_HEUTE_0110 :

_00490110            GAIUS—IULIUS—CAESAR, mit seinen Truppen, überschreitet den RUBIKON, mit den Worten ALEA—IACTA—EST, und
_00490110            GAIUS—IULIUS—CAESAR, zieht Richtung ROM.
_00490110            GAIUS—IULIUS—CAESAR beginnt der BÜRGER—KRIEG gegen seinen vorherigen Partner im 1. Triumvirat, GNAEUS—POMPEIUS—MAGNUS.
00690110             —ADOPTIERT, DER—RÖMER—KAISER—GALBA, aus finanziellen Gründen LUCIUS—CALPURNIUS—PISO—FRUGI—LICINIANUS als MIT—KAISER und Nachfolger.
00690110             Damit bringt DER—RÖMER—KAISER—GALBA den ihn bislang unterstützenden OTHO gegen sich auf,
00690110             OTHO sich selbst Hoffnungen auf die RÖMER—KAISER—GALBA—NACHFOLGE gemacht hat.
00690110             —AM, zum KAISER proklamierten AULUS—VITELLIUS
00690110             AULUS—VITELLIUS sofortiger Zug nach ITALIEN über die Alpen unter FABIUS—VALENS, A—CAECINA—ALIENUS
00690110             —AUSGERUFEN, zum KAISER—AULUS—VITELLIUS, durch der RÖMER—RHEIN—HEERE;
02360110             —NACH—7—TAGE—SEDIS—VAKANZ, inthronisiert, FABIANUS wird als des ANTERUS—PAPA—NACHFOLGER.
066101201100         † AMRU—BEN—BEKR, sterbend musste hören, daß AMRU—BEN—AASS, —TAG—AN—DIESEM, unpässlich gewesen sei.
066101201100         † BAREK—AT—TEMIN, des MUAWIA—LEIB—GARDE ließ keine Zeit mehr zu 1 2. Hieb.
066101201100         † DER—KALIF—ALI, "ALLAHU—AKBAR"[GOTT—IST—GROß], murmelte ganz mechanisch, wie er sonst immer gerufen hatte, wenn er jemandem den Schädel einschlug.
06810110             † Agatho, sizilianischer Mönch und PAPA
09760110             † JOHANNES—TZIMISKES, Kaiser des Byzantinischen Reichs
09870110             † PIETRO—ORSEOLO, DOGE—VON—VENEDIG
10300110             † Thietmar, Markgraf der Lausitz, Graf im Schwaben- und Nordthüringgau
10420110             † Anuschtegin AD—DUZBIRI, Statthalter der Fatimiden in Palästina und Syrien
10550110             † Bretislav I., böhmischer HERZOG—AUS—DEM—GESCHLECHT—DER—PREMYSLIDEN
10720110             ROBERT—GUISKARD—NORMANNEN—HERZOG—VON—APULIEN, erobert die sizilianische STADT—PALERMO von den Arabern und
10720110             ROBERT—GUISCARD and his brother Roger took PALERMO—SICILY.
11520110             † Theobald der Große, GRAF—VON—BLOIS und GRAF—VON—DER Champagne
11650110             ALBUIN—MÖNCH t —VOR
12180110             † HUGO—I, KÖNIG—VON—ZYPERN
12660110             † Swantopolk II., HERZOG—VON—POMERELLEN
12710110             † OTTO—II., deutscher Adliger, GRAF—VON—GELDERN
12710110             † OTTO—II—VON—NAUSSAU—GRAF—VON—GELDERN;
12760110             † GREGOR—X—PAPA
13260101—13260110    PEROZONUS—DE—DURIO und Dura/ CONESTABILIS—EQUITUM, erhält für zehntägigen Sold (
13290110             —AM, erhält er nur 22—FLORENI für die 1. 10—TAGE im;;01;;
13560110             —VERKÜNDET, Kaiser KARL—IV., in Nürnberg die 1. 23—AUSGEARBEITETEN Kapitel des Keiserlichen Rechtbuches.
13560110             —BEKANNT, In dem später als Goldene Bulle, gewordenen Dokument wird die Krönung der RÖMISCH—DEUTSCHEN Könige und Kaiser geregelt, kurfürstliche Privilegien werden festgeschrieben.
13600110             OCKONI—ABBATI—MONASTERII—S—ODULPHI—IN—STAURIA^) indulgetur^ quod a quocumque maluerit CathoUco antistite munus benedictionis recipere valeat.
13730110             —GRACIA speciali per PAPA[M] sibi facta in absentia sua eidem concessorum pro medietate —DICTI—ANNI ipso recipiente manualiter 53—FLORENI cam. 14—S. - 6—D.
14050110             † Eleanor Maltravers, 2. Baroness Maltravers, englische Adelige
14180110             † Wilhelm II., GRAF—VON—NAMUR
14210110             —BEFORE..
14270110             —BEKENNT, CLAES—BUTGIN, Faßbinder (vasbender)—BÜRGER—ZU—ZÜLPICH, daß
14270110             CLAES—BUTGIN von [GOEBEL]GOTTFRIED—REMPLIN, SCHÖFFE—ZU—ZÜLPICH, 1—HALBEN —MORGEN—WEINGARTEN in der Partelen gepachtet hat, der früher Merti(n)s des Offermans Eigentum war und
14270110             der auf den Heuweg stößt sowie gegenüber dem Weingarten des t Teil Voncken, nun dem THIJS—VAN—LOISHEM gehörig, liegt.
14270110             Die ERB—PACHT beträgt 4—MARK und 2—HÜHNER, fällig auf S—MARTINS—TAG.
14270110             Bei Nichtzahlen der Pacht oder Nichtbearbeitung des Weingartens erfolgt Pfändung sowie VERLUST—DES—PACHTGUTES.
14270110             Es siegeln Conrait an dem Keismarte, Es siegeln TILMAN—VAN—GAUWE,
14270110             Es siegeln Everhart Sohn des t Heynrich Everhart(z),
14270110             Es siegeln WILHEM—BULMAN und dessen Sohn WILHEM—BULMAN sowie - Es siegeln Daniel die Smydt,
14270110             Es siegeln SCHÖFFEN—ZU—MERSBURDEN mit ihrem SCHÖFFEN—STUHL—SIEGEL
14300110             Anlässlich seiner Vermählung mit ISABELLA—VON—PORTUGAL stiftet Philipp der Gute, HERZOG—VON—BURGUND den Orden vom Goldenen Vlies.
14400110             † Eustache Marcadé, französischer Geistlicher und Autor
14750110             Stefan cel Mare, der Woiwode des Fürstentums Moldau, schlägt mit seinen Mannen ein überlegenes, von SULTAN—MEHMED—II. gegen ihn in Marsch gesetztes, osmanisches Heer bei Vaslui.
14800110             * MARGARETE—VON—ÖSTERREICH, österreichische PRINZESSIN, Regentin der Niederlande
14810110             † DIEGO—DE—SUSAN, SEVILLE, executed by INQUISITION.
14830110             —INAUGURATED, PHILIP was, at GHENT and
14830110             —AM, 1—COUNCIL—OF—REGENCY was appointed.
14830110             —RECOGNIZED, THE—STATES—OF—LIMBURG quickly, PHILIP his right to be Regent, but
14830110             —HESITATED, THE—STATES—OF—OF—BRABANT, and seem to have been less than lukewarm about PHILIP his cause.
14910110             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Der Gelehrte PETRUS—VON—RAVENNA, sein Buch PHOENIX, sive artificiosa memoria.
14910110             Es bot erstmals einem breiten Publikum eine effektive Methode, das Gedächtnis zu trainieren und gilt als 1. urheberrechtlich geschütztes Druckwerk.
14930110             * Miklós Oláh, ungarischer Erzbischof, Schriftsteller, Politiker und Theologe
14930110             —DONNESTAG—FERIA—QUINTA, lUus.
14930110             —FERIA—QUINTA,
14980110             —FERIA—QUARTA, PRÉSENTE—PAPA in pluvialibus, et omnibus cardinalibus superius in exequiis BONE—MEMORIE KARDINALIS PARMENIENSIS nominatis;
14980110             —FERIA—QUARTA, et ultra illos KARDINALIS—SENENSIS celebrans.
14980110             —FERIA—QUARTA, In orationem Inclina, etc., dixit Ut animam famidi JOHANNis principis;
14980110             —FERIA—QUARTA, idem fecit POST communionem.
14980110             —FERIA—QUARTA, Famuli tui JOHANNis principis;alia OBSERVATA—SUNT—MORE—SOLITO,
14980110             —FERIA—QUARTA, PAPA tamen omnino voluit hec fieri ut videretur régi et REGINE HISPANIARUM [KÖNIGIN—VON—SPANIEN],
14980110             —FERIA—QUARTA, de quo natus est seu potius sub quo rege, cum REX ipse et regnum Catalonie sive Valentie obtinebat,
14980110             —FERIA—QUARTA, in quo PONTIFEX est genitus,
14980110             —FERIA—QUARTA, singulariter inclinatus.
14980110             —FERIA—QUARTA, HOC—MANE, tempora et aura extrême et prêter solitum sunt mutata.
14980110             —FERIA—QUARTA, Nam HOC—MANE incepit ningere fortiter et tota die continuavit, dieque sequenti fortius et ita —USQUE—AD 19—HUJUS inclusive qua glacies incepit dissolvi:
14980110             —FERIA—QUARTA, nives tamen manserunt PER—URBEM longo tempore prêter consuetum;
14980110             —FERIA—QUARTA, licet CAPELLE pontificis consuetudo non sit primogenitis regum missas hujusmodi celebrare :
14980110             —FERIA—QUARTA, PAPA IN—FINE misse absolvit, et presbyter dixit :
15060110             —ON THE, FROM MIDDLEBURG 1—FLEET sailed
15060110             1—FEARFUL—STORM arose in THE—CHANNEL, THE—ROYAL—SHIP—JULIENNE was compelled to seek safety in THE—ENGLAND—PORT—OF—FALMOUTH.
15060110             HENRY—VII—KING—OF—ENGLAND. was not slow to embrace the opportunity of discussing several outstanding matters and caused the young KING to be escorted to WINDSOR.
15060110             It is hard to discern how far HENRY—VII—KING—OF—ENGLAND took his guest at 1—DISADVANTAGE in the discussions which followed.
15060110             —SINCE—INTERCURSUS—MAGNUS, Matters had not gone smoothly between THE—ENGLISH—TRADERS and THE—NETHERLAND—TRADERS, and
15370110             † Maria Xipaguazin Moctezuma, aztekische PRINZESSIN, Ehefrau eines spanischen Conquistadors
15420110             † Gerhard Geldenhauer, niederländischer Humanist und Theologe
15730110             * SIMON—MARIUS, deutscher Astronom
15760110             † Benedikt Burgauer, Schweizer Theologe und Reformator
15790110             * MANUEL—RAMÍREZ—DE—CARRIÓN, gilt als einer der 1. "Taubstummen"-Pädagogen
15880110             * Nicolaes Eliaszoon Pickenoy, niederländischer Maler
15900110             * ZACHARIAS—VON—QUETZ, deutscher Adliger
15920110             † CHRISTIAN—SCHÜTZ, deutscher Theologe
15930110             * MORITZ—VON—SAVOYEN, italienischer Kardinal und Abt
15970110             † Anna Landmann, OPFER—DER—HEXENVERFOLGUNGEN in Hornburg
16010110             * Balthasar Gloxin, deutscher Jurist
16110110             † PETER—PISCATOR, deutscher orientalischer Philologe und lutherischer Theologe
16130110             † Katharina Güschen, OPFER—DER—HEXENVERFOLGUNG in Lustheide
16140110             * KANO Yasunobu, japanischer Maler
16190110             * JOHANN—PETER—TITZ, deutscher Pädagoge und Dichter
16260110             † Hans Berenberg, niederländischer Kaufmann und GRÜNDER—DER—BERENBERG—BANK
16420110             † Heinrich Höpfner, deutscher EVANGELISCH—LUTHERISCHER Theologe und Hochschullehrer
16420110             CHARLES—I—KING—OF—ENGLAND and his family fled LONDON for HAMPTON COURT—PALACE and
16420110—16420112    —2—DAYS—LATER, CHARLES—I—KING—OF—ENGLAND and his family, moved to WINDSOR—CASTLE.
16430110             SIEGBURG—URKUNDE—971
16440110             * LOUIS—FRANÇOIS—DE—BOUFFLERS, französischer Feldherr und MARSCHALL—VON—FRANKREICH
16450110             † WILLIAM—LAUD, englischer ERZBISCHOF—VON—CANTERBURY
16450110             WILLIAM—LAUD, 71—JAHRE—ALT, the Archbishop of Canterbury, was beheaded on Tower Hill, accused of acting as 1—ENEMY—OF—THE—PARLIAMENT.
16450110—16400000    —SEIT, Der in Gefangenschaft befindliche ERZBISCHOF—VON—CANTERBURY, WILLIAM—LAUD, wird auf Grund einer BILL—OF—ATTAINDER, eines Urteils des englischen Parlaments, im Londoner Tower hingerichtet.
16470110             Interessant ist die noch erhaltene ERNENNUNGS—URKUNDE—DES Benediktinerpater JAKOBUS GEICH von Groß S—MARTIN zum VIZE—KURATEN (Pfarrer) von S—PETER
16470110             mit Dienstantritt am,
16470110             wonach er freie Wohnung und Kost sowie ein —JAHRESGEHALT—VON—30—REICHS—TALERN erhielt.
16480110             † Stephan Bethlen, ungarischer Adliger, 16300000              FÜRST—VON—SIEBENBÜRGEN
16520110             † SEBASTIAN—SCHOBINGER, Schweizer Mediziner und BÜRGERMEISTER
16540110             It lasted to 16670000           .
16620110             † Honoré II., FÜRST—VON—MONACO
16630110             * Franz Callenbach, deutscher AUTOR—UND—SATIRIKER
16630110             —AFFIRMED, CHARLES—II—KING—OF—, the charter of Royal African Company.
16660110             * Reinhold CARL—VON—ROSEN, französischer Generalleutnant
16720110             —SONNTAG
16730110             DER—PRINZ—VON—ORANIEN an AMERONGEN.
16730110             [Soll jedenfalls 1—RÜCKZUG über die WESER hindern.
16730110             SUBSIDIEN.] - U Ed. laeste missive is door den Heer Grave van Dona geweest, sedert en heb ick geen van deselve ontfangen.
16730110             —GEOBRUEERT, Synde seer, van affaires, alsoo ick eergisteren eerst alhier ben gekoomen, ende de —POST op syn vertreck staende,
16730110             sog en laet myn de tyt niet toe als U Ed. in körten te seggen, dat naer dien den Heer Ceurvorst met kraglit en geweit heeft willen nae WEST—FALEN marscheeren,
16730110             cm aldaer syne —WINTER—QUARTIREN te nemen ^),
16730110             dat ick vast vertrouwe ende hoope, dat INDIEN den vyant op hem aennaederde, hy niet en soude repasseeren den WESER.
16730110             Want indien dat, dat buyten vermoede quame te gebeuren, sog sien ick de gansche saeck verlooren.
16730110             Daerom zo versoeck ick U Ed., indien eenighe menschen hier op daghten, sigh daertegen met alle kraghten tegen te stellen.
16730110             U Ed. kau selfs oordeelen d' importantie van dese saeck.
16730110             Ick wil niet verhoopen nogb en kan oock niet geloven, dat den Heer Ceurvorst tegens syne belofte my dusdanigh miserabelyk soude verlaeten.
16730110             Ick en heb DESE—POST geen tvt aen S. C. D. daer selfs over te scryven, maer sal het met de iiaeste in 't wyde en breede doen.
16740110             † JACOB—DE—WITT, Stadtregent und BÜRGERMEISTER—VON—DORDRECHT
16770110             † Friedrich VI., deutscher Adliger, MARKGRAF—VON—BADEN
16780000—17170000    ABRAHAM—DARBY
16800110             —AMERONGEN—AN—DEN—GRIFFIER.
16800110—16800109    —GESTERN, JENA und MEINDERS haben AMERONGEN besucht und sein Anbringen entgegennehmen wollen.
16800110—16800109    —GESTERN, Nach kurzer Erinnerung an seine 1. Ansprache an den KUR—FÜRST hat AMERONGEN zu verstehen gegeben, daß
16830000—17460000    * † PHILIP—V—KING—OF—SPAIN
16840110             * OTTO—ERNST—LEOPOLD—VON—LIMBURG—STIRUM, deutscher GENERAL
16890110             † Rudolph Wilhelm Krause der Ältere, deutscher Rechtswissenschaftler und KANZLER—VON—SACHSEN—WEIMAR
16900110             * Georg FRIEDRICH—VON—AMSTEL, preußischer Generalmajor und KOMMANDANT
16910110             † Wolf CASPAR—VON—KLENGEL, deutscher Baumeister aus DRESDEN, gilt als Begründer der sächsischen Barockbaukunst
16940110             * JAKOB—GRUBENMANN, Schweizer Baumeister
17000000—17460000    —FROM—TO,PHILIP—V—KING—OF—SPAIN was KING—OF—SPAIN.
17020110             * JOHANNES—ZICK, deutscher Freskomaler des Barock
17040110             * KONRAD—MARTENS,
17050110             † Étienne Pavillon, französischer Jurist und Schriftsteller
17080110             † FRIEDRICH—VON—AHLEFELDT, Herr der Herrschaften Rixingen (Réchicourt), Langeland, GENERAL und Statthalter
17090110             † PETER—HOTTON, niederländischer Mediziner und Botaniker
17090110             —BEGAN, using coke to provide carbon for making iron, ABRAHAM—DARBY, in COALBROOKDALE—ENGLAND,.
17090110             using coke to provide carbon for making iron, led to THE—END—OF—THE—USE—OF—CHARCOAL for making iron.
17100110             * JOHANN—KONRAD—FUNTSCH, deutscher Orgelbauer
17120110             † JOHN—HOUBLON, Gouverneur der BANK—OF—ENGLAND und Lord Mayor of LONDON
17140110             * JOHANN—GEORG—DOMINICUS—VON—LINPRUN, deutscher Jurist, Mitinitiator der bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
17140110             † Constantin Ranst, niederländischer Kaufmann
17190110             In der im Markgraftum BRANDENBURG—BAYREUTH gelegenen Stadt Erlangen wird das Markgrafentheater eingeweiht, inzwischen das älteste bespielte Barocktheater in Süddeutschland.
17200110             † Ramon Perellos y Roccaful, Großmeister des Malteserordens
17230110             * CHRISTOPH—CARL—KRESS—VON—KRESSENSTEIN, deutscher Jurist und BÜRGERMEISTER
17240110             † Bénédict Pictet, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher und Hochschullehrer
17240110             —WHEN, PHILIP—V—KING—OF—SPAIN abdicated his throne in favor of his eldest son, LOUIS.
17360110             † Gottlieb SAMUEL—PRISTAFF, deutscher Fälscher
17370000—18090000    * † THOMAS—PAINE, UK—ÉMIGRÉ and propagandist,
17380110             * ETHAN—ALLEN.
17380110—17890000    [see]
17410110             Deidamia, Georg Friedrich Händels letzte Oper, wird in LONDON uraufgeführt.
17410110             Das Libretto stammt von PAOLO—ANTONIO—ROLLI.
17460110             * JOHANN—RAUTENSTRAUCH, österreichischer Satiriker und Hofagent
17470110             * ABRAHAM—LOUIS—BREGUET, Schweizer Uhrmacher und Mechaniker
17480110             * CHRISTIAN—GOTTLOB—BIENER, deutscher Jurist
17480110             * FRANZISKA—VON—HOHENHEIM, deutsche Adlige und Mätresse
17490110             * CHRISTIAN—GOTTLIEB—GMELIN, deutscher Apotheker
17500110             * Heinrich Rathmann, deutscher Pädagoge, Historiker und Pfarrer
17520110             † PAUL—EGELL, deutscher Bildhauer und Stuckateur
17540110             † EDWARD—CAVE, englischer Drucker, Redaktor und Verleger
17560110             * BENJAMIN—SMITH, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Politiker
17570110             * JOSEPH—KREUTZINGER, österreichischer Porträtmaler
17610110             † EDWARD—BOSCAWEN, britischer Admiral
17630110             * JOSEPH—LAGRANGE, französischer GENERAL
17660110             * JEAN—ANTOINE—DUBOIS, französischer Missionar und Indologe (Taufdatum)
17690110             * Michel Ney, französischer GENERAL
17690110             * MICHEL—NEY, FRANCE—MARSHAL (Waterloo).
17700110             * Nicolaas CORNELIS—DE—FREMERY, niederländischer Mediziner, Pharmakologe, Zoologe und Chemiker
17760110             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Während des Amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieges, THOMAS—PAINE das Pamphlet Common Sense, das THOMAS—JEFFERSONS—UNABHÄNGIGKEITSERKLÄRUNG entscheidend beeinflussen wird.
17760110             Unter anderem wird darin erstmals der Name USA—VON—AMERIKA vorgeschlagen.
17760110             —PUBLISHED—ANONYMOUSLY, THOMAS—PAINE, COMMON—SENSE, 1—SCATHING attack on GEORGE—III—KING—OF—REIGN over the colonies and 1—CALL for complete independence.
17760110             —WITHIN—DAYS, The 1. 1,000, THOMAS—PAINE, COMMON—SENSE, sold at 2—SHILLINGS.
17760110             —BY THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR, some 150,000—THOMAS—PAINE, COMMON—SENSE—COPIES were sold, greatly affecting public sentiment and the deliberations of the Continental Congress leading up to THE—DECLARATION—OF—INDEPENDENCE.
17760110             1—INSTANT bestseller in both the colonies and in BRITAIN, Paine baldly stated that GEORGE—III—KING—OF— was 1—TYRANT and that Americans should shed ANY—SENTIMENTAL attachment to the monarchy.
17760110             AMERICA, THOMAS—PAINE argued, had 1—MORAL—OBLIGATION to reject monarchy.
17770110             † FRANÇOIS—DE—CUVILLIÉS der Jüngere, deutscher Baumeister
17780110             † CARL—VON—LINNÉ, schwedischer Naturwissenschaftler
17780110             † Eva KÖNIG, Ehefrau von Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
17780110—17070000    CARL—VON—LINNÉ[CAROLUS—LINNAEUS]His system for classifying living organisms in 1—HIERARCHY placed KINGDOMS at the top and SPECIES at the bottom.
17800110             * MARTIN—HINRICH—LICHTENSTEIN, deutscher Physiker, Forscher und Zoologe
17800110             † FRANCESCO—ANTONIO—VALLOTTI, italienischer Komponist, Musiktheoretiker und Organist
17840110             * MARCUS—DUMONT, deutscher Verleger
17870110             † Friedrich Joachim Stengel, deutscher Baumeister
17900110             * JACOB—JACOBSEN—DAMPE, dänischer Theologe und Philosoph
17900110             —AM, JOHANN—VON—SPEYART t
17910110             * JOSEPH—DANIEL—OHLMÜLLER, deutscher Architekt
17910110             † Friedrich Ewald ERNST—VON—MASSOW, deutscher Beamter
17920110             † JEAN—LOUIS Laruette, französischer KOMPONIST—UND—SÄNGER
17920110             † Hans Joachim Steinmann, BÜRGERMEISTER—VON—S—GALLEN
17940110             † Georg Forster, deutscher Naturforscher, JOURNALIST—UND—REVOLUTIONÄR
17960110             * Hirsch Aub, deutscher Rabbiner
17970110             * ANNETTE—VON—DROSTE—HÜLSHOFF, deutsche Schriftstellerin
17970110             * KARL—AUGUST—KOBERSTEIN, deutscher Literaturhistoriker
18000110             * Lars LEVI—LÆSTADIUS, schwedischer Erweckungsprediger in Lappland
18000110             † Johan Wikmansson, schwedischer Komponist
18020110             HEUT DATO DEN ist von unseren sambtiigen meisteren wegen der jetziger schlechter zeitzur bestreitung unser —SCHULDEN bey H. gevatter beschloßen worden,
18030110             * Ludolf Camphausen, preußischer Ministerpräsident
18040110             * Oakes Ames, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Politiker
18040110             * ÉLIE—FRÉDÉRIC Forey, französischer GENERAL und MARSCHALL—VON—FRANKREICH
18080110             * CHARLES—NISARD, französischer Literaturhistoriker
18090110             * MARTIN—FOURICHON, französischer Admiral und Marineminister
18100110             Die Ehe zwischen NAPOLEON—I und JOSéphine wird vor Gericht als 1. Ehe —NACH—DEM Code Napoléon geschieden.
18100110             * Jeremiah S. Black, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Jurist und Politiker
18110110             —1—UPRISING—OF—OVER—400—SLAVES was put down in NEW—ORLEANS.
18110110             † † † 66—BLACK—SLAVES, were killed, in NEW—ORLEANS and
18120110             * Leonhard Zeugheer, Schweizer Architekt
18130110             * August Fendler, deutscher Botaniker
18130110             * Franz JAKOB—KREUTER, deutscher Architekt und Bauingenieur
18150110             * JOHN—MACDONALD, kanadischer PREMIERMINISTER
18150110             —SCHLIEßLICH—AM, Nach langwierigen DIPLOMATEN—VERHANDLUNGEN zwischen PREUßEN, RUSSLAND, ÖSTERREICH lag 1—VERTRAG vor, der am
18170000—18600110    * † EZEQUIEL—ZAMORA, LEADER—OF—THE—FEDERALIST—ARMY in VENEZUELA, was assassinated.
18170110             * Friedrich Heimerdinger, deutscher Maler - * August Weber, deutscher Maler
18180110             * Ernst Ludwig Taschenberg, deutscher Entomologe
18190110             * Edouard Frère, französischer Maler
18190110             * KARL—HEINE, deutscher Unternehmer und Industriepionier
18200110             * Neville Bowles Chamberlain, britischer FELDMARSCHALL
18210000—18800110    * † FRANK—LESLIE, ENGLISH—BORN USA—ENGRAVER, illustrator and PUBLISHER, in NEW—YORK.
18210110             FABIAN—GOTTLIEB—VON—BELLINGSHAUSEN, Admiral in russischen Diensten, entdeckt 1—INSEL im Südpolarmeer und benennt sie nach Zar PETER—DEM—GROßEN—PETER—I—INSEL.
18220110             † Bathilde d'Orléans, FÜRSTIN—VON—CONDÉ
18230110             * Antal Ligeti, ungarischer Maler
18240110             * Hodgson Pratt, britischer Pazifist
18240110             * HANS—VON—ROCHOW, preußischer Gutsbesitzer und Politiker
18240110             † THOMAS—EDWARD—BOWDICH, britischer Abenteurer, AUTOR—UND—ZOOLOGE
18250110             * Friedrich Friedländer, österreichischer Maler
18250110             * PETER—ZIRBES, deutscher Dichter und fahrender Sänger
18250110             † Engelhard BENJAMIN—SCHWICKERT, deutscher Verleger
18270110             * CARL—FRIEDRICH—MYLIUS, deutscher Photograph
18270110             * CONRAD—PAUL—WUSCHING, rumäniendeutscher Komponist, Kirchenmusiker und Chorleiter
18290110             An der OPÉRA—COMIQUE in PARIS erfolgt die Uraufführung der komischen Oper La fiancée von DANIEL—FRANÇOIS—ESPRIT Auber.
18290110             * Hermann Blankenstein, deutscher Architekt
18290110             † CARL—FRIEDRICH—HEINZE, deutscher Beamter und Hofrat
18320000—19000000    CHARLES—RUSSEL[Lord Killowen], brother of MATTHEW—RUSSSELL,
18320110             † ANDREW—HENRY, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Trapper und Pelzhändler
18330110             Die weltliche Kantate Die 1. Walpurgisnacht von FELIX—MENDELSSOHN—BARTHOLDY wird in der SING—AKADEMIE zu BERLIN uraufgeführt.
18330110             Grundlage für das Werk ist 1—BALLADE—VON—JOHANN—WOLFGANG—VON—GOETHE.
18330110             Am gleichen —TAG wird unter Mendelssohn Bartholdys Leitung auch die überarbeitete Fassung seiner HEBRIDEN—OUVERTÜRE uraufgeführt.
18330110             * August ROBERT—WOLFF, polnischer Verleger und Buchhändler
18350110             * Fukuzawa Yukichi, japanischer Gelehrter
18360110             * JOSEF—EMLER, tschechischer Historiker und Archivar
18370110             † JOHANNES—WEITZEL, deutscher Schriftsteller, Verleger und Bibliothekar
18390000—19370000    * † JOHN—D—ROCKEFELLER
18400110             ISAAC—PITMAN bietet den 1. Fernunterricht an.
18400110             Seine Schüler können per Post die von ihm erfundene britische Kurzschrift erlernen.
18400110             * LOUIS—NAZAIRE Bégin, kanadischer RÖMISCH—KATHOLISCHER ERZBISCHOF—VON—QUÉBEC und Kardinal
18410110             Die VERHAFTUNG—DER—MITGLIEDER—DES—KATHOLISCH—KONSERVATIVEN—BÜNZER—KOMITEES führt zu einem bewaffneten Aufstand im Freiamt im Schweizer Kanton Aargau.
18430110             † Franz Seraphicus Schmid, RÖMISCH—KATHOLISCHER Geistlicher und Autor
18440110             † Hudson Lowe, britischer GENERAL, GOUVERNEUR—VON—S—HELENA
18480110             * PAUL—TSCHACKERT, deutscher Kirchenhistoriker
18490110             * Friedrich Wilhelm Putzger, deutscher Pädagoge und Schulbuchautor
18490110             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—191—KÖLN.
18510110             † JOSEPH—BILES—ANTHONY, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Politiker
18520000—19160000    MATTHEW—RUSSEL
18520110             * Friedrich Lange, deutscher JOURNALIST—UND—POLITIKER
18520110             † AMIR—KABIR, persischer Politiker, Ministerpräsident und Reformer
18540110             * Ramón Corral, mexikanischer Politiker
18540110             * Heinrich Köselitz, deutscher Schriftsteller und Komponist
18540110             * RICHARD—VON—PERGER, österreichischer Komponist, DIRIGENT—UND—MUSIKPÄDAGOGE
18540110             1—SERIOUS—LACK—OF—SUPPLIES, discontent within WILLIAM—WALKER his party and
18540110             1—UNEXPECTEDLY strong resistance by THE—MEXICO—GOVERNMENT quickly forced WILLIAM—WALKER to retreat and return to S—FRANCISCO
18540110             S—FRANCISCO, where WILLIAM—WALKER was tried but quickly acquitted.
18550110             * Werner Stein, deutscher Bildhauer
18550110             * Petrus JOHANNES—BLOK, niederländischer Historiker
18550110             * Rodolfo Tartini, Schweizer RÖMISCH—KATHOLISCHER Geistlicher
18570110             † Bernhard Dreymann, deutscher Orgelbauer
18580110             * Heinrich Zille, deutscher Maler, Zeichner und Fotograf
18590110             * Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia, spanischer Pädagoge
18590120—18600110    —ON, EZEQUIEL—ZAMORA, led THE—FEDERALIST—ARMY —UNTIL his assassination.
18600110             * CHARLES—G—D—ROBERTS, kanadischer Lyriker und Schriftsteller
18610110             FLORIDA tritt als 3. der Südstaaten aus den Vereinigten STAATEN—VON—AMERIKA aus.
18610110             Genau 1—MONAT später tritt es den Konföderierten STAATEN—VON—AMERIKA bei.
18610110             † LEOPOLD—VON—GERLACH, preußischer GENERAL und Politiker
18610110             —BECAME, FLORIDA, the 3. state to secede from the Union.
18610110             FORT—JACKSON and FORT—PHILIP were TAKEN—OVER by LA state troops.
18620110             * GUSTAV—HOCH, deutscher Politiker, MdR
18620110             † SAMUEL—COLT, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Erfinder und Industrieller
18620110             —BATTLE—OF—ROMNEY, WV.
18620110             † SAMUEL—COLT, 47—JAHRE—ALT, inventor (6—SHOT—REVOLVER).
18630110             Die 1. U-Bahn der Welt, die Metropolitan Railway in LONDON, wird zwischen Farringdon und Paddington eröffnet.
18630110             Die Linie ist —HEUTE TEIL—DER—LONDON—UNDERGROUND.
18630110—19480000    —NATIONALIZED, LONDON—METROPOLITAN was.
18630110—20040000    —AUTHORED, CHRISTIAN—WOLMAR, "The Subterranean Railway: How THE—LONDON—UNDERGROUND was Built and How it Changed the City Forever".
18640110             * EMIL—SECKEL, deutscher Jurist und Rechtshistoriker
18640110             † GEORGE—WASHINGTON—CARVER (19430000             , ), USA—BOTANIST and 1—FORMER—SLAVE who became 1—SCIENTIST and inventor, gave the world peanut butter, was born.
18640110             "99—PERCENT—OF—THE—FAILURES come from people who have the habit of making excuses".
18650110             * KARL—FLORENZ, deutscher Japanologe
18660110             * Ludwig Aschoff, deutscher Pathologe - * Wilhelm Traube, deutscher Chemiker
18670110             * Gerhard Anschütz, deutscher Staatsrechtler
18680110             Bei der Hinrichtung des Schweizer Straftäters Héli Freymond in Moudon im Kanton Waadt sind mehr als 20.000—ZUSCHAUER anwesend.
18680110             Es ist der letzte Vollzug der Todesstrafe in der Schweiz vor ihrer zeitweiligen Abschaffung in der Verfassungsrevision von 18740000            .
18680110             * CARL—ALBRECHT—BERNOULLI, Schweizer Theologe und Schriftsteller
18680110             * Ozaki Koyo, japanischer Schriftsteller - * OSCAR—SCHLITTER, deutscher Bankier
18680110             † Héli Freymond, Schweizer Straftäter
18680110             † KAROL—SZAJNOCHA, polnischer Schriftsteller und Historiker
18690110             † JOHN—CASSIN, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Ornithologe
18700105—18700110    10. GENERAL—VERSAMMLUNG—DES—ADAV in BERLIN, auf dem 39—DELEGIERTE—CA—8.000—MITGLIEDER vertreten.
18700105—18700110    DER—PRÄSIDENT ist —NACH—DEM allgemeinen, direkten und gleichen WAHL—RECHT zu wählen.
18700105—18700110    Die Aufstellung DER—REICHS—TAGSKANDIDATEN wird von der Genehmigung des —PRÄSIDENT—UND—DES—VORSTANDES—DES—ALLGEMEINER—DEUTSCHER—ARBEITER—VEREIN[ADAV] abhängig gemacht.
18700105—18700110    —NACH, 1—LÄNGEREN DEBATTE—ÜBER—DEN "SOCIAL—DEMOKRAT" lehnt es DIE—VERSAMMLUNG ab, den "SOCIAL—DEMOKRAT" in Parteieigentum zu übernehmen.
18700105—18700110    DER—VEREIN beschließt gegen das preußische 3—KLASSEN—WAHL—RECHT nach wie vor durch Stimmenthaltung zu protestieren.
18700110             —REORGANISIERT, JOHN—D—ROCKEFELLER, als Mitinhaber 1—RAFFINERIEFIRMA in CLEVELAND—OHIO, und nennt das Unternehmen Standard Oil Company.
18700110             * HANS—VON—RAUMER, deutscher Industrieller, Politiker und Reichsminister
18700110             * HENRI—RINCK, französischer Schachkomponist und Endspieltheoretiker
18700110             † Heinrich Gottlieb Kühn, deutscher DIREKTOR—DER—KÖNIGLICHEN—PORZELLANMANUFAKTUR
18700110             —CALLED, VICTOR—NOIR "had, on PRINCE—PIERRE—BONAPARTE with 1—COMPANION to present his editor's challenge to 1—DUEL because of 1—JOURNALISTIC—DISPUTE concerning Corsican politics".
18700110             Public sentiment over VICTOR—NOIR his death forces NAPOLEON—III to abdicate.
18700110             1—STATUE—OF—VICTOR—NOIR PROSTRATE figure became 1—MAGNET for infertile women rubbing themselves against him as 1—SEXUAL—CHARM.
18710110             * Wilhelm Diehl, deutscher Theologe, Kirchenhistoriker und Abgeordneter
18710110             * Ottilie GERHÄUSER—SAINT—GEORGES, deutsche Schauspielerin
18710110             * ENRICA—VON—HANDEL—MAZZETTI, österreichische Schriftstellerin
18720110             * Frederic Storck, rumänischer Bildhauer
18730110             * GEORGE—ORTON, kanadischer Leichtathlet, Olympiasieger
18730110             In 1—NACHWAHL am wird AUGUST—BEBEL wieder gewählt, mit fast 4.000—STIMMEN mehr als VORHER.
18740110             Bei der Reichstagswahl im Deutschen Kaiserreich erreichen die liberalen Parteien mehr als 50—PROZENT—DER—MANDATE.
18740110             * FREDERICK—H—BLAIR, kanadischer Organist, Chorleiter, Pianist und Musikpädagoge
18740110             * KARL—BOCKISCH, deutscher Musikwerkinstrumentenbauer
18740110             Bei DER—REICHS—TAGS—WAHL erhalten die 2—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATISCHE—PARTEIEN zusammen 351.670—STIMMEN = 6,8 %.
18740110             BERLIN, kommt ZUM 1. MAL 1—SOZIAL—DEMOKRAT in die Stichwahl.
18740110             Für die Bei DER—REICHS—TAGS—WAHL schreibt AUGUST—BEBEL in der Festung 1—BROSCHÜRE,
18740110             erscheintdie Broschüre anonym unter dem Titel "Die parlamentarische Tätigkeit des REICHS—TAG und der LAND—TAGE und DIE—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATIE von
18740110             Der "Neue SOCIAL—DEMOKRAT" hatte sich ausdrücklich bereit erklärt,
18740110             —WÄHREND, DER—REICHS—TAGS—WAHLZEIT die Polemik gegen den "Volksstaat" einzustellen, und
18750110             * Issai Schur, deutscher Mathematiker
18750110             † JEAN—ACHILLE—DEVILLE, französischer Gelehrter
18750110             WALTER—HASENCLEVER erklärt in 1—AUFRUF an des ALLGEMEINER—DEUTSCHER—ARBEITER—VEREIN[ADAV]—MITGLIEDER, daß die MEHRHEIT—DER LASSALLEaner für 1—VEREINIGUNG sei, aber die AUFNAHME—DER—LASSALLESCHEN—FORDERUNGEN und Anschauungen ins kommende PARTEI—PROGRAMM verlange und für die Beibehaltung der straffen zentralistischen Organisation eintreten wolle.
18750110             —AM, beitritt KAUTSKY der ÖSTERREICHischen SOZIAL—DEMOKRATIE und
18750110             KAUTSKY widmet sich NATIONAL—ÖKONOMISCHEN Theoretikern ( u. a.
18750110             KAUTSKY widmet sich dem NATIONAL—ÖKONOMISCHEN Theoretiker Dühring),
18750110             KAUTSKY widmet sich dem NATIONAL—ÖKONOMISCHEN Philosoph JOHN—STEWARD—MILL,
18750110             KAUTSKY widmet sich dem NATIONAL—ÖKONOMISCHEN Philosoph F. A.
18770110             Bei der Reichstagswahl im Deutschen Kaiserreich gewinnen die konservativen Parteien und die Sozialdemokraten an Stimmen hinzu.
18770110             —KANDIDIERT, Bei DER—REICHS—TAGS—WAHL, DIE—PARTEI in 175—KREISEN und erhält 493.447—STIMMEN, das sind 9,1—PROZENT—DER—GESAMTSTIMMENZAHL.
18770110             —GESTIEGEN, DIE—STIMMENZAHL ist gegenüber der letzten Wahl um 36 %.
18770110             ihrer Stimmenzahl nach, ist DIE—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATIE die viertstärkste Partei geworden.
18770110             Bei 1—BESSEREN WAHL—KREIS—EINTEILUNG müßte DIE—PARTEI 36—MANDATE erhalten, so bekommt sie nur 12, sie hat gegenüber 18740000              3—SITZE gewonnen.
18770110             BERLIN und DRESDEN senden zum 1. Mal SOZIAL—DEMOKRATEN—ABGEORDNETE in den REICHS—TAG.
18780110             * SAMUEL—C—BRADFORD, britischer Bibliothekar
18780110             * JOHANN—LEMMERZ, deutscher Konstrukteur und Unternehmer
18780110             * August Adriaan Pulle, niederländischer Botaniker - † WILLIAM—STOKES, irischer Internist
18790110             † GUSTAV—SCHLEICHER, DEUTSCH—USA—AMERIKANISCHER Ingenieur, Unternehmer und Politiker
18800110             * MANUEL—AZAÑA, spanischer Politiker, PREMIERMINISTER—UND—STAATSPRÄSIDENT
18800110             * PAOLO—GIOBBE, italienischer Kardinal und vatikanischer Diplomat - * Grock, Schweizer Musikclown
18800110             —INCLUDED, His publications, FRANK—LESLIE—ILLUSTRATED—NEWSPAPER, aka LESLIE—WEEKLY, (18520000—19220000    ).
18810110             * Auguste Le Guennant, französischer Organist, KOMPONIST—UND—MUSIKPÄDAGOGE
18820110             * Eugène Delporte, belgischer Astronom
18820110             † Giovanni Dupré, italienischer Bildhauer
18830000—19710110    * † Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel, FRANCE—FASHION designer, in PARIS.
18830110             * HUBERT—LATHAM, französischer Luftfahrtpionier - * ALFRED—SAALWÄCHTER, deutscher Admiral
18830110             * ALEXEI—NIKOLAJEWITSCH—TOLSTOI, russischer Schriftsteller
18830110             † SAMUEL—MUDD, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Arzt und Politiker
18830110             —UNINSURED, Fire at, Newhall Hotel in MILWAUKEE—WISCONSIN killed 71. GENERAL—TOM—THUMB—OF—PT—BARNUM fame escaped unhurt.
18840110             * Hossein Kazemzadeh, iranischer Lehrer und Mystiker
18840110             * Botho Sigwart zu Eulenburg, deutscher Komponist
18840110             * Franz Hueber, österreichischer Politiker
18840110             * Theodor Kärner, deutscher Porzellanbildner und Tierbildhauer
18840110             * Mathilde Vaerting, deutsche Psychologin und Pädagogin - * Yamamura Bocho, japanischer Lyriker
18840110             nella Nuova Antologia, esser pubblicata da Luigi Bonfatti e da me.
18850110             † ALEXEI—SERGEJEWITSCH—UWAROW, russischer Archäologe
18860110             * Leopold Binental, polnischer Musikwissenschaftler und -pädagoge
18860110             * Albrecht Graf zu STOLBERG—WERNIGERODE, deutscher Politiker, MdR
18860110             * ROMAN—VON—UNGERN—STERNBERG, zaristischer Offizier und Anführer der "Weißen" im Russischen Bürgerkrieg
18870110             * Robinson Jeffers, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Lyriker, Dramatiker und Naturphilosoph
18880110             * Nemo Agodi, italienischer Turner
18880110             * ALFRED—BIRLEM, deutscher Fußballschiedsrichter - † JACQUES—AMANS, französischer Maler
18890110             * Efrem Forni, italienischer Kardinal und vatikanischer Diplomat
18900110             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, LEO—XIII—PAPA., die Enzyklika Sapientiae christianae, "Über die Christen als Bürger", in der er über die Pflichten der Gläubigen in der Zivilgesellschaft schreibt.
18900110             * HAROLD—LEE—ALDEN, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Astronom
18900110             † IGNAZ—VON—DÖLLINGER, deutscher Theologe
18910110             —AM CARL—SCHULTZE—THEATER in HAMBURG wird die Operette S—CYR—VON—RUDOLF—DELLINGER uraufgeführt.
18910110             Im Wiener Theater an der WIEN wird CARL—ZELLERS—OPERETTE—DER—VOGELHÄNDLER mit dem Libretto von Moritz West und Ludwig Held uraufgeführt.
18910110             * Heinrich Behmann, deutscher Mathematiker
18910110             * LOUIS—A—JOHNSON, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Politiker
18910110             * Ludwig Manfred Lommel, deutscher Humorist
18910110             Redakteurin: EMMA—IHRER.
18920110             * WALTER—FRENZEL, deutscher Prähistoriker und Museumsleiter
18920110             † Heinrich Dorn, deutscher Komponist, DIRIGENT—UND—MUSIKDIREKTOR
18930000—19670110    * † USA—ARTIST—CHARLES—BIRCHFIELD.
18930110             * FELIX—AUGENFELD, ÖSTERREICHISCH—USA—AMERIKANISCHER Architekt, Innenarchitekt, Bühnenbildner und Designer
18930110             * JEAN—ERRECALDÉ, französischer Autorennfahrer
18930110             * Vicente Huidobro, chilenischer Lyriker
18930110             † Alexis André, kanadischer Priester und Missionar
18930110             † CARL—MORGENSTERN, deutscher Landschaftsmaler
18940000—19800110    * † GEORGE—MEANY, former plumber and PRESIDENT—OF—THE—AFL—CIO, in WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA Meany, PRESIDENT—OF—THE—AFL—CIO 19550000—19790000    —FROM—TO, was 1—NEW—YORK—CITY plumber —BEFORE becoming 1—LABOR—LEADER.
18940110             * KURT—ANDLER, deutscher Ingenieur
18950110             * MARIE—DOMINIQUE Chenu, französischer Theologe
18950110             * Rudolf Kohl, deutscher Politiker, Landesminister, MdB
18950110             * Fritz Schachermeyr, österreichischer Althistoriker
18950110             † Wilhelm Ferdinand Arndt, deutscher Historiker und Paläograf
18950110             † BENJAMIN—GODARD, französischer Komponist
18950110             † BENJAMIN—LOUIS—PAUL—GODARD, 45—JAHRE—ALT, composer.
18970110             * Georg Pelster, deutscher Politiker, MdB, MdEP
18970110             * LYA—DE—PUTTI, ungarische Tänzerin und Schauspielerin
18970110             * Bedrich Václavek, tschechischer Literaturkritiker und Theoretiker
18980110             * Katharine B. Blodgett, USA—AMERIKANISCHE Physikerin
18980110             FRANCE, 1—COURT—MARTIAL against Major Ferdinand Walsin Esterhazy began behind closed doors.
18980110             The next —DAY the defendant was found not guilty.
18980110             —FOLLOWED, Writer EMILE—ZOLA, this action —2—DAYS—LATER with a 4—1000—WORD—LETTER in SUPPORT—OF—CAPTAIN—DREYFUS and accusing THE—FRANCE—MILITARY—OF—1—CONSPIRACY in the case.
18980110             Zola was soon found GUILTY—OF—LIBEL and sentenced to prison, but fled to ENGLAND and stayed for almost 1—YEAR.
18980110—19480000    * † SERGEI—M—EISENSTEIN, RUSSIA—DIRECTOR (Alexandr Nevski) [OS], in RIGA—LATVIA.
18980110—19480000    —BECAME, SERGEI—M—EISENSTEIN, 1 renowned film director in RUSSIA.
18980110—19480000    19480123             —SEE
18980110—19990000    —PUBLISHED, RONALD—BERGAN, the biography: "SERGEI—EISENSTEIN: 1—LIFE—IN—CONFLICT".
18980123—18980110    —SEE
18990110             * DANIEL—GUILET, FRANZÖSISCH—AMERIKANISCHER Geiger und Musikpädagoge russischer Herkunft
18990110             † ALBERT—BECKER, deutscher Komponist
19000110             * Fritz Edelmann, österreichischer BÜRGERMEISTER, rettete mehrere Juden vor dem Holocaust, Gerechter unter den Völkern
19010110             Eine riesige Erdölfontäne schießt bei einer Bohrung im ROTARY—BOHRVERFAHREN am Spindletop Hill bei BEAUMONT in TEXAS in die Höhe, verdreifacht die USA—ERDÖLFÖRDERUNG über Nacht und lässt die texanischen Mineralölunternehmen (unter anderem Texaco) entstehen.
19010110             —INSTALLED, The Automobile CLUB—OF—AMERICA, signs on major highways.
19010110             THE—LUCAS—GUSHER flowing at the rate of 80,000 to 100,000 barrels per —DAY, blew in.
19010110             USA—OIL CARTEL.
19010110             ROCKEFELLER, PERCY A., YALE GRADUATE [S&B900]
19010110             —ANFANG DES 19010101—20001231    —CENTURY ENGAGIERTE ROCKEFELLER
19010110             -20030520              19010110             1. DISCOVERY—OF—LARGE—OIL—DEPOSITS in TEXAS offered great promise for the future economic DEVELOPMENT—OF—THE—STATE,
19010110             but also attracted THE—ANGLO—USA—OIL cartel.
19010110             The Baker's (were prominent in supporting eugenics & utopian.
19010110             )family law firm in TEXAS, like THE—BUSH and DULLES families in NEW—YORK, was aligned with THE—HARRIMAN—ROCKEFELLER cartel.
19010110             1. DISCOVERY—OF—LARGE—OIL—DEPOSITS in TEXAS offered great promise for THE—FUTURE—ECONOMIC—DEVELOPMENT—OF—THE—STATE, but also attracted THE—ANGLO—USA—OIL—CARTEL.
19010110             USA—OIL cartel.
19010110             The Baker's (were prominent in supporting eugenics & utopian.. )family law firm in TEXAS, like the Bush & Dulles families in NEW—YORK, was aligned with THE—HARRIMAN—ROCKEFELLER cartel.
19010110—18890000    —BECAME, Pattillo Higgins, 1—SELF—TAUGHT geologist, interested in Spindletop Hill, —JUST SOUTH—OF—BEAUMONT, TEXAS.
19010110—18920000    —COVERED, Believing that Spindletop, 1—VAST—POOL—OF—OIL, Higgins joined 2—OTHER—MEN to form the Gladys City Oil, Gas, and Manufacturing Company--1—OF—THE 1. oil companies in TEXAS.
19010110—18990000    —FAILED, Higgins, lacking proper drilling equipment, in his efforts, and the Gladys City Company leased land to 1—TEAM led by AUSTRIA—MINING engineer CAPTAIN—ANTHONY—LUCAS.
19010110—19020000    —BY, 285—WELLS were operating on Spindletop Hill and over 600—OIL—COMPANIES had been chartered, but overproduction ruined the field.
19010110—19030000    —BY, the boom was over and within 10—YEARS—SPINDLETOP Hill was practically 1—GHOST town.
19010110—19260000    —ENJOYED, Spindletop, 1—RESURGENCE—WHEN technology made possible the recovery of more oil through deeper drilling.
19030110             —BANNED, ARGENTINA, the importation of USA—BEEF, BECAUSE—OF—SANITATION—PROBLEMS.
19040110             † ALFRED—EMIL—OSKAR—AGSTER, deutscher Politiker
19040110             † JEAN—LÉON Gérôme, französischer Historienmaler
19040110             * RAY—BOLGER, actor, dancer (SCARECROW—WIZARD of Oz), in DORCHESTER—MASSACHUSETTS.
19060110             † KARL—VON—THIELEN, deutscher Politiker
19070000—19970110    * † Sheldon Leonard, film actor, producer and TV director (Dick VAN Dyke).
19080110             und - Bei der Beratung 1—FREISINNIGEN Antrages, DAS—REICHS—TAGS—WAHL—RECHT auch auf PREUßEN zu übertragen, erklärt REICHS—KANZLER—B v. Bülow im preußischen LAND—TAG, daß diese Übertragung "dem STAATS—WOHL nicht entsprechen würde".
19090110             † Eduard Scheve, deutscher Geistlicher, Begründer der EVANGELISCH—FREIKIRCHLICHEN Diakonie
19100000—19700110    * † CHARLES—OLSON, USA—POET, in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19100000—19760110    * † Howlin' Wolf, blues singer born as CHESTER—ARTHUR—BURNETT.
19100110             —VERSCHWINDET, Das britische Passagierschiff Loodiana, —NACH—DEM Ablegen in PORT—LOUIS (MAURITIUS) mit 175—MENSCHEN an Bord spurlos auf dem Indischen Ozean.
19100110             Die Ursache ist —BIS—HEUTE ungeklärt.
19100110             † Bertha PABST—ROSS, deutsche Malerin
19110000—20170110    * † HONG—KONG—CLARE—HOLLINGWORTH, 1—UK—WAR correspondent.
19110110             Rear Admiral Buttervant Barry (18490000—19380000    ), COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF—OF—THE—USA—PACIFIC fleet, was discovered in his quarters on the flagship WEST—VIRGINIA engaged in 1—LIAISON with 1—CABIN boy.
19110110             2—GERMANY—CRUISERS, the Emden and THE—NURNBERG, suppressed 1—NATIVE revolt on ISLAND—OF—PONAPE in THE—CAROLINA Islands [Caroline Islands, EAST—OF—THE—PHILIPPINES] —WHEN they fired on the island and land troops.
19110110             É decretado o descanso semanal obrigatório ao —DOMINGO.
19110110—19110113    —RETIRED, Admiral Barry, in lieu of resigning or suicide.
19120110             —DESIGNED, THE—WORLD—1. FLYING—BOAT—AIRPLANE, by GLENN—CURTISS (18780000—19300000    ), made its maiden flight at S—DIEGO, CALIFORNIA.
19120110             —FEATURED, The Curtiss Model D, 1—ELECTRIC starter.
19120110—19110000    —LICENSED, Curtiss had become the 1., pilot.
19130000             † WWI.19170110              Buffolo BILL—CODY, - WWI.19170000              USA enter
19140110             UTAH, JOHN—MORRISON, 1—SALT—LAKE—CITY grocer and father of 6, was shot dead along with his son (17) —AFTER 2—MEN entered his shop.
19140110             —TREATED, Labor leader JOE—HILL (18790000—19150000    ) was soon, for 1—FRESH gunshot wound and was —LATER tried and convicted for murder.
19141228—19140110    —ON, Trigunatita †.
19150110             Britische Kolonialtruppen besetzen die Insel Mafia vor der Küste DEUTSCH—OSTAFRIKAS.
19150110             Die vielfach unterlegenen Verteidiger der Schutztruppe strecken nach wenigen Stunden die Waffen.
19170110             † BUFFALO Bill, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Büffeljäger
19170110             † BUFFALO—BILL—CODY, army scout and INDIA—FIGHTER.
19170110             EDWARD—ZANE—CARROLL—JUDSON wrote about Western themes using the name Ned Buntline.
19170110             The author is best known for his dime novels about William "BUFFALO Bill" Cody.
19170110             —REBUKED, GERMANY was, as the Entente officially rejected 1—PROPOSAL for peace talks and demanded the return of occupied territories from GERMANY.
19170110             † BILL—CODY[BUFFALO—BILL] - † Cody, Bill, Buffolo,
19180110             † Konstantin Jirecek, tschechischer Diplomat, Historiker und Slawist
19180110             † August Oetker, deutscher Unternehmer, erfand das gebrauchsfähige Backpulver
19180110             —PASSED, THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES, women's suffrage.
19180110             The 19. Amendment for women's suffrage was also known as THE—ANTHONY—AMENDMENT in honor of Susan B. Anthony.
19190110             Der deutsche PUBLIZIST—EDUARD—STADTLER hält während des sog.
19190110             Spartakusaufstands in BERLIN vor einer Versammlung der deutschen Großindustriellen und Verbandsvertreter einen Vortrag über den Bolschewismus als Weltgefahr.
19190110             Diese finanzieren daraufhin mit nominal 500—MIO. Reichsmark den sog.
19190110             Antibolschewistenfonds, mit dessen Geldern für Armee und Freikorps die deutschen Räterepubliken militärisch zerschlagen werden.
19190110             In der Folge erstarken zudem nationalistische republikfeindliche Gruppen.
19190110             Nach der Entwaffnung des INFANTERIE—REGIMENTS BREMEN NUMBER 75—RUFEN KPD und USPD in BREMEN die Räterepublik aus, die jedoch nur —BIS zum 19190204              Bestand haben wird.
19190110             —AM, der von der deutschen Wirtschaft in BERLIN gegründet wurde.
19190110             —FÜR DEN, Der DIREKTOR—DER—DEUTSCHEN—BANK—PAUL—MANKIEWITZ organisierte in den Räumen des AERO—KLUBS—VON—BERLIN 1—TREFFEN—VON—50—TEILNEHMERN aus der "haute volée" der Industrie-,
19190110             in den Räumen des AERO—KLUBS—VON—BERLIN 1—SITZUNG führender Industrieller, Bankherren, und Großkaufleute statt unter Vorsitz des Bankiers MANKIEWITZ,
19190110             Nach der Rede erhob sich HUGO—STINNES und erklärte, ohne Pose und Feierlichkeit, in der ihm eigenen überlegenen ruhigen Sachlichkeit :
19190110             Wenn die deutsche Industrie-,HANDELS—UND Bankwelt nicht willens und in der Lage sind,
19190110             gegen die hier aufgezeichnete Gefahr 1—VERSICHERUNGSPRÄMIE—VON—500—MILLIONEN Mark (Gold) aufzubringen,
19190110             dann sind sie nicht Wert, deutsche Wirtschaft genannt zu werden.
19190110             Ich beantrage Schluß der Sitzung und bitte die Herren Borsig, Siemens etc.
19190110             Das war die historische —STUNDE,
19190110             da der sogenannte "ANTIBOLSCHEWISTENFONDS DER WIRTSCHAFT" beschlossen wurde,
19190110             von dem aus nun die einsetzende gewaltige Bewegung des Antibolschewismus gespeist wurde :
19190110             "Antibolschewistische Liga",
19190110             "Bürgerratsbewegung", "Werbebüros für die Freikorps",
19190110             Ja, es flossen sogar Gelder in den Wahlfonds der sozialdemokratischen Partei,
19190110             da diese sich bereit erklärte, antibolschewistische Flugblätter und Plakate massenweise zu verbreiten.
19190110             Und der Tatmensch dieser Tat war HUGO—STINNES.
19190110             Deswegen war auch HUGO—STINNES die Seele und der Willensmittelpunkt jenes soziologischen Gebildes,
19190110             das in den damaligen Revolutionswirren gegen die Gefahr der Bolschewisierung gegründet wurde :
19190110             Es ist dabei geschichtlich von Bedeutung hervorzuheben, daß
19190110             Zwischen s.h. und en führenden Männern der Wirtschaft einerseits
19190110             und den Führern der christlichen und der freien Gewerkschaften (ADAM—STEGERWALD, KARL—LEGIEN usw.)
19190110             andererseits war im Hinblick auf die drohende Zusammenbruchsgefahr 1—PAKT geschlossen worden + dieses Bündnis wurde am
19190110             BANKHERREN & GROSSKAUFLEUTE statt unter dem VORSITZ DES [DEUTSCHE
19190110             HUGO [ 18700000—18000000    .000 .19 24] & ERKLÄRTE OHNE POSE & FEIERLICHKEIT,
19190110             WENN DIE DEUTSCHE INDUSTRIE-,
19190110             SIEMENS ETC.
19190110             [ANMERKUNG20030526 : FRAENKEL -> - BELAGERUNG-S-ZUSTAND -> SEARCH>>]
19190110             WALKER, GEORGE HERBERT ,native S—LOUIS founds S—LOUIS:" G.H.WALKER AND COMPANY " banking & investment, 00.000 .19 -- " G.H.WALKER AND COMPANY" address of "1—WALL—STREET—NEW—YORK"[banking & investment firm shifted to prestigious)
19190110             HARRIMAN, AVERELL [S&B913] "W.A. HARRIMAN & COMPANY " [] " G.H.WALKER AND COMPANY" Walker,
19190110             GEORGE—HERBERT 'Bert organize "BROWN BROTHERS "[brit]
19190110             -00.000 .1931 - "... und ich beschloß, sie umbringen zu lassen"
19190110             in dem gegen - schistischen Zusammenschlüssen wie ANTIBOLSCHEWISTISCHE LIGA, Einwohnerwehren...
19190110             Systematik der Bibliothek des IfZ - f 21.46, ANTIBOLSCHEWISTISCHE LIGA.
19190110             f 21.47, Reichsbanner SCHWARZ—ROT—GOLD.
19190110             f 21.48, Roter Frontkämpferbund.
19190110             f 21.49, Organisation Consul (O.C.), je 5—MILLIONEN...
19190110             da fand am —JAHR in den Räumen des AERO—KLUBS—VON—BERLIN 1—SITZUNG führender Industrieller,
19190110             Verhandlungen mit dem Leiter der " ANTIBOLSCHEWISTISCHEN LIGA ", Eduard STADTLER, statt.
19190110             Dieser stand in enger Verbindung zu Großindustriellen wie.
19190110             trafen sich 50—SPITZEN der deutschen Industrie-,
19190110             HANDELS—UND Bankwelt und richteten einen Antibolschewistenfonds der deutschen Unternehmerschaft ein.
19190110             PAUL—MANKIEWITZ organisierte das Treffen in den Räumen des AERO—KLUBS—VON—BERLIN.
19190110             Unter den eingeladenen Teilnehmern waren Industrieverbandschef - HUGO—STINNES, ALBERT—VÖGLER,
19190110             Siemens, OTTO—HENRICH - Ernst von Borsig, FELIX—DEUTSCH - ARTHUR—SALOMONSOHN
19190110             DISCONTO—GESELLSCHAFT.
19190110             Lieferung: WIKINGER—12. (S.545—598) ausgegeben
19190110             ALLE—RECHTE, insbesondere das der Übersetzung, vorbehalten.
19190110             VORWORT.
19190110             —NUN, VOLLENDET In 4—BÄNDEN liegt das REAL—LEXIKON vor.
19190110             —ERST—IM Frieden folgen wird 1—REAL—LEXIKON—BAND—5, der die Nachträge, das GENERAL—REGISTER enthalten soll.
19190110             2.023—ARTIKEL. Das REAL—LEXIKON umfaßt im ganzen
19190110             —VON, diesen REAL—LEXIKON 2.023—ART. sind 135—ILLUSTRIERT.
19190110             DIE—ABBILDUNGEN sind meistens in Tafeln zusammengestellt, von denen das Werk 152—ENTHÄLT;
19190110             dazu kommen 124—TEXTABBILDUNGEN.
19190110             WEGEN DER SCHWIERIGKEIT IHRER HERSTELLUNG IM KRIEGE 1—ANZAHL—VON—ILLUSTRATIONEN zu Artikeln des Letzten Bandes mußten für den Nachtragsband zurückgehalten werden.
19190110             An des REAL—LEXIKON Zustandekommen haben 84—MIT—ARBEITER mitgewirkt, denen ich hiermit für ihre wertvollen Beiträge herzlichen Dank sagen möchte.
19190110             ZUWEILEN unter 84—MIT—ARBEITER Die pünktlichsten haben leider unter der Saumseligkeit andrer MIT—ARBEITER leiden müssen, indem
19190110             —JAHRE—LANGMANCHE art. lagern, vor DER—DRUCKLEGUNG neu ÜBER—ARBEITET werden mußten.
19190110             DIE—VIELHEIT DER—MITARBEITER, die einerseits im Interesse der Gründlichkeit und Zuverlässigkeit der Beiträge wünschenswert war,
19190110             DIE—VIELHEIT DER—MITARBEITER, hat anderseits zu manchen Ungleichheiten in der Länge und Ausführung DER—ARTIKEL,
19190110             DIE—VIELHEIT DER—MITARBEITER, hat hie, da auch zu Wiederholungen oder abweichenden BEURTEILUNGen der gleichen Gegenstände oder Probleme geführt.
19190110             leider nie ganz vermeiden.
19190110             Solche Unebenheiten lassen sich bei derartigen Sammelwerken
19190110             Manche vom —HERAUSGEBER—IN—AUSSICHT genommenen art. mußten unbehandelt bleiben,
19190110             weil sie von den BETREFFENDENMIT—ARBEITERN nicht rechtzeitig geliefert wurden,
19190110             weil IM AUGENBLICK 1—GEEIGNETER BE—ARBEITER überhaupt nicht zu haben war.
19190110             Sie werden nach Möglichkeit im Nachtragsband nachgeliefert werden.
19190110             in den Räumen des Aero Klubs von BERLIN 1—SITZUNG führender Industrieller, Bankherren und GROßKAUF—LEUTE statt unter dem
19190110             zum Thema "BOLSCHEWISMUS als Weltgefahr " 1—ZWEISTÜNDIGES Referat hielt.
19190110             und HUGO—STINNES erklärte ohne Pose und Feierlichkeit, in der ihm eigenen überlegenen ruhigen Sachlichkeit:
19190110             HUGO—STINNES "Ich bin der Meinung, daß nach diesem Vortrag JEDE—DISKUSSION—ÜBERFLÜSSIG ist.Wenn DIE—DEUTSCHE—INDUSTRIE-, HANDELS—, und Bankenwelt nicht willens
19190110             HUGO—STINNES und in der Lage sind, GEGEN—DIE—HIER aufgezeichnete Gefahr 1—VERSICHERUNGSPRÄMIE—VON—500.000.000—MARK aufzubringen, dann sind sie
19190110             —GENANNT, HUGO—STINNES nicht wert, deutsche Wirtschaft, zu werden.
19190110             HUGO—STINNES Ich beantrage Schluß der Sitzung und bitte die Herren BORSIG, SIEMENS etc. sich mit mir in 1—NEBENZIMMER zu begeben, damit wir sofort über den Modus der Umlage klar werden können".
19190110             Das war die historische —STUNDE, da der sogenannte "ANTIBOLSCHEWISTEN—FONDS der Wirtschaft" beschlossen wurde, von dem aus nun die —MITTE
19190110             "GENERALsekretariat zum Studium und zur Bekämpfung des BOLSCHEWISMUS",
19190110             "Vereinigung zur Bekämpfung des BOLSCHEWISMUS",
19190110             "BÜRGERratsbewegung","Werbebüros für die FREI—KORPS","Studentenarbeitsstellen", "Selbstschutzformationen", usw.
19190110             Auch die Kassen der aktiven REICHSWEHR—TRUPPEN wurden davon gespeist.
19190110             Ja, es flossen sogar Gelder in den WAHL—FONDS DER—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATISCHEN Partei, da diese sich bereit erklärte, antibolschewistische Flugblätter und Plakate massenweise zu verbreiten.
19190110             DIE—GRÜNDUNG des Fonds war 1—ENTSCHEIDENDE BÜRGERliche SELBSTHILFE—TAT.
19190110             und der Tatmensch dieser Tat war HUGO—STINNES—HUGO—STINNES war 1—VIEL zu großer Realist, als
19190110             daß er den BÜRGERlichen Charakter des ANTI—BOLSCHEWISMUS doktrinär oder praktisch hätte überspitzen können.
19190110             Dafür wurzelte er mit seiner Familie viel zu tief im "Kohlenpott" des rheinischen Bergreviers, und er fühlte
19190110             sich als BERG—HERR auch viel zu sehr mit den "Kumpels " verbunden.
19190110             Deswegen war auch HUGO—STINNES die Seele und der WILLENSMITTEL—PUNKT jenes soziologischen Gebildes, das in den damaligen REVOLUTIONswirren
19190110             —GEGEN, die Gefahr der Bolschewisierung GEGRÜNDET wurde: der "Zentralen ARBEITS—GEMEINSCHAFT" der ARBEIT—GEBERVERBÄNDE und der Gewerkschaften".
19190110             es ist dabei geschichtlich von Bedeutung hervorzuheben, daß dieser "antibolschewistische Dammschutz"
19190110             —SCHON—VOR dem Ausbruch der NovemberREVOLTE geplant und in Vorformen organisiert worden war.
19190110             Adam, KARL—LEGIEN usw.) andererseits war im Hinblick [PRÄVENTIV] auf die drohende Zusammenbruchsgefahr 1—PAKT geschlossen worden, und dieses Bündnis wurde am
19190110             PATE an der Wiege jener "Zentralen ARBEITS—GEMEINSCHAFT",die nun "BÜRGERtum" und "PROLETARIAT" gerade in der vom BOLSCHEWISMUS am meisten
19190110             gefährdeten Lebenssphäre der modernen Industrie politisch umschloß und mit 1—FESTEN Ring umgab.[ANMERKUNG—20030526:BELAGERUNGS—ZUSTAND]
19190110             —GEGRÜNDET, GEGEN—DIE—GEFAHR der Bolschewisierung wurde: der "Zentralen ARBEITS—GEMEINSCHAFT"der ARBEIT—GEBERVERBÄNDE und der Gewerkschaften".
19190110             —NACH, der Rede erhob sich HUGO—STINNES und
19190110             —VOR—SCHON, DEM AUSBRUCH DER ;;11;;REVOLTE dieser "antibolschewistische Dammschutz"geplant
19190110             —VOR—SCHON, DEM AUSBRUCH DER ;;11;;REVOLTE und in Vorformen organisiert worden war.
19190110             —ZWISCHEN, HUGO—STINNES und den führenden Männern der Wirtschaft einerseits und den Führern der christlichen und freien Gewerkschaften (Stegerwald,
19190110             —AM, Auch der aktiven REICHSWEHR—TRUPPEN Kassen davon gespeist wurden.
19190110             diese SOZIAL—DEMOKRATISCHE—PARTEI sich bereit erklärte, antibolschewistische Flugblätter, Plakate massenweise zu verbreiten.
19190110             HUGO—STINNES sich als BERG—HERR auch viel zu sehr mit den "Kumpels"verbunden.
19190110             in des AERO KLUB RÄUMEN—VON—BERLIN 1—SITZUNG führender Industrieller, Bankherren und GROßKAUF—LEUTE statt unter dem
19190110             Ja, es flossen sogar Gelder in DER—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATISCHE—PARTEI Wahlfonds, da
19190110             (SIEMENS—SCHUCKERT—WERKE), von der AEG und - in den Räumen des AERO—KLUBS—VON—BERLIN
19190110             1—SITZUNG führender Industrieller, Bankherren, und Großkaufleute
19190110             STATT—UNTER Vorsitz des Bankiers MANKIEWITZ,
19190110             Nach der REDE—ERHOB sich Stinnes, Hugo
19190110             und erklärte, ohne Pose und Feierlichkeit, in der ihm eigenen überlegenen ruhigen
19190110             Sachlichkeit : "Ich bin der Meinung, daß nach diesem Vortrag JEDE—DISKUSSION überflüssig ist.
19190110             gegen die hier aufgezeichnete Gefahr
19190110             1—VERSICHERUNGSPRÄMIE—VON—500—MILLIONEN Mark (Gold) aufzubringen,
19190110             sich mit mir in 1—NEBENZIMMER zu begeben, damit wir sofort über den Modus der Umlage klar werden können".
19190110             von dem aus nun die - einsetzende GEWALTIGE—BEWEGUNG des Antibolschewismus
19190110             gespeist wurde : "Antibolschewistische Liga",
19190110             "Generalsekretariat zum Studium und zur Bekämpfung des Bolschewismus",
19190110             "Vereinigung zur Bekämpfung des Bolschewismus",
19190110             "Studentenarbeitsstellen", "Selbstschussformationen", usw.
19190110             - Auch die Kassen der aktiven Reichswehrtruppen wurden davon gespeist - da diese sich bereit erklärte,
19190110             antibolschewistische Flugblätter und Plakate massenweise zu verbreiten.
19190110             Die Gründung der Fonds war eine entscheidende bürgerliche SELBSTHILFE—TAT.
19190110             Und der Tatmensch dieser Tat war Stinnes, Hugo.
19190110             Deswegen war auch Stinnes, HUGO—DIE Seele und der Willensmittelpunkt
19190110             jenes soziologischen Gebildes, das in den damaligen Revolutionswirren
19190110             gegen die Gefahr der Bolschewisierung gegründet wurde :
19190110             der "ZENTRALEN ARBEITSGEMEINSCHAFT"- der
19190110             —SCHON VOR dem Ausbruch der NOVEMBER"revolte"REVOLUTION
19190110             geplant und in Vorformen (IM KERN) - ORGANISIERT—WORDEN- war.
19190110             Zwischen s.h. und en führenden Männern der Wirtschaft EINERSEITS—UND den FÜHRERN—DER christlichen und
19190110             der freien Gewerkschaften - (ADAM—STEGERWALD, KARL—LEGIEN—USW.)
19190110             ANDERERSEITS—WAR - im Hinblick auf die drohende Zusammenbruchsgefahr
19190110             1—PAKT geschlossen worden + dieses Bündnis wurde am
19190110             in den Räumen des Aero Klubs von BERLIN 1—SITZUNG führender Industrieller, Bankherren & Großkaufleute statt unter dem Vorsitz des [DEUTSCHE
19190110             BANK,DIREKTOR] Bankiers Mankiewitz, Paul, bei der der Verfasser [Stadtler, Eduard,Anm.a0e.20030521][ dieses Buches] zum Thema "Bolschewismus als Weltgefahr" ein zweistündiges Referat hielt Nach der Rede erhob sich Stinnes, Hugo [ 18700000—19240000    ] & erklärte ohne Pose & Feierlichkeit, in der ihm eigenen überlegenen ruhigen Sachlichkeit: "Ich b in der Meinung, daß nach diesem Vortrag JEDE—DISKUSSION überflüssig ist. Wenn die deutsche Industrie-, Handels- + Bankenwelt nicht willens & in der Lage sind, gegen die hier aufgezeichnete Gefahr 1—VERSICHERUNGSPRÄMIE—VON—500—MILLIONEN Mark aufzubringen, dann sind sie nicht wert,deutsche Wirtschaft genannt zu werden.Ich beantrage Schluß der Sitzung und bitte die Herren Borsig, Siemens etc. sich mit mir in 1—NEBENZIMMER zu begeben, damit wir sofort über den Modus der Umlage klar werden können".
19190110             Das war die historische —STUNDE,da der sogenannte" Antibolschewistenfonds der Wirtschaft" beschlossen wurde,von dem aus nun
19190110             in den Räumen des Aero Klubs von BERLIN 1—SITZUNG führender Industrieller, Bankherren und Großkaufleute statt unter dem Vorsitz des Bankiers Mankiewitz,Paul, DIREKTOR DEUTSCHE BANK bei der der Verfasser [Stadtler, Eduard, Anm.a0e.20030521][ dieses Buches] zum Thema "Bolschewismus als Weltgefahr " ein zweistündiges Referat hielt.
19190110             Nach der Rede erhob sich 18700000192400       00—DATE Stinnes, HUGO—BIOGRAPHIE:HUGO—STINNES, 18700000192400       00—DATE und erklärte ohne Pose und Feierlichkeit, in der ihm eigenen überlegenen ruhigen Sachlichkeit: "Ich bin der Meinung, daß nach diesem Vortrag JEDE—DISKUSSION überflüssig ist.Wenn die deutsche Industrie-, Handels-, und Bankenwelt nicht willens und in der Lage sind, gegen die hier aufgezeichnete Gefahr 1—VERSICHERUNGSPRÄMIE—VON—500—MILLIONEN Mark aufzubringen, dann sind sie nicht wert, deutsche Wirtschaft genannt zu werden. Ich beantrage Schluß der Sitzung und bitte die Herren Borsig, Siemens etc. sich mit mir in 1—NEBENZIMMER zu begeben, damit wir sofort über den Modus der Umlage klar werden können".
19190110             Ja, es flossen sogar Gelder in den Wahlfonds der sozialdemokratischen Partei, da diese sich bereit erklärte, antibolschewistische Flugblätter und Plakate massenweise zu verbreiten.
19190110             Und der Tatmensch dieser Tat war Stinnes, Hugo.Stinnes, Hugo war ein viel zu großer Realist, als daß er den bürgerlichen Charakter des Antibolschewismus doktrinär oder praktisch hätte überspitzen können.
19190110             Dafür wurzelte er mit seiner Familie viel zu tief im "Kohlenpott" des rheinischen Bergreviers, und er fühlte sich als Bergherr auch viel zu sehr mit den "Kumpels " verbunden.
19190110             Deswegen war auch Stinnes, Hugo die Seele und der Willensmittelpunkt jenes soziologischen Gebildes, das in den damaligen Revolutionswirren gegen die Gefahr der Bolschewisierung gegründet wurde: der "Zentralen Arbeitsgemeinschaft" der Arbeitgeberverbände und der Gewerkschaften". Es ist dabei geschichtlich von Bedeutung hervorzuheben, daß dieser "antibolschewistische Dammschutz" —SCHON vor dem Ausbruch der Novemberrevolte geplant und in Vorformen organisiert worden war.Zwischen Stinnes, Hugo und den führenden Männern der Wirtschaft einerseits und den Führern der christlichen und freien Gewerkschaften (Stegerwald, Adam, Legien, Karl usw. ) andererseits war im Hinblick [PRÄVENTIV] auf die drohende Zusammenbruchsgefahr 1—PAKT geschlossen worden, und dieses Bündnis wurde am
19190110             Aus dem Bericht über 1—BERATUNG führender deutscher Industrieller in BERLIN über die Finanzierung der ,ANTIBOLSCHEWISTISCHEN LIGA "...
19190110             "... und ich beschloß, sie umbringen zu lassen"
19190110             MORDAUFRUF der ANTIBOLSCHEWISTISCHEN LIGA vom 19181200            — - "Antibolschewistische Liga",
19190110             Aus dem Bericht über 1—BERATUNG führender deutscher Industrieller in BERLIN über die Finanzierung der,Antibolschewistischen Liga "...
19190110             Mordaufruf der Antibolschewistischen Liga vom 19181200             , in dem gegen... schistischen Zusammenschlüssen wie Antibolschewistische Liga, Einwohnerwehren...
19190110             f 21.46, Antibolschewistische Liga.
19190110             f 21.49, Organisation Consul (O.C.)... bastion.IFZ—MUENCHEN.de/
19190110             je 5—MILLIONEN...
19190110             Verhandlungen mit dem Leiter der " Antibolschewistischen Liga ", Eduard Stadtler, statt.
19190110             trafen sich 50—SPITZEN der deutschen Industrie-, HANDELS—UND Bankwelt und richteten einen Antibolschewistenfonds der deutschen Unternehmerschaft ein.
19190110             Unter den eingeladenen Teilnehmern waren INDUSTRIEVERBANDSCHEF—HUGO—STINNES,
19190110—19090000    HAT
19190110—19090000    10—JAHRE DIESER—ZEIT—IM LAUF Nicht weniger als 11—GESCHÄTZTE MIT—ARBEITER sind uns durch den Tod entrissen worden.
19190110—19181115    in aller Form schriftlich kontrahiert und mit feierlichen Unterschriften versehen.Nationalpolitisches Verantwortungsgefühl stand
19190110—19190100    —MITTE, Das war die historische —STUNDE, da der sogenannte "Antibolschewistenfonds der Wirtschaft" beschlossen wurde, von dem aus nun die einsetzende gewaltige Bewegung des Antibolschewismus gespeist wurde: "Antibolschewistische Liga", "Generalsekretariat zum Studium und zur Bekämpfung des Bolschewismus", "Vereinigung zur Bekämpfung des Bolschewismus", "Bürgerratsbewegung ","Werbebüros für die Freikorps","Studentenarbeitsstellen", "Selbstschutzformationen", usw. Auch die Kassen der aktiven Reichswehrtruppen wurden davon gespeist.
19190110—19230000    —BIS, Durch einen Vermessungsfehler entsteht auf dem GEBIET—DER—PREUßISCHEN—PROVINZ—HESSEN—NASSAU zwischen den —NACH—DEM —WWI von Frankreich und den USA besetzten Gebieten die Mikronation Freistaat Flaschenhals, die Bestand haben wird.
19200110             Der in Versailles unterzeichnete Friedensvertrag tritt in Kraft.
19200110             Dadurch wird auch der auf dem 14-Punkte-Programm von Woodrow Wilson basierende Völkerbund gegründet, der unter dem Eindruck des 1. Weltkrieges das Ziel hat, den Frieden dauerhaft zu sichern.
19200110             —ESTABLISHED, The League of Nations was, as THE—TREATY—OF—VERSAILLES went into effect.
19220110             † Okuma Shigenobu, japanischer PREMIERMINISTER
19230110             Litauische Freischärler marschieren in das französisch besetzte Memelland ein.
19230110             THE—USA—WITHDREW its last troops from GERMANY.
19250110             Das autonome Saargebiet muss 1—ZOLLUNION mit Frankreich eingehen.
19250110             † ADOLF—VON—STRÜMPELL, deutscher Neurologe
19250110             —FORMED, FRANCE—SAARLAND.
19260110             † Eino Leino, finnischer Schriftsteller
19270110             BERLIN, wird der Spielfilm Metropolis von Fritz Lang uraufgeführt.
19270110             Der —BIS dahin teuerste Film der deutschen Filmgeschichte ist ein finanzieller Flop und treibt die wegen des PARUFAMET—VERTRAGES mit Paramount und METRO—GOLDWYN—MAYER ohnehin —BEREITS defizitäre UFA in noch größere Schwierigkeiten.
19280110             † RALPH—AITKEN, schottischer Fußballspieler
19280110             —ORDERED, THE—SOVIET—UNION, the exile of LEON—TROTSKY.
19290000—20140110    * † Larry Speakes, press SECRETARY—TO—RONALD—REAGAN, in MISSISSIPPI.
19290110             Die Comicfiguren Tim und Struppi (im französischsprachigen Original Les AVENTURES—DE—TINTIN) des belgischen Zeichner Hergé werden erstmals der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt.
19290110             † Julio ANTONIO—MELLA, kubanischer Studentenführer und Kommunist
19320110             † ROBERT—STERL, deutscher Maler
19340110             † Marinus van der Lubbe, niederländischer Arbeiter, vermuteter Brandstifter des Reichstagsbrands
19340110             † VINCENZO—FERRONI, italienischer KOMPONIST—UND—MUSIKPÄDAGOGE
19340110             † MARINUS—VAN—DER—LUBBE (24), 1—BRICKLAYER and HOLLAND—COMMUNIST, was executed in BERLIN.
19340110—19330227    —CONVICTED—OF, MARINUS—VAN—DER—LUBBE, had been, arson and high treason for torching THE—REICHSTAG—PARLIAMENT—BUILDING.
19350000—20110110    * † JOHN—GROSS—ENGLAND—LITERARY—CRITIC, author, and anthologist.
19350110             † EDWIN—FLACK, australischer Leichtathlet
19350110             * SHERRILL—MILNES, baritone (Scarpia, Rigoletto), in HINSDALE—ILLINOIS.
19350110             Actress MARY—PICKFORD, oo actor DOUGLAS—FAIRBANKS.
19360110—20021013    * † STEPHEN—AMBROSE, historian, in NEW—ORLEANS.
19370000—20150110    * † ROBERT—STONE, AUTHOR—OF "Dog Soldiers" (19740000             ), at his home in Key West, FLORIDA.
19370110             † JOHN—HOWARD, kanadischer Leichtathlet
19380110             —BECAME, Eduard van Beinum, the 1. CONDUCTOR—OF—AMSTERDAM—CONCERT orchestra.
19390110             † Franz Xaver Setzer, österreichischer Fotograf
19400110             † Alojzy Adamczyk, polnischer Widerstandskämpfer
19400110             —ATTACKED, GERMANY—PLANES, 12—SHIPS OFF—THE—UK—COAST; 3—SANK and 35 were dead.
19410110             † FRANK—BRIDGE, britischer Komponist - † Issai Schur, deutscher Mathematiker
19410110             † JOHANNES—BIEHLE, deutscher Physiker, Glocken- und Orgelbauer
19410110             —AGREED, THE—SOVIETS and THE—GERMANS, on THE—EAST—EUROPEAN borders and the exchange of industrial equipment.
19420110             —AM Kungliga Teatern in STOCKHOLM erfolgt die Uraufführung der Oper BIRGITTA—VON—NATANAEL Berg.
19420110—19730000    * † JIM—CROCE, rock vocalist (Time in 1—BOTTLE, Workin' At The Car Wash Blues), in PHILADELPHIA.
19430110             —BEGINNT, Die Rote Armee, im Verlauf der SCHLACHT—VON—STALINGRAD mit einer Großoffensive, die zur Zerschlagung der eingekesselten deutschen 6. Armee führen wird.
19430110             The submarine USS Argonaut was lost SOUTH—EAST—OF—NEW—BRITAIN in the Bismarck ARCHIPELAGO—OF—PAPUA—NEW—GUINEA.
19430110             100 and 2—OFFICERS and men went down with her, the worst LOSS—OF—LIFE for 1—USA—SUBMARINE in wartime.
19430110             RUSSIA—OFFENSIVE began against German 6. and 4. Armies near Stalingrad.
19440110             —PROPOSED, THE—GI BILL—OF—RIGHTS, 1., by THE—USA—LEGION, was passed by Congress.
19440110             The Bill, more formally known as THE—SERVICEMEN—READJUSTMENT—ACT—OF—19440000             , was intended to smooth demobilization for AMERICA—ALMOST 16—MILLION servicemen and women.
19440110             —SOARED, Postwar college and vocational school attendance, as more than 50—PERCENT of honorably discharged veterans took ADVANTAGE—OF—EDUCATION—BENEFITS—OF up to $500 1—YEAR for tuition, plus 1—LIVING allowance.
19440110             —RETURNED, —WHEN they, home to marry and start families in record numbers, veterans faced 1—SEVERE housing shortage.
19440110             —PROVIDED, The home loan provisions of THE—GI Bill, more than 2—MILLION—HOME—LOANS and created 1—NEW—USA—LANDSCAPE in the suburbs.
19440110—19900000    —SUMMED, PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH, up the impact of THE—GI Bill: "THE—GI BILL—CHANGED—THE—LIVES—OF—MILLIONS by replacing old roadblocks with PATHS—OF—OPPORTUNITY".
19450110             † Rudolf Borchardt, deutscher Schriftsteller und Übersetzer
19450110             * ROD—STEWART, rock singer, in NORTH—LONDON, ENGLAND.
19460110             LONDON, findet die 1. Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen statt.
19460110             —KONSTITUIERT, Dabei, sich unter anderem der UN—WIRTSCHAFTS- und Sozialrat.
19460110             Dem USA—AMERIKANISCHEN Elektroingenieur JOHN—HIBBETT—DEWITT gelingt der Nachweis, dass die Ionosphäre für Funkwellen durchlässig ist.
19460110             Im Rahmen der 1. ERDE—MOND—ERDE—FUNKVERBINDUNG hört die Forschergruppe des Project Diana das Echo ihres Signals des als Reflektor genutzten Mondes.
19460110             The 1. manmade contact with the moon was made as THE—USA—ARMY bounced radar signals off the lunar surface from BELMAR—NEW—JERSEY.
19460110             The 1. GENERAL—ASSEMBLY—OF—THE—UNITED—NATIONS convened in LONDON.
19460110             —HALTED, CHIANG—KAI—SHEK and the Yenan Communist forces, fighting in CHINA.
19460119—19460110    —ON, The very 1. SESSION—OF—THE—UN had begun —JUST days —EARLIER, in LONDON.
19470110             † ARTHUR—E—ANDERSEN, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Unternehmer
19470110             † Oda Sakunosuke, japanischer Schriftsteller
19470110             The musical fantasy "FINIAN—RAINBOW," with music by Burton Lane and lyrics by E.Y. Harburg, opened on Broadway and ran for 725—PERFORMANCES.
19470110             It is the tale of 1—IRISHMAN who stole 1—POT—OF—GOLD and came to THE—USA to plant it and became rich.
19470110             Burton Lane (19120000—19960000    ) also did "On 1—CLEAR—DAY—YOU—CAN—SEE—FOREVER".
19490110             † ERICH—VON—DRYGALSKI, deutscher Geograph, Geophysiker und Polarforscher
19490110             † Othon Friesz, französischer Maler
19490110             † MAX—HALLER, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher und Hochschullehrer
19490110             † FRANCISCO—SOÑÉ, dominikanischer Komponist, Musikpädagoge, DIRIGENT—UND—KLARINETTIST
19490110             * GEORGE—FOREMAN, world heavyweight champion 19730000—19740000    —FROM—TO.
19490110             —INTRODUCED, RCA, THE—45—RPM record.
19490110—19940000    —IN, GEORGE—FOREMAN lost it to MOHAMMED—ALI and regained it at the age of 46.
19510110             —OPENED, UN headquarters, in MANHATTAN—NEW—YORK.
19510110             † [Harry] Sinclair Lewis (65), USA—AUTHOR—OF—23—NOVELS and 3—PLAYS (Nobel 19300000             ), in ROME—OF—1—NERVOUS—DISORDER.
19510110—20020000    —AUTHORED, RICHARD—LINGEMAN, "Sinclair Lewis: Rebel from Main Street".
19560110             —ESTABLISHED, THE—USA—NAVY, its 1. nuclear power school at Submarine Base, New LONDON—CONNECTICUT.
19570110             HAROLD—MACMILLAN wird britischer PREMIERMINISTER, nachdem ANTHONY—EDEN wegen der Sueskrise zurückgetreten ist.
19570110             —ORGANIZED, REVEREND—MARTIN—LUTHER—KING—JUNIOR, THE—SOUTH—CHRISTIAN—LEADERSHIP—CONFERENCE (SCLC) to fight facial segregation by means of nonviolent protests.
19570110             KING met with about 60—BLACK—MINISTERS and leaders to Ebenezer Church in ATLANTA.
19570110             Their goal was to form 1—ORGANIZATION to coordinate and support nonviolent direct action as 1—METHOD—OF desegregating bus systems across the South.
19570110             In addition to KING, Bayard Rustin, Ella Baker, C.K. Steele, FRED—SHUTTLESWORTH—OF—BIRMINGHAM, JOSEPH—LOWERY—OF—MOBILE, and RALPH—ABERNATHY—OF—MONTGOMERY, all played key roles in this meeting which led to THE—FORMATION—OF—THE—SOUTH—CHRISTIAN—LEADERSHIP—CONFERENCE (SCLC).
19580110             —REACHED, JERRY—LEE—LEWIS' "Great BALLS—OF—FIRE", #1.
19590110             Der deutsche Tierfilmer MICHAEL—GRZIMEK, Sohn Bernhard Grzimeks, kommt bei den Dreharbeiten zu dem Film Serengeti darf nicht sterben beim Absturz eines Kleinflugzeuges im SERENGETI—NATIONALPARK ums Leben.
19610110             OST—BERLIN, wird das Imprimatur für den Abschlussband des Deutschen Wörterbuchs erteilt.
19610110             123—JAHRE —NACH—DEM Beginn durch die Brüder Grimm liegt das etwa 320.000—STICHWORTE umfassende Werk nun vollständig vor.
19610110             † DASHIELL—HAMMETT, 66—JAHRE—ALT, author, in NEW—YORK—CITY  from throat cancer.
19610110             —INCLUDED, DASHIELL—HAMMETT—BOOKS, "THE—MALTA—FALCON" and "The Thin Man," both of which were turned into films.
19610110             DASHIELL—HAMMETT wrote "THE—MALTA—FALCON" —WHILE living in S—FRANCISCO at 891—POST St., which was also given as THE—ADDRESS—OF—DETECTIVE—SAM—SPADE.
19610110             † In S—FRANCISCO a 25-foot grey whale —AFTER getting trapped under Pier 50C at Mission Rock Terminal.
19610110             —FIRED, Humane officers, SOFT—NOSED and armor piercing bullets into its skull to try to put the animal out of its misery.
19610110—19830000    —AUTHORED, Diane Johnson, his biography.
19620110             PERU, brechen vom Nordgipfel des Nevado Huascarán gewaltige Fels- und Eismassen ab.
19620110             Die zu Tal gehende Gerölllawine kostet mindestens 2.000—MENSCHEN das Leben.
19620110             —DESTROYED, Eruptions on MOUNT—HUASCARAN in PERU, 7—VILLAGES and killed 3,500.
19640110             PRESIDENT—JOHNSON held 1—MEETING with SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—ROBERT—MCNAMARA —AFTER which he approved covert operations against NORTH—VIETNAM 19640116             —SEE.
19640110             —RELEASED, THE—USA—POST—OFFICE, 1—NEW stamp showing TEXAS pioneer SAM—HOUSTON with 1—RIFLE.
19640110             Its initial 19641213              release was withheld due to THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—PRESIDENT—KENNEDY.
19640110             PANAMA broke ties with THE—USA and demanded 1—REVISION—OF—THE canal treaty.
19640110             Battles took place between Muslims & Hindus in CALCUTTA.
19640110—19640403    —AM, Als Folge des Flaggenstreits mit den USA und der Erschießung eines Studenten in der Panamakanalzone bricht PANAMA unter PRÄSIDENT—ROBERTO—FRANCISCO—CHIARI—REMÓN die diplomatischen Beziehungen zu den USA ab, die —ERST wieder aufgenommen werden.
19650922—19660110    —SEE
19660110             TASCHKENT, beenden unter Vermittlung des sowjetischen Ministerpräsidenten ALEXEI—NIKOLAJEWITSCH—KOSSYGIN bei einer Konferenz Indiens PREMIERMINISTER—LAL—BAHADUR—SHASTRI und Pakistans PRÄSIDENT—MUHAMMED—AYUB—KHAN den 2. INDISCH—PAKISTANISCHEN Krieg um Kaschmir mit einer weiteren Akzeptanz der LINE—OF—CONTROL.
19660110             —DENIED, JULIAN—BOND was, 1—SEAT in GEORGIA legislature for opposing VIETNAM War.
19660110             —REVERED, MISSISSIPPI, Vernon Dahmer, 1, civil rights leader, was killed in 1—FIREBOMBING.
19660110             8—MEN in 2—CARS loaded with shotguns and 12—GALLONS of gasoline attacked DAHMER—HOME.
19660110             —PARTICIPATED, BILLY—ROY—PITTS, and —LATER testified how Bowers had called meetings and presided over THE—PLANNING—OF—THE—BOMBING.
19660110             —CONVICTED, Bowers was, in his 5. trial and sentenced to life in prison where he †.
19660110             —SIGNED, THE—TASHKENT Agreement, was, in the Soviet CITY—OF—TASHKENT, and officially ended a 17—DAY—WAR between PAKISTAN and INDIA.
19660110             —BROKERED, The agreement was, by Soviet premier Aleksey Kosygin and signed by INDIA—PRIME—MINISTER—LAL—BAHADUR—SHASTRI and PAKISTAN PRESIDENT—AYUB—KHAN.
19660110             † THE—INDIA—PRIME—MINISTER, THE—DAY—AFTER signing the agreement.
19660110—19650630    —ON, It required that both sides withdraw by February 26, 19660000             , to positions held —PRIOR—TO 19650805             , and observe THE—CEASE—FIRE—LINE agreed to.
19660110—19980000    —IN, Klansmen SAM—BOWERS (19240000—20060000    ), Deavours Nix (72) and CHARLES—NOBLE, 55—JAHRE—ALT were arrested for the murder.
19670110             National Educational Television (FORERUNNER—OF—PUBLIC Broadcasting Service) operated as 1—TRUE—NETWORK for the 1. time as it carried PRESIDENT—JOHNSON—STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS.
19670110             —ELECTED, EDWARD—W—BROOKE, R-MASSACHUSETTS, the 1. black, to THE—USA—SENATE by popular vote, took his seat.
19680110—19890000    —IN, * LYLE—MENENDEZ in NY and grew up in PRINCETON—NEW—JERSEY he and his brother Erik killed their parents.
19700110—19750000    —APPEARED, Volume 3—OF—HIS—MAXIMUS—POEMS, posthumously.
19710110             "Masterpiece Theatre" premiered on PBS with host ALISTAIR—COOKE introducing 1—DRAMA—SERIES, "The 1. Churchills".
19710110—20110000    —AUTHORED, Hal VAUGHAN, "Sleeping With the Enemy: Coco CHANEL—SECRET—WAR".
19711206             he returned to BANGLADESH 19710110       .
19711220—19711222    —RELEASED, He was, from prison in PAKISTAN and returned to BANGLADESH 19710110      .
19720110             —VERKÜNDET, SCHEICH—MUJIBUR—RAHMAN, in DHAKA die Loslösung des formell —BEREITS unabhängigen Bangladeschs von WEST—PAKISTAN und übernimmt die Regierungsbildung.
19720110             —RETURNED, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman (19200000              *), to DHAKA from prison in WEST—PAKISTAN.
19720110             —PROMULGATED, He soon, 1—INTERIM—CONSTITUTION and was sworn in 1. as PRESIDENT—OF—BANGLADESH, then as PRIME—MINISTER.
19730110             1—EMPTY liquefied natural gas (LNG) tank in Bloomfield on Staten Island exploded and 40—WORKERS were killed.
19730110             Watergate BREAK—IN trial began
19740110             1—ADVISORY—PANEL on WHITE—HOUSE—TAPES determined that an 18-m gap in Watergate tape was due to erasure AND—OF—NO—CONSEQUENCE.
19750110             Der deutsche Bundeskanzler Helmut Schmidt eröffnet den neuen Elbtunnel in HAMBURG.
19760110—20040000    —AUTHORED, JAMES—SEGREST and MARK—HOFFMAN, ""Moanin' at Midnight: The Life and Times of Howlin' Wolf".
19770110             —FRACTURED, The crater walls of CONGO—NYIRAGONGO volcano, and 1—LAVA lake drained in less than an —HOUR.
19770110             —FLOWED, The lava, down the flanks of the volcano at speeds of up to 60—MILES per —HOUR on the upper slopes, overwhelming villages and killing at least 70—PEOPLE.
19780110             Das Ostberliner BÜRO—DES—HAMBURGER—NACHRICHTENMAGAZINS—DER—SPIEGEL ist nach einer Entscheidung des DDR—AUßENMINISTERIUMS zu schließen.
19780110             —BERICHTET, Das Magazin hatte zuvor über 1—OPPOSITION im Lande.
19780110             —ELECTED, Diane Feinstein was, PRESIDENT—OF—THE 11-member SF BOARD—OF—SUPERVISORS.
19780110             HARVEY—MILK and DAN—WHITE took their seats on THE—BOARD—FOR—THE 1. time.
19780110             NICARAGUA, PEDRO—JOAQUIN—CHAMORRO—CARDENAL (19240000              *), JOURNALIST—AND—EDITOR—OF—LA—PRENSA, was shot dead.
19780110             —SPARKED, His murder, THE—SANDINISTA—LED uprising that —LATER toppled Somoza.
19780110             —INSPIRED, The murder also, Susan Meiselas, photographer, to go to NICARAGUA from NEW—YORK.
19780110             She spent 10—YEARS photographing events in the area, —LATER published as "NICARAGUA".
19780110             —FOUNDED, The Sandinista Party was, by CARLOS—FONSECA.
19780110             —LAUNCHED, THE—SOVIET—UNION, 2—COSMONAUTS aboard 1—SOYUZ capsule for 1—RENDEZVOUS with the Salyut VI space laboratory.
19780110—19960000    —IN, His wife, Violeta Barrios de Chamorro, —LATER became HEAD—OF—THE—COUNTRY and published her autobiography: "DREAMS—OF—THE—HEART".
19790110             —GEGRÜNDET, Die Volksrepublik Kampuchea wird, nachdem vietnamesische Truppen die Roten Khmer von der Macht vertrieben haben.
19790110             —FUNGIERT, Heng Samrin, als neues Staatsoberhaupt.
19790110             BILLY—CARTER, THE—BROTHER—OF—USA—PRESIDENT—JIMMY—CARTER, made allegedly ANTI—SEMITIC remarks.
19790110             —REGISTERED, Billy eventually, as 1—FOREIGN—AGENT—OF—THE—LIBYA—GOVERNMENT and received a $220,000 loan.
19790110             —ALLEGED, This led to 1—SENATE hearing over, influence peddling which some in the press dubbed "Billygate".
19800110             The last broadcast of "ROCKFORD Files" on NBC.
19800110—19100000    —IN, He became 1—APPRENTICE plumber and
19800110—19150000    —IN, 1—JOURNEYMAN.
19800110—19220000    —ELECTED, Meany was, business agent of Plumbers Union 463.
19800110—19340000    —FROM, to 19390000              he served as PRESIDENT—OF—THE—NEW—YORK—STATE—FEDERATION—OF—LABOR and 19400000             —IN became SECRETARY—OF—THE—AMERICAN—FEDERATION—OF—LABOR.
19800110—19550000    —IN, He was 1—ARCHITECT—OF—THE—AFL merger with the Congress of Industrial Organizations and became THE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—NEW—AFL—CIO.
19800110—19570000    —ORGANIZED, Meany led 1—CAMPAIGN against corruption in, labor, which resulted in the expulsion from THE—AFL—CIO of the Teamsters and 2—OTHER—MAJOR—UNIONS.
19800110—19740913    —ON, It began on THE—NBC network.
19800126—19800110    —ESTABLISHED, ISRAEL and EGYPT, diplomatic relations, in accord with PRIME—MINISTER—BEGIN—AGREEMENT with PRESIDENT—SADAT at ASWAN.
19840110             —ASKED, Clara Peller (19020000—19870000    ) 1. : "WHERE—THE—BEEF?," as PART—OF—1—TV ad for Wendy's.
19840110             —ESTABLISHED, THE—USA—AND—THE—VATICAN, full diplomatic relations for the 1. time in 117—YEARS.
19840110             —KILLED, COLORADO, Patricia Louise Smith (50) was, by 1—HAMMER blow in LAKEWOOD.
19840110             —ABOUT 1—WEEK—LATER another hammer was used to kill Bruce and Debra Bennet and their daughter (7) in AURORA.
19840110—20180000    —IDENTIFIED, DNA evidence, ALEXANDER—CHRISTOPHER, 1—NEVADA inmate, as the killer.
19850110             —FUNGIERT, Der gewählte DANIEL—ORTEGA, als neuer PRÄSIDENT—VON—NICARAGUA.
19850110             Weil die USA und andere Staaten das Wahlergebnis vom 19841100              jedoch nicht akzeptieren wollen, kommt es zu einer Unterstützung des CONTRA—KRIEGS gegen die Regierung.
19880110             PAKISTAN, Farooq Sattar (28), 1—FOUNDING MEMBER—OF—THE—MQM, became KARACHI—YOUNGEST mayor.
19880110             —REPORTED, Soviet media, on 1—INTERVIEW given to CHINA—JOURNALISTS by MIKHAIL—S—GORBACHEV, who praised THE—STATE—OF—SINO—SOVIET—RELATIONS and called for 1—SUMMIT.
19880110             —TURNED, THE—BEIJING government, aside the summit call, saying SOVIET—BACKED VIETNAM—FORCES 1. had to withdraw from CAMBODIA.
19890110             Der Kubanische Militäreinsatz in ANGOLA mündet nach dreizehnjähriger Präsenz in einen beginnenden gestaffelten Truppenabzug aus ANGOLA.
19890110             CUBA began withdrawing its troops from ANGOLA, more than —13—YEARS—AFTER its 1. contingents arrived.
19890110             MONTENEGRO, Communist League members like Momir Bulatovic and Svetozar Marovic, Dukanovic and MILO—DUKANOVIC, 26—JAHRE—ALT effectively gained power through full institutional control.
19890618—19940110    —SEE
19900110             Der Computerhersteller Nixdorf wird von Siemens übernommen.
19900110             —APPROVED, NCAA, the random drug testing for college football players.
19900110             —LIFTED, CHINA—PREMIER Li Peng, BEIJING—7—MONTH—OLD martial law and said that by crushing PRO—DEMOCRACY—PROTESTS the army had saved CHINA from "THE—ABYSS—OF—MISERY".
19910110             —BANNED, Baseball officially, Pete Rose from being elected to the Hall of Fame.
19910110             —5—DAYS—BEFORE 1—UN—DEADLINE for IRAQ to withdraw from KUWAIT, peace efforts intensified, with UN SECRETARY—GENERAL—JAVIER Perez de Cuellar setting off on 1—MISSION aimed at averting war.
19920110             —RETURNED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, home from his grueling 12—DAY—JOURNEY to AUSTRALIA, SINGAPORE, SOUTH—KOREA and JAPAN, boasting of "dramatic progress" on trade issues.
19920110             —CANCELLED, ALGERIA, 1—ARMY—COUP, elections that were running strongly in favor of the Islamic Salvation Front (FIS).
19920110             als die "Tokio Express" in unruhiger See im Nordpazifik, auf dem Weg von HONGKONG nach SEATTLE, 12—CONTAINER verlor.
19920110—19950000    —SUPPORTED, FRANCE, the move which led to 1—BLOODY—STRUGGLE between THE—ALGERIA—ARMY and ALGERIA—FUNDAMENTALIST (Armed Islamic Group, GIA) guerillas that claimed nearly 40,000 lives and numerous bomb attacks in FRANCE.
19930110             1 unidentified 62—YEAR—OLD—MAN at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—PITTSBURGH—MEDICAL—CENTER underwent the world's 2. baboon liver transplant.
19930110             The man † less than 1—MONTH —LATER without regaining full consciousness.
19940000             permitting EXPENDITURE—OF—FUNDS for the mission thereafter only if THE—PRESIDENT sought and CONGRESS provided specific authorization.
19940110             —ON the 1. —DAY of a 2—DAY—NATO—SUMMIT in BELGIUM, leaders signed 1—DOCUMENT inviting nations of THE—FORMER—WARSAW Pact to join in a "partnership for peace".
19940110             —RESUMED, Talks between Israeli and PALESTINE—NEGOTIATORS, in TABA—EGYPT.
19940110             —CHARGED, MANASSAS—VIRGINIA, Lorena Bobbitt went on trial, with malicious wounding of her husband, John.
19940110             —ACQUITTED, She had cut off her husband's penis and was, by reason of temporary insanity.
19950110             —DECLARED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, FLOOD—STRICKEN areas of CALIFORNIA major disaster areas.
19950110             —ANNOUNCED, RUSSIA, a 48-hour truce in breakaway Chechnya, but THE—CEASE—FIRE fell apart —AFTER 1—FEW hours.
19960109             He declared 19960110              as 1—VOODOO holiday.
19960109             —DECLARED, BENIN—PRESIDENT—NICEPHORO—SOGLO, 19960110              as 1—VOODOO—HOLIDAY.
19960110             —SEIZED, Chechen rebels, as many as 3,000 hostages in THE—RUSSIA—REPUBLIC—OF—DAGESTAN.
19960110             —ALLOWED, RUSSIA—TROOPS, 1—CONVOY—OF—CHECHEN rebels and 160—HOSTAGES to HEAD—FOR—CHECHNYA, then surrounded them in the village of Pervomayskaya.
19970106—19970110    —REACHED, The blast, Earth and
19970110             —ENDED, DALLAS police, their investigation into DALLAS Cowboys stars ERIK—WILLIAMS and MICHAEL—IRVIN, saying 1—WOMAN—CLAIM that Williams raped her —WHILE Irvin held 1—GUN to her head was false.
19970110             —DETECTED, THE—NASA Near Earth Tracking Program, 1—ASTEROID, AC11, that was about 600—FEET across with 1—SUN orbit of 9.5—MONTHS.
19970110             It was the 24. Aten asteroid, 1—GROUP whose orbits all lie within THAT—OF—THE—EARTH.
19970110             —TRAPPED, BULGARIA, protestors, LEGISLATORS—OF—THE—RULING Socialist Party inside PARLIAMENT.
19970110             The economy was still 90% STATE—OWNED and inflation —LAST—YEAR topped 300%.
19970110             —FROM TOKYO it was reported that scientists had successfully implanted MICRO—ROBOTIC backpacks onto cockroaches in experiments to control their movements.
19970110             JAPAN, the Nikkei had fallen more than 16% over the last 5—WEEKS due to gloomy economic news and the government's recent vow to reduce its role in the economy.
19970110             NICARAGUA, Arnoldo Aleman began a 5-year term as PRESIDENT.
19980020—19190110    —AM, Als in den Januartagen 19190000              der Bolschewismus BERLIN erobert hatte und in allen grossen Industriegebieten seine Herrschaft aufrichtete, da fand in den Räumen des AERO—KLUBS—VON—BERLIN 1—SITZUNG führender Industrieller, Bankherren + Großkaufleute statt unter Vorsitz des Bankiers MANKIEWITZ, BEI DER DER VERFASSER DIESES BUCHES 1—ZWEISTÜNDIGES—REFERAT—HIELT.
19980110             —DENOUNCED, In his weekly radio address, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, CHICAGO physicist RICHARD—SEED'S expressed desire to clone humans, calling it "morally unacceptable".
19980110             Michelle Kwan won the ladies' USA—FIGURE Skating Championship in PHILADELPHIA;
19980110             Tara Lipinski came in 2. and Nicole Bobek, 3.
19980110             CHINA, a 6.2—EARTHQUAKE hit Zhangbei County in NORTH—HEBEI province and 50—PEOPLE were reported killed and over 11,440 injured.
19980110             The quake reportedly left cracks in the Great Wall.
19980110             —ACCUSED, ZAMBIA, 1—COURT filing, KENNETH—KAUNDA of paying army officers $270 to stage 1—OCTOBER coup, promising another $13,300 if the insurrection was successful.
19990110             —DISAGREED, Republicans and Democrats, over whether to call witnesses in PRESIDENT—CLINTON—IMPEACHMENT—TRIAL, with Republicans pressing to hear testimony from Monica Lewinsky and others, and Democrats saying such testimony could unnecessarily prolong the proceedings.
19990110             —PLANNED, CHECHNYA, PRESIDENT—ASLAN—MASKHADOV, to adopt 1—CONSTITUTION based on the Koran and phase in sharia law over 3—YEARS.
19990110             COLOMBIA, The United SELF—DEFENSE—FORCES, RIGHT—WING death squads, killed 8—PEOPLE in Toluviejo, and 20—PEOPLE in La Hormiga.
19990110             —BOMBED, CONGO allies, KISANGANI and aid workers said 40—PEOPLE were killed.
19990110             —CRASHED, NEW—DELHI, 3—RICH—YOUNG—MEN, into 7—PEOPLE standing along 1—EMPTY—STREET.
19990110             —CHARGED, They were, with barreling down 1—STREET and hitting 3—POLICE—OFFICERS and 3—LABORERS —WHILE driving home —AFTER 1—ALL—NIGHT—PARTY in what became called THE—BMW case.
19990110             3—OTHER—DEFENDANTS faced charges of destroying evidence.
19990110             —SCHEDULED, KAZAKSTAN, presidential elections were.
19990110             —RIGGED, Nazarbayev won another 7-year term in, elections tinged with repression.
19990110             † SIERRA—LEONE, MYLES—TIERNEY, 34—JAHRE—ALT, 1—AP—TV—PRODUCER, was killed in FREETOWN by 1—REBEL—FIGHTER.
19990110             —WOUNDED, Another AP journalist was.
19990110             ZIMBABWE, journalists RAY—CHOTO and MARK—CHAVUNDUKA wrote that 23—OFFICERS had been arrested for plotting 1—COUP.
19990110—20080000    —IN, 1—COURT—CONVICTED—SANJEEV—NANDA, 30—JAHRE—ALT, THE—SON—OF—1—WEALTHY—INDIA—ARMS—DEALER, of manslaughter and sentenced him to 5—YEARS in prison.
20000110             —BEKANNT, AOL und Time Warner geben ihre Fusionsabsicht.
20000110             Das neue Unternehmen soll AOL Time Warner heißen.
20000110             —RECESSED, Peace talks between ISRAEL and Syria, in WEST—VIRGINIA without agreement on new borders or ANY—OTHER—MAJOR—ELEMENTS—OF—1—LAND—FOR—PEACE—TREATY.
20000110             —AGREED, Time Warner, to be acquired by AOL in 1—MERGER valued at $160—162—BILLION.
20000110             —ORDERED, FLORIDA, JUDGE—ROSA—GONZALEZ, that Elian Gonzalez remain in THE—USA—UNTIL 1—MARCH—COURT—DATE to hear arguments by the boy's relatives in MIAMI for Elian to remain in THE—USA.
20000110             —ANNOUNCED, ECUADOR, that its currency, THE—SUCRE, would be replaced with THE—USA—DOLLAR.
20000110             —PLUNGED, THE—SUCRE —RECENTLY, to 29,000 to the dollar.
20000110             —AGREED, INDIA, to dismantle its largest single barrier to agriculture, textile and consumer product imports in 1—DEAL negotiated with THE—USA.
20000110             —AGREED, INDIA, to lift over 1,400 specific restrictions, half of which would be implemented within 3—MONTHS.
20000110             —PLUNGED, PERU, 1—PASSENGER—BUS, into the Mantaro River 90—MILES—NORTH—EAST—OF—LIMA and at least 27—PEOPLE were killed.
20000110             SOUTH—AFRICAN—THERE, was 1—ROCK—FALL at the African Rainbow Minerals gold mine.
20000110             9—MINERS were rescued —AFTER—4—DAYS, but 4 were found dead and 2 were feared dead.
20000110             —CRASHED, SWITZERLAND, 1—CROSSAIR—SAAB 340—AIRPLANE, —AFTER takeoff from ZURICH and all 10—PEOPLE aboard were killed.
20000110             I disagree with THE—POST—ASSERTION that WEN—HO—LEE—INDEFINITE
20000110             prison officials and exchanged gifts--he traded 1—COPY—OF his father's book for a...
20000110             -NucNews-I disagree with THE—POST—ASSERTION that WEN—HO—LEE—INDEFINITE... prison officials and exchanged gifts--he traded 1—COPY—OF his father's book for a...
20000110—20030000    —AUTHORED, ALEC—KLEIN, "Stealing Time: STEVE—CASE, JERRY—LEVIN, and the Collapse of AOL Time Warner".
20000110—20040000    —AUTHORED, Nina Munk, "Fools Rush In," 1—ACCOUNT—OF—THE—MERGER.
20010101—20020110    —JAHR—BIS Edition
20010101—20020110    Edition Administrator, OFFICE—OF—INFORMATION and Regulatory Affairs, JOHN—D—GRAHAM,
20010110             Die Staatspräsidenten Heyd?r ?liyev, Aserbaidschan und Wladimir Putin, Russland, vereinbaren politische, wirtschaftliche und militärische Zusammenarbeit.
20010110             —MOVED, PRESIDENT—ELECT Bush, quickly in search of 1—NEW—CANDIDATE for labor SECRETARY —AFTER the abrupt withdrawal of his 1. choice, Linda Chavez.
20010110             —RECEIVED, Bush and his national security team, 1—TOP—SECRET—PENTAGON briefing on military challenges —AROUND the world.
20010110             —REJECTED, The agency had, calls to cap soaring energy prices in CALIFORNIA.
20010110             —WARNED, LA Mayor RICHARD—RIORDAN, GOVERNOR—DAVIS that he would cut off the sale of surplus power to the state, unless LA was paid in advance.
20010110             NEVADA, COUNTY—CALIFORNIA, SCOTT—HARLAN—THORPE, 40—JAHRE—ALT killed 3—PEOPLE, including Laura Wilcox (19), and wounded 2—OTHERS at THE—NEVADA County Behavioural Health clinic —BEFORE he was apprehended by police near Smartville.
20010110             —REFUSED, Thorpe had, to take medication and could not be force to do so under 19670000             —THE—LANTERMAN—PETRIS—SHORT—STATE—LAW.
20010110             —CALLED, USA—AIRLINES (AMR), its plan to acquire Trans World Airlines (TWA) beneficial to consumers.
20010110             —APPROVED, TWA—BOARD, plans for bankruptcy and accept the buyout offer.
20010110             TWA had used S—LOUIS as 1—HUB.
20010110             —REPORTED, It was, that some 18,000 AFGHANISTAN—REFUGEES had crossed the border into PAKISTAN in recent weeks.
20010110             CHINA sent rats into orbit aboard its "Sacred Ship" Shenzhou II, powered by 1—LONG—MARCH—ROCKET.
20010110             —RESCUED, COLOMBIA, soldiers, 56—HOSTAGES held by ELN guerrillas outside Barbosa.
20010110             —COLLIDED, In THE—REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO 2—FREIGHT trains, near Nvoungouti station and at least 30—PEOPLE were killed.
20010110             —CREATED, GERMANY, CHANCELLOR—SCHROEDER, 1—NEW—SUPER—MINISTRY for food, agriculture and consumer protection to combat mad cow disease.
20010110             —CRASHED, INDONESIA, searchers found 1, navy plane in the dense jungle of Irian Jaya and confirmed the death of 10—PEOPLE.
20010110             —EXTENDED, INDONESIA, 1—TRUCE in Aceh province —AFTER separatists agreed at talks in SWITZERLAND to halt fighting for 1—MONTH.
20010110             MEXICO, the government shut down a 3. military base in Chiapas.
20010110—20000000    —IN, 1—BILL—AB1421 named "LAURA—LAW," was pending to address the issue.
20010110—20020000    —SIGNED, GOVERNOR—GRAY—DAVIS, LAURA—LAW allowing for COURT—ORDERED assisted outpatient treatment or forced ANTI—PSYCHOTICS in most cases.
20010119             The sanctions also fail to stop the illegal trade network the Taliban is secretly running through Ariana (see Mid-19960000200110       00—DATE ).
20020110             TODD—ELDREDGE won his 6. USA—FIGURE Skating Championship title.
20020110             —REVEALED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE, that Enron Corp. had sought the administration's help shortly —BEFORE collapsing with the life SAVINGS—OF—MANY—WORKERS.
20020110             1—USA—MILITARY—TRANSPORT took off carrying al Qaeda and Taliban prisoners to THE—USA—GUANTANAMO—BAY naval base in CUBA.
20020110             —CALLED, Prisoners were set up in 1—AREA, Camp X-Ray.
20020110             USA—ENERGY—SECRETARY—SPENCER—ABRAHAM said he found THE—NEVADA site at Yucca Mountain "scientifically sound and suitable" as 1—NUCLEAR—WASTE—REPOSITORY.
20020110             ETHAN—ZOHN, 27—JAHRE—ALT was the latest million dollar "Survivor" winner.
20020110             —CRASHED, An F—16, near the Garden STATE—PARKWAY in NEW—JERSEY.
20020110             —EJECTED, The pilot, safely.
20020110             —ATTACKED, AFGHANISTAN, gunmen, THE—KANDAHAR airport as 1—USA—MILITARY—TRANSPORT took off carrying al Qaeda and Taliban prisoners to THE—USA—GUANTANAMO—BAY naval base in CUBA.
20020110             —ORDERED, The government had, checking deposits of $10k and savings over $3k switched to FIXED—TERM—DEPOSITS and OUT—OF—REACH for at least 1—YEAR.
20020110             —LIFTED, CHECHNYA, RUSSIA—TROOPS, 1—WEEKLONG blockade of Argun.
20020110             COLOMBIA, PRESIDENT—PASTRANA sent troops to the demilitarized zone occupied by THE—FARC.
20020110             GABON, 1—MEDICAL—TEAM fled the site of 1—EBOLA outbreak —FOLLOWING threats —AFTER they insisted that villagers not touch corpses at funerals.
20020110             The Islamic Jihad said it would resume attacks as PALESTINE—POLICE arrested 2—OF—ITS—MEMBERS
20020110             So far, about 3—DOZEN multinationals, factories + oil companies have undertaken...
20020110             1—TOTAL—OF—371—ARE in USA custody, with 19—REMAINING in Bagram...
20020110             Il'amo d'Explosivos Alaveses...
20020110             Drug War Chronicle, Issue # 371 -..including the notorious RAFAEL CARO QUINTERO...
20020110             HERE—WHY... - 15% interest held by Arcadi GAYDAMAK in AFRICAN—ISRAEL for USA $75—MILLION.
20020110             "Things are definitely not improving," said 1—USA government official who reads the...
20020110             Unnamed officials from 2—DIFFERENT—USA—GOVERNMENT—AGENCIES have told that
20020110             LOOKSMART—FURL—THE wflamme Archive
20020110             Australien bekräftigt Nein zum KYOTO—PROTOKOLL
20020110             Insgesamt stieß der... said the Government needed to encourage people to contribute to a "universal effort".
20020110             —ENACTED, PRESIDENT—MUGABE, sweeping security and election laws to clamp down on critics and limit election monitoring.
20020110             Iden Wetherell, EDITOR—OF—THE—ZIMBABWE—INDEPENDENT, was arrested along with 2—STAFF—MEMBERS on charges of defaming Mugabe.
20020110             Australien bekräftigt Nein zum KYOTO — Protokoll
20020110             1—TOTAL—OF—371—ARE in USA custody, with 19—REMAINING in Bagram...
20020110—20150000    —BY, 1—CIA—REPORT said CHINA, NORTH—KOREA and IRAN will probably have LONG—RANGE—MISSILE—CAPABLE—OF reaching THE—USA.
20020910             —RELEASED, Sadler was, 20030110           .
20030110             Nordkorea erklärt seinen Austritt aus dem Atomwaffensperrvertrag.
20030110             —REPORTED, THE—USA—LABOR—DEPARTMENT, that 101,000 jobs were lost in December with 8.6—MILLION (6%) officially unemployed.
20030110             With —JUST 3—DAYS left in office, ILLINOIS GOVERNOR—GEORGE—RYAN pardoned 4—DEATH—ROW—INMATES he said had been tortured by CHICAGO police into falsely confessing to murders in the 1980's.
20030110             1—AUSTRALIA—EUTHANASIA—CAMPAIGNER complained that customs officials seized 1—MACHINE he designed to help people kill themselves as he prepared to BOARD—1—FLIGHT to THE—USA.
20030110             BENIN—NATIONAL—VOODOO—DAY drew about 12,000—PEOPLE.
20030110             Djiboutians chose 1—NEW 65-seat PARLIAMENT in elections.
20030110             The bloc of 4—PARTIES known as the Union for the Presidential Majority, or UMP, won 62.7—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE to 37.3—PERCENT for THE—4—PARTY—OPPOSITION—ALLIANCE known as the Union for 1—DEMOCRATIC—ALTERNATIVE.
20030110             —PROPOSED, The European Union, 1—DIPLOMATIC—INITIATIVE to avoid war against IRAQ and increased pressure on WASHINGTON to pursue 1—PEACEFUL—SOLUTION to the crisis over IRAQ—ARMS—PROGRAMS.
20030110             —BLOCKED, IRAQ, all e-mail services —FOLLOWING 1—BATCH—OF—MESSAGES from disguised USA—AGENCIES urging dissent and military defections.
20030110             —RESTORED, SOME—SERVICE was, the next —DAY.
20030110             —ANNOUNCED, NORTH—KOREA, that it was pulling out of the Nuclear NON—PROLIFERATION—TREATY.
20030110             —REPORTED, It was, that 1 estimated 3,000 PAKISTAN—BOYS are sold EACH—YEAR to the gulf states to work as camel jockeys.
20030110             VENEZUELA, OPPONENTS—OF—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ took to the streets as 1—BANK—STRIKE prompted authorities to suspend dollar auctions for a 2. —DAY in 1—ROW—AFTER VENEZUELA—CURRENCY fell.
2003041401105        He proceeded to deliver 1—HAWK—GUIDE to THE—FUTURE—OF—THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20040110             Michelle Kwan won her 7. straight title and 8. overall at THE—USA—FIGURE Skating Championships in ATLANTA;
20040110             —SKATED, JOHNNY—WEIR, to his 1. men's title.
20040110             —DISAPPEARED, Spalding Gray (62), morose humorist, in NEW—YORK—CITY.
20040110             His body was found in THE—EAST—RIVER in March.
20040110             † ALEXANDRA—RIPLEY, 70—JAHRE—ALT, novelist, in RICHMOND—VIRGINIA.
20040110             —COMPLETED, Fiona Thornewill (37), 1—UK—WOMAN, her unaided solo hike to THE—SOUTH—POLE in record time.
20040110             She walked 700—MILES in 42—DAYS broking the previous record of 44—DAYS for 1 unaided individual or team for walking or skiing.
20040110             —REPORTED, CHINA, a 3. suspected SARS infection involved a 35—YEAR—OLD—MAN in Guangdong province.
20040110             THE—INTERNATIONAL—YEAR for THE—COMMEMORATION—OF—THE—STRUGGLE—AGAINST Slavery and its Abolition coincides with the 200-year ANNIVERSARY—OF—HAITI, the 1. independent black STATE—IN—THE—WEST—HEMISPHERE.
20040110             1—USA—ANTI—TERROR—TEAM arrived in MAURITANIA.
20040110             NORTH—KOREA said it had shown its "nuclear deterrent" to 1—UNOFFICIAL—USA—DELEGATION that visited the disputed Yongbyon nuclear complex.
20040110             —ARRESTED, PANAMA—OFFICIALS, Arcangel de Jesus Henao Montoya, 1—TOP—LEADER—OF—THE—COLOMBIAN—NORTE—DE—VALLE drug cartel, in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—TORTI and took him to PANAMA—CITY.
20040110             —HANDED, He was soon, over to USA—OFFICIALS.
20040110             † In THE—PHILIPPINES 3—REBELS and 4—SOLDIERS—WHEN the guerrilla New PEOPLE—ARMY attacked 1—POWER—PLANT—SOUTH—OF—MANILA.
20040110             1—CONFERENCE on USA—ISLAMIC—RELATIONS began in QATAR.
20040110—20110000    —IN, film director STEVEN—SODERBERGH culled clips from 90—HOURS—OF—GRAY source material to produce the documentary: And Everything Is Going Fine".
20040928             /agenda2004/a4_20040110             .pdf" Cartel y manifiesto con firmas de los convocantes</A>
20041000             Klimaschutz Moskau stimmt KYOTO—PROTOKOLL zu-
20041013—20050110    —ON, —2—WEEKS—AFTER the device's approval took effect, TOMMY—THOMPSON left his Cabinet post, and within 5—MONTHS was 1—BOARD—MEMBER—OF—VERICHIP—CORP. and Applied Digital Solutions.
20041207             03-F-0342 / A1. HORN, MARION JUNIOR 20030110        .
20050101—20050110    —ENTSTANDEN, ESA Panorama: Mosaik mehrerer ENVISAT—BILDER, die, sind.
20050110             ITALIEN, wird das Rauchverbot auf Räume in öffentlichen Gebäuden, Restaurants, Gaststätten, Bars, Cafés und Kneipen ausgeweitet.
20050110             —EXTENDED, Officials, the initial 20050101              date for THE—BENEFIT—OF—NEW—YEAR revelers.
20050110             —ISSUED, CBS, 1—DAMNING independent REVIEW—OF—MISTAKES related to a "60—MINUTES—WEDNESDAY" report, aired by DAN—RATHER, on PRESIDENT—BUSH—NATIONAL—GUARD—SERVICE and fired 3—NEWS—EXECUTIVES and 1—PRODUCER for their "myopic zeal" in rushing it to air.
20050110             —PROPOSED, GOVERNOR—SCHWARZENNEGER, an $85.7—BILLION CALIFORNIA state budget with cuts in programs to the poor, elderly and disabled to help close a $9.1—BILLION deficit.
20050110             —PLEADED, Randall W. Harding, guilty to money laundering and wire fraud charges as PART—OF—1—SCAM that authorities say bilked investors from Palm Springs to ORANGE County, including church members at Crossroads CHRISTIAN—CHURCH in RIVERSIDE—CALIFORNIA.
20050110             1—MUDSLIDE at La Conchita in Ventura COUNTY—CALIFORNIA, crushed over 15—HOMES and killed 10—PEOPLE.
20050110             GlaxoSmithKline PLC said that Bayer Healthcare AG has paid more than 200—MILLION—EUROS ($260—MILLION) for sole marketing rights outside THE—USA for the erectile dysfunction drug Levitra.
20050110             † SPENCER—DRYDEN, 66—JAHRE—ALT, FORMER—JEFFERSON Airplane drummer, in PETALUMA—CALIFORNIA.
20050110             —WRAPPED, The African Union's (AU) Peace and Security Council, up its inaugural meeting unexpectedly quickly here with 1—SERIES—OF—RESOLUTIONS on the continent's main flashpoints, including IVORY—COAST, Democratic REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO and SUDAN—DARFUR region.
20050110             —AGREED, CANADA and NIGERIA, to terms under which THE—CANADA—INTERNATIONAL—DEVELOPMENT—AGENCY is to provide 24.9—MILLION—CANADA—DOLLARS (20.4—MILLION—USA) for health projects in THE—WEST—AFRICAN country.
20050110             —FIRED, CONGO security forces, bullets and tear gas at demonstrators burning tires in CONGO—CAPITAL, killing at 4—PEOPLE among thousands protesting 1—GOVERNMENT—DECISION to delay upcoming national elections.
20050110             CUBA said it was resuming formal ties with ALL—OF—EUROPE, ending 1—DEEP freeze in relations —FOLLOWING a 20030000              crackdown on dissidents and THE—FIRING—SQUAD—EXECUTIONS—OF—3—MEN who tried to hijack 1—FERRY.
20050110             —GRANTED, INDIA—SUPREME—COURT, bail to Jayendra Saraswathi, 1—OF—HINDUISM—MOST venerated clerics, —AFTER he spent nearly 2—MONTHS in jail in connection with THE—MURDER—OF—1—TEMPLE official.
20050110             Former monastery official Sankaraman, said to be 1—BITTER—CRITIC—OF—THE—TOP—CLERIC, was hacked to death in 1—ANCIENT temple in Kanchi in September.
20050110             1—BUS—DRIVER apparently lost CONTROL—OF—HIS—VEHICLE and it plunged into 1—CANAL killing 57—PEOPLE in SOUTH—INDIA.
20050110             —ASSASSINATED, IRAQ, gunmen, BAGHDAD—DEPUTY—POLICE—CHIEF and his son.
20050110             Badener Zeitung Intern
20050110             Der Sog des Wassers hat mich wie 1—RAKETE mitgerissen"RICHARD—LADKANI schildert seinen Gang durch die Hölle ???
20050110             Plötzlich... - 1—HUGE roadside bomb in SOUTH—WEST—BAGHDAD destroyed 1—USA armored vehicle and killed 2—USA—SOLDIERS.
20050110             New ITALY—LEGISLATION went into effect to stop smoking in restaurants and bars.
20050110             stabliste.DE—TEAMGUIDE:Suchergebnis - RICHARD—LADKANI ( München ).Kamera
20050110             Details zur Person.
20050110             RICHARD—LADKANI 80805 München Deutschland, Kamera eit 19970000              E-Mail, >>> Details zur Person.
20050110             Volker Langhoff.
20050110             —KILLED, KUWAIT, 1—SHOOTOUT, 2—POLICEMAN and 1—SUSPECT they were chasing in 1—SUBURB—OF—THE—CAPITAL.
20050110             —DECLARED, UKRAINE—ELECTION—COMMISSION, VIKTOR—YUSHCHENKO the winner of the presidential vote.
20050110             1—ONLINE portfolio featuring the latest WORK—OF—DIRECTOR—OF—PHOTOGRAPHY—RICHARD—LADKANI
20050110             —DECLARED, VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—CHAVEZ, that farmland nationwide would be inspected and SOME—OF—IT given to the poor, expanding agrarian reforms with 1—PLEDGE to fight "the large estates".
20050110             richard ladkani, ladkani, donauklšster, tibet, flucht über den...
20050110             MILLIONS GIVEN TO OSAMA—BIN—LADEN...
20050110             terrorist threat in the world + if OSAMA—BIN—LADEN has been lying low in 1—REMOTE—PART—OF—AFGHANISTAN,
20050110             it is... FORMER—CIA—OFFICIAL—GENE—GATELY agrees..
20050110             This —YEAR GENE—GATELY '53, back from AFGHANISTAN + THE—CIA, gave us a 1.—HAND report.
20050110             Over the years. E. AFRICAN—BOMBINGS—REPORT...
20050110             but for —NOW he is believed to be beyond reach in AFGHANISTAN... LADEN—GROUP—LONG—BEFORE the embassy bombings," said GENE—GATELY, 1—RETIRED—CIA—OFFICIAL who...
20050110             Edward S Hunter...
20050110             Via Media METHODISTS—HOME - Gathering Place for Moderate +...
20050110             the finances for Scaife was ROBERT—GENE—GATELY, 1—CIA... official, the senior LEADERSHIP—OF—THE—CIA had had... up for the core program in AFGHANISTAN --PRE—APPROVED...
20050110             NLS/BPH: Talking Book Topics, July-20040800             ..
20050110             the World RC 55924 by IAIN—GATELY read by Bill... 60—MINUTES—PRODUCER relates THE—CIA—SECRET—WAR... DOUGLAS—MACARTHUR—FORCES, Navy LIEUTENANT—GENE—CLARK and
20050110             Ventura — KUSH00.CHP
20050110             Kansi was 1—CIA—INFORMANT —DURING the war + —NOW is under protection among followers of the rabidly ANTI—WEST—HEKMATYAR.
20050110             It was also AFGHANISTAN where the.
20050110             —BESTREITET, Prozess gegen USA—SOLDATEN: Anwalt, Folter in ABU—GHUREIB
20050110             TSUNAMI—KATASTROPHE: POLITIKER—BESUCHE blockieren Fluthilfe - COLIN—CROCODILE—TEARS for Sumatra:
20050110             I can't wait for COLIN—POWELL to disappear.
20050110             He will do so in 1—COUPLE—WEEKS,
20050110             probably to reemerge sometime in the future as 1—PRESIDENTIAL—CANDIDATE or 1—FRONT—MAN for the plutocrats who rule Congress.
20050110             The 'tsunami' victims that we don't count:
20050110             IRAQ, we kill off thousands, perhaps tens of THOUSANDS—OF—INNOCENT—CIVILIANS with our own hands + we reject ANY—ATTEMPT to comprehend what we have done.
20050110             Countless IRAQ—CIVILIANS are homeless.
20050110             We call it liberation. The right to rule ourselves:
20050110             —DENIED, For nearly 1—CENTURY, democracy has been, to the Arabs by the west.
20050110             There is little SIGN—OF—THAT changing
20050110             Gulf War victims overpaid by $5—BILLION: UN auditors:
20050110             THE—UNITED—NATIONS overpaid by as much as $5—BILLION to individuals,
20050110             companies and Gulf states for losses in IRAQ's 19900000              invasion and occupation of KUWAIT, auditors' documents showed —ON—SUNDAY.
20050110             Gonzales is unfit to be AG:
20050110             —CONDONED, Gonzales has, 1—RELAXATION—OF—THE—LEGAL—DEFINITION—OF—THE—WORD—TORTURE so that such torments as half drowning 1—MAN,
20050110             setting needles under his fingernails, or locking him on 1—CONCRETE—FLOOR in 1—FETAL position —FOR—24—HOURS or longer are no longer considered to be torture in 1—LEGAL—CONTEXT.
20050110             Gonzales: Not with 1—BANG but 1—WHIMPER:
20050110             As the protest against BUSH—CERTIFICATION fell flat and they rolled over for Gonzales, it was 1—DAY—OF—HUMILIATION and futility for Democrats.
20050110             —FAILED, Gonzales, 1. truth test:
20050110             —MISSED, Once again The Republic has, the point.
20050110             It is not the memo that Alberto Gonzales wrote to PRESIDENT—BUSH that disqualifies him as ATTORNEY—GENERAL.
20050110             It is his chronic DENIAL—OF—RESPONSIBILITY for THE—ABU—GHRAIB atrocity and all the backlashes it generated.
20050110             —IGNORED, Gonzalez confirmation hearing, USA / JORDAN torture links
20050110             —HELPED, It was Gonzales who, craft SOME—OF—THE—ADMINISTRATION—WORST—DOMESTIC—DECISIONS,
20050110             including the indefinite detention, without access to lawyers, of USA—CITIZENS—JOSE Padilla + Yaser Esam Hamdi.
20050110             With their country preparing for the presidency of the G8, UK—OFFICIALS are on 1—MARATHON for depicting their country as 1—CARETAKER—OF—THE—INTEREST—OF—THE—WORLD—POOREST nations
20050110             'THE—SALVADOR—OPTION':
20050110             THE—USA, Estes, who has researched world social development —FOR—30—YEARS,
20050110             found the pace of social development to be "on hold"
20050110             PRESIDENT—LAVISH—INAUGURATION is 'obscene' —WHEN USA—TROOPS are dying in IRAQ war, say critics
20050110             Congress passes `doomsday' plan:
20050110             —PASSED, With no fanfare, THE—USA—HOUSE has, 1—CONTROVERSIAL doomsday provision that would allow 1—HANDFUL—OF—LAWMAKERS to run Congress if 1—TERRORIST—ATTACK or major disaster killed or incapacitated large numbers of congressmen.
20050110             MAX—HASTINGS: Phoney war:
20050110             —STOPPED, It's about time our leaders, playing political games and accepted that 'INTERNATIONAL terror' cannot be defeated by conventional military means
20050110             Let OSAMA—BIN—LADEN stay free, says CIA man:
20050110             THE world may be better off if OSAMA—BIN—LADEN remains at large, according to THE—CIA—RECENTLY departed executive director.
20050110             Cocaine —NOW cheaper than 1—CAPPUCCINO:
20050110             THE—FAILURE—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT—POLICY to stem drug imports is revealed —TODAY by research which shows that BRITAIN is awash with cheap drugs,
20050110             with 1—LINE—OF cocaine —NOW costing less than 1—CAPPUCCINO.
20050110             INDIA finds a $40bn friend in IRAN:
20050110             INDIA—OIL—DIPLOMACY took 1—GIANT leap forward —ON—FRIDAY—WHEN NEW—DELHI unveiled 1—MULTIBILLION—DOLLAR—DEAL with IRAN and RUSSIA that will be crucial to INDIA—LONG—TERM—ENERGY—SECURITY
20050110             CHINA—ENERGY—GIANT—CNOOC is planning 1—MAJOR—ACQUISITION which could hugely boost its ASIA—ASSETS, reports say
20050110             We do not condone torture':
20050110             —ASKED, JUDGE—RICHARD—LEON, Deputy Associate ATTORNEY—GENERAL—BRIAN—BOYLE whether detention is legal if the evidence on which detainees are being held was extracted entirely through torture.
20050110             "Torture is illegal," said the judge.
20050110             "We all know that". GUANTANAMO: 3—YEARS on:
20050110             —TODAY is THE—ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—FOUNDING—OF—AMERICA—PRISON—CAMP for 'enemy combatants' + despite EVIDENCE—OF—SYSTEMATIC—ABUSE and widespread INTERNATIONAL condemnation it looks set to stay open
20050110             UKRAINE orders troops home from IRAQ:
20050110             —ORDERED, UKRAINE—OUTGOING PRESIDENT has, officials to draw up plans to withdraw the country's 1,600 troops home from IRAQ in the 1. half of 20050000              —AFTER 8—OF—ITS—SOLDIERS were killed in 1—BLAST.
20050110             EL—SALVADOR—STYLE 'death squads' to be deployed by USA against IRAQ militants:
20050110             Under THE—SO—CALLED "EL—SALVADOR option", Iraqi and USA—FORCES would be sent to kill or kidnap insurgency leaders,
20050110             even in Syria, where SOME—ARE thought to shelter.
20050110             AMERICA—DEATH—SQUADS : They're murdering innocents in IRAQ: 6—MONTHS in jail — for 1—WANTON murder.
20050110             That's fair, —NOW isn't it?
20050110             Warning From 1—STUDENT—OF—DEMOCRACY—COLLAPSE
20050110             FRITZ STERN, 1—REFUGEE from HITLER—GERMANY and 1—LEADING scholar of European history,
20050110             startled several of his listeners —WHEN he warned in 1—SPEECH about the danger posed in this country by the rise of the Christian right.
20050110             In his address in ;;11;;, —JUST—AFTER he received 1—PRIZE presented by THE—GERMANY—FOREIGN—MINISTER,
20050110             he told his audience that Hitler saw himself as "THE—INSTRUMENT—OF—PROVIDENCE" and fused his "racial dogma with 1—GERMANIC—CHRISTIANITY".
20050110             "SOME—PEOPLE recognized the moral perils of mixing religion and politics," he said of prewar GERMANY,
20050110             "but MANY—MORE were seduced by it.
20050110             It was THE—PSEUDO—RELIGIOUS—TRANSFIGURATION—OF—POLITICS that largely ensured his success,
20050110             notably in Protestant areas".
20050110             USA—PUBLIKUMSLIEBLINGE: MICHAEL—MOORE ganz knapp vor Jesus
20050110             FASCHISTEN—GRUß: Kommunisten fordern Anklage gegen Di Canio - ESKIMO—WORKSHOP: Iglu zum Selbersägen
20050110             OLIVENÖL—KUR: Mediterrane Kost schützt vor Krebs
20050110             Kampf gegen Aufständische im Irak: Pentagon erwägt SALVADOR—OPTION
20050110             Die Fähigkeit zur Sprachunterscheidung sei beim Menschen die Voraussetzung für den Spracherwerb.
20050110             Da Ratten keine menschliche Sprache erlernen können, vermuten die Forscher,
20050110             dass es sich hier wohl um 1—NEBENPRODUKT generell hoch entwickelter Wahrnehmungsfähigkeiten handele.
20050110             —SCHON—NACH—DEM Hören weniger Worte können Menschen 1—SPRACHE identifizieren, selbst wenn sie diese gar nicht beherrschen.
20050110             Diese Fähigkeit gilt als wichtige Voraussetzung für das Erlernen einer Sprache.
20050110             Doch auch Ratten sind in der Lage, verschiedene Mundarten zu erkennen, wie spanische Wissenschaftler —JETZT herausgefunden haben.
20050110             Die Nagetiere können sogar zwischen Holländisch und Japanisch unterscheiden.
20050110             Ratten erkennen 1—SPRACHE am Rhythmus und an der Intonation, berichten JUAN—TORO und seine Kollegen vom Parc Cientific in BARCELONA im Fachmagazin "Journal of Experimental Psychology:
20050110             Animal Behavior Processes" (Ausg. 31, NUMBER 1). "Es war verblüffend zu sehen,
20050110             dass Ratten bestimmte Strukturen wahrnehmen können, die offensichtlich bei der Sprachentwicklung des Menschen eine wichtige Rolle spielen", sagte der Hirnforscher.
20050110             Öl für Lebensmittel": Prüfer stellen enorme Schlampereien bei der Uno fest
20050110             USA: Schwerer Wintersturm fordert mehrere Tote
20050110             Überraschung: Ratten können Sprachen erkennen
20050110             Sparsame Deutsche: 3. Krisenjahr für Restaurants und Kneipen
20050110             And the Racist Drug War. by BOB—FRITAKIS. Dissident Voice.
20050110             20030422             . - The only reason GEORGE—W—BUSH.
20050110             ;;12;;, 20010000              COLUMBUS Alive...
20050110             Shows THE—FLORIDA data. BOB—FRITAKIS at Free Press.Found here:
20050110             Lilliths REALM—ATPC - NOTES and REFERENCES...
20050110             Alma in GREECE; Fiat and Inveco in ITALY;
20050110             Alphasafety in LUXEMBOURG; DAF Special Products Division in THE—NETHERLANDS;
20050110             Nauteknik Defence & Security in NORWAY...
20050110             20041219... - DAF Special Products Division in THE—NETHERLANDS; Nauteknik Defence & Security in NORWAY;
20050110             Bravia -- Sodedade LUSO—BRASILEIRA & ITB in PORTUGAL ; DEFEX + Santa - 20050106...
20050110             DAF Special Products Division in THE—NETHERLANDS;
20050110             Nauteknik Defence & Security in NORWAY; Bravia -- Sodedade Luso... - EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT...
20050110             of accountability in the decision making and the political use of such technologies to disguise THE—LEVEL—OF—VIOLENCE being deployed by state security forces.
20050110             Allerdings hat das Vertrauen von RAYTHEON in die eigene Technik vor kurzem ein wenig gelitten:
20050110             Beim 1. —SEIT—2—JAHREN angesetzten Flugtest 1—VON—DEN—FIRMENINGENIEUREN startklar gemachten Killerrakete blieb das Geschoss wegen eines "unbekannten Fehlers" im Silo sitzen.
20050110             Automatik: Mondlandung mit Waffentechnik
20050110             —ÜBERLEBT, Flutwelle: Mann, 2—WOCHEN im offenen Meer
20050110             WASHINGTON Memo: Hot Topic: How USA Might Disengage in IRAQ
20050110             —BEGINNT, Börsenausblick: USA—ZAHLENREIGEN
20050110             Flutkatastrophe: Fischer ruft zu langfristiger Hilfe auf
20050110             Finanznot: Gewerkschaften planen Ausverkauf von Beteiligungen
20050110             SPD—KLAUSUR: Die Suche nach der großen Linie
20050110             TEXAS to FLORIDA: WHITE—HOUSE—LINKED clandestine operation paid...
20050110             MARCOS and KHASHOGGI set about to create 5—STAR—TRUST 19830000              as 1—MEANS to... who were done in by this fraud,
20050110             namely, people like MAX—CLELAND, Gray Davis, Al... - TRENTO,S. The Power House.
20050110             19920000              20050110             KHASHOGGI ADNAN (199, 261, 369);
20050110             KIM HYUNG WOOK (102, 111); KIMMITT ROBERT M (123.RAMON (270-3, Emerson,S. THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—SAUD.
20050110             19850000              20050110             GRAY GERALD E (74);
20050110             GRAY HARRY JACK (195-7); GRAY ROBERT KEITH (03360000—03480000    ); GRIMSTEAD...KHASHOGGI ADNAN (114,
20050110             307, 361-2, 408); KILLGORE ANDREW I (254-7, 293);
20050110             What Do 20010911              & HEAVEN—GATE—HAVE—IN—COMMON?... - Political FRIENDSTER—ADNAN Khashoggi
20050110             Link ADNAN—KHASHOGGI to: AUSTRALIA—BUSINESS Foundation.
20050110             Political FRIENDSTER—GRAY Davis
20050110             Link Gray Davis to: AUSTRALIA—BUSINESS Foundation.
20050110             THE—BCCI Affair - According to MISTER—GRAY, Rogers officially left THE—WHITE—HOUSE on
20050110             which Bamieh hosted for ADNAN—KHASHOGGI - JOHN—GRAY—DOSSIER
20050110             In order to try and sort these conflicting stories out for myself, I set about seeing what I could find out about Gray and KHASHOGGI...
20050110             Nahost: Mahmud Abbas wird neuer PRÄSIDENT—DER—PALÄSTINENSER
20050110             5—SENATORS + 8—HOUSE Members to Challenge Election:
20050110             4—SENATORS Join Boxer, 7—HOUSE Members Join Conyers
20050110             Democrats to Force Debate on OHIO Results:
20050110             1—SMALL—GROUP—OF—DEMOCRATS agreed —THURSDAY to force House + Senate debates on Election —DAY problems in OHIO —BEFORE letting Congress certify PRESIDENT—BUSH—WIN over SENATOR—JOHN—KERRY in ;;11;;.
20050110             WASHINGTON GOP Demands New GOVERNOR—ELECTION:
20050110             —CHARGED, STATE—REPUBLICANS—WEDNESDAY, that HUNDREDS—OF—PROVISIONAL—BALLOTS may have been counted on Election —DAY without being verified.
20050110             —DENIED, Liberty for HAITI—PRIEST — justice, other political prisoners:
20050110             —AFTER 1—DEMONSTRATION calling for HAITI—RETURN to democracy, THE—PRO—ARISTIDE activist had been arrested,
20050110             beaten by police and needed medical attention.
20050110             They Say They Can LOCK—YOU—UP for Life Without 1—TRIAL:
20050110             SIDNEY—BLUMENTHAL: The neocons have 1—HAND in Aceh, too:
20050110             USA seeks to buy ammunition from TAIWAN as stocks run low —AFTER IRAQ: report:
20050110             THE—USA is planning to buy HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—BULLETS from TAIWAN in the 1. such deal as its supplies are running low —AFTER wars in AFGHANISTAN and IRAQ, 1—REPORT said —THURSDAY.
20050110             USA sent AUSTRALIA—CITIZEN to EGYPT for torture —BEFORE GUANTANAMO:
20050110             USA authorities - New GUANTANAMO abuse cases surface:
20050110             —RELEASED, THE—USA—CIVIL—LIBERTIES—UNION (ACLU), newly obtained documents —ON—WEDNESDAY,
20050110             1—OF which included 1—DISTURBING account of 1—INTERROGATION
20050110             ACLU releases documents of USA TORTURE—OF—DETAINEES by more than 'a few bad apples'
20050110             Aussie official saw abuse: Habib:
20050110             —WATCHED, AN AUSTRALIA—CONSULAR official, USA—GUARDS aggressively subdue and then take "trophy" photographs of alleged AUSTRALIA—TERRORIST—MAMDOUH Habib in PAKISTAN
20050110             RAY—MCGOVERN: Torture: It's —JUST Plain Wrong:
20050110             My professional credentials are in intelligence, but I believe the nomination of Alberto Gonzales for ATTORNEY—GENERAL is 1. and foremost 1—MORAL—ISSUE,
20050110             so I will address it from 1—MORAL—PERSPECTIVE.
20050110             WHITE—HOUSE Won't Release Gonzales Papers:
20050110             —REFUSED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE, —THURSDAY to provide senators additional documents on ATTORNEY—GENERAL nominee Alberto Gonzales' role in the decision to allow aggressive INTERROGATIONS—OF—TERRORISM—DETAINEES.
20050110             Alberto Gonzales has blood on his hands:
20050110             Why in the world should THE—USA—BE saddled with 1—ATTORNEY—GENERAL who,
20050110             —FROM THE—WHITE—HOUSE, framed cockamamie legal policies that sought to make it permissible for USA—FORCES to commit war crimes?
20050110             —LAUGHED, USA—TROOPS ' as Iraqi †':
20050110             1—IRAQ—CIVILIAN has testified that USA—SOLDIERS forced him and his cousin to jump into the River Tigris and laughed as his relative was swept to his death.
20050110             —FLAWED, Revealed:, intelligence exposes the scandal of Belmarsh detainees:
20050110             —IMPRISONED, The case against the foreign terror suspects, in BRITAIN without trial —FOR—3—YEARS is partly founded on flawed and inaccurate intelligence,
20050110             court papers seen by The Independent reveal.
20050110             IRAQ—FRAUD—ELECTIONS: "We are occupied. That is 1—FACT.
20050110             The occupiers have 1—TEAM—OF—IRAQIS willing to work with them.
20050110             —RIGGED, The coming elections will be completely.
20050110             - —AFTER extensive meetings with MANY—PARTIES + people we came to the conclusion that contesting the elections would contribute to the process of legitimising the occupation.
20050110             Televise the funerals and FLAG—DRAPED coffins:
20050110             The injured and dead must appear on television.
20050110             The media must televise the reality of what this war is about:
20050110             the flag draped caskets, the funerals, the grieving, the pain, the crying + the destruction.
20050110             My question is simply this, where is the worlds concern for THE—TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—IRAQ—CHILDREN that have been so completely decimated by THE—USA—INVASION + subsequent occupation of IRAQ?
20050110             DE SION, PRIME—MINISTER, prison, PROMIS software, propaganda - THE—WASHINGTON Monthly
20050110             PROMIS is essentially THE—FATHER—OF—TIA (Total/Terrorist Information Access).
20050110             FORMER—IRAN—SHAH Official Warns USA—OF—TERRORIST—ATTACK.
20050110             The Merevari Expedition 1998
20050110             Badener Zeitung Intern Der Sog des Wassers hat mich wie 1—RAKETE mitgerissen"RICHARD—LADKANI schildert seinen Gang durch die Hölle ???
20050110             stabliste.DE—TEAMGUIDE:Suchergebnis Details zur Person.
20050110             Volker Langhoff. RICHARD—LADKANI—ONLINE—PORTFOLIO
20050110             1—ONLINE portfolio featuring the latest WORK—OF—DIRECTOR—OF—PHOTOGRAPHY—RICHARD—LADKANI
20050110             l adkani, donauklšster, tibet, flucht über den HIMALAYA, kameramann, tellux, romy, sixtinische kapelle, regisseur, klšster, dokumentation...
20050110             "Der nur anderen gepredigte oder auferlegte völlige Gewaltverzicht kaschiert die eigene Aggression + bereitet Gewaltanwendung durch deren Rechtfertigung als Gegengewalt vor".
20050110             MILLIONS GIVEN TO OSAMA—BIN—LADEN... terrorist threat in the world + if OSAMA—BIN—LADEN has been lying low in 1—REMOTE—PART—OF—AFGHANISTAN, it is... FORMER—CIA—OFFICIAL—GENE—GATELY agrees..
20050110             AYA—BLUE—PRINT... present as speakers.
20050110             Over the years.
20050110             www.washingtonpost_com: E. AFRICAN—BOMBINGS—REPORT... but for —NOW he is believed to be beyond reach in AFGHANISTAN... LADEN—GROUP—LONG—BEFORE the embassy bombings," said GENE—GATELY, 1—RETIRED—CIA—OFFICIAL who...
20050110             Washingtonpost_com: Live Online 20030000              World Transcript Archive.
20050110             UKRAINE: Juschtschenko offiziell zum Wahlsieger erklärt
20050110             —BESTREITET, Prozess gegen USA—SOLDATEN: Anwalt, Folter in ABU—GHUREIB - COLIN—CROCODILE—TEARS for Sumatra:
20050110             He will do so in 1—COUPLE—WEEKS, probably to reemerge sometime in the future as 1—PRESIDENTIAL—CANDIDATE or 1—FRONT—MAN for the plutocrats who rule Congress.
20050110             In the meantime, we have to endure the corporate media circus that quotes Powell as he witnesses the devastation of INDONESIA
20050110             The 'tsunami' victims that we don't count : In IRAQ we kill off thousands, perhaps tens of THOUSANDS—OF—INNOCENT—CIVILIANS with our own hands + we reject ANY—ATTEMPT to comprehend what we have done.
20050110             Countless IRAQ—CIVILIANS are homeless. We call it liberation.
20050110             —DENIED, For nearly 00010101—01001231    —CENTURY, democracy has been, to the Arabs by the west.
20050110             Gulf War victims overpaid by $5—BILLION: UN auditors : THE—UNITED—NATIONS overpaid by as much as $5—BILLION to individuals, companies and Gulf states for losses in IRAQ's 19900000              invasion and occupation of KUWAIT, auditors' documents showed on —SUNDAY.
20050110             —CONDONED, Gonzales is unfit to be AG : Gonzales has, 1—RELAXATION—OF—THE—LEGAL—DEFINITION—OF—THE—WORD—TORTURE so that such torments as half drowning 1—MAN, setting needles under his fingernails, or locking him on 1—CONCRETE—FLOOR in 1—FETAL position —FOR—24—HOURS or longer are no longer considered to be torture in 1—LEGAL—CONTEXT.
20050110             Gonzales: Not with 1—BANG but 1—WHIMPER : As the protest against BUSH—CERTIFICATION fell flat and they rolled over for Gonzales, it was 1—DAY—OF—HUMILIATION and futility for Democrats.
20050110             —FAILED, Gonzales, 1. truth test : Once again The Republic has missed the point.
20050110             and legislative junket to ISRAEL to witness 'ANTI—TERROR' exercizes
20050110             Does the Right Remember ABU—GHRAIB—ABUSES?
20050110             —HELPED, It was Gonzales who, craft SOME—OF—THE—ADMINISTRATION—WORST—DOMESTIC—DECISIONS, including the indefinite detention, without access to lawyers, of USA—CITIZENS—JOSE Padilla + Yaser Esam Hamdi.
20050110             Penance or Benevolence?
20050110             USA—OFFICER TELLS—OF—ORDER to Lie in Abuse Probe:
20050110             1—SENIOR—USA—ARMY—OFFICER ordered soldiers to lie to investigators probing 1—INCIDENT in which 2—IRAQ—CIVILIANS were pushed from 1—BRIDGE and 1—MAY have drowned in the Tigris River, 1—ARMY—MAJOR testified
20050110             The Pentagon may put SPECIAL—FORCES—LED assassination or kidnapping teams in IRAQ
20050110             USA ranks 27. in world social progress:
20050110             Bush 'the KING' blows $50m on coronation:
20050110             Let OSAMA—BIN—LADEN stay free, says CIA man : THE world may be better off if OSAMA—BIN—LADEN remains at large, according to THE—CIA—RECENTLY departed executive director.
20050110             Cocaine —NOW cheaper than 1—CAPPUCCINO : THE—FAILURE—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT—POLICY to stem drug imports is revealed —TODAY by research which shows that BRITAIN is awash with cheap drugs, with 1—LINE—OF cocaine —NOW costing less than 1—CAPPUCCINO.
20050110             Halliburton wins drilling tender in IRAN: INDIA finds a $40bn friend in IRAN:
20050110             CHINA oil firm 'plans Unocal bid':
20050110             UKRAINE orders troops home from IRAQ : UKRAINE—OUTGOING PRESIDENT has ordered officials to draw up plans to withdraw the country's 1,600 troops home from IRAQ in the 1. half of 20050000              —AFTER 8—OF—ITS—SOLDIERS were killed in 1—BLAST.
20050110             EL—SALVADOR—STYLE 'death squads' to be deployed by USA against IRAQ militants : Under THE—SO—CALLED "EL—SALVADOR option", Iraqi and USA—FORCES would be sent to kill or kidnap insurgency leaders, even in Syria, where SOME—ARE thought to shelter.
20050110             That's fair, —NOW isn't it? It is if the victim is Iraqi + the murderers are 4—USA—SOLDIERS — that's what 1—MILITARY—COURT—RECENTLY decided + it's 1—VERDICT that tells us everything we need to know about the "liberation" of IRAQ.
20050110             FRITZ STERN, 1—REFUGEE from HITLER—GERMANY and 1—LEADING scholar of European history, startled several of his listeners —WHEN he warned in 1—SPEECH about the danger posed in this country by the rise of the Christian right.
20050110             In his address in November, —JUST—AFTER he received 1—PRIZE presented by THE—GERMANY—FOREIGN—MINISTER, he told his audience that Hitler saw himself as "THE—INSTRUMENT—OF—PROVIDENCE" and fused his "racial dogma with 1—GERMANIC—CHRISTIANITY".
20050110             "SOME—PEOPLE recognized the moral perils of mixing religion and politics," he said of prewar GERMANY, "but MANY—MORE were seduced by it. It was THE—PSEUDO—RELIGIOUS—TRANSFIGURATION—OF—POLITICS that largely ensured his success, notably in Protestant areas".
20050110             THAILAND: Panne bei der Leichenidentifizierung
20050110             Weltrekord: Deutschland —JETZT Nummer 1—BEI Solaranlagen
20050110             Da Ratten keine menschliche Sprache erlernen können, vermuten die Forscher, dass es sich hier wohl um 1—NEBENPRODUKT generell hoch entwickelter Wahrnehmungsfähigkeiten handele.
20050110             Möglicherweise deuteten die Beobachtungen auf 1—ART evolutionären Vorläufer von Sprache hin.
20050110             Ratten erkennen 1—SPRACHE am Rhythmus und an der Intonation, berichten JUAN—TORO und seine Kollegen vom Parc Cientific in BARCELONA im Fachmagazin "Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes" (Ausg.
20050110             31, NUMBER 1). - - "Es war verblüffend zu sehen, dass Ratten bestimmte Strukturen wahrnehmen können, die offensichtlich bei der Sprachentwicklung des Menschen eine wichtige Rolle spielen", sagte der Hirnforscher.
20050110             Nahostkonflikt: ISRAEL begrüßt Abbas' Wahl
20050110             And the Racist Drug War. by BOB—FRITAKIS.
20050110             Dissident Voice. The only reason GEORGE—W—BUSH.
20050110             20050110 20011200              COLUMBUS Alive.
20050110             1—ARTICLE appeared —RECENTLY in 1—PUBLICATION, COLUMBUS Alive by BOB—FRITAKIS + Fritz Chess, titled Stormy WEATHER—THE—GOVERNMENT'S—TOP—SECRET—EFFORTS to.
20050110             Protest Stolen Election 20040000              http:enight.dos.state.fl.us.
20050110             The Merevari Expedition 19980000              KELLOGG NORGE.
20050110             Lilliths REALM—ATPC - NOTES and REFERENCES... Alma in GREECE;
20050110             Fiat and Inveco in ITALY; Alphasafety in LUXEMBOURG;
20050110             Beim 1. —SEIT—2—JAHREN angesetzten Flugtest 1—VON—DEN—FIRMENINGENIEUREN startklar gemachten Killerrakete
20050110             blieb das Geschoss wegen eines "unbekannten Fehlers" im Silo sitzen.
20050110             Hilfseinsatz: Hubschrauber in BANDA—ACEH abgestürzt - ASIEN: Neues Seebeben vor Sumatra
20050110             TECHNOLOGIE—RÜCKSTAND: Wie NEW—YORK s Börse zweitklassig wurde
20050110             Marcos and Khashoggi set about to create 5—STAR—TRUST 19830000              as 1—MEANS to... who were done in by this fraud, namely, people like MAX—CLELAND, Gray Davis, Al...
20050110             TRENTO,S. The Power House.
20050110             KIM HYUNG WOOK (102, 111); KIMMITT ROBERT M (123.RAMON (270-3, 276-99);
20050110             GRAY HARRY JACK (195-7); GRAY ROBERT KEITH (03360000—03480000    );
20050110             GRIMSTEAD...KHASHOGGI ADNAN (114, 307, 361-2, 408); KILLGORE ANDREW I (254-7, 293); KIPPER.
20050110             JOHN—GRAY—WHEN KHASHOGGI—GENESIS—INTERMEDIA went bankrupt, JOHN—GRAY helped him loot the company for several 100—MILLION...
20050110             What Do 20010911              & HEAVEN—GATE—HAVE—IN—COMMON?
20050110             Is there anything about AUTHOR—GRAY, other than his association with Khashoggi,which suggests his truthfulness might be in question?
20050110             Political FRIENDSTER—GRAY DAVIS—LINK—GRAY—DAVIS to: AUSTRALIA—BUSINESS Foundation.
20050110             According to MISTER—GRAY, Rogers officially left THE—WHITE—HOUSE on
20050110             JOHN—GRAY—DOSSIER—IN order to try and sort these conflicting stories out for myself, I set about seeing what I could find out about Gray and Khashoggi...
20050110             Democrats to Force Debate on OHIO Results : 1—SMALL—GROUP—OF—DEMOCRATS agreed —THURSDAY to force House + Senate debates on Election —DAY problems in OHIO —BEFORE letting Congress certify PRESIDENT—BUSH—WIN over SENATOR—JOHN—KERRY in November.
20050110             WASHINGTON GOP Demands New GOVERNOR—ELECTION : STATE—REPUBLICANS—WEDNESDAY charged that HUNDREDS—OF—PROVISIONAL—BALLOTS may have been counted on Election —DAY without being verified.
20050110             —DENIED, Liberty for HAITI—PRIEST — justice, other political prisoners : —AFTER 1—DEMONSTRATION calling for HAITI—RETURN to democracy, THE—PRO—ARISTIDE activist had been arrested, beaten by police and needed medical attention.
20050110             But health care's not easy to come by in 1—PORT—AU—PRINCE—JAIL.
20050110             USA—SUPPORT for INDONESIA—ARMY is compromising its relief EFFORT—WHY did USA—BASE escape tsunami?
20050110             —FOLLOWING the tsunami, conspiracy rumours have been circulating on THE—INTERNET—OF how THE—USA—BASE at DIEGO—GARCIA managed to avoid casualties —WHILE other islands suffered huge losses.
20050110             USA seeks to buy ammunition from TAIWAN as stocks run low —AFTER IRAQ: report : THE—USA is planning to buy HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—BULLETS from TAIWAN in the 1. such deal as its supplies are running low —AFTER wars in AFGHANISTAN and IRAQ, 1—REPORT said —THURSDAY.
20050110             USA sent AUSTRALIA—CITIZEN to EGYPT for torture —BEFORE GUANTANAMO: USA—TORTURE: What Did Rumsfeld Know?
20050110             ACLU releases DOCUMENTS—OF—USA—TORTURE—OF—DETAINEES by more than 'a few bad apples'
20050110             RAY—MCGOVERN: Torture: It's —JUST Plain Wrong : My professional credentials are in intelligence, but I believe the nomination of Alberto Gonzales for ATTORNEY—GENERAL is 1. and foremost 1—MORAL—ISSUE, so I will address it from 1—MORAL—PERSPECTIVE.
20050110             —REFUSED, WHITE—HOUSE Won't Release Gonzales Papers : THE—WHITE—HOUSE, —THURSDAY to provide senators additional documents on ATTORNEY—GENERAL nominee Alberto Gonzales' role in the decision to allow aggressive INTERROGATIONS—OF—TERRORISM—DETAINEES.
20050110             Alberto Gonzales has blood on his hands : Why in the world should THE—USA—BE saddled with 1—ATTORNEY—GENERAL who, from THE—WHITE—HOUSE, framed cockamamie legal policies that sought to make it permissible for USA—FORCES to commit war crimes?
20050110             —LAUGHED, USA—TROOPS ' as Iraqi †' : 1—IRAQ—CIVILIAN has testified that USA—SOLDIERS forced him and his cousin to jump into the River Tigris and laughed as his relative was swept to his death.
20050110             —FLAWED, Revealed:, intelligence exposes the scandal of Belmarsh detainees : The case against the foreign terror suspects imprisoned in BRITAIN without trial —FOR—3—YEARS is partly founded on flawed and inaccurate intelligence, court papers seen by The Independent reveal.
20050110             —OCCUPIED, IRAQ—FRAUD—ELECTIONS : "We are. That is 1—FACT.
20050110             Televise the funerals and FLAG—DRAPED coffins : The injured and dead must appear on television.
20050110             The media must televise the reality of what this war is about: the flag draped caskets, the funerals, the grieving, the pain, the crying + the destruction.
20050110             What about the Children of IRAQ?
20050110             THE—WASHINGTON Monthly PROMIS is essentially THE—FATHER—OF—TIA (Total/Terrorist Information Access).
20050110             It was stolen by THE—USA—JUSTICE—DEPT from its original owners, INSLAW, in the.
20050110             GRAY—WHEN KHASHOGGI—GENESIS—INTERMEDIA went bankrupt, JOHN—GRAY helped him loot the company for several 100—MILLION.
20050110             USA: Schwerer Wintersturm fordert mehrere Tote... alfatomega.com/20050113.html
20050110233351       implanted chips, incest, INS, INSLAW, Insurgents, INTERNATIONAL... DE SION, PRIME—MINISTER, prison, PROMIS software, propaganda...  - 40
20050110—19800000    —SINCE, THE—USA, Estes, who has researched world social development —FOR—30—YEARS, found the pace of social development to be "on hold", putting THE—USA on the same level as POLAND and SLOVENIA in the current "report card".
20050110—19860000    GATELY ROBERT GENE : Covert Action Information Bullet 19800000             -#10 (42).GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION : Herman.
20050110—19860000    CIA in AFGHANISTAN -.
20050110—19970000    —SEIT, stabliste.DE—TEAMGUIDE:Suchergebnis RICHARD—LADKANI ( München ).Kamera.
20050110—20010000    —IN—LATE, USA—AUTHORITIES forcibly transferred 1—AUSTRALIA—CITIZEN to EGYPT, where, he alleges, he was tortured —FOR—6—MONTHS—BEFORE being flown to THE—USA—MILITARY—PRISON at GUANTANAMO Bay
20050110—20011000    —IN, Aussie official saw abuse: Habib : AN AUSTRALIA—CONSULAR official watched USA—GUARDS aggressively subdue and then take "trophy" photographs of alleged AUSTRALIA—TERRORIST—MAMDOUH Habib in PAKISTAN, according to USA—COURT—DOCUMENTS.
20050110—20020000    —IN—LATE, New GUANTANAMO abuse cases surface : THE—USA—CIVIL—LIBERTIES—UNION (ACLU) released newly obtained documents on —WEDNESDAY, 1—OF which included 1—DISTURBING account of 1—INTERROGATION.
20050110—20030000    World Transcript Archive.
20050110—20030000    Washingtonpost com regularly holds live online events where experts answer questions from readers.
20050113             New Feature:Republicans On The March By BENJAMIN—HARRISON on —MONDAY, 20050110              Read This Feature
20050200             KYOTO—PROTOKOLL in Kraft: BMU bekräftigt Ziele der Bundesregierung...
20050200             Bauprojekt der Superlative: Deutsche Bank finanziert neuen Trump Tower...
20050200             Physik: USA—MILITÄR löst Polarlichter aus
20050221             AVIATION SYMPOSIUM AND EXHIBITION Avionics 10000000103000       00—DATE Coffee Break 10300000110000       00—DATE GREGORY—S—CHURCHILL—PRESIDENT, Government Systems Rockwell Collins 11000000113000       00—DATE DOCTOR—WILLIAM H.
20050300             Major Oil Companies Operating in the Gulf Region
20050312—19190110    —AM, hannah arendt und die kz : POLITIKFORUM—FORUM für politische... über die Finanzierung der, Antibolschewistische Liga " aus: Eduard Stadtler : Als Antibolschewist 1918/19, Düsseldorf 19350000             : "Am gleichen...
20050326             Collapse - 19310110             /2004... with CANADA's 18120000              war heroine + —NOW, candy store, Laura Secord ), BOSTON Globe, H1 ... HUNDREDS—OF—WAL—MARTS + THOUSANDS—OF—WACKENHUT prisons.]...
20050329—20050110    —ON, [A-List] USA—MILITARY: new nuclear arsenal [A-List] USA—MILITARY: new nuclear arsenal... meeting in the Pentagon this —YEAR called by DALE—KLEIN, the assistant to the defence SECRETARY...
20050329—20050110    —ON, [USA—WAR—ON—TERRORISM] USA—PLAN for New Nuclear Arsenal [USA—WAR—ON—TERRORISM] USA—PLAN for New Nuclear Arsenal... the Pentagon this —YEAR called by DALE—KLEIN, the assistant to the defense SECRETARY...
20050329—20050110    —ON, Secret Pentagon plan for new nuclear arsenal -... minutes of 1—MEETING in the Pentagon called by DALE—KLEIN... IRAQ, IRAN, Syria and LIBYA as potential targets for USA nuclear weapons...
20050329—20050110    —ON, ArtsEdNet Archive for February 20030000              Especially for those of you in... Pentagon this —YEAR called by DALE—KLEIN, the assistant to... IRAQ, IRAN, Syria and LIBYA as potential targets for USA nuclear weapons...
20050400             WOLFIE—WAR—ON—POVERTY: —JUST wait till our oil companies '
20050400             USA audit probes possible Halliburton $212m overcharge Halliburton,
20050806—20050827    —ON.---- the... in S—MATEO, CALIFORNIA.
20060110             —DONATED, Oil magnate Boone Pickens, $165—MILLION to OKLAHOMA STATE—UNIV. for THE—DEVELOPMENT—OF—NEW—SPORTS—FACILITIES.
20060110             —FACED, The 100-acre site under consideration in Stillwater, problems with LOW—INCOME—RESIDENTS.
20060110             —UNVEILED, Apple Computer CEO—STEVE—JOBS, 1—IMAC computer based on Intel chips.
20060110             —BECAME, BRUCE—SUTTER, the 4. relief pitcher elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame.
20060110             AUSTRALIA said it will send 1—EXTRA—110—TROOPS to AFGHANISTAN to bolster the fight against Islamist militants, increasing its presence in the country to about 300.
20060110             —AIMED, European airlines lost 1—LEGAL—BID that, to strike down new EU rules guaranteeing passengers compensation for flight delays or cancellations.
20060110             —ORDERED, The European Commission, that GREECE allow genetically modified corn seed (GMO) to be planted there despite objections by GREECE—FARMERS.
20060110             —REMOVED, IRAN, UN seals on uranium enrichment equipment and resumed nuclear research —TUESDAY, defying demands it maintain a 2—YEAR freeze on its nuclear program and sparking 1—OUTCRY from THE—USA—AND—EUROPE.
20060110             —PASSED, NORTH—KOREA—LEADER—KIM JONG—IL, through CHINA on the way to RUSSIA, 1—SOURCE with knowledge of the stopover said.
20060110             SOUTH—KOREAN and JAPAN—MEDIA said Kim was making 1—SECRET—VISIT to CHINA.
20060110             1—BATTLE—BETWEEN—PAKISTAN—SECURITY—FORCES and suspected Islamic militants firing rockets and assault rifles left 21—DEAD in 1—TRIBAL region near THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER.
20060110             —RESIGNED, PANAMA—AGRICULTURAL—MINISTER, accusing THE—USA of pressuring THE—CENTRAL—USA—COUNTRY to accept lower agricultural inspection standards.
20060110             —REJECTED, PERU—NATIONAL—ELECTION—BOARD formally, 1—BID by jailed FORMER—PRESIDENT—ALBERTO—FUJIMORI to run in APRIL—PRESIDENTIAL—RACE, citing 1—CONGRESSIONAL ban on his holding public office.
20060110             —ARRESTED, SPAIN—POLICE, 20—PEOPLE, mostly Moroccans, linked to Islamic terrorism and violence in IRAQ in raids across SPAIN.
20060110             —PUSHED, THAILAND, protesters, through 1—POLICE barricade outside 1—HOTEL where negotiators were trying to hammer out 1—USA—THAILAND—FREE—TRADE—PACT, as demonstrations against the deal gained momentum but failed to disrupt the talks.
20060110             —SHOWED, Preliminary tests, another person in TURKEY has tested positive for 1—DEADLY—STRAIN—OF—BIRD—FLU, raising the number in the country to 15. THE—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE hospitalized with symptoms climbed to about 70.
20060110             —FIRED, UKRAINE—PARLIAMENT, the Cabinet because of 1—NEW—DEAL with RUSSIA that nearly doubled what UKRAINE pays for natural gas.
20060110             PRIME—MINISTER—YURI—YEKHANUROV and the justice MINISTER, however, said the vote was nonbinding and vowed that the current Cabinet would continue working.
20060110             Artikel von lexiPDA.de - ? Rosa LUXEMBURG—IM IzyNews Lexikon
20060110             Stadtler Antibolschewistische Liga Gefahr Millionen Hugo
20060110             Informationen, Foren zu Antibolschewistische Liga, STADTLER, Gefahr. keimhafter FASCHISMUS—KORPORATIVISMUS: ein bewußtes SICH—VERGLIEDERN, eine gewollte...
20060110             Ariel Sharon: The Accused:
20060110             N. Korean Leader Visiting CHINA:
20060110             ANTI—WAR—GROUP Has Documents Proving NSA Spied on Them: Judges request surveillance details:
20060110             —BYPASSED, Judges, in domestic wiretap spying program receive secret intelligence briefing
20060110             Alito Defended Wiretap Protections
20060110             THOM—HARTMANN: Challenging Abramoff 's "Artificial Aristocracy":
20060110             To understand why, we have to understand the core conservative governing PRINCIPLE—ARISTOCRACY.
20060110             Who Got What: JACK—ABRAMOFF—LOBBYING and Political Contributions, 19990000              — 20060000              :
20060110             —DETAILED, Here is 1, look at ABRAMOFF—LOBBYING + political contributions from ABRAMOFF ,
20060110             the tribes that hired him + SunCruz Casinos,
20060110             —BY—THE—NUMBERS: Lobbying in AMERICA:
20060110             Here are 1—FEW quick facts showing the size and scope of this burgeoning WASHINGTON, DC industry.
20060110             —CONVICTED, JACK—ABRAMOFF, former superlobbyist and newly, felon, is learning how unpleasant disgrace can be.
20060110             Attorney: $115,000 paid to DELAY—WIFE fair:
20060110             —NOW the object of 1—CRIMINAL—PROBE - Figuring Out Alito:
20060110             If the Judiciary Committee really wants to know where ALITO stands, they'll raise THE—SPECTER—OF—BUSH v. Gore.
20060110             AL—GORE really did beat GEORGE—W—BUSH
20060110             Money Laundering and Conspiracy to Murder - USA Defends Prison Camp at GUANTANAMO:
20060110             THE—REPRESENTATIVES—OF—THE—GERMANY—POLITICAL—PARTIES—STAND completely behind Merkel and are even sending her to WASHINGTON with clear mandate:
20060110             SWITZERLAND—CLAIM proof that CIA ran EUROPE jails:
20060110             European investigators looking into allegations of secret CIA—RUN—PRISONS in EUROPE said —YESTERDAY that 1—EGYPT—GOVERNMENT—MESSAGE naming countries where such prisons existed could amount to indirect PROOF—OF—THE—CLAIMS.
20060110             CIA faces new secret jails claim:
20060110             —MAINTAINED, THE—CIA kept 23—PEOPLE in 1—SECRET—PRISON in ROMANIA +, similar facilities in BULGARIA,
20060110             —CONTAINED, UKRAINE, MACEDONIA + Kosovo, according to allegations, in 1—LEAKED—SWITZERLAND—INTELLIGENCE—REPORT
20060110             —OBSCURED, Focus on CUBA—CAMP, far worse activities —AROUND the world.
20060110             The Rise & Fall of Imperial Democracies:
20060110             —FROM the Beltway to BANGKOK, MOSCOW to MANILA, elected leaders are using THE—THREAT—OF—TERROR to grab more POWER—AND making the threat worse.
20060110             INDIA—STATES Monitoring Cybercafe Users:
20060110             THE—SOUTH—INDIA—STATE—OF—KERALA will join 2—OTHER—STATES in requiring cybercafes to record the names and addresses of their customers in 1—EFFORT to combat online fraud,
20060110             virus attacks and terrorism, 1—OFFICIAL said —TUESDAY.
20060110             IRAN reopens nuclear research plant:
20060110             —REMOVED, DEFIANCE—OF—PROTESTS, from THE—WEST—IRAN says it has, UN seals at its nuclear facilities and resumed controversial research work.
20060110             —DESTROYED, How USA—TROOPS, my family home:
20060110             —SEIZED, Audio: IRAQ—JOURNALIST—ALI—FADHIL, who was, in his home by USA—SOLDIERS —2—DAYS—AGO, describes his ordeal.
20060110             2—UK—MEN to be tried on charges of leaking alleged AL—JAZEERA memo:
20060110             2—UK—MEN were ordered —TUESDAY to stand trial —LATER this —MONTH on charges of leaking 1—GOVERNMENT—MEMO in which USA PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH reportedly discussed bombing the headquarters of the Arab satellite news channel AL—JAZEERA.
20060110             ABDUCTION—OF—USA—REPORTER in IRAQ Blacked Out By USA News Outlets:
20060110             —REVEALED, The Monitor, that the reporter, Carroll, is 1—STRINGER for the paper who has written MANY—STORIES for the newspaper for about 1—YEAR,
20060110             the last 4 or 5—MONTHS reporting from IRAQ.
20060110             —CHOKED, USA sees IRAQ—OIL—PRODUCTION, for years:
20060110             —STATED, SHELL—VICE—PRESIDENT—RECENTLY, that ANY—AUCTION—OF—IRAQI—OILFIELDS was unlikely —BEFORE 20070000             ,"
20060110             said THE—EIA report released late 20051200              + carried on its website
20060110             ENOUGH—OF—HIS excuses: Blair must be impeached over IRAQ:
20060110             —DISAFFECTED, The only way PARLIAMENT can regain the trust of, voters is to admit that it was wrong to support the war
20060110             What We Don't Know Can Hurt Us:
20060110             There is an BILL—IN—CONGRESS to investigate BUSH for impeachable crimes.
20060110             Did you know that?
20060110             If not, maybe you should be asking your local media outlets why you don't know about it.
20060110             1 unprecedented SERIES—OF—INDICTMENTS alleging war crimes and crimes against humanity,
20060110             in 5—SEPARATE—AREAS, on moral, political + legal grounds, will be delivered by 1—CITIZENS' tribunal to PRESIDENT—BUSH at the front GATE—OF—THE—WHITE—HOUSE this —TUESDAY, ;;01;;
20060110             10. - MoveOn org Surrenders:
20060110             We've got 1—WAR going on + advocacy groups who allegedly oppose it should stand up to it, not pander to those who do.
20060110             Bremer claims he was used as IRAQ 'fall guy
20060110             ': 1—PENTAGON spokesman —ON—MONDAY confirmed that MISTER—BREMER had sent MISTER—RUMSFELD 1—MEMO based on 1—REPORT by the Rand Corporation consultancy that recommended 500,000—USA—TROOPS would be needed to pacify IRAQ — far more than were sent.
20060110             —REJECTED, But MISTER—BREMER—ADVICE was, by military leaders and MISTER—RUMSFELD.
20060110             At THE—END—OF—THE—IRAQ war, vast SUMS—OF—MONEY were made available to THE—USA—LED provisional authorities,
20060110             headed by PAUL—BREMER, to spend on rebuilding the country.
20060110             ED—HARRIMAN on the extraordinary scandal of IRAQ—MISSING billions
20060110             —IMPEDED, Powell admits errors in war: He says LACK—OF—TROOPS, USA success:
20060110             FORMER—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—COLIN—POWELL said —SUNDAY night in the Twin Cities that he harbors no regrets about THE—USA—INVASION—OF—IRAQ but acknowledged wartime mistakes and warned that IRAQ—EVENTUAL—GOVERNMENT might not be as BROAD—BASED as USA—LEADERS had hoped.
20060110             IRAQ Celebrates 4—DAY—FESTIVAL—OF—EID:
20060110             There were no REPORTS—OF—VIOLENCE in IRAQ as of midday —TUESDAY.
20060110             "Customs and Border Protection is charged with making sure that terrorists and terrorists' weapons don't enter the country," said Suzanne Trevino,
20060110             1—SPOKESWOMAN for the customs agency, which is PART—OF—THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY.
20060110             —VERSUCHT, SUPREME—COURT: Bush s Kandidat, Senat zu besänftigen
20060110             —BEREITET, Der verlustreiche EINSATZ—DER—USA—ARMEE im Irak, PRÄSIDENT—BUSH weiteres Ungemach.
20060110             Inzwischen streitet seine Regierung öffentlich mit EX—ZIVILBERATER Bremer über strategische Fehler.
20060110             BUSH selbst rechnet in den kommenden Monaten nach eigenen Worten mit weiteren Verlusten.
20060110             WASHINGTON—DAS —JAHR 20060000              sei 1—JAHR weiterer Prüfungen und Opfer, sagte der SPRECHER—DES—WEIßEN—HAUSES, SCOTT—MCCLELLAN, in WASHINGTON.
20060110             BUSH werde dabei auf die Fortschritte bei der Demokratisierung des Landes,
20060110             dem Wiederaufbau der Wirtschaft und der Ausbildung der irakischen Streitkräfte verweisen, sagte McClellan.
20060110             In all diesen Bereichen hätten die USA aus Fehlern gelernt.
20060110             —ANFANG ;;12;; hatten sich noch 41—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN damit zufrieden gezeigt.
20060110             USA: Mumifizierte Frau saß vor dem Fernseher
20060110             Vogelgrippe: Merkel fordert entschlossenes Vorgehen
20060110             Seuchenschutz: PEST—IMPFSTOFF aus Tabakpflanzen
20060110             Kabinettsklausur: Merkel vertagt Lösung im Atomstreit
20060110             Atomstreit: Ahmadinedschads gefährliches Spiel
20060110             USA: Bush s Kandidat im Kreuzverhör - Urbanistik: ENDE—DER—STADTFLUCHT
20060110             Streit um Tron: Darf man einen Hacker beim Namen nennen?
20060110             Nordstern: Polaris ist nicht allein
20060110             Geheime CIA—GEFÄNGNISSE: Verfahren gegen Schweizer Journalisten
20060110             Vogelgrippe in der Türkei: Das rasende Virus
20060110             Aufschwung: Börsianer überraschen mit Optimismus
20060110             Türkei: Hausbewohner flüchten vor verdächtiger Ente
20060110             Ökologie: In der Wüste wimmelt es von Bakterien
20060110             Wer —SCHON immer wissen wollte, wie es dabei hinter den Kulissen zugeht,
20060110             welchem Stress Apples Produktmanager dabei ausgesetzt sind und wie haarklein STEVE—JOBS die Choreografie vorgibt,
20060110             sollte unbedingt lesen, was der ehemalige APPLE—MANAGER MIKE—EVANGELIST dem britischen "GUARDIAN"
20060110             Laut "Independent" klagen Hunderte Myspace COM—ANWENDER darüber, dass Forenbeiträge und BLOG—EINTRÄGE,
20060110             in denen es um eine konkurrierende VIDEO—WEBSITE ging, gelöscht bzw.
20060110             zensiert wurden.
20060110             wurde gelöscht.
20060110             Die Begründung: Es habe sich nur um 1—MISSVERSTÄNDNIS gehandelt.
20060110             Die ganze Geschichte ist hier - Blogger an Murdoch: so nicht!
20060110             —BELEBT, Von wegen Konkurrenz, das Geschäft.
20060110             —BERICHTET, Wie der "Independent",
20060110             versucht MEDIEN—MOGUL RUPERT—MURDOCH, massiv darauf Einfluss zu nehmen, worüber sich seine Kunden austauschen.
20060110             —GESCHEHEN, So, bei der COMMUNITY—WEBSITE MySpace com,
20060110             die Murdochs' News Corp. im vergangenen —JAHR samt 38—MILLIONEN eingetragener Benutzer erwarb.
20060110             Türkei: Vogelgrippe in Ferienregion angekommen
20060110             Implantierte Chips: Das geht unter die Haut
20060110             Irak: Bush schwört Amerikaner auf weitere Verluste ein
20060110             GUANTANAMO: Zwangsernährung für Dutzende Gefangene
20060110             —KRITISIERT, Regierungspläne: Wirtschaft, Konjunkturprogramm
20060110             Atomstreit: Grüne drohen mit Massenprotesten
20060110             Blair habe für seine Handlungen die Verantwortung zu übernehmen, so Rose weiter.
20060110             Die Konsequenzen für den Irak und den KRIEG—GEGEN—DEN—TERROR seien verheerend.
20060110             "Besonders aus Sicht eines Soldaten gibt es keine ernsthaftere Entscheidung eines PREMIERMINISTER als die,
20060110             in den Krieg zu ziehen". Blairs Entscheidung stehe irgendwo zwischen "falscher Politik und illegalem Handeln", sagte er der BBC.
20060110             Der FRÜHERE—UNO—MILITÄRKOMMANDEUR in Bosnien, Rose, hat 1—AMTSENTHEBUNGSVERFAHREN gegen TONY—BLAIR gefordert.
20060110             Hintergrund ist die Entscheidung des Premierministers für den Eintritt in den IRAK—KRIEG.
20060110             Diese liege irgendwo zwischen falscher Politik und illegalem Handeln.
20060110             Er bezog sich damit auf die Argumentation der britischen Regierung vor dem Krieg, der Irak besitze Massenvernichtungswaffen.
20060110             Paul wrote: WHAT—NEXT? Visas to travel from state to state?
20060110             "Achtung! Papers please". This is already happening.
20060110             You can't travel on 1—PLANE, 1—TRAIN, 1—BUS + 1—CAR without showing your id.
20060110             I don't want to live in 1—HOMELAND, I want to live in THE—USA—OF—AMERICA and it's getting hard to recognize my country.
20060110             Very sad STATE—OF—AFFAIRS lately.
20060110             I hope 1—REPORTER makes time to ask BUSH —DURING his next interview
20060110             "MISTER—MOORE, 1—USA—WHO wrote 1—BOOK—CRITICAL—OF you, has been placed on THE—NO—FLY list.
20060110             —ABUSED, What will you do to correct that and hold whoever, TSA power accountable?"
20060110             Narcissism, the public + THE—PRESIDENT
20060110             Stadtler propagierte einen "deutsc... ) " gegründet, die Industrieverbandschef HUGO—STINNES ([mehr über HUGO—STINNES] HUGO—STINNES (* 12....
20060110             Informationen, Foren zu Antibolschewistische Liga,
20060110             Stadtler, Gefahr. keimhafter FASCHISMUS—KORPORATIVISMUS: ein bewußtes SICH—VERGLIEDERN, eine gewollte...
20060110             Ariel Sharon: The Accused : The man who is —NOW ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER,
20060110             Ariel Sharon, sent LEBANON—MILITIAMEN into the Palestine refugee camps of Sabra + Shatilla.
20060110             —WHEN they left —36—HOURS—LATER at least 800—PEOPLE lay dead —AFTER 1—RAMPAGE—OF—MURDER + torture + rape.
20060110             N. Korean Leader Visiting CHINA : NORTH—KOREA—LEADER—KIM Jong Il has traveled to CHINA on 1—RARE—TRIP outside his country, 1—SOUTH—KOREA—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIAL said —TUESDAY.
20060110             That JACK—ABRAMOFF exclusively gave his money to conservative Republicans shouldn't surprise us.
20060110             —BY the Numbers: Lobbying in AMERICA : Here are 1—FEW quick facts showing the size and scope of this burgeoning WASHINGTON, DC industry.
20060110             Christine DeLay was paid the money —DURING a 3-year period by THE—ALEXANDER—STRATEGY—GROUP, 1—WASHINGTON lobbying firm that is
20060110             —NOW the object of 1—CRIMINAL—PROBE
20060110             Figuring Out Alito : If the Judiciary Committee really wants to know where Alito stands, they'll raise THE—SPECTER—OF—BUSH v. Gore.
20060110             Internal Justice DEPARTMENT—DOCUMENT—ALLEGES—DRUG—TRAFFICKING—LINKS, Money Laundering and Conspiracy to Murder
20060110             USA Defends Prison Camp at GUANTANAMO : THE—REPRESENTATIVES—OF—THE—GERMANY—POLITICAL—PARTIES—STAND completely behind Merkel and are even sending her to WASHINGTON with clear mandate:
20060110             —MAINTAINED, THE—CIA kept 23—PEOPLE in 1—SECRET—PRISON in ROMANIA +, similar facilities in BULGARIA, UKRAINE, MACEDONIA + Kosovo, according to allegations contained in 1—LEAKED—SWITZERLAND—INTELLIGENCE—REPORT
20060110             —OBSCURED, RUMSFELD—ARCHIPELAGO—OF—GULAGS : Focus on CUBA—CAMP, far worse activities —AROUND the world.
20060110             The Rise & Fall of Imperial Democracies : From the Beltway to BANGKOK, MOSCOW to MANILA, elected leaders are using THE—THREAT—OF—TERROR to grab more POWER—AND making the threat worse.
20060110             INDIA—STATES Monitoring Cybercafe Users: THE—SOUTH—INDIA—STATE—OF—KERALA will join 2—OTHER—STATES in requiring cybercafes to record the names and addresses of their customers in 1—EFFORT to combat online fraud, virus attacks and terrorism, 1—OFFICIAL said —TUESDAY.
20060110             IRAN reopens nuclear research plant : In DEFIANCE—OF—PROTESTS from THE—WEST—IRAN says it has removed UN seals at its nuclear facilities and resumed controversial research work.
20060110             —DESTROYED, How USA—TROOPS, my family home : Audio: IRAQ—JOURNALIST—ALI—FADHIL, who was seized in his home by USA—SOLDIERS 2—DAYS ago, describes his ordeal.
20060110             2—UK—MEN to be tried on charges of leaking alleged AL—JAZEERA memo : 2—UK—MEN were ordered —TUESDAY to stand trial —LATER this —MONTH on charges of leaking 1—GOVERNMENT—MEMO in which USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH reportedly discussed bombing the headquarters of the Arab satellite news channel AL—JAZEERA.
20060110             ABDUCTION—OF—USA—REPORTER in IRAQ Blacked Out By USA—NEWS—OUTLETS : The Monitor revealed that the reporter, Carroll, is 1—STRINGER for the paper who has written MANY—STORIES for the newspaper for about 1—YEAR, the last 4 or 5—MONTHS reporting from IRAQ.
20060110             What We Don't Know Can Hurt Us: There is an BILL—IN—CONGRESS to investigate Bush for impeachable crimes.
20060110             —UNPRECEDENTED, CITIZEN—TRIBUNAL—INDICTS—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION for War Crimes : 1, SERIES—OF—INDICTMENTS alleging war crimes and crimes against humanity, in 5—SEPARATE—AREAS, on moral, political + legal grounds, will be delivered by 1—CITIZENS' tribunal to PRESIDENT—BUSH at the front GATE—OF—THE—WHITE—HOUSE this —TUESDAY, 20060110           .
20060110             Bremer claims he was used as IRAQ 'fall guy ': 1—PENTAGON spokesman on —MONDAY confirmed that MISTER—BREMER had sent MISTER—RUMSFELD 1—MEMO based on 1—REPORT by the Rand Corporation consultancy that recommended 500,000—USA—TROOPS would be needed to pacify IRAQ — far more than were sent.
20060110             So, MISTER—BREMER, where did all the money go?
20060110             At THE—END—OF—THE—IRAQ war, vast SUMS—OF—MONEY were made available to THE—USA—LED provisional authorities, headed by PAUL—BREMER, to spend on rebuilding the country.
20060110             —BY the time Bremer left the post —8—MONTHS—LATER, $8.8BN—OF—THAT—MONEY had disappeared.
20060110             —IMPEDED, Powell admits errors in war: He says LACK—OF—TROOPS, USA—SUCCESS : FORMER—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—COLIN—POWELL said —SUNDAY night in the Twin Cities that he harbors no regrets about THE—USA—INVASION—OF—IRAQ but acknowledged wartime mistakes and warned that IRAQ—EVENTUAL—GOVERNMENT might not be as BROAD—BASED as USA—LEADERS had hoped.
20060110             IRAQ Celebrates 4—DAY—FESTIVAL—OF—EID : There were no REPORTS—OF—VIOLENCE in IRAQ as of midday —TUESDAY.
20060110             USA can open private mail
20060110             USA—OFFICIALS can open personal mail arriving from ABROAD—BY Reuters
20060110             "Customs and Border Protection is charged with making sure that terrorists and terrorists' weapons don't enter the country," said Suzanne Trevino, 1—SPOKESWOMAN for the customs agency, which is PART—OF—THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY.
20060110             Streit mit IRAN: USA halten sich militärische Option offen
20060110             In einer Rede vor Veteranen will GEORGE—W—BUSH —HEUTE weiter um Sympathie für seine IRAK—POLITIK werben.
20060110             Bush werde dabei auf die Fortschritte bei der Demokratisierung des Landes, dem Wiederaufbau der Wirtschaft und der Ausbildung der irakischen Streitkräfte verweisen, sagte McClellan.
20060110             Nach einer Umfrage der Nachrichtenagentur AP sank die Zustimmung in der Bevölkerung für Bush s Vorgehen im Irak in der vergangenen Woche auf 39—PROZENT.
20060110             Tod in HAITI: Das Martyrium des UNO—GENERALS - Urbanistik: ENDE—DER—STADTFLUCHT
20060110             UKRAINE: Regierung stürzt über GAS—KOMPROMISS
20060110             Atomkraft: Energiegipfel soll im April Kompromisslinie ausloten
20060110             Streit über Atomprogramm: Steinmeier droht IRAN mit Abbruch der Verhandlungen
20060110             TV—STARKOCH JAMIE—OLIVER: "Londoner Küchen sind voll mit Drogen"
20060110             Wer —SCHON immer wissen wollte, wie es dabei hinter den Kulissen zugeht, welchem Stress Apples Produktmanager dabei ausgesetzt sind und wie haarklein STEVE—JOBS die Choreografie vorgibt, sollte unbedingt lesen, was der ehemalige APPLE—MANAGER MIKE—EVANGELIST dem britischen
20060110             "GUARDIAN" über seine Erlebnisse bei den Vorbereitungen zu solchen Veranstaltungen diktiert hat.
20060110             Laut "Independent" klagen Hunderte Myspace_COM—ANWENDER darüber, dass Forenbeiträge und BLOG—EINTRÄGE, in denen es um eine konkurrierende VIDEO—WEBSITE ging, gelöscht bzw. zensiert wurden.
20060110             1—BLOG, in dem sich User gegen die Zensur seitens der neuen Eigentümer formierten, wurde gelöscht.
20060110             Die ganze Geschichte IST—HIER nachzulesen.
20060110             —BERICHTET, Wie der "Independent", versucht MEDIEN—MOGUL RUPERT—MURDOCH, massiv darauf Einfluss zu nehmen, worüber sich seine Kunden austauschen.
20060110             —GESCHEHEN, So, bei der COMMUNITY—WEBSITE MySpace_com, die Murdochs' News Corp. im vergangenen —JAHR samt 38—MILLIONEN eingetragener Benutzer erwarb.
20060110             Walther Leisler Kieps Memoiren: 1—MANN für heikle Missionen
20060110             NUKLEAR—KONFLIKT: IRAN beseitigt Siegel von Atomanlagen
20060110             PAKISTAN: Tote bei Raketenangriff auf Armeeposten
20060110             "Besonders aus Sicht eines Soldaten gibt es keine ernsthaftere Entscheidung eines PREMIERMINISTER als die, in den Krieg zu ziehen".
20060110             Blairs Entscheidung stehe irgendwo zwischen "falscher Politik und illegalem Handeln", sagte er der BBC.
20060110             LONDON—MIT einer Begründung in den Krieg zu ziehen, die sich als haltlos erweise, sei etwas, "mit dem niemand so einfach davonkommen sollte", sagte SIR—MICHAEL—ROSE—DER—BBC.
20060110             MERKEL—KRITIK: USA verteidigen Gefangenenlager GUANTANAMO
20060110             THERE—1—COUPLE—OF—CASES—BEFORE the courts —NOW... check OUT—FOR more information.
20060110             I hope 1—REPORTER makes time to ask Bush —DURING his next interview... "MISTER—MOORE, 1—USA—WHO wrote 1—BOOK—CRITICAL—OF you, has been placed on THE—NO—FLY list. What will you do to correct that and hold whoever abused TSA power accountable?"
20060110             Narcissism, the public + THE—PRESIDENT - Yahoo News — Politics
20060110             USATODAY_COM—WHEN House Republican s pick 1—NEW—MAJORITY—LEADER—NEXT—MONTH to replace embattled REPRESENTATIVE—TOM—DELAY—OF—TEXAS,
20060110             they will try to put behind them the lobbying and campaign finance scandal s that could threaten their majority in this —YEAR—ELECTIO
20060110             TEXAS COURT—DENIES—DELAY bid to quash criminal case
20060110             REUTERS—HOUSTON (Reuters ) - TEXAS ' highest criminal COURT—ON—MONDAY denied 1—REQUEST by Republican USA—REPRESENTATIVE—TOM—DELAY to toss out criminal money laundering charges against him or grant him 1—QUICK—TRIAL.
20060110             Boehner, Blunt Vie to Replace DeLay (AP )
20060110             CNN - 1—MAJORITY—OF—AMERICANS consider the congressional INFLUENCE—PEDDLING inquiry surrounding former lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF 1—MAJOR—SCANDAL +
20060110             they registered 1—ANTI—INCUMBENT note in 1—POLL released —MONDAY.
20060110             "[T]he actual notes were relatively innocuous — there was nothing sexual in those notes".
20060110             [Newt Gingrich, FOX—NEWS—SUNDAY,
20060110             FACT: At least 11—HOUSE—MEMBERS and staff, all Republicans, knew of the inappropriate emails sent by Foley to 1—PAGE 20050000           .
20060110             —ASKED, In the e-mails, Foley, the page to "send me 1—PIC—OF you" and said about another young page, "he's in really good shape".
20060110             —FREAKED, The boy told House officials that FOLEY—MESSAGES " him out" and were "sick, sick, sick, sick, sick".DOCTOR—TIMOTHY—M—OSBERG, 1—PSYCHOLOGIST and professor of psychology at Niagara University, said that the e-mail, coupled with the boy's reaction to it, "should send up red flags".
20060110             —PURSUED, EXCUSE #2: The parents didn't want the matter.
20060110             REPRESENTATIVE—TOM—REYNOLDS (R-NY) said REPRESENTATIVE—LAMAR—ALEXANDER (R-LA) "told him that he had spoken with the page's parents. They didn't want the matter pursued, he said, 'so I thought it had to be pretty well satisfied.'" [BUFFALO News,
20060110             FACT : The House leadership had 1—OBLIGATION to protect THE—DOZENS—OF—PAGES who are under their care.
20060110             —PASSED, At the very least, FOLEY—EMAILS should have been, on law authorities + the full House page BOARD should have been informed.
20060110             EXCUSE #3: Democrats are exploiting this issue for political gain right —BEFORE the November elections.
20060110             —CALLED, Reynolds, his critics' reactions to his negligence in the Foley case "as crass as anything I have seen".
20060110             "I'm certainly not going to react to SOME—CAMPAIGN—RHETORIC...on 1—TRAGIC—INCIDENT—OF—1—PAGE," he said.
20060110             [BUFFALO News, "I don't believe in coincidence + apparently neither does Hastert. The timing of this revelation has more to do about helping NANCY Pelosi and the House Democrats than protecting teenagers with whom Foley was communicating".
20060110             [MARK—LEVIN, National Review,
20060110             FACT: The House leadership consistently hid this case from the public for partisan purposes.
20060110             —INTERVIEWED, Shimkus, Foley and told him "to cease all contact with this former house page".
20060110             But
20060110             —INFORMED, Shimkus never, REPRESENTATIVE—DALE—KILDEE
20060110             (D-MI), the only Democrat on the House page BOARD.
20060110             —TODAY, Hastert held 1—MEETING "to review ways to protect pages," but once again, Kildee was not invited.
20060110             —PENALIZED, EXCUSE #4: FORMER—PRESIDENT—BILL—CLINTON wasn't harshly, for his relations with Monica Lewinsky.
20060110             "Nor did inappropriate behavior toward 1—SUBORDINATE even cost BILL—CLINTON his standing within THE—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY, even though indirectly he was impeached for it".
20060110             [FOX—NEWS host Brit Hume,
20060110             —UNWANTED, FACT : Foley made, advances toward underage boys, which 1—PAGE described as "
20060110             " and reported to authorities.
20060110             Clinton had 1—CONSENSUAL relationship with 1—ADULT.
20060110             The fact that it was 1—EXTRAMARITAL affair was virtually unanimously condemned by MEMBERS—OF—BOTH parties.
20060110             —COMPARED, EXCUSE #5: This scandal is minor, to other scandals on Capitol Hill.
20060110             "I hate to tell you, but it's not always pretty up there on Capitol Hill.
20060110             And there have been other scandals, as you know, that have been more than simply naughty e-mails".
20060110             [WHITE—HOUSE Press SECRETARY—TONY—SNOW,
20060110             FACT : The issue here is not homosexuality.
20060110             The issue is sexual harrassment of minors.
20060110             Antibolschewistische Liga
20060110   0060110   MISTER—ABRAMOFF—TIES to THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY stretch into the executive branch + he could implicate up to 12—MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS, people involved in the case said.
20060110   0060110   To understand why, we have to understand the core conservative governing PRINCIPLE—ARISTOCRACY.
20060110—19990000    —SINCE, Here is 1 detailed look at ABRAMOFF—LOBBYING + political contributions from Abramoff, the tribes that hired him + SunCruz Casinos.
20060110—20000000    —IN, AL—GORE really did beat GEORGE—W—BUSH :
20060110—20050000    —IN—LATE, REPRESENTATIVE—JOHN—SHIMKUS (R-IL), CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—HOUSE—PAGE—BOARD, "was notified by the then CLERK—OF—THE—HOUSE, who manages the Page Program, that he had been told by Congressman RODNEY—ALEXANDER (R-LA) about 1—EMAIL—EXCHANGE between Congressman Foley and 1—FORMER—HOUSE—PAGE".
20060110—20060111    —SUFFOCATED, The bodies of 24—HAITI—MIGRANTS, who apparently, crossing the border in 1 sealed truck, were found in THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC.
20060110—20060111    The victims were among 69—HAITIANS, mostly adult men, who were driven across the border illegally at THE—NORTH—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC—TOWN—OF—DAJABON.
20060110—20310000    —NOCH—MINDESTENS—25—JAHRE, Uran reicht (taz).
20060811—20080110    —ON, he resigned from THE—BOARD—OF—SUPERVISORS.
20061011             in more than 1—DECADE".
20061100             Misshandelte Heimkinder : Opfer bekommen Anhörung im BUNDESTAG
20070109             20070110 26. %-age of Americans who support the job PRESIDENT—BUSH is doing in IRAQ, 1—RECORD—LOW, according to 1—GALLUP/USA—TODAY—POLL.
20070110             PRESIDENT—BUSH said that 1—ADDITIONAL 21,500—USA—TROOPS will HEAD—TO—IRAQ soon to try improve the security situation mainly in BAGHDAD and THE—WEST—PROVINCE—OF—ANBAR.
20070110             —BECAME, BUSH—PLAN, known as "the surge".
20070110             —VOTED, THE—DEMOCRATIC—CONTROLLED USA—HOUSE, 315-116 to increase the federal minimum wage to $7.25—PER —HOUR.
20070110             —HONORED, THE—USA—POSTAL—SERVICE, Ella Fitzgerald (19170000—19960000    ), the 1. LADY—OF—SONG, with her own postage stamp.
20070110             —VOTED, CALIFORNIA State coastal regulators, to impose restrictions on THE—USA—NAVY—USE—OF sonar, which has been linked to harmful effects on whales and other marine mammals.
20070110             —RELEASED, CALIFORNIA—GOVERNOR—SCHWARZENEGGER, 1 proposed $143.4—BILLION budget.
20070110             —LIFTED, BELARUS, 1—DUTY it had imposed on RUSSIA—FUEL transiting the country.
20070110             —RENEWED, BOLIVIA—PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES, his pledge to nationalize his country's mining industry, saying he would complete the task this —YEAR.
20070110             —JAILED, BOSNIA—STATE—COURT, 1—SWEDE, 1—TURK and 1—BOSNIAN for up to 15—YEARS 4—MONTHS for planning 1—SUICIDE—ATTACK in EUROPE.
20070110             All 3—MEN were Muslims and wanted to pressure Bosnia and European governments to withdraw forces from IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN.
20070110             —COLLIDED, ENGLAND, 2—RAF training helicopters, in MID—AIR in Shropshire, with SOME—REPORTS claiming that 1—PERSON was killed and 3 injured.
20070110             CHINA said 20060000              its global trade surplus jumped nearly 75% from the previous —YEAR to 1—RECORD $177.5—BILLION.
20070110             —WORKED, Lan Chengzhang, who, for THE—CHINA—TRADE—NEWS, was beaten —WHILE visiting 1—MINE in Hunyuan county in THE—NORTH—PROVINCE—OF—SHANXI and † of 1—APPARENT—BRAIN—HEMORRHAGE the next —DAY.
20070110             —SPARKED, His death, 1—MEDIA—OUTCRY and 1—POLICE—INVESTIGATION.
20070110             —SENTENCED, Zhenrun, to life in prison.
20070110             —RECEIVED, THE—5—MEN who beat the reporters, jail terms of 5—15—YEARS.
20070110             A 6. was sentenced to 1—YEAR in jail for harboring the suspects.
20070110             GUINEA, shop, government and business workers held 1—GENERAL—STRIKE, heeding 1—UNION—CALL for protests —AFTER PRESIDENT—LANSANA—CONTE decided to free 2—CORRUPTION—SUSPECTS.
20070110             —THREATENED, The strike, the world's surplus of alumina, used to make aluminum.
20070110             NORTH—INDIAN, a 4-story building under construction in ALLAHABAD collapsed, killing 10—WORKERS and injuring at least 25.
20070110             † A 14—YEAR—OLD—INDONESIA—BOY from bird flu, —JUST days —AFTER being hospitalized.
20070110             It was the 1. H5N1 fatality in the country in 6—WEEKS.
20070110             —SMASHED, CENTRAL—IRAN, 1—TRUCK, into 1—BUS, killing at least 14—PEOPLE.
20070110             † Bombings and shootings across IRAQ killed at least 99—PEOPLE, including 1—USA—SOLDIER who from 1—GUNSHOT wound in Diyala province.
20070110             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER killed 4—CIVILIANS in 1—CROWD outside 1—POLICE—STATION in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—TAL—AFAR.
20070110             ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT, midway through 1—OFFICIAL—VISIT to BEIJING, said he received 1—CANDID assurance from CHINA that it opposes IRAN having 1—NUCLEAR—ARSENAL.
20070110             —THREATENED, LEBANON—TRADE—UNIONS, to escalate protests unless the government drops plans to raise taxes, adding to troubles for LEBANON—USA—BACKED—PRIME—MINISTER amid 1—OPPOSITION—CAMPAIGN to bring him down.
20070110             1—NEW—REPORT alleged that MYANMAR—MILITARY junta is allowing gold mines to pollute the world's largest wild tiger reserve and has promoted development that is destroying ethnic Kachin communities.
20070110             NICARAGUA, former revolutionary DANIEL—ORTEGA took office in 1—CEREMONY attended by more than 12—WORLD—LEADERS.
20070110             Khaled Meshaal, THE—LEADER—OF—HAMAS, said Hamas acknowledges the existence of ISRAEL but formal recognition by the group will only be considered —WHEN 1—PALESTINE—STATE has been created.
20070110             —KIDNAPPED, Militants, 9—SOUTH—KOREA—OIL—WORKERS and 1—LOCAL—WORKER in THE—NIGER Delta REGION—OF—SOUTH—NIGERIA, bringing the total number of foreigners currently held hostage there to 18.
20070110             —REPORTED, At least 4—SEPARATE—STRIKES were, —AROUND Ras Kamboni, on THE—SOMALIA—COAST—NEAR THE—KENYA—BORDER.
20070110             —ATTACKED, Unknown insurgents, 1—TRANSITIONAL government barracks and soldiers responded by sealing portions of MOGADISHU and searching house to house for guns.
20070110             —EXPLODED, In THE—SOUTH—PHILIPPINES 1—BOMB, across the street from 1—PUBLIC—MARKET, killing 6—PEOPLE and wounding 22—OTHERS.
20070110             A 2. blast in the region hours —LATER wounded 2—PEOPLE—NEAR 1—POLICE outpost.
20070110             —PRODDED, SUDAN and rebel groups, by NEW—MEXICO GOVERNOR—BILL—RICHARDSON, agreed on a 60—DAY—CEASEFIRE, plus diplomatic efforts by THE—UN and African Union, to end the conflict in Darfur.
20070110             ZIMBABWE—CENTRAL—STATISTICS—OFFICE (CSO) said inflation had hit 1—NEW—RECORD—HIGH—OF—1,281%, puncturing government hopes of reining in the galloping rate which has left households struggling to make ends meet.
20070110             And there is this revealing information:
20070110             "This 86—PERCENT—OF—THE—DETAINEES captured by PAKISTAN or THE—NORTH—ALLIANCE were handed over to THE—USA at 1—TIME—WHEN THE—USA.. Source:
20070110             the big idea - Dogs and Democrats - Why CONGRESS won't stop BUSH—SURGE.
20070110             —DEVELOPED, Several decades ago, psychologist MARTIN—SELIGMAN, his theory of " learned helplessness.
20070110             —REPEATED, Subjected to, punishment, animals and humans often come to believe they have no control over what happens to them, whether they actually do or not.
20070110             —SUBJECTED, SELIGMAN—ORIGINAL, experiment, dogs, to repeated electrical shocks would prostrate themselves and whine,
20070110             even —WHEN escaping the abuse lay within their power.
20070110             As with canines, so with CONGRESS men.
20070110             In theory, Democrats —NOW control 1—CO—EQUAL—BRANCH—OF—GOVERNMENT.
20070110             —TRAUMATIZED, In practice, they seem so, by their YEARS—OF—MISTREATMENT at the hands of 1—CONTEMPTUOUS—EXECUTIVE that they continue to cower + simper —WHENEVER master waves 1—STICK in their direction.
20070110             To continue reading, click here.
20070110             It was perhaps to help lay to rest the larger matter of the elder BUSH—PAST—ASSOCIATIONS
20070110             that THE—FORMER—PRESIDENT went out of his way —DURING his recent eulogy for PRESIDENT—FORD to sing THE—PRAISES—OF—THE—WARREN—COMMISSION—REPORT as the final authority on those days.
20070110             "—AFTER 1 deluded gunman assassinated PRESIDENT—KENNEDY, our nation turned to Gerald FORD and 1—SELECT—HANDFUL—OF—OTHERS to make SENSE—OF—THAT—MADNESS.
20070110             And 1—CONSPIRACY—THEORIST can say what they will, but THE—WARREN—COMMISSION—REPORT will always have the final definitive say on this tragic matter.
20070110             Why?
20070110             In fact, FORD—ROLE on THE—WARREN—COMMISSION is seen by MANY—EXPERTS as 1—DECISIVE—FACTOR in his rise to the top.
20070110             —ALTERED, As 1—COMMISSION—MEMBER, FORD, its report in 1—SIGNIFICANT—WAY.
20070110             Geologists Discover ORIGIN—OF—EARTH—MYSTERIOUS—BLACK—DIAMONDS
20070110             —INDEED, If, "1—DIAMOND is forever," the most primitive ORIGINS—OF—EARTH—SO—CALLED—BLACK diamonds were in deep,
20070110             universal time, geologists have discovered.
20070110             Black diamonds came from none other than interstellar space.
20070110             Human skin is 1—ANTHROPOLOGIST—MAP
20070110             For more than 1—DECADE, Jablonski has been trying to get her arms —AROUND 1—UBIQUITOUS and yet mysterious topic:
20070110             the biology, evolution and social function of human skin.
20070110             —PUBLISHED, The results of her studies have been, by THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA—PRESS as "Skin: 1—NATURAL—HISTORY".
20070110             BUSH SENIOR Early CIA Ties Revealed
20070110             Canary in 1—COALMINE—THOUSANDS—OF—BIRDS—FALL from sky in W AUSTRALIA - Barn owls dying by thousands along I-84
20070110             —TURNED, CANADA—COINS containing tiny transmitters have mysteriously, up in the pockets of at least 3—USA—CONTRACTORS who visited CANADA,
20070110             says 1—BRANCH—OF—THE—USA—DEFENSE—DEPARTMENT.
20070110             THE—FLORIDA 13—RACE STILL ain't over: MICHAEL—COLLINS
20070110             has the important story of Democratic candidate Christine Jennings' fight to overturn THE—FISHER—THAN—A—SUSHI—BAR—RESULTS—OF last ;;11;;'s race in that district.
20070110             is being sued by 1—LEADING figure within the giant voting machine firm ES&S :
20070110             1—VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—ELECTION—GIANT—ELECTION—SOFTWARE & Services who figures in 2—SEPARATE controversies currently raging over the way USA—ELECTIONS are run and USA—VOTES counted,
20070110             has accused the MadCowMorningNews of slandering him in 1—RECENT—ARTICLE + announced plans to sue in Federal COURT—IN—WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA
20070110             GARY—GREENHALGH was instrumental in bringing electronic touch screen voting to Katherine Harris' CONGRESS ional district.
20070110             In addition to that brouhaha, Greenhalgh —2—DECADES—AGO helped establish THE—SYSTEM—OF—CERTIFICATION—OF—USA electronic voting systems under increasing suspicion in 1—DRAMA working its way out —NOW concerning CIBER,
20070110             INCORPORATED, 1—COMPANY which tests voting machines.
20070110             He founded and —LATER was PRESIDENT—OF—THE—ELECTION—CENTER,
20070110             1—MURKY private NON—PROFIT based in HOUSTON whose ILL—DEFINED QUASI—PUBLIC—ROLE in "certifying the certifiers" is at odds,
20070110             say MANY—COMPUTER—EXPERTS, with the funding it has received from the very companies whose testing it approves, including CIBER.
20070110             BuzzFlash Needs Your Financial Support, —NOW More Than Ever
20070110             Antonia Juhasz Sizes Up the 'Bush Agenda' -
20070110             - Corporate Globalization, Oil, Wealth and Power -- 1—BUZZFLASH—INTERVIEW.
20070110             Bush WILL—SEND—MORE—TROOPS to Die in IRAQ to Ensure USA Marketplace Dominance, Oil Company Concessions in IRAQ + Because He is 1—SOCIOPATH.
20070110             † All Very Bad Reasons to Send People Off to be Killed.
20070110             —PUSHED, Tackling 1—TOP—PRIORITY, House Democrats, a $2.10 an —HOUR increase in the federal minimum wage toward passage —WEDNESDAY,
20070110             calling it only 1—PARTIAL—RESTORATION—OF purchasing power for AMERICA—LOWEST—PAID workers.
20070110             Democrats Restore Congress from "DO—NOTHING" to "DO—SOMETHING;" Homeland Security BILL—PASSES—HOUSE on 1. —DAY -- 1—BUZZFLASH—NEWS—ALERT
20070110             CODEPINK, 1—ORGANIZATION—OF—WOMEN who use innovative techniques and 1—SENSE—OF—HUMOR to try to end THE—IRAQ War,
20070110             have not forgotten the importance of highly visible protests.
20070110             They are the winner of this —WEEK—BUZZFLASH "WINGS—OF—JUSTICE—AWARD".
20070110             Join the Nationwide —DAY—OF—PROTEST—ON—THURSDAY, 20070111             !
20070110             AMERICAN—SAYS NO More Troops! Click here for 1—EVENT—NEAR you.
20070110             AP: "New" war plan sounds suspiciously like —LAST—YEAR
20070110             Prognose 20070000              : Uno erwartet gebremste Weltkonjunktur
20070110             ENERGIE—DEBATTE: ATOMSTROM—JA, bitte?
20070110             —GETÖTET, Vergewaltiger : Hoffnung für junge Iranerin in der Todeszelle
20070110             Zerschlagung der Monopole: Energiekonzerne fürchten Enteignung
20070110             —BLOCKIERT, PIPELINE—STREIT: "Druschba"- Leitung weiterhin
20070110             Kreuther Klausur: CSU fordert strikte Kriterien für BUNDESWEHR—1ÄTZE
20070110             —BEWERTET, Kritik an USA—AUßENPOLITIK: Brzezinski, Irakkrieg als Desaster
20070110             Raumfahrt: Briten wollen allein zum Mond
20070110             IRAK—POLITIK: Demokraten planen symbolischen Widerstand
20070110             Monopole: EU—KOMMISSION will Energiekonzerne zerschlagen
20070110             Kühlsystem für Exoplaneten: Stürme in ÜBERSCHALL—GESCHWINDIGKEIT
20070110             —COMPILED, NICO—RESEARCH, by ThinkProgress shows that
20070110             NBC News reports that PRESIDENT—BUSH will announce 1—ESCALATION—OF—21,500—TROOPS — 17,500 to BAGHDAD and 4,000 to Anbar province.
20070110             THE—COST—OF—THE—NEW—STRATEGY will be $6.8—BILLION.
20070110             In —MONDAY—WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS briefing, Press SECRETARY—TONY—SNOW said,
20070110             "The vast MAJORITY—OF—BREAKTHROUGHS—RIGHT—NOW, virtually all, have involved those other than embryonic stem cells.
20070110             —CALLED, This —MORNING on FOX NEWS, anchor Gretchen Carlson, SENATOR—TED—KENNEDY (D-MA) a "hostile enemy" of THE—USA because he has demanded that Congress vote on whether to approve funding for escalation in IRAQ.
20070110             In 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—WHITE—HOUSE counselor DAN—BARTLETT, Carlson compared Kennedy to insurgents and terrorists in IRAQ,
20070110             saying that Kennedy represented the same KIND—OF—FORCE "right here on the home front".
20070110             —DISAGREED, DAN—BARTLETT, saying that THE—WHITE—HOUSE doesn't "view Ted Kennedy as 1—HOSTILE—ENEMY" of THE—USA.
20070110             GRETCHEN CARLSON: You talk about the hostile enemy, obviously being IRAQ, but hostile enemies right here on the home front.
20070110             —YESTERDAY SENATOR—TED—KENNEDY,
20070110             proposing that ANY—KIND—OF—1—TROOP—SURGE should mean there should be CONGRESS ional APPROVAL—OF—THAT.
20070110             1—LOT—OF—DEMOCRATS not coming to his side on this.
20070110             But obviously this is not going to be 1—EASY sell on Capitol Hill,
20070110             even if it's not 1—EASY sell to THE—USA—PUBLIC.
20070110             BARTLETT: We don't view Ted Kennedy as hostile enemy but we do view him to be 1—OPEN and often CRITIC—OF—THE—WAR.
20070110             He has been from the outset.
20070110             Prominent conservative and FORMER—GOVERNOR—MITT—ROMNEY (R-MA) "has broken his silence" on escalation,
20070110             releasing 1—WRITTEN statement this —MORNING: "In consultation with Generals,
20070110             military experts and troops who have served on the ground in IRAQ, I believe securing IRAQ—CIVILIANS requires additional troops.
20070110             Success will require rapid deployment".
20070110             —ADMITTED, WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—SECRETARY—TONY—SNOW, —YESTERDAY that CONGRESS had funding control over THE—IRAQ war but said " THE—PRESIDENT could ultimately do what he wants".
20070110             Snow told reporters,
20070110             "THE—PRESIDENT has the ability to exercise his own authority if he thinks Congress has voted the wrong way.
20070110             " —LAST—YEAR was the warmest in the continental USA in the past 112—YEARS — capping a 9—YEAR warming streak 'unprecedented in the historical record' that was driven in part by THE—BURNING—OF—FOSSIL—FUELS,
20070110             "Democratic leaders said —TUESDAY that they intended to hold symbolic votes in the House and Senate on PRESIDENT—BUSH—PLAN to send more troops to BAGHDAD," THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORTS,
20070110             "forcing Republicans to take 1—STAND on the proposal and seeking to isolate THE—PRESIDENT politically
20070110             Faculty members at SOUTH—METHODIST—UNIVERSITY, the "likely site" of BUSH—PRESIDENTIAL—LIBRARY, "are raising sharp questions about the school's identification with his presidency".
20070110             —YESTERDAY, 150—FACULTY members voiced "1—RANGE—OF—CONCERNS,
20070110             particularly on whether the school's academic freedom and political independence
20070110             might appear compromised by 1—ASSOCIATION with not only THE—BUSH—LIBRARY but also 1—MUSEUM that would accompany it".
20070110             "Federal prosecutors have notified
20070110             1—FORMER—DEPUTY—SECRETARY—OF—THE—INTERIOR, J. STEVEN—GRILES, that he is 1—TARGET in the public corruption INVESTIGATION—OF—JACK—ABRAMOFF—LOBBYING activities".
20070110             "PENTAGON insiders say MEMBERS—OF—THE—JOINT—CHIEFS—OF—STAFF have long opposed the increase in troops and are only grudgingly going along with the plan because they have been promised that the military escalation will be matched by renewed political and economic efforts in IRAQ.
20070110             —BY—1—MILITARY—MENTAL—HEALTH—TEAM —3—MONTHS—BEFORE the attack". The private was given medication and ordered to "get SOME—SLEEP," then returned to duty the next —DAY "in the particularly violent STRETCH—OF—DESERT in THE—SOUTH—BAGHDAD suburbs known as THE—'TRIANGLE—OF—DEATH.'"
20070110             FORMER—SENATOR—RICK—SANTORUM (R-PA) is —NOW 1—SENIOR—FELLOW at the Ethics and Public Policy Center,
20070110             where he "directs 1—PROGRAM called 'AMERICA—ENEMIES,'
20070110             " which will "focus on identifying, studying + heightening AWARENESS—OF—THE—THREATS posed to AMERICA and the West".
20070110             National taxpayer advocate Nina Olson told CONGRESS —YESTERDAY to "repeal the authority it gave the Internal Revenue Service to use private debt collectors," calling the program "inefficient, uneconomical and prone to abuse.
20070110             Bush lifts ALASKA drilling ban-
20070110             —LIFTED, Admin -"PRESIDENT—BUSH, the drilling ban —TUESDAY for ALASKA—BRISTOL—BAY,
20070110             clearing the way for the Interior Department to open THE—FISH—RICH—WATERS to oil and natural gas development.
20070110             —TODAY, SENATOR—GORDON—SMITH (R-OR) said SENATOR—TED—KENNEDY'S (D-MA) new legislation
20070110             requiring THE—PRESIDENT to gain CONGRESS ional authority —BEFORE escalating THE—IRAQ war is "1—GOOD—IDEA.
20070110             " "The more THE—CONGRESS can be involved in the decision making, the better," Smith told.
20070110             (Read more about the Kennedy bill here.)
20070110             —CALLED, Smith has, BUSH—IRAQ policy "criminal," a "dereliction,
20070110             BASH: But THE—PRESIDENT can no longer rely on 1—GOP FIREWALL—OF—SUPPORT.
20070110             Republican SENATOR—GORDON—SMITH,
20070110             —RECENTLY soured on the war, tells he thinks KENNEDY—IDEA for 1—NEW—CONGRESS ional authorization is 1—GOOD 1.
20070110             SMITH: But he more THE—CONGRESS can be involved in the decision making,
20070110             the better — and that is what THE—USA—PEOPLE are asking for;
20070110             they are going to hold us accountable then let's have THE—TOOLS—OF—ACCOUNTABILITY so we can be held responsible.
20070110             Bush Gravely Warns Democrats About AMERICA—CREDIBILITY
20070110             BUSH Warns Democrats About EFFECTS—OF—TROOP—PULLOUT From IraqPresident BUSH gravely warned House Democrats —YESTERDAY that AMERICA—CREDIBILITY would be shattered if THE—USA pulled its troops from IRAQ...
20070110             What credibility? Sorry!
20070110             —SHATTERED, That was, —WHEN BUSH gravely warned the entire world about IRAQ—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION.
20070110             Next!! What?
20070110             No, Seriously. We're certainly very... Source:
20070110             Lawyers, Guns and Money: Proxy-
20070110             —ATTACKED, BG—WELL, the "ETHIOPIA would have, anyway" DEFENSE—OF—USA—SUPPORT for THE—ETHIOPIA—INVASION—OF—SOMALIA is looking worse all the time
20070110             How Coordinated is this kind of Kennedy/Kerry 'fake' opposition?-
20070110             —LAUNCHED, BG—USA—SENATOR—EDWARD—KENNEDY has, 1—BID to prevent PRESIDENT—GEORGE W BUSH sending more troops to IRAQ.
20070110             We all make assumptions.
20070110             4—GUYS were carrying bombs that blew up.
20070110             —TRAVELLED, They knew EACH—OTHER, they had, together that —DAY, twoAsians from LEEDS,
20070110             1—ASIA—FRIEND from LEEDS who had moved to LUTON + 1—WEST—INDIA—GUY who had —RECENTLY arrived in Aylesbury.
20070110             —JOINED, THE—4—MEN, the Thamesmead train from LUTON to LONDON Kings Cross carrying rucksacks.
20070110             —LOOKED, They, said a police man who has... Source:
20070110             NORMAN—SOLOMON: The Headless Horseman of the Apocalypse-
20070110             We can blame BUSH all we want -- and he does hold the reins right —NOW -- but his main enablers these days are the fastidious public servants in CONGRESS
20070110             SOME—SECTIONS—OF—THE—PRESS—EYE—EACH—OTHER, warily trying to anticipate who'll break the story 1.
20070110             who's head will roll and who's bacon is safe?
20070110             To think... the Security Service, terrorised as 1—RESULT—OF—THEIR—OWN wire taps, hung by their own infostructure.
20070110             Fear is a 2—WAY—STREET. Source:
20070110             —AUDITED, NOMINEE—COMPANY, SWIFT banking spy program
20070110             —RETIRED, The nomination of, Vice Admiral JOHN—MICHAEL "Mike" McConnell to be DIRECTOR—OF—NATIONAL—INTELLIGENCE is PART—OF—1—EFFORT by THE—VICE—PRESIDENT to tighten THE—ADMINISTRATION—GRIP on domestic intelligence + grease the wheels for 1—MORE—AGGRESSIVE—STANCE towards IRAN,
20070110             current and former intelligence officials believe.
20070110             Rick Santorum has gone from junior SENATOR to senior fellow: AS—OF—TODAY,
20070110             THE—PENNSYLVANIA Republican is 1—EMPLOYEE—OF—THE—ETHICS and Public Policy Center, 1—WASHINGTON—BASED think tank.
20070110             "I want to contribute to THE—WORLD—OF—IDEAS," he says.
20070110             —AFTER—16—YEARS in CONGRESS -- 4 in the House,
20070110             12 in the Senate -- Santorum lost his bid for reelection in ;;11;;.
20070110             Yet he hopes to remain in the public spotlight as DIRECTOR—OF—THE—EPPC—BRAND—NEW—AMERICA—ENEMIES—PROGRAM.
20070110             —SUSPECTED, Here is their introduction: We always, + received MANY—INDICATIONS, that THE—SSCI "investigation" of ABLE DANGER was pursued lethargically and with great reluctance.
20070110             —AVOIDED, SSCI deliberately, witnesses who could corroborate THE—CLAIMS—OF—THE—ABLE—DANGER—TEAM.
20070110             Many in the public and among the press fail to understand that SSCI, like THE—DOD IG, is 1—OVERSIGHT institution in name only.
20070110             The truth is that the relationship between SSCI and the intelligence agencies they oversee, and... Source:
20070110             WSJ: CIA Blocking Investigation Of Fmr.
20070110             THE—CIA is refusing to cooperate with federal prosecutors investigating THE—DUKE—CUNNINGHAM scandal, THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL—SCOTT—PALTROW reports —TODAY.
20070110             —BEFORE getting caught
20070110             POLLARD is hardly the only ISRAEL i spy operating in THE—USA.
20070110             He —JUST had the misfortune to get caught.
20070110             Once again, ISRAEL has been caught with spies at the highest LEVELS—OF—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT.
20070110             At THE—HEART—OF—THE—INVESTIGATION are 2—PEOPLE who work at THE—USA—ISRAEL Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC ),
20070110             a powerful PRO—ISRAEL lobby in WASHINGTON.
20070110             —HEADED, THE—FBI investigation, up by Dave Szady, has involved wiretaps,
20070110             undercover surveillance and photography that CBS News was told document the passing of classified information from the mole,
20070110             to the men at AIPAC + on to THE—ISRAEL is.
20070110             —DESCRIBED, CBS sources say that —LAST—YEAR the suspected spy, as 1 trusted analyst at THE—PENTAGON, turned over 1—PRESIDENTIAL directive on USA policy toward IRAN —WHILE it was,
20070110             "in the draft phase —WHEN USA POLICY—MAKERS were still debating the policy.
20070110             This put THE—ISRAEL is, according to 1—SOURCE, "inside THE—DECISION—MAKING loop" so they could "try to influence the outcome".
20070110             [ CBS News] - Once again ISRAEL denies wrongdoing, or faced with incontrovertible evidence (in this case 1—OF—THE—SPIES has reportedly cooperated with THE—FBI ) dismisses the spying with the claim that such spying is harmless,
20070110             because ISRAEL and THE—USA are such good friends.
20070110             Well, let us take 1—CLOSER—LOOK at that idea of "harmless espionage" by recalling ISRAEL—MOST famous failed spy, JONATHAN—POLLARD.
20070110             JONATHAN—POLLARD is 1—AMERICAN—OF—JEWISH descent, born in Galveston TEXAS, who established 1—CAREER as 1—INTELLIGENCE—ANALYST for THE—USA—NAVY.
20070110             —OFFERED, There have been MANY—THEORIES, as to why POLLARD decided to betray his COUNTRY—OF—BIRTH to the Jewish state,
20070110             but that POLLARD did betray his COUNTRY—OF—BIRTH to ISRAEL is beyond all doubt.
20070110             POLLARD—DEFENSE was that he did not spy so much against THE—USA ,
20070110             only that he spied for ISRAEL, sending them documents that in his opinion THE—USA should have shared with ISRAEL anyway.
20070110             >From The Real News Project: "Newly released internal CIA documents assert that FORMER—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—HERBERT—WALKER—BUSH—OIL—COMPANY emerged from a 19500000             —COLLABORATION with 1—COVERT—CIA—OFFICER.
20070110             "BUSH has long denied allegations that he had connections to the intelligence community —PRIOR—TO 19760000             ,
20070110             —AT—THE—TIME.
20070110             "With the way we tracked the dispersion of the smell and the prevailing winds indicates that it came from NEW—JERSEY,
20070110             somewhere near Secaucus," Sturcken said early —TODAY by telephone.
20070110             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON 24—OPENER Contains Mass Terror Attacks And Justifying Building Concentration Camps In AMERICAN—PROPAGANDA—KEEPS Being
20070110             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—STRANGE smells and dead birds frighten MANY—IN—THE—AGE—OF—TERROR
20070110             Full Steam Ahead For "The Invasion" & THE—USA—UNION-
20070110             —FUNDED, PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—GOVERNMENT, drug running cartels, secret illegal social security programs and Pesos for Pizzas.
20070110             —INCARCERATED, PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—DETENTION—FACILITY currently holds as many as 200—CHILDREN, —AFTER midnight arrests
20070110             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—QUEEN—BACKS away from Royal jury as whitewash charges PRE—EMPT inquest hearing
20070110             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—POLITICAL "opposition" also helping BUSH gain traction for IRAN military strike
20070110             —SOURED, Republican SENATOR—GORDON—SMITH, —RECENTLY, on the war, tells he thinks KENNEDY—IDEA for 1—NEW—CONGRESS ional authorization is 1—GOOD 1.
20070110             In —TODAY—PRESS briefing, WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—SECRETARY—TONY—SNOW tried to distance PRESIDENT—BUSH from his infamous "Mission Accomplished" speech,
20070110             claiming that BUSH said "—JUST the opposite" of "Mission Accomplished":
20070110             I think the public ought to —JUST listen to what THE—PRESIDENT has to say.
20070110             —ACCOMPLISHED, You know that the mission, banner was put up by MEMBERS—OF—THE—USS—ABRAHAM—LINCOLN + THE—PRESIDENT,
20070110             —ON that very speech, said —JUST the opposite, didn't he?
20070110             For that SENATOR—CHRIS—DODD (D-CT),-
20070110             PAYSON—THE "new chairman of the powerful USA senate banking committee," —TODAY "vowed to crack down on 'outrageous' credit card fees
20070110             + unscrupulous lenders that target minorities + military families".
20070110             Murtha takes aim at ABU—GHRAIB, GUANTANAMO.-
20070110             "—NOW that he is —BACK—IN power, [REPRESENTATIVE—JOHN] Murtha (D-PA) wants to make sure ABU—GHRAIB prison is shut down + he is sending his staff to inspect conditions at GUANTANAMO in CUBA".
20070110             Referring to the upcoming military supplemental legislation,
20070110             Murtha said, "I will try to shut it [ABU—GHRAIB] down in this bill.
20070110             Tomorrow night at 9—P.m. EST, PRESIDENT—BUSH will address the nation and announce 1—ESCALATION—OF—THE—WAR in IRAQ
20070110             —BY—SENDING about 20,000 more USA troops to IRAQ.
20070110             Can CONGRESS do anything about it?
20070110             —CLAIMED, SOME—MEMBERS have, that anything other than symbolic action is unconstitutional.
20070110             say that's false. History supports their case.
20070110             1—NEW—REPORT from the Center for USA—PROGRESS—DETAILS how, over the last 35—YEARS,
20070110             —PASSED, CONGRESS has, bills, enacted into law, that capped THE—SIZE—OF—MILITARY—DEPLOYMENTS,
20070110             prohibited funding for existing or prospective deployment + placed limits and conditions on the timing and NATURE—OF—DEPLOYMENTS.
20070110             SOME—EXAMPLES:
20070110             —ESTABLISHED, THE—CONGRESS, 1—PERSONNEL ceiling of 4000—AMERICANS in VIETNAM within 6—MONTHS—OF—ENACTMENT and 3000—AMERICANS within 1—YEAR.
20070110             —REQUIRED, THE—CONGRESS, THE—PRESIDENT to return to seek statutory authorization if he sought to expand THE—SIZE—OF—THE—USA—CONTINGENT—OF—THE—MULTINATIONAL Force in LEBANON.
20070110             —CAPPED, THE—CONGRESS, the end strength LEVEL—OF—USA—FORCES assigned to permanent duty in European NATO—COUNTRIES at 324,400.
20070110             Read the full report
20070110             THE—GUARDIAN is reporting that EXXON Mobil chairman + CEO—REX—TILLERSON —RECENTLY promised investors that it plans to "soften" its public image on global warming.
20070110             —NOTED, But as 1—PERSON at the meeting, Exxon doesn't actually plan to change its positions:
20070110             Chairman and CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—REX—TILLERSON made clear to 1—SELECT—GROUP—OF—TOP—WALL—STREET—FUND—MANAGERS + equity analysts that it would not be changing its basic position on global WARMING—JUST explain it better.
20070110             1—NOTE put out —AFTER the meeting by Fadel Gheit, oil analyst at the Oppenheimer brokerage in NEW—YORK,
20070110             says the company "has clearly taken 1—MUCH less adversial + more reconciliatory position on key environmental issues".
20070110             —CHANGED, But the note adds: " Although the tone has, the substance remains the same".
20070110             The company told THE—GUARDIAN that its official position on climate change is that greenhouse gas emissions "are 1—OF—THE—FACTORS that contribute to climate change
20070110             EXXON can attempt to soften its language as much as it wants, but its record remains clear.
20070110             According to 1—RECENT—REPORT by the Union of Concerned Scientists, EXXON has "funneled nearly $16—MILLION 19980000—20050000    —BETWEEN 20070110             to 1—NETWORK—OF—43—ADVOCACY organizations that seek to confuse the public on global warming science".
20070110             THE—BIG—OIL—FRONT—GROUP the Competitive Enterprise Institute has received $1.6—MILLION from Exxon
20070110             using the funding to distort global warming research
20070110             and attack ANY—MEANINGFUL action to regulate carbon dioxide emissions.
20070110             —TODAY, SENATOR—TED—KENNEDY
20070110             will introduce the 1. legislation demanding accountability for PRESIDENT—BUSH—IRAQ policy.
20070110             KENNEDY—BILL will require THE—PRESIDENT to gain new CONGRESS ional authority —BEFORE escalating the war in IRAQ.
20070110             Below, 1—SUMMARY—OF—THE—BILL—FROM—KENNEDY—OFFICE:
20070110             The legislation requires THE—CONGRESS to vote —BEFORE THE—PRESIDENT escalates troop levels in IRAQ.
20070110             The legislation claims the people's right to 1—FULL—VOICE in THE—PRESIDENT—PLAN to send more troops into THE—IRAQ civil war.
20070110             It says that no funds can be spent to send additional troops to IRAQ unless CONGRESS approves the PRESIDENT's proposed ESCALATION—OF—USA—FORCES.
20070110             —ARMED, The mission of our, forces —TODAY in IRAQ no longer bears ANY—RESEMBLANCE to the mission authorized by CONGRESS.
20070110             —DESCENDED, IRAQ has, into civil war and sectarian violence continues to escalate.
20070110             PRESIDENT—BUSH should not be permitted to increase THE—NUMBER—OF—USA—TROOPS in harm's way in the civil war without 1—SPECIFIC—NEW—AUTHORIZATION from CONGRESS.
20070110             Bush _Iraq_Escalation_Plan">Digg It!
20070110             They told North, "We don't need more USA—TROOPS; we need more IRAQ—TROOPS".
20070110             —ADDED, North, that BUSH—PROPOSAL "sounds eerily like Lyndon JOHNSON—PLAN to save VIETNAM in the 60s by gradual escalation as 1—WAY not to lose".
20070110             GREG—SARGENT has more.
20070110             —EXPRESSED, Nearly all, —JUST the opposite.
20070110             'We don't need more USA—TROOPS;
20070110             we need more IRAQ—TROOPS' was 1—COMMON—REFRAIN.
20070110             My concern is that incremental increase in USA—TROOP—STRENGTH...as 1. suggested last —SUMMER—DURING THE—CONGRESS ional campaign sounds eerily like Lyndon JOHNSON—PLAN to save VIETNAM in the 60s by gradual escalation as 1—WAY not to lose.
20070110             —AFTER 1—MEETING between PRESIDENT—BUSH and more than 30—REPUBLICAN senators —YESTERDAY,
20070110             SENATOR—GORDON—SMITH (R-OR) said, "'It was clear to me that 1—DECISION has been made for 1—SURGE ' of at least 20,000—ADDITIONAL—TROOPS".
20070110             Sen.
20070110             —NOTED, Thad Cochran (R-MS), that most senators didn't embrace BUSH—PLAN:
20070110             "I think I was the only SENATOR who acted like he would be supportive.
20070110             —SUBMITTED, THE—CIA has, portions of 1—BOOK manuscript by FORMER—DIRECTOR—GEORGE—TENET to THE—WHITE—HOUSE for review amid speculation the memoirs will be CRITICAL—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH.
20070110             1—CIA—SPOKESMAN denied allegations that the book had been submitted for review of negative comments about BUSH.
20070110             The new CONGRESS ional leadership's "100—HOUR—AGENDA" begins —TODAY as the House votes on 1—BILL
20070110             to enact several 20010911              Commission recommendations.
20070110             Commission CO—CHAIR—LEE—HAMILTON said —YESTERDAY,
20070110             "if this bill is enacted, then almost ALL—OF—THE—RECOMMENDATIONS—OF—THE—COMMISSION will have been put into law" and the "USA—PEOPLE will be safer.
20070110             $2—TRILLION.
20070110             The amount THE—USA—SPENT on health care,
20070110             "fueled by THE—COST—OF—HOSPITAL—CARE, doctor fees and prescription drugs".
20070110             "HEALTH—CARE spending grew 6.9 % to about $1.99—TRILLION from about $1.86—TRILLION
20070110             "TONY—BLAIR will make clear this —WEEK that BRITAIN is not going to send more troops to IRAQ even if THE—USA pushes ahead with a 'SURGE.'" THE—PRIME—MINISTER will "insist that THE—UK will stick to its own strategy of gradually handing over to THE—IRAQ—ARMY.
20070110             1 in 8. Number of Iraqis who have —NOW left their homes,
20070110             "with up to 50,000—PEOPLE leaving EACH—MONTH,
20070110             " according to THE—UNITED—NATIONS—REFUGEE—AGENCY. It noted that the "exodus was the largest LONG—TERM—MOVEMENT—SINCE the displacement of the Palestinians —AFTER the creation of ISRAEL 19480000             ".
20070110             1—FEDERAL—INVESTIGATION—OF—FORMER—CIA—EXECUTIVE—DIRECTOR—KYLE "Dusty" Foggo "has stalled BECAUSE—OF—CIA—RELUCTANCE to turn over classified documents
20070110             requested by prosecutors, people close to the investigation say".
20070110             Foggo is under scrutiny for his role in THE—DUKE—CUNNINGHAM scandal.
20070110             —PUSHED, PRESIDENT—BUSH " for RENEWAL—OF—THE—NO—CHILD—LEFT Behind education law —MONDAY in 1—MEETING with CONGRESS ional leaders but was noncommittal on their request for more money to help schools meet the law's requirements.
20070110             1—PENTAGON—INSPECTOR—GENERAL—REVIEW—OF—OFFICES under FORMER—UNDERSECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—DOUGLAS—FEITH is "expected to be completed within the next few weeks.
20070110             "GOVERNOR—ARNOLD—SCHWARZENEGGER (R) —ON—MONDAY proposed
20070110             1—SYSTEM—OF—UNIVERSAL—HEALTH—INSURANCE for Californians that would make the nation's most populous STATE—THE 3. to guarantee medical coverage for all its residents".
20070110             Some 6.5—MILLION people,
20070110             1—5. of the state's population, do not have health insurance.
20070110             26 %-age of Americans who support the job PRESIDENT—BUSH is doing in IRAQ, 1—RECORD—LOW, according to 1—GALLUP/USA—TODAY—POLL.
20070110             "BUSH will outline his 'new way forward' in IRAQ —ON—WEDNESDAY to 1—NATION that overwhelmingly opposes sending more USA troops
20070110             and is increasingly skeptical that the war can be won".
20070110             So says legal experts MARTY—LEDERMAN
20070110             (GEORGETOWN University professor) and NEIL—KINKOPF
20070110             (PRESIDENT—CLINTON—FORMER constitutional advisor),
20070110             as well as House Defense Appropriations Chairman JACK—MURTHA
20070110             Say cheese.- CREW finds the 1. of PRESIDENT—BUSH and criminal lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF, taken at a 20031200              fundraiser.
20070110             Flashback: Abramoff:
20070110             "[BUSH ] has 1—OF—THE—BEST—MEMORIES—OF—ANY—POLITICIAN I have ever met.
20070110             The guy saw me in almost 12—SETTINGS + joked with me about 1—BUNCH—OF—THINGS, including details of my kids.
20070110             Perhaps he has forgotten everything.
20070110             Who knows". SADDAM—WELL—TIMED—EXECUTION
20070110             Die neue (Un)Sicherheitspolitik Deutschlands (5) Wechselbalg Deutsche Marine-
20070110             Nach der Mythologie ist ein Wechselbalg ein unterschobener Säugling.
20070110             Für ?Kuckuckskinder? machte man böse Geister oder, um im Sprachgebrauch der Militärs zu bleiben, ?Feinde?
20070110             verantwortlich.
20070110             Die Marinen anderer Staaten können auf historische Beständigkeit verweisen,
20070110             jedoch nicht die Deutsche Marine, die von staatlichen Wechseln geprägt wurde und dem entsprechend...
20070110             Die neue (Un)Sicherheitspolitik Deutschlands (6) "Peng Bumm Paff Buff"...-
20070110             1—SENIOR—OFFICIAL in THE—SOMALIA—GOVERNMENT'S—NEW—MINISTRY—OF—THE Interior told ABC News government forces had recovered "DOZENS—OF—FOREIGN—PASSPORTS," including several USA—PASSPORTS,
20070110             —ON the bodies of al Qaeda fighters killed...
20070110             —GERAMMT, USA—ATOM—U—BOOT hat Tanker -
20070110             sfux Ein atombetriebenes amerikanisches U-Boot ist im Arabischen Meer nahe der STRASSE—VON—HORMUS mit einem japanischen Tanker kollidiert.
20070110             Japanische Medien zitierten einen Vertreter der USA—MARINE sowie den Ölkonzern Showa Shell Sekiyu,
20070110             wonach es bei dem Zusammenstoss am Vorabend Ortszeit weder zu einem radioaktiven noch zu einem Ölleck kam.
20070110             Das atomar betriebene Jagd-U-Boot "USS NEWPORT—NEWS" der LOS—ANGELES—KLASSE sei südlich der STRASSE—VON—HORMUS...
20070110             —BEKANNT, USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH wolle den Postenwechsel am —FREITAG, geben, teilte ein ranghoher Regierungsvertreter mit.
20070110             —AKZEPTIERT, Nach ANGABEN—DES—SENDERS—NBC hat Negroponte —BEREITS, Stellvertreter von Aussenministerin Condoleezza Rice zu werden.
20070110             Das Vizeamt ist —SEIT dem Rücktritt von ROBERT—ZOELLICK im ;;06;;
20070110             vergangenen Jahres unbesetzt.Der 67-jährige... - BUSH—RUSH to Armageddon-
20070110             GEORGE—W—BUSH—SHAKEUP—OF—TOP—MILITARY and intelligence officials for THE—MIDDLE—EAST may have 1—WORRISOME subtext.
20070110             USA Special Forces teams sent overseas on secret spying missions have clashed with THE—CIA + carried out operations in countries that are staunch USA allies,
20070110             prompting 1—NEW—EFFORT by the agency + THE—PENTAGON to tighten the rules for military units engaged in espionage, according to senior USA...
20070110             Die neue (Un)Sicherheitspolitik Deutschlands (3) ?Entwicklungshilfe?
20070110             mit Überwachungskameras...-
20070110             Die Bundeswehr wagt einen neuen Schritt.
20070110             Zwar ist die Bundeswehr als Entwicklungshelfer nur 1—TÄUSCHUNG,
20070110             tatsächlich aber ist sie der Grund für mangelnde Entwicklungshilfe aus Deutschland,
20070110             denn sie hat sich neue ?ZIVIL—MILITÄRISCHE?
20070110             —GESCHAFFEN, Aufgaben, und sich diese auch zugeschoben.
20070110             1—BEISPIEL: Der KONGO—EINSATZ—DER—BUNDESWEHR 20060000             ...
20070110             Die neue (Un)Sicherheitspolitik Deutschlands (4) PARTYTIME—DIE angriffslustige...-
20070110             Die Bundeswehr will sich offensichtlich nicht von ihrem aggressiven Weg abbringen lassen.
20070110             Mittels ?Transformation? will sie sich verändern.
20070110             ?Die Bundeswehr beschreitet —SEIT Jahren konsequent den Weg des Wandels zu einer Armee im Einsatz und verändert...
20070110             Insulin pill is 'on the horizon'
20070110             1—INSULIN pill made from 1—CHEMICAL found in shrimp shells is being developed by TAIWAN—SCIENTISTS.
20070110             Blood test predicts heart attack
20070110             1—BLOOD—TEST may give doctors 1—EARLY warning that 1—HEART—PATIENT'S—CONDITION is about to get worse.
20070110             INDONESIA—BOY DIES—OF—BIRD flu
20070110             Bird flu kills 1—INDONESIA—TEENAGER as fears mount about the virus' spread —DURING ASIA—COOLER months.
20070110             Uranium 'killing ITALY—TROOPS'
20070110             —DEPLETED, ITALY—SOLDIERS are still dying —FOLLOWING exposure to, uranium in Bosnia and Kosovo, their relatives say.
20070110             How spicy foods can kill cancers
20070110             Scientists reveal capsaicin, which makes jalapeno peppers hot, attacks THE—ENERGY—MAKING MITOCHONDRIA—OF—CANCER cells.
20070110             Milk in tea 'blocks health gains'
20070110             Adding milk to 1—CUP—OF—TEA can destroy its ability to protect against heart disease, according to research.
20070110             Snap decisions sometimes the best
20070110             Trusting your instincts may help you to make better decisions than thinking hard, 1—STUDY suggests.
20070110             Cartoons to aid autistic children
20070110             Cartoon cars and trains with human faces are proving 1—EFFECTIVE—WAY to help autistic children understand emotions.
20070110             Smoking at home probe
20070110             1—COMPLAINT by 1—WOMAN about neighbours smoking in their home is investigated by Gwynedd Council.
20070110             'New stem cell source' discovered
20070110             —DISCOVERED, USA—SCIENTISTS say they have, 1—SOURCE—OF stem cells which does not involve the use of human embryos.
20070110             EU plans 'industrial revolution'
20070110             THE—EU calls on member states to cut EMISSIONS—OF—GREENHOUSE—GASES by 20%
20070110             BELARUS ditches oil transit tax
20070110             —CANCELLED, BELARUS has, the transit tax it had imposed on RUSSIA—OIL—SHIPMENTS, the country's PRIME—MINISTER says.
20070110             VENEZUELA—CHAVEZ—SWORN—IN
20070110             VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ is SWORN—IN for a 3. term —FOLLOWING his ;;12;;
20070110             election landslide. Chrysler queries climate change
20070110             THE—CHIEF—ECONOMIST—OF—USA—CAR—FIRM—CHRYSLER attacks the "QUASI—HYSTERICAL" European attitude to global warming.
20070110             Bush set to reveal IRAQ strategy
20070110             THE—USA—PRESIDENT prepares to deliver his strategy for IRAQ, as Democrats oppose ANY—TROOP—INCREASE.
20070110             ECUADOR—COLOMBIA row escalates
20070110             ECUADOR takes its challenge to COLOMBIA—BORDER COCA—SPRAYING programme to the regional body.
20070110             Olmert 'to discuss IRAN' in CHINA
20070110             ISRAEL i PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT is likely to discuss IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAMME —DURING talks in BEIJING.
20070110             USA—BLACKLISTS IRAN—STATE bank
20070110             New EU path on climate and energy
20070110             The European Commission will propose measures to combat climate change —WHILE securing consumer energy supplies.
20070110             Star may have 4—MAGNETIC—POLES
20070110             The neutron star inside the Crab Nebula may have as many as 4—MAGNETIC—POLES, researchers say.
20070110             RUSSIA 'in new threat to BELARUS'
20070110             RUSSIA threatens to put duties on all Belarusian imports, reports say, as 1—TRADE—ROW between THE—2—ESCALATES.
20070110             Chavez plans hit market
20070110             VENEZUELA—FINANCIAL markets tumble —AFTER PRESIDENT—CHAVEZ unveils plans to nationalise key phone and power firms.
20070110             IRAN smog 'kills 3,600 in —MONTH'
20070110             Pollution led to 3,600 deaths in TEHRAN in —JUST 1—MONTH, IRAN—OFFICIALS say, with the annual total put at 10,000.
20070110             END—TIME for THE—INTERNET
20070110             JONATHAN—ZITTRAIN, PROFESSOR—OF—INTERNET—GOVERNANCE and regulation at OXFORD University, lays out 1—NASTY—SCENARIO.
20070110             Civil Liberties Showdown Looms
20070110             Privacy proposals in the Democratic bill revisiting 20010911             —THE commission's recommendations both expand privacy officials' powers and require them to report to CONGRESS.
20070110             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is likely to balk.
20070110             In 27B Stroke 6. - Prison Guards Saved by Syrup
20070110             1—NEW—VISCOUS gel that hardens on impact could make bulky, conspicuous body armor 1—THING—OF—THE—PAST.
20070110             RFID coming to scooters, diapers
20070110             IBM—RFID tracking software finds its way into 1—ITALY—SCOOTER plant and plastic wrap that will track TAMPERING—OF—CONSUMER—GOODS.
20070110             "DOCTOR—JEFF—MASTERS from Wunderground has 1—GREAT summary of this —YEAR—RATHER abnormal weather (his blog is the best source on the net for IN—DEPTH weather analysis).
20070110             The post discusses some of the cyclical climate forces at work this —YEAR and compares this —YEAR—RECORD—TEMPERATURES to records from the past.
20070110             There are SOME—INTERESTING differences, particularly in THE—EXTENT—OF—THE—NORTHERN hemisphere seeing record highs this —YEAR.
20070110             ";;12;;'s weather in THE—NORTH—EAST—USA may have been 1—CASE—OF—THE—WEATHER dice coming up 13— weather not seen on the planet —SINCE—BEFORE the Ice Age began,
20070110             118,—000—YEARS—AGO.
20070110             The weather dice will start rolling 1—INCREASING number of thirteens in coming years + 1—ICE—FREE—ARCTIC—OCEAN in summertime
20070110             "Google has signed on with the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope project that will construct 1—POWERFUL telescope in CHILE
20070110             A 3D Printer On EVERY—DESKTOP?-
20070110             "2—CORNELL researchers have designed 1—OPEN—SOURCE 3D printer that costs —JUST $2,400.
20070110             THE—SELF—ASSEMBLY kit is PART—OF—WHAT they call the Fab@Home project — they hope it will spark development of rapid prototyping for the consumer market in the same way the Altair 8800—DID for personal computing in seventies.
20070110             —COMPLETED, Here is 1—VIDEO showing 1, machine constructing 1—SILICONE bulb (16-MB WMV).
20070110             Update: 01/10 04:02 GMT by KD : The developers of this kit are at Cornell, not Carnegie Mellon University as the original post erroneously stated.
20070110             "iRobot has announced Create: 1—NEW fully programmable mobile robot based on the Roomba robotic vacuum cleaner.
20070110             People have been hacking the Roomba —SINCE the —DAY it came out.
20070110             Well, hacking —JUST got 1—WHOLE—LOT easier.
20070110             1—COMMAND module for the Create provides 1—PROGRAMMABLE 8-bit Atmel micro controller,
20070110             4—DB—9—PORTS for your own sensors + 1—NUMBER—OF—SAMPLE—PROGRAMS that can be compiled and uploaded to the command module via USB.
20070110             Botmag has more details and SOME—COOL—APPLICATIONS.
20070110             This looks like the perfect robotics platform for hobbyists, schools + universities alike".
20070110             New Nanoparticle Cancer Therapy-
20070110             —KDAWSON—75 -quixote9 tips us to 1—BBC story on 1—PROMISING new cancer therapy using targeted nanoparticles.
20070110             "The researchers used the nanoparticles to 0 in on THE—NETWORK—OF—BLOOD—VESSELS that supply the tumors in mice with nutrients and oxygen... [They] developed 1—TECHNIQUE for amplifying [the nanoparticles'] homing ability by designing 1—MULTIFUNCTIONAL nanoparticle that binds to 1—PROTEIN—STRUCTURE found only in tumors and associated blood vessels... The tests showed that within HOURS—OF—THE—INJECTION,
20070110             the artificial platelets began blocking the supply without harming normal tissues.
20070110             The scientists believe the nanoparticles could also be used to carry drugs to the tumor".
20070110             NASA WILL—GO—METRIC—ON—THE—MOON
20070110             "Space com is reporting that NASA has decided to use the metric system for its new lunar missions.
20070110             NASA hopes that metrication will allow easier INTERNATIONAL participation and safer missions.
20070110             —BLAMED, The loss of the Mars Climate Orbiter was, on 1—ERROR converting between ENGLAND—UNITS and metric units.
20070110             '—WHEN we made the announcement at the meeting, the reps for the other space agencies all gave 1—LITTLE cheer,' said 1—NASA official".
20070110             —IDENTIFIED, To date they have, 322—SUSPECTS". "GERMANY—DATA—PRIVACY—LAWS allow police to ask financial institutions to provide data about individuals but only if the investigators meet certain conditions,
20070110             including 1—CONCRETE suspicion of illegal behavior and narrowly defined search criteria, according to JOHANN—BIZER, deputy DIRECTOR—OF—THE—INDEPENDENT—CENTER for Privacy Protection... In the case under investigation,
20070110             police were aware of 1—CHILD—PORNOGRAPHY—WEB—SITE outside of GERMANY that was attracting users inside the country.
20070110             —ASKED, And they, THE—CREDIT—CARD—COMPANIES to conduct 1—DATABASE—SEARCH narrowed to 3—CRITERIA:
20070110             News Hounds: On FOX News It's Never Too Early To Start Worrying
20070110             .... they would want the 1. black USA—WOMAN—PRESIDENT to be 1—REPUBLICAN.
20070110             Platts Oilgram NEWS—THE—MCGRAW—HILL—COMPANIES, INCORPORATED - Browse Page
20070110             NEW—YORK—WITH owner JOHN—DEUSS in 1—HOLLAND—HOOSEGOW, WOULD—BE buyers are said to be sniffing —AROUND in hopes of acquiring his small but aspiring Calcasieu...
20070110             DEUSS is 1—HOLLAND—OIL—TRADER who built up his fortune from the 19700000            S.
20070110             Calcasieu Refining Company Lake Charles, LA 70605.
20070110             CORPORATIONS FILINGS: 20060715              20070110             BATON ROUGE, LA 70809 RAINWATER OIL PROPERTIES INC 36231827D 20060721              211
20070110             LA 70737 CALCASIEU PROPERTY ASSOCIATES, L.L.C. 36230384K 20060720              318—S. MAIN...
20070110             Tonnies, F., (18870000             , 19570000             ), Community and Society: Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft (translated and.
20070110             edited by Loomis, C.P.), LANSING: MICHIGAN STATE—UNIVERSITY...
20070110             Die USA auf dem Weg in 1—DIKTATUR? [Archiv] - Seite 6 ...
20070110             —OVERCHARGED, THE—HOUSTON—BASED oil services company, may have, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT
20070110             Dort verhält es sich wie Schmiermittel und beschleunigt die Bewegung des Eises in Richtung Meer.
20070110             NORTHCOM, The Law Enforcement BRANCH—OF—THE—NORTH—USA—UNION...
20070110             EDWARD—LUTTWAK, 1—NEOCONSERVATIVE scholar and author, says flatly that the...
20070110             PAUL—WOLFOWITZ, being 1—MEMBER—OF—THE... - Age Of Tyranny NEWS—BY JAN—ALLEN
20070110             As EDWARD—LUTTWAK remarks in his Coup d'état:
20070110             IRAQ Occupation THREAD—TOPIC Powered by eve community
20070110             EDWARD—LUTTWAK, 1—SENIOR—FELLOW at the Center for Strategic and INTERNATIONAL Studies in WASHINGTON and a...
20070110             ALOR—ONTARGET BRITAIN... would connect EDWARD—LUTTWAK or MICHAEL—LEDEEN,
20070110             both of whom have written - Military Rights Activists, SCHEMA—ROOT news...
20070110             THE—BOOK—OF—COUPS—YES; there is 1: Coup d'état by EDWARD—LUTTWAK with additions on more.
20070110             nndb open directory opensecrets org peoples voice (1)...
20070110             Center For Strategic And INTERNATIONAL Studies, SCHEMA—ROOT news
20070110             nndb (1) old USA—CENTURY (1) onlinejournal (15) open directory (8)
20070110             3—SOURCES: 20060800              Archives
20070110             EDWARD—LUTTWAK—OF—THE—JERUSALEM Post (HAT—TIP Mickey, via Insty) compares 8—IDF...
20070110             Here's the real outrage... - Cabinet Bios
20070110             —IGNORIERT, IRAK—POLITIK: Bush, den Rat seiner Generäle
20070110             Duft des Heimatriffs: Fische erschnüffeln Weg nach Hause
20070110             Alternative Ölquellen: Tanker statt Pipeline
20070110             ENERGIE—POLITIK: Gabriel warnt EU—KOMMISSION vor Ja zum Atomstrom
20070110             Umweltschäden: Bush hebt ÖLBOHR—VERBOT in der BRISTOL—BUCHT auf
20070110             Konjunktur: Mittelstand ist so optimistisch wie —SEIT Jahren nicht mehr
20070110             Russischer Manager Wainschtok: PIPELINE—ZAR von Putins Gnaden
20070110             —ENTBRANNT, PIPELINE—BLOCKADE: Streit über ATOM—ENERGIE voll
20070110             Mailänder Entführungsprozess: Die CIA auf der Anklagebank
20070110             Schönheit: Schmale Taille verzückt Männer —SEIT Jahrhunderten
20070110             Continue - Research Continues for Deep Space Travel Propulsion - 1—NEW—REFLECTION in the Mirror
20070110             Distracting Congress from the Real War Plan
20070110             There is no Justification for Delay in Stopping the War and —STARTING Impeachment Hearings
20070110             —WHEN PRESIDENT—BUSH 1. made his plans for escalation public,
20070110             he also announced plans to "appoint a reconstruction coordinator in BAGHDAD
20070110             —NAMED, The next —DAY, SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE, career diplomat TIMOTHY—CARNEY
20070110             —DURING this —MORNING—HEARINGS, Waxman revealed that THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT has blocked Carney from appearing at the hearing,
20070110             despite the fact that Carney personally told Waxman he "was willing to come".
20070110             Moreover,
20070110             —INVITED, WAXMAN: So I, Ambassador Carney to testify —TODAY.
20070110             —WHEN my staff talked to Ambassador Carney directly,
20070110             he was cooperative and said he was willing to come.
20070110             —REFUSED, This THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT.
20070110             —FILLED, Their 1. excuse was that he had not yet, out his paperwork.
20070110             —ANNOUNCED, Even though SECRETARY—RICE publicly, his critical new position, he apparently could not talk to Congress because he had not been officially hired.
20070110             Next, THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT—SAID—AMBASSADOR—CARNEY could not come because he did not yet know what he was going to do in IRAQ.
20070110             —SEEMED, This, odd, especially —SINCE THE—SECRETARY had already announced that he was her new point person on IRAQ reconstruction.
20070110             —INFORMED, Then, —JUST last —WEEK, we were, that the department suddenly decided that Ambassador Carney was needed in BAGHDAD right away.
20070110             —HIRED, So even though he was not officially, and, according to THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT,
20070110             had no idea what he was going to do in IRAQ, he was put on 1—PLANE to BAGHDAD this past —FRIDAY.
20070110             —ADDED, Waxman, that THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT has "—NOW told us that they may make him available to Congress in 6—MONTHS".
20070110             UPDATE: Lane Hudson has 1—WRAP—UP of the hearing with several more videos.
20070110             Election news DANIEL—HOPSICKER - Legal scholars on both the left - over his HANDLING—OF—THE—WAR".
20070110             " and "deeply immoral".
20070110             SENATOR—CHRIS—DODD (D-CT),- PAYSON—THE "new CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—POWERFUL—USA—SENATE banking committee," —TODAY "vowed to crack down on 'outrageous' credit card fees + unscrupulous lenders that target minorities + military families".
20070110             Recent LINKS—OF—INTEREST - Innocents at Gitmo —WEDNESDAY,
20070110             the big IDEA—DOGS and DEMOCRATS—WHY Congress won't stop BUSH—SURGE.
20070110             —DEVELOPED, Several decades ago, psychologist MARTIN—SELIGMAN, his theory of "
20070110             learned helplessness.
20070110             —SUBJECTED, SELIGMAN—ORIGINAL, experiment, dogs, to repeated electrical shocks would prostrate themselves and whine, even —WHEN escaping the abuse lay within their power.
20070110             As with canines, so with congress men.
20070110             Because Gerry Ford put his name on it + Gerry FORD—WORD was always good".
20070110             —INDEED, If, "1—DIAMOND is forever," the most primitive ORIGINS—OF—EARTH—SO—CALLED—BLACK diamonds were in deep, universal time, geologists have discovered.
20070110             For more than 1—DECADE, Jablonski has been trying to get her arms —AROUND 1—UBIQUITOUS and yet mysterious topic: the biology, evolution and social function of human skin.
20070110             Canary in 1—COALMINE—THOUSANDS—OF—BIRDS—FALL from sky in W AUSTRALIA - Bird Deaths Shut Down Downtown AUSTIN
20070110             Barn owls dying by thousands along I—84—HAT tip.
20070110             —POSTED—BY—PROFESSOR—HEX
20070110             Spies embedding tiny transmitters in CANADA—COINS, USA—REPORT says
20070110             —TURNED, CANADA—COINS containing tiny transmitters have mysteriously, up in the pockets of at least 3—USA—CONTRACTORS who visited CANADA, says 1—BRANCH—OF—THE—USA—DEFENSE—DEPARTMENT.
20070110             JOHN—GIDEON at BradBlog has 1—POWERFUL—STORY on THE—STILL—UNRELEASED CIBER report -- which does exist, even though the Election Assistance Commission says it doesn't.
20070110             THE—FLORIDA 13—RACE STILL ain't over:
20070110             MICHAEL—COLLINS has the important story of Democratic candidate Christine Jennings' fight to overturn THE—FISHER—THAN—A—SUSHI—BAR—RESULTS—OF last NOVEMBER—RACE in that district.
20070110             Election news DANIEL—HOPSICKER is being sued by 1—LEADING figure within the giant voting machine firm ES&S :
20070110             1—VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—ELECTION—GIANT—ELECTION—SOFTWARE & Services who figures in 2—SEPARATE controversies currently raging over the way USA—ELECTIONS are run and USA—VOTES counted, has accused the MadCowMorningNews of slandering him in 1—RECENT—ARTICLE + announced plans to sue in Federal COURT—IN—WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA.
20070110             He sold $4.5—MILLION worth of electronic voting machines to the Republican Election Supervisor of SARASOTA County in FLORIDA which are suspected of undercounting as many as 18,000 votes in THE—CLOSELY—CONTESTED Congress ional election there "won" by the Republican candidate by 1—FEW 100—VOTES.
20070110             In addition to that brouhaha, Greenhalgh 2—DECADES ago helped establish THE—SYSTEM—OF—CERTIFICATION—OF—USA electronic voting systems under increasing suspicion in 1—DRAMA working its way out —NOW concerning CIBER, INCORPORATED, 1—COMPANY which tests voting machines.
20070110             He founded and —LATER was PRESIDENT—OF—THE—ELECTION—CENTER, 1—MURKY private NON—PROFIT based in HOUSTON whose ILL—DEFINED QUASI—PUBLIC—ROLE in "certifying the certifiers" is at odds, say MANY—COMPUTER—EXPERTS, with the funding it has received from the very companies whose testing it approves, including CIBER.
20070110             Writing in Human Events, RIGHT—WING icon OLIVER—NORTH argues, "Sending more U. S. combat troops [to IRAQ] is simply sending more targets".
20070110             —PUSHED, Tackling 1—TOP—PRIORITY, House Democrats, a $2.10 an —HOUR increase in the federal minimum wage toward passage —WEDNESDAY, calling it only 1—PARTIAL—RESTORATION—OF purchasing power for AMERICA—LOWEST—PAID workers.
20070110             CODEPINK, 1—ORGANIZATION—OF—WOMEN who use innovative techniques and 1—SENSE—OF—HUMOR to try to end THE—IRAQ War, have not forgotten the importance of highly visible protests.
20070110             DRUSCHBA—PIPELINE: Russisches Öl fließt wieder nach EUROPA
20070110             USA—TRUPPENAUFSTOCKUNG: Bush will Fehler in der IRAK—STRATEGIE zugeben
20070110             Hintergrund: Deutschlands ENERGIE—ALLE—FAKTEN
20070110             Kreuther Klausur: CSU fordert strikte Kriterien für Bundeswehr- 1ätze
20070110             USA—STRATEGIE: "Es gibt keine militärische Lösung für den Irak"
20070110             Klimapolitik: EU will TREIBHAUSGAS—AUSSTOß um 20—PROZENT senken
20070110             BERLIN: ROT—ROTER Senat gegen Ehrenbürgerschaft für Biermann
20070110             Media Misleading Americans By Using 'Surge ' To Describe Bush Policy
20070110             - NICO—RESEARCH compiled by ThinkProgress shows that
20070110             BREAKING: Bush escalation will cost $6.8—BILLION.
20070110             FACT CHECK: Significant Number Of Recent Medical Breakthroughs Have Involved Embryonic Stem Cells
20070110             In —MONDAY—WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS briefing, Press SECRETARY—TONY—SNOW said, "The vast MAJORITY—OF—BREAKTHROUGHS—RIGHT—NOW, virtually all, have involved those
20070110             other than embryonic stem cells.
20070110             In fact, however, over THE—LAST—YEAR there have been 1—LARGE—NUMBER—OF—MEDICAL—BREAKTHROUGHS involving embryonic stem (ES) cells:
20070110             FOX—NEWS—ANCHOR—CALLS—TED—KENNEDY A 'Hostile Enemy Right Here On The Home Front'
20070110             —CALLED, This —MORNING on FOX—NEWS, anchor Gretchen Carlson, SENATOR—TED—KENNEDY (D-MA) a "hostile enemy" of THE—USA—BECAUSE he has demanded that
20070110             Congress vote on whether to approve funding for escalation in IRAQ.
20070110             In 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—WHITE—HOUSE counselor DAN—BARTLETT, Carlson compared Kennedy to insurgents and terrorists in IRAQ, saying that Kennedy represented the same KIND—OF—FORCE "right here on the home front".
20070110             —YESTERDAY SENATOR—TED—KENNEDY, proposing that ANY—KIND—OF—1—TROOP surge should mean there should be congress ional APPROVAL—OF—THAT.
20070110             But obviously this is not going to be 1—EASY sell on Capitol Hill, even if it's not 1—EASY sell to THE—USA—PUBLIC.
20070110             I don't think that's anything new. Romney supports escalation.
20070110             Prominent conservative and FORMER—GOVERNOR—MITT—ROMNEY (R-MA) "has broken his silence" on escalation, releasing 1—WRITTEN statement this —MORNING: "In consultation with Generals, military experts and troops who have served on the ground in IRAQ,
20070110             I believe securing IRAQ—CIVILIANS requires additional troops.
20070110             Snow told reporters, "THE—PRESIDENT has the ability to exercise his own authority
20070110             if he thinks Congress has voted the wrong way.
20070110             " —LAST—YEAR was the warmest in the continental USA in the past 112—YEARS — capping a 9—YEAR warming streak 'unprecedented in the historical record' that was
20070110             driven in part by THE—BURNING—OF—FOSSIL—FUELS, the government reported —YESTERDAY".
20070110             "Democratic leaders said —TUESDAY that they intended to hold symbolic votes in the House and Senate on PRESIDENT—BUSH—PLAN to send more troops to BAGHDAD," THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORTS, "forcing Republicans to take 1—STAND on the proposal and
20070110             seeking to isolate THE—PRESIDENT politically - over his HANDLING—OF—THE—WAR".
20070110             —VOICED, —YESTERDAY, 150—FACULTY members, "1—RANGE—OF—CONCERNS, particularly on whether the
20070110             school's academic freedom and political independence
20070110             —NOTIFIED, Federal prosecutors have
20070110             "Pentagon insiders say MEMBERS—OF—THE—JOINT—CHIEFS—OF—STAFF have long opposed the increase in troops and are only grudgingly going along with the plan because they have been promised that the military escalation will be
20070110             matched by renewed political and economic efforts in IRAQ.
20070110             "1—ARMY—PRIVATE charged with the slaughter of 1—IRAQ—FAMILY WAS—DIAGNOSED as 1—HOMICIDAL threat
20070110             FORMER—SENATOR—RICK—SANTORUM (R-PA) is —NOW 1—SENIOR—FELLOW at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, where he "directs 1—PROGRAM called 'AMERICA—ENEMIES,'" which will "focus on identifying, studying + heightening AWARENESS—OF—THE—THREATS posed to AMERICA and the West".
20070110             —LIFTED, Bush lifts ALASKA drilling BAN—ADMIN -"PRESIDENT—BUSH, the drilling ban —TUESDAY for ALASKA—BRISTOL—BAY, clearing the way for the Interior Department to open THE—FISH—RICH—WATERS to oil and natural gas development".
20070110             —TODAY, SENATOR—GORDON—SMITH (R-OR) said SENATOR—TED—KENNEDY'S (D-MA)new legislation requiring THE—PRESIDENT to gain congress ional authority —BEFORE escalating THE—IRAQ war is "1—GOOD—IDEA".
20070110             —CALLED, Smith has, BUSH—IRAQ policy "criminal," a " - dereliction," and "deeply immoral".
20070110             SMITH: But he more the Congress can be involved in the decision making, the better — and that is what THE—USA—PEOPLE are asking for;
20070110             Did 20010911             —THE Commission receive all the documents it requested? (DAVID—MARIN/republicans.oversight.house...)
20070110             Did 20010911             —THE Commission receive all the documents it requested?
20070110             DAVIS—RELEASES—BERGER—REPORT — WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA—OVERSIGHT and Government Reform COMMITTEE—RANKING—MEMBER—TOM—DAVIS (R-VA) released the —FOLLOWING statement —TODAY on 1—COMMITTEE—REPORT that sheds important new light... Source: - DAVID—MARIN—LINK:
20070110             Lawyers, Guns and Money: PROXY—BG - Well, the "ETHIOPIA would have attacked anyway" DEFENSE—OF—USA—SUPPORT for THE—ETHIOPIA—INVASION—OF—SOMALIA is looking worse all the time
20070110             How Coordinated is this kind of Kennedy/Kerry 'fake' opposition? -BG—USA—SENATOR—EDWARD—KENNEDY has launched 1—BID to prevent PRESIDENT—GEORGE W Bush sending more troops to IRAQ.
20070110             Another bloody silly conspiracy theory - We all make assumptions.
20070110             —TRAVELLED, They knew EACH—OTHER, they had, together that —DAY, twoAsians from LEEDS, 1—ASIA—FRIEND from LEEDS who had moved to LUTON + 1—WEST—INDIA—GUY who had —RECENTLY arrived in Aylesbury.
20070110             NORMAN—SOLOMON: The Headless Horseman of the Apocalypse - Black Oops!
20070110             The recriminations appear to be well and truly underway —NOW that the 'cat is OUT—OF—THE—BAG'.
20070110             1—SIGN perhaps that some at MI5 have begun to play the blame game.
20070110             SOME—SECTIONS—OF—THE—PRESS—EYE—EACH—OTHER, warily trying to anticipate who'll break the story 1., who's head will roll and who's bacon is safe?
20070110             Fear is a 2—WAY—STREET.
20070110             Source: Officials believe WHITE—HOUSE chose new Intelligence CHIEF in effort to darken IRAN Intelligence Estimate, broaden domestic surveillan
20070110             —RETIRED, The nomination of, Vice Admiral JOHN—MICHAEL "Mike" McConnell to be DIRECTOR—OF—NATIONAL—INTELLIGENCE is PART—OF—1—EFFORT by THE—VICE—PRESIDENT to tighten THE—ADMINISTRATION—GRIP on domestic intelligence + grease the wheels for 1—MORE—AGGRESSIVE—STANCE towards IRAN, current and former intelligence officials believe.
20070110             Santorum Gets 1—NEW—JOB—AS—DIRECTOR—OF "AMERICA—ENEMIES—PROGRAM" For The Ethics And Public Policy Center...
20070110             Rick Santorum has gone from junior SENATOR to senior fellow: AS—OF—TODAY, THE—PENNSYLVANIA Republican is 1—EMPLOYEE—OF—THE—ETHICS and Public Policy Center, 1—WASHINGTON—BASED think tank.
20070110             —AFTER—16—YEARS in Congress -- 4 in the House, 12 in the Senate -- Santorum lost his bid for reelection in November.
20070110             Source: Rebuttal to DODIG and SSCI reports on Able Danger
20070110             —JUST received the —FOLLOWING from sources in the House in response to THE—SSCI "investigation" of Able Danger.
20070110             Click here for a 15—PAGE rebuttal of THE—DODIG report, on which SSCI relied.
20070110             —REFUSED, SSCI, to exercise its subpoena powers against targets we recommended that could have cracked the case.
20070110             Director Linked To Incarcerated Ex. Rep Cunningham.
20070110             —ENJOYED, The scandal allegedly, the participation of current and FORMER—CIA—OFFICIALS, including Kyle "Dusty" Foggo, the executive DIRECTOR—OF—THE—AGENCY.
20070110             Foggo would be THE—HIGHEST—RANKING CIA official to be prosecuted in the agency's history, according to Paltrow.
20070110             Here are —JUST 1—FEW examples of THE—ISRAEL i spy operations that have been detected.
20070110             —HEADED, THE—FBI investigation, up by Dave Szady, has involved wiretaps, undercover surveillance and photography that CBS News was told document the passing of classified information from the mole, to the men at AIPAC + on to THE—ISRAEL is.
20070110             —DESCRIBED, CBS sources say that —LAST—YEAR the suspected spy, as 1 trusted analyst at the Pentagon, turned over 1—PRESIDENTIAL directive on USA—POLICY toward IRAN —WHILE it was, "in the draft phase —WHEN USA—POLICY—MAKERS were still debating the policy".
20070110             [CBS News] - Once again ISRAEL denies wrongdoing, or faced with incontrovertible evidence (in this case 1—OF—THE—SPIES has reportedly cooperated with THE—FBI ) dismisses the spying with the claim that such spying is harmless, because ISRAEL and THE—USA—ARE such good friends.
20070110             —OFFERED, There have been MANY—THEORIES, as to why Pollard decided to betray his COUNTRY—OF—BIRTH to the Jewish state, but that Pollard did betray his COUNTRY—OF—BIRTH to ISRAEL is beyond all doubt.
20070110             POLLARD—DEFENSE was that he did not spy so much against THE—USA, only that he spied for ISRAEL, sending them documents that in his opinion THE—USA should have shared with ISRAEL anyway.
20070110             "Bush Senior Early CIA Ties Revealed"
20070110             "Bush has long denied allegations that he had connections to the intelligence community —PRIOR—TO 19760000             , —WHEN he became CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY—DIRECTOR under PRESIDENT—GERALD—FORD.
20070110             —AT—THE—TIME. Source:
20070110             —TRACED, Stench in NEW—YORKC., to NEW—JERSEY, officials say
20070110             "With the way we tracked the dispersion of the smell and the prevailing winds indicates that it came from NEW—JERSEY, somewhere near Secaucus," Sturcken said early —TODAY by telephone.
20070110             New 24—SEASON Showcases Mass Terror, Concentration Camps
20070110             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON 24—OPENER Contains Mass Terror Attacks And Justifying Building Concentration Camps In AMERICAN—PROPAGANDA—KEEPS Being
20070110             Pushed by FOX—THE—USA—OF—HYSTERIA
20070110             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—STRANGE smells and dead birds frighten MANY—IN—THE—AGE—OF—TERROR
20070110             Full Steam Ahead For "The Invasion" & THE—USA—UNION—PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON -Government funded drug running cartels, secret illegal social security programs and Pesos for Pizzas.
20070110             TEXAS Prison Camp Future USA—GULAG?
20070110             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—DETENTION—FACILITY currently holds as many as 200—CHILDREN incarcerated —AFTER midnight arrests
20070110             Fair Jury Could Crack Diana COVER—UP
20070110             Democrats Beef Police STATE—WITH 20010911              Commission Bill
20070110             (Read more about the Kennedy bill here.) Watch it:
20070110             Snow Falsely Claims That Bush Said '—JUST The Opposite' Of 'Mission Accomplished'
20070110             In —TODAY—PRESS briefing, WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—SECRETARY—TONY—SNOW tried to distance PRESIDENT—BUSH from his infamous "Mission Accomplished" speech, claiming that Bush said "—JUST the opposite" of "Mission Accomplished":
20070110             —ACCOMPLISHED, You know that the mission, banner was put up by MEMBERS—OF—THE—USS—ABRAHAM—LINCOLN + THE—PRESIDENT, on that very speech, said —JUST the opposite, didn't he?
20070110             For that - Murtha takes aim at ABU—GHRAIB, GUANTANAMO.
20070110             Referring to the upcoming military supplemental legislation, Murtha said, "
20070110             I will try to shut it [ABU—GHRAIB] down in this bill.
20070110             FACT CHECK: Congress Has Repeatedly Placed Limits On Military Deployments And Funding
20070110             Tomorrow night at 9—P.m. EST, PRESIDENT—BUSH will address the nation and announce
20070110             1—ESCALATION—OF—THE—WAR in IRAQ by sending about 20,000 more USA—TROOPS to IRAQ.
20070110             Can Congress do anything about it?
20070110             Legal scholars on both the left and the right say that's false.
20070110             History supports their case.
20070110             1—NEW—REPORT from the Center for USA—PROGRESS—DETAILS how, over the last 35—YEARS, Congress has passed bills, enacted into law, that capped THE—SIZE—OF—MILITARY—DEPLOYMENTS, prohibited funding for existing or prospective deployment + placed limits and conditions on the timing and NATURE—OF—DEPLOYMENTS.
20070110             SOME—EXAMPLES : EXXON—NEW—POSITION—ON—GLOBAL—WARMING, Same As Its Old Position On Global Warming
20070110             —NOTED, But as 1—PERSON at the meeting,
20070110             Exxon doesn't actually plan to change its positions :
20070110             1—NOTE put out —AFTER the meeting by Fadel Gheit, oil analyst at the Oppenheimer brokerage in NEW—YORK, says the company "has clearly taken 1—MUCH less adversial + more reconciliatory position on key environmental issues".
20070110             The company told THE—GUARDIAN that its official position on climate change is that greenhouse gas emissions "are 1—OF—THE
20070110             factors that contribute to climate change
20070110             " and despite the "scientific uncertainties, the risk (of global warming) is so great that it justifies taking action".
20070110             Kennedy Introduces BILL—REQUIRING—CONGRESS ional Approval For IRAQ Escalation
20070110             —TODAY, SENATOR—TED—KENNEDY will introduce the 1. legislation demanding accountability for PRESIDENT—BUSH—IRAQ policy.
20070110             —AUTHORIZED, THE—IRAQ War Resolution of 20020000             , 1—WAR against THE—REGIME—OF—SADDAM—HUSSEIN because he was believed to have WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION and 1—OPERATIONAL—RELATIONSHIP with AL—QAEDA + was in defiance of UNITED—NATIONS Security Council Resolutions.
20070110             —OBTAINED, ThinkProgress has, 1—COPY—OF—THE—BILL, which you can READ—HERE.
20070110             Bush _Iraq_Escalation_Plan"
20070110             Kennedy_Releases_First_Bill_To_Block_Funding_Of_20070110
20070110             OLIVER—NORTH—SAYS—NEARLY—ALL—USA—TROOPS In IRAQ Oppose Escalation
20070110             —LAST—NIGHT, on THE—O'REILLY—FACTOR, FORMER—COLONEL—OLIVER—NORTH, —NOW 1—CONSERVATIVE—MILITARY—ANALYST for FOX—NEWS — said that on his recent trip to BAGHDAD he learned that "nearly all" USA—TROOPS opposed escalating the war in IRAQ.
20070110             GREG—SARGENT has
20070110             NORTH: No, I don't. NONE—OF—THE—SOLDIERS, sailors, airmen, guardsmen and marines that I interviewed in my 8. trip told me they wanted more USA boots on the ground.
20070110             Congress can check Bush on escalation.
20070110             So says legal experts MARTY—LEDERMAN (GEORGETOWN University professor) and NEIL—KINKOPF (PRESIDENT—CLINTON—FORMER—CONSTITUTIONAL—ADVISOR), as well as House Defense Appropriations Chairman JACK—MURTHA (D-PA).
20070110             Say cheese.
20070110             CREW finds the 1. 2. PHOTO—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH and criminal lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF, taken at a 20031200              fundraiser.
20070110             "[Bush ] has 1—OF—THE—BEST—MEMORIES—OF—ANY—POLITICIAN I have ever met.... The guy saw me in almost 12—SETTINGS + joked with me about 1—BUNCH—OF—THINGS, including details of my kids. Perhaps he has forgotten everything. Who knows".
20070110             SADDAM—WELL—TIMED—EXECUTION
20070110             The rushed hanging of Saddam Hussein appears even more sinister —AFTER the genocide trial resumed for his CO—DEFENDANTS with the playing of 1—TAPE recording in which the dead dictator chillingly describes the lethality of chemical weapons on civilians.If GEORGE—W—BUSH hadn't...
20070110             Die neue (Un)Sicherheitspolitik Deutschlands (5) Wechselbalg Deutsche MARINE—SFUX MICHAEL—SCHULZE—VON—GLAßER?
20070110             Nach der Mythologie ist 1—WECHSELBALG ein unterschobener Säugling.
20070110             Die Marinen anderer Staaten können auf historische Beständigkeit verweisen, jedoch nicht die Deutsche Marine, die von staatlichen Wechseln geprägt wurde und dem entsprechend.
20070110             Die neue (Un)Sicherheitspolitik Deutschlands (6) "Peng Bumm Paff Buff"... - sfux MICHAEL—SCHULZE—VON—GLAßER?
20070110             Aufgrund mangelnder Rohstoffe im eigenen Land war die Bundesrepublik Deutschland —SCHON immer 1—ROHSTOFF importierendes und fertige Produkte exportierendes Land.
20070110             Das BUNDESWEHR—WEIßBUCH nimmt dazu auf seiner Seite 23—STELLUNG: ?Deutschland, dessen wirtschaftlicher Wohlstand vom Zugang zu Rohstoffen, Waren und Ideen abhängt.
20070110             1—SENIOR—OFFICIAL in THE—SOMALIA—GOVERNMENT—NEW—MINISTRY—OF—THE—INTERIOR told ABC News government forces had recovered "DOZENS—OF—FOREIGN—PASSPORTS," including several USA—PASSPORTS, on the bodies of al Qaeda fighters killed...
20070110             —GERAMMT, USA—ATOM—U—BOOT hat Tanker, - sfux Ein atombetriebenes amerikanisches U-Boot ist im Arabischen Meer nahe der STRASSE—VON—HORMUS mit einem japanischen Tanker kollidiert.
20070110             Japanische Medien zitierten einen Vertreter der USA—MARINE sowie den Ölkonzern Showa Shell Sekiyu, wonach es bei dem Zusammenstoss am Vorabend Ortszeit weder zu einem radioaktiven noch zu einem Ölleck kam.
20070110             Negroponte ins USA—AUSSENMINISTERIUM
20070110             Das Vizeamt ist —SEIT dem Rücktritt von ROBERT—ZOELLICK im Juni vergangenen Jahres unbesetzt.Der 67-jährige.
20070110             —VIEWED, Though widely, in Official WASHINGTON as routine personnel changes, THE—REMOVAL—OF—KEY—CRITICS—OF—MILITARY.
20070110             Special Forces clash with THE—CIA
20070110             USA Special Forces teams sent overseas on secret spying missions have clashed with THE—CIA + carried out operations in countries that are staunch USA—ALLIES, prompting 1—NEW—EFFORT by the agency + the Pentagon to tighten the rules for military units engaged in espionage, according to senior USA...
20070110             mit Überwachungskameras... - sfux MICHAEL—SCHULZE—VON—GLAßER?
20070110             Zwar ist die Bundeswehr als Entwicklungshelfer nur 1—TÄUSCHUNG, tatsächlich aber ist sie der Grund für mangelnde Entwicklungshilfe aus Deutschland, denn sie hat sich neue ?ZIVIL—MILITÄRISCHE?
20070110             Die neue (Un)Sicherheitspolitik Deutschlands (4) PARTYTIME—DIE angriffslustige... - sfux MICHAEL—SCHULZE—VON—GLAßER?
20070110             Zurück zu einer Wehrmacht? Der Hinweis auf Seite 22—IM Weißbuch weist darauf hin:
20070110             Insulin pill is 'on the horizon' 1—INSULIN pill made from 1—CHEMICAL found in shrimp shells is being developed by TAIWAN—SCIENTISTS.
20070110             Blood test predicts heart attack 1—BLOOD—TEST may give doctors 1—EARLY warning that 1—HEART—PATIENT'S—CONDITION is about to get worse.
20070110             INDONESIA—BOY—DIES—OF—BIRD—FLU—BIRD—FLU kills 1—INDONESIA—TEENAGER as fears mount about the virus' spread —DURING ASIA—COOLER months.
20070110             Uranium 'killing ITALY—TROOPS' ITALY—SOLDIERS are still dying —FOLLOWING exposure to depleted uranium in Bosnia and Kosovo, their relatives say.
20070110             How spicy foods can kill cancers Scientists reveal capsaicin, which makes jalapeno peppers hot, attacks THE—ENERGY—MAKING MITOCHONDRIA—OF—CANCER cells.
20070110             Milk in tea 'blocks health gains' Adding milk to 1—CUP—OF—TEA can destroy its ability to protect against heart disease, according to research.
20070110             Snap decisions sometimes the best Trusting your instincts may help you to make better decisions than thinking hard, 1—STUDY suggests.
20070110             Cartoons to aid autistic children Cartoon cars and trains with human faces are proving 1—EFFECTIVE—WAY to help autistic children understand emotions.
20070110             Smoking at home probe 1—COMPLAINT by 1—WOMAN about neighbours smoking in their home is investigated by Gwynedd Council.
20070110             'New stem cell source' discovered USA—SCIENTISTS say they have discovered 1—SOURCE—OF stem cells which does not involve the use of human embryos.
20070110             —CANCELLED, BELARUS ditches oil transit tax BELARUS has, the transit tax it had imposed on RUSSIA—OIL—SHIPMENTS, the country's PRIME—MINISTER says.
20070110             VENEZUELA—CHAVEZ—SWORN—IN—VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ is SWORN—IN for a 3. term —FOLLOWING his December election landslide.
20070110             Chrysler queries climate change THE—CHIEF—ECONOMIST—OF—USA—CAR—FIRM—CHRYSLER attacks the "QUASI—HYSTERICAL" European attitude to global warming.
20070110             Bush set to reveal IRAQ strategy THE—USA—PRESIDENT prepares to deliver his strategy for IRAQ, as Democrats oppose ANY—TROOP—INCREASE.
20070110             ECUADOR—COLOMBIA row escalates ECUADOR takes its challenge to COLOMBIA—BORDER COCA—SPRAYING programme to the regional body.
20070110             Olmert 'to discuss IRAN' in CHINA ISRAEL i PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT is likely to discuss IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAMME —DURING talks in BEIJING.
20070110             New EU path on climate and energy The European Commission will propose measures to combat climate change —WHILE securing consumer energy supplies.
20070110             Star may have 4—MAGNETIC—POLES The neutron star inside the Crab Nebula may have as many as 4—MAGNETIC—POLES, researchers say.
20070110             RUSSIA 'in new threat to BELARUS' RUSSIA threatens to put duties on all Belarusian imports, reports say, as 1—TRADE—ROW between THE—2—ESCALATES.
20070110             Chavez plans hit market VENEZUELA—FINANCIAL markets tumble —AFTER PRESIDENT—CHAVEZ unveils plans to nationalise key phone and power firms.
20070110             IRAN smog 'kills 3,600 in —MONTH' Pollution led to 3,600 deaths in TEHRAN in —JUST 1—MONTH, IRAN—OFFICIALS say, with the annual total put at 10,000.
20070110             Civil Liberties Showdown Looms Privacy proposals in the Democratic bill revisiting 20010911             —THE commission's recommendations both expand privacy officials' powers and require them to report to Congress.
20070110             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is likely to balk. In 27B Stroke 6.
20070110             Prison Guards Saved by Syrup 1—NEW—VISCOUS gel that hardens on impact could make bulky, conspicuous body armor 1—THING—OF—THE—PAST.
20070110             RFID coming to scooters, diapers IBM—RFID tracking software finds its way into 1—ITALY—SCOOTER plant and plastic wrap that will track TAMPERING—OF—CONSUMER—GOODS.
20070110             The Astronomical Event Search Engine - A 3D Printer On EVERY—DESKTOP?
20070110             "2—CORNELL researchers have designed 1—OPEN—SOURCE 3D printer that costs —JUST $2,400. THE—SELF—ASSEMBLY kit is PART—OF—WHAT they call the Fab@Home project — they hope it will spark development of rapid prototyping for the consumer market in the same way the Altair 8800—DID for personal computing in seventies".
20070110             A Fully Programmable MOBILE Robot
20070110             "iRobot has announced Create: 1—NEW fully programmable mobile robot based on the Roomba robotic vacuum cleaner. People have been hacking the Roomba —SINCE the —DAY it came out. Well, hacking —JUST got 1—WHOLE—LOT easier. 1—COMMAND module for the Create provides 1—PROGRAMMABLE 8-bit Atmel micro controller, 4—DB—9—PORTS for your own sensors + 1—NUMBER—OF—SAMPLE—PROGRAMS that can be compiled and uploaded to the command module via USB. Botmag has more details and SOME—COOL—APPLICATIONS. This looks like the perfect robotics platform for hobbyists, schools + universities alike".
20070110             New Nanoparticle Cancer THERAPY—KDAWSON 75 -quixote9 tips us to 1—BBC story on 1—PROMISING new cancer therapy using targeted nanoparticles.
20070110             "The researchers used the nanoparticles to 0 in on THE—NETWORK—OF—BLOOD—VESSELS that supply the tumors in mice with nutrients and oxygen... [They] developed 1—TECHNIQUE for amplifying [the nanoparticles'] homing ability by designing 1—MULTIFUNCTIONAL nanoparticle that binds to 1—PROTEIN—STRUCTURE found only in tumors and associated blood vessels... The tests showed that within HOURS—OF—THE—INJECTION, the artificial platelets began blocking the supply without harming normal tissues. The scientists believe the nanoparticles could also be used to carry drugs to the tumor".
20070110             "Space_com is reporting that NASA has decided to use the metric system for its new lunar missions. NASA hopes that metrication will allow easier INTERNATIONAL participation and safer missions. The loss of the Mars Climate Orbiter was blamed on 1—ERROR converting between ENGLAND—UNITS and metric units. '—WHEN we made the announcement at the meeting, the reps for the other space agencies all gave 1—LITTLE cheer,' said 1—NASA official".
20070110             GERMANY Searches Credit Cards For Child Porn Payments
20070110             "According to 1—ITWORLD article, police in THE—GERMANY—STATE—OF—SACHSEN—ANHALT have teamed with credit card companies to sift through the transactions of over 22—MILLION—CUSTOMERS looking for those who may have purchased child pornography online. To date they have identified 322—SUSPECTS".
20070110             "GERMANY—DATA—PRIVACY—LAWS allow police to ask financial institutions to provide data about individuals but only if the investigators meet certain conditions, including 1—CONCRETE suspicion of illegal behavior and narrowly defined search criteria, according to JOHANN—BIZER, deputy DIRECTOR—OF—THE—INDEPENDENT—CENTER for Privacy Protection... In the case under investigation, police were aware of 1—CHILD—PORNOGRAPHY—WEB—SITE outside of GERMANY that was attracting users inside the country. And they asked THE—CREDIT—CARD—COMPANIES to conduct 1—DATABASE—SEARCH narrowed to 3—CRITERIA: 1—SPECIFIC—AMOUNT—OF—MONEY, 1—SPECIFIC—TIME—PERIOD and 1—SPECIFIC—RECEIVER—ACCOUNT".
20070110             News Hounds: On FOX News It's Never Too Early To Start Worrying...... they would want the 1. black USA—WOMAN—PRESIDENT to be 1—REPUBLICAN.
20070110             Platts Oilgram NEWS—THE—MCGRAW—HILL—COMPANIES, INCORPORATED—BROWSE Page NEW—YORK—WITH owner JOHN—DEUSS in 1—HOLLAND—HOOSEGOW, WOULD—BE buyers are said to be sniffing —AROUND in hopes of acquiring his small but aspiring Calcasieu...
20070110             Black mafia, loggies and going for the stars: the military elite...
20070110             Tonnies, F., (18870000             , 19570000             ), Community and Society: Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft (translated and. edited by Loomis, C.P.), LANSING: MICHIGAN STATE—UNIVERSITY...
20070110             Nicht gerade anthropogen, genauso wenig wie die Polarlichter —BIS BAYERN...
20070110             Das USA—MILITÄR bleibt dabei, dass DU auf dem Schlachtfeld kein Problem sei.
20070110             "The connection between the field + its source has always been + still is the most difficult problem in classical + quantum electrodynamics".
20070110             [D. K. Sen, Fields and/or Particles, Academic Press, LONDON and NEW—YORK, 19680000             ,p. viii.]
20070110             Greenpeace in Grönland auf KLIMATOUR—GREENPEACE, Artikel zum...
20070110             NORTHCOM, The Law Enforcement BRANCH—OF—THE—NORTH—USA—UNION... EDWARD—LUTTWAK, 1—NEOCONSERVATIVE scholar and author, says flatly that the...
20070110             PAUL—WOLFOWITZ, being 1—MEMBER—OF—THE...
20070110             Age Of Tyranny NEWS—BY JAN—ALLEN—AS—EDWARD—LUTTWAK remarks in his Coup d'état: 1—PRACTICAL—HANDBOOK: "1—COUP—CONSISTS—OF—THE—INFILTRATION—OF a...
20070110             IRAQ Occupation THREAD—TOPIC Powered by eve community
20070110             EDWARD—LUTTWAK, 1—SENIOR—FELLOW at the Center for Strategic and INTERNATIONAL Studies in WASHINGTON and a...
20070110             Umweltschutz: CHINA verfehlt selbst gesteckte Ziele bei weitem
20070110             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Nichts ist leiser als Denken"
20070110             IRAK—POLITIK: USA—RECHNUNGSHOF rügt Bush s Feldzug als Fehlinvestition
20070110             —ENTBRANNT, PIPELINE—BLOCKADE: Streit über ATOM—ENERGIE voll - 1—NEW—REFLECTION in the Mirror
20070110             —WHEN PRESIDENT—BUSH 1. made his plans for escalation public, he also announced plans to "
20070110             appoint a reconstruction coordinator in BAGHDAD
20070110             to ensure better results for economic assistance being spent in IRAQ".
20070110             —NAMED, The next —DAY, SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE, career diplomat
20070110             TIMOTHY—CARNEY to the position.
20070110             —DURING this —MORNING—HEARINGS, Waxman revealed that THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT has blocked Carney from appearing at the hearing, despite the fact that Carney personally told Waxman he "was willing to come".
20070110             —RUSHED, Moreover, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has apparently, him to BAGHDAD despite claiming that the reason he could not appear at the hearing was because he "did not yet know what he was going to do in IRAQ".
20070110             —TALKED, —WHEN my staff, to Ambassador Carney directly, he was cooperative and said he was willing to come.
20070110             —HIRED, So even though he was not officially, and, according to THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT, had no idea what he was going to do in IRAQ, he was put on 1—PLANE to BAGHDAD this past —FRIDAY.
20070110—19701200    P.L. 91-652— Supplemental Foreign Assistance Law.
20070110—19701200    —PROHIBITED, THE—CHURCH—COOPER amendment, THE—USE—OF—ANY—FUNDS for the introduction of USA troops to CAMBODIA or provide military advisors to CAMBODIA—FORCES.
20070110—19741200    P.L. 93-559— Foreign Assistance Act of 19740000           .
20070110—19830600    P.L. 98-43— THE—LEBANON Emergency Assistance Act of 19830000           .
20070110—19840600    P.L. 98-525— The Defense Authorization Act.
20070110—19930331    —UNTIL, P.L. 103-139. THE—CONGRESS limited the use of funding in SOMALIA for operations of USA military personnel only ,
20070110—19980000    —SINCE, THE—BIG—OIL—FRONT—GROUP the Competitive Enterprise Institute has received $1.6—MILLION from Exxon, using the funding to distort global warming research and attack ANY—MEANINGFUL action to regulate carbon dioxide emissions.
20070110—20030000    —JAILED, CUBA—DISSIDENT—MANUEL—VALDES—TAMAYO was 1—OF 75—ACTIVISTS, in 1—MASSIVE—CRACKDOWN and released 1—YEAR—LATER for health reasons.
20070110—20050000    —INVOLVED, —BEFORE getting caught, Cunningham was, in 1—SPRAWLING corruption ring between Congress and the national security community.
20070110—20060000    Was the Warmest —YEAR Ever-
20070110—20070627    —ON, the Intermediate PEOPLE—COURT—OF—LINFEN city in Shanxi province convicted Hou Zhenrun, THE—HEAD—OF—1—SMALL unlicensed mine outside THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—DATONG, for organizing 1—GANG—OF—5—MEN to beat reporter.
20070110—20070913    —DETAINED, RUSSIA, Liana Askerova said she was, as PART—OF—THE—INVESTIGATION into THE—KILLING—OF—ANDREI—KOZLOV, THE—CENTRAL—BANK 1. deputy chairman who was shot POINT—BLANK as he left 1—SOCCER game in MOSCOW.
20070110—20071206    —DEMANDED, Unions, that Mamadou Sylla and Fode Soumah, who have been charged with embezzling public funds and imprisoned in CONAKRY, be put —BACK—IN jail.
20070110—20130000    —BY, "Google has signed on with the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope project that will construct 1—POWERFUL telescope in CHILE. GOOGLE—PART will be to 'develop 1—SEARCH—ENGINE that can process, organize + analyze the voluminous AMOUNTS—OF—DATA coming from the instrument's data streams in real time. The engine will create "MOVIE—LIKE—WINDOWS" for scientists to view significant space events.' GOOGLE—BEEN successful on turning its search technology on several different media and realms. Will they be successful with helping scientists —TAG and catalog events in our universe?" The telescope will generate 30—TB—OF—DATA 1—NIGHT, —FOR—10—YEARS, from a 3-gigapixel CCD array.
20070110—20200000    —BY, EU plans 'industrial revolution' THE—EU calls on member states to cut EMISSIONS—OF—GREENHOUSE—GASES by 20%, in 1—NEW—STRATEGY.
20070114             —FACED, It is, with 1—PRESIDENT that is deaf to the people.
20070114—20070110    —ON, In his address to the nation he left little doubt that he means to rule over the people he was 'elected' to serve.
20070115—20070110    —ON, At 1—NOT—FOR—QUOTATION—PRE—SPEECH briefing, GEORGE—W—BUSH and his top national security aides unnerved network anchors and other senior news executives with suggestions that 1—MAJOR—CONFRONTATION with IRAN is looming.
20070117—20070110    —ON, Dilip Hiro: Cords that cannot be broken : Several months —BEFORE his declaration in 1 televised speech that the Pentagon would go —AFTER THE—IRAN—NETWORKS in IRAQ, PRESIDENT—BUSH signed secret orders authorising military action to counter IRAN—AMBITIONS in IRAQ and the broader MIDDLE—EAST.
20070118             Die Analysten von Deutsche Securities stufen die Aktie von Barrick Gold (ISIN CA0679011084/WKN 870450) weiterhin mit "buy" ein.
20070125             "Silicon Valley gossip rag Valleywag is carrying 1—STORY about 2. Life being 1—NEW—SPIN on the old pyramid scheme.
20070125             The article, which consists MOSTLY—OF—SELECTIONS from the report of financial consultant Randolph Harrison, suggests that not only are most people deceived about THE—AMOUNT—OF—MONEY they can make in 2. Life, but also about how easily they can withdraw it.
20070125             It says 'Like the paid promotion infomercials that run on CNBC, sadly SecondLife is 1—GIANT magnet for the desperate, uninformed, easily victimized.
20070125             Its PROMISES—OF—WEALTH readily ensnare those who can least afford to lose their money or lives to such scam in exactly the same way that real estate investor seminars convince divorcees with low FICO scores to buy houses sight unseen with no money down.'"
20070125             Barrick Gold "sector perform"RATING—UPDATE: TORONTO (aktiencheck.de AG) - Die Analysten von RBC CAPITAL—MARKETS stufen die Barrick GOLD—AKTIE (ISIN CA0679011084/WKN 870450) nach wie vor mit dem Rating "sector perform" ein.
20070125             BARRICK—GOLD "sector perform"RATING—UPDATE: TORONTO (aktiencheck.de AG)
20070125             Die Analysten von RBC CAPITAL—MARKETS stufen die Barrick GOLD—AKTIE (ISIN CA0679011084/WKN 870450) nach wie vor mit dem Rating "sector perform" ein.
20070125—20070110    —APPROVED, The House, 1—STAND—ALONE—INCREASE in the minimum wage.
20070129—20070110    —ON, In 1—NEW—INTERVIEW—WITH—NEWSWEEK, VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY falsely claims that PRESIDENT—BUSH—IRAQ escalation speech delivered "shored up his position...specifically on IRAQ":
20070215—20070110    —ON, "DISAPPROVING—OF—THE—DECISION—OF—THE—PRESIDENT announced, to deploy more than 20,000—ADDITIONAL—USA combat troops to IRAQ".
20070215—20070110    —ON, The resolution is —JUST 58—WORDS—LONG + has only 1—PURPOSE: "DISAPPROVING—OF—THE—DECISION—OF—THE—PRESIDENT announced, to deploy more than 20,000—ADDITIONAL—USA combat troops to IRAQ".
20070227—20070110    —ON, 61/36.
20070228—20070110    —IN, his address to the nation, Bush cited IRAN—GROWING influence in IRAQ as 1—KEY—ARGUMENT for escalating USA—TROOP—PRESENCE.
20070403             THE—POWER—OF—OIL: Scramble for diminishing resource shapes global relationships (YaleOnline, 20060110             )...
20070407             —UPDATED, SWITZERLAND—BANK s change (19822704             , 20070110             )
20070407             SWITZERLAND—BANK s change (19822704             , updated 20070110             )
20070429—20070110    —ATTACKED, LAN—CHENGZHANG was, along with 1—COLLEAGUE —WHEN they went to interview Hou Zhenrun, THE—OWNER—OF—THE—SMALL unlicensed coal mine outside THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—DATONG.
20071229—20070110    —ON, JARED—ADAMS, 25—JAHRE—ALT and his girlfriend, Maeve Clifford, were arrested in another stolen vehicle.
20080107—20080110    —ADMITTED, SUDAN, that its troops had opened fire on 1—JOINT—UN/African Union peacekeeping convoy in Darfur saying the attack was the result of a "shared mistake".
20080110             1—USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT audit was released and said telephone companies have cut off FBI wiretaps used to eavesdrop on suspected criminals because of the bureau's repeated failures to pay phone bills on time.
20080110             —PROPOSED, CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR—ARNOLD—SCHWARZENEGGER, 1—AUSTERE state budget to close 1 projected $14.5—BILLION deficit.
20080110             —URGED, AFGHANISTAN, IRAN to stop deporting its citizens —DURING the —WINTER months, saying doing so could cause 1—HUMANITARIAN—DISASTER.
20080110             BELARUS, police broke up 1—RALLY—OF—2,000 entrepreneurs protesting moves by THE—AUTHORITY—GOVERNMENT to increase the burden on private business.
20080110             —OPPOSED, The demonstrators, new legislation that would force them to reregister their ventures and double THE—AMOUNT—OF—TAXES they have to pay.
20080110             UK—MEDIA—REPORTS said 3—SWANS found dead on 1—NATURE—RESERVE in SOUTH—WEST—ENGLAND have tested positive for the H5N1 STRAIN—OF—BIRD—FLU.
20080110             —PICKED, Helicopters sent by VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT, up 2—HOSTAGES freed by COLOMBIA—REBELS in the jungle and flew the women across the border.
20080110             Clara Rojas was 1—AIDE to COLOMBIA—PRESIDENTIAL—CANDIDATE—INGRID Betancourt in February 20020000              —WHEN the 2 were kidnapped on the campaign trail.
20080110             —FATHERED, Rojas gave birth in captivity to 1—BOY, by 1—OF—THE—GUERRILLAS.
20080110             Betancourt is still being held.
20080110             —PUBLISHED, FARC, in 1—STATEMENT, on 1—PRO—REBEL—WEB—SITE, said the unilateral release demonstrated the group's "unquestionable willingness" to engage the government in talks over the release of remaining hostages.
20080110             The Revolutionary Armed Forces of COLOMBIA is thought to still hold more than 700—OTHERS.
20080110             —CHARGED, GEORGIA, authorities formally, Badri Patarkatsishvili, 1—BILLIONAIRE businessman, who ran in this —MONTH—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION with plotting to overthrow the government.
20080110             Patarkatsishvili left GEORGIA in November and has spent time in BRITAIN and ISRAEL.
20080110             —ACKNOWLEDGED, He has, offering large SUMS—OF—MONEY to police if they side with protesters.
20080110             —UNVEILED, INDIA—TATA—MOTORS, the world's cheapest car, bringing new mobility within THE—REACH—OF—TENS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE and nightmares to environmentalists, traffic engineers and safety advocates.
20080110             —EXPECTED, The Tata Nano was, to sell for about $2,500.
20080110             —EXPLODED, CENTRAL—BAGHDAD, 2—BOMBS, almost simultaneously near 1—MILITARY—CHECKPOINT, killing 2—POLICEMEN and 1—SOLDIER.
20080110             11—OTHERS were wounded, including 4—CIVILIANS.
20080110             —UNLEASHED, USA—BOMBERS and jet fighters, 40,000—POUNDS—OF—EXPLOSIVES —DURING a 10-minute airstrike, flattening what the military called safe havens for AL—QAIDA in IRAQ on the southern outskirts BAGHDAD.
20080110             AL—JIBOURI, LEADER—OF—ARAB—JABOUR—AWAKENING—COUNCIL, said the airstrikes killed at least 21—AL—QAIDA militants including 1—GROUP—LEADER.
20080110             1—CARGO—BOAT laden with 500—TONS—OF—GARBAGE from Naples docked at THE—ISLAND—OF—SARDINIA as the government worked to undo 1—WEEKS—LONG trash emergency that left HEAPS—OF—WASTE piled up on THE—STREETS—OF—NAPLES.
20080110             JAPAN—MATSUSHITA—ELECTRIC—INDUSTRIAL—CO. said it will drop THE—NAME—OF—ITS—CHARISMATIC founder and become Panasonic Corp. to strengthen its global image.
20080110             1—AFRICAN—UNION—STATEMENT said FORMER—UN—SECRETARY—GENERAL—KOFI—ANNAN is taking over mediation in KENYA's disputed presidential election.
20080110             —AGREED, KENYA—FEUDING political leaders, to 1—IMMEDIATE—CESSATION—OF—VIOLENCE and ANY—ACTS that may harm efforts to end the country's POST—ELECTION—CRISIS,
20080110             MEXICO, gunmen shot dead 2—FEDERAL—AGENTS and 1—CIVILIAN in THE—CENTRAL—STATE—OF—MICHOACAN.
20080110             † SIR—EDMUND—HILLARY, 88—JAHRE—ALT, the 1. person to stand atop the world's highest mountain, in NEW—ZEALAND.
20080110             —REMEMBERED, SIR—EDMUND—HILLARY was, as 1—DEEPLY driven but unassuming man who strived to help the people of NEPAL in the decades —AFTER his 19530000              ascent of MOUNT—EVEREST with Sherpa Tenzing Norgay.
20080110             —DEPLOYED, EAST—PAKISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER blew himself up among police, outside 1—COURT—IN—LAHORE, killing at least 25—PEOPLE, including 21—POLICEMEN, and wounding more than 70. PAKISTAN—TROOPS killed more than 50—TALIBAN militants —AFTER fighting off 1—ATTACK overnight on 1—MILITARY fort near THE—TOWN—OF—LADHA in rugged SOUTH—WAZIRISTAN.
20080110             —PREDICTED, In THE—WEST—BANK—PRESIDENT—BUSH, that 1—MIDEAST peace treaty would be completed by the time he leaves office.
20080110             —NAMED, Bush, LIEUTENANT—GENERAL—WILLIAM—FRASER—III—OF—THE—USA—AIR—FORCE to oversee compliance with 1—USA—BACKED peace plan.
20080110             —NAMED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, 1—PROMINENT—NATIONALIST—POLITICIAN as ambassador to NATO at 1—TIME—OF severely strained ties between the 2.
20080110             Government officials and rebels said soldiers and Shiite rebels are fighting —AGAIN—IN NORTH—YEMEN, breaking a 6—MONTH—OLD—CEASE—FIRE with clashes that have killed more than 30—PEOPLE.
20080110             Von Träumen und Tatsachen
20080110             THE—UK Atomic Weapons Establishment, which manages the Aldermaston weapons site on BEHALF—OF—THE—MINISTRY—OF—DEFENCE,
20080110             is set to come under THE—CONTROL—OF—USA—COMPANIES.
20080110             —OWNED, AWE is jointly, by the government, through its stake in UK—NUCLEAR—FUELS (BNFL), Serco,
20080110             THE—UK—SUPPORT—SERVICES—GROUP + Lockheed Martin, THE—USA—DEFENCE—GROUP.
20080110             If either Fluor or Jacobs emerges as victorious, AWE will be 2—THIRDS owned by USA—COMPANIES.
20080110             AWE is responsible for designing, manufacturing and decommissioning nuclear warheads for Trident,
20080110             the fleet of nuclear submarines that is THE—UK—SOLE—NUCLEAR deterrent.
20080110             Mars: ASTEROIDEN—EINSCHLAG wird immer unwahrscheinlicher
20080110             Expertenwarnung: RIESTER—RENTE wird für Millionen Sparer zum Minusgeschäft
20080110             —VERZICHTET, Abschwungsorgen: Zentralbank, auf ZINSERHÖHUNG—VORERST
20080110             Widerstand gegen AL—QAIDA: Pakistanischer Stamm macht Jagd auf Bhuttos Mörder
20080110             —GEWONNEN, Medizin: Forscher wollen Stammzellen ohne Embryotod, haben
20080110             FARC—REBELLEN: Geiseln in Kolumbien —NACH—6—JAHREN frei
20080110             NAHOST—TOUR: Bush beerdigt Traum vom schnellen Palästinenserstaat - Rekordjahr 20070000              :
20080110             Lufthansa beförderte über 56—MILLIONEN Passagiere
20080110             JUGENDGEWALT—DEBATTE: Migranten verlangen von Merkel KOCH—BÄNDIGUNG - NANO—KUGELN: Magnete statt Medikamente
20080110             EU—PLAN: Milliardenstrafen für Schmutzkraftwerke
20080110             Unruhen: Kenia beklagt Stornierung von 90—PROZENT—DER—BUCHUNGEN
20080110             Angst um die Oscars: Stoppt der Streik die größte Show?
20080110             Abschwungsorgen: EZB lässt Leitzins bei 4 %
20080110             Kapitalhunger: Citigroup und Merrill Lynch buhlen um Auslandsmilliarden
20080110             Schwarze Löcher sind unsichtbar.
20080110             Wenn sie nicht gerade große Gashaufen verschlucken, kann man sie nur anhand ihres Gravitationsfeldes ausfindig machen.
20080110             Astronomen unterscheiden hauptsächlich 2—ARTEN—VON—SCHWARZEN—LÖCHERN:
20080110             Stellare Schwarze Löcher, die relativ klein sind und aus verglühten Sternen entstehen,
20080110             und supermassive Schwarze Löcher, die die MILLIONEN—BIS milliardenfache Masse unserer Sonne haben können.
20080110             Das größte bislang bekannte supermassive Schwarze Loch fanden Astronomen gerade in 3,5 Milliarden Lichtjahren Entfernung.
20080110             Es hat die 18-milliardenfache Masse der Sonne.
20080110             Jugendkriminalität: Türkische Gemeinde wirft Koch Rassismus vor
20080110             Astronomie: Schwarze Schurkenlöcher könnten Milchstraße unsicher machen
20080110             Innenminister Schäuble, der —BEREITS 19960000              in der FAZ forderte,
20080110             "weniger Demokratie (zu) wagen", sieht —JETZT die Zeit gekommen, deutlich reaktionärere FORMEN—DER—MACHTAUSÜBUNG durchzusetzen.
20080110             Ausdruck hierfür ist sein Kampf für Bundeswehr­1ätze im Inneren und für eine weitere Einschränkung von Grundrechten.
20080110             Die deutsche INNEN—UND "Sicherheitspolitik" bewegt sich im Gleichklang mit der gesamten EU.
20080110             Vorratsdaten­speicherung, Flüchtlingsabwehr, der Ausbau der Geheimdienste und des Polizei­apparates,
20080110             der EINSATZ—DES—MILITÄRS im Inneren usw. — siehe den EU—REFORMVERTRAG,
20080110             in dem all dies "geregelt" wird — werden über die EU in allen Mitgliedsländern durchgesetzt.
20080110             Die Gegenwehr ist jedoch heftiger als in den vergangenen Jahren.
20080110             Das zeigt auch die Zunahme der Streiktage und von Widerstandsaktionen gegen die Rechtsent­wicklung.
20080110             Allerdings gibt es nur Ansätze für die Formierung jener Gegenkräfte, die einen Politikwechsel durchsetzen könnten.
20080110             Abwehrkämpfe organisieren - Parallelen zum "TONKIN—GOLF—ZWISCHENFALL" drängen sich auf:
20080110             Im Gegensatz dazu beurteilen ALLE—IRANISCHEN—STELLEN den Vorgang als absolut normal und alltäglich.
20080110             Die Begegnung sei routinemäßig verlaufen: Die Schiffe hätten sich gegenseitig identifiziert und seien dann weitergefahren.
20080110             Gerade an Themen wie die der Migration und Integration sowie der Jugendkriminalität und Jugendgewalt muss besonnen,
20080110             sensibel und fachgerecht herangegangen werden.
20080110             Was wir jedoch —DERZEIT erleben, sind Schnellschüsse, Unbedachtsamkeiten und wahltaktischen Populismus.
20080110             Es ist ein herber Rückschlag für den für die gesamte Gesellschaft so wichtigen Integrationsdiskurs.
20080110             Wir, die Interessenvertretung von über 100—SELBSTORGANISATIONEN von Migrantinnen und Migranten, sind enttäuscht und verärgert.
20080110             Wir verurteilen diese ART—VON—POLITIK auf das Schärfste.
20080110             Sehr geehrte Frau Bundeskanzlerin, sehr geehrter Ministerpräsident,
20080110             wir appellieren eindringlich an Sie, schnellstmöglich zu der gebotenen Sachlichkeit zurückzukommen!
20080110             hoffähig gemacht.
20080110             Diese Positionierung der CDU läßt sich —JETZT auch nicht mehr rückgängig machen.
20080110             Wie die NPD —SCHON immer vorausgesagt hat, läßt sich die multikriminelle Realität durch POLITISCH—KORREKTES Verschweigen eben nicht für immer verheimlichen.
20080110             Die NPD jedenfalls begrüßt
20080110             ihren Wahlkampfhelfer Koch, sagt allerdings,
20080110             dass er "nur fast NPD—QUALITÄT" erreicht habe:
20080110             Es bleibt bei 4 %: EZB rührt Leitzins nicht an
20080110             —AUFGEHOBEN, Reichstagsbrand: LUBBE—URTEIL
20080110             Fernsehen macht dick, faul und gewalttätig - Bernanke beglückt die Börsen
20080110             Schatzkanzler schockt NORTHERN—ROCK—ANLEGER
20080110             Bundesanwälte fordern Herausgabe der RAF—AKTE
20080110             Bernanke stellt neue Zinssenkungen in Aussicht
20080110             JUSTIZSKANDAL—STAATSANWALTSCHAFT versteigerte Waffen
20080110             Börse —AM—ABEND—DAX sackt auf NOVEMBER—NIVEAU
20080110             Bush demande la fin de l'occupation israélienne - Angst vor "DOMINO—REZESSION" wächst
20080110             Kracher des Tages: "FBI Wiretaps Dropped Due to Unpaid Bills".
20080110             Das FBI ist echt genau so, wie man sich das immer vorstellt.
20080110             Telcos haben Abhöraktionen des FBI abgebrochen, als die Kohle nicht kam.
20080110             1—AGENT hat sich mit 25.000—DOLLAR einen schönen —ABEND gemacht.
20080110             "We also found that late payments have resulted in telecommunications carriers actually disconnecting phone lines established to deliver surveillance results to THE—FBI,
20080110             resulting in lost evidence," according to the audit by Inspector GENERAL—GLENN—A—FINE.
20080110             Und, wie könnte es auch anders sein, das ist nur die Spitze des Eisbergs.
20080110             —ZENSIERT, Der GROßTEIL—DES—REPORTS ist, weil das "too sensitive" sei nach ANSICHT—DES—FBI.
20080110             (Danke, Jan) - Dazu tragen auch klare Worte wie die Neujahrsbotschaft der KKE bei.
20080110             "Ein gutes neues —JAHR" wünscht hier die Generalsekretärin, um fortzufahren:
20080110             "Aber ein gutes —JAHR bedeutet menschenwürdige Löhne und Renten, soziale Sicherheit und das Recht auf Arbeit.
20080110             Ein gutes —JAHR gibt es nicht durch Sammelbüchsen gegen Armut, humanistische Spendenkampagnen, Armenkassen oder Suppenküchen.
20080110             Unser Kampf muß also vor allem um das Recht auf ein menschenwürdiges Leben gehen".
20080110             Und Aleka Papariga nennt auch die für die Partei einzige Quelle des dazu notwendigen gesellschaftlichen Reichtums:
20080110             "Denn es ist der Mensch, der dazu beiträgt, der Werktätige, und zwar er allein".
20080110             Das große Zittern der Banken
20080110             Zypries: Fernsehen und Computerspiele sind Gift
20080110             GESETZESFLUT—STAAT greift immer mehr ins Leben ein - Grossbritannien baut Atomenergie aus
20080110             Le ROYAUME—UNI relance la construction de centrales nucléaires
20080110             UNO: Weltweite Rezession wird kommen - Begriffsklärung tut not.
20080110             Bestimmt etwa das Bewußtsein das Sein?
20080110             In der Tat ist ja das Bewußtsein, zum Proletariat zu gehören, vielfach verschwunden.
20080110             "TONGA was the 1. GROUP—OF—ISLANDS in Polynesia to be settled by the Lapita people about 3000—YEARS ago + Nukuleka was their 1. settlement in TONGA," he said.
20080110             Genetic Glitch May Increase RISK—OF—AUTISM
20080110             —DATE D, Tongan site, oldest in Polynesia
20080110             1—SMALL fishing village established 2900—YEARS ago in TONGA has been confirmed as the 1. settlement in Polynesia.
20080110             Archaeologists say ancient Indians had maritime links
20080110             Excavations at the Kerala STATE—IN—SOUTH—WEST—INDIA suggest that
20080110             CITGO—VENEZUELA Distribute Oil To USA Services:
20080110             For SCORES—OF—LOW—INCOME—FAMILIES it will be like the equivalent of winning 1—SMALL lottery jackpot.
20080110             1—PROGRAM—RUN by FORMER—CONGRESSMAN—JOE—KENNEDY will deliver free heating oil — donated by Citgo and the Chavez regime in VENEZUELA — to some 200,000 households.
20080110             Goldman Sachs sees recession - Countrywide Loses Most
20080110             —DROPPED, Countrywide Financial Corp., the most —SINCE Black —MONDAY
20080110             FRANCE is tops + THE—USA—DEAD last, in providing timely and effective healthcare to its citizens,
20080110             according to 1—SURVEY—TUESDAY of preventable deaths in 19 industrialized countries.
20080110             Continue - This SYSTEM—ACHILLES' Heel- - UN Says About 151,000 Iraqis Killed
20080110             The World Health Organization said —WEDNESDAY 1—LARGE—SCALE—HOUSEHOLD—SURVEY showed 1 estimated 151,000 Iraqis were violently killed —SINCE THE—USA—LED invasion of their country
20080110             THE—MYTH—OF—SECTARIANISM - The policy is divide to RULE—BY- DAHR JAMAIL
20080110             The snow job by the corporate media on THE—ISSUE—OF—SECTARIANISM in IRAQ has ensured that the public buys into the line that the Sunni and Shia will dice 1—ANOTHER up into little pieces if the occupation ends.
20080110             Continue - Americans still pretend they brought Democracy to IRAQ.
20080110             Keep on deluding yourselves folks.
20080110             Had I been in charge of your Education, I would grant you free PHD's in Deceit, Duplicity and Denial.
20080110             Continue - 'The number of billionaires —AROUND the world rose by 102 to 1—RECORD—793... and their combined wealth grew 18 % to $2.6—TRILLION,
20080110             according to "Forbes" magazine's 20060000              RANKINGS—OF—THE—WORLD—RICHEST—PEOPLE [5].
20080110             In addition, their group has been expanding steadily.
20080110             All the —WHILE they,
20080110             also, command vast STORES—OF—RESOURCES (obtained through their purchasing power),
20080110             manipulate their governments (through lobbies and other means) and control others (via military might and other kinds) to keep everything solidly behind their acts of racking in ever more dollars and possessions,
20080110             including huge TRACTS—OF—LAND and factories, for themselves.
20080110             But THE—PERPETRATORS—OF—TERRORISM will not be Muslim terrorists;
20080110             they will be government agents and fellow citizens.
20080110             Continue - The Expanding Police State-
20080110             THERE—ONLY 1—WAY to make sure that THE—MACHINERY—OF—STATE—TERROR is operating at maximum efficiency;
20080110             flip on the switch and let er rip.
20080110             That was thinking behind the massive roundup of 10,000 USA—CITIZENS in what was APTLY—CHRISTENED Operation Falcon.
20080110             Continue - CASE, You Missed IT—THE—SECRET—GOVERNMENT: The Constitution in Crisis-
20080110             Host BILL—MOYERS exposes the inner workings of the secret government.
20080110             Though originally broadcast
20080110             The BuzzFlash Media PUTZ—OF—THE—WEEK: ROBIN—GIVHAN, For reporting that is 1—EMBARRASSMENT to THE—PROFESSION—OF—JOURNALISM + for being beholden to corporate paymasters rather than THE—CITIZENS—OF—AMERICA.
20080110             The Bloomberg Rumors are True.
20080110             He is Seriously, Very Seriously, Considering a 3. Party Run for PRESIDENT.
20080110             The Hunt for Voter Gold is Off to NEVADA, Which Holds Dem.
20080110             Party Sanctioned Caucuses on ;;01;;
20080110             Attorneys for Jose Rodriguez told Congress THE—FORMER—CIA—OFFICIAL won't testify about THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—CIA videotapes without 1—PROMISE—OF—IMMUNITY,
20080110             2—PEOPLE—CLOSE to the tapes inquiry said —WEDNESDAY.
20080110             —CHARGED, Barely Noticed:"The only Army officer, with 1—CRIME as 1—RESULT—OF—THE—ABUSES at THE—ABU—GHRAIB prison in IRAQ has been cleared of all criminal responsibility in the case —AFTER 1—GENERAL this —WEEK dismissed THE—1—CONVICTION against him and wiped away the sentence".
20080110             "MANY—HAVE pointed out that if Hillary is elected + serves 2—TERMS, we would have either 1—BUSH or 1—CLINTON in THE—WHITE—HOUSE—FOR—28—YEARS.
20080110             But tribal politics in AMERICA has other similarities with SOUTH—ASIA in the elite education of its leaders.
20080110             If Clinton wins THE—WHITE—HOUSE for 2—TERMS, we would also end up having 1—PERSON with 1—DEGREE from Yale in THE—WHITE—HOUSE—FOR—28—YEARS.
20080110             Maybe that's why BARACK—OBAMA, with his Harvard Law degree, bills himself as THE—CANDIDATE—OF—CHANGE".
20080110             —BEFORE this reportage, we had to hear about the debate contestant MATCH—UPS being rigged by whoever hosted the debates.
20080110             —BEFORE that reportage we heard that the primary calendar is rigged.
20080110             —BEFORE that we heard that the candidates' chances for ANY—MEDIA—EXPOSURE was rigged by THE—MISS—M
20080110             —BEFORE that, we heard that the entire primary campaign process was rigged by THE—DNC and THE—RNC.
20080110             In general, we hear that all important elections are rigged to favor only the wealthy and BEST—CONNECTED people.
20080110             —RIGGED, Apparently the only things not, are the jet chemtrails whose only purpose is to prevent us from capturing clear videos of the UFOs they obscure.
20080110             Nahostkonflikt: Bush gibt sich nach Treffen mit Abbas optimistisch
20080110             KONJUNKTUR—PESSIMISMUS: Goldman Sachs schürt Angst vor DOMINO—REZESSION
20080110             USA: Vater wirft 4—KINDER von Brücke
20080110             Ich HABE—MIT VERLAUB—SELTEN einen dümmlicheren Artikel gelesen, wie diesen.
20080110             Noch mehr dumpfe Vorurteile, auf so wenige zeilen verpackt,
20080110             das schaffen ja nichtmal politische Radikale.
20080110             Er (der Artikel) ist kein journalistisches Produkt, es ist vielmehr 1—HETZSCHRIFT gg.
20080110             Menschen die nicht so leben möchten, wie es den Autoren gefällt.
20080110             Fazit: Nicht ernst zu nehmen, SONDERN—MIT viel WOHLWOLLEN—VIELLEICHT unter Satire abhaken!
20080110             Wie aber kommt es zur eigentlichen Verschränkung?
20080110             Zufällig und synchron zugleich
20080110             "Die KOMBINATION—VON—ECHTER—UNVORHERSAGBARKEIT und perfekter Korrelation macht den Effekt der Verschränkung aus", erklärt Schnabel.
20080110             Es gibt freilich Physiker, die bezweifeln, ob das Experiment überhaupt gelingen kann.
20080110             Der Brite ROGER—PENROSE, unter anderem Entdecker einer nach ihm benannte Parkettierung,
20080110             glaubt beispielsweise, dass die Schwerkraft die Verschränkung prinzipiell verhindern könnte.
20080110             Das Kraftfeld, das makroskopische Objekte zwangsläufig erzeugen, sei zu groß und zerstöre quantenmechanische Effekte.
20080110             Wer Recht hat, wird wohl —ERST das Experiment zeigen.
20080110             Es soll in diesem —JAHR beginnen,
20080110             mit 1. Ergebnissen rechnen die Forscher 20090000              oder 20100000           .
20080110             Was aber, wenn Aussteigen weder Müdigkeit noch Flucht, —SCHON gar nicht Verweigerung,
20080110             wenn es viel einfacher, nämlich die höchste FORM—DER—ZIVILISIERTHEIT ist:
20080110             der geistig bewusst vollzogene Bruch des Bürgers mit den bürgerlichen Freiheiten aufgrund dieser Freiheiten?
20080110             Wenn der Ausstieg also 1—ENTSCHEIDUNG für etwas ist?
20080110             Das ABENTEUERLICH—VERWEGENE ist geradezu en vogue.
20080110             Das Fernsehen in seinem Streben nach Simplizität (nichts ist gewinnbringender als die Stimulation und Ausschlachtung niederer Instinkte) okkupiert auf seiner Suche nach Verwertbarem die letzten Reservate menschlicher Intimität.
20080110             —BETRACHTET, Theoretisch, ist der Aussteiger an sich der aufmüpfige Bürger einer durchregulierten Gesellschaft.
20080110             Er ist das mündige Individuum par excellence.
20080110             BERLIN—DER Brief an ANGELA—MERKEL und Roland Koch stammt laut "Frankfurter Rundschau" vom MIGRANTEN—FORUM des Paritätischen Wohlfahrtverbands,
20080110             der die Interessen von rund 100—ZUWANDERER—ORGANISATIONEN vertritt.
20080110             Darin heißt es nach ANGABEN—DES—BLATTES: "Wo offene, konstruktive Gespräche und an der Sachlage orientierte Lösungsvorschläge nötig wären,
20080110             richten Sie durch Wahlpolemik erheblichen Schaden an".
20080110             Ein kurzfristiger Erfolg in einem Landtagswahlkampf dürfe es nicht wert sein, dass Vorurteile "neu geschürt" würden.
20080110             —GESPALTEN, Dadurch werde die Gesellschaft weiter.
20080110             Damit geht Australien radikale Wege beim Umweltschutz.
20080110             —ERST gestern hatte CHINA seine Politik gegenüber Plastiktüten verschärft:
20080110             Blair verlautbarte, er werde JP Morgan in Bezug auf die "immensen politischen und wirtschaftlichen Veränderungen" beraten,
20080110             die die Globalisierung mit sich bringe.
20080110             Gewaltige Explosion: URALT—GAMMABLITZ verblüfft Forscher
20080110             Umweltschutz: Australien will die Plastiktüte abschaffen
20080110             Lukrativer Job: Blair geht an die WALL—STREET
20080110             Quantenphysik: Experiment soll Einsteins Quantenspuk im Großen beweisen
20080110             —BLEEPED, AT&T, portions of the Pearl Jam
20080110             song "Daughter," in which singer EDDIE—VEDDER altered lyrics to include ANTI—BUSH—SENTIMENTS.
20080110             —CENSORED, Other bands had also been, on AT&T's Webcasts,
20080110             including THE—JOHN—BUTLER—TRIO and Flaming Lips.
20080110             —ADMITTED, AT&T, that these remarks had been deleted, but the company said these were mistakes made by 1—OVERZEALOUS—CONTRACTOR hired to monitor the performances for obscene language.
20080110             1—FIRESTORM—OF—PROTEST ignited —LAST—YEAR—WHEN cable operator Comcast was accused of filtering BitTorrent traffic.
20080110             Federal Communications Chairman KEVIN—MARTIN said —TUESDAY that 1—INVESTIGATION will be launched to see if Comcast has violated ANY—OF—THE—AGENCY—POLICIES.
20080110             Daily Kos: Democrats and THE—ANTI—WAR—MOVEMENT, then and —NOW
20080110             They began calling THE—USA " AMERIKA " or, more explicitly, "Amerikkka" and some
20080110             the Young Americans for Freedom (YAF), was 1—VITAL—ORGANIZATION—BEFORE SDS...
20080110             Chronology of Political EVENTS—ASSATA SPEAKS—HANDS Off Assata
20080110             1—DAY soon, be used to help AMERIKA. bum all its crosses.
20080110             Common Ground Common Sense > Dominionists set to take over DNC Chair - Dueling With Martin
20080110             o Judy Malloy 's " Revelations of Secret Surveillance" reads like poetic memoir + concerns THE—ROLE—OF—GOVERNMENT in THE—SURVEILLANCE—OF—ARTISTS + writers
20080110             USANA GOING PRIVATE. By DOCTOR—MYRON—WENTZ. Founder & Chairman USANA.
20080110             —1— ): "Vom 17010101—18001231    —CENTURY—BIS zum heutigen —TAG sind Bedrohungen amerikanischer Schiffe und des Seehandels der Weg gewesen,
20080110             Edouard Balladur schlägt "Union des Westens" zwischen EUROPA und USA vor
20080110             Atomic body set for USA—CONTROL—BY- Sylvia Pfeifer
20080110             THE—UK—ATOMIC—WEAPONS—ESTABLISHMENT, which manages the Aldermaston weapons site on BEHALF—OF—THE—MINISTRY—OF—DEFENCE, is set to come under THE—CONTROL—OF—USA—COMPANIES.
20080110             Fluor and Jacobs, 2—USA—ENGINEERING groups, have emerged as the only remaining bidders for the government's 1—3. stake in AWE, which it put up for sale last —SUMMER.
20080110             —OWNED, AWE is jointly, by the government, through its stake in UK—NUCLEAR—FUELS (BNFL),Serco, THE—UK—SUPPORT—SERVICES—GROUP + Lockheed Martin, THE—USA—DEFENCE—GROUP.
20080110             AWE is responsible for designing, manufacturing and decommissioning nuclear warheads for Trident, the fleet of nuclear submarines that is THE—UK—SOLE—NUCLEAR deterrent.
20080110             Rezessionspanik: USA—KONJUNKTUR fordert Weltwirtschaft heraus
20080110             Rekordjahr 20070000              : Lufthansa beförderte über 56—MILLIONEN Passagiere
20080110             Saurierfriedhof in ENGLAND: Im Grab Gottes
20080110             Unruhen: Kenia beklagt Stornierung von 90—PROZENT—DER—BUCHUNGEN - Schwarze Löcher sind unsichtbar.
20080110             Astronomen unterscheiden hauptsächlich 2—ARTEN—VON—SCHWARZEN—LÖCHERN: Stellare Schwarze Löcher, die relativ klein sind und aus verglühten Sternen entstehen, und supermassive Schwarze Löcher, die die MILLIONEN—BIS milliardenfache Masse unserer Sonne haben können.
20080110             Innenminister Schäuble, der —BEREITS 19960000              in der FAZ forderte, "weniger Demokratie (zu) wagen", sieht —JETZT die Zeit gekommen, deutlich reaktionärere FORMEN—DER—MACHTAUSÜBUNG durchzusetzen.
20080110             Vorratsdaten­speicherung, Flüchtlingsabwehr, der Ausbau der Geheimdienste und des Polizei­apparates, der EINSATZ—DES—MILITÄRS im Inneren usw. — siehe den EU—REFORMVERTRAG, in dem all dies "geregelt" wird — werden über die EU in allen Mitgliedsländern durchgesetzt.
20080110             Abwehrkämpfe organisieren
20080110             Den 1. Vorfall hatte die USA—REGIERUNG in wesentlichen Punkten falsch dargestellt, und den entscheidenden 2., mit dem sie dann ihre "Reaktionen" rechtfertigte, hatte WASHINGTON sogar frei erfunden.
20080110             Aufgrund des sogenannten TONKIN—ZWISCHENFALLS winkte der USA—KONGREß —3—TAGE—SPÄTER im Eilverfahren 1—RESOLUTION durch, die dem damaligen Präsidenten Lyndon Johnson völlig freie Hand für Militäroperationen in ganz Südostasien gab.
20080110             Die USA—REGIERUNG spiele die Sache nur wegen des Besuchs von PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH in ISRAEL und den Staaten der Arabischen Halbinsel hoch.
20080110             Gerade an Themen wie die der Migration und Integration sowie der Jugendkriminalität und Jugendgewalt muss besonnen, sensibel und fachgerecht herangegangen werden.
20080110             Sehr geehrte Frau Bundeskanzlerin, sehr geehrter Ministerpräsident, wir appellieren eindringlich an Sie, schnellstmöglich zu der gebotenen Sachlichkeit zurückzukommen!
20080110             Roland Koch hat authentische NPD—POSITIONEN, für die die Nationaldemokraten jahrzehntelang stigmatisiert und kriminalisiert wurden, hoffähig gemacht.
20080110             Die NPD jedenfalls
20080110             begrüßt ihren Wahlkampfhelfer Koch, sagt allerdings, dass er "nur fast NPD—QUALITÄT" erreicht habe:
20080110             "We also found that late payments have resulted in telecommunications carriers actually disconnecting phone lines established to deliver surveillance results to THE—FBI, resulting in lost evidence," according to the audit by Inspector GENERAL—GLENN—A—FINE.
20080110             (Danke, Jan) - "Ein gutes neues —JAHR" wünscht hier die Generalsekretärin, um fortzufahren: "Aber ein gutes —JAHR bedeutet menschenwürdige Löhne und Renten, soziale Sicherheit und das Recht auf Arbeit. Ein gutes —JAHR gibt es nicht durch Sammelbüchsen gegen Armut, humanistische Spendenkampagnen, Armenkassen oder Suppenküchen. Unser Kampf muß also vor allem um das Recht auf ein menschenwürdiges Leben gehen".
20080110             Und Aleka Papariga nennt auch die für die Partei einzige Quelle des dazu notwendigen gesellschaftlichen Reichtums: "Denn es ist der Mensch, der dazu beiträgt, der Werktätige, und zwar er allein".
20080110             Anzapfen von Staatsfonds: USA—BANKEN auf Geldsuche
20080110             Opfer zu sein, drückt das Selbstbewußtsein, als sei es 1—ZEICHEN eigenen Versagens.
20080110             Children with 1—RARE chromosome abnormality may be 100—TIMES—MORE—LIKELY to develop autism, according to 1—STUDY released —TODAY by the New ENGLAND Journal of Medicine.
20080110             its ancient habitants may have had maritime links with the Mediterranean and CHINA over 2,—500—YEARS—AGO, the Hindu newspaper said —WEDNESDAY.
20080110             CITGO—VENEZUELA Distribute Oil To USA—SERVICES : For SCORES—OF—LOW—INCOME—FAMILIES it will be like the equivalent of winning 1—SMALL lottery jackpot.
20080110             Goldman Sachs on —WEDNESDAY said it expects THE—USA—ECONOMY to drop into recession this —YEAR, prompting the Federal Reserve to slash benchmark lending rates to 2.5 % by the 3. quarter.
20080110             FRANCE is Healthcare LEADER—USA Comes Dead Last: Study
20080110             FRANCE is tops + THE—USA—DEAD last, in providing timely and effective healthcare to its citizens, according to 1—SURVEY—TUESDAY of preventable deaths in 19 industrialized countries.
20080110             This SYSTEM—ACHILLES' Heel
20080110             The fact is that the story of THE—USA is bound up in the birth + RISE—OF—CAPITALISM + the nation's present descent into dictatorship is part of the same economic system's decline + inevitable death.
20080110             THE—MYTH—OF—SECTARIANISM
20080110             Straight Talk - Americans still pretend they brought Democracy to IRAQ.
20080110             —ON Rejecting "The System"
20080110             'The number of billionaires —AROUND the world rose by 102 to 1—RECORD—793... and their combined wealth grew 18 % to $2.6—TRILLION, according to "Forbes" magazine's 20060000              RANKINGS—OF—THE—WORLD—RICHEST—PEOPLE [5].' In addition, their group has been expanding steadily.
20080110             All the —WHILE they, also, command vast STORES—OF—RESOURCES (obtained through their purchasing power), manipulate their governments (through lobbies and other means) and control others (via military might and other kinds) to keep everything solidly behind their acts of racking in ever more dollars and possessions, including huge TRACTS—OF—LAND and factories, for themselves.
20080110             We LOST! Thinking For Yourself Is —NOW 1—CRIME! -
20080110             The bill will, in short, create massive terrorism in THE—USA.
20080110             Operation Falcon Raid — BY—MIKE—WHITNEY
20080110             CASE, You Missed it - - The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis
20080110             —RESPECTED, Interviews with, top military, intelligence + government insiders reveal both the history and secret objectives.
20080110             Attorneys for Jose Rodriguez told Congress THE—FORMER—CIA—OFFICIAL won't testify about THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—CIA videotapes without 1—PROMISE—OF—IMMUNITY, 2—PEOPLE—CLOSE to the tapes inquiry said —WEDNESDAY.
20080110             Federal JUDGE—LETS—WHITE—HOUSE off the Hook on Erased CIA Torture Tapes, Says They Will "Trust" Them and THE—DOJ.
20080110             LET—GIVE—THAT—JUDGE—SOME—TRUTH—SERUM on What Was Really Behind His Decision.
20080110             "MANY—HAVE pointed out that if Hillary is elected + serves 2—TERMS, we would have either 1—BUSH or 1—CLINTON in THE—WHITE—HOUSE—FOR—28—YEARS. But tribal politics in AMERICA has other similarities with SOUTH—ASIA in the elite education of its leaders. If Clinton wins THE—WHITE—HOUSE for 2—TERMS, we would also end up having 1—PERSON with 1—DEGREE from Yale in THE—WHITE—HOUSE—FOR—28—YEARS. Maybe that's why BARACK—OBAMA, with his Harvard Law degree, bills himself as THE—CANDIDATE—OF—CHANGE".
20080110             This is all very confusing, this VOTE—RIGGING reportage.
20080110             —BEFORE that we heard that the candidates' chances for ANY—MEDIA—EXPOSURE was rigged by THE—MISS—M—BEFORE that, we heard that the entire primary campaign process was rigged by THE—DNC and THE—RNC.
20080110             And yes, VIRGINIA, even professional tennis is rigged —JUST like oil prices are.
20080110             #—POSTED—BY—AITCHD - USA: Vater wirft 4—KINDER von Brücke
20080110             Noch mehr dumpfe Vorurteile, auf so wenige zeilen verpackt, das schaffen ja nichtmal politische Radikale.
20080110             Deshalb sei das Experiment auch gut mit den 2—WÜRFELN zu vergleichen, die stets identische, jedoch zufällige Augenzahlen liefern.
20080110             Der Brite ROGER—PENROSE, unter anderem Entdecker einer
20080110             nach ihm benannte Parkettierung, glaubt beispielsweise, dass die Schwerkraft die Verschränkung prinzipiell verhindern könnte.
20080110             Es soll in diesem —JAHR beginnen, mit 1. Ergebnissen rechnen die Forscher 20090000              oder 20100000           .
20080110             Was aber, wenn Aussteigen weder Müdigkeit noch Flucht, —SCHON gar nicht Verweigerung, wenn es viel einfacher, nämlich die höchste FORM—DER—ZIVILISIERTHEIT ist:
20080110             BERLIN—DER Brief an ANGELA—MERKEL und Roland Koch stammt laut "Frankfurter Rundschau" vom MIGRANTEN—FORUM des Paritätischen Wohlfahrtverbands, der die Interessen von rund 100—ZUWANDERER—ORGANISATIONEN vertritt.
20080110             Darin heißt es nach ANGABEN—DES—BLATTES: "Wo offene, konstruktive Gespräche und an der Sachlage orientierte Lösungsvorschläge nötig wären, richten Sie durch Wahlpolemik erheblichen Schaden an".
20080110             —ERST GESTERN—HATTE CHINA seine Politik gegenüber Plastiktüten verschärft:
20080110             Blair soll dem TOP—MANAGEMENT und insbesondere dem Konzernchef JAMIE—DIMON regelmäßig Einschätzungen zu Hintergründen aktueller politischer Entwicklungen geben — das teilte die New Yorker Bank —HEUTE mit.
20080110             Blair verlautbarte, er werde JP Morgan in Bezug auf die "immensen politischen und wirtschaftlichen Veränderungen" beraten, die die Globalisierung mit sich bringe.
20080110             Offener Brief: 100—ZUWANDERER—GRUPPEN beklagen sich bei Merkel über Koch
20080110             —DURING 1—WEBCAST of the Lollapalooza concert in CHICAGO, AT&T
20080110             bleeped portions of the Pearl Jam song "Daughter," in which singer EDDIE—VEDDER altered lyrics to include ANTI—BUSH—SENTIMENTS.
20080110             —CENSORED, Other BANDS—HAD also been, on AT&T's Webcasts, including THE—JOHN—BUTLER—TRIO and Flaming Lips.
20080110             1—FIRESTORM—OF—PROTEST ignited —LAST—YEAR—WHEN cable operator Comcast was
20080110             accused of filtering BitTorrent traffic.
20080110             —DENIED, The company, it was filtering traffic, but —LATER admitted it "shapes" traffic to ensure that its network is not overwhelmed.
20080110             Federal Communications Chairman KEVIN—MARTIN said —TUESDAY that an
20080110             investigation will be launched to see if Comcast has violated ANY—OF—THE—AGENCY—POLICIES.
20080110             They began calling THE—USA " AMERIKA " or, more explicitly, "Amerikkka" and some... the Young Americans for Freedom (YAF), was 1—VITAL—ORGANIZATION—BEFORE SDS...
20080110             FRED—FRIEDMAN... Meeting: Young Americans for Freedom open.
20080110             Good bye USA hello The Theofacist States of AMERIKA.
20080110             Rod Cook EDITOR—NOTE: Maybe Wentz should send Minkow a "thank you" note!
20080110             USANA GOING PRIVATE. By Dr.
20080110             Myron Wentz. Founder & Chairman USANA.
20080110—19640800    —ANFANG, Parallelen zum "TONKIN—GOLF—ZWISCHENFALL" drängen sich auf: waren dabei 2—ZERSTÖRER der USA—FLOTTE angeblich 2—MAL von nordvietnamesischen Schnellbooten angegriffen worden.
20080110—19870000    —SINCE, Countrywide Loses Most on Fund
20080110—19870000    —IN, Though originally broadcast, it is even more relevant —TODAY.
20080110—19871000    —IN, ing Concern : Countrywide Financial Corp. dropped the most —SINCE Black —MONDAY in NEW—YORK trading on speculation that it needs cash to continue operating its mortgage business.
20080110—20010900    —FREED, The other, hostage, former congresswoman Consuelo Gonzalez de Perdomo, had been abducted.
20080110—20030000    —SINCE, UN Says About 151,000 Iraqis Killed
20080110—20030300    —IN, The World Health Organization said —WEDNESDAY 1—LARGE—SCALE—HOUSEHOLD—SURVEY showed 1 estimated 151,000 Iraqis were violently killed —SINCE THE—USA—LED invasion of their country to the middle of 20060000           .
20080110—20080000    —IN, Goldman Sachs sees recession :
20080110—20080111    —RESIGNED, ED—JEW, from his seat on THE—SF BOARD—OF—SUPERVISORS effective as of —NOON.
20080110—20080119    —ON, Party Sanctioned Caucuses
20080118             USA—KRIEGE beginnen meist auf See WALTER—RUSSELL—MEAD, Mitglied des einflußreichen Council on Foreign Relations, hat im WALL—STREET Journal, dem Sprachrohr der Neokonservativen, auf eine interessante historische Linie aufmerksam gemacht ("IRAN—PROVOCATION", 20080110              ): "Vom 17010101—18001231    —CENTURY—BIS zum heutigen —TAG sind Bedrohungen amerikanischer Schiffe und des Seehandels der Weg gewesen, auf dem die meisten Kriege der USA begannen", stellt Mead fest.
20080218—20080110    —ON, Moody's, in concert with the other main bond rating firm, Standard and Poor's, gave THE—USA—ITS—TOP—AAA credit rating.
2008022120110000     -CANADA SAYS—SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN—MISSION will end
20080227—20080110    —TURNED, Rebels, over 4—EX—LAWMAKERS to representatives from VENEZUELA in the same region where they released 2—OTHERS.
20080630             Der DIREKTOR—DER—DEUTSCHEN—BANK—PAUL—MANKIEWITZ organisierte für den 19190110              in den Räumen des AERO—KLUBS—VON—BERLIN 1—TREFFEN—VON—50—TEILNEHMERN aus der "haute volée" der Industrie-, HANDELS—UND Bankwelt mit mit den Industriellen HUGO—STINNES, ALBERT—VÖGLER, Siemens, OTTO—HENRICH (SIEMENS—SCHUCKERT—WERKE ), Ernst von Borsig, FELIX—DEUTSCH (AEG), ARTHUR—SALOMONSOHN (DISCONTO—GESELLSCHAFT) u.a.
20080630—19190110    —AM, Dies war die Keimzelle des 500—MILLIONEN Reichsmark schweren Antibolschewismusfonds der von der deutschen Wirtschaft in BERLIN gegründet wurde.
20090110             —DETAILED, PRESIDENT—ELECT BARACK—OBAMA made public 1, analysis by his economic advisers that estimates the $775—BILLION PLAN—OF—TAX cuts and new spending would create 3.5—MILLION—JOBS over the next 2—YEARS.
20090110             1—WINTER—STORM left large swaths of the Midwest and Northeast covered in snow and freezing rain.
20090110             At least 8—INCHES fell on lower MICHIGAN and OHIO.
20090110             † In ARGENTINA 6—CHILDREN in BUENOS—AIRES —AFTER 1—FIRE ripped through 1—FORMER—BANK being used as 1—HOME by poor families.
20090110             —CHARGED, AUSTRALIA—POLICE said 1—CANADA—MAN has been, with trying to smuggle more than 2—MILLION—DOLLARS (1.4—MILLION—USA) worth of cocaine  inside forklift battery cells into AUSTRALIA from MEXICO.
20090110             2—UK—CLIMBERS, including the youngest Briton to conquer Everest, fell HUNDREDS—OF—METERS to their deaths on Mont Blanc in THE—FRANCE—ALPS.
20090110             —CAPSIZED, GUINEA—BISSAU, 1—BOAT carrying passengers on the Geba River, in strong winds, leaving 42—PEOPLE missing.
20090110             —POUNDED, ISRAEL—FORCES, ROCKET—LAUNCHING sites and smuggling tunnels in GAZA and planes dropped leaflets warning of 1—ESCALATION in attacks, as PALESTINE—MILITANTS fired at least 10—MORE—ROCKETS at ISRAEL.
20090110             —KILLED, THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY said more than 15—MILITANTS were, in overnight fighting.
20090110             1—ISRAEL—TANK shell killed 9—PEOPLE in 1—GARDEN outside 1—HOME in THE—NORTH—GAZA TOWN—OF—JEBALIYA.
20090110             —REJECTED, SYRIA—BASED PALESTINE—MILITANT—GROUPS including Hamas, the idea of deploying INTERNATIONAL observers or troops in GAZA.
20090110             —KILLED, NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, at least 40—PEOPLE were, over the last 24—HOURS in clashes between Sunnis and Shiites in villages of THE—HANGU district.
20090110             NORTH—PERU, 1—BUS ran off 1—SLICK mountain road into 1—RAVINE, killing at least 33—PEOPLE.
20090110             RUSSIA and THE—EU took 1—STEP toward securing THE—RESUMPTION—OF—GAS—FLOWS to EUROPE —WHEN the 2 signed 1—DEAL on monitoring the supplies through UKRAINE.
20090110             PRIME—MINISTER—VLADIMIR—PUTIN said RUSSIA will restart gas supplies to EUROPE once 1—EU—LED monitoring mission begins to track gas transit via UKRAINE.
20090110             —ARRESTED, SOUTH—KOREA—OFFICIALS, Park DAE—SUNG, 31—JAHRE—ALT, 1—BLOGGER writing under the pseudonym Minerva.
20090110             —CHARGED, They, that his postings had led to 1—PLUNGE in the value of the won, forcing the government to intervene in trading.
20090110             —CAPTURED, SRI—LANKA, government soldiers, 1—GUERRILLA—CAMP in the village of Aiyamperumal in Mullaittivu.
20090110             1—PRO—REBEL—TAMILNET—WEB—SITE reported that 4—CIVILIANS were killed in 1—GOVERNMENT artillery assault on 1—REBEL—HELD village in Mullaitivu.
20090110             MARK—REGEV, 1—ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT—SPOKESMAN, said: "ISRAEL wants to see no harm to the children of GAZA.
20090110             —ON the contrary, we would like to see their children and our children grow up without THE—FEAR—OF—VIOLENCE.
20090110             —UNTIL—NOW, Hamas has deliberately prevented that from becoming reality".
20090110             —COMMITTED, THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY may have, war crimes in GAZA,
20090110             THE—UN—MOST senior human rights official said tonight,
20090110             as ISRAEL—TROOPS pressed on with their increasingly deadly offensive in defiance of 1—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL—RESOLUTION demanding 1—CEASEFIRE.
20090110             Navi Pillay, THE—UN—HIGH—COMMISSIONER for human rights, singled out the killing this —WEEK of up to 30—PALESTINIANS in Zeitoun,
20090110             —SHELLED, SOUTH—EAST—OF—GAZA City, —WHEN ISRAEL, 1—HOUSE where its troops had told about 110—CIVILIANS to take shelter.
20090110             —FIRED, The army then, rockets into the house.
20090110             —SURROUNDED, Not surprisingly, the May AN—INSPIRED mania, 20121221              is more MONEY—GRUBBING than actual science.
20090110             —PREVENTED, —UNTIL—NOW, Hamas has deliberately, that from becoming reality".
20090110             —COMMITTED, THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY may have, war crimes in GAZA, THE—UN—MOST senior human rights official said tonight,
20090110             Navi Pillay, THE—UN—HIGH—COMMISSIONER for human rights, singled out the killing this —WEEK of up to 30—PALESTINIANS in Zeitoun, SOUTH—EAST—OF—GAZA City, —WHEN ISRAEL shelled 1—HOUSE where its troops had told about 110—CIVILIANS to take shelter.
20090110             —FROM THE—GUARDIAN, we learn that THE—ISRAEL—ARMY in 1—GAZA suburb called Zeitoun evacuated more than 100—PALESTINIANS -- mostly children -- to 1—SINGLE—STORY—HOUSE "for their own safety".
20090110             'I gave it my all,' he says of his disappointing legacy.
20090110             Gaskrise: Slowakei knipst Atomkraftwerk wieder an
20090110             Bush fordert schnellen Waffenstillstand im GAZA—STREIFEN
20090110             NAHOST—KRISE: Bush fordert schnellen Waffenstillstand im GAZA—STREIFEN (Politik) 20090111              20090110             Stolen by the Nazis: The tragic tale of 12,000 BLUE—EY ed blond children taken by THE—SS to create 1—ARY an SUPER—RACE
20090110             —BREED, Obsessed with his experiments to, 'pure white' chickens —WHILE running 1—POULTRY—FARM—BEFORE —WWII, Himmler was intent on doing the same with humans —AFTER rising to the very top of the Nazi hierarchy.
20090110             New Study : Autism Linked to Environment
20090110             CALIFORNIA—SEVENFOLD increase in autism cannot be explained by changes in doctors' diagnoses and most likely is due to environmental exposures, UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA scientists reported —THURSDAY.
20090110             The My stery of 2012? ROME Welcomes The Devil
20090110             "'Satanism and the occult are in fashion,' declares Father PEDRO—BARRAJÓN, 1—CATHOLIC—PRIEST who serves in ROME.
20090110             —ESTIMATED, There are 1, 800—SATANIC—CULTS operating in the country, with more than 600,000 followers.
20090110             Waffen werden demnach auch übers offene Meer angeliefert.
20090110             Dieser Schmuggel sei kaum kontrollierbar, weil die Waffen offenbar in verschlossenen Fässern ins Meer geworfen würden.
20090110             Die Fässer trieben dann oftmals nicht nur an der KÜSTE—DES—GAZASTREIFENS sondern auch in Ägy pten an.
20090110             —BOMBARDIERT, GAZA—STREIFEN: ISRAEL, Grenze während STEINMEIER—BESUCHS - awea wind energy mailing lists
20090110             The —FOLLOWING wind energy mailing lists are available for y ou to join and participate in: Renewable Energy Home Energy Sy stems Wind Energy Weekly WIND—DIESEL Hy brid Sy stems Technology
20090110             Messages —POSTED to EACH—LIST by participants are automatically distributed to y our e-mail address.
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20090110             —PUBLICIZED, Renewable energy is probably the least, major environmental issue of our time.
20090110             —INFORMED, Do y our part to stay, and find out how y ou can help by subscribing —TODAY.
20090110             Russland und EU: Vereinbarung über Gaslieferungen unterzeichnet
20090110             Bei klirrender Kälte: ICE strandet auf freier Strecke
20090110             Gasstreit mit Russland: "Die UKRAINE ist schuld"
20090110             GAZA—KRIEG: ISRAEL kündigt auf Flugblättern Ausweitung der Bombardements an
20090110             —WHILE hasbara literally means "explanation", its exact import in its current usage is debated.
20090110             GIDEON—MEIR has said that there is no "real, precise" TRANSLATION—OF—THE—WORD hasbara to English or ANY—OTHER—LANGUAGE, and has characterized it as public diplomacy, [3]1—ACTION undertaken by all governments —AROUND the world with the growing importance of what Harvard professor JOSEPH—NY e termed soft power.
20090110             GARY—ROSENBLATT describes it as "advocacy ".
20090110             [4]NATHAN—GUTTMAN has characterized hasbara as "PRO—ISRAEL propaganda," [5]—WHILE AVI—HY man has said "—WHILE propaganda strives to highlight the positive aspects of 1—SIDE—OF—1—CONFLICT, hasbara seeks to explain actions, whether or not they are justified".[1]
20090110             The invasion plan of THE—GAZA Strip under "Operation Cast Lead" was set in motion in
20090110             The military invasion of THE—GAZA Strip by ISRAEL—FORCES—BEARS 1—DIRECT—RELATION to the control and ownership of strategic offshore gas reserves.
20090110             This is 1—WAR—OF—CONQUEST.
20090110             Discovered 20000000             , there are extensive gas reserves off THE—GAZA coastline.
20090110             —BASED, UK—GAS (BG Group)and its partner, THE—ATHENS, Consolidated Contractors INTERNATIONAL Company (CCC) owned by LEBANON—SABBAGH and Koury families, were granted oil and gas exploration rights in a 25—Y ear agreement signed in
20090110             Airstrip 1—LEGT nach: Die Briten wollen GESICHTS—SCANNER an Schulen installieren.
20090110             Früher hat man solchen sinnfreien Experimentalkram in Gefängnissen ausprobiert, aber offenbar war da kein Budget mehr frei, also bedient man sich am Bildungstopf.
20090110             Bildung braucht ja eh keiner in einem Polizeistaat.
20090110             Die Hamburger Schulbehörde will die Kritik gerichtlich verbieten lassen.
20090110             —BEHAUPTET, Die Behörde, in ihrer Klage, der "Straftatbestand der üblen Nachrede" sei erfüllt.
20090110             Außerdem sei die Behauptung zur "Ehrverletzung des Lehrkollegiums geeignet".
20090110             Die Veranstalter rechnen damit, dass mindestens 2—MILLIONEN Menschen bei der 1. Amtseinführung eines schwarzen Präsidenten in den USA dabei sein wollen.
20090110             Traditionell steht es neuen Präsidenten zu, das Weiße Haus 5—TAGE vor der Amtsübergabe zu beziehen.
20090110             In der Regel können sie aber zuvor —SCHON im BLAIR—GÄSTEHAUS der Regierung gegenüber der Residenz unterkommen.
20090110             Nicht so in Zeiten der BUSH—REGIERUNG, die dort noch ihre eigenen Gäste einquartiert hat.
20090110             Mitschuld an dem ZWANGS—HOTELAUFENTHALT hat der australische EX—REGIERUNGSCHEF JOHN—HOWARD, der dafür in der australischen Presse scharf kritisiert wurde.
20090110             —BEKOMMT, Der vor gut 13—MONATEN abgewählte Howard, von seinem engen Verbündeten GEORGE—W—BUSH noch 1—MEDAILLE verliehen.
20090110             1—SPRECHER—HOWARDS teilte mit, die Einladung sei —SCHON vor Monaten erfolgt und Howard werde nur 1—NACHT in dem Gästehaus gegenüber dem Weißen Haus bleiben.
20090110             bezahlt der Güterverkehr mit seinen Steuern und Abgaben nur etwas über 1—DRITTEL der jährlich 144—MILLIARDEN Euro, die er an Kosten und Schäden anrichtet.
20090110             Das Gros, also rund 90—MILLIARDEN, steuert die Allgemeinheit bei.
20090110             Rund 6500—MENSCHEN sterben JEDES—JAHR in der EU bei einem Unfall mit LKW—BETEILIGUNG.
20090110             HAMBURG—OBWOHL die Lkw nur 7—PROZENT—DES—STRAßENVERKEHRS ausmachen, erzeugen sie 23 % seines Kohlendioxidausstoßes.
20090110             Die feine Schweizer Privatbank hat ihren Sitz in der Zürcher BÖRSENSTRAßE—UND gehört je zur HÄLFTE—DER—LANDESBANK—HESSEN—THÜRINGEN (Helaba) und der Bay erischen Landesbank.
20090110             Verwaltungsratspräsident war —BIS vor kurzem Günther Merl, der —JETZT als CHEF—DES—SONDERFONDS—FINANZMARKTSTABILISIERUNG (SoFFin) auch die Landesbanken mit staatlichen Hilfsgeldern versorgt.
20090110             Die LB SWITZERLAND—KÜMMERT sich dagegen gern um wohlhabendes Klientel.
20090110             Auf Deutschland kommen heuer bedeutsame Jubiläen zu
20090110             Dass die Gleichsetzung von Germanen und Deutschen historisch falsch war und 1—NATIONALGEFÜHL nicht —SCHON um
20090110             Günter SEUFERT—BERICHTET, dass die Türkei ihren "größten modernen Dichter", den Kommunisten Nazim Hikmet 60—JAHRE nach seiner Ausbürgerung rehabiliert hat.
20090110             Sogar die architektonisch brillant konzipierte Dependance der Public Library ist geschlossen und mit Brettern verschalt, und im innersten Kreis um das berühmte DETROIT INSTITUTE—OF—ARTS—WO immer noch Meisterwerke der Kunst quer durch die Jahrhunderte zu bewundern WÄREN—HERRSCHT vorgerückte Dämmerung".
20090110             und das wird zunehmen.
20090110             Nach einer Umfrage haben 80—PROZENT—DER—MENSCHEN in Deutschland nicht mehr das Gefühl, in einer einigermaßen gerechten Gesellschaft zu leben.
20090110             OSTDEUTSCHLAND, und immer mehr auch in Westdeutschland führt diese Frustration gerade bei jungen Leuten dazu, dass sie entweder nach Linksaußen oder nach Rechtsaußen gehen und sich gegen demokratische Strukturen wenden, die so demokratisch eben nicht mehr sind.
20090110             KulturSPIEGEL: Das "Manager Magazin" wird auch nur von einem bestimmten Publikum gelesen.
20090110             Lösch: Ja, und wir stellen den Zusammenhang her zwischen Arm und Reich in dieser Stadt, das ist der Unterschied, der den Skandal verursacht hat.
20090110             Es gibt ein paar Leute in diesem Chor der Armen, die kennen sogar einige von den Herren, die auf der LISTE—DER—SUPERREICHEN drauf stehen.
20090110             Die waren zusammen in der Schule.
20090110             —GERECHT, Und ich glaube, 1—GESELLSCHAFT kann nicht als, empfunden werden, wenn der eine, nur weil er aus einer bestimmten Clique kommt und über familiäre Strukturen befördert wird, Multimillionär oder Multimilliardär wird, und der andere hat 300—EURO im —MONAT.
20090110             Der ZUSTAND—DER—GESELLSCHAFT, die so was ermöglicht, ist natürlich zu verändern.
20090110             Porsche: Wiedeking kündigt Produktionskürzung an
20090110             Werbung in Facebook: Tausche 10—FREUNDE gegen einen Burger
20090110             Streit um Konjunkturpaket II: Oettinger lehnt 100—MILLIARDEN—FONDS für Unternehmen ab
20090110             Geschäfte in der Steueroase: Landesbanken betreiben Privatbank für Reiche in der Schweiz
20090110             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: Das Versagen der Linken im GAZA—KRIEG
20090110             —BOMBARDIERT, Krieg im GAZA—STREIFEN: ISRAEL, weiter, Hamas feuert Raketen
20090110             Wohin mit Kriegsgegnern? 15000 Polizisten sollen NATO—JUBILÄUMSGIPFEL in STRASBOURG, BADEN—BADEN und Kehl abschirmen.
20090110             Tausende Aktivisten in Protestcamps erwartet Claudia Wangerin Der NATO—GIPFEL zum 60. GEBURTSTAG—DES—MILITÄRBÜNDNISSES rückt näher.
20090110             Die Vorbereitungen für das Großereignis laufen sowohl bei den Veranstaltern als auch bei den Gegnern auf Hochtouren.
20090110             —AM 3. und 20090404              wollen sich die STAATS—UND Regierungschefs der 26—NATO—MITGLIEDSSTAATEN sowie deren VERTEIDIGUNGS—UND Außenminister in STRASBOURG, BADEN—BADEN und Kehl selbst feiern.
20090110             Kriegsgegner haben nun 3—MONATE vor dem Treffen entschlossene Aktionen angekündigt.
20090110             "Wir wollen nicht nur unseren Protest ausdrücken. Wir wollen ganz klar dieses Treffen verhindern", sagte 1—SPRECHER—DES—REGIONALEN—AKTIONSBÜNDNISSES "resistance des deux rives" (Widerstand der 2—UFER) am —FREITAG in Offenburg.
20090110             Ungeachtet einer bindenden Resolution des Weltsicherheitsrats, die Kampfhandlungen in GAZA sofort einzustellen, setzte die israelische Armee ihre Angriffe am —FREITAG fort.
20090110             Kein außenstehendes Gremium dürfe über das Recht der Regierung entscheiden, ihre Bürger zu beschützen, begründete das BÜRO—VON—MINISTERPRÄSIDENT—EHUD—OLMERT die Mißachtung des UN—BESCHLUSSES.
20090110             Die UNO legte am —FREITAG einen schockierenden Bericht über die humanitäre Lage in GAZA vor.
20090110             Die Bilanz der Vereinten Nationen fällt verheerend aus.
20090110             "Es gibt keinen sicheren Ort im Gazastreifen, keine Zufluchtsorte, keine Bunker", heißt es in dem fünfseitigen Report über den Schutz von Zivilisten.
20090110             "Die Grenzen sind geschlossen, und die Menschen haben keinen Ort, an den sie sich flüchten können".
20090110             Es gebe Zehntausende Flüchtlinge, kaum noch Wasser und Lebensmittel.
20090110             Die 1,5 Millionen Palästinser im Gazastreifen kämpfen ums Überleben.
20090110             —GETÖTET, Mindestens 30—PALÄSTINENSER wurden dabei.
20090110             Das untersuchende Gericht, das (im Auftrag der SPD) aus Angehörigen der eigenen Division zusammengesetzt war, erkannte auf Freispruch oder verhängte Bagatellstrafen.
20090110             Gleichwohl wurde Pabst, obwohl nie selbst angeklagt, im Laufe seines Lebens immer wieder mit dieser Mordtat konfrontiert.
20090110             Vergangenheit, die nicht vergeht Der Mord an Rosa Luxemburg und KARL—LIEBKNECHT —VOR—90—JAHREN Klaus Gietinger
20090110             Unter dem Titel "Der Konterrevolutionär" erscheint —DIESER—TAGE bei Edition Nautilus eine politische Biographie Waldemar Pabsts, einem der Hauptverantwortlichen für die Morde an Rosa Luxemburg und KARL—LIEBKNECHT am
20090110             Bund beteiligt sich an der Commerzbank: Staatskapitalismus auf Kosten der Steuerzahler
20090110             Berlins —MITTE: Insolvenz der Schulen
20090110             Konjunkturkrise: Industrieproduktion stürzt ab - EU bekämpft Gift in Lebensmitteln
20090110             Verkehrsbehinderungen: S—BAHN—AUSFÄLLE wegen Personalmangel
20090110             Insolvenzverwalter: Wirtschaft vor der Pleitewelle - NPO told to stop feeding homeless
20090110             Multa a Kanouté por exhibir una camiseta de apoy o a Palestina
20090110             Generation crunch: y oung face crisis in hunt for work
20090110             UN CHIEF—ACCUSES—ISRAEL—OF—WAR crimes - IsraÃ"l en Hamas negeren VN
20090110             "Industrial sentiment has never experienced such 1—RAPID—SLUMP. There is 1—IMPLOSION—OF—DEMAND".
20090110             Der Bailout geht nicht nur direkt auf Kosten der Steuerzahler, auch ansonsten ist das voll PRO—BONZEN und ANTI—ARBEITER.
20090110             Der Klassenkampf tobt munter weiter.
20090110             GENERAL—MOTORS hat diese Woche bei der SEC (der USA—BÖRSENAUFSICHT) ihre Akten abgegeben, und da stand drin, dass die Firma automatisch pleite geht, wenn die Belegschaft streikt.
20090110             Auf Deutsch: Streikverbot für die Belegschaft.
20090110             —VERBIETET, Der STAAT, den Mitarbeitern zu streiken.
20090110             Tolle Wurst. Die EU—WIRTSCHAFT ist im freien Fall.
20090110             —PLUNGED, GERMANY—EXPORTS and industrial orders have both, at the steepest rate —SINCE modern records began and SPAIN—UNEMPLOY ment has surged above 3—MILLION, capping 1—OF—THE—MOST disastrous —DAY s for EUROPE—ECONOMY—SINCE the 2. World War.
20090110             —WARNED, JOAQUIN—ALMUNIA, the European economics commissioner, that the picture would turn "dramatically worse" this —YEAR.
20090110             Und NOCH 1—TERRORANSCHLAG stellt sich als Fiktion heraus: Jugoslawischer Terrorangriff auf Flugzeug war in Wirklichkeit 1—ABSCHUSS durchs Militär. —36—JAHRE—SPÄTER rekonstruiert Hornung die Ereignisse: "Die Maschine war in einer Notlage. Sie kam vom Kurs ab, ging in den Sinkflug und flog über militärisch sensibles Gebiet" — 1—ATOMWAFFENLAGER lag gerade einmal 2—FLUGMINUTEN entfernt.
20090110             Wohlmöglich sahen die Verantwortlichen aber auch Erich Honecker und möglicherweise Leonid Breschnew in Gefahr, die sich ebenfalls in der Luft und Nähe befanden.
20090110             blendete der My thos
20090110—19190115    —AM, Waldemar Pabst, 1. Generalstabsoffizier der GARDE—KAVALLERIE—SCHÜTZEN—DIVISION, eines ÄUß—ERST brutalen Freikorps, KERN—DER—SPD—REGIERUNGSTRUPPEN, hatte befohlen, KARL—LIEBKNECHT und Rosa Luxemburg ermorden zu lassen.
20090110—19850000    —COLLAPSED, The eurozone's confidence index, from 74.9 to 67.1, the lowest —SINCE BRUSSELS started collecting the data.
20090110—20090103    —AM, Für Entsetzen sorgte die Nachricht, wonach das israelische Militär bei seinem Vormarsch auf die Stadt GAZA 110—PALÄSTINENSER angewiesen hatte, in einem Hauskomplex zu bleiben, den sie dann —24—STUNDEN—SPÄTER gezielt bombardierte.
20090110—20090112    —AM, Andere Preisträger wie der britische EX—PREMIER TONY—BLAIR und der kolumbianische PRÄSIDENT—ALVARO—URIBE, die ebenfalls die Freiheitsmedaille erhalten, hatten auf einen Aufenthalt im BLAIR—HAUS verzichtet.
20090110—20090420    —CLEARED—OF, Park DAE—SUNG was, spreading false information.
20090112—20090110    —RECALLED, KING—NUT—OF—SOLON, OHIO, had, the product.
20091021             03-F-0342 / A1. HORN, MARION JUNIOR 20030110           .
20091227             The top 2—FINISHERS will face EACH—OTHER in a 20090110              runoff.
20100107—20100110    —ON, EL—FAISAL was flown back to KENYA.
20100110             —MOVED, USA Republicans, to draw attention to Senate Majority Leader HARRY—REID—RACIALLY tinged remarks about BARACK—OBAMA —DURING 20080000             —THE presidential race.
20100110             —ACKNOWLEDGED, Reid had, that he had described Obama as "light skinned" and possessing no "Negro dialect" in 1—PRIVATE—CONVERSATION with 2—REPORTERS, MARK—HALPERIN and JOHN—HEILEMANN, AUTHORS—OF—THE—NEW—BOOK "Game Change: Obama and the Clintons, McCain and Palin, and THE—RACE—OF—1—LIFETIME" (20100000             ).
20100110             † JULIET—ANDERSON, 71—JAHRE—ALT, adult film star born as Judith Carr, at her home in BERKELEY—CALIFORNIA.
20100110             ABU—DHABI—SHEIK—ISSA bin Zayed AL—NAHYAN, 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES ruling family being tried in connection with the videotaped beating of 1—AFGHANISTAN—MAN, was cleared of all charges.
20100110             —SHOWED, The video, THE—PRINCE beating the man with stick, pouring salt on his wounds and driving over him in 1—CAR.
20100110             —IDENTIFIED, The victim, as Afghani grain dealer MOHAMMED—SHAPOOR, survived the beatings.
20100110             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—ROADSIDE bomb, 3—CHARITY—WORKERS and wounded 2—OTHERS in Uruzgan province.
20100110             —KILLED, Bombs, 1—USA—SERVICE—MEMBER and 2—AFGHANISTAN—ROAD—CONSTRUCTION—WORKERS in separate attacks in Helmand province.
20100110             —KILLED, ALGERIA, 1—COLLISION between 1—BUS and 1—TRUCK, 15—PEOPLE and injured another 15 on 1—MAJOR—HIGHWAY in the Ghardaia region in THE—SAHARA desert.
20100110             —SHOWED, New data, that CHINA has overtaken GERMANY as the world's top exporter —AFTER December exports jumped 17.7% for their 1. increase in 14—MONTHS.
20100110             † In SOUTH—EAST—CONGO 6—PEOPLE, including 5—CHILDREN, in 1—TIN mine collapse.
20100110             2—PEOPLE were left missing.
20100110             CROATIA held 1—PRESIDENTIAL—RUN—OFF vote pitting 1—LEFT—WING professor against the populist ZAGREB mayor.
20100110             —VOWED, FRONT—RUNNER Ivo Josipovic, to crack down on corruption and lead THE—RECESSION—HIT nation into THE—EU.
20100110             Law expert and classical music COMPOSER—JOSIPOVIC (19570000              *) won the runoff presidential vote, beating popular ZAGREB Mayor Milan Bandic.
20100110             —GUNNED, DAGESTAN, 2—MILITANTS were, down in the provincial capital, Makhachkala, —AFTER police surrounded and stormed 1—HOUSE where 1—GROUP—OF wanted terrorists was hiding.
20100110             —CAUSED, Heavy snowfall, havoc in parts of EUROPE, causing HUNDREDS—OF—TRAFFIC—ACCIDENTS, downing power lines in POLAND, halting flights OUT—OF—SOUTH—FRANCE and trapping more than 160—PEOPLE overnight on 1—FROZEN highway in northeastern coastal GERMANY.
20100110             —REJECTED, Voters in FRENCH—GUIANA overwhelmingly, 1—PROPOSAL to give local government more autonomy —WHILE remaining 1—PART—OF—FRANCE.
20100110             70% voted "no," with 48% turnout.
20100110             —ARRESTED, HONG—KONG police, 1—MAN—AFTER 2—BOTTLES—OF corrosive liquid were hurled into 1—CROWD in the city's KOWLOON area.
20100110             —INJURED, At least 30—PEOPLE were, in the city's latest acid attack.
20100110             IRAN, 1—PARLIAMENTARY—INVESTIGATION was made public that found Saeed Mortazavi, THE—FORMER—TEHRAN prosecutor, responsible for the deaths of at least 3—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS imprisoned in the turmoil —FOLLOWING IRAN's disputed June elections.
20100110             —FREED, IRAN, 1—SYRIA—JOURNALIST working for DUBAI television who was detained —DURING ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS 2—WEEKS ago.
20100110             —APPROVED, ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT, 1—PLAN for the construction of 2—MASSIVE—FENCES along the long and porous southern border with EGYPT.
20100110             PRIME—MINISTER—NETANYAHU said he wants to stem 1—GROWING flood of African asylum seekers and to prevent Islamic militants from entering the country.
20100110             —EXPECTED, The project is, to cost about $400—MILLION.
20100110             MALAYSIA, firebombs were thrown at 3—MORE—CHURCHES and another was splashed with black paint, the latest in 1—SERIES—OF—ASSAULTS on CHRISTIAN—HOUSES—OF—WORSHIP —FOLLOWING 1—COURT—DECISION allowing NON—MUSLIMS to use "Allah" to refer to God.
20100110             —REJECTED, Election officials said 80—PERCENT—OF—VOTERS, the plan, with 55% participation.
20100110             1 estimated 50,000—PEOPLE were unemployed on MARTINIQUE, home to some 400,000 inhabitants.
20100110             PAKISTAN, 4—BODIES were found in KARACHI, 3—OF—THEM headless, in 1—WAVE—OF targeted attacks among rival political groups that SOME—SAY is aimed at destabilizing the country's ruling coalition.
20100110             —TARGETED, PAKISTAN—INTERIOR—MINISTRY said that 41—PEOPLE have † in, killings in KARACHI —SINCE THE—BEGINNING—OF—THE—YEAR, including 10—MQM workers, 10—FROM 1—BREAKAWAY faction called Haqiqi, and 16—MEMBERS—OF—1—COMMITTEE set up by the ruling party in Lyari to control violence in the area.
20100110             —ABOUT 50,000 THE—PHILIPPINES—POLICEMEN began enforcing a 5-month ban on carrying guns in public in hopes of avoiding bloodshed in the buildup to May elections, arresting 18—VIOLATORS at checkpoints across the country.
20100110             SOMALIA, clashes began between rival Islamic militias battling for CONTROL—OF—IN—BELET—WEYNE, 1—STRATEGIC—WESTERN—TOWN.
20100110             —KILLED, At least 14—PEOPLE were, as the clashes continued into the next —DAY.
20100110             VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ says there's too much capitalism on VENEZUELA—TV.
20100110             So he's urging producers to start making films and TV shows that stress socialist values.
20100110—19780000    —IN, JULIET—ANDERSON had begun her career and appeared in some 80—HARDCORE porn films.
20100110—19840000    —IN, she cast and directed Nina Hartley in "Educating Nina".
20100904—20110110    —ON, her husband said has been CONVICTED—OF—SECURITY—OFFENSES and sentenced to 11—YEARS in prison.
20101102—20120110    —ON, 1—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT upheld 1—INJUNCTION against THE—VOTER—APPROVED ban on Islamic law in OKLAHOMA, saying it likely violated THE—USA—CONSTITUTION by discriminating against religion.
20101219—20100110    —ON, 1—POLICE—OFFICER † of his injuries bringing the death toll to 30.
20110110             The price of $6.15 1—SHARE is an 18—PERCENT premium over 20110107             —THE closing price and valued the company at about $207—MILLION.
20110110             SAM—BROWNBACK (19560000              *) began serving as the 46. GOVERNOR—OF—KANSAS.
20110110             —CREATED, He —IMMEDIATELY, the post of Repealer to free business from the burden of complying with 1—ENDLESS—ACCUMULATION—OF—RULES.
20110110             TEXAS, TOM—DELAY, FORMER—USA—HOUSE Majority Leader, was sentenced to 3—YEARS in prison for a scheme to influence elections.
20110110             —HERALDED, TEXAS authorities, THE—CAPTURE—OF—BILLIE—JOE—HARRIS, 53—JAHRE—ALT, 1 suspected serial rapist believed to have attacked 12—ELDERLY—WOMEN in the past 2—YEARS.
20110110             —AGREED, THE—PUBLISHER—OF—PLAYBOY magazine said it has, to 1 sweetened offer by FOUNDER—HUGH—HEFNER to take the company private.
20110110             —ANNOUNCED, NORTH—CAROLINA—BASED DUKE—ENERGY, that it would buy Progress Energy for $13.7—BILLION.
20110110             —SPOTTED, NASA said it has, 1—TINY, rocky planet about THE—SIZE—OF—EARTH doing 1—SPEEDY orbit of 1—STAR outside our solar system.
20110110             Named Kepler-10b its scorching temperatures are too hot for life.
20110110             † JOE—GORES, mystery writer, in S—ANSELMO, CALIFORNIA.
20110110             —PUBLISHED, JOE—GORES—16, novels included "Spade and Archer: The Prequel to Dashiell Hammett's 'THE—MALTA—FALCON.'"
20110110             —KILLED, SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, 3—POLICEMEN were, in 1—CAR bombing claimed by the Taliban in KANDAHAR province.
20110110             —ARRIVED, VICE—PRESIDENT—JOE—BIDEN, on 1—TRIP for talks with PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI and visit with USA—TROOPS.
20110110             GENERAL—DAVID—PETRAEUS, COMMANDER—OF—NATO—FORCES in AFGHANISTAN, said 1—RECENT pledge by 1—SOUTHERN—AFGHANISTAN—TRIBE to stand up to the Taliban shows that the military push in the region is making headway.
20110110             AUSTRALIA, flash floods swept through THE—CITY—OF—TOOWOOMBA, killing at least 4—PEOPLE, trapping others in cars and leaving SOME—CLINGING to trees.
20110110             A 26-foot (8-m) WALL—OF—WATER was coursing through THE—LOW—LYING communities from Toowoomba and eastward toward QUEENSLAND—STATE—CAPITAL, BRISBANE.
20110110             —SUSPENDED, BANGLADESH, trading at its main stock exchange —AFTER 1—MARKET plunge ignited protests by THOUSANDS—OF—INVESTORS and security officials struck some with batons to disperse them.
20110110             —INCLUDED, His work, the book: "The Rise and FALL—OF—THE—MAN—OF—LETTERS" (19690000             ).
20110110             CANADA—BASED Research In Motion said it will filter pornographic INTERNET content for its Blackberry smartphone users in INDONESIA, —FOLLOWING government pressure to stop access to porn sites or face its browsing service being shut down.
20110110             EGYPT said it aims to generate 12—PERCENT—OF—ITS—ELECTRICITY—NEEDS by wind power and will initiate WIND—FARM—PROJECTS with 1—CAPACITY—OF—2,690 megawatts over the next 5—YEARS.
20110110             —MELTED, GERMANY, record December snowfalls across the country caused rivers from the Rhine in the west to the Oder in the east to burst their banks, flooding fields and towns, turning streets into waterways, and leaving 1—PERSON feared dead.
20110110             —ARRESTED, IRAN—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICES said they have, suspects in the assassination 1—YEAR ago of nuclear physicist Masoud ALI—MOHAMMADI in 1—MONTHS—LONG—COVERT—OPERATION that also led them to penetrate ISRAEL—MOSSAD spy agency.
20110110             —KILLED, IRAQ—FISHERMEN, 1—KUWAIT—COAST—GUARD—MEMBER —DURING 1—SHOOTOUT in 1—OF—THE—MORE—SERIOUS—INCIDENTS between the neighboring countries in years.
20110110             4—IRAQ—FISHERMEN were then detained by KUWAIT—FORCES.
20110110             ISRAEL—TROOPS shot dead a PALESTINE—FARMER, 65—JAHRE—ALT in THE—NORTH—GAZA Strip.
20110110             MAURITIUS, Michaela McAreavey (27), 1—IRELAND—BEAUTY—QUEEN and daughter of 1—HIGH—PROFILE—GAELIC—FOOTBALL—MANAGER, was found strangled to death at THE—5—STAR—LEGENDS—HOTEL on her honeymoon.
20110110             3—HOTEL—EMPLOYEES were soon charged with her murder.
20110110             MEXICO said it will stop subjecting 1—ROTATING LIST—OF—USA—PRODUCTS to tariffs —AFTER THE—USA offered to reach 1—DEAL to allow MEXICO—TRUCKS on USA—ROADS and end 1—LONG—RUNNING trade dispute.
20110110             MEXICO will maintain punitive tariffs on 99—USA—PRODUCTS but will not add ANY—MORE pending negotiations.
20110110             —MURDERED, MEXICO, the body of 1, man was found on the main highway to ACAPULCO, bringing to 31 THE—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE killed in the Pacific resort city over 4—DAYS.
20110110             † ABRAHAM—ORTIZ—ROSALES, the mayor of Temoac in Morelos state, was shot to death as he drove with his wife and son near THE—TOWN—OF—JANTETELCO.
20110110             —ARRESTED, Federal prosecutors said 5—PEOPLE have been, in THE—KIDNAPPINGS—OF—CENTRAL—USA—MIGRANTS in SOUTH—MEXICO.
20110110             —KILLED, MOZAMBIQUE, 1—HEAVY—STORM, 10—PEOPLE and seriously injured 7—OTHERS in THE—CENTRAL—PROVINCE—OF—MANICA.
20110110             FORMER—NIGERIA—LEADER and mediator Olusegun Obasanjo left IVORY—COAST as incumbent PRESIDENT—GBAGBO continued to defy the world and insist he had won the recent election.
20110110             —ARMED, Men, with rifles and machetes killed 19—PEOPLE in attacks on 3—VILLAGES in volatile CENTRAL—NIGERIA.
20110110             3—HOMES were attacked in the Christian village of Kuru Station.
20110110             —ESCAPED, Those that, said they saw military men shooting and other people burning the houses and macheteing the villagers.
20110110             —SPIKED, PORTUGAL—BORROWING rates briefly, to EURO—ERA—HIGHS amid reports that GERMANY and FRANCE are pushing it to accept outside help to avoid contagion.
20110110             —PLACED, Interpol said it had, 47—SAUDIS on its most wanted list —AFTER SAUDI—ARABIA accused THEM—OF—INVOLVEMENT in THE—AL—QAIDA terror network.
20110110             —DECLARED, The militant Basque separatist group ETA, 1—PERMANENT—CEASE—FIRE in what it called 1—FIRM—STEP toward ending its bloody DECADES—LONG—INDEPENDENCE fight, but SPAIN—GOVERNMENT quickly dismissed the announcement and demanded ETA disband outright.
20110110             —REBUFFED, SOUTH—KOREA, 1—NORTH—PROPOSAL for talks to ease tensions but extended its own offer to discuss —LAST—YEAR—2—MILITARY—ATTACKS blamed on PYONGYANG and NORTH—KOREA—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM.
20110110             —POURED, THOUSANDS—OF—SOUTH—SUDANESE, out to vote for a 2. straight —DAY in 1—LANDMARK independence referendum, bringing the region 1—STEP—CLOSER to becoming the world's newest state.
20110110             FORMER—USA—PRESIDENT—JIMMY—CARTER told CNN that SUDAN—PRESIDENT—OMAR—HASSAN—AL—BASHIR offered to take on ALL—OF—THE—COUNTRY—CRIPPLING debt if the south declares independence —AFTER 1—REFERENDUM.
20110110             —KILLED, Armed men, 10—SOUTH—SUDANESE in 1—AMBUSH on 1—CONVOY—OF—PEOPLE returning to the south for the referendum.
20110110             TUNISIA temporarily shut down ALL—OF—ITS—HIGH—SCHOOLS and universities as it tried to stop deadly riots over joblessness and poor prospects for youths.
20110110             —KILLED, At least 14—PEOPLE were, in unrest this weekend.
20110110—20090000    —INCREASED, ITALY—AUTO giant Fiat said it has, its stake in Chrysler to 25% from 20% as PART—OF—1—DEAL signed —AFTER the iconic USA—BRAND emerged from bankruptcy.
20110110—20110118    —ON, a 4. suspect, security guard Dassen Narainen (26), was arrested.
20110124             Assistant SECRETARY—FOR—NEAR—EAST—AFFAIRS—JEFFREY—FELTMAN is on official travel to TUNISIA from 20110124201101       26—DATE.
201103011010         Im Westen LIBYEN—VERSAMMELN sich Augenzeugen zufolge GADDAFI—TREUE Soldaten.
201103011030         Auf Österreichs Banken liegen Gelder aus LIBY en im Wert von mehr als einer Milliarde Euro,
20110830—20120110    —ON, 1—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT restored the law.
20111231—20120110    —ON, Akemi Saito, also 1—MEMBER—OF—AUM—SHINRIKYO, was arrested, for helping him evade police for nearly 17—YEARS.
20120110             1—USA—NAVY ship saved 1—GROUP—OF—IRAN—MARINERS as their cargo dhow was foundering with 1 flooded engine room.
20120110             Ron Paul took 1—STRONG 2. with 22.8%.
20120110             JON—HUNTSMAN, OBAMA—FORMER—AMBASSADOR to CHINA, came in 3. with 16.8%.
20120110             —FINISHED, Newt Gingrich, 4. with 9.4% and Rick Santorum 5. with 9.3%.
20120110             NORTH—CAROLINA, 1—TASK—FORCE said the state should pay $50,000 to some 2,000—PEOPLE who were forcibly sterilized 19290000—19740000    —FROM—TO.
20120110             —ANNOUNCED, THE—CHICAGO—BASED Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, that it has moved its "Doomsday Clock" 1—MINUTE ahead to 5—MINUTES to midnight.
20120110             1—BOMBER was gunned down by police, THE—2—OTHERS detonated themselves.
20120110             4—AFGHANISTAN—NATIONAL—ARMY soldiers killed in 1—TALIBAN mortar attack in Kunar province.
20120110             —FIRED, ALGERIA—POLICE, tear gas on protesters angry over unemployment and housing shortages in 1—SOUTHERN—ALGERIA—GAS—INDUSTRY—TOWN, leaving at least 10 injured.
20120110             BRAZIL—JUSTICE—MINISTER—JOSE—EDUARDO—CARDOZO said BRAZIL will grant work visas to 2,400 Haitians who are stuck in 2—AMAZON border towns.
20120110             He said another 1,600 Haitians in BRAZIL have been given visas already.
20120110             SOUTH—EAST—BRAZIL, 2—DAYS—OF—DOWNPOURS left at least 28—PEOPLE—DEAD in floodwaters and mudslides.
20120110             THE—UK—GOVERNMENT set out conditions under which SCOTLAND would be allowed to hold 1—REFERENDUM—LIMITING it to 1—SINGLE—YES—OR—NO—QUESTION and rejecting a 2. question on greater POWERS—OF—DEVOLUTION.
20120110             1—UK—COURT annulled the bankruptcy of SEAN—QUINN, 64—JAHRE—ALT, once THE—REPUBLIC—OF—IRELAND—RICHEST—MAN, in 1—VICTORY for IRELAND—BANK—RESOLUTION—CORPORATION which has been pursuing debts of up to 2.9—BILLION euros (2.4—BILLION pounds).
20120110             —TURNED, He had, 1—RURAL quarrying operation into a 4—BILLION euro fortune —BEFORE running up 1—LARGE—STAKE in the —NOW failed Anglo IRELAND—BANK.
20120110             Quinn made the bankruptcy declaration in November, taking ADVANTAGE—OF—UK—LAWS which would have allowed him to go back into business in under 1—YEAR.
20120110             —REJECTED, GUINEA—BISSAU—OPPOSITION, the appointment of the National Assembly leader Raimundo PEREIRA as interim head of the chronically unstable STATE—FOLLOWING—THE—DEATH—OF—PRESIDENT—MALAM—BACAI—SANHA in PARIS.
20120110             —CALLED, INDIA—PREMIER—MANMOHAN—SINGH, malnutrition in the country "1—NATIONAL shame" as he released 1—MAJOR—SURVEY that found 42—PERCENT—OF—CHILDREN under 5 were underweight.
20120110             1—SURVEY across 33—STATES by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of INDIA, 1—GOVERNMENT—WATCHDOG, found that 68.4% of 1,791 milk samples contained adulterants.
20120110             Detergent was found in 8.4—PERCENT—OF—ALL—SAMPLES.
20120110             —KILLED, IRAQ, 2—AGRICULTURE—MINISTRY—WORKERS were, in Shurqat, 155—MILES (250—KM) NORTH—WEST—OF—BAGHDAD.
20120110             1—ROADSIDE bomb wounded 3—BOYS, 2—OF—THEM seriously, as they were on their way to school in Salahuddin province NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20120110             —KILLED, Army COLONEL—HASSAN—ALI was, —WHEN 1—ROADSIDE bomb struck the convoy he was travelling in Diyala province.
20120110             —APPROVED, ISRAEL—PARLIAMENT, harsh new penalties on illegal migrants and Israelis who help them, building on other contentious measures designed to stanch the flood of Africans seeking sanctuary here.
20120110             —RECEIVED, LIBYA—FOREIGN—MINISTER—SAID—LIBYA has, roughly $20—BILLION in assets that were held overseas by Moamer KADHAFI—REGIME and frozen —DURING the conflict that ousted him.
20120110             —SIGNED, THE—UN—SUPPORT—MISSION in LIBYA (UNSMIL), 1—STATUS—OF—MISSION—AGREEMENT with LIBYA, paving the way for the world body to continue assisting THE—WAR—TORN country —DURING its current transitional period.
20120110             —SEIZED, MEXICO—AUTHORITIES said they have, 32.6—METRIC—TONS—OF—METHYLAMINE, 1—PRECURSOR chemical used to make methamphetamines, at the Pacific coast port of MANZANILLO.
20120110             The shipment came from CHINA.
20120110             NIGERIA, Imam ABUBAKAR—SHEKAU, THE—LEADER—OF—THE—BOKO—HARAM radical Islamist sect challenged THE—AUTHORITY—OF—NIGERIA—PRESIDENT in 1—ONLINE video, promising more attacks in 1—NATION increasingly overcome by unrest and divided by religion.
20120110             —KILLED, Gunmen, 8—PEOPLE, including 5—POLICE—OFFICERS, in 1—PUB in Potiskum town in THE—NORTH—STATE—OF—YOBE —BEFORE speeding off on 1—MOTORCYCLE.
20120110             —KILLED, Gunmen also, 3—PEOPLE in 1—ATTACK on 1—CHRISTIAN village in BAUCHI state.
20120110             In the south 1—MOB burnt part of the central mosque complex in THE—CITY—OF—BENIN.
20120110             —REPORTED, Local media, that 3—OTHERS were killed in SOUTH—WEST—OGUN and Osun states, 1—BY 1—POLICE—OFFICER.
20120110             —OPPOSED, PAKISTAN, 1—BOMB targeting 1—MILITIA, to the Taliban exploded in 1—JAMRUD market in the Khyber region, killing 30—PEOPLE in the deadliest blast in the country in several months.
20120110             1—DRONE piloted remotely from THE—USA fired 1—MISSILE at 1—HOUSE in NORTH—WAZIRISTAN killing 4—PEOPLE, including ASLAM—AWAN, described as an "external operations planner" for AL—QAIDA.
20120110             —REPLACED, PERU—GOVERNMENT, its drug TSAR.
20120110             Ricardo SOBERON—REFUSAL to endorse 1—ALL—OUT coca crop eradication effort put him at odds with the Cabinet CHIEF and prompted concern by THE—USA—EMBASSY.
20120110             —TRIED, SOUTH—AFRICA, 1—STAMPEDE broke out as thousands, to enroll at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—JOHANNESBURG, killing 1—WOMAN and injuring at least 22—PEOPLE.
20120110             SOUTH—AFRICA—NATIONAL—UNIVERSITY—SYSTEM has room for some 150,000 1.—YEAR students this —YEAR.
20120110             —EXPECTED, Another 180,000 high school graduates are, to be turned away.
20120110             —STRIPPED—OF, SOUTH—AFRICA—RANGERS found 8—DEAD rhinos that had been, their horns, 1 unprecedented 1—DAY—TOLL, in Kruger National Park.
20120110             † 3—VIETNAM—CREW from 1—SOUTH—KOREA—FISHING boat and 7—OTHERS suffered burns —AFTER 1—FIRE broke out on their trawler off ANTARCTICA.
20120110             THE—BUSAN—FLAGGED Jeong Woo 2 was fishing for the rare Patagonian toothfish, along with ray, crab and other bottom fishes.
20120110             —VOWED, SYRIA—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD, to respond to threats against him with an "iron hand" and refused to step down.
20120110             Activists said SYRIA—SECURITY—FORCES have shot dead at least 10—PEOPLE in THE—EAST—CITY—OF—IN—DEIR—EL—ZOUR despite the presence of 1—ARAB observer mission in the area.
20120110             THE—UAE—FOREIGN—MINISTER—ACCUSED—THE—SYRIA—REGIME—OF—NOT facilitating the job of Arab League observers.
20120110             —AM, Edathy stand —ZEIT—PUNKT—ZU—DIESEM, noch nicht derart im Fokus der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung".
20120110—20070000    —IN, GREECE, 1—GROUP—OF—ANARCHISTS took over the studio of 1—LOCAL—RADIO—STATION in ATHENS, and broadcast 1—MESSAGE in support Revolutionary Struggle, 1—DOMESTIC—TERRORIST—GROUP—BEST known for firing 1—ROCKET—PROPELLED grenade into THE—USA—EMBASSY in ATHENS.
20120110—20260000    —FROM, THE—UK—GOVERNMENT approved THE—CONSTRUCTION—OF—1—HIGH—SPEED—RAIL—NETWORK linking LONDON with cities in central and NORTH—ENGLAND at 1—COST—OF almost £33—BILLION.
20130110             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, into 1—LAW—1—MEASURE giving him, GEORGE—W—BUSH and future former presidents and their spouses lifetime SECRET—SERVICE—PROTECTION.
20130110             —ROLLED, This, back 1—MID—1990S law that imposed a 10-year limit on SECRET—SERVICE—PROTECTION for former presidents.
20130110             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT, Obama, 1—BILL—MAKING—CALIFORNIA—PINNACLES—NATIONAL—MONUMENT the nation's 59. national park.
20130110             —URGED, THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY, computer users to disable Oracle CORP—JAVA software, amplifying security experts' prior warnings to HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—CONSUMERS and businesses that use it to surf the Web.
20130110             CALIFORNIA—GOVERNOR—JERRY—BROWN said the state  budget deficit is gone —AFTER YEARS—OF—FINANCIAL—TROUBLES as he proposed 1—STATE—BUDGET—PLAN that would raise spending on education and healthcare, boosting total expenditures by 5—PERCENT with 1—SURPLUS remaining.
20130110             —ARMED, CALIFORNIA, 1—STUDENT, 16—JAHRE—ALT, with 1—SHOTGUN opened fire at Taft Union High School in KERN—COUNTY, critically wounding 1—FELLOW—STUDENT—BEFORE 2—ADULT—STAFF—MEMBERS talked the boy into giving up his weapon, and he was arrested.
20130110             EVAN—CONNELL—JUNIOR (19240000              *), historian and novelist, was found dead at his home in SANTA—FE, NM.
20130110             —INCLUDED, His books, "SON—OF—THE—MORNING—STAR: Custer and the Little Bighorn" (19840000             ) and "THE—ALCHEMYST—JOURNAL" (19910000             ).
20130110             —CHASTISED, BELGIUM PRIME—MINISTER—ELIO—DI—RUPO, QUEEN—FABIOLA over her inheritance plans, which have widely seen as 1—TAX dodge on 1—FORTUNE amassed with taxpayer money.
20130110             BRAZIL, CHILE—ARTIST—JORGE—SELARON (19470000              *), 1—SYMBOL—OF—HIS adopted CITY—OF—RIO—DE—JANEIRO, was found dead in front of his house.
20130110             —DEPARTED, JOURNALIST—PAUL—SALOPEK, 50—JAHRE—ALT, 1—SMALL—ETHIOPIA—VILLAGE and took the 1. steps of 1 planned 21,000-mile (34,000-km) walk that will cross some 30—BORDERS, where he will encounter DOZENS—OF—LANGUAGES and scores of ethnic groups.
20130110             The walk from ETHIOPIA to CHILE, which took human ancestors some 50,000 years to make, is called Out of Eden and is sponsored by National Geographic, the Knight Foundation and the Pulitzer Center for Crisis Reporting.
20130110             —ANNOUNCED, GEORGIA opposition groups and NGOs, that more than 1—MILLION—OF—GEORGIA—4.6—MILLION—CITIZENS have signed 1—PETITION calling for THE—RESIGNATION—OF—PRESIDENT—MIKHAIL—SAAKASHVILI.
20130110             —REPORTED, HONDURAS' El Heraldo newspaper, that police overnight had captured KEVIN—SAMRAID—CARRANZA—PADILLA, 28—JAHRE—ALT, 1—LEADER—OF—THE 18. Street gang along with his girlfriend, Cindy Yadira Garcia (19).
20130110             —SUSPECTED, Carranza was, in the shooting DEATH—OF—1—POLICE—OFFICER—MONTHS—EARLIER.
20130110             —REPORTED, Carranza and Yadira were —LATER, disappeared.
20130110             IRAQ, 1—SERIES—OF—ATTACKS on 1—BUS stop, police patrol and 1—CONVOY carrying THE—HEAD—OF—1—UNIVERSITY killed 8—PEOPLE and wounded 20—OTHERS.
20130110             —FIRED, INDIA—TROOPS, across the disputed Kashmir border and killed 1—PAKISTAN—SOLDIER, the 3. deadly incident in the disputed Himalayan region in recent days.
20130110             ISRAEL—,1—EXPLOSION went off in 1—CAR—NEAR 1—BUS in Tel Aviv in what police said was 1—CRIMINALLY motivated assassination attempt.
20130110             4—PEOPLE were slightly injured.
20130110             1—KENYA—COMMUNITY retaliated with their own tribal assault, killing 10—PEOPLE and furthering 1—TRIBAL feud that threatens to explode as March elections approach.
20130110             —CLASHED, Islamists, who rule NORTH—MALI, with government forces for the 1. time in nearly 1—YEAR, seizing the strategic CITY—OF—KONNA as THE—AL—QAIDA—LINKED militants pushed toward the government LINE—OF—CONTROL in the center of the troubled country.
20130110             —KILLED, SOUTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, 1—BOMB targeting paramilitary soldiers, 12—PEOPLE in QUETTA.
20130110             Another 86—PEOPLE, mostly Shiite Muslims, were killed in twin bombings at 1—BILLIARDS hall in QUETTA.
20130110             † 5 suspected militants, in 1—USA—DRONE strike in MIR—ALI, NORTH—WAZIRISTAN.
20130110             1—GAS—CYLINDER—EXPLOSION ripped through 1 crowded mosque in THE—NORTH—WEST—CITY—OF—MINGORA, killing 21—PEOPLE and injuring more than 70—OTHERS.
20130110             —ARRESTED, SOMALIA—JOURNALIST—ABDIAZIZ—ABDINUR—IBRAHIM, 1—FREELANCE—JOURNALIST, was, by police —AFTER interviewing 1—WOMAN who said she was raped by government security forces.
20130110             —ARRESTED, She was also briefly, and questioned by police —BEFORE being released.
20130110             —COLLIDED, NORTH—SWITZERLAND, 2—PASSENGER—TRAINS, near 1—STATION, injuring 17—PEOPLE in Schaffhausen canton.
20130110             Rebels trying to topple SYRIA—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD—REGIME battled army troops inside 1—AIR—BASE in the north as government forces fought opposition strongholds near the seat of his government in DAMASCUS.
20130110             VENEZUELA, THOUSANDS—OF—CHANTING SUPPORTERS—OF—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ rallied outside his presidential palace in 1—EXUBERANT alternative inauguration for 1—LEADER too ill to return home for the real thing.
20130110             † YEMEN, ALI—ABDUL—SALAM, 1—PROMINENT—TRIBAL—CHIEF, was killed in 1—AMBUSH, 1—APPARENT revenge attack by AL—QAIDA for his security links.
20130110             Neuer USA—FINANZ—MINISTER—LEW: Der Herr über Billionen
20130110             Geplatzte —STUDIE—ZUM—MISSBRAUCH: Kinderschutzbund spricht Kirche Willen zur Aufklärung ab
20130110             Anziehender Handel: CHINA auf dem Weg zu alter Stärke
20130110             ROBERT—KHUZAMI: Bankenjäger verlässt USA—AUFSICHTS—BEHÖRDE SEC
20130110             —KAMPF—GEGEN—ALTERSARMUT: CSU blockiert RENTEN—REFORM
20130110             —DETONIERT, DVD—PREMIERE "The Exploding Girl": Und dann, das Mädchen
20130110             AMTS—EINFÜHRUNG—VON—BARACK—OBAMA: MACH—NOCH einmal, Beyoncé
20130110             Verhaltensbiologie: Haifischbabys stellen sich bei Gefahr tot
20130110             Mildes Wetter: Hasel—, Erlenpollen plagen Allergiker —SCHON—JETZT
20130110             Katholische MISSBRAUCHS—STUDIE, Vernichtetes Vertrauen
20130110             OBAMAs KABINETT, USA—ARBEITSMINISTERIN Solis tritt zurück
20130110             KULTUR—KAMPF—IN—AMERIKA, USA—REGIERUNG knöpft sich WAFFEN—LOBBY vor
20130110             BANGLADESCH: Dutzende Menschen —STERBEN durch Kältewelle
20130110             —GEFANGEN, KANADA: 1—DUTZEND Orcas unter dem Eis
20130110             MOBBING—OPFER: "Ich halte MILLIONEN—ENTSCHÄDIGUNGEN für möglich"(KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 11:36)
20130110             DIAMORPHIN—AMBULANZEN: Politiker fordern mehr HEROIN auf Rezept
20130110             Wetten in LONDON: DEUTSCHE—BANK machte halbe Milliarde mit LIBOR—ZINS
20130110             Rettungspaket: Union knüpft ZYPERN—HILFE an KAMPF—GEGEN—SCHWARZGELD
20130110             —BEGEHRT, Besuch bei OBAMA: KARZAI, gegen DIE—USA auf
20130110             USA—ERFINDUNG Trackingpoint XS1: Dieses Gewehr zielt selbst
20130110             Niedrige Lebenserwartung in USA: Der kürzere WAY—OF—LIFE
20130110             —KÄMPFE—IN—MALI: MILITÄR rüstet sich für Ansturm DER—ISLAMISTEN
20130110             —RENFRIED, Asteroid Apophis: Kosmischer Stö größer als angenommen
20130110             LEBENS—MITTEL—STICHPROBEN: Resistente Keime in Schweinemett entdeckt
20130110             EURO—KRISE, EZB hält LEIT—ZINS auf Rekordtief
20130110             Vermurkste GROß—BAUPROJEKTE: "DIE—MEISTEN Projektmanager sind Dummköpfe oder Lügner"
20130110             —FESTAKT zum 150.
20130110             Trotz Umschuldungsklausel: Anleger reißen sich um SPANIENs Anleihen
20130110             WEB—WERBUNG: ONLINE—REKLAME knackt die—GRENZE
20130110             UNEP—REPORT: Quecksilber bedroht MILLIONEN—MENSCHEN
20130110             BMW, Audi, Daimler: DEUTSCHE NOBEL—HERSTELLER feiern Rekord
20130110             Vermutlich war Apophis —SEIT seiner ENTSTEHUNG noch nie 1—SO großen Gravitationskraft ausgesetzt, wie es 20290000              —DER—FALL—SEIN wird.
20130110             Berechnungen hatten ergeben, daß der KLEINPLANET—MIT geringer Wahrscheinlichkeit -
20130110             DIE—ABSCHRECKUNGSWIRKUNG von Schmerzensgeld ist amerikanische Rechtsphilosophie.
20130110             —SCHON Mal gemobbt worden?
20130110             meine Vorredner scheinen noch nie mit Mobbing persönlich konfrontiert worden zu sein.
20130110             Meine Frau musste 1—THERAPIE beginnen und nimmt —SEIT 2—JAHREN Antidepressiva.
20130110             Höchste Zeit Mobbing STRAF—RECHTLICH zu verfolgen!
20130110             Mobbing ist kein Kavaliersdelikt!
20130110             es zerstört Existenzen und in extremen Fällen Leben.
20130110             Durch die Verbrennung von Kohle werden dem Bericht zufolge zudem PRO—JAHR 475—TONNEN Quecksilber AUSGESTOßEN—DAS sind 24—PROZENT—DER—GLOBALEN—GESAMTEMISSIONEN.
20130110             PAKISTAN gegen INDIEN: —SCHON wieder GEWALT—IN—KASCHMIR
20130110             —PRODUZIERT, Report: Menschheit, 300.000.000—TONNEN Fleisch PRO—JAHR
20130110             YOUTUBE—STREIT: Gema mahnt Google ab
20130110             DIE—GLOBALE LAND—WIRTSCHAFT ist 1—DER größten Belastungen für die UMWELT—WIE groß genau, macht —DER—NEUE—"Fleischatlas"—JETZT deutlich.
20130110             —LAUT, 1—HOCHRECHNUNG der WELTERNÄHRUNGS—ORGANISATION FAO, die sich auch im "Fleischatlas"wiederfindet, wurden 20120000              mehr als 300.000.000—TONNEN Fleisch produziert.
20130110             DEUTSCHE essen durchschnittlich 60—KILOGRAMM Fleisch PRO—JAHR
20130110             —LAUT, "Fleischatlas"vertilgen DIE—BUNDES—BÜRGER PRO—KOPF viermal so viel Fleisch wie
20130110             werden zur Herstellung 1—EINZIGEN Kilogramms Schweinefleisch etwa 10.000—LITER—WASSER benötigt, für Rindfleisch SOGAR—CA—15.000—LITER.
20130110             IM—ÜBRIGEN ist die Angabe, daß PRO—JAHR etwa 50.000—EUROPÄER an den Folgen (multi—)resistenter Bakterien sterben, korrekt.
20130110             NORD—RHEIN—WEST—FALEN: ZAHL—DER—SALAFISTEN steigt weiter an
20130110             Entführter EX—FBI—AGENT: Rätsel um den GUANTANAMO—MANN
20130110             SONDER—BERICHT, BERLINer LKA hätte mutmaßlichen NSU—HELFER nicht als V—MANN anwerben dürfen
20130110             KANADA: Orcas vom Eise befreit
20130110             [l] Aimbots waren —BISHER, nur 1—PROBLEM in ONLINE—SPIELEN.
20130110             [l] Ach DESHALB war die CDU so vehement dagegen, ihre Nebeneinkünfte offenlegen zu müssen!
20130110             Der stellvertretende FRAKTIONS—VORSITZENDE—DER—CDU/CSU—FRAKTION, MICHAEL FUCHS, hat für 1—OBSKURE britische Beratungsbude gearbeitet, die von MI6-MitARBEITern GEGRÜNDET wurde.
20130110             Gegenüber dem SWR habe FUCHS bekräftigt, keine Geheimnisse verraten zu haben, berichtet der Sender in seinem Onlineportal.
20130110             [l] BELGIEN verabschiedet sich aus der Gruppe DER—RECHTS—STAATEN und führt ein, daß man nicht mehr automatisch freigelassen wird, nur weil bei der Verhaftung oder der HAUS—DURCHSUCHUNG so Kleinigkeiten verkackt wurden wie dass da ne Unterschrift fehlt oder so.
20130110             —IM, Wesentlichen braucht man ab —MORGEN keinen DURCHSUCHUNG—BEFEHL mehr für 1—HAUS—DURCHSUCHUNG oder 1—LAUSCH—ANGRIFF.
20130110             "DIE—WAHRHEIT interessiert mich nicht"
20130110             NORTH—CAROLINA, USA Guilford Technical Community College (
20130110             alfatomega.com/20090418.html
20130110—19130110    —IN—DEN—VERGANGENEN—100—JAHREN habe sich die Menge an von Menschen produziertem Quecksilber in den Ozeanen in den oberen 100—METERN verdoppelt, in der Tiefsee sei der Anteil um 25 % gestiegen.
20130110—19900000    —IN, he began 1—STAIRCASE project in the Lapa neighborhood tiling steps and collecting old porcelain bathtubs to use as planters along the sides.
20130110—20050000    —SEIT, VERDOPPELT So hätten sich die EMISSIONEN ausgelöst durch GOLD—SCHÜRFEN.
20130110—20110000    —SEIT—SCHON, STAATS—ANWÄLTE ermitteln gegen Fitschen DEUTSCHE—BANK (Wirtschaft, 10:55)
20130110—20140000    —UNTIL, RUSSIA said that 1—ADOPTION—DEAL with THE—USA will remain valid despite 1—NEW—RUSSIA—LAW banning the practice, but no new adoptions will be permitted and only those already cleared by RUSSIA—COURTS—BEFORE the ban will be allowed to complete.
20130110—20290000    Apophis wird nach kosmischen Maßstäben haarscharf an der Erde vorbeifliegen.
20130110—20290413    —AM, der Kleinplanet auf der Erde einschlagen könnte, Berechnungen hatten ergeben, DAß—MIT geringer Wahrscheinlichkeit -
20130110—20290413    —INZWISCHEN, gilt dieses Szenario zwar als ausgeschlossen.
20130123             1—FRANCE—BASED human rights group charged that MALI—FORCES had committed about 33—KILLINGS—SINCE new fighting erupted 20130110           .
20140106—20140110    —ON, PRIME—MINISTER—NAWAZ—SHARIF said Hasan should be honored with the nation's highest civil award of bravery.
20140110             —ISSUED, PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, 1—EMERGENCY—DECLARATION for THE—STATE—OF—WEST—VIRGINIA, ordering federal aid in the aftermath of 1—CHEMICAL spill that has left up to 300,000—PEOPLE without tap water, closed schools and businesses.
20140110             ARKANSAS GOVERNOR—MARK—DARR said he will leave office 20140201           .
20140110             He was under pressure to resign over ethics violations including making personal use of over $30,000—OF—HIS—CAMPAIGN—FUNDS.
20140110             —PLANNED, NEW—JERSEY legislators, to release nearly 1,000 PAGES—OF—DOCUMENTS that may shed new light on 1—PROBE—OF—4—DAYS—OF—TRAFFIC jams at THE—GEORGE—WASHINGTON—BRIDGE apparently orchestrated by Republican GOVERNOR—CHRIS—CHRISTIE—TOP—AIDES to settle 1—POLITICAL score.
20140110             1—NEW—ANALYSIS—OF—UK—CENSUS figures said almost 1 in 10—BABIES and toddlers in ENGLAND and Wales are Muslim, illustrating THE—GROWTH—OF—THE—MINORITY—COMMUNITY.
20140110             ALEXSANDRE—FERDINAND Nguendet took over as Acting PRESIDENT.
20140110             —DEFENDED, CHINA, its new fishing restrictions in disputed waters in THE—SOUTH—CHINA—SEA against criticism from THE—USA, saying the rules were in accordance with INTERNATIONAL law.
20140110             —RALLIED, EGYPT, HUNDREDS—OF—ISLAMISTS, in CAIRO and across the country, calling for 1—BOYCOTT—OF—1—UPCOMING constitutional referendum as clashes with security forces killed 3—PEOPLE.
20140110             —THREATENED, FRANCE—PRESIDENT—FRANCOIS—HOLLANDE, legal action over 1—CLOSER—MAGAZINE—REPORT saying he is having 1—SECRET—AFFAIR with actress Julie Gayet.
20140110             —ORDERED, INDIA, THE—USA to withdraw 1—OF—ITS—DIPLOMATS from NEW—DELHI, as Devyani Khobragade (39), THE—INDIA—CONSUL at THE—CENTER—OF—THE—DISPUTE between THE—2—COUNTRIES, flew home —AFTER being indicted in NEW—YORK for visa fraud.
20140110             —OVERCROWDED, INDIA's, financial capital unveiled its LONG—AWAITED $2—BILLION new airport terminal.
20140110             —RENOVATED, Mumbai's, Chhatrapati Shivaji INTERNATIONAL Airport was delayed for nearly 2—YEARS and overran its construction budget by 25—PERCENT.
20140110             —REPORTED, IRAN—STATE—TELEVISION, that talks with the European Union have ended with 1—AGREEMENT over outstanding issues about the practical details of implementing 1—NUCLEAR—AGREEMENT.
20140110             —ERUPTED, IRAQ, fierce clashes, between special forces and AL—QAIDA—LINKED militants in  in AL—BUBALI, 1—VILLAGE between FALLUJAH and Ramadi in WEST—ANBAR province.
20140110             —ANNOUNCED, ISRAEL, plans to build 1,400 new homes in Jewish settlements in THE—WEST—BANK—AND—EAST—JERUSALEM.
20140110             —SUSPECTED, Police said, Jewish extremists cut down fruit trees belonging to ISRAEL—ARABS overnight in 1—APPARENT revenge attack for PALESTINE—VILLAGERS beating up Jewish settlers.
20140110             —UNVEILED, ISRAEL—CULTURAL and financial capital, 1—MEMORIAL honoring gays and lesbians persecuted by the Nazis, the 1. specific recognition in ISRAEL for NON—JEWISH—VICTIMS—OF—THE—HOLOCAUST.
20140110             —DEFENDED, NAMIBIA wildlife authorities, THE—AUCTION—OF—PERMITS to hunt black rhino, saying the kill was aimed at conserving the endangered species.
20140110             —CONFIRMED, NIGERIA—MILITARY, that it was to release 167—PEOPLE who were detained as PART—OF—COUNTER—INSURGENCY—OPERATIONS against Boko Haram militants in 3—NORTHEAST states.
20140110             PAKISTAN—POLICE found  2—WORKERS shot to death at a small Sufi Muslim shrine in  MARDAN, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.
20140110             —CONDEMNED, THE—PHILIPPINES and VIETNAM, 1—NEW—CHINA—LAW that requires foreign fishermen to seek BEIJING—APPROVAL to operate in MUCH—OF—THE—SOUTH—CHINA—SEA, but CHINA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY insisted it has the right do so.
20140110             —FIRED, ROMANIA—EDUCATION—AUTHORITIES, 1—TEACHER—DANA—BLANDU, who was filmed aggressively demanding money as gifts from students in 1—CASE that has made local headlines.
20140110             It is customary in ROMANIA to give presents to teachers.
20140110             —DESIGNATED, RUSSIA, 1—PARK in THE—TOWN—OF—KHOSTA as 1—PROTEST—ZONE for the —WINTER Olympics.
20140110             Khosta is 7—MILES away from there the athletes will compete in SOCHI.
20140110             —PROPOSED, RUSSIA—POWERFUL—ORTHODOX—CHURCH, 1—REFERENDUM on banning gay relations in the face of Western pressure over human rights ahead of next —MONTH—WINTER—OLYMPICS in SOCHI.
20140110             —CHARGED, SINGAPORE, 2—MEN were, with kidnapping —AFTER the elderly MOTHER—OF—SUPERMARKET tycoon Lim Hock Chee was abducted —2—DAYS—EARLIER and held for ransom.
20140110             —REPORTED, It was, that AL—SHABAB, SOMALIA—AL—QAIDA—LINKED group, has ordered telecom companies to shut down mobile INTERNET services over fears THE—USA can use the data to target militants.
20140110             SOUTH—SUDAN said that government troops retook Bentiu, THE—CAPITAL—OF—UNITY—STATE, —AFTER a 2.5-hour battle.
20140110             —CONTROLLED, Rebels still, Bor, 1—STATE—CAPITAL—OUTSIDE—JUBA, the country capital.
20140110             1—SPAIN—COURT ordered the extradition of Aurea Vazquez Rijos (33), 1—PUERTO—RICAN woman, wanted by USA federal authorities for allegedly hiring 1—HIT man to kill her wealthy CANADA—HUSBAND.
20140110             TUNISIA—NEW premier Mehdi Jomaa took office to lead a caretaker government —UNTIL elections this —YEAR.
20140110             TURKEY—TOP—JUDICIAL—BODY hit back at government's plans to curb its powers, adding fuel to 1—BITTER—ROW over 1—VAST—CORRUPTION—PROBE engulfing PRIME—MINISTER—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN.
20140110             —WARNED, THE—UN—REFUGEE—AGENCY, that fighting in SOUTH—SUDAN could by April drive more than half 1—MILLION—PEOPLE from their homes, doubling the number of those already affected.
20140110             ZIMBABWE police said they are investigating the murder of 4 suspected illegal ivory buyers whose bodies were found in 1 wrecked car in WEST—ZIMBABWE.
20140110—20050923    —ON, ADAM—ANHANG was beaten and stabbed to death in PUERTO—RICO, —WHILE he walked with Vazquez near 1—BAR he had bought for her.
20140112—20140110    —SCATTERED, CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC—LOCAL—RED—CROSS said, violence in BANGUI, including 2—CONSECUTIVE nights of intense gunfire in SOME—NEIGHBORHOODS, has killed 13—PEOPLE—SINCE Michel Djotodia announced his resignation from the presidency.
20150110             —REACHED, The unmanned SpaceX Falcon 9—ROCKET, orbit with 1—CARGO for THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION.
20150110             1—ATTEMPT to land the rocket's 1. stage on 1—FLOATING platform failed —FOLLOWING launch at Cape Canaveral.
20150110             —CLOSED, S—FRANCISCO—GOLDEN—GATE—BRIDGE was, to traffic for the 1. time in its 77-year history to allow for the installation of 1—MOVABLE median barrier.
20150110             RE—OPENING was set for 20150112           .
20150110             —KILLED, IDAHO, 1—GUNMAN, 3—PEOPLE and wounded another —DURING 1—SHOOTING spree at 3—LOCATIONS in MOSCOW.
20150110             —CAPTURED, Suspect JOHN—LEE, 29—JAHRE—ALT, was, in the afternoon —FOLLOWING 1—HIGH—SPEED—CHASE in nearby WASHINGTON State.
20150110             1—MALE—CAMEL in rut trampled 2—PEOPLE to death at the Camel Kisses farm in NORTH—TEXAS.
20150110             —PROTESTED, GERMANY, tens of thousands, in DRESDEN against racism and for 1—OPEN—SOCIETY.
20150110             —ORGANIZED, This came in reaction to weekly ANTI—ISLAMIC—RALLIES, by PEGIDA.
20150110             NORTH—IRAQ, Islamic State group fighters attempting to retake Gwer, 1—TOWN held by Kurdish peshmerga forces, killed at least 30—KURDS.
20150110             —CLAIMED, AL—QAIDA—NUSRA—FRONT soon, responsibility.
20150110             —ROCKED, NORTH—EAST—NIGERIA, 2—EXPLOSIONS, NORTH—EAST—NIGERIA, including 1 at 1 crowded market in MAIDUGURI, by 1—GIRL—SUICIDE—BOMBER thought to be —JUST 10—YEARS—OLD.
20150110             19—PEOPLE were killed.
20150110             —MARCHED, SPAIN, thousands, in several cities to press for easier access to LATEST—GENERATION medicines to counter hepatitis C.
20150110             TERROR—IN—PARIS: 4—GEISELN laut STAATS—ANWALT —BEREITS vor Zugriff getötet
20150110             —NACH, ATTENTAT—VON—PARIS: DE—MAIZIÈRE fordert schärfere EU—SICHERHEITS—REGELN
20150110             OBAMA—GEGNER Mitt ROMNEY: "Yeah, ich will —PRÄSIDENT sein"
20150110             —NACH, TERROR—ATTACKEN—IN—PARIS: Westen fürchtet weitere Anschläge
20150110             —DISKUTIERT, Umdenken in BRÜSSEL—EU, offenbar SCHULDEN—ERLASS für GRIECHENLAND
20150110             es werde neue Angriffe geben, sollte DAS—LAND nicht damit aufhören, den ISLAM, seine Symbole und DIE—MUSLIME zu "bekämpfen", schrieb die DSCHIHAD—BEOBACHTUNGSPLATTFORM Site —FREITAG—AM—ABEND.
20150110             Sie berief sich auf 1—PER Video verbreitete Rede von Harith bin Ghasi AL—NADHARI, 1—DER wichtigsten Glaubenshüter der Gruppe.
20150110             "EINIGE—DER—SÖHNE—FRANKREICHS waren respektlos gegenüber Allahs Propheten", daher sei 1—GRUPPE—VON—"gläubigen Soldaten Allahs"gegen sie vorgegangen und habe ihnen Respekt beigebracht.
20150110             Das Dokument wurde auch auf der Rechercheplattform "THE—INTERCEPT"veröffentlicht.
20150110             "DIE—FÜHRUNG der AQAP führte die Operation und sie hat ihr Ziel mit Vorsicht gewählt, als Rache für die Ehre des Propheten".
20150110             Spenden absetzbar: PEGIDA e. V. beantragt Anerkennung der Gemeinnützigkeit
20150110             —HEUTE—IN—DEN—FEUILLETONS, "Kultur der Selbstzensur"
20150110             Währungsgewinne: Wo EURO—SKEPTIKER investieren können
20150110             —GESTARTET, Wiederverwertbare Rakete: "Dragon", "Falcon 9"zerschellt
20150110             Honorar für Überweisungen: DIETRICH—GRÖNEMEYER zahlt 100—EURO—PRO—PATIENT
20150110             Diplomatische Offensive: ENTWICKLUNGS—MINISTER—MÜLLER will mit ASSAD reden
20150110             Historische Konferenz bei CHARLIE—HEBDO : "DIE—ERWARTEN 1—GROßEN MOHAMMED von uns"
20150110             —ATTENTAT—AUF—CHARLIE—HEBDO : TERROR, Schmerz, WAHNSINN—ES wird nie enden
20150110             —NACH, TERROR—ANSCHLÄGEN in PARIS: Mehr als 1.000—SOLDATEN sollen Trauermarsch sichern
20150110             ATOM—WAFFEN—TESTS: NORD—KOREA bietet USA 1—DEAL an
20150110             Kälte und Schnee : 2—BABYS im GAZA—STREIFEN erfroren
20150110             Tobende Zuschauer: FOOTBALL—FANS testen ERDBEBEN—WARN—SYSTEM
20150110             TERROR—IN—PARIS: am Telefon mit den Tätern
20150110             TERROR—WELLE in NIGERIA: Zehnjährige tötet mindestens 16—MENSCHEN
20150110             DEUTSCHE Hilfe beim KAMPF—GEGEN—DEN—IS: VON—DER—LEYEN will KURDEN mehr Waffen liefern
20150110             JUDEN in FRANKREICH: Sabbat der Ängste
20150110             —GEISEL—NAHME in PARIS: Wenig Aufmerksamkeit für die jüdischen Opfer
20150110             TERROR—IN—TÜRKEI: Sprengsatz vor ISTANBULer EINKAUF—ZENTRUM entschärft
20150110             Pariser TERROR—KOMPLIZIN Hayat BOUMEDDIENE: Religiös, folgsam, waffenaffin
20150110             —GEGEN, PEGIDA: Zehntausende Tolerante in DRESDEN
20150110             —RECOMMENDED, THE—FBI and JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—PROSECUTORS have, bringing felony charges against DAVID H. PETRAEUS, contending that he provided classified information to 1—LOVER —WHILE he was DIRECTOR—OF—THE—CIA, officials said, leaving ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ERIC H. Holder JUNIOR to decide whether to seek 1—INDICTMENT that could send THE—PRE—EMINENT MILITARY officer of his generation to prison.
20150110             THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—INVESTIGATION stems from 1—AFFAIR—MISTER—PETRAEUS had with PAULA—BROADWELL, 1—ARMY—RESERVE—OFFICER who was writing his biography, and focuses on whether he gave her access to his CIA email account and other highly classified information.
20150110             —EXPECTED, MISTER—HOLDER was, to decide by THE—END—OF—LAST—YEAR whether to bring charges against MISTER—PETRAEUS, but he has not indicated how he plans to proceed.
20150110             —FRUSTRATED, The delay has, SOME—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—AND—FBI officials and investigators who have questioned whether MISTER—PETRAEUS has received special treatment at 1—TIME—MISTER—HOLDER has led 1—CRACKDOWN on GOVERNMENT—OFFICIALS who reveal secrets to journalists.
20150110             —TOSSED, CHELSEA—MANNING got THE—BOOK, at her, so why should PETRAEUS walk away without 1—PROBLEM?
20150110             As everyone knows, THE—RIGHT—WINGERS went into RAGE—GASM over the comments made by Susan Rice —AFTER THE—BENGHAZI attack.
20150110             —REEKED—OF, That whole "controversy" PRE—PLANNING and coordination, of course.
20150110             Rice got her information entirely from THE—CIA, THE—AGENCY that PETRAEUS headed —AT—THE—TIME.
20150110             —CRITICIZED, Yet THE—FOX—NEWSERS never, PETRAEUS;
20150110             instead, they went —AFTER Rice, simply because she believed THE—INFORMATION that PETRAEUS gave her.
20150110             es gibt 1—FOTO - Sie zielt mit dem Pfeil direkt auf den Fotografen.
20150110             "Le Parisien"berichtet, die, 26—JAHRE—ALTE sei auf dem Flug in Begleitung 1—MANNES gewesen, dessen Bruder den GEHEIM—DIENSTEN bekannt ist.
20150110             DIE—TÜRKISCHEN Dienste hätten den Übertritt nach SYRIEN bestätigt.
20150110             BOUMEDDIENE sei im Besitz 1—RÜCKFLUGTICKETS für den ;;0109;; gewesen.
20150110             DIE—REISE habe sie aber nicht angetreten.
20150110             —FREITAG—AM, berichtete der französische OBERSTAATS—ANWALT FRANÇOIS—MOLINS, BOUMEDDIENE habe innerhalb 1—JAHRES 500—TELEFONGESPRÄCHE mit der Ehefrau des TERRORISTEN Chérif Kouachi geführt.
20150110             Ihre Gesprächspartnerin Izzana Hamyd ist —SEIT—MITTWOCH in POLIZEI—GEWAHRSAM und wird befragt.
20150110             —BEKANNT, Über den Inhalt der Telefonate ist —BISHER, nichts, auch nicht, ob sie abgehört wurden.
20150110             Sie ist 1—VON 7—KINDERN.
20150110             —VERLIERT, Im Alter von 6—JAHREN, sie ihre Mutter und wird laut "Le Parisien"2—JAHRE—SPÄTER in die Obhut der Behörden gegeben, weil der als Lieferant arbeitende Vater mit der ERZIEHUNG—DER—KINDER überfordert ist.
20150110             NATO—BESUCH ;;1200;;    —IM,: DEUTSCHE Soldaten in KABUL in Prügelei verwickelt
20150110             —GETÖTET, Vogelgrippe im Rostocker Zoo: Weitere 18—TIERE mussten, werden
20150110             "Wir können uns", so Jazenjuk zu Moderatorin Pinar Atalay, "alle sehr gut an den SOWJET—EINMARSCH—IN—DIE—UKRAINE und nach DEUTSCHLAND erinnern".
20150110             (The Louvre has 1—BUST—OF—CLEO—ANCESTOR, SOTER—I.
20150110             Interne FACEBOOK—GRUPPE: PEGIDA—ANFÜHRER nutzen HITLER—ZITATE und rassistische Parolen
20150110             —STUDIE—ZU—RELIGIÖSEN Vorurteilen: Wissen über Koran baut ISLAM—ANGST ab
20150110             "Lausiger Anteil": VON—DER—LEYEN will Frauenquote in DER—BUNDESWEHR
20150110             —LAUT—ANGABEN—DER—AGENTUR—AP unter Berufung auf GEHEIM—DIENSTDOKUMENTE war Saïd Kouachi ausgebildet worden, um wieder zurück nach FRANKREICH zu reisen und 1—ANSCHLAG auszuführen.
20150110             Spenden absetzbar: PEGIDA e.
20150110             Ursachensuche —NACH—DEN ATTENTATen: 1—FRANZÖSISCHES Problem
20150110             Truppen besetzen KIEW und setzen 1—ANTIBOLSCHEWISTISCHE...
20150110             —RECOMMENDED, THE—FBI and JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—PROSECUTORS have, bringing felony charges against DAVID H.
20150110             es gibt 1—FOTO 20100000            —J—AUS—DEM, da kniet Hayat BOUMEDDIENE schwarz verschleiert, den Rücken leicht zurückgelehnt, auf 1—STROHFELD in SÜD—FRANKREICH.
20150110             —SEIT, mehreren —JAHREN ist die junge Frau bei DER—POLIZEI aktenkundig.
20150110—20150120    —CHARGED, LEBANON, 28—PEOPLE for involvement in 1—DOUBLE—SUICIDE—BOMB—ATTACK.
20150311—01501100    —IM, "PHILAE' erhält —ZURZEIT ungefähr doppelt so viel Sonnenenergie wie, —VERGANGENEN—JAHRES",
20151227—20150110    —ON, state media reported the arrest of 3—PEOPLE in relation to the killing.
20160110             LOS—ANGELES, epic survival thriller "The Revenant" and space blockbuster "The Martian" won big at the Golden Globes, boosting their chances for Oscars glory next —MONTH.
20160110             —REPORTED, It was, that AFGHANISTAN—FORCES are struggling to man the front lines against 1—RESURGENT—TALIBAN, in part because of untold numbers of "ghost" troops who are paid salaries but only exist on paper.
20160110             † AUSTRALIA—AUTHORITIES said 2—PEOPLE have and more than a 100—HOMES have been destroyed in 1—HUGE bushfire, as firefighters battled to tame THE—OUT—OF—CONTROL blaze in WEST—AUSTRALIA state.
20160110             † UK—SINGER—DAVID—BOWIE, 69—JAHRE—ALT.
20160110             —RECEIVED, UK—SINGER—DAVID—BOWIE had, little attention —UNTIL his 5. album: "The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust" (19720000             ).
20160110             —STOPPED, Traffic, on THE—TRANS—CANADA Highway —AFTER 1—NEW—BRIDGE separated from its moorings in Nipigon, ONTARIO.
20160110             —FORCED, Drivers were, to take long detours through THE—USA.
20160110             Police said the shutdown might last for days.
20160110             EGYPT—1. legislature in more than 3—YEARS held its inaugural session.
20160110             —PACKED, The 596-seat chamber was, with SUPPORTERS—OF—PRESIDENT—EL—SISSI.
20160110             —ACCUSED, Arab foreign ministers meeting in EGYPT, IRAN of interfering in THE—AFFAIRS—OF—OTHER—MIDDLE—EAST—STATES and undermining regional security, as officials met at 1—EMERGENCY—ARAB—LEAGUE—SESSION to discuss escalating tensions in the region.
20160110             —INJURED, GERMANY—POLICE said 2—PAKISTANIS and 1—SYRIA—MAN were, in attacks by GANGS—OF—PEOPLE in Cologne.
20160110             —KILLED, MEXICO, 20—OF 45—PEOPLE were, —WHEN 1—BUS plunged off 1—BRIDGE in VERACRUZ state and fell into 1—DEEP gorge.
20160110             —EXECUTED, SAUDI—ARABIA—AUTHORITIES, 1—ETHIOPIA—WOMAN convicted of murdering 1—SAUDI—ARABIA—FEMALE with 1—AXE, the 50. death sentence carried out in the kingdom this —YEAR.
20160110             SUDAN, protests took place in WEST—DARFUR.
20160110             14—PEOPLE were —LATER reported killed in the protests.
20160110             —ABDUCTED, SYRIA, the Nusra Front AL—QAEDA affiliate, Hadi AL—ABDALLAH and Raed Fares, 2—OF—THE—COUNTRY—MOST prominent media activists from 1—RADIO—STATION in THE—NORTH—WEST—IDLIB province.
20160110             —KILLED, TURKEY, 1—SOLDIER and 1—POLICE—OFFICER were, in DIYARBAKIR —WHEN they came under explosives and rifle fire in 1—CLASH with rebels in which 14—SECURITY—PERSONNEL were also wounded.
20160110             —KILLED, Police, 1—FURTHER 12—PKK members —AFTER finding them in 1—HOUSE in THE—SOUTH—EAST—CITY—OF—VAN overnight.
20160110             2—UKRAINE—SOLDIERS and 2—REBELS were killed over the last 24—HOURS in EAST—UKRAINE, marking the 1. deaths this —YEAR in THE—WAR—TORN region.
20160110             YEMEN, 1—MISSILE—STRIKE on 1—DOCTORS—WITHOUT—BORDERS—CLINIC killed at least 4—PEOPLE.
20160110             —ACCUSED, Human Rights Watch, Huthi rebels of arbitrarily detaining DOZENS—OF—OPPONENTS in SANAA, where they have ruled for more than 15—MONTHS.
20160110             GEWALT—IN—SILVESTER—NACHT: MAAS hält Übergriffe für "abgestimmt oder vorbereitet"
20160110             PJÖNG—JANGS ATOM—TEST: USA schicken Langstreckenbomber nach SÜD—KOREA - CO2—FILTER: 1—KESCHER fürs Treibhausgas
20160110             DROGEN—BOSS Guzmán, USA—SCHAUSPIELER SEAN—PENN traf "EL—CHAPO"zum Interview
20160110             Fällt diese Marke, droht DER—KLIMA—WANDEL außer Kontrolle zu geraten.
20160110             —DERZEIT, baut Climeworks bei ZÜRICH 1.Pilotanlage, die der Luft 900—TONNEN Kohlendioxid —J—IM, entziehen kann.
20160110             Auch IN—DEN—USA und KANADA arbeiten Unternehmen und Forschungsinstitute an solchen, Air Capture genannten Verfahren.
20160110             "Das CO2—BUDGET, das uns im Rahmen des 2—GRAD—ZIELS noch zur Verfügung steht, ist gering.
20160110             DIE—USA—PHYSICAL SOCIETY setzt für die Luftfilter Kosten von mindestens 600— USA—$ pro Tonne CO2 an.
20160110             "Unsere —TECHNOLOGIE zielt in 1. Linie darauf, unabhängig vom STAND—ORT reines Kohlendioxid zur Verfügung zu stellen.
20160110             —AM, sinnvollsten ist es nach Meinung Kronenbergs jedoch, mit dem Kohlendioxid klimaneutrale Treibstoffe zu PRODUZIEREN—SO, wie es etwa in der Versuchsanlage eines Partnerunternehmens in DRESDEN geschieht.
20160110             Dort wird Wasser unter Strom gesetzt, sodass sich der Sauerstoff und der Wasserstoff voneinander trennen.
20160110             DAS—TREFFEN von Penn und Guzmán könnte DIE—ERMITTLER erneut auf die Spur des DROGEN—BOSSES gebracht haben.
20160110             —BERICHTET, Auch DIE—NACHRICHTEN—AGENTUR—AFP, unter Berufung auf 1—REGIERUNGSVERTRETER,
20160110             TÜRKEI gegen KURDEN: DER—KRIEG vor EUROPAs Haustür (Politik,
20160110             TÜRKEI: SICHERHEITS—KRÄFTE töten Dutzende kurdische KÄMPFER (Politik,
20160110             —FLÜCHTLINGS—UNTERKÜNFTE: Brandsatz im MÜNSTERland,
20160110             POLEN: Warschau "bittet"deutschen BOTSCHAFTER "zum Gespräch"(Politik,
20160110             ARBEITS—LOSIGKEIT: ÖSTERREICH will AUSBILDUNGS—PFLICHT für Jugendliche (SchulSPIEGEL,
20160110             TERROR—ERMITTLUNGEN: Pariser Attentäter saß —SCHON in 3—NRW—GEFÄNGNISSEN
20160110             —GEFUNDEN, SILVESTER—ÜBERGRIFFE—IN—KÖLN: VERDÄCHTIGEr will Anmachzettel, haben
20160110             —ÜBERGRIFFE—AN—SILVESTER: ZAHL—DER—ANZEIGEN in KÖLN steigt auf mehr als 500
20160110             "Hexenjagd"auf der Bühne: Fanatiker, Säuberer, Denunzianten
20160110             GROßE—KOALITION nach KÖLN: Die Getriebenen
20160110             WIRTSCHAFTS—KRISE, Für CHINA stellt sich die SYSTEM—FRAGE
20160110             —KONFLIKT—MIT—IRAN: Arabische Liga stellt sich hinter Saudis - [l] GUTE—NACHRICHTEN!
20160110             Welcher Aspekt, fragt ihr?
20160110             Na die GEHEIM—DIENSTKOOPERATION—VON—BAD—AIBLING und der NSA!
20160110             [l] DAS—BKA äußert sich zu KÖLN:
20160110             DAS—BKA kenne aus einigen arabischen Ländern DAS—PHÄNOMEN der gemeinschaftlich begangenen sexuellen Belästigung von Frauen in der Öffentlichkeit.
20160110             "Solche von Gruppen junger Männer begangenen Delikte stellen DIE—POLIZEI—BEHÖRDEN der betroffenen STAATEN zumeist WÄHREND großer Menschenansammlungen, etwa bei Kundgebungen oder Demonstrationen, fest.
20160110             Neonazis: Mehr als 450—HAFTBEFEHLE gegen rechte Straftäter nicht vollstreckt
20160110             —ARRESTED, LEBANON—POLICE, ABU—TALHA, aka Khaled Seifeddine Zeineddine, the suspected mastermind behind blasts in SOUTH—DISTRICT—OF—THE—CAPITAL that killed DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE last 20161112        .
20160110—20200000    —AGREED, CHINA—OFFICIAL—XINHUA News Agency said CHINA—UNIVERSITIES have, to expand annual enrollments of ethnic minority students from THE—TENSION—FRAUGHT WEST—REGION—OF—XINJIANG to 10,000, up from the current school —YEAR—6,800.
20161229—20160110    —UNTIL, GAMBIA is facing prolonged political deadlock as PRESIDENT—JAMMEH has said he will await 1—SUPREME—COURT ruling, delayed, —BEFORE ceding power.
20170110             PRESIDENT—OBAMA bid farewell to the nation in 1—WIDE—RANGING speech that urged Americans not to abandon 1—SENSE—OF unified purpose and defended MANY—OF—HIS—PRESIDENCY—ACCOMPLISHMENTS.
20170110             —ANNOUNCED, THE—BOARD—OF—DIRECTORS—OF—THE—LUCAS—MUSEUM—OF—NARRATIVE—ART, that their new museum would be built in the Exposition Park of LOS—ANGELES.
20170110             The Archdiocese of BOSTON and the New ENGLAND Historic Genealogical Society announced that they were teaming up to create 1—ONLINE DATABASE—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—CHURCH—DOCUMENTS to help people trace their family histories.
20170110             THE—USA—BLACKLISTED—BRITISH—GHANA—JIHADIST—ALEXANDA Amon Kotey, 1—SURVIVING member of the notorious Islamic State kidnapping cell popularly known as "The Beatles," as 1—GLOBAL—TERRORIST—THREAT.
20170110             Kotey is still thought to be at large somewhere in or near THE—IS STRONGHOLD—OF—RAQA, in EAST—SYRIA.
20170110             AFGHANISTAN, 2—LARGE—BOMBINGS—NEAR—GOVERNMENT—OFFICES in KABUL killed at least 38—PEOPLE, including civilians and military personnel.
20170110             —EARLIER in the —DAY, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER on foot struck in THE—SOUTH—HELMAND province, killing at least 7—PEOPLE.
20170110             KANDAHAR, province 5—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES—OFFICIALS were among 12—PEOPLE killed —WHEN explosives hidden in 1—SOFA detonated inside THE—GOVERNOR—COMPOUND.
20170110             —KILLED, THE—SPATE—OF—ATTACKS, 1—TOTAL—OF—57—PEOPLE.
20170110             ALBANIA, 3—MEN in their 50s froze to death, and municipal authorities took several 100—HOMELESS—PEOPLE to heated shelters.
20170110             ARGENTINA said it has struck 1—DEAL with labor unions and energy companies aimed at attracting investment to the Vaca Muerta shale deposit in SOUTH—WEST—NEUQUEN province, 1—OF—THE—WORLD—BIGGEST unconventional hydrocarbons deposits.
20170110             BOSNIA, 3—PEOPLE in remote PARTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY froze to death, —WHILE nearly 50,000 in THE—CENTRAL—TOWN—OF—ZENICA lost their home heating due to 1—MALFUNCTION in 1—BOILER at the ArcelorMittal steel mill, which provides thermal power to households.
20170110             UK—LABOUR—LEADER—JEREMY—CORBYN told THE—BBC that "I would like to see SOME—KIND—OF—HIGH—EARNINGS cap" to reduce inequality.
20170110             He said that it should kick in at 1—LEVEL "somewhat higher" than his own 138,000 pound ($167,000) annual salary.
20170110             UKIP FOUNDER—NIGEL—FARAGE said Farage said that all differences with 5-Star had been resolved and that ITALY—ANTI—ESTABLISHMENT 5-Star Movement has backtracked from plans to quit THE—UKIP grouping in the European PARLIAMENT.
20170110             —KILLED, CAMEROON—GOVERNMENT said its troops have in recent weeks, some 100—BOKO Haram fighters and freed "HUNDREDS—OF—HOSTAGES" held by the group.
20170110             —PLEDGED, CHINA—TOP—ECONOMIC—PLANNER, to continue cutting steel and coal production, which have been 1—SOURCE—OF—TRADE—FRICTION with MANY—COUNTRIES.
20170110             1—CONGO—POLICE—SOURCE said opposition leader Okombi Salissa (55), who unsuccessfully challenged PRESIDENT—DENIS—SASSOU—NGUESSO, 73—JAHRE—ALT at the polls, has been arrested.
20170110             Salissa has sought to stop Nguesso from returning to power in March.
20170110             —RETURNED, Rival CYPRUS—LEADERS, to the negotiating table in GENEVA to press on with 1—AMBITIOUS—BID to end DECADES—OF—CONFLICT, with talks centered on the island's future SYSTEM—OF—GOVERNMENT.
20170110             —CONVICTED—OF, CZECH—REPUBLIC—REPRESENTATIVE—THE—WIFE—OF—FORMER—CZECH—REPUBLIC—PRIME—MINISTER—PETR—NECAS was, leaking 1 classified document and received an 18-month suspended sentence.
20170110             —LEAKED, Jana Necasova — Jana Nagyova —AT—THE—TIME —, the content of a 20120000              report by the country's —BIS spy agency to Ivo Rittig, 1—LOBBYIST.
20170110             —CLEARED, EU ANTI—TRUST—REGULATORS, THE—FRANCE—GOVERNMENT—MASSIVE restructuring of troubled STATE—OWNED nuclear reactor builder Areva.
20170110             1—EUROPEAN court rejected 1—APPEAL by 1—TURKISH—BORN couple who were fined in SWITZERLAND for keeping their daughters out of MIXED—GENDER, mandatory public school swimming lessons for reasons linked to their Muslim faith.
20170110             HONG—KONG—CLARE—HOLLINGWORTH was the 1. to report the Nazi invasion of POLAND that marked THE—BEGINNING—OF—WWII.
20170110             —ANNOUNCED, ICELAND, new CENTER—RIGHT—COALITION, it had agreed to make conservative INDEPENDENCE Party leader Bjarni Benediktsson the country's next PRIME—MINISTER, —10—WEEKS—AFTER 1—SNAP election.
20170110             —FORMED, THE—INDEPENDENCE—PARTY, 1—COALITION with the smaller Reform and Bright Future parties holding 32—OF 63—SEATS in PARLIAMENT.
20170110             —PUSHED, IRAQ—FORCES, Islamic State fighters back further in MOSUL in 1 renewed effort to seize the northern city and deal 1—DECISIVE—BLOW to the militant group, though progress was slow in SOME—DISTRICTS.
20170110             ISRAEL—TROOPS in the occupied WEST—BANK shot dead 1—PALESTINE—WHO attacked them —DURING 1—OVERNIGHT operation to arrest suspected militants at THE—AL—FARA refugee camp.
20170110             1—PALESTINE—RIGHTS—GROUP said the man was shot in his home at point blank range.
20170110             —ANNOUNCED, ITALY—POLICE, THE—ARREST—OF—1—LONDON—RESIDENT—NUCLEAR—ENGINEER and his sister on suspicion of running 1—CYBER snooping operation targeting politicians, public bodies and companies.
20170110             —CITED, Media, charge sheets which identified them as GIULIO—OCCHIONERO, 45—JAHRE—ALT and his sister Francesca Maria Occhionero.
20170110             —FACED, MOROCCO, 1 unprecedented political deadlock —AFTER the Islamist PRIME—MINISTER—ABDELILAH—BENKIRANE broke off talks on forming 1—COALITION—GOVERNMENT —FOLLOWING 3—MONTHS—OF—FRUITLESS—EFFORT.
20170110             —CALLED, PALESTINE—LEADERS, for prayers at mosques across THE—MIDDLE—EAST this —WEEK to protest plans by PRESIDENT—ELECT DONALD—TRUMP to move THE—USA—EMBASSY in ISRAEL to JERUSALEM.
20170110             † In POLAND 6—PEOPLE over a 24-hour period as temperatures plunged across EUROPE, bringing the toll of hypothermia deaths in the country to 71—SINCE November.
20170110             —ANNOUNCED, ROMANIA, 6—MORE—DEATHS in recent days as temperatures plunged across EUROPE.
20170110             —ABDUCTED, Gunmen in Syria, Shiraaz Mohamed, 1—SOUTH—AFRICA—FREELANCE photographer who was traveling with aid workers to the border with TURKEY.
20170110             —DROWNED, TANZANIA, at least 12—PEOPLE, —WHEN 1—BOAT capsized near 1—COASTAL—TOWN.
20170110             —RESCUED, At least 27—OTHERS were.
20170110             —SUSPECTED—OF, TURKEY, 1—MAN, trying to force his way into 1—POLICE—STATION in GAZIANTEP, 1—CITY—NEAR THE—SYRIA—BORDER, was shot dead.
20170110             —ANNOUNCED, THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES, plans to invest 600—BILLION dirhams ($163—BILLION) in projects to generate almost half the country's power needs from renewables.
20170110             —KILLED, ZIMBABWE wildlife park rangers, 2—POACHERS in Hwange National Park.
20170110             [l] DER—EUROPÄISCHE MENSCHEN—RECHT—GERICHT—HOF hat die Schule höher als DIE—RELIGIONS—FREIHEIT bewertet.
20170110             Meines Wissens gibt es in DEUTSCHLAND in dem Fall Ausnahmen für den Schwimmunterricht.
20170110             —UPDATE, 1—EINSENDER korrigiert:
20170110             —SEIT—DEM, Urteil vom Bundesverwaltungsgericht 20130000              eigentlich nicht mehr.
20170110             [l] Nachschlag zu den "Enhanced Interrogation Techniques"bei der BERLIN—POLIZEI: DER—GUARDIAN hat sich das nochmal überlegt und findet —JETZT, daß das möglicherweise ÜBERSETZUNGS—FEHLER waren.
20170110             DONALD—TRUMP ist BATMAN.
20170110             [l] GUTE—NACHRICHTEN, Joffe und Bittner sind endgültig gegen "DIE—ANSTALT"gescheitert.
20170110             Sehr schön.
20170110             —SENTENCED, NORTH—CAROLINA, Dylann Roof was, to death for 20150617             —THE, KILLING—OF—9—BLACK—CHURCH—MEMBERS —DURING Bible study in CHARLESTON.
20170110—20160000    —IN—LATE, He was dismissed from his ministerial post by PRESIDENT—NURSULTAN—NAZARBAYEV —AFTER—JUST 1—FEW months in office.
20170215             † UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES—STATE—MEDIA said Juma MOHAMMED—ABDULLAH—AL—KAABI, its ambassador to AFGHANISTAN, has of wounds sustained in a 20170110              bombing in KANDAHAR that also killed 5—OTHER UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES—OFFICIALS.
20171218—20170110    —ON, the military said its soldiers had murdered 10 captured Muslim "terrorists" —DURING insurgent attacks.
20180110             USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP told his SOUTH—KOREA—COUNTERPART Moon JAE—IN he is open to talking with NORTH—KOREA as THE—2—LEADERS spoke by telephone.
20180110             —LASHED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, out at the federal court that temporarily blocked his administration from ending 1—PROGRAM protecting nearly 800,000 young immigrants from deportation.
20180110             1—NEW—REPORT by USA—SENATE—DEMOCRATS warned of deepening RUSSIA—INTERFERENCE—THROUGHOUT EUROPE and concludes that even as SOME—WESTERN—DEMOCRACIES have responded with aggressive countermeasures, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP has offered no strategic plan to bolster their efforts or safeguard THE—USA—FROM again falling victim to THE—KREMLIN—SYSTEMATIC meddling.
20180110             —TARGETED, USA—IMMIGRATION—CUSTOMS—ENFORCEMENT (ICE) officers, 7—11—CONVENIENCE—STORES nationwide and arrested 21—INDIVIDUALS.
20180110             —PROPOSED, CALIFORNIA—GOVERNOR—JERRY—BROWN, a $132—BILLION sate budget and said the state should create 1—PUBLIC—COLLEGE entirely online to help MILLIONS—OF—WORKING adults gain the skills they need to work in the new economy and raise their pay.
20180110             SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, THE—BODY—OF—BLAZE—BERNSTEIN (19980000              *) was found in 1—SHALLOW—GRAVE in 1—LAKE—FOREST—PARK.
20180110             Bernstein had gone missing —AFTER going with SAMUEL—WOODWARD, 21—JAHRE—ALT to the park.
20180110             —STABBED, He had been, over 20—TIMES.
20180110             —2—DAYS—LATER, SAMUEL—WOODWARD, 1—OF—BERNSTEIN—FORMER—HIGH—SCHOOL classmates and 1—MEMBER—OF—NEO—NAZI terrorist group Atomwaffen Division, was arrested and charged with murdering Bernstein.
20180110             —KILLED, FLORIDA, Gabriella Green (12), herself in PANAMA—CITY.
20180110             2 12—YEAR—OLDS were —LATER charged with cyberstalking in connection with GREEN—DEATH.
20180110             —ACKNOWLEDGED, MISSOURI Republican GOVERNOR—ERIC—GREITANS, being unfaithful in his marriage but denied allegations that he blackmailed 1—WOMAN to stay quiet, —FOLLOWING 1—BOMBSHELL news report that overshadowed his annual report to the Legislature.
20180110             VERMONT—STATE—SENATE gave final approval to 1—BILL that would allow the recreational USE—OF—MARIJUANA, putting he state on course to become the 1. USA—STATE to legalize pot by 1—ACT—OF—THE—LEGISLATURE rather than through 1—CITIZEN—REFERENDUM.
20180110             BULGARIA said it will join POLAND in its appeal against 1—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION—DECISION to impose stricter limits on toxic pollutants COAL—FIRED plants emit.
20180110             COAL—FIRED power plants produce about 40—PERCENT—OF—BULGARIA—ELECTRICITY.
20180110             —JOINED, CAMBODIA—PRIME—MINISTER—HUN—SEN and CHINA—PREMIER Li Keqiang were, by leaders from THAILAND, LAOS—VIETNAM and MYANMAR over development in the Mekong subregion.
20180110             —AGREED, The leaders, in 1—JOINT—STATEMENT to enhance connectivity between their countries to accelerate industrialization, urbanization, trade and financial integration.
20180110             —CALLED, They also, for greater cooperation in managing and utilizing water resources.
20180110             —RESUMED, COLOMBIA—MARXIST—ELN rebels, attacks on oil installations and the armed forces, —JUST hours —AFTER the expiration of 1—CEASEFIRE with the government that had reduced THE—INTENSITY—OF—THE—CONFLICT.
20180110             —ANNOUNCED, COLOMBIA—PRESIDENT—JUAN—MANUEL—SANTOS, that he had suspended peace talks with National Liberation Army (ELN) rebels in response to what he said were guerrilla attacks —EARLIER—TODAY.
20180110             —FORCED, Rescue crews were, to retreat from the stricken Sanchi, 1—IRAN—OIL—TANKER in THE—EAST—CHINA—SEA, —FOLLOWING 1—EXPLOSION on the ship as 1—FIRE raged for a 4. —DAY—AFTER 1—DRAMATIC—COLLISION.
20180110             The new CZECH—REPUBLIC—MINORITY—GOVERNMENT led by populist billionaire Andrej Babis agreed with 1—PROPOSAL to tax the compensation that the country's churches receive for property seized by THE—FORMER—COMMUNIST—REGIME.
20180110             —APPROVED, ETHIOPIA—LAWMAKERS, 1—BAN on foreign adoptions.
20180110             GERMANY—CENTRAL—COUNCIL—OF—JEWS said new migrants to GERMANY must visit Nazi concentration camp memorials to help tackle 1 perceived rise in ANTI—SEMITISM, supporting 1—PROPOSAL by 1—PALESTINIAN—GERMANY—POLITICIAN.
20180110             —REPORTED, IRAN—PRO—REFORM—SHARGH newspaper and other dailies, that Ayatollah Sadegh Amoli Larijani, the head of the judiciary, has ordered officials to "quickly" review cases and implement new regulations that will prevent thousands of convicted drug smugglers from being executed.
20180110             —CRASHED, THE—IRAN—NAVAL destroyer Damavand, into 1—BREAKWATER —DURING 1—STORM, killing 2—CREW members.
20180110             It sank in the Caspian Sea —FOLLOWING the crash.
20180110             —APPROVED, ISRAEL, more than 1,100 new settlement homes in the occupied WEST—BANK, the latest in 1—RAFT of such moves by PRIME—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU—GOVERNMENT.
20180110             352—HOMES received final approval, —WHILE the others were 1—EARLIER—STAGE in the process.
20180110             The next —DAY Rohingya Muslims who fled the village said the victims were all civilians, not fighters as asserted by the army.
20180110             —ANGERED, PAKISTAN, 1—MOB, over the recent rape and murder of an 8—YEAR—OLD—GIRL attacked 1—POLICE—STATION and 1—NEARBY—GOVERNMENT building in EAST—PUNJAB province, triggering clashes that left at least 2—PEOPLE—DEAD and several injured.
20180110             —APPROVED, POLAND—LAWMAKERS, 1—CONTROVERSIAL—ELECTORAL—LAW that critics say will give the ruling party influence over the voting procedure and will allow more room for vote rigging.
20180110             The bill still needs THE—APPROVAL—OF—PRESIDENT—ANDRZEJ—DUDA.
20180110             —REPORTED, SAUDI—ARABIA—PRESS, that PRINCE—ABDULLAH bin Saud bin Mohammed, who purportedly made 1—AUDIO recording criticizing the government, has been sacked as HEAD—OF—THE—KINGDOM—MARITIME—SPORTS—FEDERATION and replaced by 1—MILITARY—OFFICER.
20180110             In the nearly 6—MINUTE—LONG audio that was —POSTED online and published on Arabic media websites this —WEEK THE—PRINCE said the government's publicly stated reasons for arresting 11—PRINCES are "false" and "illogical".
20180110             —ARRESTED, The 11 were, for staging 1—SIT—IN outside 1—PALACE and protesting 1—ROYAL—ORDER to halt utility payments for royals.
20180110             —BANNED, SWITZERLAND, the common culinary practice of throwing fresh lobsters into boiling water as PART—OF—1—OVERHAUL—OF—ITS—ANIMAL—PROTECTION—RULES, which take effect in March.
20180110             SWITZERLAND, an 83—YEAR—OLD—MAN apparently shot and killed his wife in her hospital bed near ZURICH early —TODAY, then killed himself.
20180110             —ARRESTED, THAILAND police, Shigeharu Shirai (74) in 1—PROVINCE—NORTH—OF—BANGKOK where he has been hiding for over 10—YEARS to evade murder charges in JAPAN in connection with THE—DEATH—OF—1—RIVAL—GANG—MEMBER.
20180110             —RECOGNIZED, The fugitive was, —WHEN photos of his FULL—BODY tattoos were circulated online.
20180110             —ARRESTED, TUNISIA—POLICE, 328—PEOPLE and fired tear gas as protesters hurled rocks and burned tires —DURING further nationwide demonstrations over price rises.
20180110             THE—VATICAN took over Sodalitium Christianae Vitae, 1—PERU—BASED—CATHOLIC—MOVEMENT, whose founder was accused of sexual and psychological abuse, —JUST days —BEFORE FRANCIS—PAPA starts 1—TRIP to CHILE and PERU where the sexual abuse scandal is expected to play out on the sidelines.
20180110             —WARNED, They, that 1 continued integrated approach to banking —AFTER THE—UK leaves the bloc was vital if EUROPE was to avoid 1—REPEAT—OF—20080000             —THE financial "catastrophe" and THE—EURO—ZONE—CRISIS that followed, prompting bailouts in IRELAND, PORTUGAL and GREECE.
20180110             Historische "Branntweinpest": Als OstFRIESLAND dem Schnaps verfiel
20180110             Drama im MITTELMEER: Der tödliche Kampf von Muslimen und CHRISTEN auf 1—FLÜCHTLINGS—BOOT
20180110             Sturzregen nach Bränden: Mehrere Tote durch Schlammlawinen in KALIFORNIEN
20180110             —NACH, heftiger Kritik, USA—REGIERUNG will Ölbohrung vor FLORIDA doch nicht erlauben
20180110             SÜD—KOREA—PRÄSIDENT: Moon ist zu TREFFEN—MIT—KIM bereit, wenn..
20180110             UM—FRAGE bei Krankenkassen: CANNABIS auf Rezept stark nachgefragt
20180110             Nördlich von HONDURAS: —SCHWERES—ERDBEBEN—IN—DER—KARIBIK
20180110             USA—GERICHT zu "Dreamer": DONALD—TRUMP muss Schutzstatus für junge Einwanderer weiter gewähren
20180110             Immobilien: ENDE—DES—BAUBOOMS erwartet
20180110             STEPHEN—BANNONS Absturz: Geopfert, um zu überleben
20180110             Gefahr im LUFT—RAUM: Drohnen flogen 88-mal zu dicht an Flugzeuge
20180110             WIKILEAKS—GRÜNDER: ECUADOR prüft Mediationsverfahren im Fall ASSANGE
20180110             IG Metall kämpft für 28—STUNDEN—WOCHE: Nehmt euch DIE—ZEIT
20180110             Gewaltsame Proteste: Mehr als 200—DEMONSTRANTEN in TUNESIEN festgenommen
20180110             Rekord im Tierreich: Schwärzer geht nicht
20180110             3—SPEKTAKEL in 1—NACHT: Die totale "SUPER—BLAU—BLUTMONDFINSTERNIS"
20180110             —NACH, Protesten: IRANs —JUSTIZ will ALLE—SOZIALEN—MEDIEN verbieten
20180110             SCHNEE—FALL—IN—DEN Alpen: Zermatt weiter von Außenwelt abgeschnitten
20180110             Sinkende Lagerbestände: USA—ÖL—PREIS steigt auf DREIJAHRES—HOCH
20180110             Mitten in der Großstadt: Nachts, wenn die Leoparden kommen
20180110             AFRIKAnische SCHWEINE—PEST, HAMBURG will Wildschweinjagd erleichtern
20180110             Der Supermond: In der Nacht vom ;;0131;;
20180110             kommt DER—MOND der Erde besonders nahe und das auch noch bei VOLL—MOND
20180110             Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum "Nicht schlecht nach": Norwegische Molkereien wollen Kunden erziehen
20180110             Wegen MISSBRAUCHS—VORWÜRFEN, Greta GERWIG bricht mit Woody Allen
20180110             Sondierungspapier: GroKo hält am Verbrennungsmotor fest
20180110             "—TAG—DER—ARBEITENDEN Journalisten": ERDOGAN sieht TÜRKEI als Vorreiter bei PRESSE—FREIHEIT
20180110             CARITAS—STUDIE, 84 % DER—DEUTSCHEN—WÜNSCHEN sich mehr sozialen Wohnungsbau
20180110             Haushalt: BRÜSSEL erwägt europäische PLASTIK—STEUER
20180110             SPRACH—STEUERUNG: Bequemlichkeit schlägt alles, sogar deutsche Bedenken
20180110             —MACHT—KAMPF—IN—KATALONIEN: Separatisten planen PUIGDEMONT—COMEBACK—PER SKYPE
20180110             JOURNALIST—YIGIT: HAMBURG will ERDOGAN—KRITIKER in DIE—TÜRKEI abschieben
20180110             —PROTESTE—IN—IRAN—ROHANI fordert Freilassung aller verhafteten Studenten
20180110             LAND—WIRTSCHAFT und KLIMA—SCHUTZ, DARF—1—SCHNITZEL weniger sein?
20180110             —VERZEICHNET, Haushaltsüberschuss: Bund, MILLIARDENplus
20180110             Schülerstreich: Schüsse mit Spielzeugpistole auf Thailands KÖNIG bleiben ohne Folgen
20180110             Starinvestor: WARREN—BUFFETT rechnet mit BITCOIN—CRASH
20180110             [l] Kennt ihr eigentlich Googles Begründung, wieso bei AMP die Webseiten von google com und nicht vom Veröffentlicher geladen werden?
20180110             —DETAILED, As we, in 1—DEEP—DIVE—BLOG—POST—LAST—YEAR, privacy reasons make it basically impossible to load the page from THE—PUBLISHER—SERVER
20180110             Nein, natürlich nicht - Der Lacher ist, dass
20180110             —RECOMMENDED, As, by the W3C —TAG, we intend to implement 1—NEW—VERSION—OF—AMP—CACHE serving based on the emerging Web Packaging standard
20180110             Ja, genau!
20180110             —BASED, We have built 1—PROTOTYPE, on the Chrome Browser and 1—EXPERIMENTAL—VERSION—OF—GOOGLE—SEARCH to make sure it actually does deliver on both the desired UX and performance in real use cases.
20180110             [l] STEVE—BANNON ist anscheinend bei Breitbart rausgeflogen.
20180110             Autsch - [l] Und —JETZT zu den WirtschaftsNACHRICHTen, Die DONALD—TRUMP—JUNTA erlässt der DEUTSCHE—BANK—IHRE—STRAFE.
20180110             —WAIVED, THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION has, PART—OF—THE—PUNISHMENT for 5—MEGABANKS whose affiliates were convicted and fined for manipulating global interest rates
20180110             Da hat DIE—DEUTSCHE—BANK also auf DAS—RICHTIGE Pferd gesetzt!
20180110             [l] Der britische BREXIT—MINISTER versucht es mit 1—CHARME—OFFENSIVE—IN—DEUTSCHLAND
20180110             Eher 1.Schutzgelderpressung
20180110             [l] DER—EUGHSTEHT offenbar kurz davor, das Fischereiabkommen der EU mit MAROKKO für ungültig zu erklären
20180110             Mit dem Abschluss habe DIE—EU gegen ihre —PFLICHT zur Wahrung des SELBST—BESTIMMUNGSRECHTS des Volkes der Westsahara verstoßen
20180110             [l] Akt 1: DONALD—TRUMP stellt Hilfszahlungen an PAKISTAN ein.
20180110             Akt 2: PAKISTAN kündigt MILITÄR—, GEHEIM—DIENSTZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT mit DEN—USA auf.
20180110             Telefonat mit SÜD—KOREA: DONALD—TRUMP zeigt sich offen für Gespräche mit NORD—KOREA
20180110             —EVOLUTION: Wie der Schmetterling zum Rüsseltier wurde
20180110             Verfolgte muslimische Minderheit: Burmas Armee gesteht TÖTUNG—VON—ROHINGYA
20180110             Kryptowährung: CHINA ordnet angeblich Sperre für BITCOIN—SCHÜRFER an
20180110             1—FORSCHER—GRUPPE aus den NIEDERLANDEn, DEUTSCHLAND und DEN—USA hatte —BIS zu 338—METER tief in Norddeutschlands Boden gebohrt und in den zu TAGE geförderten Bohrkernen eindeutige Spuren gefunden: Schuppen von den Flügeln früher Lepidoptera.
20180110             DIE—PROBEN stammen aus der ausgehenden Trias und dem frühen Jura
20180110             mit der Bestimmung auf 1—ALTER—VON über 200.000.000—JAHREN sind sie nicht nur satte 70.000.000—JAHRE älter als jeder andere —BISHER, gefundene Beweis der EXISTENZ—VON—SCHUPPENFLÜGLERN.
20180110             Sie zeigen auch, dass
20180110             —BISHER, ging man davon aus, dass
20180110             —BEHAUPTET, DIE—STUDIE, nun, dass
20180110—20180902    —MURDERED, MYANMAR—MILITARY said its soldiers had, 10 captured Muslim "terrorists" —DURING insurgent attacks, —AFTER local Buddhist villagers had forced the captured men into 1—GRAVE they had dug.
20180110—20180902    —CONFIRMED, THE—MYANMAR army CHIEF—OFFICE, that security forces took part in killing "Bengali terrorists" in the village of Inn Din in Rakhine state, —AFTER local Buddhist villagers had forced the captured men into 1—GRAVE they had dug.
20180110—20181231    —SINCE, UN human rights CHIEF—ZEID—RA'AD AL—HUSSEIN said SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—FORCES and their allies have killed at least 85—CIVILIANS in STEPPED—UP attacks against the besieged rebel ENCLAVE—OF—EAST—GHOUTA.
20181015—20180110    —ON, Jayme was found safe in the small TOWN—OF—GORDON and
20190110             —HEADED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, to THE—USA—MEXICO border to push his demand for 1—WALL, 1—DAY—AFTER he walked OUT—OF—NEGOTIATIONS with Democrats in 1—POLITICAL—CRISIS paralyzing the government.
20190110             —AMBUSHED, CALIFORNIA, rookie police Officer Natalie CORONA (22) was, and shot dead by 1—GUNMAN as she investigated 1—CAR—CRASH in downtown Davis.
20190110             Police soon found suspect KEVIN—DOUGLAS—LIMBAUGH dead —AFTER he shot himself in the head.
20190110             USA carmaker Ford said it planned 1—MAJOR restructuring of its European operations, including job cuts, to boost profitability.
20190110             —ANNOUNCED, INDIAN—OWNED Jaguar Land Rover also, major restructuring in EUROPE as consumers dump diesel cars for greener electric vehicles.
20190110             —AGREED, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, to pay CALIFORNIA $78.4—MILLION as PART—OF—1—LARGER—AGREEMENT with federal regulators to settle allegations of cheating on diesel emission tests.
20190110             —CONTINUED, Heavy snowfall, in parts of AUSTRIA and SOUTH—GERMANY, with several places cut off and the bad weather expected to persist.
20190110             Snow was causing problems in other parts of EUROPE, even in NORWAY—ARCTIC—SVALBARD archipelago.
20190110             —REPORTED, At least 17—WEATHER—RELATED deaths have been, in EUROPE over the past —WEEK.
20190110             —FIRED, BATON—WIELDING BANGLADESH—POLICE, tear gas to break up THOUSANDS—OF—GARMENT—WORKERS demonstrating for higher wages for a 5. —DAY, forcing DOZENS—OF—FACTORIES to close.
20190110             —WARNED, BELARUS PRESIDENT—ALEXANDER—LUKASHENKO sternly, RUSSIA that it could lose its ally if it fails to offer compensation for higher oil prices.
20190110             —KILLED, NORTH—BURKINA—FASO, 12—CIVILIANS were, —DURING 1—JIHADIST—ATTACK in the village of Gasseliki.
20190110             The area has been battling 1—WAVE—OF—ISLAMIST—VIOLENCE.
20190110             —ADMINISTERED, At least 145—CHILDREN were, the expired polio vaccines.
20190110             —ANNOUNCED, CONGO—ELECTORAL—COMMISSION (CENI), overnight that FELIX—TSHISEKEDI, 55—JAHRE—ALT had won 20191230             —THE vote, edging out another challenger, businessman MARTIN—FAYULU.
20190110             —RESPECTED, The Catholic Church, 1—OF—THE—COUNTRY—MOST, institutions, challenged the official results, suggesting its tally did not give victory to opposition leader Tshisekedi.
20190110             4—PROTESTERS were killed in clashes with security forces in KIKWIT.
20190110             SOUTH—CROATIA, 1—FIRE broke out at the 252-megawatt (MW) Dubrovnik hydro power plant in Plat, leaving 1—WORKER—DEAD and at least 3 injured.
20190110             —KILLED, EAST—CUBA, 7—PEOPLE were, and 5—LEFT in critical condition —AFTER 1—BUS crashed carrying tourists and local travelers.
20190110             FRANCE, RIDE—HAILING giant Uber lost 1—APPEAL brought by 1—FORMER—DRIVER who wanted his TERMS—OF—EMPLOYMENT recognized as 1—FULLY—FLEDGED work contract.
20190110             —CANCELLED, GERMANY, almost 640—FLIGHTS were, as security staff went on strike at 3—AIRPORTS, meaning disruption for —AROUND 100,000 passengers.
20190110             —OUSTED, INDIA—FEDERAL—POLICE—CHIEF was, by 1—PANEL led by PRIME—MINISTER—NARENDRA—MODI, drawing criticism from the main opposition Congress party.
20190110             Alok Verma, CHIEF—OF—THE—CENTRAL—BUREAU—OF—INVESTIGATION (CBI), was suspended in October along with his deputy —AFTER they accused EACH—OTHER—OF—BRIBERY and interfering in investigations.
20190110             —ARMED, CENTRAL—MALI, THE—FRANCE—MILITARY in coordination with Malian, forces carried out airstrikes killed some 15—MEMBERS—OF—1 unnamed extremist group that had been preparing 1—ATTACK.
20190110             —DISCOVERED, NORWAY—AKER—ENERGY said it had, oil in commercial quantities off GHANA, which the government welcomed as 1—POTENTIAL—BOOST to the economy.
20190110             —INDICATED, Exploratory drilling, an "estimated 450—550—MILLION—BARRELS—OF—OIL—EQUIVALENT (mmboe)" in the Pecan field.
20190110             —AWARDED, SAUDI—ARABIA, 1—CONTRACT to build a $500—MILLION—WIND—FARM, a 1. for the world's top oil exporter as it pushes to diversify its energy sector.
20190110             1—CONSORTIUM led by FRANCE—EDF and ABU—DHABI—MASDAR won the bid for the 400-megawatt Dumat AL—JANDAL wind project in THE—NORTH—AL—JOUF province.
20190110             SPAIN—POLICE said 28—PROFESSIONAL tennis players, including 1—WHO participated in —LAST—YEAR—USA—OPEN, have been linked to 1—INTERNATIONAL organized group accused of fixing matches.
20190110             —KILLED, SOUTH—THAILAND, 4—PARAMILITARY volunteers were, —WHILE guarding 1—SCHOOL in Pattani province.
20190110             VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—MADURO was sworn into 1—NEW—TERM in office by the nation's SUPREME—COURT.
20190110             1—REBEL—DRONE hit YEMEN—LARGEST—AIR—BASE, killing 6—LOYALIST—SOLDIERS —DURING 1—MILITARY—PARADE at THE—AL—ANAD Air Base near ADEN in 1—ATTACK which threatened to hamper UN—LED peace efforts.
20190110             [l] FNORD—DES—TAGES,
20190110             1 disgraced FORMER—ISRAEL—CABINET—MINISTER who once smuggled 32,000 ecstasy tablets disguised as M&M's will be jailed for 11—YEARS for spying for IRAN.
20190110             [l] Content ID (Googles Youtube-"KI" zum Erkennen von Raubmordkopien) versagt auffallend krass.
20190110             NORD—KOREAS MACHT—HABER in CHINA: Kim und Xi demonstrieren Einigkeit
20190110             BDI—GRUNDSATZPAPIER: DEUTSCHE—INDUSTRIE fordert härteren —KURS gegenüber CHINA
20190110             Kinderarmut: SPD fordert eigenständige Kindergrundsicherung
20190110             "Enorm negative Symbolwirkung": ENTWICKLUNGS—MINISTER—MÜLLER sauer über Pannenflieger
20190110             Verkäufe in CHINA brechen ein: Jaguar Land Rover plant offenbar massiven Stellenabbau
20190110             Expedition der "Polarstern": Festgefroren im Packeis
20190110             Kritik von TOP—ÖKONOM, DEUTSCHLANDs Umgang mit CHINA "viel zu naiv"
20190110             "Entschlossene MAßNAHMEn": Ford streicht Stellen im verlustreichen EUROPA—GESCHÄFT
20190110             Ehemaliges Touristenziel: TÜRKEI—STADT Hasankeyf droht zu versinken
20190110             Immobilien: Preise für Neubauten steigen so stark wie —SEIT—11—JAHREN nicht mehr
20190110             [l] Schöne Studie: des REICH—10—FLORENTINER Familien aus 14720000              sind —HEUTE IMMER—NOCH des REICH—10—FAMILIEN in FLORENZ.
20190110             [l] DONALD—TRUMP und sein Shutdown bringt gerade genau DIE—LEUTE gegen ihn auf, die er immer als Kern seiner Strategie benutzt: DIE—GRENZER und die Küstenwache.
20190110             'Bankruptcy is 1—LAST option,' the service said in 1—TIP sheet published on 1—WEBSITE.
20190110             Hoffentlich stellt sich das als KUNST—AKTION von irgendeinem Zyniker raus.
20190110             NICOLÁS—MADUROS Vereidigung: Isoliert, aber unbeirrt
20190110             Pompeo in KAIRO: "Wenn sich DIE—USA zurückziehen, folgt Chaos"
20190110             Mysteriöse Radiowellen: Code aus dem WELT—RAUM
20190110             —ATTACKIERT, Europäische EINWANDERUNGS—POLITIK, ORBÁN, DEUTSCHLAND und Frankreich scharf
20190110             Erbe des Kolonialismus: Warum afrikanische Kunst in EUROPA am besten aufgehoben ist
20190110             Trotz heftiger Proteste: MADURO tritt 2. Amtszeit an
20190110             Davos: DONALD—TRUMP sagt Teilnahme am WELT—WIRTSCHAFTSFORUM ab
20190110             Kosmisches Drama: Wenn SCHWARZE Löcher Sterne zerfetzen
20190110             —WÄHREND, eines Testlaufs mit dem extrem leistungsfähigen RadioTELESKOP "CANADA—HYDROGEN Intensity Mapping Experiment" (Chime) in der kanadischen Provinz UK—COLUMBIA seien —SOMMER—IM, 12—SCHNELLER Radioblitze (Fast Radio Burst, FRB) gemessen worden,
20190110             —ENTSTANDEN, Wie und wo die Signale, ist unklar.
20190110             Aus dem Rhythmus der Röntgenpulse konnten DIE—FORSCHER ableiten, wie schnell das SCHWARZE Loch rotiert.
20190110             "Das ist nicht SUPERSCHNELL—ES gibt andere SCHWARZE Löcher, deren Spin auf nahe 99—PROZENT—DER—LICHTGESCHWINDIGKEIT geschätzt wird",
20190110             —DEMONSTRIERT, DIE—UNTERSUCHUNG, 1.neue Methode, um den Spin supermassereicher SCHWARZER Löcher zu bestimmen.
20190110             LINKE—FRAKTIONSKLAUSUR in BERLIN: Putsch fällt aus
20190110             —RECHTS—EXTREMES Netzwerk: Weiterer POLIZIST in HESSEN unter Verdacht
20190110             —HANDEL in DEUTSCHLAND: Bücher sind teurer GEWORDEN—UND werden weniger gekauft
20190110             TSIPRAS empfängt MERKEL in ATHEN: "Wir gehen in ein neues Zeitalter"
20190110             —AM, wird bekannt, daß in HESSEN ein weiterer POLIZIST im Verdacht steht, Behördendaten an RECHTS—EXTREMISTEN weitergegeben zu haben.
20190110             —REPORTED, CHINA—CCTV, that parent discovered —EARLIER this —WEEK that 1—BATCH of orally administered polio vaccines were being given to children at 1—COUNTY—RUN—HEALTH—FACILITY nearly 1—MONTH—AFTER their 20191211              expiration date.
20190110—20190113    —ON, MAJOR—GENERAL—MOHAMMAD—SALEH—TAMAH, CHIEF—OF—YEMEN—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE, † of wounds suffered in the attack.
20190115—20190110    —PREPARED, Congress also, to formally declare Maduro 1—USURPER —FOLLOWING his inauguration to 1 disputed 2. term.
20190116             Koontz was found dead 20190110           .
20190118—20190110    —ON, THE—UN—HUMAN—RIGHTS—OFFICE said at least 34—PEOPLE have been killed in CONGO —SINCE disputed provisional election results were announced.
20190203—20190110    —IN—THE, MAJOR—GENERAL—SALEH—AL—ZANDAN was among 11 wounded drone attack on 1—MILITARY—PARADE at the base in Lahij.
20191217             THE—COURT—GAVE—THE—FBI a 20190110              deadline to come up with 1—PROPOSAL.
20200000             ist die ZAHL—DER—FIRMENGRÜNDUNGEN deutlich gestiegen.
20200110             —IMPOSED, THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION, new sanctions on IRAN, including penalties on the country's metals and SOME—SENIOR—LEADERS, —FOLLOWING TEHRAN—ATTACK on USA—MILITARY—BASES.
20200110             USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—MIKE—POMPEO said THE—USA—BELIEVES it is "likely" IRAN shot down THE—UKRAINE—PASSENGER—PLANE that crashed this —WEEK in IRAN, killing all 176 on BOARD.
20200110             —REJECTED, THE—USA, 1—REQUEST by IRAQ—CARETAKER—PRIME—MINISTER—ADEL—ABDEL—MAHDI to send 1—DELEGATION to start preparations to pull out its 5,200 troops in the country.
20200110             —CHARGED, Cryptocurrency expert Virgil Griffith (36), with violating economic sanctions against NORTH—KOREA, was released on $1—MILLION—BOND despite federal prosecutors' concerns he might flee THE—USA—BEFORE trial.
20200110             —PLACED, Griffith was, on house arrest with electronic monitoring at his parents' home outside TUSCALOOSA—ALABAMA.
20200110             —AIMED, He is known for creating WikiScanner, 1—TOOL that, to unmask people who anonymously edited entries in Wikipedia.
20200110             FLORIDA, 19680000             —THE Ford Mustang GT that STEVE—MCQUEEN drove in the classic car chase from the movie "Bullitt," 1—OF—THE—MOST famed cars from USA—CINEMA, sold for $3.4—MILLION at auction.
20200110             —PLEADED, ILLINOIS, accountant SULTAN—ISSA, 46—JAHRE—ALT, guilty to embezzling MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS from 1—TRUSTEE—OF—THE—ART—INSTITUTE—OF—CHICAGO, using the money to finance 1—LUXURIOUS—LIFESTYLE that included the purchase of yachts and homes.
20200110             —ADMITTED, Issa, to stealing 1—TOTAL—OF at least $65—MILLION over 7—YEARS.
20200110             NEVADA, MARGARET—RUDIN, 76—JAHRE—ALT, 1—SOCIALITE antiques shop owner dubbed the "black widow" —WHILE she was 1—FUGITIVE ahead of her 20010000              trial, left 1—WOMEN—PRISON—AFTER winning parole from her 20—YEARS—TO—LIFE—SENTENCE for THE—KILLING—OF—REAL—ESTATE mogul Ron Rudin.
20200110             —STUMBLED, Fishermen, across his skull and some charred bones 1—MONTH—LATER near the shoreline of 1—COLORADO—RIVER reservoir about 45—MILES (72—KILOMETERS) outside LAS—VEGAS.
20200110             —BECAME, GOVERNOR—GREG—ABBOTT—OF—TEXAS, the 1. GOVERNOR—IN—THE—USA to refuse to accept refugees under 1—EXECUTIVE—ORDER requiring local jurisdictions to actively opt in to the federal resettlement program.
20200110             —REPORTED, It was, that Boeing Co's ousted CHIEF executive officer, DENNIS—MUILENBURG, is leaving the company with $62—MILLION in compensation and pension benefits but will receive no severance pay —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—THE—737—MAX crisis.
20200110             Boeing CO—BIGGEST supplier, Spirit AeroSystems Holdings Inc, said it plans to lay off more than 20—PERCENT—OF—THE—WORKFORCE at its WICHITA—KANSAS base as it grapples with halted production and uncertainty over —WHEN 737—MAX jets will return to service.
20200110             —ACCUSED—OF, WISCONSIN political activist JEREMY—RYAN, 31—JAHRE—ALT, trying to buy 1—LETHAL dose of 1—RADIOACTIVE—SUBSTANCE online, pleaded guilty to 1—COUNT—OF receiving 1—NUCLEAR—MATERIAL.
20200110             His attorneys said he had cancer and intended to use the material to kill himself.
20200110             —MERGED, SOUTH—EAST—AUSTRALIA, 2—WILDFIRES, to form 1—MASSIVE 1.58—MILLION—ACRE inferno in the Snowy Mountains region near Tumbarumba.
20200110             1—MAN suffered serious burns protecting 1—HOME, in 1—NIGHT—OF—TREACHEROUS—CONDITIONS —DURING the nation's unprecedented wildfire crisis.
20200110             —REQUESTED, Authorities in BRITAIN formally, the extradition of ANNE—SACOOLAS, the wife of 1—USA—DIPLOMAT, who was charged in THE—DEATH—OF—1—UK—TEENAGER.
20200110             —ORDERED, INDIA—TOP—COURT, the government to review all restrictions in INDIAN—CONTROLLED Kashmir, saying the measures amount to 1—ABUSE—OF—POWER.
20200110             IRAQ, thousands took to the streets in THE—IRAQ—SHIA—MAJORITY—SOUTH, including the main protest hotspots of DIWANIYAH, Nasiriyah, Basra and the holy cities of Najaf and KARBALA, reviving 1—MONTHS—LONG—PROTEST—MOVEMENT against the government.
20200110             —INJURED, LEBANON, at least 1—PERSON was, in BEIRUT —DURING protests calling for THE—RESIGNATION—OF—THE—CITY—MAYOR and GOVERNOR over alleged corruption within the municipality.
20200110             —ATTACKED, The protesters were, by men who support THE—2—LOCAL—OFFICIALS.
20200110             LESOTHO, 1. lady Maesaiah Thabane fled the country to escape arrest in connection with 20170000             —THE—KILLING—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—THOMAS—THABANE—FORMER—WIFE, Lipolelo.
20200110             —REPORTED, NORTH—MEXICO, at least 2—PEOPLE were, to have been killed and 6 injured —AFTER an 11—YEAR—OLD—BOY entered 1—SCHOOL with 2—HANDGUNS and opened fire in THE—CITY—OF—TORREÓN, Coahuila state.
20200110             —KILLED, Police said the shooter had, himself.
20200110             † OMAN—SULTAN—QABOOS, 79—JAHRE—ALT, THE—MIDDLE—EAST—LONGEST—RULING monarch, —AFTER years of 1 undisclosed illness.
20200110             —BOMBED, SYRIA—WARPLANES, 1—MAJOR—REBEL—STRONGHOLD in the country's northwest, less than —24—HOURS—AFTER 1—CEASE—FIRE went into effect there.
20200110             Unidentified planes struck targets in Syria near the border with IRAQ, killing 8—IRAN—BACKED IRAQ—MILITIAMEN.
20200110             —CARRIED, IRAQ—OFFICIALS said the strike was most likely, out by ISRAEL—WARPLANES, but offered no evidence.
20200110             —CONFIRMED, THE—UNHCR, that 2—ERITREA—ASYLUM—SEEKERS were shot dead in THE—LIBYA—CAPITAL, TRIPOLI, days —AFTER the refugee agency pressed them to leave its facility citing overcrowding.
20200110             THE—UNITED—NATIONS said 7—COUNTRIES -- LEBANON, YEMEN, VENEZUELA, CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC, GAMBIA, LESOTHO and TONGA -- have fallen behind in their financial contributions and would not be able to in the 74. SESSION—OF—THE—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY.
20200110             —FREITAG, Oberstes Gericht in BRASILIEN: Netflix darf umstrittene JESUS—PARODIE nun doch zeigen
20200110             —BÜRGER—KRIEGSLAND: UNO—HILFE für SYRIEN droht das AUS—OFFENBAR wegen russischer Blockade
20200110             Einladung aus TEHERAN, USA—EXPERTEN dürfen nun doch in IRAN zur Absturzursache ermitteln
20200110             Buschbrände wieder angefacht: AUSTRALIEN fordert 240.000—BÜRGER zur Evakuierung auf
20200110             Mutmaßlicher BOEING—ABSCHUSS in TEHERAN: Im Nebel des Krieges
20200110             Kanada: ASBESTOS—STADT will toxischen Namen loswerden
20200110             Gegen KOHLEKOMMISSION—EMPFEHLUNG, Ostländer empört über ALTMAIER—DEAL zum Kohleausstieg
20200110             Infrastrukturprojekte: DONALD—TRUMP will Umweltschutzvorschriften weiter aufweichen
20200110             Thüringen: Linnemann gegen JEDE—ZUSAMMENARBEIT mit der Linken
20200110             Terror in der Sahelzone: Extremisten überrennen Militärcamp in NIGER, mehr als 30—SOLDATEN tot
20200110             MEDIEN—BERICHT, TÜRKEI will Schulen in DEUTSCHLAND gründen
20200110             Juwelendiebstahl in DRESDEN: Schmuckstücke aus Grünem Gewölbe in ISRAEL angeboten
20200110             —KLIMAPROTEST: Darum trifft sich der SIEMENS—CHEF—MIT "Fridays for Future"
20200110             —ABSTURZ zweier Boeing 737—MAX in INDONESIEN und Äthiopien: "Dieses Flugzeug wurde von Clowns entworfen, die von Affen beaufsichtigt wurden"
20200110             HOLOCAUST—GEDENKEN ohne Polen: Dudas ALBT—RAUM
20200110             Prozess im Fall "REVOLUTION—CHEMNITZ, Verteidiger wollen VERFASSUNGSSCHUTZ—PRÄSIDENT befragen
20200110             Gutachten: Verbleib der USA—TRUPPEN gegen Willen der Regierung in BAGDAD wäre rechtswidrig
20200110             Schifffahrt: HAPAG—LLOYD will ZAHL—DER—CONTAINER—RIESEN verdoppeln
20200110             Vulkan in Mexiko: Große Rauchwolke nach AUSBRUCH—DES—POPOCATÉPETL
20200110             Augenoptik: BRILLEN—BRANCHE hofft auf goldenes —JAHRZEHNT
20200110             AUßEN—POLITIK à la TRUMP: Einmal Sanktionen für ALLE—AUS—WASHINGTON berichtet INES—ZÖTTL
20200110             Forderung der irakischen Regierung: USA sollen Details für Truppenabzug festlegen
20200110             Bundesnachrichtendienst: Regierung WARNT—VOR—EINSCHRÄNKUNG der Überwachungsmöglichkeiten
20200110             EUROPA: Der IRAN—DEAL ist kaum zu retten
20200110             "Verrecke": POLIZEICHEF—VON—OLDENBURG erhält MORD—DROHUNGEN nach AFD—KRITIK
20200110             In eigener SACHE—NEUE SPIEGEL—AKADEMIE—KURSE: Mit KI Karriere machen
20200110             Juwelendiebstahl in Grünem Gewölbe: Ermittler dementieren Auftrag an israelische SICHERHEITSfirma
20200110             INDIEN: Oberster Gerichtshof hält dauerhafte INTERNET—ABSCHALTUNG für unzulässig
20200110             —FRIDAYS—FOR—FUTURE—PROTESTE: SIEMENS—CHEF—KAESER bietet Luisa Neubauer Sitz im Aufsichtsrat an
20200110             Fall Epstein: Überwachungsvideo vor Gefängniszelle soll versehentlich gelöscht worden sein
20200110             —NACH, Raketenbeschuss: USA verhängen neue Sanktionen gegen IRAN
20200110             MEDIEN—BERICHT, Zeugen berichten von POLIZEI—GEWALT—IN—SILVESTER—NACHT
20200110             —DEBATTE—ÜBER—BEDINGUNGSLOSES Grundeinkommen: Schäuble hält hohe Sozialleistungen für schädlich
20200110             WIKILEAKS—GRÜNDER—ASSANGE: Spielte sein Beschützer ein doppeltes Spiel?
20200110             —UKRAINE—AFFÄRE: PELOSI will Weg frei machen für START—VON—IMPEACHMENT—VERFAHREN
20200110             —NACH, 737—MAX—FIASKO: Airbus überholt Boeing als größter Flugzeugbauer
20200110             —VERSUCHT, MEDIEN—BERICHTE: USA sollen, haben, weiteren hochrangigen iranischen Militär zu töten
20200110—19941200    —IN, THE—64—YEAR—OLD—PROMINENT—LAS—VEGAS real estate developer had disappeared.
20200110—20100000    —SEIT, hat sich die ANZAHL—DER—ÜBERNACHTUNGEN in Hallstatt VON—CA—70.000—AUF mehr als 140.000—VERDOPPELT.
20200110—20180000    —IN—LATE, CANADA—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE said Huawei CHIEF financial officer Meng Wanzhou, arrested in VANCOUVER, could be extradited to THE—USA, because her offense is 1—CRIME in both countries.
20200110—20200108    —IN—THE, CANADA lowered the number of its citizens killed crash of 1—JETLINER in IRAN from 63 to 57.
20200110—20200204    —RETURNED, Maesaiah, and handed herself over to police.
20200111             Fri 20200110
20201202—20200110    —BIS—ZUM—VERLÄNGERT, TEIL—LOCKDOWN wird
20201210             —NACH—DEN CDU—MINISTERPRÄSIDENTEN aus NRW und SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN, Armin Laschet und DANIEL—GÜNTHER, hat sich nun der bayerische Ministerpräsident MARKUS—SÖDER für einen "kompletten Lockdown" von Weihnachten —BIS zum 20200110              ausgesprochen.
20201210             Eine bessere Zeit als die zwischen Weihnachten und 20200110              werde man im ganzen —JAHR nicht mehr finden.
20201215—20200110    —AB, CORONA—REGELN : CORONA—LOCKDOWN — und dann?
20201217             "Ich gehe nicht davon aus, dass wir —BIS zum 20200110              eine relevante Absenkung der Infektionsraten und —SCHON gar nicht der Todesfälle erreichen werden",
20201217             Es sei —BEREITS absehbar, dass der Lockdown —BIS zum 20200110              nicht ausreichen werde, um auf den Inzidenzwert von 50—NEUINFEKTIONEN je 100.000—EINWOHNER innerhalb einer Woche zu kommen.
20201218             Das Verbot sollte landesweit —SEIT dem vergangenen —MITTWOCH—BIS zum 20210110              gelten.
20201220—20200110    —AM, Laschet machte zudem klar, dass er nicht mit einem ENDE—DES—LOCKDOWNS rechnet
20201226             "Es ist abzusehen, dass die LOCKDOWN—MAßNAHMEN über den 20200110              hinaus verlängert werden müssen",
20210102—20210110    —AM, "Ich fürchte, dass die Läden noch nicht wieder öffnen dürfen.
20210110             † DAVID—BARCLAY, 86—JAHRE—ALT, 1—OF—THE—BILLIONAIRE identical twins whose business empire includes BRITAIN—DAILY—TELEGRAPH newspaper.
20210110             CALIFORNIA to date had 2,684,516 CASES—OF—CORONAVIRUS and 29,927 deaths.
20210110             THE—SF Bay Area had 305,334 cases and 3,030 deaths.
20210110             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 22,385,975 with the death toll at 374,072.
20210110             MEMPHIS police officer Patric Ferguson (29) was taken into custody on charges of kidnapping and shooting 30—YEAR—OLD—ROBERT—HOWARD —AFTER forcing him in the backseat of 1—SQUAD—CAR.
20210110             1 2. person, JOSHUA—ROGERS, 28—JAHRE—ALT, was arrested for allegedly assisting Ferguson to relocate the victim's body.
20210110             TEXAS, PATRICK—LYNN—WARREN, 52—JAHRE—ALT was fatally shot by Killeen Officer Reynaldo Contreras, who was responding to what has been termed 1—PSYCHIATRIC—CALL.
20210110             —CALLED, WARREN—FAMILY soon, for the officer to be arrested and charged for the shooting.
20210110             Marriott INTERNATIONAL and BLUE—CROSS—BLUE—SHIELD said that they would temporarily stop donating to House members and senators who voted last —WEEK against certifying PRESIDENT—ELECT JOE—BIDEN—ELECTORAL—COLLEGE—VICTORY.
20210110             CANADA, a curfew took effect across QUEBEC province in an effort to curb a surge in coronavirus infections.
20210110             —TRAPPED, EAST—CHINA, 1—MINE—EXPLOSION, 22—WORKERS.
20210110             —WAITED, Managers, more than 1—DAY—BEFORE reported that the explosion in VIOLATION—OF—RULES saying accidents must be reported within an —HOUR.
20210110             —REMAINED, Days —LATER their condition, unknown.
20210110             —KILLED, EAST—CONGO, gunmen, at least 6—RANGERS in Virunga National Park, the latest attack in the area that is home to SOME—OF—THE—WORLD—LAST—MOUNTAIN gorillas.
20210110             —FAILED, EGYPT, SUDAN and ETHIOPIA said they have, to achieve 1—BREAKTHROUGH in the African UNION—LED talks to revolve their YEARS—LONG—DISPUTE over the controversial dam that ETHIOPIA is building on THE—BLUE—NILE.
20210110             —LOCATED, INDONESIA—AUTHORITIES, the black boxes of the Sriwijaya Air jet that crashed into the sea soon —AFTER taking off from THE—CAPITAL—JAKARTA, as human body parts and PIECES—OF—THE—PLANE were retrieved.
20210110             —CARRIED, ISRAEL—MILITARY—JETS, out several low flying flights over BEIRUT as reconnaissance drones also buzzed overhead in what has become 1—DAILY—OCCURRENCE.
20210110             ISRAEL—CORONAVIRUS—VACCINATION—CAMPAIGN, the world's fastest per capita, shifted to booster shots in 1—BID to protect the most vulnerable citizens by next —MONTH and ease curbs on the economy.
20210110             —REPORTED, ITALY, 361—CORONAVIRUS—RELATED deaths, down from 483 THE—DAY—BEFORE, —WHILE the daily TALLY—OF—NEW—INFECTIONS fell to 18,627 from 19,978.
20210110             —COMPETED, KAZAKHSTAN, 5—PARTIES, for seats in the lower HOUSE—OF—PARLIAMENT, but all are loyal to the government.
20210110             —REGISTERED, The country's only, opposition party declined to field candidates.
20210110             —DETAINED, DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE protesting THE—OPPOSITION—FREE—ELECTION were, in the country's capital and in its principal city, but were released  without charges —AFTER several hours.
20210110             KYRGYZSTAN voters gave Sadyr Zhaparov, nationalist politician who was released from prison amid protests that overthrew PRESIDENT—SOORONBAI—JEENBEKOV —LAST—YEAR, 1—LANDSLIDE 79% victory and approved 1—REFERENDUM to change the constitution to give the presidency more power.
20210110             —BREACHED, NEW—ZEALAND—CENTRAL—BANK said that 1—OF—ITS—DATA—SYSTEMS has been, by 1 unidentified hacker who potentially accessed commercially and personally sensitive information.
20210110             —BLAMED, SYRIA—PETROLEUM ministry, USA—SANCTIONS for forcing it to cut by up to 24% its DISTRIBUTION—OF—FUEL and diesel BECAUSE—OF—DELAYS in arrival of needed supplies.
20210110             —RECORDED, ZIMBABWE, 21,477 cases and 507—DEATHS, up from the slightly more than 10,000 cases and 277—DEATHS at the beginning of December.
20210110             —SONNTAG, 20210110
20210110             2. Amtsenthebungsverfahren: Demokraten wollen Impeachment gegen Trump rasch starten
20210110             USA—KONZERNE hängen BMW, Daimler und Volkswagen ab: Bytes gegen Blechkisten
20210110             Gefahr durch überschwere Wohnmobile: "Gnade Gott, wer notbremsen muss"
20210110             Schottland will zurück in die EU: Zerbricht Großbritannien am Brexit?
20210110             Warnung von USA—HISTORIKERIN: "Wir kommen in eine sehr gefährliche Phase" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—ROLAND—NELLES, WASHINGTON
20210110             Schweizer Exil für Reiche: CORONA—LUXUS—WINTER für 55.555—FRANKEN Aus S—MORITZ berichtet WALTER—MAYR
20210110             Lügen und Wahnsinn auf Messengerdienst: Unterwegs in Telegramhausen
20210110             Sturm auf USA—KAPITOL: Nach Google und Apple setzt auch Amazon Dienste für Parler aus
20210110             Nach —ERSTÜRMUNG des Kapitols: Polizei verstärkt Schutz des Reichstagsgebäudes
20210110             CORONA—NEWS: Britischer Experte warnt vor Kollaps des Gesundheitssystems
20210110             Laut Medienberichten: MIKE—PENCE will offenbar an Bidens Amtseinführung teilnehmen
20210110             CORONA—JAHR 20200000             : Deutsche telefonierten länger als zuvor
20210110             Schutz nach COVID—ERKRANKUNG: Das lange Gedächtnis des Immunsystems
20210110             CORONA—ENTWICKLUNG in SACHSEN: In 10—TAGEN zum Hochrisikogebiet
20210110             Umstrittenes "Sicherheitsgesetz": USA und weitere westliche Staaten "ÄUß—ERST besorgt" über Festnahmen in Hongkong
20210110             Triviale Onlineprüfung: LUFTFAHRT—BUNDESAMT verteidigt DROHNEN—FÜHRERSCHEINTEST
20210110             —VERSUCHT, Laut Medienbericht: Trump soll ein weiteres Mal, haben, Wahlausgang zu beeinflussen
20210110             ISRAEL hat —BEREITS 20—PROZENT seiner Bürger gegen CORONA geimpft
20210110             Es solle als MODELL—LAND für die rasche Impfung eines ganzen Staates dienen.
20210110             Im Gegenzug sollen dem Unternehmen demnach Impfdaten zur Verfügung gestellt werden.
20210110             Der USA—ONLINEDIENST Twitter hat einen Beitrag von Irans geistlichem Oberhaupt Ajatollah ALI—KHAMENEI entfernt, in dem dieser CORONA—IMPFSTOFFE aus den USA und Großbritannien als "nicht vertrauenswürdig" bezeichnet hatte.
20210110             Der Tweet Khameneis habe gegen die Unternehmensrichtlinien zum Umgang mit Falschinformationen über die CORONA—PANDEMIE verstoßen und sei deshalb gelöscht worden,
20210110             Es sei "nicht unwahrscheinlich", dass die beiden Länder "andere Nationen vergiften" wollten, fuhr er fort.
20210110             "Angesichts unserer Erfahrung mit HIV—VERSEUCHTEN Blutspenden, sind französische Impfstoffe ebenfalls nicht vertrauenswürdig".
20210110             Insgesamt über 40.000—CORONA—TOTE in Deutschland — 16.946—NEUINFEKTIONEN
20210110             Belgien meldet mehr als 20.000—CORONA—TOTE
20210110             Die Grünen im BUNDESTAG lehnen reine Onlinesitzungen des Parlaments wegen der CORONA—PANDEMIE ab.
20210110             "Der BUNDESTAG ist funktionsfähig, auch in der Krise.
20210110             1—ABKEHR von der Anwesenheit der Abgeordneten würde den Charakter unseres Parlaments völlig verändern.
20210110             —GEWOLLT, Das kann nicht, sein",
20210110             Mehr als 22—MILLIONEN Infektionen in den USA
20210110             Kuba will seinen CORONA—IMPFSTOFF Soberana 02—ZUM Teil in IRAN testen.
20210110             Vertreter beider Länder unterzeichneten in Havanna ein entsprechendes Abkommen,
20210110             KUBA, haben sich bislang nur relativ wenige Menschen mit dem Virus SARS—COV—2—INFIZIERT, was eine Überprüfung der Wirksamkeit eines Impfstoffes schwierig macht.
20210110             Täglich werden 200.000—BRITEN geimpft
20210110             —GRASSIERT, In keinem BUNDESLAND, das Coronavirus so stark wie in SACHSEN.
20210110             Es gab Alarmsignale, andere Länder können daraus lernen.
20210110             Quatsch ist aber, dass die Infiziertenzahlen etwas mit der Sympathie für die AfD zu tun haben.
20210110             CHINA, sind am —SONNTAG von den Behörden 136—CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN gemeldet worden.
20210110             99—DER neuen Fälle wurden in der Provinz Hebei, direkt vor den Toren der chinesischen HAUPTSTADT—PEKING, nachgewiesen.
20210110             Insgesamt stieg die ZAHL—DER—INFEKTIONEN in Hebei auf knapp 400.
20210110             Es handelt sich um den größten Ausbruch —SEIT Monaten.
20210110             Das Immunsystem erinnert sich bei den meisten Menschen auch 8—MONATE nach einer Infektion noch an das Coronavirus, zeigt eine aktuelle Studie.
20210110             Allerdings gibt es große individuelle Unterschiede.
20210110             JAPAN meldet die Entdeckung einer neuen Variante des Coronavirus.
20210110             Diese sei bei 4—REISENDEN aus dem brasilianischen Bundesstaat Amazonas nachgewiesen worden,
20210110             Die Variante unterscheide sich von den in Großbritannien und Südafrika entdeckten hochansteckenden Mutationen.
20210110             Es gebe aber bislang keine Hinweise, dass diese 3. neue Variante ebenfalls sehr infektiös sei.
20210110             Krankenhausstatistik: Weniger COVID—PATIENTEN auf Intensivstationen
20210110             Coronavirus: Leibarzt des Papstes stirbt an Covid-19
20210110             Datenklau: Hacker greifen Neuseelands Zentralbank an
20210110             Umfrage: MEHRHEIT—DER—USA—BÜRGER will Trumps Rauswurf
20210110             BREXIT—FOLGEN: Britische Verbände fordern Nachverhandlungen mit der EU
20210110             CORONA—JAHR: Deutlich weniger Menschen haben 20200000              in Deutschland Asyl beantragt
20210110             Lernen in der Pandemie: Mit Schulfernsehen gegen die Bildungskatastrophe 1—DEBATTENBEITRAG—VON—KLAUS—ZIERER
20210110             Trotz der Aufrufe, Menschenansammlungen zu vermeiden, haben am —SONNTAG in BAYERN VIELE—MENSCHEN das gute Wetter für Ausflüge in Wintersportgebiete genutzt,
20210110             Weihnachten wurde Fabrizio Soccorsi wegen Krebs in 1—KLINIK eingeliefert;
20210110             nun starb der Leibarzt des Papstes nach einer Covid-19-Erkrankung.
20210110             Schweizer Studie: Schulschließungen zählen zu effektivsten CORONA—MAßNAHMEN
20210110             Das geht aus einer Studie hervor, die am —SONNTAG von der ETH Zürich veröffentlicht wurde.
20210110             Schulschließungen verminderten die Mobilität und führten damit zu einer Verringerung der Covid-19-Erkrankungen, erläuterte der ETH—FORSCHER STEFAN—FEUERRIEGEL.
20210110             Für die Studie wurden MITHILFE—VON—TELEKOMMUNIKATIONSDATEN 1,5 Milliarden Bewegungen ausgewertet.
20210110             Die Schulen waren im Frühjahr wegen der Pandemie rund 2—MONATE geschlossen.
20210110             Aus der ETH—STUDIE ergibt sich, dass 2—FAKTOREN die Mobilität noch stärker verringerten als Schulschließungen.
20210110             —RANGIERT, Auf dem Spitzenplatz, mit 24,9 Prozent das Verbot von Treffen mit mehr als 5—MENSCHEN, knapp dahinter liegt mit 22,3 Prozent die Schließung von Restaurants, Bars und Geschäften, die für den täglichen Lebensunterhalt nicht notwendig sind.
20210110             Über Schulschließungen als Mittel zur Eindämmung der Covid-19-Pandemie wird weltweit heftig gestritten.
20210110             Die Gefahr, dass Kinder 1—ERKRANKUNG mit dem COVID—ERREGER erleiden, ist vergleichsweise gering, aber es ist nicht klar, in welchem Maße Kinder COVID—VIREN übertragen.
20210110             "Unsere Analyse belegt, dass Schulschließungen 1—MITTEL sind, die Verbreitung zu verlangsamen, indem sie die Mobilität verringern",
20210110             —GEBOREN, Ob aus der Not oder aus Experimentierfreude : Die Neuunternehmen eröffnen echte Chancen im CORONA—BEDINGTEN Strukturwandel.
20210110             Seychellen wollen als 1. Land 70—PROZENT—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG impfen
20210110             1—GRUPPE von etwa 30—MENSCHEN im Landkreis Görlitz hat am Sonntagmorgen vor dem Privatgrundstück des sächsischen Ministerpräsidenten MICHAEL—KRETSCHMER (CDU) gegen die CORONA—MAßNAHMEN protestiert.
20210110             Als jedoch 1—FRAU demonstrativ 1—HALSTUCH in den Farben der Reichskriegsflagge über ihren Mund zog, sei für ihn 1—GRENZE erreicht gewesen.
20210110             "Dann habe ich das Gespräch abgebrochen. Das ging zu weit",
20210110             —GEMACHT, Betroffen habe ihn bei dem Gespräch, dass die protestierenden Menschen vor seinem Haus, einen "derartigen Unwillen zeigen, Realitäten zur Kenntnis zu nehmen".
20210110             1—VIELZAHL—DER—VERSAMMELTEN—MENSCHEN trug laut Polizei keinen MUND—NASEN—SCHUTZ und hielt nur teilweise die erforderlichen Abstände ein.
20210110             Die LINKEN—SPITZE hat zum politischen Jahresauftakt der Partei für 1—SOZIAL—ÖKOLOGISCHE—WENDE geworben und in der Coronakrise einen besseren Schutz der Arbeitnehmer gefordert.
20210110             Gefordert werden in dem Papier unter anderem 1—STÄRKUNG—DER öffentlichen Infrastruktur und 1—VERKEHRSWENDE hin zu mehr Schienenverkehr und einer Stärkung des ÖPNV, mehr Ausgaben in Bildung, Gesundheit und Klimaschutz statt für Verteidigung und 1—VERMÖGENSABGABE für die Bewältigung der Coronakrise.
20210110             Sun 20210110
20210110             [l] Google, Apple und Amazon haben "Parler" aus dem App Store geworfen.
20210110             Was ist Parler? 1—CHAT—APP.
20210110             Wieso würden Google und co 1—CHAT—APP rausschmeißen?
20210110             Gibt es da nicht Dutzende von?
20210110             Parler schreibt sich Zensurfreiheit auf die Fahnen und zieht daher Leute an, die anderswo rausgeflogen sind.
20210110             Wir leben zunehmend in einer Welt, in der uns die Megacorps vor Gefahren "beschützen", die sie häufig selbst verursacht haben.
20210110             Microsoft gibt euch einen Antivirus, die Verlage schützen euch vor Fake News, die Politik beschützt euch vor "Extremisten", die sozialen Netze beschützen euch vor Hate Speech, Visa beschützt euch vor Wikileaks und Mastercard beschützt euch vor Pornhub.
20210110             Google und Apple beschützen euch vor bösen Apps.
20210110             Irgendwie wir die Bedeutung des Wortes Freiheit immer geringer während meiner Lebenszeit.
20210110             —GELAUFEN, Früher sind Kinder noch zum spielen in den Wald.
20210110             Alleine.
20210110             —HEUTE heißt Freiheit, dass du dir aussuchen kannst, für we
20210110             Added note: According to TRUMP—LAWYER, Lin Wood, THE—PAPA was arrested —RECENTLY on 80—COUNTS—OF—CHILD trafficking.
20210110             Amazing how they kept that arrest OUT—OF—THE—NEWS.
20210110             You'd think that ANY—CONSPIRACY—POWERFUL enough to suppress that information would also be powerful enough to prevent the arrest in the 1. place.
20210110             Há mais 4—ÓBITOS e 285—NOVOS casos de COVID—19—NO Algarve
20210110             DGS: Alentejo regista mais 7—MORTOS e 373—NOVAS infeções
20210110             314_DGS_boletim_20210110
20210110             LK SAALFELD—RUDOLSTADT Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 547—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 530,0 Fälle gesamt 2.924—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.833,4 Todesfälle gesamt 89—EINWOHNERZAHL 103.199—BUNDESLAND—THÜRINGEN
20210110             LK Meißen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 1.265—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 523,3 Fälle gesamt 10.250—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.240,5 Todesfälle gesamt 396—EINWOHNERZAHL 241.717—BUNDESLAND—SACHSEN
20210110             LK Bautzen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 1.635—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 545,4 Fälle gesamt 15.787—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 5.266,6 Todesfälle gesamt 357—EINWOHNERZAHL 299.758—BUNDESLAND—SACHSEN
20210110             LK Wolfenbüttel Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 57—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 47,7 Fälle gesamt 1.181—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 987,3 Todesfälle gesamt 44—EINWOHNERZAHL 119.622—BUNDESLAND—NIEDERSACHSEN
20210110             LK Uelzen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 45—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 48,7 Fälle gesamt 569—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 615,9 Todesfälle gesamt 8—EINWOHNERZAHL 92.389—BUNDESLAND—NIEDERSACHSEN
20210110             SK ROSTOCK Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 90—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 43,0 Fälle gesamt 1.022—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 488,5 Todesfälle gesamt 12—EINWOHNERZAHL 209.191—BUNDESLAND—MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN
20210110             LK Plön Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 57—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 44,3 Fälle gesamt 614—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 477,1 Todesfälle gesamt 11—EINWOHNERZAHL 128.686—BUNDESLAND—SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210110             LK Dithmarschen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 63—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 47,3 Fälle gesamt 1.039—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 780,1 Todesfälle gesamt 32—EINWOHNERZAHL 133.193—BUNDESLAND—SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210110             LK Friesland Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 42—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 42,6 Fälle gesamt 832—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 842,9 Todesfälle gesamt 24—EINWOHNERZAHL 98.704—BUNDESLAND—NIEDERSACHSEN
20210110             SK Wilhelmshaven Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 37—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 48,6 Fälle gesamt 709—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 931,8 Todesfälle gesamt 28—EINWOHNERZAHL 76.089—BUNDESLAND—NIEDERSACHSEN
20210110             SK Emden Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 23—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 46,1 Fälle gesamt 453—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 907,6 Todesfälle gesamt 4—EINWOHNERZAHL 49.913—BUNDESLAND—NIEDERSACHSEN
20210110             LK RHEIN—ERFT—KREIS Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 488—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 103,7 Fälle gesamt 9.545—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.028,2 Todesfälle gesamt 204—EINWOHNERZAHL 470.615—BUNDESLAND—NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210110             LK Düren Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 311—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 117,5 Fälle gesamt 7.493—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.831,4 Todesfälle gesamt 180—EINWOHNERZAHL 264.638—BUNDESLAND—NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210110             LK Euskirchen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 261—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 134,8 Fälle gesamt 4.143—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.139,4 Todesfälle gesamt 118—EINWOHNERZAHL 193.656—BUNDESLAND—NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210110             SK Köln Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 1.260—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 115,8 Fälle gesamt 27.530—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.530,6 Todesfälle gesamt 373—EINWOHNERZAHL 1.087.863 BUNDESLAND—NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210110             LK RHEINISCH—BERGISCHER Kreis Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 393—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 138,7 Fälle gesamt 5.849—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.064,8 Todesfälle gesamt 71—EINWOHNERZAHL 283.271—BUNDESLAND—NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210110             SK BERLIN Neukölln Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 554—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 172,5 Fälle gesamt 12.846—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.000,3 Todesfälle gesamt 229—EINWOHNERZAHL 321.123—BUNDESLAND—BERLIN
20210110             SK Zweibrücken Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 17—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 49,7 Fälle gesamt 380—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.111,3 Todesfälle gesamt 2—EINWOHNERZAHL 34.193—BUNDESLAND—RHEINLAND—PFALZ
20210110             Die Schweizer HOTEL—UND Gastronomiebranche hat vor einer massiven Pleitewelle der Branche wegen der coronabedingten Schließungen gewarnt.
20210110             Ohne sofortige Finanzhilfen der Regierung drohe —BIS Ende März fast der HÄLFTE—DER—BETRIEBE die Insolvenz,
20210110             —BEREITS—JETZT benötigten 98—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN—BETRIEBE dringend neue Liquidität.
20210110             Wegen steigender CORONA—ZAHLEN hat die Schweizer Regierung Bars und Restaurants vorübergehend geschlossen.
20210110             —ZUNÄCHST sollten die Maßnahmen 20210122             —AM enden.
20210110             Mittlerweile wird jedoch 1—VERLÄNGERUNG —BIS Ende Februar erwartet.
20210110             Die ZAHL—DER—COVID 10-Toten in Großbritannien steigt nicht mehr so schnell wie in den Tagen davor.
20210110             Nach ANGABEN—DER—REGIERUNG starben binnen 24—STUNDEN 563—WEITERE Menschen im Zusammenhang mit dem Virus.
20210110             In den 4—TAGEN davor waren es jeweils mehr als 10000000              gewesen.
20210110             Allerdings hängt DATEN—VON—WOCHENENDEN stets 1—UNSICHERHEIT an,
20210110             Tausende Menschen fordern in der tschechischen HAUPTSTADT—PRAG die Lockerung von Beschränkungen.
20210110             Die Polizei spricht von —BIS zu 3000—TEILNEHMERN.
20210110             VIELE—DER—AKTIVISTEN tragen keine Gesichtsmasken und halten kaum Abstand zueinander.
20210110             Mit der Schließung von Restaurants, Geschäften und Schulen müsse ein hoher wirtschaftlicher Preis gezahlt werden, erklären die Demonstranten.
20210110             Auch für die seelische Gesundheit sei der "Lockdown" nicht gut.
20210110             Sorge in MARSEILLE wegen mutierter CORONA—VARIANTE aus Großbritannien
20210110             Technikmesse CES in LAS—VEGAS findet virtuell statt
20210110             Ansteckendere VIRUS—VARIANTE erstmals auch in Russland nachgewiesen
20210110             Sturm aufs Kapitol: Die gefährlichste Bewegung unserer Zeit 1—GASTBEITRAG—VON—PETER—R—NEUMANN
20210110             Abrechnung mit USA—PRÄSIDENT: Schwarzenegger wendet sich mit emotionalem Video an die Amerikaner
20210110             Monchique Casos confirmados - 49 (=) Óbitos - 1 (=) Recuperados - 44 (=) Casos ativos - 4 (=)
20210110             Aljezur Casos confirmados - 48 (=) Óbitos - 1 (=) Recuperados - 29 (=) Casos ativos - 18 (=)
20210110             Vila do Bispo Casos confirmados - 92 (=) Óbitos - 3 (=) Recuperados - 81 (=) Casos ativos - 8 (=)
20210110             LAGOS Casos confirmados - 835 (+8) Óbitos - 7 (=) Recuperados - 609 (=) Casos ativos - 219 (+8)
20210110             Portimão Casos confirmados - 1279 (+19) Óbitos - 15 (+1) Recuperados - 1007 (=) Casos ativos - 239 (+18)
20210110             Lagoa Casos confirmados - 352 (+7) Óbitos - 2 (=) Recuperados - 262 (=) Casos ativos - 88 (+7)
20210110             Albufeira Casos confirmados - 1260 (+40) Óbitos - 6 (=) Recuperados - 795 (=) Casos ativos - 459 (+40)
20210110             Silves Casos confirmados - 651 (+33) Óbitos - 3 (=) Recuperados - 388 (=) Casos ativos - 260 (+33)
20210110             Loulé Casos confirmados - 1655 (+51) Óbitos - 16 (+1) Recuperados - 1087 (=) Casos ativos - 552 (+50)
20210110             São Brás de Alportel Casos confirmados - 225 (+5) Óbitos - 9 (=) Recuperados - 148 (+1) Casos Ativos - 68 (+4)
20210110             Faro Casos confirmados - 1444 (+29) Óbitos - 9 (=) Recuperados - 970 (=) Casos ativos - 465 (+29)
20210110             Olhão Casos confirmados - 728 (+29) Óbitos - 2 (=) Recuperados - 457 (=) Casos ativos - 269 (+29)
20210110             Tavira Casos confirmados - 915 (+30) Óbitos - 6 (=) Recuperados - 349 (=) Casos ativos - 560 (+30)
20210110             VRSA Casos confirmados - 446 (+17) Óbitos - 7 (=) Recuperados - 298 (=) Casos ativos - 141 (+17)
20210110             Alcoutim Casos confirmados - 31 (+3) Óbitos - 3 (=) Recuperados - 20 (=) Casos ativos - 8 (+3)
20210110             Castro Marim Casos confirmados - 102 (+6) Óbitos - 0 (=) Recuperados - 72 (=) Casos ativos - 30 (+6)
20210110             USA—REPUBLIKANER nach Sturm aufs Kapitol: Ohne Diagnose gibt es keine Heilung
20210110—20200300    —IM, Demnach wurde die Mobilität um 21,6 Prozent reduziert, als die Schweizer Behörden die Schließung der Schulen anordneten.
20210110—20210105    —ON, Howard was last seen at his home.