Was geschah in der Geschichte an einem 9. January ?

Ereignisse an einem 9. January

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04490109             * KYRIAKOS, Anachoret aus Korinth
04750109             Der BYZANZ—KAISER—ZENON flieht wegen 1—GEGEN ihn gerichteten geplanten Palastrevolte aus Konstantinopel.
11320109             † EGBERT—BISCHOF—VON—MÜNSTER
11440109             COELESTIN—II—PAPA. bestätigt in der Bulle Milites Templi die Regeln des Templerordens.
11660109             † HASSAN—II, Imam der Nizariten (Assassinen)
11810109             † RUDOLF—VON—PFULLENDORF—GRAF—VON—RAMSPERG, Pfullendorf, Bregenz, Lindau und Vogt von S—GALLEN
12020109             † BIRGER—BROSA, SCHWEDISCHER—JARL
12820109             † ABU—UTHMAN—SAID—IBN—HAKAM—AL—QURASCHI, Ra??s von Menorca
13080109             † RICHARD—HOTON, Prior von DURHAM
13170109             sacre de PHILIPPE—V, PHILIPP—V—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH wird in der Kathedrale von REIMS zum  gekrönt und gesalbt.
13170109             —REGIERT, PHILIPP—V—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH, in Personalunion als PHILIPP—II. auch das Königreich Navarra.
13240109             Venetian traveler, merchant and writer MARCO—POLO (12540000             *) summoned 1—PRIEST—NOTARY to his home in Venice and recorded his last will in Latin on 1—SHEEPSKIN.
13240109             Polo left money to Church institutions in Venice, forgave outstanding debts, and freed his indentured servant, 1—TATAR he had named Peter.
13240109             Polo left nearly everything else to his wife and 3—DAUGHTERS.
13250109             —VON, —VOM—AN, hat KLOSTER—SIEGBURG—WIEDER Besitz und Rechte erwerben können, wenn auch —ZUNÄCHST nur in kleinerem Umfang
13340109             Autres frais drs fuucnnllrs d' [iiiuir Aiiiirl.
13350109             dispensation 3o AVIGNON )
13490109             † † † BASEL—SWITZERLAND, 700—JEWS WERE—BURNED, alive in their houses.
13490109             BASEL, wird ein großer TEIL—DER—JÜDISCHEN—BEVÖLKERUNG—DER—STADT, die auf 1—RHEININSEL verbannt worden ist, in einem eigens für sie errichteten Haus verbrannt, weil ihnen während der Pestepidemie des Schwarzen Todes die Vergiftung von Brunnen vorgeworfen wird.
13530109             JOHANNES—DE—SPRICHICH, Neffe oder Enkel (nipote)^^ t. des HENRICUS—DE—GORSTORPH (Gostrop ?
13530109             13530109             cf. oben) Urlaub zur Rückkehr in DIE—HEIMAT verlangt 13550109             Frizzilino de Vircpurgh, stipendiario EQUITI—DE—BANDERIA—GOZII de Bacchanzel, PRO—EMENDA—EQUI leardi...
13550109             Frizzilino de Vircpurgh, quem equitabat ARRIGUS—DE—CIARENTANA, equitator dicti Frizzolini, mortui...
13550109             per gentes CIVITATIS—CASTELLANE, REBELLES, in cavalcata facta per dictum Frizzolinum unacum pluribus aliis... 20—FLORENI
13560109             Der SOLD—VERTRAG—VOM. auf —6—MONATE (Mazzatinti) nennt ihn an 1. Stelle unter 7—DEUTSCHEN—BANNER—HERREN.
13560109             —VOM, SOLD—VERTRAG der 7—DEUTSCHLAND—FÄHNLEIN in dem sie versprechen müssen, auf BEFEHL—DES—LEGATEN oder des FELD—HAUPT—MANNS bewaffnet oder unbewaffnet zu erscheinen
13560109             SOLD—VERTRAG—VOM In dem.. mit 7—DEUTSCHEN—BANNER—HERREN wurde ausbedungen, daß 1—FÄHNLEIN—VON—20—REITERN 6—KORPORALE habe, 1—SOLCHES—VON—25—REITERN aber 7
13560109             SOLD—VERTRAG—VOM In dem., den 7—DEUTSCHE—FÄHNLEIN mit dem Vertreter des Legaten KARDINAL—LEGAT—ALBORNOZ eingingen, wird betont, daß
13560109             —AM, [GÖZLIN]GOZOLIN—SULER wurde mit ALBERT—SULER und 5—ANDEREN DEUTSCHLAND—FÄHNLEIN vom Vertreter des KARDINAL—ALBORNOZ auf —6—MONATE in Sold genommen (MAZZATINTI—SEITE—485;
13560109—13560709    —VOM, SOLD—VERTRAG bei MAZZATINTI, wo den 7—DEUTSCHLAND—FÜHRERN PRO—MONAT 28—FLORENI versprochen werden allerdings.
13560109—13560709    den 7—DEUTSCHLAND—FÜHRERN PRO—MONAT 28—FLORENI versprochen werden allerdings.
13560109—13560709    —VOM, SOLD—VERTRAG bei MAZZATINTI, wo
13560109—13560709    —VOM SOLD—VERTRAG bei Mazzatinti, wo den 7—DEUTSCHLAND—FÜHRERN MONATLICH 28—FLORENI versprochen werden allerdings.
13560109—13560709    den 7—DEUTSCHLAND—FÜHRERN MONATLICH 28—FLORENI versprochen werden allerdings.
13730109             CAROLO—IV. ROMANORUM—IMPERATORI nunciatur^ dispensationem j quampetiit super impedimento consanguinitatis inter Annam natam suam et ALBERTUM
14010109             —BAPTIZED, MARIENBURG, some 80—LITHUANIA—BARONS were, to Catholicism.
14090109—14800000    —DEMONSTRATED, RENÉ—KING—OF—, poet and wine lover, how all our leaders ought to be.
14110109             Quietanza ^ del PAGAMENTO fatto dal più volte nominato Scrocca nelle mani del Luogotenente TESORIERE—DELLA—MARCA—D. ANTONIO—BERTUTII—DA—RECANATI ,pel solito censo ed^ af;
14230109—14330202    —WEITER—VOM—ZUM, JOHANN—LOEMER—VON—BREITBACH wird, genannt
14290109—14290129    —CONFERENCE—AT—LUCK
14290109—14290129    —HOSTED, VYTAUTAS, 1—GRAND—CONGRESS—AT—LUCK, ostensibly to unite the region against threats from THE—TURKS to THE—SOUTH.
14410109             † PAUL—VON—RUSDORF, 29. Hochmeister des DEUTSCHEN—ORDENS
14450109             WILHELM—PRINT
14530109             † STEFANO—PORCARI, römischer RENAISSANCE—HUMANIST, Politiker und Verschwörer
14550109—15110906    WILHELM.
14630109             † WILLIAM—NEVILLE—EARL—OF—KENT, 1. , ENGLISCHER—ADELIGER und Politiker
14640109             Die Versammlung wird im Laufe der Zeit eigentlicher Souverän;
14640109             ihr Name führt in der Folge zum Entstehen des DEUTSCHEN—BEGRIFF—GENERALSTAATEN als Synonym für die NIEDERLANDE.
14690109             und FRIEDRICH—III. verweilte —BIS zum DES FOLGENDEN JAHRES.
14780109             * KONRAD—PELLIKAN, SCHWEIZER—HUMANIST, reformierter Theologe und Reformator
14970109             —FERIA—SECUNDA, fuit factum consistorium in quo R. P. DOMINUS—AUGUSTINUS—DE—GUARINO—SUB—DIACONUS—APOSTOLICUS, promotus fuit ad ECCLESIAM—TRICARICENSEM,
14980109             —FERIA—TERTIA
15090109             —J—THE, seemed to start propitiously for THE—PEOPLE—OF—ANTWERP[ANTVERPIAE,ANTWERPEN,ANVERS], for another alliance had been formed which was entirely to their taste.
15090109             This was the betrothal of THE—ARCH—DUKE—CHARLES[ERZ—HERZOG—KARL] and MARY—TUDOR, which
15090109             Such 1—ENGAGEMENT, however, could not endure, for it would create hostility at THE—FRANCE—COURT,
15090109             nor did THE—TREATY—OF—CAMBRAI prove so good 1—SECURITY against war as had been hoped.
15090109             —FEARED, SOME—ATTACK was still, from FRANCE,
15090109             —FEARED, SOME—ATTACK was still, from GUELDERS, or
15090109             —FEARED, SOME—ATTACK was still, from LIEGE, —WHILE THE—COUNTRY was pillaged by bands of unpaid soldiers,
15090109             and the seas were swept by pirates whom THE—GOVERNMENTT was too feeble to suppress.
15090109             —ON—THE, was celebrated in ANTWERP[ANTVERPIAE,ANTWERPEN,ANVERS] with banquet, procession, bonfire.
15140109             † ANNE—DE—BRETAGNE, mère de CLAUDE—DE—FRANCE, à BLOIS
15160109             tï)'iti. U;;01;;? M^\n GuelTier, prevost.
15190109             "Jesus, en SARAGÓNsa a IX. de Pagaran pour esta 1. de cambio
15190109             POR TODO EL MEZE—DE 15190400             premiere veniente al seigneur PAULO—ALMSTOR fer, CAVALERO—DE—LA—CASA—DEL—REY—CATHOLICQUO d'Espana 110.000—FLORINES a rason de 60—CRAIZES por florin,
15190109             pagados in qual quiero moneda de oro, de plata corrente en esta civitat de FRANCFORT[FRANKFURT—AM—MAIN] y accepte la presente cedula de cambio
15190109             —IM—FIN DEL—PRESENT—MEZE—DE—JANERO y promecte y se obliguen pagar al tempo a los Electores del Imperio a voluntade del diclio senor Almstorfer, siempre que sera eletto
15190109             EL—CATTOLICHO—REY—DON—CARLOS en REY—DE—ROMANOS, por cambio fecho aqui con su Alteza, arau buen complimento y sea dios chon thodos.
15190109             AURICH—ECHINGER y SEBASTIAN—SCHOPERLIN por ANTHONIO—WELZER et compaingnons.
15190109             In dorso: DOMINIS—ANTHONIO—WELZER et compaingne o quien por ellos esteviere en FRANCFORT[FRANKFURT—AM—MAIN] PAR—AVISO ".
15190109             Der Wortlaut des Wechsel ist augenscheinlich durch der ANTWERPENer SCHÖFFEN Schreiber stark entstellt worden.
15220109             —ELECTION—OF—HADRIANUS—VI—PAPA
15220109             —FAILED, HADRIANUS—VI—PAPA the arts, sciences, to find in him the liberal patron that they had enjoyed —IN—THE—SPLENDOUR—LOVING LEO—X—PAPA—MEDICI.
15220109             —DISAPPROVED, HADRIANUS—VI—PAPA, also (and with more reason), THE—LUXURY—OF—THE—PAPA—COURT,
15220109             HADRIANUS—VI—PAPA, 1—OBLIGING letter, praising his piety, seeking by all means to win him, and THE—SWITZERLAND—THROUGH him, to his own side — 1—OBVIOUS—STROKE—OF—POLICY, which, however, was without avail.
15220109             HADRIANUS—VI—PAPA, At least, THE—HOUSE—OF—HIS—PHYSICIAN was found, SHORTLY—AFTER—THE—DEATH—OF—THE—PAPA, adorned with 1—GARLAND and the inscription, "To the saviour of his country".^
15220109             HADRIANUS—VI—PAPA, beheld in antiques, without excepting even the Laocoon, nothing but heathen idols.
15220109             HADRIANUS—VI—PAPA, But against LUTHER he thought it needful to take more decisive steps.
15220109             —DESIRED, HADRIANUS—VI—PAPA, 1—REFORMATION—OF—THE—CHURCH, but he wished it to be through THE—PAPA, not against or without him.
15220109             HADRIANUS—VI—PAPA, disinclination to THE—WORKS—OF—THE—ITALY—ARTISTS was in part owing to the fact that the heathenish tendency of their art excited his displeasure,
15220109             HADRIANUS—VI—PAPA, drawing upon himself the hatred of the epicurean KARDINALs.
15220109             —LAUDED, HADRIANUS—VI—PAPA, even the most, antiques found no favour in his eyes.
15220109             HADRIANUS—VI—PAPA, himself set the example of diminishing THE—LUXURY—OF—THE—PAPA—COURT, thus
15220109             HADRIANUS—VI—PAPA, Indeed, his —EARLY, death is, not without probability, ascribed to poison,
15220109             —LIMITED, HADRIANUS—VI—PAPA, moreover, with his, mental culture, was 1—SLAVISH—ADORER—OF—SCHOLASTICISM, the gloomy MONASTIC theology,
15220109             HADRIANUS—VI—PAPA, Notwithstanding ADRIAN—PECULIAR—VIEWS, he was no less antagonistic to LUTHER, his doctrine than his predecessor had been.
15220109             —ADMINISTERED, HADRIANUS—VI—PAPA, poison is thought to have been, to by the direction of the opponents of his beneficent measures.
15220109             HADRIANUS—VI—PAPA, SOON—AFTER his ASSUMPTION—OF—THE—PAPACY, however, he showed the most unexpected favour to ZWINGLE, to whom he sent, by the legate Ennius,
15220109             —COMBATED, HADRIANUS—VI—PAPA, the fact that LUTHER, Scholasticism, the gloomy MONASTIC theology was that which grieved him most.
15220109             HADRIANUS—VI—PAPA, THE—REFORMATION—OF—THE—CHURCH was really 1—SUBJECT that lay near his heart
15220109             —LIMITED, HADRIANUS—VI—PAPA, with 1—MORE, intellect, had 1—MORE earnest will than LEO—X—PAPA—MEDICI
15220109             Der DEUTSCHE—ADRIAN—VON—UTRECHT wird als HADRIAN—VI. zum PAPA gewählt, —NACHDEM die Wahl des SCHWEIZER—BISCHOFS Matthäus Schiner am Widerstand der FRANZÖSISCHEN—KARDINÄLE gescheitert ist.
15220109             Er wird der letzte nichtitalienische PAPA für über —450—JAHRE.
15220109             HADRIANUS—VI—PAPA far from possessing the taste, culture of his predecessor, LEO—X—PAPA
15400109             * HOYER—VI—VON—MANSFELD—GRAF—VON—MANSFELD und Ritter des Goldenen Vlies
15480109             † MATTHÄUSA—ZELL, elsässischer Theologe und Reformator
15700109             —KILLED, TSAR—IVAN—THE—TERRIBLE—ZAR—VON—RUSSLAND, 1000—2000—residents—of—Novgorod.
15710109             * MARQUARD—VON—AHLEFELDT, Herr auf Gut Haselau und Kaden
15730109             † ABDIAS—PRÄTORIUS, deutscher lutherischer Theologe und Reformator
15790109             † HANS—FRANZ—NÄGELI, Schultheiss von BERN
16220109             † ALIX—LE—CLERC, FRANZÖSISCHE—ORDENSSCHWESTER und -gründerin
16240109             * MEISH?, Kaiserin von JAPAN
16270109             * JAN—SOBIEPAN—ZAMOYSKI, POLNISCHER—GENERAL und Wojewode von Kiew
16480109             † DAVID—GREGOR—CORNER, DEUTSCHER—ABT, Kirchenlieddichter und Theologe
16510109             † HEINRICH—WEDEMHOF, Lübecker BÜRGERMEISTER
16570109             * JOHANN—FRIEDRICH—II—VON—ALVENSLEBEN, hannoverscher MINISTER
16610109             † ANTON—VON—WOLFSKEHL bezeugt ist als Kellner am ;;
16620109             * JOHN—HOLLES, 1. DUKE—OF—NEWCASTLE, ENGLISCHER—PEER und Politiker, Lordsiegelbewahrer
16660109             —ERKLÄRUNG der BRANDENBURG—GESANDTER über den von den GENERAL—STAATEN aufgesetzten ALLIANZ—ENTWURF
16660109             —DATUM.
16660109             —AN—DEMSELBEN—TAG, Wird den GENERAL—STAATEN vorgelegt und von diesen dem Staatsrat zur Begutachtung überwiesen.
16660109             Zu ARTIKEL 3. - Wenn man einmal nicht ALLE—LANDE—DES—GROSSER—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG in die Defension aufnehmen wolle.
16660109             so möge man wenigstens CLEVE, MARK, RAVENSBERG, RAVENSTEIN etc., überhaupt ALLE—LANDE im niedersächsischen Kreis und westphälischen Kreis,
16660109             in deren gesetzlichem Besitz FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG —SCHON ist oder WÄHREND dieser ALLIANZ noch kommen wird, endlich Preussen und HinterPOMMERN darin begreifen.
16660109             Zu ARTIKEL 8.
16660109             —BESTIMMT, Es soll, werden, daß FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG durch diesen VERTRAG nicht in den KRIEG—ZWISCHEN—DEM STAAT—UND—ENGLAND verwickelt wird und
16660109             "buyten engagement" bleibt, ausser wenn nach Abschluss des Tractats wieder casus vorfallen, die gegen ARTIKEL 5—VERSTÖSSEN;
16660109             dann soll FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG die ARTIKEL 4—GENANNTEN STAATISCHEN Lande gegen ENGLAND wie gegen jeden Anderen schützen helfen.
16660109             Zu ARTIKEL 13. - Die RECHTE—DES—GROSSER—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG in den CLEVISCHEN—LANDEN sind ausdrücklich vorzubehalten.
16660109             Zu ARTIKEL 14. - DERSELBE ist dahin zu fassen:
16660109             Aus der Besetzung der Clevischen Plätze soll den GENERAL—STAATEN kein Recht und dem GROSSER—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG kein Präjudiz erwachsen.
16660109             —WÄHREND—DES, Krieges mit MÜNSTER sollen die —VERHÄLTNISSE der Garnisonen in dem Zustande, in dem sie sind, gelassen werden;
16660109             —NACH dem KRIEG soll' über die Räumung oder Schleifung der Plätze oder über fernere Bestellung von Garnisonen verhandelt werden.
16660109             ZEITEN, der Not kann FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG seine Hofhaltung oder die Clevische Kanzlei in 1—DER Plätze verlegen,
16660109             —WÄHREND welcher Zeit die betreffende Garnison auch dem GROSSER—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG zu allem Respect, soweit er nicht ihrem dem STAAT—GELEISTETEN—EID zuwiderläuft, verpflichtet werden soll.
16660109             Zum Schutz der Bewohner der besetzten Plätze wird ZUGLEICH mit diesem VERTRAG 1—REGLEMENT für die Garnisonen vereinbart,
16660109             ebenso 1—CONVENTION über freie Ausfuhr von Kriegsmunition, welche von derselben Kraft sein sollen, wie DIE—ALLIANZ selbst.
16660109             Ferner sollen DIE—GENERAL—STAATEN gleich nach Auswechselung der Ratificationen den ZOLL und Licent von Gennep abtreten.
16660109             Die Entschädigung, die FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG für dessen längeren unrechtmässigen Besitz fordert,
16660109             wird der Compensation für die Hoefysersche Schuld zugerechnet.
16670109             † DETLEV—VON—AHLEFELDT, Domherr des Domkapitels des Lübecker Doms
16720109             —SAMSTAG
16790109             † OSTAP—HOHOL, Hetman der rechtsufrigen UKRAINE
16800110—16800109    —GESTERN, JENA und MEINDERS haben AMERONGEN besucht und sein Anbringen entgegennehmen wollen.
16800110—16800109    —GESTERN, Nach kurzer Erinnerung an seine 1. Ansprache an den KUR—FÜRST—HAT—AMERONGEN zu verstehen gegeben, daß
16860109             * ~ MARIE—JEANNE—MELINE, F Lauzon, Levis, QUEBEC—CANADA
16930109—16930111    —AM, Beginn einer schweren Erdbebenserie auf Sizilien mit dem Hauptbeben, die etwa 60.000—MENSCHEN das Leben kostet.
17020109             † ABRAHAM—VAN—DEN—KERCKHOVEN, BELGISCHER—ORGANIST und Komponist
17030109             † URSULA—MICAELA—MORATA, SPANISCHE—NONNE und Klostergründerin
17080109             JACOB—GRAFF aus STOLBERG oo [17080209             STOLBERG] CATHARINA—GRAFF aus STOLBERG apostolischer DvBl 2.-3.GRADES
17130109             Die Stadt Altona wird im Großen Nordischen Krieg von SCHWEDISCHEN—TRUPPEN niedergebrannt.
17190109             groom's name: HENRICUS—VOLLMAR bride's name: MARIA—MARGARETHA—EPPENIG 17190109             oo —DATE, marriage place: ROEMISCH—KATHOLISCH,BACHARACH—RHEIN—LAND—PRUSSIA
17230109             † CAMPEGIUS—VITRINGA—DER—JÜNGERE, niederländischer reformierter Theologe
17380109             Der ehemalige Finanzberater von HERZOG—KARL—ALEXANDER—VON—WÜRTTEMBERG, JOSEPH—SÜSS—OPPENHEIMER, der wegen Hochverrats, Majestätsbeleidigung und anderer Delikte angeklagt worden ist, wird zum Tode verurteilt, wobei weder Straftaten benannt werden noch 1—BEGRÜNDUNG—DES—URTEILS erfolgt.
17380204—17380109    —BEOBACHTET, Eine große MENGE—VON—ZUSCHAUERN, vor den Toren Stuttgarts auf dem Galgenberg die Hinrichtung von JOSEPH—SÜSS—OPPENHEIMER, der sich als Finanzberater unter dem verstorbenen HERZOG—KARL—ALEXANDER—VON—WÜRTTEMBERG in ständischen Kreisen unbeliebt gemacht hat und ohne Begründung zum Tode verurteilt worden ist.
17490109             * VIKTORIA—HEDWIG—KAROLINE—VON—ANHALT—BERNBURG—SCHAUMBURG—HOYM, Freifrau von Bärental und Marquise de Favras
17500109             * JOHANN—JAKOB—PALM, DEUTSCHER—BUCHHÄNDLER und Lehrherr
17540109             † JOHANN—ERHARD—STRAßBURGER, DEUTSCHER—ARCHITEKT—DES—BAROCKS und Gothaischer Oberlandbaumeister
17570109             * JOHN—ADAIR, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—POLITIKER, SENATOR, GOUVERNEUR—VON—KENTUCKY, Mitglied des Repräsentantenhauses
17660109             † THOMAS—BIRCH—ENGLISCHER—HISTORIKER und Schriftsteller
17680109             —STAGED, ENGLAND—CAVALRY SERGEANT—PHILIP—ASTLEY, the 1. modern circus, performing elaborate feats on THE—BACKS—OF—HORSES racing —AROUND 1—RING.
17690109             * ANTON—KOTHGASSER, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—GLAS- und Porzellanmaler
17730109             —AM Teatro delle Dame in Rom erfolgt die Uraufführung der Oper La Giannetta ossia l'incognita perseguitata von PASQUALE—ANFOSSI.
17740109             † JACQUES—FRANÇOIS—BLONDEL, FRANZÖSISCHER—ARCHITEKT, Architekturhistoriker und Kunsttheoretiker
17750109             den hat der Mit MEISTER—WILHELM—GÖRRES
17750109             —BERICHTET das Protokollbuch, daß sich EMMUNDUS—GIEß vom ambsmeisterambt abgekauft habe mit 1—CRONEN—DAHLER[5—GULDEN—CA].
17750109             —DEN, hat die löbliche FAßBENDER—ZUNFF mit unser Vatter gerechnet waß wir daß —JAHR durch an wein und weißbrod verzehrt.
17750109             —DEN, So bleiben wir nach gehaltener rechnung unserem Vatter noch schuldig 101—GULDEN Salb.
17750109             —DEN, Hierauff hat unser Vatter auff abschlag empfangen 1—CRONEN—DAHLER[5—GULDEN—CA].
17760109             * LUDWIG—RHESA, deutscher protestantischer Pfarrer, Theologe, Professor, Historiker, Dichter
17800109             —DÉCIDE, NECKER, de réduire LA—FERME—GÉNÉRALE à la perception de LE—IMPÔT SUR le tabac la gabelle et les octrois de PARIS
17850109             * CHRISTIAN—MORITZ—PAULI, DEUTSCHER—PÄDAGOGE und Sprachwissenschaftler
17860109             † JOSEPH—KARL—TRUCHSESS—VON—WALDBURG—ZEIL—WURZACH, Dompropst in Köln
17880109             —BECAME, CONNECTICUT, the 5. state to ratify THE—USA—CONSTITUTION.
17880109             CONNECTICUT wird der 5. USA—BUNDESSTAAT.
17890109             * CARL—GOTTHILF—NESTLER, DEUTSCHER—HAMMERHERR im Erzgebirge
17890109             —GEFÜHRT, MAINZ, wird Goethes Drama Egmont urauf­.
17920109             —SIGNED, THE—TREATY—OF—JASSY was, recognizing RUSSIA's 17830000             annexation of the Crimean Khanate.
17920109             —SIGNED, THE—OTTOMANS, 1—TREATY—WITH—THE—RUSSIANS ending a —5—YEAR—WAR.
17920109             RUSSLAND gibt dem OSMAN—REICH—ALLE—EROBERUNGEN mit Ausnahme des Gebietes östlich vom Dnjestr zurück.
17920109             Es behält damit die nördliche KÜSTE—DES—SCHWARZEN—MEERES.
17930109             —MANNED, THE—1.—USA, balloon flight occurred as Frenchman JEAN—PIERRE—BLANCHARD, using 1—HOT—AIR—BALLOON, flew between PHILADELPHIA and WOODBURY—NEW—JERSEY.
17930109             —TRAVELED, He stayed airborne —FOR—46—MINUTES, close to 15—MILES and set down at the "old Clement farm" in DEPTFORD—NEW—JERSEY.
17930109             [see 17840623             , 17930309             ]
17930109             Der Franzose JEAN—PIERRE—BLANCHARD startet in PHILADELPHIA in Anwesenheit von GEORGE—WASHINGTON zur 1. Ballonfahrt auf dem AMERIKANISCHEN—KONTINENT.
17940109             1—EINGABE DEUTSCHER—EINWANDERER in den Vereinigten Staaten, dass Gesetzestexte auch in DEUTSCHER—ÜBERSETZUNG veröffentlicht werden sollten, führt später zur MUHLENBERG—LEGENDE, wonach über das Deutsche als Landessprache abgestimmt worden sein soll.
17970109             * FERDINAND—VON—WRANGEL, deutschbaltischer Marineoffizier, Sibirienreisender, Weltumsegler und Geograf
17980109             Das Prachtschiff des venezianischen Dogen, der Bucintoro, wird von Soldaten Napoleons völlig zerstört, die den Wert des aufgetragenen Blattgolds überschätzen.
17990109             † MARIA—GAETANA—AGNESI, ITALIENISCHE—MATHEMATIKERIN und Philanthropin
18050109             * CHARLES—GAYARRÉ, frankoamerikanischer Jurist, Politiker, Historiker und Schriftsteller
18060109             Der —IM—OKTOBER bei Trafalgar gefallene HORATIO—NELSON wird in einem Staatsbegräbnis in der Krypta der Londoner St PAUL—CATHEDRAL beigesetzt.
18070109             * AMIR—KABIR, persischer Politiker, Ministerpräsident und Reformer
18110109             —COMMANDED, THE—USS—REVENGE, 1—SHIP, by USA—NAVY hero OLIVER—HAZARD—PERRY ran aground on 1—REEF off of Watch HILL—RHODE—ISLAND.
18110109             * EMMANUEL—LUDWIG—VON—FELLENBERG, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher
18110109—20050800    —DISCOVERED, Divers, the wreck, but only made the news public 20110000             —IN.
18120000—18700109    * † ALEXANDER—HERZEN, RUSSIA—AUTHOR, in FRANCE.
18140109—18070000    —SEIT, Das mit FRANKREICH in den Koalitionskriegen verbündete DÄNEMARK kapituliert gegenüber der SCHWEDISCHEN—NORDARMEE JEAN—BAPTISTE—BERNADOTTES und muss sich wenige —TAGE später den Kieler Frieden diktieren lassen.
18210109             * ADOLF—DILLENS, BELGISCHER—MALER
18240109             * CARL—FRIEDRICH—AUGUST—KRAUSE, IN den WEIN—BERGSHÄUSERN bei COSWIG ohnweit DRESDEN geboren.
18260109             † GOTTLIEB—HILLER—1778–1826—, DEUTSCHER—TAGELÖHNER und Schriftsteller
18290109             * ADOLF—RÖSICKE, DEUTSCHER—THEATERSCHAUSPIELER und -direktor
18290109             * ADOLF—SCHLAGINTWEIT, DEUTSCHER—REISENDER und Entdecker
18290109             † FRIEDRICH—CHRISTIAN—BOOCK, DÄNISCHER—JURIST und Gutsbesitzer
18320109             † KARL—VON—KÜGELGEN, Landschafts- und Historienmaler, RUSSISCHER—HOF- und Kabinettmaler
18330109             * JULES—DEMERSSEMAN, FRANZÖSISCHER—FLÖTIST und Komponist
18340109             † DAVID—LEVADE, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher und Hochschullehrer
18390109             —ANNOUNCED, THE—DAGUERREOTYPE photo process was, at THE—FRANCE—ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCE.
18390109             LOUIS—DAGUERRE had the influential astronomer DOMINIQUE—FRANCOIS—ARGO make 1—ANNOUNCEMENT at THE—ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES in PARIS of the daguerreotype, 1—PHOTOGRAPHIC—PROCESS using fumes of iodine to sensitize 1—SILVER—PLATE, vapor of mercury to bring out the image, and common salt to fix the image.
18390109             [See 17650000—18330000    , Nicephore Niepce, FRANCE—LITHOGRAPHER, and 18160000             ].
18390109             * JOHN—KNOWLES—PAINE, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—ORGANIST und Komponist
18430109             * TERESA—JORNET—Y—IBARS, Ordensgründerin der Kongregation der Hermanitas de los Ancianos Desamparados
18470109             1. regular ISSUE—OF—THE—CALIFORNIA—STAR—NEWSPAPER appeared in S—FRANCISCO under EDITOR—ELBERT—P—JONES.
18470109             * ANTONIO—VICO, ITALIENISCHER—GEISTLICHER und Kurienkardinal
18490109             Eine Neujahrsgratulation
18490109             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—190—KÖLN.
18520109             * LUDOLF—UDO—VON—ALVENSLEBEN, DEUTSCHER—GUTSBESITZER, Kreisdeputierter und Politiker in Preußen
18530109             * ALBERT—VON—CARON, DEUTSCHER—LANDWIRT und Bodenbakteriologe
18550109             † The clipper ship Guiding Star disappeared in Atlantic and 480.
18560109             † KARL—FRIEDRICH—VON—KLÖDEN, DEUTSCHER—PÄDAGOGE, Historiker und Geograph
18570109             —ESTIMATED, THE—FORT—TEJON—CALIFORNIA, earthquake, at magnitude 8, ruptured ground for 225—MILES from Parkfield to Tejon Pass.
18570109             It killed 2—PEOPLE and destroyed the Tejon Army post.
18570109             Das starke FORT—TEJON—ERDBEBEN erschüttert große Teile Kaliforniens.
18570109             Der Erdstoß ist mit dem Erdbeben 19060000             in S—FRANCISCO vergleichbar.
18570109             —VERMUTET, Das Epizentrum wird bei der Stadt Parkfield.
18570109             Wegen dünner Besiedlung des betroffenen Gebiets sind weniger Personen- als Sachschäden die Folge.
18570109—18540000    —ESTABLISHED, The fort was, and
18570109—18640000    —CLOSED, The fort was.
18580109             nach Anhören der ZEUGEN—AUSSAGEN auf der SITZUNG—VOM,
18610109             —BECAME, MISSISSIPPI, the 2. state to secede from the Union.
18610109             THE—STAR—OF—THE—WEST, 1—MERCHANT vessel bringing reinforcements to FEDERAL—TROOPS at Fort SUMTER—SOUTH—CAROLINA, retreated —AFTER being fired on by 1—BATTERY in the harbor.
18610109             —STOPPED, Southern shellfire, the Union supply ship STAR—OF—THE—WEST from entering CHARLESTON harbor on her way to Fort Sumter.
18610109             Ausgelöst durch die Wahl Lincolns zum Präsidenten der USA sagt sich MISSISSIPPI als 2. Südstaat nach SOUTH—CAROLINA von der Union los.
18610109             —3—WOCHEN—SPÄTER ist es Mitbegründer der Konföderierten Staaten von AMERIKA.
18700109—19610000    —AUTHORED, USA—PROFESSOR—MARTIN—MALIA (19240000—20040000    ), "ALEXANDER—HERZEN and THE—BIRTH—OF—RUSSIA—SOCIALISM (18120000—18550000    ).
18710109             Nach der —SCHLACHT—BEI—BAPAUME EINIGE—TAGE zuvor kapitulieren im DEUTSCH—FRANZÖSISCHEN—KRIEG die Verteidiger der von den Deutschen belagerten Festung Péronne, dem letzten FRANZÖSISCHEN—STÜTZPUNKT an der Somme.
18740000—19440109    * † ANTANAS—SMETONA, former 1. and 6. LITHUANIA—PRESIDENT, in CLEVELAND—OHIO.
18750109             * GERTRUDE—VANDERBILT—WHITNEY, USA—AMERIKANISCHE—MÄZENIN und Museumsgründerin
18760109             —BESCHLOSSEN, Auf 1—LANDES—VERSAMMLUNG in CHEMNITZ wird, bei den kommenden REICHS—TAG—WAHLEN—IN—ALLEN 23—SÄCHSISCHEN REICHS—TAGS—WAHL—KREISEN eigene Kandidaten aufzustellen.
18780109             † VICTOR—EMMANUEL—II (57) —SARDINIA (18490000—18610000    ) and ITALY (18610000—18780000    ).
18780109             Im RUSSISCH—OSMAN—KRIEG gelingt den Russen —NACH—DEN siegreichen Schlachten am Schipkapass und bei Scheinowo die Gefangennahme einer OSMAN—ARMEE am umkämpften Schipkapass, was den Siegern 1—VORRÜCKEN nach Rumelien gestattet.
18780109             —NACH—DEM TOD—VON—VIKTOR—EMANUEL—II. wird sein ältester Sohn Umberto I. neuer KÖNIG—VON—ITALIEN.
18890109             1—TORNADO struck Brooklyn, NY, —WHEN Flatbush was farmland.
18890109             1—TWISTER blew through what are —NOW the neighborhoods of Carroll Gardens, Boerum Hill, Downtown, Fort Greene and Williamsburg, blowing roofs off houses and uprooting trees, but killing no 1. 14—PEOPLE were killed by the tornado in Pittsburg, PENNSILVANIA.
18900109—19380000    * † KAREL—CAPEK, CZECH—REPUBLIC—WRITER and playwright.
18900109—19380000    —REMEMBERED, KAREL—CAPEK is best, for his 19210000             play R.U.R. which contained the 1. USE—OF—THE—WORD "robot".
18930109             † MOHARA, Arab ivory and slave trader, in battle and was eaten.
18940109             —RELEASED, The "EDISON—KINETOSCOPIC—RECORD—OF—1—SNEEZE" was, in movie theaters.
18940109             GEORGES—FEYDEAU'S "Un Fil 1—LA—PATTE," ("Cat Among the Pigeons") premiered in PARIS.
19020109             * RUDOLPH—BING, opera manager (NY Metropolitan Opera).
19040109             * GEORGE—BALANCHINE, dancer, choreographer, ballet producer.
19040109—19040122    —SEE
19050109             (Old Style calendar) On what would become known as "Bloody —SUNDAY," RUSSIA—ORTHODOX—FATHER—GEORGE—GAPON led 1—PROCESSION in S—PETERSBURG of some 200,000 who were marching on the —WINTER Palace to present their grievances to TSAR—NICHOLAS.
19050109             —PANICKED, Troops on the scene, firing into the crowd and killing hundreds, thus igniting the Revolution of 19050000             .
19050109             —ATTACKED, Across RUSSIA, government officials were, peasants seized private estates and workers' strikes virtually paralyzed the economy.
19050109             —THREATENED, S—PETERSBURG, 1—COUNCIL (soviet) of workers' delegates, to take over the government.
19050109             —CONSENTED, Nicholas, to the adoption of 1—CONSTITUTION and election of 1—PARLIAMENT (Duma).
19050109—19060000    —IN, THE—1.—DUMA met.
19070109             Das Gesetz betreffend das Urheberrecht an Werken der bildenden Künste und der Photographie wird in DEUTSCHLAND erlassen.
19070109             Seine heutige Bedeutung liegt vorwiegend in seinen Regelungen über das Recht am eigenen Bild.
19080109             * FRANCE—PHILOSOPHER and feminist SIMONE—DE—BEAUVOIR in PARIS.
19080109             —ANNOUNCED, Count Zeppelin, plans for his airship to carry 100—PASSENGERS.
19080109             —REPORTED, Italians, that Somaliland was under siege by the Abyssinians.
19090109             —MANNED, THE—SILVER—DART made the 1., flight in CANADA.
19090109             —FUNDED, It was, by the Aerial Experiment Association, founded by Alexander and Mabel Bell.
19090109             1—POLAR exploration team led by ERNEST—SHACKLETON reached 88—DEGREES, —23—MINUTES—SOUTH longitude, 162—DEGREES—EAST latitude.
19090109             They were 97—NAUTICAL—MILES—SHORT—OF—THE—SOUTH—POLE, but the weather is too severe to continue.
19090109             Auf Grund mangelnden Proviants muss die BRITISCHE—POLAREXPEDITION unter ERNEST—SHACKLETON rund 180—KM vom Südpol entfernt in der ANTARKTIS umkehren.
19120000—20070109    * † CARLO—PONTI, ITALY—FILM—PRODUCER and longtime oo SOPHIA—LOREN, in GENEVA.
19120109             —ANNOUNCED, COLONEL—THEODORE—ROOSEVELT, that he would run for PRESIDENT if asked.
19120109             The $18—MILLION—EQUITABLE—LIFE—ASSURANCE building in NEW—YORK was destroyed by fire.
19130109             RICHARD—MILHOUS—NIXON, 37. PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA (19680000—19740000    ) and 1. PRESIDENT to resign from office, was born in Yorba LINDA—CALIFORNIA.
19130109             —NACH—DEM Rücktritt der Regierung Duarte Leite PEREIRA da Silva wird AFONSO—COSTA erstmals Ministerpräsident in PORTUGAL.
19140109             —NACH—DEM Rücktritt der Regierung AFONSO—COSTA wird Bernardino Machado Ministerpräsident der 1. PORTUGIESISCHEN—REPUBLIK.
19150109             —SIGNED, Pancho Villa, 1—TREATY—WITH—USA—GENERAL—SCOTT, halting border conflicts.
19160107—19160109    —DER—PARTEI—AUSSCHUß berät die Vorgänge in DER—REICHS—TAGS—FRAKTION.
19160109—19160219    —AM, Mit der Evakuierung der letzten Einheiten der Entente von der Halbinsel endet —WWI—IM die Schlacht um Gallipoli, die des Vorjahres begonnen hat.
19170109             Das DEUTSCHE—REICH erklärt —WWI—IM neuerlich den uneingeschränkten U—BOOT—KRIEG, was wenige —MONATE später zum Kriegseintritt der Vereinigten Staaten führt.
19180109             Die SOLOTHURN—NIEDERBIPP—BAHN mit Sitz in Solothurn eröffnet ihre meterspurige Bahnstrecke von Niederbipp im Kanton BERN zur Station Baseltor in Solothurn.
19230109             Dem Spanier JUAN—DE—LA—CIERVA gelingt in GETAFE—SPANIEN, der 1. Flug mit einem Tragschrauber.
19240109             —VALUED, Ford Motor Co. stock was, at nearly $1—BILLION.
19240109             —APPEALED, Sun YAT—SEN, to THE—USA to seek INTERNATIONAL pressure for peace in CHINA.
19270109             —EXPLODED, S—FRANCISCO, another bomb, at SS Peter and PAUL—CATHOLIC—CHURCH on Filbert S—IT was the 4. in less than —1—YEAR.
19270109             —KILLED, Fire in Laurier Palace cinema in MONTREAL, 78—CHILDREN.
19280109             * JUDITH—KRANTZ, author (Scruples, PRINCESS—DAISY, Dazzle), in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19290000—20110109    * † UK—FILM director PETER—YATES, in LONDON.
19300109             * Johannes ("John") Charles, Siberian CONTRA—BASSO, snake handler, faith healer, GRANDSON—OF—RASPUTIN.
19300109             —AWAKENED, Earth rumbling, CHICAGOANS—NO—EARTHQUAKE, seismologists said.
19300109             —COVERED, The stockyards sprang 1—LEAK and 1—FOUL stench, the city —3—HOURS.
19300109             † MARIA—INNOCENTE, —33—JAHRE—ALT.
19300109             —CLAIMED, MARIA—INNOCENTE, to have been visited by the Virgin MARY.
19310109             —GEBROCHEN, SOLINGEN ist "dunkelgelegt": die Ferngasleitung ist
19331100             PDPBR for 19330109—19100109     addendum | USC Center on Public Diplomacy...
19340000—20140109    * † * AMIRI—BARAKA, poet, playwright and black nationalist, in NEW—JERSEY.
19341218             —PRINTED, It was only, 19341218—19350109    —BETWEEN and used only for transactions between FEDERAL—RESERVE—BANKS.
19350109             * BOB—DENVER, actor (Dobie Gillis, GILLIGAN—ISLAND), in New ROCHELLE—NEW—YORK.
19370109             —BANNED, ITALY—REGIME, marriages between Italians and Abyssinians.
19370109             Der WALT—DISNEY—ZEICHENTRICKFILM DON—DONALD, in dem DONALD—DUCK erstmals als Hauptcharakter auftritt, wird uraufgeführt.
19390109             Die Pariser Académie des sciences wird über die Entdeckung eines von MARGUERITE—PEREY gefundenen chemischen Elements informiert, das später Francium getauft wird.
19410109             * JOAN—BAEZ, USA—FOLK singer and VIETNAM War protester.
19410109             —EXTERMINATED, Some 6,000 Jews were, in 1—POGROM in BUCHAREST—ROMANIA.
19410109             * JOAN—BAEZ, USA—AMERIKANISCHE—FOLK—SÄNGERIN, Bürgerrechtlerin und Pazifistin
19410109             —GETESTET, Der BRITISCHE—BOMBER Avro LANCASTER wird im Erstflug.
19410109             Das Flugzeug wird in der Folge in hoher Stückzahl für die Royal AIR—FORCE hergestellt.
19420109             —BECAME, USA Joint CHIEFS—OF—STAFF, established.
19420109             Vor Menorca sinkt die Lamoricière, 1—PASSAGIERSCHIFF der FRANZÖSISCHEN—REEDEREI Compagnie Générale Transatlantique, —NACHDEM in einem schweren Sturm Wasser in den Rumpf eindringt.
19420109             301—MENSCHEN sterben.
19430109             —DROPPED, SOVIET—PLANES, leaflets on the surrounded Germans in Stalingrad requesting their surrender with humane terms.
19430109             —REFUSED, THE—GERMANS.
19450109             MAJOR—RAYMOND—CROMLEY, HEAD—OF—THE—TOP—SECRET "Dixie Mission," sent 1—CABLE to USA—MILITARY—HEADQUARTERS in Chunking that said Mao TSE—TUNG would like send 1—GROUP to PRESIDENT—ROOSEVELT to explain the situation in CHINA.
19450109             —OPPOSED, Ambassador PATRICK—J—HURLEY, who, the meeting, intercepted the message and failed to pass it to PRESIDENT—ROOSEVELT.
19450109             USA—FORCES began landing at Lingayen Gulf in THE—PHILIPPINES, 107—MILES from MANILA.
19450109             —MOUNTED, MacArthur finally, his invasion of Luzon.
19450109             Mit der Landung von Truppen der USA—ARMEE im Golf von Lingayen beginnt die Schlacht um Luzon gegen die Kaiserlich JAPANISCHE—ARMEE auf den PHILIPPINEN.
19460108—19460109    —FOUNDED, THE—BALTIC—CAMP—UNIVERSITY was, in GERMANY by 40—ESTONIAN, Latvian and LITHUANIA—SCIENTISTS in HAMBURG and Pinneberg.
19460108—19460109    It operated for 3 ½ years, with classes over 9—SEMESTERS.
19470109             FRANCE—GENERAL—LECLERC broke off all talks with VIETNAM—HO—CHI—MINH.
19470109             —AM Adelphi Theatre (NEW—YORK) wird die MUSICAL—OPER Street Scene von KURT—WEILL nach einem Libretto von Elmer Rice uraufgeführt.
19470109             † Fidelis von Stotzingen, DEUTSCHER—BENEDIKTINER, ABT—DES—KLOSTERS—MARIA—LAACH und Abtprimas der Benediktinischen Konföderation
19500109             Während eines Proteststreiks gegen Entlassungen erschießen Polizisten in MODENA 6—ARBEITER und verletzen rund 200—WEITERE Menschen.
19510109             Das Hauptquartier der Vereinten Nationen wird in NEW—YORK City offiziell eröffnet.
19520109             —BECAME, JACKIE—ROBINSON, the highest paid player in BROOKLYN—DODGER history.
19540109             Die BRITISCHE—NORDGRÖNLANDEXPEDITION misst bei ihrer Überwinterungsstation NORTH—ICE mit ?65,9 Grad Celsius die bislang niedrigste Temperatur auf der Insel GRÖNLAND.
19560109             GEORGE—CHRISTOPHER was sworn in as MAYOR—OF—SF.
19560109             He served to 19640000             .
19560109             —APPEARED, THE—1.—DEAR—ABBEY column, in THE—S—FRANCISCO—CHRONICLE.
19560109             It was WRITTEN—BY—PAULINE—PHILLIPS under the pen name Abigail VAN Buren.
19560109             She began her career as advice columnist "Dear Abby" under EDITOR—GEORGE—STANLEIGH—ARNOLD (19970000             † age 78).
19560109—20020000    —IN, her daughter took over the column.
19570000—19960109    * † FELIX—GONZALEZ—TORRES, CUBA—BORN artist, in MIAMI—OF—AIDS related complications.
19570109             Der BRITISCHE—PREMIERMINISTER—ANTHONY—EDEN reicht seinen Rücktritt ein, —NACHDEM sich die militärische Invasion in ÄGYPTEN im Zuge der Sueskrise zu einem diplomatischen Desaster entwickelt hat.
19580109             † ALBERT—FÖRSTER, DEUTSCHER—ARBEITERFÜHRER und Widerstandskämpfer
19590109             —PREMIERED, THE—TV—SHOW "Rawhide" with Clint Eastwood as Rowdy Yates, on CBS.
19590109             THE—USA—GROUP—REYNOLDS and Tube Investments took over UK—ALUMINIUM.
19590109             In the the 1. hostile takeover of 1—LARGE—UK—COMPANY.
19590109             In der SPANISCHEN—PROVINZ ZAMORA bricht die Talsperre Vega de Tera.
19590109             Zwischen 140—UND 145—MENSCHEN sterben in der dadurch verursachten Flutwelle.
19600109             The foundation stone for EGYPT—ASWAN—HIGH—DAM was laid.
19600109             —BEGONNEN, ÄGYPTEN, wird mit dem Bau des ASSUAN—STAUDAMMS.
19640109             ANTI—USA rioting broke out in THE—PANAMA—CANAL—ZONE, resulting in the deaths of 21—PANAMANIANS and 3—USA—SOLDIERS.
19640109             —KILLED, USA—FORCES, 6—PANAMA—STUDENTS protesting in the canal zone.
19640109             Violent clashes between Panamanians and USA—SOLDIERS, which resulted in the deaths of 21—PANAMANIANS and 4—USA—SOLDIERS, began —WHEN USA—STUDENTS' attempted to raise THE—USA—FLAG at the Canal Zone high school.
19640109             These events led to attempts to renegotiate the Canal ZONE—STATUS.
19640109             —VOTED, S—FRANCISCO—THE—CIVIL—SERVICE—COMMISSION, unanimously to uphold the firing of Juvenile Probation Officer JAMES—A—FORSTNER, who refusing to shave his beard.
19640109             Als Demonstranten in der Panamakanalzone die Flagge Panamas aufziehen, kommt es zu einer Schießerei, bei der 1—STUDENT getötet wird.
19640109             Dies führt zu massiven diplomatischen Verstimmungen zwischen PANAMA und den USA.
19640109—19631230    —ON, 1—ORDER banning THE—FLYING—OF—ANY—FLAGS in front of Canal Zone schools had been issued, BECAUSE—OF—PANAMA—SENSITIVITY to USA—CONTROL—OF—THE—ZONE.
19650109             —AM, 1—FESTLICHEN Neujahrsempfang.
19660109             —APPEARED, RONALD—REAGAN, on Meet the Press and was asked why he had not disavowed THE—JOHN—BIRCH—SOCIETY.
19660109             —LOOKED, Reagan said 1—COMMITTEE had, into the group and found "nothing of 1—SUBVERSIVE nature".
19660109—19600000    —IN, 1—INFORMER reported to THE—FBI that Reagan was 1—BEVERLY—HILLS—CHAPTER—MEMBER.
19680109             THE—TV—SHOW "It Takes 1—THIEF" with ROBERT—WAGNER began on ABC.
19680109             † It written and produced by Leslie Stevens (19980000             , ) and ran to 19700000             .
19680109             19680109             THE—SURVEYOR—VII space probe made 1—SOFT landing on the moon, marking THE—END—OF—THE—USA—SERIES—OF unmanned explorations of the lunar surface.
19720109             Reclusive billionaire HOWARD—HUGHES, speaking by telephone from THE—BAHAMAS to reporters in HOLLYWOOD, said his purported biography by CLIFFORD—IRVING was 1—FAKE.
19720109             THE—RMS—QUEEN—ELIZABETH, the world's largest ocean liner, sank —AFTER 1—MAJOR—FIRE in HONG—KONG harbor.
19720109             —PURCHASED, It had been, by Tung CHAO—YUNG at 1—BANKRUPTCY—SALE in FLORIDA.
19720109             —HOPED, He had, to turn it into 1—FLOATING school.
19720109             —BLAMED, Arson was, and it was scrapped.
19720109             UK—COAL miners begin 1—NATIONAL—STRIKE, the 1. for HALF—1—CENTURY.
19720109             —ENDED, The strike, on 28—FEBRUARY 19720000             , —WHEN the miners returned to work.
19720109             Die schwimmende Seawise University, die ehemalige QUEEN—ELIZABETH, wird im Hafen von HONG—KONG durch einen – vermutlich gelegten – Brand schwer beschädigt und kentert.
19740109             —OPENED, CAMBODIA—GOVERNMENT—TROOPS, 1—DRIVE to avert insurgent attack on PHNOM—PENH.
19770109             THE—OAKLAND—RAIDERS beat THE—MINNESOTA—VIKINGS in the Super Bowl 32-14 at THE—PASADENA—ROSE—BOWL.
19770109             Quarterback KEN—STABLER (19450000—20150000    ) led THE—SF—BAY—AREA team to victory.
19770812—19790109    —UNTIL, It continued operating.
19790109             It became PART—OF—THEIR 13. album and topped the record charts.
19790109             —PERFORMED, ABBA, "Chiquitita" at the Music for UNICEF Concert held at THE—UNITED—NATIONS GENERAL—ASSEMBLY to celebrate UNICEF—YEAR—OF—THE—CHILD.
19790109             —DONATED, ABBA, the copyright of this worldwide hit to THE—UNICEF; see Music for UNICEF Concert.
19790109             —RELEASED, The single was, THE—FOLLOWING—WEEK, and reached #1 in 10—COUNTRIES.
19790109             —SIGNED, THE—ACT—OF—MONTEVIDEO was, in URUGUAY pledging ARGENTINA and CHILE to 1—PEACEFUL—SOLUTION and 1—RETURN to the military situation of early 19770000             .
19790109             19790109             Cardinal ANTONIO—SAMORE (19050000—19830000    ), VATICAN representative, mediated the Beagle conflict.
19790109             —SEE, THE—OST—PREUSSEN—BLATT
19790109             Anlässlich des Internationales —JAHR—DES—KINDES treten die Bee Gees beim Konzert für UNICEF mit ihrem Titel Too Much Heaven auf.
19790109             —VERMACHT, Dessen gesamte weltweit erzielten Tantiemen, die Gruppe dem Kinderhilfswerk der Vereinten Nationen.
19790109—19780000    —IN—LATE, THE—BEE—GEES performed "Too Much Heaven," released, as their contribution to the "Music for UNICEF" fund.
19800000             —IN—THE—BOLIVIAN "Cocaine Coup" of NEO—FASCISTS and drug lords was played by the World ANTI—COMMUNIST—LEAGUE,
19800109—19791100    —IN—THE, SAUDI—ARABIA beheaded 63—PEOPLE in towns across the country for their roles raid on the Grand Mosque in MECCA.
19810109             Relatório governamental sobre CAMARATE fala em acidente e negligência dos pilotos
19820109             A 5.9—EARTHQUAKE hit New ENGLAND & CANADA;
19820109—18550000    —SINCE, the 1.
19840109             Die Berliner VERKEHRS—BETRIEBE (BVG) übernehmen die bislang in Regie der DEUTSCHEN—REICHSBAHN betriebene S—BAHN BERLIN im Westteil der Stadt.
19850109             Die Einschienenbahn Kitaky? nimmt in der gleichnamigen Stadt auf der JAPANISCHEN—INSEL Ky?SH—DEN Betrieb auf.
19880107—19880109    —KRITISIERT, FRANCOIS—MITTERAND, die "anachronistischen Behinderungen im Personenverkehr und im Gedankenaustausch" zwischen der DDR und den westlichen Staaten.
19890109             —MENTIONED, THE—BONN—PEACE—FORUM was also
19890109             —AGREED, THE—SUPREME—COURT, to consider the Webster abortion case the same —DAY that Surgeon GENERAL—C.—EVERETT—KOOP advised PRESIDENT—REAGAN he would not issue 1—REPORT on the health RISKS—OF—ABORTION.
19890109             —1— D, in 1—LETTER from CROZIER to COUNT—HANS—GRAF—HUYN,
19890109             EVAN—BAYH (19550000             *) began OFFICE—AS—INDIANA STATE—GOVERNOR and continued to 19970000             .
19890109             19890109             which prepared for this PINAY—CERCLE—MEETING THE—NEXT—MONTH: "My dear COUNT—HANS—GRAF—HUYN.
19890109             I hope that THE—BONN—PEACE—FORUM still exists, or. if not, that something similar exists or can be built up.
19890109             The idea is to use such an —ORGANISATION to circulate particular slogans" -
19890109             —1— D, in 1—LETTER from CROZIER to COUNT—HANS—GRAF—HUYN, which prepared for this PINAY—CERCLE—MEETING THE—NEXT—MONTH:
19890109             The idea is to use such an —ORGANISATION to circulate "PARTICULAR—SLOGANS"
19890109             "My dear COUNT—HANS—GRAF—HUYN.
19890109—19980000    —IN, he was elected as 1—USA—SENATOR—FOR—INDIANA.
19890109—20100000    —IN, he decided not to seek RE—ELECTION.
19900109             —LAUNCHED, The space shuttle COLUMBIA was, on a —10—DAY—MISSION that included retrieving 1—DRIFTING scientific satellite.
19910109             SECRETARY—OF—STATE—JAMES—A—BAKER—THE 3. and IRAQ—FOREIGN—MINISTER—TARIQ—AZIZ met —FOR—6—HOURS in GENEVA, but failed to resolve the Persian Gulf crisis.
19910109             —ACCUSED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, in WASHINGTON—IRAQ of "1—TOTAL—STIFF—ARM, 1—TOTAL rebuff".
19910109             MISTER—BAKER told MISTER—AZIZ that AMERICA would throw IRAQ out by force if it did not leave KUWAIT.
19910109             —ANNOUNCED, Microsoft, Excel 3.0
19910109             —GATHERED, Lithuanians, to support THE—PARLIAMENT in VILNIUS.
19920109             —DECLARED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, his trade visit to JAPAN 1—SUCCESS, saying JAPAN—OFFICIALS had agreed to increase IMPORTS—OF—USA—CARS, auto parts, computers and other goods.
19920109             —SOUNDED, HOWEVER—USA auto executives traveling with Bush, less enthusiastic.
19920109             —DECLARED, BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—SERBS, the creation of their own STATE—IN—BOSNIA, igniting the country's devastating —4—YEAR—WAR.
19920109             Die SERBISCHE—MINDERHEIT in BOSNIEN—UND—HERZEGOWINA ruft im Osten und Norden des Landes die Republika Srpska aus und trägt damit maßgeblich zum Ausbruch des Bosnienkrieges bei.
19930109             † FELIX—GRUCCI, —87—JAHRE—ALT, fireworks expert, of ALZHEIMER—DISEASE.
19930109             —KILLED, FRANCE, JEAN—CLAUDE—ROMAND, his parents, wife and children in 1—EFFORT to save his pride —FOLLOWING YEARS—OF—LIES.
19930109             He had spent nearly —20—YEARS pretending he was 1—SUCCESSFUL—DOCTOR and researcher working for THE—GENEVA—BASED World Health Organization.
19930109             2 Red Cross officials visited 1—CAMP—OF—PALESTINIANS who had been deported by ISRAEL to 1—NO—MAN'S—LAND in SOUTH—LEBANON.
19940109             PRESIDENT—CLINTON began the 1. European trip of his administration in BELGIUM, where -- on THE—EVE—OF—1—NATO—SUMMIT -- he warned of 1—RISING MOOD—OF—NATIONALISM in RUSSIA that he said threatened EAST—EUROPE—MARCH—OF—DEMOCRACY.
19950109             NEW—YORK, trials began for SHEIK—OMAR—ABDEL—RAHMAN and 11—OTHER—DEFENDANTS accused of conspiring to wage 1—HOLY—WAR against THE—USA.
19950109             9 were convicted of seditious conspiracy, and 2 reached plea agreements with the government.
19950109             —FORCED, Severe flooding, people to flee resort communities in the hills NORTH—OF—S—FRANCISCO.
19950109             † PETER—COOK, —57—JAHRE—ALT, ENGLAND—COMIC and actor (Bedazzled, Beyond the Fringe, THE—WRONG—BOX).
19960109             PRESIDENT—CLINTON and Republican congressional leaders broke off budget talks.
19960109             —VETOED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, 1—REPUBLICAN welfare overhaul bill.
19960109             —FIRED, USA—HOUSE—SPEAKER, CHRISTINA—JEFFERY as historian for the House under political pressure based on knowingly false ALLEGATIONS—OF—ANTI—SEMITISM by REPRESENTATIVE—CHARLES—SCHUMER (D., NEW—YORK).
19960109             FELIX—GONZALEZ—TORRES was known for his quiet, minimal installations and sculptures.
19960109             —SELECTED, He was, posthumously to be the official USA—REPRESENTATIVE to 20070000             —THE—VENICE—BIENALLE.
19960109             BENIN—PRESIDENT—NICEPHORO—SOGLO—GOVERNMENT said that, in 1—EFFORT to "correct 1—INJUSTICE," it was formally recognizing voodoo as 1—RELIGION.
19960109             —DECLARED, BENIN—PRESIDENT—NICEPHORO—SOGLO, 19960110             as 1—VOODOO—HOLIDAY.
19960109             —SEIZED, Chechen rebels under SALMAN—RADUYEV, 1—HOSPITAL in THE—SOUTH—RUSSIA—CITY—OF—KIZLYAR and took up to 3000—HOSTAGES.
19960109             —RELEASED, The rebels, all but about 160—HOSTAGES the —NEXT—DAY, using the remaining captives as 1—SHIELD against RUSSIA—TROOPS.
19960109             —KILLED, At least 40—PEOPLE were.
19960109             —KILLED, TURKEY, Ozdemir Sabanci (19410000             *) was, along with his SECRETARY and another colleague in 1—ATTACK on THE—ISTANBUL headquarters of Sabanci Holding.
19960109             —CLAIMED, THE—MARXIST—DHKP—C, responsibility.
19960109             He declared 19960110             as 1—VOODOO holiday.
19970109             —INFORMED, THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—THE—REPUBLIC—OF—GEORGIA, THE—USA—THAT—DIPLOMAT—GUEORGUI Makharadze would be recalled —FOLLOWING his 19970103             involvement in 1—CAR—CRASH that left a —16—YEAR—OLD—WASHINGTON girl dead.
19970109             The sliver of 1—NEW—MOON—ROSE over the Muslim world and began the fast of Ramadan for the world's 1—BILLION Muslims.
19970109             1—BRINK—TRUCK overturned in the Overtown neighborhood of MIAMI and spilled cash and foodstamps.
19970109             $400,000 in cash and $300,000 in food stamps was quickly gathered up by residents and pocketed.
19970109             1—COMAIR—BRAZIL—MADE Embraer 120—COMMUTER plane crashed 18—MILES—SOUTH—WEST—OF—DETROIT and killed all 29—ONBOARD.
19970109             —BLAMED, Icing was, for the crash.
19970109             1—INTERNATIONAL—SEARCH went into effect for JOSEPH—MICHEL, —26—JAHRE—ALT, aka JO—JO—KOULIBALY, who was suspected of pulling the trigger on Small.
19970109             —DROPPED, Charges against Kennedy and Cutkelvin were, due to LACK—OF—EVIDENCE.
19970109             —SUGGESTED, Police evidence strongly, that he had been drinking.
19970109             —SENTENCED, He was —LATER, to 7—21—YEARS in USA—PRISON.
19970109             HAITI, FORMER—PRESIDENT—JEAN—BERTRAND—ARISTIDE began forming 1—NEW—POLITICAL—PARTY called the Lavalas Family.
19970109             Lavalas means flash flood and is synonymous with democracy.
19970109             —EXPLODED, ISRAEL—,1—PAIR—OF—PIPE—BOMBS were, in Tel Aviv and 13—PEOPLE were injured.
19970109             —ATTACKED, Tamil rebels, 2—NORTHERN—MILITARY—BASES and killed at least 60—SOLDIERS with 232 wounded.
19970109             1—LATER count had 223—SOLDIERS and 350—GUERRILLAS—DEAD.
19970109             —CLASHED, SOUTH—KOREA, workers, with riot police.
19970109             CHRISTOPH—MEILI, night watchman at the Union BANK—OF—SWITZERLAND, salvaged 1—ARMFUL—OF—BOOKS and papers that contained bank records from the Nazi era that were about to be shredded.
19970109             His dismissal from the security company for which he worked, effective —AT—THE—END—OF—APRIL, was announced 19970224             .
19970109—19970109    —FROM, ZAïREAN—PRESIDENT—SEKO returned to FRANCE, apparently for cancer treatments.
19970109—19970114    —ON, THE—FEDERATION—OF—KOREAN—TRADE—UNIONS with 1.2—MILLION—MEMBERS said it will begin a —2—DAY—STRIKE.
19970109—19980000    —IN, † RONALD—SMALL, —20—JAHRE—ALT, 1—TAMALPAIS—HIGH—SCHOOL—FOOTBALL—STAR, was shot and killed —DURING 1—BIRTHDAY—PARTY at 59—COLE—DRIVE in Marin CITY—CALIFORNIA DARRELL—HUNTER was arrested —1—WEEK—LATER and IMAN—KENNEDY, —20—JAHRE—ALT and Rodwell Cutkelvin (25) were arrested.
19970109—20000000    —IN, Hunter was found guilty of 1. degree murder.
19970109—20050000    —EXTRADITED, Michel was, from GERMANY.
19970109—20080000    —CLEARED—OF, DARRELL—HUNTER was, all charges and released from prison.
19980108—19980109    THE—USA—NORTHEAST and CANADA were hit with 1—SEVERE—ICE—STORM and at least 16—PEOPLE were reported killed.
19980108—19980109    MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE were left without power in upper NEW—YORK, MAINE, VERMONT and NEW—HAMPSHIRE.
19980109             —DEFEATED, Anatoly Karpow, defending champion, Viswanathan Anand in THE—FIDE—WORLD—CHESS—CHAMPIONSHIP.
19980109             —DROPPED, THE—USA—DOW—JONES—STOCK—MARKET—AVERAGE, 222—POINTS or 2.9% over fears about the financial crises in ASIA.
19980109             —REPORTED, It was, that the oceans have risen 6—INCHES this —CENTURY and that THE—ALASKA permafrost was melting.
19980109             —KILLED, ALGERIA, another 35—PEOPLE were.
19980109             —MARCHED, WUHAN—CHINA, a 1000—FACTORY—WORKERS, —AFTER being laid off with little compensation.
19980109             —RETURNED, The decapitated HEAD—OF—DANISH—LITTLE—MERMAID was.
19980109             —PLEDGED, FRANCE, PRIME—MINISTER—JOSPIN, $160—MILLION to help the unemployed, in 1—ATTEMPT to end over —1—MONTH—OF—SIT—INS at unemployment offices across the country.
19980109             NORTH—IRELAND, THE—UK—SECRETARY, Mo Mowlam, met with prisoners at the Maze prison and got their endorsement for the Ulster DEMOCRATIC—PARTY to return to peace talks.
19980109             —SCHEDULED, Talks with the Progressive Unionist were, for the —NEXT—DAY.
19980109             —FROM PAKISTAN it was reported that investigators have uncovered 1—PATTERN—OF—SECRET—PAYMENTS by foreign governments for business favors —DURING THE—2—TERMS—WHEN Benazir Bhutto served as PRIME—MINISTER.
19980109             —INCLUDED, These, a $10—MILLION—PAYMENT, deposited into 1—ASIF—ZARDARI account by 1—MIDDLE—EAST—GOLD bullion dealer, for 1—MONOPOLY contract to sustain PAKISTAN—JEWELRY industry.
19980109             Officials said $80—MILLION may be in SWITZERLAND—BANKS.
19990109             —PREPARED, Presidential advisers, 1—PUBLIC and legal defense in PRESIDENT—CLINTON—IMPEACHMENT—TRIAL on charges of perjury and OBSTRUCTION—OF—JUSTICE;
19990109             —PLEDGED, Senate Majority Leader TRENT—LOTT, —MEANWHILE, "above all, fairness" to THE—PRESIDENT.
19990109             New postal rates took effect.
19990109             —REPRESENTED, The H stamp, for Uncle SAM—HAT, THE—33—CENT rate, a 1—CENT increase.
19990109             Near Foca, Bosnia, FRANCE—TROOPS shot and killed DRAGAN—GAGOVIC (38), the former police CHIEF—OF—FOCA and 1—WAR—CRIMES—SUSPECT.
19990109             COLOMBIA, THE—UNITED—SELF—DEFENSE—FORCES, RIGHT—WING death squads, killed 27—PEOPLE in Playon de Orozco, and 14—PEOPLE in S—PABLO.
19990109             —RELEASED, —MEANWHILE leftist rebels, NORBERT—REINHART, 1—CANADA—MINING executive, and Osmar Brohha, 1—GERMANY—TOURIST.
19990109             INDONESIA, 4—SEPARATIST supporters were beaten to death in Aceh province.
19991220—19990109    —CALLED, THROUGH—COLOMBIA, the biggest rebel group, 1—HOLIDAY—TRUCE.
20000109             It was the 1. time in HALF—1—CENTURY that the Israeli and SYRIA—LEADERS had shared 1—MEAL but no agreement on peace talks was expected.
20000109             —ENDED, The controversial "Sensation" art exhibit, its —3—MONTH—RUN at THE—BROOKLYN—MUSEUM, which had gotten into 1—FIGHT with NEW—YORK City Mayor RUDOLPH—GIULIANI over what the mayor called the exhibit's offensive ANTI—CATHOLIC—CONTENT.
20000109             —ATTACKED, CHECHNYA, rebels, RUSSIA—POSITIONS in Argun, Shali and Gudermes as RUSSIA continued 1—BOMBING halt for the Orthodox Christmas.
20000109             —REPORTED, IRAQ—TV, that USA and UK—AIR—STRIKES in SOUTH—IRAQ wounded 3—PEOPLE.
20010109             "Eugenics" is 1—TERM coined in the latter PART—OF—THE 18010101—19001231     by Englishmen FRANCIS—GALTON... of the estates of both Dulles brothers, as well as the current...
20010109             Mental Hygiene SOCIETY—DEMOPEDIA... Prescott Bush were active in THE—LEADERSHIP—OF—THE—EUGENICS—SOCIETIES that were popular among the wealthy classes in the early prts of the 19010101—20001231    ...
20010109             PRESIDENT—BUSH + his family.
20010109             dictator... worked with OSS CHIEF—WILLIAM—DONAVAN + ALLEN—DULLES to bring top level NAZI officials to THE—USA
20010109             were backing Hitler + promoting Eugenics, or scientific racism: "1—CLIQUE—OF...
20010109             Eugenics, Abortion and Social Engineering by ROBERT—BRUCE—BAIRD (Book) in
20010109             + Rothschild Foundation backed NAZI eugenicists —WHEN JOHN—FOSTER—DULLES was THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THAT—NEFARIOUS—FOUNDATION.
20010109             Illuminati News: THE—DEPOPULATION—BOMB, by JIM—KEITH
20010109             "Eugenics" is 1—TERM coined in the latter PART—OF—THE 18010101—19001231    —CENTURY by Englishmen FRANCIS—GALTON
20010109             of the estates of both DULLES brothers, as well as the current...
20010109             HENRY—B—SCHACHT—EUGENICS: All In THE—FAMILY?
20010109             Mental Hygiene SOCIETY—DEMOPEDIA... Prescott BUSH were active in THE—LEADERSHIP—OF—THE—EUGENICS—SOCIETIES that were popular among the wealthy classes in the early prts of the 19010101—20001231    —CENTURY...
20010109             Conspiracy PLANET—CORPORATE—GOVT FRAUD—THE—USA—RED (Double) Cross:
20010109             Blood- - OCCULT—LINKED, political OBJECTIVE—EUGENICS—MANAGEMENT for 1—RACIALLY
20010109             the Eugenics Records Office.
20010109             20010109             Linda Chavez, the Bush nominee for labor SECRETARY, withdrew —FOLLOWING reports that she housed 1—ILLEGAL—IMMIGRANT and paid her for house chores.
20010109             —LIMITED, THE—SUPREME—COURT, THE—REACH—OF—FEDERAL—LAW to protect wetlands.
20010109             —REPORTED, It was, that Amory Lovins (53) of COLORADO was attempting to build 1—SUPER—EFFICIENT—SPORT—UTILITY—VEHICLE called the Hypercar with 99—MPG.
20010109             It would be powered by fuel cells and built from carbon fiber.
20010109             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—SUPER—CLUSTER—OF quasars and galaxies was found that spread across 600—MILLION—LIGHT—YEARS.
20010109             The system was 6.5—BILLION light years away in the constellation Leo.
20010109             —REPORTED, Astronomers, THE—DISCOVERY—OF—1—GIANT—OBJECT—MORE than 17—TIMES the size of Jupiter in the constellation Serpens 123—LIGHT—YEARS away.
20010109             ALGERIA, 4—RUSSIA—ENGINEERS went mushroom picking in the forest of Edough and were found with their throats cut —2—DAYS—LATER.
20010109             Biljana Plavsic, FORMER—BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—SERBIA—PRESIDENT, left for the Hague to appear —BEFORE THE—UN—WAR—CRIMES—TRIBUNAL over her role in the 19920000—19950000     war.
20010109             —ANNOUNCED, THE—UN, that in Burma Aung S—SUU—KYI and the military junta had held more than ROUND—OF—TALKS—SINCE October.
20010109             CHECHNYA, KENNY—GLUCK, 1—USA—AID—WORKER, was kidnapped and a 2. was wounded.
20010109             —CONFIRMED, RUSSIA, that it does not intend to make ALL—OF—ITS scheduled payments to THE—18—NATION PARIS Club.
20010109             Was LINCOLN wrong —WHEN he said you cannot.
20010109             dictator... worked with OSS CHIEF—WILLIAM—DONAVAN + ALLEN—DULLES to bring top level Nazi officials to THE—USA... were backing Hitler + promoting Eugenics, or scientific racism: "1—CLIQUE—OF...
20010109             Eugenics, Abortion and Social Engineering by ROBERT—BRUCE—BAIRD (Book) in... + Rothschild Foundation backed Nazi eugenicists —WHEN JOHN—FOSTER—DULLES was THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THAT—NEFARIOUS—FOUNDATION.
20010109             HENRY—B—SCHACHT (CFR) of the firm Warburg, Pincus & Co.
20010109             Round Table member Admiral Canaris, —WHILE ALLEN—DULLES ran a collaborating intelligence operation...
20010109             Prescott Bush. JOHN—FOSTER—DULLES. Eugenics. JOHN—D—ROCKEFELLER.
20010109             20010109             Conspiracy PLANET—CORPORATE—GOVT FRAUD—THE—USA—RED (Double) Cross: Blood-... OCCULT—LINKED, political OBJECTIVE—EUGENICS—MANAGEMENT for 1—RACIALLY... the Eugenics Records Office.
20010109             THE—FOLLOWING—YEAR, social Darwinism subscriber, JOHN—FOSTER—DULLES, revealed his.
20010109             Der DEUTSCHE—LANDWIRTSCHAFTSMINISTER KARL—HEINZ—FUNKE und Gesundheitsministerin ANDREA—FISCHER treten auf Grund der BSE—KRISE zurück.
20010109             Die Volksrepublik CHINA startet in der Mission Shenzhou 2 1—RAUMSCHIFF in 1—ERDUMLAUFBAHN.
20010109             Neben geplanten wissenschaftlichen Experimenten erfolgt 1—TEST—DER—LEBENSERHALTUNGSSYSTEME—DES—RAUMSCHIFFS durch 3—IM Inneren der Wiedereintrittskapsel untergebrachte Tiere.
20010109114506       BUSH, Abortion and Racial Eugenics: THE—REAL—STORY. by ROBERT—LEDERMAN.
20010813—20011203    —DATE20020109             —ARRESTED, Weaver was, 20020813             for the rape of his —19—YEAR—OLD—SON—GIRLFRIEND.
20010813—20011203    —DATE 20010813—20011203    —DATE20020109             —ARRESTED, Weaver was, 20020813             for the rape of his —19—YEAR—OLD—SON—GIRLFRIEND.
20010911             knives + - spraying gas - 91120010911200109112001091120010911             --
2001091120010911     12—FRAGEN zum- 11.9.
2001091120010911     —GELASSEN, Helden des- : TODKRANK—UND im Stich
2001091120010911     THE—TRUTH—ABOUT the-20010911             Attacks, Part II
2001091120010911     They Let it Happen: 1. —DAY JITTERS
2001091920010919 -
20011100—20020109    —UNTIL, However, it took for WENDY—CHAMBERLIN,
20011100—20020109    —UNTIL, [AP, 20020226             , NEWSWEEK, 20020313             ] However, it took for WENDY—CHAMBERLIN, THE—USA—AMBASSADOR to PAKISTAN, to officially ask THE—PAKISTAN—GOVERNMENT for help in arresting and extraditing Saeed.
20020109             —INVOLVED, He is deeply, in organic gardening and has 1—ORCHARD of some 60—FRUIT—TREES.
20020109             he decided to become active.
20020109             He has 1—BA in Anthropology from UCLA but works as 1—COMPUTER programmer.
20020109             - I personally draw 1—POSITIVE—CONCLUSION from this research.
20020109             —STRUGGLED, As 1—AMERICA—JEW, I have long, with the contradictions + PROBLEMS—OF—ZIONISM + the unjust POLICIES—OF—THE—STATE—OF—ISRAEL towards Palestinians.
20020109             For those brave enough to seize this research in the right spirit, there is 1—SOLUTION in it for THE—PROBLEMS—OF—THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20020109             There were 1—SMALL—NUMBER—OF—VOICES amongst the early ZIONIS ts who were against the creation of 1—SEPARATE—JEWISH—STATE in the region.
20020109             BEN—GURION + those in his camp saw the natives of the region as 1—OBSTACLE to be eliminated.
20020109             European Jews are simply Europeanized Canaanites, Palestinians, whether Muslim, Christian or Jewish were simple Arabacized Canaanites.
20020109             Even modern genetic research is proving that we come from the same ancestry.
20020109             —DESIGNED, It is political document that is, to glorify the Josiah and to connect him falsely with the golden era —WHEN THE—STATE—OF—ISRAEL briefly rose up as 1—POWERFUL and advanced civilized center.
20020109             -Archeologists live in 1—WORLD—OF tells, strata, Carbon 14—DATING,
20020109             Jericho IV, THE—EARLY, Middle + Late Bronze Age, Iron Age I + Iron Age II AND—OF—COURSE pottery shards and architectural styles.
20020109             What follows is 1—VERY—BRIEF—SUMMARY—OF—THAT—RESEARCH + 1—ANALYSIS—OF—ITS' implications.
20020109             —ATTEMPTED, Professor FINKELSTEIN has not, himself to interpret his research in the context of the contemporary political + diplomatic COMPLEXITIES—OF—THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20020109             —PRESENTED, He has simply, the facts that the archeological record has revealed.
20020109             SOME—ARCHEOLOGISTS still disagree, but his is 1—MAINSTREAM—SCIENTIFIC—VIEW + not the work of 1—FRINGE writer with 1—POLITICAL or conspiracy ax to grind.
20020109             And more and more prominent scholars in the field are moving to something like his viewpoint, even though they may disagree on the details.
20020109             —ACHIEVED, ISRAEL was 1—SMALL—CANAANITE—STATE that briefly, 1—GOLDEN—AGE, reaching its' HEIGHT—OF—POWER + glory in THE—REIGN—OF—KING—AHAB + QUEEN—JEZEBEL.
20020109             —RULED, THE—HOUSE—OF—DAVID never, in ISRAEL it ruled over the Canaanite STATE—OF—JUDAH.
20020109             This will be true of Christians + Muslims + Jews who interpret the Bible literally.
20020109             It will disturb MANY—SECULAR—ZIONIS ts who justify modern ISRAEL—EXISTENCE + the proposed annexation of "Judah and Sumaria" based on the Biblical Texts.
20020109             You can choose to believe this research or not.
20020109             But it has profound implications for THE—ISRAEL i PALESTINE—CONFLICT.
20020109             —AGREED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION and the auto industry, to promote DEVELOPMENT—OF—POLLUTION—FREE—CARS and trucks powered by hydrogen fuel cells.
20020109             —RULED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, that jurors weighing 1—DEATH—SENTENCE must be told if 1—LIFE—TERM excludes parole.
20020109             —ADVISED, Lawyers, the Pentagon that THE—GENEVA—CONVENTIONS do not apply to the Taliban or al Qaeda and that THE—PRESIDENT has the authority to suspend THE—GENEVA—CONVENTIONS.
20020109             ASHLEY—POND, —12—JAHRE—ALT was last seen in OREGON City, 20—MILES—SOUTH—OF—PORTLAND, Or.
20020109             —ARRESTED, Weaver was, 20020813             for the rape of his —19—YEAR—OLD—SON—GIRLFRIEND.
20020109             COLOMBIA, PRESIDENT—PASTRANA gave FARC —48—HOURS to retire from their designated safe haven.
20020109             —ATTACKED, ISRAEL, 2—HAMAS gunmen, 1—MILITARY—POST and killed 4—ISRAEL—SOLDIERS.
20020109             1—USA—KC 130—AERIAL refueler crashed at KHARAN—PAKISTAN, and all 7—MARINES aboard were killed.
20020109             ZIMBABWE, the military chiefs put their support behind PRESIDENT—MUGABE saying they would only accept 1—PRESIDENT who fought in the war for INDEPENDENCE.
20020109             The remains of Gaddis were found 20020824             behind THE—HOUSE—OF—WARD—WEAVER, —39—JAHRE—ALT, who lived across the street.
20020109             POND—REMAINS were found 20020825             .
20020109             20020109             LARRY—SALTZMAN is 1—AMERICA—JEW who believes that the meaning of the Holocaust is that "never again" means that no people on the planet should be persecuted.
20020109             —OPPOSED, He had been, to THE—ISRAEL i occupation for SOME—TIME, but —WHEN he learned of the wanton DESTRUCTION—OF—ORCHARDS + farmland by ISRAEL i troops in THE—PALESTINE—TERRITORIES this past —YEAR, he decided to become active.
20020109             They lost out to the bigger faction lead DAVID—BEN—GURION, who suffered from the disease of European colonialism.
20020109             I believe Jews —AROUND the world need to take pride not in ISRAEL as 1—MODERN—COLONIALIST—STATE but in the entire region Palestine as the homeland of Canaanite + ISRAEL ite culture that we are descended from.
20020109             - It was under JOSIAH—KING—OF— that the Bible was finally written and something resembling modern Judaism begins to take shape in the 7. + 8. centuries BC.
20020109             -Archeologists live in 1—WORLD—OF tells, strata, Carbon 14—DATING, Jericho IV, THE—EARLY, Middle + Late Bronze Age, Iron Age I + Iron Age II AND—OF—COURSE pottery shards and architectural styles.
20020109             Slowly but surely as they excavate + date the significant Archeological sites located in modern ISRAEL + parts of Occupied Palestine the history of the region as recorded in the Bible is being RE—WRITTEN from what the Bible has told us.
20020109             1—REVOLUTION is happening in Biblical Archeology.
20020109             It may disturb MANY—THAT hold strong political or highly conservative religious beliefs.
20020109             This article will review the theories of 1—OF—THE—FOREMOST of these revolution ary Biblical ARCHEOLOGISTS—ISRAEL—FINKELSTEIN.
20020109             LARRY—SALTZMAN is 1—AMERICA—JEW who believes that the meaning of the Holocaust is that "never again" means that no people on the planet should be persecuted.
20020109—20020308    —DISAPPEARED, Miranda Gaddis (13), from the same neighborhood.
20030109             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION said FEDERAL—AIRPORT—SECURITY screeners will not be allowed to unionize so as not to complicate THE—WAR—ON—TERRORISM.
20030109             † PETER—TINNISWOOD, —66—JAHRE—ALT, UK—AUTHOR—OF—PLAYS for TV, radio and stage, from cancer.
20030109             6—RUSSIA—SOLDIERS and police officers were killed in Chechnya in the last —24—HOURS.
20030109             † Another 9—RUSSIA—SOLDIERS, —WHEN their convoy came under rebel fire in Grozny.
20030109             2—REBELS were killed in the fighting.
20030109             —DETONATED, NORTH—EAST—COLOMBIA, rebels, 1—CAR—BOMB that killed 4—PEOPLE in a 2. attack in —2—DAYS.
20030109             —ANNOUNCED, INDIA—PRIME—MINISTER—VAJPAYEE, THE—INTRODUCTION—OF—LEGISLATION for dual citizenship for people of INDIA—ORIGIN in "certain countries".
20030109             UN weapons inspectors said there's no "smoking gun" to prove IRAQ has nuclear, chemical or biological weapons, but they demanded that BAGHDAD provide private access to scientists and fresh evidence to back its claim that it had destroyed its WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION.
20030109             1—PERU—AIRLINER carrying 46—PEOPLE, including 8—CHILDREN, disappeared amid CLOUD—COVERED mountains in the Amazon jungle.
20030109             There were no survivors.
20030109             —COLLIDED, SOUTH—EAST—TURKEY, 2—TURKEY—F 4—WARPLANES, in heavy fog —DURING 1—TRAINING flight killing THE—4—CREW members.
20030109             —STAYED, THOUSANDS—OF—VENEZUELA—BANK—WORKERS, home to support 1—NATIONWIDE strike seeking new presidential elections.
20030109             Terrorist Flight School owner WALLACE—J—HILLIARD was a business PARTNER—OF—WHITEWATER—SCANDAL figure Truman...
20030109             MARIE—HILLIARD — Bevis Hillier : ZoomInfo Business People Information
20030109             "6—DEGREES—OF—RICHARD—BEN—VENISTE" Terrorist Flight School owner WALLACE—J—HILLIARD was a business PARTNER—OF—WHITEWATER—SCANDAL figure Truman...
20030109             Hilliard, Wallace, VisionAire Corporation, WALLACE—J—HILLIARD—ELECTED to BOARD—OF—DIRECTORS—OF—VISIONAIRE—CORPORATION—S—LOUIS, MISSOURI, 20030616             ...
20030109             Die Stiftung PREUSSISCHER—KULTURBESITZ, die Staatlichen Museen zu BERLIN und FRIEDRICH—CHRISTIAN—FLICK unterzeichnen eine umstrittene Vereinbarung, TEILE—DER—FRIEDRICH—CHRISTIAN—FLICK—COLLECTION in BERLIN zu zeigen.
20030109—20030111    —ON, rescue workers found the wreckage of TANS Airlines Flight 222, 1—FOKKER 28—NEAR the jungle TOWN—OF—CHACHAPOYAS.
20031113             —ON KSM—INDEPENDENCE, see Intelligence report, interrogation of KSM, 20040109             .
20031113             20040109             WASHINGTON Office.
20040109             —LOWERED, THE—USA—TERROR—ALERT—LEVEL was, 1—STEP, to yellow.
20040109             However, airports and airlines kept their high alert status.
20040109             —DETERMINED, USA—OFFICIALS said Pentagon lawyers had, that FORMER—IRAQ leader SADDAM—HUSSEIN was 1—PRISONER—OF—WAR—SINCE his capture.
20040109             —ARRESTED, FEDERAL—OFFICIALS, 2—PEOPLE in SOUTH—CALIFORNIA for conspiring to perform genital mutilations on 2—GIRLS.
20040109             It was the 1. prosecution under 19950000             —THE—FEDERAL—FEMALE—GENITAL—MUTILATION—ACT.
20040109             1—OHIO woman who'd claimed to have lost 1—LOTTERY ticket worth $162—MILLION was charged with filing 1—FALSE—POLICE—REPORT.
20040109             Elecia Battle was —LATER CONVICTED—OF—THE—MISDEMEANOR and put on —1—YEAR—PROBATION.
20040109             —ANNOUNCED, Royal Dutch/Shell, that it overstated its proven reserves and planned to slash estimates by 20%.
20040109             1—NEW—SWEN—STYLE—TROJAN horse, dubbed Trojan.Xombe and posing as 1—CRITICAL update from Microsoft, was detected on THE—INTERNET.
20040109             1—INFLATABLE speedboat packed with ALBANIA—MIGRANTS trying to sneak into ITALY sank in up to 20-foot high waves and strong winds off ALBANIA—COAST, killing 21—PEOPLE.
20040109             SOUTH—EAST—BRAZIL, floodwaters swept 1—BUS carrying 30—ORANGE pickers off 1—ROAD, and at least 8—PEOPLE drowned.
20040109             † In COLOMBIA 1—FARC rebel, aka Jeremias, suspected of killing 1—JAPAN—HOSTAGE—LAST—YEAR in 1—SHOOTOUT with the army outside BOGOTA.
20040109             —STRIPPED, ECUADOR, about 20—WOMEN—INMATES, off clothing and protested from their GUAYAQUIL Prison roof, claiming they've been held for more than —1—YEAR without trial and should be freed.
20040109             —ANNOUNCED, THE—GERMANY—NEUZELLER Kloster Brewery, plans to introduce its "ANTI—AGING—BIER" —THIS—YEAR and sell it in grocery and drug stores.
20040109             —RIPPED, BAQOUBA—IRAQ, 1—EXPLOSION, through 1—BUSY—STREET as worshippers streamed out of 1—SHIITE—MUSLIM mosque, killing 5—PEOPLE and wounding DOZENS—OF—OTHERS.
20040109             ISRAEL—TROOPS swept into THE—WEST—BANK—TOWN—OF—JENIN, making arrests and trading gunfire with militants.
20040109             † NORBERTO—BOBBIO, —94—JAHRE—ALT, 1—ITALY—LIBERAL—PHILOSOPHER, essayist and SENATOR for life, in Turin.
20040109             1—OF—HIS most important books is 19550000             —THE "Politica e Cultura" ("Politics and Culture").
20040109             A 19940000             essay, called "Destra e Sinistra" ("Left and Right"), was his BEST—SELLING work.
20040109             —EXPLODED, KASHMIR, 1—HAND—GRENADE, at 1—MOSQUE, wounding at least 15—WORSHIPPERS who had gathered for prayers.
20040109             It served as the only link to the troubled INTERNATIONAL Space Station.
20040109             WASHINGTON Office... its "REPORT—OF—THE—SELECT—COMMITTEE on... involving the illegal EXPORT—OF—USA—ARMS + strategic... ICE made 1,368 arrests + brought 895—INDICTMENTS for...
20040109             20050109             20041221             ICE ARMS & STRATEGIC TECHNOLOGY INVESTIGATIONS TING—IH Hsu...
20040109             —BEFORE the House SELECT—COMMITTEE—ON—HOMELAND—SECURITY... airspace security + support operations, ICE—OFFICE... the capacity to integrate these arms effectively...
20040109             WASHINGTON Office.
20040109—19430000    —LAUNCHED, ESTONIA—PROSECUTORS said they have, 1—INVESTIGATION into whether MICHAEL—GORSHKOW, an —80—YEAR—OLD—FORMER—USA resident, took part in the massacre of 3,000 Jews —WWII—DURING.
20040109—19430000    —HELPED, Gorshkow (19) allegedly, murder Jews in the Slutsk ghetto of BELARUS —WHILE serving as 1—INTERPRETER and interrogator for the Gestapo.
20040109—20500000    —UNTIL, RUSSIA and KAZAKHSTAN extended MOSCOW—LEASE—OF—THE launching pad in Baikonur.
20040408             Intelligence report, INTER—ROGATION—OF—KSM, 20040109             ...
20041108—20060109    —RESUMED, The proceedings.
20041114             —SCHEDULED, PALESTINE—OFFICIALS, 20050109             , for presidential elections.
20041114—20040109    —AM, Nahost: ARAFAT—NACHFOLGER wird gewählt
20041115             Interim PALESTINE—LEADER, MAHMOUD—ABBAS, has asked PALESTINE—MILITANTS to halt violence —DURING the campaign for 20040109             presidential elections.
20041122—20040109    —IN, The ruling Fatah party chose MAHMOUD—ABBAS as its candidate to replace Yasser Arafat as HEAD—OF—THE—PALESTINIAN—AUTHORITY—ELECTIONS.
20050109             —BEFORE the House SELECT—COMMITTEE—ON—HOMELAND—SECURITY... airspace security + support operations,
20050109             ICE—OFFICE... the capacity to integrate these arms effectively...
20050109             World ANTI—COMMUNIST—LEAGUE -1—KEY supporting role
20050109             led by WWII. fascist war criminal Ryoichi SASAKAWA—OF—JAPAN + THE—REVEREND—SUN—MYONG—MOON.
20050109             GEORG—HODEL, "Evita, Swiss and the Nazi's",
20050109             THE—CONSORTIUM for Independent Journalism, Impact on AMERICA
20050109             —SUPPLIED, Singlaub, weapons and training to THE—PHILIPPINES—COUNTER—SUBVERSIVES.
20050109             —BECAME, This, 1—MODEL used by LARRY—PRATT, former advisor to the Reagan and Bush administrations on Latin AMERICA + AUTHOR—OF "Armed People Victorious".
20050109             Shortly —AFTER the Ruby Ridge STAND—OFF between THE—FBI and white supremacist Randy Weaver,
20050109             —PROPOSED, Pratt, at 1—MEETING in Estes PARK—COLORADO THE—FORMATION—OF—MILITIAS as 1—DIRECT action armed formation to defend gun rights,
20050109             based on the model of armed Christian evangelical forces that had fought insurgencies in THE—PHILIPPINES and GUATEMALA.
20050109             Reactionary Forces Link up in Militias
20050109             —HONORED, Singlaub was, along with other prominent contras like Adolfo Calero and his brother, by BILL—CLINTON with an "ARKANSAS Traveller" award.
20050109             Source: Untitled material on DRUG—RUNNING and ARKANSAS
20050109             Attorney Lynne STEWART—BLASTS—GV'T. - Terror Case Against Her:
20050109             —ACCUSED—OF, She is, conspiring to assist terrorists in 1—CASE that is being watched closely by lawyers —AROUND the country.
20050109             She faces up to —45—YEARS in prison.
20050109             Lynne Stewart joins us in our firehouse studio.
20050109             Dangers of questioning government actions:
20050109             † It has been almost —1—MONTH—SINCE he, + I haven't been able to get GARY—WEBB out of my mind.
20050109             Bush quake aid group to be dissolved:
20050109             THE—ARMY—RESERVE, "is rapidly degenerating into a 'broken' force:
20050109             "THE—PURPOSE—OF—THIS memorandum is to inform YOU—OF—THE—ARMY—RESERVE—INABILITY to meet mission requirements" in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN "and to reset and regenerate its forces for FOLLOW—ON and future missions,"
20050109             Army Doctors Implicated in Torture: The other tsunami
20050109             —WHILE the sea may have killed tens of thousands, western policies kill millions EVERY—YEAR.
20050109             Yet even amid disaster, 1—NEW—POLITICS—OF—COMMUNITY and morality is emerging.
20050109             Superlatives abound as to their humanitarian intent —WHILE THE—DIVISION—OF—HUMANITY into worthy and unworthy victims dominates the news.
20050109             THE—VICTIMS—OF—1—GREAT—NATURAL—DISASTER are worthy (though for how long is uncertain) —WHILE THE—VICTIMS—OF—MAN—MADE imperial disasters are unworthy and very often unmentionable.
20050109             Somehow, reporters cannot bring themselves to report what has been going on in Aceh, supported by "our" government.
20050109             This 1—WAY—MORAL—MIRROR allows us to ignore 1—TRAIL—OF—DESTRUCTION and carnage that is another tsunami.d
20050109             Porträt MAHMUD—ABBAS: Anzug statt Uniform - Nahost: Klarer Sieg für MAHMUD—ABBAS
20050109             —GETÖTET, Nahost: UNO—SOLDAT—VON—ISRAEL—GRANATEN
20050109             Tote und Verletzte: Orkan richtete schwere Schäden an
20050109             —ENDE—DES—BÜRGERKRIEGS: Friedensvertrag im SUDAN unterzeichnet
20050109             Südostasien: Eichel nennt Stoibers Kritik an DEUTSCHLAND—FLUTHILFE "schäbig und perfide"
20050109             Bildungsforscher: Knirpse werden immer schlauer
20050109             Hart im Nehmen: Bakterien leben in Salzlake
20050109             Wintersturm: Orkan in Nordeuropa fordert mindestens 13—MENSCHENLEBEN
20050109             —RESIGNED, Attorney Lynne, —SATURDAY, saying they were pressured by MAHMOUD—ABBAS' campaign and intelligence officials to abruptly change voting procedures —DURING 20050109             —THE presidential poll.
20050109             More heavy rain spread across parts of CALIFORNIA and snow piled deeper in the mountains as the state sat under 1—STORM—SYSTEM that left at least 7—DEAD.
20050109             —OPENED, USA—TROOPS, fire —AFTER their convoy was struck by 1—ROADSIDE bomb at 1—CHECKPOINT—SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD, killing at least 8—PEOPLE.
20050109             IRAQ, 7—UKRAINE—SOLDIERS and 1—KAZAKHSTAN—SERVING with THE—USA—LED coalition were killed in 1—EXPLOSION—WHILE loading bombs that could be used by warplanes.
20050109             † 1—FRANCE—OFFICER serving with UNITED—NATIONS peacekeepers in LEBANON was killed by ISRAEL—SHELLING, shortly —AFTER 1—HEZBOLLAH bomb attack killed 1—ISRAEL—SOLDIER and wounded 3—OTHERS—NEAR the southern border.
20050109             At least 5—MAOIST—REBELS fighting to overthrow NEPAL—CONSTITUTIONAL—MONARCHY were killed, —3—DAYS—BEFORE 1—DEADLINE for the guerrillas to begin peace talks.
20050109             Palestinians held their 1. presidential election in —9—YEARS, choosing 1—SUCCESSOR to longtime leader Yasser Arafat.
20050109             —ELECTED, MAHMOUD—ABBAS was, PALESTINE—AUTHORITY—PRESIDENT by 1—LANDSLIDE, giving the pragmatist 1—MANDATE to resume peace talks with ISRAEL.
20050109             —KILLED, SAUDI—ARABIA—POLICE, 4—TERRORISTS believed linked to AL—QAIDA —AFTER the militants fled their desert tent —WHILE throwing hand grenades at surrounding forces.
20050109             SUDAN—VICE—PRESIDENT—ALI—OSMAN—MOHAMMED—TAHA and JOHN—GARANG, the country's main rebel leader, signed the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) to end AFRICA—LONGEST—RUNNING conflict.
20050109             The treaty said: THE—10—STATES in SOUTH—SUDAN will be secular, —WHILE the north will practice Islamic law;
20050109             Former rebels will hold 30—PERCENT of national posts, the south will be autonomous;
20050109             UN observers will monitor 1—CEASE—FIRE and DEMOBILIZATION—OF—TROOPS.
20050109             —JOINED, BASEL—SWITZERLAND, central bankers, by commercial counterparts and financial regulators from —AROUND the globe, opened a —2—DAY—MEETING to discuss ways to ensure smooth economic growth amid worries over widening USA—DEFICITS.
20050109             THAILAND, a 6-story building caught fire and collapsed in BANGKOK, trapping 5—FIREFIGHTERS inside the wreckage.
20050109             —REPORTED, THE—ZIMBABWE—STANDARD, that 1—MAIZE—MEAL—SHORTAGE has become acute.
20050109             World ANTI—COMMUNIST—LEAGUE -1—KEY supporting role - Impact on AMERICA
20050109             Shortly —AFTER the Ruby Ridge STAND—OFF between THE—FBI and white supremacist Randy Weaver, Pratt proposed at 1—MEETING in Estes PARK—COLORADO THE—FORMATION—OF—MILITIAS as 1—DIRECT action armed formation to defend gun rights, based on the model of armed Christian evangelical forces that had fought insurgencies in THE—PHILIPPINES and GUATEMALA.
20050109             Source: Untitled material on DRUG—RUNNING and ARKANSAS - Attorney Lynne STEWART—BLASTS—GV'T.
20050109             —ACCUSED—OF, Terror Case Against Her : She is, conspiring to assist terrorists in 1—CASE that is being watched closely by lawyers —AROUND the country.
20050109             † Dangers of questioning government actions : It has been almost —1—MONTH—SINCE he, + I haven't been able to get GARY—WEBB out of my mind.
20050109             —VIOLATED, USA—ARMY—DOCTORS, THE—GENEVA—CONVENTIONS by helping intelligence officers carry out abusive interrogations at military detention centers
20050109             JOHN—PILGER—THE—HYPOCRISY, narcissism and dissembling PROPAGANDA—OF—THE—RULERS—OF—THE—WORLD and their sidekicks are in full cry.
20050109             Präsidentschaftswahlen in PALÄSTINA: Umm Jusuf stimmt für Gott, ihr Sohn für ABU—MAZEN
20050109             ICH—AGS: Schein von Selbständigkeit
20050109             Fischer in THAILAND: Demut angesichts der Katastrophe - Attorney Lynne...
20050109             E—ALT, were found —2—DAYS—LATER in WEST—MONTANA.
20050109             Die SUDANESISCHE—VOLKSBEFREIUNGSARMEE schließt in NAIROBI mit der REGIERUNG—DES—SUDAN einen Friedensvertrag zur Beilegung des Sezessionskrieges im Südsudan.
20050109             Die UN—MISSION UNMIS soll den Vertrag überwachen.
20050109             Gleichzeitig verschärft sich jedoch der —KONFLIKT im Ostsudan und der DARFUR—KONFLIKT.
20050109             Mit 62,3 PROZENT—DER—WÄHLERSTIMMEN wird —NACH—DEM Tod Jassir Arafats MAHMUD—ABBAS zum Präsidenten der PALÄSTINENSISCHEN—AUTONOMIEBEHÖRDE gewählt.
20050109             Army Doctors Implicated in Torture:
20050109—19800000    —IN—THE, Bolivian "Cocaine Coup" of NEO—FASCISTS and drug lords was played by the World ANTI—COMMUNIST—LEAGUE, led by WWII. fascist war criminal Ryoichi SASAKAWA—OF—JAPAN + THE—REVEREND—SUN—MYONG—MOON.
20050109—20110000    —IN, Oil revenues from the south will be SPLIT 50—50—BETWEEN the north and south: The south will vote on INDEPENDENCE ;
20050115             46—MEMBERS—OF—THE—PALESTINE—ELECTION—COMMISSION, including top managers, resigned saying they were pressured by MAHMOUD—ABBAS' campaign and intelligence officials to abruptly change voting procedures —DURING 20050109             —THE presidential poll.
20050115—20050109    —NACH—DER—WAHL—VOM, MAHMUD—ABBAS wird als Nachfolger des verstorbenen Jassir Arafat als PALÄSTINENSISCHER—PRÄSIDENT vereidigt.
20050118             46—PALESTINE—ELECTION—OFFICIALS—RESIGN : 46—MEMBERS—OF—THE—PALESTINE—ELECTION—COMMISSION, including top managers, resigned —SATURDAY, saying they were pressured by MAHMOUD—ABBAS' campaign and intelligence officials to abruptly change voting procedures —DURING 20050109             —THE presidential poll.
20050118             resigned —SATURDAY, saying they were pressured by MAHMOUD—ABBAS' campaign and intelligence officials to abruptly change voting procedures —DURING 20050109             —THE presidential poll.
20050226             20050226             20010901—20010924 HARPAZO—ARCHIVES..... found 1—FORT—LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA, broker who... group, the Revolutionary PEOPLE—LIBERATION—PARTY—FRONT... 4.8—CATAMARCA PROVINCE—ARGENTINA;
20050327             MEDIAFRONT: 20050100             ... At 1—MOSQUE in BEIRUT, AHMED—KOURANI, 1—SHI'A preacher, attacked THE—USA—LED occupation... kicked off —ON—SUNDAY, 20050109             + runs through February 5 ...
20050417             1—STAMPA (41). - - - - Latest News & Analysis 20050516—20310516     20040000             20050417             Latest News & Analysis 20050516—20310516     20040000             20050516             Shasta Groene (8) and DYLAN—GRO20050109             E—ALT were missing.
20050516             Shasta Groene (8) and DYLAN—GRO20050109             E—ALT were missing.
20050702             20050422. - [see 20050516             , 20050704             ] THE—REMAINS—OF—SHASTA—BROTHER—DYLAN—GRO 20050109             E—ALT, were found —2—DAYS—LATER in WEST—MONTANA.
20050702             - "20050422. - [see 20050516             , 20050704             ] THE—REMAINS—OF—SHASTA—BROTHER—DYLAN—GRO20050109             E—ALT, were found —2—DAYS—LATER in WEST—MONTANA.
20050704             IDAHO authorities said they found the remains of DYLAN—GRO20050109             E—ALT in WEST—MONTANA.
20051210—20090109    —SENTENCED, Brancato was, to —10—YEARS in prison.
20051216—20050109    —ON, He planned to start working for Sirius Satellite Radio.
20060104—20060109    —FROM, IRAN tells IAEA atom research to resume : "THE—ATOMIC—ENERGY—ORGANISATION—OF—IRAN has decided to resume, R&D (research and development) on the peaceful nuclear energy programme which was suspended as PART—OF—ITS expanded voluntary and NON—LEGALLY binding suspension" agreed —EARLIER with THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, the message said.
20060109             JOHN—GORENFELD, 1—VETERAN investigative reporter and 1—LONGTIME CHRONICLER—OF—MOON—SOJOURNS,
20060109             described MOON—THINKING on another ongoing project, his attempt to transform THE—UNITED—NATIONS:
20060109             "Moon speaks in parables from the Book of Genesis.
20060109             He says THE—UNITED—NATIONS is like Cain, but he wants to build a 2. entity that is like Abel.
20060109             Ideally, his 'ABEL—UNITED—NATIONS.
20060109             -- 1—BODY fusing all religions -- would be embraced by THE—UNITED—NATIONS—BUT if not, he wants to set up his own alternative diplomatic machine to outshine THE—UNITED—NATIONS"
20060109             —DURING a 20030500             meeting with PRESIDENT—BUSH at THE—WHITE—HOUSE,
20060109             —SUGGESTED, PHILIPPINES PRESIDENT—ARROYO, that THE—USA—MIGHT consider CO—SPONSORING the proposal,
20060109             the conservative online news magazine, NewsMax com reported.
20060109             According to that report,
20060109             —EXPRESSED, THE—PRESIDENT " deep interest and asked his national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice, to study the matter".
20060109             listened to Reverend MOON—SPEECH at the Sun YAT—SEN Memorial Hall in TAIPEI," THE—TAIPEI—TIMES reported.
20060109             NEIL—BUSH is no stranger to showing up at OUT—OF—THE—WAY—PLACES searching for business:
20060109             ANTI—BUSH—AUTHOR—PUT on NO—FLY list JIM—MOORE, AUTHOR—OF—BUSH—BRAIN, has been put on THE—NO—FLY list by the fascist in THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20060109             Feel ANY—SAFER?
20060109             Miffed CANADA—PAYS—BANK—BILL—1—PENNY at 1—TIME—HE—UPSET because his CANADA—BANK is outsourcing its credit card processing to THE—USA.
20060109             "I don't want THE—CIA or GEORGE—BUSH to know how MANY—CASES—OF—VIAGRA I bought —LAST—WEEK, or what church or charities I donate to," he told Reuters.
20060109             "Everything comes from the sun via the plant kingdom," he said.
20060109             —STUDIED, MISTER—HOFMANN, chemistry and took 1—JOB with THE—SWITZERLAND—PHARMACEUTICAL—COMPANY—SANDOZ Laboratories,
20060109             because it had started 1—PROGRAM to identify and synthesize the active compounds of medically important plants.
20060109             He soon began work on the poisonous ergot fungus that grows in grains of rye.
20060109             Midwives had used it —FOR—CENTURIES to precipitate childbirths, but chemists had never succeeded in isolating the chemical that produced the pharmacological effect.
20060109             —IDENTIFIED, Finally, chemists in THE—USA, the active component as lysergic acid + Mr.
20060109             Hofmann began combining other molecules with the unstable chemical in search of pharmacologically useful compounds.
20060109             "Outside is pure energy and colorless substance," he said.
20060109             "ALL—OF—THE—REST happens through the mechanism of our senses.
20060109             Our eyes see —JUST 1—SMALL—FRACTION—OF—THE—LIGHT in the world.
20060109             —COLORED, It is 1—TRICK to make 1, world, which does not exist outside of human beings".
20060109             Your phone records are for sale THE—CHICAGO—POLICE—DEPARTMENT is warning officers their cell phone records are available to anyone -- for 1—PRICE.
20060109             DOZENS—OF—ONLINE services are selling LISTS—OF—CELL—PHONE—CALLS, raising security concerns among law enforcement and privacy experts.
20060109             —INZWISCHEN, Solche Evakuierungen seien, Alltag, spielte er den Zwischenfall herunter.
20060109             —EVAKUIERT, WASHINGTON, ist das USA—JUSTIZMINISTERIUM, worden.
20060109             Hintergrund war ein verdächtiger Gegenstand in der Nähe des Gebäudes.
20060109             WASHINGTON, In einem Bus vor dem Ministerium sei —AM—FRÜHEN—MORGEN ein verdächtiges Paket gefunden worden, berichtete CNN unter Berufung auf einen SPRECHER—DES—MINISTERIUMS.
20060109             Deshalb mussten ALLE—MITARBEITER das Gebäude verlassen.
20060109             DEN IRANERN - Ziel der Operation "Merlin" sei ein "demütigender Rückschlag" für die IRAN—WISSENSCHAFTLER gewesen,
20060109             da die Pläne zwar authentisch wirkten, technisch aber nicht zum Erfolg geführt hätten.
20060109             Allerdings seien die eingebauten Fehler so einfach zu entdecken gewesen, dass die Iraner sie leicht hätten korrigieren können, behauptet Risen.
20060109             Zudem habe der RUSSLAND—WISSENSCHAFTLER entgegen den Anweisungen Teheran in einem Begleitschreiben auf die versteckten Änderungen hingewiesen.
20060109             Somit hätten die USA selbst dem fundamentalistischen Regime, dessen derzeitiger PRÄSIDENT—MAHMUD—AHMADINEDSCHAD—ISRAEL am liebsten "ausradieren" möchte,
20060109             "möglicherweise zu Atomwaffen verholfen".
20060109             verweist die CIA auf angeblich "schwerwiegende Ungenauigkeiten" in Risens WERK—UND lehnt jeden Kommentar zu den Enthüllungen ab.
20060109             Corruption + the College Republican:
20060109             —CONFESSED, So JACK—ABRAMOFF is —NOW 1, criminal, 1—CORRUPTER—OF—CONGRESS,
20060109             1—MAN who's decision to turn state's witness —NOW threatens the careers of as many as 60—SENATORS + representatives.
20060109             ALL—OF—WHICH—BEGS—THE—QUESTION:
20060109             HOW DID JACK—ABRAMOFF become JACK—ABRAMOFF ?
20060109             1—DARKER—BIOWEAPONS—FUTURE: 20060109             1—OF—THE—TOP—DEVELOPMENTS—OF—20050000              is 1—KIND—OF—GENETIC engineering on steroids - 1—NEW—FIELD called "synthetic biology" in which scientists are setting out to create new FORMS—OF—LIFE that have never existed —BEFORE.
20060109             Uranium revelation upsets isle activists:
20060109             SEVERAL environmental and native Hawaiian groups are accusing the Army of misleading the public —AFTER the groups discovered that 1—HEAVY—METAL known as depleted uranium was recovered at Schofield Barracks' range complex.
20060109             Alito may be the worst choice:
20060109             —CHARGED, THE—USA, 1—HUSBAND and wife FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL—UNIV. employees, 1 1—TEACHER, with spying —FOR—DECADES for CASTRO—REGIME in CUBA.
20060109             AT THIS moment in USA—HISTORY, it would be hard to find 1—WORSE—SUPREME—COURT nominee than SAMUEL—A—ALITO—JUNIOR
20060109             His ideology captures everything extremist about THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION.
20060109             —CONCLUDED, THE—USA—SENT 15—MIGRANTS back to CUBA —AFTER officials, that the section of the partially collapsed bridge where they landed did not count as dry land under the government's policy because it was no longer connected to ANY—OF—THE—KEYS.
20060109             —CONFIRMED, If, ALITO would serve as BUSH—ENABLER.
20060109             —OPENED, Confirmation hearings, in WASHINGTON for SUPREME—COURT—NOMINEE—SAMUEL—ALITO.
20060109             "THE—PHANTOM—OF—THE—OPERA" leapt past "Cats" to become THE—LONGEST—RUNNING show in Broadway history.
20060109             Bush announces radical shift in foreign policy; No USA—MEDIA report it: No joke.
20060109             HOWARD—STERN began his new Sirius Satellite radio show.
20060109             —ACCUSED—OF, USA, backing KIDNAPPERS—OF—IRAN—SOLDIERS:
20060109             IRAN said —ON—SATURDAY that kidnappers who had taken 9—IRAN—BORDER—GUARDS as hostage in THE—EAST—PARTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY were linked to the Taliban and supported by THE—USA, the official IRNA news agency reported.
20060109             † DON—STEWART, —70—JAHRE—ALT, soap opera actor (Guiding Light), in Santa BARBARA—CALIFORNIA.
20060109             —WARNED—OF, Taliban leader MULLAH—OMAR purportedly, 1—COMING surge in violence, clearly rejecting THE—AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—PROPOSAL —1—DAY—EARLIER to "get in touch" if he wants to talk peace.
20060109             Army Won't Try Officer in AFGHANISTAN—ABUSE Case
20060109             —DROPPED, THE—USA—ARMY has, its case against the only officer to face criminal charges in connection with the beating deaths of 2—PRISONERS held by THE—USA in AFGHANISTAN,
20060109             BOLIVIA—PRESIDENT—ELECT Evo Morales met with CHINA—PRESIDENT—HU—JINTAO in BEIJING and called CHINA an "ideological ally," —1—DAY—AFTER he invited the communist country to develop BOLIVIA—VAST—GAS—RESERVES.
20060109             1—MILITARY—SPOKESMAN said —SATURDAY.d
20060109             —GRANTED, CHILE, 1—JUDGE, bail to former military strongman Augusto Pinochet in the case of 9—DISSIDENTS who disappeared —DURING his dictatorship, but the general will remain under house arrest —WHILE another court reviews the decision.
20060109             —AGREED, CHINA and JAPAN, to hold new talks to resolve 1—DISPUTE over gas deposits in THE—EAST—CHINA—SEA that could help ease their increasingly strained relations.
20060109             Linda Bilmes Kennedy School, Harvard UNIVERSITY—AND—JOSEPH—E—STIGLITZ—UNIVERSITY—PROFESSOR, COLUMBIA University
20060109             CHINA—STATE—CONTROLLED oil company CNOOC Ltd. said it is paying $2.3—BILLION for a 45—PERCENT stake in 1—NIGERIA—OIL—FIELD.
20060109             —LAUNCHED, THE—USA, 1—DIPLOMATIC—INITIATIVE to try to mark the contested border between ETHIOPIA and ERITREA, 1—DISPUTE that led to a 2 1/—2-YEAR war in 1—AREA where both countries are again massing troops.
20060109             We estimate that the total economic COSTS—OF—THE—WAR, including direct costs and macroeconomic costs,
20060109             —CALLED, HAITI, business ground to 1—HALT in 1—GENERAL—STRIKE, to protest 1—WAVE—OF—KIDNAPPINGS that has terrified people and cast 1—SHADOW over already troubled efforts to restore democracy.
20060109             lie between $1 and $2—TRILLION.d
20060109             —URGED, Experts, THE—INDIA—GOVERNMENT to enforce laws against prenatal gender checks and to work to change attitudes —AFTER 1—STUDY showed up to 10—MILLION—FEMALE fetuses may have been selectively aborted in INDIA over the past —2—DECADES.
20060109             The 'Fin de Regime'?
20060109             —REPORTED, IRAN STATE—TV, that 14 alleged MEMBERS—OF—1—ISLAMIC—EXTREMIST—GROUP had been detained.
20060109             1—OUT—OF—TOUCH—GEORGE—BUSH—NOW presides over 1—LOST foreign war and 1—MORASS—OF—INFLUENCE peddling By ERIC—MARGOLIS
20060109             —WARNED, CHINA—TAOISTS—PHILOSOPHERS, that you become what you hate.
20060109             We see this paradox in WASHINGTON,
20060109             —GRABBED, The group in —LATE—DECEMBER, and held 9—SOLDIERS—HOSTAGE.
20060109             where the current administration increasingly reminds 1—OF—THE—OLD—SOVIET—UNION.d
20060109             Marines † short of armor
20060109             —EXPLODED, IRAQ, insurgents, 1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMB and launched 2—MORTAR shells at the Interior Ministry —DURING National Police —DAY celebrations, killing 29—PEOPLE and injuring 18.
20060109             1—SECRET—PENTAGON study has found that as many as 80—PERCENT—OF—THE—MARINES who have been killed in IRAQ from wounds to their upper body could have survived if they had had extra body armor.
20060109             Such armor has been available
20060109             SWITZERLAND—MAY have known about secret CIA prisons
20060109             —BLASTED, The death toll from snowstorms that have, northern and CENTRAL—JAPAN—SINCE —EARLY—DECEMBER rose to 71—AFTER 3—PEOPLE † —WHILE clearing snow.
20060109             Diplomats from MEXICO, CENTRAL—AMERICA, COLOMBIA and THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC demanded guest worker programs and the legalization of undocumented migrants in THE—USA, —WHILE criticizing 1—USA—PROPOSAL for tougher border enforcement.
20060109             THE—SWITZERLAND—INTELLIGENCE—COMMUNITY has allegedly been aware of secret CIA prisons in EAST—EUROPE for nearly —2—MONTHS according to leaked documents.d
20060109             TURKEY, 1—HEALTH—MINISTRY—OFFICIAL said preliminary tests showed 5—MORE—PEOPLE have been infected with the deadly H5N1 STRAIN—OF—THE—BIRD—FLU—VIRUS.
20060109             USA Warns THE—NETHERLANDS:
20060109             1—DECISION not to send more troops in AFGHANISTAN would be damaging for HOLLAND—INTERESTS in THE—USA, FORMER—USA—DIPLOMAT—PAUL—BREMER—III warned —ON—MONDAY.
20060109             —15—YEAR—OLD Combatant to Face GUANTANAMO Trial —3—YEARS—LATER:
20060109             OMAR—KHADR, 1—CANADA—CITIZEN, faces imminent trial by military commission at GUANTANAMO Bay for war crimes he had allegedly committed at the age of 15, his lawyers say.
20060109             War pimp alert: 1—ATTACK on IRAN is Inevitable:
20060109             1—MILITARY—CONFRONTATION with IRAN is inevitable.
20060109             ISRAEL will need to destroy as MUCH—OF—IRAN—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—CAPABILITY as possible.
20060109             If it does not, IRAN—AYATOLLAHS will launch NUCLEAR—ARMED—BALLISTIC—MISSILES at ISRAEL.
20060109             RUSSIA has been resisting calls from THE—USA—AND—THE—EUROPEAN—UNION to refer IRAN to THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL for possible sanctions
20060109             Plane crash kills IRAN COMMANDER:
20060109             It was the 2. time in —2—MONTHS that 1—MILITARY—PLANE has crashed in IRAN.
20060109             Palestinians are not weeping for "the butcher of BEIRUT," Ariel Sharon, as he battles for his life.
20060109             1—OF—THE—WORLD—MOST ruthless leaders
20060109             1—CONSERVATIVE—TOTAL for USA—AID to ISRAEL: $91—BILLION—AND Counting - Losing THE—WAR—ON—TERRORISM:
20060109             —CAUSED, It is impossible to exaggerate the damage, by THE—PRESIDENT—IMPROVIDENT decisions.
20060109             Yes, these tactics are immoral.
20060109             Yes, they violate USA—NORMS and values.
20060109             Yes, they are in MANY—RESPECTS—ILLEGAL.
20060109             All this, by itself, is enough to warrant condemnation by Congress and the public.
20060109             Belafonte Calls Bush 'Greatest Terrorist':
20060109             —CALLED, THE—USA—SINGER and activist HARRY—BELAFONTE, PRESIDENT—BUSH "the greatest terrorist in the world" —ON—SUNDAY + said MILLIONS—OF—AMERICANS support the socialist REVOLUTION—OF—VENEZUELA—LEADER—HUGO—CHAVEZ.
20060109             BOLIVIA—MORALES makes CHINA overture:
20060109             —INVITED, BOLIVIA—PRESIDENT elect, ENERGY—HUNGRY—CHINA—ON—SUNDAY to help develop his country's vast gas reserves —AFTER his government carries out plans to nationalize them.
20060109             Prof, Wife Accused of Being CUBA—AGENTS:
20060109             1—COLLEGE—PROFESSOR and his wife, 1—COLLEGE—ADMINISTRATOR, have been charged with being longtime illegal AGENTS—OF—CUBA—PRESIDENT—FIDEL—CASTRO, according to documents filed —MONDAY.
20060109             The louder THE—REPORTS—OF—FAILURES on this PRESIDENT—WATCH,
20060109             the louder he tries to drown them out by boasting that
20060109             Angry and Furious at the Collaborationist Democrats:
20060109             REPRESENTATIVE—NANCY—PELOSI, the Democratic leader in the House + SENATOR—JAY—ROCKEFELLER ,
20060109             the Democratic SENATOR—FROM—WEST—VIRGINIA,
20060109             1—MAN known for SOME—SENSITIVITY to civil liberties infringements + 1—SUBSTANTIAL—NUMBER—OF congressmen,
20060109             plus THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, all KNEW—OF—BUSH—ILLEGAL spying.
20060109             Specter Seeks AG—TESTIMONY on Spying:
20060109             1—TOP—SECRET—PROGRAM—CODE—NAMED Tempest, is capable of READING computer monitors,
20060109             cash registers + automatic teller machines from as far away as 1—HALF—MILE +
20060109             is being used to keep 1—CLOSE—EYE on 1—UNTOLD NUMBER—OF—USA—CITIZENS, the sources said, pointing to 1—LITTLE known declassified document that sheds light on the program.
20060109             Cracks in an evil edifice:
20060109             —NEEDED, AMERICA—MONSTROUS—SYSTEM—OF—COMMERCIAL—POLITICAL lobbying has long, to be cut down to size.
20060109             WASHINGTON, more than 35,000 professional lobbyists —NOW spend at least $5bn EVERY—YEAR trying to influence THE—VOTES—OF—MEMBERS—OF—THE—USA—CONGRESS.
20060109             1—DONOR—WHO—HAD—BIG—ALLIES:
20060109             In 1—CASE that echoes THE—JACK—ABRAMOFF—INFLUENCE—PEDDLING scandal,
20060109             2—NORTH—CALIFORNIA Republican congressmen used their official positions to try to stop 1—FEDERAL—INVESTIGATION—OF—1—WEALTHY—TEXAS businessman who provided them with political contributions.
20060109             JOE—CONASON: Let us prey: Verily, mysterious are THE—WAYS—OF—THE—LORD.
20060109             JACK—ABRAMOFF 's, former firm takes survival course:
20060109             Controversial lobbyist had close contact with Bush team:
20060109             PRESIDENT—BUSH, 's 1. —10—MONTHS, THE—CASE—AGAINST—ALITO:
20060109             THERE—REASON to think that ALITO—VIEWS on executive power are the main reasons BUSH wants him on the Court.
20060109             CHINA—STRANGLEHOLD on the Dollar:
20060109             CHINA—ACTION signals that we are entering 1—PERIOD—OF—ECONOMIC—INSTABILITY, where AMERICA—FUTURE is largely in the hands of its creditors.
20060109             USA—FIRMS ducking out of promises made on pensions:
20060109             The death knell for the traditional company pension has been tolling for SOME—TIME—NOW in THE—USA.
20060109             —PLANNED, Bush has, exit strategy:
20060109             "Once we set up 1—FRIEND as THE—HEAD—OF—IRAQ, the new IRAQ—PRESIDENT is going to ask THE—USA—MILITARY to withdraw," USA Rep.
20060109             RALPH—HALL, R—ROCKWALL, said —FRIDAY in 1—TELEPHONE—INTERVIEW from his home.
20060109             —LEAKED, MPs, Bush plan to hit AL—JAZEERA:
20060109             2—LABOUR—MPS have defied the Official Secrets Act by passing on the contents of 1—SECRET—UK—DOCUMENT revealing how PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH wanted to bomb the Arabic TV station, AL—JAZEERA.
20060109             —POISONED, Like arsenic in the water supply, lobbyists have, WASHINGTON
20060109             Both Democrats and Republicans have got rich off the millions that flow to those in power,
20060109             leaving the poor SIDELINED—BY GARY—YOUNGE
20060109             Court papers reveal that this key FINANCIER—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—HIGH—MINDED agenda of moral piety is 1—FOUL—MOUTHED, greedy bigot.
20060109             —INTERCEPTED, In, emails, he refers to his Native USA—CLIENTS—WHOM he played off against EACH—OTHER for MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS which he then used to pamper POLITICIANS—AS "morons",
20060109             "monkeys", "fucking troglodytes" + "losers".d
20060109             How MANY—IRAQIS—HAVE—†—SINCE—THE—USA—INVASION - 30,000?
20060109             PRESIDENT—BUSH—OFF—HAND—SUMMATION—LAST—MONTH—OF—THE—NUMBER—OF—IRAQIS who have so far † as 1—RESULT—OF—OUR invasion and occupation as "30,000,
20060109             more or less" was quite certainly 1—UNDER—ESTIMATE.
20060109             The true number is probably hitting —AROUND 180,000 by —NOW, with 1—POSSIBILITY, as we shall see, that it has reached as high as half 1—MILLION.d
20060109             SCOTT—RITTER, "We don't get it that wrong"
20060109             SCOTT—RITTER speaking at the Commonwealth Club
20060109             GEORGE—W—BUSH was not THE—ORIGINATOR—OF—THE—POLICY that led to the invasion of IRAQ.
20060109             Listen here.
20060109             SCANDAL—OF—FORCE—FED prisoners 20060109             Hunger strikers are tied down and fed through nasal tubes,
20060109             admits Guantánamo Bay DOCTOR—BY DAVID—ROSE
20060109             —EMERGED—OF, New details have, how the growing NUMBER—OF—PRISONERS on hunger strike at Guantánamo Bay are being tied down and FORCE—FED through tubes pushed down their nasal passages into their stomachs to keep them alive.
20060109             DÜSSELDORF—BIS zum —JAHR 20300000             könnte in DEUTSCHLAND Gas aus Biomasse,
20060109             das —DERZEIT nur einen Bruchteil in der Versorgung ausmacht, jährlich immerhin 17—PROZENT—DES—DERZEITIGEN—DEUTSCHLAND—ERDGAS—JAHRESBEDARFS liefern.
20060109             Das ist das Ergebnis einer noch unveröffentlichten STUDIE—DER—DES—BUNDESVERBANDES der DEUTSCHLAND—GAS—UND Wasserwirtschaft (BGW),
20060109             wie das "Handelsblatt" berichtet.
20060109             Das wäre 1—ENERGIEMENGE—VON—166—MILLIARDEN Kilowattstunden pro —JAHR.
20060109             —SIGNED, Republicans have 1—NEW—TOOL to silence critics W —JUST, 1—BILL—WHICH—IN 1—OF—THOSE—LITTLE—NOTICED provisions unrelated to the main THRUST—OF—THE—LAW—MAKES it illegal for ANY—ANONYMOUS or pseudonymous writer to use THE—INTERNET to "annoy" someone.
20060109             That's the wording: Annoy.
20060109             Whoever...utilizes ANY—DEVICE or software that can be used to originate telecommunications or other TYPES—OF—COMMUNICATIONS that are transmitted,
20060109             in whole or in part, by THE—INTERNET... without disclosing his identity and with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten, or harass ANY—PERSON...who receives the communications...shall be fined under title 18 or imprisoned not more than —2—YEARS, or both.
20060109             Superficially, this is 1—MEASURE against CYBER—STALKING.
20060109             But the law appears to be extremely broad -- —AFTER all,
20060109             ANY—FORM—OF—CRITICISM, even WELL—FOUNDED criticism, can be labelled 1—ANNOYANCE.
20060109             ANN—COULTER, for example, may want to test the boundaries of this law by taking to court anyone who makes another "Mann Coulter" crack.
20060109             —UNTIL—NOW, ISPs protected THE—PRIVACY—OF—CLIENTS who had merely hurt the feelings of someone else.
20060109             Hurt feelings are —NOW 1—SERIOUS—LEGAL—MATTER.
20060109             Vogelgrippe: Seehofer beruft Krisensitzung ein
20060109             VIEREINHALB—JAHRES—HOCH: Dow Jones springt über 11.000—PUNKTE
20060109             JOE—ACKERMANNS—NEUJAHRESBOTSCHAFT: "CHINA und USA warten nicht auf EUROPA"
20060109             IRAK—KRIEG: FRÜHERER—UNO—KOMMANDEUR fordert Amtsenthebung Blairs
20060109             Geheime CIA—GEFÄNGNISSE: Loch im SCHWEIZ—SICHERHEITSNETZ
20060109             —KONTROLLIERT, Fleisch im Gepäck: Reisende werden schärfer
20060109             —INFIZIERT, VOGELGRIPPE—AUSBRÜCHE: Angst, die TÜRKEI
20060109             USA: Cheney wegen Atemnot im Krankenhaus
20060109             INDIEN: —BIS zu 10—MILLIONEN weibliche Föten abgetrieben
20060109             —NOVEMBER—REKORD: DEUTSCHLAND—EXPORTE über 70—MILLIARDEN Euro - Energieversorgung: Alternative Biogas
20060109             Geheimgefängnisse: Fax aus ÄGYPTEN bringt CIA in Bedrängnis
20060109             Seuchen: VOGELGRIPPE—VIRUS auch in ISTANBUL
20060109             Gentest: Echtheit von MOZART—SCHÄDEL nicht bewiesen - TÜRKEI: PAPA—ATTENTÄTER soll freikommen
20060109             Wer von DEUTSCHLAND reden will, darf vom Islam nicht schweigen
20060109             Mit diesen Worten leitete KARL—MARX seine "Kritik der Hegelschen
20060109             in der die Juden das Geld und die Zirkulation in einem der islamischen Welt wenn nicht...
20060109             MARX—KARTEI G - Das "raffende" Finanzkapital wurde von A. Hitler mit den Juden identifiziert und
20060109             Wal Buchenberg, 20010909             .
20060109             - - Geschichte DEUTSCHLAND 20060109             Welche Stellung aber würde DEUTSCHLAND —HEUTE in der Welt einnehmen!
20060109             Die INNEN—UND sozialpolitischen Gegner der Nazis waren nicht nur Juden,
20060109             —COMMITTED, ZNet DEUTSCHLAND - 1—COMMUNITY, to social change
20060109             Kann jemand 1—ANTI—ZIONIST sein, ohne 1—ANTISEMIT zu sein?
20060109             KARL—MARX schrieb ein paar garstige Dinge über Juden, wie auch OTTO—WEININGER...
20060109             Köhler in ISRAEL: Reich Ranicki: Diese Boykottdrohung ist......
20060109             die Psychologie ohne Sigmund Freud, die Soziologie ohne KARL—MARX, die Literatur... Die —JETZT aufwachsende Generation ISRAEL—JUDEN kümmert sich...
20060109             Freire Interkulturell
20060109             Zu anderer Zeit und an anderem Ort schrieb KARL—MARX als genauer Beobachter
20060109             —GEWONNEN, Dieser Verlust seiner alten Welt, ohne daß eine neue, worden wäre...
20060109             —SUCCEED, AP—THE—CAMPAIGN to, TOM—DELAY as HOUSE MAJORITY LEADER intensified —MONDAY as Reps.
20060109             —TELEPHONED, ROY—BLUNT—OF—MISSOUR i and JOHN—BOEHNER—OF—OHIO, RANK—AND—FILE—GOP lawmakers seeking support.
20060109             —CLAIMED, Both REPUBLICAN s, progress and released names of supp
20060109             Republican s Urge Restraint in Race to Fill House Post
20060109             Multiple Candidates Vie for House Leader ship
20060109             —EMBATTLED, The announcement by, REPRESENTATIVE—TOM—DELAY (R—TX ) that he will not seek to reclaim his HOUSE LEADER ship position has led 2—OTHER—REPUBLICAN s - acting Majority LEADER ROY—BLUNT—OF—MISSOUR i and OHIO REP.
20060109             JOHN—BOEHNER—TO enter the race.
20060109             TOM—DELAY to toss out CRIMINAL MONEY LAUNDERING charges against him or grant him 1—QUICK—TRIAL.
20060109             House Republican s Prepare to Pick New Leader
20060109             HOUSE REPUBLICAN s will hold LEADER ship elections —LATER in ;;01;;.
20060109             —CHARGED, He's, with VIOLAT ing TEXAS campaign finance laws.
20060109             2—SEEK majority leader post
20060109             2—TOP—REPUBLICAN s announced —SUNDAY they would seek THE—NUMBER 2—POSITION in THE—HOUSE, —1—DAY—AFTER—REPRESENTATIVE—TOM—DELAY said he will not try to reclaim the majority LEADER post.
20060109             House Republican s Look to New Leader ship
20060109             FORMER—HOUSE—MAJORITY—LEADER—TOM—DELAY is no longer seeking to reclaim his post.
20060109             —NOW, REPUBLICAN s in THE—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVE S are tasked with appointing 1—NEW—LEADER to take his place.
20060109             2—REPUBLICAN s seek DELAY—POST
20060109             2—ANNOUNCE bid for House majority leader post
20060109             2—REPUBLICAN congressmen who hope to take over THE—ROLE—OF—HOUSE—MAJORITY—LEADER are racing for their colleagues' support.
20060109             Officials Focus on a 2. Firm Tied to DeLay
20060109             —SECURED, Having, 1—GUILTY—PLEA from JACK—ABRAMOFF, PROSECUTORS are focusing on 1—LOBBYING firm that may determine whether TOM—DELAY will face CRIMINAL charges.
20060109             DeLay Gives Up Fight for Leader ship Post
20060109             USA—REPRESENTATIVE—TOM—DELAY (R—TX ) abandons his attempt to return as HOUSE MAJORITY LEADER.
20060109             DELAY, who faces charges that he VIOLATE d TEXAS campaign finance laws, stepped aside —LAST—YEAR.
20060109             HE—BEEN under growing pressure from fellow REPUBLICAN s who don't want him
20060109             DeLay leaves leader ship post
20060109             —ABANDONED, Embattled REPRESENTATIVE—TOM—DELAY—TODAY, his bid to remain as HOUSE MAJORITY LEADER ,
20060109             clearing the way for LEADER ship elections among REPUBLICAN s eager to shed THE—TAINT—OF—SCANDAL.
20060109             DeLay to relinquish Congress post
20060109             Embattled USA REPUBLICAN TOM—DELAY will quit his LEADER ship post in THE—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVE—S
20060109             Republican s seek elections to replace DeLay
20060109             Among the connections of REPRESENTATIVE—KEN—CALVERT, R—RIVERSIDE:
20060109             Rep KEN—CALVERT ( R—CA -44)/ Sen KAY—BAILEY—HUTCHISON (R—TX).
20060109             Passed Senate (UC) — 20050900             Passed House (Voice Vote) — 20051200             .
20060109             20060109             109. Congress- - Rep KEN—CALVERT ( R—CA -44)/ Sen KAY—BAILEY—HUTCHISON (R—TX).
20060109             Passed Senate (UC) — 20050900             .
20060109             20060109             Unlike 8—OF—THE 10, Graves left voluntarily and segued into 1—JOB at 1—REPUBLICAN law firm.
20060109             More: Basically, 2—MULTI—MILLION—DOLLAR—STATE—CONTRACTS -- generally regarded as patronage plums -- went to Graves' wife and BROTHER—IN—LAW.
20060109             MATT—BLUNT.
20060109             Blunt made sure that lucrative fee office contracts went to GRAVE—WIFE.
20060109             In the eyes of 1—CYNIC, this might be viewed as 1—PAY—OFF.
20060109             As we shall see, quite 1—FEW people in the "Show Me" STATE—CONSIDER—GOVERNOR—BLUNT to be -- how to put this?
20060109             -- "ethically challenged".
20060109             He thus had EVERY—REASON to stay on 1—FRIENDLY—BASIS with FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS.
20060109             As 1—GENERAL—RULE (not naming ANY—NAMES), we can say that stuffing state cash into wifey's purse might be considered 1—WAY to keep 1—PROSECUTOR smiling.
20060109             —WHEN Cummins started looking into this morass, THE—DOJ had 1—PROBLEM.
20060109             If Graves had gone down in the midst of 1—SCANDAL, he might well have taken THE—GOVERNOR with him.
20060109             —DECIDED, Powerful interests may have, that it was best all —AROUND for Graves to resign suddenly and to take 1—COZY sinecure in the private realm.
20060109             Thus, Graves was "axed" to leave.
20060109             Thanks to the Patriot Act, Schlozman did not need Senate approval.
20060109             So how does Thor HEARNE and his law firm, Lathrop & Gage, figure into this Graves/Blunt business?
20060109             According to this MISSOURI blog,
20060109             Lathrop & Gage is the firm that (man, where do I start), represents THE—GOVERNOR—CAMPAIGN,
20060109             hired another lawyer to directly contact Cummins, set up the fee offices in the 1. place,
20060109             loaned the administration 1—OF—ITS—LAWYERS, KURT—SHAEFFER, for 1—WHILE to defend Feelya Ferrell + hired THE—GOVERNOR—SISTER.
20060109             (Emphasis added.) This
20060109             KANSAS—CITY blog refers to Amy Blunt, THE—GOVERNOR—SISTER, as 1—OF—THE—BEST—CONNECTED—REPUBLICANS in the state.
20060109             THE—FIRED—UP MISSOURI blog
20060109             has much IN—DEPTH reporting of Blunt and the ongoing fee office (and related) controversies.
20060109             1—VIOLATION—OF—STATE law.
20060109             (1—CANDIDATE may not make personal use of monies raised for campaign purposes.)
20060109             And that's not BLUNT—ONLY—PROBLEM: Sources tell FiredUp that auditors with THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—HEALTH and Human Services Inspector GENERAL—OFFICE are at this very moment digging through files at THE—MISSOURI—DEPARTMENT—OF—HEALTH and Senior Services.
20060109             —SUBPOENAED, FEDERAL—OFFICIALS have, records concerning FEDERAL—HOMELAND—SECURITY—FUNDS knowingly misspent by top brass at THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—HEALTH.
20060109             The scandal may have already led to THE—MIDDLE—OF—THE—NIGHT—RESIGNATION—OF—DEPARTMENT—DIRECTOR—JULIE—ECKSTEIN,
20060109             as well as 1—WRONGFUL—TERMINATION—LAWSUIT filed by 1—WHISTLEBLOWER who refused to go along with plans to cover up the illegally spent funds.
20060109             —RELEASED, —LAST—WEEK—STATE—AUDITOR—SUSAN—MONTEE, 1—AUDIT that details some of the wrongdoing within the department.
20060109             —LEARNED, Having, his lesson from the Ferrell scandal, Blunt should fess up and tell MISSOURI ans how long he's known about this wrongdoing,
20060109             whether his office directed records to be destroyed, why he didn't say anything about it + whether or not this is the reason his department director resigned.
20060109             Is this —JUST 1—STATE—LEVEL controversy?
20060109             NUMBER 20060109             Always keep in mind: MISSOURI is a "purple" state.
20060109             JOHN—GORENFELD, 1—VETERAN investigative reporter and 1—LONGTIME CHRONICLER—OF—MOON—SOJOURNS, described MOON—THINKING on another ongoing project, his attempt to transform THE—UNITED—NATIONS: "Moon speaks in parables from the Book of Genesis. He says THE—UNITED—NATIONS is like Cain, but he wants to build a 2. entity that is like Abel. Ideally, his 'ABEL—UNITED—NATIONS' -- 1—BODY fusing all religions -- would be embraced by THE—UNITED—NATIONS—BUT if not, he wants to set up his own alternative diplomatic machine to outshine THE—UNITED—NATIONS"
20060109             —DURING a 20030500             meeting with PRESIDENT—BUSH at THE—WHITE—HOUSE, PHILIPPINES PRESIDENT—ARROYO suggested that THE—USA—MIGHT consider CO—SPONSORING the proposal, the conservative online news magazine, NewsMax_com reported.
20060109             —EXPRESSED, According to that report, THE—PRESIDENT " deep interest and asked his national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice, to study the matter".
20060109             ANTI—BUSH—AUTHOR—PUT on NO—FLY list
20060109             JIM—MOORE, AUTHOR—OF—BUSH—BRAIN, has been put on THE—NO—FLY list by the fascist in THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20060109             Miffed CANADA—PAYS—BANK—BILL—1—PENNY at 1—TIME
20060109             HE—UPSET because his CANADA—BANK is outsourcing its credit card processing to THE—USA.
20060109             —STUDIED, MISTER—HOFMANN, chemistry and took 1—JOB with THE—SWITZERLAND—PHARMACEUTICAL—COMPANY—SANDOZ Laboratories, because it had started 1—PROGRAM to identify and synthesize the active compounds of medically important plants.
20060109             —IDENTIFIED, Finally, chemists in THE—USA, the active component as lysergic acid + MISTER—HOFMANN began combining other molecules with the unstable chemical in search of pharmacologically useful compounds.
20060109             "ALL—OF—THE—REST happens through the mechanism of our senses. Our eyes see —JUST 1—SMALL—FRACTION—OF—THE—LIGHT in the world. It is 1—TRICK to make 1 colored world, which does not exist outside of human beings".
20060109             Your phone records are for sale
20060109             THE—CHICAGO—POLICE—DEPARTMENT is warning officers their cell phone records are available to anyone -- for 1—PRICE.
20060109             WASHINGTON - - In einem Bus vor dem Ministerium sei —AM—FRÜHEN—MORGEN ein verdächtiges Paket gefunden worden,
20060109             berichtete CNN unter Berufung auf einen SPRECHER—DES—MINISTERIUMS.
20060109             den Iranern - Somit hätten die USA selbst dem fundamentalistischen Regime, dessen derzeitiger PRÄSIDENT—MAHMUD—AHMADINEDSCHAD—ISRAEL am liebsten "ausradieren" möchte, "möglicherweise zu Atomwaffen verholfen".
20060109             Während die "NEW—YORK—TIMES" die brisante Enthüllung ihres Autors auf Bitte des Weißen Hauses zurückgehalten haben soll,
20060109             —CONFESSED, So JACK—ABRAMOFF is —NOW 1, criminal, 1—CORRUPTER—OF—CONGRESS, 1—MAN who's decision to turn state's witness —NOW threatens the careers of as many as 60—SENATORS + representatives.
20060109             All of which begs the question:
20060109             1—DARKER—BIOWEAPONS—FUTURE: 20060109             Uranium revelation upsets isle activists: SEVERAL environmental and native Hawaiian groups are accusing the Army of misleading the public —AFTER the groups discovered that 1—HEAVY—METAL known as depleted uranium was recovered at Schofield Barracks' range complex.
20060109             Alito may be the worst choice: AT THIS moment in USA—HISTORY, it would be hard to find 1—WORSE—SUPREME—COURT nominee than SAMUEL—A—ALITO—JUNIOR.
20060109             Bush announces radical shift in foreign policy;
20060109             No USA—MEDIA—REPORT it : Buried in THE—UK—FINANCIAL—TIMES—AND as far as I can tell, not reported anywhere ELSE—ARE the details of 1—STATE—DEPARTMENT briefing —THIS—WEEK in which THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—VERY publicly said it is essentially scrapping USA—SUPPORT for NATO and THE—UNITED—NATIONS.
20060109             —ACCUSED—OF, USA, backing KIDNAPPERS—OF—IRAN—SOLDIERS : IRAN said —ON—SATURDAY that kidnappers who had taken 9—IRAN—BORDER—GUARDS as hostage in THE—EAST—PARTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY were linked to the Taliban and supported by THE—USA, the official IRNA news agency reported.
20060109             —DROPPED, THE—USA—ARMY has, its case against the only officer to face criminal charges in connection with the beating deaths of 2—PRISONERS held by THE—USA in AFGHANISTAN, 1—MILITARY—SPOKESMAN said —SATURDAY.
20060109             THE—ECONOMIC—COSTS—OF—THE—IRAQ—WAR:
20060109             We estimate that the total economic COSTS—OF—THE—WAR, including direct costs and macroeconomic costs, lie between $1 and $2—TRILLION.
20060109             We see this paradox in WASHINGTON, where the current administration increasingly reminds 1—OF—THE—OLD—SOVIET—UNION.
20060109             1—DECISION not to send more troops in AFGHANISTAN would be damaging for HOLLAND—INTERESTS in THE—USA,
20060109             RUSSIA hopes IRAN nuclear dispute not to trigger war:
20060109             Palestinians Won't Miss Sharon:
20060109             USA Financial Aid To ISRAEL: Figures, Facts + Impact:
20060109             1—CONSERVATIVE—TOTAL for USA—AID to ISRAEL: $91—BILLION—AND Counting
20060109             Losing THE—WAR—ON—TERRORISM : It is impossible to exaggerate the damage caused by THE—PRESIDENT—IMPROVIDENT decisions.
20060109             —INVITED, BOLIVIA—MORALES makes CHINA overture : BOLIVIA—PRESIDENT elect, ENERGY—HUNGRY—CHINA—ON—SUNDAY to help develop his country's vast gas reserves —AFTER his government carries out plans to nationalize them.
20060109             The louder THE—REPORTS—OF—FAILURES on this PRESIDENT—WATCH, the louder he tries to drown them out by boasting that
20060109             he has done everything "within the law" to keep AMERICA SAFE + by implying that his critics are unpatriotic, if not outright treasonous.
20060109             Angry and Furious at the Collaborationist Democrats : REPRESENTATIVE—NANCY—PELOSI, the Democratic leader in the House + SENATOR—JAY—ROCKEFELLER, the Democratic SENATOR—FROM—WEST—VIRGINIA,
20060109             1—MAN known for SOME—SENSITIVITY to civil liberties infringements + 1—SUBSTANTIAL number of congressmen, plus THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, all KNEW—OF—BUSH—ILLEGAL spying.
20060109             to testify publicly on the legality of warantless eavesdropping on telephone conversations between suspected terrorists + people in THE—USA.
20060109             THE—NSA—SPY—ENGINE—ECHELON :
20060109             1—TOP—SECRET—PROGRAM—CODE—NAMED Tempest, is capable of READING computer monitors, cash registers + automatic teller machines from as far away as 1—HALF—MILE +
20060109             Cracks in 1—EVIL edifice : AMERICA—MONSTROUS—SYSTEM—OF—COMMERCIAL—POLITICAL lobbying has long needed to be cut down to size.
20060109             1—DONOR—WHO—HAD—BIG—ALLIES : In 1—CASE that echoes THE—JACK—ABRAMOFF—INFLUENCE—PEDDLING scandal, 2—NORTH—CALIFORNIA Republican congressmen used their official positions to try to stop 1—FEDERAL—INVESTIGATION—OF—1—WEALTHY—TEXAS businessman who provided them with political contributions.
20060109             JOE—CONASON: Let us prey : JACK—ABRAMOFF + his deeply religious RIGHT—WING cronies express their "biblical worldview" by swindling INDIA—TRIBES + bribing legislators.
20060109             PRESIDENT—BUSH, 's 1. —10—MONTHS,
20060109             —LOGGED, GOP fundraiser JACK—ABRAMOFF + his lobbying team, nearly 200—CONTACTS with the new administration as they pressed for friendly hires at FEDERAL—AGENCIES
20060109             THE—CASE—AGAINST—ALITO : THERE—REASON to think that ALITO—VIEWS on executive power are the main reasons Bush wants him on the Court.
20060109             Economic policy in CHINA will —NOW determine the interest rates on mortgages in AMERICA.
20060109             USA—FIRMS ducking out of promises made on pensions : The death knell for the traditional company pension has been tolling for SOME—TIME—NOW in THE—USA.
20060109             Companies in ailing industries like steel, airlines and auto parts have thrown themselves into bankruptcy and turned over their ruined pension plans to WASHINGTON.
20060109             "Once we set up 1—FRIEND as THE—HEAD—OF—IRAQ, the new IRAQ—PRESIDENT is going to ask THE—USA—MILITARY to withdraw," USA—REPRESENTATIVE—RALPH—HALL, R—ROCKWALL, said —FRIDAY in 1—TELEPHONE—INTERVIEW from his home.
20060109             Both Democrats and Republicans have got rich off the millions that flow to those in power, leaving the poor SIDELINED—BY GARY—YOUNGE
20060109             —INTERCEPTED, In, emails, he refers to his Native USA—CLIENTS—WHOM he played off against EACH—OTHER for MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS which he then used to pamper POLITICIANS—AS "morons", "monkeys", "fucking troglodytes" + "losers".
20060109             How MANY—IRAQIS—HAVE—†—SINCE—THE—USA—INVASION in 2003?
20060109             30,000? NUMBER 100,000? NUMBER—BY ANDREW—COCKBURN
20060109             † PRESIDENT—BUSH—OFF—HAND—SUMMATION—LAST—MONTH—OF—THE—NUMBER—OF—IRAQIS who have so far, as 1—RESULT—OF—OUR invasion and occupation as "30,000, more or less" was quite certainly 1—UNDER—ESTIMATE.
20060109             Hunger strikers are tied down and fed through nasal tubes, admits Guantánamo Bay DOCTOR—BY DAVID—ROSE
20060109             They routinely experience bleeding and nausea, according to 1—SWORN statement by the camp's CHIEF doctor.
20060109             DÜSSELDORF—BIS zum —JAHR 20300000             könnte in DEUTSCHLAND Gas aus Biomasse, das —DERZEIT nur einen Bruchteil in der Versorgung ausmacht, jährlich immerhin 17—PROZENT—DES—DERZEITIGEN—DEUTSCHLAND—ERDGAS—JAHRESBEDARFS liefern.
20060109             Das ist das Ergebnis einer noch unveröffentlichten STUDIE—DER—DES—BUNDESVERBANDES der DEUTSCHLAND—GAS—UND Wasserwirtschaft (BGW), wie das "Handelsblatt" berichtet.
20060109             Whoever...utilizes ANY—DEVICE or software that can be used to originate telecommunications or other TYPES—OF—COMMUNICATIONS that are transmitted, in whole or in part, by THE—INTERNET... without disclosing his identity and with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten, or harass ANY—PERSON...who receives the communications...shall be fined under title 18 or imprisoned not more than —2—YEARS, or both.
20060109             But the law appears to be extremely broad -- —AFTER all, ANY—FORM—OF—CRITICISM, even WELL—FOUNDED criticism, can be labelled 1—ANNOYANCE.
20060109             The signing of this law gives conservative forces 1—EXCUSE to pressure ISPs into divulging the identities of anonymous bloggers, commentators + usenet posters.
20060109             Atomstreit: Steinmeier sieht sehr verhängnisvolle Signale aus IRAN
20060109             Geheimoperation "Merlin": CIA soll IRAN Atombombenpläne zugespielt haben
20060109             Nuklearstreit: IRAN nimmt Atomforschung wieder auf
20060109             JOSEPH—MARX (18820000—19640000    ) im 3. Reich
20060109             Schüler von Marx und deren Hinterbliebene erzählten mir zudem, daß zu Marx ' großem BEKANNTEN—UND Freundeskreis auch VIELE—JUDEN gehörten.
20060109             Wer von DEUTSCHLAND reden will, darf vom Islam nicht schweigen Mit diesen Worten leitete KARL—MARX seine "Kritik der Hegelschen... in der die Juden das Geld und die Zirkulation in einem der islamischen Welt wenn nicht...
20060109             MARX—KARTEI G Das "raffende" Finanzkapital wurde von A. Hitler mit den Juden identifiziert und... Wal Buchenberg, 20010909             .
20060109             20060109             Welche Stellung aber würde DEUTSCHLAND —HEUTE in der Welt einnehmen!... Die INNEN—UND sozialpolitischen Gegner der Nazis waren nicht nur Juden.
20060109             MARX—
20060109             —COMMITTED, ZNet DEUTSCHLAND - a community, to social change Kann jemand 1—ANTI—ZIONIST sein, ohne 1—ANTISEMIT zu sein?... KARL—MARX schrieb ein paar garstige Dinge über Juden, wie auch OTTO—WEININGER...
20060109             Köhler in ISRAEL: Reich Ranicki: Diese Boykottdrohung ist...... die Psychologie ohne Sigmund Freud, die Soziologie ohne KARL—MARX, die Literatur... Die —JETZT aufwachsende Generation ISRAEL—JUDEN kümmert sich...
20060109             Freire Interkulturell Zu anderer Zeit und an anderem Ort schrieb KARL—MARX als genauer Beobachter... Dieser Verlust seiner alten Welt, ohne daß eine neue gewonnen worden wäre...
20060109             NEW—YORK—TIMES—HOUSE—REPUBLICAN s who led the call to oust REPRESENTATIVE—TOM—DELAY urged colleagues to hold off from making commitments in new leader ship races.
20060109             —EMBATTLED, The announcement by, REPRESENTATIVE—TOM—DELAY (R—TX ) that he will not seek to reclaim his House leader ship position has led 2—OTHER—REPUBLICAN s - acting Majority Leader ROY—BLUNT—OF—MISSOUR i and OHIO REPRESENTATIVE—JOHN—BOEHNER—TO enter the race.
20060109             But there MAY—MULTIPLE—CANDIDATES—VIE for House Leader ship
20060109             NPR - But there MAY—TEXAS COURT—DENIES—DELAY—BID to quash criminal case
20060109             REUTERS—HOUSTON (Reuters ) - TEXAS ' highest criminal COURT—ON—MONDAY denied 1—REQUEST by Republican USA—REPRESENTATIVE—TOM—DELAY to toss out criminal money laundering charges against him or grant him 1—QUICK—TRIAL.
20060109             NPR USA—NEWS—HOUSE Republican s will hold leader ship elections —LATER in January.
20060109             —OPENED, USA—REPRESENTATIVE—TOM—DELAY (R—TX ), the door for 1—VOTE—SATURDAY, saying he would not fight to retain THE—POST—OF—MAJORITY—LEADER.
20060109             —DISGRACED, AP—REPRESENTATIVE—DANA—ROHRABACHER, R—CALIFORNIA, came to the defense of, former lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF —ON—MONDAY, saying he's 1—GOOD—PERSON who's been unjustly criticized.
20060109             Poll finds worries about corruption and ANTI—INCUMBENT mood
20060109             LOBBYIST—WORK for PUBLISHERS—OF—MAGAZINES Under Scrutiny
20060109             109. Congress Microsoft Word —
20060109             109. Congress - Passed Senate (UC) — 20050900             .
20060109             20060109             Passed House (Voice Vote) — 20051200.
20060109             20060109             email from KYLE—SAMPSON (CHIEF—OF—STAFF for ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES) indicates that Graves was "axed" to leave.
20060109             His name was on 1—LIST—OF—10—USA—ATTORNEY s who were to be purged.
20060109             This situation meant that Graves would have little motive to investigate ANY—WRONGDOING on THE—PART—OF—MISSOURI—GOVERNOR, MATT—BLUNT.
20060109             As we shall see, quite 1—FEW people in the "Show Me" STATE—CONSIDER—GOVERNOR—BLUNT to be -- how to put this? -- "ethically challenged".
20060109             —NAMED, His replacement: 1—VOTER—ID zealot, BRADLEY—SCHLOZMAN.
20060109             —FORCED, If he had been, to undergo the approval process, his inexperience might have prevented him from scoring the gig.
20060109             According to this MISSOURI blog, Lathrop & Gage is the firm that (man, where do I start), represents THE—GOVERNOR—CAMPAIGN, hired another lawyer to directly contact Cummins, set up the fee offices in the 1. place, loaned the administration 1—OF—ITS—LAWYERS, KURT—SHAEFFER, for 1—WHILE to defend Feelya Ferrell + hired THE—GOVERNOR—SISTER.
20060109             (Emphasis added.) This KANSAS—CITY blog refers to Amy Blunt, THE—GOVERNOR—SISTER, as 1—OF—THE—BEST—CONNECTED—REPUBLICANS in the state.
20060109             THE—FIRED—UP MISSOURI blog has much IN—DEPTH reporting of Blunt and the ongoing fee office (and related) controversies.
20060109             —HIRED, Blunt has, 1—PRIVATE—ATTORNEY -- from Lathrop & Gage, natch -- and his campaign's financial report indicates that Blunt may have paid for these services with campaign funds, 1—VIOLATION—OF—STATE—LAW.
20060109             The scandal may have already led to THE—MIDDLE—OF—THE—NIGHT—RESIGNATION—OF—DEPARTMENT—DIRECTOR—JULIE—ECKSTEIN, as well as 1—WRONGFUL—TERMINATION—LAWSUIT filed by 1—WHISTLEBLOWER who refused to go along with plans to cover up the illegally spent funds.
20060109             It appears that this may be the 2. time —THIS—MONTH that GOVERNOR—BLUNT has attempted to cover up wrongdoing in his administration.
20060109             —LEARNED, Having, his lesson from the Ferrell scandal, Blunt should fess up and tell MISSOURI ans how long he's known about this wrongdoing, whether his office directed records to be destroyed, why he didn't say anything about it + whether or not this is the reason his department director resigned.
20060109             No.
20060109             AZERBAIJAN Democratic Reforms Party " 20060109—20010607    —SINCE, THE—USA—DJIA rose 52.59 to close at 11,011.9, its 1. close above 11,000.
20060109             Welche Stellung aber würde DEUTSCHLAND —HEUTE in der Welt einnehmen!... Die INNEN—UND sozialpolitischen Gegner der Nazis waren nicht nur Juden.
20060109             Das Musical Das Phantom der Oper von ANDREW—LLOYD—WEBBER —NACH—DEM ROMAN—VON—GASTON—LEROUX bricht mit seiner 7486. Aufführung den Rekord von Cats als am längsten am Broadway laufendes Stück.
20060109             THE—SWITZERLAND—INTELLIGENCE—COMMUNITY has allegedly been aware of secret CIA prisons in EAST—EUROPE for nearly —2—MONTHS according to leaked documents
20060109—20010607    —SINCE, THE—USA—DJIA rose 52.59 to close at 11,011.9, its 1. close above 11,000.
20060109—20010911    —AFTER, —1—MONTH, BUSH showed up at 1—INTERNATIONAL—TECHNOLOGY—CONFERENCE in DUBAI where he was hunting for investors for Ignite!
20060109—20010911    —AFTER, NEIL—BUSH is no stranger to showing up at OUT—OF—THE—WAY—PLACES searching for business: —1—MONTH, Bush showed up at 1—INTERNATIONAL—TECHNOLOGY—CONFERENCE in DUBAI where he was hunting for investors for Ignite!
20060109—20030000    —SINCE, Such armor has been available, but —UNTIL—RECENTLY the Pentagon has largely declined to supply it to troops despite calls from the field for additional protection, according to military officials.
20060109—20060125    —PERMITTED, ISRAEL, PALESTINE—POLITICIANS to campaign in disputed JERUSALEM, reversing 1—INITIAL—BAN and clearing 1—OBSTACLE to holding PALESTINE—PARLIAMENT—ELECTIONS.
20060204             Post Date:20060109             - You're Out, Tom
2006032720010911     : Letzte Hilferufe erreichen Angehörige —ERST—JETZT
2006033120010911     —TONBÄNDER: Echo der verlorenen Stimmen
20060409—20050109    —ON, brings our attention to another story which may prove germane., THE—BOSTON—HERALD published 1—ARTICLE titled "Congress passes 'Doomsday' plan".
20060409—20050109    —PUBLISHED, THE—BOSTON—HERALD, 1—ARTICLE titled "Congress passes 'Doomsday' plan".With no fanfare, THE—USA—HOUSE has passed 1—CONTROVERSIAL doomsday provision that would allow 1—HANDFUL—OF—LAWMAKERS to run Congress if 1—TERRORIST—ATTACK or major disaster killed or incapacitated large numbers of congressmen.
20060409—20050109    —PUBLISHED—ON, THE—BOSTON—HERALD, 1—ARTICLE titled "Congress passes 'Doomsday' plan".
20061221             —INFORMED, Lord Russel, THE—PRESIDENT—GLIGOROV about the current preoccupations + ACTIVITIES—OF—THE—COUNCIL—OF—EUROPE + its efforts for improvement of the...ZERBAIJAN Democratic Reforms Party " 20060109             20070100             ICH Daily 20070109—20140109     20050000             FORMER—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—JAMES—A—BAKER—III, 1—ARCHITECT—OF—THE—USA—WAR... Lynn Woolsey of Petaluma called on PRESIDENT—BUSH—ON—WEDNESDAY to begin the...
20070109             —LIFTED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, 1—BAN on oil and gas drilling in ALASKA—BRISTOL area.
20070109             MIKE—BEEBE, Democrat, was sworn in as the 45. GOVERNOR—OF—THE—STATE—OF—ARKANSAS.
20070109             —ANNOUNCED, THE—NATIONAL—PARK—SERVICE, that it signed a —60—YEAR—LEASE with S—FRANCISCO developer to restore Fort Baker and build 1—HOTEL called "Cavallo Point, the Lodge at the Golden Gate".
20070109             —INTRODUCED, STEVE—JOBS, the iPhone at the annual Macworld Expo in SF.
20070109             The 4GB version would be sold for $499—STARTING in June.
20070109             1—TELEVISION set ADD—ON called Apple TV was planned to hit stores in February for $299. Apple dropped the word "Computer" from its name.
20070109             † Rex Farrance (59), 1—LONGTIME EDITOR—FOR—PC—WORLD, was shot to death —DURING 1—ROBBERY at his home in PITTSBURG—CALIFORNIA Farrance had let his son grow medical marijuana.
20070109             —SEPTEMBER, Tremaine Amos (25), DARRYL—HUDSON, —23—JAHRE—ALT and Montrell Hall (23) were charged with murder in the commission of 1—ROBBERY.
20070109             —PLEADED, Amos, no contest to voluntary manslaughter in exchange for testifying against Hall and Hudson.
20070109             1—MISTRIAL was declared in HALL—CASE.
20070109             1—AUSTRALIA—ZOO put 1—GROUP—OF—HUMANS on display to raise awareness about primate conservation, with the proviso that they don't get up to ANY—MONKEY—BUSINESS.
20070109             —TURNED, DHAKA—BANGLADESH, into 1—BATTLEFIELD as protesters, demanding the scrapping of national elections, hurled bombs and rocks at police who responded by firing tear gas and rubber bullets.
20070109             —DEMANDED, The parties, the postponement of 20070122             elections, alleging that they cannot be fair without massive changes to the voter list.
20070109             —1— BRITAIN—ROYAL—MAIL released 1—SET—OF—6—STAMPS depicting the iconic Beatles' album covers.
20070109             FREDDY—MUNOZ, 1—REPORTER for 1—STATE—CONTROLLED television network in VENEZUELA, was released from 1—COLOMBIA—JAIL, —52—DAYS—AFTER his arrest on accusations of plotting bomb attacks with leftist rebels.
20070109             MIKHAIL—PROKHOROV, —41—JAHRE—ALT, CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OF—RUSSIA—MINING giant OAO NORILSK Nickel, was detained in FRANCE for questioning as PART—OF—1—CRACKDOWN on 1 suspected prostitution ring at 1—UPSCALE ski resort.
20070109             1—LANDSLIDE in 1—WESTERN—INDONESIA—VILLAGE killed up to 13—PEOPLE, burying several homes and 1—SMALL—MOSQUE.
20070109             —BACKED, Iraqi and USA—SOLDIERS, by USA—WARPLANES, battled suspected insurgents —FOR—HOURS in CENTRAL—BAGHDAD, and 50—MILITANT—FIGHTERS were killed.
20070109             † 1—CARGO—PLANE carrying TURKEY—CONSTRUCTION—WORKERS crashed —DURING landing at 1—AIRPORT—NEAR—BAGHDAD, killing 32—PEOPLE and injuring 2. 4—MEMBERS—OF—1—FAMILY—WHEN their house in BAGHDAD—SADR—CITY—SECTION was destroyed.
20070109             Police —INITIALLY said the attack was from 2—MORTAR shells, but —LATER 1—POLICE—OFFICIAL and witnesses said the home was fired on by USA—AIRCRAFT.
20070109             —ARRIVED, ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT, in CHINA for 1—VISIT centered —AROUND boosting trade ties and discussions on IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM.
20070109             —INCLUDED, His productions, such films as "La Strada" and "Blowup".
20070109             —LAUNCHED, JAPAN, its 1. FULL—FLEDGED defense ministry —WWII—SINCE as PART—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—SHINZO—ABE—EFFORTS to build 1—MORE assertive nation.
20070109             —KILLED, JORDAN—POLICE, 1 suspected AL—QAIDA member and detained a 2. in 1—CRACKDOWN that foiled 1—TERRORIST—PLOT against JORDAN.
20070109             —REFUSED, MEXICO, Andres MANUEL—LOPEZ—OBRADOR, who has, to accept his slim loss to PRESIDENT—FELIPE—CALDERON in JULY—ELECTION, launched 1—WEEKLY—TV—SHOW mocking the government's battle against crime and unemployment and promising to promote 1—LAW targeting MEXICO—MONOPOLIES.
20070109             —STARTED, NIGERIA, paying more than 1,000 Biafran police pensioners, —37—YEARS—AFTER THE—WEST—AFRICA—COUNTRY ended 1—BLOODY—CIVIL—WAR.
20070109             More than 100—INDIA—FISHERMEN left for home —AFTER PAKISTAN set them free in 1—GOODWILL gesture to its longtime rival.
20070109             —KILLED, THE—PHILIPPINES—TROOPS, Binang Sali, 1—SENIOR—AL—QAIDA—LINKED militant, who allegedly led 1—URBAN—TERROR—UNIT—OF—THE—MUSLIM extremist group ABU—SAYYAF.
20070109             —REPORTED, SOMALIA, USA AC—130—STRIKES were, to have killed 10—AL—QAIDA suspects.
20070109             Local officials said the toll was much higher and included civilians.
20070109             —CLAIMED, Armed Basque separatist group ETA, responsibility for the bomb attack at MADRID airport that killed 2—PEOPLE—LAST—WEEK but said its ceasefire still held and it wanted peace.
20070109             S—LUCIAN lawmakers made history in the Caribbean ISLAND —WHEN they selected 2—WOMEN to lead PARLIAMENT.
20070109             "There are 2—KEYS to ANY—INCREASE in USA—FORCE—LEVELS:
20070109             It must be substantial + it must be sustained... - [Sen.
20070109             OPINIONJOURNAL—BEST—OF—THE—WEB—TODAY - 2007010920070109             Gas, Lies and Audiotape
20070109             USA: Wärmstes —JAHR —SEIT Beginn der Aufzeichnungen
20070109             —KRITISIERT, IRAK: Blair, Saddams Hinrichtung
20070109             —ANNOUNCED, The findings, —SUNDAY provided a "1. glimpse of the cosmic web" in TRUE—TO—LIFE, 3—DIMENSIONAL detail, said CALTECH—RICHARD—ELLIS, another MEMBER—OF—THE—COSMOS team.
20070109             The lead AUTHOR—OF—THE—NATURE—PAPER, Caltech astronomer RICHARD—MASSEY,
20070109             said THE—COSMOS study provides the best confirmation that dark matter determines "the underlying STRUCTURE—OF—SPACE.
20070109             Galaxies as well as primordial GLOBS—OF—GAS and dust form "within this DARK—MATTER scaffolding," he said.
20070109             Massey said the findings were consistent with the current mainstream view among astronomers — in which ordinary matter accounts for —JUST 4—PERCENT—OF—THE—UNIVERSE,
20070109             dark matter accounts for another 23 % + 1—MYSTERIOUS repulsive force known as dark energy takes in the other 73 %.
20070109             —TRAPPED, Satanists, between the devil and the Holy See Priests are to work alongside ITALY—POLICE—OFFICERS to tackle 1—RISING TIDE—OF—CRIMES linked to devil worship.
20070109             CANADA—VICTIM—OF—CIA brainwashing seeks CLASS—ACTION against government MK Ultra and DOCTOR—EWEN—CAMERON torture Canadians.
20070109             USA—ARMS—SALES: Agreements with and Deliveries to Major Clients, 19980000             —2005-
20070109             'We are on 1—KNIFE—EDGE — we have to engage Bush ':
20070109             —INTENDED, Global trade talks that are, to improve THE—LIVES—OF—BILLIONS—OF—POOR—PEOPLE—STAND on THE—BRINK—OF—FAILURE,
20070109             PETER—MANDELSON, the European Trade Commissioner, has told THE—TIMES.
20070109             FTSE100 companies see profits double:
20070109             New research, estimates that companies in the FTSE100 generated profits —AFTER tax of £73.2bn —LAST—YEAR, 1—INCREASE—OF—MORE than 100—PER cent
20070109             "Sources allege that THE—CIA prints the falsified 'Supernotes' at 1—SECRET—FACILITY—NEAR—WASHINGTON to fund covert operations without CONGRESS ional oversight".
20070109             Bush Senior Early CIA Ties Revealed: -
20070109             —RELEASED, Newly, internal CIA documents assert that FORMER—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—HERBERT—WALKER—BUSH—OIL—COMPANY emerged from a 19500000             'S collaboration with 1—COVERT—CIA—OFFICER.
20070109             —EXPANDED, War with IRAN is imminent: all in preparation for 1, war in THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20070109             Democrats: Nuclear IRAN unacceptable:
20070109             IRAN with nuclear weapons is unacceptable, new House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer told THE—JERUSALEM—POST—HOURS—AFTER entering the party leadership position.
20070109             - He also said that THE—USE—OF—FORCE against Teheran remained 1—OPTION.
20070109             Military strike is only way to stop IRAN, says top ISRAEL i strategist:
20070109             1—TOP—ISRAEL i strategic analyst says armed force is the only way to stop IRAN acquiring nuclear weapons if THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY does not impose effective sanctions.
20070109             USA puts squeeze on IRAN—OIL—FIELDS:
20070109             As WASHINGTON wages 1—VERY—PUBLIC—BATTLE—AGAINST—IRAN—QUEST for nuclear power,
20070109             it is quietly gaining ground on another energy front:
20070109             the oil fields that are the Islamic REPUBLIC—LIFEBLOOD.
20070109             Pentagon Exaggerates CHINA—NUCLEAR—CAPABILITY:
20070109             THE—USA—MILITARY, intelligence agencies + conservative think tanks and news organizations are exaggerating CHINA—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—CAPABILITY to justify developing 1—NEW—GENERATION—OF—NUCLEAR and conventional weapons,
20070109             according to 1—REPORT issued —TODAY by THE—FEDERATION—OF—AMERICA—SCIENTISTS
20070109             1—NEW—REVIEW published in the ;;11;;/;;12;;
20070109             issue of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists shows that THE—USA—STORES—ITS nearly 10,000 nuclear warheads at 18—LOCATIONS in 12—STATES and 6—EUROPEAN countries
20070109             Fallout Calculator: In using the calculator,
20070109             you may select from 1—ASSORTMENT—OF—VIRTUAL—SATELLITE—MAPS—OF—MAJOR—WORLD—CITIES.
20070109             Sniper celebrates with cigar —AFTER killing "Taliban officer":
20070109             1—ROYAL—MARINE—SNIPER from EDINBURGH has described marking his 1. kill with 1—CIGAR —AFTER "slotting" 1—TALIBAN COMMANDER from more than 10000000             metres.
20070109             22 to a CELL—LIFE in a notorious AFGHANISTAN—PRISON:
20070109             She shares 1—BUNK—LINED room with 11—OTHER—WOMEN and 10—CHILDREN.
20070109             CHINA 'ANTI—TERROR' raid kills 18:
20070109             —KILLED, CHINA—POLICE have, 18—PEOPLE in 1—RAID on 1 alleged militant training camp in the western autonomous REGION—OF—XINJIANG, officials say.
20070109             New USA IRAQ COMMANDER says may need —3—YEARS:
20070109             The new COMMANDER—OF—USA combat forces in IRAQ said —ON—SUNDAY it may take 2 to —3—YEARS to meet USA—GOALS but that 1—INCREASINGLY independent IRAQ—GOVERNMENT may change THE—USA—ROLE there within —1—YEAR.
20070109             IRAQ war could cost USA over $2—TRILLION, says Nobel PRIZE—WINNING economis
20070109             t: The real cost to THE—USA—OF—THE—IRAQ war is likely to be between $1—TRILLION and $2—TRILLION (£1.1—TRILLION),
20070109             up to 10—TIMES—MORE than previously thought, according to 1—REPORT WRITTEN—BY—1—NOBEL—PRIZE—WINNING economist and 1—HARVARD budget expert.
20070109             —ABUSED, Saddam lawyers claim his body was :
20070109             —DEPOSED, Lawyers of, IRAQ—LEADER say they will sue IRAQ—GOVERNMENT at INTERNATIONAL COURT—OF—JUSTICE over abuses by executioners —DURING and —AFTER execution.
20070109             Mahathir wants to criminalise war:
20070109             GEORGE—BUSH and TONY—BLAIR are war criminals worse than SADDAM—HUSSEIN, Mahathir Mohamad, THE—FORMER—MALAYSIA—PRIME—MINISTER has said.
20070109             BAGHDAD 20250000             : THE—PENTAGON—SOLUTION to 1—PLANET—OF—SLUMS:
20070109             So you think that USA—TROOPS, fighting in the urban maze of BAGHDAD—HUGE—SHIITE slum,
20070109             Sadr City, add up to nothing more than 1—HORRIBLE—MISTAKE, 1 unexpected fiasco?
20070109             THE—COMING—ATTACK on IRAN—PAUL—CRAIG—ROBERTS - THE—USA—MEDIA is totally unreliable.
20070109             It cannot go against ISRAEL + it will wrap itself in the flag —JUST as it did for the invasion of IRAQ.
20070109             —DECEIVED, THE—USA—PUBLIC has been, (again) and believes that IRAN is on the verge of possessing nuclear armaments to be used to wipe ISRAEL off the map.
20070109             —FAILED, They have, to take on the principal reason they were elected and, tragically, THE—USA—PUBLIC is unlikely to force them to.
20070109             That's —WHEN $1—TRILLION in ARMs (Adjustable Rate Mortgages) will "reset" triggering 1—MASSIVE—INCREASE in foreclosures and plunging the country into 1—DEEP—RECESSION.
20070109             The subcontinent, from VENEZUELA to ARGENTINA, may yet present 1—EXAMPLE to the world on how to create 1—ALTERNATIVE—FUTURE from 1—LEGACY—OF empire and terror.
20070109             Geologists Discover ORIGIN—OF—EARTH—MYSTERIOUS—BLACK—DIAMONDS
20070109             7 or 8—DWARF—GALAXIES Discovered Orbiting the Milky Way - THE—URGE to Surge
20070109             explicitly stating,
20070109             "In recent memory, —DURING THE—REAGAN + CLINTON Administrations, Presidents REAGAN + CLINTON did not seek to REMOVE + REPLACE USA—ATTORNEY s to serve indefinitely under the holdover provision":
20070109             FORMER—CLINTON CHIEF—OF—STAFF—JOHN—PODESTA previously told ThinkProgress that ROVE—CLAIMS that THE—CLINTON administration also purged ATTORNEY s is "pure fiction.
20070109             —FIRED, But THE—CLINTON administration never, FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS as pure political retribution".
20070109             "There are 2—KEYS to ANY—INCREASE in USA—FORCE—LEVELS: It must be substantial + it must be sustained...
20070109             The worst of all worlds would be 1—SMALL, short SURGE—OF—USA—FORCES".
20070109             [SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN, SACRAMENTO Bee OP—ED, 20070109             ]
20070109             OPINIONJOURNAL—BEST—OF—THE—WEB—TODAY - 20070109             20070109             - BG—BEST—OF—THE—WEB—TODAY - By JAMES—TARANTO—GAS, Lies and Audiotape
20070109             —AFTER 1—MEETING between PRESIDENT—BUSH and more than 30—REPUBLICAN senators —YESTERDAY, SENATOR—GORDON—SMITH (R—OR) said, "'It was clear to me that 1—DECISION has been made for 1—SURGE ' of at least 20,000—ADDITIONAL—TROOPS".
20070109             —NOTED, SENATOR—THAD—COCHRAN (R—MS), that most senators didn't embrace BUSH—PLAN: "I think I was the
20070109             only SENATOR who acted like he would be supportive.
20070109             —SUBMITTED, THE—CIA has, portions of 1—BOOK manuscript by FORMER—DIRECTOR—GEORGE—TENET to THE—WHITE—HOUSE for review amid speculation the memoirs
20070109             will be CRITICAL—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH.
20070109             1—CIA—SPOKESMAN denied allegations that the book had been submitted for review of negative comments about Bush.
20070109             The new congress ional leadership's "—100—HOUR—AGENDA" begins —TODAY as the House votes on 1—BILL to enact several 20010911             Commission recommendations.
20070109             Commission CO—CHAIR—LEE—HAMILTON said —YESTERDAY, "if this bill is enacted, then almost ALL—OF—THE—RECOMMENDATIONS—OF—THE—COMMISSION will have been put into law" and the "USA—PEOPLE will be safer. "
20070109             $2—TRILLION.
20070109             THE—AMOUNT—THE—USA—SPENT on health care,
20070109             "fueled by THE—COST—OF—HOSPITAL—CARE, doctor fees and prescription drugs".
20070109             "TONY—BLAIR will make clear —THIS—WEEK that BRITAIN is not going to send more troops to IRAQ even if THE—USA—PUSHES ahead with a 'surge.'" THE—PRIME—MINISTER will "insist that THE—UK will stick to its own strategy of
20070109             gradually handing over to THE—IRAQ—ARMY.
20070109             1 in 8. Number of Iraqis who have —NOW left their homes, "with up to - 50,000—PEOPLE leaving EACH—MONTH,
20070109             " according to THE—UNITED—NATIONS—REFUGEE—AGENCY. It noted that the "exodus was the largest LONG—TERM—MOVEMENT—SINCE the displacement of the Palestinians —AFTER the creation of ISRAEL 19480000             ".
20070109             1—FEDERAL—INVESTIGATION—OF—FORMER—CIA—EXECUTIVE—DIRECTOR—KYLE "Dusty" Foggo "has stalled because of
20070109             —CLASSIFIED, CIA reluctance to turn over, documents requested by prosecutors, people close to the investigation say".
20070109             Foggo is under scrutiny for his role in THE—DUKE—CUNNINGHAM scandal.
20070109             —PUSHED, PRESIDENT—BUSH " for RENEWAL—OF—THE—NO—CHILD—LEFT Behind education law —MONDAY in 1—MEETING with congress ional leaders but was noncommittal on their request for more money to help schools meet the law's requirements.
20070109             1—PENTAGON—INSPECTOR—GENERAL—REVIEW—OF—OFFICES under FORMER—UNDERSECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—DOUGLAS—FEITH is "expected to be completed within the next few weeks.
20070109             proposed 1—SYSTEM—OF—UNIVERSAL—HEALTH—INSURANCE for Californians that would make the nation's most populous STATE—THE 3. to guarantee medical coverage for all its residents".
20070109             Some 6.5—MILLION—PEOPLE, 1—5. of the state's population, do not have health insurance.
20070109             20070110             26. %-age of Americans who support the job PRESIDENT—BUSH is doing in IRAQ, 1—RECORD—LOW, according to 1—GALLUP/USA—TODAY—POLL.
20070109             "Bush will outline his 'new way forward' in IRAQ —ON—WEDNESDAY to 1—NATION that overwhelmingly opposes sending more USA—TROOPS and is increasingly skeptical that the war can be won".
20070109             ISRAEL : Ermittlungen gegen Ministerpräsident Olmert
20070109             The lead AUTHOR—OF—THE—NATURE—PAPER, Caltech astronomer RICHARD—MASSEY, said THE—COSMOS study provides the best confirmation that dark matter determines "the underlying STRUCTURE—OF—SPACE".
20070109             Massey said the findings were consistent with the current mainstream view among astronomers — in which ordinary matter accounts for —JUST 4—PERCENT—OF—THE—UNIVERSE, dark matter accounts for another 23 % + 1—MYSTERIOUS repulsive force known as dark energy takes in the other 73 %.
20070109             —TRAPPED, Satanists, between the devil and the Holy See
20070109             Priests are to work alongside ITALY—POLICE—OFFICERS to tackle 1—RISING TIDE—OF—CRIMES linked to devil worship.
20070109             CANADA—VICTIM—OF—CIA brainwashing seeks CLASS—ACTION against government
20070109             MK Ultra and DOCTOR—EWEN—CAMERON torture Canadians.
20070109             USA—ARMS—SALES: Agreements with and Deliveries to Major Clients, 19980000—20050000              20070109             'We are on 1—KNIFE—EDGE — we have to engage Bush ' : Global trade talks that are intended to improve THE—LIVES—OF—BILLIONS—OF—POOR—PEOPLE—STAND on THE—BRINK—OF—FAILURE, PETER—MANDELSON, the European Trade Commissioner, has told THE—TIMES.
20070109             Experts Suggest THE—CIA, Not KIM—JONG—IL, is Counterfeiting Dollars:
20070109             —RELEASED, Bush Senior Early CIA Ties Revealed : -Newly, internal CIA documents assert that FORMER—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—HERBERT—WALKER—BUSH—OIL—COMPANY emerged from a 1950's collaboration with 1—COVERT—CIA—OFFICER.
20070109             War with IRAN is imminent: In addition to moving additional military forces into the region, PRESIDENT—BUSH is putting into place 1—NEW—POLITICAL + military command team,
20070109             Democrats: Nuclear IRAN unacceptable : IRAN with nuclear weapons is unacceptable, new House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer told THE—JERUSALEM—POST—HOURS—AFTER entering the party leadership position.
20070109             Military strike is only way to stop IRAN, says top ISRAEL i strategist : 1—TOP—ISRAEL i strategic analyst says armed force is the only way to stop IRAN acquiring nuclear weapons if THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY does not impose effective sanctions.
20070109             USA puts squeeze on IRAN—OIL—FIELDS : As WASHINGTON wages 1—VERY—PUBLIC—BATTLE—AGAINST—IRAN—QUEST for nuclear power, it is quietly gaining ground on another energy front: the oil fields that are the Islamic REPUBLIC—LIFEBLOOD.
20070109             THE—USA—MILITARY, intelligence agencies + conservative think tanks and news organizations are exaggerating CHINA—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—CAPABILITY to justify developing 1—NEW—GENERATION—OF—NUCLEAR and conventional weapons, according to 1—REPORT issued —TODAY by THE—FEDERATION—OF—AMERICA—SCIENTISTS
20070109             —WONDERED, Where the Bombs Are: Ever, where all those USA nukes are stored?
20070109             1—NEW—REVIEW published in the —NOVEMBER/December issue of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists shows that THE—USA—STORES—ITS nearly 10,000 nuclear warheads at 18—LOCATIONS in 12—STATES and 6—EUROPEAN countries
20070109             Fallout Calculator : This JAVA—BASED interactive calculator shows the distribution of fallout, by wind, from nuclear bomb blasts of various yields.
20070109             In using the calculator, you may select from 1—ASSORTMENT—OF—VIRTUAL—SATELLITE—MAPS—OF—MAJOR—WORLD—CITIES.
20070109             22 to 1—CELL—LIFE in 1—NOTORIOUS—AFGHANISTAN—PRISON : She shares 1—BUNK—LINED room with 11—OTHER—WOMEN and 10—CHILDREN.
20070109             —KILLED, CHINA 'ANTI—TERROR' raid kills 18 : CHINA—POLICE have, 18—PEOPLE in 1—RAID on 1 alleged militant training camp in the western autonomous REGION—OF—XINJIANG, officials say.
20070109             New USA IRAQ COMMANDER says may need —3—YEARS: The new COMMANDER—OF—USA combat forces in IRAQ said —ON—SUNDAY it may take 2 to —3—YEARS to meet USA—GOALS but that 1—INCREASINGLY independent IRAQ—GOVERNMENT may change THE—USA—ROLE there within —1—YEAR.
20070109             IRAQ war could cost USA over $2—TRILLION, says Nobel PRIZE—WINNING economis t: The real cost to THE—USA—OF—THE—IRAQ war is likely to be between $1—TRILLION and $2—TRILLION (£1.1—TRILLION), up to 10—TIMES—MORE than previously thought, according to 1—REPORT WRITTEN—BY—1—NOBEL—PRIZE—WINNING economist and 1—HARVARD budget expert.
20070109             —ABUSED, Saddam lawyers claim his body was, : Lawyers of deposed IRAQ—LEADER say they will sue IRAQ—GOVERNMENT at INTERNATIONAL COURT—OF—JUSTICE over abuses by executioners —DURING and —AFTER execution.
20070109             She claimed that Muqtada AL—SADR was present at the execution.
20070109             Mahathir wants to criminalise war : GEORGE—BUSH and TONY—BLAIR are war criminals worse than SADDAM—HUSSEIN, Mahathir Mohamad, THE—FORMER—MALAYSIA—PRIME—MINISTER has said.
20070109             So you think that USA—TROOPS, fighting in the urban maze of BAGHDAD—HUGE—SHIITE slum, Sadr City, add up to nothing more than 1—HORRIBLE—MISTAKE, 1 unexpected fiasco?
20070109             THE—PENTAGON begs to DIFFER—IS BUSH—WAR—WINDING—DOWN or Heating Up?
20070109             MANY—MORE—SONS will die —WHILE the Democrats do nothing to stop the war
20070109             THE—FED—ROLE in the Housing Crash of '07
20070109             SOUTH—AMERICA: Toward an alternative future
20070109             —OFFERED, CIA kidnap victim, $2—MILLION In hush MONEY—BY JOHN—CREWDSON,
20070109             Kennedy: "IRAQ is GEORGE—BUSH ?s VIETNAM"
20070109             DOCTOR—KEVORKIAN is Alive and Well and Living in THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20070109             ESCALATION—OF—TROOPS in IRAQ is Not 1—POLITICAL—ACT; It is Murder.
20070109             20070109             1—BUZZFLASH—EDITORIAL
20070109             Bush Enters SOMALIA Conflict: A—USA—AERIAL gunship has attacked suspected al Qaeda targets in SOUTH—SOMALIA,
20070109             1—SENIOR—PENTAGON official said —MONDAY.
20070109             —SUSPECTED, Note the word "".
20070109             This is —JUST 1—LITTLE fireworks to scare up the crowd —BEFORE BUSH—WEDNESDAY "speech".
20070109             Heather Wokusch: Making 1—KILLING on Perpetual War: Bush and THE—F—WORD—FOREVER, Part III - 1—BUZZFLASH—GUEST—CONTRIBUTION
20070109             Claiming the Prize: Bush ESCALATION—OF—WAR Aimed at Securing IRAQ—OIL.
20070109             "Put simply, the Bush Family and their allies and cronies represent the confluence of 3—LONG—ESTABLISHED power factions in THE—USA—ELITE: oil, arms and investments".
20070109             IRAQ represents all 3.
20070109             In 1—BLUNT challenge to Bush, THE—LEADER—OF—THE—SENATE—NEW—DEMOCRATIC—MAJORITY said
20070109             —MONDAY he will "look at everything" within his power to wind down the war in IRAQ, short of cutting off funding for troops already deployed.
20070109             TONY—SNOW: Democrats Can Cut Off Funds, But Can't Stop Bush from Sending More GIs off to Die for the Vanity, Profiteering and Psychiatric NEEDS—OF—BUSH and Cheney
20070109             In ihren Befürchtungen sahen sich die Kritiker bestätigt, als die SPOT—EINHEITEN
20070109             —IN—DIESEM—SOMMER ausgerechnet bei dem farbigen Koordinator einer ANTI—RASSENDISKRIMINIERUNGS—KAMPAGNE zuschlugen + ihn wegen angeblich verdächtiger Gesichtszüge in die Mangel nahmen.
20070109             —NUN sind Gerichtsverfahren anhängig, die klären sollen, ob das mit Recht und Gesetz vereinbar war.
20070109             BANKEN—BERECHNUNG: DEUTSCHLAND—VERMÖGEND wie noch nie
20070109             IRAK—STRATEGIE: USA—DEMOKRATEN streiten über ANTI—BUSH - Kurs
20070109             PIPELINE—BLOCKADE: Im Ölstreit wird Putin zum Buhmann
20070109             Kosmetik und Klebstoff: Beiersdorf erzielt Rekordumsatz
20070109             Urteil: —30—JAHRE Haft wegen geplanten Anschlags auf New Yorker U- Bahn
20070109             Klimastudie: EU warnt vor Dürren und Zehntausenden Toten
20070109             Bush s neue IRAK—STRATEGIE: Mehr Sicherheit durch mehr Soldaten und Geld
20070109             Verkaufswelle: Manager stoßen Aktien ab
20070109             —VERLIERT, Schlag gegen Kinderpornografie: Spur zu Hintermännern, sich auf den PHILIPPINEN
20070109             DEUTSCHLAND 2067: Die Zukunft ist SCHWARZ—ROT- greis
20070109             Deutschlands ÖL—ABHÄNGIGKEIT: "Wir brauchen dringend 1—ENERGIEMINISTERIUM"
20070109             PIPELINE—BLOCKADE: Merkel und EU attackieren RUSSLAND—PUTIN stimmt auf längere Krise ein
20070109             GROSSBRITANNIEN—DOKUMENTE: Geheimdienst lehnte Selbstmordanschlag auf Hitler ab
20070109             —GEFALLEN, Trotz "Druschba"- Blockade: Ölpreis deutlich
20070109             220403antiwarblogg If you want to express your support, you 're encouraged to enlist... gives his ultimatum to invade IRAQ.
20070109             Hitler had protectorates, Bush has regime changes.
20070109             SIGNS—OF—THE—TIMES—PRINTER Friendly Edition for Tue,
20070109             THE—AAF—FAILURE to provide OSS with 1—EFFECTIVE—AIR. capability —UNTIL THE—CARPETBAGGER—PROJECT became operational put that objective far behind...
20070109             FACE—OF—DEFENSE—MILITARY—VOCABULARY THE—OSS counterpart was 1—OSSEX—TEAM.
20070109             —REFERRED, Both types, to often as "SUSSEX" teams.
20070109             —ON Carpetbagger missions, the Radio Operator was often under radio...
20070109             THE—WASHINGTON—MONTHLY—BASICALLY, the idea of OSS as 1—BIG, bustling, anarchic community doesn't seem...
20070109             Busy, Busy, Busy, Bull Moose, Carpetbagger Report, CJR Daily, Cliopatria...
20070109             THE—WASHINGTON—MONTHLY (On the other hand, OSS has caught on in certain industries you might not... Busy, Busy, Busy, Bull Moose, Carpetbagger Report, CJR Daily, Cliopatria...
20070109             CARPETBAGGER—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia
20070109             —CALLED, THE—OSS, this effort Operation Carpetbagger + the modified B—24—AIRCRAFT used for THE—NIGHT—TIME—MISSIONS were themselves referred to as...
20070109             Operation CARPETBAGGER—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia - WWII.
20070109             —DURING -, Operation Carpetbagger was 1—GENERAL—TERM used for the aerial... though 1—FEW special OSS missions, such as returning dignitaries to.
20070109             Cannabis Culture Forums: Cannanite death ritual w Bush es, Carter...
20070109             La "classe Skull & Bones" de GEORGE—W—BUSH regroupée autour d'une table SUR laquelle sont exposés un crane et des tibias...
20070109             WWII.19390903—19450000 [Archiv] - SCIFI—FORUM Quelle  +
20070109             noch ein bisschen mehr über Prescott Bush.
20070109             The debate over Prescott BUSH—BEHAVIOUR has been bubbling.
20070109             The origin of Islamic geomancy in GRAECO—ROMAN astrology
20070109             figures embellished at liberty, so as to produce the fantastic glyphs of geomantic...
20070109             For the study of geomancy in AFRICA, the work of RICHARD—BURTON was...
20070109             Listen to BRITAIN Strukturen und Arbeitsweisen der Films Division...
20070109             This is the source from which flow THE—RIGHTS—OF—LIBERTY—OF—CONSCIENCE...
20070109             Democrats SPLIT over IRAQ strategy </A>BUSH—SPEECH—PRESIDENT—BUSH will announce his revamped strategy for IRAQ —DURING 1—SPEECH to the nation at 8—P.m. CST —WEDNESDAY.
20070109             —DIVIDED, WASHINGTON — The new Democratic majority in Congress is, over how to assert its power in opposing PRESIDENT—BUSH 's... —5—HOURS—AGO from HOUSTON Chronicle Blogs
20070109             Say GOOD—BYE to 1—FUTURE—REPUBLICAN—PRESIDENCY, There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people.
20070109             PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH, contrary to the will of the American + IRAQ—PEOPLES + his own military commanders, seems ready to embark on 1—POTENTIALLY disastrous...
20070109             The longer this conflict goes on, the more difficult it becomes for THE—HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE displaced + the communities that are trying to help THEM—BOTH inside + outside IRAQ.
20070109             ANTONIO—GUTERRES said this in: UN seeks USD 60—MILLION to aid IRAQ—REFUGEES from ddi News
20070109             —UNTERDESSEN, Experten befürchten, dass SOMALIA zum Schauplatz eines regionalen Kriegs am Horn von AFRIKA werden könnte.
20070109             Einem UNO—BERICHT zufolge beliefern —SCHON—JETZT 10—STAATEN die Konfliktparteien in SOMALIA mit Waffen und Ausrüstung.
20070109             Die ISLAMISTEN—DER Rat der Islamischen Gerichte ist eine islamistische Bewegung mit teils gemäßigten, teils radikalen Führern.
20070109             Sie haben es in den vergangenen —MONATEN geschafft, große TEILE—DES—UMKÄMPFTEN—SÜDENS—VON—SOMALIA unter ihre Kontrolle zu bekommen.
20070109             Die Sicherheitslage war dort vergleichweise gut, weshalb sich VIELE—SOMALIER von der Machtübernahme der Islamisten —ZUNÄCHST zumindest Ruhe und Stabilität versprachen.
20070109             Die Islamisten bekommen —SEIT—MONATEN Unterstützung durch ausländische Kämpfer, muslimische Milizionäre und Soldaten aus dem mit ÄTHIOPIEN verfeindeten ERITREA.
20070109             Die USA—ANGRIFFE sollen letzten Berichten zufolge um die 30—TOTEN gefordert haben.
20070109             Ihre Identitäten sind noch ungeklärt.
20070109             Sollten einige der gesuchten und nachweislich auf Terror fixierten Personen darunter sein, wäre die Operation ein veritabler Schlag gegen den internationalen Terrorismus.
20070109             Es ist zwar in den meisten Fällen unklar, wie belastbar die Beziehungen von Figuren wie Sudani zu den Resten der Führung der Qaida sind.
20070109             Wenn sie aber nachweislich auf den Kurs und die Ideologie von OSAMA—BIN—LADEN und Zawahiri eingeschworen sind, dann sind sie auch so brandgefährlich.
20070109             Terrorforscher Paz warnt zudem vor der Möglichkeit, AL—QAIDA oder verwandte Organisationen könnten sich mit Piraten zusammentun und maritimen Terrorismus ausüben.
20070109             Um eben dies zu verhindern, ist unter anderem die DEUTSCHLAND—MARINE am Horn von AFRIKA auf Patrouille.
20070109             —BEDEUTET, Doch der aktuelle Luftangriff, wohl nicht, dass die USA erneut an 1—BODENOFFENSIVE in dem Land denken.
20070109             "EINIGE—FIGUREN bewegten sich gerade durch ein ziemlich unbesiedeltes GEBIET—DES—LANDES", zitiert die "WASHINGTON—POST " eine anonyme USA—QUELLE.
20070109             "(Die Operation) basierte auf einem Zusammentreffen von Information und Gelegenheit".
20070109             Mit anderen Worten: Der Luftschlag ist eher 1—PARADEBEISPIEL für die Umsetzung der —NACH—DEM 20010911             beschlossenen USA—DOKTRIN, Terroristen immer dort zu anzugreifen und zu töten, wo es möglich ist.
20070109             Die Operation ist deshalb am besten als 1—SCHLACHT im "Krieg gegen den internationalen Terrorismus" zu verstehen, nicht etwa als Einmischung in SOMALIA—ANGELEGENHEITEN.
20070109             Sie ist in diesem Sinne zum Beispiel vergleichbar mit der Tötung eines QAIDA—KADERS im JEMEN durch 1—DROHNE 20020000             oder
20070109             dem Versuch, Bin Ladens Stellvertreter AIMAN—AL—ZAWAHIRI vor wenigen —MONATEN in PAKISTAN in einem vermuteten Versteck ebenfalls per Drohne auszuschalten.
20070109             Paradebeispiel für den "KRIEG—GEGEN—DEN—TERRORISMUS"
20070109             Der USA—LUFTSCHLAG war die 1. offizielle Aktion der Vereinigten Staaten in SOMALIA
20070109             18—USA—SOLDATEN kamen in einer dramatischen SCHLACHT—UMS—LEBEN.
20070109             DUBAI—DAS U—BOOT rammte den Tanker bei der Einfahrt in den Golf.
20070109             Das Unglück in der Straße von Hormus richtete allerdings nach ANGABEN—DER—USA—MARINE + der JAPAN—REGIERUNG keinen größeren Schaden an.
20070109             Verletzt wurde niemand, auch trat kein Öl aus dem Tanker aus.
20070109             An dem atomgetriebenen U—BOOT "NEWPORT—NEWS" entstand ebenso wie an dem Öltanker "Mogamigawa" nur leichter Schaden, wie beide Seiten mitteilten.
20070109             PIPELINE—BLOCKADE: Immer noch kein Tropfen Öl aus RUSSLAND—MERKEL denkt an Atomstrom
20070109             SPITZEL—SKANDAL: Wie Polens Scheinheilige sich vor dem PAPA wegducken
20070109             TERROR—PSYCHOLOGIE: Die Gesichter des Bösen
20070109             Ethnische Unterschiede: GEN—SCHALTER steuern das Aussehen
20070109             Botanicalls: Telefonieren mit Topfpflanzen
20070109             BEINAHE—KATASTROPHE: Frachtluke öffnet sich im FLUG—GEPÄCK fällt ins Meer
20070109             USA—ANGRIFF in SOMALIA: Überraschungsschlag gegen AL—QAIDA—VERSTECKE
20070109             —BEFÜRWORTET, Blairs Amtsverzicht: MEHRHEIT—DER—BRITEN, Neuwahlen
20070109             Durst: Auch Seeschlangen brauchen Süßwasser
20070109             Gutes Image: USA—AMERIKANER vertrauen eher ausländischen Marken
20070109             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Abgesang der Alten"
20070109             USA—AUTOHERSTELLER: Die wankenden Riesen
20070109             Lieferunterbrechung: DEUTSCHLAND—RAFFINERIE weiterhin ohne RUSSLAND—ÖL
20070109             Grüner Punkt: Umweltminister will gegen Betrug vorgehen - Malibu: Prominentenvillen in Flammen
20070109             IRAK: Bush will weitere 20.000—SOLDATEN schicken
20070109             Persischer Golf: Atom- U—BOOT rammt JAPAN—TANKER
20070109             ÖL—LIEFERSTOPP: Merkel stellt Atomausstieg in Frage
20070109             VENEZUELA: Chávez will Staatskontrolle über Energiesektor, Telefonmarkt und Währung
20070109             Ölstreit: Merkel erwartet vorerst keine Versorgungsengpässe
20070109             7 or 8—DWARF—GALAXIES Discovered Orbiting the Milky Way
20070109             New Oil Law Means Victory in IRAQ for Bush
20070109             In recent memory, —DURING the Reagan + Clinton Administrations, Presidents Reagan + Clinton did not seek to remove + replace USA—ATTORNEY s to serve indefinitely under the holdover provision.
20070109             ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES—CHIEF—OF—STAFF—KYLE—SAMPSON (who resigned —YESTERDAY) admitted that the Clinton administration never purged its USA—ATTORNEY s in the middle of their terms,
20070109             FORMER—CLINTON CHIEF—OF—STAFF—JOHN—PODESTA previously told ThinkProgress that ROVE—CLAIMS that the Clinton administration also purged attorney s is "
20070109             pure fiction.
20070109             He added, "Replacing most USA—ATTORNEY s —WHEN 1—NEW—ADMINISTRATION comes in — as we did 19930000             + THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION did 20010000             — is not unusual.
20070109             THE—GAVEL - TPMmuckraker Cunningham + Wilkes link to giant war contractor Titan.
20070109             Titan for 1—WHILE was (for as yet unexplained reasons) pumping up the prospects of SkyWay.
20070109             —RENOMINATED, Bush, Dudley but with Democrats in control in the 110. Congress, the nomination was virtually certain to fail in the Senate.
20070109             (THE—GAVEL—WWII.19390903—19450000     [Archiv] - SCIFI—FORUM—QUELLE  +
20070109             STEVE—JOBS stellt das iPhone auf der Macworld – iWorld in S—FRANCISCO vor.
20070109             Das Smartphone mit seinem kapazitiven Bildschirm (Touchscreen) verändert in der Folge weltweit den Mobiltelefonmarkt.
20070109163114       BANKEN—BERECHNUNG DEUTSCHLAND—SO vermögend wie nie.htm
20070109—19570000    oo Ponti 1., SOPHIA—LOREN using lawyers in 1—PROXY marriage in MEXICO.
20070109—19650000    —IN, he joined with DAVID—LEAN to produce "Doctor Zhivago".
20070109—19660000    —REMARRIED, They, —AGAIN—IN FRANCE.
20070109—19930000    —SEIT, - —JENEM—JAHR, in dem 1—USA—INVASION in Mogadischu am heftigen Widerstand lokaler Kämpfer scheiterte.
20070109—20030000    —FROM, New research, estimates that companies in the FTSE100 generated profits —AFTER tax of £73.2bn —LAST—YEAR, 1—INCREASE—OF—MORE than 100—PER cent levels
20070109—20040000    —IN, "HEALTH—CARE spending grew 6.9 % to about $1.99—TRILLION from about $1.86—TRILLION ".
20070109—20070000    —IN—LATE, THE—USA—PEOPLE appear to be oblivious to the economic hurricane which is expected to touchdown.
20070109—20070131    —BY, GERMANY—COMMERZBANK—AG said it will stop handling dollar transactions for IRAN at its NEW—YORK branch.
20070109—20090000    —IN, Hudson was CONVICTED—OF—MURDER, robbery and assault.
20070109—20091009    —CONVICTED, In 1—RETRIAL—HALL was, of murder, assault, robbery and burglary.
20070124             [AP, 20070109             20070315             GONZALES CHIEF—OF—STAFF—KYLE—SAMPSON (resigned —2—DAYS—AGO), 20070109             :
20070315             GONZALES CHIEF—OF—STAFF—KYLE—SAMPSON (resigned —2—DAYS—AGO), 20070109             :
2007040120010911     THE—BRITISH, Muslim Terrorism + MI6 - Inside the Covert World of Her MAJESTY—SECRET—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICE...
20070407             13—USA—DOD, News Transcript, "SECRETARY—RUMSFELD—INTERVIEW—WITH—THE—WASHINGTON—POST," 20020109             , —POSTED at
20070415—20060109    —RELEASED, But 1—NEW E—MAIL, to the House Judiciary Committee shows that — —1—YEAR—BEFORE the prosecutors were fired — Sampson recommended replacements for almost EVERY—1—OF—THE—USA—ATTORNEY s on the administration's hit list, suggesting that these prosecutors were fired to make way for partisan loyalists.
2007070820010911     —ATTACKS—GEORGE—BUSH was BEHIND—SAYS politican:
20070808             INTERVIEW—WITH—JOHN—PILGER—BY—GRAEME—GRE20070109             /05/06 "METRO" -- -
2007082120010911     CIA wirft EX—CHEF—TENET—VERSAGEN vor
2007082320010911     AL—QAEDA strongest —SINCE..SignOnSanDiego Forums -
20080109             —IMPOSED, THE—USA, sanctions on Mishan Jaburi, owner of AL—ZAWRA television in Syria, and BRIGADIER—GENERAL—AHMED—FORUZANDEH, LEADER—OF—THE—IRANIAN—QUDS—FORCE, for broadcasting attacks on USA—TROOPS and calls to violence.
20080109             —LISTED, MUIR—WOODS in NORTH—CALIFORNIA was, on the national Registry of Historic Places on its 100. anniversary as 1—NATIONAL—MONUMENT.
20080109             1—SURVEY—OF—TEEN—SEXUAL—BEHAVIOR in EUROPE and NORTH—AMERICA—FOUND that a "substantial minority" of —15—YEAR—OLDS have had intercourse.
20080109             —CRASHED, Some 70—CARS, on 1—HIGHWAY blanketed by fog and smoke from 1—BRUSH fire in CENTRAL—FLORIDA.
20080109             4—PEOPLE were killed.
20080109             WASHINGTON, DC, the bodies of 4—GIRLS, ages 5-17) were found by FEDERAL—MARSHALS delivering eviction papers.
20080109             They had been dead for about —7—MONTHS.
20080109             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN—AUTHORITIES said that at least 34—PEOPLE had been, in DAYS—OF—HEAVY snowfall across the country.
20080109             1—NATO—VEHICLE struck 1—MINE in SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, killing 1—SOLDIER and wounding another, —WHILE 1—MILITANT—ATTACK in the east left 1—POLICEMAN—DEAD.
20080109             —RESCUED, UK—POLICE and animal welfare authorities, 84 neglected horses from 1—FARM where they had found 31—DEAD—HORSES, ponies and donkeys.
20080109             † SIR—JOHN—HARVEY—JONES, UK—CORPORATE—MANAGER and TV star.
20080109             Bivugabagabo was COMMANDER—OF—THE—RUHENGERI sector in WEST—RWANDA from —APRIL to 19940700             .
20080109             20080109             2—POLICEMEN were found dead inside their vehicle in THE—AL—AZIZYAH area, 35—MILES—SOUTH—EAST—OF—BAGHDAD.
20080109             4—BODIES were retrieved from the Tigris River in Suwayrah, 25—MILES—SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20080109             6—USA—SOLDIERS were killed and 4 were wounded in 1—BOOBY—TRAPPED house in Diyala.
20080109             —FIRED, THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY, at PALESTINE—MILITANTS in GAZA, killing 3—PEOPLE, —AFTER 1—ROCKET hit 1—HOUSE in 1—BATTERED—ISRAEL—BORDER—TOWN—JUST as PRESIDENT—BUSH, with 1—ENTOURAGE—OF some 800—PEOPLE, began his Mideast peace mission.
20080109             Bush, seeking to pull ISRAEL and the Palestinians toward serious negotiations, said that despite ongoing land squabbles and FEARS—OF—VIOLENCE he has high hopes that 1—MIDEAST peace pact can be achieved —BEFORE he leaves OFFICE—AT—THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR.
20080109             AFRICA—UNION—CHIEF—JOHN—KUFUOR met KENYA—LEADERS to try to break 1—POLITICAL deadlock —FOLLOWING disputed presidential polls that sparked widespread violence and left at least 600—DEAD.
20080109             —TRIED, HUNDREDS—OF—KENYANS, to flee the country's west amid escalating opposition anger —AFTER THE—PRESIDENT—NAMED—HALF—OF—1—NEW—CABINET, 1—LINE—UP packed with his allies.
20080109             HASHIM—THACI, —39—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—REBEL—LEADER, was elected KOSOVO—PRIME—MINISTER, vowing that the province is only weeks away from INDEPENDENCE and calling on Serbia to give up its claim to the territory.
20080109             The latest ROUND—OF—UN—LED peace talks between MOROCCO and THE—PRO—INDEPENDENCE—POLISARIO Front ended in stalemate, with THE—2—SIDES agreeing to try —AGAIN—IN March to resolve a —32—YEAR—DISPUTE for CONTROL—OF—WEST—SAHARA.
20080109             —DROPPED, NORWAY and SWEDEN, plans to send some 400—TROOPS to THE—UN peacekeeping force in Darfur BECAUSE—OF—OPPOSITION by SUDAN.
20080109             1—NATURAL—GAS—BLAST ripped through 1—APARTMENT building in RUSSIA—TATARSTAN region, killing at least 7—PEOPLE.
20080109             MADCAT to take over translation for troops
20080109             —AUTOMATED, DARPA funds new, translator for troops.
20080109             BUSCH: Weil andere über mich GESCHRIEBEN—VON mir über mich-
20080109             Zum 100. Todestag von WILHELM—BUSCH, dem Zeichner und Dichter, wie er
20080109             Trading with the Enemy - ?NARCO—RENDITIONS?
20080109             in AFGHANISTAN- - Dear David, I badly need your help.
20080109             SOME—TIME 20080801             —RUSSIA—NEWSPAPER ?Vremya Novostei?
20080109             Für die Linksfraktion sind die Rechtsbrüche der nicht mehr zu ertragen.
20080109             Da man sie nicht einfach feuern könnte wie beispielsweise nichtrauchende Mitarbeiter eines Büsumer IT—HÄNDLERS,
20080109             bleibt für sie gegenwärtig nur der ?einstweilige Ruhestand?
20080109             Bundesjustizministerin BRIGITTE—ZYPRIES (SPD) wurde von der Linksfraktion —NUN aufgefordert MONIKA—HARMS sofort nach Hause zu schicken.
20080109             hat riesige Rohstoffreserven von geschätzten 27—BILLIONEN ( USA—DOLLAR,
20080109             insbesondere Diamanten, Kassiterite (Quarzstufe mit Zinn) + Zinn, Kupfer, Kobalt, Coltan, Zink, Niob, Gold, Uran, Eisen und Silber.
20080109             Sie besitzt 10 % des weltweiten hydroelektrischen Potentials, außerdem genügend landwirtschaftliches Potential,
20080109             um das gesamte Westafrika mit Nahrungsmitteln zu versorgen.
20080109             Gleichwohl.
20080109             —GESTORBEN, IRAK: Mehr als 150.000—ZIVILISTEN
20080109             RUDY—MUSSOLINI: "Freedom is about authority. Freedom is about the willingness of EVERY—SINGLE—HUMAN being to cede to lawful authority 1—GREAT—DEAL—OF—DISCRETION about what you do".
20080109             Said by NEW—YORK—CITY—IL—DUCE on ;;01;;
20080109             8. - 1—SPECIAL—REQUEST for You to Visit the BuzzFlash Progressive Store and Purchase 1—PREMIUM or Become 1—MONTHLY—DONOR.
20080109             Remember, For 7 1/—2—YEARS we Have Been Online —24—HOURS —1—DAY—WITHOUT—PAID—CORPORATE—ADVERTISING, Without Subscription Fees + Without Selling Lists.
20080109             We Need Your Financial Support.
20080109             REPRESENTATIVE—MICHAEL—MICHAUD (D—ME) seeks to impeach Cheney 1/10
20080109             It's HILLARY—TURN as She Defies Polls with 1—STUNNING—UPSET by Winning THE—NEW—HAMPSHIRE Primary.
20080109             She Beats Obama by About 3% Points, Edwards by About 22% Points.
20080109             Women and Reg. Dems Broke For Hillary.
20080109             How About That Best Health Care In THE—WORLD?
20080109             Pollsters, Campaign Staffers? -- BE—ELECTED
20080109             Giuliani - AMERICA IS UNITING—AGAINST FOX—NEWS 1/10
20080109             Auch in anderen hiesigen Gewässern verursachen eingeschleppte Tierarten inzwischen große ökologische Schäden.
20080109             Allein im Rhein haben sich —BEREITS 30—FREMDE TIER—UND Pflanzenarten angesiedelt, erklärte 1—BIOLOGE —SCHON vor einem —JAHR.
20080109             Eine besondere Gefahr können auch exotische Spinnen darstellen.
20080109             Eingeschleppte Arten: Neue Fremdlinge im Bodensee
20080109             Festnahmen: Frauen stürmen Mönchsrepublik Athos
20080109             USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH, auf einer einwöchigen NAHOST—REISE,
20080109             sprach von einem "provokativen Akt" und einer "gefährlichen Situation", seine Sprecherin Dana Perino von der "bislang schwerwiegendsten Provokation".
20080109             Das IRAN—AUSSENMINISTERIUM versuchte das BEINAHE—FEUERGEFECHT kleinzureden:
20080109             Im Vereinigten Königreich ist das Volumen der Immobilienkredite auf mehr als 1—BILLION—PFUND gestiegen,
20080109             die Verschuldung der Briten im Schnitt ist etwa doppelt so hoch wie in Resteuropa.
20080109             Nach Berechnungen des Magazins "Fortune" sind
20080109             und rund 6—PROZENT—DER—SCHULDNER haben ihre Hypothekenschuldner zeitweise mit teurem Plastikgeld bedient.
20080109             Wenn sich die gleiche Entwicklung in den USA wiederholt, wird es unangenehm.
20080109             Rutschen die USA in 1—REZESSION und verlieren mehr Bürger ihre Jobs,
20080109             dürften die Zahlungsausfälle bei Kreditkarten deutlich ansteigen, schätzt der Finanzdienstleister THOMSON—FINANCIAL.
20080109             Die Kreditinstitute reagieren.
20080109             Die BANK—OF—AMERICA HAT ihre Rückstellungen zum Ende des 3. Quartals —BEREITS um rund 50 % erhöht.
20080109             Mit 900—MILLIARDEN Dollar Volumen ist das Segment ähnlich schwer ist wie gesamte BEREICH—DER—HYPOTHEKEN—VON—SCHULDNERN schlechter Bonität (subprime ), in dem die aktuelle Krise begann.
20080109             1—EINKAUFSBUMMEL ohne Kreditkarten ist in den USA für VIELE—NICHT—VORSTELLBAR—SIE bilden 1—DER—SÄULEN—DES—USA—KONSUMS.
20080109             Sie finanzierten ihren steigenden Konsum dadurch, dass sie auf ihren — damals steigenden — Häuserwert zusätzliche Kredite aufnahmen.
20080109             DEMOSKOPEN—DEBAKEL: Warum die Meinungsforscher Hillary unterschätzten
20080109             Chaos nach MCCAIN—SIEG: Republikaner VERZWEIFELN—FLÜGELKAMPF um Bush s Erbe
20080109             Reparatur verschoben: "Hubbles" Schicksal steht in den Sternen
20080109             —VERBIETET, Umweltschutz: CHINA, GRATIS—PLASTIKTÜTEN
20080109             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Gefechtsalarm: Pentagon, Video der IRAN—SPEEDBOAT—ATTACKE
20080109             TF1 et M6 profiteraient de l'arrêt de la publicité SUR le service public
20080109             Uno de cada cinco escolares no ha probado nunca un tomate - Tensions high as Bush arrives
20080109             Interview: "Die USA haben ihre besondere Rolle verspielt"
20080109             NPD dankt ROLAND—KOCH - Educating INDIA—UNTOUCHABLES :
20080109             —ON the outskirts of Secunderabad, Pipe Village is home to 1—COMMUNITY—OF—DALITS, INDIA's 'untouchable' caste.
20080109             —FORCED, Here, behind the factory in which MANY—OF—THEM are, to work as bonded labourers,
20080109             concrete drainage pipes and bushes form the structural basis of 1—OF—THE—WORLD—POOREST—VILLAGES.
20080109             Bad news piles up for UK—ECONOMY:
20080109             SPAIN sees credit surge brought to rude halt:
20080109             —ANNOUNCED, JOSÉ—LUIS—RODRÍGUEZ—ZAPATERO, THE—SPAIN—PRIME—MINISTER, that SPAIN had joined the "Champions' League" of world economies.
20080109             EUROPE—5. largest economy was growing so robustly + creating so MANY—JOBS,
20080109             it would soon be richer than GERMANY in per capita terms, MISTER—ZAPATERO predicted.
20080109             That euphoria was SHORT—LIVED.
20080109             Citigroup could axe 32,000 workers to stem losses:
20080109             The world's largest bank could lose 10—PER cent of its workforce —WHEN it unveils FULL—YEAR—RESULTS—NEXT—TUESDAY.
20080109             —BELIEVED, It is also, to be considering THE—SALE—OF—NON—CORE—ASSETS to raise capital
20080109             1—BRITSH newspaper —ON—SUNDAY published allegations by 1—FORMER—FBI translator that ISRAEL has planted "moles" in USA—INSTITUTIONS dealing with nuclear technology.
20080109             —GAGGED, Sibel Edmonds, THE—FBI—WHISTLE—BLOWER who has been, —FOR—YEARS by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION over intercepts she translated —WHILE at the bureau,
20080109             was willing to go to prison to get her story told.
20080109             She spent years trying to get her —DAY in court,
20080109             but THE—STATE—SECRETS gag against her prohibited her from telling her story even to 1—FISA judge.
20080109             ISRAEL: Security arrangements for Bush visit to cost ISRAEL $25,000 an —HOUR:
20080109             ISRAEL—SECURITY—PERSONNEL will include snipers, BOMB—SNIFFING dogs and bodyguards, including reservists called up especially for the visit.
20080109             —DUBBED, The operation, "Clear Skies," will cost ISRAEL $25,000 for EVERY—HOUR—BUSH is in the country.
20080109             Bhutto Attacker Identified, Servant Under Scanner:
20080109             CORRECTION: The alleged ATTACKER—OF—FORMER—PAKISTAN—PRIME—MINISTER—BENAZIR—BHUTTO has been identified,
20080109             a local TV report said in a report —MONDAY night.
20080109             PAKISTAN Nukes Worry UNITED—NATIONS Atomic CHIEF:
20080109             —VOICED, THE—HEAD—OF—THE—UNITED—NATIONS—ATOMIC—WATCHDOG MOHAMED—ELBARADEI has, concern over the possibility that PAKISTAN—NUCLEAR—ARSENAL could fall into extremist hands, in statements published —ON—TUESDAY.
20080109             Democratic candidate Obama, states that as COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF he would do what is necessary to protect THE—USA—PEOPLE.
20080109             —WARNED, IRAN, against threatening USA ships:
20080109             —JUST hours —BEFORE USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH was to embark on his MIDDLE—EAST—TOUR, THE—WHITE—HOUSE and USA—MILITARY in the region said IRAN was engaging in "provocative acts".
20080109             USA—COMMANDER—DISPUTES—IRAN on Persian Gulf Incident:
20080109             THE—COMMANDER—OF—USA and coalition naval forces in the Persian Gulf is rejecting IRAN—CLAIM that 5—OF—ITS—SMALL speed boats approached 3—USA—NAVY ships —SUNDAY—MORNING in 1—CASE—OF—MISTAKEN identity.
20080109             Persian Gulf incident PART—OF—USA psyops: Protest in GAZA against Bush visit:
20080109             —GATHERED, The protesters, in GAZA City —ON—TUESDAY, saying that GEORGE—BUSH is turning 1—BLIND—EYE to their plight.
20080109             Those who KNOWINGLY deny, ignore, excuse, minimize, obfuscate, support,
20080109             advocate or are otherwise complicit in the mass MURDER—OF—CHILDREN have crossed the line separating decent humanity from PROTO—NAZI barbarism,
20080109             —FROM the unthinkable but real, barbaric ACTUALITY—OF—BUSH—AMERICA.
20080109             —ARRIVED, The feared recession in THE—USA—ECONOMY has already, according to 1—REPORT from Merrill Lynch.
20080109             THE—NEW—DEAL—OF—20080000              is in the works.
20080109             THE—USA—TREASURY is about to shower households with rebate cheques to head off 1—FULL—BLOWN slump + save THE—BUSH—PRESIDENCY.
20080109             —ON—FRIDAY, MISTER—BUSH convened THE—SO—CALLED—PLUNGE Protection Team for its 1. known meeting in the Oval Office.
20080109             If ;;12;; is 1—HARBINGER—OF—THE—NEW—YEAR, it is going to be 1—BAD 1.
20080109             —HAILED, The past —YEAR, by Republican propagandists and "free trade" economists as PROOF—OF—GLOBALISM—BENEFIT to Americans, was dismal.
20080109             erfahren hatte. Wer findet da was an Daten? statt.
20080109             20080109             Das Blatt bezieht sich auf Informationen von Geheimdienstmitarbeitern aus den USA und PAKISTAN.
20080109             Sowohl ISLAMABAD als auch WASHINGTON bestätigten die Zusammenkunft, ohne auf weitere Details einzugehen.
20080109             —GELUNGEN, Ganz offensichtlich ist das nicht.
20080109             an dem —DAY verkaufte, und dem
20080109             THE—BBC said the station was last seen 20080727             .
20080109             20080109             MADCAT to take over translation for troops DARPA funds new automated translator for troops.
20080109             —GESCHRIEBEN, BUSCH: Weil andere über mich, - Von mir über mich - in AFGHANISTAN—SFUX DAVID—DASTYCH - ?
20080109             Dear David, I badly need your help.
20080109             published 1—STORY—WRITTEN—BY—ARKADY—DUBNOV, 1—OF—THE—BEST informed RUSSIA—JOURNALISTS on CENTRAL—ASIA, about the alleged.
20080109             Das Maß ist voll!? - Abschiebung für Generalbundesanwältin MONIKA—HARMS?
20080109             Da man sie nicht einfach feuern könnte wie beispielsweise nichtrauchende Mitarbeiter eines Büsumer IT—HÄNDLERS, bleibt für sie gegenwärtig nur der ?einstweilige Ruhestand?
20080109             Wegen ihrer Durchsuchungsaktion bei Gegnern des G8-Gipfels.
20080109             Die KONGO—PLÜNDERER
20080109             - onlineredaktion DOCTOR—ALEXANDER—VON—PALESKE - - Die DEMOKRATISCHE—REPUBLIK—KONGO (DRC)
20080109             Sie besitzt 10 % des weltweiten hydroelektrischen Potentials, außerdem genügend landwirtschaftliches Potential, um das gesamte Westafrika mit Nahrungsmitteln zu versorgen.
20080109             HEILBRONN: Junge Männer prügeln Rentner nieder
20080109             —ATTACKIERT, USA—IRAN: Neue Spannungen wegen BEINAHE—SEEGEFECHT - Bush, Teheran
20080109             1—SPECIAL—REQUEST for You to Visit the BuzzFlash Progressive Store and Purchase 1—PREMIUM or Become 1—MONTHLY—DONOR.
20080109             Marathon Coverage -- Editorial Cartoon by ANDREW—WAHL
20080109             How Did NEW—HAMPSHIRE Voters Confound Pundits, Pollsters, Campaign Staffers? -- BE—ELECTED
20080109             AMERICA IS UNITING—AGAINST FOX—NEWS 1/10
20080109             Allein im Rhein haben sich —BEREITS 30—FREMDE TIER—UND Pflanzenarten angesiedelt,
20080109             erklärte 1—BIOLOGE —SCHON vor einem —JAHR.
20080109             An der Nordseeküste zählte er 46—FREMDE Arten, an der Ostseeküste 27—UND sogar 76 in den Flüssen.
20080109             MANCHE—DER—NEULINGE seien so widerstandsfähig, dass sie sowohl in SÜß—ALS auch in Salzwasser überleben könnten.
20080109             USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH, auf einer einwöchigen NAHOST—REISE, sprach von einem "provokativen Akt" und einer "gefährlichen Situation", seine Sprecherin Dana Perino von der "bislang schwerwiegendsten Provokation".
20080109             Die Schnellboote der Revolutionswächter hätten die USA—SCHIFFE in der Straße von Hormus, die den Persischen Golf mit dem Golf von OMAN verbindet, lediglich nicht erkannt.
20080109             Im Vereinigten Königreich ist das Volumen der Immobilienkredite auf mehr als 1—BILLION—PFUND gestiegen, die Verschuldung der Briten im Schnitt ist etwa doppelt so hoch wie in Resteuropa.
20080109             Rutschen die USA in 1—REZESSION und verlieren mehr Bürger ihre Jobs, dürften die Zahlungsausfälle bei Kreditkarten deutlich ansteigen, schätzt der Finanzdienstleister THOMSON—FINANCIAL.
20080109             Sollte die Kreditkrise auch diesen Bereich erfassen, werde sich "das Blutbad noch verschlimmern", sagt der USA—ÖKONOM Nouriel Roubini.
20080109             Einiges spricht dafür, dass es zu einem solchen DOMINO—EFFEKT kommt und die aktuelle Krise auf den Kreditkartensektor übergreift.
20080109             In der Vergangenheit verfuhren VIELE—USA—BÜRGER —NACH—DEM Motto "mein Haus ist mein Geldautomat".
20080109             USA—WIRTSCHAFT: Amerikas Konsumenten droht der PLASTIKGELD—GAU
20080109             ROLAND—KOCH kürzte bei Gewaltprävention: Tatort HESSEN
20080109             Kampagne gegen kriminelle Ausländer: "Bild"-CHEF rechtfertigt sich
20080109             Educating INDIA—UNTOUCHABLES : On the outskirts of Secunderabad, Pipe Village is home to 1—COMMUNITY—OF—DALITS, INDIA's 'untouchable' caste.
20080109             —FORCED, Here, behind the factory in which MANY—OF—THEM are, to work as bonded labourers, concrete drainage pipes and bushes form the structural basis of 1—OF—THE—WORLD—POOREST—VILLAGES.
20080109             Bad news piles up for UK—ECONOMY : The bad news on THE—UK—ECONOMY piled up further —MONDAY as 1—REPORT found that activity in the services industry fell —AT—THE—END—OF—20070000              and another survey revealed that companies are at their most pessimistic in —5—YEARS.
20080109             SPAIN sees credit surge brought to rude halt: JOSÉ—LUIS—RODRÍGUEZ—ZAPATERO, THE—SPAIN—PRIME—MINISTER, announced that SPAIN had joined the "Champions' League" of world economies.
20080109             EUROPE—5. largest economy was growing so robustly + creating so MANY—JOBS, it would soon be richer than GERMANY in per capita terms, MISTER—ZAPATERO predicted.
20080109             —PLANTED, Report: FBI translator says ISRAEL, nuclear 'moles' in USA.
20080109             Sibel Edmonds Speaks.
20080109             —GAGGED, Sibel Edmonds, THE—FBI—WHISTLE—BLOWER who has been, —FOR—YEARS by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION over intercepts she translated —WHILE at the bureau, was willing to go to prison to get her story told.
20080109             She spent years trying to get her —DAY in court, but THE—STATE—SECRETS gag against her prohibited her from telling her story even to 1—FISA judge.
20080109             Who Are THE—10—SAUDIS —JUST Released From Guantánamo?
20080109             —RELEASED, With 492—DETAINEES—NOW, — and 281—REMAINING — the administration's initial claim that the prison housed the "worst of the worst" grows ever more hollow.
20080109             ISRAEL: Security arrangements for Bush visit to cost ISRAEL $25,000 an —HOUR : ISRAEL—SECURITY—PERSONNEL will include snipers, BOMB—SNIFFING dogs and bodyguards, including reservists called up especially for the visit.
20080109             Bhutto Attacker Identified, Servant Under Scanner : CORRECTION: The alleged ATTACKER—OF—FORMER—PAKISTAN—PRIME—MINISTER—BENAZIR—BHUTTO has been identified, 1—LOCAL—TV—REPORT said in 1—REPORT—MONDAY night.
20080109             PAKISTAN Nukes Worry UNITED—NATIONS Atomic CHIEF : THE—HEAD—OF—THE—UNITED—NATIONS—ATOMIC—WATCHDOG MOHAMED—ELBARADEI has voiced concern over the possibility that PAKISTAN—NUCLEAR—ARSENAL could fall into extremist hands, in statements published —ON—TUESDAY.
20080109             BARACK—OBAMA—WOULD—ATTACK—PAKISTAN: Democratic candidate Obama, states that as COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF he would do what is necessary to protect THE—USA—PEOPLE.
20080109             He stated as well that if this means war with PAKISTAN than he would proceed in that direction.
20080109             Manufacturing Consent For War With IRAN::
20080109             —WARNED, IRAN, against threatening USA ships : —JUST hours —BEFORE USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH was to embark on his MIDDLE—EAST—TOUR, THE—WHITE—HOUSE and USA—MILITARY in the region said IRAN was engaging in "provocative acts".
20080109             IRAN Denies Threats Against USA—NAVY:
20080109             Revolutionary Guards Dismiss USA—CLAIMS That IRAN—BOATS Threatened To Explode War Ships
20080109             USA—COMMANDER—DISPUTES—IRAN on Persian Gulf Incident : THE—COMMANDER—OF—USA and coalition naval forces in the Persian Gulf is rejecting IRAN—CLAIM that 5—OF—ITS—SMALL speed boats approached 3—USA—NAVY ships —SUNDAY—MORNING in 1—CASE—OF—MISTAKEN identity.
20080109             IRAN—MAJLIS speaker : Majlis Speaker GHOLAM—ALI—HADDAD—ADEL has described USA—REPORTS about 1—CONFRONTATION between IRAN—SPEEDBOATS and USA—WARSHIPS in the Persian Gulf as "PART—OF—1—PSYCHOLOGICAL and propaganda campaign against the Islamic Republic".
20080109             —GATHERED, Protest in GAZA against Bush visit : The protesters, in GAZA City —ON—TUESDAY, saying that GEORGE—BUSH is turning 1—BLIND—EYE to their plight.
20080109             Those who KNOWINGLY deny, ignore, excuse, minimize, obfuscate, support, advocate or are otherwise complicit in the mass MURDER—OF—CHILDREN have crossed the line separating decent humanity from PROTO—NAZI barbarism, from the unthinkable but real, barbaric ACTUALITY—OF—BUSH—AMERICA.
20080109             Recession In THE—USA 'Has Arrived' - Bush Convenes Plunge Protection Team
20080109             —CONVENED, —ON—FRIDAY, MISTER—BUSH, THE—SO—CALLED—PLUNGE Protection Team for its 1. known meeting in the Oval Office.
20080109             No Jobs for the New Economy or the Old
20080109             Interview with financial economist and historian, DOCTOR—MICHAEL—HUDSON.
20080109             Pakistanis See USA As Greatest Threat
20080109             Amid reports that THE—ADMINISTRATION—OF—USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH is considering aggressive covert actions against armed Islamist forces in WEST—PAKISTAN, 1—NEW—SURVEY released here —MONDAY suggested that such 1—EFFORT would be opposed by 1—OVERWHELMING MAJORITY—OF—PAKISTANIS themselves.
20080109             This SYSTEM—ACHILLES' Heel
20080109             The fact is that the story of THE—USA is bound up in the birth and RISE—OF—CAPITALISM + the nation's present descent into dictatorship is part of the same economic system's decline and inevitable death.
20080109             McCain Bests Romney, 1—BIG—BLOW for the Mittster Who Was GOVERNOR—OF—MASSACHUSETTS in THE—SOUTH—NH Media Market 1/9
20080109             Kristina Borjesson: Are the Osama Tapes Fakes? -- 1—BUZZFLASH—GUEST—CONTRIBUTION 'One, all the unauthenticated audiotapes and fuzzy videos look and sound suspicious.
20080109             2, there hasn't been ANY—CLEAR, UP—CLOSE, "look at me, I'm alive" videos of OSAMA—BIN—LADEN —FOR—YEARS.
20080109             The journalism community would do well to wonder why -- and then move forward aggressively from there.
20080109             THE—USA—PUBLIC—NEEDS to know what's going on here.'
20080109             NEW—HAMPSHIRE: 1—MAJORITY—OF—DEMOCRATS said the issues were the most important factor in how they voted, —WHILE most Republicans said the candidates' personal qualities were most important to their decision.
20080109             THE—BUZZFLASH—MAILBAG -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
20080109             TAEGAN—GODDARD?s political wire has 1—NEW—POLL out of FLORIDA —TODAY showing RUDY—GIULIANI dropping down to 4. place.
20080109             The other shoe drops: Christ -- oh, we mean Huckabee -- is in 1. - 1/10
20080109             THE—RAW—NEW—HAMPSHIRE Primary Results 1/9
20080109             JUDGE—SEEKS—WHITE—HOUSE—ACCOUNTABILITY, Inquires About BACK—UPS of 'Missing' Emails
20080109             Nicht nur die in den Unterschichten tendenziell weiter verbreitete Ernährung mit Fast Food macht die Bäuche dick, sondern auch Begleitumstände wie etwa Depressionen und ein geringes Selbstwertgefühl.
20080109             —JETZT haben USA—FORSCHER nach eigenen Angaben erstmals gezeigt, dass mitunter gar keine realen Faktoren wie etwa geringes Einkommen oder dicke Eltern für Übergewicht unter Jugendlichen verantwortlich sein müssen: —SCHON die subjektive Wahrnehmung des eigenen sozialen Status könne eine wichtige Rolle spielen.
20080109             Rezessionsangst: Bush will sich mit Steuergeschenken retten
20080109             —GEBIERT, Gentechnik: Leuchtende Sau, fluoreszierende Ferkel
20080109             AFGHANISTAN: Bundeswehr soll Mandat des Bundestags verletzt haben
20080109             Ägäis: GRIECHENLAND soll Flüchtlinge vor TÜRKEI—KÜSTE aussetzen
20080109             Konsumstreik: Einzelhändler verbuchen 20070000             Umsatzminus
20080109             Angst vor Beitragsexplosion: Wirtschaft will Gesundheitsfonds stoppen
20080109             SCHULMÄDCHEN—STUDIE: Geringes Selbstwertgefühl macht dick
20080109             UK—AIRWAYS: Gericht erklärt KRUZIFIX—VERBOT für rechtens
20080109             Showdown in NEW—HAMPSHIRE: Clinton schafft COMEBACK—SIEG über Obama
20080109             ROMNEY—NIEDERLAGE: Triumph für REPUBLIKANER—ALTSTAR McCain
20080109             —GESPROCHEN, Das Außenministerium in Teheran hatte dagegen von 1—ROUTINEZWISCHENFALL.
20080109             Die IRAN—SOLDATEN hätten sich den USA—SCHIFFEN in der Straße von Hormus so stark genähert, weil sie sie nicht erkannt hätten.
20080109             Dies komme in der Meeresenge jeden —TAG vor, hieß es.
20080109             Das Weiße Haus wies diese Darstellung —HEUTE klar zurück.
20080109             Es habe sich keinesfalls um einen Routinezwischenfall gehandelt.
20080109             "Das war kein normales Verhalten. Das war waghalsig", sagte Bush s Sprecherin Dana Perino.
20080109             "Das Ziel der Mission war es, Musharraf davon zu überzeugen, dass die Zeit davonrennt", sagte ein hoher USA—GEHEIMDIENSTLER der NYT.
20080109             Un " MINI—TRAITÉ " de... 1300—PAGES.
20080109             Étienne Chouard : " Les traités européens servent les intérêts de ceux qui les écrivent "
20080109             Un "minitratado" de... 1.300—PAGINAS.
20080109             ETIENNE—CHOUARD: "los tratados europeos sirven los intereses de quienes los escriben"
20080109             CIA REPORTS... - NEW—YORK—CITY Summit Targets Issue Of Homegrown Extremists - TOR—GIDEON—POLYA
20080109             MADCAT to take over translation for troops DARPA funds new automated translator for troops.
20080109—19890000    —FROM, to 19940000             he served as CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—ECONOMIST.
20080109—19900000    —IN, he became the presenter of the pioneering BBC TV show "Troubleshooter" (19900000—19920000    ) which "aimed to interest the general public in THE—NITTY—GRITTY of running 1—BUSINESS".
20080109—19940000    —IN—THE, FRANCE—LEGAL plaintiffs said police have arrested MARCEL—BIVUGABAGABO, —53—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—OFFICER in THE—RWANDA—ARMY accused of taking part genocide.
20080109—19940000    —IN, Giuliani : "Freedom is about the willingness of EVERY—SINGLE—HUMAN being to cede to lawful authority".
20080109—20030300    —BASED, THE—WHO, on DOOR—TO—DOOR—SURVEYS—OF nearly 10,000 households, estimated that 151,000 Iraqis had † from THE—START—OF—WAR, to 20060600             .
20080109—20050000    —SEIT ENDE—DIE Kreditkartenausfälle um rund 50 % gestiegen, und rund 6—PROZENT—DER—SCHULDNER haben ihre Hypothekenschuldner zeitweise mit teurem Plastikgeld bedient.
20080109—20060000    —IN, Jaburi, 1—FORMER parliamentarian in IRAQ, had fled to Syria amid charges that he had embezzled millions from IRAQ—TREASURY.
20080109—20070000    —INCREASED, MEMBERS—OF—USA—CONGRESS, their salaries to $169,300 —THIS—YEAR, up $4,100, or 2.5%, —AFTER forgoing 1—RAISE.
20080109—20080000    —IN, How MANY—KIDS—WILL—THE—USA—KILL ?
20080109—20080108    —ON, Said by NEW—YORK—CITY—IL—DUCE.
20080109—20080109—20050000    —SEIT—ENDE, die Kreditkartenausfälle um rund 50 % gestiegen,
20080109—20080110    How Did NEW—HAMPSHIRE Voters Confound Pundits,
20080109—20091200    —CONVICTED—OF, Banita Jacks (34) was —LATER, killing her 4—DAUGHTERS and was sentenced to —120—YEARS in prison.
2008021020010911     —ANSCHLÄGE VOM—GUANTANAMO—HÄFTLINGE sollen vor Gericht
20080401094424       FINANZMARKT—KRISE DEUTSCHE—BANK—ENTDECKT—MILLIARDENLÖCHER—UBS—PRÄSIDENT tritt wegen neuer Verluste zurück.htm
20081115—20090109    —RELEASED, The ship was.
20081118—20090109    —RELEASED, THE—IRAN—VESSEL was.
20090109             —VOTED, THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES, 390-5 for 1—BILL declaring "unwavering commitment" to ISRAEL".
20090109             —REPORTED, THE—USA—LABOR—DEPARTMENT, that unemployment rate rose to 7.2—PERCENT in December, the highest level in —16—YEARS, as nervous employers slashed 524,000 jobs.
20090109             —EXPECTED, The labor market is, to remain weak as mass layoffs continue.
20090109             —ARRESTED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT began collecting DNA samples from all immigrants, and detained, despite concerns that the move violates their privacy rights.
20090109             CALIFORNIA officials said they will close state offices 2—FRIDAYS —1—MONTH as the state faced a $42—BILLION budget gap.
20090109             —VOTED, THE—ILLINOIS—HOUSE, to impeach GOVERNOR—ROD—BLAGOJEVICH, an unprecedented step in state history.
20090109             —INDICTED, BALTIMORE Mayor Sheila Dixon (55) was, on charges that she accepted illegal gifts, including travel, fur coats and gift cards intended for the poor that she allegedly used instead for 1—HOLIDAY shopping spree.
20090109             MIAMI, CHARLES—TAYLOR—JUNIOR, —31—JAHRE—ALT, THE—SON—OF—FORMER—LIBERIAN—PRESIDENT—CHARLES—TAYLOR, was sentenced to —97—YEARS in prison for mutilations and executions carried out in LIBERIA, in the 1. USA—PROSECUTION for torture committed abroad.
20090109             † JON—HAGER, —67—JAHRE—ALT, who performed in the musical comedy duo THE—HAGER—TWINS on "HEE—HAW," in NASHVILLE.
20090109             —DETONATED, SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, explosives strapped to his body inside 1—PRODUCE shop, killing 10—CIVILIANS and 2—POLICEMEN.
20090109             3—USA—SOLDIERS were killed in SOUTH—ZABUL province.
20090109             —AGREED, Lloyds TSB Bank said it has, to pay a 350-million dollar penalty to settle 1—PROBE that it illegally handled financial transfers 19950000—20070000    —FROM—TO for IRAN and SUDAN in VIOLATION—OF—USA—SANCTIONS.
20090109             —ARMED, WORCESTERSHIRE—ENGLAND, 4, robbers shot and killed CRAIG—HODSON—WALKER, —29—JAHRE—ALT, 1—POSTMASTER—SON, —DURING 1—ROBBERY in Fairfield near Bromsgrove.
20090109             —WOUNDED, His father was, in the leg.
20090109             —DENIED, CAMBODIA—JUDGES, that they paid kickbacks to government officials to secure jobs on 1—GENOCIDE tribunal to try FORMER—KHMER Rouge leaders.
20090109             —ISSUED, GERMANY, Commerzbank AG, 1—EURO5 billion ($6.8—BILLION) bond, the 1. to be backed by the government's massive stabilization package.
20090109             INDIA, some 55,000 white collar workers at STATE—RUN—OIL—COMPANIES called off a —3—DAY—STRIKE, —AFTER causing 1—SEVERE—FUEL—SHORTAGE in INDIA.
20090109             IRAQ, 1—ROADSIDE bomb targeting worshippers on their way to pray at 1—SHIITE mosque in BAGHDAD killed 3—PEOPLE.
20090109             —BOMBARDED, ISRAEL—JETS and helicopters, GAZA and Hamas responded with 1—BARRAGE—OF—ROCKETS on at least 2—CITIES as both sides defied 1—UN—CALL for 1—IMMEDIATE—CEASE—FIRE.
20090109             —KILLED, By the afternoon 22—PALESTINIANS had been, pushing the death toll to 776 and in THE—2—WEEK—OLD—CONFLICT.
20090109             —RISKED, KENYA—GOVERNMENT said 10—MILLION—PEOPLE, going hungry —AFTER harvests failed —FOLLOWING 1—DROUGHT.
20090109             PAKISTAN—PRIME—MINISTER—GILANI said his intelligence agency has given INDIA information about the Mumbai attacks, as USA—VICE—PRESIDENT—ELECT JOE—BIDEN arrived in PAKISTAN for talks with the country's top leaders.
20090109             1—SERIES—OF—BLASTS have gone off near 1—THEATER in THE—EAST—CITY—OF—LAHORE, but there has been no immediate word on casualties.
20090109             1—RUSSIA—HELICOPTER owned by the state gas giant Gazprom crashed —WHILE on 1—HUNTING trip in THE—MOUNTAINS—OF—WEST—SIBERIA, killing 8—ABOARD.
20090109             3—PEOPLE survived.
20090109             —INVOLVED, The crash, government officials on 1—ILLEGAL hunt.
20090109             5—OF—THE—SOMALIA—PIRATES drowned with their share of the $3—MILLION ransom —AFTER their small boat capsized.
20090109             —SAILED, All 25—CREW were in good health and the vessel, toward IRAN.
20090109             —CAPTURED, SRI—LANKA—TROOPS, Elephant Pass, the Tamil Tigers' last stronghold on THE—JAFFNA peninsula, seizing CONTROL—OF—1—SYMBOLIC—HIGHWAY and isolating the retreating rebels in 1—SHRINKING slice of northeastern jungle.
20090109             —SEIZED, Government soldiers, 1—REBEL training camp near the village of Mulliyaweli, in Mullaitivu.
20090109             Die Schlafspanne bewegte sich von —4—STUNDEN beim Rind —BIS zu —17—STUNDEN beim Igel.
20090109             Die Datenanalyse ergab einen eindeutigen Trend:
20090109             Je länger Säugetiere schlafen, desto höher ist die Konzentration an weißen Blutkörperchen im Blut.
20090109             Schlaf erhöhe somit tatsächlich die Abwehrkraft, schreiben die Forscher im Fachmagazin "BMC Evolutionary Biology" (ONLINE—VORABVERÖFFENTLICHUNG).
20090109             Für den Krieg in GAZA sind über zehntausend Reservisten mobilisiert worden.
20090109             —VERWEIGERT, Nur 1—HANDVOLL hat.
20090109             "Das liegt vor allem daran, dass die Armee sogenannte Querulanten gar nicht mehr einzieht", sagt Roi Yellin, Pressesprecher der Refusniks.
20090109             DAS—MILITÄR wolle vermeiden, dass eine größere GRUPPE—VON—NEINSAGERN—MEDIENÖFFENTLICHKEIT bekomme.
20090109             DIE—POLIZEI greift hart gegen Demonstranten durch
20090109             DIE—POLIZEI greift hart durch: Etwa 600—DEMONSTRANTEN wurden bislang festgenommen,
20090109             225—SITZEN immer noch in Haft, 176—SIND angeklagt, meist wegen Ruhestörung und Behinderung des Straßenverkehrs.
20090109             Das schreiben Israels Medien in den wenigen Artikeln, die sich den Abweichlern widmen.
20090109             Die ISRAEL—POLIZEI nannte auf Nachfrage von SPIEGEL—ONLINE keine genauen Zahlen.
20090109             "Es gibt mehr als 300—VERHAFTETE", sagte 1—POLIZEISPRECHER.
20090109             "Unter meiner Regierung werden die USA nicht foltern, wir werden uns an die Genfer Konventionen halten",
20090109             sagte Obama bei der Vorstellung seiner Kandidaten.
20090109             "Wir werden unsere höchsten Werte und Ideale hochhalten", was die Vereinigten Staaten "letztendlich sicherer machen" werde, sagte Obama.
20090109             In diesem Punkt habe er "klare Anweisungen" an die designierten Geheimdienstchefs erteilt.
20090109             zusammen mit seiner GROSSBRITANNIEN—MUTTERFIRMA [x?Y ?z?]
20090109             KATASTROPHEN—LUST: Warum wir die Apokalypse lieben
20090109             Korruptionsverdacht: Parlament in ILLINOIS will SKANDAL—GOUVERNEUR—AUS—DEM—AMT drängen
20090109             Terrorabwehr: Obama macht umstrittenen CIA—VETERANEN zum TOP—BERATER
20090109             —KORRIGIERT, Düstere Konjunkturwartungen: Regierung, Wirtschaftsprognose deutlich
20090109             —SABOTIERT, Unterdrückung der Medien: ALBANIEN—REGIERUNG, kritische Zeitung
20090109             —GEBOREN, EMBRYONEN—SELEKTION: Baby ohne Brustkrebsgen
20090109             Staatshilfe: COMMERZBANK—RETTUNG gerät zum Vabanquespiel
20090109             Porzellanhersteller: Rosenthal meldet Insolvenz an
20090109             NAHOST—KRISE: Uno legt schockierenden GAZA—BERICHT vor
20090109             Satellitenbild —DER—WOCHE: Schnee in der Wüste
20090109             "Der Baader Meinhof Komplex": PONTO—WITWE scheitert mit Klage gegen RAF—FILM
20090109             Teilverstaatlichung: Anleger strafen Commerzbank ab
20090109             —GESPERRT, Schneechaos: Flughafen MADRID muss, werden
20090109             Letzter SHUTTLE—FLUG 20100000             :
20090109             Verlängerung der 1ätze würde Milliarden kosten
20090109             Autokrise: Daimler schickt Zehntausende in Kurzarbeit
20090109             —REAGIERT, Rettungspläne: Der STAAT, zu langsam auf die Krise
20090109             UK Intercepts Commissioner Wants STATE—TO—HAVE—POWER—TO—PHONE—TAP—MPS
20090109             As for OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, OFAC wrote that its dealings with SAUDI—ARABIA—OFFICIALS and OSAMA—BIN—LADEN
20090109             —LOCKED, Qinetiq executives have been, into a —3—YEAR—DEAL which has...
20090109             "This has 1—REAL—IMPACT on how we view the economy in classical GREECE,
20090109             " Clare Kelly Blazeby at LEEDS UNIVERSITY—TOLD—NEW—SCIENTIST magazine.
20090109             "1—LOT—OF—TRADE and industry was based within the home".
20090109             verhaften - Verhaftet wurde er offenbar aufgrund eines Berichtes,
20090109             der die Mächtigen des Landes in Rage versetzte:
20090109             KOREA, gibt es dem Bericht zufolge 1—KOMMUNIKATIONSGESETZ, das auch die Verbreitung fehlerhafter Informationen im Netz untersagt.
20090109             Laut FT könnten dem Blogger —BIS zu —7—JAHRE Haft drohen.
20090109             Zeitungsbericht: SÜDKOREA lässt Blogger verhaften
20090109             NAHOST—KRISE: ISRAEL trotzt der UNO—GAZA—KRIEG geht weiter
20090109             Americans must prepare themselves for 1—MASSIVE—COLLAPSE in the dollar as investors —AROUND the world dump their USA—ASSETS,
20090109             1—FORMER—BANK—OF—ENGLAND policymaker has warned.
20090109             Judge: Government hiding evidence in Gitmo case:
20090109             FEDERAL—JUDGE—BLASTS—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION as hiding evidence in CASE—OF—GITMO detainee
20090109             New Trouble for 1—OBAMA—NOMINEE:
20090109             Admiral DENNIS—BLAIR—AIDED—PERPETRATORS—OF—19990000              Church Killings in EAST—TIMOR
20090109             The $8—TRILLION bailout:
20090109             Total price —TAG so far: $7.2—TRILLION in investment and loans.
20090109             That puts 1—LOT—OF—TAXPAYER money at risk.
20090109             The tally is getting awfully close to $8—TRILLION.
20090109             Obama Warns Trillion Dollar Deficit Could Lead to Extensive Government Budget Cut
20090109             PRESIDENT—ELECT BARACK—OBAMA is warning THE—USA—DEFICIT will top 1—TRILLION dollars —THIS—YEAR,
20090109             leading to what he says could be extensive cuts to government budgets.
20090109             Obama made the warning —TUESDAY as he —MEANWHILE prepares 1—ECONOMIC—STIMULUS—PACKAGE that will cost almost the same amount.
20090109             —OVERWHELMED, State unemployment claim systems :
20090109             —CRASHED, Electronic unemployment filing systems have, in at least 3—STATES in recent days amid 1 unprecedented crush of THOUSANDS—OF—NEWLY jobless Americans seeking benefits,
20090109             and other states were adjusting their systems to avoid being next.
20090109             CALIFORNIA may delay tax refunds amid budget impasse:
20090109             —BRACED, State officials —ON—TUESDAY, for the possibility of delaying tax refunds to MILLIONS—OF—CALIFORNIANS,
20090109             along with student grants and payments to vendors, as the latest ROUND—OF—BUDGET—NEGOTIATIONS between Gov.
20090109             —COLLAPSED, ARNOLD—SCHWARZENEGGER and Democratic legislators.
20090109             Economy in GRIP—OF—RECESSION, reports show:
20090109             Anyone looking for 1—BRIGHT—SPOT in the recession might have pointed to 1—READING—TUESDAY of the nation's office workers,
20090109             retailers and other service industries, which contracted at 1—SLOWER—THAN—EXPECTED pace in ;;12;;.
20090109             ISRAEL—MAY—FACE—CHARGES for War Crimes:
20090109             "The repeated BOMBING—OF—CLEARLY marked CIVIL—BUILDINGS, where civilians were sheltering, crosses several red lines in regard to INTERNATIONAL law," Sourani told IPS.
20090109             ECUADOR seeks probe into Israeli 'terrorism':
20090109             ECUADOR—LAWMAKERS say ISRAEL—POLICIES in GAZA amount to "crimes against humanity" and must be stopped by 1—INTERNATIONAL—PROBE.
20090109             UN Says No Hamas Fighters Were in Bombed GAZA School:
20090109             —UNCOVERED, UNITED—NATIONS investigators say they have, no evidence to support 1—CLAIM by THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY that Hamas fighters were holed up in 1—GAZA school,
20090109             prompting 1—DEADLY—ATTACK by ISRAEL—FORCES that killed 40—CIVILIANS, MANY—OF—THEM children.
20090109             UN: ISRAEL admits rocket fire was not from within school:-
20090109             ISRAEL told foreign diplomats —WEDNESDAY that PALESTINE—MILITANTS had not fired rockets from within 1—UNITED—NATIONS' school,
20090109             1—UN official said.
20090109             —FIRED, ISRAEL—MILITARY—OFFICIALS said —ON—TUESDAY that militants had, rockets from within the school + that attack provoked ISRAEL—ARTILLERY fire which landed near the school + killed more than 40—PALESTINIANS in the Jabalia refugee camp,
20090109             MANY—OF—WHOM were seeking refuge from fighting.
20090109             Give me war, give me pogrom, give me disaster, and I know what to do;
20090109             give me peace and tranquility, and I'm lost.
20090109             THE—HOLOCAUST was 1—HELLISH horror, but we often use it as 1—EXCUSE to avoid looking —AROUND seeing how,
20090109             existentially, —60—YEARS—LATER, in 1—MIRACULOUS—WAY, are living in 1—MUCH better situation.
20090109             What are the forces that shape and propel USA—MILITARISM?
20090109             This AWARD—WINNING film provides 1—INSIDE look at THE—ANATOMY—OF—THE—USA—WAR—MACHINE.
20090109             Has the military become too important in USA—LIFE?
20090109             Continue - 1—MILITARY—DICTATORSHIP—COMING—TO—AMERICA?-
20090109             Why Do They Hate THE—WEST—SO Much, We WILL—ASK
20090109             —OPENED, So once again, ISRAEL has, THE—GATES—OF—HELL to the Palestinians.
20090109             40—CIVIL—REFUGEES—DEAD in 1—UNITED—NATIONS school, 3—MORE in another.
20090109             Not bad for —1—NIGHT—WORK in GAZA by the army that believes in "PURITY—OF—ARMS".
20090109             But why should we be surprised?
20090109             —PROTECTED, No, person may be punished for 1—OFFENCE he or she has not personally committed.
20090109             Collective penalties and likewise all MEASURES—OF—INTIMIDATION OR—OF—TERRORISM are prohibited.
20090109             GENEVA—CONVENTION, Section 11, Article 33—CONTINUE
20090109             USA—TROOPS 'Monitoring RAFAH Crossing' -
20090109             —BY—PRESS TV—USA—TROOPS are helping EGYPT prevent "arms smuggling" from tunnels in THE—RAFAH—BORDER—CROSSING,
20090109             as ISRAEL continues its attacks on GAZA.
20090109             The current OUTBREAK—OF—VIOLENCE cannot be understood without analysing the asymmetries in military violence between THE—2—PARTIES;
20090109             the central role of recent discoveries of substantial natural gas reserves in GAZA;
20090109             and joint ANGLO—AMERICAN and ISRAEL—ATTEMPTS to monopolise the lucrative (and strategic) energy resources through 1—POLITICAL—PROCESS tied to 1—CORRUPT—PALESTINIAN—AUTHORITY—RUN by MAHMOUD—ABBAS'—FATAH—PARTY.
20090109             the fact that Hamas had won free and fair elections for THE—PALESTINE—PARLIAMENT and was still the leading faction in 1—FULLY legitimate government.
20090109             —HELPED, But THE—GEORGE W BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, ISRAEL eliminate that obstacle, by deliberately provoking Hamas to seize power.
20090109             ISRAEL—LEADERS would do well to remember that terrorism has not only 1—PHYSICAL but also 1—PSYCHOLOGICAL—INFRASTRUCTURE,
20090109             1—INFRASTRUCTURE that they are building even as they destroy tunnels and rocket launching platforms;
20090109             that desperate people will resort to desperate measures,
20090109             that suffering breeds hatred and hatred breeds revenge.
20090109             BANK—OF—ENGLAND cuts interest rates to lowest in more than —300—YEARS:
20090109             THE—BANK—OF—ENGLAND has cut interest rates to the lowest level in its —315—YEAR—HISTORY as it desperately attempts to prevent THE—UK—RECESSION deepening into 1—SLUMP.
20090109             MANY—AMERICANS do love their police state:
20090109             Unfortunately, all too MANY—OF—OUR friends, neighbors and relations have come to relish acting like bit players in 1—BAD—COLD—WAR—FILM.
20090109             They're more than happy to bow down to the nearest uniform so long as somebody assures them it will "keep us safe" -- from whom,
20090109             it doesn't matter, though it's certainly not from overbearing authorities.
20090109             Obama warns of dire consequences without stimulu
20090109             s: "In short, 1—BAD—SITUATION could become dramatically worse" if WASHINGTON doesn't go far enough to address the spreading crisis,
20090109             the Democrat said as fresh economic reports showed 1—OUTLOOK growing increasingly grim.
20090109             The total VALUE—OF—THE—BAILOUTS undertaken by THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT - Gates estimates
20090109             —PRIMED, Kissinger: Obama, to create 'New World Order':
20090109             Policy guru says global upheaval presents 'great opportunity' - USA Adds 8—BASES in AFGHANISTAN:
20090109             THE—USA—ARMY is building 8—MAJOR operating bases in SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN in 1—EXPANSION that underscores 1—NEW,
20090109             larger troop commitment to try to defeat the stubborn Taliban insurgency.
20090109             U.S attack kills 17—CIVILIANS:
20090109             —CONDEMNED, AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT: AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI, —ON—THURSDAY 1—USA—LED coalition military operation that his office said killed 17—CIVILIANS, including women and children.
20090109             ISRAEL—ARMY are cowards says Chavez:
20090109             —CALLED, VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ, THE—ISRAEL—ARMY 'cowards,' —WHILE the foreign MINISTER—ALLEGED—THE—JEWISH—STATE was engaged in 'state terrorism.'
20090109             HALF—OF—GAZAN children under 12—HAVE lost their "will to live.
20090109             JORDAN 'reconsidering ISRAEL ties':
20090109             JORDAN—PRIME—MINISTER has said his country may review its diplomatic ties with ISRAEL—IN—THE—WAKE—OF—THE—OFFENSIVE in GAZA.
20090109             'IRAN aid ship nears GAZA':
20090109             According to IRIB, the ship, with 200.000—TONS—OF—HUMANITARIAN—AID, passed through THE—SUEZ—CANAL and will HEAD—FOR—GAZA "—AFTER obtaining needed permissions".
20090109             ISRAEL bent on blocking IRAN—USA—TALK
20090109             s: ISRAEL has reportedly stepped up efforts to block THE—PROSPECT—OF—HIGH—LEVEL—NEGOTIATIONS between WASHINGTON and the Islamic Republic.
20090109             Demonizing IRAN:: FORMER—PENTAGON CHIEF—PREDICTS—IRAN crisis soon:
20090109             —HEADED, WILLIAM—PERRY, who, the Pentagon —DURING a
20090109             IRAN likely taking USA nuclear threat seriously:
20090109             USA—EX—DEFENSE—CHIEF: IRAN may regard THE—THREAT—OF—1—USA nuclear attack as "much more likely" in light of Hillary CLINTON—WARNING —DURING THE—USA—PRESIDENTIAL—CAMPAIGN that WASHINGTON can obliterate TEHRAN,
20090109             Petition: IDF targets ambulances:
20090109             demanding that THE—IDF be prevented from attacking medical teams and ambulances operating in GAZA.
20090109             —WOUNDED, Red Cross slams ISRAEL over access to :
20090109             "THE—ICRC believes that in this instance THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY failed to meet its obligation under INTERNATIONAL humanitarian law to care for and evacuate the wounded," THE—GENEVA—BASED group said in 1—STATEMENT.
20090109             EGYPT Pulls Down the Shutters on Aid:
20090109             —SEALED, EGYPT—AUTHORITIES have almost fully, the border with GAZA, preventing delivery of desperately needed humanitarian aid.
20090109             —ACCUSED, THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMITTEE—OF—THE—RED—CROSS has, THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY—OF "unacceptable" conduct and breaching INTERNATIONAL humanitarian law —AFTER discovering 4 emaciated children living next to the corpses of their mothers and other adults in BOMB—SHATTERED houses in GAZA City.
20090109             The media COVERAGE—OF—THE—WAR in GAZA by Western television companies is largely unfair and biased because of 1—REFUSAL to show viewers the real IMAGES—OF—THE—VICTIMS.
20090109             USA—SENATE Supports ISRAEL—GAZA—ATTACKS
20090109             "—WHEN we pass this resolution, THE—USA—SENATE will strengthen our historic bond with THE—STATE—OF—ISRAEL,
20090109             —BY reaffirming ISRAEL—INALIENABLE—RIGHT to defend against attacks from GAZA,
20090109             as well as our support for THE—ISRAELI—PALESTINE—PEACE—PROCESS," Senate Majority Leader HARRY—REID,
20090109             1—NEVADA—DEMOCRAT, said —BEFORE the vote.
20090109             —SERVED, OXFORD professor of INTERNATIONAL relations AVI—SHLAIM, in THE—ISRAEL—ARMY and has never questioned the state's legitimacy.
20090109             —RECOVERED, ISRAEL has never, from its defeat at the hands of Hezbollah —DURING the
20090109             —BY subscribing to it, Americans support their own brainwashing.
20090109             AMERICA—SOUL—SICKNESS & Permanent War
20090109             Nor will it be IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN, GUANTANAMO or the economy.
20090109             His primary challenge will come in coming face to face with THE—BUSH /Cheney doctrine of permanent worldwide war.
20090109             —KILLED, At least 770—PALESTINIAN'S, in ISRAEL—ATTACK on GAZA:
20090109             —KILLED, ISRAEL said its troops had, 130—GUERRILLAS—SINCE—SATURDAY, 1—FIGURE that suggested the total PALESTINE—DEATH—TOLL—SINCE Dec.
20090109             27—MIGHT be close to 770 and that bodies could still be on the battlefield.
20090109             —SUPPOSED, Airstrike kills 3—SISTERS —DURING, lull:
20090109             —KILLED, ISRAEL—WARPLANES, 3—PALESTINE—CIVILIANS—ON—WEDNESDAY afternoon —DURING what ISRAEL had —EARLIER declared to be 1—UNILATERAL —3—HOUR halt in its attacks on GAZA.
20090109             —EMERGED, Growing evidence, —TODAY of the bloodiest single incident of THE—GAZA conflict —WHEN—AROUND 70—CORPSES were found by 1—PALESTINE—PARAMEDIC—NEAR 1—BOMBED—OUT house.
20090109             Beide Männer stammen nach ANGABEN—DES—USA—AUßENMINISTERIUMS gebürtig aus KENIA.
20090109             Außerdem soll Kini Hintermann des Anschlags auf das MARRIOTT—HOTEL in der PAKISTAN—HAUPTSTADT—ISLAMABAD gewesen sein,
20090109             bei dem im vergangenen ;;09;; 60—MENSCHEN ums Leben gekommen waren.
20090109             Als CHEF—DES—CAQUETÁ—KARTELLS zählte Vargas zu den 20—MEISTGESUCHTEN Drogenbossen Kolumbiens.
20090109             Im - Oberverwaltungsgericht Lüneburg erklärt die BKA-"HOOLIGAN—DATEI" für rechtswidrig,
20090109             weil der Bundesrat nicht zugestimmt hat.
20090109             Das betrifft dann natürlich auch gleich die diversen anderen Datenbanken, die das BKA über uns führt.
20090109             Außerdem stellte Prestons Team fest, dass Tiere mit einer längeren Schlafphase auch einen geringeren Parasitenbefall haben.
20090109             "Die in Lessings Theaterstück 'NATHAN—DER—WEISE' postulierte Idee von Vergebung und Verzeihen bleibt offenbar 1—TRAUM".
20090109             Es gelte —NUN, die Diskrepanz zwischen Selbsteinschätzung und tatsächlichem Verhalten stärker ins Bewusstsein der Menschen zu bringen, fordern Dovidio und seine Kollegen
20090109             Bankenfonds: Regierung wehrt sich gegen Reform des Rettungsschirms
20090109             Aktienmarkt: Finanzkrise bremst weltweit Börsengänge
20090109             —TOLERIERT, Experiment: Rassismus wird unbewusst
20090109             Energieversorgung: "Unsere Gasvorräte sind alles andere als ausreichend"
20090109             BMW: 1. Absatzdelle —SEIT—15—JAHREN
20090109             Hypo Real Estate: 3—WEITERE Vorstände vor dem Aus
20090109             Beobachter: EU erwartet baldiges ENDE—DES—GASSTREITS
20090109             Attacke auf Haus in GAZA: Uno wirft ISRAEL—TÖTUNG—VON—30—SCHUTZ suchenden Zivilisten vor
20090109             "GUARDIAN"-Bericht: OBAMA—BERATER wollen mit Hamas reden
20090109             Finanzkrise: Postbank drohen hohe Verluste
20090109             Säugetiere: Schlaf hält Parasiten in Schach
20090109             Kältewelle: Frostschutzmittel wird knapp
20090109             10—PUNKTE—PROGRAMM gegen Krise: CDU legt "Pakt für DEUTSCHLAND" vor
20090109             Teilverstaatlichung: Regierung schickt Staatssekretäre als Aufseher zur Commerzbank
20090109             Konjunkturpaket: PKV fordert reduzierte Mehrwertsteuer für Arzneien
20090109             Auftragsmord: KOLUMBIEN—DROGENBOSS im Krankenhaus erschossen
20090109             INTERNET—AUFRUF: Gewerkschafter machen Wahlkampf gegen hessische Linke -
20090109             LäSST BLOGGER VERHAFTEN - Plan Beat Obstacle to GAZA Assault-
20090109             The ship Delight was carrying 36—TONS—OF—WHEAT —WHEN it was attacked in the Gulf of ADEN 20091118             and seized by pirates.
20090109             Die Polizei greift hart durch: Etwa 600—DEMONSTRANTEN wurden bislang festgenommen, 225—SITZEN immer noch in Haft, 176—SIND angeklagt, meist wegen Ruhestörung und Behinderung des Straßenverkehrs.
20090109             "Unter meiner Regierung werden die USA nicht foltern, wir werden uns an die Genfer Konventionen halten", sagte Obama bei der Vorstellung seiner Kandidaten.
20090109             —ZURZEIT leitet Brennan das Unternehmen Analysis Corp, das der "WASHINGTON—POST " vom —FREITAG zufolge
20090109             -in den vergangenen —JAHREN, MILLIARDEN—VON—DOLLAR durch die Unterstützung von Bundesbehörden und privaten FIRMEN—BEI der Terrorabwehr verdient hat.
20090109             Kriegsgegner im eigenen Land: ISRAEL geht hart gegen Verweigerer und Demonstranten vor
20090109             GAZA—KRIEG: Hunderttausende demonstrieren gegen ISRAEL—OFFENSIVE
20090109             Kälterekord: Meteorologen messen 7—GRAD auf den Kanaren
20090109             Letzter SHUTTLE—FLUG 20100000             : Verlängerung der 1ätze würde Milliarden kosten
20090109             SOMALIA: Gekaperter Supertanker verlässt Piratenbasis
20090109             USA—BANKENKRISE: Obama will Rettungspaket auch für andere Branchen öffnen
20090109             As for OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, OFAC wrote that its dealings with SAUDI—ARABIA—OFFICIALS and OSAMA—BIN—LADEN... Qinetiq executives have been locked into a —3—YEAR—DEAL which has...
20090109             "This has 1—REAL—IMPACT on how we view the economy in classical GREECE," Clare Kelly Blazeby at LEEDS UNIVERSITY—TOLD—NEW—SCIENTIST—MAGAZINE.
20090109             Was man dem —NUN verhafteten Blogger genau zur Last legen wird, soll 1—GERICHT —ERST entscheiden.
20090109             Verhaftet wurde er offenbar aufgrund eines Berichtes, der die Mächtigen des Landes in Rage versetzte:
20090109             "Minerva" habe darin fälschlicherweise behauptet, die Regierung habe Banken angewiesen, keine USA—DOLLAR mehr einzukaufen, berichtet die FT.
20090109             Americans must prepare themselves for 1—MASSIVE—COLLAPSE in the dollar as investors —AROUND the world dump their USA—ASSETS, 1—FORMER—BANK—OF—ENGLAND policymaker has warned.
20090109             The $8—TRILLION bailout : Total price —TAG so far: $7.2—TRILLION in investment and loans.
20090109             Obama Warns Trillion Dollar Deficit Could Lead to Extensive Government Budget Cut s : PRESIDENT—ELECT BARACK—OBAMA is warning THE—USA—DEFICIT will top 1—TRILLION dollars —THIS—YEAR, leading to what he says could be extensive cuts to government budgets.
20090109             —OVERWHELMED, State unemployment claim systems : Electronic unemployment filing systems have crashed in at least 3—STATES in recent days amid 1 unprecedented crush of THOUSANDS—OF—NEWLY jobless Americans seeking benefits, and other states were adjusting their systems to avoid being next.
20090109             CALIFORNIA may delay tax refunds amid budget impasse : State officials —ON—TUESDAY braced for the possibility of delaying tax refunds to MILLIONS—OF—CALIFORNIANS, along with student grants and payments to vendors, as the latest ROUND—OF—BUDGET—NEGOTIATIONS between GOVERNOR—ARNOLD—SCHWARZENEGGER and Democratic legislators collapsed.
20090109             Economy in GRIP—OF—RECESSION, reports show : Anyone looking for 1—BRIGHT—SPOT in the recession might have pointed to 1—READING—TUESDAY of the nation's office workers, retailers and other service industries, which contracted at 1—SLOWER—THAN—EXPECTED pace in December.
20090109             ISRAEL—MAY—FACE—CHARGES for War Crimes : "The repeated BOMBING—OF—CLEARLY marked CIVIL—BUILDINGS, where civilians were sheltering, crosses several red lines in regard to INTERNATIONAL law," Sourani told IPS.
20090109             ECUADOR seeks probe into Israeli 'terrorism' : ECUADOR—LAWMAKERS say ISRAEL—POLICIES in GAZA amount to "crimes against humanity" and must be stopped by 1—INTERNATIONAL—PROBE.
20090109             UN Says No Hamas Fighters Were in Bombed GAZA School: UNITED—NATIONS investigators say they have uncovered no evidence to support 1—CLAIM by THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY that Hamas fighters were holed up in 1—GAZA school, prompting 1—DEADLY—ATTACK by ISRAEL—FORCES that killed 40—CIVILIANS, MANY—OF—THEM children.
20090109             UN: ISRAEL admits rocket fire was not from within school: - ISRAEL told foreign diplomats —WEDNESDAY that PALESTINE—MILITANTS had not fired rockets from within 1—UNITED—NATIONS' school, 1—UN—OFFICIAL said.
20090109             —FIRED, ISRAEL—MILITARY—OFFICIALS said —ON—TUESDAY that militants had, rockets from within the school + that attack provoked ISRAEL—ARTILLERY fire which landed near the school + killed more than 40—PALESTINIANS in the Jabalia refugee camp, MANY—OF—WHOM were seeking refuge from fighting.
20090109             Can the Jewish People Survive Without 1—ENEMY?
20090109             THE—HOLOCAUST was 1—HELLISH horror, but we often use it as 1—EXCUSE to avoid looking —AROUND seeing how, existentially, —60—YEARS—LATER, in 1—MIRACULOUS—WAY, are living in 1—MUCH better situation.
20090109             Why We FIGHT—HOW THE—MILITARY—INDUSTRIAL—COMPLEX is Destroying THE—USA
20090109             THE—BASES—OF—EMPIRE 20090109             —RELIED, Empires —THROUGHOUT human history have, on foreign military bases to enforce their rule, and in this respect at least, Pax AMERICANA is no different than Pax Romana or Pax Britannica.
20090109             Collective Punishment of GAZA 20090109             No general penalty, pecuniary or otherwise, shall be inflicted upon the population on ACCOUNT—OF—THE—ACTS—OF—INDIVIDUALS for which they cannot be regarded as jointly and severally responsible.
20090109             GENEVA—CONVENTION, Section 11, Article 33
20090109             USA—TROOPS 'Monitoring RAFAH CROSSING'—BY Press TV—USA—TROOPS are helping EGYPT prevent "arms smuggling" from tunnels in THE—RAFAH—BORDER—CROSSING, as ISRAEL continues its attacks on GAZA.
20090109             GAZA Catastrophe: Resource Conflict?
20090109             Natural Gas, PALESTINE—ELECTIONS, and ISRAEL—SUBVERSION—OF—THE 'Peace PROCESS'—BY- Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed
20090109             Bush Plan Beat Obstacle to GAZA ASSAULT—BY- GARETH—PORTER - Picking Up THE—PIECES—IN—GAZA
20090109             ISRAEL—LEADERS would do well to remember that terrorism has not only 1—PHYSICAL but also 1—PSYCHOLOGICAL—INFRASTRUCTURE, 1—INFRASTRUCTURE that they are building even as they destroy tunnels and rocket launching platforms;
20090109             that desperate people will resort to desperate measures, that suffering breeds hatred and hatred breeds revenge.
20090109             BANK—OF—ENGLAND cuts interest rates to lowest in more than —300—YEARS: THE—BANK—OF—ENGLAND has cut interest rates to the lowest level in its —315—YEAR—HISTORY as it desperately attempts to prevent THE—UK—RECESSION deepening into 1—SLUMP.
20090109             MANY—AMERICANS do love their police state : Unfortunately, all too MANY—OF—OUR friends, neighbors and relations have come to relish acting like bit players in 1—BAD—COLD—WAR—FILM.
20090109             They're more than happy to bow down to the nearest uniform so long as somebody assures them it will "keep us safe" -- from whom, it doesn't matter, though it's certainly not from overbearing authorities.
20090109             Obama warns of dire consequences without stimulu s: "In short, 1—BAD—SITUATION could become dramatically worse" if WASHINGTON doesn't go far enough to address the spreading crisis, the Democrat said as fresh economic reports showed 1—OUTLOOK growing increasingly grim.
20090109             Value of 20080000             Bailouts Exceeds Combined Costs of All Major USA—WARS:
20090109             The total VALUE—OF—THE—BAILOUTS undertaken by THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT
20090109             USA Adds 8—BASES in AFGHANISTAN : THE—USA—ARMY is building 8—MAJOR operating bases in SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN in 1—EXPANSION that underscores 1—NEW, larger troop commitment to try to defeat the stubborn Taliban insurgency.
20090109             U.S attack kills 17—CIVILIANS : AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT: AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI condemned —ON—THURSDAY 1—USA—LED coalition military operation that his office said killed 17—CIVILIANS, including women and children.
20090109             Can anyone fathom THE—KIND—OF—OPPRESSION that leads small children en mass to lose their will to live?
20090109             JORDAN 'reconsidering ISRAEL ties' : JORDAN—PRIME—MINISTER has said his country may review its diplomatic ties with ISRAEL—IN—THE—WAKE—OF—THE—OFFENSIVE in GAZA.
20090109             'IRAN aid ship nears GAZA' : According to IRIB, the ship, with 2000—TONS—OF—HUMANITARIAN—AID, passed through THE—SUEZ—CANAL and will HEAD—FOR—GAZA "—AFTER obtaining needed permissions".
20090109             ISRAEL bent on blocking IRAN—USA—TALK s: ISRAEL has reportedly stepped up efforts to block THE—PROSPECT—OF—HIGH—LEVEL—NEGOTIATIONS between WASHINGTON and the Islamic Republic.
20090109             IRAN likely taking USA nuclear threat seriously : USA—EX—DEFENSE—CHIEF: IRAN may regard THE—THREAT—OF—1—USA nuclear attack as "much more likely" in light of Hillary CLINTON—WARNING —DURING THE—USA—PRESIDENTIAL—CAMPAIGN that WASHINGTON can obliterate TEHRAN, 1—FORMER—USA—DEFENSE—SECRETARY—SAID—THURSDAY.
20090109             Petition: IDF targets ambulances : 8—DIFFERENT—HUMAN—RIGHTS—ORGANIZATIONS filed 1—URGENT—PETITION with the High COURT—OF—JUSTICE—WEDNESDAY, demanding that THE—IDF be prevented from attacking medical teams and ambulances operating in GAZA.
20090109             EGYPT Pulls Down the Shutters on Aid : EGYPT—AUTHORITIES have almost fully sealed the border with GAZA, preventing delivery of desperately needed humanitarian aid.
20090109             Red Cross Finds Starving Children with 12—CORPSES in GAZA 'HOUSE—OF—HORRORS'
20090109             Masters In DISTORTION—OF—THE—TRUTH
20090109             "—WHEN we pass this resolution, THE—USA—SENATE will strengthen our historic bond with THE—STATE—OF—ISRAEL, by reaffirming ISRAEL—INALIENABLE—RIGHT to defend against attacks from GAZA, as well as our support for THE—ISRAELI—PALESTINE—PEACE—PROCESS," Senate Majority Leader HARRY—REID, 1—NEVADA—DEMOCRAT, said —BEFORE the vote.
20090109             How ISRAEL—BROUGHT—GAZA to the Brink of Humanitarian Catastrophe
20090109             But its merciless ASSAULT—ON—GAZA has led him to devastating conclusions.
20090109             An Unnecessary "War"
20090109             I know from personal involvement that the devastating invasion of GAZA by ISRAEL could easily have been avoided.
20090109             The function of the "mainstream media" is to sell products and to brainwash the audience for the government and interest groups.
20090109             OBAMA—1. challenge will not be the unresolved MIDDLE—EAST—CRISIS.
20090109             Unless Obama renounces it on inauguration —DAY, this doctrine will continue to be USA—POLICY.
20090109             —SUPPOSED, Airstrike kills 3—SISTERS —DURING, lull: ISRAEL—WARPLANES killed 3—PALESTINE—CIVILIANS—ON—WEDNESDAY afternoon —DURING what ISRAEL had —EARLIER declared to be 1—UNILATERAL —3—HOUR halt in its attacks on GAZA.
20090109             GAZA Medics Describe HORROR—OF—ISRAEL—ATTACK—THAT—KILLED 70
20090109             Außerdem soll Kini Hintermann des Anschlags auf das MARRIOTT—HOTEL in der PAKISTAN—HAUPTSTADT—ISLAMABAD gewesen sein, bei dem im vergangenen —SEPTEMBER 60—MENSCHEN ums Leben gekommen waren.
20090109             Im - Oberverwaltungsgericht Lüneburg erklärt die BKA-"HOOLIGAN—DATEI" für rechtswidrig, weil der Bundesrat nicht zugestimmt hat.
20090109             —TOLERIERT, Experiment: Rassismus wird unbewusst - BMW: 1. Absatzdelle —SEIT—15—JAHREN
20090109             USA: Mehr als 30.000—MENSCHEN fliehen vor Überschwemmungen
20090109             INTERNET—AUFRUF: Gewerkschafter machen Wahlkampf gegen hessische Linke
20090109             Titelseite und S.6—UND 7—GESCHEHEN". Ein entsprechender Antrag sei auch gegen die "Bild"- Zeitung gestellt worden, die das Foto einen —TAG später veröffentlicht hatte.
20090109             Klar habe "die Fertigung und Verbreitung dieser Bilder nicht gestattet", betonte der Anwalt in seiner Pressemitteilung.
20090109             "Herr Klar tritt jeglicher Fertigung und Verbreitung aktueller Bilder entgegen und macht sein Recht am eigenen Bilde geltend".
20090109             1—SPRECHERIN—DER—AXEL—SPRINGER—AG sagte dazu, die Verfügung sei beim Verlag noch nicht eingetroffen.
20090109             "Dann sehen wir weiter, wir sehen das insgesamt sehr gelassen".
20090109             Das von Claus Pey mann geleitete Berliner Ensemble hatte —AM—FREITAG das ursprünglich geplante Praktikum des 56-Jährigen an dem FRÜHEREN—BRECHT—THEATER abgesagt.
20090109             Zur Begründung hieß es, Klar befürchte, dass durch die "sensationslüsterne Berichterstattung" in einem TEIL—DER—MEDIEN und die "anhaltende Belagerung" durch Paparazzi das Theater, dessen Direktor Pey mann und er selbst Schaden nehmen könnten.
20090109             "Das angestrebte Leben in Normalität nach 26-jähriger Haft scheint unter diesen Umständen nicht möglich".
20090109             No comments made so far. hide comments for Quis custodiet custodien ? <<<.
20090109             Titelseite und S.6—UND 7—GESCHEHEN". Ein entsprechender Antrag sei auch gegen die "Bild"- Zeitung gestellt worden,
20090109—19450000    —SEIT, Jobverluste: USA—ARBEITSMARKT erlebte das schlimmste —JAHR
20090109—19690000    —DEBUTED, The syndicated TV show, which, satirized country life with 1—MIXTURE—OF—MUSIC and comedy.
20090109—19980000    —J—IM, Die USA verdächtigten Kini und Swedan, in die Bombenanschläge auf USA—BOTSCHAFTEN in Ostafrika verwickelt gewesen zu sein.
20090109—20050000    —PRIVATIZED, LITHUANIA—FLYLAL airline, announced that SCH SWITZERLAND—CAPITAL—HOLDINGS, 1—SWITZERLAND—BASED firm, has purchased it for $1—MILLION and debt of about 1—MILLION—EUROS.
20090109—20080500    —IN, JON—HAGER—BROTHER Jim †.
20090109—20090117    —SUSPENDED, FlyLAL airline said it has, its operations —AFTER 1—BUYOUT deal by SWITZERLAND—INVESTMENT—FIRM—SCH SWITZERLAND—CAPITAL—HOLDINGS failed.
20090109—20091109    —ON, Her trial began.
20090109—20091227    —SINCE, At least 770—PALESTINIAN'S killed in ISRAEL—ATTACK on GAZA : ISRAEL said its troops had killed 130—GUERRILLAS—SINCE—SATURDAY, 1—FIGURE that suggested the total PALESTINE—DEATH—TOLL might be close to 770 and that bodies could still be on the battlefield.
20090213             HENRYK—M—BRODER, PUBLIZIST, im Tagesspiegel, 20070109             .
20090213             20090213             [ Quelle] - HENRYK—M—BRODER, PUBLIZIST, im Tagesspiegel, 20070109.
20090213             20100109             CALIFORNIA—BASED eSolar INCORPORATED said it will help build 1—SERIES—OF—SOLAR thermal power plants in CHINA, as the world's biggest EMITTER—OF—GREENHOUSE—GASES tries to decrease its heavy reliance on coal, imported gas and oil.
20090213             [ Quelle] - HENRYK—M—BRODER, PUBLIZIST, im Tagesspiegel, 20070109             .
20100109             CALIFORNIA—BASED eSolar INCORPORATED said it will help build 1—SERIES—OF—SOLAR thermal power plants in CHINA, as the world's biggest EMITTER—OF—GREENHOUSE—GASES tries to decrease its heavy reliance on coal, imported gas and oil.
20100109             1—COMPANY called TrueCompanion premiered the "lifelike" sex robot, Roxxxy on THE—FLOOR—OF—THE—ADULT—ENTERTAINMENT—EXPO in LAS—VEGAS.
20100109             —PRESENTED, AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI, a 2. slate of nominees to fill his Cabinet —AFTER PARLIAMENT rejected 70—PERCENT of his 1. picks.
20100109             —SIGNED, Afghan and NATO—OFFICIALS, 1—AGREEMENT for NATO to hand over CONTROL—OF—THE—PRISON at Bagram airbase near KABUL to AFGHANISTAN—AUTHORITIES.
20100109             1—BLAST hit 1—CONVOY carrying 1—PROVINCIAL—COUNCIL—MEMBER from Wardak province, killing 1—BODYGUARD and wounding 5—OTHERS.
20100109             —KILLED, Another explosion, 1—POLICEMAN and wounded 2 in KANDAHAR.
20100109             —KILLED, SOUTH—HELMAND, province 1—EXPLOSION outside Nawa village, 1—USA—MARINE and —SUNDAY Mirror JOURNALIST—RUPERT—HAMER, —39—JAHRE—ALT, 1—VETERAN war correspondent.
20100109             —BECAME, Hamer, the 1. UK—JOURNALIST killed in the conflict.
20100109             —WOUNDED, Photographer PHILIP—COBURN, —43—JAHRE—ALT was seriously.
20100109             A "large quantity" of weapons were seized —DURING the operation.
20100109             —LOOTED, Islamists, and burned 1—PROTESTANT—CHURCH, suggesting they were inspired by 1—RECENT spate of religious intolerance in the Arab and Muslim world.
20100109             —REPORTED, UK—MEDIA, that IRIS—ROBINSON (60), the disgraced WIFE—OF—NORTH—IRELAND—LEADER, will step down as 1—LAWMAKER within days as pressure mounted on PETER—ROBINSON and the province's shaky coalition government.
20100109             The reported move follows the revelation that she had 1—ADULTEROUS—RELATIONSHIP with 1—MAN nearly —40—YEARS—HER—JUNIOR, and allegations that she solicited TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—POUNDS (dollars) from businessmen to help the teenager launch 1—CAFE.
20100109             She was 58—AT—THE—TIME, and the man was 19.
20100109             THE—CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC, THE—WIFE—OF—CHARLES—MASSI, —57—JAHRE—ALT, head of the only rebel group in THE—CAR still fighting the government, said that he has been captured and is in 1—CRITICAL—CONDITION in jail.
20100109             THE—FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER led the rebel Convention of Patriots for Justice and Peace (CPJP).
20100109             —EXPLODED, DAGESTAN, 1—CAR with 3—MEN inside, —DURING 1—SHOOTOUT with police in the Kumtorkala district.
20100109             The men were PART—OF—1—LOCAL—TERRORIST—GROUP and were transporting explosives.
20100109             EGYPT, Muslims and Christians set fire to EACH—OTHERS' homes and shops near THE—SOUTH—TOWN—OF—NAGAA—HAMADY, —3—DAYS—AFTER 1—GUNMAN killed 6—COPTIC—CHRISTIANS in 1—DRIVE—BY shooting there.
20100109             4 suspected MEMBERS—OF—THE—BASQUE separatist group ETA were arrested in PORTUGAL and FRANCE, 1—DRIVING 1—VAN loaded with explosives near 1—POLICE barracks.
20100109             2—POLICE—OFFICERS stopped THE—VAN in SPAIN —WHEN their suspicions were raised by its FRANCE—LICENSE—PLATES.
20100109             —PUSHED, THE—DRIVER—OF—THE—VAN then, passed the police and proceeded to flee the scene driving off in their patrol car which he stole.
20100109             —ALERTED, The police, their PORTUGAL—COUNTERPARTS who rapidly arrested the man and 1—WOMAN, who had been —FOLLOWING THE—VAN in 1 presumed getaway vehicle with FRANCE—PLATES.
20100109             —FACED, Germans, THE—CANCELLATION—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—FLIGHTS as fresh snow blew in from the south, and Britons shivered through the country's longest cold snap in —3—DECADES as icy weather maintained its grip on EUROPE.
20100109             IRAN, about 30 "mourning mothers," with children who were killed or disappeared —DURING THE—POST—ELECTION—UNREST, were arrested in 1—TEHRAN park and taken to 1—DETENTION—CENTER in the capital.
20100109             The mothers had gather in TEHRAN—LALEH park EVERY—SATURDAY.
20100109             —BUSED, ITALY, some 300—AFRICA—MIGRANTS were, out of Rosarno, 1—SOUTHERN—ITALY—TOWN rocked by —2—DAYS—OF—CLASHES between the migrants, police and local residents.
20100109             —ALLEGED, Migrants, they were earning illegally low wages, as little as euro20 euros ($30), for a —12—HOUR—DAY picking citrus fruit and other crops.
20100109             Humam Khalil ABU—MULAL—AL—BALAWI, THE—JORDAN—DOCTOR who killed 7—CIA—EMPLOYEES in 1—SUICIDE—ATTACK in AFGHANISTAN, said in video clips broadcast posthumously —TODAY that all jihadists must attack USA—TARGETS to avenge THE—DEATH—OF—PAKISTANI—TALIBAN—CHIEF—BAITULLAH—MEHSUD.
20100109             Speaking in Arabic in the video shown on AL—JAZEERA, the Arabic network, and Aaj, 1—PAKISTAN—CHANNEL, AL—BALAWI noted that THE—PAKISTAN—TALIBAN had given shelter to "emigrants" — Muslim fighters from abroad.
20100109             MALAYSIA, a 4. church was hit by firebombs, stoking concern among Christians as 1—DISPUTE rages over THE—USE—OF—THE—WORD "Allah" by NON—MUSLIMS.
20100109             —FIRED, PAKISTAN, 2—MISSILES, by 1 suspected unmanned USA—DRONE hit 1—HOUSE in Data Khel, 1—AREA in NORTH—WAZIRISTAN that is 1—STRONGHOLD—OF—THE—HAQQANI militant network.
20100109             2—PEOPLE were killed and 3 wounded.
20100109             —KILLED, Intelligence officials —LATER said the missile strike, JAMAL—SAEED—ABDUL—RAHIM.
20100109             —CALLED, PAKISTAN—OFFICIALS, him 1—AL—QAIDA member, but THE—FBI says he was 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—ABU—NIDAL terrorist group.
20100109             Some 20—PASSENGERS and crew, including 2—USA—CITIZENS, were killed —DURING the attack.
20100109             —REUNITED, SRI—LANKA, more than 700—FORMER—TAMIL Tiger rebels were, with family members —AFTER months in rehabilitation camps —SINCE the country's DECADES—LONG—CIVIL—WAR ended —LAST—YEAR.
20100109             —DEVASTATED, TOGO—NATIONAL soccer team, by 1—SHOOTING attack on its bus in ANGOLA that killed at least 3 and left 8—GRAVELY injured, withdrew from THE—AFRICA—CUP—OF—NATIONS.
20100109—19860905    —IN—THE, According to an FBI Web site, Rahim is wanted for his alleged role, hijacking of Pan USA—WORLD—AIRWAYS Flight 73—DURING 1—STOP in THE—SOUTH—PAKISTAN—CITY—OF—KARACHI.
20100109—20100107    —ON, The rioting began —AFTER 2—MEN, 1—FROM NIGERIA and the other from TOGO, were lightly wounded by 1—PELLET gun attack.
20100109—20100108    —SINCE, his party said in 1—STATEMENT that Massi has been dead —AFTER being subjected to torture.
20100109—20100116    —ON, DENISE—MASSI and
20101124             —ACCUSED, SUDAN—SOUTH, the northern army of carrying out 1—AIRSTRIKE on 1—ARMY—BASE in SOUTH—SUDAN in 1—ATTEMPT to derail a 20100109             referendum on SOUTH—INDEPENDENCE.
20101201             —AMBUSHED, SOUTH—SUDAN, NORTHERN—BACKED militias, its army killing 10—SOLDIERS and 2—CIVILIANS in the latest hike in NORTH—SOUTH—TENSIONS ahead of a 20100109             vote on SOUTH—INDEPENDENCE.
20101212             —LAUNCHED, Lawyers for 1—SUDAN—CAMPAIGN—GROUP, 1—LEGAL—BID to halt SUDAN—REFERENDUM on SOUTH—INDEPENDENCE, accusing organizers of mishandling the process, 1—MOVE which could derail 20100109             —THE vote.
20110105—20110109    —ENTERED, STATE—BROADCASTER—IRIB said the woman was seeking 1—IRAN—VISA and never, IRAN—TERRITORY.
20110109             S—FRANCISCO—POLICE, CHIEF—GEORGE—GASCON was sworn in as the city's 1. Latino district attorney.
20110109             —OFFERED, Outgoing Mayor Newsom, him the job the previous —DAY.
20110109             AFGHANISTAN—NORTHERN, PROVINCE—OF—KUNDUZ, NATO—FORCES, in tandem with their AFGHANISTAN—COUNTERPARTS, arrested 5—PEOPLE in connection with a 20111219             attack that killed at least 8—AFGHANISTAN—SECURITY—SOLDIERS and police in the area.
20110109             —GATHERED, Hundreds, in the main mosque in Kunduz to protest THE—ARREST—OF—MULLAH—NURALLAH, the apparent TARGET—OF—THE—RAID.
20110109             —DENIED, Irate AFGHANISTAN—AUTHORITIES, that local forces were involved.
20110109             —VOWED, ALGERIA—AUTHORITIES, to punish those responsible for nationwide food riots in which at least 4—PEOPLE were reported killed and more than 800 injured.
20110109             —SUBMERGED, AUSTRALIA, 1—SWOLLEN river, bridges and inundated homes and stores in AUSTRALIA—ALREADY sodden Queensland state as more heavy rain added to the country's worst flooding in decades.
20110109             —INCLUDED, His films, "Bullitt" (19680000             ) and "Breaking Away" (19790000             ).
20110109             —KICKED, CHINA—VICE Premier Li Keqiang, off 1—BUSINESS—FOCUSED state visit to BRITAIN with the sealing of 1—RENEWABLE—ENERGY—DEAL between Scottish and CHINA—COMPANIES.
20110109             —KILLED, EAST—INDIA, at least 12—MAOIST—REBELS were, in 2—SEPARATE clashes with police.
20110109             9 were killed in Orissa state and 3—REBELS were killed in 1—CLASH with police in BOKARO DISTRICT—OF—NEIGHBORING—JHARKHAND state.
20110109             According to the Home Ministry the rebels were present in 20—OF—INDIA—28—STATES and have 1 estimated 10,000 to 20,000 fighters.
20110109             NORTH—WEST—IRAN, 1—PASSENGER—JET broke to pieces on impact —WHILE trying 1—EMERGENCY landing in 1—SNOWSTORM killing at least 77—PEOPLE in ORUMIYEH.
20110109             —OPERATED, THE—BOEING 727, by IRAN—NATIONAL—AIRLINE, carried 104—PASSENGERS and crew.
20110109             They said Ariel UNIVERSITY—CENTER is an "illegal settlement" intended to prevent Palestinians from establishing 1—INDEPENDENT—STATE.
20110109             —DEMOLISHED, Bulldozers, 1—WING—OF—THE—HOTEL—SHEPHERD in JERUSALEM to make way for 1—NEW—ISRAEL—ENCLAVE in the heart of 1—PALESTINE—NEIGHBORHOOD.
20110109             ITALY, a —74—YEAR—OLD retiree in Genoa shot dead 2—NEIGHBORS and then his wife —BEFORE turning the gun on himself.
20110109             —APPEARED, Jealousy, to be behind the rampage.
20110109             —REPORTED, MEXICO—AUTHORITIES in CHIHUAHUA state, 17—PEOPLE murdered over the weekend, 14—OF—THEM in CIUDAD—JUAREZ.
20110109             NIGERIA, witnesses heard gunshots and saw smoke rising from neighborhoods in THE—CITY—OF—JOS.
20110109             † 1—POLICE—OFFICER was killed and the church watchman wounded.
20110109             —BOWED, PAKISTAN—PRIME—MINISTER—YOUSUF—RAZA—GILANI, to 1—PACKAGE—OF—OPPOSITION—DEMANDS to shore up his government —AFTER —1—WEEK in which the ruling party briefly lost its majority in PARLIAMENT.
20110109             —MARCHED, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—DEMONSTRATORS, in KARACHI to oppose ANY—CHANGE to national blasphemy laws and to praise 1—MAN charged with murdering 1—PROVINCIAL—GOVERNOR who had campaigned against the divisive legislation.
20110109             —JOINED, THE—PHILIPPINES, more than 1—MILLION—ROMAN—CATHOLICS, 1—RAUCOUS—RELIGIOUS—PROCESSION in MANILA to honor —1—CENTURIES—OLD—BLACK statue of Jesus Christ that they believe possesses mystical powers.
20110109             —TREATED, Nearly 600 were, for injuries.
20110109             —KILLED, SRI—LANKA—GOVERNMENT said that at least 9—PEOPLE have been, in floods and mudslides caused by heavy rain across the country.
20110109             1—PERSON was reported missing and more than 55,000—PEOPLE have become homeless and were housed in camps.
20110109             —STARTED, SUDAN, MILLIONS—OF—JUBILANT—SOUTH—SUDANESE, voting in 1—INDEPENDENCE—REFERENDUM expected to see their WAR—RAVAGED region emerge as AFRICA—54. sovereign state.
20110109             —EXPECTED, KHARTOUM—GOVERNMENT was, to lose a 3. of its land, nearly 1—QUARTER—OF—ITS—POPULATION and much of its main moneymaker, oil.
20110109             —CLASHED, Armed Arab nomads, with tribespeople in the disputed Abyei region for the 3. —DAY leaving 20—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20110109             —REPORTED, At least 36—PEOPLE were, dead in clashes over the last —3—DAYS between tribespeople and Arab nomads near SUDAN—NORTH—SOUTH—BORDER.
20110109             —MARCHED, THAILAND, THOUSANDS—OF—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—DEMONSTRATORS, in BANGKOK, saying they had learned lessons from chaotic violence —LAST—YEAR and had 1—NEW—STRATEGY for the new —YEAR.
20110109             1—RED—SHIRT—LEADER vowed to hold "frequent and symbolic gatherings" twice —1—MONTH, 1—CHANGE from the large SIT—IN —LAST—YEAR that lasted —10—WEEKS and prompted 1—VIOLENT—CRACKDOWN.
20110109             —FEATURED, The monument, 1 divided human figure, with 1—HALF extending 1—HAND to the other half.
20110109             It was meant to symbolize THE—PAIN—OF—DIVISION and THE—HOPE—OF—RECONCILIATION, and was sculpted from stone by MEHMET—AKSOY, 1—PROMINENT—TURKEY—ARTIST.
20110109             —HALTED, Local authorities, its construction on grounds that it was built on 1—HISTORIC—MILITARY—SITE, Timur Pasha emplacement, used to defend the city in the 15010101—16001231    —CENTURY.
20110109             UAR MEDIA—REPORTS said DUBAI—COURT—OF—CASSATION, the last stop in the appeal process, confirmed that THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES' strict indecency codes cover hand gestures and the deportation sentence would stand and upheld the deportation of 1—PAKISTAN—MAN for 1—CASE—OF—ROAD rage that included 1 raised middle finger.
20110109             THE—USA—VIRGIN—ISLANDS, 1—TRAFFIC stop led to the seizure of 228—KG (502—POUNDS) of cocaine from MIGUEL—PASCUAL, 1—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC—NATIONAL.
20110109             The drugs had 1—APPROXIMATE street value of more than $6—MILLION.
20110109             —MASKED, YEMEN, men on motorcycles attacked 1—GOVERNMENT—VEHICLE on its way to deposit cash in Zinjibar, killing 3—ELECTRICITY—WORKERS and 1—GUARD.
20110109             —HALTED, Local authorities, its construction on grounds that it was built on 1—HISTORIC—MILITARY—SITE, Timur Pasha emplacement, used to defend the city in the 15010101—16001231.
20110109             —BEGINNT, Im Südsudan, 1—REFERENDUM, das —BIS zum 20110115             dauert und in dem die Bevölkerung über die Unabhängigkeit des Landes abstimmt.
20110109—20110709    —AM, Infolgedessen wurde der Südsudan unabhängig.
20110109—20150000    —IN, Bol quit journalism —FOLLOWING death threats.
20110130             SOUTH—SUDAN—REFERENDUM—COMMISSION said close to 99—PERCENT—OF—SOUTH—SUDAN—CHOSE to secede from the north in the landmark 20110109—20150109     referendum.
20120105—20120109    —ON, Gharsalla †.
20120109             —TRAINED, Baxam, 1—ARMY vet, in intelligence and cryptology, was arrested 20120106             at BALTIMORE—WASHINGTON INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT as he returned from 1 failed effort to get to SOMALIA.
20120109             MARYLAND, FORMER—USA—ARMY—VETERAN—CRAIG—BENEDICT—BAXAM, —24—JAHRE—ALT, who had done —EARLIER TOURS in IRAQ and SOUTH—KOREA, faced charges that he had tried to enlist with SOMALIA—AL—SHABAB terrorist group.
20120109             BRITAIN—PRIME—MINISTER—DAVID—CAMERON said SCOTLAND should hold 1—INDEPENDENCE—REFERENDUM as early as 20130000             , clashing with THE—SNP which does not want to hold a 1—BEFORE —AUTUMN 20140000             - the 700. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—BATTLE—OF—BANNOCKBURN.
20120109             —URGED, Britons were, to avoid drinking alcohol for at least —2—DAYS —1—WEEK to protect their health, 1—COMMITTEE—OF—MPS said in 1—REPORT published —TODAY.
20120109             —OPENED, RICHARD—BRANSON—VIRGIN—MONEY, its 1. bank branch in NORTH—EAST—ENGLAND.
20120109             NORTH—ROCK was sold —IN—NOVEMBER to Virgin Money for £747—MILLION ($1.18—BILLION, 872—MILLION euros) in cash.
20120109             —AGREED, THE—PRESIDENTS—OF—CHINA and SOUTH—KOREA, to work together to achieve peace and stability on the Korean peninsula, in their 1. summit —SINCE KIM—JONG—IL—DEATH opened the chance for major changes in NORTH—KOREA.
20120109             —ELECTED, GUINEA—BISSAU—PRESIDENT—MALAM—BACAI—SANHA was, in this tiny, COUP—PRONE nation on AFRICA—WESTERN—COAST about —2—YEARS—AGO—AFTER the previous leader was assassinated.
20120109             —FILED, INDIA—SOFTWARE outsourcer Mahindra Satyam said it has, 1—CASE against past directors and 1—FORMER—AUDITOR, seeking damages over a $1—BILLION accounting scam.
20120109             —REPORTED, IRAN—STATE—RADIO, that 1—IRAN—COURT has convicted AMIR—MIRZAEI—HEKMATI, —28—JAHRE—ALT, 1—USA—MAN, of working for THE—CIA and sentenced him to death.
20120109             —ADDED, The case, to the accelerating tension between THE—USA—AND—IRAN.
20120109             —TOSSED, In March THE—SUPREME—COURT, out his death penalty and said 1—NEW—TRIAL would held.
20120109             —VISITED, IRAN—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD, his close ally PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ in VENEZUELA on the 1. leg of a 4—NATION tour that will also take Ahmadinejad to NICARAGUA, CUBA and ECUADOR.
20120109             —KILLED, IRAQ, 1—ROADSIDE bomb, 2—SHIITE pilgrims walking to KARBALA.
20120109             3—CAR—BOMBS killed at least 17—PEOPLE in BAGHDAD.
20120109             MALAWI—COURTS—GROUND to 1—HALT as some 2,000 judicial workers began 1—INDEFINITE strike over work conditions and higher pay.
20120109             —ACQUITTED—OF, MALAYSIA, opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim was, sodomy charges.
20120109             MEXICO—POLICE found 13—BODIES at 1—GAS—STATION in THE—TOWN—OF—ZITACUARO, Michoacan state.
20120109             —CLASHED, NIGERIA—POLICE and protesters, and people were shot dead as tens of thousands demonstrated nationwide over fuel price hikes and 1—GENERAL—STRIKE shut down the country.
20120109             —KILLED, Suspected MEMBERS—OF—BOKO—HARAM, 2—CHRISTIANS in separate attacks in MAIDUGURI despite 1 increased security presence in the area.
20120109             —KILLED, Boko Haram gunmen, 1—SECRET—POLICE—OFFICER in Biu.
20120109             6—PEOPLE were killed in BENIN as 1—CROWD—SPLIT off to attack 1—MOSQUE and terrorize people in neighborhoods that are mainly Hausa.
20120109             —TRAVELED, PERU, passengers in LIMA, the full length of a 22km elevated railway for the 1. time.
20120109             WEST—POLAND, military prosecutor COLONEL—MIKOLAJ—PRZYBYL, THE—HEAD—OF—1—LOCAL—DEPARTMENT investigating organized crime in the army, shot himself in the head —AFTER defending the work of his office and rejecting planned reforms.
20120109             —SURVIVED, Przybyl, the shooting in POZNAN and said he tried to commit suicide because his own work has been used as 1—REASON supporting plans to close military prosecution offices in POLAND.
20120109             RUSSIA, 1—GAS—EXPLOSION and fire at the Il Pittore restaurant in MOSCOW killed 2—PEOPLE and injured at least 26. The explosion was believed to have been caused by improper USE—OF—GAS canisters.
20120109             SOUTH—SUDAN, Jonglei STATE—GOVERNOR, Kuol Manyang Juuk, said that Murle fighters had burned down 3—VILLAGES, killed at least 24—PEOPLE and wounded 20—OVER the last —24—HOURS with fighting still ongoing.
20120109             —RESIGNED, SWITZERLAND—NATIONAL—BANK—CHIEF—PHILIPP—HILDEBRAND, acknowledging he could not prove his innocence amid 1—PUBLIC uproar over his private currency deals.
20120109             —NETTED, Dollar swaps —LAST—YEAR, him and his wife tens of thousands in profits.
20120109             —FIRED, Activists said SYRIA—TROOPS have, on protesters as Arab League observers toured the Khaldiyeh neighborhood of HOMS province.
20120109             1—GROUP—OF—ARAB—LEAGUE—OBSERVERS were attacked in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—LATAKIA and 2—KUWAIT—ARMY—OFFICERS were lightly injured.
20120109             —DEMONSTRATED, TUNISIA, several 100—JOURNALISTS, in TUNIS to protest at THE—APPOINTMENT—OF—MEDIA—BOSSES by the government, which they regard as 1—RETURN to bad PRACTICES—OF—THE—PAST.
20120109             VENEZUELA, fighting broke out at 1—JAIL. 6—PRISONERS were left dead.
20120109—19860000    —IN, The project had begun.
20120109—20140000    —IN, the death sentence was overturned and reduced to —10—YEARS in jail.
20120109—20160000    —RELEASED, Hekmati was, as PART—OF—1—USA—IRAN prisoner swap.
20120109—20210000    —IN, it was reported USA—COMPENSATION for his imprisonment was being held back due to FBI suspicions that Hekmati had traveled to IRAN to sell classified secrets.
20121223—20120109    —REPORTED, All 4—SAILORS were, freed.
20130109             Google said it is putting $200—MILLION into 1—TEXAS—PANHANDLE wind farm.
20130109             —RETURNED, ARGENTINA—ARA—LIBERTAD naval ship, home from GHANA —AFTER being held there on 1—CLAIM by 1—CAYMAN—ISLANDS—BASED hedge fund.
20130109             AUSTRALIA, RICHARD—AMMAR—CHICHAKLI, 1—SYRIAN—BORN—AMERICAN, was arrested on charges that he conspired with VIKTOR—BOUT and others to try to buy aircraft from 2—COMPANIES in THE—USA.
20130109             UK—HEALTH—OFFICIALS said 1—NEW—STRAIN—OF—THE—WINTER vomiting disease norovirus has spread to FRANCE, NEW—ZEALAND and JAPAN from AUSTRALIA and is overtaking all others to become the dominant local strain.
20130109             Talks on the crisis in CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC began in GABON with REPRESENTATIVES—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT, rebels and other groups.
20130109             —BLAMED, PROTESTERS—TURKEY.
20130109             1—TURKEY—LAWMAKER claimed the women were slain in 1—DISPUTE between PKK factions.
20130109             —CHARGED, Omer Guney (34) was —LATER, with murder in the killings of Cansiz, Leyla Soylemez and Fidan Dogan.
20130109             HONG—KONG—PRO—DEMOCRACY, lawmakers made 1—SYMBOLIC—ATTEMPT to impeach  CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—LEUNG—CHUN—YING.
20130109             —OUTNUMBERED, THE—27—PRO—DEMOCRACY—LEGISLATORS were, by PRO—BEIJING representatives in the 70-seat Legislative Council.
20130109             —VOTED, Legislators in KENYA, themselves 1—HEFTY pay package in 1—LATE—EVENING vote on the last —DAY—OF—SESSION—BEFORE national elections.
20130109             The bill also would give KENYA—PRESIDENT, VICE—PRESIDENT—AND—PRIME—MINISTER hefty retirement packages, in 1—MOVE that could tempt PRESIDENT—MWAI—KIBAKI not to veto the legislation.
20130109             —KILLED, EAST—KENYA, 7—PEOPLE were, in tribal violence near the Tana River —AFTER more than 100—PEOPLE launched 1—ATTACK on 1—LOCAL—VILLAGE.
20130109             The fiercest —WINTER storm to hit the Mideast in years brought 1—RARE—FOOT—OF—SNOW to JORDAN, caused fatal accidents in LEBANON and THE—WEST—BANK, and disrupted traffic on THE—SUEZ—CANAL in EGYPT.
20130109             † At least 8—PEOPLE, across the region.
20130109             —ENACTED, MEXICO—GOVERNMENT, 1—NEW—LAW that require authorities to assist VICTIMS—OF—DRUG—RELATED violence and establish as fund for possible reparations.
20130109             —ATTACKED, THE—MALI army, Islamist rebels with heavy weapons in THE—CENTER—OF—THE—COUNTRY which divides THE—INSURGENT—HELD north and THE—GOVERNMENT—CONTROLLED south.
20130109             NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, truckers who carry supplies to NATO—TROOPS in AFGHANISTAN went on strike to protest lower pay, inadequate security and corrupt officials who demand bribes from the truckers.
20130109             Rizana Nafeek, 17—AT—THE—TIME—OF—THE killing, had denied strangling THE—4—MONTH—OLD—BOY.
20130109             1—FUEL—SHORTAGE has hit SIERRA—LEONE, causing rationing and long lines at gas stations and hampering THE—MOVEMENT—OF—VEHICLES and goods in THE—WEST—AFRICA—NATION.
20130109             —FIRED, SOUTH—AFRICA—POLICE, rubber bullets at striking farm workers who set up barricades and threw stones at motorists and security forces in WEST—CAPE province whose vineyards are vital to the wine industry.
20130109             —ARRESTED, At least 50—DEMONSTRATORS were.
20130109             —KILLED, THE—SUDAN—ARMY said its soldiers have, at least 30—REBELS in clashes in the troubled NORTH—DARFUR region.
20130109             The rebel forces were said to belong to the Justice and Equality Movement.
20130109             —FREED, SYRIA—REBELS, 48—IRANIANS held captive —SINCE—AUGUST in exchange for the release of more than 2,000 detainees in the 1. major prisoner SWAP—OF—THE—COUNTRY—CIVIL—WAR.
20130109             —DETECTED, THE—NATO—ALLIANCE, the launch of 1 unguided, SHORT—RANGE—BALLISTIC—MISSILE in Syria.
20130109             1—VIETNAM—COURT found 14—DEMOCRACY—ACTIVISTS—GUILTY—OF—SUBVERSION and sentenced them to jail terms ranging from 3—13—YEARS.
20130109             Nasse Haut: —FORSCHER ergründen ZWECK—DER—SCHRUMPEL—FINGER
20130109             Infrastruktur: TELEKOM—RIESEN prüfen gemeinsames EUROPAnetz
20130109             EINSATZ—GEGEN—TALIBAN: USA erwägen vollständigen Abzug aus AFGHANISTAN
20130109             Verschuldung: EUROPAs KRISEN—BANKEN gewinnen wieder Vertrauen
20130109             FLAGGEN—STREIT, 6. —KRAWALLNACHT in BELFAST
20130109             Milchstraße: Jeder 2. Stern hat erdähnliche Planeten
20130109             Rettungspaket: EURO—FINANZ—MINISTER—VERZÖGERN—ZYPERN—HILFEN - Umfrage, FDP sackt auf 2 % ab
20130109             Neubewertung von Fossilfunden: Sandstürme schliffen FRÜH—MENSCHEN—ZÄHNE ab
20130109             Hitzewus dem letzten WAHL—KAMPF schlägt innerhalb von —SEKUNDEN den Bogen vom RECHT der USA—AMERIKANER auf die Waffe zur FRANZÖSISCHE—REVOLUTION.
20130109             [l] Alt und langweilig: Digitalkameras mit Lächelautomatik.
20130109             Heiße Neuerung: Ferngläser mit Bildstabilisator und Gesichtserkennung.
20130109—19840000    —SINCE, FRANCE, 3—KURDISH—WOMEN, including Sakine Cansiz, 1—OF—THE—FOUNDERS—OF—1—MILITANT—GROUP battling TURKEY—TROOPS, were "executed" at the Kurdish Information Center in PARIS.
20130109—20161217    —ON, Guney † from brain disease.
20130117—19560109    —APPEARED, Her 1. column, in S—FRANCISCO—CHRONICLE.
20130920             1—DOKUMENT, DATIERT AUF DEN 20130109, beziffert die ANZAHL—DER—BEI—GOOGLE und YAHOO abgefangenen DATEN—SÄTZE auf mehr als 181.000.000 - allein für die zurückliegenden —30—TAGE.
20130920             Hier gehts zur Original JPMORGAN—STUDIE Quelle: MMnews vom 20130630             20140109—20140630    —ACCEPTED, GERMANY said it has, 1—UN—REQUEST to destroy REMNANTS—OF—SYRIA—CHEMICAL—WEAPONS on its own soil as PART—OF—1—BID to eliminate the arsenal.
20131214             "Ich werde alles was ich kann dafür tun, den Erwartungen meiner europäischen Partner zu entsprechen".20140109             "Ich denke wir haben den Weg geebnet für 1—RADIKALERE eskalation der Situation.
20140109             PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA spoke about how he will target job creation, housing, law enforcement and education in the poorest USA—COMMUNITIES, PART—OF—HIS pledge to narrow the gap between rich and poor in AMERICA.
20140109             He planned to create "promise zones" in S—ANTONIO, PHILADELPHIA, LOS—ANGELES, SOUTH—EAST—KENTUCKY, and the Choctaw Nation of OKLAHOMA.
20140109             —CHARGED, THE—SEC, Diamond Foods and 2—FORMER—TOP—EXECUTIVES with accounting fraud.
20140109             Diamond will pay $5—MILLION to settle the charges.
20140109             —AGREED, FORMER—CEO—MICHAEL—MENDES, to pay $125,000 to settle.
20140109             He had previously given back $4—MILLION in bonuses to the company.
20140109             —CONTINUED, Litigation, against FORMER—DFO STEVEN—NEILL.
20140109             —DISMISSED, NEW—JERSEY GOVERNOR—CHRIS, deputy CHIEF—OF—STAFF—BRIDGET ANNE—KELLY, who had sent E—MAILS calling for trouble at 1—KEY commuter choke point and repeatedly apologized in a —2—HOUR—NEWS—CONFERENCE.
20140109             AMIRI—BARAKA—PLAY "Dutchman" won 19640000             —THE—OBIE—AWARD for best USA—PLAY.
20140109             OKLAHOMA, 1—AFRICA—USA—MAN was put to death for murdering 1—STORE—MANAGER with 1—BASEBALL bat.
20140109             This was the 2. USA—EXECUTION—OF—20140000           .
20140109             20140109             MICHAEL—LEE—WILSON, —38—JAHRE—ALT was the 3. man put to death for THE—MURDER—OF—RICHARD—YOST, beaten with 1—BASEBALL bat and found in the freezer of his supermarket in TULSA in February 19950000.
20140109             20140109             WEST—VIRGINIA, 1—SPILL—OF—4—METHYLCYCLOHEXANE Methanol (MCHM), 1—CHEMICAL used in the coal industry, occurred on the Elk River in CHARLESTON, WEST—VIRGINIA—CAPITAL and largest city.
20140109             It took Freedom Industries, 1—MAKER—OF specialty chemicals, —12—DAYS to disclose the additional presence of polyglycol ethers (PPH).
20140109             —PLEADED, Over the —NEXT—YEAR 6—TOP—COMPANY—OFFICIALS, guilty to charges relating to the spill.
20140109             IBM said DBS Group Holdings Ltd. of SINGAPORE will begin to use the Watson supercomputer to aid financial planners in guiding its wealth management unit's affluent customers.
20140109             —LAUNCHED, Health experts, Action on Sugar, 1—DRIVE to cut sugar levels in food in 1—EFFORT to tackle obesity and diabetes.
20140109             —APOLOGIZED, DENNIS—RODMAN, for comments he made in NORTH—KOREA about 1—DETAINED—USA—MISSIONARY, saying he had been drinking and was under pressure as he organized 1—GAME with FORMER—NBA players.
20140109             AFGHANISTAN said it has enough evidence to try only 16—OF 88—PRISONERS that THE—USA—CONSIDERS 1—THREAT to security and plans to free the remaining detainees.
20140109             —ORDERED, PRESIDENT—KARZAI, the release of all but 16—OF—THE—88—PRISONERS.
20140109             —REACHED, NORTH—WEST—AUSTRALIA, the temperature in the Pilbara region, 122—DEGREES.
20140109             CHAD—AFRICAN, leaders began talks to tackle the sectarian violence wracking THE—CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC, with the pressure piling on the country's embattled PRESIDENT—MICHEL—DJOTODIA.
20140109             —RULED, CHILE—SUPREME—COURT, in favor of local fishermen who say Endesa CHILE—BOCAMINA—COAL—FIRED facility kills marine life and pollutes ocean water, but it said halting its operations was 1—DECISION for environmental authorities.
20140109             —FAMED, CHINA—OFFICIALS said, film director Zhang Yimou must pay more than $1.2—MILLION in fines for having 3—CHILDREN in VIOLATION—OF—CHINA—STRICT—FAMILY planning rules.
20140109             —CONVICTED, EGYPT—COURTS, 113—MUSLIM Brotherhood supporters on charges including attacking police, rioting and weapons possession in 3—SEPARATE—CASES brought —AFTER protests against THE—ARMY—BACKED government.
20140109             A European PARLIAMENT committee voted to invite EDWARD—SNOWDEN to testify via video link in its INVESTIGATION—OF—USA—SURVEILLANCE practices.
20140109             1—FRANCE—COURT suspended 1—BAN THE—CITY—OF—NANTES imposed to prevent 1—SHOW tonight by comic Dieudonne M'Bala M'Bala whose performances are considered ANTI—SEMITIC.
20140109             1—FRANCE—COURT ruled that dissident KAZAKHSTAN—MUKHTAR Ablyazov, accused of embezzling up to $6—BILLION from his FORMER—BANK—BTA, should be extradited from FRANCE to UKRAINE or RUSSIA.
20140109             FRANCE—ENGINEERING group Alstom said it has won 1—CONTRACT worth 120—MILLION—EUROS ($163—MILLION) to build ISRAEL—1. hydroelectric storage facility.
20140109             IRAQ, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER blew himself up at 1—MILITARY recruiting center in BAGHDAD killing at least 21—PEOPLE.
20140109             Human Rights Watch said that IRAQ—FORCES appear to have used mortar fire indiscriminately in CIVIL—AREAS in recent days in their effort to dislodge militants in Anbar province.
20140109             —LINKED, SOUTH—LIBYA, 1—MILITIA—CHIEF, to Awled Sleiman was killed.
20140109             —ACCUSED, The tribe, Toubou tribesmen, traditionally black oasis farmers, of murdering him.
20140109             —KILLED, NIGERIA—MILITARY reportedly, as many as 38—BOKO Haram fighters —EARLY—TODAY—DURING COUNTER—INSURGENCY operations in Borno state.
20140109             PAKISTAN, Chaudhry Aslam, 1—SENIOR—POLICE—INVESTIGATOR known for arresting DOZENS—OF—PAKISTANI—TALIBAN, was killed along with 2—OTHER—OFFICERS in 1—CAR bombing in KARACHI.
20140109             Palestinians threw rocks at 1—WEST—BANK—HOTEL, shattering windows and breaking up 1—MEETING—OF—ISRAELI and PALESTINE—PEACE—ACTIVISTS.
20140109             RESIDENTS—OF—PALESTINE—REFUGEE—CAMPS burnt tires and closed roads in THE—ISRAELI—OCCUPIED WEST—BANK in protests stemming from —1—MONTH—LONG—STRIKE by THE—UN—AGENCY that operates the camps.
20140109             —BATTLED, SOUTH—SUDAN—GOVERNMENT—FORCES, to retake the key REBEL—HELD TOWN—OF—BENTIU, as THOUSANDS—OF—CIVILIANS continued to flee fighting and peace talks appeared deadlocked.
20140109             —EXPLODED, SYRIA, 1—POWERFUL—CAR—BOMB, near 1—SCHOOL in AL—KAFFAT village, Hama province, killing at least 16—PEOPLE and causing massive damage to 1—RESIDENTIAL—AREA.
20140109             Jihadists battling rebels in the north fought to recover lost turf nearly —1—WEEK—AFTER 1—NEW—FRONT opened in the conflict gripping the country.
20140109             —KILLED, SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—FORCES, DOZENS—OF—REBEL—FIGHTERS overnight who tried to break 1—ARMY—SIEGE—OF—HOMS.
20140109             Disparate SYRIA—OPPOSITION—GROUPS, including several Islamist rebel representatives, met for the 1. time in THE—SPAIN—CITY—OF—CORDOBA to seek common ground AHEAD—OF—PEACE—TALKS with PRESIDENT—BASHAR—AL—ASSAD—GOVERNMENT—LATER —THIS—MONTH.
20140109             —MARCHED, THAILAND—PROTESTERS trying to topple PRIME—MINISTER—SHINAWATRA, in BANGKOK again, testing support for 1 planned "shutdown" of the capital —NEXT—WEEK.
20140109             —TORTURED, TUNISIA—ISLAMIST—PRIME—MINISTER—ALI—LARAYEDH, who was, under the ousted BEN—ALI regime, resigned as PART—OF—1—PLAN to end MONTHS—OF—POLITICAL deadlock.
20140109             He is to be replaced within —15—DAYS by premier designate Mehdi Jomaa at THE—HEAD—OF—1—GOVERNMENT—OF technocrats that will lead the country to fresh elections —THIS—YEAR under 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION.
20140109             SONNEN—STURM: Forscher enträtseln gigantische Materieströme
20140109—19650000    —IN, AMIRI—BARAKA as Everett LeRoi Jones and changed his name —FOLLOWING THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—MALCOLM—X.
20140109—20140630    —ACCEPTED, GERMANY said it has, 1—UN—REQUEST to destroy REMNANTS—OF—SYRIA—CHEMICAL—WEAPONS on its own soil as PART—OF—1—BID to eliminate the arsenal.
20140114             —LIFTED, WEST—VIRGINIA officials, 1—BAN on drinking tap water for 35,000 customers who had been affected by a 20140109             chemical spill that left the state's water supply nearly unusable for HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS.
20140117             —BLAMED, WEST—VIRGINIA, Freedom Industries, the company, for 20140109             —THE chemical spill that left 300,000—PEOPLE in the state without safe drinking water, field for bankruptcy.
20140126—20130109    —SINCE, It was the 1. raid on illegal Rohingya smuggling camps.
20150105—20150109    —RESUMED, Bitstamp, operation.
20150109             S—FRANCISCO, 4—MEN were shot dead inside 1—DOUBLE—PARKED stolen Honda in the Hayes Valley neighborhood.
20150109             Farley was serving time for possession of 1—STOLEN gun.
20150109             —RECANTED, His EX—GIRLFRIEND soon, her story and the case was dropped.
20150109             —CAUSED, MICHIGAN, blinding snow, 193—VEHICLES to pile up in I—94—NEAR—KALAMAZOO.
20150109             —KILLED, At least 1—PERSON was.
20150109             FRANCE, 1—HOSTAGE—TAKING at 1—JEWISH deli left 4—HOSTAGES and the gunman, Amedy Coulibaly, killed.
20150109             —FLOGGED, SAUDI—ARABIA, blogger Raif Badawi was, 50—TIMES, the 1. 10000900             lashes over —20—WEEKS.
20150109             —KILLED, UKRAINE—OFFICIALS said 6—SOLDIERS have been, in —2—DAYS—OF—FIGHTING as separatists intensified SHELLING—OF—GOVERNMENT—POSITIONS.
20150109             —TRAINIERT, TERROR—ANSCHLAG—IN—PARIS: Attentäter soll von AL—QAIDA, worden sein
20150109             PARIS—DIE FRANKREICH—REGIERUNG mobilisierte —AM—DONNERSTAG landesweit 88.000—EINSATZ—KRÄFTE, um die mit Maschinenpistolen bewaffneten Attentäter zu fassen.
20150109             Doch auch mehr als —35—STUNDEN—NACH—DEM blutigen TERROR—ANSCHLAG—AUF—DAS Satiremagazin CHARLIE—HEBDO sind DIE—TÄTER NOCH—IMMER auf der Flucht.
20150109             Mehrere USA—MEDIEN, darunter die FERNSEHSENDER—CNN und NBC und DIE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, berichten unter Berufung auf 1—HOCHRANGIGEN USA—REGIERUNGS—VERTRETER, die Brüder Chérif, 32, und Saïd Kouachi, 34, seien 20110000             zur Kampfausbildung in den JEMEN gereist.
20150109             Saïd Kouachi sei dort EINIGE—MONATE—LANG im Umgang mit Waffen von 1—AL—QAIDA—EINHEIT trainiert worden.
20150109             —GEWESEN, Beide Brüder seien im Visier DER—USA—BEHÖRDEN.
20150109             —GESTANDEN, So hätten sie unter anderen auf 1—NO—FLY—LISTE, was ihnen Flüge in DIE—USA untersagte.
20150109             —BISLANG gebe es aber keine Hinweise, daß die 2—ATTENTÄTER 1—SOLCHEN Auftrag bekommen hätten oder 1—AL—QAIDA—ZELLE in FRANKREICH angehörten.
20150109             Allerdings habe 1—ISLAMISTISCHES PROPAGANDA—MAGAZIN im JEMEN kürzlich zu Anschlägen auf Menschen im Westen aufgerufen, die den muslimischen Glauben verunglimpften.
20150109             Auch DER—CHEF—DES—SATIREMAGAZINS CHARLIE—HEBDO sei ausdrücklich genannt worden.
20150109             Das Fluchtauto der 2—TÄTER soll in NORD—FRANKREICH, etwa 80—KM—VON—PARIS entfernt, gefunden worden sein.
20150109             Darin: MOLOTOW—COCKTAILS und 1—ISLAMISTENFLAGGE.
20150109             —AM—ABEND, wurde das Licht am Eiffelturm ausgeschaltet.
20150109             DIE—CHEFIN der RECHTS—EXTREMEN FRONT—NATIONAL, MARINE—LE—PEN, beklagte, ihre Partei sei von dem Bündnis ausgeschlossen worden.
20150109             —AM—SONNTAG wollen sich führende Politiker der EU und USA zu ANTI—TERROR—GESPRÄCHEN in PARIS treffen, darunter BUNDES—INNEN—MINISTER—THOMAS—DE—MAIZIÈRE und USA—JUSTIZ—MINISTER—ERIC—HOLDER.
20150109             [l] RUSSLAND vergibt keinen Führerschein mehr an TRANSGENDER—MENSCHEN und Transsexuelle.
20150109             Knapp vor SAUDI—ARABIEN, huh?
20150109             Schmiererei auf Flugzeug: Flugbegleiter verweigern Abflug aus TERROR—ANGST —, werden gefeuert (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 04:49)
20150109             —ANSCHLAG—AUF—CHARLIE—HEBDO : Warum Blasphemie dazugehört
20150109             —DER—MORGEN—LIVE, Sturm erreicht NORD—DEUTSCHLAND
20150109             FRAKTIONsklausur: Linker Parteiflügel beklagt KUSCHEL—KURS der Grünen
20150109             —NACH, ATTENTAT—VON—PARIS: GABRIEL ruft MERKEL zu DEMO—GEGEN—TERROR und Intoleranz auf
20150109             Warten auf höhere PREISE, SHELL und Co. bunkern ERD—ÖL in Supertankern
20150109             Hohes Ausfallrisiko: Lieferungen nach RUSSLAND kaum versicherbar
20150109             —ANSCHLAG—AUF—CHARLIE—HEBDO : Ermittler rätseln über Kenntnisse DER—ATTENTÄTER
20150109             ;;11;;zahlen: DEUTSCHE—WIRTSCHAFT exportiert und produziert weniger
20150109             —NACH, über —50—JAHREN: USA—DIPLOMATEN reisen nach KUBA
20150109             Fahndung nach CHARLIE—HEBDO —ATTENTÄTERN: Der Zugriff läuft
20150109             DISKRIMINIERUNG—IN—RUSSLAND: Transsexuelle sollen keinen Führerschein mehr machen dürfen
20150109             —NACHRICHTENBLOG, Bewohner von nordfranzösischem Ort sollen ihre Häuser nicht verlassen
20150109             Gasfelder vor KRIM—KÜSTE: UKRAINE droht RUSSLAND mit Klage
20150109             Gauck zu CHARLIE—HEBDO : "Wir sind weder ohnmächtig noch hilflos"
20150109             GRIECHENLAND—OLIGARCHEN: Meine Zeitung, meine Baufirma, mein Land
20150109             Strategie gegen KRIMinalität: CDU will mehr Kameras an Brennpunkten
20150109             —VERSTEIGERT, Für 300.000—DOLLAR : Das ist die 1.ELVIS—PLATTE
20150109             ANT—ARKTIS: Forscher vermuten großen Meteoriten unterm Eis
20150109             TAXI—ERSATZDIENSTE: CHINA geht gegen Uber vor
20150109             WASHINGTON, Der überraschende Wunsch KUBAs nach 1—NEUEN Verhältnis zu DEN—USA kommt weiter voran.
20150109             —LAUT—DEM—USA—AUSSEN—MINISTERIUM soll DIE—USA—SPITZENDIPLOMATIN Roberta JACOBson am 21.und ;;0122;;
20150109             HAVANNA besuchen
20150109             und mit ihren KUBA—KOLLEGEN über 1—WIEDER—AUFNAHME—DER—BEZIEHUNGEN beider Länder verhandeln, die —SEIT—JAHR—10. ruhen.
20150109             —INZWISCHEN, hat DIE—REGIERUNG in HAVANNA MENSCHEN—RECHTS—AKTIVISTEN zufolge mindestens 35—POLITISCHE Gefangene aus der Haft entlassen, bei denen ES—SICH um MITGLIEDER—DER—VERBOTENEN—OPPOSITIONS—BEWEGUNG handeln soll.
20150109             —BISLANG befinden sich aber laut KUBA—KOMMISSION für MENSCHEN—RECHTE und Nationale Versöhnung (CCDHRN) noch mindestens 105—DISSIDENTEN in Haft.
20150109             Auslöser dafür könnten ökonomische Engpässe sein: das Leben im Land ist karg.
20150109             Wegen der dortigen WIRTSCHAFTS—KRISE, bedingt durch den Absturz des Ölpreises, kann CARACAS das CASTRO—REGIME jedoch nicht mehr im selben Umfang wie —BISHER, unterstützen.
20150109             USA—PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA kündigte —NUN an, mit dem Kongress über 1—MÖGLICHES ENDE—DER—HANDELS—BLOCKADE zu beraten.
20150109             —SOMMER—BIS—ZUM entscheiden, ob sie KUBA—VON—DER—LISTE—DER—UNTERSTÜTZERSTAATEN—DES—TERRORISMUS streichen.
20150109             DIE—AMERIKANER
20150109             —NOCH—IMMER, sind Zehntausende POLIZISTEN, darunter Eliteeinheiten, im —GEBIET um Aisne im Einsatz, um die 2—VERDÄCHTIGEN Männer zu finden.
20150109             Neben der Suche —NACH—DEN Tätern rückt —NUN auch die Frage in den Vordergrund, woher DIE—TÄTER ihre INFORMATIONEN—ÜBER—CHARLIE—HEBDO hatten.
20150109             DIE—ABLÄUFE in der RED—AKTION kannten nur wenige.
20150109             An der Etagentür habe es keinen Hinweis auf die RED—AKTION gegeben.
20150109             —GEBETEN, DIE—NACHBARN waren laut dem Bericht, worden, die Anwesenheit des Magazins nicht zu verbreiten.
20150109             Den Recherchen zufolge waren DIE—ATTENTÄTER über —TAG und UHRZEIT—DER—WÖCHENTLICHEN REDAKTIONS—KONFERENZ informiert.
20150109             Allerdings, so heißt es weiter, seien die strengen SICHERHEITS—AUFLAGEN im vergangenen ;;08;;leicht gelockert worden.
20150109             DIE—POLIZEIPRÄFEKTUR—VON—PARIS habe —DAMALS, DIE—BEDROHUNGSLAGE als etwas geringer angesehen.
20150109             DIE—GRUND—LAGEN für das brutale Vorgehen soll sich zumindest 1—DER 2—VERDÄCHTIGEN Brüder in 1—QAIDA—AUSBILDUNGS—LAGER antrainiert haben.
20150109             sicher werden DIE—USA—UNS das "leck"bald aufzeigen. wie immer wenn es nachträglich etwas zu erklären gibt.
20150109             Nsa - Vielleicht haben sie Mittel genutzt, die DIE—NSA hier nicht mehr nutzen darf, weil unsere informationielle SELBST—BESTIMMUNG mehr wert ist als Menschenleben.
20150109             Das Foto ist von der alten/ehemaligen Adresse der Redaktion.
20150109             merkwürdig - Da regen sich LEUTE über ISLAMISTEN auf, und schlagen genau das gleiche Patentrezept vor.
20150109             Einfach erschießen! Nach der Logik funktioniert auch das Hirn DER—ATTENTÄTER.
20150109             —GEGANGEN, Ansonsten, wer je mit wachen Augen durch den Alltag, ist oder sich je mit historischen Verbrechen oder deren gerichtlicher Aufklärung befasst hat, wird wissen, daß es STÄNDIG zu Merkwürdigkeiten kommt.
20150109             Oder zumindest Dingen, die dem Außenstehenden nicht merkwürdig vorkommen.
20150109             Vor allem wenn er sich nicht die Mühe macht, nachzulesen was —SEITHER zigfach zu lesen war, nämlich daß DIE—ATTENTÄTER ihre Sturmhauben zeitweise abgenommen hatten.
20150109             —ÜBERRASCHT, Auch die Sache mit dem Ausweis, mich nicht.
20150109             Verbrecher sind einfach oft unglaublich blöd und machen haarsträubende Fehler.
20150109             Wenn sie es nicht wären, hätten sie vielleicht 1—ANSTÄNDIGE Art gefunden, ihren Lebensunterhalt zu verdienen und müßten nicht aus Frust darüber andere LEUTE über den Haufen schießen.
20150109             Und würden auch nicht irgendwelchen
20150109             VERSCHWÖRUNGS—THEORIEN werden meistens mit dem Ziel in DIE—WELT gesetzt, von den eigentlichen Fakten abzulenken.
20150109             Einige von ihnen bildeten auch aus Bleistiften 1—KREUZ.
20150109             —VERLIERT, SUCHMASCHINEN—MARKTANTEILE: Google, YAHOO gewinnt
20150109             TERROR—IN—NIGERIA: MILITÄR will Orte von BOKO—HARAM zurückerobern
20150109             Einspruch abgelehnt: SPANIEN—KÖNIGSSCHWESTER muss auf DIE—ANKLAGEBANK
20150109             SOLIDARITÄTS—AKTION IM—NETZ: "Ich bin AHMED, der tote POLIZIST"
20150109             Flug MH17: NIEDERLANDE kannten Gefahren im LUFT—RAUM DER—UKRAINE
20150109             Solidaritätsbekundung DER—SPIEGEL—GRUPPE
20150109             The idea that liberals favor ISLAMic fundamentalism, or ANY—OTHER—TYPE—OF—FUNDAMENTALISM, is 1—OF—THOSE surreal fairy tales that RIGHT—WINGERS love to tell themselves, even though this fantasy has no —BASIS in reality.
20150109             Most liberals feel uncomfortable with any and all forms of "that old time RELIGION".
20150109             (Liberals do tend to give Wiccans 1—FREE pass, probably because so MANY—WICCANS are big on feminist rhetoric.
20150109             —CA, only pretends to be old.).
20150109             THE—RIGHT wants us to believe that this TERROR—ATTACK proves not only that ISLAM is inherently violent but that the mainstream USA—MEDIA are enablers of ISLAMic violence.
20150109             Yes, THE—NYT is GUILTY—OF—MANY—SINS.
20150109             —ATTRIBUTED, The magically morphing quotation, to Vinson is, at worst, 1—VENIAL sin.
20150109             —WHEN THE—TIMES committed 1—SERIES—OF—MORTAL sins —DURING—THE—BUSH—YEARS, THE—REPUBLICANS did not complain.
20150109             Fahndung nach CHARLIE—HEBDO —ATTENTÄTERN: 1—DORF im BELAGERUNGS—ZUSTAND
20150109             ISLAMkritisches Buch: Houellebecq bricht Werbetour für "Unterwerfung"ab
20150109             PARIS—DER GROß—EINSATZ—IN—DAMMARTIN—EN—GOËLE läuft —SEIT—STUNDEN, DIE—POLIZEI hat die Bewohner des 8000—EINWOHNER—DORFES NORD—OST—VON—PARIS aufgefordert, ihre Häuser nicht zu verlassen.
20150109             Kinder sollen in den Schulen bleiben, hieß ES—FREITAG—AM, auf der INTERNETseite des kleinen Ortes.
20150109             DIE—SICHERHEITS—KRÄFTE haben die Gesuchten in 1—DRUCKEREI eingekesselt.
20150109             DIE—GEBRÜDER Kouachi waren nach 1—VERFOLGUNGSJAGD und 1—SCHIEßEREI in das Gebäude in der Nähe des Pariser Flughafens CHARLES—DE—GAULLE geflüchtet.
20150109             DER—POLIZEI—GROß—EINSATZ solle die mutmaßlichen DSCHIHADISTEN "neutralisieren"- so drückte es FRANKREICH—INNEN—MINISTER—BERNARD—CAZENEUVE aus.
20150109             DAMMARTIN—EN—GOËLE
20150109             es war gleichzeitig auch der Erscheinungstag von "Unterwerfung"in FRANKREICH.
20150109             Das Buch hatte 1—KONTROVERSE politische Diskussion ausgelöst.
20150109             —VOR—SCHON, dem Anschlag vom —MITTWOCH wurde es im FRANKREICH—FERNSEHEN etwa als "islamophob"kritisiert.
20150109             DIE—DEUTSCHEN "Tagesthemen"berichteten, Houellebecq entwerfe darin 1 "Schreckensszenario"1—ISLAMISCHEN Herrschaft über FRANKREICH.
20150109             Tatsächlich aber bedient ES—SICH dem HOUELLEBECQ—TYPISCHEN Spiel mit Denkmustern und literarischen Verweisen
20150109             Rezension dazu lesen Sie hier)
20150109             Sein Agent wollte dies laut der NACHRICHTEN—AGENTUR—AFP aber nicht bestätigen.
20150109             Zu billig: SCHWEIZ—ZOLL stoppt DEUTSCHLAND—PIZZA—KURIERE
20150109             TERROR—IN—FRANKREICH: Weitere Schießerei und GEISEL—NAHME in OST—PARIS
20150109             VERSCHWÖRUNGS—THEORIEN der Wirtschaft: "Statt Gott lenken —JETZT Verschwörer DIE—WELT"
20150109             MOHAMMED—KARIKATURIST: Westergaard verkauft Bild zugunsten von CHARLIE—HEBDO
20150109             Mutmaßliche CHARLIE—HEBDO—MÖRDER: Kicken mit AL—QAIDA
20150109             PRESSE—KOMPASS: Was darf Satire?
20150109             ICH—BEWUSSTSEIN: Makaken erkennen sich im Spiegel
20150109             DIE—FÄHIGKEIT, sich im Spiegel zu erkennen, dient Forschern als Zeichen für 1—ICH—BEWUSSTSEIN.
20150109             Menschen haben die Fähigkeit, sich als Selbst wahrzunehmen,
20150109             Mit 1—TRICK brachten Neng GONG—VON—DER—CHINA—AKADEMIE der Wissenschaften und Kollegen den Affen bei, sich doch selbst zu erkennen.
20150109             Dazu setzten sie 7—TIERE vor 1—SPIEGEL und richteten 1—LEICHT reizenden Laserstrahl auf ihre Haut.
20150109             —NACH, 2—BIS —5—WOCHEN hatten 5—DER Affen gelernt, 1—LICHT—PUNKT—IN—IHREM Gesicht zu berühren, auch wenn sie ihn nicht spürten.
20150109             DIE—AFFEN griffen —NACH—DEM Licht, schauten, ob sie etwas in ihrem Finger entdecken oder riechen konnten.
20150109             Der MARKIER—TEST gilt als STANDARD—TEST fürs ICH—BEWUSSTSEINS.
20150109             —SCHON, kleine Kinder versuchen, fremd erscheinende Markierungen in ihrem Gesicht zu entfernen, wenn sie diese im Spiegel sehen.
20150109             Mit dem reizenden Laser konnten Gong und Kollegen den Affen beibringen, sich ebenfalls an der richtigen Stelle an den Kopf zu fassen, wenn 1—LICHT—PUNKT im Spiegel erschien.
20150109             Offenbar hatte das Training aber noch mehr bewirkt: Die Affen nutzen den Spiegel —NUN gezielt, um sich selbst zu untersuchen und Stellen zu betrachten, die sie ohne Spiegel nicht sehen konnten,
20150109             Mit 1—HANDSPIEGEL betrachteten auch diese Affen Körperstellen, die sie normalerweise nicht sehen konnten.
20150109             TEXAS Hold'em: Computer schlägt 1.Menschen beim Poker
20150109             —RECHTS—RADIKALE FRONT—NATIONAL und DER—TERROR: LE—PEN profitiert
20150109             Prozess zu ANTI—NAZI—DEMO in DRESDEN: STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT und Verteidiger legen Revision 1
20150109             Absatzrekord: VW verkauf 10—S 1.Konzern 10.000.000 Autos
20150109             "CHARLIE—HEBDO"—ANSCHLAG: FACEBOOK und YouTube zeigen Video vom TOD—DES—POLIZISTEN ungekürzt
20150109             —POLIZEI stürmt offenbar Zufluchtsort der "CHARLIE—HEBDO"—ATTENTÄTER
20150109             —ANSCHLAG—AUF—CHARLIE—HEBDO : Die ungeheure FREIHEIT—DES—DENKENS
20150109             Aus den Bildern der ermordeten Karikaturisten von CHARLIE—HEBDO spricht die Lust, sich nichts und niemandem zu unterwerfen.
20150109             Das ist DIE—BESTIMMUNG des Menschen, für MANCHE—1—FLUCH: frei zu sein.
20150109             Frei auch und gerade von RELIGION.
20150109             Religionen schaffen Ordnung: Sie sind wie 1—LABYRINTH, in dem sich DIE—MENSCHEN freiwillig verlieren, nur um sich mit großer Geste wieder herausführen zu lassen.
20150109             Religionen reduzieren, vereinfachen, verdummen DIE—WELT, weil sie so oft von Gut und Böse reden, —BIS sich noch das schlauste Kind fürchtet, und weil sie so tun, als hätten sie Antworten auf die komplizierten Fragen DER—MENSCHEN.
20150109             Religionen sind das Kerosin, das man in Flammenherde schüttet, damit sie explodieren.
20150109             Religionen muss man deshalb immer bekämpfen, das war die Überzeugung von Cabu, von Wolinski, von Charb und all den anderen Zeichnern von CHARLIE—HEBDO, man muss sie zeigen als das, was sie sind: lächerlich.
20150109             JUDEN, CHRISTEN, Moslems: Alle lächerlich.
20150109             Das war die Haltung von CHARLIE—HEBDO, die in der langen TRADITION—DES—FRANKREICH—AUFKLÄRERISCHEN, antiklerikalen, laizistischen Denkens steht und auf Seite des Lachens.
20150109             es war 1—KOALITION der Konservativen und der Freiheitsfeinde: CHARLIE—HEBDO war immer links, sehr links, der HERAUSGEBER—STÉPHANE—CHARBONNIER wählte —BIS zuletzt DIE—KOMMUNISTEN.
20150109             aber auch das "christliche Abendland"ist nichts weiter als 1—FIKTION, es existierte nie und existiert —HEUTE nicht außer für DIE—LEUTE, die an Dresdner Stollen glauben und Dresdner Ressentiments verkaufen.
20150109             es braucht das Erbe der Ermordeten von CHARLIE—HEBDO, die für UMWELT—SCHUTZ, für gleiche Rechte für alle, für Toleranz waren und gegen RASSISMUS, Hass, RELIGION und 1—KAPITALISMUS, der sich selbst zur heiligen Wahrheit erklärt.
20150109             1—SCHLÜSSELFIGUR—VON—CHARLIE—HEBDO war deshalb auch BERNARD—MARIS, 1—ÖKONOM, der die ÖKONOMIE als Scheinwissenschaft entlarvte, 1—BERATER—DER—FRANZÖSISCHEN—ZENTRAL—BANK, der im praktizierten KAPITALISMUS 1—HAUPT—PROBLEM unserer Zeit sah.
20150109             Auch BERNARD—MARIS starb —AM—MITTWOCH in PARIS, in der Rue NICOLAS—APPERT—NUMMER 10.
20150109             Zugriff bei Dammertin: CHARLIE—HEBDO —ATTENTÄTER sind TOT—GEISEL unversehrt
20150109             —NACH, fast —2—JAHREN: ZYPERN hebt KAPITAL—KONTROLLEN auf
20150109             —STREIT—GESPRÄCH: Hilft die VORRATS—DATEN—SPEICHERUNG gegen TERROR?
20150109             OBAMAs PLÄNE—FÜR—COMMUNITY Colleges: Kostenlose Ausbildung für alle!
20150109             4—GEISELN in jüdischem SUPER—MARKT in PARIS sind tot - Todesflug MH 17: Wer warum schoss
20150109             Morde bei CHARLIE—HEBDO : BKA löst Alarmplan aus
20150109             Projekt "Zamzam": SYRIEN baut offenbar geheime ATOM—ANLAGE
20150109             [l] Wisst ihr, wer an den Morden von PARIS Schuld ist?
20150109             Kommt ihr NIE drauf! EDWARD—SNOWDEN!
20150109             Sagt DER—CHEF—VON—"Bild"-Online, und der kennt sich da aus, der hat nämlich mit USA—AMERIKANISCHEN "ANTI—TERROR"-"Experten"gesprochen.
20150109             Leider ist er da nicht alleine.
20150109             Auch Camerons Schergen und unsere SPEZIAL—EXPERTEN—VON—DER—CSU haben sich ja nicht entblödet, gleich mal die VORRATS—DATEN—SPEICHERUNG zu fordern.
20150109             [l] Wer wie ich auf GEHEIM—DIENST—CONNECTIONS gewartet hat: Wie wäre es hiermit?
20150109             1—RELIABLE—SOURCE has confirmed to THE—BBC that Cherif and Said Kouachi were on THE—UK—WARNINGS—INDEX "and had been —TIME—FOR—SOME".
20150109             Oder hiermit? reicht euch noch nicht? 1—HAB ich noch!
20150109             Dabei habe es allerdings keinerlei Hinweise auf 1—BEVORSTEHENDEN TERROR—AKT gegeben
20150109             Oder INTERNET—SPERREN für TERRORpropaganda? —AM, besten ohne richterlichen Beschluss?
20150109             DON—ALPHONSO erklärt, wieso das so ist:
20150109             Nicht etwa, weil das möglicherweise fundamentalen Prinzipien des Abendlandes wie der MEINUNGS—FREIHEIT und GewaltenTEILUNG widerspräche, sondern weil FRANKREICH das alles längst hat.
20150109             —ERST im;;07;;des letzten —JAHRES passierte mit grosser Zustimmung die jüngste Verschärfung der ANTI—TERROR—GESETZE die PARLAMENTe im Schnelldurchgang — und mit dabei war vieles, was sich die VERFOLGUNGS—BEHÖRDEN auch in totalitären STAATEN wünschen würden.
20150109             Speziell DER—RICHTERVORBEHALT wurde, für 1—RECHTS—STAAT fragwürdig, massiv zurückgenommen, etwa beim Entschlüsseln persönlicher DATEN—VON—VERDÄCHTIGEN.
20150109             Das ist alles toll für totalitäre STAATEN im KAMPF—GEGEN—IHRE Dissidenten, aber völlig nutzlos in Demokratien bei der ABWEHR—VON—TERROR—ANSCHLÄGEN.
20150109             Genau wie IN—DEN—USA und bei uns auch.
20150109             [l] DIE—EU—OMBUDSFRAU so: Liebe Amis, lasst mich doch mal kurz DIE—AKTEN zum SWIFT—ABKOMMEN einsehen.
20150109             DIE—USA so: Nö. - - - "Technische Zusatzklauseln"zum EUROPÄISCH—USA—USA—TERRORIST Finance Tracking Program (TFTP) höhlen laut DER—EUROPÄISCHEN Bürgerbeauftragten, EU—OMBUDSFRAU EMILY—O'REILLY die Aufsicht der EU—ORGANE aus.
20150109             20150109             Zum 1.Mal in der zwanzigjährigen GESCHICHTE—DES—EU—OMBUDSMANNS sei es ihrem BÜRO verwehrt worden, DIE—DOKUMENTE einzusehen, berichtete O'REILLY—DEM—INNEN—AUSSCHUSS—DES—EU—PARLAMENTS.
20150109             SUPER—MARKT—TERRORIST Coulibaly: Der 3. Mann
20150109             TOD—DER—CHARLIE—HEBDO —ATTENTÄTER: —53—STUNDEN auf der Jagd
20150109             —BÜRGER—KRIEG—IN—SYRIEN—REGIME foltert 2.100—MENSCHEN zu Tode
20150109             INTERNET—GESETZE: NRW—JUSTIZ—MINISTER will gegen "Web als Waffe"vorgehen
20150109             DÜSSELDORF: BÜRGER—MEISTER darf nicht zu ANTI—PEGIDA—PROTESTEN aufrufen
20150109             [l] Als der POLIZIST mit GANGSTER—NEBENJOB im Ferrari zur Arbeit kam, schöpften seine Kollegen Verdacht.
20150109             —JAILED, He was, in ;;09;; along with other gang members —AFTER admitting CONSPIRACY to run 1—BROTHEL, CONSPIRACY to launder money and POSSESSION—OF—CLASS 1—DRUGS with intent to supply.
20150109             EXTREMIST religious groups —FOLLOWING a "takfiri"ideology have offended the Prophet Mohammad more than THE—WESTERN cartoons mocking him, Hezbollah CHIEF—HASAN—NASRALLAH said —FRIDAY.
20150109             takfiri bezeichnet Moslems, die andere Moslems als Ungläubige beschimpfen, und wird von schiitischen Gruppen wie der Hisbollah als Schimpfwort für sunnitische Gruppierungen, besonders Jihadisten, benutzt.
20150109             —BEWAFFNET, DIE—VIDEOÜBERWACHUNG—IN—DER—TANKSTELLE habe gezeigt, dass die 2—MIT 1—KALASCHNIKOW, waren und im Auto 1—PANZERFAUST hatten, berichtet DIE—NACHRICHTEN—AGENTUR—AFP.
20150109             Warten auf höhere PREISE, SHELL und Co.
20150109             —LAUT—"LE—MONDE"war das Satiremagazin —ERST im;;07;;des —VERGANGENEN—JAHRES in die Rue NICOLAS—APPERT im 11. ARRONDISSEMENT umgezogen.
20150109             sicher werden DIE—USA—UNS das "leck"bald aufzeigen.
20150109             WETTER—PROGNOSE: Orkan fegt über NORD—DEUTSCHLAND - Yes, THE—NYT is GUILTY—OF—MANY—SINS.
20150109             Er ziehe sich vorübergehend zurück, weil er um seinen getöteten Freund BERNARD—MARIS trauere, teilte der Agent des, —56—JAHRE—ALTEN mit.
20150109             Der bekannte WIRTSCHAFTS—JOURNALIST—MARIS war wie 11—WEITERE Menschen bei dem ATTENTAT —AM—MITTWOCH in PARIS erschossen worden.
20150109             In dem ROMAn entwirft Houellebecq 1—BILD—VON—FRANKREICH
20150109             —LAUT—INFORMATIONEN des NACHRICHTEN—SENDERS FRANCE Info will der SCHRIFTSTELLER PARIS in Richtung 1—GEHEIM gehaltenen Ortes verlassen.
20150109             —LAUT—ANGABEN seines Verlags sprach Houellebecq vor seiner Abreise mit dem FRANKREICH—PRIVATSENDER Canal+.
20150109             DAS—INTERVIEW, in dem sich der AUTOR—ÜBER sein Buch und das ATTENTAT äußert, soll —AM—FREITAG ausgestrahlt werden.
20150109             auch Menschaffen wie ORANG—UTANS oder Schimpansen, Krähenvögel und Delfinen scheint bewusst zu sein, dass sie vor dem Spiegel sich selbst sehen
20150109             "Unsere —STUDIE legt nahe, dass Rhesusaffen die grundlegende Hardware besitzen, um sich selbst zu erkennen, sie brauchen nur angemessenes Training, um auch DIE—SOFTWARE verfügbar zu machen", so Gong.
20150109             "Unsere Erkenntnisse deuten darauf hin, dass sich kognitive und neurologische Defizite im BEREICH—DER—SELBSTWAHRNEHMUNG möglichweise durch Training verringern lassen".
20150109             "Wenn man davon spricht, dass DIE—RELIGION das Böse verhindert, spricht man eigentlich davon, dass DIE—POLIZEI das Böse verhindert", schrieb er.
20150109             "Nur 1—PAAR —TAGE ohne POLIZEI zeigen, dass die FURCHT—VOR—GOTT nicht viel Böses verhindert".
20150109             Leider ist er da nicht alleine. reicht euch noch nicht?
20150109             Der FRANKREICH—INNEN—MINISTER—BERNARD—CAZENEUVE gab zu Protokoll, dass die 2—TATVERDÄCHTIGEN des Pariser Anschlags ÜBERWACHT worden seien.
20150109             —UPDATE, Auch RT berichtet das mit der GROSSBRITANNIEN—TERROR—WATCHLIST und berichtet auch, dass die —SEIT—JAHREN, auf DER—USA—NO—FLY—LISTE waren.
20150109             [l] Ist euch aufgefallen, dass in FRANKREICH niemand die VORRATS—DATEN—SPEICHERUNG fordert?
20150109             —DETAINED, TURKEY, security forces, 13—FOREIGNERS and 1—TURKEY—CITIZEN attempting to cross into Syria from 1—VILLAGE in THE—SOUTH—EAST—PROVINCE—OF—GAZIANTEP to join the Islamic State (IS) jihadist group.
20150109—19620000    —SEIT, Wegen des
20150109—20110109    —SEIT—DEM—ATTENTAT—VON, und den unzähligen MORDDROHUNGEN—GEGEN—DIE RED—AKTION machte 'CHARLIE—HEBDO ' seine Räume unauffindbar".
20150109—20130000    —IN, FLORIDA, GEORGE—ZIMMERMAN, 1—FORMER—NEIGHBORHOOD watch volunteer acquitted in 1—FATAL shooting of 1 unarmed black teenager, was arrested for aggravated assault in connection with 1—DOMESTIC—DISTURBANCE—EARLIER in the —WEEK.
20150109—20140000    —SENTENCED, He was, to —10—YEARS in prison plus the lashes for criticizing clerics.
20150109—20150106    —WARNED, ALGERIA—SECRET—SERVICES, FRANCE of imminent TERRORIST—ATTACK, THE—DAY—BEFORE the attack on #CharlieHebdo, says @itele
20150109—20160729    —ON, police pulled LEE—FARLEY, —27—JAHRE—ALT from his cell in at 1—FEDERAL—LOCKUP in Atwater and booked him in SF for THE—4—MURDERS.
20151220—20150109    —ON, charges were brought against 16—PEOPLE who owned or helped operated the landfill.
20160109             —CONDUCTED, THE—USA—LED coalition, 11—AIR—STRIKES against Islamic State forces in Syria and 15 in IRAQ.
20160109             Organizers said BRITAIN—BIGGEST—EVER national lottery win was shared by 2—PLAYERS, —AFTER huge NUMBERS—OF—TICKETS were sold for THE—66—MILLION—POUND ($96—MILLION) TAX—FREE jackpot.
20160109             —REPORTED, CHINA—STATE—NEWS, that BEIJING will close 2,500 small polluting firms —THIS—YEAR in its latest effort to combat pollution.
20160109             —FIRED, GERMANY, police, tear gas and used water cannon to clear 1—RALLY in COLOGNE—OF—THE—FAR—RIGHT—XENOPHOBIC—PEGIDA movement, —AFTER protesters hurled firecrackers and bottles at officers.
20160109             —PLEDGED, IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—HAIDER—AL—ABADI, to stamp out corruption —THIS—YEAR amid criticism from the nation's highest Shi'ite cleric, Grand Ayatollah ALI—AL—SISTANI, that his government has done little to combat graft.
20160109             NORTH—IRAQ, 9—FIGHTERS from 1—SHI'ITE Muslim militia battling Islamic State were killed —WHEN 1—IRAQ—ARMY—AVIATION—DRONE opened fire on mistaken coordinates.
20160109             ISRAEL—TROOPS shot dead 2—PALESTINE—MEN at 1—CHECKPOINT in the occupied WEST—BANK.
20160109             —DISPUTED, DETAILS—OF—THE—INCIDENT were.
20160109             —OPENED, ITALY—POLICE, 1—MURDER—INVESTIGATION—AFTER ASHLEY—OLSEN, —35—JAHRE—ALT—OF—SUMMER—HAVEN—FLORIDA, was found dead in FLORENCE, her neck bruised and scratched.
20160109             —ARRIVED, Cheik Tidiane Diaw (27), who had, in ITALY from SENEGAL in recent months, was arrested Jan14 at his brother's apartment —AFTER DNA evidence linked him to the murder.
20160109             KOSOVO police used water cannons and tear gas to disperse 1—GROUP—OF—VIOLENT—OPPOSITION—SUPPORTERS who pelted them with rocks and Molotov cocktails —FOLLOWING 1—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTEST in the capital.
20160109             —CALLED, Several 1000—PEOPLE, on KOSOVO—GOVERNMENT to resign, arguing the executive has broken the country's constitution in reaching deals with Serbia and MONTENEGRO —LAST—YEAR.
20160109             —KILLED, SOUTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, 1—ROADSIDE bomb, 2—COAST—GUARDS and wounded 3—OTHERS in Baluchistan province.
20160109             —ARMED, Elsewhere in Baluchistan, motorcyclists gunned down 2—POLICEMEN who were guarding 1—MOSQUE in QUETTA.
20160109             POLAND, THOUSANDS—OF—OPPONENTS—OF—THE—NEW—RIGHT—WING government held protests in WARSAW and other cities against policies which they say threaten democracy and media freedom.
20160109             —DEPLOYED, THE—PHILIPPINES, about 5,000 police and soldiers were, to secure the daylong procession of the Black Nazarene in 1—OF—ASIA—LARGEST—RELIGIOUS—FESTIVALS.
20160109             —JAMMED, More than 1—MILLION—FILIPINO—ROMAN—CATHOLIC devotees, MANILA—STREETS for the annual procession.
20160109             2—PEOPLE † and hundreds were injured.
20160109             —PROTESTED, NORTH—SPAIN, tens of thousands, in BILBAO calling for the return of more than 400—PRISONERS linked to the Basque separatist group ETA who are being held outside the region.
20160109             SYRIA, RUSSIA—STRIKES on 1—PRISON—COMPLEX—RUN by the Nusra Front, AL—QAEDA—SYRIA—AFFILIATE in the country's northwest, killed at least 81—PEOPLE, including 23—AL—QAEDA fighters.
20160109             —KILLED, TURKEY, 16—REBELS were, in the towns of Cizre and Silopi, near the Syrian and IRAQ—BORDERS, and another 4 were killed in SUR.
20160109             † UN officials said at least 10—PEOPLE have and over 1,000 fallen sick with cholera in 1—OUTBREAK among SOMALIA—REFUGEES in the world's largest refugee camp in KENYA.
20160109             THE—UN—REFUGEE—AGENCY said 1—RISE in fighting in 1—ONCE peaceful PART—OF—SOUTH—SUDAN has forced tens of THOUSANDS—OF—CIVILIANS to flee their homes in WEST—EQUATORIA STATE—SINCE—DECEMBER.
20160109             CDU in DER—FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE, "DIE—STIMMUNG ist unterirdisch"
20160109             Bizarres Schreiben: E—MAIL—OFFENSIVE—GEGEN—POLEN—KRITIKER
20160109             RÜSTUNGS—EXPORT: SAUDI—ARABIEN setzte DEUTSCHE—WAFFEN gegen Demonstranten ein
20160109             Zuwanderung: Regierung erwartet weiteren FLÜCHTLINGsandrang nach EUROPA
20160109             GEHEIM—BERICHT, NATO hält AFGHANISTAN—ARMEE für kaum einsatzbereit
20160109             —ANTI—IS—ALLIANZ: BUNDESWEHR soll LIBYEN—SOLDATEN ausbilden
20160109             ARBEITNEHMER—UMFRAGE: Die meisten DEUTSCHLAND—HALTEN ihre Stellen für sicher
20160109             PR—SCHLACHT: FACEBOOK will INDIEN mit GRATIS—INTERNET zwangsbeglücken
20160109             LUFT—VERSCHMUTZUNG: PEKING will 2.500—FIRMEN schließen
20160109             Spitzenfunktionäre: Blatter und Platini dürfen gegen Sperren vorgehen
20160109             —HEUTE—IN—DEN—FEUILLETONS, "Vorstellungen von Reinheit und Ehre"
20160109             Zusammenleben: DIE—WELT wird nicht untergehen
20160109             ÄGYPTEN—GERICHT bestätigt dreijährige HAFT—STRAFE—FÜR—MUBARAK
20160109             TERROR—ANGRIFF—AUF—ÄGYPTEN—HOTEL: 3—TOURISTEN leicht verletzt
20160109             DEMONSTRATIONEN—IN—KÖLN: POLIZEI rechnet mit Gewalt von links und rechts
20160109             —DEBATTE—ÜBER—KÖLN—BERICHT—ERSTATTUNG: Wir müssen mal reden
20160109             [l] Hat jemand noch das TERRORbingo offen?
20160109             —ÜBERSICHT, Beim Metronaut gibt es 1.schöne, über andere geforderte Gesetzesverschärfungen.
20160109             —UPDATE, Die "MAINZer Erklärung"der CDU ist —JETZT online.
20160109             [l] Was passiert, wenn 1.Muslima mit Kopftuch zu 1—DONALD—TRUMP—WAHL—KAMPFVERANSTALTUNG geht?
20160109             Na? Na klar, das hier!
20160109             1—MUSLIM woman was kicked out of 1—DONALD—TRUMP rally —ON—FRIDAY night for no apparent reason.
20160109             Aber der DONALD—TRUMP wäre nicht der DONALD—TRUMP, wenn er bei so 1—FRONTALVERKACKER nicht noch 1—DRAUF legt!
20160109             —COMMENTED, DONALD—TRUMP, on Hamid as she was being ejected.
20160109             Lange sah ich nicht mehr hasserfüllte Fratze wie diese Frau!1!!
20160109             1—PERSON kept asking her if she had 1—BOMB
20160109             [l] Hier kommt gerade folgender MAIL—KOMMENTAR rein:
20160109             Das Verhältnis, das die NZZ meldet, ist wahrscheinlich verzerrt.
20160109             [l] Das Argument, Adblocker seien 1—SICHERHEITS—MECHANISMUS und Selbstverteidigung, wird immer schwieriger zu entkräften.
20160109             Do you think having 1—GREATER—PROPORTION—OF—WOMEN in the workforce would be good for SAUDI—ARABIA?
20160109             No doubt. Wow.
20160109             20160109             There is SOME—TALK, —NOW, of changing THE—LINE—OF—SUCCESSION, to insure that Muhammad bin SULTAN—THE—AUTHOR—OF—THE—DISASTROUS—WAR—ON—YEMEN -- never becomes THE—KING.
20160109             If you want further background on the origin of THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—DYNASTY, go here
20160109             This article traces the great betrayal of Hussain bin ALI, the Hashemite RULER—OF—MECCA who had aided THE—UK—IMMENSELY by launching 1—REVOLT—AGAINST—THE—TURKS —DURING WWI.
20160109             THE—SHARIF would not TOLE—RATE the Balfour decision, and - and would not take a "go away"bribe.
20160109             —DECIDED, That's —WHEN THE—BRITISH, to switch their support TO—IBN—SAUD, the most barbaric of THE—ARABIAN warriors.
20160109             why Faisal (played by ALEC—GUINNESS) never became THE—RULER—OF—ARABIA —AFTER THE—WAR, even though his family controlled MECCA.
20160109             The answer is simple: THE—HASHEMITES would not accept the creation of 1—JEWISH—STATE.
20160109             * That's how this monstrous dynasty
20160109             —NACH, Ausschreitungen : POLIZEI löst PEGIDA—DEMO in KÖLN auf
20160109             Diskussionen um Juniper: SOFTWARE—FIRMA will KRYPTO—ALGORITHMUS der NSA loswerden
20160109             ÄGYPTENs PARLAMENT: Vorhang auf für Sisis Marionetten
20160109             Girokonto und Tagesgeld: BANK—KUNDEN lassen sich MILLIARDEN an ZINSEN entgehen
20160109             SATELLITENBILD—DER—WOCHE: SCHWARZE Spur des Krieges
20160109             Ökonom Straubhaar zur GLOBALISIERUNG: "Der klassische GÜTER—HANDEL ist 1—AUSLAUFMODELL"
20160109             Sorge —NACH—DEM BÖRSEN—ABSTURZ: Weiche Währung, harter Kampf - Der HAMBURGer Ökonom THOMAS—STRAUBHAAR,
20160109             —JETZT, ist der Schweizer, 20140000             —BIS PRÄSIDENT—DES—HAMBURGISCHEN WELT—WIRTSCHAFTSINSTITUTS, ernüchtert:
20160109             Anders als früher glaubt er nicht mehr daran, daß DIE—GLOBALISIERUNG jedem zugute kommt.
20160109             er hat Zweifel, ob angesichts unsichtbarer ströme das HANDELS—MODELL der ÖKONOMEN mit physischen Importen und Exporten überhaupt noch zeitgemäß ist.
20160109             —SPIEGEL, Der WELT—HANDEL wächst kaum noch, DIE—GLOBALISIERUNG verliert an Dynamik.
20160109             Straubhaar: Der starke Schwung wird wohl auf Dauer wegbleiben.
20160109             Als DER—KALTER—KRIEG zu Ende ging, war die Wirkung von MILLIARDEN Arbeitern und Konsumenten, die in DIE—WELT—WIRTSCHAFT eintraten, noch gewaltig.
20160109             —JETZT, lässt der positive Effekt deutlich nach.
20160109             —SPIEGEL, Verliert DIE—GLOBALISIERUNG ihren Zauber?
20160109             Straubhaar: In den SCHWELLEN—LÄNDERN herrscht MITTLERWEILE große Skepsis gegenüber dem Prinzip offener Märkte.
20160109             Wir waren ÜBERZEUGT—AUCH ich -, daß DIE—GLOBALISIERUNG helfen würde, die Schere zwischen Arm und Reich zu schließen.
20160109             —JETZT, stellt sich heraus, daß die Ungleichheit vielerorts nicht abgenommen hat.
20160109             Das Versprechen, daß DIE—GLOBALISIERUNG zum Vorteil aller ist, haben DIE—INDUSTRIE—LÄNDER nicht einlösen können.
20160109             es stimmt nicht, daß Aufholprozesse automatisch und auf breiter Front für alle stattgefunden haben.
20160109             Wenn STAATEN scheitern, liegt das in 1. Linie in der Verantwortung der jeweiligen Regierungen.
20160109             —VERSPROCHEN, DEM—WESTEN ist allerdings vorzuwerfen, daß er zu viel, hat.
20160109             Er hat mitunter sogar alte Eliten gestärkt, die sich gegen Modernisierung und Öffnung gewendet haben, etwa in SAUDI—ARABIEN,
20160109             und die sozialen Probleme treten mit Wucht auf
20160109             Solche Länder stehen vor den Trümmern der —POLITIK—DER—VERGANGENEN—JAHRZEHNTE.
20160109             BRASILIEN oder ARGENTINIEN.
20160109             —GEFEIERT, Straubhaar: DIE—GLOBALISIERUNG, wie wir sie früher, haben, mit Containern, Schiffen und Häfen, wird immer weniger relevant.
20160109             Es kann ökonomisch nicht nachhaltig sein, STANDARD—GÜTER zentral herzustellen und sie um die halbe Welt zu transportieren.
20160109             —PRODUZIERT, Künftig wird wieder mehr vor Ort, näher am Kunden.
20160109             Wenn ich sehe, wozu 3D-Drucker fähig sind, wird sich da einiges tun.
20160109             —SPIEGEL, Dann werden unsichtbare sätze transportiert statt physischer Güter?
20160109             Straubhaar: Ja, genau! Wir erleben 1.Zeitenwende.
20160109             Der klassische GÜTERHANDEL—MIT—STANDARDISIERTEN Massenprodukten ist 1—AUSLAUFMODELL.
20160109             Ich präsentiere meinen Studenten keine HANDELS—STATISTIK mehr, die Zahlen haben ihre analytische Aussagekraft verloren.
20160109             Wie kann man in Zeiten, da Maschinen per SOFTWARE—UPDATE aus der Ferne gewartet werden, überhaupt noch zwischen Inland und Ausland trennen?
20160109             Wir haben uns —JAHRE—LANG die falschen Zahlen angeschaut, DIE—DIGITALISIERUNG ist in unseren alten Modellen noch gar nicht eingeflossen.
20160109             —GEFORDERT, DIE—WISSENSCHAFT ist, ein besseres Modell zu entwickeln, eines, das das heutige Gesicht der GLOBALISIERUNG und der Digitalisierung abzubilden vermag.
20160109             Was wir brauchen, ist 1.neue THEORIE.
20160109             So einfältig konnten nur WIRTSCHAFTS—WISSENSCHAFTLER sein.
20160109             [l] Sony versucht, "LET—PLAY"als Marke schützen zu lassen.
20160109             —BEKOMMT, KOALITIONsregierung: KATALONIEN, neuen MINISTER—PRÄSIDENTEN
20160109             —NACH, Übergriffen in KÖLN: OPPOSITION wettert gegen "Schnellschüsse"DER—BUNDES—REGIERUNG
20160109             KÖLNer SILVESTER—NACHT: ZAHL—DER—ANZEIGEN steigt auf 379
20160109             —STREIT—WEGEN—KRANKENSCHWESTER: RUSSLAND—ARZT erschlägt Patienten
20160109             TERROR—ERMITTLUNGEN: Pariser Attentäter wohnte in ASYL—UNTERKUNFT—IN—RECKLINGHAUSEN
20160109             Teilen Von SÜD—FRANKREICH
20160109—20161222    —CONVICTED, Tidiane was, and sentenced to —30—YEARS in prison.
20170109             † FLORIDA, ORLANDO police Master SERGEANT—DEBRA—CLAYTON, —42—JAHRE—ALT was killed —AFTER approaching suspect Markeith Lloyd (41), wanted in the December KILLING—OF—HIS—PREGNANT EX—GIRLFRIEND Sade Dixon (24).
20170109             —KILLED, KENTUCKY, GARRY—MORRISON, —51—JAHRE—ALT, his mother and his girlfriend inside his rural home near Morehead.
20170109             † He then set his home on fire and, from 1—SELF—INFLICTED gunshot wound as deputies responded.
20170109             —RECORDED, ANGOLA—HEALTH—OFFICIALS said they had, the country's 1. 2—CASES—OF—THE—ZIKA virus, 1—FRANCE—TOURIST (—2—MONTHS—AGO) and 1—RESIDENT in THE—CAPITAL—LUANDA (—LAST—WEEK).
20170109             ENGLAND, a —24—HOUR—STRIKE by LONDON Underground station staff shut down MUCH—OF—THE—CITY—SUBWAY—NETWORK.
20170109             —APPROVED, THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC said it has, 1—PLAN for Czech and SLOVAKIA—AIR—FORCES to cooperate in protecting air spaces over THE—2—NEIGHBORING countries that once formed Czechoslovakia.
20170109             —APPROVED, SLOVAKIA—GOVERNMENT had already, the deal.
20170109             —ATTACKED, EGYPT, militants, 1—POLICE—CHECKPOINT in THE—NORTH—SINAI—PENINSULA using 1—STOLEN garbage truck packed with explosives, killing at least 8—PEOPLE and setting off clashes with security forces.
20170109             —CLAIMED, THE—ISLAMIC—STATE—LOCAL affiliate soon, responsibility.
20170109             1—GAMBIA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY—SOURCE said PRESIDENT—YAHYA—JAMMEH has fired 12—AMBASSADORS—AFTER they called for him to step aside and allow opposition leader Adama Barrow to take power.
20170109             IRAQ—SPECIAL—FORCES made further advances against Islamic STATE—IN—MOSUL, pushing militants from another eastern district and edging closer to army units nearby.
20170109             —CHARGED, ISRAEL—AUTHORITIES, 2—PALESTINIANS, arrested —LAST—MONTH, with helping to smuggle HUNDREDS—OF—CAMERAS to THE—GAZA—STRIP for the Islamic militant group Hamas and others.
20170109             —VOTED, ITALY—ANTI—ESTABLISHMENT 5-Star Movement, to cut its ties with THE—ANTI—EU UK INDEPENDENCE Party (UKIP) and to hook up instead with the Liberals in the European PARLIAMENT.
20170109             —REJECTED, The liberal group, the request, ending 1—SHORT—LIVED courtship.
20170109             —RESIGNED, IVORY—COAST—PRIME—MINISTER—DANIEL—KABLAN—DUNCAN, along with his government, —1—DAY—AFTER THE—END—OF—1—SHORT—LIVED army mutiny that raised security fears in the world's top cocoa producer.
20170109             The resignation was standard procedure as it follows legislative elections in December.
20170109             Ivorian state employees —MEANWHILE began a —5—DAY—STRIKE to protest against pension cuts ranging from 30 to 50—PERCENT and 1—PLAN to raise the retirement age from 55 to 60.
20170109             JAPAN—DRUGMAKER Takeda Pharmaceutical said it will buy USA—CANCER—DRUG developer Ariad Pharmaceuticals in a $5.2—BILLION deal that the companies expect to close by THE—END—OF—FEBRUARY.
20170109             NORTH—IRELAND—POWER—SHARING government was on THE—BRINK—OF—COLLAPSE—AFTER Deputy 1. MINISTER—MARTIN—MCGUINNESS, THE—LEADER—OF—SINN—FEIN, announced he was resigning.
20170109             —RAMPED, The announcement, up pressure on 1. MINISTER—ARLENE—FOSTER, LEADER—OF—THE—DEMOCRATIC—UNIONIST—PARTY, to step down over her handling of 1 botched renewable energy scheme that wasted public funds.
20170109             —TRAPPED, NORTH—KOREA, 7—MINERS were —INITIALLY, —AFTER the collapse at the Unryul mine, 1—LEADING iron ore producer in the country's southwest.
20170109             1—MINER was rescued —10—DAYS—LATER but 6—OTHERS were found dead.
20170109             PAKISTAN—MILITARY says it has successfully TEST—FIRED 1—SUBMARINE—LAUNCHED cruise missile for the 1. time, giving it a "credible 2. strike capability".
20170109             —CALLED, PAKISTAN—OPPOSITION—LAWMAKERS, for 1—INVESTIGATION into the disappearance of 4—SOCIAL—ACTIVISTS—LAST—WEEK, including 1—PROMINENT—UNIVERSITY—PROFESSOR who often spoke out over disappearances of fellow campaigners.
20170109             —CANCELED, TURKEY—AIRLINES, 277—DOMESTIC and INTERNATIONAL flights to and from ISTANBUL—2—AIRPORTS due to heavy snow.
20170109             —REPORTED, UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES—MEDIA, that THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES has ordered the removal from 1—TEXTBOOK—OF—THE—TERM "Persian Gulf" for the waterway that is the subject of 1—BITTER naming dispute with IRAN.
20170109             [l] Endlich tut mal jemand was gegen ständigen Amokläufe IN—DEN—USA.
20170109             Also an den Gehörgängen —JETZT.
20170109             They hope to position the bill the same way this time — not as a 2. Amendment issue, but as 1—PUBLIC—HEALTH—EFFORT to safeguard the eardrums of the nation's 55?million gun owners.
20170109             Denkt doch auch mal an DIE—KINDER!
20170109             In the video, —AFTER he's shown shooting several guns with silencers, DONALD—TRUMP—JUNIOR
20170109             [l] DAS—FBI hat 1—VW—MANAGER festgenommen.
20170109             [l] Die MIT—ARBEITER im NUKLEAR—SEKTOR in UK drohen mit Streik.
20170109             [l] UM—FRAGE—DES—TAGES: Brauchen wir 1—BUNDESWAHRHEITS—MINISTERIUM zur Bekämpfung von FAKE—NEWS?
20170109             Ergebnis: 51% sagen ja (34% eher ja, 17% auf jeden Fall).
20170109             [l] Paukenschlag im STEUERPROZESS—GEGEN—EX—AGENTEN WERNER—MAUSS: BERND—SCHMIDBAUER gibt die Existenz eines GEHEIM—FONDS im KANZLER—AMT zu, aus dem Mauss seine Operationen finanziert habe.
20170109             —BEZEICHNET, DAS—GELD sei intern als "internationale Reserve" und von anderen STAATEN eingezahlt worden — unter anderem von DEN—USA, sagte SchmidBAUER.
20170109             Waaaaas?
20170109             Mauss weiter: Bei dem auf Konten in LUXEMBURG und PANAMA deponierten Geld handele ES—SICH ausschließlich um die von SchmidBAUER genannte "internationale Reserve", die er —SEIT den 1980ER—JAHREN treuhänderisch verwaltete.
20170109             Das ist ja so dermaßen unglaublich, das zieht mir ja gerade die Schuhe aus.
20170109             [l] Noch ein Einsender:
20170109             zu DER—NEUEN Sau die gejagt wird (Mob gegen Tichy) wollte ich nur mal anmerken, daß es keine Linke ist und daher SOLL—TEST du als aufgeklärter blogger da nicht andauernd die Begriffe missverwenden.
20170109             Marx und andere würden sich im Grabe umdrehen wenn die noch erleben würden was —HEUTE alles als links geschimpft wird (ich kann mich da auch Stundenlang drüber aufregen).
20170109             Der Einsender hat völlig RECHT.
20170109             Ich habe keinen Grund für meine Annahme, daß es Linke waren, die diesen Mistgabelmob betreiben.
20170109             —ARRESTED, FRANCE—POLICE, 17—PEOPLE in relation to the robbery last 20171003             in PARIS of more than $10—MILLION in jewels from KIM—KARDASHIAN—WEST.
20170109—19920109    —DECLARED, BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—SERBS, the creation of their own STATE—IN—BOSNIA.
20170109—20170117    —KILLED, Officer NORMAN—LEWIS was, in 1—MOTORCYCLE crash —DURING 1—MASSIVE—MANHUNT for Lloyd, who was captured.
20180102—20180109    —PROPOSED, SOUTH—KOREA, HIGH—LEVEL—TALKS with PYONGYANG, —AFTER THE—NORTH—LEADER—KIM—JONG—UN called for better relations and said his country might attend the —WINTER Olympics in the South.
20180102—20180109    —KONFLIKT—MIT—NORD—KOREA, SEOUL schlägt PJÖNG—JANG GESPRÄCHE—AM vor (Politik, 07:23)
20180104             HENRY—HOLD & Co. said it would make the book available 20180105             instead of the original 20180109             release date.
20180106—20130109    —MARCHED, FRANCE, THOUSANDS—OF—KURDS, in PARIS to demand "truth and justice" —5—YEARS—AFTER the slayings of 3—KURDISH—ACTIVISTS, in PARIS.
20180109             —URGED, USA—PRESIDENT—TRUMP, Congress to pass "1—BILL—OF—LOVE" to provide legal status to the young immigrants who arrived in the country illegally as children but were raised as Americans.
20180109             THE—USA—HIT—CANADA with yet another round of punitive import tariffs, this time for as much as 10—PERCENT on paper used to print newspapers and books.
20180109             —UNCOATED, THE—USA—COMMERCE—DEPARTMENT said that the tariffs on, groundwood paper came —AFTER 1—INVESTIGATION launched —IN—AUGUST found CANADA—PRODUCERS receive subsidies giving them 1—UNFAIR—ADVANTAGE in THE—USA—MARKET.
20180109             USA Interior SECRETARY—RYAN—ZINKE said PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION will not allow drilling for oil and gas off THE—COAST—OF—FLORIDA —AFTER urging from the state's GOVERNOR.
20180109             —GRANTED, USA—DISTRICT—JUDGE—WILLIAM—ALSUP —LATE—TODAY, 1—REQUEST by CALIFORNIA and other plaintiffs to prevent PRESIDENT—TRUMP from ending the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program —WHILE their lawsuits play out in court.
20180109             —CONNECTED, S—FRANCISCO, 8—PEOPLE, to the racketeering and murder CASE—OF—RAYMOND "Shrimp Boy" Chow were sentenced to prison terms of 12 to —84—MONTHS.
20180109             —SLAMMED, SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, massive mud slides, into homes, turned highways into raging rivers and swept away vehicles —AFTER heavy rains.
20180109             At least 21—PEOPLE were left dead in the coastal community of Santa Barbara.
20180109             —DESTROYED, The mudslides, about 100—HOMES, injured 28—PEOPLE and 8 remained missing.
20180109             —RULED, USA—FEDERAL—JUDGES, that NORTH—CAROLINA—CONGRESSIONAL district map, drawn by legislative Republicans, is illegally gerrymandered and must be redone.
20180109             —CELEBRATED, BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—SERBS, 1 banned "statehood" holiday in stubborn DEFIANCE—OF—THE—WEST and their NON—SERBIA—COMPATRIOTS, but with tacit backing from RUSSIA.
20180109             CHINA, paramilitary PEOPLE—ARMED—POLICE—FORCES used excavators and dynamite to destroy the Golden Lampstand Church, 1—WELL—KNOWN—CHRISTIAN—MEGA—CHURCH in THE—CITY—OF—LINFEN, Shanxi province.
20180109             —PLANTED, Local authorities, explosives in 1—UNDERGROUND—WORSHIP—HALL to demolish the building, which was built with nearly $3—MILLION in contributions from local worshippers in 1—OF—CHINA—POOREST regions.
20180109             The church, with 1—CONGREGATION—OF—MORE than 50,000, has long clashed with the government.
20180109             —PROMISED, THE—PRESIDENTS—OF—CHINA and FRANCE, closer cooperation on climate, COUNTER—TERRORISM and other issues as their governments try to gain influence in 1—SHIFTING global political landscape.
20180109             The tanker Sanchi, run by IRAN—TOP—OIL shipping operator, National IRAN—TANKER Co, continued burning for a 3. —DAY in THE—EAST—CHINA—SEA.
20180109             THE—BODY—OF—1—OF 32—CREW members was found —1—DAY—EARLIER in the water near the tanker.
20180109             —KILLED, EGYPT said security forces have, 8 suspected militants in 1—SHOOTOUT in EL—ARISH—CITY in THE—NORTH—SINAI—PENINSULA.
20180109             1—EGYPT—COURT jailed 262—PEOPLE from —3—YEARS to life for SECURITY—RELATED offences —DURING a 20130000             SIT—IN protest against THE—OUSTING—OF—FORMER—PRESIDENT—MOHAMED—MURSI—OF—THE—MUSLIM—BROTHERHOOD.
20180109             —ARRESTED, GERMANY—PROSECUTORS said they had, Milorad Obradovic (51), 1—BOSNIAN—SERBIA—MAN.
20180109             GERMANY, and ITALY 169—PEOPLE, including mayors, businessmen and local administrators, were arrested in 1—LARGE—ANTI—MAFIA blitz against clan members who controlled restaurants, garbage collection and funeral services.
20180109             1—IRAN—LAWMAKER said security forces arrested some 3,700—PEOPLE —DURING widespread protests and unrest over the past —2—WEEKS.
20180109             1—JUDICIARY official announced that 1—DETAINEE in ARAK, 1—TOWN approximately 200—KM—SOUTH—OF—TEHRAN, had † —AFTER committing suicide.
20180109             ISRAEL—JETS and GROUND—TO—GROUND—MISSILES struck Syria as PRIME—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU reiterated he would do what was needed to stop Hezbollah gaining "GAME—CHANGING" IRAN—WEAPONS.
20180109             † ISRAEL—SETTLER—RAZIEL—SHEVAH (35) —AFTER being hit multiple times in 1—DRIVE—BY shooting by suspected PALESTINE—GUNMEN—NEAR the unauthorized Havat Gilad settlement near NABLUS.
20180109             IVORY—COAST—SOLDIERS in Bouake began looting weapons from the base of 1—RIVAL—ELITE—MILITARY—UNIT—BEFORE setting it on fire —LATE—TODAY.
20180109             —KILLED, KASHMIR, 1—YOUNG—MAN was, and 2—OTHERS wounded —WHEN government forces fired at ANTI—INDIA protesters —FOLLOWING 1—GUNBATTLE that killed 1—MILITANT.
20180109             —RESCUED, THE—LIBYA—NAVY, some 279—MIGRANTS off THE—LIBYA—COAST.
20180109             Some 100—MIGRANTS were missing at sea and feared dead.
20180109             NIGERIA—MILITARY said troops from NIGERIA and neighboring countries have launched major offensives against THE—2—BOKO Haram factions and their leaders.
20180109             Soldiers from CAMEROON, CHAD, NIGER and NIGERIA were targeting ABUBAKAR—SHEKAU in the Sambisa Forest, and Mamman Nur, on and —AROUND Lake CHAD, both in Borno state.
20180109             1—PAKISTAN—COURT ordered the release of 1—RADICAL—ANTI—USA cleric who went to AFGHANISTAN with THOUSANDS—OF—VOLUNTEERS to help the Taliban fight against Americans —AFTER 20010000             —THE—USA—LED invasion.
20180109             Sufi Mohammad is also known as THE—FATHER—IN—LAW—OF—MULLAH—FAZLULLAH, THE—LEADER—OF—THE—PAKISTANI—TALIBAN.
20180109             —KILLED, PAKISTAN, 1—BOMB targeting 1—POLICE—TRUCK, 7—PEOPLE and wounded 23 in THE—CITY—OF—QUETTA.
20180109             4—OF—THOSE killed and most of the wounded, were policemen.
20180109             PAKISTAN, THE—BODY—OF—ZAINAB—ANSARI, —8—JAHRE—ALT was found in 1—GARBAGE bin in KASUR city, Punjab province.
20180109             —ABDUCTED, Police said she had been, —LAST—WEEK, raped and murdered.
20180109             —LINKED, DNA testing —LATER, the killing to at least 5—OTHER—CASES—OF—CHILD—ABUSE and murder in KASUR.
20180109             8—SUSPECTS were soon detained.
20180109             Authorities in THE—PARAGUAY—BORDER—TOWN—OF—CIUDAD—DEL—ESTE temporarily closed 1—SHOP accused of selling transgender dolls.
20180109             —CLOSED, The city attorney Christian said the shop also was, for failing to pay —THIS—YEAR—COMMERCIAL—TAX and was selling toys —WHEN it's only authorized to sell electronic goods.
20180109             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—SOUTH—AFRICA—TRIBAL—LEADER has agreed to 1—MORE transparent structure for a 175—MILLION rand ($14—MILLION) community trust funded by Anglo USA—PLATINUM (Amplats), 1—MOVE that aims to curb unrest —AROUND the firm's most profitable mine.
20180109             —TRAPPED, SWITZERLAND, heavy snowfall has, some 13,000 tourists at Zermatt, 1—OF—THE—COUNTRY—MOST popular ski stations.
20180109             —KILLED, SYRIA, air strikes and artillery fire, at least 15—CIVILIANS in the besieged rebel ENCLAVE—OF—EAST—GHOUTA near DAMASCUS.
20180109             4—PEOPLE were reported killed by rebel bombardment on 2—NEIGHBORHOODS in DAMASCUS.
20180109             —EXTENDED, VENEZUELA—OFFICIALS, the ban on air and maritime ties with ARUBA, Curacao and Bonaire, 3—NEARBY—HOLLAND—CARIBBEAN islands, citing smuggling claims.
20180109             1—BOAT carrying roughly 30—MIGRANTS left VENEZUELA for Curacao.
20180109             —WASHED, Early the —NEXT—DAY 4—BODIES, up on the shore of Curacao.
20180109             —CONFIRMED, VENEZUELA—AUTHORITIES—LATER, 16—SURVIVORS from the shipwreck with 10—PEOPLE still missing.
20180109             [l] Wenn sich das EHEMALIGE—NACHRICHTEN—MAGAZIN und RT DEUTSCHLAND—STREITEN, wer mehr DES—INFORMATION verbreitet (Achtung: Link geht zu RT Deutsch),
20180109             Besonders geil finde ich ja, daß das TWITTER—LIVEBERICHT—ERSTATTUNG ist
20180109             Bei dem ANGRIFF soll ES—SICH um sogenanntes Kryptomining handeln.
20180109             Was für 1—GLÜCK, dass
20180109             Wahrscheinlich sind DIE—SCHON —LÄNGER drin aber es merkt keiner.
20180109             Sagt mal, hatte DIE—BUNDESWEHR nicht 1.fette CYBER—OFFENSIVE gestartet?
20180109             [l] 1—LOCH in der Rollbahn legt den FLUG—VERKEHR in KÖLN lahm.
20180109             [l] DIE—STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT—VON—PORTLAND hat vor Gericht argumentiert, dass
20180109             Also haben ein paar örtliche Reporter den Müll des STAATS—ANWALTES durchwühlt, und den des POLIZEI—CHEFS, und DER—BÜRGER—MEISTERIN
20180109             Der ursprüngliche Fall war übrigens 1.POLIZISTin, der man nachweisen wollte, dass
20180109             [l] NETANJAHUs Sohn hat sich auf 1—SAUFTOUR verplappert, und jemand hat 1—BAND mitlaufen lassen.
20180109             "Mein Vater hat 1—DEAL für dich arrangiert, und du kannst mir keine 400—SCHEKEL geben?", sagt er zu Ori Maimon, dem SOHN—DES—GAS—TYCOONS KOBI—MAIMON
20180109             Weckruf für DEUTSCHLAND: Was JAPANs Niedergang über unsere ZUKUNFT verrät
20180109             —ZEITUNGSBERICHT
20180109             "Fragen Sie den da!": Thailands JUNTA—CHEF—SETZT Journalisten Pappaufsteller vor die Nase
20180109             1—GESPRÄCHE—SEIT—2—JAHREN: NORD—KOREA schickt Delegation zu Winterspielen nach SÜD—KOREA
20180109             Boom bei Speicherchips: Samsung macht REKORD—GEWINN —, enttäuscht DIE—ANLEGER
20180109             —KRISEN—PR auf der CES: INTEL—CHEF—REDET SICHERHEITS—LÜCKEN klein
20180109             Gespräche mit NORD—KOREA: SÜD—KOREA will Sanktionen WÄHREND der Olympischen Spiele lockern
20180109             Yingluck Shinawatra: Thailands EX—PREMIER ist nach GROß—BRITANNIEN geflohen
20180109             ISRAEL—NETANYAHU—SOHN plaudert heiklen Deal aus
20180109             May baut ihr KABINETT um: Machtlos, mutlos
20180109             MINISTER—BROKENSHIRE tritt zurück: NORD—IRLAND im Leerlauf
20180109             DEUTSCHE—WIRTSCHAFT: Exporte mit kräftigstem Plus —SEIT—3—JAHREN
20180109             VERFASSUNGS—BESCHWERDE—VON—IS—UNTERSTÜTZER: Gerichte müssen vor Abschiebung FOLTERgefahr prüfen
20180109             Hilfen für alte AKW und Kohlemeiler, USA—REGIERUNG scheitert mit Vorstoß zu Kohlesubventionen
20180109             Einblick in den Terminkalender:des DONALD—TRUMPPERSÖNLICHE—ARBEITSZEITVERKÜRZUNG
20180109             —STREIT—ÜBER—"Fire and Fury": Fakten oder Fiktion?
20180109             —NACH, RASSISMUSTERROR—VORWURF, H&M—AKTIE fällt auf tiefsten Stand —SEIT fast —9—JAHREN
20180109             TÜRKEI—ERDOGAN will MILITÄR—EINSATZ—IN—SYRIEN ausweiten
20180109             GerichtsPROZESS, Ehemaliger Doktorand der TU DARMSTADT wegen IS—PROPAGANDA angeklagt (Leben und Lernen, 13:13)
20180109             Transport mit "Falcon 9"-Rakete: Rätselraten um USA—SPIONAGE—SATELLIT
20180109             SYRIEN—IS rückt offenbar in zahlreiche Orte ein
20180109             1.Treffen —SEIT—2—JAHREN: Süd—, NORD—KOREA verständigen sich auf MILITÄR—GESPRÄCHE
20180109             Mysteriöser Pickelbefall: Forscher lösen Todesrätsel um Kindermumie - DIE—S—DOMENICO—MAGGIORE in NEAPEL
20180109             —GEGEN, Hepatitis B gibt es 1.wirksame Impfung.
20180109             HAMBURG: Dreieinhalb —JAHRE—HAFT—FÜR—FLASCHENWURF bei G20
20180109             DNA—DATEN—BANK: Wie SÜD—AFRIKAS Tierschützer NASHORN—WILDERER jagen
20180109             Heftige Schneefälle: Mehrere ALPEN—ORTE von der Außenwelt abgeschnitten
20180109             SPIONAGE—FALL: Auswärtiges Amt bestellte IRAN—BOTSCHAFTER ein
20180109             SICHERHEITS—LÜCKEN in Chips: Microsoft stoppt Updates für MANCHE—WINDOWS—RECHNER
20180109             —AUFRUF der IG Metall : 60.000—BESCHÄFTIGTE treten in Warnstreiks
20180109             SPON—WAHLTREND: FDP fällt zurück, AfD legt zu
20180109             GREAT—BARRIER—REEF: ERD—ERWÄRMUNG führt zu mehr weiblichen Meeresschildkröten
20180109             ELITE—TREFFEN beim WELT—WIRTSCHAFTS—FORUM, DONALD—TRUMP will nach Davos
20180109             Weltkriegsanalyse statt DONALD—TRUMP—ABRECHNUNG: Plötzlicher Erfolg für "Fire and Fury"-Doppelgänger
20180109             Landstreitigkeiten: 80—TOTE—BEI—KÄMPFE—ZWISCHEN—BAUERN und Viehhirten in NIGERIA
20180109             Aufgegebene KLIMA—ZIELE 20200000             : SIEG—DER—TRÄGHEIT
20180109             Gespräche zwischen Nord und Süd: KOREAnische Friedensspiele
20180109             Umstrittener Sheriff: DONALD—TRUMP—GÜNSTLING Arpaio will in USA—SENAT
20180109             USA—SOFTWARE soll Lehrer auf AMOK—LAUF vorbereiten (Leben und Lernen, 20:14)
20180109             —NACH, —KONFLIKT—MIT—TRUMP: BANNON verlässt rechte Plattform BREITBART—NEWS
20180109—19920700    —SUSPECTED—OF, He was, taking part in the illegal detention of —AROUND 120—BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—MUSLIM civilians in the village of Miska Glava, near THE—NORTH—WEST—TOWN—OF—PRIJEDOR, and their summary execution in nearby Ljubija.
20180109—20180121    —UNTIL, USA—HIGHWAY—101 in Santa BARBARA—COUNTY was closed down.
20190109             —3—DAYS—OF—USA—CHINA—TALKS aimed at ending 1—COSTLY tariff battle wrapped up in 1—OPTIMISTIC—ATMOSPHERE.
20190109             1—USA—SUPPLIER—OF—T—SHIRTS and other team apparel to college bookstores cut its ties with 1—CHINA—COMPANY that drew workers from 1—INTERNMENT—CAMP holding targeted MEMBERS—OF—ETHNIC—MINORITY—GROUPS.
20190109             —ANNOUNCED, THE—S—FRANCISCO—GIANTS, a —20—YEAR—AGREEMENT with Oracle Corp. for the company to affix its name to the city's waterfront ballpark for 1 estimated $300—350—MILLION.
20190109             —SIMPLIFIED, COLORADO officials said 1, program will make it easier for THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE to seek THE—ELIMINATION—OF—LOW—LEVEL—MARIJUANA—CONVICTIONS they received in DENVER—BEFORE recreational use became legal in the state.
20190109             1—WAVE—OF—TALIBAN attacks in western and NORTH—AFGHANISTAN killed 21—MEMBERS—OF—THE—COUNTRY—SECURITY—FORCES.
20190109             —ARRESTED, AUSTRALIA—POLICE—LATE—TODAY, Savas Avan (48) —AFTER 38—PACKAGES allegedly containing asbestos were sent to foreign consulates in the cities of MELBOURNE, CANBERRA and SYDNEY.
20190109             —FIRED, BANGLADESH police, tear gas and swung batons as THOUSANDS—OF—GARMENT—WORKERS demonstrated for better wages for a 4. —DAY.
20190109             1—PROTESTER was fatally shot and 3—DOZEN—OTHERS were injured in clashes with police.
20190109             —VOTED, UK—MPS, to force PRIME—MINISTER—THERESA—MAY to quickly set out 1—ALTERNATIVE—PLAN for Brexit if she loses 1—CRUCIAL—VOTE on her EU withdrawal deal —NEXT—WEEK, in a 2. parliamentary defeat in —24—HOURS.
20190109             CAMBODIA, Kong Korn, 1—VETERAN—MEMBER—OF—THE dissolved opposition, party broke ranks with his colleagues and became the 1. to apply for 1—GOVERNMENT—OFFERED lifting of 1—BAN on engaging in political activity.
20190109             1—CAMBODIA—COURT—JAILED—IENG—CHOLSA —FOR—3—YEARS for insulting THE—KING—IN—FACEBOOK posts, the 2. known conviction under 1—NEW lese majeste law enacted —LAST—YEAR, which rights groups fear could be used to stifle dissent.
20190109             —ORDERED, THE—CAIRO court also, Douma to pay 6—MILLION—EGYPT—POUNDS ($336,0005) for damages.
20190109             —ENCOURAGED, Activists from 1—FRANCE—PROTEST—MOVEMENT, supporters to set off 1—BANK—RUN by emptying their accounts, —WHILE the government urged citizens to express their discontent in 1—NATIONAL—DEBATE instead of weekly demonstrations disrupting THE—STREETS—OF—PARIS.
20190109             —REPORTED, It was, that FRANCE and GERMANY have agreed to deepen a 19630000             TREATY—OF—POST—WAR—RECONCILIATION in 1—BID to show that THE—EUROPEAN—UNION—MAIN—AXIS remains strong and counter growing eurosceptic nationalism among SOME—OTHER—MEMBERS.
20190109             1—FRANCE—FIGHTER—JET carrying 2—PILOTS disappeared from radar screens near THE—SWITZERLAND—BORDER in 1—SNOWSTORM.
20190109             GREECE—AUTHORITIES said they have broken 1—DRUGS ring importing narcotics into the country as dehydrated 'superfood' berries implanted with cocaine.
20190109             —APPROVED, INDIA—UPPER—HOUSE—OF—PARLIAMENT, 1—BILL providing a 10—PERCENT quota in government jobs for the poor MEMBERS—OF—UPPER castes who have been excluded from existing quotas for LOW—RANKING castes.
20190109             The bill —NOW only needs THE—APPROVAL—OF—INDIA—PRESIDENT, 1—FORMALITY, to become law.
20190109             —CONFIRMED, IRAN, that is holding USA—VETERAN—MICHAEL—WHITE at 1—PRISON in the country.
20190109             ITALY—FAR—RIGHT—DEPUTY—PRIME—MINISTER—MATTEO—SALVINI, at 1—PRESS—CONFERENCE in WARSAW, said he wants his country and POLAND to join forces to reshape EUROPE in his quest for 1—EUROSKEPTIC—ALLIANCE—AHEAD—OF—ELECTIONS in May.
20190109             —FIRED, KASHMIR, 1—MORTAR shell, by INDIA—TROOPS from across the frontier killed 1—WOMAN as she was trying to reach 1—SHELTER —DURING 1—EXCHANGE—OF—FIRE between INDIA and PAKISTAN.
20190109             THE—KAZAKHSTAN—FOREIGN—MINISTRY said CHINA is allowing more than 2,000 ethnic Kazakhs to abandon their CHINA—CITIZENSHIP and leave the country in 1—SIGN that BEIJING may be —STARTING to feel 1—MOUNTING backlash against its sweeping crackdown on Muslims in the far WEST—REGION—OF—XINJIANG.
20190109             —BATTERED, LEBANON, 1—STORM packing snow and rain that has, the country —FOR—5—DAYS, flooded neighborhoods and paralyzed major mountain roads.
20190109             The body of an —8-YEAR SYRIA—GIRL, who had gone missing —1—DAY—EARLIER—AFTER she fell into 1—RIVER, was found in 1—NEARBY orchard.
20190109             49—MIGRANTS disembarked in MALTA —AFTER spending more than —2—WEEKS stranded on BOARD rescue ships, ending 1—STANDOFF in which EUROPEAN—UNION—COUNTRIES had refused to offer them 1—SAFE port.
20190109             1—AGREEMENT brokered by the European Commission calls for 1—TOTAL—OF some 300—MIGRANTS who have reached MALTA in recent weeks to be redistributed between 8—EU countries, including ITALY.
20190109             —ISSUED, MEXICO—PRESIDENT—ANDRES—MANUEL—LOPEZ—OBRADOR, 1—EMOTIONAL—APPEAL to his countrymen to help battle against fuel thefts, as long lines spread to gas stations in MEXICO—CITY.
20190109             NORTH—MEXICO, 1—APPARENT clash between drug gangs left 21—BODIES, some burned, in the township of MIGUEL—ALEMANOF, Tamaulipas state.
20190109             The death toll soon rose to 24 with THE—DISCOVERY—OF—THE—BODIES—OF—3—MORE—MEN.
20190109             —AGREED, NEPAL and JAPAN, to allow STATE—RUN—NEPAL Airlines to resume flights between THE—2—ASIA—NATIONS at the beginning of a —2—DAY—VISIT to NEPAL by JAPAN—FOREIGN—MINISTER—TARO—KONO.
20190109             NEPAL, 1—WOMAN, —35—JAHRE—ALT and her sons were found dead by family and villagers in 1—SMALL hut next to their family home due to suspected smoke inhalation.
20190109             1—LOCAL—TRADITION exiled women from their homes and forced to live in huts —DURING menstruation.
20190109             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—PALESTINE—AUTHORITY has cut off the salaries of Hamas lawmakers in THE—WEST—BANK, the latest in 1—SERIES—OF—RECENT—MEASURES that have escalated tensions between the rival factions.
20190109             —JOINED, THE—PHILIPPINES, 1—MAMMOTH crowd of mostly barefoot Catholics, 1—RAUCOUS—PROCESSION in MANILA—OF—1—CENTURIES—OLD—BLACK statue of Jesus Christ.
20190109             —PROTESTED, THOUSANDS—OF—POLES, 1—GOVERNMENT—PLAN to hold 1—MASSIVE—SLAUGHTER—OF—WILD boars as 1—WAY to stop the spread of the deadly AFRICA—SWINE fever among farm pigs.
20190109             —RECEIVED, RUSSIA—DEFENSE—MINISTRY says it has, 30—SOVIET—WW—II—ERA T—34—BATTLE tanks from LAOS, 1—MOVE reflecting the national VENERATION—OF—THE—WEAPON.
20190109             The ministry said more than 58,000 T-34s were built 19400000—19460000    —BETWEEN, making it the world's most widely produced tank.
20190109             —EXPORTED, THE—T 34 was widely, and used in numerous conflicts.
20190109             SAUDI—ARABIA—ENERGY—MINISTRY said proven oil reserves stood at 263.2—BILLION barrels —AT—THE—END—OF—LAST—YEAR, up from the figure of 261—BILLION barrels that has been used for almost —3—DECADES.
20190109             The kingdom has another 2.9—BILLION barrels of crude in 1—BORDER—ZONE shared with neighboring KUWAIT, bringing total oil reserves to 266.1—BILLION barrels.
20190109             SAUDI—ARABIA—OIL remains among the cheapest in the world to extract, at only $4 1—BARREL.
20190109             1—SYRIAN—KURDISH—MILITIA said its fighters —EARLIER—THIS—WEEK captured 8—FOREIGN—FIGHTERS with the Islamic State group in EAST—SYRIA, including 1—USA—TEENAGER.
20190109             —IDENTIFIED, THE—YPG, THE—16—YEAR—OLD—USA—TEENAGER as Soulay NOAH—SU.
20190109             TURKEY, 1—PRO—KURDISH—PARTY—LEGISLATOR said 162—PRISONERS across TURKEY have joined 1—HUNGER—STRIKE in 1—SHOW—OF—SOLIDARITY with 1 imprisoned opposition legislator who has been refusing food —SINCE—NOVEMBER.
20190109             Angebliche ANSCHLAGS—PLÄNE—EU verhängt SANKTIONEN—GEGEN—IRAN
20190109             Bayers Übernahme von MONSANTO: Glyphosat ist sicher...
20190109             —VERKLÄRT, Rosa LUXEMBURG: Ermordet, entzaubert (SPIEGEL+, 02:47)
20190109             REDE—AN—DIE—NATION: DONALD—TRUMP fordert von DEMOKRATEN rasche Einigung im MAUER—STREIT
20190109             —DIE—LAGE—AM—MITTWOCH, Jemand hat vor, 1.Mauer zu errichten
20190109             DONALD—TRUMP—REDE—AN—DIE—NATION: Der Maurer
20190109             PAUL—MANAFORT: DONALD—TRUMP—EX—WAHL—KAMPF—CHEF—GAB Umfragedaten an Russen weiter
20190109             EU—KOMMISSION nach DATEN—LEAK: Länder sollen bei Schutz von DATEN enger zusammenarbeiten
20190109             665—MILLIONEN—PIXEL—FOTO von "Hubble": Hallo Nachbar!
20190109             Was —VOR—75—JAHREN in 1—GEMEINDE nördlich von SCHWERIN geschah, lässt sich auch aus Gerichtsakten rekonstruieren:
20190109             Wegen "verbotenen Umgangs mit KRIEG—GEFANGENEN" wurde die, —15—JAHRE—ALTE MARIA 19440000             zu —3—MONATEN Jugendgefängnis verurteilt.
20190109             1—URTEIL—GEGEN—MARIA—WOLFS—MUTTER ist in den Archiven dagegen nicht zu finden.
20190109             Auch der Todesort macht misstrauisch.
20190109             DIE—SOVIET—MILITÄRADMINISTRATION stellte —NACH—DEM Krieg fest, daß der angebliche plötzliche Herzstillstand in der Bützower Haftanstalt —DAMALS, "eher im —5—MINUTEN—TAKT" stattgefunden habe,
20190109             So erlagen —AN—DEM—TAG, als Frau Wolf starb, 7—MENSCHEN binnen —23—MINUTEN dem "Herztod".
20190109             Schätzung für 20180000             CO2—AUSSTOß der USA soll deutlich gestiegen sein
20190109             ;11;;-Zahlen: EXPORT—WIRTSCHAFT leistet sich kleine Schwächeperiode
20190109             Mays neuer Anlauf für BREXIT—ABSTIMMUNG:
20190109             Agent des Erzfeindes: ISRAEL—EX—MINISTER—GIBT—SPIONAGE—FÜR—IRAN zu
20190109             Migration: Etwa 880—FLÜCHTLINGS—KINDER gelten in DEUTSCHLAND als vermisst
20190109             Flucht vor ihrer Familie: UNO erkennt Rahaf MOHAMMED—AL—QUNUN als FLÜCHTLING an
20190109             AKTIEN—MÄRKTE: Investoren hoffen auf ENDE—DES—ZOLLSTREITS—DAX—STEIGT kräftig
20190109             —KRITISIERT, GRÜNEN—CHEF—UND SOCIAL—MEDIA: Habeck, Twitter als "Instrument der Spaltung"
20190109             —HANDELS—STREIT : Autoverkäufe in CHINA gehen
20190109             Germania: —EXPERTE hält —KRISE für existenzbedrohend
20190109             Analyse der DONALD—TRUMP—REDE: Der Angstmacher
20190109             —REDE—ZU—DER—GRENZMAUER im Faktencheck: DONALD—TRUMP—LÜGEN—DIE Liste
20190109             —STREIT—MIT—WASHINGTON: EU wehrt sich gegen diplomatische Abwertung durch DIE—USA
20190109             [l] Meerwasserentsalzung erzeugt 1—UMWELTPROBLEM.
20190109             —WARNED, UNITED—NATIONS scientists, —TUESDAY that desalination in SAUDI—ARABIA and other countries is creating huge volumes of CHEMICAL—LACED brine that risks contaminating food chains if left untreated.
20190109             Es gibt da allerdings verschiedene Verfahren für die Entsalzung.
20190109             DER—ARTIKEL schreibt von Kupfer und Chlor als Verunreinigung.
20190109             MONEY—QUOTE aus dem Artikel:
20190109             —PRODUCED, For EVERY—LITER of potable water, THE—UN estimates about 1.5—LITERS of liquid polluted with chlorine and copper are created.
20190109             SAUDI—ARABIA—DESALINATION—PLANTS produce about 31.5—MILLION—CUBIC meters of contaminated water EACH—DAY.
20190109             [l] Setzt euch mal bitte stabil hin.
20190109             Es geht um die schleichende Normalisierung RECHTER—GEWALT als "bloß ein armes Würstchen aus dem INTERNET" (um mal völlig unpassend die Ausrede zu übernehmen, die DIE—POLIZEI mir gegenüber —DAMALS, brachte).
20190109             Der 1.Fall ist jemand, der auf 20190501             —DEMONSTRATION "mit dem Auto JAGD—AUF—MENSCHEN gemacht und sie mit Steinen beworfen" haben soll.
20190109             Carsten M.
20190109             —GEMACHT, Also hat DIE—POLIZEI 1.HAUS—DURCHSUCHUNG, die so ablief:
20190109             Pistolen, Messer, Armbrüste, sogenannte Polenböller, Schwarzpulver, mehrere Behälter mit Stahlkugeln "In nahezu jedem Raum", so notierten es DIE—POLIZISTEN, "befanden sich NAZI—DEVOTIONALIEN".
20190109             Mal 1.SS—FLAGGE, nur seitenverkehrt aufgehängt, mal Aufkleber der "Division Braune Wölfe", einem gewaltbereiteten Zusammenschluss BUNDES—WEIT aktiver Neonazis.
20190109             Gut, denkt ihr euch —JETZT vielleicht, 1—KLAREREN FALL—VON—RECHTS—RADIKALER—GEWALT kann man sich kaum als Gedankenexperiment konstruieren.
20190109             DIE—ZUSTÄNDIGE Staatsanwältin in HALLE hält den Fall für "typisches Alltagsgeschäft" und hat den Fall, der —NUN am Landgericht verhandelt wird, darum auch nur am Amtsgericht angeklagt.
20190109             Öhm... - "DIE—AUSGESTALTUNG der eigenen 4—WÄNDE ist, sofern keine Außenwirkung eintritt, in DER—BUNDES—REPUBLIK—DEUTSCHLAND jedem überlassen"
20190109             Und diese ART—VON—FÄLLEN gibt es bei DER—STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT IM—OSTEN offenbar häufiger.
20190109             "Es wird damit nicht eindeutig ein zukünftiges Verbrechen angedroht, sondern eher sprichwörtlich zur wahrheitsgemäßen BERICHT—ERSTATTUNG aufgefordert"
20190109             Oh ach SO ist das!
20190109             Aber der geilste Fall kommt ganz —AM—ENDE—DES—ARTIKELS.
20190109             Sie kamen mit Schlagstock und Schlagring und schlugen DIE—FRAU bewusstlos, verletzten den Mann und sogar den —5—JAHRE—ALT ENKEL—DER—DEUTSCHEN, der in der Wohnung war.
20190109             Das ist ja —SCHON krass, aber es wird noch besser.
20190109             Dennoch sah das Gericht keine ANHALTS—PUNKTE dafür, daß die Tat vielleicht 1—FREMDEN—FEINDLICHEN Hintergrund hatte.
20190109             Und das war das Gericht, nicht DIE—STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT diesmal.
20190109             Wandel der Gesellschaft: DIE—TÜRKEI öffnet SICH—ERDOGAN zum Trotz
20190109             Mittelalterliche Schreiberin: Frau Blauzahns Geheimnis - UrZEITier: Der Killerwal aus der Wüste
20190109             Untersuchungen an den Überresten 1—IM—MITTEL—ALTER nahe PADERBORN begrabenen Frau.
20190109             DEUTSCHLAND—FRAUENKLÖSTER hätten IM—MITTEL—ALTERLICHEN EUROPA 1.wichtige Rolle bei der Buchherstellung GESPIELT—AUCH wenn es besonders aus dem frühen Mittelalter wenig historische INFORMATIONEN—ÜBER—WEIBLICHE Schreiber oder die Bücher gebe, die sie hergestellt hatten.
20190109             VIELE—SCHREIBER hätten aus Gründen der Frömmigkeit ihre Namen nicht unter ihre Werke gesetzt, was die Zuordnung erschwere.
20190109             In den Klöstern lebten meist gut gebildete Frauen, Lesen sei als Ausdruck der Frömmigkeit gerne gesehen gewesen und Aktivitäten in Zusammenhang mit der Buchherstellung als würdiges Streben erachtet worden.
20190109             Diese Frauen hätten 1—LEBEN fern von harter Arbeit GEFÜHRT—WIE auch die unbekannte Tote belegte: Ihr Skelett wies keinerlei Anzeichen von Verletzungen oder Krankheiten auf.
20190109—19920000    —CELEBRATED, BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—SERBS, 1—HOLIDAY to mark the date —WHEN BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—SERBS declared the creation of their own STATE—IN—BOSNIA, igniting the country's devastating —4—YEAR—WAR that killed more than 100,000—PEOPLE and left millions homeless.
20190109—20110000    —IN, 1—EGYPT—COURT—SENTENCED—AHMED—DOUMA, 1—OF—THE—COUNTRY—BEST—KNOWN activists, to —15—YEARS' jail for rioting and attacking security forces.
20190109—20150000    —OBSERVED, BOSNIA—TOP—COURT—BANNED—THE—SERBIA—HOLIDAY, but the ban was not.
20190109—20190122    —ON, The extension to the Elysee Treaty will be signed.
20200109             —UNVEILED, THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION, 1—PLAN to speed permitting for major infrastructure projects like oil pipelines, road expansions and bridges, 1—OF—THE—BIGGEST deregulatory ACTIONS—OF—THE—PRESIDENT—TENURE.
20200109             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—ANALYSIS—OF—COMMERCE—DEPARTMENT—DATA showed that tariffs imposed by PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP to restructure THE—USA' top trade relationships have cost USA—COMPANIES $46—BILLION —SINCE February 20180000             , and USA—EXPORTS—OF—GOODS hit by retaliatory tariffs have fallen sharply.
20200109             THE—MAYOR—OF—LOS—ANGELES wrote 1—LETTER to THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION formally requesting FEDERAL—ASSISTANCE with the growing numbers of homeless on the city's streets.
20200109             —SHOWED, The letter, he and Housing SECRETARY—BEN—CARSON have had negotiations on the issue.
20200109             —CAPTURED, CHICAGO authorities, 1—COYOTE —LATE—TODAY—AFTER 2 reported attacks by wild canines on humans in the city, including a —6—YEAR—OLD—BOY who was bitten in the head.
20200109             —INVOLVED, DNA tests would confirm if this was the animal, in EITHER—OF—THE—ATTACKS.
20200109             —KILLED, NEW—YORK, 1—HELICOPTER—CRASH in Silver —SPRING Township, pilot MARK—CROCE, —58—JAHRE—ALT and developer MICHAEL—CAPRIOTTO, —63—JAHRE—ALT.
20200109             1—NORTH—DAKOTA man who allegedly told 1—NEIGHBOR he had 1—BOMB and indicated he would harm anyone who tried to enter his condominium † —AFTER he was shot by tactical officers in 1—EXCHANGE—OF—GUNFIRE.
20200109             Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc said its experimental treatment for 1—VERY—RARE—GENETIC bone disorder showed 1—NEARLY 90% reduction in new lesions compared to placebo, in 1—MID—STAGE—STUDY.
20200109             —BESIEGED, ABKHAZIA, HUNDREDS—OF—PROTESTERS, the office of regional leader RAUL—KHADZHIMBA to demand his resignation.
20200109             —CLAIMED, Demonstrators, widespread irregularities in his RE—ELECTION as PRESIDENT—LAST—SEPTEMBER.
20200109             —REPORTED, CHINA—STATE—MEDIA, that 1—PRELIMINARY—INVESTIGATION into viral pneumonia illnesses sickening DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE in and —AROUND the country has identified the possible cause as 1—NEW—TYPE—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS.
20200109             —CONCLUDED, Officials from EGYPT, ETHIOPIA and SUDAN, a —2—DAY meeting in ADDIS—ABABA, without reaching 1—AGREEMENT on technical issues related to THE—CONSTRUCTION—OF—THE $4.6—BILLION Grand ETHIOPIA—RENAISSANCE—DAM on THE—BLUE—NILE.
20200109             —PLUNGED, NORTH—IRAN, 1—BUS, into 1—RAVINE —EARLY—TODAY, killing 19—PEOPLE and injuring 24 in Mazandaran province.
20200109             —CONFIRMED, THE—ISRAELI—THE—JUSTICE—MINISTRY, that 1—PSYCHIATRIC—PANEL has determined that Malka Leifer, 1—WOMAN facing DOZENS—OF—SEX—ABUSE—CHARGES in AUSTRALIA, is fit to stand trial for extradition.
20200109             —CLOSED, NORTH—LEBANON, protesters, 1—MAJOR—ROAD—LATE—TODAY, triggering scuffles with LEBANON—TROOPS that left more than 12—SOLDIERS injured.
20200109             NIGER—DEFENSE—MINISTRY said 1—LARGE—ASSAULT—ON—ITS—MILITARY left at least 25—SOLDIERS—DEAD along with 63—JIHADISTS in THE—TOWN—OF—CHINAGODRAR on the border with MALI.
20200109             The death toll soon rose to at least 89, making it the most deadly attack of its kind in years in the nation.
20200109             —CROWED—OF, In THE—PHILIPPINES 1—MAMMOTH, barefoot Filipinos began the annual procession of the wooden Black Nazarene in MANILA.
20200109             SLOVENIA, 1—NEARLY 26-foot wooden statue mocking USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP was burned to the ground.
20200109             Police were looking for the arsonist.
20200109             —RULED, SPAIN—SUPREME—COURT, that Oriol Junqueras, 1—IMPRISONED—CATALAN politician, must remain behind bars despite 1—EUROPEN court ruling that his election to the European PARLIAMENT gave him immunity.
20200109             —ACCOMPANIED, SUDAN—PRIME—MINISTER—ABDALLA—HAMDOK, by UNITED—NATIONS officials, embarked on 1—PEACE—MISSION to 1—REBEL—STRONGHOLD, in 1—MAJOR—STEP toward government efforts to end the country's LONG—RUNNING civil conflicts.
20200109             —MASKED, THAILAND, 1, assailant killed 3—PEOPLE, including 1—BOY, —2—JAHRE—ALT in 1—SHOOTING spree —LATE—TODAY at 1—SHOPPING mall in Lopburi province.
20200109             —ANNOUNCED, UKRAINE—PRESIDENT—VOLODYMYR—ZELENSKYY, —1—DAY—OF—NATIONAL mourning, promising to find the "truth" about the crash of 1—UKRAINE—AIRLINER in IRAN which killed all 176 on BOARD.
20200109             —RECORDED, THE—WORLD—ORGANIZATION for Animal Health (OIE) said POLAND, 55—OUTBREAKS—OF—AFRICA—SWINE fever in wild boar near THE—GERMANY—BORDER—LAST—MONTH, in 1—SIGN the deadly virus is spreading near 1—OF—THE—EUROPEAN—UNION—BIGGEST pork exporters.
20200109             IRANkonflikt: Demokraten wollen DONALD—TRUMP ausbremsen — mit republikanischer Hilfe
20200109             Verkehr: Linnemann wirft Umweltministerin Umweltverschmutzung vor
20200109             —DIE—LAGE—AM—MORGEN: TRUMP—EXIT
20200109             —KRISE—IN—NAHOST: IRAN soll Milizen aufgefordert haben, keine USA—ZIELE anzugreifen
20200109             Globale Wirtschaft: Weltbank rechnet mit schwächerem Wachstum
20200109             IRAN—KRISE: Der vertagte Krieg 1—ANALYSE—VON—MARC—PITZKE, NEW—YORK
20200109             —NACH, Protesten: Netflix soll umstrittene JESUS—PARODIE aus dem Netz nehmen
20200109             Wutrede nach IRAN—BRIEFING: "Das ist unamerikanisch!"
20200109             CUM—EX—SKANDAL: STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT klagt MITARBEITER—DER—MAPLE—BANK an (1021—UHR • Wirtschaft
20200109             Justiz: LIBANON verhängt Ausreisesperre gegen Ghosn
20200109             —KRITISIERT, Westjordanland: DEUTSCHLAND, angekündigten Siedlungsausbau ISRAELs
20200109             Dieser HOCHLEISTUNGS—AKKU kommt ohne Kobalt AUS—DER SPIEGEL—WISSENSCHAFT
20200109             —MACHT—KAMPF—IN—VENEZUELA: Guaidó gibt nicht auf
20200109             —VERZICHTET, Probleme mit Druckwasserreaktor: FRANKREICH, vorerst auf Bau neuer Atomkraftwerke
20200109             —KRISE—IN—NAHOST: USA bereit zu IRAN—VERHANDLUNGEN "ohne Voraussetzungen"
20200109             WELTWIRTSCHAFTS—FORUM, DONALD—TRUMP fährt nach Davos
20200109             Epidemie: Mehr als 6.000—MENSCHEN im KONGO an Masern gestorben
20200109             "LUFT—SCHLAG—GEGEN—IRAN war provokativ und unangemessen"
20200109             —DONNERSTAG,
20200109             —KRISE—IN—NAHOST, USA—REPRÄSENTANTENHAUS will eigenmächtige Militäraktionen TRUMP—VERHINDERN
20200109—20200107    —ADJUSTED, Seasonally, USA—COMMERCE—DATA released showed the overall USA—TRADE—DEFICIT narrowed to 1—MORE than —3—YEAR—LOW—IN—NOVEMBER.
20200109—20200131    —ON, BRITAIN—PARLIAMENT gave finally approve to Brexit, allowing the traumatized country to become the 1. to leave THE—EUROPEAN—UNION.
20200227—20200109    —SINCE, LIBYA—UN—BACKED government says 21—CIVILIANS have been killed, including at least 13—CHILDREN, casting doubt on 1—FRAGILE—CEASE—FIRE—THE—TRIPOLI—BASED government and rival factions in the east agreed —LAST—MONTH to observe.
20210109             THE—DEFENSE—DEPARTMENT is referring to —WEDNESDAY—PRO—TRUMP—RIOT as "20210106             —THE—1.—AMENDMENT—PROTESTS".
20210109             —ANNOUNCED, USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—MIKE—POMPEO, that THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT is voiding longstanding restrictions on how USA—DIPLOMATS and others have contact with their counterparts in TAIWAN.
20210109             —LASHED, CHINA—STATE—MEDIA quickly, out at the move.
20210109             † OFF—DUTY USA Capitol Police officer HOWARD—LIEBENGOOD, —51—JAHRE—ALT—OF—1—APPARENT—SUICIDE.
20210109             —CLASHED, OFF—DUTY was among the officers who, with 1—PRO—TRUMP mob that stormed the Capitol —LAST—WEEK.
20210109             CALIFORNIA to date had 2,661,646 CASES—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS and 29,241 deaths.
20210109             THE—SF—BAY—AREA had 301,773 cases and 2,991 deaths.
20210109             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 22,129,231 with the death toll at 372,384.
20210109             —KILLED, JASON—NIGHTENGALE, —32—JAHRE—ALT, 3—PEOPLE and wounded 4—OTHERS in 1—SERIES—OF—SHOOTINGS over roughly —4—HOURS that started on CHICAGO—SOUTH—SIDE and ended with his death in 1—SHOOTOUT with police in 1—PARKING lot —JUST NORTH—OF—THE—CITY.
20210109             † VED—MEHTA, —86—JAHRE—ALT, 1 celebrated blind writer for THE—NEW—YORKER, in Manhattan.
20210109             VED—MEHTA was best known for exploring THE—HISTORY—OF—MODERN—INDIA through 12—VOLUMES—OF—MEMOIR.
20210109             AUSTRALIA—HEALTH—OFFICIALS said they are on high alert —AFTER cases of highly transmissible new VARIANTS—OF—THE—CORONA€”VIRUS, discovered in BRITAIN and SOUTH—AFRICA, have made it into the country.
20210109             —REPORTED, It was, that UK—PRIME—MINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON has secretly ordered civil servants to strip references to THE—EU from TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—LAWS to stop Labour reversing Brexit —AFTER the next general election in 1—PLAN known by SOME—IN—WHITEHALL as "Operation Bleach".
20210109             Government authorities said CHINA will provide COVID—19—VACCINES—FREE—OF—CHARGE once they become available to the general public.
20210109             —LAUNCHED, CHINA—ELECTRIC—VEHICLE (EV) maker Nio Inc, its 1. sedan model ET7, eyeing 1—GREATER—SHARE—OF—THE—WORLD—LARGEST—CAR—MARKET.
20210109             NIO—NEW—BATTERY—TECHNOLOGY will give the ET7 1—DRIVE—RANGE—OF over 1,000 km (621—MILES) between charges.
20210109             CUBA—TOP—EPIDEMIOLOGIST said irresponsible partying over —YEAR—END, often with relatives from abroad, fueled 1—SURGE in CORONA€”VIRUS infections and he warned of 1—CRACKDOWN to prevent THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—DISEASE.
20210109             WEST—INDIA, 1—FIRE broke out in the intensive care unit of 1—GOVERNMENT—RUN—HOSPITAL in Bhandara, Maharashtra state.
20210109             10—INFANTS were reported killed.
20210109             INDONESIA, 1—PASSENGER—PLANE carrying 56—PASSENGERS and 6—CREW members lost contact shortly —AFTER taking off from JAKARTA.
20210109             THE—26—YEAR—OLD Boeing 737—500—SRIWIJAYA Air flight went missing over the Java Sea —WHILE en route to PONTIANAK.
20210109             —TRIGGERED, INDONESIA, 2—LANDSLIDES, by heavy rain left at least 11—PEOPLE—DEAD and 18 injured in West java province.
20210109             —DENOUNCED, IRAQ, as "unacceptable" 1—USA—DECISION to blacklist THE—LEADER—OF—1—STATE—UMBRELLA—GROUP for mainly IRAN—BACKED Shi'ite militia.
20210109             —RENEWED, THOUSANDS—OF—ISRAELIS, weekly demonstrations against PRIME—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU, calling for THE—LONG—SERVING leader to resign over corruption charges against him and his alleged MISHANDLING—OF—THE—CORONA€”VIRUS—CRISIS.
20210109             —ASKED, OSAKA and its surrounding prefectures, JAPAN to expand 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY to the western cities in 1—EFFORT to contain the latest COVID—19—OUTBREAK.
20210109             TOKYO—NEW—DAILY—INFECTIONS kept above 2,000 cases.
20210109             —REPORTED, LEBANON, 1—RECORD 5,400 CORONA€”VIRUS infections.
20210109             1—MAJOR—TECHNICAL fault in PAKISTAN—POWER—GENERATION and distribution system caused 1—MASSIVE—POWER—OUTAGE—LATE—TODAY that plunged the country into darkness.
20210109             —SIGNED, THE—PHILIPPINES—GOVERNMENT, 1—DEAL to secure the supply of 30—MILLION doses of THE—COVID—19—VACCINE—COVOVAX from Serum Institute of INDIA (SII).
20210109             —CELEBRATED, THE—PHILIPPINES, more than 400,000 Catholics in MANILA, 1—FEAST for —1—CENTURIES—OLD—WOODEN statue of Jesus Christ, despite health experts warning it could turn into 1—SUPER—SPREADER event for CORONA€”VIRUS.
20210109             —BLANKETED, SPAIN, 1—PERSISTENT blizzard has, large PARTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY with —50—YEAR—RECORD—LEVELS—OF—SNOW, killing at least 4—PEOPLE and leaving thousands trapped in cars or in train stations and airports that had suspended all services as the snow kept falling.
20210109             —SAMSTAG, 20210109
20210109             Wegen "Anstiftung zum Aufstand": Demokraten wollen Impeachment einleiten
20210109             Long Covid: Von COVID—19—GENESEN—ABER noch —6—MONATE—SPÄTER Symptome
20210109             Sendeschluss für USA—PRÄSIDENT: Twitter sperrt TRUMP—ACCOUNT dauerhaft
20210109             2. CORONA—WELLE in JAPAN: Vom Vorzeigeland zum Notfall
20210109             BRYAN—CRANSTON zum Sturm auf das Kapitol: "Das Maß an Ehrlosigkeit ist erstaunlich" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—OLIVER—KAEVER
20210109             Einfuhrbeschränkungen: Deutschlands PLASTIKMÜLL—EXPORTE sinken deutlich
20210109             CORONA—NEWS —AM—SAMSTAG: QUEEN—ELIZABETH—II. und PRINZ—PHILIP geimpft - Medizin: Turbowissenschaft
20210109             NORDKOREA: KIM—JONG—UN droht USA mit neuen Atomwaffen
20210109             DONALD—TRUMP und soziale Medien: Der perfekte Zeitpunkt für das ENDE—DER—EXTRAWURST
20210109             —VERBANNT, Gewalt in den USA: Google, rechtsradikales Onlinenetzwerk Parler aus App Store
20210109             Zukunft der USA—REPUBLIKANER: "Wir müssen uns die Partei von diesen Irren zurückholen"
20210109             Minimalismus: Wie ich entscheide, welche Dinge mir wirklich wichtig sind
20210109             Seltener Wintereinbruch: MADRID im Schneechaos
20210109             CORONA—INFEKTION: AFD—POLITIKER rang mit dem Tod — und bekräftigt Kritik an Lockdown
20210109             IFO—CHEF—FUEST zu Impfstrategie und Shutdown: "Der STAAT sollte den Pharmaunternehmen Prämien anbieten" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—CLAUS—HECKING
20210109             Boeing B737-500: Passagiermaschine in INDONESIEN vermisst
20210109             OPFER—DES—NATIONALSOZIALISMUS: Streit übers Gedenken
20210109             Kirche: Erzbistum Köln droht Pfarrer nach Kritik an Kardinal Woelki
20210109             Impfskepsis bei Ärzten und Pflegekräften: Querdenker in Weiß
20210109             Coronakrise: Bundeskanzlerin Merkel schwört die Nation auf die kommenden —WOCHEN ein
20210109             Historiker über Sturm aufs Kapitol: "Die Demonstranten wollen sich als revolutionärer Mob inszenieren" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—CHRISTOPH—GUNKEL
20210109             Argentiniens geraubte Kinder: Der lange Kampf der Großmütter um ihre entführten Enkel 1—INTERVIEW—VON—SONJA—PETERANDERL
20210109             Laune der Natur: Forscher entdecken Zwerggiraffen - TWITTER—USER über Trumps Rauswurf: "?"
20210109             BORIS—JOHNSON und die Ultrakonservativen: Sie folgen ihm nicht mehr
20210109             Nach Attacke aufs Kapitol: Kirchenvertreter fordern Trumps sofortigen Rücktritt
20210109             USA—REPUBLIKANER vor Zerreißprobe: TRUMP—ANHÄNGER pöbeln eigenen SENATOR an 1—VIDEO—VON—MARTIN—SÜMENING
20210109             CORONA—HOTSPOT BÜRO: Grüne wollen mit Geldstrafen Homeoffice durchsetzen
20210109             SPD—GESUNDHEITSPOLITIKER KARL—LAUTERBACH glaubt einem Zeitungsbericht zufolge nicht, dass sich die Impfsituation in DEUTSCHLAND durch die Nachbestellung von 300—MILLIONEN BIONTECH—IMPFSTOFF—DOSEN durch die Europäische Union gravierend ändern werde.
20210109             Er gehe davon aus, "dass wir —ERST im 3. Quartal jedem 1—IMPFSTOFFANGEBOT machen können, weil wir —BIS dahin nicht genügend Impfstoff haben werden", berichtet die Zeitung "Bild".
20210109             Gesundheitsminister JENS—SPAHN hatte —AM—MITTWOCH erklärt, dass es —BIS zum —SOMMER 1—IMPFANGEBOT für ALLE—INTERESSIERTEN in DEUTSCHLAND gebe.
20210109             "Hätte man die gleichen 300—MILLIONEN Impfdosen —SCHON—VOR—6—MONATEN bestellt (...), wäre die Produktionskapazität —JETZT sehr wahrscheinlich —SCHON aufgebaut".
20210109             Im vergangenen —JAHR schlug die EU 1—BIONTECH—ANGEBOT zum Kauf von 400—BIS 500—MILLIONEN Impfdosen aus und kaufte nur eine geringere Menge.
20210109             DEUTSCHLAND, FRANKREICH und die Europäische Union wollen nach ANGABEN—DER—REGIERUNG in PARIS an der europäischen Impfstoffbeschaffungsstrategie festhalten.
20210109             Eine europäische Koordination müsse es sowohl bei den Impfstoffbestellungen als auch mit Blick auf die Impfstoffproduktion in EUROPA geben, erklärte der ÉLYSÉE—PALAST —AM—FREITAG nach Telefonaten von PRÄSIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON mit Bundeskanzlerin ANGELA—MERKEL (CDU) und EU—KOMMISSIONSPRÄSIDENTIN URSULA—VON—DER—LEYEN.
20210109             SPD—GESUNDHEITSEXPERTE KARL—LAUTERBACH hält es für nicht machbar, bei mehreren verfügbaren Impfstoffen den Menschen künftig 1—WAHL zu ermöglichen.
20210109             "Wenn —NUN mehr Impfstoffe verfügbar werden, ist es schlicht nicht organisierbar, dass die Menschen zwischen den Impfstoffen wählen können", sagte Lauterbach der "Rheinischen Post".
20210109             Es dürfe keinen Streit über bessere oder schlechtere Impfstoffe geben.
20210109             Alle von der europäischen Behörde EMA zugelassenen Impfstoffe seien sicher und wirksam.
20210109             "Alle verhindern, zumindest nach derzeitigem Wissensstand, dass der Geimpfte an COVID—19—STERBEN kann",
20210109             DEUTSCHLAND—HANDWERK fordert schnellere Staatshilfe
20210109             fordert - Fast 53.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN in BRASILIEN
20210109             —AM—DONNERSTAG hatte die ZAHL—DER—CORONA—TOTEN in BRASILIEN die Marke von 200.000—ÜBERSCHRITTEN.
20210109             Die Entwicklung der beiden —ZUNÄCHST in GROSSBRITANNIEN und SÜDAFRIKA nachgewiesenen CORONA€”VIRUS—VARIANTEN verdeutlicht Experten zufolge, dass die Überwachung des Erregers dringend ausgebaut werden muss.
20210109             —KOORDINIERT, Die Systeme zur Erkennung müssten ausgebaut und, werden.
20210109             "Wir dürfen uns nicht in der falschen Sicherheit wähnen, dass wir mit den Impfstoffen —SCHON am ENDE—DES—MARATHONS angekommen sind".
20210109             Wünschenswert sei zur Überwachung von SARS—COV—2—EIN globales NETZWERK—VON—LABOREN ähnlich wie bei der Grippe, deren Erreger sich ebenfalls stetig verändere,
20210109             —BISHER sei man von einem solchen koordinierten Ansatz noch weit entfernt.
20210109             Bei den Varianten B.1.1.7—UND 501Y.V2 gebe es eine "bemerkenswerte Konstellation vieler Mutationen", erklärte er.
20210109             Sie seien unabhängig voneinander und —SCHON vor längerer Zeit entstanden — dass sie ausgerechnet in GROSSBRITANNIEN und SÜDAFRIKA bemerkt wurden, sei nicht überraschend: "Beide Ländern sequenzieren vergleichsweise viel".
20210109             Noch sei nicht klar, wie viel ansteckender die Varianten seien, sagte ISABELLA—ECKERLE—VON—DER—ABTEILUNG für Infektionskrankheiten der UNIVERSITÄT—GENF.
20210109             Dass es GROSSBRITANNIEN auch mit LOCKDOWN—MAßNAHMEN nicht gelungen sei, die Ansteckungsrate deutlich zu senken, lasse aber bei B.1.1.7—ARGES auch für andere Länder befürchten:
20210109             "Wenn sie sich durchsetzt, hätten wir 1—PROBLEM".
20210109             Der Chefvirologe am Heidelberger Uniklinikum, HANS—GEORG—KRÄUSSLICH, rechnet mit einer Fortsetzung des verschärften CORONA—LOCKDOWNS über Ende —JANUAR hinaus.
20210109             Er halte es für "extrem unwahrscheinlich, dass Ende —JANUAR die Einschränkungen weitgehend oder vollständig aufgehoben werden",
20210109             Zu erwarten sei, dass der "Sommereffekt und die Impfkampagne ab —MITTE des Jahres die Wende" im Infektionsgeschehen bringen könnten.
20210109             Kräusslich wies auf die "sehr bedrohliche" Situation in den Kliniken und auf den Intensivstationen vor den Feiertagen hin.
20210109             Um die ZAHL—DER—NEUANSTECKUNGEN zu reduzieren, seien Kontaktbeschränkungen nötig.
20210109             Daran hielten sich auch VIELE—MENSCHEN.
20210109             "Aber eben viele auch nicht, 20210109             In den USA ist ein neuer Höchststand bei der ZAHL—DER—CORONA—INFEKTIONEN verzeichnet worden.
20210109             wurden binnen —24—STUNDEN fast 290.000—NEUE Ansteckungen ermittelt.
20210109             Mehr als 3670—MENSCHEN in den USA starben im selben Zeitraum im Zusammenhang mit einer CORONA—INFEKTION.
20210109             Der gewählte USA—PRÄSIDENT—JOE—BIDEN kritisierte die Umsetzung der Impfkampagne —AM—FREITAG scharf.
20210109             "Impfstoffe geben uns Hoffnung, aber die Umsetzung ist 1—HOHN",
20210109             Er forderte eine deutliche Beschleunigung der Impfungen.
20210109             Die Verteilung der Dosen sei "die größte logistische Herausforderung, der wir als Nation je gegenüberstehen werden", sagte Biden.
20210109             Tatsächlich wurden —BISHER nur 6—MILLIONEN Menschen in den USA gegen das CORONA€”VIRUS geimpft.
20210109             RKI: 24.694—NEUINFEKTIONEN in DEUTSCHLAND
20210109             1—INTERPRETATION—DER—DATEN bleibt schwierig, weil um Weihnachten und den Jahreswechsel CORONA—FÄLLE laut RKI verzögert entdeckt, erfasst und übermittelt wurden.
20210109             Die Fraktionschefin der Grünen im BUNDESTAG, KATRIN—GÖRING—ECKARDT, hat kreative Lösungen für den Schulunterricht in der CORONA—PANDEMIE gefordert.
20210109             "Warum sollen geschlossene Museen und leere Theatersäle nicht für den Unterricht genutzt werden".
20210109             Warum holt man nicht das Technische Hilfswerk und Messebauer in die Schulen, um Luftfilter einzubauen?"
20210109             Merkel sieht "schwierigste Phase der Pandemie" bevorstehen
20210109             —NACH—DEM Importverbot für Impfstoff aus den USA und GROSSBRITANNIEN hat IRAN weitere Beschränkungen bekannt gegeben.
20210109             Internationale Firmen dürften im Land keine Impfstoffe testen, erklärte PRÄSIDENT—HASSAN—RUHANI in einer Fernsehansprache.
20210109             "Ausländische Firmen wollten uns Impfstoffe geben, damit sie an den Iranern getestet werden".
20210109             Aber das Gesundheitsministerium habe das untersagt.
20210109             "Unser Volk wird kein Testgerät für Unternehmen sein, die Impfstoffe produzieren".
20210109             IRAN werde im Ausland sichere Impfstoffe kaufen. Details nannte Ruhani nicht.
20210109             Inmitten der CORONA—PANDEMIE ist es an mindestens 2—FLUGHÄFEN in RUSSLAND zu einem regelrechten Ansturm von Flugreisenden gekommen.
20210109             Fotos und Videos zeigten während der Neujahrsferien lange Warteschlangen in und vor den Terminals bei Sotschi im Süden und MURMANSK hoch im Norden des Landes.
20210109             Die Flughäfen hätten das hohe Passagieraufkommen nicht bewältigen können, berichtete der Radiosender Echo Moskwy —AM—SAMSTAG.
20210109             —VERSPÄTET, Die Maschinen seien teilweise erheblich, gestartet.
20210109             Auf Bildern waren VIELE—MENSCHEN dicht gedrängt teils ohne MUND—NASEN—SCHUTZ zu sehen.
20210109             "Es ist stickig in den Terminals, und die vielen Menschen haben einfach nicht genug Platz", schrieb 1—FLUGREISENDER in sozialen Netzwerken über den Flughafen in Sotschi.
20210109             1—PASSAGIER in MURMANSK notierte: "Wir haben bei Frost —10—MINUTEN warten müssen, um überhaupt den Flughafen betreten zu können".
20210109             Es habe nicht genügend Personal zum Abfertigen der Passagiere gegeben.
20210109             MURMANSK, leitete die Staatsanwaltschaft laut Agentur Interfax 1—UNTERSUCHUNG ein.
20210109             "Wir müssen den Lockdown, den wir —JETZT haben, verlängern und an EINIGE—STELLEN auch noch vertiefen",
20210109             Söder sagte, zu VIELE—MENSCHEN suchten noch Schlupflöcher bei den vereinbarten CORONA—BESCHRÄNKUNGEN oder diskutierten Einzelmaßnahmen.
20210109             Viele stellten sich auch als OPFER—DER—PANDEMIE dar.
20210109             Die wahren Opfer seien aber die fast 40.000—TOTEN in Zusammenhang mit dem Virus.
20210109             "Es ist JEDES—MAL ein kleiner Stich ins Herz".
20210109             Um JEDES—LEBEN werde gekämpft, versprach Söder.
20210109             "JEDER—TAG ist eine neue Bewährungsprobe".
20210109             Im Elsass gilt ab —SONNTAG wegen des CORONA€”VIRUS eine verschärfte abendliche Ausgangssperre.
20210109             Die CORONA—LAGE in dem Département BAS—RHIN mit der ELSASS—METROPOLE Straßburg gebe Anlass zu großer Sorge,
20210109             Touristenandrang in Thüringen "im Rahmen"
20210109             SÜDAFRIKA—VIRUSVARIANTE auch in Isreal nachgewiesen
20210109             Die Einreise aus SÜDAFRIKA nach ISRAEL ist nur in Ausnahmefällen möglich, —SEIT—FREITAG gelten hierfür verschärfte Quarantänebestimmungen.
20210109             ISRAEL steckt inmitten einer 3. CORONA—WELLE mit hohen Infektionszahlen.
20210109             Die Palästinenser warten derweil weiter auf einen Impfstoff.
20210109             Es gebe noch keinen Termin für die Lieferung von Dosen, t
20210109             Mehr als 500.000—ITALIENER —BEREITS geimpft
20210109             Das Personal im Gesundheitsbereich bekam demnach die meisten Impfungen.
20210109             ÖSTERREICH will Schülern zur Wiederöffnung der Schulen wöchentlich einfach anwendbare CORONA—SCHNELLTESTS anbieten.
20210109             Testen sei "letztlich die einzige Antwort, um über die schwierige Phase —BIS zur Durchimpfung zu kommen"
20210109             Insgesamt 5—MILLIONEN ANTIGEN—TESTS sollen dafür an die Schulen verteilt werden.
20210109             Die Tests können von den Schülern selbst unter Anleitung von Erwachsenen angewendet werden.
20210109             Die Stäbchen müssen etwa ein —BIS 2—ZENTIMETER in die Nase eingeführt werden.
20210109             Das sei so einfach wie Nasenbohren,
20210109             Die Selbsttests sollen für die Schüler kostenlos und freiwillig sein.
20210109             GROSSBRITANNIEN—EXPERTEN erwarten weitere Verschlimmerung der Lage
20210109             GROSSBRITANNIEN hatte —AM—FREITAG mit mehr als 68.000—NEUEN CORONA—INFEKTIONEN und 13250000             gemeldeten Todesfällen innerhalb von —24—STUNDEN gleich 2—TRAURIGE Rekorde verzeichnet.
20210109             Besonders schlimm ist die Lage in LONDON, wo BÜRGERMEISTER—SADIQ—KHAN einen Katastrophenfall ausrief.
20210109             Auf die Frage, ob es möglich wäre, einer Person Impfstoffe verschiedener Hersteller zu verabreichen, sagte Mertens, dies sei auch bei Impfstoffen, die auf einem gleichen Wirkprinzip basierten, "auf keinen Fall" möglich.
20210109             Denn dazu gebe es bislang "0—DATEN".
20210109             Zuerst sollen etwa 30—MILLIONEN Mitarbeiter im Gesundheitswesen geimpft werden,
20210109             Danach plant die Regierung rund 270—MILLIONEN Menschen, die älter als —50—JAHRE alt sind, und Bürger unter 50—MIT Begleiterkrankungen zu impfen.
20210109             CDU—WIRTSCHAFTSRAT fordert Steuererleichterungen für CORONA—GESCHWÄCHTE Unternehmen
20210109             Sat 20210109
20210109             [l] Brexit hat ja VIELE—OPFER erzeugt, aber bei all dem Gewese um EU—FISCH—TRAWLER in GROSSBRITANNIEN—GEWÄSSERN lag die Annahme nahe, dass wenigstens die GROSSBRITANNIEN—FISCHER OK sind.
20210109             Stellt sich raus: Die haben gerade ihre Exporte in die EU eingestellt, weil sich das wirtschaftlich nicht mehr lohnt bei der Bürokratie.
20210109             Betroffen sind auch andere Produzenten von verderblichen Produkten.
20210109             —SATURDAY,
20210109             "The appalling thing about fascism..".
20210109             Alisha Babbitt - was at the forefront of 1—CROWD that explicitly sought to kill NANCY Pelosi and other Democrats.
20210109             —BY—LAST—WEEK, these people were sharing MAPS—OF—DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA
20210109             They were talking about having ENOUGH—OF—THEM that they would be able to erect basically their own cadre —AROUND the entire AREA—OF—CONGRESS.
20210109             They had 1—MAP—OF—THE—TUNNELS [in the basement of the Capitol], and they were talking about how they're going to be able to stop Congress from leaving.
20210109             —IMAGINED, They, that this was the —DAY there were going to be mass executions of Congressmen.
20210109             —IMAGINED, But 1—LOT—OF—THEM also —JUST, they were going to be there for this historic time —WHEN Trump pulled away the curtain and revealed that ALL—OF—CONGRESS were traitors and then took his —JUST and equal revenge.
20210109             There were 1—VARIETY—OF—CHARACTERS: people who were there to watch Trump gain control and people who thought Trump would win, but only by activating the military, [with] 1—PROPER—MILITARY—COUP that they supported.
20210109             They thought they were there to go and purge Congress.
20210109             The Q qrazies are insane, bloodthirsty zombies.
20210109             We have to do unto them as they would do unto us -- only do it 1.
20210109             THE—MAGA movement is EVERY—BIT as dangerous as AL—QAEDA or Isis.
20210109             DONALD—TRUMP must go to prison.
20210109             1—PIECE—OF—GOOD—NEWS: Some of the rioters —NOW understand that Trump sold them out.
20210109             He didn't march with them.
20210109             He used them as fodder. And he won't pardon them.
20210109             —STARTING to understand why STALIN had gulags".
20210109             —RIDDLED, SOVIET—SOCIETY then was —JUST like ours:, with traitors and fascists, from the streets to THE—HALLS—OF—POWER.
20210109             —POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS—ANONYMOUS : 1:01 AM
20210109             —RAGED, CNN - "As riot, at Capitol, Trump tried to call senators to overturn election".
20210109             COVID—19: Um terço da população e 45% dos profissionais de saúde afetados psicologicamente
20210109             COVID—19: Algarve tem 326—NOVOS casos e 2—ÓBITOS
20210109             Alentejo regista mais 11—ÓBITOS e 582—CASOS de COVID—19
20210109             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—49—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—44—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—4—(=)
20210109             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—48—(+4)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—29—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—18—(+4)
20210109             VILA—DO—BISPO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—92—(+1)—ÓBITOS—3—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—81—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—8—(=)
20210109             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—824—(+23)—ÓBITOS—7—(=)—RECUPERADOS—609—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—208—(+22)
20210109             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1260—(+26)—ÓBITOS—14—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1007—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—239—(+26)
20210109             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—344—(+13)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—262—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—80—(+13)
20210109             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—618—(+16)—ÓBITOS—3—(=)—RECUPERADOS—388—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—227—(+14)
20210109             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1219—(+35)—ÓBITOS—6—(=)—RECUPERADOS—795—(+6)—CASOS—ATIVOS—418—(+29)
20210109             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1604—(+75)—ÓBITOS—15—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1088—(+3)—CASOS—ATIVOS—501—(+72)
20210109             SÃO—BRÁS—DE—ALPORTEL—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—218—(+5)—ÓBITOS—9—(=)—RECUPERADOS—147—(+8)—CASOS—ATIVOS—62—(-5)
20210109             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1372—(+68)—ÓBITOS—9—(=)—RECUPERADOS—966—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—397—(+66)
20210109             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—697—(+21)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—457—(+27)—CASOS—ATIVOS—238—(-6)
20210109             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—895—(+51)—ÓBITOS—6—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—350—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—539—(+48)
20210109             VRSA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—429—(+8)—ÓBITOS—7—(=)—RECUPERADOS—298—(+12)—CASOS—ATIVOS—124—(-4)
20210109             ALCOUTIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—28—(=)—ÓBITOS—3—(=)—RECUPERADOS—20—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—5—(=)
20210109             CASTRO—MARIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—96—(+2)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—72—(+3)—CASOS—ATIVOS—24—(=)
20210109             313_DGS_BOLETIM_20210109—1—20210109—1—GLOBAL—CASES—89.246.327—GLOBAL—DEATHS—1.919.703
20210109             PORTUGAL CASE—FATALITY Ratio: 1,62%
20210109             LK—DÜREN—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—302—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—114,1—FÄLLE—GESAMT—7.450—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—2.815,2—TODESFÄLLE—GESAMT—179—EINWOHNERZAHL—264.638
20210109             SK—KÖLN—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—1.162—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—106,8—FÄLLE—GESAMT—27.319—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—2.511,3—TODESFÄLLE—GESAMT—373—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.087.863
20210109             COVID—19—IMPFUNGEN in DEUTSCHLAND: Die meisten Dosen lagern im Depot
20210109             Coronakrise in SACHSEN: Regierungschef Kretschmer räumt Fehler ein
20210109             CORONA und Reisen: 1—LANGSTRECKENFLUG, 4—ANSTECKUNGEN
20210109             Rassismus: Trump ist die Personifizierung von weißen Privilegien 1—GASTBEITRAG—VON—MOHAMED—AMJAHID
20210109             Sturm auf das Kapitol: Plünderer von Pelosis Rednerpult wurde verhaftet
20210109             —GEFÄHRDET, Impfchaos, Aufschwung: Wie schnell erholt sich Amerikas Wirtschaft?
20210109             FRANZISKUS—PAPA hat dazu aufgerufen, die Impfungen gegen das neuartige CORONA€”VIRUS wahrzunehmen.
20210109             Alles andere wäre eine "suizidale Verweigerung", die er sich nicht erklären könne.
20210109             Er selbst wolle sich in der kommenden —WOCHE im Vatikan impfen lassen, sagte der 84-Jährige.
20210109             "Ich glaube, dass vom ethischen Standpunkt aus jeder geimpft werden sollte", weil 1—INFEKTION "die eigene Gesundheit, das eigene Leben, aber auch das Leben anderer in Gefahr bringt", sagte Franziskus.
20210109             Mehr als 20.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN in FRANKREICH
20210109             Israels Premier erhält 2. CORONA—IMPFUNG
20210109             Dies markierte den Auftakt der Impfkampagne in dem Land.
20210109             ISRAEL, wurden im Verhältnis zur Einwohnerzahl so VIELE—MENSCHEN gegen CORONA geimpft wie in keinem anderen Land der Welt.
20210109             Um den Anreiz der Impfungen weiter zu erhöhen, plant ISRAEL—PRIVILEGIEN für Geimpfte.
20210109             Die REPUBLIK streitet über die Strategie der Impfstoffbeschaffung, aber die Grünen finden die Kritik unangemessen.
20210109             Die Oppositionspartei keilt gegen die SPD und stellt sich an die Seite der Union — als seien sie —BEREITS Koalitionspartner.
20210109             Impfwillige in BERLIN sollen laut Gesundheitssenatorin Dilek Kalayci (SPD) wählen können, mit welchem Impfstoff sie gegen CORONA immunisiert werden wollen.
20210109             "Der Bürger, die Bürgerin sollen die Freiheit haben, sich entscheiden zu können, mit welchen Impfstoff sie geimpft werden wollen",
20210109             Sturm "Filomena": SPANIEN versinkt im Schnee
20210109             Folgen des Sturms auf das Kapitol: Maas will mit USA "Marshallplan für Demokratie" erarbeiten
20210109             Has THE—MAGA mob done its worst, or are they —JUST getting warmed up?
20210109             WP reporter Amy Gardner says that Trump made another call to 1—GEORGIA elections official, and that this chat was even more legally questionable than THE—1—WE'VE all heard.
20210109             —ESTABLISHED, It has also been, definitively that Trump forced USA—ATTORNEY—BYUNG J. Pak -- TRUMP—OWN—CHOICE for that position in GEORGIA -- to step down because Pak would not go along with TRUMP—PLOT to change the election results.
20210109             According to this investigator, 1—OF—THE—ORGANIZERS of the violent fascist insurrection has confessed that he conspired with 3—CONGRESSMEN: ANDY—BRIGGS—OF—ARIZONA, PAUL—GOSAR—OF—ARIZONA, and Mo BROOKS—OF—ALABAMA.
20210109             If this claim is true, all 3 should be charged with treason, and arguably should face the death penalty.
20210109             THE—WSJ is setting the stage for charging Trump & co. with incitement to riot.
20210109             The case against Lin Wood looks like 1—SLAM dunk: In very clear language, he urged the fascists to kill MIKE—PENCE.
20210109             —INSPIRED, His words, Ashli Babbitt, the vile QAnon cultist shot —WHILE attempting to fulfill WOOD—VISION.
20210109             True to form, SOME—TRUMPERS are —NOW falsely claiming that Babbitt was 1—ANTIFA mole.
20210109             SETH—ABRAMSON offers 1—HYPER—DETAILED ANALYSIS—OF—TRUMP—PRE—COUP—SPEECH to this thugs.
20210109             —4—MINUTEN—NACH—DEM Start in JAKARTA stürzt SRIWIJAYA—AIR—FLUG 182 in die Javasee.
20210109             Alle 62—MENSCHEN an Bord der Boeing 737-500 kommen ums Leben.
20210109             "The appalling thing about fascism..".
20210109             313_DGS_boletim_20210109              20210109             Argentiniens geraubte Kinder: Der lange Kampf der Großmütter um ihre entführten Enkel 1—INTERVIEW—VON—SONJA—PETERANDERL
20210109             Alisha Babbitt - And he won't pardon them.
20210109             Die Varianten seien als "Weckruf" zu sehen, sagte ANDREAS—BERGTHALER vom CeMM Forschungszentrum für Molekulare Medizin der ÖSTERREICHISCHEN—AKADEMIE der Wissenschaften.
20210109             Details nannte Ruhani nicht.
20210109             Der ASTRAZENECA—IMPFSTOFF soll für INDIEN und andere Märkte unter dem Namen Covishield von dem INDISCHEN—HERSTELLER Serum Institute of INDIA produziert werden.
20210109             Fast 53.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN in BRASILIEN
20210109             GLOBAL—CASES—89.246.327—GLOBAL—DEATHS—1.919.703
20210109             He didn't march with them. He used them as fodder.
20210109             In den USA ist ein neuer Höchststand bei der ZAHL—DER—CORONA—INFEKTIONEN verzeichnet worden.
20210109             IRAN werde im Ausland sichere Impfstoffe kaufen.
20210109             Inmitten der CORONA—PANDEMIE ist es an mindestens 2—FLUGHÄFEN in RUSSLAND zu einem regelrechten Ansturm von Flugreisenden gekommen.
20210109             In den an DEUTSCHLAND grenzenden FRANZÖSISCHEN—DÉPARTEMENTS BAS—RHIN und HAUT—RHIN wird das sogenannte COUVRE—FEU auf 18—UHR vorgezogen.
20210109             ITALIENISCHE—SCHÜLER protestieren für Schulöffnungen
20210109             —GENESEN, Long Covid: Von COVID—19, - aber noch —6—MONATE—SPÄTER Symptome
20210109             Laune der Natur: Forscher entdecken Zwerggiraffen
20210109             Medizin: Turbowissenschaft
20210109             —SAMSTAG, 20210109
20210109             SÜDAFRIKANISCHE—VIRUSVARIANTE auch in Isreal nachgewiesen - Sat 20210109
20210109             —SATURDAY, 20210109
20210109             See also here. TWITTER—USER über Trumps Rauswurf: "?"
20210109             Wegen "Anstiftung zum Aufstand": Demokraten wollen Impeachment einleiten
20210109             [l] Brexit hat ja VIELE—OPFER erzeugt, aber bei all dem Gewese um EU—FISCH—TRAWLER in BRITISCHEN—GEWÄSSERN lag die Annahme nahe, dass wenigstens die BRITISCHEN—FISCHER OK sind.
20210109             fordert
20210109             —POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS fred : 5:18 PM
20210109             "Wenn sie sich durchsetzt, hätten wir 1—PROBLEM". "Aber eben viele auch nicht,
20210109             "Man muss sich impfen lassen", sagte das Oberhaupt der katholischen Kirche in einem Interview gegenüber dem ITALIENISCHEN—FERNSEHSENDER Canale 5.
20210109—20210116    —AM, INDIEN, soll eine der weltweit größten CORONA—IMPFKAMPAGNEN beginnen.
20210109—20210131    —BIS, Bayerns Ministerpräsident MARKUS—SÖDER (CSU) geht von einer Verlängerung des —DERZEIT befristeten CORONA—LOCKDOWNS aus.
20210109—20210202    † DAMIA—SMITH—15—, due to her injuries,
20210109—20210202    —ON, Damia Smith (15) † due to her injuries.
20210109—20210221    —REPORTED, ITALY, 483—CORONA€"VIRUS—RELATED deaths, down from 620 THE—DAY—BEFORE, —WHILE the daily TALLY—OF—NEW—INFECTIONS—ROSE to 19,978 from 17,533. ITALY has registered 78,394 COVID—19—DEATHS—SINCE its outbreak came to light.
20210109—20211219    —AM, Netanyahu hatte die 1. Spritze erhalten.
20210109—20211220    —ENDE—BIS, Die USA—BEHÖRDEN hatten als Ziel ausgegeben, Millionen USA—BÜRGER gegen das CORONA€"VIRUS zu impfen.
20210112—20210109    —RECOVERED, INDONESIA—NAVY divers, the flight data recorder from 1—SRIWIYAYA—AIR—JET that crashed into the Java Sea.
20210212—20210109    —BERICHTET, Wie die "Mitteldeutsche Zeitung", wurde der CDU—ABGEORDNETE FRANK—BOMMERSBACH —BEREITS geimpft.
20220103—20220109    —AB, ISRAEL erlaubt Einreise für geimpfte Touristen
20220109             —SONNTAG, 20220109
20220109             Nach Sturm auf Verteilerstation: Stromnetz im LIBANON komplett zusammengebrochen
20220109             Verantwortlich für das Runterfahren aller Kraftwerke seien Demonstranten, die 1—VERTEILERSTATION gestürmt hätten.
20220109             der staatliche Energiekonzern EDL macht regierungskritische Demonstranten verantwortlich.
20220109             ALLE—KRAFTWERKE seien angehalten worden, teilte EDL mit.
20220109             Zuvor hätten Demonstranten eine wichtige Verteilerstation gestürmt und dort die Technik beschädigt.
20220109             Ursache dafür ist die Finanzkrise des LIBANON, das Land kann das für die Energieversorgung notwendige Öl nicht importieren.
20220109             Die Demonstranten, die die Verteilerstation in der Region Aramun nördlich von BEIRUT angriffen, wollten offenbar gegen die immer wieder auftretenden Stromausfälle und die Untätigkeit der Regierung protestieren.
20220109             Das Land kämpft unter anderem mit Benzin- und MEDIKAMENTEN—ENGPÄSSEN.
20220109             Der bankrotte STAAT kann auch zahlreiche Subventionen und Importe nicht mehr finanzieren.
20220109             —BEREITS—IM—OKTOBER war es aufgrund von Treibstoffmangel zu einem landesweiten Stromausfall gekommen.
20220109             —NACH—DEM Militärputsch: Vereinte Nationen wollen im SUDAN vermitteln
20220109             JÜRGEN—VON—DER—LIPPE über Feminismus: "Aus allem wird einem 1—STRICK gedreht"
20220109             Kanonen, Kettenhemden, Armbrüste: Die Kampfmaschine des Königs
20220109             Feminismus: "Wir waren die Schneeflocken, die die Frauenbewegung weltweit zur Lawine machten"
20220109             CORONA€”VIRUS: RKI meldet erneut starken Anstieg der Inzidenz
20220109             Pandemie: SPD und Grüne dämpfen Erwartungen an schnelle Impfpflicht
20220109             Gewaltsame Proteste: —SCHON mehr als 5000—FESTNAHMEN in KASACHSTAN
20220109             Aktuelle Statistik: Deutschlands Plastikmüllexport sinkt deutlich
20220109             Menschheitsgeschichte: Abschied vom Feuer
20220109             Kampf gegen Raser: —JETZT kommt die Tempo-30-Welle - Sun 20220109
20220109             [l] Liebe Leser, ihr müsst —JETZT alle sehr tapfer sein.
20220109             Der Chipmangel hat Canon erreicht. Wie?
20220109             Nein, nein, die können weiter Drucker bauen.
20220109             —GESOURCED, Aber ihre DRM—GÄNGELSCHEIßE kriegen sie nicht mehr, und müssen —JETZT Toner verkaufen, bei dem ihre verkackten DRM—PRODUKTE dem User ins Gesicht lügen, die seien bestimmt gefälscht und/oder weniger wert.
20220109             Oooooooch ist das aber tragisch! DRM geht nicht mehr?
20220109             Meine Güte, lange spürte ich nicht mehr so einen Tsunami aus Mitleid gegen mich branden!!1!
20220109             Apple, Facebook, Netflix und Co.: Was mit ONLINE—ACCOUNTS —NACH—DEM Tod passiert
20220109             —VERHANDLUNGEN mit den USA: RUSSLAND schließt Zugeständnisse in UKRAINE—GESPRÄCHEN aus
20220109             —UNRUHEN, Schwere : Mindestens 164—TOTE bei Protesten in KASACHSTAN
20220109             Der Bundesverband Güterkraftverkehr und Logistik sieht die Versorgungssicherheit in DEUTSCHLAND wegen der drohenden OMIKRON—WELLE gefährdet.
20220109             "Omikron hat das Potenzial, dass Lieferengpässe vermehrt auftreten und nicht ALLE—LIEFERKETTEN aufrechterhalten werden können",
20220109             Das ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUT (RKI) meldet binnen —24—STUNDEN 36.552—CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN.
20220109             Das sind 24.037—FÄLLE mehr als —AM—SONNTAG vor einer —WOCHE, als 12.515—POSITIV—TESTS gemeldet wurden.
20220109             Die bundesweite —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ steigt auf 362,7 von 335.9—AM Vortag.
20220109             Knapp 2—DRITTEL der Lehrer (64—PROZENT) an weiterführenden Schulen gehen durch die CORONA—PANDEMIE von nicht mehr aufzuholenden Versäumnissen —BIS zum Schuljahresende aus.
20220109             Das geht aus einer Umfrage des DEUTSCHEN—PHILOLOGENVERBANDES unter rund 7000—LEHRKRÄFTEN (Gymnasien und zum Abitur führende Schulen) im gesamten Bundesgebiet vom 20211100             hervor,
20220109             MEXIKO meldet neuen Tageshöchstwert an CORONA—ANSTECKUNGEN
20220109             Mehr als 840.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN und über 670—TOTE in USA
20220109             Der Ärzteverband Marburger Bund hat wegen der schnellen AUSBREITUNG—DER—OMIKRON—VARIANTE des CORONA€”VIRUS auch vor einer Überlastung der Normalstationen in Krankenhäusern gewarnt.
20220109             "Es wäre 1—FEHLER, bei der OMIKRON—WELLE nur auf die Auslastung der Intensivstationen zu schauen"
20220109             Der GROßTEIL—DER—FÄLLE müsse "auf den Normalstationen behandelt werden".
20220109             Ihr Verband rechnet —SCHON bald mit vielen OMIKRON—PATIENTEN, die einen höheren Aufwand in den Krankenhäusern erfordern.
20220109             "Sie müssen isoliert werden, brauchen zum Teil Sauerstoff und das Personal muss Schutzkleidung anziehen",
20220109             "Es entsteht ein erheblicher zusätzlicher logistischer Aufwand".
20220109             Dies bedeute auch "sehr schnell erhebliche Einschränkungen bei planbaren Eingriffen im Krankenhaus, (..)., weil das Personal zur Betreuung der COVID—PATIENTEN auf Normalstationen gebraucht wird".
20220109             Rund 900—QUARANTÄNEFÄLLE bei der Bundespolizei
20220109             Insgesamt arbeiten bei der Bundespolizei rund 51.500—MITARBEITER, darunter etwa 34.000—POLIZEIVOLLZUGSBEAMTE.
20220109             Beim Bundeskriminalamt wurden mit Stand —FREITAG demnach 41—QUARANTÄNEFÄLLE registriert, im Innenministerium selbst 29. "Die Arbeitsfähigkeit der Sicherheitsbehörden ist uneingeschränkt gewährleistet",
20220109             Mehr als 1—VIERTELMILLION—MENSCHEN in ISRAEL haben 4. Coronaimpfung
20220109             Entsprechend einer Expertenempfehlung bekommen diese —BISHER nur über 60-Jährige, Immungeschwächte und medizinisches Personal.
20220109             Die ZAHL—DER—CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN in ISRAEL ist in der OMIKRON—WELLE so hoch wie nie —SEIT Beginn der Pandemie.
20220109             Angesichts steigender Infektionszahlen auch bei medizinischem Personal erwägt das Gesundheitsministerium nach Medienberichten, Ärztinnen und Ärzte sowie Krankenschwestern und -pfleger trotz positivem CORONA—BEFUND arbeiten zu lassen, solange sie keine Symptome haben.
20220109             Grund sei die Sorge vor einem PFLEGE—NOTSTAND wegen einer Isolierung von Fachkräften.
20220109             Weltweit —BISHER mehr als 304—MILLIONEN Coronainfektionen und über 5,83 Millionen Tote
20220109             Bayerns Gesundheitsminister KLAUS—HOLETSCHEK fordert eine schnelle —ENTSCHEIDUNG über 1—CORONA—IMPFPFLICHT.
20220109             "Wir müssen diese Diskussion endlich konkret und vor allem zielorientiert führen und dürfen keine Zeit mehr verlieren",
20220109             sagte der CSU—POLITIKER
20220109             "Wir müssen wichtige —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN zügiger treffen und dann auch umsetzen.
20220109             Durch Zaudern und Zögern werden wir kein schnelleres Pandemieende bekommen",
20220109             Nach einem Coronaausbruch in der nordchinesischen Stadt TIANJIN haben die Behörden fast 14—MILLIONEN Bewohner aufgerufen, zu Hause zu bleiben und Massentests angekündigt.
20220109             waren zuletzt mehr als 20—CORONAFÄLLE in der Stadt entdeckt worden, darunter auch mindestens 2—ANSTECKUNGEN mit der OMIKRON—VARIANTE.
20220109             Verbraucherschützer haben eine Überprüfung aller in DEUTSCHLAND verfügbaren ANTIGEN—SCHNELL- und Selbsttests gefordert.
20220109             —BEWERTET, Ihre Wirksamkeit müsse unabhängig, werden,
20220109             Bislang hat das PAUL—EHRLICH—INSTITUT (PEI) nur einen TEIL—DER—TESTS untersucht und die Erkenntnisse in einer Liste auf seiner Webseite veröffentlicht.
20220109             "Die Untersuchungsergebnisse sind nicht so verständlich, dass der Verbraucher oder die Verbraucherin sofort sehen kann, was taugt der Test, den ich gerade in der Hand habe",
20220109             "Es haben Tests diese Überprüfung bestanden, die bei sehr hoher Viruslast um die 100—PROZENT haben, also sehr gut sind, bei hoher Viruslast aber unter 10—PROZENT liegen".
20220109             Solche Tests dürften dann trotzdem auch für Bürgertests eingesetzt werden, die der STAAT bezahle,
20220109             [l] Schöne ECONOMIST—KOLUMNE über performative Arbeit.
20220109             Also: Performance statt Arbeit.
20220109             Old and busted: SECURITY—THEATER. New hotness: ARBEITS—THEATER.
20220109             Wie die Leute alle rituell darauf 8., dass ihr Icon auf Slack grün ist, ihre Kalender öffentlich einsehbar und voll, ihre ARBEITS—LOGS einsehbar und gut gefüllt sind, und wie sich alle gegenseitig mit REAKTIONS—EMOJIS überhäufen, damit es so aussieht, als habe ihre volle Aufmerksamkeit auf der Arbeit gelegen.
20220109             Wenn sie in der Realität auf der Simulation von Arbeit lag und sie nichts produktives geschafft haben, weil sie zu beschäftigt mit Arbeitssimulation waren.
20220109             Beschädigtes Kabel: Wichtige Glasfaserleitung in der ARKTIS defekt
20220109             Mit 2—LEISTUNGSSTARKEN Glasfaserkabeln ist die Arktisinsel Spitzbergen ans INTERNET angebunden, darüber werden wichtige Satellitendaten übermittelt.
20220109             —NUN ist 1—DER—VERBINDUNGEN nachhaltig gestört.
20220109             Es mag ein wenig paradox wirken: Longyearbyen, die HAUPTSTADT—DER zu NORWEGEN gehörenden arktischen Inselgruppe Spitzbergen, ist zwar nur rund 1300—KILOMETER vom Nordpol entfernt, hat aber eine weit bessere Internetanbindung als die meisten Orte auf diesem Planeten.
20220109             Gerade für Erdbeobachtungssatelliten ist die Lage perfekt.
20220109             Sie können hier bei jedem Überflug ihre Daten zur Erde schicken, mithilfe zweier Glasfaserkabel — 13750000             und 1339—KILOMETER lang — werden die Informationen dann —ERST zum NORWEGISCHEN—FESTLAND und von dort in den Rest der Welt übertragen.
20220109             Satellitenbetreiber aus der ganzen Welt nutzen die Anlage.
20220109             —FUNKTIONIERT, Doch —SEIT—FREITAG, offenbar eines der beiden wichtigen Kabel wegen eines Schadens nicht mehr.
20220109             Der Betreiber Space NORWAY, 1—REGIERUNGSUNTERNEHMEN, erklärte, der Schaden sei irgendwo in 130—BIS 230—KILOMETER Entfernung von Longyearbyen aufgetreten.
20220109             Dort falle der Meeresboden von 300—AUF 2700—METER Tiefe ab.
20220109             —GEFÜHRT, Was zu dem Problem, habe, wisse man noch nicht.
20220109             Zur Behebung benötige man aber ein größeres, seegängiges Kabellegeschiff.
20220109             Eine kurzfristige Reparatur scheidet damit wohl aus.
20220109             NIGERIA: Bewaffnete Banden töten 200—MENSCHEN
20220109             Ungarns Einmischung auf dem Balkan: Neue beste Freunde
20220109             Fernwärmeausfall: Rohrbruch färbt "Kleinen KIEL" knallgrün
20220109             MICHAEL—LANG ist tot: Der Mann, der Woodstock erfand
20220109             Nach Drohungen gegen Politiker: Sächsische Polizei stellt Waffen bei mutmaßlichem "Reichsbürger" sicher
20220109             Krise der MV Werften: "Es geht um Tausende Familien"
20220109             Algarve regista mais 11180000             novos casos de COVID—19, mas infeções descem a nível nacional
20220109             eine aktive Synthetisierung der beiden Klassenfronten des 18010101—19001231    —CENTURY
20220109             dieses Bündnis wurde am
20220109             in aller Form schriftlich kontrahiert und mit feierlichen Unterschriften versehen
20220109             —NOMINIERT, Bundespräsidentenwahl: Linke, Sozialmediziner Trabert für das Amt des Bundespräsidenten
20220109             Truppenaufmarsch an der Grenze zur UKRAINE: —JETZT reden die Unterhändler von Biden und Putin
20220109             Kündigung —NACH—34—JAHREN: Busfahrerin aus MANCHESTER soll ihren Job verlieren, weil sie "zu klein" ist
20220109             Nach Stromausfall: Zehntausende im Osten Berlins stundenlang ohne Heizung und Warmwasser
20220109             Bundesgesundheitsminister KARL—LAUTERBACH räumt ein, dass noch unklar sei, wie zuverlässig die gängigen Tests bei der OMIKRON—VARIANTE sind.
20220109             "Wir wissen nicht genau, wie gut diese Tests für Omikron wirken",
20220109             Dies werde —NUN genau geprüft, —IN—DEN—NÄCHSTEN—WOCHEN werde 1—ERGEBNIS vorliegen.
20220109             Klar sei aber, die "Alternative, gar nicht zu testen... wäre viel zu gefährlich".
20220109             —BEKANNT, Aus Studien sei, dass die Tests am —ANFANG einer OMIKRON—INFEKTION nicht so zuverlässig seien, am Ende aber sehr wohl.
20220109             Daher sei es relativ sicher, sich aus der Quarantäne nach der vorgegebenen Frist freizutesten.
20220109             Rund 5000—MENSCHEN haben in Brüssel gegen die CORONA—REGELN demonstriert.
20220109             Die Proteste richteten sich unter anderem gegen die Impfpflicht für das Gesundheitspersonal sowie die Verwendung des digitalen COVID—ZERTIFIKATS, das den Impfstatus oder einen negativen CORONA—TEST anzeigt,
20220109             größtenteils blieb es jedoch friedlich.
20220109             —BEZEICHNET, Hotel- und Gaststättenverband, 2G-plus-Regel als "Desaster" für VIELE—BETRIEBE
20220109             Jeder 2. Unternehmer bangt um seine Existenz"
20220109             Bundesgesundheitsminister KARL—LAUTERBACH hält weitere Einschränkungen im Kampf gegen die OMIKRON—VARIANTE für unausweichlich.
20220109             Vor allem gebe es Grund zur Annahme, dass Ungeimpfte mit Omikron schwerer erkranken könnten.
20220109             Der MINISTER fügt hinzu: "1—DURCHSEUCHUNG wäre viel zu riskant".
20220109             A página ENCONTRA—SE atualmente em manutenção
20220109             SK—KÖLN—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—3.479—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—321,1—FÄLLE—GESAMT—102.656—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—9.474,5—TODESFÄLLE—GESAMT—893—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.083.498
20220109             Total Cases 306.689.375  Total Deaths 5.487.964  Total Vaccine Doses Administered 9.410.394.127
20220109             PORTUGAL —28—DAY—CASES—309.567—28—DAY—DEATHS—384—28—DAY—VACCINE—DOSES Administered 1.695.029
20220109—18500000    —SEIT, Der LIBANON wird —DERZEIT—VON—1—DER—SCHWERSTEN—WIRTSCHAFTSKRISEN weltweit heimgesucht.
202206010920         CHINA—FOREIGN—MINISTER—CAUTIONS against beefing up military blocs
202206010930         —AIMED, Accusing RUSSIA—OF—ARCTIC—MILITARIZATION ia, at boosting NATO—PRESENCE in region
202206010940         LDPR leader suggests referendum on ditching death penalty moratorium
202206010941         —LOADED, Progress MS-18, with 1.3—TONNES—OF—GARBAGE—SEPARATES from ISS
20230109             —MONTAG, 20230109
20240109             —DIENSTAG, 20240109
20240109             Schwere Wirtschaftskrise: Havanna kündigt drastische Erhöhung der Benzinpreise an
20240109             Künstliche Intelligenz: VW baut ChatGPT in seine Autos ein
20240109             —GETAPPT, Terrorexpertin über Krieg in Nahost: "ISRAEL ist in die Falle "
20240109             RHEINLAND—PFALZ,: Forschende entdecken neue Ursaurierart
20240109             Die Stenokranio boldi lebten vor knapp 300—MILLIONEN —JAHREN und gehörten zu den größten Raubtieren der Region:
20240109             Route übers Meer: Mehr als 6600—MENSCHEN starben laut Hilfsorganisation auf der Flucht nach SPANIEN
20240109             Im arktischen Ozean: NORWEGISCHES—PARLAMENT stimmt für umstrittenen Tiefseebergbau
20240109             Mission "Peregrine": Treibstoffleck vereitelt 1. kommerzielle Mondlandemission
20240109             Tue 20240109
20240109             [l] OpenAI antwortet auf die NEW—YORK—TIMES—KLAGE mit der "kriminelle Energie"-Verteidigung.
20240109             —GETAPPT, Terrorexpertin über Krieg in Nahost: "ISRAEL ist in die Falle " Von ALEXANDRA—BERLIN
20240315—20240109    —ON, he was registered by THE—CENTRAL—ELECTION—COMMISSION as 1—CANDIDATE.