHO desired to enter the lists against Master ZWINGLE.
15250129             —EARLY—ON—THE—MORNING—OF, AT COUNCIL—HALL—OF—ZÜRICH about 600—FOREIGNERS, natives assembled
15250129             —EARLY—ON—THE—MORNING—OF, at COUNCIL—HALL—OF—ZÜRICH There were present among the number several doctors, prelates from foreign Universities.
15250129             —EARLY—ON—THE—MORNING—OF, FABER, THE—VICAR—OF—THE—BISCHOF—VON—CONSTANCE, then endeavoured to —SHOW that this was not the place for 1—DISPUTE on MATTERS—OF—FAITH.
15250129             —EARLY—ON—THE—MORNING—OF, Furthermore, they should wait, FABER said, for the immanent ACTION—OF—THE—DIET—OF—NUREMBERG[REICHS—TAG—ZU—NÜRNBERG],
15250129             —EARLY—ON—THE—MORNING—OF, If ZWINGLE[ZWINGLI], as 1—PRIVATE—INDIVIDUAL, would visit him FABER at CONSTANCE, he FABERwould receive him hospitably, treat him with all possible kindness, but he had no mind to dispute.
15250129             —EARLY—ON—THE—MORNING—OF, THE—CATHOLIC doctrine had been as it —NOW was for ages, and should —THEREFORE not be changed.
15250129             —FABER—
15250129             —EARLY—ON—THE—MORNING—OF, they should wait, FABER said, for 1—GENERAL—COUNCIL, or, if they were disposed to dispute, they should carry on their debates at THE—UNIVERSITIES—OF—COLOGNE[KÖLN] [KÖLN], PARIS, or LOUVAINE[LOUVAIN,LÖWEN].
15250129             wie es sein Bruder, der unlängst verstorbene HEINRICH—VON—MILENDONK, AMT—MANN—ZU—ORSOJ und RUHRORT, zu haben pflegte und
15250129             wie es FRÜHER QOESEN—STECK und nach diesem Herr Kracht und HEINRICH—VON—MILENDONK besessen haben.
15250129             Zeugen: HERR—WILHELM—VON—DER—HORST, ERB—MARSCHALL, und HERR—JOHANN—VON—WYLICK, HOF—MEISTER, beide RITTER, sowie JOHANN—VON—BRONCKHORST und von Bathenberg, Landdrost.
15320129             * LORENZ—DÜRNHOFER, deutscher evangelischer Theologe
15590129             † THOMAS—PAPA (~52), ENGLAND—POLITICIAN, benefactor.
15840129             * FRIEDRICH—HEINRICH, Statthalter der Vereinigten Niederlande
15840129             † WOLF—VON—SCHÖNBERG, kursächsischer Beamter
15860129             * LUDWIG—FRIEDRICH—VON—WÜRTTEMBERG—MÖMPELGARD, deutscher Fürst
15930129             * JOHANN—VON—GEYSO, HESSEN—KASSELSCHER Generalleutnant im 3ßigjährigen Krieg
15970129             † ELIAS—NIKOLAUS—AMMERBACH, deutscher Organist und Arrangeur
16010129—15890000    —BIS, † LOUISE—DE—LORRAINE—VAUDÉMONT, von 15750000              KÖNIGIN—VON—FRANKREICH
16160129             1.Die niederländischen Seefahrer JACOB—LE—MAIRE, WILLEM—CORNELISZ—SCHOUTEN ,gelangen auf dem Weg um das KAP—HOORN in den PAZIFIK.
16160129             —AM, —ERST beschrieben und zu Ehren des Rates der Stadt CAPO—HOORN[CAPE—HOORN] benannt.
16160129             —AM, 1. umrundet wurde das Kap von 1—EXPEDITION der niederländischen Seefahrer WILLEM—CORNELISZ—SCHOUTEN und JAKOB—LE—MAIRE
16160129             —AM, Sie fuhren dabei im Auftrag der Australischen Kompanie, die von des JAKOB—LE—MAIRE Vater ISAAC—LE—MAIRE nach 1—INTERNEN STREIT—MIT—DER NIEDERLÄNDISCHE—OST—INDIEN—KOMPANIE[VOC] ZUSAMMEN—MIT—ANDEREN Hoorner Geschäftsleuten gegründet wurde.
16160129             —SEINERZEIT, Da holländische Schiffe die Magellanstraße nur benutzen durften, wenn sie der VOC angehörten, suchte ISAAC—LE—MAIRE 1.von den Rechten der VOC unberührte Passage zum Pazifik zum HANDEL—MIT—DEN ostindischen GEWÜRZ—INSELN.
16250129             † MELCHIOR—VON—RECHENBERG, SÄCHSISCH—SCHLESISCHER Adliger, Landeshauptmann der Grafschaft Glatz
16320129             * JOHANN—GEORG—GRAEVIUS, deutscher klassischer Philologe und Textkritiker
16340129             * ADRIAN—BEIER der Jüngere, deutscher Jurist
16420129             † BARTHOLOMÄUSA—ANHORN, Schweizer Pfarrer und Historiker
16630129             † ROBERT—SANDERSON, BISHOP—OF—LINCOLN (16600000—16630000    ).
16640129             Die Zwangsheirat (Le mariage forcé), 1—KOMÖDIE des französischen Dichters Molière, wird als Ballettkomödie mit Musik von JEAN—BAPTISTE Lully in den Gemächern der Königinmutter Anna im LOUVRE—PALAST uraufgeführt.
16640129             LUDWIG—XIV. tanzt bei der Uraufführung in einem Zigeunerkostüm. Daneben tanzen weitere MITGLIEDER—DER—HOCHARISTOKRATIE, die Rolle der Dorimène übernimmt die Marquise Du Parc.
16880129             * EMANUEL—SWEDENBORG, schwedischer Wissenschaftler, Mystiker und Theologe
16900129             * FRANZ—JOSEPH—ROTH, deutscher Stuckateur und Baumeister
17000129             * DANIEL—BERNOULLI, mathematician (10—TIME—FRANCE—AWARD), in BASEL—SWITZERLAND.
17060129             † JOHANN—GEORG—ABERLE, bayerischer SOLDAT
17070129             † OTTO—MENCKE, deutscher Gelehrter und Professor für Moral und Politik
17120129             —SPANISCHE—ERBFOLGE—KRIEG
17120129             —BEGINNT, UTRECHT, 1—KONGRESS europäischer Mächte mit dem Ziel, den Spanischen Erbfolgekrieg zu beenden.
17120129—17120411    —AM, DER—FRIEDE—VON—UTRECHT wird als Ergebnis des Folgejahres geschlossen, doch
17120129—17120411    —AM, DER—FRIEDE—VON—UTRECHT wird durch KAISER—KARL—VI. nicht akzeptiert.
17130129—17091029    —AM, Der zwischen Großbritannien und den Vereinigten Niederlanden abgeschlossene Barrieretraktat über Besatzungsrechte in den Spanischen Niederlanden
17130129—17091029    —AM, wird auf die Orte Veurne, Knokke, Ypern, Menen, Tournai, Mons, CHARLEROI und NAMUR eingeschränkt.
17150129             * GEORG—CHRISTOPH—WAGENSEIL, österreichischer Komponist
17170129             * GENERAL—JEFFREY—AMHERST—BARON—AMHERST, 1., britischer
17180129             * PAUL—RABAUT, französischer evangelischer Prediger und Pfarrer
17280129             Im LINCOLN—INN—FIELDS—THEATRE in LONDON erfolgt die Uraufführung des komischen Singspiels THE—BEGGAR—OPERA—VON—JOHN—GAY.
17280129             * GEORG—HEINRICH—CONRAD—HÜTTEMANN, lutherischer Missionar in Indien
17280129             † THE—BEGGAR—OPERA by JOHN—GAY (17320000             , ), with music arranged by JOHN—CHRISTOPHER—PEPUSCH, had its premier at THE—LINCOLN—INN—FIELDS in LONDON.
17280129             —INTENDED, Gay, it to be 1—PARODY—OF—ITALY—OPERA and 1—SATIRIZATION—OF—THE—WALPOLE administration.
17280129             He wrote new lyrics to popular tunes and his "ballad opera" was 1—GREAT—SUCCESS.
17290129             † JOHANN—FABRICIUS, deutscher Theologe
17300129             † PETER—II—ZAR—VON—RUSSLAND
17320129             LE—CIMETIÈRE SAINT—MÉDARD est fermé au public (la foule y venait voir des miracles sur la tombe du diacre janséniste FRANÇOIS—DE—PÂRIS mort en 17270000             ).
17370129             * THOMAS—PAINE, political essayist.
17370129             THOMAS—PAINE wrote "THE—RIGHTS—OF—MAN" and "THE—AGE—OF—REASON".
17380129             † JOHANN—GEORG—FUX, deutscher Orgelbauer
17390129             † FRIEDRICH—GOTTLIEB—KETTNER, deutscher lutherischer Theologe und Kirchenhistoriker
17430129             † ANDRÉ—HERCULE de Fleury, französischer Kardinal und Staatsmann
17430129             † du cardinal Fleury. † KARDINAL—DE—FLEURY
17440129             † THOMAS—MANSEL—BARON—MANSEL, 2., walisischer Adeliger
17460129             * PIERRE—PICOT, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher und Hochschullehrer
17490129             * Rochus FRANZ—IGNAZ—EGEDACHER, österreichischer Orgelbauer
17500129             † DANIEL—SALTHENIUS, schwedischer Pädagoge und evangelischer Theologe
17510129             † JACOB—VAN—SCHUPPEN, Hofmaler am kaiserlichen Hof in WIEN
17510129             ZÜLPICH
17560129             * GENERAL—MAJOR—HENRY—LEE—III, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Kavallerieoffizier, und Politiker
17580129             * HEINRICH—MARIA—GRAF, deutscher RÖMISCH—KATHOLISCHER Geistlicher und Politiker
17600000—18200129    * † GEORGE—III—KING—OF—BRITAIN, insane at WINDSOR—CASTLE at age 81, ending 1—REIGN that saw both the American and FRANCE—REVOLUTIONS.
17610129             * ALBERT—GALLATIN, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Politiker und Diplomat
17610129             oo WÜRSELEN PETER—VON—DER—HEYDEN u. ANNA—MARIA—GEUSEN "Oppen"
17620129             * GIUSEPPE—NICOLINI, italienischer Opernkomponist
17630129             * JOHANN—GOTTFRIED—SEUME, deutscher Schriftsteller und Dichter
17630129             † JOHAN—LUDVIG—VON—HOLSTEIN, KANZLER—VON—DÄNEMARK, Kunst- und Literatursammler
17630129             † LOUIS—RACINE, französischer Dichter
17660129             † JOHANN—FRIEDRICH—MÖGLING, deutscher Jurist
17670129             * JOSEPH—VON—THOMA, deutscher Forstbeamter
17700129             WEIMAR, findet die Uraufführung der komischen Oper Die Jagd von JOHANN—ADAM—HILLER statt.
17710129             * SAMUEL—GOTTLIEB—HÜNERWADEL, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher und Hochschullehrer
17720000—18500129    * † LUIGI—SABATELLI, ITALY—ARTIST, in Milan.
17720129             —AM Burgtheater in WIEN feiert die Oper La fiera di VENEZIA—VON—ANTONIO—SALIERI bei ihrer Uraufführung einen großen Erfolg.
17730129             * FRIEDRICH—MOHS, deutscher Mineraloge
17800129             * GUSTAV—KALIXT—VON—BIRON, Generalleutnant in den Koalitionskriegen
17800129             * Marianne von der Mark, illegitime Tochter des FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—II.
17810129             —AM Münchner Residenztheater wird WOLFGANG—AMADEUS—MOZARTS—OPER—IDOMENEO mit Erfolg uraufgeführt.
17810129             Der berühmte Tenor ANTON—RAAFF singt hier seine letzte Titelpartie.
17810129             —BEZEICHNET, Mozart, die Oper zeitlebens als seine Beste.
17820129             * DANIEL—FRANÇOIS—ESPRIT Auber, französischer Komponist
17870129             auf Initiative des für Finanzen zuständigen CHARLES—ALEXANDRE—DE—CALONNE,
17870129             —1—NOTABELN—VERSAMMLUNG, einberuft, LUDWIG—XVI—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH, um die privilegierten Stände zum Verzicht auf ihre Steuerfreiheit zu bewegen.
17870129             mit Verzicht auf ihre Steuerfreiheit, die privilegierten Stände, sollen die zerrütteten Staatsfinanzen, GEORDNET werden.
17870129             * FRANZ—XAVER—NIPPEL—VON—WEYERHEIM, österreichischer Jurist
17880129             * MICHAEL—LEOPOLD—ENK von der Burg, österreichischer Benediktinermönch, Schriftsteller und Literaturtheoretiker
17900129             * JULIUS—GEORG—KNOLL, deutscher Jurist
17920129             * Lemuel H. Arnold, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Politiker
18030129             * ANSELM—SALOMON—VON—ROTHSCHILD, österreichischer Bankier
18100129             * ERNST—EDUARD—KUMMER, deutscher Mathematiker
18110129             MÜNCHEN, findet die Uraufführung der Oper Demophoon von PETER—JOSEPH—VON—LINDPAINTNER statt.
18120000—18880129    * † EDWARD—LEAR, ENGLAND—ARTIST, illustrator, musician, author and poet, in ITALY.
18130129             —PUBLISHED, JANE—AUSTIN, "Pride and Prejudice," 1—BLEND—OF—INSTRUCTION and moral entertainment.
18140129             —SCHLACHT—BEI—BRIENNE
18140129             —WÄHREND—DER—BEFREIUNGS—KRIEGE,
18140129             —DURCHSETZEN, kann sich NAPOLEON—BONAPARTE mit seiner Armee gegenüber MARSCHALL—BLÜCHER—PREUßEN—TRUPPEN und russischen Kosaken.
18140129             † JOHANN—GOTTLIEB—FICHTE, deutscher Erzieher und Philosoph, Vertreter des Idealismus
18140129             —COMBAT—DE—BRIENNE.
18170129             † HEINRICH—XIII., Fürst Reuß zu Greiz
18180129             * ROBERT—CASPARY, deutscher Botaniker
18190129             SIR—THOMAS—STAMFORD—RAFFLES gründet im Fischerdorf Singapur Hafen und Niederlassung für die Britische OSTINDIEN—KOMPANIE.
18200120—18200129    As GEORGE—IV was about to become KING—OF—ENGLAND, his wife Caroline (THE—GERMANY—PRINCESS—OF—BRUNSWICK) returned to claim her rights.
18200120—18200129    —RUMORED, She had been living on the continent and was, to have had as lovers such men as: the politician GEORGE—CANNING, the admiral SIR—SYDNEY—SMITH, the painter SIR—THOMAS—LAWRENCE.
18200120—18200129    —INTRODUCED, THE—HOUSE—OF—LORDS, 1—BILL—OF—PAINS and Penalties, which sought to strip Caroline of her TITLE—OF—QUEEN on the grounds of her scandalous conduct.
18200120—18200129    1—TRIAL ensued, but witnesses refused to speak against THE—QUEEN and the bill had to be amended.
18200120—18200129    oo GEORGE had previously, MARIA—ANNE—FITZHERBERT in secret.
18200129             wird der bisherige Prinzregent als GEORG—IV—KÖNIG—VON—ENGLAND Herrscher in Großbritannien und HANNOVER.
18200129             * CARL—GISKRA, österreichischer Staatsmann
18200129             —SUCCEEDED, He was, by his son GEORGE—IV (17620000—18300000    ), who as PRINCE—OF—WALES had been regent —FOR—9—YEARS—DURING his father's insanity.
18200129—20050000    —IN, scientists reported high levels of arsenic in THE—HAIR—OF—KING—GEORGE—III and said the deadly poison may be to blame for the bouts of apparent madness he suffered.
18200129—20060000    —AUTHORED, Stella Tillyard, "1—ROYAL—AFFAIR: GEORGE—III and His Troublesome Siblings" and JEREMY—BLACK authored "GEORGE—III: AMERICA—LAST—KING".
18210129             * ROBERT—SPISKE, deutscher Priester, GRÜNDER—DER—HEDWIGSCHWESTERN
18240129             * OKTAVIO—VON—BOEHN, preußischer GENERAL der Infanterie
18240129             † JOACHIM—NETTELBECK, deutscher Seefahrer und Schriftsteller
18240129             † Luise zu STOLBERG—GEDERN, Ehefrau des jakobitischen Thronprätendenten CHARLES—EDWARD—STUART
18250129             * ~ MELLIN—JANSSON, Cajsa Brita F Mjallom, V. NORRLAND—SCHWEDEN
18270129             † JOSEPH—CHRISTIAN—LILLIE, dänischer Architekt und Innenarchitekt
18290129             * TOMMASO—VILLA, italienischer MINISTER
18290129             † PAUL—DE—BARRAS, französischer Politiker und Mitglied des Direktoriums
18290129             † Aloisius Fortis, französischer Ordensgeneral
18290129             † TIMOTHY—PICKERING, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Politiker, Kriegsminister, 3. Außenminister der USA
18320129             —VOR—MÄRZ—ZEIT—IN—DER, des
18320129             * NIKOLAI—IGNATJEW, russischer GENERAL und Diplomat
18330129             * CARL—FREDERIK—AAGAARD, dänischer Maler
18330129             † Janez Baptist Novak, slowenischer Komponist
18340129             Das Osmanische Reich erkennt das zur Zeit der russischen Besetzung der Donaufürstentümer während des RUSSISCH—TÜRKISCHEN Krieges erlassene Organische Reglement als gültig an.
18340129             —BEENDET, Im Gegenzug, Russland die Besetzung.
18340129             † JOHANN—GAUDENZ—VON—SALIS—SEEWIS, Schweizer Dichter
18340129             —ORDERED, PRESIDENT—JACKSON, the 1. USE—OF—USA—TROOPS to suppress 1—LABOR—DISPUTE.
18340129             —ORDERED, JACKSON, the War Department to put down a "riotous assembly" near WILLAMSPORT—MARYLAND, among IRELAND—LABORERS constructing THE—CHESAPEAKE and OHIO Canal.
18360129             * FERDINAND—DESSOIR, deutscher Schauspieler
18380129             * EDWARD—W—MORLEY, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Chemiker
18380129             † Sigismund AUGUST—WOLFGANG—VON—HERDER, deutscher Geologe und Mineraloge
18390129             oo CHARLES—DARWIN, Emma Wedgwood.
18420129             * ALFRED—FRIEDRICH—BLUNTSCHLI, Schweizer Architekt
18430129             * WILLIAM—MCKINLEY, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Staatspräsident
18430129             † WILHELM—ABEKEN, deutscher klassischer Archäologe
18430129             * WILLIAM—MCKINLEY, the 25. PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA (18970000—19010000    ), in NILES—OHIO.
18430129             McKinley was the last Civil War veteran to serve as PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA.
18430129             —SERVED, WILLIAM—MCKINLEY had, with the 23. REGIMENT—OHIO Volunteers, eventually rising to the rank of brevet major.
18430129             WILLIAM—MCKINLEY saw action at SOUTH—MOUNTAIN, Antietam, Winchester and Cedar Creek.
18430129             For 1—TIME he served on Rutherford B. Hayes' staff.
18430129             WILLIAM—MCKINLEY led the country in THE—SPANISH—USA—WAR.
18430129—18960000    —ELECTED, McKinley was, the 25. PRESIDENT.
18430129—19010914    —ON, He † in BUFFALO—NEW—YORK, —AFTER being shot by 1—ANARCHIST—ASSASSIN 18430906             —ON.
18450129             EDGAR—ALLAN—POES—GEDICHT—DER—RABE wird in der New Yorker ZEITUNG—EVENING—MIRROR erstmals veröffentlicht.
18450129             —PUBLISHED, EDGAR—ALLAN—POE—POEM "THE—RAVEN" was 1., in THE—NEW—YORK —EVENING Mirror.
18480129             † JOSEPH—GÖRRES, deutscher Gymnasial- und Hochschullehrer, PUBLIZIST
18480129             † JOHN—WINSTON—JONES, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Politiker
18480129             † FRIEDRICH—PFLUGER, Schweizer RÖMISCH—KATHOLISCHER Geistlicher
18500129             * EBENEZER—HOWARD, britischer Pionier der Gartenstadtbewegung
18500129             * LUDWIG—WOLF, deutscher Arzt und Anthropologe
18500129             * LAWRENCE—HARGRAVE, INVENTOR—OF—THE—BOX kite.
18500129             —INTRODUCED, HENRY—CLAY, in the Senate 1—COMPROMISE bill on slavery that included the admission of CALIFORNIA into the Union as 1—FREE—STATE.
18510129             * RICHARD—REVERDY, deutscher Baumanager und Beamter
18520129             * Kazimierz Morawski, polnischer Philologe, Historiker und Übersetzer
18530129             * Kitasato Shibasabur?, japanischer Arzt und Bakteriologe
18560129             Die britische KÖNIGIN—VICTORIA stiftet das VICTORIA—KREUZ als Ehrung für Soldaten, die sich im Krimkrieg durch Tapferkeit oder besondere Leistungen herausgehoben haben.
18560129             * ALEKSANDER—BRÜCKNER, polnischer Slawist
18560129             † OTTO—VON—ERXLEBEN, deutscher Offizier und Gutsbesitzer
18570129             * RICHARD—SCHWEMER, deutscher Lehrer und Historiker
18570129             diese beschloß hierauf am. die großherzogliche Regierung sei verpflichtet,
18580129             * OTTO—BAUMGARTEN, deutscher Theologe
18580129             * Charles à COURT—REPINGTON, britischer Kriegsberichterstatter
18590129             * KARL—SCHEIDEMANTEL, deutscher Opernsänger (Bariton), Regisseur und Operndirektor in DRESDEN
18590129             * HEINRICH—SCHENKL, österreichischer Altphilologe
18590129             † WILLIAM—CRANCH—BOND, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Astronom
18600129             * ANTON—TSCHECHOW, russischer Schriftsteller, Novellist und Dramatiker (3—SCHWESTERN, Die Möwe, Der Kirschgarten)
18600129             † ERNST—MORITZ—ARNDT, deutscher Schriftsteller und Lyriker, Abgeordneter der Frankfurter Nationalversammlung
18600129             † JOSEF—LIEBERMANN, deutscher Frühindustrieller
18600129             † STÉPHANIE—DE—BEAUHARNAIS, Adoptivtochter des Napoléon Bonaparte
18610129             Der Ostteil des KANSAS—TERRITORIUMS wird unter dem Namen KANSAS als 34. Bundesstaat der Vereinigten Staaten aufgenommen.
18610129             —ADMITTED, KANSAS was, into the Union as the 34. state.
18610129—18610228    —AM, Der Westteil wird dem neu geschaffenen COLORADO—TERRITORIUM zugeschlagen.
18620129             * FREDERICK—DELIUS, britischer Komponist
18620129             WILLIAM—QUANTRILL and his Confederate raiders attack DANVILLE—KENTUCKY.
18630129             —GEFECHT—AM—BEAR—RIVER
18630129             † † † rund 400—INDIANER vom Stamm der Shoshonen, 1—USA—UNIONSTRUPPEN—EINHEIT, massakriert, in IDAHO.
18630129             * Fryco Rocha, niedersorbischer Dichter und Schriftsteller
18640129             * ALBERT—PREUSS, deutscher Sportschütze
18650129             * CARL—SARTORIUS, deutscher Jurist
18660129             * Romain Rolland, französischer Schriftsteller, Musikkritiker, Pazifist und Nobelpreisträger
18670129             * ELISABETH—BÜCHSEL, deutsche Malerin
18670129             * Vicente Blasco Ibáñez, spanischer Schriftsteller
18680129             * ALBIN—EGGER—LIENZ, österreichischer Maler
18680129             * HANS—GLAUNING, deutscher Offizier
18680129             † JOSé María Achá, bolivianischer GENERAL und Politiker
18700129             * KARL—ERNST—RANKE, deutscher Internist
18700129             † LEOPOLD—II., GROßHERZOG—DER—TOSKANA
18710727—19450129    * ? KARL—HEINRICH—SCHÄFER (Wetter;
18730129             * LUIGI—AMEDEO di SAVOIA—AOSTA, italienischer Marineoffizier und Forschungsreisender
18740129             * ROBERT—LACH, österreichischer Musikwissenschaftler
18740129             * John D. Rockefeller JUNIOR, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Philanthrop
18740129             * JOHN—DAVID—ROCKEFELLER—JR, philanthropist, in CLEVELAND—OHIO.
18750129             † Rageth Christoffel, Schweizer Pfarrer und Pädagoge
18760129             * Havergal Brian, britischer Komponist
18760129             * Ludolf Nielsen, dänischer Komponist
18760129             * PEDRO—SINZIG, brasilianischer Schriftsteller und Franziskaner, JOURNALIST—UND—KOMPONIST
18760129             † Pjotr Romanowitsch Bagration, russischer GENERAL und GOUVERNEUR—VON—TWER
18770125—18770129    —SEE
18770129             * GEORGES—CATROUX, französischer GENERAL und Diplomat
18770129             * Alban Haas, deutscher Theologe und Historiker
18770129             * HUGO—OBERMAIER, deutscher Archäologe
18770129             1—HIGHLY partisan Electoral Commission, made up of 8—REPUBLICANS and 7—DEMOCRATS, was established by Congress to settle the issue  of Democrat SAMUEL—TILDEN for PRESIDENT—AGAINST—REPUBLICAN—RUTHERFORD—B—HAYES.
18770129             Under the terms of THE—TILDEN—HAYES Election Compromise, Hayes became PRESIDENT—AND—THE—REPUBLICANS agreed to remove the last Federal troops from Southern territory, ending Reconstruction.
18770129             —ON election night, 17760000             , it was clear that Tilden had won the popular vote, but it was also clear that votes in FLORIDA, LOUISIANA, SOUTH—CAROLINA and OREGON were fraudulent BECAUSE—OF—VOTER—INTIMIDATION.
18770129             Republicans knew that if the electoral votes from these 4—STATES were thrown out, Hayes would win.
18770129             —HOVERED, The country, near civil war as both Democrats and Republicans claimed victory.
18770129             Illustrator THOMAS—NAST drew his cartoon, "Tilden or Blood," showing the Democrats threatening violence.
18780129             * MARY—JOBE—AKELEY, USA—AMERIKANISCHE Naturforscherin und Kartografin
18780129             † BRUNO—HILDEBRAND, deutscher Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und Politiker
18790129             † ANTONIO—BENEDETTO—ANTONUCCI, Kardinal der katholischen Kirche
18800129             * Philibert JACQUES—MELOTTE, britischer Astronom
18800129             * W—C—FIELDS, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Schauspieler
18800129             * WC—FIELDS, comedian and actor, in PHILADELPHIA as CLAUDE—WILLIAM—DUKINFIELD [Dukenfield].
18800129             —INCLUDED, WC—FIELDS—FILMS, "DAVID—COPPERFIELD" and "My Little Chickadee".
18800129—18790409    —SEE
18810129             Dem Chirurgen THEODOR—BILLROTH gelingt bei einer Patientin mit Magenkrebs erstmals 1—MAGENRESEKTION.
18810129             † NIKOLAUS—MÜNCHEN, Kölner Dompropst
18820129             * PAUL—GOERENS, deutscher Professor und Metallurge
18820129             † ALFRED—VON—HENIKSTEIN, österreichischer Feldmarschallleutnant
18820129             † WILHELM—STIEBER, preußischer Geheimdienstchef
18830129             * CHARLES—MÉRÉ, französischer Schriftsteller
18840129             * Juhan Aavik, estnischer Komponist
18840129             * HANS—ADLHOCH, deutscher Politiker
18840129             * Douglass Cadwallader, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Golfer
18850129             † FRANZ—RIEGER, deutscher Orgelbaumeister und Firmengründer
18850129             —HE, on the Jeter Plantation near MOORINGSPORT—LOUISIANA.
18860000—19680129    * † LEONARD—TSUGUHARU—FOUJITA, painter and engraver born in TOKYO—JAPAN, in ZURICH, Switz.
18860126—18860129    —SEE
18860129             CARL—BENZ meldet sein Fahrzeug mit Gasmotorenbetrieb zum Patent an.
18860129             * Sascha KOLOWRAT—KRAKOWSKY, österreichischer Filmpionier
18860129             1. successful GASOLINE—DRIVEN car was patented by KARL—BENZ in KARLSRUHE.
18860129—18860126    —SEE
18860703—18860129    —SEE
18870129             * AUGUST—WILHELM—VON—PREUSSEN, preußischer PRINZ—UND—SA—GENERAL
18870129             * René A. Spitz, deutscher Psychoanalytiker
18880129             * SYDNEY Chapman, britischer Astronom und Geophysiker
18880129             * Men Rauch, Schweizer Ingenieur, Politiker und Dichter
18880129             † EDWARD—LEAR, britischer Maler, Illustrator und Schriftsteller
18880129             EDWARD—LEAR is known mostly for his literary nonsense in poetry and prose and especially his limericks.
18880129             Möge das Register den Benutzern genügen und der Sache selber zum Vortheil gereichen!
18880129             DÜSSELDORF, den.. - CARL—BONE.
18890129             * BRUNO—ERTLER, österreichischer Schriftsteller
18890129             * JOSEF—LINSTER, rumäniendeutscher KOMPONIST—UND—MUSIKPÄDAGOGE
18890129             * RUDOLF—MAUERSBERGER, deutscher Chorleiter und Komponist
18900000—19460129    * † HARRY—LLOYD—HOPKINS, USA—SOCIAL—WORKER.
18900129             * MARGUERITE—CANAL, französische Komponistin
18900129             † WILLIAM—GULL, britischer Arzt, wurde verdächtigt Jack the Ripper zu sein
18910129             Auf HAWAII wird Lili?uokalani zur KÖNIGIN proklamiert.
18910129             Lili?uokalani folgt auf ihren Bruder KAL?kaua und ist 1. Frau auf dem Thron.
18910129             * ARCHIE—MAYO, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Filmregisseur
18910129             * RICHARD—NORRIS—WILLIAMS, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Tennisspieler
18910129             † WILLIAM—WINDOM, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Jurist und Politiker, Abgeordneter und SENATOR, USA—FINANZMINISTER
18920129             * CLIFFORD—GRAY, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Bobsportler
18920129             * ERNST—LUBITSCH, DEUTSCH—USA—AMERIKANISCHER Filmregisseur und Schauspieler, Oscarpreisträger
18930000—19690129    * † ALLAN—WELSH—DULLES, USA—DIPLOMAT, director (CIA 19530000—19610000    ).
18930000—19800129    * † JIMMY—DURANTE, 'Schnozzel,' actor and comedian, in NEW—YORK—CITY.
18930129             * Émile Burie, französischer Autorennfahrer
18930129             * Edric Cundell, englischer Komponist, Hornist, Pianist, DIRIGENT—UND—MUSIKPÄDAGOGE
18930129             * Mar?ian Negrea, rumänischer Komponist
18930407—19690129    † ALLEN—WELSH—DULLES
18940129             * René Schiltz, französischer Autorennfahrer
18950129             † ADALBERT—VON—DOBSCHÜTZ, preußischer OBERST
18960000—19760129    * † JESSE—FULLER, American 1—MAN—BAND—MUSICIAN, best known for his song "S—FRANCISCO—BAY,".
18960129             BASEL, findet die Uraufführung der Oper Kudrun von HANS—HUBER auf das Libretto von STEPHAN—BORN statt.
18960129             * HERBERT—CYSARZ, sudetendeutscher Germanist
18960129             † WILLEM—GERARD—BRILL, niederländischer Niederlandist, Romanist, Anglist und Historiker.
18970129             * Arno Arnold, deutscher Arzt, Internist und Sportmediziner
18980129             —GEGRÜNDET, BERLIN, wird die Deutsche Sportbehörde für Athletik, (—HEUTE: Deutscher LEICHTATHLETIK—VERBAND).
18980129             * ALPHONSE—AUCLAIR, französischer Autorennfahrer
18980129             † ROBERTO—IVENS, portugiesischer Offizier und Afrikaforscher
18990129             —AM Theater an der WIEN in WIEN erfolgt die Uraufführung der Oper Ihre Exzellenz von RICHARD—HEUBERGER der Ältere.
18990129             * GERHARD—GRAUBNER, deutscher Architekt
18990129             * HANS—HENN, deutscher Politiker, MdB, MdL
18990129             * HEINRICH—BLÜCHER, deutscher Autodidakt und Philosoph
18990129             * PAUL—KLAGES, deutscher Flugzeugkonstrukteur
18990129             † ALFRED—SISLEY, französischer Landschaftsmaler des Impressionismus
18990129             † KARL—BUCHRUCKER, lutherischer Geistlicher und Theologe
19000129—19000202    —SEE
19030129             Die von amerikanischen Geschäftsleuten in BERLIN gegründete USA—CHAMBER—OF—COMMERCE in GERMANY entsteht als 1. bilateraler Handelsverband in Deutschland.
19040129             —GEGRÜNDET, Der schwedische Sportverein Västerås SK wird.
19040129             The 1. athletic letters were given to THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—CHICAGO football team.
19050124             VILNIUS, 1—MASS—WORKER—STRIKE began and lasted to 19050129         .
19060129             Durch den Tod seines Vaters CHRISTIAN—IX—KÖNIG—VON—DÄNEMARK,
19060129             neuer KÖNIG wird in Dänemark, FRIEDRICH—VIII—KÖNIG—VON—DÄNEMARK,.
19070129             CHARLES—CURTIS aus dem VOLK—DER—KANSA tritt sein Amt als SENATOR für den USA—BUNDESSTAAT—KANSAS an und wird damit der 1. indianische SENATOR—DER—USA.
19100129             Der konservative Abgeordnete E. v. OLDENBURG—JANUSCHAU erklärt im REICHS—TAG:
19100129             "DER—KÖNIG—VON—PREUßEN und DER—DEUTSCHE—KAISER muß jeden Moment imstande sein, zu 1—LEUTNANT zu sagen:
19100129             Nehmen Sie 10—MANN und schließen Sie den REICHS—TAG".
19110000—20030129    * † FRANK—MOSS, liberal UTAH Democratic SENATOR (19580000—19760000    ).
19120129             † Bronis?aw Markiewicz, polnischer Priester und Ordensgründer
19120129             * "Professor" IRWIN—COREY, comedian (Car Wash, Doc), in BROOKLYN—NEW—YORK.
19130129             S—FRANCISCO, 1—BOUDIN—BAKERY 2—HORSE—DRAWN buggy was hit by 1—RUN—AWAY street car in the city's 1. Muni accident.
19130129             1—OF—THE—2—HORSE was fatally injured and shot by 1—POLICE—OFFICER.
19160129             Das Militärluftschiff LZ 79—WIRFT —WWI—IM über PARIS Bomben ab.
19160129             Auf der Rückfahrt erhält der Zeppelin einen Treffer im Heck und muss im deutsch besetzten Belgien notlanden.
19160129             —WRECKED, The steamer ABERDEEN, off THE—COAST—OF—S—FRANCISCO.
19160129             8—MEN were reported killed.
19160129             —RESCUED, Other source says THE—CREW—OF—THE—ABERDEEN was.
19160129             1. bombings of PARIS by GERMANY—ZEPPELINS took place.
19160129             GRIGORI—RASPUTIN, RUSSIA—MYSTIC, shaman, grubby peasant, and influential favorite of the Romanov court, survived 1 failed attempt to poison him.
19160129             PRINCE—FELIX—YUSSOUPOV, 1—EFFETE, wealthy young aristocrat, shot and killed Rasputin and in effect, brought down THE—RUSSIA—EMPIRE.
19160129             —DINED, THE—PRINCE, out on his story for MANY—DECADES, becoming 1—JET—SET—CELEBRITY.
19160129             He restored his old wealth, lost in the Soviet Revolution, by suing anyone who wrote about Rasputin without his permission.
19160129             [see 19161216             .19161230             ]
19170129             Die Uraufführung des Dramas Die BÜRGER—VON—CALAIS am Neuen Theater in FRANKFURT am Main bringt dem expressionistischen Dramatiker GEORG—KAISER den künstlerischen Durchbruch.
19180129             THE—SUPREME—ALLIED Council met at Versailles.
19180129—20100000    * † JOHN—FORSYTHE, actor (Bachelor Father, CHARLIE—ANGELS, Dynasty), in NEW—JERSEY.
19190129             † FRANZ—MEHRING, deutscher PUBLIZIST, Politiker und marxistischer Historiker
19191028             —NAMED, It was, —AFTER its promoter, Congressman ANDREW—J—VOLSTEAD, and provided enforcement guidelines for the Prohibition Amendment which had been ratified 19190129           .
19210129             1—HURRICANE hit WASHINGTON and OREGON.
19240000—20040129    * † JANET—FRAME, author, in DUNEDIN—NEW—ZEALAND.
19240129             1—ICE cream cone rolling machine was patented by CARL—TAYLOR in CLEVELAND.
19260129             —BECAME, Violette Neatley Anderson, the 1. AFRICAN—USA—WOMAN admitted to practice —BEFORE THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT.
19280129             † DOUGLAS—HAIG, 1. EARL—HAIG, britischer Generalfeldmarschall
19280129             —SIGNED, LITHUANIA and GERMANY, 1—BOUNDARY agreement that established the Nemunas River as 1—BORDER up to KLAIPEDA.
19290129             Beim Reichspatentamt in BERLIN beantragen die Vereinigten Papierwerke Nürnberg den Schutz des Warenzeichens Tempo für das von ihnen produzierte Taschentuch.
19290129             Der ROMAN—IM—WESTEN nichts Neues von ERICH—MARIA—REMARQUE kommt in den Handel.
19290129             Seine Erstauflage ist durch Vorbestellungen sofort vergriffen.
19290129             The 1. SEEING—EYE—DOG—GUIDE—SCHOOL in THE—USA received their charter.
19290129             Seeing Eye, INCORPORATED, was founded in MORRIS—TOWNSHIP, NEW—JERSEY, by DOROTHY—HARRISON—EUSTUS.
19290129             FEBRUARY, MORRIS—FRANK and JACK—HUMPHREY began operating the 1. Seeing Eye school in THE—USA—IN—NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE Frank had trained under Humphrey in SWITZERLAND at 1—KENNEL owned by DOROTHY—EUSTIS.
19290129—19360000    —BECAME, Buddy was FRANK—1. dog and, the 1. SEEING—EYE—DOG to ride as 1—PASSENGER on 1—USA—COMMERCIAL—AIRLINE.
19300129             —REMOVED, NORTH—USA—CO. was again, from the Dow Jones and Johns Manville was added.
19330000—20150129    * † Rod McKuen, poet and SONG—WRITER, in BEVERLY—HILLS.
19340129             † FRITZ—HABER, deutscher Chemiker und Nobelpreisträger, Pionier der chemischen Kriegsführung
19340129             † FRITZ—HABER, 65—JAHRE—ALT, GERMANY—CHEMIST (Nobel 19180000             ).
19340129             —SEARCHED, In the 1920s Haber exhaustively, for 1—METHOD to extract gold from sea water, and published 1—NUMBER—OF—SCIENTIFIC—PAPERS on the subject.
19340129             However, —AFTER YEARS—OF—RESEARCH, he concluded that THE—CONCENTRATION—OF—GOLD dissolved in sea water was much lower than those concentrations reported by —EARLIER researchers, and that gold extraction from sea water was uneconomic.
19340129—20050000    —AUTHORED, DANIEL—CHARLES, "Master Mind: THE—RISE and Fall of FRITZ—HABER, the Nobel Laureate Who Launched the Age of Chemical Warfare".
19350228             —DISCOVERED, THE—PAN—STARRS PS1 telescope on Haleakala, Maui, 19—NEAR—EARTH asteroids on the night of 19350129             , the most asteroids discovered by 1—TELESCOPE on 1—SINGLE—NIGHT.
19380129             Der deutsche Chemiker PAUL—SCHLACK entdeckt die Polymerisierbarkeit des Aminocaprolactams und entwickelt in der Folge daraus die Polyamidfaser Perlon.
19390129             CARL—BODE erreicht mit seiner FOCKE—WULF Fw 61 3.427—M Höhe.
19390129             —BEDEUTET, Das, einen neuen HUBSCHRAUBER—WELTREKORD.
19390129             * GERMAINE—GREER, feminist, author (Female Eunuch), in MELBOURNE—AUSTRALIA.
19420129             In den Räumen des Reichsministeriums für die besetzten Ostgebiete in BERLIN findet die 1. Nachfolgekonferenz der Wannseekonferenz statt, wo eine folgenreiche Definition von "Jude" festgelegt wird.
19420129             Mit dem PROTOKOLL—VON—RIO—DE—JANEIRO wird der PERUANISCH—ECUADORIANISCHE Krieg beendet, wobei ECUADOR fast die Hälfte seines Staatsgebietes an PERU verliert.
19420129             German and ITALY—TROOPS took BENGHAZI in NORTH—AFRICA.
19430129             —PAZIFIKKRIEG, BEGINNT, Im ,
19430129             —DIE Schlacht um die Nördlichen Salomonen mit der
19430129             —ZWEI—TÄGIGE—SCHLACHT—BEI—RENNELL—ISLAND zwischen JAPAN und den USA.
19440129             The world's greatest warship, THE—MISSOURI, was launched.
19460000—19690129    -during the height of the "Cold War", As the nation's top spy ALLEN—DULLES, gave equal emphasis to the clandestine COLLECTION—OF—INFORMATION
19460129             He was 1—OF—THE—ARCHITECTS—OF—THE—NEW—DEAL, especially the relief PROGRAMS—OF—THE—WORKS—PROGRESS—ADMINISTRATION (WPA), which he directed and built into the largest employer in the country.
19500129             Riots broke out in JOHANNESBURG—SOUTH—AFRICA, over Apartheid.
19500129             —APPROVED, THE—FRANCE—NATIONAL—ASSEMBLY, legislation granting autonomy to Bao DAI—STATE—OF—VIETNAM.
19510129             LIZ—TAYLOR—1. divorce was from CONRAD—HILTON—JUNIOR.
19540000—19770129    * † FREDDIE—PRINZE, USA—COMEDIAN—AND—TV—ACTOR, shot himself and.
19540129             —EDEN—PLAN zur Wiedervereinigung Deutschlands,
19540129             —UNTERBREITET, Der britische Außenminister ANTHONY—EDEN auf
19540129             * OPRAH—WINFREY, actress, TV host (Color Purple, Oprah), in MISSISSIPPI.
19550129             —ANLÄSSLICH—DES, Mehrere deutsche Politiker verabschieden in der Frankfurter Paulskirche
19550129             —DAS—DEUTSCHE—MANIFEST, aus Sorge um die in weite Ferne rückende DEUTSCHE—WIEDER—VEREINIGUNG.
19550129             PARIS, wird der Film Les Diaboliques des Regisseurs HENRI—GEORGES Clouzot uraufgeführt.
19560128—19560129    HENRY—LOUIS—MENCKEN (b. 19560911—18800912    ), author, critic and journalist, † in his sleep in BALTIMORE.
19560128—19560129    H.L. MENCKEN—WORK included "Smart Set," "USA—MERCURY," "In DEFENSE—OF—WOMEN," "Treatise on the Gods," and "1—MENCKEN—CHRESTOMATHY".
19560129             —AM Schauspielhaus Zürich wird FRIEDRICH—DÜRRENMATTS "tragische Komödie" Der Besuch der alten Dame mit Therese Giehse in der Hauptrolle uraufgeführt.
19560129             Das Stück wird in der Folge zu einem Welterfolg.
19580129             Der —BEREITS im Vorjahr mit dem LOUIS—DELLUC—PREIS ausgezeichnete französische Kriminalfilm Fahrstuhl zum Schafott von LOUIS—MALLE mit JEANNE—MOREAU in der Hauptrolle erlebt seine Uraufführung.
19580129             oo Actors PAUL—NEWMAN and JOANNE—WOODWARD were, in LAS—VEGAS.
19590129             Der Zeichentrickfilm Sleeping Beauty (Dornröschen) der Walt Disney Company mit der Musik von Pjotr Iljitsch Tschaikowski hat seine Uraufführung in den USA.
19590129             —RELEASED, Walt Disney's "Sleeping Beauty" was.
19610120—19630129    —ON, He †.
19630129             Die Verhandlungen mit Großbritannien über einen Beitritt zur Europäischen Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft scheitern am Veto des französischen Staatspräsidenten CHARLES—DE—GAULLE.
19630129             The 1. MEMBERS—OF—FOOTBALL—HALL—OF—FAME were named in CANTON—OHIO.
19630129             —AUTHORED, Lawrance Thompson, a 3-volume biography (19660000—19760000    ).
19630129             —CONVENED, KUWAIT—CONSTITUTION came into force as the new National Assembly. but only 1—SELECT few were eligible to vote.
19630129             —RESTED, Power, with the royal family.
19630129—19990000    —IN, Poet ROBERT—FROST (18740000              *) † in BOSTON at age 88. JAY—PARINI published "ROBERT—FROST: 1—LIFE".
19640129             Die Filmsatire DOCTOR—SELTSAM oder: Wie ich lernte, die Bombe zu lieben von STANLEY—KUBRICK mit PETER—SELLERS in mehreren Rollen wird in den USA uraufgeführt.
19640129             Duck and Cover DOCTOR—STRANGELOVE spoofs the notion of nuclear holocaust.
19640129             We laugh, but underneath the laughter is genuine fear.
19640129             Compiled by TONY—LONG.
19640129             0000             —DATE: Duck and Cover
19660129             —AM Palace Theatre in NEW—YORK City erfolgt die Uraufführung des Musicals Sweet Charity von Cy Coleman und NEIL—SIMON.
19660129             "Sweet Charity" opened on Broadway for 608—PERFORMANCES.
19660129             —COMPOSED, Cy Coleman, the music.
19660129             1—SNOW—STORM in NORTH—EAST—USA killed 165.
19670129             37—CIVILIANS were killed by A—USA—HELICOPTER—ATTACK in VIETNAM.
19671124—19680129    —SEE
19680129             Das Europäische Übereinkommen über die internationale Beförderung gefährlicher Güter auf der Straße (ADR) tritt in Kraft.
19680129             1—COURT convened in VIETNAM for THE—MURDER—OF—CAMBODIAN, triple agent Inchin Lam, by Special Forces CAPTAIN—JOHN—J—MCCARTHY—JUNIOR—MURDER—CHARGES were —LATER dropped due to exculpatory evidence and proven prosecutorial fraud on the court.
19680129—20030000    —IN, 1—CIVIL action for $1.3—BILLION in USA Federal DISTRICT—COURT, WASHINGTON DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA against THE—CIA and associated agencies was dismissed.
19680129—20060000    —AUTHORED, Phyllis Birnbaum, "Glory in 1—LINE: 1—LIFE—OF—FOUJITA – THE—ARTIST—CAUGHT—BETWEEN—EAST and West".
19690129             1—UNDERSEA oil well off Santa BARBARA—CALIFORNIA, suffered 1—BLOWOUT and over the next 11—DAYS released some 200,000 GALLONS—OF—OIL that spread over 800—SQUARE—MILES—OF—OCEAN and soiled 35—MILES—OF—COASTLINE.
19690129             —SPILLED, THE—BLOWOUT—OF—THE—UNION—OIL rig, 1 estimated 4.2—MILLION—GALLONS—OF—OIL.
19690129             —KILLED, Some 3,500 birds were, as well as some 100—ELEPHANT seals and sea lions on S—MIGUEL island.
19690129             † LLEN—DULLES, at age 75, of influenza, COMPLICATED by pneumonia, in WASHINGTON—DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA.
19710129             "My Sweet Lord" by GEORGE—HARRISON hit #1 on UK pop chart.
19720129             Das Kernkraftwerk in Stade geht als 11. deutscher Kernreaktor ans Netz.
19720129             BONN, WEST—GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—WILLY—BRANDT, and the leaders of THE—10—BUNDESLÄNDER (states) agreed upon the "Radikalenerlass", 1—DECREE to bar ANY—KNOWN radical from government employment.
19730129             —BECAME, EMILY—HOWELL—WARNER (19390000              *), the 1. woman pilot permanently employed by 1—COMMERCIAL—AIRLINE.
19730129             Her 1. flight as CO—PILOT was on the Frontier Airlines DHC—6—TWIN—OTTER 19740801          .
19750129             —TANGIERT, Der Rohöltanker JAKOB—MAERSK, beim Anlaufen des portugiesischen Zielhafens PORTO de Leixões 1—SANDBANK, gerät in Brand, zerbricht und sinkt schließlich.
19750129             Etwa 15.000—TONNEN austretendes Öl verschmutzen die Küste, die Rauchfahne der brennenden Ladung verursacht Atembeschwerden an Land.
19770129             —INCLUDED, His work, THE—TV show "Chico & the Man" (19740000—19770000    ).
19780129             OBSCURER - OBSERVER,
19790129             Die sechzehnjährige Brenda Ann Spencer tötet bei einem Amoklauf in ihrer Schule in S—DIEGO 2—PERSONEN und verletzt 9—WEITERE.
19790129             —INSPIRIERT, Ihre Begründung für die Tat, BOB—GELDOF zu dem Lied I—DON'T—LIKE—MONDAYS, welches ein großer Hit für seine Gruppe THE—BOOMTOWN—RATS wird.
19790129             —ON, In 1—FURTHER paper,
19790129             —COMMUTED, PRESIDENT—JIMMY—CARTER, the sentence of Patty Hearst (24) from 7 to 2—YEARS.
19790129             —SERVED, She had, 23—MONTHS in prison.
19790129             —WELCOMED, PRESIDENT—CARTER formally, CHINA—VICE Premier Deng Xiaoping to THE—WHITE—HOUSE, —FOLLOWING the establishment of diplomatic relations.
19790129             —PREMIERED, The 9-part TV miniseries "Backstairs".
19790129             —BASED, It was, on 19610000             —THE book "My 30—YEARS—BACKSTAIRS at THE—WHITE—HOUSE" by Lillian Rogers Parks (19970000              † age 100).
19790129             BRENDA—SPENCER (19620000              *), 1—TEENAGER in S—DIEGO, shot up 1—ELEMENTARY school, killing 2—PEOPLE and wounding 9.
19790129             BRENDA—SPENCER told police she did it because, "I don't like Mondays".
19800129             gold's previous SINGLE—DAY—RECORD was a $64—GAIN.
19810129             —TERMINATED, PRESIDENT—REAGAN—EXECUTIVE—ORDER 12288, wage and price controls.
19840129             —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—RONALD—REAGAN, that he would run for a 2. term.
19840129             —REPORTED, It was, that SF Muni administrators were rushing to implement a $1.9—MILLION—SECURITY—PLAN due to major losses from lax security at its maintenance yards.
19850129             —TRUCKED, SF, THE—USA—ARMY, the historic Goldie Shack from 485 34. Ave. to the Presidio, where it will be stored and eventually reopened to the public.
19850129             It was 1—OF 5,610 shacks built in 19060000—19070000     to house earthquake refugees.
19850129             The 34. Ave site will be used for 1—SHOPPING mall.
19860129             YOWERI—MUSEVENI erobert mit seiner National Resistance Army die ugandische HAUPTSTADT—KAMPALA und setzt Staatspräsident Tito Okello ab.
19870000             habe der KGB ihm auf einer Moskaureise geschmeichelt, berichtet der "GUARDIAN".
19870000             besuchte Trump mit seiner 1. Frau Ivana unter anderem Moskau.
19870129             Die Oper Habemeajaja von BORIS—BLACHER wird an der Akademie der Künste in BERLIN uraufgeführt.
19880129             1—BOSTON—BOUND—AMTRAK train derailed in Chester, Penn., injuring 25—PEOPLE.
19890129             Bei den letzten Wahlen zum Abgeordnetenhaus im eigenständigen WEST—BERLIN
19890129             —SCHEITERT, die FDP, an der 5—PROZENT—HÜRDE, wodurch
19890129             SPD und die Alternative Liste überraschend die Mehrheit erreichen und
19890129             —IN der Folge, WALTER—MOMPER (SPD), ablöst, EBERHARD—DIEPGEN (CDU) als Regierender BÜRGERMEISTER—VON—BERLIN.
19890129             Die rechtsgerichteten Republikaner schaffen den Einzug ins Stadtparlament.
19890129             SEE OBSERVER.
19890129             —SUFFERED, WEST—GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—HELMUT—KOHL—CHRISTIAN—DEMOCRATIC—UNION, a major setback in WEST—BERLIN municipal elections.
19900129             FORMER—EXXON Valdez skipper JOSEPH—HAZELWOOD went on trial in ANCHORAGE—ALASKA, on charges stemming from the nation's worst oil spill;
19900129             Hazelwood —LATER was ACQUITTED—OF—THE—MAJOR—CHARGES and convicted of 1—MISDEMEANOR.
19910126—20000129    —CONVICTED, Jessy CARLOS—SAN—MIGUEL was, and executed in HUNTSVILLE by lethal injection.
19910129             —ASSURED, In his STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS, PRESIDENT—BUSH, Americans that the war against IRAQ would be won and that the recession at home would end in short order.
19910129             Extraordinary security measures were in effect for the 1. wartime STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS—SINCE THE—VIETNAM era.
19910129             —ATTACKED, IRAQ—FORCES, into SAUDI—ARABIA—TOWN—OF—KAFJI, but were turned back by Coalition forces.
19910129             Updated: 20040309              TechHandle:
19920129             SOUTH—DISTRICT—OF—FLORIDA...
19920129             —PRESENTED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, a $1.2—TRILLION budget plan.
19920129             † WILLIE—DIXON, 76—JAHRE—ALT, blues composer (Backdoor Man).
19920129             —UNVEILED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—BORIS—YELTSIN, 1—AMBITIOUS—PLAN to cut nuclear weapons spending and said his republic's weapons would no longer be aimed at ANY—USA—TARGETS.
19920129             1—MULTINATIONAL—MIDDLE—EAST—PEACE—CONFERENCE ended in MOSCOW with participants sounding upbeat.
19920129             SOUTH—DISTRICT—OF—FLORIDA... - -19820000             . - IRAQ
19920129—19800000    -19880000           .
19920129—20030000    SOGHANALIAN SARKIS G.
19920129—20030000    SOGHANALIAN SARKIS G...
19920129—20070327    —DATE
19930129—19930715    —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, that he was ordering the draft of 1—FORMAL directive to end the longstanding ban on homosexuals in THE—USA—MILITARY.
19940129             —APPROVED, JAPAN—PARLIAMENT, watershed measures to stem political corruption.
19940129             —KICKED, SOUTH—AFRICA, NELSON—MANDELA, off his party's campaign for the country's 1. multiracial elections.
19950129             —BECAME, THE—S—FRANCISCO 49ers, the 1. team in NFL history to win 5—SUPER—BOWL titles, beating THE—S—DIEGO—CHARGERS, 49-26.
19960129             Der französische Staatspräsident JACQUES—CHIRAC gibt das Einstellen weiterer französischer Kernwaffentests bekannt.
19960129             Das Teatro La Fenice in Venedig brennt zur Gänze ab.
19960129             THE—FDA was about to approve Redux, 1—DRUG to help reduce obesity.
19960129             It was to be marketed by USA—HOME—PRODUCTS.
19960129             It is chemically known as dexfenfluramine, 1—CLOSE cousin of Prozax.
19960129             This CLASS—OF—DRUGS raise the levels of serotonin in the brain, which provides 1—FEELING—OF—FULLNESS and satisfaction.
19960129             1—NAVY F—14—FIGHTER jet crashed in NASHVILLE—TENNESSEE, demolishing 3—HOUSES and killing 5—PEOPLE.
19960129             —ORDERED, FRANCE—PRESIDENT—JACQUES—CHIRAC, 1—EARLY—END to underground nuclear tests in THE—SOUTH—PACIFIC.
19960129             —BURNED, VENICE—ITALY, THE—204—YEAR—OLD La Felice opera house, down.
19960129             —DETERMINED, It was —LATER, by experts to have been caused by arson.
19960129—19990927    —SCHEDULED, It was, to be reconstructed and finished.
19960129—20030000    —IN, ITALY—TOP—CRIMINAL—COURT upheld convictions on arson charges for ENRICO—CARELLA and fellow electrician Massimiliano Marchetti, sentencing them to 7 and 6—YEARS in jail respectively.
19960129—20050000    —AUTHORED, JOHN—BERENDT, "THE—CITY—OF—FALLING—ANGELS," which centered on the burning of La Fenice.
19960129—20070000    —ARRESTED, Carella was, in MEXICO.
19970129             Threatened with lawsuits across the country, AMERICAN—ONLINE agreed to give refunds to frustrated customers unable to log on —AFTER AOL offered 1—FLAT $19.95-a-month rate.
19970129             † THOMAS—DANIEL—YOUNG, PROFESSOR—OF—ENGLISH at Vanderbilt and leading authority on LITERATURE—OF—THE—USA—SOUTH.
19970129             —INCLUDED, His work : "THE—LITERATURE—OF—THE—SOUTH," "Conversations With MALCOLM—COWLEY," "TENNESSEE Writers," and "Gentleman in 1—DUSTCOAT: 1—BIOGRAPHY—OF—JOHN—CROWE—RANSOM".
19970129             CHINA, THE—SUPREME—PEOPLE—COURT upheld the death sentence for businesswoman HAN—YUJI, THE—FORMER—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—JILIN province Yuquan Industrial and Trade Co., for fraud that involved as much as $43—MILLION.
19970129             —EXECUTED, She was —IMMEDIATELY.
19970129             JAPAN, TATSUO—TOMOBE, member of the upper HOUSE—OF—PARLIAMENT, was arrested and ACCUSED—OF—FRAUD.
19970129             —RAISED, He had, $75—MILLION by offering high yields on deposits and using it to finance political ambitions.
19970129             —JOINED, MONGOLIA, the World Trade Organization (WTO).
19970129             PAKISTAN, THE—SUPREME—COURT—UPHELD—BHUTTO—DISMISSAL and ordered new elections to proceed.
19970129             —RETIRED, SOUTH—AFRICAN—WOUTER, Basson, BRIGADIER general, was arrested for selling 1,000 TABLETS—OF—THE—DRUG—ECSTASY to undercover police.
19980129             KANADA—JAPAN, Russland, die USA sowie die Mitgliedstaaten der europäischen ESA schließen den Vertrag über den Bau der Internationalen Raumstation ISS ab.
19980129             —RULED, THE—JUDGE—IN—THE—PAULA—JONES—CASE, that allegations in the current CLINTON—LEWINSKY scandal will not be admitted in the Jones case.
19980129             BIRMINGHAM—ALABAMA, the New Woman, All Woman Health Care [abortion] Clinic was bombed.
19980129             † ROBERT—SANDERSON, 35—JAHRE—ALT, 1—MOONLIGHTING police officer, was killed and EMILY—LYONS, 1—NURSE, was critically injured.
19980129             1—NOTE was —LATER received claiming the "ARMY—OF—GOD" was responsible.
19980129             —ARRESTED, Suspect ERIC—ROBERT—RUDOLPH, 31—JAHRE—ALT—OF—NORTH—CAROLINA was, 20030531           .
19980129             THE—USA, RUSSIA and 13—OTHER nations of the European Space Agency agreed to cooperate on building 1—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION.
19980129             THE—3—DAY—MUSLIM Eid AL—FITR festival began celebrating the closing of the holy —MONTH of Ramadan.
19980129             —STEPPED, JAPAN, Finance Vice MINISTER—TAKESHI—KOMURA, down in the bribery scandal and said "the responsibility is all mine".
19980129             1—GAS—EXPLOSION on 1—RUSSIA—NUCLEAR sub killed THE—CAPTAIN and injured at least 4—SAILORS.
19980129—20050000    —CONVICTED, Rudolph was, and sentenced to life in prison.
19990129             —DELIVERED, THE—SENATE, subpoenas for Monica Lewinsky and 2—PRESIDENTIAL—ADVISERS for private, videotaped testimony in the impeachment trial.
19990129             —REJECTED, ATTORNEY—GENERAL—JANET—RENO, 1—SPECIAL—PROSECUTOR—INVESTIGATION—OF—HAROLD—ICKES, saying there was clear and convincing evidence that THE—FORMER—WHITE—HOUSE—AIDE did not intend to lie to 1—SENATE—COMMITTEE looking into campaign finances.
19990129             —STABBED, VIRGINIA, PAUL—WARNER—POWELL, 20—JAHRE—ALT, and killed Stacie Reed (16).
19990129             —RAPED, He also, and attempted to kill her sister (14).
19990129             THE—USA and major European allies SEPTEMBER 19990219              as 1—DEADLINE for Serbia to accept 1—PEACE—PLAN in Kosovo or face NATO—BOMBING.
19990129             —FROM CHINA it was reported that police were ordered to arrest people posting ANTI—GOVERNMENT remarks on computer networks.
19990129—19980000    —REPORTED, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL, that ETHIOPIA had forcefully deported 52,000 Eritreans —SINCE THE—ERUPTION—OF—WAR.
19990129—20100318    —EXECUTED, Powell was.
20000129             JOE—MONTANA and RONNIE—LOTT, architects of S—FRANCISCO—SUPER—BOWL dynasty, were among 5—INDIVIDUALS elected to the Pro Football Hall of Fame.
20000129             —KILLED, ARRIS—ALGERIA, 11—COMMUNITY—GUARDS were, by Islamic MILITANTS—OF—THE—SALAFIST—GROUP for Preaching and Combat led by HASSAN—HATTAB.
20000129             MONTREAL—CANADA, the 1. INTERNATIONAL agreement on genetically modified agricultural products was produced.
20000129             —REQUIRED, THE—UN—SPONSORED "CARTAGENA Protocol on Biosafety", exporters to label modified products with the label "May contain living modified organisms".
20000129             —ADDRESSED, SWITZERLAND, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, the World Economic Forum at Davos and urged corporate leaders to help lift THE—BURDEN—OF—DEBT from developing countries and to examine environmental concerns.
20000129             —DEMONSTRATED, Some 10000000              protestors, outside.
20001231             As we start the new —MILLENNIUM 20010101299912       31—DATE—CAN we please have less speeches & less politics in our everyday lives?
20010100             THOUSANDS—OF—STUDENT—PROTESTERS in INDONESIA storm PARLIAMENT and demand that PRESIDENT—ABDURRAHMAN—WAHID resign due to alleged
20010129             —PROMISED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, to "act boldly and swiftly" to address the nation's energy problems, and directed VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY to HEAD—1—TASK—FORCE to develop 1—ENERGY—STRATEGY.
20010129             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, 1—EXECUTIVE—ORDER creating 1—NEW—WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICE—OF—FAITH—BASED and Community Initiatives.
20010129             —ARRESTED, AL—DEGUZMAN, 19—JAHRE—ALT was, in S—JOSE —AFTER 1—PHOTO lab clerk reported pictures of him in front of 1—ARSENAL—OF—WEAPONS.
20010129             A 158-page diary was found labeled "Plan X2" for a 20010130              attack at De Anza College in Cupertino.
20010129             —SENTENCED, He was, to 7—YEARS in prison.
20010129             —ANNOUNCED, DaimlerChrysler, it was eliminating 26,000 jobs at its MONEY—LOSING Chrysler division.
20010129             At least 110—AFGHANISTAN—REFUGEES froze to death in camps near HERAT.
20010129             —REINSTATED, CHILE, JUDGE—GUZMAN, his case against GENERAL—PINOCHET.
20010129             —MARCHED, INDONESIA, some 10,000 protesters, in JAKARTA over corruption scandals that allegedly involved PRESIDENT—WAHID.
20010129             —KILLED, ISRAEL—,1—ISRAEL—MOTORIST was, in THE—WEST—BANK—AS—YASSER—ARAFAT reversed —EARLIER rhetoric and sent 1—MESSAGE for peace.
20010129             —CLASHED, Demonstrators in Turin, with police —FOLLOWING 1—AGREEMENT between FRANCE and ITALY to establish 1—HIGH—SPEED—RAIL—LINE between Turin and LYON.
20010129             SERBIA—THROWN hand grenades hit 1—ETHNIC—ALBANIA—HOME in Kosovo.
20010129             † 1—PERSON was killed, 2 injured and NATO—PEACEKEEPERS broke up 1—ENSUING riot.
20010129             —REGAINED, TANZANIA—POLICE, control in ZANZIBAR —FOLLOWING weekend street battles that left 40—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20010129             "Defector: IRAQ Has Nuclear Bombs,"JERUSALEM Post"
20010129             Saddam Has Made 2—ATOMIC—BOMBS, Says IRAQ—DEFECTOR," —SUNDAY Telegraph (LONDON)...
20010129—20020000    —IN, DeGuzman was found guilty of 108—FELONY accounts.
20010813—20010129    2001
20010911             —THE Commission —REPORT, A 571-Page Lie
20010911             Have we been lied to?
20010911             Truth Seen at DC Peace Rally-
20020000             [20020129             ]
20020129             USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—NORDKOREA, In seiner Rede zur Lage der Nation, der 1. —NACH—DEN Anschlägen des 20020911             , rechnet, IRAN und Irak zu einer Achse des Bösen.
20020129             —ASKED, Bush, SENATOR—MAJ.Lead.T.DaschleD personally to limit 20020911              probes ! ! !
20020129             In his 1. STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS, PRESIDENT—BUSH named... ships were activated and ordered to be operational no —LATER than 20020122         .
20020129             AAJ—ASSOCIAÇÃO AMERICANA de Juristas...
20020129             THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMISSION—OF—HUMAN—RIGHTS must request USA consent to make 1—OBSERVATION—VISIT " in loco " to GUANTANAMO base...
20020129             BUSH ASKED SENAT—MAJORITY—LEADER—TOM—DASCHLE D personally to limit 20010911              probes ! ! !
20020129             BUSH ASKED SENAT—MAJORITY—LEADER—TOM—DASCHLE D personally to limit...
20020129             reported that both THE—PRESIDENT—AND—VP personally phoned up SENAT—MAJORITY—LEADER—TOM—DASCHLE and threatened him about his INVESTIGATION—OF—THE—INTELLIGENCE—FAILURES that preceeded 20010911           .
20020129             On -
20020129             PRESIDENT—BUSH made his 1. STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS and declared that the "war against terror is only beginning".
20020129             —SINGLED, Bush, out IRAN, IRAQ and NORTH—KOREA as an "axis of evil".
20020129             —APPEALED, He also, to Americans to volunteer for community services.
20020129             The "axis of evil" phrase was CO—COINED by BUSH—SPEECHWRITER—DAVID—FRUM.
20020129             —RECEIVED, Actor HAROLD—RUSSELL, 88—JAHRE—ALT, who, 2—OSCARS for his sensitive portrayal of 1 disabled veteran in "THE—BEST—YEARS—OF—OUR—LIVES," † in NEEDHAM—MASSACHUSETTS.
20020129             CHINA, Xu Zerong (DAVID—TSUI), 1—HONG—KONG—BASED historian, was sentenced to 13—YEARS in prison for providing classified historical documents, pertaining to CHINA—OPERATIONS —DURING the Korean war, to unspecified overseas parties.
20020129             YORIKO—KAWAGUCHI was soon chosen to replace her.
20020129             4—OTHERS were wounded in gunfire.
20020129             —DEFIED, SOUTH—AFRICAN—DOCTORS, Without Borders, patent law and imported 1—GENERIC—AIDS—DRUG from BRAZIL.
20020129             AAJ—ASSOCIAÇÃO AMERICANA de Juristas... THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMISSION—OF—HUMAN—RIGHTS must request USA consent to make 1—OBSERVATION—VISIT " in loco " to GUANTANAMO base...
20020129             —ASKED, Bush, SENATOR—MAJ.Lead.T.DaschleD personally to limit Sept.". - - 26. - Bush asks Daschle to limit
20020129             2000000000              Bush,G.W.e.a.THE.". - ".. —TODAY
20020129             —ASKED, Bush, SENATOR—MAJ.Lead.T.DaschleD personally to limit 20010911              probes ! ! !
20020129             16.
20020129             —ASKED, Bush, SENATOR—MAJ.Lead.T.DaschleD personally to limit...
20020129             —ASKED, Bush, SENATOR—MAJ.Lead.T.Daschle D personally to limit 20020911              probes!
20020129             Attacking IRAQ—COUNTDOWN Timeline
20020129             Danske NYHEDER—AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL - Danmark
20020129             GEORGE—W—BUSH : STATE—OF—THE—UNION, 20020129              - Politics News... GEORGE—W—BUSH : STATE—OF—THE—UNION,
20020129             —ON
20020129—20110623    —RELEASED, Zerong (57) was, from GUANGZHOU Prison in SOUTH—GUANGDONG province's capital city.
20020728             14. 20020129              Bush
20020728             the bush nazi coke moonie connection 14. 20020129              Bush asked SENATOR—MAJ.Lead.T.DaschleD personally to limit 20010911              probes ! ! !
20021129             - (9—QUOTES) 2. - - noname46.html 20020129              Bush asked SENATOR—MAJ.Lead.T.DaschleD personally to limit Sept.".
20030129             ÜBERBLICK—OVERVIEW - Resumo - * - - SPRÜCHE—SAYINGS - DITADOS
20030129             Straw, Jack, Foreign SECRETARY, has ADMITTED—OIL is 1—KEY—FACTOR - DISCLAIMER 001. Goethe, Entgegnung
20030129             DISCLAIMER 002—SLAVES—OF—OUR Desires THE—GUARDIAN—OF—LONDON - 20020325
20030129             THE—USA—OF—AMERICA—HAS—GONE—MAD
20030129             THE—BODY—OF—ABDELMALEK—BENBARA, 41—JAHRE—ALT, 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—ALGERIAN—PRIME—MINISTER—PARTY reported missing 20030117             , was found in 1—CAR in PARIS.
20030129             Straw, Jack, Foreign SECRETARY, has ADMITTED—OIL is 1—KEY—FACTOR
20030129             "Der Lauf dieser Nation hängt nicht von den Entscheidungen anderer ab", sagte BUSH in der 2. Rede zur Lage der Nation seiner Amtszeit.
20030129             "Dieses Land steht vor vielen Herausforderungen.
20030129             —AFTER all, we are not studying newspaper stories critically, we are reading with our guard down + these PACKAGINGS—OF—MISINFORMATION,
20030129             pitched, altered, replaced if they don't fly,
20030129             nevertheless remain in our heads, remain as impressions, joining 1—EVER—GROWING CLUTTER—OF—MIS—IMPRESSION,
20030129             coloring our VIEW—OF—THE—WORLD—UNTIL we can hardly see at all.
20030129             The "NeoCons" of THE—USA—OF—AMERICA
20030129             Mitautoren waren JR BOLTON + ELIOT—COHEN + LEWIS—LIBBY + DOV ZAKHEIM + STEPHEN—CAMBONE.
20030129             Zu den Unterzeichnern der Gründungserklärung des "Project for the New USA—CENTURY..
20030129             —GETOETET, Irak/USA: 2—USA—BESATZER //Angriff auf Abizaid
20030129             ZAKHEIM widersprach Aussagen ranghoher Militärangehöriger, wonach —BEREITS 20000900              dieses Geld verbraucht sei.
20030129             Man werde —ZUNÄCHST beobachten.
20030129             WISSEN—FORUM Bildung FOCUS Online in Kooperation mit MSN
20030129             DOV ZAKHEIM, Under SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE, Comptroller + CHIEF—FINANCIAL...
20030129             —ATTENDED, ZAKHEIM, attended JEW—COLLEGE in LONDON + became 1—ORDAINED—RABBI.
20030129             WASHINGTON Info - ZAKHEIM + UNDERSECRETARY—OF—STATE—ALAN—LARSON teilten mit... Auf Nachfrage weigerte sich ZAKHEIM, genaue Information über die Anzahl der noch im...
20030129             Diplomatie auf Hochtouren | Fokus Irak | Deutsche Welle
20030129             Dagegen hätten Deutschland, Frankreich + Russland bislang keine Hilfe angeboten, sagte ZAKHEIM.
20030129             Auf die Frage, ob diese 3—STAATEN als Investoren.
20030129             Wenn uns Krieg aufgezwungen wird, werden wir für eine gerechte Sache mit gerechten Mitteln KÄMPFEN—DIE Unschuldigen.
20030129             in jeder uns möglichen Weise
20030129             Unterstützt wurden die Mudschaheddin damals von den USA. und AL—QAIDA —CHEF—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20030129             der seinerseits von der CIA mit Waffen beliefert wurde.
20030129             Von großen MENGEN—DER—WAFFEN selbst ist keine Rede mehr.
20030129             JARED—ISRAEL
20030129             —PREDICTED, THE—CONGRESSIONAL—BUDGET—OFFICE, the current —YEAR—FEDERAL—DEFICIT would soar to $199—BILLION even without PRESIDENT—BUSH—NEW—TAX cut plan or war against IRAQ.
20030129             AOL Time Warner —POSTED 1—RECORD $98.7—BILLION loss, the biggest in corporate history.
20030129             It included a $45.5—BILLION write down on the value of AOL.
20030129             —KILLED, KINSTON, NC, 6—PEOPLE were, and dozens injured in 1—EXPLOSION at WEST—PHARMACEUTICALS.
20030129             † LESLIE—FIEDLER, 85—JAHRE—ALT, author and literary critic, in BUFFALO—NEW—YORK.
20030129             LESLIE—FIEDLER'S 19600000              "Love and Death in THE—USA—NOVEL" analyzed THE—WORK—OF—MARK—TWAIN, ERNEST—HEMINGWAY and others.
20030129             —SLASHED, TEXAS, TRAVIS—RUNNELS, the throat of STANLEY—WILEY, 38—JAHRE—ALT, 1—SUPERVISOR at 1—STATE—PRISON shoe factory, —WHILE serving a 70-year sentence for aggravated robbery.
20030129             —INCLUDED, His efforts, the addition of Capitol Reef and Canyonlands to the national park system.
20030129             USA—TROOPS took Haji Shahzada (50) from his rural AFGHANISTAN—HOME in the early HOURS—OF—THE—MORNING and sent him on 1—BIZARRE—JOURNEY to prison in CUBA.
20030129             —RETURNED, Shahzada spent 4—YEARS in jail —BEFORE being, home with 1—LETTER—OF—INNOCENCE.
20030129             BRITAIN, THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC, DENMARK, HUNGARY, ITALY, POLAND, PORTUGAL and SPAIN, signed 1—OPEN—LETTER calling on the peace camp, implicitly GERMANY, FRANCE and RUSSIA, to rally to THE—USA—STANDARD against IRAQ.
20030129             BELGIUM said oil leaking from the sunken cargo ship Tricolor (20031214             ) is washing up on THE—BELGIUM—COASTLINE, damaging wildlife and beaches.
20030129             —LOOTED, CAMBODIA, protesters, and set fire to THE—THAILAND—EMBASSY in PHNOM—PENH.
20030129             —QUOTED, The protest was against 1—THAI—TV—STAR who was, in the media as saying CAMBODIA had stolen the famous Angkor Wat temple from THAILAND.
20030129             —RESPONDED, IRAQ, to CHIEF—INSPECTOR—HANS—BLIX—TOUGH—ASSESSMENT—OF—ITS—DISARMAMENT, accusing him of misrepresenting its RECORD—OF—COMPLIANCE, offering SOME—NEW—INFORMATION and pledging continued cooperation.
20030129             —VOTED, Montenegro lawmakers, to abolish YUGOSLAVIA and replace it with 1—LOOSE—UNION—OF—SEMI—INDEPENDENT—STATES called Serbia and Montenegro.
20030129             RUSSIA—BORDER—GUARD—SERVICE said THE—USA—LED—ANTI—TERROR—OPERATION in AFGHANISTAN has done nothing to reduce the flow of illegal drugs from that country.
20030129             ".. bedroht die Wirtschaft $ POLITIK—VON—USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH. Überblick: DOW JONES 8.077,87 $ -0,14% Gestiegene.".
20030129             ".. sich am —MITTWOCH im Verlauf weiter von der Rede von Bush [BGW968] zur Lage der Nation belastet und tendieren schwach. —BIS.".
20030129             ".. Punkte. Die USA verfügen nach ANSICHT—VON—USA—PRÄSIDENT—BUSH über ausreichende Gründe für einen Krieg.".
20030129             ".. gesetzlich vorgegeben sind. Das Konjunkturprogramm von Bush [BGW968], das in den kommenden 10—JAHREN 674—MILLIARDEN Dollar.".
20030129             ".. unter Hinweis auf die Rede des USA—PRÄSIDENTEN Bush [BGW968] zur Lage der Nation. "Man kann uns beschuldigen.".
20030129             ".. und in PORTUGAL um 3,5—PROZENT zurück. -------------- BUSH,G.W: —JAHR für —JAHR hat Saddam Hussein enorme.".
20030129             ".. hängt nicht von den Entscheidungen anderer ab", sagte Bush.
20030129             Nach ANSICHT—VON—SPD—FRAKTIONSVIZE—GERNOT—ERLER: hat.".
20030129             ".. "Es entsteht doch die Frage, warum Beweise, die laut Bush vorliegen, nicht längst den Uno zur Verfügung.".
20030129             ".. wieder von lang anhaltendem Applaus unterbrochen wurde, drohte Bush dem Irak erneut militärische Gewalt an. Sollte.".
20030129             ".. hängt nicht von den Entscheidungen anderer ab", sagte Bush in der 2. Rede zur Lage der Nation seiner Amtszeit.".
20030129             ".. Präsidenten und andere Generationen weitergeben", sagte Bush 1—ZUKUNFT, in der das Leben schrecklichen Drohungen.".
20030129             ".. Übel ist, dann hat übel keine Bedeutung ", sagte Bush.
20030129             16—MONATE —NACH—DEN Terroranschlägen des 11..".
20030129             ".. Septembers und dem Beginn des Kampfes gegen den Terrorismus sagte Bush : "Der Krieg dauert an + wir gewinnen ihn"..".
20030129             ".. Terroristen die Bedeutung von amerikanischer Gerechtigkeit".
20030129             Bush kündigte die Einrichtung eines Bundeszentrums an.".
20030129             ".. werden sollen. Unter Berufung auf Geheimdienstquellen sagte Bush, Saddam Hussein unterstütze und schütze.".
20030129             ".. oder ihnen helfen, ihre eigenen zu entwickeln", sagte Bush.
20030129             Mit Blick auf die Terroristen des 11. Septembers sagte.".
20030129             ".. Bush. Mit Blick auf die Terroristen des 11. Septembers sagte Bush : "Stellen Sie sich diese 19—ENTFÜHRER mit.".
20030129             ".. oder anzugreifen".
20030129             —GERICHTET, An das irakische Volk, sagte Bush : "Euer Feind hat Euer Land nicht umstellt, Euer.".
20030129             18. 20030115              THE—USA—OF—AMERICA—HAS—GONE—MAD
20030129             ".. but it was he who made it possible. Without OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, the Bush junta would still be trying to explain such tricky.".
20030129             ".. thoroughly decent and humane people — in IRAQ—LIVES?
20030129             —SUCCEEDED, How Bush and his junta, in deflecting AMERICA's.".
20030129             ".. and fear. The carefully orchestrated neurosis should carry Bush and his fellow conspirators nicely into the next &bdquo.".
20030129             ".. the next "election". Those who are not with MISTER—BUSH are against him. Worse, they are with the enemy. Which.".
20030129             ".. with the enemy. Which is odd, because I'm dead against Bush, but I would love to see SADDAM—DOWNFALL &mdash.".
20030129             ".. perhaps the most sickening aspect of this surreal WAR—TO—BE. Bush has 1—ARM—LOCK on God. And God has very particular.".
20030129             ".. are equal in His sight, if not in 1—ANOTHER'S, the Bush family numbers 1—PRESIDENT, 1—EX—PRESIDENT, 1—EX.".
20030129             ".. THE—EX—GOVERNOR—OF—TEXAS. Care for 1—FEW pointers?
20030129             Bush [BGW968], 1978000084            : senior executive, Arbusto Energy/Bush.".
20030129             ".. GEORGE—W—BUSH, 1978000084            : senior executive, Arbusto Energy/ Bush Exploration, an oil company; 1986000090            : senior executive.".
20030129             ".. CIA believes that "somebody" was Saddam. Hence Bush JR—CRY: "That man tried to kill my Daddy.".
20030129             ".. you must also believe in Absolute Good and Absolute Evil + Bush, with 1—LOT—OF—HELP from his friends, family and God.".
20030129             ".. friends, family and God, is there to tell us which is which. What Bush won't tell us is the truth about why we're.".
20030129             ".. misfortune is to sit on the 2. biggest oilfield in the world. Bush wants it + who helps him get it will receive 1—PIECE.".
20030129             ".. —HOUR, world protest and 1—IMPROBABLY emboldened UN will force Bush to put his gun —BACK—IN his holster unfired. But what.".
20030129             ".. policy".
20030129             There is 1—MIDDLE—WAY, but it's 1—TOUGH 1: Bush dives in without UN approval and Blair stays on the.".
20030129             ".. "Can I watch it on television?" "Only if MISTER—BUSH says you can". "And afterwards, will.".
20030129             19. 20030310              Imperialismus sans Phrase
20030129             ".. Bush wandte sich in seiner wöchentlichen Hö.".
20030129             ".. sidenten JACQUES—CHIRAC. ----- USA—PRÄSIDENT—BUSH [BGW968] sagte am —SAMSTAG, einem Diktator wie Saddam Hussein zu.".
20030129             ".. aufgehetzt werden. Dann wäre der selbst ernannte Gotteskrieger Bush dafür verantwortlich, dass die 18000000              Jahre alte.".
20030129             ".. lgeschäft betätigt. Cheney fungierte im Kabinett GEORGE—BUSH—SENIORS als Verteidigungsminister und lenkte in dieser.".
20030129             ".. scharfe Kritik an der IRAK—POLITIK seines Nachfolgers Bush [BGW968]. 1—KRIEG—GEGEN—DEN—IRAK sei "ungerecht" und.".
20030129             ".. sie nicht ernst genommen. Inzwischen geben die Falken in der BUSH—REGIERUNG den Ton an. --- So bekennt der einstige CIA.".
20030129             ".. katastrophale EREIGNIS—AM 20010911             — eingetreten war, sah Bush den rechten Zeitpunkt gekommen. Wenig später.".
20030129             ".. Bush den rechten Zeitpunkt gekommen. Wenig später ordnete Bush per geheimem Exekutivbefehl nicht nur den Kreuzzug.".
20030129             ".. VIELE—AMERIKANER allerdings glaubten offenbar eher der CIA, die Bush öffentlich widersprach: CIA sehe keine Verbindung.".
20030129             ".. Fehlen von Massenvernichtungswaffen") - und, ebenso wie Bush, mit sinnentstellend verkürzten Zitaten aus dem.".
20030129             ".. Kolbow selbst erklärte, er habe USA—PRÄSIDENT—BUSH [BGW968] nicht als Diktator bezeichnet, sondern von einer ".".
20030129             ".. Resolutionsentwurf abzulehnen. USA—PRÄSIDENT—BUSH [BGW968] sagte am —SAMSTAG, einem Diktator wie Saddam Hussein zu.".
20030129             ".. tig, außerdem darf es kein Veto geben. Allerdings hat Bush klar gemacht, dass die USA eine "Koalition der.".
20030129             ".. tzung Großbritanniens, Spaniens und Bulgariens sicher. Bush wandte sich in seiner wöchentlichen Hö.".
20030129             ".. " Damit ist es nun offensichtlich vorbei.
20030129             Die Regierung Bush hat die Vorteile einer schwachen Währung schä.".
20030129             ".. CLINTON—JAHREN gelten die Vereinigten Staaten des Bush [BGW968] nicht mehr als das unumstritten attraktivste Land.".
20030129             20. - 00_000_2003—LINKS_today.html
20030129             ".. der Antichrist? GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH is THE—ANTI—CHRIST
20030129             ".. Bush is THE—ANTI—CHRIST —HARSCHE Kritik: Die Bush WACKER—BRIGADE.".
20030129             ".. Das BUSH—REGIME"  GWBush_COM—FAST offiziell
20030129             ".. - Gagarama: Sammlung von ätzend unverschämten BUSH—BILDERN
20030129             ".. tzend unverschämten BUSH—BILDERN
20030129             180303 warblogg.html --20030318              USA—PRESSESTIMMEN ZUR BUSH—REDE "Sorgt sich Bush um die Menschen oder das Öl?" Ein klarer.".
20030129             ".. Vereinten NATIONEN—SO werten USA—AMERIKANISCHE Medien die Rede von Bush, GEORGE—W—DIE—KOMMENTATOREN bewerten den Kriegskurs.".
20030129             ".. 15180000             ,240813,00.html FAMILIEN—VON—GOLFKRIEGSOPFERN klagen gegen Bush senior Während Bush, GEORGE—W junior für.".
20030129             ".. von Golfkriegsopfern klagen gegen Bush senior Während Bush, GEORGE—W junior für einen neuen Golfkrieg.".
20030129             ".. GEORGE—W junior für einen neuen Golfkrieg trommelt, hat Bush, GEORGE—W senior eine Klage am HALS—AUS dem letzten.".
20030129             ".. Neulich träumte ich von Bagdad. Ich träumte, Bush [BGW968] und DONALD—RUMSFELD würden am —TAG des geplanten.".
20030129             ".. ------- USA stellen sich auf erhöhte Terrorgefahr 1—BUSH ordnete zudem 1—ERHÖHUNG—DER—ANSCHLAGSWARNSTUFE.".
20030129             "Händler gehen nach der Rede von USA—PRÄSIDENT—BUSH [BGW968] in der Nacht zum —DIENSTAG auch in den kommenden 2 .".
20030129             22. 20000500              SKULL & BONES SIGNIFICANT REVELATIONS ON KEYNAMES S&B.
20030129             ".. <<<MAINPAGE<<<<<<<< " Bush, GEORGE—W, Knight of Eulogia GENERATIONAL WITCHCRAFT.".
20030129             ".. GEORGE—W, Knight of Eulogia GENERATIONAL WITCHCRAFT " Bush men have been Yale men and Bonesmen for generations.
20030129             ".. "Bush men have been Yale men and Bonesmen for generations.
20030129             Bush, Bush, Prescott, GEORGE—W—GRANDFATHER, Yale 19170000             , was.".
20030129             ".. been Yale men and Bonesmen for generations. Bush, Bush, Prescott, GEORGE—W—GRANDFATHER, Yale 19170000             , was 1—LEGENDARY.".
20030129             ".. grandfather, Yale 19170000             , was 1—LEGENDARY—BONESMAN... There were other Bush Bonesmen, 1—PROUD—LINE—OF them stretching from great.".
20030129             ".. stretching from great uncle Walker, JUNIOR, GEORGE—HERBERT uncle to Bush Jonathan to cousins Walker, GEORGE—HERBERT—III +.".
20030129             ".. Rockefeller Carnegie, Ford, Weyerhauser, Roosevelt, Taft, Bundy, and Bush "THE—TAFT family has been 1—IMPORTANT bloodline.".
20030129             ".. been 1—IMPORTANT bloodline in the Skull and Bones. GEORGE—BUSH is related to both the Taft family and the Merovingians.".
20030129             ".. generational witchcraft tie to UK—ROYALTY!
20030129             But, what about GEORGE—BUSH and his family?
20030129             This article has already told us that.".
20030129             ".. making GEORGE—W a "legacy tap". However, the true Bush bloodline is really EYE—POPPING. Listen: "GEORGE.".
20030129             ".. Bush bloodline is really EYE—POPPING. Listen: "GEORGE—BUSH is the descendent of the 13. top Illuminati family.".
20030129             23. 20020919              Flung under the flags of evil - 7. —DAY adventists role in ruanda genocide??
20030129             ".. —DAY adventists role in ruanda genocide?? ' * - index.HTML—BUSH—REAL—GOAL [s,$......, ] In....,d,f..........".
20030129             ".. Menschenverstand. ["common sense"] * **** Seinen ganz an Bush angelehnten Kurs begründete Bliar auch damit, dass.".
20030129             ".. Hitler (Reuters News Service 20020919             ) WASHINGTON—PRESIDENT—BUSH—SPOKESMAN on —THURSDAY expressed outrage that GERMANY.".
20030129             ".. outrage that GERMANY—JUSTICE—MINISTER drew 1—LINK between BUSH—SABER—RATTLING on IRAQ to the tactics used by Nazi.".
20030129             ".. s justice MINISTER, HERTA—DAEUBLER—GMELIN, as saying " Bush wants to divert attention from his domestic problems.
20030129             ".. Nazi........) ___________ ********** ******* ***** *** ** * BUSH—WORDS—CAN—GO—TO—THE—BLUNT—EDGE—OF—TROUBLE—SHOOTING.".
20030129             ".. Trouble Shooting from the hip, which has always been PART—OF—BUSH—APPEAL, —NOW has global consequences. "We have to.".
20030129             ".. pressures," - Buchanan -_______________________________ Bush Denounces IRAQ At DENVER—GOP—FUNDRAISER—WHILE 2,000 .".
20030129             ".. Protestors Demonstrate Outside 1—WOMAN who said she thinks BUSH—POLICIES are NAZI—LIKE was holding 1—SIGN with a.".
20030129             ".. Republican elephant. She attracted 1—LOT—OF—ANGRY remarks from Bush supporters. "1—COUPLE—OF—REPUBLICANS told me they.".
20030129             24. - !! Warnung : Hier wird versucht, Dir ein "U" als ein "X" vorzumachten !!
20030129             ".. 20020000              AUTHENTICO 20020000              START—INDEX.html 00000000              Bush,G.W.e.a.THE_CROCODILES_QUOTE$ & REMEDIE$_$AMPLER 00 .".
20030129             ".. FATHER—OF—PR&PROPAGANDA—E.a.20021006              - noname09.html BUSH SAYINGS—TRUTH- Jeder hat das Recht, sich selbst zu.".
20030129             ".. AMERICAN—HAS Gone Mad 20030115              - noname13.html 20030108              EX—BUSH—SPEECHWRITER: I was to provide a justification for war.".
20030129             ".. UNCONSTITUTIONAL—TAKE a little LONGER—NONAME25.html Neue BUSH—DOKTRIN im strengen,objektiven Sinn des Wortes.".
20030129             ".. CREATE a FEDERAL AEREA 19400000              - noname28.html 19990600              BUSH—MILITÄRMACHT wiederherstellen 19990600              -.".
20030129             ".. cats of EUROPE, SPAIN 20021108              - noname37.html 20020517              Bush Is Lying 1—BUZZFLASH—NEWS—ANALYSIS 20020517              -.".
20030129             ".. Intelligence Changes 20021207              - noname42.html 20020728              the bush nazi coke moonie connection 20020728              - noname43.html.".
20030129             ".. STOP BrIZANTIO —NOW !
20030129             ".. PROPAGANDA—E.a..html - BUSH SAYINGS—TRUTH- Jeder hat das Recht, sich selbst zu.".
20030129             "Der Lauf dieser Nation hängt nicht von den Entscheidungen anderer ab",
20030129             sagte Bush in der 2. Rede zur Lage der Nation seiner Amtszeit.
20030129             Wir werden unsere Probleme nicht leugnen, wir werden sie nicht ignorieren,
20030129             wir werden sie nicht an andere Kongresse,
20030129             andere Präsidenten + - andere GENERATIONEN—WEITERGEBEN", sagte Bush
20030129             —REVISED, Written 19980828             , 19990916             , reposted 20010218              We read these rumors, these half truths, these completely 1—SIDED concoctions of hype + false history + they stick.
20030129             —AFTER all, we are not studying newspaper stories critically, we are reading with our guard down + these PACKAGINGS—OF—MISINFORMATION, pitched, altered, replaced if they don't fly,
20030129             nevertheless remain in our heads, remain as impressions, joining 1—EVER—GROWING CLUTTER—OF—MIS—IMPRESSION, coloring our VIEW—OF—THE—WORLD—UNTIL we can hardly see at all.
20030129             CREDIBLE DECEPTION
20030129             "CATS—OF—EUROPE, SPAIN 20021108              -
20030129             BUSH,G.W.-Fabulous —YEAR for Laura and me
20030129             ".. —YEAR for Laura and me 20011221     20020524              Bush,GW.on S.Hussein,20020525              GUARDIAN on USA spraying.".
20030129             ÜBERBLICK—OVERVIEW—RESUMO-*-Nach Erkenntnissen des PENTAGON—RECHNUNGSPRÜFERS Dov Zakheim beläuft sich die Lücke im Haushalt mittlerweile auf mindestens 15—MILLIARDEN $.
20030129             The "NeoCons" of THE—USA—OF—AMERICA—MITAUTOREN waren JR BOLTON + ELIOT—COHEN + LEWIS—LIBBY + Dov Zakheim + STEPHEN—CAMBONE.
20030129             —GETOETET, Irak/USA: 2—USA—BESATZER //Angriff auf Abizaid Zakheim widersprach Aussagen ranghoher Militärangehöriger, wonach —BEREITS 20200900              0- dieses Geld verbraucht sei.
20030129             WISSEN—FORUM Bildung FOCUS Online in Kooperation mit MSN Dov Zakheim, Under SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE, Comptroller + CHIEF—FINANCIAL...
20030129             WASHINGTON Info —
20030129             Zakheim + UNDERSECRETARY—OF—STATE—ALAN—LARSON teilten mit... Auf Nachfrage weigerte sich Zakheim, genaue Information über die Anzahl der noch im...
20030129             Diplomatie auf Hochtouren | Fokus Irak | Deutsche Welle Dagegen hätten Deutschland, Frankreich + Russland bislang keine Hilfe angeboten, sagte Zakheim.
20030129             "exponentiell steigen. ----- ****** GERMANY—JUSTICE MINISTER—COMPARES—BUSH—TO—HITLER (Reuters News Service 20020919             ) WASHINGTON -.".
20030129             Unterstützt wurden DIE—MUDSCHAHEDDIN damals von den USA. und al — QAIDA—CHEF—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, der seinerseits von der CIA mit Waffen beliefert wurde.
20030129             ÜBERBLICK—OVERVIEW—RESUMO-*-Wenn uns Krieg aufgezwungen wird, werden wir für eine gerechte Sache mit gerechten Mitteln KÄMPFEN—DIE Unschuldigen. in jeder uns möglichen Weise... .html 20061201 CDI was instrumental in devising a plan to recycle THE—WTC steel.
20030129             Vor mehr als einem —JAHR sagte Hekmatjar voller Optimismus:
20030129             "Die Amerikaner sind in 1—FALLE geraten, so wie einst die Sowjet s. .html
20030129             ÜBERBLICK—OVERVIEW—RESUMO...
20030129             authentico index Web Ergebnisse 1—9—VON ungefähr 10—FÜR Simons 19990000             . la ola welle...
20030129             ÜBERBLICK—OVERVIEW—RESUMO
20030129             ".. Intelligence Changes 20021207             - noname42.html
20030129             ".. —YEAR for Laura and me 20011221    
20030129    conteudo29Jan2003.html
20030129             5—DAYS into massive PRO—DEMOCRACY—PROTESTS that shook the nation of EGYPT, EGYPT—PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK appointed his "close personal friend and confidante " OMAR—SULEIMAN as his VICE—PRESIDENT, the 1. in the nation's modern history.
20030129             —WHILE Suleiman ' s appointment likely was 1—ATTEMPT to appease the protest movement, demonstrations did not cease, as MANY—SAW the move as little more than 1—RESHUFFLING of the old government.
20030129—20010218    —REPOSTED, We read these rumors, these half truths, these completely 1—SIDED concoctions of hype + false history + they stick.
20030129—20190000    —EXECUTED, Runnels (46) was, by lethal injection.
20030422—20020129    —DATE Bush asked SENATOR—MAJ.Lead.T.DaschleD personally to limit 20030911              probes ! ! !
20030600             Angst vor neuem Terror: USA zittern weiter vor AL—QAIDA
20040129             Deutschland vermittelt einen Gefangenenaustausch zwischen ISRAEL und der Hisbollah unter Beteiligung von BERND—SCHMIDBAUER, FRANK—WALTER Steinmeier und ERNST—UHRLAU.
20040129             distefano detloff dettloff detmer dettmer detore dettore detrich detrick detweiler detwiler deuce
20040129             DEUSS doose duce deuel dewaele deutch deutsch deutsche...
20040129             —GENERATED, Vocab, by v2 of THE—CMU—CAMBRIDGE Statistcal ## Language
20040129             Determined Determining Deterrence DETROIT DETROIT—DETROIT—AREA—DETROIT—BASED Detroiters Detwiler Deukmejian DEUKMEJIAN—DEUSS—DEUTCH—DEUTSCH—DEUTSCHE...
20040129             exclamation point close quote double quote end of
20040129             cause course em end inner quote end quote...
20040129             MediaLens :: View TOPIC—PHONEY WASHINGTON 911—HEARINGS totally deaf
20040129             The official explanation of 20010911              is itself nothing more than 1—CONSPIRACY—THEORY.
20040129             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—ARMS dump blast, 8—USA—SOLDIERS in 1—WHAT was likely 1—ACCIDENT.
20040129             —REPORTED, It was, that ANGOLA—TROOPS and police have driven at least 10,000 CONGO—FROM NORTH—ANGOLA—DIAMOND zones in 1—BLOODY—MONTH—OLD—CAMPAIGN.
20040129             † M.M. Kaye (95), UK—AUTHOR, in LAVENHAM—ENGLAND.
20040129             COLOMBIA, gunmen shot and killed  MARTA—LUCIA—HERNANDEZ, THE—DIRECTOR—OF—1—OF—COLOMBIA—MOST famous national parks.
20040129             It was the 2. HIGH—PROFILE—ATTACK in the coastal CITY—OF—SANTA—MARTA this —WEEK.
20040129             He had written articles on torture and deaths in EGYPT—PRISONS.
20040129             —ALLOWED, Levinson was, to return in February.
20040129             —EXPLODED, CENTRAL—IRAQ, 1—ROADSIDE bomb, in Baqouba, wounding 11—IRAQIS.
20040129             —RELEASED, ISRAEL, 435—PRISONERS in 1—SWAP, mediated by GERMANY, with THE—LEBANON—GUERRILLA—GROUP—HEZBOLLAH in exchange for 1—ISRAEL—BUSINESSMAN and the bodies of 3—ISRAEL—SOLDIERS.
20040129             —INCLUDED, Her books, "Faces in the Water" (19610000             ).
20040129             1—PALESTINE—SUICIDE—BOMBER detonated 1—BAG—OF explosives on 1—CROWDED—JERUSALEM bus outside PRIME—MINISTER—ARIEL—SHARON—RESIDENCE, killing 10—PASSENGERS and wounding 50—BYSTANDERS.
20040129             —GATHERED, SAUDI—ARABIA, some 2—MILLION—MUSLIMS from —AROUND the world, at the start of the annual Hajj.
20040129             —SIGNED, SOMALIA—FEUDING leaders, 1—AGREEMENT to form 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT based along clan lines, the 1. deal of its kind to include all armed groups that have torn the country apart for the last 13—YEARS.
20040129             —REPORTED, Widespread drought was, across SOUTH—AFRICA.
20040129             —AFFECTED, LESOTHO, MALAWI, SOUTH—AFRICA and ZIMBABWE were all.
20040129             Determined Determining Deterrence DETROIT DETROIT—DETROIT—AREA—DETROIT—BASED—DETROITERS—DETWILER—DEUKMEJIAN—DEUKMEJIAN—DEUSS Deutch Deutsch Deutsche...
20040129—19900000    —IN—THE, Her 3-volume autobiography was dramatized film "1—ANGEL at My Table".
20040129—20000000    —IN, The businessman was Elchanan Tannenbaum, 1—COLONEL—IN—ISRAEL—RESERVES, who was kidnapped in DUBAI and had knowledge of 1—ADVANCED—ISRAEL—WEAPONS—SYSTEM.
20050129             ROBERT—FISK: This election will change the world.
20050129             —IMAGINED, But not in the way the Americans
20050129             Irak: Countdown für die Hochsicherheitswahl
20050129             Irak: Weiterer Gefolgsmann von Sarkawi gefasst
20050129             —DEMENTIERT, Atomstreit: Rice, Angriffspläne für IRAN
20050129             Initiative: Sicher im Netz mit BILL—GATES
20050129             Strategien gegen Rechts: Weiter Streit um Einschränkung der Versammlungsfreiheit
20050129             —FARBMANIPULIERT, Tiefgefrorene Thunfischfilets UND—STEAKS sind häufig, und setzen die Käufer einem erhöhten Gesundheitsrisiko aus.
20050129             Die unzulässige Behandlung mit dem Gas Kohlenmonoxid (CO) verleiht dem Fisch einen himbeerartigen ROT—TON.
20050129             Die Farbe täusche Frische vor und verblasse auch dann nicht, "wenn das Fleisch qualitativ verschlechtert oder gar verdorben ist",
20050129             so das Chemische und Veterinäruntersuchungsamt (CVUA) KARLSRUHE.
20050129             —SUFFERED, FALLUJAH people, under Saddam and they liberated their own city.
20050129             They did not do so to live under occupation. THE—TENT—OF—OCCUPATION
20050129             I wonder what it will take to snap AMERICAN—OUT of its hypnosis about IRAQ.
20050129             —ADVANCED, Or are we in, MATRIX—STYLE—DEEP—EMBRYONIC—SLEEP?
20050129             With the Pentagon openly pondering EL—SALVADOR—STYLE—DEATH—SQUADS + indefinite INTERNMENT—OF—TERRORIST—SUSPECTS in 'friendly' foreign countries,
20050129             you've got to wonder if there is ANY—CONSCIENCE operating on 1—LARGE—SCALE at this moment in time.
20050129             I'm earmarking my tsunami dollars for the nearest IRAQ—TENT—CITY.
20050129             —CAUSED, That's 1—TSUNAMI I.
20050129             HERE—ROBERT—FISK—LATEST on FALLUJAH.
20050129             —ADOPTED, We have, I'm afraid, ISRAEL—SCORCHED—EARTH—METHODS—OF—OCCUPATION.
20050129             And another GENERATION—OF—AMERICANS is going to have to grow up with widespread MEMORIES—OF—WAR—CRIMES.
20050129             Pray without ceasing whether or not you believe.
20050129             Fetch the rest of this article >>
20050129             Weltwirtschaftsforum in Davos: Politiker und Wirtschaftsführer bejubeln Juschtschenko
20050129             Clint Eastwood won the Directors Guild prize for his boxing saga "Million Dollar Baby".
20050129             ASHLEY—MCELHINEY, the 1. female coach of 1—MEN—PRO basketball team, was fired —AFTER 1—ON—COURT—DISPUTE with SALLY—ANTHONY, CO—OWNER—OF—THE—NASHVILLE Rhythm of THE—ABA.
20050129             † 9—AFGHANISTAN—SOLDIERS and another was seriously injured —WHEN 1—MINE exploded near their vehicle as they traveled close to THE—PAKISTAN—BORDER.
20050129             —TOUCHED, CHINA—JETLINERS, down in TAIWAN, completing the 1. nonstop flights between the rivals —SINCE 1—BLOODY—CIVIL—WAR split THE—2—SIDES 56—YEARS ago.
20050129             —DISCOVERED, COLOMBIA, government troops, 1—OF—THE—BIGGEST—FARC rebel munitions factories in THE—JUNGLES—OF—SOUTH—GUAVIARE state.
20050129             1—UN—SPOKESMAN said militiamen armed with guns and machetes killed 16—PEOPLE and kidnapped at least 34—GIRLS in attacks this —WEEK on 1—REMOTE—AREA—OF—EAST—CONGO.
20050129             —TURNED, INSURGENCY—HIT, INDIA—KASHMIR voters, out in big numbers to cast ballots in the 1. leg of municipal polls to be held in over 1—QUARTER—OF—00010101—01001231    —CENTURY.
20050129             NORTH—KENYA, fighting over the last 2—WEEKS between the Garre and Murule clans forced 30,000—PEOPLE to flee and left 30—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20050129             Recent fighting between Masai and Kikuyu left 10—30—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20050129             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER attacked 1—POLICE—STATION in 1—KURDISH—TOWN, killing 8—PEOPLE, and insurgents blasted polling places in several cities on THE—EVE—OF—LANDMARK elections.
20050129             —GRANTED, LIBYA, its 1. oil exploration licenses in over 4—DECADES, awarding 15—PERMITS to foreign companies, with USA—COMPANIES taking the lion's share.
20050129             —OPTED, PRIME—MINISTER—SHUKRI—GHANEM said LIBYA has, for 1—POLICY—OF—OPEN—COMMUNICATION with total transparence".
20050129             —GATHERED, RUSSIA, the fragmented opposition, pace as THOUSANDS—OF—COMMUNISTS, liberals and radical youth activists joined forces to protest against THE—LOSS—OF—SOVIET—ERA—BENEFITS.
20050129             —CLASHED, SUDAN, police, with rioting tribesmen in the Red Sea coastal CITY—OF—PORT—SUDAN, leaving at least 17—PEOPLE—DEAD and 16 injured.
20050129             1—TRIBAL—REPRESENTATIVE claimed 23—PEOPLE were dead and 100—OTHERS were wounded.
20050129             Tote und Verletzte: Raketenangriff auf USA—BOTSCHAFT in Bagdad
20050129             —DEMENTIERT, Atomstreit: Rice, Angriffspläne für IRAN - Wetterchaos: Schnee in der SAHARA
20050129             Die Farbe täusche Frische vor und verblasse auch dann nicht, "wenn das Fleisch qualitativ verschlechtert oder gar verdorben ist", so das Chemische und Veterinäruntersuchungsamt (CVUA) KARLSRUHE.
20050129             THE—TENT—OF—OCCUPATION
20050129             With the Pentagon openly pondering EL—SALVADOR—STYLE—DEATH—SQUADS + indefinite INTERNMENT—OF—TERRORIST—SUSPECTS in 'friendly' foreign countries, you've got to wonder if there is ANY—CONSCIENCE operating on 1—LARGE—SCALE at this moment in time.
20050129             1—THING I sense for sure: Global pillage has replaced global village.
20050129             —CAUSED, That's 1—TSUNAMI I. - HERE—ROBERT—FISK—LATEST on FALLUJAH.
20050129             IRAQ is Palestine.
20050129             Fetch the rest of this article >> - javascript:void(0);
20050129             USA—AUßENPOLITIK: Rice hält Konflikt mit IRAN für diplomatisch lösbar
20050212             Nuclear PRESENTATIONS—JRL 20040129              Dr.
20050412             Not only did the Italians fail to conquer GREECE, but under THE—SUPERVISION—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—IOANNIS—METAXAS (term 19360413—19410129    —JAHR—BIS) the...
20050412             BBC, 20010129             , at)
20050412             BBC, 20010129             , at) SCOTLAND on —SUNDAY, GLASGOW, 20010615              at, see also UPI, 20010709           .
20050412             War: European THEATRE—OF—WWII.. Not only did the Italians fail to conquer GREECE, but under THE—SUPERVISION—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—IOANNIS—METAXAS (term 19360413—19410129    ) the...
20051207—19910129    Updated: 20040309              TechHandle:
20060103             Links do CRG acerca do 20010911              20060103              Em entrevista à CBC Radio MICHAEL—SPRINGMAN expõe ligações da CIA a OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, (Real Audio), 20060129          .
20060103             Em entrevista à CBC Radio MICHAEL—SPRINGMAN expõe ligações da CIA a OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, (Real Audio), 20060129           .
20060127             BBC news report about it.
20060129             Building the socialism of the 20010101—21001231    :
20060129             "We are building socialism of the 20010101—21001231    ,
20060129             1—EMAIL from IAN—HENSHALL: 20060126              report on OXFORD Union 911—MEETING
20060129             Deseret —MORNING News reports on Scholars for 20010911              Truth:Deseret —MORNING News, 20060128
20060129             PROFESSOR—JAMES—H—FETZER has also written 1—COMPLEMENTARY—PAPER on this topic, available at:
20060129             Why Indeed Did THE—WTC Buildings Collapse?
20060129             Note: PROFESSOR—DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN has written 1—COMPLEMENTARY—PAPER on this topic, available at:
20060129             Scheduled for publication in THE—HIDDEN—HISTORY—OF—20010911             —2001 , Research in Political Economy, Volume 23, P. Zarembka, editor, AMSTERDAM:
20060129             Elsevier, forthcoming in —SPRING 20060000             . - What is happening to our world?
20060129             How do we improve our situation?
20060129             PEER—REVIEWED papers Why Indeed Did THE—WTC Buildings Collapse?
20060129             Thinking about "Conspiracy Theories": 20010911              and JFK
20060129             Videos and interviews can be downloaded here: INTERVIEW—BY—PROFESSOR—JONES on TV
20060129             MISS—NBC would not play VIDEO—OF—BUILDING 7—COLLAPSING:MISS—NBC interview
20060129             UTAH TV was more serious:UTAH TV interview
20060129             Google video offers a lot also, such as: THE—GREAT—CONSPIRACY
20060129             THE—USA—MILITARY—PLANS for 1—INFORMATION—WAR:
20060129             THE—PDF FILE—OF—THE—PLAN.
20060129             Deseret —MORNING News reports on upcoming paper by Professor Jones: Deseret —MORNING News, 20051110
20060129             Studies by the society's founders and by prominent theologian DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN,
20060129             who has taken 1—LEADING role in exposing false claims about 20010911             , are accessible from the association's home page
20060129             —FOUNDED, The society, by Professors Fetzer and Jones, who serve as its CO—CHAIRS, is approaching 50—MEMBERS to date.
20060129             Fetzer, 1—PHILOSOPHER—OF—SCIENCE,
20060129             observed that the government's "official account" is not even physically possible, because it violates LAWS—OF—NATURE.
20060129             "What we have been told is fine," he said,
20060129             "if you are willing to believe impossible things.
20060129             Serious scholars don't believe in tooth fairies".
20060129             THE—MEMBERS—OF—THIS new NON—PARTISAN association,
20060129             "Scholars for 20010911              Truth" (S20010911              T), are convinced their research proves the current administration has been dishonest with the nation about events in NEW—YORK + WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA.
20060129             These experts contend that books and articles by members and associates have established that the World Trade Center was almost certainly brought down by controlled demolitions and that the available relevant evidence casts grave doubt on the official story about the attack on the Pentagon.
20060129             The society includes USA and INTERNATIONAL faculty and STUDENTS—OF—HISTORY, science, military affairs, psychology + even philosophy.
20060129             According to its spokesmen,
20060129             S20010911              T represents 1 concerted effort to uphold THE—STANDARDS—OF—TRUTH and justice and to strengthen democracy in this nation,
20060129             which has taken 1—TERRIBLE hit in the aftermath of 20010911             , —WHEN "everything changed.
20060129             —DEDICATED, THE—MEMBERS—OF—THIS group are, to exposing falsehoods and to revealing truths behind 20010911             , "letting the chips fall where they may".
20060129             The evidence has become sufficiently strong that they are speaking out.
20060129             They are actively devoting themselves to reporting the results of their research to the public by means of lectures, articles + other venues.
20060129             The society includes numerous notable professors and scholars, including:
20060129             THE—MEMBERS—OF—THIS new NON—PARTISAN association, "Scholars for 20010911              Truth" (S20010911              T),
20060129             are convinced their research proves the current administration has been dishonest with the nation about events in NEW—YORK and WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA.
20060129             For 1—DUMB guy, W —JUST made 1—SMART—MOVE If you can't toss 1—OBSTRUCTION to the side, raise it up.
20060129             That's —JUST what GEORGE—W—BUSH did —TODAY—WHEN he nominated NOEL—HILLMAN
20060129             to 1—FEDERAL—JUDGESHIP.
20060129             Hillman is the prosecutor in charge of THE—ABRAMOFF investigation.
20060129             This clever ploy clears the way for BUSH to put someone more malleable into that position.
20060129             STAN—LEE media.
20060129             (Yes, we're talking about Stan the Man, True Believers.
20060129             They were once partners. This falling out stems from a
20060129             —ATTACKED, IRAN to fire missiles if :
20060129             —ATTACKED, IRAN would launch MEDIUM—RANGE—MISSILES if, 1—MILITARY—LEADER said,
20060129             accusing BRITAIN and THE—USA of arming rebels as INTERNATIONAL pressure mounts on TEHRAN over its nuclear plans.
20060129             IRAN nabs 10—BOMBING suspects:
20060129             8—PEOPLE were killed and 46 wounded in the blasts + the regime has pointed the finger at BRITAIN,
20060129             which has 1—LARGE—CONTINGENT—OF—TROOPS—JUST across the border from AHVAZ in SOUTH—IRAQ.
20060129             IRAN said —TODAY it would hand over evidence to BRITAIN that proved UK—INVOLVEMENT in bombings in THE—SOUTH—IRAN CITY—OF—AHVAZ —EARLIER this —WEEK.
20060129             IRAN says MOSCOW agrees to expland plan to enrich uranium in RUSSIA:
20060129             He refused to elaborate on what country or countries might be included.
20060129             However, 1—TOP—IRAN—NUCLEAR—OFFICIAL was —JUST in BEIJING to discuss THE—RUSSIA—PLAN, which is designed to ensure that TEHRAN does not attempt to produce fuel for nuclear weapons.
20060129             INDIA changes tune, defends IRAN:
20060129             —DISTANCED, INDIA —ON—FRIDAY, itself from USA—LED calls to isolate IRAN at next —WEEK—MEETING—OF—THE—IAEA —AFTER controversial remarks on the issue by WASHINGTON—ENVOY to DELHI enraged the nation as seldom seen —BEFORE.
20060129             Chalmers Johnson: Militarism and THE—USA—EMPIRE:
20060129             Distinguished social scientist and public intellectual Chalmers Johnson,
20060129             joins host HARRY—KREISLER for 1—CONVERSATION on the nature of THE—USA—EMPIRE and its costs and consequences for THE—FUTURE—OF—USA—DEMOCRACY and power in the world.
20060129             Constant Conflict:
20060129             —CREDITED, NAM—JUNE—PAIK is, with inventing video art in the 1960s by combining multiple TV screens with sculpture, music and live performers.
20060129             1. published From Parameters, —SUMMER 19970000             , pp.
20060129             4-14: USA—ARMY War College
20060129             —COMMISSIONED, In a 19740000              report, by the Rockefeller Foundation, Paik wrote of 1—TELECOMMUNICATIONS—NETWORK—OF—THE—FUTURE he called the "Electronic Super Highway," predicting it "will become our springboard for new and surprising human endeavors".
20060129             'Hamas ready to form PALESTINE—ARMY':
20060129             Heavy rains in BRAZIL led to the deaths of 12—PEOPLE in RIO—DE—JANEIRO, including 6—PEOPLE killed —WHEN 1—UNDERGROUND shopping mall garage filled with water.
20060129             Khaled Mashaal, Hamas politburo CHIEF, tells news conference in DAMASCUS group ready to merge armed factions,
20060129             including its military wing, to form army to defend PALESTINE—PEOPLE
20060129             —USHERED, THE—CHINA—NEW—YEAR, in THE—YEAR—OF—THE—DOG.
20060129             —SLAUGHTERED, As many as 10—MILLION—DOGS were, annually for food consumption in CHINA.
20060129             —ELECTED, ISRAEL will prevent Hamas lawmakers, in this —WEEK—PALESTINE—ELECTION, from travelling freely between THE—GAZA Strip + WEST—BANK, 1—SENIOR—DEFENCE—OFFICIAL has said.
20060129             —KILLED, Fireworks explosions, 36—PEOPLE and injured hundreds more in CHINA as traditional Lunar New —YEAR celebrations led to much mayhem as well as joy across the nation.
20060129             —FORCED, EAST—CONGO, rebels in Rutshuru, 1—LOCAL—RADIO—STATION off the air —AFTER 1—WAVE—OF fighting and looting in the troubled CENTRAL—AFRICAN nation.
20060129             DENMARK—PM said his government could not act against satirical cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed —AFTER LIBYA closed its embassy in COPENHAGEN amid growing Muslim anger over the dispute.
20060129             Smashing interviews! HAMAS—SUPREME—LEADER and Fatah Leade
20060129             FINLAND—1. female PRESIDENT said she was CONFIDENT—OF—RE—ELECTION in 1—RUNOFF—VOTE.
20060129             —SUGGESTED, Polls, 1—CLOSE—RACE—AFTER 1—STEADY surge in support for her conservative challenger.
20060129             USA tells INDIA to back off Syria oil deal:
20060129             Taking strong exception to INDIA—RECENT—DECISION to buy 1—SYRIA—OILFIELD in partnership with CHINA,
20060129             —ASKED, THE—USA has, THE—MANMOHAN—SINGH—GOVERNMENT to "reconsider" its proposed investment.
20060129             She won 1—NEW 6—YEAR term with 51.8—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE.
20060129             Avalanches swept away skiers and at least 1—HIKER in THE—FRANCE—ALPS, killing 5—PEOPLE over the weekend.
20060129             Bush 'a terrorist': Chavez:
20060129             IRAQ, ABC news anchor BOB—WOODRUFF and camera operator DOUG—VOGT were seriously injured in 1—ROADSIDE bombing near Taji.
20060129             —EXPLODED, Car bombs, in 1 synchronized SPREE—OF—ATTACKS outside at least 4—CHURCHES in BAGHDAD and THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—KIRKUK, killing at least 3—IRAQIS and wounding 9. USA—TROOPS killed 3 suspected insurgents wearing IRAQ—POLICE—UNIFORMS in KIRKUK.
20060129             VENEZUELA says USA spying:
20060129             VENEZUELA has said it would throw in jail ANY—USA official caught spying on its military.
20060129             1—BOMB killed 11—PEOPLE in 1—SHOP selling sweets in THE—TOWN—OF—ISKINDIRAYA—SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD overnight.
20060129             —KILLED, Violence, at least 20—PEOPLE, including 13—IRAQ—POLICEMEN and soldiers.
20060129             USA—DIPLOMAT flees VENEZUELA rather than face CHARGES—OF—CIA—ESPIONAGE:
20060129             1—CAR—BOMB killed 4—IRAQ—SOLDIERS in Uja.
20060129             The naval ATTACHE—OF—THE—USA Embassy in VENEZUELA, JOHN—CORREA, has left the country —AFTER his participation in 1—ESPIONAGE—CASE involving several VENEZUELA—LOW—RANKING officers was revealed.
20060129             Chávez reiterates plans to purchase planes from RUSSIA or CHINA:
20060129             Sheik Sabah IV AL—AHMAD—AL—JABER—AL—SABAH was sworn in as the new emir of KUWAIT.
20060129             —REITERATED, VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHÁVEZ—FRIDAY, he would purchase aircrafts from RUSSIA or CHINA,
20060129             —ARRESTED, THE—MEXICO—GOVERNMENT said THE—USA—BORDER—PATROL in NEW—MEXICO, FRANCISCO—JAVIER—GUTIERREZ, 1—MEXICO—IMMIGRATION—OFFICIAL, who was allegedly trying to help 1—GROUP—OF undocumented migrants sneak into THE—USA.
20060129             —FOLLOWING 1—USA—VETO on the sale of Brazilian and SPAIN—PLANES with USA—TECHNOLOGY to CARACAS, DPA reported.
20060129             1—PAKISTAN—EXPRESS train with up to 600—PASSENGERS aboard derailed, killing at least 3—PEOPLE and injuring as many as 40.
20060129             USA wants VENEZUELA on terror sponsor list:
20060129             —LAUNCHED, REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO—PRESIDENT—DENIS—SASSOU—NGUESSO, his role as 1—TOP—AFRICAN peace mediator, meeting with THE—PRIME—MINISTER—OF—CIVIL—WAR—DIVIDED IVORY—COAST—DAYS—AFTER taking over as African Union head.
20060129             Chavez: CARACAS—VENEZUELA (Reuters) - VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ said —ON—FRIDAY WASHINGTON planned to brand VENEZUELA 1—SPONSOR—OF—TERRORISM as he used the World Social Forum to vent against USA imperialism and THE—IRAQ war.
20060129             —CALLED, The mayor, for 1—CRASH—PROGRAM—OF canine sterilization and euthanasia to control the city's 60,000 stray dogs.
20060129             —RESUMED, RUSSIA, sending natural gas to GEORGIA —AFTER finishing repairs to 1—MAJOR—PIPELINE damaged by mysterious blasts 1—WEEK—EARLIER.
20060129             socialism with participatory democracy," the young political science student told me at THE—BEGINNING—OF—THE—OPENING demonstration of the 7. World Social Forum in CARACAS—VENEZUELA.
20060129             Morales gives longtime outsiders of BOLIVIA a place in Cabinet:
20060129             THE—EVO—MORALES era began this —WEEK in BOLIVIA as the new PRESIDENT promised it would, with long days, new faces and quick decisions sure to anger the establishment.
20060129             Swindling the Sick: THE—IMF Debt Relief Sham:
20060129             "It was the worst thing I've seen in NICARAGUA," Blanca cried.
20060129             Such words should not be taken lightly from someone who's seen her country dominated by 1—USA—BACKED dictator,
20060129             crushed by 1—USA—FUNDED contra war + strangled by 1—USA—IMPOSED economic embargo.
20060129             Bush claims authority on war, eavesdropping:
20060129             An INDICTMENT—OF—AMERICA:
20060129             —WHEN Human Rights Watch, 1 respected organization that has been monitoring the world's behavior
20060129             Impeach or Indict Bush and Cheney:
20060129             THE—WHITE—HOUSE kicks scandal investigator upstairs:
20060129             —ACCUSED, DEMOCRATS, THE—WHITE—HOUSE—YESTERDAY of tampering with the investigation into the disgraced Republican lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF —AFTER the prosecutor in CHARGE—OF—THE—INQUIRY was offered 1—FEDERAL—JUDGESHIP by PRESIDENT—BUSH.
20060129             BOB—HERBERT: USA Is Faced With 1—CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—WHO—CAN—DO—NO—RIGHT: Fantasy may be in fashion.
20060129             —SHOVED, Reality may have been, into the shadows on Mr.
20060129             BUSH—WATCH.
20060129             The truth is that he is the worst PRESIDENT in memory + 1—OF—THE—WORST—OF—ALL—TIME.
20060129             TIRED—OF—FEAR: Whose visions have we been led to follow + why?
20060129             What national interest has become more important than the sovereignty,
20060129             dignity and the very life of another people for the sake of our own comfor.
20060129             AUSTRALIA: Govt agrees to fund HICKS—LAWYER—CUBA visit:
20060129             In 1—LAST—MINUTE—DECISION, THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT has decided to fund 1—TRIP to CUBA by GUANTANAMO Bay detainee DAVID—HICKS—AUSTRALIA—LAWYER, —AFTER—INITIALLY refusing legal aid
20060129             CANADA issues warning to USA over ARCTIC passage:
20060129             —ISSUED, CANADA—PRIME—MINISTER—ELECT has, 1—BLUNT "hands off" warning to THE—USA over territorial rights in THE—ARCTIC—INCREASINGLY coveted —NOW that global warming threatens to open up new waterways in the once solidly frozen far north.
20060129             Cindy Sheehan to DIANNE—FEINSTEIN: Fillibuster Alito or I'll Challenge Your Senate Seat:
20060129             —DECIDED, Gold star mother Cindy Sheehan has, to run against CALIFORNIA SENATOR—DIANE—FEINSTEIN if Feinstein does not filibuster THE—SUPREME—COURT—NOMINATION—OF—JUDGE—SAMUEL—ALITO.
20060129             Click here to support the fillibuster on Alito:
20060129             —WHEN Republicans Loved 1—FILIBUSTER:
20060129             But —15—YEARS—AGO, their attitude was different as BACKERS—OF—GEORGE—HW—BUSH wielded the filibuster to block 1—PROBE into Republican secret dealings with IRAN that could have doomed THE—BUSH—DYNASTY.
20060129             Katrina death toll rockets to 14170000             :
20060129             25—NEW—DEATHS discovered in the last —WEEK
20060129             2—FEMA employees arrested in bribe case:
20060129             2—FEMA disaster assistance employees working in NEW—ORLEANS were arrested —FRIDAY on federal bribery charges,
20060129             accused of accepting $10,000 each in exchange for letting 1—CONTRACTOR submit inflated reports on THE—NUMBER—OF—MEALS it was serving at 1—HURRICANE—KATRINA relief base camp there.
20060129             —POLLED, Most, see bribery as WAY—OF—LIFE in WASHINGTON:
20060129             MANY—AMERICANS view THE—BRIBING—OF—LAWMAKERS by lobbyists in WASHINGTON as business as usual + public DISAPPROVAL—OF—CONGRESS is at a 10-year high,
20060129             according to 1—CBS—NEWS/NEW—YORK—TIMES—POLL.
20060129             THE—EDUCATIONAL—SYSTEM—WAS—DESIGNED to Keep Us Uneducated and Docile:
20060129             In his 19050000              dissertation for COLUMBIA Teachers College,
20060129             Elwood CUBBERLY—THE—FUTURE—DEAN—OF—EDUCATION at STANFORD—WROTE that schools should be factories "in which raw products,
20060129             children, are to be shaped and formed into finished products...manufactured like nails + the specifications for manufacturing will come from government and industry".
20060129             —REVEALED, USA—PLANS to 'fight the net' :
20060129             1—NEWLY declassified document gives 1—FASCINATING glimpse into THE—USA—MILITARY—PLANS for "information operations" - from psychological operations,
20060129             to attacks on hostile computer networks.
20060129             BYU professor's group accuses USA officials of lying about 20010911             :
20060129             Last fall, Brigham Young University physics professor STEVEN—E—JONES made headlines —WHEN he charged that the World Trade Center collapsed because of "PRE—POSITIONED explosives.
20060129             USA—SENATE unanimously passes resolution condemning IRAN:
20060129             Poll: 51—PERCENT—OF—AMERICANS support air strike in IRAN
20060129             Documents Show Army Seized Wives As Tactic:
20060129             —SEIZED, THE—USA—ARMY in IRAQ has at least twice, and jailed the wives of suspected insurgents in hopes of "leveraging" their husbands into surrender,
20060129             USA military documents show.
20060129             —LOCKED, In 1—CASE, 1—SECRETIVE task force, up the young MOTHER—OF—1—NURSING baby, A—USA—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICER reported.
20060129             IRAQ war leaves mental scars for civilians, USA—TROOPS alike:
20060129             THE—IRAQ war is reaping 1—FIERCE—PSYCHOLOGICAL—TOLL, exposing 1—MENTAL—HEALTH—CRISIS inside IRAQ + searing HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—USA—TROOPS with combat trauma, experts warned.
20060129             Short Video: —WHEN your used up, where do you go.
20060129             Soldier : Windows Media- - S—PATRICK—4: Blood On Our Flag:
20060129             People who join the military, like those in the posters, will be made ugly and perverse by war.
20060129             —DRIPPED, And as far as THE—FLAG—SOME—OF—THE—BLOOD, down on THE—FLAG—WE didn't pour it on the flag to start.
20060129             Polls Show MANY—AMERICANS are Simply Dumber Than Bush-
20060129             Americans need desperately to comprehend that if BUSH attacks IRAN and Syria,
20060129             as he intends, terrorism will explode + USA—CIVIL—LIBERTIES will disappear into a 30—YEAR—WAR that will bankrupt THE—USA.
20060129             The problem with democracy
20060129             And —NOW, horror of horrors, the Palestinians have elected the wrong party to POWER—BY ROBERT—FISK
20060129             We British would never talk to THE—IRA, or to Eoka, or to the Mao Mao.
20060129             THE—AMERICANS would never speak to their enemies in NORTH—VIETNAM.
20060129             But they did. In PARIS.
20060129             Auch sei die mögliche Rolle "eines größeren Netzwerks" weiter ungeklärt.
20060129             Gewährsleute hätten jedoch erklärt, seitdem habe sich die Situation kaum verändert.
20060129             Berichten der Zeitung "NEWS—OF—THE—WORLD" und des Fernsehsenders Skynews zufolge haben Ermittlungen —JETZT ergeben,
20060129             dass EINIGE—BETEILIGTE—EINSATZKRÄFTE ihre mögliche Mitverantwortung vertuschen wollten.
20060129             So habe 1—ABTEILUNG der Polizei —ZUNÄCHST im Protokoll vermerkt,
20060129             die Einsatzkräfte vor Ort seien informiert worden, dass es sich bei dem betreffenden Mann um den Terrorverdächtigen Hussein Osman handele.
20060129             Später sei dieses Protokoll abgeändert worden: Dann habe es geheißen,
20060129             an die Einsatzkräfte sei die Information gegeben worden, dass nicht bekannt sei, um wen es sich bei dem Verfolgten handele.
20060129             Durch die Manipulation habe die Einsatzleitung offenbar dem Beamten,
20060129             der den 27-jährigen Menezes schließlich erschoss, die Schuld in die Schuhe schieben wollen.
20060129             1—STELLUNGNAHME—DER—POLIZEI zu den Vorwürfen gibt es bislang nicht.
20060129             Die FAMILIE—DES—ERSCHOSSENEN fühlt sich einem Bericht des "Independent" zufolge in ihrer Sicht der Dinge bestätigt.
20060129             1—SPRECHER—DER—HINTERBLIEBENEN forderte eine umgehende öffentliche Untersuchung des Falls.
20060129             Der Inlandsgeheimdienst MI5 habe nur unzureichende Informationen über die Planung der Anschläge oder über eine mögliche Verstrickung des Terrornetzwerks AL—QAIDA gewonnen,
20060129             berichtet die "—SUNDAY Times" —HEUTE unter Berufung auf einen vertraulichen Bericht der Ermittler an Ministerpräsident TONY—BLAIR und weitere MINISTER.
20060129             Hansen widersprach deutlich: Solche Maßnahmen hätten —SCHON zuvor verhindert, dass die Öffentlichkeit in vollem Ausmaß die Risiken des aktuellen Klimawandels erfassen könnte.
20060129             "Kommunikation mit der Öffentlichkeit ist wesentlich", sagte der Wissenschaftler dem Blatt.
20060129             Hansen ist unter anderem für Computersimulationen des globalen Klimas zuständig.
20060129             Nach Anrufen aus dem NASA—HAUPTQUARTIER hätten ihn Vertreter der Abteilung für Öffentliche Angelegenheiten Konsequenzen angedroht,
20060129             sollte er solche Aussagen wiederholen.
20060129             Zu den Restriktionen, von denen Hansen der "NEW—YORK—TIMES" berichtete und die in einem der Zeitung zugänglichen Papier vorliegen,
20060129             gehöre die Möglichkeit, den Wissenschaftler bei öffentlichen Auftritten zu ersetzen.
20060129             Gestern hat Hansen, der als DIREKTOR—DES—GOODARD—INSTITUTS für Weltraumstudien bei der Nasa fungiert,
20060129             in der "NEW—YORK—TIMES" die BUSH—REGIERUNG scharf angegriffen.
20060129             Er sei von der Abteilung für öffentliche Angelegenheiten unter Druck gesetzt worden.
20060129             Das NASA—HAUPTQUARTIER habe angeordnet, sowohl seine geplanten Veröffentlichungen und Vorlesungen als auch Einträge auf der GODDARD—WEBSITE zu begutachten.
20060129             Auch Interviewanfragen von Journalisten müssten abgesegnet werden.
20060129             DEAN—ACOSTA, 1—KOORDINATOR des Öffentlichkeitsbüros der Nasa, widersprach umgehend.
20060129             Es gebe keinerlei Bestrebungen, Hansen mundtot zu machen.
20060129             Allerdings sollten politische Statements Politikern und ihren Sprechern überlassen werden.
20060129             Letztlich gehe es aber nicht um Einzelthemen wie Erderwärmung, sondern um "Koordination" von Informationen.
20060129             Vogelgrippe: H5N1-Virus in Nordzypern nachgewiesen
20060129             Davoser Gipfelgeflüster: Warum Angelina Jolie den Seiteneingang nahm
20060129             Tod eines Unschuldigen: Schwere Vorwürfe gegen Londoner Polizei
20060129             —ZENSIERT, Klimawandel: USA—REGIERUNG soll NASA—EXPERTEN, haben
20060129             ISRAEL: BERLIN hilft beim Kauf von U—BOOTEN
20060129             Energiekrise: Russland liefert wieder Gas an Georgien
20060129             Mysteriöser SPIONAGE—STEIN: Geheimdienst meldet 2—FESTNAHMEN - Irak: Neuer Eklat beim SADDAM—PROZESS
20060129             2—MILLIONEN km/h: Schwarzes Loch schleudert Sterne ins All
20060129             1—MISSILE fired from 1—PREDATOR killed more than 20—INNOCENT—PEOPLE in PAKISTAN —EARLIER this —MONTH in 1—BOTCHED—USA—BID to kill AYMAN—AL—ZAWAHIRI, the deputy LEADER—OF—AL—QAEDA +
20060129             —CONDEMNED, The attacks have been, by humanitarian organisations, which argue that EXTRA—JUDICIAL—KILLINGS—BREAK—INTERNATIONAL—LAW + have led to the deaths of innocent civilians.
20060129             —INVOLVED, The revelation that BRITAIN is, in the Predator programme is likely to prove controversial.
20060129             AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL + the Liberal Democrats said they would press the government to uncover the truth about THE—UK—ROLE in the programme +
20060129             'We want reassurances from ministers that nothing is happening on UK—SOIL that contravenes INTERNATIONAL law,' said MICHAEL—MOORE,
20060129             the Liberal Democrat defence spokesman.
20060129             PREDATORS - are - CONTROLLED REMOTELY
20060129             —BY— - SATELLITE + JOY STICK.
20060129             RADSTONE TECHNOLOGY, is the principal business of THE—RADSTONE Group +
20060129             is the world's leading independent supplier of rugged, HIGH—PERFORMANCE—COTS...
20060129             —BELEBT, EE TIMES—HÖHERE Bandbreite, den VMEbus
20060129             Dy4 Systems, Mercury Computer Systems in CHELMSFORD, RADSTONE TECHNOLOGY + Vista CONTROL s in KALIFORNIEN werden gemeiNSA m bekannt geben..
20060129             Radstone Technology PLC Preliminary Results | Embedded Computing News
20060129             the world's - leading - -in- - dependent
20060129             supplier - of - HIGH—PERFORMANCE, emBED ded - computer products - for defence + aerospace APPLICATIONS
20060129             —TODAY... - Radstone Announces $ 12—MILLION—CONTRACT—EXTENSION | Embedded...
20060129             —ANNOUNCED, RADSTONE TECHNOLOGY —TODAY, that the company had received 1—EXTENSION to 1—EXISTING contract from THE—RAYTHEON Company.
20060129             The contract to supply...
20060129             RADSTONE TECHNOLOGY, the world's leading independent supplier of rugged COTS
20060129             RADSTONE TECHNOLOGY Water Lane Towcester, NN12 6JN UK...
20060129             THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER: Why the Official Account Cannot Be True
20060129             Confronting the Evidence - Truth & Lies of 20010911
20060129             Why doubt 20010911              ?
20060129             PROFESSOR—JAMES—H—FETZER has also written 1—COMPLEMENTARY—PAPER on this topic, available at:
20060129             Scheduled for publication in THE—HIDDEN—HISTORY—OF—20010911             —2001 , Research in Political Economy, Volume 23, P. Zarembka, editor, AMSTERDAM: Elsevier, forthcoming in —SPRING 20060000           .
20060129             Press releases - Why doubt 20010911              ?
20060129             What is happening to our world?
20060129             —BY STEVEN—E—JONES, Ph.D.
20060129             THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER: Why the Official Account Cannot Be True by DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN, Ph.D.
20060129             Thinking about "Conspiracy Theories": 20010911              and JFK by JAMES—H—FETZER, Ph.D.
20060129             20060129 20010911              : Have we been lied to?
20060129             INTERVIEW—BY—PROFESSOR—JONES on TV
20060129             MISS—NBC would not play VIDEO—OF—BUILDING 7—COLLAPSING: MISS—NBC interview UTAH TV was more serious:UTAH TV interview
20060129             Google video offers 1—LOT also, such as: THE—GREAT—CONSPIRACY—CONFRONTING the Evidence Truth & Lies of 20010911
20060129             Studies by the society's founders and by prominent theologian DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN, who has taken 1—LEADING role in exposing false claims about 20010911             , are accessible from the association's home page,
20060129             Information for those who may want to join S20010911              T can also be found there.
20060129             —OBSERVED, Fetzer, 1—PHILOSOPHER—OF—SCIENCE, that the government's "official account" is not even physically possible, because it violates LAWS—OF—NATURE.
20060129             "What we have been told is fine," he said, "if you are willing to believe impossible things. Serious scholars don't believe in tooth fairies".
20060129             —PERMITTED, They believe that the government not only, 20010911              to occur but may even have orchestrated these events to facilitate its political agenda.
20060129             According to its spokesmen, S20010911              T represents 1 concerted effort to uphold THE—STANDARDS—OF—TRUTH and justice and to strengthen democracy in this nation, which has taken 1—TERRIBLE hit in the aftermath of 20010911             , —WHEN "everything changed".
20060129             Its function is to bring scientific rigor to the study of 20010911              phenomena.
20060129             Scholars Repudiate Official Version of 20010911
20060129             THE—MEMBERS—OF—THIS new NON—PARTISAN association, "Scholars for 20010911              Truth" (S20010911              T), are convinced their research proves the current administration has been dishonest with the nation about events in NEW—YORK and WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA.
20060129             And JACK—ABRAMOFF isn't the only reason for the Hillman elevation.
20060129             —SPEARHEADED, Hillman also, the probe into the claim that 1—BUSINESSMAN named PETER—PAUL illegally gave Hillary Clinton 1—PERSONAL—CONTRIBUTION disguised as 1—DONATION from his company, STAN—LEE—MEDIA.
20060129             They were once partners.
20060129             This falling out stems from a - Who will tell the people-
20060129             GEORGE—ORWELL wrote that people who neither read nor ask questions will ultimately lose all desire to question "Big Brother".
20060129             —ATTACKED, IRAN would launch MEDIUM—RANGE—MISSILES if, 1—MILITARY—LEADER said, accusing BRITAIN and THE—USA of arming rebels as INTERNATIONAL pressure mounts on TEHRAN over its nuclear plans.
20060129             8—PEOPLE were killed and 46 wounded in the blasts + the regime has pointed the finger at BRITAIN, which has 1—LARGE—CONTINGENT—OF—TROOPS—JUST across the border from AHVAZ in SOUTH—IRAQ.
20060129             IRAN says MOSCOW agrees to expland plan to enrich uranium in RUSSIA : He refused to elaborate on what country or countries might be included.
20060129             Distinguished social scientist and public intellectual Chalmers Johnson, joins host HARRY—KREISLER for 1—CONVERSATION on the nature of THE—USA—EMPIRE and its costs and consequences for THE—FUTURE—OF—USA—DEMOCRACY and power in the world.
20060129             Constant Conflict: 1—LOOK behind the philosophy and PRACTICE—OF—AMERICAS push for DOMINATION—OF—THE—WORLDS—ECONOMY and culture.
20060129             4-14: USA—ARMY War COLLEGE—'HAMAS ready to form PALESTINE—ARMY' :
20060129             Khaled Mashaal, Hamas politburo CHIEF, tells news conference in DAMASCUS group ready to merge armed factions, including its military wing, to form army to defend PALESTINE—PEOPLE
20060129             ISRAEL to restrict Hamas movements:
20060129             Bush says USA will cut aid to the Palestinians unless Hamas changes
20060129             Smashing interviews! HAMAS—SUPREME—LEADER and Fatah Leade r: INTERVIEW—WITH—KHALED—MESHAL — SUPREME—LEADER—OF—HAMAS
20060129             USA tells INDIA to back off Syria oil deal : Taking strong exception to INDIA—RECENT—DECISION to buy 1—SYRIA—OILFIELD in partnership with CHINA, THE—USA has asked THE—MANMOHAN—SINGH—GOVERNMENT to "reconsider" its proposed investment.
20060129             Bush 'a terrorist': Chavez : At 1—RALLY against imperialism, VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ has told THOUSANDS—OF—CHEERING activists at the World Social Forum that THE—USA—GOVERNMENT is 1—VILE "empire" and its PRESIDENT a "terrorist".
20060129             VENEZUELA says USA spying : VENEZUELA has said it would throw in jail ANY—USA—OFFICIAL caught spying on its military.
20060129             USA—DIPLOMAT flees VENEZUELA rather than face CHARGES—OF—CIA—ESPIONAGE : The naval attache of THE—USA—EMBASSY in VENEZUELA, JOHN—CORREA, has left the country —AFTER his participation in 1—ESPIONAGE—CASE involving several VENEZUELA—LOW—RANKING officers was revealed.
20060129             Chávez reiterates plans to purchase planes from RUSSIA or CHINA : VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHÁVEZ—FRIDAY reiterated he would purchase aircrafts from RUSSIA or CHINA, —FOLLOWING 1—USA—VETO on the sale of Brazilian and SPAIN—PLANES with USA—TECHNOLOGY to CARACAS, DPA reported.
20060129             USA wants VENEZUELA on terror sponsor list : Chavez: CARACAS—VENEZUELA (Reuters) - VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ said on —FRIDAY WASHINGTON planned to brand VENEZUELA 1—SPONSOR—OF—TERRORISM as he used the World Social Forum to vent against USA—IMPERIALISM and THE—IRAQ war.
20060129             Building the socialism of the 20010101—21001231    —CENTURY : "We are building socialism of the 20010101—21001231    —CENTURY, socialism with participatory democracy," the young political science student told me at THE—BEGINNING—OF—THE—OPENING demonstration of the 7. World Social Forum in CARACAS—VENEZUELA.
20060129             Morales gives longtime outsiders of BOLIVIA 1—PLACE in Cabinet: THE—EVO—MORALES era began this —WEEK in BOLIVIA as the new PRESIDENT promised it would, with long days, new faces and quick decisions sure to anger the establishment.
20060129             Swindling the Sick: THE—IMF Debt Relief Sham : "It was the worst thing I've seen in NICARAGUA," Blanca cried.
20060129             Such words should not be taken lightly from someone who's seen her country dominated by 1—USA—BACKED dictator, crushed by 1—USA—FUNDED contra war + strangled by 1—USA—IMPOSED economic embargo.
20060129             Bush claims authority on war, eavesdropping: PRESIDENT—BUSH—YESTERDAY said he has exclusive authority over 1—BROAD—RANGE—OF—ISSUES -- including forbidding WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS to testify —BEFORE Congress about the government's Hurricane Katrina response and ordering warrantless electronic surveillance within THE—USA.
20060129             —BELIEVED, And everyone who has, in THE—USA as the staunchest protector of human rights in history should be worried.
20060129             Texans Bush and Rove and their conspirators in the 2. Bush presidency have disgraced USA—DEMOCRACY at home and in the world with debasements of our nation and our values that have —NOW entered their climactic phase.
20060129             —ACCUSED, WHITE—HOUSE kicks scandal investigator upstairs : DEMOCRATS, THE—WHITE—HOUSE—YESTERDAY of tampering with the investigation into the disgraced Republican lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF —AFTER the prosecutor in CHARGE—OF—THE—INQUIRY was offered 1—FEDERAL—JUDGESHIP by PRESIDENT—BUSH.
20060129             —SHOVED, Reality may have been, into the shadows on MISTER—BUSH—WATCH.
20060129             What national interest has become more important than the sovereignty, dignity and the very life of another people for the sake of our own comfor.
20060129             CANADA issues warning to USA over ARCTIC passage : CANADA—PRIME—MINISTER— elect has issued 1—BLUNT "hands off" warning to THE—USA—OVER territorial rights in THE—ARCTIC—INCREASINGLY coveted —NOW that global warming threatens to open up new waterways in the once solidly frozen far north.
20060129             Cindy Sheehan to DIANNE—FEINSTEIN: Fillibuster Alito or I'll Challenge Your Senate Seat : Gold star mother Cindy Sheehan has decided to run against CALIFORNIA SENATOR—DIANE—FEINSTEIN if Feinstein does not filibuster THE—SUPREME—COURT—NOMINATION—OF—JUDGE—SAMUEL—ALITO.
20060129             —WHEN Republicans Loved 1—FILIBUSTER : SUPPORTERS—OF—GEORGE—W—BUSH are lambasting SENATOR—JOHN—KERRY for 1 threatened filibuster against USA—SUPREME—COURT—NOMINEE—SAMUEL—ALITO.
20060129             But 15—YEARS ago, their attitude was different as BACKERS—OF—GEORGE—HW—BUSH wielded the filibuster to block 1—PROBE into Republican secret dealings with IRAN that could have doomed the Bush Dynasty.
20060129             2—FEMA employees arrested in bribe case : 2—FEMA disaster assistance employees working in NEW—ORLEANS were arrested —FRIDAY on federal bribery charges, accused of accepting $10,000 each in exchange for letting 1—CONTRACTOR submit inflated reports on THE—NUMBER—OF—MEALS it was serving at 1—HURRICANE—KATRINA relief base camp there.
20060129             —POLLED, Most, see bribery as WAY—OF—LIFE in WASHINGTON : MANY—AMERICANS view THE—BRIBING—OF—LAWMAKERS by lobbyists in WASHINGTON as business as usual + public DISAPPROVAL—OF—CONGRESS is at a 10-year high, according to 1—CBS—NEWS/NEW—YORK—TIMES—POLL.
20060129             —REVEALED, USA—PLANS to 'fight the net', : 1—NEWLY declassified document gives 1—FASCINATING glimpse into THE—USA—MILITARY—PLANS for "information operations" - from psychological operations, to attacks on hostile computer networks.
20060129             BYU professor's group accuses USA—OFFICIALS—OF lying about 20010911              : Last fall, Brigham Young University physics professor STEVEN—E—JONES made headlines —WHEN he charged that the World Trade Center collapsed because of "PRE—POSITIONED explosives".
20060129             UN nuclear CHIEF calls on USA to provide IRAN with reactors
20060129             Documents Show Army Seized Wives As Tactic : THE—USA—ARMY in IRAQ has at least twice seized and jailed the wives of suspected insurgents in hopes of "leveraging" their husbands into surrender, USA—MILITARY—DOCUMENTS—SHOW.
20060129             IRAQ war leaves mental scars for civilians, USA—TROOPS alike : THE—IRAQ war is reaping 1—FIERCE—PSYCHOLOGICAL—TOLL, exposing 1—MENTAL—HEALTH—CRISIS inside IRAQ + searing HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—USA—TROOPS with combat trauma, experts warned.
20060129             Soldier : Windows MEDIA—QUICK—TIME - S—PATRICK—4: Blood On Our Flag:
20060129             —DECIDED, But —WHEN I saw the blood get on the flag, I, to add MORE—BECAUSE there really is blood on our flag —NOW".
20060129             Polls Show MANY—AMERICANS are Simply Dumber Than BUSH—BY PAUL—CRAIG—ROBERTS:
20060129             Americans need desperately to comprehend that if Bush attacks IRAN and Syria, as he intends, terrorism will explode + USA—CIVIL—LIBERTIES will disappear into a 30—YEAR—WAR that will bankrupt THE—USA.
20060129             But in due course, Gerry Adams, Archbishop Makarios and Jomo Kenyatta came to take tea with THE—QUEEN.
20060129             Der Bericht stamme zwar aus dem Oktober, schrieb die Zeitung.
20060129             Berichten der Zeitung "NEWS—OF—THE—WORLD" und des Fernsehsenders Skynews zufolge haben Ermittlungen —JETZT ergeben, dass EINIGE—BETEILIGTE—EINSATZKRÄFTE ihre mögliche Mitverantwortung vertuschen wollten.
20060129             So habe 1—ABTEILUNG—DER—POLIZEI —ZUNÄCHST im Protokoll vermerkt, die Einsatzkräfte vor Ort seien informiert worden, dass es sich bei dem betreffenden Mann um den Terrorverdächtigen Hussein Osman handele.
20060129             Später sei dieses Protokoll abgeändert worden: Dann habe es geheißen, an die Einsatzkräfte sei die Information gegeben worden, dass nicht bekannt sei, um wen es sich bei dem Verfolgten handele.
20060129             Durch die Manipulation habe die Einsatzleitung offenbar dem Beamten, der den 27-jährigen Menezes schließlich erschoss, die Schuld in die Schuhe schieben wollen.
20060129             Auch die Geheimdienstermittlungen zu den Anschlägen in LONDON sind mehr als ein halbes —JAHR —NACH—DEN Attentaten noch nicht wirklich vorangekommen.
20060129             Der Inlandsgeheimdienst MI5 habe nur unzureichende Informationen über die Planung der Anschläge oder über eine mögliche Verstrickung des Terrornetzwerks AL—QAIDA gewonnen, berichtet die "—SUNDAY Times" —HEUTE unter Berufung auf einen vertraulichen Bericht der Ermittler an Ministerpräsident TONY—BLAIR und weitere MINISTER.
20060129             "Die öffentliche Besorgnis ist vielleicht das einzige, was die Durchsetzung von Einzelinteressen in dieser Sache verhindern kann".
20060129             Der Druck auf ihn habe nach einem Vortrag vor der Amerikanischen Union für Geophysik begonnen, in dem er erklärte, eine deutliche Verringerung der Emissionsmengen könnte mit —BEREITS vorhandener Technik erreicht werden.
20060129             Nach Anrufen aus dem NASA—HAUPTQUARTIER hätten ihn Vertreter der Abteilung für Öffentliche Angelegenheiten Konsequenzen angedroht, sollte er solche Aussagen wiederholen.
20060129             Zu den Restriktionen, von denen HANSEN—DER "NEW—YORK—TIMES" berichtete und die in einem der Zeitung zugänglichen Papier vorliegen, gehöre die Möglichkeit, den Wissenschaftler bei öffentlichen Auftritten zu ersetzen.
20060129             Gestern hat Hansen, der als DIREKTOR—DES—GOODARD—INSTITUTS für Weltraumstudien bei der Nasa fungiert, in der "NEW—YORK—TIMES" die BUSH—REGIERUNG scharf angegriffen.
20060129             "Sie halten es für ihre Aufgabe, die an die Öffentlichkeit gehenden Informationen zu zensieren", erklärte Hansen in der "NEW—YORK—TIMES".
20060129             DEAN—ACOSTA, 1—KOORDINATOR—DES—ÖFFENTLICHKEITSBÜROS—DER—NASA, widersprach umgehend.
20060129             Britisches Auktionshaus: 21—HITLER—BILDER im Angebot
20060129             Mysteriöser SPIONAGE—STEIN: Geheimdienst meldet 2—FESTNAHMEN
20060129             USA—JUSTIZ: Richter bittet um Gnade für Todeskandidaten
20060129             Yahoo News — Politics AP—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—FORMER—CHIEF—PROCUREMENT—OFFICIAL tipped off lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF that the government was about to suspend 1—OF—HIS—CLIENTS from federal contracting, newly filed court papers say.
20060129             Official Tipped Abramoff on CLIENT—CASE, Filing Says
20060129             NEW—YORK—TIMES—JACK—ABRAMOFF used 1—GOVERNMENT—CONTACT to warn Tyco INTERNATIONAL that its subsidiaries were about to be suspended from doing business with the government, according to 1—COURT filing.
20060129             Prosecutor WILL—STEP—DOWN—FROM—LOBBYIST—CASE
20060129             Observer A UK—TECHNOLOGY company + a secretive airforce base in Cambridgeshire
20060129             are playing 1—KEY—ROLE in THE—CIA—USE—OF—ROBOT—PREDATOR—PLANES, deployed to assassinate suspected terrorists overseas,
20060129             THE—OBSERVER can reveal.
20060129             similar attacks have been made in IRAQ, YEMEN + on THE—PAKISTAN—AFGHANISTAN border.
20060129             whether or not UK—FIRMS should be allowed to supply components for the weapon.
20060129             'We want reassurances from ministers that nothing is happening on UK—SOIL that contravenes INTERNATIONAL law,' said MICHAEL—MOORE, the Liberal Democrat defence spokesman.
20060129             —DISCOVERED, THE—OBSERVER has, that the computer 'brains' of the unmanned Predators
20060129             are made in Towcester, Northamptonshire, by Radstone Technology.
20060129             THE—FIRM—RADSTONE TECHNOLOGY—CONTROLLS the manufactures the
20060129             computer BOARDS—THE - computer BOARDS—THAT
20060129             CONTROL—THE - drone - $ - + enable THE—CIA to target - -top AL—QAEDA suspects.
20060129             are - - controlled remotely
20060129             —BY—SATELLITE + joy stick.
20060129             —WHEN 1—TARGET is identified, the Predators fire 1—HELLFIRE missile.
20060129             What is so frightening as we descend into the new world order fascism is not that we no longer read — it's that we no longer can read.
20060129—19050000    In his dissertation for COLUMBIA Teachers College, Elwood CUBBERLY—THE—FUTURE—DEAN—OF—EDUCATION at STANFORD—WROTE that schools should be factories "in which raw products, children, are to be shaped and formed into finished products...manufactured like nails + the specifications for manufacturing will come from government and industry".
20060129—19780000    —SINCE, 1—INDICTMENT—OF—AMERICA : —WHEN Human Rights Watch, 1 respected organization that has been monitoring the world's behavior, focuses its annual review on AMERICA—USE—OF—TORTURE and inhumane treatment, EVERY—AMERICAN should feel 1—SENSE—OF—SHAME.
20060129—19880000    —SEIT, warnte er der Zeitung zufolge wiederholt öffentlich vor den Gefahren von Ausstößen, die zur Erderwärmung beitragen.
20060129—20010911    —ON, 1—INFLUENTIAL—GROUP—OF—PROMINENT—EXPERTS and scholars have joined together alleging that senior government officials have covered up crucial facts about what really happened.
20060129—20010911    —HAPPENED, What, ?
20060129—20060000    —YEAR, Impeach or Indict Bush and Cheney : The will be historic for the nation + probably for humanity.
20060129—20060127    Who will tell the people-
20060129—20060204    ReBelle Nation:
20060130—20060129    Blair in Secret Plot with Bush to Dupe UNITED—NATIONS -
20060205             Radstone TECHNOLOGY—SUPPLIER—OF rugged, HIGH—PERFORMANCE—COTS...
20060205             Radstone Technology
20060520             —EUTHANIZED, Barbaro was, 20070129             , due to medical complications.
20060531             HERE—BARTLETT on CNN, 20060129             :
20070100             ReBelle Nation: 20060129—20060204
20070105             [20020129            ] - We can produce more electricity to meet demand + we must.
20070105             build infrastructure + it must act to increase energy production at home so AMERICA is less dependent on foreign oil.
20070105             [20020129             ]
20070129             [20070115              using 1—RACIAL slur for AFRICAN—AMERICANS that refers to "being black on the outside and white on the inside]
20070129             In a 20070122              report on the Justice DEPARTMENT—OFFICE—OF—THE—INSPECTOR—GENERAL'S (OIG) REVIEW—OF—THE—HANDLING—OF—THE—MARK—FOLEY case, correspondent CAROL—COSTELLO made no mention of 1—FINDING by THE—OIG that the Justice DEPARTMENT—AND—THE—FBI "inaccurately suggested" that actions by the nonprofit group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in WASHINGTON (CREW) "were THE—CAUSE—OF—THE—FBI—DECISION not to investigate the emails".
20070129             THE—ANTI—GAY slur "faggot" is nothing more than "1—NAUGHTY name".
20070129             [20070123             ] - [20070123             ]
20070129             What will BECOME—OF—THE—CULTURE—OF—LIFE, THE—DEFENSE—OF—MARRIAGE and permanent FAMILY—FRIENDLY—TAX—POLICIES?" [FRC, 20070124             ]
20070129             "We're disappointed that he didn't mention cultural issues at all ," said Rich Lowry, EDITOR—OF—NATIONAL—REVIEW—MAGAZINE and 1—SUMMIT host.
20070129             "Everyone realizes that this is 1—PRODUCT—OF his diminished circumstances".
20070129             [WSJ, 20070125             ] - (20070125              /ac/a/u)
20070129             —BY Jgideon 'Daily Voting News' For 20070127
20070129             —FROM THE—AUSTIN—ANTI—WAR Gathering (20070127              )
20070129             Deeply distrustful of IRAN, PRESIDENT—BUSH said "we will respond firmly" if TEHRAN escalated its military actions in IRAQ and threatened USA—FORCES or IRAQ—CITIZENS.
20070129             —CROWNED, LAUREN—NELSON, 1—ASPIRING—BROADWAY star, was, Miss AMERICA, the 2. —YEAR in 1—ROW that 1—MISS—OKLAHOMA has won the crown.
20070129             —APPROVED, Bayer said THE—USA—FOOD and Drug Administration has, 1—NEW—USE—OF—BAYER Schering Pharma AG—DRUG—YAZ to allow it to be used to treat moderate acne in women who also want to use 1—ORAL contraceptive for birth control.
20070129             —EUTHANIZED, KENTUCKY DERBY winner Barbaro was, because of medical complications —8—MONTHS—AFTER his gruesome breakdown at the Preakness.
20070129             —PLANNED, AUSTRALIA—QUEENSLAND state, to introduce recycled sewage to its drinking water as 1—RECORD—DROUGHT threatens water supplies —AROUND the nation.
20070129             1—OFFICIAL said at least 33,000—PEOPLE have been arrested in BANGLADESH by the army, police and security forces —SINCE 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY was imposed —EARLIER this —MONTH.
20070129             —ANNOUNCED, PARIS City Hall, it has selected FRANCE—OUTDOOR advertising firm JCDecaux SA to operate 1—NEW—FREE bicycle service in the capital.
20070129             THE—AFRICAN—UNION chose GHANA to HEAD—THE 53-member bloc, turning aside SUDAN—BID for the 2. —YEAR in 1—ROW because of the worsening bloodshed in Darfur.
20070129             —RULED, THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT (ICC), there was enough evidence against THOMAS—LUBANGA, 1—CONGO—MILITIAMAN accused of recruiting child soldiers, to launch the new court's 1. trial.
20070129             IRAQ, 1—PROMINENT—SHIITE leader said that setting up federal regions in IRAQ would solve the country's problems, adding that Shiites are being subjected to mass killings but they should not retaliate by using violence.
20070129             —KILLED, Bombings and mortar attacks targeting Shiites, at least 15—PEOPLE.
20070129             1 parked car bomb struck 1—BUS carrying Shiites to 1—HOLY shrine in NORTH—BAGHDAD, killing at least 4—PEOPLE.
20070129             —RAINED, Mortar rounds, down on 1—SHIITE neighborhood in THE—SUNNI—DOMINATED TOWN—OF—JURF—AL—SAKHAR.
20070129             10—PEOPLE were killed, including 3—CHILDREN and 4—WOMEN, and 5—OTHER—PEOPLE were wounded.
20070129             † 1—USA—MARINE was killed in fighting in Anbar province and 1—USA—SOLDIER, in 1—ACCIDENT—NORTH—WEST—OF—NASIRIYAH.
20070129             LIBYA will not execute 5—BULGARIA—NURSES and 1—PALESTINE—DOCTOR sentenced to death last —MONTH, THE—SON—OF—LIBYA—LEADER—MUAMMAR Gaddafi said in 1—NEWSPAPER—INTERVIEW, calling their trial "unfair".
20070129             1—TRUCK crashed in NORTH—NIGERIA—YOBE state killing at least 35—PEOPLE and seriously injuring another 37. 1—BURST tire caused the truck loaded with cement as well as 72—PEOPLE to veer off the road.
20070129             —EXPLODED, NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, 2—ROCKETS, near 1—SHIITE—MUSLIM mosque in THE—CITY—OF—BANNU, wounding 11—PEOPLE, 2—SERIOUSLY.
20070129             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER killed 1—POLICE—OFFICER protecting 1—SHIITE—MUSLIM procession.
20070129             EAST—PAKISTAN, 2—BROTHERS beat to death their sister and her lover with bricks for bringing shame upon the family with their OUT—OF—WEDLOCK affair.
20070129             —LIVED, The woman had, with her brothers in the village of Donga Bonga, Punjab province.
20070129             1—PALESTINE—SUICIDE—BOMBER attacked 1—BAKERY in Eilat, 1—SOUTHERN—ISRAEL—RESORT—TOWN, killing 3—PEOPLE and himself.
20070129             —UNEMPLOYED, THE—PALESTINE—WHO blew himself up was, despondent over THE—DEATH—OF—HIS—BABY—DAUGHTER and driven to avenge his best friend's killing by ISRAEL—TROOPS.
20070129             —BATTLED, Hamas and Fatah gunmen, EACH—OTHER across THE—GAZA Strip, attacking security compounds, knocking out 1—ELECTRICAL transformer and kidnapping several local commanders in some of the most extensive factional fighting in recent weeks.
20070129             SAUDI—ARABIA said it would begin a 158,000 BARREL—A—DAY cut in oil production effective 20070201           .
20070129             —ARRESTED, TURKEY—POLICE, 46 suspected Islamic militants in operations in 5—PROVINCES across the country.
20070129             Video: Conyers calls for defunding the war-
20070129             Note the "20010911              Truth —NOW" placard in the background.
20070129             (hat tip Gateway Pundit, via the nuts at Crooks & Liars) :
20070129             LA Times Asks: Was 20010911              really that bad? (Outrageous Disinfo)-
20070129             If 1—LOOKS at the lies behind the act + the psychological operation/false flag NATURE—OF—THE—EVENT,
20070129             it ranks as 1—MAJOR—CRIME against humanity.
20070129             The attacks were 1—HORRIBLE—ACT—OF—MASS—MURDER, but history says we're overreacting...
20070129             WASHINGTON DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA--With over 60—PERCENT—OF—THE—PUBLIC against the war, it doesn't accomplish anything tangible except making people feel better.
20070129             Protests used to have 1—MORE—IMPORTANT—FUNCTION—BEFORE THE—DAYS—OF—THE—INTERNET:
20070129             they were 1—MEANS—OF sharing and TRADING—INFORMATION amongst activists.
20070129             This is still possible, but with the ease of submitting petitions, THE—INFORMATIVE—ROLE—OF—THE blogosphere,
20070129             the economy and speed of emailing, TEXT—MESSAGE—DEVICES and cell phones, this function has been usurped in 1—PROFOUND—WAY by the new technologies.
20070129             The personal has become political in 1—PROFOUND—NEW—WAY.
20070129             —FUSED, Individual action has, with collective action in 1—NEW—WAY that almost beggars description.
20070129             —DIRECTED, This isn't to say that STRATEGICALLY—PLANNED +, demonstrations (coordinated VIA—THE—INTERNET)... Source:
20070129             This sign was repeatedly seen at the recent peace rally in WASHINGTON DC.
20070129             —AIRED, The rally, on CSPAN + sign was seen for nearly an —HOUR.
20070129             —REPORTED, However, it has been, that THE—ORGANIZERS—OF—THE—RALLY barred any 20010911              truth speakers at the podium.
20070129             1—DISAPPOINTING revelation on their part.... Source: BlondeSense: ANTI—WAR—PROTEST—REVIEW-
20070129             1—BUNCH—OF—KIDS were reported to have "stormed the Capital"...
20070129             "Pelosi, D—CALIFORNIA + Karzai discussed plans announced last —WEEK by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION to ask CONGRESS for $10.6—BILLION for AFGHANISTAN,
20070129             1—MAJOR—INCREASE aimed at rebuilding the country + strengthening government security forces still fighting the Taliban —5—YEARS—AFTER THE—USA—LED invasion," reports the Associated Press.
20070129             "About $8.6—BILLION would be for training and equipping AFGHANISTAN—POLICE and soldiers; $2—BILLION would go toward reconstruction".
20070129             —CONFABBED, As NANCY, in KABUL with THE—AFGHANISTAN—PUPPET and FORMER—UNOCAL employee, HAMID—KARZAI, Gethin Chamberlai... Source:
20070129             Thousands Protest Bush POLICY—WASHINGTONPOST com-
20070129             1—RAUCOUS and colorful MULTITUDE—OF—PROTESTERS, led by some of the aging ACTIVISTS—OF—THE—PAST,
20070129             staged 1—SERIES—OF—RALLIES and 1—MARCH on the Capitol —YESTERDAY to demand that THE—USA—END—ITS—WAR in IRAQ.
20070129             THE—OLD—JET—FUEL—DOWN the Express Elevator Trick-
20070129             Seatnineb does SOME—ANALYSIS—OF—THE—WTC1 elevators..Source:
20070129             It is interesting how EVERY—NOW and then, the unwitting masses are blasted by 1—MEDIA—WAVE—OF fearmongering,
20070129             with announcements of impending doom and terror being made to remind us of our mortality, —JUST to have that same media quietly admit that there was nothing to justify the hysteria.
20070129             It happened this —SUMMER with the liquid explosions scare that resulted in ridiculous ANTI—JUICE security measures in airports.
20070129             So it is not surprising that 1—OF—THE—OLDER APPARITIONS—OF—THE—TERROR—THREAT to civilisation,
20070129             the dirty bomber, is turning out to be squeaky clean compared to the monster he was —INITIALLY presented as.... Source:
20070129             —BEFORE OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, there was Imad Mughniyeh.
20070129             USA News: Fonda, Sarandon among IRAQ war protesters
20070129             I spent THE—DAY—YESTERDAY at THE—DC demonstration against the war + travelling back and forth- 1—ROUND—TRIP—OF about 7—HOURS.
20070129             —ON the way, we met SOME—COLLEGE—STUDENTS who had made a 7—HOUR—DRIVE from N. CAROLINA, so I'm not complaining.
20070129             I had 1—CHANCE to talk 1—BIT with JOHN—CONYERS about impeachment and hearings and it left me encouraged.
20070129             We got SOME—GREAT—PICS. Check them out in the articles below.
20070129             I introduced myself as THE—PUBLISHER—OF—OPEDNEWS and it was great to hear that he was familiar with us.
20070129             —AFTER I was done chatting with Conyers, I asked his communications director how he HEARD—OF—USA.
20070129             "We check google alerts + you show up all the time," he replied.
20070129             It was pretty busy backstage, so it took me 1—WHILE to digest that message.
20070129             Then I put it together.
20070129             If Conyers' communication director subscribes to google alerts, then probably all THE—CONGRESS ional staffers, at least the communications directors do.
20070129             —SINCE OpEdnews articles are spidered by google news, our writers are surely reaching the people in CONGRESS.
20070129             That means something —WHEN writers and editors work as volunteers, without pay.
20070129             I hope it encourages our writers to keep on writing, that it encourages more of our readers to take 1—STAB at writing + that it inspires you to make 1—DONATION supporting OpEdNews.
20070129             We're working hard to make 1—DIFFERENCE. You can help.
20070129             Can't afford to make 1—CONTRIBUTION-- let other people know about us, or better, volunteer as 1—EDITOR.
20070129             HERE—OUR FAQ - Have a great —DAY, ROB—KALL—NEWEST—ARTICLES
20070129             Check out YouTube for the full video presentation by DAVE—LINDORFF and Barbara OLSHANSKY—OF—THE—CASE for Impeachment.
20070129             It started out to be 1—BAD—DAY but then I went to hear DENNIS—KUCINICH speak and bumped into SEAN—PENN.
20070129             "Can I interview you for my blog?" I asked. Yes! So. What did I find out?
20070129             That SEAN—PENN is the Real Deal. And so is DENNIS—KUCINICH.
20070129             —BY Jalil Bahar IRAN—INTELLECTUAL—HOLOCAUST—PART I
20070129             DENIAL—OF—THE—HOLOCAUST is not only 1—AFFRONT to Jews, but also 1—AFFRONT to MILLIONS—OF—DISSIDENTS,
20070129             handicapped, gypsies,Slavs, Serbs, Poles...all humanity.
20070129             IGNORANCE IS A KILLER.
20070129             —HATRED, Perpetrating, through ignorance is tantamount to commiting GENOCIDE—AND could lead to war against IRAN!
20070129             -ByStephen Osborn A Fatal Flaw In Our Alleged Foreign Policy -
20070129             It —JUST depends upon which side you are supporting, or which side you find yourself.
20070129             —BY DENNIS—KUCINICH—KUCINICH : THE—HIGH—COST—OF—HEALTH—CARE—IS Driving Our Manufacturing Companies Into THE—GROUND
20070129             —CALLED, CONGRESS man DENNIS—KUCINICH (D—OH), for immediate House action on HR 676—Ï¿½" the Conyers/KUCINICH bill " which establishes 1—NATIONAL—HEALTH—CARE—PLAN.
20070129             He did this amid news reports illustrating the impact of the high cost of providing quality health care benefits to employees.
20070129             —BY Jayne Lyn STAHL—THE—POWERS That Be-
20070129             The mainstream media + THE—POLITICS—OF—EXCLUSION...
20070129             —BY ROB—KALL—INTERVIEW—WITH—JOHN—CONYERS, On Impeachment And Investigating Bush
20070129             JOHN—CONYERS, CHAIR—OF—THE—CONGRESS ional Judiciary committee, talks to OpEdNews EDITOR—ROB—KALL about impeachment and hearings.
20070129             —BY Timothy V. Gatto IRAN Is Going To Be Attacked
20070129             Why CONGRESS is not trying to do what it is Constitutionally charged to do, is beyond my comprehension.
20070129             —BY Susan Galleymore Don't Send Your Sons...
20070129             Susan Galleymore is THE—MOTHER—OF—A—USA—ARMY—SOLDIER, 1—COUNSELOR on THE—GI Rights Hotline,
20070129             —AFFECTED, FOUNDER—OF—MOTHERSPEAK sharing THE—STORIES—OF—MOTHERS, by war and CO—FOUNDER—OF—COURAGE to Resist supporting the troops who refuse to fight.
20070129             She returned from LEBANON and Syria 20070100           .
20070129             1—RUN—DOWN—OF—THE—DAYS—ELECTIONS/voting news from across the country and overseas.
20070129             —BY W. CHRISTOPHER—EPLER (Bill) It's Time For Political Science To Live Up To Its Name
20070129             It's life and death necessary for science to climb down from its ivory towers and help humanity to undo THE—BUSH /Republican "revolution".
20070129             —MURDERED, Mother Nature is being, and raped by these NEO—NAZIS and science must intervene a 1000—TIMES—MORE than it has to date.
20070129             -ByThomas Bonsell Sage Advice From 1—SUPREME—COURT—JUSTICE
20070129             SUPREME—COURT—JUDGE—ANTONIN—SCALIA advises us to 'get over" the court's decision that put GEORGE—BUSH into THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20070129             But should we?
20070129             -ByThomas L. Walsh Death To THE—CONSTITUTION
20070129             In the —MONTH of ;;01;; alone, ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES made 2—SHOCKING decisions that directly attacked the Constitution of THE—USA.
20070129             —POISONED, Conservatism has, everything it's touched in my lifetime of 47—YEARS
20070129             -ByTimothy V. Gatto Rally For Peace In Rock Hill, Soth CAROLINA
20070129             THE—PANDORA—BOX—OF—CHENEY /BUSH ABUSES—OF—POWER is finally opening.
20070129             Best News Links from the Web - A Death In ISTANBUL - Political Mileage
20070129             Was There A 3.—RATE Burglary In Cuyahoga COUNTY—OHIO?
20070129             Something Smells In CLEVELAND...
20070129             —HAPPENED, Even if —JUST to prove that nothing, there that would have made 1—DIFFERENCE.Because our elections shouldn't be the stuff of make believe.And our faith in our government shouldn't be THE—STUFF—OF—FICTION.
20070129             FLORIDA: Deal Frees 800—MACHINES—FOR March Election
20070129             Libby Trial: CIA Briefer For Cheney, Libby Kept Subject Headings For Shredded Briefing Topics
20070129             Obviously the bogus NIGER uranium story, including its aftermath, is but 1—PART—OF—THE—ADMINISTRATION—PUSH to war.
20070129             Clinton Accepts Responsibility For War Resolution Vote
20070129             USA—ARMY to probe battlefield contractors in IRAQ | JERUSALEM—POST-
20070129             —FROM HIGH—DOLLAR—FRAUD to conspiracy to bribery + bid rigging,
20070129             —OPENED, Army investigators have, up to 50—CRIMINAL—PROBES involving battlefield contractors in the war in IRAQ and THE—USA fight against terrorism, THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS has learned.
20070129             1—ISRAELI 1.: Muslim MINISTER—ACCEPTED in Government
20070129             The government of ISRAEL took 1—HISTORIC—STEP—TODAY, appointing its 1. Muslim Arab Cabinet MINISTER:
20070129             Raleb MAJADLE—OF—THE—LABOR—PARTY.
20070129             His portfolio will be determined —LATER.
20070129             "Soothingly sensible".-
20070129             FAIZ—IN its —SUNDAY tip sheet previewing the —MORNING talk shows, the Politico wrote, "SENATOR—JOSEPH—I—LIEBERMAN D—CONNECTICUT, will be on,
20070129             sounding hawkish yet soothingly sensible
20070129             —ABOUT the war".
20070129             —DISCUSSED, LIEBERMAN, who is actually 1—INDEPENDENT, soothingly, how CRITICS—OF—BUSH—ESCALATION—PLAN are emboldening the enemy.
20070129             D'Souza needs a tutorial.-
20070129             FAIZ—HOW Dinesh D'Souza distorts the words of OSAMA—BIN—LADEN
20070129             —ENDED, Amanda - "1—PEACE—AGREEMENT that —2—YEARS—AGO, AFRICA—LONGEST—RUNNING conflict — +
20070129             that THE—WHITE—HOUSE considers 1—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH—SIGNATURE achievements — is in danger of unraveling BECAUSE—OF—INATTENTION by top USA officials
20070129             + growing tensions between SUDAN—GOVERNMENT + the former rebels who signed the deal, according to experts and CONGRESS ional officials".
20070129             In 1—NEW—INTERVIEW—WITH—NEWSWEEK,
20070129             VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY falsely claims that PRESIDENT—BUSH—IRAQ escalation speech
20070129             —HAPPENED, CHENEY : My SENSE—OF—IT is that what's, here —NOW over the last few weeks is that THE—PRESIDENT has shored up his position with the speech he made 1—COUPLE—OF—WEEKS ago, specifically on IRAQ.
20070129             And I think the speech, frankly —TUESDAY night, THE—STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS was 1—OF—HIS—BEST.
20070129             I think there's been 1—VERY—POSITIVE—REACTION—OF—PEOPLE who saw the speech.
20070129             —HELPED, And I think to SOME—EXTENT that's, shore us up inside the party on the Hill.
20070129             CHENEY—CLAIM is false.
20070129             Polls taken —AFTER THE—IRAQ escalation address indicate that public support for THE—IRAQ war and for BUSH—STRATEGY continue to fall.
20070129             SOME—EXAMPLES: USA—TODAY, 20070115
20070129             "Poll: BUSH—NEW IRAQ strategy fails to rally public support"
20070129             —FAILED, PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADDRESS to the nation last —WEEK, to move public opinion in support of his plan to increase USA troop levels in IRAQ and left Americans more pessimistic about the likely OUTCOME—OF—THE—WAR.
20070129             WASHINGTON—POST, 20071101
20070129             "Poll: Most Americans Opposed to BUSH—IRAQ—PLAN"
20070129             represent 1—INITIAL rebuke to THE—WHITE—HOUSE—GOAL—OF generating additional public support for the mission in IRAQ.
20070129             The poll found that 61—PERCENT—OF—AMERICANS oppose sending more than 20,000 additional troops to IRAQ, with 52 % saying they strongly oppose the plan.
20070129             —JUST 36 % said they back THE—PRESIDENT—NEW—PROPOSAL.
20070129             CBS, 20071101
20070129             "Poll: Americans Not Swayed By IRAQ Plan"
20070129             —SWAYED, Americans were not, very much by PRESIDENT—BUSH—SPEECH—WEDNESDAY night outlining his new strategy for the war in IRAQ, according to 1—CBS—NEWS—POLL.
20070129             BUSH—BUSH—JOB.htm">job approval ratings
20070129             —ADVISED, Last —WEEK, Weekly Standard EDITOR—BILL—KRISTOL, war critics to shut up.
20070129             This —MORNING on FOX—NEWS, he had 1—NEW—IRAQ recommendation for CONGRESS : do nothing.
20070129             —NOTED, Kristol, 1—OP—ED by SENATOR—JOHN—WARNER (R—VA) which asked, "What do [BUSH supporters] want us to do in the Senate?
20070129             Do nothing?" Kristol answered, "Absolutely right.
20070129             Absolutely right. Support the troops. Appropriate the funds".
20070129             and claimed that people who oppose escalation in IRAQ are emboldening terrorists.
20070129             "[I]t will discourage our troops, who we're asking to carry out this new plan + it will encourage the enemy," LIEBERMAN said.
20070129             —ANNOUNCED, SENATOR—SAM—BROWNBACK (R—KS), who, —ON—FRIDAY he will support Sen.
20070129             JOHN—WARNER'S (R—VA) ANTI—ESCALATION resolution,
20070129             pointed out the obvious: "I don't see this enemy as needing ANY—MORE emboldening or getting it from ANY—RESOLUTION. They're emboldened —NOW".
20070129             NEWSWEEK :- - Nico - "THE—PRESIDENT—APPROVAL—RATINGS are at their lowest point in the poll's history
20070129             — 30 % — and more than half the country (58 %) say they wish THE—BUSH—PRESIDENCY were simply over.
20070129             CONGRESS is criticized by nearly 2—THIRDS (64 %) of Americans for not being assertive enough in challenging THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—CONDUCT—OF—THE—WAR".
20070129             (HT: Atrios) - Immune system 'brakes' found
20070129             Scientists say they have found how the body controls the machinery it uses to fight infections.
20070129             Saudis seek PALESTINE—TALKS
20070129             SAUDI—ARABIA—KING—ABDULLAH asks rival PALESTINE—LEADERS to MECCA for talks to end DAYS—OF—FACTIONAL fighting.
20070129             —BARRED, RUSSIA—PARTY, from polls
20070129             1—OF—RUSSIA—LEADING liberal parties, Yabloko, is banned from local polls in the 2. biggest city, St Petersburg.
20070129             INDIA in aerospace defence plan
20070129             —AIMED, INDIA says it is to build 1—AEROSPACE defence command, at preventing possible attacks from space.
20070129             1. Arab joins ISRAEL—CABINET
20070129             ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT appoints the country's 1. Arab Muslim MINISTER—IN what is being hailed as an historic move.
20070129             Sinn Fein votes to support police
20070129             Sinn Fein members vote to support policing in NORTH—IRELAND for the 1. time in the party's history.
20070129             Latinist laments 'dying language'
20070129             1—OF—THE—WORLD—LEADING scholars in Latin at THE—VATICAN says the language is dying out.
20070129             TIJUANA police get weapons back
20070129             Police in TIJUANA in MEXICO are given back their guns —AFTER investigations into alleged drug running.
20070129             CHINA admits to climate failings
20070129             1—CHINA—GOVERNMENT—REPORT says the country has not made ANY—PROGRESS on cleaning up its environment.
20070129             YEMEN—JEWS flee Islamist threat
20070129             1—GROUP—OF—JEWISH—PEOPLE in YEMEN flee from their village —AFTER being threatened by radical Islamists.
20070129             I am not finished yet, says Blair
20070129             TONY—BLAIR tells THE—BBC he wants to "finish what he started" on public service reform —BEFORE leaving office.
20070129             Experts: Climate Report Too Rosy
20070129             PARIS, this —WEEK, climate scientists will issue 1—DIRE forecast of rising sea levels and higher temperatures.
20070129             —SUGARCOATED, But SOME—SAY it's 1, version.
20070129             By the Associated Press. Sundance: Strange Culture
20070129             In Table of Malcontents.
20070129             "—WHILE viewing my school (THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—MASSACHUSETTS—LOWELL) with Google Maps,
20070129             I noticed that 1—SELECT—PORTION—OF—THE—CAMPUS was pixelated: the operational nuclear research facility on campus.
20070129             —ATTEMPTED, Curious, I, to view the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant in PLYMOUTH—MASSACHUSETTS.
20070129             —PIXELATED, It too was.
20070129             What or who is compelling Google to smudge out these images selectively?
20070129             Will all satellite IMAGES—OF—FACILITIES that the government deems 'sensitive' soon be subject to censoring?
20070129             —BLURRED, Not surprisingly, the same areas are, in Google Earth.
20070129             —OPERATED, But how about images from satellites, by other nations, such as SPOT or Sovinformsputnik?
20070129             Fight DRM —WHILE THERE—STILL—TIME
20070129             "It seems (not only) to me that DRM is about far more than intellectual property.
20070129             It's also about monopoly and FREEDOM—OF—CHOICE.
20070129             It's 1—OF—THOSE cases where we,
20070129             the consumers, must decide against accepting the new industry's rules, which care only about control and making money.
20070129             The whole matter is very well put in DRM,
20070129             Vista and your rights, where you can follow the subject as deeply as you like through the numerous relevant links".
20070129             The government's APPEAL—OF—THAT ruling will be heard —ON—WEDNESDAY,
20070129             "Researchers have found 1—WAY to propel MICRO—CAPSULES by attaching bacteria (S.
20070129             marcescens, the type that makes your shower curtain moldy).
20070129             —FIXED, Scientists at Carnegie Mellon University, the bacteria to THE—MICRO—CAPSULES and then used chemicals to turn on and off their MOTION—PRODUCING flagella.
20070129             Quoting: 'In the future, such hybrid swimming MICRO—ROBOTS could even be used to deliver drugs inside the liquid environments of the human body,
20070129             such as the urinary tract, eyeball cavity, ear + cerebrospinal fluid...'"
20070129             "The event drew demonstrators from across the country
20070129             + MANY—SAID that in addition to taking their discontent to the streets they planned to press MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS to oppose the war".
20070129             Nearly 70—PERCENT—OF—THE—USA—PUBLIC
20070129             opposes PRESIDENT—BUSH—PLAN to send more USA troops to IRAQ.
20070129             'I think everyone knows what the consequences are,' McConnell said without specifying what he thinks they are, even —WHEN pressed.
20070129             With encouragement from the Sunlight Foundation,
20070129             SENATOR—JON—TESTER (D—MT) —NOW posts his schedule online at THE—END—OF—EACH—DAY.
20070129             "Whether it's 1—VISIT to the gym, 1—MEETING with THE—FOUNDER—OF—THE—MONTANA—METH—PROJECT,
20070129             or 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—WOLF—BLITZER, staff for Tester post his entire schedule online EACH—WORKDAY — 1—SENATE 1.
20070129             Conservative actor Chuck Norris
20070129             filled in for SEAN—HANNITY last night on Hannity & Colmes.
20070129             (He should really stick to martial arts.)
20070129             —COMMENTED, Norris, on HANNITY—PLANS to broadcast the fictitious scenes that ABC cut from its controversial docudrama,
20070129             "THE—PATH to 20010911              ".
20070129             —FABRICATED, In 1, scene, which ABC acknowledges was "improvised,
20070129             "FORMER—NATIONAL—SECURITY—ADVISER—SANDY—BERGER is shown refusing to give the order to THE—CIA to take 1—CLEAR shot at OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20070129             Last night, Norris said, "I hate to see 1—MOVIE used as 1—POLITICAL—PLATFORM,
20070129             whether it's leaning right" — which he said —WHILE gesturing to the left — "or leaning left" — said —WHILE gesturing to the right.
20070129             Moreover, he said, if the Berger scene did not happen, it "should not have been in the film".
20070129             —BIASED, It's 1—THING for FOX—NEWS to provide their usual, political commentary.
20070129             —DISCREDITED, It's another thing to promote, fiction as news.
20070129             Demand that he tell the truth about 20010911           .
20070129             "WHITE—HOUSE anxiety is mounting over the prospect that top officials — including deputy CHIEF—OF—STAFF—KARL—ROVE and counselor DAN—BARTLETT — may be forced to provide potentially awkward testimony
20070129             in the perjury and obstruction TRIAL—OF—LEWIS (Scooter) LIBBY".
20070129             —SUBPOENAED, Rove and Bartlett have already been, by LIBBY—ATTORNEYS,
20070129             NEWSWEEK reports + —WHILE it's not certain they will testify, "the odds increased this —WEEK—AFTER LIBBY—LAWYER,
20070129             TED—WELLS, laid out 1—DEFENSE resting on the idea that his client...had been made a 'scapegoat' to protect Rove".
20070129             Mass USA—PROTEST against IRAQ war
20070129             Tens of thousands march in WASHINGTON to demand THE—WITHDRAWAL—OF—USA—TROOPS from IRAQ.
20070129             JAPAN confirms bird flu outbreak
20070129             JAPAN confirms that a 2. OUTBREAK—OF—BIRD—FLU at 1—POULTRY—FARM is the H5N1 strain.
20070129             —MARKED, Holocaust —DAY, in EUROPE
20070129             Events are held to remember NAZI death camp victims as THE—UN adopts 1—RESOLUTION condemning Holocaust denial.
20070129             YouTubers to get ad money share
20070129             YOUTUBE—FOUNDER says people who upload their own videos to the site will get 1—SHARE—OF—THE ad revenue.
20070129             Blair sees HOPE—OF—CLIMATE—DEAL
20070129             TONY—BLAIR tells the World Economic Forum 1—BREAKTHROUGH on climate change may be near.
20070129             Chips push through NANO—BARRIER
20070129             1—MAJOR—MILESTONE in microchip production is achieved allowing smaller and higher performance chips.
20070129             Would Cloning Copy the Soul?
20070129             —CLONED, Esquire ponders whether 1, human would have 1—SOUL + that makes us wonder if identical souls could wander —AROUND the planet.
20070129             In Bodyhack. Intel, IBM: Transistor Overhaul
20070129             In what experts say is the most dramatic development in transistor tech —SINCE the '60s,
20070129             —FIGURED, Intel and IBM separately announce they have, out how to reduce energy loss in microchip transistors.
20070129             By the Associated Press. Gov Seeks Spy Suit Dismissal
20070129             The feds argue 1—ACLU suit seeking to abolish warrantless wiretapping should be dropped because the government agrees to get warrants (for —NOW).
20070129             In 27B Stroke 6. - BMW neues Kursziel - Siemens neues Kursziel
20070129             eBay "outperform"
20070129             —VERBESSERT, Der Umsatz pro Auktion habe sich in Q4 dramatisch, was den Erfolg der neuen Strategie unterstreiche.
20070129             —EXAMINED, ISRAEL—USE—OF—CLUSTER—BOMBS from USA
20070129             THE—INTERNET is set to revolutionize television within 5—YEARS, due to 1—EXPLOSION—OF online video content and the merging of PCs and TV sets,
20070129             Microsoft chairman BILL—GATES said —ON—SATURDAY.
20070129             "I'm stunned how people aren't seeing that with TV, in 5—YEARS from —NOW,
20070129             people will laugh at what we've had," he told business leaders and politicians at the World Economic Forum.
20070129             Hillary: "—WHEN You Are Attacked, You Have To Deck Your Opponent"
20070129             —BLAMED, NEW—YORK SENATOR—HILLARY—RODHAM—CLINTON, PRESIDENT—BUSH—ON—SATURDAY for misusing authority given him by CONGRESS to act in IRAQ,
20070129             but conceded "I take responsibility" for her role in allowing that to happen.
20070129             BUSH Admin.
20070129             Fights Climate Treaty —BEFORE RELEASE—OF—MAJOR—REPORT
20070129             —ATTEMPTED, THE—USA has also, to steer THE—UN—REPORT, prepared by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC),
20070129             away from conclusions that would support 1—NEW—WORLDWIDE—CLIMATE—TREATY based on binding targets to reduce EMISSIONS—AS sought by TONY—BLAIR.
20070129             —DEMANDED, It has, 1—DRAFT—OF—THE—REPORT be changed to emphasise the benefits of voluntary agreements and to include criticisms of THE—KYOTO Protocol,
20070129             the existing treaty which THE—USA—ADMINISTRATION opposes.
20070129             'USA—ARMY authorised to kill IRAN—AGENTS in IRAQ'-
20070129             Judges Resisting "Extraordinary Measures" Required By Gov't In Warrantless Wiretapping Cases...
20070129             —EMPLOYED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has, extraordinary secrecy in defending the National Security AGENCY—HIGHLY classified domestic surveillance program from civil lawsuits.
20070129             Plaintiffs and judges' clerks cannot see its secret filings.
20070129             BUSH Wants $10.6B For AFGHANISTAN...
20070129             PRESIDENT—BUSH—PLANS to ask CONGRESS for $10.6—BILLION in aid for AFGHANISTAN,
20070129             primarily to beef up the country's security forces, SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE said —THURSDAY.
20070129             IRAQ—VP: USA—INVASION Was "Idiot Decision"... - THE—USA.
20070129             How to Make the Poor Poorer
20070129             Politics overrides economics in THE—MINIMUM—WAGE—DEBATE.
20070129             Host Who Uses Racial Slurs Says Divisive Rhetoric WILL—BE 'THE—DEATH—OF—THE—COUNTRY'
20070129             —YESTERDAY on NPR, RIGHT—WING talk show host GLENN—BECK criticized fellow conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh for his strident rhetoric,
20070129             saying it will be "THE—DEATH—OF—OUR industry + THE—DEATH—OF—OUR country.
20070129             Beck may be right about Limbaugh, but his own rhetoric is equally divisive and destructive.
20070129             SOME—LOWLIGHTS: THE—ANTI—GAY slur "faggot" is nothing more than "1—NAUGHTY name".
20070129             [20070123             ]
20070129             "What happened to THE—DUKE lacrosse team was practically 1—LYNCHING without the rope.
20070129             And for the 1. time in my life, MISTER—OREO—COOKIE without the chocolate on the outside can understand why people celebrated —WHEN O.J. Simpson was acquitted".
20070129             [20070115
20070129             "[W]hat I feel like saying is, ' Sir, prove to me that you are not working with our enemies.'" [20061114
20070129             —ON what he would like to say to REPRESENTATIVE—KEITH—ELLISON (D—MN),
20070129             the 1. elected Muslim MEMBER—OF—CONGRESS ]
20070129             "I wonder if I'm alone in this — you know it took me about 1—YEAR to start hating 20010911             —THE victims' families ?
20070129             Took me about 1—YEAR". [20050909             ]
20070129             "And that's all we're hearing about, are the people in NEW—ORLEANS.
20070129             Those are the only ones we're seeing on television are the scumbags".
20070129             [20050909             ]
20070129             THE—GAY and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) has criticized Beck for his ANTI—GAY—COMMENTS + is —NOW calling on "to address BECK—CRUDENESS + require that he adhere to basic STANDARDS—OF—RESPECT.
20070129             (For more information on how to contact, go here.)
20070129             Limbaugh said he's —JUST using humor to make 1—POINT.
20070129             But 1—RIVAL—CONSERVATIVE—TALK—SHOW host, GLENN—BECK, said such severe rhetoric only drives people apart.
20070129             BECK: I truly believe it's going to be THE—DEATH—OF—USA.
20070129             It's going to be THE—DEATH—OF—OUR industry + THE—DEATH—OF—OUR country,
20070129             if we don't stop dividing ourselves like this.
20070129             It's not right. HOST: Beck has tv gigs on and ABC.
20070129             —UNABASHED, Despite that criticism, he's, about his own beliefs + he's taken flack for them.
20070129             BECK: THERE—NOTHING wrong with pointing out differences.
20070129             —HEATED, THERE—NOTHING wrong with having 1, debate.
20070129             THERE—NOTHING wrong with doing ALL—OF—THOSE things in 1—ENTERTAINING way.
20070129             But they cannot define you.
20070129             "1—LOT—OF—PEOPLE have tried to explain liberals.
20070129             It's 1—TOUGH thing to do because people who aren't liberal,
20070129             it's tough challenge to try to get outside yourself enough to understand these people.
20070129             MOST—OF—THEM are miserable, MOST—OF—THEM are unhappy.
20070129             1—TOP—CONSERVATIVE—CAPITOL Hill staffer tells Politico that more than 70—SENATORS
20070129             would oppose BUSH—ESCALATION if their vote matched their comments in private meetings.
20070129             "pressure on the former chairman, SENATOR—PAT—ROBERTS (R—KS), to stall 1—INVESTIGATION into THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—USE—OF—FALSE—INTELLIGENCE on IRAQ.
20070129             2—OF—ITS 5—PORTIONS were finally released
20070129             —ATTENDED, ROCKEFELLER said that he knew CHENEY, regular policy meetings in which he conveyed WHITE—HOUSE—DIRECTIONS to conservative Capitol Hill staffers.
20070129             They "—JUST had to go along with the administration," he said.
20070129             Here are examples of Roberts ' vacillations
20070129             —ON the Phase II investigation per WHITE—HOUSE—ORDERS: "We'll proceed with Phase II.
20070129             It is 1—PRIORITY.
20070129             I made my commitment and it will get done.
20070129             " [Press conference, 20040709             ]
20070129             "I don't know if we can get it done —BEFORE the election".
20070129             [Meet the Press, 20040711             ]
20070129             "That [the Phase II report] is basically on the back burner.
20070129             "[UPI, 20050310             ]
20070129             "I don't think there should be ANY—DOUBT that we have —NOW heard it all regarding prewar intelligence.
20070129             "To go though that exercise, it seems to me, in 1—POST—ELECTION—ENVIRONMENT—WE didn't see how we could do that and achieve ANY—POSSIBLE—PROGRESS.
20070129             "I'm perfectly willing to do it + that's what we agreed to do + that door is still open".
20070129             [Meet the Press, 20050410             ] - "It isn't like it's been delayed.
20070129             As 1—MATTER—OF—FACT, it's been ongoing.
20070129             As 1—MATTER—OF—FACT, we have been doing our work on Phase II." [Senate Floor Speech, 20051101             ]
20070129             "I don't know THE—RELEVANCY—OF—THAT. " [, 20051101             ] - "We've been working on that.
20070129             We will finish it. We had it scheduled for this —WEEK.
20070129             " [Face the Nation, 20051106             ]
20070129             In remarks to reporters this —MORNING, PRESIDENT—BUSH said he would ignore CONGRESS ' opposition to his escalation plan,
20070129             saying, "I'm THE—DECISION—MAKER".
20070129             UPDATE: Flashback to 20060418             :
20070129             "I'm the decider + I decide what is best".
20070129             Bush _I_m_The_Decision_Maker_VIDEO">Digg It!
20070129             1—OF—THE—THINGS I found in CONGRESS is that most people recognize that failure would be 1—DISASTER for THE—USA + — I'm THE—DECISION—MAKER.
20070129             "Memo to TIM—RUSSERT: Dick CHENEY thinks he controls you. " —YESTERDAY in the Scooter LIBBY trial,
20070129             "I suggested we put THE—VICE—PRESIDENT on 'Meet the Press,' which was 1—TACTIC we often used".
20070129             PRIME—MINISTER—AL—MALIKI—PRESENTATION—OF—1—NEW—BAGHDAD security plan to THE—IRAQ—PARLIAMENT—YESTERDAY " broke down in bitter sectarian recriminations,
20070129             with MISTER—MALIKI threatening 1—SUNNI—ARAB lawmaker with arrest
20070129             and, in response, the Sunni SPEAKER—OF—PARLIAMENT threatening to quit".
20070129             —APPROVED, They eventually, the plan.
20070129             next —TUESDAY to explore whether CONGRESS has the authority to cut off funding for the war in IRAQ.
20070129             "This hearing will help inform my colleagues and the public about CONGRESS—POWER to end 1—WAR and how that power has been used in the past," Feingold said.
20070129             See the witness list here.
20070129             "The word I would use to describe my position on the bench is lonely," SUPREME—COURT—JUSTICE—RUTH—BADER—GINSBURG,
20070129             73, tells USA—TODAY.
20070129             "This is how it was for Sandra [—DAY O'Conner]'s 1. 12—YEARS," she said.
20070129             "NEITHER—OF—USA ever thought this would happen again.
20070129             I didn't realize how much I would miss her —UNTIL she was gone".
20070129             —AUTHORIZED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE has ", THE—USA—MILITARY to kill or capture Iranians who are believed to be working with IRAQ—MILITIAS," 1—SHIFT from 1—OLD—POLICY
20070129             of detaining Iranians "and then releasing them —AFTER 1—FEW days, which THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION felt didn't go far enough.
20070129             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is asking 1—FEDERAL—CIRCUIT—COURT to throw out 1—LAWSUIT challenging the legality of the National Security AGENCY—WARRANTLESS—SURVEILLANCE—PROGRAM because the government claims the issue is —NOW "moot".
20070129             THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—MEMO—STATES that "the surveillance activity" being challenged "does not exist.
20070129             —PLANNED, FOX—NEWS said —THURSDAY that it " to broadcast footage
20070129             —FROM ABC—CONTROVERSIAL miniseries 'THE—PATH to 20010911              ' that was edited out of the docudrama amid criticism that it inaccurately portrayed the Clinton administration's response to the terrorism threat". It will be aired —SUNDAY night on "HANNITY—AMERICA".
20070129             who once worked closely with THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION,
20070129             has rejected PRESIDENT—BUSH—ESCALATION—PLAN:
20070129             "In my assessment, we do not necessarily need 1—INCREASE in the strength
20070129             (of USA—FORCES).
20070129             —ENGAGED, We are not, in 1—CONVENTIONAL—WAR against 1—INVADING army or SOMETHING—OF—THE—SORT".
20070129             Senate Environment and Public Works COMMITTEE—CHAIRWOMAN—BARBARA—BOXER (D—CA) is " installing in her Capitol Hill OFFICE—ENERGY—EFFICIENT—LIGHTS that dim in response to natural light".
20070129             At her urging, 5—OTHER—SENATORS are doing the same.
20070129             Boxer notes that efforts "could cut electricity consumption as much as 50 %
20070129             And finally: Who are you calling 'freshman'?
20070129             That term has become the latest POLITICALLY—INCORRECT word, according to House Majority Whip JAMES—CLYBURN (D—SC).
20070129             —ELECTED, Newly, REPRESENTATIVE—JASON—ALTMIRE (D—PA) told the crowd that he "'suspected' it had something to do with the word 'new' being more appealing to the public than 'freshman,' which can be seen by some as derogatory.
20070129             "He's tried this 2—TIMES — it's failed twice," House Speaker NANCY Pelosi (D—CA) SAYS—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ESCALATION—PLAN.
20070129             "I asked him at THE—WHITE—HOUSE, 'MISTER—PRESIDENT, why do you think this time it's going to work?' And he said, 'Because I told them it had to.
20070129             "Pelosi reportedly then asked, "Why didn't you tell them that the other 2—TIMES?
20070129             Stress 'harms brain in the womb'
20070129             —STRESSED, Children whose mums were, in pregnancy are vulnerable to behavioural problems, evidence shows.
20070129             Staff woes hit EU border agency
20070129             Recruitment problems dog THE—EU—BORDER—AGENCY and may hamper efforts to curb illegal immigration.
20070129             Nato 'to step up AFGHANISTAN—SUPPORT'
20070129             Nato ministers meeting in BRUSSELS agree to step up military and economic help for AFGHANISTAN, officials say.
20070129             —JAILED, Pair, over royal phone taps
20070129             —JAILED, UK newspaper NEWS—OF—THE—WORLD—ROYAL—EDITOR is, for plotting to intercept messages left for royal aides.
20070129             SPAIN rallies EU constitution bloc
20070129             SPAIN strongly defends the beleaguered EU constitution, rallying the countries that have ratified it.
20070129             USA confirms IRAQ COMMANDER
20070129             THE—USA—SENATE unanimously confirms LT—GEN DAVID—PETRAEUS as THE—COMMANDER—OF—USA—FORCES in IRAQ.
20070129             Fever spreads KENYA panic
20070129             Panic grips parts of KENYA as Rift Valley Fever crosses from animals to humans, killing 148—PEOPLE—SINCE ;;12;;.
20070129             BRAZIL—LULA urges DOHA progress
20070129             BRAZIL—PRESIDENT—LUIZ—INACIO—LULA da Silva calls on rich nations not to hold back global trade talks.
20070129             UK in whaling recruitment drive
20070129             THE—UK—GOVERNMENT will launch 1—CAMPAIGN to secure 1—ANTI—WHALING majority on the world's governing body.
20070129             —MISLED, Libby, inquiry, trial hears
20070129             EX—WHITE—HOUSE—AIDE—LEWIS—LIBBY did not tell FBI agents the truth over THE—CIA—LEAK—SCANDAL, his trial hears.
20070129             "Google announced —TODAY 1—MODIFICATION to their search algorithm that minimizes WELL—KNOWN googlebombing exploits.
20070129             Searches on 'miserable failure' and their ilk no longer bring up political targets.
20070129             THE—GOOGLE blogger writes: 'By improving our ANALYSIS—OF—THE—LINK—STRUCTURE—OF—THE—WEB, Google has begun minimizing the impact of MANY—GOOGLEBOMBS.
20070129             —NOW we will typically return commentary,
20070129             discussions + articles about the Googlebombs instead.'"
20070129             "It appears that STATE—OF—THE—ART—CONNECTIVITY in BOEING—NEWEST—AIRCRAFT—MEANS 1 wired, not 1—WIRELESS—NETWORK.
20070129             —ABANDONED, THE—SEATTLE—TIMES—REPORTS that Boeing has, plans to bring entertainment and information to passengers through 1—WIRELESS—SYSTEM in its 787—DREAMLINER due to possible production delays and potential conflicts with other radio services —AROUND the world.
20070129             1—SIDE—BENEFIT is 1—ACTUAL—REDUCTION in weight using the wired system.
20070129             —NEEDED, Amazingly, THE—LAN cables, to connect EVERY—SEAT in the aircraft weigh 150—LBS less than all the wireless antennae,
20070129             access points + thickened ceiling panels required to accommodate 1—WIRELESS—NETWORK (the design called for 1—ACCESS—POINT—ABOVE—EACH—ROW).
20070129             The article concludes: "The net impact, [1—BOEING spokesman] said,
20070129             is less technical risk, SOME—WEIGHT saved, the system's flexibility and quality preserved plus 'a bit of schedule relief.'"
20070129             Reuters coverage —FOLLOWING up on last —MONTH—NEWS that THE—USA Mint has made it illegal to melt or export USA—COINS in bulk,
20070129             —SINCE the value of their constituent metals — in THE—CASE—OF—PENNIES and nickels — —NOW exceeds their face value.
20070129             The new story quotes FRANCOIS—VELDE, senior economist at the Federal Reserve BANK—OF—CHICAGO,
20070129             who thinks the new rules will not be enough — he believes that determined speculators are already piling up pennies.
20070129             Velde suggests "rebasing" the penny to be worth 5—CENTS.
20070129             Quoting Velde: "These factors suggest that, sooner or —LATER, the penny will join the farthing (1—QUARTER—OF—1—PENNY) and the hapenny (1—HALF—OF—1—PENNY) in coin museums".
20070129             story about possible underground water on Mars.
20070129             The article begins: "THE—MARS—EXPRESS spacecraft, from the European Space Agency (ESA),
20070129             has indicated to scientists that the dry atmosphere and surface on the planet Mars does not necessarily mean Mars is dry underneath the surface.
20070129             In fact, 1—HUGE—STOREHOUSE—OF—WATER and carbon dioxide could be found in underground reservoirs".
20070129             Nokia "outperform"
20070129             Das Volumenwachstum sei durch die Stärke der Schwellenländer und Europas angetrieben worden.
20070129             —GEWESEN, Zudem seien die Bruttomargen stark.
20070129             In 1—EXCLUSIVE—ARTICLE, BRENT—BUDOWSKY speculates on the possibility that SENATOR—CHUCK—HAGEL will become 1—INDEPENDENT and how it will change the balance in the senate.
20070129             We need to demand that our CONGRESS ional legislators pass binding legislation forbidding the military from doing ANY—SUCH thing-- making it 1—CRIME for Generals to disobey CONGRESS ,
20070129             and, —WHILE we're at it, taking away their pensions if they disobey THE—ORDERS—OF—CONGRESS ,
20070129             —WHILE protecting their jobs and pensions if they disobey THE—PRESIDENT!, —SINCE BUSH will probably threaten them.
20070129             THE—ETERNAL—PLAME
20070129             The current edition of the Atlantic carries 1—PHOTO—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH and the headline, "Why presidents lie + why the worst lies are to themselves".
20070129             It may not get at why,
20070129             Even PATRICK—FITZGERALD, the overzealous special prosecutor, said the trial won't be about THE—IRAQ war + he said this over 1—YEAR ago,
20070129             —WHEN he 1. obtained the indictment of LIBBY.
20070129             The bogus terror scare we were sneering at —ON—MONDAY turned out to be 1—BIG winner for the fearmongers at THE—NEW—YORK Post.
20070129             Under the headline "CHILLING PLOT FOR 20010911              II" NEW—YORK Post readers found out that AL—QAEDA terrorists in IRAQ planned to sneak into THE—USA with student visas and carry out 1—DEVASTATING new round of 20010911             —STYLE attacks [...]Whoa!
20070129             It's 1—MAJOR—EMERGENCY, right?
20070129             Well, not exactly... Details of the frightening copycat plot were discovered in documents found about —6—MONTHS—AGO —WHEN coalition forces raided 1—INSURGENT hideout in IRAQ,
20070129             —REPORTED, ABC News.OK, what do we know about this?
20070129             —SUBMITTED, HEAD—OF—THE—DEFENSE—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY, —RECENTLY, written testimony to CONGRESS based on 1 classified report tha... Source:
20070129             —JUST How Good Is Globalization? - Preview-
20070129             The business and political leaders who gather EVERY—YEAR at the World Economic Forum have long shared 1 creed: Globalization is good.
20070129             Bush Speech Terror Claim Debunked 1—YEAR—AGO
20070129             1—ANALYSIS—OF—EARLY—NEWS—ACCOUNTS of the massive and unprecedented "undervote" in SARASOTA FL
20070129             Witness was unwitting helper with 21/7—PURCHASE—LAW - Times Online-
20070129             1—OF—THE alleged 21/7—BOMBERS had condemned the 7/7—SUICIDE—ATTACKS—JUST days —BEFORE he boarded 1—UNDERGROUND—TRAIN with 1—EXPLOSIVE device in his rucksack, 1—COURT was told —YESTERDAY.
20070129             There is no WAR—ON—TERROR, says DPP-
20070129             THE—UK DIRECTOR—OF—PUBLIC—PROSECUTIONS has made 1—BITTER—ATTACK on USA—PRACTICES in 1—SPEECH to the Criminal Bar Association.... Source:
20070129             USA—ARMY report got IRAQ right [Analysis]- - 1—ARMY—WAR—COLLEGE assessment on IRAQ
20070129             Palestinians beaten at Guilford COLLEGE—YAHOO!
20070129             3—FOOTBALL—PLAYERS at Guilford College, 1—SCHOOL with 1—QUAKER background,
20070129             face assault and ethnic intimidation charges —AFTER 1—ATTACK on 3—PALESTINE—STUDENTS, authorities said.
20070129             correspondent CAROL—COSTELLO made no mention of 1—FINDING by THE—OIG that the Justice DEPARTMENT—AND—THE—FBI "inaccurately suggested" that actions by the nonprofit group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in WASHINGTON (CREW) "were THE—CAUSE—OF—THE—FBI—DECISION not to investigate the emails.
20070129             —OMITTED, Costello, this finding, despite 1—PRIOR—REPORT, as Media Matters for AMERICA noted, that THE—FBI blamed CREW for its inaction on the Foley case.
20070129             WESLEY—CLARK made Hannity look stupider than usual last night.
20070129             I want to highlight this specific moment in their discussion.
20070129             SEAN—HANNITY: Alright. You said there was no new strategy.
20070129             Let me tell you what the new strategy is 'cause clearly uh I guess you're missing what THE—PRESIDENT—SAYING here.
20070129             —ADMITTED, The prior strategy + THE—PRESIDENT, that there were SOME—MISTAKES made,
20070129             was that they go in and they'd clear out the insurgency and they didn't stay long enough or hold those areas long enough.
20070129             —NOW the new strategy with the troop surge will be go in, remove the insurgents, hold the areas as PENNSILVANIA..and also accelerate THE—TRAINING—OF—IRAQ—TROOPS and police.
20070129             That is 1—NEW—STRATEGY.
20070129             GENERAL WESLEY CLARK:: I don't think that's. - Witness for the Prosecution
20070129             THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES lifts the curtain on the trial of Scooter LIBBY :
20070129             In the trial's opening —DAY, [prosecutor Patrick] FITZGERALD—TASK was to keep the issue —BEFORE the jury simple:
20070129             were MISTER—LIBBY—STATEMENTS about his conversations with reporters true?
20070129             To that end, he spoke for only about an —HOUR in outlining his case.
20070129             The mission of [defense lawyer Theodore] Wells, in contrast, was to present the case as hopelessly complicated,
20070129             thus leaving the jurors in doubt about THE—VALIDITY—OF—THE—CHARGES.
20070129             MISTER—WELLS spoke for nearly 2 and 1—HALF—HOURS, ranging over ISSUES—OF—THE—RELIABILITY—OF—MEMORY;
20070129             —INCLUDED, MISTER—LIBBY—DUTIES, which —DURING the relevant period, crises in LIBERIA and TURKEY;
20070129             Doesn't it sound as though the Times is taking sides here?
20070129             In this telling Fitzgerald is presenting 1—LEGAL—THEORY,
20070129             whereas Wells is trying to throw sand in the jurors' eyes.
20070129             Anyway, if the case is so simple, why can't THE—NEW—YORKER, with its ARMY—OF—FACT—CHECKERS, get it right?
20070129             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—FORMER—ASSISTANT—SECRETARY—OF—THE—TREASURY under Reagan highlights disturbing use and abuse of SWAT teams that
20070129             "He —RECENTLY received attention for calling MIAMI "as bad as ANY—GHETTO in any 3. World country.
20070129             "VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY—SPOKESWOMAN testified —THURSDAY she told I. Lewis 'Scooter' LIBBY that 1—PROMINENT—WAR—CRITIC'S—WIFE was 1—CIA—EMPLOYEE—EARLIER than Libby has said he 1. learned it from 1—REPORTER,
20070129             "THE—AP reports. "On the 3. —DAY—OF—LIBBY—TRIAL, Cathie Martin became the 1. MEMBER—OF—CHENEY—INNER—CIRCLE to contradict statements by LIBBY that led to the charges he lied to THE—FBI and 1—GRAND—JURY investigating who leaked the wife's identity to reporters
20070129             "PRESIDENT—BUSH has also said that won't support 1—WAGE—INCREASE without business tax breaks
20070129             because he "punish THE—MILLIONS—OF—SMALL—BUSINESSES that are creating MOST—OF—THE—NEW—JOBS in our country".
20070129             But their objections to 1—CLEAN—MINIMUM—WAGE—INCREASE are based on myths:
20070129             MYTH #1 — Raising the minimum wage will hurt businesses.
20070129             1—STUDY by the Center for USA—PROGRESS found that employment in small businesses,
20070129             the number of small businesses + INFLATION—ADJUSTED small business payroll growth grew more in states with higher minimum wages
20070129             than federal minimum wage states.
20070129             Almost 300—LARGE and small business owners across the country have signed on to Business for 1—FAIR—MINIMUM—WAGE,
20070129             which is pushing CONGRESS to raise the federal minimum wage.
20070129             1—RECENT—GALLUP poll found that "3—OUT—OF—4—SMALL—BUSINESSES
20070129             said that 1—INCREASE in the minimum wage would have no effect on their company".
20070129             MYTH #2 — Businesses can't afford to give workers 1—WAGE increase.
20070129             In the past 10—YEARS,
20070129             —SHOWERED, CONGRESS has " corporations with $276—BILLION in tax breaks,
20070129             plus another $36—BILLION aimed exclusively at small businesses".
20070129             STEVEN—PEARLSTEIN—OF—THE—WASHINGTON—POST adds that even though THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has gifted declining tax rates to small businesses over the past several years,
20070129             "according to the Internal Revenue Service, SMALL—BUSINESS—OWNERS,
20070129             sole proprietors and THE—SELF—EMPLOYED are,
20070129             as 1—GROUP, the biggest tax cheats in AMERICA,
20070129             responsible for $153—BILLION of the estimated $345—BILLION tax gap
20070129             —TODAY, SOME—CONSERVATIVE—SENATORS tried to go even further by completely abolishing the federal minimum wage.
20070129             Amendments no.
20070129             Send 1—MESSAGE to your senators voicing support for 1—CLEAN—MINIMUM—WAGE—INCREASE.
20070129             (BOB—GEIGER has more.) - WAL—MART to pay $33—MILLION in back wages.-
20070129             "WAL—MART Stores INCORPORATED will pay $33—MILLION in back wages
20070129             to THOUSANDS—OF—EMPLOYEES—AFTER turning itself in to the Labor Department for paying too little in overtime,
20070129             according to 1—AGREEMENT announced —THURSDAY by THE—USA—LABOR—DEPARTMENT".
20070129             WAL—MART Watch has details.
20070129             —6—MONTHS—AGO, HARPER—KEN—SILVERSTEIN reported that "in SPITE—OF—PRESSURE from CIA analysts, intelligence TSAR—JOHN—NEGROPONTE was blocking 1—NEW—NATIONAL—INTELLIGENCE—ESTIMATE (NIE) on IRAQ.
20070129             "National Intelligence Estimates present the consensus VIEW—OF—THE—USA—INTELLIGENCE—APPARATUS.
20070129             According to Silverstein, Senate hearing attendees "believe that senior intelligence officials are stalling because an NIE will be bleak enough to present 1—SIGNIFICANT—POLITICAL—LIABILITY.
20070129             —YESTERDAY, NPR host Diane Rehm may have revealed why THE—NIE remains so politically sensitive.
20070129             It's my understanding that the National Intelligence going to suggest that adding troops is the wrong way to go,
20070129             that it's not going to improve the situation. CLICK HERE FOR AUDIO
20070129             —YESTERDAY, House Speaker NANCY Pelosi (D—CA), Senate Majority Leader HARRY—REID (D—NV) + the House and Senate intelligence committee chairmen wrote PRESIDENT—BUSH "urging prompt completion of 1—NATIONAL—INTELLIGENCE estimate
20070129             (NIE) on IRAQ 1. requested by CONGRESS —6—MONTHS—AGO".
20070129             Read the full letter HERE.
20070129             REHM: It's my understanding that the National Intelligence Estimate — that —NOW at least 2—MONTHS overdue — is going to suggest that adding troops is the wrong way to go,
20070129             that it's not going to improve the situation.
20070129             —DELAYED, Why has that NIE been, for so long?
20070129             —DELAYED, And was it deliberately, —UNTIL—AFTER the election — —AFTER PRESIDENT—BUSH—SPEECH last night?
20070129             VIN WEBER: I don't know. I doubt it.
20070129             I mean, I don't often buy into conspiracy theories in WASHINGTON.
20070129             THERE—TOO MANY—REPORTERS that uncover those.
20070129             REHM: Do you question that John?
20070129             JOHN PODESTA: Well, you know it was due in August.
20070129             I think —WHEN they want to get something out, they get it out.
20070129             And —WHEN they want to have more review, they have more reviews.
20070129             So I think at this point that THE—CONGRESS—DEMAND that that NIE be completed and provided to THE—CONGRESS.
20070129             Social conservatives who have been longtime LOYALISTS—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH are speaking out in anger about THE—PRESIDENT—SILENCE on divisive RIGHT—WING issues.
20070129             —ACCUSTOMED, Cultural conservatives who have become, to hearing BUSH cater rhetorically to their wishes found "little to cheer
20070129             "in his speech —TUESDAY night. SOME—EXAMPLES below:
20070129             "I believe THE—PRESIDENT failed to challenge the new majority to advance core family and cultural issues.
20070129             "I think THE—PRESIDENT left 1—LOT—OF—CONSERVATIVES shaking their heads " by avoiding the issues atop their agenda,
20070129             [WSJ, 20070125             ]
20070129             [AP, 20070124             ]
20070129             —FORCED, THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL reports the administration has —NOW been, to defend itself against criticism from the right.
20070129             "—YESTERDAY—MORNING, the weekly meeting of conservatives that is convened by antitax activist Grover Norquist,
20070129             1—WHITE—HOUSE—ALLY, was marked by 'tense exchanges
20070129             ' with administration press SECRETARY—TONY—SNOW".
20070129             "THE—NUMBER—OF—WAGE and salary workers who were union members dropped to 12—PERCENT—OF—THE—WORK—FORCE
20070129             —LAST—YEAR," THE—AP reports, "the lowest %age —SINCE the government started tracking that number over —2—DECADES—AGO".
20070129             —REPRESENTED, Workers, by unions earn 28 % more
20070129             than nonunion workers, are 62 % more likely to have medical insurance
20070129             through their jobs + are 4—AND—A—HALF—TIMES as likely to have guaranteed pensions.
20070129             "SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN (R—AZ) said —WEDNESDAY he will introduce his own Senate resolution on IRAQ that calls for 1—SERIES—OF—BENCHMARKS and intensified congress ional oversight.
20070129             Hagel On Cheney Remarks: 'He Has So Little Faith In This Country To Say Something Like That'-
20070129             AMANDA—YESTERDAY on, VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY told WOLF—BLITZER that "the biggest threat" in THE—IRAQ war right —NOW is that THE—USA—PUBLIC may not have the " stomach for the fight.
20070129             Responding to CHENEY—COMMENTS, SENATOR—CHUCK—HAGEL (R—NE) told PBS Newshour host GWEN—IFILL that it's astounding THE—VICE—PRESIDENT so "underestimates the people of this country" and "has so little faith in this country to say something like that".
20070129             —SUGGESTED, Hagel also, that CHENEY talk to THE—FAMILIES—OF—THE—SOLDIERS and tell them "that they don't have the stomach".
20070129             GWEN IFILL: 1—FINAL—QUESTION + for you both + once again from VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY.
20070129             His interview, SENATOR—HAGEL, —TODAY at, he said that PART—OF—WHAT—GOING on here is that people do not have the stomach to complete this mission.
20070129             SENATOR—HAGEL, your response to that?
20070129             SENATOR—CHUCK—HAGEL: Oh, I'm so sorry THE—VICE—PRESIDENT so underestimates the people of this country.
20070129             He has so little faith in this country to say something like that.
20070129             That's 1—ASTOUNDING statement from THE—VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA.
20070129             You're telling me — or maybe more directly, maybe THE—VICE—PRESIDENT should tell the families of those who have lost their lives,
20070129             over 3,000 + over 23,000 wounded, SOME—VERY seriously for life, that they don't have the stomach?
20070129             Come on, let's get real here.
20070129             or the rebuilding of the Gulf Coast region.
20070129             (1—YEAR ago, BUSH promised THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT would " it —UNTIL they're back on their feet.
20070129             —TRAVELED, Last night, CBS News reporter ARMEN—KETEYIAN, to MOUNT—OLIVE Gardens,
20070129             a trailer park near BATON—ROUGE where 200—KATRINA victims live, to gauge the reaction to BUSH—SPEECH.
20070129             "I almost broke my TV, knocked it off the stand," 1—RESIDENT said.
20070129             —WHILE the residents of MOUNT—OLIVE Gardens were outraged over the snub,
20070129             SENATOR—DAVID—VITTER (R—LA) was "more forgiving, "saying he was "mildly disappointed.
20070129             COURIC: In his STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS, PRESIDENT—BUSH took NOTE—OF—THE—UNREST in LEBANON as well as the suffering in Darfur but there was not 1—MENTION—OF—KATRINA — though the suffering and hardship continue.
20070129             THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT has spent $80—BILLION on recovery efforts in the Gulf region, but there are still 13,000—PEOPLE living in FEMA trailers.
20070129             As CHIEF investigative reporter ARMEN—KETEYIAN reports,
20070129             SOME—WHO lost everything are asking, "What about us?" - DAVIS: I don't like the way I'm living.
20070129             KETEYIAN: It sits on 1—FLAT gravel MUD—SOAKED lot.
20070129             THE—IRONY—OF—THE—NAME not lost on its residents.
20070129             —17—MONTHS—AFTER Katrina nearly 200—PEOPLE uprooted by 1—HURRICANE still live in MOUNT—OLIVE Gardens.
20070129             —PACKED, Whole families, into 200—SQUARE—FOOT—FEMA trailers they —NOW call home.
20070129             DAVIS: God can't let this happen.
20070129             KETEYIAN: CHRIS—DAVIS is 1—OF—THE displaced from NEW—ORLEANS —NOW leaving near BATON—ROUGE.
20070129             Like MANY—HERE he watched THE—PRESIDENT—SPEECH.
20070129             His rage rising with EVERY—WORD.
20070129             —KNOCKED, DAVIS: At this time I almost broke my TV, it off the stand, you know.
20070129             KETEYIAN: 1—VIETNAM vet, Davis lost 1—JOB at 1—SHIP builder to Katrina —NOW in 1—PLACE where crime is 1—CONSTANT worry and children rarely venture outside.
20070129             HE—LONG—SINCE lost hope.
20070129             DAVIS: It gets hopeless and more hopeless everyday.
20070129             BANKSTON: People were already feeling forgotten.
20070129             And I think this may potentially reinforce that.
20070129             ARMEN—KETEYIAN, CBS news, BATON—ROUGE, LOUISIANA.
20070129             In a new statement, House Intelligence COMMITTEE—CHAIRMAN—SILVESTRE—REYES
20070129             (D—TX) tells ThinkProgress, "I don't support THE—PRESIDENT—PLAN to send 1—ADDITIONAL—NUMBER—OF—TROOPS to IRAQ," arguing that BUSH—PLAN is "not tied to 1—SPECIFIC—STRATEGY and will only needlessly endanger more soldiers.
20070129             Reyes was 1—EARLY opponent of THE—IRAQ war and voted against 20021000             —THE—IRAQ resolution.
20070129             But in 1—NEWSWEEK interview
20070129             —EARLIER this —YEAR, Reyes said he would support sending SOME—ADDITIONAL—USA forces to IRAQ.
20070129             —EXPLAINED, Reyes, his thinking —AT—THE—TIME.
20070129             "In late —SUMMER to early fall of 20060000              ,
20070129             military leaders were of the opinion that if given the mission to neutralize these militias, they could do so with 1—TEMPORARY—INCREASE—OF—20,000 to 30,000 troops.
20070129             My position then was that this would be 1—WORTHWHILE—INVESTMENT that would result in 1—MORE—SECURE—ENVIRONMENT for our troops + would provide THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT 1—BETTER—CHANCE to establish itself".
20070129             —PROGRESSED, However, Reyes notes, as the —YEAR, the security situation deteriorated further + CentCom COMMANDER—JOHN—ABIZAID testified that sending additional troops was not advisable.
20070129             —PUSHED, Yet PRESIDENT—BUSH has, ahead with troop increases anyway, 1—PLAN "supposedly initiated by PRIME—MINISTER—MALIKI".
20070129             Given Maliki's "past performance and inability to command THE—IRAQ—MILITARY or order THE—DISARMING—OF—THE—MILITIAS," Reyes argues,
20070129             "THE—PRESIDENT—SUPPORT—OF this plan without specific BENCHMARKS—OF—ACCOUNTABILITY is unacceptable".
20070129             Moreover, he says, "—WHEN I met with THE—PRESIDENT—BEFORE his ANNOUNCEMENT—OF—THE—PLAN,
20070129             I asked him if he intended to take THE—ADVICE—OF—THE—MILITARY—LEADERSHIP and use the troops for dealing with the militias;
20070129             —CONFIRMED, THE—PRESIDENT, that his plan was not the same".
20070129             —NOW, Reyes says, the solution "is to make THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT—ACCOUNTABLE for both their own security,
20070129             with USA support + to find 1—POLITICAL—SOLUTION to the sectarian differences and subsequent violence,
20070129             not to put additional USA troops in danger".
20070129             [ThinkProgress is keeping track of where EVERY—MEMBER—OF—CONGRESS—STANDS on escalation.
20070129             Using media reports, press releases + submissions from HUNDREDS—OF—READERS, we've compiled 1—INTERACTIVE—TALLY
20070129             showing EVERY—MEMBER—POSITION.
20070129             (Check it out HERE.) - ANTI—ESCALATION—RALLY in WASHINGTON, DC, —ON—SATURDAY.-
20070129             Amanda - "TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEACE—ADVOCATES from across the country are expected in WASHINGTON —ON—SATURDAY for 1—ANTI—WAR—RALLY that could be among the biggest —SINCE the war in IRAQ began,
20070129             (The organizers, United for Peace, have more information on the march here.
20070129             Campus Progress is also providing funding for students who will be attending the march and organizing 1—DISCUSSION with USA—PROGRESS—SCHOLARS.)
20070129             Rumfeld Remains Defense Department 'Consultant,' Opens 'Transition Office' Near Pentagon-
20070129             FORMER—DEFENSE—SECRETARY—DONALD—RUMSFELD "has left the Pentagon, but not the Defense Department".
20070129             THE—WASHINGTON—TIMES reports:
20070129             THE—PENTAGON lists MISTER—RUMSFELD as a "nonpaid consultant," 1—STATUS he needs in order to review secret and TOP—SECRET—DOCUMENTS, the official said.
20070129             THE—TIMES—REPORTS that Rumsfeld has brought with him close adviser STEPHEN—CAMBONE,
20070129             1—FIERCE—ADVOCATE—OF—THE—IRAQ war and THE—CHIEF—PLANNER—OF—QUESTIONABLE—INTERROGATION tactics at military and CIA detention sites —AROUND the world.
20070129             RUMSFELD—NEW—OFFICE is reportedly raising eyebrows at the Pentagon:
20070129             —ENTITLED, THE—PENTAGON official said former secretaries are, to 1—TRANSITION—OFFICE to sort papers, some of which can be taken with them for 1—LIBRARY, for archives or to write 1—BOOK.
20070129             —RAISED, The transition office has, SOME—EYEBROWS inside the Pentagon.
20070129             SOME—QUESTION THE—SIZE—OF—THE—STAFF, which includes 2—MILITARY—OFFICERS and 2 enlisted men.
20070129             They also ask why the sorting could not have been done from the time Mr.
20070129             —RESIGNED, Rumsfeld, 20071108              to —WHEN he left the building 20071218           .
20070129             —RETURNED, RUMSFELD—PREDECESSORS, WILLIAM—COHEN and WILLIAM—PERRY, both, to private life —IMMEDIATELY—AFTER leaving the Defense Department.
20070129             Cohen had "2—MILITARY—PERSONNEL...sort through his papers for about 6—WEEKS," —WHILE Perry had his papers mailed via compact disk to Stanford University.
20070129             The right wing attacks Dick CHENEY—DAUGHTER,-
20070129             NICO—BUT —WHEN WOLF—BLITZER asks about it, CHENEY says he's " OUT—OF—LINE.
20070129             JONATHAN—MORENO and SAM—BERGER from the Center for USA—PROGRESS keep knocking his falsehoods down.
20070129             —BESCHLOSSEN, Das Kabinett habe, auf den EINSATZ—VON—CHEMIKALIEN zu verzichten und die Felder mit traditionellen Mitteln zu zerstören,
20070129             teilte Said MOHAMMAD—ASAM vom Ministerium für Drogenbekämpfung am —DONNERSTAG mit.
20070129             Dabei werden üblicherweise Arbeiter auf die Felder geschickt, die die Pflanzen zerstören.
20070129             USA to boost AFGHANISTAN—TROOPS and aid
20070129             THE—USA says it plans to spend $10.6bn on AFGHANISTAN, —WHILE bolstering the number of Nato troops there.
20070129             Dozens die in ANGOLA flash floods
20070129             —REPORTED, More than 70—ANGOLANS are, dead, MOST—OF—THEM in the capital, —AFTER rain storms cause flooding.
20070129             Ford hit by record $12.7bn loss
20070129             USA—CAR—GIANT—FORD reports a $12.7bn loss for 20060000             , the biggest annual loss in its 103-year history.
20070129             INDONESIA jet 'black boxes' found
20070129             1—USA ship locates the flight RECORDERS—OF—THE—INDONESIA—PLANE missing —SINCE 1 ;;01;;, THE—USA embassy says.
20070129             Maximum fine over CHINA pollution
20070129             1—CHINA—FIRM is fined the maximum amount over 1—TOXIC spill that cut off water to millions, state media report.
20070129             ISRAEL—MPS allow Katsav absence
20070129             ISRAEL—MPS narrowly approve 1—REQUEST by PRESIDENT—KATSAV to step down temporarily to fight rape allegations.
20070129             Impotence fears hit polio drive
20070129             Officials in PAKISTAN say 1—FOLK myth that 1—VACCINE—CAUSES—IMPOTENCE has hampered 1—POLIO—IMMUNISATION—DRIVE.
20070129             Hobbit cave digs set to restart
20070129             —UNCOVERED, Archaeologists who, the "Hobbit" are given permission to restart excavations at the cave where it was found.
20070129             Criminals 'may overwhelm the web'
20070129             Criminals controlling MILLIONS—OF—PCS could threaten THE—INTERNET, experts at the World Economic Forum warn.
20070129             USA—MILITARY unveils HEAT—RAY gun
20070129             THE—USA—MILITARY unveils a "revolutionary" HEAT—RAY gun to repel enemies or disperse hostile crowds.
20070129             INDIA and RUSSIA in nuclear deal
20070129             RUSSIA agrees to build 4—NUCLEAR—POWER—REACTORS in INDIA under 1—DRAFT—DEAL signed by their 2—LEADERS.
20070129             Concern over net security patches
20070129             The firm that makes hardware for much of the net's backbone releases patches for security holes in its products.
20070129             Crash kills ECUADOR defence CHIEF
20070129             CHINA economy grows apace - CHINA—ECONOMY expands by 10.7% - Caverns give up huge fossil haul
20070129             1—ASTONISHING COLLECTION—OF—FOSSIL animals from SOUTH—AUSTRALIA is reported by scientists.
20070129             Howard says water key challenge
20070129             AUSTRALIA—PRIME—MINISTER—JOHN—HOWARD backs controversial measures to tackle severe water problems and drought.
20070129             GEORGIA—USA op foils uranium plot
20070129             —TRIED, GEORGIA gives DETAILS—OF—THE—ARREST—OF—1—RUSSIA—MAN who, to sell 1—SMALL—AMOUNT—OF—WEAPONS—GRADE uranium.
20070129             Putin set for arms, energy talks
20070129             —EXPECTED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN arrives in INDIA for talks, to focus on arms and energy deals.
20070129             Gene switch makes tumours shrink
20070129             Sparking 1—KEY gene back into life could provide 1—POWERFUL—NEW—TREATMENT for cancer, scientists find.
20070129             Siemens BOARD faces tough AGM
20070129             Management at European conglomerate Siemens face 1—HOSTILE—AGM —AFTER it was given a 396m euros fine by THE—EU.
20070129             Fanning Fears of 1—SPACE—WAR
20070129             USA space hawks seize on CHINA—ANTI—SATELLITE missile test.
20070129             LUKE—O'BRIEN reports from WASHINGTON.
20070129             Tax Takers Send in the Spiders
20070129             —CALLED, Under 1—LITTLE—KNOWN project, Xenon, several nations are deploying sophisticated bots to troll web businesses in SEARCH—OF—TAX cheats.
20070129             has exclusively provided Infowars with 1—PREVIEW—OF—1—NEW—SECTION—OF his soon to be published narrative, The 4. Bomb.
20070129             —DETAILED, Last —MONTH we
20070129             "Standing by the doors I see 1—BLUE—BMW 5—SERIES and black MERCEDES squeal to 1—HALT in FRONT—OF—THE—BUS,
20070129             halting its progress along Euston Road.
20070129             4—MINUTES passed then 1—POLICE—MOTORCYCLIST arrived at the blockage.
20070129             THE—BMW driver said something to the cyclist who soon sped off.
20070129             —90—SECONDS—LATER THE—BMW suddenly drives off.
20070129             THE—MERCEDES waits till the bus diverts east into Upper Woburn Place towards Tavistock Square —BEFORE it speeds away".
20070129             —SUBJECTED, He claims he was, to 1—PROGRAM—OF—SURVEILLANCE and harassment for months by the police and was only asked to provide 1—WITNESS—STATEMENT —6—MONTHS—AFTER the event.
20070129             —ENTITLED, In 1—SECTION, THE—ANGELS
20070129             Ausstieg 20180000              perfekt: Schluss mit Steinkohle
20070129             Weltraumteleskop: Wieder Mattscheibe bei "Hubble"
20070129             POLITIKER—AUSRASTER: "Intrigantes Schwein", "dümmer als Sch..".
20070129             —PROVOZIERT, Fall Kurnaz: Steinmeier, Protest aus der CDU
20070129             Großbritannien: Junge Muslime wollen islamische Ordnung
20070129             MAGEN—DARM- Erreger: Das Comeback der NORO—VIREN
20070129             Erwartungen übertroffen: Tourismusindustrie feiert Rekordjahr
20070129             EINKOMMENS—VERGLEICH: Flugzeugbranche hebt bei Löhnen AB—BAUINDUSTRIE bricht ein
20070129             QAIDA—PROZESS: Seelsorger droht Haft wegen Zeugnisverweigerung
20070129             —BEDAUERT, NETZWELT—TICKER: Google, Zensur in CHINA
20070129             Fall Kurnaz: SPD fordert von Union Beistand für Steinmeier
20070129             EINSATZ—VON—KINDERSOLDATEN: Prozess gegen Kongos Lubanga
20070129             Klimaschutz: EU—KOMMISSION weist Kritik deutscher Autobauer zurück
20070129             Wissenschaftsmagazine: Papierimperium hetzt gegen freies Web
20070129             FEINSTAUB—FILTER: Zweifelhafte Wunderwaffe
20070129             13—KYRGYZ Republic... general, THE—SELECTION—OF—TAX payers for tax audit is not random but based on properties of.
20070129             submitted (tax) returns that indicate a...
20070129             INTERNATIONAL Oil Working Group Collection, 19570000              (19800000             —1985) 19870000             ...
20070129             Latin USA—CONFERENCE Against Apartheid, CARACAS 19830000
20070129             Shipbrokers (4—OF 4) 19800000             —1984. 206, Ship Registry n.d....
20070129             Mafia, Geheimdienste und POLITIK—DER—USA - Israels PRÄSIDENT—ALS—VERGEWALTIGER
20070129             Ständig war da an oberster Stelle 1—TASTEN und Tappen, 1—GRABSCHEN und Greifen.
20070129             Zitternde Finger huschten unter Blusen und Röcke.
20070129             Der Mann im obersten Amt suchte Körperkontakt mit seinen Sekretärinnen.
20070129             THE—BLACK—GOLD—RUSH: Divvying Up IRAQ—OIL
20070129             BG 1—REFORM—LAW put together with LOTS—OF—HELP from USA consultants could finally open IRAQ—MASSIVE—RESERVES to ExxonMobil & Co...
20070129             My 6—MONTHS On Right Wing Blogs-
20070129             My 6—MONTHS On Right Wing Blogs. by Maccabee
20070129             Sun 20070128             —081344—AM—PST - THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES
20070129             leads 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—IRAN—AMBASSADOR in BAGHDAD, who said, not surprisingly,
20070129             that his country is is planning to extend its activities - in IRAQ.
20070129             The ambassador, HASSAN—KAZEMI—QUMI, said IRAN is prepared to offer help with military training + emphasized the strong economic ties between both countries by stating that IRAN will open 1—BANK—IN—BAGHDAD.
20070129             USA—TODAY - leads with word from the Army CORPS—OF—ENGINEERS that it has discovered 146—LEVEES
20070129             across the country are at risk of failing if there is 1—MAJOR—FLOOD.
20070129             If local officials fail to repair the levees, it could mean property owners would have to buy flood insurance to protect their property.
20070129             —NOW it is Brown and Borat.
20070129             Democratic SENATOR—CHARLES—SCHUMER (news, bio, voting record) predicted 1—LARGE—NUMBER—OF—LAWMAKERS in BUSH—REPUBLICAN—PARTY -- possibly "even 1—MAJORITY" -- would support the resolution condemning the proposed deployment.
20070129             IRAN Reveals Ambitious Plan To Expand Influence In IRAQ
20070129             —OUTLINED, IRAN—AMBASSADOR to BAGHDAD, 1—AMBITIOUS—PLAN—ON—SUNDAY to greatly expand its economic and military ties with IRAQ -- including 1—IRAN—NATIONAL—BANK—BRANCH in THE—HEART—OF—THE—CAPITAL -- that will almost certainly bring IRAN into further conflict with USA—FORCES who have detained 1—NUMBER—OF—IRAN—OPERATIVES here in recent weeks.
20070129             The ambassador, HASSAN—KAZEMI—QUMI, said IRAN was prepared to offer IRAQ—FORCES training, equipment and advisers for what he called "the security fight.
20070129             IRAN—REVEALS Plan to Expand Role in IRAQ
20070129             —OUTLINED, IRAN—AMBASSADOR to BAGHDAD, 1—PLAN to expand its economic and military ties with IRAQ that will almost certainly bring more conflict with THE—USA.
20070129             Manifest Destiny: 1—NEW—DIRECTION—FOR—AMERICA
20070129             'THE—USA—TODAY is the leading world power by MANY—IF not most conventional measures.
20070129             —ADVANCED, With the largest economy and the largest and most, ARSENAL—OF—WEAPONS, it is acknowledged as such and exercises wide influence.
20070129             They're Us - 'EVERY—ERA has its own BUILT—IN drama -- its plague or despot by which it will be remembered,
20070129             whose looming menace inflects EVERY—CONVERSATION, kindles EVERY—SERMON, tints EVERY—WORK—OF—ART.
20070129             Ours is terrorism.
20070129             New Developments In Sustainable Technology
20070129             So exactly what kind of sustainable technology is out there?' (ENN article).
20070129             Hawks Knock Surge PLAN—COMMAND—STRUCTURE
20070129             'WASHINGTON -- As the Senate nears 1 unprecedented debate on PRESIDENT—BUSH—ESCALATION—OF—THE—IRAQ war,
20070129             —ALMOST all the public criticism has been aimed at the inadequate SIZE—OF—THE—NEW—FORCES being sent to BAGHDAD (21,500 troops) and the extreme difficulty of reversing the course of the civil war.
20070129             —NOTICED, But last —WEEK, little, by the press and public, THE—BUSH—PLAN began to be attacked on 1—SURPRISING new front -- by IRAQ hawks, like Sen.
20070129             BG Blogger Thought: Conyers credibility is near 0 with his eschewing impeachment.
20070129             Hot Air " Blog Archive " Video: Hillary jokes about "evil and bad men" like Osama and Republicans;
20070129             Update: Or Bill?- - Blogger Thought: The right wing attack machine wins.
20070129             However, with Hillary and Bill being part of 20010911             —THE Coverup and supporting THE—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN myth, it couldn't happen to 1—BETTER—PERSON.
20070129             BBC NEWS | MIDDLE—EAST | YEMEN—JEWS flee Islamist threat- - Blogger Thoughts: Is this false flag?
20070129             45—JEWISH—PEOPLE in YEMEN have taken refuge in 1—HOTEL in NORTH—YEMEN —AFTER receiving death threats from Muslim extremists.
20070129             Nasrallah accuses LEBANON—GOV'T—OF—INCITEMENT-
20070129             EI EXCLUSIVE: Leaked ISRAEL—DOCUMENT gives frightening glimpse of apartheid-
20070129             According to Efraim Halevy, FORMER—MOSSAD boss, we are astride World War 3, or as the neocons call it, World War 4, and don't know it.
20070129             "The world does not understand.
20070129             1—PERSON—WALKS through THE—STREETS—OF—TEL—AVIV, BARCELONA or BUENOS—AIRES and doesn't get the sense that there is 1—WAR going on," Halevy told Yedioth INTERNET.
20070129             Of course, this is because the supposed world war, as hyped by neocons and ISRAEL—LIKUDNIKS,
20070129             is primarily 1—CRASS—PROPAGANDA—CONTRIVANCE, not 1—ACTUAL—WAR—EXCEPT for Iraqis, Palestinians, Lebanese + soon enough Iranians.
20070129             "—WWI—DURING and II the entire world felt there was 1—WAR.
20070129             Big Business Buys SILENCE—OF—TOLL—ROAD—CRITICAL—NEWSPAPERS- - The "Wipe ISRAEL—OFF—THE—MAP" Hoax-
20070129             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—BROWN vows to "live free or die"
20070129             Twin Peaks & THE—ELEPHANT—MAN says there's "more than meets
20070129             Rockefeller on BUSH—NSA—SHIFT: 'Unacceptable,' 'I—CAN'T—TRUST—WHAT—THEY'RE—DOING'
20070129             —EARLIER this —MONTH, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION announced it was submitted its warrantless domestic spying program to THE—FISA court for its review.
20070129             —JUDGED, The move was, by the media
20070129             "an "ABOUT—FACE," and a "sharp reversal".
20070129             —REMAINED, But DETAILS—OF—THE—ADMINISTRATION—ACTIONS have, "sketchy,
20070129             "and ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES offered few clarifying explanations
20070129             in 1—RECENT—SENATE—JUDICIARY—COMMITTEE hearing.
20070129             —CHANGED, BUSH has said, "Nothing has
20070129             in the program except the court has said we've analyzed it and it's 1—LEGITIMATE—WAY to protect the country".
20070129             In 1—INTERVIEW this weekend, Senate Intelligence COMMITTEE—CHAIRMAN—JOHN—ROCKEFELLER (D—WV) said he believes the administration is trying to hide something.
20070129             He added, "[The administration's action] is not acceptable to me...simply because I can't trust what they say".
20070129             —EXPLAINED, Rockefeller,
20070129             "In the end, EVERY—SINGLE wiretap has to have 1—WARRANT.
20070129             No, I don't trust what they're doing".
20070129             Oil And Gas Companies Ready Drilling Projects For Newly Melted ARCTIC-
20070129             —CAUSED, Global warming, by fossil fuel emissions is rapidly melting THE—ARCTIC.
20070129             Sea ice coverage this past March "was the lowest in —WINTER—SINCE measurements by satellite began
20070129             "—SUMMER sea ice will have vanished from almost the entire ARCTIC region," conditions not seen in the area in 1—MILLION—YEARS.
20070129             For energy companies, this catastrophe means a "new ERA—OF—OIL and natural gas exploration in the region,
20070129             THE—ARCTIC region contains 1—QUARTER—OF—THE—WORLD—REMAINING oil reserves, experts estimate.
20070129             It also contains massive natural gas fields in the Barents Sea, including RUSSIA—HUGE—SHTOKMAN field.
20070129             —WARNED, European Environment Agency HEAD—JACQUELINE—MCGLADE, that "the region's opening could lead to another rush like the Klondike gold rush,
20070129             which 'could potentially destabilize' the area and its 10—MILLION—INDIGENOUS—INHABITANTS".
20070129             No longer a miserable failure?-
20070129             Googling "miserable failure" no longer takes you to PRESIDENT—BUSH—HOME—PAGE at THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20070129             Google explains that "by improving our ANALYSIS—OF—THE—LINK—STRUCTURE—OF—THE—WEB," such mischief will —NOW "typically return commentary, discussions + articles
20070129             PRESIDENT—BUSH 's "proposal to create a tax deduction for health insurance,
20070129             if enacted into law, could reduce Social Security benefits for MANY—AMERICANS because the deduction would apply not only to income taxes,
20070129             but also to payroll taxes that go to Social Security.
20070129             1—RECENT—TRIP to IRAQ has made House Speaker NANCY Pelosi (D—CA) "even more certain of her view that moving troops out of IRAQ is the best way to bring stability to the region".
20070129             —AFTER meeting the past 3—DAYS with scores of USA military commanders and regional political leaders,
20070129             she said, "I believe redeployment of our troops is 1—STEP toward stability in the region.
20070129             —PLANNED, SENATOR—JOSEPH—BIDEN (D—DE) had, to sit down over the weekend with Sen.
20070129             JOHN—WARNER (R—VA) and hammer out 1—CONSENSUS, bipartisan resolution opposing BUSH—ESCALATION in IRAQ.
20070129             "But Warner, who has been making backroom deals —FOR—28—YEARS in the Senate, informed Biden late —ON—THURSDAY: No deal.
20070129             146: Number of levees nationwide that the Army CORPS—OF—ENGINEERS "says pose 1—UNACCEPTABLE—RISK—OF failing in 1—MAJOR—FLOOD.
20070129             —OUTLINED, IRAN—AMBASSADOR—YESTERDAY " 1—AMBITIOUS—PLAN—ON—SUNDAY to greatly expand its economic and military ties with IRAQ,
20070129             "including assuming major responsibility for IRAQ—RECONSTRUCTION, "1—AREA—OF—FAILURE on THE—PART—OF—THE—USA".
20070129             EU lab confirms HUNGARY bird flu
20070129             —RAPPED, JAPAN MINISTER, on women
20070129             —LABELLED, JAPAN—PRIME—MINISTER scolds his health MINISTER who, women "BIRTH—GIVING machines" in 1—RECENT—SPEECH.
20070129             JAPAN has 3. bird flu outbreak
20070129             Officials in JAPAN confirm a 3. bird flu outbreak, but they are still determining if it is the deadly H5N1 strain.
20070129             DOCTOR—STRANGELOVE spoofs the notion of nuclear holocaust.
20070129             We laugh, but underneath the laughter is genuine fear.
20070129             Compiled by TONY—LONG. ENGINEER—POET (—POSTED by Hemos) 33 -
20070129             ENGINEER—POET wrote 1—PIECE—1—FEW months back that focuses on electricity production;
20070129             or rather how or what we will need to do to keep pace with people's demands —WHILE balancing that with environmental and economic impact.
20070129             Lengthy but WELL—REASONED and good reading.
20070129             "Search Engine Optimizer (SEO) CHARLES—S—KNIGHT has compiled 1—LIST—OF—THE—TOP—100—ALTERNATIVE—SEARCH—ENGINES.
20070129             The list includes Artificial Intelligence systems, Clustering engines, Recommendation Search engines, Metasearch + MANY—MORE hidden GEMS—OF—SEARCH.
20070129             People use 4—MAIN—SEARCH—ENGINES for 99.99—PERCENT—OF—THEIR—SEARCHES: Google, —YAHOO!, MSN + Ask com (in that order).
20070129             —DISCOVERED, But Knight has,
20070129             via his work as an SEO, that in the other.01% lies 1—VAST multitude of the most innovative and creative search engines —AROUND".
20070129             "Wired News reports 'electronic civil libertarians' hearts are A—TWITTER' over USA Presidential hopeful SENATOR—HILLARY—CLINTON—BOLD—STANCE on the right to privacy.
20070129             Wired quotes Clinton: 'At all levels, the privacy protections for ordinary citizens are broken, inadequate and OUT—OF—DATE.' Clinton gave 1—SPEECH last ;;06;;
20070129             to THE—USA—CONSTITUTION—SOCIETY (text,
20070129             WMF) in which she addressed electronic surveillance, consumer OPT—IN vs.
20070129             OPT—OUT, CYBER—SECURITY, commercial and government handling of personal data, data offshoring, data leaks + even genetic discrimination".
20070129             Would you consider 1—CANDIDATE—STAND on privacy important enough to sway your vote?
20070129             BDWI—DIE Ölwaffe in Amerikas Weltordnung
20070129    : Bush & Sohn beseitigen Mitwisser Hussein
20070129             GENERAL—SCHWARZKOPF, der Rommel der USA im 2. Golfkrieg, vernichtete den Großteil...
20070129             deutsche banken deutsches geld...
20070129             —HIRED, CEO—MARK—LOIZEAUX—CDI was also, to bury the rubble of the Murrah Building in the
20070129             Features | Making an Impact
20070129             Fortunately, FREDDIE—LOIZEAUX was 1—WHIZ at it, says JACK—GRANDDAUGHTER, Stacey Loizeaux, CDI—MEDIA and special effects coordinator...
20070129             Controlled Demolition INCORPORATED - CDI. CDI was instrumental in devising 1—PLAN to recycle THE—WTC steel.
20070129             —HIRED, CEO—MARK—LOIZEAUX—CDI was also, to bury the
20070129    - Debris Mountain Starts to Shrink
20070129             Morse estimates work could take 8—MONTHS but CDI—LOIZEAUX believes it could take up to 14—MONTHS.
20070129             "The debris stream will pick up, but it won't be...
20070129             Perfect demolition leaves Dome a fallen souffle
20070129             It amazes them that something so permanent can turn to rubble in seconds," said DOUG—LOIZEAUX, CDI—VICE—PRESIDENT.
20070129             He added that he thought SOME—PEOPLE.
20070129             Kingdome blast is team effort for this family
20070129             —RETIRED, But Loizeaux, who, from MARYLAND—BASED CDI
20070129             CDI Case Study - "Sage Timberline Office enables us to capture unlimited detail," says MARK—LOIZEAUX, CDI—PRESIDENT, noting he depends on that UP—TO—DATE—INFORMATION to...
20070129             Demolition leader gets flexibility and report detail to impact...-
20070129             MARK—LOIZEAUX, CDI—PRESIDENT, noting he. depends on that UP—TO—DATE—INFORMATION to.
20070129             back up his management decisions.
20070129             1—TIME—DATA—ENTRY. Good Out Of Evil
20070129             Stacey Loizeaux, MARK—DAUGHTER, is 1 licensed blaster and frequently 1—PROJECT—MANAGER.
20070129             * She in KNOXVILLE —WHILE her dad attended UTK. CDI has.
20070129             The biggest financial story in history Rebublic Broadcasting Network.
20070129             The biggest financial story in history.
20070129             Die ZEIT—WIRTSCHAFT : "Geldverdienen ist 1—GOTTESGABE"
20070129             John D. Rockefeller erbaute ein Ölimperium.
20070129             Konkurrenten trieb er in den Ruin... meist mit Walfischtran betriebenen Lampen füllt: Erdöl aus PENNSYLVANIA.
20070129             AEJMC Archives -- 20060100              (#34)
20070129             ("Statement by JUDGE—IN—LOS—ALAMOS—CASE, With Apology for ABUSE—OF—POWER," The... that are desirable to adversarial government officials is not "failing.
20070129             Turning Resistance into Rebellion: Student Movements and the......
20070129             has been running Los Alamos and MARTIN—MARRIETTA the Oak Ridge Lab for years.
20070129             —TURNED, The drives —LATER. up + 1—FBI investigation of the missing failed
20070129             adversarial interviews with THE—FBI. According to.
20070129             —PUBLISHED, THE—ARAB—TIMES had, 1—FEW weeks ago that THE—USA would invade IRAN by END—OF—MARCH, —NOW it has slipped to end of ;;04;;
20070129             per —TODAY—ARTICLE in THE—SCOTLAND—HERALD (see below).
20070129             This way they could continue to keep plotting away, "business as usual",
20070129             and as long as those dastardly "military commissions act" was signed and the Patriot Act was reauthorized,
20070129             this gives Cheney all the "rights" to take CONTROL—OF—THIS country as 1—DICTATORSHIP.
20070129             BUSH is truly —JUST 1—FIGUREHEAD along for the ride, perfect for photo ops —WHILE Cheney is the true decider and COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF.
20070129             SOME—NASTY—THINGS will happen in March/;;04;;
20070129             AND—OF—COURSE THE—USA is goading IRAN into war so the neocons/Cheney can make the call to declare martial law in this country.
20070129             Who cares about who runs for 20080000              —WHEN the elections don't matter anyway?
20070129             —POISED, AMERICA ' to strike at IRAN—NUCLEAR—SITES' from bases in BULGARIA and ROMANIA
20070129             Report suggest that 'USA defensive ring' may be new front in WAR—ON—TERROR.
20070129             —BY—GABRIEL Ronay
20070129             PRESIDENT—BUSH is preparing to attackIran'snuclearfacilities —BEFORE the end of ;;04;;
20070129             and THE—USA—AIR—FORCE—NEW—BASES in BULGARIA and ROMANIA would be used as BACK—UP in the onslaught,
20070129             according to 1—OFFICIAL—REPORT from SOFIA.
20070129             THEAMERICANBUILD—UPALONGTHE BlackSea,coupledwiththerecent positioningoftwoUSaircraftcarrier battle groups off the Straits of Hormuz,
20070129             —RATCHETED, PRESIDENT—AHMENINEJAD—OF—IRAN has further, up tension in the region by putting on show his newly purchased STATE—OF—THE—ART—RUSSIA—TOR—ML ANTI—MISSILE—DEFENCE—SYSTEM.
20070129             Whether THE—BULGARIA—NEWS—REPORT is 1—TACTICAL feint or 1—STRATEGIC—EVENT is hard to gauge at this stage.
20070129             SOFIA'snewsofadvancedwar preparationsalongtheBlackSeais backed up by SOME—CHILLING details.
20070129             1—ISTHESETTINGUPOFNEWREFUELLINGPLACES for USA Stealth bombers, which would spearhead 1—ATTACK on IRAN.
20070129             "THE—USAF—POSITIONING of vital refuelling facilities for its B—2—BOMBERS in unusual places, includingBulgaria,fallswithinthe perspective of such 1—ATTACK".
20070129             NovinitenamedcolonelSam Gardiner,
20070129             "1—USA—SECRET—SERVICE—OFFICER stationed in BULGARIA", as the source of this revelation.
20070129             BeforetheendofMarch,3000US militarypersonnelarescheduledto arrive "on 1—ROTATING basis" at AMERICA—BULGARIA—BASES.
20070129             ROMANIA, the other Black Sea host to theUSmilitary,isenjoyingadollarbonanzaasitsMihailKogalniceanu base at CONSTANTA is being transformed into 1—AMERICAN "place d'arme".
20070129             It is alsovitaltotheIranscenario.
20070129             —REVEALED, Lastweek,theBucharestdaily Evenimentual Zilei, THE—USAF is to site several flights of F—L5, F—L6 and Al0 aircraftattheKogalniceanubase.AdmiralGheorgheMarin,ROMANIA—CHIEF—OF—STAFF,
20070129             confirmed "up to 20000000              Americanmilitarypersonnelwillbe temporarily stationed in ROMANIA".
20070129             CENTRAL—EUROPE, THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC + POLAND have also found themselves in THE—PENTAGON—STRATEGIC—FOCUS.
20070129             Last —WEEK, Mirek Topolanek, THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC—PRIME—MINISTER + the country's national security council agreed to the siting of 1—USA—ANTI—MISSILE—RADAR—DEFENCE—SYSTEM at Nepolisy.
20070129             —AGREED, POLAND has also, to having 1—USA—ANTI—MISSILE missilebase and interceptoraircraft stationedinthecountry.
20070129             RUSSIA, however, does not see THE—CHAIN—OF—NEW—USA—BASES on its doorstep as a "defensive ring".
20070129             SergeyIvanov,RUSSIA'sdefence MINISTER,spokemorecircumspectly —WHILE emphasising MOSCOW—CONCERN.
20070129             Hesaid:"Russiaisnotworried.Itsstrategicnuclearforcescanassureinanycircumstanceitssafety.—SINCE neither TEHRAN,norPyongyangpossess intercontinentalmissilescapableof threatening THE—USA,
20070129             —FROM whom is this new missile shield supposed to protect the West?
20070129             All it actually amounts to is that PRAGUE and WARSAW want to demonstrate their loyalty to WASHINGTON".
20070129             BUSH—IRAN attack plan has brought into sharp focus the possible costs to Central and EAST—EUROPE of being "pillars of Pax AMERICANA".
20070129             Methinks that BUSH—ACTUAL intent is to kill Iranians on IRAQ—SOIL in the hope of provoking retaliation.
20070129             Why else would our COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF—PLACE so MANY—SHIPS within RANGE—OF—IRAN—MISSILES?
20070129             The eminent scholar, ALFRED—MCCOY, wrote in his most —RECENTLY revised edition of his landmark book THE—POLITICS—OF—HEROIN:
20070129             CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade (p. 475):
20070129             "THE—CIA... over the next —DECADE, gave more than half its covert aid to HEKMATYAR—GUERILLAS.
20070129             It was, as THE—USA—CONGRESS would find 1—DECADE—LATER, 1—DISMAL decision.
20070129             —COMMANDED, Unlike the —LATER resistance leaders, who, strong popular followings inside AFGHANISTAN, HEKMATYAR—GUERILLA—FORCE was 1—CREATURE—OF—THE—PAKISTAN military...".
20070129             MCCOY—BOOK also seems to paint 1—PORTRAIT—OF—HEKMATYAR as 1—OPIUM/heroin trafficker as much as 1—FUNDAMENTALIST—ISLAMIC—POLITICAL—AGENT.
20070129             —INDICATED, FORMER—FBI translater/whistleblower Sibel Edmonds has, the large ROLE—OF—NARCOTICS trafficking in play in our country's supposed "WAR—ON—TERROR," +
20070129             the story of MISTER—HEKMATYAR —JUST reinforces that view.
20070129             AFRIKA—BESUCH: Chinesischer PRÄSIDENT—BRINGT—MILLIARDENKREDIT mit - Kreditverträge: "Neue FORM—DES—WUCHERS"
20070129             Britische Überwachungspläne: Diese Kamera zieht Sie aus
20070129             JUSTIZ—KRISE in Großbritannien: Gefängnisse ÜBERFÜLLT—SEXUALTÄTER nicht überwacht
20070129             Gehaltsstudie: Inflation frisst Lohnerhöhungen auf
20070129             —DEMENTIERT, GNADEN—DEBATTE: Köhler, Treffen mit RAF—TERRORISTEN Klar
20070129             Klimaschutz: Umweltschützer werfen Autobauern falsche Strategie vor
20070129             TERROR—KAMPF: "Die Regierung wollte den Krieg"
20070129             Chinas Waffentest: SATELLITEN—ABSCHUSS steigert CRASH—GEFAHR im All
20070129             —BERECHNET, Masse : Deutschland wiegt—TONNEN
20070129             Razzia: Dutzende mutmaßliche QAIDA—TERRORISTEN in der Türkei festgenommen
20070129             Kundenflucht im Festnetz: T- Aktie rutscht kräftig ab
20070129             Wahlkampf: Hillary Clinton fordert von Bush Lösung des IRAK—PROBLEMS
20070129             Ausstieg 20180000             : SPD stimmt ZECHEN—SCHLIEßUNG zu
20070129             Fall Kurnaz: Union setzt Steinmeier unter Druck
20070129             Vom Knast nach HOLLYWOOD: Die 7—LEBEN des CLUB—KINGS—VON—MIAMI - and no.
20070129             have taken 1—HIT as well.
20070129             in ;;09;;. - 20060000             . - in order to blame liberals.
20070129             in participating offices". organizers said —YESTERDAY".
20070129             "about the tactic itself.
20070129             I think that it would be 1—MONUMENTAL WASTE—OF—TIME to replow this ground ANY—FURTHER".
20070129             [USA—SENATE—SELECT—COMMITTEE—ON—INTELLIGENCE, 20050331             ]
20070129             I think everybody pretty well gets it.
20070129             UPDATE: Flashback to 20060418             : "I'm the decider + I decide what is best".
20070129             eBay "outperform" RATING—UPDATE: Zürich ( AG) - Die Analysten der Credit Suisse stufen die Aktie von eBay (ISIN US2786421030/WKN 916529) unverändert mit "outperform" ein.
20070129             Video: Conyers calls for defunding THE—WAR—BG - Video:
20070129             LA Times Asks: Was 20010911              really that bad? (Outrageous Disinfo) - BG—BLOGGER thoughts:
20070129             If 1—LOOKS at the lies behind the act + the psychological operation/false flag NATURE—OF—THE—EVENT, it ranks as 1—MAJOR—CRIME against humanity.
20070129             Protests used to have 1—MORE—IMPORTANT—FUNCTION—BEFORE THE—DAYS—OF—THE—INTERNET: they were 1—MEANS—OF sharing and TRADING—INFORMATION amongst activists.
20070129             This is still possible, but with the ease of submitting petitions, THE—INFORMATIVE—ROLE—OF—THE blogosphere, the economy and speed of emailing, TEXT—MESSAGE—DEVICES and cell phones, this function has been usurped in 1—PROFOUND—WAY by the new technologies.
20070129             BlondeSense: ANTI—WAR—PROTEST—REVIEW—BG - 1—BUNCH—OF—KIDS were reported to have "stormed the Capital"...
20070129             FBI Role in Terror Probe Questioned
20070129             Pelosi: Give Billions to Corrupt AFGHANISTAN—LEADERS
20070129             In order to not appear "WEAK—KNEED" in THE—MULTI—GENERATIONAL fight against engineered "terrorism," House Speaker NANCY Pelosi is determined to gift corrupt police and tribal leaders in AFGHANISTAN with $10.6—BILLION.
20070129             "Pelosi, D—CALIFORNIA + Karzai discussed plans announced last —WEEK by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION to ask Congress for $10.6—BILLION for AFGHANISTAN, 1—MAJOR—INCREASE aimed at rebuilding the country + strengthening government security forces still fighting the Taliban —5—YEARS—AFTER THE—USA—LED invasion," reports the Associated Press.
20070129             Thousands Protest Bush POLICY—WASHINGTONPOST_COM—BG - 1—RAUCOUS and colorful MULTITUDE—OF—PROTESTERS, led by some of the aging ACTIVISTS—OF—THE—PAST, staged 1—SERIES—OF—RALLIES and 1—MARCH on the Capitol —YESTERDAY to demand that THE—USA—END—ITS—WAR in IRAQ.
20070129             THE—OLD—JET—FUEL—DOWN the Express Elevator TRICK—BG - Seatnineb does SOME—ANALYSIS—OF—THE—WTC1 elevators.
20070129             Source: Fake Terror: Jose Padilla, not so dirty —AFTER ALL—UPDATED
20070129             It is interesting how EVERY—NOW and then, the unwitting masses are blasted by 1—MEDIA—WAVE—OF fearmongering, with announcements of impending doom and terror being made to remind us of our mortality, —JUST to have that same media quietly admit that there was nothing to justify the hysteria.
20070129             And more —RECENTLY with the warnings of 1—HOLIDAY—TERROR—SURPRISE based on pure speculation.
20070129             So it is not surprising that 1—OF—THE—OLDER APPARITIONS—OF—THE—TERROR—THREAT to civilisation, the dirty bomber, is turning out to be squeaky clean compared to the monster he was —INITIALLY presented as.... Source:
20070129             Tags: Imad Mughniyeh
20070129             Fonda, Sarandon among IRAQ war protesters -_COM—BG - USA—NEWS: Fonda, Sarandon among IRAQ war protesters
20070129             War PROTEST—BG - NOTEBOOK: People Speak Out in Capital
20070129             —ARRIVED, We, entered the press area, then got ourselves into THE—VIP area.
20070129             —AFTER I started speaking with Conyers, he called over his communications director.
20070129             This —JUST confirms my belief that we are doing work that is making 1—DIFFERENCE.
20070129             I hope it encourages our writers to keep on writing, that it encourages more of our readers to take 1—STAB at writing + that it inspires you to
20070129             make 1—DONATION supporting OpEdNews.
20070129             HERE'S—OUR FAQ with info on how you can help and how you can contribute content to the site.
20070129             Have 1—GREAT—DAY, ROB—KALL—NEWEST—ARTICLES
20070129             —BY ROB—KALL—HUGE—ANTIWAR Demonstration In DC
20070129             —BY DAVE—LINDORFF
20070129             THE—CASE—FOR—IMPEACHMENT—CHECK out YouTube for the full video presentation by DAVE—LINDORFF and Barbara OLSHANSKY—OF—THE—CASE for Impeachment.
20070129             —BY JANE—STILLWATER
20070129             OMG! I—JUST—INTERVIEWED—SEAN—PENN! - It started out to be 1—BAD—DAY but then I went to hear DENNIS—KUCINICH speak and bumped into SEAN—PENN.
20070129             "Can I interview you for my blog?" I asked. Yes! So.
20070129             What did I find out? That SEAN—PENN is the Real Deal.
20070129             And so is DENNIS—KUCINICH.
20070129             —BY Jalil BAHAR—IRAN—INTELLECTUAL—HOLOCAUST - Part I
20070129             DENIAL—OF—THE—HOLOCAUST is not only 1—AFFRONT to Jews, but also 1—AFFRONT to MILLIONS—OF—DISSIDENTS, handicapped, gypsies,Slavs, Serbs, Poles...all humanity.
20070129             Ignorance is a killer.
20070129             -ByStephen Osborn - 1—FATAL—FLAW—IN—OUR—ALLEGED—FOREIGN—POLICY -
20070129             There may not be much difference between a "terrorist" and a "patriot".
20070129             —BY DENNIS—KUCINICH -
20070129             Kucinich : THE—HIGH—COST—OF—HEALTH—CARE Is Driving Our Manufacturing Companies Into THE—GROUND
20070129             —BY Jayne Lyn Stahl -
20070129             —BY ROB—KALL—INTERVIEW—WITH—JOHN—CONYERS, On Impeachment And Investigating Bush JOHN—CONYERS, CHAIR—OF—THE—CONGRESS ional Judiciary committee, talks to OpEdNews EDITOR—ROB—KALL about impeachment and hearings.
20070129             —BY Timothy V. Gatto
20070129             IRAN Is Going To Be Attacked Why Congress is not trying to do what it is Constitutionally charged to do, is beyond my comprehension.
20070129             If this is "playing politics" maybe they need to be charged with treason along with THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION.
20070129             —BY Susan GALLEYMORE—DON'T Send Your Sons...
20070129             Susan Galleymore is THE—MOTHER—OF—A—USA—ARMY—SOLDIER, 1—COUNSELOR on THE—GI Rights Hotline, FOUNDER—OF—MOTHERSPEAK sharing THE—STORIES—OF—MOTHERS affected by war and CO—FOUNDER—OF—COURAGE to Resist supporting the troops who refuse to fight.
20070129             —BY JGIDEON—'DAILY Voting News' For 20070127
20070129             —BY W. CHRISTOPHER—EPLER (Bill)
20070129             It's Time For Political Science To Live Up To Its Name
20070129             -ByThomas Bonsell
20070129             Sage Advice From 1—SUPREME—COURT—JUSTICE—SUPREME—COURT—JUDGE—ANTONIN—SCALIA advises us to 'get over" the court's decision that put GEORGE—BUSH into THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20070129             But should we? -ByThomas L. Walsh
20070129             Death To THE—CONSTITUTION—IN the —MONTH of January alone, ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES made 2—SHOCKING decisions that directly attacked the Constitution of THE—USA.
20070129             -ByJay Esbe - "Conservatism" = We THE—PEOPLE "Drowned In 1—BATH—TUB".
20070129             Rally For Peace In Rock Hill, Soth CAROLINA SOME—PICTURE and 1—NARRATIVE—OF—THE—ROCK—HILL, SOUTH—CAROLINA Rally.
20070129             -ByAllen L ROLAND—CHENEY IN HIS ' LAST THROES '
20070129             —SMOKED, Like 1—RABID bear being, from its lair, AMERICA—MOST dangerous unindicted criminal Dick 'IRAQ resistance in its last throes' Cheney has been forced out of his self imposed bunker by the " Scooter " Libby trial revelations that Cheney himself was personally involved in 1—EFFORT to try to discredit 1—CRITIC—OF—THE—IRAQ War ~ USA—ENVOY—JOE—WILSON.
20070129             Best News Links from the Web - 1—DEATH—IN—ISTANBUL
20070129             DETROIT automakers gear up to protect gas guzzlers
20070129             I hope that there's someone out there who is looking into Cuyahoga the same way 1—COUPLE—OF—NO—NAME—POST—REPORTERS started investigating a 3.—RATE burglary 1—COUPLE—YEARS—BEFORE I was born.
20070129             Jennings is still waiting for 1—STATE appellate court to decide whether to overturn 1—LOWER—COURT—JUDGE'S—DECISION to deny her access to the voting machines'computer codes and hardware.
20070129             Once that decision is made, the case will move back to the trial court, where Jennings is seeking 1—NEW—ELECTION.
20070129             But even this 1—NARROW investigative path has led to the undermining of federal agencies, loss of (further) public trust in government and news media, loss of livelihood and possibly worse.
20070129             Feingold To File Senate Legislation Calling For Defunding Of IRAQ War
20070129             his proposal to exercise Congress ional control of the purse strings over military deployment in IRAQ will and won't do.As well,the statement lists several other historical instances in which Congress voted to hold back funding —WHILE USA—TROOPS were deployed,including in 98—WHEN THE—REPUB—CONTROLLED legislature included 1—PROVISION in 1—DEFENSE—AUTHORIZATION—BILL prohibiting additional funding for USA—TROOPS in Bosnia...
20070129             Hillary talks about her vote on THE—IRAQ War Resolution and on her campaign.
20070129             USA—ARMY to probe battlefield contractors in IRAQ | JERUSALEM POST—BG - From HIGH—DOLLAR—FRAUD to conspiracy to bribery + bid rigging, Army investigators have opened up to 50—CRIMINAL—PROBES involving battlefield contractors in the war in IRAQ and THE—USA—FIGHT against terrorism, THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS has learned.
20070129             The government of ISRAEL took 1—HISTORIC—STEP—TODAY, appointing its 1. Muslim Arab Cabinet MINISTER: Raleb MAJADLE—OF—THE—LABOR—PARTY.
20070129             Full Story Below - "THE—ENEMY at Home"- BG—CAN these guys make up their mind?
20070129             —FROM THE—AUSTIN—ANTI—WAR—GATHERING (20070127              )
20070129             "Soothingly sensible".- FAIZ—IN its —SUNDAY tip sheet previewing the —MORNING talk shows, the Politico wrote, "SENATOR—JOSEPH—I—LIEBERMAN D—CONNECTICUT, will be on, sounding hawkish yet soothingly sensible about the war".
20070129             D'Souza needs 1—TUTORIAL.
20070129             - FAIZ—HOW Dinesh D'Souza distorts the words of OSAMA—BIN—LADEN in order to blame liberals.
20070129             SUDAN peace deal may unravel.
20070129             - Amanda - "1—PEACE—AGREEMENT that 2—YEARS ago ended AFRICA—LONGEST—RUNNING conflict — +
20070129             that THE—WHITE—HOUSE considers 1—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH—SIGNATURE achievements — is in danger of unraveling because of
20070129             inattention by top USA—OFFICIALS
20070129             Cheney : Bush Has 'Shored Up His [Political] Position...Specifically On IRAQ'
20070129             SOME—EXAMPLES: USA—TODAY, Kristol To Congress : 'Do Nothing' On IRAQ
20070129             "It's so irresponsible THAT—THEY can't be quiet for 6 or 9—MONTHS.
20070129             Absolutely right. Support the troops.
20070129             Appropriate the funds".Digg It! Full transcript: (more...)
20070129             Brownback Knocks Down Lieberman Claim That IRAQ Resolutions 'Encourage THE—ENEMY'
20070129             This —MORNING on FOX—NEWS, SENATOR—JOE—LIEBERMAN (I—CT)
20070129             echoed THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION and claimed that people who oppose escalation in IRAQ are emboldening terrorists.
20070129             —ANNOUNCED, SENATOR—SAM—BROWNBACK (R—KS), who, on —FRIDAY he will
20070129             support SENATOR—JOHN—WARNER'S (R—VA) ANTI—ESCALATION resolution,
20070129             NEWSWEEK : - Nico - "THE—PRESIDENT—APPROVAL—RATINGS are at their lowest point in the poll's history — 30 % — and more than half the country (58 %) say they wish the Bush presidency were simply over.... Congress is criticized by nearly 2—THIRDS (64 %) of Americans for not being assertive enough in challenging THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—CONDUCT—OF—THE—WAR".
20070129             (HT: Atrios) - Immune system 'brakes' found Scientists say they have found how the body controls the machinery it uses to fight infections.
20070129             Saudis seek PALESTINE—TALKS—ABDULLAH—KING—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA asks rival PALESTINE—LEADERS to MECCA for talks to end DAYS—OF—FACTIONAL fighting.
20070129             —BARRED, RUSSIA—PARTY, from polls 1—OF—RUSSIA—LEADING liberal parties, Yabloko, is banned from local polls in the 2. biggest city, St Petersburg.
20070129             INDIA in aerospace defence plan INDIA says it is to build 1—AEROSPACE defence command aimed at preventing possible attacks from space.
20070129             1. Arab joins ISRAEL—CABINET—ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT appoints the country's 1. Arab Muslim MINISTER—IN what is being hailed as an historic move.
20070129             Sinn Fein votes to support police Sinn Fein members vote to support policing in NORTH—IRELAND for the 1. time in the party's history.
20070129             Latinist laments 'dying language' 1—OF—THE—WORLD—LEADING scholars in Latin at THE—VATICAN says the language is dying out.
20070129             TIJUANA police get weapons back Police in TIJUANA in MEXICO are given back their guns —AFTER investigations into alleged drug running.
20070129             CHINA admits to climate failings 1—CHINA—GOVERNMENT—REPORT says the country has not made ANY—PROGRESS on cleaning up its environment.
20070129             YEMEN—JEWS flee Islamist threat 1—GROUP—OF—JEWISH—PEOPLE in YEMEN flee from their village —AFTER being threatened by radical Islamists.
20070129             I am not finished yet, says BLAIR—TONY—BLAIR tells THE—BBC he wants to "finish what he started" on public service reform —BEFORE leaving office.
20070129             Experts: Climate Report Too Rosy In PARIS this —WEEK, climate scientists will issue 1—DIRE forecast of rising sea levels and higher temperatures.
20070129             —SUGARCOATED, But SOME—SAY it's 1, version. By the Associated Press.
20070129             Sundance: Strange Culture 1—NIGHTMARISH—BIG—BROTHER—FILM documenting the plight of 1—ARTIST targeted by THE—FBI as 1—SUSPECTED—BIO—TERRORIST is screened simultaneously in Park City + 2. Life.
20070129             TABLE, of Malcontents.
20070129             Google Blurring Sensitive Map Information
20070129             "—WHILE viewing my school (THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—MASSACHUSETTS—LOWELL) with Google Maps, I noticed that 1—SELECT—PORTION—OF—THE—CAMPUS was pixelated: the operational nuclear research facility on campus.
20070129             Will all satellite IMAGES—OF—FACILITIES that the government deems 'sensitive' soon be subject to censoring?" Not surprisingly, the same areas are blurred in Google Earth.
20070129             "It seems (not only) to me that DRM is about far more than intellectual property. It's also about monopoly and FREEDOM—OF—CHOICE. It's 1—OF—THOSE cases where we, the consumers, must decide against accepting the new industry's rules, which care only about control and making money. The whole matter is very well put in DRM, Vista and your rights, where you can follow the subject as deeply as you like through the numerous relevant links".
20070129             Government Seeks DISMISSAL—OF—SPY—SUIT
20070129             THE—WIRED blog 27B Stroke 6 is carrying the news that THE—USA has filed 1—MOTION to drop the case THE—ACLU won in lower court against the government's warrantless wiretapping program.
20070129             Bacteria Harnessed As MICRO—ROBOT—MOTORS
20070129             "Researchers have found 1—WAY to propel MICRO—CAPSULES by attaching bacteria (S. marcescens, the type that makes your shower curtain moldy). Scientists at Carnegie Mellon University fixed the bacteria to THE—MICRO—CAPSULES and then used chemicals to turn on and off their MOTION—PRODUCING flagella. Quoting: 'In the future, such hybrid swimming MICRO—ROBOTS could even be used to deliver drugs inside the liquid environments of the human body, such as the urinary tract, eyeball cavity, ear + cerebrospinal fluid...'"
20070129             'Tens of thousands' turn out to protest IRAQ escalation.
20070129             "The event drew demonstrators from across the country + MANY—SAID that in addition to taking their discontent to the streets they planned to press MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS to oppose the war".
20070129             Nearly 70—PERCENT—OF—THE—USA—PUBLIC opposes PRESIDENT—BUSH—PLAN to send more USA—TROOPS to IRAQ.
20070129             Everyone knows except MITCH—MCCONNELL.
20070129             Senate Minority Leader MITCH—MCCONNELL (R—KY) "said benchmarks are the best way to determine if the Iraqis are holding up their end of the bargain but he stopped SHORT—OF—SAYING what THE—USA should do it the Iraqis fall short.
20070129             'I think everyone knows what the consequences are,' McConnell said
20070129             without specifying what he thinks they are, even —WHEN pressed.
20070129             'I'm not going to start playing out the scenarios,' he added".
20070129             Tester goes transparent.
20070129             With encouragement from the Sunlight Foundation, SENATOR—JON—TESTER (D—MT) —NOW posts his schedule online at THE—END—OF—EACH—DAY.
20070129             "Whether it's 1—VISIT to the gym, 1—MEETING with THE—FOUNDER—OF—THE—MONTANA—METH—PROJECT, or 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—WOLF—BLITZER, staff for Tester post his entire schedule online EACH—WORKDAY — 1—SENATE 1.".
20070129             Check it out HERE.
20070129             Chuck Norris Fact: Fabricated Path to 20010911              Scene 'Should Not Have Been In THE—FILM'
20070129             Conservative ACTOR—CHUCK Norris
20070129             —COMMENTED, Norris, on HANNITY—PLANS to broadcast the fictitious scenes that ABC cut from its controversial docudrama, "THE—PATH to 20010911              ".
20070129             —FABRICATED, In 1, scene, which ABC acknowledges was "improvised," FORMER—NATIONAL—SECURITY—ADVISER—SANDY—BERGER is shown refusing to give the order to THE—CIA to take 1—CLEAR shot at OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20070129             Last night, Norris said, "I hate to see 1—MOVIE used as 1—POLITICAL—PLATFORM, whether it's leaning right" — which he said —WHILE gesturing to the left — "or leaning left" — said —WHILE gesturing to the right.
20070129             Demand that he tell the truth about 20010911             . - - Full transcript: (more...)
20070129             —SUBPOENAED, Rove, Bartlett.
20070129             "WHITE—HOUSE anxiety is mounting over the prospect that top officials — including deputy CHIEF—OF—STAFF—KARL—ROVE and counselor DAN—BARTLETT —
20070129             may be forced to provide potentially awkward testimony
20070129             in the perjury and obstruction TRIAL—OF—LEWIS (Scooter) Libby ". Rove and Bartlett have already been subpoenaed by LIBBY—ATTORNEYS, NEWSWEEK reports + —WHILE it's not certain they will testify, "the odds increased this —WEEK—AFTER LIBBY—LAWYER, TED—WELLS, laid out 1—DEFENSE resting on the idea that his client...had been made a 'scapegoat' to protect Rove".
20070129             Mass USA—PROTEST against IRAQ war Tens of thousands march in WASHINGTON to demand THE—WITHDRAWAL—OF—USA—TROOPS from IRAQ.
20070129             JAPAN confirms bird flu outbreak JAPAN confirms that a 2. OUTBREAK—OF—BIRD—FLU at 1—POULTRY—FARM is the H5N1 strain.
20070129             —MARKED, Holocaust —DAY, in EUROPE Events are held to remember Nazi death camp victims as THE—UN adopts 1—RESOLUTION condemning Holocaust denial.
20070129             YouTubers to get ad money share YOUTUBE—FOUNDER says people who upload their own videos to the site will get 1—SHARE—OF—THE ad revenue.
20070129             Blair sees HOPE—OF—CLIMATE—DEAL—TONY—BLAIR tells the World Economic Forum 1—BREAKTHROUGH on climate change may be near.
20070129             Chips push through NANO—BARRIER 1—MAJOR—MILESTONE in microchip production is achieved allowing smaller and higher performance chips.
20070129             BODYHACK.
20070129             Intel, IBM: Transistor Overhaul In what experts say is the most dramatic development in transistor tech —SINCE the '60s, Intel and IBM separately announce they have figured out how to reduce energy loss in microchip transistors.
20070129             —BY the Associated Press.
20070129             Gov Seeks Spy Suit Dismissal The feds argue 1—ACLU suit seeking to abolish warrantless wiretapping should be dropped because the government agrees to get warrants (for —NOW).
20070129             In 27B Stroke 6.
20070129             BMW neues Kursziel RATING—UPDATE: PARIS ( AG) - Die Analysten von Exane BNP Paribas stufen die Aktie von BMW (ISIN DE0005190003/WKN 519000) unverändert mit "outperform" ein.
20070129             Das Kursziel werde von 48—AUF 53—EUR angehoben.
20070129             (20070126              /ac/a/u)
20070129             Siemens neues Kursziel RATING—UPDATE: AMSTERDAM ( AG) - Die Analysten der ING stufen die Aktie von Siemens (ISIN DE0007236101/WKN 723610) unverändert mit "hold" ein.
20070129             Das Kursziel werde von 81—AUF 92—EUR angehoben.
20070129             —EXAMINED, ISRAEL—USE—OF—CLUSTER—BOMBS from USA, -_COM—BG - ISRAEL—USE—OF—CLUSTER—BOMBS from USA examined -_com
20070129             THE—INTERNET is set to revolutionize television within 5—YEARS, due to 1—EXPLOSION—OF online video content and the merging of PCs and TV sets, Microsoft chairman BILL—GATES said on —SATURDAY.
20070129             "I'm stunned how people aren't seeing that with TV, in 5—YEARS from —NOW, people will laugh at what we've had," he told business leaders and politicians at the World Economic Forum.
20070129             —BLAMED, NEW—YORK SENATOR—HILLARY—RODHAM—CLINTON, PRESIDENT—BUSH on —SATURDAY for misusing authority given him by Congress to act in IRAQ, but conceded "I take responsibility" for her role in allowing that to happen.
20070129             - Bush Admin.
20070129             —ATTEMPTED, THE—USA has also, to steer THE—UN—REPORT, prepared by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), away from conclusions that would support 1—NEW—WORLDWIDE—CLIMATE—TREATY based on binding targets to reduce EMISSIONS—AS sought by TONY—BLAIR.
20070129             —DEMANDED, It has, 1—DRAFT—OF—THE—REPORT be changed to emphasise the benefits of voluntary agreements and to include criticisms of THE—KYOTO Protocol, the existing treaty which THE—USA—ADMINISTRATION opposes.
20070129             'USA—ARMY authorised to kill IRAN—AGENTS in IRAQ'—BG - 'USA—ARMY authorised to kill IRAN—AGENTS in IRAQ'
20070129             PRESIDENT—BUSH—PLANS to ask Congress for $10.6—BILLION in aid for AFGHANISTAN, primarily to beef up the country's security forces, SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE said —THURSDAY.
20070129             —CRITICIZED, —YESTERDAY on NPR, RIGHT—WING talk show host GLENN—BECK, fellow conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh for his strident rhetoric, saying it will be "
20070129             THE—DEATH—OF—OUR industry + THE—DEATH—OF—OUR country.
20070129             Listen here: CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO BECK
20070129             "What happened to THE—DUKE lacrosse team was practically 1—LYNCHING without the rope. And for the 1. time in my life, MISTER—OREO—COOKIE without the chocolate on the outside can understand why people celebrated —WHEN O.J. Simpson was acquitted".
20070129             [20061114              on what he would like to say to REPRESENTATIVE—KEITH—ELLISON (D—MN), the 1. elected Muslim MEMBER—OF—CONGRESS]
20070129             "And that's all we're hearing about, are the people in NEW—ORLEANS. Those are the only ones we're seeing on television are the scumbags ".
20070129             THE—GAY and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) has criticized Beck for his ANTI—GAY—COMMENTS + is —NOW calling on "to address BECK—CRUDENESS + require that he
20070129             adhere to basic STANDARDS—OF—RESPECT.
20070129             (For more information on how to contact, GO—HERE.) Transcript:
20070129             —JOKED, HOST: —RECENTLY, Limbaugh, that new House Speaker NANCY Pelosi — the 1. woman Speaker in USA—HISTORY — might well breastfeed 1—CHILD sitting on her lap —DURING official ceremonies.
20070129             It's going to be THE—DEATH—OF—OUR industry + THE—DEATH—OF—OUR country, if we don't stop dividing ourselves like this.
20070129             Rush Limbaugh on 'why liberals hate AMERICA.'
20070129             It's 1—TOUGH thing to do because people who aren't liberal, it's tough challenge to try to get outside yourself enough to understand these people.
20070129             MOST—OF—THEM don't really matter, don't amount to much + resent anybody else who does".
20070129             Profiles in courage?
20070129             1—TOP—CONSERVATIVE—CAPITOL Hill staffer tells Politico that
20070129             more than 70—SENATORS would oppose BUSH—ESCALATION if their vote matched their comments in private meetings.
20070129             "THE—WHITE—HOUSE is trying to but they really don't know how to handle this," the staffer said.
20070129             THE—SO—CALLED—PHASE II report on the administration's USE—OF—PRE—WAR—INTELLIGENCE was delayed for over 2—YEARS.
20070129             2—OF—ITS 5—PORTIONS were
20070129             Here are examples of
20070129             Roberts ' vacillations on the Phase II investigation per WHITE—HOUSE—ORDERS:
20070129             "We'll proceed with Phase II.. It is 1—PRIORITY. I made my commitment and it will get done. " [Press conference,
20070129             PRESIDENT—BUSH : 'I'm THE—DECISION—MAKER'
20070129             In remarks to reporters this —MORNING, PRESIDENT—BUSH said he would ignore Congress ' opposition to his escalation plan, saying, "I'm THE—DECISION—MAKER".
20070129             I had to come up with 1—WAY—FORWARD that precluded disaster.
20070129             "Because I told them it had to".
20070129             "I asked him at THE—WHITE—HOUSE, 'MISTER—PRESIDENT, why do you think this time it's going to work?' And he said, 'Because I told them it had to. '" Pelosi reportedly then asked, "Why didn't you tell them that the other 2—TIMES?
20070129             Stress 'harms brain in the womb' Children whose mums were stressed in pregnancy are vulnerable to behavioural problems, evidence shows.
20070129             Staff woes hit EU border agency Recruitment problems dog THE—EU—BORDER—AGENCY and may hamper efforts to curb illegal immigration.
20070129             Nato 'to step up AFGHANISTAN—SUPPORT' Nato ministers meeting in BRUSSELS agree to step up military and economic help for AFGHANISTAN, officials say.
20070129             —JAILED, Pair, over royal phone taps UK newspaper NEWS—OF—THE—WORLD—ROYAL—EDITOR is jailed for plotting to intercept messages left for royal aides.
20070129             SPAIN rallies EU constitution bloc SPAIN strongly defends the beleaguered EU constitution, rallying the countries that have ratified it.
20070129             USA confirms IRAQ COMMANDER—THE—USA—SENATE unanimously confirms LT—GEN DAVID—PETRAEUS as THE—COMMANDER—OF—USA—FORCES in IRAQ.
20070129             Fever spreads KENYA panic Panic grips parts of KENYA as Rift Valley Fever crosses from animals to humans, killing 148—PEOPLE—SINCE December.
20070129             BRAZIL—LULA urges DOHA progress BRAZIL—PRESIDENT—LUIZ—INACIO—LULA da Silva calls on rich nations not to hold back global trade talks.
20070129             UK in whaling recruitment drive THE—UK—GOVERNMENT will launch 1—CAMPAIGN to secure 1—ANTI—WHALING majority on the world's governing body.
20070129             —MISLED, Libby, inquiry, trial hears EX—WHITE—HOUSE—AIDE—LEWIS—LIBBY did not tell FBI agents the truth over THE—CIA—LEAK—SCANDAL, his trial hears.
20070129             Google Defuses Googlebombs
20070129             "Google announced —TODAY 1—MODIFICATION to their search algorithm that minimizes WELL—KNOWN googlebombing exploits. Searches on 'miserable failure' and their ilk no longer bring up political targets. THE—GOOGLE blogger writes: 'By improving our ANALYSIS—OF—THE—LINK—STRUCTURE—OF—THE—WEB, Google has begun minimizing the impact of MANY—GOOGLEBOMBS. —NOW we will typically return commentary, discussions + articles about the Googlebombs instead.'"
20070129             Boeing Drops Wireless System For 787
20070129             "It appears that STATE—OF—THE—ART—CONNECTIVITY in BOEING—NEWEST—AIRCRAFT—MEANS 1 wired, not 1—WIRELESS—NETWORK. THE—SEATTLE Times reports that Boeing has abandoned plans to bring entertainment and information to passengers through 1—WIRELESS—SYSTEM in its 787—DREAMLINER due to possible production delays and potential conflicts with other radio services —AROUND the world. 1—SIDE—BENEFIT is 1—ACTUAL—REDUCTION in weight using the wired system. Amazingly, THE—LAN cables needed to connect EVERY—SEAT in the aircraft weigh 150—LBS less than all the wireless antennae, access points + thickened ceiling panels required to accommodate 1—WIRELESS—NETWORK (the design called for 1—ACCESS—POINT—ABOVE—EACH—ROW)".
20070129             The article concludes: "The net impact, [1—BOEING spokesman] said, is less technical risk, SOME—WEIGHT saved, the system's flexibility and quality preserved plus 'a bit of schedule relief.'"
20070129             USA Pennies To Be Worth 5—CENTS?
20070129             Reuters coverage —FOLLOWING up on last —MONTH—NEWS that THE—USA—MINT has made it illegal to melt or export USA—COINS in bulk, —SINCE the value of their constituent metals — in THE—CASE—OF—PENNIES and nickels — —NOW exceeds their face value.
20070129             The new story quotes FRANCOIS—VELDE, senior economist at the Federal Reserve BANK—OF—CHICAGO, who thinks the new rules will not be enough — he believes that determined speculators are already piling up pennies.
20070129             Underground Water on Mars?
20070129             The article begins: "THE—MARS—EXPRESS spacecraft, from the European Space Agency (ESA), has indicated to scientists that the dry atmosphere and surface on the planet Mars does not necessarily mean Mars is dry underneath the surface. In fact, 1—HUGE—STOREHOUSE—OF—WATER and carbon dioxide could be found in underground reservoirs".
20070129             RATING—UPDATE: NEW—YORK ( AG) - Die Analysten von Bear Stearns stufen die Aktie von Nokia (ISIN FI0009000681/WKN 870737) unverändert mit "outperform" ein.
20070129             (20070125              /ac/a/u)
20070129             It is becoming clearer that Bush is going to start 1—WAR with IRAN.
20070129             We need to demand that our congress ional legislators pass binding legislation forbidding the military from doing ANY—SUCH thing-- making it 1—CRIME for Generals to disobey congress, and, —WHILE we're at it, taking away their pensions if they disobey THE—ORDERS—OF—CONGRESS, —WHILE protecting their jobs and pensions if they disobey THE—PRESIDENT!, —SINCE Bush will probably threaten them.
20070129             It may not get at why, but the perjury TRIAL—OF—LEWIS—LIBBY getting underway in WASHINGTON is all about BUSH—ADMINISTRATION lies on IRAQ + especially lies to itself.
20070129             The trial offers 1—IMPORTANT—WINDOW into how those lies were concocted and how the administration went —AFTER anyone who challenged them.
20070129             Far more interesting than LIBBY—GUILT or innocence is what will be revealed —DURING the trial about how the administration lied itself into believing Saddam Hussein had 1—ONGOING, vigorous nuclear weapons program.
20070129             Even PATRICK—FITZGERALD, the overzealous special prosecutor, said the trial won't be about THE—IRAQ war + he said this over 1—YEAR ago, —WHEN he 1. obtained the indictment of Libby.
20070129             THE—STRIB guys remind us of those JAPAN—SOLDIERS found on Pacific islands in the late 1940s who had no idea the war was over and their side lost.
20070129             The "Chilling Plot" To Scare NEW—YORK Senseless
20070129             Well, not exactly... Details of the frightening copycat plot were discovered in documents found about 6—MONTHS ago —WHEN coalition forces raided 1—INSURGENT hideout in IRAQ, ABC News reported.OK, what do we know about this?
20070129             LIEUTENANT—GENERAL—MICHAEL—MAPLES, HEAD—OF—THE—DEFENSE—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY, —RECENTLY submitted written testimony to Congress based on 1 classified report tha... Source:
20070129             —JUST How Good Is Globalization? - PREVIEW—BG - The business and political leaders who gather EVERY—YEAR at the World Economic Forum have long shared 1 creed: Globalization is good.
20070129             Bush Speech Terror Claim Debunked 1—YEAR—AGO—BG - Bush Speech Terror Claim Debunked 1—YEAR—AGO
20070129             VOTE FRAUD COVER—UP IN SARASOTA ELECTION—BG - 1—ANALYSIS—OF—EARLY—NEWS—ACCOUNTS of the massive and unprecedented "undervote" in SARASOTA FL
20070129             Witness was unwitting helper with 21/7—PURCHASE—LAW - Times ONLINE—BG - 1—OF—THE alleged 21/7—BOMBERS had condemned the 7/7—SUICIDE—ATTACKS—JUST days —BEFORE he boarded 1—UNDERGROUND—TRAIN with 1—EXPLOSIVE device in his rucksack, 1—COURT was told —YESTERDAY.
20070129             There is no WAR—ON—TERROR, says DPP—BG - THE—UK—DIRECTOR—OF—PUBLIC—PROSECUTIONS has made 1—BITTER—ATTACK on USA—PRACTICES in 1—SPEECH to the Criminal Bar Association.... Source:
20070129             NEWS—BG - 3—FOOTBALL—PLAYERS at Guilford College, 1—SCHOOL with 1—QUAKER background, face assault and ethnic intimidation charges —AFTER 1—ATTACK on 3—PALESTINE—STUDENTS, authorities said.
20070129             —IGNORED, Fox, DOJ report's vindication of CREW in controversy over Foley emails
20070129             In addition, 1—EARLIER—REPORT by Costello on THE—4—P.m. ET EDITION—OF—THE—SITUATION—ROOM failed to tell viewers that the report found THE—FBI had misled the media on... Source:
20070129             Hannity shouldn't debate 4—STAR Rhodes Scholars
20070129             —ADMITTED, The prior strategy + THE—PRESIDENT, that there were SOME—MISTAKES made, was that they go in and they'd clear out the insurgency and they didn't stay long enough or hold those areas long enough.
20070129             GENERAL WESLEY CLARK:: I don't think that's. - Source:
20070129             In the trial's opening —DAY, [prosecutor Patrick] FITZGERALD—TASK was to keep the issue —BEFORE the jury simple: were MISTER—LIBBY—STATEMENTS about his conversations with reporters true?
20070129             The mission of [defense lawyer Theodore] Wells, in contrast, was to present the case as hopelessly complicated, thus leaving the jurors in doubt about THE—VALIDITY—OF—THE—CHARGES.
20070129             and threats from AL—QAEDA on the days that MISTER—LIBBY spoke to reporters.
20070129             In this telling Fitzgerald is presenting 1—LEGAL—THEORY, whereas Wells is trying to throw sand in the jurors' eyes.
20070129             Paramilitary Assault Teams Terrorizing AMERICA
20070129             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—FORMER—ASSISTANT—SECRETARY—OF—THE—TREASURY under Reagan highlights disturbing use and abuse of SWAT teams that
20070129             Tancredo wants to abolish Congress ional Black Caucus.
20070129             REPRESENTATIVE—TOM—TANCREDO (R—CO) —TODAY said that "THE—EXISTENCE—OF—THE—CONGRESS ional Black Caucus and other RACE—BASED GROUPS—OF—LAWMAKERS—AMOUNT to segregation and should be abolished".
20070129             —RECEIVED, He —RECENTLY, attention for calling MIAMI "as bad as ANY—GHETTO in any 3. World country".
20070129             CHENEY—EX—SPOKESWOMAN contradicts Libby account.
20070129             "VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY—SPOKESWOMAN testified —THURSDAY she told I. Lewis 'Scooter' Libby that 1—PROMINENT—WAR—CRITIC'S—WIFE was 1—CIA—EMPLOYEE
20070129             —EARLIER than Libby has said he 1. learned it from 1—REPORTER,
20070129             Conservative Senators Attempt To Abolish Federal Minimum Wage And Pass Tax Breaks For Businesses
20070129             —KILLED, —YESTERDAY, 1—MINORITY—GROUP—OF—CONSERVATIVE—SENATORS, 1—CLEAN—MINIMUM—WAGE—BILL that would have raised the federal minimum wage to $7.25 an —HOUR.
20070129             Instead, the Senate will —NOW be voting on a "compromise" bill that will pair 1—MINIMUM—WAGE—INCREASE with tax breaks for small businesses.
20070129             —JUSTIFIED, SENATOR—MIKE—ENZI (R—WY), his opposition to the clean bill by stating, "We're trying to make sure we don't put MOM—AND—POP businesses and their employees OUT—OF—WORK".
20070129             PRESIDENT—BUSH has also said that won't support 1—WAGE—INCREASE without business tax breaks because he "punish THE—MILLIONS—OF—SMALL—BUSINESSES that are creating MOST—OF—THE—NEW—JOBS in our country".
20070129             1—STUDY by the Center for USA—PROGRESS found that employment in small businesses, the number of small businesses + INFLATION—ADJUSTED small business payroll growth grew more in states with higher minimum wages than federal minimum wage states.
20070129             —ALMOST 300—LARGE and small business owners across the country have signed on to Business for 1—FAIR—MINIMUM—WAGE, which is pushing Congress to raise the federal minimum wage.
20070129             1—RECENT—GALLUP poll found that "3—OUT—OF—4—SMALL—BUSINESSES said that 1—INCREASE in the minimum wage would have no effect on their company".
20070129             —SHOWERED, In the past 10—YEARS, Congress has " corporations with $276—BILLION in tax breaks, plus another $36—BILLION aimed exclusively at small businesses".
20070129             Amendments no. 158—BY SENATOR—JIM—DEMINT (R—SC)and no.
20070129             116—BY SENATOR—WAYNE—ALLARD (R—CO) would have allowed the states to set their own minimum wage levels.
20070129             Send 1—MESSAGE to your senators
20070129             voicing support for 1—CLEAN—MINIMUM—WAGE—INCREASE.
20070129             "WAL—MART Stores INCORPORATED will pay $33—MILLION in back wages to THOUSANDS—OF—EMPLOYEES—AFTER turning itself in to the Labor Department for paying too little in overtime, according to 1—AGREEMENT announced —THURSDAY by THE—USA—LABOR—DEPARTMENT".
20070129             6—MONTHS ago, HARPER—KEN—SILVERSTEIN reported that "in SPITE—OF—PRESSURE from CIA analysts, intelligence TSAR—JOHN—NEGROPONTE was blocking 1—NEW—NATIONAL—INTELLIGENCE—ESTIMATE (NIE) on IRAQ".
20070129             Last —WEEK, however, 1—ADMINISTRATION—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIAL told senators that the report is still not complete.
20070129             According to Silverstein, Senate hearing attendees "believe that senior intelligence officials are stalling because an NIE will be bleak enough to
20070129             present a significant political liability.
20070129             —REVEALED, —YESTERDAY, NPR host Diane Rehm may have, why THE—NIE remains so politically sensitive.
20070129             —ON her national radio show, Rehm said:
20070129             It's my understanding that the National Intelligence going to suggest that adding troops is the wrong way to go, that it's not going to improve the situation.
20070129             CLICK HERE FOR AUDIO
20070129             —YESTERDAY, House Speaker NANCY Pelosi (D—CA), Senate Majority Leader HARRY—REID (D—NV) + the House and Senate intelligence committee chairmen wrote PRESIDENT—BUSH "urging prompt completion of 1—NATIONAL—INTELLIGENCE estimate (NIE) on IRAQ 1. requested by Congress 6—MONTHS ago".
20070129             Read the full letter HERE. Digg It! Full transcript:
20070129             REHM: It's my understanding that the National Intelligence Estimate — that —NOW at least 2—MONTHS overdue — is going to suggest that adding troops is the wrong way to go, that it's not going to improve the situation.
20070129             So I think at this point that the Congress demand that that NIE be completed and provided to the Congress.
20070129             BUSH—SOTU—LEAVES—SOCIAL—CONSERVATIVES 'Lifeless,' 'Disappointed,' 'Shaking Their Heads'
20070129             little to cheer " in his speech —TUESDAY night. SOME—EXAMPLES below:
20070129             —ENTITLED, In 1—VIDEO—ADDRESS, "1—LIFELESS—STATE—OF—THE—UNION," PRESIDENT—TONY—PERKINS—OF—THE—FAMILY—RESEARCH—COUNCIL said, " I believe THE—PRESIDENT failed to challenge the new majority to advance core family and cultural issues. What will BECOME—OF—THE—CULTURE—OF—LIFE, THE—DEFENSE—OF—MARRIAGE and permanent FAMILY—FRIENDLY—TAX—POLICIES?" [FRC,
20070129             Union membership drops to historic low.
20070129             "THE—NUMBER—OF—WAGE and salary workers who were union members dropped to 12—PERCENT—OF—THE—WORK—FORCE—LAST—YEAR," THE—AP reports, "the lowest %age —SINCE the government started tracking that number over 2—DECADES ago".
20070129             —REPRESENTED, Workers, by unions earn 28 % more than nonunion workers, are 62 % more likely to have medical insurance through their jobs + are 4—AND—A—HALF—TIMES as likely to have guaranteed pensions.
20070129             McCain to introduce his own IRAQ resolution.
20070129             "SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN (R—AZ) said —WEDNESDAY he will introduce his own Senate resolution on IRAQ that
20070129             calls for 1—SERIES—OF—BENCHMARKS and intensified congress ional oversight.
20070129             Hagel On Cheney Remarks: 'He Has So Little Faith In This Country To Say Something Like THAT'—AMANDA - —YESTERDAY on, VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY told WOLF—BLITZER that "the biggest threat" in THE—IRAQ war right —NOW is that THE—USA—PUBLIC may not have the " stomach for the fight".
20070129             You're telling me — or maybe more directly, maybe THE—VICE—PRESIDENT should tell the families of those who have lost their lives, over 3,000 + over 23,000 wounded, SOME—VERY seriously for life, that they don't have the stomach?
20070129             Katrina Victims Outraged Over Bush Snub
20070129             PRESIDENT—BUSH—STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS did not include 1—SINGLE—MENTION—OF—KATRINA or the rebuilding of the Gulf Coast region.
20070129             —TRAVELED, Last night, CBS News reporter ARMEN—KETEYIAN, to MOUNT—OLIVE Gardens, 1—TRAILER park near BATON—ROUGE where 200—KATRINA victims live, to gauge the reaction to BUSH—SPEECH.
20070129             "In places like MOUNT—OLIVE Gardens," Keteyian concluded, "words like relief and recovery —NOW seem as empty to them as last night's presidential address".
20070129             —WHILE the residents of MOUNT—OLIVE Gardens were outraged over the snub, SENATOR—DAVID—VITTER (R—LA) was "more forgiving," saying he was "mildly disappointed".
20070129             "I didn't necessarily expect [1—MENTION]," Vitter said.
20070129             As CHIEF investigative reporter ARMEN—KETEYIAN reports, SOME—WHO lost everything are asking, "What about us?"
20070129             KETEYIAN: TONI—BANKSTON, 1—MENTAL—HEALTH—CASE—WORKER, couldn't believe what THE—PRESIDENT—WASN'T saying.
20070129             KETEYIAN: There are 5,596 words in THE—PRESIDENT—SPEECH last night in reaction to the fact that not 1—SINGLE 1 was either Katrina or LOUISIANA which felt not here in tiny mount olive gardens but all across the gulf.
20070129             BLANCO: The pains of the hurricane are —YESTERDAY—NEWS in WASHINGTON.
20070129             JETSON: THERE—BEEN 1—LOT said, very little done and —NOW we have evolved to the point where there's very little if nothing being said.
20070129             KETEYIAN: To 1—POINT where in places like MOUNT—OLIVE Gardens words like relief and recovery —NOW seem as empty to them as last night's presidential address.
20070129             Exclusive: House Intel Chairman Reyes Declares Opposition To Bush Troop Increase
20070129             In 1—NEW—STATEMENT, House Intelligence COMMITTEE—CHAIRMAN—SILVESTRE—REYES (D—TX) tells ThinkProgress, "I don't support THE—PRESIDENT—PLAN to send 1—ADDITIONAL—NUMBER—OF—TROOPS to IRAQ," arguing that BUSH—PLAN is "not tied to 1—SPECIFIC—STRATEGY and will only needlessly endanger more soldiers".
20070129             But in a - NEWSWEEK interview —EARLIER this —YEAR, Reyes said he would support sending SOME—ADDITIONAL—USA—FORCES to IRAQ.
20070129             "In late —SUMMER to early fall of 20060000             , military leaders were of the opinion that if given the mission to neutralize these militias, they could do so with 1—TEMPORARY—INCREASE—OF—20,000 to 30,000—TROOPS. My position then was that this would be 1—WORTHWHILE—INVESTMENT that would result in 1—MORE—SECURE—ENVIRONMENT for our troops + would provide THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT 1—BETTER—CHANCE to establish itself".
20070129             —PROGRESSED, However, Reyes notes, as the —YEAR, the security situation deteriorated further + CentCom COMMANDER—JOHN—ABIZAID
20070129             testified that sending additional troops was not advisable.
20070129             Given Maliki's "past performance and inability to command THE—IRAQ—MILITARY or order THE—DISARMING—OF—THE—MILITIAS," Reyes argues, "THE—PRESIDENT—SUPPORT—OF this plan without specific BENCHMARKS—OF—ACCOUNTABILITY is unacceptable".
20070129             Moreover, he says, "—WHEN I met with THE—PRESIDENT—BEFORE his ANNOUNCEMENT—OF—THE—PLAN, I asked him if he intended to take THE—ADVICE—OF—THE—MILITARY—LEADERSHIP and use the troops for dealing with the militias; THE—PRESIDENT confirmed that his plan was not the same".
20070129             —NOW, Reyes says, the solution "is to make THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT—ACCOUNTABLE for both their own security, with USA—SUPPORT + to find 1—POLITICAL—SOLUTION to the sectarian differences and subsequent violence, not to put additional USA—TROOPS in danger".
20070129             Using media reports, press releases + submissions from HUNDREDS—OF—READERS, we've compiled 1—INTERACTIVE—TALLY showing EVERY—MEMBER—POSITION.
20070129             - Amanda - "TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEACE—ADVOCATES from across the country are expected in WASHINGTON on —SATURDAY for 1—ANTI—WAR—RALLY that could be among the biggest —SINCE the war in IRAQ began, organizers said —YESTERDAY".
20070129             Campus Progress is also providing funding for students who will be attending the march and organizing 1—DISCUSSION with USA—PROGRESS—SCHOLARS.) 20070129              Rumfeld Remains Defense Department 'Consultant,' Opens 'Transition Office' Near PENTAGON—NICO -
20070129             THE—WASHINGTON TIMES—REPORTS :
20070129             THE—TIMES—REPORTS that Rumsfeld has brought with him
20070129             close adviser STEPHEN—CAMBONE, 1—FIERCE—ADVOCATE—OF—THE—IRAQ war and THE—CHIEF—PLANNER—OF—QUESTIONABLE—INTERROGATION—TACTICS at military and CIA detention sites —AROUND the world.
20070129             The right wing attacks Dick CHENEY—DAUGHTER,- NICO—BUT —WHEN WOLF—BLITZER asks about it, Cheney says he's " OUT—OF—LINE".
20070129             Ad hominem ad nauseum.
20070129             - NICO—NATIONAL—REVIEW—SENIOR—EDITOR—RAMESH—PONNURU — AUTHOR—OF "THE—PARTY—OF—DEATH" — keeps writing factually inaccurate columns about stem cell research.
20070129             Trotz einer OPIUM—REKORDERNTE in AFGHANISTAN will die Regierung in diesem —JAHR noch nicht nicht mit Herbiziden gegen die illegalen Pflanzungen vorgehen.
20070129             —BESCHLOSSEN, Das Kabinett habe, auf den EINSATZ—VON—CHEMIKALIEN zu verzichten und die Felder mit traditionellen Mitteln zu zerstören, teilte Said MOHAMMAD—ASAM vom Ministerium für Drogenbekämpfung am —DONNERSTAG mit.
20070129             USA to boost AFGHANISTAN—TROOPS and aid THE—USA—SAYS it plans to spend $10.6bn on AFGHANISTAN, —WHILE bolstering the number of Nato troops there.
20070129             Dozens die in ANGOLA flash floods More than 70—ANGOLANS are reported dead, MOST—OF—THEM in the capital, —AFTER rain storms cause flooding.
20070129             Ford hit by record $12.7bn loss USA—CAR—GIANT—FORD reports a $12.7bn loss for 20060000             , the biggest annual loss in its 103-year history.
20070129             —FINED, Maximum fine over CHINA pollution 1—CHINA—FIRM is, the maximum amount over 1—TOXIC spill that cut off water to millions, state media report.
20070129             ISRAEL—MPS allow Katsav absence ISRAEL—MPS narrowly approve a request by PRESIDENT—KATSAV to step down temporarily to fight rape allegations.
20070129             Impotence fears hit polio drive Officials in PAKISTAN say 1—FOLK myth that 1—VACCINE—CAUSES—IMPOTENCE has hampered 1—POLIO—IMMUNISATION—DRIVE.
20070129             —UNCOVERED, Hobbit cave digs set to restart Archaeologists who, the "Hobbit" are given permission to restart excavations at the cave where it was found.
20070129             Criminals 'may overwhelm the web' Criminals controlling MILLIONS—OF—PCS could threaten THE—INTERNET, experts at the World Economic Forum warn.
20070129             USA—MILITARY unveils HEAT—RAY gun THE—USA—MILITARY unveils a "revolutionary" HEAT—RAY gun to repel enemies or disperse hostile crowds.
20070129             INDIA and RUSSIA in nuclear deal RUSSIA agrees to build 4—NUCLEAR—POWER—REACTORS in INDIA under 1—DRAFT—DEAL signed by their 2—LEADERS.
20070129             Concern over net security patches The firm that makes hardware for much of the net's backbone releases patches for security holes in its products.
20070129             Caverns give up huge fossil haul 1—ASTONISHING COLLECTION—OF—FOSSIL animals from SOUTH—AUSTRALIA is reported by scientists.
20070129             Howard says water key challenge AUSTRALIA—PRIME—MINISTER—JOHN—HOWARD backs controversial measures to tackle severe water problems and drought.
20070129             GEORGIA—USA op foils uranium plot GEORGIA gives DETAILS—OF—THE—ARREST—OF—1—RUSSIA—MAN who tried to sell 1—SMALL—AMOUNT—OF—WEAPONS—GRADE uranium.
20070129             Putin set for arms, energy talks RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN arrives in INDIA for talks expected to focus on arms and energy deals.
20070129             Gene switch makes tumours shrink Sparking 1—KEY gene back into life could provide 1—POWERFUL—NEW—TREATMENT for cancer, scientists find.
20070129             Siemens BOARD faces tough AGM Management at European conglomerate Siemens face 1—HOSTILE—AGM —AFTER it was given a 396m euros fine by THE—EU.
20070129             Fanning Fears of 1—SPACE—WAR—USA—SPACE hawks seize on CHINA—ANTI—SATELLITE—MISSILE—TEST.
20070129             Tax Takers Send in the Spiders Under 1—LITTLE—KNOWN project called Xenon, several nations are deploying sophisticated bots to troll web businesses in SEARCH—OF—TAX cheats.
20070129             The 4. Bomb.
20070129             Last —MONTH WE—DETAILED how DANIEL—FORTHCOMING book will claim that the Hackney bus was diverted to Tavistock Square by 2 unmarked cars which then left the scene at high speed —AFTER the drivers had conversed with police in the area.
20070129             "Standing by the doors I see 1—BLUE—BMW 5—SERIES and black MERCEDES squeal to 1—HALT in FRONT—OF—THE—BUS, halting its progress along Euston Road. 4—MINUTES passed then 1—POLICE—MOTORCYCLIST arrived at the blockage. THE—BMW driver said something to the cyclist who soon sped off. —90—SECONDS—LATER THE—BMW suddenly drives off. THE—MERCEDES waits till the bus diverts east into Upper Woburn Place towards Tavistock Square —BEFORE it speeds away".
20070129             Daniel claims that in the immediate seconds —AFTER the blast, 1—MAN dressed all in black was filming him with 1—HAND held camera.
20070129             IRAK—POLITIK: BOLTON wirft Bush Fehler vor
20070129             SHADOW—ECONOMIES—OF—145—COUNTRIES all over the World: Estimation...
20070129             13—KYRGYZ Republic... general, THE—SELECTION—OF—TAX payers for tax audit is not random but based on properties of. submitted (tax) returns that indicate a...
20070129             Latin USA—CONFERENCE—AGAINST Apartheid, CARACAS 19830000             ... 205, Shipbrokers (4—OF 4) 19800000198400       00—DATE.
20070129             206, Ship Registry n.d. - Mafia, Geheimdienste und POLITIK—DER—USA
20070129             Diese Abteilung bildet auf dem geheimen Stützpunkt in Cullman MITGLIEDER—DES—KU—KUX - Klan in paramilitärischen Techniken aus, wofür diese Informationen über...
20070129             Israels PRÄSIDENT—ALS—VERGEWALTIGER—SFUX Malte Olschewski -
20070129             Es muss heftig zugegangen sein in den Amtsräumen des israelischen STAATS—PRÄSIDENTEN Moshe Katzav, der nun wegen einer gerichtlichen Untersuchung seine Funktionen zurückgelegt.
20070129             THE—BLACK—GOLD—RUSH: Divvying Up IRAQ—OIL—BG 1—REFORM—LAW put together with LOTS—OF—HELP from USA consultants could finally open IRAQ—MASSIVE—RESERVES to ExxonMobil & Co..
20070129             My 6—MONTHS On Right Wing Blogs - My 6—MONTHS On Right Wing Blogs.
20070129             BY—MACCABEE - I spent 6—MONTHS lurking on right wing blogs (RWB).
20070129             I registered with EACH—UNDER 1—ALTERNET identity + in THE—6—MONTHS, only —POSTED 73—COMMENTS.
20070129             My goal was simply to observe.
20070129             I monitored opinions on major topics and reactions to them.
20070129             THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—LEADS 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—IRAN—AMBASSADOR in BAGHDAD, who said, not surprisingly, that his country is is planning to extend its activities in IRAQ.
20070129             USA—TODAY—LEADS with word from the Army CORPS—OF—ENGINEERS that it has discovered 146—LEVEES across the country are at risk of failing if there is 1—MAJOR—FLOOD.
20070129             BARON—COHEN—MAKES—LIST—OF—MOST—POWERFUL—MEN—IN—BRITAIN—ONCE it was Blair and Bush.
20070129             - Schumer: IRAQ Vote WILL—SEND—SHOCKWAVES—THROUGH—WHITE—HOUSE
20070129             "And that will send shockwaves through THE—WHITE—HOUSE and through the country," Schumer told NBC.
20070129             - IRAN Reveals Ambitious Plan To Expand Influence In IRAQ
20070129             'EVERY—ERA has its own BUILT—IN drama -- its plague or despot by which it will be remembered, whose looming menace inflects EVERY—CONVERSATION, kindles EVERY—SERMON, tints EVERY—WORK—OF—ART.
20070129             - New Developments In Sustainable Technology
20070129             'Sustainable technology is making significant advances across several industries -- and that's encouraging news for 1—NATION that is largely dependent upon countries outside of THE—USA for energy.
20070129             'WASHINGTON -- As the Senate nears 1 unprecedented debate on PRESIDENT—BUSH—ESCALATION—OF—THE—IRAQ war, almost all the public criticism has been aimed at the inadequate SIZE—OF—THE—NEW—FORCES being sent to BAGHDAD (21,500 troops) and the extreme difficulty of reversing the course of the civil war.
20070129             REPRESENTATIVE—JOHN—CONYERS: Peace Movement Strong on THE—WASHINGTON Mall | THE—HUFFINGTON—POST—BG Blogger Thought: Conyers credibility is near 0 with his eschewing impeachment.
20070129             Humint Events Online: Yet Another Perspective on Aluminum Wing Impacting Steel COLUMN—BG
20070129             Update: Or Bill?
20070129             Blogger Thought: The right wing attack machine wins.
20070129             BBC NEWS | MIDDLE—EAST | YEMEN—JEWS flee Islamist threat
20070129             Nasrallah accuses LEBANON—GOV'T—OF—INCITEMENT
20070129             EI EXCLUSIVE: Leaked ISRAEL—DOCUMENT gives frightening glimpse of APARTHEID
20070129             FORMER—MOSSAD Honcho: We Are Sleep Walking Through World War 4 and Don't Even Know It
20070129             "The world does not understand. 1—PERSON—WALKS through THE—STREETS—OF—TEL—AVIV, BARCELONA or BUENOS—AIRES and doesn't get the sense that there is 1—WAR going on," Halevy told Yedioth INTERNET.
20070129             Of course, this is because the supposed world war, as hyped by neocons and ISRAEL—LIKUDNIKS, is primarily 1—CRASS propaganda contrivance, not 1—ACTUAL—WAR—EXCEPT for Iraqis, Palestinians, Lebanese + soon enough Iranians.
20070129             —TODAY no 1 is conscious of it... Source:
20070129             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—AARON—RUSSO joins ALEX—JONES for 1—FASCINATING—SIT—DOWN in depth video interview on 1—PLETHORA of important
20070129             Big Business Buys SILENCE—OF—TOLL—ROAD—CRITICAL—NEWSPAPERS
20070129             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—FOREIGN corporation in desperate lunge to quell massive popular dissent against Trans TEXAS Corridor
20070129             The "Wipe ISRAEL—OFF—THE—MAP" Hoax
20070129             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—WHAT Ahmadinejad really said and why this broken record is —JUST another ad slogan for war
20070129             Tax Protester Exposes FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT Fraud
20070129             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—BROWN vows to "live free or die"
20070129             DAVID—LYNCH—QUESTIONS 20010911              On National USA—RADIO
20070129             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—ICONOCLASTIC—DIRECTOR—OF—UPCOMING—INLAND—EMPIRE, Twin Peaks & THE—ELEPHANT—MAN says there's "more than meets
20070129             Rockefeller on BUSH—NSA—SHIFT: 'Unacceptable,' 'I—CAN'T Trust What They're DOING'—FAIZ Comments
20070129             —JUDGED, The move was, by the media to be a "major change," an "ABOUT—FACE," and a "sharp reversal".
20070129             —REMAINED, But DETAILS—OF—THE—ADMINISTRATION—ACTIONS have, "sketchy," and ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES offered few clarifying explanations in 1—RECENT—SENATE—JUDICIARY—COMMITTEE hearing.
20070129             —CHANGED, Bush has said, "Nothing has, in the program except the court has said we've analyzed it and it's 1—LEGITIMATE—WAY to protect the country".
20070129             —EXPLAINED, Rockefeller, "In the end, EVERY—SINGLE wiretap has to have 1—WARRANT. No, I don't trust what they're doing".
20070129             Oil And Gas Companies Ready Drilling Projects For Newly Melted ARCTIC—NICO—COMMENTS
20070129             Sea ice coverage this past March "was the
20070129             lowest in —WINTER—SINCE measurements by satellite began in the early 1970s," and NASA—FUNDED USA—SCIENTISTS believe in 30—50—YEARS, "—SUMMER sea ice will have vanished from almost the entire ARCTIC region," conditions not seen in the area in 1—MILLION—YEARS.
20070129             For energy companies, this catastrophe means a "
20070129             new ERA—OF—OIL and natural gas exploration in the region," Greenwire reports:
20070129             —WARNED, European Environment Agency HEAD—JACQUELINE—MCGLADE, that "the region's opening could lead to another rush like the Klondike gold rush, which 'could potentially destabilize' the area and its 10—MILLION—INDIGENOUS—INHABITANTS".
20070129             No longer a miserable failure? - Amanda Comments
20070129             Google explains that "by improving our ANALYSIS—OF—THE—LINK—STRUCTURE—OF—THE—WEB," such mischief will —NOW "
20070129             typically return commentary, discussions + articles " about the tactic itself.
20070129             20070129 20070129              - THINK—PROGRESS Comments
20070129             PRESIDENT—BUSH 's "proposal to create 1—TAX—DEDUCTION for health insurance, if enacted into law, could reduce Social Security benefits for MANY—AMERICANS because the deduction would apply not only to income taxes, but also to
20070129             payroll taxes that go to Social Security.
20070129             —AFTER meeting the past 3—DAYS with SCORES—OF—USA—MILITARY—COMMANDERS and regional political leaders, she said, "I believe redeployment of our troops is
20070129             1—STEP toward stability in the region.
20070129             —PLANNED, SENATOR—JOSEPH—BIDEN (D—DE) had, to sit down over the weekend with SENATOR—JOHN—WARNER (R—VA) and hammer out 1—CONSENSUS, bipartisan resolution opposing BUSH—ESCALATION in IRAQ.
20070129             No deal.
20070129             146: Number of levees nationwide that the Army CORPS—OF—ENGINEERS "says pose an
20070129             unacceptable risk of failing in 1—MAJOR—FLOOD.
20070129             —OUTLINED, IRAN—AMBASSADOR—YESTERDAY " 1—AMBITIOUS—PLAN on —SUNDAY to greatly expand its economic and military ties with IRAQ," including assuming major responsibility for IRAQ—RECONSTRUCTION, "1—AREA—OF—FAILURE on THE—PART—OF—THE—USA".
20070129             EU lab confirms HUNGARY bird flu THE—EU confirms 1—NEW—OUTBREAK—OF—THE—DEADLY—H5N1 STRAIN—OF—BIRD—FLU in HUNGARY.
20070129             —RAPPED, JAPAN MINISTER, on women JAPAN—PRIME—MINISTER scolds his health MINISTER who labelled women "BIRTH—GIVING machines" in 1—RECENT—SPEECH.
20070129             JAPAN has 3. bird flu outbreak Officials in JAPAN confirm a 3. bird flu outbreak, but they are still determining if it is the deadly H5N1 strain.
20070129             —ON Electricity (Generation) - - ENGINEER—POET (—POSTED—BY—HEMOS) 33 -
20070129             "Search Engine Optimizer (SEO) CHARLES—S—KNIGHT has compiled 1—LIST—OF—THE—TOP—100—ALTERNATIVE—SEARCH—ENGINES. The list includes Artificial Intelligence systems, Clustering engines, Recommendation Search engines, Metasearch + MANY—MORE hidden GEMS—OF—SEARCH. People use 4—MAIN—SEARCH—ENGINES for 99.99—PERCENT—OF—THEIR—SEARCHES: Google, Yahoo!, MSN + Ask_com (in that order). But Knight has discovered, via his work as an SEO, that in the other.01% lies 1—VAST multitude of the most innovative and creative search engines —AROUND".
20070129             THE—PRIVACY—CANDIDATE
20070129             "Wired News reports 'electronic civil libertarians' hearts are A—TWITTER' over USA Presidential hopeful SENATOR—HILLARY—CLINTON—BOLD—STANCE on the right to privacy. Wired quotes Clinton: 'At all levels, the privacy protections for ordinary citizens are broken, inadequate and OUT—OF—DATE.' Clinton gave 1—SPEECH last June to THE—USA—CONSTITUTION—SOCIETY (text, WMF) in which she addressed electronic surveillance, consumer OPT—IN vs. OPT—OUT, CYBER—SECURITY, commercial and government handling of personal data, data offshoring, data leaks + even genetic discrimination".
20070129             Diese Aussage machten GENERAL—SCHWARZKOPF + auch andere USA—MILITÄRS sinngemäß in der ÄUß—ERST faktenreichen Filmdokumentation "Die wahre Geschichte des...
20070129             Tote und Umweltverstöße beim Bau der neuen Pipeline in ECUADOR "Solange die...
20070129             Das Kapital stammt wiederum aus den USA, Deutschland, FINNLAND—JAPAN...
20070129             Political FRIENDSTER—CONTROLLED Demolition INCORPORATED—CDI - Connections
20070129             CDI was instrumental in devising 1—PLAN to recycle THE—WTC steel.
20070129             www.politicalfriendster_com/showPerson.php?id=4811&name=CONTROLLED—DEMOLITION—INC---CDI
20070129             Features | Making 1—IMPACT—FORTUNATELY, FREDDIE—LOIZEAUX was 1—WHIZ at it, says JACK—GRANDDAUGHTER, Stacey Loizeaux, CDI—MEDIA and special effects coordinator...
20070129             JOHN—D—ROCKEFELLER erbaute ein Ölimperium.
20070129             AEJMC Archives -- 20060100              (#34) ("Statement by JUDGE—IN—LOS—ALAMOS—CASE, With Apology for ABUSE—OF—POWER," The... that are desirable to adversarial government officials is not "failing.
20070129             Turning Resistance into Rebellion: Student Movements and the...... has been running Los Alamos and MARTIN—MARRIETTA—THE—OAK—RIDGE—LAB for years.
20070129             Johnston, R. and C. Edwards (19870000             ) Entrepreneurial Science: New Links.
20070129             Volume 4—CHAPTER 1 - Se som - disappeared at Los Alamos.
20070129             —TURNED, The drives —LATER. up + 1—FBI investigation of the missing failed... adversarial interviews with THE—FBI.
20070129             According to.
20070129             —PUBLISHED, THE—ARAB—TIMES had, 1—FEW weeks ago that THE—USA would invade IRAN by END—OF—MARCH, —NOW it has slipped to END—OF—APRIL per —TODAY—ARTICLE in THE—SCOTLAND—HERALD (see below).
20070129             of course allowing the Dems to "take back the house and senate" was —JUST 1—WAY for the ReThugs to save money on not having to steal elections because Cheney had already planned out THE—IRAN attack early —LAST—YEAR.
20070129             This way they could continue to keep plotting away, "business as usual", and as long as those dastardly "military commissions act" was signed and the Patriot Act was reauthorized, this gives Cheney all the "rights" to take CONTROL—OF—THIS country as 1—DICTATORSHIP.
20070129             SOME—NASTY—THINGS will happen in March/April AND—OF—COURSE THE—USA is goading IRAN into war so the neocons/Cheney can make the call to declare martial law in this country.
20070129             —BY GABRIEL—RONAY
20070129             PRESIDENT—BUSH is preparing to attackIran'snuclearfacilities —BEFORE THE—END—OF—APRIL and THE—USA—AIR—FORCE—NEW—BASES in BULGARIA and ROMANIA would be used as BACK—UP in the onslaught, according to 1—OFFICIAL—REPORT from SOFIA.
20070129             "USA—FORCES could be using their 2—USAF bases in BULGARIA and 1 at ROMANIA—BLACK—SEA—COAST to launch 1—ATTACK on IRAN in April," THE—BULGARIA—NEWS—AGENCY—NOVINITE said.
20070129             THEAMERICANBUILD—UPALONGTHE BlackSea,coupledwiththerecent positioningoftwoUSaircraftcarrier battle groups off the Straits of Hormuz, appears to indicate PRESIDENT—BUSH has run OUT—OF—PATIENCE with TEHRAN—NUCLEAR—MISREPRESENTATION and NON—COMPLIANCE with THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL—RESOLUTION.
20070129             But, in conjunctionwiththebeefingupofAmerica'sItalian bases and the acquisition of ANTI—MISSILEDEFENCEBASESINTHECZECH RepublicandPoland,theBalkan developments seem toindicateanewphase in BUSH—GLOBAL—WAR—ON—TERROR.
20070129             —STATIONED, NovinitenamedcolonelSam Gardiner, "1—USA—SECRET—SERVICE—OFFICER, in BULGARIA", as the source of this revelation.
20070129             Curiously,thereportnotedthat although TONY—BLAIR, BUSH—MAIN—ALLY in the global WAR—ON—TERROR, would be leaving office, THE—PRESIDENT had opted to press on with his attack on IRAN in April.
20070129             —REVEALED, Lastweek,theBucharestdaily Evenimentual Zilei, THE—USAF is to site several flights of F—L5, F—L6 and Al0 aircraftattheKogalniceanubase.AdmiralGheorgheMarin,ROMANIA—CHIEF—OF—STAFF, confirmed "up to 20000000              Americanmilitarypersonnelwillbe temporarily stationed in ROMANIA".
20070129             Hesaid:"Russiaisnotworried.Itsstrategicnuclearforcescanassureinanycircumstanceitssafety.—SINCE neither TEHRAN,norPyongyangpossess intercontinentalmissilescapableof threatening THE—USA, from whom is this new missile shield supposed to protect the West?
20070129             —POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS : 11:32 PM
20070129             Permalink #—POSTED—BY—JOSEPH : 11:18 AM
20070129             -Comments: The whole HISTORY—OF—USA—RELATIONS with Gulbudin Hekmatyar goes back to USA—SUPPORT for the mujaheddin fight against the Soviets beginning
20070129             The eminent scholar, ALFRED—MCCOY, wrote in his most —RECENTLY revised edition of his landmark book THE—POLITICS—OF—HEROIN: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade (p. 475):
20070129             Es ist vorbei: GEORGE—W—BUSH ist kein jämmerlicher Versager mehr - Kreditverträge: "Neue FORM—DES—WUCHERS"
20070129             7—NEUE Weltwunder: Ägypten missfällt Abstimmung über Pyramiden
20070129             ANTARKTIS: Tierschützer planen RAMM—ATTACKEN auf WALFÄNGER—PRÄMIEN ausgesetzt
20070129             Konflikt: IRAN will stärkeren Einfluss im Irak
20070129             Amnesty og Ellemann: Tiden løber ud for de civile i Darfur og CHAD...
20070129             They also ask why the sorting could not have been done from the time MISTER—RUMSFELD resigned 20071108              to —WHEN he left the building 20071218       .
20070129—19150000    ARMENIA—GENOCIDE echos in modern TURKEY
20070129—19400000    —IN—THE—LATE, THE—STRIB guys remind us of those JAPAN—SOLDIERS found on Pacific islands S who had no idea the war was over and their side lost.
20070129—19700000    —IN—THE—EARLY, S," and NASA—FUNDED USA scientists believe in 30—50—YEARS,
20070129—19790000    —IN, and escalated under REAGAN—BUSH, and needs to be made widely known to THE—USA—PUBLIC.
20070129—20010000    —IN, STEVEN—PEARLSTEIN—OF—THE—WASHINGTON—POST adds that even though THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has gifted declining tax rates to small businesses over the past several years, "according to the Internal Revenue Service, SMALL—BUSINESS—OWNERS, sole proprietors and THE—SELF—EMPLOYED are, as 1—GROUP, the biggest tax cheats in AMERICA, responsible for $153—BILLION of the estimated $345—BILLION tax gap ".
20070129—20030000    —IN, " THE—AP reports. "On the 3. —DAY—OF—LIBBY—TRIAL, Cathie Martin became the 1. MEMBER—OF—CHENEY—INNER—CIRCLE to contradict statements by Libby that led to the charges he lied to THE—FBI and 1—GRAND—JURY investigating who leaked the wife's identity to reporters ".
20070129—20050707    —ON, DANIEL—OBACHIKE, the man who was on the lower DECK—OF—THE—NUMBER 30—BUS that exploded in Tavistock Square in LONDON ,
20070129—20050707    —ON, DANIEL—OBACHIKE, the man who was on the lower DECK—OF—THE—NUMBER 30—BUS that exploded in Tavistock Square in LONDON, has exclusively provided Infowars with 1—PREVIEW—OF—1—NEW—SECTION—OF his soon to be published narrative,
20070129—20060000    —IN, CHINA economy grows apace CHINA—ECONOMY expands by 10.7% - the fastest growth rate 19950000             —SINCE, official data shows.
20070129—20060400    —SIGNED, Under THE—USA—BULGARIA—MILITARY CO—OPERATION accord,anairbaseatBezmer, a 2. airfield at Graf Ignitievo and 1—SHOOTING range at Novo Selo were leased toAmerica.Significantly,lastyear'sbases negotiations had at 1—POINT—RUN into difficulties due to SOFIA—DEMAND "for advance warning if WASHINGTON intends to use BULGARIA—SOIL for attacks against other nations, particularly IRAN".
20070129—20060500    —FROM, to 20061100             , I read EVERY—POST I could on 10—BLOGS I visited.
20070129—20060900    —IN, finally released.
20070129—20060908    —RELEASED, The report was partially.
20070129—20070100    —UNTIL, Despite pressure from CONGRESS, the administration insisted it could not complete THE—NIE.
20070129—20070101    —SINCE, INDONESIA jet 'black boxes' found 1—USA ship locates the flight RECORDERS—OF—THE—INDONESIA—PLANE missing, THE—USA—EMBASSY says.
20070129—20070104    —OPENED, MISTER—RUMSFELD, 1—GOVERNMENT—PROVIDED transition OFFICE—IN—ARLINGTON and has 7—PENTAGON—PAID staffers working for him, 1—PENTAGON official said.
20070129—20070110    —ON, delivered "shored up his position...specifically on IRAQ":
20070129—20070110    —ON, In 1—NEW—INTERVIEW—WITH—NEWSWEEK, VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY falsely claims that PRESIDENT—BUSH—IRAQ escalation speech delivered "shored up his position...specifically on IRAQ":
20070129—20400000    —BY, or 20500000             , THE—ARCTIC—OCEAN will be navigable and that will mean significant developments very soon," said ArcticNet research group HEAD—MARTIN—FORTIER.
200701310000 - 20020129
20070214             rogueclassicism: ClassiCarnival 20060129
20070226             <SUBMISSION> <ACCESSION—NUMBER>0000950129-05-006588 <TYPE>S-3/A..
20070303—20070129    —ON, it was announced that he had donated $100—MILLION to RHODE—ISLAND—BROWN—MEDICAL—SCHOOL.
20070324             0000950129-05-006588 S-3/A...
20070503             THE—FLORIDA Legislature gave its final approval to moving the state's 20080000              primary from early March to 20070129         .
20070505             —VOTED, THE—FLORIDA STATE—HOUSE, —THURSDAY to move its primary to 20070129             , putting the state on 1—COLLISION—COURSE with the Democratic and Republican parties.
20070521             FLORIDA set its 20080000              presidential primary for 20070129           .
20070531             PRESIDENT—DELIVERS—STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS—IN his STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS—TUESDAY, PRESIDENT—BUSH committed our nation to... For Immediate Release OFFICE—OF—THE—PRESS—SECRETARY 20020129             ...
20070809—20020129    —ON, AB—ENERGIZER The parent company Genesis Intermedia stock was DE—LISTED.
20080124—20080129    —ON, 1—ZIMBABWE court ordered his release.
20080129             Der etwa 250—METER große ASTEROID—2007—TU24 nähert sich der Erde auf —BIS—ZU—533.000—KM
20080129             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, 1—EXECUTIVE—ORDER for federal agencies to ignore "earmarks" that aren't explicitly enacted into law.
20080129             FLORIDA, SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN won the Republican primary with 36—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE.
20080129             Mitt Romney was 2. with 31% and RUDI—GIULIANI 3. with 15%.
20080129             Federal fishery regulators said the number of chinook salmon returning to CALIFORNIA—CENTRAL—VALLEY has reached 1—NEAR—RECORD—LOW, pointing to an "unprecedented collapse" that could lead to severe restrictions on WEST—COAST salmon fishing this —YEAR.
20080129             —CONSIDERED, ROBERT—M—BALL, 93—JAHRE—ALT, to be THE—FATHER—OF—THE—USA—MEDICARE system, †.
20080129             —KILLED, SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, roadside bombings, 3—CIVILIANS.
20080129             —LOADED, NORTH—ALGERIA, 1—CAR, with explosives and headed for 1—POLICE—STATION exploded —AFTER officers stopped the attack with bullets.
20080129             —KILLED, At least 2—PEOPLE were, and 23 wounded.
20080129             Gold prices hit 1—RECORD—HIGH—933.33—DOLLARS in LONDON as the market was driven higher by production problems in key producer SOUTH—AFRICA and the weak USA—DOLLAR.
20080129             —SHOWED, CHINA, deadly —WINTER storms, the worst in 5—DECADES, no signs of letting up, where cities were blacked out, transport systems were paralyzed and 1—BUS—CRASH on 1—ICY road killed at least 25—PEOPLE —DURING the nation's busiest travel season.
20080129             —PLEDGED, CONGO—TUTSI rebels and 1—RIVAL—MAI—MAI militia group, to respect 1—RECENTLY—SIGNED peace accord, 1—DAY—AFTER clashes between their fighters broke the ceasefire.
20080129             1—CAIRO court ruled to allow EGYPT—BAHAIS to leave their religion blank on official documents, in effect restoring their access to jobs, schools and medical and financial services.
20080129             —TRAVELED, Cars and trucks, freely across the border from GAZA to EGYPT for a 7. —DAY.
20080129             —WARNED, Egyptians living near the breached border with GAZA, that chaos was brewing and demanded the crisis be resolved.
20080129             —REPORTED, IRAN—STATE—MEDIA, that more than 50—FOLLOWERS—OF—THE—MINORITY—BAHA'I faith were convicted of distributing propaganda against the country's Islamic regime.
20080129             —BANNED, The faith was, —AFTER 19790000             —THE Islamic revolution, and it is not recognized in THE—IRAN—CONSTITUTION as 1—RELIGIOUS—MINORITY.
20080129             1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMBER targeted 1—USA—PATROL in MOSUL, killing at least 1—IRAQI and wounding as many as 15. IRAQ—POLICE—NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD found 19—BULLET—RIDDLED bodies near the former insurgent STRONGHOLD—OF—MUQDADIYAH.
20080129             —CLAIMED, IRAQ—OFFICIALS, it was 1—SUICIDE bombing and said 2—PEOPLE were killed.
20080129             1—IRAQ—TELEVISION—CAMERAMAN and his driver were killed in 1—ROADSIDE bombing NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20080129             The female correspondent and camera assistant traveling with them were wounded.
20080129             JAPAN—COAST—GUARD said it has sent 1—TEAM—OF—OFFICERS to protect its whaling fleet against intensifying protests by environmentalists.
20080129             JAPAN said it was setting up 1—FUND to help African countries enhance protection of intellectual property rights, calling it key to boosting the continent's economic potential.
20080129             —LAUNCHED, KENYA, FORMER—UN—CHIEF—KOFI—ANNAN, formal mediation efforts to end THE—POST—ELECTION—CRISIS, where THE—KILLING—OF—1—OPPOSITION—LEGISLATOR stoked bloody protests.
20080129             —KILLED, Gunmen, Mugabe Were, 1—OPPOSITION—LAWMAKER in NAIROBI, triggering 1—NEW—FLARE—UP of the ethnic fighting.
20080129             1—GANG hefting machetes dragged 1—DOCTOR from THE—PRESIDENT—KIKUYU tribe from his clinic "and then cut and cut —UNTIL his head was off".
20080129             —HOLED, MEXICO—CITY, Elvira Arellano, 1—DEPORTED—MEXICO—MIGRANT who, up in 1—CHICAGO church to fight for immigrants' rights, rallied support for Flor Crisostomo (28), another woman —NOW seeking refuge in the same building.
20080129             —REPORTED, Scientists in NEW—ZEALAND, that smoking 1—JOINT is equivalent to 20—CIGARETTES in terms of lung cancer risk and warned of an "epidemic" of lung cancers linked to cannabis.
20080129             —EXCHANGED, Security forces, gunfire with Islamic militants holed up at 1—HOUSE in KARACHI, with 3—MILITANTS and 2—POLICEMEN—DEAD.
20080129             † A 4. militant, who was wounded in the shootout, —LATER in the —DAY.
20080129             —KILLED, SAUDI—ARABIA said it had, some 158,000 chickens —AFTER the deadly H5N1 bird flu strain was found at 1 infected farm.
20080129             The agriculture ministry also said more than 4.5—MILLION fowl have been killed in provinces —AROUND the capital, but it did not specify —WHEN the killing took place.
20080129             —SMASHED, SRI—LANKA, the defense ministry said its troops, 16—GUERRILLA—BUNKERS in THE—DISTRICT—OF—MANNAR and killed at least 22—REBELS.
20080129             Tamilnet said at least 11—SCHOOL—CHILDREN and THE—PRINCIPAL—OF—THE—SCHOOL were among those killed —WHEN THE—SRI—LANKA Army triggered 1—CLAYMORE mine targeting 1—BUS carrying school children.
20080129             —IMPOVERISHED, Officials in, TAJIKISTAN said they would be forced to cut power to MUCH—OF—THE—COUNTRY as residents endured 1—OF—THE—COLDEST—WINTERS in 25—YEARS.
20080129             TAJIKISTAN is rich in water resources, but the cold weather has frozen rivers flowing into the Nurek reservoir.
20080129             VENEZUELA, 4—GUNMEN held more than 30—PEOPLE—HOSTAGE inside 1—BANK —DURING 1—LENGTHY and tense standoff with police that began with 1 botched robbery in THE—TOWN—OF—ALTAGRACIA—DE—ORITUCO.
20080129             —GELAUFEN, Dumm
20080129             Das Vorbild des USA—PRÄSIDENTEN GEORGE—W—BUSH war 1—PFERDEDIEB
20080129             —ON 1—FALL —EVENING in 1—COTTON field in NICARAGUA,
20080129             via 1—STOCK swap with 1—COSTA—RICA—BASED firm called Dupont Investment Fund #57289,
20080129             —WHEN OSAMA—BIN—LADEN was TIM—OSMAN, by J. Orlin Grabbe..
20080129             —BASED, Free web, E—MAIL ?? [Archive] - Wilders Security Forums
20080129             DMT Orlin Grabbe SCAM—METROPIPE (eavesdropping service)...
20080129             HE—1—SERIOUS developer both domestically and in COSTA—RICA, HE—GOT 1—DECENT—WEBSITE on...
20080129             THE—FIELD " Delegate Math Guarantees Clinton a "Big, Big...
20080129             —BESCHWÖRT, Bush, erneut die "wichtigste ideologische SCHLACHT—DES 20010101—21001231    —CENTURY" HERAUF—DIE zwischen Freunden und Feinden der Freiheit.
20080129             —GELAUFEN, Dumm - Das Vorbild des USA—PRÄSIDENTEN GEORGE—W—BUSH war 1—PFERDEDIEB
20080129             Massiver Gewinneinbruch: Yahoo will 10000000              Stellen streichen
20080129             USA: Milliardenprogramm soll Konjunktur ankurbeln
20080129             Finanzkrise: NOT—GIPFEL will Frühwarnsystem für Weltwirtschaft
20080129             Todesursache Arbeitsstress: 3—SELBSTMORDE bei der Société Générale
20080129             —ATTACKED, Under the preventive paradigm, nations are, and suspects are kidnapped, tortured, detained and prosecuted, not based upon what they have done, but on what they could do in the future.
20080129             —WARPED, Under this, logic, the usual cost and benefit analysis is eschewed on the grounds that the stakes are too catastrophic.
20080129             In other words, as its proponents would argue, we must do whatever is necessary in order to prevent deadly terrorist attacks and fight the people who commit them.
20080129             —WARPED, Decisions to take action are the result of 1, calculation based on hunches, driven by suspicion and hysteria, and rife with abuse.
20080129             But perhaps the most troubling aspect of the preventive paradigm is its disdain for THE—RULE—OF—LAW.
20080129             The legal process, both domestic and INTERNATIONAL, is viewed not merely as passé and 1—INCONVENIENCE, but 1—STRATEGY for the weak and 1—ANATHEMA.
20080129             —SUBJECTED, Americans are, to illegal wiretaps.
20080129             —BASED, People are held indefinitely, on questionable evidence, evidence obtained through torture, or no evidence at all.
20080129             —DEEMED, They are, terrorists because they have 1—CERTAIN—POLITICAL or religious affiliation, or belong to 1—CERTAIN—RACIAL or ethnic group, or because THE—PRESIDENT says so.
20080129             ECB aid to SPAIN—BANKS matches Rock RESCUE—BY Ambrose EVANS—PRITCHARD, INTERNATIONAL Business Editor
20080129             Nachdem wir —JETZT wissen, dass Briefwahl noch viel einfacher zu fälschen ist als Wahlcomputer, wundert es auch nicht weiter, dass die Bundesregierung die Briefwahl weiter ausbauen will und den Antrag der Linksfraktion gegen Wahlcomputer ablehnt.
20080129             (Danke, Mathias)Familienministerium will religionskritisches Kinderbuch indizieren.
20080129             Ausgerechnet. Alle zurücktreten, echt mal.
20080129             (Danke, Marcel) - Für die Leser, die noch an Antiviren glauben, habe ich hier ein kleines Detail: Kaspersky arbeitet eng mit Bertelsmann zusammen.
20080129             Ja, DIE Bertelsmann.
20080129             Die deutschen Neoliberalen, "neue soziale Marktwirtschaft", und so weiter.
20080129             Könnt ihr euch ja selber überlegen, ob die euch vor dem Bundestrojaner schützen würden, wenn es drauf ankäme.
20080129             EUGH erklärt Klage von Spanischer IFPI "Promusicae" gegen Telefonica zwecke Herausgabe von Kundendaten für nichtig.
20080129             —JETZT schnüffeln sich die USA—GEHEIMDIENSTE —SCHON gegenseitig aus, und zwar absichtlich, nicht versehentlich!
20080129             SENATOR—MCCAIN: More wars to come: Speaking in Polk CITY—FLORIDA, USA—SENATOR and 20080000              presidential candidate JOHN—MCCAIN (R—AZ) pledges EXPANSION—OF—ACCESS to health care for soldiers injured physically and psychologically not only in the current war, but in wars he says are sure to follow.
20080129             IRAN and EGYPT 'to restore ties' : Officials in TEHRAN have announced that IRAN is close to restoring full diplomatic relations with EGYPT.
20080129             Chavez urges S. AMERICA to withdraw reserves from USA.
20080129             —URGED, VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ, SOUTH—USA—COUNTRIES on —SATURDAY to withdraw their INTERNATIONAL reserves in USA—BANKS citing 1—LOOMING recession faced by the world power.
20080129             USA—MORTGAGE—CRISIS creates ghost town : The streets are empty.
20080129             —RUSTED, Trash rustles down the road past, barbecues, abandoned furniture, sagging homes and gardens turned to weed.
20080129             THE—FEAR—FACTORY
20080129             —DEVOTED, THE—FBI —NOW has more than 100—TASK—FORCES, exclusively to fighting terrorism.
20080129             But is the government manufacturing ghosts?
20080129             CASE, You Missed It - - THE—POWER—OF—NIGHTMARES
20080129             —OFFERED, In the past our politicians, us dreams of 1—BETTER—WORLD.
20080129             —NOW they promise to protect us from nightmares.
20080129             The most frightening of these is THE—THREAT—OF—1—INTERNATIONAL—TERROR—NETWORK.
20080129             But —JUST as the dreams were not true, neither are these nightmares.
20080129             Bush Orders NSA To Snoop On USA—AGENCIES
20080129             Cyber attack fear used to expand spy GRID—BY Ashlee Vance in Mountain View
20080129             Not content with spying on other countries, THE—NSA (National Security Agency) will —NOW turn on THE—USA—OWN—GOVERNMENT—AGENCIES thanks to 1—FRESH directive from PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH.
20080129             WHAT—AT—STAKE—TODAY—IN—THE—SENATE—FISA Filibuster Vote
20080129             —AMENDED, Last August, the Democratic Congress, FISA —WHEN it passed the Protect AMERICAN—ACT because THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION and MIKE—MCCONNELL shrilly warned -- literally -- that the country would be attacked by THE—TERRORISTS if they didn't do so —IMMEDIATELY.
20080129             USA—LIBERTY Teetering on EDGE—OF—ABYSS
20080129             "Your papers please" has long been 1—PHRASE associated with HITLER—GESTAPO.
20080129             People without the 3. REICH—STAMP—OF—APPROVAL were hauled off to Nazi GERMANY—VERSION—OF—HALLIBURTON detention centers.
20080129             —ASKED, —TODAY Americans are on the verge of being, for their papers, although probably without the "please".
20080129             Why THE—RIGHT—LOVES 1—DISASTER
20080129             Over the last 4—YEARS, I have been researching 1—LITTLE—EXPLORED AREA—OF—ECONOMIC—HISTORY: the way that crises have paved the way for THE—MARCH—OF—THE—RIGHT—WING economic revolution across the globe.
20080129             1—CRISIS hits, panic spreads and the ideologues fill the breach, rapidly reengineering societies in the interests of large corporate players.
20080129             It's 1—MANEUVER I call "disaster capitalism". Waving Goodbye to Hegemony
20080129             —BY Parag Khanna, New AMERICAN—FOUNDATION
20080129             Parag KHANNA—OF—THE—NEW—AMERICAN—FOUNDATION argues in THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES that the choices the Bush has made have profoundly weakened USA—POWER in the world.
20080129             Indeed, he suggests that Bush set THE—USA on 1—DOWNWARD spiral, such that EUROPE, CHINA and INDIA are picking up the pieces and making WASHINGTON irrelevant.
20080129             CHIEF—RABBI—SAYS—MOVE—GAZANS to a Palestine in Sinai -
20080129             —QUOTED, Ashkenazi CHIEF—RABBI—YONA—METZGER has been, as calling for Gazans to be transferred to THE—SINAI—PENINSULA, to 1—PALESTINE—STATE which he said could be constructed for them in the desert.
20080129             Suharto, the Model Killer, and His Friends in High Places
20080129             † Here lies 1—CLUE as to why Suharto, unlike Saddam Hussein, not on the gallows but surrounded by the finest medical team his secret billions could buy.
20080129             Pilger uncovers the shocking complicity of THE—USA—AND—GREAT—BRITAIN governments in THE—EAST—TIMOR GENOCIDE—THE—SAME—GOVERNMENTS who were willing to go to war with Saddam Hussein for his invasion of KUWAIT, but who stood aside as INDONESIA broke the exact same UN regulations to rape and pillage EAST—TIMOR using Western arms.
20080129             Listening To GRASSHOPPERS—GENOCIDE, Denial And Celebration - Yes.
20080129             THE—IDEA—OF—EXTERMINATION is in the air.
20080129             —FACED, And people believe that, with extermination, they have the right to fight back.
20080129             —BY CHRIS—GILES and Gillian Tett in Davos
20080129             The intensifying credit crunch is so severe that lower interest rates alone will not be enough "to get OUT—OF—THE—TURMOIL we are in", DOMINIQUE—STRAUSS—KAHN,
20080129             the managing DIRECTOR—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND, warned at the weekend.
20080129             (CROSS—POSTED at Antifascist Calling... ) Permalink
20080129             But —JUST for laughs, here is how THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES'HELEN Berger describes the Dear Leader.
20080129             Under the heading "Enigmatic and Magical" she writes,
20080129             MISTER—SUHARTO was 1—UNLIKELY—CHARACTER to play such 1—MAJOR—ROLE in his country's destiny.
20080129             He was 1—PRIVATE—PERSON, and although he wielded complete power, he spoke in gentle tones, smiled sweetly to friend and foe and presented himself as 1—MAN—OF humble origins, shy, retiring and enigmatic.
20080129             —DRESSED, Short and thick set, he almost invariably, in 1—WESTERN—BUSINESS—SUIT or 1—SAFARI jacket once he gave up his military uniform, and 1—BLACK songkok, the flat traditional INDONESIA—CAP.
20080129             —25—YEARS—LATER, USA—DIPLOMATS disclosed that they had systematically compiled comprehensive lists of "Communist" operatives, from top echelons down to village cadres, and turned over more than 5,000 names to THE—INDONESIA—ARMY, which hunted those persons down and killed them.
20080129             THE—AMERICANS would then check off the names of those who had been killed or captured.
20080129             THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—THE—MAOIST—ALIGNED—INDONESIAN—COMMUNIST—PARTY (PKI) was so atrocious + diabolical that
20080129             —JAHRHUNDERT—PROZESS: Lange Haftstrafen für die 78- MILLIONEN—RÄUBER
20080129             "Ehrliche Menschen haben nichts zu befürchten". CDU—POLITIKER.
20080129             Er verwies aber darauf, dass eine entsprechende, ähnliche Vereinbarung mit den USA von Bundesrat und BUNDESTAG ohne Protest verabschiedet worden sei.
20080129             "Ich habe die Sorge, dass dies ein zu weiter Schritt hin zu einem Präventionsstaat wäre", sagte Zypries.
20080129             Bürger dürften durch eine "übermäßige staatliche Datensammlung" nicht eingeschüchtert werden.
20080129             Die geplanten Eingriffe seien noch wesentlich schärfer als bei der Vorratdatenspeicherung.
20080129             Es gebe beispielsweise keinen Richtervorbehalt, die Daten sollten außerdem 13—JAHRE statt 6—MONATE gespeichert werden.
20080129             Sie sei bislang eher der Meinung, "dass das mit deutschem Verfassungsrecht nicht vereinbar ist".
20080129             BERLIN—FÜR EU—JUSTIZKOMMISSAR FRANCO—FRATTINI wird die FRAGE—DER—VERNETZUNG zum immer dringenderen Thema.
20080129             —GEMACHT, Ende letzten Jahres hatte er klar, dass er sich für den Bürger gern weniger davon wünscht, respektive mehr Kontrolle darüber, welche Informationen dem Bürger über das INTERNET zugänglich gemacht werden und welche nicht.
20080129             Auf dem Europäischen Polizeikongress in BERLIN machte er dagegen klar, dass er sich für die Fahnder mehr Vernetzung wünscht: Er forderte eine deutlich bessere Vernetzung der europäischen Sicherheitsbehörden zur Bekämpfung von Kriminalität und internationalem Terrorismus.
20080129             Darüber hinaus hatte Société Générale in der vergangenen Woche Abschreibungen auf ihr USA—SUBPRIME—ENGAGEMENT—VON—2—MILLIARDEN Euro angekündigt.
20080129             Die USA—BANKEN MORGAN—STANLEY und JPMorgan Chase & Co haben sich —SCHON bereit erklärt, die Kapitalerhöhung von 5,5 Milliarden Euro mit einer Zeichnungsgarantie abzusichern.
20080129             Experten erwarten keine schnelle Besserung der Lage.
20080129             Da bei zahlreichen Darlehen im laufenden —JAHR eine automatische Zinserhöhung ansteht, gilt ein weiterer Anstieg der Ausfallraten als möglich.
20080129             USA—HAUSBESITZER leiden durch die Kreditkrise unter einer deutlich geringeren Nachfrage und sinkenden Preisen auf dem Immobilienmarkt.
20080129             Laut Kerviel hat der BANK—VORSTAND nicht nur über die riskanten Geschäfte Bescheid gewusst, sondern sie sogar zeitweilig gedeckt: Er verwies darauf, dass er im vergangenen —JAHR —ZUNÄCHST einen enormen Gewinn von —BIS zu 1,6 Milliarden Euro gemacht habe.
20080129             —GEWESEN, Solange seine Ergebnisse positiv, seien, "haben die Vorgesetzten die Augen geschlossen über die Modalitäten und das Volumen meiner 1ätze".
20080129             Die Behörde für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft der Vereinten Nationen (Uno) macht sich zunehmend Sorgen wegen der steigenden Lebensmittelkosten auf einigen INSELN—DER—KARIBIK.
20080129             PORT—AU—PRINCE—ES ist Mittagszeit, im Slum in HAITI, und Charlene Dumas isst Dreck.
20080129             Die Lebensmittelpreise steigen, und die Ärmsten der Armen können sich noch nicht einmal eine tägliche Portion Reis leisten und versuchen verzweifelt, ihren Bauch zu füllen.
20080129             Italien: Mittelstreckenraketen in deutschem Lastwagen entdeckt
20080129             Westausdehnung: SPD sucht neues Rezept gegen die Linke
20080129             IWF—PROGNOSE: FINANZ—TURBULENZEN bremsen weltweit das Wachstum
20080129             Eskalation in Kenia: Brennende Häuser, plündernder Mob, Schüsse aus Hubschraubern
20080129             Verzweiflung in HAITI: Die Menschen essen Dreck
20080129             Der Fall Kerviel: "Meine Vorgesetzten hatten die Augen geschlossen"
20080129             Verfassungsgericht: TV—KAMERAS im Gerichtssaal erlaubt
20080129             Syrien: Staatspolizei nimmt Menschenrechtler Riad Seif fest
20080129             ISRAEL: Ehud Olmert gerät ins Schlittern
20080129             Kreditkrise: Anbieter melden über 2—MILLIONEN geplatzte USA—HYPOTHEKEN
20080129             Studie: Es gibt sie DOCH—DIE MIDLIFE—CRISIS
20080129             Tourismusrekord: 900—MILLIONEN Urlauber waren weltweit unterwegs
20080129             Wackelige Großbank: PARIS will Société Générale vor Übernahme schützen
20080129             Schnelle Eingreiftruppe: Deutschland lässt sich zweimal bitten
20080129             POLIZEI—VERNETZUNG: Voller Datenzugriff für ALLE—FAHNDER
20080129             TOO, MANY—ELECTIONS, Voters Remain 'Uncounted,' Miscounted or Denied the Right to Vote, As Filmmaker DAVID—EARNHARDT—SHOWS—USA -- 1—BUZZFLASH—INTERVIEW
20080129             Stop Here to Get Buzzed EVERY—MORNING with BuzzFlash Alerts.
20080129             Click and Go.
20080129             And the afternoon alerts are even better!
20080129             Sign up —NOW. It's completely free.
20080129             LA Times: 1—FEW weeks ago, SERGIO—BENDIXEN, 1—CLINTON pollster and Latino expert, publicly articulated what campaign officials appear to have been whispering for months.
20080129             In 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—RYAN—LIZZA—OF—THE—NEW—YORKER, Bendixen explained that "the Hispanic voter -- and I want to say this very carefully -- has not shown 1—LOT—OF—WILLINGNESS or affinity to support black candidates".
20080129             But was BENDIXEN—BLANKET statement true?
20080129             Far from it, and the evidence is overwhelming enough to make you wonder why in the world the Clinton campaign would want to portray Latino voters as too unrelentingly racist to vote for BARACK—OBAMA.
20080129             Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby Poll: McCain Lead Widens As Primary Election —DAY Dawns in FLORIDA 1/29
20080129             Episode 71: THE—REPUBLICAN—FOLLIES, 20080000             : 1—MUSICAL -- 1—BRAND—NEW—EPISODE—OF—THE Last Chance Democracy Cafe
20080129             THE—BUZZFLASH—MAILBAG -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
20080129             AUSTRALIA Announces Troop Withdrawal From IRAQ.
20080129             How MANY—LEFT in the Coalition of the Unwilling?
20080129             Here We Go Again: THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION will ask THE—USA—CONGRESS—NEXT—WEEK for $70—BILLION to pay for the wars in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN and related operations for part of 20090000             —THE fiscal —YEAR, the Pentagon said on —MONDAY.
20080129             Watch BRYAN—STORY and Then Make 1—GENEROUS—CONTRIBUTION to STATE—ORGANIZATIONS—WORKING for Gun Control.
20080129             Die Fähigkeit zur Veränderung ihrer Farbe haben Chämaleons nicht zur Tarnung, sondern als Kommunikationsmittel entwickelt.
20080129             —BEOBACHTET, Australische Forscher haben, dass sie am stärksten ihre Farbe ändern, wenn sie Artgenossen begegnen.
20080129             Chamäleons: Plausch mit Farben
20080129             Finanzkrise: EU—KOMMISSION erwartet geringeres Wirtschaftswachstum
20080129             Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as 1—PUNISHMENT for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within THE—USA, or ANY—PLACE—SUBJECT to their jurisdiction.
20080129             —SUPPORTED, This has not been, by the courts;
20080129             as THE—SUPREME—COURT said in Butler v. Perry : The amendment was adopted with reference to conditions existing —SINCE the foundation of our government, and the term 'involuntary servitude' was intended to cover those forms of compulsory labor akin to African slavery which, in practical operation, would tend to produce like undesirable results.
20080129             It introduced no novel doctrine with RESPECT—OF—SERVICES always treated as exceptional, and certainly was not intended to interdict enforcement of those duties which individuals owe to the state, such as services in the army, militia, on the jury, etc.
20080129             —TODAY the Selective Service System remains as 1—CONTINGENCY, should 1—MILITARY—DRAFT be RE—INTRODUCED.
20080129             —REQUIRED, Under current law, all MALE USA—CITIZENS are, to register with Selective Service within 30—DAYS—OF—THEIR 18. birthday.
20080129             Certain MALE aliens residing in THE—USA, including those present illegally, are also required to register if they are between 18 and 26—YEARS—OF—AGE.
20080129             "Willful" failure or refusal to present oneself for registration is against the law.
20080129             EU—KLIMA- Pläne: Umweltexperten werfen Autoindustrie Versagen vor
20080129             Bush ging mit den niedrigsten Sympathiewerten seiner Amtszeit in die Ansprache: Nach jüngsten Umfragen halten es nur 32—PROZENT—DER—BÜRGER für gut, wie er seine Arbeit versieht, 30 % befürworten seine IRAK—POLITIK und nur noch 28 % halten seine Wirtschaftspolitik für GUT—IM Gegensatz zu 41 % vor einem —JAHR.
20080129             Grundsätzlich sagte er zum Kampf gegen den Terrorismus : "Wir werden in der Offensive bleiben, wir werden den Druck aufrechterhalten, und wir werden die Feinde der Justiz zuführen".
20080129             Einiges spricht somit dafür, dass die Karlsruher Richter etliche der bestehenden Landesregelungen kippen werden.
20080129             Das könnte auch 1—SCANNING—PROJEKT—VON—INNENMINISTER—WOLFGANG—SCHÄUBLE ausbremsen: Er würde am liebsten den gesamten Autobahnverkehr mit Hilfe der Kameras in den rund 300—DEUTSCHEN LKW—MAUTBRÜCKEN überwachen zu lassen.
20080129             Der CDU—POLITIKER sprach seinerzeit von einem "Grundrechtseingriff an der Bagatellgrenze".
20080129             Roßnagel kommt zu einem gänzlich anderen Ergebnis.
20080129             Lediglich in BRANDENBURG seien die gesetzlichen Regelungen verfassungskonform.
20080129             BAYERN und MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN verstießen teilweise gegen das Grundgesetz.
20080129             Für BREMEN, HAMBURG, HESSEN, RHEINLAND—PFALZ und SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN konstatiert der Jurist hingegen massive Verstöße gegen die Verfassung.
20080129             Laut Gerson könne nur 1—PERSON sicherstellen, dass sich Republikaner 7—MONATE nach dieser Rede beim Parteitag in S—LOUIS wieder vereint bei den Händen HALTEN—UND das sei Hillary Clinton als Präsidentschaftskandidatin der Demokraten.
20080129             —GEFALLEN, Clinton scheint sich in dieser Rolle —SCHON zu.
20080129             Bei einer Ansprache am —TAG—VON—BUSH s Rede sagt sie in einer Wahlveranstaltung, "dem Himmel sei Dank", —HEUTE halte PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH zum letzten Mal 1—REDE zur Lage der Nation.
20080129             Mehr als Dreiviertel der Amerikaner denken laut einer Umfrage von ABC /"WASHINGTON—POST " zudem, dass das Land sich genau in die falsche Richtung bewegt.
20080129             "Wir müssen diesen Feind besiegen", ruft er auch gestern —ABEND, "wir müssen die Extremisten schlagen".
20080129             Es geht um die schnöde Wirtschaftslage daheim.
20080129             Die treibt laut Umfragen mittlerweile die Amerikaner nämlich weit mehr um als JEDE—FREIHEITSMISSION im Nahen Osten.
20080129             So nah wird der Erde so schnell kein Asteroid mehr kommen, meint die Nasa: Der rund 250—METER große kosmische Brocken 20070000              TU24 fliegt —HEUTE an unserem Planeten VORBEI—IN einer Entfernung von 538.000—KILOMETER.
20080129             Das ist etwa 1—DRITTEL mehr als die Distanz der Erde zum Mond.
20080129             Nach jüngsten Radarmessungen der USA—RAUMFAHRTBEHÖRDE Nasa ist dies die dichteste Begegnung mit einem bekannten Asteroiden dieser Größe —BIS mindestens zum ENDE—DES—NÄCHSTEN—JAHRHUNDERTS.
20080129             1—EINSCHLAG—DES—OBJEKTS auf der Erde ist jedoch —JETZT und in der absehbaren Zukunft ausgeschlossen.
20080129             "Wir gehen davon aus, dass unsere Partner sich der verheerenden Folgen einer einseitigen Vorgehensweise bewusst sind", sagte Kamynin.
20080129             Russland hoffe, der Westen werde keine Schritte unternehmen, die einen "zerstörerischen Präzedenzfall für das System der internationalen Beziehungen" bedeuteten, hieß es in der Erklärung.
20080129             Im Konflikt um den zukünftigen Status des Kosovo fordert Russland als traditionelle Schutzmacht der Serben 1—LÖSUNG, der sowohl Belgrad als auch PRISTINA zustimmen.
20080129             NEW—YORK—NICHT nur Banken leiden unter der FINANZKRISE—AUCH der USA—KREDITKARTENKONZERN AMERICAN—EXPRESS verzeichnet im Schlussquartal 20070000              einen deutlichen Gewinnrückgang.
20080129             Allein wegen unbezahlter Kreditkartenrechnungen musste der Konzern Belastungen von 438—MILLIONEN Dollar VERKRAFTEN—DIESE Verluste hatte AMERICAN—EXPRESS allerdings —BEREITS vorher angekündigt.
20080129             KOSOVO—ANERKENNUNG: Moskau droht Westen mit verheerenden Folgen
20080129             Kreditkrise: AMERICAN—EXPRESS meldet Gewinneinbruch
20080129             Hilferuf an die Nato: Kanada droht mit Truppenabzug aus AFGHANISTAN
20080129             EURO—VERGLEICH: Lebensmittel in Deutschland am billigsten
20080129             Menschenopfer der Maya: 5—TODE für den Regengott mit dem langen Rüssel
20080129             Studie: Babys hungernder Mütter haben erhöhtes Suchtrisiko
20080129             Schneechaos in CHINA: Zehntausende stecken —SEIT Tagen in Autos und Zügen fest
20080129             MILLIARDEN—ZOCKEREI: Frankreichs Regierung macht Druck auf Société Générale
20080129             Kalifornien: 1. MARIHUANA—AUTOMATEN aufgestellt
20080129             HINDUKUSCH—MISSION: Nato bittet Bundeswehr um Eingreiftruppe für AFGHANISTAN
20080129             Krise in Kenia: Soldaten feuern aus Hubschraubern auf Menschenmenge
20080129             PAKISTAN: Dorfbewohner töten 103—SCHLANGEN an einem —TAG
20080129             Kein Kollisionskurs: Asteroid fliegt knapp an Erde vorbei
20080129             —VERLIERT, Wenig Anschluss: Telekom, mehr als 2—MILLIONEN Kunden
20080129             Letzte Rede zur Lage der Nation: Bush kämpft um sein politisches Vermächtnis
20080129             Rechtsgutachten: NUMMERNSCHILDER—SCANNING verstößt massiv gegen Verfassung
20080129             Bürger unter Verdacht: Behörden fragen immer häufiger Konten ab
20080129             Krebsrisiko: 1—JOINT ist so schädlich wie 20—KIPPEN
20080129             Starke Währung: Konzerne erwägen Produktionsverlagerung in DOLLAR—RAUM
20080129             Bericht über Ministeriumspläne: Zivis sollen Dienst freiwillig verlängern dürfen
20080129             Letzte Rede zur Lage der Nation: Bush gibt Durchhalteparolen aus
20080129             Zur RETTUNG—DES—WELTKLIMAS müsse ein 2—MILLIARDEN—DOLLAR—FONDS geschaffen werden, der Schwellenländern unterstützt:
20080129             "Lassen Sie uns einen neuen internationalen Fonds für saubere Technologie schaffen, der Schwellenländern wie Indien und CHINA eine bessere Nutzung sauberer Energien erleichtert".
20080129             Jede - Doch was die weiteren Konjunkturaussichten angehe, sei er optimistisch: "Langfristig können die Amerikaner auf 1—WACHSTUM—DER—WIRTSCHAFT vertrauen".
20080129             "Der PRÄSIDENT denkt, dass sein Andenken —SCHON zurechtgerückt wird, wenn die Leute auf das Erreichte zurückblicken. Die Geschichte wird darüber urteilen".
20080129             MARGARET—THATCHER hat ihre Marine angewiesen, an der Schwedischen Küste RUSSEN—ANGRIFFE zu simulieren.
20080129             —ORDERED, MARGARET THATCHER, the Royal Navy to land Special Boat Service (SBS) frogmen on THE—COAST—OF—SWEDEN from UK—SUBMARINES pretending to be Soviet vessels, 1—NEW—BOOK has claimed.
20080129             —INVOLVED, The deception, numerous incursions by UK—FORCES into SWEDEN—TERRITORIAL—WATERS in the
20080129             1980s and early - 1990s, designed to heighten the impression —AROUND THE—WORLD—OF—THE—SOVIET—UNION as 1—AGGRESSIVE superpower.
20080129             —LANDED, Sometimes the boats, commandos, but often their job was to fool the Swedes by mimicking the sonar signals given off by the Soviet vessels that stalked the same waters.
20080129             Je mehr wir aus dem kalten Krieg erfahren, desto ehrlicher und sauberer sehen die Sowjets und desto verlogener und manipulativer sieht der Westen aus.
20080129             Ich finde das eine große Schande.
20080129             Na klaaaaaaar: —JETZT war der frz. Trader plötzlich 1—HACKER.
20080129             Und ein ganz fieser noch dazu!1!!
20080129             Es ging da ja in HESSEN so 1—BRIEF um, der vor dem CCC gewarnt hat.
20080129             Den haben wir zu Gesicht bekommen und abgelichtet und hier ist 1—TRANSKRIPT:
20080129             Wichtige und eilige Hinweise für den Wahlvorstand
20080129             Die geplanten Störungen und Angriffe des CCC (COMPUTER—CHAOS—CLUBS), die sich als Wahlbeobachter ausgeben und am WAHL—SONNTAG alle 8—KOMMUNEN,
20080129             die NEDAP—WAHLGERÄTE einsetzen, aufsuchen wollen, sind ernst zu nehmen.
20080129             Im INTERNET unter der Adresse
20080129             ALLE—MITGLIEDER—DES—CCC stehen im Chat untereinander in Verbindung und wollen Unregelmäßigkeiten mittels Fotos dokumentieren.
20080129             Auch Befragungen von Mitgliedern des Wahlvorstandes sind beabsichtigt.
20080129             Diese Absicht führt zwangläufig(sic!) zu Störungen im Wahllokal und muss unterbunden werden.
20080129             Der Wahlvorsteher bzw. die Wahlvorsteherin sind verantwortlich für den ordnungsgemäßen Ablauf im Wahllokal und üben das Hausrecht aus.
20080129             Daher sind folgende Regelungen zwingend zu beachten: Generelles Handyverbot in allen Wahllokalen für Besucher.
20080129             Keine FOTO—ODER Filaufnahmen(sic!) im Wahllokal.
20080129             Keine Interviews bzw. Befragungen mit Besuchern im Wahllokal.
20080129             Keine Benutzung von Notebooks (Laptops) im Wahllokal.
20080129             Beachtung der Bannmeile von 10—METERN.
20080129             Sollten sich Personen als Wahlbeobachter im Wahllokal melden, bitte unverzüglich mich davon unterrichten, damit Absprachen getroffen werden können.
20080129             Bitte darauf 8., dass das "Öffentlichkeitsprinzip" nicht verletzt wird.
20080129             Nicht einfach des Raumes verweisen -- nur bei Störungen im Ablauf der Wahlhandlung.
20080129             —GEWÄHRLEISTET, Ruhe und Ordnung im Wahllokal müssen, [Rest fehlt] Absender war Fachdienst 11, Bürgeramt, Bürgerbüro, Magistrat der Stadt Langen.
20080129             Das Schreiben ging an die Wahlvorstände in den Wahllokalen 1—BIS 20.
20080129             —NACH—DEM Bankendomino —JETZT das Hedgefondsdomino: Diverse Hedgefonds sollen vor dem Zusammenbruch stehen.
20080129             Glaubt man der renommierten Times of LONDON, stehen zahlreiche europäische Hedgefonds vor einem Desaster.
20080129             In ihrer ONLINE—SONNTAGSAUSGABE schreibt das Blatt, —BIS zu 10—EUROPÄISCHE Hedgefonds hätten vergangene Woche ihre Auszahlungen an ihre Klienten eingestellt.
20080129             Die Zahlungseinstellungen seien Notmaßnahmen gegen einen drohenden Kollaps der Hedgefonds.
20080129             —BEREITS—SCHON vor den Turbulenzen der vergangenen Woche hätten etwa 2—DRITTEL der in LONDON ansässigen Hedgefonds zwischen 4—UND 10% ihres Werts verloren.
20080129             —VERSCHLIMMERT, Der Schaden habe sich vergangene Woche deutlich.
20080129             Shaolin: Temple of Zen, Photographs by JUSTIN—GUARIGLIA at THE—BEN—MALTZ—GALLERY
20080129             Shaolin: Temple of Zen is 1—EXHIBITION and publication that documents, for the 1. time in history, the exceptionally private warrior monks of the 1500—YEAR—OLD—SHAOLIN Temple in the Henan PROVINCE—OF—CHINA, renowned for its association with ZEN—BUDDHISM and martial arts.
20080129             Rebuilding the temple
20080129             To the ancient Greeks, the Parthenon, the massive marble structure built atop the Acropolis in ATHENS, was the "physical embodiment of their values, beliefs and ideology".
20080129             Center for Genetics and Society : Breeding Only the Best... AUTHOR—OF—THE—PASSING of the Great Race;
20080129             or the strange CASE—OF—EDWIN—KATZEN—ELLENBOGEN, 1—JEWISH—PSYCHIATRIST, eugenicist and naturalized American...
20080129             A 3. was EDWIN—KATZEN—ELLENBOGEN, 1—USA—PSYCHOLOGIST who set himself up as 1 privileged prisoner inside 1—CONCENTRATION—CAMP and killed prisoners...
20080129             USATODAY_COM—BOOK explores eugenics' origins
20080129             HERMANN—PISTER, commandant of Buchenwald, on trial at Dachau
20080129             Political FRIENDSTER—RATE—CONNECTION—PH.D. connected to Skull...
20080129             EDWIN—KATZEN—ELLENBOGEN, former member of the faculty at Harvard Medical School, sentenced to life in prison at Nuremberg for his role at Buchenwald.
20080129             —WARNED, THE—UNHIVED—MIND -> WAYNE—MADSEN—INTELLIGENCE—HIRAM—DUKES, us all and —NOW look at whats.
20080129             —BLAMED, City Barbs CHRIS—TAYLOR, 1—BLACKWATER VICE—PRESIDENT, the controversy on "misinformation and...
20080129             JOSEPH—GOEBBELS benutzte Bernays Buch Crystallizing Public Opinion, um die antijüdische Propaganda im faschistischen Deutschland aufzubauen.
20080129             Bernays, selbst — wie auch sein Onkel Sigmund Freud — Jude, wurde dieser Fakt von KARL—VON—WIEGAND, einem Reporter der USA—AMERIKANISCHEN HEARST—ZEITUNG in Deutschland mitgeteilt,
20080129             welcher Goebbels besucht hatte + mit ihm einen Rundgang in dessen Bibliothek unternommen hatte.
20080129             Bernays selbst verschwieg diesen Fakt in den
20080129             La melancolía de un ladrillo: EDWARD—BERNAYS. El sobrinito de Freud
20080129             De su propia increíble crónica "Propaganda" (19280000             ) descubrimos cómo EDWARD—L—BERNAYS tomó las ideas de su famoso tío Sigmund Freud, y las aplicó a la javierdelaribiera.blogspot_com/2007/07/EDWARD—BERNAYS—EL—SOBRINITO—DE—FREUD.html
20080129             "It seems astonishing that the Bush ites can keep 1—LID on the selling of nuclear secrets on the world black market".
20080129             They can't. Back —DURING the Clinton Administration, Able Danger was 1—ARMY—PROGRAM to do datamining.
20080129             —WHILE looking at OPEN—SOURCE—MATERIAL for intelligence on AL—QAEDA, it connected Condoleeza Rice to arms proliferation to CHINA.
20080129             Think about that for 1—MOMENT.
20080129             Original article in MURDOCH—PROPAGANDA—PAPER 'The —SUNDAY TIMES'—
20080129             This is 1—WORLD—OF—SMOKE and mirrors, but, as the old Sahrahoui said: "Never drink from 1—WELL you don't know".
20080129             And if it has 'Murdoch' written all over...HENK—RUYSSENAARS | - Homepage
20080129             —NOW : we know that Sibel Edmunds has 1—UNIQUE 'gag order' as 'The —SUNDAY Times' in this article describes.
20080129             And that this 'gag order' is global and —UNTIL further notice by THE—USA/UK junta's henchmen:
20080129             "THE—USA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL has imposed 1—STATE—SECRETS privilege order on her, which prevents her revealing more DETAILS—OF—THE—FBI—METHODS and current investigations".
20080129             —PUBLISHED, So it's logical to ask why Sibel Edmunds —NOW is, worldwide, AND—THE gag order doesn't count HERE—IS allowed to be quoted by MURDOCH—PAPER and read by everybody?
20080129             Why, who and on what level was 'permission' given for this in THE—USA and decided to publish this about the nuke proliferation?
20080129             And LUBBERS—WHO also was THE—UNITED—NATIONS High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) - stated clearly that THE—CIA and its managers are GUILTY—OF—NUCLEAR—PROLIFERATION.
20080129             For all asking questions about this story, luke ryland has probably put more time and effort into it than anyone in the blogosphere.
20080129             HERE—1—OF—HIS—SITES: Links to MANY—OTHER—PIECES—OF—THE puzzle.
20080129             Way I see if, —WHEN DANIEL—ELLSBERG says Sibel Edmonds story is "bigger than the Pentagon Papers" it is credible and critical.
20080129             EMILE—ZOLA critique d'art et romancier ;
20080129             chronologie... - La Tribu du Verbe: Crise de l'immobilier, crise financière?
20080129             Ou... - Que cette consommation se fasse à crédit et que la politique du dollar faible...
20080129             Si "Le Capital" est, selon le mot de Marx, la nécrologie de la société...
20080129             Foreclosures Prompt Cities to Make Plea for Aid : THE—USA—CONFERENCE—OF—MAYORS (usmayors_org)As more than 250—MAYORS, agreed that the collapse of the subprime market had left 1—GROWING problem of vacant houses, depressed property values, tighter credit, and 1 need to cut services to close municipal budget gaps.
20080129             Stranger than fiction:
20080129             Senate Rejects Expansion of Secret COURT—OVERSIGHT : THE—SENATE gave 1—STRONG—BOOST—TODAY to legal protections for telephone companies that helped the government conduct 1—WARRANTLESS wiretap program, dramatically increasing the chances the legislation will survive 1—FINAL—VOTE—NEXT—WEEK.
20080129             Unleash NATO:
20080129             —PROMPTED, Well, you have probably been wondering what, THE—CHIEF—OF—THE—ARMED—FORCES—GENERAL—STAFF, GENERAL—YURY—BALUEVSKY, to announce last —WEEK that RUSSIA was RE—THINKING its national security policy and that although
20080129             IRAN extends olive branch to ISRAEL, USA.
20080129             IRAN says its relations with ISRAEL could change, and its ties with THE—USA would not remain severed forever.
20080129             —TARGETED, IRANIAN—AMERICAN—PATRIOTIC roadtrip, by authorities : 1—PHOTOGRAPHER—JOURNEY to discover AMERICA turned into something OUT—OF—THE—TWILIGHT—ZONE—WHEN authorities became suspicious and began tailing him from state to state and questioning his motivations.
20080129             IRAN set to retaliate against USA—BASES:
20080129             IRAN—TOP—MILITARY—COMMANDER said —YESTERDAY that his forces would retaliate against USA—MILITARY—BASES in the Persian Gulf if they are involved in ANY—ATTACK on IRAN.
20080129             The truth hurts: HOLLAND—JEWISH—GROUP slams CARD—OF—ANNE—FRANK in kaffiyeh:
20080129             1—DUTCH—JEWISH—ORGANIZATION last —WEEK condemned the distribution of 1—POSTCARD showing 1 manipulated IMAGE—OF—ANNE—FRANK wearing 1—PALESTINE—KAFFIYEH, calling it "1—TASTELESS—FALSIFICATION—OF—HISTORY".
20080129             TIP—OFF Thwarted Nuclear Spy Ring Probe
20080129             THE—FBI was monitoring TURKEY—DIPLOMATIC and political figures based in WASHINGTON who were allegedly working with the Israelis and using "moles" in military and academic institutions to acquire nuclear secrets.
20080129             A Criminal Idea - Attacking other countries to stop them acquiring nuclear weapons repudiates 1—KEY—PRINCIPLE—OF—INTERNATIONAL—LAW.
20080129             IRAQ Urges Limits On USA—OPERATIONS
20080129             —ECHOED, Government spokesman ALI—DABBAGH, remarks by USA—DEFENSE—SECRETARY—ROBERT—M—GATES last —WEEK that the agreement would include no provisions for permanent USA—BASES.
20080129             The accord would take effect —AFTER THE—UNITED—NATIONS mandate governing USA—OPERATIONS in the country expires at THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR.
20080129             THE—OMINOUS—LESSON—OF—TET - Here is the ominous lesson for IRAQ.
20080129             There are few things as dangerous as 1—IMPERIAL—POWER in retreat.
20080129             Dead For Lies - It is imperative that Bush Co be impeached for past, present and future high crimes and misdemeanors.
20080129             They have not only lied about the reasons for invading and occupying IRAQ, but they have used their WAR—OF—TERROR to redefine and lie about torture and commit unspeakable crimes against humanity.
20080129             What 1—GREAT—FREAKIN' War!!
20080129             For months — nay, years! — I've been ranting about how screwed up the war in IRAQ has been, and how disastrous have been its consequences.
20080129             What 1—FOOL I've been! In reality, it's actually turned out pretty great.
20080129             THE—DOCTRINE—OF—BLATANCY
20080129             THE—DOCTRINE—OF—BLATANCY works something like this: 1. identify our (USA—OF—A) AREA—OF—BENEFIT (where can we maximize our power and wealth?) Next look for locals who will collaborate with us to help achieve our ends.
20080129             Of course there are always scraps from the table to be thrown to them.
20080129             —SATISFIED, And most dogs are, with that.
20080129             PAKISTAN Shuns C.I.A. Buildup Sought by USA.
20080129             —BY ERIC—SCHMITT and DAVID—E—SANGER
20080129             —TRAVELED, The top 2—USA—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIALS, secretly to PAKISTAN early this —MONTH to press PRESIDENT—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF to allow THE—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY—GREATER latitude to operate in the tribal territories where AL—QAEDA, the Taliban and other militant groups are all active, according to several officials who have been briefed on the visit.
20080129             Continue Wall Comes Tumbling DOWN—BY SEUMAS—MILNE
20080129             The inspiring breakout of Palestinians from their imprisonment in GAZA is 1—TIMELY reminder that this is 1—PEOPLE who cannot be caged or wished away.
20080129             Continue 1—TASTE—OF—FREEDOM
20080129             —BY MOHAMMED—OMER, reporting from RAFAH
20080129             Despite the joy from the open border and the vital goods which can be bought in EGYPT, tragedy remains in GAZA: late —THURSDAY night and early —FRIDAY—MORNING, ISRAEL—WARPLANES killed 4—MORE—PALESTINIANS in THE—ON—GOING assault on GAZA which has seen 68 killed and over 165 wounded in —JUST the 1. weeks of January alone.
20080129             How To Help Feed and Support Children of THE—GAZA Strip
20080129             I have been asked by MANY—ICH readers if I can recommend 1—WAY for them to help the children of Palestine.
20080129             THE—TRUE—MIRACLE—OF—ISRAEL
20080129             What is remarkable is not ISRAEL—CREATION, but rather the perpetuation of the lies and the injustice upon which it survives.
20080129             Branded as 'educational,' these trips offer ISRAEL—PROPAGANDISTS 1—OPPORTUNITY to expose MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS to only their SIDE—OF—THE—STORY.
20080129             Unimaginable Intentional Human Suffering
20080129             Humans tend to submit to those who claim authority, —SINCE it is easier to believe in SYMBOLS—OF—POWER, than it is to personally submit to the tedium of the reasoning process.
20080129             As 1—PEOPLE, we tend to follow the natural ORDER—OF—THINGS along the path of least resistance.
20080129             —BY taking the easy way out, we give our blessing to the law of the jungle.
20080129             Padilla Trial Highlights BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—MANIPULATION—OF—JUSTICE
20080129             The only case THE—DOJ was able to manufacture against Padilla was that he was a "TERRORIST—WANNABE".
20080129             —INDICTED, Padilla was thus, on the Benthamite grounds that he might commit 1—TERRORIST—ACT in the future.
20080129             USA Slides Into Dangerous 1930s 'Liquidity Trap'
20080129             —BY Ambrose EVANS—PRITCHARD in Davos
20080129             THE—USA is sliding towards 1—DANGEROUS 1930s-style "liquidity trap" that cannot easily be stopped by drastic cuts in interest rates, Nobel economist JOSEPH—STIGLITZ has warned.
20080129             THE—DOLLAR—RESERVE—CURRENCY—ROLE is Drawing to 1—END
20080129             If the world is unwilling to continue to accumulate dollars, THE—USA will not be able to finance its trade deficit or its budget deficit.
20080129             As both are seriously OUT—OF—BALANCE, the implication is for yet more decline in the dollar's exchange value and 1—SHARP—RISE in prices.
20080129             THE—SOUTH—CAROLINA You Won't See on -
20080129             SOUTH—CAROLINA Primary Colors: Black and White?
20080129             GLENN—GREENWALD: What's at stake —TODAY in THE—SENATE—FISA filibuster vote.
20080129             Update: (Read BOTTOM—OF—GREENWALD—POST.
20080129             Senate Dems Actually Held Together to Filibuster 1—GOP—ATTEMPT to Pass 1—NEW—ENHANCED, Telecom Immunity FISA Bill.
20080129             Obama and Clinton Voted to Defeat THE—BUSH—MANDATED GOP Effort to Shove 1—HORRIBLE—FISA—BILL—DOWN—OUR—THROATS.
20080129             Alas, It's Not Over and Count on Bush to Use THE—STATE—OF—THE—UNION to Cudgel the Dems with Fear!
20080129             Hillary Clinton: Bush has lost touch with public;
20080129             Not really sure he ever had yet, but it is worse. 1/29
20080129             —PROPOSED, AT&T's, filtering policy is bad news;
20080129             Why should we have to choose between BLAZING—FAST—INTERNET and privacy?
20080129             Paddy Ryan: 1—PERSONAL—INDICTMENT—OF—THE—DEMOCRATS and our Screwed up Political and Media Systems -- 1—BUZZFLASH—READER—CONTRIBUTION
20080129             WILL—BUSH—ILLEGAL wiretapping be made legal?
20080129             Judith E. Schaeffer: THE—STATE—OF—THE—JUDICIARY and the Bush Legacy
20080129             FLORIDA Dems Go to Polls in 1—CAMPAIGN—LESS—VACUUM—BUT Over 300,000 Early Votes Have Been Cast So Far 1/29
20080129             CREW to House Leaders: Stop Protecting MEMBERS—OF—THE—HOUSE involved in criminal activity 1/29
20080129             getQuotation; Zitat
20080129             —BASED, THE—CARLYLE—GROUP is 1—WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, global private equity investment firm with more than $74.9—BILLION—OF—EQUITY—CAPITAL under management.
20080129             Die EvB hat zur Carlyle Group eine gute Zusammenfassung:
20080129             THE—BUSINESS—OF—ACCESS to Power: THE—CARLYLE—GROUP
20080129             ) For example, —AFTER the involvement of Carlyle, the arms manufacturer United Defense received 1—CONTROVERSIAL—USA $11—BILLION contract for 1—MOBILE artillery system, although the technology was already considered obsolete.
20080129             Carlyle is very active in the arms industry as well as with firms doing business in AFGHANISTAN and IRAQ.
20080129             Even by USA—STANDARDS, where the line between politics and business is blurred, the Bush connection to Carlyle presents 1—UNIQUE—SITUATION:
20080129             Current USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH will, in all probability, profit from the economic consequences of his own policies
20080129             —WHEN he inherits his father's assets that have increased in value through Carlyle investments.
20080129             —ON 1—FALL —EVENING in 1—COTTON field in NICARAGUA... via 1—STOCK swap with 1—COSTA—RICA—BASED firm called Dupont Investment Fund #57289...
20080129             Auch die Nummernschilddaten von Autofahren, gegen die nichts vorliegt, werden in RHEINLAND—PFALZ 2—MONATE lang GESPEICHERT—UND der...
2008012920080129     Nach Berechnungen des in LONDON ansässigen EDELMETALL—CONSULTINGBÜRO GFMS kam CHINA im vergangenen —JAHR auf 276—TONNEN Gold, Südafrika auf 272—TONNEN.
20080129—19800000    —FROM, to 19960000              Daniel wrote 13—MURDER—MYSTERIES beginning with "Murder in THE—WHITE—HOUSE," which became 1—BEST—SELLER.
20080129—20060000    —J—IM, hatte die BaFin nach eigenen Angaben in diesem Zusammenhang insgesamt 81.156—ANFRAGEN bearbeitet sowie Informationen zu etwa 665.000—KONTEN erzielt.
20080129—20071100    —IM, Bei einer 1. Anhörung hatte der hessische Innenminister Volker Bouffier erklärt, das Scanning sei völlig unbedenklich.
20080129—20081031    —UNTIL, 4—MEXICO—MILITARY—OFFICERS and 1—SOLDIER, were turned over to prosecutors for alleged links to Alfredo Beltran Leyva, but their cases weren't made public.
20080129—20270000    —BIS—ZUM—J, ASTEROID—2007—TU24, wahrscheinlich, die größte Annäherung eines größeren Himmelskörpers zur Erde.
20080321             MALI, 5—CIVILIANS, including 1—CHILD, were reported killed, again —WHEN their vehicle hit 1—MINE—NEAR—TINZAOUAT20080129              soldiers were taken prisoner —WHEN 1—CONVOY—OF wounded soldiers heading for Kidal was intercepted by rebels.
20080505             Allied Telecom Group LLC.
20080505             $500.00. 20070129             . - $500.00. 20070129           .
20080505             - Individual. Amos, Carmen.
20090129             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Restoration Act, 1—EQUAL—PAY—BILL, into law, declaring that it's 1—FAMILY—ISSUE, not —JUST 1—WOMEN—ISSUE.
20090129             ILLINOIS, Pat Quinn (60), the Democrat LIEUTENANT—GOV., became GOVERNOR—AFTER—THE—STATE—SENATE voted 59-0 to convict Rod Blagojevich (52) of ABUSE—OF—POWER.
20090129             1—CALIFORNIA judge ruled that GOVERNOR—SCHWARZENEGGER can force state workers to take furloughs to help close the budget gap.
20090129             —KILLED, SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, coalition troops, 4—MILITANTS in 1—STRIKE on 1—BOMB—MAKING operation.
20090129             THE—AFRICAN—UNION said the exclusion from its summit of MAURITANIA and GUINEA, which both suffered coups —RECENTLY, proved the continent had moved on from its checkered past.
20090129             —SCHEDULED, The summit was, for 20090201—20090203     in ETHIOPIA.
20090129             1—AUSTRALIA—MAN, 36—JAHRE—ALT was charged with murder —AFTER allegedly throwing his 4—YEAR—OLD—DAUGHTER from 1—MELBOURNE bridge into the Yarra River —DURING peak —HOUR traffic.
20090129             BOLIVIA, the last USA—DRUG—ENFORCEMENT—AGENTS left the country, ordered out by PRESIDENT—MORALES, even as police reported that coca cultivation and cocaine processing were on the rise.
20090129             —VOWED, BRITAIN—PRIME—MINISTER—GORDON—BROWN, to act with "purpose and determination" to restore economic growth 1—DAY—AFTER THE—IMF said BRITAIN would be the country worst hit by the global recession.
20090129             1—INTERNATIONAL—RIGHTS—GROUP said CAMEROON—GOVERNMENT is employing extrajudicial killings and torture to crush political opponents, and such violence may escalate as the global economic crisis deepens.
20090129             The 1. of more than 6,000 CONGO—REBELS took part in 1—CEREMONY to integrate their units into the regular army as PART—OF—1—DEAL to end the conflict in EAST—DR CONGO.
20090129             —ARRIVED, The ship Monchegorsk, in CYPRUS.
20090129             —EXAMINED, It was, twice —AFTER it arrived under suspicion of ferrying weapons from IRAN to Hamas fighters in GAZA, and detained.
20090129             —STOPPED, THE—USA—MILITARY had, the ship last —MONTH in the Red Sea, and said it found artillery shells and other arms on BOARD.
20090129             —CONTINUED, But it could not legally detain the ship, which, to PORT—SAID, EGYPT, and then to CYPRUS.
20090129             —SIGNED, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, 1—AGREEMENT to give ETHIOPIA 251—MILLION—EUROS (322—MILLION—DOLLARS) in aid to boost development projects across the Horn of AFRICAN—NATION.
20090129             —STAGED, FRANCE, HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—WORKERS, 1—NATIONWIDE strike to try to force PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—SARKOZY and business leaders to do more to protect jobs and wages —DURING the economic crisis.
20090129             INDIA began 1—PLAN to issue 1—NEW—BIOMETRIC—IDENTITY card to its whole 1.2—BILLION population.
20090129             IRAQ said it will bar Blackwater Worldwide from providing security protection for USA—DIPLOMATS because its contractors used excessive force, sanctioning 1—COMPANY whose image was irrevocably tarnished by 20070000             —THE killings of 17—IRAQ—CIVILIANS.
20090129             Hazim Salim AL—ZAIDI, 51—JAHRE—ALT, FORMER—IRAQ—ARMY officer in MOSUL, was among 3—SUNNI candidates killed 2—DAYS AHEAD—OF—ELECTIONS.
20090129             † 1—OF—THE—OTHER—SUNNIS was killed in 1—DRIVE—BY shooting in WEST—BAGHDAD.
20090129             —ABDUCTED, The 3. was, along with his brother and cousin in the Diyala province TOWN—OF—MANDALI near THE—IRAN—BORDER.
20090129             Their BULLET—RIDDLED bodies were found —LATER in the —DAY.
20090129             —FIRED, Palestinians, 1—ROCKET into ISRAEL, and RESIDENTS—OF—THE—SOUTH—GAZA TOWN—OF—KHAN—YOUNIS said 1—ISRAEL—AIRSTRIKE there wounded 1 unidentified man on 1—MOTORCYCLE and 5—PASSERS—BY, among them children walking home from school.
20090129             —INDICATED, Senior officials in the Islamic group Hamas, 1—WILLINGNESS to negotiate 1—DEAL for 1—LONG—TERM—TRUCE with ISRAEL as long as the borders of GAZA are opened to THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD.
20090129             —HANGED, JAPAN, 4 convicted murderers, carrying out the country's 1. EXECUTIONS—OF—THE—YEAR despite INTERNATIONAL criticism.
20090129             MADAGASCAR—PRESIDENT made 1—CONCILIATORY gesture, promising to put 1—RADIO—STATION back on air —AFTER its closure sparked ANTI—GOVERNMENT rioting that left at least 43—DEAD.
20090129             † 1—USA—ENVOY—LATER estimated over 100—DEAD—WHILE police said 76 had, in the rioting.
20090129             —DETAINED, MEXICO—POLICE, 1—ECUADOR—MAN for carrying about $2.5—MILLION in cash in 1—SUITCASE at MEXICO—CITY—INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT.
20090129             —LOWERED, NEW—ZEALAND—CENTRAL—BANK, its key interest 1.5—PERCENTAGE—POINTS to 1—RECORD—LOW—OF—3.5%, in response to 1—DECELERATING global growth outlook.
20090129             —KIDNAPPED, NIGERIA, gunmen, 1—NIGERIA—BOY, 9—JAHRE—ALT in the oil CITY—OF—PORT—HARCOURT, shooting dead 1—DOMESTIC—WORKER who was taking him to school.
20090129             —ARRESTED, PAKISTAN—POLICE, 3—MEN who they alleged carried out 1—DEADLY 20060000              bombing in PAKISTAN on THE—ORDERS—OF—INDIA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY.
20090129             —LAUNCHED, THE—UN, 1—EMERGENCY—APPEAL for $613—MILLION to help Palestinians recover from ISRAEL—3—WEEKS—OF—MILITARY—OPERATIONS in GAZA.
20090129             —DESTROYED, In THE—PHILIPPINES 1—POWERFUL—EXPLOSION, 1—FIREWORKS factory and 1—NEARBY—ELECTRONICS—PLANT—SOUTH—OF—MANILA, killing at least 6—PEOPLE and injuring more than 40.
20090129             —HIJACKED, SOMALIA—PIRATES, 1—GERMANY—GAS—TANKER, THE—MV Longchamp, and its 13-man crew in the Gulf of ADEN, the 3. ship captured off the Horn of AFRICAN—THIS —MONTH.
20090129             1—SOUTH—KOREA—BIOTECH company claimed to have cloned dogs using 1—STEM cell technology for the 1. time in the world.
20090129             —EVACUATED, SRI—LANKA, UN workers, HUNDREDS—OF—SEVERELY wounded civilians from behind rebel lines as government troops fought to secure final victory over the Tamil Tigers.
20090129             —TRAPPED, Up to 250,000 civilians were, in the combat zone in THE—NORTHEAST—OF—THE—ISLAND.
20090129             —STUMBLED, SWITZERLAND—POLICE said they, across 1—LARGE—MARIJUANA—PLANTATION—LAST—YEAR—WHILE using Google Earth, the search engine company's satellite mapping software.
20090129             —ARRESTED, They, 16—PEOPLE and seized 1.1—TONS (1.2—USA—TONS) of marijuana as well as cash and valuables worth 900,000 SWITZERLAND—FRANCS ($780,000).
20090129             At the economic forum in DAVOS—SWITZERLAND, ISRAEL—PRESIDENT—PERES, 85—JAHRE—ALT traded accusations with TURKEY—PRIME—MINISTER—ERDOGAN, who declared: "You kill people," and criticized ISRAEL—BLOCKADE—OF—GAZA.
20090129             —STALKED, Erdogan, off stage —AFTER being cut short —DURING the exchange.
20090129             ZIMBABWE Finance MINISTER—PATRICK—CHINAMASA said citizens will be allowed to conduct business in other currencies, alongside THE—ZIMBABWE—DOLLAR.
20090129             1—UN—REPORT said ZIMBABWE—HUMANITARIAN—DISASTER is far worse than anticipated with only 6—PERCENT—OF—THE—POPULATION formally employed and more than half in NEED—OF—EMERGENCY—FOOD—AID.
20090129             Primeira lei de Obama põe fim à discriminação salarial
20090129             O Presidente dos Estados Unidos, BARACK—OBAMA,
20090129             promulgou ontem a primeira lei da sua Administração,
20090129             que consagra a possibilidade dos trabalhadores recorrerem aos tribunais se estiverem a ser vítimas de discriminação salarial.
20090129             Os provérbios e os ditados populares constituem uma parte importante de
20090129             uso da propriedade... para comparecerem à audiência de instrução e julgamento.
20090129             Experten: USA-"Bad Bank" könnte —BIS zu 4—BILLIONEN Dollar kosten
20090129             Debatte mit Peres: GAZA—EKLAT in DAVOS—ERDOGAN stürmt vom Podium
20090129             ISRAEL must investigate CHARGES—OF—CRIMES in GAZA: USA
20090129             —BY—LOUIS Charbonneau UNITED—NATIONS (Reuters) -
20090129             —VIOLATED, ISRAEL must investigate allegations that its army, INTERNATIONAL law —DURING its 3—WEEK—WAR against Hamas militants in THE—GAZA Strip,
20090129             the new USA—ENVOY to THE—UNITED—NATIONS said —ON—THURSDAY.
20090129             GAZA Violence Complicates MITCHELL—MISSION
20090129             Obama Calls Bonuses 'Shameful' as Dodd Vows to Reclaim Money
20090129             Obama Calls WALL—STREET Bonuses 'Shameful'
20090129             In his temporary order —THURSDAY, JUDGE—PATRICK—MARLETTE said: "The current circumstances constitute 1—EMERGENCY".
20090129             —DESIGNED, Had the malicious script, to wipe Fannie MAE—4000—SERVERS not been discovered, the company could have lost MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS and 1—WEEK—WORTH—OF—UP—TIME.
20090129             —INDICTED, Fannie Mae engineer, for planting server bomb
20090129             —PLOTTED, Rogue IT admin, to erase Fannie Mae, feds say - Obama Signs 1. PIECE—OF—LEGISLATION
20090129             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—OBAMA this —MORNING, 1—LAW that expanded the time frame in which workers can sue for discrimination they have experienced based on gender, race, national origin or religion.
20090129             Erdogan Clashes With Peres, Storms Out of Davos Panel
20090129             —WALKED, TURKEY—PRIME—MINISTER—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN, out of 1—PANEL—DISCUSSION in protest —AFTER clashing with ISRAEL—PRESIDENT—SHIMON—PERES at the World Economic Forum over ISRAEL's...
20090129             JUDGE—DENIES—OBAMA trial request
20090129             1—MILITARY—JUDGE—AT—THE—GUANTANAMO—BAY prison camp has rejected 1—REQUEST by BARACK—OBAMA,
20090129             —ACCUSED—OF, THE—USA—PRESIDENT, to suspend the trial of 1—SAUDI—ARABIA—MAN, planning a
20090129             Noch mehr Geld: BARACK—OBAMA will ein 2—BILLIONEN—BANKPAKET - Indices Plunge on Weak Data
20090129             Stocks in NEW—YORK sank deeper yet into the close —THURSDAY—AFTER 1—JOLT of discouraging earnings and economic data offset THE—HOUSE—OK to the stimulus package and —WEDNESDAY'S "bad bank" euphoria.
20090129             THE—DOW—JONES—INDUSTRIAL—AVERAGE gave up 227.16—POINTS, or 2.7%, to 8148.29,
20090129             and the S&P 500—FELL - Stocks break winning streak
20090129             Money com Stocks fall as unemployment claims reach new high
20090129             Obama: WALL—STREET bonuses shameful, irresponsible - ;;12;; new home sales hit lowest point
20090129             Americans receiving jobless benefits hits record
20090129             USA—ECONOMY: SALES—OF—NEW Homes, Durable Goods Orders Tumble
20090129             Continental, USA—AIR Bring Group Loss to $1.35—BILLION
20090129             Inzwischen wird allein für Deutschland mit weiteren Problemwertpapieren von —BIS zu einer Billion Euro auf den Bilanzen der Banken gerechnet.
20090129             Die jetzige Situation ist nicht mehr durch ökonomisch rationales Handeln gekennzeichnet, vielmehr durch Panikverkäufe und technisch bedingtes Überschießen der Kapitalmärkte.
20090129             Die jetzige Situation - ökonomisch rationales Handeln
20090129             AMERIKA, haben wir mit einer BRIDGE—BANK—DIE—KRISE—DER—BAUSPARKASSEN (Savings & Loans) in den 80ER—JAHREN gelöst.
20090129             His book Irrational Exuberance
20090129             (20000000              ) — a NEW—YORK—TIMES " href="
20090129             "NEW—YORK—TIMES bestseller — warned that the stock market had become 1—BUBBLE
20090129             WIRTSCHAFTSKRISE: Der Abschwung fängt —ERST richtig an
20090129             Politik: "Die Krise kann noch 10—JAHRE dauern"
20090129             Schweden rüstet ab - Das Geschäft der Agromultis - Leser kritisieren "Polizeistaat"
20090129             Frankreichs Gewerkschaften für alternative Krisenpolitik
20090129             "On ne veut pas payer pour les banquiers"
20090129             ISRAEL intentará impedir que España investigue un ataque sobre GAZA
20090129             FRANCE summons ISRAEL—ENVOY over GAZA shots:
20090129             —SUMMONED, FRANCE has, ISRAEL—AMBASSADOR to protest as French and other European diplomats were blocked for hours on the Jewish state's border with THE—GAZA Strip and ISRAEL—SOLDIERS fired warning shots at their convoy.
20090129             "Wenn wir Beweise haben, dass Labore und Drogenbarone die Taliban unterstützen, sind sie Freiwild", so Gates.
20090129             Craddocks Befehl sagt jedoch genau das Gegenteil.
20090129             In den von der Bundesregierung vertraulich bei der Nato hinterlegten Einsatzbeschränkungen,
20090129             den sogenannten "caveats", wird gezieltes Töten ohne vorangegangenen Angriff als "völkerrechtswidrig" eingestuft.
20090129             Sowohl EGON—RAMMS, deutscher Leiter der zuständigen NATO—KOMMANDOZENTRALE,
20090129             als auch der Kommandeur der ISAF—SCHUTZTRUPPE in KABUL, der USA—GENERAL DAVID—MCKIERNAN, wollen dem Befehl nicht folgen.
20090129             Sie halten die Weisung für rechtswidrig und sehen darin einen Verstoß gegen geltende ISAF—EINSATZREGELN und internationales Recht,
20090129             dem "LAW—OF—ARMED—CONFLICT".
20090129             Ramms begründete seine Zweifel in einem Brief.
20090129             Die Empörung zieht sich durch ALLE—POLITISCHEN—LAGER.
20090129             unter welchen Voraussetzungen das Bündnis tödliche Gewalt einsetzen darf
20090129             "Uns Arbeitern wird immer mehr aufgebürdet,
20090129             und der große TEIL—DES—KUCHENS geht an die obersten Etagen", sagte RENAULT—MITARBEITER Pascal Guinet.
20090129             Mit am stärksten war die Beteiligung an den Schulen, wo der Abbau Tausender Stellen auf Widerstand stößt.
20090129             An den Grundschulen legten laut Bildungsministerium fast die HÄLFTE—DER—LEHRER und Angestellten die Arbeit nieder,
20090129             an den weiterführenden Schulen gut jeder 5.
20090129             Den Gewerkschaften zufolge beteiligten sich rund 2—DRITTEL der Bildungsbeamten am Streik.
20090129             Projekte in Not: OFFSHORE—WINDKRAFT kämpft mit der Finanzkrise
20090129             Sicherheit: Blackwater darf nicht mehr im Irak arbeiten
20090129             —VERZEICHNET, Quartalszahlen: Shell, Milliardenverlust
20090129             Krisenbank: Hypo Real Estate fleht um Staatsbeteiligung
20090129             Massenprotest: Franzosen demonstrieren gegen Sarkozys Wirtschaftspolitik
20090129             Globales Tauwetter: Das Gletschersterben geht weiter
20090129             WASHINGTON und die Uno: ENDE—DER—EISZEIT am EAST—RIVER
20090129             Finanzkrise: Obama erwägt billionenschwere "Bad Bank"
20090129             Trotz Rettungspaket: WALL—STREET—BANKER kassierten Boni in Milliardenhöhe
20090129             Schlussquartal 20080000              : Ford macht knapp 6—MILLIARDEN Verlust
20090129             Konzentrierungspolitik - Und —SCHON viel früher hatte WILLIAM—WIRT aus VIRGINIA,
20090129             Sohn deutscher Einwanderer und ein berühmter Jurist,
20090129             Entity "X," if it exists, certainly is not energy, and —THEREFORE could not manifest itself as such.
20090129             —FORMED, CHARLES—STEINMETZ, THE—STEINMETZ Electric Motor Car Co.
20090129             Without CHARLES—STEINMETZ—DEVELOPMENT—OF—THEORIES—OF alternating current,
20090129             His work made possible the expansion of the electric power industry in THE—USA.
20090129             Among his MANY—INVENTIONS is the metallic electrode arc lamp.
20090129             —CONSIDERED, CHARLES—P—STEINMETZ was, the leading electrical engineer in THE—USA.
20090129             CHARLES—STEINMETZ : Scientist and Socialist (18650000             —1923) Including the complete STEINMETZ—LENIN correspondence,
20090129             Sender Garlin, USA—INSTITUTE for Marxist Studies, 19770000              (reprinted in Sender Garlin's 19910000              3—RADICALS ).
20090129             HOMER—HEATH—NUGENT, 19220000           .
20090129             —SINCE 19900000             —THE'S, phasor measurement units
20090129             have been used to measure THE—HEALTH—OF—WIDE—AREA—ELECTRICAL—NETWORKS, and are currently revolutionizing the power industry worldwide [3].
20090129             —WHILE 1—UNIVERSITY—STUDENT, he wrote for 1—SOCIALIST—NEWSPAPER and had to flee GERMANY
20090129             Die USA—REGIERUNG nehme JEDE—ANSCHULDIGUNG wegen eines Fehlverhaltens von amerikanischen Staatsbediensteten sehr ernst,
20090129             betonte der stellvertretende SPRECHER—DES—USA—AUßENMINISTERIUMS, ROBERT—WOOD, in einer Stellungnahme.
20090129             —VERGESSEN, Schicksal: Man solle nicht, dass noch bestimmte Umweltkonstellationen hinzukommen mussten,
20090129             sagt Junker, und "nicht zuletzt 1—MENGE glücklicher Zufälle".
20090129             An die Stelle des einzelnen Denkers trat der Intellekt des Kollektivs.
20090129             der Intellekt des Kollektivs
20090129             Und als das Klima vor etwa 2—MILLIONEN Jahren in AFRIKA trockener wurde, wussten die Primaten sich zu helfen.
20090129             "Tiere, die in Bäumen aufgewachsen sind, wissen, dass es ab und zu Umwege gibt", erklärt der Bielefelder Forscher Reinhold.
20090129             denn die Evolution kennt kein Ziel.
20090129             CO2-Speicherung im Ozean: Algendüngung weniger wirksam als gedacht - Kolosseum: Roms perfekte Todesmaschine
20090129             Jobmarkt: Arbeitslosenzahl steigt stärker als erwartet
20090129             Zurückgehende Verkaufszahlen: Sony erleidet drastischen Gewinneinbruch
20090129             Bankenkrise: Finanzminister schließt Bad Banks nicht mehr aus
20090129             GALAXIEN—KOLLISION: Foto zeigt Strahlung eines Schwarzen Lochs
20090129             Olymp der Evolution: Wenn Wölfe über die Affen gesiegt hätten
20090129             Bewährungsstrafe: Zumwinkel könnte Bundesverdienstkreuz verlieren
20090129             Hohe Mieten bei Warenhauskette: Hertie stellt britischem Eigentümer Ultimatum
20090129             Video Game Conditioning Spills Over Into Real LIFE—CMDRTACO doug141
20090129             "Lessons learned in video games may transcend computers, PlayStations and Wiis.
20090129             New research suggests that virtual worlds sway REAL—LIFE choices.
20090129             22—VOLUNTEERS who played 1—CYCLING game learned to associate 1—TEAM—JERSEY with 1—GOOD flavored drink and another team's jersey with 1—BAD flavored drink.
20090129             —AVOIDED, Days —LATER, 3/4—OF—THE—SUBJECTS, the same jersey in 1—REAL—WORLD—TEST.
20090129             Marketers and lawyers will take note". Less Is MOORE—TIMOTHY
20090129             HUGH—PICKENS "For years, the computer industry has made steady progress by —FOLLOWING MOORE—LAW, derived from 1—OBSERVATION made in
20090129             Zum 90. Todestag von FRANZ—MEHRING (Teil I)
20090129             Massive DDOS—ATTACKEN gegen kirgisische Provider.
20090129             Putin urges reserve currency move
20090129             RUSSIA—PRIME—MINISTER—VLADIMIR—PUTIN tells the Davos forum it is dangerous for the world to OVER—RELY on the dollar as its reserve currency
20090129             Crisis 'has hit CHINA—ECONOMY'
20090129             CHINA—PREMIER—WEN—JIABAO says although the global downturn has had 1—IMPACT, his country can deal with it.
20090129             The new USA—ENVOY for THE—MIDDLE—EAST says it is "critically" important to extend THE—ISRAELI—HAMAS ceasefire.
20090129             World growth 'worst —FOR—60—YEARS' - World economic growth
20090129             THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION—CALLS on PRESIDENT—OBAMA to cap USA—CARBON—EMISSIONS and sign up to 1—GLOBAL—CARBON trading system.
20090129             Removing Roads and Traffic Lights Speeds URBAN—TRAVEL
20090129             Conventional traffic engineering assumes that given no increase in vehicles, more roads mean less congestion.
20090129             So —WHEN planners in SEOUL tore down a 6—LANE—HIGHWAY 1—FEW years ago and replaced it with a 5—MILE—LONG—PARK,
20090129             —SURPRISED, MANY—TRANSPORTATION—PROFESSIONALS were, to learn that the city's traffic flow had actually improved, instead of worsening.
20090129             "People were freaking out," recalls ANNA—NAGURNEY, 1—RESEARCHER at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—MASSACHUSETTS—AMHERST,
20090129             who studies computer and transportation networks.
20090129             "It was like 1—INVERSE—OF—BRAESS—PARADOX".
20090129             the eponymous paradox unfolds as 1—ABSTRACTION: it states that in 1—NETWORK in which all the moving entities rationally seek the most efficient route,
20090129             adding extra capacity can actually reduce the network's overall efficiency.
20090129             Like 1—GUEST—THAT—WON'T—LEAVE, BPA Lingers in the Human Body
20090129             1—NEW—STUDY indicates that bisphenol A (BPA), 1—CHEMICAL used in plastic bottles + can linings that has been linked to heart disease,
20090129             diabetes + liver failure, may linger in the body far longer than previously believed.
20090129             1—NEW—REPORT from THE—USA—SOCIETY—OF—CIVIL—ENGINEERS has "assigned 1—OVERALL D grade to the nation's infrastructure and estimated that it would take a $2.2—TRILLION investment from all LEVELS—OF—GOVERNMENT over the next 5—YEARS
20090129             to bring it into 1—STATE—OF—GOOD repair".
20090129             Despite their newfound rhetorical distancing from him, congressional conservatives still appear to be taking orders from Limbaugh —WHEN it comes to action in Congress.
20090129             Slumdog MILLIONAIRE—CHILD actors still live in 'grinding poverty' in Mumbai.
20090129             - Satyam Khanna - Rubina Ali and Azharuddin Ismail, 2—OF—THE—CHILD—ACTORS in "Slumdog Millionaire," are still living in the slums of Mumbai,
20090129             despite the film's $14—MILLION—BUDGET and worldwide success.
20090129             —EARNED, Ali, 500—UK—POUNDS ($710) for 1—YEAR—WORK and Ismail earned 17000000              pounds ($2414),
20090129             "less than MANY—INDIA—DOMESTIC—SERVANTS":
20090129             Both children were found places in 1—LOCAL—SCHOOL and receive £20 1—MONTH for books and food.
20090129             Ismail is in fact "worse off" —NOW, as his "family's illegal hut was demolished by the local authorities and he —NOW sleeps under 1—SHEET—OF—PLASTIC tarpaulin".
20090129             Ali lives nearby — in a "hut".
20090129             1—FOX—SEARCHLIGHT spokesperson said he is "proud" of their treatment and boasted, "—FOR—30—DAYS—WORK, the children were paid 3—TIMES the average local annual adult salary".
20090129             Chemicals 'may reduce fertility' - Secret papers face faster release - 'Too many' cannot read and write
20090129             An "unacceptably" high NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE in ENGLAND cannot read, write and count properly, 1—COMMITTEE—OF—MPS warns.
20090129             Jail violence a 'growing concern'
20090129             1—RISING NUMBER—OF—PRISON disturbances has prompted fears that stability and order is at 1—PREMIUM in jails.
20090129             TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—SOCIAL—ACTIVISTS and environmental and political groups gather in THE—BRAZIL—CITY—OF—BELEM for the World Social Forum.
20090129             —BEDACHT, Hierzulande wurde Obamas Initiative mit Spott.
20090129             "Obamas grüner Symbolismus" war beispielsweise 1—KOMMENTAR in der Süddeutschen Zeitung überschrieben (27.1.).
20090129             Tatsächlich sind die objektiven Zahlen der Kohlendioxidemissionen des PKW—VERKEHRS ernüchternd.
20090129             Notwendig ist — in einem 1. Schritt — eine strikte Begrenzung der Schadstoffemissionen.
20090129             Mit Beginn der neuen Krise in der Autoindustrie wurde diese Vorgabe aufgegeben.
20090129             Der Analyst JÜRGEN—PIEPER vom Bankhaus Metzler brachte die positive Wirkung der Branchenkrise wie folgt auf den Punkt:
20090129             "Es scheint 1—VORTEIL der Rezession, daß nun die vorher geplanten Regelungen aufgeweicht wurden.
20090129             Das ist vor allem für die deutschen Hersteller ein sehr guter Kompromiß".
20090129             Tatsächlich ist der Verkehrssektor — hier fast ausschließlich bestimmt durch den Pkw-,
20090129             LKW—UND den Luftverkehr — derjenige Bereich in der gesamten Wirtschaft, in dem der den Klimawandel bewirkende Kohlendioxidausstoß fortwährend ansteigt.
20090129             Die neue Eskalation setzt pünktlich zu den 1. Gesprächen des USA—SONDERGESANDTEN für den Nahen Osten, GEORGE—MITCHELL, ein.
20090129             Freilichtgefängnis - Bei der israelischen Militäroffensive zwischen dem
20090129             "Flechettes" sind 4—ZENTIMETER große Metallpfeile mit einer scharfen Spitze und 4—FLÜGELCHEN am Rumpf.
20090129             Aufgrund ihrer Konstruktion haben sie eine enorme Durchschlagskraft.
20090129             "Flechettes" sind keine Präzisionswaffe gegen feindliche Kämpfer.
20090129             Ihr Einsatz in bewohnten Gebieten ist nicht erlaubt, betont Amnesty.
20090129             FACT—FINDING—TEAMS—DER—MENSCHENRECHTSORGANISATION haben in den vergangenen Tagen an mehreren Orten in GAZA Beweise für den illegalen israelischen Waffeneinsatz gefunden.
20090129             Cyberwar: Kirgisistan offline Massive DDOS—ATTACKEN gegen kirgisische Provider
20090129             Weltwirtschaftsforum in Davos: Gemeinsam gegen die Krise
20090129             Kommentar: Merkel benutzt miese Tricks der BANK—MANAGER
20090129             Bilanz: Das sind die Großspender der deutschen Parteien
20090129             Finanzkrise: Banker hoffen auf riesige staatliche Müllkippe
20090129             Fed Signals It's Ready to Expand Assistance as Needed
20090129             —GEFÄHRDET, Wirtschaftskrise, 50—MILLIONEN Jobs
20090129             Politik: Fed ist zum Kauf von Staatsanleihen bereit
20090129             Unternehmen: Sparkassen kassieren Renditeziel
20090129             Kursbestimmung: Fed stützt USA per Notenpresse - Cyberwar: Kirgisistan offline
20090129             —BEFÜRCHTET, IWF, weltweite Stagnation
20090129             Bahn sieht nichts Schlimmes im MITARBEITER—CHECK
20090129             "Die nackte Angst geht um" - Mitarbeiter unter Generalverdacht
20090129             Schuften für wenig Geld - Immer mehr Jugendliche mit Alkoholvergiftung.
20090129             Schlimmer Trend: "KOMA—SAUFEN" nimmt zu - Putin warnt vor Protektionismus
20090129             "Die Krise ist gravierender als die der 30er Jahre" - Basler ANTI—WEF—DEMO: Schuhe gegen UBS
20090129             —PASSED, Extra budget with cash handouts
20090129             Les scénarios de la police pour 20250000              : criminels âgés et attaques chimiques
20090129             El Congreso de EE UU da luz verde al plan económico de Obama
20090129             Soros, WEN—JIABO, Putin - WHITE—HOUSE drafts letter to repair USA—IRAN relations
20090129             Fed holds interest rates near 0
20090129             Massenbespitzelung der Mitarbeiter: Rasterfahndung bei der Bahn
20090129             Human Cells have Electric Fields as Powerful as Lighting Bolts -1—GALAXY—CLASSIC
20090129             O Presidente dos Estados Unidos, BARACK—OBAMA, promulgou ontem a primeira lei da sua Administração,
20090129             Os provérbios e os ditados populares constituem uma parte importante de... uso da propriedade... para comparecerem à audiência de instrução e julgamento.
20090129             the expansion of the electric power industry in THE—USA in the early 19010101—20001231    —CENTURY would have been impossible, or at least greatly delayed.
20090129             Without CHARLES—STEINMETZ—DEVELOPMENT—OF—THEORIES—OF alternating current, the expansion of the electric power industry in THE—USA in the early 19010101—20001231    —CENTURY would have been impossible, or at least greatly delayed.
20090129             USA—ARMY—SUICIDES hit new high for 20080000
20090129             —BY LOUIS—CHARBONNEAU—UNITED—NATIONS (Reuters) -
20090129             —VIOLATED, ISRAEL must investigate allegations that its army, INTERNATIONAL law —DURING its 3—WEEK—WAR against Hamas militants in THE—GAZA Strip, the new USA—ENVOY to THE—UNITED—NATIONS said on —THURSDAY.
20090129             Bloomberg - 1—HOUR ago By Dawn Kopecki and Julianna Goldman
20090129             PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA fed 1—SWELLING populist revolt against WALL—STREET bonuses, calling it "shameful" that banks doled out $18.4—BILLION as taxpayers bail out companies and THE—USA—REMAINS...
20090129             WASHINGTON—POST By Debbi Wilgoren and Amy Goldstein
20090129             ALJAZEERA—NET - 1—MILITARY—JUDGE—AT—THE—GUANTANAMO—BAY prison camp has rejected 1—REQUEST by BARACK—OBAMA, THE—USA—PRESIDENT, to suspend the trial of 1—SAUDI—ARABIA—MAN accused of planning a
20090129             Noch mehr Geld: BARACK—OBAMA will ein 2—BILLIONEN—BANKPAKET
20090129             THE—DOW—JONES—INDUSTRIAL—AVERAGE gave up 227.16—POINTS, or 2.7%, to 8148.29, and the S&P 500—FELL... Stocks break winning streak Money_com Stocks fall as unemployment claims reach new high AP
20090129             Obama: WALL—STREET bonuses shameful, irresponsible
20090129             BIZJOURNALS—COM—AMERICANS receiving jobless benefits hits record
20090129             Die Abschreibungen im globalen Finanzsektor belaufen sich —BEREITS auf über 1.000—MILLIARDEN USA—DOLLAR.
20090129             His book Irrational Exuberance (20000000              ) — 1—NEW—YORK—TIMES " href="">NEW—YORK—TIMES bestseller — warned that the stock market had become 1—BUBBLE in
20090129             Entre 1—ET 2,5 millions de manifestants en FRANCE
20090129             Streit über HOLOCAUST—LEUGNER: Deutsche Bischöfe verstehen jüdische Kritik am PAPA
20090129             In den von der Bundesregierung vertraulich bei der Nato hinterlegten Einsatzbeschränkungen, den sogenannten "caveats", wird gezieltes Töten ohne vorangegangenen Angriff als "völkerrechtswidrig" eingestuft.
20090129             Sowohl EGON—RAMMS, deutscher Leiter der zuständigen NATO—KOMMANDOZENTRALE, als auch der Kommandeur der ISAF—SCHUTZTRUPPE in KABUL, der USA—GENERAL DAVID—MCKIERNAN, wollen dem Befehl nicht folgen.
20090129             Sie halten die Weisung für rechtswidrig und sehen darin einen Verstoß gegen geltende ISAF—EINSATZREGELN und internationales Recht, dem "LAW—OF—ARMED Conflict".
20090129             PARIS, startete am Nachmittag ein riesiger Demonstrationszug.
20090129             "Uns Arbeitern wird immer mehr aufgebürdet, und der große TEIL—DES—KUCHENS geht an die obersten Etagen", sagte RENAULT—MITARBEITER Pascal Guinet.
20090129             "Die Belegschaft wird verringert, die Angestellten werden unter Druck gesetzt".
20090129             Mit am stärksten war die Beteiligung an den Schulen, wo der Abbau Tausender Stellen auf Widerstand stößt. An den Grundschulen legten laut Bildungsministerium fast die HÄLFTE—DER—LEHRER und Angestellten die Arbeit nieder, an den weiterführenden Schulen gut jeder 5.
20090129             Finanzkrise: USA—UNI verscherbelt ihre Kunstschätze
20090129             Drogenbekämpfung in AFGHANISTAN: Tötungsbefehl entsetzt deutsche Politiker
20090129             Wirtschaftsbeziehungen: Deutschland und CHINA wollen Kooperation ausbauen
20090129             Rezession: Arbeitslosigkeit in USA erreicht höchsten Stand —SEIT—40—JAHREN
20090129             CASTOR—TRANSPORTE: KARLSRUHE stärkt Klagerecht von Atomkraftgegnern
20090129             EDITHA—SARG: DNA—ANALYSE soll Rätsel um KÖNIGIN lösen
20090129             Und —SCHON viel früher hatte WILLIAM—WIRT aus VIRGINIA, Sohn deutscher Einwanderer und ein berühmter Jurist,
20090129             CHARLES—STEINMETZ : Scientist and Socialist (18650000192300       00—DATE) Including the complete STEINMETZ—LENIN correspondence, Sender Garlin, USA—INSTITUTE for Marxist Studies, 19770000              (reprinted in Sender Garlin's 19910000              3—RADICALS ).
20090129             Essay on Science and Religion at Project Gutenberg.
20090129             —SINCE the 1990's,phasor measurement units have been used to measure THE—HEALTH—OF—WIDE—AREA—ELECTRICAL—NETWORKS, and are currently revolutionizing the power industry worldwide [3].
20090129             * Steinmetz CARL—AUGUST—RUDOLPH—STEINMETZ in BRESLAU—GERMANY (—NOW WROCLAW—POLAND) 18650409             —ON (the —DAY Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox to end THE—USA—CIVIL—WAR).
20090129             —WHILE 1—UNIVERSITY—STUDENT, he wrote for 1—SOCIALIST—NEWSPAPER and had to flee GERMANY 18880000             —IN—DURING 1—ANTI—RADICAL—CRACKDOWN.
20090129             Die USA—REGIERUNG nehme JEDE—ANSCHULDIGUNG wegen eines Fehlverhaltens von amerikanischen Staatsbediensteten sehr ernst, betonte der stellvertretende SPRECHER—DES—USA—AUßENMINISTERIUMS, ROBERT—WOOD, in einer Stellungnahme.
20090129             —VERGESSEN, Schicksal: Man solle nicht, dass noch bestimmte Umweltkonstellationen hinzukommen mussten, sagt Junker, und "nicht zuletzt 1—MENGE glücklicher Zufälle".
20090129             Post aus WASHINGTON: USA—PRÄSIDENT schreibt ans iranische Volk
20090129             Zank ums USA—KONJUNKTURPAKET: Republikaner ignorieren Obamas Hilferuf
20090129             Vergewaltigungsvorwürfe: USA—JUSTIZ ermittelt gegen Algeriens CIA—CHEF
20090129             / Thema / Seite 10—VON der Philosophie zur Tat Ein kaum noch bekannter Klassiker des HISTORISCH—KRITISCHEN Marxismus.
20090129             USA urges stronger GAZA ceasefire
20090129             World growth 'worst —FOR—60—YEARS' - EU calls for USA action on climate
20090129             So —WHEN planners in SEOUL tore down a 6—LANE—HIGHWAY 1—FEW years ago and replaced it with a 5—MILE—LONG—PARK, MANY—TRANSPORTATION—PROFESSIONALS were surprised to learn that the city's traffic flow had actually improved, instead of worsening.
20090129             "People were freaking out," recalls ANNA—NAGURNEY, 1—RESEARCHER at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—MASSACHUSETTS—AMHERST, who studies computer and transportation networks.
20090129             THE—BRAINCHILD—OF—MATHEMATICIAN—DIETRICH—BRAESS—OF—RUHR—UNIVERSITY—BOCHUM in GERMANY, the eponymous paradox unfolds as 1—ABSTRACTION: it states that in 1—NETWORK in which all the moving entities rationally seek the most efficient route, adding extra capacity can actually reduce the network's overall efficiency.
20090129             THE—SEOUL project inverts this dynamic: closing 1—HIGHWAY--that is, reducing network capacity--improves the system's effectiveness.
20090129             1—NEW—STUDY indicates that bisphenol A (BPA), 1—CHEMICAL used in plastic bottles + can linings that has been linked to heart disease, diabetes + liver failure, may linger in the body far longer than previously believed.
20090129             - Satyam KHANNA—RUBINA Ali and Azharuddin Ismail, 2—OF—THE—CHILD—ACTORS in "Slumdog Millionaire," are still living in the slums of Mumbai, despite the film's $14—MILLION—BUDGET and worldwide success.
20090129             —EARNED, Ali, 500—UK—POUNDS ($710) for 1—YEAR—WORK and Ismail earned 17000000              pounds ($2414), "less than MANY—INDIA—DOMESTIC—SERVANTS":
20090129             However, they continue to live in grinding poverty and their families say they have received no DETAILS—OF—THE—TRUST—FUNDS set up in their names.
20090129             —HOPED, Their parents said that they had, the film would be their ticket out of the slums, and that its success had made them realise how little their children had been paid.
20090129             Chemicals commonly found in food packaging, upholstery and carpets may be damaging women's fertility, USA—SCIENTISTS say.
20090129             The 30-year rule on publishing confidential government papers should be reduced to 15—YEARS, 1—REVIEW is expected to find.
20090129             BRAZIL holds 'alternative Davos'
20090129             Doch —ZUNÄCHST sei festgestellt: Obamas inmitten der existentiellen Krise der USA—AUTOINDUSTRIE proklamierten Ziele weisen in die richtige Richtung:
20090129             Die Europäische Union und so gut wie ALLE—EU—MITGLIEDSTAATEN unternehmen —DERZEIT Schritte in die entgegengesetzte Richtung:
20090129             —BEREITS vereinbarte Reduktionen beim CO2-Ausstoß neuer Pkw werden abgebaut.
20090129             Zwischen 5000—UND 8000—SOLCHER pfeilförmigen Projektile werden in eine 120—MILLIMETER—GRANATE gepackt, die von Panzern verschossen werden.
20090129             Die Geschosse explodieren in der Luft und streuen die Pfeile mit Hochgeschwindigkeit über ein 300—MAL 100—METER großes Gebiet.
20090129             Als Antipersonenwaffen sollen sie vielmehr wie Splitterbomben möglichst VIELE—MENSCHEN auf einmal schwer verletzen oder töten.
20090129             Düstere IWF—PROGNOSE: Banken verlieren 2200—MISTER—D—DOLLAR
20090129             Bericht: Große USA—PROVIDER unterstützen Musikindustrie - Abbas: "ISRAEL will keinen Frieden"
20090129             Peking wächst JEDES—JAHR um eine halbe Million Einwohner
20090129             WHITE—HOUSE drafts letter to repair USA—IRAN relations
20090129             Weltwirtschaftsforum: JEDE—KRISE hat ihre Gewinner
20090129             —CYBER—WAR, KIRGISISTAN offline
20090129—18650409    —ON, POLAND) (the —DAY Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox to end THE—USA—CIVIL—WAR).
20090129—18890000    —IN, —AFTER 1—STOP in SWITZERLAND, he arrived in THE—USA.
20090129—19200000    —FORMED, CHARLES—STEINMETZ, the Steinmetz Electric Motor Car Co. to designed prototypes of several electric vehicles.
20090129—19630000    —SINCE, December new home sales hit lowest point
20090129—20081200    —BIS, galt die EU—WEITE Vereinbarung, daß es ab dem —JAHR
20090129—20090000    —IN, World economic growth will be the lowest 19450000             —SINCE, with THE—UK—FARING worst among advanced nations, THE—IMF says.
20090129—20090328    —RELEASED, The ship was, along with its 13—CREW members.
20090129—20090625    —ON, Nandan Nilekani, 1—CO—FOUNDER—OF—INFOSYS, was given ministerial status and appointed to run the scheme.
20090129—20110411    —SENTENCED, ARTHUR—FREEMAN was, to life in prison.
20090129—20120000    bei neuen Pkw 1—OBERGRENZE—VON—120—GRAMM CO2-Ausstoß je Kilometer geben soll.
20090129—20150000    —J—IM, Inzwischen soll dieses Ziel schrittweise erreicht werden — endgültig —ERST.
20090206             † In OHIO Gertrude "Trudy" Steuernagel, 1—KENT—STATE—UNIVERSITY—PROFESSOR, 1—WEEK—AFTER she was severely injured in a 20090129              beating by Sky Walker (18), her autistic son.
20090531—20100129    —CONVICTED—OF, Roeder (51) was, 1. degree murder.
20090805—20110129    —ON, Orel Vasquez (20) CHRISTIAN—VASQUEZ, 26—JAHRE—ALT, and JUAN—LEON, 29—JAHRE—ALT approached 1—BORDER crossing point at NOGALES and told USA—OFFICERS they were wanted for the shooting and were turning themselves in.
20100119—20100129    —ARRESTED, Suspect Tishara Daniel (24) was, and confessed to fatal stabbing of Nina Nilssen.
20100120—20100129    —ACCUSED, Hamas, ISRAEL—AGENTS—OF assassinating the veteran operative.
20100129             —ENGAGED, PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, in 1—RARE—FACE—TO—FACE showdown with Republican critics and testily accused them of trying to block his policies —WHILE urging them to "join with me" in creating jobs.
20100129             1—USA—STORM that toppled power lines, closed major highways and buried PARTS—OF—THE—SOUTH—PLAINS in heavy ice and snow began moving into the South, leaving TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE in the dark.
20100129             Nearly 142,000 homes and businesses in OKLAHOMA were without power.
20100129             —RELEASED, According to 1—NEWLY, audiotape AL—QAIDA leader OSAMA—BIN—LADEN called for the world to boycott USA—GOODS and THE—USA—DOLLAR, blaming THE—USA and other industrialized countries for global warming.
20100129             —BACKED, AFGHANISTAN—TROOPS, by NATO—ATTACK—HELICOPTERS battled Taliban fighters wearing suicide vests who launched 1—ASSAULT in the heart of 1—LASHKAR—GAH in SOUTH—HELMAND province.
20100129             6—MILITANTS were killed in the assault.
20100129             —KILLED, In Ghazni province 2—AFGHANS were, —AFTER failing to stop their vehicle —WHEN ordered.
20100129             1—AFGHANISTAN—INTERPRETER working for THE—USA—MILITARY shot dead 2—USA—SOLDIERS in Wardak province.
20100129             —OPENED, IRAN—GUARDS, fire and killed 5—LABORERS as they crossed into IRAN from THE—SOUTH—WEST—PROVINCE—OF—NIMROZ.
20100129             —CONVERGED, BRAZIL, leftists who, to protest what they view as uncontrolled capitalism ended the World Social Forum with vows to take advantage of the financial crisis to promote 1—GLOBAL—SOCIALIST—AGENDA.
20100129             —EXILED, CHINA, envoys of, Tibetan Buddhist leader the Dalai Lama arrived in BEIJING for weekend talks amid subtle shifts in CHINA—APPROACH to its restive, RIOT—SCARRED western regions of Tibet and Xinjiang.
20100129             1—ETHIOPIA—JUDGE sentenced 1—JOURNALIST to prison in connection with a 20080100              column that criticized PRIME—MINISTER—MELES—ZENAWI—STATEMENTS about religious affairs in ETHIOPIA.
20100129             —IDENTIFIED, The journalist was —LATER, as Ezedin Mohamed, EDITOR—OF—AL—QUDS, 1—MUSLIM—ORIENTATED newspaper.
20100129             —HALTED, HAITI, USA—SOLDIERS, 1—VIOLENT—CONFRONTATION between looters and 1—PRIVATE—SECURITY—GUARD who shot and killed 1—MAN inside 1—APPLIANCE—STORE and appeared poised to shoot others.
20100129             —SUSPECTED, In THE—INDIAN—CONTROLLED portion of Kashmir, Muslim rebels ambushed army soldiers, killing 2—TROOPS.
20100129             Honda Motor Co. said it would recall 1—TOTAL—646,000 units of the Fit/Jazz and City models globally, including 140,000 in THE—USA.
20100129             The recall was to fix 1—DEFECTIVE master switch, which could cause water to enter the power window switch and in SOME—CASES—CAUSE 1—FIRE.
20100129             THE—OFFICE—OF—LITHUANIAN—PRESIDENT—DALIA—GRYBAUSKAITE said in 1—STATEMENT that she would sign 1—DECREE to appoint Audronius A?ubalis as foreign MINISTER.
20100129             —FORCED, THE—TOUGH—TALKING Grybauskaite, the resignation of the last foreign MINISTER—VYGAUDAS—UŠACKAS.
20100129             MEXICO—AUTHORITIES found the decapitated bodies of 6—MEN in Acahuato, Michoacan state.
20100129             1—GROUP—OF at least 12 armed men attacked 1—FEDERAL—POLICE—CONVOY, opening fire on the vehicles from 1—HIGHWAY overpass near THE—CITY—OF—MARAVATIO, also in Michoacan, killing 5—OFFICERS and wounding 7. 4—SEVERELY beaten men were seen walking along 1—BUSY—STREET in the Michoacan TOWN—OF—ZAMORA carrying messages signed by La Familia.
20100129             —OPENED, In CIUDAD—JUAREZ 1—GROUP—OF—RIFLE—BEARING attackers, fire on 1—FAMILY in 1—TRUCK, killing 1—MAN, 1—WOMAN and injuring a 5—MONTH—OLD—BABY.
20100129             1—WOMAN was —LATER killed inside 1—ICE cream parlor, 1—CHASE through the Galeana neighborhood left 2—DEAD, and 1—MAN was killed and 1—PREGNANT—WOMAN was injured in 1—SPRAY of bullets in another PART—OF—TOWN.
20100129             6—MORE—PEOPLE were killed —LATER in the —DAY in 4—DIFFERENT—LOCATIONS, and —WHEN dawn broke the 2 decapitated bodies were found.
20100129             JOURNALIST—OCHOA—MARTINEZ, DIRECTOR—OF—EL—SOL—DE—LA—COSTA, was shot in the face as he left 1—FOOD—STAND in THE—TOWN—OF—AYUTLA.
20100129             —COVERED, His small newspaper, mostly local politics and community issues SOUTH—EAST—OF—ACAPULCO.
20100129             —SENTENCED, MEXICO, 1—TEXAS man and his girlfriend were, to 9—YEARS in prison for recruiting MEXICO—WOMEN to give birth in THE—USA and sell their babies to couples there.
20100129             Amado Torres, of HARLINGEN—TEXAS, and MARIA—ISABEL—HERNANDEZ, of MEXICO, had allegedly paid women up to $3,000 for their newborns.
20100129             —SEIZED, NEW—ZEALAND, police, weapons used by 2—MEN to slaughter more than 30—DOGS owned by 1—NEIGHBOR in what animal welfare authorities said could be the country's worst animal cruelty case.
20100129             1—NIGERIA—COURT rejected 1—DEMAND by top lawyers that 1—CARETAKER—HEAD—OF—STATE be appointed —UNTIL ailing PRESIDENT—UMARU—YAR'ADUA returns from hospital treatment in SAUDI—ARABIA.
20100129             —KILLED, PAKISTAN—SECURITY—FORCES, 24 suspected militants in air strikes and clashes in the northwest.
20100129             1—PARAMILITARY—SOLDIER was also killed and 3 wounded in 1—CLASH in THE—TOWN—OF—CHINAR in THE—DISTRICT—OF—BAJAUR.
20100129             —DETERMINED, RUSSIA TEST—FLEW 1—LONG—AWAITED new fighter aircraft, to challenge THE—USA for technical superiority in the skies and impress weapons buyers.
20100129             —SPARKED, SOMALIA—INSURGENTS, the heaviest —DAY—OF—FIGHTING in the capital in months, launching simultaneous attacks on government forces and AU peacekeepers killing at least 19—PEOPLE including women and children.
20100129             —RAIDED, SRI—LANKA, police, the office of defeated presidential candidate Sarath Fonseka and arrested 15—OF—ITS—WORKERS as monitors and rights groups criticized THE—SRI—LANKA—ELECTION that returned PRESIDENT—MAHINDA—RAJAPAKSE to power.
20100129             At DAVOS—SWITZERLAND, Microsoft CO—FOUNDER and his wife said THE—BILL—AND—MELINDA—GATES—FOUNDATION will donate $10—BILLION over the next —DECADE to research new vaccines and bring them to the world's poorest countries.
20100129             1—VIETNAM—COURT handed a 4—YEAR—JAIL—TERM to writer Pham Thanh Nghien (32) for ANTI—STATE "propaganda," the latest in 1—STRING—OF—JAILINGS—OF—DEMOCRACY—ACTIVISTS by the communist state.
20100129             —NACH—AM, 1—BESUCH CLINTONs in PARIS schickte ihr 1—VERTRAUTE 1—FOTO zu, das DIE—AUßEN—MINISTERIN vorteilhaft auf der Titelseite der "INTERNATIONAL—HERALD—TRIBUNE"zeigt.
20100129—20030000    —IN, FORMER—UK—PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR said there had been no "covert" deal with then USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH to invade IRAQ, and robustly defended his decision to take BRITAIN to war.
20100129—20220000    —VOWED, THAILAND, 12—ASIA—NATIONS and RUSSIA, to double the number of wild tigers, crack down on poaching that has devastated the big cats and prohibit THE—BUILDING—OF—ROADS and bridges that could harm their habitats.
20100209—20100129    —ON, PHIL—HARRIS (53), the fishing boat CAPTAIN whose adventures off THE—ALASKA coast were captured on the television show "Deadliest Catch", † in ANCHORAGE —FOLLOWING 1—MASSIVE—STROKE.
20110101—20110129    —INDUCED, Nereida Vazquez, who had been in 1, coma for weeks, † of 1—LUNG infection brought on by her injuries.
20110119—20110129    —ON, Hung † of his injuries.
20110129             20040830090102
20110129             —BY CHARLES—R—BABCOCK, WASHINGTON—POST, 19970107             , Page A01)
20110129             ("THE—MYSTERIOUS—MISTER—S—NEWT", MARTIN—FLETCHER (LONDON—TIMES News Service), SF Examiner, 19950115              pA4 "NEWT—NEAR—MISSES", Ron Curran, THE—BAY—GUARDIAN, 19950111              p10)
20110129             ("THE—INNER—QUEST—OF—NEWT—GINGRICH", GAIL—SHEEHY, VANITY—FAIR, 19950900              p147 "Gingrich, Murdoch reveal lobbyist's role at meeting", Katharine Seelye (NY Times News Service), S—FRANCISCO—EXAMINER, pA1 "Murdoch, Gingrich Admit They Talked", S—FRANCISCO—CHRONICLE, 19950113             )
20110129             ("JUMP—START: How Speaker Gingrich Grabbed Power and Attention So Quickly", WALL—STREET—JOURNAL, 19950119              pA1
20110129             —BASED, Massey Energy, in RICHMOND—VIRGINIA, agreed to be taken over by Alpha natural Resources for $7.1—BILLION in cash and stock.
20110129             Massey was struggling with losses —FOLLOWING and explosion that killed 29—WORKERS in WEST—VIRGINIA.
20110129             † AFGHANISTAN, ABDUL—LATIF—ASHNA, the deputy GOVERNOR—OF—SOUTH—KANDAHAR province, was killed by 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER.
20110129             —CLAIMED, THE—TALIBAN, responsibility for the attack.
20110129             1—AFRICAN—UNION—PANEL on THE—IVORY—COAST—CRISIS said it will aim to help Alassane Ouattara "exercise power" through 1 negotiated political deal.
20110129             —SENTENCED, EAST—ALGERIA, 1—CRIMINAL—COURT, 6—PEOPLE to death for a 20090000              attack that killed 19—PEOPLE and for which AL—QAEDA claimed responsibility.
20110129             Rivals to CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC—LEADER—FRANCOIS—BOZIZE pulled their representatives off the election body, alleging fraud —AFTER early partial results from last weekend's poll put Bozize in the lead.
20110129             —CARRIED, COSTA—RICA, raids  were, out in S—JOSE and in the Pacific coast CITY—OF—PUNTARENAS.
20110129             5—COLOMBIANS and 1—COSTA—RICA—NATIONAL were arrested.
20110129             —NAMED, EGYPT—PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK, 82—JAHRE—ALT, his intelligence CHIEF and close confidant OMAR—SULEIMAN as VICE—PRESIDENT, his 1. VP —SINCE coming to power nearly 30—YEARS ago.
20110129             —SNUBBED, Tens of THOUSANDS—OF—EGYPTIANS, Mubarak's promised reforms and took their deadly revolt to the streets for a 5. —DAY.
20110129             2—CAIRO mobile phone networks came back on line, 1—DAY—AFTER all EGYPT—OPERATORS were told to cut services.
20110129             STATE—TV said wealthy business AHMED—EZZ, 1—CLOSE—CONFIDANTE—OF—THE—PRESIDENT—SON and 1—OF—THE—TARGETS for protester criticism, has resigned from ruling party.
20110129             —DECLINED, The military, to block the latest rally and soldiers showed solidarity with demonstrators.
20110129             —HANGED, She was allegedly, for possessing and selling drugs.
20110129             THE—HOLLAND—GOVERNMENT froze official contacts with IRAN to protest the hanging.
20110129             —OPENED, CENTRAL—NIGERIA—SOLDIERS, fire on university students in JOS protesting continuing violence between Christians and Muslims.
20110129             —KILLED, At least 9—PEOPLE were, in the ensuing violence.
20110129             —FANNED, In THE—PHILIPPINES 1—HUGE—FIRE, by strong winds from MANILA Bay swept through 1 congested village in MANILA, killing 12—PEOPLE and displacing nearly 2,000.
20110129             —TUMBLED, SAUDI—ARABIA—STOCK—EXCHANGE, by over 6—PERCENT, setting the stage for other regional markets to drop as concerns mounted about the violent protests in EGYPT.
20110129             —RALLIED, TIBET—PARLIAMENT—IN—EXILE, behind 1—BUDDHIST monk seen as the possible next spiritual leader for Tibet —AFTER INDIA—POLICE seized HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—DOLLARS from his monastery.
20110129             Hacking probe
20110129             —LINKED, Who is, to the furore over CLAIMS—OF—PHONE hacking?
20110129             Geithner resists deficit pressure
20110129             USA—TREASURY—SECRETARY—TIMOTHY—GEITHNER tells Davos delegates it would not be in his country's economic interest to make deep spending cuts.
20110129             SUEZ 'in utter chaos' —AFTER clashes
20110129             There has been 1—DAY—OF—VIOLENT clashes in THE—EGYPT—CITY—OF—SUEZ as riot police tried to regain CONTROL—OF—THE—STREETS from ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS.
20110129             BBC journalist beaten by EGYPT—POLICE
20110129             1—BBC journalist was beaten and arrested —DURING riots in THE—EGYPT—CAPITAL.
20110129             Dodging teargas on CAIRO streets
20110129             Troops are on THE—STREETS—OF—EGYPT—CAPITAL tonight as the government struggles to quell widespread rioting.
20110129             'Anonymous' defends web attacks
20110129             —CRITICISED, The web activist group Anonymous has, THE—ARREST—OF—ITS—MEMBERS claiming the web attacks they launched were 1—LEGITIMATE—FORM—OF—PROTEST.
20110129             Net approaches address exhaustion
20110129             —NEEDED, Action, on schools science
20110129             Science needs to be made more appealing to school pupils, 1—GROUP—OF—ASSEMBLY—MEMBERS say.
20110129             Cameron calls for reform in EGYPT
20110129             PRIME—MINISTER—DAVID—CAMERON calls for reform in EGYPT amid ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS in THE—NORTH—AFRICAN country.
20110129             CANADA to expel wealthy
20110129             CANADA agrees to arrest and extradite Belhassen Trabelsi, the billionaire BROTHER—IN—LAW—OF—FORMER—TUNISIA n PRESIDENT—ZINE—AL—ABIDINE BEN—ALI.
20110129             EU studies Kosovo 'organ traffic'
20110129             THE—EU mission in Kosovo begins investigating claims that Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) rebels trafficked human organs.
20110129             —OPPOSED, KIM—JONG—IL ' succession'
20110129             NORTH—KOREA—KIM—JONG—IL was against a 3.—GENERATION succession but named his youngest son next leader to ensure stability, his eldest son says.
20110129             —URGED, UK spies, to watch Twitter
20110129             Intelligence agencies should follow social networking sites more closely to gather information, THE—UK—TOP—CIVIL—SERVANT says.
20110129             UK confidence fall 'astonishing'
20110129             The confidence of UK consumers in the economy and their finances has suffered its biggest drop in 16—YEARS, 1—SURVEY says.
20110129             —FEARED, Blair ' Cabinet IRAQ leaks'
20110129             TONY—BLAIR was "reluctant" to hold Cabinet discussions about IRAQ because he thought details would be leaked, THE—UK—TOP—CIVIL—SERVANT says.
20110129             BKA—UNTERSUCHUNG weist nach: Vorratsdatenspeicherung ineffektiv
20110129             —AM—MITTWOCH veröffentlichte das Bundeskriminalamt 1—UNTERSUCHUNG der deutschen polizeilichen Kriminalstatistik,
20110129             welche die Ineffektivität der Vorratsdatenspeicherung offenbart.
20110129             Die umstrittene EU—RICHTLINIE wird aufgrund ihrer Verhältnismäßigkeit —BEREITS in mehreren EU—STAATEN gerichtlich geprüft
20110129             Bauernaktivist in Mexiko ermordet
20110129             Bauernvertreter RENATO—CRUZ—MORALES fiel am —DIENSTAG einem Attentat zum Opfer.
20110129             11—KINDER und Jugendliche aus Sklavenarbeit befreit
20110129             Schwedischer Provider will Vorratsdatenspeicherung per VPN umgehen
20110129             —KONSPIRIERT, Polizei, europaweit
20110129             Ein französischer Polizist prügelt im Wendland, ein britischer Polizeispitzel zündelt in BERLIN,
20110129             ein deutscher Kollege treibt sich konspirativ in Brüssel herum — die Bundesregierung trägt sehr wenig zur Aufklärung dieser höchst dubiosen 1ätze bei
20110129             Belgien droht auseinanderzubrechen - Belgien droht die Spaltung.
20110129             Das europäische Land, das —SEIT—180—JAHREN besteht,
20110129             und dessen HAUPTSTADT—BRÜSSEL den Sitz der Europäischen Union und der NATO beherbergt,
20110129             befindet sich in einem zunehmenden Zerfallsprozess
20110129             Die USA sind von den Aufständen und Protesten, die nun in immer mehr arabischen Ländern ausbrechen,
20110129             offenbar überrascht worden — und sie befinden sich in einer Zwickmühle - Change in Tunesien, Ägypten, Jemen...
20110129             In seiner Rede in Kairo - Demonstranten erkämpfen Regierungsumbildung
20110129             Die "tunesische Revolution" — wie sie die Menschen in dem Land selbst bezeichnen — hat offenbar Erfolg:
20110129             2—WOCHEN nach der Flucht des gestürzten Präsidenten Zine El Abidine BEN—ALI wird die junge Übergangsregierung massiv umgebaut.
20110129             So bleibt zwar Ministerpräsident MOHAMMED—GHANNOUCHI an der Spitze,
20110129             doch zentrale Ministerposten, die bislang Vertraute des gestürzten Präsidenten innehatten, werden neu besetzt
20110129             —BEGRÄBT, USA—REGIERUNG, endlich das Terrorwarnsystem
20110129             —ENDE  ;;04;; soll ein weniger aufdringliches System eingeführt werden,
20110129             was auch deutlich macht, dass die Zeit der Antiterrorpolitik zu Ende geht
20110129             WIKILEAKS—PROTOKOLLE belegen direkte Kontakte zwischen Türkei und PKK
20110129             Nach ANGABEN—DER—USA—BOTSCHAFT in Bagdad, die den irakischen Staatspräsidenten Dschalal Talabani als Quelle zitiert,
20110129             hat es entgegen den bisherigen offiziellen Angaben aus ANKARA direkte Gespräche zwischen dem damaligen türkischen Geheimdienstchef Emre Taner und der PKK—FÜHRUNG gegeben,
20110129             um Möglichkeiten einer Lösung des Kurdenkonflikts zu besprechen - Man will mich als Dämon darstellen
20110129             Der kosovarische Politiker Xhavit Haliti ist gemäss einem NATO—DOKUMENT der CHEF einer kriminellen Organisation in Kosovo,
20110129             die mit der Regierung verflochten ist.
20110129             Haliti sieht sich als Opfer einer Verschwörung - 5. Europäischer Datenschutztag
20110129             Dabei dachte ILSE—AIGNER wohl unter anderem an das SOMMERLOCH—THEMA GOOGLE—STREET—VIEW..........
20110129             BÜRGER—DER—EUROPÄISCHEN—UNION eher um Projekte wie INDECT Sorgen machen.
20110129             Denn hierbei handelt es sich um ein mit fast 15—MILLIONEN Euro gefördertes Überwachungsprojekt, das zum automatischen Bevölkerungsscanner werden soll.
20110129             Da kann man auch auf das Bergische Land so richtig stolz sein.
20110129             Ägypten: Kapitalisten weiter im INTERNET
20110129             Das Regime Ägyptens unter Militärdiktator Husni Mubarak hat vor den heutigen Freitagsgebeten und Großdemonstrationen der Bevölkerung ganz Ägypten vom WELTINFORMATIONS—UND Kommunikationsnetz INTERNET getrennt.
20110129             Ganz Ägypten? Nein.
20110129             1—VON—BEUGSAMEN—ÄGYPTERN bevölkerte Börse hört nicht auf, der eindringenden Bevölkerung Widerstand zu leisten.
20110129             —ENTTÄUSCHT, ElBaradei, von Unschlüssigkeit der USA
20110129             Reformen ja, Regimewechsel nicht unbedingt: Aus WASHINGTON gibt es keine eindeutige Aufforderung zu freien und fairen Wahlen.
20110129             In Ägypten löst das Enttäuschung aus.
20110129             EGYPT—GOVERNMENT 'on last legs' says ElBaradei
20110129             Exclusive: MOHAMED—ELBARADEI says he is sending 1—MESSAGE 'to THE—GUARDIAN and to the world'
20110129             Nachdem sich die Aufregung um die Cablegate genannten Veröffentlichungen der Internetplattform Wikileaks gelegt hat,
20110129             folgen nun die 1. Bücher zum Thema.
20110129             Aufschlussreich sind besonders die Beiträge der beiden Praktiker Kornblum,
20110129             ehemaliger amerikanischer BOTSCHAFTER—IN—BERLIN, und Ischinger, ehemaliger deutscher BOTSCHAFTER—IN—WASHINGTON.
20110129             Letzterer schreibt deutlich: Das Vertrauen, die wichtigste Währung der Diplomatie,
20110129             hat durch Wikileaks einen Wertverlust erlitten, der die Folgen aller früheren Informationslecks bei Weitem in den Schatten stellt.
20110129             Diplomaten würden in Zukunft auf nicht protokollierte Gespräche ausweichen.
20110129             Millionen Ägypter wollen Mubarak stürzen
20110129             —BERICHTET, Der arabische Nachrichtensender AL—DSCHASIRA, von Polizisten, die ihre Uniformen ablegen und sich den Demonstranten anschließen.
20110129             Ähnliche Meldungen kommen auch über den Kurznachrichtendienst Twitter.
20110129             Demnach geben sich Demonstranten und Polizisten, die eben noch gewaltsam gegeneinander vorgegangen waren,
20110129             die Hände... Auf Twitter heißt es, die Israelis begännen damit, ihr Botschaftspersonal aus Kairo zu evakuieren.
20110129             Angeblich werden ALLE—AUF—DEM—KAIROER—FLUGHAFEN ankommenden Auslandsjournalisten sofort in Polizeigewahrsam genommen.
20110129             EVERY—TIME there is 1—POPULAR uprising anywhere in the Muslim world,
20110129             THE—MINDS—OF—USA—INTELLIGENCE—PLANNERS go —IMMEDIATELY to 19790000             ,
20110129             —WHEN THE—IRAN—REVOLUTION tore down almost overnight 1—OF—WASHINGTON closest allies in THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20110129             —BY ignoring the immense unpopularity of THE—SHAH—BRUTAL regime,
20110129             and by limiting its IRAN—CONTACTS among THE—PRO—SHAH elites in the country, THE—CIA was caught In
20110129             TUNISIA, 1—STRUGGLE at risk of being forgotten-
20110129             —MENTIONED, They're not even, on the homepages on their websites.
20110129             News Corp. Admits: FOX—NEWS—IS "Opinionated News" — Buried Deep In A 216—PAGE—REPORT—NEWS—CORP.
20110129             Submitted To THE—UK—GOVERNMENT Is 1—ACKNOWLEDGMENT—THAT—NEWS—CORP.-Owned FOX—NEWS—IS "Opinionated News"
20110129             BREAKING: Syria shuts off all INTERNET access according to AL—ARABIYA News CNBC anchor implies USA must support dictators to keep cheap oil flowing-
20110129             CNBC contributor Erin Burnett said —FRIDAY that oil prices would skyrocket if countries in THE—MIDDLE—EAST broke out from under THE—RULE—OF—BRUTAL dictators.
20110129             Appearing on 1—FRIDAY BROADCAST—OF—MISS—NBC'S "—MORNING Joe," Burnett said that the ongoing revolution in EGYPT could threaten USA—INTERESTS in the region due to EGYPT—HISTORY as [...]
20110129             WASHINGTON — VICE—PRESIDENT—JOE—BIDEN said —THURSDAY that EGYPT—PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK is not 1—DICTATOR and shouldn't have to resign,
20110129             but should be more "responsive" to the needs of his people.
20110129             —RAVAGED, BIDEN—REMARKS came as massive unrest, EGYPT EVERY—DAY—SINCE—TUESDAY targeting MUBARAK—30—YEAR—REGIME,
20110129             which sought to quiet demonstrators with [...]
20110129             —RELEASED, Leaked diplomatic cables, by secrets outlet WikiLeaks show that EGYPT—POLICE regularly torture suspects due to "unrelenting pressure" from their superiors to solve criminal investigations.
20110129             —PUBLISHED, The revealing documents were, amid mass protests in EGYPT against PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK—30—YEAR—REGIME.
20110129             —DURING the fierce protests, Egyptians targeted police stations, with 1 in SUEZ being [...]
20110129             Indefinite detention. Ubiquitous torture. Secret courts.
20110129             Special authority for police interventions.
20110129             The complete ABSENCE—OF—PRIVACY, even in one's own home.
20110129             Astute FOLLOWERS—OF—USA—POLITICS might think those items 1—DOG whistle,
20110129             evoking the worst civil liberties abuses permitted by THE—USA PATRIOT Act and other "emergency" provisions passed —IN—THE—WAKE—OF ;;09;;.
20110129             1—EXECUTIVE at LONDON—BASED Vodafone Group PLC explained —FRIDAY—MORNING that it did indeed have 1—ROLE in the phone and INTERNET blackout affecting EGYPT —SINCE—THURSDAY night,
20110129             confirming speculation that the firm had cooperated with the regime to close off protesters' communications.
20110129             Vodafone Group CEO—VITTORIO—COLAO said that because the order by Egyptian [...]
20110129             Clashes in TUNIS (AFP) — Riot police and HUNDREDS—OF—PROTESTERS clashed in THE—TUNISIA n CAPITAL—FRIDAY,
20110129             as 1—NEW—CABINET was sworn into office in 1—BID to end the unrest that has followed PRESIDENT—ZINE—EL—ABIDINE—BEN—ALI—OUSTER.
20110129             —FIRED, Security forces, warning shots and tear gas, as SOME—GROUPS threw stones in the [...]
20110129             It's the classic NON—ANSWER: At 1—WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS briefing —FRIDAY afternoon,
20110129             reporters pelted outgoing Press SECRETARY—ROBERT—GIBBS with questions about the revolution in EGYPT,
20110129             but there was 1—KEY—QUERY he —JUST could not address.
20110129             —LODGED, It was Associated Press reporter BEN—FELLER who, the unanswerable,
20110129             asking Gibbs if PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA will [...] - EGYPT—MUBARAK dissolves his government-
20110129             Developing... 6:00 p.m. EST In his 1. appeared on television for the 1. —SINCE THE—WAVE—OF—PROTESTS engulfed his nation —4—DAYS—AGO,
20110129             "I have asked the government to present its resignation —TODAY," Mubarak said, according to 1—TRANSLATOR.
20110129             —WHILE he said [...] - Dinosaurs Survived Mass Extinction For Over 700,000 Years
20110129             —DETERMINED, UNIVERSITY—OF—ALBERTA researchers, that 1 fossilized dinosaur bone found in NEW—MEXICO confounds the long established paradigm that the age of dinosaurs ended 65.5—66—MILLION—YEARS ago.
20110129             PRESIDENT—OBAMA—STATES: Legalization 'A Legitimate Topic For Debate' (VIDEO)
20110129             —CALLED, PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA —ON—THURSDAY, drug legalization "1—ENTIRELY legitimate topic for debate," but quickly added "I am not in FAVOR—OF—LEGALIZATION".
20110129             THE—PRESIDENT then went on to say that he sees "drug abuse" as 1—PUBLIC—HEALTH—ISSUE and that 1—SHIFTING—OF—RESOURCES is required,
20110129             away from the traditional approach of incarcerating nonviolent drug offenders.
20110129             OBAMA—REMARKS are the 1. time in history that A—USA—PRESIDENT has called drug legalization 1—TOPIC "WORTHY—OF—DEBATE".
20110129             Title: Anonymous is getting —AROUND EGYPT—INTERNET—BLACKOUT by MASS—FAXING WikiLeaks cables to CAIRO.
20110129             Mubarak speaks, dismisses government and says he will name 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT tomorrow.
20110129             Sounds like he's not going anywhere.
20110129             Title: THE—PATRIOT—ACT is set to expire — Urge Congress not to extend the Patriot Act
20110129             —CALLED, Obama, on EGYPT—GOVERNMENT to refrain from violence-
20110129             In his 1. address on the political unrest in EGYPT, PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA called on THE—EGYPT—GOVERNMENT to refrain from committing violence against peaceful protesters.
20110129             —STATED, THE—USA—PRESIDENT, that PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK should restore the protesters' rights to assemble,
20110129             speak, and SELF—DETERMINATION.
20110129             Legislation granting THE—PRESIDENT—INTERNET—KILLING powers is to be RE—INTRODUCED soon to 1—SENATE—COMMITTEE,
20110129             the proposal's CHIEF sponsor told Wired com —ON—FRIDAY.
20110129             The resurgence of THE—SO—CALLED "kill switch" legislation came the same —DAY Egyptians faced 1—INTERNET—BLACKOUT designed to counter massive demonstrations in that country.
20110129             dass die Meinungsfreiheit 1—CHANCE hat", sagte Merkel
20110129             An manchen Stellen kam es zu Verbrüderungsszenen zwischen Demonstranten und Sicherheitskräften.
20110129             Auf Fernsehbildern war zu sehen, wie Protestler in Kairo einen gepanzerten Mannschaftswagen bejubelten,
20110129             bei dem es sich augenscheinlich um 1—ARMEEFAHRZEUG handelte.
20110129             Zuvor hatten Demonstranten wiederholt das Militär aufgefordert,
20110129             sie vor dem gewaltsamen Vorgehen der Polizei zu schützen.
20110129             Meinungsfreiheit, mehr Arbeitsplätze, niedrigere Preise, Armutsbekämpfung -
20110129             seien ihm alle bekannt.
20110129             Er werde immer auf der Seite der Armen sein.
20110129             Die Probleme Ägyptens könnten aber nicht durch Gewalt und Chaos gelöst werden.
20110129             Dadurch entstehe keine Demokratie.
20110129             Revolte in Ägypten: Mubarak klammert sich an die Macht
20110129             VIELE—DEMONSTRANTEN glauben aber, dieses Chaos sei von der angeschlagenen Regierung gewollt.
20110129             —VERBREITET, Unter den Demonstranten wird,
20110129             die Polizei habe absichtlich Verbrecher freigelassen,
20110129             um den Widerstand gegen das Regime durch entsprechende Bilder zu diskreditieren.
20110129             Belege gibt es nicht, doch die Theorie erscheint Kennern des Landes plausibel.
20110129             +++ Demonstranten legen Feuer in Regierungsgebäude +++
20110129             Die Flammen seien mehrere Straßenblocks weit zu sehen,
20110129             berichtete 1—JOURNALIST—DER—NACHRICHTENAGENTUR - +++ TV—SENDER zeigt Festgenommene +++
20110129             [22.25—UHR] Das ägyptische Staatsfernsehen zeigte —AM—ABEND erstmals BILDER—VON—DUTZENDEN—VON—MÄNNERN,
20110129             bei denen es sich um festgenommene Plünderer handeln soll.
20110129             Er müsse einen Transformationsprozess einleiten hin zu einer "Regierung,
20110129             die sich auf eine breite Basis stützt, sowie freien und fairen Wahlen".
20110129             Ausdrücklich lobten die 3—STAATSVERTRETER "die ausgleichende Rolle (...),
20110129             die PRÄSIDENT—MUBARAK über VIELE—JAHRE im Nahen Osten gespielt hat".
20110129             Es sei nun ÄUß—ERST wichtig, dass die versprochenen politischen,
20110129             wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Reformen "rasch und vollständig umgesetzt werden und die Erwartungen des ägyptischen Volkes erfüllen".
20110129             Die Menschenrechte und demokratischen Freiheiten müssten voll respektiert werden,
20110129             einschließlich der Meinungsfreiheit und der freien Nutzung von Kommunikationsmitteln wie Telefon und INTERNET sowie der Versammlungsfreiheit.
20110129             +++ AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL kritisiert Netzabschaltung +++
20110129             [19.29] Wegen der teilweisen Abschaltung seines Mobilfunknetzes in Ägypten ist das britische TELEKOMMUNIKATIONS—UNTERNEHMEN Vodafone scharf kritisiert worden.
20110129             Diese Bereitwilligkeit sei "einfach unglaublich",
20110129             sagte am —SAMSTAG der Generalsekretär von AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL,
20110129             Salil Shetty, im Gespräch mit dem "Handelsblatt".
20110129             Das Unternehmen wies die Vorwürfe zurück.
20110129             +++ Rätselraten um Aufenthaltsort Mubaraks +++ - [16.17—UHR] Wo ist Husni Mubarak?
20110129             "Dies ist das ENDE—DES—MUBARAK—REGIMES", wird er zitiert.
20110129             Außerdem fordert er laut AL—DSCHASIRA die Demonstranten zum Gewaltverzicht auf.
20110129             +++ Ausgangssperre tritt in Kraft, Demonstranten bleiben +++
20110129             Noch immer sind die Massen in Kairo unterwegs. Die Armee greift nicht ein.
20110129             Unbestätigten Berichten zufolge marschieren Demonstranten in Richtung des Gebäudes,
20110129             in dem das Staatsfernsehen untergebracht ist.
20110129             Das meldet Reuters unter Berufung auf die Finanzaufsicht.
20110129             Der erzkonservative Ajatollah AHMAD—CHATAMI sagte beim Freitagsgebet,
20110129             "die politische Achse des neuen Nahen Ostens wird bald die islamische Führerschaft und 1—DEMOKRATIE sein,
20110129             die auf Religion basiert". Und: "All die Proteste in Ägypten,
20110129             Tunesien, Jordanien und Jemen sind durch die iranische islamische Revolution inspiriert".
20110129             Liveticker zur Revolte: Merkel und Sarkozy fordern Gewaltverzicht
20110129             Aufstand in Ägypten: Bürgerwehren rüsten sich gegen Plünderer
20110129             —ELECTED, As AMERICA is well aware, ANY—DEMOCRATICALLY, government in EGYPT is likely to be less understanding of USA security concerns.
20110129             EGYPT is unlikely to fall as easily as TUNISIA did.
20110129             Except TUNISIA—PROTESTORS, interpreting BEN—ALI—WORDS as 1—SIGN—OF—WEAKNESS, demanded he step aside —IMMEDIATELY.
20110129             they don't want 1—BETTER—REGIME. They want 1—DIFFERENT—REGIME.
20110129             can THE—EGYPT—REGIME sustain weeks or MONTHS—OF—PROTESTS that effectively shut down the country?
20110129             Already, THE—EGYPT—REGIME has effectively lost CONTROL—OF—PARTS—OF—ITS—OWN—TERRITORY.
20110129             This is what 1—REVOLUTION—LOOKS—LIKE: Protestors overwhelming police;
20110129             everyday, ordinary citizens taking to the streets for the 1. time.
20110129             With 1—MIXTURE—OF—ANTICIPATION and apprehension,
20110129             the world is watching the largest PRO—DEMOCRACY—PROTESTS in THE—HISTORY—OF—EGYPT and perhaps the Arab world.
20110129             Similar TUNISIA—INSPIRED demonstrations have taken place in ALGERIA, YEMEN and JORDAN.
20110129             —REVERBERATED, THE—EGYPT—CRISIS, across the world,
20110129             with stocks plunging on NEWS—OF—UNREST and airlines cancelling flights.
20110129             1—CELEBRATORY mood quickly turned back into anger.
20110129             Mubarak said "these protests arose to express 1—LEGITIMATE—DEMAND for more democracy,
20110129             need for 1—GREATER—SOCIAL—SAFETY—NET,
20110129             and the improvement of living standards,
20110129             fighting poverty and rampant corruption.
20110129             "I understand these legitimate DEMANDS—OF—THE—PEOPLE and I truly understand the depth of their worries and burdens,
20110129             and I will not part from them ever and I will work for them everyday," he said.
20110129             "But regardless of what problems we face,
20110129             this does not justify violence or lawlessness".
20110129             —APPEARED, Cellular service, to have been restored in EGYPT —SATURDAY—MORNING.
20110129             —SATURDAY as EGYPT—CENTRAL—BANK announced the closure of all banks
20110129             —MEANWHILE, EGYPT—ARMY—CHIEF—OF—STAFF—SAMI—ANNAN huddled with 5—DEPUTIES—AFTER returning home early from HIGH—LEVEL—TALKS at the Pentagon to address the crisis at hand,
20110129             a senior EGYPT—MILITARY official told.
20110129             "His loyalty to Mubarak seems rock solid," 1—FORMER—USA ambassador said in 1—CLASSIFIED—USA diplomatic cable leaked to the website WikiLeaks.
20110129             Protect the nation, protect EGYPT, protect yourselves," the military said, according to Nile TV.
20110129             whether the 450,000-strong armed forces will remain loyal to Mubarak is key for the nation's future.
20110129             —PICKED, People, up spent shotgun cartridges and tear gas canisters that said "Made in THE—USA.
20110129             —CALLED, They, Mubarak 1—PUPPET—OF—AMERICA.
20110129             —SURGED, At the Interior Ministry in CAIRO, police, forward,
20110129             shooting live ammunition and burning tear gas as protesters rumbled towards the building
20110129             "This is 1—CHANGE—OF—PERSONNEL and we are talking about the change of 1—REGIME," ElBaradei,
20110129             a Nobel Peace Prize winner, told AL—JAZEERA TELEVISION—OF—MUBARAK—GOVERNMENT reshuffle.
20110129             "THE—EGYPT—PEOPLE are saying 1—THING: PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK must leave.
20110129             We have to move towards 1—DEMOCRATIC—STATE".
20110129             In a 5. —DAY—OF—PROTESTS engulfing the Arab world's most populous nation,
20110129             people took to the streets, chanting "Down with Mubarak" and burning PICTURES—OF—THE—AUTHORITY—LEADER.
20110129             vigilantes... it's like the Wild West," he said. "Where is the security?"
20110129             Braucht ihr mal was zu Lachen?
20110129             Hier ist das Positionspapier des CSU—NETZRATES,
20110129             in dem sie u.a. "Internetsperren als untaugliches Instrument" bezeichnen.
20110129             Ich persönlich finde aber das Vorwort am besten:
20110129             die Netzpolitik ist —BIS—HEUTE ein weitgehend weißer Fleck in der deutschen Parteienlandschaft.
20110129             Die CSU will hier eine Vorreiterrolle übernehmen. Soso!
20110129             Und dann... der Kracher: Die CSU stand —SCHON immer an der Spitze des technischen Fortschritts.
20110129             'We want to change the entire regime' EGYPT blogger - Obama tells Mubarak to honour pledges
20110129             —URGED, BARACK—OBAMA has, PRESIDENT—MUBARAK to deliver on his PROMISE—OF—REFORMS—AFTER THE—EGYPT—LEADER defended THE—ROLE—OF—THE—SECURITY—FORCES in suppressing protests which have left dozens dead.
20110129             TUNISIA—PRIME—MINISTER—MOHAMMED—GHANNOUCHI announces 1—RESHUFFLE of the interim government in which he stays but MANY—ALLIES—OF—THE ousted PRESIDENT leave.
20110129             Farmers WARN—OF—FOOD—PRICE—RISES
20110129             Big rises in food prices are likely over the next —YEAR,
20110129             livestock farmers in Suffolk tell THE—BBC Politics Show in the East.
20110129             'Bomb' alert on UK—EGYPT flight
20110129             Trust enters forest SELL—OFF row
20110129             THE—NATIONAL—TRUST promises to "play its part" in protecting ENGLAND—ANCIENT—WOODLANDS if 1—PLANNED—SELL—OFF—OF—PUBLICLY—OWNED forests goes ahead.
20110129             Osborne seeks 'consistent growth'
20110129             CHANCELLOR—OF—THE—EXCHEQUER—GEORGE—OSBORNE says THE—UK must move from "securing financial stability" to "securing consistent growth".
20110129             Students and unions hold protests
20110129             Demonstrations are taking place in LONDON and MANCHESTER against THE—RAISING—OF—UNIVERSITY—TUITION—FEES in ENGLAND and public spending cuts.
20110129             EGYPT faces 5. '—DAY—OF—RAGE'
20110129             A 5. straight —DAY—OF—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS begins in EGYPT as PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK prepares to appoint 1—NEW—CABINET.
20110129             —PROVIDED, For the last 3—YEARS, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT secretly, aid to the leaders behind this —WEEK—SOCIAL uprising in EGYPT aimed to topple THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK,
20110129             according to 1 leaked diplomatic cable.
20110129             1—OF—THE—YOUNG—EGYPT—LEADERS who attended 1—SUMMIT for activists in NEW—YORK with THE—HELP—OF—THE—USA [...]
20110129             The tear gas being used by police to disperse protesters in CAIRO,
20110129             EGYPT was made in AMERICA, according to 1—TELEVISION—NEWS—REPORT.
20110129             —PRODUCED, The labels on canisters say that the tear gas was, by Combined Systems INTERNATIONAL (CSI) of Jamestown,
20110129             PENNSILVANIA, EGYPT—PROTESTERS with photographic proof told ABC News —FRIDAY.
20110129             WASHINGTON — GUANTANAMO detainees have been holding daily peaceful protests against the jail's continued existence,
20110129             despite pledges from USA—PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA to shut it down, 1—LAWYER said —FRIDAY.
20110129             If Mubarak stays, THE—USA will continue to pour BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS into his dictatorship,
20110129             —WHILE pretending it also did 1—LOT to change THE—NATURE—OF—THE—REGIME.
20110129             It is also 1—WONDERFUL—WAY to discredit & divide THE—EGYPT—OPPOSITION by claiming it was supported and financed by THE—USA.
20110129             Once again, ask yourself, who benefits from this?
20110129             This story is pure PROPAGANDA.
20110129             It's all lies attempting to downplay THE—IMPORTANCE—OF—THE—DEMONSTRATIONS,
20110129             and pretend that they are EVIDENCE—OF—1—ALREADY existing democratic opposition in EGYPT which THE—USA—SUPPORTS.
20110129             —INTENDED, But it is equally, to create tensions between PRO—AND ANTI—USA—SECTIONS—OF—THE—DEMONSTRATORS.
20110129             1—ATTEMPT to create internal divisions that bring the revolt to 1—END.
20110129             No Longer Caring About Democracy, BOLTON Disparages EGYPT Protests And Defends Mubarak
20110129             Obama vows to 'spark innovation' in USA-
20110129             making the country more competitive by introducing new product - DIE ANLIEGEN DER DEMONSTRANTEN
20110129             The last big - TUNISIA as new cabinet sworn in- - THE—EGYPT crisis
20110129             THE—SECURITY—MINISTRY says in a 20110630              statement that 1—COLOMBIAN—RUN—NETWORK paid fishermen to haul cocaine to GUATEMALA and MEXICO.
20110129             Der Beamte habe am Nachmittag des 20110724              die komplette Öffnung der Eingangsschleuse befohlen, obwohl die Veranstaltungsleitung zuvor das genaue Gegenteil angeordnet HATTE—NÄMLICH deren Schließung, weil —SCHON zu dieser Zeit eine Überfüllung des PARTY—AREALS drohte.
20110129             —BY CURT—ANDERSON (Associated Press), WASHINGTON—POST, 19981011             , Page A13)
20110129             —LINKED, Hacking probe Who is, to the furore over CLAIMS—OF—PHONE hacking?
20110129             Geithner resists deficit pressure USA—TREASURY—SECRETARY—TIMOTHY—GEITHNER tells Davos delegates it would not be in his country's economic interest to make deep spending cuts.
20110129             SUEZ 'in utter chaos' —AFTER clashes There has been 1—DAY—OF—VIOLENT clashes in THE—EGYPT—CITY—OF—SUEZ as riot police tried to regain CONTROL—OF—THE—STREETS from ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS.
20110129             BBC journalist beaten by EGYPT—POLICE 1—BBC journalist was beaten and arrested —DURING riots in THE—EGYPT—CAPITAL.
20110129             Dodging teargas on CAIRO streets Troops are on THE—STREETS—OF—EGYPT—CAPITAL tonight as the government struggles to quell widespread rioting.
20110129             'Anonymous' defends web attacks The web activist group Anonymous has criticised THE—ARREST—OF—ITS—MEMBERS claiming the web attacks they launched were 1—LEGITIMATE—FORM—OF—PROTEST.
20110129             —NEEDED, Action, on schools science Science needs to be made more appealing to school pupils, 1—GROUP—OF—ASSEMBLY—MEMBERS say.
20110129             Cameron calls for reform in EGYPT PRIME—MINISTER—DAVID—CAMERON calls for reform in EGYPT amid ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS in THE—NORTH—AFRICAN country.
20110129             CANADA to expel wealthy TUNISIA n CANADA agrees to arrest and extradite Belhassen Trabelsi, the billionaire BROTHER—IN—LAW—OF—FORMER—TUNISIA n PRESIDENT—ZINE—AL—ABIDINE—BEN—ALI.
20110129             EU studies Kosovo 'organ traffic' THE—EU mission in Kosovo begins investigating claims that Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) rebels trafficked human organs.
20110129             —OPPOSED, KIM—JONG—IL ' succession' NORTH—KOREA—KIM—JONG—IL was against a 3.—GENERATION succession but named his youngest son next leader to ensure stability, his eldest son says.
20110129             —URGED, UK spies, to watch Twitter Intelligence agencies should follow social networking sites more closely to gather information, THE—UK—TOP—CIVIL—SERVANT says.
20110129             UK confidence fall 'astonishing' The confidence of UK consumers in the economy and their finances has suffered its biggest drop in 16—YEARS, 1—SURVEY says.
20110129             —FEARED, Blair ' Cabinet IRAQ leaks' TONY—BLAIR was "reluctant" to hold Cabinet discussions about IRAQ because he thought details would be leaked, THE—UK—TOP—CIVIL—SERVANT says.
20110129             —AM—MITTWOCH veröffentlichte das Bundeskriminalamt 1—UNTERSUCHUNG der deutschen polizeilichen Kriminalstatistik, welche die Ineffektivität der Vorratsdatenspeicherung offenbart.
20110129             Der Leiter der Kleinbauernorganisation Central de Campesino Cardenista im mexikanischen Bundesstaat OAXACA wurde gemeinsam mit seinem Begleiter in einem Fahrzeug in der Nähe der Ortschaft La Mina erschossen aufgefunden
20110129             Die brasilianischen Behörden haben —MITTE Januar im Süden Brasiliens 11—KINDER und Jugendliche aus Sklavenarbeit befreit.
20110129             Die Kinder im Alter zwischen 12—UND 16—JAHREN lebten und arbeiteten laut Informationen der Bundesstaatsanwaltschaft für Arbeitsrechtsfragen auf einer Tabakfarm
20110129             SCHWEDEN, soll bald die von der EU vorgeschriebene Vorratsdatenspeicherung von Kommunikationsdaten eingeführt werden.
20110129             Der INTERNET—PROVIDER Bahnhof widersetzt sich dem jedoch: der ISP will die Daten seiner Kunden vor der Vorratsdatenspeicherung schützen, indem man diese über 1—VPN routet
20110129             Ein französischer Polizist prügelt im Wendland, ein britischer Polizeispitzel zündelt in BERLIN, ein deutscher Kollege treibt sich konspirativ in Brüssel herum — die Bundesregierung trägt sehr wenig zur Aufklärung dieser höchst dubiosen 1ätze bei
20110129             Belgien droht die Spaltung.
20110129             Das europäische Land, das —SEIT—180—JAHREN besteht, und dessen HAUPTSTADT—BRÜSSEL den Sitz der Europäischen Union und der NATO beherbergt, befindet sich in einem zunehmenden Zerfallsprozess
20110129             Bush s Vision als USA—ALPTRAUM
20110129             Die USA sind von den Aufständen und Protesten, die nun in immer mehr arabischen Ländern ausbrechen, offenbar überrascht worden — und sie befinden sich in einer Zwickmühle
20110129             Danach ist die Welt Zeuge der Naivität und Unfähigkeit der USA—REGIERUNG geworden, die versprochene neue Ära zu liefern
20110129             Die "tunesische Revolution" — wie sie die Menschen in dem Land selbst bezeichnen — hat offenbar Erfolg: 2—WOCHEN nach der Flucht des gestürzten Präsidenten Zine El Abidine BEN—ALI wird die junge Übergangsregierung massiv umgebaut.
20110129             So bleibt zwar Ministerpräsident MOHAMMED—GHANNOUCHI an der Spitze, doch zentrale Ministerposten, die bislang Vertraute des gestürzten Präsidenten innehatten, werden neu besetzt
20110129             —ENDE April soll ein weniger aufdringliches System eingeführt werden, was auch deutlich macht, dass die Zeit der Antiterrorpolitik zu Ende geht
20110129             Nach ANGABEN—DER—USA—BOTSCHAFT in Bagdad, die den irakischen Staatspräsidenten Dschalal Talabani als Quelle zitiert, hat es entgegen den bisherigen offiziellen Angaben aus ANKARA direkte Gespräche zwischen dem damaligen türkischen Geheimdienstchef Emre Taner und der PKK—FÜHRUNG gegeben, um Möglichkeiten einer Lösung des Kurdenkonflikts zu besprechen
20110129             Der kosovarische Politiker Xhavit Haliti ist gemäss einem NATO—DOKUMENT der CHEF einer kriminellen Organisation in Kosovo, die mit der Regierung verflochten ist.
20110129             Haliti sieht sich als Opfer einer Verschwörung
20110129             5. Europäischer Datenschutztag Dabei dachte ILSE—AIGNER wohl unter anderem an das SOMMERLOCH—THEMA GOOGLE—STREET—VIEW..........
20110129             1—IST klar: Die zunehmende Digitalisierung und technologischen Fortschritte werden immer stärker unseren Alltag beeinflussen.
20110129             Die große Frage hierbei ist, wie wir in Zukunft unsere Privatsphäre erhalten und schützen können — und was EUROPA hierzu (hoffentlich) beitragen kann.
20110129             Ägypten: Kapitalisten weiter im INTERNET Das Regime Ägyptens unter Militärdiktator Husni Mubarak hat vor den heutigen Freitagsgebeten und Großdemonstrationen der Bevölkerung ganz Ägypten vom WELTINFORMATIONS—UND Kommunikationsnetz INTERNET getrennt.
20110129             —ENTTÄUSCHT, ElBaradei, von Unschlüssigkeit der USA Reformen ja, Regimewechsel nicht unbedingt: Aus WASHINGTON gibt es keine eindeutige Aufforderung zu freien und fairen Wahlen.
20110129             ÄGYPTEN, löst das Enttäuschung aus.
20110129             Das Politische wird digital Es musste so kommen.
20110129             Nachdem sich die Aufregung um die Cablegate genannten Veröffentlichungen der Internetplattform Wikileaks gelegt hat, folgen nun die 1. Bücher zum Thema.
20110129             Aufschlussreich sind besonders die Beiträge der beiden Praktiker Kornblum, ehemaliger amerikanischer BOTSCHAFTER—IN—BERLIN, und Ischinger, ehemaliger deutscher BOTSCHAFTER—IN—WASHINGTON.
20110129             Letzterer schreibt deutlich: `Das Vertrauen, die wichtigste Währung der Diplomatie, hat durch Wikileaks einen Wertverlust erlitten, der die Folgen aller früheren Informationslecks bei Weitem in den Schatten stellt.` Diplomaten würden in Zukunft auf nicht protokollierte Gespräche ausweichen.
20110129             Millionen Ägypter wollen Mubarak stürzen Der arabische Nachrichtensender AL—DSCHASIRA berichtet von Polizisten, die ihre Uniformen ablegen und sich den Demonstranten anschließen.
20110129             Demnach geben sich Demonstranten und Polizisten, die eben noch gewaltsam gegeneinander vorgegangen waren, die Hände... Auf Twitter heißt es, die Israelis begännen damit, ihr Botschaftspersonal aus Kairo zu evakuieren.
20110129             Analysis: What is THE—CIA doing in EGYPT?
20110129             EVERY—TIME there is 1—POPULAR uprising anywhere in the Muslim world, THE—MINDS—OF—USA—INTELLIGENCE—PLANNERS go —IMMEDIATELY to 19790000             , —WHEN THE—IRAN—REVOLUTION tore down almost overnight 1—OF—WASHINGTON closest allies in THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20110129             —BY ignoring the immense unpopularity of THE—SHAH—BRUTAL regime, and by limiting its IRAN—CONTACTS among THE—PRO—SHAH elites in the country, THE—CIA was caught In TUNISIA, 1—STRUGGLE at risk of being FORGOTTEN—DANIEL—WILLIAMS
20110129             Analysis: As protests simmer in TUNISIA, and news shifts to EGYPT, reforms risk being forgotten.
20110129             MISS—NBC, and FOX—NEWS are barely covering the protests in EGYPT and TUNISIA against the U.S backed governments.
20110129             News Corp. Admits: FOX—NEWS—IS "Opinionated News" — Buried Deep In A 216—PAGE—REPORT—NEWS—CORP. Submitted To THE—UK—GOVERNMENT Is 1—ACKNOWLEDGMENT—THAT—NEWS—CORP.-Owned FOX—NEWS—IS "Opinionated News"
20110129             BREAKING: Syria shuts off all INTERNET access according to AL—ARABIYA News
20110129             CNBC anchor implies USA must support dictators to keep cheap oil flowing
20110129             - DAVID—EDWARDS and STEPHEN—WEBSTER
20110129             Biden: EGYPT leader Mubarak not a 'dictator,' shouldn't step down
20110129             WASHINGTON — VICE—PRESIDENT—JOE—BIDEN said —THURSDAY that EGYPT—PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK is not 1—DICTATOR and shouldn't have to resign, but should be more "responsive" to the needs of his people.
20110129             —RAVAGED, BIDEN—REMARKS came as massive unrest, EGYPT EVERY—DAY—SINCE—TUESDAY targeting MUBARAK—30—YEAR—REGIME, which sought to quiet demonstrators with [...]
20110129             Leaked cables: Police brutality a 'daily occurrence' in EGYPT—PRISONS
20110129             —TARGETED, —DURING the fierce protests, Egyptians, police stations, with 1 in SUEZ being [...]
20110129             —MIRRORED, Under 'emergency' for decades, EGYPT—SPECIAL—POWERS, in post-20010911              USA
20110129             Astute FOLLOWERS—OF—USA—POLITICS might think those items 1—DOG—WHISTLE, evoking the worst civil liberties abuses permitted by THE—USA—PATRIOT—ACT and other "emergency" provisions passed —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—SEPT.
20110129             Vodafone confirms role in EGYPT—CELLULAR, INTERNET blackout
20110129             1—EXECUTIVE at LONDON—BASED Vodafone Group PLC explained —FRIDAY—MORNING that it did indeed have 1—ROLE in the phone and INTERNET blackout affecting EGYPT —SINCE—THURSDAY night, confirming speculation that the firm had cooperated with the regime to close off protesters' communications.
20110129             Clashes in TUNISIA as new cabinet sworn IN—AGENCE FRANCE—PRESSE
20110129             —CLASHED, TUNIS (AFP) — Riot police and HUNDREDS—OF—PROTESTERS, in THE—TUNISIA n CAPITAL—FRIDAY, as 1—NEW—CABINET was sworn into office in 1—BID to end the unrest that has followed PRESIDENT—ZINE—EL—ABIDINE—BEN—ALI—OUSTER.
20110129             WHITE—HOUSE—SPOKESMAN refuses to say if Obama will 'stand by' Mubarak
20110129             It's the classic NON—ANSWER: At 1—WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS briefing —FRIDAY afternoon, reporters pelted outgoing Press SECRETARY—ROBERT—GIBBS with questions about the revolution in EGYPT, but there was 1—KEY—QUERY he —JUST could not address.
20110129             —LODGED, It was Associated Press reporter BEN—FELLER who, the unanswerable, asking Gibbs if PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA will [...]
20110129             EGYPT—MUBARAK dissolves his government
20110129             Developing... 6:00 p.m. EST In his 1. appeared on television for the 1. —SINCE THE—WAVE—OF—PROTESTS engulfed his nation 4—DAYS ago, EGYPT—PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK called for THE—MEMBERS—OF—HIS—CABINET to resign.
20110129             THE—PRESIDENT then went on to say that he sees "drug abuse" as 1—PUBLIC—HEALTH—ISSUE and that 1—SHIFTING—OF—RESOURCES is required, away from the traditional approach of incarcerating nonviolent drug offenders.
20110129             Title: THE—PATRIOT—ACT is set to expire — Urge Congress not to extend the Patriot Act Obama called on EGYPT—GOVERNMENT to refrain from VIOLENCE—NATHAN—DIEBENOW
20110129             "The people of EGYPT have rights that are universal," Obama said.
20110129             —STATED, THE—USA—PRESIDENT, that PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK should restore the protesters' rights to assemble, speak, and SELF—DETERMINATION.
20110129             He [...] - INTERNET 'Kill Switch' Legislation —BACK—IN Play
20110129             Legislation granting THE—PRESIDENT—INTERNET—KILLING powers is to be RE—INTRODUCED soon to 1—SENATE—COMMITTEE, the proposal's CHIEF sponsor told Wired_com on —FRIDAY.
20110129             Zuvor hatten Demonstranten wiederholt das Militär aufgefordert, sie vor dem gewaltsamen Vorgehen der Polizei zu schützen.
20110129             Die Anliegen der Demonstranten
20110129             - Meinungsfreiheit, mehr Arbeitsplätze, niedrigere Preise, Armutsbekämpfung -
20110129             —VERBREITET, Unter den Demonstranten wird, die Polizei habe absichtlich Verbrecher freigelassen, um den Widerstand gegen das Regime durch entsprechende Bilder zu diskreditieren.
20110129             [22.37—UHR] Laut Reuters haben Demonstranten in Kairo mehrere Feuer gelegt.
20110129             Unter anderem setzten sie die Zentrale der ägyptischen Steuerbehörde und 1—BÜROGEBÄUDE in der Nähe des Innenministeriums in Brand.
20110129             Die Flammen seien mehrere Straßenblocks weit zu sehen, berichtete 1—JOURNALIST—DER—NACHRICHTENAGENTUR
20110129             [22.25—UHR] Das ägyptische Staatsfernsehen zeigte —AM—ABEND erstmals BILDER—VON—DUTZENDEN—VON—MÄNNERN, bei denen es sich um festgenommene Plünderer handeln soll.
20110129             Er müsse einen Transformationsprozess einleiten hin zu einer "Regierung, die sich auf eine breite Basis stützt, sowie freien und fairen Wahlen".
20110129             Ausdrücklich lobten die 3—STAATSVERTRETER "die ausgleichende Rolle (...), die PRÄSIDENT—MUBARAK über VIELE—JAHRE im Nahen Osten gespielt hat".
20110129             Es sei nun ÄUß—ERST wichtig, dass die versprochenen politischen, wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Reformen "rasch und vollständig umgesetzt werden und die Erwartungen des ägyptischen Volkes erfüllen".
20110129             Die Menschenrechte und demokratischen Freiheiten müssten voll respektiert werden, einschließlich der Meinungsfreiheit und der freien Nutzung von Kommunikationsmitteln wie Telefon und INTERNET sowie der Versammlungsfreiheit.
20110129             Diese Bereitwilligkeit sei "einfach unglaublich", sagte am —SAMSTAG der Generalsekretär von AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL, Salil Shetty, im Gespräch mit dem "Handelsblatt".
20110129             Man habe das mobile Telefonieren am Samstagmorgen und damit so früh es ging wieder möglich gemacht, sagte 1—SPRECHER in LONDON.
20110129             +++ Einflussreicher Geistlicher prophezeit ENDE—DES—MUBARAK—REGIMES +++
20110129             [15.13—UHR] Der einflussreiche Geistliche Qaradawi hat sich zu Wort gemeldet.
20110129             [15—UHR] Die Ausgangssperre ist in Kraft.
20110129             Unbestätigten Berichten zufolge marschieren Demonstranten in Richtung des Gebäudes, in dem das Staatsfernsehen untergebracht ist.
20110129             +++ Ägyptens Börse am —SONNTAG geschlossen +++
20110129             [13.08—UHR] Die Börse in Ägypten wird am —SONNTAG geschlossen bleiben.
20110129             Der erzkonservative Ajatollah AHMAD—CHATAMI sagte beim Freitagsgebet, "die politische Achse des neuen Nahen Ostens wird bald die islamische Führerschaft und 1—DEMOKRATIE sein, die auf Religion basiert".
20110129             Und: "All die Proteste in Ägypten, Tunesien, Jordanien und Jemen sind durch die iranische islamische Revolution inspiriert".
20110129             —ELECTED, As AMERICA is well aware, ANY—DEMOCRATICALLY, government in EGYPT is likely to be less UNDERSTANDING—OF—USA—SECURITY—CONCERNS.
20110129             Mubarak said "these protests arose to express 1—LEGITIMATE—DEMAND for more democracy, need for 1—GREATER—SOCIAL—SAFETY—NET, and the improvement of living standards, fighting poverty and rampant corruption. "I understand these legitimate DEMANDS—OF—THE—PEOPLE and I truly understand the depth of their worries and burdens, and I will not part from them ever and I will work for them everyday," he said. "But regardless of what problems we face, this does not justify violence or lawlessness".
20110129             —SURGED, At the Interior Ministry in CAIRO, police, forward, shooting live ammunition and burning tear gas as protesters rumbled towards the building
20110129             "This is 1—CHANGE—OF—PERSONNEL and we are talking about the change of 1—REGIME," ElBaradei, 1—NOBEL—PEACE—PRIZE winner, told AL—JAZEERA TELEVISION—OF—MUBARAK—GOVERNMENT reshuffle.
20110129             "THE—EGYPT—PEOPLE are saying 1—THING: PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK must leave. We have to move towards 1—DEMOCRATIC—STATE".
20110129             Hier ist das Positionspapier des CSU—NETZRATES, in dem sie u.a. "Internetsperren als untaugliches Instrument" bezeichnen.
20110129             Ich persönlich finde aber das Vorwort am besten: die Netzpolitik ist —BIS—HEUTE ein weitgehend weißer Fleck in der deutschen Parteienlandschaft.
20110129             Aha? —BISHER hat noch keine große politische Kraft in Deutschland ihre Einzelpositionen rund um das INTERNET zu einem geschlossenen Bild zusammengefasst.
20110129             Die CSU will hier 1—VORREITERROLLE übernehmen.
20110129             Soso! ' We want to change the entire regime'
20110129             EGYPT BLOGGER—OBAMA tells Mubarak to honour pledges
20110129             TUNISIA in big cabinet reshuffle
20110129             Big rises in food prices are likely over the next —YEAR, livestock farmers in Suffolk tell THE—BBC Politics Show in the East.
20110129             1—PLANE travelling from THE—UK—TO—EGYPT is diverted to GREECE —AFTER 1—NOTE containing the word "bomb" was apparently found on BOARD.
20110129             —BACKED, USA secretly, EGYPT—PROTEST—LEADERS
20110129             —PROVIDED, For the last 3—YEARS, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT secretly, aid to the leaders behind this —WEEK—SOCIAL uprising in EGYPT aimed to topple THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK, according to 1 leaked diplomatic cable.
20110129             USA—COMPANY provides tear gas to EGYPT—POLICE
20110129             The tear gas being used by police to disperse protesters in CAIRO—EGYPT was made in AMERICA, according to 1—TELEVISION—NEWS—REPORT.
20110129             —PRODUCED, The labels on canisters say that the tear gas was, by Combined Systems INTERNATIONAL (CSI) of Jamestown, PENNSILVANIA, EGYPT—PROTESTERS with photographic proof told ABC News —FRIDAY.
20110129             These "Made in the [...] - GUANTANAMO detainees stage peaceful protests daily
20110129             WASHINGTON — GUANTANAMO detainees have been holding daily peaceful protests against the jail's continued existence, despite pledges from USA—PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA to shut it down, 1—LAWYER said —FRIDAY.
20110129             —LEARNED, Lawyer Ramzi Kassem said he had, from 1—CLIENT held at THE—USA—NAVAL—BASE that the protests had been going on for the [...]
20110129             # I am not buying this bullshit.If Mubarak falls,THE—USA will be praised for having secretly supported the "opposition".
20110129             If Mubarak stays, THE—USA will continue to pour BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS into his dictatorship, —WHILE pretending it also did 1—LOT to change THE—NATURE—OF—THE—REGIME.
20110129             This story is pure propaganda.
20110129             It's all lies attempting to downplay THE—IMPORTANCE—OF—THE—DEMONSTRATIONS, and pretend that they are EVIDENCE—OF—1—ALREADY existing democratic opposition in EGYPT which THE—USA—SUPPORTS.
20110129             No Longer Caring About Democracy, BOLTON Disparages EGYPT Protests And Defends Mubarak Obama vows to 'spark innovation' in USA—NATHAN—DIEBENOW
20110129             —EXPRESSED, WASHINGTON — USA—PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, his determination on —SATURDAY to "spark THE—MINDS—OF—INNOVATORS" in THE—USA, making the country more competitive by introducing new products and technologies.
20110129             "It starts by making sure that EVERY—SINGLE—CHILD can get 1—GOOD—EDUCATION and EVERY—AMERICAN can afford college or career training," [...]
20110129             —ON edge - Mass protests put YEMEN leadership under PRESSURE—EGYPT protests leave CAIRO a 'warzone'
20110129             Wyre Davis reports from CAIRO where protests have left the city's main square 'like 1—WARZONE'
20110129             EGYPT turmoil shakes WEF in Davos Leaders at the World Economic Forum in Davos, including THE—JAPAN—PRIME—MINISTER, call for PRESIDENT—MUBARAK to talk to his people.
20110129             GOP Mantra: For Me, but Not for Thee Republican congresspeople are keeping their taxpayer subsidized health insurance —WHILE voting to deny it to other Americans.
20110129             Because, you know, government health care is great for Republican politicians, but too lavish for THE—REST—OF—USA.
20110129             EGYPT—RIOTS make ISRAEL UNEASY—HDS GREENWAY—MUBARAK government has been 1—BULWARK to MIDDLE—EAST—PEACE but the riots could change that. read more
20110129             EGYPT: Mubarak fails to quell riots (UPDATE)- JON—JENSEN—NEITHER MUBARAK—WORDS nor tanks stop angry demonstrators calling for his ouster. read more
20110129             ZIVIL—MILITÄRISCHE Aufstandsbekämpfung
20110129             Analyse und Kritik der COUNTERINSURGENCY—DOKTRIN — COIN ist mehr als 1—MILITÄRDOKTRIN;
20110129             sie versteht sich als ein umfassendes Konzept für den Einsatz militärischer, politischer, wirtschaftlicher und propagandistischer Mittel in einem asymmetrischen kriegerischen Konflikt, in dem Regierung und Aufständische um die Kontrolle über die Bevölkerung konkurrieren
20110129             Zentralrat der Juden warnt Deutschland vor Unterstützung der ägyptischen Freiheitsbewegung
20110129             Angesichts der immer heftiger werdenden Proteste in Ägypten warnt der Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland vor möglichen Konsequenzen für die Sicherheit Israels.
20110129             "Generell vergrößern neue Instabilitäten in der Region die Risiken", so DIETER—GRAUMANN, PRÄSIDENT—DES—ZENTRALRATS.
20110129             Um so mehr sei zu würdigen, dass ISRAEL eine stabile Oase der Demokratie in der Region sei
20110129             Venezuelas Regierung unterstützt Kleinbauern
20110129             Die venezolanische Regierung startet eine neue Offensive zur Ausweitung der landwirtschaftlichen Produktion.
20110129             —BIS zu 200.000—KLEINE und mittlere Agrarproduzenten sollen von dem "Misión AgroVenezuela" genannten Programm von staatlichen Krediten und technischer Unterstützung profitieren
20110129             Unruhen auch in SAUDI—ARABIEN und Jordanien
20110129             Inspiriert von dem Umsturz in Tunesien, haben tausende Menschen in SAUDI—ARABIEN und Jordanien demonstriert.
20110129             Der saudische KÖNIG—ABDULLAH—BIN—ABDULAZIZ und der jordanische KÖNIG—ABDULLAH—II. gerieten zunehmend unter Druck
20110129             Tunesien: Die Jasminrevolution
20110129             Das Totschlagargument des religiösen Fundamentalismus, das islamistische Gespenst, das EUROPA immer an die Wand malt, um die Diktatur zu rechtfertigen, hat sich also als untauglich erwiesen.
20110129             In den 4—WOCHEN des Kampfes der Unbewaffneten gegen eine hochgerüstete Polizei war kein einziger fundamentalistischer Slogan zu hören, keine islamistische Wandparole zu lesen.
20110129             Stattdessen hat diese Jugend ohne politische oder parteiliche Bindung sich in den einzelnen Stadtvierteln zu Bürgerkomitees zusammengeschlossen, um, unterstützt von der Armee, die Bürger zu schützen und Übergriffe und Plünderungen durch die Milizen der herrschenden RCD, die Machtbasis des gestürzten Präsidenten BEN—ALI, ebenso zu verhindern wie die Aktivitäten der politischen Polizei: Mit Todesschwadronen verbreitet sie im ganzen Land Angst und Schrecken, um die Menschen glauben zu machen, dass sie allein das Chaos verhindern kann.
20110129             Tunesien ist die Lösung nicht nur für Ägypten
20110129             "Tunesien ist die Lösung" heißt: Die Alternative zu den Autokraten ist nicht ein islamistisches Regime, sondern eine säkulare Freiheitsbewegung.
20110129             —BISHER hatten Autokraten wie BEN—ALI in Tunesien und Mubarak in Ägypten, aber auch das saudische Königshaus, ihre Herrschaft damit legitimiert, dass die Alternative das Chaos oder die Herrschaft der Islamisten wäre
20110129             Human Rights Watch übte Kritik an USA
20110129             Human Rights Watch verurteilte die gewalttätigen Aktionen in Ägypten und unterstrich, dass die USA die Verletzung der Menschenrechte in Ägypten unterstützen.
20110129             HRW—SPRECHER REED—BRODY: "Es gibt keinen wahren Held bei der Verteidigung der Menschenrechte auf der internationalen Szene.
20110129             CHINA, die arabischen Länder und die USA sind keine Verfechter der Menschenrechte mehr.
20110129             —IGNORIERT, Auch die EU, die MENSCHENRECHTE—DIE Menschen hier sind Helden
20110129             Die Proteste in einem kleinen Städtchen gegen BEN—ALIS—REGIME haben der Revolte in Tunesien —ANFANG Januar den entscheidenden Schub verliehen.
20110129             Spurensuche in Thala nahe der algerischen GRENZE—DER —TAG, an dem das INTERNET starb
20110129             Das INTERNET ist nicht mehr als eine temporäre Gnade der Eliten.
20110129             Ein virtueller Schnuller für brave Babies, den man uns jederzeit wieder wegnehmen kann
20110129             —BEGINNT, Ägypten: Nun, der WAHL—KAMPF um eine neue REPUBLIK
20110129             —NACH—DEM Kampf auf den Straßen hat hinter den Kulissen der Wahlkampf längst begonnen.
20110129             Dabei geht es nicht nur um die anstehende Präsidentschaftswahl, bei der MOHAMMED—EL—BARADEI sicher eine wichtige, aber ganz sicher nicht die einzige Rolle spielen wird.
20110129             Es geht auch um neue Parteien, die sich —BEREITS—JETZT formieren, um die zu erwartenden Parlamentswahlen gehen und eventuell auch um eine vorhergehende Nationalversammlung, die eine neue Verfassung beschliesst.
20110129             Dabei wird ein besonders Augenmerk auf das Finanzsystem der neuen REPUBLIK—ÄGYPTEN zu legen sein.
20110129             Eine staatlich kontrollierte Zentralbank und 1—WÄHRUNGSSYSTEM, welches das gesetzlose internationale Bankensystem im eigenen Land entmachtet und den Kapitalfluss Regeln unterwirft, könnte wahrlich vorbildlich sein — nicht nur für muslimische Länder.
20110129             Ägypten, Tunesien und der Kampf gegen den amerikanischen Imperialismus
20110129             2—WOCHEN nach USA—AUßENMINISTERIN Hillary Clintons Warnung an arabische Führer, dass "die Grundlagen ihrer Region im Treibsand zu versinken drohen", zeigt der revolutionäre Aufschwung der Massen, dass die Stützen der amerikanischen Politik im Nahen Osten verrottet sind und zerbröseln
20110129             80.000—EURO zu teuer für Bürgerbeteiligung?
20110129             80.000—EURO sind für den Deutschen BUNDESTAG, der in den letzten Jahren innerhalb von Tagen Entscheidungen über ZIG—MILLIARDEN- "Rettungsschirme" für Banken und die EU fällte, normalerweise 1—PAPPENSTIEL.
20110129             —VERWUNDERT, Um so mehr, es, dass diese 80.000—EURO als offizielle Begründung dafür dienen,
20110129             dass das eigentlich als Bürgerbeteiligungsinstrument geplante LIQUID—DEMOCRACY—SYSTEM Adhocracy vom Ältestenrat des Deutschen Bundestages verworfen wurde
20110129             Yemenis rally against PRESIDENT—TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—YEMENIS demonstrate in the capital, SANAA, calling on PRESIDENT—ALI—ABDULLAH—SALEH to step down —AFTER more than 30—YEARS in power.
20110129             SAUDI—ARABIA—STOCK market drops 6.5-percent amid EGYPT—UNREST
20110129             RIYADH — THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—STOCK—MARKET, the largest Arab bourse, dropped 6.43—PERCENT to 6267.22—POINTS on —SATURDAY as tensions soared in EGYPT where deadly ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS continued for a 5. —DAY.
20110129             —GRIPPED, The market has been, by severe anxiety BECAUSE—OF—THE—EVENTS in EGYPT, traders in SAUDI—ARABIA told AFP, expressing fears that [...]
20110129             Egyptians take to the streets for 5. —DAY defying PRESIDENT, police
20110129             —SNUBBED, CAIRO — Tens of THOUSANDS—OF—EGYPTIANS—SATURDAY, Hosni Mubarak's promised reforms and took their deadly revolt to the streets for a 5. —DAY on —SATURDAY, with dissident MOHAMED—ELBARADEI vowing to press the embattled PRESIDENT —UNTIL he goes.
20110129             —ERUPTED, Riots, anew in several cities, including CAIRO, and 1 enraged mob killed 3—POLICE [...]
20110129             CHINA blocks all information about EGYPT.
20110129             The altered aura of the Arab STATE—CARYLE Murphy
20110129             Analysis: Arab states may open up or clamp down, but either way they will change.
20110129             —WORRIED, ISRAEL, as Mubarak TEETERS—BEN—LYNFIELD -Analysis: If Mubarak falls in EGYPT, will ISRAEL lose 1—ALLY?
20110129             Ägypten: Diktator Mubarak ernennt SPIONAGE—CHEF—SULEIMAN als VIZE—PRÄSIDENT
20110129             In einem Interview mit dem ehemaligen Residenten des deutschen Auslandsgeheimdienstes "Bundesnachrichtendienst" (BND) im Nahen Osten, WILHELM—DIETL, beleuchte Radio Utopie im
20110129             Islamische Fanatiker waren ihm dorthin gefolgt und eröffneten auf dem Weg vom Flughafen in die Stadt das Feuer auf die PRÄSIDENTEN—LIMOUSINE.
20110129             Mubarak blieb UNVERLETZT—DENN Suleiman hatte kurzfristig noch einen gepanzerten MERCEDES aus Ägypten einfliegen lassen.
20110129             Während auf den Straßen Kairos Zehntausende Demonstranten gegen das alte Regime protestierten, fiel die Wahl auf: OMAR—SULEIMAN—DEN CHEF—DES—GEHEIMDIENSTES—MUKHABARAT.
20110129             Ägyptens VIZE—SULEIMAN: Der stille starke Mann
20110129             Protest in Davos: Schneebälle gegen Gummigeschosse
20110129             Anlegerschwemme: Deutschland schwelgt im IMMOBILIEN—BOOM
20110129             Euro unter Druck: Liberale stützen Merkels Plan für Wirtschaftsregierung
20110129             Unruhen in Ägypten: Was Touristen —JETZT wissen sollten
20110129             +++ Regierung plant keine vorgezogenen Neuwahlen +++
20110129             [17.48—UHR] In Ägypten wird es nach Angaben eines Parlamentssprechers trotz der anhaltenden Proteste keine vorgezogenen Neuwahlen geben.
20110129             Die Präsidentenwahl ist regulär für September angesetzt.
20110129             +++ Anwohner fürchten massive Plünderungen +++
20110129             [17.11—UHR] In den Stadtvierteln von Kairo spitzt sich die Lage mit Einbruch der Dunkelheit zu.
20110129             Nachdem es —BEREITS in den Vortagen zu Plünderungen und Übergriffen gekommen ist, rotten sich nun abseits der Hauptstraßen Männer mit Stöcken und Messern zusammen.
20110129             Die ägyptische Armee schützt laut dpa nur EINIGE—ZENTRALE—PLÄTZE in der Stadt.
20110129             Einwohner berichte, dass sie sich sich aus Angst vor Überfällen in ihren Wohnungen verbarrikadiert haben.
20110129             +++ Westerwelle in "großer Sorge" +++
20110129             [17.08—UHR] Außenminister GUIDO—WESTERWELLE (FDP) hat die Führung und die Sicherheitskräfte in Ägypten aufgefordert, keine Gewalt gegen friedliche Demonstrationen auszuüben.
20110129             Die Lage dürfe nicht weiter eskalieren, sagte Westerwelle.
20110129             Er sei "in großer Sorge" über die Zuspitzung der Lage in Ägypten: "Die Nachrichten und BILDER—DER—GEWALT aus Kairo und anderen großen Städten sind erschütternd".
20110129             Politisch entscheidend sei nun, dass die ägyptische Führung den Weg politischer und wirtschaftlicher Reformen einschlage, erklärte Westerwelle.
20110129             "Dauerhafte Stabilisierung braucht Demokratisierung, braucht die Achtung der Menschenrechte und die Gewährung der Meinungsfreiheit".
20110129             +++ AHMED—SCHAFIK wird neuer Ministerpräsident +++
20110129             [17.05—UHR] Nach ANGABEN—DES—STAATSFERNSEHENS ist der ehemalige Luftfahrtminister AHMED—SCHAFIK zum neuen Ministerpräsidenten ernannt worden.
20110129             Er soll nun die neue Regierung bilden.
20110129             Schafik war früher CHEF—DER ägyptischen Luftwaffe und steht dem Militär somit ebenfalls nahe.
20110129             +++ USA—AUßENMINISTERIUM erhöht den Druck auf Mubarak +++
20110129             [16.51—UHR] Der SPRECHER—DES—USA—AUßENMINISTERIUMS, P.J. Crowley, hat in einer TWITTER—NACHRICHT den ägyptischen Präsidenten Husni Mubarak zu echten Reformen aufgefordert.
20110129             "Die ägyptische Regierung kann nicht einfach die Karten neu mischen und dann wieder auf stur schalten", schreibt Crowley.
20110129             Der Ansprache von Mubarak und seinem Versprechen zu Reformen müssten nun Taten folgen.
20110129             +++ Panzer fahren vor dem Präsidentenpalast auf +++
20110129             [16.33—UHR] Rund um den Präsidentenpalast in Kairo sind Panzer aufgefahren.
20110129             Aus einzelnen Stadtteilen werden Prügeleien und Plünderungen gemeldet, etliche Hauptstraßen sind abgesperrt.
20110129             +++ OMAR—SULEIMAN neuer Vizepräsident +++
20110129             [16.20—UHR] Erstmals in seiner 30-jährigen Herrschaft hat Husni Mubarak einen Vizepräsidenten ernannt.
20110129             Den Posten nimmt der Geheimdienstchef OMAR—SULEIMAN ein.
20110129             Sollte Mubarak sein Amt niederlegen oder das Land verlassen, würde Suleiman an seine Stelle treten.
20110129             Im Staatsfernsehen wurde die Amtseinführung Suleimans gezeigt, der salutiert und Mubarak dann die Hand gibt.
20110129             Suleiman war Abgesandter Mubaraks bei den NAHOST—FRIEDENSGESPRÄCHEN und wird —SCHON—SEIT Jahren als Nachfolger des Dauerpräsidenten gehandelt.
20110129             Er gilt als armeenah.
20110129             Gerüchteweise will er sich noch am —SAMSTAG erneut zu Wort melden, 1—BESTÄTIGUNG gibt es dafür aber nicht.
20110129             Möglicherweise hält er sich im Präsidentenpalast auf, laut AL—DSCHASIRA spricht er gerade mit Beratern darüber, wie mit den Protesten umzugehen ist.
20110129             +++ DEUTSCH—ÄGYPTER demonstrieren in BERLIN +++
20110129             [16.04—UHR] Rund 250—ÄGYPTER haben in BERLIN für Demokratie und Freiheit in ihrem Heimatland demonstriert.
20110129             Auf einer Kundgebung wurden Rufe laut wie "Die Revolution wird siegen" oder "Mubarak, wir sind arm geworden, was machen Sie mit unserem Geld?".
20110129             Auf Transparenten war außerdem zu lesen: "Mubarak, hast Du genügend Gefängnisse für 80—MILLIONEN Ägypter?" Nach Polizeiangaben verlief die Veranstaltung ohne Zwischenfälle.
20110129             +++ Britisches Flugzeug dreht von Kairos Flughafen ab +++
20110129             [15.49—UHR] 1—FLUGZEUG—DER—GESELLSCHAFT—BRITISH—MIDLAND—INTERNATIONAL ist auf dem Weg nach Kairo während des Fluges abgedreht und nach LONDON zurückgekehrt.
20110129             Als Grund gibt 1—SPRECHER—DER—AIRLINE die "sich rapide verändernden Verhältnisse" in Ägypten an.
20110129             An Bord des Fluges BD771 waren 64—PASSAGIERE und 6—CREWMITGLIEDER.
20110129             +++ Armee schlägt Angreifer vor Bankgebäude zurück +++
20110129             [15.44—UHR] In der Innenstadt um den TAHRIR—PLATZ protestieren Zehntausende friedlich, die Armee greift nicht ein.
20110129             Vor einem Bankgebäude in einem Vorort der HAUPTSTADT allerdings haben Soldaten angeblich Hunderte Angreifer vertrieben, die sich mit Holzlatten Zutritt zu dem Gebäude verschaffen wollten, in dem Banknoten gedruckt werden.
20110129             Die mutmaßlichen Plünderer flohen, nachdem mehrere Panzer am Ort des Geschehens aufgefahren waren und die Soldaten Warnschüsse abgegeben hatten.
20110129             +++ Demonstranten tragen Leichname durch die Straßen +++
20110129             [15.33—UHR] In der Liveübertragung von AL—DSCHASIRA sind Demonstranten zu sehen, die in Kairo offenbar Tote durch die Straßen tragen.
20110129             Den ANGABEN—DES—SENDERS zufolge kamen zudem 3—MENSCHEN ums Leben, als eine aufgebrachte Menge versuchte, das Innenministerium zu stürmen.
20110129             1—BESTÄTIGUNG gibt es dafür nicht.
20110129             +++ Deutsche Nachrichtensender ohne LIVE—BERICHTERSTATTUNG +++
20110129             [15.29—UHR] Während AL—DSCHASIRA kontinuierlich live aus Ägypten berichtet und der USA—SENDER ebenfalls einen Großteil seines aktuellen Programms den Geschehnissen in Kairo und anderen Großstädten widmet, zeigen die deutschen Nachrichtensender zeitlose Dokumentationen.
20110129             Auf N—TV ist "Tierische Krawallmacher" zu sehen, auf N24 1—SENDUNG über Garnelenfischerei.
20110129             +++ Auch in ALEXANDRIA trotzen Demonstranten der Ausgangssperre +++
20110129             [15.19—UHR] Nicht nur in Kairo ignorieren die Demonstranten die Ausgangssperre der Regierung, auch in der zweitgrößten Stadt des Landes, ALEXANDRIA, sind nach ANGABEN—VON—AUGENZEIGE weiter Tausende auf der Straße. "Ich habe nicht das Gefühl, dass es überhaupt 1—AUSGANGSSPERRE gibt", zitiert Reuters den Zeugen.
20110129             +++ Stahlmagnat Ezz zieht sich aus Regierungspartei zurück +++
20110129             [15.04—UHR] Der reiche Geschäftsmann AHMED—EZZ hat sich aus der Spitze der Regierungspartei von Husni Mubarak zurückgezogen.
20110129             Ezz gilt als enger Vertrauter von Mubaraks Sohn.
20110129             Die Demonstranten hatten sich bei ihren Rücktrittsforderungen auch an den Stahlmagnaten gewandt und 1—SEINER Büros in Kairo verwüstet.
20110129             Notes: Thus began the Gingrich/Murdoch partnership which continues to this —DAY.
20110129             SOURCES: ("GINGRICH—POLITICAL education", JEFF—GERTH and STEPHEN—LABATON (NY Times News Service), S—FRANCISCO—EXAMINER, February 12, 19950000              pA6)
20110129             " IRS clears Gingrich donation that led to his House censure",
20110129             Capitol Hill BLUE—WEBSITE, February 4, 19990000             )
20110129             Ethics COMMITTEE—DROPS—LAST—OF—84—CHARGES—AGAINST Gingrich,
20110129             " USE—OF—TAX—EXEMPT Groups Integral to Political Strategy",
20110129             ("Newt, INCORPORATED", DENNIS—BERNSTEIN, Bay GUARDIAN, February 1, 19950000              p19)
20110129             —SOURCED, How credible is this anon, report from Murdochs across the pond rag?
20110129             —JUST wondering?
20110129             —RELEASED, Here's the rub and why this disinfo has been.
20110129             Inequality In AMERICAN—IS Worse Than In EGYPT, TUNISIA Or YEMEN.
20110129             agree that this story is false or misleading at best.
20110129             The reason is that essentially there is no leader of the revolt, and, in theory, the problem seems to be that it is leaderless.
20110129             Otherwise, they would never have gone home last night, they would have encircled the police —EARLIER in the —DAY and offered to join the protests or be detained for leverage, and then they should have marched to THE—PARLIAMENT building where they would declare themselves in charge--if there were leaders.
20110129             Further, it's quite clear that so far no 1—KNOWS who is leading the revolt.
20110129             —PLANTED, Also, no 1—KNOWS if this is 1—FALSE, story or if this SO—CALLED someone was indeed 1—USA asset who was taken into custody to protect him, but that in no way leads to the conclusion that the West supports the revolt.
20110129             Moreover, the West does not support the revolt, and the only reason the West would put their hand into the mix would be to try to get 1—UPPER—HAND on naming the next government.
20110129             I can assure you that THE—USA has no interest in 1—FREE—EGYPT.
20110129             How do I know? The goals of THE—2—GROUPS are so fundamentally different that it's impossible to contend that THE—USA—AND—THE—EGYPT—PEOPLE—SHARE—COMMON—INTERESTS.
20110129             1 is interested in imperial domination and the other wants peace and security.
20110129             —INSTIGATED, This —WEEK—PROTESTS in EGYPT were, by 1—GROUP—OF—YOUNG, educated Egyptians known as the "20110406              youth movement," which has 1—PRESENCE on the social network site Facebook.
20110129             —LABELED, THE—SCOBEY memo was, "20110406              activist on his USA—VISIT and regime change in EGYPT".
20110129             —REPORTED, THE—DAILY—TELEGRAPH, —FRIDAY that it and the secrets outlet were both hiding the identity of this young EGYPT—LEADER.
20110129             —ARRESTED, He was, in connection with this —WEEK—DEMONSTRATIONS.
20110129             +++ Ägypter demonstrieren auch in LONDON +++
20110129             [14.50—UHR] Auch in der britischen HAUPTSTADT—LONDON gehen Menschen mit ägyptischen Wurzeln auf die Straße und fordern Freiheit für Ägypten.
20110129             Sie halten Fahnen und Spruchbändern hoch.
20110129             +++ Menschenmassen strömen durch die HAUPTSTADT +++
20110129             [14.44—UHR] In den Straßen von Kairo sind nach wie vor gewaltige Menschenmengen unterwegs.
20110129             Ausschreitungen sind nicht zu sehen.
20110129             —GESPROCHEN, Demonstranten halten Transparente hoch, "Das Volk hat " steht auf einem davon zu lesen.
20110129             Unbestätigten Angaben zufolge haben Protestierende das Innenministerium angegriffen, die Polizei soll angeblich zurückfeuern.
20110129             Dies lässt sich aber nicht überprüfen.
20110129             In einer Viertelstunde tritt die Ausgangssperre in Kraft.
20110129             +++ Armee warnt vor Missachtung der Ausgangssperre +++
20110129             [14.19—UHR] Kurz vor Ablauf der Frist für die Ausgangssperre verbreitet das Staatsfernsehen einen neuen Appell der Armee.
20110129             Wer sich nicht an die Anordnung halte, bringe sich in "Gefahr".
20110129             Auf Livebildern aus Kairo ist aber zu sehen, wie sich die Soldaten weiterhin passiv verhalten.
20110129             Die Straßen sind voller Menschen, die Stimmung wirkt friedlich.
20110129             Polizisten sind nicht zu sehen.
20110129             +++ Beginn der Ausgangssperre rückt näher +++
20110129             [14.10—UHR] In 50—MINUTEN beginnt die offizielle Ausgangssperre.
20110129             Auf Livebildern aus Kairo ist zu sehen, dass noch immer Tausende Menschen auf den Straßen unterwegs sind.
20110129             Die Armee ist zwar präsent, macht aber —BISHER keine Anstalten, die Gegend zu räumen.
20110129             +++ 8—PERSONEN in Kairoer Gefängnis erschossen +++
20110129             [14.06—UHR] In einem Gefängnis am Stadtrand von Kairo sind angeblich 8—MENSCHEN erschossen worden.
20110129             —BERICHTET, Das, der Sender AL—DSCHASIRA.
20110129             +++ Proteste in ALEXANDRIA, SUEZ und PORT—SAID +++
20110129             [14.01—UHR] Aus dem ganzen Land werden wütende Proteste gemeldet.
20110129             SUEZ, rufen die Demonstranten, sie wollten nicht weichen, —BIS PRÄSIDENT—MUBARAK seinen Rücktritt erklärt.
20110129             Auch in ALEXANDRIA und Port SUEZ marschieren die Menschen.
20110129             —BERICHTET, Immer wieder wird von Vandalismus und Plünderungen.
20110129             Zehntausende fordern in Kairo die Revolution
20110129             Es scheint, als würden die Proteste tatsächlich in eine neue Runde gehen.
20110129             —GELASSEN, Die Armee schaut, zu und schreitet nicht ein.
20110129             In zahlreichen ägyptischen Städten gingen Hunderttausende auf die Straße, vielerorts kam es zu Gewalt
20110129             Um 9.45—UHR wurde das Telefonnetz wieder hochgefahren, das die Regierung zuvor abgeschaltet hatte, um die Proteste zu erschweren.
20110129             Polizei, dann zog sie sich ZURÜCK—AN ihrer Stelle rückte die Armee vor.
20110129             Dutzende Panzer und Mannschaftswagen des Militärs befinden sich nun auf dem "Platz der Befreiung" und an den anliegenden Straßen, aber das Lager der Revoltierenden betrachtet die Soldaten als Verbündete.
20110129             "Das Volk und die Armee, Seite an Seite!",
20110129             Süddeutsche Zeitung, 20110129
20110129             Im Aufmacher der SZ am Wochenende blickt THOMAS—AVENARIUS auf die aktuellen Aufstände in Tunesien, Ägypten und Jemen und konstatiert, dass den Protestierenden der auf sich selbst konzentrierte Westen ganz egal ist: "Nach so vielen Irrtümern, Täuschungen und Manipulationen ist dies das einzig Überraschende: Das, was —DERZEIT auf den Straßen geschieht, wurde vom Westen weder gelenkt, noch kann es verhindert werden. Die Wut in Kairo und SANAA richtet sich nicht gegen AMERIKA, nicht einmal gegen ISRAEL. Sie richtet sich gegen die heimischen Unterdrücker ".
20110129             Auf den vorderen Seiten geht's natürlich um den Aufstand in Ägypten.
20110129             Der Westen darf die nordafrikanischen Autokraten nicht länger unterstützen, fordert der ISLAM—EXPERTE OLIVIER—ROY in einem Essay auf den Forumseiten, als Bollwerke gegen den Islamismus haben sie ausgedient: "Die große Masse der früheren Islamisten hat dieselben Schlüsse gezogen wie die Generation, die in der Türkei die Partei Freiheit und Gerechtigkeit (AK) gegründet hat: Es gibt keinen 3. Weg zwischen Demokratie und Diktatur. Es gibt entweder Demokratie oder Diktatur. Die Erkenntnis des Versagens des politischen Islam trifft den Nerv der jungen Protestgeneration in Tunesien. Die neue arabische Generation wird nicht durch Religion oder Ideologie motiviert, sondern durch die Hoffnung auf einen friedlichen Übergang zu einer anständigen, demokratischen und 'normalen' Regierungsform. Sie wollen einfach so sein wie alle anderen".
20110129             Die Literarische Welt versammelt 3—STIMMEN aus der arabischen Welt.
20110129             Der tunesische Dichter HUBERT—HADDAD (mehr hier) übt scharfe Kritik an seinen Kollegen im Westen: "Von wenigen Ausnahmen abgesehen haben die französischen Intellektuellen das Regime in Tunesien einfach gewähren lassen, damit haben sie sich still und heimlich mit einem kompromittierten Machtblock solidarisiert. In ihrem schlechten Gewissen haben sich ehr für Kämpfe interessiert, die außerhalb des französischen Einflussbereichs stattfanden, für den Irak oder Palästina. Vom französischsprachigen AFRIKA, von Algerien oder Ruanda, sprach kaum jemand".
20110129             "Ich bin erleichtert über die Lösung des Falls und danke der amerikanischen Außenministerin Hillary Clinton für ihr Engagement", so Westerwelle.
20110129             geht die Bundesregierung davon aus, dass der 23-jährige DEUTSCH—AFGHANE aus FRANKFURT am Main "versehentlich" festgenommen wurde.
20110129             Der DEUTSCH—AFGHANE ist demnach möglicherweise Opfer einer Notiz deutscher Sicherheitsbehörden geworden.
20110129             POLIZEIAKTEN, ist er allerdings weiterhin als mutmaßlicher Kämpfer geführt, dessen Ausreise nach AFGHANISTAN vermutet wird, "um sich dort für den bewaffneten,Dschihad' ausbilden zu lassen".
20110129             oterschwadron : Die Folgen
20110129             1—KRÄHE hackt der anderen kein Auge aus, nicht?
20110129             Momentan schauen die größten Krähen in USA und EUROPA noch bang zu und hoffen heimlich, daß Ägypten, als 1—STÜTZPFEILER des weltweiten Schweinesystems, nicht wegbricht.
20110129             Das [...] - mehr...
20110129             Jay's : Nun - KARL—MARX beruehmter Satz hat wieder Bedeutung bekommen: Proletarier oder besser Ausgebeutete und Unterdrueckte aller Laender vereinigt Euch.
20110129             mehr... - ratxi : Natürlich nicht... - denn das nimmt ihnen ihre Macht.
20110129             Und das ist doch alles, was sie haben.
20110129             Sehr wahr, die Menschheit müsste sich ändern.
20110129             Geändert WERDEN kann sie jedoch nicht.
20110129             Das geschieht nur auf dem Erkenntniswege, dann ändert SICH ETWAS.
20110129             AFGHANISTAN: Versehentlich festgenommener Deutscher ist wieder frei
20110129             Aufstand in Ägypten: "Wir machen weiter, —BIS Mubarak stürzt"
20110129             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Gegen die heimischen Unterdrücker"
20110129             —GEGEBEN, Love Parade: Polizist soll verhängnisvollen Befehl, haben
20110129             +++ ZAHL—DER—DEMONSTRANTEN in Kairo wächst stetig +++
20110129             [13.31—UHR] Auf den Straßen der HAUPTSTADT schwillt die Masse der Demonstranten immer weiter an.
20110129             Auf Fernsehbildern ist zu sehen, wie sich die Menge am Ufer des Nil auf Polizeiketten zubewegt.
20110129             Es scheint aber friedlich zu bleiben.
20110129             Beobachter haben den Eindruck, dass die Stimmung unter den Protestierenden geradezu euphorisch ist.
20110129             Die zumeist jungen Männer hätten das Gefühl, wirklich etwas bewegen zu können, sagte 1—EXPERTE—DEM—SENDER—AL—DSCHASIRA.
20110129             Inzwischen sind demnach allein in Kairo mehr als 50.000—MENSCHEN auf den Beinen.
20110129             +++ Behörden geben ZAHL—DER—TOTEN vom —FREITAG mit 38 an +++
20110129             [13.26—UHR] Bei den gewaltsamen landesweiten Protesten gegen die Regierung in Ägypten sind am —FREITAG nach Informationen des Gesundheitsministeriums 38—MENSCHEN getötet worden.
20110129             Wie Vertreter des Ministeriums am —SAMSTAG in Kairo mitteilten, kamen jeweils 12—MENSCHEN in der HAUPTSTADT sowie in der Stadt SUEZ ums Leben.
20110129             Rund 1900—MENSCHEN seien verletzt worden, unter ihnen 500—POLIZISTEN.
20110129             —SEIT Beginn der Proteste am —DIENSTAG hat es somit fast 50—TODESOPFER und 2500—VERLETZTE gegeben.
20110129             +++ Brandanschläge in ALEXANDRIA und LUXOR +++
20110129             [13.03—UHR] AL—DSCHASIRA meldet, eine aufgebrachte Menge habe in LUXOR 1—BÜRO—DER—REGIERUNGSPARTEI in Brand gesetzt.
20110129             ALEXANDRIA, seien mehrere Polizeistationen in Flammen aufgegangen.
20110129             Dort sind nach ANGABEN—DES—SENDERS mindestens 23—MENSCHEN bei den Protesten ums Leben gekommen.
20110129             +++ Ägypten weitet Ausgangssperre aus +++
20110129             [12.45—UHR] Die Behörden in Ägypten haben die Ausgangssperre nach ANGABEN—DES—STAATSFERNSEHENS deutlich ausgeweitet.
20110129             Für ALLE—GRÖßEREN—STÄDTE, vor allem Kairo, SUEZ und ALEXANDRIA, gilt die Sperre nun ab 16—UHR am —SAMSTAG—BIS 8—UHR am —SONNTAG.
20110129             +++ Zehntausende auf dem TAHRIR—PLATZ in Kairo +++
20110129             [12.41—UHR] Auf dem zentral gelegenen TAHRIR—PLATZ in Kairo haben sich mehrere zehntausend Demonstranten versammelt.
20110129             Laut AL—DSCHASIRA sind es etwa 50.000—MENSCHEN.
20110129             Sie halten Transparente hoch und skandieren Parolen.
20110129             —GEKOMMEN, Zu sichtbaren Ausschreitungen ist es noch nicht.
20110129             +++ IRAN ruft Mubarak zu Gewaltverzicht auf +++
20110129             [12.33—UHR] IRAN hat die Proteste gegen die Regierung in Ägypten als "WELLE—DES—ISLAMISCHEN—ERWACHENS" bezeichnet.
20110129             Das Außenministerium in Teheran rief die Führung in Kairo auf, die Gewalt gegen diese Bewegung zu beenden.
20110129             "Der Protest der Muslime in Ägypten ist 1—SCHRITT hin zu mehr Gerechtigkeit und Ausdruck ihres nationalen und religiösen Willens", sagte Ministeriumssprecher Ramin Mehmanparast nach ANGABEN—DER—NACHRICHTENAGENTUR—FARS.
20110129             +++ Generalstabschef Anan zurück in Kairo +++
20110129             [12.29—UHR] Der Generalstabschef der ägyptischen Armee, SAMI—ANAN, ist in Ägypten eingetroffen.
20110129             —GELANDET, Er sei auf dem Flughafen von Kairo, hieß es von Mitarbeitern des Airports.
20110129             Anan hatte sich in den vergangenen Tagen zu militärischen Gesprächen in den USA aufgehalten und kürzte seinen Aufenthalt angesichts der tagelangen Proteste nun ab.
20110129             Die ägyptische Armee soll —DERZEIT vor allem die —SEIT—FREITAG geltenden nächtlichen Ausgangssperren in Kairo, ALEXANDRIA und SUEZ überwachen.
20110129             +++ Reuters gibt Opferzahl mit 74—TOTEN an +++
20110129             [12.25—UHR] Reuters schätzt die ANZAHL—DER—TODESOPFER bei den Protesten in Ägypten auf 74. Die Nachrichtenagentur beruft sich dabei auf ANGABEN—VON—KRANKENHÄUSERN und Augenzeugen, räumt aber ein, dass die wirklichen Zahlen sich deutlich von der eigenen Einschätzung unterscheiden könnten.
20110129             —GEMELDET, Allein —SEIT—FREITAG seien 68—TOTE, worden.
20110129             Die ANZAHL—DER—VERLETZTEN schätzt Reuters auf rund 20000000           .
20110129             Offizielle Angaben gibt es dazu aber nicht.
20110129             Die Angaben zu Todesopfern liegen bei AL—DSCHASIRA deutlich höher: bei 95.
20110129             +++ ElBaradei fordert Mubarak erneut zum Rücktritt auf +++
20110129             [12.16—UHR] Friedensnobelpreisträger MOHAMED—ELBARADEI hat in 1—INTERVIEW—MIT—AL—DSCHASIRA den Präsidenten Husni Mubarak zum Rücktritt aufgefordert.
20110129             Mubarak müsse abtreten und einen Plan zur Übergabe der Macht ausarbeiten, sonst werde die Gewalt auf den Straßen nicht aufhören, sagte ElBaradei.
20110129             Mubaraks Ansprache bezeichnete er als "enttäuschend".
20110129             —GEÄUßERT, —BEREITS—AM—FREITAG hatte sich ElBaradei ähnlich, und war danach unter Hausarrest gestellt worden.
20110129             Neben Lob sei es vor allem sehr effektiv, den Geschmack des gewünschten Essens immer wieder anzupreisen.
20110129             Wie das Team —JETZT im
20110129             —BERICHTET, Fachblatt "Psychological Science", steigerte das Experiment die Beliebtheit von Gemüse —ZUNÄCHST in allen 3—GRUPPEN vergleichbar stark.
20110129             Loben allein reicht nicht
20110129             —JETZT jedoch haben britische Forscher die heikle Frage nach Belohnungen für gesundes ESSEN neu gestellt und kommen zu ganz anderen Ergebnissen: Richtig eingesetzt sind kleine Aufmerksamkeiten, die Kinder zum Gemüseessen anspornen sollen, nicht nur unschädlich, sondern sie beeinflussen das Essverhalten sogar besonders nachhaltig positiv.
20110129             +++ Polizei schießt mit scharfer Munition in ALEXANDRIA +++
20110129             [11.49—UHR] Aus ALEXANDRIA meldet 1—AUGENZEUGE—DER—NACHRICHTENAGENTUR—REUTERS schwere Zusammenstöße zwischen Polizei und Demonstranten.
20110129             Tausende Menschen seien auf den Straßen unterwegs, die Polizei setze Tränengas und scharfe Munition ein.
20110129             —GEKOMMEN, Angeblich sind dort —SEIT—FREITAG 20—MENSCHEN ums Leben.
20110129             +++ Ägyptische Regierung tritt zurück, Mubarak bleibt +++
20110129             [11.45—UHR] Das ägyptische Kabinett hat nach ANGABEN—VON—AL—DSCHASIRA seinen Rücktritt eingereicht.
20110129             PRÄSIDENT—HUSNI—MUBARAK bleibt aber im Amt, wie er —BEREITS—AM Freitagabend angekündigt hatte.
20110129             +++ Angeblich mindestens 30—TOTE in Kairo, darunter 2—KINDER +++
20110129             [11.31—UHR] Die Nachrichtenagentur Reuters zitiert 1—QUELLE aus einem Krankenhaus in Kairo, der zufolge am —FREITAG zwischen 13—UND 23—UHR mindestens 30—TOTE in die Leichenhalle der Klinik gebracht worden sind.
20110129             Unter den Opfern sind demnach 2—KINDER im Alter von 4—UND 7—JAHREN.
20110129             +++ Regierung tritt in Kairo zusammen +++
20110129             [11.26—UHR] Nach ANGABEN—DER—NACHRICHTENAGENTUR—MENA trifft sich das noch amtierende Kabinett in Kairo, um seine Abdankung offiziell einzureichen.
20110129             PRÄSIDENT—MUBARAK hatte in einer Fernsehansprache am Freitagabend angekündigt, die Regierung zu entlassen und eine neues Kabinett einzusetzen.
20110129             Das Treffen leitet laut Mena der Ministerpräsident AHMED—NASIF.
20110129             +++ Demonstranten plündern Supermarkt in Kairo +++
20110129             [11.22—UHR] Am Stadtrand von Kairo wird 1—FILIALE der französischen Supermarktkette Carrefour geplündert, wie Augenzeugen der Nachrichtenagentur AFP sagten.
20110129             Demnach rennen Dutzende Menschen mit gestohlenen Artikeln durch die Straßen am Rande des von vielen Ausländern bewohnten Viertels Maadi.
20110129             +++ Schwere Zusammenstöße in der Hafenstadt Ismailija +++
20110129             [11.20—UHR] In der ägyptischen Hafenstadt Ismailija berichten Augenzeugen von schweren Zusammenstößen zwischen Demonstranten und Sicherheitskräften.
20110129             Tausende Hafenarbeiter waren demnach in der Stadt am Suezkanal auf der Straße unterwegs.
20110129             Sie protestierten den Angaben zufolge dagegen, von der Arbeit weggeschickt worden zu sein.
20110129             Die Polizei setzte Gummigeschosse und Tränengas gegen sie ein.
20110129             +++ TUI bietet Umbuchungen und Stornierungen an +++
20110129             [11.05—UHR] Der Reiseveranstalter TUI bietet ÄGYPTEN—URLAUBERN mit Anreisedatum —BIS zum 20110203              gebührenfreie Umbuchungen an.
20110129             —GEBUCHT, Wer 1—REISE nach Kairo, hat, kann sogar kostenlos stornieren.
20110129             ALLE—ANDEREN—REISEN nach Ägypten sollen weiterhin stattfinden.
20110129             Die Touristenregionen am Roten Meer sind von den Protesten —DERZEIT nicht betroffen.
20110129             +++ Armee ruft zur Einhaltung der Ausgangssperre auf +++
20110129             [10.51—UHR] Das Staatsfernsehen verbreitet einen Aufruf der ägyptischen Armee.
20110129             Die Bürger sollten sich nicht auf den Straßen versammeln und sich an die nächtliche Ausgangssperre halten, heißt es in dem Appell.
20110129             Wer dagegen verstoße, müsse mit "rechtlichen Konsequenzen" rechnen.
20110129             +++ TV—REPORTER berichtet von Leichen auf den Straßen+++
20110129             [9.27—UHR] Der Reporter des TV—KANALS AL—DSCHASIRA berichtet, er habe mehr als 20—TOTE in den Straßen der Hafenstadt ALEXANDRIA gesehen.
20110129             Nähere Angaben machte der Sender nicht, die Information lässt sich nicht aus anderen Quellen bestätigen.
20110129             —BERICHTET, Die BBC, in der Nacht seien mindestens 26—MENSCHEN gestorben, in der dpa ist von 25—TOTEN die Rede, Tausende wurden verletzt.
20110129             +++ Hausbewohner helfen Demonstranten mit Wasser +++
20110129             [9.24—UHR] Nach fast 10—STUNDEN anhaltender Proteste sind VIELE—DEMONSTRANTEN erschöpft und durstig, berichtet SPIEGEL—ONLINE—REPORTER YASSIN—MUSHARBASH.
20110129             Mit Handzeichen bitten sie die Bewohner der Häuser in der Innenstadt um Wasser.
20110129             Nicht wenige werfen Flaschen aus dem Fenster.
20110129             +++ Prinzen flüchten aus Ägypten +++
20110129             [8.58—UHR] Angesichts der blutigen Proteste haben mehrere arabische Prinzen und Geschäftsleute das Land verlassen.
20110129             Sie seien mit Privatflugzeugen noch am —FREITAG in Richtung Riad, DUBAI und AMMAN gestartet, um den Unruhen zu entkommen, meldet die Agentur dpa.
20110129             Dagegen habe bislang kein ägyptischer Politiker das Land verlassen, erklärte 1—VERANTWORTLICHER am Internationalen Flughafen von Kairo am —SAMSTAG.
20110129             +++ Hunderte auf den Straßen von Kairo +++
20110129             [8.32—UHR] Im Zentrum Kairos haben sich Hunderte Demonstranten versammelt.
20110129             Laut Nachrichtenagentur Reuters rufen sie "Geh, geh!" und fordern damit den Rücktritt von PRÄSIDENT—MUBARAK.
20110129             Armeesoldaten beobachteten die Szene, griffen aber nicht ein.
20110129             Die Demonstranten riefen ihnen zu: "Friedlich, friedlich".
20110129             +++ Polizei feuert vereinzelt TRÄNENGAS—GRANATEN +++
20110129             [8.15—UHR] Die Demonstranten sind die ganze Nacht am TAHRIR—PLATZ geblieben, die Armee hat mindestens 3—PANZER und mehrere weitere Fahrzeuge dort aufgestellt.
20110129             Tränengasgranaten sind zu hören.
20110129             Offenbar ist die Polizei auch noch in den Straßen, die Demonstranten geben nicht auf und sind mit Mubaraks Erklärung nicht zufrieden.
20110129             +++ Obama appelliert an Mubarak +++
20110129             [0.43—UHR] Der USA—PRÄSIDENT hat mit seinem ägyptischen Amtskollegen telefoniert.
20110129             Obama teilt mit, er habe Mubarak zu Reformen und Demokratisierung gedrängt.
20110129             Auf die Ankündigungen müssten nun Taten folgen.
20110129             Mubarak hatte in der Nacht die Entlassung seines Kabinetts angekündigt.
20110129             —ARGUMENTIERT, Doch es ginge längst nicht mehr um Mubarak, Kagan in der WASHINGTON—POST.
20110129             "Ägypten wird explodieren. Und dann steht diese USA—REGIERUNG auf der falschen Seite".
20110129             ROBERT—KAGAN vom Carnegie Endowment for INTERNATIONAL Peace in WASHINGTON ist das zu wenig: "Die OBAMA—REGIERUNG hat an der jahrzehntelangen amerikanischen Tradition, sich an Mubarak zu klammern, kaum etwas GEÄNDERT—OBWOHL klar ist, dass er sein Land ins Desaster führt".
20110129             Für besonders wichtige USA—VERBÜNDETE wie Ägypten und SAUDI—ARABIEN galt die "Freedom Agenda" nicht.
20110129             Wie sich aber Amerikas strategische Partnerschaften mit dem Ruf nach mehr Demokratie vereinen lassen, daran haben sich —SCHON Vorgängerregierungen die Zähne AUSGEBISSEN—SELBST die DEMOKRATIE—APOSTEL der BUSH—REGIERUNG.
20110129             JEFFREY—FELTMAN, Amerikas TOP—DIPLOMAT für den Nahen Osten, sagt nun: "Ich erwarte, dass wir das tunesische Beispiel nutzen, um andere arabische Führer zum Wandel zu bewegen".
20110129             gab Clinton zu bedenken, ALLE—LÄNDER könnten sich ja in dieser Frage verbessern.
20110129             Außerdem seien die Mubaraks Freunde ihrer Familie.
20110129             Später erklärten OBAMA—BERATER, dessen HALBSATZ—AMERIKA unterstütze die demokratischen Hoffnungen aller Menschen, sei ja an die Demonstranten in Kairo gerichtet gewesen.
20110129             Subtiler geht es kaum noch.
20110129             "Diese Entwicklung ist außenpolitisch ungeheuer bedeutend für die USA", sagt MARTIN—INDYK, Vizepräsident der Brookings Institution und ehemaliger USA—BOTSCHAFTER—IN—ISRAEL.
20110129             "Immerhin ist Ägypten einer der strategisch bedeutendsten amerikanischen Verbündeten überhaupt".
20110129             "Als PRÄSIDENT—MUBARAK zum ägyptischen Volk sprach", sagt Obama, "hat er mehr Demokratie und bessere wirtschaftliche Möglichkeiten versprochen. Ich habe ihm gesagt, dass er diese Worte mit Leben füllen muss".
20110129             Die Ägypter kämpften für Menschenrechte, betont der USA—PRÄSIDENT—UND von Gewalt müsse JEDER—ABSTAND nehmen, Militär und Polizei, aber auch die Demonstranten.
20110129             —GENANNT, Tage, die man früher " -Tage", hätte
20110129             als der Nachrichtensender noch fast im Alleingang die globale Agenda vorgab.
20110129             —UNRUHEN, Reaktion auf, in Ägypten: Amerikas schwieriger Abschied von Mubarak
20110129             Todesstrafe: IRAN richtet Niederländerin hin
20110129             Liveticker zum Aufstand : Ägyptens alte Regierung tritt zurück
20110129             EURO—ZONE: Merkel schmiedet Plan für gemeinsame Wirtschaftsregierung -  FRANCE—PRESSE
20110129—19950600    —IM, Das tiefe Vertrauen des Präsidenten errang Suleiman : Damals nahm Mubarak an einem AFRIKA—GIPFEL in der äthiopischen HAUPTSTADT—ADDIS—ABEBA teil.
20110129—20090000    —IN—THE, The opposite was true IRAN protests.
20110129—20090000    —DETAINED, IRAN, Zahram Bahrami, 1—IRANIAN—HOLLAND—WOMAN, —AFTER participating in protests against IRAN's disputed presidential election, was hanged.
20110129—20090600    —ANFANG, In seiner Rede in Kairo hat BARACK—OBAMA der islamischen Welt eine neue Ära der Gerechtigkeit und Menschenwürde versprochen.
20110129—20091000    —IM, hatte das Polizeipräsidium FRANKFURT Zainulabuddin N. "zur polizeilichen Beobachtung" ausgeschrieben, weil es befürchtete, N. wolle in den heiligen Krieg ziehen.
20110129—20100700    —IM, 1—ERMITTLUNGSVERFAHREN wurde eingestellt, Zainulabuddin N. - Rufname "Haddid" - erhielt seinen Reisepass zurück.
20110129—20110125    —SINCE, 1 enraged mob killed 3—POLICE in THE—SINAI—TOWN—OF—RAFAH, bringing the overall death toll from the nationwide protests to at least 48.
20110210—20110129    —AM, - 4—TAGE nach Beginn der 1. Massenproteste in Kairo und anderen ägyptischen STÄDTEN—GRIFF SAUDI—ARABIENS Regent zum Hörer und maßregelte USA—PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA.
20110212             —DOCUMENTED, Human Rights Watch, 302—DEATHS thus far, MANY—OF—THEM VICTIMS—OF—POLICE—GUNFIRE on the nights of 20110128—20110129    —AND.
20120129             ALABAMA, police investigating 1—POSSIBLE—ROBBERY at 1—BIRMINGHAM home instead found 5—PEOPLE—DEAD inside.
20120129             3—SUSPECTS were arrested the next —DAY.
20120129             —COLLIDED, FLORIDA, 1—LONG—LINE—OF—CARS and trucks, 1—AFTER another on 1—DARK—HIGHWAY so shrouded in haze and smoke that drivers were instantly blinded.
20120129             —KILLED, At least 10—PEOPLE were, SOUTH—OF—GAINESVILLE on Interstate 75.
20120129             —PASSED, GEORGIA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES unanimously, 1—CRIMINAL—JUSTICE—REFORM—BILL that revised sentencing laws to keep NON—VIOLENT—DRUG and property offenders OUT—OF—PRISON.
20120129             —SIGNED, THE—STATE—SENATE did the same and Republican GOVERNOR—NATHAN—DEAL, it into law.
20120129             —CONVICTED, BAHRAIN—DETAINEES and activists, for taking part in ANTI—GOVERNMENT—DEMONSTRATIONS—LAST—YEAR began 1—HUNGER—STRIKE protesting 1—NEW—CRACKDOWN on demonstrators.
20120129             —FIRED, BANGLADESH police, guns and used batons on CROWDS—OF—STONE—THROWING opposition activists in several towns, killing at least 3—PEOPLE and injuring more than 100. The main BANGLADESH Nationalist Party and its key Islamist ally JAMAAT—E—ISLAMI have been demanding 1—INDEPENDENT—CARETAKER—GOVERNMENT oversee elections.
20120129             CANADA, 3—MEMBERS—OF—1—AFGHAN—CANADA—FAMILY, MOHAMMAD—SHAFIA and Tooba MOHAMMAD—YAHYA, and their eldest son Hamed MOHAMMAD—SHAFIA, were found GUILTY—OF—THE "honor killing" of 3—SIBLINGS and a 4. relative —AFTER 1—HIGH—PROFILE—TRIAL.
20120129             —INTRODUCED, Their victims were 3—OF—HAMED—SISTERS and the woman, to outsiders as 1—COUSIN, who turned out to be MOHAMMAD—SHAFIA—1. wife in 1—POLYGAMOUS—MARRIAGE.
20120129             —VOWED, They, not to cede ANY—GROUND to "the enemy," pledged to fight corruption and continue overhauling the island's listing Marxist economy with 1—INJECTION—OF—FREE—MARKET—REFORM.
20120129             —REITERATED, RAUL—CASTRO, 1—PLEDGE to institute term limits for CUBA—OFFICIALS.
20120129             —VOTED, Egyptians, for the upper HOUSE—OF—PARLIAMENT, in elections that are the latest step in the country's planned transition from military to CIVIL—RULE.
20120129             Voting took place in 13—PROVINCES for the 1. STAGE—OF—ELECTIONS for the largely advisory Shura Council.
20120129             A 2. stage will take place on 20120214—20150214.
20120129             —CONFIRMED, IRAN—MEDIA, that Saeed Malekpour (36), 1—IRAN—MAN with CANADA—RESIDENCY, has had 1—DEATH—SENTENCE against him reinstated by the supreme court on charges he operated 1—PORNOGRAPHIC—WEBSITE.
20120129             1—OFFICIAL with IRAQ—SUNNI—BACKED political alliance said its leaders have decided to end 1—PARLIAMENT boycott, but the bloc's ministers will stay away from Cabinet meetings to protest arrests and prosecution of Sunni officials.
20120129             1—ROADSIDE bomb targeting 1—POLICE—PATROL in SOUTH—EAST—BAGHDAD killed 1—PERSON.
20120129             1—ISRAEL—MILITARY—DRONE, that can fly as far as IRAN, crashed in CENTRAL—ISRAEL on 1—ROUTINE experimental flight.
20120129             THE—HERON—TP drone, also known locally as the Eitan, has 1—WINGSPAN—OF—86—FEET (26—METERS), making it the size of 1—BOEING 737—PASSENGER jet.
20120129             † ITALY, OSCAR—LUIGI—SCALFARO, 93—JAHRE—ALT, 1—PAST—PRESIDENT (19920000—19990000    ) who helped write ITALY—POST—WAR—CONSTITUTION.
20120129             JORDAN—HAMAS, CHIEF—KHALED—MESHAAL met with ABDULLAH—II—KING—OF— on his 1. official visit —SINCE his 19990000              expulsion, calling the trip a "new good start" towards better ties with the kingdom.
20120129             —ARRESTED, KENYA—POLICE, Abdi Rogo Mohammed, 1—MUSLIM preacher.
20120129             They said they found 1—CACHE—OF—WEAPONS in his house.
20120129             —ARRESTED, He had been previously, but acquitted of 20020000             —THE—BOMBING—OF—1—ISRAELI—OWNED hotel near MOMBASA which killed 15—PEOPLE.
20120129             —STORMED, NIGERIA, gunmen, police station near 1—BUS—STATION in KANO, leaving 2—CIVILIANS—DEAD.
20120129             THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—POTSIKUM, attackers traveling on 1—BICYCLE shot dead 1—GUARD outside 1—CHURCH.
20120129             RUSSIA, THOUSANDS—OF—CARS flying white ribbons or balloons circled CENTRAL—MOSCOW on —SUNDAY in 1—SHOW—OF—PROTEST against PRIME—MINISTER—VLADIMIR—PUTIN.
20120129             —KILLED, SENEGAL, 3—SOLDIERS were, by separatist rebels in the restive Casamance region.
20120129             SPAIN, THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS, including artists, politicians and union members, marched in downtown MADRID in support of Baltasar Garzon, 1—JUDGE who is on trial for allegedly overstepping his jurisdiction by probing atrocities stemming from SPAIN—CIVIL—WAR.
20120129             —RELEASED, SUDAN, 3—OIL—TANKERS held in 1—DISPUTE with breakaway SOUTH—SUDAN, which has accused KHARTOUM—OF—THEFT.
20120129             —LAUNCHED, THE—SYRIA—MILITARY, 1—OFFENSIVE to regain CONTROL—OF—SUBURBS on the eastern edge of DAMASCUS, storming neighborhoods and clashing with army defectors.
20120129             Fierce fighting sent residents fleeing and killed at least 3—CIVILIANS.
20120129             6—SOLDIERS were killed —WHEN 1—ROADSIDE bomb detonated near the bus they were traveling in several miles SOUTH—OF—THE—CAPITAL.
20120129             —REPORTED, Some 80—PEOPLE were, killed across Syria, HALF—OF—THEM civilians.
20120129             THAILAND—PARAMILITARIES shot dead 4—PEOPLE including 1—ELDERLY—MAN and 1—TEENAGER in the far south because they feared they were under attack.
20120129             UN nuclear inspectors began 1—CRITICAL—MISSION to IRAN to probe allegations of 1—SECRET—ATOMIC—WEAPONS—PROGRAM amid escalating Western economic pressure and warnings about safeguarding Gulf oil shipments from possible IRAN—BLOCKADES.
20120129             —ARMED, VENEZUELA, 4, men seized MEXICO—AMBASSADOR—CARLOS—PUJALTE and his wife as they were leaving 1—PARTY shortly —BEFORE midnight in CARACAS.
20120129             —FREED, The kidnappers, the couple —4—HOURS—LATER.
20120129             YEMEN, troops at THE—HEADQUARTERS—OF—THE—ELITE—REPUBLICAN Guard opened fire at 1—PROTEST by soldiers demanding the ouster of their brigade CHIEF over corruption charges.
20120129—20080000    —ARRESTED, Malekpour was, in IRAN —WHILE visiting his dying father.
20120129—20120206    —ANNOUNCED, THE—PROSECUTOR—GENERAL—OFFICE, the arrests of 3—SUSPECTS in the case: JUAN—PACHECO, Oswaldo LEON and Mayurki Barreto.
20120129—20120321    —ON, the military admitted troops had shot dead 4—MUSLIM villagers on their way to 1—FUNERAL due to a "misunderstanding".
20130129             —GUNNED, CHICAGO, Hadiya Pendleton (15) was, down in 1—PARK.
20130129             —PLEADED, FORMER—MICHIGAN SUPREME—COURT—JUSTICE—DIANE—HATHAWAY, guilty to bank fraud for concealing assets, including 1—FLORIDA home, and urging 1—BANK to short sale 1—DETROIT—AREA—HOME claiming financial hardship.
20130129             —PLEDGED, African and Western nations, more than $450—MILLION to fund 1—AFRICAN—LED military force to fight Islamist extremists in MALI.
20130129             —CONVICTED, BULGARIA, Zlatomir Ivanov (44), 1, underworld boss, was shot and seriously wounded outside 1—COURTHOUSE in SOFIA.
20130129             —MANAGED, His bodyguard, to return fire but was wounded in the leg.
20130129             —SHROUDED, Thick, OFF—THE—SCALE smog, EAST—CHINA for the 2. time in about 2—WEEKS, forcing airlines to cancel flights because of poor visibility and prompting BEIJING to temporarily shut factories and curtail FLEETS—OF—GOVERNMENT—CARS.
20130129             —GATHERED, IRAN, FOLLOWERS—OF—THE—MINORITY—ZOROASTRIAN religion, —AFTER sunset to mark Sadeh — 1—ANCIENT—MID—WINTER feast dating to IRAN—PRE—ISLAMIC—PAST that is also drawing new interest from Muslims.
20130129             —ARRIVED, JORDAN—,1—WAVE—OF—21,000—SYRIA—REFUGEES, in the past —WEEK, moving into NORTH—JORDAN at about 5—TIMES the usual daily rate.
20130129             The crowded Zatari camp, already struggling with flooding, short supplies and tent fires, was overwhelmed.
20130129             KAZAKHSTAN, 1—SCAT passenger jet carrying at least 20—PEOPLE crashed in heavy fog near ALMATY, killing all on BOARD.
20130129             —ENDANGERED, MALAYSIA—WILDLIFE officials said 10, Borneo pygmy elephants have been found dead at the Gunung Rara Forest Reserve under mysterious circumstances.
20130129             —POISONED, Officials said that they probably were, over the past 3—WEEKS.
20130129             The remains of 3—MORE were found the next —DAY bringing the total to 13.
20130129             The website of the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad, the Tuaregs' name for NORTH—MALI, claimed control of the strategic CITY—OF—KIDAL and 7—OTHER—NORTHERN—TOWNS from Islamist extremists.
20130129             MEXICO—IMMIGRATION—AUTHORITIES said they have broken up 1—BIZARRE—CULT that allegedly ran 1—SEX—SLAVERY ring among its followers on THE—USA—BORDER.
20130129             The "Defensores de Cristo" or "DEFENDERS—OF—CHRIST" allegedly recruited women to have sex with 1—SPAIN—MAN who claimed he was THE—REINCARNATION—OF—CHRIST.
20130129             —DISPLACED, THE—UN said more than 150,000 have been, by flooding in MOZAMBIQUE over the last several days as the overall death toll stood at 38.
20130129             PAKISTAN, gunmen riding on 1—MOTORCYCLE shot and killed 1—POLICE—OFFICER protecting polio workers —DURING 1—UN—BACKED vaccination campaign in Gullu Dheri village, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.
20130129             —OPENED, Gunmen driving in 1—CAR, fire and killed 2—POLICE—CONSTABLES in QUETTA.
20130129             —DETONATED, SOMALIA, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER in MOGADISHU, explosives in the presidential palace compound outside THE—HOME—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—ABDI—FARAH—SHIRDON, killing himself and 2—PEOPLE.
20130129             —CHARGED, THE—SOMALIA—GOVERNMENT, 1—WOMAN who has said she was raped by security forces.
20130129             Human Rights Watch —LATER said 3—OTHER—PEOPLE including the woman's husband were also charged with assisting the alleged rape victim to evade investigators.
20130129             —GRANTED, SOUTH—KOREA—OUTGOING PRESIDENT—LEE—MYUNG—BAK, special pardons 55—PEOPLE including political allies, 1—LONGTIME friend and DOZENS—OF—OTHERS CONVICTED—OF—CORRUPTION and other crimes.
20130129             At its meeting in GENEVA, THE—UN—HUMAN—RIGHTS—COUNCIL waited for ISRAEL to appear for its ONCE—EVERY—4—YEARS—RIGHTS—REVIEW, then determined it had not.
20130129             ISRAEL said —LAST—YEAR it would stop cooperating with the council because of 1—INTERNATIONAL—FACT—FINDING mission into ISRAEL—SETTLEMENTS.
20130129             —STORMED, SYRIA—REBELS, 1—GOVERNMENT—INTELLIGENCE—COMPLEX in THE—EAST—OF—THE—COUNTRY, freeing at least 11—PEOPLE held in 1—PRISON at the facility in  Deir EL—ZOUR.
20130129             —CARRIED, Regime warplanes, several airstrikes on rebel positions in towns and villages —AROUND DAMASCUS, including EAST—GHOUTA and Yalda, and hit other suburbs with artillery.
20130129             The bodies of some 80—PEOPLE, some with hands tied behind their backs, were pulled from 1—RIVER—NEAR—ALEPPO as the government and rebels trying to overthrow it blamed EACH—OTHER for the latest mass killing.
20130129             —KILLED, THE—OBSERVATORY said 1—TOTAL—OF at least 160—PEOPLE were, —TODAY in Syria, —WHILE THE—LCC put the figure at 162.
20130129             † SYRIA, MUSA—MARAGHA, 86—JAHRE—ALT, 1—HARD—LINE—PALESTINE—MILITARY—COMMANDER who rebelled against leader Yasser Arafat to form his own rival party, in DAMASCUS.
20130129             Maragha was better known by his nom de guerre, "ABU—MUSA".
20130129             —KILLED, Attacks by YEMEN—AIR—FORCE, at least 16—AL—QAIDA militants and wounded DOZENS—OF—OTHERS.
20130129             —FREED, YEMEN—MILITARY, 13—SOLDIERS captured by AL—QAIDA the previous —EVENING.
20130129             —SEIZED, STATE—NEWS—YEMEN—AUTHORITIES have, 1—SHIP in the nation's territorial waters carrying explosives and weapons, including ANTI—AIRCRAFT—MISSILES.
20130129             —INTERCEPTED, THE—USA—SAID the ship, last —WEEK, came from IRAN.
20130129—19880000    —REPORTED, MYANMAR—STATE—RUN—MYANMA—AHLIN newspaper, that Order No 2/88, 1—BAN on public gatherings of more than 5—PEOPLE that was ordered, was abolished.
20130129—20130211    —ON, gang members MICHAEL—WARD, 18—JAHRE—ALT and KENNETH—WILLIAMS, 20—JAHRE—ALT were charged with her murder.
20130129—20130528    —ON, she was sentenced to 1—YEAR and 1—DAY in prison.
20130623—20110129    —ON, 1—EGYPT—COURT said that Muslim Brotherhood members conspired with Hamas, Hezbollah and local militants to storm 1—PRISON, and free 34—BROTHERHOOD leaders, including the future PRESIDENT—MOHAMMED—MORSI.
20140129             1—RARE—WINTER—STORM gripped THE—USA—SOUTH, killing 5—PEOPLE in ALABAMA, stranding children overnight at their schools, gnarling traffic across MANY—STATES and canceling flights at the world's busiest airport.
20140129             1—CALIFORNIA school teacher was arrested as investigators found as many as 350—LIVING and dead pythons stacked inside THE—SANTA—ANA home of WILLIAM—BUCHMAN.
20140129             —ARRESTED, CALIFORNIA state and federal authorities, 11—PEOPLE in THE—MODESTO area in 1—LARGE—DRUG trafficking operation.
20140129             —CITED, S—FRANCISCO—MICHAEL—KWONG, (42) was, for being in violation of a 20110000              state ban on shark fins.
20140129             —SEIZED, Authorities, 2,138—POUNDS—OF—SHARK for sale at his Kwong Yip INCORPORATED business.
20140129             Google said it is ridding itself of 1—FINANCIAL headache by selling Motorola MOBILITY—SMARTPHONE business to Lenovo for $2.9—BILLION.
20140129             The deal came less than —2—YEARS—AFTER Google bought Motorola Mobility for $12.4—BILLION in the biggest acquisition of GOOGLE—15—YEAR—HISTORY.
20140129             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE bomber, 2—AFGHANISTAN—SOLDIERS in 1—MARKET in Ghazni.
20140129             15—TALIBAN fighters were killed in 1—OPERATION conducted by THE—AFGHANISTAN—SECURITY—FORCES in GHAZNI—ANDAR district.
20140129             BRAZIL, 1—ANTI—CORRUPTION—LAW went into effect.
20140129             It made companies liable for bribes paid by their employees and for ACTS—OF—CORRUPTION against domestic and foreign public officials.
20140129             1—COLD spell and snowstorms was sweeping across parts of central and EAST—EUROPE, disrupting power supplies, travel and schools.
20140129             —REPORTED, BULGARIA, 4—DEATHS in recent days due to the weather.
20140129             —REFERRED, EGYPT—CHIEF—PROSECUTOR, 20—JOURNALISTS from THE—AL—JAZEERA TV network, including 4—FOREIGNERS, to trial on charges of allegedly joining or assisting 1—TERRORIST—GROUP and spreading false news that endangers national security.
20140129             FRANCE—BAYERN MUNICH winger Franck Ribery and Real MADRID forward KARIM—BENZEMA were acquitted on charges of soliciting 1—UNDERAGE prostitute, ending 1—CASE that has lasted more than 3—YEARS and tarnished both players' reputation.
20140129             ISRAEL—SOLDIERS—NORTH—OF—RAMALLA shot dead MOHAMMAD—MUBARA, 19—JAHRE—ALT, 1—PALESTINE—FROM the Jalazun refugee camp.
20140129             —ARMED, EYE—WITNESSES said Mubarak was not, and had been harassed by soldiers who made him remove his clothes.
20140129             PAKISTAN, 3—BOMB—BLASTS including 1—SUICIDE—ATTACK targeting security forces killed at least 4—PEOPLE in KARACHI.
20140129             —DISMISSED, PRIME—MINISTER—NAWAZ—SHARIF, speculation he would launch 1—OFFENSIVE against the Taliban and called on militants to observe 1—CEASEFIRE.
20140129             THE—PHILIPPINES, a 2—DAY—OPERATION left as least 37—ISLAMIC—FIGHTERS—DEAD.
20140129             —OPPOSED, THE—BANGSAMORO—ISLAMIC—FREEDOM—MOVEMENT, peace talks and had staged attacks in Maguindanao province.
20140129             —ANNOUNCED, SAUDI—ARABIA—HEALTH—AUTHORITIES, 1—NEW—MERS death, bringing to 59 THE—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE who have † from the coronavirus in the country with the most fatalities.
20140129             —HERALDED, SOMALIA, African Union forces, 1—PUSH into the heartland of militants in SOUTH—CENTER—SOMALIA.
20140129             —ANNOUNCED, SOUTH—AFRICA—RESERVE—BANK, 1—SHOCK—RISE—OF—HALF 1—PERCENTAGE—POINT in its main interest rate, amid sustained pressure on the rand and rising inflation.
20140129             —RELEASED, SOUTH—SUDAN, to KENYA 7—OF—THE—11—KEY—LEADERS held —AFTER 1 alleged coup bid last —MONTH, as NAIROBI accepted to host the group.
20140129             INTERNATIONAL charity Save the Children said a 3. of the children in SPAIN are at THE—RISK—OF—POVERTY or social exclusion due to ongoing austerity measures.
20140129             —DISCUSSED, SYRIA—NEGOTIATORS in GENEVA, the establishment of 1—TRANSITIONAL government body for the 1. time.
20140129             TUNISIA—NEW technocratic government under PRIME—MINISTER—MEHDI—JOMAA, 51—JAHRE—ALT was sworn in.
20140129             —ARRIVED, TURKEY—PRIME—MINISTER—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN, in IRAN to bolster trade and energy relations.
20140129—20070000    —EXPANDED, USA—DIRECTOR—OF—NATIONAL—INTELLIGENCE—JAMES—CLAPPER said that NORTH—KOREA has, the size of its uranium enrichment facility at its Nyongbyon nuclear complex and restarted 1—PLUTONIUM reactor that was shut down.
20140131—20140129    —ON, Activists from —AROUND CHINA began arriving at THE—EAST—TOWN—OF—QUFU —DURING THE—CHINA—NEW—YEAR—HOLIDAY to demand 1—INVESTIGATION into THE—DEATH—OF—1—FELLOW—ACTIVIST—FATHER at 1—GOVERNMENT building.
20150101—20150129    —ON, he was extradited to FRANCE.
20150128—20150129    —REASSUMED, Bandaranayake, her duties but would retire —AFTER attending 1—FAREWELL ceremony.
20150129             es ist kein Zufall, dass die neue Mode der Gotik ausgerechnet am Übergang zwischen dem 11000101—12991231    aufkam.
20150129             Besonders wirkmächtig schnitzten Aufklärer 16000101—17991231    —UND—DES, sowie ROMANTIKEr
20150129             Fortschritt wurde —ERST 16000101—16991231    —SPÄTEM—IM, zum LEIT—WERT 1—KULTUR, die sich aus den Fängen der Tradition befreien, selbst denken, voranschreiten wollte.
20150129             Der französische Philosoph WILHELM—VON—CONCHES brachte die Ansicht —ANFANG des 10000101—10991231 in 1—SATZ: "sumus relatores et expositores veterum, non inventores novorum"- wir sind Vermittler und Erklärer des Alten, nicht Erfinder von Neuem.
20150129             —SENTENCED, THE—USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT said 4—PUERTO—RICO police officers have been, —AFTER pleading guilty to robbery, selling drugs and manipulating court records.
20150129             3—OF—THE—OFFICERS were sentenced to more than 5—YEARS in prison and a 4. to 7—YEARS.
20150129             2—PILOTS soaring over the Pacific traveled farther than the 5,209-mile official world distance record for human flight in 1—GAS—BALLOON.
20150129             The decision kept internal documents detailing sex abuse allegations 19710000—20070000    —FROM—TO secret from the public.
20150129             —INCLUDED, His work, some 200—ALBUMS and over 30—COLLECTIONS—OF poetry.
20150129             SOME—OF—HIS—BEST—KNOWN songs, including "If You Go Away" and "Seasons in the Sun" were written with BELGIUM—COMPOSER—JACQUES—BRELL.
20150129             —EXECUTED, TEXAS, ROBERT—LADD, 57—JAHRE—ALT for killing 1—WOMAN, 38—JAHRE—ALT nearly 20—YEARS ago —WHILE on parole for 1—TRIPLE slaying years —EARLIER.
20150129             —KILLED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMB—ATTACK on 1—FUNERAL, 16—PEOPLE and injured another 39 in Laghman province.
20150129             The gunman wore 1—AFGHANISTAN—UNIFORM.
20150129             † In SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN at least 23—PEOPLE and 31 were injured —WHEN 1—BUS crashed into 1—FUEL—TRUCK on 1—NARROW—ROAD in Zabul province.
20150129             —INCLUDED, Her 25—NOVELS, "THE—THORN—BIRDS" (19770000             ), which sold 30—MILLION—COPIES—WORLDWIDE.
20150129             —SENTENCED, AZERBAIJAN, opposition JOURNALIST—SEYMUR—HAZI to 5—YEARS in prison.
20150129             —JAILED, He was originally, last August —AFTER being convicted on CHARGES—OF—HOOLIGANISM.
20150129             1—FISHING boat carrying migrants to MALAYSIA capsized off THE—SOUTH—COAST—OF—BANGLADESH and about 20—PEOPLE were missing.
20150129             The passengers were reportedly being taken by traffickers to MALAYSIA for unconfirmed jobs.
20150129             1—BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—ARMS exporter threatened to sue government officials who are blocking a 5—MILLION—EURO—DEAL his company has with UKRAINE BECAUSE—OF—OBJECTIONS from RUSSIA, which called on Bosnia not to supply UKRAINE with weapons.
20150129             CHAD sent 1—WARPLANE dropping bombs and ground troops to drive Islamic extremists from 1—NIGERIA—BORDER—TOWN, leaving it strewn with the bodies of the Islamic extremists.
20150129             Boko Haram fighters made a 2. attack in 1—WEEK on MAIDUGURI.
20150129             1—CHINA—COAST—GUARD ship allegedly rammed and damaged 3—THE—PHILIPPINES—FISHING boats at 1 disputed shoal in THE—SOUTH—CHINA—SEA.
20150129             DENMARK—CENTRAL—BANK said id will cut its interest rate on CERTIFICATES—OF—DEPOSIT by 0.15—PERCENTAGE—POINTS to -0.5—PERCENT, effective 20150130             , to keep the krone currency stable against the euro.
20150129             —PROTESTED, EGYPT, 1—GROUP—OF—WOMEN, in CAIRO against THE—DEATH—OF—SHAIMAA—SABBAGH, 22—JAHRE—ALT and —AROUND 25—OTHER—ACTIVISTS allegedly killed by security forces at recent rallies marking the 4. ANNIVERSARY—OF—EGYPT'S 20110000              uprising.
20150129             —KILLED, EGYPT, at least 30—SOLDIERS and police officers were, in 4—SEPARATE—ATTACKS in THE—SINAI—PENINSULA.
20150129             † 2—CHILDREN, 1—OF—THEM 6—MONTHS—OLD, 1—DAY—LATER from wounds suffered.
20150129             —EXTENDED, THE—EU, by 6—MONTHS 1—EXISTING SET—OF—SANCTIONS against RUSSIA and PRO—RUSSIA—SEPARATIST—OFFICIALS because of continued fighting in THE—UKRAINE.
20150129             —CANCELED, GERMANY, DOZENS—OF—FLIGHTS were, at Duesseldorf and COLOGNE—BONN airports —AFTER private security workers walked off the job in 1—DISPUTE over wages.
20150129             —KILLED, IRAQ, bombings and 1—SHOOTING, at least 16—PEOPLE—AROUND BAGHDAD, including soldiers and Shiite militiamen.
20150129             —DEMANDED, JORDAN, proof from Islamic State militants that 1—JORDAN—PILOT they are holding is still alive, despite purported threats by the group to kill the airman at sunset unless 1—AL—QAIDA prisoner is freed from death row in JORDAN.
20150129             —KILLED, MEXICO, 1—NURSE and 2—BABIES, were, —WHEN 1—GAS—TRUCK exploded and destroyed 1—LARGE—PART—OF—1—MATERNITY—HOSPITAL in THE—WEST—OF—MEXICO—CITY.
20150129             SOUTH—SUDAN—PRESIDENT—SALVA—KIIR and rebel leader Riek Machar met in ETHIOPIA for the latest ROUND—OF—PEACE—TALKS mediated by EAST—AFRICAN leaders aimed at ending their 13—MONTH—OLD—CIVIL.
20150129             —KIDNAPPED, SUDAN, 2—RUSSIA—PILOTS were, in the Darfur region.
20150129             —ATTACKED, THE—SYRIA—ARM—OF al Qaeda, 1—WESTERN—BACKED rebel group near ALEPPO.
20150129             —SEIZED, THE—NUSRA—FRONT, positions from the Hazzm movement WEST—OF—ALEPPO.
20150129             —KILLED, Government airstrikes, at least 8—PEOPLE in THE—NORTH—TOWN—OF—AL—BAB held by the Islamic State.
20150129             1—UGANDAN—MUSLIM sheikh and 17—OTHERS were charged with killing 2—FELLOW—CLERICS in 1—CASE that police linked to Islamist rebels in Democratic REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO.
20150129             Sheikh MUHAMMAD—YUNUS—KAMOGA, THE—LEADER—OF—UGANDA—MUSLIM—TABLIQ group, and 17—OTHERS were charged for the murders of 2—CLERICS last December, and the attempted murder of a 3. —EARLIER this —MONTH.
20150129             UN experts said over 38,000 SOMALIA—CHILDREN are at "high risk" from dying from starvation despite hunger levels improving by almost a 3. across THE—WAR—TORN nation.
20150129             —KILLED, EAST—UKRAINE, 5—GOVERNMENT—SOLDIERS and 3—CIVILIANS were, as 1—RESULT—OF—FIGHTING in the past 24—HOURS.
20150129             —REPORTED, YEMEN, that 2—SOLDIERS were killed and 2 wounded —WHEN they were ambushed —WHILE on patrol by suspected al Qaeda militants in THE—CENTRAL—PROVINCE—OF—MARIB.
20150129             —BEKOMMT, Boeing 747-8: USA—PRÄSIDENT, neue AIR—FORCE—1
20150129             —STREIT—ÜBER—LUX Leaks: JUNCKER muss UNTERSUCHUNGS—AUSSCHUSS fürchten
20150129             —BLOCKIERT, Hunger in SYRIEN—IS, HILFE—FÜR—600.000—MENSCHEN
20150129             TODES—STRAFE IN—DEN—USA: Illusion des sanften Tötens
20150129             Untersuchung zum Tathergang: Geisel in SYDNEY starb durch POLIZEIschüsse
20150129             Pläne DER—NEUEN Regierung: EU—POLITIKER entsetzt über griechischen Linksschwenk
20150129             —JAHRES—BILANZ, DEUTSCHE—BANK überrascht mit hohem —JAHRES—GEWINN
20150129             FLÜCHTLINGE—IN—DEUTSCHLAND: Asylverfahren dauern nicht mehr so lange
20150129             RUSSLAND—PRÄSIDENT: Glaubt PUTIN die eigene PROPAGANDA?
20150129             Missverstandene Epoche: Forscher zerpflücken These vom dunklen MITTEL—ALTER
20150129             NEANDERTALER und moderner Mensch: Sie trafen sich in ISRAEL
20150129             Wintersaison: Arbeitslosigkeit steigt auf mehr als 3.000.000
20150129             —HEUTE—IN—DEN—FEUILLETONS: "Dann ist es vorbei mit der MEINUNGS—FREIHEIT"
20150129             —VERHÖRT, FRANKREICH—POLIZEI, Achtjährigen wegen Sympathien mit CHARLIE—HEBDO —ATTENTÄTERN
20150129             KAMPF—GEGEN—SEPARATISTEN: UKRAINE zahlt Soldaten "Abschussprämien"
20150129             ist das STRAßBURGER—MÜNSTER so etwas wie der steingewordene Gegenbeweis 1—DER hartnäckigsten Stereotype über DAS—MITTEL—ALTER:
20150129             das nämlich, es ist kaum möglich, GESCHICHTE objektiv und neutral einfach nur zu beschreiben.
20150129             färben Erfahrungen von —HEUTE die Sicht auf FRÜHERE—ZEITEN, wie der Ägyptologe JAN—ASSMANN schreibt:
20150129             "Die Vergangenheit wird von der Gegenwart nicht einfach rezipiert.
20150129             —REKONSTRUIERT, DIE—VERGANGENHEIT wird von der Gegenwart,
20150129             —MODELLIERT, DIE—VERGANGENHEIT wird von der Gegenwart, und
20150129             DIE—VERGANGENHEIT wird von der Gegenwart unter Umständen auch erfunden".
20150129             DIE—SCHÖPFUNG, so die Vorstellung der MITTEL—ALTER—DENKER, war nun einmal abgeschlossen, menschliche Kreativität konnte deshalb höchstens "Imitatio"sein, also Nachahmung, und wer anderes behauptete, machte sich verwerflicher Eitelkeit schuldig:
20150129             "Dass man abweichende Sitten, Absonderlichkeiten und Neuartiges in Lebensweise und Kleidung meiden soll", mahnte etwa DIE—SPÄTER, heiliggesprochene Nonne Hildegard von Bingen in ihrer Schrift "Wisse die Wege des Herrn".
20150129             Deshalb versuchte man, Erfindungen ODER—NEUE Entwicklungen möglichst nicht als solche herauszustellen, sondern, im Gegenteil, auf ihre lange Tradition zu verweisen.
20150129             "Als Neuerung zulässig ist nur das, was überliefert ist", lautet 1—DER päpstlichen Zitate aus der SPÄT—ANTIKE, mit denen man diese Anschauung BEGRÜNDETe.
20150129             Im Zweifel fälschte man dafür Dokumente.
20150129             1—ANDERE Strategie war es, für Innovationen verharmlosende Begriffe wie "Korrigieren", "Reformieren", "Verbessern"zu nutzen,
20150129             "Eine Änderung bestehender Verhältnisse lässt sich nur im Rückbezug auf alte Zustände legitimieren,
20150129             es gab den Wandel, nur wurde er nicht groß zum Thema gemacht.
20150129             STRAßBURGer MÜNSTER: Zwischen der Architektur der ROMAnik und Gotik liegen nicht nur geschmackliche Welten, auch die Fähigkeiten der KATHEDRALEN—BAU—MEISTER entwickelten sich enorm weiter.
20150129             Heutige Historiker datieren
20150129             EINIGE—FORSCHER wie der ÖSTERREICHische Historiker PETER Dinzelbacher mutmaßen gar,
20150129             Das vielleicht deutlichste Zeichen aber, dass DIE—ZEIT—GENOSSEN den Wandel wahrnahmen, war DIE—ALLMÄHLICHE Aufwertung des —BIS dato extrem negativ belegten "Neuen".
20150129             —VERLOREN, Langsam aber sicher, Neuerungen ihren schlechten Ruf.
20150129             VOR—ALLEM die moderne gotische BAU—KUNST wurde durchaus als Innovation gefeiert.
20150129             Auch ERFINDUNGEN—ETWA jene der Brille oder der UHR—WURDEN nun sogar in Predigten positiv gewürdigt.
20150129             Dort wartete 1—FERNE, bessere ZUKUNFT, gestaltbar von Menschen, realisierbar auf Erden, so dachte man nun.
20150129             DIE—ANGST—VOR—DEM—WELTENDE, die feste Überzeugung, 1—BESSERES Leben nur im Jenseits erwarten zu können, den festgefügten göttlichen Heilsplan nicht durch eigene Kraft verändern zu KÖNNEN—ALL das hatte man bald vergessen.
20150129             DIE—OFT unausgesprochenen Normen WAREN—NICHT anders als die HEUTIGEN—ALLGEGENWÄRTIG, prägten das Denken, Fühlen und Handeln DER—MENSCHEN fundamental.
20150129             wenn selbst scheinbar elementare Gefühle wie die romantische Liebe zu 1—PARTNER, 1—SCHLECHTES Gewissen oder die Freude bei der Erfindung von etwas Neuem nicht naturgegeben, sondern historisch bedingt sind, wie man —HEUTE annimmt:
20150129             —GEGEBEN, Relativiert das nicht auch, was man selbst für, und nicht veränderbar hält?
20150129             Rüttelt es nicht an dem oft arg festen Rahmen des eigenen Weltbilds?
20150129             In ihren Bildern etwa, die —HEUTE—NOCH, berühren, in vielen ihrer Schriften, deren erzählerische Wucht —HEUTE—NOCH, mitreißt, in ihren Bauwerken, die —HEUTE—NOCH, staunen lassen.
20150129             Sie waren Personen mit ähnlichen Grundbedürfnissen wie die Heutigen, hatten Hunger und Durst, empfanden Freude und Angst, Lust und Leid.
20150129             DIE—FRAGEN, die sie an DIE—WELT stellten, waren oft andere als —HEUTE.
20150129             Vielleicht erklärt genau das, warum DIE—EPOCHE —HEUTE—BIS so fasziniert.
20150129             "GRIECHENLAND muss EUROPA respektieren", sagte JUNCKER der FRANKREICH—ZEITUNG "Le Figaro".
20150129             EUROPA erkenne das "universelle Leid in GRIECHENLAND"an, ATHEN müsse aber auch die öffentlichen Meinungen im Rest von EUROPA respektieren, sagte JUNCKER.
20150129             ALEXIS—TSIPRAS hatte —AM—WOCHEN—ENDE mit seinem Linksbündnis Syriza DIE—WAHL—IN—GRIECHENLAND gewonnen und —AM—MONTAG DAS—AMT des MINISTER—PRÄSIDENTEN übernommen.
20150129             Er fordert unter anderem 1—SCHULDEN—SCHNITT für sein Land.
20150129             JUNCKER sagte dazu, zwar seien gewisse "Arrangements möglich", 1—ERLASS stehe aber außer Frage.
20150129             "Das werden die anderen Länder DER—EURO—ZONE nicht akzeptieren".
20150129             Bei 1—TREFFEN—MIT—TSIPRAS will sich EU—PARLAMENTS—PRÄSIDENT—MARTIN—SCHULZ Klarheit über DIE—FINANZPOLITISCHEN Pläne DER—NEUEN Regierung in ATHEN verschaffen.
20150129             "Ich werde sicherlich Tacheles mit ihm reden", sagte Schulz der BILD—ZEITUNG vor dem AM—DONNERSTAG in ATHEN geplanten Treffen.
20150129             Für 1—SCHULDEN—SCHNITT gebe es in DER—EURO—ZONE keine Mehrheit.
20150129             "Ich werde TSIPRAS aber ermuntern, endlich die Milliardäre, die ihr Geld ins Ausland gebracht haben, zur STEUER zu bitten.
20150129             Das ist kurzfristig machbar, hilft uns in BRÜSSEL bei der STEUER—FLUCHT—BEKÄMPFUNG.
20150129             Und ist sicher leichter durchzusetzen als 1—SCHULDEN—SCHNITT".
20150129             Für besonderen Unmut in BRÜSSEL sorgt zudem, dass die neue GRIECHENLAND—REGIERUNG 1—DEUTLICHE Nähe zu MOSKAU erkennen lässt.
20150129             zeichnet sich ab, dass TSIPRAS sein Veto gegen EU—SANKTIONEN—GEGEN—RUSSLAND einlegen könnte.
20150129             —GEWESEN, Dies sei "sicherlich kein gelungener Einstand", sagte Schulz.
20150129             "Diese Alleingänge gehen nicht einfach so ohne Absprache".
20150129             —GESEHEN, Im ZDF sagte Schulz, er habe mit Entsetzen, dass GRIECHENLAND die gemeinsame Position DER—EUROPÄISCHE—UNION gegenüber RUSSLAND aufgegeben habe.
20150129             Der VIZE—PRÄSIDENT—DES—EU—PARLAMENTS, ALEXANDER Graf LAMBSDORFF (FDP), fordert dagegen etwas Geduld mit dem neuen griechischen REGIERUNGS—CHEF.
20150129             "Man muss sehen, dass ALEXIS—TSIPRAS kaum 48—STUNDEN im Amt ist", sagte LAMBSDORFF der in BIELEFELD erscheinenden "Neuen Westfälischen".
20150129             "Dass 1—NEUER REGIERUNGS—CHEF —ERST einmal 1—FEUERWERK abbrennt, um die eigene Wählerschaft zu beeindrucken, ist auch bei uns nicht völlig unüblich".
20150129             DIE—1.MAßNAHMEn von TSIPRAS seien falsch.
20150129             Aber noch wisse man nicht, was er in BRÜSSEL konkret erkläre.
20150129             Beim Thema Privatisierungstopp ruderte die neue GRIECHENLAND—REGIERUNG —INZWISCHEN wieder 1—STÜCK zurück.
20150129             DAS—LAND wünsche sich Investitionen und werde bald 1—LISTE mit entsprechenden Optionen präsentieren, sagte VIZE—REGIERUNGS—CHEF—GIANNIS—DRAGASAKIS nach 1—TREFFEN—MIT—TSIPRAS —AM—MITTWOCHABEND.
20150129             Dragasakis ist in der KOALITION zuständig für DIE—FINANZ—, WIRTSCHAFTS—POLITIK.
20150129             Pläne zum Privatisierungsstopp hatten den griechischen AKTIEN—MARKT —AM—MITTWOCH stark belastet.
20150129             DIE—KURSEINBRÜCHE lösten Aussagen mehrerer MINISTER aus, wonach es keine neuen Privatisierungen mehr geben solle.
20150129             Zahlreiche —BEREITS vereinbarte sollten demnach auf Eis gelegt werden.
20150129             Auf Reporterfragen, wie es zu den Aussagen DER—MINISTER kam, sagte Dragasakis, diese seien junge Ressortchefs.
20150129             Dafür müsse man Verständnis haben.
20150129             DIE—ZUSTÄNDIGEN MINISTER stünden allen Interessenten zur Verfügung, um sie über Investitionsmöglichkeiten in GRIECHENLAND zu informieren.
20150129             VIELE—ANLEGER stießen diese ab.
20150129             Zudem drohte die Ratingagentur S&P mit 1—HERABSTUFUNG der Bonität des Landes in den Ramschbereich.
20150129             DIE—VORGESCHLAGENE Wirtschafts—, BUDGET—POLITIK DER—NEUEN Regierung sei teilweise nicht mit den Abmachungen zwischen früheren griechischen Regierungen und den Gläubigern des Landes vereinbar, hieß es zur Begründung.
20150129             Auf einmal beeilt sich 1—SCHULZ darauf zu drängen, daß endlich die superreichen Griechen zur Kasse gebeten werden, da er weiß, daß Syriza das sowieso vorhat.
20150129             DIE—VON—WASHINGTON im Rahmen seiner geostrategischen und ökonomischen Aggression gegenüber RUSSLAND diktierten Sanktionen werden von DER—NEUEN griechischen Regierung nicht mitgetragen, zumindest duldet sie keine weitere Verschärfung.
20150129             WASHINGTON wird nun alles daran setzen, seinen Kurs halten zu können, einschließlich offener Erpressung.
20150129             Für EUROPA eröffnet sich DIE—CHANCE, sich mit Hilfe der Griechen vom unerträglichen USA—DIKTAT zu befreien und zu 1—EIGENSTÄNDIGEN, vernünftigen, verantwortungsvollen —POLITIK zu finden.
20150129             204. Herr Schulz ist das Demokratie?
20150129             1—NICHT vom Volk gewählter EU—PARLAMENTS—PRÄSIDENT will 1—VOM Volk gewählten Präsidenten GRIECHENLANDs die Leviten lesen.
20150129             Ja wo sind wir denn Herr Schulz.
20150129             Wäre DIE—EU 1—LAND, dürfe es aufgrund massiven Demokratiedefizits nicht in DIE—EU eintreten.
20150129             Das ist 1—TATSACHE.
20150129             Rückzieher: Kölner Karneval stoppt CHARLIE—HEBDO—WAGEN
20150129             Mysteriöse Flüge: Drohnen über französischer ATOM—WAFFENBASIS
20150129             Spaltung der ANTI—ISLAM—BEWEGUNG: PEGIDA gegen PEGIDA
20150129             BUNDES—TAG: Nächster Abgeordneter verlässt NSA—AUSSCHUSS
20150129             GUANTANAMO—TAGEBUCH: Das zensierte Grauen
20150129             Stiftung Warentest: Nur jedes 2. Hackfleisch ist gut
20150129             Einprogrammierte FLUGVERBOT—ZONEN: Neue SOFTWARE soll Drohnen vom WEIßES—HAUS fernhalten
20150129             SUPER—SATURN: Der wahre Herr der Ringe
20150129             Linksschwenk in GRIECHENLAND: Merkels Gift für EUROPA
20150129             Windkraft: Neue Anlagen könnten 4—ATOM—KRAFT—WERKE ersetzen
20150129             Affenversuche in Tübingen: Ermittler durchsuchen MAX—PLANCK—INSTITUT
20150129             Haushaltsplan: OBAMA will mehr Geld fürs MILITÄR ausgeben
20150129             Griechische Unternehmerin zu SYRIZA—SIEG: "Das war 1—WAHL der Verzweiflung"
20150129             —VERHANDLUNGEN—MIT—DEM IS: Die unfreiwillige TOP—TERRORISTIN
20150129             BUNDESWEHR—TRAINER für Kurden: BUNDES—TAG erteilt Marschbefehl in den NORD—IRAK
20150129             WELT—KRIEGSENDE —VOR—70—JAHREN: LINKSFR—AKTION will PUTIN in den BUNDES—TAG einladen
20150129             Der Saturn ist 1—WAHRER Riese.
20150129             DIE—ERDE würde mehr als 750-mal in den zweitgrößten Planeten unseres SONNEN—SYSTEMS hineinpassen.
20150129             Doch neben dem Giganten, den Astronomen kürzlich in den Tiefen des Alls entdeckt haben, ist Saturn nicht mehr als 1—ZWERG.
20150129             Der Planet, den DIE—FORSCHER —BEREITS—VOR—2—JAHREN im Orbit um den jungen Stern J1407 entdeckt haben, ist nicht nur 30- —BIS 130-mal schwerer als SATURN—SEIN RING—SYSTEM IST—CA—200—MAL größer.
20150129             Das geplante Motiv: 1—JECK stopft 1—TERRORISTEN 1—BUNT—STIFT in den Waffenlauf.
20150129             So wollte der Kölner Karneval eigentlich für den SCHUTZ—DER—MEINUNGS—FREIHEIT werben.
20150129             Der Entwurf hatte sich bei 1—ABSTIMMUNG auf FACEBOOK durchgesetzt.
20150129             Er erhielt fast 2500—DER mehr als 7000—STIMMEN, die für insgesamt 14—VORSCHLÄGE abgegeben worden waren.
20150129             Das FEST—KOMITEE wies Berichte zurück, wonach Gruppen oder Karnevalsgesellschaften Ängste geäußert hätten, vor oder hinter dem geplanten CHARLIE—HEBDO—WAGEN zu gehen.
20150129             Im Gegenteil hätten sich VIELE—GESELLSCHAFTEN für die Mitfahrt auf diesem Wagen beworben, um damit 1—ZEICHEN für die MEINUNGS—FREIHEIT zu setzen.
20150129             Man stehe zur Botschaft des Motivwagens, allerdings habe es auch Rückmeldungen von besorgten Bürgern gegeben, teilte das FEST—KOMITEE mit.
20150129             Im Karneval sei es wichtig, dass JEDER—OHNE—SORGEN fröhlich feiern könne.
20150129             "Einen Persiflagewagen, der DIE—FREIHEIT und leichte ART—DES—KARNEVALS einschränkt, möchten wir nicht", schrieb DAS—KOMITEE zur Begründung.
20150129             Deshalb habe man entschieden, den Bau des Wagens zu stoppen und ihn nicht im Rosenmontagszug mitfahren zu lassen.
20150129             —VOR—WENIGEN—TAGEN, hatte das noch völlig anders geklungen: es habe zwar auch Kommentare gegeben, ob die Morde von PARIS überhaupt Thema im Karnevalszug sein sollten, sagte Zugleiter CHRISTOPH—KUCKELKORN.
20150129             "Dazu sagen wir ganz klar Ja, denn die Angriffe waren 1—ANSCHLAG—AUF—DIE MEINUNGS—FREIHEIT—IM Karneval auch bekannt als Narrenfreiheit".Nun kam der Rückzieher.
20150129             Der Kölner Kabarettist JÜRGEN—BECKER mahnte —DAMALS, an, brisante Themen im Karneval nicht auszuklammern —, pries ausgerechnet den DÜSSELDORFer Rosenmontagszug mit seinen gewagten Motiven als Vorbild.
20150129             "Wenn da so 1—WAGEN drin ist, dann wird der auch WELT—WEIT abgebildet, das ist der eigentliche Effekt", sagte BECKER.
20150129             Abschreckendes Gegenbeispiel sei der kreuzbrave Zug der Kölner.
20150129             —ÜBERKOMMT, Wenn Angst den Karneval, hat DER—TERROR gewonnen".
20150129             —POLIZEI—GEWALT—IN—TEXAS: Empörung nach tödlichen Schüssen auf, 17—JAHRE—ALTE
20150129             Gletschermumie: Ötzis 61—TATTOOS - Langlebige Nacktmulle: In Würde altern
20150129             war der KÖRPER—DER—GLETSCHERMUMIE aus den Alpen übersäht mit Tätowierungen.
20150129             61—EINFACHE Strichmuster hatte man ihm gestochen und als Farbe Kohlepulver in die Wunden gerieben.
20150129             "Wir gehen davon aus, dass Langlebigkeit im Zusammenhang mit dem Leben im STAAT entsteht",
20150129             Der SCHUTZ—VOR—FEINDEN in 1—EXTREM gesicherten Bau und die Unterstützung bei der Nahrungssuche durch Artgenossen, mache es —ERST möglich, dass sich der Körper evolutionär an 1—LANGES Leben anpassen kann, so DIE—BEGRÜNDUNG.
20150129             Dafür sei auch DER—MENSCH 1—GUTES Beispiel.
20150129             Reformstopp in GRIECHENLAND: Feiern —BIS der;;03;;
20150129             kommt - TERROR—IN—FRANKREICH: BULGARIEN liefert Freund von CHARLIE—HEBDO —ATTENTÄTER aus
20150129             Das meldete das bulgarische Staatsradio in SOFIA.
20150129             Dem aus HAITI stammenden FRITZ—JOLY Joachin wird in FRANKREICH die Beteiligung an 1—TERROR—GRUPPE vorgeworfen.
20150129             Der, 29—JAHRE—ALTE war nach seinen eigenen Worten mit 1—DER CHARLIE—HEBDO —ATTENTÄTER, nämlich mit Chérif Kouachi, —SEIT seiner Kindheit befreundet.
20150129             —VOR, 1—BULGARISCHEN Gericht hatte Joachin DIE—VORWÜRFE des TERRORISMUS zurückgewiesen.
20150129             Der Mann war in der SILVESTER—NACHT an der bulgarischen Grenze zur TÜRKEI aufgrund 1—EUROPÄISCHEN Haftbefehls wegen vermuteter Kindesentführung festgenommen worden.
20150129             Der Franzose war mit seinem dreijährigen Sohn in 1—REISEBUS unterwegs gewesen.
20150129             Der letzte Punkt ist 1—ALTE Forderung DER—MINISTER, die aber vom EU—PARLAMENT blockiert wird.
20150129             BUNDES—INNEN—MINISTER—THOMAS—DE—MAIZIÈRE (CDU) sagte: "Wir drängen nun wirklich auf den Abschluss des europäischen Fluggastdatenabkommens".
20150129             Angesichts 1—BESTEHENDEN Abkommens mit DEN—USA zum Datenaustausch finde er es "ganz normal, dass wir solche DATEN auch zwischen EUROPÄERn austauschen".
20150129             DAS—PARLAMENT hat DATEN—SCHUTZ—BEDENKEN GEGEN—DIE—WEITERGABE und Speicherung von Informationen wie Kreditkartendaten, Reiserouten oder Kontaktdaten.
20150129             Kinofilm "Red Army": Die letzten Schlachten des Kalten Kriegs
20150129             Report von HUMAN—RIGHTS—WATCH: "SPORT—EVENTS verschärfen DIE—MENSCHEN—RECHTSLAGE"
20150129             Neuer Medienliebling: GRIECHENLAND—PRESSE huldigt Alexis dem Großen
20150129             ANONYMISIERUNGS—STUDIE: KREDIT—KARTEN—DATEN verraten Nutzer
20150129             UNTERSUCHUNGS—AUSSCHUSS: Zeugen bestätigen Edathys Darstellung
20150129             BOTSCHAFTER einbestellt: Russische Flugzeuge stören Flugverkehr über GROß—BRITANNIEN
20150129             Kahrs, —CHEF—DER—EINFLUSSREICHEN SOZIAL—DEMOKRATISCHEN Gruppierung "Seeheimer Kreis", soll laut dem ehemaligen SPD—ABGEORDNETEN SEBASTIAN—EDATHY 1—VON mehreren Genossen sein, die FRÜH—ZEITIG von den drohenden ERMITTLUNGEN—GEGEN—IHN wegen des BESITZ—VON—KINDER—PORNOGRAFIE informiert waren.
20150129             —NACH, ANSICHT—DER—AUSSCHUSS—MIT