Was geschah in der Geschichte an einem 4. January ?

Ereignisse an einem 4. January

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_00460104            TITUS—LABIENUS bleibt dank zahlenmäßiger Überlegenheit Sieger über die  GAIUS—IULIUS—CAESAR—TRUPPEN, dessen Offizier er früher war in der
_00460104            —SCHLACHT—VON—RUSPINA .
02750104             EUTYCHIANUS—PAPA folgt als PAPA auf FELIX—I—PAPA
08380104             † BABAK—CHORRAMDIN, persischer Nationalheld
08710104             —SCHLACHT—VON—READING
10130202—10130104    —AM, Der Kaplan Heinrichs II., Unwan aus dem Geschlecht der Immedinger, wird auf BEFEHL—DES—KÖNIGS und unter Verwerfung der Wahl des DOMKAPITEL—HAMBURG—BREMEN in MAGDEBURG—VON—ERZ—BISCHOF—GERO zum ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—HAMBURG und BISCHOF—VON—BREMEN geweiht und folgt damit dem gestorbenen Libentius I. Er führt in allen Kanonikerstiften seiner Diözese die Institutiones Aquisgranenses ein.
10760104             * SONG—ZHEZONG, Kaiser von CHINA
11820104             † FRIEDRICH—I—GRAF—VON—BREHNA
12480104             —NACH—DEM Tode seines Bruders SANCHO—II—KÖNIG—VON—PORTUGAL besteigt ALFONS—III—KÖNIG—VON—PORTUGAL der vorher —BEREITS als Regent fungiert hat, den PORTUGIESISCHEN—THRON.
12480104             † SANCHO—II—KÖNIG—VON—PORTUGAL
12540104             Der flämische Forschungsreisende WILHELM—VON—RUBRUK und seine Begleiter erhalten 1—AUDIENZ beim MONGOLISCHEN—GROSS—KHAN—MÖNGKE—KHAN, an dessen Hof sie sich —SEIT—1—PAAR—TAGEN aufhalten.
12710104             * ELISABETH—VON—PORTUGAL—KÖNIGIN—VON—PORTUGAL, aragonische PRINZESSIN, , Franziskanerin, Heilige der RÖMISCH—KATHOLISCHE—KIRCHE
13090104             † ANGELA—VON—FOLIGNO, ITALIENISCHE—GEISTLICHE, Franziskanerin, Heilige der RÖMISCH—KATHOLISCHEN Kirche
13100104             † ORINGA—MENABUOI, ITALIENISCHE—ORDENSGRÜNDERIN, Selige der katholischen Kirche
13340104             * AMADEUS—VI—GRAF—VON—SAVOYEN
13580104             interfecti per —CASTRO carro in cavalcata facta supra dictum CASTR—;;;;: 26—FLORENI;
13640104             † RUDOLF—LOSSE, kurtrierischer Kanzlist und Notar
13720104             1. (Reg. Vatic. Secr.268—FOLIA—310).
13720104             GREGOR—XI—PAPA—DILECTIS—FILIIS nobilibus viris Totolongerio (!) MILITI—THEOTONICO^ et GEORGIO—PICINI[EPPENICH] domicello de Burgundia^ nostris et ecclesie Rom. stipendiariis.
14280104             † FRIEDRICH—I—FÜRST—VON—SACHSEN
14560104             † RALPH—CROMWELL—BARON—CROMWELL, 3. , ENGLISCHER—STAATSMANN, Lord Treasurer
14660104             —VERPACHTEN, HERMAN—ZIMMERMANN—BÜRGER—ZU—ZÜLPICH, und seine oo ECKELL, wohnhaft auf dem Gottsberg,
14660104             ihren Garten, der auf dem GATTSBERG gelegen ist zwischen dem Garten eben dieser Kapelle und der ZILGEN—FLEISCHEWERS und vorn auf die Straße stoßend.
14660104             Die PACHT—ZEIT läuft auf —90—JAHRE und —1—TAG
14660104             die Pacht beträgt 2—MARK, fällig auf S—MARTINI, vorbehaltlich der Zahlung von 4—PFENNIG PRO—JAHR—AN—DIE—KIRCHE—S—MARTIN.
14660104             Die VERPACHTUNG geschieht wegen der Schulden der Eheleute mit Einwilligung ihres Schwagers bzw. ihrer Schwester Körstgen und Katharin Jordenßa.
14660104             Siegler: DIE—SCHÖFFEN. deß 4. tags in dem Hardenmohnath.
14660104             DAS—RECHTSGESCHÄFT hätte eigentlich vor den MERSBURDEN—SCHÖFFEN stattfinden müssen, in deren Gericht das Pachtobjekt lag.
14810104             * KASPAR—VON—MÜLINEN, SCHWEIZER—ADELIGER und Politiker
14820104             † HANS—BÖBLINGER, schwäbischer Baumeister
14890104             * FILIPPO—STROZZI—DER—JÜNGERE, Florentiner Patrizier
14890104             * PAUL—VOM—RODE, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE und Reformator
14930104             —SAILED, COLUMBUS, eastward along the coast.
14930104             COLUMBUS left behind 38—MEN,
14930104             —LATER, —ALL—OF—38—MEN were in disputes with the local Indians.
14930104             1. WAR—WITH—LITHUANIA
14930104             —ANNOUNCED, IVAN—III—GRAND—DUKE—OF—MOSCOW, the.
14930104—14870000    —BEGUN—IN, In fact, the 1. war with LITHUANIA had.
15210104             LONGUEIL profite de l'occasion, pour protester de sa gratitude
15210104             LONGUEIL—A—RECU—DE—GUILLAUME—BUDE 1—LETTRE qu'il doit remettre a SADOLET.
15590104             † MATTHÄUSA—RATZENBERGER, DEUTSCHER—ARZT und Reformator
15630104             * ELISABETH—VON—HESSEN—HERZOGIN—VON—ZWEIBRÜCKEN und Pfalzgräfin von Simmern
15810104             * JAMES—USSHER, IRISCHER—THEOLOGE
15810104—16560000    According to JAMES—USSHER—ARCHBISHOP—OF—ARMAGH and DOCTOR—JOHN—LIGHTFOOT—OF—CAMBRIDGE, the world was created _4.0041023             —ON, 1—SUNDAY, at 9 a.m.
15810104—40041023    —ON, According to Ussher and DOCTOR—JOHN—LIGHTFOOT—OF—CAMBRIDGE, the world was created, 1—SUNDAY, at 9 a.m.
15840104             † TOBIAS—STIMMER, SCHWEIZER—MALER
15940104             * HEINRICH—VON—RYSSEL, LEIPZIG—RATSMITGLIED und Handelsmann
16180104             * JAN—6, NIEDERLÄNDISCHER—KUNSTMÄZEN und Sammler
16180104             GIORGIO—VUOLFFEGAN—DI—ESINBERG[Winberg?] ALEMANO aus 27.
16410104             —AUSBRICHT, Der VULKAN—PARKER auf den PHILIPPINEN .
16410104             —MEHRERE—WOCHEN—LANG, Die Eruptionswolke verdunkelt die INSEL—MINDANAO
16410104             Die Eruption erreichte auf dem Vulkanexplosivitätsindex die Stärke 5.
16420104             —EINDRINGT, KARL—I—KÖNIG—VON—ENGLAND, mit 400—BEWAFFNETEN in das HOUSE—OF—COMMONS , um des PARLAMENT—ABGEORDNETE zu verhaften, die für die GROßE—REMONSTRANZ verantwortlich sind.
16420104             Der versuchte Staatsstreich scheitert, weil JOHN—PYM, JOHN—HAMPDEN und OLIVER—CROMWELL —BEREITS geflohen sind, wird aber zum
16420104             —FORCED—WAS, to retire, EMPTY—HANDED.CHARLES—I—KING—OF—ENGLAND
16430104             * ISAAC—NEWTON, ENGLISCHER—ALCHEMIST, Naturwissenschaftler, Philosoph und Theologe
16430104             * (NS) SIR—ISAAC—NEWTON, scientist.
16430104             —DEVELOPED, SIR—ISAAC—NEWTON, THE—LAWS—OF—GRAVITY and planetary relations
16430104—16421225    —SEE.
16570104             Cattarina, q(uondam) Zuatone Auser (Hauser?) TEDESCO, —85—JAHRE—ALT—CA, amalata da vecchiagia e caduta la seconda volta di percossia giä mesi disdotto.
16570104             Visitata dalli MEDICI Molina e Cabibi Hebreo.
16570104             —ZUM, aufgeführt im S—BARTOLOMEO—VENEDIG—STERBE—REGISTER
16670104             † JOHANN—ANDREAS—VON—ROSENBERG, bedeutender Vertreter des katholischen Adels in KÄRNTEN
16720104             —MONTAG
16740104             * JOHANN—SIEGMUND—KIRCHMAYER, DEUTSCHER—GEISTLICHER und Hochschullehrer
16750104             * LIBERAT—WEIß, DEUTSCHER—MISSIONAR und Märtyrer
16780104             —DATUM, (i. Tocht wird beauftragt/ beim KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG krüf 16780000             .
16780104             —DIE—RESOLUTION—VOM, Hat empfangen.
16820104             —AMERONGEN—AN—DEN—GRIFFIER.
16820104             —DATUM—BERLIN,
16980104             Der größte TEIL—DES—PALACE—OF—WHITEHALL, die Hauptresidenz der BRITISCHEN—MONARCHEN, wird —BIS auf das Banqueting House durch 1—FEUER komplett zerstört.
16980104             Das TEIL—DES—PALACE—OF—WHITEHALL—GEBÄUDE wird wegen Geldmangels nicht wieder aufgebaut und das Gelände in der Folge verpachtet und für den Bau von Stadthäusern freigegeben.
17100104—17360000    * † GIOVANNI—BATTISTA—PERGOLESI, ITALY—COMPOSER (Il Prigioniero Superbo).
17170104             FRANKREICH, GROSSBRITANNIEN und die NIEDERLANDE bilden
17170104             —BÜNDNIS—GEGEN—SPANIEN, das seine im SPANISCHEN—ERBFOLGEKRIEG verloren gegangenen ITALIENISCHEN—BESITZUNGEN zurückerlangen will.
17170104             —EINIGE—MONATE—SPÄTER, bricht der QUADRUPEL—ALLIANZ—KRIEG um die Vorherrschaft im Mittelmeer aus.
17170104             † GERHARD—RITTER, Lübecker Kaufmann und Ratsherr
17230104             —SEIT—DEM, CHRISTOPH—VON—STAEL als PROPST nachweisbar und
17260104             Testament der GERTRUDT—TOLLMANS, o†o des JOHAN—JACOB—DIETZINGER, Ratsverwandten zu ZÜLPICH,
17420104             —VOR JOHANN—JAKOB—WENN oo ESCHWEILER GERTRUD—KRAUTHAUSEN, Eltern vom JOHANN—PETER—JAKOB mit amputiertem rechtem Arm, "laicus"in STOLBERG;
17450104             * JOHANN—JAKOB—GRIESBACH, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE und Hochschullehrer
17460104             * BENJAMIN—RUSH, Unterzeichner der Unabhängigkeitserklärung der USA
17460104             † CHRISTIAN—HAGMAIER, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE und Hochschullehrer, Rektor an der UNIVERSITÄT—TÜBINGEN
17470104             * JOHANN—KASPAR—COQUI, DEUTSCHER—FABRIKANT und Kommunalpolitiker
17540104             * CARL—GUSTAV—LUDWIG—VON—MOLTKE, DEUTSCHER—GUTSHERR, Oberjägermeister und Kammerherr
17590104             * CHRISTIAN—GENERSICH, deutscher evangelischer Geistlicher und Heimatkundler
17610104             † STEPHEN—HALES, BRITISCHER—PHYSIOLOGE und Physiker
17620104             [laut Heiratseintrag umgekehrte HERKUNFTS—ORTE der Eheleute!]
17670104             † JOHANN—FERDINAND—SCHOR, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—MALER, Architekt und Ingenieur
17800104             * THÉOPHILE—MARION—DUMERSAN, FRANZÖSISCHER—BÜHNENAUTOR, Lyriker, Librettist und Numismatiker
17830104             1. der Begriff JUSTIZ—MORD gebraucht, In 1 Bericht über die Hinrichtung der wegen Hexerei angeklagten ANNA—GÖLDI wird .
17850104             * JACOB—GRIMM, DEUTSCHER—JURIST, Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaftler, gilt als BEGRÜNDER—DER—DEUTSCHEN—PHILOLOGIE und Altertumswissenschaft
17860104             † MOSES—MENDELSSOHN, DEUTSCH—JÜDISCHER Philosoph der Aufklärung, gilt als Wegbereiter der Haskala
17940000—18770104    * † CORNELIUS—VANDERBILT—USA financier, railroad and shipping magnate, robber BARON.
17950104             —AM—BEREITS, verfügte der VOLKS—REPRÄSENTANT, dass
17950104             —AM—BEREITS, in den Ländern zwischen MAAS, RHEIN—DAS—MAXIMUM —BIS—AUF—WEITERES, aufrecht erhalten bleiben sollte'.
17970104             * WILHELM—BEER, DEUTSCHER—BANKIER und Astronom
17980104             —BIS—DAHIN zur Eidgenossenschaft gehörende REPUBLIK—MÜLHAUSEN stimmt für den Beitritt zur FRANZÖSISCHEN—REPUBLIK.
17980104             † GAVIN—HAMILTON, SCHOTTISCHER—MALER, Archäologe und Kunsthändler
17980104             —ANNEXION—DE—MULHOUSE
18020104             * PAUL—DE—NOAILLES, FRANZÖSISCHER—POLITIKER und Historiker
18030104             † JAMES—KINSEY, Delegierter von NEW—JERSEY im Kontinentalkongress
18040104             † CHARLOTTE—LENNOX, BRITISCHE—SCHRIFTSTELLERIN, Lyrikerin und Übersetzerin
18090104             * LOUIS—BRAILLE, FRANZÖSISCHER—LEHRER, Erfinder der Brailleschrift für Blinde
18090104—18190000    —BECAME, LOUIS—BRAILLE, 1 accomplished organist and cellist and won 1—SCHOLARSHIP to attend the National Institute for Blind Youth in PARIS.
18090104—18290000    —PUBLISHED, LOUIS—BRAILLE his 1. Braille book was, but LOUIS—BRAILLE himself † of tuberculosis at age 43--before his system gained widespread acceptance.
18090104—18520000    * † LOUIS—BRAILLE, inventor of 1—UNIVERSAL READING system for the blind, in COUPVRAY—FRANCE.
18090104—18520000    —BLINDED, LOUIS—BRAILLE was, at age 4 as THE—RESULT—OF—1—ACCIDENT in his father's shop.
18090104—18520000    —WHILE BARBIER—SYSTEM was too complex to be practical, LOUIS—BRAILLE simplified and adapted it to a 6—DOT—CODE representing letters that enabled people with impaired vision to not only read but also write for themselves.
18100104             † CLEMENS—AUGUST—VON—MERLE, DEUTSCHER—GEISTLICHER, Weihbischof in Köln
18100104             † JOSEF—ACHAMMER, Tiroler Freiheitskämpfer
18130104             * ISAAC—PITMAN, BRITISCHER—STENOGRAF, Ausarbeiter einer Kurzschrift
18130104             * ISAAC—PITMAN, inventor (stenographic shorthand), in BRITAIN.
18140104             * GOTTFRIED—ADOLF—KINAU, DEUTSCHER—PASTOR und Astronom
18170000—20160104    "In manchen Kirchen sind noch Hungerbrote in Glaskästen zu sehen, die aus Dankbarkeit aufgehängt wurden, als es
18230104             * PETER—JOSEPH—OSTERHAUS, DEUTSCH—AMERIKANISCHER—REVOLUTIONÄR, Offizier, Politiker und Geschäftsmann
18230104             † JOHANN—CHRISTIAN—VOLKHART, deutscher evangelischer Geistlicher und Schulleiter
18230104             † JOSEPH—KELLER, DEUTSCHER—MALER
18240104             * ANNA—GERTRUD—PORTA 1, 2, 3—WURDE am in Schwerfen.
18300104             * ERNST—BEHM, deutscher geographischer Schriftsteller
18340000—19100104    * † LEON—WALRUS, FRANCE—ECONOMIST.
18360104             * ANNA—MARIA—VON—SACHSEN, sächsische PRINZESSIN
18370104—17800000    † * PERU, HIPPOLYTE—BOUCHARD[HIPÓLITO—BOUCHARD], FRANCE—ARGENTINE sailor and corsair, was killed by 1—OF—HIS—SERVANTS.
18380104—18420000    * † CHARLES—SHERWOOD—STRATTON, —LATER known as the dwarf TOM—THUMB, in BRIDGEPORT—CONNECTICUT, P.T. Barnum discovered Charles, who measured 25—INCHES and weighed 15—POUNDS, only 6—POUNDS—MORE than his birth weight.
18390104             * CARL—HUMANN, DEUTSCHER—INGENIEUR, Architekt und Archäologe
18410104             * EMIL—VON—GUTTENBERG, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—GENERAL und Eisenbahnfachmann, MINISTER
18440104             * VICTOR—BLÜTHGEN, DEUTSCHER—DICHTER und Schriftsteller
18450104             † LOUIS—LÉOPOLD—BOILLY, FRANZÖSISCHER—MALER und Lithograph
18460104             * JAN—KARAFIÁT, TSCHECHISCHER—PFARRER und Schriftsteller
18480104             * KATSURA—TAR?, JAPANISCHER—OFFIZIER und Politiker, mehrfacher PREMIERMINISTER
18490104             —CHANGED, S—FRANCISCO—THE—STAR and Californian newspaper under EDWARD—KEMBLE, its name to the Alta CALIFORNIA.
18490104             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—186—KÖLN.
18500104             * MAX—KALBECK, DEUTSCHER—MUSIKSCHRIFTSTELLER, Musikkritiker und Übersetzer
18500104             Der BRITISCHE—ASTRONOM JOHN—RUSSELL—HIND entdeckt die Galaxie NGC 4125.
18520104             Auf dem BRITISCHEN—RADDAMPFER RMS Amazon bricht während seiner Jungfernfahrt ein unkontrollierbares Feuer aus.
18520104             —EXPLODIERT, Das Schiff, und sinkt, 104—MENSCHEN kommen ums Leben.
18540104             McDonald­insel - Der BRITISCHE—KAPITÄN WILLIAM—MCDONALD entdeckt die subantarktische McDonaldinsel.
18560104             † AUGUST—PICHLER, ÖSTERREICHISCH—DEUTSCHER—SCHAUSPIELER und Schauspieldirektor
18570104             * Émile Cohl, FRANZÖSISCHER—KARIKATURIST und Trickfilmzeichner
18580104             * CARTER—GLASS, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—UNTERNEHMER und Politiker, Mitglied des Repräsentantenhauses, MINISTER, SENATOR
18580104             * FRIEDRICH—AHLBORN, DEUTSCHER—ZOOLOGE und Physiker
18580104             * VICTOR—LÉON, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—LIBRETTIST, Textdichter und Autor
18580104             "Nach Verlesen des Geständnisses von OBERST—MECHMED—BEY auf den Sitzungen vom
18610104             * OSMANEN—SULTAN—MEHMED—VI,
18621217—18630104    —RESCINDED, PRESIDENT—LINCOLN, the order.
18630104             —ORDERED, GENERAL—HALLECK, by DIRECTION—OF—PRESIDENT—LINCOLN, USA—GRANT to revoke his infamous GENERAL—ORDER—NUMBER 11—THAT expelled Jews from his operational area.
18630104             —PATENTED, ROLLER—SKATES with 4—WHEELS were, by JAMES—PLIMPTON—OF—NEW—YORK.
18650104             —OPENED, THE—NEW—YORK Stock Exchange, its 1. permanent headquarters at 10—12—BROAD—STREET—NEAR—WALL—STREET in NEW—YORK—CITY.
18650104             1. SOLIDARITÄT—DER—VÖLKERINTERESSEN und der Volkssache durch die ganze zivilisierte Welt.
18650104             2. Das ganze gewaltige DEUTSCHLAND wollen wir, den freien Volksstaat.
18650104             3. Wir hoffen zu erkämpfen, daß DIE—ARBEIT den STAAT regiere.
18650104—19030000    —UNTIL, THE—CORINTHIAN—STYLE—STRUCTURE would serve the Exchange —WHEN more spacious quarters opened at 18—BROAD—STREET.
18660104             * AVEDIS—AHARONIAN, ARMENISCHER—POLITIKER, Revolutionär und Schriftsteller, Parlamentspräsident
18660104             * RAMON—CASAS—I—CARBÓ, SPANISCHER—MALER und Grafiker
18680104             LEIPZIG, erscheint die 1. Nummer von "Demokratisches Wochenblatt", redigiert von WILHELM—LIEBKNECHT, als Organ DER—DEUTSCHEN—VOLKS—PARTEI,
18690104             † EMANUEL—ARNOLD, böhmischer Politiker und Revolutionär
18700104             * GEORG—ESCHERICH, DEUTSCHER—FÖRSTER, Forschungsreisender, Offizier und Politiker
18700104             Der frühere ARGENTINISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—BARTOLOMÉ—MITRE gründet in BUENOS—AIRES die Tageszeitung La Nación.
18720104             * KARL—SEGEBROCK, DEUTSCH—BALTISCHER Missionar, Märtyrer
18720104             1—ERLASS des DEUTSCHEN—GENERALPOSTMEISTERS HEINRICH—VON—STEPHAN regt die Gründung von Spar- und Vorschussvereinen für Postbeamte an, Vorläufer der PSD Banken.
18740104             * GEORGE—ADEE, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—AMERICAN—FOOTBALL—SPIELER, Tennisspieler und -funktionär
18740104             † WILHELM—AMSINCK, DEUTSCHER—JURIST, Politiker und Hamburger Senatssyndikus
18740104             * JOSEF—SUK, CZECH—REPUBLIC—VIOLINIST and composer (Asrael).
18770104             His estate at $105—MILLION was worth more than all the money in THE—USA—TREASURY.
18770104             His value in 2007—DOLLARS would be $143—BILLION.
18810104             * NIKOLAJ—VELIMIROVI?, SERBISCHER—GEISTLICHER—BISCHOF—VON Ži?a und Ohrid, Heiliger
18810104             † NEOFIT—RILSKI, BULGARISCHER—AUFKLÄRER und Sprachreformer
18810104             —PREMIERED, The "Academic Festival Overture" by JOHANNES—BRAHMS, in Breslau.
18820104             * UMEZU—YOSHIJIR?, JAPANISCHER—GENERAL, Oberbefehlshaber der Armee —WWII—IM
18820104             * WILLY—RICKERS, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER, MdL, Landesminister
18830104             * PAT—RYAN, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—HAMMERWERFER, Olympiasieger
18830104—18840103    —UNTIL, BENJAMIN—BUTLER (18180000—18930000    ) began serving as the 33. GOVERNOR—OF—MASSACHUSETTS and continued.
18840104             * ADRIANO—LANZA, ITALIENISCHER—MODERNER Fünfkämpfer
18840104             * MAX—BROSE, DEUTSCHER—KAUFMANN und Industrieller
18840104             —GERUFEN, Die intellektuelle FABIAN—SOCIETY wird ins Leben.
18840104             Sie ist unter anderem Wegbereiterin und Vordenkerin der BRITISCHEN—LABOUR Party.
18850104             * KURT—VON—BORRIES, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER und Regierungsbeamter
18850104             —PERFORMED, DOCTOR—WILLIAM—W—GRANT—OF—DAVENPORT, IOWA, what is believed to have been the 1. appendectomy;
18850104             the patient was —22—YEAR—OLD—MARY—GARTSIDE.
18860104             * FRITZ—ECARIUS, DEUTSCHER—VERWALTUNGSJURIST und Politiker, Oberbürgermeister von LUDWIGSHAFEN
18860104             † EMIL—WELLER, DEUTSCHER—BIBLIOGRAF, Verleger und Sozialist
18900104             * MOŠA—PIJADE, jugoslawischer Politiker und Widerstandskämpfer
18900104             * VICTOR—LUSTIG, Hochstapler und Trickbetrüger ÖSTERREICHISCH—UNGARISCHER—HERKUNFT
18900104             —AM Theater an der WIEN in WIEN erfolgt die Uraufführung der Operette Der arme JONATHAN—VON—CARL—MILLÖCKER.
18900104             * ALFRED—G—JODL, GERMANY—WEHRMACHT general and CHIEF—OF—STAFF.
18910104             * EDUARD—SCHULTE, DEUTSCHER—INDUSTRIELLER, Widerstandskämpfer gegen den Nationalsozialismus
18910104             * HENRY—VALLOTTON, SCHWEIZER—POLITIKER, Diplomat und Schriftsteller, Nationalrat
18910104             * RUDOLF—AMON, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—ZOOLOGE und Jagdwissenschaftler
18920104             * JOSEF—ALTSTÖTTER, DEUTSCHER—JURIST, Ministerialdirektor im Reichsjustizministerium
18920104             Die Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung bringt ihre Erstausgabe auf den Markt.
18930104             —GRANTED, USA—PRESIDENT—CLEVELAND, amnesty to Mormon polygamists.
18940104             Zwischen RUSSLAND und FRANKREICH in Kraft tritt die
18940104             Durch das DEFENSIV—BÜNDNIS kann FRANKREICH seine fast —2—JAHRZEHNTE währende Isolation beenden, während DEUTSCHLAND in eine —BEREITS—VON—OTTO—VON—BISMARCK gefürchtete Zweifrontenlage gerät.
18950104             * GUSTAVS—KLUCIS, LETTISCHER—FOTOGRAF und Künstler
18950104             * LEROY—GRUMMAN, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—KONSTRUKTEUR und Flugzeugbauer
18950104             † MANUEL—PAVÍA, SPANISCHER—OFFIZIER, Generalkapitän von Neukastilien und Katalonien, zentrale Figur beim Untergang der 1. SPANISCHEN—REPUBLIK
18960104             * EVERETT—DIRKSEN, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—POLITIKER, Mitglied des Repräsentantenhauses, SENATOR
18960104             GERHART—HAUPTMANNS historisches Revolutionsdrama FLORIAN—GEYER wird unter der Regie von EMIL—LESSING am DEUTSCHEN—THEATER BERLIN uraufgeführt.
18960104             EMANUEL—REICHER ist in der Titelrolle zu sehen.
18960104             Die Kritiken sind vernichtend.
18960104             UTAH, das bisherige UTAH—TERRITORIUM, wird nach Einigung zwischen den dort vorherrschenden Anhängern der Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen —DER—LETZTEN—TAGE und der USA—BUNDESREGIERUNG der 45. Bundesstaat der Vereinigten Staaten.
18960104             —ADMITTED, UTAH was, to the Union as the 45. state.
18990104             * ALFRED—SOHN—RETHEL, DEUTSCHER—NATIONALÖKONOM und Sozialphilosoph
18990104             * ALMA—SIEDHOFF—BUSCHER, DEUTSCHE—DESIGNERIN und Kunsthandwerkerin
19010104             * C. L. R. James, BRITISCHER—KULTURKRITIKER, Journalist, sozialistischer Theoretiker und Schriftsteller
19020104             —OFFERED, THE—FRENCH, to sell their NICARAGUA—CANAL rights to THE—USA.
19030104             * GEORG—ELSER, DEUTSCHER—WIDERSTANDSKÄMPFER gegen den Nationalsozialismus, HITLER—ATTENTÄTER
19030104             —POISONED, Topsy the elephant was, electrocuted in Luna Park, Coney ISLAND, NEW—YORK—CITY.
19030104             —KILLED, The 10-foot elephant had, 3—KEEPERS over the last —2—YEARS.
19030104             Edison used the opportunity to demonstrate the lethal potential of alternating current, promoted by rival GEORGE—WESTINGHOUSE.
19040104             —RULED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, in Gonzalez v. Williams, that Puerto Ricans were not aliens and could enter THE—USA—FREELY;
19040104             however, the court stopped short of declaring them USA—CITIZENS.
19040104             † MARY—ELLEN—PLEASANT, —89—JAHRE—ALT, abolitionist and SF businesswoman, —AFTER YEARS—OF—WORK on the Underground Railroad and in civil rights.
19040104             —BURIED, MARY—ELLEN—PLEASANT was, in NAPA—CALIFORNIA.
19040104             MARY—ELLEN—PLEASANT, had built 1—MANSION at 16610000             Octavia, where Gov. elect Newton Booth boarded.
19040104—19020000    —AUTHORED, MARY—ELLEN—PLEASANT, her autobiography.
19050104             * WOLFGANG—FRÄNKEL, DEUTSCHER—JURIST, Generalbundesanwalt beim Bundesgerichtshof
19050104             * ~ CARL—WALTER—MELINE, M Greeley, Weld, Co
19070104             —PREMIERED, GEORGE—BERNARD—SHAW—DON—JUAN—IN—HELL—SCENE from "Man and Superman" in LONDON.
19080104             † ANTONY—WINKLER—PRINS, —70—JAHRE—ALT, writer (Grolier Encyclopedia).
19100104             —BEENDET, Der Flugpionier ALBERTO—SANTOS—DUMONT, seinen letzten Flug mit einem Unfall seines Sportmotorflugzeugs Demoiselle.
19100104—18740000    —PUBLISHED, LEON—WALRUS, wrote, the 1. edition of his magnum opus, the "Elements of Pure Economics".
19120000—19670104    * † MOHAMED—KHIDER, ALGERIA—POLITICIAN and 1—LEADING figure in THE—FLN, was assassinated in MADRID—SPAIN.
19120104             * STEPHEN—MCGILL, BRITISCHER—GEISTLICHER—BISCHOF—VON—ARGYLL and the Isles und Paisley
19120104             —AM, als er —BIS auf 356.375—KM—AN—DIE—ERDE herankam.
19120104             —ATTEMPTED, ECUADOR—FORMER—PRESIDENT—ELOY—ALFARO, another coup but
19140104             * JANE—WYMAN, USA—FILM actress who was the 1. WIFE—OF—PRESIDENT—RONALD—REAGAN.
19140104             —LOOPED, S—FRANCISCO, pilot LINCOLN—BEACHEY, the loop 1—RECORD 7—TIMES in his biplane in 1—AERIAL show —BEFORE 1—CROWD—OF some 25,000—PEOPLE.
19140104             Motion pictures were taken from, TETHERED—BALLOON.
19180104             Der Forschungsreisende REINHARD—MAACK entdeckt im Brandbergmassiv die mindestens 2.000—JAHRE alte Felszeichnung WEIßE—DAME.
19190000—20050104    * † ROBERT—HEILBRONER, AUTHOR—OF—19530000             —THE economics classic "Worldly Philosophers,".
19190104             —ENTLASSEN, Der Berliner Polizeipräsident EMIL—EICHHORN (USPD) wird vom RAT—DER—VOLKS—BEAUFTRAGTEN unter FRIEDRICH—EBERT .
19190104             —AM—FOLGENDEN—TAG, Das führt zu Massendemonstrationen und zum Beginn des
19190104             —SPARTAKUS—AUFSTAND
19200104             * CIA—DIRECTOR—WILLIAM—EGAN—COLBY,  under NIXON.
19200104             1. black baseball league, THE—NEGRO—NATIONAL—LEAGUE, was organized by RUBE—FOSTER.
19210104             —OVERRODE, Congress, PRESIDENT—WILSON—VETO, reactivating THE—WAR—FINANCE—CORPS to aid struggling farmers.
19230104             —BELIEVED, FRANCE—PHARMACIST—EMILE—COUÉ, positive thinking could cure disease.
19230104             —RECOMMENDED, FRANCE—PHARMACIST—EMILE—COUÉ, chanting "EVERY—DAY, in EVERY—WAY, I'm getting better and better".
19230104             —PARIS—CONFERENCE—ON—WAR—REPARATIONS, hit 1—DEADLOCK as the French insisted on the hard line and the British insisted on Reconstruction.
19290104             * GÜNTER—SCHABOWSKI, DEUTSCHER—JOURNALIST—UND—POLITIKER, Chefredakteur des Neues Deutschlands, Mitglied des Politbüros des ZK der SED, 1. Sekretär der Bezirksleitung OST—BERLIN
19330104             —GEHEIM—VERHANDLUNGEN, FRANZ—VON—PAPEN trifft sich im Kölner Haus des BANKIER—KURT—FREIHERR—VON—SCHRÖDER mit ADOLF—HITLER zu , bei denen sie eine gemeinsame Regierungsübernahme und die Reichskanzlerschaft Hitlers vereinbaren.
19330104             LE—ANCIEN—CHANCELIER—VON—PAPEN, qui avait démissionné de.
19330104             —ZEITLEISTE_propaganda
19330104             Zu den 25—TEILNEHMERN zählen der REICHS—BANK—PRÄSIDENT—HJALMAR—SCHACHT ,
19330104             der Bankier KURT—VON—SCHRÖDER (18890000—19660000    ) + die Industriellen GUSTAV—KRUPP—VON...
19330104             ADOLF—HITLER met secretly with von PAPEN at THE—HOUSE—OF—THE—COLOGNE banker KURT—VON—SCHROEDER [?].
19330104             THYSSEN spent THE—REST—OF—WWII under VIP house arrest.
19330104             —FOOLED, THYSSEN had, ADOLF—HITLER, hidden his immense profits + —NOW it was time to fool...
19330104             Dit alles in overleg met MAX—WARBURG en KURT—VON—SCHRÖDER.
19330104             —LATER zij de BARON—KURT—VON—SCHRÖDER ;
19330104             "De invloed VAN de grote banken op de Duitse industrie...
19330104             Derrière l'actuelle vague de cartellisation : Du TRAITÉ—DE...
19330104             —AGREED, They, on forming 1—JOINT—GOVERNMENT;.
19330104             De Tweede Wereld Oorlog en haar geldmagnaten | Je eigen...
19340104             —ASKED, PRESIDENT—FRANKLIN—D—ROOSEVELT, Congress for $10.5—BILLION to fund RECOVERY—PROGRAMS over the next —18—MONTHS.
19350104             —AM, HITLER—ADOLF, besuchte , ZUSAMMEN—MIT—PROPAGANDA—MINISTER—JOSEF—GOEBBELS (rechts) die Neubabelsberger Ateliers der UFA und
19350104             —AM, HITLER—ADOLF, besichtigte die Bauten des —DAMALS, im Dreh befindlichen Films "Barcarole".
19360104             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Das USA—AMERIKANISCHE—MAGAZIN THE—BILLBOARD, erstmals auf der Welt 1—HITPARADE beliebter Musiktitel.
19370104             * GRACE—BUMBRY, soprano (Venus, in "Tannhauser"), in S—LOUIS.
19390831—1939010445  —AM—TIME—OF—ATTACK, (Shirer I)
19410104             —1—ATTACK towards Valona from Berat to Klisura against the Italians, ON THE—GREEK—ALBANIA—FRONT, THE—GREEKS launched.
19420104             —EVACUATION—OF—GUADALCANAL, JAPAN—FORCES began the
19440104             —ATTACKED, THE—BRITISH 5. Army, MONTE—CASSINO—ITALY.
19450104             —FAILED, The last GERMANY—OFFENSIVE in BASTOGNE—BELGIUM.
19470104             1. Ausgabe des politischen MAGAZIN—DER—SPIEGEL erscheint im ANZEIGER—HOCHHAUS in HANNOVER als Nachfolger der ZEITSCHRIFT—DIESE—WOCHE.
19470104             * J—DANFORTH—QUAYLE (SEN—R—IND, 44. VP 19890000—19930000    ).
19480104             —ENTLASSEN, in die Unabhängigkeit, BIRMA wird von GROSS—BRITANNIEN .
19480104             —GRANTED, BRITAIN, INDEPENDENCE to BURMA (—LATER renamed to MYANMAR).
19480104             —ARRANGED, AUNG—SAN had, for national INDEPENDENCE on THIS—DAY but was assassinated —BEFORE the event by political rivals.
19480104             —TRIED, The new rulers, to limit citizenship to those whose roots predated 18230000             and UK—RULE.
19500104             ISRAEL erklärt JERUSALEM zur HAUPTSTADT.
19510104             —KOREA—KRIEG.
19510104             —ABANDONED, UN forces, SEOUL—KOREA, to the Communists.
19520104             —LAUNCHED, THE—FRANCE—ARMY in Indochina, OPERATION—NENUPHAR in hopes of ejecting 1—VIET—MINH—DIVISION from the BA—TAI—FOREST.
19540104             DUISBURG stellt als 1. DEUTSCHE—STADT Parkuhren auf.
19540104             —RECORDED, ELVIS—PRESLEY, 1—10—MINUTE demo in NASHVILLE.
19580104             —92—TAGE nach seinem Start verglüht der SOVIET—SATELLIT—SPUTNIK—1, BEIM Wiedereintritt in die Erdatmosphäre.
19580104             —ERÖFFNET, SOVIET—SATELLIT—SPUTNIK—1 ist die Ära der Raumfahrt .
19580104             Es ist die weltweit 3. Expedition, die an diesen SÜDPOL—PUNKT vorstößt.
19580104             † PRINZESSIN—ADELGUNDE—VON—BAYERN, bayrische
19590104             —UNRUHEN, LÉOPOLDVILLE, (BELGISCH—KONGO) brechen gewaltsame, aus, die als Ausgangspunkt zur Unabhängigkeit des KONGO gelten.
19600104             GROSSBRITANNIEN, DÄNEMARK, NORWEGEN, ÖSTERREICH, PORTUGAL, SCHWEDEN und SCHWEIZ unterzeichnen die Stockholmer Konvention zur Gründung der Europäischen Freihandelszone (EFTA).
19600104             † ALBERT—CAMUS, FRANZÖSISCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER, Philosoph und Widerstandskämpfer, Nobelpreisträger
19600104             —INCLUDED, ALBERT—CAMUS—WORK, the play "Caligula" and 1—COLLECTION—OF—JOURNALISTIC—PIECES for the clandestine newspaper Combat (19440000—19470000    ).
19600104—19570000    —IN, † ALBERT—CAMUS (19130000—19600000    ), FRANCE—WRITER, in 1—AUTOMOBILE accident at age 46. ALBERT—CAMUS won the Nobel Prize in literature.
19600104—19600503    —AM, Das die Stockholmer Konvention zur Gründung der Europäischen Freihandelszone (EFTA) Übereinkommen tritt in Kraft.
19600104—19790000    —IN, HERBERT—LOTTMAN also wrote 1—BIOGRAPHY: "ALBERT—CAMUS".
19600104—19970000    —IN, OLIVER—TODD wrote the biography "ALBERT—CAMUS".
19600104—20060000    —EDITED, Camus' WW II pieces, by JACQUELINE—LEVI—VALENSI, were published as "Camus at Combat".
19600104—20100000    —AUTHORED, Virgil Tanase, "ALBERT—CAMUS".
19610104             —ERSCHEINT, Der letzte Band des von den BRÜDER—GRIMM —123—JAHRE—ZUVOR begonnenen DEUTSCHEN—WÖRTERBUCHS .
19610104             —ENDED, THE—DENMARK—BARBERS' assistants strike, —AFTER 33—YRS.
19610104             It was the longest strike on record.
19620104             —VERKEHRT, In der NEW—YORK—CITY—SUBWAY, erstmals der TIMES—SQUARE—GRAND—CENTRAL—SHUTTLE, eine automatische gesteuerte U—BAHN ohne Fahrer.
19620104             † HANS—HEINRICH—LAMMERS, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Politiker, Reichsminister, CHEF—DER—REICHSKANZLEI, Kriegsverbrecher
19620104             —AUTOMATED, The 1., (unmanned) subway train ran in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19631204             PAUL—VI—PAPA. gibt den völlig unvorbereiteten Konzilsangehörigen überdies bekannt, dass er vom 19630104—19630106    des Folgejahres ins Heilige Land ISRAEL reisen werde.
19640104             —BESUCHT, PAUL—VI—PAPA, als 1. ISRAEL—PAPA.
19640104—19640106    —BIS—ZUM, Die PAUL—VI—PAPA Reise dauert .
19650104             —OUTLINED, PRESIDENT—JOHNSON, the goals of his "Great Society" in his STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS.
19650104             The "Great Society" was to be achieved through 1—VAST—PROGRAM that included 1—ATTACK on diseases, 1—DOUBLING—OF—THE—WAR—ON—POVERTY, greater enforcement of Civil Rights Law, immigration law reform and greater SUPPORT—OF—EDUCATION.
19650104             "Little Gidding" is 1—ELIOT work.
19650104—19950000    —IN, T.S. Eliot, ENGLAND—POET, † in LONDON at age 76. ANTHONY—JULIUS published "T.S. Eliot, ANTI—SEMITISM and Literary Form".
19650104—19960000    —IN, Julius was the lawyer who won 1—DIVORCE settlement of $23—MILLION for PRINCESS—DIANA.
19650104—20150000    —AUTHORED, ROBERT—CRAWFORD, "Young Eliot: From S—LOUIS to THE—WASTE—LAND".
19660104             * CHRISTIAN—KERN, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—POLITIKER und Manager, Bundeskanzler, Abgeordneter zum Nationalrat
19680104             Der DEUTSCHE—SPIELFILM Zur Sache, Schätzchen mit USCHI—GLAS feiert Premiere.
19681124—20110104    —SENTENCED, Soltren was, to —15—YEARS in prison.
19690104             Das ZDF strahlt erstmals den Länderspiegel aus.
19690104             —RETURNED, SPAIN, the Ifni province to MOROCCO.
19700104             Die Aufnahmen zum letzten BEATLES—ALBUM Let It Be werden beendet.
19700104             —ERDBEBEN—DER—STÄRKE 7,5 in der VOLKSREPUBLIK—CHINA—PROVINZ—YUNNAN, , fordert rund 10.000—TOTE.
19720104             1. Frau am Londoner Strafgerichtshof OLD—BAILEY, Die Richterin ROSE—HEILBRON wird als eingesetzt.
19740104             —REFUSED, PRESIDENT—NIXON, to hand over tape recordings and documents subpoenaed by the Senate Watergate Committee.
19750104             - GERALD—FORD, RICHARD—HELMS
19750104             (Topic: CIA Domestic Activities) p. 2/ 2. Citation: Box 8, National Security Adviser...
19750104             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—FORD'S, Executive Order NUMBER 11828 on CIA Activities within THE—USA.
19750104             —CHAIRED, He directed the Commission, by VICE—PRESIDENT—NELSON—A—ROCKEFELLER, to determine whether or not ANY—DOMESTIC—CIA—ACTIVITIES exceeded THE—AGENCY—STATUTORY—AUTHORITY and to make appropriate recommendations.
19750104             It began THE—TRANSFER—OF—ADMINISTRATION from THE—BUREAU—OF—INDIAN—AFFAIRS to the tribal governments.
19750104             - GERALD—FORD, RICHARD—HELMS (Topic: CIA Domestic Activities) p. 2/ 2. Citation: Box 8, National Security Adviser...
19760104             "Candide" closed at Broadway Theater in NEW—YORK—CITY—AFTER 740—PERFORMANCES.
19780104             † Said Hammami, THE—PLO—REPRESENTATIVE—IN—LONDON, was assassinated.
19780104             —BELIEVED, It was —INITIALLY, to be the work of ABU—NIDAL but was —LATER reported to have been organized by Yasser Arafat.
19780104—19781227    —ON, CHILE—GENERAL—PINOCHET held 1—NATIONAL—CONSULTATION, "in DEFENSE—OF—THE—DIGNITY—OF—CHILE," which took place —1—WEEK—AFTER it was 1. announced.
19790104             —KONFERENZ—VON—GUADELOUPE
19790104             Auf Einladung des FRANZÖSISCHEN—STAATSPRÄSIDENT—VALÉRY—GISCARD—DE—ESTAING beginnt auf der KARIBIK—INSEL—GUADELOUPE 1—KONFERENZ zur Besprechung der Krise im IRAN.
19790104             † JOHN—B—HOLLISTER, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—POLITIKER, Mitglied des Repräsentantenhauses
19790104             † CHARLES—MINGUS, —56—JAHRE—ALT, the most accomplished bassist in jazz history, of LOU—GEHRIG—DISEASE.
19790104—19700000    —IN—THE, OHIO officials approved 1—OUT—OF—COURT—SETTLEMENT awarding $675,000 to the victims and families shootings at Kent STATE—UNIVERSITY, in which 4—STUDENTS were killed and 9 wounded by National Guard troops.
19790104—19990000    —IN, the film "CHARLES—MINGUS: Triumph of the Underdog" was written and directed by DON—MCGLYNN.
19790104—20000000    —AUTHORED, GENE—SANTORO, "Myself —WHEN I—AM—REAL: the Life and Music of CHARLES—MINGUS".
19800104             —WEGEN, der
19800104             —VERHÄNGT, USA—PRÄSIDENT—JIMMY—CARTER, 1—EMBARGO für Getreide und andere Güter, GEGEN—DIE—UDSSR.
19800104—19800113    —WHEN Brown solicited CHINA—AID for the covert war against THE—SOVIET—TROOPS occupying AFGHANISTAN.
19800104—19800113    The negotiations were successful;
19810102—19810104    —DECLARED, YORKSHIRE—RIPPER—PETER—SUTCLIFFE, he was the ripper and
19810102—19810104    —ON, he declared he was the ripper and
19810104             Der —2—TAGE—ZUVOR von der Polizei in SHEFFIELD festgenommene PETER—SUTCLIFFE gesteht im Verhör, der gesuchte YORKSHIRE—RIPPER zu sein.
19810104             † Der Serienmörder hat mindestens 13—FRAUEN getötet.
19821226—19830104    —TIME—MAGAZINE—ISSUE—OF, MAN—OF—THE—YEAR, was 1—COMPUTER.
19830000—20080104    * † Mort Garson, CANADIAN—BORN composer and arranger, in SF.
19850104             —PUBLIZIERT, Die Londoner Baltic Exchange, erstmals den Baltic Freight Index, den späteren Baltic Dry Index, einen wichtigen Preisindex für das weltweite Verschiffen von Hauptfrachtgütern.
19860104             † CHRISTOPHER—ISHERWOOD, UK—BORN author, of prostate cancer in Santa MONICA—CALIFORNIA.
19860104             CHRISTOPHER—ISHERWOOD was best know for his 19350000             SEMI—AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL "THE—BERLIN—STORIES," which was the basis for 19660000             —THE musical Cabaret and made into a 19720000             film.
19860104—19970000    —IN, CHRISTOPHER—ISHERWOOD'S "Diaries: Volume II, 19390000             —1960" were published.
19860104—20050000    —AUTHORED, PETER—PARKER, "Isherwood: 1—LIFE—REVEALED".
19870104             1—AMTRAK train bound from WASHINGTON to BOSTON collided with Conrail engines approaching from 1—SIDE—TRACK in Chase, Md., and 16—PEOPLE were killed.
19880000             (294). - - - - - - - - - - - MORALES GEORGE.
19880000             20070104             GEORGE—MORALES - MORALES GEORGE.
19880104             Tape #839 - THE—TANGLED—WEB—OF—NAZIS, THE—ODESSA, THE—CIA ,
19880104             Drinking water began to dry up in PITTSBURGH suburbs because of 1—MASSIVE diesel oil spill —2—DAYS—EARLIER that fouled the Monongahela and OHIO rivers.
19880316—20070104    —ON, 1—JURY convicted MICHAEL—GOODWIN on 2—COUNTS—OF—MURDER.
19890104             USA—NAVY F-14s shot down 2—LIBYA—JET fighters over Mediterranean.
19900104             1—EISENBAHNUNGLÜCK bei Sangi in PAKISTAN fordert etwa 350—MENSCHENLEBEN und verursacht 700—VERLETZTE.
19900104             —CLAIMED, CHARLES—STUART, who had, 1—GUNMAN had killed his pregnant wife and wounded him, leaped to his death from 1—BOSTON—HARBOR bridge —AFTER he became 1—SUSPECT.
19900104             —OVERCROWDED, SINDH, PROVINCE—PAKISTAN, 1, 16-car passenger train collided with standing freight train and more than 210—PEOPLE were killed.
19910104             With —1—WEEK and A—HALF left —BEFORE 1—U—N deadline for IRAQ to withdraw from KUWAIT, IRAQ agreed to hold its 1. HIGH—LEVEL—TALKS with THE—USA—SINCE THE—START—OF—THE—PERSIAN—GULF crisis.
19920104             PRESIDENT—BUSH, visiting SINGAPORE as PART—OF—1—PACIFIC—TRADE—TOUR, announced plans to shift to SINGAPORE the Navy logistics command that was being evicted from THE—PHILIPPINES.
19930104             PRESIDENT—ELECT Clinton spoke by telephone with RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—BORIS—YELTSIN about the newly signed START II treaty;
19930104             —PLEDGED, Clinton, to do all he could to get early ratification.
19930104             —RELEASED, Junk bond MICHAEL—MILKEN—KING—OF— was, from jail —AFTER—22—MONTHS.
19930422—19930104    —SENTENCED, GARY—DOBSON was, to 1—MINIMUM—15—YEARS and —2—MONTHS and DAVID—NORRIS to —14—YEARS and —3—MONTHS for the murder.
19940104             —ANNOUNCED, Treasury SECRETARY—LLOYD—BENTSEN, 1—PLAN to drive most gun dealers OUT—OF—BUSINESS by proposing sharp increases in the licensing fee and stricter controls on people who buy and sell weapons.
19950104             —CONVENED, The 104. Congress, the 1. entirely under Republican control —SINCE the Eisenhower era;
19950104             —ELECTED, Newt Gingrich was, SPEAKER—OF—THE—HOUSE.
19950104             † EDUARDO—MATA, —52—JAHRE—ALT, MEXICO—CONDUCTOR, in air crash.
19960104             Bowing to pressure from NATO and THE—USA, BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—SERBS freed 16—CIVILIANS who had entered SERB—HELD TERRITORY—AFTER—NATO—FORCES had declared roads in Bosnia open to all.
19960104             —UNVEILED, THE—BOEING—SIKORSKY—COMANCHE helicopter was.
19960104             † RAMON—VINAY, —83—JAHRE—ALT, operatic tenor, baritone.
19970104             PRESIDENT—CLINTON, in his weekly radio address, took credit for policies reducing TEEN—AGE pregnancy and said he would work for even greater reductions over the next —4—YEARS.
19970104             † HARRY—HELMSLEY, —87—JAHRE—ALT, SELF—MADE billionaire and husband to Leona, in SCOTTSDALE—ARIZONA.
19970104             HARRY—HELMSLEY—ENTIRE $1.7—BILLION estate was left to his wife except for $25k left to 1—LONGTIME SECRETARY.
19970104             —TUNNELED, ARGENTINA, thieves, into 1—BUENOS—AIRES bank and robbed as much as $25—MILLION.
19970104             oo CZECH—REPUBLIC—PRESIDENT—VACLAV—HAVEL, his girlfriend DAGMAR—VESKRNOVA, less than —1—YEAR—AFTER THE—DEATH—OF—HIS 1. wife Olga Havlova.
19970104             NEW—ZEALAND, —DURING the —WEEK Cyclone Fergus, the worst to hit in —8—YEARS, produced heavy rains and wind damage along the northern coast.
19971222             1—RUNOFF with Vladas Adamkus was set for 19970104             .
19971222             19980104             THE—HISTORY—OF—THE—FUTURE—MUSEUM, 1—PART—OF—THE—STAR—TREK: THE—EXPERIENCE, a $70—MILLION—ATTRACTION, was scheduled to open at THE—LAS—VEGAS Hilton.
19980104             † OAKLAND—CALIFORNIA, DANTE—JONES, —2—JAHRE—ALT, of internal bleeding.
19980104             Investigators said he had beaten his girlfriend's nephew as punishment over TOILET—TRAINING problems.
19980104             4—RESIDENTS—OF—VALLEJO—CALIFORNIA, were injured by 1—BOMB disguised as 1—BATCH—OF—HOLIDAY goodies left 1—FRONT porch.
19980104             —SUPPLIED, Actress MAE—QUESTEL (89), who had, the voices of cartoon characters Betty Boop and Olive Oyl, † in NEW—YORK.
19980104             CANADA, Nirmal Singh Gill (65) was found beaten and bleeding in the parking LOT—OF—1—SIKH temple in SURREY near VANCOUVER.
19980104             † He soon.
19980104             5—YOUNG—MEN linked to 1—WHITE—SUPREMACIST—GROUP, White Power, were —LATER jailed on CHARGES—OF—MURDER.
19980104             —RESIGNED, ISRAEL—DAVID—LEVY, the foreign MINISTER.
19980104             He denounced NETANYAHU—GOVERNMENT for abandoning the peace process and not addressing problems with the poor and unemployed.
19980104—20120000    —IN, Valery (40) † in prison.
19990104             —REPORTED, THE—USA—STANCE towards CUBA was, to be easing —FOLLOWING the completed report by the Council on Foreign Relations.
19990104             —PROPOSED, It was, to restore mail service, increase flights, permit food sales to NON—GOVERNMENT entities, and allow more Americans to send money.
19990104             THE—USA—MINT began distributing 1—NEW—SERIES—OF—COMMEMORATIVE state quarters.
19990104             —MARKED, The 1. 1—FROM DELAWARE, 17760000             —THE ride of Caesar Rodney from Dover to PHILADELPHIA to vote for THE—DECLARATION—OF—INDEPENDENCE.
19990104             Former professional wrestler JESSE—VENTURA was sworn in as MINNESOTA—37. GOVERNOR.
19990104             ELIZABETH Dole quit as THE—HEAD—OF—THE—AMERICA—RED—CROSS and it was speculated that she might run as the Republican candidate for PRESIDENT.
19990104             NEVADA, 1—SNIPER hit at least 4—VEHICLES on I—80—BETWEEN RENO and THE—CALIFORNIA border.
19990104             —ARRESTED, Police, CHRISTOPHER—LEE—MERRITT, —20—JAHRE—ALT—OF—MANKATO—MINNESOTA, who hoped to rob the drivers —AFTER they crashed.
19990104             The euro, the new money of 11—EUROPEAN nations, got off to 1—STRONG—START on its 1. trading —DAY, rising against the dollar on world currency markets and closed in NEW—YORK at $1.181. 1—FOUNDING PRINCIPAL—OF—THE—EURO area held that national central banks be independent of their governments.
19990104             —DENIED, ANGOLA, UNITA rebels, shooting down 2—UN—PLANES and claimed that there were no survivors.
19990104             1—FOOTBRIDGE in CHONGQING—CHINA, collapsed and killed 40—PEOPLE.
19990104             —1—WEEK—LATER another bridge in Fujian province collapsed and killed 7. Bridge officials were arrested on SUSPICION—OF—GRAFT or using shoddy materials.
19990104             1—PARTY—OFFICIAL in CHONGQING was —LATER convicted of taking bribes and sentenced to death.
19990104             —RECEIVED, Chevron, word of 1—ATTACK on its Searrex oil rig.
19990104             —DISPATCHED, Soldiers, to the rig allegedly fired on Opia village from 1—HELICOPTER and 2—VILLAGERS were killed.
19990104             2—MORE villagers were killed 1—SHORT—TIME—LATER at Ikenyan.
19990104             —1—DAY—LATER Chevron was invoiced $109.25 for THE—SERVICES—OF—THE—SOLDIERS.
19990104             SHA, JAMAL—PAKISTAN, in THE—EAST—PUNJAB gunmen on motorcycle opened fire on Shiite Muslim worshipers and killed 16—PEOPLE and wounded at least 25.
19990104             —AGREED, GAMBIA and MALI, to send troops to join THE—NIGERIA—FORCES.
19990104—19960000    —DREAMED, REPRESENTATIVE—MICHAEL—CASTLE—OF—DELAWARE, up the program.
19990104—19990000    —PLEADED, Merritt, guilty.
19990917             —INJECTED, JESSE—GELSINGER—LIVER had been, with 1—VIRUS carrying 1—CORRECTIVE g19990104             days —EARLIER.
20000104             —ENDORSED, Former presidential rival ELIZABETH Dole, fellow Republican GEORGE—W—BUSH.
20000104             —ANNOUNCED, CHINA, THE—STATE—DEVELOPMENT—PLANNING—COMMISSION, that private enterprise should be put on "equal footing with STATE—OWNED enterprises".
20000104             COLOMBIA, Red Cross work shut down —AFTER peasant refugees took 40—HOSTAGES in BOGOTA and demanded homes.
20000104             —KILLED, INDONESIA, at least 17—PEOPLE were, —WHEN troops opened fire on Christian and Muslim mobs on Seram ISLAND in Maluku province.
20000104             THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE fled violence and poured into TERNATE, THE—CAPITAL—OF—NORTH—MALUKU.
20000104             —CLAIMED, Refugees, that HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE † in fighting over —2—DAYS.
20000104             —AGREED, ISRAEL and Palestine, on 1—ISRAEL—TROOP pullback and the transfer of 1—ADDITIONAL 5—PERCENT—OF—WEST—BANK land.
20000104             SRINAGAR, Kashmir, 13—PEOPLE and 1—HORSE were blown up in 1—EXPLOSION set by insurgents in 1—VEGETABLE—MARKET used by INDIA—TROOPS.
20000104             —ATTACKED, NAMIBIA, gunmen, 1—FAMILY—OF—FRANCE—TOURISTS, killed 3—CHILDREN and wounded the parents.
20000104             —BLAMED, Unita rebels were.
20000104             —BELIEVED, At least 20—PEOPLE were, to have †.
20000104             —STRAPPED, COLOMBO—SRI—LANKA, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER set off explosives, to her body and killed herself and 19 [12] others near THE—PRIME—MINISTER—OFFICE.
20000104             1—TAMIL politician was shot dead by motorcycle assassin nearby.
20001230—20000104    —ON, 1—OF—BOMBS was on 1—TRAIN and killed at least 13. Police arrested 17—MEN.
20010104             —ANNOUNCED, It was, that GEORGE, the politics and lifestyle magazine founded by the late JOHN—F—KENNEDY—JUNIOR, would fold.
20010104             —APPROVED, CALIFORNIA state regulators, raising electricity rates by 1—AVERAGE 10% as state utilities stood near bankruptcy.
20010104             † Orchestra leader Les Brown, known for his "Band of Renown," at age 88.
20010104             —DEVELOPED, INDIA test flew its 1. locally, jet fighter.
20010104             —CLASHED, INDONESIA, rival villages, on Lombok and 9—PEOPLE were killed.
20010104             7—OTHERS were killed in fighting between rival villages in NORTH—SULAWESI.
20010104             —REPORTED, It was, that RUSSIA had moved nuclear warheads into storage areas at its KALININGRAD naval base over the past —YEAR.
20010104             —CALLED, RUSSIA, the charges 1—DANGEROUS—JOKE.
20010104—20000000    —ANNOUNCED, SRI—LANKA, the defense ministry, that the civil war left 3,753—PEOPLE—DEAD, including 87—CIVILIANS.
20010720             —RELEASED, Leggett was, 20020104             .
20010911             —OBSTRUCTED, Commission: Our investigation was "":
20010911             THE—FOLLOWING—LINKS—POINT—TO—PDF—DOCUMENTS—OF—THE—LETTERS—FILED—WITH—THE—UNITED—NATIONS: 20060104             , February 3, 20060000             , February 6, 20060000             , 20060303             , 20060404             , 20060504             , 20060530             + 20060605             .
20010911             —FILED, THE—FOLLOWING links point to PDF DOCUMENTS—OF—THE—LETTERS, with THE—UNITED—NATIONS: 20060104             , February 3, 20060000             , February 6, 20060000             , 20060303             , 20060404             , 20060504             , 20060530             + 20060605             .
20020104             BRITAIN used DU 19500000             s 'nuclear GUINEA pig' tests
20020104             (DeploymentLINK) - - GENE—WHEATON, 1—INTELLIGENCE insider and whistleblower
20020104             studies at GEORGETOWN—CSIS 19730000             —1986; CO—FOUNDER—OF—THE—WACL with Gen.
20020104             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA—POSTAL—SERVICE, 1—INCREASE in 1. class stamps to 37—CENTS from 34 to take place 20020630             .
20020104             20020104             1—WSJ editorial by FORMER—USA—ARMY—OFFICER—RALPH—PETERS blamed SAUDI—ARABIA as THE—SOURCE—OF—FUNDAMENTALIST—TERRORISM.
20020104             "We must be prepared to seize THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—OIL—FIELDS and administer them for the greater good".
20020104             —RESIGNED, FLORIDA coach STEVE—SPURRIER, to pursue an NFL job, —2—DAYS—AFTER leading the Gators to victory over MARYLAND in THE—ORANGE—BOWL.
20020104             —QUOTED, THE—WSJ, ALI—K—SHUKRI, retired JORDAN—GENERAL: 1—STRIKE on IRAQ "is not 1—QUESTION—OF whether it's going to happen, but —WHEN—AND it is coming".
20020104             —SUGGESTED, Action in the —SPRING was.
20020104             GEORGE and Marisol Gari, MEMBERS—OF—THE—WASP network CUBA—SPY ring, were sentenced in FLORIDA to 7 and 3.—5—YEARS.
20020104             He became the 1. USA—SOLDIER to die there by enemy fire.
20020104             † ANTONIO—TODDE, 1—ITALY—SHEPHERD listed by Guinness as the world's oldest man, —JUST shy of his 113. birthday.
20020104             "—JUST love your brother and drink 1—GOOD—GLASS—OF—RED—WINE—EVERY—DAY".
20020104             —ACKNOWLEDGED, ARGENTINA, PRESIDENT—DUHALDE, that the nation will devalue the peso.
20020104             Pilots THOMAS—BOYDSTON, —51—JAHRE—ALT ROBERT—NORTON, —58—JAHRE—ALT and TIMOTHY—VANDEVORT, —41—JAHRE—ALT were killed along with JOHN—SHUMEJDA, —56—JAHRE—ALT THE—PRESIDENT—AND—CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OF—AGRICULTURAL—GIANT—AGCO, and ED—SWINGLE, —60—JAHRE—ALT, the company's senior VP for sales and marketing.
20020104             A 20040000             report said that the crash was caused by the crew's failure to DE—ICE the wings —BEFORE takeoff.
20020104             —REPORTED, INDIA, the death of 15—SOLDIERS and 1—NUMBER—OF—CIVILIANS—NEAR—AMRITSAR due to the mishandling of 1—AMMUNITION filled truck.
20020104             —CONTINUED, PAKISTAN, to round up alleged militants.
20020104             —ARRESTED, Some 200 were said to have been, in the last —10—DAYS.
20020104             Key leaders of LASHKAR—E—TAYYABA and JAISH—E—MOHAMMED were among the detained.
20020104             —HANDED, PAKISTAN also, over senior al Qaeda trainer AL—SHAYKH—AL—LIBI to THE—USA—MILITARY.
20020104             —CLONED, Dolly 19960000             —THE—SCOTLAND—BORN, sheep, was reported to be suffering from arthritis, 1—SIGN—OF—PREMATURE aging.
20020104             —ANNOUNCED, RUSSIA, that it would reduce its military by over 15%.
20020104             SOUTH—ASIA—LEADERS began a —2—DAY—MEETING in NEPAL.
20020104             —REPORTED, It was, that $54—MILLION in short term food aid was needed to ward off widespread starvation in ZIMBABWE.
20020104             —CALLED, THE—AIDS—EPIDEMIC, "Nkondombera" (1—SHONA word for "no condom") was claiming over 2,000—PEOPLE per —WEEK.
20020104             Inflation was running at over 100% per —MONTH.
20020104             —ESTIMATED, Unemployment was, at 50%.
20020104             Depleted Uranium Information Library, 1—GATEWAY to primary source materials relating to the military use of depleted uranium + its possible health effects.
20020104             the company had assumed "overall responsibility" for THE—WTC site ON—MARY—COSTELLO, spokesperson for Bovis in NEW—YORK, told AFP that.
20020104             GENE—WHEATON, 1—INTELLIGENCE insider and whistleblower...studies at GEORGETOWN—CSIS 19730000—19860000;
20020104             CO—FOUNDER—OF—THE—WACL with Gen.
20020104             BRITAIN used DU 19500000             s 'nuclear GUINEA pig' TESTS,
20020104—19600000    —ON, DOD Releases Information TESTS—WASHINGTON -
20021125             Expanded Perspectives Cel...using slave labor from Nazi camps... 19420000             .
20021205154537       —GEORGE—DUBYA—BUSH, COMMAND—IN—CHIEF... 20060216             11, 20010000             , terrorist attacks might have been prevented if THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION h Post Date:20060105161553          20060216             Reuters: CHENEY strongly defends eavesdropping operation VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY strongly defended 1—SECRET [...] Post Date:20060104144446          20060320             offenbart in einem Blogeintrag vom
20021221             —ARRESTED, EDWARD—MORRIS, —37—JAHRE—ALT was, 20020104             .
20021221—20020104    —ARRESTED, EDWARD—MORRIS, —37—JAHRE—ALT was.
20030104             * —PRODUCED, Clonaid, the company that claims to have, the 1. human clone, said a 2. child to 1—HOLLAND—LESBIAN 20030103             .
20030104             * 1 2. child to 1—HOLLAND—LESBIAN, CLONAID—PRODUCED, the company that claims to have, the 1. human clone, said 20030103             .
20030104             † CONRAD—L—HALL, —76—JAHRE—ALT, OSCAR—WINNING cinematographer, in Santa MONICA—CALIFORNIA.
20030104             Aufklärungsarbeit die Siebte ist da !!!
20030104             Neue MEDIADATEN—IHRE Anzeige in der Aufklärungsarbeit!
20030104             PRESIDENT—BUSH said he will ask Congress to boost FEDERAL—EDUCATION—AID for poor children by $1—BILLION.
20030104             As Bush put the finishing touches on 1—ECONOMIC—GROWTH—PACKAGE costing $674—BILLION over —10—YEARS, Democrats who wanted his job, pledged to scuttle what they characterized as 1—PLAN that would help the wealthy without reviving the economy.
20030104             20030104             † CONRAD—L—HALL, —76—JAHRE—ALT, OSCAR—WINNING cinematographer, in Santa MONICA—CALIFORNIA.
20030104             —AMBUSHED, ALGERIA, Islamic militants (GSPC), 1—MILITARY—CONVOY in the northeast village of Theniet EL—ABED.
20030104             † † 43—SOLDIERS, were killed, 19 wounded.
20030104             —OVERTURNED, SOUTH—IRAN, 1—BUS carrying university students, on 1—RAIN—SLICK road, killing 15—PEOPLE and injuring 18—OTHERS.
20030104             —AGREED, IVORY—COAST—MAIN—REBEL—MOVEMENT, to respect 1—OFT—VIOLATED—CEASE—FIRE and to resume peace talks with the government —LATER—THIS—MONTH in PARIS.
20030104             1—BOAT from SOMALIA to YEMEN developed engine trouble and capsized and at least 80—PEOPLE were feared dead.
20031125             GEORGIA—LAWMAKERS 20030901             —NEW—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION for 20030104             .
20031125             20040104             LOUISIANA STATE—UNIVERSITY won college football's Sugar Bowl, defeating OKLAHOMA 21-14.
20040104             Infolge der Rosenrevolution gegen EDUARD—SCHEWARDNADSE feiert der Oppositionspolitiker MICHEIL—SAAKASCHWILI—VON—DER—VEREINTEN—NATIONALEN—BEWEGUNG bei den Präsidentschaftswahlen in GEORGIEN einen überwältigenden Wahlsieg.
20040104             Nach einer Reisezeit von fast —7—MONATEN landet die Landeeinheit der USA—AMERIKANISCHEN—RAUMSONDE Spirit im GUSEV—KRATER auf dem Mars.
20040104             LOUISIANA STATE—UNIVERSITY won college football's Sugar Bowl, defeating OKLAHOMA 21-14.
20040104             † JOHN—TOLAND, —91—JAHRE—ALT, historian, in DANBURY—CONNECTICUT.
20040104             —INCLUDED, JOHN—TOLAND—BOOKS, "THE—RISING—SUN" (19710000             ), 1—ACCOUNT—OF—JAPAN 19360000—19450000    —FROM—TO, and "Adolph Hitler: THE—DEFINITIVE—BIOGRAPHY" (19760000             ).
20040104             502—DELEGATES accepted 1—SYSTEM with 1—STRONG—PRESIDENT and 1—WEAKER—PARLIAMENT.
20040104             DENMARK, residents who openly bought and sold hashish at 1—FAMOUS hippie enclave in COPENHAGEN abruptly demolished their booths, trying to head off 1—DENMARK—GOVERNMENT—CRACKDOWN on illegal drug sales.
20040104             —DECLARED, MIKHAIL—SAAKASHVILI, GEORGIA—YOUNG firebrand opposition leader, himself the victor in presidential elections with some 85—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE.
20040104             —ISSUED, ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—ARIEL—SHARON, an order to dismantle 2—WEST—BANK settlement outposts.
20040104             —EXPLODED, In THE—SOUTH—PHILIPPINES 1—BOMB, at 1 packed basketball game, killing 11—PEOPLE and wounding at least 68—INCLUDING Parang Mayor Vivencio Bataga, who was the likely TARGET—OF—THE—ATTACK.
20040104             SOUTH—KOREA—PROSECUTORS, investigating corruption in the bidding on government contracts by 1—AFFILIATE—OF—IBM—CORP., indicted 48—GOVERNMENT and company officials.
20040104             SOUTH—THAILAND, assailants set fire to 18—SCHOOLS and stormed 1—MILITARY armory, killing 4—SOLDIERS in nearly simultaneous raids.
20040104—19380000    —PASSED, He had, reports to the Russians.
20040104—19830000    —IN, he authored "—AFTER Long Silence".
20040125—20040104    —AM, Nach seinem überwältigenden Wahlsieg wird MICHEIL—SAAKASCHWILI als STAATSPRÄSIDENT—VON—GEORGIEN vereidigt.
20040303—20050104    -ANC DAILY NEWS BRIEFING—PLEASE NOTE: This...
20040709—20050104    —ON, he was again labeled 1—DESERTER —AFTER failing to return to his base at Camp Lejeune in NORTH—CAROLINA from authorized leave.
20041103             Fireballs / SPAIN - ;;01;; 5., 20040000             : "HUNDREDS—OF—WITNESSES reported seeing fireballs cross THE—SKIES—OF—NORTH—SPAIN —ON—SUNDAY [20040104             ] in what authorities said may have been 1—DISINTEGRATING meteorite, SPAIN—RADIO said".
20041207             20060103             New BUSH Initiative to Impose Order in IRAQ... " Terriers and Rogue Nations ", 233, 20021205154537         —GEORGE—DUBYA—BUSH, COMMAND—IN—CHIEF... 20060216             11, 20010000             , terrorist attacks might have been prevented if THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION h Post Date:20060105161553          20060216             Reuters: CHENEY strongly defends eavesdropping operation VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY strongly defended 1—SECRET [...] Post Date:20060104144446          20060320             offenbart in einem Blogeintrag vom
20041219             20060104             20021125             Expanded Perspectives Cel...using slave labor from Nazi camps... 19420000             .
20041219             200501041049          - MARIA—HANSFORD
20041219             200501041049          - MARIA—HANSFORD - If we are at war, who is the enemy?...
20050104             —FROM SOUTH—AFRICA SAID: I'm trying to locate my daughter's FRIEND—HIS—NAME is PAUL—HARKER.
20050104             —CONVENED, The 109. USA—CONGRESS, and took up tsunami aid.
20050104             THE—REPUBLICAN edge was 55 to 45.
20050104             —ELECTED, Wade Boggs was, to the Baseball Hall of Fame in his 1. —YEAR—OF—ELIGIBILITY, and Ryne Sandberg made it with —JUST 6—VOTES to spare on his 3. try.
20050104             —SUSPECTED—OF, Kelbessa Negewo (54), 1—ETHIOPIA—IMMIGRANT, torturing and murdering more than 12—POLITICAL—OPPONENTS—OF—THE—ETHIOPIA—GOVERNMENT in the 1970s, was arrested at his home near ATLANTA.
20050104             CUBA—FOREIGN—MINISTER—FELIPE—PEREZ—ROQUE said THE—ISLAND nation was renewing contacts with FRANCE, BRITAIN, GERMANY, ITALY, AUSTRIA, GREECE, PORTUGAL and SWEDEN —AFTER 1—EU panel recommended that member states stop inviting dissidents to their National —DAY celebrations at their embassies in HAVANA.
20050104             Diplomats said THE—UNITED—NATIONS—ATOMIC—WATCHDOG—AGENCY has found EVIDENCE—OF—SECRET—NUCLEAR—EXPERIMENTS in EGYPT that could be used in weapons programs.
20050104             —EXTENDED, Doctors at HAITI—LARGEST—PUBLIC—HOSPITAL, 1—WEEKLONG strike to protest overdue paychecks.
20050104             —ASSASSINATED, Insurgents, THE—HIGHEST—RANKING IRAQ—OFFICIAL in —8—MONTHS, gunning down THE—GOVERNOR—OF—BAGHDAD province and 6—OF—HIS bodyguards.
20050104             1—SUICIDE—TRUCK—BOMBER killed 10—PEOPLE at 1—INTERIOR—MINISTRY commando headquarters.
20050104             5—USA—SOLDIERS were killed in assaults elsewhere.
20050104             2—ISRAEL—TANK shells slammed into 1—FIELD in response to PALESTINE—MORTAR fire, killing 7—PALESTINIANS youths working in 1—STRAWBERRY field.
20050104             —ARMED, PERU, the leader of 1, nationalist group that seized 1—REMOTE—POLICE—STATION, took 10—OFFICERS—HOSTAGE and allegedly killed 4—OTHERS was detained —WHILE MOST—OF—HIS—125—FOLLOWERS were rounded up.
20050104             —ARRIVED, POLAND—PRIME—MINISTER—MAREK—BELKA, in TRIPOLI for a —2—DAY—VISIT that will include talks on cooperation in the oil sector and 1—MEETING with LIBYA—LEADER—MOAMER Kadhafi.
20050104             PORTUGAL—NATIONAL meteorology OFFICE—SAID—MANY—REGIONS, including the southernmost PROVINCE—OF—ALGARVE, the country's main tourism center, are facing their worst drought in over —1—DECADE.
20050104             —PROMISED, VENEZUELA—LEFT—LEANING government, to grant poor farmers at least 100,000 PLOTS—OF—LAND carved from either state property or large private holdings, 1—STEP toward implementing 1—CONTROVERSIAL agrarian reform law.
20050104             at 10:49 —MARIA—HANSFORD from SOUTH—AFRICA SAID: I'm trying to locate my daughter's FRIEND—HIS—NAME is PAUL—HARKER.
20050104             SANTOS + Industry MINISTER—ELISIO—DE—FIGUEIREDO had jointly pocketed at least... leading THE—SO—CALLED " ANGOLA gate " inquiry into illicit arms sales.
20050104             ARAMBOUILLE et compagnie
20050104             1—CÉRÉMONIE à laquelle assistait Elisio Figueiredo, ancien ambassadeur d'ANGOLA à...
20050104             Arcady Gaydamak, et PIERRE—FALCONE, mouillés dans l'" ANGOLA gate ".
20050104             Province Considers Scrap Training... Metal Management Facilities Receive ISO Certification —
20050104             Province Considers Scrap Training... Metal Management Facilities Receive ISO Certification — 20031229             20050402             GMT : 200501040512—AM.
20050104             Province Considers Scrap Training... Metal Management Facilities Receive ISO Certification — 20031229             20050104             Province Considers Scrap Training... Metal Management Facilities Receive ISO Certification — 20031229             20050204             KKR kann "Grünen Punkt" übernehmen 200412291046 .
20050104—19870000    —LIVED, Negewo has, in THE—USA—SINCE fleeing ETHIOPIA.
20050324             INCORPORATED and ROY—A—WILKENS (19940104             ).
20050324             Employment AGREEMENT—THE—WILLIAMS—COMPANIES, INCORPORATED, Williams Telecommunications Group, INCORPORATED and ROY—A—WILKENS (19940104             ).
20050325             JCB Aids Tsunami Disaster Areas — 20050104             Province Considers Scrap Training
20050325             Recycling —TODAY Online :: Business Management :: Workplace Management... JCB Aids Tsunami Disaster Areas — 20050104             Province Considers Scrap Training... Metal Management Facilities Receive ISO Certification — 20031229             20050325             Metal Management Facilities Receive ISO Certification — 20031229             20050325             Recycling —TODAY Online :: Business Management :: Workplace Management... JCB Aids Tsunami Disaster Areas — 20050104             Province Considers Scrap Training... Metal Management Facilities Receive ISO Certification — 20031229             20050610             WOMEN AND GLOBALIZATION Conference 20050727—2005080320050610             1. that friend and set up 1—MEETING," THEN—DELAY—STAFFER—TONY—RUDY wrote to fellow House aide THOMAS—PYLE in a 20051229             .----.
20050402             Above Top Secret Interactive BLOG—OTHER—CURRENT—EVENTS—WAS... GMT : 20050104             —0512—AM... THE—USA is 1—BANKRUPT corporation and de facto government.
20050402             GMT : 200501040512—AM.
20050402             Above Top Secret Interactive BLOG — OTHER Current EVENTS — WAS - GMT : 20050104             —0512—AM.
20051106             —FROM KALLISTE@delphi_comThu 202010104928 19960000             Date: Thu, 20051010             ... To take advantage of this fact, JACKSON—STEPHENS proposed that his software... JACKSON—STEPHENS, —MEANWHILE, proposed, developed, and financed 1—PLANT for...
20051200—20050104    —LABELLED, In 1—FURTHER—TWIST, he was again, 1—DESERTER —AFTER failing to return to his base in NORTH—CAROLINA from authorised leave.
20051207             20060824091603—GMT, —THURSDAY A 2. suspect in 1 alleged plot to blow up GERMANY—TRAINS is arrested in LEBANON, 20060824093018?????????—GMT, —THURSDAY Diplomatic efforts are being stepped up in EUROPE 20061114             the least —RECENTLY modified web page we know of, last changed Tue, 19901113151700?????????—JAHR GMT (though THE—URI changed.)' 1—LOT has happened in —16—YEARS and this little 'baby' has grown into quite the teenager". 20061207             Chunks Crying All the Way to the Bank- 20061207             20051207—20050000????Manchmal gingen sie zusammen zum EINKAUFEN—ALLES unter den Augen DEUTSCHLAND—GEHEIMDIENSTLEUTE. 20060103             WE CANNOT LET TERRIERS AND ROGUE NATIONS HOLD THIS NATION HOSTILE—BUSH [BGW968] 20000909             20041207             20060103             New BUSH Initiative to Impose Order in IRAQ... " Terriers and Rogue Nations ", 233, 20021205154537?????????—JAHR—GEORGE—DUBYA—BUSH, COMMAND—IN—CHIEF... 20060216             11, 20010000             , terrorist attacks might have been prevented if THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION h Post Date:20060105161553?????????—JAHR 20060216             Reuters: CHENEY strongly defends eavesdropping operation VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY strongly defended 1—SECRET [...] Post Date:20060104144446?????????—JAHR 20060320             offenbart in einem Blogeintrag vom
20051207             20060103             WE CANNOT LET TERRIERS AND ROGUE NATIONS HOLD THIS NATION HOSTILE—BUSH [BGW968] 20000909             20041207             20060103             New BUSH Initiative to Impose Order in IRAQ... " Terriers and Rogue Nations ", 233, 20021205154537         —GEORGE—DUBYA—BUSH, COMMAND—IN—CHIEF... 20060216             11, 20010000             , terrorist attacks might have been prevented if THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION h Post Date:20060105161553          20060216             Reuters: CHENEY strongly defends eavesdropping operation VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY strongly defended 1—SECRET [...] Post Date:20060104144446          20060320             offenbart in einem Blogeintrag vom
20060101—20060104    —THREATENED, AL—ARABIYA said the group, to kill them unless THE—TEHRAN government released 16—MEMBERS from prison.
20060103             WE CANNOT LET TERRIERS AND ROGUE NATIONS HOLD THIS NATION HOSTILE—BUSH [BGW968] 20000909             20041207             20060103             New BUSH Initiative to Impose Order in IRAQ... " Terriers and Rogue Nations ", 233, 20021205154537         —GEORGE—DUBYA—BUSH, COMMAND—IN—CHIEF... 20060216             11, 20010000             , terrorist attacks might have been prevented if THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION h Post Date:20060105161553          20060216             Reuters: CHENEY strongly defends eavesdropping operation VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY strongly defended 1—SECRET [...] Post Date:20060104144446          20060320             offenbart in einem Blogeintrag vom
20060104             —NACHDEM der ISRAELISCHE—MINISTERPRÄSIDENT—ARIEL—SCHARON einen schweren Schlaganfall erlitten hat, übernimmt EHUD—OLMERT die Amtsgeschäfte.
20060104             20021125             Expanded Perspectives Cel...using slave labor from Nazi camps... 19420000             .
20060104             FRANCE—INTERIOR—MINISTER—NICOLAS—SARKOZY said FRANCE will create 1—SPECIAL—POLICE—FORCE to ensure security for railway passengers —AFTER 1—BAND—OF marauding youths robbed and sexually assaulted train travelers 20060101             in SOUTH—EAST—FRANCE.
20060104             In 1—TRIPLE—OVERTIME game that began 20060103             and finished —AFTER midnight, NUMBER 3—PENN STATE—BEAT—NUMBER 22—FLORIDA State 26-23 in THE—ORANGE—BOWL.
20060104             STATE—OF—CONNECTICUT—DROPS—PLANS to Move to E—VOTING Machines!
20060104             Feds Said to Approve Return to 'LEVER—STYLE' Equipment!
20060104             "The country's on the verge of 1—CIVIL—WAR,":
20060104             —WHEN PAUL—BREMER signed into law his dictate that banned the Ba'ath Party, he forgot THE—AGE—OLD notion that the enemy has 1—VOTE.
20060104             In this case the enemy was THE—2—MILLION plus MEMBERS—OF—THE—BA'ATH party who were suddenly disenfranchised from ANY—LEGITIMATE—ROLE in determining the future of IRAQ.
20060104             IRAQ Wants USA—CHOICE Out As CHIEF—OF—BRIGADE:
20060104             Over the strong OBJECTIONS—OF—USA—COMMANDERS in BAGHDAD, THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT has nominated 1—NEW—LEADER for 1—BRIGADE that is set to assume control over SOME—OF—THE—CAPITAL—MOST sensitive areas.
20060104             This dispute appears likely to postpone 1—ALREADY overdue handover by USA—FORCES for at least another —MONTH.
20060104             —MISSEED, In case you, it: Draft IRAQ Indictment:
20060104             not liberating THE—IRAQ—PEOPLE, but rather subjecting them to new, more brutal and direct forms of foreign domination and turning IRAQ into 1—PLATFORM for further aggression and imperial maneuvers.
20060104             Billion Dollar Bunker: IRAQ to give $3bn WORTH—OF—BONDS to SADDAM—ERA creditors:
20060104             NEARLY $3—BILLION WORTH—OF—BONDS bearing THE—NAME—OF—THE—REPUBLIC—OF—IRAQ are scheduled to begin trading in LONDON on ;;01;;
20060104             19, in 1—PRIVATE—PLACEMENT that will mark the troubled country's 1. appearance in THE—INTERNATIONAL—DEBT—MARKETS.
20060104             USA threatens action if IRAN resumes N—FUEL—WORKS:
20060104             "Our view is that if IRAN takes an further ENRICHMENT—RELATED steps,
20060104             THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY will have to consider additional measures to constrain IRAN—NUCLEAR—AMBITIONS," McCormack told reporters.
20060104             IRAN to brief UNITED—NATIONS on atomic research PLAN—DIPLOMATS:
20060104             IRAN says its atomic work aims solely to generate electricity and YEARS—OF—IAEA inquiries have found nothing to clearly disprove this.
20060104             War pimp alert: Secret services say IRAN is trying to assemble 1—NUCLEAR—MISSILE:
20060104             THE—IRAN—GOVERNMENT has been successfully scouring EUROPE for the sophisticated equipment needed to develop 1—NUCLEAR—BOMB,
20060104             according to the latest western intelligence ASSESSMENT—OF—THE—COUNTRY—WEAPONS—PROGRAMMES.
20060104             IRAN—NUCLEAR—CAPACITY 'can be destroyed':
20060104             ISRAEL—MILITARY—CHIEF—DAN—HALUTZ —ON—TUESDAY said that IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM "can be destroyed," ISRAEL—ARMY—RADIO reported.
20060104             War pimp alert: Make them drink their SEA—OF—OIL:
20060104             Oil makes people crazy, especially if they are world leaders.
20060104             Oil is what drove THE—PRESIDENT—AND—THE—VICE—PRESIDENT—TO—THE—LOST—CAUSE—WAR in IRAQ + oil is what is —NOW preventing them from removing the bomb from the stalls of the Persian market.
20060104             PATRICK—J—BUCHANAN : Time to Talk to TEHRAN:
20060104             Does PRESIDENT—BUSH intend 1—PREVENTIVE war, early —THIS—YEAR, to effect the nuclear castration of IRAN?
20060104             Or are we rattling sabers?
20060104             CIA Gave IRAN Bomb Plans, Book Says:
20060104             THE—CIA - IRAN Elbows AFGHANISTAN From Pipeline Project With TURKMENISTAN:
20060104             THE—USA will be dismayed as its oil and gas company UNOCAL—EFFORTS to pass gas pipeline from TURKMENISTAN via AFGHANISTAN to PAKISTAN had been delayed because INDIA and PAKISTAN have opted to sign 1—ACCORD with IRAN, analysts say.
20060104             SUPREME—COURT—SAYS—USA Can Move Padilla:
20060104             —ACCUSED, THE—SUPREME—COURT—AGREED—WEDNESDAY to let the military transfer, "enemy combatant" JOSE—PADILLA to MIAMI to face criminal charges in at least 1—TEMPORARY—VICTORY for THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION.
20060104             —OPERATED, Doctors, to drain excess blood from his brain
20060104             —NACH—DEN Vorwürfen gegen POLEN und RUMÄNIEN soll es in einem weiteren EU—LAND 1—GEHEIMGEFÄNGNIS—DER—CIA geben.
20060104             BRÜSSEL—ES handele sich um einen Mitgliedstaat der EU, sagte LOTTE—LEICHT,
20060104             die Leiterin des Brüsseler Büros von Human Rights Watch, —HEUTE vor dem Menschenrechtsausschuss des EU—PARLAMENTS.
20060104             Den Namen des Landes wolle sie aber nicht nennen, da ihre Organisation einen Überraschungsbesuch in der mutmaßlichen Haftanstalt plane.
20060104             Human Rights Wach hatte im ;;11;;
20060104             berichtet, es gebe Hinweise, dass der USA—GEHEIMDIENST CIA Gefangene aus AFGHANISTAN nach POLEN und RUMÄNIEN transportiert habe.
20060104             Die Regierungen beider Staaten wiesen die Vorwürfe zurück.
20060104             Porträt: Scharons schwerste SCHLACHT
20060104             Porträt: OLMERT—EIN enger Gefolgsmann Scharons
20060104             —ALLOWED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS to take custody of "enemy combatant" JOSE—PADILLA so he could face criminal charges.
20060104             1—USA—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT—IN—ATLANTA reinstated a $54.6—MILLION verdict against 2 retired Salvadoran generals, CARLOS—EUGENIO—VIDES—CASANOVA, —67—JAHRE—ALT, and JOSE—GUILLERMO—GARCIA (72), ACCUSED—OF—TORTURE —DURING the civil war (19800000—19920000    ) in their home country.
20060104             —SCORED, THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—TEXAS—LONGHORNS, a 41—38—WIN over SOUTH—CALIFORNIA in the Rose Bowl.
20060104             Official tickets sold for $175 and resellers on THE—INTERNET hawked them for as much as $3000.
20060104             —PROTECTED, Scientists said, ocean areas are needed to save DEEP—SEA—FISH which have been driven to near extinction by commercial fishing.
20060104             —URGED, CHAD—PRESIDENT—IDRISS—DEBY, THE—UN to take CONTROL—OF—SUDAN—VOLATILE Darfur region because he said KHARTOUM was using the conflict there to destabilize neighboring states.
20060104             —MISMANAGED, CHINA—CENTRAL, PROVINCE—OF—HUNAN 1, silt CLEAN—UP project allowed the industrial chemical cadmium, which can cause neurological disorders and cancer, to flood out of 1—SMELTING works and into the Xiangjiang River.
20060104             2—EGYPT—GUARDS were shot dead at the border with GAZA —AFTER armed Palestinians made 1—HOLE in the border wall.
20060104             PALESTINE—MILITANTS—ANGRY at the jailing of their leader stole 2—BULLDOZERS and smashed through the border wall between GAZA and EGYPT.
20060104             —TRIGGERED, INDONESIA, landslides, by heavy rains swept down on 1—VILLAGE on Java ISLAND, burying homes beneath TONS—OF—MUD and leaving DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE missing and feared dead.
20060104             The number of dead or missing from DAYS—OF—WET—WEATHER—ROSE to over 200.
20060104             —KILLED, IRAQ, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, 32—MOURNERS and wounded dozens at 1—FUNERAL for THE—NEPHEW—OF—1—SHIITE politician, 1—OF—SEVERAL attacks across the country that killed 1—TOTAL—OF—53—PEOPLE.
20060104             —RUSHED, ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—ARIEL—SHARON was, to 1—OPERATING room to staunch 1—BRAIN—HEMORRHAGE;
20060104             his official powers were transferred to his deputy, Ehud Olmert.
20060104             The world's largest bank, THE—BANK—OF—TOKYO—MITSUBISHI—UFJ (MUFG), opened for business with $1.6—TRILLION in assets.
20060104             —AGREED, THE—RUSSIAN and UKRAINE—NATURAL—GAS—COMPANIES, on 1—PLAN to resume gas shipments to UKRAINE that allowed both sides to claim victory —AFTER 1—COMMERCIAL and political dispute that had raised FEARS—OF—GAS—SHORTAGES in EUROPE.
20060104             —TUMBLED, TANZANIA, rocks and boulders, down MOUNT—KILIMANJARO and crashed into tents where tourists were sleeping, killing 3—USA—CLIMBERS and seriously injuring 2.
20060104             SHEIK—MAKTOUM bin Rashid AL—MAKTOUM, —62—JAHRE—ALT, THE—EMIR—OF—DUBAI and prominent owner and breeder of thoroughbred horses, † —DURING 1—VISIT to AUSTRALIA.
20060104             —ASKED, Intel, THE—VIETNAM—GOVERNMENT for 1—LICENSE to build 1—CHIP plant worth 605—MILLION dollars in SOUTH—HO CHI—MINH—CITY.
20060104             —APPROVED, Regulators, the plans in February.
20060104             IRAQ Wants USA—CHOICE Out As CHIEF—OF—BRIGADE : Over the strong OBJECTIONS—OF—USA—COMMANDERS in BAGHDAD, THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT has nominated 1—NEW—LEADER for 1—BRIGADE that is set to assume control over SOME—OF—THE—CAPITAL—MOST sensitive areas.
20060104             —MISSEED, In case you, it:
20060104             Draft IRAQ Indictment : 20030000             —THE—USA—INVASION and its ongoing occupation of IRAQ are illegal, immoral and unjust, aimed at furthering USA—IMPERIALIST—AIMS in THE—MIDDLE—EAST and the world, not liberating THE—IRAQ—PEOPLE, but rather subjecting them to new, more brutal and direct forms of foreign domination and turning IRAQ into 1—PLATFORM for further aggression and imperial maneuvers.
20060104             USA—PLANS—BAGHDAD embassy more secure than Pentagon
20060104             USA threatens action if IRAN resumes N—FUEL—WORKS : "Our view is that if IRAN takes an further ENRICHMENT—RELATED steps, THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY will have to consider additional measures to constrain IRAN—NUCLEAR—AMBITIONS," McCormack told reporters.
20060104             IRAN to brief UNITED—NATIONS on atomic research PLAN—DIPLOMATS : IRAN says its atomic work aims solely to generate electricity and YEARS—OF—IAEA inquiries have found nothing to clearly disprove this.
20060104             War pimp alert: Secret services say IRAN is trying to assemble 1—NUCLEAR—MISSILE : THE—IRAN—GOVERNMENT has been successfully scouring EUROPE for the sophisticated equipment needed to develop 1—NUCLEAR—BOMB, according to the latest western intelligence ASSESSMENT—OF—THE—COUNTRY—WEAPONS—PROGRAMMES.
20060104             IRAN—NUCLEAR—CAPACITY 'can be destroyed' : ISRAEL—MILITARY—CHIEF—DAN—HALUTZ —ON—TUESDAY said that IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM "can be destroyed," ISRAEL—ARMY—RADIO reported.
20060104             War pimp alert: Make them drink their SEA—OF—OIL : Oil makes people crazy, especially if they are world leaders.
20060104             PATRICK—J—BUCHANAN : Time to Talk to TEHRAN : Does PRESIDENT—BUSH intend 1—PREVENTIVE war, early —THIS—YEAR, to effect the nuclear castration of IRAN?
20060104             IRAN Elbows AFGHANISTAN From Pipeline Project With TURKMENISTAN : THE—USA will be dismayed as its oil and gas company UNOCAL—EFFORTS to pass gas pipeline from TURKMENISTAN via AFGHANISTAN to PAKISTAN had been delayed because INDIA and PAKISTAN have opted to sign 1—ACCORD with IRAN, analysts say.
20060104             SUPREME—COURT—SAYS—USA Can Move Padilla : THE—SUPREME—COURT—AGREED—WEDNESDAY to let the military transfer accused "enemy combatant" JOSE—PADILLA to MIAMI to face criminal charges in at least 1—TEMPORARY—VICTORY for THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION.
20060104             Die Menschenrechtsorganisation Human Rights Watch plant dort einen Überraschungsbesuch und will den STAAT deshalb noch nicht nennen.
20060104             BRÜSSEL—ES handele sich um einen Mitgliedstaat der EU, sagte LOTTE—LEICHT, die Leiterin des Brüsseler Büros von Human Rights Watch, —HEUTE vor dem Menschenrechtsausschuss des EU—PARLAMENTS.
20060104             —BERICHTET, Human Rights Wach hatte —IM—NOVEMBER, es gebe Hinweise, dass der USA—GEHEIMDIENST CIA Gefangene aus AFGHANISTAN nach POLEN und RUMÄNIEN transportiert habe.
20060104             Der einflussreiche Lobbyist will zu Bestechungsvorgängen aussagen, in die auch der ehemalige republikanische Mehrheitsführer TOM—DELAY verstrickt sein soll.
20060104             Von Abramoff s Aussagen erhoffen sich die Staatsanwälte Belege auch für Vorwürfe der Vorteilsnahme gegen DeLay und andere Abgeordnete des USA—REPRÄSENTANTENHAUSES.
20060104             Bush "kennt den Mann nicht", sagte McClellan.
20060104             Es sei möglich, dass der PRÄSIDENT—ABRAMOFF während eines Neujahrsempfanges oder einer anderen gut besuchten Veranstaltung getroffen habe, er könne sich daran aber nicht erinnern.
20060104             Abramoff nahm nach ANGABEN—VON—MCCLELLAN in den vergangenen —JAHREN an 3—EMPFÄNGEN im Weißen Haus anlässlich des jüdischen CHANNUKAH—FESTES teil.
20060104             Abramoff ist Schlüsselfigur in einer Korruptionsaffäre, die zu einem der größten USA—POLIT—SKANDALE —SEIT —JAHRZEHNTEN werden könnte.
20060104             Der 46-Jährige bekannte sich —GESTERN vor Gericht wegen Steuerhinterziehung, Betrugs und Bestechung schuldig und zeigte sich zur Aussage gegen zahlreiche Kongressabgeordnete bereit.
20060104             —EMPFANGEN, Diese sollen von ihm Bestechungsgelder, haben.
20060104             WASHINGTON—BUSH s Sprecher SCOTT—MCCLELLAN kündigte an, dass Spenden von Abramoff für Bush s Wahlkampf an die USA—HEART Organisation überwiesen würden, eine gemeinnützige Organisation, die sich dem Kampf gegen Herzprobleme verschrieben hat.
20060104             "Ich denke, es handelt sich um mehrere 1000—DOLLAR", sagte McClellan.
20060104             Nach ANGABEN—VON—DEMOKRATEN geht es um mehr als 100.000—DOLLAR.
20060104             —ÜBERNIMMT—ISRAEL: Scharon erleidet SCHLAGANFALL—OLMERT, Regierung
20060104             CIA—AFFÄRE: Menschenrechtler vermuten weiteres Geheimgefängnis
20060104             Rekordjahr: DEUTSCHLAND—AUTOBAUER sahnen auf USA—MARKT ab
20060104             Fall Hariri: Uno darf Syriens Außenminister verhören
20060104             Hochstimmung: Dax schließt über 5500—PUNKTEN
20060104             Grubenunglück in USA: Wut über das falsche Wunder
20060104             Zoff in der Union: CSU hält nichts vom Kombilohn
20060104             Wahlkampfskandal: Bush geht auf Distanz zu Abramoff
20060104             Eingeschleppte Mikroben: Forscher glaubt an irdisches Leben auf dem Mars
20060104             GROSSBRITANNIEN am Pranger: EU—KOMMISSION will Defizitverfahren eröffnen
20060104             Atompolitik: Merkel lehnt Ausstieg aus dem Ausstieg ab
20060104             Gefährliche Sicherheitslücke: Schnellverband für Windows
20060104             Gasstreit beigelegt: EU erwägt Neuausrichtung der Energiepolitik
20060104             KENNEDY—ATTENTAT: Oswalds KUBA—CONNECTION
20060104             Finanzkonzerne: Japaner wollen bei BANK—OF—CHINA einsteigen
20060104             Koalitionsstreit: Regierung steht zum Atomausstieg
20060104             Supercooling" nennt der Biologe BRIAN—BARNES—VON—DER—UNIVERSITY—OF—ALASKA—FAIRBANKS diese Fähigkeit. Die Körperflüssigkeit werde in einem "metastabilen Zustand" gehalten.
20060104             Scharfkantige Eiskristalle, die das Gewebe zerstören könnten, bildeten sich auf wundersame Weise nicht.
20060104             —GESTÖRT, Doch wehe, das filigrane Gleichgewicht wird : —SCHON die Berührung eines Zehs reiche aus, um das Hörnchen schockzufrieren, berichtet Barnes.
20060104             "Dies sind neue Zeiten, wir sind in einer neuen Ära", sagte Morales bei dem Besuch.
20060104             "Es ist ein neues —JAHRTAUSEND für die Menschen und BOLIVIEN gesellt sich zum ANTI—NEOLIBERALEN und ANTI—IMPERIALISTISCHEN Kampf".
20060104             —BESTIMMT, Sein Wahlkampf war von USA—KRITISCHEN Tönen, gewesen.
20060104             CARACAS—NACH seiner Antrittsreise zum KUBA—REVOLUTIONSFÜHRER—FIDEL—CASTRO besuchte der künftige BOLIVIEN—PRÄSIDENT—EVO—MORALES seinen Venezuelas PRÄSIDENT—HUGO—CHÁVEZ.
20060104             Die beiden USA—KRITISCHEN und linksgerichteten Präsidenten vereinbarten bei ihren Gesprächen in CARACAS unter anderem eine engere Zusammenarbeit auf dem Energiesektor.
20060104             So will VENEZUELA der BOLIVIEN—REGIERUNG bei der Ausbildung von Energieexperten helfen.
20060104             Morales hat angekündigt, die staatliche KONTROLLE—DER—REICHEN—ERDGASRESERVEN seines Landes zu verschärfen.
20060104             Winterschlaf: Können auch Menschen auf Sparflamme schalten?
20060104             Lateinamerika: Morales und Chávez beschwören "ANTI—IMPERIALISTISCHEN Kampf"
20060104             —BEENDET, USSISCH—UKRAINE—ENERGIEKRISE: GAS—KRIEG, Misstrauen bleibt
20060104             Chinas HIGHTECH—OFFENSIVE: Weg von der Werkbank
20060104             Aufschwung: Glos prophezeit —BIS zu 1,8 Prozent Wachstum
20060104             —GELÜFTET, Gentest: Geheimnis um MOZART—SCHÄDEL wird
20060104             Mittlerer Osten: IRAN arbeitet laut Geheimdienstdokument an Atomraketen
20060104             —BESCHERT, Autobauer: Billigmarke, Renault Absatzrekord
20060104             Grubenunglück in WEST—VIRGINIA: Aus Jubel wird blankes Entsetzen
20060104             —SINCE the bankers were financing both candidates, they would win REGARDLESS—OF—THE—OUTCOME.
20060104             —SHOWED, —LATER Congressional testimony, that in the firm of Kuhn Loeb Company, FELIX—WARBURG was supporting Taft, PAUL—WARBURG and JACOB—SCHIFF were supporting Wilson.
20060104             The result was that 1—DEMOCRATIC—CONGRESS and 1—DEMOCRATIC—PRESIDENT were elected 19120000             to get the central bank legislation passed.
20060104             It seems probable that the identification of the Aldrich Plan as 1—WALL—STREET—OPERATION predicted that it would have 1—DIFFICULT—PASSAGE through Congress, as the Democrats would solidly oppose it, whereas 1—SUCCESSFUL—DEMOCRATIC—CANDIDATE, supported by 1—DEMOCRATIC—CONGRESS, would be able to pass the central bank plan.
20060104             COLONEL—GARRISON, 1—AGENT—OF—BROWN—BROTHERS—BANKERS, —LATER Brown Brothers Harriman, wrote in this book, "PAUL—WARBURG is the man who got THE—FEDERAL—RESERVE—ACT together —AFTER the Aldrich Plan aroused such nationwide resentment and opposition. THE—MASTERMIND—OF—BOTH plans was BARON—ALFRED—ROTHSCHILD—OF—LONDON".
20060104             THE—PRESIDENTIAL—CAMPAIGN—OF—19120000              records 1—OF—THE—MORE interesting political upsets in USA—HISTORY.
20060104             The incumbent, WILLIAM—HOWARD—TAFT, was 1—POPULAR—PRESIDENT + the Republicans, in 1—PERIOD—OF—GENERAL—PROSPERITY, were firmly in CONTROL—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT through 1—REPUBLICAN majority in both houses.
20060104             THE—DEMOCRATIC—CHALLENGER, Woodrow Wilson, GOVERNOR—OF—NEW—JERSEY, had no national recognition + was 1—STIFF, austere man who excited little public support.
20060104             —INCLUDED, Both parties, 1—MONETARY—REFORM—BILL in their platforms: THE—REPUBLICANS were committed to the Aldrich Plan, which had been denounced as 1—WALL—STREET—PLAN + the Democrats had THE—FEDERAL—RESERVE—ACT.
20060104             —BOTHERED, Neither party, to inform the public that the bills were almost identical except for the names.
20060104             In retrospect, it seems obvious that the money creators decided to dump Taft and go with Wilson.
20060104             —WHEN JACOB—SCHIFF appeared —BEFORE the Pujo Committee, MISTER—UNTERMYER—ADROIT questioning allowed MISTER—SCHIFF to talk for MANY—MINUTES without revealing ANY—INFORMATION about the operations of the banking HOUSE—OF—KUHN—LOEB—COMPANY, of which he was senior partner + which SENATOR—ROBERT—L—OWEN had identified as THE—REPRESENTATIVE—OF—THE—EUROPEAN—ROTHSCHILDS in THE—USA.
20060104             JACOB—SCHIFF was 1—MAJOR—FIGURE in the protracted but ultimately inconclusive struggle for CONTROL—OF—THE—NORTH—PACIFIC—RAILROAD, backing Harriman against JAMES—J—HILL and his banker, J.P. Morgan.
20060104             The struggle brought about the stock market panic of 190 1 + the warring factions agreed to 1—COMPROMISE, banding together to form THE—NORTH—SECURITIES—COMPANY.
20060104             —ATTAINED, JACOB—SCHIFF, considerable prestige in banking circles —WHEN he provided the financial backing that enabled railroad magnate EDWARD—H—HARRIMAN to purchase control of the bankrupt Union Pacific Railroad.
20060104             Then came the fall of the Empire Transportation Company, THE—SALE—OF—THE—COLUMBIA—CONDUIT—COMPANY + the entrance of THE—BALTIMORE and OHIO into the Oil...
20060104             Streit um Atomenergie: SPD warnt vor Droge für den Wiedereinstieg
20060104             —ENDE—DER—ZINSERHÖHUNG: USA—NOTENBANK befeuert Börsen
20060104             Verhandlungserfolg: UKRAINE und RUSSLAND einigen sich im Gasstreit
20060104             3Com CORPORATION—COMPANY—HOME—PAGE—AUTOMATION, electrical, Also design + build UPS encompassing our flywheel for Caterpillar.
20060104             —TESTED, DEPARTMENT—OF—THE—ARMY—THE—DEFENSE—LOGISTICS—AGENCY has, 1—COMMERCIALLY available... that the cause of the foal deaths was likely the caterpillar + the cyanide Time Critical Decisions, LLC Acquires the Echo Flight Network Adding...
20060104             ANNAPOLIS, Md.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Dec.
20060104             of supply chain logistics, 3. party logistics... industry leaders GENERAL—ELECTRIC, Caterpillar
20060104             Capitol Grilling: Gitmo Gulag Bush Open to Possibly Closing Gitmo Camp WASHINGTON—PRESIDENT—BUSH on... But —JUST like Prescott Bush and the Nazis, this was 1—CASE—OF unintended...
20060104             AMERICA BETRAYED PRESCOTT Bush was 1—PARTNER—WITH—THE—HARRIMANS (52) + in... Farben) ran the concentration/slave labor + extermination camps...
20060104             IBM and the Holocaust: THE—STRATEGIC—ALLIANCE—BETWEEN—NAZI—GERMANY...... + other Nazi death camps to register inmates and track slave labor.
20060104             Google_com Results 1060for IBM trading with the enemy " Prescott Bush ".
20060104             "AMERICA BETRAYED," by Rhawn Joseph, Ph.D. at USA—BUDDHA... Companies directed or associated with Prescott Bush, also contributed to the Nazi... IG Farben designed THE—SLAVE—LABOR—EXTERMINATION—CAMPS and invented...
20060104             Letters: 20050209             Logan spent the war at 1—TEXTILE factory in THE—SLAVE—LABOR—CAMP—OF... GEORGE—BUSH—GRANDFATHER, Prescott Bush, was HITLER—BANKER in AMERICA +...
20060104             —COMPOSED—OF, THE—BUSINESS—OF—WAR The company's BOARD was, Prescott Bush, ROLAND—HARRIMAN and some... Berga was 1—SLAVE—LABOR—CAMP, where the soldiers were forced into mining...
20060104             Untitled Document On the plaza, Prescott and 2—OTHER—PETA employees stood by the billboards set up... She was interned in 2—SLAVE—LABOR—CAMPS.
20060104             Her mother was also in 2.
20060104             WHY ARE GENUINELY BORN AGAIN PASTORS SO TERRIBLY BLIND AS TO THE... Prescott Bush was, indeed, THE—DIRECTOR—OF—THE "United Trust Bank" whose assets were... "Auschwitz was to become 1—MAJOR—SOURCE—OF—SLAVE—LABOR serving an...
20060104             ciforums_COM—CRONOLOGY—OF—EVENTS
20060104             —CONCERTED, Syria: 1, offensive : All eyes are on Syria as it stands accused of being behind THE—MURDER—OF—THE—FORMER—LEBANESE—PRIME—MINISTER—RAFIK—HARIRI.
20060104             —COMPLETED, Even —BEFORE THE—UN—COMMISSION—OF—INQUIRY was, THE—USA was PLANNING—WITH FRANCE - 1 concerted offensive against THE—SYRIA—REGIME.
20060104             But destabilising PRESIDENT—BASHAR—AL—ASSAD could lead to regional chaos, given the fragility of LEBANON + near civil war in IRAQ.
20060104             UN Agency Blamed for SUDAN—REFUGEE—DEATHS : Arab and MIDDLE—EAST—CIVIL—SOCIETY—GROUPS are accusing 1—UNITED—NATIONS agency of collaborating with EGYPT—POLICE in action which caused the deaths of at least 25—SUDAN—REFUGEES in 1—DOWNTOWN—CAIRO park —ON—FRIDAY.
20060104             —CONDEMNED, CHRIS—FLOYD: Gas Pains : RUSSIA is being universally, by the Bush Regime and European leaders for the heinous crime of....practicing HARD—NOSED market capitalism.
20060104             And for — horror of horrors! — mixing business and politics.
20060104             Whoever heard of such 1—THING?
20060104             Oh, those Scythian savages! 20060104             At 1—CROSSROADS, looking away from AMERICA: —LAST—YEAR witnessed 1—DECISIVE—TURN in Latin AMERICA.
20060104             1—GROWING NUMBER—OF—COUNTRIES in the region —NOW seem determined to pursue their interests, regardless of what THE—USA—DESIRES.
20060104             —EXPECTED, USA—LOBBYIST—ABRAMOFF, to plead guilty: THE—LONG—EXPECTED plea will give prosecutors extra ammunition as they seek to link THE—ACTIVITIES—OF—DELAY—OF—TEXAS, Republican REPRESENTATIVE—BOB—NEY—OF—OHIO + other top lawmakers to favors paid for by ABRAMOFF—LOBBYING clients.
20060104             Britons in debt to the tune of £1.13—TRILLION : 2—THIRDS—OF—EU credit card debt is British;
20060104             Watching as the world vanishes : This is 1—CRIME against nature + this fanaticism is economic -- the belief that money and profit should outweigh all other considerations, including SURVIVAL—OF—THE—SPECIES.
20060104             If we maintain our current RATES—OF—CONSUMPTION and environmental strategies, by THE—END—OF—THIS —CENTURY, 1—HALF—OF—THE—SPECIES—NOW alive on earth may be extinct.
20060104             UN wants to question Assad over bombing : 1—UN—COMMISSION is seeking to interview Bashar Assad, THE—PRESIDENT—OF—SYRIA, in LIGHT—OF—REVELATIONS that implicate him in THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—RAFIK—HARIRI, THE—FORMER—LEBANON—PRIME—MINISTER.
20060104             Is Sharon in legal trouble?:
20060104             Dramatic development: Police raid home belonging to parents of JAMES—SCHLAF, BROTHER—OF—CASINO magnate MARTIN—SCHLAF;
20060104             officials tell court evidence recovered may point to USD 3—MILLION—TRANSFER to Sharon family
20060104             Irans PRESIDENT—CRITICIZES—IRAN—PAST—FOREIGN—POLICY : IRAN—PRESIDENT—BLASTS—POLICY—OF 'entente' with the West implemented in past —16—YEARS, says it achieved nothing.
20060104             Hillary Clinton, AIPAC and IRAN : AIPAC—HYPOCRISY is STOMACH—TURNING, to say the least.
20060104             The goliath lobbying organization wants IRAN to be slapped across the knuckles —WHILE the crimes of ISRAEL continue to be ignored.
20060104             And who is propping up AIPAC—HYPOCRITICAL—POSITION?
20060104             —RELEASED, Man who —POSTED casualty photos, : Wilson, 28, was arrested on obscenity charges in October for operating 1—WEB—SITE which sparked national attention for giving soldiers free access to pornography in exchange for posting pictures from THE—IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN wars.
20060104             —ARMED, Support for Bush drops among, forces: Poll : The support for THE—PRESIDENT—IRAQ policy is only at 54—PER cent or 1—DROP from 63—PER cent —1—YEAR—AGO, according to the Military Times.
20060104             USA REPRESENTATIVE—MURTHA says he wouldn't join military —NOW : REPRESENTATIVE—JOHN—MURTHA, 1—KEY—DEMOCRATIC—VOICE who favors pulling USA—TROOPS from IRAQ, said in remarks airing —ON—MONDAY that he would not join THE—USA—MILITARY—TODAY.
20060104             —SUCCEED, Chalabi likely to, in new IRAQ government, despite controversy : The former exile who helped spur THE—USA—LED invasion by feeding false intelligence to WASHINGTON about SADDAM—HUSSEIN'S alleged WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION + who returned to IRAQ —AFTER SADDAM—FALL to craft himself into 1—POLITICAL—LEADER, still has more cards to play.
20060104             THE—GUERILLA—WAR—ON—IRAQI—OIL : As AMERICA CONTINUES to tighten its grip on the world's dwindling hydrocarbon resources, we can expect that THE—SUCCESSES—OF—THE—IRAQ—RESISTANCE will offer 1—MODEL to the other disparate groups who have no chance of beating THE—USA in open battle, but hope to bring the empire to its knees by making THE—COSTS—OF—WAR too great to sustain.
20060104             USA—RECONSTRUCTION Money Exausted:
20060104             IRAQ must rebuild itself: Realisation that THE—LAST—OF—THE—USA—MONEY will be allocated by the —SUMMER, with work continuing well into 20070000             , will dismay ordinary Iraqis.
20060104             —FRUSTRATED, Millions remain, at what they see as 1—PAUCITY
20060104             Noam Chomsky : 1—TALE—OF—2—QUAGMIRES : THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has succeeded in making THE—USA 1—OF—THE—MOST feared and hated countries in the world.
20060104             The talent of these guys is unbelievable.
20060104             —SUCCEEDED, They have even, at alienating CANADA.
20060104             I mean, that takes genius, literally.
20060104             —FEARED, Damage to ISRAEL—TURKEY relations :
20060104             Foreign Ministry sends calming messages to ANKARA —FOLLOWING publication on contracts won by ISRAEL—COMPANIES to train Kurdish security forces in NORTH—IRAQ, claiming companies acted on their own initiative
20060104             —TRAINED, Israelis, Kurds in IRAQ:
20060104             1—NUMBER—OF—ISRAEL—COMPANIES have won contracts with the Kurdish government in NORTH—IRAQ to train and equip Kurdish security forces and build 1—INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT, Yedioth Ahronoth reports;
20060104             AL—QAEDA—WARNING—OF—ATTACK prompts hasty exit of all ISRAEL—INSTRUCTORS from region
20060104             Torture: THE—ISRAEL—DENIAL : As THE—USA—METHODS—OF—TORTURE are exposed —AROUND the world, ISRAEL—METHODS—OF—SYSTEMATIC—TORTURE on the Palestinians remain unbroken taboo.
20060104             1—GLOSSARY—OF—DISPOSSESSION : —DURING 20050000             the Israelis and most main media trumpeted the "disengagement" from GAZA + claimed that bold steps had been taken to resolve the conflict.
20060104             Despite these claims, the reality is that more PALESTINE—LAND has been stolen, MANY—HAVE been dispossessed + ethnic cleansing has been exacerbated especially in JERUSALEM.
20060104             USA—MILITARY 'shuts down' soldiers' blogs : Nowadays, milbloggers "get shut down almost as fast as they're set up," said NEW—YORK Army National Guard Spc.
20060104             JASON—CHRISTOPHER—HARTLEY, 31, of upstate New Paltz, who believes something is lost as THE—GRUNT'S—EYE take on Tikrit or KABUL is silenced or sanitized.
20060104             Domestic Spying Program Is Sign THE—USA is Decaying Into a "Police State"
20060104             Democracy —NOW!
20060104             FORMER—NSA intelligence agent RUSSELL—TICE condemns reports that the Agency has been engaged in eavesdropping on USA—CITIZENS without court warrants.
20060104             —VOLUNTEERED, Tice has, to testify —BEFORE Congress about illegal black ops programs at THE—NSA.
20060104             Tice said, "THE—FREEDOM—OF—THE—USA—PEOPLE cannot be protected —WHEN our constitutional liberties are ignored and our nation has decayed into 1—POLICE—STATE".Continued
20060104             2—PAINFUL—QUESTIONS remain for ALL—OF—USA.
20060104             —KILLED, Are the lives of Americans being, in IRAQ wasted?
20060104             Are they dying in vain? PRESIDENT—BUSH says those who criticize staying the course are not honoring the dead.
20060104             —TWISTED, That is, logic: honor the fallen by killing another 2,000 troops in 1—BROKEN policy?
20060104             Friends Don't Let Friends Commit War Crimes
20060104             I believe Bush and Blair are too far gone for redemption.
20060104             They both need to be removed from their power and tried for their war crimes and betrayals.
20060104             —REMOVED, —UNTIL they are, the murder + the mayhem will continue.
20060104             CIA Ignored Info IRAQ Had No WMD
20060104             —IGNORED, NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORTER—JAMES—RISEN uses the anecdote to illustrate how THE—CIA, information that IRAQ no longer had WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION.
20060104             FORMER—USA REPRESENTATIVE—NICK—LAMPSON said —MONDAY that he has filed paperwork to run for the congressional seat held by FORMER—HOUSE—MAJORITY—LEADER—TOM—DELAY.
20060104             Decorated vet REPRESENTATIVE—JOHN—MURTHA says he wouldn't serve in BUSH—ARMY.
20060104             THE—WAR—ON—IMMIGRANTS: Get ready for 1—REPUBLICAN assault -- their opportunity for ELECTION—YEAR demagogy.
20060104             New Book Which BuzzFlash WILL—CARRY: CIA and BUSH—ADMINISTRATION Ignored Info IRAQ Had No WMD
20060104             —PUCKERED, We all know that the Bush family was, up as tightly to KEN—LAY as Geraldo Rivera is to 1—TV—CAMERA, but —UNTIL seeing "Enron: THE—SMARTEST—GUYS in the Room," we had no idea how EMBLEMATIC—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—ENRON was.
20060104             Abramoff Pleads Guilty in Plea Bargain.
20060104             But, Being Cynical, We Think that Maybe 1—TACIT—PART—OF—THE—BARGAIN is that he WILL—TESTIFY—AGAINST 1—FEW—SACRIFICIAL—LAMBS, But Make Sure that THE—WHITE—HOUSE is Not Tainted and that SOME—GOP—BIGWIGS go Unnamed.
20060104             But, You Know Us, We're —JUST Oh So Jaded.
20060104             Abramoff makes plea deal...clearing the way for him to cooperate in 1—MASSIVE—GOVERNMENT—INVESTIGATION—OF—INFLUENCE peddling involving MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS
20060104             NPR USA—NEWS—LOBBYIST—JACK—ABRAMOFF pleads guilty in MIAMI to charges related to his purchase of 1—GAMBLING boat fleet.
20060104             —RECEIVED, But it's the enormous AMOUNT—OF—MONEY—ABRAMOFF, from INDIA—TRIBES with casino interests that made him 1—TARGET—OF—INVESTIGATORS and led to
20060104             Abramoff Links to Tribal Casinos Brought Scrutiny - NPR
20060104             —RELATED, Lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF pleads guilty in MIAMI to charges, to his purchase of 1—GAMBLING boat fleet.
20060104             Lobbyist Set to Plead Guilty in FLORIDA;
20060104             Abramoff to Appear in MIAMI COURT—NPR—USA—NEWS
20060104             —PLEADED, Republican lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF, guilty —TUESDAY to FEDERAL—CONSPI racy, fraud + tax evasion charges.
20060104             —WEDNESDAY, Abramoff will appear in 1—MIAMI court and is to enter 1—GUILTY—PLEA there on separate CHARGES—OF—FRAUD + conspi racy.
20060104             Box: Lobbyist Talking to Prosecutors (AP )
20060104             Yahoo News — Politics AP—LOBBYIST—TALKS: JACK—ABRAMOFF is telling prosecutors + THE—FBI about alleged bribe s to lawmakers + their aides
20060104             —ON issues ranging from INTERNET gambling to wireless phone services in the House.
20060104             Abramoff pleads guilty to fraud - Reuters
20060104             —PLEADED, WASHINGTON (Reuters ) - Lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF, guilty to fraud charges —ON—TUESDAY + agreed to help USA—PROSECUTORS in 1—CORRUPTION—PROBE that could involve several top Republican lawmakers, including FORMER—HOUSE—MAJORITY—LEADER—TOM—DELA
20060104             Money Trail: MANY—MILLIONS in Kickbacks From Tribes
20060104             —ENRICHED, The level to which JACK—ABRAMOFF, himself at THE—EXPENSE—OF—CLIENTS came into sharp focus in his plea agreement.
20060104             Abramoff Pleads Guilty to 3—COUNTS
20060104             QUESTION: Do you have 1—UPDATE for us on the Abramoff visits to THE—WHITE—HOUSE beyond THE—3—PARTIES that he attended?
20060104             —INDICATED, MCCLELLAN: Well, I, —YESTERDAY that I think there were 1—FEW—STAFF—LEVEL—MEETINGS.
20060104             But, no, I'm making sure that I have 1—THOROUGH—REPORT back to you on that.
20060104             And I'll get that to you, hopefully, very soon.
20060104             [WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS Briefing, 20060104144446       20060320             offenbart in einem Blogeintrag vom
20060104144446       20060320             offenbart in einem Blogeintrag vom
20060104—20040000    —IN, CIA Gave IRAN Bomb Plans, Book Says: THE—CIA intentionally handed TEHRAN SOME—TOP—SECRET—BOMB—DESIGNS laced with 1—HIDDEN flaw that USA—OFFICIALS hoped would doom ANY—WEAPON made from them, according to 1—NEW—BOOK about THE—USA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY.
20060104—20040300    —SEIT, Die USA—BUNDESPOLIZEI FBI ermittelt in der Affäre.
20060104—20050000    —IN, 1—IRAQI—INTERIOR—MINISTRY—OFFICIAL said more than 7,000 Iraqis, MOST—OF—THEM civilians, were killed in violence, the 1. —YEAR that IRAQ—OFFICIALS have kept such records.
20060104—20050000    —IN, SCOTT—RITTER : Elections, Civil War 20060000             —IN ?
20060104—20060104    —AFTER, 2. Plea in —2—DAYS - NEW—YORK—TIMES pleading guilty to 3—CHARGES in WASHINGTON, JACK—ABRAMOFF was set to plead guilty in MIAMI to 2—CHARGES.
20060104—20060109    —FROM, IRAN tells IAEA atom research to resume : "THE—ATOMIC—ENERGY—ORGANISATION—OF—IRAN has decided to resume, R&D (research and development) on the peaceful nuclear energy programme which was suspended as PART—OF—ITS expanded voluntary and NON—LEGALLY binding suspension" agreed —EARLIER with THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, the message said.
20060104—20060119    —ON, IRAQ to give $3bn WORTH—OF—BONDS to SADDAM—ERA creditors : NEARLY $3—BILLION WORTH—OF—BONDS bearing THE—NAME—OF—THE—REPUBLIC—OF—IRAQ are scheduled to begin trading in LONDON, in 1—PRIVATE—PLACEMENT that will mark the troubled country's 1. appearance in THE—INTERNATIONAL—DEBT—MARKETS.
20060104—20060918    —AM, Der ehemalige Kokabauer Morales war zum Präsidenten gewählt worden.
20060105161553       20060216             Reuters: CHENEY strongly defends eavesdropping operation VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY strongly defended 1—SECRET [...] Post Date:20060104144446
20060114             1 20060104             Nuklearstreit mit IRAN:
20060114             1 20060104             IRAK—KRIEG: USA brauchten laut Struck den BND nicht
20060114             1 20060104             IRAK—KRIEG:
20060114             1 20060104             20060121—20060104    —SEIT—DEM, liegen die Temperaturen aber über dem Gefrierpunkt.
20060114             CHINA: Polizei löst Demonstration brutal auf - 1 20060104             20060121—20060104    —SEIT—DEM, liegen die Temperaturen aber über dem Gefrierpunkt.
20060130—20060104    —AM, Begründete wurde dies vom Pentagon —ZUNÄCHST mit dem Schutz der Persönlichkeitsrechte der Häftlinge - 1—ARGUMENT, das RICHTER—RAKOFF —BEREITS dieses Jahres zurückwies.
20060202             —ANNOUNCED, RUSSIA and UKRAINE, the signing of 1—AGREEMENT finalizing their 20060104             compromise on natural gas prices.
20060216             Reuters: CHENEY strongly defends eavesdropping operation VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY strongly defended 1—SECRET [...] Post Date:20060104144446
20060216             —BRIEFED, USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH speaks about IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN —AFTER being, by top brass at THE—PENTAGON 20060104             .
20060216             —BRIEFED, USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH speaks about IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN —AFTER being, by top brass at THE—PENTAGON 20060104.
20060216             Post Date:20060104191510 - [WASHINGTON—POST].
20060216             Post Date:20060104191510 20060216             Cheney Says Eavesdropping Program Might Have Prevented 20010911             By WILLIAM—BRANIGINWASHINGTON—POST—STAFF—WRITER—WEDNESDAY, 20060104             ;
20060216             Post Date:20060104191510 - [WASHINGTON—POST]. Post Date:20060104191510
20060216             Cheney Says Eavesdropping Program Might Have Prevented 20010911             By WILLIAM—BRANIGINWASHINGTON—POST—STAFF—WRITER—WEDNESDAY, 20060104             ;
20060216             [WASHINGTON—POST] - Post Date:20060104191510
20060216             —BY—CHRIS—FLOYD - [WASHINGTON—POST]. Post Date:20060104191510
20060216             Post Date:20060104191510 - Post Date:20060104191510 - [WASHINGTON—POST].
20060216             Post Date:20060104191510        - Post Date:20060104191510
200602161236         —PM Post Date:20060104134543
20060524             Up to 20060104             th 19700000             , —WHEN PAUL—MCCARTNEY, GEORGE—HARRISON and Ringo Starr recorded their last album "Let It Be", "THE—BEATLES" had produced 22—SINGLE—RECORDS and 14—LONG—PLAYING—RECORDS.
20060808             —FILED, THE—FOLLOWING links point to PDF DOCUMENTS—OF—THE—LETTERS, with THE—UNITED—NATIONS: 20060104             ,
20060824091603       —GMT, —THURSDAY A 2. suspect in 1 alleged plot to blow up GERMANY—TRAINS is arrested in LEBANON, 20060824093018       —GMT, —THURSDAY Diplomatic efforts are being stepped up in EUROPE 20061114             the least —RECENTLY modified web page we know of, last changed Tue, 19901113151700              GMT (though THE—URI changed.)' 1—LOT has happened in —16—YEARS and this little 'baby' has grown into quite the teenager". 20061207             Chunks Crying All the Way to the Bank- 20061207             20051207—20050000????Manchmal gingen sie zusammen zum EINKAUFEN—ALLES unter den Augen DEUTSCHLAND—GEHEIMDIENSTLEUTE. 20060103             WE CANNOT LET TERRIERS AND ROGUE NATIONS HOLD THIS NATION HOSTILE—BUSH [BGW968] 20000909             20041207             20060103             New BUSH Initiative to Impose Order in IRAQ... " Terriers and Rogue Nations ", 233, 20021205154537             —GEORGE—DUBYA—BUSH, COMMAND—IN—CHIEF... 20060216             11, 20010000             , terrorist attacks might have been prevented if THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION h Post Date:20060105161553              20060216             Reuters: CHENEY strongly defends eavesdropping operation VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY strongly defended 1—SECRET [...] Post Date:20060104144446              20060320             offenbart in einem Blogeintrag vom
20061122             [Time, 20070104             ]
20061202             Rep.-elect KEITH—ELLISON says the Constitution gives him the right to take THE—OATH—OF—OFFICE—ON—THE—QURAN + that's what he intends to do 20060104             .
20061202             Lawmaker intends to take OATH—OF—OFFICE—ON—QURAN : As he prepares to become the 1. Muslim in Congress, Rep.-elect KEITH—ELLISON says the Constitution gives him the right to take THE—OATH—OF—OFFICE—ON—THE—QURAN + that's what he intends to do 20060104             .
20061202             20061202             Lawmaker intends to take OATH—OF—OFFICE—ON—QURAN : As he prepares to become the 1. Muslim in Congress, Rep.-elect KEITH—ELLISON says the Constitution gives him the right to take THE—OATH—OF—OFFICE—ON—THE—QURAN + that's what he intends to do 20060104             .
20061202—20070104    —ON, 20070103             —WHEN the 110. USA—CONGRESS convenes its greatest challenge will be to establish the accountability required to restore public faith in USA—GOVERNMENT.
20070103             —WHEN the 110. USA—CONGRESS convenes 20070104             —ON its greatest challenge will be to establish the accountability required to restore public faith in USA—GOVERNMENT.
20070103—20070104    Roberts said the judiciary will not properly serve its constitutional role if it is restricted to people so wealthy that they can afford to be indifferent to the level of judicial compensation,
20070104             NANCY Pelosi - Der 110. Kongress der Vereinigten Staaten wird eröffnet.
20070104             Mit NANCY Pelosi wird erstmals 1—FRAU zur SPRECHERIN—DES—REPRÄSENTANTENHAUSES gewählt.
20070104             Documentation: Letters from LOUISIANA STATE—LAW—ENFORCEMENT—OFFICIALS;
20070104             Click on 1—NAME for 1—NEW—PROXIMITY—SEARCH: Sklar,H. WASHINGTON—WAR—ON—NICARAGUA.
20070104             Click on 1—NAME for 1—NEW—PROXIMITY—SEARCH: THE—IRAN—CONTRA Connection.
20070104             1—WITNESS, GARY—WAYNE—BETZNER, testified that he piloted 2—PLANE—LOADS—OF—CONTRA weapons for
20070104             —TESTIFIED, GEORGE—MORALES, to the Kerry subcommittee...
20070104             —WORKED, GARY—WAYNE—BETZNER, drug pilot who, for convicted smuggler GEORGE—MORALES.
20070104             —TESTIFIED, BETZNER, that
20070104             "Wir hatten uns auf eine lange, systematische Suche in Tausenden Kugelsternhaufen VORBEREITET—IN der Hoffnung,
20070104             wenigstens 1—SCHWARZES—LOCH zu finden", sagte der Forschungsgruppenleiter TOM—MACCARONE—VON—DER—UNIVERSITY—OF—SOUTHAMPTON.
20070104             Doch gleich nach Beginn der SUCHE—BEIM 2. untersuchten KUGELSTERNHAUFEN—WURDE Maccarones Team fündig: "Bingo!"
20070104             —BEFINDET, Das Schwarze Loch, sich in der elliptischen Galaxie NGC 4472, auch Messier 49—GENANNT, im Sternbild Jungfrau.
20070104             Entdeckt wurde es auf Röntgenbildern, die der "XMM—NEWTON"-Satellit der Europäischen Raumfahrtbehörde Esa aufgenommen hat:
20070104             Die Nachfrage nach BIO—LEBENSMITTELN sei nicht GEDECKT—AUCH nicht durch Produkte aus dem Ausland, sagte der Agrarexperte ULRICH—HAMM—VON—DER—UNIVERSITÄT—KASSEL—DEM—BLATT.
20070104             ISRAEL—TV: Olmert will Verteidigungsminister Perez absetzen
20070104             Erfolgsjahr: Boeing bricht seinen eigenen Rekord
20070104             Stammzellen: Eigenes Nabelschnurblut hilft erstmals gegen Blutkrebs
20070104             LEBENSMITTEL—ENGPASS: BIO—FANS kaufen die Märkte leer
20070104             Hypothese widerlegt: Schwarzes Loch in Kugelsternhaufen entdeckt
20070104             Deutsche in der SCHWEIZ: "Geht doch heim ins Reich"
20070104             "Mein Führer"- Regisseur Dani Levy: "Hitler hätte in Therapie gehört"
20070104             POLEN: Spitzelvorwürfe gegen neuen Warschauer ERZ—BISCHOF
20070104             Demokraten im USA—KONGRESS: —100—STUNDEN Machtdemonstration
20070104             ULTRASCHALL—REKORD: Heuschrecken zirpen in höchsten Tönen
20070104             AFGHANISTAN: MULLAH—OMAR droht mit neuer TALIBAN—OFFENSIVE
20070104             USA: Unidentifiziertes METALL—OBJEKT durchschlägt Hausdach - TECH—TRENDS: Solarenergie fürs Handy?
20070104             Umweltfreundlich: Navigationssystem sucht Sprit sparende Route
20070104             Revanche: WEISSRUSSLAND erhebt Durchleitungsgebühr für RUSSLAND—ÖL
20070104             IRAK: Hinrichtung von Saddam s Getreuen wird verschoben - Nachfrageboom: Bioprodukte werden knapp
20070104             USA—GROßSTÄDTE: Starker STAAT—SOLL—MIETHAIE stoppen
20070104             Dems, We're Citizens, Not Consumers - What Makes Sammy Run?
20070104             —SINCE then- 192—MEMBERS—OF—THE—ARMED—SERVICES have † as have countless IRAQ—CIVILIANS.
20070104             —NOMINATED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, Fallon for his 4. 4—STAR—COMMAND to replace JOHN—ABIZAID, who was retiring from THE—USA—ARMY, as COMMANDER—OF—THE—USA—CENTRAL—COMMAND, (CENTCOM).[5]
20070104             —CONFIRMED, THE—USA—SENATE, Admiral Fallon as the 1. Navy admiral to command CENTCOM on ;;02;;
20070104             —CONVENED, The 110. Congress, with Democrats in CONTROL—OF—BOTH—THE—HOUSE and Senate for the 1. time in —12—YEARS.
20070104             "—TODAY we make history. —TODAY we change the direction of our country," exulted REPRESENTATIVE—NANCY—PELOSI, poised to become the 1. woman speaker in history.
20070104             THE—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES, —AFTER installing its new Democratic leadership, voted to ban lawmakers from flying on corporate jets and accepting gifts and meals from lobbyists.
20070104             —FINED, THE—USA—FEDERAL—TRADE—COMMISSION, the marketers of 4—WEIGHT—LOSS—PILLS $25—MILLION for making false advertising claims ranging from rapid weight loss to reducing THE—RISK—OF—CANCER.
20070104             † VINCENT—SARDI—JUNIOR, —91—JAHRE—ALT, OWNER—OF—SARDI—RESTAURANT, the legendary Broadway watering hole, in BERLIN, VERMONT.
20070104             NATO and AFGHANISTAN—FORCES fought a —3—HOUR—GROUND—BATTLE with suspected Taliban militants in SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN—MOUNTAINS, killing 15—OF—THEM.
20070104             † 3 suspected Taliban, —WHEN 1—LAND—MINE they were planting on 1—HIGHWAY in Grieshk district exploded prematurely.
20070104             —REENTERED, Pieces of 1—SPENT—RUSSIA—ROCKET, the atmosphere over COLORADO and WYOMING, showering PARTS—OF—THE—WEST—USA with space debris.
20070104             † JOHN—W—SIMPSON (19140000—20070000    ), FORMER—PRESIDENT—OF—WESTINGHOUSE (19690000—19770000    ).
20070104             —WORKED, He had, with ADMIRAL—RICKOVER to create 1—NUCLEAR—USA—NAVY.
20070104             20070104             Overshadowed by 1—ISRAEL—RAID into THE—PALESTINE—TERRITORIES, 1—SUMMIT between ISRAEL and EGYPT achieved little in reviving THE—LONG—STALLED Mideast peace process, highlighting instead the disagreements between ISRAEL and its Arab neighbors.
20070104             2—CAR—BOMBS exploded near 1—FUEL—STATION, killing 13—PEOPLE and wounding 25—AMID 1—RELATIVE—DOWNTURN in violence in BAGHDAD —DURING 1—ISLAMIC—HOLIDAY that ended —THIS—WEEK.
20070104             —EXCHANGED, ISRAEL—TROOPS and PALESTINE—GUNMEN, heavy fire in downtown Ramallah —AFTER undercover ISRAEL—FORCES tried to arrest fugitives in the city's vegetable market.
20070104             4—PALESTINIANS were killed and 20 wounded.
20070104             —DEMANDED, PRESIDENT—ABBAS, $5—MILLION in compensation for the damage to shops and cars in Ramallah.
20070104             Fatah COLONEL—MOHAMMED—GHAYEB and 6—OF—HIS bodyguards were killed in factional fighting in THE—GAZA—STRIP.
20070104             Musir SALEM Jawher (28) from BAHRAIN won the 30. INTERNATIONAL Tiberias Marathon, —AROUND the Sea of Galilee.
20070104             —ADOPTED, THE—KENYA—RUNNER (LEONARD—MUCHERU), by BAHRAIN —4—YEARS—EARLIER, faced anger from BAHRAIN for running in 1—ISRAEL—MARATHON.
20070104             —CLOSED, KENYA said it has, its border with SOMALIA in 1—APPARENT—EFFORT to keep Islamic militants and refugees from entering the country.
20070104             —GUNNED, JORGE—BAJOS—VALVERDE, 1—MEXICO—STATE—LEGISLATOR, was, down in the center of ACAPULCO on his way to 1—INTERVIEW at 1—RADIO and TV station.
20070104             NIGERIA—PRESIDENT—OLUSEGUN—OBASANJO said NIGERIA has repaid 1.4—BILLION dollars (1.12—BILLION euros) to THE—SO—CALLED—LONDON Club of private creditors and that THE—REST—OF—THE—DEBT will be cleared by March.
20070104             —KILLED, At least 3—PEOPLE were, in violent clashes between farmers and nomads in THE—NORTH—WEST—STATE—OF—ZAMFARA.
20070104             † A 4. in hospital the —NEXT—DAY.
20070104             —LIFTED, Authorities, 1—BAN on KITE—FLYING in PAKISTAN—PUNJAB province —AFTER the sport was forbidden —LAST—YEAR—FOLLOWING 1—SERIES—OF—DEATHS caused by GLASS—COATED or metal reinforced kite strings.
20070104             —LIFTED, The ban was, ahead of Basant, 20070225             , 1—ANNUAL—FESTIVAL that heralds —SPRING.
20070104             —REPORTED, POLAND—NEWSPAPERS, that STANISLAW—WIELGUS, —67—JAHRE—ALT, who is poised to be sworn in as archbishop of WARSAW, was a "secret and conscious" collaborator with POLAND's hated COMMUNIST—ERA—SECURITY—FORCES 19730000—19780000    —FROM—TO.
20070104             1—SOMALIA—GOVERNMENT—SPOKESMAN said government troops, backed by ETHIOPIA—SOLDIERS, were fighting about 600—ISLAMIC—MILITIAMEN in the south.
20070104             † MARAIS—VILJOEN, —91—JAHRE—ALT, FORMER—PRESIDENT—OF—SOUTH—AFRICA (19790000—19840000    ).
20070104             THE—POST—OF—PRESIDENT in the then apartheid state was largely ceremonial —DURING his term.
20070104             Police in the Basque region said they had found 1—BOMB in NORTH—SPAIN, —5—DAYS—AFTER 1—MADRID car bombing, blamed on the separatist group ETA, killed 2—PEOPLE.
20070104             —DESCRIBED, SUDAN, the alleged sexual ABUSE—OF—CHILDREN by UN peacekeepers in SOUTH—SUDAN as "outrageous" and said it would launch its own investigation into the affair.
20070104             UZBEKISTAN, Elena Urlayeva, 1—PROMINENT—HUMAN—RIGHTS—ADVOCATE, was attacked and beaten by 1—GROUP—OF—WOMEN she said were sent by police.
20070104             —ACCUSED, Urlayeva has, the tightly controlled EX—SOVIET—STATE—OF—ABUSE and torture.
20070104             WORMSCAN.& is composed of long stories received from various...
20070104             JOHN—WAYNE—COLEMAN, who spent the last —4—YEARS in prison, had all his drug charges...
20070104             Publications for Readings from THE—USA—ALMANAC...
20070104             Click on 1—NAME for 1—NEW—PROXIMITY—SEARCH: MORALES GEORGE.
20070104             20070104             Penthouse 1987000012            (168).
20070104             - - - - - - - - - - - BETZNER GARY—WAYNE.
20070104             20070104             RW ONLINE:THE—CIA—AGENTS Who Moved the Coke
20070104             1—WITNESS, GARY—WAYNE—BETZNER, testified that he piloted 2—PLANE—LOADS of contra weapons for... GEORGE—MORALES testified to the Kerry subcommittee...
20070104             "Wir hatten uns auf eine lange, systematische Suche in Tausenden Kugelsternhaufen VORBEREITET—IN der Hoffnung, wenigstens 1—SCHWARZES—LOCH zu finden",
20070104             sagte der Forschungsgruppenleiter TOM—MACCARONE—VON—DER—UNIVERSITY—OF—SOUTHAMPTON.
20070104             Die Anziehungskraft um 1—SCHWARZES—LOCH herum ist so stark, dass elektromagnetische Wellen wie sichtbares Licht nicht aus dem Bereich entweichen können.
20070104             Deswegen erscheint dieses Objekt den Menschen SCHWARZ—DAHER auch die Bezeichnung "Black Hole", die der USA—PHYSIKER JOHN—ARCHIBALD—WHEELER 19670000             geprägt hat.
20070104             FRANKFURT am MAIN—ENGPÄSSE gebe es bei Kartoffeln, Eiern, Schweinefleisch, Futtergetreide und Hafer, berichtet die "Frankfurter Rundschau".
20070104             —GESCHEITERT, SADDAM—HINRICHTUNG: Der neue IRAK ist
20070104             Neuer USA—KONGRESS: Pelosi nimmt den Kampf mit Bush auf
20070104             USA—REGIERUNG: Bush macht Geheimdienstchef Negroponte zum RICE—VERTRETER
20070104             With power comes responsibility, so voters should know that this is —NOW the Democrats War and EVERY—DEATH and casualty is their responsibility.
20070104             —CONFIRMED, THE—USA—SENATE, Admiral Fallon as the 1. Navy admiral to command CENTCOM on February 7.[6][7]
20070104             —OBTAINED, According to CIA documents, from THE—USA—DISTRICT—COURT—FOR—THE—DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, 5—STAR—TRUST may have, in fact...
20070104             How many - VICTOR—RAMIREZ, —27—JAHRE—ALT, —1—DAY laborer from EL—SALVADOR, was gunned down by 2—BLACK—TEENAGERS in RICHMOND—CALIFORNIA Ramirez was taken off life support —AFTER—2—WEEKS and † 20070119             .
20070104—20050000    —EXTRADITED, USA—OFFICIALS said COLOMBIA has, to THE—USA—1—POLICE—OFFICER and 1—FORMER—POLICEMAN charged with helping smuggle more than 2—TONS—OF—COCAINE into THE—USA on cargo flights and 20060000             .
20070104—20050000    20070105             (20070104             /ac/a/u) - ELI—LILLY "market perform"
20070105             (published on Thu, 20070104000000        EST)NEW—YEAR—PREDICTIONS from THE—EDITOR—OF—THE—WORLD in 2007
20070105             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—MADRID Airport bombing receives scant attention PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—PRISON—PLANET—THURSDAY, 20070104             How many
20070105             (20070104             /ac/a/u) - ELI—LILLY "market perform" - (20070104             /ac/a/u)
20070106             —ON 20070104             —THE editions of 's THE—SITUATION—ROOM and Anderson Cooper 360, correspondent BRIAN—TODD warned that "[n]ewly empowered Democrats... are poised to launch 1—ONSLAUGHT—OF—SUBPOENAS that might drive 1—ALREADY embattled WHITE—HOUSE to distraction".
20070106—20070104    —ON, the new MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS will take THE—OATH—OF—OFFICE—FOR—THE 1. time.
20070129—20070104    —OPENED, MISTER—RUMSFELD, 1—GOVERNMENT—PROVIDED transition OFFICE—IN—ARLINGTON and has 7—PENTAGON—PAID staffers working for him, 1—PENTAGON official said.
20070204—20070104    —ON, Recent Personnel Changes Foreshadow 1—WIDENING—OF—THE—WAR—ROBERT—PARRY, Bush ousted the top 2—COMMANDERS in THE—MIDDLE—EAST, Generals JOHN—ABIZAID and GEORGE—CASEY, who had opposed 1—MILITARY—ESCALATION in IRAQ.
20070726             Citations ^Handelsregister des Kantons Zug (Registration Number CH-020.6.900.276-5),^Charge Against KPMG Dropped Carrie Johnson, 20070104             , WASHINGTON—POST ^Prosecutors end TAX—SHELTER—CASE against KPMG, dropping charge —AFTER settlement
20070802—20020104    —ON, MARY—COSTELLO, spokesperson for Bovis in NEW—YORK, told AFP that the company had assumed "overall responsibility" for THE—WTC site.
20080104             Wed 20080102             ND 20080000             —0239—PM According to UPI's
20080104             Wed 20080102             ND 20080000             —0239—PM According to UPI—RICHARD—SALE:
20080104             Erfolgreiche Beschwerde: BGH erklärt Razzien bei G- 8-Gegnern für rechtswidrig
20080104             Calls for Intervention in PAKISTAN—BY- GARY—LEUPP
20080104             "AL—QAEDA is —NOW as much 1—PAKISTAN—PHENOMENON as it is 1—ARAB or foreign element," declares Najam Sethi,
20080104             EDITOR—OF—PAKISTAN—DAILY—TIMES.
20080104             It is not —JUST the Arabs, Uzbeks and other foreigners who fled from AFGHANISTAN into PAKISTAN —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—THE—USA—INVASION—OF—LATE 20010000             .
20080104             20080104             It draws in PAKISTAN—TRIBESMEN, Punjabis, Urdu speakers.
20080104             What was once 1—GROUP foreigners (numbers unknown) enjoying Pashtun hospitality under the Taliban in AFGHANISTAN has struck roots in neighboring PAKISTAN.
20080104             Continue - Those who knew about those videotapes — and did not tell us about them — obstructed our investigation.Continue
20080104             —UNRUHEN, Krise in KENIA: —NACH—DEN, kommt der Hunger - Peinliche ÖLPREIS—PROGNOSEN: Er sinkt!
20080104             Er steigt! Er bleibt!
20080104             Luxusgut Wärme: Heizöl so teuer wie nie zuvor
20080104             Viel Aufregung um einen kleinen Asteroiden, der eventuell unseren Nachbarn treffen könnte.
20080104             Zu viel?
20080104             "Aber was glauben Sie, was hier los wäre, wenn es um die Erde ginge?"
20080104             Neue GROSSBRITANNIEN—REGEL: Eltern kriegen im Pub weniger Bier
20080104             Asteroid auf CRASH—KURS: Alarm auf dem Mars
20080104             Satellitenbild —DER—WOCHE: Feuertragödie auf der KÄNGURU—INSEL
20080104             Film "Lost in BEIJING": CHINA übt nackte Zensur
20080104             Verbraucherpreise 20070000             :
20080104             —GESUNKEN, Internetkosten um 5—PROZENT
20080104             Blutiger —KONFLIKT: Kenias Tourismusindustrie fürchtet Desaster
20080104             DEUTSCHLAND—AKTIENKURSE 20080000             : Die Rettung kommt aus Fernost
20080104             —ORDERED, Expert: CRIME—OF—TORTURE could only have been, by THE—PRESIDENT:
20080104             including OBSTRUCTION—OF—CONGRESS, OBSTRUCTION—OF—JUSTICE, perjury, and conspiracy.
20080104             THE—BI—PARTISAN CO—CHAIRMEN—OF—20010911             —THE—COMMISSION, TOM—KEAN and LEE—HAMILTON,
20080104             jointly published 1—OP—ED in —TODAY—NEW—YORK—TIMES which contains SOME—EXTREMELY emphatic and serious accusations against THE—CIA and THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20080104             Veteran prosecutor takes over CIA torture tape probe:
20080104             —ACKNOWLEDGED, THE—CIA, —LAST—MONTH that 20050000             it destroyed VIDEOS—OF—OFFICERS using tough interrogation methods on 2—AL—QAIDA suspects.
20080104             —TOUCHED, The revelation, off 1—CONGRESSIONAL inquiry and 1—PRELIMINARY—INVESTIGATION by the Justice Department into
20080104             whether THE—CIA violated ANY—LAWS or obstructed congressional inquiries such as the 1 led by the ;;09;;.
20080104             11—COMMISSION.
20080104             —BANNED, Couple, for life from shopping centre and branded 'TERRORISTS'—FOR taking photos of their grandchildren:
20080104             —ORDERED, Kim and TREVOR—SPARSHOTT were, to stop taking photos because they were causing 1—SECURITY—THREAT.
20080104             —ARRESTED, At least 10—ANTI—WAR—DEMONSTRATORS were, —YESTERDAY—DURING protests in DES—MOINES over THE—LACK—OF—DEBATE on THE—WAR—ON—IRAQ in the election campaign.
20080104             REPRESENTATIVE—MIKE—MICHAUD—WRITES—STRONG—LETTER to Conyers Calling for Cheney Impeachment Hearings:
20080104             Congressman MIKE—MICHAUD, 1—CONSERVATIVE and BLUE—DOG—DEMOCRAT from MAINE sent 1—LETTER over the holiday break to House Judiciary COMMITTEE—CHAIRMAN—JOHN—CONYERS calling for impeachment HEARINGS—OF—VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY.
20080104             RUSSIA—S—300S for IRAN:
20080104             —AMAZED, THE—WEST appears, to see THE—RUSSIAN—IRAN—STRATEGIC—PARTNERSHIP surviving and even strengthening.
20080104             Khamenei: IRAN sees no benefits in USA—TIES—NOW:
20080104             Supreme leader Ayatollah ALI—KHAMENEI said —ON—THURSDAY that IRAN sees "no benefit" in resuming ties with THE—USA at the moment but did not rule out 1—RESUMPTION—OF—RELATIONS in the future.
20080104             Aid CHIEF—SAYS—TALIBAN control 1—QUARTER—OF—AFGHANISTAN at night:
20080104             —STRETCHED, THE—NATO—FORCES battling Taliban guerrillas are, thin, unable even to guard key roads,
20080104             and —NOW SOME—ARE asking, "Is it Mission Impossible?"
20080104             USA: No need for UN probe into Bhutto slaying:
20080104             —BRUSHED, THE—USA—ON—WEDNESDAY, aside calls for 1—UN—INVESTIGATION into THE—SLAYING—OF—PAKISTAN opposition leader Benazir Bhutto,
20080104             saying BRITAIN—SCOTLAND—YARD —NOW leads the probe and will get "the answers" PAKISTAN—PEOPLE deserve.
20080104             It seems odd that THE—BULK—IF not THE—ENTIRETY—OF—REPORTS on the improvement in security are predicated principally on information released by THE—USA—MILITARY,
20080104             IRAQ—OFFICIAL—SOURCES or willing collaborates of both (conformist Shia sources, tribal Sunni leaders).
20080104             Continue - 1—IRON—FIST—IN—1—VELVET—GLOVE—HOW—AMERICA—DEMOCRACY—RELIES on Fascism-
20080104             —LEARNED, What would you do if you, that BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIALS wanted to round up THOUSANDS—OF—AMERICANS and throw them into concentration camps?
20080104             Continue - Democracy —NOW! - Audio and Transcript
20080104             Independent JOURNALIST—ALLAN—NAIRN and USA—CONSERVATIVE—CORRESPONDENT—KELLEY Beaucar Vlahos discuss 1—LITTLE—ADDRESSED facet of 20080000             —THE campaign:
20080104             MANY—OF—THE—TOP—ADVISERS to leading presidential candidates are EX—USA—OFFICIALS involved in atrocities —AROUND the world.
20080104             Continue - CBS News: "Fatal Error" Changed Nuclear History
20080104             "We know that MEMBERS—OF—THE—NETWORK have largely escaped ANY—KIND—OF—SANCTION,
20080104             and in cases where there have been attempts at prosecution, it's been primarily slaps on the wrist,
20080104             suspended sentences, small fines," Armstrong said. "There has been no real penalty,
20080104             no repercussion, for the people who have participated in this and no real serious effort to wrap up THE—MEMBERS—OF—NETWORK and bring them to justice".
20080104             —SKILLED, That leaves 1—POTENTIAL—POOL—OF, engineers and technicians trained by KHAN—GANG—AVAILABLE to anyone willing to pay.
20080104             "We have situation where you have warlords who 1. THE—CIA paid,
20080104             and OSAMA—BIN—LADEN has paid, who are basically available to the highest bidder, who may end up in CONTROL—OF—1—WEAPON," TRENTO said.
20080104             —LAST—WEEK in Slate, Dahlia Lithwick wrote Legal FICTIONS—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—DUMBEST legal ARGUMENTS—OF—THE—YEAR
20080104             Again, it's virtually impossible to cite the single most egregious assertion by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OF—THE—STATE—SECRETS privilege,
20080104             because there are so many to choose from.
20080104             —BARRED, This doctrine once, the introduction into court of specific evidence that might compromise national security,
20080104             but in THE—HANDS—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, it has ballooned into 1—DOCTRINE of blanket immunity for ANY—CONDUCT the administration wishes to hide.
20080104             —INVOKED, The privilege was, 20070000             to block testimony about its torture and extraordinary rendition program,
20080104             its warrantless surveillance program, and to defend the notion of telecom immunity for colluding in government eavesdropping,
20080104             among other things.
20080104             No longer 1—EVIDENTIARY rule, THE—STATE—SECRETS privilege has become 1—OF—THE—ADMINISTRATION—SUREST—MECHANISMS for shielding its most egregious activities.
20080104             According to THE—GUARDIAN
20080104             1—SENIOR—CUSTOMS—INVESTIGATOR could face prosecution under the Official Secrets Act over suspicions that he exposed how USA and UK—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES interfered in his attempts to halt 1—INTERNATIONAL—NUCLEAR smuggling ring.
20080104             Amin was in CHARGE—OF—OPERATION—AKIN, 1—INVESTIGATION into links between UK—COMPANIES and the illegal network run by ABDUL—QADEER—KHAN,
20080104             1—PAKISTAN—SCIENTIST who helped build that country's nuclear arsenal.
20080104             —PUBLISHED, The investigation is the subject of 1—BOOK—RECENTLY, in THE—USA, AMERICA and the Islamic Bomb: THE—DEADLY—COMPROMISE.
20080104             Its authors, DAVID—ARMSTRONG and JOSEPH—TRENTO, contend that 20000000             Amin uncovered evidence in DUBAI of the Khan network's involvement in establishing LIBYA—NUCLEAR—PROGRAMME but was ordered to drop his inquiries and return home, at THE—REQUEST—OF—THE—CIA and MI6.
20080104             The book argues that in the intervening —3—YEARS the network continued to sell nuclear technology and possibly weapons designs to IRAN,
20080104             NORTH—KOREA and possibly other countries, under THE—NOSES—OF—USA and UK—INTELLIGENCE.
20080104             In fact, THE—CIA apparently knew more about THE—PAKISTAN program than even Benazir Bhutto —WHEN she was PRIME—MINISTER.
20080104             According to Seymour HERSH—FANTASTIC 19930000             article
20080104             "The question of what MISS—BHUTTO knew, or didn't know, about the bomb would be resolved —WHEN she paid 1 scheduled state visit to WASHINGTON in ;;06;; (19900000             );
20080104             at that time she was provided with 1 detailed briefing by WILLIAM—H—WEBSTER,
20080104             the C.I.A. director.
20080104             —ARRANGED, To dramatize THE—EXTENT—OF—USA—KNOWLEDGE, Webster, for MISS—BHUTTO to be shown 1—MOCKUP—OF—1—PAKISTAN—NUCLEAR—BOMB.
20080104             MARK—A—SIEGEL, 1—FORMER—CARTER—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIAL and close Bhutto associate, who
20080104             Sibel Edmonds Case: Benazir and The 'Islamic' Bomb
20080104             "(Benazir Bhutto) said 2—THINGS that sealed her fate.
20080104             —ELECTED, She said that if, PM,
20080104             she would allow USA—FORCES to hunt for OSAMA—BIN—LADEN on PAKISTAN—SOIL,
20080104             and that she would allow THE—VIENNA—BASED IAEA to interrogate the rogue nuclear scientist,
20080104             AQ Khan about his nuclear smugglings to NORTH—KOREA, IRAN, LIBYA, etc.
20080104             —AFTER those statements, she had no chance of surviving".
20080104             THERE—1—SMALL—PROBLEM: THE—CIA, THE—FBI, and BRITAIN—MI6 probably know more about THE—SO—CALLED 'AQ Khan network' than AQ Khan himself.
20080104             —INVOLVED, For SOME—REASON, the criminals, in the nuclear black market are still (mostly) walking FREE—IN PAKISTAN,
20080104             —THREATENED, THE—USA—AND—ELSEWHERE—WHILE those who, to expose THEM—RICHARD—BARLOW,
20080104             Sibel Edmonds, Valerie Plame, and the latest addition, Atif Amin-
20080104             have been harassed, threatened and gagged.
20080104             — Dick CHENEY—TORTURE and indefinite detention are shamefully UN—AMERICAN.
20080104             MUST READ: Benazir Bhutto, Sibel Edmonds and AQ Khan
20080104             MUST read lukery's latest on the Sibel Edmonds SAGA.
20080104             —PROMISED, Seems that Benazir Bhutto had, to uncover the truth about THE—AQ—KAHN network.
20080104             —EXPOSED, Doing so would have, KHAN—CONNECTIONS to various powerful players....
20080104             1—OF—AQ—KHAN—USA—SUPPLIERS was 1—COMPANY called GIZA Technologies in NEW—JERSEY.... JOE—TRENTO says this of GIZA:
20080104             "So the question is: who is responsible for allowing this to happen?
20080104             —EXPOSED, Why wasn't GIZA ? GIZA wasn't exposed because it may have been used for other operations in the past.
20080104             It's outrageous! THERE—EVERY—EVIDENCE that THE—USA were deeply involved, in not only helping AQ Khan set up the network but aiding PAKISTAN in getting 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPON".
20080104             —STALLED, THE—USA—LABOR—DEPARTMENT said hiring practically, in December, driving the nation's unemployment rate up to a —2—YEAR—HIGH—OF—5—PERCENT and fanning fears of 1—RECESSION.
20080104             THE—DJIA fell 256.54 to 12800.18.
20080104             THE—USA 700—MHZ FCC wireless spectrum auction, officially known as Auction 73, was started by THE—FEDERAL—COMMUNICATIONS—COMMISSION (FCC).
20080104             AT&T, Verizon and others paid close to $20—BILLION for the 700MHZ band covering channels 52-69 on the television dial.
20080104             —GROUNDED, Flights were, and trucks overturned in NORTH—CALIFORNIA as wind gusted to 80—MPH —DURING the 2. WAVE—OF—THE—ARCTIC—STORM that has sent trees crashing onto houses, cars and roads.
20080104             ROHSTOFF—VORRÄTE: Opec rechnet die ÖL—KRISE hoch
20080104             Aktienkauf: Konkurrent Barclays steigt bei Commerzbank ein
20080104             Jugendgewalt: "Wir geben den Leuten zu wenig Gründe, uns toll zu finden"
20080104             1 estimated 1.9-2.1—MILLION PG&E customers lost power.
20080104             TEXAS, Jana Shearer (21), THE—GIRLFRIEND—OF—CHRISTOPHER—LEE—MCCUIN, —25—JAHRE—ALT, was taken by McCuin from her home and killed.
20080104             Razzia gegen Kurdenorganisation: TÜRKEI—POLIZEI nimmt Dutzende mutmaßliche Islamisten fest
20080104             —ARRESTED, McCuin was, 20080105             —AFTER police found that he had cooked parts of her body and may have tried to eat them.
20080104             Reiserecht: Und täglich dröhnt der Presslufthammer
20080104             Fall Buback: EX—INNENMINISTER Baum findet Beugehaft für RAF—TERRORISTEN peinlich
20080104             He CO—WROTE 19630000             —THE hit "Our —DAY WILL—COME," performed by Ruby and the Romantics.
20080104             —VERGLEICHT, Opposition: FDP—GENERAL, Koalition mit Nationaler Front der DDR
20080104             AFGHANISTAN—URUZGAN, province 1—CLASH between NATO—TROOPS and Taliban insurgents near Tirin Kot, the provincial capital, left 2—CIVILIANS—DEAD and 5—OTHERS wounded.
20080104             —VERURTEILT, Insiderhandel: —5—JAHRE HAFT—EX- GOLDMAN—BANKER
20080104             Kurseinbruch: ÖLPREIS—ANGST drückt Tokios Börse
20080104             —STORMED, Young men, THE—STREETS—OF—GUINEA, hurling rocks and setting tires ablaze as labor unions called for 1—STRIKE, threatening to throw THE—AFRICA—NATION into gridlock.
20080104             P. Chidambaram, INDIA—FINANCE—MINISTER, urged STATE—RUN—BANKS to reduce lending rates by half 1—PERCENTAGE—POINT to spur consumption and investment as signs emerge of 1—SLOWDOWN in consumer spending.
20080104             —ARRESTED, Police, 14—MEN for allegedly harassing 2—WOMEN outside a 5—STAR—HOTEL in Mumbai —DURING New —YEAR—CELEBRATIONS, 1—CASE that drew widespread criticism —AFTER police —INITIALLY refused to pursue it.
20080104             —KILLED, ISRAEL—TROOPS on —1—NIGHT—MISSION in THE—GAZA—STRIP, 2—HAMAS gunmen in THE—EARLY—HOURS as ISRAEL responded to PALESTINE—ROCKET—FIRE with strikes against militants that left 11—DEAD in —24—HOURS.
20080104             —CALLED, KENYA—OPPOSITION, for 1—NEW—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION to settle 1—DISPUTE that has sparked deadly riots from the capital to the coast, but 1—GOVERNMENT—SPOKESMAN said 1—NEW—VOTE could come on only on orders from the highest court.
20080104             —WARNED, THE—WORLD—FOOD—PROGRAM, that 100,000—PEOPLE faced starvation in WEST—KENYA.
20080104             KOSOVO—LEGISLATORS were sworn in at the 1. session of 1—NEW—PARLIAMENT that is widely expected to declare INDEPENDENCE from Serbia early —THIS—YEAR.
20080104             1—MOROCCO—COURT sentenced 51—ISLAMISTS—OF—THE—ANSAR—EL—MAHDI group to between 2 and —25—YEARS in jail for plotting to overthrow the government here and install 1—ISLAMIST—REGIME.
20080104             —MARKED, MYANMAR—INDEPENDENCE—DAY was, by opposition calls for THE—FREEING—OF—DEMOCRACY—ICON—AUNG S—SUU—KYI and other political prisoners as the military rulers urged national discipline.
20080104             —SAVED, RUSSIA—RESCUERS, 11—PEOPLE stranded for nearly —3—MONTHS in 1—REMOTE—AREA—OF—THE—PACIFIC—COAST—AFTER 1—FISHING trip went wrong.
20080104             —CANCELED, The annual 5,760 DAKAR Rally was, on THE—EVE—OF—THE—RACE across THE—SAHARA—DESERT—BECAUSE—OF—TERROR—THREATS and the recent Christmas Eve killings of 1—FRANCE—FAMILY in MAURITANIA blamed on AL—QAIDA—LINKED militants.
20080104             —ERUPTED, Fresh fighting, between SOUTH—SUDAN—FORCES and KHARTOUM—BACKED Arab tribesmen near key oil AREAS—OF—THE—COUNTRY, former southern rebels said, further denting hopes of 1—END to NORTH—SOUTH hostilities.
20080104             TAIWAN—TIES with its ally MALAWI were shaky —AFTER THE—AFRICA—COUNTRY snubbed THE—ISLAND—TOP—DIPLOMAT in 1 aborted visit to THE—AFRICA—NATION aimed at persuading it to resist diplomatic wooing by CHINA.
20080104             1—PRIVATE—PLANE carrying 14—PEOPLE, including 8—ITALIANS, crashed into the sea —AFTER taking off from VENEZUELA—LOS—ROQUES islands.
20080104             —AWARDED, THE—ZAMBIA—GOVERNMENT, a 1.2—BILLION dollar crude oil deal to 1—KUWAIT firm to supply over 1.4—MILLION—TONS—OF—OIL to THE—SOUTH—AFRICA—NATION.
20080104             —REPORTED, ZIMBABWE—STATE—OWNED—THE—HERALD daily, that 1—DIARRHEA outbreak has hit HARARE —FOLLOWING weeks of uncollected garbage, sewer blockages and erratic water supplies.
20080104             Madness Compounding Madness
20080104             - Calls for Intervention in PAKISTAN—BY- GARY—LEUPP
20080104             "AL—QAEDA is —NOW as much 1—PAKISTAN—PHENOMENON as it is 1—ARAB or foreign element," declares Najam Sethi, EDITOR—OF—PAKISTAN—DAILY—TIMES.
20080104             Stonewalled By THE—CI.A.
20080104             The recent revelations that the C.I.A. destroyed videotaped interrogations of Qaeda operatives leads us to conclude that the agency failed to respond to our lawful requests for information about 20010911             —THE plot.
20080104             —UNRUHEN, Krise in KENIA: —NACH—DEN, kommt der Hunger
20080104             Krach in KARLSRUHE: Bundesrichter stutzen Harms' Strategie gegen militante Linke
20080104             Rezessionsangst: Schlechte USA—ARBEITSMARKTDATEN lassen Börsen absacken
20080104             "Es sind zwar nur 4—PROZENT Einschlagswahrscheinlichkeit", sagt Neukum.
20080104             Verbraucherpreise 20070000             : Internetkosten um 5—PROZENT gesunken
20080104             Veteran prosecutor takes over CIA torture tape probe: THE—CIA acknowledged —LAST—MONTH that 20050000             it destroyed VIDEOS—OF—OFFICERS using tough interrogation methods on 2—AL—QAIDA suspects.
20080104             whether THE—CIA violated ANY—LAWS or obstructed congressional inquiries such as the 1 led by 20080911             —THE—COMMISSION.
20080104             —BANNED, Couple, for life from shopping centre and branded 'TERRORISTS'—FOR taking photos of their grandchildren : Kim and TREVOR—SPARSHOTT were ordered to stop taking photos because they were causing 1—SECURITY—THREAT.
20080104             Demonstrators held —AFTER IOWA ANTI—WAR protests:
20080104             REPRESENTATIVE—MIKE—MICHAUD—WRITES—STRONG—LETTER to Conyers Calling for Cheney Impeachment Hearings : Congressman MIKE—MICHAUD, 1—CONSERVATIVE and BLUE—DOG—DEMOCRAT from MAINE sent 1—LETTER over the holiday break to House Judiciary COMMITTEE—CHAIRMAN—JOHN—CONYERS calling for impeachment HEARINGS—OF—VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY.
20080104             —AMAZED, RUSSIA—S—300S for IRAN: THE—WEST appears, to see THE—RUSSIAN—IRAN—STRATEGIC—PARTNERSHIP surviving and even strengthening.
20080104             Khamenei: IRAN sees no benefits in USA—TIES—NOW: Supreme leader Ayatollah ALI—KHAMENEI said —ON—THURSDAY that IRAN sees "no benefit" in resuming ties with THE—USA at the moment but did not rule out 1—RESUMPTION—OF—RELATIONS in the future.
20080104             —STRETCHED, THE—NATO—FORCES battling Taliban guerrillas are, thin, unable even to guard key roads, and —NOW SOME—ARE asking, "Is it Mission Impossible?"
20080104             USA: No need for UN probe into Bhutto slaying : THE—USA—ON—WEDNESDAY brushed aside calls for 1—UN—INVESTIGATION into THE—SLAYING—OF—PAKISTAN opposition leader Benazir Bhutto, saying BRITAIN—SCOTLAND—YARD —NOW leads the probe and will get "the answers" PAKISTAN—PEOPLE deserve.
20080104             THE—IRAQ—CHARADE
20080104             It seems odd that THE—BULK—IF not THE—ENTIRETY—OF—REPORTS on the improvement in security are predicated principally on information released by THE—USA—MILITARY, IRAQ—OFFICIAL—SOURCES or willing collaborates of both (conformist Shia sources, tribal Sunni leaders).
20080104             1—IRON—FIST—IN—1—VELVET—GLOVE - - How USA—DEMOCRACY—RELIES on Fascism
20080104             ATROCITY—LINKED USA—OFFICIALS Advising Democratic, GOP Presidential Frontrunners:
20080104             Independent JOURNALIST—ALLAN—NAIRN and USA—CONSERVATIVE—CORRESPONDENT—KELLEY Beaucar Vlahos discuss 1—LITTLE—ADDRESSED facet of 20080000             —THE campaign: MANY—OF—THE—TOP—ADVISERS to leading presidential candidates are EX—USA—OFFICIALS involved in atrocities —AROUND the world.
20080104             "We know that MEMBERS—OF—THE—NETWORK have largely escaped ANY—KIND—OF—SANCTION, and in cases where there have been attempts at prosecution, it's been primarily slaps on the wrist, suspended sentences, small fines," Armstrong said.
20080104             "There has been no real penalty, no repercussion, for the people who have participated in this and no real serious effort to wrap up THE—MEMBERS—OF—NETWORK and bring them to justice".
20080104             "We have situation where you have warlords who 1. THE—CIA paid, and OSAMA—BIN—LADEN has paid, who are basically available to the highest bidder, who may end up in CONTROL—OF—1—WEAPON," TRENTO said.
20080104             "That is something that gives me great pause".
20080104             —LAST—WEEK in Slate, Dahlia Lithwick wrote
20080104             Legal FICTIONS—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—DUMBEST legal ARGUMENTS—OF—THE—YEAR 2. State secrets.
20080104             Again, it's virtually impossible to cite the single most egregious assertion by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OF—THE—STATE—SECRETS privilege, because there are so many to choose from.
20080104             —BARRED, This doctrine once, the introduction into court of specific evidence that might compromise national security, but in THE—HANDS—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, it has ballooned into 1—DOCTRINE of blanket immunity for ANY—CONDUCT the administration wishes to hide.
20080104             —INVOKED, The privilege was, 20070000             to block testimony about its torture and extraordinary rendition program, its warrantless surveillance program, and to defend the notion of telecom immunity for colluding in government eavesdropping, among other things.
20080104             According to THE—GUARDIAN in mid December:
20080104             Police and officials from the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) have searched the home of Atif Amin for evidence that he passed classified information to THE—USA—AUTHORS—OF—1—BOOK about the worldwide nuclear proliferation network.
20080104             Amin was in CHARGE—OF—OPERATION—AKIN, 1—INVESTIGATION into links between UK—COMPANIES and the illegal network run by ABDUL—QADEER—KHAN, 1—PAKISTAN—SCIENTIST who helped build that country's nuclear arsenal.
20080104             —PUBLISHED, The investigation is the subject of 1—BOOK—RECENTLY, in THE—USA,
20080104             AMERICA and the Islamic Bomb: THE—DEADLY—COMPROMISE.
20080104             The book argues that in the intervening —3—YEARS the network continued to sell nuclear technology and possibly weapons designs to IRAN, NORTH—KOREA and possibly other countries, under THE—NOSES—OF—USA and UK—INTELLIGENCE.
20080104             at that time she was provided with 1 detailed briefing by WILLIAM—H—WEBSTER, the C.I.A. director.
20080104             Sibel Edmonds Case: Benazir and The 'Islamic' Bomb —POSTED—BY lukery in GENERAL—DISCUSSION
20080104             —SEALED, RICHARD—SALE: "(Benazir Bhutto) said 2—THINGS that, her fate. She said that if elected PM, she would allow USA—FORCES to hunt for OSAMA—BIN—LADEN on PAKISTAN—SOIL, and that she would allow THE—VIENNA—BASED IAEA to interrogate the rogue nuclear scientist, AQ Khan about his nuclear smugglings to NORTH—KOREA, IRAN, LIBYA, etc. —AFTER those statements, she had no chance of surviving".
20080104             —INVOLVED, For SOME—REASON, the criminals, in the nuclear black market are still (mostly) walking FREE—IN PAKISTAN, THE—USA and ELSEWHERE—WHILE those who threatened to expose THEM—RICHARD—BARLOW, Sibel Edmonds, Valerie Plame, and the latest addition,
20080104             —HARASSED, Atif AMIN—HAVE been, threatened and gagged.
20080104             Tropical PARADISE? "They're living in the tropics... They've got everything they could possibly want".
20080104             WEAR ORANGE 20080111             and protest the shame that is Guantánamo Bay.
20080104             It may have been 1—FRONT for the U.S intelligence service!
20080104             Sicherheitsbedenken: Rallye DAKAR wegen Terrorgefahr abgesagt
20080104             Globale Kreditkrise: COMMERZBANK—CHEF—MÜLLER gibt Bankern die Schuld
20080104             Streit um Billigcomputer: Intel steigt bei "1—LAPTOP per Child" aus
20080104             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Das Prinzip Abschreckung"
20080104             MILLIONEN—INVESTMENTS: CHINA steigt heimlich bei AUSTRALIEN—BANKEN ein
20080104             100—DOLLAR pro Barrel: Glos nutzt Ölpreisschock für neue Atomdebatte
20080104             —VERURTEILT, Insiderhandel: —5—JAHRE HAFT—EX- GOLDMAN—BANKER - in the New Yorker
20080104—19690000    —FUSED, He also, the Moog synthesizer with orchestral music and composed music that was used by CBS—TV in film footage of NASA spaceflights as NEIL—ARMSTRONG stepped on the moon.
20080104—20010911    —IN—THE, Constitutional expert JONATHAN—TURLEY told KEITH—OLBERMANN that as many as 6—CRIMINAL—OFFENSES could be involved Commission charge alone,
20080104—20010911    —IN—THE, Expert: CRIME—OF—TORTURE could only have been ordered by THE—PRESIDENT : Constitutional expert JONATHAN—TURLEY told KEITH—OLBERMANN that as many as 6—CRIMINAL—OFFENSES could be involved Commission charge alone, including OBSTRUCTION—OF—CONGRESS, OBSTRUCTION—OF—JUSTICE, perjury, and conspiracy.
20080104—20030000    —UNTIL, THE—LIBYA—PROGRAMME and the Khan network were not exposed and halted.
20080104—20050000    —SEIT, Rezessionsgefahr: USA—ARBEITSLOSIGKEIT steigt auf höchsten Stand
20080104—20080101    —SUFFERED, OAKLAND—CALIFORNIA, Jessica Birden (19) † from wounds, —WHEN she was found unconscious on 1—TRAIL in THE—KING—ESTATES—RECREATION—AREA in THE—OAKLAND—HILLS.
20080104—20080103    USA—AUTOMARKT: DEUTSCHLAND—FAHREN Rekorde EIN—TOYOTA überholt Ford
20080104—20080108    —SUSPECTED, KENNETH—JOVAN—WASHINGTON, 1—MAN, in her assault and
20080104—20080120    —ORGANIZED, The race, by THE—FRANCE—BASED Amaury Sport Organization (ASO), had been due to start in LISBON—PORTUGAL, and finish in DAKAR—SENEGAL.
20080104—20081010    —DAMAGED, Their 2—BOATS were, in 1—STORM —DURING 1—FISHING expedition off the Kamchatka Peninsula.
20080104—20081207    —ON, McCuin was found dead in his jail cell.
20080104—20081224    —CHARGED, THAT—OF—OTHERS in the Bay Area, was, with her murder and another attack.
20080106             ROLAND—PIQUEPAILLE writes "THE—USA—NATIONAL—SCIENCE—FOUNDATION (NSF) has —RECENTLY reported that 2—RESEARCH—TEAMS have developed 1—NEW—POROUS foam of 1—ALLOY that changes shape —WHEN exposed to 1—MAGNETIC—FIELD. THE—NSF states that this new material is able to remember its original shape —AFTER it's been deformed by 1—PHYSICAL or magnetic force. This polycrystalline NICKEL—MANGANESE—GALLIUM alloy is potentially cheaper and lighter than other materials currently used in devices ranging from sonar to precision valves. It also could be used to design biomedical pumps without moving parts and even for space applications and automobiles".Read more of this story 20080105             20080503             20090104—20090105    —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 12—INSURGENTS and 11—CIVILIANS were, in fighting in CENTRAL—URUZGAN province.
20080218             The problem is that most people cannot realize the great INDEPENDENCE and immunity shown by new Adventist leadership to their own principles. /20080104.html
20081126—20080104    —RELEASED, THE—BRITAIN and journalist and his SPAIN—COUNTERPART were, —AFTER almost —6—WEEKS in captivity in SOMALIA—BREAKAWAY Puntland state.
20081231—20080104    —ON, 1—MAN suspected of piloting 1—MOTORBOAT that struck and killed Wolffer was detained.
20090104             Prognose: Arbeitsagentur soll 20100000             Liquiditätsengpass drohen
20090104             GAZA—STREIFEN: Kriegsberichte per Telefon
20090104             —TORPEDIERT, Geplante Reform: Union, ökologische KFZ—STEUER
20090104             Korruptionsvorwürfe: Obamas designierter Handelsminister schmeißt hin
20090104             Zynische Chirurgensprüche: "Mann, haben Sie Drecksgefäße"
20090104             Konjunkturpaket: Oettinger schließt Steuersenkungen nicht mehr aus
20090104             Chaos am Flughafen MADRID: Passagiere warten —BIS zu —17—STUNDEN
20090104             Mehr Naturkatastrophen - Das war 20080000             : Deutlich zu warm
20090104             Der DEUTSCHLAND—WETTERDIENST hat seinen Jahresrückblick vorgelegt.
20090104             Zeichen des Klimawandels in DEUTSCHLAND deutlich zu sehen.
20090104             —GEFALLEN, TAGES—UND Festgeld: Zinsen stark
20090104             Konjunkturkrise: ALLIANZ—VORSTAND geißelt Renditewahn
20090104             Bundesregierung hält sich bei der Vorratsdatenspeicherung für unangreifbar
20090104             Was tun gegen die Vorratsdatenspeicherung?
20090104             Weltweite Proteste gegen den Krieg
20090104             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—OBAMA, 1—LAW expanding SCHIP, 1—HEALTH—SCHEME covering children in poor families.
20090104             NEW—MEXICO GOVERNOR—BILL—RICHARDSON, OBAMA—CHOICE for commerce SECRETARY, withdrew under pressure of 1—FEDERAL—INVESTIGATION into how his political donors landed 1—LUCRATIVE transportation contract.
20090104             —KILLED, LOUISIANA, 8—PEOPLE were, —WHEN 1—PHI—INCORPORATED helicopter, bound for offshore oil fields, crashed about 100—MILES—SOUTH—WEST—OF—NEW—ORLEANS.
20090104             Police —LATER said JA—LE Johnson and Rhines would often hang out in 1—ATTIC across the street and shoot target practice with rifles from 1—WINDOW.
20090104             OBAMA—SILENCE is damaging
20090104             —RECOVERED, Police, 2—RIFLES from the attic.
20090104             Softwarekonzern Microsoft in Schwierigkeiten: Blogger erwarten Entlassungswelle
20090104             —CONFESSED, Rhines, and faced —10—YEARS to life in prison.
20090104             DEUTSCHLAND brauche eine neue Debatte über unternehmerische Verantwortung, mahnte der SPD—VORSITZENDE.
20090104             MANCHE—UNTERNEHMEN würden wie "moderne Raubritter durch die Länder ziehen,
20090104             —PLEDGED, UK—PRIME—MINISTER—GORDON—BROWN, to create 100,000 jobs through 1—PUBLIC—WORKS—PROGRAM and said he would press banks to resume normal lending as BRITAIN faces its sharpest economic downturn in decades.
20090104             um das Geld abzukassieren".
20090104             Hier müsse sich etwas verändern:
20090104             "Wirtschaft ist für den Menschen da und nicht umgekehrt".
20090104             1—NORTHERN—GUATEMALA mudslide left at least 37—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20090104             At least 50—PEOPLE were still missing in Aquil Grande.
20090104             —TOPPLED, EAST—INDONESIA, 1—SERIES—OF—POWERFUL—EARTHQUAKES, or badly damaged more than 100—BUILDINGS and left 1—PERSON—DEAD and dozens injured.
20090104             IRAQ, 1—FEMALE—SUICIDE—BOMBER blew herself up among 1—CROWD—OF pilgrims worshipping at 1—REVERED—SHIITE shrine in NORTH—BAGHDAD, killing at least 38—PEOPLE and wounding about 72.
20090104             ISRAEL—GROUND—TROOPS and tanks cut swaths through THE—GAZA—STRIP, cutting the coastal territory into 2 and surrounding its biggest city as the new phase of 1—DEVASTATING offensive against Hamas militants gained momentum.
20090104             Investors' thirst for USA—SECURITIES could finally be quenched
20090104             USA governors seek $1—TRILLION FEDERAL—ASSISTANCE:
20090104             —KILLED, GAZA officials said at least 31—CIVILIANS were, in the onslaught.
20090104             —REPORTED, ISRAEL, 1—SOLDIER was killed by mortar fire.
20090104             —URGED, Governors of 5—USA—STATES, THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT to provide $1—TRILLION in aid to the country's 50—STATES to help pay for education,
20090104             welfare and infrastructure as states struggle with steep budget deficits amid 1—DEEPENING recession.
20090104             Factories slash output, jobs —AROUND world:
20090104             At least 45—MISSILES fell on SOUTH—ISRAEL, wounding 5—PEOPLE.
20090104             —JOINED, Factories in CHINA and INDIA, much of EUROPE in slashing output and jobs at 1—RECORD—PACE in ;;12;;,
20090104             2—WOMEN waving white flags were killed in the Juher A—DIK neighborhood in GAZA City.
20090104             another sign the biggest emerging markets were wilting under the recession gripping industrialized nations.
20090104             —OCCURRED, The incident, —WHEN THE—ABU—HAJAJ family evacuated their home —AFTER it was hit by 1—TANK shell.
20090104             Protests —AROUND the world over GAZA attacks:
20090104             —FORESTED, In 1—DENSELY, REGION—OF—INDIAN—KASHMIR 1—GUN—BATTLE between government forces and suspected Islamic insurgents raged for a 4. —DAY leaving at least 7—COMBATANTS killed.
20090104             Protests were held in BRITAIN, FRANCE, GERMANY, GREECE, IRELAND, ITALY,
20090104             —ENTERED, THE—NETHERLANDS, SPAIN and TURKEY as THE—ISRAEL—OFFENSIVE, its 2. —WEEK, and —BEFORE ISRAEL confirmed ground forces had entered GAZA.
20090104             —OVERCROWDED, EAST—NEPAL, DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE were missing —AFTER 1, boat carrying mostly women and children capsized in the Saptakosi river.
20090104             IRAN—SECURITY CHIEF—MEETS—HAMAS, Jihad leaders in DAMASCUS over GAZA:
20090104             —BELIEVED, More than 50—PEOPLE were, on BOARD the boat and only 14 were rescued.
20090104             —DISCUSSED, They, "the serious situations in GAZA Strip due to the continuing ISRAEL—AGGRESSION on THE—PALESTINE—PEOPLE,
20090104             —HIJACKED, Gunmen, 1—VESSEL and 9—CREWMEN belonging to FRANCE—OIL—SERVICES—GROUP—BOURBON off NIGERIA—NIGER—DELTA as it traveled toward 1—ROYAL—DUTCH—SHELL offshore oilfield.
20090104             and the Arab and Islamic movements needed to stop this aggression and liftthe siege," said SYRIA—OFFICIAL—SANA news agency.
20090104             —ATTACKED, NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, police as they rushed to treat civilians injured by 1—EARLIER—EXPLOSION, killing 7—PEOPLE and wounding at least 25—OTHERS.
20090104             —DURING 1—RAID elsewhere in NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, the army discovered 1—VAN packed with 880—POUNDS (400—KILOGRAMS) of explosives.
20090104             —DISCUSSED, THE—2—SIDES, "means for the Islamic countries to move and take practical measures to compel ISRAEL to —IMMEDIATELY stop the massacres committed against THE—PALESTINE—PEOPLE and ways to open the crossings and break the siege imposed on GAZA Strip," said the report.
20090104             Turmoil could spark air strike against IRAN:
20090104             6 suspected militants were arrested in the raid on 1—HOUSE in the Khyber tribal region.
20090104             —APPROVED, RUSSIA—MILITARY—LEADERS, 1—PLAN by the navy to station warships permanently in friendly ports across the globe.
20090104             —COUPLED, IRAN—OPEN—SUPPORT for Hamas, with USA and ISRAEL—ACCUSATIONS that TEHRAN has supplied it with weapons,
20090104             —ASKED, RUSSIA, THE—EU to provide MONITORING—OF—UKRAINE—GAS—TRANSIT—SYSTEM and charged UKRAINE was stealing gas bound for EUROPE, as Kiev leveled its own charges.
20090104             could harden ISRAEL—PUBLIC opinion in FAVOUR—OF—MILITARY—STRIKES against IRAN whose nuclear programme is seen as an "existential" threat to the Jewish state.
20090104             USA—BRANCH—OF—AMNESTY—CALLS on Rice to Drop "Lopsided" Stance:
20090104             Gazprom CEO—ALEXEI—MILLER said that THE—STATE—CONTROLLED company wanted $450—PER 1,000 cubic meters, up from its last offer of $418. The reductions in gas supplies spread to THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC—AND—TURKEY.
20090104             1—FRANCE—WARSHIP foiled attempts by SOMALIA—PIRATES in the Gulf of ADEN to seize 2—CARGO—VESSELS and intercepted 19—PEOPLE.
20090104             calling on her to end what it called WASHINGTON's "lopsided response" to the ongoing ISRAEL—AIR—STRIKES on GAZA that have reportedly killed more than 400—PALESTINIANS,
20090104             —REPORTED, SRI—LANKA—REBEL—AFFILIATED—TAMILNET—WEB—SITE, that the insurgents stalled 1—MILITARY—ADVANCE on the road to Mullaittivu, killing 53—SOLDIERS and wounding 80—OTHERS.
20090104             including scores of unarmed civilians.
20090104             —ALLEGED, JIMMY—MOHLALA, 1—SOUTH—AFRICA—OFFICIAL who blew the whistle on, corruption in the building of 1—STADIUM for 20100000             —THE—WORLD—CUP, was shot dead by unknown gunmen.
20090104             —SCHEDULED, The 46,000-capacity Mbombela stadium, for completion —THIS—YEAR, is 1—OF 10—VENUES for 20100000             —THE—WORLD—CUP.
20090104             ISRAEL bars ICRC entering GAZA:
20090104             For a 2. —DAY running, ISRAEL—AUTHORITIES have barred 1—RED—CROSS—MEDICAL—TEAM from entering GAZA to help treat residents injured in bombings.
20090104             ISRAEL bans foreign journalists from entering GAZA: Despite court order to let them in
20090104             —KILLED, Child, by ISRAEL—TANK—FIRE in GAZA:
20090104             † 1—PALESTINE—CHILD was killed by ISRAEL—TANK—FIRE in THE—GAZA—STRIP —LATE—SATURDAY, becoming the 1. VICTIM—OF—1—GROUND—OFFENSIVE against the Hamas stronghold, medics said.
20090104             462—PALESTINIANS killed, 2300 wounded in —8—DAYS—OF—ISRAEL—OFFENSIVE on GAZA: official:
20090104             THE—CHIEF—OF—EMERGENCY and ambulance services in THE—PALESTINE—HEALTH—MINISTRY,
20090104             told reporters that the death tolls include 76—CHILDREN and 38—WOMEN, and among the injured, 600of them are in critical conditions.
20090104             As ISRAEL—WARPLANES continue to bomb GAZA, attention is turning to THE—ROLE—OF—AMERICA—MADE weapons in the deadly attacks,
20090104             which have —NOW killed over 400 and wounded 20000000             , including MANY—CIVILIANS.
20090104             It needs reasonable people who share THE—FAITH—OF—MOST—OF—ISRAEL—CITIZENS to rescue THEM—AND their Arab NEIGHBORS—FROM 1—DEGENERATE political class that is leading ALL—OF—USA to disaster.
20090104             BUSH - a "Total Failure" Says FORMER—IRAQ—PM-
20090104             Votum gegen Konjunkturpaket: DIW—CHEF hofft auf reinigende Wirkung des Abschwungs
20090104             Wirtschaftsschelte: Müntefering geißelt Manager als moderne Raubritter
20090104             "Von 20120000             an werden wir in allen STANDARD—BAUREIHEN ab C—KLASSE aufwärts unseren Kunden wahlweise Hybridtechnik anbieten", sagte Weber.
20090104             Das Auto der Zukunft fährt elektrisch, darüber sind sich die Experten einig.
20090104             DEUTSCHLAND, steht der stärkste Rückgang der Wirtschaftsleistung —SEIT dem —WWII bevor.
20090104             sagt Janus.
20090104             "Da stimmt etwas ganz Fundamentales mit dieser Gesellschaft nicht".
20090104             "Keine Erfahrung wird je vergessen", so der Heidelberger Psychoanalytiker LUDWIG—JANUS,
20090104             ehemaliger PRÄSIDENT—DER—INTERNATIONALEN—STUDIENGEMEINSCHAFT für Pränatale und Perinatale Psychologie und Medizin.
20090104             Traumatische Erlebnisse im Uterus können noch Enkel und Urenkel BEEINFLUSSEN—DIE Fähigkeit zu lieben kann über Generationen weitervererbt werden.
20090104             1—ZENTRALBANK kann sich entweder durch Inflation aus dem Schlamassel ziehen oder abwarten, —BIS der Steuerzahler sie saniert.
20090104             Beide Lösungen sind ÄUß—ERST traumatisch.
20090104             Es stellt sich heraus: Bankenkrisen, Zahlungsausfälle und Staatspleiten waren historisch die Regel, nicht die Ausnahme.
20090104             Ein immer größer werdender TEIL—DER—WIRTSCHAFT ist in der Hand von Regierungen.
20090104             Bankenhilfe: Brown legt nach
20090104             Obamas Amtseinführung: Zu viel Kirche, zu wenig Coolness
20090104             FRANKREICH: Verschrottungsprämie schiebt Automarkt an
20090104             GAZA—OFFENSIVE: "Ab —JETZT wird der Krieg auch uns wehtun" - Ausblick 20090000             :
20090104             Der Weltwirtschaft steht das Schlimmste noch bevor
20090104             Schwangerschaft: Unerwünschte Kinder haben mehr Angst
20090104             In closing, there is another REASON—BEYOND the internal politics of ISRAEL—WHY this attack has been allowed to occur:
20090104             the complicity and SILENCE—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY.
20090104             ISRAEL cannot and would not act against the will of its economic allies in EUROPE or its military allies in THE—USA.
20090104             ISRAEL may be pulling the trigger ending hundreds, perhaps even THOUSANDS—OF—LIVES—THIS—WEEK,
20090104             but it is THE—APATHY—OF—THE—WORLD and the inhumane tolerance of PALESTINE—SUFFERING which allows this to occur.
20090104             'The evil only exists because the good remain silent'
20090104             —FROM Occupied Palestine.
20090104             -- DOCTOR—MUSTAFA—BAGHOUTHI 20090104             "Diese gefährliche militärische Eskalation erschwert die Bemühungen der Internationalen Gemeinschaft und im Besonderen der Europäischen Union und FRANKREICH,
20090104             sowie der Staaten der Region die Kämpfe zu beenden, der Zivilbevölkerung sofortige Hilfe zukommen zu lassen und ein dauerhaften Waffenstillstand zu erreichen",
20090104             hieß es in einer Mitteilung des FRANKREICH—AUSSENMINISTERIUMS.
20090104             Steinmeier machte noch einmal deutlich, dass der nächste Schritt zur Beendigung der Kampfhandlungen eine humanitäre Waffenruhe sein müsse,
20090104             die die dringend erforderliche Versorgung der Zivilbevölkerung erlaube.
20090104             Eine solche "humanitäre Waffenruhe" lehnt ISRAEL bislang ab, weil nach ANSICHT—DER—REGIERUNG im Gazastreifen keine humanitäre Krise ausgebrochen ist.
20090104             Dagegen sprechen UN—ORGANISATIONEN in einem neuen Bericht von einer "entsetzlichen" Lage.
20090104             USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH machte in seiner wöchentlichen Radioansprache deutlich,
20090104             dass er 1—WAFFENRUHE nur dann für sinnvoll halte, wenn sichergestellt sei, dass sich die Hamas auch daran halte.
20090104             BUSH verlangte ein "dauerhaftes" ENDE—DER—GEWALT im Nahen Osten und 1—RÜCKKEHR "zum Pfad des Friedens".
20090104             y Internationale Reaktionen: USA und GROSSBRITANNIEN zeigen sich besorgt und bestürzt
20090104             EMIL—GEORG—VON—STAUSS (19290000             ).
20090104             20090104             - - - - - - - EMIL—GEORG—VON—STAUß (* 6. 20090104             (Weitergeleitet von EMIL—GEORG—VON—STAUSS).
20090104             20090104             - - - - - Wechseln zu: Navigation, Suche.
20090104             EMIL—GEORG—VON—STAUSS 20090104             WAPEDIA—WIKI: EMIL—GEORG—VON—STAUß EMIL—GEORG—VON—STAUSS (19290000             ).
20090104             Als Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender von Lufthansa und BMW initiierte er
20090104             Über das Engagement beim Erdöl machte EMIL—GEORG—VON—STAUß Karriere:
20090104             V. DIVISION—OF—THE—WORLD—AMONG CAPITALIST ASSOCIATIONS Transnational Civil Society and THE—INTERNET in 1—UNREGULATED... -
20090104             forms of collective association among people can be intolerant and
20090104             relativism, and extreme individualism, the division between good and bad is itself
20090104             civil society cannot be separated from the world capitalist system with the...
20090104             Barber, B. (19960000             ) Jihad vs. McWorld: How Globalism and Tribalism are
20090104             GAZA—OFFENSIVE: ISRAEL lehnt Waffenruhe ab
20090104             Das war 20080000             : Deutlich zu warm Der DEUTSCHLAND—WETTERDIENST hat seinen Jahresrückblick vorgelegt.
20090104             ISRAEL setzt seine volle Militärmacht ein
20090104             ISRAEL—SOLDATEN töten Demonstranten GAZA Stadt umzingelt - Live blog: The invasion of GAZA
20090104             OBAMA—SILENCE is damaging - ISRAEL rückt mit Soldaten und Panzern in Gazastreifen vor
20090104             MANCHE—UNTERNEHMEN würden wie "moderne Raubritter durch die Länder ziehen, um das Geld abzukassieren".
20090104             Hier müsse sich etwas verändern: "Wirtschaft ist für den Menschen da und nicht umgekehrt".
20090104             USA—DEBT Expected To Soar —THIS—YEAR:
20090104             $2—TRILLION Increase May Test FEDERAL—ABILITY to Borrow
20090104             USA could be facing debt 'time bomb' —THIS—YEAR:
20090104             USA governors seek $1—TRILLION FEDERAL—ASSISTANCE : Governors of 5—USA—STATES urged THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT to provide $1—TRILLION in aid to the country's 50—STATES to help pay for education, welfare and infrastructure as states struggle with steep budget deficits amid 1—DEEPENING recession.
20090104             Factories slash output, jobs —AROUND world : Factories in CHINA and INDIA joined much of EUROPE in slashing output and jobs at 1—RECORD—PACE in December, another sign the biggest emerging markets were wilting under the recession gripping industrialized nations.
20090104             Protests —AROUND the world over GAZA attacks : Protests were held in BRITAIN, FRANCE, GERMANY, GREECE, IRELAND, ITALY, THE—NETHERLANDS, SPAIN and TURKEY as THE—ISRAEL—OFFENSIVE entered its 2. —WEEK, and —BEFORE ISRAEL confirmed ground forces had entered GAZA.
20090104             —DISCUSSED, IRAN—SECURITY—CHIEF—MEETS—HAMAS, Jihad leaders in DAMASCUS over GAZA: They, "the serious situations in GAZA Strip due to the continuing ISRAEL—AGGRESSION on THE—PALESTINE—PEOPLE, and the Arab and Islamic movements needed to stop this aggression and liftthe siege," said SYRIA—OFFICIAL—SANA news agency.
20090104             —DISCUSSED, SYRIA—PRESIDENT—MEETS—IRAN—SECURITY—CHIEF—OVER—GAZA : THE—2—SIDES, "means for the Islamic countries to move and take practical measures to compel ISRAEL to —IMMEDIATELY stop the massacres committed against THE—PALESTINE—PEOPLE and ways to open the crossings and break the siege imposed on GAZA Strip," said the report.
20090104             Turmoil could spark air strike against IRAN : IRAN—OPEN—SUPPORT for Hamas, coupled with USA and ISRAEL—ACCUSATIONS that TEHRAN has supplied it with weapons, could harden ISRAEL—PUBLIC opinion in FAVOUR—OF—MILITARY—STRIKES against IRAN whose nuclear programme is seen as an "existential" threat to the Jewish state.
20090104             USA—BRANCH—OF—AMNESTY—CALLS on Rice to Drop "Lopsided" Stance : THE—USA—SECTION—OF—AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL sent an "urgent" letter —FRIDAY to SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE, calling on her to end what it called WASHINGTON's "lopsided response" to the ongoing ISRAEL—AIR—STRIKES on GAZA that have reportedly killed more than 400—PALESTINIANS, including scores of unarmed civilians.
20090104             ISRAEL bars ICRC entering GAZA : For a 2. —DAY running, ISRAEL—AUTHORITIES have barred 1—RED—CROSS—MEDICAL—TEAM from entering GAZA to help treat residents injured in bombings.
20090104             ISRAEL bans foreign journalists from entering GAZA:
20090104             —KILLED, Child, by ISRAEL—TANK—FIRE in GAZA: 1—PALESTINE—CHILD was killed by ISRAEL—TANK—FIRE in THE—GAZA—STRIP —LATE—SATURDAY, becoming the 1. VICTIM—OF—1—GROUND—OFFENSIVE against the Hamas stronghold, medics said.
20090104             462—PALESTINIANS killed, 2300 wounded in —8—DAYS—OF—ISRAEL—OFFENSIVE on GAZA: official: THE—CHIEF—OF—EMERGENCY and ambulance services in THE—PALESTINE—HEALTH—MINISTRY, told reporters that the death tolls include 76—CHILDREN and 38—WOMEN, and among the injured, 600of them are in critical conditions.
20090104             USA—WEAPONS 'Killing Innocent Civilians' in GAZA
20090104             —BY DAVID—EDWARDS and MURIEL—KANE
20090104             As ISRAEL—WARPLANES continue to bomb GAZA, attention is turning to THE—ROLE—OF—AMERICA—MADE weapons in the deadly attacks, which have —NOW killed over 400 and wounded 20000000             , including MANY—CIVILIANS.
20090104             ISRAEL—NEEDS its Usual Friends to Help Again - ISRAEL needs help again.
20090104             Specifically, it is moderate Jewish Americans who can be the most helpful by taking back CONTROL—OF—THE—SO—CALLED "ISRAEL lobby" from the zealots who have made it the swamp of militaristic racism that it is.
20090104             Bush a "Total Failure" Says FORMER—IRAQ—PM—BY- SCOTT—HORTON
20090104             —INSTALLED, FORMER—USA—IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—IYAD—ALLAWI has denounced THE—POLICIES—OF—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH as an "utter failure" that gave rise to the sectarian venom that ravaged his country... Allawi found fault with USA—MANAGEMENT—OF—IRAQ —SINCE THE—USA—LED invasion 20030000             as well as THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—PRESENT—PRIME—MINISTER—NURI—AL—MALIKI...
20090104             LIBANON: Demonstranten wollten USA—BOTSCHAFT stürmen
20090104             INDIEN: Mehr als 70—TOTE durch Kältewelle
20090104             "Keine Erfahrung wird je vergessen", so der Heidelberger Psychoanalytiker LUDWIG—JANUS, ehemaliger PRÄSIDENT—DER—INTERNATIONALEN—STUDIENGEMEINSCHAFT für Pränatale und Perinatale Psychologie und Medizin.
20090104             GAZA—OFFENSIVE: ISRAEL droht mit Ausweitung der Angriffe
20090104             Weltsicherheitsrat: USA blockieren Libyens Initiative für Waffenruhe in GAZA
20090104             Einmarsch in GAZA: ISRAEL—ARMEE trifft auf heftige Gegenwehr
20090104             Ausblick 20090000             : Der Weltwirtschaft steht das Schlimmste noch bevor
20090104             In closing, there is another REASON—BEYOND the internal politics of ISRAEL—WHY this attack has been allowed to occur: the complicity and SILENCE—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY.
20090104             ISRAEL may be pulling the trigger ending hundreds, perhaps even THOUSANDS—OF—LIVES—THIS—WEEK, but it is THE—APATHY—OF—THE—WORLD and the inhumane tolerance of PALESTINE—SUFFERING which allows this to occur.
20090104             "Diese gefährliche militärische Eskalation erschwert die Bemühungen der Internationalen Gemeinschaft und im Besonderen der Europäischen Union und FRANKREICH, sowie der Staaten der Region die Kämpfe zu beenden, der Zivilbevölkerung sofortige Hilfe zukommen zu lassen und ein dauerhaften Waffenstillstand zu erreichen", hieß es in einer Mitteilung des FRANKREICH—AUSSENMINISTERIUMS.
20090104             GROSSBRITANNIEN ist "bestürzt".
20090104             Steinmeier machte noch einmal deutlich, dass der nächste Schritt zur Beendigung der Kampfhandlungen eine humanitäre Waffenruhe sein müsse, die die dringend erforderliche Versorgung der Zivilbevölkerung erlaube.
20090104             USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH machte in seiner wöchentlichen Radioansprache deutlich, dass er 1—WAFFENRUHE nur dann für sinnvoll halte, wenn sichergestellt sei, dass sich die Hamas auch daran halte.
20090104             NAHOST—KONFLIKT: ISRAEL—TRUPPEN marschieren in GAZA EIN—REGIERUNG mobilisiert Zehntausende Reservisten
20090104             HANS—JORDAN (19140000—19230000     im Aufsichtsrat);
20090104             EMIL—GEORG—VON—STAUß (19150000—19320000     im Vorstand)......
20090104             Über das Engagement beim Erdöl machte EMIL—GEORG—VON—STAUß Karriere: 19040000             noch...
20090104             forms of collective association among people can be intolerant and... relativism, and extreme individualism, the division between good and bad is itself... civil society cannot be separated from the world capitalist system with the...
20090104—20090105    —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 12—INSURGENTS and 11—CIVILIANS were, in fighting in CENTRAL—URUZGAN province.
20090104—20090105    —KILLED, SOUTH—AFRICA, 1—LETHAL storm on the eastern coast, 18—PEOPLE over the weekend, including 4—FAMILY—MEMBERS struck dead by lightning.
20090104—20091207    —ON, THE—9—CREWMEN: 5—NIGERIANS, 2—GHANAIANS, 1—CAMEROONIAN and 1—INDONESIA—ABOARD. were released.
20090104—20091227    —SINCE, The new deaths brought the death toll in THE—GAZA—STRIP to more than 500.
20090104—20120812    —ON, 1—INFANTRY SERGEANT, who was —INITIALLY charged with manslaughter for the deaths of THE—2—WOMEN, was convicted in 1—MILITARY—COURT—OF—ILLEGAL—WEAPONS—USE as PART—OF—1—PLEA—DEAL and will serve —45—DAYS in prison.
20090105—20090104    —BETWEEN, —7, 27—MEMBERS—OF—THE—SAMOUNI family were killed, including 11—CHILDREN and 6—WOMEN, and 35—OTHERS were injured.
20090105—20090104    —DATE 20090105—20091103    —PLEADED, Trabulse, guilty for defrauding investors of some $8.3—MILLION.
20090105—20090104    —DATE 20090107             —SUNDAY, 20090104             20091106—20100104    —DECLARED, Rodriguez was, incompetent to stand trial.
20090107             —SUNDAY, 20090104             0000—DATE
20090107             —SUNDAY, 20090104             20090107             OBAMA—IMPRESSIVE new OLC CHIEF
20091106—20100104    —DECLARED, Rodriguez was, incompetent to stand trial.
20100104             —EINGEWEIHT, Mit offiziellen Feierlichkeiten wird in DUBAI das höchste Gebäude der Welt, der Burj Khalifa,
20100104             —RECORDED, THE—USA—GEOLOGICAL—SURVEY, 8—EARTHQUAKES in the region —SINCE late 20100103             .
20100104             JAMES—CAMERON—SCIENCE—FICTION—EPIC "Avatar" had another stellar weekend with $68.3—MILLION domestically, shooting past $1—BILLION worldwide, only the 5. movie ever to hit that mark.
20100104             20100104             JAMES—CAMERON—SCIENCE—FICTION—EPIC "Avatar" had another stellar weekend with $68.3—MILLION domestically, shooting past $1—BILLION worldwide, only the 5. movie ever to hit that mark.
20100104             Along with "Titanic," the others are "THE—LORD—OF—THE—RINGS: THE—RETURN—OF—THE—KING" at $1.13—BILLION, "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead MAN—CHEST" at $1.06—BILLION and "THE—DARK—KNIGHT" at 1—FRACTION over $1—BILLION, according to BOX—OFFICE—TRACKER—HOLLYWOOD_com.
20100104             —KICKED, THE—USA—CENSUS—BUREAU, off its $300—MILLION—CAMPAIGN to prod, coax and cajole the nation's more than 300—MILLION—RESIDENTS to fill out their ONCE—A—DECADE census forms.
20100104             † Solis PALMA, 1—MEXICO—MIGRANT, was shot and killed —AFTER he reportedly attacked 1—USA—BORDER—PATROL—AGENT in SOUTH—ARIZONA with rocks.
20100104             BOBBY—DELAUGHTER, —55—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—MISSISSIPPI prosecutor and judge whose legal conquests became THE—SUBJECT—OF—BOOKS and 1—MOVIE, reported to FEDERAL—PRISON for lying to THE—FBI in 1—JUDICIAL—BRIBERY—INVESTIGATION.
20100104             —SENTENCED, DeLaughter was, to —18—MONTHS—IN—NOVEMBER —AFTER pleading guilty to lying about secret conversations he had with 1—LAWYER—WHILE presiding over 1—DISPUTE between wealthy attorneys over legal fees.
20100104             —DROPPED, As PART—OF—1—PLEA—DEAL, prosecutors, conspiracy and mail fraud charges.
20100104             —DISGRUNTLED, NEVADA, LAS—VEGAS JOHNNY—LEE—WICKS, —66—JAHRE—ALT, over cuts in his Social Security benefits, opened fire in THE—LOBBY—OF—THE—FEDERAL—COURT—HOUSE in LAS—VEGAS killing 1—COURT—SECURITY—OFFICER and wounding 1—DEPUTY.
20100104             —RETURNED, Police officers, fire and Wicks was killed as he fled across the street.
20100104             —AGREED, Novartis, 1—SWITZERLAND—DRUG—COMPANY, to buy 1—CONTROLLING 52% stake in Alcon, 1—AMERICAN listed but SWISS—BASED eyecare company, from food giant Nestle Corp.
20100104             —REPORTED, NASA scientists, that the new Kepler space telescope has discovered 5—FIERY—HOT—PLANETS in the depths of the Milky Way, EACH—FAR—LARGER than Earth.
20100104             † EDWARD—NATHAN (19190000             ), longtime grantmaker for the Zellerbach Family Foundation, in OAKLAND—CALIFORNIA.
20100104             1—NEW—REPORT by CANADA—ALZHEIMER—SOCIETY said Canadians are developing dementia at such 1—RAPID—RATE that dealing with the problem will cost 1—TOTAL—OF—MORE than C$870—BILLION ($835—BILLION) over the next —30—YEARS unless preventive measures are taken.
20100104             —KILLED, NORTH—CHINA, 21—WORKERS were, by 1—GAS—LEAK at the Hebei PUYANG Iron and Steel Co. Company officials —INITIALLY said 16—WORKERS were poisoned and 7 † —WHILE 9 were sent to 1—HOSPITAL.
20100104             —INAUGURATED, DUBAI, the world's tallest skyscraper, the Burj Khalifa, hoping to shift INTERNATIONAL attention away from the Gulf emirate's deep financial crisis and rekindle the optimism that fueled its turbocharged growth.
20100104             —SWITCHED, The name was secretly, from Burj DUBAI and unveiled to the public as the Burj Khalifa, —AFTER THE—EMIR—OF—ABU—DHABI and UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES—PRESIDENT—SHEIK—KHALIFA bin Zayed AL—NAHYAN.
20100104             The observation deck was the only PART—OF—THE—TOWER that opened.
20100104             —CLOSED, It was, in February —FOLLOWING 1—ELEVATOR—MALFUNCTION that left visitors trapped.
20100104             —CONTINUED, Work, on THE—REST—OF—THE—BUILDING—INTERIOR.
20100104             —APPEALED, IRAN, DOZENS—OF—TEHRAN—UNIVERSITY—PROFESSORS, to the supreme leader to halt the ongoing violence against protesters, adding 1—NEW and respected voice in SUPPORT—OF—THE—OPPOSITION.
20100104             —KILLED, IRAQ, 3—POLICEMEN were, and 8—PEOPLE were wounded by 2—EXPLOSIONS in THE—NORTH—OIL—RICH—CITY—OF—KIRKUK.
20100104             —NAMED, IRELAND—WRITER—COLM—TOIBIN was, NOVELIST—OF—THE—YEAR in BRITAIN—LUCRATIVE Costa Book Awards for his emigrant SAGA "Brooklyn".
20100104             —APPROVED, ISRAEL, construction of 4—NEW—APARTMENT—BUILDINGS in disputed EAST—JERUSALEM, fueling tensions with the Palestinians at 1—TIME—WHEN THE—USA is laboring to get peace talks moving again.
20100104             KENYA, USA—CITIZEN—SHARON—BROWN (39) and her daughter Margaux (1) were trampled to death —WHEN 1—LONE—ELEPHANT charged out of the brush —JUST outside MOUNT—KENYA National Park.
20100104             —CONFIRMED, MYANMAR—RULING junta CHIEF, that the country's 1. general elections in —2—DECADES will be held —THIS—YEAR but gave no date for the balloting, which is expected to exclude PRO—DEMOCRACY—LEADER—AUNG S—SUU—KYI.
20100104             NIGERIA—SOLDIERS shot 2—CONTRACT—WORKERS—DEAD and injured 4—OTHERS at 1—CHEVRON plant under construction.
20100104             —DESTROYED, This led to 1—RIOT and left several buildings, and halted operations at THE—SOUTH—ESCRAVOS gas project.
20100104             —FILED, Serbia, 1—LAWSUIT against CROATIA at THE—INTERNATIONAL—COURT—OF—JUSTICE, accusing it of genocide —DURING the 19910000—19950000     Balkan war, which killed or displaced THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE.
20100104             1—TSUNAMI unleashed by 1—EARTHQUAKE plowed into THE—SOLOMON—ISLANDS with the crashing waters devastating at least 1—VILLAGE, leaving over a 1000—PEOPLE—HOMELESS.
20100104             —CENTERED, The magnitude 7.2 was, 64—MILES (103—KM) SOUTH—EAST—OF—GIZO, and followed a 6.5—TREMOR less than —2—HOURS—EARLIER centered 54—MILES (90—KM) SOUTH—EAST—OF—GIZO at 1—DEPTH—OF—6—MILES (10—KM).
20100104             —FORMALIZED, SOUTH—AFRICA—PRESIDENT—JACOB—ZUMA, his marriage to a 3. wife in a traditional ceremony in rural KWAZULU—NATAL province.
20100104             —SLOGGED, SOUTH—KOREA, SEOUL residents, through the heaviest snowfall in modern Korean history —AFTER —1—WINTER—STORM dumped more than 11—INCHES (28—CM), forcing airports to cancel flights and paralyzing traffic in the bustling capital.
20100104             —KILLED, YEMEN—SECURITY—FORCES, 2 suspected AL—QAIDA militants in clashes outside THE—CAPITAL—SANAA, as THE—USA—AND—UK—EMBASSIES extended their closure for a 2. —DAY BECAUSE—OF—THREATS—OF—ATTACK by the terror group's offshoot here.
20100104             —BECAME, FRANCE, the latest foreign mission to close in YEMEN as security —AROUND embassies and the airport was boosted.
20100104—19710000    —IN, THE—NORWAY—CHESS Federation said MAGNUS—CARLSEN, —19—JAHRE—ALT is the youngest person to hold the title —SINCE ratings were introduced.
20100104—20100107    —FREED, The engineer was.
20100104—20100107    —ON, senior executives "confessed" that they had covered up the death toll.
20100104—20100404    —REOPENED, The deck.
20101217—20100104    —ON, Bouazizi †.
20101225—20100104    —ON, police charged the driver, Fei Liangyu, with accidental death.
20110101—20110104    —ON, THE—MOTHER—OF—DIAZ and Jesus Sanchez 4. † of their injuries.
20110103—20110104    —FROM, ED—MILIBAND, BRITAIN—LABOR—LEADER, warned that THE—VAT rise from 17.5% to 20% will cost families £7.50, and put 250,000 jobs at risk.
20110104             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—OBAMA, the Food Safety Modernization Act, but Congress failed to adequately fund the program, a $1.4—BILLION overhaul of the nation's FOOD—SAFETY—SYSTEM.
20110104             OWEN—HONORS, CAPTAIN—OF—THE—USA—AIRCRAFT—CARRIER—ENTERPRISE, was permanently relieved of his command for making 1—SERIES—OF—RIBALD and offensive videos that aired on the ship's CLOSED—CIRCUIT TV system —WHEN he was 2. in command 20060000             —IN—207.
20110104             —DECLARED, CORNELIUS—DUPREE—JUNIOR, 1—TEXAS man, was, innocent —AFTER—30—YEARS in prison.
20110104             He had at least 2—CHANCES to make parole and be set free, if only he would admit he was 1—SEX—OFFENDER.
20110104             —REFUSED, Dupree, to do so, doggedly maintaining his innocence in a 19790000             rape and robbery.
20110104             In the process he serving more time for 1—CRIME he didn't commit than ANY—OTHER—TEXAS inmate exonerated by DNA evidence.
20110104             —DISCOVERED, Officials in LOUISIANA said 500—BIRDS were, dead, shortly —AFTER THOUSANDS—OF—BIRDS were discovered dead in neighboring ARKANSAS.
20110104             —FILED, The archdiocese of MILWAUKEE—WISCONSIN, for bankruptcy becoming the 8. in THE—USA to do so.
20110104             —BESIEGED, It had become, by lawsuits related to priests molesting boys.
20110104             Motorola Corp. SPLIT into 2—COMPANIES: Motorola Mobility and Motorola Solutions.
20110104             ALIREZA—PAHLAVI was the 2. of THE—4—CHILDREN—OF—THE—LATE—SHAH MOHAMED—REZA—PAHLAVI and FORMER—EMPRESS Farah Pahlavi to die in exile.
20110104             AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—KARZAI told foreign powers to stop meddling in the country's internal affairs.
20110104             1—BOMB exploded in CENTRAL—KABUL, killing 1—POLICE—OFFICER and wounding 3—OTHER—PEOPLE.
20110104             HUNDREDS—OF—POLICE swept through villages 220km NORTH—EAST—OF—KABUL, killing at least 8—REBELS in 1—OPERATION against militants.
20110104             —KILLED, In KANDAHAR province 4—REBELS were, —WHEN 1—IED they were planting on 1—ROAD went off prematurely.
20110104             † MICK—KARN, —52—JAHRE—ALT, bass player in the 1980s group JAPAN, in LONDON.
20110104             Karn, born in CYPRUS as Andonis Michaelides, was CO—FOUNDER—OF—JAPAN along with DAVID—SYLVIAN and STEVE—JANSEN.
20110104             The group's 19820000             album, "Tin Drum," included 1—HIT song, "Ghosts".
20110104             CHINA, 1—GUNFIGHT in Tai'an CITY—OF—SHANDONG—PROVINCE left 4—POLICE—OFFICERS—DEAD and 5—PEOPLE injured.
20110104             —STABBED, INDIA, school principal Rupan Pathak fatally, Raj Kishore Kesri (51), 1—HINDU nationalist lawmaker, —WHILE he was meeting with SOME—OF—HIS—SUPPORTERS at his residence in EAST—BIHAR state.
20110104             —ACCUSED, Pathak, Kesri of sexually harassing her over a —3—YEAR—PERIOD.
20110104             —OVERPOWERED, KESRI—GUARDS, Pathak, who is in her early 40s, and beat her up.
20110104             —CONFIRMED, IRAN—GOVERNMENT, that it has invited world powers and its allies in the Arab and developing world to tour IRAN—NUCLEAR—SITES—BEFORE 1—HIGH—PROFILE meeting late —THIS—MONTH on its disputed nuclear program.
20110104             —RALLIED, ITALY—PROTESTERS, against THE—BRAZIL—PRESIDENT—REFUSAL to extradite EX—MILITANT—CESARE—BATTISTI, amid government assurances that relations with BRAZIL will not be affected.
20110104             —AGREED, Mediators said IVORY—COAST—STRONGMAN—LAURENT Gbagbo has, to negotiate 1—RESOLUTION to the crisis gripping THE—WEST—AFRICA—NATION and lift 1—BLOCKADE —AROUND his rival's headquarters.
20110104             —RESIGNED, KENYA—INDUSTRIALIZATION—MINISTER, over 1—CAR imports scandal that will see the country's ANTI—GRAFT—AGENCY taking him to court on corruption charges.
20110104             —ANNOUNCED, MEXICO—FEDERAL—POLICE, they had arrested 3—USA—CITIZENS in 1—SPORT—UTILITY—VEHICLE loaded with 159—PACKAGES—OF—MARIJUANA hidden in the bodywork and gas tank., Prosecutors said THE—DAVID—ROMO, THE—LEADER—OF—MEXICO—DEATH—SAINT cult, has been detained on suspicion of participating in 1—KIDNAPPING ring.
20110104             —PLACED, Romo was 1—OF 9—SUSPECTS, under 1—FORM—OF—HOUSE—ARREST—FOR—30—DAYS pending investigation.
20110104             —DETAINED, THE—MEXICO—ARMY, the local operations leader for the Sinaloa cartel, Jesus de la CRUZ—LOPEZ, alias "THE—TOMATO".
20110104             PAKISTAN—MAIN—OPPOSITION—LEADER gave the government a —3—DAY—DEADLINE to accept 1—LIST—OF—DEMANDS if it wants to avert its possible collapse —AFTER the loss of its ruling majority in PARLIAMENT.
20110104             1—GUNMAN assassinated THE—GOVERNOR—OF—PUNJAB province, 1—SENIOR MEMBER—OF—THE—RULING party, in ISLAMABAD.
20110104             —SEIZED, PUERTO—RICO, police officers, nearly 200—BAGS—OF cocaine and roughly 30—BAGS—EACH—OF—HEROIN and marijuana.
20110104             1—CAIMAN was tied near the drugs, which were found —DURING 1—ROUTINE patrol in La Perla neighborhood of historic Old S—JUAN.
20110104             —APPLIED, ZAMBIA—PROSECUTORS, for arrest warrants —AFTER the mining officials XIAO—LI—SHAN and Wu Jiu Hua failed to attend the preliminary hearing regarding 20111015             —THE shooting of nearly 12—MINERS at 1—CHINESE—RUN—COAL—MINE.
20110104—20010000    —IN, ALIREZA—PAHLAVI—SISTER Leila was found dead of 1—DRUG overdose.
20110104—20110415    —ON, pay their tax bills because of 1—HOLIDAY.
20110104—20110418    —UNTIL, THE—INTERNAL—REVENUE—SERVICE kicked off THE—USA—TAX filing season, announcing that taxpayers will have to file their 20100000             returns and
20110104—20111001    —CONVICTED, Qadri was, and sentenced to death.
20111226—20110104    —AUTHORIZED, THE—FINLAND—GOVERNMENT, the transport.
20120104             PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, TIRED—OF—SENATE—REPUBLICANS stalling his nominee to lead 1—NEW—CONSUMER—PROTECTION—AGENCY, put RICHARD—CORDRAY in charge over their opposition.
20120104             S—DIEGO, CALIFORNIA, BENJAMIN—ARELLANO—FELIX, —58—JAHRE—ALT, MEXICO—DRUG kingpin, pleaded guilty to racketeering and conspiracy to launder money in exchange for 1—SENTENCE—OF—NO—MORE than —25—YEARS.
20120104             —RESIGNED, LOS—ANGELES Auxiliary BISHOP—GABINO—ZAVALA, —60—JAHRE—ALT, under the code of canon law that lets bishops step down —EARLIER than the normal retirement age of 75—IF they're sick or for SOME—OTHER—REASON that makes them unfit for office.
20120104             Zavala had told THE—PAPA in December that he had 2—CHILDREN who lived with their mother in 1—DIFFERENT—STATE.
20120104             TEXAS, JAIME—GONZALEZ, —15—JAHRE—ALT was shot 3—TIMES by police in 1—HALLWAY at Cummings Middle School in BROWNSVILLE —AFTER he refused to drop 1—PELLET gun.
20120104             —KILLED, UTAH, Army veteran MATTHEW—DAVID—STEWART, 1—POLICE—OFFICER and wounded 5—OTHERS as authorities descended on his home in 1—MARIJUANA—RAID.
20120104             USA—CAR—GIANT—FORD said it is opening 1—NEW—DEALERSHIP in INDIA EVERY— 10—DAYS to feed demand in 1—MARKET it expects to be the 3.—BIGGEST worldwide by THE—END—OF—THE—DECADE.
20120104             —CLAIMED, ANTI—WHALING activists, 1—SMALL—VICTORY in their ANTARCTIC campaign with THE—DISCOVERY—OF—1—JAPAN—HARPOON ship.
20120104             —BATTLED, UK—ENGINEERS, to restore electricity to THOUSANDS—OF—HOMES—AFTER fierce storms battered THE—UK, killing 2—MEN and causing widespread travel chaos.
20120104             UK—COMPANY Everything Everywhere said it is launching 1—MOBILE—VIRTUAL—NETWORK in BRITAIN in partnership with telecoms giant CHINA Telecom, targeting CHINA—RESIDENTS and visitors.
20120104             THE—CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC, taxi and bus drivers in BANGUI held a —1—DAY—STRIKE.
20120104             —PROMISED, The government, to look into grievances about its decision to raise fuel prices.
20120104             CHINA—STEELWORKERS began a —3—DAY—STRIKE at 1—STATE—CONTROLLED enterprise in the Qingbaijiang DISTRICT—OF—SICHUAN province.
20120104             —MANAGED, Workers, to get 1—SMALL—WAGE—INCREASE.
20120104             SOUTH—CHINA, 1—BUS went OUT—OF—CONTROL and slipped from 1—SNOW—COVERED bridge, killing at least 18—PEOPLE in Guizhou province.
20120104             An Ecuadoran appeals court upheld —LAST—YEAR—LANDMARK $9.5—BILLION judgement against Chevron Corp. over oil contamination in the Amazon rain forest.
20120104             —VOTED, Egyptians, —AGAIN—IN the final round of 1 phased election to choose the 1. PARLIAMENT —SINCE 1—POPULAR uprising toppled Hosni Mubarak in February —LAST—YEAR.
20120104             —TARGETED, IRAQ, 6—ROADSIDE bombs, THE—HOMES—OF—POLICE—OFFICERS in Baqouba.
20120104             † 2—CHILDREN, in the blasts and 9—PEOPLE were wounded.
20120104             —STORMED, Gunmen, THE—HOUSE—OF—1—LEADER in the anti AL—QAIDA militia in the predominantly Sunni suburb of ABU—GHRAIB, WEST—OF—THE—CAPITAL, killing him and his wife.
20120104             —KILLED, KENYA—MILITARY said its forces, 3—MILITANT—FIGHTERS from AL—SHABAB in 1—BATTLE—IN—SOMALIA.
20120104             1—KENYA—SOLDIER was also killed in the battle.
20120104             —SUSPENDED, MEXICO, 1.—DIVISION soccer goalkeeper Omar "El Gato" Ortiz was arrested for alleged participation in 1—KIDNAPPING ring.
20120104             —ARMED, MEXICO, 1—FIGHT among inmates, with makeshift knives, clubs and stones left 31—PEOPLE—DEAD in 1—PRISON in the Gulf Coast CITY—OF—ALTAMIRA, Tamaulipas state.
20120104             20—INMATES were detained for involvement in the riot.
20120104             —ENDED, SENEGAL—BUS and taxi drivers, a —2—DAY—STRIKE that had left people stranded and resorting to HORSE—DRAWN carts to get to work.
20120104             Drivers in SENEGAL were protesting against the high PRICE—OF—FUEL, THE—COST—OF—INSURANCE, police harassment and 1—LACK—OF—SOCIAL—PROTECTION from their employers.
20120104             —ACCUSED, SYRIA—ACTIVISTS, PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD—REGIME—OF—MISLEADING—ARAB—LEAGUE—OBSERVERS by taking them only to areas loyal to the government and changing street signs to confuse them.
20120104             Security forces and PRO—GOVERNMENT—GUNMEN reportedly shot dead at least 3—PEOPLE, 2 in THE—PROVINCE—OF—HOMS and 1 in THE—CENTRAL—PROVINCE—OF—HAMA.
20120104             VENEZUELA, more than 950—RELATIVES—OF—INMATES were refusing to leave the Yare I and II prison in 1—PROTEST to demand faster trial for inmates.
20120104             PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ has told authorities to negotiate peacefully.
20120104             —STORMED, YEMEN, Islamic militants, 1—HOTEL where alcohol is served in ADEN, setting the building on fire, killing 2—PEOPLE and wounding 20.
20120104—20120102    —ARRESTED, Prosecutors —LATER said he was, at his home in 1—MONTERREY suburb —AFTER 2—KIDNAPPING suspects were detained and implicated him in the crimes.
20120104—20120402    —ON, he was sentenced to —25—YEARS in prison.
20120227             —ARRESTED, The suspects were, in UKRAINE—BLACK—SEA port CITY—OF—ODESSA —AFTER 1—ACCIDENTAL explosion 20120104             —WHILE they were trying to manufacture explosives at 1 rented apartment.
20130104             Zu starke LUFT—VERSCHMUTZUNG: EXTRA—FEIERTAG in TEHERAN angeordnet
20130104             Regierungserklärung: CHÁVEZ leidet an schwerer Atemnot
20130104             HITZE—WELLE: Rekordtemperaturen in AUSTRALIEN
20130104             Hirnscans: "Sesamstraße"verrät geistige Fähigkeiten von Kindern - MEDIEN—ECHO zur EURO—KRISE, 2013!
20130104             Voran in die Flaute!
20130104             Umprogrammierte T—LYMPHOZYTEN: Killerzellen sollen Krebs zerstören
20130104             Kontrolle beim Mikroblogging: CHINA sperrt Profile von Regierungskritikern
20130104             Inflation in DER—EURO—ZONE: VERBRAUCHER—PREISE steigen um 2,2 %
20130104             Investitionsstau von 100—MILLIARDEN—EURO: Kommunen sparen sich kaputt
20130104             Personalisierte Medizin: Datenturbo für den KAMPF—GEGEN—KREBS
20130104             Gemeinsame Anleihen: BAYERN—BOYKOTTIERT DEUTSCHLAND—BONDS
20130104             Finanzmisere: SPANIEN plündert Rentenreserve seiner BÜRGER
20130104             BALZ—SCHMUCK: DINO—SAURIER protzten mit Federkleid
20130104             DVD—WEITERVERKAUF: Sony entwickelt Technik gegen Gebrauchtspiele
20130104             Historische Bauwerke: SPANIEN schließt weniger Luxushotels als geplant
20130104             Großdemo in GAZA—STADT: FATAH bringt 100.000e auf die Straße
20130104             Antibabypille: Frauen zeigen PHARMA—KONZERNE an
20130104             ZUKUNFTsvorstellung: Menschen unterschätzen eigene Wandlung
20130104             Druck durch USA—ERMITTLUNGEN: SCHWEIZER—BANKEN vor historischem Umbruch
20130104             Kleine Anfrage: Regierung nennt DEUTSCHLAND—BURSCHENSCHAFT verfassungstreu
20130104             Schuldengrenze: 1—BILLION—DOLLAR—MÜNZE soll USA retten
20130104             155.000—NEUE Stellen: Nur leichte Entspannung am USA—ARBEITS—MARKT
20130104             MARS—METEORIT: SCHWARZE Schönheit mit heißer Vergangenheit
20130104             NORD—KOREA—WIRTSCHAFT: DEUTSCHLAND—HELFEN Kim bei seinem Masterplan
20130104             Schuldbekenntnis im STEUER—SKANDAL, ÄLTESTE SCHWEIZ—BANK macht dicht
20130104             ATOMMÜLL—EXPORTE EU—DIE—RICHTLINIE: Bund ins Ausland erlaubt
20130104             —APPROVED, THE—USA—HOUSE overwhelmingly, $9.7—BILLION to pay flood insurance claims for THE—MANY—HOME and business owners flooded out by the storm.
20130104             —EXPECTED, THE—SENATE was, to pass the bill —LATER in the —DAY.
20130104             1—BEECHCRAFT BE35 crashed on its way to the Flagler County Airport in Palm COAST—FLORIDA, killing at least 3—PEOPLE.
20130104             AFGHANISTAN—POLICE—MAJOR—JALAL Uddin said that 80—PRISONERS, formerly held by THE—USA, were freed from prisons across the country —TODAY, the latest batch of 1—TOTAL—OF—400 to be released —THIS—WEEK.
20130104             —CAPTURED, The released prisoners had been, in operations against the Taliban and other groups.
20130104             Burma: ENGLÄNDER startet Bergung von mehr als 100—WELT—KRIEGSFLIEGERN
20130104             —CONFIRMED, THE—CHURCH—OF—ENGLAND, that its HOUSE—OF—BISHOPS, 1—OF—ITS most senior bodies, has ended an —18—MONTH—MORATORIUM on the appointment of gays in civil partnerships as bishops.
20130104             Verzockte Millionen: ÖSTERREICH will Spekulation mit STEUER—GELDERN verbieten
20130104             MILITÄR—BÜNDNIS, NATO startet Stationierung von "Patriot"-SYSTEMen in TÜRKEI
20130104             The decision was made in —LATE—DECEMBER.
20130104             —VERLIERT, Umfrage, Union legt weiter zu, SPD
20130104             SOUTH—CHILE, WERNER—LUCHSINGER (75) and wife Vivian McKay, whose family's vast landholdings have long been targeted by Mapuche Indians, were killed in 1—ARSON attack —WHILE trying to defend their home.
20130104             The attack began the previous —EVENING as 1—OF—MANY—POLITICAL—PROTESTS—AROUND CHILE commemorating the death —5—YEARS—AGO of Mapuche activist Matias Catrileo, who was shot in the back by 1—OFFICER who served 1—MINOR—SENTENCE and then rejoined the police.
20130104             AMTS—ZEIT, USA—KONGRESS bestätigt OBAMA—WAHL
20130104             [l] Transocean zahlt 1.400.000.000—$ STRAFE—FÜR—DEEPWATER Horizon.
20130104             Wegelin
20130104             —CONDONED, Hamas, the demonstration.
20130104             —KILLED, DAS—INSTITUT war 20130104             6—RUSSIANS were, and 2—SERIOUSLY injured —WHEN the snowmobile and sled they were riding veered off 1—ITALIAN—ALPINE ski slope at night, slammed into 1—BARRIER and flew through the air into 1—RAVINE.
20130104             es geht um Vermögen von gut 1,2—MILLIARDEN—FRANKEN, die DIE—BANK—FÜR—USA—OFF—SHORE—KUNDEN verwaltete,
20130104             —MOVED, OMAR—HAMMAMI, 1—ALABAMA native who, to SOMALIA to wage jihad alongside AL—SHABAB militants, was given —15—DAYS to surrender to militants or be killed.
20130104             —NAMED, THE—FBI has, Hammami as 1—OF—ITS—MOST—WANTED terrorists.
20130104             Neben Wegelin haben DIE—AMERIKANER weitere SCHWEIZER—BANKEN im Visier, darunter CREDIT—SUISSE und JULIUS—BÄR.
20130104             Paradoxerweise lege schließlich DER—KONGRESS dem Präsidenten mit der Schuldengrenze Fesseln an, zwinge ihn aber ZUGLEICH mit immer neuen Gesetzen zu zusätzlichen Ausgaben.
20130104             —BOMBARDED, SYRIA—GROUND and air forces, rebel strongholds on the outskirts of DAMASCUS and other areas —AROUND the country.
20130104             —TARGETED, ANTI—GOVERNMENT—FORCES, 1—MILITARY—POST—NEAR the capital with 1—CAR—BOMB.
20130104             "DIE—TRAURIGE Realität ist, daß Ausbeutung von Kindern 1—TEIL—DES—MODERNEN—LEBENS ist und auf der ganzen Welt in großem Stil vorkommt", so der ICE—DIREKTOR.
20130104             1—SMALL—PLANE disappeared off THE—VENEZUELA—COAST with 6—PEOPLE aboard, including VITTORIO—MISSONI (58), 1—TOP—EXECUTIVE in ITALY—MISSONI fashion house.
20130104             "DIE—DINO—SAURIER der Oberkreide stellten mit Federn —BEREITS alles an, was Vögel —HEUTE machen", sagt der Paläontologe SCOTT—PERSONS von der [UNIVERSITÄT—]UNIVERSITY—OF—ALBERTA,
20130104             WRECKAGE—OF—THE—PLANE was found in June.
20130104             nur Arnie kann uns retten und macht alle platt!
20130104             Und niemand kümmert es, daß sukzessive BÜRGER—RECHTE beschnitten werden, DIE—ÜBERWACHUNG allenthalben gierigste Ausmaße angenommen hat,
20130104             Da bleibt nur 1: Man meidet Länder wie DIE—USA und ISRAEL, die sich Demokratie nennen und —SCHON bei der Einreise mehr über 1—WISSEN als man selbst,
20130104             Da muss man echt nicht hin,
20130104             Hierzulande bleibt nur zu hoffen, daß sich diese bayerischen EINFALLSPINSEL—DIE ständig die wichtigen Posten in BEREICHEN—DER—INNNEREN—SICHERHEIT—BESETZEN—NICHT durchsetzen und am liebsten —SCHON—MORGEN DIE—BUNDESWEHR im Inland einsetzen würden,
20130104             —BEDEUTET, Aus Heiligendamm haben wir gelernt was es, wenn DEUTSCHLAND—JAGD—FLUGZEUGE Menschen überwachen die ihr elementares GRUND—RECHT ausüben: demonstrieren!
20130104             Hier war DIE—BUNDESWEHR —SCHON viel zu weit in diese SICHERHEITS—KONZEPTE embedded,
20130104             Das BVG hat ja bekanntlich so gut wie ALLE—MAßNAHMEN—DES—INNEN—MINISTERIUMS kassiert und als VERFASSUNGS—WIDRIG eingestuft.
20130104             Aber DIE—BAYERN juckt sowas ja eh nicht...
20130104             konnten wir doch FRÜHER nur aus den ARNOLD—FILMEN die ALLE—IN—DER—ZUKUNFT spielten: Fiese Armeetypen patroullieren durch DIE—STRAßEN und schützen 1—DIKTATUR..
20130104             WRECKAGE—OF—THE—PLANE was found in June. -
20130104—20050000    —CHARGED, UK—POLICE, Nepali army COLONEL—KUMAR—LAMA, —46—JAHRE—ALT with 2—COUNTS—OF—TORTURE committed —DURING the Himalayan nation's —DECADE—LONG—CIVIL—WAR, despite the Nepali government's demanding his immediate release.
20130104—20070000    —IN, Leaders of THE—PALESTINE—FATAH party led TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—SUPPORTERS in 1—MASS—RALLY in THE—GAZA—STRIP, the 1. such gathering for the largely secular party in the territory —SINCE the rival Islamist Hamas seized power there.
20130104—20140000    —CONVICTED, Celestino Cordova Transito (27) was, for killing the couple.
20130524—20120104    —CHARGED, UTAH, Army veteran MATTHEW—DAVID—STEWART, —39—JAHRE—ALT, with killing 1—POLICE—OFFICER, was found dead hanging from 1—BEDSHEET in his cell in Ogden.
20140104             AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE bomber struck outside joint NATO—AFGHAN in the Nangarhar province's Ghani Khail district.
20140104             1—USA—SOLIDER and 5—TALIBAN attackers were killed.
20140104             Hours —LATER 1—EXPLOSION hit 1—OF—THE—ENTRANCES to Camp Eggers in KABUL.
20140104             —NAMED, BAHRAIN, ALI—MAFOUDH—AL—MOUSSAWI, 1—BAHRAIN—CITIZEN who lives in IRAN, as 1—MAIN—SUSPECT in planned "terrorist acts" and said he and his collaborators had received training and other help from TEHRAN.
20140104             —TORCHED, BANGLADESH, scores of polling booths were, and 1—TRAIN set alight on THE—EVE—OF—ELECTIONS as the opposition launched 1—STRIKE against the vote "farce".
20140104             —LAUNCHED, CAMBODIA—GOVERNMENT, 1—BROAD—CRACKDOWN on the political opposition, clearing its main protest site, banning its street demonstrations and having 1—COURT—CALL in opposition party leaders for questioning on charges of inciting social unrest.
20140104             † 1—EGYPT—SOLDIER was killed and at least 2 were wounded —WHEN 1—ROADSIDE bomb targeted their armored vehicle in the restive Sinai peninsula.
20140104             INDIA, a 5—STORY building under construction in THE—SOUTH—STATE—OF—GOA collapsed, killing at least 15—WORKERS and leaving dozens more feared trapped under the rubble.
20140104             THE—LEBANON—ARMY said SAUDI—ARABIA—CITIZEN—MAJID—AL—MAJID, the "EMIR" of THE—ABDULLAH—AZZAM—BRIGADES fighting in Syria, † —WHILE undergoing treatment at the central military hospital.
20140104             WEST—MEXICO, 1—SMALL—PLANE—CRASH—LANDED, killing 1—PERSON and injuring 4—OTHERS, including THE—LEADER—OF—1—VIGILANTE group fighting drug cartels.
20140104             —REVERSED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, 1—BLANKET ban on protests at the —WINTER Olympics in SOCHI, bowing to pressure from THE—INTERNATIONAL—OLYMPIC—COMMITTEE (IOC).
20140104             —BOARDED, SENEGAL said its navy has, 1—RUSSIA—SHIP that was allegedly illegally fishing in its waters and is escorting it toward DAKAR.
20140104             SOUTH—SUDAN—REBEL and government sides met mediators from the regional IGAD grouping in ETHIOPIA for a 2. —DAY but did not sit down together.
20140104             —BATTLED, SYRIA, 1—ALLIANCE—OF—ISLAMIST and other rebel factions, fighters from the Islamic STATE—IN—IRAQ and the Levant (ISIL) across THE—NORTH—WEST in apparently coordinated strikes against the powerful al QAEDA—LINKED group.
20140104             —REJECTED, TUNISIA—LAWMAKERS, Islam as the main SOURCE—OF—LAW for the country that spawned the Arab —SPRING as they voted for a 2. —DAY on 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION.
20140104             —FIRED, THE—TUNISIA—COAST—GUARD, on 3—EGYPT—FISHING boats intercepted in its territorial waters.
20140104             † 1—BOAT CAPTAIN was killed.
20140104             1—TURKEY—COURT ordered the release from jail of 3—KURDISH—LAWMAKERS, in addition to 2 freed —1—DAY—EARLIER.
20140104             —RENEWED, YEMEN, clashes in the north between rebels belonging to 1—SHIITE—BRANCH—OF—ISLAM and ultraconservative Salafis backed by allying tribes killed 17—PEOPLE.
20140104—20140122    —ON, THE—RUSSIA—TRAWLER left the port of DAKAR —FOLLOWING 1—AGREEMENT by MOSCOW to pay $1—MILLION.
20141226—20140104    —BY, 5—MEN were arrested.
20150104             —DEFIED, THOUSANDS—OF—POLICE—OFFICERS in NEW—YORK—CITY, calls not to stage 1—PROTEST at the funeral of 1—SLAIN comrade, pointedly turning their backs as Mayor BILL—DE—BLASIO paid tribute to the murdered patrolman.
20150104             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, insurgents, 5—POLICEMEN, including their COMMANDER, in the volatile EAST—PROVINCE—OF—LOGAR.
20150104             —UNANNOUNCED, AUSTRALIA—PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—ABBOTT made 1, visit to BAGHDAD, meeting with top officials to discuss ways his country can aid IRAQ—FORCES in their fight against the Islamic State group.
20150104             1—BURUNDI military official said at least 105—REBELS have been killed —AFTER 1—CROSS—BORDER—ATTACK from the Democratic REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO —FOLLOWING—5—DAYS—OF—NON—STOP military operations.
20150104             5—GUNMEN dressed in military fatigues burst into 1—BAR and shot dead 3—RULING party activists —BEFORE torching the local party OFFICE—IN—THE—EAST—GISURU region.
20150104             CHINA—CORRUPTION—WATCHDOG said it is investigating YANG—WEIZE, the Communist Party CHIEF—OF—NANJING, as the country's corruption crackdown drags in 1—GROWING NUMBER—OF—TOP officials.
20150104             1—CITY in CENTRAL—INDIA elected the country's 1. transgender mayor, —9—MONTHS—AFTER 1—COURT ruled that transgender be recognized as 1—LEGAL 3. gender.
20150104             Madhu Kinnar (35) won the mayoral election in Raigarh in THE—MINERAL—RICH—STATE—OF—CHHATTISGARH.
20150104             —ATTACKED, INDIA, a —16—YEAR—OLD—VICTIM was, and GANG—RAPED —AFTER arriving in EAST—BIHAR state —LATE—TODAY where the gang, including 1—LOCAL—ADMINISTRATOR—DRIVER, approached her and offered her 1—LIFT to 1—RELATIVE—HOME.
20150104             —ARRESTED, Police soon, 1—OF 5—SUSPECTS.
20150104             † In EAST—INDIA 14—LANGUR monkeys —AFTER snatching and then eating biscuits laced with rat poison being sold by 1—HAWKER in WEST—BENGAL state.
20150104             The hawker who fled in THE—AFTERMATH—OF—THE—DEATHS.
20150104             KENYA, Fidel Odinga (41), THE—SON—OF—MAIN—OPPOSITION—LEADER—RAILA Odinga, was found dead in his home near NAIROBI, prompting 1—MAJOR—POLICE—INVESTIGATION and minor unrest in the capital.
20150104             —KILLED, KENYA, at least 2—PEOPLE were, and several others were injured —WHEN a 6—STOREY residential building collapsed in NAIROBI.
20150104             —RECOGNIZED, Forces loyal to LIBYA—INTERNATIONALLY, government launched air strikes on the country's biggest steel plant at Misrata.
20150104             1—WARPLANE from forces loyal to the internationally recognized government bombed 1—GREEK—OPERATED oil tanker anchored offshore, killing 2—CREWMEN.
20150104             THE—LIBERIAN—FLAGGED ARAEVO was carrying 12,600 TONS—OF—CRUDE—OIL—WHEN it was struck off the eastern port of Derna.
20150104             —SPILLED, No oil was.
20150104             NORTH—EAST—MALI, 6—NIGERIA—SOLDIERS—OF—THE—UN—MINUSMA mission were injured, with gunmen also burning 4—UN—TRUCKS.
20150104             —KILLED, NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, 1—USA—DRONE—STRIKE, at least 6 suspected militants in NORTH—WAZIRISTAN.
20150104             —KILLED, SAUDI—ARABIA, 1—GENERAL and 2—SOLDIERS were, in 1—RARE—ATTACK and suicide bombing by "terrorists" on the border with IRAQ.
20150104             4—ATTACKERS were also killed in the clash, 2 in suicide blasts.
20150104             —EXPLODED, SOMALIA, 1—CAR—BOMB targeting security officials, in MOGADISHU, and was followed by shooting.
20150104             1—AL—SHABAAB car bomb killed 4—PEOPLE in MOGADISHU.
20150104             —PASSED, SUDAN—PARLIAMENT, constitutional amendments allowing PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BASHIR, —71—JAHRE—ALT to appoint state governors directly and expanding the mandate of its powerful security agency.
20150104             —SEIZED, SYRIA, Islamist fighters, 1—SUBURB EAST—OF—DAMASCUS —AFTER driving out 1—SMALLER—RIVAL—INSURGENT—GROUP in deadly clashes.
20150104             —ELECTED, SYRIA—WESTERN—BACKED opposition group, Khalid Khoja as its new leader —DURING a —3—DAY meeting in ISTANBUL of the National Coalition.
20150104             —ANNOUNCED, Khalid Khoja, the —NEXT—DAY that his group is not yet willing to go to peace talks in MOSCOW.
20150104             —NAMED, At THE—VATICAN—FRANCIS—PAPA, 15—NEW cardinals from 14—COUNTRIES, including MANY—FROM—LATIN—AMERICA and AFRICA.
20150104             YEMEN, 1—BOMB—EXPLOSION in DHAMAR, 1—MAINLY—SHIITE city, killed at least 4—PEOPLE including 1—REPORTER and wounded 25—OTHERS.
20150104             —TARGETED, The bombing, 1—GATHERING—OF—SHIITE—HUTHI militiamen, also known as Ansarullah.
20150325—20150104    —ARRESTED, SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, Giseleangelique Rene D'Milian (47) was, for plotting to kidnap 2—BABIES, including 1—FOUND dead in 1—DUMPSTER, and attacking their mothers in 1—BIZARRE—SCHEME to fool her boyfriend into thinking she birthed their twins.
20151220—20160104    —ON, 1—BOY, —15—JAHRE—ALT was arrested  and charged with murder.
20160104             POLEN—AUßEN—MINISTER: "Etwas mehr Verständnis DER—DEUTSCHEN—WÄRE wünschenswert"
20160104             GRENZE—ZU—BURMA: Tote und Verletzte bei ERDBEBEN—IN—INDIEN
20160104             Vorsatz fürs neue —JAHR: Zuckerberg will ein bisschen wie "Iron Man"sein
20160104             —NEUE—REGEL: CHINA stoppt 1. AKTIEN—HANDEL wegen Schwankungen
20160104             Strenge GRENZ—KONTROLLEN : Abschottung SCHWEDENs erschwert Pendlern den Alltag
20160104             Tier macht Sachen: Aggressive Eule hat es auf REGIERUNGSMIT—ARBEITER abgesehen
20160104             HESSEN: Unbekannte schießen auf schlafenden ASYL—BEWERBER
20160104             Politische —JAHRESVORSCHAU: Was 20160000             DIE—WELT bewegt
20160104             DENKMAL—AUSSTELLUNG—BERLIN: "LENIN ist gereinigt und sehr gut erhalten"
20160104             "Wenn die Schmerzen akut sind, besteht die Therapie in der Regel aus entzündungshemmenden Medikamenten wie Ibuprofen oder Diclofenac",
20160104             —KRISE—IN—FERN—OST: CHINA setzt BÖRSEN—HANDEL aus, DAX bricht ein
20160104             Militante Hausbesetzer in OREGON: SICHERHEITS—KRÄFTE rätseln über ZAHL—DER—BEWAFFNETEN
20160104             Tee erobert sogar noch später die Tassen der feinen GESELLSCHAFT,
20160104             DIE—ALPHABETISIERTE Bevölkerung aber hielt sich überwiegend in den Städten oder in den Klöstern auf -
20160104             wurde die allgemeine SCHUL—PFLICHT in PREUßEN etwa 17160000             eingeführt,
20160104             Erwerbstätige in DEUTSCHLAND—ZAHL—DER—JOBS auf Rekordniveau
20160104             [l] Die BRANDENBURGer Behörden haben —INZWISCHEN, so viel Stress mit denen, daß sie —JETZT 1—HANDBUCH für ihre BEHÖRDEN—MIT—ARBEITER für den Umgang mit den "REICHS—BÜRGERN"herausgeben.
20160104             —KONFLIKT—IN—NAH—OST: BAHRAIN bricht diplomatische Beziehungen zu IRAN ab
20160104             —NEUE—VERHÜTUNGSMETHODE für Männer: Tischler lässt sich Ventil in Samenleiter montieren
20160104             —HEUTE—IN—DEN—FEUILLETONS, "Den ISLAM kannten wir höchstens aus Büchern"
20160104             Nordeuropa: DÄNEMARK führt PASS—KONTROLLEN an der GRENZE—ZU—DEUTSCHLAND ein
20160104             —KONFLIKT—ZWISCHEN—IRAN und SAUDI—ARABIEN: Es geht um viel, viel mehr
20160104             Hunderte Menschen hat IRAN im abgelaufenen —JAHR hingerichtet.
20160104             —AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL zählte allein in den 1.—6—MONATEN 20150000             knapp 700—EXEKUTIONEN, - das waren durchschnittlich 3—HINRICHTUNGEN PRO—TAG.
20160104             Menschen wurden an Baukränen aufgeknüpft, weil sie mit Drogen handelten oder außerehelichen Sex hatten, auch Minderjährige wurden nicht verschont.
20160104             Und ausgerechnet dieses Regime bläst sich —NUN zum GEGNER—DER—TODES—STRAFE auf.
20160104             TEHERANs DIPLOMATEN müssen —BIS Dienstagabend SAUDI—ARABIEN verlassen.
20160104             Das Verhältnis BEIDER—STAATEN ist —SEIT fast —40—JAHREN ÄUß—ERST angespannt,
20160104             —DIE—JÜNGSTE—KRISE, hat Konsequenzen für den gesamten NAHER—OSTEN.
20160104             DAS—REGIME—IN—TEHERAN ist ASSAD—ENGSTER Verbündeter.
20160104             SAUDI—ARABIEN wiederum rüstet SUNNITISCH—ISLAM—REBELLEN—GRUPPEN in SYRIEN auf.
20160104             Auch im JEMEN wird DER—KONFLIKT—ZWISCHEN—SAUDI—ARABIEN und IRAN —SEIT—JAHREN ausgetragen.
20160104             TEHERAN unterstützt die schiitischen HUTHI—MILIZEN, di.
20160104             —SEIT—10—MONATEN führt SAUDI—ARABIEN KRIEG—GEGEN—DIE—HUTHIS, mehr als 6.000—MENSCHEN sind —SEITHER getötet worden.
20160104             IRAN ist der wichtigste außenpolitische Verbündete der von Schiiten dominierten Regierung in BAGDAD.
20160104             IRAN—AUSBILDER unterstützen den IRAK beim KAMPF—GEGEN—DEN—ISLAMISCHER—STAAT.
20160104             —VERSUCHT, SAUDI—ARABIEN, dagegen —SEIT—JAHREN, sich als Schutzmacht der sunnitischen Minderheit zu positionieren.
20160104             —GEFÖRDERT, DIE—SUNNITEN wurden unter DIKTATOR SADDAM—HUSSEIN,
20160104             —BISLANG Daran hat auch SAUDI—ARABIENS Einfluss nichts geändert, stattdessen haben radikale Sunniten im IRAK den Aufstieg des IS gefördert.
20160104             DER—KONFLIKT—ZWISCHEN—RIAD und TEHERAN lässt DIE—CHANCEN für 1—AUSGLEICH zwischen den Religionsgemeinschaften schwinden.
20160104             —SEIT,
20160104             —FILED, Editas Medicine, for 1—IPO.
20160104             —OFFERED, The company, new technology, called CRISPR Cas9, allowing DNA to be cut and edited.
20160104             —SEITHER, kann sich DAS—PARLAMENT nicht auf 1—KANDIDATEN einigen, der die nötige Unterstützung der Abgeordneten genießt.
20160104             —RAPPELLED, AFGHANISTAN—TROOPS, from helicopters onto the roof of a 4—STORY building near THE—INDIA—CONSULATE in MAZAR—I—SHARIF to drive out gunmen who had attacked the diplomatic mission the night —BEFORE.
20160104             DIE—VON—SAUDI—ARABIEN protegierten sunnitischen und christlichen FRAKTIONen und die von IRAN geförderte Hisbollah sowie mit ihr verbündete christliche Parteien stehen sich unversöhnlich gegenüber.
20160104             1—TRUCK—BOMB—ATTACK on Camp BARON, 1—COMPOUND for CIVIL—CONTRACTORS—NEAR—KABUL airport, wounding at least 30—AFGHANISTAN—CIVILIANS.
20160104             —EARLIER—TODAY 1—SUICIDE bomber blew himself up near 1—POLICE—CHECKPOINT without causing ANY—OTHER—CASUALTIES.
20160104             Doch nach Nimrs Hinrichtung hat sich der Ton zwischen den politischen Lagern im LIBANON wieder verschärft, das Präsidentendrama dürfte sich weiterhinziehen.
20160104             The bodies of 5—SOLDIERS were found on THE—OUTSKIRTS—OF—THE—EAST—CITY—OF—GHAZNI.
20160104             SAUDI—ARABIEN und IRAN sind die beiden mächtigsten MITGLIEDER—DER—DAS—ÖLKARTELL[OPEC].
20160104             —ABDUCTED, They had been, from 1—MAIN—HIGHWAY—AROUND —1—WEEK—EARLIER by Taliban insurgents.
20160104             DER—KALTER—KRIEG—ZWISCHEN—RIAD und TEHERAN ist 1—DER Gründe für den Ölpreisverfall der vergangenen —MONATE.
20160104             Lange drückte SAUDI—ARABIEN die Preise, um den Rivalen auf der anderen Seite des Golfs zu schwächen,
20160104             —ANNOUNCED, BAHRAIN, it was cutting diplomatic ties with IRAN, —1—DAY—AFTER its ally and neighbor SAUDI—ARABIA also severed relations with TEHRAN.
20160104             —DETAINED, CHINA—AUTHORITIES, PETER—DAHLIN, 1—SWEDEN—NATIONAL who worked on legal aid and RULE—OF—LAW—ISSUES, on suspicion of endangering state security.
20160104             dessen STAATS—HAUSHALT zu 70 % von den ERD—ÖL—EINNAHMEN abhängig ist
20160104             —GEÄNDERT, Doch —INZWISCHEN, haben sich die Vorzeichen :
20160104             —TIGHTENED, DENMARK and SWEDEN, border checks.
20160104             6—COUNTRIES in EUROPE—DOCUMENT—FREE—TRAVEL—AREA—NOW have WIDE—RANGING border checks in place.
20160104             Der niedrige ÖL—PREIS hat dem KÖNIG—REICH 20150000             1—REKORDDEFIZIT—VON——EURO beschert
20160104             IRAN hingegen hat angekündigt, nach —AUFHEBUNG—DER, Sanktionen —BIS zu 1.000.000—BARREL Rohöl zusätzlich zu exportieren.
20160104             1—POWERFUL—EARTHQUAKE struck NORTH—EAST—INDIA and BANGLADESH, killing at least 11—PEOPLE and injuring nearly 200, with efforts to reach remote areas where people may be trapped hampered by severed power lines and telecommunication links.
20160104             —BATTLED, INDIA—SECURITY—FORCES, for the 3. —DAY to clear out militants who attacked the Pathankot AIR—FORCE—BASE in Punjab state and killed 7—SOLDIERS.
20160104             DIE—HOFFNUNG der anderen DAS—ÖLKARTELL[OPEC]—STAATEN auf 1.Einigung zur DROSSELUNG—DER—PRODUKTION dürfte sich —NACH—DEM—KONFLIKT—UM—NIMRS Hinrichtung zerschlagen.
20160104             —ATTACKED, Islamic State militants, IRAQ—TROOPS and allied tribal fighters outside THE—WEST—TOWN—OF—HADITHA, killing at least 11 and wounding dozens.
20160104             —ANTI—TERROR—EINSATZ—IN—BREMEN: ERMITTLUNGEN—GEGEN—ANGEBLICHE Waffenkäufer eingestellt
20160104             —ROCKED, In CENTRAL—IRAQ overnight blasts, 2—SUNNI mosques, amid fears of renewed sectarian strife —FOLLOWING SAUDI—ARABIA—EXECUTION—OF—1—PROMINENT—SHIITE cleric.
20160104             Falscher Alarm: Sächsischer Dialekt verrät vermeintlichen Bombenleger
20160104             —BESTIMMT, BÖRSEN—ABSTURZ in CHINA: Die nächste Schockwelle kommt
20160104             —TARGETED, LEBANON—HEZBOLLAH movement said it had, 1—ISRAEL—ARMY—BORDER—PATROL with 1—BOMB in 1—ATTACK that prompted retaliatory fire from the Jewish state.
20160104             —KONFLIKT—UM—HINRICHTUNGEN: SAUDI—ARABIEN kündigt Bruch mit IRAN an
20160104             —CARRIED, NORTH—LIBYA, jihadists, out 1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMB—ATTACK on 1—MILITARY—CHECKPOINT at the entrance to THE—TOWN—OF—AL—SIDRA, killing 2—SOLDIERS.
20160104             Kernphysik: Chemiker ergänzen PERIODEN—SYSTEM um 4—ELEMENTE
20160104             —LAUNCHED, They then, 1—ATTACK on THE—TOWN—OF—RAS—LANOUF via the south but did not manage to enter.
20160104             NIGERIA, Boko Haram gunmen wearing soldiers' uniforms and female suicide bombers unleashed separate attacks on Izghe, 1—VILLAGE—123—KM (76—MILES) SOUTH—WEST—OF—MAIDUGURI.
20160104             —KILLED, At least 18—PEOPLE were.
20160104             —VOR—200—JAHREN sorgte 1—VULKANAUSBRUCH dafür, daß —DER—SOMMER ausfiel.
20160104             —STARTED, PAKISTAN PRIME—MINISTER—NAWAZ—SHARIF, a —3—DAY—VISIT to SRI—LANKA —DURING which several agreements aiming to strengthen relations between THE—SOUTH—ASIA—NATIONS are to be signed.
20160104             1—PALESTINIAN stabbed 1—ISRAEL—WOMAN in JERUSALEM —BEFORE being shot and wounded.
20160104             Unzählige Menschen in EUROPA verhungerten oder wanderten aus, weil auf den Feldern kaum etwas wuchs, die mageren Ernten im Dauerregen vermoderten und das Vieh verendete.
20160104             Dass die Not auf 1.noch weit verheerendere KATASTROPHE zurückging, ahnten DIE—MENSCHEN —VOR—200—JAHREN nicht.
20160104             —MISSED, PUERTO—RICO—GOVERNMENT, a $36—MILLION coupon on paper issued by its Infrastructure Financing Authority.
20160104             —TAGUNG, Auf der, kleinen INDONESIEN—INSEL Sumbawa hatte DER—VULKAN Tambora
20160104             —NOCH, auf der mehr als 2500—KM entfernten Insel Sumatra soll der Ausbruch zu hören gewesen sein,
20160104             IN—PUERTO—RICO—ANTONIO—SOTO was awaiting sentencing —AFTER pleading guilty to tax evasion and MISAPPROPRIATION—OF—PUBLIC—FUNDS.
20160104             TSUNAMIs trafen auf die INSELN—DER—REGION, der Himmel verdunkelte sich für —TAGE.
20160104             † POLAND—GOVERNMENT said 21—PEOPLE over the weekend because of freezing weather amid 1—OF—THE—COUNTRY—DEADLIEST cold spells.
20160104             Mehr als 10.000—MENSCHEN sollen unmittelbar gestorben sein, mehr als 60.000—ALLEIN in der Region an den Folgen.
20160104             —WIDENED, SAUDI—ARABIA, its rift with IRAN, saying it would end air traffic and trade links with the Islamic republic and demanding that TEHRAN must "act like 1—NORMAL—COUNTRY" —BEFORE it would restore severed diplomatic relations.
20160104             TURKEY—SECURITY—SOURCES said 2—CIVILIANS, 2—SOLDIERS and 1—POLICE—OFFICER have been killed in the southeast over the last —24—HOURS as military operations to root out armed fighters focused on urban centers across the mainly Kurdish region.
20160104             Auf 1—SKALA—VON—0—BIS 8—LIEGT der aus Volumen und Eruptionshöhe berechnete Vulkanexplosivitätsindex (VEI) des Tambora bei 7. 1—SOLCHER Ausbruch kommt nur alle 1.—000—JAHRE vor.
20160104             DER—VULKAN, MIT—CA—4300—METERN 1—DER höchsten Gipfel des Archipels, fiel in sich ZUSAMMEN—ER misst —NUN noch knapp 2900—METER.
20160104             3—FEMALE—KURDISH—POLITICAL—ACTIVISTS were killed in fighting in CURFEW—HIT Silopi town as the authorities press 1—OFFENSIVE against the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK).
20160104             Es blieb nicht bei der regionalen KATASTROPHE.
20160104             UGANDA—POLICE said they were investigating reports nearly $4—MILLION worth of cocaine seized by customs officers at its main airport had disappeared from secure stores.
20160104             MITTEL—EUROPA, und Nordostamerika zeigten sich die Folgen 18160000             :
20160104             —ANNOUNCED, YEMEN—AUTHORITIES, 1—DUSK to dawn curfew in ADEN—STARTING—TODAY—FOLLOWING —1—NIGHT—OF—GUNBATTLES between armed men and government forces that killed at least 12—PEOPLE from both sides.
20160104             —LAUT, DER—POLIZEI—ANGABEN fielen am Silvesterabend gegen 23—UHR —ZUNÄCHST etwa 1000—MÄNNER aus dem nordafrikanischen und arabischen Raum auf.
20160104             Aus der Gruppe heraus wurden auf dem Bahnhofsvorplatz Feiernde mit Feuerwerkskörpern attackiert.
20160104             —ALKOHOLISIERT, DIE—RANDALIERER im Alter von 15—BIS 35—SEIEN stark, gewesen.
20160104             [l] In BERLIN bitte keine Verbrechen begehen.
20160104             [l] GUTE—NACHRICHTEN! 20160104             1—USA—LUFT—SCHLAG tötete 1 31-jährigen IT—EXPERTEN, der offenbar 1.Schlüsselfigur für die HACBEMÜHUNGEN—KING—OF— des ISLAMISCHER—STAAT war.
20160104             Hacking ist ab —JETZT lebensgefährlich.
20160104             —GENANNT, DIE—PERIODENTABELLE heiß eigentlich Mendeleev Tabelle, nach russischem Forscher Mendeleev, der diese Tabelle einst erstellt hat.
20160104             FLÜCHTLINGS—STREIT, SEEHOFER testet MERKELs Grenzen
20160104             Minusgrade: Kälte legt 85—BERLIN—POLIZEIAUTOS lahm
20160104             —RECHTS—RADIKALE Rancher besetzen Nationalpark: High —NOON in der Eiswüste
20160104             DEUTSCHLAND—IRAN und SAUDI—ARABIEN: Schrecklich unverzichtbare Partner
20160104             —NEUEN—MEDIENGESETZ: Journalistenverbände legen Beschwerde gegen POLEN ein
20160104             ABGAS—AFFÄRE— USA—REGIERUNG reicht KLAGE—GEGEN—VW ein
20160104             BUNDESWEHR—SOLDATEN und "Tornados"starten zum SYRIEN—EINSATZ - Fatwa in der TÜRKEI: Flirten verboten
20160104             Kneipen in TEL—AVIV: Freibier gegen DIE—TERROR—ANGST
20160104             [l] Diese GESCHICHTE hier bringt schön die Irrsinnigkeit der "NO—SPY"-GESCHICHTEn auf den Punkt.
20160104             DIE—NSA darf —JETZT nicht mehr MERKEL bespitzeln.
20160104             Was tun sie also? 20160104             As 1—WORKAROUND, however, THE—WHITE—HOUSE authorized THE—NSA to target the communications of 1—SELECT—GROUP—OF—THOSE leaders' top advisers.
20160104             DIE—BERATER abhören! Was wollten die denn von der MERKEL?
20160104             THE—CASE—OF—MISS—AN—PUTIN, rankommen!
20160104             Nächster Lacher: 20160104             —QUESTIONED, They also, THE—WISDOM—OF—THE—MOVE, especially given their belief that THE—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES—OF—MANY—CLOSE—USA—ALLIES, including GERMANY—BND FEDERAL—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICE, spy on THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20160104             NEIN! Wartet, wird noch lustiger! "The machinery was in place.
20160104             20160104             Ja gut, da kann man nichts machen.
20160104             —DECIDED, MISTER—OBAMA, instead to remove SO—CALLED selectors, which are the email addresses and phone numbers of NSA targets.
20160104             Das muss man sich wie beim BND vorstellen.
20160104             OK, —JETZT ist euer Popcorn wahrscheinlich alle.
20160104             Oh, ach?
20160104             [l] Hacker hacken das Stromnetz DER—UKRAINE.
20160104—20030000    —SEIT, wurden sie aber systematisch marginalisiert.
20160104—20161013    —DESTROYED, ISRAEL—FORCES, THE—EAST—JERUSALEM homes of 2—PALESTINIANS who killed 4—ISRAELIS, 1—OF—THE—DEADLIEST days in the recent surge in violence.
20160106             The fighting, which began 20160104             , has killed 10—SECURITY—GUARDS.
20160506—20180104    —ON, a —24—YEAR—OLD—MAN was sentenced to —2—YEARS in jail for aggravated manslaughter.
20160907—20170104    —ON, Videgaray was brought back as SECRETARY—OF—FOREIGN—AFFAIRS.
20170104             † HEINZ—BILLING, DEUTSCHER—PHYSIKER und Computerpionier
20170104             PRESIDENT.-elect DONALD—TRUMP chose JAY—CLAYTON, 1—WALL—STREET—ATTORNEY, as his nominee to HEAD—THE—SECURITIES and Exchange Commission (SEC).
20170104             —CONVICTED, CHICAGO, 1—FEDERAL—JURY, Hobos gang boss Gregory "Bowlegs" Chester, alleged hit man PARIS Poe and 4—OTHERS for racketeering conspiracy.
20170104             KENTUCKY, FORMER—LARUE County High School principal STEPHEN—KYLE—GOODLETT, —36—JAHRE—ALT was indicted in LOUISVILLE on FEDERAL—CHARGES—OF possessing and transporting child pornography.
20170104             —ADMITTED, He had, to investigators that he has 1—PORNOGRAPHY—ADDICTION and downloaded images from phones confiscated from students.
20170104             MASSACHUSETTS, about $20—MILLION in cash was found hidden inside 1—BOX —SPRING in 1—WESTBOROUGH apartment.
20170104             —SEIZED, It was, as PART—OF—1—WIDE—RANGING investigation into the TelexFree INTERNET telecom company that authorities say was actually 1—MASSIVE—INTERNATIONAL—PYRAMID—SCHEME.
20170104             —CHARGED, Cleber Rene Rizerio Rocha was, with conspiring to commit money laundering.
20170104             —UNVEILED, NEVADA, Faraday FUTURE—FF91 was, —DURING 1—PRESS—EVENT for CES17 in LAS—VEGAS.
20170104             —BACKED, The company was, by CHINA—BILLIONAIRE JIA—YUETING.
20170104             MACY—SAID it will move forward with 68—STORE closures and eliminate more than 10,000 jobs —FOLLOWING 1—DISAPPOINTING holiday shopping season.
20170104             CHINA, Chen Zhongshu, the land and resources CHIEF—OF—PANZHIHUA city in Sichuan province, allegedly shot and injured 2—LEADERS—OF—THE—CITY as the pair held 1—MEETING in 1—CONFERENCE—CENTER, and —LATER killed himself.
20170104             —ARMED, SOUTH—CHINA, 1—MAN, with 1—KITCHEN—KNIFE stabbed 11—CHILDREN at 1—KINDERGARTEN in Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, seriously wounding 3, the latest such attack in recent years.
20170104             —DETECTED, CZECH—REPUBLIC—AUTHORITIES said they had, HIGHLY—CONTAGIOUS—BIRD—FLU at 2—SMALL—POULTRY—FARMS and in dead swans in the 1. such cases in —1—DECADE.
20170104             Maher was the founder and spokesman of 20170406             —THE protest movement, 1—OF—THE—MAIN—GROUPS that campaigned for more freedom under longtime ruler Hosni Mubarak.
20170104             He faced possible extradition to Serbia to face war crimes charges.
20170104             —INTERCEPTED, FRANCE—CUSTOMS—OFFICIALS, 70—KG of Captagon, dubbed the "jihadists' drug", at PARIS—CHARLES—DE—GAULLE airport, a 1. for FRANCE.
20170104             Another 67—KG—OF—THE—DRUG were found at the airport in February.
20170104             Captagon, 1—TYPE—OF amphetamine, is 1—OF—THE—MOST commonly used drugs among fighters in THE—SYRIA—WAR.
20170104             —REAFFIRMED, THE—GAMBIA—ARMY—CHIEF, his loyalty to PRESIDENT—YAHYA—JAMMEH despite THE—THREAT—OF—1—REGIONAL—MILITARY—INTERVENTION if the strongman refuses to step down.
20170104             —RESCUED, INDIA—OFFICIALS said police have, nearly 200—CHILDREN, MOST—OF—THEM under the age of 14, who had been found working in 1—BRICK kiln in THE—SOUTH—STATE—OF—TELANGANA in 1—OF—THE—BIGGEST operations in the region.
20170104             † In INDIA a —24—YEAR—OLD housemaid in hospital, —2—WEEKS—AFTER she was admitted with multiple fractures and injuries.
20170104             —ABUSED, She had said she was, by her NEW—DELHI employers —AFTER being lured to the city with the promise of 1—JOB.
20170104             THE—UN said more than 2,000 Iraqis —1—DAY are fleeing MOSUL, several 100—MORE—EACH—DAY than —BEFORE USA—LED coalition forces began 1—NEW—PHASE—OF—THEIR—BATTLE to retake the city from Islamic State.
20170104             —AGREED, THE—ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT said CHINA has, for THOUSANDS—OF—MIGRANT—CONSTRUCTION laborers to work in ISRAEL in 1—BID to alleviate 1—HOUSING crisis.
20170104             —RELEASED, ISRAEL, billionaire businessman Beny Steinmetz from house arrest without charge, —FOLLOWING his detention over bribery allegations involving BSGR in AFRICA.
20170104             —WOUNDED, ISRAEL—SERGEANT—ELOR—AZARIA, who shot dead 1—PALESTINE—ASSAILANT lying, and motionless on the ground in the occupied WEST—BANK last 20170324             , was convicted of manslaughter in 1—OF—THE—MOST polarizing cases in ISRAEL—HISTORY.
20170104             —VOWED, ITALY, to increase DEPORTATIONS—OF—MIGRANTS whose asylum requests have been rejected, —AFTER 1—RIOT in 1—RECEPTION—CENTER sparked by THE—DEATH—OF—1—YOUNG—WOMAN.
20170104             NIGER said —AROUND 20—MORE—MEMBERS—OF—THE—JIHADIST—GROUP—BOKO Haram have surrendered.
20170104             —ASKED, PAKISTAN—SUPREME—COURT, the police to look into allegations that a —10—YEAR—OLD—GIRL working as 1—MAID was tortured by her employers, 1—INFLUENTIAL—JUDGE and his wife, —AFTER disturbing PHOTOGRAPHS—OF—THE—GIRL, purporting to show her badly beaten and bruised, circulated on social media.
20170104             —1—DAY—EARLIER the girl's parents announced they have "forgiven" the judge and his wife, apparently —AFTER reaching 1—FINANCIAL—SETTLEMENT.
20170104             PAKISTAN, 4—CAMPAIGNERS—OF—THE—CIVIL—PROGRESSIVE—ALLIANCE—OF—PAKISTAN (CPAP) activist group went missing.
20170104             —DISAPPEARED, PALESTINE—FISHERMAN MOHAMMED—AL—HISSI, —33—JAHRE—ALT, —AFTER colliding with 1—ISRAEL—NAVY ship off THE—GAZA coast.
20170104             —SUSPECTED, In THE—SOUTH—PHILIPPINES more than 100, Muslim rebels stormed 1—JAIL—BEFORE dawn allowing 158—INMATES to escape.
20170104             6—INMATES were killed in firefights with police and 8—OTHERS were caught and returned to prison.
20170104             [l] Oh wow.
20170104             Government by Twitter! 20170104             —APPROVED, ROMANIA—PARLIAMENT, 1—LEFT—LEANING government led by Sorin Grindeanu, who vowed to stop THOUSANDS—OF—ROMANIANS emigrating, build highways and encourage the consumption of local produce.
20170104             Besonders geil: das #DTS am Ende, das steht für "Drain THE—SWAMP".
20170104             [l] DONALD—TRUMP tut endlich was gegen diese überbordende Finanzmarktregulierung, die CLINTON —ABGESCHAFFT und BUSH und OBAMA nicht wieder eingeführt hatten!1!!
20170104             [l] In ISRAEL hat 1—MILITÄRRICHTER 1—SOLDATEN wegen Todschlags verurteilt, weil er 1—AUF dem Boden liegenden Palästinsner in aller Ruhe per Kopfschuss getötet hat.
20170104             —ERST haben der GENERAL—STABS—CHEF—UND—DER—VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTER das verurteilt und 1—VERFAHREN wurde gegen den Mann eröffnet.
20170104             DER—ARTIKEL macht sehr deutlich, daß DAS—URTEIL 1—PAUKENSCHLAG für ISRAEL ist.
20170104             —VERLÄNGERT, Sonderrechte für ERDOGAN—TÜRKEI, AUSNAHME—ZUSTAND um —3—MONATE
20170104             PHILIPPINEN: Bewaffnete Angreifer befreien 15—HÄFTLINGE
20170104             —NACH, —6—MONATEN: GELD—WÄSCHE—CHEF—ERMITTLER der DEUTSCHE—BANK tritt ab
20170104             Werkzeug: Ameisen transportieren Honig in Schwämmen
20170104             Gesichtserkennung: Wenn Roboter zu Rassisten werden
20170104             Ungleichheit: IWF—CHEFIN—LAGARDE fordert gerechtere VER—TEILUNG—VON—EINKOMMEN
20170104             EURO—ZONE: ÖL—PREIS treibt Inflation auf höchsten Stand
20170104             Werkzeuggebrauch sei auch Ameisen möglich, nicht nur bestimmten PRIMATEN und Vögeln, betonen DIE—FORSCHER.
20170104             Möglicherweise handle ES—SICH um ein aus der Not heraus entstandenes Verhalten, so DIE—FORSCHER.
20170104             —VON, wegen "dummes Huhn": Die Tiere haben persönliche Eigenheiten, vermögen einander auszutricksen und sind zu logischen Schlussfolgerungen fähig, DIE—KINDER —ERST mit etwa —7—JAHREN meistern
20170104             —BERICHTET, Das, Lori Marino vom THE—SOMEONE—PROJECT im Fachjournal "Animal Cognition".
20170104             Das Haushuhn (Gallus gallus domesticus) stammt vom Bankivahuhn ab, 1—WILDHUHN aus SÜD—OST—ASIEN.
20170104             Beim Zählen gehen Küken genauso vor wie Menschen: Sie tun es von links nach rechts.
20170104             DIE—TIERE seien in der Lage, Zeitintervalle wahrzunehmen und auf Geschehnisse in der ZUKUNFT zu schließen.
20170104             Sie beobachteten und lernten voneinander und würden vom Verhalten ihrer Mütter GEPRÄGT—GANZ so wie andere, als weitaus intelligenter eingestufte Lebewesen.
20170104             Rücktritt des GROSSBRITANNIEN—EU—BOTSCHAFTERS: Volle Breitseite
20170104             —URTEIL—IN—ISRAEL: Für die 1—HELD, für die anderen Verbrecher
20170104             —ATTENTAT—VON—BERLIN: ANIS—AMRI soll nach Anschlag vor ÜBERWACHUNGS—KAMERA posiert haben
20170104             Trend zur SOFORT—POLITIK, Hilfe, wir vertrumpen!
20170104             —VERGIFTET, Vorwurf der Grünen: Union " gesellschaftliches Klima"
20170104             Auswertung der Krankenkassen: Jedes 3. neue Medikament hat keinen Zusatznutzen
20170104             Neuer USA—AUßEN—MINISTER: EXXON—CHEF—KASSIERT 180.000.000—DOLLAR Abfindung
20170104             ANKLAGE—GEGEN—PANZER—BESITZER: "DIE—WAFFEN waren alle voll funktionsfähig"
20170104             Verletzten Attentäter erschossen: NETANYAHU fordert Begnadigung für verurteilten Soldaten
20170104             GW170104 (beobachtet: bekannt gegeben: 20170601             )
20170104             —NACH, heftiger Kritik: DE—MAIZIÈRE verteidigt neues SICHERHEITS—KONZEPT
20170104—20110000    —IN—THE, EGYPT released political activist AHMED—MAHER, —36—JAHRE—ALT, 1—LEADING figure revolt that toppled the government, —AFTER he completed his jail term.
20170104—20140000    —FILED, TelexFree, for bankruptcy, its assets frozen, and its 2—PRINCIPALS were indicted on FEDERAL—CHARGES—OF wire fraud and conspiracy.
20170104—20171227    —SINCE, About 50—BOKO Haram fighters have —NOW given themselves up.
20170104—20180000    —SCHEDULED, Production was, to start in NEVADA —THIS—YEAR with 1. deliveries.
20180104             —DEMANDED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—LEGAL—TEAM, that AUTHOR—MICHAEL—WOLFF and his PUBLISHER halt the release of "Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump WHITE—HOUSE".
20180104             —DEMANDED, They, that Wolff APOLOGIZE—OF—FACE 1—POSSIBLE—LAWSUIT.
20180104             HENRY—HOLD & Co. said it would make the book available 20180105             instead of the original 20180109             release date.
20180104             —PLACED, THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT said it has, PAKISTAN on 1—SPECIAL watch list for "severe violations of religious freedom".
20180104             THE—USA—SAID it was suspending at least $900—MILLION in security assistance to PAKISTAN —UNTIL it takes action against THE—AFGHANISTAN—TALIBAN and the Haqqani network militant groups.
20180104             —URGED, USA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—JEFF—SESSIONS, FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS to override state marijuana laws and file criminal charges in those that have legalized sale and USE—OF—THE—DRUG.
20180104             —BARRELED, High winds and heavy snow, into THE—USA—NORTHEAST, closing schools and government offices and disrupting travel as work crews scrambled to clear roads —BEFORE plummeting temperatures turn snow into treacherous ice.
20180104             —BLAMED, The cold has been, for at least 9—DEATHS over the past few days.
20180104             Utilities along THE—EAST—COAST said about 65,000 homes and businesses were without power from the massive snow and ice storm battering MID—ATLANTIC and Northeast states.
20180104             4—PEOPLE were reported killed in NORTH—CAROLINA and SOUTH—CAROLINA —AFTER their vehicles ran off SNOW—COVERED roads.
20180104             —REPORTED, More than 5,000 flights were, cancelled across THE—USA.
20180104             THE—STATE—OF—OREGON sued Monsanto over pervasive pollution from PCBs and sought $100—MILLION to mitigate pollution, particularly along a 10-mile stretch of the Willamette River.
20180104             VIRGINIA, incumbent Republican DAVID—YANCEY won 1 tied STATE—HOUSE—OF—DELEGATES race, over challenger SHELLEY—SIMONDS, —WHEN his name was pulled from 1—CERAMIC bowl.
20180104             —ACQUIRED, Brookfield Business Partners LP, Westinghouse Electric, THE—USA—NUCLEAR—UNIT—OF embattled JAPAN—ELECTRONICS—GIANT—TOSHIBA, in 1—DEAL valued at about out $4.6—BILLION.
20180104             AFGHANISTAN, the Taliban shot and killed 3—MEMBERS—OF—THE—AFGHANISTAN—SECURITY—FORCES in WEST—FARAH province.
20180104             —UNFOLDED, The attack, —WHEN 1—GROUP—OF—TALIBAN fighters stopped 1—BUS travelling in the Bala Buluk district.
20180104             —APOLOGIZED, BRITAIN—PRIME—MINISTER—THERESA—MAY, to TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PATIENTS whose operations were canceled to free up staff and beds to deal with emergency patients.
20180104             1—FLU—OUTBREAK, colder weather and high levels of respiratory illnesses have put hospitals in ENGLAND under strain with MANY—OPERATING at or near full capacity.
20180104             † FRANCE—INTERIOR—MINISTRY said a 2. person has in the country as 1—RESULT—OF—THE—VIOLENT—STORM battering NORTH—EUROPE.
20180104             Storm Eleanor swept through EUROPE.
20180104             —PULLED, THE—BODY—OF—1—MAN was, from THE—BREDA—RIVER.
20180104             —IDENTIFIED, He was soon, the missing firefighter who was swept away —JUST—AFTER saving 1—FAMILY.
20180104             —KILLED, The death brought to 4 THE—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE, in FRANCE —THIS—WEEK as —WINTER storms battered WEST—EUROPE.
20180104             —DISAPPEARED, At least 2—OTHER—PEOPLE have, in other EAST—FRANCE regions.
20180104             —RULED, GERMANY—HIGHEST—CIVIL and criminal court, that 1—TRANSSEXUAL woman, who used sperm she had banked —PRIOR—TO her sex change to have 1—BABY with her female partner, cannot be legally registered as the child's mother.
20180104             INDIA began investigating 1—REPORT that access to its DATABASE—OF—THE—IDENTITY—DETAILS—OF—MORE than 1—BILLION citizens was being sold for —JUST $8 on social media, in what could be 1—OF—THE—GIANT—PROGRAM—BIGGEST security breaches.
20180104             1—NEW—DELHI COURT—DECLARED—INDIA—FLAMBOYANT tycoon Vijay Mallya a "proclaimed offender" for failing to appear to answer ALLEGATIONS—OF—MONEY laundering by flouting foreign currency laws.
20180104             —PAVED, The order, the way for the government to take over MALLYA—BUSINESSES and real estate holdings.
20180104             —DECLARED, IRAN—ARMY—CHIEF, that police had already quelled ANTI—GOVERNMENT—UNREST that has killed 21—PEOPLE but that his troops were ready to intervene if needed, as TEHRAN staged more PRO—GOVERNMENT—RALLIES.
20180104             ISRAEL—NOVELIST—AHARON Appelfeld (19320000             *), 1—HOLOCAUST survivor who became 1—OF—THE—FOREMOST contemporary HEBREW—LANGUAGE—WRITERS, † near Tel Aviv.
20180104             MEXICO—ACTING ATTORNEY—GENERAL said prosecutors were already working to improve investigations and cooperation with other countries —FOLLOWING 1—INTERNATIONAL—REPORT that blasted the country for failing to punish money launderers.
20180104             MEXICO, the dismembered bodies of 2—YOUNG—MEN were found inside plastic bags outside the beach resort of ACAPULCO.
20180104             [l] STEVE—BANNON ist doch aus dem WEIßES—HAUS rausgeflogen, und hat natürlich nach der initialen Schockphase angefangen, 1—BUCH zu schreiben
20180104             Und DONALD—TRUMP?
20180104             Lawyers on BEHALF—OF—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP sent 1—LETTER—WEDNESDAY night to FORMER—WHITE—HOUSE—CHIEF—STRATEGIST—STEPHEN—BANNON demanding he refrain from making disparaging comments against THE—PRESIDENT and his family.
20180104             1—COURT—IN—NORWAY said that the government can hand out oil drilling licenses in THE—ARCTIC, dealing 1—BLOW to 2—ENVIRONMENTAL—GROUPS that had filed 1—LAWSUIT against further drilling in the Barents Sea.
20180104             Der hat gemeine Dinge über mich gesagt!!1!
20180104             The court also said Nature and Youth and Greenpeace Nordic should pay legal expenses worth 580,000 kroner ($71,435).
20180104             —REPORTED, It was, that POLAND has created 1—NEW, STATE—OWNED aviation company, THE—POLAND—AVIATION—GROUP, based on the national airline, LOT, that aims to capitalize on 1 planned major airport and on the region's growing air travel market.
20180104             —BEVOR er nach Mama ruft, sollte er vielleicht nochmal ins Archiv gucken, was er so über OBAMA und die CLINTONs gesagt hat.
20180104             —AUTHORIZED, PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, the resumption of regular RUSSIA—AIRLINE—FLIGHTS to CAIRO, according to 1—DOCUMENT published on THE—MOSCOW government's website.
20180104             —UPDATE, Das Buch ist nicht von BANNON, sondern es basiert auf Interviews mit ihm (und 200—ANDEREN Leuten)
20180104             [l] MACRON kündigt 1—ANTI—FAKE—NEWS—GESETZ an.
20180104             —KILLED, RUSSIA, at least 10—PEOPLE were, in 1—WAREHOUSE—FIRE in Chernoretsky village, Siberia.
20180104             He said that —DURING—ELECTIONS—SOCIAL—MEDIA would face tougher rules over the content that they put online.
20180104             1—ECHTER Exportschlager, dieser Fußschuss von Herr MAAS!
20180104             —BELIEVED, The dead were, to be workers from CHINA and KYRGYZSTAN.
20180104             [l] In NEW—YORK läuft gerade 1—GERICHTSVERFAHREN über illegale Geschäfte zwischen TÜRKEI und IRAN
20180104             —KILLED, SOUTH—AFRICA MORE, at least 18—PEOPLE were, and hundreds were feared injured —AFTER 1—TRAIN struck 1—LORRY, derailed and burst into flames as it traveled between PORT—ELIZABETH and JOHANNESBURG.
20180104             dass DER—TÜRKEI—PRÄSIDENT und damalige MINISTER—PRÄSIDENT—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN den illegalen Geschäften 20120000             zustimmte, an denen demnach auch 2—WEITERE TÜRKEI—BANKEN beteiligt waren.
20180104             Ooooooh, das könnte ja richtig spannend werden!
20180104             —ERUPTED, SOUTH—SUDAN, new fighting, between government and opposition forces less than 20—KM (12—MILES) outside JUBA.
20180104             —KILLED, SYRIA, at least 30—CIVILIANS were, —WHEN RUSSIA—JETS dropped bombs on THE—EAST—GHOUTA residential area, 1 besieged rebel enclave EAST—OF—DAMASCUS.
20180104             DIE—TÜRKEI verurteilte den Schuldspruch scharf
20180104             [l] DONALD—TRUMP sorgt dann mal schnell mit seinen Anwälten dafür, dass
20180104             —REPORTED, It was, that TURKEY—BROADCASTING watchdog has fined 1—TV—STATION nearly 1—MILLION lira ($266,000) over footage of young girls dancing in shorts in 1—TALENT competition —AFTER viewers complained of "child abuse".
20180104             —ACCUSED—OF, Fugitive VIETNAM—PROPERTY—TYCOON—PHAN VAN Anh Vu (42), spilling state secrets, was arrested in HANOI —AFTER SINGAPORE deported him, despite appeals that his life could be in danger in VIETNAM.
20180104             Übrigens ist das Buch direkt auf PLATZ—1—DER AMAZON Besesellerliste eingestiegen.
20180104             DONALD—TRUMP über seinen EX—CHEFSTRATEGEN BANNON: "Er hat seinen VERSTAND verloren"
20180104             1—ZIMBABWE—COURT freed "for —NOW" Martha O'Donovan, 1—USA—WOMAN charged with subversion for allegedly describing THE—FORMER—PRESIDENT—ON—TWITTER as a "sick man".
20180104             DONALD—TRUMP—EX—WAHL—KAMPFMANAGER: PAUL—MANAFORT verklagt USA—JUSTIZ - Kältewelle IN—DEN—USA: Schnee!
20180104             Angeblicher WAHL—BETRUG: DONALD—TRUMP löst umstrittene UNTERSUCHUNGS—KOMMISSION auf
20180104             Schockierende Herstellungsbedingungen: Das Blut, das an Ihrer Natursteinterrasse klebt
20180104             Zerstörte Ufer, poröse Deiche: Hilfe, die Biberratten kommen
20180104             Geräte WELT—WEIT betroffen: Neue SICHERHEITS—LÜCKEN—CHIP—HERSTELLER arbeiten an Lösung
20180104             Zerstörte Akten: Was wurde aus..
20180104             Enthüllungsbuch über DONALD—TRUMP: Voller Feuer, voller Zorn
20180104             Beschwerde bei der Uno: IRAN gibt "absurden"TRUMP—TWEETS Schuld am PRO—TEST
20180104             —STREIT—ZWISCHEN— USA—PRÄSIDENT—UND—EX—BERATER: DONALD—TRUMP—ANWÄLTE schicken BANNON offenbar Unterlassungserklärung
20180104             Zu VIELE—PLÄTZE, zu wenig Wohnungen: 100.000—FLÜCHTLINGSBETTEN ungenutzt
20180104             Lügen und Geografie: "Fast ALLE—LÄNDER fälschen Landkarten"
20180104             "—STUNDE der Wintervögel": NATUR—SCHÜTZER hoffen auf Plus bei Vogelzählung
20180104             Naturkatastrophen: 20170000             war das —BISLANG, teuerste —JAHR für Versicherungen
20180104             MULTI—MILLIONEN—ERLÖS: INTEL—CHEF—VERKAUFTE Aktien, kurz bevor SICHERHEITS—LÜCKEN bekannt wurden
20180104             —PROTESTE—IN—IRAN: RUSSLAND und TÜRKEI WARNEN USA vor Einmischung
20180104             —VERBIETET, GENDER—PAY—GAP: ISLAND, ungleiche Löhne von Männern und Frauen (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 12:53)
20180104             P.T Barnum: Wie "KÖNIG—HUMBUG"DIE—WELT das Gaffen lehrte (einestages, 13:07)
20180104             Unbekannte Urpopulation: So kam DER—MENSCH nach AMERIKA
20180104             —NACH, DERZEITigem Kenntnisstand verließ der MODERNE—MENSCH AFRIKA vor etwa 100.—000—JAHREN, erreichte AUSTRALIEN vor mindestens 50
20180104             Demnach gehörte das —6—WOCHEN alte Mädchen nicht zu jenen frühen USA—AMERIKANERN, DIE—NORD—AMERIKA, SÜD—AMERIKA erschlossen
20180104             "DIE—ALTEN Beringianer trennten sich von anderen UR—EINWOHNERN früher als irgendeine andere lebende oder ausgestorbene USA—GRUPPE, DIE—BISHER, sequenziert wurde", ergänzt Willerslev
20180104             halten sie folgendes Szenario für am plausibelsten:
20180104             —VOR, etwa 36.—000—JAHREN trennten sich DIE—VORFAHREN der 1. Einwanderer von anderen eurasischen Gruppen, vermutlich —SCHON in Nordostasien.
20180104             —ELEKTRISIERT, Enthüllungen über den Präsidenten: Das Buch, das WASHINGTON
20180104             SCHWACH—STELLEN in Prozessoren: Gespenstische Unsicherheit
20180104             VORWÜRFE—GEGEN—AHMADINEJAD—IRAN sucht seinen Sündenbock
20180104             Forderung nach HAUS—VERBOTIN FRANKREICH: APPLE verklagt Attac
20180104             —PROTESTE—GEGEN—REGIME: GABRIEL äußert Verständnis für Demonstranten in IRAN
20180104             USA—BÖRSE: DOW—JONES knackt 1. Marke von 25.000—PUNKTEN
20180104             —VERBANNT, PRINZ—HARRYS Hochzeit: BETTLER sollen aus WINDSOR, werden
20180104             —VERBANNT, WEIßES—HAUS: DONALD—TRUMP, private Mobiltelefone aus dem Westflügel
20180104             OPPOSITIONspolitiker: ANKARA setzt weiteren ISTANBULer BÜRGER—MEISTER ab
20180104             —PROVOZIERT, EX—BERATER, DONALD—TRUMP: BANNON der Barbar
20180104             —GEKÜRT, Stimmenpatt in VIRGINIA: REPUBLIKANER per Los zum Sieger
20180104             Überlastete Justiz: Richterbund fordert Umdenken im Umgang mit Schwarzfahrern
20180104             Warnsignal aus dem Ozean: Korallenbleichen folgen in immer kürzeren Abständen
20180104             —NACH, Bruch mit BANNON: DONALD—TRUMP stemmt sich gegen Veröffentlichung des Enthüllungsbuchs
20180104             ERNEUERBARE—ENERGIEN: Ökostromverbrauch steigt auf REKORD—HOCH
20180104             Enthüllungsbuch über DONALD—TRUMP: Erscheinungstermin von "Fire and Fury"vorgezogen
20180104             Da die beiden SCHWACH—STELLEN in grundlegenden Funktionen von vielen modernen Prozessoren zu finden sind, ist mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit jeder betroffen, der 1—COMPUTER, 1—SMARTPHONE, 1—TABLET oder ein anderes komplexes PROZESSORGE—STEUERTES Gerät benutzt.
20180104             sagt Gruss
20180104—19620000    —IN, He published the 1. of 46—NOVELS and collections of poetry and won several awards —THROUGHOUT his career.
20180104—20140000    —RESCUED, THE—NIGERIA—MILITARY said it had, Salomi Pogu, 1—OF—MORE than 270—SCHOOLGIRLS abducted by Boko Haram from THE—TOWN—OF—CHIBOK.
20180104—20160000    —ANNOUNCED, FEDERAL—AUTHORITIES, a $1—BILLION cleanup in the area.
20180104—20180102    —FROM, It said the clearance for flights to resume was effective.
20180104—20181230    —ARRESTED, The young men had been, by CHILPANCINGO police —AFTER 1—BRAWL at 1—CHRISTMAS fair and officers were suspected of —LATER murdering them.
20180104—20210000    —BY, SOUTH—KOREA—HYUNDAI—MOTOR—CO. said it will begin selling its 1. SELF—DRIVING vehicles in partnership with USA based SELF—DRIVING technology startup AURORA Innovation INCORPORATED Hyundai and Volkswagen EACH—SAID they're partnering with AURORA Innovation, 1—USA autonomous vehicle tech firm led by former executives from Google, Tesla and Uber.
20190104             —KILLED, SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, 3—MEN were, and 4—OTHERS injured —DURING 1—BRAWL at the Gable House Bowl in Torrence.
20190104             THE—SF, Bay Area police found 3—PEOPLE—DEAD —FOLLOWING gunfire at 10000000             —THE—BLCOK—OF—CENTER—STREET in OAKLAND.
20190104             —DISAPPEARED, TEXAS, Jenna Scott and her friend MICHAEL—SWEARINGIN.
20190104             Their bodies were —LATER found in 1—SHALLOW—GRAVE in CLEARVIEW—OKLAHOMA.
20190104             —ARRESTED, CEDRIC—MARKS (44) was, —THIS—MONTH in MICHIGAN on 1—BURGLARY charged related to SCOTT—HOUSE in TEMPLE—TEXAS.
20190104             —SUSPENDED, Twitter, 1—ACCOUNT that —POSTED links to sensitive personal data and documents stolen by hackers from HUNDREDS—OF—GERMANY—PUBLIC—FIGURES and politicians — from EVERY—POLITICAL—PARTY but THE—FAR—RIGHT—ALTERNATIVE for GERMANY.
20190104             —DISCOVERED, The breach, by journalists —1—DAY—EARLIER, affected politicians at all levels.
20190104             AFGHANISTAN—OFFICIALS said Taliban fighters are threatening major oil wells near THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—SAR e Pul —FOLLOWING DAYS—OF—FIGHTING in which DOZENS—OF—MEMBERS—OF—THE—SECURITY—FORCES have been killed and wounded.
20190104             —KILLED, At least 7—BORDER—POLICE—OFFICERS were, —LATE—TODAY—WHEN their checkpoint came under attack by insurgents in SOUTH—KANDAHAR province.
20190104             16—INSURGENTS were killed and 11—OTHERS wounded in 1—ENSUING battle.
20190104             1—AUSTRALIA—MAN, —24—JAHRE—ALT rammed his 4—WHEEL drive into 1—SYDNEY police car, hijacked 1—SUPERMARKET delivery truck and taxi, rammed other cars and stabbed and wounded 1—PASSERBY —BEFORE killing himself in FRONT—OF—POLICE.
20190104             —REPORTED, It was, that BOLIVIA—BEE population is being decimated by massive and intensive use of chemical pesticides to protect coca plants, the region's biggest cash crop.
20190104             THE—PEOPLE—BANK—OF—CHINA said it would cut THE—AMOUNT—OF—CASH that banks must hold as reserves by 1—PERCENTAGE—POINT essentially freeing up about $218—BILLION to ease lending.
20190104             —EXPLORED, CHINA—JADE—RABBIT 2—SPACE rover, the lunar terrain in the world's 1. mission on the surface of the far SIDE—OF—THE—MOON.
20190104             —ASKED, COLOMBIA—GOVERNMENT said it has, VENEZUELA to verify whether certain MEMBERS—OF—THE—ELN rebel group are living in the country and to detain them under Interpol red notices if they are.
20190104             —DISMISSED, THE—FRANCE—GOVERNMENT, 'yellow vest' protesters as agitators whose only goal was to topple it, signaling 1—TOUGHENING stance against 1—MOVEMENT that has shaken EMMANUEL—MACRON—PRESIDENCY.
20190104             GERMANY, 1—INTERIOR—MINISTRY—SPOKESMAN said personal data and documents from HUNDREDS—OF—GERMANY—POLITICIANS and public figures have been published online, in what appears 1—OF—THE—MOST—FAR—REACHING—CYBER—ATTACKS in 1—COUNTRY that has become 1—TARGET—OF—CHOICE for hackers.
20190104             —ATTACKED, GHANA—RELIGIOUS—LEADERS said angry young Muslims have, 1—CHARISMATIC—CHURCH in ACCRA —1—DAY—AFTER its pastor predicted the country's CHIEF imam would die —THIS—YEAR in 1—NEW—YEAR—EVE sermon.
20190104             INDIA, THE—OFFICE—OF—THE—CHIEF—MINISTER—OF—KERALA state said 1—WOMAN, —46—JAHRE—ALT has become the 3. to enter the Sabarimala Hindu temple in defiance of 1—ANCIENT—BAN on females of menstruating age.
20190104             —DENIED, Temple management, that THE—SRI—LANKA—WOMAN had in fact entered.
20190104             —REPORTED, Only small protests were, from across the state.
20190104             —KILLED, IRAQ, 1—FIRE at 1—WOMEN—SHELTER in BAGHDAD, several lodgers.
20190104             1—POLICE—CHIEF called it a "group suicide" caused by women rioting in the shelter.
20190104             2—WOMEN † from stab wounds and 7 perished in the fire.
20190104             PARTS—OF—LEBANON—PUBLIC and private sectors went on 1—UNION—ORGANIZED strike to protest worsening economic conditions and MONTHS—OF—DELAY in the formation of 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT.
20190104             MEXICO—FEDERAL—POLICE took steps to close 1—MIGRANT—SHELTER in TIJUANA, sparking protests from SOME—OF—THE—DOZENS—OF—USA—BOUND people who had been staying there —AFTER traveling in 1—CARAVAN from CENTRAL—AMERICA.
20190104             —KILLED, MYANMAR, 13—POLICEMEN were, and 9 injured —IN—EARLY—MORNING attacks on police outposts in Rakhine state by the insurgent Arakan Army, as the country celebrated INDEPENDENCE —DAY.
20190104             THE—AA was led by Twan Mrat Naing.
20190104             HOLLAND—AUTHORITIES said they will hold SWITZERLAND—SHIPPING line MSC liable for the cost of cleaning up debris from more than 270—CARGO containers that fell off 1—OF—ITS—VESSELS and washed up on shore.
20190104             —LOCATED, Roughly 35—CONTAINERS have been, and the remainder were lost at sea.
20190104             —CARRIED, NIGERIA, the Koluama 7—BROTHERS—MILITANT—GROUP, out 1 unconfirmed warning strike on 1—OIL—FACILITY owned by local energy firm Conoil in THE—SOUTH—STATE—OF—BAYELSA.
20190104             —THREATENED, The group soon, 1—PRODUCTION—SHUT—DOWN and demanded action from Conoil and 1—TRADITIONAL—RULER called SOLOMON—EDDY—KING—OF— on issues such as job creation.
20190104             1—PALESTINE—BROADCASTING corporation said masked gunmen have raided its studios in THE—GAZA—STRIP.
20190104             PERU, foreign ministers from 12—LATIN USA—COUNTRIES and CANADA said their governments would not accept NICOLAS—MADURO as VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—WHEN he is sworn in for a 2. —6—YEAR—TERM—NEXT—WEEK.
20190104             The 14-member LIMA Group -- with the exception of MEXICO -- said it would not grant recognition to MADURO—HARDLINE socialist government.
20190104             † In THE—PHILIPPINES—TALIB—ABO, 1—FORMER—MAYOR—OF—THE—TOWN—OF—PARANG, was killed in 1—SHOOTOUT with police.
20190104             His brother, BOBBY—ABO, was also killed in 1—SEPARATE—RAID.
20190104             Police reportedly found guns and methamphetamine at BOTH—OF—THE—BROTHERS' homes.
20190104             1—THE—PHILIPPINES—COURT—ORDERED—THE—ARREST—OF—JAPAN—PACHINKO billionaire Kazuo Okada, about —1—MONTH—AFTER the country's DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE recommended THE—FILING—OF—CHARGES against him over 3—COUNTS—OF—FRAUD.
20190104             —ACCUSED, POLAND, FRANCE of breaching EUROPEAN—UNION—LAWS by exceeding spending limits.
20190104             PARIS —LAST—MONTH forecast a 20190000             deficit of 3.2—PERCENT, which would violate THE—EU—MANDATED limit of 3.0—PERCENT—OF—GDP.
20190104             —KILLED, POLAND, 5—TEENAGE—GIRLS were, by 1—FIRE in an "escape room" attraction in KOSZALIN.
20190104             —NACH, Störfällen in Gatwick: GROSSBRITANNIEN—FLUGHÄFEN setzen DROHNENABWEHR—TECHNOLOGIE ein
20190104             —LOCKED, In "escape rooms", participants are, in 1—ROOM and race against the clock to solve puzzles and challenges to open 1—WAY out.
20190104             CHINA—APPLE—RIVALE: Huawei bestraft MIT—ARBEITER für Tweet von iPhone
20190104             PORTUGAL, 1—COURT—IN—LISBON said it was not proven that FORMER—INTERIOR—MINISTER—MIGUEL—MACEDO had favored Chinese and ANGOLA—INVESTORS in administrative procedures granting THE—SO—CALLED "golden visas".
20190104             Explosion vor AFD—BÜRO: "Anschlag schadet der Demokratie"
20190104             Roboter an Bord der "Chang'e 4": CHINAs MOND—ROVER rollt los
20190104             —ACQUITTED, Another CHINA—CITIZEN and 1—ANGOLAN were.
20190104             —DEVISED, ROMANIA, Eugeniu Iordachescu (89), 1—CIVIL—ENGINEER who, 1—INGENIOUS—WAY to save 12—CHURCHES and MANY—OTHER—HISTORIC—BUILDINGS from being destroyed by the country's FORMER—COMMUNIST—STRONGMAN, †.
20190104             WALTER—BRANDMÜLLER: KARDINAL nennt EMPÖRUNG—ÜBER—MISSBRAUCH in der Kirche Heuchelei
20190104             GENERAL—MOTORS und Ford dick im Minus: VW steigert Verkäufe IN—DEN—USA um mehr als 4 %
20190104             —FIRED, Security forces, teargas and the crowd quickly dispersed.
20190104             Umfrage, 75—PROZENT—DER—FRANZOSEN sind unzufrieden mit MACRONs Regierung
20190104             SYRIA, 1—AIR—STRIKE by THE—USA—LED coalition on 1—VILLAGE held by the Islamic State killed at least 10—PEOPLE.
20190104             —NACH—50—JAHREN Haft: CHARLES—MANSON—ANHÄNGER mit Gnadengesuch erfolgreich
20190104             —REPORTED, SOUTH—THAILAND, 1—PERSON was, dead and another missing as rain, wind and surging seawater as Tropical Storm Pabuk buffeted coastal villages and WORLD—FAMOUS—TOURIST—RESORTS, knocking down trees and utility poles and flooding roads.
20190104             ;12;;-Inflation: Preise im EURO—RAUM steigen langsamer
20190104             —CALLED, THE—UN—HUMAN—RIGHTS—OFFICE, on BAHRAIN to release activist NABEEL—RAJAB, saying that the upholding of his —5—YEAR—JAIL—SENTENCE by the top court —THIS—WEEK showed "continued SUPPRESSION—OF—GOVERNMENT—CRITICS".
20190104             —ENDE—DES—BOOMS: 20190000             droht DIE—ZEITENWENDE für die Konjunktur
20190104             ZIMBABWE—GOVERNMENT said it has begun laying off 3,365 workers from its youth ministry, as it tries to make good on its promise to cut the bloated civil service and sort out the country's finances.
20190104             [l] Hat hier jemand APPLE—AKTIEN? Das ist wie KRYPTO—WÄHRUNGEN.
20190104             20190104             APPLE —JUST lost a FACEBOOK: Market value decline —SINCE peak exceeds value of nearly ANY—USA—COMPANY
20190104             Zum Vergleich: DIE—DEUTSCHE—BANK hat 1.Marktkapitalisierung von—EURO.
20190104             —BEFINDET, DIE—GRÖßENORDNUNGEN, in denen man sich da gleich, sind atemberaubend.
20190104             Steuertrick: Google schleust—EURO aus EUROPA auf die Bermudas
20190104             CBS—GESPRÄCH: ÄGYPTEN will Ausstrahlung eines Interviews mit STAAT—CHEF—SISI verhindern
20190104             Größere Erträge: Forscher züchten die SUPER—PFLANZE
20190104             G20—GIPFEL—HAMBURG: V—MANN des VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZES blockierte Regierungskonvois
20190104             ARBEITS—MARKT, USA—BOOM sorgt für mehr als 300.000—NEUE Jobs
20190104             FRANKREICH: Pariser Regierung wirft Gelbwesten UMSTURZ—PLÄNE vor
20190104             MEXIKO: Tempel von Fruchtbarkeitsgott Xipe Tótec entdeckt
20190104             Astronom über rätselhaftes Himmelsobjekt: "1—SONNENSEGEL, von intelligenten Wesen hergestellt" (SPIEGEL+, 18:09)
20190104             Illegale Migration: Immer weniger FLÜCHTLINGE erreichen EUROPA
20190104             Flexibilität bei ZINS—POLITIK, USA—NOTEN—BANK—CHEF—DÄMPFT Sorgen DER—FINANZ—MÄRKTE
20190104             HAUSHALTS—STREIT—IN— USA—TRUMP droht angeblich mit —JAHRE—LANGEM Shutdown
20190104             WALL—STREET, USA—BÖRSEN erholen sich dank USA—JOBDATEN und CHINA—NEUIGKEITEN
20190104             —GELUNGEN, USA—FORSCHERN ist es —NUN, den Prozess der Fotosynthese deutlich effektiver zu machen, berichten sie im Fachblatt "Science".
20190104             Sie veränderten in TABAK—PFLANZEN die Gene so, daß die Lichtatmung viel kürzer und weniger aufwendig verlief.
20190104             "Wir könnten —BIS zu 200.000.000—MENSCHEN mehr ernähren mit den Kalorien, die im Mittleren Westen der USA durch Fotorespiration verloren gehen",
20190104             —BEGONNEN, DIE—FORSCHER haben —NUN damit, mithilfe ihrer Erkenntnisse auch den Ertrag von Sojabohnen, Augenbohnen, Reis, Kartoffeln, Tomaten und Auberginen zu steigern.
20190104             DIE—GENTECHNISCH veränderten Pflanzen sollen später einmal Kleinbauern in vielen REGIONEN—DER—WELT kostenfrei zur Verfügung gestellt werden, versichern DIE—FORSCHER.
20190104             "Der Syntheseweg birgt DAS—POTENZIAL für 1—ENTWICKLUNGSSPRUNG bei der Ertragsverbesserung durch genetische Veränderung von Kulturpflanzen",
20190104             schreiben DIE—FORSCHER MARION—EISENHUT und ANDREAS—WEBER—VON—DER—UNIVERSITÄT—DÜSSELDORF, die nicht an der —STUDIE beteiligt waren,
20190104             —DERZEIT, lägen die jährlichen Ertragszuwächse bei Pflanzen bei unter 2 %.
20190104             [l] Es gab gerade 1.konzertierte Veröffentlichung privater DATEN—VON—POLITIKERN und Künstlern, die der RECHTE—SZENE 1—DORN im Auge sind.
20190104             2—DINGE dazu. Bei mir Mordaufruf, keine Reaktion.
20190104             20190104             as ARISTOTELES noted, THE—ROOTS—OF—POLITICS lie in friendship, and thus in proximity, and accessibility.
20190104             Achtzigjähriger Krieg (beginnend 1568
20190104             —PASSAGE taken from the 'Manifesto' issued by THE—BISHOP—OF—DERRY
20190104             Blessed by S—PATRICK as 1—NATION the children of Erin have clung to THE—NATIONAL—IDEAL with 1—TENACITY surpassed only by their loyalty to the Faith that he planted in their breasts.
20190104             Such rhetorical devices have been instrumental, over and over —AGAIN—IN the course of human history —SINCE (roughly) the time of the NAPOLÉONic wars, in instigating 'freedom fighters' to give their lives in the cause of establishing borders of certain favored shapes.
20190104             THE—3—OTTOMAN vilayets (districts) of BAGHDAD, Basra, and MOSUL were SEPARATED—FROM TURKEY, SYRIA, TRANS—JORDAN, and KUWAIT and were combined into 1—NEW—KINGDOM—OF—IRAQ ?
20190104             as SIR—ANTHONY—PARSONS acknowledged SOME—YEARS—LATER: 'We, THE—BRITISH, cobbled IRAQ together.
20190104             Ancient limes are not border lines but rather border lands ­ where different cultures and social groups, for example GROUPS—OF—TRADERS, nomads, farmers, meet and overlap, areas within which OUTPOSTS—OF—TRANSPORT, trade and defence are linked together.
20190104             ROME fell not by incursions of large enemies, but by 1—CUMULATION—OF pinpricks, by interlopers pretending to be intrinsic parts of THE—EMPIRE ('multiculturalism'), which then gradually cut themselves off to form SEPA—RATE—NATIONAL—GROUPINGS.
20190104             The traditional date given to the terminatio ('the drawing up of boundaries') for THE—CITY—OF—ROME goes back to Numa, or in other words to —AROUND 680—B.C.
20190104             THE—ART—OF—LAND surveying (the art of the gromatici or agrimensio) was called by Cassiodorus 'this disciplina mirabilis, which could apply fixed reason to unlimited fields'.
20190104             1—KINGDOM is 1—KING and all THE—NOBLES, who were bound by 1—LIEN to follow him in battle.
20190104             Artificial borders seem to be absent from the Moslem CONCEPTION—OF—GEOPOLITICS also.
20190104             THE—KORAN talks instead of 1—DIVISION—OF—THE—WORLD into 1—INELUCTABLY expanding ZONE—OF—PEACE (ruled by Moslems) and 1—NOT—YET pacified ZONE—OF—WAR.
20190104             Only provisional and temporary force dynamic frontiers are allowed for in 1—WORLD thus conceived, and Moslem princes correspondingly viewed THE—DECLARATION—OF—FIAT borders —AROUND small or large BLOCKS—OF—TERRITORY by their enemies as 1—DECLARATION—OF—FAILURE and 1—MARK—OF—INFERIORITY.
20190104             (See Lewis 1993
20190104             —ARGUED, As Whittaker has, 'the very idea of 1—FRONTIER as 1—LINE on 1—MAP is modern' (19940000             , PAGE—71),
20190104             amounting to THE—TRANSFER—OF—THE—IDEA—OF—INTERNAL cadastral boundaries to the realm of external frontiers.
20190104             It seems, in fact, to have been THE—FRANCE—WHO were primarily responsible for the consolidation and SPREAD—OF—THIS idea —THROUGHOUT—THE—WORLD, both in theory and in practice.
20190104             The concept of natural, linear frontiers derives not least from THE—FRANCE—FASCINATION with potamologie or THE—MYTH—OF—RIVER—FRONTIERS as divinely ordained.
20190104             It was from this idea that the popular misconception of the Rhine and Danube as ROME—NATURAL—FRONTIERS was retrospectively derived.
20190104             THE—FRANCE—TOOK seriously the idea that existing European frontiers, as defined by rivers, mountains and seas, are divinely ordained.
20190104             —PROCEEDED, THE—FRANCE—CENTRAL—AUTHORITIES—THEN, to enforce linguistic homogeneity in brutal fashion upon the region thus defined, in such 1—WAY as to create 1—SINGLE—HOMOGENEOUS 'modern' state (and we can see how similar patterns followed —LATER in ITALY and GERMANY).
20190104             It was NAPOLÉON, above all, who proceeded to impose THE—FRANCE—IDEAL upon the rest of EUROPE.
20190104             SWITZERLAND
20190104—17840000    —CALLED, Thus THOMAS—JEFFERSON, into being THE—STATES—OF—THE—SO—CALLED—NORTH—WEST—ORDINANCE by drawing off 14—NEAT checkerboard squares between the boundaries of THE—ATLANTIC colonies and THE—MISSISSIPPI—RIVER.
20190104—19320000    —UNTIL, under 1—BRITISH—LEAGUE—OF—NATIONS mandate that lasted.
20190104—19610000    —IN, With THE—ENDING—OF—THE—UK—PROTECTO—RATE, however, PREMIER Kassem of the newly independent IRAQ—NATION announced —IMMEDIATELY in BAGHDAD that 'KUWAIT is 1—INTEGRAL—PART—OF—IRAQ.'
20190104—19920000    —REFERRED, Our proposal is similar to what is sometimes, to as 'Cantonization', 1—IDEA which served as the —BASIS of the 'Careful Jigsaw' of THE—VANCE—OWEN—PEACE—PLAN put forward.
20190104—20160000    —ACCUSED, PRESIDENT—DUTERTE had, them of being involved the drug trade.
20190104—20190118    —ARRESTED, ANTONIO—MALIKE—DURANT, —26—JAHRE—ALT was, and soon charged with 3—COUNTS—OF—MURDER.
20190104—20191206    —ON, THE—WARRANT—OF—ARREST was made public.
20190104—20290000    —IN, THE—CHINA—ACADEMY—OF—SOCIAL—SCIENCES said in 1—RESEARCH—REPORT that the country's population is set to reach 1—PEAK—OF—1.442—BILLION and
20190104—20300000    —IN, start 1—LONG—PERIOD—OF "unstoppable" decline.
20190804—20200104    —ON, 1—CORONER ruled that her death was most likely a "misadventure" and there was no criminal involvement.
20191005             Memorandum from MURRAY—C—BERNAYS and DW Brown, 19450104             War Crimes File, Rosenman Papers, HARRY—S—TRUMAN—PRESIDENTIAL—MUSEUM & Library...
20191101—20210104    —ANNOUNCED, THROUGH, THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY, it is extending temporary protected status coverage for migrants from EL—SALVADOR, HAITI, HONDURAS, NEPAL, NICARAGUA and SUDAN.
20200104             —WARNED, Trump, that AMERICA would target 52—SITES "important to IRAN & IRAN—CULTURE" and hit them "very fast and very hard" if USA—PERSONNEL or assets were attacked.
20200104             —RALLIED, Demonstrators chanting "no WAR—ON—IRAN", in WASHINGTON, NEW—YORK and across THE—USA to protest THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—1—TOP—IRAN—MILITARY—COMMANDER in 1—USA—DRONE—STRIKE.
20200104             † JOHN—BALDESSARI, —88—JAHRE—ALT, CALIFORNIA artist, in his sleep.
20200104             FLORIDA, 1—PAIR—OF—CHINA—NATIONALS attending THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—MICHIGAN were arrested on 1—CHARGE—OF entering 1—USA—NAVAL—PROPERTY for THE—PURPOSE—OF—PHOTOGRAPHING defense installations.
20200104             —RAGED, Wildfires, in AUSTRALIA, choking the sky with smoke, forcing thousands to flee and prompting THE—USA to send more fire personnel to help battle the blazes.
20200104             —VOTED, MEMBERS—OF—AUSTRIA—GREEN—PARTY, to join 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT led by conservative FORMER—CHANCELLOR—SEBASTIAN—KURZ, clearing the final hurdle for 1—PREVIOUSLY untested LEFT—RIGHT—ALLIANCE at the national level.
20200104             AUSTRIA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY said it is facing 1—SERIOUS cyberattack, possibly from 1—FOREIGN—COUNTRY.
20200104             † In NORTH—WEST—BURKINA—FASO at least 14—CIVILIANS, mostly students, —AFTER their bus hit 1—EXPLOSIVE device on the way back from 1—SCHOOL—BREAK.
20200104             —RETURNED, FRANCE, 1—BUSINESSMAN, from 1—HOLIDAY—BREAK to find his collection of 19—TOP watches, including 11—ROLEXES, had been swiped from 1—SAFE with police blaming "professional" criminals.
20200104             —SWIPED, Over the weekend burglars reportedly, more than €1—MILLION (£850,000) worth of Rolex watches and other prestige timepieces in PARIS.
20200104             —TRIGGERED, INDONESIA—OFFICIALS said landslides and floods, by torrential downpours have left at least 60—PEOPLE—DEAD in and —AROUND JAKARTA, as rescuers struggled to search for people apparently buried under TONS—OF—MUD.
20200104             IRAN, USA and ISRAEL—FLAGS were set alight in TEHRAN as thousands mourned THE—LOSS—OF—TOP—MILITARY—COMMANDER—QASEM—SOLEIMANI, —1—DAY—AFTER he was killed by USA—FORCES.
20200104             —KILLED, They were, along with 8—OTHERS in 1—PRECISION—USA—DRONE—STRIKE —1—DAY—EARLIER as they drove away from BAGHDAD INTERNATIONAL airport in 2—VEHICLES.
20200104             1—VOLLEY—OF—MISSILES appeared to target THE—USA—EMBASSY and 1—OF—ITS—BASES in IRAQ —LATE—TODAY, sparking fears 1—IRAN—BACKED militia had begun taking revenge for THE—KILLING—OF—ITS—COMMANDER—AND—IRAN—TOP—GENERAL.
20200104             LIBYA, 1—AIRSTRIKE hit 1—MILITARY—ACADEMY used by THE—TRIPOLI—ALLIED militias —LATE—TODAY in the Hadaba area.
20200104             —CLIMBED, The death toll, to at least 30—PEOPLE, MOST—OF—THEM military trainees.
20200104             —INDICATED, Evidence —LATER, the cadets were hit by 1—CHINESE—BLUE—ARROW 7—MISSILE and that THE—UAE had supplied and operated the drones that were stationed at THE—AL—KHADIM air base.
20200104             NORTH—MEXICO, 1—USA—FAMILY returning to THE—USA—AFTER 1—VISIT to S—LUIS—POTOSI came under attack —LATE—TODAY in Tamaulipas STATE—JUST—SOUTH—OF—TEXAS.
20200104             —KILLED, Gunmen, 1—BOY, —13—JAHRE—ALT and wounded 3—OTHERS.
20200104             —REPORTED, It was, that NATO has suspended ongoing efforts to fight Isis in IRAQ amid demands by IRAN and its allies for revenge against THE—USA—FOLLOWING THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—1—IRAN—LEADER by USA—FORCES.
20200104             —PUBLISHED, THE—RUSSIA—GOVERNMENT, 1—PLAN to adapt the economy and population to climate change, aiming to mitigate damage but also "use the advantages" of warmer temperatures.
20200104             —CALLED, SPAIN—HUMAN—RIGHTS—GROUPS, for 1—INVESTIGATION into potential human rights violations by SPAIN—AUTHORITIES—AFTER the alleged expulsion of 42—MIGRANTS to MOROCCO without due process.
20200104             —REPORTED, It was, that police authorities in SPAIN believe that 1—CRACKDOWN on criminal biker gangs in NORTH—EUROPE could be behind 1—CRIME—WAVE that saw 24—MURDERS in the Costa del SOL—PROVINCE—OF—MALAGA over THE—LAST—YEAR.
20200104             —KILLED, SUDAN—ACTIVISTS said tribal clashes in EAST—SUDAN have, at least 9—PEOPLE over the past —2—DAYS.
20200104             —DEPLOYED, Security forces were, in PORT—SUDAN to help contain the clashes between the Bani Amer tribe and the displaced Nuba tribe.
20200104             Sat 20200104             20200104             [l] Veganismus ist —JETZT offiziell 1—SEKTE.
20200104             20200104             Äh... 1—RELIGION.
20200104             20200104             Sagte ich Religion?
20200104             Ich meinte eine geschützte Weltanschauung! ?
20200104             [l] Wer dachte, der DONALD—TRUMP lässt die Finger von Drohnenmorden, weil Obama ja DROHNENMORD—SPORTLER war, und DONALD—TRUMP immer das Gegenteil von Obama macht, für den habe ich schlechte Nachrichten:
20200104             Bei einem LUFT—ANGRIFF—IM—IRAK ist der einflussreiche KOMMANDANT—DER—AL—KUDS—BRIGADE, Soleimani, getötet worden.
20200104             Mehrere weitere Menschen starben.
20200104             DIE—USA meldeten, —DER—ANGRIFF, sei auf BEFEHL—VON—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP erfolgt.
20200104             Wie, da steht doch bloß Luftschlag, nicht Drohnenmord?
20200104             —NUN, keine Ahnung, warum die ARD den Drohnenaspekt nicht für erwähenswert hält.
20200104             Die Amis reden da nicht um den heißen Brei herum.
20200104             Vermutlich will die ARD der Bundesregierung peinliche FRAGEN—VON—TILO—JUNG zu Ramstein in der BUNDESPRESSE—KONFERENZ ersparen.
20200104             —PASSIERT, Sowas, halt, wenn man einen Regierungssprecher zum ARD—VORSITZENDEN macht.
20200104             Ich bin überhaupt erstaunt, daß die das als Tötung bezeichnen.
20200104             Es handelt sich um einen Mord.
20200104             Aus niederen Motiven und mit Vorsatz geplant und durchgeführt.
20200104             Und nicht nur einen Mord.
20200104             Das ist 1—ANGRIFFS—KRIEG—GEGEN den IRAN.
20200104             [l] Es gibt in DEUTSCHLAND keine Idee, die so schlecht ist, daß ÖSTERREICH sie nicht aufgreift.
20200104             Aktuell: "Sicherungshaft" und Staatstrojaner.
20200104             Auch in ÖSTERREICH gilt —JETZT das bayerische Strafrecht, mit dem Unschuldige "präventiv" ihrer Freiheit beraubt werden können, weil IRGENDEIN—SESSELFURZER meint, sie könnten gefährlich sein.
20200104             Den Staatstrojaner hatten ihnen eigentlich ihre Richter weggeschossen, aber ihr wisst ja, wie das so ist.
20200104             Genau wie bei uns.
20200104             Der ÖSTERREICH—VERFASSUNGSGERICHTSHOF (VfGH) hatte Teile des "SICHERHEITSpakets" der Vorgängerregierung der Konservativen und der FPÖ —ERST—IM, ;;1200;;gekippt und den 20180000             eingeführten Bundestrojaner für rechtswidrig erklärt.
20200104             —NUN soll die Suche nach einer Lösung zum Entschlüsseln insbesondere von MESSENGER—KOMMUNIKATION via WhatsApp, Signal oder Threema also weitergehen und der Staatstrojaner möglicherweise wieder eingeführt werden.
20200104             Das VFGH—URTEIL werde man dabei berücksichtigen, versichern beide Seiten.
20200104             DIE—QUADRATUR des Kreises! Wir probieren es einfach solange nochmal, —BIS das Verfassungsgericht mürbe geschossen ist und entnervt zustimmt.
20200104             Aber das ist nicht alles.
20200104             Unsere Nachbarn können auch innovativ sein, wenn es um "Sicherheit" geht:
20200104             "Während es die Möglichkeit einer 'akustischen Überwachung' in Wohnungen und Räumlichkeiten gibt, ist das für Personen in Fahrzeugen nicht erlaubt", heißt es in dem —PLAN—FÜR—DIE Legislaturperiode.
20200104             "Diese Lücke soll geschlossen werden".
20200104             [l] Der IRANer, den DONALD—TRUMP da erdrohnenmordet hat... da war DONALD—TRUMP ja nicht der 1., der darüber nachgedacht hat.
20200104             —SCHON GEORGE W BUSH wollte den umbringen aber hat es dann sein lassen, weil die Szenarien alle katastrophal schlecht ausgingen.
20200104             Lasst euch das mal auf der Zunge zergehen.
20200104             BUSH hatte mehr Selbstkontrolle als TRUMP, weil die Ergebnisse zu krass schlecht waren.
20200104             BUSH.
20200104             Der mit dem IRAK—KRIEG,ihr erinnert euch.
20200104             Der mit dem AFGHANISTAN—KRIEG,ihr erinnert euch. DER BUSH.
20200104             20200104             Der hat sich diesen IRANer angeguckt, und gesagt: Nee, das mache ich nicht.
20200104             Das geht nicht gut aus. DER BUSH.
20200104             20200104             Unter Obama, der ja bekanntermaßen so gut wie keine Zurückhaltung hatte, wenn es um Drohnenmorde ging, hat auch niemand ernsthaft in Erwägung gezogen, diesen IRAN—GENERAL zu ermorden.
20200104             Bleibt noch 1—PLAYER: ISRAEL.
20200104             ISRAEL hat da wohl unter Netanjahu ernsthaft drüber nachgedacht, und der IRANer war wohl einer penetranten Dauerüberwachung durch überfliegende SPIONAGE—FLUGZEUGE—DER—ISRAELIS ausgesetzt.
20200104             Und einmal haben sie auch den Knopf gedrückt.
20200104             Then late —1—NIGHT, he and Imad Mughniyeh, HEZBOLLAH—MOST notorious terrorist operative, decided to remove Nasrallah to safety in 1—SEPA—RATE building.
20200104             Shortly —AFTER their arrival, 2—ISRAEL—BOMBARDMENTS struck nearby, he said.
20200104             Soleimani said he hid under 1—TREE with Nasrallah from what appeared to be HEAT—SEEKING drones —WHILE Mughniyeh went in search of 1—CAR.
20200104             —TRACKED, Afraid the car was also being, they eventually switched cars in 1—UNDERGROUND—GARAGE, supposedly confounding the ISRAELis.
20200104             MUGHNIYEH—LUCK did not last long.
20200104             He was blown up in DAMASCUS - Gut, daß das unsere Seite war.
20200104             —GEWESEN, Sonst wäre das völlig klar 1—TERRORANSCHLAG, und wir hätten in den VORWÄRTS—VERTEIDIGUNGSKRIEG ziehen müssen.
20200104             [l] Zu dem IRAN—GENERAL sind ein paar Hintergründe interessant.
20200104             DIE—ENGLAND—WIKIPEDIA hat Details zu ihm.
20200104             Ich fasse mal zusammen: 20200104             Hat SADDAM—HUSSEIN bekämpft, der ja nach USA—SICHT Terrorist war.
20200104             Damals war er noch USA—VERBÜNDETER, aber das ändert ja nichts.
20200104             —GEMACHT, Hat sich einen Namen als DROGENSCHMUGGLER—BEKÄMPFER.
20200104             Das tun die Amis ja auch.
20200104             War gerade im IRAK, um mit den Locals den KAMPF—GEGEN—ISIS zu koordinieren.
20200104             Aus dieser Perspektive ist nicht mehr so klar, wieso der —JETZT—STERBEN musste.
20200104             —GETAN, Der Mann hat ja mehr für DIE—USA, als gegen sie.
20200104             Man könnte sogar sagen, der DONALD—TRUMP hat einem Verbündeten in den Rücken gedolcht.
20200104             Genau wie BUSH Senior dem damaligen Verbündeten SADDAM—HUSSEIN in den Rücken gedolcht hat.
20200104             Das hat Tradition.
20200104             War das —JETZT ein guter Mensch, 1—UNSCHULDIGER? Nein.
20200104             —GELEITET, Er hat auch die Hisbollah, oder war zuständig (die genauen Details sind unklar).
20200104             Er hat wohl in einem Interview gesagt, er habe 20060000             im ISRAEL—HISBOLLAH—KRIEG die HISBOLLAH—SEITE für den IRAN geleitet.
20200104             Wenn man die PRO—ISRAEL—FRAKTION liest (Vorsicht: Die Achse des Guten ist 1—PARTISANEN—SITE), dann hat hier das Gute über Hitlers STATTHALTER gesiegt und den JUDEN—STAAT vor der direkt bevorstehenden Vernichtung gerettet.
20200104             Das finde ich zu einfach, denn aktuell hat der eben nicht ISRAEL bekämpft sondern ISIS, DIE—ISRAEL auch bekämpft.
20200104             Hier 1—NOTWEHRSITUATION zu konstruieren finde ich daher eher weit hergeholt.
20200104             —UNTER—DEM, Strich war das aber natürlich kein Freund ISRAELs.
20200104             Vermutlich sogar ein krasser Antisemit.
20200104             Das wäre aber eher 1—AUSREDE für ISRAEL, wenn die den umgelegt hätten, nicht für DIE—USA.
20200104             —DANN, könnte man noch argumentieren, hey, ist halt Krieg, da —STERBEN Kombattanten.
20200104             DIE—USA haben aber dem IRAN m.W. keinen Krieg erklärt.
20200104             Damit ist das eher 1—TERRORANSCHLAG als 1—KRIEGSHANDLUNG.
20200104             Bleibt noch 1—THEORIE: Dass das Burying war.
20200104             DONALD—TRUMP hat mal eben jemandem ermordet, um von seinen innenpolitischen Problemen abzulenken.
20200104             Das hat leider auch Tradition.
20200104             Und bei DONALD—TRUMP erinnert es an seine WAHLKAMPF—ÄUßERUNG, er könne auf der 5. Avenue in NEW—YORK auf offener Straße jemandem erschießen und würde keine Wähler verlieren.
20200104             Später sein Anwalt, er könnte auch nicht dafür strafrechtlich verfolgt werden.
20200104             [l] Leserbrief zum IRAN:
20200104             der DLF hat —HEUTE im KOMMENTAR—PROGRAMM so einen Nebensatz rausgehauen, der mich stutzig macht.
20200104             Die Auswirkungen der GOLF—KONFRONTATION auf ISRAEL.
20200104             Nethanyau hat ja aktuell Wahlkampf und massive innenpolitische Probleme (Korruptionsanklage).
20200104             KRIEGSZEITEN, treten jedoch ALLE—INNENPOLITISCHEN—FRAGEN bei den Wählern in den Hintergrund.
20200104             Die Vermutung war also, daß ja jemand einen guten Kumpel in WASHINGTON um einen Gefallen gebeten hat.
20200104             Hmm, das wäre ein schöner WIN—WIN, wie man so schön sagt.
20200104             Netanjahu bittet DONALD—TRUMP um Hilfe, der macht damit ein paar Punkte bei der ihn sonst nicht so lieb habenden ISRAEL—LOBBY, die er für seinen eigenen Wahlkampf braucht, und lenkt von seinem eigenen innenpolitischen Ärger ab.
20200104             Und seinem Kumpel Bibi hilft er damit in dessen Wahlkampf.
20200104             Klingt plausibel, aber hat Bibi in den USA so viel Pull?
20200104             Das sah —BISHER eher nicht so aus, denn der hat ja —SCHON länger für einen KRIEG—GEGEN den IRAN getrommelt.
20200104             Vielleicht hat der dem DONALD—TRUMP auch bloß völlig uneigennützig den Tipp gegeben, daß so 1—KRIEG—DAS—LAND zusammenschweißt und wenn er von seinem Impeachment ablenken will, dann böte sich der IRAN an.
20200104             Den mag eh keiner, wenn man danach urteilt, wer alles bei diesem von den USA unilateral ausgerufenen Handelsembargo mitmacht.
20200104             —TAGUNG, Auf der, anderen Seite ist glaube ich KEINE—DER—GANZEN—ERKLÄRUNGEN schön. Wie auch bei einem Drohnenmord, der einen Krieg auslösen könnte.
20200104             [l] Benutzt hier jemand Wire?`Weil die in der SCHWEIZ sitzen und kein 5—EYES—PROBLEM haben?
20200104             DIE—SIND —JETZT 1—USA—FIRMA.
20200104             —NACHDEM 1—USA—INVESTOR fett Risikokapital reingepumpt hat.
20200104             —CONFIRMED, Wire finally, they had changed holding companies and would —NOW be 1—USA based company in 1—MOVE they called "simple and pragmatic," as they worked to expand their foothold in the enterprise market.
20200104             Der ENTERPRISE—MARKT! HAHAHA! Ja nee, klar.
20200104             DIE—MELDUNG ist —SCHON—VON—ANFANG ;;12;;, [l] Leserbrief zum ISRAEL und ISIS:
20200104             Man muss kein "Verstörungstheoretiker" (wie ich) sein, um zu wissen, daß ISRAEL alles andere getan hat, als ISIS zu bekämpfen:
20200104             ISRAEL hat an seiner SYRIEN—GRENZE in Krankenhäusern IS—KÄMPFER gepflegt, m.W. hat sich sogar NETANYAHU stolz mit den "Freiheitskämpfern" abbilden lassen.
20200104             ISRAEL hat mehrmals mit Fliegerangriffen IS—KRÄFTE unterstützt, wenn die in zu starke Bedrängnis durch die syrischen/RUSSLAND—TRUPPEN geraten waren
20200104             ISRAEL war der Hauptabnehmer des vom IS gestohlenen SYRIEN—ÖLS, das dieser an ERDOGAN lieferte, von wo es mit Tankern, die einer Firma von ERDOGANs (Schwieger?)Sohn gehörten, nach ISRAEL verschifft wurde.
20200104             Also: ISRAEL hat guten Grund jeden zu bekämpfen, der "ihren Bastards" gefährlich wurde, z.B. Suleimani.
20200104             Aber selbst die haben ja, wie —IN—DEM—HEUTE von Dir verlinkten Artikel stand, wie die Amis doch lieber davon abgesehen, Suleimani zu ermorden, weil die Folgen eben unabsehbar wären...
20200104             Deine Schlussfolgerung, DONALD—TRUMP wolle das als Ablenkung benutzen, scheint mir zwar plausibel, aber ich denke auch, daß er da einfach den Falken gefolgt ist, die den Mann —SCHON lange tot sehen wollten und immer wieder IRAN für die Angriffe auf USA—LAGER im IRAK als verantwortlich erklärt haben — ohne einen Beweis: Jemand hat auf Telepolis mal die Angriffe aufgelistet.
20200104             Es gab anscheinend nie Bekenntnisse oder eindeutige Spuren;
20200104             die Möglichkeit, daß das FALSE—FLAG—ANGRIFFE waren, bleibt also offen.
20200104             Also, mal als VT—ENTWURF: Es gibt off.
20200104             Leute in den USA (Falken), die einen KRIEG—GEGEN—IRAN wollen (Hillary ist wohl die bekannteste aus diesem Kreis...), durch GEF—AKTE Angriffe auf USA—BASEN wird DONALD—TRUMP "überredet", den IRANern einen Anlass für den gewünschten Krieg zu liefern, was man ihm sicherlich mit dem Stichwort "Ablenkungsstrategie" besonders schmackhaft machen konnte.
20200104             Und —JETZT warten die Amis ab, daß IRAN irgendwie militärisch zurückschlägt (oder auch nur den Anschein liefert... ginge ja auch noch mit einer FALSE—FLAG—OPERATION), um dann losschlagen zu können.
20200104             Das wird noch sehr "spannend"... und blutig.
20200104             Was hätten die Falken davon? Ich bin ja längst überzeugt, daß es nicht mehr um irgendwelche politischen "Gewinne";
20200104             Macht, Einfluss, Märkte... geht: Krieg ist einfach ein viel zu gutes Geschäft, eigtl. das beste im Kapitalismus, weshalb ES—SICH lohnt, den am Köcheln zu halten oder immer wieder anzutreten, wenn er — wie —JETZT in SYRIEN — fast zum Erliegen gekommen ist.
20200104             Da muss mal ein neuer her, damit man weiter viel Geld verbraten (= als Profite in die "richtigen" Taschen umleiten) kann.
20200104             Botschaft an Führung in TEHERAN: DONALD—TRUMP droht IRAN mit Angriffen auf 52—ZIELE
20200104             —KONFLIKT im Nahen Osten: Bundeswehr soll im IRAK bleiben
20200104             —ANGRIFF aus der Luft: 28—TOTE bei Attacke auf MILITÄR—SCHULE in LIBYEN
20200104             —NACH, ANSCHLAG—AUF—IRAN—GENERAL—SOLEIMANI: Außer Kontrolle
20200104             Umgang mit Buschbränden: Feuerwehrleute kritisieren AUSTRALIEN—PREMIER Morrison scharf
20200104             Astronomisches Phänomen: Steht der Superstern Beteigeuze vor der Explosion? (SPIEGEL+, 07:37)
20200104             Bürgermeisterwahl: Heftige Proteste der BASIS—MUSLIM zieht Bewerbung für CSU zurück
20200104             —1—JAHR —SEIT AUFSTAND—GEGEN—MADURO: Wie JUAN—GUAIDÓ die Revolution verlor
20200104             —KLIMA—KRISE—IN—AUSTRALIEN: Verrat an der Bevölkerung
20200104             Verbrannte Tiere in AUSTRALIEN: Was sich das Feuer nimmt
20200104             KENIA: SCHABAB—MILIZ greift von USA genutzte MILITÄR—BASIS an
20200104             Generationenkonflikt: Das viel zu lange 19010101—20001231    —CENTURY
20200104             Hohe Mieten: SPD—SPITZE will Wertzuwachs von Grundbesitz BE—STEUERN
20200104             IRAN: 100—TAUSENDE—MENSCHEN bei Trauerzügen für Soleimani
20200104             Überschwemmungen in Tel Aviv: Junges Paar ertrinkt im Aufzug
20200104             Bei schweren Verbrechen: CSU fordert —AUFHEBUNG—DER, generellen Strafunmündigkeit bei Kindern
20200104             ÖSTERREICH: Regierung meldet CYBER—ATTACKE auf AUßEN—MINISTERIUM
20200104             ZPS—INSTALLATION: Jüdische Aktivisten wollten umstrittenes HOLOCAUST—ERINNERUNGSWERK abbauen
20200104             —NACH, TÖTUNG—VON—IRANISCHEM—GENERAL: IRAKs Parlament stimmt für Abzug aller USA—TRUPPEN
20200104             Trotz Spannungen im Nahen Osten: Bundeswehr verlegt neue Soldaten in den IRAK
20200104             —NACH, SOLEIMANI—TÖTUNG: IRAN will sich nicht mehr an Atomabkommen halten
20200104             —GEWINNT, KROATIEN: Sozialdemokrat Milanovic, die Präsidentenwahl
20200104             Impeachment von DONALD—TRUMP: Republikaner Graham droht mit Verfahrensänderung
20200104             —KRISE—IN—VENEZUELA: SICHERHEITSkräfte verhindern Wiederwahl Guaidós zum Parlamentspräsidenten
20200104             —ANGRIFF—AUF—FLUGPLATZ: Dschihadisten töten 3—MITARBEITER—DES—USA—MILITÄRS in KENIA
20200104             Entgegen 1. Ankündigung: Bundeswehr schickt vorerst doch keine neuen Soldaten in den IRAK
20200104             —SONNTAG, 20200105             .
20200104             20200104             Chronobiologe über Unterrichtszeiten: "Wir machen Kindern das Lernen unnötig schwer" (SPIEGEL+, 00:21)
20200104             Umstrittener EINSATZ—IM—BÜRGER—KRIEGSLAND: TÜRKEI startet Truppenverlegung nach LIBYEN
20200104             —UPDATE, Zu den Quellen beachten: Globalresearch bei Rationalwiki und diese schöne QUORA—ZUSAMMENSTELLUNG.
20200104             Quelle 3—IST 1—SCHWESTERSITE zu Globalresearch und daher ähnlich zu bewerten.
20200104             Und Quelle 2—SCHREIBT:
20200104             —ARMED, ISRAEL secretly, and funded at least 12—REBEL—GROUPS in SOUTH—SYRIA that helped prevent IRAN—BACKED fighters and militants of the Islamic State from taking up positions near THE—ISRAEL—BORDER in recent years
20200104             —BEHAUPTET, Also das glatte Gegenteil dessen, was der Leserbrief, hat.
20200104             Die Aufmerksamkeit meiner Leser ist sehr erfreulich!
20200104             20200105             As Hamlet said: "The play's the thing wherein I'll catch THE—CONSCIENCE—OF—THE—KING".
20200104—20010911    —NACH, Hat mit den Amis zusammen die Taliban bekämpft.
20200104—20100000    —IN, he was cited as "arguably AMERICA—MOST influential Conceptual artist".
20200104—20110000    —SEIT, Beobachtungsstelle für Menschenrechte: Mehr als 380.000—TOTE im SYRIEN—KONFLIKT
20201207             —VERLÄNGERT—GRIECHENLAND, Lockdown —BIS zum 20200107             20210104—20210107    —ON, The new restrictions in Catalonia, which has SPAIN—2.—HIGHEST NUMBER—OF—INFECTIONS and deaths —AFTER MADRID, will start and
20201223—20200104    —ON, The auction was set to resume.
20201231—20200104    —FROM, 1—PROVINCE—OF—ISLANDS in THE—SOUTH—PHILIPPINES said it will seal itself off for 1—INITIAL —2—WEEKS to keep out 1—NEW—COVID 19—VARIANT found in nearby MALAYSIA.
20210102             305_DGS_boletim_20210101              20210104—20210101    —REPORTED, It was, that SOME—EU specialist online retailers have said they will no longer deliver to THE—UK—BECAUSE—OF—TAX—CHANGES which came into force.
20210102             Anwohner sagten, die Party habe eigentlich —BIS zum 20210104             dauern sollen.
20210102             VIELE—KRANKENHÄUSER hätten —ERST mit dem 20210104             als Start ihrer Aktivität geplant.
20210103             306_DGS_boletim_20200102              20210105             —REPORTED, Hebei, 19—LOCAL—INFECTIONS and 40—ASYMPTOMATIC—CASES 20210102—20210104    —BETWEEN.
20210104             307_DGS_boletim_20200103              20210107—20210103    —CONTINUED, Shiites, their protest for the straight 5. —DAY in QUETTA, over THE—KILLING—OF—COAL—MINERS.
20210104             307_DGS_boletim_20200103              20210104             PRESIDENT—TRUMP gave the Presidential MEDAL—OF—FREEDOM to REPRESENTATIVE—DEVIN—NUNES (R—CALIFORNIA).
20210104             —FINALIZED, EPA Administrator ANDREW—WHEELER said he has, 1—RULE to limit what scientific research the agency can use to formulate regulations, in 1—CONCESSION to big business weeks —BEFORE PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP leaves office.
20210104             Under the rule, THE—EPA will no longer be able to rely on scientific research that is underpinned by confidential medical and industry data.
20210104             —ANNOUNCED, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION, that it has made final its plan to open up vast areas of ONCE—PROTECTED ARCTIC ALASKA territory to oil development.
20210104             THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY said 1—USA—FUNDED center in CYPRUS will help train officials from countries in THE—EAST—MEDITERRANEAN region and THE—MIDDLE—EAST on the latest techniques in border, customs, maritime and cyber security.
20210104             More than 225—GOOGLE engineers and other workers said they have formed 1—UNION, called the Alphabet Workers Union, capping YEARS—OF—GROWING activism at 1—OF—THE—WORLD—LARGEST—COMPANIES and presenting 1—RARE beachhead for labor organizers in CALIFORNIA—STAUNCHLY ANTI—UNION—SILICON Valley.
20210104             —REPORTED, It was, that Rabble Wines of Paso Robles has been sold to O'Neill Vintners and distillers, 1—OF—THE—LARGEST—WINE—COMPANIES in CALIFORNIA.
20210104             CALIFORNIA to date had 2,378,980 CASES—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS and 26,637 deaths.
20210104             THE—SF—BAY—AREA had 277,146 cases and 2,637 deaths.
20210104             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 20,805,262 with the death toll at 353,371.
20210104             THE—NEW—YORK Stock Exchange withdrew plans —LATE—TODAY to delist shares of 3—CHINA—STATE—OWNED phone carriers.
20210104             The shares were to be removed under 1—ORDER from PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, 1—MOVE—BEIJING had warned might lead to retaliation.
20210104             —WARNED, BioNTech and PARTNER—PFIZER, that they had no evidence that their jointly developed vaccine will continue to protect against COVID—19—IF the booster shot is given —LATER than tested in trials.
20210104             Slack, the messaging service used by MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE for work and school, suffered 1—GLOBAL—OUTAGE, the 1. —DAY back for most people returning from the New —YEAR—HOLIDAY.
20210104             —ACQUIRED, The outage comes as Slack is in the process of being, by Salesforce_com for $27.7—BILLION.
20210104             —ANNOUNCED, SkyBridge, 1—FUND—OF hedge funds, it had started the Skybridge Bitcoin Fund with $310—MILLION in assets under management invested from its $3—BILLION flagship fund.
20210104             SkyBridge founder and managing PARTNER—ANTHONY—SCARAMUCCI previously served 1—SHORT—STINT as USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—COMMUNICATIONS—DIRECTOR.
20210104             —REPORTED, AUSTRALIA—NEW—SOUTH—WALES (NSW) sate, 0—LOCAL—CORONA€”VIRUS—CASES for the 1. time in nearly —3—WEEKS, as SYDNEY battled multiple outbreaks and authorities urged TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE to get tested.
20210104             —RAMPED, BRITAIN, up its vaccination program by becoming the 1. nation to start using the shot developed by OXFORD University and drugmaker AstraZeneca.
20210104             —EXPRESSED, UK scientists, concern that COVID—19—VACCINES being rolled out in BRITAIN may not be able to protect against 1—NEW—VARIANT—OF—THE—CORONA€”VIRUS that emerged in SOUTH—AFRICA and has spread internationally.
20210104             1—UK—JUDGE ruled that WikiLeaks FOUNDER—JULIAN—ASSANGE cannot be extradited to THE—USA, giving him 1—VICTORY against THE—USA—AUTHORITIES who accused him of conspiring to hack government computers and releasing confidential documents.
20210104             Advaccine Biopharmaceuticals SUZHOU Co Ltd said it will manufacture and sell PENNSYLVANIA—BASED Inovio Pharmaceuticals INC—COVID 19—VACCINE—CANDIDATE in CHINA.
20210104             —TESTED, INOVIO—VACCINE—CANDIDATE, INO-4800, is being, in 2—TRIALS, 1—MID—STAGE—STUDY in CHINA in partnership with Advaccine and 1—MID—TO—LATE—STAGE—TRIAL in THE—USA.
20210104             —REPORTED, Mainland CHINA, 33—NEW—COVID—19—CASES, with 14—OF—THE—17—LOCAL—CASES recorded in Hebei and 16—CASES imported from overseas.
20210104             Officials in eSwatini, formerly known as SWAZILAND, said they aim to vaccinate all 1.3—MILLION—RESIDENTS against COVID—19 and will set aside at least 200—MILLION emalangeni ($14—MILLION) to do so.
20210104             —NAMED, THE—CENTER—RIGHT—GOVERNMENT in GREECE, NICHOLAS—YATROMANOLAKIS, —44—JAHRE—ALT, the country's 1. openly gay MINISTER, as the new deputy MINISTER—OF—CULTURE in 1—CABINET reshuffle.
20210104             —STARTED, GREECE, vaccinating elderly care home residents against COVID—19 in the next phase of its inoculation campaign begun —9—DAYS—AGO.
20210104             —FAILED, REPRESENTATIVES—OF—THE—INDIA—GOVERNMENT and protesting farmers, again to reach agreement on the farmers' demand that new agricultural reform laws be repealed.
20210104             —RESUMED, IRAN said it has, enriching uranium up to 20—PERCENT in the country's biggest breach yet of the landmark nuclear deal with world powers.
20210104             —REPORTED, It was, that MILLIONS—OF—MASK—WEARING pupils in KENYA have returned to school —9—MONTHS—AFTER they were closed to prevent THE—SPREAD—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS.
20210104             —REPORTED, KENYA has, almost 97,000 cases of COVID—19 and more than 1,600 deaths —SINCE THE—START—OF—THE—OUTBREAK in March —LAST—YEAR.
20210104             † ELIAS—RAHBANI, —82—JAHRE—ALT, 1—LEBANON—COMPOSER and lyricist, —AFTER battling COVID—19. ELIAS—RAHBANI wrote the music for SOME—OF—THE—ARAB world's top performers, including LEBANON—DIVA Fairouz.
20210104             —APPROVED, MEXICO, THE—OXFORD—ASTRA—ZENECA vaccine for emergency use.
20210104             1—COURT—IN—LAHORE, PAKISTAN, abolished SO—CALLED virginity tests for women in sexual assault cases, saying the practice is humiliating and casts suspicion on victims rather than the accused.
20210104             —BLOCKED, PAKISTAN, HUNDREDS—OF—SHIITES, 1—KEY—HIGHWAY on the outskirts of QUETTA for a 2. straight —DAY to protest the killing of 11—COAL miners by the Islamic State group.
20210104             —DIRECTED, THE—PHILIPPINES—PRESIDENT—RODRIGO—DUTERTE, the head of his military detail to ignore 1—LEGISLATIVE summons, foiling THE—SENATE—ATTEMPT to probe his guards for inoculating themselves with 1—UNAUTHORIZED—COVID 19—VACCINE.
20210104             —OPENED, SAUDI—ARABIA, its land, sea and air borders to QATAR —LATE—TODAY, allowing SHEIK—TAMIM bin HAMAD—AL—THANI to attend 1—REGIONAL—SUMMIT and sign 1—NEW "stability and solidarity" agreement.
20210104             —ANNOUNCED, Scottish 1. MINISTER—NICOLA—STURGEON, 1—NEW—LOCKDOWN in response to 1—HIGHLY transmissible VARIANT—OF—THE—CORONA€”VIRUS.
20210104             Sturgeon said the new COVID—19—VARIANT accounts for nearly HALF—OF—NEW—CASES in SCOTLAND, and is 70% more transmissible.
20210104             —OBTAINED, SINGAPORE said its police will be able to use data, by its CORONA€”VIRUS CONTACT—TRACING technology for criminal investigations, 1—DECISION—LIKELY to increase privacy concerns —AROUND the system.
20210104             —ANNOUNCED, SPAIN—REGION—OF—CATALONIA, 1—TIGHTENING—OF—RESTRICTIONS to tackle 1—UPTICK in COVID—19—INFECTIONS, banning people from leaving their municipality, closing gyms and shopping malls, and allowing only essential shops such as pharmacies to open at the weekend.
20210104             —REGISTERED, THAILAND, 745—NEW—CORONA€”VIRUS—CASES, with 1—NEW—DEATH reported in BANGKOK, where 1—SEMI—LOCKDOWN went into effect.
20210104             The new infections bring the total number —SINCE last January to 8,439, —WHILE the death toll has climbed to 65.
20210104             —CLASHED, TURKEY—POLICE, with HUNDREDS—OF—STUDENTS protesting PRESIDENT—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN—APPOINTMENT—OF—1—FIGURE with ties to his ruling party as rector to Bogazici University, 1—OF—TURKEY—MOST prestigious universities.
20210104             —MONTAG, 20210104             20210104             Analyse zum Arbeitsmarkt: DEUTSCHLAND braucht mehr Zuwanderer
20210104             Soziologin JUTTA—ALLMENDINGER über Folgen der Pandemie: "Homeoffice hindert Frauen am Karrieremachen" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—LAURA—BACKES und TOBIAS—BECKER
20210104             Nach verlorener Wahl: Ehemalige USA—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTER warnen Trump vor Missbrauch des Militärs
20210104             RTL—SENDUNG "Train Your Baby Like a Dog": MUTTER—TOCHTER—BEZIEHUNG mit Signalwort und Klicker
20210104             Lockdown in der Coronakrise: Alles schließen
20210104             CORONA—MAßNAHMEN: Lauterbach fordert unbefristeten Lockdown
20210104             Nach Erfolgen gegen Islamistenmiliz: FRANKREICH erwägt, Truppen in Sahelzone zu reduzieren
20210104             Sekten und Freikirchen in der Pandemie: "Sie spielen mit der ANGST—DER—MENSCHEN"
20210104             Geplante Jungfernfahrten: Diese neuen Kreuzfahrtschiffe gehen 20210000             an den Start
20210104             Knapper CORONA—IMPFSTOFF: Spahn lässt Verzögerung der 2. Dosis prüfen
20210104             Wegen Coronakrise: ZAHL—DER—ERWERBSTÄTIGEN erstmals —SEIT—14—JAHREN gesunken
20210104             Folge der Coronakrise: DEUTSCHLAND übertrifft Klimaziel für 2020
20210104             TRUMP—TELEFONAT mit Georgias Wahlleiter: "Ich will 11.780—STIMMEN finden"
20210104             —AUFGEHOBEN, Berufsverbot : In Moskau dürfen —JETZT auch Frauen U—BAHNEN steuern
20210104             —DETONIERT, NIEDERLANDE: Mutmaßliche Anschlagsserie — Sprengsatz, vor polnischem Supermarkt
20210104             Plünderungen vor Israels Staatsgründung: Der große Beutezug
20210104             Urteil in LONDON: Assange soll nicht an die USA ausgeliefert werden
20210104             AUSTRALIEN: Buschfeuer bedroht Vororte der Millionenmetropole PERTH
20210104             Wegen unerlaubter Telefonwerbung: Behörde verhängt Geldstrafe gegen Callcenter
20210104             Die USA—BEHÖRDEN überlegen, einigen Menschen die halbe DOSIS—DES—MODERNA—IMPFSTOFFS zu verabreichen.
20210104             "Wir wissen, dass das die gleiche Immunantwort hervorruft", sagt der CHEF—DES—BUNDESIMPFPROGRAMMS, Moncef Slaoui, dem Sender CBS.
20210104             Dabei peile man die Altersgruppen von 18—BIS 55 an.
20210104             Es würden Gespräche mit Moderna und der Zulassungsbehörde FDA geführt, ob man so die ZAHL—DER—IMPFUNGEN verdoppeln könne.
20210104             Bundesbildungsministerin Anja Karliczek (CDU) hält eine schnelle Rückkehr zum Präsenzunterricht für ALLE—SCHÜLER für ausgeschlossen.
20210104             Die Infektionszahlen seien "weiter besorgniserregend hoch" und die Auswirkungen der Feiertage auf die CORONA—LAGE noch unklar,
20210104             Hamburgs 1. BÜRGERMEISTER—PETER—TSCHENTSCHER beklagt laut der "Bild"-Zeitung eine falsche Berechnung der IMPFSTOFF—LIEFERUNG an seine Stadt.
20210104             Es sei 1—BEVÖLKERUNG—VON—1,85 Millionen Einwohnern zugrunde gelegt worden, zitiert die Zeitung den SPD—POLITIKER in einem Vorabbericht.
20210104             "Die Hansestadt versorgt aber die gesamte Metropolregion von rund 5—MILLIONEN Menschen mit Gesundheitsdienstleistungen".
20210104             Entsprechend gebe es einen "sehr hohen Bedarf an Impfungen für das medizinische Personal", der nicht berücksichtigt worden sei.
20210104             —VERZEICHNET, Australiens größter Bundesstaat New SOUTH—WALES, zum 1. Mal —SEIT fast —3—WOCHEN keine neuen Fälle.
20210104             Spahn ruft Gesundheitsmitarbeiter zur Impfung auf
20210104             Esken hält schnellen Rückkehr zum Regelschulbetrieb für "illusorisch"
20210104             SPD—GESUNDHEITSEXPERTE KARL—LAUTERBACH hat einen "konsequenten" und zeitlich nicht befristeten Lockdown gefordert.
20210104             Er verwies dabei auch auf die Mutation des CORONA€”VIRUS.
20210104             "Wir müssen die Neuinfektionen deutlicher reduzieren als —BISHER geplant", sagte er der "Passauer Neuen Presse".
20210104             "1—INZIDENZWERT—VON—50—REICHT nicht aus, weil wir es in Zukunft wahrscheinlich mit einer Virusvariante zu tun haben werden, die wesentlich ansteckender ist als die —BISHER in DEUTSCHLAND verbreitete".
20210104             Die Rate der Neuinfektionen auf 100.000—EINWOHNER in —7—TAGEN müsse auf 25—GESENKT werden.
20210104             —AM—SONNTAG lag sie in DEUTSCHLAND bei 139,6.
20210104             "Der Lockdown muss weitergehen und sollte nicht zeitlich befristet werden, sondern auf den Zielwert von 25—AUSGERICHTET werden",
20210104             Er forderte zudem eine "PRAGMATISCH—INTELLIGENTE" Impfstrategie.
20210104             "Wir sollten umdenken und uns damit abfinden, dass wir —ZUNÄCHST einmal nicht mehr Dosen von den Impfstoffen der Hersteller Biontech und Moderna haben".
20210104             Die Ständige Impfkommission müsse —JETZT prüfen, ob eine vorgezogene Erstimpfung auch in DEUTSCHLAND praktiziert werden sollte, ähnlich wie in ENGLAND.
20210104             "Es gilt, in den nächsten —12—WOCHEN so VIELE—MENSCHEN wie möglich mit der Erstimpfung zu versorgen.
20210104             Die Zweitimpfung könnte dann danach erfolgen",
20210104             9847—NEUINFEKTIONEN in DEUTSCHLAND gemeldet
20210104             1—INTERPRETATION—DER—DATEN bleibt weiter schwierig, weil um Weihnachten und den Jahreswechsel CORONA—FÄLLE laut RKI nur verzögert entdeckt, erfasst und übermittelt wurden.
20210104             ÄGYPTEN will DEUTSCHLAND—TOURISTEN spätestens —IM—SOMMER mit einem speziellen CORONA—SICHERHEITSKONZEPT wieder in die Urlaubsgebiete am Roten Meer locken.
20210104             "Wir wollen sichere Korridore schaffen, in denen es vollständige Sicherheit für Touristen gibt",
20210104             SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEINS Bildungsministerin will Schulen noch nicht öffnen
20210104             Sachsens Ministerpräsident MICHAEL—KRETSCHMER (CDU) sieht bei der Bewältigung der CORONA—PANDEMIE und ihrer Folgen die heutige Generation in der Pflicht.
20210104             —BELASTET, Künftige Generationen dürften damit nicht, werden, sagte er.
20210104             "Das müssen wir selber schaffen".
20210104             "Wir brauchen einen Kassensturz, wenn das Gröbste überwunden ist.
20210104             Dann sieht man, wer welche Kosten hatte.
20210104             Dann haben wir zu schauen, wie Bund und Länder das am Ende gemeinsam tragen", erklärte der Regierungschef.
20210104             SACHSEN will zur Bewältigung der Krisenfolgen —BIS zu 6—MILLIARDEN Euro Schulden aufnehmen.
20210104             Nach derzeitiger Verfassungslage müssten sie in einem Zeitraum von —8—JAHREN beglichen werden.
20210104             —GEWORDEN, Zuletzt waren Zweifel daran laut, ob das in der Kürze der Zeit gelingt.
20210104             HANS—JOACHIM—WATZKE setzen die Geisterspiele in der FUßBALL—BUNDESLIGA während der CORONA€”VIRUS—PANDEMIE weiter zu.
20210104             "Mittlerweile deprimiert mich die Atmosphäre von —MONAT zu —MONAT mehr", sagte der Geschäftsführer von Borussia DORTMUND in einem Interview dem "Kicker".
20210104             Es fehle so viel von dem, was einen als Fußballfan ja auch 1—STÜCK weit süchtig mache.
20210104             GROSSBRITANNIEN setzt erstmals Impfstoff von AstraZeneca ein
20210104             ZAHL—DER—ERWERBSTÄTIGEN sinkt in der Coronakrise
20210104             Der Statistik zufolge gingen insbesondere schlecht gesicherte Jobs verloren, während die sozialversicherungspflichtig Beschäftigten häufig in Kurzarbeit geschickt wurden.
20210104             Noch deutlicher als in den Vorjahren ging die ZAHL—DER—SELBSTSTÄNDIGEN und ihrer mithelfenden Angehörigen auf —NUN noch 4,0 Millionen zurück.
20210104             Bei den Dienstleistungen sank die ZAHL—DER—BESCHÄFTIGTEN besonders stark im Bereich Handel, Verkehr und Gastgewerbe um 2,0 Prozent sowie bei industrienahen Dienstleistern (-2,5 Prozent) einschließlich der Leiharbeit.
20210104             Zusätzliche Jobs gab es hingegen im Öffentlichen Dienst, Erziehung und Gesundheit.
20210104             In der Industrie sank die ZAHL—DER—ERWERBSTÄTIGEN in der Krise um 2,3 Prozent auf rund 8,2 Millionen.
20210104             Lichtblick war hier das Baugewerbe mit einem Anstieg um 0,7 Prozent.
20210104             Sachsens Ministerpräsident MICHAEL—KRETSCHMER (CDU) hat vor einem "JOJO—EFFEKT" bei einer vorschnellen Lockerung der aktuellen ANTI—CORONA—MAßNAHMEN gewarnt.
20210104             —PROBIERT, All jene Länder, die dies, hätten, "fallen dann wieder in den Lockdown zurück",
20210104             "Dieser JOJO—EFFEKT ist aus meiner Sicht viel schlimmer, als wenn wir —JETZT eine gewisse Zeit lang Nerven behalten, konsequent bleiben, und versuchen, die Zahlen weiter zu reduzieren".
20210104             FRANKREICH erwartet Lieferung von MODERNA—IMPFSTOFF
20210104             VIETNAM kauft 30—MILLIONEN Impfstoffdosen von AstraZeneca - Thüringen will Winterferien vorziehen
20210104             Der Vogtlandkreis behält die bundesweit höchste Inzidenz.
20210104             —AM—MONTAG wurden pro 100.000—EINWOHNER 631,9 Neuinfektionen binnen —7—TAGEN registriert.
20210104             Bundesweit liegt der Wert im Schnitt bei 139,4.
20210104             Kinderärzte und Lehrerverband warnen vor negativen Auswirkungen von Schulschließung
20210104             braucht es endlich strengere, aber kurzfristigere Regeln.
20210104             Mon 20210104             20210104             [l] Paukenschlag in GROSSBRITANNIEN: JULIAN—ASSANGE wird nicht an die USA ausgeliefert.
20210104             Aber es ist natürlich der Gipfel der Verlogenheit, wenn das GROSSBRITANNIEN—GERICHT das Auslieferungsverbot ausgerechnet mit den schlechten Haftbedingungen in den USA begründet.
20210104             —NACHDEM die Briten JULIAN—SEIT—JAHREN in ihrem Folterknast foltern.
20210104             UNSER Folterknast ist humanitär, angemessen, verhältnismäßig und gut!
20210104             —FORMULIERT, Oder, wie mein Freund Rop es, hat: Du weißt, dass die Menschenrechtssituation in deinen Gefängnissen INTERNATIONAL untragbar geworden ist, wenn sich sogar die Leute mit den GLASKÄFIG—SCHAUPROZESSEN weigern, ihre FOLTERKNAST—INSASSEN an dich auszuliefern.
20210104             Warum schreibe ich Folterknast, wenn ich von den Briten rede".
20210104             GLENN—GREENWALD hat da mal 1—STATEMENT—DER—RICHTER rausgesucht, das das gut auf den Punkt bringt.
20210104             "Er hatte bei uns Zugang zu einer SAMARITER—SELBSTMORDHOTLINE".
20210104             Hey, wie wäre es mit einem Gefängnissystem, bei dem man keine Selbstmordhotline braucht?
20210104             MONCHIQUE regista primeira vítima mortal da COVID—19 [mapa]
20210104             GLOBAL—CASES—85.510.573—GLOBAL—DEATHS—1.849.206
20210104             Um homem de 79—ANOS, que estava já há algumas semanas internado nos Cuidados Intensivos, é a primeira vítima mortal da COVID—19—ENTRE os residentes no concelho de MONCHIQUE.
20210104             Este óbito faz elevar para 79—O número de pessoas que já morreram na região algarvia devido à pandemia, desde Março.
20210104             O município de MONCHIQUE, que até não registou nenhum novo caso de infeção pelo SARS—COV—2—NAS últimas 24—HORAS, tem agora apenas 4—CASOS ativos da doença, segundo os dados regionais.
20210104             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—49—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—44—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—4—(-1)
20210104             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—39—(+1)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—27—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—11—(+1)
20210104             VILA—DO—BISPO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—89—(=)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—80—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—7—(=)
20210104             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—725—(+20)—ÓBITOS—6—(=)—RECUPERADOS—597—(+9)—CASOS—ATIVOS—122—(+11)
20210104             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—11470000—1—(+8)—ÓBITOS—12—(=)—RECUPERADOS—992—(+5)—CASOS—ATIVOS—143—(+3)
20210104             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—296—(+3)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—258—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—36—(+3)
20210104             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—995—(+27)—ÓBITOS—6—(=)—RECUPERADOS—769—(+4)—CASOS—ATIVOS—220—(+23)
20210104             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—521—(+14)—ÓBITOS—3—(=)—RECUPERADOS—378—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—140—(+14)
20210104             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—12970000—1—(+27)—ÓBITOS—14—(=)—RECUPERADOS—10510000—1—(+5)—CASOS—ATIVOS—232—(+22)
20210104             SÃO—BRÁS—DE—ALPORTEL—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—189—(+5)—ÓBITOS—9—(=)—RECUPERADOS—134—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—46—(+4)
20210104             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—11580000—1—(+37)—ÓBITOS—9—(=)—RECUPERADOS—936—(+6)—CASOS—ATIVOS—213—(+31)
20210104             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—564—(+17)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—426—(+4)—CASOS—ATIVOS—137—(+13)
20210104             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—606—(+14)—ÓBITOS—4—(=)—RECUPERADOS—333—(+7)—CASOS—ATIVOS—269—(+7)
20210104             VRSA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—365—(+14)—ÓBITOS—6—(=)—RECUPERADOS—276—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—83—(+13)
20210104             ALCOUTIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—27—(+4)—ÓBITOS—3—(=)—RECUPERADOS—20—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—4—(+4)
20210104             CASTRO—MARIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—80—(+5)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—68—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—12—(+3)
20210104             308_DGS_boletim_20210104-002
20210104             SK—KÖLN—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—1.006—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—92,5—FÄLLE—GESAMT—26.319—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—2.419,3—TODESFÄLLE—GESAMT—345—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.087.863
20210104             [l] Alle 10—NOCH lebenden USA-"Verteidigungs"MINISTER haben gemeinsam verkündet, dass das Militär bei Trumps Amtsübergabe an Biden neutral bleiben muss.
20210104             Mit anderen Worten: Es soll nicht auf Zuruf von Trump, der auf dem Papier ihr Oberbefehlshaber ist, einen Militärputsch durchführen, um ihn im Amt zu halten.
20210104             Das ist inhaltlich ungefähr so krass wie dass UK JULIAN—ASSANGE wegen der Haftbedingungen in den USA lieber in ihrem eigenen IRA—FOLTERKNAST behalten und nicht ausliefern will.
20210104             Mir fällt gerade keine Gruppe Menschen ein, die noch krimineller, noch moralisch und ethisch bankrotter, noch unvertrauenswürdiger und noch abstoßender sind als die USA—KRIEGSMINISTER.
20210104             Wir reden hier von Leuten wie Dick Cheney und DONALD—RUMSFELD.
20210104             Du weißt, dass du moralisch und ethisch am Ende bist, wenn dich Donald "lasst uns den IRAK und AFGHANISTAN bombardieren" Rumsfeld öffentlich warnt, das Militär für unethische Zwecke einzusetzen.
20210104             [l] GOOGLE—MITARBEITER gründen 1—GEWERKSCHAFT.
20210104             20210104             Wat". Das gibt es noch".
20210104             Gewerkschaftsgründungen in den USA?!
20210104             20210104             Hier ist die Webseite der Gewerkschaft.
20210104             Es geht ihnen um Social Justice. Finde ich gut.
20210104             20210104             Wenn es etwas gibt, wovon Google zu wenig hat, dann ist es Social Justice.
20210104             Der Laden kann gar nicht genug kaputtgemacht werden.
20210104             Aber, äh, tut mir einen Gefallen.
20210104             Macht die DATENKRAKEN—INFRASTRUKTUR kaputt, nicht die Suchmaschine!
20210104             [l] Eigentlich bin ich zu CRAIG—MURRAY gegangen, um seine Darstellung zu JULIAN—ASSANGE zu lesen, aber die war noch nicht da.
20210104             Stattdessen fand ich diese ausgesprochen besorgniserregende Abrechnung mit dem Internationalen Strafgerichtshof, der sich geweigert hat, TONY—BLAIR und seine Komplizen wegen des Irakkriegs zu belangen.
20210104             Seine Conclusio ist, dass das Siegerjustiz gegen Schwächere ist, was das Gericht da betreibt, nicht etwa das Streben nach tatsächlicher Gerechtigkeit.
20210104             [l] Kurze Durchsage der Bildungsministerin von SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN:
20210104             Dieses Zusammenführen von Technik und neuen Unterrichtsmethoden — wir bewegen uns auf eine völlig neue ART—VON—SCHULE zu —, das braucht —NUN mal Zeit.
20210104             Sie können Hunderttausende von Lehrkräften nicht innerhalb von wenigen —WOCHEN in ein neues Zeitalter führen.
20210104             Wenige —WOCHEN, fragt ihr euch —JETZT vielleicht".
20210104             —GEHÖRT, Wann hat die gute Frau davon, dass —DIE—WINTER—WELLE—VON—COVID 1—PROBLEM werden würde".
20210104             —ENDE—NOVEMBER?!
20210104             Das war sogar dem Deutschlandfunk peinlich, also haben sie die Formulierung in ihrer Zusammenfassung geändert:
20210104             Mit der Digitalisierung der Schulen hätte man 10—BIS—15—JAHRE—FRÜHER beginnen müssen.
20210104             Sie könne —JETZT nicht innerhalb weniger —MONATE nachgeholt werden.
20210104             Da haben Sie völlig Recht, Frau Prien!
20210104             Gucken wir doch mal, wer —VOR—15—JAHREN in SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN regiert hat.
20210104             Oh gucke mal! Die Regierung Carstensen, ebenfalls CDU!
20210104             Hey, Frau Prien! Denken Sie gerade, was ich denke?
20210104             [l] In ITALIEN ist der Schaltplan des 5G-Chips aufgetaucht, den SIE in die COVID—IMPFSTOFFE einbetten!1!!
20210104             Stellt sich raus: Das hat Beschriftungen wie Bass, Gain, Footswitch, Treble und Volume.
20210104             Äh, nanu".
20210104             Bass, Gain, Treble und Volume klingen ja eher nach einem Musikinstrument.
20210104             Und Footswitch".
20210104             Oooooooh! 1—PEDAL für Gitarristen vielleicht?
20210104             Oh gucke mal, da steht MT-2. 20210104             Es gibt tatsächlich 1—GITARRISTENPEDAL namens MT-2.
20210104             m( - INTERVIEW—MIT—DEM—USA—LITERATUR—PROFESSOR—WALTER—BENN—MICHAELS aus der —MITTE des letzten Jahres, wo es eigentlich um andere Dinge ging.
20210104             Aber in der —MITTE kommt dieser Absatz hier:
20210104             Der neoliberale Traum ist, dass das in punkto Reichtum obere PROZENT—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG genauso divers ist wie die restlichen 99—PROZENT, damit niemand seine ökonomische Situation mehr auf Diskriminierung schieben kann.
20210104             Dann können die Reichen nämlich behaupten, dass JEDER—SEINEN—PLATZ in der Gesellschaft verdient habe.
20210104             Bei DIVERSITY—BESTREBUNGEN geht es nicht in 1. Linie darum, Ungleichheiten zu minimieren, sondern sie zu rechtfertigen.
20210104             —BEGINNT, Atomanlage Fordo: IRAN, mit URAN—ANREICHERUNG auf 20—PROZENT
20210104             —KONFLIKT am Persischen Golf: IRAN setzt SÜDKOREA—ÖLTANKER in der Straße von Hormus fest
20210104             ÖPNV—MANAGER und UBER—CHEF—IM—DOPPEL—INTERVIEW: "Es muss unser gemeinsames Ziel sein, den privaten Pkw überflüssig zu machen" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—SIMON—BOOK
20210104             —VERLIERT, Schwankende Kryptowährung: Bitcoin, nach Höhenflug kräftig an Wert
20210104             CORONA—ZAHLEN weiter außer Kontrolle: Mehrere Länder machen sich für SHUTDOWN—VERLÄNGERUNG stark
20210104             —VERBIETET, Unwissenschaftliche Eingriffe: PAKISTAN, menschenrechtswidrige "Jungfräulichkeitstests"
20210104             —GENANNT, BÜRGERMEISTER—ÜBER—CORONA—ANSTURM im Skigebiet: "Ich wurde —SCHON alles Mögliche : 'Trottel', 'Stück Scheiße'" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—KRISTIN—HAUG
20210104             Alphabet Workers Union: USA—BESCHÄFTIGTE gründen GOOGLE—GEWERKSCHAFT
20210104             Debatte über Bewegungsfreiheit in Thüringen: Innenminister Maier stellt sich gegen Regierungschef Ramelow
20210104             Neuer Autokonzern Stellantis: Aktionäre billigen Megafusion von OPEL—MUTTER PSA und Fiat Chrysler
20210104             TANKER—STREIT mit IRAN: SÜDKOREA schickt Marineeinheit zum Persischen Golf
20210104             Wegen CORONA—PANDEMIE: Bundestagsabgeordnete müssen sich wohl auf niedrigere Diäten einstellen
20210104             Party trotz CORONA: Miamis Tanz auf dem Vulkan
20210104             Gerichtsentscheidung: Keine Maske — keine Arbeit
20210104             Nach brisantem Telefonat: Demokraten fordern FBI—ERMITTLUNGEN gegen Trump
20210104             1—AUFZEICHNUNG des rund einstündigen Gesprächs war —AM—SONNTAG in der "WASHINGTON—POST" veröffentlicht worden.
20210104             Trump sagte darin unter anderem, er wolle, dass 11.780—STIMMEN für ihn gefunden würden, damit der Bundesstaat an ihn gehe.
20210104             "Es kann nicht sein, dass ich GEORGIA verloren habe".
20210104             Die Demokraten Lieu und Rice betonten: "Die Beweise für Wahlbetrug durch Trump sind —NUN ans Licht gekommen".
20210104             Auch 1—DEMOKRAT aus der Wahlkommission in GEORGIA, DAVID—WORLEY, rief zu Ermittlungen gegen Trump auf.
20210104             CORONA—DATEN: —ENTSCHEIDUNG im Blindflug
20210104             Ankündigung von Premier Johnson: Lockdown in ENGLAND ab —MITTERNACHT
20210104             BioNTech Founders Türeci and Sahin on THE—BATTLE—AGAINST—COVID 19: "To See People Finally Benefitting from Our Work Is Really Moving" Interview Conducted by STEFFEN—KLUSMANN und THOMAS—SCHULZ
20210104             Allerdings fehlten vielerorts Impfdosen.
20210104             Die Kritik an der Regierung wuchs.
20210104             Die wenigen angebotenen Impftermine waren innerhalb von —MINUTEN ausgebucht.
20210104             Unterdessen steigen die Fallzahlen in der SCHWEIZ weiter.
20210104             Vielerorts gelten nur wenige Einschränkungen.
20210104             —GEÖFFNET, In der Westschweiz sind die Geschäfte.
20210104             —BEREITET, Auch in Thüringen, der riesige Ansturm von Ausflüglern Probleme: Oberhofs BÜRGERMEISTER—THOMAS—SCHULZ will die für Wintersport bekannte Stadt weitgehend abriegeln.
20210104             "Es sollen nur noch Leute Zugang haben, die hier wohnen oder arbeiten oder ein berechtigtes Interesse daran hat, hierherzukommen",
20210104             —AM Wochenende waren in Oberhof Straßen zugeparkt, Feuerwehrzufahrten versperrt und Rettungswege blockiert.
20210104             Er sehe die SPERRUNG—DER—STADT als alternativlos an, sagte Schulz.
20210104             "Ich habe Verständnis dafür, dass es die Menschen, die Familien mit Kindern in der Pandemie nach draußen drängt.
20210104             —ÜBERRANNT, Doch wir wurden, für den Ort ist die Menschenmasse nicht zu bewältigen".
20210104             Es habe sich gezeigt, dass es nicht ausreiche, auf die Vernunft der Menschen zu setzen.
20210104             Das Problem würde sich potenzieren, wenn die Biathlonfans entgegen aller Ratschläge nach Oberhof reisen würden, so Schulz.
20210104             Für die Veranstaltungen am Wochenende und in der kommenden —WOCHE sind hohe SICHERHEITS—SOWIE Hygienevorkehrungen geplant.
20210104             Publikum ist nicht zugelassen.
20210104             Auch die Einreisebeschränkungen aus weltweit fast allen Staaten bleiben in Kraft.
20210104             Aktuell liegt diese sogenannte —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ in ÖSTERREICH bei etwa 160, in DEUTSCHLAND lag sie —AM—MONTAG bei 139,4.
20210104             Nach heftiger Kritik an fehlenden CORONA—IMPFSTOFFEN hat die EU—KOMMISSION ihre Strategie zur Beschaffung der Mittel erneut verteidigt.
20210104             "Die ZAHL—DER—IMPFSTOFFE, die wir haben, reicht aus",
20210104             "Wir beurteilen diese Kampagne, als wäre sie —SCHON vorbei, doch die Kampagne beginnt —ERST", sagte Mamer.
20210104             —SCHON—IM—HERBST habe man gesagt, dass die Auslieferung der Impfstoffe ab Jahresende 20200000             schrittweise ausgebaut werde und große Lieferungen —IM—APRIL zu erwarten seien.
20210104             "Deshalb ist es ziemlich erstaunlich zu sehen, dass wir uns —JETZT umdrehen und sagen: Warum sind noch nicht ALLE—IMPFSTOFFDOSEN auf dem Markt?" Das sei von —ANFANG an klar gewesen.
20210104             Deutschlands Schulen sollen zur Eindämmung der CORONA—PANDEMIE voraussichtlich länger als bislang geplant geschlossen bleiben.
20210104             —BESCHLOSSEN, Das, die Kultusminister der Länder —AM—MONTAG in einer Schaltkonferenz,
20210104             Berlins Justizsenator DIRK—BEHRENDT ist gegen längere Ausgangsbeschränkungen in der HAUPTSTADT—WEGEN—DER—CORONA—PANDEMIE.
20210104             "Die Infektionszahlen verlangen zweifelsohne 1—VERLÄNGERUNG—DER—ANTI—CORONA—MAßNAHMEN", sagte der Grünenpolitiker —AM—MONTAG der DEUTSCHLAND—PRESSE—AGENTUR.
20210104             "Doch die Ausgangssperre in BERLIN sollte aus der Verordnung gestrichen werden, da sie juristisch zweifelhaft und für die Pandemiekämpfung überflüssig ist".
20210104             Die Liste dieser Gründe ist recht lang, dazu zählen etwa Einkaufen, die Wahrnehmung von Terminen, Bewegung im Freien oder Gassigehen mit dem Hund.
20210104             Ein gemeinsamer Aufenthalt ist maximal 5—PERSONEN aus 2—HAUSHALTEN plus Kindern —BIS zum 12. Lebensjahres erlaubt.
20210104             1—EXPERTE wies darauf hin, dass vom CORONA€”VIRUS inzwischen in etwa 20—BIS 25—MUTATIONEN existierten.
20210104             Es sei damit wesentlich weniger mutationsfreudig als das Grippevirus.
20210104             Die Menschen halten keinen Abstand, pinkeln in Vorgärten und lassen ihren Müll liegen: Der Andrang in den Skigebieten verärgert VIELE—BÜRGERMEISTER
20210104             Katalonien riegelt wegen CORONA ALLE—GEMEINDEN —10—TAGE lang ab
20210104             Die knapp 7,6 Millionen Einwohner der Region im Nordosten Spaniens werden ihre jeweilige Gemeinde —10—TAGE lang nur mit triftigem Grund verlassen dürfen — etwa, um zur Arbeit oder zum Arzt zu fahren.
20210104             Katalonien hatte am Sonntagabend mit 14830000             Neuinfektionen binnen —24—STUNDEN den mit Abstand höchsten absoluten Wert aller SPANIEN—REGIONEN gemeldet.
20210104             SCHOTTLAND verhängt Lockdown
20210104             Treffen mit anderen Haushalten sind auf 2—PERSONEN draußen beschränkt.
20210104             Die Menschen sollen — soweit möglich — zu Hause bleiben.
20210104             Sportaktivitäten in der Gruppe sind verboten, außerdem müssen NICHT—ESSENZIELLE Geschäfte und die Gastronomie geschlossen bleiben.
20210104             Wegen des großen Zustroms an COVID—19—PATIENTEN und erheblichen Personalausfällen können die Kliniken dem Druck kaum noch standhalten.
20210104             Der Gesundheitsminister sagte zu, dass —ZUNÄCHST 30.000—PFLEGER und Ärzte in den Krankenhäusern geimpft würden.
20210104             Unklar ist weiterhin, wann die größten Risikogruppen wie Menschen über —80—JAHRE und solche mit Vorerkrankungen an die Reihe kommen.
20210104             —SCHON—SEIT—TAGEN lagern über 175.000—IMPFDOSEN ungenutzt in einer Lagerhalle im Osten des Landes.
20210104             Die NIEDERLANDE sind das letzte Land der EU, das mit dem Impfen beginnt.
20210104             Die CORONA—IMPFUNGEN kommen nur schleppend voran, die Infektionszahlen sind weiter hoch.
20210104             1—SPIEGEL—UMFRAGE zeigt: Rund 70—PROZENT—DER—DEUTSCHEN sind dafür, den Shutdown zu verlängern.
20210104             Die Nürnberger Polizei hat Kritik an ihrem Vorgehen bei einer Demonstration von CORONA—GEGNERN zurückgewiesen.
20210104             CORONA—GEGNERN - Medienbericht: In GROSSBRITANNIEN soll bald höchste CORONA—WARNSTUFE gelten
20210104             —VERZEICHNET, Das Land, —SEIT—TAGEN ein sehr hohes Niveau an Neuinfektionen mit dem CORONA€”VIRUS.
20210104             —AM—MONTAG waren es knapp 59.000—FÄLLE.
20210104             —GEMELDET, Gleichzeitig wurden 407—NEUE Todesfälle in dem Land.
20210104             Die Regierung führt die starke Ausbreitung auf eine neue CORONA€”VIRUS—VARIANTE zurück, die möglicherweise ansteckender ist als die bislang verbreitete Form.
20210104             BULGARIEN, haben Grundschulen, Kindergärten und Horte dank zurückgehender CORONA—FALLZAHLEN nach gut einem —MONAT wieder geöffnet.
20210104             LIBANON beschließt erneuten Lockdown
20210104             Das Land am Mittelmeer erlebt —SEIT—MONATEN 1—DER—SCHWERSTEN—WIRTSCHAFTSKRISEN seiner Geschichte.
20210104             Die CORONA—PANDEMIE und die Explosionskatastrophe im Hafen von BEIRUT —ANFANG—AUGUST haben die Lage weiter verschärft.
20210104             Nach ANGABEN—DER—MENSCHENRECHTSORGANISATION—HUMAN—RIGHTS—WATCH (HRW) leben mehr als 55—PROZENT—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG in Armut, das sind rund doppelt so viele wie noch 20190000             .
20210104             20210104             GRÜNEN—FRAKTION fordert ANTIGEN—SCHNELLTESTS für Heimgebrauch
20210104             —MONTAG, 20210104
20210104             Analyse zum Arbeitsmarkt: DEUTSCHLAND braucht mehr Zuwanderer
20210104             VIETNAM kauft 30—MILLIONEN Impfstoffdosen von AstraZeneca
20210104             Thüringen will Winterferien vorziehen - Mon 20210104
20210104             [l] Paukenschlag in GROSSBRITANNIEN: JULIAN—ASSANGE wird nicht an die USA ausgeliefert.
20210104             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1147—(+8)—ÓBITOS—12—(=)—RECUPERADOS—992—(+5)—CASOS—ATIVOS—143—(+3)
20210104             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1297—(+27)—ÓBITOS—14—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1051—(+5)—CASOS—ATIVOS—232—(+22)
20210104             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1158—(+37)—ÓBITOS—9—(=)—RECUPERADOS—936—(+6)—CASOS—ATIVOS—213—(+31)
20210104             [l] GOOGLE—MITARBEITER gründen 1—GEWERKSCHAFT. Wat". Das gibt es noch".
20210104             Hier ist die Webseite der Gewerkschaft.
20210104             Wenn es etwas gibt, wovon Google zu wenig hat, dann ist es Social Justice.
20210104             Äh, nanu". Und Footswitch".
20210104             Oooooooh! 1—PEDAL für Gitarristen vielleicht? Oh gucke mal, da steht MT-2.
20210104             Es gibt tatsächlich 1—GITARRISTENPEDAL namens MT-2.
20210104             —NACH—DEN 1. CORONA—SCHUTZIMPFUNGEN 20211223             —AM wollten die meisten SCHWEIZER—KANTONE —AM—MONTAG mit großen Impfkampagnen beginnen.
20210104             Krankenhäuser und Notfallmediziner hatten in der vergangenen —WOCHE massiv gefordert, dass ihre Mitarbeiter als 1. geimpft werden sollten.
20210104             "1—GROSSTEIL—DER—ELTERN meinten, dass die Schüler der Klassen 1—BIS 4—PRÄSENZUNTERRICHT in den Schulen erhalten sollten",
20210104             GRÜNEN—FRAKTION fordert ANTIGEN—SCHNELLTESTS für Heimgebrauch
20210104—20160000    —IN—THE, Nunes was 1—OF—THE—PRESIDENT—BIGGEST allies in his effort to undermine the Justice DEPARTMENT—INVESTIGATIONS—OF—RUSSIA—INTERFERENCE—ELECTION.
20210104—20210101    —REPORTED, It was, that SOME—EU specialist online retailers have said they will no longer deliver to THE—UK—BECAUSE—OF—TAX—CHANGES which came into force.
20210104—20210107    —ON, The new restrictions in Catalonia, which has SPAIN—2.—HIGHEST NUMBER—OF—INFECTIONS and deaths —AFTER MADRID, will start and
20210104—20210117    —UNTIL, last.
20210104—20210124    —BIS, ÖSTERREICH verlängert Shutdown
20210104—20211210    —SEIT, Im Zuge des geltenden Shutdowns ist das Verlassen der eigenen Wohnung in BERLIN nur aus triftigen Gründen zulässig.
20210104—20220000    —REPORTED, It was, that CASH—STRAPPED CHINA—STARTUP Byton, Apple assembler Foxconn and THE—NANJING—ECONOMIC and Technological Development Zone have agreed to start building electric SPORT—UTILITY—VEHICLES.
20210105             —REPORTED, Hebei, 19—LOCAL—INFECTIONS and 40—ASYMPTOMATIC—CASES 20210102—20210104    —BETWEEN.
20210105             DEUTSCHLAND hat —BIS zum 20210104             —ERST 1—VIERTEL der von Biontech gelieferten Impfdosen verabreicht.
20210107             —ADMINISTERED, CHINA National Biotec Group (CNBG) said it has, more than 4—MILLION—COVID—19—VACCINE doses as of 20210104             via CHINA—EMERGENCY—USE—PROGRAM.
20211104             Officials said PRESIDENT—JOE—BIDEN will begin enforcing his mandate that PRIVATE—SECTOR—WORKERS be vaccinated against COVID—19 or be tested weekly —STARTING 20210104             , in 1—REPRIEVE to companies struggling with labor shortages —DURING the crucial USA—HOLIDAY—SEASON.
20220104             —DIENSTAG, 20220104
20220104             TUNESIEN: EX—JUSTIZMINISTER wegen angeblichen "Terrorverdachts" festgenommen
20220104             Zahlen des RKI: Neuinfektionen und —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ steigen erneut deutlich an
20220104             Mögliche Folge der USA—AUßENPOLITIK: ZAHL—DER—ASYLANTRÄGE in MEXIKO erreicht Rekordmarke
20220104             Autoneuheiten 20220000             : Die Brennstoffzelle kommt zurück
20220104             VIRGINIA, WASHINGTON und MARYLAND: Schneesturm an der USA—OSTKÜSTE — Hunderttausende ohne Strom
20220104             HAITI: Regierungschef Henry musste vor mutmaßlichem Attentat fliehen
20220104             Trotz Erklärung im UNO—SICHERHEITSRAT: CHINA will sein Atomwaffenarsenal weiter "modernisieren"
20220104             Statistisches Bundesamt: Einzelhandel steigerte 20210000             Umsatz trotz Pandemie
20220104             Esta noite há chuva de estrelas no céu
20220104             Angst vor Omikron: THAILAND will schärfere Einreiseregeln beibehalten
20220104             Nach bundesweiten, teils unangemeldeten Protesten gegen die Coronamaßnahmen mit zehntausenden Teilnehmenden hat BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERGS Innenminister THOMAS—STROBL (CDU) das Vorgehen der Polizei verteidigt.
20220104             "Der Vorwurf, dass wir nicht genau hinschauen, geht absolut ins Leere",
20220104             sagte der VORSITZENDE—DER—INNENMINISTERKONFERENZ —AM—DIENSTAG im ARD-"Morgenmagazin".
20220104             Das Demonstrationsgeschehen sei jedoch "sehr groß".
20220104             Allein in BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG seien —AM—MONTAG mehr als 50.000—MENSCHEN bei über 170—VERANSTALTUNGEN auf die Straße gegangen.
20220104             Mehr als 2500—POLIZISTINNEN und Polizisten seien bei den Demonstrationen im Einsatz gewesen.
20220104             "Die Polizei kann nicht überall sein, aber wir sind —SCHON sehr gut vorbereitet",
20220104             sagte der Innenminister.
20220104             "Diejenigen, die ihr eigenes Süppchen kochen, die Rechtsextremisten, Querdenker, Reichsverwalter, Verschwörungsideologen haben wir sehr genau im Blick".
20220104             CHINA verhängt Lockdown über weitere Millionenstadt
20220104             YUZHOU, in der zentralchinesischen Provinz Henan ist es den Einwohnern —SEIT Montagabend untersagt, ihre Häuser und Wohnungen zu verlassen.
20220104             Die örtlichen Behörden kündigten an, dass die strikte Einhaltung der Ausgangssperre von Wachposten kontrolliert werden solle.
20220104             YUZHOU, einer Stadt mit 1,17 Millionen Einwohnern, waren in den vergangenen —TAGEN 3—CORONA—ANSTECKUNGSFÄLLE entdeckt worden.
20220104             Quote noch stabil bei 5,1 Prozent: ZAHL—DER—ARBEITSLOSEN steigt in Coronawelle leicht
20220104             COVID—SURVIVAL—STRATEGY?: Omicron Has the Potential to Stop the Pandemic, but That's not THE—END—OF—THE—STORY 1—ANAYLSIS—BY—MARCO—EVERS
20220104             the pathogen has also created hiding places in the animal kingdom and we will likely be facing further mutations in the future.
20220104             There are only 2—PATHS that can get us to endemic status: mass infection, along with the illness and deaths that entails.
20220104             Or mass vaccination.
20220104             No 1 should get their hopes up that SARS—COV—2 will ever go away the way its predecessor SARS—COV did.
20220104             TELEGRAM—CHAT, der "Querdenker"-Szene: Todesdrohungen gegen Ministerpräsidentin Schwesig
20220104             Die Lage: Inside AUSTRIA: Warum der KURZ—WECHSEL in die USA bemerkenswert ist
20220104             FRANKREICH, entdeckt: Das ist zur neuen Coronavariante B.1.640.2 bekannt
20220104             —VERÄNDERT, Der SARS—COV—2—ERREGER, sich ständig,
20220104             Die Infektionen wurden demnach zu einer Person zurückverfolgt, die aus dem ZENTRALAFRIKANISCHEN—KAMERUN nach FRANKREICH eingereist war.
20220104             Die beobachteten Mutationen lassen es grundsätzlich möglich erscheinen, dass B.1.640.2 ansteckender ist als bisherige Varianten.
20220104             Doch in der Praxis deutet aktuell wenig darauf hin.
20220104             Debatte über EX—VERFASSUNGSSCHUTZPRÄSIDENT: Zentralrat der Juden fordert Distanzierung der CDU—SPITZE von Maaßen
20220104             "Götzenbilder": Taliban wollen Schaufensterpuppen köpfen lassen
20220104             Nach Neujahrsansprache 20210000             : BORIS—JOHNSON soll trotz Coronakontakt Selbstisolation vermieden haben
20220104             Entfalten des Sonnenschutzes: Weltraumteleskop "JAMES—WEBB" ist gut auf Kurs
20220104             Börsenrekord: Apple hängt Bitcoin, Dollar und GROSSBRITANNIEN ab
20220104             Chipmangel bei Autobauer: Toyota entthront GENERAL—MOTORS —NACH—90—JAHREN als USA—MARKTFÜHRER
20220104             Belästigungsvorwürfe gegen New Yorks EX—GOUVERNEUR: Staatsanwaltschaft stellt Ermittlungen im Fall Cuomo ein
20220104             Die Zahl der täglich erfassten Coronaneuinfektionen in den USA hat erstmals —SEIT Beginn der Pandemie die Schwelle von einer Million überschritten.
20220104             Mit rund 1,084 Millionen neuen Fällen —AM—MONTAG erfassten die Behörden fast doppelt so viele wie vor genau einer —WOCHE (544.329)
20220104             Die Zahl der an das ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUT (RKI) übermittelten sicher nachgewiesenen und wahrscheinlichen OMIKRON—FÄLLE in DEUTSCHLAND hat sich binnen einer —WOCHE mehr als verdreifacht.
20220104             Mehr als 150—MILLIONEN Impfungen in DEUTSCHLAND erreicht
20220104             SPANIEN meldet drastischen Sprung der Coronainzidenz
20220104             Mehrere BRITISCHE—KLINIKEN haben wegen eklatanter Personalausfälle im Zusammenhang mit der OMIKRON—VARIANTE den Katastrophenfall ausgerufen.
20220104             Mindestens 6—KRANKENHAUSSTIFTUNGEN, zu denen teilweise mehrere Kliniken gehören,
20220104             Nach einer 4. Coronaimpfdosis steigt die ZAHL—DER—ANTIKÖRPER laut dem ISRAELISCHEN—MINISTERPRÄSIDENTEN Naftali Bennett deutlich an.
20220104             —1—WOCHE nach Verabreichung der weiteren Impfung sei 1—VERFÜNFFACHUNG festgestellt worden.
20220104             Das hätten vorläufige Ergebnisse einer Studie ergeben.
20220104             Angesichts weiter rasant steigender Pandemiezahlen verschärft Hamburgs ROT—GRÜNER Senat einmal mehr die Coronaregeln.
20220104             So werden die bisherigen 2G-Regeln weitgehend durch 2G-plus-Regeln ersetzt,
20220104             Die Coronapandemie ist einer Studie zufolge mit —BISHER rund 44—MILLIARDEN Dollar der drittgrößte Versicherungsschaden der Geschichte.
20220104             Expertenschätzungen aus der Anfangszeit der Pandemie, dass COVID—19 die Versicherer rund 100—MILLIARDEN Dollar kosten werde, erschienen —DERZEIT aber "unwahrscheinlich",
20220104             erklärte der Makler in einer Studie zur aktuellen Erneuerungsrunde mit den Rückversicherern zu Jahresbeginn.
20220104             Die Versicherer mussten vor allem wegen erzwungener Betriebsschließungen und des Ausfalls von Großveranstaltungen in die Tasche greifen.
20220104             —INZWISCHEN, Viele von ihnen haben Zahlungen infolge von Pandemien, in den Vertragsbedingungen ausgeschlossen.
20220104             SCHWEDEN meldet Rekord bei Neuinfektionen
20220104             Omikron —NUN vorherrschend in NIEDERSACHSEN
20220104             In der Silvesterwoche sind dem Laborverband ALM zufolge 24—PROZENT weniger CORONA—PCR—TESTS in fachärztlichen Laboren angefordert worden als —IN—DER—WOCHE davor.
20220104             Die Positivrate schnellte von 16,4 Prozent in der Vorwoche auf 21,9 Prozent,
20220104             In einigen Ländern sind bei Patienten gleichzeitige Infektionen mit CORONA und Grippe bekannt geworden — ein DEUTSCHER—EXPERTE ist davon aber nicht überrascht.
20220104             ISRAEL, wurde bei einer Schwangeren 1—DOPPELERKRANKUNG festgestellt.
20220104             Es handele sich um eine ungeimpfte Frau um die 30, die vergangene —WOCHE ihr Baby zur Welt gebracht habe,
20220104             1—DOPPELINFEKTION sei vermutlich etwas schlimmer als 1—INFEKTION mit nur einem Erreger.
20220104             Doppelinfektionen mit Grippe und CORONA seien selten, "weil beide Viren gleichzeitig selten vorhanden sind —DURCH das Maskentragen sind —2—WINTER fast ohne Influenza abgelaufen",
20220104             STIKO—CHEF—MERTENS hofft auf niedrige Infektionszahlen —IM—SOMMER
20220104             Aus Infektionsschutzgründen und zur Sicherung der Funktionsfähigkeit der Strafjustiz haben Gefängnisleiter 1—IMPFPFLICHT für die Insassen und Bediensteten im Justizvollzug gefordert.
20220104             Angesichts der oftmals "fehlenden Einsicht inhaftierter Menschen in die Notwendigkeit der Einhaltung von Hygiene- und Schutzregeln, aber auch aufgrund der unterdurchschnittlichen Impfquoten unter den Inhaftierten, bieten Gefängnisse gute Voraussetzungen für die Verbreitung von Infektionskrankheiten"
20220104             Trotz des harten Lockdowns in den Niederlanden steigen die Infektionszahlen dort wieder.
20220104             In den vergangenen —7—TAGEN waren etwa 35—PROZENT mehr positive Testergebnisse registriert worden,
20220104             KUBA verlangt ab —MITTWOCH Impfnachweis plus PCR—TEST bei Einreise
20220104             Rasanter Anstieg der Coronazahlen in GRIECHENLAND
20220104             Die OMIKRON—WELLE in GROSSBRITANNIEN wird dem Epidemiologen und Regierungsberater CHRIS—WHITTY zufolge offenbar nicht von einem Anstieg der Todesrate begleitet.
20220104             Dies seien "offensichtlich sehr gute Nachrichten",
20220104             —PLÄDIERT, Bundesinnenministerin NANCY Faeser (SPD), für ein hartes Durchgreifen im FALL—VON—BEDROHUNGEN und Gewalt bei Protesten gegen die CORONA—POLITIK.
20220104             "Es gilt natürlich das Versammlungsrecht.
20220104             "Und wenn Gewalt passiert, dann wird natürlich durchgegriffen"
20220104             "Wenn Menschen radikal werden und ausfallend werden, dann finde ich, ist 1—GRENZE erreicht.
20220104             Dann muss der Rechtsstaat auch mit aller Härte durchgreifen".
20220104             Natürlich ist Kritik in einer Demokratie immer sehr erwünscht, solange sie auf dem Boden der Verfassung stattfindet".
20220104             Natürlich - Die USA—REGIERUNG verdoppelt ihre Bestellung des CORONA—MEDIKAMENTS Paxlovid des USA—PHARMAKONZERNS Pfizer von 10—AUF 20—MILLIONEN Packungen.
20220104             Damit würden die "in unserem Arzneischrank" verfügbaren Medikamente "erheblich ausgeweitet",
20220104             —BEREITS einen —MONAT zuvor hatte die USA—REGIERUNG vorbehaltlich einer FDA—ZULASSUNG 10—MILLIONEN Packungen Paxlovid zu einem Preis von 5,3 Milliarden Dollar (4,7 Milliarden Euro) bestellt.
20220104             —ENTSPRICHT, Das, einem Preis von 530—DOLLAR pro Patient.
20220104             Mehr als 270.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN in FRANKREICH
20220104             Die —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ — also die ZAHL—DER—NEUINFEKTIONEN innerhalb einer —WOCHE auf 100.000—MENSCHEN — liegt nach jüngsten Angaben bei 18510000             .
20220104             Der Virologe CHRISTIAN—DROSTEN sieht die BOOSTER—IMPFUNG als effektivste Waffe im Kampf gegen die sich rasch ausbreitende OMIKRON—VARIANTE des CORONA€”VIRUS.
20220104             "Was richtig schützt gegen Omikron, ist die DREIFACH—IMPFUNG",
20220104             sagte der Wissenschaftler von der Berliner Charité —AM—DIENSTAG im Podcast "CORONA€”VIRUS—UPDATE" bei NDR—INFO.
20220104             Folglich sei die starke Konzentration auf die BOOSTER—IMPFUNGEN in DEUTSCHLAND richtig und wichtig.
20220104             673_DGS_boletim_20220104              20220104             INCIDÊNCIA Nacional: 18050000             ,2 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20220104             Continente: 18170000             ,3 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20220104             R(t) Nacional: 1,43 Continente: 1,43
20220104             SK—KÖLN—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—2.900—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—267,7—FÄLLE—GESAMT—99.481—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—9.181,5—TODESFÄLLE—GESAMT—888—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.083.498
20220104             Total Cases 294.487.701  Total Deaths 5.454.773  Total Vaccine Doses Administered 9.241.887.841
20220104—20020000    —KILLED, That disease, —AROUND 800—PEOPLE—WORLDWIDE and 20030000             , but the virus was so deadly to its victims that it was soon unable to find ANY—MORE hosts in 1 alarmed population.
20220104—20050000    —J—IM, Nach Berechnungen des Versicherungsmaklers Howden musste die Branche nur —NACH—DEM Hurrikan Katrina und —NACH—DEM Angriff auf das World Trade Center vom 20010909             mehr zahlen.
20220104—20221104    —AM, die 1. bekannten Genomsequenzen von B.1.640.2 —BEREITS in die entsprechende Fachdatenbank hochgeladen worden seien — von Omikron seien entsprechende Proben dagegen —ERST—3—WOCHEN—SPÄTER bekannt geworden.
20220217—20220104    —IM, Wie das Center für Monitoring, Analyse und Strategie (Cemas) —AM—DONNERSTAG mitteilte, hatten bei einer repräsentativen ONLINE—BEFRAGUNG ,3 PROZENT—DER—TEILNEHMER angegeben, mindestens einmal an Protesten teilgenommen zu haben.
202203101048         RUSSIA stands for ANY—CONTACTS in regard to UKRAINE crisis, SOURCE  Lavrov
202203301040         —SUSPENDED, RUSSIA—SUPREME—COURT—DISMISSES—NAVALNY—APPEAL for reviewing replacement of his, sentence with real jail time in YVES—ROCHER case
202206010420         RUSSIA—PREMIER—TASKS—MINISTER with signing deal with ZIMBABWE on diamonds, platinum
202207301042         —UHR
20230104             —MITTWOCH, 20230104
20240104             —DONNERSTAG, 20240104
20240104             Klimawandel: DEUTSCHER—CO?-Ausstoß sinkt offenbar auf niedrigsten Wert —SEIT—70—JAHREN
20240104             Russlands KRIEG—GEGEN—DIE—UKRAINE: UKRAINISCHER—GENERAL warnt vor Munitionsmangel — bessere Stromversorgung in besetztem AKW
20240104             —REGISTRIERT, Bilanz von 20230000             : Polizei, 550—STÖRAKTIONEN von Klimaaktivisten in BERLIN
20240104             Verstorbener CDU—POLITIKER: Merkel fährt nicht zur Trauerfeier für Schäuble
20240104             CO?-Preis: Bund macht 18—MILLIARDEN Euro mit Klimasteuer — Behörde fordert Ausschüttung an Bürger
20240104             —KONFLIKT im Pazifik: CHINA und USA halten Militärübungen im südchinesischen Meer ab
20240104             Größter UKRAINISCHER—MOBILFUNKANBIETER: Hacker waren monatelang im NETZ—VON—KYIVSTAR
20240104             Vorwurf des Völkermordes: Internationaler Gerichtshof setzt Anhörungen zu Klage gegen ISRAEL für kommende —WOCHE an
20240104             Durch Sondereffekte: Inflation in DEUTSCHLAND steigt deutlich
20240104             Feststoffbatterie besteht Langzeittest: VW sieht Durchbruch für Akku, "der praktisch nicht altert"
20240104             Noch in der Testphase: Neues Antibiotikum soll gegen multiresistentes Bakterium wirken
20240104             Aktualisierte Zahlen: DEUTSCHE—RÜSTUNGSEXPORTE steigen auf Rekordhoch von rund 12,2 Milliarden Euro
20240104             Anpassung an Insektensterben: Blumen verzichten zunehmend auf Sex mit Bienen
20240104             Die große KLIMA—VORSCHAU: 20240000             — ein klimapolitisches Schicksalsjahr
20240104             Dokumente der Demokraten: Trumps Firmen sollen mindestens 7,8 Millionen Dollar von ausländischen Akteuren erhalten haben
20240104             Thu 20240104
20240104             [l] Niedersachsens Ministerpräsident hat eine geniale Idee für den Umgang mit KLIMAWANDEL—SCHÄDEN:
20240104             Ministerpräsident Weil fordert Elementarschadensversicherungspflicht - Smart!
20240104             Hey, wieso nicht noch einen Schritt weitergehen und Versicherung zum Anbieten bezahlbarer Elementarschadensversicherungen verpflichten?
20240104             Finde ich immer toll, den Instinkt von Politikern.
20240104             Problem? Jemand anderes soll es zahlen!