_HEUTE_0123 :

_160.000—20150123    HOMO—SAPIENS
_3.01020218          —THE—EPOCH[—STARTING point or 1. —DAY—of—the—00000000—YEAR], of THE—CURRENT—ERA—OF—HINDU—CALENDAR (both solar and lunisolar) is
_3.01020218          in THE—PROLEPTIC—JULIAN—CALENDAR or
03360123             * Hanzei, japanischer Kaiser
03750123             † URBAN—VON—LANGRES, BISCHOF—VON—LANGRES und Autun
03930123             Der RÖMER—KAISER—THEODOSIUS—I. erhebt nach seinem älteren Sohn ARCADIUS nun auch seinen neunjährigen jüngeren Sohn FLAVIUS—HONORIUS zum AUGUSTUS und MIT—KAISER.
05990123             * TANG—TAIZONG, chinesischer Kaiser der TANG—DYNASTIE
06670123             † ILDEFON—RZBISCHOF—VON—TOLEDO
10020123—10020124    Da KAISER—OTTO—III. keine Nachkommen hinterließ, so
10220123             † Dietrich I—BISCHOF—VON—MÜNSTER
11230123             —AUSSTELLT, FRIEDRICH—I—VON—SCHWARZENBURG—ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—KÖLN, die Stiftungsurkunde für das Kloster Kamp der Zisterzienser.
11670123             † ABRAHAM—IBN—EZRA, exegete
11780123—11780201    Grosslm et RAYMUNDUM GAUFRIDI.
11780123—11780201    —ET, ANNO—INCARNATIONIS—EJUSDEM M°.C°.LXX°.M1I".
11800000—120301231   —AB, —BIS weit ins hinein KÖLN 1—WEITERE neue STADT—MAUER gebaut, die 1—WESENTLICH größeres Areal umfasste und von deren 12—STADT—TOREN noch einige stehen.
11870123             † Sobies?aw I—SAMBORID—ERZOG—VON—OSTPOMMERN
12190123             N.-D. des Accoules, —ACCORD—ENTRE—PETRUS, D. g. MASSILIENSIS e])i.scopus.Raymundus Julianus, MASSILIENSIS—ECCLESIE pre])silus....
12190123             (NUMERO—221J : lu, Petrc,venerabilis MASSILIENSIS episcope, dilecte fidelis noster, ad nostram presentiam veniens...
12200123             † BOGISLAW—II—HERZOG—VON—POMMERN
12400123             † ALBERT—VON—PIS—ENERALMINISTER des Franziskanerordens
12650123             —CONVENED, The 1. ENGLAND—PARLIAMENT formally.
12980123             —LETTRE—DE—BONIFACE 17// ven. fratri • EPISCOPO—MASSILIENSI et dil. filiis ¦• priori S—MICLIAELIS de Firigoicto.
12980123             Voir la pièce à LE—ARCH—EVÊCHÉ—DE—AVIGNON.
13240123             † FULK—LESTRANGE, 1. BARON—STRANGE—OF—BLACKMERE, englischer Adeliger
13270123             FRIEDRICH—GRAF—VON—TOGGENBURG habe an des [IOHANNES]JOHANNES—XXII—PAPA—KURIE persönlich seine KRIEGS—DIENSTE angeboten und
13270123             —OSTERN—NOCH—VOR, FRIEDRICH—GRAF—VON—TOGGENBURG werde mit 50—EQUITES wohlbewaffnet in der LOMBARDEI eintreffen.
13270123             FRIEDRICH—GRAF—VON—TOGGENBURG solle zum gleichen Sold wie die übrigen capitanei angenommen werden:
13340123             † ISAAC—BEN—PETHACHJA, martyr, MECKLENBURG, executed.
13420123             † Johann I—GRAF—VON—SAARBRÜCKEN
13480123             † KARL—VON—DURAZZ—ERZOG—VON—DURAZZO
13500123             * VINZENZ—FERRER, valencianischer Dominikaner und Prediger sowie Heiliger der RÖMISCH—KATHOLISCHEN Kirche
13630123             (JOHANNI—EPISCOPO—TRAIECTENSIS mandatur^ ut cum Ahndo nato Petri Danielis et MARIA nata Balduwini MARMEE^ NOBILIBUS—TRAIECTENSIS—DIOECESIS domicelliSj "qui
13670123             —APUD MONTEMPESSULA NUMERO—INFRASCRIPTO mandatury ut summarie inquirat et DOMINUM—PAPA—M informet^ an consultum forety pro certa pensione annua locare seu in perpetuam
13720123             ADEMARO—DE—BUPPE CONFERUNTUR—CANONICATUSY [PFRÜNDE]PRAEBENDA et supplementum necnon praepositura et ARCHI—DIACONATUS—ECCLESIAE—S—SALVATORIS—TRAIECTENSIS ^ vacantes per liberam resignationem GERALDI—DE—RUPPE.
13730123             OFFICIALI—TRAIECTENSIS mandatur^ ut JOHANNI—DE—NUENAER rectori capellae m Eyteren Trqj.
13730123             DIOECESIS confirmet canonicatum^ [PFRÜNDE]PRAEBENDAM et SUPPLEMENTUM
13780123             * LUDWIG—III—KURFÜRST—VON—DER Pfalz
13930123             gli ambasciatori DEL RE—DI—FRANCIA[KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH] si presentarono al PAPA
14240123             des MARTINUS—V—PAPA Bruderstochter Caterina oo GUIDO—ANTONIO—VON—MONTEFELTRO—GRAF—VON—URBINO diente dem Zweck das —SCHON mächtige der FEltrier Geschlecht noch fester mit dem PAPAtum zu verbinden
14240123             —WÄHREND, MARTINUS—V—PAPA solches im KIRCHEN—STAAT bewerkstelligte,
14240123             —WÄHREND, MARTINUS—V—PAPA—VON—DER—KÖNIGIN—JOHANNA glänzende Bewilligungen für allerdings nützliche Dienste erlangte.
14240123             —WÄHREND, VON JENER ZEIT AN DIE—COLONNA NEAPEL gehören, beinahe in gleichem Maß an wie DIE—COLONNA ihrer römischen Heimat gehören,
14240123             —AM—IN ROM gefeiert des MARTINUS—V—PAPA Bruderstochter CATERINA oo GUIDO—ANTONIO—VON—MONTEFELTRO—GRAF—VON—URBINO,ward
14240123             des MARTINUS—V—PAPA Bruderstochter CATERINA oo GUIDO—ANTONIO—VON—MONTEFELTRO—GRAF—VON—URBINO diente zu dem doppelten Zwecke,
14290123             At the Congress of Luck Emp.
14290123             —OFFERED, Sigismund of LUXEMBOURG, to crown Vytautas as KING—OF—LITHUANIA.
14460123             HEINRICH—VON—SCHELTEN erscheint —AM,
14500123             "Domenicho di ceccho dipintore de dare boi.
14500123             QUARANTA ebbe da fra Zanobi per parte di PAGAMENTO della tauola.
14920123             "Pentateuch," 1—JEWISH—HOLY—BOOK, was 1. printed.
14960123             —ITEM spisi a perosa per 187—CAPRETI da scriuere per lo antifonaro che scriue fra fìlipo f. 15 a bl.
14960123             4—ET S—7—LUNA" (IVI—FOLIA—21).
14980123             —DIE—MARTIS—SEQUENTIS—DICTI—MENSIS, visitavit in mantello sine cappa, cum EPISCOPIs Croiensi et Tudensi duntaxat,
15160123             † FERDINAND—II—VON—ARAGÓN ("der Katholische"), KÖNIG—VON—ARAGONIEN
15160123             it became necessary for CHARLES to go to SPAIN to look —AFTER THE—KINGDOMS he had inherited.
15160123             † FERDINAND—DE—ARAGON.
15170123             Nach der Niederlage gegen die Osmanen bei Gizeh und der Gefangennahme ihres Sultans Tuman Bay endet die Herrschaft der Mamluken über Ägypten, das 1—TEIL—DES—OSMANISCHEN—REICHS wird.
15201210—140101—140101231    —CENTURY—BEFORE, JEROME—OF—PRAGUE, his associates, had burned THE—BULL[BULLA] which condemned HUSS
15220123             * GEORG—KLEEFELD, Danziger BÜRGERMEISTER
15220123             PADOUE[PADUA].
15220123             [], EN—FAVEUR—DE—SIMON—DE—VILLENEUVE, 15—ET seq (Ott. GRIMALDI),
15410123             † GOTTSCHALK—VON—AHLEFELD—ISCHOF—VON—SCHLESWIG,letzter katholischer
15490123             † JOHANNES—HONTERUS, siebenbürgischer Gelehrter, Reformator und Humanist
15520123             —BECAME, mandatory in ENGLAND, the 2. VERSION—OF—BOOK—OF—COMMON—PRAYER,.
15520123             The 2. PRAYER—BOOK of EDWARD—VI—KING—OF—ENGLAND, more radical than the 1. PRAYER—BOOK, was authorized by 1 2. UNIFORMITY—ACT.
15560123             Das Erdbeben in Shaanxi ist das bislang folgenreichste Erdbeben der Menschheitsgeschichte.
15560123             Die Katastrophe in CHINA fordert schätzungsweise 830.000—TODESOPFER.
15560123             THE—KNIGHTS coming to the Mass clad in black, THE—GREFFIER pronounced THE—FUNERAL—ORATIONS.
15560123             As was THE—CUSTOM—OF—THE—CEREMONY, 1 lighted candle was set for EACH—OF—THE—KNIGHTS, and
15560123             —WHEN their names were called, THE—HERALD blew out the light of EACH—DEAD 1
15560123             and cried, "He is dead". IN THE—AFTERNOON—OF—THIS—DAY
15560123             —IN—THE—AFTERNOON, TO HEAR VESPERS, THE—KNIGHTS came to THE—CHURCH—OF—OUR—LADY dressed in white satin with red hats and cloaks.
15560123             On the
15560123—15560122    —ON—THE—NEXT—DAY, 1—MASS was sung for the souls of those who had † —SINCE THE—LAST—CHAPTER,
15600123             * ORTOLPH—FOMANN der Ältere deutscher Philosoph und Rechtswissenschaftler
15670123             † JIAJIN—AISER—VON—CHINA
15700123             LINLITHGOW, verübt der Adelige JAMES—HAMILTON—OF—BOTHWELLHAUGH einen Anschlag auf den schottischen Regenten JAMES—STEWART, 1. EARL—OF—MORAY.
15700123             Es ist das weltweit 1. Attentat mit einer Feuerwaffe.
15700123             Der Regent wird dabei so schwer verletzt, dass er noch am selben —TAG stirbt.
15700123             Der schottische Bürgerkrieg erhält durch den Vorfall neuen Auftrieb.
15700123             † JAMES—STEWAR—ARL—OF—MORAY, 1., schottischer Peer und Regent
15710123             Royal Exchange - KÖNIGIN—ELISABETH I. eröffnet mit der Royal Exchange die mit Mitteln des Kaufmanns THOMAS—GRESHAM errichtete 1. Börse in LONDON.
15720123             * JOHANNA—FRANZISKA—VON—CHANTAL, französische Ordensgründerin
15790123             Utrechter Union - Als Reaktion auf die Bildung der UNION—VON—ARRAS durch die Südprovinzen, die sich wieder dem katholischen Spanien zugewandt haben, gründen die 7—NORDPROVINZEN der Spanischen Niederlande die Utrechter Union.
15790123             Diese bildet die Keimzelle für die REPUBLIK der 7—VEREINIGTEN Provinzen.
15820123             † JEAN—BAUHIN, französischer Arzt
15850123             * MARIA—WARD, englische Ordensstifterin
15910123             * REICHSGRAF—FRIEDRICH—CASIMIR, deutscher Adliger, Maler und Architekt
15950123             * HERMANN—FORTUNAT—VON—BADEN—MARKGRAF—VON—BADEN zu Rodemachern
15980123             * François Mansart, französischer Baumeister
16000123             * ALEXANDER—KEIRINCX, flämischer Maler
16040123             † MELCHIOR—JUNIUS, deutscher Rhetoriker und Humanist
16080123             MARIA—FIGLIA—DI—ZORZI TEDESCHO, di mese 15.
16220123             † WILLIAM—BAFFIN, englischer Seefahrer und Entdecker
16220123             † WILLIAM—BAFFIN (~38), UK—EXPLORER.
16280123             † Shahriyar, SOHN—DES—GROSSMOGULN—JAHANGIR und Bruder von Shah Jahan
16290123             * ADOLF—VON—NASSAU—SCHAUMBURG, Begründer der kurzlebigen Line NASSAU—SCHAUMBURG
16310123             Frankreich und Schweden schließen im 3ßigjährigen Krieg den VERTRAG—VON—BÄRWALDE.
16310123             —VERPFLICHTET, Darin, sich Schweden, 1—HEER nach Deutschland zu führen, während sich Frankreich an den Kosten beteiligt, um den Status quo vor Ausbruch des Krieges wiederherzustellen.
16310123             —VEREINBART—AM, die Aufstockung des der SCHWEDEN—HEERES auf 36.000—MANN, FINANZ—UNTERSTÜTZUNG durch DIE—FRANZOSEN wurde.
16350123             * JOHANN—GABRIEL—LÖBEL, deutscher Glashüttenbesitzer und Hammerherr im Erzgebirge
16370123             —FOLGTE—AM, 1—ERNEUTES KAISER—MANDAT
16390123             † FRANCISCO—MALDONADO—DA—SILVA—SOLIS, PERU—POET, was burned at stake.
16390123             † MANUEL—BATISTA—PEREZ, purified by fire, in LIMA—PERU.
16390123             * —CONDEMNED, AUTO—DA—FE in LIMA—PERU, 61—JEWS including MANUEL—BATISTA—PEREZ who in SEVILLE and was the richest Jew in THE—LIMA
16390123             in LIMA—PERU MANY—JEWS were sentenced to serve as oarsmen on SPAIN—GALLEYS.
16390123             † † † † FREDERICK—MELDOLA—DA—SILVA, executed with 10—OTHER—MARANOS at LIMA—PERU.
16400123             * PHILIP—WILHELM—VON—HORNICK, DEUTSCH—ÖSTERREICHISCHER Volkswirtschaftler und Vertreter des Merkantilismus
16420123             Plündern, brandschatzt des KAISER—FERDINAND—III—GENERAL—FELD—MARSCHAL—TRUPPEN die umliegenden Ortschaften, wie zum Beispiel
16420123—16420000    —ANSCHLIEßEND, zogen noch HOLLÄNDER [HOLLAND] durch DIE—REGION
16420123—16420000    —ZEIT—ZU—DIESER, IN UNSERER EUREGIO DIE—BEVÖLKERUNG 25 % schrumpft
16420123—16420000    —ANSCHLIEßEND, zogen noch durch DIE—REGION
16420123—16420000    —ANSCHLIEßEND, zogen noch SCHWEDEN durch DIE—REGION.
16440123             † DAVID—LINDNER, deutscher Rechtswissenschaftler
16470123             † DOROTHEA—VON—AHLEFELDT—GUTSHERRIN—VON—KOLLMAR—DRAGE und Heiligenstedten
16560123             Der französische Philosoph und Theologe Blaise Pascal verfasst den 1. von insgesamt achtzehn unter einem Pseudonym erscheinenden Lettres provinciales.
16560123             Er übt humoristisch beißende Kritik an der Methode der Kasuistik und am moralischen Verfall der Jesuiten.
16620123             † JOHANN—KEMÉNY—FÜRST—VON—SIEBENBÜRGEN, ungarischer Militärführer und
16670123             † HIERONYMUS—BAUHIN, Schweizer Arzt französischer Herkunft
16680123             ENGLAND, die REPUBLIK der 7—VEREINIGTEN Provinzen und Schweden bilden 1—TRIPELALLIANZ, um im begonnenen Devolutionskrieg Frankreich unter LUDWIG—XIV. in die Schranken zu weisen, dessen Soldaten in die Spanischen Niederlande eingedrungen sind.
16700123             † BERTRAM—VON—ANS, starb.
16720123             —SAMSTAG, am hat AMERONGEN mit den brandenburgischen Räten DIE 2. KONFERENZ gehabt.
16720123—16720119    —DIENSTAG VOM auf seine Proposition im Auftrag des GROSSER—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG
16720123—16720119    Dieselben antworten ihm:
16720123—16720119    Das 1—MITTEL, den drohenden Gefahren zuvorzukommen, sei gütliche Vermittlung.
16720123—16720119    Der 1. Versuch des GROSSER—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG, dies zu erreichen, sei vergeblich gewesen;
16740113/16740123    Der GENERAL—LIEUTENANT—ARENSDORF hat von BERLIN mitgebracht, daß er den VERTRAG—ZWISCHEN—BRANDENBURG—UND—SCHWEDEN nicht habe hindern können,
16740123             * DOROTHEA—CHRISTINA—VON—AICHELBERG, deutsche Adelige
16780123             † WILHELM—VON—CURTI, englischer Diplomat
16830123             * CHRISTOPH—GRAUPNER, deutscher Komponist
16840123             † JAN—WIJNANTS, niederländischer Maler
16870123—14690905    —LAUT—ORIGINAL—VON, ZÜLPICH
16870123—14690905    —LAUT—ORIGINAL—VON,—SPÄTER wieder untergegangen ist, DIE—PRIESTER—BRUDERSCHAFT—S—MARIEN, sowie
16870123—14690905    —LAUT—ORIGINAL—VON,Festsetzung der Ordnung und Regeln der PRIESTER—BRUDERSCHAFT—S—MARIEN und der Pflichten der Mitglieder.
16870123—14690905    —LAUT—ORIGINAL—VON,In nomine sanctissimae Trinitatis Amen.
16870123—14690905    —LAUT—ORIGINAL—VON,Notum sit universis, ad quos hae spectaverint, quod nobis infra nominatis presbyteris ex originali quadam litera
16930123             * GEORG—BERNHARD—BILFINGER, württembergischer Philosoph, Baumeister, Mathematiker und Theologe
17000123             * JOHANN—CHRISTIAN—JOSEPH—ERBPRINZ der Kurpfalz
17100123             1—DEKRET—AUGUSTS des Starken verfügt die Errichtung der KÖNIGLICH—POLNISCHEN und KURFÜRSTLICH—SÄCHSISCHEN Porzellanmanufaktur in Meißen unter der Leitung von JOHANN—FRIEDRICH—BÖTTGER.
17100123             * JACOB—LANGEBEK, dänischer Historiker
17140123             † ERNST—DETLOF—VON—KRASSOW, schwedischer GENERAL
17190123             Kaiser KARL—VI. erhebt die beiden Grafschaften VADUZ und Schellenberg des Grafen ANTON—FLORIAN—VON—LIECHTENSTEIN zu einem Fürstentum unter dem Namen LIECHTENSTEIN.
17190123             —CREATED, Principality of LIECHTENSTEIN was, within the Holy ROMAN—EMPIRE.
17230123             * JOHANN—JAKOB—SCHALCH, Schweizer Maler
17290123             * Johannes le Francq van Berkhey, niederländischer Naturforscher, Dichter und Maler
17290123             † IGNAZ—AGRICOLA, deutscher Historiker, Philosoph, Theologe und Jesuit
17300123             * JOSEPH—HEWES, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Politiker, Unterzeichner der Amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitserklärung
17300123             * JOSEPH—HEWES, USA merchant (DECLARATION—OF—INDEPENDENCE signer).
17320123             * FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—UTSCH, deutscher Erbförster des Mainzer Kurfürsten
17330123             † HERMANN—FRIEDRICH—VON—HOHENZOLLERN—HECHINGEN, kaiserlicher Generalfeldmarschall
17340123             * WOLFGANG—VON—KEMPELEN, ÖSTERREICHISCH—UNGARISCHER Universalgelehrter, Erfinder, Schriftsteller und Staatsbeamter
17340123             * François Rozier, französischer Botaniker
17370112—17370123    —SEE
17370123—17930000    * † JOHN—HANCOCK, USA—STATESMAN.
17390123             Mit einer Verordnung wird in Norwegen die Volksschulpflicht eingeführt.
17390123             * FRANZ—ANTON—XAVER—HAUSER, deutscher Bildhauer
17440123             † GIAMBATTISTA—VICO, italienischer Philosoph
17460123             † PETER—ZORN, deutscher lutherischer Theologe, Historiker, Gräzist und Hebräist
17500123             † MICHAEL—LILIENTHAL, deutscher lutherischer Theologe und Historiker
17510123             * JAKOB—MICHAEL—REINHOLD—LENZ, deutscher Schriftsteller des Sturm und Drang
17510123             † LOBSANG—TRASHI, tibetischer Haushofmeister und Aufständischer gegen die chinesische Herrschaft
17520123             * MUZIO—CLEMENTI, ITALIENISCH—BRITISCHER Komponist
17520123             * MUZIO—CLEMENTI, ITALY—COMPOSER.
17530123             † LOUISE—BÉNÉDICTE—DE—BOURBON, französische Aristokratin, Schriftstellerin und Verschwörerin
17600123             † GIOVANNI—ANTONIO—GUARDI, italienischer Maler
17610123             * FRIEDRICH—VON—MATTHISSON, deutscher Lyriker und Prosaschriftsteller
17620123             Das Theaterstück Viel Lärm in Chiozza von CARLO—GOLDONI wird in Venetischem Dialekt im Teatro S—LUCA in Venedig uraufgeführt.
17620123             * CHRISTIAN—AUGUST—VULPIUS, deutscher Schriftsteller
17660123             † WILLIAM—CASLON, britischer Graveur und Schriftentwerfer
17670123             * JEAN—LAMBERT—TALLIEN, französischer Revolutionär
17680123             * FRANZ—ANTOINE, österreichischer Pomologe
17720123             Der französische Seefahrer MARC—JOSEPH Marion du Fresne und sein 2. KOMMANDANT—JULES—CROZET entdecken die Crozetinseln im Indischen Ozean.
177310123            † — Hallet, BEDA, Pf. ad S—ANTONIUM—GLADBACH,
17750123             * PIETRO—COLLETTA, neapolitanischer Kriegsminister
17760123             † FRANZ—SEBALD—UNTERBERGER, Südtiroler Maler
17770123             In einer Stube des Klosters Blaubeuren wird der Dichter und Regimekritiker CHRISTIAN—FRIEDRICH—DANIEL—SCHUBART auf BEFEHL—DES—WÜRTTEMBERGISCHEN—HERZOGS—KARL—EUGEN verhaftet.
17770123             Schubart wird auf der Festung Hohenasperg 10—JAHRE lang zum Objekt einer Umerziehung.
17780123             * ALIRE—RAFFENEAU—DELILE, französischer Botaniker und Arzt
17830123             * Stendhal, französischer Schriftsteller
17830123—18420000    * † STENDAHL, [MARIE—HENRI—BEYLE], FRANCE—CRITIC and writer (Le Rouge et de Noir).
17830123—18420000    "Beauty is THE—PROMISE—OF—HAPPINESS".
17830123—18420000    "1 can acquire everything in solitude, except character".
17830123—19970000    —PUBLISHED, JONATHON—KEATES, his book "Stendhal," which covers the writer's life story.
17850123             * CARL—ADOLPH—AGARDH, schwedischer Botaniker
17860123             * FRIEDRICH—ARNOLD, deutscher Architekt und Baubeamter
17890123             † FRANCES—BROOKE, ENGLISCH—KANADISCHE Schriftstellerin und Dramatikerin
17890123             † JOHN—CLELAND, britischer Schriftsteller
17890123             —ESTABLISHED, GEORGETOWN University was, by Jesuits in PRESENT—DAY—WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, as the 1. USA Catholic college.
17900123             Wenige Tage nach der Ankunft der BOUNTY—MEUTERER auf PITCAIRN setzen diese das Schiff in Brand.
17900123             * JOHANN—JAKOB—HECKEL, österreichischer Zoologe
17910123             * FRANZ—JOSEPH—HUGI, Schweizer Geologe und Alpenforscher
17910123             † CARL—HEINRICH—VON—HEINEKEN, Kunstschriftsteller und -sammler, DIREKTOR—DES—DRESDNER—KUPFERSTICHKABINETTS
17930123             Preußen und Russland schließen den Vertrag über die 2. Teilung Polens, mit der das Königreich Polen neuerlich um mehr als die Hälfte seines Staatsgebiets reduziert wird.
17930123             —SIGNED, Prussia and RUSSIA, 1—ACCORD on the 2. partition of LITHUANIA and POLAND.
17930123             The 2. partition of POLAND.
17930123             —ATTEMPTED, POLAND—PATRIOTS had, to devise 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION which was recognized by AUSTRIA and Prussia, but RUSSIA did not recognize it and invaded.
17930123             —INVADED, Prussia in turn, and the 2 agreed to 1—PARTITION that left only the central portion of POLAND independent.
17940123             * EDUARD—FRIEDRICH—EVERSMANN, deutscher Biologe und Forschungsreisender
17950123             * LUDWIG—FERDINAND—HESSE, deutscher Baumeister und Architekt
17950123             † JOHN—SULLIVAN, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Politiker, GENERAL
17960123             * JEAN—REBOUL, französischer Dichter und Politiker
17990123             Eine französische Armee unter JEAN—ÉTIENNE Championnet erobert im 2. Koalitionskrieg nach harten Gefechten Neapel, die HAUPTSTADT—DES—KÖNIGREICHS beider Sizilien.
17990123             * ALOIS—NEGRELLI—VON—MOLDELBE, österreichischer Ingenieur und Pionier des Verkehrsbaus
18000123             † EDWARD—RUTLEDGE, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Politiker, Unterzeichner der Unabhängigkeitserklärung
18000123             † JOHANN—GOTTLIEB—STEPHANIE, österreichischer Schauspieler, Dramatiker und Librettist
18030123             Die französische Gelehrtengesellschaft Académie des BEAUX—ARTS entsteht als eigenständiges Institut.
18030123             † ARTHUR—GUINNESS, irischer Bierbrauer, Begründer der Biermarke Guinness
18050123             * TOMMASO—VALLAURI, italienischer Philologe und Professor der Rhetorik
18060123             † WILLIAM—PITT der Jüngere, zweimaliger PREMIERMINISTER—VON—GROSSBRITANNIEN
18060123             † WILLIAM—PITT—THE—YOUNGER, 46—JAHRE—ALT,
18060123—20040000    —AUTHORED, WILLIAM—HAGUE, the biography "WILLIAM—PITT—THE—YOUNGER".
18080123             * FRANZISKA—CORNET, deutsche Opernsängerin
18090123             —RETOUR—DE—NAPOLEÓN à PARIS rappelé par les intrigues de Fouché et de Talleyrand.
18100123             † JÜRGEN—HINRICHSEN—ANGEL, deutscher Orgelbauer - † JOHN—HOPPNER, britischer Maler
18100123             † JOHANN—WILHELM—RITTER, deutscher Physiker und Philosoph
18110123             † LEONARDO—ANTONELLI, italienischer Kurienkardinal
18120123             Das NEW—MADRID—ERDBEBEN—VON—18110000              hat seinen 2. Höhepunkt —NACH—DEM 18111216              mit einer Stärke von 7—AUF der Richterskala.
18120123             † ROBERT—CRAUFURD, britischer GENERAL
18120123             1 2. major earthquake shook New MADRID—MISSOURI.
18120207             [see 18121215—18111216    , 19120123             ]
18130123             * CAMILLA—COLLETT, norwegische Schriftstellerin und Frauenrechtlerin
18130123             † GEORGE—CLYMER, Unterzeichner der Unabhängigkeitserklärung der USA
18140123             LA—RÉGENCE est confiée à MARIE—LOUISE
18200123             * ALEXANDER—NIKOLAJEWITSCH—SEROW, russischer Komponist
18200123             † EDWARD—AUGUSTUS, DUKE—OF—KENT and Strathearn, 4. SOHN—VON—KÖNIG—GEORG—III.
18220123             * HEINRICH—BRUNN, deutscher Archäologe
18250123             * LOUIS—EHLERT, deutscher KOMPONIST—UND—MUSIKKRITIKER
18280123             * Saig? Takamori, japanischer Samurai
18290123             † Sol. von Haber, banker, KARLSRUHE
18300123             * GASTON—DE—GALLIFFET, französischer GENERAL und Kriegsminister
18320123             * Édouard Manet, französischer Maler
18320123             † EDOUARD—MANET (18830000             , ), FRANCE—IMPRESSIONIST painter.
18320123             EDOUARD—MANET His work was 1—MAJOR—INFLUENCE on the young artists who created the Impressionist movement.
18320123             —INFLUENCED, EDOUARD—MANET His style was, by THE—SPAIN—MASTERS, particularly VELASQUEZ.
18320123             —INCLUDED, EDOUARD—MANET His work, the "Execution of Maximilian," "Luncheon on the Grass," the pastel "PORTRAIT—OF—MADEMOISELLE—LEMAIRE," "In the Boat," "La Promenade" and "Le Journal Illustre" (ca.
18350123             PARIS, erscheint der 1. Band von Alexis de Tocquevilles Werk De la démocratie en Amérique.
18350123             Mit ihm kündigt sich die vergleichende Politikwissenschaft an.
18360123             * GUSTAV—VON—OERTZEN, deutscher Kolonialbeamter
18370123             † JOHN—FIELD, irischer KOMPONIST—UND—PIANIST
18370123             † GEORG—KARL—VON—SUTNER, deutscher Beamter
18400123             * ERNST—ABBE, deutscher Astronom und Mathematiker, Physiker und Optiker
18430123             JACOB—CHRISTOPH—RAD erhält ein 5—JAHRE gültiges österreichisches Privileg auf seine Erfindung der Würfelzuckerpresse.
18430123             Der Würfelzucker kommt in den Gebrauch.
18430123             † Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué, deutscher Dichter der Romantik
18440123             † FRANZ—PETTRICH, deutscher Bildhauer
18450123             —DECIDED, USA—CONGRESS, all national elections would be held on the 1. —TUESDAY—AFTER the 1. —MONDAY in November.
18450123             —SIGNED, The law was, by PRESIDENT—JOHN—TYLER.
18460123             * THEODOR—ALT, deutscher Maler
18480123             In der "DEUTSCHE—BRÜSSELER—ZEITUNG" vom hatte FRIEDRICH—ENGELS die zu erwartenden Ereignisse mit erstaunlicher Präzision angekündigt.
18490123             ELIZABETH Blackwell wird nach ihrer Promotion die 1. Ärztin in den USA.
18490123             ENGLISH—BORN ELIZABETH Blackwell (18210000—19100000    ), the 1. woman to receive 1—USA—MEDICAL—DEGREE, graduated at the top of her class from the medical school of HOBART College, GENEVA, NEW—YORK.
18510123             * LUDWIG—SCHUPMANN, deutscher Professor für Architektur
18550123             Die Hennepin Avenue Bridge in MINNEAPOLIS ist die 1. den MISSISSIPPI River überspannende Brücke.
18550123             Sie wird als mautpflichtiges Bauwerk eröffnet.
18550123             WELLINGTON, kommt es zum WAIRARAPA—ERDBEBEN mit einer Stärke von 8,2 und massiven Landhebungen im Stadtgebiet und in der Region.
18550123             * JOHN—MOSES—BROWNING, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Erfinder
18570123             * ANDRIJA—MOHOROVI?i?, kroatischer Geophysiker, Entdecker der Mohorovi?i?-Diskontinuität, die Erdkruste und Erdmantel trennt
18580123             † LUIGI—LABLACHE, italienischer Opernsänger
18600000—19080123    * † EDWARD—ALEXANDER—MACDOWELL, USA composer (INDIA—SUITE), in NEW—YORK—CITY.
18600123             Der von Lenoir erfundene LENOIR—MOTOR, 1. brauchbare Gasmotor wird von Étienne Lenoir vorgeführt.
18620123             * ANTON—DELBRÜCK, deutscher Psychiater
18620123             * DAVID—HILBERT, deutscher Mathematiker, gilt als 1—DER—BEDEUTENDSTEN—MATHEMATIKER—DER—NEUZEIT (Liste von 23—MATHEMATISCHEN Problemen)
18620123             † WILLEM—HENDRIK—DE—VRIESE niederländischer Mediziner und Botaniker
18630000—19440123    * † EDVARD—MUNCH, NORWAY—PAINTER and hopeless alcoholic.
18640123             † JOHANN—LUKAS—SCHÖNLEIN, deutscher Mediziner
18650123             † JOSEF—LEOPOLD—ZVONA?, tschechischer Komponist
18660123             † PETER—JOSEPH—LENNÉ, deutscher Gärtner und Landschaftsarchitekt in Preußen
18660123             † WILHELM—WACHSMUTH, deutscher Historiker
18680123             † HEINRICH—VON—BRANDT, preußischer GENERAL der Infanterie
18700123             * WILLIAM—G—MORGAN, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Verkäufer und Sportler, Erfinder des Volleyballs
18700123             USA—ARMY—FORCES, looking for Mountain CHIEF—BAND—OF—HOSTILE—BLACKFOOT Indians, fell instead upon Heavy RUNNER—PEACEABLE—PIEGAN band in MONTANA and killed 173, MANY—OF—THEM women and children.
18710123             * SALVATOR—ISSAUREL, französischer Sänger und Musikpädagoge
18710123             † FRIEDRICH—ANTON—WILHELM—MIQUEL, deutscher Botaniker
18720123             * PAUL—LANGEVIN, französischer Physiker - * Jože Ple?nik, slowenischer Architekt
18740123             —VERABSCHIEDET, Der Preußische LANDTAG, das Gesetz über die obligatorische Zivilehe.
18740123             In Preußen ist nunmehr auch die Ehescheidung möglich.
18760123             * OTTO—ADLER, deutscher Gewerkschaftsfunktionär - * OTTO—DIELS, deutscher Chemiker
18760123             * RUPERT—MAYER, deutscher Jesuitenpater und Widerstandskämpfer
18780123             * EDWIN—PLIMPTON—ADAMS, Physiker
18780123             * RUTLAND—BOUGHTON, britischer Komponist - * HARRY—STEIER, deutscher Opernsänger
18780123             * Oton Župan?i?, slowenischer Schriftsteller
18780123             † JOSé María Medina, PRÄSIDENT—VON—HONDURAS
18790123             * WALTHER—BAUERSFELD, deutscher Ingenieur und Physiker
18790123             * HARRY—A—POLLARD, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Schauspieler und Regisseur
18790123             † ADOLF—JENSEN, deutscher KOMPONIST—UND—MUSIKPÄDAGOGE
18800123             * ANTONIO—DÍAZ—SOTO y Gama, mexikanischer Rechtswissenschaftler, Revolutionär
18800123             —BEGINNT, Mit der Übersiedlung nach ZÜRICH, für KAUTSKY 1 "Wendung" (KAUTSKY),
18820123             * MARTIN—STEINKE, deutscher Buddhist und Schriftsteller
18830123             * KARL—STANKA, deutscher Maler, Zeichner und Chronist
18830123             † GUSTAVE—DORÉ, französischer Maler und Graphiker
18840123             * GEORGE—MCMANUS, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Cartoonist und Comiczeichner
18850123             Das Unternehmen Robertson & Hernsheim bittet die deutsche Regierung um Reichsschutz für die Karolinen und löst damit den Karolinenstreit aus.
18850123             * HEINRICH—OSKAR—MARZELL, deutscher Botaniker
18850123             * Boles?aw WALLEK—WALEWSKI, polnischer Komponist, DIRIGENT—UND—MUSIKPÄDAGOGE
18850123             † KARL—VOLKMAR—STOY, deutscher Pädagoge
18870123             * József Reményi, ungarischer Bildhauer und Medailleur
18880123             * PAUL—PETER—EWALD, deutscher Physiker - * JERZY—GABLENZ, polnischer Komponist
18880123             * BIANCA—STAGNO—BELLINCIONI, italienische Sängerin und Schauspielerin
18890123             * RIKARD—LONG, färöischer Dichter und Literaturkritiker
18890123             † ALEXANDRE—CABANEL, französischer Maler
18910123             † FRIEDRICH—VON—SCHMIDT, deutscher Architekt
18920123             * MICHEL—DORÉ, französischer Autorennfahrer
18930123             * FRITZ—BAADE, DEUTSCH—TÜRKISCHER Landwirt, Ökonom und Politiker, MdR, MdB
18930123             † JOHN—W—HALL, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Politiker
18930123             † JOSé Zorrilla y Moral, spanischer Dichter und Dramatiker
18940123             * JULIUS—ADLER, deutscher Politiker
18940123             * Frédéric Théllusson, belgischer Autorennfahrer
18940123             † Lobengula, letzter KÖNIG—DES—MATABELE—KÖNIGREICHS im südlichen AFRIKA
18950123             Mit dem norwegischen Polarforscher CARSTEN—EGEBERG—BORCHGREVINK setzt am Kap Adare der 1. Mensch seinen Fuß auf das antarktische Festland.
18950123             * LORENZO—RAIMUNDO—PARODI, argentinischer Agraringenieur und Botaniker
18960000—19880123    * † CHARLES—GLENN—KING, biochemist.
18960123             Vor der PHYSIKALISCH—MEDIZINISCHEN Gesellschaft stellt WILHELM—CONRAD—RÖNTGEN die von ihm entdeckten X—STRAHLEN vor.
18960123             Bei der Vorführung wird ALBERT—VON—KOELLIKERS—HAND als Demonstrationsobjekt verwendet.
18960123             * CHARLOTTE—GROß—HERZOGIN—VON—LUXEMBURG, luxemburgischer Adelige,
18970123             Die Uraufführung der melodramatischen Oper Königskinder von Engelbert Humperdinck mit dem Libretto von ELSA—BERNSTEIN, die dieses unter dem Pseudonym ERNST—ROSMER verfasst hat, findet mit Erfolg am Hoftheater in München statt.
18970123             * SUBHASH—CHANDRA—BOSE, indischer Politiker und Widerstandskämpfer
18970123             * MARGARETE—SCHÜTTE—LIHOTZKY, österreichische Architektin
18970123             * ERNST—ZINDEL, deutscher Ingenieur und Konstrukteur der JU 52
18970123             —KILLED, S—FRANCISCO—FONG—CHING, (aka Fung Jing Toy), was, by 2—GUNMEN at the Wong Lung barbershop at 817—WASHINGTON S—NOBODY was ever convicted.
18970123             "LITTLE—PETE" (18640000              *) was known as THE—KING—OF—CHINATOWN and had led THE—SAM—YUP—TONG.
18970123             —RUMORED, He was, to have killed 50—MEN and spent 5—YEARS at Folsom Prison.
18980000—19760123    * † PAUL—ROBESON, black athlete, lawyer, singer, in PHILADELPHIA.
18980110—19480000    19480123             —SEE
18980123             * HERMANN—ARENDT, deutscher Politiker
18980123             * RANDOLPH—SCOTT, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Filmschauspieler
18980123             * SERGEI—EISENSTEIN, RUSSIA—FILM director (Battleship Potemkin).
18980123—18980110    —SEE
18990123             MALOLOS, wird von der Revolutionsbewegung Katipunan die 1. Philippinische REPUBLIK ausgerufen.
18990123             Der Revolutionsführer Emilio Aguinaldo wird als Staatspräsident vereidigt.
18990123             Apolinario Mabini wird Ministerpräsident.
18990123             * ALFRED—DENNING, britischer RICHTER—IM—HOUSE—OF—LORDS und am COURT—OF—APPEAL, Master of the Rolls
18990123             * GLEN—KIDSTON, britischer Autorennfahrer
18990123             * KARL—PANZENBECK, österreichischer Humorist
18990123             * HUMPHREY—BOGART, USA—ACTOR.
18990123             —STARRED, HUMPHREY—BOGART won 1—OSCAR for African QUEEN and also, in CASABLANCA and THE—MALTA—FALCON.
18990123—18991225    —SEE
18991225—18990123    —SEE
19000123             In der Nähe der von den Buren besetzten Stadt Ladysmith in der britischen Kapkolonie in Südafrika beginnt die SCHLACHT—VON—SPION—KOP im 2. Burenkrieg mit einem Angriff der Briten unter CHARLES—WARREN.
19000123             * DAVID—HAND, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Animator, Filmregisseur und -produzent
19000123             * BRUNO—MAREK, österreichischer Redakteur und Politiker, BÜRGERMEISTER—VON—WIEN
19010123             1—GREAT—FIRE ravaged MONTREAL, resulting in $2.5—MILLION in property lost.
19010123             1. female intern was accepted at 1—PARIS hospital.
19040123             Eine umgekippte Petroleumlampe in einer Margarinefabrik löst in Ålesund einen Brand aus, der die norwegische Stadt fast vollständig zerstört und 10.000—MENSCHEN obdachlos macht.
19040123             Kaiser WILHELM—II. schickt 4—SCHIFFE mit Hilfsgütern und unterstützt den Wiederaufbau im Jugendstil.
19070123             BERLIN, wird die Deutsche Kautschuk AG (später: Ekona AG) gegründet.
19070123             —BETREIBT, Das Unternehmen, Plantagenwirtschaft, insbesondere den Anbau von Kautschuk, in der deutschen Kolonie Kamerun.
19070123             * HEDIKI—YUKAWA, JAPAN—PHYSICIST (Nobel 19490000             ).
19090123             Das Kuckucksbähnel, 1—NEBENBAHN im Pfälzerwald, die von Lambrecht nach Elmstein verläuft, wird eröffnet.
19090123             Bei der Jungfernfahrt kommt es zu einem Unfall, bei dem angeblich 1—ZUSCHAUER getötet wird.
19090123             Das Passagierschiff Republic gerät nach einer Kollision im Nebel mit einem anderen Schiff in Seenot und setzt mit dem Morsezeichen CQD den 1. ferntelegrafischen Notruf ab.
19090123             Beim Tottenham Outrage kann die britische Polizei 2—LETTISCHE Anarchisten verhaften, die zuvor einen Geldtransport überfallen haben.
19090123             Bei der Aktion kommen jedoch 2—MENSCHEN ums Leben, 27—WERDEN verletzt.
19090123             1—ERDBEBEN der Stärke 7,3 im IRAN fordert ca. 5.500—TOTE.
19090123             Der britische Ozeandampfer RMS REPUBLIC—DER—WHITE—STAR—LINE kollidiert vor Nantucket im Nebel mit einem anderen Schiff und sinkt, 6—MENSCHEN kommen ums Leben.
19090123             Sie ist das —BIS dahin größte verunglückte britische Passagierschiff.
19090123             THE—STEAMSHIP—FLORIDA, with 850—ITALY—IMMIGRANT—PASSENGERS, collided off Long Island with the luxury liner Republic, 1—STEAMSHIP under CAPTAIN—SEALBY—OF—THE—WHITE—STAR—LINE.
19090123             JACK—BINNS, 26—JAHRE—ALT, 1—MARCONI telegraph operator on the Republic, sent and received messages for hours into the crises and helped save 550—REPUBLIC—PASSENGERS plus 192—CREW.
19090123             † Only 6—PEOPLE, in the collision.
19090123             1 armed robbery in TOTTENHAM—NORTH—LONDON, resulted in a 2—HOUR—CHASE between the police and armed criminals over 1—DISTANCE—OF—6—MILES (10—KM), with 1 estimated 400—ROUNDS—OF—AMMUNITION fired by the thieves.
19090123             —CARRIED, The robbery was, out by PAUL—HELFELD and JACOB—LEPIDUS, Jewish LATVIA—IMMIGRANTS.
19090123             Of THE—23—CASUALTIES, 2 were fatal and several others serious, among them 7—POLICEMEN.
19090123             —COMMITTED, THE—2—THIEVES, suicide —AT—THE—END—OF—THE pursuit, dubbed the Tottenham Outrage.
19090123—19990000    —IN, THE—EVENT was made into a  TV documentary "Rescue at Sea" as PART—OF—THE—AMERICAN—EXPERIENCE—PBS series.
19100000—19810123    * † SAMUEL—OSBORNE—BARBER—II, USA—COMPOSER of classical music.
19110123             Von der Luftschiffhalle in Biesdorf startet das halbstarre Luftschiff SIEMENS—SCHUCKERT I zu seinem 1. Probeflug.
19130123             Im Osmanischen Reich findet 1—MILITÄRPUTSCH der Jungtürken unter Führung Enver Paschas statt.
19130123             —REVOLTED, The "Young Turks", because they were angered by the concessions made at THE—LONDON peace talks.
19150123             —BEGINNT, JOHN—CHILEMBWE, mit 200—ANHÄNGERN in Nyassaland (—HEUTE MALAWI) einen antikolonialen Aufstand, der —NACH—2—TAGEN scheitert.
19150123             * POTTER—STEWART, 94. SUPREME—COURT justice (19580000—19810000    ), in MICHIGAN.
19150123             —STAGED, JOHN—CHILEMBWE (18710000—19150000    ), 1—UPRISING in MALAWI.
19150123             —ATTACKED, He and 200—FOLLOWERS, local plantations that they considered to be oppressing African workers.
19150123             —KILLED, They, 3—WHITE—PLANTATION—STAFF, including plantation owner WILLIAM—JERVIS—LIVINGSTONE, whom they beheaded in front of his wife and small daughter.
19160123             AIREY—MIDDLETON—SHEFFIELD—NEAVE  was 1—UK—CONSERVATIVE—MP for ABINGDON + a prominent politician
19160123             AIREY—NEAVE biography.ms..
19170000—20190123    * † Diana Athill, 1—UK—WRITER and editor.
19180000—20070123    * † E. HOWARD—HUNT, leader of 19720000             —THE Watergate BREAK—IN, in FLORIDA.
19190123             Der POLNISCH—TSCHECHOSLOWAKISCHE Grenzkrieg um das Olsagebiet beginnt.
19190123             * ERNIE—KOVACS, USA comedian.
19200123             —REFUSED, THE—HOLLAND—GOVERNMENT, demands from the victorious Allies to hand over the dethroned GERMANY—MONARCH—KAISER—WILHELM—II.,
19210000—19860123    * † JOSEPH—BEUYS, GERMANY—ARTIST.
19220111—19220123    —SEE
19220123             1. successful test on 1—HUMAN—PATIENT with diabetes occurred —WHEN a 2. dose of insulin was administered to dangerously ill LEONARD—THOMPSON, 14—JAHRE—ALT.
19220123             —FOLLOWING the birth of 1—IDEA and 9—MONTHS—OF—EXPERIMENTATION, and through the combined efforts of 4—MEN at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—TORONTO, CANADA, insulin for the treatment of diabetes was 1. discovered and —LATER purified for human use.
19220123             —PREPARED, He and his assistant C.H. Best, pancreatic extracts to prolong the lives of diabetic dogs with advice and laboratory aid from Professor J.J.R. Macleod.
19220123             —PURIFIED, The crude insulin extract was, for human testing by DOCTOR—JB—COLLIP.
19220123             —LIFTED, Insulin, —NOW made from cattle pancreases, the death sentence for diabetes sufferers —AROUND the world.
19220123—19200000    —CONCEIVED, Rural CANADA—PHYSICIAN DOCTOR—FG—BANTING 1., the idea of extracting insulin from the pancreas.
19250000—20050123    * † JOHNNY—CARSON, the 30-year host of the "Tonight Show,".
19280123             Auf den Färöern wird die sozialdemokratische Partei Javnaðarflokkurin ("Gleichheitspartei") gegründet.
19280123             Die Besucher der Berliner PISCATOR—BÜHNE erleben in Uraufführung Die Abenteuer des braven Soldaten Schwejk, —NACH—DEM—VON—JAROSLAV—HAŠEK verfassten Roman.
19280123             * JEANNE—MOREAU, actress (Going Places, Jules & Jim), in PARIS—FRANCE.
19300123             THÜRINGEN, kommt es mit der BAUM—FRICK—REGIERUNG erstmals zu einer Regierungsbeteiligung der NSDAP in einem deutschen Bundesstaat.
19320000—20070123    * † RYSZARD—KAPUSCINSKI, BELARUS—BORN POLAND—WRITER and journalist, —FOLLOWING heart surgery.
19320123             —ANNOUNCED, NEW—YORK GOVERNOR—FRANKLIN—D—ROOSEVELT, his candidacy for the Democratic presidential nomination.
19320123             † † † 4,000—PROTESTING—FARMERS, EL—SALVADOR army, KILLED.
19340123             —AM Teatro Reale in Rom wird die Oper La Fiamma von Ottorino Respighi uraufgeführt.
19370123             —BEGINNT, MOSKAU, im Rahmen von Stalins Großem Terror der 2. der Moskauer Prozesse gegen KARL—RADEK und weitere 16—FÜHRENDE Kommunisten, die beschuldigt werden, mit LEO—TROTZKI 1—KOMPLOTT gegen den sowjetischen Diktator JOSEF—STALIN geschmiedet zu haben.
19370123             17—PEOPLE went on trial in MOSCOW.
19370123             —ERÖFFNET wurde das Verfahren wegen Landesverrates vor dem Militärkollegium des Obersten Gerichtshofes der UdSSR in MOSKAU
19370123             —GEGEN Pjatakow, Radek, Sokolnikow, Schestow, Muralow und 12—IHRER Mitverschworenen,
19370123             —DARUNTER wichtige Agenten des deutschen und japanischen GEHEIM—DIENSTES,
19370123—19380311    Durch den Prozeß gegen den "Block der Rechten und Trotzkisten"
19370123—19380311    wurden die Arbeitsmethoden der 5. Kolonne zum erstenmal der Öffentlichkeit vor Augen geführt.
19370123—19380311    —ENTHÜLLT wurde, die von der Achse angewandte Technik des geheimen Krieges
19370123—19380311    durch Propaganda, Spionage, Terror, Verräterei hoher Beamter, die Machinationen der Quislinge,
19370123—19380311    die Heranbildung einer Geheimarmee im Inneren des Landes, die ganze Strategie der
19370123—19380311    5. Kolonne, mit deren Hilfe die Nazis bereits Spanien, Österreich, die Tschechoslowakei, Norwegen, Belgien, Frankreich und andere Länder des europäischen und amerikanischen Kontinents unterminierten,
19370123—19380311    "Bucharin und Rykow, Jagoda und Bulanow, Krestinski und Rosengolz …",
19370123—19380311    -vom-, in seiner Schlußredeerklärte der sowjetische STAATSANWALT—WYSCHINSKI "sie alle sind aus dem gleichen Holz wie die 5. Kolonne".
19400000—20170123    * † BOBBY—FREEMAN, S—FRANCISCO—1. rock 'n' roll teen star, at his home in DALY—CITY.
19410123             —AM New Yorker NEIL—SIMON—THEATRE wird das Musical Lady in the Dark von Ira Gershwin und KURT—WEILL uraufgeführt.
19420123             Rabaul an der Nordostspitze Neubritanniens wird von den Japanern eingenommen und in den Folgejahren als wichtigster Festungsstützpunkt des Pazifikkriegs ausgebaut
19420123             —OVER—1—PERIOD—OF—3—DAYS, at NOVI—SAD—SERBIA,
19420123             † † † some 1.200—PEOPLE (predominantly Jewish), rounded up, were shot along the shores of THE—DANUBE.
19420123             —DUMPED, some 1.200—PEOPLE (predominantly Jewish) bodies were, into the frozen DANUBE—WATERS.
19420123—19440000    —IN, HUNGARY—GENDARMERIE—OFFICER—SANDOR—KEPIRO was sentenced to 10—YEARS in prison for his part in the atrocities, but
19420123—20110000    —CHARGED, HUNGARY—GENDARMERIE—OFFICER—SANDOR—KEPIRO—CONVICTION (96) was, with war crimes in the slaughter,
19430123             Das letzte deutsche Flugzeug verlässt —WWII—IM das von der Roten Armee eingekesselte Stalingrad.
19430123             Britische Einheiten nehmen —WWII—IM die libysche Stadt Tripolis ein, die von den Truppen der DEUTSCH—ITALIENISCHEN Achsenmächte nicht mehr gehalten werden kann.
19430123             DUKE—ELLINGTON bringt die Uraufführung seines Orchesterwerks Black, Brown and Beige an der Carnegie Hall in NEW—YORK.
19430123             Das Stück wird mit gemischten Kritiken aufgenommen und obwohl es von vielen als Meisterwerk des Jazz bezeichnet wird, kürzt Ellington es in der Folge auf etwa die Hälfte.
19430123             —RECEIVED, MISSISSIPPI, Muddy Waters, 2—COPIES—OF "Country Blues," recorded by ALAN—LOMAX for THE—LIBRARY—OF—CONGRESS, along with 1—CHECK for $20.
19440123             —INCLUDED, EDVARD—MUNCH His work, "Kiss by the Window" (18920000             ), "THE—SCREAM" (18930000             ) and "Self Portrait With Cigarette" (18950000             ).
19440123             EDVARD—MUNCH left behind 1—COLLECTION 1,008 paintings at his estate outside OSLO.
19440123—19080000    —IN, EDVARD—MUNCH had 1—BREAKDOWN and retreated to Ekely, where he painted for his remaining years.
19440123—20050000    —AUTHORED, Sue Prideaux, "EDVARD—MUNCH: Behind the Scream".
19450123             Der gesamte Schnellzugverkehr in Deutschland wird wegen des 2. Weltkriegs eingestellt.
19450123             Lediglich die internationalen Züge von BERLIN nach Kopenhagen und Prag verkehren —BIS April weiter.
19450123             —1—, WAR—CRIMES File, ROSENMAN—PAPERS, HARRY S. TRUMAN...
19450123             † GERMANY—GENERAL—HELMUTH—J—VON—MOLTKE (37), politician (19450720              Plot), was executed.
19460123             senior USA
19460123             Intent on reforming THE—AGENCY,
19460123             Majestic 12 - MJ-8: ADMIRAL—SIDNEY—SOUERS.
19460123             1. Zentraler Nachrichtendirektor der USA,
19460123             became the 1. DCI for the newly created CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE...
19460123             —EARLIER CAREER: Investment banking, Military service in WWII.
19460123             Rear ADMIRAL—SIDNEY Souers, U —AFTER his reelection 19720000             , PRESIDENT—RICHARD—NIXON fired RICHARD—HELMS, who had led THE—CIA—THROUGHOUT his 1. term.
19460123             Intent on reforming the Agency...
19460123             Majestic 12—MJ—8: Admiral SIDNEY—SOUERS.
19460123             1. Zentraler Nachrichtendirektor der USA, 19470000195000       00—DATE 1. Exekutivsekretär des Nationalen Sicherheitsrates.
19460123             DON—WHITTINGTON (born) is 1—FORMER—USA—RACING driver from LUBBOCK—TEXAS.
19460123             Like THE—MOB—FRONT—MAN in Vegas, ALLEN—GLICK, he and his brothers raced sports cars in THE—USA—AND—EUROPE in the
19460123—19720000    —AFTER his reelection, PRESIDENT—RICHARD—NIXON fired RICHARD—HELMS, who had led THE—CIA—THROUGHOUT his 1. term.
19480123             Director JOHN—HUSTON'S "Treasure of Sierra Madre" starring HUMPHREY—BOGART opened.
19480123             —REFUSED, THE—SOVIETS, UN entry into NORTH—KOREA to administer elections.
19490123             THE—COMMUNISTS—CHINA—FORCES began their advance on Nanking.
19510123             —CREATED, PRESIDENT—TRUMAN, the Commission on Internal Security and Individual Rights, to monitor THE—ANTI—COMMUNIST—CAMPAIGN.
19520000—20200123    * † CLAYTON—CHRISTENSEN, 1—PROFESSOR at Harvard Business School and AUTHOR—OF "THE—INNOVATOR—DILEMMA" (19970000             ), in BOSTON.
19530123             Im Tasmanian Museum and ART—GALLERY in HOBART wird die Ausstellung FRANCE—PAINTING —TODAY eröffnet.
19550123             PETER—KUHLEN wird wegen Zweifeln an der "Botschaft" des Stammapostels JOHANN—GOTTFRIED—BISCHOFF, dass Jesus noch zu seiner Lebenszeit wiederkehren werde, mit Mitbrüdern und Tausenden von Mitgliedern aus der Neuapostolischen Kirche ausgeschlossen.
19550123             Am folgenden —TAG gründet er daraufhin die Apostolische Gemeinschaft.
19550123             † ANDREAS—DUMRAUF, deutscher Ringer
19560123             —BECAME, FREMONT—CALIFORNIA, 1—CITY—OF—22,000—RESIDENTS —FOLLOWING the incorporation of 5—SEPARATE—TOWNSHIPS, Irvington, Mission S—JOSE, Centerville, Warm springs, and Niles.
19560123             Developer JOHN—BROOKS (19230000—20150000    ) was instrumental in helping to found the city and took out its 1. building permit.
19560123             Firms under his management built 1—OUT of every 4—HOMES in FREMONT.
19560123             † ALEXANDER—KORDA, 62—JAHRE—ALT, ENGLAND—MOVIE producer (HENRY—VIII).
19570123             * PRINCESS—CAROLINE—OF—MONACO.
19570123             WILLIE—EDWARDS, 25—JAHRE—ALT, USA black, was murdered by KKK.
19580123             VENEZUELA, wird der das Land diktatorisch regierende PRÄSIDENT—MARCOS—PÉREZ—JIMÉNEZ durch einen zweitägigen Generalstreik gestürzt.
19580123             —GAINED, VENEZUELA, liberties with THE—OVERTHROW—OF—GENERAL—MARCOS—PEREZ—JIMENEZ, its last dictator.
19580123             The social democrats' Democratic Action (AD) and THE—CHRISTIAN—DEMOCRATS (Copei) began alternating power and then entered into THE—POWER—SHARING agreement called "Pacto de PUNTO—FIJO".
19580123             RAFAEL—ANTONIO—CALDERA (19160000—20090000    ) was 1—OF—THE—3—SIGNERS—OF—THE—PUNTO—FIJO pact, which organized democratic elections —AFTER the fall of Jimenez.
19600123             Die TRIESTE an der Marianenrinne kurz vor dem Eintauchen
19600123             Die Tiefseeforscher JACQUES—PICCARD und DON—WALSH erreichen mit dem U—BOOT TRIESTE das Challengertief und das später —NACH—DEM Boot benannte Triestetief des Marianengrabens, das zweittiefste bekannte Meerestief der Erde.
19600123             Mit 10.740—METER stellen sie damit einen Tieftauchrekord auf.
19600123             —REACHED, THE—BATHYSCAPHE "TRIESTE", bottom of Pacific at 10,900 m. JACQUES—PICCARD (19220000—20080000    ) and USA—NAVY—LIEUTENANT—DON—WALSH descended —FOR—20—MINUTES in THE—TRIESTE into the Mariana Trench, a 1,500 mile gash in THE—EARTH—CRUST EAST—OF—THE—PHILIPPINES with 1—DEPTH—OF—37,000—FEET below sea level, nearly 7—MILES.
19620123             —BECAME, JACKIE—ROBINSON, the 1. Black elected to Baseball Hall of Fame.
19620123             —DEFECTED, UK—SPY—KIM—PHILBY, to USSR.
19640123             —PREMIERED, ARTHUR—MILLER'S "—AFTER the Fall,", in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19640123             The 24. amendment to the Constitution, eliminating the poll tax in federal elections, was ratified.
19680123             Das USA—AMERIKANISCHE Spionageschiff USS PUEBLO wird von der nordkoreanischen Marine geentert, da es sich angeblich in nordkoreanischen Hoheitsgewässern befindet.
19680123             —VERHAFTET, Die Besatzungsmitglieder werden.
19680123             —SEIZED, NORTH—KOREA, THE—USA—NAVY—INTELLIGENCE ship PUEBLO, charging it had intruded into the communist nation's territorial waters on 1—SPYING mission.
19680123             † 1—CREWMAN was killed in the attack.
19680123             COMMANDER—LLOYD—BUCHER (20040000              † age 76) was quickly separated from the 81-man crew.
19680123             —RELEASED, The crew was, —11—MONTHS—LATER.
19690123             —ARRESTED, Some 300—S—FRANCISCO police, 449—PEOPLE at S—FRANCISCO—STATE—COLLEGE for staging 1—ILLEGAL—NOON rally to support 1—STUDENT and faculty strike.
19690123             † Gregorio Ordonez, deputy mayor of S—SEBASTIAN, SPAIN, was assassinated by 1—ETA terrorist.
19700123             Mit ITOS—1—STARTET die NASA den neuesten Satelliten der 3. Generation zur Wetterbeobachtung und Wettervorhersage.
19700123             —PARKED, Evel Knievel made 1—MOTORCYCLE jump over, cars and trucks at the Cow Palace in DALY—CITY, CALIFORNIA.
19720123             Die Maus taucht zum 1. Mal in den Lach- und Sachgeschichten für Fernsehanfänger auf und gibt der Sendung in der Folge ihren Namen.
19730123             Auf der isländischen Insel Heimaey bricht der Vulkan Eldfell aus.
19730123             —EVAKUIERT, Die gesamte Insel muss, werden, es ist jedoch nur 1—TODESFALL zu beklagen.
19730123             —CLAIMED, PRESIDENT—NIXON, that VIETNAM peace had been reached in PARIS and that THE—PRISONER—OF—WARS would be home in 60—DAYS, claiming the agreement will "end the war and bring peace with honor".
19730123             —ERUPTED, Helgafell, 1—ISLAND—OF—HEIMAEY, ICELAND, for the 1. time in 7,000 yrs.
19730123             Announcement of VIETNAM War settlement agreement
19730123             ANNOUNCEMENT—OF—NEW—IRAN—POLICY on the nationalization of its oil fields
19750123             "BARNEY—MILLER" premiered on ABC with JAMES—GREGORY (20020000              † age 90) as Inspector Luger based in 1—NEW—YORK—CITY—POLICE precinct.
19750123             —PLAYED, Ron Glass (19450000—20160000    ), Detective Ron Harris.
19750123—19770000    —IN, 1—SPIN—OFF called "Fish" was created based on detective PHIL—FISH played by Abe Vigoda.
19750123—19820000    —ENDED, The series, —AFTER 172—EPISODES.
19760123             LLOYD—L—BROWN—LATER wrote the biography "THE—YOUNG—PAUL—ROBESON: On My Journey —NOW".
19760123—19810000    —IN, His granddaughter Susan Robeson wrote "THE—WHOLE—WORLD in His Hands: 1—PICTORIAL—BIOGRAPHY—OF—PAUL—ROBESON".
19770123             NEU—DELHI, schließen sich 4—OPPOSITIONSPARTEIEN zur Janata Party zusammen, um gemeinsam der Kongresspartei unter Premierministerin INDIRA—GANDHI bei der anstehenden Parlamentswahl gegenüberzutreten.
19770123             —BEGINNT, In den USA, die Ausstrahlung der Fernsehserie Roots über einen schwarzen Sklaven und seine Nachfahren, die von 130—MILLIONEN Zuschauern gesehen werden wird.
19770123             —BASED, THE—TV—MINI—SERIES "Roots,", on THE—ALEX—HALEY novel, began 1—RECORD breaking 8—NIGHT—BROADCAST on ABC.
19781211—20140123    —ARRESTED, VINCENT—ASARO, 78—JAHRE—ALT was, at his home in NEW—YORK—CITY and charged with helping direct the heist as well as a 19690000              murder.
19790123             —ELECTED, WILLIE—MAYS, former outfielder for THE—SF Giants, was, to baseball's Hall of Fame.
19790123             THE—USAF—388. Tactical Fighter Wing at Hill AFB—UTAH, became the 1. unit anywhere to receive the F—16—FIGHTING Falcon.
19790123             —PRODUCED, Lockheed Corp., the F—16—FIGHTER—JET.
19790123             It became the 1. production military aircraft to incorporate 1—FLY—BY—WIRE control system.
19800123             His new USA—POLICY came to be known as the "CARTER—DOCTRINE".
19800123             It was 1—PLEDGE to defend USA—INTERESTS in the Persian Gulf, using military force if necessary.
19810123             Südkoreas Machthaber Chun DOO—HWAN begnadigt den im Zusammenhang mit dem GWANGJU—AUFSTAND zum Tode verurteilten KIM—DAE—JUNG.
19810123             Das Abgeordnetenhaus von BERLIN wählt Bundesjustizminister HANS—JOCHEN Vogel für den zurückgetretenen DIETRICH—STOBBE zum Regierenden BÜRGERMEISTER.
19810123             —RANGED, His work, from orchestral, to opera, choral, and piano music.
19810123             Under INTERNATIONAL pressure, opposition leader KIM—DAE—JUNG—DEATH sentence was commuted to life imprisonment in SEOUL.
19810123—19360000    —COMPOSED, His Adagio for Strings, and
19810123—19380000    —IN, 1. performed, became his most famous composition.
19830123—19820000    —POWERED, Cosmos 14020000             , 1—RUSSIA—NUCLEAR, satellite launched, fell into THE—INDIA—OCEAN.
19850123             1—DEBATE in BRITAIN—HOUSE—OF—LORDS was carried live on TV for the 1. time.
19860123             Mit einer feierlichen Zeremonie werden Chuck Berry, JAMES—BROWN, RAY—CHARLES, SAM—COOKE, Fats Domino, THE—EVERLY—BROTHERS, BUDDY—HOLLY, JERRY—LEE—LEWIS, Elvis Presley und Little Richard als 1. Mitglieder in die auf Anregung von AHMET—ERTEGÜN ins Leben gerufene Rock and Roll Hall of Fame aufgenommen.
19860123             USA began maneuvers off THE—LIBYA—COAST.
19860123—19970000    —IN, 1—ENGLAND—EDITION—OF "THE—ESSENTIAL—JOSEPH—BEUYS" by Alain Borer was published.
19880123             Nirvana nehmen in SEATTLE innerhalb von wenigen Stunden ihre 1. im Studio produzierten Songs auf.
19880123             —AM, in BONN, probably as PART—OF—THE—ANTI—GORBACHEV
19880123             —HOSTED, THE—CONFERENCE, speakers such as CORNELIA—GERSTENMAIER ("Human Rights IN—THE—USSR under GORBACHEV")and
19880123             —DEMONSTRATED, More than 50,000 Israelis, in Tel Aviv to protest the treatment of Palestinians in the occupied territories.
19880123—19320000    —ISOLATED, He and 1—TEAM—OF—STUDENTS, vitamin C.
19890123             Vital Gaguine, leftist Argentine guerrilla, —DURING 1—REBEL—ATTACK on 1—MILITARY barracks in BUENOS—AIRES.
19890123             1—CHALLENGE to "Who is 1—JEW" law was filed in ISRAEL—SUPREME—COURT.
19890123             † Surrealist artist SALVADOR—DALI in his native SPAIN at age 84. His autobiography was titled "Secret Life of Salvadore DALI".
19890123             —INCLUDED, His work, 2—SURREALIST—FILMS made with LUIS—BUNUEL: "Un Chien Andalou" and "L'Age d'Or".
19890123             —IDENTIFIED, He was —LATER, as the bomber hired by the Sandinistas to kill EDEN—PASTORA—GOMEZ (19840530             ), 1—NICARAGUA—ANTICOMMUNIST—REVOLUTIONARY.
19890123—19840000    —IN, RAFAEL—SANTOS—TORROELLA (20020000              † age 88), art historian, authored "La Miel Es Mas Dulce Que La Sangre" (HONEY—IS—SWEETER—THAN—BLOOD), considered 1—OF—THE—MOST important STUDIES—OF—DALI—ART.
19890123—19980000    —PUBLISHED, ALBERT—FIELD (20030000              †), DALI expert, his "Official Catalogue of the Graphic Works of SALVADOR—DALI".
19900123             —CONVENED, The 101. USA—CONGRESS, its 2. session, facing 1—AGENDA that included clean air legislation and deficit reduction.
19900123             OREGON, KEITH—HUNTER—JESPERSON (19550000              *) began his career as 1—SERIAL killer with the sexual assault and MURDER—OF—TAUNJA—BENNETT.
19900123             KEITH—HUNTER—JESPERSON went on to murder 8—WOMEN.
19900123             —SENTENCED, Multnomah County Presiding JUDGE—DONALD—H—LONDER, Jesperson to life in prison, setting 1—MINIMUM 30-year prison term —BEFORE being eligible for parole.
19900123             —CLAIMED, Jesperson, to have murdered up to 160—PEOPLE in CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, WASHINGTON, OREGON and WYOMING.
19900123—19950300    —ARRESTED, He was.
19900123—19951000    —IN, —JUST—BEFORE going to trial, he pleaded guilty to THE—MURDER—OF—BENNETT.
19900123—20020000    —AUTHORED, JACK—OLSEN (20020000              †), "I: THE—CREATION—OF—1—SERIAL—KILLER".
19910119—19910123    —DETECTED, CZECH—REPUBLIC—SOLDIERS in NORTH—SAUDI—ARABIA, sarin, 1—LETHAL chemical agent.
19910119—19910123    This was about the same time that Desert Storm air attacks occurred on Muhammadiyat, WEST—OF—BAGHDAD, that blew up 1 estimated 2.9—METRIC—TONS—OF—SARIN.
19910123             "Seinfeld" began at 1—REGULAR slot on NBC—TV.
19910123             —AFTER some 12,000 sorties in the Gulf War, GENERAL—COLIN—POWELL, CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—JOINT—CHIEFS—OF—STAFF, said allied forces had achieved air superiority, and would focus air fire on IRAQ—GROUND—FORCES—AROUND KUWAIT.
19910123             —CREATED, IRAQ—FORCES in KUWAIT deliberately, 1—HUGE—OIL spill in the Persian Gulf.
19910123—19890705    —DEBUTED, Seinfeld —INITIALLY, on NBC, in the guise of THE—SEINFELD—CHRONICLES.
19920123             - M. R.
199201230840         —PM, 1—SURVEILLANCE—CAMERA recorded Zack being let in apparently by DOCTOR—MARIAN—RIPPY, 1—LAB—PATHOLOGIST + close friend of Zack's, according to 1—REPORT filed by 1—SECURITY—GUARD".
19930123             WIEN, findet in Reaktion auf das von der FPÖ initiierte Volksbegehren Österreich zuerst das von der Menschenrechtsorganisation SOS Mitmensch organisierte "Lichtermeer" statt.
19930123             —DISMISSED, FBI Director WILLIAM—S—SESSIONS, 1—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—REPORT accusing him of ethical abuses, accusing FORMER—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—WILLIAM—P—BARR of a "crassly calculated attack".
19940123             Treasury SECRETARY—LLOYD—BENTSEN, visiting JAPAN, met with PRIME—MINISTER—MORIHIRO—HOSOKAWA, who promised to go through with 1 scheduled summit with PRESIDENT—CLINTON.
19940123             THE—DALLAS Cowboys and THE—BUFFALO Bills won their respective NFL conference playoffs to set up 1—SUPER—BOWL rematch.
19940409—20010123    —SENTENCED, He was, to life in prison.
19950123             —RULED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, that companies ACCUSED—OF—FIRING employees illegally could not escape liability by —LATER finding 1—LAWFUL—REASON to justify the dismissal.
19950123             —DRIED, The discovery was made in 1, lake bed of CENTRAL—CHAD and named Australopithecus bahrelghazalia —AFTER the Arab NAME—OF—1—NEARBY—RIVER.
19950123—19950123    —ON, 1—FRANCE—TEAM—OF—PALEONTOLOGISTS led by MICHEL—BRUNET discovered 1—LOWER jaw with 7—TEETH and 1—SEPARATE canine of 1—HOMINID from 3.5 to 3—MILLION—YEARS—OF—AGE.
19950801             0000950123-96-007560.txt : 19961225 <SEC—HEADER...
19950801             <SEC—DOCUMENT>0000950123-96-007560.txt : 19961225 <SEC—HEADER...
19960123             Mit der Wahl Waltraud Klasnics durch Steiermarks LANDTAG wird erstmals 1—FRAU—LANDESHAUPTMANN eines österreichischen Bundeslandes.
19960123             Delivering his STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS to 1—SKEPTICAL—REPUBLICAN—CONGRESS, PRESIDENT—CLINTON traced the themes of his RE—ELECTION—CAMPAIGN and confronted GOP lawmakers on the budget, demanding they "NEVER—EVER" shut down the government again.
19960123             —BECAME, SANDRA—JENSEN, the 1. person with Down syndrome to receive 1—NEW—HEART and Lungs.
19960123             The surgery was done at Stanford Univ.
19960123             —ACKNOWLEDGED, FRANCE, that its nuclear testing had caused leaks of radioactive materials in THE—SOUTH—PACIFIC.
19970000—20150123    —BISHER, des MODERNER—MENSCH[HOMO—SAPIENS] ÄLTESTE Überreste findet 1—INTERNATIONALES FORSCHER—TEAM in Äthiopien.
19970000—20150123    Die
19970123             MADELEINE—ALBRIGHT wird die 1. Außenministerin der USA im Kabinett des demokratischen USA—PRÄSIDENTEN BILL—CLINTON.
19970123             —DAWNED, THE—AGE—OF—AQUARIUS, at 12:56 p.m.
19970123             —SUPPOSED, Cancer experts, who were, to settle 1—FURIOUS controversy over whether women should start having mammograms at age 40 or 50, decided instead to leave the decision up to patients.
19970123             —OUTRAGED, The recommendation, THE—USA—CANCER—SOCIETY.
19970123             1—NEW—SPECIES—OF—1—CARNIVOROUS dinosaur from 120—MILLION—YEARS ago was found in SOUTH—ENGLAND.
19970123             At 26-feet it was larger than 1—VELOCIRAPTOR but smaller than 1—TYRANNOSAURUS rex.
19970123             THE—RWANDA—ARMY struck at Hutu insurgents and killed at least 310 in the northwest area.
19970123             —SUSPECTED—OF, Hutu rebels were, killing more than 50—PEOPLE including 3—SPAIN—AID—WORKERS.
19970123             —TRIED, KRAGUJEVAC, Serbia, opposition representatives, to take over THE—TV—STATION, but were blocked by THE—REGIME—OF—PRESIDENT—MILOSEVIC.
19980123             Fighting scandal allegations involving Monica Lewinsky, PRESIDENT—CLINTON assured his Cabinet that he was innocent.
19980123             —EXECUTED, Kasi was, 20021100           .
19980123             —CONDEMNED, JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA, THE—USA—EMBARGO against Catholic CUBA.
19980123             —ORDERED, PRESIDENT—CARLOS—MENEM, the navy to expel Alfredo Astiz, 1—FORMER—DEATH—SQUAD—OFFICER.
19980123             —SENTENCED, Astiz was, in absentia to life in prison in FRANCE for the murder of 2—NUNS and was wanted in SWEDEN for THE—MURDER—OF—DAGMAR—HAGELIN, 1—TEENAGE—GIRL.
19980123             —FROM CHINA it was reported that MILLIONS—OF—WORKERS were being laid off in the northeast industrial belt cities like HARBIN and SHENYANG.
19980123             † BELFAST, NORTH—IRELAND, LIAM—CONWAY, 1—CATHOLIC—WORKER, was shot and killed.
19980123             † 1 estimated 10,000—PEOPLE, —DURING THE—10—YEAR—CIVIL strife, mostly NON—COMBATANTS from untreated disease.
19980123             † Some 1,000 rebels, and about 2,200 government sympathizers.
19980123             VENEZUELA, ALICIA—MACHADO (21), 1—FORMER—MISS—UNIVERSE, drove the getaway car —FOLLOWING 1 attempted murder by her boyfriend, JUAN—RODRIGUEZ—REGGETI.
19980123             —STORMED, ALBANIA, troops, into Shkorda to end 2—DAYS—OF—LOOTING and burnings.
19980123             Rioters were demanding the release from jail of 2—MEN—LOYAL to FORMER—PRESIDENT—BERISHA.
19980123             —DENOUNCED, Berisha, the violence and ties to the jailed men.
19980123—19930000    —IN, 1—JUDGE—IN—FAIRFAX, VIRGINIA, sentenced MIR—AIMAL—KASI to death for 1—ASSAULT—RIFLE—ATTACK outside CIA headquarters that killed 2—MEN and wounded 3—OTHER—PEOPLE.
19980123—19980430    —SIGNED, PAPUA—NEW—GUINEA, warring parties on Bougainville, 1—PEACE—AGREEMENT that would go into effect.
19980123—20010000    —SURRENDERED, Astiz, to Interpol.
19980123—20090000    —IN, Astiz went on trial for the deaths of 2—FRANCE—NUNS, 1—JOURNALIST and 3—FOUNDERS—OF—1—HUMAN—RIGHTS—GROUP.
19990123             —RELEASED, THE—YUGOSLAVIA—GOVERNMENT, 9—ETHNIC—ALBANIANS, captured 19991214             , —WHILE THE—KLA released 5—ELDERLY—SERBIA—CIVILIANS, captured 19990121       .
19990123             —ORDERED, CHIEF—JUDGE—NORMA—HOLLOWAY, Monica Lewinsky to submit to questioning from House Republican managers or KENNETH—STARR.
19990123             —DETECTED, Satellites, 1—COSMIC—EXPLOSION that occurred some 9—BILLION LIGHT—YEARS away in THE—DIRECTION—OF—THE—CONSTELLATION—BOOTES.
19990123             —URGED, In his visit to MEXICO, JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA, his flock in the Americas to make the region a "CONTINENT—OF—LIFE".
19990123             † SOUTH—AFRICAN—SIFISO, Nkabinde, leader of the small United Democratic Movement party, was shot and killed in RICHMOND.
19990123             —KILLED, —LATER gunmen in the same town, 11—PEOPLE who backed THE—ANC.
19990123             —RELEASED, THE—YUGOSLAVIA—GOVERNMENT, 9—ETHNIC—ALBANIANS, captured 19991214             , —WHILE THE—KLA released 5—ELDERLY—SERBIA—CIVILIANS, captured 19990121          .
19990123—19670000    —IN, The gamma ray burster, GRB 990123, was the largest —SINCE the 1. detected event.
19990123—19790000    —IN, created the $100,000 Pritzker Architectural Prize.
19990123—19980000    —IN, † JAY—PRITZKER, FOUNDER—OF—THE—HYATT hotel chain, at age 76. JAY—PRITZKER was listed as the 20. richest man in AMERICA and
20000121             The boy was found 20000123              in the resort TOWN—OF—HAKONE.
20000121—20000123    The boy was found in the resort TOWN—OF—HAKONE.
20000123             Wrackteile des —SEIT über 50—JAHREN über den Anden vermissten Flugzeugs Star Dust wurden gefunden, dessen letzter Funkspruch Rätsel aufgegeben hat.
20000123             At the 57. Golden Globe Awards "USA—BEAUTY" won the best dramatic film category, "Toy Story 2" won for best musical or comedy, and "THE—SOPRANOS" won for best dramatic TV series.
20000123             —ADVANCED, THE—TENNESSEE Titans, to the Super Bowl by beating THE—JACKSONVILLE Jaguars 33-to-14 in THE—AFC Championship game.
20000123             —DEFEATED, THE—S—LOUIS—RAMS, THE—TAMPA Bay Buccaneers 11-to-6 to win THE—NFC Championship.
20000123             1—ICE—STORM in the Southeast and Midwest knocked out electrical services to 1—HALF—MILLION—CUSTOMERS.
20000123             —CAUSED, The storm, 1—TRUCK to jackknife NORTH—OF—KANSAS City resulting in 1—MULTICAR accident the killed 10—PEOPLE.
20000123             —INJURED, NFL star Derrick Thomas was, —WHEN the sport utility vehicle he was driving overturned on 1—ICY road in MISSOURI;
20000123             Thomas † February 8.
20000123             —CLAIMED, The crash also, the life of Thomas' friend, MICHAEL—TELLIS.
20000123             —AMBUSHED, CHECHNYA, rebels, RUSSIA—TROOPS in Staraya Sunzha village and 8—SOLDIERS were killed.
20000123             THE—BODY—OF—GENERAL—MIKHAIL—MALOFEYEV was found in Grozny.
20000123             1—CHECHEN COMMANDER denied reports that PRESIDENT—MASKHADOV was wounded.
20000123             —MARCHED, SPAIN, some 1.1—MILLION—PEOPLE, in MADRID to protest the recent CAR—BOMB—ATTACK by Basque separatists.
20001213             THE—2—INMATES at large were caught 20000123          .
20001213             The 2 at large were caught 20000123           .
2000123123455920001231             Then at 1—QUARTER to midnight
20010000             [WHITE—HOUSE PRESS—BRIEFING, 20060123             ]
20010123             RAMUSH—HARADINAJ, 1—ONETIME—KOSOVO—LIBERATION—ARMY—GENERAL + —NOW an.. + also played down Mr.
20010123             —PROPOSED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, his No Child Left Behind (NCLB) education reform program.
20010123             —EXTENDED, SPENCER—ABRAHAM, energy SECRETARY, 2—FEDERAL—EMERGENCY—ORDERS forcing power suppliers to continue selling electricity and natural gas to CALIFORNIA.
20010123             CALIFORNIA energy officials eked sufficient power out of tight WEST—COAST—ELECTRICITY—SUPPLIES to avoid rush —HOUR blackouts as lawmakers scrambled to make LONGER—TERM—DEALS to buy power.
20010123             5—PEOPLE believed to MEMBERS—OF—FALUN—GONG set themselves on fire in Tiananmen Square.
20010123             † 1—WOMAN and her daughter (12).
20010123             1—JUDGE found that they had spread the notion that members could achieve nirvana through SELF—IMMOLATION.
20010123             —SUSPENDED, EGYPT, ISRAELI—PALESTINE—PEACE—TALKS were, —AFTER PALESTINE—GUNMEN executed 2—ISRAELIS, alleged Shin Bet security agents, in Tulkarem.
20010123             —EXTENDED, INDIA, its CEASE—FIRE in Kashmir for a 3. —MONTH.
20010123             amush Haradinaj, 1—ONETIME—KOSOVO—LIBERATION—ARMY—GENERAL + —NOW an.. + also played down MISTER—HARADINAJ—LINKS to drug trafficking + organized crime.
20010123—20010804    —IN, people were CONVICTED—OF—MURDER for organizing THE—SELF—IMMOLATION.
20010123—20020108    —SIGNED, It was, into law.
20010700             Ansari gave about $100,000—OF—THE—APPROXIMATELY $830,000 in ransom money to SAEED, who sent it to hijacker MOHAMED—ATTA.
20010700             [LOS—ANGELES—TIMES, 20020123             ,
20011100             WALL—STREET—JOURNAL, 20030123             ]
20011100             [LOS—ANGELES—TIMES, 20020123             ]By early 20010000             , they had organized 1—KIDNAPPING network.
20011100—20010122    —ON, [VANITY—FAIR, 8/02, WALL—STREET—JOURNAL, 20030123             ], FBI Director ROBERT—MUELLER visited INDIA + was told by INDIA—INVESTIGATORS that Saeed Sheikh sent ransom money to hijacker MOHAMED—ATTA in THE—USA.
20011100—20010123    —ON, [LOS—ANGELES—TIMES, 20020123             , Independent, 20020224             , AFP, 20020127             , Telegraph, 20020127             ], Saeed helped kidnap reporter DANIEL—PEARL.
20011100—20010123    —PLACED, Also, SAEED—CRIMINAL—PARTNER—AFTAB—ANSARI was, under surveillance in DUBAI, UAE.
20011100—20010811    —AFTER, [LOS—ANGELES—TIMES, 20020123             , Independent, 20020124             ] 1—SERIES—OF—RECOVERED—E—MAILS shows the money was sent —JUST.
20020123             Im pakistanischen Karatschi wird der für das WALL—STREET Journal tätige USA—JOURNALIST—DANIEL—PEARL entführt und wenig später ermordet.
20020123             PRESIDENT—BUSH said he would ask for $48—BILLION in additional spending for the armed services next —YEAR, the biggest defense spending increase in 20—YEARS.
20020123             —EXPECTED, Federal deficits were, for the next 2—YEARS.
20020123             —RAISED, USA—AUTHORITIES, the reward for information leading to the arrest of the anthrax perpetrator to $2.5—MILLION.
20020123             —RESIGNED, Enron CEO—KENNETH—LAY, 59—JAHRE—ALT, under pressure.
20020123             —RETURNED, JOHN—WALKER—LINDH, 1—USA—BORN Taliban fighter, was, to THE—USA to face criminal charges that he'd conspired to kill fellow Americans.
20020123             —REPORTED, It was, that CHINA was moving 17,000 settlers to 1—TRADITIONALLY—TIBETAN region.
20020123             —DISTRIBUTED, CONGO, some 22.5—TONS—OF—FOOD was, to the volcano stricken people of GOMA.
20020123             —ATTACKED, ISRAEL—JETS, Hezbollah sites in LEBANON —AFTER 1 disputed border area was shelled.
20020123             —KIDNAPPED, DANIEL—PEARL, WALL—STREET—JOURNAL reporter, was, in KARACHI—PAKISTAN, by the "National Movement for the Restoration of PAKISTAN—SOVEREIGNTY".
20020123             1—DEADLINE to kill him was extended 1—DAY pending 4—DEMANDS that included: the return of Pakistanis in CUBA;
20020123             access to lawyers for PAKISTAN—DETAINEES in THE—USA;
20020123             the return of 1—FORMER—TALIBAN ambassador;
20020123             and the release of F—16—JETS purchased by PAKISTAN in the 1980s.
20020123             —MURDERED, Pearl was —LATER.
20020123             —CONVICTED, And that 4—WHO have been, could be released if their appeal is ever heard because of false and contradictory evidence used in their trial.
20020123             —VOTED, PAPUA—NEW—GUINEA, to grant autonomy and the right to 1—REFERENDUM on total independence to Bougainville.
20020123             —CHARGED, PUERTO—RICO, 17—PEOPLE were, in 1—CORRUPTION—SCANDAL that involved $4.3—MILLION in diverted federal funds.
20020123             THE—UN sent famine relief to ZIMBABWE.
20020123—20020124    —CAPTURED, USA—SOLDIERS, 27—TALIBAN fighters in Hazar Qadam, NORTH—OF—KANDAHAR.
20020123—20020124    —KILLED, GOVERNOR—JAN—MUHAMMAD—KHAN —LATER said that 60—PEOPLE were, and denied that ANY—WERE—TALIBAN or al Qaeda fighters.
20020123—20020124    —ACKNOWLEDGED, USA—MILITARY—LATER, that some of the dead may have been allies.
20020123—20020124    —RELEASED, The captives were, 20020206              and reported that they had been beaten and abused.
20020123—20020124    —ACKNOWLEDGED, THE—PENTAGON, 20020221              that 16—VILLAGERS were mistakenly killed.
20020123—20110000    —IN, 1—PEARL—PROJECT—REPORT said at least 14—OF 27—PEOPLE involved in abducting and murdered Pearl were thought to remain free.
20020202             —ARRESTED, PAKISTAN, police, 2—PEOPLE in KARACHI linked to 20020123             —THE kidnapping of WSJ reporter DANIEL—PEARL.
20030119             —RELEASED, The writer and 2—HIKERS were, 20030123         .
20030119             —RELEASED, The writer and 2—HIKERS were, 20030123      .
20030123             —CONFESSED, The government of KUWAIT said 1—KUWAITI had, to 20030121             —THE shootings of 2—USA—DEFENSE—WORKERS in KUWAIT.
20030123             —APPROVED, THE—USA—SENATE, a $390—BILLION spending bill.
20030123             —COLLIDED, TEXAS, 2—MILITARY—HELICOPTERS, and 4—MARINE—RESERVISTS were killed.
20030123             PORTO—ALEGRE, BRAZIL, the 3. World Social Forum began as ANTI—GLOBALIZATION—ACTIVISTS demonstrated at THE—START—OF—THE 3. annual summit on ways to limit the excesses of global capitalism.
20030123             —AGREED, South and NORTH—KOREA, to peacefully resolve THE—INTERNATIONAL standoff over NORTH—KOREA—NUCLEAR—PROGRAMS—AFTER CABINET—LEVEL—TALKS.
20030123             —OPENED, Hamas gunmen, fire on 1—VEHICLE—SOUTH—OF—THE—WEST—BANK—CITY—OF—HEBRON and 3—ISRAELIS were killed.
20030123             —WOUNDED, Retaliatory raids, 6 in GAZA.
20030123             —LEVELED, NORTH—PERU, 1—EXPLOSION, 1—AMMUNITION depot at 1—MILITARY—BASE, killing 7—PEOPLE and injured 95.
20040123             —FILMED, The enduring situation comedy "Friends", its final episode in front of 1—INVITATION—ONLY—AUDIENCE.
20040123             —RULED, USA—DISTRICT—JUDGE—IN—LA, Aubrey Collins, that 1—PART—OF—THE—PATRIOT—ACT, that makes it 1—CRIME to give expert advice to foreign terrorist organizations, was unconstitutional.
20040123             —REPORTED, It was, that Halliburton told the Pentagon that 2—EMPLOYEES took kickbacks at up to $6—MILLION from 1—KUWAITI—BASED company for supplying USA—TROOPS in IRAQ.
20040123             THE—ILLINOIS SUPREME—COURT—UPHELD—FORMER—GOVERNOR—GEORGE—RYAN—POWERS to commute sentences, keeping 32 spared inmates off death row.
20040123             —ENTERTAINED, BOB—KEESHAN, 76—JAHRE—ALT, who gently, and educated GENERATIONS—OF—CHILDREN as television's WALRUS—MUSTACHIOED CAPTAIN—KANGAROO, †.
20040123             † HELMUT—NEWTON, 83—JAHRE—ALT, fashion photographer, in a car accident in LOS—ANGELES.
20040123             —OPENED, Vasili Mitrokhin (81), 1—KGB archivist whose defection, up THOUSANDS—OF—SPY—AGENCY'S—FILES to the West, †.
20040123             1—BOMB planted in 1—MEETING room exploded —AFTER 1—GATHERING—OF—THE—IRAQ—COMMUNIST—PARTY, killing 2—MEN in 1—APPARENT—ATTACK on supporters of THE—USA—BACKED government
20040123             1—GREEK—OWNED cargo ship laden with cement sank near the Mediterranean ISLAND—OF—MALTA, GREECE—MERCHANT—MARINE—MINISTRY said.
20040123             2—CREWMEN were rescued, but 15 were missing.
20040123             1—FIRE tore through 1—WEDDING hall in SOUTH—INDIA, killing 45—PEOPLE, including the groom, and injuring the bride and DOZENS—OF—GUESTS.
20040123             —DOMINATED, The war in IRAQ and THE—THREAT—OF—TERRORISM, the Forum as THE—USA appealed for cooperation on both issues and THE—UNITED—NATIONS—CHIEF warned that 1—OVERLY narrow focus could worsen global tensions.
20040123             In 1—INTERVIEW this —MONTH, VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY touted 1—REPORT + leaked classified document that the Administration itself has billed "inaccurate" as the basis for his IRAQ—AL—QAEDA claims".
20040123             CHENEY—GATE—ESCALATES As Probe Becomes Official
20040123—19550000    —DEBUTED, Keeshan's "CAPTAIN—KANGAROO", on CBS television and ran —FOR—30—YEARS—BEFORE moving to public TV for 6—MORE.
20040123—19920000    —IN, He had been living in BRITAIN under 1—FALSE—NAME and with police protection —SINCE his defection.
20040506             alfatomega.com/20070123.html
20041120             OMEGA—NEWS: NE IRVING + 16. ( behind parking lot between freeway on ramp + Benson High School... JOHN—PILGER : Power, Propaganda and Conscience in THE—WAR—ON—TERROR... 20070123
20041122             Porter... Deckname, Mike, Direktor, PORTER—GOSS, STEVEN—KAPPES,
20050123             WIKTOR—JUSCHTSCHENKO wird nach monatelanger Krise im Zuge der Präsidentschaftswahlen als PRÄSIDENT—DER—UKRAINE vereidigt.
20050123             Missing Nicola Schulz Wichtig Vermisst in Khao Lak.
20050123             200501051519          von sischwar, 768. KARIN GARTNER Vermisst.
20050123             768. KARIN GARTNER Vermisst.
20050123             KARIN GARTNER—POSTED—BY—CARMEN - 20050107             —100 ...
20050123             MISSING LEONEL RODRIGUES, PORTUGUESE, KHAO LAK, 55—YEARS—OLD—POSTED—BY—ANDREA—ARES - 20050112             —33502—PM.
20050123             Terrorismus: 2—MUTMASSLICHE AL—QAIDA—MITGLIEDER in MAINZ gefasst
20050123             —JUST moments —BEFORE 1—VOTE, HOUSE—SPEAKER—DENNIS—HASTERT pulled THE—INTELLIGENCE—REFORM—BILL from the floor — this bill is the recommendations of 20010911             —THE commission, our country's main response to 20010911           .
20050123             So why did he do it? Because he was worried that the bill had too much Democratic support.
20050123             —PASSED, It would have, easily, but the Republicans can't stand to pass anything that Democrats might vote for.
20050123             So, no government response to 99: No new security reforms.
20050123             No national intelligence director.
20050123             And nobody walking the plank for the worst intelligence failures in our nation's history.
20050123             OP TRUTH - ANY—SOLDIER - Books for Soldiers
20050123             TSUNAMI MOTIVES - SENATOR—NELSON on HAITI Coup:
20050123             "Hard to Say We Support Democracy and Elections and then We Go and Push [Aristide] Out"
20050123             THE—RUSSIA—MILITARY is running the largest field hospital in Aceh with enough supplies and equipment for 1—MONTH,
20050123             JPMorgan: Predecessors Linked To Slavery:
20050123             —FILED, JPMorgan Chase & Co. —ON—THURSDAY, 1—DISCLOSURE—STATEMENT with THE—CITY—OF—CHICAGO acknowledging that 2—OF—ITS predecessor banks had received THOUSANDS—OF—SLAVES as collateral —PRIOR—TO the Civil War.
20050123             THE—SHARON government intends to strip THOUSANDS—OF—WEST—BANK—PALESTINIANS of their property in occupied EAST—JERUSALEM,
20050123             according to THE—ISRAEL—PRESS quoting newly released government documents.
20050123             Fireworks in WASHINGTON, despair —AROUND the world:
20050123             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is in denial about its disastrous failure in IRAQ
20050123             The wealth and weight of Empire:
20050123             The homeless VETERANS—OF—PAST—WARS should
20050123             have been invited to BUSH—RE—INAUGURATION to remind both BUSH + THE—FLAG—WAVING zombies who support this EMPIRE—RISING that pain + anguish are not —JUST things that AMERICAN—DELIVERS to other lands and other peoples.
20050123             Torture and CIVIL—DEATHS in IRAQ: In the Penal Colony:
20050123             There is no reason to doubt that torture has been systemic + pervasive,
20050123             or that authorization can be traced up THE—CHAIN—OF—COMMAND, or that this has seriously damaged not only the immediate victims but also our national institutions and AMERICA—IMAGE abroad.
20050123             Yet top officials in THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION are still doing what torturing regimes do:
20050123             denying the facts and blaming "rogue" officers. Renditions pro and con:
20050123             The story of 1—SUSPECTED—AUSTRALIA—TERRORIST being flown from USA custody in PAKISTAN to 1—PRISON—CELL in EGYPT where he was tortured has —RECENTLY brought to light the practice among THE—CIA + FBI officials called "rendition".
20050123             Bush, Gonzales Revive Nazi Legal Arguments:
20050123             —HAPPENED, Based on what has, it certainly seems his concern is well founded.
20050123             AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL: "Human rights not hollow words":
20050123             1—APPEAL to PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH on the occasion of his RE—INAUGURATION
20050123             —MISSED, In case you, it?: Our Presidents New Best Friend Boils People Alive:
20050123             The government isn't talking. But SOME—OF—THE—WOMEN are.
20050123             PAUL—CRAIG—ROBERTS: Our Troops Are Dying for Sycophants:
20050123             —WHENEVER 1—SENATOR—QUESTION penetrated to the harsh reality,
20050123             —WAFFLED, Condi, and evaded, choosing to protect at the expense of her reputation the neocon delusion that invading IRAQ was the "right thing to do".
20050123             Possible WAR—CRIME Charges Force Rumsfeld To Cancel Trip:
20050123             —CANCELLED, USA—DEFENCE—SECRETARY—DONALD—RUMSFELD, 1 planned visit to GERMANY —AFTER 1—USA human rights organisation asked GERMANY—AUTHORITIES to prosecute him for war crimes,
20050123             —LEARNED, Deutsche PRESSE—AGENTUR (dpa) has.
20050123             Next Stop, TEHRAN?: - "Real men want to go to TEHRAN".
20050123             USA Secretly Entering 10—SOVEREIGN Countries?
20050123             More than —2—YEARS—AGO, we wrote here of 1—SECRET—PENTAGON plan to foment terrorism by sending covert agents to infiltrate terrorist groups and goad them into action -- in other words,
20050123             committing ACTS—OF—MURDER and destruction.
20050123             This is 1 must read. THE—EMPEROR—OF—VULGARITY:
20050123             GEORGE—BUSH 's 2. inaugural extravaganza was EVERY—BIT as repugnant as I had expected,
20050123             1—VULGAR ORGY—OF—TRIUMPHALISM probably unmatched —SINCE Napoleon crowned himself emperor of the French in Notre Dame
20050123             A Nuremberg Lesson: Torture scandal began far above 'rotten apples.' - CHINA builds up strategic sea lanes:
20050123             IRAN Council: Women Can Run for PRESIDENT:
20050123             —DECIDED, IRAN—HARD—LINE—CONSTITUTIONAL—WATCHDOG has, that women can run for PRESIDENT in ;;06;;
20050123             elections,
20050123             'Untouchable' caste find themselves DEPRIVED—OF—TSUNAMI—AID:
20050123             —HORRIFIED, INTERNATIONAL aid agencies in INDIA have been, to find, even amid the suffering caused by THE—TSUNAMI ,
20050123             —REFUSED, SOME—SURVIVORS being, access to basic relief because they are considered "Untouchables".
20050123             HAITI—PM seeks ARISTIDE—HELP to end violence:
20050123             —OUSTED, HAITI will send 1—ENVOY to SOUTH—AFRICA to ask, PRESIDENT—JEAN—BERTRAND Aristide and THE—PRETORIA government for help restoring stability and preparing for elections,
20050123             the interim PRIME—MINISTER said —ON—FRIDAY.
20050123             PICTURES,: Inaugural Protests in MANY—CITIES
20050123             Business groups back privatizing Social Security:
20050123             1—COALITION representing companies, including Boeing Co. and Pfizer INCORPORATED,
20050123             will spend "significantly more" than $5—MILLION to promote PRESIDENT—BUSH—PLAN for private Social Security accounts,
20050123             the group's coordinator said —THURSDAY.
20050123             PAUL—KRUGMAN: THE—FREE—LUNCH—BUNCH:
20050123             PRESIDENT—BUSH is like 1—FINANCIAL—ADVISER who tells you that at the rate you're going,
20050123             you won't be able to afford RETIREMENT—BUT that you shouldn't do anything mundane like trying to save more.
20050123             Instead, you should take out 1—HUGE—LOAN, put the money in 1—MUTUAL—FUND—RUN by his friends.
20050123             Invoking the rarely used "state secrets privilege," USA DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE—LAWYERS filed 1—MOTION with THE—NEW—YORK eastern district court this —WEEK,
20050123             stating that THE—RELEASE—OF—ANY—INFORMATION concerning THE—USA'S involvement in ARAR—DEPORTATION to Syria could jeopardize "intelligence,
20050123             foreign policy and national security interests of THE—USA".
20050123             Torture, USA—STYLE:
20050123             Historians Against the War makes available 1—SERIES—OF—ARTICLES that seek to broaden THE—DISCUSSION—OF—THE—USE—OF—TORTURE as 1—INSTRUMENT—OF—USA policy.
20050123             Open letter to PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH :
20050123             —FROM an "expelled" Muslim to 1—ELECTED—AMERICAN:
20050123             —BANISHED, MISTER—PRESIDENT, I was, from THE—USA by your administration.
20050123             —REVOKED, My visa was, as I was about to assume my position as 1—PROFESSOR at Notre Dame University.
20050123             To this —DAY, I have not been told the reasons behind this action.
20050123             Federal Appeals COURT—JUDGE—MICHAEL—CHERTOFF—TIES to the financiers of the ;;09;;.
20050123             11—ATTACKS may prevent his confirmation as Homeland Security CHIEF.
20050123             Mystery in IRAQ as $300—MILLION is Taken Abroad:
20050123             —EARLIER this —MONTH, according to IRAQ—OFFICIALS, $300—MILLION in USA—BILLS was taken OUT—OF—IRAQ—CENTRAL—BANK,
20050123             put into boxes and quietly put on 1—CHARTER jet bound for LEBANON.
20050123             IRAQ—DEFENSE MINISTER—VOWS to Arrest Chalabi:
20050123             IRAQ—DEFENSE—MINISTER says the government will arrest IRAQ—NATIONAL—CONGRESS—LEADER—AHMAD—CHALABI on charges of slandering his ministry,
20050123             as THE—2—MEN—WAGE 1—PUBLIC—WAR—OF—WORDS against EACH—OTHER.
20050123             IRAQ—INTERIOR—MINISTER says no arrest warrant for Chalabi:
20050123             IRAQ—INTERIOR—MINISTER—FALAH—AL—NAQUIB said —ON—SATURDAY there was no arrest warrant for AHMED—CHALABI —AFTER the country's defense MINISTER warned the maverick politician would be jailed for slandering the government.
20050123             Analysis: IRAQ—INSURGENCY growing larger, more effective:
20050123             THE—USA is steadily losing ground to THE—IRAQ—INSURGENCY, according to EVERY—KEY—MILITARY yardstick.
20050123             SYRIA—IRAN, everyone is in BUSH—CROSSHAIRS:
20050123             According to 1—SOURCE at THE—USA—NATIONAL—WAR—COLLEGE, 1—USA—STRIKE against Syria nearly took place 1—MONTH ago,
20050123             but was put on hold BECAUSE—OF—OBJECTIONS from THE—USA—ARMY.
20050123             Did CHENEY—REMARKS encourage ISRAEL to attack IRAN:
20050123             Former national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski, CHENEY—REMARKS sounded "like 1—JUSTIFICATION or even 1—ENCOURAGEMENT for the Israelis" to carry out 1—ATTACK.
20050123             ISRAEL—SHARON—TELLS—RUSSIA—PUTIN to Halt Missile Sales to Syria - Ho Hum, More War And Death:
20050123             What happens —WHEN habitual warmongering and BUSH Co lies become PART—OF—OUR daily diet?
20050123             The dangers of exporting democracy:
20050123             —BASED, BUSH—CRUSADE is, on 1—DANGEROUS—ILLUSION and will fail
20050123             Blankley suggests, in all seriousness, that the veteran reporter — who compiled 1—IMPRESSIVE—TRACK—RECORD with 1—RECENT string of scoops regarding ABU—GHRAIB + related outrages — should be arraigned + face possible execution, as 1—ENEMY—SPY.
20050123             —KILLED, Families of servicemembers, in IRAQ turned away at Pentagon:
20050123             —TURNED, Pentagon police —ON—WEDNESDAY, away family MEMBERS—OF—TROOPS killed in IRAQ who wanted to confront SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—DONALD—RUMSFELD on the reasons for the war in IRAQ.
20050123             Kennedy: Fascist AMERICA:
20050123             "THE—REPUBLICANS are 95—PERCENT corrupt and the Democrats are 75 % corrupt," Kennedy.
20050123             —POISED, ULTRA—SECRET—TROOPS, at inaugural:
20050123             —DEPLOYED, These elite forces were, under a 19970000              authorization that was updated and enhanced —AFTER the
20050123             SUPREME—COURT is key to new Bush term:
20050123             The clearest pointer to the course of the 2. BUSH—ADMINISTRATION at last —WEEK—INAUGURATION was not the soaring presidential pledge to end global tyranny - 1—MISMATCH between rhetoric and reality if EVERY—THERE was 1.
20050123             Schwarzenegger 'damages AUSTRIA':
20050123             —CONVICTED, ARNOLD—SCHWARZENEGGER—AUSTRIA—CITIZENSHIP should be ended over the execution of 1, killer in THE—USA, 1—POLITICIAN in AUSTRIA has said.
20050123             Secret unit expands RUMSFELD—DOMAIN:
20050123             —CREATED, THE—PENTAGON, expanding into THE—CIA—HISTORIC bailiwick, has, 1—NEW—ESPIONAGE—ARM and is reinterpreting USA law to give Defense SECRETARY—DONALD—H—RUMSFELD broad authority over clandestine operations abroad,
20050123             according to interviews with participants and documents obtained by THE—WASHINGTON—POST.
20050123             KING—GEORGE: THE—USA on the road to new DEPTHS—OF—UGLINESS and brutality:
20050123             URI—AVNERY reflects on the symbiotic relationship between THE—USA—AND—ISRAEL—MUTUAL colonies of 1—ANOTHER—AND on THE—CORONATION—OF—GEORGE—BUSH ,
20050123             "1—VERY—SIMPLE, very violent person with very extreme views, as well as being very much 1—IGNORAMUS".
20050123             UK—DOSSIER argues against 1—MILITARY—STRIKE on IRAN:
20050123             Foreign SECRETARY—JACK—STRAW has drawn up 1—REPORT stating BRITAIN—CASE against 1—MILITARY—STRIKE on IRAN.
20050123             ISRAEL—JOKER in THE—IRAN—POKER game:
20050123             —REFRAINED, CHENEY, from talking about ISRAEL—NUCLEAR—CAPABILITY.
20050123             Had he done otherwise,
20050123             he would have implicitly raised the question of why IRAN is forbidden to do what ISRAEL is allowed to do
20050123             —DEFEATED, THE—PHILADELPHIA Eagles, THE—ATLANTA Falcons 27-10 to win THE—NFC championship game;
20050123             Next —YEAR in TEHRAN:
20050123             the New ENGLAND Patriots won THE—AFC championship by beating THE—PITTSBURGH Steelers, 41-27.
20050123             For the past 3—YEARS the central war game of THE—USA armed forces has been centered on IRAN.
20050123             —SLOWED, Travel was, to 1—CRAWL at best across wide AREAS—OF—THE—NORTH—EAST—USA and CANADA as 1—HUGE snowstorm whipped up blizzard conditions with wind gusting to 60—MPH, making highways treacherous, canceling HUNDREDS—OF—AIRLINE—FLIGHTS and slowing trains.
20050123             But what exactly will await them there, even they do not purport to know.
20050123             —MISSED, In case you, it; Redefining combat: Current operations shape Army wargame:
20050123             CARSON—DEATH was THE—RESULT—OF—COMPLICATIONS from emphysema.
20050123             Among the hard lessons THE—USA—ARMY is learning in IRAQ is that the line between "major combat"+"stability operations" is blurred,
20050123             at best + that the enemy gets to decide —WHEN the war is finally over.
20050123             —SUSPECTED, Police said, leftist rebels ambushed 1—CANDIDATE for the legislature in INDIA—EASTERN—STATE—OF—BIHAR, killing him and 3—SUPPORTERS.
20050123             Gov't decision strips Palestinians of JERUSALEM lands:
20050123             The law means that THOUSANDS—OF—PALESTINIANS who live in THE—WEST—BANK will lose ownership of their property in EAST—JERUSALEM.
20050123             —CALLED, Maoist rebels in BIHAR have, for 1—BOYCOTT of next —MONTH—VOTE.
20050123             Voices from ABU—GHRAIB:
20050123             —RAISED, INDONESIA, its death toll from the disaster by as many as 7,000—PEOPLE.
20050123             CHARLES—GRANER.
20050123             —RULED, IRAN—HARD—LINE—LEADERSHIP, out allowing women to run for PRESIDENT—IN—JUNE elections, denying reports in THE—STATE—RUN—MEDIA that it had decided to allow female candidates for the 1. time.
20050123             —STOPPED, Abuse at GUANTANAMO hasn't, say KUWAIT—PRISONERS:
20050123             IRAQ, fire swept through the general hospital in Nasiriyah, killing 14—PEOPLE and injuring 75.
20050123             ISRAEL—LEADERS said it willing to suspend military operations against PALESTINE—MILITANTS if they call off attacks.
20050123             11—KUWAIT—PRISONERS held by USA—FORCES at the prison at THE—GUANTANAMO Bay naval base show signs of poor diet + physical + psychological abuse are held in conditions "worse than those for the worst convicted murderers or rapists in THE—USA,".
20050123             —PLAYED, LEBANON—FINANCE—MINISTER, down the transfer by IRAQ—DEFENSE—MINISTRY—OF $500—MILLION in cash to 1—FINANCIAL—INSTITUTION in BEIRUT, saying he would expect such 1—TRANSFER to be legal if it was made by THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT.
20050123             Bush appoints a fox to guard henhouse again:
20050123             IRAQ—OFFICIALS—IN—EARLY—JANUARY sent some $300—MILLION on 1—CHARTER jet to LEBANON to purchase weapons from INTERNATIONAL arms dealers.
20050123             —EXPLAINED, SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE helpfully, it all for us.
20050123             VIKTOR—YUSHCHENKO was sworn in as PRESIDENT—OF—UKRAINE.
20050123             The problem is that we are living in 1—ALTERNATIVE—REALITY.
20050123             What we think we know is not true.
20050123             —CONDEMNED, THE—PRESIDENT has, torture, so what else is there to say?
20050123             SECRETARY—RICE also condemns it, so why raise questions about the fact that she wrote 1—LETTER to get 1—ANTI—TORTURE—CLAUSE in THE—INTELLIGENCE—APPROPRIATION—BILL taken out?
20050123             THE—INVASION—OF—FALLUJA:
20050123             1—STUDY in THE—SUBVERSION—OF—TRUTH : Falluja should go down in history as 1—CASE—STUDY on how truth is subverted,
20050123             —BURIED, CO—OPTED, + ignored.
20050123             The 1. USA—LED siege of Falluja, 1—CITY—OF—300,000—PEOPLE, resulted in 1—DEFEAT for Coalition forces.
20050123             Report: USA can't win IRAQ war:
20050123             1—ANALYSIS—OF—A—USA—NEWSPAPER—GROUP concludes THE—USA is headed toward defeat in THE—IRAQ—WAR.
20050123             Did GEORGE—BUSH—WRITE—ZARQAWI—SPEECH?: AL—ZARQAWI Said to Declare 'Fierce War':
20050123             —BASED, The speaker said democracy was, on UN—ISLAMIC—BELIEFS and behaviors such as FREEDOM—OF—RELIGION,
20050123             RULE—OF—THE—PEOPLE, FREEDOM—OF—EXPRESSION, separation of religion and state, forming political parties and majority rule.
20050123             IRAQ—INTERIOR MINISTER refuses to say whether terror CHIEF is in custody: '
20050123             'I wouldn't like to comment for the time being,'' Interior MINISTER—FALAH—AL—NAQIB said —WHEN asked about rumors that ABU—MUSAB—AL—ZARQAWI had been arrested.
20050123             "LET—SEE.
20050123             Maybe in the next few days we will make 1—COMMENT about it.'' - BAGHDAD residents face water crisis:
20050123             MOST—OF—THE—IRAQI—CAPITAL—PARTICULARLY—THE—WEST—DISTRICTS—HAS been without water for the past 7—DAYS.
20050123             PICTURES,: USA—JUSTICE?: - Go home Yanks, says PM in waiting:
20050123             —TIPPED, THE Shi'ite Muslim cleric, to become PRIME—MINISTER—AFTER next —SUNDAY—ELECTION in IRAQ has said it will be THE—DUTY—OF—THE—NEW—GOVERNMENT to demand THE—WITHDRAWAL—OF—USA—FORCES "as soon as possible".
20050123             Support Our Troops: Bring Them Home
20050123             We must withdraw our military from IRAQ, the sooner the better.
20050123             The reason is simple:
20050123             It is 1—STRANGE—LOGIC to declare, as so MANY—IN—WASHINGTON do, that it was wrong for us to invade IRAQ but right for us to remain.
20050123             1—RECENT—NEW—YORK—TIMES—EDITORIAL—SUMS up the situation accurately:
20050123             "SOME— 21—MONTHS—AFTER THE—USA—INVASION, USA—MILITARY—FORCES remain essentially alone in battling what seems to be 1—GROWING insurgency,
20050123             with no clear prospect of decisive success ANY—TIME in the foreseeable future.'' Continued
20050123             Bush Inauguration Speech: A "Vacuous Sermon," A "Global Crusade" Against "Defenseless States"
20050123             If the speech was to be taken literally, then clearly it would imply commitment to SOME—SORT—OF—1—GLOBAL crusade VIS—A—VIS 1—VARIETY—OF—STATES with MANY—OF—WHOM we have all sorts of mutual concerns,
20050123             even if we don't like their practical policies. I mean, take 1—FEW examples.
20050123             Take CHINA; we have 1—MAJOR—STATE—INSTABILITY with CHINA, but CHINA is hardly 1—DEMOCRACY.
20050123             What about the Tibetans? Take RUSSIA;
20050123             we have 1—COMMON—STAKE with regards to terrorism, but what about the Chechens?
20050123             —TREATED, They're being, in 1—TYRANNICAL fashion.
20050123             Take 1—EVEN more complex issue: what about ISRAEL, which is 1—FRIEND—OF ours + its security against Palestinian "terrorists"?
20050123             SurfWax -- News and Articles On Military History
20050123             Kein Krieg! - Die Äußerungen des Feindes...
20050123             Krieg + MEDIEN—DIE Äußerungen des Feindes + andere Rechtfertigungen für den Krieg (5) OSAMA—BIN—LADEN,
20050123             ABU—GHEITH, Eiman el Sawahiri, AHMED—ALGHAMDI...
20050123             Die Suchanzeige bei stern.DE—STERN.de : Wissenschaft&Gesundheit... - Deutsche.
20050123             Die Suchanzeige bei stern.de.
20050123             Rund 10000000              deutsche Urlauber werden —NACH—DEM TSUNAMI in Südostasien noch vermisst.
20050123             Stellen.
20050123             MISSING—YOU can Post your missing person picture
20050123             200501072310          von Carmenm, 191 (16), 2 (2), 16.01 - khaolak.info forum
20050123             KARIN GARTNER—POSTED by Carmen - 20050000—20010000    -07 1:00
20050123             KARIN—GARTNER. geb.
20050123             19660705              Farbtatoo - mit 3—OD.
20050123             4—FREUNDEN in Khao Lak in einem Bungalow geurlaubt.
20050123             Privatfahndung * Alle brauchen uns. Wir brauchen Sie ! * Private.
20050123             Meine Schwester Gartner Karin stammt aus Unterwart (Austra) Sie hat schwarzes haar
20050123             Cornelia Köck Cornelia wird im Green Village Steiereck, Khao Lak, vermisst.
20050123             Tracing Request - PERSON SOUGHT.
20050123             Clear (to register another relative to locate). - Full Name, ANNE LAGVALL—MALMSTROM.
20050123             PARENT—NAME (at least 1—OF—BOTH), FATHER—NAME.
20050123             Mother's - BUSH—REDE im Wortlaut: "Amerikas Einfluss ist nicht unbegrenzt"...
20050123             Reaktionen auf BUSH—REDE: Scharfe Kritik vom GRÜNEN—CHEF...
20050123             CDU—AUßENPOLITIK: Merkel fürchtet die IRAN—FALLE (20050120              ).
20050123             Bundesweiter Friedensratschlag in KASSEL...
20050123             for Diplomacy is —NOW" Im Wortlaut : Rede der designierten - in our world" Im Wortlaut :
20050123             Die Antrittsrede von USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH (deutsch) / Inauguration...
20050123             19:Auch wenn KURZBAN und seine Kollegen noch keine vollständige Erklärung für das Phänomen haben,
20050123             so glauben sie doch, dass abwartendes Verhalten eine wichtige Rolle im menschlichen Sozialverhalten spielt.
20050123             Die große Gruppe der Reziprokatoren habe ein bedeutendes Potenzial.
20050123             Die Erkenntnisse zeigten die Bedeutung der internen Kommunikation für Führungskräfte.
20050123             KURZBAN weiß, wie man die zögerlichen Reziprokatoren für die Mitarbeit in der Gruppe gewinnen kann:
20050123             "Der einfachste Weg ist, alle über den Erfolg JEDES—EINZELNEN—BEITRAGS zu informieren.
20050123             Auf diese Weise zeigt man, dass bei den Anstrengungen etwas heraus kommt".
20050123             "In JEDER—BELIEBIGEN—GRUPPE gibt es eine substanzielle ZAHL—VON—REZIPROKATOREN", erklärt er.
20050123             17—PROZENT—DER—TESTPERSONEN waren Helfer,
20050123             20—PROZENT zählten zu den Trittbrettfahrern.
20050123             Den Evolutionspsychologen ROBERT—KURZBAN von der UNIVERSITY—OF—PENNSYLVANIA in PHILADELPHIA Überrascht das kaum.
20050123             aktive, selbstlose Helfer, faule Trittbrettfahrer und, als grÖßte Untergruppe, die Abwartenden.
20050123             "Helfer machen die meiste Arbeit,
20050123             Trittbrettfahrer so wenig wie mÖglich", berichten KURZBAN + seine Kollegen
20050123             "—ERST danach widmen wir uns mit vollem Einsatz einer Sache".
20050123             "Wir haben herausgefunden", sagt KURZBAN, "dass diese Typzuordnung ziemlich stabil ist".
20050123             MAN KÖNNE DAS VERHALTEN EINER GRUPPE ZUVERLÄSSIG VORHERSAGEN, wenn man wisse, wie hoch der Anteil der 3—UNTERGRUPPEN sei.
20050123             Jeder 5. ist faul 20050123              Sintflutartiger Regen:
20050123             Pilgerfahrt nach Mekka endet mit hunderten Verletzten
20050123             Irak vor der Wahl: Sarkawi ruft zum Dschihad gegen ALLE—DEMOKRATEN auf
20050123             TERROR—RAZZIA: Polizei fasst mutmaßliche AL—QAIDA—MITGLIEDER
20050123             —GEGRÜNDET, Rivalität mit CIA : Rumsfeld soll eigenen SPIONAGE—DIENST, haben
20050123             Evolutionspsychologie: Warum wir abwarten und Tee trinken
20050123             Verhandlungen: Flut bringt Kriegsparteien in Aceh zusammen
20050123             NAHOST—KONFLIKT: Hamas will von Waffenstillstand nichts wissen
20050123             Patent vom Genie: Techniker bauen Einsteins Kühlschrank
20050123             Atomstreit: Briten sperren sich gegen Bush s IRAN—POLITIK
20050123             Anzeichen für Flüsse, Seen oder gar Meere aus Methan habe man nicht gefunden.
20050123             Offenbar versinke das flüssige Gas kurz —NACH—DEN Niederschlägen im Boden, der eine sandige Konsistenz besitze.
20050123             Dennoch spiele das Methan eine wichtige Rolle auf Titan.
20050123             "Es ist dort ähnlich bedeutsam wie das Wasser für die Erde",
20050123             sagte "Huygens"-Missionsmanager JEAN—PIERRE Lebreton.
20050123             "Es hat nicht geregnet, als 'Huygens' gelandet ist, aber wahrscheinlich —SCHON wieder am —TAG darauf".
20050123             URGENT ACTION: Freedom for MST Political Prisoners
20050123             1—LANDLESS—WORKER is Killed and MANY—OTHERS—WOUNDED in Paraíba Land Conflict
20050123             Massacre at Carajás MST Activists Continue to Be VICTIMS—OF—POLITICAL—PERSECUTION in THE—STATE—OF—SÃO—PAULO
20050123             National Campaign Against the Concession of the Alcântara Base to THE—USA—GOVERNMENT
20050123             MST Calls on INTERNATIONAL Community
20050123             Agrarian Reform at the Witness Stand: 17—RURAL—WORKERS Imprisoned
20050123             Current Issues for THE—MST in BRAZIL - THE—NUREMBERG—PRINCIPLES—TODAY - URGENT ACTION:
20050123             —BY—ZBIGNIEW Brzezinski
20050123             RUSSIA operates largest field hospital in Aceh :
20050123             THE—RUSSIA—MILITARY is running the largest field hospital in Aceh with enough supplies and equipment for 1—MONTH, RUSSIA—MILITARY attache COLONEL—VITALY—GERASCHENKO said on —THURSDAY.
20050123             ISRAEL plans big JERUSALEM land grab :
20050123             THE—SHARON government intends to strip THOUSANDS—OF—WEST—BANK—PALESTINIANS of their property in occupied EAST—JERUSALEM, according to THE—ISRAEL—PRESS quoting newly released government documents.
20050123             The homeless VETERANS—OF—PAST—WARS should - Torture and CIVIL—DEATHS in IRAQ:
20050123             In the Penal Colony : There is no reason to doubt that torture has been systemic + pervasive, or that authorization can be traced up THE—CHAIN—OF—COMMAND, or that this has seriously damaged not only the immediate victims but also our national institutions and AMERICA—IMAGE abroad.
20050123             Yet top officials in THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION are still doing what torturing regimes do: denying the facts and blaming "rogue" officers.
20050123             Bush, Gonzales Revive Nazi Legal Arguments: JUDGE—GONZALES seems to be driven by 1—PARTICULAR—FEAR: PROSECUTION—OF—MEMBERS—OF—THE—ADMINISTRATION for War Crimes.
20050123             —MISSED, In case you, it?:
20050123             —HAPPENED, Unusual Suspects: What, to the women held at ABU—GHRAIB?
20050123             In her confirmation hearing —BEFORE the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, "Condi" Rice personified THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—DELUSION—BASED "war against terror".
20050123             —PENETRATED, —WHENEVER 1—SENATOR—QUESTION, to the harsh reality, Condi waffled and evaded, choosing to protect at the expense of her reputation the neocon delusion that invading IRAQ was the "right thing to do".
20050123             Possible War Crime Charges Force Rumsfeld To Cancel Trip : USA—DEFENCE—SECRETARY—DONALD—RUMSFELD cancelled 1 planned visit to GERMANY —AFTER 1—USA human rights organisation asked GERMANY—AUTHORITIES to prosecute him for war crimes, Deutsche PRESSE—AGENTUR (dpa) has learned.
20050123             Race To War : Cheney Says IRAN Tops USA—LIST, Warns ISRAEL - Next Stop, TEHRAN?
20050123             "Real men want to go to TEHRAN".
20050123             —ATTRIBUTED, So went the mordant barroom quip--variously, to UNDERSECRETARY—OF—STATE—JOHN—BOLTON and other neoconservative hawks--during the --long buildup to THE—USA—LED invasion of IRAQ.
20050123             USA—TERROR : More than 2—YEARS ago, we wrote here of 1—SECRET—PENTAGON plan to foment terrorism by sending covert agents to infiltrate terrorist groups and goad them into action -- in other words, committing ACTS—OF—MURDER and destruction.
20050123             This is 1 must read.
20050123             CHINA builds up strategic sea lanes: The internal report stated that CHINA is adopting a "string of pearls" STRATEGY—OF—BASES and diplomatic ties stretching from THE—MIDDLE—EAST to SOUTH—CHINA that includes 1—NEW—NAVAL—BASE under construction at THE—PAKISTAN—PORT of Gwadar.
20050123             IRAN Council: Women Can Run for PRESIDENT : IRAN—HARD—LINE—CONSTITUTIONAL—WATCHDOG has decided that women can run for PRESIDENT—IN—JUNE elections, STATE—RUN—TELEVISION reported —SATURDAY.
20050123             'Untouchable' caste find themselves DEPRIVED—OF—TSUNAMI—AID : INTERNATIONAL aid agencies in INDIA have been horrified to find, even amid the suffering caused by the tsunami, SOME—SURVIVORS being refused access to basic relief because they are considered "Untouchables".
20050123             HAITI—PM seeks ARISTIDE—HELP to end violence : HAITI will send 1—ENVOY to SOUTH—AFRICA to ask ousted PRESIDENT—JEAN—BERTRAND—ARISTIDE and THE—PRETORIA government for help restoring stability and preparing for elections, the interim PRIME—MINISTER said on —FRIDAY.
20050123             Business groups back privatizing Social Security : 1—COALITION representing companies, including Boeing Co. and Pfizer INCORPORATED, will spend "significantly more" than $5—MILLION to promote PRESIDENT—BUSH—PLAN for private Social Security accounts, the group's coordinator said —THURSDAY.
20050123             PAUL—KRUGMAN: THE—FREE—LUNCH—BUNCH : PRESIDENT—BUSH is like 1—FINANCIAL—ADVISER who tells you that at the rate you're going, you won't be able to afford RETIREMENT—BUT that you shouldn't do anything mundane like trying to save more.
20050123             USA—CLAIMS Arar Suit A Risk To National Security:
20050123             Invoking the rarely used "state secrets privilege," USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE—LAWYERS filed 1—MOTION with THE—NEW—YORK eastern district court this —WEEK, stating that THE—RELEASE—OF—ANY—INFORMATION concerning THE—USA—INVOLVEMENT in ARAR—DEPORTATION to Syria could jeopardize "intelligence, foreign policy and national security interests of THE—USA".
20050123             Torture, USA—STYLE : Historians Against the War makes available 1—SERIES—OF—ARTICLES that seek to broaden THE—DISCUSSION—OF—THE—USE—OF—TORTURE as 1—INSTRUMENT—OF—USA—POLICY.
20050123             —EXPELLED, Open letter to PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH : From an "" Muslim to 1—ELECTED—AMERICAN : MISTER—PRESIDENT, I was banished from THE—USA—BY your administration.
20050123             Security Risk?
20050123             Federal Appeals COURT—JUDGE—MICHAEL—CHERTOFF—TIES to the financiers of 20050911             —THE attacks may prevent his confirmation as Homeland Security CHIEF.
20050123             Mystery in IRAQ as $300—MILLION is Taken Abroad : —EARLIER this —MONTH, according to IRAQ—OFFICIALS, $300—MILLION in USA—BILLS was taken OUT—OF—IRAQ—CENTRAL—BANK, put into boxes and quietly put on 1—CHARTER jet bound for LEBANON.
20050123             IRAQ—DEFENSE—MINISTER—VOWS to Arrest Chalabi : IRAQ—DEFENSE—MINISTER says the government will arrest IRAQ—NATIONAL—CONGRESS—LEADER—AHMAD—CHALABI on charges of slandering his ministry, as THE—2—MEN—WAGE 1—PUBLIC—WAR—OF—WORDS against EACH—OTHER.
20050123             IRAQ—INTERIOR—MINISTER says no arrest warrant for Chalabi : IRAQ—INTERIOR—MINISTER—FALAH—AL—NAQUIB said on —SATURDAY there was no arrest warrant for AHMED—CHALABI —AFTER the country's defense MINISTER warned the maverick politician would be jailed for slandering the government.
20050123             Analysis: IRAQ—INSURGENCY growing larger, more effective : THE—USA is steadily losing ground to THE—IRAQ—INSURGENCY, according to EVERY—KEY—MILITARY yardstick.
20050123             According to 1—SOURCE at THE—USA—NATIONAL—WAR—COLLEGE, 1—USA—STRIKE against Syria nearly took place 1—MONTH ago, but was put on hold BECAUSE—OF—OBJECTIONS from THE—USA—ARMY.
20050123             ISRAEL—SHARON—TELLS—RUSSIA—PUTIN to Halt Missile Sales to Syria
20050123             Ho Hum, More War And Death : What happens —WHEN habitual warmongering and Bush Co lies become PART—OF—OUR daily diet?
20050123             WASHINGTON Times editorial says, Seymour Hersh should be tried for espionage :
20050123             Kennedy: Fascist AMERICA : "THE—REPUBLICANS are 95—PERCENT corrupt and the Democrats are 75 % corrupt," Kennedy.
20050123             Schwarzenegger 'damages AUSTRIA' : ARNOLD—SCHWARZENEGGER—AUSTRIA—CITIZENSHIP should be ended over the execution of 1 convicted killer in THE—USA, 1—POLITICIAN in AUSTRIA has said.
20050123             Report of the National Intelligence Council's 20200000              Project:
20050123             Based on consultations with nongovernmental experts —AROUND the world.
20050123             Secret unit expands RUMSFELD—DOMAIN : THE—PENTAGON, expanding into THE—CIA—HISTORIC bailiwick, has created 1—NEW—ESPIONAGE—ARM and is reinterpreting USA—LAW to give Defense SECRETARY—DONALD—H—RUMSFELD broad authority over clandestine operations abroad, according to interviews with participants and documents obtained by THE—WASHINGTON—POST.
20050123             K - ing GEORGE: THE—USA on the road to new DEPTHS—OF—UGLINESS and brutality : URI—AVNERY reflects on the symbiotic relationship between THE—USA—AND—ISRAEL—MUTUAL colonies of 1—ANOTHER—AND on THE—CORONATION—OF—GEORGE—BUSH, "1—VERY—SIMPLE, very violent person with very extreme views, as well as being very much 1—IGNORAMUS".
20050123             He warns that, in BUSH—2. term, THE—USA "may reach new DEPTHS—OF—UGLINESS and brutality".
20050123             UK—DOSSIER argues against 1—MILITARY—STRIKE on IRAN : Foreign SECRETARY—JACK—STRAW has drawn up 1—REPORT stating BRITAIN—CASE against 1—MILITARY—STRIKE on IRAN.
20050123             According to media reports, in his 200—PAGE dossier Straw argues against 1—ATTACK on IRAN amidst rising fears that PRESIDENT—BUSH may seek support for this new conflict.
20050123             —RAISED, Had he done otherwise, he would have implicitly, the question of why IRAN is forbidden to do what ISRAEL is allowed to do
20050123             Next —YEAR in TEHRAN : For the past 3—YEARS the central war game of THE—USA armed forces has been centered on IRAN.
20050123             Among the hard lessons THE—USA—ARMY is learning in IRAQ is that the line between "major combat"+"stability operations" is blurred, at best + that the enemy gets to decide —WHEN the war is finally over.
20050123             Gov't decision strips Palestinians of JERUSALEM lands : The law means that THOUSANDS—OF—PALESTINIANS who live in THE—WEST—BANK will lose ownership of their property in EAST—JERUSALEM.
20050123             —EXCERPTED, Voices from ABU—GHRAIB : The —FOLLOWING is, testimony from 1 videotaped deposition of Hussein Mutar, entered into evidence by the prosecution in THE—COURT—MARTIAL—OF—SPC.
20050123             Bush appoints 1—FOX to guard henhouse again: SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE helpfully explained it all for us.
20050123             - THE—PRESIDENT has condemned torture, so what else is there to say? - SECRETARY—RICE also condemns it, so why raise questions about the fact that she wrote 1—LETTER to get 1—ANTI—TORTURE—CLAUSE in the intelligence appropriation bill taken out?
20050123             THE—INVASION—OF—FALLUJA : 1—STUDY in THE—SUBVERSION—OF—TRUTH : Falluja should go down in history as 1—CASE—STUDY on how truth is subverted, CO—OPTED, buried + ignored.
20050123             Report: USA can't win IRAQ war : 1—ANALYSIS—OF—A—USA—NEWSPAPER—GROUP concludes THE—USA is headed toward defeat in THE—IRAQ—WAR.
20050123             Did GEORGE—BUSH—WRITE—ZARQAWI—SPEECH?:
20050123             AL—ZARQAWI Said to Declare 'Fierce War ': The speaker said democracy was based on UN—ISLAMIC—BELIEFS and behaviors such as FREEDOM—OF—RELIGION, RULE—OF—THE—PEOPLE, FREEDOM—OF—EXPRESSION, separation of religion and state, forming political parties and majority rule.
20050123             Maybe in the next few days we will make 1—COMMENT about it.''
20050123             BAGHDAD residents face water crisis : MOST—OF—THE—IRAQ—CAPITAL—PARTICULARLY THE—WEST—DISTRICTS—HAS been without water for the past 7—DAYS.
20050123             PICTURES,: USA—JUSTICE?
20050123             —ARRESTED, Disturbing pictures appear to show 1—IRAQ—MAN, and then executed by USA—TROOPS
20050123             Go home Yanks, says PM in waiting : THE Shi'ite Muslim cleric tipped to become PRIME—MINISTER—AFTER next —SUNDAY—ELECTION in IRAQ has said it will be THE—DUTY—OF—THE—NEW—GOVERNMENT to demand THE—WITHDRAWAL—OF—USA—FORCES "as soon as possible".
20050123             The reason is simple: Our presence there is 1—DISASTER for THE—USA—PEOPLE and 1—EVEN bigger disaster for THE—IRAQ—PEOPLE. by HOWARD—ZINN
20050123             1—RECENT—NEW—YORK—TIMES—EDITORIAL—SUMS up the situation accurately: ``SOME— 21—MONTHS—AFTER THE—USA—INVASION, USA—MILITARY—FORCES remain essentially alone in battling what seems to be 1—GROWING insurgency, with no clear prospect of decisive success ANY—TIME in the foreseeable future.''
20050123             If the speech was to be taken literally, then clearly it would imply commitment to SOME—SORT—OF—1—GLOBAL crusade VIS—A—VIS 1—VARIETY—OF—STATES with MANY—OF—WHOM we have all sorts of mutual concerns, even if we don't like their practical policies.
20050123             I mean, take 1—FEW examples.
20050123             But what about the oppression of the Palestinians and their desire for freedom?
20050123             Krieg + MEDIEN—DIE Äußerungen des Feindes + andere Rechtfertigungen für den Krieg (5) OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, ABU—GHEITH, Eiman el Sawahiri, AHMED—ALGHAMDI...
20050123             200501072310          von Carmenm, 191 (16), 2 (2), 16.01
20050123             Privatfahndung, Alle brauchen uns.
20050123             Wir brauchen Sie ! * Private... Meine Schwester Gartner Karin stammt aus Unterwart (Austra) Sie hat schwarzes haar... Cornelia Köck Cornelia wird im Green Village Steiereck, Khao Lak, vermisst.
20050123             PERSON SOUGHT.
20050123             USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH hat in seiner Antrittsrede nach der Vereidigung zur 2...
20050123             Bundesweiter Friedensratschlag in KASSEL... for Diplomacy is —NOW" Im Wortlaut : Rede der designierten... in our world" Im Wortlaut : Die Antrittsrede von USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH (deutsch) / Inauguration...
20050123             19:Auch wenn Kurzban und seine Kollegen noch keine vollständige Erklärung für das Phänomen haben, so glauben sie doch, dass abwartendes Verhalten eine wichtige Rolle im menschlichen Sozialverhalten spielt.
20050123             Kurzban weiß, wie man die zögerlichen Reziprokatoren für die Mitarbeit in der Gruppe gewinnen kann: "Der einfachste Weg ist, alle über den Erfolg JEDES—EINZELNEN—BEITRAGS zu informieren. Auf diese Weise zeigt man, dass bei den Anstrengungen etwas heraus kommt".
20050123             Bei Experimenten mit insgesamt 80—PERSONEN stellten die Psychologen fest, dass 63—PROZENT zum Typus der Abwartenden gehören, die Kurzban Reziprokatoren nennt.
20050123             17—PROZENT—DER—TESTPERSONEN waren Helfer, 20—PROZENT zählten zu den Trittbrettfahrern.
20050123             Teamarbeit ist das Erfolgskonzept des Menschen.
20050123             Ohne kooperatives Arbeiten säßen wir wohl —HEUTE noch auf den Bäumen statt auf Bürostühlen.
20050123             —VERFALLEN, Doch gelegentlich knirscht es im Getriebe und Gruppen, gemeinschaftlich in 1—HALTUNG—DES—ABWARTENS und TEE—TRINKENS.
20050123             Nach seinen Erkenntnissen finden sich in JEDER—GRUPPE 3—VERSCHIEDENEN Typen:
20050123             "Helfer machen die meiste Arbeit, Trittbrettfahrer so wenig wie möglich", berichten Kurzban + seine Kollegen
20050123             im Fachblatt "Proceedings of the National ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES" (ONLINE—VORABVERÖFFENTLICHUNG).
20050123             Die meisten Menschen gehörten jedoch zur Gruppe der Zögernden.
20050123             "Wir warten immer ein bisschen ab, um —ZUNÄCHST die Erfolgschancen von Aktivitäten abzuschätzen", erklärt der Psychologe.
20050123             Man könne das Verhalten einer Gruppe zuverlässig vorhersagen,
20050123             wenn man wisse, wie hoch der Anteil der 3—UNTERGRUPPEN sei.
20050123             Jeder 5. ist faul
20050123             Sintflutartiger Regen: Pilgerfahrt nach Mekka endet mit hunderten Verletzten
20050123             PASS—STREIT um Schwarzenegger: Warum PETER—PILZ den Terminator herausfordert
20050123             Vereidigung als PRÄSIDENT: USA und EU wetteifern um Juschtschenkos Gunst
20050123             Wintereinbruch: Schnee und Eis legen TEILE—DER—USA lahm
20050123             Razzien: Polizei nimmt 2—TERROR—VERDÄCHTIGE fest
20050123             Geschmackssünden in FLORIDA: Models und Stars tanzen auf Trumps Hochzeit
20050123             "Es ist dort ähnlich bedeutsam wie das Wasser für die Erde", sagte "Huygens"-Missionsmanager JEAN—PIERRE Lebreton.
20050123             Freedom for MST Political Prisoners URGENT ACTION:
20050123             Massacre at Carajás
20050123             MST Activists Continue to Be VICTIMS—OF—POLITICAL—PERSECUTION in THE—STATE—OF—SÃO—PAULO
20050123             Media Clash in BRAZIL: MST and the Media Democracy Movement
20050123             Current Issues for THE—MST in BRAZIL Photo Albums MST Photographs - Syndicate this site (XML)
20050123             —1— Sintflutartiger Regen: ISRAEL plans big JERUSALEM land grab:
20050123             Jeder 5. ist faul - 11:54 ... (kungfuheuv). - - Beste Henk.
20050123             Mijn complimenten voor je inzending.
20050123—18040000    —IN, THE—EMPEROR—OF—VULGARITY : GEORGE—BUSH—2. inaugural extravaganza was EVERY—BIT as repugnant as I had expected, 1—VULGAR ORGY—OF—TRIUMPHALISM probably unmatched —SINCE Napoleon crowned himself emperor of the French in Notre Dame.
20050123—20010911    —SINCE, In his inaugural speech, BUSH vowed to end tyranny —AROUND the world but has he forgotten that 1—OF—HIS—NEW—BEST—FRIENDS boils people alive?
20050123—20010911    —SINCE, Our Presidents New Best Friend Boils People Alive : In his inaugural speech, Bush vowed to end tyranny —AROUND the world but has he forgotten that 1—OF—HIS—NEW—BEST—FRIENDS boils people alive?
20050123—20050121    : USA—TERROR:
20050124             THE—WORLD—DIALOGUE on Regulation will facilitate THE—TRANSFORMATION—OF—REGULATION to provide 1—FOUNDATION—OF—SUPPORT and 1—CATALYST for DEVELOPMENT—OF—NETWORK—ECONOMIES... 20050123              De aannemersgids: Algemene woningbouw: OOST—VLAANDEREN: Gent
20050124—20050123    De aannemersgids: Algemene woningbouw: OOST—VLAANDEREN: Gent
20050126             [World News]: LONDON, 20050123              : Global warming has hit the danger point and immediate steps are needed to reduce pollution to prevent extinction of human race, R Pachauri, THE—INDIA—ORIGIN CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—INTERGOVERNMENTAL panel on climate change has said.
20050329             Airey Middleton SHEFFIELD Neave (19160123197903       30—DATE ) was a UK—CONSERVATIVE MP for Abingdon + a prominent politician... airey — neave.
20050415             — 741k — text/html — 20050123             ...
20050727             EAST—PAKISTAN, HASHIM—QADEER, 1—ISLAMIC—MILITANT who set up the initial meeting (20020123             ) between WALL—STREET—JOURNAL reporter DANIEL—PEARL and his kidnappers, was arrested.
20050812—19960123    —CHARGED, PETER—HOMMERSON, 1—FUGITIVE, with killing 1—WEALTHY—ILLINOIS couple, was captured at 1—MEXICO—RESORT—AFTER tourists recognized him from 1—CRIME watch television program.
20051202—20040123    In 1—INTERVIEW this —MONTH, VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY touted 1—REPORT + leaked classified document that the Administration itself has billed "inaccurate" as the basis for his IRAQ—AL Qaeda claims.
20051216—20050123    —DROPPED, Charges were.
20060115—19810123    —CLOSED, Gold last, above $550—NOMINAL, almost 25—YEARS ago to the —WEEK.
20060123             —GEWINNT, Die Konservative Partei unter STEPHEN—HARPER, die vorgezogenen Parlamentswahlen in Kanada und wird stärkste Partei, sie verfehlt jedoch die absolute Mehrheit gegen die Liberalen unter PREMIERMINISTER—PAUL—MARTIN, die Neue Demokratische Partei und den separatistischen Bloc Québécois.
20060123             Das britische Mobilfunkunternehmen O?2plc wird durch die spanische Telefónica übernommen.
20060123             Die beiden Unternehmen zusammen werden damit zum weltweit viertgrößten Mobilfunkunternehmen.
20060123             —CLEARED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, PAKISTAN from THE—THREAT—OF—HAVING its trade preferences withdrawn —AFTER the country took action to clamp down on copyright theft.
20060123             —COINCIDED, The announcement, with 1—VISIT to WASHINGTON by PAKISTAN—PRIME—MINISTER—SHAUKAT—AZIZ, who told THE—USA—CHAMBER—OF—COMMERCE that his government was serious about clamping down on copycat piracy.
20060123             1—USA—MILITARY—JURY at Fort CARSON—COLORADO, ordered 1—REPRIMAND, but no jail time, for 1—ARMY—INTERROGATOR convicted of killing 1—IRAQ—GENERAL.
20060123             —SUSPECTED, THE—USA—TREASURY—DEPARTMENT—BRIEFED—SOUTH—KOREA—OFFICIALS on its investigations into, illegal financial activities by NORTH—KOREA that WASHINGTON says helped fund PYONGYANG—NUCLEAR—ARMS—PROGRAM.
20060123             —PASSED, WEST—VIRGINIA lawmakers, 1—BILL requiring mines to use electronic devices to track trapped miners and to stockpile oxygen to help keep them alive.
20060123             —REPORTED, USA—RESEARCHERS, that chimpanzees may be more closely related to human beings than they are to other apes.
20060123             ALBERTSON—INCORPORATED, the nation's 2. biggest traditional grocery store chain, said it has agreed to sell the company.
20060123             —VALUED, The deal was, at about $17.4—BILLION in cash and stock and debt to 1—INVESTMENT—GROUP including supermarket chain Supervalu INCORPORATED and drugstore chain CVS Corp. In June the new owners announced the closure of 37—UNDERPERFORMING stores in NORTH—CALIFORNIA.
20060123             African leaders began their annual summit in disarray, failing to resolve dissension over SUDAN—BID to chair the 53-state body.
20060123             1—AU official said 5—AFRICAN leaders have asked SUDAN to withdraw its bid to HEAD—THE—AFRICAN—UNION because the appointment could sink Darfur peace talks and dent the group's credibility.
20060123             —BANNED, AUSTRALIA, commercial fishing was, in SYDNEY—HARBOR due to dangerous levels of poisonous dioxin being found in prawns and fish.
20060123             —BANNED, Prawn fishing had already been, 1—MONTH—EARLIER.
20060123             —ORIGINATED, Greenpeace said SOME—OF—THE—POLLUTION, in Homebush Bay on the Parramatta River, some 12—KILOMETERS (7.5—MILES) from SYDNEY Harbor Bridge.
20060123             —RAGED, Wildfires, across SOUTH—AUSTRALIA.
20060123             † 1—FIREFIGHTER was killed as 1—FIRE—TRUCK overturned speeding to 1—BLAZE.
20060123             —INJURED, Distraught ranchers shot cattle, by the flames.
20060123             —KILLED, NORTH—WEST—BANGLADESH, 6—PEOPLE were, and —AROUND 100 were wounded —WHEN police opened fire on 1—CROWD—OF—10,000 rioting farmers demanding improved electricity supply.
20060123             BELGIUM—BREWER InBev NV, the world's largest brewery by volume, said it has agreed to buy the largest brewer in CHINA—FUJIAN province for 614—MILLION—EUROS ($740—MILLION).
20060123             —APPOINTED, BOLIVIA, Evo Morales, 1—MARXIST—ENERGY—MINISTER and 1—CABINET—OF—INDIANS, intellectuals and union leaders, backing his promise to establish 1—SOCIALIST—SHAPE.
20060123             Canadians began voting on whether to send their Liberal Party packing —AFTER—13—YEARS.
20060123             —PLEDGED, Conservatives won and STEPHEN—HARPER, to quickly carry out his campaign promises to cut taxes, get tough on crime and repair strained ties with WASHINGTON.
20060123             —TESTED, CANADA—OFFICIALS said 1—COW from Alberta had, positive for mad cow disease.
20060123             CHILE, GENERAL—AUGUSTO—PINOCHET—WIFE and 4—GROWN children were indicted and ordered arrested on CHARGES—OF—TAX—EVASION related to the former dictator's MULTIMILLION—DOLLAR—ACCOUNTS at overseas banks.
20060123             —ANNOUNCED, CHINA—MINISTRY—OF—HEALTH, the country's 10. human CASE—OF—BIRD—FLU—INFECTION—AFTER a 29—YEAR—OLD—WOMAN from THE—SOUTHWEST—OF—THE—COUNTRY was diagnosed with the H5N1 virus.
20060123             ABDULLAH—KING—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA met with CHINA—PRESIDENT—HU—JINTAO in BEIJING, amid efforts by CHINA to secure overseas oil and gas reserves for its POWER—HUNGRY—ECONOMY.
20060123             —KILLED, UGANDA—REBELS, 8—GUATEMALA—PEACEKEEPERS in CONGO in 1—AMBUSH—NEAR the border with SUDAN.
20060123             The gunbattle also left 15—ATTACKERS dead.
20060123             1—SENIOR—ENVOY said IRAN will —IMMEDIATELY retaliate if referred to THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL—NEXT—WEEK by forging ahead with developing 1—FULL—SCALE uranium enrichment program.
20060123             1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMBER killed at least 3—IRAQIS —MONDAY near the Green Zone housing THE—USA—EMBASSY and IRAQ—GOVERNMENT.
20060123             † 2—USA—SERVICEMEN, in 1—ROADSIDE bombing in BAGHDAD.
20060123             † 2—MARINES, in 1—VEHICLE accident in WEST—IRAQ.
20060123             —RAIDED, Armed men, SOME—WEARING police commando uniforms, homes and 1—MOSQUE in 1—PREDOMINANTLY—SUNNI—ARAB NEIGHBORHOOD—OF—NORTH—BAGHDAD.
20060123             They shot and killed 3—MEN on the spot and detained more than 20.
20060123             Takafumi Horie, CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OF—JAPANESE—INTERNET—PORTAL—LIVEDOOR, was arrested for alleged securities law violations in 1—SCANDAL that has caused 1—WEEK—OF—TURMOIL in JAPAN—STOCK—MARKET.
20060123             —COLLAPSED, KENYA, a 5—STORY building, in CENTRAL—NAIROBI with more than 280—CONSTRUCTION—WORKERS inside, killing at least 14—PEOPLE and injuring more than 60. The government next —DAY said the owner and contractor of 1—BUILDING were rushing workers to complete the structure —BEFORE the concrete on lower levels had set.
20060123             MALI, 1—CLOSING ceremony was held for 1—GATHERING—OF—THE—WORLD—SOCIAL—FORUM.
20060123             Other gatherings were set for PAKISTAN and VENEZUELA.
20060123             —ARRESTED, RAUL—OSIEL—MARROQUIN was, in MEXICO—CITY.
20060123             His arrest was the 1. confirmation of 1—SERIAL killer targeting homosexuals.
20060123             —PACKED, MONTENEGRO, 1, passenger train derailed and plunged into 1—STEEP—RIVER canyon outside THE—CAPITAL—OF—PODGORICA, killing at least 44—PEOPLE and injuring more than 135, more than HALF—OF—THEM children.
20060123             —VOWED, NEPAL—ROYAL—GOVERNMENT, to hold municipal elections next —MONTH despite 1—BOYCOTT by major parties, street protests, 1—CANDIDATE—ASSASSINATION and rebel violence that killed 26—OVER the weekend.
20060123             —UNCOVERED, RUSSIA—MAIN—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY said it had, spying by 4—UK—DIPLOMATS, using electronic equipment inside 1—FAKE rock.
20060123             —ALLEGED, THE—FSB then, that BRITAIN was making covert payments to PRO—DEMOCRACY and human rights groups.
20060123             THE—FAMILY—OF—THAI—PRIME—MINISTER—THAKSIN—SHINAWATRA sold their controlling stake in the telecom Shin Corp. for $1.87—BILLION to SINGAPORE—TEMASEK—HOLDINGS.
20060123             Legal loopholes were used to avoid taxes on the sale.
20060123             1—TURKEY—COURT dropped charges against Orhan Pamuk, the country's BEST—KNOWN novelist, for insulting "Turkishness," ending 1—HIGH—PROFILE—TRIAL that outraged Western observers and cast doubt on TURKEY—COMMITMENT to free speech.
20060123             —CHARGED, He had been, under articles 301 and 305—OF—THE—PENAL code.
20060123             —APPEALED, THE—UNITED—NATIONS CHILDREN—FUND (UNICEF), for $805—MILLION to provide aid to children and mothers in 29—EMERGENCIES—WORLDWIDE.
20060123             Abramoff Scandal Threatens to Derail REED—POLITICAL—AMBITIONS
20060123             (Bloomberg) THE—WASHINGTON scandal over lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF may claim 1—CASUALTY outside the nation's capital:
20060123             —HEADED, RALPH—REED, 1—FORMER—PRESIDENTIAL—CAMPAIGN—ADVISER who once, 1—OF—THE—USA 's largest Christian activist groups.
20060123             Bush Defends 'Terrorist Surveillance' - MANHATTAN, Kan.
20060123             - PRESIDENT—BUSH pushed back —MONDAY at critics of his ONCE—SECRET—DOMESTIC spying effort,
20060123             saying it should be termed a "terrorist surveillance program" +
20060123             contending it has the backing of legal experts, key lawmakers + THE—SUPREME—COURT.
20060123             Commentary God bless CANADA!-
20060123             I hadn't realized —UNTIL—RECENTLY that STEPHEN—HARPER was using "God Bless CANADA!" as 1—TAGLINE for his speeches.
20060123             SOME—MAY think this 1—HARMLESS, or even beneficent, expression for 1—POLITICIAN to use, but for those with KNOWLEDGE—OF—HISTORY, nothing could be 1—MORE frightening.
20060123             —INFURIATED, What so, Maddox was SHELDRAKE—THEORY—OF "morphic resonance" -- 1 complicated FRAMEWORK—OF—IDEAS proposing that nature relies upon its own SET—OF—MEMORIES,
20060123             which are transmitted through time and space via "morphic fields".
20060123             The theory holds that these fields, which operate much like electrical or magnetic fields, shape our entire world.
20060123             1—PANDA bear is 1—PANDA bear because it naturally tunes into morphic fields containing STOREHOUSES—OF—INFORMATION that define and govern panda bears.
20060123             The same with pigeons, platinum atoms + the oak trees on Hampstead Heath, not to mention human beings.
20060123             —ACCEPTED, This theory, if widely, would turn our UNDERSTANDING—OF—THE—UNIVERSE inside out -- which is why Sheldrake has so often felt the wrath of orthodox scientists.
20060123             —PURSUED, For the past 20—YEARS, he has, further research on morphic fields even though no university or scientific institute would dare hire him.
20060123             —UNSOLVED, Much of his empirical explorations focus on, phenomenon such as how pigeons and other animals find their way home from great distances,
20060123             why people experience feelings in amputated limbs, why SOME—PEOPLE and animals can sense that someone is staring at them.
20060123             He believes morphic resonance may offer answers to these questions.
20060123             Cliff paintings in Ningxia may be ORIGIN—OF—PICTURE writing: expert The prehistoric cliff paintings discovered in NORTH—WEST—CHINA may be 1—MEDIUM—OF—PRIMITIVE—LANGUAGE and 1—ORIGIN—OF—PICTURE writing, experts have said.
20060123             —FELLED, Ancient oak, for wine barrels THE—MORAT tree, as it is called,
20060123             1—HUGE—TREE—PLANTING programme was organised —AT—THE—TIME,
20060123             to provide high quality timber for FRANCE—NAVAL shipyards
20060123             David and the Inflatable Goliath Pentagon builds monster blimp.
20060123             With pic.
20060123             —JUMPED, Attacks in IRAQ
20060123             —LAUNCHED, Insurgents, 34,131 attacks —LAST—YEAR, up from 26,496 THE—YEAR—BEFORE, according to USA military figures released —SUNDAY.
20060123             AL—QA'EDA supporters win seats in local polls:
20060123             —STAGED, Supporters of AL—QA'EDA in IRAQ have used the elections, by THE—USA to gain positions of political power, THE—USA—MILITARY—BELIEVES.
20060123             —URGED, FORMER—BUSH—AIDE who, caution over IRAQ signals START—OF—WITHDRAWAL by end of 20060000
20060123             Resistance And Occupation: Resistanc to occupation cannot be defeated.
20060123             Occupation forces always withdraw, 1—WAY or another... - USA—CONTRACTORS leaving IRAQ:
20060123             USA—PRIVATE—CONTRACTORS are preparing to leave IRAQ as USA—MONEY—RUNS out and government ministries take CHARGE—OF—THE—RECONSTRUCTION—EFFORT
20060123             Troops return from IRAQ with money to burn:
20060123             —INTERVIEWED, Several soldiers, estimated they earned 1—EXTRA $700 to $800—PER —MONTH—WHILE in IRAQ, totaling up to 1—EXTRA $9,600 for SOME—FROM their —YEAR overseas.
20060123             —DEPLETED, Nothing, about 'depleted uranium':
20060123             Currently, more than 50—PERCENT—OF—IRAQ—CANCER—PATIENTS are children under the age of 5, up from 13 %.
20060123             Children are especially vulnerable because they tend to play in areas that are heavily polluted by depleted uranium.
20060123             ISRAEL—HINTS at Military Action Against IRAN:
20060123             ISRAEL is threatening to launch 1—PRE—EMPTIVE strike against IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM.
20060123             —HINTED, Defense MINISTER—SHAUL—MOFAZ has, that ISRAEL is preparing for military action against IRAN—NUCLEAR—FACILITIES.
20060123             Rice says time for talking with IRAN is over:
20060123             USA SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE said —ON—MONDAY there was strong INTERNATIONAL consensus against IRAN—NUCLEAR—PLANS and time had run out for talking to TEHRAN.
20060123             —REFERRED, IRAN threatens to restart FULL—SCALE—ENRICHMENT if, to UNITED—NATIONS Security Council:
20060123             —REFERRED, IRAN will —IMMEDIATELY retaliate if, to THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL—NEXT—WEEK by forging ahead with developing 1—FULL—SCALE uranium enrichment program, 1—SENIOR—ENVOY said —MONDAY.
20060123             —ACCUSED, SENATOR—HILLARY—CLINTON —YESTERDAY, PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—OF mishandling the threat from IRAN —WHILE she's been accepting money from supporters of the renegade IRAN—REGIME.
20060123             Hillary Clinton, War Goddess:
20060123             JOE—LIEBERMAN: USA Prepared for IRAN Strike:
20060123             —PREPARED, SENATOR—JOE—LIEBERMAN said —SUNDAY that THE—USA is, to deal with THE—IRAN—NUCLEAR—CRISIS—MILITARILY—EVEN if the war in IRAQ continues to require 1—SUBSTANTIAL—USA—TROOP—COMMITMENT.
20060123             Military assault on IRAN could cost USA dearly:
20060123             Diplomats —AROUND the world keep repeating the mantra: There is no military option —WHEN it comes to slowing,
20060123             much less stopping, IRAN's presumed ambitions to get the Bomb.
20060123             IRAN—REALLY—BIG—WEAPON:
20060123             MIKE—WHITNEY : IRAN—OIL—EXCHANGE threatens the Greenback:
20060123             This is why BUSH and Co. are planning to lead the nation to war against IRAN.
20060123             It is straightforward defense of the current global system and the continuing DOMINANCE—OF—THE—RESERVE—CURRENCY, the dollar.
20060123             USA tells ISRAEL it will shun PA gov't that includes Hamas:
20060123             —PROMISED, THE—USA—ADMINISTRATION has, ISRAEL that THE—USA will not recognize ANY—PALESTINE—GOVERNMENT in which Hamas participates,
20060123             government sources in JERUSALEM have said.
20060123             USA Spent $1.9—MILLION to Aid Fatah in PALESTINE—ELECTIONS:
20060123             American and PALESTINE—OFFICIALS who spoke anonymously because they were not authorized to speak to reporters said that the program,
20060123             which started in August, was intended to help defeat Hamas
20060123             —ATTACKED, Fatah, for taking USA—FUNDS:
20060123             "This is 1—CLEAR—VIOLATION—OF—THE—ELECTION—LAW," he said.
20060123             "Receiving money from foreign sources is forbidden and THE—PA and Fatah ought to clarify their position in this regard.
20060123             1—SENIOR—HAMAS official raised the possibility —ON—MONDAY of indirect negotiations with ISRAEL ,
20060123             softening the Islamic militant group's stance ahead of this —WEEK—PALESTINE—ELECTION
20060123             —KILLED, ISRAEL, Arafat, says Assad:
20060123             —CAUSED, SYRIA—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—AL—ASSAD has, outrage by accusing ISRAEL of assassinating FORMER—PALESTINE—LEADER—YASSER Arafat,
20060123             whose death —14—MONTHS—AGO remains a mystery.
20060123             Video: THE—WALL—OF—HATE: Your tax dollars at work. Windows Media.
20060123             7—MINUTES - Pakistanis Stopped From Protesting USA:
20060123             —STOPPED, PAKISTAN—SECURITY—FORCES—ON—MONDAY, HUNDREDS—OF—HARD—LINE—ISLAMISTS from heading to NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN to protest against 1—FATAL—USA missile attack,
20060123             the 1. time authorities have tried to quell mounting ANTI—USA—SENTIMENTS.
20060123             Sympathy for AL—QAIDA Surges in PAKISTAN:
20060123             —SURGED, Sympathy for AL—QAIDA has, —AFTER A—USA—AIRSTRIKE devastated this remote mountain hamlet in 1—REGION sometimes as hostile toward THE—PAKISTAN—GOVERNMENT as it is to THE—USA.
20060123             OSAMA—BIN—LADEN: Where is he? WHO—PROTECTING him?
20060123             Why can't we find him?: - RUSSIA displays 'spying rock':
20060123             —BLAMED, RUSSIA, for 'gas sabotage':
20060123             —ACCUSED, GEORGIA—PRESIDENT has, MOSCOW of serious acts of "sabotage" —AFTER gas blasts on RUSSIA—PIPELINES cut off supplies to GEORGIA and ARMENIA.
20060123             Experts see $100 1—BARREL oil:
20060123             The deal came —DURING 1—VISIT by SAUDI—ARABIA—KING—ABDULLAH to THE—CHINA—CAPITAL.
20060123             McCain says THE—USA can't rely on `wackos' oil:
20060123             1—TOP—REPUBLICAN lawmaker said —SUNDAY that THE—USA must explore alternate energy sources to avoid being held hostage by IRAN or by "wackos" in VENEZUELA -- 1—APPARENT—REFERENCE to HUGO—CHAVEZ, VENEZUELA—POPULIST—PRESIDENT.
20060123             Activists find 1—HOME from home:
20060123             BOLIVIA—LEADER sworn in as the Left advances on USA doorstep:
20060123             Evo Morales, a former llama herder and coca farmer, was sworn in —YESTERDAY as BOLIVIA's 1. indigenous INDIA—PRESIDENT,
20060123             the latest in 1—STRING—OF—LEFTISTS sweeping to power across Latin AMERICA in 1—BACKLASH against USA—BACKED FREE—MARKET—POLICIES.
20060123             Thousands throng streets as BOLIVIA—LEADER sheds tears:
20060123             Channels Millions Through National Endowment for Democracy to Fund ANTI—LAVALAS Groups in HAITI:
20060123             ANTHONY—FENTON, joins us to discuss the National Endowment for DEMOCRACY—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—FUNDED GROUP—THAT is pouring MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS into trying to influence HAITI—POLITICAL—FUTURE.
20060123             Physical abuse, the lawsuit says, began the moment they arrived, chained and shackled.
20060123             —DESCRIBED, As Yasser, it, guards supervised by LIEUTENANT—PRAY slammed his brother FACE—1. into 1—WALL where 1—USA—FLAG T—SHIRT had been taped, then did the same to him.
20060123             CRIME—OF—COMPASSION:
20060123             Although the government continues to characterize Dhafir as 1—CRIMINAL supporting terrorism,
20060123             the only context in which this case makes ANY—SENSE is the overwhelming humanitarian crisis created by the brutal USA sanctions on the country of IRAQ
20060123             Free Rafil Dhafir: He is 1—POLITICAL—VICTIM—OF—1—OVERZEALOUS—GOVERNMENT that is willing to bend THE—RULES—AS we show on this web page-- to win 1—TROPHY in THE—WAR—ON—TERRORISM".
20060123             USA ANTI—WAR—ACTIVIST gets 6—MONTHS for protest at military recruiting station:
20060123             1—PEACE—ACTIVIST was sentenced —MONDAY to 6—MONTHS in jail for splattering his own blood at 1—MILITARY recruiting station to protest THE—THEN—LOOMING war in IRAQ.
20060123             as is THE—SEPARATION—OF—POWERS, the foundation of our constitutional system.
20060123             Bush Aide Says Abramoff Photos Coincidence:
20060123             1—ADVISER to PRESIDENT—BUSH said —MONDAY that BUSH—PHOTOGRAPHS in the company of disgraced lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF amount to 1—COINCIDENCE and shouldn't be interpreted ANY—MORE seriously than that.
20060123             —ASKED, Abramoff would tell prosecutors, if, that not only did he know THE—PRESIDENT, but THE—PRESIDENT knew THE—NAMES—OF—ABRAMOFF—CHILDREN and asked about them —DURING their meetings.
20060123             —DISCUSSED, At 1—SUCH photo session, BUSH, the fact that both he and Abramoff were FATHERS—OF—TWINS.
20060123             Evidence is mounting that FORMER—CHRISTIAN—COALITION—LEADER—RALPH—REED—JUNIOR,
20060123             along with 1—FORMER—LEADER—OF—THE—TEXAS—CHRISTIAN—COALITION, may have illegally lobbied TEXAS state officials on behalf of crooked federal lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF and his clients.
20060123             Wayward CHRISTIAN—SOLDIERS:
20060123             What will it take for USA—EVANGELICALS to recognize our mistaken loyalty?
20060123             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE nominated to THE—USA—CIRCUIT—COURT owned stock in corporations involved in lawsuits brought —BEFORE him.
20060123             —TRAILED, THE—USA, most WEST—EUROPEAN nations, as well as JAPAN, TAIWAN,
20060123             MALAYSIA, COSTA—RICA and CHILE in meeting environmental goals in such areas as safe drinking water and low ozone levels
20060123             THE—TRUTH—SEEKER—BIG—BROTHER is Watching You
20060123             And.. - of senior personnel from THE—CIA ,MI6, Mossad etc, along with military
20060123             of the " Mujihadeen " to overthrow the socialist government of AFGHANISTAN and...
20060123             I suspect that if she were to write several columns in favor OF—SAY - 1—CESSATION—OF—AID to ISRAEL ,
20060123             THE—WP POWERS—THAT—BE would soon find 1—LOOPHOLE in that "contract" of hers.
20060123             The only INDIA—TRIBES who gave substantially to REPUBLICAN s were those working with Abramoff.
20060123             Of the top 10—POLITICAL donors among INDIA—TRIBES in that period, 3—ARE former clients of Abramoff and Scanlon:
20060123             the Saginaw Chippewa Tribe of MICHIGAN, THE—MISSISSIPPI Band of Choctaw Indians + the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians of CALIFORNIA.
20060123             All 3—GAVE MOST—OF—THEIR—DONATIONS to REPUBLICAN s -- by margins of 30 %age points or more -- —WHILE the rest favored DEMOCRAT s... 20060123
20060123             —ON  ;;01;; 15, Howell wrote 1—COLUMN filled with deliberate lies, in which she claimed that Abramoff "had made substantial campaign contributions to both major parties.
20060123             —INTIMATED, She also, that THE—WASHINGTON—POST had covered up these phantom donations to DEMOCRAT s.
20060123             —TODAY she offered an "apology"
20060123             which turns out to be almost as deceptive as the original outrage.
20060123             I wrote that he gave campaign money to both parties and their MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS.
20060123             He didn't. I should have said he directed his client INDIA—TRIBES to make campaign contributions to MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS from both parties.
20060123             20060123
20060123             —WANTED, The point is this: THE—INDIANS, to help DEMOCRAT s, their traditional allies, who surely would have received far more from tribal donors if JACK—ABRAMOFF never existed.
20060123             We still don't have even 1—QUARK—WORTH of proof that ANY—TRIBE gave ANY—AMOUNT to ANY—DEMOCRAT purely because Godfather Jack directed them to do so.
20060123             MARK—SCHMITT tells us THE—PART—OF—THE—STORY the Post doesn't want you to know:
20060123             THE—COUSHATTA tribe didn't give 1—DIME to JEAN—CARNAHAN.
20060123             —RECEIVED, Obviously, the tribal leaders, further "directions" in their confabs with Team Abramoff.
20060123             —YESTERDAY, I asked (as did 1—LOT—OF—OTHER—PEOPLE) for WASHINGTON—POST—OMBUDSCREATURE Deborah Howell to provide "1—HALF—OF—1—MOLECULE—WORTH—OF—EVIDENCE that Abramoff DIRECTED ANY—INDIA—ANYWHERE to give 1—DOLLAR to ANY—DEMOCRAT that otherwise would not have received it".
20060123             THE—POST has made 1—EFFORT
20060123             I still haven't received my HALF—A—MOLECULE—WORTH. According to the Post:
20060123             —MOUNTED, Prominent REPUBLICAN lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF, 1—FAR—REACHING campaign
20060123             This article is cunning work.
20060123             THE—POSTFOLK do not circle names and say "See?
20060123             DEMOCRAT s! Right here !" And 1 unrelated squib directs our attention to RALPH—REED.
20060123             —DESIGNED, This charade is, to convince us that they are being fair and balanced.
20060123             Dass die Wetterextreme zunehmen, ist für den Potsdamer Forscher jedoch Tatsache.
20060123             Zu den Extremen gehören auch Kältewellen,denn der Klimawandel führt nicht nur zu einer Erhöhung der Durchschnittstemperaturen,
20060123             sondern zu einer Häufung extremer Temperaturen und Regenfälle - +zwar in beide Richtungen
20060123             Trockene Regionen leiden noch mehr unter Dürre, in Gegenden mit feuchtem Klima regnet es noch mehr.
20060123             Ein solches Extrem dürfte auch die relative Wärme in der ARKTIS darstellen,
20060123             die Wissenschaftler —DERZEIT auf der Forschungsstation Koldewey an der Westküste Spitzbergens beobachten.
20060123             Ganz so einfach ist die Lage freilich nicht.
20060123             Auch die gegenwärtige Kältewelle,
20060123             die Russland, Polen, Deutschland und weitere Länder fest im Griff hat, taugt kaum als schlüssiger Beweis für den Klimawandel.
20060123             "Nur weil es 2, 3—TAGE mal richtig kalt ist, denken die Leute gleich,
20060123             die nächste Eiszeit ist da", sagt FRIEDRICH—WILHELM Gerstengarbe, Meteorologe am POTSDAM—INSTITUT für Klimafolgenforschung.
20060123             Die Kältewelle als Vorbote des Klimawandels, davon will Gerstengarbe nichts wissen.
20060123             "Es geht nicht um Vorboten, wir sind mittendrin im Klimawandel", sagt er im Gespräch mit SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20060123             "Die Klimatologen sind sich sicher, dass Witterungsextreme zunehmen", so Gerstengarbe.
20060123             Man müsse die Sache nur global analysieren,
20060123             wie es bei großen Versicherungsunternehmen —SCHON lange üblich sei.
20060123             Gerstengarbe warnt jedoch davor, ein einzelnes Ereignis wie den derzeitigen Frost herauszugreifen.
20060123             "Das besagt gar nichts; Kältewellen sind nichts Besonderes".
20060123             —KRITISIERT, Derweil, die amerikanische BÜRGERRECHTS—ORGANISATION Electronic Frontier Foundation
20060123             einen Gesetzesentwurf des republikanischen Senators GORDON—SMITH, der neue digitale Medienformate stark reglementieren soll.
20060123             Genauer noch: die Entwicklung und Einführung von neuen Formaten soll praktisch dem Willen der Plattenindustrie untergeordnet werden.
20060123             Bissig fragt dazu der "Inquirer": Nehmen diese Gentlemen halluzinogene Drogen?
20060123             Dafür gibt's noch eine gute Nachricht für alle, die Musik nicht unlizenziert kopieren,
20060123             aber trotzdem hören wollen: Mercora bietet 1—INTERNETRADIO an, das Platteninhalte anderer User über 1—P2P—SYSTEM streamt,
20060123             wie der "SYDNEY —MORNING Herald" berichtet.
20060123             Tolle Idee, noch mit einigen Macken... - Hunger strikers close to death
20060123             DESPITE force feeding by THE—USA—MILITARY, several hunger strikers at GUANTANAMO Bay may be close to death,
20060123             according to lawyers acting for the detainees.
20060123             IMMOBILIENFONDS—KRISE: Regierung und Bundesbank beteiligen sich an Werbeaktion
20060123             ATOM—DROHUNG: Merkel verteidigt Chirac
20060123             Noch ist die für 300.000—EURO entwickelte ELEKTRO—NASE ein großer Kasten auf Rollen aus rostfreiem Stahl,
20060123             der jeweils 3—MINUTEN zur Untersuchung einer Kiste Fisch braucht.
20060123             "Innerhalb von 6—MONATEN —BIS 2—JAHREN wird dafür 1—MARKT geschaffen sein".
20060123             Gefährlicher Frost: Sorge vor Eisnacht
20060123             Schülerprojekt: Jugendliche decken NS—VERBRECHEN auf - BND—AFFÄRE: Grüne laufen über
20060123             Extremkälte: Eiswinter erreicht Deutschland
20060123             (Panorama, Schlappe in Patentstreit: Blackberry droht Zwangsabschaltung in den USA
20060123             Große Koalition: Familienförderung entzweit Union und SPD
20060123             SPIONAGE—VORWÜRFE: Agenten in der Steinzeit
20060123             ELEKTRO—NASE: Frische Fische misst der Riecher
20060123             BND—AFFÄRE: FDP rückt von Untersuchungsausschuss ab
20060123             Italien: Priester soll Nonne vergewaltigt haben
20060123             Merkel bei Chirac: Schatzsuche in Versailles
20060123             Atomstreit: Irans Führung lobt Steinmeier
20060123             Machtkampf: Kuweits Regierung will neuen Emir absetzen
20060123             Prioritäten: Warum Aids gefährlicher ist als der Klimawandel
20060123             Frostfalle: Siebenjähriger friert mit Zunge an Laterne fest
20060123             Große Kreuzfahrtschiffe: Schwimmende Bettenburgen erobern das Mittelmeer
20060123             Kurssturz: Angst und Schrecken an der WALL—STREET - Medizin: GENTECH—BAKTERIEN statt Pillen
20060123             Berichten zufolge hat die Staatsanwaltschaft in dem Korruptionsfall —BIS zu 20—KONGRESSMITGLIEDER im Visier.
20060123             Nach ANGABEN—DES—UNABHÄNGIGEN—FORSCHUNGSZENTRUMS—CENTER for Responsive Politics profitierten
20060123             Kurienreform: Ratzinger plant Perestroika
20060123             2 20200103             0 Weltbank: Revolte gegen Wolfowitz
20060123             IRAN—ATOMSTREIT: Experten warnen vor Preisexplosion beim Öl
20060123             BND—AFFÄRE: Grüne nennen Bedingungen für Verzicht auf Ausschuss
20060123             Renten: Müntefering warnt vor Alarmstimmung
20060123             KORRUPTIONS—AFFÄRE: Fotos zeigen Bush mit Lobbyisten Abramoff
20060123             Für seine 45-minütige Rede erhielt Belafonte Jubel und stehende Ovationen.
20060123             In einer Rede verglich er das Heimatschutzministerium mit der Gestapo.
20060123             Sein Publikum feierte ihn mit stehenden Ovationen.
20060123             "Wir sind in einer dunklen Zeit angelangt, in der die neue Gestapo des Heimatschutzes lauert und die Rechte von Bürgern aufgehoben werden",
20060123             sagte der Entertainer am —SAMSTAG in einer Rede vor der Arts Presenters Members Conference in NEW—YORK.
20060123             "Man kann ohne Ermittlungsverfahren festgenommen werden.
20060123             Man kann festgenommen werden und hat kein Recht auf einen Anwalt".
20060123             The former national DIRECTOR—OF—THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY, in 1—APPEARANCE—TODAY—BEFORE the National Press Club in WASHINGTON,
20060123             —APPEARED, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, —TODAY, to be unfamiliar with the 4. Amendment to THE—USA—CONSTITUTION—WHEN pressed by 1—REPORTER with Knight RIDDER—WASHINGTON office -- despite his claims that he was actually something of 1—EXPERT on it.
20060123             talked with reporters about the current controversy surrounding the National Security AGENCY—WARRANTLESS—MONITORING—OF—COMMUNICATIONS—OF suspected al Qaeda terrorists.
20060123             HAYDEN has been in this position —SINCE last ;;04;;,
20060123             but was NSA director —WHEN THE—NSA monitoring program began
20060123             As the last journalist to get in 1—QUESTION, JONATHAN—LANDAY, 1—WELL—REGARDED investigative reporter for Knight Ridder,
20060123             noted that GENERAL—HAYDEN repeatedly referred to the 4. AMENDMENT—SEARCH—STANDARD—OF "reasonableness" without mentioning that it also demands "probable cause.
20060123             —SEEMED, HAYDEN, to deny that the amendment included ANY—SUCH thing, or was simply ignoring it.
20060123             USA—DEPUTY—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—ZOELLICK starts CHINA visit
20060123             —DURING his visit in BEIJING, ZOELLICK will meet with CHINA—LEADERS including Premier WEN—JIABAO + Foreign MINISTER—LI—ZHAOXING to exchange views on...
20060123             Zelikow - USA—TRADE—REPRESENTATIVE—ROBERT—ZOELLICK said —AFTER meeting with CHINA—TOP—LEADERS in BEIJING on ;;02;;
20060123             12—THAT his visit to CHINA has been productive.
20060123             It's 1—PHONE—CALL—OF—1—AL—QAEDA, known al Qaeda suspect, making 1—PHONE—CALL into THE—USA.
20060123             I'm mindful of your civil liberties.
20060123             People who analyze the program fully understand that AMERICA—CIVIL—LIBERTIES are well protected.
20060123             1—HERETIC for Our Times
20060123             —CAPTURED, Flying car, on GOOGLE Earth THE—REGISTER
20060123             DEFENSE Tech DAVID and the Inflatable Goliath
20060123             DEFENSE TECH—GIANT—BLIMP on the Rise - Welcome to Worldwide Aeros Corporation!
20060123             —AM, eingeführt.
20060123             and ABRAMOFF—SAY Cheese?: - nominee broke law: to back her BS.
20060123             MANHATTAN, Kan.
20060123             - PRESIDENT—BUSH pushed back —MONDAY at critics of his ONCE—SECRET—DOMESTIC spying effort, saying it should be termed a "terrorist surveillance program" +
20060123             COMMENTARY—GOD bless CANADA!
20060123             'Science is the last unreformed institution'
20060123             —INFURIATED, What so, Maddox was SHELDRAKE—THEORY—OF "morphic resonance" -- 1 complicated FRAMEWORK—OF—IDEAS proposing that nature relies upon its own SET—OF—MEMORIES, which are transmitted through time and space via "morphic fields".
20060123             —UNSOLVED, Much of his empirical explorations focus on, phenomenon such as how pigeons and other animals find their way home from great distances, why people experience feelings in amputated limbs, why SOME—PEOPLE and animals can sense that someone is staring at them.
20060123             Cliff paintings in Ningxia may be ORIGIN—OF—PICTURE writing: expert
20060123             —DISCOVERED, The prehistoric cliff paintings, in NORTH—WEST—CHINA may be 1—MEDIUM—OF—PRIMITIVE—LANGUAGE and 1—ORIGIN—OF—PICTURE writing, experts have said.
20060123             —FELLED, Ancient oak, for wine barrels
20060123             —CALLED, THE—MORAT tree, as it is, was planted in the 1660s —DURING the reign of LOUIS—XIV, on THE—INSTRUCTIONS—OF—THE—KING—MAIN—ADMINISTRATOR, JEAN—BAPTISTE Colbert.
20060123             1—HUGE—TREE—PLANTING programme was organised —AT—THE—TIME, to provide high quality timber for FRANCE—NAVAL shipyards
20060123             David and the Inflatable GOLIATH—PENTAGON builds monster blimp.
20060123             AL—QA'EDA supporters win seats in local polls : Supporters of AL—QA'EDA in IRAQ have used the elections staged by THE—USA to gain positions of political power, THE—USA—MILITARY—BELIEVES.
20060123             Powell: USA will pull troops out this —YEAR:
20060123             —URGED, FORMER—BUSH—AIDE who, caution over IRAQ signals START—OF—WITHDRAWAL by end of 2006
20060123             Victory may be very long in coming, but come it will, because time is on the insurgents' side.
20060123             Troops return from IRAQ with money to burn : Several soldiers interviewed estimated they earned 1—EXTRA $700 to $800—PER —MONTH—WHILE in IRAQ, totaling up to 1—EXTRA $9,600 for SOME—FROM their —YEAR overseas.
20060123             —DEPLETED, Nothing, about 'depleted uranium' : Currently, more than 50—PERCENT—OF—IRAQ—CANCER—PATIENTS are children under the age of 5, up from 13 %.
20060123             ISRAEL—HINTS at Military Action Against IRAN : ISRAEL is threatening to launch 1—PRE—EMPTIVE strike against IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM.
20060123             Rice says time for talking with IRAN is over : USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE said on —MONDAY there was strong INTERNATIONAL consensus against IRAN—NUCLEAR—PLANS and time had run out for talking to TEHRAN.
20060123             —REFERRED, IRAN threatens to restart FULL—SCALE—ENRICHMENT if, to UNITED—NATIONS Security Council : IRAN will —IMMEDIATELY retaliate if referred to THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL—NEXT—WEEK by forging ahead with developing 1—FULL—SCALE uranium enrichment program, 1—SENIOR—ENVOY said —MONDAY.
20060123             SENATOR—HILLARY—CLINTON—TAKES—MONEY from PRO—REGIME—IRANIANS : SENATOR—HILLARY—CLINTON —YESTERDAY accused PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—OF mishandling the threat from IRAN —WHILE she's been accepting money from supporters of the renegade IRAN—REGIME.
20060123             She wants permanent bases in IRAQ — and threatens war with IRAN
20060123             JOE—LIEBERMAN: USA Prepared for IRAN Strike : SENATOR—JOE—LIEBERMAN said —SUNDAY that THE—USA is prepared to deal with THE—IRAN—NUCLEAR—CRISIS—MILITARILY—EVEN if the war in IRAQ continues to require 1—SUBSTANTIAL—USA—TROOP—COMMITMENT.
20060123             Military assault on IRAN could cost USA dearly : Diplomats —AROUND the world keep repeating the mantra: There is no military option —WHEN it comes to slowing, much less stopping, IRAN's presumed ambitions to get the Bomb.
20060123             IRAN—REALLY—BIG—WEAPON : This could be 1—FAR—MORE profoundly punishing blow to USA—INTERESTS than IRAN—ABILITY to manufacture 1—CRUDE atom bomb that would have little credibility —UNTIL it became small and stable and reliable enough to be delivered on SOME—PUTATIVE target.
20060123             MIKE—WHITNEY : IRAN—OIL—EXCHANGE threatens the Greenback : This is why Bush and Co. are planning to lead the nation to war against IRAN.
20060123             USA tells ISRAEL it will shun PA gov't that includes Hamas : THE—USA—ADMINISTRATION has promised ISRAEL that THE—USA will not recognize ANY—PALESTINE—GOVERNMENT in which Hamas participates, government sources in JERUSALEM have said.
20060123             American and PALESTINE—OFFICIALS who spoke anonymously because they were not authorized to speak to reporters said that the program, which started in August, was intended to help defeat Hamas
20060123             —ATTACKED, Fatah, for taking USA—FUNDS : "This is 1—CLEAR—VIOLATION—OF—THE—ELECTION—LAW," he said.
20060123             Hamas sees possible indirect talks with ISRAEL:
20060123             1—SENIOR—HAMAS official raised the possibility on —MONDAY of indirect negotiations with ISRAEL, softening the Islamic militant group's stance ahead of this —WEEK—PALESTINE—ELECTION
20060123             —KILLED, ISRAEL, Arafat, says Assad: SYRIA—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—AL—ASSAD has caused outrage by accusing ISRAEL of assassinating FORMER—PALESTINE—LEADER—YASSER Arafat, whose death 14—MONTHS ago remains 1—MYSTERY.
20060123             Your tax dollars at work. Windows Media.
20060123             7—MINUTES—PAKISTANIS Stopped From Protesting USA.
20060123             —STOPPED, PAKISTAN—SECURITY—FORCES on —MONDAY, HUNDREDS—OF—HARD—LINE—ISLAMISTS from heading to NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN to protest against 1—FATAL—USA—MISSILE—ATTACK, the 1. time authorities have tried to quell mounting ANTI—USA—SENTIMENTS.
20060123             Sympathy for AL—QAIDA Surges in PAKISTAN : Sympathy for AL—QAIDA has surged —AFTER A—USA—AIRSTRIKE devastated this remote mountain hamlet in 1—REGION sometimes as hostile toward THE—PAKISTAN—GOVERNMENT as it is to THE—USA.
20060123             OSAMA—BIN—LADEN: Where is he? WHO—PROTECTING him? Why can't we find him?
20060123             The latest audiotape proves THE—AL—QA'IDA figurehead has pulled off 1—OF—THE—MOST remarkable disappearing acts in history.
20060123             —AIRED, RUSSIA displays 'spying rock' : 1—PROGRAMME, on state television said 4—UK—DIPLOMATS used 1—HI—TECH—VERSION—OF—THE "dead letter drop" of spy novel fame - 1—DUMMY rock by the roadside that could receive information electronically and beam it to 1—HAND—HELD computer on demand.
20060123             —BLAMED, RUSSIA, for 'gas sabotage' : GEORGIA—PRESIDENT has accused MOSCOW of serious acts of "sabotage" —AFTER gas blasts on RUSSIA—PIPELINES cut off supplies to GEORGIA and ARMENIA.
20060123             Geopolitical conflicts taking their toll : IRAN issue alone could cause disruption
20060123             The deal came —DURING 1—VISIT by ABDULLAH—KING—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA to THE—CHINA—CAPITAL.
20060123             McCain says THE—USA can't rely on `wackos' oil : 1—TOP—REPUBLICAN lawmaker said —SUNDAY that THE—USA must explore alternate energy sources to avoid being held hostage by IRAN or by "wackos" in VENEZUELA -- 1—APPARENT—REFERENCE to HUGO—CHAVEZ, VENEZUELA—POPULIST—PRESIDENT.
20060123             BOLIVIA—LEADER sworn in as the Left advances on USA doorstep : Evo Morales, 1—FORMER llama herder and coca farmer, was sworn in —YESTERDAY as BOLIVIA—1. indigenous INDIA—PRESIDENT, the latest in 1—STRING—OF—LEFTISTS sweeping to power across Latin AMERICA in 1—BACKLASH against USA—BACKED FREE—MARKET—POLICIES.
20060123             Warning to USA as Morales threatens to turn to CHINA—USA Gvt.
20060123             Channels Millions Through National Endowment for Democracy to Fund ANTI—LAVALAS Groups in HAITI : ANTHONY—FENTON, joins us to discuss the National Endowment for DEMOCRACY—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—FUNDED GROUP—THAT is pouring MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS into trying to influence HAITI—POLITICAL—FUTURE.
20060123             Although the government continues to characterize Dhafir as 1—CRIMINAL supporting terrorism, the only context in which this case makes ANY—SENSE is the overwhelming humanitarian crisis created by the brutal USA—SANCTIONS on the country of IRAQ
20060123             Free Rafil Dhafir:
20060123             USA—ANTI—WAR—ACTIVIST gets 6—MONTHS for protest at military recruiting station : 1—PEACE—ACTIVIST was sentenced —MONDAY to 6—MONTHS in jail for splattering his own blood at 1—MILITARY recruiting station to protest THE—THEN—LOOMING war in IRAQ.
20060123             PAUL—CRAIG—ROBERTS: CHENEY—WAR—WORKSHOP—PLOTS—ANOTHER—ATTACK : 20060000              is 1—DANGEROUS—YEAR for Americans.
20060123             —SACRIFICED, THE—BILL—OF—RIGHTS and Americans' civil liberties are being, on the alter of unaccountable executive power, as is THE—SEPARATION—OF—POWERS, the foundation of our constitutional system.
20060123             Bush Aide Says Abramoff Photos Coincidence: 1—ADVISER to PRESIDENT—BUSH said —MONDAY that BUSH—PHOTOGRAPHS in the company of disgraced lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF amount to 1—COINCIDENCE and shouldn't be interpreted ANY—MORE seriously than that.
20060123             Bush and ABRAMOFF—SAY Cheese? : Abramoff would tell prosecutors, if asked, that not only did he know THE—PRESIDENT, but THE—PRESIDENT—KNEW—THE—NAMES—OF—ABRAMOFF—CHILDREN and asked about them —DURING their meetings.
20060123             Evidence is mounting that FORMER—CHRISTIAN—COALITION—LEADER—RALPH—REED—JUNIOR, along with 1—FORMER—LEADER—OF—THE—TEXAS—CHRISTIAN—COALITION, may have illegally lobbied TEXAS state officials on behalf of crooked federal lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF and his clients.
20060123             Wayward CHRISTIAN—SOLDIERS : What will it take for USA—EVANGELICALS to recognize our mistaken loyalty?
20060123             —NOMINATED, Bush nominee broke law: 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE, to THE—USA—CIRCUIT—COURT owned stock in corporations involved in lawsuits brought —BEFORE him.
20060123             USA 28. in environmental performance:
20060123             —TRAILED, THE—USA, most WEST—EUROPEAN nations, as well as JAPAN, TAIWAN, MALAYSIA, COSTA—RICA and CHILE in meeting environmental goals in such areas as safe drinking water and low ozone levels
20060123             THE—TRUTH—SEEKER—BIG—BROTHER is Watching You... And.. of senior personnel from THE—CIA,MI6, Mossad etc, along with military... of the " Mujihadeen " to overthrow the socialist government of AFGHANISTAN and...
20060123             SOME—MAY be under the impression that by "speak her mind," she means "read my script" and "take my PAY—OFF".
20060123             I suspect that if she were to write several columns in favor OF—SAY - 1—CESSATION—OF—AID to ISRAEL, THE—WP POWERS—THAT—BE would soon find 1—LOOPHOLE in that "contract" of hers.
20060123             Permalink 20060123
20060123             Of the top 10—POLITICAL donors among INDIA—TRIBES in that period, 3—ARE former clients of Abramoff and Scanlon: the Saginaw Chippewa Tribe of MICHIGAN, THE—MISSISSIPPI Band of Choctaw Indians + the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians of CALIFORNIA.
20060123             —TODAY she offered an "apology"which turns out to be almost as deceptive as the original outrage.
20060123             MARK—SCHMITT tells us THE—PART—OF—THE—STORY the Post doesn't want you to know: THE—COUSHATTA tribe didn't give 1—DIME to JEAN—CARNAHAN.
20060123             THE—POST has made AN—EFFORT to back her BS.
20060123             As PART—OF—HIS—EFFORTS, Abramoff sent the Coushattas 1—LIST—OF—POLITICIANS and organizations, titled "Coushatta Requests," for whom he wanted to tribe to write checks.
20060123             Zu den Extremen gehören auch Kältewellen,denn der Klimawandel führt nicht nur zu einer Erhöhung der Durchschnittstemperaturen, sondern zu einer Häufung extremer Temperaturen und Regenfälle - +zwar in beide Richtungen
20060123             Ein solches Extrem dürfte auch die relative Wärme in der ARKTIS darstellen, die Wissenschaftler
20060123             —DERZEIT auf der Forschungsstation Koldewey an der Westküste Spitzbergens beobachten.
20060123             Sie registrierten die höchsten je im Januar gemessenen Temperaturen.
20060123             Der —MONAT ist —BISHER fast 10—GRAD wärmer als im Durchschnitt.
20060123             Der absolute Minusrekord für Deutschland liegt allerdings —SCHON 77—JAHRE zurück + wurde am
20060123             Auch die gegenwärtige Kältewelle, die Russland, Polen, Deutschland und weitere Länder fest im Griff hat, taugt kaum als schlüssiger Beweis für den Klimawandel.
20060123             "Nur weil es 2, 3—TAGE mal richtig kalt ist, denken die Leute gleich, die nächste Eiszeit ist da", sagt FRIEDRICH—WILHELM Gerstengarbe, Meteorologe am POTSDAM—INSTITUT für Klimafolgenforschung.
20060123             Dies lasse sich anhand von Klimadaten aus den vergangenen 100—JAHREN klar belegen.
20060123             Man müsse die Sache nur global analysieren, wie es bei großen Versicherungsunternehmen —SCHON lange üblich sei.
20060123             —KRITISIERT, Derweil, die amerikanische BÜRGERRECHTS—ORGANISATION Electronic Frontier Foundation einen Gesetzesentwurf des republikanischen Senators GORDON—SMITH, der neue digitale Medienformate stark reglementieren soll.
20060123             Pikantes Detail: SENATOR—SMITH hat angeblich Zehntausende Dollar von der Plattenlobby bekommen.
20060123             Dafür gibt's noch eine gute Nachricht für alle, die Musik nicht unlizenziert kopieren, aber trotzdem hören wollen: Mercora bietet 1—INTERNETRADIO an, das Platteninhalte anderer User über 1—P2P—SYSTEM streamt, wie der
20060123             "SYDNEY —MORNING Herald" berichtet.
20060123             DESPITE force feeding by THE—USA—MILITARY, several hunger strikers at GUANTANAMO Bay may be close to death, according to lawyers acting for the detainees.
20060123             Noch ist die für 300.000—EURO entwickelte ELEKTRO—NASE ein großer Kasten auf Rollen aus rostfreiem Stahl, der jeweils 3—MINUTEN zur Untersuchung einer Kiste Fisch braucht.
20060123             Mittelfristig sollen die Apparate auf die Größe von Taschencomputern schrumpfen, wie Entwickler PIERRE—LOONIS von der Université de La Rochelle erläutert.
20060123             Konflikte: Blair wirft IRAN TERROR—HILFE vor
20060123             Sanierungsplan: Ford schließt 14—WERKE - 30.000—JOBS in Gefahr
20060123             Gasstreit: Russland wirft UKRAINE erneut Gasklau vor
20060123             Eiszeit in EUROPA: Mittendrin im Klimawandel
20060123             NIGERIA: Rebellenangriffe treiben Ölpreis in die Höhe
20060123             USA—DOKU "Why We Fight": Futter für die verzagte Linke
20060123             Pressefreiheit: UGANDA mobbt ausländische Journalisten
20060123             Deutsche Bank: EX—STAATSSEKRETÄR—KOCH—WESER berät Ackermann - Rekordfrost: Eiszeit in EUROPA
20060123             Hubschrauber für CHINA: JAPAN zeigt Yamaha Motors an
20060123             Wie bei "JAMES—BOND": Russland wirft britischen Diplomaten Spionage vor
20060123             WASHINGTON—REPORTER des "Time"-Magazins sahen laut einem Bericht vom —SONNTAG allein 5—FOTOS, die Abramoff und Bush zusammen zeigen
20060123             Abramoff hatte unter anderem die Wahlkämpfe von USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH großzügig mitfinanziert.
20060123             Auch zum früheren CHEF—DER—REPUBLIKANER im USA—REPRÄSENTANTENHAUS und einst engen BUSH—VERTRAUTEN, TOM—DELAY, unterhielt er gute Kontakte.
20060123             DeLay war im September wegen Korruptionsvorwürfen zurückgetreten.
20060123             2 20200103              0
20060123             INVESTMENT—KRISE: Anleger flüchten weiter aus Immobilienfonds
20060123             SACHSEN—ANHALT: Auf dem Weg zum Briefkasten erfroren
20060123             Eisiges Deutschland: Thermometer fiel auf minus 33,8 Grad
20060123             2 20200103              0 - Weltbank: Revolte gegen Wolfowitz
20060123             Atomstreit gegen IRAN: Opposition fordert Distanz zu Chirac
20060123             Im Publikum waren neben anderen der Sänger PETER—YARROW, die Folkgruppe Peter, Paul and MARY sowie Künstler aus mehreren dutzend Ländern.
20060123             HARRY—BELAFONTE, ohnehin nicht gerade als Verehrer von USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH bekannt, hat WASHINGTON NAZI—METHODEN vorgeworfen.
20060123             NEW—YORK—DER Sänger HARRY—BELAFONTE hat die USA—REGIERUNG erneut mit schärfsten Worten kritisiert.
20060123             "Wir sind in einer dunklen Zeit angelangt, in der die neue Gestapo des Heimatschutzes lauert und die Rechte von Bürgern aufgehoben werden", sagte der Entertainer am —SAMSTAG in einer Rede vor der Arts Presenters Members Conference in NEW—YORK.
20060123             "Man kann ohne Ermittlungsverfahren festgenommen werden. Man kann festgenommen werden und hat kein Recht auf einen Anwalt".
20060123             The former national DIRECTOR—OF—THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY, in 1—APPEARANCE—TODAY—BEFORE the National Press Club in WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, —TODAY, appeared to be unfamiliar with the 4. Amendment to THE—USA—CONSTITUTION—WHEN pressed by 1—REPORTER with Knight RIDDER—WASHINGTON office -- despite his claims that he was actually something of 1—EXPERT on it.
20060123             GENERAL—MICHAEL—HAYDEN, principal deputy DIRECTOR—OF—NATIONAL—INTELLIGENCE with THE—OFFICE—OF—NATIONAL—INTELLIGENCE, talked with reporters about the current controversy surrounding the National Security AGENCY—WARRANTLESS—MONITORING—OF—COMMUNICATIONS—OF suspected al Qaeda terrorists.
20060123             As the last journalist to get in 1—QUESTION, JONATHAN—LANDAY, 1—WELL—REGARDED investigative reporter for Knight Ridder, noted that GENERAL—HAYDEN repeatedly referred to the 4. AMENDMENT—SEARCH—STANDARD—OF "reasonableness" without mentioning that it also demands "probable cause".
20060123             Here is the exchange, along with the entire 4. Amendment at the end.
20060123—16600000    —IN—THE, was planted S —DURING the reign of LOUIS—XIV, on THE—INSTRUCTIONS—OF—THE—KING—MAIN—ADMINISTRATOR, JEAN—BAPTISTE Colbert.
20060123—19570000    —FROM, to 19760000              Union Carbide made chlorinated herbicides there, including 2,4,5,-T 1—COMPONENT of the infamous Agent ORANGE used —DURING THE—VIETNAM War.
20060123—19810000    —IN—THE, ALAN—CROTZER, 45—JAHRE—ALT was freed in FLORIDA —AFTER DNA testing and other evidence convinced prosecutors he was not involved armed robbery and rapes that led to a 130-year prison sentence.
20060123—19890000    —SINCE, DNA has been used to clear at least 172—PEOPLE wrongly CONVICTED—OF—CRIMES in 31—STATES, according to the Innocence Project.
20060123—19990000    —SEIT, Nach ANGABEN—DES—UNABHÄNGIGEN—FORSCHUNGSZENTRUMS—CENTER for Responsive Politics profitierten etwa 300—ABGEORDNETE von Abramoffs finanziellen Zuwendungen.
20060123—20010000    —IN, The 1. World Social Forum was held in BRAZIL and coincides EACH—YEAR with THE—MARKET—FRIENDLY—WORLD—ECONOMIC—FORUM—OF—POLITICAL and business leaders in DAVOS—SWITZERLAND.
20060123—20010000    —IN, Hayden has been in this position —SINCE last April, but was NSA director —WHEN THE—NSA monitoring program began.
20060123—20010911    —IN, Held Net, Muslims Return to Accuse USA:
20060123—20020000    —MOUNTED, Prominent Republican lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF, 1—FAR—REACHING campaign on behalf of his clients, THE—LOUISIANA Coushatta tribe, to prevent another tribe, the Jena Band of Choctaws, from winning federal approval for 1—RIVAL—CASINO.
20060123—20050000    —JUMPED, Attacks in IRAQ, : Insurgents launched 34,131 attacks —LAST—YEAR, up from 26,496 THE—YEAR—BEFORE, according to USA—MILITARY—FIGURES released —SUNDAY.
20060123—20060000    is 1—DANGEROUS—YEAR for Americans.
20060123—20060000    —SACRIFICED, THE—BILL—OF—RIGHTS and Americans' civil liberties are being, on the alter of unaccountable executive power,
20060123—20060115    —FILLED, Howell wrote 1—COLUMN, with deliberate lies, in which she claimed that Abramoff "had made substantial campaign contributions to both major parties".
20060123—20060125    —RESIGNED, Horie, from THE—BOARD—OF—LIVEDOOR.
20060123—20060126    —ON, he described killing 4—GAY—MEN.
20060123—20060212    —ON, USA—TRADE—REPRESENTATIVE—ROBERT—ZOELLICK said —AFTER meeting with CHINA—TOP—LEADERS in BEIJING that his visit to CHINA has been productive.
20060123—20070000    —IN, the remaining stores were renamed under the Lucky name.
20060123—20120000    —BY, Ford Motor Co., the nation's 2.—LARGEST automaker, said that it will cut 25,000 to 30,000 jobs and idle 14—FACILITIES as PART—OF—1—RESTRUCTURING designed to reverse a $1.6—BILLION loss —LAST—YEAR in its NORTH—USA—OPERATIONS.
20060123—20120000    —ADMITTED, JONATHAN—POWELL, 1—FORMER—DOWNING—STREET—OFFICIAL, for the 1. time that BRITAIN was responsible for THE—JAMES—BOND—STYLE—SPY—PLOT involving the fake rock.
20060201—20060123    —IN—THE, KENYA, 4 suspended senior OFFICIALS—OF—THE—CITY—COUNCIL—OF—NAIROBI were charged with negligence collapse of 1—BUILDING in NAIROBI that killed at least 17—PEOPLE and injured more than 100.
20060313             Media silent on military links.
20060313             By JERRY—WHITE, 20020123             . - WAYNE—MADSEN: Anthrax and THE—AGENCY
20060313             —BY JERRY—WHITE, 20020123           .
20061025             [20040123              ]
20070100             Senior management: JOHN—CHR—MAM—DEUSS — Chairman + CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OFFICER... alfatomega.com/20070123.html
20070105             —PREPARED, Secrecy News 20020123              The compilation, by Archive analyst Tamara Feinstein, complements the collection of PERU—RELATED documents released —EARLIER this —MONTH by THE—USA...
20070105             Secrecy News 20020123
20070122             Terror Watch: Is Pentagon... alfatomega.com/20070123.html BRENT—WILKES—ARCHIVES
20070123             —REDUCED, PRESIDENT—BUSH won cautious kudos in EUROPE and ASIA for urging, dependence on oil and backing alternative energy sources in his STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS, but his push for more troops in IRAQ was widely derided.
20070123             —CALLED, Bush, for 20% cut in gasoline consumption over the next —DECADE.
20070123             USA—CUSTOMS—RULES went into effect calling for passports for USA—CITIZENS returning by air from ANY—COUNTRY including CANADA—MEXICO and Caribbean nations.
20070123             2—USA—INMATES, 1 convicted rapist in GEORGIA and 1—MAN who was unjustly CONVICTED—OF—MURDER in NEW—YORK but helped find the real killer from his prison cell, were granted their freedom —AFTER DNA tests proved their innocence.
20070123             He described the affair in his book "Under Cover: Memoirs of 1—USA—SECRET—AGENT" (19740000             ).
20070123             EAST—AFGHANISTAN, 1—BOMBER blew himself up amid 1—CROWD—OF—WORKERS outside 1—USA—MILITARY—BASE, killing as many as 10 and wounding more than 12—OTHERS in the deadliest suicide attack in 4—MONTHS.
20070123             —REQUESTED, BRAZIL said it had, THE—USA—EXTRADITE 2—LEADERS—OF—1—EVANGELICAL—CHURCH (Reborn in Christ) who allegedly used their followers' donations to buy mansions, 1—HORSE—FARM and apartments in BRAZIL and THE—USA.
20070123             Estevam Hernandes Filho (52) and his wife, Sonia Haddad Moraes Hernandes (48) were arrested by USA—CUSTOMS—AGENTS in MIAMI —EARLIER this —MONTH on charges of carrying 1—LARGE—SUM—OF undeclared cash.
20070123             —SENTENCED, The couple was, to 5—MONTHS in prison, 5—MONTHS—OF—HOUSE—ARREST and 1—PROBATION—PERIOD for failing to declare they were carrying more than $10,000 into THE—USA.
20070123             —ARRESTED, UK—POLICE, 5—MEN under ANTI—TERROR—LAWS, in dawn raids reportedly linked to the escape of 1—TERROR—SUSPECT and THE—DISTRIBUTION—OF—ISLAMIST—PROPAGANDA.
20070123             UK—POLICE set up roadblocks to try to hinder scavengers who descended on 1—SOUTHWEST—ENGLAND beach to pick through shipping containers that washed ashore from 1 stranded cargo vessel.
20070123             —BANNED, CHINA CENTRAL—TELEVISION, all images and spoken references to pigs in order to avoid offending Muslims.
20070123             THE—YEAR—OF—THE—PIG was set to begin in February.
20070123             —HELPED, ETHIOPIA—TROOPS who, SOMALIA—GOVERNMENT—DRIVE out 1—RADICAL—ISLAMIC—MILITIA began withdrawing in military trucks and tanks.
20070123             1—SPECIAL—COMMITTEE—OF—THE—EUROPEAN—PARLIAMENT approved 1—REPORT alleging EU nations including BRITAIN, POLAND, GERMANY and ITALY were aware of secret CIA flights over EUROPE and THE—ABDUCTION—OF—TERROR—SUSPECTS by USA—AGENTS into clandestine detention centers.
20070123             —PERFORMED, FRANCE—DOCTORS said that they had, the world's 3. partial face transplant on 1—MAN whose face was disfigured by severe tumors.
20070123             —SUSPECTED, NORTH—EAST—INDIA, separatist rebels set off 1—LARGE—BOMB in 1 crowded market in Gauhati, THE—CAPITAL—OF—ASSAM state, killing at least 1—PERSON and wounding 12.
20070123             THE—UN—REFUGEE—AGENCY said that men allegedly wearing UNIFORMS—OF—THE—IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES abducted 1—GROUP—OF—17—PALESTINE—REFUGEES from 1—BUILDING rented by the agency in BAGHDAD.
20070123             2—BOMBS struck separate Shiite targets in BAGHDAD, killing 5—PEOPLE.
20070123             1—BLACKWATER—USA—SECURITY—HELICOPTER crashed in 1—SUNNI neighborhood in CENTRAL—BAGHDAD and 5—MEN were shot execution style in THE—BACK—OF—THE—HEAD.
20070123             —LAUNCHED, BERTIE—AHERN, taoiseach of IRELAND, a $238—BILLION NATIONAL—DEVELOPMENT—PLAN for the economy over the next 7—YEARS.
20070123             1—JORDAN—MAN fatally shot his 17—YEAR—OLD—DAUGHTER whom he suspected of having sex despite 1—MEDICAL exam that proved her chastity.
20070123             —SURRENDERED, The man, to police hours —AFTER the killing, saying he had done it for family honor.
20070123             —KILLED, On average, about 20—WOMEN in the country are, by their relatives in such cases EACH—YEAR.
20070123             —PARALYZED, HEZBOLLAH—LED protesters, LEBANON, clashing with government supporters and burning tires and cars on roads in and —AROUND the capital to enforce 1—GENERAL—STRIKE aimed at toppling USA—BACKED PRIME—MINISTER—FUAD—SANIORA.
20070123             3—PEOPLE were killed and more than 170 wounded.
20070123             MOZAMBIQUE—NATIONAL—INSTITUTE for Disaster Management said torrential rains in CENTRAL—MOZAMBIQUE had claimed 5—LIVES and rendered more than 3,500 homeless —SINCE the weekend.
20070123             —UNIDENTIFIED, SOUTH—NIGERIA, assailants seized oil engineers, 1—AMERICAN and 1—BRITON, in the latest kidnapping.
20070123             —MASKED, Dozens of, gunmen claiming to be MEMBERS—OF—AL—QAIDA stormed 1—EMPTY—GAZA—STRIP beach resort and blew up 1—RECEPTION—HALL, saying they were sending 1—MESSAGE to 1—ALLY—OF—PALESTINIAN—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS.
20070123             —GAINED, RYSZARD—KAPUSCINSKI, INTERNATIONAL acclaim for his books chronicling wars, coups and revolutions in AFRICA, THE—MIDDLE—EAST and other PARTS—OF—THE—WORLD.
20070123             —INCLUDED, His books, "THE—EMPEROR" (19780000             ), 1—CHRONICLE—OF—THE—DECLINE—OF—HAILE SELASSIE—REGIME in ETHIOPIA.
20070123             —PUBLISHED, His last book "Travels With Herodotus" was, shortly —AFTER his death.
20070123             —EXPLODED, NORTH—SRI—LANKA, 2—ROADSIDE bombs, in JAFFNA town, killing 1—GOVERNMENT—SOLDIER and 3—CIVILIANS.
20070123             —PROTESTED, HUNDREDS—OF—VENEZUELANS, against 1—CONGRESSIONAL measure that would grant PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ the power to pass laws by decree in areas from the economy to defense.
20070123             According to the researchers, the results suggest that altruistic behavior may originate from how people view the world rather than how they act in it.
20070123             "We believe that the ability to perceive other people's actions as meaningful is critical for altruism," Tankersley said.
20070123             Link - "I think in part it's because we are constantly exposed to our own thoughts,
20070123             they are most salient to us" — and thus we are likely to overestimate their connection to outside events.
20070123             —RESEMBLED, Dinosaur may have, the biplane - THE—MANY—BENEFITS—OF—TEA—TREE—OIL
20070123             —ORIGINATED, The name tea tree
20070123             Vote fraud: Not —JUST 1—CONSPIRACY—THEORY anymore Cannonfire keeps 1—EYE on it.
20070123             VENEZUELA To Begin Imposing Tax On Idle Lands In ;;04;; :
20070123             1—NEW—TAX seeks to force landowners to produce, which is PART—OF—CHAVEZ—CONTROVERSIAL—LAND—LAW.
20070123             UK: Compared to THE—ENORMITY—OF—THE—WAR, this is 1—PALTRY scandal:
20070123             Cash for honours is 1—TRIFLE —WHEN set against IRAQ.
20070123             But our leaders can get away with anything if the economy holds up
20070123             Former "enemy combatant" Padilla insists he's sane:
20070123             —ROCKED, Jose Padilla, back + forth —DURING the meetings with 1—PSYCHOLOGIST,
20070123             his chained hands sweating + facial muscles twitching + insisted repeatedly in 1—VOICE—DEVOID—OF—EMOTION that he was not crazy.
20070123             —ASKED, AUSTRALIA has, THE—USA to bring new charges against AUSTRALIA—SOLE remaining inmate at Guantánamo Bay
20070123             Prisoners continue hunger strike at CANADA—GUANTÁNAMO:
20070123             who have been imprisoned indefinitely without charge or trial under 1—CANADA—GOVERNMENT "national security certificate"—ARE continuing 1—HUNGER—STRIKE to protest their inhumane CONDITIONS—OF—DETENTION.
20070123             —WIPED, Prosecutor: Libby ' out' Cheney memo:
20070123             Special Prosecutor PATRICK—FITZGERALD used his opening statement in THE—CIA—LEAK—TRIAL—TUESDAY to allege that VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY—CHIEF—OF—STAFF lied about CHENEY—EARLY—INVOLVEMENT in the disclosure of 1—SPY—IDENTITY.
20070123             UNITED—NATIONS climate panel to project wrenching change:
20070123             A—UNITED—NATIONS—CLIMATE—PANEL will project wrenching disruptions to nature
20070123             —BY—2100 in 1—REPORT—NEXT—WEEK blaming human USE—OF—FOSSIL—FUELS—MORE clearly than ever for global warming, scientific sources said.
20070123             THE—EPA—CLOSES—ITS—LIBRARIES, Destroys Documents:
20070123             THE—ENVIRONMENTAL—PROTECTION—AGENCY (EPA) has begun closing its nationwide network of scientific libraries,
20070123             effectively preventing EPA scientists + the public from accessing vast AMOUNTS—OF—DATA and information on issues from toxicology to pollution.
20070123             HE—NOT 1—SCHOOLTEACHER," said Frosty Hardison, 1—PARENT—OF—7—WHO also said that he believes the Earth is 14,000—YEARS—OLD. "
20070123             Bonds: As oil falls, exporters cut levels of USA debt:
20070123             OPEC nations are selling USA Treasury securities at the fastest pace in more than 3—YEARS as tumbling crude oil prices have sent bond prices falling.
20070123             —DROPPED, At no point —SINCE the 1. atomic bomb was, on HIROSHIMA on
20070123             Like IRAQ, SOME—FANCY schemes are on the anvil in THE—PENTAGON.
20070123             To ward off the threats to the world economy if TEHRAN curtailed oil traffic through the Strait of Hormuz,
20070123             THE—USA has reportedly made contingency plans for the indefinite TAKEOVER—OF—IRAN—TERRITORY—IN—CHAH—BAHAR,
20070123             which would deny TEHRAN its strategic leverage with Hormuz.
20070123             Continue - A FOOL—ERRAND in BAGHDAD-
20070123             LET—ASSUME for 1—MOMENT, that Dick CHENEY is the driving force behind the plan to surge in IRAQ.
20070123             Does anyone really believe that THE—VICE—PRESIDENT is genuinely concerned about THE—SAFETY—OF—THE—IRAQ—PEOPLE?
20070123             Even THE—AUTHORS—OF—THE—PLAN,
20070123             BUSH is only adding 40—PERCENT—OF—THAT—NUMBER—OF—TROOPS + Defense SECRETARY—GATES—SPEAKS—OF—THE—OPERATION being over by —SUMMER—END.
20070123             —JUST why did THE—USA—ATTACK—SOMALIA —2—WEEKS—AGO?
20070123             Of course, the answer given for THE—USA—MILITARY—INTERVENTION and the generally accepted notion is the hunt for terrorists.
20070123             But is it?
20070123             Are terrorists the only BONE—OF—CONTENTION THE—USA has with SOMALIA?
20070123             —OCCUPIED, BEIRUT is —NOW, by 1—WORKING class tent city with "Citrus" supporters from the Opposition:
20070123             Religious SHIAS—HEZBOLLAH (yellow), secular SHIAS—AMAL (green) + Christians of the Free Patriotic Movement (orange).
20070123             EX—USA—OFFICIAL: Bush would approve IRAN attack:
20070123             —REQUIRED, RICHARD—PERLE says, 'If strike on IRAN, USA—PARTICIPATION for success, PRESIDENT would agree'
20070123             USA warns IRAN to back off in Persian Gulf:
20070123             —RULED, A—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT—OFFICIAL, out talks with IRAN and said —TUESDAY that a 2. USA aircraft carrier strike group —NOW steaming toward THE—MIDDLE—EAST is WASHINGTON—WAY—OF warning TEHRAN not to challenge AMERICA.
20070123             Brzezinski: Bush IRAN Policy 'Stupid':
20070123             He stressed that it is utterly absurd to adopt 1—POSITION that THE—USA has the right to dictate what happens in IRAQ, as if IRAN has nothing to say.
20070123             IRAN says still cooperating with IAEA:
20070123             IRAN said —ON—TUESDAY it was still cooperating with THE—IAEA, THE—UNITED—NATIONS—NUCLEAR—WATCHDOG, despite announcing 1—DAY—EARLIER that it was barring 38—INSPECTORS from working in the country.
20070123             War pimp alert: Edwards In ISRAEL: IRAN Threat Serious:
20070123             "IRAN is serious about its threats," FORMER—USA—SENATOR—JOHN—EDWARDS has told 1—AUDIENCE in ISRAEL.
20070123             War pimp alert: Romney in ISRAEL: Calls for ANTI—APARTHEID—LIKE—SANCTIONS against IRAN:
20070123             FORMER—MASSACHUSETTS GOVERNOR + potential 20080000              presidential contender also urged states to divest in IRAN,
20070123             to seek THE—INDICTMENT—OF—IRAN—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD on genocide charges, —WHILE also making it clear that pursuing nuclear weapons "can also be 1—SOURCE—OF peril" for IRAN.
20070123             War pimp alert: Woolsey In ISRAEL: Attack IRAN as last resort:
20070123             —RECOMMENDED, FORMER—CIA—DIRECTOR—JAMES—WOLLSEY—MONDAY, using force if there is no other way to stop IRAN from obtaining 1—NUCLEAR—BOMB.
20070123             "If we need to use force, we should do it decisively, not SOME—SURGICAL (attack) on SOME—SINGLE, or 2 or 3—FACILITIES," he said
20070123             ISRAEL—BILLIONAIRE Saban biggest donor to USA—POLITICIANS:
20070123             —DONATED, Communications tycoon has, at least USD 13—MILLION to USA—POLITICIANS.
20070123             As 1—CLOSE—FRIEND—OF—THE—CLINTONS he contributed to the Democrats,
20070123             but PRESIDENT—BUSH has not been deprived either
20070123             Delegitimization of ISRAEL rising among USA—ELITE:
20070123             In the coming years USA—JEWRY will face the most significant delegitimization of ISRAEL it has ever encountered,
20070123             —MILITARIZED, USA—TAX—DOLLARS have, the entire region.
20070123             We give ISRAEL about $3—BILLION EACH—YEAR, but we also give EGYPT $2—BILLION.
20070123             ISRAEL—ARMY Using Mock City to Train:
20070123             "We're definitely training for the next war," said SERGEANT—SHALEV—NACHUM, 1—MEDIC who fought in THE—LEBANON campaign.
20070123             "Next time, it will be different".
20070123             ISRAEL—ATTORNEY—GENERAL recommends indicting PRESIDENT in sex scandal:
20070123             ISRAEL—ATTORNEY—GENERAL said —TUESDAY he intends to indict PRESIDENT—MOSHE—KATSAV on charges of rape and abuse of powe
20070123             Stop the Jewish barbarians in HEBRON:
20070123             It is unthinkable that the memory of Auschwitz should serve as 1—PRETEXT to ignore the fact that living here among us are Jews that behave toward Palestinians exactly the way that German,
20070123             —BEHAVED, Hungarian, Polish and other ANTI—SEMITES, toward Jews.
20070123             ISRAEL—PRESIDENT to be charged with rape:
20070123             Prosecutors intend to charge PRESIDENT—MOSHE—KATSAV with rape and other crimes against female employees,
20070123             the Justice Ministry said —ON—TUESDAY, in what would be 1 unprecedented indictment against 1—ISRAEL—HEAD—OF—STATE.
20070123             4—MORE—USA—SENATORS disagree with BUSH—IRAQ plan:
20070123             Opposition to PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—PLAN to increase troop strength in IRAQ broadened on Capitol Hill —ON—MONDAY as 1—NEW bipartisan group of 4—SENATORS announced their disagreement with the strategy.
20070123             GOP Opposition to Troop Increase Grows:
20070123             —EVOKED, PRESIDENT—BUSH—DECISION to send more troops to IRAQ, increasing Republican opposition as 1—DEMOCRATIC—LED Senate panel prepared tough questioning for the man who would carry out the plan as the new war COMMANDER.
20070123             With his presidential hopes tied to 1—ADMINISTRATION whose IRAQ policy he supports but cannot control,
20070123             —MURDERED, Mercenary firm sues families of "" employees:
20070123             Private security contractor Blackwater USA is seeking $10—MILLION from the attorney representing the estates of 4—EMPLOYEES killed and mutilated in IRAQ,
20070123             arguing their families breached THE—SECURITY—GUARDS' contracts by suing the company for wrongful death.
20070123             —APPEARED, The plot, to be little more than 1—INFORMAL—LIST—OF—AL—QAIDA—AFFILIATED operatives and initial plans that was found —DURING 1—SEARCH—OF—1—MILITANTS' HIDE—OUT in IRAQ early —LAST—YEAR
20070123             USA—GENERAL sees $70—BILLION bill to expand Army:
20070123             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—PLAN to permanently increase THE—SIZE—OF—THE—USA—ARMY, strained by wars in IRAQ + AFGHANISTAN,
20070123             will cost $70—BILLION over 5—YEARS, A—USA—ARMY—GENERAL said —ON—TUESDAY.
20070123             THE—USA ' ability to take on 1—NEW fight has been hurt by its wars in IRAQ + AFGHANISTAN, the top military officials for THE—USA—ARMY + Marine Corps told Congress
20070123             —ON—TUESDAY.
20070123             ISRAEL—SEPARATION—BARRIER is cutting off Palestinians from their livelihood -
20070123             1—BRITISH—GOVERNMENT—FUNDED report says THE—ROUTE—OF—ISRAEL—SEPARATION—BARRIER is trapping 250,000 Palestinians in enclaves designed to protect Jewish settlers in the occupied territory.
20070123             Continue - Turning Silence Into Gold
20070123             Hillary CLINTON and THE—ISRAEL—LOBBY—BY Joshua
20070123             GEORGE—W—BUSH—POSITION on IRAN is "disturbing" and "dangerous," reads 1—POSITION—PAPER written
20070123             Is OBAMA —JUST another example of how our corrupt political system ingeniously creates candidates to keep hope alive?
20070123             Is he something other than 1—CONVENTIONAL—POLITICIAN?
20070123             Continue - Americans who cherish freedom would do well to stop stumbling —AROUND in the trees and forests of the illegal immigration debate and see that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is well on its way to closing the borders of the entire nation,
20070123             not only to people trying to get in, but to citizens trying to get out.
20070123             Continue - Bush Continues to Unite the World... Against Him-
20070123             —CONCENTRATED, Despite 2—YEARS—OF—1, effort by SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE and her public diplomacy MAJOR—DOMA Karen Hughes to boost WASHINGTON—GLOBAL—IMAGE,
20070123             more people —AROUND the world have 1—UNFAVOURABLE opinion of USA policies than at ANY—TIME in recent memory, according to 1—NEW—BBC poll.
20070123             Continue
20070123             —NOW, nearly 3FOURTHS of the nation is in staunch disagreement with PRESIDENT—BUSH—VIRTUALLY in uncharted TERRITORY—IN—TERMS—OF—UNPOPULARITY,
20070123             Why Won't the Corporate Press Discuss BUSH—CHARACTER—PROBLEM? -- A BuzzFlash Editorial
20070123             Cheney Blockbusters Emerge at Libby Trial Opening
20070123             BRENT—BUDOWSKY: AL—GORE—MOMENT: Movies That Matter And Leadership That Makes 1—DIFFERENCE - 1—BUZZFLASH—GUEST—CONTRIBUTION
20070123             Prosecutor Fitzgerald: Vice presidential adviser Lewis "Scooter" Libby 1. learned the wife of 1—ADMINISTRATION foe worked for THE—CIA from VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY himself,
20070123             the prosecutor in LIBBY—PERJURY and obstruction trial said this —MORNING.
20070123             Also, Scooter Destroyed Evidence. 1/24
20070123             —REFUSED, CHICAGO SUN—TIMES : "SENATOR—BARACK—OBAMA —ON—MONDAY, to rule in or out the possibility that he might end up on a 20080000              Democratic ticket with Hillary Clinton ".
20070123             —JUST Don't Ask Him about Stem CELLS—IRAQ, Global Warming, etc.
20070123             -- 1—BUZZFLASH—NEWS—ALERT
20070123             THE—BUZZFLASH—MAILBAG -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
20070123             Aide: In SOTU speech, Bush wants to slash gasoline consumption by 20 %
20070123             BOB—FERTIK - develops the thesis that these DOCUMENTS—WHICH no outsider has yet SEEN—CONSTITUTE 1—ROVIAN trick,
20070123             developed in time for THE—STATE—OF—THE—UNION—SPEECH.
20070123             —AFTER reviewing the 3 published versions of this story (below),
20070123             it's perfectly clear there are no credible FACTS—NO independently verified documents, no identified witnesses + no suspects.
20070123             The whole story hinges on 1—SINGLE—DOCUMENT, which was not seen by ANY—OF—THE—REPORTERS and probably does not exist.
20070123             Doesn't anyone in the Corporate Media remember the utterly bogus NIGER forgery (created by MICHAEL—LEDEEN + his ITALY—INTELLIGENCE—CRONIES) that helped launch the war - + led to THE—WILSON—PLAME scandal that put SCOOTER LIBBY on trial?
20070123             Even DAN—RATHER had the journalistic integrity to publish his source documents on THE—INTERNET.
20070123             (ROVE—AUTHORSHIP explains why THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION never prosecuted Burkett or anyone else for forging federal documents,
20070123             ignoring the urgent pleas of rightwing bloggers.)
20070123             Also note the vague references to "suspects" in all the reports.
20070123             —CAPTURED, Were any "suspects", or even identified?
20070123             —EXISTED, Of course NOT—THEY never.
20070123             —OCCURRED, The same thought, to Jill at Brilliant at Breakfast:
20070123             —PLANNED, THE—ONLY—TIMES we have terrorist threats or REPORTS—OF—ATTACKS, are —WHEN THE—CRAWFORD—CALIGULA is on the ropes.
20070123             Here we are, 1—DAY—BEFORE he has to deliver THE—STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS to 1—HOSTILE—CONGRESS,
20070123             the bloodbath in IRAQ gets worse by the say, surge or no surge + ALL—OF—1—SUDDEN,
20070123             we not only have what is purported to be 1—NEW—AL—QAEDA video, but suddenly there's 1—REPORT that IRAQ—INSURGENTS had been planning attacks inside THE—USA...
20070123             Nat Geo series on terrorism
20070123             The series also showcases a 1.—EVER feature programme on THE—KANDAHAR episode, ' IC 814—HIJACK ', which brought what was till then seen as 1—INTERNATIONAL...
20070123             THE—HINDU—BUSINESS—LINE : Who's on the hit list?
20070123             They download technical + technological information, training + operational...
20070123             —RENEWED, Singh is facing, attack over the - THE—BELMONT—CLUB: Back of Beyond 2
20070123             —CARED, Nobody ; not even —WHEN IC - 814 was hijacked to KANDAHAR as PART—OF—1—ISI...
20070123             —ADMITTED, Afroze, that he and 7—AL Qaeda operatives planned to hijack...
20070123             Kulturrevolution: BANK—GEWÖHNT—MITARBEITERN das Siezen ab
20070123             RAF—TERRORISTEN: Streit um Haftentlassung von Klar und Mohnhaupt
20070123             Giftige Gesellen: QUALLEN—ALARM an Australiens Stränden
20070123             Klimawandel: Alpengletscher schmelzen immer schneller - IRAK—DEBATTE: Bush s fataler Denkfehler
20070123             BND—AUSSCHUSS: Wie Neskovic zum WANZEN—OPFER wurde
20070123             JSTOR: The 1. Execution for Witchcraft in IRELAND
20070123             1—OF—THE—EXTRAVAGANTES—OF—JOHN—XXII dated at Avignon is PER—HAPS the strongest fulmination against those who "pactum faciunt cum inferno, daemonibus,
20070123             Ergebnis einer —HEUTE veröffentlichten Umfrage der britischen BBC.
20070123             1—JAHR zuvor waren es noch 36 %, —VOR—2—JAHREN 40 %.
20070123             An der Befragung haben 26.000—MENSCHEN in 25—LÄNDERN teilgenommen.
20070123             Auch in den USA ist dabei der Anteil derjenigen, die ihr Land vor allem als positive Kraft sehen, auf 57 % gesunken.
20070123             Vor einem —JAHR waren es noch 63 %, —VOR—2—JAHREN 71 %.
20070123             49—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN sind der Ansicht, dass die USA eine vor allem negative Rolle spielen.
20070123             Besonders groß ist INTERNATIONAL die Unzufriedenheit mit der IRAK—POLITIK—VON—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH : 73 % sind damit nicht einverstanden.
20070123             Aber auch die USA—HALTUNG zum iranischen Atomprogramm wird von 60 % kritisiert, BUSH s Klimapolitik sehen 56 % negativ.
20070123             Die Hoffnung von NASA—ASTRONOM TONY—PHILLIPS, C/2006—P1 könnte der hellste Komet werden,
20070123             der je in der Geschichte aufgezeichnet worden ist,
20070123             "Es gab auch niemals 1—GRUNDLAGE dafür", sagte ROBERT—MCNAUGHT zu SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20070123             Dennoch sorgt die Leuchterscheinung in der südlichen Hemisphäre für einigen Wirbel.
20070123             Fall Kurnaz : Steinmeier weist Vorwürfe zurück
20070123             Bush s Rede an die Nation: Schwindende Zustimmung, umstrittene Konzepte
20070123             AUSSTIEGS—DEBATTE: CDU—PRÄSIDIUMSMITGLIED gegen neue Atomkraftwerke
20070123             Bestechungsverdacht: Fahnder durchsuchen GEZ
20070123             Drogenkrieg in Rio: Schießwütige Polizisten,
20070123             rabiate Gangster, verschreckte Touristen
20070123             Bestrahlt: Mikrowelle macht Putzlappen keimfrei
20070123             Fall Kurnaz : EU—AUSSCHUSS beschuldigt Bundesregierung
20070123             Sanfte Impfung: Pflaster soll vor Alzheimer schützen
20070123             Flugzeugentführung vereitelt: Passagier gibt sich als AL—QAIDA- Mitglied aus
20070123             —RAMPONIERT, BBC—UMFRAGE: Ansehen der USA in der Welt
20070123             "Kyrill": Orkan kostet Versicherungen —BIS zu 8—MILLIARDEN Euro
20070123             HOLLINGER is the subject of 1—INQUIRY by THE—USA—SECURITIES and Exchange Commission.
20070123             Investigators are keen to understand the company's relationship with Ravelston Corporation,
20070123             which is privately owned by Black and has been THE—BENEFICIARY—OF—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS which shareholders say should be returned to them.
20070123             TORONTO—BASED Ravelston pays MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in management fees to Ravelston Management Inc (RMI).
20070123             There are suggestions that RMI may be based in 1—TAX—HAVEN.
20070123             —DECLINED, HOLLINGER spokesman PAUL—HEALY, to comment.
20070123             GUARDIAN Unlimited © GUARDIAN Newspapers Limited 20030000
20070123             The move would represent 1—COUP for Black, who is desperate not to sell THE—TELEGRAPH titles,
20070123             which have given him considerable influence within UK—POLITICS + earned him 1—CLOSE—FRIENDSHIP with MARGARET—THATCHER.
20070123             boasts GEORGE—BUSH—SNR + his SECRETARY—OF—STATE, JAMES—BAKER, as advisers + is headed by FRANK—CARLUCCI ,
20070123             —INVESTED, RONALD—REAGAN—DEFENCE—SECRETARY—HAS, in media firms previously.
20070123             —OWNED, The group once, 40—PERCENT—OF—FRANCE'S—LE—FIGARO + more —RECENTLY acquired PART—OF—FRANCE—CONGLOMERATE VIVENDI—PUBLISHING assets.
20070123             —PRIVATISED, It also PART—OWNS—QINETIQ, the Government's, defence research laboratories + CSX LINES, 1—LOGISTICS—FIRM that specialises in shipping heavy equipment for the military.
20070123             —OWNED, In the past, CARLYLE has, VINNELL, 1—COMPANY that trained THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—ARMY.
20070123             If CARLYLE—WHICH, despite being only 15—YEARS—OLD, manages more than $14—BILLION in funds on BEHALF—OF—INVESTORS such as GEORGE SOROS + THE—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN FAMILY (who are estranged from their son Osama) - does take 1—STAKE in HOLLINGER ,
20070123             questions are bound to be asked over the links between THE—2—FIRMS, both of which have powerful links to the military.
20070123             Leading foreign policy hawks RICHARD—PERLE + HENRY—KISSINGER sit on THE—HOLLINGER BOARD.
20070123             Black himself is 1—MEMBER—OF—THE secretive BILDERBERG group, 1—ORGANISATION comprising the world's leading businessmen + politicians,
20070123             which SOME—HAVE accused of being 1—ALTERNATIVE—WORLD—GOVERNMENT.
20070123             Telegraph owner threatens media war | Special Reports | GUARDIAN...
20070123             CONRAD BLACK, the owner of THE—TELEGRAPH newspapers, —YESTERDAY took the unusual step of announcing that his newspapers would vigorously campaign for a...
20070123             PENTAGON bankers may bail out Black
20070123             'EX—PRESIDENTS—CLUB' ready to throw lifeline to embattled TELEGRAPH owner JAMIE—DOWARD and Jessica Hodgson
20070123             "Wir sind der Überzeugung, daß der Film eines der modernsten und weitreichendsten Mittel zur Beeinflussung der Massen ist, die es überhaupt gibt.
20070123             1—REGIERUNG darf deshalb den Film nicht sich selbst überlassen".
20070123             Dabei sei vor allem auf die Wirkung des Unterhaltungsfilms zu setzen.
20070123             Denn "Nicht das ist die beste PROPAGANDA, bei der die eigentlichen Elemente der PROPAGANDA immer sichtbar zutage treten,
20070123             sondern das ist die beste PROPAGANDA, die sozusagen unsichtbar wirkt,
20070123             das ganze öffentliche Leben durchdringt, ohne daß das öffentliche Leben überhaupt von der Initiative der PROPAGANDA irgendeine Kenntnis hat".
20070123             Diese Einschätzung der Rolle des Films stammt in dieser Formulierung nicht von führenden Kreisen Hollywoods,
20070123             auch nicht von Regierungsmitgliedern der USA, sondern von NS—PROPAGANDAMINISTER JOSEPH—GOEBBELS.
20070123             Kommentatorin Barbara OLSON soll ihren Mann, USA—GENERALSTAATSANWALT TED—OLSON ,
20070123             zweimal von Bord der AA77 angerufen HABEN—GEMÄß AUSSAGE—VON—TED—OLSON benutzte sie nicht ihr Handy,
20070123             sondern das im Sitz eingebaute TELEFON—DAS gibt es zwar in einer Boeing vom Typ 777—200—ODER 767—300—ABER nicht in einer 757, in der sie saß.
20070123             Es kostet 20.000—PFUND + 20000000              0—AKTIEN + 1—BETEILIGUNG—VON—16% am
20070123             WILLIAM—KNOX—DE—ARCY—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia
20070123             "In Zeiten blinden und unwissenden Glaubens hat die Kirche festgesetzt,
20070123             dass die Schriften, besonders die des Neuen...
20070123             Der gewünschte Wandel zu einer dominanten Rolle der USA auf dem Globus lasse sich nur dann beschleunigen, wenn
20070123             ein 'katastrophales Ereignis' eintrete, 'das als Katalysator DIENT—EIN neues Pearl Harbor '.
20070123             Das wird im —JAHR
20070123             1.—HAND Accounts of Underground Explosions In THE—NORTH—TOWER - Addendum: Original Story Link:
20070123             1 respected and established voice in THE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMUNITY, his views were eagerly accepted + i
20070123             Below is 1—QUOTE from THE—PENTAGON Biography on Dov ZAKHEIM : SYSPLAN CORPORATION FTS System
20070123             Consider this, that as you read this, Nasa is 'flying' or remotely controlling the latest little robotic units they sent to Mars,
20070123             using radio signals + 1—VERY sophisticated and advanced OFFSHOOT—OF—THE—TECHNOLOGY that we are —NOW learning about.
20070123             So it shouldn't come as 1—SURPRISE that we are able —NOW, to control in entirety,
20070123             up to 8—AIRCRAFT + fly them entirely without the intervention of humans, apart from programming the unit.
20070123             That is correct, this FTS unit by SYSPLAN CORPORATION, is capable of flying,
20070123             —FROM start to finish, up to 8—INDIVIDUAL—AIRCRAFT,
20070123             REGARDLESS—OF—SIZE, from taxi + takeoff, the entire flight plan, as well as landing;
20070123             And this in their own words "is completely transparent to the operators".
20070123             Enter Dov ZAKHEIM
20070123             Massenauflauf nach Schiffsunglück: Die Nacht der Schatzsucher
20070123             GEHEIM—DIENSTE: Neue Unklarheiten im Fall Murat Kurnaz - At THE—STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS,
20070123             Libby Trial: Continued Misinformation from NEIL—LEWIS—OF—THE—TIMES-
20070123             Times reporter NEIL—A—LEWIS is resolute in his refusal to accurately summarize the central facts of THE—LIBBY case.
20070123             His effort for —MONDAY,
20070123             —KICKED, Man, off flight for BUSH—BASHING T—SHIRT | Oddly Enough | Reuters com-
20070123             1—AIRLINE—PASSENGER barred from 1—FLIGHT for wearing 1—T—SHIRT labeling PRESIDENT—BUSH 1—TERRORIST has threatened legal action against AUSTRALIA—FLAG—CARRIER—QANTAS.
20070123             Schneier on Security: "Clear" Registered Traveller Program-
20070123             "But the stupid idea is the background check".
20070123             1—ELDERLY—MAN who wrote in 1—LETTER to THE—EDITOR—ABOUT—SADDAM—HUSSEIN—EXECUTION that "they hanged the wrong man" got 1—VISIT from SECRET—SERVICE—AGENTS concerned he was threatening PRESIDENT—BUSH.
20070123             cryptogon com " Archives " Energy Scarcity vs. COST—OF—THE—WAR in IRAQ-
20070123             BG—ENERGY—SCARCITY vs. COST—OF—THE—WAR in IRAQ
20070123             THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL tops its worldwide newsbox with BUSH promoting tax deductions for those who buy health coverage outside of the workplace —DURING his radio address —ON—SATURDAY.
20070123             The plan also calls for workplace health care to be counted as income, which would be taxable.
20070123             —DECREASED, For example, THE—PENTAGON has, THE—AMOUNT—OF—TIME it spends doing surveillance flights over SOME—KEY—DRUG—ROUTES by more than 62 %.
20070123             THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES
20070123             leads with 1—UNSURPRISING look at how intense the campaign for THE—WHITE—HOUSE
20070123             has become even though there's still "1—FULL—YEAR—BEFORE the 1. vote is cast.
20070123             —REPORTED, MOST—OF—THIS stuff has been, —BEFORE: how it's the 1. time in more than 50—YEARS that there's no presidential or VICE—PRESIDENT incumbent,
20070123             the way candidates need more money than ever, how this all makes it harder for 1—UNKNOWN—CANDIDATE to get ANY—ATTENTION,
20070123             —WHEN I flew to SEATTLE last —WEEK, airport security gave me trouble over THE—4—POUND ham I was carrying.
20070123             —GATHERED, Several TSA officials, to consider the question of whether ham is a "gel," to which I retorted:
20070123             —SUGGESTED, If ham is 1—GEL, so am I. I, that they biopsy it for hidden BOX—CUTTERS.
20070123             I offered to divide it into 21 3—OUNCE chunks, EACH—APPROPRIATELY stowed in 1—ZIPLOC baggie.
20070123             But no deal.
20070123             WASHINGTON, with the highest minimum wage in the country ($7.63 an —HOUR), could hardly be expected to have affordable restaurants or 1—FUNCTIONING ECONOMY—OF—ANY—KIND.
20070123             —PREDICTED, Notable conservative economists have almost unanimously, that 1 increased minimum wage would result in wi... Source:
20070123             MATHIAS—BROECKERS has written 1—COMPELLING work questioning the mainstream media account of 20010911              that has been trumpeted by the incumbent Republican Administration.
20070123             The new Capitol Hill newspaper, THE—POLITICO, launches tomorrow.
20070123             In its lead story — 1—EXCLUSIVE—INTERVIEW—WITH—SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN (R—AZ) — THE—SENATOR lashes out against VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY.
20070123             —BLAMED, JOHN—MCCAIN for the 1. time, VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY for what McCain calls the "witch's brew" of a "terribly mishandled" war in which USA forces are on THE—VERGE—OF—DEFEAT.
20070123             —LAVISHED, Although McCain had once, praise on THE—VICE—PRESIDENT, he said in 1—INTERVIEW in his Senate office:
20070123             "THE—PRESIDENT listened too much to THE—VICE—PRESIDENT... Of course,
20070123             THE—PRESIDENT—BEARS the ultimate responsibility, but he was very badly served by both THE—VICE—PRESIDENT and, MOST—OF—ALL, THE—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE".
20070123             At a 20040715              appearance in MICHIGAN, McCain called CHENEY "1—OF—THE—MOST capable, experienced, intelligent and steady vice presidents this country has ever had.
20070123             —CONTINUED, Also in the interview, McCain, his BACK—PEDALING from the escalation strategy that he 1. proposed.
20070123             He added, "I don't know if this is enough troops or not.
20070123             I can't guarantee success by doing this".
20070123             The person in charge of executing BUSH—ESCALATION—PLAN in IRAQ is GENERAL—DAVID—H—PETRAEUS.
20070123             According to THE—CHRISTIAN—SCIENCE—MONITOR, Petraeus "agrees with 'surge' advocates.
20070123             "And he's highly regarded by many.
20070123             But in IRAQ, his judgment has proven completely wrong —BEFORE.
20070123             Here is what Petraeus had to say about THE—IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES - [T]here are reasons for optimism.
20070123             —TODAY approximately 164,000 IRAQ—POLICE and soldiers (of which about 100,000 are trained and equipped) and 1—ADDITIONAL 74,000 facility protection forces are performing 1—WIDE—VARIETY—OF—SECURITY—MISSIONS.
20070123             —DELIVERED, Equipment is being.
20070123             Training is on track and increasing in capacity.
20070123             —REPAIRED, Infrastructure is being.
20070123             Command and control structures and institutions are being reestablished.
20070123             Most important, IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES are in the fight — so much so that they are suffering substantial casualties as they take on more and MORE—OF—THE—BURDENS to achieve security in their country.
20070123             [T]here is no shortage of qualified recruits volunteering to join IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES.
20070123             In the past COUPLE—OF—MONTHS, more than 7,500 IRAQ—MEN have signed up for the army and are preparing to report for basic training to fill out the final 9—BATTALIONS—OF—THE—IRAQ—REGULAR—ARMY.
20070123             —REPORTED, Some 3,500 new police recruits —JUST, for training in various locations.
20070123             Of course, the column has the usual caveats: "There will be more tough times, frustration and disappointment along the way".
20070123             But THE—CONCLUSION—OF—THE—COLUMN is clear:
20070123             "IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES are...developing steadily and they are in the fight...this trend will continue".
20070123             —CONTINUED, If fact the trend has not.
20070123             —INFILTRATED, IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES have been, by insurgents
20070123             and MANY—HAVE walked off the job "due to scheduled leave, absence without leave + attrition.
20070123             "Nealy 2—AND—A—HALF—YEARS—LATER, USA troops are still bearing the responsibility of providing security in IRAQ.
20070123             —FAILED, FBI inspector general:-THE—FBI, to take action —AFTER receiving inappropriate emails sent by REPRESENTATIVE—MARK—FOLEY (R—FL), then lied about it and tried to blame the government watchdog group CREW.
20070123             "say they have no plans to make a 3. try to advance the proposal.
20070123             ""If we thought there was 1—DECENT—CHANCE to bring it to the floor for debate, I would, but with the new Congress, I'm not sure we will ever have that opportunity," Allard says.
20070123             to Reps.
20070123             Diana DeGette (D—CO) and MIKE—CASTLE (R—DE), the authors write:
20070123             —ON the contrary, we assert that human embryonic stem cells hold great promise to find new treatments and cures for diseases.
20070123             —PERFORMED, The work that we, and that was cited in THE—WHITE—HOUSE—POLICY—REPORT is precisely THE—TYPE—OF—RESEARCH that is currently being harmed by THE—PRESIDENT—ARBITRARY—LIMITATION on federal funding for human embryonic stem cell research.
20070123             We feel that THE—PRESIDENT—RESTRICTIVE—POLICY has directly impeded research that provides 1—HOPE for cures for MILLIONS—OF—AMERICANS.
20070123             Read the full letter HERE.
20070123             leaving in the lurch several poor countries that have labored to meet its strict eligibility standards, according to aid officials.
20070123             SENATOR—JOHN—WARNER (R—VA) will introduce 1—RESOLUTION—TODAY "making clear that he does not support THE—PRESIDENT on increasing the troop levels in IRAQ" and calling escalation "1—MISTAKE," 's Dana Bash reports.
20070123             WARNER—RESOLUTION will be cosponsored by Sens.
20070123             Susan Collins (R—ME) and BEN—NELSON (D—NE).
20070123             Warner, THE—FORMER—ARMED—SERVICES—COMMITTEE—CHAIRMAN, is a "very influential voice —WHEN it comes to military matters," Bash reports + —UNTIL this fall had been "WHOLE—HEARTEDLY behind THE—PRESIDENT and the war".
20070123             His new resolution "certainly...is not going to sit well with THE—WHITE—HOUSE".
20070123             Warner said last —WEEK that Congress must move swiftly to address PRESIDENT—BUSH—NEW—STRATEGY.
20070123             "EACH—OF—USA are pained by the casualties that we are taking.
20070123             We cannot dither —AROUND on it".
20070123             —VIEWED, WARNER—BILL is, as 1—LESS confrontational alternative to THE—IRAQ resolution backed by Sens.
20070123             JOE—BIDEN (D—DE), Chuck Hagel (R—NE) and CARL—LEVIN (D—MI).
20070123             DANA BASH: Well, —TODAY, we are going to hear from 1—VERY—INFLUENTIAL, 1—SENIOR—REPUBLICAN, making clear that he does not support THE—PRESIDENT on increasing the troop levels in IRAQ.
20070123             That Republican is the senior SENATOR—FROM—VIRGINIA, THE—FORMER—ARMED—SERVICES—CHAIRMAN in the Senate, JOHN—WARNER.
20070123             We are told that he is going to introduce 1—RESOLUTION—LATE this afternoon along with at least 1—OTHER—REPUBLICAN and 1—CONSERVATIVE—DEMOCRAT,
20070123             making clear that he believes that sending more USA troops into what he has called increasing sectarian violence is 1—MISTAKE.
20070123             And that is 1—MESSAGE, certainly that is not going to sit well with THE—WHITE—HOUSE because JOHN—WARNER, as I said, is 1—VERY—INFLUENTIAL—VOICE—WHEN it comes to military matters, especially THE—IRAQ war.
20070123             —UNTIL this fall, he had been WHOLE—HEARTEDLY behind THE—PRESIDENT and the war.
20070123             HE—SOMEBODY who has 1—LOT—OF—SWAY with his colleagues, Republicans and Democrats here on the Hill.
20070123             —APPEARED, THE—IRAQ—GUNMEN "were wearing what, to be USA—MILITARY—UNIFORMS
20070123             in 1—EFFORT to impersonate USA—SOLDIERS".
20070123             THE—LONG—AWAITED National Intelligence Estimate on IRAQ is still not complete,
20070123             1—NATIONAL—INTELLIGENCE—COUNCIL official told senators last —WEEK.
20070123             The official said the intel community has been too busy "dealing with THE—MANY—DEMANDS placed upon it by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION to help prepare the new military strategy on IRAQ".
20070123             'Multiple attempts' on Litvinenko
20070123             BBC—PANORAMA finds that multiple poisoning attempts may have been made on former spy ALEXANDER—LITVINENKO—LIFE.
20070123             ISRAEL names new military CHIEF
20070123             —NAMED, Maj Gen Gabi Ashkenazi is, ISRAEL—NEW—MILITARY—CHIEF, —AFTER the resignation —LAST—WEEK—OF—GEN DAN—HALUTZ.
20070123             Explosion at TV offices in GAZA
20070123             1—LARGE—EXPLOSION—DAMAGES the offices of Arabic satellite TV station AL—ARABIYA in GAZA City, witnesses say.
20070123             Flying dinos had BI—PLANE—DESIGN
20070123             The 1. flying dinosaurs took to the air using 2—WINGS, —JUST like 1—WORLD—WAR I—BI—PLANE, 1—STUDY shows.
20070123             —BEACHED, Grave concerns over, ship
20070123             2—CONTAINERS of hazardous chemicals are washed overboard as oil leaks from 1 beached cargo ship.
20070123             Only 1—MINORITY think Bush is honest -- 44 %, down from 53 % —2—YEARS—AGO.
20070123             That means 44% are drinking the Kool Aid.
20070123             What War? Bush Expected to Ignore IRAQ Quagmire in STATE—OF—THE—UNION,
20070123             Promote Democrats' Domestic Agenda as His Own -- 1—BUZZFLASH—NEWS—ANALYSIS
20070123             Universal Health Coverage Attracts New Support, Except for the Bush eviks Who are Still Doing THE—BIDDING—OF—THE—INSURANCE—COMPANIES
20070123             Nominate This —WEEK—BUZZFLASH—WINGS—OF—JUSTICE—AWARD—WINNER!
20070123             5—AMERICANS killed by insurgents wearing USA uniforms.
20070123             USA Death Toll in IRAQ Hits 27 for Weekend.
20070123             Bush is Sending Even More USA—GIS Off to Die.
20070123             What Does Bush Have Up His Sleeve —NOW?
20070123             GENERAL—SAYS—NEW—STRATEGY in IRAQ Can Work Over Time
20070123             Why SOME—BIG—USA—FIRMS want legal limits on carbon emissions - (published 20070123             —ON)Is business serious about climate change?
20070123             Democrats: BUSH no longer in charge...
20070123             MURDOCH enters bid BATTLE—FOR—TRIBUNE...
20070123             'In countries such as THE—USA, whose economies are commonly, though inaccurately,
20070123             described as "capitalist" or "FREE—MARKET," war and preparation for war systematically corrupt both parties to THE—STATE—PRIVATE—TRANSACTIONS by which the government obtains the bulk of its military goods and services.
20070123             Moreover, MILITARY—ECONOMIC—FASCISM, by empowering and enriching wealthy,
20070123             intelligent + influential MEMBERS—OF—THE—PUBLIC, removes them from THE—RANKS—OF—POTENTIAL opponents and RESISTERS—OF—THE—STATE and thereby helps to perpetuate the state's existence and its intrinsic class EXPLOITATION—OF—PEOPLE outside the state.
20070123             Outrage Over UK—COLLUSION In N. IRELAND Killings
20070123             1—DAMNING report said, triggering outrage in DUBLIN and BELFAST and remorse in LONDON.
20070123             The report about Protestant militants threatens to cloud current efforts to restore SELF—RULE in THE—LONG—TROUBLED BRITISH—RUN—PROVINCE,
20070123             in which Catholic LACK—OF—CONFIDENCE in policing is 1—KEY stumbling block.
20070123             Do You BELIEVE—IN—MAGIC?
20070123             —EXAMINED, Yet they could —JUST as well have, their own neighbors, lab assistants or even SOME—FELLOW—SCIENTISTS.
20070123             Along with 1—SHARP—INCREASE in subpoenas for reporters' notes and telephone records,
20070123             there are THREATS—OF—PROSECUTION under the Espionage Act of 19170000              for reporting such classified information as THE—PRESIDENT—SECRET—AUTHORIZATION—OF—THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY—WARRANTLESS—SECRET—AUTHORIZATION—OF—THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY—WARRANTLESS eavesdropping on us.
20070123             Rede an die Nation: Bush will drastisch Benzin sparen
20070123             We're Takin' It To the Street ;;01;; 27!
20070123             Where that "LEONARD—BAYARD" Name Came From
20070123             REVEREND—MOON'S—ANTI—OBAMA AGIT—PROP - Read More: Breaking Politics News,
20070123             ELIZABETH Cheney, Lockheed Martin, Dick Cheney,
20070123             FRANK—LAUTENBERG, Chuck Hagel, NANCY Pelosi, BARACK—OBAMA, WHITE—HOUSE,
20070123             JOHN—HANNAH - There has been 1—GLARING omission in THE—USA—MEDIA—PRESENTATION—OF—THE—DARFUR tragedy.
20070123             —DEMONSTRATED, The compassion, mostly in words, —UNTIL—RECENTLY, has not been accompanied by 1—RECOGNITION—OF—USA complicity,
20070123             or at least involvement, in the war which has led to the enormous suffering and LOSS—OF—LIFE that has been taking place in Darfur for MANY—YEARS.
20070123             alfatomega.com/20070123.html - DOWN WITH MURDER INCORPORATED.
20070123             Hijacking oder Fernsteuerung - It's —JUST too convenient.
20070123             K Gajendra Singh - to HealthDay article, Link - to abstract in Nature Neuroscience
20070123             At a 20040715              appearance in MICHIGAN, McCain called Cheney "1—OF—THE—MOST capable, experienced, intelligent and steady vice presidents
20070123             Link to press release, Link to HealthDay article, Link to abstract in Nature Neuroscience
20070123             "The question is why do people create this illusion of magical power?" said the lead author, EMILY—PRONIN, 1—ASSISTANT—PROFESSOR—OF psychology + public affairs at Princeton.
20070123             "I think in part it's because we are constantly exposed to our own thoughts, they are most salient to us" — and thus we are likely to overestimate their connection to outside events.
20070123             The brain, moreover, has evolved to make snap judgments about causation + will leap to conclusions well —BEFORE logic can be applied.
20070123             —RESEMBLED, Dinosaur may have, the biplane
20070123             The intriguing possibility of 1—BIPLANE DINOSAUR—MICRORAPTOR GUI—IS suggested by Sankar Chatterjee of TEXAS Tech University in this —WEEK—ONLINE issue of Proceedings of the National ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES.
20070123             THE—MANY—BENEFITS—OF—TEA—TREE—OIL
20070123             —REALIZED, —WHILE Cook, that this new found herb could treat scurvy, only —RECENTLY have THE—MYRIAD—OF—HEALTH—BENEFITS from tea tree oil been discovered.
20070123             Vote fraud: Not —JUST 1—CONSPIRACY—THEORY—ANYMORE—CANNONFIRE keeps 1—EYE on it.
20070123             VENEZUELA To Begin Imposing Tax On Idle Lands In April : 1—NEW—TAX seeks to force landowners to produce, which is PART—OF—CHAVEZ—CONTROVERSIAL—LAND—LAW.
20070123             The rules stipulate that those who own large land estates must engage in SOME—SORT—OF—STATE sanctioned production program or face taxes and possibly even expropriation.
20070123             This exposes BRITAIN not as peacemaker, but perpetrator:
20070123             —NOW it's official: the state sponsored death squads for years in NORTH—IRELAND and this collusion prolonged the war
20070123             Former "enemy combatant" Padilla insists he's sane: Jose Padilla rocked back + forth —DURING the meetings with 1—PSYCHOLOGIST, his chained hands sweating + facial muscles twitching + insisted repeatedly in 1—VOICE—DEVOID—OF—EMOTION that he was not crazy.
20070123             —CHARGED, AUSTRALIA wants USA—HELD captive, soon:
20070123             —BY the middle of next —MONTH, THE—PRIME—MINISTER said —TODAY.
20070123             —WIPED, Prosecutor: Libby ' out' Cheney memo : Special Prosecutor PATRICK—FITZGERALD used his opening statement in THE—CIA—LEAK—TRIAL—TUESDAY to allege that VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY—CHIEF—OF—STAFF lied about CHENEY—EARLY—INVOLVEMENT in the disclosure of 1—SPY—IDENTITY.
20070123             THE—EPA Closes Its Libraries, Destroys Documents : THE—ENVIRONMENTAL—PROTECTION—AGENCY (EPA) has begun closing its nationwide network of scientific libraries, effectively preventing EPA scientists + the public from accessing vast AMOUNTS—OF—DATA and information on issues from toxicology to pollution.
20070123             AL—GORE'S "1—INCONVENIENT—TRUTH" Banned!
20070123             "Condoms don't belong in school + neither does AL—GORE.
20070123             Bonds: As oil falls, exporters cut LEVELS—OF—USA—DEBT: OPEC nations are selling USA—TREASURY—SECURITIES at the fastest pace in more than 3—YEARS as tumbling crude oil prices have sent bond prices falling.
20070123             Texan Poker Bluff and Persian Chess Moves
20070123             Like IRAQ, SOME—FANCY schemes are on the anvil in the Pentagon.
20070123             To ward off the threats to the world economy if TEHRAN curtailed oil traffic through the Strait of Hormuz, THE—USA has reportedly made contingency plans for the indefinite TAKEOVER—OF—IRAN—TERRITORY—IN—CHAH—BAHAR, which would deny TEHRAN its strategic leverage with Hormuz.
20070123             A FOOL—ERRAND in BAGHDAD
20070123             Only Impeachment Can Prevent More War
20070123             Everyone knows that BUSH—IRAQ "surge" will not work.
20070123             Even THE—AUTHORS—OF—THE—PLAN, neoconservatives FREDERICK—KAGAN + JACK—KEANE, have emphasized that the plan cannot work with ANY—LESS than 1—ADDITION—OF—50,000—USA—TROOPS committed to another 3—YEARS—OF—COMBAT.
20070123             Oil, Not Terrorists, the Reason for USA—ATTACK on SOMALIA
20070123             —ON the Edge of Civil War: the Cedar Revolution Goes South:
20070123             —OCCUPIED, BEIRUT is —NOW, by 1—WORKING class tent city with "Citrus" supporters from the Opposition: Religious SHIAS—HEZBOLLAH (yellow), secular SHIAS—AMAL (green) + Christians of the Free Patriotic Movement (orange).
20070123             —UNITED, But all are, under 1—BANNER "Clean Up the Government!"
20070123             USA warns IRAN to back off in Persian Gulf : A—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT—OFFICIAL ruled out talks with IRAN and said —TUESDAY that a 2. USA—AIRCRAFT—CARRIER—STRIKE—GROUP—NOW steaming toward THE—MIDDLE—EAST is WASHINGTON—WAY—OF warning TEHRAN not to challenge AMERICA.
20070123             Brzezinski: Bush IRAN Policy 'Stupid' : He stressed that it is utterly absurd to adopt 1—POSITION that THE—USA has the right to dictate what happens in IRAQ, as if IRAN has nothing to say.
20070123             IRAN says still cooperating with IAEA : IRAN said on —TUESDAY it was still cooperating with THE—IAEA, THE—UNITED—NATIONS—NUCLEAR—WATCHDOG, despite announcing 1—DAY—EARLIER that it was barring 38—INSPECTORS from working in the country.
20070123             War pimp alert: Edwards In ISRAEL: IRAN Threat Serious: "IRAN is serious about its threats," FORMER—USA—SENATOR—JOHN—EDWARDS has told 1—AUDIENCE in ISRAEL.
20070123             War pimp alert: Romney in ISRAEL: Calls for ANTI—APARTHEID—LIKE—SANCTIONS against IRAN : FORMER—MASSACHUSETTS GOVERNOR + potential 20080000              presidential contender also urged states to divest in IRAN, to seek THE—INDICTMENT—OF—IRAN—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD on genocide charges, —WHILE also making it clear that pursuing nuclear weapons "can also be 1—SOURCE—OF peril" for IRAN.
20070123             War pimp alert: Woolsey In ISRAEL: Attack IRAN as last resort : FORMER—CIA—DIRECTOR—JAMES—WOLLSEY—MONDAY recommended using force if there is no other way to stop IRAN from obtaining 1—NUCLEAR—BOMB.
20070123             As 1—CLOSE—FRIEND—OF—THE—CLINTONS he contributed to the Democrats, but PRESIDENT—BUSH has not been deprived either
20070123             Delegitimization of ISRAEL rising among USA—ELITE : In the coming years USA—JEWRY will face the most significant delegitimization of ISRAEL it has ever encountered, MALCOLM—HOENLEIN, executive VICE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—CONFERENCE—OF—PRESIDENTS—OF—MAJOR—AMERICAN—JEWISH—ORGANIZATIONS, told THE—JERUSALEM Post on —MONDAY.
20070123             REPRESENTATIVE—RON—PAUL: Can We Achieve Peace in THE—MIDDLE—EAST?
20070123             Practically speaking, our meddling in THE—MIDDLE—EAST has only intensified strife and conflict.
20070123             Stop the Jewish barbarians in HEBRON: It is unthinkable that the memory of Auschwitz should serve as 1—PRETEXT to ignore the fact that living here among us are Jews that behave toward Palestinians exactly the way that German, Hungarian, Polish and other ANTI—SEMITES behaved toward Jews.
20070123             ISRAEL—PRESIDENT to be charged with rape : Prosecutors intend to charge PRESIDENT—MOSHE—KATSAV with rape and other crimes against female employees, the Justice Ministry said on —TUESDAY, in what would be 1 unprecedented indictment against 1—ISRAEL—HEAD—OF—STATE.
20070123             4—MORE—USA—SENATORS disagree with BUSH—IRAQ plan : Opposition to PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—PLAN to increase troop strength in IRAQ broadened on Capitol Hill on —MONDAY as 1—NEW bipartisan group of 4—SENATORS announced their disagreement with the strategy.
20070123             GOP Opposition to Troop Increase Grows : PRESIDENT—BUSH—DECISION to send more troops to IRAQ evoked increasing Republican opposition as 1—DEMOCRATIC—LED—SENATE—PANEL prepared tough questioning for the man who would carry out the plan as the new war COMMANDER.
20070123             McCain Bashes Cheney Over IRAQ Policy:
20070123             With his presidential hopes tied to 1—ADMINISTRATION whose IRAQ policy he supports but cannot control, JOHN—MCCAIN for the 1. time blamed VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY for what McCain calls the "witch's brew" of a "terribly mishandled" war in which USA—FORCES are on THE—VERGE—OF—DEFEAT
20070123             —MURDERED, Mercenary firm sues families of "" employees : Private security contractor Blackwater USA is seeking $10—MILLION from the attorney representing the estates of 4—EMPLOYEES killed and mutilated in IRAQ, arguing their families breached the security guards' contracts by suing the company for wrongful death.
20070123             "AL—QAIDA'S" faction in IRAQ considered attack inside USA.
20070123             USA—GENERAL sees $70—BILLION bill to expand Army: THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—PLAN to permanently increase THE—SIZE—OF—THE—USA—ARMY, strained by wars in IRAQ + AFGHANISTAN,
20070123             USA—GENERALS—IRAQ hurt ability to fight elsewhere:
20070123             Obama : THE—DEMOCRATIC—MESSIAH?
20070123             Is THE—SELF—PROFESSED progressive Obama the real thing?
20070123             No Way IN—NO—WAY Out
20070123             Americans who cherish freedom would do well to stop stumbling —AROUND in the trees and forests of the illegal immigration debate and see that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is well on its way to closing the borders of the entire nation, not only to people trying to get in, but to citizens trying to get out.
20070123             —CONCENTRATED, Despite 2—YEARS—OF—1, effort by SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE and her public diplomacy MAJOR—DOMA Karen Hughes to boost WASHINGTON—GLOBAL—IMAGE, more people —AROUND the world have 1—UNFAVOURABLE—OPINION—OF—USA—POLICIES than at ANY—TIME in recent memory, according to 1—NEW—BBC poll.
20070123             Bush by the Numbers
20070123             As Americans grow WEARIER—OF—BUSH and his obsession with IRAQ by the moment, his approval rating continues 1—GRAVE and precipitous drop.
20070123             the only legacy Bush appears to have ensured for himself is unreserved failure.
20070123             Prosecutor Fitzgerald: Vice presidential adviser Lewis "Scooter" Libby 1. learned the wife of 1—ADMINISTRATION foe worked for THE—CIA from VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY himself, the prosecutor in LIBBY—PERJURY and obstruction trial said this —MORNING.
20070123             Blockbuster Cheney Revelations at Libby Trial.
20070123             Bush Betrays Our Soldiers Yet Again: Defense Department officials have laid off MOST—OF—THEIR—CASE—WORKERS who help severely injured service members, sources said.
20070123             Bush Touts "Life" on Roe v. Wade Anniversary.
20070123             -- 1—BUZZFLASH—NEWS—ALERT - Where Was This 20010000              ?
20070123             1/24 - BOB—FERTIK develops the thesis that these DOCUMENTS—WHICH no outsider has yet SEEN—CONSTITUTE 1—ROVIAN trick, developed in time for THE—STATE—OF—THE—UNION—SPEECH.
20070123             —AFTER reviewing the 3 published versions of this story (below), it's perfectly clear there are no credible FACTS—NO independently verified documents, no identified witnesses + no suspects.
20070123             Too bad Rather was fed forgeries by KARL—ROVE via ROGER—STONE + his wife Nydia, who posed as the mysterious "Lucy Ramirez" who delivered the forgeries to truthteller BILL—BURKETT.
20070123             (ROVE—AUTHORSHIP explains why THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION never prosecuted Burkett or anyone else for forging federal documents, ignoring the urgent pleas of rightwing bloggers.)
20070123             —OCCURRED, The same thought, to Jill at
20070123             Brilliant at Breakfast : It's —JUST too convenient.
20070123             Here we are, 1—DAY—BEFORE he has to deliver THE—STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS to 1—HOSTILE—CONGRESS, the bloodbath in IRAQ gets worse by the say, surge or no surge + ALL—OF—1—SUDDEN, we not only have what is purported to be 1—NEW—AL—QAEDA video, but suddenly there's 1—REPORT that IRAQ—INSURGENTS had been planning attacks inside THE—USA...
20070123             The experience with IC 814 (the flight that was hijacked to KANDAHAR)...
20070123             —RENEWED, Singh is facing, attack over the
20070123             Unruhen im Libanon: Rauchschwaden über BEIRUT - Augenblick: Brandherd BEIRUT
20070123             LONDON—DIE ZAHL—DER—MENSCHEN, für die die USA eine überwiegend positive Rolle im Weltgeschehen spielen, liegt nur noch bei 29 %.
20070123             Die Hoffnung von NASA—ASTRONOM TONY—PHILLIPS,
20070123             C/2006—P1 könnte der hellste Komet werden, der je in der Geschichte aufgezeichnet worden ist, hat sich hingegen nicht erfüllt.
20070123             —SIDIUMSMITGLIED, AUSSTIEGS—DEBATTE: CDU—PRÄ gegen neue Atomkraftwerke
20070123             Drogenkrieg in Rio: Schießwütige Polizisten, rabiate Gangster, verschreckte Touristen
20070123             KENTUCKY: Staudamm BRÖCKELT—FLUTWELLE droht
20070123             BND—AUSSCHUSS: Mysteriöse Geräte im BÜRO—VON—BND—AUSSCHUSSMITGLIED—NESKOVIC gefunden
20070123             USA—REGIERUNG: Irakische Qaida plante Anschläge in USA
20070123             BUNDESTAG: Mikrofone im BÜRO—VON—BND—AUSSCHUSSMITGLIED—NESKOVIC gefunden
20070123             Blockade in BEIRUT: Airlines streichen Flüge in den Libanon
20070123             GUARDIAN Unlimited © GUARDIAN Newspapers Limited 20030000              20070123
20070123             The move would represent 1—COUP for Black, who is desperate not to sell the Telegraph titles, which have given him considerable influence within UK—POLITICS + earned him 1—CLOSE—FRIENDSHIP with MARGARET—THATCHER.
20070123             CARLYLE—WHICH employs FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—JOHN—MAJOR as 1—DIRECTOR, boasts GEORGE—BUSH—SNR + his SECRETARY—OF—STATE, JAMES—BAKER, as advisers + is headed by FRANK—CARLUCCI, RONALD—REAGAN—DEFENCE—SECRETARY—HAS invested in media firms previously.
20070123             If CARLYLE—WHICH, despite being only 15—YEARS—OLD, manages more than $14—BILLION in funds on BEHALF—OF—INVESTORS such as GEORGE—SOROS + THE—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN family (who are estranged from their son Osama) - does take 1—STAKE in Hollinger, questions are bound to be asked over the links between THE—2—FIRMS, both of which have powerful links to the military.
20070123             Black himself is 1—MEMBER—OF—THE secretive Bilderberg group, 1—ORGANISATION comprising the world's leading businessmen + politicians, which SOME—HAVE accused of being 1—ALTERNATIVE—WORLD—GOVERNMENT.
20070123             Telegraph owner threatens media war | Special Reports | GUARDIAN... CONRAD—BLACK, the owner of the Telegraph newspapers, —YESTERDAY took the unusual step of announcing that his newspapers would vigorously campaign for a...
20070123             Pentagon bankers may bail out Black
20070123             BUSH—BERATER + PNAC—MANN WILLIAM—KRISTOL freut sich: "Wir konnten Dinge umsetzen, die vorher politisch schwierig erschienen.
20070123             HOLLYWOOD: das militärische Propagandazentrum der USA
20070123             Denn "Nicht das ist die beste Propaganda, bei der die eigentlichen Elemente der Propaganda immer sichtbar zutage treten, sondern das ist die beste Propaganda, die sozusagen unsichtbar wirkt, das ganze öffentliche Leben durchdringt, ohne daß das öffentliche Leben überhaupt von der Initiative der Propaganda irgendeine Kenntnis hat".
20070123             Diese Einschätzung der Rolle des Films stammt in dieser Formulierung nicht von führenden Kreisen Hollywoods, auch nicht von Regierungsmitgliedern der USA, sondern von NS—PROPAGANDAMINISTER JOSEPH—GOEBBELS.
20070123             -Kommentatorin Barbara Olson soll ihren Mann, USA—GENERALSTAATSANWALT TED—OLSON, zweimal von Bord der AA77 angerufen HABEN—GEMÄß AUSSAGE—VON—TED—OLSON benutzte sie nicht ihr Handy, sondern das im Sitz eingebaute TELEFON—DAS gibt es zwar in einer Boeing vom Typ 777—200—ODER 767—300—ABER nicht in einer 757, in der sie saß.
20070123             (S. 157—FF) - Die GESCHICHTE—DER—USA—ERDÖLINDUSTRIE
20070123             WILLIAM—KNOX—DE—ARCAY erwarb 19010000              Konzessionen für 1—GROßES—GEBIET in Persien.
20070123             KETZER—ZITATE ( Alighiero Tondi, ehem.päpstl.Theologe).
20070123             "In Zeiten blinden und unwissenden Glaubens hat die Kirche festgesetzt, dass die Schriften, besonders die des Neuen.
20070123             1.—HAND Accounts of Underground Explosions In THE—NORTH—TOWER
20070123             Addendum: Original Story Link: DOWN WITH MURDER INCORPORATED.
20070123             1 respected and established voice in the intelligence community, his views were eagerly accepted + i
20070123             Below is 1—QUOTE from the Pentagon Biography on Dov Zakheim : SysPlan Corporation FTS System
20070123             So it shouldn't come as 1—SURPRISE that we are able —NOW, to control in entirety, up to 8—AIRCRAFT + fly them entirely without the intervention of humans, apart from programming the unit.
20070123             That is correct, this FTS unit by Sysplan Corporation, is capable of flying, from start to finish, up to 8—INDIVIDUAL—AIRCRAFT, REGARDLESS—OF—SIZE, from taxi + takeoff, the entire flight plan, as well as landing;
20070123             Enter Dov Zakheim
20070123             Redenschreiber DAVID—FRUM: "Die BUSH—REGIERUNG ist auf halbem Wege stecken geblieben"
20070123             Generalstreik: In BEIRUT brennen die Barrikaden
20070123             GEHEIM—DIENSTE: Neue Unklarheiten im Fall Murat Kurnaz
20070123             NY Delegation: 20010911              Workers Getting Sicker - At THE—STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS,
20070123             —JOINED, MEMBERS—OF—NEW—YORK—CONGRESSIONAL delegation -, by ailing World Trade Center WORKERS—WILL urge PRESIDENT—BUSH to include funding for treatment of sick 20010911              1. responders in his budget....
20070123             Schneier on Security: "Clear" Registered Traveller PROGRAM—BG - Schneier on Security: "Clear" Registered Traveller Program "But the stupid idea is the background check".
20070123             cryptogon_com " Archives " Energy Scarcity vs. COST—OF—THE—WAR in IRAQ—BG - Energy Scarcity vs. COST—OF—THE—WAR in IRAQ
20070123             Bush said he'll tell Americans in his STATE—OF—THE—UNION—SPEECH that "what happens in IRAQ matters to your security here at home".
20070123             THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES—LEADS with word that situations in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN have forced THE—USA—MILITARY to greatly reduce its efforts to detect and stop illegal drug shipments from entering the country.
20070123             THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—LEADS with 1—UNSURPRISING look at how intense the campaign for THE—WHITE—HOUSE has become even though there's still "1—FULL—YEAR—BEFORE the 1. vote is cast".
20070123             —REPORTED, MOST—OF—THIS stuff has been, —BEFORE: how it's the 1. time in more than 50—YEARS that there's no presidential or VICE—PRESIDENT incumbent, the way candidates need more money than ever, how this all makes it harder for 1—UNKNOWN—CANDIDATE to get ANY—ATTENTION, etc.
20070123             The paper mentions that all the talk of presidential campaigns so early in the game will make it more difficult for Democratic leaders to highlight their successes in Congress.
20070123             Minimum Wage Rises, Sky Does Not Fall
20070123             So I broke down and told them I was flying into what I had been warned would be 1—FOOD—FREE—ZONE:
20070123             Political Cortex: 20010911              Chronicles: Broeckers Breaks Through Media 20010911              Blitz
20070123             It has risen to bestseller status in his native GERMANY.
20070123             McCain Blasts Cheney Over IRAQ Failures, Continues To Distance Himself From Escalation Plan
20070123             ROGER—SIMON writes:
20070123             —LAVISHED, Although McCain had once, praise on THE—VICE—PRESIDENT, he said in 1—INTERVIEW in his Senate office: "THE—PRESIDENT listened too much to THE—VICE—PRESIDENT... Of course, THE—PRESIDENT—BEARS the ultimate responsibility, but he was very badly served by both THE—VICE—PRESIDENT and, MOST—OF—ALL, THE—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE".
20070123             this country has ever had.
20070123             —AFTER offering 1—FULL—THROATED ENDORSEMENT—OF—THE—BUSH—PLAN—JUST days ago, McCain opened the door to THE—REDEPLOYMENT—OF—USA—FORCES back to the borders of IRAQ should THE—PRESIDENT—PLAN fail.
20070123             He added, "I don't know if this is enough troops or not. I can't guarantee success by doing this".Digg It!
20070123             FBI inspector general:
20070123             —DROPPED, Gay marriage ban.
20070123             no plans to make a 3. try to advance the proposal ". "If we thought there was 1—DECENT—CHANCE to bring it to the floor for debate, I would, but with the new Congress, I'm not sure we will ever have that opportunity," Allard says.
20070123             Harvard Scientists Say WHITE—HOUSE Distorted Their Research On Stem Cells
20070123             ordinary skin cells into what appear to be embryonic stem cells
20070123             — without having to use human eggs or make new human embryos in the process".
20070123             report citing this research as evidence that embryonic stem cell research is unnecessary.
20070123             But according to the authors of the Harvard study, THE—WHITE—HOUSE has distorted their research.
20070123             In a - letter to Reps.
20070123             —SURPRISED, We are, to see our work on reprogramming adult stem cells used to support arguments that research involving human embryonic stem cells is unnecessary.
20070123             THE—WHITE—HOUSE has clearly gotten it wrong.
20070123             The overwhelming consensus in the scientific and medical community is that embryonic stem cell research holds the greatest potential to cure diseases and end THE—SUFFERING—OF—MILLIONS.
20070123             BUSH—MILLENNIUM program running OUT—OF—FUNDS.
20070123             likely to run OUT—OF—MONEY this —YEAR, leaving in the lurch several poor countries that have labored to meet its strict eligibility standards,
20070123             according to aid officials.
20070123             —PAINED, EACH—OF—USA are, by the casualties that we are taking.
20070123             JOE—BIDEN (D—DE), Chuck Hagel (R—NE) and CARL—LEVIN (D—MI). - - Digg It! Full transcript:
20070123             We are told that he is going to introduce 1—RESOLUTION—LATE this afternoon along with at least 1—OTHER—REPUBLICAN and 1—CONSERVATIVE—DEMOCRAT, making clear that he believes that sending more USA—TROOPS into what he has called increasing sectarian violence is 1—MISTAKE.
20070123             IRAQ—ASSAILANTS dress as USA—SOLDIERS.
20070123             —EMERGED, New details have, about this weekend's assault in KARBALA that killed 5—USA—SOLDIERS.
20070123             —APPEARED, THE—IRAQ—GUNMEN "were wearing what, to be USA—MILITARY—UNIFORMS in 1—EFFORT to impersonate USA—SOLDIERS".
20070123             This appears to be the 1. time that attackers have portrayed themselves as Americans, raising concerns about BUSH—PLAN to embed USA—TROOPS in IRAQ—UNITS.
20070123             NIE still MIA.
20070123             THE—LONG—AWAITED National Intelligence Estimate on IRAQ is still not complete, 1—NATIONAL—INTELLIGENCE—COUNCIL—OFFICIAL told senators last —WEEK.
20070123             Senate hearing attendees "—NOW believe that senior intelligence officials are stalling because an NIE will be bleak enough to present 1—SIGNIFICANT—POLITICAL—LIABILITY".
20070123             'Multiple attempts' on Litvinenko BBC—PANORAMA finds that multiple poisoning attempts may have been made on former spy ALEXANDER—LITVINENKO—LIFE.
20070123             ISRAEL names new military CHIEF—MAJ—GEN—GABI—ASHKENAZI is named ISRAEL—NEW—MILITARY—CHIEF, —AFTER the resignation —LAST—WEEK—OF—GEN DAN—HALUTZ.
20070123             Explosion at TV offices in GAZA 1—LARGE—EXPLOSION—DAMAGES the offices of Arabic satellite TV station AL—ARABIYA in GAZA City, witnesses say.
20070123             Flying dinos had BI—PLANE—DESIGN The 1. flying dinosaurs took to the air using 2—WINGS, —JUST like 1—WORLD—WAR I—BI—PLANE, 1—STUDY shows.
20070123             —BEACHED, Grave concerns over, ship 2—CONTAINERS of hazardous chemicals are washed overboard as oil leaks from 1 beached cargo ship.
20070123             —JUST Don't Ask Him about Stem CELLS—IRAQ, Global Warming... -- 1—BUZZFLASH—NEWS—ALERT
20070123             What War? Bush Expected to Ignore IRAQ Quagmire in STATE—OF—THE—UNION, Promote Democrats' Domestic Agenda as His Own -- 1—BUZZFLASH—NEWS—ANALYSIS
20070123             USA—DEATH—TOLL in IRAQ Hits 27 for Weekend.
20070123             What Does Bush Have Up His Sleeve —NOW?
20070123             Davos discovers BLOGGING—BUT CHIEF executives may be less keen
20070123             'In countries such as THE—USA, whose economies are commonly, though inaccurately, described as "capitalist" or "FREE—MARKET," war and preparation for war systematically corrupt both parties to THE—STATE—PRIVATE—TRANSACTIONS by which the government obtains the bulk of its military goods and services.'Moreover, MILITARY—ECONOMIC—FASCISM, by empowering and enriching wealthy, intelligent + influential MEMBERS—OF—THE—PUBLIC, removes them from THE—RANKS—OF—POTENTIAL opponents and RESISTERS—OF—THE—STATE and thereby helps to perpetuate the state's existence and its intrinsic class EXPLOITATION—OF—PEOPLE outside the state.
20070123             'UK—POLICE colluded with paramilitaries behind at least 10—MURDERS in NORTH—IRELAND in the 1990s, 1—DAMNING report said, triggering outrage in DUBLIN and BELFAST and remorse in LONDON.'The report about Protestant militants threatens to cloud current efforts to restore SELF—RULE in THE—LONG—TROUBLED BRITISH—RUN—PROVINCE, in which Catholic LACK—OF—CONFIDENCE in policing is 1—KEY stumbling block.
20070123             'Psychologists and anthropologists have typically turned to faith healers, tribal cultures or New Age spiritualists to study THE—UNDERPINNINGS—OF—BELIEF in superstition or magical powers.
20070123             - CHINA—NEW—CHIP—IN—SPACE—WAR—POKER
20070123             'In the more than 50—YEARS I've been 1—REPORTER, there has never been as systematic 1—OPERATION to intimidate and then silence the press as is —NOW taking place under THE—BUSH—CHENEY -Gonzales administration.
20070123             Along with 1—SHARP—INCREASE in subpoenas for reporters' notes and telephone records, there are THREATS—OF—PROSECUTION under the Espionage Act of 19170000              for reporting such classified information as THE—PRESIDENT—SECRET—AUTHORIZATION—OF—THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY—WARRANTLESS—SECRET—AUTHORIZATION—OF—THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY—WARRANTLESS eavesdropping on us.
20070123             —KRITISIERT, Krieg der Sterne: Auch EU, Chinas Raketentest
20070123             We're Takin' It To the Street 20070127             !
20070123             Where that "LEONARD—BAYARD" Name Came From - REVEREND—MOON—ANTI—OBAMA—AGIT—PROP
20070123             Original Source File: [ Dove Zakheim File Photo]... 20050325 (Spike) Zywicki — biography... but in those days BOOZ—ALLEN... Senior management: JOHN—CHR...
20070123             EFFEDIEFFE Giornale ON—LINE—DIRETTORE Maurizio Blondet
20070123             Alla BOOZ—ALLEN & HAMILTON, il maggiore Kass viene messo a dirigere il... dove si sono riunite all'Expeditionary Strike Group "Boxer" proveniente da...
20070123             Progetto per un nuovo secolo AMERICANO—WIKIPEDIA Dov S. Zakheim, Dipartimento della difesa, Controllore, Attualmente è vicepresidente della Booz ALLEN—HAMILTON.
20070123             Ha anche cittadinanza israeliana.
20070123             GEORGE—W—BUSH—TERRORIST in THE—WHITE—HOUSE—THE—WAR—FOR ISRAEL—ZAKHEIM comes from 1—ZIONIST—FAMILY and his father reportedly grew up in the...
20070123             ZIOPEDIA—ALL There Is To Know About ZIONISM—GEORGE—W—BUSH...
20070123             Zakheim is also CO—AUTHOR—OF "Rebuilding AMERICA—DEFENSES" for the Project...
20070123             He is VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—BOOZ—ALLEN—HAMILTON, 1—CORPORATE consultant firm,
20070123             comeDonChisciotte_net - 115—ATLANTISTI CONTRO LA RUSSIA
20070123             Dov Zakheim, sotto copertura della società di consulenza Booz Allen... V. Havel, che in EUROPA usufruisce di un'immagine positiva occidentale dove gli...
20070123             Un breve dossier sui neoconservatori negli USA ad uso di una...
20070123             Wolfowitz ha conosciuto Chalabi all'Università di CHICAGO, dove ha svolto il suo PhD in... JAMES—WOOOLSEY (Paladium CAPITAL—GROUP, Booz ALLEN—HAMILTON...
20070123             —HELPED, JOHN—T—MICHAEL, owner of 1—MORTGAGE—COMPANY in NEW—YORK, THOMAS—KONTOGIANNIS... alfatomega.com/20061129.html
20070123             1—CIFA merger with DSS could also alter the job responsibilities of the 280 ... Base Realignment and Closure ( BRAC ) and Organizational... reorganized...
20070123             Oil, Not Terrorists, the Reason for USA—ATTACK on SOMALIA—BY - Wanjohi Kabukuru...
20070123             ISRAEL i ATTORNEY—GENERAL recommends indicting PRESIDENT in sex...
20070123             Breaking Politics News, ELIZABETH Cheney,
20070123             FRANK—LAUTENBERG, NANCY Pelosi, BARACK—OBAMA,
20070123             —DEMONSTRATED, The compassion, mostly in words, —UNTIL—RECENTLY, has not been accompanied by 1—RECOGNITION—OF—USA—COMPLICITY, or at least involvement, in the war which has led to the enormous suffering and LOSS—OF—LIFE that has been taking place in Darfur for MANY—YEARS.
20070123             THE—DISEASE—ECONOMY (comic —TUESDAY, by: MIKE—ADAMS, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
20070123             Key concepts: Disease, Big Pharma and Health View on - g oder Fernsteuerung
20070123—17700000    —ORIGINATED, The name tea tree, —WHEN UK—EXPLORER JAMES—COOK made 1—DRINK from this LONG—LEAVED herb found only in the coastal wetlands of AUSTRALIA.
20070123—19810000    —IN, he published "Shah of Shahs," 1—BOOK about 19790000             —THE Islamic revolution that toppled IRAN—SHAH—MOHAMMAD—REZA—PAHLAVI.
20070123—19900000    —IN—THE, 'UK—POLICE colluded with paramilitaries behind at least 10—MURDERS in NORTH—IRELAND S,
20070123—20050800    —IN, —DATE, researchers at Harvard University developed 1—WAY to turn "ordinary skin cells into what appear to be embryonic stem cells
20070123—20050800    —IN, researchers at Harvard University developed 1—WAY to turn "
20070123—20090801    —FINED, They were also, $60,000. Both returned to BRAZIL.
20070123—20090801    —RETURNED, Both, to BRAZIL.
20070123—20120000    —IN, ARTUR—DOMOSLAWSKI'S "RYSZARD—KAPUSCINSKI: 1—LIFE" (20100000             ), was translated to ENGLAND—BY ANTONIA—LLOYD—JONES.
20070123—20170000    —BY, Aide: In SOTU speech, Bush wants to slash gasoline consumption by 20 %, mostly through ethanol;
20070124             1—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIAL admitted that the escalation plan is "more of 1—POLITICAL—DECISION than 1—MILITARY 1." [SEATTLE Times, 20070123
20070124             There are about 47—MILLION—AMERICANS without health insurance".
20070124             [USA—TODAY, 20070123
20070124             ; USA—PROGRESS, 20070123             ]
20070124             1—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIAL admitted that the escalation plan is "more of 1—POLITICAL—DECISION than 1—MILITARY 1." [SEATTLE Times,20070123             ;
20070124             [USA—TODAY,20070123             ; USA—PROGRESS, 20070123             ]
20070125             —BY Jgideon 'Daily Voting News' For 20070123
20070125             Bush never had to utter 1—WORD on —TUESDAY night, 20070123             , to reveal THE—STATE—OF—THE—UNION.
20070125             —BY JGIDEON—'DAILY Voting News' For 20070123
20070129             THE—ANTI—GAY slur "faggot" is nothing more than "1—NAUGHTY name".
20070129             [20070123             ] - [20070123             ]
20070228             THE—ANTI—GAY slur "faggot" is nothing more than "1—NAUGHTY name".
20070228             [20070123             ] - [20070123             ]
20070307—20070123    —AM, Cheney wurde in dem Verfahren, das begann, von der Verteidigung nicht als Zeuge aufgerufen.
20070325—20070123    —ON, House Minority Leader JOHN—BOEHNER (R—OH) said on
20070415—20070123    —ON, He noted that, his COMMITTEE—ASKED—DHS to provide it with documents on the Department's $30—BILLION.
20070415—20070123    —ON, He noted that, his COMMITTEE—ASKED—DHS to provide it with documents on the Department's $30—BILLION contract with Boeing to design and build 1—COMPREHENSIVE—BORDER—SECURITY—PLAN.
20070510             Stigmergy or, more specifically, engineering concepts inspired by ant colony...
20070628             alfatomega, Newsvine, Digg, Netscape, Boreal Access, Newswire, TAILRANK—CONGO Music News, Zaire, Darfur News from Google, ibrattleboro com and sundry other sites from the original in OpEdNews, 20070123
20070628             as well as Global Research, Operation SUDAN—OF—SAVEDAFUR—UK IndyMedia, ETHIOPIA—NEWS, FreeThoughtManifesto, Islamic Forum, Countercurrents, NICHOLAS—D—KRISTOF, SCHEMA—ROOT news, jcturner23's reviews, NewsTrust,News Search Tracker, alfatomega, Newsvine, Digg, Netscape, Boreal Access, Newswire, TAILRANK—CONGO Music News, Zaire, Darfur News from Google, ibrattleboro_com and sundry other sites from the original in OpEdNews, 20070123
20080000             STERBEDATUM 10020123              oder 10020124              STERBEORT Castel Paterno
20080119—20080123    —ARRESTED, Jesus Navarro Montes (22) was, in THE—NORTH—STATE—OF—SONORA for hitting Aguilar.
20080123             —ESTIMATED, THE—USA—CONGRESSIONAL—BUDGET—OFFICE, that the deficit for the current budget —YEAR will jump to about $250—BILLION, citing the weakening economy.
20080123             This figure does not reflect at least $100—BILLION in red ink from 1—ECONOMIC—STIMULUS—MEASURE in the works.
20080123             Bechtel Corp. and its PARTNER—PARSONS—BRINCKERHOFF in BOSTON—BIG—DIG announced 1—AGREEMENT to pay $407—MILLION to settle 1—GOVERNMENT—LAWSUIT and avoid criminal charges over 20060000             —THE collapse that left 1—WOMAN—DEAD.
20080123             —PICKED, Police in S—JOSE and SANTA—CLARA, CALIFORNIA, up over 70—PEOPLE, PART—OF—MORE than 140—SOUGHT in THE—CULMINATION—OF—OPERATION—MELTDOWN, 1—YEAR—LONG undercover investigation into copper theft.
20080123             —RESPONDED, DETROIT, Mayor Kilpatrick, to revelations by THE—DETROIT Free Press regarding 1—AFFAIR with 1—TOP—AIDE in 20020000—20030000  .
20080123             —REPRESENTED, He said that period, 1—DIFFICULT—TIME in his life.
20080123             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—CANADA—SOLDIER was, and 2—OTHERS were injured —WHEN 1—MILITARY—CONVOY struck 1 improvised mine near THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—KANDAHAR.
20080123             —PUBLISHED, AUSTRALIA, the final issue of THE—BULLETIN magazine was.
20080123             —BOWED, CANADA, out of 20090000             —THE—UN—CONFERENCE on racism in DURBAN—SOUTH—AFRICA, saying it would likely "degenerate into... EXPRESSIONS—OF—INTOLERANCE and ANTI—SEMITISM".
20080123             —RETIRED, CHILE, COLONEL—IVAN—QUIROZ was arrested in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—CONCEPCION —AFTER remaining at large —FOR—4—MONTHS.
20080123             CHINA, 1—TRAIN ran into GROUP—OF—RAILWAY—WORKERS in EAST—SHANDONG province, killing 18 and injuring 9—OTHERS.
20080123             —UNVEILED, THE—EU, its comprehensive climate and energy proposals.
20080123             —SIGNED, Militia leaders, 1—PEACE—ACCORD with CONGO—GOVERNMENT aimed at ending YEARS—OF—FIGHTING in the country's restive east.
20080123             —HEADED, FRANCE, 1—ECONOMIC—COMMISSION, by JACQUES—ATTALI issued 1—REPORT: 300—DECISIONS for Changing FRANCE," which had been requested by PRESIDENT—SARKOZY.
20080123             —BECAME, PRIME—MINISTER—COSTAS—KARAMANLIS, the 1. GREECE—PREMIER to pay 1—OFFICIAL—VISIT to TURKEY in nearly 50—YEARS, reflecting warmer ties between 2—COUNTRIES that have come close to war several times.
20080123             IRAN, 1—TOP—INTERIOR—MINISTRY—OFFICIAL said more than 2,000 reformers seeking democratic changes within IRAN—HARD—LINE ruling establishment have been disqualified from running in the upcoming parliamentary elections.
20080123             IRAQ, 1—EXPLOSION struck 1—APARTMENT building in MOSUL shortly —AFTER police arrived to investigate 1—TIP about 1—WEAPONS cache inside, killing at least 38—PEOPLE and injuring 225. The huge blast destroyed about 50—BUILDINGS in THE—MOSUL slum.
20080123             —BLAMED, It was —LATER, on the Seifaddin Regiment, some 150—FOREIGN and IRAQ—FIGHTERS who entered IRAQ from Syria 1—FEW months —EARLIER.
20080123             1—RELIEF—ORGANIZATION—LATER said more than 60—PEOPLE were killed and 280 wounded based on estimates from relatives who buried victims without officially registering them.
20080123             —OPENED, Gunmen, fire on 1—IRAQ—ARMY—CHECKPOINT in CENTRAL—BAGHDAD, killing 8—SOLDIERS and wounding 2.
20080123             ITALY—PREMIER—ROMANO—PRODI won 1—CONFIDENCE—VOTE in PARLIAMENT—LOWER—HOUSE, but his chances for success in the upper house appeared to worsen as more allies defected amid growing pressure on THE—CENTER—LEFT leader to resign.
20080123             —GATHERED, MALAYSIA, tens of THOUSANDS—OF—ETHNIC—INDIAN—MALAYSIANS, at the Batu Caves temple outside KUALA—LUMPUR to celebrate Thaipusam, 1—OF—HINDUISM—BIGGEST festivals.
20080123             —TURNED, In past years over 1—MILLION have, out.
20080123             —CALLED, The reduced turnout was due to 1—BOYCOTT, by the Hindu rights Action Force (Hindraf), despite PRIME—MINISTER—BADAWI—PROMISE to make Thaipusam 1—PUBLIC—HOLIDAY in the capital.
20080123             —REVERSED, NEPAL—GOVERNMENT, 1—FUEL—PRICE hike —AFTER—2—DAYS—OF—NATIONWIDE protests and clashes in the capital.
20080123             † 15—PILOT whales in beach strandings in SOUTH—NEW—ZEALAND —WHILE rescuers monitored progress of 15—OTHERS toward safer waters.
20080123             Tens of THOUSANDS—OF—PALESTINIANS on foot and on donkey carts poured into EGYPT from GAZA —AFTER masked gunmen used land mines to blast down a 7—MILE—BARRIER dividing the border TOWN—OF—RAFAH.
20080123             1—POLAND—MILITARY—PLANE carrying 20—PASSENGERS and crew crashed in flames in NORTH—WEST—POLAND, killing all aboard including 1—AIR—FORCE—GENERAL.
20080123             —DISPUTED, RUSSIA said 1—NEW—DRAFT UN resolution on IRAN's, nuclear program does not call for ANY—HARSH—SANCTIONS, and THE—IRAN—PRESIDENT said new measures would not deter the country in its pursuit of nuclear technology.
20080123             —ARRESTED, Police in MOSCOW, Semyon Mogilevich, 1 suspected crime boss with alleged links to RUSSIA—MULTIBILLION dollar gas business.
20080123             Mogilevich, 1—UKRAINIAN—BORN—RUSSIA—CITIZEN, has long been sought by THE—FBI and Interpol.
20080123             —LAUNCHED, VENEZUELA, 12—OPPOSITION—PARTIES formally, the Coalition for Democratic Unity (MUD).
20080123             Die Auflösung des neuen Mikroskops soll alles —BISHER Dagewesene übertreffen.
20080123             Es soll in der Lage sein, 1—BILD—VON—1—STRUKTUR abzubilden, die kleiner ist, als der Durchmesser eines WASSERSTOFFSATOMS—WENIGER als 0.1—NANOMETER.
20080123             Aufgestellt wurde das Monstrum im National Center for Electron Microscopy (NCEM) am LAWRENCE—BERKELEY—NATIONAL—LABORATORY in Kalifornien.
20080123             Das Schlimmste sei an den asiatischen Börsen noch gar nicht passiert,
20080123             sagt er, während draußen unbemerkt verschneite Berggipfel vorbeiziehen über denen noch der Mond steht.
20080123             "Gerade ist Neujahrsfest, da geben die Leute noch mehr Geld aus, auch an den Finanzmärkten", sagt er.
20080123             "Danach tagt der Volkskongress",
20080123             da werde die chinesische Regierung sicher versuchen, die Lage stabil zu halten.
20080123             "Aber ich bin überzeugt: Ab ;;04;;
20080123             geht es an den chinesischen Börsen noch stärker abwärts.
20080123             Dann werde sich zeigen, wie schlimm die Probleme wirklich sind.
20080123             Auch POSTBANK—ANALYST HEINZ—GERD Sonnenschein warnt vor Panik: Es gebe nun "nicht mehr viele, die verkaufen können", sagte er.
20080123             Er sieht den Dax zum Jahresende nach wie vor bei 9000—PUNKTEN, rund 40 % über dem aktuellen Niveau.
20080123             "Das klingt sehr optimistisch.
20080123             Aber die Bewegung nach unten war zu heftig, und der Markt sollte sich mittelfristig wieder beruhigen.
20080123             Mit guten Konjunkturdaten und Unternehmenszahlen könne es vor allem im 2. Halbjahr wieder aufwärts gehen.
20080123             "Die Möglichkeiten, mit Hilfe einer expansiven Geldpolitik die Konjunktur anzukurbeln, sind sehr begrenzt", sagt der Wirtschaftsweise WOLFGANG—FRANZ der "Berliner Zeitung".
20080123             Eine zu schnelle Absenkung wertet Franz sogar als gefährlich: Wenn die Banken den Eindruck bekämen,
20080123             die Fed helfe ihnen aus JEDER—KRISE, würden sie noch risikofreudiger, wenn nicht leichtsinniger.
20080123             sagte 1—BÖRSIANER.
20080123             Die französische Zeitschrift "Le Canard Enchainé" habe darauf verwiesen,
20080123             dass ein großer TEIL—DER—RISIKOBEHAFTETEN—KREDITE—DER—BANK von einem aktuell angeschlagenen USA—VERSICHERER abgesichert werde.
20080123             —GERECHNET, Experten hatten mit 155—MILLIARDEN Dollar ;
20080123             im vergangenen —JAHR lag das Defizit bei 163—MILLIARDEN Dollar.
20080123             Harte EU—VORGABEN: So soll Deutschland das Klima retten
20080123             Schwarzgeldaffäre: SIEMENS—ERMITTLER stoßen auf neues dubioses Finanzsystem
20080123             Zinssenkung: Warum die EZB der Fed nicht folgt
20080123             BÖRSEN—DRAMA: Dax kracht EIN—WALL—STREET im Plus
20080123             Scharfes Auge: Stärkstes Mikroskop zählt GOLD—ATOME
20080123             —GEWINNT, Italien: Prodi, 1. Vertrauensabstimmung
20080123             Klimaschutz: Gabriel kündigt allgemeines Tempolimit an
20080123             WestLB: Politiker befürworten JOB—KAHLSCHLAG
20080123             Protest gegen EU—KLIMAPAKET: Deutsche Industrie warnt vor Milliardenkosten
20080123             —AMBITIONIERT, Ministerlob fürs Klimapaket: "Sehr mutig und "
20080123             Kriegsgefahr in Kenia: "Wir rasen auf den Abgrund zu"
20080123             HANDY—PROBLEME: Motorola schreibt rote ZAHLEN—AKTIE bricht ein
20080123             BÖRSEN—DRAMA: Dax bricht EIN—WALL—STREET startet mit Verlusten
20080123             Auftakt in Davos: Gipfel der Unsicherheit
20080123             Kurssturz: Dax kracht EIN—BÖRSE hochnervös
20080123             Türkische Nationalisten: Nobelpreisträger Pamuk auf Todesliste
20080123             Die Hypothese, mit der sich der Forscher die Ergebnisse erklärt, ist keine neue:
20080123             Unterdrückte Konflikte wirken als Stressor, und können so mittelbar Faktoren wie den Blutdruck, das Immunsystem und etwa die Entstehung von MAGEN—DARM—ERKRANKUNGEN beeinflussen.
20080123             Wie verallgemeinerbar die Resultate der Studie tatsächlich sind, bleibt dennoch fraglich.
20080123             Auch Harburg räumt ein, dass die ZAHL—DER—UNTERSUCHTEN—FÄLLE recht gering ist.
20080123             In der 1. Gruppe mit 26—PAAREN seien 13—TODESFÄLLE aufgetreten, bei allen anderen 166—PAAREN gab es insgesamt nur 41—TOTE.
20080123             "Wenn 2—MENSCHEN sich finden, ist die wichtigste Aufgabe, Konflikte schlichten zu lernen", sagt Harburg.
20080123             Die wenigsten Paare seien fähig,
20080123             "einen Streit vernünftig zu schlichten".
20080123             —VERSTAATLICHT, Die Uckermark hat ihre Müllabfuhr, und -- Überraschung!
20080123             -- —JETZT kostet es plötzlich deutlich weniger.
20080123             Während bundesweit immer mehr Gemeinden AUFGABEN—DER—DASEINSVORSORGE und kommunale Dienstleistungen privaten Firmen überlassen,
20080123             entschloss sich die Uckermark vor rund 2—JAHREN, die Müllbeseitigung wieder selbst in die Hand zu nehmen.
20080123             Und das mit beachtlichem Erfolg: Seitdem sich die kreiseigene Uckermärkische Dienstleistungsgesellschaft UDG um die Abfuhr und Entsorgung des Abfalls kümmert,
20080123             spart nicht nur der Kreis, sondern auch der Bürger einiges an Geld.
20080123             Und die Ersparnis ist wirklich signifikant:
20080123             —GESPART, Trotzdem hat der Kreis —BEREITS viel Geld.
20080123             Na da warte ich ja —SCHON länger drauf: Endlich will die BUSH—JUNTA auch die Briefpost komplett überwachen.
20080123             Geht ja auch gar nicht, dass es Verbindungsdaten nur beim Telefon gibt.
20080123             —KOOPERIERT, Und unsere Post, damit natürlich.
20080123             Bislang hat sich in der EU nur Österreich vehement gegen die Weitergabe der Postdaten gewehrt.
20080123             "Schließlich würde dies dem Postgeheimnis widersprechen, wonach Daten über Sendungen nur an Absender oder Empfänger mitgeteilt werden dürfen",
20080123             Nach Informationen von ZEIT online finden —DERZEIT geheime Verhandlungen über den POSTDATEN—AUSTAUSCH statt.
20080123             Ziel: Verpflichtung aller Staaten auf einen einheitlichen Standard.
20080123             NÄMLICH—NACH dem Willen der USA—DEN amerikanischen.
20080123             Jucheeee!
20080123             —GELASSEN, Das FBI soll Dokumente verschwinden, haben, nach denen USA—OFFIZIELLE Atombombenpläne für PAKISTAN und die Saudis verscheuert haben sollen.
20080123             Würde mich auch wundern, wenn dem nicht so wäre.
20080123             —GEDACHT, Wer hätte das : "Operation Himmel":
20080123             KINDERPORNO—VERFAHREN gegen 500—KÖLNER eingestellt.
20080123             -00.000.Sep.2007 hatte die Kölner Staatsanwaltschaft an diesem Aufsehen erregenden Fall gearbeitet und diesen nun abgeschlossen.
20080123             Nach Beendigung der Ermittlungen konnte den "Usern" keine strafrechtlichen Handlungen nachgeweisen werden.
20080123             "Es waren zum größten Teil Fotos von nackten Kindern am Strand oder an anderen Orten zu sehen", so Wolf.
20080123             Anstößige Handlungen waren nicht erkennbar. Und diesen Leuten,
20080123             Vorratsdatenspeicherung? Damit noch mehr Unschuldige verfolgt werden können?
20080123             Bundestrojaner?
20080123             Der eine oder andere fragt sich gerade, ob unsere Junta eigentlich auch mal irgenwann mit dem Verschlimmern der ABHÖR—UNTERDRÜCKUNGSLAGE aufhören will:
20080123             Merkel: was technisch an Überwachung möglich ist, das muss der STAAT auch umsetzen.
20080123             Wieso sitzt unsere Junta eigentlich noch nicht gesammelt im Knast?
20080123             Worauf warten wir? Auf einen Militärputsch?
20080123             Dass die Alliierten uns retten kommen?
20080123             AFGHANISTAN—EINSATZ: Bundeswehr steht direkte Konfrontation mit Militanten bevor
20080123             —VERDONNERT, Illegale Preisabsprachen: EU—KOMMISSION, Bayer zu Kartellstrafe
20080123             Kampf gegen Erderwärmung: EU macht Deutschland harte Klimaschutzvorgaben
20080123             Partnerschaft: Wer streitet, lebt länger
20080123             —VERURTEILT, Journalismus: Afghanischer Reporter zum Tode
20080123             Unhygienische Arztpraxen: Hunderte Patienten möglicherweise mit Viren infiziert
20080123             THE—MODERATE—VOICE " Domestic and INTERNATIONAL news analysis...
20080123             the national - Bilderberg conference 20040000             —STRESA, ITALY
20080123             Se la tesi dell'interazione strategica è valida, quale migliore giustificazione per uno
20080123             Guerra psicologica ( PSYOP ), di PROPAGANDA o disinformazione...
20080123             OPSEC, PSYOP, military deception, EW + physical at-...
20080123             Puro stile PSYOP, no? Wikipedia ha una spiegazione efficace per le
20080123             AVVERTENZA: ZONE—H non assume alcuna responsabilità sui testi contenuti nei forum...
20080123             gical Operations ( PSYOP ) in TIME—OF—MILITARY—CONFLICT / pag.
20080123             6-14. - 3—NETWORK WORLD (11/2001 )
20080123             9—IASD / Tesi 51^ Sessione / Anno Accademico
20080123             BIBLIOGRAFIA—TESI - I—CAMBIAMENTI nelle forme della guerra e le... - Disponibile all'indirizzo:
20080123             Joint Publication 3-53, Doctrine for Joint Psycological Operations ( PSYOP )...
20080123             Die Einsatzmittel reichen vom einfachen Störsender über HARM—LENKWAFFEN (HIGH—SPEED—ANTI—RADIATION—MISSILES) —BIS hin zu HPM—WAFFEN (HIGH—POWER—MICROWAVE)...
20080123             Mind CONTROL—BEWUßTSEINSKONTROLLE "Zunehmende Aufmerksamkeit ist den sogenannten HPM—QUELLEN ( HPM—WAFFEN ) zu widmen ( HPM :
20080123             High Power Microwave),
20080123             WAHRHEIT, seien eben ALLE—FAKTOREN für den Börsencrash verantwortlich, resümiert der Kolumnist.
20080123             "mittlerweile tangiert so etwas die ganze Welt", kommentiert "Le Monde".
20080123             "Weder Merkel noch Steinbrück noch Glos lassen sich in der Schweiz blicken", kommentiert die "FTD.
20080123             Aber wie lange wird das Zinsmanöver helfen?", fragt die "FAZ".
20080123             In der "WASHINGTON—POST " beschäftigt sich mit der Rolle von USA—PRÄSIDENT—BUSH :
20080123             "BUSH muss sich nun mit dem Misstrauen der Welt und der Finanzmärkte konfrontiert sehen", schreibt die Zeitung.
20080123             Und mit Blick auf BUSH s vergebliche Versuche, die Immobilienkrise zu entschärfen:
20080123             "Es ist immer noch nicht klar, was der PRÄSIDENT—DER—BÖRSENKRISE entgegenzusetzen hat".
20080123             —VERURTEILT, Regierung unter Druck: Finanzhof, Kürzung der Pendlerpauschale als verfassungswidrig
20080123             BÖRSEN—TURBULENZEN: Glos sieht keinen Grund zur Panik
20080123             Auch Ägypten sperrte seine Grenze zum GAZA—STREIFEN.
20080123             Bei Zusammenstößen zwischen mehreren 100—PALÄSTINENSERN und ägyptischen Grenzbeamten wurden gestern 70—MENSCHEN verletzt.
20080123             "Wir erwarten, dass Ägypten dieses Problem löst", heißt es in einer Erklärung des israelischen Außenministeriums.
20080123             Ägypten sei dafür verantwortlich, dass die Grenzkontrollen entsprechend internationaler Abkommen verliefen.
20080123             MÜNCHEN—DER Deutsche Alpenverein (DAV) schlägt Alarm: Der Klimawandel mit Sturzregen und Erdrutschen erfordere einen immer höheren Aufwand bei der Pflege der Bergwege in den Alpen,
20080123             sagt THOMAS—URBAN, Hauptgeschäftsführer des Vereins.
20080123             DDP - RETTENBACH—GLETSCHER bei Sölden in Österreich:
20080123             Der Alpenverein muss immer häufiger Wege verlegen
20080123             Teure Impfstoffe: Ausgaben für Arzneimittel steigen kräftig
20080123             —ZERSTÖRT, Alpenverein: Klimawandel, Wegenetz in den BERGEN
20080123             CHINA: Forscher finden 100.000—JAHRE alten Schädel
20080123             GAZA—STREIFEN: Absperrungen GESPRENGT—TAUSENDE Palästinenser stürmen Grenze nach Ägypten
20080123             MARKT—STÜTZE: BANK—OF—ENGLAND deutet Zinssenkung an
20080123             Kursschwankungen: Nervöse BÖRSE—DAX dreht ins Minus
20080123             Studie: Konzernbosse haben Angst vor Rezession - Antifascist Calling...
20080123             —JUST—WHEN you thought the news couldn't get ANY—WORSE, it did!
20080123             Consider this piece from Wired News, "Pentagon Explores 'Human Fear' Chemicals; SCARE—SENSORS, 'Contagious' Stress in the Works?"
20080123             DAVID—HAMBLING informs us: USA—MILITARY—RESEARCHERS are working to uncover and harness the most terrifying chemical imaginable:
20080123             that most primal odor, THE—SCENT—OF—FEAR.
20080123             —RELEASED, Pheromones are chemicals, by animals as signals to their own kind:
20080123             for sex, for territorial marking + more.
20080123             —DETECTED, They're often, in the olfactory membranes.
20080123             But there's more to pheromones than attraction.
20080123             MANY—ANIMALS have 1—ALARM pheromone which is used to signal danger; aphids,
20080123             —NOW, THE—USA—ARMY is trying to track down and harness people's SMELL—OF—FEAR.
20080123             —BACKED, The military has, 1—STUDY on the "Identification and Isolation of Human Alarm Pheromones," which "focused on the Preliminary IDENTIFICATION—OF—STEROIDS—OF—INTEREST in Human Fear Sweat".
20080123             sagt Ludwig: "Alles hängt an den Krediten".
20080123             "Wired"-AUTOR—THOMAS—GOETZ formulierte es in einem Artikel zum Thema so:
20080123             "Im Genomzeitalter werden wir nicht länger das Problem haben, etwas nicht zu wissen.
20080123             Sondern wir werden die Last der Entscheidung tragen müssen, ob wir überhaupt wissen wollen".
20080123             Reale Folgen des Crashs: Warum die BÖRSEN—PANIK der deutschen Wirtschaft kaum schadet
20080123             Britons' ID cards 'to be delayed'
20080123             Plans for 1—WIDER—ROLLOUT—OF—IDENTITY—CARDS to UK—NATIONALS appear to have been delayed —FOR—2—YEARS.
20080123             Is This THE—BIG 1?
20080123             —ON—MONDAY, fears of 1—USA—RECESSION spilled over into ASIA—MARKETS sending stocks tumbling.
20080123             —HAMMERED, Indexes were, across THE—BOARD in what turned out to be the worst —DAY—OF—TRADING
20080123             But the critique against biofuels is mounting.
20080123             biofuels crop in THE—USA, results in 50—PERCENT more emissions, Crutzen estimates.
20080123             Carbon COMMENTARY—IF biofuels are the answer, we are asking the... - Alternative FUEL—MAHALO
20080123             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: 'A Total Disaster': Critique Mounts against Biofuels.
20080123             Zum Vergleich: Ein menschliches Haar ist etwa 100.000—NANOMETER dick.
20080123             Das Schlimmste sei an den asiatischen Börsen noch gar nicht passiert, sagt er, während draußen unbemerkt verschneite Berggipfel vorbeiziehen über denen noch der Mond steht.
20080123             "Danach tagt der Volkskongress", da werde die chinesische Regierung sicher versuchen, die Lage stabil zu halten.
20080123             "Das klingt sehr optimistisch. Aber die Bewegung nach unten war zu heftig, und der Markt sollte sich mittelfristig wieder beruhigen".
20080123             Eine zu schnelle Absenkung wertet Franz sogar als gefährlich: Wenn die Banken den Eindruck bekämen, die Fed helfe ihnen aus JEDER—KRISE, würden sie noch risikofreudiger, wenn nicht leichtsinniger.
20080123             "Es heißt, die Société Générale könnte im Zuge der Finanzmarktkrise 40—MILLIARDEN Euro abschreiben", sagte 1—BÖRSIANER.
20080123             Die französische Zeitschrift "Le Canard Enchainé" habe darauf verwiesen, dass ein großer TEIL—DER—RISIKOBEHAFTETEN—KREDITE—DER—BANK von einem aktuell angeschlagenen USA—VERSICHERER abgesichert werde.
20080123             Die Erleichterung über die kräftige Zinssenkung der USA—NOTENBANK von gestern war damit nur von kurzer Dauer.
20080123             Für Verunsicherung dürften auch Zahlen aus dem USA—KONGRESS gesorgt haben.
20080123             Demnach wird das Haushaltsdefizit in den USA 20080000              auf 250—MILLIARDEN Dollar STEIGEN—DAS milliardenschwere Konjunkturpaket von PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH noch nicht eingerechnet.
20080123             1—GRUND für das wachsende Defizit sind sinkende Steuereinnahmen wegen geringerer UNTERNEHMENSGEWINNE—KEINE gute Nachricht für die Börse.
20080123             KARLSRUHE: Folterdebatte wirft Schatten auf künftigen Verfassungsrichter
20080123             Abfindungsprogramm: Ford will 13.000—STELLEN abbauen
20080123             Kostentreiber Konjunkturpaket: Riesenloch im USA—HAUSHALT
20080123             Ausbruch aus GAZA: Hunger und Verzweiflung treibt Hunderttausende Palästinenser über die Grenze
20080123             Die Hypothese, mit der sich der Forscher die Ergebnisse erklärt, ist keine neue: Unterdrückte Konflikte wirken als Stressor, und können so mittelbar Faktoren wie den Blutdruck, das Immunsystem und etwa die Entstehung von MAGEN—DARM—ERKRANKUNGEN beeinflussen.
20080123             Die Wissenschaftler sammeln daher gerade Daten für eine größere Folgestudie, für die 1—BEOBACHTUNGSZEITRAUM—VON 3ßig Jahren vorgesehen ist.
20080123             "Der Vergleich der 26—PAARE, die ihre Wut verdrängten, mit den anderen 3—GRUPPEN ist sehr verblüffend", sagt der Studienleiter ERNEST—HARBURG.
20080123             Die wenigsten Paare seien fähig, "einen Streit vernünftig zu schlichten".
20080123             —VERSTAATLICHT, Die Uckermark hat ihre Müllabfuhr, und -- Überraschung! -- —JETZT kostet es plötzlich deutlich weniger.
20080123             Während bundesweit immer mehr Gemeinden AUFGABEN—DER—DASEINSVORSORGE und kommunale Dienstleistungen privaten Firmen überlassen, entschloss sich die Uckermark vor rund 2—JAHREN, die Müllbeseitigung wieder selbst in die Hand zu nehmen.
20080123             Und das mit beachtlichem Erfolg: Seitdem sich die kreiseigene Uckermärkische Dienstleistungsgesellschaft UDG um die Abfuhr und Entsorgung des Abfalls kümmert, spart nicht nur der Kreis, sondern auch der Bürger einiges an Geld.
20080123             Und die Ersparnis ist wirklich signifikant: Trotzdem hat der Kreis —BEREITS viel Geld gespart.
20080123             "Schließlich würde dies dem Postgeheimnis widersprechen, wonach Daten über Sendungen nur an Absender oder Empfänger mitgeteilt werden dürfen", protestiert MICHAEL—HOMOLLA, SPRECHER—DER—ÖSTERREICHISCHEN—POST.
20080123             —JETZT aber soll es ein für alle bindendes internationales Abkommen geben.
20080123             In praktisch allen Ländern übrigens.
20080123             —GEDACHT, Wer hätte das : "Operation Himmel": KINDERPORNO—VERFAHREN gegen 500—KÖLNER eingestellt.
20080123             —SEIT - Oberstaatsanwalt RAINER—WOLF sagte der "Kölnischen Rundschau": " Wir haben ALLE—VERFAHREN eingestellt ".
20080123             Anstößige Handlungen waren nicht erkennbar.
20080123             Und diesen Leuten, die —SCHON ohne Vorratsdatenspeicherung so enorm versagen, DIESEN Leuten sollen —JETZT erweiterte Befugnisse erteilt werden?
20080123             Der eine oder andere fragt sich gerade, ob unsere Junta eigentlich auch mal irgenwann mit dem Verschlimmern der ABHÖR—UNTERDRÜCKUNGSLAGE aufhören will: Merkel: was technisch an Überwachung möglich ist, das muss der STAAT auch umsetzen.
20080123             HOLLAND—AIRLINE—KLM will probably seek 1—INDEPENDENT—INVESTIGATION into whether it flew Nazi fugitives to ARGENTINA —AFTER the 2. World War, the national...
20080123             Se la tesi dell'interazione strategica è valida, quale migliore giustificazione per uno... Guerra psicologica ( PSYOP ), di propaganda o disinformazione...
20080123             Puro stile PSYOP, no? Wikipedia ha una spiegazione efficace per le... AVVERTENZA: ZONE—H non assume alcuna responsabilità sui testi contenuti nei forum...
20080123             6-14. 3—NETWORK WORLD (11/2001 )... 9—IASD / Tesi 51^ Sessione / Anno Accademico
20080123             NETWORK—SECURE—INFORMATIONSKRIEG - Information Warfare
20080123             In der "WASHINGTON—POST " beschäftigt sich mit der Rolle von USA—PRÄSIDENT—BUSH : "Bush muss sich nun mit dem Misstrauen der Welt und der Finanzmärkte konfrontiert sehen", schreibt die Zeitung.
20080123             "Die Märkte könnten in den nächsten Tagen oder Wochen rasch wieder auf die Beine kommen", so die "WASHINGTON—POST ", aber der Druck auf Bush wird damit nicht abnehmen".
20080123             Und mit Blick auf Bush s vergebliche Versuche, die Immobilienkrise zu entschärfen: "Es ist immer noch nicht klar, was der PRÄSIDENT—DER—BÖRSENKRISE entgegenzusetzen hat".
20080123             Internationale Presseschau: "Der Wirtschaftsaufschwung war 1—TRUGBILD"
20080123             Weil ISRAEL die Grenze zum GAZA—STREIFEN —NACH—DEN andauernden Raketenangriffen abgeriegelt hat, leiden die Bewohner des Gebiets unter einem akuten Versorgungsmangel.
20080123             ISRAEL rief die Führung in Kairo —HEUTE zu Maßnahmen gegen das Stürmen der Grenze auf.
20080123             MÜNCHEN—DER Deutsche Alpenverein (DAV) schlägt Alarm: Der Klimawandel mit Sturzregen und Erdrutschen erfordere einen immer höheren Aufwand bei der Pflege der Bergwege in den Alpen, sagt THOMAS—URBAN, Hauptgeschäftsführer des Vereins.
20080123             DDP—RETTENBACH—GLETSCHER bei Sölden in Österreich: Der Alpenverein muss immer häufiger Wege verlegen
20080123             "Wir haben in den vergangenen Jahren einen Anstieg des Sanierungsbedarfs um 20—BIS 25 % verzeichnet", sagt Urban
20080123             Consider this piece from Wired News,
20080123             "Pentagon Explores 'Human Fear' Chemicals; SCARE—SENSORS, 'Contagious' Stress in the Works?"
20080123             DAVID—HAMBLING informs us: USA—MILITARY—RESEARCHERS are working to uncover and harness the most terrifying chemical imaginable: that most primal odor, THE—SCENT—OF—FEAR.
20080123             —RELEASED, Pheromones are chemicals, by animals as signals to their own kind: for sex, for territorial marking + more.
20080123             aphids, for example, use it to cause their fellow lice to flee.
20080123             "Im Genomzeitalter werden wir nicht länger das Problem haben, etwas nicht zu wissen. Sondern wir werden die Last der Entscheidung tragen müssen, ob wir überhaupt wissen wollen".
20080123             WALL—STREET- Drama: USA—ZINSSENKUNG sorgt für Erholung an Asiens Börsen
20080123             Britons' ID cards 'to be delayed' Plans for 1—WIDER—ROLLOUT—OF—IDENTITY—CARDS to UK—NATIONALS appear to have been delayed —FOR—2—YEARS.
20080123             Carbon COMMENTARY—IF biofuels are the answer, we are asking the...
20080123             Alternative FUEL—MAHALO SPIEGEL—ONLINE: 'A Total Disaster': Critique Mounts against Biofuels.
20080123             "PAUL—J—CRUTZEN, who won 19950000             —THE Nobel prize for chemistry.
20080123—18800000    —LAUNCHED, It was, and became 1—INSTITUTION in AUSTRALIA—PUBLISHING.
20080123—19870000    —IN, He went into hiding to avoid a 10-year prison sentence in 1—HUMAN—RIGHTS—CASE dating from THE—DICTATORSHIP—OF—GENERAL—AUGUSTO—PINOCHET—HE had been convicted as MEMBER—OF—1—SECRET—POLICE—UNIT that killed 12—MEMBERS—OF—1—PRO—COMMUNIST—URBAN—GUERRILLA—GANG.
20080123—20010000    —SINCE, Indexes were hammered across THE—BOARD in what turned out to be the worst —DAY—OF—TRADING.
20080123—20070000    —REVEALED, Some 14,000 text messages, that he had lied under oath —DURING testimony over the use of his security unit to cover up his extramarital affair with CHRISTINE—BEATTY, his CHIEF—OF—STAFF.
20080126             1—SECURITY—CHIEF—FOR—SUNNI tribesmen who rose up against AL—QAIDA in IRAQ said 20080123             —THE explosion in NORTH—IRAQ was spearheaded by foreign fighters under the sponsorship of Seif AL—ISLAM Gadhafi, SON—OF—THE—LIBYA—LEADER.
20080127—20080123    —BY, THE—BANK—SAID—KERVIEL had built up 1—POSITION worth some $73.5—BILLION, which was eventually closed or hedged with 1—LOSS—OF $7.21—BILLION.
20080201—20090123    —ON, he was sentenced to 4—LIFE—TERMS, but could be eligible for parole in 23—YEARS with good behavior.
20080212             Aus der FTD vom 20080123
20081128—20080123    —FREED, The ship was, —FOLLOWING a $1—MILLION ransom.
20081230—19680123    —ON, 1—USA federal judge on awarded more than $65—MILLION to several men who were captured and tortured by NORTH—KOREA —AFTER the communist country seized THE—USA—SPY ship USS PUEBLO.
20090123             PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA struck down THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION'S "global gag rule," 1—BAN on giving federal money to INTERNATIONAL groups that perform abortions or provide abortion information, 1—INFLAMMATORY policy that has bounced in and OUT—OF—LAW for the past QUARTER—CENTURY.
20090123             —AUTHORIZED, PRESIDENT—OBAMA, his 1. drone strikes.
20090123             The targets were in the Waziristan REGION—OF—PAKISTAN.
20090123             1—OF—THE—STRIKES hit the wrong target killing at least 5—CIVILIANS.
20090123             —ANNOUNCED, USA federal fisheries regulators, rules to protect marine mammals —DURING Navy sonar training along the Atlantic coast and in the Gulf of MEXICO.
20090123             —ISSUED, Similar regulations were, previously by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration covering THE—WEST—COAST and HAWAII.
20090123             JOSEPH—BRUNO, 79—JAHRE—ALT, former majority LEADER—OF—THE—NEW—YORK—SENATE, was indicted on federal corruption charges.
20090123             Geron Corp., 1—MENLO—PARK, CALIFORNIA, biotechnology company, announced that it had received 1—FDA—CLEARANCE to mount 1—STUDY—OF—ITS stem cell treatment for spinal cord injuries in up to 10—PATIENTS.
20090123             —ATTACKED, Taliban militants, 1—POLICE—POST in KANDAHAR province sparking 1—BATTLE in which 3—POLICEMEN †.
20090123             1—ROADSIDE bomb blast struck 1—JOINT—AFGHANISTAN—ARMY and NATO—FORCES—CONVOY in WEST—FARAH province, killing 1—AFGHANISTAN—SOLDIER and wounding 5—NATO—TROOPS.
20090123             —POURED, AUSTRALIA, rescuers, water on the parched skin of sperm whales beached on 1—REMOTE sand BANK—ON—PERKINS—ISLAND to keep them alive —UNTIL the next high tide.
20090123             † All 45—WHALES, with 2—DAYS.
20090123             —CHARGED, Authorities in THE—BAHAMAS, 1—ISLAND—LAWMAKER and detained 2—OTHER—PEOPLE in 1 alleged plot to extort money from actor JOHN—TRAVOLTA —AFTER THE—DEATH—OF—HIS—SON.
20090123             —ARRESTED, SENATOR—PLEASANT—BRIDGEWATER, 1—ATTORNEY from Grand Bahama, was, 1—DAY—EARLIER and charged with abetment to extort and conspiracy to extort.
20090123             BELGIUM, KIM—DE—GELDER went on 1—RAMPAGE at 1—DAY—CARE—CENTER, stabbing 2—YOUNG—CHILDREN and 1—FEMALE—WORKER to death and slashing 10—OTHER—CHILDREN—ALL over their bodies.
20090123             —SEIZED, BOLIVIA—PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES, CONTROL—OF—PAN—AMERICAN—ENERGY—LOCAL—NATURAL—GAS—PRODUCER and warned other privately owned companies they would face similar fates if they do not comply with BOLIVIA—LAWS.
20090123             —DECLARED, THE—UK—ECONOMY was officially, in recession as 1—GALLOPING economic crisis has driven down THE—VALUE—OF—THE—UK—POUND to a 23-year low and threatened to remake the country's political landscape.
20090123             COLOMBIA—NATIONAL—POLICE—CHIEF said that fugitive drug boss DANIEL—RENDON, the country's leading drug lord, has offered assassins 1—BOUNTY—OF $1,000 for EACH—POLICE—OFFICER they kill.
20090123             The defense MINISTER said another 10—COLOMBIA—SOLDIERS have been fired for negligence in connection with the killings of civilians to inflate guerrilla casualty figures.
20090123             1—MAJOR was the highest ranking of the 10 cashiered soldiers from the Popa Battalion in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—VALLEDUPAR.
20090123             —HOSPITALIZED, INDIA—PRIME—MINISTER—MANMOHAN—SINGH was, and will undergo heart bypass surgery —AFTER doctors found blocked arteries.
20090123             —AGREED, IRAQ—FOREIGN—MINISTER—HOSHIYAR—ZEBARI said TURKEY, IRAQ and THE—USA—HAVE, to set up 1—JOINT—COMMAND—CENTER in NORTH—IRAQ to gather intelligence to fight Kurdish PKK rebels in the region.
20090123             —CALLED, IRAQ—TOP—SECURITY—OFFICIAL, 1—DECISION by his government to close Camp Ashraf, housing some 3,500 MEMBERS—OF—1—ARMED—IRAN—OPPOSITION—GROUP—NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD "irreversible," saying THE—IRAQ—AUTHORITIES do not allow ANTI—IRAN activities on their soil.
20090123             MEMBERS—OF—THE—TERRORIST—PEOPLE—MUJAHEDEEN, known as THE—MUJAHEDEEN—E—KHALQ, will either be deported to IRAN or be given the option of going to a 3. country.
20090123             1—BOMB hidden inside 1—TRAFFIC—POLICE booth exploded in WEST—BAGHDAD, killing a 7—YEAR—OLD—BOY and wounding his mother.
20090123             —LAUNCHED, JAPAN—SPACE—AGENCY (JAXA), Ibuki (breath), the 1. satellite dedicated to monitoring carbon dioxide emissions.
20090123             —HOPED, Officials, to gather information on climate change and help the country compete in the lucrative SATELLITE—LAUNCHING business.
20090123             Officials said LIBERIA—WORST caterpillar plague in 3—DECADES has spread to neighboring GUINEA —AFTER swarms of THE—CROP—EATING insects devastated more than 45—TOWNS.
20090123             NORTH—NORWAY, 1—OFF—DUTY—POLICE—OFFICER shot and killed his EX—GIRLFRIEND with another officer's service pistol, then critically wounded himself outside the elementary school where she was 1—STUDENT—TEACHER.
20090123             —IDENTIFIED, At least 5—VICTIMS were, as foreign militants.
20090123             1—SUICIDE—ATTACK and 1—ROADSIDE bomb killed 2—SOLDIERS and 3—CIVILIANS in the Swat Valley.
20090123             —REACHED, PUERTO—RICO, 3—OF 5—CO—DEFENDANTS, plea agreements days —AFTER another CO—DEFENDANT, FORMER—ACEVEDO aide Eneidy Coreano, agreed to testify in 1—FEDERAL—CORRUPTION—TRIAL against FORMER—GOVERNOR—ANIBAL—ACEVEDO—VILA and have her charges dropped.
20090123             —RELEASED, Said ALI—AL—SHIHRI, 1—SAUDI—ARABIA—MAN, from GUANTANAMO —AFTER spending nearly 6—YEARS inside THE—USA—PRISON—CAMP, is —NOW THE—NUMBER 2—OF—YEMEN—AL—QAIDA branch, according to 1—PURPORTED—INTERNET—STATEMENT from the terror network.
20090123             —ATTACKED, SRI—LANKA, assailants on motorbikes, and wounded 1—NEWSPAPER—EDITOR and his wife as they drove to work, the latest in 1—STRING—OF—ASSAULT on journalists.
20090123             ZIMBABWE, city workers in HARARE began 1—INDEFINITE strike, demanding to be paid in hard currency.
20090123             —REFUSED, PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE—RULING party, to budge on opposition demands for 1—UNITY—GOVERNMENT, whose fate hinges on the outcome of 1—REGIONAL—SUMMIT—NEXT—WEEK.
20090123             —KILLED, THE—WHO said cholera in ZIMBABWE has so far, 2,773—PEOPLE.
20090123             in NEW—YORK.
20090520—20080123    —ON, The video shows police pursuing ANTHONY—WARREN—VAN.
20100123             —HALTED, THE—UK—DEPARTMENT—FOR—BUSINESS—INNOVATION and Skills, the export of the ADE651 —AFTER a 20100122              BBC Newsnight investigation challenged THE—CLAIMS—OF—THE—COMPANY, ATSC.
20100123             PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA said he can't imagine "anything more devastating to the public interest" than THE—SUPREME—COURT—DECISION to ease limits on campaign spending by corporations and labor unions.
20100123             —SAILED, Abby SUNDERLAND (16) of 1000—OAKS, CALIFORNIA, into the Pacific aboard a 4-foot craft called wild Eyes in 1—EFFORT to become the youngest person to sail solo —AROUND the world.
20100123             —COLLIDED, TEXAS, an 800-foot oil tanker and towing vessel, spilling oil in the southeast port of Port Arthur.
20100123             —ESTIMATED, The spill, at 462,000 gallons, was contained to a 2-mile area along THE—SABINE—NECHES—WATERWAY.
20100123             —UNVEILED, AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—KARZAI, 1—AMBITIOUS—WESTERN—FUNDED plan to offer money and jobs to tempt Taliban fighters to lay down their arms.
20100123             —KILLED, Militants in the south, 2—USA—SOLDIERS and kidnapped 1—POLICE—CHIEF in 1—SERIES—OF—ATTACKS.
20100123             —KILLED, Insurgents, 3—AFGHANISTAN—WOMEN in THE—EAST—PROVINCE—OF—PAKTIKA.
20100123             12—MILITANTS were killed in Helmand.
20100123             —EXTRADITED, BRAZIL, MANUEL—JUAN—CORDERO—PIACENTINI, 1—RETIRED—URUGUAY—MILITARY—OFFICER, to ARGENTINA to face charges of human rights abuses allegedly committed more than 30—YEARS ago.
20100123             Under "Operation Condor," the military dictatorships that ruled MUCH—OF—SOUTH—AMERICA in the 1970s and 1980s secretly cooperated in the torture and DISAPPEARANCES—OF—EACH—OTHERS' citizens.
20100123             The broadcaster took the key ASPECTS—OF—THE—DEVICE to 1—LABORATORY, which concluded that 1—COMPONENT intended to detect explosives contained technology used to prevent theft in stores.
20100123             —BANNED, The government, its export to IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN BECAUSE—OF—THE—RISK that it could hurt British and allied forces.
20100123             —DECLARED, HAITI—GOVERNMENT, the search and rescue phase for SURVIVORS—OF—THE—EARTHQUAKE over, saying there is little hope of finding more people alive —11—DAYS—AFTER MUCH—OF—THE—CAPITAL was reduced to rubble.
20100123             —WRAPPED, THE—USA—MARINE—CORPS, up nearly 7—YEARS in IRAQ, handing over duties to the Army and signaling the beginning of 1 accelerated WITHDRAWAL—OF—USA—TROOPS as THE—USA—TURNS—ITS—FOCUS away from the waning IRAQ—WAR to 1—GROWING 1 in AFGHANISTAN.
20100123             IRAQI—USA—CONTRACTOR Issa T. Salomi (60) went missing in BAGHDAD.
20100123             —EXECUTED, Shiite militants, the kidnapping —AFTER luring him into CENTRAL—BAGHDAD with promises of visiting distant relatives.
20100123             —PULLED, SOUTH—MEXICO, about 150—MIGRANTS were, off 1—TRAIN by unidentified assailants in THE—STATE—OF—OAXACA.
20100123             —STRANDED, NEW—ZEALAND, 48—PILOT whales, at Port Levy on SOUTH—ISLAND, but scores of volunteers joined DEPARTMENT—OF—CONSERVATION—WORKERS to refloat them off the shallow, muddy inlet.
20100123             —MANAGED, By THE—NEXT—DAY rescuers, to coax 33—BACK out into deep waters, but another 15—OF—THE—POD †.
20100123             —RECOVERED, CENTRAL—NIGERIA, 1—VILLAGE headman said at least 150—BODIES were, from wells —FOLLOWING deadly MUSLIM—CHRISTIAN clashes, taking the unofficial death toll past 400.
20100123             —KILLED, PAKISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, at least 4—PEOPLE including 2—CHILDREN in NORTH—WEST—GOMAL.
20100123             —DESTROYED, Militants, 1—NATO—TANKER outside PESHAWAR.
20100123             Gunmen on 1—MOTORBIKE shot dead 2—SOLDIERS and wounded 2—OTHERS in KHUZDAR town, 350km (217—MILES) SOUTH—OF—QUETTA, THE—CAPITAL—OF—SOUTH—WEST—BALUCHISTAN.
20100123             —AMBUSHED, Militants, PAKISTAN—SECURITY—FORCES at checkpoints in the Orkazai and Kurram regions close to THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER, sparking gunbattles that left 22—INSURGENTS and 2—TROOPS—DEAD.
20100123             —DECLARED, RUSSIA—PRIME—MINISTER—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, that peace has returned to NORTH—CAUCASUS, the center of 1—GROWING—ISLAMIST—INSURGENCY, and called for the region's economy to be rebuilt.
20100123             —ORDERED, He also, officials in THE—NORTH—CAUCASUS to ensure what he called the "normal work" of human rights groups operating in the volatile region.
20100123             —RECOVERED, SAUDI—ARABIA—ASSISTANT—DEFENSE—MINISTER—SAID—SAUDI—ARABIA—FORCES have, the bodies of 20—SOLDIERS who had been reported missing in fierce battles with YEMEN—REBELS on the border, raising THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—DEATH—TOLL in the conflict to 133.
20100123             SUDAN, 1—MILITARY—SPOKESMAN said at least 24—PEOPLE have been killed in clashes in the troubled SOUTH—SUDAN—STATE—OF—JONGLEI in recent days.
20100123             —OPPOSED, VENEZUELA, tens of thousands, to PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ took to the streets, blaming him for rolling blackouts, water rationing, widespread crime and other problems they say are making daily life increasingly difficult.
20100123             —MARKED, This —DAY, 19580000             —THE uprising that ousted VENEZUELA—LAST—MILITARY—DICTATOR.
20100123             THE—CHAVEZ regime told cable TV operators to stop carrying RCTV, 1—PRO—OPPOSITION—CHANNEL.
20100123—20070000    —SURFACED, In 1—VIDEO that —LATER, his abductors from the League of the Righteous, demanded the release of militants and the prosecution of Blackwater security contractors accused of killing 17—IRAQIS in BAGHDAD.
20100123—20100126    —ON, 1—SALVADORAN official  filed 1—COMPLAINT with MEXICO—OFFICIALS saying 3—MEN were slain and 4—WOMEN were raped in the attack.
20100123—20100325    —FREED, Salomi was, in exchange for 4—MILITANTS.
20100123—20100424    —ON, SUNDERLAND wrote on her blog that it would be "foolish and irresponsible" to keep going —AFTER losing use of her boat's main autopilot.
20100127—20100123    —SINCE, HAITI, teenager Darlene Etienne (17) was rescued from 1 collapsed home near S—GERARD—UNIVERSITY, —15—DAYS—AFTER 1—GREAT—EARTHQUAKE killed 1 estimated 200,000—PEOPLE, It was the 1. such recovery, —WHEN FRANCE—RESCUERS extricated 1—MAN from the ruins of 1—HOTEL—GROCERY—STORE.
20100612—20100123    —ON, SUNDERLAND had set out from LOS—ANGELES COUNTY—MARINA del Rey, trying to become the youngest person to circumnavigate the globe solo and nonstop.
20101220—20100123    —RECOVERED, The last body was.
20110123             INDIANA, police officer DAVID—MOORE was shot twice in the face —DURING 1—TRAFFIC stop in INDIANAPOLIS.
20110123             —OPENED, DETROIT—MICHIGAN, Lamar D. Moore (38), fire at the 6. precinct on Warwick and PLYMOUTH and wounded 4—POLICE—OFFICERS—BEFORE he was shot killed.
20110123             OREGON, LINCOLN—CITY—POLICE—OFFICER was shot and critically injured —DURING 1—TRAFFIC stop.
20110123             —ESCAPED, Gunman DAVID—ANTHONY—DURHAM, the scene.
20110123             † JACK—LALANNE, 96—JAHRE—ALT, fitness fanatic.
20110123             JACK—LALANNE was still pumping iron and pushing fruits and vegetables decades past most Americans' retirement age.
20110123             AFGHANISTAN—LAWMAKERS set aside 1—DEMAND for PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI to scrap 1—CONTROVERSIAL—COURT probing election fraud, paving the way for PARLIAMENT to convene in —3—DAYS—AFTER weeks of IN—FIGHTING.
20110123             BANGLADESH, tens of THOUSANDS—OF—MUSLIMS seeking peace and THE—REVIVAL—OF—ISLAM—TENETS joined 1—MASS—PRAYER to wrap up 1—ANNUAL 3—DAY Islamic congregation outside THE—CAPITAL—ON—THE—BANK—OF—THE—RIVER—TURAG.
20110123             —MARCHED, BELGIUM, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS, through THE—BRUSSELS in support of national unity and to demand that the rival political groupings finally form 1—COALITION—AFTER—7—MONTHS without 1—GOVERNMENT.
20110123             Voting began in THE—CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC for presidential and parliamentary polls, with incumbent PRESIDENT—FRANCOIS—BOZIZE tipped to retain power amid CHARGES—OF—FRAUD.
20110123             THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC—REP. a 3—YEAR—OLD—BOY—OF—HAITI—DESCENT was killed —WHEN 1—GROUP—OF—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC—MEN burned down 4—FAMILY—HOMES in revenge for 1 alleged assault.
20110123             —LAUNCHED, IRAN—STATE—TV said the country has, its 1. cyber police unit in the latest attempt by authorities to gain 1—EDGE in the digital world.
20110123             —KILLED, IRAQ, 1—FLURRY—OF—MORNING bombs, 10—PEOPLE and wounded 34—AROUND BAGHDAD.
20110123             —EXPLODED, At least 2—CAR—BOMBS, apparently targeting police patrols, killing 2—POLICEMEN and 1—BYSTANDER, —WHILE 2—OTHER—PEOPLE were killed —WHEN THE—OFFICES—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT—SEWAGE—DEPARTMENT in downtown was bombed.
20110123             —EXPLODED, Another bomb, as 1—BUS—OF—IRAN—PILGRIMS drove by, killing 1 and injuring 9. In THE—TOWN—OF—TAJI, 1—CAR—BOMB killed 1—FARMER and his son heading to 1—NEARBY—MARKET.
20110123             —PLANTED, In the nearby TOWN—OF—TARMIYAH, 1—BOMB, outside 1—SCHOOL went off, killing 2—YOUNG—BOYS.
20110123             —KILLED, MEXICO, gunmen spraying automatic weapons fire, 7—PEOPLE at 1—PARK that had been built as 1—ANTI—VIOLENCE—MEASURE in CIUDAD—JUAREZ.
20110123             —INCLUDED, They, 1—TOP—OPERATOR—OF—THE—ZETAS drug gang known as "Comandante Lino".
20110123             Another 7—HOUR—SHOOTOUT between soldiers and gunmen broke out in LOS—MOCHIS, Sinaloa state.
20110123             † 1—GUNMAN was killed and 2—SOLDIERS were wounded.
20110123             —SUSPECTED, NORTH—NIGERIA, MEMBERS—OF—1—ISLAMIST sect, blamed for 1—SERIES—OF—ATTACKS in MAIDUGURI, shot dead 1—SOLDIER guarding 1—CHURCH and stole his rifle.
20110123             Suspected MEMBERS—OF—THE—BOKO—HARAM sect shot 2—SOLDIERS to death and injured another manning 1—CHECKPOINT in NORTH—BIU village.
20110123             —RECOVERED, Police 1—DAY—EARLIER, BIBI—BODY, which had burn marks indicating she had been electrocuted.
20110123             —ELOPED, The woman had, with another villager 1—MONTH ago and got oo in the southern port CITY—OF—KARACHI.
20110123             —HELPED, PAKISTAN, SULTAN—AMIR—TARAR, 1—FORMER—PAKISTAN—SPY who, the Taliban rise to power in AFGHANISTAN, was reported to have † under captivity —10—MONTHS—AFTER he was seized in NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN.
20110123             —PLAYED, Tarar, better known as COLONEL—IMAM, 1—MAJOR—ROLE in funneling PAKISTAN—SUPPORT and training to Afghans fighting Soviet rule in the 1980s, 1—PUSH in large part financed by THE—CIA.
20110123             —SUSPECTED, PAKISTAN, 1—PAIR of, USA—DRONE—STRIKES killed 6 alleged militants in Datta Khel, NORTH—WAZIRISTAN.
20110123             A 3. strike killed at least 6—MILITANTS in Mando Khel.
20110123             —SLAMMED, SOUTH—PAKISTAN, 1—BUS, into 1—OIL—TANKER—BEFORE dawn, setting off 1—BLAZING inferno that gutted both vehicles and killed 32—PEOPLE.
20110123             —SUSPECTED, In THE—NORTH—PHILIPPINES, communist rebels shot and killed Rizal town police CHIEF—ANTONIO—RUECO, and 4—OTHER—OFFICERS, including his wife, —AFTER detonating roadside bombs under their patrol car.
20110123             —VOTED, Portuguese, in 1—ELECTION looking certain to return PRESIDENT—ANIBAL—CAVACO—SILVA for a 2. term, 1—RESULT that would uphold the government's efforts to avoid 1—INTERNATIONAL—FINANCIAL—BAILOUT.
20110123             —RAIDED, SOUTH—AFRICA—POLICE, apartments linked to 1—NIGERIA—MAN facing terrorism charges in SOUTH—AFRICA, killing 1—TENANT and wounding another person.
20110123             SUDAN—GOVERNMENT—FORCES swept the Zamzam camp on THE—OUTSKIRTS—OF—THE—DARFUR—HISTORICAL—CAPITAL—EL—FASHER, arresting 37—PEOPLE and seizing weapons and ammunition.
20110123             —CONSIDERED, The camp is, 1—STRONGHOLD—OF—MINNAWI—FACTION—OF—THE—SUDAN Liberation Army.
20110123             SOUTH—SUDAN—REFERENDUM—COMMISSION'S—WEBSITE said provisional results from the referendum showed that almost 99—PERCENT—OF—VOTERS have chosen independence, —AFTER 98.7—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTES had been counted.
20110123             —EXCEEDED, Turnout, 100—PERCENT in several areas, and 1—TOP—ELECTION—OFFICIAL said that SOME—RESULTS were being quarantined.
20110123             UN Development Program spokesman Stephane Dujarric said that the program's policy bars it from sharing internal audit reports with the Global Fund, but that it is reassessing that policy.
20110123             Investigators for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria said donated prescription drugs wind up being sold on the black market.
20110123             As much as 2—THIRDS—OF—SOME—GRANTS have been eaten up by corruption.
20110123             VENEZUELA, allies and ADVERSARIES—OF—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ took to THE—STREETS—OF—THE—CAPITAL by the thousands, staging rival demonstrations to commemorate the 53. ANNIVERSARY—OF—VENEZUELA—DEMOCRACY.
20110123             ZIMBABWE—POLICE drove out scores of SO—CALLED war veterans and SUPPORTERS—OF—PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE —AFTER they declared themselves new owners of several tourist resorts.
20110123             [l] Die Amis haben eine innovative Lösung gefunden, um mit Bürgern umzugehen, die anonym Zugang zu kommunalen Akten haben wollen: sie erlauben einfach keine Barzahlung mehr.
20110123             Die offizielle Begründung wieselt —ERST 1—RUNDE herum, dass es etwas mit der Sicherheit der Angestellten zu tun habe:
20110123             BOARD members said the new policy will ensure THE—SAFETY—OF—TOWN clerks and save the district time and money, but SOME—SAY it is also 1—RESPONSE to anonymous requests for public records the town has received.
20110123             Those requesting records anonymously have been using cash to pay for the cost of copying the documents.
20110123             Brisante Geheimdokumente: Palästinenser wollten Israels Siedlungen akzeptieren
20110123             PORTUGAL: PRÄSIDENT—CAVACO siegt —SCHON im 1. Wahlgang
20110123             Welche Bedeutung hatte der Antibolschewistenfond 19190000              für den...
20110123             —GEARBEITET, Tunesien: TV—SENDER—CHEF soll an Rückkehr von BEN—ALI, haben
20110123             Neuwahlen: Grüne lassen Irlands Regierung platzen
20110123             GAZA—SOLIDARITÄTSFLOTTE: Israelische Kommission hält Angriff für rechtmäßig
20110123             Palästinenserstaat: Lieberman will nur das halbe Westjordanland abgeben
20110123             Zukunft der Wirtschaft: Der Kapitalismus ist so quicklebendig wie nie
20110123             STATE—OF—THE—UNION: Obama kündigt Kampf um Jobs an
20110123             —VERHÖKERT, Peinliches Sonderangebot: Cracker, Zugang zu MILITÄR—UND Regierungsseiten
20110123             Man hätte alternativ durchaus darüber nachdenken können, auch WIRTSCHAFTS—ODER Menschenrechtsfragen aufzuwerfen.
20110123             Die Vereinigung amerikanischer Wissenschaftler (FAS) warnte davor, das dass das Land insbesondere mit Unterstützung Chinas aber auch mit Hilfe anderer Staaten systematisch bestehende Sanktionen umgehe.
20110123             KARSTEN—BRENSING.
20110123             Der Meeresbiologe der internationalen WAL—UND Delfinschutzorganisation WDCS sagt:
20110123             "Man sollte nur weiterbauen, wenn die Betreiber einen wirklichen Beitrag zur Schallminderung leisten.
20110123             Brensing betont, dass selbst der Grenzwert des UBA keinen ausreichenden Schutz gewährleiste, weil er nur "für einen einzigen Rammschlag berechnet" sei.
20110123             Beim Bau eines Windrades seien aber mindestens hunderte oder gar tausende Rammschläge notwendig, wodurch die schädliche Schallwirkung zunehme.
20110123             sagt BARD—BIOLOGIN Schorcht: "Ob wir mit dem kleinen Blasenschleier den Grenzwert einhalten, weiß man —HEUTE noch nicht".
20110123             Doch im Meer leben auch Schweinswale, Robben und verschiedene Fischarten, die durch den Ausbau der OFFSHORE—WINDPARKS
20110123             Die geräuschempfindlichen Schweinswale, die einzige heimische Walart in deutschen Gewässern, können den Krach der Bauarbeiten nicht vertragen.
20110123             Deshalb gibt es einen Grenzwert für Unterwasserlärm, den das Umweltbundesamt festgelegt hat.
20110123             Aber den halten die Ingenieure zur Zeit nicht ein.
20110123             Selbstverbrennung in Tunesien: Was vor Mohammeds Martyrium geschah
20110123             OFFSHORE—ENERGIE: WINDPARK—BOOM bedroht Schweinswale
20110123             RichiH writes "From Techdirt: 'A GROUP—OF—COMPANIES sent 1—LETTER to to ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ERIC—HOLDER and ICE boss JOHN—MORTON (with cc's to VICE—PRESIDENT—JOE—BIDEN,
20110123             supporting the continued seizure of domain names they don't like,
20110123             as well as the new COICA censorship bill,
20110123             despite the serious Constitutional questions raised about how such seizures violate due process and free speech principles.' 1—FULL—LIST—OF—COMPANIES who you might want to avoid buying from is included,
20110123             —SUSPECTED, The attorney for, WikiLeaks source Pfc.
20110123             —FILED, BRADLEY—MANNING, 1—FORMAL—COMPLAINT this —WEEK over MANNING—TREATMENT at the Marine Corps brig where he is being detained.
20110123             —PLACED, The complaint comes —AFTER Manning was, on suicide watch.
20110123             —LINKED, In the weird world of quantum physics, 2, particles can share 1—SINGLE—FATE,
20110123             even —WHEN they're miles apart.
20110123             —NOW, 2—PHYSICISTS have mathematically described how this spooky effect, called entanglement, could also bind particles across time.
20110123             2—SONS—OF—FORMER—PRESIDENT—RONALD—REAGAN have been engaged in 1—PUBLIC—DISAGREEMENT over whether their father exhibited early SIGNS—OF—ALZHEIMER—DISEASE—WHILE still in THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20110123             Veteran CBS reporter Leslie Stahl, who saw Reagan have mental lapses
20110123             "THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION is preparing to increase THE—USE—OF—MILITARY—COMMISSIONS to prosecute Guantánamo detainees,
20110123             1—ACKNOWLEDGMENT that the prison in CUBA remains
20110123             UK—PM demands RELEASE—OF—BLAIR—SECRET—LETTERS to
20110123             It appears THE—UK—ARE much harder on their former leaders than Americans.
20110123             Amid 1—INQUIRY into 20030000             —THE military invasion of IRAQ,
20110123             DAVID—CAMERON, the sitting UK—PRIME—MINISTER,
20110123             called for public pressure on FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR over his refusal to release letters sent to USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE W.
20110123             'You're going to have to shoot them in the head,' Beck said of Democratic leaders-
20110123             Discussing Democratic leaders —DURING a ;;06;;
20110123             broadcast for the Republican FOX—NEWS—CHANNEL,
20110123             conspiracy host GLENN—BECK told his followers they would have to "shoot them in the head" in order to bring 1—END to 1 alleged "communist" agenda.
20110123             "They believe in communism," he said.
20110123             "They believe and have called for 1—REVOLUTION.
20110123             You're - 'Large amount' of weapons seized from blogger who cheered TUCSON shooting-
20110123             1—BOSTON—AREA—BLOGGER who declared "1—DOWN, 534 to go" —AFTER the shooting of Rep.
20110123             —PULLED, Gabrielle Giffords has had his gun license, and a "large amount" of weapons removed his home.
20110123             TRAVIS—CORCORAN, a comic book retailer in ARLINGTON,
20110123             MASSACHUSETTS, made the comment in 1—BLOG posting on ;;01;; 8, THE—DAY—OF—GIFFORDS'
20110123             —CONVICTED—OF, Wrong men, DANIEL—PEARL murder: probe-
20110123             —CONVICTED—OF, WASHINGTON — The wrong men were, murdering USA—REPORTER—DANIEL—PEARL,
20110123             who was kidnapped and beheaded in PAKISTAN
20110123             BLACKWATER—PRINCE building mercenary force with APARTHEID—ERA 'hit squad' officer-
20110123             THE—NORTH—EAST—AFRICAN country of SOMALIA has been 1—OF—THE—WORLD—MOST notorious failed states for more than 2—DECADES.
20110123             —PUSHED, Its current government has been, OUT—OF—MOST—OF—THE—COUNTRY—TERRITORY and —NOW controls 1—FRACTION—OF—THE—CAPITAL—CITY,
20110123             and HIGH—SEAS—PIRACY off the country's coast has been the scourge of
20110123             —2—MONTHS—AFTER they voted in droves to topple Democrats from the House and expand Republican voices in the Senate,
20110123             the tea party movement's disapproval ratings have reached 1—NEW—HIGH, according to 1—NEW
20110123             ABC /WASHINGTON—POST poll.
20110123             52—PERCENT—OF—THE—USA—PUBLIC had 1—UNFAVORABLE—VIEW—OF "the political movement known as the
20110123             VATICAN appoints Protestant to lead science body-
20110123             the 1. time 1—NON—CATHOLIC is heading THE—CENTURIES—OLD—BODY.
20110123             —SUCCEED, The 81-year old SWITZERLAND—MICROBIOLOGIST will, ITALY—NICOLA Cabibbo,
20110123             who † in August, to lead the Pontifical ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES, THE—VATICAN announced
20110123             IRAN fuel ban targets NATO but hurts Afghans-
20110123             experts say.
20110123             —STRANDED, Some 2,000 trucks are, on THE—IRANIAN—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER,
20110123             AFGHANISTAN—COMMERCE—MINISTRY says, in 1—STANDOFF which has run —SINCE early
20110123             —EXPECTED, Climate change cost much larger than, PRIZE—WINNING economist says-
20110123             MADRID — UK—ECONOMIST—NICHOLAS—STERN said the price of fighting climate change is —NOW higher than he estimated in a 20060000              study that earned him a 400,000-euro (530,000) SPAIN—AWARD—ON—FRIDAY.
20110123             Stern won THE—BBVA Foundation award for measuring the economic COST—OF—CLIMATE—CHANGE,
20110123             notably in his 20060000              Stern Review which found
20110123             1—LETTER from THE—VATICAN demanding that no pedophile cases be turned over to police has been uncovered.
20110123             The letter is from 1—SENIOR—VATICAN official and shows THE—VATICAN—INTENTION to prevent REPORTING—OF—ABUSE to criminal authorities.
20110123             The letter dating - Laser Propulsion Could Beam Rockets into Space
20110123             1—ALTERNATIVE—ROCKET—PROPULSION—TECHNOLOGY—CONCEPT—CALLS for heating 1—ROCKET—PROPELLANT by focusing energy on it from GROUND—BASED lasers or microwave sources.
20110123             Designing Your World AOL's "Dirty Little Secret":
20110123             60—PERCENT—OF—AOL'S—PROFITS—ARE—DERIVED—BY—MISINFORMED Customers - Cop Caught Stealing Seized Pot
20110123             It's —JUST 1—LITTLE pinch, nobody will notice — right?
20110123             Think again.
20110123             Disney Shopping Bags Have 15-Times the Federal LIMIT—OF—LEAD for CHILDREN—TOYS
20110123             CEH—INDEPENDENT—LAB testing found high LEVELS—OF—LEAD,
20110123             in violation of CALIFORNIA law, in Disney "Toy Story" and "Cars" reusable plastic shopping bags purchased from Safeway.
20110123             —CONTAINED, The bags, more than 15—TIMES the federal limit for lead in children's products.
20110123             Poll: Americans Are FED—UP With Lack Of Civil Discourse
20110123             —RELEASED, New research, —TODAY confirms Americans are FED—UP with the lack of civil discourse in this country and believe USA—POLITICAL—LEADERS are not working to overcome differences.
20110123             THE—PRRI/RNS Religion News Survey,
20110123             conducted by Public Religion Research Institute in partnership with Religion News Service,
20110123             found that nearly 6—IN—10—AMERICANS believe the country is more divided over politics than it was in the past and only 1—IN—5—AMERICANS believe USA—POLITICAL—LEADERS—WORK well together to overcome differences to get things done.
20110123             1—COCA—COLA advert that labels 1—OF—ITS—DRINKS "nutritious" is misleading, the advertising watchdog has ruled.
20110123             The company said its Vitamin Water was "nutritious" because it con
20110123             JOSH—FREEMAN—OF—NORTH—FORK, CA sure took PRESIDENT—OBAMA—TALK about providing help to "Main Street, not WALL—STREET" seriously.
20110123             The tiny town of 2,400—PEOPLE, located near Yosemite National Park,
20110123             sits in 1—COUNTY with 1—STAGGERING 15.7—PERCENT unemployment rate.
20110123             —VIEWED, USA manufacturing, as 1—LOST cause by MANY—AMERICANS,
20110123             has begun creating more jobs than it eliminates for the 1. time in more than 1—DECADE.
20110123             —CRAZED, Merely 1—WEEK—AFTER 1, gunman shot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in the head and left several others dead and wounded at 1—LOCAL—POLITICAL—EVENT,
20110123             1—TEA—PARTY—SPOKESMAN in the same area received 1—PUBLIC—DEATH—THREAT at 1—TOWN—HALL—MEETING— from 1—OF—JARED—LOUGHNER—VICTIMS.
20110123             No 1 Listened To Gabrielle Giffords
20110123             Cops Who Smell Marijuana May Legally Be Able To Break Down THE—DOOR—AND—ARREST—YOU
20110123             —ARGUED, Justices on THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT his —WEEK have, that it's okay for cops to break into your pad and search it if they smell marijuana wafting from your fine digs.
20110123             Scary, huh?
20110123             Man discovers GLASSES—FREE 3D tech in the blink of an eye (video)
20110123             WHO—GOT 2—THUMBS and needs glasses to see 3D?
20110123             Not this guy! FRANCOIS—VOGEL'S figured out 1—WAY to remove those pesky spectacles from the equation,
20110123             and he's ready to revolutionize the stereoscopic industry forever.
20110123             Sure, you'll need 1—MONITOR with a 120Hz refresh rate,
20110123             but that's 1—PREREQUISITE these days anyhow,
20110123             and the rest is sweet, sticky gravy dished directly to your eyeballs.
20110123             Get 1—SNEAK peek at THE—GAME—CHANGING tech in the video above.
20110123             You'll never look at 3D the same way again, we promise.
20110123             [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]Man discovers GLASSES—FREE 3D tech in the blink of 1—E
20110123             Tinnitus is THE—RESULT—OF—THE—BRAIN trying, but failing, to repair itself
20110123             The phantom ringing sounds heard by about 40—MILLION—PEOPLE in THE—USA—TODAY are caused by brains that try,
20110123             but fail to protect their human hosts against overwhelming auditory stimuli,
20110123             They add that the same process may be responsible for chronic pain & other perceptual disorders.
20110123             —SUCCEED, Believe in yourself and you're more likely to.
20110123             —FIGURED, Researchers have, out that data can be stored in bacteria,
20110123             and that 1—SINGLE gram of bacteria can store more information than 1—GIANT—900—TERABYTE hard drive!
20110123             This storing and encrypting information in living organisms is called biostorage,
20110123             and students at HONG—KONG—CHINESE—UNIVERSITY are using E. coli to test the possibilities of how we store information in the future.
20110123             New glass tops steel in strength and toughness - Glass stronger and tougher than steel?
20110123             1—NEW—TYPE—OF—DAMAGE—TOLERANT metallic glass,
20110123             demonstrating 1—STRENGTH and toughness beyond that of ANY—KNOWN material,
20110123             Agence FRANCE—PRESSE - Bush on IRAQ war- - Bush in the - DANIEL—TENCER - DAVID—EDWARDS - GEFÄHRDET SIND.
20110123             KIM—ZETTER - Lisa Grossman - SAHIL—KAPUR - Stephen C. Webster
20110123             blog.fefe.de/ Die Amis haben eine innovative Lösung gefunden, um mit Bürgern umzugehen, die anonym Zugang zu kommunalen Akten haben wollen:
20110123             sie erlauben einfach keine Barzahlung mehr.
20110123             Die offizielle Begründung wieselt —ERST eine Runde herum, dass es etwas mit der Sicherheit der Angestellten zu tun habe: BOARD members said the new policy will ensure THE—SAFETY—OF—TOWN clerks and save the district time and money, but SOME—SAY it is also a response to anonymous requests for public records the town has received.
20110123             ist —SCHON befremdlich: Tatsächlich interessierten die meisten USA—MEDIEN am Staatsbesuch USA—CHINA vornehmlich MICHELLE—OBAMAS—ABENDKLEID und BARACK—OBAMAS—HAARE.
20110123             Die Vereinigung amerikanischer Wissenschaftler (FAS) warnte davor, dass IRAN innerhalb der kommenden 12—MONATE genügend hoch angereichertes Uran für den Bau einer Atombombe produzieren könnte.
20110123             Die "Welt am —SONNTAG" berichtete unter Berufung auf USA—DEPESCHEN, dass das Land insbesondere mit Unterstützung Chinas aber
20110123             auch mit Hilfe anderer Staaten systematisch bestehende Sanktionen umgehe.
20110123             Der Meeresbiologe der internationalen WAL—UND Delfinschutzorganisation WDCS sagt: "Man sollte nur weiterbauen, wenn die Betreiber einen wirklichen Beitrag zur Schallminderung leisten".
20110123             Schorcht räumt ein: "Bei den Bauarbeiten haben wir Lärmwerte von 178—DEZIBEL (dB) SEL im Abstand von 750—METERN gemessen".
20110123             Der Grenzwert des Umweltbundesamtes aber erlaubt nur 160—DB SEL, wobei SEL für "Schallexpositionspegel" steht.
20110123             Dieser ermöglicht 1—AUSSAGE über die Wucht eines Schallereignisses, die das Tier erreicht.
20110123             Doch im Meer leben auch Schweinswale, Robben und verschiedene Fischarten, die durch den Ausbau der
20110123             —GEFÄHRDET, OFFSHORE—WINDPARKS, sind.
20110123             Die geräuschempfindlichen Schweinswale, die einzige heimische Walart in deutschen Gewässern,
20110123             können den Krach der Bauarbeiten nicht vertragen.
20110123             RichiH writes "From Techdirt: 'A GROUP—OF—COMPANIES sent 1—LETTER to to ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ERIC—HOLDER and ICE boss JOHN—MORTON (with cc's to VICE—PRESIDENT—JOE—BIDEN, Homeland Security boss JANET—NAPOLITANO, IP TSAR—VICTORIA—ESPINEL, REPRESENTATIVE—LAMAR—SMITH, REPRESENTATIVE—JOHN—CONYERS, SENATOR—PATRICK—LEAHY and SENATOR—CHARLES—GRASSLEY), supporting the continued seizure of domain names they don't like, as well as the new COICA censorship bill, despite the serious Constitutional questions raised about how such seizures violate due process and free speech principles.' 1—FULL—LIST—OF—COMPANIES who you might want to avoid buying from is included, as well"
20110123             Defense Files Mistreatment Complaint for Manning
20110123             Quantum Entanglement Could Stretch Across Time
20110123             —LINKED, In the weird world of quantum physics, 2, particles can share 1—SINGLE—FATE, even —WHEN they're miles apart.
20110123             —DESCRIBED, —NOW, 2—PHYSICISTS have mathematically, how this spooky effect, called entanglement, could also bind particles across time.
20110123             OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION expanding use of Guantánamo Bay: report
20110123             Forget closing Guantánamo Bay — PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA has reportedly GREEN—LIGHTED 1—PLAN to begin charges against new detainees at the controversial OFF—SHORE prison for the 1. time under his administration.
20110123             "THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION is preparing to increase THE—USE—OF—MILITARY—COMMISSIONS to prosecute Guantánamo detainees, 1—ACKNOWLEDGMENT that the prison in CUBA remains [...]
20110123             Amid 1—INQUIRY into 20030000             —THE military invasion of IRAQ, DAVID—CAMERON, the sitting UK—PRIME—MINISTER, called for public pressure on FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR over his refusal to release letters sent to USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH in the [...]'You're going to have to shoot them in the head,' Beck said of Democratic LEADERS—STEPHEN—C—WEBSTER
20110123             Discussing Democratic leaders —DURING 1—JUNE broadcast for the Republican FOX—NEWS—CHANNEL, conspiracy host GLENN—BECK told his followers they would have to "shoot them in the head" in order to bring 1—END to 1 alleged "communist" agenda.
20110123             1—BOSTON—AREA—BLOGGER who declared "1—DOWN, 534 to go" —AFTER the shooting of REPRESENTATIVE—GABRIELLE—GIFFORDS has had his gun license pulled and a "large amount" of weapons removed his home.
20110123             BRITISH—PAKISTAN—OMAR—SHEIKH and 3—OTHER—MEN who were [...]BLACKWATER—PRINCE building mercenary force with APARTHEID—ERA 'hit squad' OFFICER—DANIEL—TENCER
20110123             —PUSHED, Its current government has been, OUT—OF—MOST—OF—THE—COUNTRY—TERRITORY and —NOW controls 1—FRACTION—OF—THE—CAPITAL—CITY, and HIGH—SEAS—PIRACY off the country's coast has been the scourge of [...]
20110123             Tea party unpopularity at an ALL—TIME high: poll
20110123             —2—MONTHS—AFTER they voted in droves to topple Democrats from the House and expand Republican voices in the Senate, the tea party movement's disapproval ratings have reached 1—NEW—HIGH, according to 1—NEW—ABC /WASHINGTON—POST—POLL.
20110123             52—PERCENT—OF—THE—USA—PUBLIC had 1—UNFAVORABLE—VIEW—OF "the political movement known as the [...]VATICAN appoints Protestant to lead science BODY—AGENCE FRANCE—PRESSE
20110123             —SUCCEED, The 81-year old SWITZERLAND—MICROBIOLOGIST will, ITALY—NICOLA Cabibbo, who † in August, to lead the Pontifical ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES, THE—VATICAN announced [...]IRAN fuel ban targets NATO but hurts AFGHANS—AGENCE FRANCE—PRESSE
20110123             KABUL (AFP) — IRAN—BAN on fuel tankers crossing into AFGHANISTAN over accusations that they are supplying NATO—TROOPS is snaring ordinary Afghans in 1—COMPLEX—POWER—GAME as living costs rise, experts say.
20110123             —STRANDED, Some 2,000 trucks are, on THE—IRANIAN—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER, AFGHANISTAN—COMMERCE—MINISTRY says, in 1—STANDOFF which has run —SINCE early [...]Climate change cost much larger than expected, PRIZE—WINNING economist SAYS—AGENCE FRANCE—PRESSE
20110123             Stern won THE—BBVA Foundation award for measuring the economic COST—OF—CLIMATE—CHANGE, notably in his 20060000              Stern Review which found [...]
20110123             Smoking Gun Reveals VATICAN Gave Direct Orders To Protect Pedophiles
20110123             Designing Your World AOL's "Dirty Little Secret": 60—PERCENT—OF—AOL—PROFITS—ARE—DERIVED—BY—MISINFORMED—CUSTOMERS—HTTP://www.huffingtonpost_com/2011...
20110123             CEH—INDEPENDENT—LAB testing found high LEVELS—OF—LEAD, in violation of CALIFORNIA law, in Disney "Toy Story" and "Cars" reusable plastic shopping bags purchased from Safeway.
20110123             —CONDUCTED, THE—PRRI/RNS Religion News Survey, by Public Religion Research Institute in partnership with Religion News Service, found that nearly 6—IN—10—AMERICANS believe the country is more divided over politics than it was in the past and only 1—IN—5—AMERICANS believe USA—POLITICAL—LEADERS—WORK well together to overcome differences to get things done.
20110123             'Misleading' COCA—COLA advert banned
20110123             1—COCA—COLA advert that labels 1—OF—ITS—DRINKS "nutritious" is misleading, the advertising watchdog has ruled.
20110123             CALIFORNIA Town Fights Recession by Printing Its Own Currency
20110123             JOSH—FREEMAN—OF—NORTH—FORK, CA sure took PRESIDENT—OBAMA—TALK about providing help to "Main Street, not WALL—STREET" seriously.
20110123             —LOCATED, The tiny town of 2,400—PEOPLE, near Yosemite National Park, sits in 1—COUNTY with 1—STAGGERING 15.7—PERCENT unemployment rate.
20110123             Seeing his town struggle, Freeman did what ANY—RED—BLOODED—AMERICAN would do: create his own currency.
20110123             Surprise: USA—FACTORIES & Manufacturing Creating More 'Net' Jobs Than It Has in 1—DECADE
20110123             —VIEWED, USA manufacturing, as 1—LOST cause by MANY—AMERICANS, has begun creating more jobs than it eliminates for the 1. time in more than 1—DECADE.
20110123             AZ Shooting Victim Arrested For 'Death Threat' To Tea Party Leader (With Vid)
20110123             —CRAZED, Merely 1—WEEK—AFTER 1, gunman shot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in the head and left several others dead and wounded at 1—LOCAL—POLITICAL—EVENT, 1—TEA—PARTY—SPOKESMAN in the same area received 1—PUBLIC—DEATH—THREAT at 1—TOWN—HALL—MEETING— from 1—OF—JARED—LOUGHNER—VICTIMS.
20110123             Not this guy! FRANCOIS—VOGEL'S figured out 1—WAY to remove those pesky spectacles from the equation, and he's ready to revolutionize the stereoscopic industry forever.
20110123             Sure, you'll need 1—MONITOR with a 120Hz refresh rate, but that's 1—PREREQUISITE these days anyhow, and the rest is sweet, sticky gravy dished directly to your eyeballs.
20110123             Brains Don't Need A Study Break
20110123             Students who believe they have the willpower to accomplish difficult tasks without 1—BREAK get more done.
20110123             Researchers Discover 1—GRAM—OF—BACTERIA—CAN—HOLD—MORE—THAN 900—TERABYTES—OF—DATA
20110123             —FIGURED, Researchers have, out that data can be stored in bacteria, and that 1—SINGLE gram of bacteria can store more information than 1—GIANT—900—TERABYTE hard drive!
20110123             This storing and encrypting information in living organisms is called biostorage, and students at HONG—KONG—CHINESE—UNIVERSITY are using E. coli to test the possibilities of how we store information in the future.
20110123             1—NEW—TYPE—OF—DAMAGE—TOLERANT metallic glass, demonstrating 1—STRENGTH and toughness beyond that of ANY—KNOWN material, has been developed and tested by 1—COLLABORATION—OF—RESEARCHERS with THE—LAWRENCE—BERKELEY—NATIONAL—LABORATORY and THE—CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE—OF—TECHNOLOGY.
20110123—19860000    —REPORTED, CBS almost, Reagan was mentally unfit
20110123—19860000    —IN, Veteran CBS reporter Leslie Stahl, who saw Reagan have mental lapses, could possibly play 1—ROLE in settling that feud — or cause [...]
20110123—19970000    —FROM, The letter dating demolishes VATICAN claims that they never instructed local bishops to withhold evidence form police about pedophiles.
20110123—20020000    —CONVICTED—OF, WASHINGTON — The wrong men were, murdering USA—REPORTER—DANIEL—PEARL, who was kidnapped and beheaded in PAKISTAN, and USA—OFFICIALS stood in the way of the real murderers being brought to justice for the grisly crime, 1—REPORT released —THURSDAY says.
20110123—20080000    —ADVANCED, Orascom set up and began operating 1, mobile phone network in NORTH—KOREA.
20110123—20100300    —IN, few of our leaders wanted to see what Giffords saw — that the vandalism and the death threats were PART—OF—1—TIDE—OF—INSURRECTIONISM that had been rising —SINCE the final weeks of 20080000             —THE campaign.
20110123—20110108    —ON, TRAVIS—CORCORAN, 1—COMIC—BOOK—RETAILER in ARLINGTON—MASSACHUSETTS, made the comment in 1—BLOG posting, THE—DAY—OF—GIFFORDS' [...]Wrong men convicted of DANIEL—PEARL murder: PROBE—AGENCE FRANCE—PRESSE
20110123—20110113    —IN—THE, the researchers say issue of Neuron.
20110123—20110113    —IN—THE, The phantom ringing sounds heard by about 40—MILLION—PEOPLE in THE—USA—TODAY are caused by brains that try, but fail to protect their human hosts against overwhelming auditory stimuli, the researchers say issue of Neuron.
20110123—20110126    —DECLARED, Moore was, brain dead.
20110123—20110201    —ON, provisional results said FRANCOIS—BOZIZE—RE—ELECTED to a 2. term as PRESIDENT with 66—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE.
20110123—20110219    —CLAIMED, THE—PAKISTAN—TALIBAN, it had killed Tarar.
20110125             THE—CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC, 3—OF 5—CANDIDATES in the presidential elections said they rejected the results "in advance" and demanded 20110123             —THE vote be annulled.
20110201             THE—CAR, provisional results said FRANCOIS—BOZIZE has been comfortably RE—ELECTED to a 2. term as PRESIDENT with 66% of 20110123             —THE vote.
20120106—20120123    —ON, THE—BEIJING Environmental Bureau said it would provide hourly updates of PM2.5—MEASURE ahead of the Lunar New —YEAR, which starts, in response to THE—FLOOD—OF—PUBLIC—ANGER.
20120123             —POUNDED, Severe storms and possible tornadoes, the South, injuring more than 100—PEOPLE and killing at least 2 in ALABAMA, including 1—MAN who lived in 1—AREA devastated by 1—DEADLY twister outbreak in the —SPRING.
20120123             1—AFGHANISTAN—TODDLER was accidentally killed and the child's parents were wounded —WHEN DENMARK—SOLDIERS blew up 1—ROADSIDE bomb in Helmand province.
20120123             1—BILLION—PLUS—ASIANS welcomed the —YEAR of the Dragon with 1—CACOPHONY of fireworks, hoping the mightiest sign in THE—CHINA—ZODIAC will usher in the wealth and power it represents.
20120123             1—UK—COURT heard that TURKISH—CYPRUS—BUSINESS magnate Asil Nadir (70), 1—OF—BRITAIN—MOST infamous fugitives, stole almost £150—MILLION from his Polly Peck business empire.
20120123             MARTIN—SMITH, 46—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—TV—PSYCHIC from NORTH—SHIELDS, was found dead at HMP MANCHESTER, formerly Strangeways Prison.
20120123             —FINISHED, UK—ADVENTURER Felicity Aston (34), her ANTARCTIC crossing, becoming the 1. woman to ski across the icy continent alone.
20120123             —OPENED, CHINA, Police, fire on Tibetans protesting against religious repression, killing at least 1—PERSON and injuring more than 30—OTHERS in Sichuan province's Luhuo county.
20120123             EGYPT—PARLIAMENT met for the 1. time —SINCE 1—POPULAR uprising ousted Hosni Mubarak.
20120123             —ELECTED, THE—PARLIAMENT, SAAD—AL—KATATNI, 1—LEADING member of the powerful Muslim Brotherhood, as speaker.
20120123             —REMAINED, The exact ROLE—OF—PARLIAMENT, unclear, with power remaining in THE—HANDS—OF—THE—GENERALS who took power from FORMER—PRESIDENT—MUBARAK.
20120123             —RAISED, THE—EU and IRAN, the stakes in their test of wills over the Islamic republic's nuclear program, with the bloc banning THE—PURCHASE—OF—IRAN—OIL and IRAN threatening to retaliate by closing the Strait of Hormuz.
20120123             —ARRESTED, INDIA—POLICE said they had, 2—PEOPLE in connection with triple blasts in Mumbai in July —LAST—YEAR which claimed 27—LIVES.
20120123             —ACCUSED—OF, THE—2—SUSPECTS from THE—EAST—STATE—OF—BIHAR are, taking orders from the alleged mastermind YASIN—BHATKAL.
20120123             THE—HONEIN jihadist forum —POSTED 1—MESSAGE vowing further attacks against IRAQ—SHIITES.
20120123             —RULED, THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT, that 2—LEADING presidential hopefuls are among 4—PROMINENT—KENYANS whom should face trial over deadly POST—ELECTION—VIOLENCE 4—YEARS ago.
20120123             —CONFIRMED, THE—ICC said CHARGES—OF—CRIMES against humanity had been, against WILLIAM—RUTO and Uhuru Kenyatta, THE—SON—OF—THE—COUNTRY—FOUNDING PRESIDENT.
20120123             Radio host Joshua arap Sang (36) and FRANCIS—MUTHAURA, 65—JAHRE—ALT, THE—HEAD—OF—KENYA—CIVIL—SERVICE, will also face trial.
20120123             —ARRESTED, ISRAEL—POLICE, 2—LAWMAKERS from the militant PALESTINE—PARTY—HAMAS —AFTER hiding for over 1—YEAR inside 1—RED—CROSS compound in JERUSALEM.
20120123             JAPAN—HIGH—TECH—GIANT—HITACHI said it will stop making televisions by THE—END—OF—SEPTEMBER as intense price competition hurts TV earnings at MANY—ELECTRONICS—MANUFACTURERS—WORLDWIDE.
20120123             LIBYA, supporters of slain LIBYA—DICTATOR—MOAMER Kadhafi reportedly seized CONTROL—OF—BANI—WALID, his 1—TIME—BASTION.
20120123             —KILLED, At least 7—PEOPLE were, and 25—OTHERS wounded.
20120123             The fighters who rose up in Bani Walid belong to Brigade 93, 1—MILITIA created by Gadhafi loyalists who reassembled —AFTER THE—FALL—OF—THE—REGIME in August.
20120123             —DENIED, These claims were strongly, by Interior MINISTER—FAWZI—ABDELALI.
20120123             MALAWI, SCORES—OF—LAWYERS wore their court white wigs and black robes as they marched —AROUND court buildings in the commercial capital, BLANTYRE, to support court clerks who have been striking for higher pay —FOR—2—WEEKS.
20120123             —EARNED, Clerks, 1—AVERAGE—OF—16,200 kwacha ($100) 1—MONTH.
20120123             MEXICO, 2—REAR—ADMIRALS took over as DIRECTORS—OF—TRAFFIC—POLICE in the neighboring cities of VERACRUZ and Boca del Rio, as PART—OF—1—EFFORT to root out corruption.
20120123             5—POLICE—OFFICERS were fatally shot —AFTER they stopped 1—VEHICLE in 1—TOWN outside MEXICO—CITY.
20120123             1—MEMBER—OF—LA—FAMILIA—MICHOACANA drug cartel, who police say was responsible for collecting extortion money from bars in the area, was killed in the attack.
20120123             —FIRED, PAKISTAN, 1—USA—DRONE, 2—MISSILES into 1—VEHICLE, killing 4—MILITANTS at Degan village in NORTH—WAZIRISTAN.
20120123             —REPORTED, RUSSIA—BUSINESS—DAILY—KOMMERSANT, that MOSCOW has signed 1—CONTRACT to sell 36—YAK—130—COMBAT jets to Syria, 1—DEAL that, if confirmed, would openly defy INTERNATIONAL efforts to pressure ASSAD—REGIME.
20120123             —ACCUSED, SOUTH—SUDAN—PRESIDENT—SALVA—KIIR, SUDAN of stealing $815—MILLION—OF—THE—CRUDE—OIL that makes up the new nation's economic lifeblood, as it began 1—PRODUCTION shutdown in protest.
20120123             —INJURED, At least 1—SUDAN—REFUGEE—BOY was, and 14—OTHERS left missing —FOLLOWING 1—AIR—RAID in SOUTH—SUDAN.
20120123             —REJECTED, Syria, the Arab LEAGUE—WIDE—RANGING new plan to end the country's 10-month crisis, saying THE—LEAGUE—CALL for 1—NATIONAL—UNITY—GOVERNMENT in 2—MONTHS is 1—CLEAR—VIOLATION—OF—SYRIA—SOVEREIGNTY.
20120123             —BACKED, THE—EU, the Arab plan, and it extended existing sanctions against ASSAD—GOVERNMENT by adding 22—MORE—OFFICIALS and 8—COMPANIES to the blacklist.
20120123             —CLASHED, Troops and army defectors, near THE—WEST—TOWN—OF—QUSAIR.
20120123             —KILLED, It said 5—SOLDIERS were, and 13 were wounded.
20120123             THE—LCC put —TODAY—DEATH—TOLL at 10. Funerals in Douma drew more than 150,000—PEOPLE.
20120123             Radwan Rabih Hamadi (46), 1—PROMINENT—OPPOSITION—FIGURE, was ambushed and assassinated by gunmen.
20120123             —APPROVED, FRANCE—PARLIAMENT, the bill —LATER in the —DAY.
20120123             YEMEN, 1—WAVE—OF mutinies demanding THE—OUSTER—OF—THE—AIR—FORCE—COMMANDER spread to 4—MILITARY—AIR—BASES.
20120123             —PITTED, The fighting, 20120528             —THE—BRIGADE—OF—FORMER—REBEL—FIGHTERS against 1—GROUP—OF—HEAVILY armed residents who had come to the base to seek the release of 1—RELATIVE from custody.
20120123             —THREATENED, TURKEY, more sanctions for FRANCE if the Senate in PARIS votes —LATER—TODAY to make it 1—CRIME to deny the 19010101—20001231    —CENTURY KILLING—OF—ARMENIANS by Ottoman Turks constitutes 1—GENOCIDE.
20120123—19910000    —DECOMMISSIONED, INDIA, its last SOVIET—BUILT vessel.
20120123—19930000    —IN, Nadir fled to NORTH—CYPRUS months —BEFORE he was due to stand
20120123—20060000    —IN, The strikers have said they won't return to work —UNTIL they get increases of 40% promised and
20120123—20090000    —IN, 50% promised.
20120123—20100000    —FACED, His wife Lianne Smith (43), murder charges for the deaths of their 2—CHILDREN in 1—HOTEL in SPAIN.
20120123—20100701    —ON, Khaled ABU—ARFA and MOHAMMED—TOTAH had sought refuge in the compound, to escape ISRAEL—ARREST.
20120123—20100800    —IN, trial for fraud, but dramatically returned to BRITAIN and was —IMMEDIATELY arrested.
20120123—20110300    —JAILED, Smith was, —FOR—16—YEARS—AFTER being found GUILTY—OF—1—STRING—OF—OFFENCES including rape, attempted rape and indecent assault.
20120123—20120125    —ON, MEXICO STATE—PROSECUTOR—ALFREDO—CASTILLO said the officers from THE—TOWN—OF—IXTAPALUCA had asked THE—4—LA Familia Michoacana cartel members in the vehicle for 6,000 pesos (about $460) to let them go.
20120325—19600123    —ON, a 2—MAN crew aboard THE—USA—NAVY—SUBMERSIBLE—TRIESTE, then the only humans to have reached Challenger Deep, spent —JUST 20—MINUTES on the bottom.
20120413—20140123    —SENTENCED, Wade was, to life in prison.
20130118—20130123    —SUSPECTED, SOME—COLLEAGUES, foul play and 1—JUDGE ordered 1—JUDICIAL—INVESTIGATION.
20130123             1—FRANCE—BASED human rights group charged that MALI—FORCES had committed about 33—KILLINGS—SINCE new fighting erupted 20130110         .
20130123             Senior defense officials said Pentagon CHIEF—LEON—PANETTA is removing the military's ban on women serving in combat, opening HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—FRONT—LINE—POSITIONS and potentially elite commando jobs —AFTER more than 1—DECADE at war.
20130123             2—FORMER—MEMBERS—OF—THE—CHURCH—OF—SCIENTOLOGY claimed in 1—LAWSUIT filed inm TAMPA.
20130123             —DECEIVED, FLORIDA, that the church and its affiliates, members into donating MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS to misrepresented causes.
20130123             Pebble Technology, 1—USA—MAKER—OF—SMART watches, began shipping it's $150—DIGITAL wrist watches that can show E—MAIL, text and Facebook messages.
20130123             1—SMALL—PLANE crashed in 1—ANTARCTIC—MOUNTAIN—RANGE—WHILE carrying 3—CANADIANS between scientific research stations on the continent.
20130123             —EXPRESSED, ARGENTINA—DEFENSE—MINISTER, ARTURO—PURICELLI, shame —AFTER the Navy destroyer ARA Trinidad sank at its moorings.
20130123             Congressman JULIO—MARTINEZ said of 1—TOTAL—OF—70—NAVY ships only 16—ARE in sailing condition.
20130123             1—NEW—REPORT said irresponsible lending and intimidating debt collectors are pushing THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE in BRITAIN into depression and suicide.
20130123             —SHOWED, Separate data, more people are taking their own lives.
20130123             NORTH—IRAQ, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER blew himself up among TURKMENISTAN—MOURNERS at 1—SHIITE funeral, killing at least 35—PEOPLE in Tuz Khormato.
20130123             —WOUNDED, Another 117 were.
20130123             —VOTED, Jordanians, in a 1. electoral test for their KING—POLITICAL—REFORMS.
20130123             1—BOYCOTT from his ISLAMIST—LED opponents cast doubt over whether the vote would quell 2—YEARS—OF—SIMMERING dissent in the streets.
20130123             Islamists and other government critics won 37—SEATS—OF—150—UP for grabs in the newly empowered PARLIAMENT.
20130123             —DISMEMBERED, MEXICO, 6—VICTIMS were found, in Tuluca.
20130123             Prosecutors said the dismemberment killings over the past 10—DAYS—OF—16—PEOPLE, allegedly lookouts or informants for rival gangs, was the work of 1—DRUG—CARTEL.
20130123             —ANNOUNCED, MOROCCO—GOVERNMENT, plans to change the penal code to outlaw the traditional practice of allowing those convicted of "corruption" or "kidnapping" of 1—MINOR to go free if they marry their victim.
20130123             —ATTACKED, SOUTH—WEST—NIGERIA, 1—GASOLINE pipeline was, in Arepo, bursting into flames and —STARTING 1—FIRE that continued to burn hours —LATER.
20130123             —BLAMED, Officials, oil thieves.
20130123             —SUSPECTED, In the northeast, fighters from the Boko Haram radical Islamist sect beheaded 3—PEOPLE in MAIDUGURI.
20130123             —HELPED, CARDINAL—JOZEF—GLEMP, lead the nation peacefully through martial law and the fight against communism.
20130123             RUSSIA, Lyudmila Garifulina (63), 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—LEGISLATURE in THE—TOWN—OF—STARAYA—KUPAVNA, was attacked outside her apartment building.
20130123             —STABBED, She was, 4—TIMES with 1—KNIFE.
20130123             She opposed 1—CONSTRUCTION—PROJECT that would destroy 1—FOREST—JUST outside MOSCOW.
20130123             SLOVENIA, 1—MASSIVE—AUSTERITY—STRIKE began as the the main coalition PARTNER—WALKED—OUT—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT over corruption allegations against PRIME—MINISTER—JANEZ—JANSA.
20130123             —CALLED, Rights groups, for THE—SOMALIA—GOVERNMENT to release 1—JOURNALIST arrested by police for interviewing 1—WOMAN who said she was raped by government security forces.
20130123             —ACCUSED, Freelance JOURNALIST—ABDIAZIZ—ABDINUR—IBRAHIM and 3—OTHERS, in the case have been held for more than 1—WEEK without charge.
20130123             —CHARGED, JOURNALIST—ABDIAZIZ—ABDINUR was —LATER, with insulting 1—GOVERNMENT—BODY and inducing the woman to give false evidence.
20130123             —FIRED, SYRIA, 1—ROCKET, by regime forces slammed into ABU—TALTAL, 1—NORTHERN—REBEL—HELD village, killing 6—MEMBERS—OF—1—SINGLE—FAMILY.
20130123             —REPORTED, Violence was, elsewhere with air raids —AROUND THE—CAPITAL—DAMASCUS and clashes and shelling in THE—SOUTH—PROVINCE—OF—DARAA and THE—CENTRAL—REGION—OF—HOMS.
20130123             THAILAND, Somyot Pruksakasemsuk, 1—PROMINENT—ACTIVIST and magazine editor, was sentenced to 1—DECADE in prison for defaming the country's monarchy.
20130123             —ANNOUNCED, VIETNAM, THE—ARREST—OF—PHAM—THANH—TAN,FORMER—HEAD—OF—THE—STATE—OWNED—AGRIBANK, for irresponsibility causing serious consequences.
20130123             This was the 5. ARREST—OF—1—SENIOR—AGRIBANK executive in as MANY—MONTHS.
20130123             —FACED, The previous 4, CHARGES—OF—EMBEZZLEMENT and theft totalling some $7—MILLION.
20130123             YEMEN, 1—USA—DRONE—STRIKE on 1—CAR outside THE—CAPITAL—OF—SANAA killed at least 7 suspected AL—QAIDA militants.
20130123             —VERLOREN, WAHLEN—IN—ISRAEL: Der Sieger hat
20130123             Patt im PARLAMENT: Wähler strafen NETANJAHU ab
20130123             Haushalt - "Patriot"—EINSATZ: Wütende Menge bedrängt deutsche Soldaten in der TÜRKEI
20130123             SPAR—KURS und Lieferprobleme: SIEMENS macht weniger Gewinn
20130123             Bilanz des ARBEITS—MINISTERIUMS: Jede 2. ausländische Mutter ist arbeitslos
20130123             50.000—EURO Belohnung: Ermittler verstärken Fahndung wegen BONNer Bombe
20130123             Havarie vor den PHILIPPINEN, USA—KRIEG—SCHIFF beschädigt Korallenriff
20130123             Körpergeruch: Immungene bestimmen die PARFUM—WAHL
20130123             Camerons EU—REDE: "Ich will 1—BESSEREN Deal für GROß—BRITANNIEN"
20130123             Einfluss von Lebensschützern: RADIKAL—KATHOLISCHE Klinikkontrolle
20130123             UM—FRAGE—VON—FINANZBERATERN: MEHRHEIT—DER Ärzte spricht sich für Bürgerversicherung aus
20130123             BERLINer Bankräuber: POLIZEI suchte mit falschem FAHNDUNGS—FOTO nach Tatverdächtigem
20130123             Schwangerschaft: EPILEPSIE—MEDIKAMENT schadet IQ von Kindern
20130123             THAILAND: AKTIVIST muss wegen Majestätsbeleidigung in Haft
20130123             CAMERON—REDE: Wie DIE—BRITEN aus der EU austreten können
20130123             500px: APPLE sperrt FOTO—APP wegen etwas nackter Haut
20130123             Kuschelhormon: Oxytocin beeinflusst Sozialverhalten von Affen
20130123             —REAKTION—AUF—EU—REDE: FRANKREICH und DEUTSCHLAND lehnen Camerons Sonderwünsche ab
20130123             —NACH, GEMA—STREIT: "Space Night"wird fortgesetzt
20130123             RISIKO—SOFTWARE: Neues JAVA lässt Lücken offen
20130123             —KRISE—DER—WÄHRUNGSGEMEINSCHAFT: EURO—STAATEN scheitern mit Schuldenabbau
20130123             Camerons EU—PLÄNE: Allein gegen alle
20130123             Psychische LEIDEN: Bin ich noch normal oder —SCHON krank?
20130123             —BÜRGER—KRIEG: KÄMPFE—IN—SYRIEN bringen massive ERNTEAUS—FÄLLE
20130123             DÄNEMARK: Wildenten an Geflügelpest erkrankt
20130123             GESETZ—ENTWURF—FÜR—LEBENSVERSICHERER: Bereicherung auf Kosten DER—KUNDEN
20130123             Erziehung: Fast ALLE—ELTERN belügen ihre Kinder
20130123             GRÖNLAND: Eisstange enthüllt Gefahr der Superschmelze
20130123             E—AUTOS in EUROPA: EU fordert 100.000e ELEKTRO—ZAPFSÄULEN
20130123             USA—REPRÄSENTANTEN—HAUS stimmt für längere Frist im SCHULDEN—STREIT
20130123             Wirtschaftsforum in DAVOS: LAGARDE bescheinigt Sorgenkindern Fortschritte
20130123             PENTAGON—PLAN, USA—MILITÄR lässt Frauen an vorderster Front kämpfen
20130123—20120411    —LAUNCHED, ERIC—MIGICOVSKY—COMPANY, 1—KICKSTARTER campaign with 1—INITIAL fundraising target of $100,000.
20130123—20120518    —ON, funding closed with $10,266,844 pledged by 68,928—PEOPLE.
20130123—20150000    —PROMISED, UK—PRIME—MINISTER—DAVID—CAMERON, to give Britons 1—REFERENDUM—CHOICE on whether to stay in the European Union or leave if he wins 1—ELECTION.
20140101231          war es WELT—WEIT so warm wie noch nie —SEIT—BEGINN—DER—MESSUNGEN 18800000             , das verkündet nun auch DIE—NASA.
20140101231          war im WELT—WEITEN Durchschnitt der amerikanischen WETTER—BEHÖRDE NOAA und der NASA zufolge das wärmste —JAHR —SEIT—BEGINN—DER—MESSUNGEN 18800000             —J—IM.
20140101231          —DER—WÄRME—REKORD—VON, gilt als besonders, weil er ohne Unterstützung des Wärmespenders EL—NIÑO zustande kam.
20140123             † OAKLAND—CALIFORNIA, Justice Toliver was shot and killed by her brother (14) with 1—HAND—GUN —FOLLOWING 1—QUARREL over laundry.
20140123             The boy fled the scene but, —AFTER—1—FEW—DAYS, SURRENDERED.
20140123             1—GROUP—OF—DEAD—PILOT—WHALES, 16—FEMALES and 9—MALES, were spotted by boaters near KICE—ISLAND—FLORIDA.
20140123             —EARLIER—THIS—WEEK, 8—OTHER—WHALES were found dead —AFTER they swam into shallow waters near FORT—MYERS.
20140123             Necropsies began THE—NEXT—DAY.
20140123             —ANNOUNCED, MICHIGAN GOVERNOR—RICK—SNYDER, 1—PLAN to ask PRESIDENT—OBAMA for 50,000 visas for immigrants willing to move to DETROIT.
20140123             —NAMED, Asaro was, along with his son, both captains in the Bonanno crime family, and 3—OTHER—DEFENDANTS in 1—WIDE—RANGING indictment.
20140123             —CONCLUDED, VIRGINIA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL has, that the state's ban on gay marriage is unconstitutional.
20140123             His office said he will no longer defend it in federal lawsuits challenging it.
20140123             —OPENED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—GUNMAN on 1—MOTORCYCLE, fire at 1—GROUP—OF—LOCAL cricket players, killing 5—OF—THEM —DURING 1—GAME in EAST—LAGHMAN province.
20140123             Police found THE—BODY—OF—SLAIN—JOURNALIST—NOOR—AHMAD—NOORI in SOUTH—HELMAND province.
20140123             —KILLED, THE—ALGERIA—ARMY, 4 armed Islamists overnight in 1—AMBUSH—SOUTH—OF—THE—CAPITAL.
20140123             —REVEALED, AUSTRALIA—POLICE, they had cracked 1—MAJOR—GLOBAL MONEY—LAUNDERING ring with operatives in more than 20—COUNTRIES and funds syphoned off to groups reported to include Hezbollah.
20140123             —CHARGED, AUSTRALIA—POLICE said 1—USA—MAN, 58—JAHRE—ALT has been, with dealing with suspected proceeds of 1—CRIME—AFTER finding $5—MILLION in cash in suitcases in 1—SYDNEY apartment.
20140123             CANADA, 1—EARLY —MORNING fire at 1—QUEBEC residence for elderly people killed at least 32—PEOPLE.
20140123             8—OF—THE 32 remained missing.
20140123             —DETAINED, CHINA, THE—PARENTS—OF—ACTIVIST—XUE—MINGKAI were, in Qufu city, Shandong province.
20140123             —AFTER being held —FOR—6—DAYS, Xue and his wife, Wang Shuqing, fled and sought protection at 1—LOCAL—PROSECUTOR—OFFICE but were caught and separated.
20140123             —INFORMED, Days —LATER, Wang was, by authorities that her husband was dead.
20140123             —KILLED, Authorities said he had, himself by jumping from the 4. floor of 1—PROSECUTOR—BUILDING.
20140123             —SUSPECTED, MANY—PEOPLE, murder.
20140123             —SUSPENDED, ECUADOR—AIRLINE—TAME, its ONCE—DAILY—FLIGHTS to and from VENEZUELA —UNTIL that country's CASH—STRAPPED government pays it $43—MILLION owed for ticket sales.
20140123             EGYPT, clashes between rival students at 1—UNIVERSITY—IN—ALEXANDRIA killed at least 1—STUDENT.
20140123             —OPENED, Masked gunmen riding on motorcycles, fire at 1—POLICE—CHECKPOINT in CENTRAL—EGYPT, killing 5—POLICEMEN and wounding 2.
20140123             GHANA said it deported 4,700 illegal miners —LAST—YEAR, MOST—OF—THEM—CHINA—NATIONALS.
20140123             IRAN—PRESIDENT—HASSAN—ROUHANI told the World Economic Forum in Davos that TEHRAN was ready to help create 1—NEW multilateral body tasked with stabilizing global energy supplies.
20140123             —CALLED, Rouhani also, for free and fair elections in Syria, saying it would respect ANY—OUTCOME.
20140123             —HANGED, IRAQ, 11—PEOPLE CONVICTED—OF—TERRORIST offences.
20140123             —KILLED, JAPAN—FISHERMEN in Taiji, more than 2—DOZEN striped dolphins, as global outrage over the slaughter grew.
20140123             —BELIEVED, KYRGYZSTAN, 11—PEOPLE, to be MEMBERS—OF—1—MILITANT—GROUP—OF—ETHNIC—UIGHURS, were killed —AFTER illegally crossing the border from CHINA.
20140123             —KIDNAPPED, MEXICO, Karen Rodríguez (20) was, in S—FERNANDO.
20140123             Her mother Miriam Rodríguez began tracking the people responsible for the kidnapping and MURDER—OF—HER—DAUGHTER.
20140123             In 3—YEARS she captured nearly EVERY—LIVING member of the crew that had abducted her daughter for ransom.
20140123             —ON MOTHER—DAY, 20170000             , weeks —AFTER she had chased down 1—OF—HER last targets, she was shot in front of her S—FERNANDO home and killed.
20140123             —DETAINED, HOLLAND—AUTHORITIES said they have, JEAN—BAPTISTE—M, 54—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—RWANDA—POLITICIAN suspected of compiling death lists —DURING the country's 19940000              genocide, and would send him home for court hearings.
20140123             —HAULED, NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, 1—CAR—BOMB, into 1—CAR repair shop in PESHAWAR killing 6—PEOPLE.
20140123             PAKISTAN, MUHAMMAD—ASGHAR, 69—JAHRE—ALT, 1—BRITON with 1—HISTORY—OF—MENTAL—ILLNESS from EDINBURGH, was sentenced to death for blasphemy.
20140123             —BARRED, His lawyers were, from the courtroom partway through the trial.
20140123             —ACCUSED, Hamas, TWITTER—OF—CENSORSHIP as 1—ACCOUNT—OF—ITS armed wing has been suspended by Twitter administrators.
20140123             —ORDERED, RUSSIA—SUPREME—COURT, the release of PLATON—LEBEDEV (57), Kremlin critic MIKHAIL—KHODORKOVSKY—BUSINESS—PARTNER, —AFTER 1—DECADE in jail, but refused to drop 1—TAX—CLAIM that is keeping the former oil tycoon abroad.
20140123             SOUTH—AFRICAN—TENS, of THOUSANDS—OF—PLATINUM miners went on strike, demanding higher wages.
20140123             —AGREED, Striking workers at the top 3—PLATINUM producers, to take part in GOVERNMENT—BROKERED talks aimed at ending the dispute and limiting economic damage.
20140123             —SIGNED, SOUTH—SUDAN—GOVERNMENT and rebels, 1—PEACE—DEAL in ETHIOPIA aimed at ending THE—MONTH—OLD—CONFLICT as fighting continued in OIL—RICH—UNITY—STATE and in Jonglei state.
20140123             —KILLED, CENTRAL—TURKEY, at least 21—PEOPLE were, —WHEN 1—BUS tipped over on 1—ICY road.
20140123             Tensions in UKRAINE spread far from Kiev as HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE in THE—CITY—OF—LVIV stormed into the regional GOVERNOR—OFFICE and forced him to write 1—LETTER—OF—RESIGNATION.
20140123             —CALLED, PRESIDENT—YANUKOVICH, for 1—EMERGENCY—SESSION—OF—PARLIAMENT to end the crisis which has brought THOUSANDS—OF—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS on to the streets and caused violent clashes with police.
20140123             —ACCUSED, PRIME—MINISTER—MYKOLA—AZAROV, opposition protesters of trying to stage 1—COUP d'etat.
20140123             Human Rights Watch hit out at THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES for preventing it from holding 1—NEWS—CONFERENCE to release 1—REPORT criticizing rights violations in the Gulf state.
20140123             —SUSPECTED, YEMEN, 3, al Qaeda militants were killed in Maarib province in what local officials and tribal sources said was 1—STRIKE by 1—USA—DRONE.
20140123             —ARRESTED, NEW—YORK—CITY—POLICE, VINCENT—ASARO, 78—JAHRE—ALT and charged him with helping direct 19781211             —THE, Kennedy Airport robbery that netted almost $6—MILLION in cash and jewelry.
20140123—20100000    —ARRESTED, Asghar was, —AFTER writing letters to 1—LAWYER and politician claiming to be 1—PROPHET.
20140123—20101000    —IN, 1—KENYA—COURT sentenced 24—SOMALIS to 7—YEARS each in prison for attempting to hijack 1—IRAN—MERCHANT vessel, FV Ariya, in the Gulf of OMAN.
20140123—20140130    —ON, he was charged in juvenile court with murder.
20140910—20140123    —ON, she was sentenced to 4—YEARS in prison even as she said that she has disavowed jihad.
20141225—20140123    —ON, it was reported that the majority of the stolen wine was found in 1—WINE cellar in GREENVILLE, NC.
20150123             —NUN, aber berichten Forscher der UNIVERSITY—OF—U insurgency in KENYA 19500101—19591231    —IN—THE, s, THE—BRITISH formed teams of friendly Kikuyu tribesmen who went about pretending to be terrorists.
20150123             1—USA federal court ruled that THE—ALABAMA ban on gay marriage is illegal.
20150123             —KILLED, SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, 2—USA—MARINES were, in 1—HELICOPTER—CRASH at 29—PALMS.
20150123             † FLORIDA Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission said about 10—BROWN—PELICANS have, and another 4 injured —AFTER 1—CULPRIT apparently used 1—KNIFE to slit the large gullets beneath their beaks.
20150123             —ISSUED, Officials, 1—ALERT last —WEEK about the deaths.
20150123             —OPENED, SHARES—OF—BOX INCORPORATED, 1—ONLINE data storage firm, on THE—NYSE at $14 and closed at $23.23 in 1—IPO that gave it 1—MARKET—VALUE—OF $2.7—BILLION.
20150123             —REPORTED, It was, that CHINA is blocking VPN services that let users skirt online censorship of popular websites such as Google and Facebook amid 1—WIDER—CRACKDOWN on online information.
20150123             —ARRESTED, CHINA—POLICE said they've, 5—PEOPLE in connection with 1—PHONY bank that used bogus offices and tellers to bilk depositors out of $32—MILLION.
20150123             † 1—EGYPT—STUDENT was killed —DURING clashes between Muslim Brotherhood protesters and local residents in the Mediterranean CITY—OF—ALEXANDRIA.
20150123             —SLATED, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION said it is withholding $37—MILLION in aid, for GUYANA because THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—THE—SOUTH—USA—COUNTRY is operating without 1—PARLIAMENT.
20150123             Government forces in THE—INDIAN—CONTROLLED portion of Kashmir fired warning shots and tear gas to disperse Muslim protesters angry at the publication of 1—CARICATURE—OF—PROPHET—MUHAMMAD in the latest issue of THE—FRANCE—SATIRICAL—WEEKLY—CHARLIE—HEBDO.
20150123             —ARRESTED, INDONESIA—POLICE, Bambang Widjojanto, the deputy HEAD—OF—THE—TOP—ANTI—CORRUPTION—BODY, days —AFTER it accused 1—SENIOR—POLICE—OFFICER—OF—GRAFT, sparking ACCUSATIONS—OF—POLICE—RETALIATION and demands that THE—PRESIDENT defend the agency.
20150123             —FIRED, IRAQ, Kurds, 20—GRAD missiles into MOSUL —AFTER receiving information that Islamic State militants were gathering to meet near the city's Zuhour neighborhood.
20150123             This was their 1. attack —SINCE Islamic State militants overran THE—NORTH—IRAQ—CITY last —SUMMER
20150123             —LAUNCHED, THE—USA and its coalition partners, another ROUND—OF—AIR—STRIKES against Islamic State, conducting 25—STRIKES in IRAQ and Syria in the last 24—HOURS.
20150123             —POUNDED, LEBANON—ARMY—HELICOPTER—GUNSHIPS and artillery, positions of SYRIA—BASED militants —AFTER they attacked troops on the outskirts of the northeastern village of Ras Baalbek.
20150123             1—DAYLONG battle killed 8—SOLDIERS.
20150123             † LIBYA, MOHAMED—AL—ZAHAWI, THE—LEADER—OF—LIBYAN—ISLAMIST—GROUP—ANSAR AL—SHARIA, was reported to have, of wounds suffered —WHEN fighting PRO—GOVERNMENT—TROOPS last September.
20150123             1—MALAWI official said the recent lethal floods killed at least 176—PEOPLE and caused extensive damage to tobacco crops, which account for 60—PERCENT—OF—THE—COUNTRY—EXPORTS.
20150123             MALI, 7—FIGHTERS—OF—THE—SEPARATIST—TUAREG movement were killed in 1—CLASH with UN peacekeeping forces near Tabancort.
20150123             —KILLED, NIGERIA, Boko Haram fighters, 15—PEOPLE in Kambari village and set the hamlet to blaze.
20150123             —RALLIED, PAKISTAN, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, in cities across the country against THE—FRANCE—SATIRICAL—WEEKLY—CHARLIE—HEBDO, although the demonstrations remained peaceful.
20150123             —KILLED, PERU, 2—POLICE—OFFICERS were, at THE—CIEMSA—OWNED Aguilas mine in THE—SOUTH—ANDEAN highlands as they tried to dislodge protesters at the mine's entrance.
20150123             —KILLED, In THE—SOUTH—PHILIPPINES 1—POWERFUL—EXPLOSION, at least 2—PEOPLE and wounded 54—OTHERS in ZAMBOANGA that has been hit by similar blasts blamed on Muslim militants.
20150123             1—RUSSIA—COURT—CONVICTED—JOURNALIST—YELENA—KLIMOVA, 26—JAHRE—ALT under 1—CONTROVERSIAL—LAW banning "gay propaganda" aimed at minors.
20150123             She had set up the "children 404" website to support gay, lesbian and transgender teenagers.
20150123             "The verdict was 1—FINE—OF—50,000 rubles ($783).
20150123             —PLEDGED, SALMAN—KING—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA, to maintain existing energy and foreign policies and settled the succession by appointing his youngest HALF—BROTHER—MUQRIN (69) as CROWN—PRINCE and nephew Mohammed bin Nayef (55) as Deputy CROWN—PRINCE.
20150123             —LIFTED, SIERRA—LEONE, quarantine measures imposed at the height of the Ebola epidemic, as the World Health Organization warned the crisis was still "extremely alarming" despite 1—DROP in new cases.
20150123             SOUTH—AFRICAN—POLICE said DAYS—OF—VIOLENCE and looting of FOREIGN—OWNED shops have left at least 2—PEOPLE—DEAD and 153 arrested in THE—JOHANNESBURG area.
20150123             —BLAMED, Police, youths addicted to drugs.
20150123             DAVOS—SWITZERLAND, political and financial leaders at the World Economic Forum began campaigning in earnest for twin global accords aimed at cooling the planet and easing the suffering of multitudes.
20150123             —KILLED, THE—SYRIA—OBSERVATORY for Human Rights said 1—GOVERNMENT—AIR—STRIKE, at least 32—PEOPLE including 6—CHILDREN in 1—REBEL—HELD area near DAMASCUS.
20150123             —EMBATTLED, THAILAND, FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—YINGLUCK—SHINAWATRA decried the "DEATH—OF—DEMOCRACY" in THAILAND —AFTER THE—JUNTA—STACKED PARLIAMENT impeached her and prosecutors announced corruption charges that could see her jailed.
20150123             —REPORTED, It was, that robbers and looters were targeting trucks carrying food across VENEZUELA in another sign of worsening shortages that have turned basics like flour and chicken into coveted booty.
20150123             —DEMONSTRATED, YEMEN, THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS, across the country, SOME—SUPPORTING—THE—SHIITE rebels who seized the capital and others demanding the country's south secede —AFTER the nation's PRESIDENT—AND—CABINET resigned.
20150123             UKRAINE—KRISE, BUNDES—REGIERUNG lockt RUSSLAND mit Handelszone
20150123             Kommentar zur GRIECHENLAND—WAHL: Das Märchen von den allmächtigen DEUTSCHEN
20150123             KATHOLISCHE—KIRCHE: Diskret gegen PEGIDA
20150123             JO—DALTON: GETTO—RAPPER sieht FRANKREICH im KRIEG
20150123             Fußmarsch durch DIE—USA : "Wie auf 1—ANDEREN Planeten"
20150123             —GETÖTET, KAMPF—GEGEN—ISLAMISCHER—STAAT, Angeblich 6000 IS—KÄMPFER
20150123             Empfang in DAVOS: PRINZ—ANDREW spricht 1.über Missbrauchsvorwurf
20150123             TONGA: In der Südsee wächst 1—NEUE Insel
20150123             TOD—VON—KÖNIG—VON—SAUDI—ARABIEN: ÖL—PREIS schnellt in die Höhe
20150123             Sanktionen: DEUTSCHE Exporte nach RUSSLAND sinken drastisch
20150123             Lobbying IN—DEN—USA: GOOGLE gab 20140000              fast 17.000.000 aus
20150123             Jeroen DIJSSELBLOEM: EURO—GRUPPEN—CHEF—DROHT—GRIECHENLAND mit Hilfsstopp
20150123             † KÖNIG—VON—SAUDI—ARABIEN: MERKEL würdigt des Abdullah "ausgewogene Politik"
20150123             —HEUTE—IN—DEN—FEUILLETONS: "Kant war schwer in Ordnung"
20150123             Bußgeldregel: —EXPERTEN fordern strengere Promillegrenze für Radfahrer
20150123             JOURNALIST—UND—ANONYMOUS—UNTERSTÜTZER: 5—JAHRE Haft für Barrett Brown
20150123             Mehlwürmer für Muskelaufbau: Student erfindet INSEKTEN—SNACK, der schmeckt
20150123             UKRAINE—KRISE, SEPARATISTEN—FÜHRER lehnt Gespräche mit KIEW ab - Riesige Klippen auf KOMET Tschuri
20150123             Leicht wie Kork, 700—METER hohe Klippen, 1—RISS am Hals:
20150123             In 1—ARTIKELSERIE im Wissenschaftsjournal "Science"fassen internationale Forscherteams die Beobachtungen der 1.MONATE zusammen.
20150123             "Wir beobachten 1—ERWACHENDEN KOMETEN", sagt HOLGER—SIERKS vom Göttinger MAX—PLANCK—INSTITUT—FÜR—SONNEN—SYSTEMFORSCHUNG, 1—DER leitenden Wissenschaftler.
20150123             1.—ZUM, "können wir 1—KOMETEN bei seinem Vorbeiflug an der Sonne mit 1—RAUMSONDE begleiten
20150123             Zum 1.Mal konnten die "ROSETTA"-Forscher auf direkte Weise die Dichte 1—KOMETEN bestimmen.
20150123             Tschuri ist mit 470—KILOGRAMM pro Kubikmeter etwa so leicht wie Kork.
20150123             DIE—GEMESSENE Dichte deutet also darauf hin, dass DER—KOMETENKERN porös und zu 70—BIS 80% leer ist.
20150123             DER—KOMET ist überraschend aktiv, obwohl er noch weit entfernt von der Sonne ist, deren Wärme gewöhnlich dafür sorgt, dass KOMETEN Fontänen aufwirbeln.
20150123             "Er hat —SCHON—JETZT mehr Staubfontänen als VIELE—ANDERE—KOMETEN bei ihrer größten ANNÄHERUNG—AN—DIE Sonne",
20150123             Staubklumpen umkreisen den KOMETENkern in —BIS zu 145—KM Entfernung und vermutlich —SEIT seiner vorangegangenen ANNÄHERUNG—AN—DIE Sonne.
20150123             "Wir wissen, dass DER—KOMET bei jedem Umlauf im Schnitt 1 2—BIS 3—METER dicke Schicht seiner Oberfläche verliert",
20150123             Kork hat 1—SPEZ. Gewicht von ca.
20150123             0.15, 1—KUBIKMETER würde also rd. 150—KG wiegen.
20150123             Hier schauen wir uns Fotos an, quasi live direkt von 1—KOMETEN weit draußen im All.
20150123             —BEMERKENSWERT, Was DER—MENSCH alles erreicht hat ist.
20150123             Nur 2500—KM von hier schneiden Gläubige Ungläubigen die Köpfe ab weil sie nicht an den richtigen Gott glauben.
20150123             —BEMERKENSWERT, Was DER—MENSCH alles nicht geschafft hat, ist auch.
20150123             DIE—POLITISCHE Spaltung Amerikas nimmt zu.
20150123             —AM—MORGEN nach der Niederlage hat BARACK—OBAMA 1—ANSAGE gemacht.
20150123             "Ich bin 1—KÄMPFERTYP, und wir haben —JETZT DIE—CHANCE zu zeigen, dass unsere Ideen funktionieren".Das soll DER—PRÄSIDENT—SEINE—LEUTE wenige Stunden nach der historischen Schlappe bei DER—KONGRESSWAHL im vergangenen ;;11;;
20150123             haben wissen lassen.
20150123             Obamas CHIEF—OF—STAFF hat in Anlehnung ans MILITÄR mehrere sogenannte "Red Teams"in der Regierungszentrale gebildet: Mitarbeiter, die sich in DIE—ROLLE des Gegners versetzen, um Obamas Pläne auf SCHWACH—STELLEN ("soft spots") zu überprüfen.
20150123             es sind seltene Einblicke in die Mechanik der MACHT, die der, 45—JAHRE—ALTE an diesem —DONNERSTAG auf 1—VERANSTALTUNG des USA—MAGAZINS "Politico"gegeben hat.
20150123             Bezeichnenderweise sind Obamas Zustimmungsraten —SEIT—DEM, Strategiewechsel deutlich gestiegen;
20150123             und die stärker nach links ausgerichtete Regierungserklärung (höhere STEUERN für DIE—REICHEN, mehr UmverTEILUNG) dürfte DIE—DEMOKRATEN—BASIS —SCHON—JETZT mit Blick auf den PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTS—WAHL—KAMPF 20160000              mobilisieren.
20150123             Zu lange, das ist die Einschätzung im WEIßES—HAUS, hat man sich zum Gefangenen der REPUBLIKANER und ihrer Blockadetaktik gemacht.
20150123             —KOMMENTIERT, Empört, der rechtskonservative "Weekly Standard": "Im Angesicht der größten REPUBLIKANER—MEHRHEIT —SEIT den ZWANZIGER—JAHREN verfolgt PRÄSIDENT—OBAMA 1—TROTZIG linke Agenda, DIE—0—CHANCE auf Umsetzung hat".
20150123             Weder Boehner, DER—SPRECHER—DES—REPRÄSENTANTEN—HAUSES, noch NETANYAHU haben OBAMA zuvor eingebunden.
20150123             Das ist natürlich 1—AFFRONT
20150123             NATÜRLICH - und 1—FÜR DAS—USA—VERFASSUNGS—SYSTEM unerhörter Vorgang.
20150123             DIE—REPUBLIKANER erweitern mit der NETANYAHU—EINLADUNG die politische KAMPF—ZONE auf neues außenpolitisches Terrain.
20150123             Wenn 1—AUSLÄNDISCHER REGIERUNGS—CHEF—DIE—USA besuchen wolle, "dann sollte er zuvor Kontakt zum AN—FÜHRER dieses Landes suchen".
20150123             DIE—REPUBLIKANER und NETANYAHU vereint gegen OBAMA—DAS gab es —SCHON zuvor: Im letzten USA—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTSWAHL—KAMPF unterstützte ISRAEL—PREMIER seinen Freund Mitt ROMNEY.
20150123             Manche haben dann auch "Walking to listen"gegoogelt und sind auf meinen Blog gestoßen.
20150123             Dann riefen Sie mich an und boten mir 1—SCHLAFPLATZ an.
20150123             RIAD—PRINZ—SALMAN bin Abdulaziz ist neuer KÖNIG—VON—SAUDI—ARABIEN.
20150123             Sein HALB—BRUDER—KÖNIG—ABDULLAH starb am frühen Freitagmorgen.
20150123             —BERICHTET, Das, das SAUDI—ARABISCHE Fernsehen.
20150123             —WÄHREND, in EUROPAs Königshäusern üblicherweise der ÄLTESTE Sohn Thronfolger ist, wird der Herrscher in SAUDI—ARABIEN unter allen Söhnen des 19530000              verstorbenen LandesGRÜNDERs ABDELASIS—IBN—SAUD ausgewählt.
20150123             Dieser zeugte 43—SÖHNE.
20150123             —BISLANG übernahm immer der nachstälteste Bruder des —BISHERIGEN Königs DIE—MACHT, soweit er als qualifiziert angesehen wurde.
20150123             Salman hat gute Verbindungen zum einflussreichen islamischen Klerus des Landes.
20150123             gilt auch er als konservativ.
20150123             Auf Rang 2—DER Thronfolge steht nun PRINZ—MUQRIN, der, 69—JAHRE—ALTE HALB—BRUDER von Abdullah.
20150123             Er ist der jüngste SOHN—DES—STAATGRÜNDERS und ehemaliger GEHEIM—DIENST—CHEF—DES—LANDES.
20150123             KÖNIG—ABDULLAH galt als fromm und sittenstreng, gründete 20090000              allerdings gegen den Willen einflussreicher ISLAM—GELEHRTER die KÖNIG—ABDULLAH—UNIVERSITÄT, in der Frauen und Männer gemeinsam studieren können.
20150123             Auch das umstrittene PEITSCHENHIEB—URTEIL—GEGEN—1—AUTOFAHRERIN,
20150123             1—SEINER zahlreichen EX—FRAUEN belastete ihn vor knapp 1—JAHR beim UNO—SONDERBOTSCHAFTER für MENSCHEN—RECHTE: Sie behauptete, er halte die gemeinsamen erwachsenen Töchter in Dschidda unter HAUS—ARREST.
20150123             1—IHRER 4—TÖCHTER hatte in 1—E—MAIL geschrieben, sie und ihre Schwestern hätten nur sehr selten frisches Obst oder Gemüse zur Verfügung, die meiste Zeit ernährten sie sich von belegten Broten.
20150123             Bei Twitter und FACEBOOK entwickelte sich —DARAUFHIN 1—KAMPAGNE mit dem Hashtag #FreeThe4.
20150123             —AKTUELL sorgt die öffentliche PRÜGELSTRAFE—FÜR—DEN islamkritischen Blogger Raif Badawi INTERNATIONAL für Empörung.
20150123             Der INTERNET—AKTIVIST war zu 10—JAHREN Haft und insgesamt 10000000              Stockschlägen verurteilt worden, weil er im INTERNET den ISLAM beleidigt und den Säkularismus gerühmt haben soll.
20150123             DIE—1.Hiebe bekam Badawi —VOR—2—WOCHEN.
20150123             Danach ging es ihm gesundheitlich so schlecht, dass der 2. Termin verschoben werden musste.
20150123             Blütenschwemme: EZB warnt vor gefälschten Euros
20150123             PEGIDA—BEWEGUNG: Politiker klagen über HASSMAIL—FLUT - DNA—ANALYSE: Der Wolf ist zurück in NRW
20150123             —BERIET, SKANDAL—UM—LUTZ Bachmann: AfD, PEGIDA in HITLER—AFFÄRE
20150123             Barbarische Strafen: SAUDI—ARABIEN richtet wie DER—ISLAMISCHE—STAAT
20150123             Trotz EZB—ENTSCHEIDUNG: MERKEL will SCHULDEN—LÄNDER nicht aus SPAR—PFLICHT entlassen
20150123             [l] Wie Cecilia Malmström plant, TTIP und CETA an den nationalen PARLAMENTen vorbei verpflichtend zu machen.
20150123             obwohl DIE—EU—KOMMISSION —BEREITS versichert hat, dass die umstrittenen HANDEL—ABKOMMEN—ZWISCHEN—DER EU und DEN—USA (TTIP) sowie KANADA (CETA) von allen nationalen PARLAMENTen ratifiziert werden müssen, plant HANDELS—KOMMISSARIN Cecilia Malmström 1—UMGEHUNG dieser Regel.
20150123             Mit 1—SOGENANNTEN "vorläufigen Anwendung"der Abkommen sollen völkerrechtliche Verpflichtungen eingegangen werden, bevor deren Ratifizierung abgeschlossen ist.
20150123             Das betrifft insbesondere auch die "SCHIEDS—GERICHTE".
20150123             Wieviel muss die noch kaputt machen?
20150123             —MACHT—WECHSEL—IN—SAUDI—ARABIEN: Der letzte Beduine
20150123             KINDER—PORNOGRAFIE—AFFÄRE: SPD—SPITZE soll Kommunikation mit Edathy offenlegen
20150123             Abholzung auf Borneo: Flughund auf der Flucht
20150123             Manipulierte Photonen: Physiker bremsen Licht in der Luft ab
20150123             WAHL—IN—GRIECHENLAND: Linksbündnis Syriza liegt in Umfragen deutlich vorn
20150123             Dieser Mensch hat 1—GRÖSSERES Gehirn als die AUSTRALOPITHECINEN und nutzte auch —SCHON Werkzeuge.
20150123             Mit dem HOMO—ERECTUS BEGANN 1—WANDERBEWEGUNG aus AFRIKA nach EUROPA und ASIEN.
20150128—20150123    —ON, the company had announced 1—SIGNIFICANT—DROP operating profit.
20150314             IRAQ—SEMI—AUTONOMOUS—KURDISTAN—REGIONAL—GOVERNMENT said it has evidence Islamic State used chlorine gas as 1—CHEMICAL—WEAPON against Kurdish peshmerga forces in a 20150123              suicide car bombing.
20160123             1—DEADLY blizzard walloped THE—EAST—USA, paralyzing WASHINGTON and other cities under 1—HEAVY—BLANKET—OF—SNOW as officials warned MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE to remain indoors —UNTIL the storm eases up.
20160123             —KILLED, At least 8—PEOPLE were, in 3—STATES in road accidents: 6 in NORTH—CAROLINA, 1 in KENTUCKY and 1 in VIRGINIA.
20160123             † In MISSISSIPPI 1—GUN—SHOP—OWNER and his 17—YEAR—OLD—SON in 1—SHOOTOUT over a $25—SERVICE—CHARGE, and another man and his 29—YEAR—OLD—SON were hospitalized.
20160123             OHIO, volunteers began distributing water to residents of Sebring —AFTER tests found lead levels that exceed federal standards.
20160123             36 were soon returned to custody, 2 killed, 1 hospitalized and 1 remained at large.
20160123             —URGED, UK—PRIME—MINISTER—DAVID—CAMERON, THE—MALDIVES to open up its politics and release all remaining political prisoners —AFTER meeting FORMER—PRESIDENT—MOHAMED—NASHEED.
20160123             ETHIOPIA, UN Security Council ambassadors and African Union leaders met for crisis talks on BURUNDI, —AFTER the government refused 1—PROPOSED—AU force to stem violence in the troubled country.
20160123             —BANNED, Wolf hunting was, in the country 20070000—20150000    —FROM—TO.
20160123             —STARTED, INDIA—GOVERNMENT, declassifying secret files to settle questions over THE—DEATH—OF—SUBHASH—CHANDRA—BOSE (18970000—19450000    ), 1—CONGRESS—PARTY—LEADER who formed 1—NATIONAL—ARMY to fight UK—COLONIAL—RULERS with the help of the Japanese in the 1940s.
20160123             —AGREED, PRESIDENT—HASSAN—ROUHANI said IRAN and CHINA have, to expand bilateral ties and increase trade to $600—BILLION in the next 10—YEARS, —DURING 1—VISIT to TEHRAN by CHINA—PRESIDENT—XI—JINPING.
20160123             ISRAEL—POLICE said 1—PALESTINE—GIRL, 13—JAHRE—ALT was shot dead by 1—ISRAEL—SECURITY—GUARD as she tried to stab him at the entrance to the Anatot settlement in THE—ISRAELI—OCCUPIED WEST—BANK.
20160123             —DEMONSTRATED, ITALY, tens of thousands, in almost 100—CITIES to urge the government to grant gay and lesbian couples civil unions and recognize their families.
20160123             —KILLED, JORDAN—BORDER—GUARDS, 12—PEOPLE trying to enter the kingdom from Syria in 1—CLASH on the frontier.
20160123             —SEIZED, More than 2—MILLION PILLS—OF—NARCOTICS were also.
20160123             MOROCCO, THOUSANDS—OF—TRAINEE—TEACHERS took to THE—STREETS—OF—THE—CAPITAL in protest at government decrees that would cut grants and affect their job prospects.
20160123             —CAPSIZED, THE—REINA del Caribe tourist boat, off THE—COAST—OF—NICARAGUA killing 13—PASSENGERS, all COSTA—RICA—NATIONALS.
20160123             —MARCHED, THOUSANDS—OF—POLES in cities and towns across the country, in freezing temperatures to protest 1—SLEW—OF—MEASURES by the country's new RIGHT—WING government which they say are ANTI—DEMOCRATIC.
20160123             —MISSED, Warring rivals in SOUTH—SUDAN, 1—KEY—DEADLINE to forge 1—UNITY—GOVERNMENT, with rebels rejecting PRESIDENT—SALVA—KIIR—CREATION—OF—NEW—REGIONAL—STATES as fighting continues.
20160123             —KILLED, EAST—SYRIA, at least 29—CIVILIANS were, in air strikes suspected to have been carried by RUSSIA—WARPLANES in the village of Khasham, Deir Ezzor province.
20160123             † THE—SYRIA—OBSERVATORY for Human Rights said at least 63—PEOPLE, including 9—CHILDREN, in the air strikes.
20160123             † 1—TURKEY—SOLDIER was killed in 1—CLASH between the security forces and the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) in THE—SOUTH—EAST—TOWN—OF—CIZRE.
20160123             7—PKK members were reported "neutralized".
20160123             ASYL—BEWERBER, BUNDES—REGIERUNG hält Zurückweisung an der Grenze für zulässig
20160123             ÖSTERREICH und DIE—FLÜCHTLINGS—OBERGRENZE: "Da fragen wir nicht in BERLIN nach"
20160123             Lammkoteletts mit Couscous: Mjamm, mjamm, Maghreb!
20160123             Auf Sicht von 12—MONATEN haben die beiden größten deutschen FINANZ—INSTITUTE JEWEILS—CA—30 % ihres BÖRSEN—WERTES eingebüßt —, das ganz ohne LEHMAN—KRISE.
20160123             Der Wertschöpfungsmechanismus der gesamten europäischen BANKEN—INDUSTRIE knirscht —DERZEIT, gewaltig
20160123             BANK—BERATER sind Verkäufer!
20160123             [l] Wer betreibt eigentlich diese ganzen fiesen KINDER—PORNOGRAPIE—SEITEN im INTERNET?
20160123             Nun, DAS—FBI natürlich.
20160123             [l] Wenn ihr mal raten müsstet, wie VIELE—MITGLIEDER—DER—BUNDES—REGIERUNG den TTIP—LESERAUM genutzt haben.
20160123             Na? Richtig!
20160123             [l] Fettes WAFFEN—LAGER ausgehoben, NAZI—DEVOTIONALIEN gefunden.
20160123             —VERMUTET, Da, ihr —JETZT sicher, daß DER—TERRORIST schnell erschossen wurde, bevor man ihn verhören kann, oder?
20160123             Nun, äh, der Mann ist POLIZIST und weiter im Dienst.
20160123             Es ist 1.bemerkenswerte, an vielen Stellen beängstigende Gemengelage: Da gibt es großflächige WALD—BRÄNDE—IN—SÜD—OST—ASIEN, Dürren in SÜD—ASIEN und Teilen AFRIKAs, angespülte Giftschlangen in AUSTRALIEN, in SÜD—AMERIKA Sturzfluten historischen AUSMAßES—ANDERERSEITS erblüht genau dadurch die sonst so trockene ATACAMA—WÜSTE in CHILE.
20160123             Friedenspreisträger Navid Kermani: "IS ist nur am Boden zu besiegen"
20160123             BERICHTE—ÜBER—SEXUELLE Belästigungen: Klubs in FREIBURG lassen FLÜCHTLINGE nicht mehr rein
20160123             3. RAF—GENERATION: Rückkehr der Untoten
20160123             JOE—BIDEN zum SYRIEN—KONFLIKT, "Wir sind bereit für 1.MILITÄR—LÖSUNG"
20160123             Genervt von DONALD—TRUMP und CLINTON: Bloomberg erwägt PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTS—KANDIDATUR
20160123             Wirtschaftsforum in DAVOS: DIE—WELT bangt um EUROPA
20160123             [l] Die strategische ATOM—RAKETEN—U—BOOT—FLOTTE der BRITEN läuft übrigens unter Windows XP.
20160123             [l] SPD in ESSEN ruft zu Straßenblockaden gegen FLÜCHTLINGS—UNTERKÜNFTE auf.
20160123             Besonders krass:
20160123             —UNTER—DEM, Motto "Genug ist genug.
20160123             Was ist denn bitte 1—LICHTERMARSCH? Tsja.
20160123             BarsingHAUSEN bei HANNOVER: Brandstifter wollten FLÜCHTLINGS—HEIM in die Luft jagen
20160123             WELT—RAUMTOURISMUS: RECYCLING—RAKETE landet sicher auf der Erde
20160123             Blizzard, USA—OST—KÜSTE versinkt im Schnee
20160123             Eisroute: RUSSLAND stoppt Rücknahme von FLÜCHTLINGEn aus NORWEGEN
20160123             06.;;03;; VAN leaves THE—UK for CENTRAL—PORTUGAL
20160123—20150000    —IN, 17—WOLVES were killed.
20160123—20160221    —UNTIL, FINLAND began a 2. government sanctioned trial wolf hunt permitting the cull of 46—WOLVES.
20170123             —ASKED, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION, the Environmental Protection Agency to temporarily halt all contracts, grants and interagency agreements pending 1—REVIEW.
20170123             —SIGNED, Trump also, an executive order temporarily halting all government hiring outside the military.
20170123             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, 1—EXECUTIVE action reinstating THE—SO—CALLED—MEXICO—CITY—POLICY, which bars INTERNATIONAL NON—GOVERNMENTAL—ORGANIZATIONS that perform or promote abortions from receiving USA—GOVERNMENT funding.
20170123             His 19580000              song "Do You Want to Dance" reached NUMBER 5 on the Billboard singles chart.
20170123             —BECAME, The song, known as "Do You Wanna Dance" and was performed by 1—NUMBER—OF—OTHER—MUSICIANS including the Beach Boys.
20170123             —RESIGNED, SOUTH—DAKOTA—REPRESENTATIVE—MATHEW—WOLLMAN (R), —AFTER admitting that he had sexual contact with 2—INTERNS.
20170123             He said both interns were over 21 and that the sex was consensual.
20170123             —ISSUED, LONDON—MAYOR, a "very high" air pollution alert for the 1. time, as cold, windless weather allowed emissions across THE—WHOLE—OF—SOUTH—EAST—ENGLAND to build up over the weekend.
20170123             —CONTROLLED, USA—BASED Liberty Media, by billionaire JOHN—MALONE, closed its $8—BILLION deal to acquire Formula 1. Former boss Bernie Ecclestone was named "chairman emeritus".
20170123             —PUMPED, CHINA, Xu Xiang, 1—INVESTOR who, up stocks, was found GUILTY—OF—MARKET—MANIPULATION.
20170123             —SENTENCED, He was, to 5—AND—A—HALF—YEARS in jail and fined $1.6—BILLION, 1—RECORD in CHINA for economic crimes.
20170123             —BELIEVED, The bodies of 10—PEOPLE, to be INDONESIA—MIGRANTS were found washed ashore in MALAYSIA not far from 1 capsized boat.
20170123             2—INDONESIANS were rescued.
20170123             —ORDERED, IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—HAIDER—AL—ABADI, 1—INVESTIGATION into violations of human rights and other abuses purportedly committed by government troops and paramilitary forces battling the Islamic State group to retake THE—CITY—OF—MOSUL.
20170123             KAZAKHSTAN, indirect 2—DAY—TALKS began in ASTANA between THE—SYRIA—GOVERNMENT and rebels.
20170123             —HOSTED, The talks were, by RUSSIA, TURKEY and IRAN.
20170123             —NAMED, NORTH—IRELAND, Sinn Fein, MICHELLE—O'NEILL to succeed MARTIN—MCGUINNESS and lead THE—IRELAND—NATIONALIST—PARTY into elections in March, marking 1—SHIFT towards 1—GENERATION not directly involved in DECADES—OF—CONFLICT.
20170123             SPAIN—POLICE said 1—PAN—EUROPEAN crackdown on illegal arms trafficking has resulted in 664—GUNS being seized and 245—PEOPLE with arrests in BELGIUM, BRITAIN, BULGARIA, CYPRUS, FINLAND, GREECE, THE—NETHERLANDS, POLAND, ROMANIA and SWEDEN.
20170123             —POUNDED, SYRIA, RUSSIA—JETS, Islamic STATE—IN—THE—EAST—PROVINCE—OF—DEIR—AL—ZOR, seeking to thwart 1—FULL—BLOWN assault by the militants against the last district in the region still held by THE—DAMASCUS government.
20170123             —ASKED, TANZANIA, TURKEY—PRESIDENT—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN, PRESIDENT—JOHN—MAGUFULI to take action against the network of 1 exiled cleric he blames for —LAST—YEAR'S failed coup.
20170123             —RETURNED, UGANDA said it had, DOZENS—OF—FORMER combatants of 1—DEMOCRATIC—REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO rebel group to 1—MILITARY—CAMP—AFTER they tried to sneak back to their own country in disguise last —WEEK.
20170123             —BLASTED, FRANCIS—PAPA, the "money stained with blood" and "evil power" wielded by Italian organized crime as he met THE—HEADS—OF—THE—COUNTRY—ANTI—MAFIA squad.
20170123             —LAUNCHED, VENEZUELA—OPPOSITION—PARTIES, 1—NEW—ROUND—OF—PROTESTS aimed at forcing PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—MADURO from power and ending 18—YEARS—OF—SOCIALIST—RULE, but they fell well short of the massive DEMONSTRATIONS—OF—THE—PAST.
20170123             —ALLIED, YEMEN, forces, with THE—INTERNATIONALLY—RECOGNIZED government seized CONTROL—OF—MOKHA, 1—STRATEGIC—RED—SEA port —AFTER waging 1—ASSAULT against Shiite rebels.
20170123             —MARCHED, EMIRATI—LED troops, into Mokha port and set their sights on Hodeidah.
20170123—20230000    —CONSIDERED, Lawmakers in THE—KRAKOW REGION—OF—POLAND, the area with the dirtiest air in the country, approved 1—ANTI—SMOG plan that calls for replacing the most polluting heating stoves.
20180121             :49:19 Edge 18.18—WIN10 1366x768 [USA] SCHERERVILLE—INDIANA, (No referring link)
20180123             —BEGINNT, Im schweizerischen Davos, unter dem Motto "Für eine gemeinsame Zukunft in einer zersplitterten Welt" das —BIS zum —FREITAG dauernde 48. Jahrestreffen des Weltwirtschaftsforum mit über 3000—TEILNEHMERN, darunter 70—STAATS- und Regierungschefs.
20180123             —APPROVED, THE—USA—SENATE, PRESIDENT—TRUMP—SELECTION—OF—JEROME—POWELL to be the next CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—FEDERAL—RESERVE beginning 20180203           .
20180123             1—MAGNITUDE—7.9—EARTHQUAKE struck in the Gulf of ALASKA, sending the state's coastal residents inland to seek shelter from possible tidal waves.
20180123             —LIFTED, Tsunami alerts were soon.
20180123             —VOTED, THE—S—FRANCISCO—BOARD—OF—SUPERVISORS, to remove CHRISTOPHER—COLUMBUS' name from his commemorative —DAY in October, and instead honor the indigenous PEOPLE—OF—THE—STATE.
20180123             The 2. —MONDAY in October will —NOW be know in S—FRANCISCO as Indigenous Peoples' —DAY.
20180123             S—FRANCISCO—SUPERVISOR—MARK—FARRELL, was sworn in as mayor.
20180123             Farrell took 1—IMMEDIATE unpaid leave from Thayer Ventures, 1—COMPANY he had CO—FOUNDED.
20180123             —KILLED, KENTUCKY, 1—STUDENT, 15—JAHRE—ALT, 2—CLASSMATES and hit 12—OTHERS with gunfire inside 1 crowded atrium at MARSHALL—COUNTY—HIGH—SCHOOL in Benton.
20180123             —ARRESTED, Police, the suspect moments —LATER.
20180123             —ANNOUNCED, USA—BASED KIMBERLY—CLARK, plans to cut more than 5,000 jobs in 1—ATTEMPT to lower costs as consumer demand for SOME—OF—ITS—CORE—PRODUCTS declined with falling birth rates.
20180123             —REBUKED, BRITAIN—PRIME—MINISTER—THERESA—MAY, Foreign MINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON —AFTER he demanded more funding for BRITAIN—PUBLIC—HEALTH—SERVICE, telling him ANY—DISCUSSION—OF—MONEY saved from Brexit should be kept private.
20180123             UK—REGULATORS said that 20010101—21001231    —CENTURY FOX—TAKEOVER—OF—LONDON—BASED pay TV company Sky is not in the public interest because it would give RUPERT—MURDOCH too much control over the country's news media.
20180123             —OFFERED, But they, remedies that may pave the way for the deal go ahead.
20180123             —SENTENCED, BULGARIA—FORMER—INTELLIGENCE—CHIEF—KIRCHO—KIROV was, to 15—YEARS in jail for what prosecutors described as the misappropriation of 5.1—MILLION levs ($3.19—MILLION) of public funds 20070000—20110000    —BETWEEN.
20180123             † NICANOR—PARRA (103), 1—CHILE—PHYSICIST, mathematician and SELF—DESCRIBED "ANTI—POET".
20180123             NICANOR—PARRA—ECCENTRIC—WRITINGS won him 1—LEADING place in Latin USA—LITERATURE.
20180123             EGYPT, former military CHIEF—OF—STAFF LT—GENERAL—SAMI—ANAN, the last challenger seen as 1—POTENTIAL—THREAT to THE—RE—ELECTION—OF—PRESIDENT—ABDEL—FATTAH—AL—SISI, was detained and halted his campaign —AFTER the army accused him of breaking the law by running for office without permission.
20180123             —AGREED, European Union finance ministers, to remove 8—JURISDICTIONS from the bloc's BLACKLIST—OF—TAX—HAVENS, 1—MONTH—AFTER the list was set up.
20180123             BARBADOS, GRENADA, SOUTH—KOREA, MACAO—MONGOLIA, TUNISIA and THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES joined PANAMA as jurisdictions delisted —FOLLOWING commitments made at 1—HIGH—POLITICAL—LEVEL to remedy EU concerns.
20180123             THE—FRANCE—GOVERNMENT said it is freezing ASSETS—OF—COMPANIES that help furnish material to 1—SYRIA—LAB accused of producing chemical weapons.
20180123             —TROUBLED, FRANCE—STATE—CONTROLLED and influential but, nuclear company Areva unveiled its new name, Orano, and logo.
20180123             —OVERFLOWED, THE—SEINE—RIVER, its banks in PARIS, prompting authorities to close several roads and cancel boat cruises.
20180123             —REJECTED, INDIA—SUPREME—COURT, bids by 2—STATES to RE—INSTATE 1—BAN on the release of controversial Bollywood film "Padmaavat", saying it stood by its previous ruling clearing the way for the movie to be shown in theaters.
20180123             INDONESIA, 1—MAGNITUDE 6.0—EARTHQUAKE—SHOOK THE—ISLAND—OF—JAVA, killing at least 1—PERSON and damaging HUNDREDS—OF—HOMES.
20180123             CENTRAL—JAPAN, 12—PEOPLE, including 8—SOLDIERS, skiing on the slopes of THE—MOUNT—KUSATSU—SHIRANE volcano near 1—FAMOUS—HOT —SPRING resort were injured by flying rocks —DURING 1—SUDDEN—ERUPTION.
20180123             † 1—SOLDIER —LATER.
20180123             —CALLED, THE—KURDISH—LED AUTHORITIES—OF—NORTH—EAST—SYRIA, for mass mobilization in defense of SYRIA—AFRIN region against 1—TURKEY—MILITARY—OFFENSIVE.
20180123             LEBANON—FESTERING trash crisis came crashing ashore this —WEEK, —AFTER residents woke up to find 1—POWERFUL—WINTER—STORM had laid 1—MANTLE—OF—WASTE at 1—BEACH—JUST 1—FEW minutes' drive NORTH—OF—THE—CAPITAL, BEIRUT.
20180123             —CARRIED, Rough waves —TODAY, in even more trash.
20180123             LIBYA, 2—BLASTS hit worshippers leaving the large Bayaat AL—RADWAN mosque in BENGHAZI—CENTRAL—AL—SALMANI district.
20180123             —KILLED, At least 35—PEOPLE were.
20180123             PAKISTAN, 1—GOVERNMENT—SPOKESMAN in Punjab province said that 1—SUSPECT, identified as MOHAMMED—IMRAN, has been arrested near THE—CITY—OF—KASUR where Zainab Ansari (7) was killed —EARLIER this —MONTH.
20180123             —SPEWED, In THE—PHILIPPINES THE—MOUNT—MAYON volcano, fountains of RED—HOT lava and massive ash plumes anew in 1—DAZZLING but increasingly dangerous eruption that has sent more than 56,000 villagers fleeing to evacuation centers.
20180123             —ARRESTED, POLAND—PROSECUTORS said they have, and charged 3—PEOPLE with propagating fascism —AFTER 1—NEWS—PROGRAM revealed details of NEO—NAZI group "Pride and Modernity" that celebrated ADOLF—HITLER in 1—CEREMONY—LAST—YEAR.
20180123             —BANNED, RUSSIA—CULTURE—MINISTRY, 1—SATIRICAL—FILM about Soviet leader JOSEF—STALIN—DEATH from movie theaters —FOLLOWING criticism from communists and others that THE—BRITISH—FRANCE—PRODUCTION made 1—MOCKERY—OF—RUSSIA—HISTORY.
20180123             † Legendary SOUTH—AFRICA—JAZZ musician and ANTI—APARTHEID activist HUGH—MASEKELA, 78—JAHRE—ALT in JOHANNESBURG —AFTER 1—DECADE—LONG fight with cancer.
20180123             —ISSUED, SWEDEN—RADIATION—SAFETY—AUTHORITY (SSM) and 1—ENVIRONMENTAL—COURT, diverging recommendations to the government on whether to allow THE—CONSTRUCTION—OF—1—NUCLEAR—WASTE—REPOSITORY.
20180123             SWITZERLAND, INDIA—PRIME—MINISTER—NARENDRA—MODI gave the opening speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos and urged governments not to turn to isolation hours —AFTER PRESIDENT—TRUMP approved new USA tariffs on imports.
20180123             THE—SYRIA—OBSERVATORY for Human Rights, 1—BRITAIN—BASED war monitor, said THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE are fleeing fighting and TURKEY—SHELLING and bombardment of the Kurdish Afrin region in NORTH—WEST—SYRIA.
20180123             SYRIA, air strikes on 1—VILLAGE held by Islamic STATE—IN—THE—EAST—PART—OF—DEIR—AL—ZOR province killed at least 13—PEOPLE including 7—WOMEN.
20180123             THE—BRITAIN—BASED SYRIA—OBSERVATORY for Human Rights —LATER said THE—USA—LED coalition against Islamic State had carried out the air strikes.
20180123             —ARRESTED, TANZANIA—AUTHORITIES said they, 5—SCHOOLGIRLS last —WEEK, and then released them on bail, so they can help with information on the men who impregnated them.
20180123             —ARRESTED, TURKEY, DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE overnight for "spreading terrorist propaganda" about its SYRIA—INCURSION, raising to nearly 100 the number of such detainees, including politicians, journalists and activists.
20180123             —SHELLED, TURKEY, Qamishli and other towns along THE—SYRIAN—TURKEY—BORDER as TURKEY—FORCES—PRESS into 1—SYRIAN—KURDISH—ENCLAVE for the 4. straight —DAY.
20180123             THE—UN—REFUGEE—AGENCY said more than 688,000—PEOPLE were displaced inside THE—CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC—AS—OF—THE—END—OF—20170000             , a 60—PERCENT jump from THE—YEAR—BEFORE.
20180123             —ESTIMATED, THE—POPULATION—OF—CAR is, at —AROUND 4.6—MILLION.
20180123             [l] GUTE—NACHRICHTEN!
20180123             [l] Der Gouverneur von HAWAII hätte ja schneller Entwarnung gegeben bei dem FAKE—RAKETENALARM, aber
20180123             [l] Kennt ihr den —SCHON?
20180123             [l] Ah, endlich sind die Sondierungsgespräche vorbei
20180123             DIE—TAGES—ORDNUNG der KABINETTsitzungen soll den FRAKTIONen vorab mitgeteilt werden
20180123             Oh ach SO ist das - [l] Hey, habt ihr gerade ISRAEL im Blick?
20180123             Der Rest der Welt offenbar auch nicht
20180123             [l] Kostet DIE—DIGITALISIERUNG —JETZT eigentlich eher Männer oder eher Frauen ihre Jobs?
20180123             Gute Frage!
20180123             Wie wäre es, wenn wir mal aufhören, das als MÄNNER—GEGEN—FRAUEN zu sehen?
20180123             —DIE—LAGE—AM—DIENSTAG : DIE—SCHULD des Waffenlieferanten
20180123             "Shutdown"IN—DEN— USA—TRUMP unterzeichnet Gesetz zum ENDE—DER—HAUSHALTSSPERRE
20180123             Superreiche: 45—DEUTSCHE besitzen so viel wie die ärmere HÄLFTE—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG
20180123             Konjunkturboom: ARBEITSLOSIGKEIT—IN—EUROPA auf Zehnjahrestief
20180123             Starke USA—BÖRSEN: DAX schnellt auf REKORD—HOCH
20180123             KÜNSTLICHE—INTELLIGENZ: Wenn der Computer versteht, was er liest
20180123             MERKEL zum mangelnden SCHUTZ—DER—AUßENGRENZEN: "Wir haben uns einfach sicher gefühlt"
20180123             SICHERHEITS—LÜCKEN Meltdown und Spectre: Intel WARNT—VOR—EIGENEN Updates
20180123             CANNABIS—PATIENTEN als Autofahrer: "Was der Gesetzgeber da zugelassen hat..".
20180123             WELTKRIEGS—VERMISSTE: 1.200.000—MENSCHEN werden wohl verschollen bleiben
20180123             TÜRKEI—OFFENSIVE—IN—SYRIEN: "Wer sich uns in den Weg stellt, wird weggefegt"
20180123             18,7—MILLIARDEN—$, USA—STEUER—REFORM beschert Verizon RIESEN—GEWINN
20180123             Biomechaniker untersuchen Tierbewegungen: Ratten stolpern nicht
20180123             —ÜBERNIMMT, BUNDES—TAG: AfD, Vorsitz im HAUSHALTS—AUSSCHUSS
20180123             SORGE—VOR—REGULIERUNG: Bitcoin fällt wieder unter 10.000—DOLLAR
20180123             Aber ich will zeigen, was ungehemmter KAPITALISMUS an der Natur und am Menschen verbricht".
20180123             Borges - Fast gleichzeitig verkündeten der amerikanische SOFTWARE—GIGANT Microsoft und der chinesische IT—KONZERN Alibaba, dass
20180123             DIE—UNERMESSLICHE Informationsfülle, die durchs INTERNET wabert, könnte zu 1—SINNBEHAFTETEN Ganzen zusammenwachsen.
20180123             AUSNAHME—ZUSTAND auf Jamaika: Auswärtiges Amt rät zur erhöhten Vorsicht in Montego Bay
20180123             Türkischer ANGRIFF—AUF—SYRIEN: DER—WESTEN verrät DIE—KURDEN
20180123             RUSSLAND—AFFÄRE— USA—JUSTIZ—MINISTER—SESSIONS stundenlang befragt
20180123             FLÜCHTLINGE—IN—LKW: "Wenn sie sterben, soll er sie irgendwo in DEUTSCHLAND abladen"
20180123             Unter Drogen hinterm STEUER: Sollten CANNABIS—PATIENTEN Auto fahren?
20180123             DEUTSCHE Panzer bei türkischer Offensive: Heikle Geschäfte
20180123—19540000    —EARNED, NICANOR—PARRA, INTERNATIONAL fame with "Poemas y Antipoemas" (Poems and
20180123—19690000    —IN, Antipoems) and won CHILE—PRESTIGIOUS—NATIONAL—LITERATURE—PRIZE and 1—GUGGENHEIM fellowship 19720000             —IN.
20180123—20010000    —CREATED, Areva was, to group together FRANCE—NUCLEAR—INDUSTRY manufacturers under 1—COMPANY.
20180123—20180120    —SINCE, 24—CIVILIANS, 24—KURDISH—FIGHTERS, and 25—TURKISH—BACKED SYRIA—MILITIAMEN have been killed in the clashes in Afrin.
20180123—20180125    —PREMIERED, SCOTLAND—WRITER—DIRECTOR—ARMANDO Iannucci's "THE—DEATH—OF—STALIN" film, in BRITAIN in October and was scheduled to open in RUSSIA.
20180123—20180412    —WARNED, SOUTH—AFRICAN—CAPE—TOWN, residents were, that they face losing piped water to their homes, 1—WHOLE —9—DAYS—EARLIER than predicted, as it suffered its worst drought in 00010101—01001231    —CENTURY.
20190101231          EUROPA—KULTUR—HAUPT—STADT—MATERA, die unmögliche Stadt (Reise, 18:52)
20190123             —IN—DEN—VERGANGENEN—20 bis 30—JAHREN ist fast jede Form von "Wirgefühl" in den westlichen Ländern zerstoben.
20190123             1—APPEALS—BOARD—AWARDED—THE—SF 49ers $36—MILLION in 1—TAX—DISPUTE with SANTA—CLARA County over property tax on LEVI—STADIUM.
20190123             —OPENED, FLORIDA, Zephen Xaver (21), fire inside 1—BANK and killed 5—PEOPLE—BEFORE surrendering to SWAT negotiators.
20190123             TEXAS, boxer JOHN—DUANE—VANMETER was fatally shot at his home in Uvalde.
20190123             1—BOY, 12—JAHRE—ALT was —LATER charged with capital murder.
20190123             —LAUNCHED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—AIRSTRIKE, in the Sangin district killed 16—CIVILIANS from the same extended family —DURING heavy fighting between AFGHANISTAN—FORCES and the Taliban.
20190123             THE—AUSTRALIA—GOVERNMENT said it is seeking information about YANG—HENGJUN, 1—CHINESE—AUSTRALIA—NOVELIST and influential online commentator, who has been reported missing in CHINA.
20190123             —PETITIONED, LONDON, WikiLeaks FOUNDER—JULIAN—ASSANGE, 1—INTERNATIONAL—HUMAN—RIGHTS—COMMISSION to order DONALD—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION to unseal charges against him as he fights possible extradition to THE—USA.
20190123             She honed THE—WORK—OF—NOVELISTS including JOHN—UPDIKE and MARGARET—ATWOOD —BEFORE finding LATE—LIFE fame as 1—FRANK and fearless memoirist.
20190123             1—FRANCE—COURT refused 1—APPEAL by CHILE to extradite 1—LONGTIME fugitive leftist guerilla who had escaped prison —AFTER being convicted for killing 1—ALLY—OF—EX—DICTATOR—AUGUSTO—PINOCHET, spurring 1—IMMEDIATE rebuke from CHILE.
20190123             —EXTRADITED, FRANCE, PATRICE—EDOUARD Ngaissona, 1—MEMBER—OF—AFRICA—TOP footballing body, to THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT—IN—THE—HAGUE where he faces war crimes charges in THE—CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC'S 20130000              civil war.
20190123             CARLOS—GHOSN, who is fighting BREACH—OF—TRUST and other charges in JAPAN, resigned as HEAD—OF—RENAULT.
20190123             —DETAINED, Ghosn has been, for more than 2—MONTHS in JAPAN.
20190123             —EXPECTED, THE—BOARD—OF—FRANCE—CARMAKER Renault SA is, to name JEAN—DOMINIQUE Senard of Michelin as chairman, and Renault executive THIERRY—BOLLORE as CEO.
20190123             —APPROVED, THE—GERMANY—GOVERNMENT, the export to QATAR—OF—4—RAM naval missile systems developed by GERMANY and THE—USA.
20190123             —INCLUDED, The sale also, 85—DUAL—MODE radar and infrared seekers that guide the missile into its target.
20190123             —TURNED, JACK—SHEPHERD, 31—JAHRE—ALT, himself in to GEORGIA—POLICE—AFTER being sentenced to 6—YEARS in prison in BRITAIN —WHILE on the run.
20190123             —OVERWHELMED, INDONESIA—OFFICIALS said torrential rains have, 1—DAM and caused landslides that killed at least 8—PEOPLE and displaced more than 2,000 near Makassar, the provincial CAPITAL—OF—SOUTH—SULAWESI.
20190123             —KILLED, IRAQ, 1—CAR—BOMB, 1—SOLDIER and injured at least 2 in 1—NORTHERN—TOWN—NEAR THE—OIL—RICH—CITY—OF—KIRKUK.
20190123             ITALY—INVESTIGATORS in Genoa found 2.1—TONS—OF—BARCELONA—BOUND pure cocaine dispatched from COLOMBIA—TURBO port.
20190123             —DIVIDED, The drug, into 1,801 blocks, traveled in 1—CONTAINER that had been declared as empty.
20190123             ROMANIA—NATIONAL—RAILWAY—COMPANY said 1—GROUP—OF—TURKEY—COMPANIES have won a 600—MILLION—EURO ($681—MILLION) contract to modernize 1—KEY—LINE in THE—NORTH—WEST—TRANSYLVANIA region.
20190123             THE—EUROPEAN—UNION will fund about 80—PERCENT—OF—THE—PROJECT, and THE—ROMANIA—GOVERNMENT the rest.
20190123             RUSSIA, TURKEY—PRESIDENT—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN sat down for SYRIA—FOCUSED talks with PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN as their governments bargain over ZONES—OF—INFLUENCE in THE—WAR—TORN country.
20190123             —ROLLED, THE—RUSSIA—MILITARY, out 1—NEW—MISSILE and released its specifications, seeking to dispel THE—USA—CLAIM that the weapon violates 1—KEY—NUCLEAR—ARMS—PACT.
20190123             —INSISTED, The military, that the 9M729 LAND—BASED cruise missile conforms to the limits of 19870000             —THE—INTERMEDIATE—RANGE—NUCLEAR—FORCES—TREATY.
20190123             † SINGAPORE actor Aloysius Pang (28) in NEW—ZEALAND.
20190123             It crushed his abdomen and chest.
20190123             —SENTENCED, SOUTH—KOREA, former senior prosecutor Ahn Tae Geun was, to 5—YEARS in prison on charges of banishing 1—JUNIOR—PROSECUTOR—AFTER she tried to expose his sexual misconduct.
20190123             —CALLED, SOUTH—SUDAN, on THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY to fund efforts to implement 1—PEACE—DEAL, which is already 4—MONTHS behind schedule due to LACK—OF—MONEY.
20190123             SPAIN—TAXI drivers demanding more regulations for APP—BASED RIDE—HAILING services blocked access to 1—TRADE—EXHIBITION—CENTER in MADRID where 1—MAJOR—TOURISM—FAIR began.
20190123             —RECEIVED, SUDAN—OIL—MINISTER—AZHARI—ABDEL—QADER said his country has, economic assistance from THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES and accepted OFFERS—OF—SUPPORT from RUSSIA and TURKEY.
20190123             PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BASHIR met with QATAR—EMIR—SHEIKH—TAMIM bin HAMAD—AL—THANI in DOHA —DURING his 1. trip abroad —SINCE the protests began.
20190123             SWEDEN, 1—MAN in his 50s fatally shot his 2—CHILDREN—BEFORE announcing on social media he was killing himself in 1—APPARENT—MURDER—SUICIDE.
20190123             † In VENEZUELA at least 4—PEOPLE —FOLLOWING overnight clashes ahead of rival protests —TODAY.
20190123             —MARCHED, Protesters, in the streets and waved their nation's flag as they demanded that PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—MADURO step down from power.
20190123             —LAUNCHED, MEMBERS—OF—THE—NATIONAL—GUARD, tear gas at protesters in THE—MIDDLE—CLASS—NEIGHBORHOOD—OF El Paraiso.
20190123             —DECLARED, VENEZUELA—OPPOSITION—LEADER—JUAN—GUAIDO, himself interim leader, winning the support of WASHINGTON and parts of Latin AMERICA.
20190123             —ACKNOWLEDGED, ZIMBABWE—GOVERNMENT, accusations that its security forces engaged in "systematic torture" —DURING 1—CRACKDOWN on ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS, saying there were lessons to be learnt from the operation.
20190123             † ZIMBABWE music star OLIVER—MTUKUDZI, 66—JAHRE—ALT in HARARE.
20190123             COLONIA—DIGNIDAD: ERMITTLUNGEN—GEGEN—72—JÄHRIGEN eingestellt
20190123             Folgen des USA—SHUTDOWNS: FBI kann Informanten nicht mehr bezahlen
20190123             EX—ABGEORDNETER Schick: Warum 1—POLITIKER glaubt, er könne als Nichtpolitiker mehr bewirken (SPIEGEL+, 03:08)
20190123             USA—HAUSHALTSSPERRE: Shutdown wird zum nationalen SICHERHEITS—RISIKO
20190123             PRÄSIDENTEN—TREFFEN—IN—MOSKAU—PUTIN und ERDOGAN schachern um SYRIEN
20190123             MATTEO—SALVINI über EMMANUEL—MACRON: "1—SEHR schlechter PRÄSIDENT"
20190123             Konjunktur: DEUTSCHE Exporteure rechnen mit deutlichem Plus
20190123             Höhere STAATS—AUSGABEN, CHINA will Wirtschaft stützen
20190123             MEXIKO: Vulkan Popocatépetl spuckt kilometerhohe ASCHE—UND Rauchwolke
20190123             —UKRAINE—PRÄSIDENT—POROSCHENKO im WAHL—KAMPF: —JETZT hilft nur der liebe Gott (SPIEGEL+, 09:38)
20190123             20—MILLIONEN—EURO—RESTAURIERUNG: Schloss Neuschwanstein ist abgeliebt
20190123             —STREIT—ÜBER—KONJUNKTURHILFEN: Steuern RUNTER—UND alles wird gut?
20190123             LITERATurstar Édouard Louis: Der Racheengel der Armen (SPIEGEL+, 10:08)
20190123             Toxikologin über gesundheitliche Folgen der Plastikflut: "Bei einigen Meerestieren reichern sich PARTIKEL im GEHIRN an" (SPIEGEL+, 10:25)
20190123             IT—UNTERNEHMEN: Umsatzschwund bei IBM hält an
20190123             Firmeninsolvenzen: Kreditversicherer sagt Pleitewelle in CHINA voraus
20190123             —VOR, knapp 2—JAHREN hat die Sanierung des Baudenkmals BEGONNEN—BEI laufendem Betrieb.
20190123             —ERSTMALS—SEIT 130—JAHREN wird auch im Inneren vollumfänglich restauriert: 93—RÄUME und mehr als 2300—EINZELOBJEKTE—DARUNTER Gemälde, Möbel, Textilien, Fenster, Türen, Wände.
20190123             Durch das Schloss, das DER—MENSCHENSCHEUE LUDWIG—II.
20190123             —BIS—HEUTE, sollen es 60.000.000 Besucher gewesen sein - - KÖNIG—LUDWIG—II.
20190123             "Held der Steine": YouTuber bekommt wegen Logo Ärger mit Lego
20190123             INDONESIEN: Mehrere Tote und Vermisste nach schweren Regenfällen auf Sulawesi
20190123             Provokation im LANDTAG: AFD—ABGEORDNETE verlassen GEDENK—FEIER—FÜR—NS—OPFER
20190123             —GESUNKEN, ZAHL—DER—ASYLANTRÄGE : Die meisten Migranten kommen aus EUROPA nach DEUTSCHLAND
20190123             Amerikareise von AUßEN—MINISTER—MAAS: "Wir können auf DIE—USA nicht verzichten"
20190123             EUGH—URTEIL: Briten bleiben —BIS zum BREXIT an EU—FLÜCHTLINGSREGELN gebunden
20190123             BREXIT—VORSORGE: Sony verlegt EUROPAsitz nach AMSTERDAM
20190123             Für mehr als 35.000—EURO: Ruine der "ADENAUER—VILLA" versteigert
20190123             "Hotel Mama": HÄLFTE—DER—MÄNNER wohnt mit 23—NOCH zu Hause (Leben und Lernen, 13:06)
20190123             Studienfinanzierung: Arm, ärmer, Bafög (Leben und Lernen, 13:27)
20190123             Entwurf der KOMMISSION: So soll DEUTSCHLANDs Kohleausstieg ablaufen
20190123             Studenten über Bafög: "Ich kam mir vor wie 1.dumme Bittstellerin" (Leben und Lernen, 13:29)
20190123             Ärzte bezweifeln Sinn von Grenzwerten: Der FEINSTAUB—WIRBEL
20190123             Autonomes Fahren: DEUTSCHE—AUTO—INDUSTRIE plant MEGA—BÜNDNIS
20190123             LIECHTENSTEIN wird 300—JAHRE—ALT: Banken, Berge, Bohrmaschinen
20190123             —KAMPF—GEGEN—SCHLEUSER: EU—PARTNER überrascht von deutschem RÜCKZUG—AUS—DER Operation "Sophia"
20190123             Kein Doppelgänger: VERSCHWÖRUNGS—THEORIE über RUDOLF—HEß widerlegt
20190123             Gender Pay Gap in KALIFORNIEN: Frauen klagen gegen ungleiche Bezahlung bei GOOGLE und Oracle (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 14:52)
20190123             MERKEL über die ostdeutsche Wut: "DAS—LAND war vielleicht nie so versöhnt, wie man dachte"
20190123             Édouard Louis über seinen ARBEITER—VATER: DIE—FABRIK frisst ihre Leute
20190123             MASSEN—PROTESTE—IN—VENEZUELA: Dieser, 35—JAHRE—ALTE will Autokrat MADURO stürzen
20190123             Frankreich: Behörde WARNT—VOR—SCHADSTOFFEN in Babywindeln
20190123             "Frosch"—CHEF—ÜBER Plastikmüll im Ozean: "Das sind PR—SAHNEHÄUBCHEN" (SPIEGEL+, 16:33)
20190123             INTERNETausfall auf TONGA: "Wie im dunklen Zeitalter"
20190123             Ranking: EU—LÄNDER bei Reisenden beliebter als zuvor
20190123             BERLUSCONI feilt am Comeback: —DER—NEUE—MANN für ITALIEN
20190123             —VERBIETET, SACHSEN: MINISTERium, rassistisches Schulbuch (Leben und Lernen, 17:28)
20190123             —DISKRIMINIERT, RECHTSSTREIT—ÜBER—FRAUENPARKPLÄTZE: "Ich fühle mich als Mann "
20190123             Kraftstoffe: Preise für Benzin und Diesel fallen
20190123             Kein Deal oder gar kein AUSTRITT: BREXIT—MINISTER warnt britisches PARLAMENT
20190123             DIE—BRITISCHEN Abgeordneten haben den BREXIT—DEAL DER—PREMIER—MINISTERIN—THERESA—MAY —IN—DER—VERGANGENEN—WOCHE abgelehnt, der —DARAUFHIN von ihr vorgestellte Plan B ist eigentlich NOCH—IMMER Plan A, die Wahrscheinlichkeit eines harten BREXITs steigt.
20190123             BREXIT—MINISTER—STEPHEN—BARCLAY hat DAS—UNTER—HAUS nun gewarnt, daß es —AM—ENDE nur DIE—WAHL zwischen einem ungeordneten BREXIT und einem Verbleib in der EU haben könnte.
20190123             "Wenn wir keine Zustimmung zu dem AUSTRITTsabkommen bekommen, muss sich DAS—UNTER—HAUS im Kern die Frage stellen: Will es 1—NO—DEAL oder will es den AUSTRITT abblasen?" sagte Barclay —AM—MITTWOCH zu Mitgliedern des OBER—HAUSES in LONDON.
20190123             "Sich nur gegen 1—BREXIT ohne VERTRAG auszusprechen, wird den BREXIT ohne VERTRAG nicht stoppen", sagte er.
20190123             Barnier
20190123             Barnier warnte GROßBRITANNIEN dringend vor einem Scheitern des Abkommens.
20190123             LIECHTENSTEIN - Der viertkleinste STAAT EUROPAs und sechstkleinste der Welt ist —HEUTE eines der wohlhabendsten LÄNDER—EUROPAS.
20190123             Viele verbinden mit dem Land 1.Steueroase mitten in den ALPEN—DOCH LIECHTENSTEIN hat sich gewandelt.
20190123             ALOIS—PHILIPP—MARIA von und zu LIECHTENSTEIN herrscht —HEUTE über 1—GEBIET, daß nur halb so groß ist wie MÜNCHEN—DOCH seine MACHT ist gewaltig.
20190123             Im FÜRSTENTUM—LIECHTENSTEIN kann er durchregieren: Der Erbprinz, der 20040000              DIE—REGIERUNGSGESCHÄFTE von seinem Vater HANS—ADAM II.
20190123             In der Realität macht der Erbprinz von seiner MACHT allerdings selten Gebrauch.
20190123             Er selbst setzte sein Vetorecht bei PARLAMENTsbeschlüssen während seiner Regentschaft noch kein einziges Mal ein.
20190123             Das dürfte auch daran liegen, daß seine MACHT—SO groß sie theoretisch sein MAG—VON der Gunst seines Volkes abhängt.
20190123             Mit 1—EINFACHEN Mehrheit könnten die LIECHTENSTEIN—DIE Monarchie abschaffen.
20190123             Das hat die ADELS—FAMILIE immer im Blick: Ihr AN—WESEN liegt majestätisch an einem Steilhang, der Blick geht hinunter ins Tal, dort leben die 38.000—EINWOHNER des Landes - 25.000—LIECHTENSTEINERINNEN und LIECHTENSTEIN—UND etwa 13.000—AUS dem Ausland.
20190123             LIECHTENSTEIN besteht aus 11—GEMEINDEN.
20190123             Doch dann gelang der ADELS—FAMILIE 1—COUP: Sie kündigte an, ihren Herrschersitz nach WIEN zu verlegen, sollten DIE—BÜRGER ihre Initiative ablehnen.
20190123             trägt DIE—FINANZ—WIRTSCHAFT immer noch zu knapp einem Viertel zur Wertschöpfung des Landes bei.
20190123             DIE—FÜRSTEN—FAMILIE gilt als 1.der reichsten ADELS—FAMILIEN EUROPAs.
20190123             Erbprinz Alois und sein Vater sind von den Steuern befreit.
20190123             Anders als andere Monarchien bekommen Fürst und Erbprinz vom STAAT kein Geld.
20190123             25—KILO—METER—LANG, 12—KM breit, 160—QUADRAT—KILOMETER—GROß—SO duckt sich LIECHTENSTEIN ins Alpenmassiv zwischen DIE—SCHWEIZ und ÖSTERREICH.
20190123             1—HISTORISCHE CHANCE—LIECHTENSTEIN vom XXS—ZUM XXL—STAAT aufzublasen, verpasste 18670000              der damalige Fürst.
20190123             So zumindest schrieb es vor Kurzem Fürst HANS—ADAM in einem BRIEF—AN—DIE LIECHTENSTEIN—TAGESZEITUNGEN;
20190123             "es ist kein Gerücht", sagte HANS—ADAM zu der GESCHICHTE, zu der es keinen schriftlichen Beleg gibt.
20190123             Sie geht so: —DAMALS, fragte der russische Zar ALEXANDER den Fürsten Franz, ob er ALASKA—VON—RUSSLAND abkaufen möchte.
20190123             Der Fürst VERZICHTETE—IN der Annahme, auf dem 1.600.000—QUADRAT—KILOMETER—GROßEN —GEBIET gäbe es nichts zu holen.
20190123             Er überließ ALASKA den USA—AMERIKANERN zum Kauf.
20190123             DIE—DORT gewaltige Mengen Gold und ERD—ÖL fanden.
20190123             Das Vermögen der Familie wird auf 3—MILLIARDEN—FRANKEN geschätzt, umgerechnet 2,6—MILLIARDEN—EURO.
20190123             Lobo antwortet Fleischhauer: Die Goldmedaille in PRIVILEGIEN—BLINDHEIT
20190123             IN DIESEN ZEITEN hält es mein Kolumnistenkollege JAN—FLEISCHHAUER für 1.sinnvolle Idee,
20190123             AXEL—SPRINGER—CHEF—DÖPFNER sah in "NAZIs raus" 1.Verharmlosung des NATIONAL—SOZIALISMUS.
20190123             DIE—"Zeit" sah in "NAZIs raus" 1—BEISPIEL—DER—VERROHUNG der Debatte.
20190123             DIE—"SÜDDEUTSCHE—ZEITUNG" erkannte, daß es nicht so einfach sei und fragte, wohin denn DIE—NAZIS sollen.
20190123             In der "Welt" glaubte jemand gar, daß "NAZIs raus" wörtlich genommen verfassungsfeindlich sei.
20190123             —GENOMMEN, Gut, wörtlich, ist DER—NAME "DIE—WELT" auch nah am Betrug, in Wahrheit handelt ES—SICH bei der Zeitung nämlich nur um 1—SEHR, sehr kleinen TEIL—DER—WELT.
20190123             Aber ich halte mich lieber zurück, bevor jemand bemerkt, daß man sich in SPIEGEL—ONLINE gar nicht wirklich spiegelt.
20190123             Dahinter steht sehr viel mehr, nämlich letztlich 1.massive KRISE—DER—WESTLICHEN Selbstwahrnehmung.
20190123             westlichen Selbstwahrnehmung.
20190123             Rechte definieren sich über DIE—EMPÖRUNG Nichtrechter.
20190123             der PSYCHOLOGIE—UND Juraprofessor DAN—KAHAN in Yale erforscht.
20190123             DONALD—TRUMP—FANS teilen, was CLINTON—FANS zur Weißglut treibt.
20190123             DIE—GEGNERISCHE Empörung ist nicht Beiprodukt, sondern Hauptzweck.
20190123             mit den ewigen Worten von RALPH—GIORDANO über deutsche Konservative verdeutlichen: "Für sie steht der eigentliche Feind immer noch links.
20190123             NICO—ROSBERG übers Tempolimit: "Wir würden ein besonderes Stück deutscher Autokultur zerstören"
20190123             IRANische REGIME—GEGNER sponserten VOX—PARTEI: 971.890—EURO für SPANIENs Ultrarechte
20190123             —RECHTS—POPULISTEN: Weniger FLÜCHTLINGE heißt nicht weniger AfD
20190123             HOBBY—INSEKTENKUNDLER: ARBEITS—TREFFEN interessierter Coleopterologen an der Zoologischen Staatssammlung MÜNCHEN
20190123             —STREIT—ÜBER—REDE zur Lage der Nation: PELOSI sperrt DONALD—TRUMP aus dem REPRÄSENTANTEN—HAUS aus
20190123             In einem BRIEF—AN—TRUMP schrieb PELOSI, sie werde seine "STATE—OF—THE—UNION"-Ansprache nicht erlauben, —BIS DIE—REGIERUNG wieder arbeite.
20190123             In ihrem damaligen SCHREIBEN—AN—DONALD—TRUMP nannte PELOSI "SICHERHEITS—FRAGEN" als Grund für ihre Einwände.
20190123             —DENN, die Etatsperre BETRIFFT—MIT EINSCHRÄNKUNGEN—AUCH den SECRET—SERVICE, der für den Schutz des Präsidenten zuständig ist, und das HEIMATSCHUTZ—MINISTERIUM.
20190123             Unmittelbar darauf hatte PRÄSIDENT—TRUMP 1.Auslandsreise von NANCY—PELOSI gestrichen.
20190123             DONALD—TRUMP konnte sich in seinem Brief 1—SEITENHIEB auf die Demokratin nicht verkneifen, indem er ihr unterstellte, sie reise eh nur aus PR—ZWECKEN.
20190123             DONALD—TRUMP weigert sich, 1—GESETZ zu unterschreiben, das kein Geld für die Mauer enthält.
20190123             DONALD—TRUMP sagte lediglich: "Wir werden noch verkünden, wie wir es machen".
20190123             REVOLTE—GEGEN—MADURO in VENEZUELA: Riskanter Konter
20190123             Russischer Marschflugkörper: WAFFEN—SHOW ohne Waffe
20190123             KUBINKA, 1.Autostunde südwestlich von MOSKAU, will RUSSLAND der Welt beweisen, daß es den INF—VERTRAG durchaus nicht bricht.
20190123             DIE—USA—REGIERUNG hatte - WASHINGTON hat MOSKAU —BIS zum ;;0202;;
20190123             ein —ULTIMATUM gesetzt, zu zeigen, daß es den VERTRAG einhält.
20190123             Der Kern des Vortrags lässt sich wie folgt zusammenfassen: Der modernisierte Marschflugkörper mit mehr Sprengkraft verfügt über 1.Reichweite von 480—KILOMETERN, was zehnKm weniger sind als beim Vorgängermodell.
20190123             DIE—USA könnten mit den Abschussvorrichtungen des Typs Mk-41, die in RUMÄNIEN —BEREITS stationiert sind und auch in Polen in Stellung gebracht werden sollen, auch Marschflugkörper auf russischen Boden abfeuern,
20190123             —EXPERTEN halten das für theoretisch durchaus möglich.
20190123             5.700.000.000—$ als Kompromiss: DEMOKRATEN bieten DONALD—TRUMP "SMART—WALL" an
20190123             —AUFSTAND in VENEZUELA—MILITÄR stellt sich hinter PRÄSIDENT—MADURO
20190123             [l] DAS—FBI hat wegen Shutdown kein Geld mehr, um Informanten zu bezahlen oder Drogen zu kaufen.
20190123             [l] Reh überwindet biometrische RECHENZENTRUMS—EINGANGSKONTROLLE.
20190123             [l] In BAYERN hat 1—MANN gegen Frauenparkplätze geklagt.
20190123             [l] Die ANZAHL—DER—ASYL—BEWERBER ist rückläufig.
20190123             [l] Ach nee gucke mal: MERKEL fordert in DAVOS "ethische Leitplanken" im Umgang mit DATEN.
20190123             Ist —SCHON lustig, wie sich DIE—BEDROHUNGSLAGE —PLÖTZLICH, ändert, wenn man selber potentiell betroffen ist!
20190123             Derweil geht dem FBI DAS—GELD AUS—MIT Folgen auch für den ANTI—TERROR—KAMPF.
20190123             DIE—USA—BUNDES—POLIZEI könne etwa Informanten und Übersetzer nicht mehr bezahlen und auch keine Drogen für verdeckte 1ätze kaufen, sagten FBI—MIT—ARBEITER laut einem nun veröffentlichten Bericht ihres Berufsverbandes FBIAA.
20190123             Wenn aber Quellen des FBI nicht mehr bezahlt werden könnten, bestehe DAS—RISIKO, "sie und die von ihnen gelieferten Informationen für immer zu verlieren",
20190123             1—FBI—BÜRO beschwerte sich dem Verband zufolge etwa auch darüber, daß es an Geld für DNA—TESTSÄTZE, ERSATZ—AUTOREIFEN und Kopierpapier fehle.
20190123             JEDER—TAG, an dem die Haushaltssperre anhalte, lasse die "operationellen Hindernisse" für DAS—FBI wachsen, sagte der FBIAA—VORSITZENDE TOM—O'CONNOR bei 1—PRESSE—KONFERENZ.
20190123             DIE—MEHRZAHL DER—CA—13.000—FBI—SONDERAGENTEN muss weiterhin arbeiten, obwohl sie infolge der Haushaltssperre ihre Gehälter nicht ausgezahlt bekommen.
20190123             DIE—FBIAA hatte die Situation —BEREITS vor knapp 2—WOCHEN als "untragbar" angeprangert.
20190123             DONALD—TRUMP warf den DEMOKRATEN AM—DIENSTAGERNEUT vor, sie spielten "politische Spielchen".
20190123—20130000    —SINCE, That prompted socialist PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—MADURO, who has led THE—OIL—RICH nation, to sever diplomatic ties with THE—USA.
20190123—20151200    —CONVICTED—OF, The web designer was, manslaughter by negligence —LAST—YEAR for THE—DEATH—OF—CHARLOTTE—BROWN, a 24—YEAR—OLD—WOMAN he took on 1—CHAMPAGNE—FUELLED 1. date on his speedboat on the River Thames.
20190123—20170000    —SCHON, DIE—BRITISCHE PREMIER—MINISTERIN—THERESA—MAY habe, zugesagt, 1."harte Grenze" unter allen Umständen zu VERMEIDEN—1—PROBLEM, das allein dem BREXIT geschuldet sei.
20190123—20181100    —GRANTED, FRANCE had, RICARDO—PALMA—SALAMANCA asylum, more than —2—DECADES—AFTER CHILE—AUTHORITIES imprisoned him for 19910000             —THE—MURDER—OF—SENATOR—JAIME—GUZMAN.
20190123—20190119    —ON, He was on 1—MILITARY training exercise —WHEN 1—GUN barrel was lowered on 1—LARGE artillery device he was helping to repair.
20191005             —ACCOMPANIED, Memorandum for Record by MURRAY—C—BERNAYS, by related correspondence, 19450123             , War Crimes File, Rosenman Papers, HARRY—S—TRUMAN...
20200122             —ANNOUNCED, THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION, new regulations barring IRAN—INVESTORS and business people from entering or staying in THE—USA on certain types of visas effective 20200123         .
20200123             —RAISED, THE—USA—CENTERS for Disease Control and Prevention, its travel alert for the coronavirus outbreak to 1—LEVEL 3, recommending people avoid all nonessential travel to WUHAN—CHINA.
20200123             —KILLED, The outbreak has —NOW, 18 and infected nearly 600—PEOPLE globally.
20200123             —PULLED, THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT, all NON—EMERGENCY—USA—PERSONNEL and their family out of Hubei province, and issued 1—TRAVEL warning urging people not to visit there.
20200123             —FINALIZED, THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION, 1—RULE to pare back THE—TYPES—OF—WATERWAYS protected from pollution under federal law, 1—MOVE intended to ease burdens on industries like agriculture and mining.
20200123             —PRAISED, Industry groups, the move —WHILE environmental groups criticized it.
20200123             —ROLLED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION, out 1—NEW—RULE that aims to limit "birth tourism" by women who enter THE—USA on tourist visas with the intention of obtaining citizenship for their babies born on USA—SOIL.
20200123             THE—USA—BARRED—IRANIANS from entering the country on trade and investment visas.
20200123             —SANCTIONED, THE—USA, 4—COMPANIES that it says have traded HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS worth of IRAN—PETROLEUM and petrochemicals in its latest effort to clamp down on the Islamic REPUBLIC—REVENUE—SOURCES.
20200123             Democratic House prosecutors made 1—EXPANSIVE case at DONALD—TRUMP—IMPEACHMENT—TRIAL that he abused power like no other PRESIDENT in history, swept up by a "completely bogus" UKRAINE theory pushed by attorney RUDY—GIULIANI.
20200123             —DENIED, THE—USA, 1—EXTRADITION—REQUEST for ANNE—SACOOLAS, the wife of 1—USA—DIPLOMAT who police say fatally struck 1—UK—TEENAGER with her car as he was walking on THE—SIDE—OF—THE—ROAD last August.
20200123             —SLAPPED, USA federal regulators, a $17.5—MILLION—FINE on FORMER—WELLS Fargo CEO—JOHN—STUMPF for his role in the bank's sales practices scandal.
20200123             5—OTHER—FORMER—WELLS Fargo executives were also sued for 1 combined total of $37.5—MILLION for their rolls in the bank's poor practices.
20200123             —KILLED, The attacks, Ambassador CHRIS—STEVENS, communications specialist SEAN—SMITH and security officers TYRONE—SNOWDEN—WOODS and GLEN—ANTHONY—DOHERTY.
20200123             —BANNED, OKLAHOMA GOVERNOR—KEVIN—STITT, SATE—FUNDED travel to CALIFORNIA in response to 1—SIMILAR 20180000              ban by CALIFORNIA —AFTER OKLAHOMA passed 1—LAW that allowed adoption agencies to deny placement services to SAME—SEX—PARENTS.
20200123             —PLEDGED, USA financier and philanthropist GEORGE—SOROS, 1—BILLION dollars for 1—NEW—UNIVERSITY—NETWORK—PROJECT to battle the erosion of civil society in 1—WORLD increasingly ruled by "WOULD—BE and actual dictators" and beset by climate change.
20200123             THE—BLUE—CROSS—BLUE—SHIELD—ASSOCIATION (BCBSA) and 18—BLUE—CROSS—BLUE—SHIELD—HEALTH insurers said they are working with Civica Rx, 1—NON—PROFIT formed 2—YEARS ago to try to increase competition for HOSPITAL—BASED generic drugs.
20200123             The group said it is investing $55—MILLION in 1—VENTURE that aims to offer cheaper prices to their members on generic drugs that currently have little or no competition.
20200123             Top diplomats from LIBYA—NEIGHBORING countries and beyond met in ALGIERS amid intensifying INTERNATIONAL efforts to end the conflict tearing apart THE—OIL—RICH—COUNTRY.
20200123             —KILLED, AUSTRALIA, 3—USA—CREW members were, —WHEN 1—C—130—HERCULES aerial water tanker crashed —WHILE battling wildfires in the Snowy Monaro REGION—OF—NEW—SOUTH—WALES.
20200123             QUEEN—ELIZABETH—II gave her formal assent for BRITAIN to end its DECADES—LONG—INVOLVEMENT in THE—EU and seek 1—MORE—INDEPENDENT but uncertain future at THE—END—OF—THE—MONTH.
20200123             —BECAME, BRITAIN—BREXIT bill, law.
20200123             UK—SUPERMARKET group Morrisons said it plans to cut 3,000 management jobs as PART—OF—1—WORKFORCE restructuring that will create 7,000 frontline jobs in its stores.
20200123             —MOVED, CHINA—AUTHORITIES, to lock down 3—CITIES with 1 combined population of more than 18—MILLION in 1 unprecedented effort to contain the deadly new virus that has sickened HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE and spread to other PARTS—OF—THE—WORLD —DURING the busy Lunar New —YEAR travel period.
20200123             The train station and airport in WUHAN, THE—EPICENTER—OF—THE—OUTBREAK, were shut down, and ferry, subway and bus service was halted.
20200123             Similar measures would take effect THE—FOLLOWING—DAY in the nearby cities of HUANGGANG and EZHOU.
20200123             WUHAN underwent a 76—DAY—LOCKDOWN.
20200123             —ENDED, The virus death toll in WUHAN, in MID—MAY with 3,869 fatalities.
20200123             —ENTITLED, DENMARK, an 8—METER copper statue by JENS—GALSCHIOET, "Pillar of Shame," was erected in FRONT—OF—PARLIAMENT in CENTRAL—COPENHAGEN to express solidarity with PRO—DEMOCRACY—PROTESTERS in HONG—KONG.
20200123             —CRASHED, CENTRAL—GERMANY, 1—SCHOOL—BUS, early —TODAY, killing 2—CHILDREN and leaving 5—OTHERS seriously injured near the village of Berka, Thuringia state.
20200123             GREECE—MIGRATION and asylum MINISTER—SAID—THE "anxiety and indignation" of GREECE—ISLAND—RESIDENTS living at the forefront of 1—MIGRATION—CRISIS are justified.
20200123             Residents and business owners on the islands of Lesbos, Chios and Samos have held 2—DAYS—OF—PROTESTS and went on strike to demand that the government tackle severe overcrowding at migrant camps that are all grossly over capacity.
20200123             1—GREECE—HIGH—COURT—REJECTED—RUSSIA—BITCOIN fraud suspect ALEXANDER—VINNIK—FINAL—APPEAL against his extradition to FRANCE, ending 1—MORE than 2—YEAR—LEGAL—TUG—OF—WAR between 3—COUNTRIES seeking to put him on trial.
20200123             —GATHERED, HUNDREDS—OF—STUDENTS, in Basra to protest against recent killings.
20200123             1—IRAQ—DEMONSTRATOR was shot dead in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—BASRA overnight.
20200123             This —WEEK—VIOLENCE—BRINGS to 470 the overall death toll —SINCE protests erupted in October.
20200123             —KILLED, MADAGASCAR—NATIONAL—DISASTER—OFFICE said floods across the island have, at least 12—PEOPLE this —WEEK, with 18—MISSING, —AFTER unseasonably heavy rain.
20200123             —RAISED, The death toll was soon, to 26 with 15—PEOPLE still missing.
20200123             —INAUGURATED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, 1—BRONZE monument, named "Memorial Candle," in the heart of JERUSALEM commemorating the citizens and defenders of Leningrad —DURING the 19410000—19440000     Nazi SIEGE—OF—THE—CITY.
20200123             —GATHERED, DOZENS—OF—WORLD—LEADERS, in JERUSALEM for THE—LARGEST—EVER gathering focused on commemorating the Holocaust and combating rising MODERN—DAY—ANTI—SEMITISM.
20200123             —ORDERED, At THE—HAGUE—THE—INTERNATIONAL—COURT—OF—JUSTICE, MYANMAR take all measures in its power to prevent genocide against the Rohingya.
20200123             —APPROVED, RUSSIA—LAWMAKERS unanimously, 1—SWEEPING constitutional reform bill put forward by PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN in its 1. reading, —AFTER less than 2—HOURS—OF—DEBATE.
20200123             —DUPED, SWEDEN—TOP—MILITARY—COMMANDER, GENERAL—MICAEL—BYDEN, said 1—MAN who, THE—SWEDEN—MILITARY—FOR—18—YEARS by using forged credentials and who even worked at NATO—HEADQUARTERS and was 1—CONTACT for RUSSIA—SECURITY—SERVICES did not divulge ANY—SECRET—INFORMATION that could harm SWEDEN—SECURITY.
20200123             THE—SAMI people, indigenous to NORTH—SWEDEN, number about 20,000.
20200123             —PLANNED, Striking junior doctors at ZIMBABWE—STATE—HOSPITALS, to end a 4—MONTH—STRIKE—AFTER accepting 1—OFFER from 1—TELECOMS billionaire to pay them 1—MONTHLY—ALLOWANCE—OF about $300—FOR—6—MONTHS.
20200123             Strive Masiyiwa, through his philanthropic arm Higher Life Foundation, last November set up a 100—MILLION—ZIMBABWE dollar ($5.9—MILLION) fund for the striking doctors.
20200123             —CONTINUED, Negotiations with the government.
20200123             —DONNERSTAG, IMPEACHMENT—VERFAHREN gegen TRUMP: Demokraten stellen im Senat die Gewissensfrage
20200123             Umstrittene JUSTIZ—REFORM in Polen: Parlament billigt Gesetz zur Bestrafung kritischer Richter
20200123             [l] Habt ihr das auch gehört? Die Energiewende ist teuer?
20200123             Die Dunkelflaute wird das Licht ausgehen lassen?
20200123             Elektroautos braucht man nicht, Wasserstoff ist die Zukunft?
20200123             Hier ist eine handliche MYTHEN—ZERLEGUNG dieser und anderer "Argumente" der Fossil(i)EN—LOBBY.
20200123             MANCHE—MYTHEN halten sich hartnäckig: Die Energiewende sei zu teuer, ÖKO—STROM zu zappelig, die Sonne zu schwach, der Wind zu still, der Speicher zu knapp und das Netz zu löchrig.
20200123             So etwa klingt das KLAGE—STAKKATO der ENERGIEWENDE—GEGNER.
20200123             Und wem das alles nicht genügt, dem wird final das HORROR—SZENARIO der DE—INDUSTRIALISIERUNG an die teuflische Wand gemalt.
20200123             DIE—ANGSTMACH—KAMPAGNEN der ENERGIEWENDE—GEGNER haben wieder Hochkonjunktur.
20200123             Und werden mit kompakten MARKETING—SCHLAGWORTEN in die SOCIAL—MEDIA—KANÄLE geschwemmt, auf dass sie sich dort viral verbreiten mögen — was sie leider tun.
20200123             1—MYTHOS: "300—MRD. Euro hat die Energiewende gekostet — und nichts gebracht!"
20200123             DIE—ZAHL "300—MILLIARDEN" ist gängig.
20200123             —BENANNT, Manchmal wird DER—ZEIT—RAUM"—SEIT 2005".
20200123             Trotzdem bleibt in der Regel diffus, von welchen Kosten genau die Rede ist.
20200123             Wer nachfragt, wird meist auf die Förderung der erneuerbaren Energien verwiesen (Einspeisevergütung —NACH—DEM EEG—GESETZ).
20200123             —SEIT—BEGINN beträgt die Fördersumme 167—MRD.
20200123             Euro, nachzulesen beim Statistischen Bundesamt.
20200123             Das sind aber keine Kosten, sondern Investitionen.
20200123             DER—UNTERSCHIED: Kaufe ich 1—FAHRRAD habe ich 200—EURO Kosten.
20200123             Kaufe ich das Rad, um das BUS—TICKET für 2—EURO zu sparen, habe ich —SCHON nach 100—FAHRTEN die Kosten reingeholt und mit JEDER—WEITEREN—FAHRT mit dem Rad 2—EURO mehr in der Tasche.
20200123             Und nutze ich das Rad sogar für bezahlte Kurierfahrten, verdiene ich damit nach kurzer Zeit so viel Geld, daß ich davon nicht nur das Rad, sondern vielleicht auch noch meine Miete bezahlen kann.
20200123             Das gleiche gilt auch für die EEG—FÖRDERUNG.
20200123             Erneuerbarer Energien wirken kostensenkend an der Strombörse, dadurch konnten die Stromkosten gesenkt werden.
20200123             —GESTIEGEN, Dass die Preise für dich und mich trotzdem, sind, liegt nicht an den Erneuerbaren Energien, sondern daran dass die Stromversorger die günstigen BÖRSEN—PREISE nicht an uns Verbraucher weitergegeben haben.
20200123             Wenn man dann noch die vermiedenen CO2-Emissionen und die damit unterbundenen Schäden (180—EURO je Tonne CO2 laut Umweltbundesamt) hinzurechnet, ergeben sich auf der PLUS—SEITE insgesamt 327—MILLIARDEN
20200123             durch die Förderung erneuerbarer Energien sind zwischen 20040000              und 20170000              laut BUNDESWIRTSCHAFTS—MINISTERIUM wirtschaftlichen Impulse im Wert von 240—MRD.
20200123             —ENTSTANDEN, Euro.
20200123             —DERZEIT, arbeiten über 330.000—BESCHÄFTIGTE in der ERNEUERBARE—ENERGIEN—BRANCHE.
20200123             Zwischenzeitlich waren es deutlich mehr, aber die permanenten gesetzlichen Einschnitte infolge des MYTHEN—LOBBYISMUS' haben immer wieder Arbeitsplätze vernichtet;
20200123             zuerst in der Solarenergie, aktuell auch in der Windenergie.
20200123             Ohne MYTHEN—HOKUSPOKUS könnten es also deutlich mehr Arbeitsplätze sein.
20200123             Es muss also richtigerweise heißen:
20200123             2—MYTHOS: "Es gibt Geisterstrom aus Windanlagen, der 364.000.000—EURO kostet!"
20200123             —NACH—DEM, Mythos "Zappelstrom" kommt nun der Mythos "Geisterstrom".
20200123             Beides sind Begriffe, die sich zwar auf Tatsachen beziehen, aber abwertend gemeint sind.
20200123             "Zappelstrom" ist das Schimpfwort für Strom aus erneuerbaren Energien, der eben schwankt, weil der Wind unterschiedlich weht und die Sonne unterschiedlich scheint.
20200123             Dieselben die von Geisterstrom herumschwadronieren, fordern für Kohlekraftwerke gern "Bereitstellungsprämien".
20200123             Aber wer Mythen verbreiten will, macht gern aus Mücken Elefanten.
20200123             3—MYTHOS: "Bei Dunkelflauten geht das Licht aus; denn es gibt keine Speicher für erneuerbare Energie!"
20200123             Der Begriff "Dunkelflaute" ist eine weitere Wortschöpfung aus der Welt der ENERGIEWENDE—GEGNER.
20200123             Gemeint sind Zeiten, in denen der Wind nicht weht und die Sonne nicht scheint.
20200123             Um nämlich den Wasserstoff für einen Kilometer Fahrt mit dem BRENNSTOFFZELLEN—FAHRZEUG zu produzieren braucht man genauso viel Energie wie für 8—KILOMETER mit dem Elektroauto.
20200123             Über die Gründe, warum EINIGE—MENSCHEN entgegen aller wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse solche rhetorisch geschickt verpackten Mythen verbreiten, kann man nur spekulieren.
20200123             GOTT—SEI—DANK ist die MEHRHEIT—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG mittlerweile weiter - GOTT—SEI—DANK - GOTT
20200123             —INZWISCHEN, Selbst die großen Energiekonzerne setzen, voll auf erneuerbare Energien.
20200123             Sie wissen, daß es —IN—ZUKUNFT, eine dezentrale, auf erneuerbaren Energien basierende STROM—UND Energieerzeugung geben wird.
20200123             Energiewende — Mythen RELOADED—CAPITAL.de
20200123             IMPEACHMENT—VERFAHREN gegen TRUMP: "Er hat seinen Plan mit korrupter Absicht vorangetrieben"
20200123             Lungenkrankheit in CHINA: ZAHL—DER—TODESOPFER steigt auf 26
20200123             —DIE—LAGE—AM—MORGEN: Viel zu VIELE—BRAUNE—GEISTER
20200123             Autoclub lenkt ein: ADAC gibt ablehnende Haltung zu Tempolimit auf Autobahnen auf
20200123             —VERZICHTET, Bundespolizeigesetz: Seehofer, auf Software zur GESICHTS—ERKENNUNG
20200123             —BY, CHINA—AUTHORITIES had shut down transportation going into and out of WUHAN, as well as local businesses, in order to reduce THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—DISEASE.
20200123             —BY, It was the 1. of several quarantines set up in the country and —AROUND the world.
20200123             "Nicht der richtige Zeitpunkt": WHO ruft vorerst KEINE INTERNATIONALE—NOTLAGE aus
20200123             —RULED, SWEDEN—SUPREME—COURT, in FAVOR—OF—SAMI—CONTROL—OF—HUNTING and fishing permits citing government records going back to the 15010101—16001231    —CENTURY which recognized Sami rights in exchange for taxes (paid in fur).
20200123—19470000    —ANNOUNCED, THE—BULLETIN of the Atomic Scientists, its symbolic "doomsday clock" has moved forward to 100—SECONDS to midnight, the closest to catastrophe that the scientists have judged the world to be at ANY—POINT—SINCE its creation, at the outset of the cold war.
20200123—19880000    —FROM, † JIM—LEHRER, 85—JAHRE—ALT, former host of THE—PBS "NewsHour" in WASHINGTON, DC. to 20120000              Lehrer moderated 11—PRESIDENTIAL—DEBATES.
20200123—19900000    —SEIT, Euro eingesparte Klimaschäden.
20200123—20050000    —SEIT, Euro, sind es 152—MRD.
20200123—20050000    —SEIT, Euro und sogar 435—MRD.
20200123—20050000    —SEIT, Fakt ist: Die Energiewende hat über 300—MRD. Euro Gewinn erwirtschaftet.
20200123—20070000    —SEIT—REDUZIERT, Außerdem wurde der Import fossiler Energien : Das BUNDESWIRTSCHAFTS—MINISTERIUM (—JAHRESBERICHT 20180000             ) weist eingesparte PRIMÄR—ENERGIE aus und damit eingesparte Kosten von etwa knapp 92—MRD.
20200123—20070000    —SEIT, Euro, —VERMINDERT, Allein dadurch, sich die Nettofördersumme auf 60—MRD.Euro.
20200123—20120911    —IN—THE, NEW—YORK, 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—SENTENCED—LIBYA—MILITANT—MUSTAFA—AL—IMAM to more than 19—YEARS in prison for his role, BENGHAZI attacks that killed 4—AMERICANS.
20200612—20180123    —KILLED, KENTUCKY teen GABRIEL—PARKER, 18—JAHRE—ALT, who, 2—CLASSMATES and injured others —WHEN he opened fire at his high school, was sentenced to 2—LIFE—SENTENCES.
20210123             —APPOINTED, Newly, USA—DEFENSE—SECRETARY—LLOYD—AUSTIN issued his 1. directive in the role late —TODAY, giving THE—PENTAGON—SENIOR—LEADERS 2—WEEKS to gather reports on sexual assault prevention programs in the military and send him assessments of what has worked and what hasn't.
20210123             1—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT—STATEMENT said WASHINGTON will continue to deepen ties with TAIWAN and ensure its defense from CHINA—THREATS, —WHILE supporting 1—PEACEFUL—RESOLUTION—OF—ISSUES between the sides.
20210123             —QUIZZED, LARRY—KING (87), who, THOUSANDS—OF—WORLD—LEADERS, politicians and entertainers for CNN and other news outlets in 1—CAREER spanning more than 6—DECADES, † in LOS—ANGELES.
20210123             —HOSPITALIZED, He had been, with 1—COVID 19—INFECTION.
20210123             —VOTED, ARIZONA Republicans, to censure Cindy McCain and 2—PROMINENT—GOP members who have found themselves crosswise with FORMER—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP.
20210123             CALIFORNIA to date had 3,140,710 CASES—OF—CORONAVIRUS and 36,785 deaths.
20210123             THE—SF Bay Area had 354,499 cases and 3,738 deaths.
20210123             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 24,985,689 with the death toll at 417,339.
20210123             † HAL—HOLBROOK, 95—JAHRE—ALT, USA—FILM and TV star, at his home in BEVERLY—HILLS.
20210123             —CARVED, HAL—HOLBROOK, out 1—ACTING career in television and film but achieved his widest acclaim onstage, playing MARK—TWAIN in a 1—MAN—SHOW for decades.
20210123             1—WEEKLONG strike at NEW—YORK CITY—HUNTS—POINT—PRODUCE—MARKET, the nation's largest wholesale produce market, ended —AFTER workers overwhelmingly approved 1—DEAL that includes their largest pay increase in decades and more money for health coverage.
20210123             DeDolph is 1—OF 4—SERVICE members — 2—SEALS and 2—MARINES — to be charged in MELGAR—DEATH.
20210123             —ARRESTED, BELARUS police, about 100—PEOPLE in MINSK who formed human chains in demonstrations calling for AUTHORITY—PRESIDENT—ALEXANDER—LUKASHENKO to resign.
20210123             —APPROVED, BRAZIL—HEALTH—REGULATOR—ANVISA, a 2. emergency use REQUEST—OF—CHINA—CORONAVAC vaccine, which will allow for the distribution of 4.8—MILLION—NEW doses that were partly manufactured in BRAZIL.
20210123             —REPORTED, CHINA, 80—NEW—COVID—19—CASES, mostly in the northeast where SOME—RESIDENTS complained they were SHORT—OF—FOOD amid 1—ONGOING local lockdowns, down from 107 1—DAY—EARLIER.
20210123             107—NEW—COVID—19—CASES had been identified in the mainland, up from 103—CASES THE—DAY—BEFORE.
20210123             —LOCKED, HONG—KONG—GOVERNMENT, down 1—AREA—OF—KOWLOON peninsula —AFTER 1—OUTBREAK—OF—THE—NOVEL—CORONAVIRUS, saying 10,000 residents must stay home —UNTIL they have been tested and the results largely determined.
20210123             —GATHERED, ISRAEL, over a 1000—PROTESTERS, in JERUSALEM for weekly demonstrations demanding PRIME—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU step down over corruption charges, as smaller protests were staged at intersections and bridges across the country.
20210123             MEXICO—PRESIDENT—ANDRÉS—MANUEL—LÓPEZ—OBRADOR said that PRESIDENT—JOE—BIDEN told him 1—DAY—EARLIER that THE—USA would send $4—BILLION to help development in HONDURAS, EL—SALVADOR and GUATEMALA — nations whose hardships have spawned TIDES—OF—MIGRATION through MEXICO toward THE—USA.
20210123             MEXICO—AUTHORITIES said 19—SHOT and burned bodies were found outside Camargo, Tamaulipas state, across THE—RIO—GRANDE from TEXAS.
20210123             —OPPOSED, Fidel Heras Cruz had, plans to build dams on THE—RIO—VERDE river, and reportedly received 1—DEATH—THREAT —2—DAYS—BEFORE he †.
20210123             —KIDNAPPED, Pirates off NIGERIA—COAST, 15—SAILORS from 1—TURKEY—CONTAINER ship in the Gulf of GUINEA in 1—BRAZEN and violent attack.
20210123             Pirates in the Gulf, which borders more than 12—COUNTRIES, kidnapped 130—SAILORS in 22—INCIDENTS—LAST—YEAR, accounting for all but 5—OF—THOSE seized worldwide.
20210123             —ABDUCTED, NIGERIA, 7—CHILDREN and 1—MAN were, by 1—LARGE—GROUP—OF armed men who broke into RACHEL—ORPHANAGE—HOME in ABUJA.
20210123             —KILLED, In THE—SOUTH—PHILIPPINES security forces, 12—PEOPLE —DURING 1—DRUG—RAID in Maguindanao province.
20210123             1—POLICE—OFFICER was also killed at 1—RESIDENTIAL compound tied to Pendatun Adsis Talusan, who was SUSPECTED—OF—INVOLVEMENT in illegal drug trade.
20210123             —KILLED, Talusan was among those, in the gunbattle.
20210123             —ERUPTED, RUSSIA, protests, across the country to demand THE—RELEASE—OF—OPPOSITION—LEADER—ALEXEI—NAVALNY, THE—KREMLIN—MOST prominent foe.
20210123             —MOVED, The protests, across time zones and more than 3,000—PEOPLE were arrested in at least 109—CITIES
20210123             † ANTI—APARTHEID jazz trombonist and COMPOSER—JONAS—GWANGWA, 83—JAHRE—ALT.
20210123             —NOMINATED, ANTI—APARTHEID was, for 1—OSCAR for music he composed for 19870000             —THE movie "Cry Freedom," which starred DENZEL—WASHINGTON and KEVIN—KLINE.
20210123             SAUDI—ARABIA, 3—DRONES struck the royal palace in RIYADH.
20210123             —REPORTED, It was —LATER, that they were launched from IRAQI—SAUDI—ARABIA—BORDER—AREAS by 1—RELATIVELY unknown IRAN—BACKED faction in IRAQ, exacerbating regional tensions.
20210123             —RESIGNED, SPAIN—TOP—GENERAL—MIGUEL—ANGEL—VILLAROYA, —AFTER allegations he had received THE—COVID—19—VACCINE—AHEAD—OF—PRIORITY—GROUPS, 1—OF—1—NUMBER—OF—PUBLIC—OFFICIALS who have sparked public anger BECAUSE—OF—REPORTS they have jumped the vaccination queue.
20210123             THE—UN—REFUGEE—AGENCY said tribal clashes in SUDAN—DARFUR region have killed at least 250—PEOPLE and displaced more than 100,000—PEOPLE—SINCE erupting —EARLIER this —MONTH.
20210123             —RECORDED, ZIMBABWE, 1—TOTAL—OF—31,007—CASES, including 974—DEATHS, up from the slightly more than 10,000 cases and 277—DEATHS at the beginning of December.
20210123             † 4—CABINET—MINISTERS have, of COVID-19, 3—WITHIN the past 2—WEEKS.
20210123             —SAMSTAG, 20210123
20210123             —BEGINNT, FRÜHERER—USA—PRÄSIDENT: Amtsenthebungsverfahren gegen Trump, in 2. Februarwoche
20210123             Coronavirus: ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUT meldet mehr als 16.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN in Deutschland
20210123             NAWALNY—PROTESTE in Russland: Der Aufstand der TIKTOK—TRUPPEN
20210123             Integrationsforscher über Flüchtlingsdebatte: "Dass berechtigte Vorbehalte als rechts wahrgenommen werden, ist problematisch"
20210123             Maskenbeschaffung: Spahn beschäftigt teures Anwaltsheer
20210123             CORONA—POLITIK: Unionsfraktionsvize fordert baldiges SHUTDOWN—ENDE
20210123             AFGHANISTAN—STRATEGIE: BIDEN—REGIERUNG will Abkommen mit den Taliban überprüfen
20210123             Autoindustrie: 4—VON 10—DEUTSCHEN Neuwagen gehen nach CHINA
20210123             Proteste in vielen Städten: Russische Sicherheitskräfte nehmen Hunderte NAWALNY—UNTERSTÜTZER fest
20210123             —IRRITIERT, CORONA—MUTANTE: Johnsons Aussage zu höherer Sterblichkeit, britische Gesundheitsexperten
20210123             Weniger Impfstoff im 1. Quartal: EU zeigt sich "tief unzufrieden" mit AstraZeneca
20210123             Pandemie: Mehrere MINISTER—IN—SIMBABWE an Folgen von COVID—19—GESTORBEN
20210123             Talkshowlegende: LARRY—KING ist tot
20210123             "NEW—YORK—TIMES"-Bericht: Trump wollte offenbar Justizminister aus dem Weg räumen
20210123             Explosion über der Stadt: SAUDI—ARABIEN fängt unbekannten Flugkörper über Riad ab
20210123             Neue CORONA—SCHUTZMAßNAHMEN : Bundespolizei soll Einreiseregeln streng kontrollieren
20210123             —GEHOLFEN, WIRECARD—SKANDAL: GEHEIM—DIENSTMANN soll Marsalek bei Flucht, haben
20210123             —KRITISIERT, Unruhen in Russland: EU—AUßENBEAUFTRAGTER, Polizeigewalt bei NAWALNY—PROTESTEN
20210123             Mietensteuer als Lastenausgleich: Warum Immobilieneigentümer für die Krise zahlen sollten
20210123             Verteilung des Wohlstands: So ungleich ist Deutschland
20210123             EU—SOZIALKOMMISSAR NICOLAS—SCHMIT warnt vor einer Kürzung der Sozialleistungen.
20210123             —GENOMMEN, Dass in EUROPA massiv Geld in die Hand, werde, um Unternehmen und das Einkommen der Menschen zu retten, sei notwendig gewesen, sagt er der Funke Mediengruppe.
20210123             "Aber wir würden enorme Probleme schaffen, wenn wir nach der Krise auf einen Sparkurs zulasten der Sozialpolitik gehen".
20210123             Heil: Wegen Pandemie ist 20210000              nicht mit Rentenerhöhung zu rechnen
20210123             Nächtliche Ausgangssperre in den Niederlanden tritt in Kraft
20210123             Homeoffice in der Pandemie lässt ZAHL—DER—AUTODIEBSTÄHLE sinken
20210123             CHINA meldet 1—JAHR nach erstem Lockdown 107—NEUINFEKTIONEN
20210123             CHINA meldet am Jahrestag des 1. Lockdowns in WUHAN — der Stadt, in der sich das Virus weltweit zum 1. Mal verbreitete — 107—NEUINFEKTIONEN.
20210123             —AM—TAG davor waren es 103.
20210123             —JETZT über 413.000—CORONA—TOTE in den USA
20210123             HOMEOFFICE—QUOTE in Bundesministerien beträgt —BIS zu 85—PROZENT
20210123             Schwere allergische Reaktionen auf den CORONA—IMPFSTOFF des USA—UNTERNEHMENS Moderna sind nach ANGABEN—DER—USA—GESUNDHEITSBEHÖRDE CDC "selten".
20210123             Nach Verabreichung von mehr als 4—MILLIONEN Dosen der Vakzine seien nur bei 10—DER Impfstoffempfänger sogenannte anaphylaktische Schocks aufgetreten,
20210123             Bei 10—IMPFSTOFFEMPFÄNGERN, alle von ihnen Frauen zwischen 31—UND 63—JAHREN, waren diese Reaktionen demnach schwerwiegend.
20210123             NRW, öffnen Impfzentren wegen fehlenden Impfstoffs nur nachmittags
20210123             Norwegen hat die CORONA—BESCHRÄNKUNGEN in der HAUPTSTADT—OSLO und 9—ANGRENZENDEN Gemeinden verschärft.
20210123             Grund sei der Ausbruch der in Großbritannien entdeckten, möglicherweise besonders ansteckenden COVID—VARIANTE,
20210123             Ministerin in SRI—LANKA nach Werbung für Wundermittel mit Coronavirus infiziert
20210123             Die spanische HAUPTSTADT—MADRID hat angesichts der drastisch steigenden ZAHL—VON—CORONA—INFEKTIONEN die Gegenmaßnahmen weiter verschärft.
20210123             —BEGINNT, So, die nächtliche Ausgangssperre in der Millionenmetropole ab —MONTAG—SCHON 1—STUNDE früher um 22—UHR,
20210123             Die spanische Urlauberinsel Ibiza wird wegen steil ansteigender CORONA—ZAHLEN vorerst —BIS zum Monatsende weitgehend abgeriegelt.
20210123             Wenige Tage vor dem geplanten Inkrafttreten einer neuen CORONA—VERORDNUNG haben in ERFURT rund 1000—MENSCHEN gegen die ANTI—CORONA—REGELN demonstriert.
20210123             Nach Angaben einer SPRECHERIN—DER—POLIZEI wurde am —SAMSTAG die nach der geltenden Verordnung maximal mögliche Teilnehmerzahl von 10000000              erreicht.
20210123             Spaniens oberster Militär, Generalstabschef MIGUEL—ÁNGEL—VILLARROYA, hat seinen Rücktritt angeboten, weil er und andere ranghohe Militärs früher als Andere gegen CORONA geimpft worden waren.
20210123             —ANGENOMMEN, Verteidigungsministerin Margarita Robles habe das Gesuch,
20210123             Die frühzeitige Impfung ranghoher Militärs war als Privilegierung kritisiert worden.
20210123             —NACH—DEM nationalen Impfplan werden —ZURZEIT—ZUNÄCHST besonders gefährdete Menschen gegen das Virus SARS—COV—2—GEIMPFT, also vor allem Bewohner von Altenheimen und ihr Pflegepersonal.
20210123             Das Militär betonte, es gebe intern einen eigenen Impfplan, gegen den nicht verstoßen worden sei.
20210123             Zuvor war —SCHON 1—OBERST—DER militärisch organisierten Polizeieinheit Guardia Civil vom Innenminister entlassen worden, der zusammen mit den Offizieren des Militärs geimpft worden war.
20210123             TSCHECHIEN, haben am —SAMSTAG hunderte Kneipen und Restaurants ihre Türen aus Protest gegen die LOCKDOWN—BESTIMMUNGEN der Regierung geöffnet und zahlreiche Gäste bewirtet.
20210123             Die Betreiber folgten einem Aufruf der populären politischen Bewegung "Hund ist tot" ("Chcipl pes").
20210123             Der Name der Initiative, die in den vergangenen Wochen viel Zulauf verzeichnete, ist ein spöttischer Kommentar zu den örtlichen Anordnungen zum Schutz gegen das Coronavirus.
20210123             —BEGINNT, ISRAEL, mit der Impfung von Jugendlichen
20210123             Frankreich hat 1—MILLION—MARKE bei Impfungen erreicht
20210123             Russland: Polizei nimmt 2500—NAWALNY—UNTERSTÜTZER fest
20210123             Vergammeltes Fleisch, fehlende Waren: —JETZT bekommen die Briten den Brexit zu spüren
20210123             LK AMBERG—SULZBACH Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 41—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 39,8 Fälle gesamt 2.590—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.513,4 Todesfälle gesamt 104—EINWOHNERZAHL 103.049—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210123             LK Aurich Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 56—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 29,5 Fälle gesamt 1.843—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 971,6 Todesfälle gesamt 24—EINWOHNERZAHL 189.694—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210123             LK BERNKASTEL—WITTLICH Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 49—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 43,6 Fälle gesamt 1.819—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.617,1 Todesfälle gesamt 49—EINWOHNERZAHL 112.483—BUNDESLAND RHEINLAND—PFALZ
20210123             LK BITBURG—PRÜM Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 34—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 34,3 Fälle gesamt 2.011—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.030,1 Todesfälle gesamt 18—EINWOHNERZAHL 99.058—BUNDESLAND RHEINLAND—PFALZ
20210123             LK Düren Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 270—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 102,0 Fälle gesamt 8.009—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.026,4 Todesfälle gesamt 199—EINWOHNERZAHL 264.638—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210123             LK Euskirchen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 154—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 79,5 Fälle gesamt 4.472—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.309,2 Todesfälle gesamt 147—EINWOHNERZAHL 193.656—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210123             LK Friesland Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 34—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 34,4 Fälle gesamt 920—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 932,1 Todesfälle gesamt 27—EINWOHNERZAHL 98.704—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210123             LK LÜCHOW—DANNENBERG Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 20—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 41,3 Fälle gesamt 439—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 906,8 Todesfälle gesamt 12—EINWOHNERZAHL 48.412—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210123             LK Lüneburg Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 57—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 31,0 Fälle gesamt 1.643—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 892,3 Todesfälle gesamt 35—EINWOHNERZAHL 184.139—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210123             LK Nordwestmecklenburg Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 75—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 47,7 Fälle gesamt 1.586—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.008,1 Todesfälle gesamt 31—EINWOHNERZAHL 157.322—BUNDESLAND MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN
20210123             LK Plön Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 45—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 35,0 Fälle gesamt 712—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 553,3 Todesfälle gesamt 18—EINWOHNERZAHL 128.686—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210123             LK RHEIN—ERFT—KREIS Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 390—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 82,9 Fälle gesamt 10.438—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.217,9 Todesfälle gesamt 257—EINWOHNERZAHL 470.615—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210123             LK RHEINISCH—BERGISCHER Kreis Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 303—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 107,0 Fälle gesamt 6.415—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.264,6 Todesfälle gesamt 96—EINWOHNERZAHL 283.271
20210123             LK ROSTOCK Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 103—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 47,7 Fälle gesamt 1.535—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 711,3 Todesfälle gesamt 36—EINWOHNERZAHL 215.794—BUNDESLAND MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN
20210123             LK Rotenburg (Wümme) Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 66—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 40,3 Fälle gesamt 2.178—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.329,8 Todesfälle gesamt 63—EINWOHNERZAHL 163.782—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210123             LK SCHLESWIG—FLENSBURG Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 96—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 47,7 Fälle gesamt 1.288—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 640,3 Todesfälle gesamt 32—EINWOHNERZAHL 201.156—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210123             LK Tübingen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 100—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 43,7 Fälle gesamt 5.690—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.488,2 Todesfälle gesamt 144—EINWOHNERZAHL 228.678—BUNDESLAND BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG
20210123             LK Verden Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 57—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 41,6 Fälle gesamt 2.458—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.792,4 Todesfälle gesamt 34—EINWOHNERZAHL 137.133—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210123             SK BERLIN Neukölln Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 428—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 133,3 Fälle gesamt 14.010—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.362,8 Todesfälle gesamt 276—EINWOHNERZAHL 321.123—BUNDESLAND BERLIN
20210123             SK Delmenhorst Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 37—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 47,7 Fälle gesamt 2.007—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.587,7 Todesfälle gesamt 43—EINWOHNERZAHL 77.559—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210123             SK Emden Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 17—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 34,1 Fälle gesamt 492—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 985,7 Todesfälle gesamt 6—EINWOHNERZAHL 49.913—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210123             SK Köln Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 1.015—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 93,3 Fälle gesamt 29.591—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.720,1 Todesfälle gesamt 409—EINWOHNERZAHL 1.087.863 BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210123             SK Münster Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 147—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 46,6 Fälle gesamt 5.034—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.596,6 Todesfälle gesamt 88—EINWOHNERZAHL 315.293—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210123             SK OLDENBURG Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 84—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 49,7 Fälle gesamt 2.215—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.310,1 Todesfälle gesamt 33—EINWOHNERZAHL 169.077—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210123             SK ROSTOCK Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 87—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 41,6 Fälle gesamt 1.194—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 570,8 Todesfälle gesamt 11—EINWOHNERZAHL 209.191—BUNDESLAND MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN
20210123             SK Trier Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 53—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 47,5 Fälle gesamt 1.640—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.470,5 Todesfälle gesamt 19—EINWOHNERZAHL 111.528—BUNDESLAND RHEINLAND—PFALZ
20210123             327_DGS_boletim_20210123
20210123             Global Cases 98.684.622 Global Deaths 2.118.604 - bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6
20210123             Vacinação contra a COVID—19—ESTÁ a decorrer "de forma tranquila" no Algarve
20210123             Covid-19: Algarve com recorde de infetados, nunca houve tantos casos e óbitos em PORTUGAL
20210123             Covid-19: Alentejo bate recorde de casos e mortes, PORTUGAL também
20210123             Albufeira Casos confirmados - 1753 (+28) Óbitos - 14 (=) Recuperados - 1086 (+48) Casos ativos - 653 (-20)
20210123             Alcoutim Casos confirmados - 46 (=) Óbitos - 4 (=) Recuperados - 28 (+5) Casos ativos - 14 (-5)
20210123             Aljezur Casos confirmados - 54 (=) Óbitos - 1 (=) Recuperados - 31 (=) Casos ativos - 22 (=)
20210123             Castro Marim Casos confirmados - 212 (+15) Óbitos - 0 (=) Recuperados - 94 (=) Casos ativos - 118 (+15)
20210123             Faro Casos confirmados - 2221 (+121) Óbitos - 13 (+1) Recuperados - 1313 (+62) Casos ativos - 895 (+58)
20210123             Lagoa Casos confirmados - 456 (+12) Óbitos - 6 (=) Recuperados - 313 (+7) Casos ativos - 137 (+5)
20210123             LAGOS Casos confirmados - 1039 (+41) Óbitos - 14 (+2) Recuperados - 769 (+20) Casos ativos - 256 (+19)
20210123             Loulé Casos confirmados - 2630 (+86) Óbitos - 26 (+2) Recuperados - 1576 (+78) Casos ativos - 1028 (+6)
20210123             Monchique Casos confirmados - 52 (=) Óbitos - 1 (=) Recuperados - 49 (=) Casos ativos - 2 (=)
20210123             Olhão Casos confirmados - 1148 (+52) Óbitos - 4 (+1) Recuperados - 690 (+45) Casos ativos - 454 (+6)
20210123             Portimão Casos confirmados - 1513 (+35) Óbitos - 19 (+2) Recuperados - 1147 (+17) Casos ativos - 347 (+16)
20210123             Silves Casos confirmados - 869 (+26) Óbitos - 7 (=) Recuperados - 520 (+23) Casos ativos - 342 (+3)
20210123             São Brás de Alportel Casos confirmados - 277 (+4) Óbitos - 10 (=) Recuperados - 202 (+2) Casos Ativos - 65 (+2)
20210123             Tavira Casos confirmados - 1263 (+18) Óbitos - 21 (+3) Recuperados - 730 (+29) Casos ativos - 512 (-14)
20210123             VRSA Casos confirmados - 723 (+21) Óbitos - 12 (=) Recuperados - 408 (+9) Casos ativos - 303 (+12)
20210123             Vila do Bispo Casos confirmados - 113 (=) Óbitos - 5 (=) Recuperados - 88 (+1) Casos ativos - 20 (-1)
20210123—12000000    —YEAR, Political Map and Database of the European Cultural Area in the Exact Common ERA—WORK IN PROGRESS: preliminary version
20210123—20170000    —IN—THE, USA—NAVY—SEAL TONY—DEDOLPH was sentenced in VIRGINIA to 10—YEARS in prison for his role hazing DEATH—OF—USA—ARMY—GREEN—BERET—STAFF—SERGEANT—LOGAN—MELGAR, —WHILE the men served together in MALI.
20210123—20190000    —IN—LATE, The financial hub of SHANGHAI imposed new restrictions, as the country marked THE—ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—WORLD—1. coronavirus lockdown in WUHAN city, where the disease emerged.
20210123—20210127    —CALLED, THE—UN—HUMAN—RIGHTS—OFFICE—IN—MEXICO, for justice in the case.
20210123—20210214    —ON, 1—SAILOR was killed.
20210123—20210214    —ARRIVED, THE—15—SAILORS, —BACK—IN TURKEY.