_HEUTE_0105 :

02000105             * JAPANISCHER—KAISER—?jin,
02690105             FELIX—I—BISCHOF—VON—ROM gewählt wird als des DIONYSIUS—BISCHOF—VON—ROM—NACHFOLGER.
04360000—20160105    —BISHER, der BURGUNDEN—VERNICHTUNG durch DIE—HUNNEN, Archäologisch 1—BLINDER Fleck. ist
08420105             † AL—MU—TASIM—BI—LL?H—KALIF—DER—ABBASIDEN
08680105             † CONUVOION—ABT—VON—REDON, bretonischer Geistlicher, 1., Heiliger
10030000—10660105    * † EDWARD—THE—CONFESSOR—KING—OF—ENGLAND, heirless
10660106—10660105    —THE—FOLLOWING—DAY—ON,
11000101—20130105    —WÄHREND—IHRER—GESCHICHTE, DIE—BURG—WILDENBURG war immer so wenig bedeutend, daß sie niemals angegriffen und zerstört wurde.
11830105             † IBN—BASCHKUW?L, andalusischer Historiker
12720105             † JOHN—DE—GREY, ENGLISCHER—ADLIGER und Rebell
12790929—12860105    GOTTFRIED—VON—SAFFENBERG..
13000105             † WOK—I—VON—KRUMAU, böhmischer Adeliger
13490105             —URKUNDE, WILHELMUS—MARCHIO—JULIACENSIS"sold "CASTR—DE—OYDE, advocatiam KEMPENsem... ",
13800105             —1— D, A judgment (O.S.?) relates to a claim by "EGIDIUS—DOMINUS—DE—RODEMACH miles et IOANNA—DE—CASTELLIONE eius uxor" against "comitem et comitissam Haricuriæ" relating to "terre...CASTELLANIÆ—DE—FERITATE in Pontius DICTIS—DE—HARICURIA per IOANNEM—DOMINUM—DE—CASTELLIONE modernum nepote dictæ IOANNÆ"
13800105             ANSO DOMINI quo supra [1380], die quinta MENSIS—JANUARII...
13810105             —AFTER, —DE—RODEMACK.
14630105             —ABGEWANDELT, Das Todesurteil gegen DICHTER—FRANÇOIS—VILLON wird in —10—JAHRE—VERBANNUNG—AUS—PARIS.
14630105             Ein parodistisches Dankgedicht an den Gerichtshof ist das letzte bekannte Zeugnis des DICHTER—FRANÇOIS—VILLON
14630105             —BANISHED, FRANCE—POET—FRANCOIS—VILLON was, from PARIS.
14650105             † CHARLES—DE—ORLÉANS.
14650105             LOUIS, fils CHARLES—DE—ORLÉANS devient le —CHEF—DE l'une des plus prestigieuses maisons princières de FRANCE
14770105             † KARL—DER—KÜHNE—VON—BURGUND, fällt in der —SCHLACHT—BEI—NANCY,
14770105             † KARL—DER—KÜHNE—VON—BURGUND, letzter HERZOG—VON—BURGUND
14770105             —BATTLE—OF—NANCY was fought, (N.S.), and —2—DAYS—LATER-
14770105             —SCHLACHT—BEI—NANCY, in der besiegte BERN den KARL—DER—KÜHNE—HERZOG—VON—BURGUND
14770105             —SCHLACHT—BEI—NANCY, in der BERN LOTHRINGEN[OBER—LOTHRINGEN] Unabhängigkeit innerhalb des HEILIGES—RÖMISCHES—REICH—DEUTSCHER—NATION wiederherstellte.
14770105             —ON—THE, THE—BATTLE—OF—NANCY was fought, (N.S.), and —2—DAYS—LATER-
14770105—14820000    —FRIEDE—VON—ARRAS, KARL—DER—KÜHNE—VON—BURGUND, Seine burgundischen Lande werden zwischen FRANKREICH und HABSBURG geteilt.
14970105             —DONNESTAG—FERIA—QUINTA, fuerunt vespere solemnes IN—CAPELLA—PREDICTA, PRÉSENTE—PAPA;
14980105             —FERIA—SEXTA SERMONEM—FECIT quidam FRATER—ORDINIS—SERVORUM—BEATE—MARIE, protector ejusdem ordinis.
15020105             —AM, erfolgte der LUCREZIA—BORGIA Abzug von ROM nach FERRARA.
15020105             —AM, LUCREZIA—BORGIA DIE—BRAUT ritt zwischen dem KARDINAL IPPOLITO—DE—ESTE, ihrem Bruder CESARE—BORGIA.
15020105             —AM, LUCREZIA—BORGIA Ihr Gefolge bestand aus 600—PERSONEN.
15020105             —AM, ritt neben Beiden die Prinzen von FERRARA FERDINANDo, Sigismondo Alfonsos Brüder.
15020105             —AM, ritt zur Linken der Braut LUCREZIA—BORGIA DER—KARDINAL PIERLUIGI—BORGIA,
15020105             —SCHIED, So, LUCREZIA—BORGIA BORGIA—VON—ROM das sie nicht wiedergesehn hat
15020105             —AM, Unter den SERGENTS—DES—ARMES ritt zur Rechten der FRANCESCO—BORGIA—KARDINAL—ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—COSENZA,
15020105             —AM, VIELE—VORNEHME—RÖMER nahmen in neuen glänzenden Anzügen von Goldbrocat, Silberbrocat an der LUCREZIA—BORGIA Ausug von ROM Teil.
15020105             —AM, Edle, Hommes d'armes folgten LUCREZIA—BORGIA
15220105             FRANCESCO—MARIA restores THE—VARANA and - FRANCESCO—MARIA restores THE—BAGLIONI
15240105             † MARKO—MARULI?, KROATISCHER—DICHTER und Humanist
15260105             * CHRISTIAN—SCHÜTZ, deutscher evangelischer Theologe
15270105             FELIX—MANZ wird
15270105             † FELIX—MANZ, SCHWEIZER—GEISTLICHER, Führer der Täuferbewegung, in Zürich durch Ertränken hingerichtet, wird damit zu einem Märtyrer der Täuferbewegung.
15470105             † JOHANN—HESS, deutscher lutherischer Theologe und Reformator
15480105             * FRANCISCO—SUÁREZ, SPANISCHER—JESUIT, Theologe und Philosoph
15640423             -- from Act II, Sc15640105             of "Twelfth Night".
15890105             † CATHERINE—DE—MÉDICIS, à BLOIS
15890105             † CATHERINE—DE—MEDICI, QUEEN—MOTHER—OF—FRANCE, at age 69.
15920105             † WILHELM—DER—REICHE—HERZOG—VON—JÜLICH, Kleve und Berg
16160105             * ALEXANDRE—II—DE—BOURNONVILLE, FRANZÖSISCHER—MILITÄR in spanischen und kaiserlichen Diensten
16280000—20130105    —NOCH—HEUTE—ERHALTEN, das dunkle Verlies im HEXEN—TURM der WILDENBURG
16280000—20130105    in das dunkle Verlies im "Hexenturm"der WILDENBURG 75—WILDENBURGER—UNTERTANEN der RITTER—MARSILIUS—III—VON—PALANT—ZU—WACHENDORF insgesamt werfen läßt
16380105             —PETITION in RECIFE—BRAZIL, led to the closing of its 2—SYNAGOGUES.
16420105             * PHILIPP—JENINGEN, DEUTSCHER—JESUIT, Volksmissionar und Mystiker
16470105             —DATUM, In der Versammlung erscheinen BURGSDORF, SCHWERIN und SEYDEL als DEPUTIERTE—VON—BRANDENBURG und
16470105             BURGSDORF, SCHWERIN und SEYDEL als DEPUTIERTE—VON—BRANDENBURG zeigen an, daß
16470105             —BINNEN—2—3—TAGEN FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG nach CLEVE mit seinem ganzen Gefolge abreisen und
16470105             —BINNEN—2—3—TAGEN FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG zur Beförderung der noch offenstehenden Punkte CLEYSSEUS) und CHRISTIAN—MOLL zurücklassen werde;
16470105             BURGSDORF, SCHWERIN und SEYDEL zeigen an, daß FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG die bewusste Schuldforderung ^) in Richtigkeit zu bringen wünsche, und
16470105             BURGSDORF, SCHWERIN und SEYDEL bitten, daß man DIE—STAATISCHE—GESANDTE in MÜNSTER schleunigst in Betreff POMMERNs instruieren und
16470105             BURGSDORF, SCHWERIN und SEYDEL bitten, daß deswegen auch an die CHRISTINE—KÖNIGIN—VON—SCHWEDEN geschrieben werden möge.
16470105             —BESCHLOSSEN, Es wird, daß FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG durch DEPUTIERTE zum Abschied begrüsst werden soll.
16490105             Die Uraufführung des musikalischen Dramas Giasone von FRANCESCO—CAVALLI erfolgt am Teatro S—CASSIANO in Venedig.
16490105             Das Libretto stammt von GIACINTO—ANDREA—CICOGNINI.
16650105             PARIS, erscheint das Journal des sçavans, die 1. wissenschaftliche Fachzeitschrift.
16720105             —DIENSTAG
16730105             —DATUM—BIELEFELD - WEIBNOM—ABREISE.
16730105             FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG mit des —BISHERIGER—KRIEG—VERLAUF selbst nicht zufrieden und
16730105             FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG misstrauisch gegen des KAISER Schonung und Nachgiebigkeit gegen ihn —JETZT durchaus notwendig.
16730105             Ungünstige Berichte aus dem Haag.
16730105             Langsamkeit der Beschlüsse DER—STAATEN.
16730105             —HEUTE—ERST ist ihm des Prinzen Schreiben vom
16740105             † EBBA—BRAHE, SCHWEDISCHE—HOFDAME und Geschäftsfrau
16750105             —VICTOIRE—DE—TURCKHEIM.
16760105             MARESCHAL—DE—TURENNE est vainqueur à TURCKHEIM
16770105             LE—MAIRE—AN—DEN—GRIFFIER.
16770105             —DATUM—KOPENHAGEN
16770105             —GESCHLOSSEN, BRANDT hat mit dem KÖNIG—VON—DÄNEMARK—1—VERTRAG, den er den ALLIIERTEN nicht mitteilen will, namentlich nicht 1—GEHEIM—ARTIKEL.
16770105             —MORGEN BRANDT reist damit nach BERLIN.
16770105             BRANDT fürchtet, daß diese Unterhandlung darauf ausgeht, von den ALLIIERTEN Hilfe gegen SCHWEDEN zu verlangen und,
16770105             wenn man von den ALLIIERTEN Hilfe gegen SCHWEDEN nicht erhält, Frieden mit SCHWEDEN zu machen.
16770105             —INTRIGUIERT, FRANKREICH, hier sehr für letzteres und
16770105             —VERSPRICHT, FRANKREICH, DÄNEMARK und BRANDENBURG völlige Befriedigung durch SCHWEDEN.
16770105             Dieses wird dann die kleineren DEUTSCHLAND—FÜRSTEN — LÜNEBURG und MÜNSTER — zum Frieden mit FRANKREICH zwingen, und
16770105             —DANN, werden DIE—GENERAL—STAATEN und SPANIEN den KRIEG allein auf dem Hals haben.';
16790105             * PIETRO—FILIPPO—SCARLATTI, ITALIENISCHER—KOMPONIST, Organist, Chorleiter
16810105             —AMERONGEN—AN—DEN—GRIFFIER.
16810105             —DATUM—BERLIN, hat er in 1—AUDIENZ demselben die RESOLUTION—DER—GENERAL—STAATEN
16810105             Von den nach Westindien gesegelten Kriegsschiffen weiss man nichts;
16810105             sind sie auf —1—JAHR verproviantirt, und 16810105             man glaubt, daß sie nicht ohne Erfolg zurückkehren werden.
16810105             PRINZ—LUDWIG wird nach seiner Vermählung mit DER—PRINZESSIN—RADZIWILL auf EINIGE—ZEIT—HOLLAND besuchen*).
16810105—16801213    —VOM, FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG hat erklärt, durch diese Erläuterung befriedigt zu sein.
16810105—16801213    —VOM, mitgeteilt.
16820105             JOHANN—KONRAD—VON—BONGARDT trat in DAS—KLOSTER 1—AM, ;
17050105             † GEORG—CHRISTOPH—EIMMART, Nürnberger Astronom, Mathematiker und Kupferstecher
17080105             GERMANY—ALCHEMIST—JOHANN—FRIEDRICH—BOTTGER, under the tutelage of Ehrenfried WALTHER—VON—TSCHIRNHAUS, succeeded in creating samples resembling pure porcelain at the Jungfernbastei castle in DRESDEN.
17080105             Augustus the Strong, Elector of Saxony, had ordered Bottger to RE—CREATE the formula for oriental porcelain.
17080105             —IMPRISONED, Bottger was, and joined physicist Ehrenfried WALTHER—VON—TSCHIRNHAUS in 1—SEARCH for the formula.
17080105             —ESTABLISHED, Within —2—YEARS 1—FACTORY was, in MEISSEN—ALBRECHTSBURG and Meissenware became EUROPE—1. HARD—PASTE porcelain.
17080105—17081000    —IN, Tschirnhaus †.
17080105—20200000    —AUTHORED, SUZANNE—MARCHAND, "Porcelain: 1—HISTORY from the Heart of EUROPE".
17090105             —KILLED, Sudden extreme cold, 1000s of Europeans.
17180105             —AM, WILHELM—VON—HALL als Kellner erscheint,
17180105             —AM, FRANZ—FERDINAND—VON—KELETT erscheint
17200105             LAW nommé CONTRÔLEUR—GÉNÉRAL—DES—FINANCES
17240105             † POLYCARP—MARCI, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Librettist
17250105             * MARTIN—CRUGOT, deutscher evangelischer Geistlicher
17350105             † CARLO—RUZZINI, DOGE—VON—VENEDIG
17420105             * CLAUS—VON—DER—DECKEN, DEUTSCHER—JURIST sowie hannoverscher Staats- und Kabinettsminister
17440105             * GASPAR—MELCHOR—DE—JOVELLANOS, SPANISCHER—STAATSMANN und Schriftsteller der Aufklärung
17520105             * WILHELM—AMSINCK, Hamburger Kaufmann, Ratsherr und BÜRGERMEISTER
17530105             † ANDREAS—JAKOB—VON—DIETRICHSTEIN, Fürsterzbischof von SALZBURG
17570105             * JEREMIAS—L—ORSA, reformierter Pfarrer und Schulreformer
17570105             ROBERT—FRANÇOIS—DAMIENS begeht mit einem Messer 1—ATTENTAT auf LUDWIG—XV—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH, der dabei leicht verletzt wird.
17570105             ROBERT—FRANÇOIS—DAMIENS blesse LOUIS—XV. d'un coup de couteau.
17570105—17570328    —AM, Der ATTENTÄTER—ROBERT—FRANÇOIS—DAMIENS wird festgenommen und —EINIGE—WOCHEN—SPÄTER hingerichtet.
17590105             † THOMAS—PHILIPPE—WALLRAD—DE—HÉNIN—LIÉTARD—DE—ALSACE—BOUSSU de Chimay, flämischer Geistlicher, ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—MECHELN, Kardinal
17600105             † REINHOLD—RÜCKER—ANGERSTEIN, SCHWEDISCHER—METALLURG, Beamter und Unternehmer
17620105             —NACH—DEM TOD—VON—ZARIN—ELISABETH wird PETER—III. neuer Herrscher in RUSSLAND.
17620105             Die ursprüngliche Dynastie des HAUS—ROMANOW stirbt mit ihr aus.
17620105             † ELISABETH—ZARIN—VON—RUSSLAND
17620105             † Durch den Tod DER—KAISERIN—ELISABETH—VON—RUßLAND den
17630105             * JOHANNE—JUSTINE—RENNER, bekannt als "Gustel von Blasewitz"
17650105             * JOHANN—MICHAEL—VON—SEUFFERT, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Politiker, Landtagspräsident
17670105             * JEAN—BAPTISTE—SAY, FRANZÖSISCHER—ÖKONOM und Geschäftsmann
17690105             JAMES—WATT reicht den Patentantrag für seine Dampfmaschine ein.
17740105             * JOHANNES—ABERLI, SCHWEIZER—MEDAILLEUR, Stein- und Stempelschneider
17760105             —EDITS—DE—TURGOT qui suppriment les corporations et la corvée royale.
17760105             —ADOPTED, ASSEMBLY—OF—NEW—HAMPSHIRE, its 1. state constitution.
17790105             * ZEBULON—PIKE, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—OFFIZIER und Entdecker
17790105             † STEPHEN—DECATUR (18200000             , ), USA naval hero —DURING actions against the Barbary pirates and the War of 18120000             , was born.
17790105             [see 18200000             DECATUR—BARRON duel]
17790105             * ZEBULON—MONTGOMERY—PIKE, explorer, (PIKE—PEAK).
17810105             1—UK—NAVAL—EXPEDITION led by BENEDICT—ARNOLD burned RICHMOND—VIRGINIA Arnold led some 1,600 British and Loyalist troops in the destructive raid on RICHMOND.
17860105             * THOMAS—NUTTALL, ENGLISCHER—BOTANIKER und Zoologe
17880105             * CASPAR—ETT, DEUTSCHER—ORGANIST und Komponist
17880105             † JOHANN—SCHNEIDER, DEUTSCHER—KOMPONIST, Organist und Geiger
17890105             * JULES—ROBERT—AUGUSTE, FRANZÖSISCHER—MALER und Bildhauer
17900105             † JACOB—CHRISTIAN—SCHÄFFER, sächsischer Geistlicher, Extraordinarius, Wissenschaftler und Erfinder
17960105             † SAMUEL—HUNTINGTON, Jurist und politischer Führer im AMERIKANISCHEN—UNABHÄNGIGKEITSKRIEG
18000105             † FERDINAND—WOLDRZICH—VON—EHRENFREUND, böhmischer Jurist und Hochschullehrer
18010105             SENATus Consulte ordonnant LA—DÉPORTATION—DE—130—JACOBINS.
18040105             —PASSED, OHIO legislature, the 1. laws restricting free blacks movement.
18040105—18040328    —SEE
18060105             in Bamberg wird proklamiert, Der bisherige KUR—FÜRST als MAXIMILIAN—I—JOSEPH—KÖNIG—VON—BAYERN.
18090105             GROSSBRITANNIEN, vertreten durch den Gesandten ROBERT—ADAIR, und das OSMAN—REICH abschließen einen
18090105             —VERTRAG über die Durchfahrt durch die DARDANELLEN.
18090105             Das Abkommen, wonach kein nichtosmanisches Kriegsschiff die Meerenge befahren darf, bildet die Grundlage für den
18090105—18410000    —MEERENGEN—VERTRAG, abgeschlossenen.
18120105             * CARL—DAMM, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER, Priester und Revolutionsteilnehmer
18130105             DÄNEMARK—STAATS—BANKROTT erklärt seinen.
18150105             —ANGERED, Federalists from all over New ENGLAND, over the War of 18120000             , drew up THE—HARTFORD—CONVENTION, demanding several important changes in THE—USA—CONSTITUTION.
18180105             * FERDINAND—VON—ROEMER, DEUTSCHER—GEOLOGE, Paläontologe und Mineraloge
18220105             * JOSEPH—BREVARD—KERSHAW, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—RECHTSANWALT, Politiker und Offizier
18220105             * KURD—VON—SCHLÖZER, DEUTSCHER—DIPLOMAT und Historiker
18230105             * EMIL—PALLESKE, DEUTSCHER—SCHAUSPIELER und Schriftsteller
18230105             † CARL—AUGUST—RAGOTZKY, deutscher evangelischer Geistlicher
18240105             * THEODOR—KOZLOWSKI, DEUTSCHER—BAUINGENIEUR und -beamter
18250105             * ADOLF—ACHENBACH, PREUSSISCHER—BEAMTER und Berghauptmann
18250105             † CHRISTIAN—MORITZ—PAULI, DEUTSCHER—PÄDAGOGE und Sprachwissenschaftler
18250105             † JOSEPH—BENEDIKT—VON—THURN—VALSASSINA, deutscher katholischer Geistlicher
18260105             * EDMÉ—FÉLIX—ALFRED—VULPIAN, FRANZÖSISCHER—NEUROLOGE, Entdecker des Adrenalins
18280105             * AUGUST—KAUTZ, deutschamerikanischer Offizier
18280105             * EMIL—FROMMEL, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE und Volksschriftsteller
18320105             —AM, so fanden Unruhen Statt in HANAU Unruhen Statt.
18340105             * WILLIAM—ANDERSON, BRITISCHER—INGENIEUR, Unternehmer und Philanthrop
18340105             † ADAM—SIMONS, NIEDERLÄNDISCHER—THEOLOGE, Dichter, Rhetoriker und Historiker
18350105             * RICHARD—FALTIN, FINNISCHER—KOMPONIST, Musikprofessor und Volksmusiksammler
18360105             —ARRIVED, DAVY—CROCKETT, in TEXAS —JUST in time to die at the Alamo.
18380105             * HENRI—DUBOIS, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher und Hochschullehrer
18410105             * HENRYK—DOBRZYCKI, POLNISCHER—ARZT, Philanthrop und Komponist
18410105             * HERMANN—HEINRICH—HOWALDT, DEUTSCHER—BILDHAUER, Erzgießer und Kupfertreiber
18420105             * CARL—ENGLER, DEUTSCHER—CHEMIKER
18450105             * CHARLES—MARLEY—ANDERSON, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—POLITIKER, Mitglied des Repräsentantenhauses
18450105             DRESDEN, erfolgt die Uraufführung der Oper Kaiser Adolph von NASSAU—VON—HEINRICH—MARSCHNER.
18460105             * MIRJAM—VON—ABELLIN, PALÄSTINENSISCHE—GEISTLICHE und Mystikerin, Unbeschuhte Karmelitin, Heilige
18460105             * RUDOLF—EUCKEN, DEUTSCHER—PHILOSOPH, Nobelpreisträger
18460105             † FRIEDRICH—JONAS—BESCHORT, DEUTSCHER—SÄNGER und Schauspieler
18480105             † GOTTLIEB—KIESSLING, DEUTSCHER—PÄDAGOGE und Altphilologe
18490105             Ein Bourgeoisaktenstück
18490105             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—187—KÖLN.
18520105             * EDWIN—LE—ROY—ANTONY, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—POLITIKER, Mitglied des Repräsentantenhauses
18520105             * FRITZE—BOLLMANN, DEUTSCHER—FRISÖR, Brandenburger Original
18520105             SERRANUS—CLINTON—HASTINGS (18140000—18930000    ) began serving as CALIFORNIA—3. ATTORNEY—GENERAL and continued to 18540102            .
18520105—18520105    —AM, Bei dem in WIEN eröffneten ZOLL—KONGREß waren vertreten KÖNIG—REICH—SACHSEN,
18540105             † The steamship S—FRANCISCO wrecked and 300.
18550105             * KING—CAMP—GILLETTE, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—ERFINDER und Unternehmer
18550105             * KING—CAMP—GILLETTE, inventor (safety razor).
18560105             D2., detaillierten Konzession die Genehmigung für den Bau und Betrieb des Suezkanals und zur Gründung der dafür vorgesehenen Aktiengesellschaft.
18570105             † JOSEPH—IGNAZ—RITTER, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE und Kirchenhistoriker
18580105             "Nach Verlesen des Geständnisses von OBERST—MECHMED—BEY auf den Sitzungen vom
18610105             —AM Théâtre des BOUFFES—PARISIENS in PARIS wird die Operette Le Chanson de Fortunio von JACQUES—OFFENBACH mit dem Libretto von Ludovic Halévy uraufgeführt.
18610105             Das kurze Stück hat einen derartigen Erfolg, dass das Publikum eine vollständige Wiederholung erzwingt.
18610105             The merchant vessel STAR—OF—THE—WEST set sail from NEW—YORK to Fort Sumter, in response to rebel attack, carrying supplies and 250—TROOPS.
18610105             —SEIZED, ALABAMA troops, Forts Morgan & Gaines at MOBILE Bay.
18640105             † ALOIS—SCHERTZINGER, DEUTSCHER—MITBEGRÜNDER von Sarata/Bessarabien
18650105             * BODO—EBHARDT, DEUTSCHER—ARCHITEKT und Burgenexperte
18660105             * ANTÓNIO—MARIA—BAPTISTA, PORTUGIESISCHER—MILITÄR und Politiker, Ministerpräsident
18660105             —AM—?ESKÉ—PROZATÍMNÍ—DIVADLO—PRAG findet die Uraufführung der Oper Branibo?i v ?echách (Die Brandenburger in Böhmen) von Bed?ich Smetana statt.
18660105             Nach anfänglichem großem Erfolg kann sich das Werk jedoch nicht langfristig auf der Bühne halten.
18660105             —VOM, Öffentliches Meeting der AGRIKULUR—ABEITER in Lasswade, bei GLASGOW.
18670105             * DIMITRIOS—GOUNARIS, GRIECHISCHER—POLITIKER, Ministerpräsident
18670105             * OTTO—UBBELOHDE, DEUTSCHER—MALER, Radierer und Illustrator
18680105             * ANTON—RAKY, DEUTSCHER—INGENIEUR, Pionier der Bohrtechnik
18700105—18700110    10. GENERAL—VERSAMMLUNG—DES—ADAV in BERLIN, auf dem 39—DELEGIERTE—CA—8.000—MITGLIEDER vertreten.
18700105—18700110    DER—PRÄSIDENT ist —NACH—DEM allgemeinen, direkten und gleichen WAHL—RECHT zu wählen.
18700105—18700110    Die Aufstellung DER—REICHS—TAGSKANDIDATEN wird von der Genehmigung des —PRÄSIDENT—UND—DES—VORSTANDES—DES—ALLGEMEINER—DEUTSCHER—ARBEITER—VEREIN[ADAV] abhängig gemacht.
18700105—18700110    —NACH, 1—LÄNGEREN DEBATTE—ÜBER—DEN "SOCIAL—DEMOKRAT" lehnt es DIE—VERSAMMLUNG ab, den "SOCIAL—DEMOKRAT" in Parteieigentum zu übernehmen.
18700105—18700110    DER—VEREIN beschließt gegen das preußische 3—KLASSEN—WAHL—RECHT nach wie vor durch Stimmenthaltung zu protestieren.
18720000—19540105    * † WALTER—EDWARD—SCOTT, Death Valley con man.
18720105             ALEXANDER—REDGRAVE.
18720105             FABRIK—INSPEKTOR, in "JOURNAL—OF—THE, Soc. of Arts")
18720105             ALEXANDER—REDGRAVE—FABRIK—INSPEKTOR, in "JOURNAL—OF—THE, Soc. of Arts")
18740105             * LENA—STEIN—SCHNEIDER, DEUTSCHE—KOMPONISTIN, Lied- und Operettentexterin sowie Pianistin
18740105             * JOSEPH—ERLANGER, doctor (shock therapy Nobel 19440000             ).
18750105             Die von CHARLES—GARNIER erbaute neobarocke Opéra Garnier wird eröffnet.
18750105             Die Pariser Oper, die von GASTON—LEROUX als Schauplatz für seinen ROMAN—LE fantôme de l'opéra gewählt wird, ist zu diesem Zeitpunkt der größte Theaterbau der Welt.
18750105             † HERMANN—WILHELM—BÖDEKER, evangelischer Pastor
18760105             * KONRAD—ADENAUER, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER, Oberbürgermeister von Köln, MdL, PRÄSIDENT—VON—PREUSSISCHEN—STAATSRATS, MdB, 1. Bundeskanzler und -außenminister
18760105             —AM Carltheater in WIEN wird FRANZ—VON—SUPPÈS dreiaktige Operette Fatinitza nach einem Libretto von Camillo Walzel und RICHARD—GENÉE uraufgeführt.
18760105—19670000    * † CONRAD—ADENAUER, statesman and 1. CHANCELLOR—OF—POST—WORLD—WAR—II—WEST—GERMANY.
18760105—19670000    CONRAD—ADENAUER was CHANCELLOR—OF—GERMANY 19490000—19630000    —FROM—TO.
18760105—19670000    "The good Lord set definite limits on man's wisdom, but set no limits on his stupidity -- and that's not fair!"
18770105             * FRITZ—KOCH—GOTHA, DEUTSCHER—ILLUSTRATOR und Schriftsteller
18790105             * VIKTOR—MÄULEN, DEUTSCHER—FUSSBALLSPIELER und -funktionär
18790105             The shares of Homestake Mining Co. began trading on THE—NY—STOCK—EXCHANGE.
18800105             * HARRY—MAASZ, DEUTSCHER—GARTENARCHITEKT und Gartenbauschriftsteller
18820105             * GEORG—SCHREIBER, DEUTSCHER—PÄPSTLICHER Hausprälat und Politiker, MdR
18830105             * DÖME—SZTÓJAY, UNGARISCHER—MILITÄR, Diplomat und Politiker, Ministerpräsident
18840105             * ROY—GARDNER, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—RÄUBER und Ausbruchskünstler
18840105             † EDUARD—LASKER, PREUSSISCHER—POLITIKER und Jurist, MdL
18850105             * FANNIE—TREMBLAY, KANADISCHE—SCHAUSPIELERIN und Komikerin
18850105             † ADOLF—VON—AUERSPERG, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—POLITIKER, Ministerpräsident von Cisleithanien
18860105             † LAZARUS—ADLER, Landesrabbiner von HESSEN—NASSAU und Schriftsteller
18880105             * LAURI—PIHKALA, FINNISCHER—LEICHTATHLET und Leichtathletiktrainer, Erfinder des Pesäpallo
18890105             * MARIA—REESE, DEUTSCHE—AUTORIN, Journalistin und Politikerin, MdR
18900105             * SARAH—AARONSOHN, jüdische Spionin
18910105             * CARL—DEGELOW, DEUTSCHER—OFFIZIER und Jagdflieger
18910105             * KURT—DITTMAR, DEUTSCHER—OFFIZIER und Rundfunkkommentator
18920105             The 1. successful auroral photograph made.
18930000—19810105    * † HAROLD—C—UREY, USA—CHEMIST (Deuterium, Nobel 19340000             ).
18930105             * JOOST—SCHMIDT, DEUTSCHER—TYPOGRAF, Maler und Lehrer am Bauhaus
18940105             Die Wiener Operette Der Obersteiger von CARL—ZELLER mit dem Libretto von MORITZ—WEST und LUDWIG—HELD wird am Theater an der WIEN in WIEN mit ALEXANDER—GIRARDI in der Hauptrolle uraufgeführt.
18950105             FRANKREICH, wird der von einem Kriegsgericht wegen Landesverrats verurteilte Offizier ALFRED—DREYFUS vor seiner Deportation militärisch degradiert.
18950105             † AUGUSTE—JACCARD—SCHWEIZER—GEOLOGE und Paläontologe
18950105             —CONVICTED—OF, FRANCE—CAPTAIN—ALFRED—DREYFUS, treason, was publicly stripped of his rank.
18950105             —VINDICATED, He was ultimately.
18950105—18990000    —UNTIL, Dreyfus, 1—JEW falsely accused of spying for the Germans, was imprisoned alone on DEVIL—ISLAND.
18960000—19420105    * † TINA—MODOTTI, ITALY—BORN actress, model, photographer and secret agent, in MEXICO—CITY.
18960105             † ANTON—PHILIPP—RECLAM, DEUTSCHER—VERLEGER und Buchhändler
18960105             1—AUSTRIA—NEWSPAPER (Wiener Presse) reported the discovery by  GERMANY—PHYSICIST—WILHELM—ROENTGEN—OF—1—TYPE—OF—RADIATION that came to be known as "X—RAYS".
18980105             —AM Theater an der WIEN in WIEN erfolgt die Uraufführung der Wiener Operette Der Opernball von RICHARD—HEUBERGER—DER—ÄLTERE mit dem Libretto von VICTOR—LÉON.
19000105             * DENNIS—GABOR, HUNGARIAN—UK—PHYSICIST, inventor of 3D laser photography.
19000105—19710000    —AWARDED, DENNIS—GABOR was, 1—NOBEL—PRIZE.
19020105—18350000    —ENTSTANDENES Drama Dantons Tod, Im Berliner BELLE—ALLIANCE—THEATER, erlebt GEORG—BÜCHNERS, das lange Zeit als unspielbar gegolten hat, seine Uraufführung.
19040105             —ARRIVED, USA—MARINES, in SEOUL—KOREA to guard USA—LEGATION there.
19050105             —INCORPORATED, Representatives of 35—STATE—AUDUBON organizations, as the National Association of Audubon Societies for the Protection of Wild Birds and Animals.
19060000—19960105    * † LINCOLN—KIRSTEIN, USA—WRITER, impresario, art connoisseur, and cultural figure in NEW—YORK City.
19100000—20070105    * † Momofuko Ando, inventor of instant noodles (19580000             ), in JAPAN.
19100103—19100105    DIE—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATEN PREUßENs erklären, daß die Schande des 3—KLASSEN—WAHL—RECHTS—SYSTEMS nicht länger erträglich sei.
19100103—19100105    Sie werden mit allen ihnen zu Gebote stehenden Mitteln 1—WIRKLICHEN WAHL—RECHT die Bahn brechen.
19100103—19100105    Um 1—WAHL—RECHTSSTURM nicht nur in PREUßEN, sondern in ganz DEUTSCHLAND zu entfesseln, beauftragt —DER—PARTEI—TAG die PREUSSISCHE—PARTEI—LEITUNG, ALLE—VORKEHRUNGEN zu treffen, die geeignet seien, den reaktionären Widerstand zu brechen, wobei man mit der Unterstützung durch andere Parteien nicht rechnen könne.
19100103—19100105    —DER—PARTEI—TAG nimmt 1—ENTWURF zu 1—KOMMUNAL—PROGRAMM an.
19110105             —ERÖFFNET, Der Bioparco Rom wird.
19110105             Der Zoo für die ITALIENISCHE—HAUPTSTADT ist vom Tierhändler CARL—HAGENBECK nach Hamburger Vorbild konzipiert.
19110105             —EXPELLED, PORTUGAL, the Jesuits.
19140105             —ASTOUNDED, HENRY—FORD, the world as he announced that he would pay 1—MINIMUM—WAGE—OF $5—1—DAY and share with employees $10—MILLION in —LAST—YEAR—PROFITS.
19140105             The wage increase COUNTER—BALANCED the increased demand on the workers from the new assembly line production methods.
19140105—19140112    —ZUM, Auf einer PRESSEKONFERENZ—KÜNDIGT—HENRY—FORD die Einführung des Achtstundentags in seinem Unternehmen und einen Mindestlohn von 5—USA—DOLLAR pro —TAG an.
19170105             —OCCUPIED, Bulgarian and GERMANY—TROOPS, the Port of BRAILA in EAST—ROMANIA.
19170105—20070000    * † JANE—WYMAN, film star, as SARAH—JANE—MAYFIELD—FULKS in S—JOSEPH, MONTANA.
19190105             —GRÜNDET, ANTON—DREXLER, mit ein paar Gleichgesinnten im CAFÉ—GASTEIG—MÜNCHEN, die DEUTSCHE—ARBEITERPARTEI[DAP], aus der —SPÄTER die NSDAP hervorgehen wird.
19190105             —NACHDEM am Vortag Revolutionäre Obleute wegen der Entlassung des Berliner Polizeipräsidenten EMIL—EICHHORN zum STURZ—DER—REGIERUNG—EBERT aufgerufen haben, findet in BERLIN 1—MASSENDEMONSTRATION von 5.000.000—MENSCHEN statt.
19190105             Daraus entwickelt sich der Spartakusaufstand, als Demonstranten spontan mehrere Zeitungsgebäude besetzen.
19190105             —FOUNDED, THE—GERMAN—WORKER—PARTY[DAP] is formally, in MUNICH at THE—FÜRSTENFELDER—HOF tavern by ANTON—DREXLER and others.
19190105             —ACCEPTED, ANTON—DREXLER—CONSTITUTION is, by 24—MEN, mostly from the locomotive works where Drexler is employed + he elected chairman.
19190105             ANTON—DREXLER is also 1—ACTIVE MEMBER—OF—THE—THULE—SOCIETY ( Germanenorden ).
19190105             (Drexler, 19350312             ;
19190105             MICHAEL—LOTTER, 19351019             ;
19190105             Roots ) 19190105             —SHELLED, UK—SHIPS, the Bolshevik headquarters in RIGA.
19190105             —FORMED, THE—NATIONAL—SOCIALIST—PARTY (Nazi).
19190105             Roots ) 19190105—19190112    —VOM—BIS, —DER—JANUAR—AUFSTAND ein von REVOLUTIONÄRE—GEWERKSCHAFTERN, den REVOLUTIONÄRE—OBLEUTEN ausgelöster GENERAL—STREIK
19190105             Roots ) - (Drexler, 19350312             ;
19190105—19190112    mit bewaffneten KÄMPFEN—GEGEN—KONTER—REVOLUTIONÄRE Tendenzen der amtierenden Regierung
19190105—19190112    im weiteren Verlauf —DER—NOVEMBER—REVOLUTION—IN—BERLIN wird manchmal (wie der antike SKLAVEN—AUFSTAND) ebenfalls als SPARTACUS—AUFSTAND bezeichnet, obwohl
19190105—19190112    DER—SPARTAKUS—BUND bzw.
19200105             —DEMANDED, GOP women, equal representation at the Republican National Convention in June.
19210105             —OPENED, Wagner's "Die Walkyrie", in PARIS.
19210105             —PERFORMED, This was the 1. GERMANY—OPERA, in PARIS —SINCE the beginning of WWI.
19210105—19900000    * † FRIEDRICH—DURRENMATT, SWITZERLAND—AUTHOR and playwright.
19230105             —DEBATED, THE—SENATE, the benefits of Peyote for THE—USA—INDIAN.
19250105             Die POLNISCHE—POST lässt in exzessiver Auslegung einer Vereinbarung über die Postversorgung im Danziger Hafen in der gesamten Freien Stadt Danzig eigene Briefkästen aufstellen.
19250105             Nellie Tayloe Ross tritt ihr Amt als Gouverneurin von WYOMING an;
19250105             sie ist damit die 1. Frau in diesem Amt in den Vereinigten Staaten.
19250105             Nellie Tayloe Ross (18760000—19770000    ) of WYOMING was sworn in as the 1. woman GOVERNOR—IN—THE—USA.
19250105             —SERVED, She succeeded FRANK—E—LUCAS, who had, as acting GOVERNOR—AFTER—THE—DEATH—OF—ROSS' husband, WILLIAM—B—ROSS.
19280105             * WALTER—MONDALE, 42. VICE—PRESIDENT (19770000—19810000    ) of THE—USA.
19280105—19840000    —IN, WALTER—MONDALE was the Democratic presidential nominee who lost to RONALD—REAGAN, and Ambassador to JAPAN.
19300000—20180105    * † ASTRONAUT—JOHN—YOUNG, at his home in HOUSTON.
19300105             † ARNOLD—MIDDENDORF, Offizial in Köln und Dompropst
19300105             Mao TSE—TUNG wrote "A Single Spark Can Start a Prairie Fire".
19310105             * ALVIN—AILEY, choreographer (USA—DANCE Theater).
19320105             * UMBERTO—ECO, ITALIENISCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER, Medienwissenschaftler und Semiotiker
19320105             * als Sohn eines Buchhalters In NORD—ITALIEN—ALESSANDRIA.
19320105             * UMBERTO—ECO, ITALY—NOVELIST who wrote "THE—NAME—OF—THE—ROSE,".
19320105             * RAISA—MAXIMOVNA—TITORENKO—GORBACHEV, RUSSIA—1. lady (19820000—19910000    ).
19330105             Der Bau der Golden Gate Bridge über die Bucht von S—FRANCISCO beginnt unter Ingenieur JOSEPH—B—STRAUSS.
19330105             Der Bau der Hängebrücke, die S—FRANCISCO über das Golden Gate mit dem Marin County verbindet, dauert über —4—JAHRE.
19330105             —ORDERED, S—FRANCISCO, FEDERAL—JUDGE—HAROLD—LAUDERBACK, the auction of 2,245 gallons of moonshine that had been seized in raids.
19330105             Work on Golden Gate Bridge began on the Marin County side of SF Bay.
19330105—19980000    —IN, † The 30. PRESIDENT (19230000—19290000    ) of THE—USA, CALVIN—COOLIDGE, in NORTHAMPTON—MASSACHUSETTS, at age 60. ROBERT—SOBEL published his biography: "Coolidge: 1—AMERICA—ENIGMA".
19360105             —BOMBED, Daggha BUR—ETHIOPIA, was, by the Italians.
19380105             * JUAN—CARLOS—I, SPANISCHER—KÖNIG
19380105             Im Gesetz über die Änderung von Familiennamen und Vornamen bestimmen die Nationalsozialisten, dass jüdische Männer zusätzlich den Namen ISRAEL, jüdische Frauen den Namen Sara führen müssen.
19380105             * JUAN—CARLOS—I—KING—OF—SPAIN.
19380105—19380817    —AM, Einzelheiten regelt später die Namensänderungsverordnung.
193909010545         WWII HITLER im Radio: "Ab 5.45—UHR wird zurückgeschossen"- mit dieser Lüge und dem ÜBERFALL—AUF—POLEN beginnt der WWII
19420105             † WLADIMIR—NIKOLAJEWITSCH—ANDRONNIKOW, RUSSISCHER—REVOLUTIONÄR, sowjetischer Politiker und Staatsmann
19420105             —COMPLETED, USA and THE—PHILIPPINES—TROOPS, their withdrawal to 1—NEW—DEFENSIVE—LINE along the base of the Bataan peninsula.
19420105             55—GERMANY—TANKS reached NORTH—AFRICA.
19420105—19300000    —EXPELLED, She had been, from MEXICO but returned incognito 19390000             —IN.
19420105—19990000    —IN, her biography by Pino Cacucci was translated into English.
19430105             —ANKÜNDIGTE, GOEBBELS seinen engsten Mitarbeitern 1—AKTIONS—PLAN—ZUR—"Verwirklichung des totalen Krieges".
19430105             † GEORGE—WASHINGTON—CARVER, Educator and scientist, at age 81 at TUSKEGEE—ALABAMA.
19430105             —SERVED, There, at the Tuskegee Institute, Carver, as 1—AGRICULTURAL—CHEMIST, experimenter, teacher and administrator, working to improve life for AFRICA—AMERICANS in the rural South by teaching them better agricultural skills.
19430105             1—OF—THE—FARMING methods Carver devised, using peanut and soybean crops to enrich soil depleted by cotton crops, revolutionized Southern farming.
19430105             GEORGE—WASHINGTON—CARVER was WELL—RESPECTED by people such as PRESIDENT—FRANKLIN—D—ROOSEVELT, Mahatma Gandhi, JOSEF—STALIN and THOMAS—EDISON, whose offer of 1—JOB for more than $100—1—YEAR—CARVER refused.
19430105             —WORKED, Carver, at Tuskegee —UNTIL his death.
19430105             —PLANNED, THE—JAPAN—BEGAN 1, withdrawal from Guadalcanal.
19430105—18960000    —IN, Carver was born THE—SON—OF—1—SLAVE—WOMAN in the early 1860s, went to college in IOWA and then headed to ALABAMA.
19440105             * CAROLYN—MCCARTHY, USA—AMERIKANISCHE—POLITIKERIN, Mitglied des Repräsentantenhauses
19450105             † JULIUS—LEBER, DEUTSCHER—WIDERSTANDSKÄMPFER und Politiker, MdR
19460105             * DIANE—KEATON, actress (Annie Hall, Little Drummer Girl), in LOS—ANGELES.
19470105             —GEGRÜNDET, Der SÜDKOREANISCHE—MISCHKONZERN LG Group wird.
19470105             —NATIONALIZED, GREAT—BRITAIN, its coal mines.
19490105             —LABELED, In his STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS, PRESIDENT—TRUMAN, his administration the "Fair Deal".
19490105             —SERVED, Alben Barkley (18770000—19560000    ), as TRUMAN—VICE—PRESIDENT.
19510105             Inchon, SOUTH—KOREA, THE—SIGHT—OF—GENERAL—DOUGLAS—MACARTHUR—AMPHIBIOUS flanking maneuver, was abandoned by UNITED—NATIONS force to the advancing CHINA—ARMY.
19530105             Das Drama Warten auf Godot von SAMUEL—BECKETT hat seine Uraufführung am Théâtre de Babylone in PARIS.
19530105             SOUTH—KOREA, the Changgyeong ferry sank as it was cruising from YEOSU to Busan.
19540105             —SUPPORTED, He was, for much of his life by millionaire ALBERT—JOHNSON (19480000             †).
19550000             & S.1959—BY—NIKKI Alexander
19550105             † HANS—KARL—VON—ESEBECK, DEUTSCHER—GENERAL, Widerstandskämpfer des 19440720
19560105             * FRANK—WALTER—STEINMEIER, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Politiker, Bundesminister, MdB, Bundespräsident
19560105             Elvis Presley, truckdriver, began his 1. recording session for RCA.
19560105             "Heartbreak Hotel," WRITTEN—BY—MAE—BOREN—AXTON, was the 1. song recorded.
19560105             It became the 1. of his 45—RECORDS to sell over 1—MILLION—COPIES.
19560105             The 2. was "I—WANT—YOU, I—NEED—YOU, I—LOVE—YOU", and "I—WAS—THE 1" was the 3.
19560105—19710000    —AUTHORED, JERRY—HOPKINS, Elvis: 1—BIOGRAPHY.
19570105             —PROPOSED, PRESIDENT—EISENHOWER, in 1—ADDRESS to Congress, offering military assistance to Middle Eastern countries so they could resist Communist aggression;
19570105             this became known as the Eisenhower Doctrine.
19570105             Under this doctrine 1—MIDDLE—EASTERN—COUNTRY could request USA—ECONOMIC—ASSISTANCE or aid from USA—MILITARY—FORCES if it was being threatened by armed aggression.
19570105             —SINGLED, Eisenhower, out THE—SOVIET—THREAT in his doctrine by authorizing THE—COMMITMENT—OF—USA—FORCES "to secure and protect the territorial integrity and political INDEPENDENCE of such nations, requesting such aid against overt armed aggression from ANY—NATION controlled by INTERNATIONAL communism".
19570105             The phrase "INTERNATIONAL communism" made the doctrine much broader than simply responding to SOVIET—MILITARY action.
19570105             1—DANGER that could be linked to communists of ANY—NATION could conceivably invoke the doctrine.
19590105             Die DEUTSCHE—BUNDESREGIERUNG lehnt den sowjetischen Vorschlag, 1—FREIE—STADT—WEST—BERLIN zu bilden, die DDR anzuerkennen und mit ihr 1—KONFÖDERATION einzugehen, ab.
19590105             —PREMIERED, The "Bozo the Clown" live children's show, on TV.
19610105             —AIRED, THE—TV—SHOW "MISTER—ED" 1., in syndication.
19610105             —FEATURED, The sitcom, 1—TALKING horse and continued to 19660000            .
19610105             —PLAYED, ALAN—YOUNG, Wilbur Post and Bamboo Harvester (19460000—19790000    ) played MISTER—ED.
19630105             "Camelot" closed at the Majestic Theater, NEW—YORK—CITY, —AFTER 873—PERFORMANCES.
19630105             "Carnival!" closes at Imperial Theater, NEW—YORK—CITY, —AFTER 719—PERFORMANCES.
19631219—19630105    —ZWISCHEN—DEM, Damit können  WEST—BERLINER 1. —SEIT dem Bau der Berliner Mauer ihre Verwandten in OST—BERLIN besuchen.
19640105             Auf seiner Reise ins Heilige Land trifft PAUL—VI—PAPA. mit PATRIARCH—ATHINAGORAS—VON—KONSTANTINOPEL in JERUSALEM zusammen.
19640105             Das Treffen führt in der Folge zur Aufhebung der während des Morgenländischen Schismas —J—IME 10540000             ausgesprochenen gegenseitigen Exkommunikation zwischen Ost- und Westkirche durch die beiden Kirchenoberhäupter.
19640105             Das für die Royal AIR—FORCE entwickelte Transportflugzeug Short BELFAST startet zu seinem Erstflug.
19650105             —DESERTED, CHARLES—ROBERT—JENKINS (19400000             *), his USA—ARMY—POST at the Korean DMZ hoping to be arrested, turned over to RUSSIA and returned to THE—USA.
19650105             —FAILED, CHARLES—ROBERT—JENKINS His plan, and he ended up living in NORTH—KOREA where he oo Hitomi Soga, 1—JAPAN—WOMAN kidnapped by NORTH—KOREA in the 1970s.
19650105—20040000    —REUNITED, CHARLES—ROBERT—JENKINS, with his oo in INDONESIA and —IN—SEPTEMBER turned himself in to USA—MILITARY—AUTHORITIES in JAPAN.
19650105—20080000    —IN, 19650901             —SEE CHARLES—ROBERT—JENKINS with JIM—FREDERICK authored "THE—RELUCTANT—COMMUNIST: My Desertion, COURT—MARTIAL, and —40—YEAR—IMPRISONMENT in NORTH—KOREA".
19670105             * MARKUS—SÖDER, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER, MdL, Landesminister, Ministerpräsident von BAYERN, CSU—VORSITZENDER
19680105             In der Tschechoslowakei löst der Reformpolitiker ALEXANDER—DUB?ek den Stalinisten Antonín Novotný als 1. Sekretär der Kommunistischen Partei ab.
19680105             —PRAGER—FRÜHLING, BEGINNT, Damit, der.
19680105             REFORMPOLITIKER—ALEXANDER—DUBCEK, Seine Losung: "Sozialismus mit menschlichem Antlitz".
19680105             —INDICTED, THE—USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT, DOCTOR—BENJAMIN—SPOCK, REVEREND—WILLIAM—COFFIN—OF—YALE (19240000—20060000    ) and 3—OTHERS for conspiring to violate draft law.
19680105             1—NEWSPAPER—STRIKE shut down THE—SF—CHRONICLE, the Examiner and THE—NEWS—CALL—BULLETIN —FOR—53—DAYS.
19680105             —BECAME, BILL—O'BRIEN (20040000             †), PRESIDENT—OF—THE—SF—OAKLAND—NEWSPAPER—GUILD THE—NEXT—DAY and supported the strike, which had originated with Hearst papers in LOS—ANGELES Senior executives of THE—SF—CHRONICLE put out 1—SPECIAL—EDITION—OF—THE—PAPER on 1—COPY—MACHINE.
19680105             —ELECTED, ALEXANDER—DUBCEK (19210000—19920000    ) was, 1. SECRETARY—OF—THE—COMMUNIST—PARTY in Czechoslovakia.
19680105—19680000    —SPÄTER—IM—FRÜHLING, Was sich wenig  in der CSSR ereignet, wühlt die ganze Welt auf: Freiheit und Sozialismus sollen 1—EINHEIT bilden.
19690105             Der letzte Zug über die BRITISCHE—WAVERLEY Line verlässt den Bahnhof EDINBURGH Waverley, die Einstellung der Bahnstrecke ist eine der letzten großen Stilllegungen im Zuge der BEECHING—AXT.
19700105             † MAX—BORN, DEUTSCHER—MATHEMATIKER, Nobelpreisträger
19700105             —PREMIERED, THE—TV soap opera "All My Children".
19700105             —SCHEDULED, Its final episode was, in the Fall of 20110000            .
19700105             19700105             JOSEPH—A—YABLONSKI, 1—UNSUCCESSFUL—CANDIDATE for the presidency of the United Mine Workers, was found murdered with his wife and daughter at their CLARKSVILLE, PENNSILVANIA, home.
19700105             9—PEOPLE were —LATER charged in the killing including UMW PRESIDENT—WA—BOYLE.
19700105             —KILLED, CHINA, a 7.7—EARTHQUAKE in Yunnan province, over 15,000—PEOPLE and was covered up by authorities amid the chaos of the cultural revolution.
19710105             SONNY—LISTON (19320000             *), World Champion boxer (19620000—19640000    ), was found dead in his LAS—VEGAS home.
19720105             Nixon OKs 'LOW—COST' Space Shuttle
19720105             0000—DATE: Nixon OKs 'LOW—COST' Space SHUTTLE—STARTING in —28—YEARS, averaging 4 or 5—MISSIONS —1—YEAR.
19730105             as it happened).
19730105             He told me the appalling, inside story of Watergate, including the riveting news that 1—OF—THE—PLUMBERS was ready and disposed to kill JACK—ANDERSON,
19730105             —PROCEED, THE—JOURNALIST—COMMENTATOR, if word came down to, to that lurid extreme.
19730105             I took what I thought appropriate measures.
19730105             I do not believe JACK—ANDERSON—LIFE was actually imperiled, but —MEANWHILE, in 1—ADJACENT—THEATER,
19730105             was advancing his own drama.
19730105             And —NOW he wants SOME—MONEY for it.
19730105             S—FRANCISCO—INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT began screening passengers.
19730105             —FOLLOWED, This, PRESIDENT—NIXON—MANDATE for screening due to increased hijackings in the 1960s and early 1970s.
19730105             HOWARD—HUNT, 1—OLD—FRIEND and my sometime boss in THE—CIA, came to see me, accompanied by 1—OF—HIS—DAUGHTERS (my goddaughter, as it happened).
19730105             He told me the appalling, inside story of Watergate, including the riveting news that 1—OF—THE—PLUMBERS was ready and disposed to kill JACK—ANDERSON, THE—JOURNALIST—COMMENTATOR, if word came down to proceed to that lurid extreme.
19730105             I do not believe JACK—ANDERSON—LIFE was actually imperiled, but —MEANWHILE, in 1—ADJACENT—THEATER, MARK—FELT, posing as 1—INCORRUPTIBLE—AGENT—OF—THE—FEDERAL—BUREAU—OF—INVESTIGATION, was advancing his own drama.
19730105—19730209    Diplomatischer Durchbruch für die DDR: 17—STAATEN, darunter FRANKREICH und GROSSBRITANNIEN, nehmen Beziehungen auf
19730105—19730209    Zu ERICH—HONECKERS—NEUJAHRSEMPFANG am 0112—ERSCHEINEN Vertreter aus 70—STAATEN.
19750000—20170000    —VON, 20190105             und für das MISS—CI—AKTIENDEPOT doppelt so hoch, bei 8,4 % —J—IM.
19750105             "THE—WIZ," 1—MUSICAL—VERSION—OF—L—FRANK—BAUM'S "THE—WONDERFUL—WIZARD—OF—OZ," opened at the Majestic Theater on Broadway with 1—ALL—BLACK cast.
19750105             It ran for 1672—PERFORMANCES.
19760105             Unter den Roten Khmer wird KAMBODSCHA in Demokratisches Kampuchea umbenannt und erhält 1—PARLAMENT mit 250—SITZEN – 150—FÜR die Bauern, 50—FÜR die Arbeiter und 50—FÜR die Armee.
19770105             An der UNIVERSITÄT—JENA beantragt die Seminargruppe von ROLAND—JAHN schriftlich seine Exmatrikulierung
19770105—19761100    —PROTESTIERT, ROLAND—JAHN hatte im gegen die BIERMANN—AUSBÜRGERUNG.
19790105             PRINCE gibt im Capri Theater in seiner Heimatstadt MINNEAPOLIS in MINNESOTA sein 1. Livekonzert in seiner Karriere.
19800105             —ON—THE, 1—GROUP from WITHIN—THE—CERCLE met in ZÜRICH to discuss executive measures and
19800105—19800106    MAITRE—JEAN—VIOLET led THE—MEETING;
19800105—19800106    amongst others present were COUNT—HUYN MP,
19800105—19800106    EX—CIA—MISTER—JAMESON.
19800105—19800106    —INCLUDED, The main themes for discussion :
19800105—19800106    b) influencing THE—SITUATION in RHODESIA and SOUTH—AFRICA FROM 1—EUROPEAN—CONSERVATIVE viewpoint.
19810105             Im IRAN—IRAK—KRIEG kommt es zur 1. Gegenoffensive des IRAN.
19810105             In der Panzerschlacht von Susangerd werden dabei 50—IRAKISCHE und 140—VON rund 400—ANGREIFENDEN IRANISCHEN—PANZERN vernichtet.
19810105             —ARRESTED, BERKELEY police, 8—DEMONSTRATORS protesting against draft registration.
19810105             The protest was 1—OF—THE—LARGEST across the country as a 2. ROUND—OF—DRAFT—REGISTRATION began.
19820105             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE voided 1—ARKANSAS state law requiring balanced classroom TREATMENT—OF—EVOLUTION and creationism.
19830105             —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—REAGAN, he was nominating ELIZABETH Dole to succeed DREW—LEWIS as SECRETARY—OF—TRANSPORTATION.
19830105             —BECAME, Dole, the 1. woman to HEAD—1—CABINET—DEPARTMENT—IN—REAGAN—ADMINISTRATION, and the 1. to HEAD—THE—DOT.
19840105             —BERICHTET, Die Süddeutsche Zeitung, von der überraschenden Pensionierung des NATO—GENERALS GÜNTER—KIESSLING durch Bundesverteidigungsminister MANFRED—WÖRNER.
19840105             Weitere Recherchen von Journalisten fördern die KIEßLING—AFFÄRE ans Tageslicht.
19840105             Der homosexuellen Verhaltens verdächtigte GENERAL wird später vollständig rehabilitiert.
19850105             Nach Bekanntwerden der Umsiedlung von rund 8000—ÄTHIOPISCHEN—JUDEN aus dem SUDAN nach ISRAEL wird die Operation Moses beendet.
19850105             Unter dem Verdacht, 1—JUWELIERGESCHÄFT überfallen zu haben, wird der frühere RHEINLAND—PFÄLZISCHE FDP—LANDESVORSITZENDE HANS—OTTO—SCHOLL festgenommen.
19850105             —BLACKED, It began 19841118             , but new was, out for security reasons.
19850105             BORIS—WEISFEILER, —43—JAHRE—ALT, 1—RUSSIA—ÉMIGRÉ and naturalized USA—CITIZEN, disappeared —WHILE hiking in CHILE.
19850105             ISRAEL—6—WEEK—OPERATION—MOSES for the resettlement of 8,000 ETHIOPIA—JEWS ended.
19850105—20000000    —DECLASSIFIED, USA, documents indicated that Boris, 1—MATHEMATICS—PROFESSOR, was detained by THE—CHILE—MILITARY and handed over to Colonia Dignidad.
19880105             Die USA—AMERIKANISCHE—SITCOM Alf wird vom ZDF erstmals im DEUTSCHEN—FERNSEHEN ausgestrahlt.
19880105             Eine vom sowjetischen Politbüro eingesetzte Rehabilitierungskommission zu den stalinistischen Repressalien in der Sowjetunion nimmt ihre Arbeit auf.
19880105             † Basketball star "Pistol" PETE—MARAVICH—OF—1—HEART—ATTACK —DURING 1—PICKUP game in PASADENA—CALIFORNIA, at age 40. He had —RECENTLY finished 1—AUTOBIOGRAPHY.
19880105—19810000    —SINCE, THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL voted unanimously to ask ISRAEL not to deport Palestinians from the occupied territories in the 1. council vote against ISRAEL.
19880105—19870100    —IM, ABBAS—ALI—HAMADI wird Nötigung der Bundesregierung wegen der Beteiligung an der Entführung von ALFRED—SCHMIDT und RUDOLF—CORDES im LIBANON vorgeworfen
19880105—19880419    —AM, wird ABBAS—ALI—HAMADI zu —13—JAHREN Freiheitsstrafe verurteilt.
19880105—20070000    —AUTHORED, MARK—KRIEGEL, "Pistol: THE—LIFE—OF—PETE—MARAVICH".
19890105             —ASKED, LAWRENCE—E—WALSH, the special prosecutor in THE—IRAN—CONTRA case, for 1—DISMISSAL—OF—2—CHARGES against OLIVER—NORTH, citing the Reagan administration's refusal to release material sought by North.
19900105             PRESIDENT—BUSH told 1—NEWS—CONFERENCE THE—USA had 1—STRONG—CASE against deposed PANAMA—LEADER—MANUEL—NORIEGA and said he was convinced Noriega would receive 1—FAIR—TRIAL on DRUG—TRAFFICKING charges.
19900105—19570000    Das oberste Gericht der DDR hebt das Urteil von, gegen WALTER—JANKA auf, —NACHDEM zuvor das Politbüro der SED Jankas Rehabilitierung beschlossen hat.
19910105             PRESIDENT—BUSH met at Camp DAVID—MARYLAND, with UN SECRETARY—GENERAL—JAVIER Perez de Cuellar to discuss the Persian Gulf crisis.
19910105             —PRETAPED, The same —DAY, 1, radio address by Bush was broadcast in which THE—PRESIDENT—WARNED—IRAQ: "Time is running out".
19920105             —ARRIVED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, in SEOUL, SOUTH—KOREA, on the 3. stop of a —12—DAY—TOUR focusing on INTERNATIONAL trade issues.
19930105             Vor den Shetlands läuft der Öltanker Braer auf Grund.
19930105             Danach laufen 84.500—TONNEN Rohöl aus.
19930105             THE—BRAER, 1—LIBERIAN—REGISTERED tanker, ran aground in SCOTLAND—SHETLAND—ISLANDS, spilling some 26—MILLION—GALLONS—OF—LIGHT—CRUDE—OIL.
19930105—19650000    —SINCE, THE—STATE—OF—WASHINGTON executed Westley ALLAN—DODD, 1 admitted child sex killer, in AMERICA—1. legal hanging.
19940000             CRIMES AND CORRUPTION—OF—THE—NEW—WORLD—ORDER—NEWS: 20070105             19940105             —AGREED, THE—CLINTON administration said NORTH—KOREA had, to allow renewed INTERNATIONAL inspections of 7—NUCLEAR—SITES.
19940105—20010000    —IN, THOMAS—P "Tip" O'Neill, FORMER—SPEAKER—OF—THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES, † in BOSTON at age 81. JOHN—A—FARRELL authored "Tip O'Neill and the Democratic —CENTURY".
19950105             —RECEIVED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, Republican congressional leaders at THE—WHITE—HOUSE, declaring that "we can do 1—LOT—OF—BUSINESS together" on reforming the way government works.
19950105             1—WARRANT was issued for THE—ARREST—OF—JAMES "Whitey" Bulger (19290000             *), top MOBSTER—OF—BOSTON—WINTER—HILL—GANG.
19950105             —DISAPPEARED, He had, with his girlfriend —JUST days —BEFORE the warrant was issued.
19950105—20000000    —LINKED, Bulger was, to 21—MURDERS and became 1—FIXTURE on the FBI's "10—MOST Wanted" list.
19960105             1—END to a —3—WEEK—OLD—PARTIAL—GOVERNMENT shutdown was in sight as the House acted to restore the jobs and WAGES—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—FEDERAL—WORKERS.
19960105             —RELEASED, Lawyers for Hillary Rodham Clinton, SOUGHT—AFTER billing records that were discovered THE—DAY—BEFORE in 1—WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICE.
19960105             Together they made this 1—OF—THE—MOST innovative dance companies in the world.
19960105             —INCLUDED, His books, 19320000             —THE novel "Flesh Is Heir," 1—HISTORICAL—ROMANCE.
19960105—19460000    —IN, Balanchine and
19960105—19480000    —FOUNDED, Kirstein, the Ballet Society, renamed THE—NEW—YORK City Ballet.
19960105—19900000    —SINCE, USA—RETAILERS—POSTED their worst holiday sales.
19970105             published in THE—PHILADELPHIA—INQUIRER...
19970105             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—AIR—RAID, 4 and wounded 32. 1—BOMB in CENTRAL—KABUL killed 3 and wounded 37.
19970105             —MASSACRED, ALGERIA, Muslim guerrillas, 16 in BEN—ACHOUR village.
19970105             —ATTACKED, BURUNDI, THE—TUTSI—LED army, and killed HUNDREDS—OF—HUTUS in 1—DISPUTE over land at Bukeye in CENTRAL—BURUNDI.
19970105             ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU and PALESTINE—LEADER—YASSER Arafat held 1—SECRET, predawn summit, but fell SHORT—OF—AGREEMENT on the issues delaying 1—ISRAEL—TROOP—WITHDRAWAL from HEBRON.
19970105             —BLASTED, Jewish leaders, THE—REMARK—OF—FORMER—SWITZERLAND—PRESIDENT—JEAN—PASCAL—DELAMURAZ, who called Jewish demands for the compensation of Holocaust victims "blackmail".
19970105             —REPORTED, KENYA, the Daily Nation, that 1—MAN stole $1—MILLION by impersonating 1—CITIBANK bank employee.
19970105             —SHIPPED, The money had been, from NY to 1—KENYA—AIRPORT freight terminal at THE—NAIROBI—INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT.
19970105             —ARRESTED, MEXICO, at least 26—PEOPLE were, in Sinaloa state, MANY—OF—THEM police officers, at the wedding party for the sister of Amado Carrillo, the reputed top drug trafficker in MEXICO.
19970105             —MURDERED, RWANDA, 1—MOTHER and father and 7—CHILDREN were.
19970105             —TESTIFIED, The mother had, against THE—FORMER—MAYOR—OF—TABA, JEAN—PAUL—AKAYESU, for THE—MURDER—OF—SOME 2,000 villagers.
19980105             —FORCED, Balloonist STEVE—FOSSET was, down in RUSSIA —AFTER completing 7,300 miles in —4—DAYS in his effort to circle the globe.
19980105             —ROLLED, Volkswagen, out 1—NEW—VERSION—OF—THE—BEETLE at the annual DETROIT Auto Show.
19980105             † SONNY—BONO, —62—JAHRE—ALT, former 1960's pop singer and —LATER Republican congressman, —WHEN he struck 1—TREE—WHILE skiing in SOUTH—LAKE—TAHOE—CALIFORNIA MARY—BONO —LATER revealed that he was 1—HEAVY—USER—OF—PAIN—PILLS.
19980105             1—CANADA ice storm knocked out electricity in QUEBEC & ONTARIO.
19980105             —ARRESTED, CHINA, Stanford scholar Hua Di (63) was, in BEIJING on charges of treason for allegedly leaking military secrets.
19980105             —SAWED, DENMARK, the bronze HEAD—OF—THE—LITTLE—MERMAID was again, off in COPENHAGEN harbor.
19980105             —KILLED, INDIA, 1—TRAIN—CRASH in Uttar Pradesh, at least 48—PEOPLE.
19980105             —SCHEDULED, KENYA, DANIEL—ARAP—MOI was, to be inaugurated as PRESIDENT —AFTER the elections gave him 40% or 2,445,801 votes.
19980105             LITHUANIA, Vladas Adamkus (71), FORMER—ADMINISTRATOR—OF—THE—USA—ENVIRONMENTAL—PROTECTION—AGENCY, won the presidency in 1—RUNOFF—ELECTION with 49.9% vs. 49.3% for Arturas Paulauskas.
19980105             MEXICO, FRANCISCO—LABASTIDA took over as THE—CHIEF—OF—INTERNAL—SECURITY—AFTER Emilio Chuayffet resigned under pressure from the Chiapas massacre.
19980106             1—NASA—LUNAR—PROSPECTOR, the 3. robot mission of the Discovery Program, 1. scheduled for 19980105             , was launched.
19990105             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE approved settlement in 1—CLASS—ACTION suit filed by AFRICA—USA—FARMERS.
19990105             The agreement to compensate —FOR—YEARS—OF—RACIAL—BIAS could total $400—MILLION.
19990105             The farmers will get $50,000 TAX—FREE and their government debts forgiven.
19990105             1—NEW—THEORY on how HIV attacks cells was reported.
19990105             The production and survival time of T cells was said to be shortened by HIV.
19990105             —SHOWED, New research, that dendritic spines on the nerve BRANCHES—OF—THE—BRAIN sprouted and changed form within fractions of a 2.
19990105             —SHELLED, ANGOLA, Unita rebels, Malanje for a 2. —DAY.
19990105             25—PEOPLE were killed and 100 wounded.
19990105             IRAN, the Intelligence Ministry said that rogue intelligence officers were responsible for 5—KILLINGS—LAST—YEAR—OF—GOVERNMENT—CRITICS.
19990105             4—USA—AIR—FORCE and Navy jets fired at IRAQ—MIGS testing the "NO—FLY" zone over SOUTH—IRAQ in the 1. such confrontation in more than —6—YEARS.
19990105             6—MISSILES fired by 2—USA—F—15S missed THE—4—MIG 25s of IRAQ.
19990105             —REPORTED, It was, that IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES killed HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE in the Shiite Muslim south in summary executions directed by SADDAM—HUSSEIN—2. son over the last —6—WEEKS.
19990105             —ADMITTED, MALAYSIA, that FORMER—DEPUTY—PREMIER—ANWAR was beaten by police —AFTER his arrest —IN—SEPTEMBER.
20000105             7 7—IRAQ Update ;;02;; 1-7 | THE—AGONIST
20000105             1—FREQUENT—PENTAGON—CRITIC who has made repeated research trips to IRAQ to
20000105             IRAQ war did not create WAVE—OF—TERRORISM: Rumsfeld - 7—DAVID—CORN
20000105             —FROM page 61—OF—THE—911—COMMISSION—REPORT:".SADDAM—HUSSEIN, had never had an... + the criminal actions of DOUGLAS—FEITH + Rumsfeld + Wolfowitz + Wurmser.
20000105             —ENGAGED, Democratic presidential candidates AL—GORE and BILL—BRADLEY, in 1—FEISTY debate in DURHAM—NEW—HAMPSHIRE.
20000105             Touching off angry protests by CUBAN—AMERICANS in MIAMI, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT decided to send —6—YEAR—OLD—ELIAN Gonzalez back to CUBA.
20000105             —AFTER 1—LEGAL—BATTLE, and the seizure of Elian from the home of his USA relatives, the boy was returned to CUBA in June.
20000105             —ANNOUNCED, In THE—IVORY—COAST—GENERAL—ROBERT—GUEI, that he was suspending the country's staggering foreign debt payments.
20000105             —CLASHED, NIGERIA, rival youths of the Yoruba and Hausa tribes, in LAGOS and IBADAN and some 35—PEOPLE were killed.
20000105             —FREED, KARACHI—PAKISTAN, militant MASOOD—AZHAR called on some 10,000 followers to liberated Kashmir and to destroy INDIA and THE—USA.
20000105             —ARRIVED, The 17. Karmapa, Ugyen Trinley Dorje (14), in INDIA —AFTER —1—WEEK—LONG—FLIGHT from Tsurphu Monastery in TIBET.
20000105             7 7 - IRAQ Update February 1-7 | THE—AGONIST—BURNT—ORANGE—REPORT...
20000105             1—FREQUENT—PENTAGON critic who has made repeated research trips to IRAQ to... IRAQ war did not create WAVE—OF—TERRORISM: Rumsfeld...
20000105—20000108    -8 - 20000000             —THE—AL—QAIDA—SUMMIT
20010105             —AGREED, USA Republicans, to share power in the Senate with Democrats on committees.
20010105             —PASSED, The information was, on to THE—CIA.
20010105             Documents on OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—TERROR—NETWORK were drawn up by THE—FRANCE—SPY—SERVICE, THE—DGSE, 20000700—20011000    —BETWEEN.
20010105             THE—PA—BG—CCC agreement includes field development and THE—CONSTRUCTION—OF—1—GAS—PIPELINE.(MIDDLE—EAST—ECONOMIC—DIGEST,).
20010105             THE—BG licence covers the entire Gazan offshore marine area, which is contiguous to several ISRAEL—OFFSHORE gas facilities.
20010105             (See Map below).
20010105             It should be noted that 60—PERCENT—OF—THE—GAS—RESERVES along THE—GAZA—ISRAEL coastline belong to Palestine.
20010105—20070000    —IN, it was reported that 1—FRANCE—INTELLIGENCE—DOCUMENT dated to this —DAY warned that AL—QAIDA was at work on 1—HIJACKING plot.
20010911—20050105    EX—FBI agent admits giving out 20010911             data ASSOCIATED PRESS
20011100             He is reportedly living under "virtual house arrest"[ASIA—TIMES, 20020105             ], and has refused to speak to reporters —SINCE being fired.
20011100             —FREED, Instead, 1—FEW days —AFTER being, he told 1—CHEERING—PAKISTAN—CROWD—OF—10,000—SUPPORTERS, "I have come here because this is my duty to tell you that Muslims should not rest in peace —UNTIL we have destroyed AMERICA and INDIA".[AP, 20000105             ]He then toured PAKISTAN —FOR—WEEKS under the protection of THE—ISI.
20011100             [Gulf News, 20020105             ]
20020105             0 20001205             At 1—PUBLIC meeting in SYDNEY,
20020105             declared that THE—USA—ELECTION—CRISIS signified the onset of 1—REVOLUTIONARY—CRISIS in THE—HEARTLAND—OF—WORLD—CAPITALISM,
20020105             with incalculable global implications.
20020105             —WARNED, North, that remarks made by Justice Antonin Scalia in THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT—LAST—FRIDAY,
20020105             to the effect that THE—USA—PEOPLE did not have THE—RIGHT—OF—SUFFRAGE in THE—ELECTION—OF—THE—PRESIDENT, raised the spectre of
20020105             —REPORTED, SINGAPORE, that authorities had arrested 15 suspected militants 20021209—20021224    —BETWEEN, SOME—OF—WHOM were al Qaeda trained in AFGHANISTAN.
20020105             —REPORTED, It was, that funds for THE—IRAQ—NATIONAL—CONGRESS (INC), the leading opposition group to SADDAM—HUSSEIN, were suspended due to accounting problems.
20020105             BISHOP left 1—NOTE saying he acted alone and expressed sympathy for OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20020105             —REPORTED, CANADA, plans to send 900—TROOPS to assist with peacekeeping in AFGHANISTAN.
20020105             —WARNED, North, that remarks made by Justice Antonin Scalia in THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT—LAST—FRIDAY, to the effect that THE—USA—PEOPLE did not have THE—RIGHT—OF—SUFFRAGE in THE—ELECTION—OF—THE—PRESIDENT, raised the spectre of
20020105             0 20001205             At 1—PUBLIC meeting in SYDNEY—AUSTRALIA —ON—SUNDAY, DAVID—NORTH, CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—WORLD—SOCIALIST—WEB—SITE + national SECRETARY—OF—THE—SOCIALIST—EQUALITY—PARTY in THE—USA, declared that THE—USA—ELECTION—CRISIS signified the onset of 1—REVOLUTIONARY—CRISIS in THE—HEARTLAND—OF—WORLD—CAPITALISM, with incalculable global implications.
20021205154537       —GEORGE—DUBYA—BUSH, COMMAND—IN—CHIEF... 20060216             11, 20010000             , terrorist attacks might have been prevented if THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION h Post Date:20060105161553          20060216             Reuters: CHENEY strongly defends eavesdropping operation VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY strongly defended 1—SECRET [...] Post Date:20060104144446          20060320             offenbart in einem Blogeintrag vom
20021205154537       —JAHR—GEORGE—DUBYA—BUSH, COMMAND—IN—CHIEF... 20060216             11, 20010000             , terrorist attacks might have been prevented if THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION h Post Date:20060105161553
20021222             —FAILED, LITHUANIA, Valdas Adamkus, to get 1—ABSOLUTE—MAJORITY (35.2%) in national elections, forcing him into a 20020105             runoff with FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—ROLANDAS—PAKSAS (19.8%).
20021229             —SURVIVED, The islanders, and aid arrived 20020105            .
20021229             20030105             EDINBURG—TEXAS, 6—MEN were shot to death in 1—HOME—INVASION that involved weapons and drugs.
20030105             Der Transit des Saturn durch den Krebsnebel ermöglicht das Röntgen der Gashülle des Saturnmondes Titan.
20030105             EDINBURG—TEXAS, 6—MEN were shot to death in 1—HOME—INVASION that involved weapons and drugs.
20030105             † JEAN—KERR, —79—JAHRE—ALT, author and playwright.
20030105             —INCLUDED, JEAN—KERR—BOOKS, "Please Don't Eat the Daisies".
20030105             —SUSPECTED, THE—ARMED—ISLAMIC—GROUP was.
20030105             —ATTACKED, BHUTAN, INDIA—SEPARATISTS said 50—INDIA—SOLDIERS, their camps.
20030105             15—SOLDIERS and 7—REBELS were reported killed.
20030105             —ARRESTED, UK—ANTI—TERRORISM—POLICE, 6—MEN—OF—NORTH—AFRICA—ORIGIN —AFTER finding small quantities of ricin, 1—LETHAL poison, in 1—LONDON apartment.
20030105             † ROY—JENKINS, —82—JAHRE—ALT, UK—POLITICIAN, liberal reformer and biographer, —AFTER collapsing at his home in EAST—HENDRED.
20030105             —REPORTED, CHINA—MEDIA, that 1—UNMANNED—CHINA—SPACE—CAPSULE had returned safely to Earth.
20030105             ISRAEL, 2—PALESTINE—SUICIDE—BOMBERS blew themselves up minutes apart in 1—CENTRAL—TEL—AVIV area crowded with foreign workers, killing 23—BYSTANDERS in the bloodiest attack in —6—MONTHS.
20030105             —KILLED, KOSOVO, gunmen, 3—PEOPLE including Tahir Zemaj, 1—FORMER—ALBANIA—REBEL—LEADER.
20030105             —PROMISED, Paksas, to keep LITHUANIA closely aligned with the West.
20030105             —BANKROLLED, The election of Paksas was, by YURI—BORISOV, 1—RUSSIAN—BORN dealer in helicopter parts.
20030105             —DECLARED, THE—LAOS government, this —DAY 1—NATIONAL—HOLIDAY in HONOR—OF—KING—FANGUM, "THE—FATHER—OF—LAO unity" and the 650. anniversary of the founding of Lan Xang in1353.
20030105—19990000    —IN, LITHUANIA, rightist Rolandas Paksas (46), 1—FORMER stunt pilot and PM and 20000000             , was elected PRESIDENT in 1—SURPRISE—VICTORY over PRESIDENT—ADAMKUS, 54.9% vs. 45%.
20040000             - Tourist Screening / USA — 20040106             :"MIAMI—USA—IMIGRATION—OFFICERS began fingerprinting + photographing TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—VISITORS arriving from other countries —MONDAY [20040105             ], in what FEDERAL—AUTHORITIES described as 1 sophisticated new security measure to monitor who enters the country and how long they stay".
20040000             —TITLED, Luttwak with his succinctly, work " Coup d'état: 1—PRACTICAL handbook " +... EDWARD—LUTTWAK describes 1—COUP as "the infiltration of 1—SMALL but critical... 20070105             ?
20040000—20070105    Kategorie:Nachrichtendienstliche OPERATION—INFOS +...
20040105             —AFTER—14—YEARS—OF—DENIALS, PETE—ROSE publicly admitted that he'd bet on baseball —WHILE manager of THE—CINCINNATI—REDS.
20040105             —EXTENDED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, a 19860000             ORDER—OF—SANCTIONS—AGAINST—LIBYA.
20040105             THE—USA—BEGAN fingerprinting and photographing INTERNATIONAL passengers at 115—AIRPORTS and 14—CRUISE—SHIP ports.
20040105             —RELEASED, NASA, a 3-D, BLACK—AND—WHITE—PANORAMIC—PICTURE—OF—THE—BLEAK—SURFACE—OF—MARS snapped by the newly landed rover, Spirit.
20040105             † NORMAN—HEATLEY, —92—JAHRE—ALT, 1—SCIENTIST whose pioneering work on penicillin production helped save countless lives, in OXFORD—ENGLAND.
20040105             It was Heatley and his OXFORD University colleagues who produced enough for the 1. clinical tests on humans.
20040105             † KIHARU—NAKAMURA, —90—JAHRE—ALT, JAPAN—GEISHA, in THE—USA.
20040105             † TUG—MCGRAW, —59—JAHRE—ALT, baseball pitcher, near NASHVILLE—TENNESSEE.
20040105             —CONFIRMED, CHINA, its 1. SARS case —SINCE 1—OUTBREAK—OF—THE—DISEASE was contained in July and authorities ordered the emergency slaughter of some 10,000 civet cats and related species —AFTER tests linked 1—VIRUS found in the animals to the patient.
20040105             Dutchman Jaap de Hoop Scheffer took over as NATO—TOP official.
20040105             1—LETTER—BOMB addressed to 1—SENIOR—MEMBER—OF—THE—EUROPEAN—PARLIAMENT burst into flames.
20040105             —ARMED, MEXICO, heavily, men in military and POLICE—STYLE—UNIFORMS raided the western prison at Apatzingan in Michoacan state and freed 25—INMATES.
20040105             —EXPLODED, THAILAND, 2—BOMBS, in THE—SOUTH—TOWN—OF—PATTANI, killing 2—POLICEMEN and injuring several people, police said.
20040105             2—OTHER—BOMBS were found —BEFORE they could go off.
20040105—20041227    —SINCE, ITALY—ANARCHISTS were suspected in THE—7—MAIL attacks.
20041103             Fireballs / SPAIN - 20040105             : "HUNDREDS—OF—WITNESSES reported seeing fireballs cross THE—SKIES—OF—NORTH—SPAIN —ON—SUNDAY [20040104             ] in what authorities said may have been 1—DISINTEGRATING meteorite, SPAIN—RADIO said".
20041103—20040000    —JAHR, Tourist Screening / USA — 20040106             :"MIAMI—USA—IMIGRATION—OFFICERS began fingerprinting + photographing TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—VISITORS arriving from other countries —MONDAY [20040105             ],
20041120             MelissaB 200411200957—PM #49 You're welcome BlueDog2u 200411201052—PM #63 NICE summary, thanks.
20041120             DOCTOR—BLASS is the man we need on the witness CARL—BRENNAN 200411201058—PM #65 WILL—BLASS blow the whistle if he has his own skeletons in the closet?
20041120             eowyn_of_rohan Nov-21-04 08:54 AM #103 A relevant anecdote (perhaps) Wiley50 200411201059—PM #66 hee, hee.
20041207             20060103             New BUSH Initiative to Impose Order in IRAQ... " Terriers and Rogue Nations ", 233, 20021205154537         —GEORGE—DUBYA—BUSH, COMMAND—IN—CHIEF... 20060216             11, 20010000             , terrorist attacks might have been prevented if THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION h Post Date:20060105161553          20060216             Reuters: CHENEY strongly defends eavesdropping operation VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY strongly defended 1—SECRET [...] Post Date:20060104144446          20060320             offenbart in einem Blogeintrag vom
20041208             —DISCOVERED, Their bodies were, 20040105            .
20041208             20050105             03.20000102             5 - 02.20000102             5
20050105             03.20000102             5 - 02.20000102             5
20050105             01.20000102             5 - "Did We Bounce 1—ELECTION?" - 01.20000102             5
20050105             01.20000102             5 Selected articles from 2004
20050105             03.20000102             5 "Verified election contest petitions and documents in OHIO SUPREME—COURT "
20050105             02.20000102             5 "Distribution of voting machines by county in OHIO"
20050105             01.20000102             5 "Did We Bounce 1—ELECTION?"
20050105             01.20000102             5 Selected articles
20050105             "7—KEY—REASONS why the vote must be challenged at the electoral college"
20050105             "OHIO—OFFICIAL NON—RECOUNT ends amidst new EVIDENCE—OF—FRAUD,
20050105             theft and judicial contempt mirrored in NEW—MEXICO"
20050105             —PLEDGED, AUSTRALIA—PRIME—MINISTER—JOHN—HOWARD, $765—MILLION over —5—YEARS to INDONESIA—TSUNAMI—RECONSTRUCTION and development due to 20051226             —THE disaster.
20050105             —OPENED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, 1—NEW—DRIVE for caps on medical malpractice awards, contending the limits would lower health care costs.
20050105             Cpl.
20050105             —CHARGED, Wassef ALI—HASSOUN, 1—MARINE, with desertion in IRAQ —AFTER mysteriously disappearing from his post was again declared 1—DESERTER, this time for failing to report to his USA—BASE.
20050105             —REPORTED, It was, that PolyMedix, 1—RESEARCH—FIRM in PHILADELPHIA, was targeting bacteria with synthetic molecules that prevented THE—DEVELOPMENT—OF—RESISTANCE.
20050105             † JULIUS—AXELROD, NIH neuroscientist, in Rockville, Md. JULIUS—AXELROD shared a 19700000             Nobel Prize with 2—OTHERS for work on NEURO—TRANSMITTERS.
20050105             —AGREED, THE—HEAD—OF—THE—IAEA said IRAN has, to give UNITED—NATIONS inspectors access to 1—HUGE—MILITARY—SITE that THE—USA—ALLEGES is linked to 1—SECRET—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—PROGRAM.
20050105             IRAQ—INTELLIGENCE—CHIEF said as many as 30,000 WELL—TRAINED terrorists are actively operating —THROUGHOUT IRAQ at the behest of former regime leaders based in Syria.
20050105             1—CAR—BOMB exploded outside 1—POLICE—ACADEMY—SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD —DURING 1—GRADUATION—CEREMONY, killing at least 20—PEOPLE.
20050105             —KILLED, Hours —EARLIER, another car bomb, 2—IRAQIS in BAGHDAD.
20050105             A 2. car bomber killed 5—IRAQ—POLICEMEN in Baqouba.
20050105             2—HOMEMADE PALESTINE—ROCKETS fell into 1—ARMY—BASE in SOUTH—ISRAEL, wounding 12—PEOPLE, 1—OF—THEM seriously.
20050105             —BACKED, WEST—NEPAL, soldiers, by helicopters raided 1—COMMUNIST—REBEL hideout, killing at least 30—GUERRILLAS and foiling 1 planned attack on 1—ARMY—BASE.
20050105             THE—UN said that camps for up to 500,000 tsunami refugees will be built on devastated Sumatra ISLAND, —WHILE world leaders headed to INDONESIA to discuss how to distribute BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in aid.
20050105             03.20000102             5
20050105             "10—PRELIMINARY—REASONS why the Bush vote does not compute + why Congress must investigate rather than certify the Electoral College (Part 1—OF 2)"
20050105             "Verified election contest petitions and documents in OHIO SUPREME—COURT "
20050105             02.20000102             5
20050105             "Distribution of voting machines by county in OHIO"
20050105             "Presidential election congressional hearing transcript"
20050105             "OHIO—OFFICIAL—NON—RECOUNT ends amidst new EVIDENCE—OF—FRAUD, theft and judicial contempt mirrored in NEW—MEXICO"
20050105—20030800    —IN, 1—GROUP calling itself "THE—FREE—PEOPLE—OF—THE—GALILEE" claimed that it abducted Dana Bennet, 1—ISRAELI—USA—WOMAN, and demanded that ISRAEL release 1,000 PALESTINE—PRISONERS in exchange for information about her fate.
20050105—20051200    —IN, The bodies of 18—YOUNG—IRAQ—SHIITES taken off 1—BUS and executed were found in 1—FIELD—NEAR—MOSUL.
20050123             200501051519          von sischwar,
20050123             200501051519          von sischwar, 768. KARIN—GARTNER—VERMISST.
20050218             WASHINGTON Times, 19990105             ,15.... Goss, PORTER—J "Speech at CIRA Luncheon".
20050301—20050105    —APPEALED, FRANCE—JOURNALIST—FLORENCE—AUBENAS, looking pale and distraught, for help on 1—VIDEO in her 1. —SINCE she went missing in IRAQ.
20050328             Power Voting... - Machines Are Susceptible to Manipulation " - DER SPIEGEL 20040105             20050328             Power Voting... Machines Are Susceptible to Manipulation " - DER SPIEGEL 20040105             ... to observe if voting machines are properly registering or counting votes...
20050729—20050105    —AM, Die Astronomen MIKE—BROWN, CHAD—TRUJILLO und DAVID—RABINOWITZ geben die ENTDECKUNG—DES—ENTDECKTEN—OBJEKTS 20030000             UB313 bekannt, das später als Zwergplanet Eris bezeichnet wird.
20051207             20060103             WE CANNOT LET TERRIERS AND ROGUE NATIONS HOLD THIS NATION HOSTILE—BUSH [BGW968] 20000909             20041207             20060103             New BUSH Initiative to Impose Order in IRAQ... " Terriers and Rogue Nations ", 233, 20021205154537         —GEORGE—DUBYA—BUSH, COMMAND—IN—CHIEF... 20060216             11, 20010000             , terrorist attacks might have been prevented if THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION h Post Date:20060105161553          20060216             Reuters: CHENEY strongly defends eavesdropping operation VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY strongly defended 1—SECRET [...] Post Date:20060104144446          20060320             offenbart in einem Blogeintrag vom
20060102—20060105    —ON, INDEPENDENCE Air, formerly known as Atlantic Coast Airlines, said it will shut down.
20060103             WE CANNOT LET TERRIERS AND ROGUE NATIONS HOLD THIS NATION HOSTILE—BUSH [BGW968] 20000909             20041207             20060103             New BUSH Initiative to Impose Order in IRAQ... " Terriers and Rogue Nations ", 233, 20021205154537         —GEORGE—DUBYA—BUSH, COMMAND—IN—CHIEF... 20060216             11, 20010000             , terrorist attacks might have been prevented if THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION h Post Date:20060105161553          20060216             Reuters: CHENEY strongly defends eavesdropping operation VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY strongly defended 1—SECRET [...] Post Date:20060104144446          20060320             offenbart in einem Blogeintrag vom
20060105             Devilish logo a cheap trick
20060105             THE—SWEDEN—JEANS brand Cheap —MONDAY comes with 1—ATTITUDE and 1—LOGO with 1—SKULL, wearing 1—CROSS turned upside down on its forehead.
20060105             The devilish logo is —NOW making rounds in the press in THE—USA,
20060105             something I strongly suspect was the point all along.CHICAGO Tribune
20060105             writes that in spite of, or because of, its logo, the jeans are flying off the shelves:
20060105             The jeans' makers say it's more of 1—JOKE, but the logo's designer said there's 1—DEEPER—MESSAGE.
20060105             It is 1—ACTIVE—STATEMENT against Christianity," BJORN—ATLDAX said.
20060105             "I'm not 1—SATANIST myself but I have 1—GREAT dislike for organized religion".
20060105             —INDICTED, Don't be surprised to see NYT, for wiretaps story - Another 'Duh!... No Fooling' Study
20060105             Why do people spend money researching the obvious? (To generate publicity and get mentioned in places like Poynter Online,
20060105             perhaps?) HERE—ANOTHER study that falls into that camp: Traffic to news sites spikes —WHEN there are big news stories.
20060105             —REPORTED, As, —TODAY by MediaPost Communications, "1—RECENT—RELEASE by Hitwise concludes that trends in visits to news and media sites are driven by major events.
20060105             Significant spikes were seen in the past —YEAR—DURING 20040000             —THE elections,
20060105             THE—INDIA—OCEAN—EARTHQUAKE and tsunami, THE—DEATH—OF—TERRY—SCHIAVO, THE—LONDON bombings + Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
20060105             Well, —NOW. How much (...)Entry continued.
20060105             20060105             Umfrage: MEHRHEIT—DER—DEUTSCHEN mit Merkel zufrieden
20060105             Next story: Casino Jack threatens to trap corrupt congressmen
20060105             TOM—DELAY 's on trial, Randy CUNNINGHAM—GOING to jail, THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY is mired in corruption and cronyism,
20060105             Sun CRUZ—CASINO "Mob Boy" ADAM—KIDAN—ALREADY cut 1—DEAL + JACK—ABRAMOFF—PLEA—AGREEMENT with FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS is expected to result in the biggest Congressional housecleaning in decades.
20060105             Yet, appearances to the contrary, "THE—BIG—FIX 20060000             " may already be in on the Republican big money scandals.
20060105             The show may be over —BEFORE it began.
20060105             Democratic Underground FORUMS—PRINTER friendly page, topic ID. 20060105             - Sibel Edmonds, FORMER—FBI translator.
20060105             20060105             Operating out of CHARLOTTE County Airport, DIETRICH—REINHARDT—CARIBE—AIR, was called 1—CIA proprietary.
20060105             Die sizilianische MAFIA—DIE Justiz und die Mafia
20060105             Rockefeller GESCHICHTE—DER—ROCKEFELLER—DYNASTIE.
20060105             LEO—TROTZKI: Aussichten der Weltentwicklung (Kap.9)
20060105             Wilson, Harding, Coolidge, Morgan, Rockefeller — das sind nicht die Namen... JEDER—ERFOLG—DES—AMERIKANISMUS wird, soweit der Amerikanismus Erfolge haben...
20060105             Die ZEIT—POLITIK : Erfolg im Schatten der Generäle
20060105             Der Sozialist traf sich mit GEORGE—SOROS, DAVID—ROCKEFELLER, STEVE—FORBES und anderen... EINIGE—DIESER—ERFOLGE dienen als Modelle für die 3. Welt".
20060105             Dennoch gebe es an dem generellen Zusammenhang zwischen globaler Erwärmung und der drastischen Veränderung der Tiefseeströmungen "keinen Zweifel".
20060105             —BEZEICHNET, Als "beängstigend", er aber, dass die ozeanische Wärmepumpe beim letzten Mal rund 100.—000—JAHRE brauchte,
20060105             um wieder normal zu funktionieren.
20060105             "Wenn sich die Strömung wieder drehen sollte, könnte es sein, dass wir eine lange, lange Zeit mit dieser Veränderung leben müssen".
20060105             Die globale Erwärmung könnte das Weltklima abrupt kippen lassen.
20060105             Untersuchungen des Meeresbodens haben ergeben,
20060105             dass steigende Temperaturen vor Millionen —JAHREN —SCHON einmal die Strömungen der Ozeane durcheinander gebracht haben.
20060105             Grund für die Hitzewelle: Treibhausgase.
20060105             Es ist eines der bekanntesten Szenarien der Klimaforschung: Die globale Erwärmung lässt das Eis an den POLEN schmelzen und sorgt für stärkere Niederschläge.
20060105             Immer mehr Süßwasser gelangt in die Ozeane und bringt so den Golfstrom ins Stottern:
20060105             —BASIERT, Er, darauf, dass schweres, salziges Wasser im Norden in die Tiefe sinkt und nach Süden abfließt,
20060105             während wärmeres Wasser aus dem Süden nach EUROPA und Nordamerika kommt und dort für milde Temperaturen sorgt.
20060105             Versiegt der Golfstrom, bibbern Europäer und Nordamerikaner unter einer Kältewelle.
20060105             Als nächstes wollen Shackleton und seine Kollegen prüfen, ob sie auch die menschlichen Stammzellen identifizieren können.
20060105             Sie erhoffen sich davon nicht nur Erkenntnisse darüber, wie gesundes Brustgewebe entsteht, sondern auch einen tieferen Einblick in die Entstehung von Brustkrebs.
20060105             So sei es beispielsweise vorstellbar, dass die Stammzellen unter bestimmten Bedingungen zu wahren Tumorfabriken werden,
20060105             meinen die Forscher: Wenn 1—STAMMZELLE—FEHLER in ihrem Erbgut ansammelt, kann sie entarten und zu einer sogenannten Krebsstammzelle werden.
20060105             Diese Zellen werden von den meisten Chemotherapien nicht erfasst und liefern daher immer wieder bösartige Zellen nach.
20060105             PENTAGON loses legal round on GUANTANAMO names:
20060105             —STOPPED, CUBA, but, short of ordering that the names be released.
20060105             Surveillance COURT—IS—SEEKING—ANSWERS:
20060105             SOME—JUDGES who spoke on THE—CONDITION—OF—ANONYMITY—YESTERDAY said they want to know whether warrants they signed were tainted by THE—NSA program.
20060105             —VIOLATED, REPRESENTATIVE—HARMAN says reports to Congress, law:
20060105             The briefings on the program under which Americans and other people in THE—USA—ARE selected for eavesdropping without court warrants were limited to THE—SO—CALLED—GANG—OF—8.
20060105             In 1—NEW—BOOK out —TUESDAY, "STATE—OF—WAR," he says it was 1—LOT—BIGGER than that.
20060105             Political Hemorrhaging:
20060105             —WHILE those in the West and ISRAEL naively labeled Sharon 1—NEW "MAN—OF—PEACE" and fresh CORRUPTION charges surfaced,
20060105             his political career was strong as ever.
20060105             —SHOWED, Major polls, the premier was 1—SHOE—IN, but —NOW the question becomes which direction ISRAEL will be headed politically.
20060105             Sharon: Bribery: Publish Everything:
20060105             1—DOCUMENT presented to the court indicated that police have prima facie evidence that brothers Martin and JAMES—SCHLAFF were involved in the transfer of $3—MILLION to THE—PRIME—MINISTER—FAMILY + that there is evidence showing that the money was paid as 1—BRIBE.
20060105             The truth you don't hear:
20060105             THE—ON—THE—GROUND—REALITY—OF—ISRAEL—MORAL—BANKRUPTCY in its genocidal policies towards the Palestinians remains as clear as ever
20060105             What Hillary Clinton Doesn't Know About Palestine:
20060105             In mid-;;11;;, Hillary Clinton visited ISRAEL and, —FOLLOWING 1—MEETING with Ariel Sharon,
20060105             in remarks that presaged the praise being heaped on THE—NOW—COMATOSE Sharon,
20060105             began her campaign for PRESIDENT by praising the Israeli as a "courageous" man who had taken "1—INCREDIBLY difficult" step by withdrawing from GAZA.
20060105             FUND—RAISING: Take It to the (West) Bank:
20060105             Money meant for the inner city went to fight the intifada.
20060105             What donors to JACK—ABRAMOFF—CHARITY didn't know.
20060105             Abramoff says he could implicate 60—LAWMAKERS:
20060105             It is commonplace for lawmakers to solicit campaign donations from lobbyists, who routinely offer them in hopes of gaining advantage.
20060105             Yet MISTER—ABRAMOFF also went far beyond routine practice by furnishing lawmakers with lavish trips, free meals and entertainment as well.
20060105             Abramoff Lobbying Scandal: Big Timber Falls Hard:
20060105             Republican DENNIS—HASTERT, SPEAKER—OF—THE—HOUSE, —YESTERDAY shed himself of tainted campaign contributions totaling $70,000.
20060105             —UNSPECIFIED, He gave the money to 1, charity.
20060105             Bush to Give Up $6,000 In Abramoff Contributions:
20060105             —RAISED, ABRAMOFF, more than $100,000 for THE—BUSH—CHENEY reelection campaign, making him an honorary BUSH "Pioneer".
20060105             But the campaign is giving up only $6,000,
20060105             which came directly from ABRAMOFF, his wife and 1—OF—THE—INDIA—TRIBES the lobbyist represented.
20060105             THE—PIMPING—OF—THE—PRESIDENCY:
20060105             JACK—ABRAMOFF and Grover Norquist Billing Clients for Face Time with G.W. BUSH
20060105             Branded: "I'm sorry, sir," she said.
20060105             "There seems to be 1—PROBLEM. 20060105             —PLACED, You've been, on the No Fly Watch List".
20060105             —4—YEAR—OLD—BOY on Government 'NO—FLY' List:
20060105             "I don't want to be on the list. I want to fly and see my grandma," THE—4—YEAR—OLD—BOY said, according to his mother.
20060105             GREECE—PAPER prints photo of 'MI6 agent':
20060105             1—PHOTOGRAPH purporting to be BRITAIN—TOP—MI6 agent in GREECE was published —TODAY on the front page of 1—ATHENS newspaper,
20060105             as controversy continues over the alleged ROLE—OF—UK—AGENTS in the arrest and supposed abuse of 1—GROUP—OF—PAKISTANIS living in ATHENS.
20060105             DNA—OF—37—PERCENT—OF—BLACK—MEN held by police:
20060105             THE—DNA profiles of nearly 4 in 10—BLACK—MEN in THE—UK—ARE on the police's national DATABASE—COMPARED with fewer than 1 in 10—WHITE—MEN,
20060105             according to figures compiled by THE—GUARDIAN.
20060105             PERU recalls ambassdor to VENEZUELA:
20060105             —ANNOUNCED, THE—PERU—GOVERNMENT, —ON—WEDNESDAY that it will recall its ambassador to VENEZUELA,
20060105             in response to VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ—PUBLIC support to PERU—LEFTIST presidential candidate Ollanta Humala.
20060105             Former "Economic Hit Man" JOHN—PERKINS on "THE—1.—TRULY—GLOBAL—EMPIRE"
20060105             AUSTRALIA: THE—DEFENCE—MATERIEL—ORGANISATION employees under cloud over payments to defence contractor:
20060105             the Defence Watchdog has uncovered serious issues linked to an $8—MILLION—CONTRACT for army jackets.
20060105             Reid says Chertoff should resign:
20060105             —1—DAY—AFTER the government dropped LAS—VEGAS from 1—LIST—OF—CITIES considered potential HIGH—RISK—TARGETS—ELIGIBLE for special ANTI—TERRORISM—GRANTS.
20060105             AFGHANISTAN: THE—NATO—QUAGMIRE:
20060105             THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, in 1—RECENT—ARTICLE said that "BRITAIN and THE—NETHERLANDS will join CANADA in assuming control in the south,
20060105             along with 1—MUCH smaller CONTINGENT—OF—USA—SUPPORT—TROOPS".
20060105             This is incorrect.
20060105             IRAQ—GIRL—BLOG: BAGHDAD Burning:
20060105             Here we are in the 1. days of 20060000            .
20060105             What does the '6' symbolize?
20060105             How about- —6—HOURS—OF—NO—ELECTRICITY for EVERY—1—HOUR—OF—ELECTRICITY?
20060105             IMF Occupies IRAQ, Riots Follow:
20060105             Bad enough that THE—USA—MILITARY is occupying IRAQ.
20060105             —NOW THE—IMF is occupying the country.
20060105             But I'm telling you we are not even close to winning BUSH—WAR in IRAQ.
20060105             We have been in IRAQ almost —3—YEARS + USA—TROOPS are still in 1—LOCK down.
20060105             No USA—TROOPER can take 1—STROLL down THE—STREETS—OF—BAGHDAD or ANY—OTHER—IRAQ—CITY.
20060105             Out of IRAQ Events Planned in Over 130—CITIES:
20060105             7. - MOST—OF—THE—EVENTS are town hall forums + several will feature MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS,
20060105             including BOBBY—SCOTT, Diane Watson, JIM—MCDERMOTT,
20060105             CIA had PLENTY—OF—EVIDENCE—IRAQ had no illegal weapons, book reveals:
20060105             THE—CIA had evidence from 30—IRAQ—WEAPONS—SCIENTISTS that SADDAM—HUSSEIN had abandoned its WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION—PROGRAMS—LONG—BEFORE THE—USA invaded,
20060105             1—EXPLOSIVE new book on AMERICA—SPYING operations says.
20060105             UK: Anger as BRITAIN admits it was wrong to blame IRAN for deaths in IRAQ:
20060105             —DEMANDED, MPs and soldiers' families have, 1—EXPLANATION from the Government —AFTER 1—U—TURN over claims that IRAN was complicit in THE—KILLING—OF—UK—SOLDIERS in SOUTH—IRAQ.
20060105             —SIGNALED, SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE, —THURSDAY that time is running out for IRAN to avoid being hauled —BEFORE THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL over its disputed nuclear program + she denied that the threat is mere "saber rattling".
20060105             MICHEL—CHOSSUDOVSKY: Nuclear War against IRAN:
20060105             The launching of 1—OUTRIGHT war using nuclear warheads against IRAN is —NOW in the final planning stages.
20060105             Coalition partners, which include THE—USA, ISRAEL and TURKEY are in "1 advanced STAGE—OF—READINESS".
20060105             1—PEACEFUL—MAN is on his way to meet his Creator.
20060105             THE—LORD may ask him, 20060105             —JUST as he enters the gate of heaven, "Hey Grandpa Arik, why are your hands so red?" Continued
20060105             —1—DAY, in the not too distant future, in THE—MIDDLE—OF—THE—NIGHT,
20060105             1—KNOCK will come at their door, it being not 1—DREAM nor 1—FANTASY,
20060105             its noise 1—OMINOUS—REMINDER—OF—THE—POLICE—STATE—NOW upon AMERICA,
20060105             coming to serve power on those who thought they had nothing to fear by sacrificing liberty and freedom for SO—CALLED security.
20060105             Cult of Presidential Power
20060105             —WHILE much has been made of feverish Christian fundamentalist support for THE—PRESIDENT,
20060105             the real religious fervor in this administration has been almost singularly focused on the quite UN—CHRISTIAN—ATTRIBUTE—OF—TOTAL earthly power.
20060105             THE—QUIET—DEATH—OF—FREEDOM -
20060105             —CARRIED, BUSH has, out the recommendations of 1—MESSIANIC—CONSPIRACY—THEORY called the "Project for 1—NEW—AMERICA—CENTURY".
20060105             Written by his ideological sponsors shortly —BEFORE he came to power,
20060105             it foresaw his administration as 1—MILITARY—DICTATORSHIP behind 1—DEMOCRATIC façade:
20060105             "the cavalry on 1—NEW—USA—FRONTIER" guided by 1—BLEND of paranoia and megalomania.
20060105             WASHINGTON—ES war das Who is Who der USA—AUSSENPOLITIK, das —HEUTE zu Gast bei BUSH war.
20060105             "Nicht jeder hier an diesem Tisch war mit meiner —ENTSCHEIDUNG einverstanden,
20060105             in den IRAK zu gehen + ich verstehe das voll und ganz", sagte GEORGE—W—BUSH bei dem nicht angekündigten Treffen im Weißen Haus.
20060105             Mit am Tisch saßen der ehemalige Außenminister COLIN—POWELL, aus dessen Umfeld immer wieder Kritik gegen BUSH s Politik geäußert wurde + der FRÜHERE—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTER und Demokrat WILLIAM—PERRY.
20060105             Auch die ehemalige Außenministerin MADELEINE—ALBRIGHT und der FRÜHEREN—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTER—ROBERT—MCNAMARA hatten BUSH s IRAK—POLITIK mehrfach kritisiert.
20060105             "Ich werde mir die Ratschläge zu Herzen nehmen", erklärte BUSH nach der Zusammenkunft.
20060105             Trotz ihrer Kritik seien die ehemaligen MINISTER "gute Amerikaner, die wissen, dass wir —JETZT, wo wir dort sind, Erfolge brauchen".
20060105             An dem Treffen nahmen auch die amtierenden MINISTER—FÜR—ÄUßERE—ANGELEGENHEITEN und Verteidigung,
20060105             Condoleezza Rice und DONALD—RUMSFELD, sowie der USA—BOTSCHAFTER—IM—IRAK, Zalmay Khalilzad + der Oberbefehkshaber der USA—STREITKRÄFTE in dem Land, GENERAL—GEORGE—CASEY, teil.
20060105             "Das Treffen ist 1—GELEGENHEIT für diese wichtigen Politiker FRÜHERER—REGIERUNGEN,
20060105             unseren Plan für einen Sieg im IRAK kennen zu lernen und von den militärischen und zivilen Verantwortlichen dort über die Fortschritte dabei informiert zu werden",
20060105             sagte BUSH s Sprecher SCOTT—MCCLELLAN.
20060105             Der Vorstoß des Präsidenten erfolgt vor dem Hintergrund wachsender Kritik der Bevölkerung an seiner IRAK—POLITIK.
20060105             Im ;;11;; stehen Kongresswahlen an, bei denen BUSH s Republikaner die Mehrheit in beiden Häusern des Parlaments verteidigen wollen.
20060105             Zu den eingeladenen Politikern beider großer Parteien zählten auch die Außenpolitiker LAWRENCE—EAGLEBURGER,
20060105             JAMES—BAKER, GEORGE—SHULTZ und ALEXANDER—HAIG sowie die ehemaligen Verteidigungsminister WILLIAM—COHEN,
20060105             FRANK—CARLUCCI, JAMES—SCHLESINGER, HAROLD—BROWN und Melvin Laird.
20060105             —DISKUTIERT, Überraschendes Treffen: Bush, IRAK—STRATEGIE mit Kritikern
20060105             —ENDE—DER—ÄRA—SCHARON: ISRAEL im politischen Vakuum
20060105             —FUNKTIONIERT, Sorge um Scharon: "Ohne ihn, gar nichts"
20060105             Erdgeschichte: Erwärmung ließ Meereskreislauf kollabieren
20060105             KENNEDY—MORD: "Nur einer konnte überleben"
20060105             Vogelgrippe: RUMÄNIEN—REGIERUNG ordnet Impfungen an
20060105             Winterschlaf: Leben auf kleinster Flamme
20060105             Energiedebatte: Gabriel fordert mehr erneuerbare Energie
20060105             CES: Skype & Co. kündigen schnurlose Telefone an
20060105             Zugrandalierer in FRANKREICH: Regierung kündigt landesweite Bahnpolizei an
20060105             NEURO—ELEKTRODEN: CYBER—PROTHESE kann fühlen
20060105             ARD—DOKU über KENNEDY—MORD: Steile These, schwache Belege
20060105             Stammzellen: Forscher finden Mutter aller Brustzellen - Reaktionen: Bush betet für Scharon
20060105             Energiedebatte: Gabriel sperrt sich gegen AKW—AUSBAU - GAS—VERSORGUNG: Die Mär vom Marktpreis
20060105             —BEKENNT, KORRUPTIONS—SKANDAL: USA—LOBBYIST Abramoff, sich erneut schuldig
20060105             INTERNET—REKLAME: ONLINE—WERBEPLÄTZE werden knapp
20060105             FUßBALL—WM: Schäuble will mit AWACS—FLUGZEUGEN Stadien schützen
20060105             BDI—PROGNOSE: "Neue Jobs —ERST ab 4—PROZENT Wachstum" - Political Mechanics..
20060105             ALEX—JONES—RESPONDS—TO—BEN—CHERTOFF, Popular Mechanics Debunking Campaign
20060105             CHERTOFF—COUSIN—PENNED—POPULAR—MECHANICS 20010911             Hit Piece
20060105             —PUNCHED, HOLE TRUTH: Flight 77's landing gear, a 12-ft. hole into THE—PENTAGON—RING—C. - Comments at bottom indicate this could not be true.
20060105             Other.
20060105             gannon affair link to rove/eberle and pentagon mystery
20060105             Die Kraft der bewegten und unbewegten Bilder sollte sich im weiteren Kriegsverlauf immer mehr gegen die USA—REGIERUNG richten.
20060105             Nach oben.
20060105             USA—PRESSES—SYRIA on AL—HARIRI inquiry: 20060105             JOHN—BOLTON said, "SYRIA—RECORD to date has been 1—OF—OBSTRUCTING the investigation, of tampering with the evidence + not making witnesses available in 1—TIMELY fashion".
20060105             It is 'showtime' for SYRIA—UK:
20060105             The current INTERNATIONAL pressure on Syria is "entirely deserved" and it is —NOW "showtime" for its PRESIDENT—UK Foreign SECRETARY—JACK—STRAW says.
20060105             BLAIR—CYNICAL—POLICY on Palestine:
20060105             THE—UK—GOVERNMENT—LIKES to portray itself as an honest broker' in THE—ISRAELI—PALESTINE—CONFLICT,
20060105             seeing "blame on both sides".
20060105             Perhaps because such 1—POSITION finds no basis in INTERNATIONAL law,
20060105             the Government dislikes INTERNATIONAL institutions getting too involved -- as seen —WHEN it tried to prevent THE—INTERNATIONAL—COURT—OF—JUSTICE ruling on THE—ILLEGALITY—OF—THE—SEPARATION—WALL—18—MONTHS—AGO.
20060105             Rights group urges USA to cut ISRAEL aid:
20060105             1—PROMINENT—USA human rights organisation has called on THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION to cut back its direct foreign aid to ISRAEL—UNTIL the latter complies with calls to stop settlement expansion and work on the separation wall.
20060105             New evidence in Sharon corruption case:
20060105             According to THE—LATE—TUESDAY report, SHARON—FAMILY may have received 1—BRIBE from AUSTRALIA—BILLIONAIRE MARTIN—SCHLAFF in connection with 1—SCANDAL involving illegal campaign contributions
20060105             Increasing Calls for PRIME—MINISTER—SHARON to Step Down:
20060105             —DIRECTED, Calls, at PRIME—MINISTER—ARIEL—SHARON, to step down from office,
20060105             are resonating from MANY—PROMINENT—POLITICAL personalities —FOLLOWING 1—CHANNEL 10—NEWS—REPORT —ON—TUESDAY night that THE—PRIME—MINISTER received a $3—MILLION—PAYMENT
20060105             Bush could bypass new torture ban:
20060105             —WHEN PRESIDENT—BUSH—LAST—WEEK signed THE—BILL—OUTLAWING—THE—TORTURE—OF—DETAINEES, he quietly reserved the right to bypass the law under his powers as COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF.
20060105             Justice to Try to Toss Gitmo Challenges :
20060105             THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT will seek DISMISSAL—OF—LAWSUITS from more than 300—GUANTANAMO Bay detainees fighting the legality of their confinement,
20060105             using 1—NEW—LAW that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION says sharply limits existing challenges.
20060105             —REGISTERED, Advocates for detainees quickly, their opposition —TUESDAY.
20060105             —ACTED, The coverup begins: NSA, on its own to expand surveillance:
20060105             Something to Hide: They don't tell him anything:
20060105             Turns out THOUSANDS—OF—AMERICANS and resident foreigners have been or are being monitored and recorded by THE—NSA.
20060105             It's more like INFORMATION—MINING, which is what, you may recall, the administration said it would not do.
20060105             But —NOW BUSH has to investigate THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES because BUSH has been breaking the law, you see?
20060105             Bush to Give Away Abramoff Donations:
20060105             ABRAMOFF—DENSE—NETWORK—OF illicit finances and phony charities might end SOME—POLITICAL—CAREERS in THE—USA.
20060105             Abramoff Money Halted Sweat Shop Legislation:
20060105             was being blocked in THE—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES.
20060105             —NOW, he has his answer.
20060105             To RUSSIA, Love TOM—DELAY : 20060105             JACK—ABRAMOFF—PLEA is —JUST the beginning.
20060105             DELAY—DEALINGS with RUSSIA should be 1—OF—THE—BIGGEST—STORIES—OF—THE—YEAR.
20060105             The $4bn industry that is AMERICA—GUILTY—SECRET: Lobbying is WASHINGTON—GRUBBY secret.
20060105             —LEGALISED, Others claim it is, bribery, even CORRUPTION.
20060105             The man who bought off WASHINGTON:
20060105             LOBBYIST—GUILTY—PLEA set to expose bribery scandal at THE—HEART—OF—USA political system
20060105             Records Detail Spending By GOP Lobbyist ABRAMOFF :
20060105             Lobbying Plan Was Central to GOP—POLITICAL—STRATEGY:
20060105             THE—CORRUPTION—INVESTIGATION surrounding lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF shows the significant political risk that Republican leaders took —WHEN they adopted what had once seemed 1—BRILLIANT—STRATEGY for dominating WASHINGTON:
20060105             turning the K Street lobbying corridor into 1—COG—OF—THE—GOP political machine.
20060105             —ON FATHER—DAY, Send Your Cards to TOM—INSTEAD—OF—GEORGE:
20060105             Our history books tell us that GEORGE—WASHINGTON was THE—FATHER—OF—THE—ABOMINATION—AMERICA has become.
20060105             MANY—AROUND the world, including SOME—AMERICANS, have written off the possibility that THE—USA is capable of acting with morality and sanity.
20060105             Yet hope remains on the horizon for our country.
20060105             —REGARDED, Roberts, Alito, as allies to business on high court:
20060105             1 represented corporate interests as 1—PRIVATE—ATTORNEY;
20060105             the other often sided with employers in lawsuits filed by workers - Business will support Alito:
20060105             Corporate AMERICA should find SOME—CHEER in ALITO—STRICTLY conservative judicial philosophy.
20060105             USA—SUPREME—COURT—NOMINEE—ALITO—SEEN as Ally by Businesses:
20060105             s appointment, anticipate getting another ally in SUPREME—COURT—NOMINEE—SAMUEL—ALITO—JUNIOR
20060105             Eminent domain —NOW big business:
20060105             —1—DAY at the age of 82, IRENE—ANGELL received 1 unexpected letter.
20060105             —NEEDED, THE—CITY—OF—DES—PLAINES, her home and planned to use eminent domain to force her to sell it.
20060105             —YAHOO News — Politics
20060105             —ISSUED, AP - 1—TEXAS prosecutor, subpoenas —THURSDAY for records of 1—CONTRIBUTION to 1—NONPR ofit organization linked to REP.
20060105             TOM—DELAY and LOBBYIST JACK—ABRAMOFF.
20060105             Records on Nonpr ofit Tied to DeLay Sought (AP )
20060105             Prosecutors Decry DELAY—COURT—PROCEDURES (AP )
20060105             New Physics -- THE—THEORY—OF—EVERYTHING—HAS—ARRIVED!
20060105             —BEKENNT, IRAK: AL—QAIDA, sich zu HUBSCHRAUBER—ABSCHUSS
20060105             —SUGGESTED, Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson, that ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—ARIEL—SHARON—STROKE was divine punishment for "dividing GOD—LAND".
20060105             —APOLOGIZED, Robertson —LATER.
20060105             —CALLED, CALIFORNIA—GOVERNOR—SCHWARZENEGGER in his STATE—OF—THE—STATE—SPEECH, for over $222—BILLION for public works projects.
20060105             —ALLOWED, THE—FLORIDA—SUPREME—COURT struck down the voucher system that, SOME—CHILDREN to attend private schools at taxpayer expense, saying that it violates the state constitution's requirement of 1—UNIFORM—SYSTEM—OF—FREE—PUBLIC—SCHOOLS.
20060105             —DETONATED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE attacker in KANDAHAR, explosives strapped to his body —DURING 1—VISIT by THE—USA—AMBASSADOR, killing 10—AFGHANS and wounding 50.
20060105             † THE—WIFE—OF—DRAGOMIR—ABAZOVIC, 1—BOSNIAN—SERBIA—WAR—CRIMES—SUSPECT, was killed in 1—SHOOT—OUT —WHEN EUROPEAN—UNION (EUFOR) peacekeepers moved in to arrest her husband at their home.
20060105             Abazovic and the couple's —11—YEAR—OLD—SON were also shot and injured.
20060105             —ARRIVED, THE—UN said —AROUND 2,000 RWANDA—HUTU refugees have, in BURUNDI in the past —MONTH, MANY—SAYING they feel insecure in RWANDA or are being refused permission to cultivate their land.
20060105             —ANNOUNCED, CHINA—GOVERNMENT, the closing 5,290 coal mines in 1—SAFETY—CRACKDOWN on the world's deadliest mining industry.
20060105             CHINA, Feng Bingxian (59), 1—BUSINESSMAN who led investors against the government SEIZURE—OF—OIL—FIELDS in NORTH—CHINA, was convicted along with 2—CO—DEFENDANTS—OF organizing illegal protests and sentenced to —3—YEARS in prison.
20060105             —OCCURRED, CHINA, 1—OIL spill, at Gongyi city in neighboring Henan province —WHEN 1—FROZEN pipe broke, causing 6—TONS—OF—OIL to spill into 1—TRIBUTARY of the Yellow River.
20060105             —FORCED, WEST—CHINA, violent blizzards have, the evacuation of 97,000—PEOPLE in 1—LARGELY—MUSLIM REGION—OF—XINJIANG, as the nation braced for its worst —WINTER in —20—YEARS.
20060105             —REPORTED, COLOMBIA, local TV, that 2—SOLDIERS had been arrested for giving weapons to leftist rebels, their main battlefield enemy, in exchange for cocaine.
20060105             14—FARC guerrillas and 2—SOLDIERS were killed in clashes in 1—COCA—GROWING area on the edge Sierra Macarena National Park in SOUTH—COLOMBIA.
20060105             —ARRESTED, FRANCE, a —76—YEAR—OLD—PERFORMANCE—ARTIST was, —AFTER attacking MARCEL—DUCHAMP'S  (19170000             ) "Fountain," 1—PORCELAIN urinal, with 1—HAMMER at the Pompidou Center.
20060105             —CALLED, THE—LEADER—OF—HAITI—LARGEST—BUSINESS—ASSOCIATION, for 1—GENERAL—STRIKE—NEXT—WEEK to protest the wave of kidnappings that has sparked fear in the capital and contributed to the chaos that prompted authorities to postpone elections.
20060105             1—SHOOTOUT between inmates at HONDURAS' biggest prison left at least 13—INMATES—DEAD and another 30 wounded.
20060105             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER infiltrated 1—LINE—OF—POLICE recruits in Ramadi, killing at least 58 and wounding dozens including 1—USA—MARINE and soldier.
20060105             11—USA—TROOPS were slain —DURING the —DAY.
20060105             5—SOLDIERS were killed by 1—ROADSIDE bomb SOUTH—OF—KARBALA.
20060105             2—SOLDIERS were killed in THE—BAGHDAD area —WHEN their vehicle hit 1—ROADSIDE bomb.
20060105             2—USA—MARINES were killed by separate small arms attacks —WHILE conducting combat operations in FALLUJAH.
20060105             1—EXPLOSION—NEAR 1—OF—SHIITE—ISLAM—HOLIEST—SHRINES killed at least 5—PEOPLE.
20060105             THE—DAY—DEATH—TOLL—ROSE to at least 136—PEOPLE in 1—SERIES—OF—ATTACKS as politicians tried to form 1—COALITION—GOVERNMENT.
20060105             —CLOSED, IRAQ—LARGEST—OIL—REFINERY, again, —1—DAY—AFTER insurgents ambushed 1—CONVOY—OF—TANKER—TRUCKS carrying gas from the facility.
20060105             ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—ARIEL—SHARON, —77—JAHRE—ALT fought for his life —FOLLOWING—7—HOURS—OF—EMERGENCY surgery to stop widespread bleeding in his brain.
20060105             The massive stroke made it unlikely that he would return to power.
20060105             —NAMED, Vice Premier Ehud Olmert was, acting PM and convened the Cabinet for 1—SPECIAL—SESSION.
20060105             —KILLED, Suspected rebels, 3—POLICE and wounded 4—MORE in attacks across NEPAL, —WHILE HUNDREDS—OF—PROTESTERS marched through KATHMANDU, demanding RESTORATION—OF—DEMOCRACY.
20060105             PAKISTAN said it had taken all "appropriate action" to break up the underground nuclear network run by its FORMER—CHIEF—NUCLEAR—SCIENTIST—ABDUL—QADEER—KHAN.
20060105             —RECALLED, PERU, its ambassador from VENEZUELA, accusing PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ of meddling in PERU—UPCOMING presidential race.
20060105             SAUDI—ARABIA, 1—BUILDING used as 1—HOSTEL by pilgrims in MECCA collapsed as MILLIONS—OF—MUSLIMS converged for the annual hajj, and at least 76—PEOPLE were killed.
20060105             † 1—TURKEY—TEENAGER whose BROTHER—OF—BIRD flu also succumbed to the disease.
20060105             —HELPED, The children, raise poultry on 1—SMALL—FARM in THE—EAST—TOWN—OF—DOGUBEYAZIT, close to IRAN—BORDER, and were in close contact with sick birds.
20060105             † Their —11—YEAR—OLD—SISTER, THE—NEXT—DAY.
20060105             VENEZUELA, 1—VIADUCT, carrying the motorway that crosses the mountains between CARACAS and THE—INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT, was closed due to geologic and structural problems.
20060105             Travel time 1—WAY—ROSE up to —5—HOURS.
20060105             Devilish logo 1—CHEAP trick THE—SWEDEN—JEANS brand Cheap —MONDAY comes with 1—ATTITUDE and 1—LOGO with 1—SKULL, wearing 1—CROSS turned upside down on its forehead.
20060105             The devilish logo is —NOW making rounds in the press in THE—USA, something I strongly suspect was the point all along.CHICAGO Tribune writes that in spite of, or because of, its logo, the jeans are flying off the shelves: The jeans' makers say it's more of 1—JOKE, but the logo's designer said there's 1—DEEPER—MESSAGE".It is 1—ACTIVE—STATEMENT against Christianity," BJORN—ATLDAX said.
20060105             —INDICTED, Don't be surprised to see NYT, for wiretaps story Source: JIM—ROMANESKO—MEDIANEWS
20060105             Another 'Duh!... No Fooling' Study Why do people spend money researching the obvious? (To generate publicity and get mentioned in places like Poynter Online, perhaps?) HERE—ANOTHER study that falls into that camp: Traffic to news sites spikes —WHEN there are big news stories.
20060105             —REPORTED, As, —TODAY by MediaPost Communications, "1—RECENT—RELEASE by Hitwise concludes that trends in visits to news and media sites are driven by major events. Significant spikes were seen in the past —YEAR—DURING 20040000             —THE elections, THE—INDIA—OCEAN—EARTHQUAKE and tsunami, THE—DEATH—OF—TERRY—SCHIAVO, THE—LONDON bombings + Hurricanes Katrina and Rita".
20060105             Well, —NOW.
20060105             How much (...)Entry continued... Source: Poynter E—MEDIA—TIDBITS
20060105             THE—BIG—FIX 20060000             : IS ABRAMOFF GETTING AWAY WITH MURDER?
20060105             TOM—DELAY 's on trial, Randy CUNNINGHAM—GOING to jail, THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY is mired in corruption and cronyism, Sun CRUZ—CASINO "Mob Boy" ADAM—KIDAN—ALREADY cut 1—DEAL + JACK—ABRAMOFF—PLEA—AGREEMENT with FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS is expected to result in the biggest Congressional housecleaning in decades.
20060105             Democratic Underground FORUMS—PRINTER friendly page, topic ID.
20060105             Die sizilianische MAFIA—DIE Justiz und die Mafia Rockefeller GESCHICHTE—DER—ROCKEFELLER—DYNASTIE.
20060105             BCCI—SKANDAL... der durch seine Erfolge bei der Bekämpfung der Roten Brigaden zum Symbol polizeilicher.
20060105             LEO—TROTZKI: Aussichten der Weltentwicklung (Kap.9)Wilson, Harding, Coolidge, Morgan, Rockefeller — das sind nicht die Namen... JEDER—ERFOLG—DES—AMERIKANISMUS wird, soweit der Amerikanismus Erfolge haben...
20060105             Die ZEIT—POLITIK : Erfolg im Schatten der Generäle Der Sozialist traf sich mit GEORGE—SOROS, DAVID—ROCKEFELLER, STEVE—FORBES und anderen... EINIGE—DIESER—ERFOLGE dienen als Modelle für die 3. Welt".
20060105             "Deshalb ist es fraglich, inwiefern die Meeresströmungen in der Zeit vor 55—MILLIONEN —JAHREN auf die heutigen Verhältnisse übertragbar sind", bemerkt der Geologe.
20060105             Lamys USA—KOLLEGE Norris räumt zwar ein, dass niemand wisse, wo genau die Schwelle für ein erneutes Umkippen der Strömungen LIEGE.
20060105             —BEZEICHNET, Als "beängstigend", er aber, dass die ozeanische Wärmepumpe beim letzten Mal rund 100.—000—JAHRE brauchte, um wieder normal zu funktionieren.
20060105             Untersuchungen des Meeresbodens haben ergeben, dass steigende Temperaturen vor Millionen —JAHREN —SCHON einmal die Strömungen der Ozeane durcheinander gebracht haben.
20060105             Immer mehr Süßwasser gelangt in die Ozeane und bringt so den Golfstrom ins Stottern: Er basiert darauf, dass schweres, salziges Wasser im Norden in die Tiefe sinkt und nach Süden abfließt, während wärmeres Wasser aus dem Süden nach EUROPA und Nordamerika kommt und dort für milde Temperaturen sorgt.
20060105             So sei es beispielsweise vorstellbar, dass die Stammzellen unter bestimmten Bedingungen zu wahren Tumorfabriken werden, meinen die Forscher: Wenn 1—STAMMZELLE—FEHLER in ihrem Erbgut ansammelt, kann sie entarten und zu einer sogenannten Krebsstammzelle werden.
20060105             Pentagon loses legal round on GUANTANAMO names : 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—REJECTED—THE—USA—DEFENSE—DEPARTMENT—ARGUMENT for not disclosing THE—NAMES—OF—DETAINEES at THE—USA—NAVAL—BASE in GUANTANAMO BAY—CUBA, but stopped short of ordering that the names be released.
20060105             Surveillance COURT—IS—SEEKING—ANSWERS : SOME—JUDGES who spoke on THE—CONDITION—OF—ANONYMITY—YESTERDAY said they want to know whether warrants they signed were tainted by THE—NSA program.
20060105             Depending on the answers, the judges said they could demand SOME—PROOF that wiretap applications were not improperly obtained.
20060105             —VIOLATED, REPRESENTATIVE—HARMAN says reports to Congress, law : The briefings on the program under which Americans and other people in THE—USA—ARE selected for eavesdropping without court warrants were limited to THE—SO—CALLED—GANG—OF—8.
20060105             Did Bush wiretap CNN—CHRISTIANE—AMANPOUR?
20060105             Political Hemorrhaging : —WHILE those in the West and ISRAEL naively labeled Sharon 1—NEW "MAN—OF—PEACE" and fresh corruption charges surfaced, his political career was strong as ever.
20060105             —PRESENTED, Sharon: Bribery: Publish Everything : 1—DOCUMENT, to the court indicated that police have prima facie evidence that brothers Martin and JAMES—SCHLAFF were involved in the transfer of $3—MILLION to THE—PRIME—MINISTER—FAMILY + that there is evidence showing that the money was paid as 1—BRIBE.
20060105             What Hillary Clinton Doesn't Know About Palestine : In MID—NOVEMBER, Hillary Clinton visited ISRAEL and, —FOLLOWING 1—MEETING with Ariel Sharon, in remarks that presaged the praise being heaped on THE—NOW—COMATOSE Sharon, began her campaign for PRESIDENT by praising the Israeli as a "courageous" man who had taken "1—INCREDIBLY difficult" step by withdrawing from GAZA.
20060105             FUND—RAISING: Take It to the (West) Bank : Money meant for the inner city went to fight the intifada.
20060105             Abramoff says he could implicate 60—LAWMAKERS: It is commonplace for lawmakers to solicit campaign donations from lobbyists, who routinely offer them in hopes of gaining advantage.
20060105             Abramoff Lobbying Scandal: Big Timber Falls Hard : Republican DENNIS—HASTERT, SPEAKER—OF—THE—HOUSE, —YESTERDAY shed himself of tainted campaign contributions totaling $70,000. He gave the money to 1 unspecified charity.
20060105             Bush to Give Up $6,000 In Abramoff Contributions : Abramoff raised more than $100,000 for THE—BUSH—CHENEY reelection campaign, making him an honorary Bush "Pioneer".
20060105             But the campaign is giving up only $6,000, which came directly from Abramoff, his wife and 1—OF—THE—INDIA—TRIBES the lobbyist represented.
20060105             "I'm sorry, sir," she said.
20060105             "There seems to be 1—PROBLEM. You've been placed on the No Fly Watch List".
20060105             —4—YEAR—OLD—BOY on Government 'NO—FLY' List : "I don't want to be on the list. I want to fly and see my grandma," THE—4—YEAR—OLD—BOY said, according to his mother.
20060105             GREECE—PAPER prints photo of 'MI6 agent': 1—PHOTOGRAPH purporting to be BRITAIN—TOP—MI6 agent in GREECE was published —TODAY on the front page of 1—ATHENS newspaper, as controversy continues over the alleged ROLE—OF—UK—AGENTS in the arrest and supposed abuse of 1—GROUP—OF—PAKISTANIS living in ATHENS.
20060105             DNA—OF—37—PERCENT—OF—BLACK—MEN held by police : THE—DNA profiles of nearly 4 in 10—BLACK—MEN in THE—UK—ARE on the police's national DATABASE—COMPARED with fewer than 1 in 10—WHITE—MEN, according to figures compiled by THE—GUARDIAN.
20060105             PERU recalls ambassdor to VENEZUELA : THE—PERU—GOVERNMENT announced —ON—WEDNESDAY that it will recall its ambassador to VENEZUELA, in response to VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ—PUBLIC—SUPPORT to PERU—LEFTIST—PRESIDENTIAL—CANDIDATE—OLLANTA Humala.
20060105             Former "Economic Hit Man" JOHN—PERKINS on "THE—1.—TRULY—GLOBAL—EMPIRE" - and its Impact on Latin AMERICA
20060105             AUSTRALIA: THE—DEFENCE—MATERIEL—ORGANISATION—EMPLOYEES under cloud over payments to defence contractor : the Defence Watchdog has uncovered serious issues linked to an $8—MILLION—CONTRACT for army jackets.
20060105             AFGHANISTAN: THE—NATO—QUAGMIRE : THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, in 1—RECENT—ARTICLE said that "BRITAIN and THE—NETHERLANDS will join CANADA in assuming control in the south, along with 1—MUCH smaller CONTINGENT—OF—USA—SUPPORT—TROOPS".
20060105             Or... —6—HOURS—OF waiting in line for gasoline that is 3—TIMES as expensive as it was in 2005?
20060105             Or 1—AVERAGE—OF—6—EXPLOSIONS per —DAY near our area alone?
20060105             IMF Occupies IRAQ, Riots Follow : Bad enough that THE—USA—MILITARY is occupying IRAQ.
20060105             GEORGE—BUSH—MIGHT—CALL—ME 1—DEFEATIST : But I'm telling you we are not even close to winning BUSH—WAR in IRAQ.
20060105             —PLANNED, Local organizations have, over 130—OUT—OF—IRAQ events —AROUND the country on or about 20060107            .
20060105             MOST—OF—THE—EVENTS are town hall forums + several will feature MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS, including BOBBY—SCOTT, Diane Watson, JIM—MCDERMOTT, ADAM—SMITH, BOB—FILNER, MARTIN—SABO, JIM—MORAN, MARTY—MEEHAN + JOHN—MURTHA
20060105             CIA had PLENTY—OF—EVIDENCE—IRAQ had no illegal weapons, book reveals : THE—CIA had evidence from 30—IRAQ—WEAPONS—SCIENTISTS that SADDAM—HUSSEIN had abandoned its WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION—PROGRAMS—LONG—BEFORE THE—USA invaded, 1—EXPLOSIVE new book on AMERICA—SPYING operations says.
20060105             UK: Anger as BRITAIN admits it was wrong to blame IRAN for deaths in IRAQ : MPs and soldiers' families have demanded 1—EXPLANATION from the Government —AFTER 1—U—TURN over claims that IRAN was complicit in THE—KILLING—OF—UK—SOLDIERS in SOUTH—IRAQ.
20060105             MICHEL—CHOSSUDOVSKY: Nuclear War against IRAN : The launching of 1—OUTRIGHT war using nuclear warheads against IRAN is —NOW in the final planning stages.
20060105             —WHEN SHARON—MEETS—HIS—MAKER -
20060105             THE—LORD may ask him, —JUST as he enters the gate of heaven, "Hey Grandpa Arik, why are your hands so red?"
20060105             THE—ARMY—OF—GOOD—AMERICANS
20060105             —1—DAY, in the not too distant future, in THE—MIDDLE—OF—THE—NIGHT, 1—KNOCK will come at their door, it being not 1—DREAM nor 1—FANTASY, its noise 1—OMINOUS—REMINDER—OF—THE—POLICE—STATE—NOW upon AMERICA, coming to serve power on those who thought they had nothing to fear by sacrificing liberty and freedom for SO—CALLED security.
20060105             —WHILE much has been made of feverish Christian fundamentalist support for THE—PRESIDENT, the real religious fervor in this administration has been almost singularly focused on the quite UN—CHRISTIAN—ATTRIBUTE—OF—TOTAL earthly power.
20060105             Written by his ideological sponsors shortly —BEFORE he came to power, it foresaw his administration as 1—MILITARY—DICTATORSHIP behind 1—DEMOCRATIC façade: "the cavalry on 1—NEW—USA—FRONTIER" guided by 1—BLEND of paranoia and megalomania.
20060105             "Nicht jeder hier an diesem Tisch war mit meiner —ENTSCHEIDUNG einverstanden, in den IRAK zu gehen + ich verstehe das voll und ganz", sagte GEORGE—W—BUSH bei dem nicht angekündigten Treffen im Weißen Haus.
20060105             An dem Treffen nahmen auch die amtierenden MINISTER—FÜR—ÄUßERE—ANGELEGENHEITEN und Verteidigung, Condoleezza Rice und DONALD—RUMSFELD, sowie der USA—BOTSCHAFTER—IM—IRAK, Zalmay Khalilzad + der Oberbefehkshaber der USA—STREITKRÄFTE in dem Land, GENERAL—GEORGE—CASEY, teil.
20060105             "Das Treffen ist 1—GELEGENHEIT für diese wichtigen Politiker FRÜHERER—REGIERUNGEN, unseren Plan für einen Sieg im IRAK kennen zu lernen und von den militärischen und zivilen Verantwortlichen dort über die Fortschritte dabei informiert zu werden", sagte Bush s Sprecher SCOTT—MCCLELLAN.
20060105             Zu den eingeladenen Politikern beider großer Parteien zählten auch die Außenpolitiker LAWRENCE—EAGLEBURGER, JAMES—BAKER, GEORGE—SHULTZ und ALEXANDER—HAIG sowie die ehemaligen Verteidigungsminister WILLIAM—COHEN, FRANK—CARLUCCI, JAMES—SCHLESINGER, HAROLD—BROWN und Melvin Laird.
20060105             —FUNKTIONIERT, Sorge um Scharon: "Ohne ihn, gar nichts" - SCHARON—NACHFOLGE: Netanjahus 2. Chance
20060105             IRAN: Ahmadinedschad hofft auf Scharons Tod
20060105             ISRAEL: Scharon gegen Gott und Gott gegen alle
20060105             AFGHANISTAN: Bericht über USA—PLÄNE für Hochsicherheitsgefängnis für Terrorverdächtige
20060105             Autobauer: VW—ABSATZ in CHINA bricht ein
20060105             BDI—PROGNOSE: "Neue Jobs —ERST ab 4—PROZENT Wachstum"
20060105             H5N1-Virus: 2—KINDER in der TÜRKEI an Vogelgrippe gestorben
20060105             Lisa Guliani from WING TV Responds to ART—BELL and BEN—CHERTOFF
20060105             Der VIETNAMKRIEG 19460000—19750000 :: Die umfassende Dokumentation
20060105             It is 'showtime' for SYRIA—UK : The current INTERNATIONAL pressure on Syria is "entirely deserved" and it is —NOW "showtime" for its PRESIDENT—UK Foreign SECRETARY—JACK—STRAW says.
20060105             BLAIR—CYNICAL—POLICY on Palestine: THE—UK—GOVERNMENT—LIKES to portray itself as an honest broker' in THE—ISRAELI—PALESTINE—CONFLICT, seeing "blame on both sides".
20060105             Perhaps because such 1—POSITION finds no basis in INTERNATIONAL law, the Government dislikes INTERNATIONAL institutions getting too involved -- as seen —WHEN it tried to prevent THE—INTERNATIONAL—COURT—OF—JUSTICE ruling on THE—ILLEGALITY—OF—THE—SEPARATION—WALL—18—MONTHS—AGO.
20060105             Rights group urges USA to cut ISRAEL aid : 1—PROMINENT—USA human rights organisation has called on THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION to cut back its direct foreign aid to ISRAEL—UNTIL the latter complies with calls to stop settlement expansion and work on the separation wall.
20060105             —DIRECTED, Calls, at PRIME—MINISTER—ARIEL—SHARON, to step down from office, are resonating from MANY—PROMINENT—POLITICAL personalities —FOLLOWING 1—CHANNEL 10—NEWS—REPORT —ON—TUESDAY night that THE—PRIME—MINISTER received a $3—MILLION—PAYMENT
20060105             Bush could bypass new torture ban : —WHEN PRESIDENT—BUSH—LAST—WEEK signed THE—BILL—OUTLAWING—THE—TORTURE—OF—DETAINEES, he quietly reserved the right to bypass the law under his powers as COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF.
20060105             Justice to Try to Toss Gitmo Challenges : THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT will seek DISMISSAL—OF—LAWSUITS from more than 300—GUANTANAMO Bay detainees fighting the legality of their confinement, using 1—NEW—LAW that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION says sharply limits existing challenges.
20060105             The coverup begins:
20060105             —ACTED, NSA, on its own to expand surveillance:
20060105             Something to Hide : As THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION downplays its illegal wiretapping, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES' chiefs keep quiet about their role in the scandal.
20060105             They don't tell him anything : Turns out THOUSANDS—OF—AMERICANS and resident foreigners have been or are being monitored and recorded by THE—NSA.
20060105             as the government pressed forward with 1—BROAD—RANGING corruption investigation.
20060105             JUAN—COLE: Abramoff + AL—ARIAN: Lobbyist's "Charity" a Front for Terrorism :
20060105             BUT—THE—INVESTIGATION into his activities by THE—FBI also shed light on the ways in which
20060105             rightwing USA—JEWS have often been involved in funding what are essentially terrorist activities by armed land thieves in PALESTINE—TERRITORY.
20060105             EAST—BAY Congressman GEORGE—MILLER —JUST couldn't understand why his legislation to end sex + textile sweat shops in THE—NORTH—MARIANA ISLANDS—A—USA—PROTECTORATE in the Pacific -
20060105             SOME—SAY lobbying is part of the democratic process.
20060105             But love it or loathe it, it is the way WASHINGTON works.
20060105             show that less than 1—PERCENT—OF—ITS—REVENUE has been spent on SPORTS—RELATED programs for youths.
20060105             The corruption investigation surrounding lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF shows the significant political risk that Republican leaders took —WHEN they adopted what had once seemed 1—BRILLIANT—STRATEGY for dominating WASHINGTON: turning the K Street lobbying corridor into 1—COG—OF—THE—GOP political machine.
20060105             —ON FATHER—DAY, Send Your Cards to TOM—INSTEAD—OF—GEORGE : Our history books tell us that GEORGE—WASHINGTON was THE—FATHER—OF—THE—ABOMINATION—AMERICA has become.
20060105             the other often sided with employers in lawsuits filed by workers
20060105             Business will support Alito : Corporate AMERICA should find SOME—CHEER in ALITO—STRICTLY conservative judicial philosophy.
20060105             Eminent domain —NOW big business : —1—DAY at the age of 82, IRENE—ANGELL received 1 unexpected letter.
20060105             —ISSUED, AP - 1—TEXAS prosecutor, subpoenas —THURSDAY for records of 1—CONTRIBUTION to 1—NONPR ofit organization linked to REPRESENTATIVE—TOM—DELAY and lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF.
20060105             AP—WHILE DOZENS—OF—LAWMAKERS are dumping contributions from disgraced lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF and his clients, others including Senate Democratic Leader HARRY—REID smell no taint and plan to keep the money.
20060105             Lawmakers Keeping Money Linked to Abramoff (AP )
20060105             AP—CONTRIBUTIONS from lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF or his clients that SOME—LAWMAKERS are not returning or giving to charity.
20060105             —DECIDED, MOST—OF—THOSE who, not to return money from ABRAMOFF—CLIENTS say they did not know him or never met him + the donations w
20060105             Abramoff Links to Tribal Casinos Brought Scrutiny
20060105             QUESTION: Can you be more specific about the contacts with the senior staff?
20060105             You said you were going to get back to us on that. MCCLELLAN: No, I did check.
20060105             20060105             There were 1—FEW—STAFF—LEVEL—MEETINGS.
20060105             I think I previously indicated that he attended 3—HANUKKAH receptions at THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20060105             It is actually 2—HANUKKAH receptions that he attended.
20060105             My understanding from the check that we did was that there are —JUST 1—FEW—STAFF—LEVEL—MEETINGS in addition to those.
20060105             [WHITE—HOUSE Press Briefing,
20060105             Autobauer: VW—ABSATZ in CHINA bricht ein... alfatomega.com/20060111.html
20060105             —DURING 1—CEREMONY at the Pentagon...
20060105             —SIBEL Edmonds, FORMER—FBI translator.
20060105             20060107             1., we learn that EXEC—BRANCH—STAFFERS outed 1—CIA—AGENT 20060107             to punish her husband for criticizing PRESIDENT—BUSH.
20060105161553       20060216             Reuters: CHENEY strongly defends eavesdropping operation VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY strongly defended 1—SECRET [...] Post Date:20060104144446
20060105161553       20060216             Reuters: CHENEY strongly defends eavesdropping operation VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY strongly defended 1—SECRET [...] Post Date:
20060105—19990000    —IN, New evidence in Sharon corruption case : According to THE—LATE—TUESDAY report, SHARON—FAMILY may have received 1—BRIBE from AUSTRALIA—BILLIONAIRE MARTIN—SCHLAFF in connection with 1—SCANDAL involving illegal campaign contributions.
20060105—20010911    —AFTER, NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORTER—JAMES—RISEN 1. broke the story —2—WEEKS—AGO that the National Security Agency began spying on domestic communications soon.
20060105—20010911    —AFTER, Agency moved without directive from BUSH, declassified documents show
20060105—20060328    —ON, ISRAEL—ELECTION to go ahead despite SHARON—ILLNESS:
20060115             1 20060105             IRAK: AL—QAIDA bekennt sich zu HUBSCHRAUBER—ABSCHUSS
20060115             1 20060105             20060216             11, 20010000             , terrorist attacks might have been prevented if THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION h Post Date:20060105161553
20060115             1 20060105             20060216             WASHINGTON—POST, 20060105             VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY said —YESTERDAY that the ;;09;;.
20060216             11, 20010000             , terrorist attacks might have been prevented if THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION h Post Date:20060105161553
20060216             CHENEY cites justifications for domestic eavesdropping By JIM—VANDEHEI and DAN—EGGEN, WASHINGTON—POST—20060105              VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY said —YESTERDAY that 20010911             —THE, terrorist attacks might have been prevented if THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION h Post Date:20060105161553
20060501             News in SCIENCE—COFFEE makes us say 'yes' - 20060105             20060824091603       —GMT, —THURSDAY A 2. suspect in 1 alleged plot to blow up GERMANY—TRAINS is arrested in LEBANON, 20060824093018       —GMT, —THURSDAY Diplomatic efforts are being stepped up in EUROPE
20060501             News in SCIENCE—COFFEE makes us say 'yes' - 20060105             20060808             20060824091603       —GMT, —THURSDAY A 2. suspect in 1 alleged plot to blow up GERMANY—TRAINS is arrested in LEBANON, 20060824093018       —GMT, —THURSDAY Diplomatic efforts are being stepped up in EUROPE 20061114             the least —RECENTLY modified web page we know of, last changed Tue, 19901113151700?????????—JAHR GMT (though THE—URI changed.)' 1—LOT has happened in —16—YEARS and this little 'baby' has grown into quite the teenager". 20061207             Chunks Crying All the Way to the Bank- 20061207             20051207—20050000????Manchmal gingen sie zusammen zum EINKAUFEN—ALLES unter den Augen DEUTSCHLAND—GEHEIMDIENSTLEUTE. 20060103             WE CANNOT LET TERRIERS AND ROGUE NATIONS HOLD THIS NATION HOSTILE—BUSH [BGW968] 20000909             20041207             20060103             New BUSH Initiative to Impose Order in IRAQ... " Terriers and Rogue Nations ", 233, 20021205154537?????????—JAHR—GEORGE—DUBYA—BUSH, COMMAND—IN—CHIEF... 20060216             11, 20010000             , terrorist attacks might have been prevented if THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION h Post Date:20060105161553?????????—JAHR 20060216             Reuters: CHENEY strongly defends eavesdropping operation VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY strongly defended 1—SECRET [...] Post Date:20060104144446?????????—JAHR 20060320             offenbart in einem Blogeintrag vom
20061201050000       GMT 4545068 ... —JUST—WHEN Clinton was considering 1—PARDON for MARC—RICH... SCHEMA—ROOT_org/rss/?p=1650
20061219             NevadaLabor_com Bulletins 8/1-20060922             20070105             —RECEIVED, Acelor, who also, a —15—YEAR—SENTENCE, put them in touch with INTERNATIONAL...
20070104—20050000    20070105             (20070104             /ac/a/u) - ELI—LILLY "market perform"
20070105             So erkennt man am Schluss, worin der Unterschied zwischen der Illusionskunst des späten 18010101—19001231     und der des frühen 20010101—21001231     besteht: Während 1—ZAUBERTRICK seine Wirkung verliert, sobald er aufgelöst wird, möchte man Nolans Film sofort ein 2. Mal sehen.
20070105             Mountain of USA Secrets Available 20070101             20070105             So erkennt man am Schluss, worin der Unterschied zwischen der Illusionskunst des späten 18010101—19001231     und der des frühen 20010101—21001231     besteht:
20070105             —MUTILATED, THIERRY—BAUDRY'S, body was found 20070103             by 1—GUARD at the prison.
20070105             (20070103             /ac/a/u) - Operation: Save BUSH—LEGACY
20070105             Mountain of USA Secrets Available 20070101             20070105             —MUTILATED, THIERRY—BAUDRY'S, body was found 20070103             by 1—GUARD at the prison.
20070105             (published on Thu, 20070104000000        EST)NEW—YEAR—PREDICTIONS from THE—EDITOR—OF—THE—WORLD in 2007
20070105             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—MADRID Airport bombing receives scant attention PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—PRISON—PLANET—THURSDAY, 20070104             How many
20070105             (20070104             /ac/a/u) - ELI—LILLY "market perform" - (20070104             /ac/a/u)
20070105             SARKIS SOGHANALIAN, THE—PRINCE—OF—LEBANESE—ARMS—DEALER s, is in trouble again.
20070105             This time THE—TURKISH—BORN.
20070105             (20070104             /ac/a/u) - ELI—LILLY "market perform" - INGERSOLL—RAND "buy"
20070105             —MISSED, Top 10—NEWS—ITEMS you, - 10. Hackable passports
20070105             Excerpt: But 1—GERMANY—HACKER quickly found 1—VULNERABILITY.
20070105             With 1—LAPTOP and 1—CHIP—READER he bought for $200,
20070105             he was able to steal data from 1—ENCRYPTED—RFID —TAG, potentially allowing him to clone 1—EPASSPORT.
20070105             And it's not —JUST Americans who are at risk.
20070105             27—COUNTRIES (mostly in EUROPE) that participate in THE—USA—VISA Waiver Program are required by USA—LAW to issue the new electronic passports to their citizens.
20070105             —REPORTED, THE—DUTCH and UK—MEDIA have already, major security flaws in the new IDs.
20070105             9. WHAT—WORSE than bird flu? The cure.
20070105             20070105             8. Petro powers drop the dollar - 7. - The gender gap gets smaller
20070105             6. IRAN and ISRAEL hold secret talks - 5. USA—FUNDS the Taliban
20070105             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—IF western governments were really trying win the "WAR—ON—TERROR" they wouldn't give terrorists so much credit
20070105             —NAMED, New USA—INTELLIGENCE CHIEF
20070105             —NAMED, Retried Vice Admiral MIKE—MCCONNELL is, as new USA—SPY—CHIEF, replacing JOHN—NEGROPONTE.
20070105             —ORDERED, TIJUANA police, to disarm
20070105             Local police in THE—MEXICO—CITY—OF—TIJUANA are made to hand in their guns in 1—CRACKDOWN on drugs violence.
20070105             FBI releases files on late judge
20070105             The group is taking the step of patenting the idea, as this new approach using sugars may hold real potential for the fight against cancer.
20070105             This is not the 1. approach to use sugars, the article states, but is (by the researchers' estimation) the most successful.
20070105             which is formed naturally at high levels in the digestive system by symbiotic bacteria that feed on fibre,
20070105             can restore healthy cell functioning...
20070105             —FOCUSED, The researchers, on 1—SUGAR called N—ACETYL—D—MANNOSAMINE, or ManNAc, for short + created 1—HYBRID molecule by linking ManNAc with butyrate.
20070105             The hybrid easily penetrates 1—CELL—SURFACE, then is SPLIT apart by enzymes inside the cell.
20070105             Once inside the cell,
20070105             —PROCESSED, ManNAc is, into another sugar known as sialic acid that plays key roles in cancer biology,
20070105             —WHILE butyrate orchestrates the expression of genes responsible for halting the uncontrolled GROWTH—OF—CANCER—CELLS.'"
20070105             —DAMAGED, Careers reportedly can be significantly, —WHEN pilots report seeing 1—UFO.
20070105             Eddy Suyanto, THE—HEAD—OF—THE—SEARCH and rescue mission, —LATER put THE—NUMBER—OF—EMERGENCY—SIGNALS at 6— saying the last 1—CAME over waters —JUST SOUTH—OF—MANADO.
20070105             But he told reporters —THURSDAY that at least 2—SIGNALS from Flight KI-574's emergency beacon — activated on impact or —WHEN 1—PLANE—EXPERIENCES 1—SHARP,
20070105             sudden descent — were picked up by another aircraft in the vicinity and by 1—SATELLITE.
20070105             If there were politicians here at home with SOME—OF—THE—COURAGE—OF—THE—TROOPS in the field,
20070105             we could begin saving lives rather than watching helplessly as THE—BUSH—WHITE—HOUSE continues to sacrifice them.
20070105             3000 and counting is enough.
20070105             Continue 20070105             —SACRED, Military service is 1—OF—AMERICA'S, cows;
20070105             it is something that is rarely questioned and is surrounded by 1—INVISIBLE—AURA—OF—NOBILITY.
20070105             No 1, especially those who serve, wants to think of their time in the military as anything less than honorable and WORTHY—OF—GLORIFICATION.
20070105             Continue - SADDAM—EXECUTION and the coming Campaign in BAGHDAD-
20070105             This attack will result in RESIGNATION—OF—AL—SADR—SUPPORTERS in THE—PARLIAMENT, creating 1—VACUUM which can then be filled with the Sunnis.
20070105             Continue - PADILLA, Wiretaps, Murky View of 'Jihad' Case-
20070105             including 21—THAT make reference to MISTER—PADILLA, prosecutors said.
20070105             But MISTER—PADILLA—VOICE is heard on only 7—CALLS.
20070105             —OBTAINED, And on those 7, which THE—TIMES, from 1—PARTICIPANT in the case, MISTER—PADILLA does not discuss violent plots.
20070105             —DECIDED, Either Miers has, to get going —WHILE the getting is good (although she can still be deposed), or BUSH "axed" her to leave so he could find himself 1—REAL—LAWYER.
20070105             The most welcome paragraphs in the Post piece reveal that Congressmen Waxman and Levin are readying themselves for investigations into Katrina,
20070105             contractor fraud in IRAQ (read: Haliburton) and detainee torture:
20070105             However, 1—SIGN that relations will be bumpy is 1—DECISION by House leaders to give WAXMAN—COMMITTEE—SPECIAL—AUTHORITY to force administration officials to sit for depositions,
20070105             Heh heh.
20070105             What goes —AROUND, comes —AROUND... Permalink
20070105             —YAHOO! Answers: Answers and Comments for What can we do to stop...
20070105             MERCHANTS—OF—DEATH—YAHOO! TV
20070105             Documentary that travels into the lives of THE—2—BIGGEST private ARMS DEALER s in THE—WORLD—SARKIS SOGHANALIAN + SAM—CUMMINGS.
20070105             LEBANESE—BORN Sarkis.
20070105             Activities- - Know Your BFEE: Poppy Bush Armed Saddam
20070105             MIAMI — SARKIS SOGHANALIAN was once the most powerful ARMS DEALER in the world.
20070105             RAWSTORY: Congressman Conyers hammers THE—WASHINGTON—POST—DANA...
20070105             Illicit Arms Brokers: Aiding + Abetting Atrocities-
20070105             profile case, such as 1—AGAINST the illicit trafficker SARKIS SOGHANALIAN + his
20070105             —ON Brokering: CONDOR—DHS IWIC Daily Open Source Report-
20070105             911—SKEPTICS Unite
20070105             they concentrated on the early ROLE—OF—GEORGE—BUSH and weapons dealer SARKIS SOGHANALIAN
20070105             Coup d'état... legal tactics may be considered 1—COUP, according to LUTTWAK.
20070105             EDWARD—LUTTWAK, COUP D'ETAT : A practical handbook, Harvard UNIVERSITY—PRESS, 19690000             , 19800000            .
20070105             20070105             Subliminal NEWS—EXCERPTS from 'Coup d'Etat: 1—PRACTICAL—HANDBOOK' by EDWARD—LUTTWAK
20070105             Internal Documents from DIEBOLD Election Systems.
20070105             1—GUIDE to ' - Excerpts from ' COUP D'ETAT :
20070105             1—PRACTICAL—HANDBOOK ' by EDWARD—LUTTWAK.
20070105             Coups + Coup Attempts in AFRICA, Is there 1—MISSING link? - AFRICA—SECURITY—REVIEW—VOL 13—NO 3,
20070105             In fact, the pentagon is refusing 1—COURT—ORDER to turn over additional images that are
20070105             Hows does RUMSFEL—SADDAM realtionship change all of a sudden?
20070105             BuzzMachine.. by JEFF—JARVIS
20070105             THERE—1—REPORT that SADDAM—NUMBER2, who led the terrorist attacks aka
20070105             once was 1—CLOSE—FRIEND to both MISTER—CHIRAC + MISTER—RUMSFEL—AT the same time.
20070105             Hanging 'makes martyr of Saddam '
20070105             —FORCED, USA nuclear CHIEF, to quit
20070105             THE—HEAD—OF—THE—USA nuclear weapons agency is made to resign —FOLLOWING 1—NUMBER—OF—SECURITY breaches.
20070105             Bush, Merkel push MID—EAST talks
20070105             Halliburton neutral - RATING—UPDATE: NEW—YORK (aktiencheck.de AG) -
20070105             Die Analysten von Calyon Securities stufen die Aktie von HALLIBURTON (ISIN US4062161017/WKN 853986) von "add" auf "neutral" herunter.
20070105             USA Bancorp "outperform" - ELI—LILLY "market perform"
20070105             —DISMISSED, Energy SECRETARY—SAMUEL—BODMAN —ON—THURSDAY, THE—CHIEF—OF—THE—COUNTRY'S—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—PROGRAM—BECAUSE—OF—SECURITY breakdowns at Los Alamos National Laboratory and other facilities.
20070105             LINTON—BROOKS said he would leave in 2 to —3—WEEKS as HEAD—OF—THE—NATIONAL—NUCLEAR—SECURITY—ADMINISTRATION, 1—POST he held
20070105             BILL—GATES: Robots WILL—BE "Nearly Ubiquitous PART—OF—OUR—DAY—TO—DAY—LIVES" In Near Future...
20070105             The tasks she set for her home robots in the —MORNING have all been completed:
20070105             washing and ironing, vacuuming the lounge and mowing the lawn.
20070105             THE—USA - 1—DIARY—OF—THE—FUTURE
20070105             USA—TODAY—LEAD with news that PRESIDENT—BUSH is making changes to his top military + diplomatic IRAQ advisers
20070105             as he prepares to announce details of his overall strategy for the war —NEXT—WEEK.
20070105             In addition, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—PLANS to pump more money into IRAQ to promote economic growth.
20070105             THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES - leads with Democrats officially taking CONTROL—OF—CONGRESS
20070105             for the 1. time in —12—YEARS, where, as expected, REPRESENTATIVE—NANCY—PELOSI was elected the 1. female SPEAKER—OF—THE—HOUSE.
20070105             —AFTER —1—DAY filled with celebration, much applause + the usual PROMISES—OF—BIPARTISANSHIP,
20070105             the House opened the session by passing what THE—WP calls
20070105             "the broadest ethics + lobbying revision —SINCE THE—WATERGATE era".
20070105             THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES
20070105             goes high with both the staff changes + the new Congress but leads with approximately 1,000 USA + IRAQ—TROOPS launching
20070105             a "major offensive" in Diyala province, 1—PLACE that has become 1—SORT—OF—HUB for Sunni insurgents.
20070105             USA—COMMANDERS did not share details of the offensive with their IRAQ—COUNTERPARTS —UNTIL shortly —BEFORE it began,
20070105             fearing the information would leak to insurgents.
20070105             —PREPARED, Regardless, it seems the insurgents were, for their arrival + by the time the raids started there were very few MILITARY—AGE—MEN found in the area.
20070105             To continue READING, click here.
20070105             —PLAYED, Perhaps no major media figure has, 1—BIGGER—ROLE in rehabilitating GERALD—FORD—IMAGE by polishing the pardon and turning it into 1—SWEEPING,
20070105             heroic act than THE—WASHINGTON—POST—BEST—SELLING author, BOB—WOODWARD.
20070105             Which raises the question, why is Woodward so eager to create not only 1—AURA of goodwill —AROUND THE—FORMER—REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT,
20070105             but 1—AURA of heroic INDEPENDENCE?
20070105             Read the full Media Matters column here.
20070105             I am told by 1—KNOWLEDGEABLE—FRIEND that NEGROPONTE was pressured by THE—WHITE—HOUSE to take the job at State.
20070105             Counselor PHIL—ZELIKOW + Coordinator for Counter Terrorism Hank Crumpton) left Condi twisting in the wind.
20070105             —EXPERIENCED, NEGROPONTE gives Condi 1—OF—THE—MOST, foreign service officers in THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT—HISTORY.
20070105             NEGROPONTE will not be shedding crocodile tears as he drives to Foggy Bottom.
20070105             THE—DIRECTOR—OF—NATIONAL—INTELLIGENCE—JOB is still in its full birthing pains and, —WHILE having... Source:
20070105             NEGROPONTE—EXIT—PLANNED—AHEAD—OF—TIME  - Migrants 'do not pull wages down'-
20070105             BG—BLOGGER—THOUGHT: How can this hooey be printed?
20070105             There is "little evidence" that migrants pull wages down or make getting work harder says 1—PAPER by THE—BANK—OF—ENGLAND.... Source:
20070105             Finally, GENERAL—GARCIA alleges that the Dracuweed is resistant to herbicide, although he doesn't say which herbicide.
20070105             As EVERY—FARMER and cultivator of WEED—FREE lawns knows,
20070105             plants develop resistance to herbicides via natural selection, without ANY—GUIDANCE from breeders.
20070105             Likewise, if these plants reach maturation more quickly than other varieties, I'd like 1—SCIENTIST to say so.
20070105             I await THE—AP—FOLLOW—UP.
20070105             (See the reprint on Defensetech - Well, knock me over with 1—DIRTY bong!
20070105             To begin with, finding 10—FOOT—TALL—MARIJUANA—PLANTS in 1—COUNTRY—LIKE—AFGHANISTAN isn't ANY—MORE shocking than stumbling upon 10—FOOT—TALL corn plants in NEBRASKA.
20070105             You couldn't incinerate 1—GREEN corn field with those fuels,
20070105             so why expect to take out 1—GREEN—MARIJUANA—FIELD with them?
20070105             —WANTED, If the Canadians really, to show the Taliban they're serious about marijuana eradication, they should have called in 1—NAPALM strike.
20070105             New documents show that - AlterNet: AMERICA—HOLY—WARRIORS
20070105             —ON the ;;01;; 2—EDITION—OF—FOX—NEWS'—HANNITY & Colmes, —WHILE discussing the execution of SADDAM—HUSSEIN,
20070105             —CLAIMED—OF, CO—HOST SEAN—HANNITY again, IRAQ's purported WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION, "I believe there were WMDs" in IRAQ, adding, "I believe they were moved.
20070105             —NOTED, As Media Matters for AMERICA has previously, THE—IRAQ—SURVEY—GROUP—FINAL—REPORT,
20070105             commonly known as the Duelfer report, did not find ANY—EVIDENCE that illicit weapons were secretly transferred out of IRAQ.
20070105             According to the Duelfer report's Key Findings:
20070105             "SADDAM—HUSAYN ended the nuclear program - Objective: incapacitation (Wilson)-
20070105             BG It appears that THE—USA—GOVERNMENT has successfully driven JOSE—PADILLA insane....... Source:
20070105             GEORGE—WILL wants to abolish the minimum wage: But the minimum wage should be the same everywhere:
20070105             $0. Labor is 1—COMMODITY;
20070105             governments make messes —WHEN they decree commodities' prices.
20070105             WASHINGTON, which has its hands full delivering the mail and defending the shores, should let the market do well what WASHINGTON does poorly.
20070105             —OFFENDED, If you are, by the suggestion that people are nothing more than commodities — so is KEVIN—DRUM:
20070105             This, in 1—NUTSHELL, is the core problem with conservative economics: it views workers as commodities.
20070105             Naturally it follows from this that we should be free to treat workers like commodities,
20070105             rather than as human beings.
20070105             But Will is very wrong on the economics for several reasons.
20070105             For example, he writes: The problem is... Source:
20070105             News Hounds: Hannity Displays Ignorance....-
20070105             will soon leave his post to become THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT—2.—RANKING official, administration officials said —WEDNESDAY.
20070105             MISTER—NEGROPONTE will fill 1—CRITICAL—JOB that has been vacant —FOR—MONTHS + he is expected to play 1—LEADING role in shaping policy in IRAQ.
20070105             News Hounds: Brit Hume Sinks to New Lows in "WAR—ON—THE—UN"-
20070105             —VERLIERT, Während 1—ZAUBERTRICK seine Wirkung, sobald er aufgelöst wird, möchte man Nolans Film sofort ein 2. Mal sehen.
20070105             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—ORDER out of chaos agenda continues in IRAQ as Hussein video stokes sectarian violence and paves way for escalation of
20070105             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—MADRID—AIRPORT bombing receives scant attention PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—PRISON—PLANET—THURSDAY,
20070105             —READIED, PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—NEXT—PHASE—OF genocidal rampage in MIDDLE—EAST, as deliberate DESTRUCTION—OF—IRAQ
20070105             "No back rubs".-
20070105             30%.- - NICO—PRESIDENT—BUSH—APPROVAL rating, according to 1—NEW—CBS—NEWS—POLL.
20070105             68 % said they had optimistic feelings about the 110. Congress, —WHILE 25 % said they were pessimistic.
20070105             "Fallon, who is in the Navy, is currently HEAD—OF—PACIFIC—COMMAND;
20070105             he will be overseeing 2—GROUND—WARS, so the appointment is highly unusual.
20070105             "We think they've put everything in place to conduct 1—TEST without ANY—NOTICE or warning.
20070105             —TODAY, —FOLLOWING the official SWEARING—IN ceremony for the 110. Congress, REPRESENTATIVE—KEITH—ELLISON (D—MN) was photographed with his wife Kim and House Speaker NANCY Pelosi (D—CA).
20070105             "Look at that. That's something else," Ellison said,
20070105             as officials from THE—LIBRARY—OF—CONGRESS showed him the
20070105             The book that gave birth to ClimateProgress,
20070105             Global Warming — THE—SOLUTION and the Politics, is out.
20070105             In the book, I expose the tactics of conservative politicians who deny the science and delay genuine action on alternative energy initiatives.
20070105             The oceans, soils, ARCTIC permafrost + rainforests may eventually become SOURCES—OF—GREENHOUSE—EMISSIONS +
20070105             I discuss how sea levels are on course to rise by
20070105             —TODAY on MISS—NBC, SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN (R—AZ) claimed that he knew THE—IRAQ war was "probably going to be long and hard and tough," + that he was "sorry" for those who voted for the war believing it would be "SOME—KIND—OF—1—EASY—TASK".
20070105             "Maybe they didn't know what they were voting for," McCain said.
20070105             In fact, —DURING THE—RUN—UP to war
20070105             "Because I know that as successful as I believe we will be + I believe that the success will be fairly easy,
20070105             we will still lose SOME—USA—YOUNG—MEN or women". [, 20020924             ]
20070105             " We're not going to get into HOUSE—TO—HOUSE fighting in BAGHDAD.
20070105             We may have to take out buildings, but we're not going to have 1—BLOODLETTING of trading USA—BODIES for IRAQ—BODIES ".
20070105             [, 20020929             ] - "But the point is that, 1, we will win this conflict.
20070105             We will win it easily.
20070105             We've made mistakes in IRAQ, we all know that we have.
20070105             THE—RESULT—OF—OUR withdrawal will be chaos.
20070105             Do we have to do 1—LOT—BETTER? Yes.
20070105             Does THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT have to be better and the economy better?
20070105             Yes.
20070105             But unless you establish security, you cannot have political and economic development.
20070105             That's 1—LESSON—OF—HISTORY that's — there are abundant examples.
20070105             And so, I believe we need to win this.
20070105             —WHEN I voted to support this war, I knew it was probably going to be long and hard and tough + those that voted for it and thought that somehow it was going to be SOME—KIND—OF—1—EASY—TASK,
20070105             then I'm sorry they were mistaken.
20070105             Maybe they didn't know what they were voting for.
20070105             PRESIDENT—BUSH plans to nominate-
20070105             Amanda - USA—AMBASSADOR to IRAQ Zalmay Khalilzad to replace JOHN—BOLTON as the new USA—AMBASSADOR to THE—UNITED—NATIONS, according to ABC News.
20070105             AMANDA—HIMSELF to REPRESENTATIVE—VIRGIL—GOODE (R—VA) —TODAY on the House floor.
20070105             —FAILED, HARRIET—MIERS, BUSH 's, SUPREME—COURT nominee, has submitted her resignation as WHITE—HOUSE—COUNSEL.
20070105             HERE—OUR video tribute, from —BACK—IN THE—DAY—OF—HER—SUPREME—COURT—NOMINATION:
20070105             Watch in streaming Quicktime
20070105             —PUSHED, UPDATE: Miers, out
20070105             —HINTED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE strongly, that WHITE—HOUSE—COUNSEL—HARRIET—MIERS—DEPARTURE had been encouraged.
20070105             She had a "SERIES—OF—CONVERSATIONS in recent days" with CHIEF—OF—STAFF—JOSH—BOLTEN, Snow said + "she made her decision —YESTERDAY," i.e. —WEDNESDAY.
20070105             —ORGANIZED, MIERS—STYLE didn't mesh well with that of the crisply, former investment banker, people who know them say.
20070105             Health care costs are increasing faster than wages - nearly 47—MILLION—AMERICANS
20070105             — 8—MILLION—OF whom are children — are uninsured.
20070105             —UNDERINSURED, Millions more are.
20070105             According to 1—NEW—REPORT by the Kaiser Family Foundation,
20070105             —EVICTED, REPRESENTATIVE—CHARLES—RANGEL (D—NY) has, Dick Cheney-
20070105             NICO—FROM his OFFICE—IN—THE—CAPITOL, "and the Harlem heavyweight is moving into the prime digs —TODAY," THE—NEW—YORK Post reports.
20070105             "Gilded letters were freshly painted atop the office door —YESTERDAY proclaiming 'Ways and Means Committee' - confirming that the office —NOW belongs to Rangel,
20070105             Deval Patrick will be sworn in —TODAY as MASSACHUSETTS GOVERNOR,-
20070105             PAYSON—OFFICALLY becoming the nation's 2. AFRICA—AMERICAN elected GOVERNOR.
20070105             Patrick will "take THE—OATH—OF—OFFICE on 1—BIBLE given to JOHN—QUINCY—ADAMS by kidnapped Africans
20070105             —EXPECTED, PRESIDENT—BUSH is widely, to announce 1—PLAN—NEXT—WEEK to increase THE—NUMBER—OF—USA—TROOPS in IRAQ by at least 20,000.
20070105             said he intends to block funding for ANY—ESCALATION—PLAN.
20070105             —WHEN we asked about THE—LIKELIHOOD—OF—THE—PRESIDENT sending additional troops to IRAQ, Murtha was adamant.
20070105             "The only way you can have 1—TROOP surge," he told us, "is to extend THE—TOURS—OF—PEOPLE whose TOURS have already been extended,
20070105             or to send back people who have —JUST gotten back home".
20070105             He explained at length how our military forces are already stretched to the breaking point,
20070105             with our strategic reserve so depleted we are unprepared to face ANY—ADDITIONAL—THREATS to the country.
20070105             So does that mean there will be no surge?
20070105             —OFFERED, Murtha, us a "with BUSH anything is possible" look, then said: "Money is the only way we can stop it for sure."...
20070105             He says he wants to "fence the funding," denying THE—PRESIDENT the resources to escalate the war,
20070105             instead using the money to take CARE—OF—THE—SOLDIERS as we bring them home from IRAQ "as soon as we can".
20070105             -Anwalt will Aufklärung über Identität der vermummten Henker-
20070105             Brasiliens Staatspräsident Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva hat den EINSATZ—DER—STREITKRÄFTE zur Bekämpfung der ausufernden Gewaltwelle in RIO—DE—JANEIRO bewilligt.
20070105             —BEKANNT, Zeitpläne für den Einsatz wurden vorerst nicht.
20070105             SPAIN could sue 13—AGENTS—OF—THE—USA—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY (CIA ) travelling on 1—PLANE which is thought to have transported terrorist suspects + which made stopovers in PALMA de Majorca,
20070105             the daily El Pais reported —WEDNESDAY.
20070105             Mountain of USA Secrets Available 20070101             -
20070105             —WHEN the clock ticks in the
20070105             Laut Gesetz muss bei der Exekution 1—VERTRETER—DER—ANKLAGE anwesen sein.
20070105             Dieser aber bestritt das vehement.
20070105             Der stellvertretende Generalstaatsanwalt... - Negroponte ?s Dark Past-
20070105             sfux The case against BUSH ?s new intelligence TSAR—ROBERT—PARRY
20070105             THESE, Times has been —FOLLOWING the career of JOHN—NEGROPONTE for MANY—YEARS.
20070105             —REPORTED, Here is SOME—OF—WHAT we have.
20070105             hiess es unter Berufung auf einen hohen Regierungsbeamten.
20070105             Der Postenwechsel werde voraussichtlich ENDE—DER—WOCHE offiziell bekannt gegeben, meldete FoxNews.
20070105             Stellvertreter von Aussenministerin... - FBI bescheinigt Folter auf GUANTANAMO-
20070105             Ein neuer Report der USA—BUNDESPOLIZEI FBI listet 26—FÄLLE—VON—MISSHANDLUNGEN auf, die sie im USA—GEFANGENENLAGER GUANTANAMO Bay auf KUBA beobachtet hat.
20070105             Demnach ist vor Ort anwesenden FBI—MITARBEITERN wiederholt aufgefallen,
20070105             wie Gefangene an Händen und Füßen gefesselt in "Verhörräumen" über —TAGE hinweg ohne Nahrung oder Wasser in Embryostellung am Boden gelegen hätten.
20070105             Oft seien.
20070105             Bush revamps USA—MILITARY in IRAQ
20070105             USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH is to change 2—KEY—MILITARY—CHIEFS as PART—OF—HIS—NEW—STRATEGY for IRAQ, officials say.
20070105             WHO CHIEF issues bird flu warning
20070105             HONG—KONG—MARGARET—CHAN takes over at THE—WHO, warning that bird flu remains 1—GLOBAL—THREAT.
20070105             Oil in biggest fall in —2—YEARS
20070105             —SPURRED, THE—PRICE—OF—OIL sees its largest drop in —2—YEARS, by 1—RISE in stockpiles —AFTER mild USA—WEATHER.
20070105             Democrats take CONTROL—OF—CONGRESS
20070105             Democrats take CONTROL—OF—THE—USA—CONGRESS, with 1—WOMAN at THE—HELM—OF—THE—HOUSE for the 1. time.
20070105             —WARNED, VIETNAM, on bird flu threat
20070105             A top health CHIEF—IN—VIETNAM warns that a recent bird flu outbreak poses a huge risk to human health.
20070105             Black hole found in ancient lair
20070105             THE—GREEN—ROOM
20070105             —WHILE THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD argues about climate change, Alaskan natives are having to deal with the consequences.
20070105             How To: Disable an RFID Passport
20070105             SOME—PEOPLE aren't too keen on openly transmitting their personal data.
20070105             Saturn Gives Up Its Icy Secrets
20070105             THE—CASSINI—IMAGING—TEAM—RELEASES—BEAUTIFUL—IMAGES from the ringed planet.
20070105             —BEYOND, the Beyond.
20070105             MEG Scanners Are Mega Powerful 20070105             Brain Scan Machines - Untangling the Incan Mystery
20070105             THE—ANDEAN empire built great cities but left no written record -- —JUST SOME—MYSTERIOUS knotted strings called khipu.
20070105             Can 1—ANTHROPOLOGIST and 1—FEW mathematicians crack the code?
20070105             —BY GARETH—COOK from Wired magazine.
20070105             Here comes the terabyte hard drive
20070105             With 1—TERABYTE drive, consumers can store 250,000 MP3 songs.
20070105             That's enough for 2—SOLID YEARS—OF—LISTENING without 1—SINGLE repeat.
20070105             Molecular basis for learning, memory found in mice
20070105             Study of live mice —WHILE they learn, form memories and then recall them provides the key.
20070105             Senators aim to ease up on Net, phone taxes
20070105             1—BILL would make 1—BAN on levies on Net access permanent, —WHILE others would sweep away remaining taxes on local phone service.
20070105             WAL—MART—NEW—SOFTWARE schedules —JUST—IN—TIME—EMPLOYEES
20070105             Blog: According to 1—ARTICLE—WEDNESDAY in THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL(subsciption required), WAL—MART Stores
20070105             —REVIVED, Broadband tax plan, in Senate
20070105             Blog: Scarcely 1—HALF—DAY into the 110. CONGRESS—INAUGURAL session, 1—PROPOSAL has resurfaced to collect fees from all communications...
20070105             Feds urge research on nano risks
20070105             Blog: ARLINGTON—VIRGINIA--That NANO—ENGINEERED golf ball might help shave strokes off your game, but is it hazardous to your health--or...
20070105             RUSSIA—ROCKET—HITS WYOMING- -  story that opens:
20070105             "1—SPENT—RUSSIA—BOOSTER rocket RE—ENTERED the atmosphere —THURSDAY over COLORADO and WYOMING, THE—NORTH—USA—AEROSPACE Defense Command said.
20070105             NORAD spokesman SEAN—KELLY said the agency was trying to confirm 1—REPORT that 1—PIECE—OF—THE—ROCKET may have hit the ground near Riverton,
20070105             WYOMING, at about 6 a.m. Kelly said military personnel had not yet reached the scene.
20070105             —REPORTED, No damage was, and the debris was not believed to be hazardous, NORAD said.
20070105             —REPORTED, Eyewitnesses, seeing flaming objects in the sky —AT—THE—TIME the rocket was RE—ENTERING, Kelly said".
20070105             "Popular Mechanics has 1—IN—DEPTH report on NORTH—KOREA—BIOLOGICAL and chemical weapons stock, which has been developed in secret and has gone largely unnoticed amidst the country's nuke threat.
20070105             'NORTH—KOREA—CHEMICAL and Bioweapons (CBW) program appears to be modeled on THAT—OF—THE—FORMER—SOVIET—UNION,
20070105             which covertly constructed 1—MASSIVE—BIOLOGICAL—WEAPONS—INFRASTRUCTURE within the shell of 1—CIVIL—RESEARCH—ORGANIZATION called Biopreparat.
20070105             —DEVELOPED, Inside Biopreparat, the Soviets, deadly agents that included weaponized forms of anthrax and pneumonic plague.
20070105             Intelligence reports from THE—USA—AND—SOUTH—KOREA list anthrax, smallpox,
20070105             pneumonic plague, cholera and botulism toxins as leading COMPONENTS—OF—NORTH—KOREA—BIOWEAPONS projects.' "
20070105             Social Networking Site Safety Questioned-
20070105             —ZONK—66 - 1—ANONYMOUS—READER writes to mention 1—TECHNEWSWORLD article about social networking sites.
20070105             Researchers are finding these places are goldmines for social engineering exercises.
20070105             Between worm attacks and simple human observation, sites like MySpace are the perfect place to obtain saleable personal information.
20070105             In ;;10;;, the alliance issued its 1. social networking study examining the link between specific online behaviors and the potential for becoming 1—VICTIM—OF cybercrime.
20070105             Despite all the publicity about sexual predators on sites like MySpace and FaceBook,
20070105             the alliance took 1—DIFFERENT—APPROACH by measuring the potential for threats such as fraud, identity theft, computer spyware and viruses.
20070105             Although 57—PERCENT—OF—PEOPLE who use social networking sites admit to worrying about becoming 1—VICTIM—OF cybercrime,
20070105             they are still divulging information that may put them at risk, as Boyd suggested.
20070105             MERKEL—BESUCH: Bush träumt noch immer vom Wildschwein
20070105             Ganz abgesehen von der Frage, wer sich zum Beispiel gezüchtete Organe überhaupt leisten könnte:
20070105             Die größeren Möglichkeiten stellen Ärzte und Patienten vor immer größere ETHIK—PROBLEME.
20070105             —GEÄCHTET, Welche Körpermodifikation erlaubt ist, welche, welche gar verboten WIRD—DARÜBER wird es in den kommenden —JAHRZEHNTEN große Debatten geben.
20070105             "Bei jedem Menschen liegt die Grenze woanders", sagt Journalistin Norton.
20070105             Ihrer Meinung nach sind Menschen —HEUTE—SCHON jene Überwesen der Zukunft, allerdings ohne es zu merken.
20070105             Tattoos, Piercings, Brustvergrößerungen,
20070105             selbst die Spirale zur EMPFÄNGNISVERHÜTUNG—ALL das seien typische, wenngleich bekannte und akzeptierte Körpermodifikationen.
20070105             Implantate für mehr Bequemlichkeit?
20070105             Der Mensch - Entwicklungsländer: Hunger frisst die geistigen Fähigkeiten auf
20070105             Merkel bei Bush : Hand in Hand zu den Krisenherden
20070105             FDP—PLANSPIELE: Sozial und LIBERAL—DAS war einmal
20070105             Hohe STROM—UND Gaspreise: Brüssel will Macht der Konzerne brechen
20070105             Rente mit 67: Regierung plant Ausnahmen für Banker
20070105             —GESTRICHEN, Unterstützung : Bundesagentur straft 500.000—ARBEITSLOSE ab
20070105             Transatlantische Beziehungen: Merkel will Bush beim NAHOST—FRIEDEN helfen
20070105             Letzter MOTASSADEQ—PROZESS: Gericht ringt um gerechte Strafe für den Terrorhelfer
20070105             —BEREITET, USA—TV- Bericht: NORDKOREA, neuen Atomwaffentest vor
20070105             —SPOTTED, Shopping urges ' in brain'
20070105             The moment —WHEN 1—SHOPPER decides to buy can —NOW be clearly seen on 1—BRAIN scan, 1—USA—STUDY says.
20070105             GENERAL—MOTORS "sell"
20070105             RATING—UPDATE: NEW—YORK (aktiencheck.de AG) - Die Analysten der BANC—OF—AMERICA STUFT die Aktie von GENERAL—MOTORS (ISIN US3704421052/WKN 850000) von "neutral" auf "sell" herab.
20070105             Daddy Bush Attacks JFK "Conspiracy Theorists"-
20070105             Are THE—BUSH—BREAKING down?
20070105             —JUST weeks ago, PRESIDENT—BUSH insisted that THE—USA was "absolutely
20070105             —RECENTLY, as the casulties have mounted, he's toned back his sunny rhetoric slightly, saying THE—USA was not "winning or losing.
20070105             Yet MEDIA—REPORTS indicate BUSH believes THE—USA can win by sending 20,000 more troops to IRAQ,
20070105             —PROMPTED, This, 1—REPORTER to ask WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—SECRETARY—TONY—SNOW if BUSH was "fundamentally OUT—OF—TOUCH with what the reality is on the ground in IRAQ?" Snow responded that "we may be OUT—OF—TOUCH with reality because we sit —AROUND and we look at fractional pictures on the screen".
20070105             BUSH, Q The only question, though, to press 1—LITTLE—BIT, is the view that THE—PRESIDENT has been determined,
20070105             he's been resolved + nobody questions that, but does he get it?
20070105             I mean, is he fundamentally OUT—OF—TOUCH with what the reality is on the ground in IRAQ?
20070105             This is 1—PRESIDENT who gets exhaustive briefings on 1—DAILY—BASIS about the situation.
20070105             "If we surge and it doesn't work,-
20070105             NICO—IT—HARD to imagine what we do —AFTER that". — FREDERICK—KAGAN, the " intellectual architect
20070105             "PRIME—MINISTER—MALIKI—STAFF have already expressed their disappointment in the filmings, so I guess we'll leave it at that,
20070105             " said deputy WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—SECRETARY—SCOTT—STANZEL.
20070105             Bush Consistently Played Politics —DURING 109. Congress-
20070105             In 1—OP—ED in —TODAY—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL, PRESIDENT—BUSH urges the new Congress to not "play politics as usual.
20070105             He writes, "If the Congress chooses to pass bills that are simply political statements, they will have chosen stalemate.
20070105             If 1—DIFFERENT—APPROACH is taken,
20070105             the next —2—YEARS can be fruitful ones for our nation".
20070105             But 3—OF—THE—MOST egregious examples of partisan politicking in the 109. Congress — gay marriage,
20070105             flag burning + TERRY—SCHIAVO — were pushed by THE—PRESIDENT.
20070105             Ban on Gay Marriage: In
20070105             of the 109. Congress, BUSH urged lawmakers to pass 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—BAN on gay marriage.
20070105             —FROM the beginning, the move received little public support
20070105             " but BUSH and other conservatives continued to push it as 1—OF—THE—MOST important issues
20070105             facing the nation.
20070105             —WHEN the amendment failed in the Senate in ;;06;;,
20070105             —REPORTED, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, that BUSH "expressed disappointment,
20070105             " but urged lawmakers to "take several [more] tries".
20070105             Ban on Flag Burning: Conservatives' attempt to ban flag burning was opposed by THE—MAJORITY—OF—AMERICANS,
20070105             " by 1—REPUBLICAN SENATOR + would have violated rulings by THE—SUPREME—COURT that declared flag burning protected free speech.
20070105             —SUPPORTED, Yet Bush, the amendment
20070105             and —WHEN the vote in the Senate failed, called on the senators to keep trying.
20070105             TERRY—SCHIAVO—LEGISLATION: BUSH and conservative leaders in Congress used the tragic CASE—OF—SCHIAVO
20070105             as 1—OPPORTUNITY for political grandstanding.
20070105             1—MEMO, which THE—AP reported was distributed by Senate leadership to RIGHT—WING members,
20070105             called Schiavo "1—GREAT—POLITICAL—ISSUE.
20070105             " BUSH played his part in the spectacle by flying to WASHINGTON from his ranch in Crawford to sign the bill,
20070105             even though waiting 1—FEW hours for the bill to be flown to him would likely "have made no difference in whether MISS—SCHIAVO lives.
20070105             Under BUSH—WATCH, the 109. Congress used valuable time to "play politics as usual".
20070105             It failed to raise the minimum wage, left 9—OUT—OF—11—SPENDING bills undone
20070105             —YESTERDAY, the Financial Times reported that energy "will be 1—CENTRAL—THEME
20070105             AL—HUBBARD, CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—NATIONAL—ECONOMIC—COUNCIL, who is CO—ORDINATING WHITE—HOUSE energy policy, has also raised expectations.
20070105             In 1—SPEECH at De Pauw University he predicted "headlines above the fold that will knock your socks off in terms of our commitment to energy INDEPENDENCE ".
20070105             And here we have 1—SERIOUS—PROBLEM:
20070105             —ADDICTED, AMERICA is, to oil, which is often imported from unstable PARTS—OF—THE—WORLD.
20070105             The best way to break this addiction is through technology.
20070105             [20060131             ]
20070105             I urge Congress to pass legislation that makes AMERICA MORE SECURE and less dependent on foreign energy.
20070105             [20050202             ]
20070105             so I urge you to pass legislation to modernize our electricity system, promote conservation + make AMERICA LESS DEPENDENT on foreign SOURCES—OF—ENERGY.
20070105             [20040120             ]
20070105             —WHILE dramatically improving the environment.
20070105             Even more, I ask you to take 1—CRUCIAL—STEP and protect our environment in ways that generations —BEFORE us could not have imagined.
20070105             [20030128             ]
20070105             This Congress must act to encourage conservation, promote technology,
20070105             build infrastructure + it must act to increase energy production at home so AMERICA is less dependent on foreign oil.
20070105             [20020129             ] - We can produce more electricity to meet demand + we must.
20070105             We can promote alternative energy sources and conservation + we must.
20070105             AMERICA must become more ENERGY—INDEPENDENT + we will.
20070105             [20010227             ]
20070105             Yet the Financial Times also reports —TODAY that "USA—DEPENDENCE on the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries for its oil imports has risen to its highest level in —15—YEARS.
20070105             "At more than 52 %, OPEC—SHARE—OF—USA—OIL imports is at its highest
20070105             As of Septmeber 20060000             , 70—PERCENT—OF—OIL
20070105             consumed in THE—USA—CAME from foreign sources, up from 58 %
20070105             Ellison To Be Photographed With Koran Owned By THOMAS—JEFFERSON
20070105             —ARGUED, Conservatives have repeatedly, that Muslim Rep.-elect KEITH—ELLISON'S (D—MN) decision to take 1—UNOFFICIAL—SWEARING—IN photograph with his hand on the Koran was UN—AMERICAN.
20070105             —WARNED, REPRESENTATIVE—VIRGIL—GOODE (R—VA), —LAST—MONTH that "if USA—CITIZENS don't wake up
20070105             and adopt the Virgil Goode position on immigration there will likely be MANY—MORE—MUSLIMS elected to office + demanding the use of the Koran". Talk show host DENNIS—PRAGER said ELLISON—ACT "undermines USA—CIVILIZATION.
20070105             —MISGUIDED, In 1—SYMBOLIC—DECISION showing how, this argument is, Ellison has chosen to take his photograph with 1—PERSONAL—COPY—OF—THE—KORAN once owned by THOMAS—JEFFERSON:
20070105             —PUBLISHED, JEFFERSON—COPY is 1—ENGLAND—TRANSLATION by GEORGE—SALE, 17500000             —IN—THE S;
20070105             it survived 18510000             —THE fire that destroyed MOST—OF—JEFFERSON—COLLECTION and has his customary initialing on the pages.
20070105             This isn't the 1. historic book used for SWEARING—IN ceremonies — the Library [of Congress] has allowed VIPs to use rare Bibles for inaugurations and other special occasions.
20070105             Jefferson was 1—CHAMPION of religious tolerance.
20070105             His 17770000             Draft of 1—BILL—FOR—RELIGIOUS—FREEDOM
20070105             that our civil rights have no dependance on our religious opinions,
20070105             ANY—MORE than our opinions in physics or geometry ;
20070105             that —THEREFORE the proscribing ANY—CITIZEN as unworthy the public confidence by laying upon him 1—INCAPACITY—OF being called to OFFICES—OF—TRUST and emolument,
20070105             unless he profess or renounce this or that religious opinion, is depriving him injuriously of those privileges and advantages to which,
20070105             in common with his fellow citizens, he has 1—NATURAL—RIGHT.
20070105             In 1—IRONIC—TWIST, THE—WASHINGTON—POST—REPORTS that Virgil Goode "represents JEFFERSON—BIRTHPLACE
20070105             " of Albemarle COUNTY—VIRGINIA, but had no comment on ELLISON—BOOK—CHOICE.
20070105             Energy and Environment Daily reports, "Several prominent sources ready to track the upcoming legislative debate say Senate Democrats may be positioned to move a [climate change] bill
20070105             faster than the House, perhaps even with THE—MAKE—OR—BREAK 60—VOTE threshold needed to overcome 1—FILIBUSTER".
20070105             Industry attorney MARK—MENEZES said,
20070105             "I think 60 is in play depending on how it's written".
20070105             —EXPECTED, JUDD—REPORTS "PRESIDENT—BUSH is, to announce his new IRAQ strategy in 1—ADDRESS to the nation
20070105             early —NEXT—WEEK.
20070105             " According to THE—BBC, "The speech will reveal 1—PLAN to send more USA—TROOPS to IRAQ.
20070105             —REPORTED, Last night on NBC News, JIM—MIKLASZEWSKI, that the new strategy will be announced —NEXT—TUESDAY + that 1—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIAL "admitted to us —TODAY that this surge option is more of 1—POLITICAL—DECISION than 1—MILITARY 1." Watch it:
20070105             —JUST weeks ago, CentCom COMMANDER—GENERAL—JOHN—ABIZAID told Congress "I met with EVERY—DIVISIONAL—COMMANDER,
20070105             GENERAL—CASEY, the corps COMMANDER, GENERAL—DEMPSEY, we all talked together.
20070105             And I said, in your professional opinion, if we were to bring in more USA—TROOPS—NOW, does it add considerably to our ability to achieve success in IRAQ?
20070105             WILLIAMS: 1., NBC News pentagon correspondent JIM—MIKLASZEWSKI has learned that PRESIDENT—BUSH is prepared to announce 1—STRATEGY—OF surge and accelerate in IRAQ,
20070105             which would involve some 20,000 additional USA—TROOPS being sent to IRAQ.
20070105             Jim is with us from THE—PENTAGON with more on this tonight.
20070105             Jim. Good —EVENING.
20070105             20070105             MIKLASZEWSKI: Good —EVENING, Brian.
20070105             Administration officials told us —TODAY that PRESIDENT—BUSH has —NOW all but decided to surge those additional troops into BAGHDAD to try to control over the violence there and only then could they accelerate THE—TURNOVER—OF—TERRITORY—TO—IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES.
20070105             Fact is they're not up to the task yet.
20070105             The plan would also throw more USA—MONEY at IRAQ for reconstruction and 1—JOBS—PROGRAM.
20070105             —ADMITTED, Interestingly enough, 1—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIAL, to us —TODAY that this surge option is more of 1—POLITICAL—DECISION than 1—MILITARY 1—BECAUSE THE—USA—PEOPLE have run OUT—OF—PATIENCE and PRESIDENT—BUSH is running OUT—OF—TIME to achieve SOME—KIND—OF—SUCCESS in IRAQ.
20070105             —WHILE this plan will clearly draw SOME—STIFF—OPPOSITION on Capitol Hill, THE—PRESIDENT is expected to announce it —1—WEEK from —TODAY.
20070105             WILLIAMS: JIM—MIKLASZEWSKI on duty for us —TODAY. Thanks for that.
20070105             Women drinkers 'depression link' 20070105             The link between binge drinking and depression is stronger in women than men, 1—STUDY says.
20070105             The world is likely to experience the warmest —YEAR on record - Rio seeks troops to curb violence
20070105             THE—BRAZIL—STATE—OF—RIO—DE—JANEIRO requests 1—DEPLOYMENT—OF—FEDERAL—TROOPS to curb soaring gang violence.
20070105             Bush appeals for Congress unity
20070105             BELARUS hits RUSSIA with oil tax
20070105             —PUMPED, BELARUS imposes a $45—PER tonne tax on RUSSIA—OIL, through its TERRITORY—TO—EUROPEAN customers.
20070105             Olmert aide in corruption inquiry
20070105             1—SENIOR—AIDE to ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT is placed under house arrest as PART—OF—1—GROWING corruption scandal.
20070105             Nato laments AFGHANISTAN—CIVIL—DEAD
20070105             Nato says its biggest mistake in AFGHANISTAN - Fed hints at future rate increase
20070105             —HINTED, THE—USA—FED, more rate rises may be needed to control inflation, notes from its latest meeting show.
20070105             FBI workers saw detainee abuse
20070105             Several FBI agents say they saw abusive practices —DURING THE—INTERROGATION—OF—DETAINEES at GUANTANAMO Bay.
20070105             TEXAS Stays Biodiesel Execution
20070105             Regulators who want to ban biodiesel delay 1—FINAL—DECISION for —1—YEAR.
20070105             —WHILE overall the fuel is cleaner, it increases ozone emissions.
20070105             AUTOPIA.
20070105             E—MAIL scammers face European crackdown 20070105             Regulation requiring cooperation among EU prosecutors will leave E—MAIL predators "nowhere to hide," says UK government.
20070105             5—STRANGEST Materials-
20070105             NewScientist —RECENTLY—POSTED 1—QUICK—LOOK at 5—INTERESTING materials with SOME—VERY—STRANGE—PROPERTIES.
20070105             There are liquids you can walk on, liquids that will escape containers by creeping up the sides + magnetic liquids that can easily show you the shape of magnetic fields.
20070105             —WEIGHED, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES has, in again on Net Neutrality, this time with 1—HOPEFUL—MESSAGE—OF—CHANGE in the near future due to THE—SHIFT—OF—POWER in the House and Senate.
20070105             The opinion piece takes 1—LOOK at Ron Wyden in the Senate and EDWARD—MARKEY in the House who have both promised to lead the charge to pass 1—NET—NEUTRALITY—BILL in the coming months.
20070105             Lessig, on the other hand, has 1—SOMEWHAT more cynical VIEW—OF—THE—NEW—CONGRESS.
20070105             1—OF—THE—MAIN—FINDINGS was that rather than weighing 1—CHOICE between the pleasure of making 1—PURCHASE and the delayed gratification of using the dough for something else,
20070105             the brain is actually weighing between the pleasure of buying and the pain of forking over the cash".
20070105             2,—000—YEAR—OLD toilet may solve 1—ANCIENT—MYSTERY
20070105             The discovery of a 2,—000—YEAR—OLD toilet at 1—OF—THE—WORLD—MOST important archaeological sites is focusing renewed interest on 1—QUESTION that has preoccupied scholars for more than HALF—1—CENTURY:
20070105             —LIVED, Who, at Qumran?
20070105             LONDON—ON—SEA: the future of 1—CITY in decay Global warming puts great swaths of LONDON underwater.
20070105             With map.
20070105             DOUCHEBAG—OF—THE—WEEK! 20070105             Is THE—WHITE—HOUSE using Pat ROBERTSON to prepare us for another 20010911             or is ROBERTSON 1—CRAZY—OLD—MAN who hears voices?
20070105             Marijuana might cause new cell growth in the brain
20070105             What is more, in rats this cell growth appears to be linked with reducing anxiety + depression.
20070105             The results suggest that marijuana, or its derivatives, could actually be good for the brain.
20070105             Via Daily Grail.
20070105             Mystery Metal Crashes Through NJ Roof With pic.
20070105             PENTAGON plans no action on report of GUANTANAMO detainee mistreatment:
20070105             —RELEASED, THE—PENTAGON plans no action as 1—RESULT—OF—1—NEWLY, FBI report on detainee abuse at THE—GUANTANAMO—BAY military prison,
20070105             1—SPOKESMAN said —WEDNESDAY, asserting there is nothing new in the report.
20070105             USA—FACES—MAJOR—HURDLES in Prosecuting Padilla:
20070105             Even FORMER—JUSTICE DEPARTMENT—SPOKESMAN—CORALLO concedes that in hindsight, Padilla was a bit player.
20070105             Corallo says the government faces 1—PROBLEM over its EVER—CHANGING claims about what Padilla did and whether he could be prosecuted in 1—CIVIL—COURT.
20070105             Gerry Spence: $2M settlement underscores LOSS—OF—FREEDOM
20070105             "What happens is that the corporate KING, or THE—GOVERNMENT—CORPORATE KING, the 2 combined, [are] leading us into fascism".
20070105             —INSTALLED, Professional bureaucrats, by 1—CORPOCRACY for HALF—1—CENTURY—DATE    and more, bring colorless continuity to 1—NATIONAL—SECURITY—STATE.
20070105             —EXPORTED, WEST—TECHNO—WIZARDRY is, and emulated and comprises 1—NEW, financial colonization.
20070105             —BY—ROBERT—PARRY—THE—PRESIDENT seems determined to put in place 1—MILITARY hierarchy that will fall in line with his edicts, rather than disagree with him.
20070105             Continue - 'Why THE—USA should be worried':
20070105             THE—USA is facing competition from beyond its borders as well as internal difficulties.
20070105             Its lower and middle class families are slowly turning out to be the biggest losers of current globalisation.
20070105             THE—USA, like ancient ROME, is beginning to be plagued by THE—LIMITS—OF—ITS—POWER.
20070105             PAUL—KRUGMAN: A Healthy New —YEAR:
20070105             1—SCATHING article in —YESTERDAY—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES described how insurers refuse to cover anyone with even the slightest hint of 1—PRE—EXISTING condition.
20070105             ;;11;; + - ;;12;; without snow
20070105             for the 1. time - NEW—JERSEY had its warmest ;;12;; —SINCE records started being kept —111—YEARS—AGO.
20070105             —ASSERTED, THE—PRESIDENT, his new authority —WHEN he signed 1—POSTAL reform bill into law on
20070105             Bush says feds can open mail without warrant:
20070105             —CLAIMED, PRESIDENT—BUSH quietly has, sweeping new powers to open Americans' mail without 1—JUDGE—WARRANT.
20070105             Negroponte Stepping Aside As Top Spy:
20070105             National Intelligence Director JOHN—NEGROPONTE, who has been closely involved with USA—POLICY on IRAQ,
20070105             will trade in his job as top spy to become No.
20070105             2 to SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE.
20070105             RUSSIA warns against IRAN action:
20070105             COUNTRIES taking action against IRAN independent of THE—UNITED—NATIONS,
20070105             as called for by WASHINGTON, would not be helpful in luring TEHRAN back to negotiations on its nuclear program, RUSSIA said —TODAY.
20070105             Hersh: USA, ISRAEL support PKK—IRAN wing
20070105             t : ANKARA, which has been pressing THE—USA for action to eliminate the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) in IRAQ,
20070105             responded with caution to 1—FRESH—REPORT by leading USA investigative JOURNALIST—SEYMOUR—HERSH that WASHINGTON was backing the group's IRAN—WING to destabilize the Islamic republic.
20070105             War pimp alert: Exclusive: IRAN War "In —2—YEARS":
20070105             1—WAR against IRAN could be launched within the next —2—YEARS, 1—SENIOR—ADVISER to GEORGE—BUSH warned last night.
20070105             2. USA—CARRIER group to deploy to Gulf: :
20070105             THE—PENTAGON will send a 2. aircraft carrier and its escort ships to the Gulf,
20070105             defense officials said —ON—WEDNESDAY, as 1—WARNING to Syria and IRAN and to give commanders more flexibility in the region.
20070105             NATO said —WEDNESDAY that it killed too MANY—AFGHANISTAN—CIVILIANS —DURING fighting —LAST—YEAR against resurgent Taliban militants,
20070105             but that the occupation forces was working to change that - Hanging will haunt Bush: -
20070105             I am taken aback by the reaction in INDIA to SADDAM—HUSSEIN—HANGING.
20070105             The anger cuts across religious and political divides.
20070105             Exclusive: Saddam key —IN—EARLY CIA plot:
20070105             —WHILE MANY—HAVE thought that SADDAM 1. became involved with USA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES at the start of 19800900             —THE—IRAN—IRAQ war,
20070105             his 1. contacts with USA—OFFICIALS—DATE back to 19590000             ,
20070105             —WHEN he was PART—OF—1—CIA—AUTHORIZED 6—MAN—SQUAD tasked with assassinating then IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—GENERAL—ABD—AL—KARIM—QASIM.
20070105             The "Demonization" of Muslims and THE—BATTLE—FOR—OIL:
20070105             —THROUGHOUT history, " wars of religion" have served to obscure the economic and strategic interests behind the conquest and invasion of foreign lands.
20070105             1—SENIOR—OFFICIAL from PRIME—MINISTER—NURI—AL—MALIKI—OFFICE, speaking on CONDITION—OF—ANONYMITY, said the execution was postponed "due to INTERNATIONAL pressure".
20070105             IRAQ Vets Left in Physical and Mental Agony:
20070105             —INJURED, The number of, has far outstripped the dead, with the Veterans Administration reporting that more than 150,000 veterans of THE—IRAQ war are receiving disability benefits.
20070105             Poll: More troops unhappy with BUSH—COURSE in IRAQ:
20070105             For the 1. time, more troops DISAPPROVE—OF—THE—PRESIDENT—HAN—DLING—OF—THE—WAR than approve of it.
20070105             Barely 1—3. of service members APPROVE—OF—THE—WAY—THE—PRESIDENT is handling the war, ac cording to 20060000             —THE—MILITARY—TIMES—POLL.
20070105             Zbigniew Brzezinski,: USA—POLICY in THE—MIDDLE—EAST:
20070105             Brzezinski argues that AMERICA "must accept the fact that real leadership in IRAQ should be based on 1—COALITION—OF—THE—SHIA clergy commanding the loyalty of Shia militias and of the autonomous Kurds and that the sooner 1—DATE is set for USA—DEPARTURE,
20070105             the sooner the authentic IRAQ—LEADERS will be able to enlist IRAQ—NEIGHBOURS in 1—WIDER—REGIONAL—EFFORT to promote 1—MORE—STABLE—IRAQ".
20070105             Rattled AMERICA will find it can't spin itself out of this 1:
20070105             GEORGE—BUSH will be hard put persuading 3, 4 or 5000—USA—SOLDIERS,
20070105             marines and reservists who have already been there to go back to IRAQ —THIS—YEAR, to face 4—MILLION—SUNNIS displeased by THE—SADDAM hanging.
20070105             Hard put too to persuade Nuri AL—MALIKI to stay in office + stay alive, till they get there.
20070105             'TONY—BLAIR is a liar', says dead soldier's fiancee:
20070105             Rebecca Barnes, also 1—SERVING soldier in IRAQ who —RECENTLY shook hands with THE—PRIME—MINISTER on 1—VISIT to UK—TROOPS,
20070105             † broke ranks to speak out about TONY—BLAIR—DECEIT—AFTER her fiancee, SERGEANT—GRAHAM—HESKETH in 1—ROADSIDE bomb.
20070105             1—PROMISING—IRAQ—PROVINCE is —NOW 1—TINDERBOX:
20070105             —INTERVIEWED, USA and IRAQ—OFFICIALS, in recent days blamed the sharp downturn on 1—COMBINATION—OF—USA neglect and abuses by THE—IRAQ—ARMY.
20070105             —DISENGAGED, USA—TROOPS largely, from security here —FOR—WEEKS at 1—TIME, they say, handing the reins to IRAQ—FORCES who proved to be abusive and ineffective.
20070105             How BUSH and BLAIR—CHOICES have led to disaster in IRAQ, culminating in 1—CHAOTIC—EXECUTION that is fuelling civil war
20070105             —EXECUTED, Reports Saddam, by militia:
20070105             1—IRAQ—OFFICIAL says the hanging was supposed to be carried out by hangmen employed by the Interior Ministry,
20070105             but that militias infiltrated the executioners' team.
20070105             Moqtada AL—SADR may have been present at THE—EXECUTION—OF—IRAQ—PRESIDENT—SADDAM—HUSSEIN:
20070105             "I saw AL—SADR wearing the black hoods inside the room — the eyewitness said — and there was also Abdulaziz AL—HAKIM [LEADER—OF—THE—SUPREME—COUNCIL for Islamic Revolution in IRAQ — SCIRI].
20070105             They were among THE—6—MEN wearing hoods that 1 can see in the images aired by THE—TV".
20070105             Kuwaiti in talks to buy Saddam 's 'noose':
20070105             The businessman is apparently ready to pay ANY—AMOUNT—OF—MONEY for the noose.
20070105             According to sources, it is with Shiite leader Muqtada AL—SADR and the businessman's representatives are negotiating with him.
20070105             THE—REEMERGENCE—OF—THE—DISCREDITED, Failed NEO—CONS and Their Psychologically Disabled Puppet, Bush.
20070105             More Men and Women -- Americans and Iraqis -- WILL—DIE—DUE—TO—DELUSIONS—OF—GRANDEUR.
20070105             Pelosi Becomes 1. Female Speaker, Preparing to Confront Bush
20070105             Heather Wokusch: RETURN—OF—BUSH and THE—F—WORD
20070105             "I took SOME—DRUGS—TODAY to help me write this review".
20070105             "THE—REPUBLICAN minority won't roll over and die.
20070105             THE—RIGHT—WING propaganda and spin industry won't pack it in.
20070105             The rich people, corporations and institutions who benefit from such policies aren't going to stop".
20070105             THE—BUZZFLASH—MAILBAG -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
20070105             Pelosi Remarks: "The election of 20060000             was 1—CALL to change, not merely to change THE—CONTROL—OF—CONGRESS but for 1—NEW—DIRECTION for our country.
20070105             Nowhere were THE—USA—PEOPLE—MORE—CLEAR about the need for 1—NEW—DIRECTION than in the war in IRAQ".
20070105             Congress Convenes With Democrats in Power 1/5
20070105             THE—RUDE—PUNDIT: In Brief: Democrats Burn the Republicans' Bed 1/5
20070105             Tomgram: Dreyfuss on BUSH—WIZARD—OF—OZ—IRAQ—PLAN 1/5
20070105             Scoop: JOHN—KAMINSKI: THE—NEW—RESISTANCE
20070105             NAZI bankers have taken over the world + are trying to turn EVERY—COUNTRY into 1—COMBINATION—OF—PLANTATION—RUN by them + concentration...
20070105             SHADOW—OF—THE—SWASTIKA
20070105             —RELEASED, NAZI bankers such as Herman ABS were, from prison to work as economic advisers in THE—UK—ZONE—OF—GERMANY.
20070105             THE—HISTORY—OF—BRITISH 'efforts' to
20070105             Bernays, EDWARD—L—IMPACT—PUBLIC—RELATIONS in AMERICA—HOW did PR turn AMERICA INTO 1—COUNTRY—OF—HUNGRY—CONSUMERS— Could PR account for the continued racial problems...
20070105             THE—CIA and Nazi War Criminals
20070105             Released Under NAZI War Crimes Disclosure Act.
20070105             National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book NUMBER 146. Edited by Tamara Feinstein.
20070105             Secrecy News 20020627             ...
20070105             Andes - ce399 | archive: Panic in —YEAR 0 (19620000             )... recounts, Grover's [NORQUIST ] own Islamic Institute was —INITIALLY financed by...
20070105             People herein AMERICA HAVE to recognize the ability + power of Reverend MOON.
20070105             Guerra FRÍA—WIKIPEDIA
20070105             Este conflito decanta a posición do mundo árabe cara o bloque comunista e reflicte a dependenza das pequenas potencias europeas dos ditados americanos.
20070105             WACL—JOHN—SINGLAUB + THE—FDN—ADOLFO—CALERO have...
20070105             the heritage FOUNDATION—AUDARYA Fellowship
20070105             —GUIDED, Foundation, THE—REAGAN administration —DURING its PERIOD—OF—TRANSITION
20070105             its 1. —YEAR, THE—REAGAN administration adopted fully...
20070105             —NAMED, ALBERT—HAKIM - 1—ALABAMA mercenary, TOM—POSEY ; ROBERT—OWEN, 1—SECRET—NORTH aide;
20070105             20070105             Legal PROBLEMS—IRAN/Contra s::HISTORY—OF—THE—INVESTIGATION—PART 2
20070105             Walsh IRAN/CONTRA REPORT—CHAPTER 2—USA—V. OLIVER—L
20070105             (1) PRESIDENT—REAGAN—DIRECTIVE to McFarlane to keep THE—CONTRA forces together...
20070105             —ASKED, RICHARD—V. SECORD +, him to help CONTRA leader ADOLFO CALERO buy arms with his new SAUDI...
20070105             Scandals/IRAN—CONTRA
20070105             Paper was the opening salvo in THE—REAGAN administration's war against NICARAGUA.
20070105             IRC | RightWeb | Group Watch: Heritage Foundation
20070105             Foundation between NICARAGUA n CONTRA leader ADOLFO CALERO—ANGOLA n rebel leader JONAS—SAVIMBI + LEADERS—OF—OTHER—INTERNATIONAL...
20070105             IRC | RightWeb | Group Watch: Council for National Policy
20070105             (2) ADOLFO CALERO attended several meetings and spoke to the group about THE—NICARAGUA n CONTRA situation in...
20070105             Terrorismo CRISTIANO—ULTRA DERECHA, CLERO—FASCISMO y TERRORISMO......
20070105             investigador y creador de política exterior durante la administración de REAGAN.
20070105             de honor a la fiesta de REAGAN fue Adolfo...
20070105             smuggling evidence against THE—REAGAN—ADMINISTRATION—SUPPORTED contras
20070105             ADOLFO CALERO Sklar,H. REAGAN, Trilateralism + Neoliberals.
20070105             —MENTIONED, The names below are, on the listed pages with the name CALERO ADOLFO...
20070105             Vanderbilt Television News Archive: CENTRAL—AMERICA/REAGAN—PLAN...
20070105             SUPPORT—OF—PLAN.] [CONTRA leader ADOLFO CALERO—CLAIMS—REAGAN promised continued support.] [CONTRA leader ALFONSO—ROBELO—ACCEPTS...
20070105             Vanderbilt Television News Archive: NICARAGUA /USA...
20070105             [—FRIDAY, REAGAN—IDENS. with rebels.] [Guerrilla leader ADOLFO CALERO—PRAISES REAGAN.]
20070105             —NOTED, MANY—GUERRILLA—LEADERS, personally responsible... - familiar".
20070105             (It should be: he was REAGAN—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—JOINT—CHIEFS—OF—STAFF.) ADOLFO CALERO ?
20070105             REAGAN could not recall the most... - Pat ROBERTSON—DEMOPEDIA
20070105             —ON  "THE—700—CLUB," ROBERTSON has interviewed ADOLFO CALERO + Steadman Fagoth,
20070105             CONTRA leaders; DBCSez! Archive 3
20070105             THE—REAGAN—ADMINISTRATION gave ADOLFO CALERO + his brother KIKO plush digs in MIAMI.
20070105             Either the statement is incorrect, or (as I prefer to
20070105             THE—NEGROPONTE—FILE - Mindestlohn: Kaum Chancen für Geringqualifizierte
20070105             securitytreff.de :: Thema ANZEIGEN—WAS wird —NUN aus G4S ???
20070105             The business and assets of Cognisa Transportation, INCORPORATED have been acquired by 1. Transit, INCORPORATED, 1—SUBSIDIARY—OF—FIRSTGROUP—PLC, for 1—INITIAL—CASH...
20070105             Senate Foreign Relations Chairman JOE—BIDEN (D—DE) said —YESTERDAY that he believes top officials in THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION — "maybe even including THE—VICE—PRESIDENT" — have " privately concluded they have lost IRAQ and are simply trying to postpone disaster
20070105             so the next PRESIDENT will 'be the guy landing helicopters inside the Green Zone, taking people off the roof,' in 1—CHAOTIC—WITHDRAWAL reminiscent of VIETNAM".
20070105             The expected REPLACEMENT—OF—GENERAL—JOHN—ABIZAID with Navy Admiral WILLIAM—FALLON to oversee THE—IRAQ war "reflects 1—GREATER—EMPHASIS on countering IRAN—POWER,
20070105             1—MISSION that relies heavily on naval forces and combat airpower to project USA—INFLUENCE in the Persian Gulf," THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORT.
20070105             In its 1. legislative act, the 110. Congress voted 430—1—YESTERDAY
20070105             to approve "the broadest ethics and lobbying revision —SINCE the Watergate era.
20070105             citing 1—SERIES—OF—SECURITY—FAILURES at national laboratories,
20070105             including THE—DISCOVERY—OF—1—COMPUTER—DEVICE containing thousands of classified documents in the home of 1—FORMER—WORKER —DURING 1—DRUG—RAID by the police".
20070105             —YESTERDAY, REPRESENTATIVE—KEITH—ELLISON (D—MN) not only introduced himself
20070105             (R—VA), but also asked him out for coffee.
20070105             "By reaching out to Congressman Goode I'm not trying to be accepted, I'm trying to build bridges.
20070105             In this world there are too MANY—MISUNDERSTANDINGS.
20070105             I want to put 1—HUMAN face on things," explained Ellison.
20070105             —HEADED, With Zalmay Khalilzad, to THE—UNITED—NATIONS, PRESIDENT—BUSH—PLANS to appoint career diplomat RYAN—CROCKER to be USA—AMBASSADOR to IRAQ.
20070105             Crocker is currently USA—AMBASSADOR to PAKISTAN + is "among THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT—MOST respected voices in THE—MIDDLE—EAST,
20070105             " NEW—ORLEANS repeats mistakes as it rebuilds.
20070105             [W]hile new FEDERAL—GUIDELINES call for raising houses to reduce THE—DAMAGE—OF—FUTURE—FLOODS,
20070105             most returning homeowners do not have to comply or are finding ways —AROUND the costly requirement,
20070105             Bush Cuts and Runs from Reason
20070105             Feeling the Heat - CRIMES AND CORRUPTION—OF—THE—NEW—WORLD—ORDER—NEWS:
20070105             —LAST—YEAR in THE—ABRAMOFF scandal, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, in response to 3 ...
20070105             —HELPED, BOEING—CASE was not, —WHEN it emerged that DARLENE DRUYUN, alfatomega.com/20070105.html
20070105             Secrecy News 20020627             ... disgraced intelligence CHIEF—VLADIMIRO—MONTESINOS were published —TODAY by the National Security Archive in 1—BRIEFING book edited by Tamara Feinstein.
20070105             profile case, such as 1—AGAINST the illicit trafficker Sarkis Soghanalian + his... on Brokering: adopted 20011115             ,"
20070105             —SERVED, He would follow JOHN—NEGROPONTE, who, —18—MONTHS as the 1. head over 16—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES.
20070105             —REPLACED, Casey, retiring GENERAL—PETER—SCHOOMAKER as Army CHIEF—OF—STAFF.
20070105             —APPROVED, USA—HOUSE—DEMOCRATS, new budget rules that required new spending or tax cuts to be paid for by other spending cuts or tax increases.
20070105             —REQUIRED, The new rules also, lawmakers to disclose which spending items (earmarks), they have added to bills.
20070105             —SIGNED, SF, 1—CONTRACT with EarthLink and Google to install and operate 1—FREE—WIRELESS—INTERNET—SERVICE across the city.
20070105             —ANNOUNCED, HITACHI, the 1. 1-terrabyte hard drive, eclipsing SEAGATE—750—GIGABYTE drives.
20070105             —WOUNDED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, a suicide bomber in a car, 4—SOLDIERS.
20070105             —DETAINED, BANGLADESH police over the last —2—DAYS, about 1,500 activists ahead of a —2—DAY nationwide general strike aimed at forcing electoral reform and the postponement of 1—GENERAL—ELECTION—THIS—MONTH.
20070105             —RAIDED, CHINA—POLICE, 1 alleged terrorist camp in 1—WESTERN—MOUNTAIN region near the border with PAKISTAN, killing 18—SUSPECTS and arresting 17 at 1—TRAINING camp run by THE—EAST—TURKESTAN Islamic Movement (ETIM).
20070105             —ACCUSED, Critics, BEIJING of using CLAIMS—OF—TERRORISM as 1—EXCUSE to crack down on peaceful PRO—INDEPENDENCE—SENTIMENT and expressions of Uighur identity.
20070105             Zhaoxing was set to sign 1—SERIES—OF—ACCORDS as part of 7—NATION tour highlighting CHINA—INCREASING interest in THE—AFRICA—CONTINENT.
20070105             —COLLAPSED, CENTRAL—CONGO, 1—DIAMOND mine, in TSHIKAPA.
20070105             2—PEOPLE were soon rescued and 15—BODIES were —LATER pulled from the mine.
20070105             —ABANDONED, Further rescue efforts were.
20070105             —APPEARED, The group, to have been teenagers who hoped that recent rains had uncovered diamonds in the community mine.
20070105             LEON—FEBRES—CORDERO, FORMER—PRESIDENT—OF—ECUADOR (19840000—19880000    ), resigned from Congress and political life, citing unspecified medical problems.
20070105             —CONFESSED, NICOLAS—COCAIGNE, 1—FRANCE—PRISONER in ROUEN, to killing his cellmate and then eating PART—OF—THE—MAN—BODY.
20070105             A 3. cellmate who claimed he slept though the attack was charged with complicity in homicide.
20070105             1—PROMINENT—SUNNI—ARAB group charged that SOME—OFFICIALS in THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT have links with Shiite militias involved in sectarian violence and said authorities should be held responsible for ANY—ATTACKS by the armed groups.
20070105             —KILLED, Mortar rounds, 4—CIVILIANS on BAGHDAD—OUTSKIRTS, and gunmen attacked 1—IRAQ—ARMY—CHECKPOINT—NORTH—OF—THE—CAPITAL, killing 4—SOLDIERS.
20070105             —REPORTED, Police in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—BASRA, that 1—USA—CONTRACTOR and 2—IRAQIS were abducted.
20070105             THE—2—IRAQIS were —LATER found dead.
20070105             THE—BODY—OF—AHMED—HADI—NAJI, —28—JAHRE—ALT, 1—ASSOCIATED—PRESS—EMPLOYEE, was found in BAGHDAD shot in THE—BACK—OF—THE—HEAD, —6—DAYS—AFTER he was last seen by his family leaving for work.
20070105             † 1—USA—SOLDIER, from combat wounds sustained in IRAQ—ANBAR province.
20070105             MEXICO—OFFICIALS in Michoacan state said they had found 9—BODIES in 1—SHALLOW—GRAVE in THE—CITY—OF—URUAPAN.
20070105             —KIDNAPPED, SOUTH—NIGERIA, gunmen, 5—CHINA—WORKERS fixing overhead telephone lines.
20070105             —TRIGGERED, PAKISTAN—PART—OF—KASHMIR, 1—LANDSLIDE, by recent heavy rains swamped 1—MINIBUS and 1—CAR on 1—NARROW—MOUNTAINOUS—ROAD, killing 15—PEOPLE and injuring 3—OTHERS.
20070105             GAZA, ADEL—NASAR, 1—ANTI—HAMAS cleric, was shot by men in 1—CAR—AFTER he delivered 1—SERMON warning that God would punish those responsible for 7—KILLINGS the previous —DAY.
20070105             —ADMITTED, STANISLAW—WIELGUS, WARSAW—INCOMING archbishop, he had cooperated with THE—COMMUNIST—ERA—SECRET—POLICE and said he was leaving his fate in the hands of BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA.
20070105             —KILLED, SRI—LANKA, 1—EXPLOSION inside 1—PASSENGER—BUS, 6—PEOPLE in Nittambuwa.
20070105             —BLAMED, Officials, the Tamil Tiger rebels, but the group denied ANY—INVOLVEMENT.
20070105             —CARRIED, SUDAN—AIRCRAFT, out strikes on Bamina and Gadir in NORTH—DARFUR state near the border with CHAD, endangering 1—FRAGILE—CEASEFIRE.
20070105             —WELCOMED, TAIWAN—HIGH—SPEED—RAIL—SYSTEM, its 1. paying passengers amid lingering safety concerns and embarrassing ticketing glitches.
20070105             —APPOINTED, UN SECRETARY—GENERAL—BAN KI—MOON, TANZANIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER—ASHA—ROSE—MIGIRO to the deputy SECRETARY—GENERAL—POST at THE—UN, calling her 1—HIGHLY respected leader and outstanding manager who has championed the developing world.
20070105             1—SENIOR—UN—OFFICIAL said THE—UNITED—NATIONS has investigated more than 300—MEMBERS—OF—UN peacekeeping missions for alleged sexual exploitation and abuse —DURING the past —3—YEARS and more than half were fired or sent home.
20070105             —JOINED, Senior doctors at ZIMBABWE—STATE—HOSPITALS, junior doctors in 1—STRIKE over pay that has left patients stranded at the country's major medical centers.
20070105             Health MINISTER—DAVID—PARIRENYATWA told state radio —MEANWHILE that he had met with representatives of the striking doctors and that they had agreed to return to work.
20070105             RATING—UPDATE: Zürich (aktiencheck.de AG) - Die Analysten der UBS nehmen für die Aktie von INGERSOLL—RAND (ISIN BMG4776G1015/WKN 989747) 1—UPGRADE—VON "neutral" auf "buy" vor.
20070105             (20070105             /ac/a/u)
20070105             USA says "extraordinary renditions" are over, but the evidence says otherwise
20070105             Excerpt: THE—USA is telling its overseas allies that it has stopped "extraordinary renditions" and needs their help to empty GUANTANAMO—PRISON—CELLS.
20070105             But human rights groups dispute this assertion and 1—QUESTION—MARK hangs over 200 "WAR—ON—TERROR" detainees who could be held indefinitely without trial.
20070105             With 1—LAPTOP and 1—CHIP—READER he bought for $200, he was able to steal data from 1—ENCRYPTED—RFID —TAG, potentially allowing him to clone 1—EPASSPORT.
20070105             Peanuts Kill More Americans Than Terrorists
20070105             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—IF western governments were really trying win the "WAR—ON—TERROR" they wouldn't give terrorists so much credit
20070105             —ORDERED, TIJUANA police, to disarm Local police in THE—MEXICO—CITY—OF—TIJUANA are made to hand in their guns in 1—CRACKDOWN on drugs violence.
20070105             FBI releases files on late JUDGE—NEWLY—RELEASED—FBI files give more details on WILLIAM—REHNQUIST—DEPENDENCE on painkillers in the 1980s.
20070105             Researchers Find Potential Cure for Cancer
20070105             MECC writes "Researchers at Johns Hopkins University may have found 1—WAY to kill cancer cells without radiation or toxic chemicals.
20070105             'Sampathkumar and his colleagues built upon —20—YEAR—OLD—FINDINGS that 1—SHORT—CHAIN fatty acid called butyrate can slow THE—SPREAD—OF—CANCER—CELLS.
20070105             —PROCESSED, ManNAc is, into another sugar known as sialic acid that plays key roles in cancer biology, —WHILE butyrate orchestrates the expression of genes responsible for halting the uncontrolled GROWTH—OF—CANCER—CELLS.'"
20070105             Military and CIVIL—PILOTS are known to be quite reticent about reporting unusual flying objects.
20070105             SOME—ACCOUNTS even include fairly aggressive interrogation or debriefing by mysterious government agents who help witnesses forget what they saw, or at least stay silent about it.
20070105             But he told reporters —THURSDAY that at least 2—SIGNALS from Flight KI-574's emergency beacon — activated on impact or —WHEN 1—PLANE—EXPERIENCES 1—SHARP, sudden descent — were picked up by another aircraft in the vicinity and by 1—SATELLITE.
20070105             Another 1000—LIVES
20070105             If there were politicians here at home with SOME—OF—THE—COURAGE—OF—THE—TROOPS in the field, we could begin saving lives rather than watching helplessly as the Bush WHITE—HOUSE continues to sacrifice them.
20070105             Soldiers and Imperial Presidents
20070105             SADDAM—EXECUTION and the coming Campaign in BAGHDAD—BY DOCTOR—ABBAS—BAKHTIAR
20070105             It is evident that USA will in the near future attack AL—SADR forces in BAGHDAD and will try to crush and disband his militia THE—MAHDI—ARMY.
20070105             PADILLA, Wiretaps, Murky View of 'Jihad' Case
20070105             Some 230—PHONE—CALLS—FORM THE—CORE—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT—CASE, including 21—THAT make reference to MISTER—PADILLA, prosecutors said.
20070105             Or: She knows that something really big and bad is A—COMIN' + she wants no PART—OF—IT.
20070105             The most welcome paragraphs in the Post piece reveal that Congressmen Waxman and Levin are readying themselves for investigations into Katrina, contractor fraud in IRAQ (read: Haliburton) and detainee torture:
20070105             What goes —AROUND, comes —AROUND.
20070105             MERCHANTS—OF—DEATH—YAHOO! TV Documentary that travels into the lives of THE—2—BIGGEST private arms dealer s in THE—WORLD—SARKIS Soghanalian + SAM—CUMMINGS.
20070105             ACTIVITIES—SARKIS Soghanalian, THE—PRINCE—OF—LEBANON—ARMS—DEALER s, is in trouble again.
20070105             Know Your BFEE: Poppy Bush Armed SADDAM—MIAMI — Sarkis Soghanalian was once the most powerful arms dealer in the world.
20070105             Democratic Underground, Latest Threads Latest, Greatest Threads Greatest, Lobby Lobby, Journals Journals, Options Options, Help...
20070105             CONDOR—DHS IWIC Daily Open Source REPORT—SOURCE:
20070105             Contact: Apocryphon Productions, kellyheresy@ yahoo_com... they concentrated on the early ROLE—OF—GEORGE—BUSH and weapons dealer Sarkis Soghanalian.
20070105             911skeptics.blogspot_com/ - PMag v04n4p14 -- THE—SECRET—TEAM, Part V: Cha Cha Cha...
20070105             1—GUIDE to '... Excerpts from ' Coup d'Etat : 1—PRACTICAL—HANDBOOK ' by EDWARD—LUTTWAK.
20070105             Direct from the front: "Severely Blogged" | ProvoPulse_com
20070105             In fact, the pentagon is refusing 1—COURT—ORDER to turn over additional images that are... Hows does RUMSFEL—SADDAM realtionship change ALL—OF—1—SUDDEN?
20070105             THERE—1—REPORT that SADDAM—NUMBER2, who led the terrorist attacks aka... once was 1—CLOSE—FRIEND to both MISTER—CHIRAC + MISTER—RUMSFEL—AT the same time.
20070105             Hanging 'makes martyr of Saddam ' EGYPT—PRESIDENT—SAYS—THE—CIRCUMSTANCES—OF—SADDAM—HUSSEIN—EXECUTION have turned him into 1—MARTYR.
20070105             —FORCED, USA nuclear CHIEF, to quit THE—HEAD—OF—THE—USA nuclear weapons agency is made to resign —FOLLOWING 1—NUMBER—OF—SECURITY breaches.
20070105             Bush, Merkel push MID—EAST talks GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL and USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH agree to back a new MIDDLE—EAST peace meeting.
20070105             RATING—UPDATE: NEW—YORK (aktiencheck.de AG) -
20070105             (20070105             /ac/a/u) - USA Bancorp "outperform"
20070105             RATING—UPDATE: ARLINGTON (aktiencheck.de AG) -
20070105             Die Analysten von Friedman, Billings, Ramsey & Co stufen die Aktie von USA Bancorp (ISIN US9029733048/WKN 917523) unverändert mit "outperform" ein.
20070105             Das Kursziel werde von 37—USD auf 40—USD angehoben.
20070105             Die Analysten von Leerink Swann & Co. stufen die Aktie von ELI—LILLY (ISIN US5324571083/WKN 858560) von "outperform" auf "market perform" herunter.
20070105             (20070104             /ac/a/u)
20070105             1—OFFICE—WORKER—CHECKS—HER—HOME—GADGET—WEBPAGE from her work computer.
20070105             The tasks she set for her home robots in the —MORNING have all been completed: washing and ironing, vacuuming the lounge and mowing the lawn.
20070105             1. —DAY Vote: DEM—LED House Bars Members From Flying On Corporate Jets, Accepting Gifts Or Meals From Lobbyists...
20070105             THE—USA.
20070105             —TODAY—PAPERS: Woman on Top - Woman on TOP—BY DANIEL—POLITI
20070105             USA—TODAY + THE—WASHINGTON—POST—LEAD with news that PRESIDENT—BUSH is making changes to his top military + diplomatic IRAQ advisers as he prepares to announce details of his overall strategy for the war —NEXT—WEEK.
20070105             THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL includes the staffing changes in the top spot of its worldwide newsbox, but focuses on how BUSH—IRAQ plan will call for a "surge" of 20,000.
20070105             THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—LEADS with Democrats officially taking CONTROL—OF—CONGRESS for the 1. time in —12—YEARS, where, as expected, REPRESENTATIVE—NANCY—PELOSI was elected the 1. female SPEAKER—OF—THE—HOUSE.
20070105             —AFTER —1—DAY filled with celebration, much applause + the usual PROMISES—OF—BIPARTISANSHIP, the House opened the session by passing what THE—WP
20070105             calls - THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES goes high with both the staff changes + the new Congress but leads with approximately 1,000 USA + IRAQ—TROOPS launching a "major offensive" in Diyala province, 1—PLACE that has become 1—SORT—OF—HUB for Sunni insurgents.
20070105             USA—COMMANDERS did not share details of the offensive with their IRAQ—COUNTERPARTS —UNTIL shortly —BEFORE it began, fearing the information would leak to insurgents.
20070105             ERIC—BOEHLERT: Why is Woodward Still Spinning the Ford Pardon?
20070105             —PLAYED, Perhaps no major media figure has, 1—BIGGER—ROLE in rehabilitating GERALD—FORD—IMAGE by polishing the pardon and turning it into 1—SWEEPING, heroic act than THE—WASHINGTON—POST—BEST—SELLING author, BOB—WOODWARD.
20070105             The problem though, is that Woodward isn't always honest about the pardon that he insists was so "gutsy".
20070105             Which raises the question, why is Woodward so eager to create not only 1—AURA of goodwill —AROUND THE—FORMER—REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT, but 1—AURA of heroic INDEPENDENCE?
20070105             Source: Taking Stock of the Intel Community Shake Up
20070105             There are big doings in the intel community that may signal THE—START—OF—1—NEW—EFFORT to cook the books to justify 1—ATTACK on IRAN.
20070105             THE—EXODUS—OF—KEY—STATE—DEPARTMENT—PERSONNEL ( e.g., Deputy SECRETARY—ZOELLICK, Counselor PHIL—ZELIKOW + Coordinator for Counter Terrorism Hank Crumpton) left Condi twisting in the wind.
20070105             Migrants 'do not pull wages DOWN'—BG -Blogger Thought: How can this hooey be printed?
20070105             As EVERY—FARMER and cultivator of WEED—FREE lawns knows, plants develop resistance to herbicides via natural selection, without ANY—GUIDANCE from breeders.
20070105             If growers have deliberately bred 1—HERBICIDE—RESISTANT plant or exploited 1—THAT they discovered, I'd love AP to get 1—BOTANIST—AS opposed to 1—MEXICAN—GENERAL—TO confirm it.
20070105             Proof that AP has no monopoly on stupid pot stories came in October, —WHEN Reuters ran its piece about marijuana in AFGHANISTAN.
20070105             (See the reprint ON—DEFENSETECH
20070105             or dial it up on Nexis.) Datelined OTTAWA, the story reports that CANADA—TROOPS battling Taliban forces "have stumbled across 1 unexpected and potent ENEMY—ALMOST impenetrable patches of 10—FOOT—TALL—MARIJUANA—PLANTS".
20070105             GENERAL—RICK—HILLIER claims the Taliban fighters use the plants as cover + that efforts to burn the crops with white phosphorous and diesel have failed.
20070105             Well, knock me over with 1—DIRTY bong!
20070105             As for impenetrability, I suspect the average NEBRASKA corn field is as impassable to troops as the average marijuana farm in AFGHANISTAN.
20070105             You couldn't incinerate 1—GREEN corn field with those fuels, so why expect to take out 1—GREEN—MARIJUANA—FIELD with them?
20070105             Goodman: Impeaching, Prosecuting Nixon Could Have Elevated THE—NATION—BG Source:
20070105             NICE. New documents. - BG—NICE.
20070105             20070105             Source: AlterNet: AMERICA—HOLY—WARRIORS—BG
20070105             —MOVED, Citing no evidence, Hannity maintains IRAQ—WMDS "were "
20070105             —NOTED, As Media Matters for AMERICA has previously, THE—IRAQ—SURVEY—GROUP—FINAL—REPORT, commonly known as the Duelfer report, did not find ANY—EVIDENCE that illicit weapons were secretly transferred out of IRAQ.
20070105             "—WHILE 1—SMALL—NUMBER—OF—OLD, abandoned chemical munitions have been discovered, ISG judges th... Source:
20070105             Objective: incapacitation (Wilson)- BG It appears that THE—USA—GOVERNMENT has successfully driven JOSE—PADILLA insane....... Source:
20070105             GEORGE—WILL on the Minimum Wage and Commodity Labor
20070105             GEORGE—WILL wants to abolish the minimum wage: But the minimum wage should be the same everywhere: $0. Labor is 1—COMMODITY;
20070105             —OFFENDED, If you are, by the suggestion that people are nothing more than commodities — so is KEVIN—DRUM: This, in 1—NUTSHELL, is the core problem with conservative economics: it views workers as commodities.
20070105             Naturally it follows from this that we should be free to treat workers like commodities, rather than as human beings.
20070105             Why Did Negroponte Switch Jobs?
20070105             —INSTALLED, JOHN—D—NEGROPONTE, whom PRESIDENT—BUSH, less than —2—YEARS—AGO as the 1. DIRECTOR—OF—NATIONAL—INTELLIGENCE, will soon leave his post to become THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT—2.—RANKING official, administration officials said —WEDNESDAY.
20070105             But his transfer is another blow to 1—INTELLIGENCE—COMMUNITY that has seen little continuity at the top —SINCE the
20070105             Neue USA—STRATEGIE: Bush wechselt komplette USA—FÜHRUNG im IRAK aus
20070105             Wie bei einem guten Zaubertrick wirft Regisseur NOLAN—1—MENGE in die WAAGSCHALE—UND gewinnt.
20070105             SADDAM—EXECUTION: More Staged PROPAGANDA—PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON -Order out of chaos agenda continues in IRAQ as Hussein video stokes sectarian violence and paves way for escalation of
20070105             TERROR—TRIVIAL—WHEN—IT—NOT Muslims
20070105             40% See 20070000             War With IRAN As 2. Carrier Deployed
20070105             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—NEXT—PHASE—OF genocidal rampage in MIDDLE—EAST readied as deliberate DESTRUCTION—OF—IRAQ 20070105             "No back rubs".- Nico - — PRESIDENT—BUSH, —AT—THE—END—OF—1—JOINT—CONFERENCE—THURSDAY—EVENING with GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL, referencing this:
20070105             ABC : Bush set to replace Abizaid, Casey.
20070105             "THE—PRESIDENT wants 1—CLEAN—SWEEP" 1—OFFICIAL told ABC News.
20070105             NORTH—KOREA prepping new nuke test.
20070105             "NORTH—KOREA appears to have made preparations for another nuclear test," USA—DEFENSE—OFFICIALS tell ABC News.
20070105             "We think they've put everything in place to
20070105             conduct 1—TEST without ANY—NOTICE or warning.
20070105             Ellison Takes SWEARING—IN Photograph With Koran
20070105             —PLACED, Ellison + Pelosi, their hands on 1—COPY—OF—THE—KORAN—ONCE owned by THOMAS—JEFFERSON.
20070105             "Look at that. That's something else," Ellison said, as officials from THE—LIBRARY—OF—CONGRESS showed him the
20070105             Global Warming: Hell And High Water
20070105             The book that gave birth to ClimateProgress, Hell and High Water: Global Warming — THE—SOLUTION and the Politics, is out.
20070105             I examine the media's sloppy reporting and unwillingness to probe behind the rhetoric.
20070105             The book discusses the country's future if WIDE—SCALE—ENVIRONMENTAL—CHANGES are not enacted —IMMEDIATELY.
20070105             I explain why the environment is subject to vicious cycles whereby 1—INITIAL warming change leads to further warming.
20070105             McCain Claims He Knew IRAQ War Would Be 'Long And Hard And Tough,' Contradicting PRE—WAR—STATEMENTS
20070105             "Because I know that as successful as I believe we will be + I believe that the success will be fairly easy, we will still lose SOME—USA—YOUNG—MEN or women".
20070105             [, 20020929             ]
20070105             "But the point is that, 1, we will win this conflict. We will win it easily. " [MISS—NBC, 20030122             ]
20070105             —VOTED, —WHEN I, to support this war, I knew it was probably going to be long and hard and tough + those that voted for it and thought that somehow it was going to be SOME—KIND—OF—1—EASY—TASK, then I'm sorry they were mistaken.
20070105             PRESIDENT—BUSH—PLANS to NOMINATE—AMANDA - USA—AMBASSADOR to IRAQ Zalmay Khalilzad to replace JOHN—BOLTON as the new USA—AMBASSADOR to THE—UNITED—NATIONS, according to ABC News.
20070105             —ATTACKED, In 1—EARLIER—LETTER to his constituents, Goode, Ellison — the 1. Muslim elected to Congress — and warned "USA—CITIZENS" to "wake up" or "there will likely be MANY—MORE—MUSLIMS elected to office".
20070105             Thank you for being 1—FRIEND.
20070105             —FAILED, HARRIET—MIERS, Bush 's, SUPREME—COURT nominee, has
20070105             submitted her resignation as WHITE—HOUSE—COUNSEL.
20070105             UPDATE: MIERS—PUSHED out ? 20070105             THE—HOUSE makes history.
20070105             - AMANDA—THE—110. Congress has officially elected REPRESENTATIVE—NANCY—PELOSI (D—CA) as SPEAKER—OF—THE—HOUSE, making her the 1. woman in USA—HISTORY to hold the position.
20070105             USA—HEALTH—CARE—SYSTEM: Paying More, Getting Less
20070105             It is no surprise to hear that THE—USA—HEALTH—CARE—SYSTEM is in shambles.
20070105             Health care costs ARE—INCREASING faster than wages
20070105             nearly - 47—MILLION—AMERICANS — 8—MILLION—OF whom are children — are uninsured.
20070105             Yet, we continue to spend more on health care per person than ANY—OTHER—COUNTRY, including countries that provide health care coverage to its entire citizenry.
20070105             —EVICTED, REPRESENTATIVE—CHARLES—RANGEL (D—NY) has, Dick CHENEY—NICO - from his OFFICE—IN—THE—CAPITOL, "and the Harlem heavyweight is moving into the prime digs —TODAY," THE—NEW—YORK Post reports.
20070105             "Gilded letters were freshly painted atop the office door —YESTERDAY proclaiming 'Ways and Means Committee' -
20070105             confirming that the office —NOW belongs to Rangel, the House panel's new chairman".
20070105             Deval Patrick will be sworn in —TODAY as MASSACHUSETTS GOVERNOR,-PAYSON—OFFICALLY becoming the nation's 2. AFRICA—AMERICAN elected GOVERNOR.
20070105             Patrick will "take the
20070105             —KIDNAPPED, OATH—OF—OFFICE on 1—BIBLE given to JOHN—QUINCY—ADAMS by, Africans
20070105             Murtha Plans To Deny Bush Funding For Troop Escalation
20070105             —EXPECTED, PRESIDENT—BUSH is widely, to announce 1—PLAN—NEXT—WEEK to
20070105             increase THE—NUMBER—OF—USA—TROOPS in IRAQ by at least 20,000.
20070105             20070105             - - - - - - - Congress may not cooperate.
20070105             block funding for ANY—ESCALATION—PLAN.
20070105             1—EXCERPT: "The only way you can have 1—TROOP surge," he told us, "is to extend THE—TOURS—OF—PEOPLE whose TOURS have already been extended, or to send back people who have —JUST gotten back home".
20070105             He explained at length how our military forces are already stretched to the breaking point, with our strategic reserve so depleted we are unprepared to face ANY—ADDITIONAL—THREATS to the country.
20070105             He says he wants to "fence the funding," denying THE—PRESIDENT the resources to escalate the war, instead using the money to take CARE—OF—THE—SOLDIERS as we bring them home from IRAQ "as soon as we can".
20070105             SADDAM—ANWALT will Aufklärung über Identität der vermummten HENKER—SFUX STEPHAN—FUCHS?
20070105             SADDAM—HUSSEINS—FRANKREICH—ANWALT Emmanuel...
20070105             PRÄSIDENT—LULA bewilligt Militäreinsatz in Rio
20070105             1—ANTIDROGEN—ELITEEINHEIT solle ebenfalls eingesetzt werden, teilte die Regierung in BRASILIA am späten Donnerstagabend (Ortszeit) mit.
20070105             SPAIN could sue USA—AGENTS over CIA flight
20070105             —WHEN the clock ticks in the 20070000             —YEAR, HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—CLASSIFIED—USA—DOCUMENTS older than —25—YEARS will become available to the public.
20070105             STAATSANWALT hätte fast Saddam s Hinrichtung abgebrochen
20070105             1—STAATSANWALT hätte die Hinrichtung SADDAM—HUSSEINS wegen der Beschimpfungen gegen den Todeskandidaten nach eigenen Worten beinahe abgebrochen.
20070105             Er habe damit gedroht zu gehen, sagte Munkith AL—FARUN —AM—DIENSTAG.
20070105             Die Verantwortlichen für die Schmähungen am Galgen hätten gewusst, dass "wenn ich gehe, die Hinrichtung nicht fortgesetzt werden konnte".
20070105             SADDAM—VIDEO: Wie offiziell war der "heimliche EXEKUTIONS—FILMER"? - sfux STEPHAN—FUCHS & div.
20070105             Meldungen - - Nach der Entrüstung über die Videoaufnahmen von der Hinrichtung SADDAM—HUSSEINS ist 1—WACHMANN festgenommen worden.
20070105             Wie die "NEW—YORK—TIMES " unter Berufung auf einen Augenzeugen der Exekution berichtete,
20070105             soll der nationale Sicherheitsberater Muwaffak AL—RUBAI die heftig umstrittenen Bilder mit der Kamera seines Mobiltelefons gemacht haben.
20070105             Negroponte ?s Dark PAST—SFUX The case against Bush ?s new intelligence TSAR—ROBERT—PARRY -
20070105             Sein Amt sei dem FRÜHEREN—CHEF—DER—NATIONALEN—SICHERHEITSBEHÖRDE (NSA) MICHAEL—MCCONNELL angeboten worden, hiess es unter Berufung auf einen hohen Regierungsbeamten.
20070105             —AKZEPTIERT, Nach ANGABEN—DES—SENDERS—NBC hat Negroponte —BEREITS, Stellvertreter von Aussenministerin.
20070105             FBI bescheinigt Folter auf GUANTANAMO—SFUX World Content News -
20070105             Demnach ist vor Ort anwesenden FBI—MITARBEITERN wiederholt aufgefallen, wie Gefangene an Händen und Füßen gefesselt in "Verhörräumen" über —TAGE hinweg ohne Nahrung oder Wasser in Embryostellung am Boden gelegen hätten.
20070105             Britons eating MANY—ADDITIVES—SURVEY finds Britons unaware they are eating on average 20—ADDITIVES—AND some as many as 50 - per —DAY.
20070105             Bush revamps USA—MILITARY in IRAQ USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH is to change 2—KEY—MILITARY—CHIEFS as PART—OF—HIS—NEW—STRATEGY for IRAQ, officials say.
20070105             WHO CHIEF issues bird flu warning HONG—KONG—MARGARET—CHAN takes over at THE—WHO, warning that bird flu remains 1—GLOBAL—THREAT.
20070105             Oil in biggest fall in —2—YEARS THE—PRICE—OF—OIL sees its largest drop in —2—YEARS, spurred by 1—RISE in stockpiles —AFTER mild USA—WEATHER.
20070105             Democrats take CONTROL—OF—CONGRESS—DEMOCRATS take CONTROL—OF—THE—USA—CONGRESS, with 1—WOMAN at THE—HELM—OF—THE—HOUSE for the 1. time.
20070105             —WARNED, VIETNAM, on bird flu threat 1—TOP—HEALTH—CHIEF—IN—VIETNAM warns that 1—RECENT—BIRD—FLU—OUTBREAK poses 1—HUGE—RISK to human health.
20070105             Black hole found in ancient lair Scientists find a black hole in an unusual LOCATION—INSIDE a compact GROUP—OF—ANCIENT stars.
20070105             How To: Disable an RFID Passport SOME—PEOPLE aren't too keen on openly transmitting their personal data.
20070105             Saturn Gives Up Its Icy Secrets THE—CASSINI—IMAGING—TEAM—RELEASES—BEAUTIFUL—IMAGES from the ringed planet.
20070105             MEG Scanners Are Mega Powerful 1—POWERFUL—SCANNER that tracks neural activity by the millisecond is helping scientists see in granular detail what happens inside the brain —WHEN it's sick, emotional or in pain.
20070105             Brain Scan Machines Scientists are getting good at deciphering how and why neurons fire inside the human brain, thanks to powerful, if PORTENTOUS—LOOKING, brain scan technologies.
20070105             Untangling the Incan Mystery THE—ANDEAN empire built great cities but left no written record -- —JUST SOME—MYSTERIOUS knotted strings called khipu.
20070105             Here comes the terabyte hard drive With 1—TERABYTE drive, consumers can store 250,000 MP3 songs.
20070105             Molecular basis for learning, memory found in mice Study of live mice —WHILE they learn, form memories and then recall them provides the key.
20070105             Senators aim to ease up on Net, phone taxes 1—BILL would make 1—BAN on levies on Net access permanent, —WHILE others would sweep away remaining taxes on local phone service.
20070105             —REVIVED, Broadband tax plan, in Senate Blog: Scarcely 1—HALF—DAY into the 110. CONGRESS—INAUGURAL session, 1—PROPOSAL has resurfaced to collect fees from all communications...
20070105             Feds urge research on nano risks Blog: ARLINGTON—VIRGINIA--That NANO—ENGINEERED golf ball might help shave strokes off your game, but is it hazardous to your health--or...
20070105             RUSSIA—ROCKET—HITS WYOMING—COWBOYNEAL 168 - Harmonious Botch wrote in with 1—STORY that opens:
20070105             "1—SPENT—RUSSIA—BOOSTER rocket RE—ENTERED the atmosphere —THURSDAY over COLORADO and WYOMING, THE—NORTH—USA—AEROSPACE Defense Command said. NORAD spokesman SEAN—KELLY said the agency was trying to confirm 1—REPORT that 1—PIECE—OF—THE—ROCKET may have hit the ground near Riverton, WYOMING, at about 6 a.m. Kelly said military personnel had not yet reached the scene. No damage was reported and the debris was not believed to be hazardous, NORAD said. Eyewitnesses reported seeing flaming objects in the sky —AT—THE—TIME the rocket was RE—ENTERING, Kelly said".
20070105             "Popular Mechanics has 1—IN—DEPTH report on NORTH—KOREA—BIOLOGICAL and chemical weapons stock, which has been developed in secret and has gone largely unnoticed amidst the country's nuke threat.  'NORTH—KOREA—CHEMICAL and Bioweapons (CBW) program appears to be modeled on THAT—OF—THE—FORMER—SOVIET—UNION, which covertly constructed 1—MASSIVE—BIOLOGICAL—WEAPONS—INFRASTRUCTURE within the shell of 1—CIVIL—RESEARCH—ORGANIZATION called Biopreparat. Inside Biopreparat, the Soviets developed deadly agents that included weaponized forms of anthrax and pneumonic plague. Intelligence reports from THE—USA—AND—SOUTH—KOREA list anthrax, smallpox, pneumonic plague, cholera and botulism toxins as leading COMPONENTS—OF—NORTH—KOREA—BIOWEAPONS projects.' "
20070105             Social Networking Site Safety QUESTIONED—ZONK 66 - 1—ANONYMOUS—READER writes to mention 1—TECHNEWSWORLD article about social networking sites.
20070105             "The danger is real, according to 1—STUDY conducted by CA and the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA).
20070105             Despite all the publicity about sexual predators on sites like MySpace and FaceBook, the alliance took 1—DIFFERENT—APPROACH by measuring the potential for threats such as fraud, identity theft, computer spyware and viruses.
20070105             Although 57—PERCENT—OF—PEOPLE who use social networking sites admit to worrying about becoming 1—VICTIM—OF cybercrime, they are still divulging information that may put them at risk, as Boyd suggested.
20070105             Social networkers are also downloading unknown files from other people's profiles + responding to unsolicited instant messages that could contain worms, THE—NCSA reported".
20070105             Ganz abgesehen von der Frage, wer sich zum Beispiel gezüchtete Organe überhaupt leisten könnte: Die größeren Möglichkeiten stellen Ärzte und Patienten vor immer größere ETHIK—PROBLEME.
20070105             Tattoos, Piercings, Brustvergrößerungen, selbst die Spirale zur EMPFÄNGNISVERHÜTUNG—ALL das seien typische, wenngleich bekannte und akzeptierte Körpermodifikationen.
20070105             Der Mensch 20070105             —GELASSEN, URIN—AFFÄRE an USA—SCHULE: Anklage gegen Zwölfjährige fallen
20070105             USA—EU- Beziehungen: Bush lobt Merkels Weisheit
20070105             —SPOTTED, Shopping urges ' in brain' The moment —WHEN 1—SHOPPER decides to buy can —NOW be clearly seen on 1—BRAIN scan, 1—USA—STUDY says.
20070105             Das Kursziel werde von 30—AUF 25—USD gesenkt.
20070105             Daddy Bush Attacks JFK "Conspiracy Theorists" - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—FORMER—PRESIDENT—TRIUMPHS—WARREN—COMMISSION at FORD—FUNERAL;
20070105             Snow: Americans 'OUT—OF—TOUCH With Reality' In IRAQ
20070105             —JUST weeks ago, PRESIDENT—BUSH insisted that THE—USA was " - absolutely " winning in IRAQ.
20070105             winning or losing.
20070105             Yet MEDIA—REPORTS indicate Bush believes THE—USA can win by sending 20,000 more troops to IRAQ, 1—GAMBIT that has been tried —BEFORE and failed.
20070105             Bush, on the other hand, "knows more than anybody in this room about what's going on there".
20070105             Q The only question, though, to press 1—LITTLE—BIT, is the view that THE—PRESIDENT has been determined, he's been resolved + nobody questions that, but does he get it?
20070105             MISTER—SNOW: No, I think what happens is, we may be OUT—OF—TOUCH with reality because we sit —AROUND and we look at fractional pictures on the screen.
20070105             He knows more than anybody in this room about what's going on there.
20070105             "If we surge and it doesn't work,- NICO—IT—HARD to imagine what we do —AFTER that".
20070105             — FREDERICK—KAGAN, the " intellectual architect " of THE—IRAQ escalation.
20070105             'WHITE—HOUSE won't condemn Saddam taunts.'
20070105             "PRIME—MINISTER—MALIKI—STAFF have already expressed their disappointment in the filmings, so I guess
20070105             we'll leave it at that," said deputy WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—SECRETARY—SCOTT—STANZEL.
20070105             McCain On IRAQ War: 'This Issue Isn't Going To Be —AROUND In 2008'
20070105             In 1—OP—ED in —TODAY—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL, PRESIDENT—BUSH urges the new Congress to not "
20070105             play politics as usual.
20070105             He writes, "If the Congress chooses to pass bills that are simply political statements, they will have chosen stalemate. If 1—DIFFERENT—APPROACH is taken, the next —2—YEARS can be fruitful ones for our nation".
20070105             But 3—OF—THE—MOST egregious examples of partisan politicking in the 109. Congress — gay marriage, flag burning + TERRY—SCHIAVO — were pushed by THE—PRESIDENT.
20070105             Ban on Gay Marriage: In EVERY—YEAR—OF—THE—109. Congress, Bush urged lawmakers to pass 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—BAN on gay marriage.
20070105             —RECEIVED, From the beginning, the move, little public support and was considered "likely to fail," but Bush and other conservatives continued to push it as 1—OF—THE—MOST important issues facing the nation.
20070105             —FAILED, —WHEN the amendment, in the Senate in June, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES reported that Bush "expressed disappointment," but urged lawmakers to "take several [more] tries".
20070105             Ban on Flag Burning: Conservatives' attempt to ban flag burning was opposed by THE—MAJORITY—OF—AMERICANS, called a "NON—PROBLEM " by 1—REPUBLICAN SENATOR + would have violated rulings by THE—SUPREME—COURT that declared flag burning protected free speech.
20070105             —SUPPORTED, Yet Bush, the amendment and —WHEN the vote in the Senate failed, called on the senators to keep trying.
20070105             TERRY—SCHIAVO—LEGISLATION: Bush and conservative leaders in Congress used the tragic CASE—OF—SCHIAVO as 1—OPPORTUNITY for political grandstanding.
20070105             1—MEMO, which THE—AP reported was distributed by Senate leadership to RIGHT—WING members, called Schiavo "1—GREAT—POLITICAL—ISSUE".
20070105             —PLAYED, Bush, his part in the spectacle by flying to WASHINGTON from his ranch in Crawford to sign the bill, even though waiting 1—FEW hours for the bill to be flown to him would likely "have made no difference in whether MISS—SCHIAVO lives".
20070105             It failed to raise the minimum wage,left 9—OUT—OF—11—SPENDING bills undone + left unresolved 1—LONG—LIST—OF—NATIONAL—SECURITY—PRIORITIES.
20070105             Bush Promises To 'Knock Our Socks Off' At SOTU With —5—YEAR—OLD 'Energy INDEPENDENCE' Pledge
20070105             —REPORTED, —YESTERDAY, the Financial Times, that
20070105             —WARNED, REPRESENTATIVE—VIRGIL—GOODE (R—VA), —LAST—MONTH that "if USA—CITIZENS don't wake up and adopt the Virgil Goode position on immigration there will likely be MANY—MORE—MUSLIMS elected to office + demanding the use of the Koran".
20070105             Talk show host DENNIS—PRAGER said ELLISON—ACT "undermines USA—CIVILIZATION".
20070105             —MISGUIDED, In 1—SYMBOLIC—DECISION showing how, this argument is, Ellison has chosen to take his photograph with a
20070105             personal copy of the Koran once owned by THOMAS—JEFFERSON :
20070105             His - Senate may have FILIBUSTER—PROOF margin for climate bill.
20070105             Energy and Environment Daily reports, "Several prominent sources ready to track the upcoming legislative debate say Senate Democrats
20070105             may be positioned to move a [climate change] bill
20070105             faster than the House, perhaps even with THE—MAKE—OR—BREAK 60—VOTE threshold needed to overcome 1—FILIBUSTER". Industry attorney MARK—MENEZES said, "I think 60 is in play depending on how it's written".
20070105             Administration Official: Troop Escalation 'More Of 1—POLITICAL—DECISION—THAN—1—MILITARY—ONE'
20070105             - JUDD—REPORTS "PRESIDENT—BUSH is expected to announce his new IRAQ strategy in 1—ADDRESS to the nation
20070105             early —NEXT—WEEK". According to THE—BBC, "The speech will reveal 1—PLAN to send more USA—TROOPS to IRAQ".
20070105             —JUST weeks ago, CentCom COMMANDER—GENERAL—JOHN—ABIZAID told Congress "I met with EVERY—DIVISIONAL—COMMANDER, GENERAL—CASEY, the corps COMMANDER, GENERAL—DEMPSEY, we all talked together.
20070105             And they all said no".
20070105             Digg It! Transcript: 20070105             WILLIAMS: 1., NBC News pentagon correspondent JIM—MIKLASZEWSKI has learned that PRESIDENT—BUSH is prepared to announce 1—STRATEGY—OF surge and accelerate in IRAQ, which would involve some 20,000 additional USA—TROOPS being sent to IRAQ.
20070105             Rio seeks troops to curb violence THE—BRAZIL—STATE—OF—RIO—DE—JANEIRO requests 1—DEPLOYMENT—OF—FEDERAL—TROOPS to curb soaring gang violence.
20070105             Bush appeals for Congress unity THE—USA—PRESIDENT—URGES—DEMOCRATS to work with THE—WHITE—HOUSE, —1—DAY—BEFORE 1—NEW—SESSION—OF—CONGRESS—OPENS.
20070105             BELARUS hits RUSSIA with oil tax BELARUS imposes a $45—PER tonne tax on RUSSIA—OIL pumped through its TERRITORY—TO—EUROPEAN customers.
20070105             Olmert aide in corruption inquiry 1—SENIOR—AIDE to ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT is placed under house arrest as PART—OF—1—GROWING corruption scandal.
20070105             —HINTED, Fed hints at future rate increase THE—USA—FED, more rate rises may be needed to control inflation, notes from its latest meeting show.
20070105             FBI workers saw detainee abuse Several FBI agents say they saw abusive practices —DURING THE—INTERROGATION—OF—DETAINEES at GUANTANAMO Bay.
20070105             TEXAS Stays Biodiesel Execution Regulators who want to ban biodiesel delay 1—FINAL—DECISION for —1—YEAR.
20070105             5—STRANGEST—MATERIALS - - ScuttleMonkey 75 -MattSparkes that
20070105             The story also offers video links to display SOME—OF—MORE amazing properties described.
20070105             Net Neutrality to Win Big on Capitol Hill?
20070105             1—SHOPPING—SCANNER—DARKLY 20070105             92 - Using functional MISTER—I scans, researchers have found which PARTS—OF—THE—BRAIN are active —WHEN people consider buying something and can predict whether or not they'll ultimately bite.
20070105             1—OF—THE—MAIN—FINDINGS was that rather than weighing 1—CHOICE between the pleasure of making 1—PURCHASE and the delayed gratification of using the dough for something else, the brain is actually weighing between the pleasure of buying and the pain of forking over the cash".
20070105             —LIVED, Who, at Qumran? With map. Via Boing Boing.
20070105             —CITED, Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson, communications with God in predicting —TUESDAY that horrific terrorism aimed at THE—USA will result in "mass killing" —DURING the 2. half of 20070000            .
20070105             20070105             Either way, Pat Robertson is our DOUCHEBAG—OF—THE—WEEK! —POSTED—BY—PROFESSOR—HEX
20070105             1—SYNTHETIC—CHEMICAL—SIMILAR to the active ingredient in marijuana makes new cells grow in rat brains.
20070105             —POSTED—BY—PROFESSOR—HEX at 10:59 AM Mystery Metal Crashes Through NJ Roof With pic.
20070105             —RELEASED, THE—PENTAGON plans no action as 1—RESULT—OF—1—NEWLY, FBI report on detainee abuse at THE—GUANTANAMO—BAY military prison, 1—SPOKESMAN said —WEDNESDAY, asserting there is nothing new in the report.
20070105             USA—FACES Major Hurdles in Prosecuting Padilla: Even FORMER—JUSTICE DEPARTMENT—SPOKESMAN—CORALLO concedes that in hindsight, Padilla was a bit player.
20070105             "It's 1—VERY frightening time in our country," said Spence, who has made 1—CAREER championing the cases of the common man and underdogs.
20070105             Cooked in our own STEW—OF—CYNICISM and hopelessness
20070105             Inscribed within the fortresses of MEGA—BUCK global multinationals — the new AREA—WIDE—DEMI—GOVERNMENTS — are insatiable growth credos.
20070105             Robertson says God told him of ''mass killing'' in USA.
20070105             'Why THE—USA should be worried': THE—USA is facing competition from beyond its borders as well as internal difficulties.
20070105             —DENIED, People have been, insurance for reasons that range from childhood asthma to a "past bout of jock itch".
20070105             PARTS—OF—USA—EXPERIENCE Warm —WINTER: —NOVEMBER + - December without snow
20070105             —STARTED, NEW—JERSEY had its warmest December —SINCE records, being kept —111—YEARS—AGO.
20070105             Bush pushes envelope on USA spying:
20070105             Bush says feds can open mail without warrant: PRESIDENT—BUSH quietly has claimed sweeping new powers to open Americans' mail without 1—JUDGE—WARRANT.
20070105             Negroponte Stepping Aside As Top Spy : National Intelligence Director JOHN—NEGROPONTE, who has been closely involved with USA—POLICY on IRAQ, will trade in his job as top spy to become NUMBER 2 to SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE.
20070105             COUNTRIES taking action against IRAN independent of THE—UNITED—NATIONS, as called for by WASHINGTON, would not be helpful in luring TEHRAN back to negotiations on its nuclear program, RUSSIA said —TODAY.
20070105             Hersh: USA, ISRAEL support PKK—IRAN wing t : ANKARA, which has been pressing THE—USA for action to eliminate the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) in IRAQ, responded with caution to 1—FRESH—REPORT by leading USA investigative JOURNALIST—SEYMOUR—HERSH that WASHINGTON was backing the group's IRAN—WING to destabilize the Islamic republic.
20070105             War pimp alert: Exclusive: IRAN War "In —2—YEARS" : 1—WAR against IRAN could be launched within the next —2—YEARS, 1—SENIOR—ADVISER to GEORGE—BUSH warned last night.
20070105             2. USA—CARRIER—GROUP to deploy to Gulf : : THE—PENTAGON will send a 2. aircraft carrier and its escort ships to the Gulf, defense officials said —ON—WEDNESDAY, as 1—WARNING to Syria and IRAN and to give commanders more flexibility in the region.
20070105             Hanging will haunt Bush : - I am taken aback by the reaction in INDIA to SADDAM—HUSSEIN—HANGING.
20070105             Exclusive: Saddam key —IN—EARLY—CIA—PLOT : —WHILE MANY—HAVE thought that Saddam 1. became involved with USA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES at the start of 19800900             —THE—IRAN—IRAQ war, his 1. contacts with USA—OFFICIALS—DATE back to 19590000             , —WHEN he was PART—OF—1—CIA—AUTHORIZED 6—MAN—SQUAD tasked with assassinating then IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—GENERAL—ABD—AL—KARIM—QASIM.
20070105             The "Demonization" of Muslims and THE—BATTLE—FOR—OIL : —THROUGHOUT history, " wars of religion" have served to obscure the economic and strategic interests behind the conquest and invasion of foreign lands.
20070105             "Wars of religion" were invariably fought with 1—VIEW to securing control over trading routes and natural resources.
20070105             IRAQ postpones execution of Saddam aides:
20070105             IRAQ Vets Left in Physical and Mental Agony : The number of injured has far outstripped the dead, with the Veterans Administration reporting that more than 150,000 veterans of THE—IRAQ war are receiving disability benefits.
20070105             Poll: More troops unhappy with BUSH—COURSE in IRAQ : For the 1. time, more troops DISAPPROVE—OF—THE—PRESIDENT—HAN—DLING—OF—THE—WAR than approve of it.
20070105             Brzezinski argues that AMERICA "must accept the fact that real leadership in IRAQ should be based on 1—COALITION—OF—THE—SHIA clergy commanding the loyalty of Shia militias and of the autonomous Kurds and that the sooner 1—DATE is set for USA—DEPARTURE, the sooner the authentic IRAQ—LEADERS will be able to enlist IRAQ—NEIGHBOURS in 1—WIDER—REGIONAL—EFFORT to promote 1—MORE—STABLE—IRAQ".
20070105             Rattled AMERICA will find it can't spin itself out of this 1 : GEORGE—BUSH will be hard put persuading 3, 4 or 5000—USA—SOLDIERS, marines and reservists who have already been there to go back to IRAQ —THIS—YEAR, to face 4—MILLION—SUNNIS displeased by the Saddam hanging.
20070105             † 'TONY—BLAIR is 1—LIAR', says dead soldier's fiancee : Rebecca Barnes, also 1—SERVING soldier in IRAQ who —RECENTLY shook hands with THE—PRIME—MINISTER on 1—VISIT to UK—TROOPS, broke ranks to speak out about TONY—BLAIR—DECEIT—AFTER her fiancee, SERGEANT—GRAHAM—HESKETH in 1—ROADSIDE bomb.
20070105             1—PROMISING—IRAQ—PROVINCE is —NOW 1—TINDERBOX : USA and IRAQ—OFFICIALS interviewed in recent days blamed the sharp downturn on 1—COMBINATION—OF—USA neglect and abuses by THE—IRAQ—ARMY.
20070105             PATRICK—COCKBURN : Saddam : From monster to martyr?
20070105             —EXECUTED, Reports Saddam, by militia : 1—IRAQ—OFFICIAL says the hanging was supposed to be carried out by hangmen employed by the Interior Ministry, but that militias infiltrated the executioners' team.
20070105             Moqtada AL—SADR may have been present at THE—EXECUTION—OF—IRAQ—PRESIDENT—SADDAM—HUSSEIN : "I saw AL—SADR wearing the black hoods inside the room — the eyewitness said — and there was also Abdulaziz AL—HAKIM [LEADER—OF—THE—SUPREME—COUNCIL for Islamic Revolution in IRAQ — SCIRI]. They were among THE—6—MEN wearing hoods that 1 can see in the images aired by THE—TV".
20070105             Kuwaiti in talks to buy Saddam 's 'noose' : The businessman is apparently ready to pay ANY—AMOUNT—OF—MONEY for the noose.
20070105             FOOD—OF—THE—GODS by Terence MCKENNA—THOM—HARTMANN'S "Independent Thinker" BOOK—OF—THE—MONTH—REVIEW
20070105             Essential, Essential READING from THE—AUTHOR—OF "Wag the Dog" for BuzzFlash_com: "THE—REPUBLICAN minority won't roll over and die. THE—RIGHT—WING propaganda and spin industry won't pack it in. The rich people, corporations and institutions who benefit from such policies aren't going to stop".
20070105             Pelosi Remarks: "The election of 20060000             was 1—CALL to change, not merely to change THE—CONTROL—OF—CONGRESS but for 1—NEW—DIRECTION for our country. Nowhere were THE—USA—PEOPLE—MORE—CLEAR about the need for 1—NEW—DIRECTION than in the war in IRAQ".
20070105             Scoop: JOHN—KAMINSKI: THE—NEW—RESISTANCE—LET—FACE it:
20070105             —RELEASED, SHADOW—OF—THE—SWASTIKA—NAZI bankers such as Herman Abs were, from prison to work as economic advisers in THE—UK—ZONE—OF—GERMANY.
20070105             THE—CIA and Nazi War Criminals Released Under Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act.
20070105             —PREPARED, Secrecy News 20020123             The compilation, by Archive analyst Tamara Feinstein, complements the collection of PERU—RELATED documents released —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH by THE—USA...
20070105             Andes Shedding Light on the Past By Coletta Youngers and Tamara Feinstein.
20070105             NACLA Digital ARCHIVE—FRANCHISING Aggression 2 3—FDN leader Adolfo Calero, speaking of private USA.. s medical aid coordinator''
20070105             the heritage FOUNDATION—AUDARYA Fellowship Foundation guided the Reagan administration —DURING its PERIOD—OF—TRANSITION... its 1. —YEAR, the Reagan administration adopted fully...
20070105             ALBERT—HAKIM—CONTRA leader Adolfo Calero ;
20070105             1—ALABAMA mercenary named TOM—POSEY ; ROBERT—OWEN, 1—SECRET—NORTH aide;
20070105             20070105             THE—REAGAN—ADMINISTRATION—POSITION made it clear that...
20070105             Walsh IRAN/Contra REPORT—PART I—IRAN/contra : THE—UNDERLYING...
20070105             THE—REAGAN—ADMINISTRATION—CONTRA—POLICY... RICHARD—V. Secord + asked him to help contra leader Adolfo Calero buy arms with his new Saudi...
20070105             Scandals/IRAN—CONTRA Paper was the opening salvo in the Reagan administration's war against NICARAGUA.
20070105             IRC | RightWeb | Group Watch: Heritage Foundation Foundation between NICARAGUA n contra leader Adolfo CALERO—ANGOLA n rebel leader JONAS—SAVIMBI + LEADERS—OF—OTHER INTERNATIONAL...
20070105             IRC | RightWeb | Group Watch: Council for National Policy (2) Adolfo Calero attended several meetings and spoke to the group about THE—NICARAGUA n contra situation in... Terrorismo CRISTIANO—ULTRA DERECHA, CLERO—FASCISMO y TERRORISMO...... investigador y creador de política exterior durante la administración de Reagan.
20070105             Contra Drug Smuggling Documents.
20070105             Vanderbilt Television News Archive: CENTRAL—AMERICA/REAGAN—PLAN... SUPPORT—OF—PLAN.] [Contra leader Adolfo CALERO—CLAIMS—REAGAN promised continued support.] [Contra leader ALFONSO—ROBELO—ACCEPTS...
20070105             —NOTED, MANY—GUERRILLA—LEADERS, personally responsible...
20070105             TIME Magazine Archive ARTICLE—EX, Lies + Videotape Confused by... - familiar".
20070105             Reagan could not recall the most...
20070105             Pat ROBERTSON—DEMOPEDIA On "THE—700—CLUB," Robertson has interviewed Adolfo Calero + Steadman Fagoth, contra leaders;...
20070105             DBCSez! Archive 3 THE—REAGAN—ADMINISTRATION gave Adolfo Calero + his brother Kiko plush digs in MIAMI.
20070105             Either the statement is incorrect, or (as I prefer to...  - THE—NEGROPONTE—FILE
20070105             GROUP 4—SECURICOR PLC ( Nachrichten ) Divestments of Cognisa Transportation, INCORPORATED and G4S Geld und Wertdienste GmbH Group 4—SECURICOR (G4S)...
20070105             simply trying to postpone disaster
20070105             The expected REPLACEMENT—OF—GENERAL—JOHN—ABIZAID with Navy Admiral WILLIAM—FALLON to oversee THE—IRAQ war "reflects a
20070105             greater emphasis on countering IRAN—POWER, 1—MISSION that relies heavily on naval forces and combat airpower to project USA—INFLUENCE in the Persian Gulf," THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORT.
20070105             In its 1. legislative act, the 110. Congress voted 430—1—YESTERDAY to approve "the broadest ethics and lobbying revision —SINCE the Watergate era".
20070105             —TODAY, the House will vote on 1—PACKAGE to end anonymous sponsorship of earmarks.
20070105             —INTRODUCED, —YESTERDAY, REPRESENTATIVE—KEITH—ELLISON (D—MN) not only, himself to REPRESENTATIVE—VIRGIL—GOODE (R—VA), but also asked him out for coffee.
20070105             "By reaching out to Congressman Goode I'm not trying to be accepted, I'm trying to build bridges. In this world there are too MANY—MISUNDERSTANDINGS. I want to put 1—HUMAN face on things," explained Ellison.
20070105             Crocker is currently USA—AMBASSADOR to PAKISTAN + is "among THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT'S
20070105             most respected voices in THE—MIDDLE—EAST," THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORTS.
20070105             [W]hile new FEDERAL—GUIDELINES call for raising houses to reduce THE—DAMAGE—OF—FUTURE—FLOODS, most returning homeowners do not have to comply or are
20070105             finding ways —AROUND the costly requirement, according to city officials".
20070105             Know Your BFEE: Poppy Bush Armed SADDAM—MIAMI — Sarkis Soghanalian was once... alfatomega.com/20070105.html
20070105             CRIMES AND CORRUPTION—OF—THE—NEW—WORLD—ORDER—NEWS: —LAST—YEAR in the Abramoff scandal, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, in response to 3 ...
20070105             —HELPED, BOEING—CASE was not, —WHEN it emerged that Darlene Druyun...
20070105             SARKIS SOGHANALIAN THE—COLD—WAR—LARGEST—ARMS—MERCHANT—WITH more than 40 ... ACTIVITIES—SARKIS Soghanalian, THE—PRINCE—OF—LEBANON—ARMS... alfatomega.com/20070105.html
20070105             —RECEIVED, Acelor, who also, a —15—YEAR—SENTENCE, put them in touch with INTERNATIONAL...
20070105             Timeline COLOMBIA
20070105             ECUADOR, VENEZUELA, COLOMBIA, PANAMA, PERU and BOLIVIA, which took its name from Bolivar.
20070105             SARKIS SOGHANALIAN THE—COLD—WAR—LARGEST—ARMS—MERCHANT—WITH more than 40 ... Activities -
20070105             Sarkis Soghanalian, THE—PRINCE—OF—LEBANON—ARMS... alfatomega.com/20070105.html
20070105             911—SKEPTICS—UNITE Contact: Apocryphon Productions, kellyheresy@ yahoo_com... they concentrated on the early ROLE—OF—GEORGE—BUSH and weapons dealer Sarkis...
20070105             SARKIS SOGHANALIAN THE—COLD—WAR—LARGEST—ARMS—MERCHANT—WITH more than 40 ... Know Your BFEE: Poppy Bush Armed SADDAM—MIAMI — Sarkis Soghanalian was once...
20070105             Secrecy News 20020123             20070105             [20020129             ]
20070105             [20060131             ] - The best way to break this addiction is through technology.
20070105             [20010227             ] - AMERICA must become more ENERGY—INDEPENDENT + we will.
20070105             [, 20020924             ] - adopted 20011115             ,"
20070105             So erkennt man am Schluss, worin der Unterschied zwischen der Illusionskunst des späten 18010101—19001231     und der des frühen 20010101—21001231     besteht:
20070105—18770000    —SINCE, for the 1. time.
20070105—19800000    —IN—THE, NEWLY—RELEASED FBI files give more details on WILLIAM—REHNQUIST—DEPENDENCE on painkillers S.
20070105—19800000    —IN—THE, s, researchers discovered that butyrate,
20070105—19800000    —IN—THE, s, researchers discovered that butyrate, which is formed naturally at high levels in the digestive system by symbiotic bacteria that feed on fibre, can restore healthy cell functioning...
20070105—19860000    —UNLEASHED, New documents show that, JOHN—BOLTON, THE—FBI on witnesses who were going to testify against WILLIAM—REHNQUIST —DURING his confirmation hearings.
20070105—19900000    —IN—THE—LATE, 1—TOOL it last had under Republicans S.
20070105—19910000    —IN, According to the Duelfer report's Key Findings: "SADDAM—HUSAYN ended the nuclear program —FOLLOWING the Gulf war. ISG found no evidence to suggest concerted efforts to restart the program".
20070105—20000000    —IN, CONSTRUCTION—OF—THE—SYSTEM began with 1—ORIGINAL—LAUNCH—DATE—OF—20051000             , but 1—DELAY in THE—COMPLETION—OF—THE—PROJECT—CORE—ELECTRICAL—SYSTEMS forced 1—POSTPONEMENT to 20061000            .
20070105—20020000    Good jobs also depend on reliable and affordable energy.
20070105—20020000    —IN, In fact, —DURING THE—RUN—UP to war and 20030000             , McCain repeatedly described THE—PROSPECTS—OF—WAR in the rosiest terms, declaring THE—USA would "win easily":
20070105—20030000    Our 3. goal is to promote energy INDEPENDENCE for our country,
20070105—20040000    Consumers and businesses need reliable SUPPLIES—OF—ENERGY to make our economy run —
20070105—20050000    To keep our economy growing, we also need reliable supplies of affordable, environmentally responsible energy.
20070105—20060000    Keeping AMERICA COMPETITIVE requires affordable energy.
20070105—20060000    —WARNED, THE—NORWAY—DIRECTORATE of Fisheries, that some 790,000 salmon and trout escaped from NORWAY—FISH—FARMS, up 10% on the previous —YEAR and 1—TREND that poses 1—SERIOUS—THREAT to wild salmon.
20070105—20060000    —MISSED, Top 10—NEWS—ITEMS you
20070105—20060000    —SPRING—OF, People close to THE—WHITE—HOUSE say Bolten had hoped to make 1—CHANGE in the counsel's office —WHEN he took over in the.
20070105—20060000    —IN, Nato laments AFGHANISTAN—CIVIL—DEAD Nato says its biggest mistake in AFGHANISTAN was killing civilians + promises a shift in tactics.
20070105—20070000    to be 'hottest on record'
20070105—20070000    —IN, WAL—MART—NEW—SOFTWARE schedules —JUST—IN—TIME—EMPLOYEES—BLOG: According to 1—ARTICLE—WEDNESDAY in THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL(subsciption required), WAL—MART Stores will create...
20070105—20070000    —KILLED, NATO: Too MANY—AFGHANISTAN—CIVILIANS : NATO said —WEDNESDAY that it killed too MANY—AFGHANISTAN—CIVILIANS —DURING fighting —LAST—YEAR against resurgent Taliban militants, but that the occupation forces was working to change that.
20070105—20070000    —IN, Heather Wokusch: RETURN—OF—BUSH and THE—F—WORD, Part II - 1—BUZZFLASH—GUEST—CONTRIBUTION
20070105—20070102    —ON, THE—EDITION—OF—FOX—NEWS'—HANNITY & Colmes, —WHILE discussing the execution of SADDAM—HUSSEIN, CO—HOST SEAN—HANNITY again claimed of IRAQ's purported WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION, "I believe there were WMDs" in IRAQ, adding, "I believe they were moved".
20070105—20070103    Operation: Save BUSH—LEGACY
20070105—20070105—20010000    We can produce more energy at home —WHILE protecting our environment + we must.
20070326             alfatomega.com/20070105.html
20070330             PALESTINE—PUNDIT: 20070107             20071227             —PUBLISHED, His article will be 1., in 1—LEADING—POLAND—WEEKLY ?Wprost?(vprost = direct) —ON—MONDAY, 20080107            .
20070330             20080107             According to new military figures gunbattles between government troops and Tamil Tiger rebels have brought the death toll —FOR—4—DAYS—OF—FIGHTING to 81. Violence intensified —FOLLOWING the government's 20080102             announcement that it would formally withdraw from a 20020000             CEASE—FIRE—ACCORD.
20070403             CRIMES AND CORRUPTION—OF—THE—NEW—WORLD—ORDER—NEWS: 20070825—20080105    —DECIDED, WYOMING Republicans, to hold their delegate selection process, —BEFORE both IOWA and NEW—HAMPSHIRE.
20070403             War Profiteers- - CRIMES AND CORRUPTION—OF—THE—NEW—WORLD—ORDER—NEWS: 20070105             20070403             CRIMES AND CORRUPTION—OF—THE—NEW—WORLD—ORDER—NEWS: 20070105             20070825—20080105    —DECIDED, WYOMING Republicans, to hold their delegate selection process, —BEFORE both IOWA and NEW—HAMPSHIRE.
20080104             —ARRESTED, McCuin was, 20080105             —AFTER police found that he had cooked parts of her body and may have tried to eat them.
20080105             —RESIGNED, Soi Lek, 20080102             —AFTER admitting he was the man in the video.
20080105             Protest gegen Schmuseverbot: Südafrikas Teenager planen landesweites Massenküssen
20080105             Our torturous VICE—PRESIDENT.-
20080105             Cheney has been the administration's central figure on all things related to torture.
20080105             So it should have come as no surprise —WHEN THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES reported —LAST—MONTH that DAVID—S—ADDINGTON,
20080105             CHENEY—CHIEF—OF—STAFF and former legal counsel, was among THE—3—WHITE—HOUSE—LAWYERS who participated in at least 1—KEY meeting about the videotapes 20040000            .
20080105             20080105             The initial spin from THE—WHITE—HOUSE was that only HARRIET—E—MIERS,
20080105             then 1—DEPUTY—WHITE—HOUSE—CHIEF—OF—STAFF, had been briefed about the tapes — and that she had advised against their destruction.
20080105             —RELATED, But with anything, to torture, it's pretty clear THE—CIA took its orders from Cheney — via Addington.
20080105             Or that THE—CIA would have done it if he had told them not to?
20080105             Isn't it more likely that he supported the idea,
20080105             either overtly or with 1—NOD and 1—WINK?
20080105             In response to ATTORNEY—GENERAL—MIKE—MUKASEY announcing he would appoint JOHN—DURHAM,
20080105             the Assistant USA—ATTORNEY from CONNECTICUT, to investigate THE—CIA—TAPE—DESTRUCTION,
20080105             House Judiciary Chairman JOHN—CONYERS (D—MI) said "it is disappointing" that Mukasey "declined to appoint 1—MORE—INDEPENDENT—SPECIAL—COUNSEL in this matter".
20080105             Because of this action, the Congress and THE—USA—PEOPLE will be denied — as they were in the Valerie Plame matter — ANY—FINAL—REPORT on the investigation.
20080105             Equally disappointing is the limited scope of this investigation, which appears limited to the destruction of 2—TAPES.
20080105             T he government needs to scrutinize what other evidence may have been destroyed beyond THE—2—TAPES ,
20080105             as well as the underlying ALLEGATIONS—OF—MISCONDUCT associated with the interrogations.
20080105             THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—RECORD over the past —7—YEARS—OF—SWEEPING the administration's misconduct under the rug has left THE—USA—PUBLIC with little confidence in the administration's ability to investigate itself.
20080105             Nothing less than 1—SPECIAL—COUNSEL with 1—FULL investigative mandate will meet THE—TESTS—OF—INDEPENDENCE,
20080105             transparency and completeness.
20080105             Appointment of 1—SPECIAL—COUNSEL will allow our nation to begin to restore our credibility and moral standing on these issues.
20080105             Criminal inquiry over CIA tapes-
20080105             As EAST—EUROPE improves privacy safeguards for its citizens, WEST—EUROPE + THE—USA—ARE stepping up surveillance.
20080105             THE—USA + BRITAIN rank with CHINA + RUSSIA as the among the most INTRUSIVE—OF—GOVERNMENTS.
20080105             Big Brother gets bigger, says global privacy study
20080105             USA, UK among WORST—RANKED "democratic" countries in TERMS—OF—PRIVACY—PROTECTIONS for citizens, says 20070000             INTERNATIONAL Privacy Ranking report.
20080105             Doch ein "normales" Vorgehen wollten die Verfolgungsbehörden gerade nicht, sondern größtmögliche Terrorhysterie.
20080105             Der Sonderparagraph 129a mußte her,
20080105             um Globalisierungskritiker zu diffamieren, die Bewegung zu spalten und Einblick in linke Strukturen zu gewinnen.
20080105             HAMBURG, wurde die Gelegenheit genutzt, mindestens 1—WOHNUNG zu verwanzen, in BERLIN wurde kurz nach der Razzia 1—PEILSENDER am Auto eines Aktivisten gefunden.
20080105             Aufgegangen ist das Konzept nicht: Wenige —STUNDEN—NACH—DEN Razzien gingen bundesweit über 10000 Menschen auf die Straße,
20080105             die Empörung über die Polizeiwillkür kam der Protestbewegung zugute.
20080105             WALL—STREET: Schwerer Wochenstart erwartet
20080105             Aktienmärkte "auf Messers Schneide" - Wie das Gehirn Verbindungen knüpft
20080105             Urteil im G—8—PROZESS: Bundesrichter kassieren Terrorvorwurf - G—8—RAZZIA war Willkür
20080105             Aber klar, Schuld sind die Ausländer: Die stark aufgeblähte Geldmenge in der EURO—ZONE speise sich auch durch kräftige Zuflüsse aus dem Ausland,
20080105             sagte Ökonom MICHAEL—SCHUBERT—VON—DER—COMMERZBANK: "Man sucht den sicheren Hafen wegen der Finanzmarktkrise.
20080105             Insbesondere Termineinlagen und kurzfristige Schuldverschreibungen seien —DERZEIT sehr attraktiv.
20080105             Erinnert ihr euch noch an die Flitterwochen in der Lüneburger Heide, die von der Kripo gesprengt wurden
20080105             Sie würde an deren Stelle nicht gegen die Polizei klagen, sagt Anita Oswald.
20080105             "Wenn man still ist, fährt man besser".
20080105             Vortrag zur EU—VERFASSUNG von Prof Schachtschneider.
20080105             Es besteht also kein Zwang, irgendwelche fragwürdigen EU—RICHTLINIEN zu übernehmen.
20080105             Bundesgerichtshof erklärt G8-Razzien für rechtswidrig.
20080105             Leider aus formalen Gründen, die Harms war gar nicht zuständig.
20080105             Kleine Anfrage der FDP zur NS—VERGANGENHEIT unserer Schnüffeldienste.
20080105             Auszug: Die Aufklärung der Gründungsgeschichte der Nachrichtendienste sei in 1. Linie AUFGABE—DER—SICHERHEITSBEHÖRDEN selbst ,
20080105             heißt es in der Antwort weiter.
20080105             Die Bundesregierung unterstütze dieses Vorhaben mit den ihr zur Verfügung stehenden Mitteln,
20080105             da gerade den Sicherheitsbehörden eine besondere Verantwortung für den Schutz der freiheitlich demokratischen Grundordnung zukomme.
20080105             Aha, soso, man läßt also die Bankräuber den Bankraub aufklären.
20080105             —BESTIMMT, Das läuft, super.
20080105             Aus der Antwort - dann noch folgender Knaller: Aus den vorhandenen Personalakten konnten folgende biographische Kontinuitäten von BND—MITARBEITERN zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus ermittelt werden:
20080105             69—MITARBEITER waren ehemalige SS—ANGEHÖRIGE, 3—MITARBEITER waren ehemalige Angehörige der Geheimen Staatspolizei (Gestapo),
20080105             8—MITARBEITER waren ehemalige Angehörige des Sicherheitsdienstes (SD),
20080105             7—MITARBEITER waren ehemalige Angehörige der Sicherheitspolizei (SiPo), 10—MITARBEITER waren ehemalige Angehörige des Reichssicherheitshauptamtes (RSHA).
20080105             Dabei ist möglich, dass bei einzelnen Mitarbeitern mehrere Merkmale gleichzeitig zutreffen.
20080105             Lupenreine Demokraten, kann ich da nur sagen.
20080105             (Danke, Marcel) - Ja sind die denn von allen guten Geistern verlassen?!
20080105             Die Bahn setzt ihre CHARME—OFFENSIVE fort: Bahn fordert "mehrere zehntausend Euro" Trassengebühren für den "Zug der Erinnerung",
20080105             eine MOBILE Ausstellung über im NS—REGIME deportierte Kinder, die natürlich auf den Trassen fahren soll, auf denen im Holocaust die Menschen deportiert wurden.
20080105             Na da lagen wir doch mal wieder gar nicht so falsch: Der BND hat —BEREITS rund 60mal "ONLINE—DURCHSUCHUNGEN" durchgeführt,
20080105             natürlich alles auf Rechnern Verdächtiger im Ausland, daß sich da —JETZT bloß keiner Sorgen macht.
20080105             Inland gehöre schließlich nicht zu seinem Aufgabengebiet.
20080105             Dabei hat der BND doch 20070000             —ERST Abhörbefugnisse im Inland erhalten,
20080105             um seine JOURNALISTEN—LEAKS aufzuklären (wer's glaubt).
20080105             —PASSIERT, Und wißt ihr, wieso drüben sowas ?
20080105             Weil die Whistleblower Protection haben.
20080105             —GEFEUERT, Wenn bei uns jemand so 1—VIDEO macht, wird er, und verklagt.
20080105             In den USA gibt es wenigstens rudimentären Schutz.
20080105             Auch nicht wirklich genug, aber immerhin haben die überhaupt was in die Richtung.
20080105             14 On the 6. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE - Interestingly, —1—WEEK—BEFORE the ;;09;;
20080105             11—ATTACK, SKILLING—PARTNER, Leslie Robertson, spoke at 1—CONFERENCE in FRANKFURT—GERMANY.
20080105             —WHEN asked what he had done to protect the towers from terrorism,
20080105             —CONFIRMED, Robertson, Skilling: "I designed it for a 707 to smash into it".
20080105             "Towers Build to Withstand Jet Impact".
20080105             CHICAGO Tribune, 20010912            .
20080105             20080105             MARK—H—GAFFNEY—1. book was 1—PIONEERING 19890000             STUDY—OF—ISRAEL—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—PROGRAM,
20080105             Dimona: the 3. Temple?
20080105             MARK—LATEST, Gnostic Secrets of the Naassenes, was 1—FINALIST for 20040000             —THE—NARCISSUS—BOOK—AWARD.
20080105             What ALL—OF—THIS means, of course, is that even in the most improbable worst case,
20080105             in which many or all WTC core columns lost HALF—OF—THEIR—STRENGTH, there was still sufficient reserve capacity to support the building.
20080105             [65] This means that the average core column in the impact zone of WTC-1 could support more than twice its design load —BEFORE reaching the yield strength,
20080105             i.e., the point where damage may begin to occur.
20080105             My grateful thanks to THE—NIST investigative team for helping me locate these numbers, which were buried in the report.
20080105             The testing standards applicable 19680000             give 1—REASONABLE—IDEA—OF—THE required LEVEL—OF—RESERVE—STRENGTH in the steel columns and other materials used in THE—WTC.
20080105             For example, in the most stringent test 1—STEEL—MEMBER had to withstand 250—PERCENT—OF—THE—DESIGN load,
20080105             plus half again its own weight, for 1—PERIOD—OF—1—WEEK, without collapse.[62]
20080105             —ON what, then, does the agency base its conclusion that "Dire structural changes were occurring in the building interior"?[59] The answer,
20080105             apparently, is the —FOLLOWING strange hedge: Quiet flames.
20080105             No roaring inferno.
20080105             It is not surprising that NIST chose to ignore THE—TESTIMONY—OF—THESE survivors.
20080105             —ON reaching the 78. floor sky lobby they found MANY—DEAD or seriously injured people;
20080105             but no raging inferno.
20080105             Battalion 7—CHIEF (Palmer): "Battalion 7
20080105             —ISOLATED, Ladder 15, we've got 2, POCKETS—OF—FIRE.
20080105             We should be able to knock it down with 2—LINES.
20080105             Battalion 7—CHIEF: "South stairway Adam, SOUTH—TOWER".
20080105             Ladder 15: "Floor 78?"
20080105             Battalion 7—CHIEF: "14, numerous civilians, we gonna need 2—ENGINES up here".
20080105             Battalion 7—CHIEF: "Tower 1. Battalion 7 to Ladder 15".
20080105             Battalion 7—CHIEF: "I'm going to need 2—OF—YOUR firefighters Adam stairway to knock down 2—FIRES.
20080105             —STRETCHED, We have 1—HOUSE—LINE, we could use SOME—WATER on it, knock it down, okay".
20080105             Ladder 15: "Alright 14, we're coming up the stairs.
20080105             We're on 77—NOW in the B stair, I'll be right to you".
20080105             Battalion 7—OPERATIONS—TOWER 1: "Battalion 7—OPERATIONS—TOWER 1 to Battalion 9, need you on floor above 79. We have access stairs going up to 79, kay".
20080105             Battalion 9: "Alright, I'm on my way up, Orlo".[52]
20080105             —TURNED, The tape shows that THE—2—FIREMEN were not, back by heat, smoke, or 1—WALL—OF—FLAMES.
20080105             They were able to function within the fire zone and were prepared to help the injured and combat the few isolated fires they found.
20080105             Palmer even mentions that the stairway up to the next level, i.e., floor 79, was passable.
20080105             Minutes —LATER the building came down on their heads.
20080105             NIST knew about this testimony.
20080105             In short, NIST flatly contradicts itself regarding the disposition of THE—SFRM;
20080105             and this is crucial because it means NIST—OWN—DATA fails to support its conclusions.
20080105             —DEVELOPED, NIST scientists, 1—NOVEL—WAY to evaluate THE—IMPACT—OF—THE—FIRE on THE—WTC steel.
20080105             NIST found no evidence that ANY—OF—THE—STEEL—SAMPLES, including those from the impact areas and FIRE—DAMAGED floors,
20080105             had reached temperatures exceeding 1,110ºF (600ºC).[35] 16 recovered perimeter columns showed EVIDENCE—OF—HAVING been exposed to fire,
20080105             but even so, out of 170—AREAS examined on these columns only 3—LOCATIONS had reached temperatures in excess of 250ºC (450ºF).[36] Moreover,
20080105             NIST found no evidence that any of the recovered core columns had reached even this minimal temperature.[37] The startling fact is that NIST—OWN—DATA failed to support its conclusion that the fires of 20010911             heated up the steel columns, causing them to weaken and buckle.
20080105             —CONFIRMED, For example, NIST, that the truss assemblies were not only bolted to the outer perimeter wall,
20080105             they were also welded, hence, were considerably stronger than EXPECTED—NOT prone to pancaking.[29] Nor could the pancake model explain THE—FAILURE—OF—THE—CORE—COLUMNS.
20080105             —BY—LIMITING the scope of its inquiry NIST rendered the truth UNOBTAINABLE—AN effective way to neuter 1—INVESTIGATION.
20080105             THE—SPECIAL—PROJECTS
20080105             they found more than 700—SLIVERS of bone on the roof and within the structure.[19] This bizarre report has never been explained.
20080105             —PULVERIZED, The buildings were not, as they hit the ground, they disintegrated in midair.
20080105             —STARTED, As the south tower, to collapse, for example, the entire upper section tipped as 1—UNIT, then inexplicably turned to dust —BEFORE our eyes.
20080105             —AFTER I —POSTED 1—CRITIQUE—OF—THE—NIST report
20080105             Although the exact TIME—OF—THE—COLLAPSE—OF—WTC 1 and 2—CANNOT be determined with precision because of the growing dust cloud,
20080105             EACH—COLLAPSE took approximately 10—12—SECONDS, only 1—2—SECONDS—SLOWER than the time for 1—BILLIARD ball to FREE—FALL from THE—WTC roof to the plaza.
20080105             But how can this be? By what special dispensation did the collapsing WTC violate THE—LAWS—OF—PHYSICS?
20080105             The reader will search THE—NIST report in vain for ANY—DISCUSSION—OF this important anomaly.
20080105             Why not? Obviously. because agency officials made 1—POLITICAL—DECISION not to go there.
20080105             DARPA Develops Brain Chemical to Replace Sleep
20080105             As the line between science fiction and reality becomes increasingly blurry,
20080105             the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has always led the pack in terms of cool, weird, wacky and frightening innovations.
20080105             In order to understand the official story, however, and why it fails to explain THE—WTC collapse,
20080105             it is necessary to know more about the World Trade Center and how it was built.
20080105             1—STATE—OF—THE—ART—DESIGN
20080105             —GRANTED, NIST simply took it for, that the impacts set in motion 1—CHAIN—OF—EVENTS leading to 1—CATASTROPHIC—STRUCTURAL—FAILURE.
20080105             —SEARCHED, Working backwards, NIST scientists, for evidence that supported their predetermined conclusion.
20080105             —IGNORED, Everything else was, or excluded.
20080105             If it is not already evident to the reader, this is no way to conduct 1—SCIENTIFIC—INVESTIGATION.
20080105             NIST then had the audacity to imply that it arrived at its favored collapse model through 1—EXHAUSTIVE PROCESS—OF—ELIMINATION.
20080105             —BROWSED, Most readers who merely, NIST's 20050000             Executive Summary probably were not aware that NIST's stated conclusion was really 1—ASSUMPTION.
20080105             Consider this passage, for example:
20080105             "The tragic consequences of 20010911             —THE attacks were directly attributable to the fact that terrorists flew large JET—FUEL laden commercial airliners into THE—WTC towers.
20080105             —DESIGNED, Buildings for use by the general population are not, to withstand attacks of such severity;
20080105             building codes do not require building designs to consider aircraft impact".[4]
20080105             USA: No need for UN probe into Bhutto slaying:
20080105             —BRUSHED, THE—USA—ON—WEDNESDAY, aside calls for 1—UN—INVESTIGATION into THE—SLAYING—OF—PAKISTAN opposition leader Benazir Bhutto,
20080105             saying BRITAIN—SCOTLAND—YARD —NOW leads the probe and will get "the answers" PAKISTAN—PEOPLE deserve.
20080105             —DESTROYED, FBI to lead investigation of, CIA tapes:
20080105             SOME—LAW, enforcement circles the prospect of THE—FBI—INTERVIEWING HIGH—LEVEL CIA officials and rummaging —AROUND THE—FILES—OF—THE—AGENCY—SECRET—INTERROGATION—PROGRAMS represents 1—PAYBACK moment in the rich HISTORY—OF—RIVALRY between THE—2—AGENCIES.
20080105             IRAN—LEADERS are no longer supplying weapons or training to Islamic militants in IRAQ, the spokesman for the top USA—COMMANDER—IN—IRAQ told THE—WASHINGTON—TIMES.
20080105             —OCCURRED, It apparently never, to anyone in our leading human rights organisations or the Western media that the same moral and legal standards ought be applied to the behaviour of ISRAEL and Hizbullah —DURING THE—WAR—ON—LEBANON —18—MONTHS—AGO.
20080105             Belatedly, 1—IMPORTANT—EFFORT has been made to set that right.
20080105             Continue - Extinguishing LIBERTY—LIGHT and Independent VIEWS—THINKING For Yourself Is —NOW 1—CRIME
20080105             What was the greatest failure of 20070000             ?
20080105             PRESIDENT—BUSH 's "surge" in IRAQ?
20080105             The decline in THE—VALUE—OF—THE—USA—DOLLAR?
20080105             Subprime mortgages? NUMBER 20080105             The greatest failure of 20070000             was the newly sworn in Democratic Congress.
20080105             Continue - H. Res.
20080105             If current EMPLOYEES—OF—THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT are not happy with the laws that govern this country and would prefer to live under TOTALITARY—REGIMES they are free to exit and live elsewhere.
20080105             They are not free to pervert our laws to conform with their own personal belief systems and ideologically based values.
20080105             —DESIGNED, Mass education was, to turn independent farmers into docile, passive TOOLS—OF—PRODUCTION.
20080105             That was its primary purpose.
20080105             And don't think people didn't know it.
20080105             They knew it and they fought against it.
20080105             —STILL Dead On Arrival-
20080105             Continue - Job Woes Deepen Economic Anxiety: Losses Extend Past Housing Industry
20080105             PRAISE, of THE—IOWA—CAUCUSES: Transparent Democracy at Its Best -- THE—BUZZFLASH—EDITOR—BLOG.
20080105             "What could be more inclusive than allowing —JUST about anyone registered to vote to show up at either party caucus and openly and visibly declare themselves for 1—CANDIDATE.
20080105             Where else does one's body represent one's vote?"
20080105             Our FORREST—GUMP in THE—WHITE—HOUSE and His BOX—OF—TAX—CUT Chocolates:
20080105             THE—ECONOMY is Faltering, So Bush Trots Out Tax Cuts Again as 1—SOLUTION to What Helped Get Us Here in the 1. Place, Given His Record National Debt
20080105             (MP3) What Would He Do as His 1. Act as PRESIDENT?
20080105             —IMPLORED, Democratic presidential hopeful JOHN—EDWARDS, NEW—HAMPSHIRE voters —FRIDAY to repudiate THE—IOWA caucus results and vote for 1—CANDIDATE ``who will fight for the middle class'' against corporate interests that he accuses of moving jobs overseas and making health care expensive.
20080105             Poll: Obama Leads Giuliani by 10—POINTS in USA 1/5 - IRAQ—SOLDIER Kills 2—USA—TROOPS 1/6
20080105             "Advisers to Clinton, 1—DEMOCRATIC—SENATOR—FROM—NEW—YORK, said she planned to rebound from her 3.—PLACE finish in IOWA by attacking the winner,
20080105             Conservative Blogger Overhears IOWA Diner Comments of Infamous Huckabee Campaign Manager,
20080105             ED—ROLLINS, and Blogs it on Conservative Site, And It's 1—DOOZY 1/6
20080105             —CONTROLLED, Our information IS, The cell phone calls from the aircraft could not have happened.
20080105             I am 1—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY trained Electronic Warfare specialist, and am qualified to say this.
20080105             My official title: MOS33Q10, Electronic Warfare Intercept Strategic Signal Processing/Storage Systems Specialist,
20080105             1—HIGHLY skilled MOS which requires advanced KNOWLEDGE—OF—MANY—COMMUNICATIONS—METHODS and circuits to the most —MINUTE level.
20080105             I am officially qualified to place severe doubt that ordinary cell phone calls were ever made from the aircraft.
20080105             —HAPPENED, It was impossible for that to have, especially in 1—RURAL—AREA for 1—NUMBER—OF—REASONS.
20080105             Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung
20080105             —GESPEICHERT, Inhalte werden nicht
20080105             —GESPEICHERT, Zusätzlich wird bei Mobilfunkgesprächen auch der Standort.
20080105             Dem Gesetz zufolge, das 1—EU—RICHTLINIE umsetzt, dürfen aber keine Daten gesichert werden, die einen Rückschluss auf den Inhalt zulassen.
20080105             Zugriff auf die gespeicherten Daten haben Polizei und Staatsanwaltschaft nur auf richterlichen Beschluss.
20080105             —NUN haben Astronomen den Stoff erstmals außerhalb unseres Sonnensystems nachgewiesen:
20080105             in der Staubscheibe um den 220—LICHTJAHRE entfernten Stern HR 4796A.
20080105             Der Fundort ist pikant: Aus dem Staub, der Sterne umkreist, entstehen laut der gängigen Theorie Planeten.
20080105             Der Grundstoff für die ENTWICKLUNG—VON—LEBEN sei deshalb auf Planeten möglicherweise —SCHON—VON—ANFANG an vorhanden,
20080105             schreiben JOHN—DEBES—VON—DER—CARNEGIE—INSTITUTION for Science in WASHINGTON und seine Kollegen im Fachblatt "Astrophysical Journal Letters" (Bd.
20080105             Auch die junge Erde habe wahrscheinlich einst Spuren des Stoffes besessen.
20080105             Mogelpackung: Stromanbieter verkaufen Atomstrom als Ökostrom
20080105             Potenter Staub: PLANETEN—URMATERIAL könnte —BEREITS Bausteine für Leben enthalten
20080105             Gesetz zur Vorratsdatenspeicherung: Wie man weiter anonym surfen kann
20080105             Lebensmittel: Bio boomt - Wintersturm: Millionen Kalifornier ohne Strom
20080105             —SERVED, GEORGIA authorities, 1—WARRANT charging GARY—MICHAEL—HILTON, —61—JAHRE—ALT with the kidnapping with bodily injury of Meredith Emerson (24).
20080105             Emerson was last seen on New —YEAR—DAY hiking with her black Labrador retriever, Ella, in Vogel STATE—PARK.
20080105             —SENTENCED, In March Hilton was, to —30—YEARS in prison.
20080105             —BELIEVED, HAYDEN—IDAHO, 1—MAN who, he bore the "mark of the beast" used 1—CIRCULAR saw to cut off 1—HAND, then he cooked it in the microwave and called 911.
20080105             1—LEVEE break flooded HUNDREDS—OF—HOMES—IN—NEVADA as 1—STORM that has pummeled THE—WEST—COAST with high wind and heavy rain dropped 1—THICK—BLANKET—OF—SNOW on the Sierra NEVADA.
20080105             —CRASHED, ALASKA, 1—SMALL—PLANE, —AT—THE—END—OF—1—RUNWAY off Kodiak ISLAND killing 6—PEOPLE enroute to celebrate EAST—ORTHODOX—CHRISTMAS.
20080105             —CAUSED, Heavy rains, flooding across PARTS—OF—EAST—AUSTRALIA, forcing THE—EVACUATION—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE as rural towns —THROUGHOUT the area were put on flood alert.
20080105             —VOTED, Georgians, to determine whether to keep MIKHAIL—SAAKASHVILI as PRESIDENT—IN—THE—FORMER—SOVIET—REPUBLIC, where he was once considered 1—SYMBOL—OF—DEMOCRATIC—REFORM but —NOW faces ACCUSATIONS—OF—AUTHORITY—LEANINGS.
20080105             —POURED, SAAKASHVILI—SUPPORTERS, onto the streets, tooting car horns and waving WHITE—AND—RED—NATIONAL—FLAGS, celebrating victory based on exit poll results.
20080105             —RECEIVED, Saakashvili, 52.8—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE according to preliminary results.
20080105             IRAQ, 1—ROADSIDE bomb struck 1—PASSING minibus NORTH—OF—THE—TOWN—OF—MUQDADIYAH, killing 6—PEOPLE.
20080105             —WOUNDED, In Baqouba another roadside bomb, 3—CIVILIANS.
20080105             THE—ISRAEL—ARMY wound up 1—LARGE —3—DAY—OPERATION in NABLUS saying they had discovered another explosives laboratory there.
20080105             KENYA—GOVERNMENT said PRESIDENT—KIBAKI is ready to form "1—GOVERNMENT—OF—NATIONAL—UNITY" to help resolve disputed elections that caused deadly riots.
20080105             —KILLED, Some 300—PEOPLE have been, and THE—UN said 250,000 made homeless in violent protests and clashes —SINCE the vote.
20080105             —ARRESTED, MALAYSIA—NEW—STRAITS—TIMES said MALAYSIA—POLICE have, 1—BEAUTY—PARLOR—OWNER and 1—FARMER suspected of distributing 1—SEX—VIDEO showing 1—FORMER—HEALTH—MINISTER—CHUA—SOI—LEK committing adultery.
20080105             JACOB—ZUMA, the new AFRICA—NATIONAL—CONGRESS—LEADER and WOULD—BE national PRESIDENT, took another wife, in 1—ZULU tradition of polygamy that coexists uneasily with calls for gender equality in modern SOUTH—AFRICA.
20080105             —JOINED, Syria, other Arab nations in endorsing THE—HEAD—OF—LEBANON—ARMY as that country's next PRESIDENT, putting pressure on THE—LEBANON—OPPOSITION to drop demands that have blocked 1—COMPROMISE over the post.
20080105             BHUTTO—MORD: SCOTLAND Yard untersucht Tatort - Our torturous VICE—PRESIDENT.
20080105             THE—WASHINGTON—POST 's
20080105             DAN—FROOMKIN raises the question of whether the probe will investigate THE—ROLES—OF—VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY and his CHIEF—OF—STAFF, DAVID—ADDINGTON:
20080105             So it should have come as no surprise —WHEN THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES reported —LAST—MONTH that DAVID—S—ADDINGTON, CHENEY—CHIEF—OF—STAFF and former legal counsel, was among THE—3—WHITE—HOUSE—LAWYERS who participated in at least 1—KEY meeting about the videotapes 20040000            .
20080105             20080105             The initial spin from THE—WHITE—HOUSE was that only HARRIET—E—MIERS, then 1—DEPUTY—WHITE—HOUSE—CHIEF—OF—STAFF, had been briefed about the tapes — and that she had advised against their destruction.
20080105             And how plausible is it that, in his exchanges with THE—CIA, Addington advised against the tapes' destruction?
20080105             Isn't it more likely that he supported the idea, either overtly or with 1—NOD and 1—WINK?
20080105             Conyers demands special counsel in CIA tape investigation.
20080105             In response to ATTORNEY—GENERAL—MIKE—MUKASEY announcing he would appoint JOHN—DURHAM, the Assistant USA—ATTORNEY from CONNECTICUT, to investigate THE—CIA—TAPE—DESTRUCTION, House Judiciary Chairman JOHN—CONYERS (D—MI) said "it is disappointing" that Mukasey "declined to appoint 1—MORE—INDEPENDENT—SPECIAL—COUNSEL in this matter".
20080105             —FROM HIS—STATEMENT :
20080105             T he government needs to scrutinize what other evidence may have been destroyed beyond THE—2—TAPES, as well as the underlying ALLEGATIONS—OF—MISCONDUCT associated with the interrogations.
20080105             Nothing less than 1—SPECIAL—COUNSEL with 1—FULL investigative mandate will meet THE—TESTS—OF—INDEPENDENCE, transparency and completeness.
20080105             —KILLED, Who, Benazir Bhutto and why
20080105             Who da Thunk It? Romanians Enjoy More Privacy Than Americans
20080105             Der Sonderparagraph 129a mußte her, um Globalisierungskritiker zu diffamieren, die Bewegung zu spalten und Einblick in linke Strukturen zu gewinnen.
20080105             Aufgegangen ist das Konzept nicht: Wenige —STUNDEN—NACH—DEN Razzien gingen bundesweit über 10000 Menschen auf die Straße, die Empörung über die Polizeiwillkür kam der Protestbewegung zugute.
20080105             Haha, Stabilitätspakt, dass ich nicht lache: M3-Geldmenge in der EU ist —IM—NOVEMBER um 12,3% im Vergleich zum Vorjahr gewachsen.
20080105             Aber klar, Schuld sind die Ausländer: Die stark aufgeblähte Geldmenge in der EURO—ZONE speise sich auch durch kräftige Zuflüsse aus dem Ausland, sagte Ökonom MICHAEL—SCHUBERT—VON—DER—COMMERZBANK: "Man sucht den sicheren Hafen wegen der Finanzmarktkrise".
20080105             Da gibt es —JETZT einen tollen Nachschlag zu in der taz.
20080105             Mir fällt ja bei sowas IMMER—DER Herr Niemöller ein.
20080105             —ZUGESTIMMT, Interessante Punkte: DEUTSCHLAND hat der EU—VERFASSUNG nicht, weil das Verfassungsgericht dem Bundespräsidenten die Unterschrift verboten hat.
20080105             —SEIT MAASTRICHT gibt es das verbriefte Recht von Staaten, aus der EU auszutreten.
20080105             Auszug: Die Aufklärung der Gründungsgeschichte der Nachrichtendienste sei in 1. Linie AUFGABE—DER—SICHERHEITSBEHÖRDEN selbst, heißt es in der Antwort weiter.
20080105             Die Bundesregierung unterstütze dieses Vorhaben mit den ihr zur Verfügung stehenden Mitteln, da gerade den Sicherheitsbehörden eine besondere Verantwortung für den Schutz der freiheitlich demokratischen Grundordnung zukomme.
20080105             AUS—DER Antwort - dann noch folgender Knaller: Aus den vorhandenen Personalakten konnten folgende biographische Kontinuitäten von BND—MITARBEITERN zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus ermittelt werden: 69—MITARBEITER waren ehemalige SS—ANGEHÖRIGE, 3—MITARBEITER waren ehemalige Angehörige der Geheimen Staatspolizei (Gestapo), 8—MITARBEITER waren ehemalige Angehörige des Sicherheitsdienstes (SD), 7—MITARBEITER waren ehemalige Angehörige der Sicherheitspolizei (SiPo), 10—MITARBEITER waren ehemalige Angehörige des Reichssicherheitshauptamtes (RSHA).
20080105             (Danke, Marcel) - Bei Boeings 787—DREAMLINER besteht eine physische Netzwerkverbindung zwischen dem PASSAGIER—LAN für Internetzugang und dem KONTROLL—LAN für die Bordelektronik.
20080105             Die Bahn setzt ihre CHARME—OFFENSIVE fort: Bahn fordert "mehrere zehntausend Euro" Trassengebühren für den "Zug der Erinnerung", eine MOBILE Ausstellung über im NS—REGIME deportierte Kinder, die natürlich auf den Trassen fahren soll, auf denen im Holocaust die Menschen deportiert wurden.
20080105             Na da lagen wir doch mal wieder gar nicht so falsch: Der BND hat —BEREITS rund 60mal "ONLINE—DURCHSUCHUNGEN" durchgeführt, natürlich alles auf Rechnern Verdächtiger im Ausland, daß sich da —JETZT bloß keiner Sorgen macht.
20080105             Dabei hat der BND doch 20070000             —ERST Abhörbefugnisse im Inland erhalten, um seine JOURNALISTEN—LEAKS aufzuklären (wer's glaubt).
20080105             USA—SKANDAL: Video schlafender Wächter in Atomkraftwerk.
20080105             Interestingly, —1—WEEK—BEFORE 20080911             —THE attack, SKILLING—PARTNER, Leslie Robertson, spoke at 1—CONFERENCE in FRANKFURT—GERMANY.
20080105             —ASKED, —WHEN, what he had done to protect the towers from terrorism, Robertson confirmed Skilling: "I designed it for a 707 to smash into it".
20080105             MARK—H—GAFFNEY—1. book was 1—PIONEERING 19890000             STUDY—OF—ISRAEL—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—PROGRAM, Dimona: the 3. Temple?
20080105             Visit MARK—WEBSITE at www.gnosticsecrets_com
20080105             What ALL—OF—THIS means, of course, is that even in the most improbable worst case, in which many or all WTC core columns lost HALF—OF—THEIR—STRENGTH, there was still sufficient reserve capacity to support the building.
20080105             [65] This means that the average core column in the impact zone of WTC-1 could support more than twice its design load —BEFORE reaching the yield strength, i.e., the point where damage may begin to occur.
20080105             For example, in the most stringent test 1—STEEL—MEMBER had to withstand 250—PERCENT—OF—THE—DESIGN load, plus half again its own weight, for 1—PERIOD—OF—1—WEEK, without collapse.[62]
20080105             This finding is so astonishing it bears repeating: THE—NIST report presents no physical evidence whatsoever that the fires in the core of WTC-2 were raging infernos.
20080105             —ON what, then, does the agency base its conclusion that "Dire structural changes were occurring in the building interior"?[59] The answer, apparently, is the —FOLLOWING strange hedge:
20080105             Quiet flames. No roaring inferno.
20080105             20080105             Curiously, 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT also briefly mentions this episode, but, likewise, fails to discuss its possible significance, no doubt, for the same reason.[55]
20080105             PALMER—RADIO—EXCHANGE with another fireman shows no hint of panic or fear, as the —FOLLOWING transcript shows:
20080105             Battalion 7—CHIEF (Palmer): "Battalion 7 ... Ladder 15, we've got 2 isolated POCKETS—OF—FIRE.
20080105             Radio that, 78. floor numerous 10—45—CODE—ONES.
20080105             Ladder 15: "CHIEF, what stair you in?"
20080105             Battalion 7—CHIEF: "I'm going to need 2—OF—YOUR firefighters Adam stairway to knock down 2—FIRES. We have 1—HOUSE—LINE stretched we could use SOME—WATER on it, knock it down, okay".
20080105             Ladder 15: "Alright 14, we're coming up the stairs. We're on 77—NOW in the B stair, I'll be right to you".
20080105             Here, Battalion CHIEF—PALMER calls for more men and water to put out the isolated fires.
20080105             His expression "10—45—CODE—ONES" refers to dead bodies, of which apparently there were many.
20080105             To make matters worse for the official collapse theory, NIST also found that "the fuel loading in the core areas....was negligible".[42] It's easy to understand why ALL—OF—THESE facts are downplayed in THE—NIST summary report.
20080105             Taken together, they are fatal to NIST—COLLAPSE—MODEL, which requires that high temperatures be sustained.
20080105             Fires that subside —AFTER only 15—20—MINUTES simply cannot weaken enormous steel columns and cause them to buckle.
20080105             According to the report, the approach was "easy to implement and robust enough to examine the entire component in the field".[33] They found that the original primer paint used on the steel beams and columns was altered by high heat.
20080105             This made it possible to determine THE—LEVEL—OF—EXPOSURE by analyzing the paint on the samples.[34] But the results were surprising.
20080105             NIST found no evidence that ANY—OF—THE—STEEL—SAMPLES, including those from the impact areas and FIRE—DAMAGED floors, had reached temperatures exceeding 1,110ºF (600ºC).[35] 16 recovered perimeter columns showed EVIDENCE—OF—HAVING been exposed to fire, but even so, out of 170—AREAS examined on these columns only 3—LOCATIONS had reached temperatures in excess of 250ºC (450ºF).[36] Moreover, NIST found no evidence that any of the recovered core columns had reached even this minimal temperature.[37] The startling fact is that NIST—OWN—DATA failed to support its conclusion that the fires of 20010911             heated up the steel columns, causing them to weaken and buckle.
20080105             —CONFIRMED, For example, NIST, that the truss assemblies were not only bolted to the outer perimeter wall, they were also welded, hence, were considerably stronger than EXPECTED—NOT prone to pancaking.[29] Nor could the pancake model explain THE—FAILURE—OF—THE—CORE—COLUMNS.
20080105             With ALL—OF—THIS in mind, let us —NOW explore what NIST did investigate.
20080105             —AFTER I —POSTED 1—CRITIQUE—OF—THE—NIST report 20061200             —IN, I received 1—LETTER from 1 retired fireman who informed me that over the course of his 20—ODD—YEARS—OF—SERVICE he had fought MANY—TYPES—OF—FIRES, involving residential, commercial and industrial structures, including HIGH—RISE—BUILDINGS.
20080105             He explained that on 1—NUMBER—OF—OCCASIONS, —WHEN his crew lost the battle to save 1—STRUCTURE "SOME—OF—THE—TIMES the building would collapse.... in 1—RANDOM, haphazard, piecemeal fashion. Not once," he wrote, "did I personally witness 1—OF—THOSE structures collapsing in the rather controlled...fashion as THE—WTC towers and Building 7."[18]
20080105             Although the exact TIME—OF—THE—COLLAPSE—OF—WTC 1 and 2—CANNOT be determined with precision because of the growing dust cloud, EACH—COLLAPSE took approximately 10—12—SECONDS, only 1—2—SECONDS—SLOWER than the time for 1—BILLIARD ball to FREE—FALL from THE—WTC roof to the plaza.
20080105             As the line between science fiction and reality becomes increasingly blurry, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has always led the pack in terms of cool, weird, wacky and frightening innovations.
20080105             In order to understand the official story, however, and why it fails to explain THE—WTC collapse, it is necessary to know more about the World Trade Center and how it was built.
20080105             —SPEED, Assuming both were to crash at this, the 707 would actually have greater kinetic energy.[5]
20080105             "The tragic consequences of 20010911             —THE attacks were directly attributable to the fact that terrorists flew large JET—FUEL laden commercial airliners into THE—WTC towers. Buildings for use by the general population are not designed to withstand attacks of such severity; building codes do not require building designs to consider aircraft impact".[4]
20080105             USA: No need for UN probe into Bhutto slaying : THE—USA—ON—WEDNESDAY brushed aside calls for 1—UN—INVESTIGATION into THE—SLAYING—OF—PAKISTAN opposition leader Benazir Bhutto, saying BRITAIN—SCOTLAND—YARD —NOW leads the probe and will get "the answers" PAKISTAN—PEOPLE deserve.
20080105             —DESTROYED, FBI to lead investigation of, CIA tapes: In SOME—LAW—ENFORCEMENT—CIRCLES the prospect of THE—FBI—INTERVIEWING HIGH—LEVEL CIA officials and rummaging —AROUND THE—FILES—OF—THE—AGENCY—SECRET—INTERROGATION—PROGRAMS represents 1—PAYBACK moment in the rich HISTORY—OF—RIVALRY between THE—2—AGENCIES.
20080105             Propaganda and disinformation: IRAN no longer aids IRAQ militants:
20080105             EVIDENCE—OF—ISRAELI 'Cowardly Blending' Comes to Light
20080105             —BY JONATHAN—COOK in Nazareth
20080105             Social Repression and INTERNET Surveillance - H. Res.
20080105             Education is Ignorance
20080105             "What could be more inclusive than allowing —JUST about anyone registered to vote to show up at either party caucus and openly and visibly declare themselves for 1—CANDIDATE. Where else does one's body represent one's vote?"
20080105             Our FORREST—GUMP in THE—WHITE—HOUSE and His BOX—OF—TAX—CUT Chocolates: THE—ECONOMY is Faltering, So Bush Trots Out Tax Cuts Again as 1—SOLUTION to What Helped Get Us Here in the 1. Place, Given His Record National Debt
20080105             1—HOARSE but Victorious Obama talks with ROLAND—S—MARTIN on WVON in CHICAGO (via telephone) to discuss his IOWA Caucus win.
20080105             End THE—IRAQ—WAR, He Tells Martin. Well Worth Listening to.
20080105             20080105             P.M. Carpenter: Where Did It Go Wrong for Hillary?
20080105             Start With Her IRAQ War Vote.
20080105             20080105             Poll: Obama Leads Giuliani by 10—POINTS in USA 1/5 - IRAQ—SOLDIER Kills 2—USA—TROOPS 1/6
20080105             "Advisers to Clinton, 1—DEMOCRATIC—SENATOR—FROM—NEW—YORK, said she planned to rebound from her 3.—PLACE finish in IOWA by attacking the winner, ILLINOIS SENATOR—BARACK—OBAMA, and giving FORMER—PRESIDENT—CLINTON 1—LARGER—STRATEGIC—ROLE in the campaign".
20080105             Conservative Blogger Overhears IOWA Diner Comments of Infamous Huckabee Campaign Manager, ED—ROLLINS, and Blogs it on Conservative Site, And It's 1—DOOZY 1/6
20080105             My official title: MOS33Q10, Electronic Warfare Intercept Strategic Signal Processing/Storage Systems Specialist, 1—HIGHLY skilled MOS which requires advanced KNOWLEDGE—OF—MANY—COMMUNICATIONS—METHODS and circuits to the most —MINUTE level.
20080105             Künftig müssen die Unternehmen —BIS zu —6—MONATE lang festhalten, wer wann mit wem und wie lange telefoniert hat.
20080105             —NUN haben Astronomen den Stoff erstmals außerhalb unseres Sonnensystems nachgewiesen: in der Staubscheibe um den 220—LICHTJAHRE entfernten Stern HR 4796A.
20080105             Der Grundstoff für die ENTWICKLUNG—VON—LEBEN sei deshalb auf Planeten möglicherweise —SCHON—VON—ANFANG an vorhanden, schreiben JOHN—DEBES—VON—DER—CARNEGIE—INSTITUTION for Science in WASHINGTON und seine Kollegen im Fachblatt "Astrophysical Journal Letters" (Bd.
20080105             673, Paper bei arxiv_org ).
20080105             Boykott in HOLLYWOOD: Golden Globes ohne Stars
20080105             —STILL Dead On ARRIVAL—BY—MARK—H—GAFFNEY—IT is high time that Americans face the shocking reality that explosives were used to bring down the World Trade Center 20010911             —ON.
20080105             MARK—H—GAFFNEY—1. book was 1—PIONEERING 19890000             STUDY—OF—ISRAEL—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—PROGRAM,
20080105—20010911    —ON, It is high time that Americans face the shocking reality that explosives were used to bring down the World Trade Center.
20080105—20061208    —DAMAGED, Strangely, —WHEN workmen began to dismantle the badly, DEUTSCHLAND—BANK ,
20080105—20061208    —DAMAGED, Strangely, —WHEN workmen began to dismantle the badly, DEUTSCHLAND—BANK, they found more than 700—SLIVERS of bone on the roof and within the structure.[19] This bizarre report has never been explained.
20080105—20080107    —ON, he led investigators to 1—SPOT in 1 wooded area in NORTH—GEORGIA where they found her body.
20080105—20080900    —IN, His forthcoming book, THE—911—MYSTERY—PLANE and THE—VANISHING—OF—AMERICA, is scheduled for release.
20080106             ROLAND—PIQUEPAILLE writes "THE—USA—NATIONAL—SCIENCE—FOUNDATION (NSF) has —RECENTLY reported that 2—RESEARCH—TEAMS have developed 1—NEW—POROUS foam of 1—ALLOY that changes shape —WHEN exposed to 1—MAGNETIC—FIELD. THE—NSF states that this new material is able to remember its original shape —AFTER it's been deformed by 1—PHYSICAL or magnetic force. This polycrystalline NICKEL—MANGANESE—GALLIUM alloy is potentially cheaper and lighter than other materials currently used in devices ranging from sonar to precision valves. It also could be used to design biomedical pumps without moving parts and even for space applications and automobiles".Read more of this story 20080105             20080503             20090104—20090105    —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 12—INSURGENTS and 11—CIVILIANS were, in fighting in CENTRAL—URUZGAN province.
20090104—20090105    —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 12—INSURGENTS and 11—CIVILIANS were, in fighting in CENTRAL—URUZGAN province.
20090104—20090105    —KILLED, SOUTH—AFRICA, 1—LETHAL storm on the eastern coast, 18—PEOPLE over the weekend, including 4—FAMILY—MEMBERS struck dead by lightning.
20090105             —PLACED, Already, complex algorithms — programming often, under THE—OVER—COLORFUL—UMBRELLA—OF "artificial intelligence" are used to gather content for Web sites like Google News,
20090105             which serves up 1—WIDE—SELECTION—OF—JOURNALISM online, without much intervention from actual journalists.
20090105             HAMILTON sees 1—NOT—TOO—DISTANT—FUTURE in which that process would be extended,
20090105             with algorithms mining information from multiple sources and using it to write PARTS—OF—ARTICLES or even entire personalized news stories.
20090105             "It's as hard as 1—CERAMIC and as ductile as 1—METAL.
20090105             It RE—DEFINES, really, what steel is capable of," he said.
20090105             —EXPECTED, Construction spending falls less than, FRANCE tries Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
20090105             3—MEN—INCLUDING the alleged mastermind of 20010911             —THE—ATTACKS—GO on trial in FRANCE for THE—BOMBING—OF—1—TUNISIA—SYNAGOGUE.
20090105             Oil price rises on GAZA conflict
20090105             —HEIGHTENED, Oil rises briefly above $48 1—BARREL on fears of, MIDDLE—EAST—TENSION—AFTER ISRAEL—OFFENSIVE in THE—GAZA—STRIP.
20090105             Wedgwood goes into administration
20090105             Iconic CHINA and ceramics firm Waterford Wedgwood goes into administration as the economic slowdown hits sales.
20090105             More ARCTIC temperatures to come
20090105             THE—NEW—YEAR—ARCTIC—WEATHER—BRINGS—SUB—0—TEMPERATURES and disruption to parts of THE—UK, with more freezing conditions expected overnight.
20090105             Guns 'link several GREECE—ATTACKS'
20090105             GREECE—POLICE say 1—WEAPON that left 1—SHOT—POLICEMAN in critical condition is linked to 1—ANTI—USA militant group.
20090105             Blair to get USA—MEDAL—OF—FREEDOM
20090105             Ofsted crackdown on dull teaching
20090105             Ofsted announces 1—CRACKDOWN on boring teaching as 1—WAY—OF tackling disruptive behaviour in the classroom.
20090105             Holes give edge to new MoD armour
20090105             —DEVISED, Scientists from THE—UK—MINISTRY—OF—DEFENCE (MoD) have, ULTRA—HARD—VEHICLE—ARMOUR to protect military personnel.
20090105             —PUBLISHED, Anonymous Coward writes "1—NEW—METHOD—OF—DNA sequencing, —THIS—WEEK in science identifies incorporation of single bases by fluorescence.
20090105             This has been shown to increase read lengths from 20—BASES (454—SEQUENCING) to >4000—BASES, with a 99.3% accuracy.
20090105             Single molecule READING can reduce costs and increase the rate at which reads can be performed.
20090105             'So far, the team has built 1—CHIP housing 3000—ZMWS [waveguides],
20090105             which the company hopes will hit the market
20090105             ANTI—GLOBALISM sends us to Ars Technica for JON—STOKES—MUSING on the falling VALUE—OF—WEB advertising.
20090105             if they ever do.
20090105             "1—WEB—PAGE, in contrast, is typically festooned with hyperlinked visual objects that fall all over themselves in competing to take you elsewhere —IMMEDIATELY once you're done consuming whatever it is that you came to that page for.
20090105             —UNBOUNDED, So the page itself is —JUST 1—VERY—SMALL slice of 1, media experience in which 1—NEARLY infinite NUMBER—OF—MEDIA—OBJECTS are scrambling for 1—VANISHINGLY small sliver of your attention.
20090105             We've had 1—FEW —100—YEARS to learn to monetize print,
20090105             over —75—YEARS to monetize TV, and, most importantly, millennia to build business models based on scarcity.
20090105             In contrast, our collective effort to monetize POST—SCARCITY digital media have only —JUST begun".
20090105             toomanyairmiles writes "THE—TIMES—OF—LONDON reports that THE—UK—HOME—OFFICE has quietly adopted 1—NEW—PLAN to allow police across BRITAIN to routinely hack into people's personal computers without 1—WARRANT.
20090105             The move, which follows 1—DECISION by THE—EUROPEAN—UNION—COUNCIL—OF—MINISTERS in BRUSSELS, has angered civil liberties groups and opposition MPs.
20090105             —DESCRIBED, They, it as 1—SINISTER EXTENSION—OF—THE—SURVEILLANCE—STATE that drives 'a coach and horses' through privacy laws".
20090105             JOHN—MECKLIN sends in WORD—OF—INITIATIVES through which the digital revolution that has been undermining IN—DEPTH reportage may be ready to give something back,
20090105             through 1—NEW—ACADEMIC and professional discipline known as "computational journalism.
20090105             is in the process of filling 1 endowed chair with 1—PROFESSOR who will develop sophisticated computing tools that enhance the capabilities — and,
20090105             perhaps more important in this economic climate, the efficiency — of journalists and other citizens who are trying to hold public officials and institutions accountable.
20090105             The goal: Computer algorithms that can sort through the huge amounts of databased information available on THE—INTERNET,
20090105             providing PUBLIC—INTEREST—REPORTERS with SETS—OF—POTENTIAL—STORY—LEADS they otherwise might never have found.
20090105             Or, in short, data mining in the public interest".
20090105             Na toll, geht ja gut los, das neue —JAHR.
20090105             Die Briten (wer auch sonst) drängen darauf,
20090105             aus dem Bundestrojaner einen EU—TROJANER zu machen,
20090105             und natürlich auch ohne richterliche Genehmigungen.
20090105             Und wenn wir uns beim Thema Überwachung nach jemandem richten sollten,
20090105             dann —NACH—DEN Briten! Seht nur, wie toll das bei denen gegen die Kriminalität geholfen hat!
20090105             REKORD—KRIMINALITÄTSRATEN und die Knäste sind auch alle voll.
20090105             Tolle Arbeit, liebe Briten.
20090105             Das brauchen wir unbedingt auch!1!!
20090105             Und da können auch die Inder nicht zurück stehen: Die Inder wollen TELEFON—UND INTERNET—ABHÖREN bei JEDER—STRAFTAT erlauben.
20090105             Nicht nur gegen Kinderpornographie will INDIEN zugleich scharf vorgehen, sondern auch jegliche obszönen Darstellungen verbieten lassen.
20090105             1—UNTERSCHIED zwischen Produzenten und Nutzern wird dabei nicht gemacht.
20090105             Auch wer Porno übers INTERNET allein anschaut, steht damit —BEREITS mit einem Fuß im Gefängnis.
20090105             Ihm drohen —BIS zu —2—JAHRE Haft.
20090105             Selbst niedere Polizeibeamte dürfen beim Verdacht auf illegalen Pornokonsum etwa Wohnungsdurchsuchungen durchführen.
20090105             GAZA—KONFLIKT: MASSEN—AUFBRUCH der Friedensstifer
20090105             BODEN—OFFENSIVE: Israels Soldaten liefern sich Häuserkämpfe mit Hamas
20090105             Absatzeinbruch: DEUTSCHLAND—AUTOHERSTELLER büßen in den USA drastisch ein
20090105             Urteil: BGH nennt einseitigen Kündigungsverzicht von Mietern unzulässig
20090105             Schüsse auf Polizisten in Athen: GRIECHENLAND fürchtet Rückkehr des Terrorismus
20090105             TASCHENBUCH—BESTSELLER: Atome für Ahnungslose
20090105             —BERICHTET, Die "NEW—YORK—TIMES ", in ihrer heutigen Ausgabe, dass die mangelnde Klarheit über Obamas zu erwartenden Kurs den Ausschlag für die —ENTSCHEIDUNG gegeben haben könnte,
20090105             gerade —JETZT den GAZA—STREIFEN anzugreifen.
20090105             Auch solche Vermutungen werden längst laut.
20090105             Oder hat er am Ende in Wahrheit gar nichts zu sagen
20090105             Hells Angels: Wie Rocker und Rechte gemeinsame Sache machen
20090105             —VERWIRRT, GAZA—KRISE: Obamas Schweigen, die Welt
20090105             Konjunkturpaket II: Wieso das STEUER—WUNDER verpuffen könnte
20090105             Schäden am Ohr: Mediziner empfehlen Gehörschutz beim Golfen
20090105             —ÜBERGIBT, Anschläge von Mumbai: INDIEN—PAKISTAN angebliches Beweismaterial zu Hintermännern
20090105             I try always to ensure that THE—IMAGINATION—OF—THE—AUDIENCE does the job.
20090105             —STUDIED, Indeed Bory, who at college, 1—ECCENTRIC—COMBINATION—OF—PHYSICS and cinema,
20090105             seems to have fortuitously alighted on THE—1—JOB "where I have somehow found 1—WAY to use all these interests and references".
20090105             What it all means is another question.
20090105             Physical theatre is akin to abstract art in the way it permits limitless interpretation.
20090105             Survivalism rules. Might will be right".
20090105             20090105             KARL—SABBAGH—WRITER and television producer: END—OF—HARM
20090105             "In the brains of everyone, from abusive parents and rapists to arms dealers and HEADS—OF—STATE, there can arise 1—CONCATENATION—OF nerve impulses which allow someone to see as 'normal'... the mutilation,
20090105             maiming or DEATH—OF—ANOTHER for one's own pleasure, greed or benefit
20090105             If such 1—SPECIFIC—PATTERN—OF—BRAIN—ACTIVITY were detectable,
20090105             could methods then be devised that prevented or disrupted it —WHENEVER it was about to arise?
20090105             At its most plausible
20090105             everyone could wear MICROCIRCUIT—BASED devices that detected the pattern and suppressed or disrupted it".
20090105             We have only to invent 2—NEW—TECHNOLOGIES, 1. the direct conversion of neural signals into radio signals and vice versa,
20090105             and 2. the placement of microscopic radio transmitters and receivers within the tissue of 1—LIVING brain".
20090105             Lage im GAZA—STREIFEN: Hilfsorganisationen schlagen Alarm
20090105             Die Amerikaner haben bei dieser Forderung vor allem Privaträume im Blick.
20090105             Martina PÖTSCHKE—LANGER hingegen denkt vor allem an die Nichtraucherschutzgesetze,
20090105             —DIE—DIESER—TAGE überall in DEUTSCHLAND novelliert werden:
20090105             "Das betrifft auch die Frage nach rauchfreien Arbeitsplätzen".
20090105             Die Gefahr einer verstärkten Inanspruchnahme der Bürgschaften bringe die Bundesregierung in 1—ZWICKMÜHLE,
20090105             weil sie einerseits der Wirtschaft gerade in der Krise helfen wolle,
20090105             aber andererseits zugleich die Haushaltsrisiken im Auge behalten müsse, heißt es in dem Bericht weiter.
20090105             Im Haushalt sei kein Puffer für den Fall vorgesehen,
20090105             dass die Garantien in Zukunft verstärkt in Anspruch genommen werden.
20090105             Gefährliche Rückstände: Mediziner warnen vor miefender RAUCHER—KLEIDUNG
20090105             Finanzkrise: Bund drohen Milliardenausfälle durch HERMES—BÜRGSCHAFTEN
20090105             Im Finanzausschuss des USA—ABGEORDNETENHAUSES stand —AM—MONTAG 1—ANHÖRUNG zu dem —MITTE ;;12;;
20090105             von Madoff selbst gestandenen Betrugsfall auf der Tagesordnung.
20090105             Ehemalige Wettbewerber Madoffs und Insider hatten die Kontrolleure Berichten zufolge jahrelang mit Hinweisen auf Unregelmäßigkeiten versorgt.
20090105             Angesichts der Finanzkrise stehen —DERZEIT die SEC und andere Aufseher generell in der Kritik.
20090105             Sie sollen nicht ausreichend vor den Risiken an den Märkten gewarnt haben.
20090105             Eine viel kritisierte Klausel erlaubt nämlich Zivilisten die Durchsetzung "öffentlichen Anstands".
20090105             "Das Ziel dieses Gesetzes ist, als legaler Deckmantel für die Durchsetzung der Scharia zu wirken", warnt Sundari.
20090105             Journalisten wird nur selten und nur in Begleitung des INDONESIEN—GEHEIMDIENSTES Zugang gewährt.
20090105             Hier ist das Tragen des Penisfutterals, der Koteka, eine alte Tradition.
20090105             Doch Suroba will sich von der INDONESIEN—REGIERUNG nicht dazu zwingen lassen, Unterhosen zu tragen.
20090105             Es stellt Werke und "Körperbewegungen" unter Strafe, die als obszön erachtet werden und die öffentliche Moral gefährden könnten.
20090105             Nach jahrelanger Debatte wurde es gegen den erbitterten Widerstand der Opposition von islamischen Parteien durchgefochten.
20090105             Es war ein totaler Fehlschlag: "Damals haben wir unsere traditionelle Kleidung getragen, und wir tragen sie auch —HEUTE noch", sagt der Ureinwohner stolz.
20090105             Tausende demonstrierten gegen Gesetzesänderung
20090105             Geldpolitik: EZB fordert mehr Macht zur Bankenkontrolle
20090105             Unerwartetes Jubiläum: MARS—ROVER feiern 5. Geburtstag - Börse: Dax pendelt um 5000—PUNKTE—MARKE
20090105             Neuguinea: PORNOGRAFIE—GESETZ soll Penisköcher verbieten
20090105             Rezession: Arbeitgeberpräsident Hundt fordert Vereinfachung der Kurzarbeit
20090105             Neues Konjunkturpaket: Obama plant riesige Steuersenkungen
20090105             Konjunktur: IFO—CHEF—SINN sagt —2—JAHRE Eiszeit voraus
20090105             Aristotle' slogan is "generation is for THE—SAKE—OF—SUBSTANCE, not substance for THE—SAKE—OF—GENERATION" ( PA 640 a 18-19).
20090105             Where there is regularity there is also a call for an explanation, and coincidence is no explanation at all.
20090105             GAZA—KONFLIKT: Rotes Kreuz fordert Schutz der Zivilbevölkerung
20090105             —AUTHORIZED, PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH, the immediate USE—OF—USA—AIRCRAFTS to transport supplies to THE—INTERNATIONAL peacekeeping force in Darfur.
20090105             —GUARANTEED, THE—USA—FEDERAL—RESERVE began buying mortgage bonds, by Fannie Mae, FREDDIE—MAC and Ginnie Mae, in 1—EFFORT to make home financing more affordable.
20090105             —DECIDED, THE—CALIFORNIA—SUPREME—COURT, that churches that break away from 1—NATIONAL—DENOMINATION may not take church assets with them.
20090105             —CHARGED, He had been, —3—DAYS—EARLIER with mail fraud.
20090105             Authorities said he had sent account statements to investors in his Fahey Fund that inflated the hedge fund's returns by as much as 200%.
20090105             FORMER—USA REPRESENTATIVE—JOSEPH—P—KENNEDY said Citgo Petroleum, THE—USA—REFINER owned by THE—VENEZUELA—GOVERNMENT, planned to stop deliveries to his BOSTON—BASED nonprofit, Citizens' Energy, due to falling oil prices.
20090105             —REMOVED, The stop order was, —2—DAYS—LATER.
20090105             1—MINNESOTA BOARD certified results showing Democrat AL—FRANKEN winning the state's USA—SENATE recount by 225—VOTES over Republican Norm Coleman, whose lawyer promised 1—LEGAL—CHALLENGE.
20090105             —SIGNED, Boeing, a $2.1—BILLION deal with INDIA for 8—P—81—MARITIME patrol aircraft.
20090105             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 9—TALIBAN militants were, in 1—GUNFIGHT by Afghan and NATO—TROOPS in THE—SOUTH—PROVINCE—OF—KANDAHAR.
20090105             2—GUNMEN shot 1—MUSLIM cleric to death inside 1—MOSQUE in KANDAHAR city.
20090105             UK—COMPANY—WATERFORD Wedgwood PLC, the maker of classic CHINA and crystal, filed for bankruptcy protection —AFTER attempts to restructure the struggling business or find 1—BUYER failed.
20090105             —ANNOUNCED, CHILE—PRESIDENT—MICHELLE—BACHELET, a $4—BILLION economic stimulus package.
20090105             —LAUNCHED, CHINA, 1—MAJOR—CRACKDOWN on INTERNET pornography targeting popular online portals and major search engines such as Google.
20090105             † 1—CHINA—WOMAN, —19—JAHRE—ALT from bird flu in 1—BEIJING hospital, but the World Health Organization said the case did not appear to signal 1—NEW—PUBLIC—HEALTH—THREAT.
20090105             —ANNOUNCED, EAST—CONGO, rival rebel CHIEF—OF—STAFF—BOSCO Ntaganda, the dismissal of Laurent Nkunda and has taken CONTROL—OF—THE—CNDP rebel movement.
20090105             —AGREED, GERMANY—RULING coalition, to a —2-YEAR fiscal stimulus package of as much as $69—BILLION (€50—BILLION).
20090105             SOUTH—WEST—GERMANY, THE—BODY—OF—BILLIONAIRE—ADOLF—MERCKLE, —74—JAHRE—ALT was found near railway tracks at Blaubeuren.
20090105             —COMMITTED, He had, suicide —AFTER his business empire ran into trouble in the global financial crisis.
20090105             —CONTROLLED, MERCKLE—VEM holding company, Ratiopharm, building materials giant HeidelbergCement and 1—OF—EUROPE—BIGGEST wholesale drug distributors, PHOENIX.
20090105             —CLAIMED, THE—REVOLUTIONARY—STRUGGLE—GROUP—LATER, responsibility.
20090105             HONG—KONG, 1—NEW—SURVEY said 1 in 5—RESIDENTS is considering leaving the city because of its dire air quality, raising fears over the financial hub's competitiveness.
20090105             —HANDED, INDIA, to PAKISTAN what it said was evidence linking the country to the Islamic militants who attacked Mumbai —IN—NOVEMBER.
20090105             —INAUGURATED, IRAQ, THE—USA, its largest embassy ever in THE—HEART—OF—THE—GREEN—ZONE, officially opening the $700—MILLION—FORTRESS—LIKE compound that was built as 1—TESTAMENT to AMERICA—COMMITMENT to IRAQ.
20090105             4—BOMBS exploded in different parts of BAGHDAD —JUST—BEFORE—NOON, killing 4—PEOPLE and wounding 19. Subhi Hassan, who handles political relations for the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, and 1—BODYGUARD were killed —AFTER unidentified gunmen chased down their car —AFTER it passed through 1—CHECKPOINT.
20090105             —KILLED, USA—TROOPS, 1—CIVILIAN in 1—VEHICLE—AFTER the driver failed to heed warnings to stop in Baqouba.
20090105             —CONSOLIDATED, ISRAEL, its hold on parts of THE—GAZA—STRIP, seizing HIGH—RISE—BUILDINGS on THE—OUTSKIRTS—OF—THE—TERRITORY—BIGGEST city as 1—STREAM—OF—WORLD—LEADERS headed for the region to press for 1—TRUCE.
20090105             —KILLED, About 12—PALESTINE—CHILDREN were.
20090105             The 10. —DAY—OF—FIGHTING put THE—PALESTINE—DEATH—TOLL at 1 estimated 550. 3—ISRAEL—SOLDIERS were killed and 24—OTHERS wounded by friendly fire.
20090105             GAZA health officials said 1—ISRAEL—AIRSTRIKE outside 1—UNITED—NATIONS school in THE—GAZA—STRIP killed 39—PEOPLE, MANY—OF—THEM children.
20090105             1—ISRAEL—MISSILE struck 1—BUILDING in Zeitoun where Palestinians had been herded.
20090105             —KILLED, At least 30—PEOPLE were.
20090105             4—MEMBERS—OF—THE—HAJI family, including their —3—YEAR—OLD—DAUGHTER, were killed and another 9—PEOPLE were injured —WHEN 1—ISRAEL—TANK opened fire on them in the Zeitun area, despite the fact that they were holding 1—WHITE—FLAG.
20090105             —TARGETED, ISRAEL—FORCES directly, THE—HOUSE—OF—WA'EL FARES—HAMDI—AL—SAMOUNI, and its vicinity, killing 21—PERSONS and injuring MANY—OTHERS.
20090105             ITALY—FILMMAKER STEFANO—SAVONA spent —9—YEARS trying to piece together what happened.
20090105             INDIA—KASHMIR, OMAR—ABDULLAH, —38—JAHRE—ALT, 1—YOUNG—PRO—INDIA—MUSLIM, was sworn in as the new CHIEF—MINISTER—AFTER elections that attracted 1—HIGHER turnout than MANY—POLITICIANS and voters expected.
20090105             PAKISTAN, 3—BULLET—RIDDLED bodies were found along 1—ROAD some 16—MILES—EAST—OF—MIRAN Shah.
20090105             —SUSPECTED, Police said, Taliban militants had executed 1—PAKISTAN—CONSTRUCTION—CONTRACTOR and 2—AFGHANISTAN—MEN they accused of spying for THE—USA.
20090105             —CAPTURED, SRI—LANKA—GOVERNMENT—TROOPS, 1—STRATEGIC—TAMIL—TIGER—HELD town and moved closer to 1—KEY—REBEL—BASE, as citizens raised flags and held 1—MOMENT—OF—SILENCE to honor the military as it battles to end the country's —25—YEAR—OLD—CIVIL—WAR.
20090105             The rebels, as well has HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—CIVILIANS displaced by the fighting, were confined to 1—JUNGLE area slightly larger than THE—CITY—OF—LOS—ANGELES.
20090105             THE—VATICAN said that BISHOP—ALLEN—H—VIGNERON will replace Cardinal ADAM—JOSEPH—MAIDA at THE—HEAD—OF—THE—DETROIT archdiocese.
20090105             —NAMED, THE—PAPA also, the auxiliary BISHOP—OF—HALIFAX, CLAUDE—CHAMPAGNE, as the new BISHOP—OF—EDMUNDSTON in CANADA.
20090105             —APPOINTED, Benedict, THE—REVEREND—CIRILO—FLORES as new auxiliary BISHOP—OF—ORANGE, CALIFORNIA.
20090105             —RESTORED, TURKEY, the citizenship of its most famous poet —MONDAY in 1—SYMBOLIC—STEP meant to show it was addressing criticism of its human rights record in hopes of joining THE—EUROPEAN—UNION.
20090105             Alarmierende Zahlen: USA—AUTOMARKT bricht dramatisch ein
20090105             USA—GEHEIMDIENSTE: Clintons Stabschef Panetta wird CIA—BOSS
20090105             Kompromiss im Kanzleramt: Koalition will Konjunktur mit —BIS zu 50—MILLIARDEN Euro stützen
20090105             —PLACED, Already, complex algorithms — programming often, under THE—OVER—COLORFUL—UMBRELLA—OF "artificial intelligence"— are used to gather content for Web sites like Google News, which serves up 1—WIDE—SELECTION—OF—JOURNALISM online, without much intervention from actual journalists.
20090105             HAMILTON sees 1—NOT—TOO—DISTANT—FUTURE in which that process would be extended, with algorithms mining information from multiple sources and using it to write PARTS—OF—ARTICLES or even entire personalized news stories.
20090105             1—INDUSTRIAL—PROCESS called "Kolsterising" (developed by the firm Bodycote) is able to increase the surface hardness of stainless steel to twice that of Super Bainite —WHILE maintaining its DUCTILITY—THE—EXTENT to which 1—MATERIAL can be deformed without fracturing.
20090105             "It's as hard as 1—CERAMIC and as ductile as 1—METAL. It RE—DEFINES, really, what steel is capable of," he said.
20090105             —EXPECTED, Construction spending falls less than
20090105             —EXPECTED, Construction spending fell less than, —IN—NOVEMBER as record activity on nonresidential projects helped offset another steep decline in housing.
20090105             FRANCE tries Khalid Sheikh Mohammed 3—MEN—INCLUDING the alleged mastermind of 20010911             —THE—ATTACKS—GO on trial in FRANCE for THE—BOMBING—OF—1—TUNISIA—SYNAGOGUE.
20090105             Oil price rises on GAZA conflict Oil rises briefly above $48 1—BARREL on fears of heightened MIDDLE—EAST—TENSION—AFTER ISRAEL—OFFENSIVE in THE—GAZA—STRIP.
20090105             Wedgwood goes into administration Iconic CHINA and ceramics firm Waterford Wedgwood goes into administration as the economic slowdown hits sales.
20090105             More ARCTIC temperatures to come THE—NEW—YEAR—ARCTIC—WEATHER—BRINGS—SUB—0—TEMPERATURES and disruption to parts of THE—UK, with more freezing conditions expected overnight.
20090105             Guns 'link several GREECE—ATTACKS' GREECE—POLICE say 1—WEAPON that left 1—SHOT—POLICEMAN in critical condition is linked to 1—ANTI—USA militant group.
20090105             Ofsted crackdown on dull teaching Ofsted announces 1—CRACKDOWN on boring teaching as 1—WAY—OF tackling disruptive behaviour in the classroom.
20090105             Holes give edge to new MoD armour Scientists from THE—UK—MINISTRY—OF—DEFENCE (MoD) have devised ULTRA—HARD—VEHICLE—ARMOUR to protect military personnel.
20090105             New Method To Revolutionize DNA Sequencing
20090105             'So far, the team has built 1—CHIP housing 3000—ZMWS [waveguides], which the company hopes will hit the market
20090105             How Web Advertising May Go
20090105             Stokes put forward the outlying possibility — not 1—PREDICTION — that ad rates could fall by 40% —BEFORE turning up again, if they ever do.
20090105             "1—WEB—PAGE, in contrast, is typically festooned with hyperlinked visual objects that fall all over themselves in competing to take you elsewhere —IMMEDIATELY once you're done consuming whatever it is that you came to that page for. So the page itself is —JUST 1—VERY—SMALL slice of 1 unbounded media experience in which 1—NEARLY infinite NUMBER—OF—MEDIA—OBJECTS are scrambling for 1—VANISHINGLY small sliver of your attention.... We've had 1—FEW —100—YEARS to learn to monetize print, over —75—YEARS to monetize TV, and, most importantly, millennia to build business models based on scarcity. In contrast, our collective effort to monetize POST—SCARCITY—DIGITAL—MEDIA have only —JUST begun".
20090105             UK Police To Step Up HACKING—OF—HOME—PCS
20090105             toomanyairmiles writes "THE—TIMES—OF—LONDON reports that THE—UK—HOME—OFFICE has quietly adopted 1—NEW—PLAN to allow police across BRITAIN to routinely hack into people's personal computers without 1—WARRANT. The move, which follows 1—DECISION by THE—EUROPEAN—UNION—COUNCIL—OF—MINISTERS in BRUSSELS, has angered civil liberties groups and opposition MPs. They described it as 1—SINISTER EXTENSION—OF—THE—SURVEILLANCE—STATE that drives 'a coach and horses' through privacy laws".
20090105             Data Mining Rescues Investigative Journalism
20090105             JOHN—MECKLIN sends in WORD—OF—INITIATIVES through which the digital revolution that has been undermining IN—DEPTH reportage may be ready to give something back, through 1—NEW—ACADEMIC and professional discipline known as "computational journalism".
20090105             "JAMES—HAMILTON, DIRECTOR—OF—THE—DEWITT—WALLACE—CENTER for Media and Democracy at DUKE—UNIVERSITY, is in the process of filling 1 endowed chair with 1—PROFESSOR who will develop sophisticated computing tools that enhance the capabilities — and, perhaps more important in this economic climate, the efficiency — of journalists and other citizens who are trying to hold public officials and institutions accountable. The goal: Computer algorithms that can sort through the huge amounts of databased information available on THE—INTERNET, providing PUBLIC—INTEREST—REPORTERS with SETS—OF—POTENTIAL—STORY—LEADS they otherwise might never have found. Or, in short, data mining in the public interest".
20090105             Die Briten (wer auch sonst) drängen darauf, aus dem Bundestrojaner einen EU—TROJANER zu machen, und natürlich auch ohne richterliche Genehmigungen.
20090105             Und wenn wir uns beim Thema Überwachung nach jemandem richten sollten, dann —NACH—DEN Briten!
20090105             Seht nur, wie toll das bei denen gegen die Kriminalität geholfen hat!
20090105             Und da können auch die Inder nicht zurück stehen:
20090105             Die Inder wollen TELEFON—UND INTERNET—ABHÖREN bei JEDER—STRAFTAT erlauben.
20090105             Streit mit der UKRAINE: RUSSLAND leitet Gas über POLEN, WEISSRUSSLAND und TÜRKEI um
20090105             —BERICHTET, Die "NEW—YORK—TIMES ", in ihrer heutigen Ausgabe, dass die mangelnde Klarheit über Obamas zu erwartenden Kurs den Ausschlag für die —ENTSCHEIDUNG gegeben haben könnte, gerade —JETZT den GAZA—STREIFEN anzugreifen.
20090105             Der Fall JOHANNES—K zeigt, dass die Übergänge zwischen Rockern und Rechten fließend sind.
20090105             Webzensur: CHINA droht WEB—FIRMEN—AUCH Google
20090105             CHINA, says Bory, "is the country whose people have the best relationship with their own body".
20090105             —STUDIED, Indeed Bory, who at college, 1—ECCENTRIC—COMBINATION—OF—PHYSICS and cinema, seems to have fortuitously alighted on THE—1—JOB "where I have somehow found 1—WAY to use all these interests and references".
20090105             —EXHAUSTED, Resources that are already scarce will be rapidly, as everybody tries to grab the last precious bits... Survivalism rules.
20090105             Might will be right".
20090105             "In the brains of everyone, from abusive parents and rapists to arms dealers and HEADS—OF—STATE, there can arise 1—CONCATENATION—OF nerve impulses which allow someone to see as 'normal'... the mutilation, maiming or DEATH—OF—ANOTHER for one's own pleasure, greed or benefit... If such 1—SPECIFIC—PATTERN—OF—BRAIN—ACTIVITY were detectable, could methods then be devised that prevented or disrupted it —WHENEVER it was about to arise?
20090105             At its most plausible... everyone could wear MICROCIRCUIT—BASED devices that detected the pattern and suppressed or disrupted it".
20090105             We have only to invent 2—NEW—TECHNOLOGIES, 1. the direct conversion of neural signals into radio signals and vice versa, and 2. the placement of microscopic radio transmitters and receivers within the tissue of 1—LIVING brain".
20090105             A 101-strong GROUP—OF—SCIENTISTS, authors, musicians, philosophers and other respected experts were posed the question "What will change everything?"
20090105             Martina PÖTSCHKE—LANGER hingegen denkt vor allem an die Nichtraucherschutzgesetze, —DIE—DIESER—TAGE überall in DEUTSCHLAND novelliert werden: "Das betrifft auch die Frage nach rauchfreien Arbeitsplätzen".
20090105             Die Gefahr einer verstärkten Inanspruchnahme der Bürgschaften bringe die Bundesregierung in 1—ZWICKMÜHLE, weil sie einerseits der Wirtschaft gerade in der Krise helfen wolle, aber andererseits zugleich die Haushaltsrisiken im Auge behalten müsse, heißt es in dem Bericht weiter.
20090105             Im Haushalt sei kein Puffer für den Fall vorgesehen, dass die Garantien in Zukunft verstärkt in Anspruch genommen werden.
20090105             Der Rahmen von 117—MILLIARDEN Euro sei zu etwa 80 % ausgeschöpft.
20090105             Kritik an ISRAEL: SPD—FRAKTIONSVIZE nennt GAZA—OFFENSIVE unverhältnismäßig
20090105             —GEHÖRT, Es habe sich nicht, etwas Schlechtes über Bernie Madoff zu sagen, zitiert die Zeitung einen FRÜHEREN—MANAGER—VON—MERRILL—LYNCH.
20090105             Im Finanzausschuss des USA—ABGEORDNETENHAUSES stand —AM—MONTAG 1—ANHÖRUNG zu dem —MITTE—DEZEMBER von Madoff selbst gestandenen Betrugsfall auf der Tagesordnung.
20090105             Der scheidende SEC—CHEF—CHRISTOPHER—COX hatte —BEREITS Fehler seiner Behörde eingeräumt und eine interne Untersuchung angeordnet.
20090105             Der künftige USA—PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA will das umstrittene System verschiedener Finanzmarktkontrolleure straffen.
20090105             Das Bergland von Papua ist 1—HOCHBURG antiindonesischer Bestrebungen.
20090105             VIELE—PAPUANER betrachten die Herrschaft Jakartas über das Gebiet im Westen der Insel Neuguinea als Besatzung.
20090105             —NUN will das Parlament im 3500—KILOMETER entfernten JAKARTA diesen Brauch der INDONESIEN—PROVINZ auf Neuguinea abschaffen.
20090105             Bedroht werden die Koteka und ähnliche Bräuche von einem neuen ANTI—PORNOGRAFIE—GESETZ, das das von muslimischen Abgeordneten dominierte Parlament —IM—OKTOBER verabschiedet hat.
20090105             Suroba erinnert sich noch an die siebziger —JAHRE, als die Regierung in JAKARTA —SCHON einmal 1—KAMPAGNE gegen das Penisrohr startete.
20090105             USA—FINANZAUFSICHT: Milliardenbetrüger Madoff narrte Kontrolleure mehrfach
20090105             Bodenoffensive: ISRAEL kreist GAZA—STADT ein
20090105             NAHOST—KONFLIKT: ISRAEL nimmt GAZA—STREIFEN in die Zange
20090105—19510000    —STRIPPED, TURKEY had, Nazim Hikmet of his nationality at the height of the Cold War because of his communist views, branded him 1—TRAITOR and imprisoned him for more than —1—DECADE.
20090105—19630000    —IN, He † in exile in MOSCOW.
20090105—20030000    —IN, he authored "Churches, Jails and Gold Mines... MEGA—DEALS from 1—REAL—ESTATE—MAVERICK".
20090105—20080000    —RANKED, FORBES—MAGAZINE, Merckle as the world's 94. richest man.
20090105—20090000    —YEAR, New : Leading thinkers offer predictions of 'next big thing'
20090105—20090104    —BETWEEN, —7, 27—MEMBERS—OF—THE—SAMOUNI family were killed, including 11—CHILDREN and 6—WOMEN, and 35—OTHERS were injured.
20090105—20090104    —DATE 20090105—20091103    —PLEADED, Trabulse, guilty for defrauding investors of some $8.3—MILLION.
20090105—20090104    —DATE 20090107             —SUNDAY, 20090104             20091106—20100104    —DECLARED, Rodriguez was, incompetent to stand trial.
20090105—20091103    —PLEADED, Trabulse, guilty for defrauding investors of some $8.3—MILLION.
20090105—20091206    —SPRAYED, GREECE, gunmen, ATHENS riot police with automatic weapons fire, seriously wounding 1—POLICEMAN in 1—ESCALATION—OF—VIOLENCE that broke out —AFTER the fatal police shooting of 1—TEENAGER.
20090105—20100000    —SENTENCED, Trabulse was, to over —8—YEARS in FEDERAL—PRISON.
20090105—20110000    —CLOSED, ISRAEL—MILITARY—ADVOCATE—GENERAL, 1—INVESTIGATION into the white flag incident due to LACK—OF—EVIDENCE.
20090105—20120502    —CLOSED, THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY said it has, its investigation into the shelling deaths of 21—MEMBERS—OF—1—SINGLE—PALESTINE—FAMILY and would not file ANY—CHARGES.
20090105—20180000    —IN, her film "Samouni Road", which uses animation and 3D images to reconstruct what happened, received rave reviews at the Cannes Film Festival.
200902201059         P.M. - 'Nationalize' the Banks
20090805—20090105    —EXTRADITED, MURCIA was, to THE—USA.
20100105             —OVERTURNED, THE—NINTH—USA—CIRCUIT—COURT—OF—APPEALS in SF—WASHINGTON state's ban on voting by convicted felons.
20100105             The ruling could extend ballots to prisoners in other states.
20100105             USA—SPORTS broadcaster ESPN said it will show SOME—WORLD—CUP soccer matches live from SOUTH—AFRICA in 3-D and JAPAN—SONY teamed up with Discovery and IMAX to launch a 3-D TV network in THE—USA.
20100105             —INTRODUCED, Google, its Nexus 1—SMART—PHONE.
20100105             CALIFORNIA, 3—BIOLOGISTS with THE—CALIFORNIA—DEPARTMENT—OF—FISH and Game were killed along with their helicopter pilot —WHILE they were surveying deer in the foothills of Sierra national Forest —AFTER their vehicle clipped 1—POWER—LINE and crashed.
20100105             —CRASHED, ILLINOIS, 1—SMALL—LEARJET cargo plane, into the Des Plains River in Glenview killing 2—PILOTS—ONBOARD.
20100105             KENTUCKY lottery officials said ROB—ANDERSON, —39—JAHRE—ALT and his wife were winners of the $128.6—MILLION—POWERBALL jackpot, the largest in the state's history.
20100105             THE—CENTRAL—KENTUCKY autoworker held on to the $128—MILLION—POWERBALL ticket he bought on Christmas Eve —DURING SOME—LAST—MINUTE shopping, —AFTER it was printed by mistake.
20100105             —KILLED, UTAH, deputy sheriff Josie Greathouse Fox was, —FOLLOWING 1—TRAFFIC stop in Delta.
20100105             —SEARCHED, Police, for suspect ROBERTO—MIRAMONTES—ROMAN, who had —JUST sold drugs to 1—RELATIVE—OF—THE slain officer.
20100105             BOLIVIA—PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES said he's inviting activists, scientists and government officials from —AROUND the world to 1—ALTERNATIVE—CLIMATE—CONFERENCE —FOLLOWING the failure of 1—SUMMIT in COPENHAGEN to produce binding agreements.
20100105             BULGARIA, gunmen shot dead Bobbie Tsankov, 1—POPULAR—RADIO—SHOW host and crime journalist, and critically injured 2—OTHER—MEN in 1—BUSY—PART—OF—THE—CAPITAL, SOFIA.
20100105             1—FIRE in 1—COAL—MINE in CENTRAL—CHINA killed at least 25—WORKERS.
20100105             —CONTINUED, Search efforts, for at least 3—OTHERS trapped underground at the Lisheng coal mine in XIANGTAN city in Hunan province.
20100105             INDIA, global car manufacturers eyeing the explosive GROWTH—OF—THE—INDIA—MARKET unveiled new compact models at THE—DELHI auto show as they sought to break the dominance of entrenched local producers.
20100105             —PARALYZED, NAIROBI—KENYA, public transit was, —AFTER minibus drivers went on a —3—DAY—STRIKE—FOLLOWING CLAIMS—OF—EXTORTION and corruption by police.
20100105             SHEIK—ABDULLAH—EL—FAISAL, 1—JAMAICAN—BORN radical Muslim cleric, was stuck in KENYA despite attempts to deport him because other nations are refusing to allow him to transit through their countries.
20100105             —CALLED, He has, for Americans, Hindus and Jews to be killed.
20100105             THE—UN—FOOD—AGENCY said it is stopping aid distribution to about 1—MILLION—PEOPLE in SOUTH—SOMALIA BECAUSE—OF—ATTACKS against staff and demands by armed groups that aid organizations remove women from their teams.
20100105             —VOTED, TAIWAN—PARLIAMENT, to reinstate 1—BAN on IMPORTS—OF—USA—GROUND beef and offal amid mad cow concerns, challenging 1—DECISION by PRESIDENT—MA—YING—JEOU to allow SOME—SHIPMENTS.
20100105             Zionist DOMINANCE—OF—THE—USA—ECONOMY.
20100105    Estee Lauder. 20100105             "QUIT!
20100105             is targeting cosmetics giant Estee Lauder with its boycott ISRAEL message, because heir Ron Lauder is PRESIDENT—OF—THE—JEWISH—NATIONAL—FUND, which maintains and implements ISRAEL—DISCRIMINATORY land policies. —2—WEEKS—AGO, ISRAEL—ATTORNEY—GENERAL determined that all land managed by THE—ISRAEL—LANDS—ADMINISTRATION, including land owned by the Jewish National Fund, must be marketed without discrimination or limits including to NON—JEWS. According to THE—ISRAEL—NEWSPAPER—HA'ARETZ, "The state prosecutor's office believes it will not be able to defend —BEFORE the High Court the policy of allocating Jewish National Fund land to Jews only". Days —LATER, news agencies reported, " THE—JEWISH—NATIONAL—FUND and the Finance Ministry are discussing ways to separate THE—JNF from the state, to allow it to continue selling land to Jews only". Lauder has publicly declared his support for maintaining ISRAEL—SETTLEMENTS in the Occupied PALESTINE—TERRITORIES, which are illegal under INTERNATIONAL law + for ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—ARIEL—SHARON, whose policies have killed over 3,300—PALESTINIANS in the last —4—YEARS, including over 600—CHILDREN".
20100105             ('QUIT! premieres latest line of "Estee Slaughter" products on VALENTINE—DAY'  February 21. 20050000             ).
20100105—20081000    —IN, This amount would cover compensation paid to savers in those countries —FOLLOWING the collapse of Landsbanki and its INTERNET—BANKING scheme, Icesave, 1—OF 3—STRICKEN ICELAND—BANKS nationalized.
20100105—20100707    —ON, THE—UK—GOVERNMENT has said he was 1—KEY—INFLUENCE—BOMBER—JERMAINE Lindsay.
20100505             1—NEW—EXPIRATION—DATE was set for 20120105            .
20100505             20101214             A 2. document, dated 20100105             , unsealed the court order.
20101214             A 2. document, dated 20100105             , unsealed the court order.
20110105             Claiming power beneath the Capitol dome, resurgent Republicans gained CONTROL—OF—THE—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES as the 112. Congress convened in 1—ERA—OF—ECONOMIC uncertainty.
20110105             DOZENS—OF—TEA—PARTY—BACKED lawmakers took office in both houses.
20110105             —PLEADED, FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS said IRS agent ALBERT—BRONT, —51—JAHRE—ALT, guilty in LOS—ANGELES to filing false tax returns for himself and 2—INNOCENT—RELATIVES.
20110105             —INCLUDED, The false tax form claims, bogus alimony and mortgage deductions.
20110105             —DECIDED, THE—USA—SAID it has, against renewing a $215—MILLION—AID—PROGRAM for farming and infrastructure in HONDURAS.
20110105             1—USA—BORDER—PATROL—AGENT was involved in 1—SHOOTING on THE—ARIZONA border with MEXICO that resulted in THE—DEATH—OF—RAMSES—BARRON—TORRES, —17—JAHRE—ALT, who was trying to illegally scale the border fence.
20110105             1—USA—PANEL spread blame for the deadly Gulf of MEXICO oil spill beyond BP to Halliburton and Transocean, accusing all 3—OF "systemic" management failures that could happen again.
20110105             1—FULL—REPORT was due in —1—WEEK.
20110105             —OPENED, NEBRASKA, ROBERT—BUTLER—JUNIOR, —17—JAHRE—ALT, fire at Millard SOUTH—HIGH—SCHOOL in OMAHA wounding his principal and killing THE—VICE—PRINCIPAL—BEFORE killing himself.
20110105             OAKLAND—TENNESSEE, explosions and 1—FIRE at the Kinematics Research ammunition plant killed 1—WORKER.
20110105             —DECOMMISSIONED, THE—USS—KITTIWAKE, 1, 19450000             —VINTAGE submarine rescue ship, was scuttled in the clear Caribbean WATERS—OF—THE—CAYMAN—ISLANDS, where officials say the sunken vessel will attract fish and tourists.
20110105             —THWARTED, AFGHANISTAN—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES said that they have, 2—MAJOR—ATTACKS in KABUL in the past —20—DAYS: 1—PLOT to assassinate the country's 1. VICE—PRESIDENT and 1—BOMBING near THE—PRESIDENT—PALACE.
20110105             —KILLED, NATO said 2—OF—ITS—SERVICE—MEMBERS were, by roadside bombs, 1 in SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN and the 2. in the east.
20110105             QUEENSLAND—PREMIER said AUSTRALIA—RECORD—FLOODS are causing catastrophic damage to infrastructure in THE—STATE—OF—QUEENSLAND and have forced 75—PERCENT of its coal mines, which fuel ASIA—STEEL—MILLS, to grind to 1—HALT.
20110105             Officials and scientists said the disastrous floods have spread to 40—TOWNS and threatened THE—WORLD—FAMOUS—GREAT—BARRIER—REEF as TONS—OF—SLUDGE poured into the sea.
20110105             1—LAWYER for THE—BELARUS—HELSINKI—COMMITTEE said police had seized computers at its office and taken its director in for questioning.
20110105             BRAZIL, 5—SISTERS in SAO—PAULO state went to police and accused their FATHER—OF—SEXUALLY abusing them for over —20—YEARS.
20110105             CHINA—STATE—MEDIA said BEIJING and SHANGHAI will be among the 1. places to put marriage databases online —THIS—YEAR.
20110105             Officials were putting marriage records online so lovers and spouses could check for cheaters.
20110105             THE—MINISTRY—OF—CIVIL—AFFAIRS 1—FEW years ago said such 1—PROJECT would be operational by —LAST—YEAR.
20110105             —SUSPENDED, FRANCE—AUTOMAKER—RENAULT, 3—TOP—MANAGERS suspected of leaking secrets about electric cars, the auto industry's big hope for the future.
20110105             —SUSPECTED, Renault and THE—FRANCE—SECRET—SERVICE, CHINA—INVOLVEMENT in the affair.
20110105             —APOLOGIZED, In March the firm, to the managers —AFTER it emerged police found no TRACE—OF—BANK—ACCOUNTS the accused men were alleged to have held and that the source of the spying allegations may have been 1—FRAUDSTER.
20110105             —EXPLODED, GUYANA, 1—GRENADE that, at 1—BUS depot in GEORGETOWN —WHILE still in THE—HANDS—OF—THE—MAN carrying it.
20110105             INDIA—OFFICIALS said NEAR—FREEZING temperatures and icy Himalayan winds have killed DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE in NORTH—INDIA over the past —2—WEEKS and forced schools to close in the capital.
20110105             1—SIGHTSEEING bus overturned and plunged into 1—GORGE, killing 22—INDIA—TOURISTS and injuring 12—OTHERS who were visiting Mussoorie at the foot of the Himalayas.
20110105             —ARRESTED, The driver fled the scene but was, THE—NEXT—DAY.
20110105             —HANGED, IRAN, in public 1—MAN who committed 1—SENSATIONAL murder captured on video, as well as 1—DRUG—TRAFFICKER who was executed in 1—PRISON in THE—NORTHEAST—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20110105             —REPORTED, IRAN—MEDIA in October, that Yaqub stabbed MOHAMMAD—REZA to death in public and in front of 2—POLICEMEN.
20110105             —ARRESTED, IRAN—AUTHORITIES, 1—USA—WOMAN, —55—JAHRE—ALT, reportedly with 1—MICROPHONE hidden in her teeth, on suspicion of spying.
20110105             —IDENTIFIED, The woman was, in Farsi as Hall Talayan (HAL—TALAIAN, HAL—FAYALAN).
20110105             —DENIED, State television 1., the report and then reversed itself saying the woman was arrested —WHILE filming 1—TOWN on THE—IRAN—AZERBAIJAN border.
20110105             —CONFIRMED, THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT, that she was safe and not in IRAN—CUSTODY.
20110105             He led several Shiite uprisings against USA—FORCES in IRAQ —BEFORE going into exile in neighboring IRAN at least —3—YEARS—AGO.
20110105             —KILLED, ISRAEL—TROOPS, 2—PALESTINIANS along THE—ISRAEL—GAZA border.
20110105             —OPENED, Troops, fire at 2—MEN trying to cross the border fence into ISRAEL.
20110105             —FETCHED, JAPAN, 1—GIANT bluefin tuna, 1—RECORD 32.49—MILLION yen, or nearly $396,000, in TOKYO, in the 1. AUCTION—OF—THE—YEAR at the world's largest wholesale fish market.
20110105             —APPEARED, The blast, to be small, however, and caused only minor damage to 1—OUTER GATE—OF—THE—BUILDING.
20110105             † 1—MALI—LATER, —OF—INJURIES sustained in the attack.
20110105             MEXICO, 1—GANG—OF—TEENAGERS, most —15—YEARS—OLD, were detained —AFTER 1—RUNNING shootout with officers in CIUDAD—JUAREZ.
20110105             —TOSSED, ACAPULCO police said they found the bodies of 3—MEN, into 1—SEWER.
20110105             The victims had been shot in the head and in the chest.
20110105             —ARRESTED, MOROCCO said it had, 1—MEMBER—OF—AL—QAEDA in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) among 26—OTHERS who planned to attack security services and rob banks using weapons they hid in 1—AREA—OF—THE disputed WEST—SAHARA.
20110105             —PROPOSED, NORTH—KOREA, "unconditional" talks with SEOUL to mend battered CROSS—BORDER—TIES, in its most conciliatory remarks —SINCE cranking up tensions by shelling 1—SOUTH—KOREA—ISLAND.
20110105             SWEDEN—OFFICIALS said 50 to 100—JACKDAW birds, 1—TYPE—OF crow. were found lying in 1—SNOW—COVERED street in THE—SOUTH—WEST—TOWN—OF—FALKOEPING.
20110105             TURKEY, authorities searching for mass graves of Kurds, who disappeared in the 1990s, unearthed the bones of 8—PEOPLE in 1—FIELD in Bitlis province in SOUTH—EAST—TURKEY.
20110105             VENEZUELA, supporters and opponents of HUGO—CHAVEZ held rival rallies to mark THE—START—OF—1—NEW—PARLIAMENT—SHORN—OF—POWER by the radical socialist leader's ASSUMPTION—OF—DECREE—RULE.
20110105             —CONVICTED, LARRY—TOVAR—ACUNA, 1, drug trafficker who has been in and OUT—OF—PRISON, was recaptured by VENEZUELA—AUTHORITIES—AFTER 1—SHOOTOUT with police.
20110105             —ROUGHED, VIETNAM, police, up CHRISTIAN—MARCHANT, 1—USA—DIPLOMAT, and repeatedly slammed 1—CAR—DOOR on his legs —WHEN he went to visit 1—PROMINENT—DISSIDENT.
20110105             —PROMPTED, The encounter, 1—STRONG—USA—PROTEST.
20110105             —KILLED, He was the only person, and was described as 1—GUYANA native who had been released from 1—USA—PRISON and deported back to his home country 1—FEW years 20110819             people were wounded by shrapnel in the explosion, including a —4—YEAR—OLD—BOY and his —76—YEAR—OLD grandmother.
20110105—20110108    —DENIED, She was, entry and returned to ARMENIA.
20110105—20110109    —ENTERED, STATE—BROADCASTER—IRIB said the woman was seeking 1—IRAN—VISA and never, IRAN—TERRITORY.
20110105—20111129    —SENTENCED, Bachir Simoun (24) of TUNISIA was, to death for the attack.
20110105—20150000    —BY, The plan —NOW is to have records for ALL—OF—CHINA online.
20110119—20010000    —IN, Ponca City, We Love You writes "—WHEN the Patriot Act was 1. signed, it was billed as 1—TEMPORARY—MEASURE required because of the extreme circumstances created by the terrorist threat. The fear from its opponents was that executive power, once given, is seldom relinquished. —NOW the Examiner reports that 20110105             —ON, REPRESENTATIVE—MIKE—ROGERS (R—MI) introduced 1—BILL to add yet another —YEAR to THE—SOON—TO—BE—EXPIRING Patriot Act, extending it —UNTIL February, 20120000             , with passage likely to happen —AFTER little debate or contention. If passed, this would be the 2. time THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION has punted on campaign promises to roll back excessive surveillance measures allowed under the act. —LAST—YEAR—EXTENSION passed under the heading of the Medicare Physician Payment Reform Act. 'Given the very limited NUMBER—OF—DAYS—CONGRESS has in session —BEFORE the current deadline, and the fact that the bill's Republican sponsor is only seeking another —YEAR, I think it's safe to read this as signaling 1—AGREEMENT across the aisle to put the issue off yet again,' writes JULIAN—SANCHEZ".
20111222—20110105    —ON, The bodies of the kidnapped were found.
20120105             —CALLED, COLOMBIA, 1—CRIMINAL—BAND, the Urabenos began a —2—DAY—SHUT down of 1—NORTHERN—SWATHE—OF—THE—COUNTRY in retaliation for 20120101             —THE—DEATH—OF—THEIR—LEADER, JUAN—DE—DIOS—USAGA.
20120105             —CONSIDERED, He was, the mastermind behind 20120825             —THE casino fire that killed 52—PEOPLE in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—MONTERREY.
20120105             —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—OBAMA, 1—NEW "strategic guidance" regarding THE—FUTURE—OF—USA—MILITARY—POWER.
20120105             1—USA—NAVY destroyer rescued 13—IRAN—FISHERMEN, more than —40—DAYS—AFTER their boat was commandeered by suspected SOMALIA—PIRATES in THE—NORTH—ARABIAN Sea.
20120105             —CALLED, IRAN—HARD—LINE—FARS—NEWS—AGENCY, the rescue operation 1—HOLLYWOOD dramatization of 1—ROUTINE event.
20120105             —ORDERED, AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI, THE—TRANSFER—OF—THE—PRISON at Bagram, sometimes called "AFGHANISTAN—GUANTANAMO," to AFGHANISTAN—CONTROL within —1—MONTH, citing reports of human rights violations there.
20120105             4—USA—SOLDIERS from THE—INDIANA—NATIONAL—GUARD were killed by 1—ROADSIDE bomb in SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN as they worked to clear 1—SUPPLY—ROUTE.
20120105             —ASKED, THE—AFRICA—UNION, THE—UN to authorize 1—INCREASE—OF—ITS peacekeeping force in WAR—TORN SOMALIA by 5,700 to 17,700 amid mounting attacks by Islamist rebels.
20120105             —CAUSED, CHILE, shifting winds, flames to sweep over 1—GROUP—OF—FIREFIGHTERS battling wildfires, killing 6—OF—THEM, badly burning 2 and leaving another missing.
20120105             CHINA—STATE—MEDIA said Poyang Lake, the country's largest freshwater lake, has shrunk to its smallest size in years due to drought, endangering the ecology in the area and fishermen's livelihoods.
20120105             IRAQ, explosions struck 2—SHIITE neighborhoods in BAGHDAD, killing at least 27—PEOPLE.
20120105             Hours —LATER 1—SUICIDE—ATTACK hit Shiite pilgrims heading to the holy Shiite CITY—OF—KARBALA, killing 45. 1—SERIES—OF—BOMBINGS targeting MEMBERS—OF—IRAQ—SHIITE—MUSLIM majority claimed the lives of at least 78—PEOPLE.
20120105             —INDICTED, FORMER—ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT was, alongside 1—NUMBER—OF—OTHER—PEOPLE for allegedly taking bribes in 1—MASSIVE—PROPERTY—SCANDAL.
20120105             —SHELLED, JAPAN, 1—DEEP—POCKETED restaurateur, out nearly $750,000 for 1—TUNA at the Tsukiji fish market, smashing the record price for 1—SINGLE bluefin.
20120105             —CLOSED, WILSON—SOSSION—OF—THE—KENYA—NATIONAL—UNION—OF—TEACHERS said that rioting parents have forcefully, at least 10—PRIMARY—SCHOOLS.
20120105             —FAILED, They are angry that their children, national exams that determine if the children get into high school.
20120105             —CAPTURED, MEXICO—POLICE, Baltazar Saucedo Estrada (38), 1 alleged MEMBER—OF—THE—ZETAS drug cartel.
20120105             —APPROVED, MYANMAR—GOVERNMENT, the National League for Democracy to run in upcoming BY—ELECTIONS that will return Aung S—SUU—KYI—PARTY to mainstream politics —AFTER—2—DECADES.
20120105             —SUSPECTED, NIGERIA, the 2, Boko Haram members were killed —AFTER resisting arrest in THE—NORTH—EAST—CITY—OF—MAIDUGURI.
20120105             —FIRED, Police, tear gas and beat demonstrators who staged 1—PROTEST in KANO against soaring fuel prices.
20120105             —KILLED, Residents said 1—ATTACK at Good WILL—HOTEL in MUBI, 5—PEOPLE, ALL—OF—THEM—IGBOS.
20120105             —OPENED, Gunmen, fire on worshippers at 1—CHURCH on THE—OUTSKIRTS—OF—THE—CITY—OF—GOMBE, killing 6—PEOPLE, including the pastor's wife.
20120105             THE—SOUTH—PHILIPPINES, 1—LANDSLIDE tore through 1—TINY—GOLD—MINING village, killing at least 31—PEOPLE in Napnapan village, Mindanao ISLAND.
20120105             Up to 39—PEOPLE were still missing.
20120105             SOUTH—SWEDEN, DOZENS—OF—POLICE took to THE—STREETS—OF—MALMO to try calm the public and to collect tips about the attacks, which come only —1—YEAR—AFTER 1 suspected serial shooter was arrested in the city.
20120105             In less than —6—WEEKS, 5—PEOPLE have been shot dead in this city of 250,000, including a —15—YEAR—OLD—BOY.
20120105             —REPORTED, SYRIA—STATE—TV, that authorities have released more than 500—PRISONERS ACCUSED—OF—INVOLVEMENT in ANTI—REGIME—ACTIVITIES.
20120105             —ISSUED, Avaaz, 1—ONLINE global activist group, 1—REPORT saying 617—PEOPLE have been confirmed killed under torture by PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD—FORCES as they cracked down on the revolt.
20120105             Avaaz said that 37,000—PEOPLE remain in detention.
20120105             —DISCOVERED, The creature, which was, in Kaeng Krachan National Park near THE—MYANMAR border.
20120105             —POURED, TUNISIA, AMMAR—GHARSALLA, —48—JAHRE—ALT, 1—JOBLESS—FATHER—OF—3, petrol and set himself ablaze in front of the main office of the governorate of Gafsa —AFTER 3—MINISTERS visiting the area to look into the unemployment problem refused to meet him.
20120105             He had been PART—OF—1—GROUP—OF—PROTESTERS staging 1—SIT—IN —FOR—DAYS in front of the Gafsa government office to highlight the unemployment problem in THE—PHOSPHATE—RICH region.
20120105             —INJURED, VIETNAM, 6—POLICE and army officers were, in the northern port CITY—OF—HAIPHONG —DURING 1—GUERRILLA—STYLE clash between authorities and farmers who tried to fend off 1—LAND—EVICTION by laying homemade land mines and firing improvised shotguns.
20120105             —CONVERTED, He had, the area into 1—SEAFOOD farm.
20120105—19930000    —IN, Doan VAN Vuon (49) had long been at odds with authorities who proposed evicting him from 19—HECTARES (47—ACRES) of swamp land leased on a —14—YEAR—CONTRACT.
20120105—20120102    —ON, THAILAND—WILDLIFE officials said body parts from 1—DEAD—WILD—ELEPHANT, found without its tusks, tail and penis, were likely destined for restaurants in tourist areas.
20120105—20120107    —ON, The event was made public —1—DAY—LATER and IRAN—GOVERNMENT welcomed the rescue, calling it 1—POSITIVE—HUMANITARIAN—GESTURE.
20120105—20120109    —ON, Gharsalla †.
20120105—20120429    —BEHEADED, Dale's, body was found in QUETTA.
20120105—20121223    —ON, THE—BULLET—SCARRED bodies of 15—MEMBERS—OF—THE—PARAMILITARY—FRONTIER—CONSTABULARY were found, almost —2—WEEKS—AFTER they were kidnapped in THE—MILITANT—INFESTED northwest.
20120429—20120105    —ABDUCTED, Khalil Rasjed Dale (60) was, by suspected militants —WHILE on his way home from work.
20130105             For example, in NORTH—NIGERIA, a —PROGRAM we ran from - It was 1—TWICE—1—WEEK—PROGRAM.
20130105             It was clearly 1—SMASH hit.
20130105             And it was 1—SMASH hit because it was highly suspenseful and highly entertaining.
20130105             it had 1—STORYLINE dealing with 1—COUPLE deciding to use family planning,
20130105             which is almost taboo in NORTH—NIGERIA because less than 10—PERCENT—OF—THE—PEOPLE in that region use ANY—MODERN—METHOD—OF—CONTRACEPTION.
20130105             We had 11—CLINICS have healthcare workers ask clients what had motivated them to come in for family planning,
20130105             and 67 %—PERCENT—OF—THEM named THE—PROGRAM as the motivation.
20130105             So und —JETZT denkt euch mal NIGERIA und Familienplanung weg und EUROPA und andere Botschaften des Staates oder DER—EIGENTÜMER der MEDIEN—KONZERNE hin (hust BERTELSMANN—STIFTUNG hust).
20130105             Man redet sich ja bei Werbung auch immer ein, daß das nur bei anderen wirkt.
20130105             Aber wie sich immer wieder rausstellt: doch, genau das tun wir alle.
20130105             —UPDATE, Wissenschaftliches Paper über die Anwendung von Telenovelas und Seifenopern zur MANIPULATION der Familiengröße.
20130105             das in diversen Ländern angewendet wurde und funktioniert hat.
20130105             NEPAL, for example, Barber and Axinn found that 'exposure to mass media is related to...preferences for smaller Families, weaker son preference, and tolerance of contraceptive use' (Barber and Axinn 20040000             )
20130105             —UPDATE, In DEUTSCHLAND ist für sowas die BERTELSMANN—STIFTUNG und die INSM für Bevölkerungsumerziehung zuständig, und das sieht in der Praxis so aus.
20130105             —UPDATE, und wo es kein Fernsehen gibt, verteilt man halt Comics.
20130105             [l] In NRW entscheidet NEUERDINGS DER—VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ über Anträge zur Gemeinnützigkeit,
20130105             Das ist Teil 1—BUNDES—WEITEN Kampagne, SIEHE—AUCH hier und die Extremismusklausel ist auch TEIL—DES—SELBEN—VERSUCHES, linke NGOs finanziell auszutrocknen.
20130105             Kosten müssen sinken
20130105             Das technisch und ökologisch sinnvoll nutzbare Potential der —TECHNOLOGIE ist riesig,
20130105             DAS—STAAT—JOHANN—HEINRICH—VON—THÜNEN—INSTITUT hat ausgerechnet, daß sich allein in DEUTSCHLAND PRO—JAHR fast 4.000.000—TONNEN Kohlenstoff aus den organischen Reststoffen gewinnen ließen,
20130105             Verarbeitet zu Biokohle, könnten Kraftwerksbetreiber mit dem Brennstoff Strom für 2.500.000 Haushalte erzeugen.
20130105             Gun legislation faces tough BATTLE—IN—CONGRESS
20130105             —INTRODUCED, LAW—MAKERS have ALREADY, mul... - LAW—MAKERS promise ACTION on guns
20130105             With the new CONGRESS come promises o... - MARINE—ANTI—GUN—BAN—LETTER goes viral
20130105             It started off as 1—LETTER, but for f...
20130105             —FIRED, COLORADO, 1—GUN—MAN in AURORA, 1—SUBURB—OF—DENVER, shots at police —BEFORE he was gunned down.
20130105             Inside the home SWAT officers found the bodies of 3—ADULTS.
20130105             NORTH—CAROLINA, Pat McCrory was sworn in as GOVERNOR, becoming the 1. Republican to head the state in —20—YEARS.
20130105             —DISRUPTED, CANADA, aboriginal demonstrators, passenger rail service on routes connecting TORONTO with OTTAWA and MONTREAL, —1—DAY—AFTER PRIME—MINISTER—HARPER agreed to meet with 1. Nations leaders to discuss grievances behind 1—GROWING native protest movement.
20130105             THE—CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC—THE—SELEKA, alliance rebels took Alindao town raising their control to 11—TOWNS.
20130105             —UNIDENTIFIED, EGYPT, gunmen shot and killed 1—EGYPT—POLICEMAN in NORTH—SINAI—MAIN—CITY—OF—EL—ARISH.
20130105             HUNGARY, JOURNALIST—ZSOLT—BAYER, 1—FOUNDING member of the governing Fidesz party, wrote 1—NEWSPAPER—COLUMN in which he said: "1—SIGNIFICANT—PART—OF—THE—ROMA are unfit for coexistence. They are not fit to live among people. These ROMA are animals and they behave like animals".
20130105             —SUSPECTED, INDONESIA ANTI—TERROR—POLICE shot and killed 5, Islamist militants over the last —24—HOURS in raids on THE—ISLAND—OF—SUMBAWA.
20130105             KENYA, 1—POACHING gang used gunfire to kill 1—ENTIRE—FAMILY—OF—11—ELEPHANTS in Tsavo National Park for their ivory tusks.
20130105             † 1—MOROCCO—FAMILY—OF—5—RETURNING home —WHEN their plane crashed shortly —AFTER takeoff from GRENOBLE airport near THE—FRANCE—ALPS.
20130105             —SUSPECTED, NORTH—WEST—NIGERIA, armed robbers raided 3—VILLAGES in Zamfara state, killing at least 7—PEOPLE and wounding 7—MORE.
20130105             NORTH—IRELAND police used water cannons to fend off BRICK—HURLING protesters in BELFAST as demonstrations continued over flying THE—UK—FLAG.
20130105             SYRIA—OBSERVATORY for Human Rights said rebels and government troops clashed in suburbs SOUTH—OF—DAMASCUS, including Harasta and Daraya.
20130105             THE—OBSERVATORY, which relies on reports by activists on the ground, said government troops had arrested several residents in raids in the suburb of Qatana.
20130105             VENEZUELA, ALLIES—OF—CANCER—STRICKEN PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ chose to retain Diosdado Cabello as the National Assembly PRESIDENT.
20130105             He could be in line to step in as 1—CARETAKER—LEADER in SOME—CIRCUMSTANCES.
20130105             † In ZIMBABWE 8—PEOPLE in 1—BUS—CRASH that brought the traffic accident death toll —DURING the holiday period to the highest on record in the country.
20130105—20131215    —SINCE, The central police traffic command said 209—PEOPLE have † in accidents.
20130107             —DIRECTED, Police said Ellis, who, the movie "Snakes on 1—PLANE," was last seen 20130105             in 1—RESTAURANT by 1—FRIEND.
20140105             1—USA—COAST—GUARD—HEAVY icebreaker left AUSTRALIA for ANTARCTICA to rescue more than 120—CREW members aboard Chinese and RUSSIA—ICEBREAKERS trapped in pack ice near the frozen continent's eastern edge.
20140105             —KILLED, COLORADO, 1—CO—PILOT was, and 2—PILOTS injured —WHEN 1—PRIVATE—JET crashed and burst into flames at the airport that serves Aspen.
20140105             BANGLADESH held parliamentary elections.
20140105             —ELECTED, The ruling Awami League won 232—OF—THE—300, seats as about half the seats were uncontested due to 1—BOYCOTT by the main opposition party.
20140105             —KILLED, At least 21—PEOPLE were, in ELECTION—RELATED violence.
20140105             —PUSHED, Alleged ballot stuffing by the ruling party, the turnout —JUST over 40%.
20140105             —ANNOUNCED, BURKINA—FASO, 75—OFFICIALS, their resignation from the ruling party, ratcheting up political tension —BEFORE elections scheduled for —NEXT—YEAR.
20140105             —DISAPPEARED, They said democracy had "" from PRESIDENT—BLAISE—COMPAORE—CONGRESS for Democracy and Progress party.
20140105             THE—CAR, 1—HAND—GRENADE—ATTACK on 1—BANGUI market left 4—PEOPLE injured, including 2—WOMEN and 1—BURUNDI—SOLDIER from MISCA, THE—AFRICA—FORCE deployed in THE—CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC.
20140105             CHINA, worshippers at the Beida Mosque in Guyuan, Ningxia region, were handing out traditional cakes —WHEN 1—RUSH for food triggered 1—STAMPEDE that left 14—DEAD.
20140105             1—EGYPT—COURT gave suspended —1—YEAR—SENTENCES to 12—ACTIVISTS including youth leaders of 20110000             —THE uprising for 1—ATTACK on 1—FORMER—PRESIDENTIAL—CANDIDATE—HEADQUARTERS.
20140105             IRAQ, 1—NEW—WAVE—OF—BOMBINGS hit BAGHDAD, killing at least 20—PEOPLE.
20140105             Government forces battling 1—AL—QAEDA offensive near THE—SYRIA—BORDER launched 1—AIR—STRIKE on Ramadi killing 25—ISLAMIST—MILITANTS.
20140105             22—SOLDIERS and 12—CIVILIANS were killed in the fighting.
20140105             ISRAEL, over 30,000 AFRICA—MIGRANTS, MANY—HOLDING banners demanding freedom for compatriots jailed as illegal JOB—SEEKERS, protested in 1—MAIN—TEL—AVIV square against 1—NEW—OPEN—ENDED detention law.
20140105             —WOUNDED, LEBANON, 1—MAN was shot dead and 6—PEOPLE were, in clashes in TRIPOLI between districts that support rival sides in neighboring SYRIA—CIVIL—WAR.
20140105             —BLOCKED, LIBYA—NAVY, 1—OIL—TANKER from illegally loading crude at 1—EASTERN port that has been held —FOR—MONTHS by armed protesters demanding more autonomy from TRIPOLI.
20140105             THE—MOZAMBIQUE—BORN striker made his name at Benfica, winning 11—LEAGUE—TITLES and 1—EUROPEAN Cup —DURING a —15—YEAR spell there.
20140105             SAUDI—ARABIA, human body parts fell from the sky in THE—CITY—OF—JEDDAH, with police saying they could be the remains of 1—PERSON trapped in 1—AIRPLANE—WHEEL bay.
20140105             1—SAUDI—ARABIA—COURT jailed 5—PEOPLE for up to —30—YEARS on charges including plotting to blow up 1—OIL—REFINERY on behalf of AL—QAEDA.
20140105             —CONTINUED, Fighting, across SOUTH—SUDAN, even as peace talks between the government and rebels were set to begin in ETHIOPIA.
20140105             —ARRESTED, SPAIN—POLICE, Abdeluahid Sadik Mohamed at MALAGA airport —AFTER arriving on 1—FLIGHT bound from ISTANBUL.
20140105             —SUSPECTED—OF, He was, belonging to 1—AL—QAIDA linked terror organization and participating in THE—SYRIA—CONFLICT.
20140105             —KILLED, SOUTH—SWITZERLAND, 4—SKIERS were, and another was in 1—CRITICAL—CONDITION—AFTER 1—SERIES—OF—AVALANCHES hit the Alps.
20140105             —SEIZED, SYRIA—OPPOSITION—FIGHTERS, 1—COMPOUND garrisoned by 1—AL—QAIDA—LINKED rebel faction, in some of the most serious infighting to date within the vast ARRAY—OF—REBEL—GROUPS trying to topple PRESIDENT—ASSAD.
20140105             —MARCHED, THAILAND, THOUSANDS—OF—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS, through BANGKOK, 1—PRELUDE to 1—BROADER action —NEXT—WEEK—WHEN they say they will shut down the city in their bid to scuttle 1—FEBRUARY election and topple PRIME—MINISTER—YINGLUCK—SHINAWATRA.
20140105             —KILLED, NORTH—YEMEN, at least 10—PEOPLE were, in a 2. —DAY—OF—CLASHES between Shiite rebels and Sunni tribesmen fighting alongside hardline Salafists.
20140105             —KILLED, In Hadramawt province 1—TRIBESMAN was, at 1—ARMY—CHECKPOINT.
20140105—19660000    —IN—THE, † PORTUGAL—FOOTBALL—LEGEND—EUSEBIO (71), the top scorer World Cup.
20140802             In Azerbai20140105             more soldiers were killed in overnight skirmishes between Azeri government forces and ethnic ARMENIA—SEPARATISTS controlling the breakaway NAGORNO—KARABAKH enclave.
20150105             Ehemaliger EU—WÄHRUNGSKOMMISSAR: Rehn will GRIECHENLAND—SCHULDENLAST reduzieren
20150105             AGRAR—MINISTER—SCHMIDT zu TTIP: "Wir können nicht mehr JEDE—WURST schützen"
20150105             Bundesliga: Spielerberater kassieren mehr als 100.000.000—EURO
20150105             CITI—VORSCHLAG gegen drohende DEFLATION: EZB soll BÜRGER beschenken
20150105             BELGIEN hatte als 2. Land —NACH—DEN NIEDERLANDEn 20020000             DAS—RECHT—AUF—STERBEHILFE eingeführt.
20150105             Buiter sieht nur 1—WEG, wie DIE—EZB 1—DROHENDE DEFLATION bekämpfen könne: über das Konzept des sogenannten HELIKOPTER—GELDES, bei dem DIE—ZENTRAL—BANK—GELD direkt an DIE—BÜRGER verschenkt, zur Förderung des Konsums.
20150105             Finanzieren soll das DIE—NOTEN—BANK—ÜBER den Kauf von STAATS—ANLEIHEN.
20150105             —BELIEBT, Besonders, waren demnach die Tigerschecken zu Beginn der —BRONZE—ZEIT 27000000—22000000    —ZWISCHEN—UND, VOR_CHRISTUS.
20150105             —DANN, kamen die gescheckten Pferde aus der Mode.
20150105             Reinerbige Tigerschecken sind nämlich oft nachtblind.
20150105             Bei der Jagd oder im KRIEG sind Tigerschecken damit unzuverlässig:
20150105             —NACHTBLINDE Pferde gelten als nervös und zögerlich, nach Anbruch der Dämmerung sind sie nur noch schwer zu handhaben.
20150105             MITTLERWEILE fehlt es an WILD—PFERDEN, mit denen man URSPRÜNGLICHe Merkmale wieder in die Zucht einbringen könnte.
20150105             KALTER—KRIEG: RONALD—REAGAN wollte Zahl DER—USA—ATOM—RAKETEN in DEUTSCHLAND fast verdoppeln
20150105             HAMBURG—USA—PRÄSIDENT—RONALD—REAGAN erwog offenbar in den frühen ACHTZIGER—JAHREN, mindestens 198—BALLISTISCHE ATOM—RAKETEN in DER—BUNDES—REPUBLIK zu stationieren.
20150105             DIE—BUNDES—KANZLER—HELMUT—SCHMIDT und HELMUT—KOHL waren dagegen.
20150105             Das zeigen Akten des AUSWÄRTIGES—AMTS, die DAS—INSTITUT—FÜR—ZEITGESCHICHTE im Verlag DE—GRUYTER veröffentlicht.
20150105             es geht um die USA—PERSHING—II—RAKETE, die von deutschem BODEN aus in wenigen —MINUTEN—BIS—KURZ—VOR, MOSKAU fliegen konnte.
20150105             Der sogenannte NATO—DOPPELBESCHLUSS 19790000             —VON, sah vor, 108—PERSHINGS als Gegengewicht zur SOVIET—SS—20—RAKETE aufzustellen, was zu heftigen Protesten führte.
20150105             DIE—FRIEDENSBEWEGUNG sprach sogar von 1—ERSTSCHLAGWAFFE.
20150105             —BALD—SCHON keimte in BONN jedoch DER—VERDACHT, dass DIE—AMERIKANER mindestens 90—WEITERE Pershings als "Nachladebestand"in DER—BUNDES—REPUBLIK stationieren wollten.
20150105             Mehrfach verlangte DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG
20150105             Ob AUßEN—MINISTER—HANS—DIETRICH—GENSCHER intervenierte, ist ungeklärt;
20150105             Who was AL—LIBI? 20150105             † ABU—ANAS—AL—LIBI —JUST in custody, presumably of liver cancer.
20150105             —ALLEGED, ABU—ANAS—AL—LIBI was 1—VERY—MYSTERIOUS—FELLOW -- 1, terrorist who may have functioned as 1—INFORMANT for western intelligence.
20150105             Wikipedia places the guy all over the damned place, doing all SORTS—OF—THINGS, —THROUGHOUT the —DECADE 20020000—20120000                —BETWEEN.
20150105             KENIA: SOHN—VON—OPPOSITIONS—FÜHRER tot aufgefunden
20150105             [l] Manchen Kindern sieht man —SCHON im Kindergarten an, dass sie mal TERRORISTEN werden.
20150105             Findet jedenfalls das GROSSBRITANNIEN—INNEN—MINISTERIUM und richtet Meldepflichten ein.
20150105             [l] Wisst ihr, was wir —JETZT brauchen?
20150105             Spekulationen über GRIECHENLAND—EURO—AUSSTIEG: "Wir wussten, dass solche Berichte kommen würden"
20150105             FRANKREICH: Rechter BÜRGER—MEISTER will ROMA—BABY —NUN doch beerdigen
20150105             WECHSEL—KURS zum Dollar: EURO fällt in FERN—OST auf tiefsten Stand —SEIT—9—JAHREN
20150105             ÄGYPTEN: Archäologen entdecken Grab unbekannter KÖNIGIN
20150105             NAH—OST—KONFLIKT, ABBAS will SICHERHEITS—RAT erneut über ISRAEL—RESOLUTION abstimmen lassen
20150105             REAKTION—AUF—AGRAR—MINISTER—SCHMIDT: "Wir wollen keine NÜRNBERGer Rostbratwürste aus KENTUCKY"
20150105             Rohstoffe: CHINA hebt Exportschranken für Seltene Erden auf
20150105             Rekordjahr 20140000             : So VIELE—ERWERBSTÄTIGE wie nie zuvor
20150105             DIE—FORSCHER glauben, dass ES—SICH um DIE—FRAU von Pharao Neferefre handelt, der VOR—CA—4.—500—JAHREN herrschte.
20150105             zuversichtlich, dass —NUN "Licht in EINIGE—UNBEKANNTE—ASPEKTE—DER 5. Dynastie"gebracht werde könne.
20150105             —LAUT—INSCHRIFT hieß DIE—FRAU Khentakawess.
20150105             2—WEITERE Königinnen mit diesem Namen sind bekannt, die Tote wäre demnach Khentakawess III.
20150105             Sie starb um etwa _2.500           , in der —MITTE der 5. Dynastie.
20150105             LIBYEN: MILITÄRjets bombardieren GRIECHENLAND—TANKER - 2—TOTE
20150105             Energiemanager zur Endlagersuche: "ATOM—MÜLL ins Ausland bringen" - THE—MEGA—GROUP.
20150105             the Wexner Foundation
20150105             A 19951200             Architectural Digest article and 1—FOLLOW—UP 19960000             NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORT detailed the inner sanctum of WEXNER—FORMER—MANHATTAN townhouse, 1—OF—THE—LARGEST—IN—THE—CITY.
20150105             —AFTER Maxwell fell or was pushed off his yacht 19910000             —IN, it was revealed that he was working for THE—ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT and the Mossad, THE—ISRAEL—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICE.
20150105             MEGA GROUP - Agenten-"Tatort": Bringt der Mossad in WIEN IRANer um?
20150105             In eigener Sache: SPIEGEL und SPIEGEL—ONLINE meistzitierte Medien 2014
20150105             NOTSTAND—IN—DER Justiz: GENERAL—STAATS—ANWÄLTE beklagen Überlastung
20150105             —ANTI—ISLAM—MÄRSCHE: FDP—VIZE—KUBICKI zeigt Verständnis für PEGIDA
20150105             "Grexit": HOLLANDE fordert Respekt vor GRIECHENLANDs Wahlergebnis
20150105             —ANTI—ANTI—ISLAM—DEMOS: DEUTSCHLAND—METROPOLEN rüsten sich gegen PEGIDA
20150105             Aufklärungsvideo: SICHERHEITS—TIPPS für DROHNEN—PILOTEN
20150105             —ERST 10—UEEN—BESUCH —SEIT—10—JAHREN: DEUTSCHLAND bekommt wieder 1—KÖNIGIN
20150105             —ANTI—SEMITISMUS: Männer attackieren JUDEN in BERLIN—MITTE
20150105             —IM—SCHON 04010101—05001231    —CENTURY_VOR_CHRISTUS bekam 1—DER KELTENfürsten aus dem hessischen Glauberg 1—STIEFELFÖRMIGES Trinkgefäß mit ins Grab.
20150105             "Wir kennen Trinkgefäße in Schuh— oder Stiefelform —SCHON im
20150105             DIE—WOHL seltsamsten Stiefelgefäße aber fanden Archäologen unlängst auf dem EISEN—ZEITLICHEN Friedhof der Stadt: insgesamt 12—GEFÄßE in Stiefelform, verteilt auf 3—KINDERGRÄBER.
20150105             SPOLETO, DIE—KINDER waren gerade eben 3—BIS —9—MONATE, 9—BIS —12—MONATE und 2—BIS —4—JAHRE—ALT.
20150105             Entsprechend winzig sind EINIGE—DER—GEFÄßE: "Die 4—EXEMPLARE aus dem Grab Nummer 17—DES mittleren Kindes sind so klein, wie man sich seine Fußgröße vorstellen könnte",
20150105             es waren keine gewöhnlichen Kinder, denen diese Gefäße mit in die Gräber gelegt wurden.
20150105             Denn obwohl sie ALLE—IM—SÄUGLINGS— oder Kleinkindalter starben, zeichnen ihre Grabbeigaben sie als Fürsten aus.
20150105             Man legte den kleinen Körpern Schwerter, Lanzen und Keulen mit ins Grab, wie erwachsenen Kriegern auch.
20150105             und das Kind aus Grab Nummer 17—TRUG sogar Panzerscheiben aus Bronzeblech.
20150105             "Diese Scheiben waren nur den reichsten und wichtigsten Oberhäuptern DER—KRIEGER—ARISTOKRATIE in Etrurien und in Mittel—, Ostitalien vorbehalten",
20150105             Warum bekamen die kleinen Prinzen so wertvolle GRABBEIGABEN—ABER alle kaputt?
20150105             —VERBREITET, Der Brauch war —SEIT PRÄHISTORISCHER—ZEIT weit : "Die Unterwelt wird in vielen antiken Kulturen als SPIEGELBILD—DER—WELT der Lebenden gedacht",
20150105             "Um in der Welt der Toten benützt werden zu können, müssen also einige wichtige beigegebene Gegenstände ihre Funktion in der Lebendwelt verlieren".
20150105             Einblick in die Sozialstruktur dieser Gemeinschaft.
20150105             Hier entschieden nicht Kraft oder Durchsetzungsvermögen darüber, wer die Gemeinschaft anführen DURFTE—SONDERN die ERB—FOLGE.
20150105             "Alles deutet darauf hin, dass hier 1—FAMILIE die politische, ökonomische und religiöse MACHT in den Händen hielt —, —BEREITS in der 2. HÄLFTE—DES
20150105             Gleich 4—VERZIERTE Zepter aus Metall konnten die Ausgräber noch BERGEN—DAS sind viele für 1—EINZELNEN Mann.
20150105             "Zepter sind uralte SYMBOLE—DER—MACHT und der Herrschaft", sagt Weidig.
20150105             "und die 4—EXEMPLARE, die wir in diesem Grab gefunden haben, sind die bedeutendsten und schönsten Exemplare ITALIENs.
20150105             Wir haben hier den ältesten —BISHER, bekannten KÖNIG—SPOLETOS".
20150105             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, ISRAEL—GEHEIM—DIENST, keinen Geschäftsbericht.
20150105             Aber es gab EINIGE—AUFFÄLLIGKEITEN:
20150105             —ZWISCHEN, 20070000—20110000    —UND, sind 5—IRAN—ATOMWISSENSCHAFTLER ermordet worden, ALLE—IN—IRAN".1 6. hat 1—ATTENTAT knapp überlebt.
20150105             DIE—TÄTER haben keinerlei Spuren hinterlassen.
20150105             Im selben —ZEIT—RAUM wurde IRANs ATOM—PROGRAMM vom Computerwurm STUXNET und dem VIRUS Duqu befallen und sabotiert.
20150105             IRANs FORSCHUNG—ZENTRUM für Langstreckenraketen wurde 20110000             durch 1—EXPLOSION vollkommen zerstört.
20150105             Umgang mit PEGIDA: Forscher fordern neues DEUTSCHLAND—BILD in Lehrplänen
20150105             GESETZ—ENTWURF: TÜRKEI—POLITIKER sollen INTERNETseiten sperren dürfen
20150105             —LONDON, DIE—WAHL falscher Freunde hat PRINZ—ANDREW—SCHON öfter in Bedrängnis gebracht.
20150105             —NUN, holt den 2. SOHN—VON—QUEEN—ELIZABETH 1—ALTE Seilschaft mit dem USA—UNTERNEHMER JEFFREY—EPSTEIN ein.
20150105             —AM, Rande 1—VERFAHRENS IN—DEN—USA hat 1, —30—JAHRE—ALTE vor Gericht Dokumente eingereicht, in denen sie behauptet, der, —54—JAHRE—ALTE habe sie als Teenager missbraucht.
20150105             —BEHAUPTET, Den Unterlagen zufolge, DIE—AMERIKANERIN,
20150105             es ist nicht das 1.Mal, dass die Beziehung zu EPSTEIN den Prinzen ins Straucheln bringt.
20150105             Der, —61—JAHRE—ALTE EPSTEIN hatte an der WALL—STREET 1—VERMÖGEN gemacht.
20150105             EPSTEIN verkehrte mit den Reichen (DONALD—TRUMP) und Mächtigen (dem POLITIKER—EHEPAAR CLINTON) des Landes.
20150105             Wie nervös die Stimmung in der ÖffentlichkeitsABTEILUNG des BUCKINGHAM—PALASTS sein dürfte, lässt 1—SCHREIBEN erkennen, das —AM—SONNTAG mehrere GROSSBRITANNIEN—REDAKTIONEN erreichte.
20150105             —LAUT—"GUARDIAN"wurden Redakteure darin gemahnt, bei ihrer BERICHT—ERSTATTUNG an ihre Verantwortung hinsichtlich des Pressekodex zu denken.
20150105             THE—ULTIMATE—NEO—CON—SCANDAL
20150105             TÜRKEI: 34—SICHERHEITS—KRÄFTE wegen LAUSCH—ANGRIFFEN festgenommen
20150105             ATOM—KRAFT—WERK Fessenheim: Ungewisse ZUKUNFT—VON—PANNEN—AKW an DEUTSCHLAND—GRENZE
20150105             MICHEL—HOUELLEBECQS—VISION: Wenn sich FRANKREICH dem ISLAM unterwirft
20150105             TERRORprävention: Gefahrenabwehr im Kindergarten
20150105             SEEHOFER über KRITIK—AN—GRIECHENLAND: "Wir sollten nicht als Oberlehrer auftreten"
20150105             Energie: Stürme sorgen für Rekordmonat bei Windkraft
20150105             Mit "Soumission"hat der bekennende Nihilist und "letzte Rockstar der FRANKREICH—LITERATUR"erneut zugeschlagen.
20150105             DER—TITEL seines ROMAns ist Programm: "Unterwerfung"heißt DIE—GESCHICHTE und bezieht sich damit auf 1—ÜBERSETZUNG des Wortes "ISLAM"- die völlige Hingabe der Gläubigen unter Allah und die Unterordnung der NICHT—GLÄUBIGEN unter den Gott der Muslime.
20150105             hat die TÜRKEI—POLIZEI 34—SICHERHEITS—KRÄFTE wegen mutmaßlich illegaler ABHÖR—AKTIVITÄTEN festgenommen.
20150105             Ihnen werden LAUSCH—ANGRIFFE—AUF—POLITIKER, Staatsbedienstete und Unternehmer vorgeworfen, wie DIE—NACHRICHTEN—AGENTUR Anadolu meldete.
20150105             ERDOGAN wirft Gülen vor, 1 "Parallelstaat"innerhalb der TÜRKEI—VERWALTUNG zu errichten, um DIE—REGIERUNG zu stürzen.
20150105             Dieser weist ALLE—VORWÜRFE zurück.
20150105             —SEIT;;07;;wurden in der TÜRKEI —SCHON zahlreiche POLIZISTEN und Justizbeamte festgenommen, weil sie mit Gülen unter 1—DECKE stecken sollen.
20150105             —SUSPENDIERT, Zudem wurden kürzlich DIE—STAATS—ANWÄLTE, die die KORRUPTION—ERMITTLUNGEN in Gang gesetzt hatten.
20150105             1.Für ERDOGAN durften Gülens LEUTE
20150105             Bei den Prozessen GEGEN—DIE—GENERÄLE sagte ERDOGAN dass er DER—STAATS—ANWALT in dem Verfahren ist.
20150105             In den Verfahren KCK ( kurdische Organisation ), Ergebekon, Balyoz ( gegen DAS—MILITÄR ) hat man sich auf die zum Teil sogar gefälschten Abhörbänder gestützt.
20150105             VIELE—DER—ANGEKLAGTEN saßen unschuldig —BIS—4—JAHRE im Gefängnis.—ERST—ALS der KORRUPTIONS—SKANDAL gegen ERDOGAN ( sein Sohn hat für ihn kassiert ) und seine 4—MINISTER öffentlich wurde, hat ERDOGAN gesehen dass Gülen auch seine Weggefährten aus der AKP abgehört hat.
20150105             —ERST—JETZT sagt ERDOGAN dass Gülens LEUTE unschuldige Menschen hinter Gitter gebracht haben obwohl er —DAMALS, sagte, er sei DER—STAATS—ANWALT in dem Verfahren und Gülens LEUTE auf seine Anweisung abgehört haben.
20150105             ERDOGAN ist und bleibt 1—DIKTATOR der ALLE—RECHTE für sich und seinen Klan einfordert, WÄHREND er auf der anderen Seite die Rechte seiner politischen Gegner und der religiösen Minderheiten ignoriert.
20150105             —VERÄNDERT, DIE—FORSCHER entdeckten, dass 2—GENE im ERB—GUT der Wale so, sind, wie bei keinen anderen der Vergleichstiere, darunter neben den Minkwalen auch Große Tümmler, Orkas, aber auch Kühe und Mäuse.
20150105             Beide Gene haben Einfluss auf die Lebenserwartung:
20150105             1—BESONDERHEIT betrifft das Gen ERCC1, das die Reparatur von ERB—GUT—SCHÄDEN —STEUERT und so den Krebsschutz erhöht.
20150105             Außerdem geht man davon aus, dass es den Alterungsprozess verlangsamen kann.
20150105             Zudem haben Grönlandwale offenbar 1—EINZIGARTIGES PCNA—GEN.
20150105             Auch dieses ist daran beteiligt, Schäden am ERB—GUT zu reparieren.
20150105             Ihre DATEN stellen Magalhães und Kollegen anderen Wissenschaftlern online zur Verfügung.
20150105             DEUTSCHLAND—WINDKRAFTANLAGEN haben ;;1200—IM, wegen des stürmischen Wetters so viel Strom produziert wie noch nie in —1—MONAT.
20150105             8,—KILOWATTSTUNDEN Strom seien ;;1200—IM, eingespeist worden, teilte DAS—INTERNATIONALE—WIRTSCHAFTSFORUM Regenerative Energien (IWR) in MÜNSTER —AM—MONTAG unter Berufung auf 1—AUSWERTUNG—VON—DATEN—DER—STROMBÖRSE mit.
20150105             ALLE—DEUTSCHEN—ATOM—KRAFT—WERKE zusammen erzeugten 20130000             PRO—MONAT—CA—8—MILLIARDEN Kilowattstunden.
20150105             Privataudienz: MERKEL reist ;;0200—IM, zum PAPA
20150105             GRIECHENLAND und DIE—EURO—ZONE: Der fast unmögliche Rausschmiss
20150105             —PROTEST—GEGEN—AUFMÄRSCHE: Licht aus in DRESDEN und KÖLN gegen PEGIDA
20150105             WIDERSTAND—GEGEN—PEGIDA: Der KÖLNER—DOM macht das Licht aus
20150105             Der Dom blieb —AM—MONTAG—ABEND, unbeleuchtet.
20150105             Auch mit dieser symbolischen Aktion setzte sich RAINER—MARIA—KARDINAL—WOELKI an die Spitze der Kölner PEGIDA—GEGNER.
20150105             Der KIRCHEN—FÜRST, der —ERST vor einigen —MONATEN die Nachfolge von JOACHIM—KARDINAL—MEISNER angetreten hat, gilt als moralische Instanz der Domstadt.
20150105             DIE—RELIGIONS—FREIHEIT müsse umfassend sein und auch für den ISLAM gelten, so der KÖLNER—DOM—PROPST NORBERT—FELDHOFF im Deutschlandradio Kultur.
20150105             [l] IN—DEN—USA gibt es gerade 1—WELLE—VON—ATOM—KRAFT—WERKSCHLIEßUNGEN.
20150105             Nicht aus SICHERHEITS—GRÜNDEN, sondern weil sich das nicht mehr rechnet, so billig wie das FRACERDGAS—KING—OF— ist.
20150105             —VERARSCHT, DIE—MÜSSEN sich ja —SCHON ziemlich, vorkommen, die AKW—BETREIBER IN—DEN—USA, was die alles für SICHERHEITS—REGELN zu beachten haben, und die FRACINDUSTRIE—KING—OF— darf dann mal eben das TRINK—WASSER brennbar machen.
20150105             [l] DER—ÖL—PREIS ist weiter am Abstürzen, —JETZT kostet das Barrel nur noch $50.
20150105             Frank hatte beim FNORD—JAHRESRÜCKBLICK 1—GRAFIK gezeigt, die DIE—LÄNDER gegen den ÖL—PREIS auf 1—CHART zeigt.
20150105             es gibt nämlich pro Land 1—WICHTIGE Kenngröße: Ab welchem ÖL—PREIS deren Haushalt ausgeglichen ist.
20150105             Bei 1—ÖL—PREIS von $50—PRO Barrel ist das kaum noch jemand.
20150105             DIE—WERDEN —JETZT also anfangen müssen, Schulden zu machen, oder ihre SOZIAL—LEISTUNGEN zu kürzen oder das Tafelsilber zu verkaufen.
20150105             Der interessante Punkt an der Sache ist natürlich, wo bei Fracking der BREAK—EVEN liegt.
20150105             Das hängt vom Feld ab.
20150105             DIE—MEISTEN Ölfelder sind —ERST ab $90-$110—ÖL—PREIS profitabel, einige auch noch bei $80.
20150105             Bei $50—IST die Luft sehr dünn.
20150105             NATÜRLICH 20150105             —IRRITIERT, EURO ohne GRIECHENLAND: MERKELs Manöver, Freund und Feind
20150105             Privataudienz: MERKEL reist ;;0200—IM, zum PAPA (Politik, 16:51)
20150105             —CHARGED, THE—USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT said it has, 2—MEN, Cherno Njie (57) and Papa Faal (46), for their involvement in the failed 20151230             attempt to overthrow the government of GAMBIA.
20150105             † NEW—YORK—CITY, THOMAS—GILBERT—JUNIOR, founder of hedge fund Wainscott CAPITAL—PARTNERS, was shot and killed by his son TOMMY—GILBERT, —29—JAHRE—ALT, who was soon arrested.
20150105             MIAMI, lesbian and gay couples were wed hours —BEFORE FLORIDA—COMING out party as the nation's 36. state to legalize SAME—SEX—MARRIAGES.
20150105             AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMBER struck near the headquarters of the European police training mission in KABUL, killing 1—AFGHANISTAN—CIVILIAN and wounding 16—PEOPLE.
20150105             SOUTH—AUSTRALIA.
20150105             STATE—PREMIER—JAY—WEATHERILL said that HUNDREDS—OF—FIRE—FIGHTERS have taken advantage of milder conditions in recent days to attempt to contain the fire which has razed 12,500 hectares (31,000 acres) of countryside in hills NORTH—WEST—OF—ADELAIDE.
20150105             —OPENED, BANGLADESH, 2—MEN on 1—MOTORBIKE, fire on 1—GROUP—OF—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—ACTIVISTS in the northwest, killing 2—AMID heightened tensions on THE—ANNIVERSARY—OF—1—GENERAL—ELECTION boycotted by 1—MAJOR—OPPOSITION—ALLIANCE—LAST—YEAR.
20150105             2—MORE—ACTIVISTS from the opposition BANGLADESH Nationalist Party were killed —DURING clashes with supporters of the governing party and security forces.
20150105             —SEIZED, CONGODRC, UN and Democratic REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO forces, several rebel bases in 1—OFFENSIVE launched against 1—BURUNDI rebel group.
20150105             —RALLIED, GERMANY, THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS in several cities, against Muslim immigration.
20150105             —ORGANIZED, Rallies, by 1—NEW grassroots movement called PEGIDA, or Patriotic Europeans Against THE—ISLAMIZATION—OF—THE—WEST, have become 1—WEEKLY—EVENT in THE—EAST—CITY—OF—DRESDEN.
20150105             GRENADA—PRIME—MINISTER—KEITH—MITCHELL said THE—EAST—CARIBBEAN ISLAND will only have to pay half of a $22—MILLION—DEBT it owes TAIWAN with 1—PAYMENT—PLAN for loans it awarded over a —10—YEAR—PERIOD.
20150105             —ANNOUNCED, INDONESIA—TRANSPORTATION—MINISTRY, harsh measures against everyone who allowed AirAsia Flight 8501 to take off without proper permits, including THE—SUSPENSION—OF—THE—AIRPORT—OPERATOR and officials in the control tower.
20150105             THE—ISLAMIC—STATE—JIHADIST—GROUP—POSTED 1—SERIES—OF—PICTURES online indicating the execution of 8—PEOPLE, 4—OF—THEM policemen, in IRAQ—SALAHEDDIN province.
20150105             —LAUNCHED, THE—USA—LED coalition, 20—MORE—AIR—STRIKES against Islamic STATE—IN—SYRIA and IRAQ over the last —24—HOURS, targeting fighters for the militant group and hitting its crude oil operations.
20150105             IRELAND said THE—USA will permit imports of beef from the country, the 1. EUROPEAN—UNION—STATE allowed to resume sales —SINCE the mad cow disease scare over —15—YEARS—AGO.
20150105             —UNPRECEDENTED, LEBANON began imposing, restrictions on the entry of Syrians, as it struggled to cope with well over 1—MILLION—REFUGEES feeling the civil war next door.
20150105             —BANNED, LIBYA—OFFICIAL—GOVERNMENT, Palestinians, Syrians and SUDAN—FROM entry because their countries are undermining the oil producing nation's security.
20150105             THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—ABDULLAH—AL—THINNI runs only 1—RUMP STATE—IN—EAST—LIBYA and would —THEREFORE only be able to enforce the ban at the eastern airports of TOBRUK and Labraq and the land crossing with EGYPT.
20150105             —KILLED, MALI, at least 5—PEOPLE were, in 1—GUN—ATTACK on 1—ARMY—BASE—CLOSE to THE—MAURITANIA—FRONTIER.
20150105             In the 3. —WEEK—OF—THIS—MONTH another strike killed deputy CHIEF—RAJA—SULEMAN (aka Ustad AHMED—FAROUQ).
20150105             —FIRED, PAKISTAN—TROOPS, gunshots and mortar shells that killed 1—INDIA—SOLDIER in NORTH—KASHMIR.
20150105             Kremlin critic ALEXEI—NAVALNY said he would no longer comply with the terms of his house arrest and had cut off his monitoring —TAG.
20150105             —HALTED, Bitstamp, 1—SLOVENIA—BASED bitcoin exchange bitcoin, operations and reported that 19,000—OF—THE—CURRENCY—UNITS had vanished.
20150105             —SUSPECTED, SOUTH—AFRICA, 2, rhino poachers were shot dead —AFTER they opened fire on rangers in SOUTH—AFRICA—KRUGER—NATIONAL—PARK.
20150105             —REPORTED, SOUTH—KOREA—MEDIA, that 1—YOUNG—NORTH—KOREA—SOLDIER crossed the border in —LATE—DECEMBER and stole money and food at 1—HOUSE—BEFORE killing 4—RESIDENTS in CHINA—NORTH—EAST—CITY—OF—HELONG.
20150105             —GRANTED, TAIWAN—JUSTICE—MINISTRY, FORMER—PRESIDENT—CHEN—SHUI—BIAN (20000000—20060000    ) medical parole as he served a —20—YEAR—PRISON—SENTENCE on corruption charges.
20150105             —DETAINED, Police in TURKEY, 20—MORE—POLICE—OFFICERS suspected of conducting illegal wiretaps in 1—NEW—WAVE—OF—RAIDS in 12—CITIES.
20150105             —KILLED, EAST—UKRAINE, 12—SERVICEMEN were, and 21 injured —WHEN their bus collided with 2—HEAVY—TRUCKS on 1—SNOWY road.
20150105—19840000    —BIS, DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG hat DIE—AKTEN nur freigegeben.
20150105—20150109    —RESUMED, Bitstamp, operation.
20150105—20190000    —IN, he was sentenced in Manhattan to at least —30—YEARS in prison for the crime.
20150826—20180105    —ON, all 3—GUARDS received sentences of —15—YEARS to life in prison.
20160105             [l] DIE—USA—AMIS möchten anscheinend VW wirklich tot sehen.
20160105             If the auto maker is found guilty, THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—WANTS—VOLKSWAGEN to pay as much as $37,500 for EVERY—VEHICLE that violated THE—LAW.
20160105             [l] Hacker hacken Stromversorgung DER—UKRAINE.
20160105             Aber hey, des 1—PROBLEM ist des anderen PR—GELEGENHEIT: PUTIN versorgt von DER—KRIM aus ein kleines Städtchen IN—DER—UKRAINE mit Gas.
20160105             [l] Fatwas kennt man —BISHER, eher aus dem IRAN oder aus SAUDI—ARABIEN — —JETZT auch aus der TÜRKEI!
20160105             —BEKANNT, DAS—AMT—FÜR—RELIGIÖSE Angelegenheiten, unter dem Namen Diyanet, will Verlobten vorschreiben, wie sie sich zu verhalten haben.
20160105             [l] DIE—NIEDERLANDE finden auch, daß DIE—LEUTE ordentliche Krypto ohne Hintertüren brauchen und schieben ne halbe Million EURO in Richtung OpenSSL.
20160105             [l] Hacker hacken Dell.
20160105             Schärfere Waffengesetze IN—DEN— USA—OBAMA startet seinen Alleingang
20160105             "Prozesse waren fair": SAUDI—ARABIEN verteidigt umstrittene MASSEN—HINRICHTUNG
20160105             Besetztes NATURSCHUTZ—GEBIET in OREGON: "Geht nach Hause"
20160105             —ANGRIFFE zu Silvester: KÖLN ist schockiert
20160105             —IDENTIFIZIERT, TERRORpropaganda: Brite, vierjährigen Enkel in IS—VIDEO
20160105             Obdachlose in HONGKONGs FAST—FOOD—FILIALEN: McUnterschlupf
20160105             Autonomes Fahren: GENERAL—MOTORS entwickelt ROBOTER—TAXIS mit dem UBER—RIVALEN Lyft
20160105             Riesige MAO—STATUE in CHINA: Der ganz Große Vorsitzende
20160105             "Der ganze Platz war voll und fast alles nur Männer.
20160105             Anne ist 1.der vielen Augenzeugen, die an Silvester in KÖLN 1.Situation erlebt haben, die es so in DEUTSCHLAND wohl noch nicht gab.
20160105             "Wir nehmen es nicht hin, daß sich nordafrikanische MÄNNER—GRUPPEN organisieren, um wehrlose Frauen mit dreisten sexuellen Attacken zu erniedrigen".
20160105   —EURO: Investitionen in Infrastruktur steigen auf Rekordniveau
20160105             Konjunktur: ARBEITSLOSEN—ZAHL steigt auf knapp 2.700.000
20160105             Fischmarkt in Tokio: JAPANer ersteigert Thunfisch für mehr als 100.000—EURO
20160105             —ÜBERGRIFFE—AN—SILVESTER in KÖLN: MAAS spricht von "neuer Dimension organisierter KRIMinalität"
20160105             SCHULDEN—KRISE—GRIECHENLAND plant harte Einschnitte für Rentner
20160105             Diebstahl und sexuelle Belästigung: HAMBURG—POLIZEI ermittelt nach Übergriffen an Silvester
20160105             —REAKTION—AUF—DIE ÜBERGRIFFE—IN—KÖLN: Zornig, aber nicht blind
20160105             STERNSINGER—EMPFANG: MERKEL fordert respektvollen Umgang mit Fremden
20160105             Wohlstand: WIRTSCHAFTS—WEISER rät DEUTSCHLAND—ZU mehr Gelassenheit
20160105             SILVESTER—ANGRIFFE—AUF—FRAUEN: Im Schutz des Getümmels
20160105             Inflation: Draghis Bazooka hat Ladehemmungen
20160105             POLEN: Kaczynski lässt DIE—FINANZ—MÄRKTE zittern
20160105             Riesenaffe Gigantopithecus: Warum "KING—KONG"ausstarb
20160105             GIGANTOPITHECUS—WAR der Riese unter den MENSCHEN—AFFEN
20160105             —GEWESEN, Er könnte —BIS zu 3—METER—GROß, sein.
20160105             das Gewicht dieses gigantischsten aller MENSCHEN—AFFEN, von denen man —BISHER, Überreste fand, könnte bei 200—BIS 500—KILOGRAMM gelegen haben.
20160105             Man muss leider davon ausgehen, daß VIELE—KNOCHEN—DES—RIESENAFFEN in gemahlener Form in Salben und Tinkturen landeten.
20160105             DIE—MEISTEN Forscher sehen Gigantopithecus als engen Verwandten des ORANG—UTAN.
20160105             DIE—LETZTEN VERTRETER—DER Riesenaffen starben VOR—CA—100.—000—JAHREN.
20160105             dürften sowohl unsere —VORFAHREN als auch ältere Menschenarten noch dem Gigantopithecus begegnet sein:
20160105             —BEGINNT, DIE—GESCHICHTE menschlicher Besiedlung, in CHINA —SCHON vor mehr als 500.—000—JAHREN.
20160105             Folgt man jedoch der Studie, DIE—FORSCHER der UNIVERSITÄT—TÜBINGEN und des Senckenberg Instituts —NUN vorgelegt haben, war DER—MENSCH wohl unschuldig: Gigantopithecus wurde demnach Opfer seiner eigenen Unflexibilität.
20160105             Ähnlich wie der kleinere ORANG—UTAN sei Gigantopithecus ein reiner Waldbewohner gewesen —, das, obwohl zumindest die größte ART—GIGANTOPITHECUS blacki wohl zu massig und schwer gewesen sein dürfte, es hinauf ins Geäst zu schaffen.
20160105             Das war solange kein Problem, wie der Wald groß und üppig war.
20160105             Das aber blieb er nicht:
20160105             "Gigantopithecus", erklärt Hervé Bocherens vom Senckenberg CENTER—FOR—HUMAN EVOLUTION and Palaeoenvironment (HEP) an der UNIVERSITÄT—TÜBINGEN, "war aufgrund seiner Größe vermutlich auf 1.große Menge Nahrung angewiesen.
20160105             Als die bewaldeten Gebiete sich in der Zeit des Pleistozäns immer mehr zu SAVANNEN—LANDSCHAFTEN entwickelten, war das Nahrungsangebot für den Riesenaffen wohl einfach zu gering".
20160105             Bocherens analysierte mit seinen Kollegen den Zahnschmelz der fossilen Riesenaffen auf stabile Kohlenstoffisotope.
20160105             "Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, daß sich die großen PRIMATEN nur im Wald aufhielten und ihre Nahrung aus diesem LEBENS—RAUMBEZOGEN".
20160105             —GEWESEN, Gigantopithecus sei ein reiner Vegetarier, allerdings nicht auf Bambus spezialisiert, wie lange vermutet wurde.
20160105             Dass der ORANG—UTAN die Veränderung seines Lebensraums und die Verknappung des Nahrungsangebots IM—GEGENSATZ zu Gigantopithecus überlebte, erklären DIE—FORSCHER mit der geringeren Köpergröße und dem anderen LEBENS—WANDEL,
20160105             "ORANG—UTANS haben 1—LANGSAMEN STOFF—WECHSEL und können mit wenig Nahrung auskommen".
20160105             Gigantopithecus
20160105             BAYERN: Bagger gräbt Millionenschatz im Garten eines Toten aus
20160105             SILVESTER—ÜBERGRIFFE—IN—KÖLN: POLIZEI räumt Fehleinschätzung am Neujahrsmorgen ein
20160105             SYRIEN—AUCH RUSSLAND hält GIFT—GAS—EINSATZ—DES—IS für wahrscheinlich
20160105             Medien und FLÜCHTLINGE: ERZIEHUNGS—JOURNALISMUS
20160105             Kälte legt BERLIN—POLIZEIWAGEN lahm: Es war die Batterie.
20160105             BREXIT—REFERENDUM: Camerons MINISTER dürfen für GROSSBRITANNIEN—EU—AUSSTIEG werben
20160105             —ÜBERGRIFFE—IN—KÖLN: MERKEL verlangt harte Antwort des RECHTS—STAATS
20160105             —FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE, Die neue skandinavische HÄRTE—WAS dahinter steckt
20160105             AUßEN—MINISTER—WASZCZYKOWSKI: "Wir verstehen die Appelle an die POLEN—REGIERUNG nicht"
20160105             Trotz neuer Mitarbeiter: Bamf kann Asylanträge nicht bewältigen
20160105             —ÜBERGRIFFE—IN—KÖLN an Silvester: Das sind DIE—FAKTEN
20160105             Insgesamt hatten sich laut POLIZEI—PRÄSIDENT—WOLFGANG—ALBERS etwa 1.000—MÄNNER auf dem Bahnhofsvorplatz versammelt.
20160105             NAH—OST—KRISE, BAHRAIN stoppt FLUG—VERKEHR mit IRAN
20160105             WLAN in NEW—YORK: Alte Telefonzellen werden superschnelle Hotspots
20160105             WAFFEN—TECHNIK, RUSSLAND—KAMPFROBOTER für den Rucksack
20160105             —RECHTS—STAAT—IN—GEFAHR: So kann DIE—EU die POLEN—REGIERUNG abstrafen
20160105             Kirchliche KRITIK—AN—CSU—FLÜCHTLINGS—POLITIK,"DIE—SOLLEN einfach nur noch weg"
20160105             —GESCHAFFEN, Sie werden, um zu töten.
20160105             In der Regel werden die Geräte FERNGE—STEUERT—BISLANG.
20160105             hrzeugen oder Drohnen, sind längst in Kriegsgebieten unterwegs.
20160105             Vereinzelt gibt es —SCHON Roboter, die selbstständig agieren.
20160105             kann etwa DIE—ISRAELISCHE "Harpy"—DROHNE feindliche Radarstellungen erfassen und selbstständig angreifen.
20160105             Das Fluggerät wird auch von der TÜRKEI—CHINA, SÜD—KOREA, CHILE und INDIEN genutzt.
20160105             DIE—RUSSLAND—FIRMA KBIS hat —NUN 1—ROBOTER entwickelt, der besonders klein und leicht ist.
20160105             Der 23—KILOGRAMM schwere Roboter trägt den Namen "RS1A3 Minirex".
20160105             Im Werbevideo arbeitet sich Minirex, von rockiger Musik begleitet, durch Gelände und Häuser.
20160105             —VERGESSEN, DIE—DARSTELLUNG lässt 1—LEICHT, daß 1.tödliche Waffe gezeigt wird und nicht etwa Aufnahmen aus 1—VIDEOSPIEL.
20160105             —ARGUMENTIERT, Mancher, DIE—MASCHINEN könnten in manchen Situationen möglicherweise ethischer handeln als 1—MENSCH, der von Hass, Rachsucht oder Angst erfüllt auf den Abzug drückt.
20160105             Er setzte 55—CHAMÄLEONS, die zu 20—UNTERSCHIEDLICHEN Arten gehören, vor 1.Hochgeschwindigkeitskamera und lichtete sie mit 300$—BILDERN pro —SEKUNDE ab.
20160105             DIE—ZUNGE der STACHEL—ZWERGCHAMÄLEONS erzeuge die größte Beschleunigung, die von Körperteilen von Reptilien, Vögeln und Säugetieren bekannt ist,
20160105             —LEDIGLICH 1—SALAMANDER schnitt besser ab.
20160105             SILVESTER—NACHT in HAMBURG: "Ich habe mich komplett ausgeliefert gefühlt"
20160105             —VERKÜNDET, USA—OBAMA, schärferes WAFFEN—GESETZ —, weint
20160105             —NACH, —131—TAGEN Haft: TÜRKEI lässt IRAK—MIT—ARBEITER von "Vice News"frei
20160105             —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—OBAMA, executive decisions to tighten gun laws.
20160105             —DECLARED, MICHIGAN GOVERNOR—RICK—SNYDER, 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY in FLINT over problems with lead in the city's drinking water.
20160105             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—USA—SERVICE—MEMBER was, and 2 wounded in 1—OPERATION—NEAR—MARJAH in Helmand province.
20160105             CHINA, 1—MAN—UPSET over 1—FINANCIAL—DISPUTE set fire to 1—MOVING bus and fled as the flames trapped people inside, killing 17 and injuring 32. Several hours —LATER police caught Ma Yongping (33) on 1—CONSTRUCTION—SITE in YINCHUAN, Ningxia region.
20160105             —STAGED, European equities, 1—TIMID rebound, winning moderate support —AFTER BEIJING pumped cash into the money market to soothe worries over the slowing CHINA—ECONOMY.
20160105             † PIERRE—BOULEZ, —90—JAHRE—ALT, the former principal CONDUCTOR—OF—THE—NEW—YORK—PHILHARMONIC, at his home in GERMANY.
20160105             —MOVED, THE—FRANCE—CONDUCTOR, between conducting, composition and teaching over 1—LONG—CAREER that made him 1—OF—THE—LEADING figures in modern classical music.
20160105             —KILLED, INDIA said defense forces have, the last of THE—6—MILITANTS who attacked the Pathankot AIR—FORCE—BASE—NEAR THE—PAKISTAN border over the weekend.
20160105             —ATTACKED, LIBYA, Islamic State militants, checkpoints near the oil port of Es Sider for a 2. —DAY and 1—OIL—STORAGE—TANK in the port was set on fire by 1—LONG—RANGE—ROCKET.
20160105             2—GUARDS were killed and 16 wounded in the fighting.
20160105             —SNEAKED, NIGERIA, 3—FEMALE—SUICIDE—BOMBERS, into Izghe and detonated bombs hidden under their garments, killing 7—OTHER—PEOPLE and destroying 3—HOUSES.
20160105             1—MALE—SUICIDE bomber also blew himself up, killing himself and 4—OTHER—PEOPLE.
20160105             1—PALESTINIAN stabbed and wounded 1—SOLDIER in THE—SOUTH—WEST—BANK—BEFORE being shot dead.
20160105             The diplomatic crisis surrounding SAUDI—ARABIA and IRAN widened as KUWAIT recalled its ambassador to TEHRAN and BAHRAIN severed air links in the face of growing INTERNATIONAL concern.
20160105             Gunmen in Syria shot and killed ABU—RATEB—AL—HOMSY, THE—COMMANDER—OF—1—ULTRACONSERVATIVE rebel group in THE—CENTRAL—HOMS province.
20160105             —KILLED, TURKEY—MILITARY said security forces have, at least 14—MILITANTS in the mainly Kurdish southeast over the last —24—HOURS.
20160105             TURKEY, the bodies of 36—MIGRANTS, at least 7—OF—THEM children, were found at 2—SITES along the Aegean coast —AFTER they apparently tried to cross to the nearby GREECE—ISLAND—OF—LESBOS.
20160105             —CONDUCTED, TURKEY—FORCES, acting on 1—TIP, 1—OPERATION on 1—BOLIVIAN—FLAGGED ship in INTERNATIONAL waters off THE—COAST—OF—LIBYA and seized 13—TONS—OF—MARIJUANA.
20160105             It was TURKEY—1. ANTI—NARCOTICS—OPERATION in INTERNATIONAL waters.
20160105             —SLAMMED, TURKMENISTAN PRESIDENT—GURBANGULY—BERDYMUKHAMEDOV, the country's ANTI—SMOKING strategy at 1 televised government meeting.
20160105             Authorities soon began to force shops to stop selling cigarettes, but 1—BAN on cigarette sales was not yet officially announced or published by the government.
20160105             163—OF—167—LAWMAKERS were sworn in as THE—GOVERNMENT—STACKED SUPREME—COURT barred 4—FROM taking their seats under probes of electoral fraud.
20160105             —SURVIVED, YEMEN, THE—GOVERNOR—OF—THE—SOUTHERN port CITY—OF—ADEN, 1—CAR—BOMB—ATTACK that killed 2—BODYGUARDS and critically wounded 3—OTHERS.
20160105             —REPORTED, ZIMBABWE media, that Ellen Chiweshe, whose title was group CAPTAIN, has been promoted to become THE—SOUTH—AFRICA—COUNTRY—1. female Air Commodore, THE—NUMBER 3—POST in THE—AIR—FORCE.
20170105             Reform DER—SOZIALVERSICHERUNG zum20170101             EUROPArtner belohnen GRIECHENLANDs STEUERbetrüger
20170105             [l] Endlich tut mal jemand was GEGEN—DIE—STEUER—HINTERZIEHER in GRIECHENLAND!
20170105             Auf Druck DER—INTERNATIONALEN Gläubiger hat GRIECHENLAND ein neues SOZIALABGABEN—SYSTEM eingeführt.
20170105             Yeah!
20170105             Oh und wo wir gerade bei zügig umgesetzten NEUJAHRS—VORSÄTZEN sind: DIE—REPUBLIKANER fangen dann mal mit dem Abschaffen von Obamacare an.
20170105             Oh, übrigens: Die Democrats wollen —JETZT den freien Sitz im SUPREME—COURT freihalten.
20170105             DONALD—TRUMP und JULIAN—ASSANGE: Eine merkwürdige ALLIANZ
20170105             NEW—YORK—TIMES —APP entfernt: APPLE beugt sich CHINAs Zensur
20170105             4—FÄLLE binnen —4—WOCHEN: —EXPERTEN suchen nach Ursachen für WINDRAD—CRASHS
20170105             —GEHÖRT, SPD—POLITIKER SCHULZ über RECHTS—POPULISTEN: "Auf groben Klotz, grober Keil"
20170105             USA—TRUMP will "politisierte"GEHEIM—DIENSTE verschlanken
20170105             Tierische Klimasünder: UMWELT—BUNDES—AMT will Milch und Fleisch höher BE—STEUERN
20170105             Geringe Inflation: REAL—LÖHNE ziehen stark an
20170105             INTERESSEN—KONFLIKTE: Willkommen im DONALD—TRUMP—DICKICHT
20170105             Extreme Strahlung: Zwerggalaxie erzeugt mysteriöse Radioblitze
20170105             Studie: Autoabgase könnten DemenzRISIKO steigern
20170105             KÜNSTLICHE—INTELLIGENZ: Wenn Roboter zu Kollegen werden (Leben und Lernen, 12:14)
20170105             KÜNSTLICHE—INTELLIGENZ: Versicherer ersetzt MIT—ARBEITER durch IBMs Watson
20170105             Trends auf der CES 20170000             Fernseher, so dünn wie 1.Tapete
20170105             Ungewissheit über DONALD—TRUMP—POLITIK, USA—NOTEN—BANK offen für raschere Anhebung des LEIT—ZINSES
20170105             1.Urteil nach PUTSCH—VERSUCH: TÜRKEI—SOLDATEN zu lebenslanger Haft verurteilt
20170105             —PUTSCH—VERSUCH—IN—DER—TÜRKEI, STAATS—ANWÄLTE erlassen Haftbefehl gegen 380—GESCHÄFTSLEUTE
20170105             Ohne Anhörung: EU—PARLAMENT empört über Oettingers Beförderung
20170105             —INVESTIERT, Plan 20200000             —BIS, CHINA, MILLIARDEN in Ökostrom und ATOM—KRAFT
20170105             —RECHTS—, Unrechtsstaat: Der schleichende SIEG—DES—TERRORS
20170105             Kauf von SIM—KARTEN: Telekom fordert einheitlich strenge Regeln in der EU
20170105             Verdächtigt wegen der Hautfarbe: "Ich denke über die Länge meines Bartes nach"
20170105             Vernetztes Zuhause: Google hört die Signale
20170105             "BREITBART—NEWS": Dortmunder POLIZEI reagiert auf USA—HORRORMELDUNG zu SILVESTER—NACHT
20170105             TANSANIA: Mehr als 800—MÄDCHEN verstümmelt - DONALD—TRUMP—VERSUS—
20170105             KINDER—PORNO—ANKLAGE in KENTUCKY: EX—SCHULLEITER durchsuchte Schülerhandys nach NACKT—FOTOS
20170105             GUANTANAMO—BAY: USA lassen 4—HÄFTLINGE nach SAUDI—ARABIEN ausreisen
20170105             —INTERFERED, AMERICA—TOP—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIAL said that RUSSIA undoubtedly, in THE—USA 20160000             presidential election but stopped short of using the explosive description "1—ACT—OF—WAR," telling lawmakers such 1—CALL isn't within THE—PURVIEW—OF—THE—USA—INTELLIGENCE—COMMUNITY.
20170105             —IDENTIFIED, Senior USA—OFFICIALS said THE—CIA has, RUSSIA—OFFICIALS who fed material hacked from the Democratic National Committee and party leaders to WikiLeaks at THE—DIRECTION—OF—RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN through 3. parties.
20170105             —CHARGED, CHICAGO, 4—PEOPLE were, with hate crimes in connection with 1—VIDEO—BROADCAST—LIVE on Facebook that showed 1—MENTALLY disabled white man (18) being beaten and taunted, threatened with 1—KNIFE and forced to drink from 1—TOILET.
20170105             MERCEDES—BENZ said it is recalling nearly 48,000 SUVs in THE—USA to fix 1—SENSOR problem that could stop the front passenger air bag from inflating in 1—CRASH.
20170105             —STRUGGLED, Argentine firefighters, to control 1—SERIES—OF—WILDFIRES that have devastated nearly 1—MILLION hectares (2.5—MILLION—ACRES) of the country's famous pampas.
20170105             —STARTED, The largest was, by 1—LIGHTNING strike on New —YEAR—WEEKEND and was —NOW 10—KM across.
20170105             —ANNOUNCED, BAHRAIN, that it has restored the power of its domestic spy service to make SOME—ARRESTS, reversing 1—KEY—REFORM recommended —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—THE—CRACKDOWN that followed the country's 20110000             Arab —SPRING protests.
20170105             —EXTENDED, BAHRAIN—PROSECUTION, by —2—WEEKS the detention of Shiite opposition leader Nabil Rajab over spreading "false information" about THE—SUNNI—RULED kingdom.
20170105             BRAZIL—PRESIDENT—MICHEL—TEMER said the country will build new prisons in EVERY—STATE to relieve overcrowding —AFTER a "horrific" riot that left 56—INMATES—DEAD.
20170105             THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMITTEE—OF—THE—RED—CROSS (ICRC) said women in the Lake CHAD basin, where the borders of CHAD, CAMEROON, NIGER and NIGERIA meet, have been forced to sell sex to survive due to 1—INSURGENCY by Boko Haram fighters that has driven millions from their homes and left children to starve.
20170105             CYPRUS' biggest bank said it has fully repaid 11.4—BILLION euros ($11.9—BILLION) of emergency cash it received to stay afloat —DURING a 20130000             banking crisis that forced THE—ISLAND to need 1—MULTIBILLION euro rescue deal from its eurozone partners.
20170105             —ARRESTED, Those, in the raid on the outskirts of CAIRO belonged to 1—MILITANT—GROUP called the Hasm Movement, which claimed responsibility for the attack.
20170105             —STARTED, FRANCE—AUTHORITIES, slaughtering ducks in the main foie GRAS—PRODUCING region to try to contain 1—DANGEROUS—FORM—OF—BIRD—FLU.
20170105             —PASSED, GUYANA narrowly, 1—BILL—LATE—TODAY that allows officials to raid the commercial BANK—ACCOUNTS—OF—BUSINESS—OWNERS who owe 1—LARGE—AMOUNT—OF—UNPAID taxes.
20170105             1—INDONESIA—GOVERNMENT—MINISTER clarified that the country was suspending only PART—OF—ITS—MILITARY—COOPERATION with AUSTRALIA, as that country promised its investigation of 1 alleged INSULT—OF—INDONESIA—BELIEFS was nearly complete.
20170105             AUSTRALIA—DEFENSE—MINISTER—MARISE—PAYNE said the issue began —IN—NOVEMBER, —AFTER 1—INDONESIA—MILITARY—OFFICER raised concerns about teaching materials and remarks made at 1—ARMY—LANGUAGE—TRAINING facility in WEST—AUSTRALIA.
20170105             —LAUNCHED, IRAQ—FORCES, 1—OFFENSIVE against the Islamic State group near THE—SYRIA—BORDER, piling further pressure on the jihadists' crumbling "caliphate".
20170105             —KILLED, IRAQ, several attacks in and —AROUND BAGHDAD, at least 27—PEOPLE including 1—SUICIDE—CAR bombing in 1—COMMERCIAL—AREA in CENTRAL—BAGHDAD that killed at least 11—CIVILIANS.
20170105             —QUESTIONED, ISRAEL—POLICE, PRIME—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU for a 2. time as PART—OF—1—PROBE into whether he illegally accepted gifts from wealthy supporters.
20170105             NAMIBIA—PLAINTIFFS, including SOME—FROM—NEW—YORK, sued GERMANY over 1—GENOCIDE carried out by GERMANY—COLONIAL—TROOPS in the early 1900s, in which more than 100,000—PEOPLE were killed.
20170105             They sued under the Alien Tort Statute, a 17890000             USA—LAW often invoked in human rights cases.
20170105             —KIDNAPPED, NIGERIA—SOLDIERS found 1—OF—THE—CHIBOK schoolgirls, by Boko Haram nearly —3—YEARS—AGO wandering in the bush with her baby near the Islamic extremist group's forest stronghold.
20170105             More than 200—OF—THE—GIRLS remain missing.
20170105             1—NIGERIA—OFFICIAL said 3—TEENAGE—GIRLS suspected of planning 1—TRIPLE suicide bomb attack in 1—TOWN frequently targeted by Boko Haram have been shot dead.
20170105             —INTERCEPTED, The girls were, at Bakin Dutse village, some 5—KM from Madagali.
20170105             PHILIPPINES—POLICE—CHIEF—RONALD dela Rosa said security forces had effectively broken the backbone of Ansar AL—KHILAFAH—PHILIPPINES (AKP) with THE—KILLING—OF—ITS—LEADER, MOHAMMAD—JAAFAR—MAGUID, and THE—ARREST—OF—HIS 3—AKP colleagues.
20170105             —PROTESTED, SRI—LANKA, HUNDREDS—OF—OPPOSITION—SUPPORTERS and farmers, the government's plan to lease 1—SOUTHERN seaport to 1—CHINESE—CONTROLLED joint venture in exchange for the heavy loans to build the port.
20170105             1—SWITZERLAND—INSURANCE—AGENCY ruled that 1—UBER driver is 1—EMPLOYEE for whom the company must pay social security contributions, dealing 1—BLOW to THE—USA—RIDE—HAILING platform that says drivers are independent contractors.
20170105             —KILLED, SYRIA, at least 10—PEOPLE were, in 1—CAR—BLAST in the coastal PROVINCE—OF—LATAKIA where 2—RUSSIA—BASES are located.
20170105             SYRIA, the Jabar citadel on THE—BANKS—OF—LAKE—ASSAD was taken by THE—SYRIA—DEMOCRATIC—FORCES (SDF) alliance.
20170105             —KILLED, THAILAND—INTERIOR—MINISTRY said flooding in the south has, at least 5—PEOPLE, disrupted transportation and spoiled tourists' holidays at 1—OF—THE—COUNTRY—MOST popular resort islands.
20170105             2—SENIOR—TURKEY—MILITARY—OFFICERS were jailed for life for involvement in July's failed coup attempt that killed almost 250—PEOPLE, marking the 1. conviction related to the putsch.
20170105             —KILLED, WEST—TURKEY, 1—CAR bombing outside 1—COURTHOUSE in IZMIR, 2—PEOPLE.
20170105             —SUSPECTED, THE—KURDISH—PKK militant group was.
20170105             TURKEY—POLICE shot dead 2—ASSAILANTS.
20170105             —1—DAY—LATER police detained 18—PEOPLE in connection to the attack.
20170105             ZIMBABWE—WILDLIFE agency said it has sold 35—ELEPHANTS to CHINA to ease overpopulation and raise funds for conservation, amid criticism from animal welfare activists that such sales are unethical.
20170105—20050000    —INDICTED, He had been, on USA cocaine trafficking charges but managed to elude capture.
20170105—20171209    —KILLED, EGYPT—INTERIOR—MINISTRY said 1—SUSPECT was, and 3—OTHERS arrested in 1—POLICE—RAID in connection with 1—BOMB—ATTACK that killed 6—POLICEMEN in CAIRO.
20180103             —DETAINED, As of 20180105             authorities, 113—PEOPLE, including 30—TEENAGERS.
20180103—20180105    —CALLED, THE—COMMITTEE—TO—PROTECT—JOURNALISTS (CPJ), for his release.
20180104             HENRY—HOLD & Co. said it would make the book available 20180105             instead of the original 20180109             release date.
20180105             [l] Krass - Glaubt ihr nicht?
20180105             Is this 1—BUG in Intel hardware or processor design?
20180105             No - Das ist 1.dreiste Lüge
20180105             1—GLÜCK, dass - "Sie gewähren TERRORISTEN Zuflucht": USA frieren FINANZ—HILFEN für PAKISTAN ein
20180105             DEUTSCH—TÜRKEI—BEZIEHUNGEN: AUßEN—MINISTER—CAVUSOGLU will "Krisenspirale"stoppen
20180105             Vorsichtige Annäherung: NORD—KOREA, SÜD—KOREA einigen sich auf Treffen am
20180105             Kältewelle: "BOMBEN—ZYKLONE"zieht über NORD—AMERIKA - Versteigerung in Tokio: 1—THUNFISCH?
20180105             Bei den Völkern Äthiopiens: Die ungewisse —ZUKUNFT—DER—MURSI
20180105             SCHWACH—STELLEN in Prozessoren: Auch APPLE—GERÄTE sind betroffen
20180105             —GEHALTEN, Inhaftierter DENIZ—YÜCEL: "Werde als Geisel "
20180105             200—MAL schwerer als Sonne: Das Rätsel der blauen Monstersterne
20180105             Stimmen aus IRAN: "Was —JETZT geschieht, kommt nicht von außen"
20180105             Entwurf, USA—REGIERUNG will Ölbohrungen vor geschützten Küsten erlauben
20180105             RUSSLAND—AFFÄRE: DONALD—TRUMP wollte, dass
20180105             Midway Atoll: URALT—ALBATROS BRÜTET—MIT mindestens —67—JAHREN
20180105             UNO besorgt: PAKISTAN plant offenbar Ausweisung 100.000er Afghanen
20180105             —VERURTEILT, Georgiens EX—PRÄSIDENT: Gericht, Saakaschwili zu —3—JAHREN Haft
20180105             Löwen, Elefanten, Nashörner: DEUTSCHLAND genehmigt Import von Hunderten Jagdtrophäen —J—IM,
20180105             Enthüllungsbuch über DONALD—TRUMP: Ultrarechte Milliardärin lässt BANNON fallen
20180105             —VERHAFTET, Demonstranten in IRAN: "Besser, zu werden, als zu verhungern"
20180105             23.200.000 Stellen: ELEKTRO—INGENIEUR entdeckt Rekordprimzahl
20180105             Inflation in DER—EURO—ZONE—PREISE steigen langsamer
20180105             REBELLENangriff: SAUDI—ARABIEN fängt Rakete aus dem JEMEN ab
20180105             Konfuse IRAN—POLITIK,Wie DONALD—TRUMP den Mullahs in die Hände spielt
20180105             Oriol Junqueras: KATALANIEN—SEPARATISTEN—FÜHRER bleibt in U—HAFT
20180105             NORD—KOREAS Hackerarmee: DIKTATOR—KIMS geheime EINNAHMEQUELLE—BANKEN ausrauben
20180105             —ZITIERT, Falsch : ÄTHIOPIEN dementiert Freilassung politischer Gefangener
20180105             Ab —MITTE ;;01;;: Bodycams für BUNDES—POLIZISTEN
20180105             500—TONNEN Gefahrstoffe: Reste von libyschem CHEMIE—WAFFEN—PROGRAMM vernichtet
20180105             SASCHA—LOBO über das NetzDG: Wie berechtigt ist der Hass aufs neue HASSREDE—GESETZ?
20180105             NETZ—WERK—DURCH—SETZUNGS—GESETZ: Gibt es Zensur in DEUTSCHLAND?
20180105             Boom im EURO—RAUM, Tschuldigung, Südländer!
20180105             Legaler Verkauf: DONALD—TRUMP—REGIERUNG startet KAMPF—GEGEN—DAS Kiffen
20180105             —SEIT—BEGINN DER INDUSTRIALISIERUNG: Menschheit erlebt die 3—WÄRMSTEN —JAHRE
20180105             KORRUPTION—VORWÜRFE, FBI untersucht CLINTON—STIFTUNG
20180105             FRANKREICH: Ärzte dürfen Beatmung EINSTELLEN—GEGEN Willen der Eltern
20180105             CSU—SPITZENPOLITIKER: WEBER spricht von "finaler Lösung DER—FLÜCHTLINGS—FRAGE"
20180105             USA—AUßEN—MINISTER—TILLERSON: "Ich habedes DONALD—TRUMPGEISTIGE—EIGNUNG nie angezweifelt"
20180105             alfatomega.com/20080412.html
20180105             —IMPOSED, THE—USA, sanctions against 5—IRAN—FIRMS alleged to have been working on 1—ILLEGAL—BALLISTIC—MISSILE—PROGRAM, linking the move to the protests, and called for 1—EMERGENCY—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL meeting.
20180105             —IMPOSED, THE—USA, sanctions on 4—CURRENT or FORMER—VENEZUELA—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIALS, including 1—FORMER—FOOD—MINISTER accused by the opposition of corruptly managing food imports.
20180105             1—SEVERE—WINTER—STORM in THE—USA—NORTHEAST brought plunging temperatures, driving regional natural gas prices to ALL—TIME—HIGHS, disrupting refinery operations and causing electrical outages.
20180105             THE—MEGA—MILLIONS $450—MILLION—GRAND prize winning ticket was sold at 1—STORE in Port RICHEY—FLORIDA.
20180105             —HOSPITALIZED, Another young woman and 1—BOY, —5—JAHRE—ALT were, in critical condition.
20180105             AUSTRALIA—GREAT—BARRIER—REEF—MARINE—PARK—AUTHORITY said CROWN—OF—THORNS starfish are feasting on parts of the reef system, which is already threatened by rising ocean temperatures.
20180105             —GRAPPLED, Large PARTS—OF—EAST—CANADA, with extreme weather as temperatures plunged to record lows in TORONTO, —WHILE heavy winds downed power lines, contributing to power outages affecting more than 85,000 customers in Nova Scotia.
20180105             —TIGHTENED, CHINA, limits on critically important energy supplies to NORTH—KOREA and stepped up other trade restrictions under intensified UN nuclear sanctions.
20180105             —KILLED, EGYPT, 1—HOT—AIR—BALLOON—CRASH—NEAR—LUXOR, 1—SOUTH—AFRICA—TOURIST and injured several others.
20180105             High winds and sandstorms swept the country, clouding the skies at CAIRO—MAIN—AIRPORT and forcing the closure of 1—NUMBER—OF—RED—SEA ports.
20180105             Exxon Mobil Corp. and Hess Corp. reported another significant oil discovery in 1—AREA known as the Stabroek Block in deep Atlantic Ocean waters off GUYANA.
20180105             FRANCE, protests over press freedom and the deteriorating STATE—OF—HUMAN—RIGHTS in TURKEY greeted TURKEY—PRESIDENT—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN as he arrived in PARIS for talks with PRESIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON.
20180105             1—GEORGIA—COURT sentenced former leader Mikheil Saakashvili in absentia to —3—YEARS in prison for seeking to cover up evidence about THE—MURDER—OF—1—GEORGIA—BANKER—WHEN he was PRESIDENT - 1—VERDICT which he denounced as illegal.
20180105             1—GREECE—COURT ruled that 2—MACEDONIA—MEN arrested on 1—INTERNATIONAL—WARRANT issued by their country on charges related to 1—WIRETAPPING scandal should be extradited.
20180105             —REPORTED, IRAN—STATE—TV, that TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—GOVERNMENT—SUPPORTERS rallied across the country, swearing allegiance to the clerical establishment and accusing THE—USA of instigating the largest ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS in nearly —1—DECADE.
20180105             KASHMIR, 13—PEOPLE were swept away by 3—NEAR—SIMULTANEOUS—AVALANCHES at 3—PLACES in 1—STRETCH of about 10—KM (6—MILES) on 1—MOUNTAINOUS—ROAD in Kupawara district.
20180105             2—PEOPLE were rescued. 11—BODIES were recovered THE—NEXT—DAY.
20180105             —DECAPITATED, MEXICO, 5, human heads were found on the hood of 1—TAXI in the drug VIOLENCE—PLAGUED STATE—OF—VERACRUZ.
20180105             30—PEOPLE were killed and 7—MORE suffered gunshot wounds over the last —2—DAYS—OF—DRUG—TRAFFICKING—FUELED violence in THE—NORTH—STATE—OF—CHIHUAHUA.
20180105             —SUSPENDED, MOLDOVA, 1—COURT temporarily, THE—POWERS—OF—PRESIDENT—IGOR—DODON, paving the way for PARLIAMENT to bypass his veto and enact 1—LAW that would restrict RUSSIA—TV—BROADCASTS as foreign propaganda.
20180105             —INJURED, MYANMAR, 6—SOLDIERS were, in 1—INSURGENT—ATTACK in NORTH—RAKHINE state.
20180105             The military said the attackers were from the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army, the militant group blamed for attacks on police posts.
20180105             NIGERIA, JULIUS—AYUK—TABE, THE—NIGERIA—BASED CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—GOVERNING—COUNCIL—OF—AMBAZONIA, 1—CAMEROON separatist movement, was taken into custody in ABUJA along with 6—AIDES.
20180105             —AGREED, NORTH—KOREA, to hold official talks with THE—SOUTH—NEXT—WEEK, the 1. in more than —2—YEARS, hours —AFTER THE—USA—AND—SOUTH—KOREA delayed 1—MILITARY—EXERCISE amid 1—STANDOFF over THE—NORTH—NUCLEAR and missile programs.
20180105             1—SENIOR—PAKISTAN—SENATOR expressed disappointment at THE—USA—DECISION to suspend military aid, saying it will be detrimental to bilateral relations.
20180105             PAPUA—NEW—GUINEA, the Kadovar ISLAND volcano, thought to be dormant, began spewing ash into the air, forcing the evacuation of more than 500—RESIDENTS.
20180105             THE—PHILIPPINES, JOEL—REYES, THE—EX—GOVERNOR—OF—THE—WEST—ISLAND—OF—PALAWAN, was released from jail —AFTER 1—COURT voided the case against him.
20180105             —INTERCEPTED, SAUDI—ARABIA, 1—BALLISTIC—MISSILE over the kingdom's south near the border with YEMEN, hours —AFTER YEMEN—REBELS said they had launched 1—ATTACK.
20180105             —QUEUED, Angry Sudanese, outside bakeries in KHARTOUM as bread prices doubled overnight, with bakers blaming 1—GOVERNMENT—DECISION to stop importing wheat.
20180105             —CLOSED, SUDAN, the border with ERITREA —1—WEEK—AFTER SUDAN—PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BASHIR announced a —6—MONTH—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY in the regions of KASSALA and NORTH—KURDUFAN.
20180105             —FIRED, SUDAN—POLICE, teargas to disperse some 400—DEMONSTRATORS who marched through THE—CITY—OF—SENNAR to protest against 1—HIKE in bread prices.
20180105             —ORDERED, VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—MADURO, the shutdown of all air and maritime traffic with the Caribbean islands of ARUBA, Curacao and Bonaire for the next —72—HOURS.
20180105             He accused ISLAND leaders of being complicit in the illegal trafficking of goods and resources.
20180105             YEMEN, BRIGADIER—GENERAL—TAHER—AL—AQEELI, CHIEF—OF—STAFF—OF—THE—YEMEN—ARMY, suffered minor injuries in 1—LAND—MINE—EXPLOSION, —WHILE he was inspecting government positions in Khub wa AL—SHA'AF, the largest DISTRICT—IN—AL—JOUF province.
20180105             ZIMBABWE, former foreign MINISTER—WALTER—MZEMBI and EX—ENERGY—MINISTER—SAMUEL—UNDENGE were charged with "criminal ABUSE—OF—OFFICE".
20180105             —DENIED, They both, wrongdoing.
20180105             —GRANTED, Both, bail THE—NEXT—DAY.
20180105—19720400    —IN, He commanded the Apollo 16—LUNAR voyage and walked on the moon.
20180105—20150000    —ARRESTED, He was, for THE—KILLING—OF—GERRY—ORTEGA, 1—PROMINENT—CAMPAIGNER and radio host who frequently accused Reyes of massive corruption.
20180105—20180112    —CLAIMED, SHANE—MISSLER, —20—JAHRE—ALT of Port Richey, the prize and chose to get $282—MILLION at once.
20180108—20180105    —KILLED, In neighboring Taraba state at least 12—PEOPLE were, in similar, ETHNICALLY—CHARGED attacks in the Lau region and 20180107            .
20180108—20180105    20180108—20180920—20190107    —CHARGED, Waller was, with 28—NEW—CRIMES.
20180108—20180504—20200105    —UNTIL, They —NOW have, to sort out their affairs —BEFORE returning home — or try to normalize their migratory status in other ways, such as through marriage or sponsorship.
20180108—20181227—20180107    —REPORTED, GERMANY—NEWS—AGENCY dpa, that he still had not been heard from.
20181109             —CALLED, Sirisena also, 1—GENERAL—ELECTION for 20180105            .
20181230—20180105    —ARRESTED, Suspect ERIC—BLACK—JUNIOR was, —DURING 1—TRAFFIC stop.
20190105             Landwirtschaft: EU—GELD züchtet Großbetriebe
20190105             Tokio: Restaurantbesitzer ersteigert Thunfisch für 2.700.000—EURO
20190105             ARTEN—VIELFALT: Insekten verschwinden aus der FACHLITERATUR—DAS schadet UNS—ALLEN
20190105             STEIGENDE—PREISE, Was Gold als GELD—ANLAGE taugt
20190105             DER—GOLD—PREIS —DIESER—TAGE mal wieder steigt
20190105             IRAN—KRISE—DER—JAHRE 19790000             und 19800000            .
20190105             —GESTIEGEN, DIE—WELT ist unruhig, DER—ÖL—PREIS drastisch, DIE—INFLATION auch, vor allem IN—DEN—USA.
20190105             —ANSCHLIEßEND stieg der Preis tatsächlich erneut - 20110000             —BIS, dem HÖHE—PUNKT DER—EURO—KRISE
20190105             Wieder waren politische und wirtschaftliche Turbulenzen der Ausgangspunkt.
20190105             —ERST die globale FINANZ—KRISE und dann DIE—EURO—KRISE mit der besonders schwierigen Lage in GRIECHENLAND.
20190105             —IMMER—NOCH, liegt der PREIS—CA—33 % unter den Höchstpreisen 20110000             —VON, - und er hat sich —IN—DEN—VERGANGENEN—2—JAHREN immer wieder ein bisschen rauf und ein bisschen runter bewegt, aber in Summe eher seitwärts.
20190105             —VOM, HÖHE—PUNKT des INTERNETbörsenhyp - beim Gold waren es glatt 7,7 %.
20190105             Über den ganzen Zeitraum.
20190105             —NEUE—TÜRKEI—FLÜCHTLINGS—POLITIK,Raus hier
20190105             —FESTNAHME: FBI verhaftet Russen wegen Verdachts illegaler Rüstungslieferungen
20190105             —REAKTION—AUF—DATEN—KLAU: JUSTIZ—MINISTERIN Barley prüft strengere SICHERHEITS—VORGABEN für Anbieter
20190105             Vorkehrungen für DIE—KRISE, JUNCKER will europäische ARBEITSLOSEN—VERSICHERUNG
20190105             UNO—SICHERHEITS—RAT: Sind DIE—DEUTSCHEN bereit für die neuen Härten der Welt? (SPIEGEL+, 14:39)
20190105             VERDACHT—AUF—SEXUAL—VERBRECHEN, Wachkomapatientin bringt Kind zur WELT—POLIZEI ermittelt
20190105             RUSSLAND und UKRAINE: PATRIARCH—VON—KONSTANTINOPEL erkennt Spaltung der Orthodoxen Kirche an
20190105             —GETÖTET, ERDOGAN—KRITIKER Kanter sagt LONDON—REISE ab: "Ich könnte, werden"
20190105             DATEN—KLAU: Abgeordneter alarmierte BUNDES—AMT—FÜR—IT—SICHERHEIT —BEREITS ;;1200—IM,
20190105             FRANKREICH: Weniger Gelbwesten auf den Straßen
20190105             —INTERVIEW zu CHINAs Vormachtsstreben: "AMERIKA wird für TAIWAN kein Blut vergießen" (SPIEGEL+, 18:51)
20190105             DIE—KRIMINALITÄT ist in MEXIKO extrem hoch, der Einfluss der Drogenkartelle grausamer Alltag
20190105             Geplanter BESUCH—IN—HOUSTON: NASA lädt RUSSLAND—WELT—RAUM—CHEF—AUS
20190105             —ENTFLAMMT, FRANKREICH: Gewalt zwischen Gelbwesten und POLIZISTEN neu
20190105             Belgrad: Tausende Serben DEMONSTRIEREN—GEGEN—PRÄSIDENT—VUCIC
20190105             The more important point is that DONALD—TRUMP isn't lying.
20190105             The idea of 1—DONALD—TRUMP declaring national emergency should terrify everyone.
20190105             —WORKED, AFGHANISTAN—GOVERNMENT—EMPLOYEE—JAVID—NOORI, who also, as 1—PART—TIME—JOURNALIST—IN—THE—FARAH region was kidnapped and killed by Taliban militants.
20190105             His body was found —3—DAYS—LATER.
20190105             —ABDUCTED, Noori was, from 1—BUS along with 30—OTHER—PASSENGERS in 1—REMOTE—PART—OF—THE—PROVINCE.
20190105             —WARNED—OF, CONGODRC, the country's powerful Catholic church, 1—POPULAR "uprising" if untrue results are announced.
20190105             —CAUSED, Heavy snow, travel chaos in parts of AUSTRIA and GERMANY as authorities closed roads and train routes BECAUSE—OF—AVALANCHE—DANGER and airports reported WEATHER—RELATED cancelations.
20190105             † A —20—YEAR—OLD skier, in 1—AVALANCHE on MOUNT—TEISEN, near THE—AUSTRIA—BORDER.
20190105             BRAZIL, 1—SPECIAL—DEPLOYMENT—OF—TROOPS began fanning out in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—FORTALEZA with orders to stop 1—SPIKE in violent attacks by criminal gangs against banks, buses and shops.
20190105             —PUBLISHED, Intelligence reports, by media suggested gangs were revolting against tough new measures —RECENTLY imposed in the state's prisons.
20190105             —MARCHED, French "yellow vests", through PARIS and other cities in protest against high living costs and the perceived INDIFFERENCE—OF—PRESIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON, whose government —THIS—WEEK hardened its stance against them.
20190105             Former light heavyweight boxer CHRISTOPHE—DETTINGER, —37—JAHRE—ALT was filmed beating up police officers in PARIS —DURING the protests.
20190105             —ON February 13—DETTINGER was CONVICTED—OF—ASSAULT and given a —1—YEAR—PRISON—SENTENCE.
20190105             —MARCHED, HUNGARY, thousands, through BUDAPEST—CITY—CENTER to protest against 1—NEW—LAW that allows employers to ask staff to work up to —400—HOURS per —YEAR of overtime.
20190105             —ROCKED, SOUTH—INDIA, twin arson and bomb attacks, Kerala state, continuing 1—VIOLENT—BACKLASH that followed the entry of 2—WOMEN into the Sabarimala Hindu temple that forbids female devotees.
20190105             1—INDIA—COURT declared tycoon Vijay Mallya (62) a "fugitive economic offender," 1—RULING that empowers authorities to confiscate his properties and other assets.
20190105             JAPAN, a 612-pound (278-kg) bluefin tuna sold for 1—RECORD—333.6—MILLION yen ($3—MILLION) at the 1. auction of 20190000             , —AFTER TOKYO's famed Tsukiji market was moved to 1—NEW—SITE on the city's waterfront.
20190105             —FIRED, MADAGASCAR police, teargas to disperse some 500—SUPPORTERS—OF—THE losing candidate in —LAST—MONTH—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION, in the 5. such protest —THIS—WEEK.
20190105             —EXPLODED, PAKISTAN, 1—CAR—BOMB, in 1—PESHAWAR neighborhood wounding 3—PEOPLE and damaging several shops.
20190105             —ARRESTED, GAZA authorities, 5—PALESTINIANS on suspicion of ransacking THE—OFFICES—OF—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS—OFFICIAL—PALESTINE Television station.
20190105             † In NORTH—EAST—SPAIN 4—PEOPLE and 1—BABY—GIRL in 1—CRITICAL—CONDITION was among the injured, in 2—SEPARATE—TOWER—BLOCK—FIRES.
20190105             —SIGNED, THE—ISTANBUL—BASED Orthodox PATRIARCH, the formal decree confirming the creation of 1—INDEPENDENT—UKRAINE—CHURCH, marking 1—BREAK with THE—RUSSIA—CHURCH that has angered MOSCOW.
20190105             † IN—VANUATU—MUNGAU—DAIN, —24—JAHRE—ALT, 1—STAR in THE—OSCAR—NOMINATED film "Tanna," in THE—CAPITAL—PORT—VILA, —AFTER contracting 1—LEG—INFECTION that wasn't quickly treated.
20190105             THE—NATIONAL—SOCIETY—OF—FILM—CRITICS chose Chloe ZHAO—LOW—BUDGET debut feature, "THE—RIDER," as best picture of 20180000            .
20190105             —VOTED, The society, for Olivia Colman as best actress in "THE—FAVOURITE," and ETHAN—HAWKE as best actor in "1. Reformed".
20190105             The top accolade for best supporting actor went to STEVE—YEUN—OF "Burning," —WHILE REGINA KING—OF "If Beale Street Could Talk" nabbed best supporting actress.
20190105             —KILLED, EGYPT, 1—POLICEMAN was, —LATE—TODAY as he was trying to defuse 1—EXPLOSIVE device near 1—CHURCH in 1—RESIDENTIAL—CAIRO district.
20190105             —HANDED, THE—KURDISH—LED SYRIA—DEMOCRATIC—FORCES, over IS fighters and civilians from KAZAKHSTAN to their country.
20190105             —INCLUDED, This, 5—FIGHTERS, 11—WOMEN and 30—CHILDREN.
20190105             —KILLED, NORTH—INDIA, 6—SCHOOLCHILDREN and their bus driver were, as the vehicle rolled down 1—GORGE on 1—HILLY road in Himachal Pradesh state.
20190105             —KILLED, EAST—SYRIA, 1—MISSILE—ATTACK by the Islamic State group, at least 1—KURDISH—FIGHTER and wounded 2—UK—SOLDIERS embedded with them.
20190105             —DECLARED, VENEZUELA—OPPOSITION—CONTROLLED but toothless National Assembly, NICOLAS—MADURO—PRESIDENCY illegitimate, calling on the military to support efforts to restore democracy.
20190105—20110000    Wer für —BIS zu 1.900—DOLLAR—PRO—FEIN—UNZE Gold gekauft hat, der wartet —SEITHER auf 1—RENDITE.
20190105—20160000    —IN, Mallya, who left INDIA, is ACCUSED—OF—MONEY laundering and cheating INDIA—BANKS OUT—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS.
20190105—20190102    —COMMITTED, SWITZERLAND—BASED shipping company MSC said that it was, to finding and retrieving the containers that went overboard in 1—NORTH—SEA—STORM—UNTIL the last 1 is found.
20190105—20190107    —TURNED, Dettinger, himself in to investigators.
20190118             —KILLED, MYANMAR—ARMY said it has, 13—REBEL—FIGHTERS in THE—WEST—RAKHINE State 20190105—20190116    —BETWEEN.
20191222—20190105    —ON, They will face 1—RUN—OFF.
20200104             —SONNTAG, 20200105            .
20200104             20200105             As Hamlet said: "The play's the thing wherein I'll catch THE—CONSCIENCE—OF—THE—KING".
20200105             As Hamlet said: "The play's the thing wherein I'll catch THE—CONSCIENCE—OF—THE—KING".
20200105             —SONNTAG, Sun 20200105             20200105             [l] Kennt ihr den —SCHON?
20200105             UNDERCOVER—POLIZISTEN in ISRAEL werden von Siedlern angegriffen.
20200105             —VERKLEIDET, Die Cops waren als Palästinenser.
20200105             Das war allerdings auch echt HARDCORE—SETTLER:
20200105             The settlers in Bat Ayin adhere to the principle of "Hebrew labor," meaning their community doesn't employ Arabs at all, —WHILE in other WEST—BANK—SETTLEMENTS, it is quite common to hire PALESTINE—EMPLOYEES.
20200105             Das ist selbst für Siedler ein hohes NATIONALISMUS—NIVEAU.
20200105             [l] Lacher am Rande: Es geistert gerade 1—GERÜCHT durchs INTERNET, daß DONALD—TRUMP seine Klappe nicht halten konnte, und irgendwelchen Gästen seines MAR—A—LAGO—GOLFCLUBS zugeraunt hat, bald geschehe "etwas sehr großes im IRAN".
20200105             Naja, Gerüchte, who cares.
20200105             Aber —JETZT guckt euch mal den AKTIEN—KURS von Lockheed Martin an (USA—KRIEGSAVIONIK—BAUER und dick im Drohnengeschäft).
20200105             Gefunden hat den Zusammenhang CRAIG—MURRAY, der ja immer für eine schöne VERSCHWÖRUNGstheorie gut ist.
20200105             At the 77. Golden Globe Awards —WWI—MOVIE "1917" and "Once Upon 1—TIME in HOLLYWOOD," set in 1960s Tinseltown, won the top movie prizes at the Golden Globes on —1—NIGHT packed with upsets and HOT—BUTTON issues at THE—START—OF—HOLLYWOOD—AWARDS—SEASON.
20200105             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION has built up the biggest backlog of unfunded toxic Superfund cleanup projects in at least —15—YEARS.
20200105             —ANNOUNCED, House Speaker NANCY Pelosi, that the House would vote —THIS—WEEK on 1—RESOLUTION meant to limit PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—WAR—POWERS.
20200105             —KILLED, At least 5—PEOPLE were, and dozens were injured in 1—CRASH—EARLY—TODAY involving multiple vehicles on THE—PENNSYLVANIA—TURNPIKE.
20200105             —REPORTED, It was, that wildfires that have been ravaging swaths of AUSTRALIA have burned through 1—3. of Kangaroo ISLAND, killing 1—FATHER and his son and leaving behind 1 scorched wasteland and 1 devastated community.
20200105             —KILLED, The fires have, THOUSANDS—OF—KOALAS and kangaroos, and also have raised questions about whether ANY—MEMBERS—OF—1—MOUSE—LIKE marsupial species that carries its young in 1—POUCH have survived.
20200105             —VOTED, Croatians, in 1—ELECTION that may oust THE—PRESIDENT as frustration over corruption and ambitions for deeper integration in THE—EU may rebalance politics in the bloc's newest member.
20200105             —FACED, Incumbent Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic, FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—ZORAN—MILANOVIC.
20200105             Croatians shot down PRESIDENT—KOLINDA—GRABAR—KITAROVIC—BID for a 2. term.
20200105             Zoran Milanovic, who ran the government 20110000—20150000    —FROM—TO, won 52.7—PERCENT—OF—VOTES.
20200105             —MASKED, INDIA, assailants beat students and teachers with sticks on the campus of 1—PRESTIGIOUS—UNIVERSITY—IN—NEW—DELHI, injuring more than 20—PEOPLE in 1—ATTACK—OPPOSITION—LAWMAKERS are trying to link to the government.
20200105             —PACKED, BLACK—CLAD mourners, IRAN—2. city MASHHAD as THE—REMAINS—OF—TOP—GENERAL—QASEM Soleimani were paraded through the streets —AFTER he was killed in 1—USA—STRIKE.
20200105             —CALLED, IRAQ—PARLIAMENT, for THE—EXPULSION—OF—USA—FORCES from the country in reaction to THE—USA—DRONE—ATTACK that killed 1—TOP—IRAN—GENERAL, raising the prospect of 1—TROOP—WITHDRAWAL that could cripple THE—BATTLE—AGAINST—THE—ISLAMIC—STATE—GROUP and allow 1—RESURGENCE—OF—THE—EXTREMISTS.
20200105             —RECEIVED, Canndoc, 1—ISRAEL—PRODUCER—OF—MEDICAL—GRADE cannabis, 1—SHIPMENT—OF—250—KILOS of dried whole cannabis flowers that it says will help alleviate 1—LOCAL—SHORTAGE.
20200105             It came from CANADA—TILRAY—PRODUCTION—PLANT in PORTUGAL.
20200105             —PLOWED, NORTH—ITALY, 1—DRUNKEN driver, into 1—GROUP—OF—YOUNG—GERMANY—TOURISTS, killing 6—PEOPLE and injuring 11—OTHERS in the Alto Adige region.
20200105             A —28—YEAR—OLD—MAN from the nearby TOWN—OF—CHIENES, was arrested on SUSPICION—OF—HIGHWAY manslaughter and injury.
20200105             KENYA, AL—SHABAB extremists overran 1—KEY—MILITARY—BASE used by USA counterterror forces —BEFORE dawn.
20200105             1—USA—SERVICE—MEMBER and 2—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE—CONTRACTORS were killed in the attack on the Manda Bay Airfield.
20200105             5—USA—AIRCRAFT, including FIXED—WING and helicopters, were destroyed and 1 damaged in THE—HOURS—LONG—ASSAULT at the airfield in coastal Lamu county.
20200105             —ARRESTED, KENYA—POLICE, 3 suspected terrorists who tried to force their way into 1—UK—TRAINING camp in Laikipia County.
20200105             LEBANON, Hezbollah CHIEF—HASSAN—NASRALLAH said THE—USA—ARMY will "pay the price" for killing top IRAN—GENERAL—QASEM Soleimani and 1—SENIOR—IRAQ—COMMANDER in 1—DRONE—STRIKE.
20200105             —MOVED, VENEZUELA—AUTHORITY—LEADER—NICOLAS—MADURO, to consolidate his grip on power by taking CONTROL—OF—THE—NATIONAL—ASSEMBLY and blocking THE—RE—ELECTION—OF—JUAN—GUAIDO as the opposition's leader.
20200105—20150000    —IN—THE, IRAN announced that it will no longer abide by the limits contained nuclear deal.
20200105—20200117    CHINA, HUNDREDS—OF—PATIENTS were appearing in hospitals not —JUST in WUHAN but across the country with SYMPTOMS—OF—THE—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20201106             Republican USA—SENATOR—DAVID—PERDUE and Democrat JON—OSSOFF will face off in a 20200105             runoff in GEORGIA for PERDUE—SENATE—SEAT, 1—OF 2—HIGH—PROFILE contests in the state that could determine which party controls the upper chamber.
20201107—20200105    —AM, Die Wahl findet statt.
20201111—20200105    —ENTSCHEIDET, Ob das so bleibt, sich —ERST bei 2—STICHWAHLEN im BUNDESSTAAT—GEORGIA.
20201113             THE—REPUBLICAN—NATIONAL—COMMITTEE said it is funding more than 600—STAFFERS in GEORGIA with 1—INVESTMENT—OF at least $20—MILLION ahead of 20200105             —THE runoffs for the seats held by GOP Sens.
20201113—20200105    —AM, Ob es dazu kommt, wird die Stichwahl über 2—SENATOREN in GEORGIA zeigen.
20201204—20200105    —AM, Auch die beliebte Reiterparade zu Begrüßung der Heiligen 3—KÖNIGE, die traditionell abgehalten wird, wurde deutlich eingeschränkt.
20201229—20200105    —REGISTERED, OMAN said it has, its 1. case of the highly contagious variant.
20210103             306_DGS_boletim_20200102              20210105             —REPORTED, Hebei, 19—LOCAL—INFECTIONS and 40—ASYMPTOMATIC—CASES 20210102—20210104    —BETWEEN.
20210105             —REPORTED, Hebei, 19—LOCAL—INFECTIONS and 40—ASYMPTOMATIC—CASES 20210102—20210104    —BETWEEN.
20210105             DEUTSCHLAND hat —BIS zum 20210104             —ERST 1—VIERTEL der von Biontech gelieferten Impfdosen verabreicht.
20210105             —DIENSTAG, 20210105             20210105             Kolumne aus BRANDENBURG: So fangen Katastrophenfilme an
20210105             Die Konservativen und die Identitätspolitik: Deswegen sind meine persönlichen Erfahrungen politisch 1—ESSAY—VON—ALICE—HASTERS
20210105             Polyamorie: Wie eine offene Beziehung gelingt
20210105             Provokantes TWITTER—VIDEO: Frisch gewählte USA—ABGEORDNETE will Pistole im Kapitol tragen
20210105             Diplomatische Annäherung: SAUDI—ARABIEN will Grenzen und Luftraum für KATAR wieder öffnen
20210105             —BLOCKIERT, TRUMP—ERLASS : USA dürfen vorerst nicht gegen Anwälte des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs vorgehen
20210105             —VERHAFTET, Rechtsextreme Gruppierung: Polizei, Anführer der "Proud Boys" in WASHINGTON
20210105             Konferenz der Ministerpräsidenten mit Merkel: Impfen, runterfahren, schließen
20210105             Autogramm: ROLLS—ROYCE Ghost: Das Auto, in dem sich der Brexit ertragen lässt
20210105             Stichwahlen für den USA—SENAT: Auszählung in GEORGIA könnte mehrere —TAGE dauern
20210105             Neue CORONA—NOTFALLVERORDNUNG: Bundesregierung plant dauerhafte Testpflicht für Reiserückkehrer
20210105             Überfall auf LUXUSUHREN—LADEN: 3,3 Millionen Euro Beute bei Coup auf Düsseldorfer Kö
20210105             Lebensmittel zu Schleuderpreisen: "Irgendjemand bezahlt den Preis dafür"
20210105             Zum Tode des Flash Players: Deine Updates werden fehlen 1—GRABREDE—VON—PATRICK—BEUTH
20210105             Nach langer, schwerer Krankheit ist der Flash Player von uns gegangen, im Alter von —25—JAHREN.
20210105             "Da Flash Player —NACH—DEM 20201231             nicht mehr unterstützt wird und Adobe die Ausführung FLASH—BASIERTER Inhalte in Flash Player ab dem 20210112             blockiert, empfiehlt Adobe allen Anwendern dringend, Flash Player zum Schutz ihrer Systeme umgehend zu deinstallieren".
20210105             Anleitungen zum Deinstallieren
20210105             es waren unschuldige Zeiten: Suchmaschinen wollten nur Gutes tun,
20210105             soziale Netzwerke waren noch keine Demokratiefleischwölfe und e
20210105             ein gewisser JEFF—BEZOS hatte gerade —ERST auf den bemerkenswert weitsichtigen Rat gehört, seinen aufstrebenden Onlinebuchladen Amazon zu nennen und nicht RELENTLESS[GNADENLOS].
20210105             Wir hatten wenig Bandbreite, aber teure Tarife,
20210105             —BEGEHRT, Wer mit Flash umgehen konnte, war damals so, wie es heutzutage allenfalls Expertinnen und Experten für Quantenalgorithmen oder COBOL sind.
20210105             Schreiende Farben sind out, brüllende Farben sind in.
20210105             Und so lernte das INTERNET, uns anzubrüllen.
20210105             —25—JAHREN kann man ja wohl mal einen Fehler machen oder auch 11180000            .
20210105             20210105             Es sind aber genau diese Schwächen, die ihn in den Herzen zahlloser Cyberkrimineller unsterblich gemacht haben.
20210105             Mit diesem tröstlichen Apple, äh, Appell klicken wir —NUN gemeinsam im stillen Gebet auf Deinstallieren.
20210105             Ruhe in Frieden, Flash Player.
20210105             Kunstwerk "Diva": 33—METER lange VULVA—SKULPTUR löst in BRASILIEN konservativen Protest aus
20210105             TRUMP—TELEFONAT und SENATS—STICHWAHLEN: Breaking Dad
20210105             TraceTogether: SINGAPUR lässt Polizei —NUN doch auf DATEN—DER—CORONA—APP zugreifen
20210105             Arbeitsmarkt: ZAHL—DER—ARBEITSLOSEN steigt —IM—DEZEMBER leicht an
20210105             —LEAKED, My read on his, GEORGIA call was that he knew it wasn't going to get him ANY—RESULTS.
20210105             I don't think anything he said on that call was really news to anyone.
20210105             —STATED, Nothing new was.
20210105             Even the stuff about finding votes isn't strong enough to break ANY—NEW—GROUND.
20210105             He made that call to send 1—MESSAGE to GA leaders about THE—RUN—OFF elections.
20210105             He wanted to subtly threaten them to help him shape how the state responds to THE—GA elections because he understands the true significance of those elections.
20210105             Without those 2—SENATE—SEATS—JOE hardly has 1—PRESIDENCY.
20210105             Respectfully, let's all expect 1—NEW—LEVEL—OF—ELECTION—VERIFICATION/challenging to occur —AFTER the results of THE—GA are public.
20210105             That's what his call was about.
20210105             If the Dems get both seats we will see 1—NEW—LEVEL—OF—PRESSURE from Trump and the right and it will get weird!
20210105             —POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS—ANONYMOUS : 11:01 AM
20210105             Morreu João Cutileiro, o alentejano que é "pai" do D. Sebastião de LAGOS
20210105             Manager der DEUTSCHLAND AG Kajo Neukirchen stirbt nach CORONA—INFEKTION Kajo Neukirchen galt als knallharter Boss der DEUTSCHLAND AG — und sanierte zahlreiche große Konzerne.
20210105             —NUN ist der EX—MANAGER—VON—KLÖCKNER—HUMBOLDT—DEUTZ, Hoesch und der Metallgesellschaft mit —78—JAHREN gestorben.
20210105             ISRAEL hat den CORONA—IMPFSTOFF des USA—HERSTELLERS Moderna zugelassen.
20210105             Nach ANGABEN—DES—UNTERNEHMENS hat sich Israels Gesundheitsministerium 6—MILLIONEN Dosen des Impfstoffes gesichert,
20210105             ISRAEL zählt —BEREITS—JETZT zu den Ländern mit den meisten Geimpften weltweit.
20210105             fordert - CORONA—MUTATION auch in BRASILIEN nachgewiesen
20210105             Bei einem der bestätigten Fälle handelt es sich laut der Erklärung um eine —25—JAHRE alte Frau, die in São Paulo lebt und Kontakt zu Reisenden hatte, die in EUROPA waren.
20210105             "Ich wünsche mir, dass wir in den Schulen und in den Kitas keine oder so wenig Präsenz wie möglich haben", sagte KRAMP—KARRENBAUER
20210105             Im Zusammenhang mit Fragen und Ängsten in der Bevölkerung bei der Impfstrategie sprach sie sich für eine offene Debatte und Aufklärung aus.
20210105             —VERLÄNGERT—ENGLAND, Shutdown —BIS—MITTE—FEBRUAR
20210105             MEXIKO erteilt Impfstoff von AstraZeneca Zulassung
20210105             20,74 Millionen Infektionen und über 353.000—TOTE in USA
20210105             ZAHL—DER—CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN in ISRAEL übersteigt 8000
20210105             Thüringens Ministerpräsident Bodo Ramelow will sich bei den BUND—LÄNDER—BERATUNGEN für strengere Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung der Coronakrise einsetzen.
20210105             "Ich werde auf der Seite derjenigen argumentieren, die sagen, wir werden es schärfer angehen müssen", sagte der Linkenpolitiker im Deutschlandfunk.
20210105             —GEDACHT, Er selbst habe zu lange, dass mit "einem soften Lockdown" ein "Wellenbrecher" gelinge.
20210105             Jedoch sei "ein schärferer Lockdown" der einzige Weg, um die Zahlen herunterzubekommen.
20210105             —INFIZIERT, SUMO—REKORDSIEGER Hakuho
20210105             In der vergangenen —WOCHE hatten sich insgesamt 11—MITGLIEDER eines SUMO—STALLS infiziert.
20210105             1—GROSSBRITANNIEN—ABGEORDNETE ist wegen eines eklatanten Verstoßes gegen die Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung der CORONA€"VIRUS—PANDEMIE verhaftet und angeklagt worden.
20210105             Die Politikerin MARGARET—FERRIER, früher Fraktionsmitglied der SCHOTTLAND—NATIONALPARTEI (SNP), hatte —IM—SEPTEMBER für einen Aufschrei gesorgt, als sie mit CORONA—SYMPTOMEN im Zug 600—KILOMETER—VON—GLASGOW nach LONDON fuhr, dort im Parlament sprach und nach einem positiven Test wieder nach GLASGOW zurückfuhr.
20210105             Trotz Rücktrittsforderungen gab die 60-Jährige ihren Sitz im Unterhaus für den SCHOTTLAND—WAHLBEZIRK Rutherglen and HAMILTON West bislang nicht auf.
20210105             —INZWISCHEN, Sie wurde jedoch aus der Fraktion verwiesen und ist, unabhängige Abgeordnete.
20210105             Ausnahmen gelten - Städtetag gegen vorschnelle Lockerungen des Lockdowns
20210105             "Die Städte warnen davor, 1. Effekte des Lockdowns durch vorschnelle Lockerungen zu gefährden"
20210105             "Die Maßnahmen durch den Lockdown sollten so lange nicht gelockert werden, —BIS in ganz DEUTSCHLAND ein stabiler Abwärtstrend der Neuinfektionen erkennbar ist".
20210105             Pandemie auf Mallorca "außer Kontrolle" — keine Lockerungen in Sicht
20210105             "Vor allem auf Mallorca ist die Lage sehr negativ",
20210105             Auf der Hauptinsel sei die Pandemie "außer Kontrolle",
20210105             SPD—LÄNDER fordern von Spahn Aufklärung zu Impfstoffen
20210105             Sie wollen unter anderem wissen, warum die Europäische Kommission im Vergleich etwa zu anderen Industrieländern "insgesamt so wenige Dosen vorbestellt und nicht auch größere Mengen an Optionen gesichert" habe.
20210105             Zudem fragen die SPD—GEFÜHRTEN Länder, warum nicht auch in der EU eine zusätzliche Lizenzproduktion des Impfstoffs von Biontech und Pfizer möglich sei.
20210105             Die Bundesregierung will —BIS zu 30.000—ZUSÄTZLICHE freiwillige Helfer in die ALTEN—UND Pflegeheime schicken, um dort Schnelltestungen zu ermöglichen.
20210105             IMK—STUDIE: Wirtschaft erholt sich nur langsam von Coronakrise - Die DEUTSCHLAND—WIRTSCHAFT
20210105             Zwar rechnen die Konjunkturforscher in ihrem Ausblick auf 20210000             selbst bei einer Verlängerung des Shutdowns —BIS Ende —JANUAR—IN—DIESEM—JAHR noch mit einem Wirtschaftswachstum von "spürbar über vi Prozent".
20210105             Doch - werde dies nicht ausreichen, um den tiefen Einbruch im CORONA—JAHR 20200000             vollständig auszugleichen.
20210105             Das Bruttoinlandsprodukt werde 20210000             unter dem Vorkrisenniveau von 20190000             bleiben.
20210105             Kommunen fordern bundesweit einheitliche CORONA—STRATEGIE
20210105             —BEGINNT, BELGIEN, mit großflächiger Impfkampagne
20210105             sollen wie in DEUTSCHLAND —ZUNÄCHST Mitarbeiter und Bewohner von Pflegeheimen geimpft werden.
20210105             Anschließend sollen Mitarbeiter aus dem Gesundheitswesen an der Reihe sein.
20210105             Bislang sind in BELGIEN während der einwöchigen Testphase nur rund 700—FREIWILLIGE in einigen Pflegeheimen geimpft worden.
20210105             Das Land hatte 1—IMPFQUOTE—VON—70—PROZENT als Ziel festgelegt.
20210105             Die Impfungen sollen für die Menschen kostenlos und freiwillig sein.
20210105             —DISKUTIERT, SACHSEN, Streichung der Winterferien
20210105             —UNTERDESSEN, Die Linke im LANDTAG kritisierte, eine mögliche Streichung der Winterferien.
20210105             "Es ist 1—IRRGLAUBE, dass —DIE—WOCHEN der häuslichen Lernzeit für Schüler und Eltern nicht anstrengend gewesen wären", erklärte die Abgeordnete LUISE—NEUHAUS—WARTENBERG.
20210105             Sie rief den Kultusminister stattdessen dazu auf, dem Thüringer Vorbild zu folgen und die Winterferien um —1—WOCHE nach vorn zu ziehen.
20210105             Dann könnten die Schulen ab —MITTE—FEBRUAR schrittweise wieder öffnen.
20210105             INDONESIEN vor Impfung mit Mittel aus CHINA — PRÄSIDENT 1. Kandidat
20210105             CHINA, wurde der Impfstoff von Sinovac im Rahmen einer Notfallzulassung genehmigt und —BEREITS verabreicht.
20210105             Die Impfung ist für INDONESIEN—BÜRGER kostenfrei.
20210105             INDONESIEN ist mit seinen mehr als 260—MILLIONEN Einwohnern der bevölkerungsreichste STAAT—SÜDOSTASIENS.
20210105             Besitzer mehrerer PENTHOUSE—WOHNUNGEN in MELBOURNE hatten sich Medienberichten zufolge dagegen gestemmt, dass die Sportler für die notwendige Isolation in einem Luxushotel im gleichen Gebäudekomplex untergebracht werden sollten.
20210105             Merkel und Putin sprechen über gemeinsame Impfstoffproduktion
20210105             Nach TOURISTEN—ANSTURM: Lage in der verschneiten Eifel entspannter
20210105             Kanzleramt drängt auf flächendeckende Ausgangsbeschränkungen
20210105             FDP lehnt starke Einschränkung der Bewegungsfreiheit ab
20210105             "Wir halten das bei einer 100er Inzidenz für einen absolut überzogenen Eingriff in die FREIHEIT—DER—MENSCHEN, der sich nicht begründet aus einer Begrenzung des PANDEMIE—GESCHEHENS",
20210105             Der FDP—CHEF machte allerdings 1—AUSNAHME: Eine solche Maßnahme käme dann in Betracht, wenn man es mit einer HOTSPOT—SITUATION zu tun habe — "mit einer sehr hohen dreistelligen Inzidenz".
20210105             Bei niedrigeren Infektionszahlen gelte: "Da sind die Kosten hinsichtlich der Grundrechtseinschränkung in keinem Verhältnis zu dem erwarteten Nutzen".
20210105             Der DEUTSCHLAND—STAAT kann sich nach der Lufthansa —NUN auch in größerem Umfang an dem Reisekonzern TUI beteiligen.
20210105             Die Eigner des schwer von der Coronakrise getroffenen Unternehmens stimmten —AM—DIENSTAG mit großer Mehrheit einem entsprechenden Recht zum Umtausch von Vermögenseinlagen in Aktien zu.
20210105             Damit ist der Weg für den Bund frei, mit insgesamt —BIS zu 25—PROZENT plus einem Anteilsschein bei der TUI einzusteigen.
20210105             Während einer Reise nach GROSSBRITANNIEN ist bei dem ARMENIEN—PRÄSIDENTEN ARMEN—SARKISSJAN 1—CORONA€"VIRUS—INFEKTION festgestellt worden.
20210105             —GETESTET, Der 67-Jährige sei positiv, worden,
20210105             Er habe Neujahr zusammen mit seiner Familie in LONDON gefeiert.
20210105             —AM—SONNTAG sei er dann am Bein operiert worden.
20210105             Wegen des Ansturms der Schneetouristen sind im nordhessischen Wintersportort Willingen Skipisten, Rodelhänge und Parkplätze am Wochenende für Besucher gesperrt.
20210105             RKI: Mehr als 316.000—IMPFUNGEN gegen COVID—19—GEMELDET
20210105             BÜRGERMEISTER—VON—BERGAMO entsetzt über verpatzten Impfstart
20210105             Über den Jahreswechsel ist die ZAHL—DER—LABORTESTS auf das CORONA€"VIRUS in DEUTSCHLAND laut einem Laborverband im Vergleich zur Weihnachtswoche weiter gesunken.
20210105             —UNTERDESSEN, Der Anteil positiver Testergebnisse stieg, weiter, auf —NUN 16,4 Prozent.
20210105             —BEREITS in der Weihnachtswoche waren rund 1—DRITTEL weniger Labortests gemacht worden als —IN—DER—WOCHE zuvor
20210105             Einem Apotheker im USA—BUNDESSTAAT WISCONSIN wird vorgeworfen, vorsätzlich mehr als 500—IMPFDOSEN unbrauchbar gemacht zu haben.
20210105             Den Ermittlern zufolge dachte der Mann, die Vakzine könne die menschliche DNA verändern.
20210105             Der CORONA—SHUTDOWN wird verschärft: KANZLERIN—ANGELA—MERKEL und die Länderchefs haben beschlossen, dass in Landkreisen mit Inzidenzwerten über 200—DER Bewegungsradius auf 15—KILOMETER um den Wohnort begrenzt werden soll.
20210105             SCHWEIZ will —BIS zum —SOMMER ALLE—IMPFWILLIGEN impfen - DÄNEMARK verschärft CORONA—MAßNAHMEN
20210105             Künftig dürfen sich in der Öffentlichkeit nur noch 5—STATT wie —BISHER 10—PERSONEN versammeln,
20210105             RUSSLAND, sind nach offiziellen Angaben —BEREITS mehr als 1—MILLION—MENSCHEN gegen das CORONA€"VIRUS geimpft worden.
20210105             Jeden —TAG würden etwa 100.000—IMPFDOSEN des Vakzins "Sputnik V" ausgeliefert,
20210105             Die USA—ARZNEIMITTELBEHÖRDE FDA hat davor gewarnt, bei den —BISHER zugelassenen CORONA—IMPFSTOFFEN von der vorgeschriebenen Verabreichung der 2—DOSEN abzuweichen.
20210105             "Die verfügbaren Daten unterstützen weiterhin die Verwendung von 2—FESTGELEGTEN Dosen JEDES—ZUGELASSENEN—IMPFSTOFFS in festgelegten Intervallen"
20210105             Mögliche Veränderungen in diesem Vorgehen wie die Reduzierung der Dosen oder die Verlängerung der Intervalle könnten 1—GEFAHR für das öffentliche Gesundheitswesen darstellen.
20210105             [l] Hey, so 1—IMPFKAMPAGNE, das ist doch eine wunderbare Gelegenheit, Steuermillionen in "Beraterfirmen" verdunsten zu lassen!
20210105             FRANKREICH z.B. kommt mit ihrer Impfkampagne nicht so gut voran.
20210105             Warum? —NUN...
20210105             —DROPPED, Having, the ball on face masks and early testing, THE—FRANCE—GOVERNMENT is —NOW distinguishing itself with the glacial pace of its COVID—19—VACCINATION—DRIVE, compared to other European countries.
20210105             —HIRED, It is doing so despite having, leading consulting firm McKinsey to advise on logistics
20210105             Und bei den Briten war hier breit in der Presse, dass die mit ihrem Impfen vorgeprescht sind.
20210105             Dass lag unter anderem daran, dass ihre Kontaktverfolgung 1—RIESENDESASTER war.
20210105             Warum was sie das?
20210105             [l] Lacher am Rande: Rituelles WOKENESS—GEBET im USA—CONGRESS endet mit "Amen... and a woman".
20210105             Nein, keine Satire. Gibt 1—VIDEO.
20210105             20210105             Apropos WOKENESS—BRIGADEN: Satire wird ja immer schwieriger.
20210105             Du kannst eine postmoderne Ideologie nicht mit Satire bekämpfen.
20210105             Wenn 1—IDEOLOGIE nicht auf Fakten sondern auf Gefühlen basiert, dann gibt es schlicht kein Limit.
20210105             Mit deiner Satire gibst du denen nur Ideen, wohin sie gehen können.
20210105             Es gibt da in ENGLAND eine schöne TRADITION—VON—SATIRE—GUARDIAN—KOLUMNISTEN.
20210105             Die bekanntesten sind Godfrey Elfwick und Titania McGrath.
20210105             Elfwick wurde zwischenzeitlich enttarnt und hat seine Arbeit eingestellt, um dann beim Spectator wieder aufzutauchen (eine ansonsten nicht erwähnenswerte rechte Postille aus AMERIKA).
20210105             Auch Titania wurde zwischenzeitlich enttarnt, hat aber einfach weitergemacht.
20210105             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Hat sogar mehrere Bücher, die man so richtig im echten Buchhandel kaufen konnte.
20210105             Die hat neulich 1—LISTE mit ihren satirischen Scherzen gemacht, die dann später Realität wurden.
20210105             Und was sehe ich, wenn ich auf ihren Account klicke?
20210105             —RESTRICTED, Caution: This account is temporarily, - Wokeness, fuck yeah!
20210105             Falls ihr 1—BEISPIEL für die ART—VON—HUMOR wollt, die es bei Titania gab: Hier ist ein schönes.
20210105             This chart breaks down CORONA€"VIRUS cases by gender.
20210105             —1—YEAR into this pandemic, and NON—BINARY people are still totally immune!
20210105             I always knew they were superior.
20210105             [l] Gute Nachrichten! 20210105             Digitalisierung ist in trockenen Tüchern.
20210105             Spahn und Laschet kümmern sich.
20210105             Schnell! Nenne 2—NOCH größere Versager in der CDU als Spahn und Laschet!
20210105             Ich wette, dir fallen keine ein!
20210105             —WHEN I think Digitalisierung, I think Spahn und Laschet!
20210105             —VERZEICHNET, Boom im CORONA—JAHR: Einzelhandel, größtes Umsatzplus —SEIT 1994
20210105             Netzzugang als Grundrecht: Diakonie fordert MILLIARDEN—PROGRAMM für "digitale Beteiligung"
20210105             Trumps SILVESTER—SAUSE: Sängerinnen rechtfertigen sich für Auftritte in MAR—A—LAGO
20210105             Als 1. Land der Welt: NORWEGEN lässt mehr Elektroautos als Verbrenner zu
20210105             Energie: Preise für Gas und Öl fielen 20200000             kräftig
20210105             Trotz Netflix und Amazon Prime: Jüngere Menschen sehen täglich —137—MINUTEN fern
20210105             COVID—19: Há mais 1—ÓBITO e 193—INFETADOS no Algarve
20210105             DGS regista mais 14—ÓBITOS e 310—CASOS de COVID—19—NO Alentejo
20210105             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—10170000—1—(+22)—ÓBITOS—6—(=)—RECUPERADOS—769—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—242—(+22)
20210105             ALCOUTIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—27—(=)—ÓBITOS—3—(=)—RECUPERADOS—20—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—4—(=)
20210105             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—39—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—27—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—11—(=)
20210105             CASTRO—MARIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—81—(+1)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—68—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—13—(+1)
20210105             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—12010000—1—(+42)—ÓBITOS—9—(=)—RECUPERADOS—937—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—255—(+41)
20210105             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—301—(+5)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—258—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—41—(+5)
20210105             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—739—(+14)—ÓBITOS—6—(=)—RECUPERADOS—597—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—136—(+14)
20210105             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—13150000—1—(+18)—ÓBITOS—14—(=)—RECUPERADOS—10510000—1—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—250—(+18)
20210105             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—49—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—44—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—4—(=)
20210105             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—587—(+24)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—426—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—160—(+24)
20210105             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—11580000—1—(+12)—ÓBITOS—13—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—991—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—154—(+11)
20210105             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—530—(+9)—ÓBITOS—3—(=)—RECUPERADOS—378—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—149—(+9)
20210105             SÃO—BRÁS—DE—ALPORTEL—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—196—(+6)—ÓBITOS—9—(=)—RECUPERADOS—135—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—52—(+6)
20210105             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—634—(+28)—ÓBITOS—4—(=)—RECUPERADOS—333—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—297—(+28)
20210105             VRSA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—376—(+11)—ÓBITOS—7—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—276—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—93—(+10)
20210105             VILA—DO—BISPO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—89—(=)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—80—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—7—(=)
20210105             LK—DÜREN—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—269—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—101,6—FÄLLE—GESAMT—7.208—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—2.723,7—TODESFÄLLE—GESAMT—172—EINWOHNERZAHL—264.638
20210105             SK—KÖLN—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—943—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—86,7—FÄLLE—GESAMT—26.423—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—2.428,9—TODESFÄLLE—GESAMT—348—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.087.863
20210105             GLOBAL—CASES—85.719.090—GLOBAL—DEATHS—1.854.458
20210105             —BEKOMMT, Beamte im Sattel: Polizei in den Niederlanden, Blaulicht fürs Fahrrad
20210105             WHATSAPP—VORSCHRIFTEN: Berliner Polizei mahnt Kollegen zu Vorsicht in privaten Chats
20210105             Coronakrise in Kalifornien: Rettungswagen dürfen MANCHE—PATIENTEN nicht mehr transportieren
20210105             CORONA—SHUTDOWN: Kontaktbeschränkungen werden erneut verschärft
20210105             —IMPROVISIERT, Unzureichende ANTI—CORONA—BESCHLÜSSE: Genug
20210105             Im Westen der USA droht das Gesundheitssystem zu kollabieren: Wer nur geringe Überlebenschancen hat, wird im Bezirk LOS—ANGELES künftig nicht mehr ins Krankenhaus gefahren.
20210105             Die Lage dürfte sich noch zuspitzen.
20210105             GROSSBRITANNIEN meldet Rekord bei CORONA—FALLZAHLEN
20210105             —GETESTET, Weitere 830—MENSCHEN starben, die positiv, wurden.
20210105             Bundeskanzlerin ANGELA—MERKEL (CDU) und die Regierungschefs der Bundesländer haben verschärfte Kontaktbeschränkungen in DEUTSCHLAND —BIS—JANUAR beschlossen.
20210105             1—HAUSSTAND solle nur noch einen weiteren Menschen treffen dürfen, sagte Sachsens Ministerpräsident MICHAEL—KRETSCHMER (CDU) —AM—DIENSTAG im Anschluss an den neuen CORONA—GIPFEL.
20210105             —GESCHLOSSEN, Auch Schulen und Kindergärten sollten "weitestgehend", bleiben.
20210105             —VERLÄNGERT, Die Bundesregierung, nach SPIEGEL—INFORMATIONEN wegen 2—NEUARTIGEN Mutationen des CORONA€"VIRUS die geltende Einreisesperre für Flugpassagiere aus dem Vereinigten Königreich und SÜDAFRIKA —BIS zum 20210120            .
20210105             20210105             Die Regeln für Einreisende aus CORONA—RISIKOGEBIETEN im Ausland werden noch einmal verschärft.
20210105             Ab dem 20210111             müssen sie nicht nur —FÜR—10—TAGE in Quarantäne, sondern sich auch —48—STUNDEN vor oder unmittelbar nach Einreise zwingend auf das Virus testen lassen.
20210105             —INZWISCHEN, Die Bundesregierung hat, etwa 150—DER rund 200—LÄNDER weltweit zu CORONA—RISIKOGEBIETEN erklärt und warnt vor Reisen dorthin.
20210105             EUROPA, gibt es kaum noch Regionen, die kein Risikogebiet sind.
20210105             Die Einstufung erfolgt, wenn in einem Gebiet mehr als 50—NEUINFEKTIONEN auf 100.000—EINWOHNER innerhalb einer —WOCHE registriert werden.
20210105             Nach diesen Kriterien sind aber auch alle 16—DEUTSCHLAND—BUNDESLÄNDER Risikogebiete.
20210105             Israels Regierung beschließt härteren Shutdown
20210105             Der erneute Lockdown in ENGLAND könnte möglicherweise noch —BIS—MÄRZ andauern.
20210105             Vor dem Land lägen "sehr, sehr schwierige —WOCHEN", sagte der GROSSBRITANNIEN—STAATSSEKRETÄR—FÜR—KABINETTSANGELEGENHEITEN, MICHAEL—GOVE,
20210105             Es sei nicht "mit Sicherheit" vorherzusagen, ob die Einschränkungen, die —BISHER—FÜR—6—WOCHEN angeordnet sind, dann auch aufgehoben werden könnten.
20210105             —MITTE—FEBRUAR sollen die Maßnahmen überprüft werden.
20210105             —GESCHLOSSEN, Die Schulen werden, und es gilt 1—AUSGANGSSPERRE.
20210105             Die rund 56—MILLIONEN Engländer dürfen ihr Zuhause nur noch in begründeten Fällen verlassen, etwa um zu arbeiten, einzukaufen oder für Arztbesuche.
20210105             Arbeitnehmer sollen möglichst im Homeoffice arbeiten.
20210105             —BEENDET, Abkommen unterzeichnet: KATAR, —KONFLIKT mit Nachbarstaaten
20210105             Untersuchung des CORONA—URSPRUNGS: CHINA lässt WHO—EXPERTEN vorerst nicht einreisen
20210105             Kritik an CORONA—BESCHLÜSSEN: "Pauschal leider unverhältnismäßig"
20210105             —TUESDAY,
20210105             - At the edge of Ragnarok.
20210105             UPDATE: Air attack on the Capitol?!?
20210105             Here we stand, at the edge of Ragnarok. UPDATE: Holy shit.
20210105             20210105             Multiple air traffic controllers in NEW—YORK heard 1—CHILLING threat —MONDAY in audio obtained exclusively by CBS News: "We are flying 1—PLANE into the Capitol —ON—WEDNESDAY.
20210105             Soleimani will be avenged".
20210105             The threat refers to Qassem Soleimani, THE—IRAN—GENERAL killed —LAST—YEAR in A—USA—DRONE—STRIKE ordered by PRESIDENT—TRUMP.
20210105             It was made on THE—1—YEAR—ANNIVERSARY—OF—SOLEIMANI—DEATH, for which IRAN—OFFICIALS have long vowed revenge.
20210105             It's unclear who sent the threat.
20210105             —WHILE the government does not believe the warning of 1—ATTACK is credible, it is being investigated as 1—BREACH—OF—AVIATION frequencies, CBS News has learned.
20210105             I don't know what to say aside from the obvious: THE—IRANIANS may be assholes, but they know better than to exact 1—REVENGE that will serve only to give Trump 1—EXCUSE to retain power and to launch 1—FULL—SCALE—INVASION.
20210105             If 1—DISASTER does occur, our 1. and best question must always be Cui bono?
20210105             —REPORTED, It was, that DONALD—TRUMP has signed 1—EXECUTIVE—ORDER that asks SECRETARY—OF—STATE—MIKE—POMPEO to "assess actions of Antifa activists," stop its members from entering THE—USA, and see whether it can be classified as 1—TERRORIST—ORGANIZATION.
20210105             —COLLECTED, THE—USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT said the government, $7—MILLION in IRAN—ASSETS for VICTIMS—OF—STATE—SPONSORED terrorism.
20210105             —REPORTED, It was —LATER, that THE—WHITE—HOUSE pushed the prosecutor to resign —BEFORE GEORGIA—USA—SENATE—RUNOFF because PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP was unhappy that he wasn't doing enough to investigate Trump's unfounded CLAIMS—OF—ELECTION—FRAUD.
20210105             —FINALIZED, THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION, changes that weaken the government's enforcement powers under 1—CENTURY—OLD—LAW protecting most USA—WILD—BIRD—SPECIES.
20210105             —STREAMED, Voters, to polling sites in GEORGIA in 1—PAIR—OF—RUNOFF—ELECTIONS that will determine CONTROL—OF—THE—USA—SENATE.
20210105             THE—DEMOCRATS won both Senate runoffs in GEORGIA, giving them CONTROL—OF—THE—SENATE.
20210105             REVEREND—RAPHAEL—WARNOCK will be the 1. Black SENATOR in the state's history.
20210105             Democrat JON—OSSOFF narrowly led Republican SENATOR—DAVID—PERDUE.
20210105             —SPEED, DeVonta Smith, the wide receiver whose, and acrobatics electrified ALABAMA—OFFENSE and helped the Crimson Tide to reach —NEXT—WEEK—NATIONAL—CHAMPIONSHIP—GAME against OHIO State, won the Heisman Trophy.
20210105             CALIFORNIA to date had 2,453,115 CASES—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS and 27,016 deaths.
20210105             THE—SF—BAY—AREA had 283,057 cases and 2,703 deaths.
20210105             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 21,042,929 with the death toll at 357,132.
20210105             —FIRED, LOUISVILLE police, 2—DETECTIVES, 1—WHO shot Breonna Taylor and another who sought the warrant that led to the deadly raid last 20210313            .
20210105             —RESUMED, AFGHANISTAN—NEGOTIATORS, talks with the Taliban aimed at finding 1—END to DECADES—OF—RELENTLESS—CONFLICT.
20210105             BRITAIN began its 3. COVID—19—LOCKDOWN with citizens under orders to stay at home and the government calling for 1—LAST—MAJOR—NATIONAL—EFFORT to stem the virus —BEFORE mass vaccinations turn the tide.
20210105             —RECORDED, THE—UK, more than 60,000 COVID—19—CASES in daily figures for the 1. time as the government struggles to deal with 1—MORE—INFECTIOUS—VARIANT—OF—THE—VIRUS.
20210105             CHINA, Lai Xiaomin, THE—FORMER—CHAIRMAN—OF—1—OF—THE—COUNTRY—LARGEST—STATE—CONTROLLED asset management firms, was sentenced to death for soliciting $260—MILLION in bribes, corruption, and also bigamy.
20210105             CHINA—OFFICIAL—MEDIA said the fight to contain THE—CORONA€"VIRUS in NORTH—HEBEI province has entered "wartime mode".
20210105             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—COVID 19—VACCINE—CANDIDATE from CHINA—FIRM—STEMIRNA Therapeutics has obtained approval to conduct human testing from CHINA—MEDICAL—PRODUCTS—REGULATOR.
20210105             TIBET—RHODIOLA—PHARMA is jointly developing the candidate with Stemirna.
20210105             —AUTHORIZED, PRESIDENT—IVAN—DUQUE said COLOMBIA—FOOD and drug regulator, emergency use of Pfizer Inc and BioNTech SE—COVID 19—VACCINE.
20210105             —IMPOSED, DENMARK, new lockdown measures aimed at curbing the rapid SPREAD—OF—1—NEW—CORONA€"VIRUS variant that is believed to be more transmissible.
20210105             —EXPECTED, Authorities said they, the new virus variant, 1. detected in BRITAIN, to be the dominant 1 in DENMARK by MID—FEBRUARY.
20210105             —RELEASED, ETHIOPIA—POLICE, Reuters cameraman Kumerra Gemechu (38) —AFTER detaining him without charge —FOR—12—DAYS.
20210105             —ACCUSED, THE—IRAN—GOVERNMENT, SOUTH—KOREA of holding more than £5—BILLION of its money "hostage" in its banks, —1—DAY—AFTER its revolutionary guards stormed and captured 1—KOREAN tanker in the Persian Gulf.
20210105             1—ISRAEL—SECURITY—OFFICER shot and killed 1—PALESTINE—MAN who allegedly tried to carry out 1—STABBING attack in the occupied WEST—BANK.
20210105             1—SENIOR—OFFICIAL said ITALY will invest in local biotech company ReiThera to support the development of its COVID—19—VACCINE, —AFTER the government called results of 1—PHASE 1—TRIAL encouraging.
20210105             ReiThera is developing the vaccine with GERMANY—LEUKOCARE and BELGIUM—UNIVERCELLS.
20210105             1—MILAN—BASED appeals COURT—ORDERED—FACEBOOK to pay 3.83—MILLION—EUROS ($4.70—MILLION) in damages to 1—ITALY—SOFTWARE—DEVELOPMENT—COMPANY for copying 1—APP.
20210105             —ERECTED, LEBANON, 1—BRONZE BUST—OF—GENERAL—QASSEM—SOLEIMANI was, by the Ghobeiry municipality in 1—HEZBOLLAH stronghold near BEIRUT—AIRPORT to commemorate the slain general's supportive role in LEBANON—WARS with ISRAEL.
20210105             —REPORTED, It was, that MALAYSIA—RESEARCHERS have developed 1—METHOD to transform the fiber found in normally discarded pineapple leaves to make 1—STRONG—MATERIAL that can be used to build the frames for unmanned aircraft, or drones.
20210105             —OPENED, NORTH—KOREA—LEADER—KIM—JONG—UN, the nation's 1. full ruling party congress in —5—YEARS with 1—ADMISSION that his economic plans have failed.
20210105             —RALLIED, PAKISTAN, DOZENS—OF—KASHMIRI activists, in ISLAMABAD to urge THE—UN to ensure KASHMIR—RIGHT to SELF—DETERMINATION under —1—DECADES—OLD—RESOLUTION on the disputed region.
20210105             —STARTED, PORTUGAL, consultations with other EUROPEAN—UNION—COUNTRIES to find common ground for 1—NEW—POLICY on migration, which has caused humanitarian crises and deep political divisions in the bloc over how to respond.
20210105             —SIGNED, SAUDI—ARABIA, Gulf Arab leaders, 1—DECLARATION to mark 1—NEW—PAGE in relations —FOLLOWING the kingdom's decision to end a 3 1/—2-YEAR embargo of QATAR, easing 1—RIFT that deeply divided regional USA—SECURITY—ALLIES and frayed social ties across the interconnected Arabian Peninsula.
20210105             SAUDI—ARABIA, the world's biggest oil exporter, said it would voluntarily reduce its production by 1—MILLION barrels per —DAY (bpd) in February and March, —AFTER RUSSIA pushed to increase output, worried about USA shale capitalizing on the group's cuts.
20210105             —LINKED, SOUTH—KOREA, THE—NUMBER—OF—DEATHS, to THE—CORONA€"VIRUS passed 1,000, —WHILE 1—INCREASING NUMBER—OF—GYM owners said they would reopen in protest against strict social distancing rules.
20210105             † † Authorities said 3—MEN, in 1—BOAT carrying more than 40—MIGRANTS and another upon reaching shore on Tenerife in SPAIN—CANARY—ISLANDS.
20210105             † More than 500, in the attempt.
20210105             —CONFIRMED, THAILAND, 527—NEW—CORONA€"VIRUS—CASES, MOST—OF—THEM migrant workers who already were isolated, and the government said it was tightening MOVEMENTS—OF—PEOPLE—AROUND the country.
20210105             —SEIZED, UKRAINE—OFFICIALS said they have, about 1—METRIC ton (1.1—TONS) of heroin that smugglers intended to take into EUROPEAN—UNION—COUNTRIES and that 4—TURKEY—CITIZENS have been detained in the case.
20210105             —ORIGINATED, The heroin, in PAKISTAN and came into the country via the Black Sea port of ODESA.
20210105             VENEZUELA—NICOLÁS—MADURO was set to extend his grip on power as the ruling socialist party assumed THE—LEADERSHIP—OF—VENEZUELA—CONGRESS, the last institution in the country it didn't already control.
20210105             1—COURT—IN—VIETNAM sentenced 3—FREELANCE—JOURNALISTS known for their CRITICISM—OF—GOVERNMENT to between 11 and —15—YEARS in prison, —AFTER finding them GUILTY—OF—SPREADING—ANTI—STATE—PROPAGANDA.
20210105             Pham CHI—DUNG, Nguyen Tuong Thuy and Le Huu Minh Tuan were convicted of "making, storing, spreading information, materials, items for THE—PURPOSE—OF—OPPOSING the state" at a —1—DAY—TRIAL in Ho CHI—MINH—CITY.
20210105             Die ITALIENISCHE—REGIERUNG hat vor der —ENTSCHEIDUNG über ein weiteres CORONA—DEKRET 1—ZWISCHENLÖSUNG—BIS zum 20210115             beschlossen.
20210105             —DIENSTAG, 20210105
20210105             Kolumne aus BRANDENBURG: So fangen Katastrophenfilme an
20210105             Es sind aber genau diese Schwächen, die ihn in den Herzen zahlloser Cyberkrimineller unsterblich gemacht haben.
20210105             Warum?
20210105             —NUN...
20210105             —NUN... das haben sie Deloitte managen lassen.
20210105             Apropos WOKENESS—BRIGADEN: Satire wird ja immer schwieriger.
20210105             I always knew they were superior. [l] Gute Nachrichten!
20210105             Digitalisierung ist in trockenen Tüchern.
20210105             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1017—(+22)—ÓBITOS—6—(=)—RECUPERADOS—769—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—242—(+22)
20210105             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1201—(+42)—ÓBITOS—9—(=)—RECUPERADOS—937—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—255—(+41)
20210105             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1315—(+18)—ÓBITOS—14—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1051—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—250—(+18)
20210105             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1158—(+12)—ÓBITOS—13—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—991—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—154—(+11)
20210105             Die Regeln für Einreisende aus CORONA—RISIKOGEBIETEN im Ausland werden noch einmal verschärft.
20210105             Multiple air traffic controllers in NEW—YORK heard 1—CHILLING threat —MONDAY in audio obtained exclusively by CBS News: "We are flying 1—PLANE into the Capitol —ON—WEDNESDAY.
20210105—20150000    —IN—THE, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION said it would redouble its efforts to save THE—IRAN nuclear agreement despite what it calls TEHRAN's "important breach" of commitments made deal by —STARTING to enrich uranium to new levels.
20210105—20170000    —CLASHED, Syria and close ally RUSSIA, with THE—USA and other nations over 1—WESTERN—INITIATIVE to suspend SYRIA—VOTING rights in the global chemical weapons watchdog for failing to provide details of 3—CHEMICAL—ATTACKS that investigators blamed on PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD—GOVERNMENT.
20210105—20200000    —IN, 23,000 migrants arrived in the Canary Islands up from some 3,
20210105—20200500    —IM, war ein —20—JAHRE alter Sumoringer an den Folgen einer Coronainfektion verstorben.
20210105—20210115    —BIS, Die Maßnahmen sehen grundsätzlich vor, dass es vom 7. verboten ist, sich zwischen den Regionen in ITALIEN zu bewegen,
20210105—20210131    —UNTIL, CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL said she has agreed with state governors to extend the country's current lockdown by —3—WEEKS.
20210105—20210208    —AM, Etwa einen —MONAT vor dem geplanten START—DER—AUSTRALIAN—OPEN hat die QUARANTÄNE—UNTERBRINGUNG der anreisenden Tennisprofis die Veranstalter vor neue Probleme gestellt.
20210105—20210823    —IN—THE, 1—WISCONSIN prosecutor said that police officers involved KENOSHA—WISCONSIN, shooting that left JACOB—BLAKE paralyzed will not face charges.
20210105—20300000    —BIS, Die enormen Investitionen von rund 450—MILLIARDEN Euro für den Ausstieg aus der Energieerzeugung mit fossilen Brennstoffen und für die Digitalisierung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft müssten zügig verwirklicht werden.
20210107—20210105    —SINCE, SWEDEN registered 12,536 new CORONA€"VIRUS cases.
20210110—20210105    —ON, Howard was last seen at his home.
20210111—20210105    —ON, IRAN—FOREIGN—MINISTER told 1—VISITING—SOUTH—KOREA—DELEGATION that the release of its vessel and crew, seized by IRAN—FORCES, is 1—MATTER for the courts and OUT—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT—HANDS.
20211216—20210105    —BY, They said TEHRAN must indicate if it is willing to engage in negotiations.
20211230—20210105    —AM, Kultusminister beraten in Sondersitzung über Coronalage
20220105             —MITTWOCH, 20220105
20220105             INFEKTIONS—HÖCHSTSTÄNDE in den USA, FRANKREICH, UK: 1.080.211, 271.686, 218.734
20220105             Coronakrise: WHO warnt vor noch gefährlicheren Virusvarianten durch Omikron
20220105             Gewalt bei Demos: KASACHSTAN verhängt Ausnahmezustand wegen Protesten gegen Gaspreise
20220105             ANGABEN—DES—RKI: ZAHL—DER—NEUINFEKTIONEN steigt erneut deutlich — Inzidenz bei 258,6
20220105             Ärger über Gaspreise: Kasachstans Regierung tritt nach gewaltsamen Protesten zurück
20220105             Lockdown in Chinas Millionenstadt Xi'an: Wie in einem Endzeitfilm
20220105             Einschlag im Meer: NORDKOREA feuert erneut Rakete ab
20220105             Folgen der Coronakrise: Long Covid für die Wirtschaft
20220105             Neujahrsauktion in Tokio: Thunfisch bringt nur 128.000—EURO
20220105             Mordfall Jovenel Moïse: Kolumbianer in den USA wegen ERMORDUNG—VON—HAITIS—PRÄSIDENT festgenommen
20220105             —VERBIETET, Zu hoher Energieverbrauch: KOSOVO, Schürfen von Kryptogeld
20220105             Das DIXIE—FEUER zerstörte nahezu 3900—QUADRATKILOMETER Land und vernichtete mehr als 13000000             Gebäude.
20220105             Ermittler der Behörde CAL—FIRE haben —NUN die Ursache des Brandes ermittelt: Demnach war 1—BAUM mit Stromleitungen in Berührung gekommen, die dem USA—ENERGIEVERSORGER Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) gehören.
20220105             Der Bericht sei der Staatsanwaltschaft im Bezirk Butte County übergeben worden,
20220105             Das DIXIE—FEUER war das flächenmäßig zweitgrößte Feuer, das es je in Kalifornien gegeben hatte.
20220105             —ZERSTÖRTEN, Die Brände, unter anderem die frühere Goldgräberstadt GREENVILLE.
20220105             Viele 1000—MENSCHEN waren zeitweise auf der Flucht.
20220105             Vorwürfe gegen PG&E wegen schlecht gewarteter Stromleitungen sind nach zahlreichen Großbränden in Kalifornien in den vergangenen —JAHREN immer wieder laut geworden.
20220105             Der Stromversorger hatte sich 20200000             für einen verheerenden Waldbrand mit mehr als 80—TOTEN in der Ortschaft PARADISE schuldig bekannt.
20220105             Das sogenannte CAMP—FEUER wurde auf defekte Stromleitungen zurückgeführt.
20220105             Starker Wind trug dazu bei, dass sich die Flammen schnell ausbreiteten.
20220105             Der Konzern musste Strafen und Entschädigungen in Milliardenhöhe zahlen.
20220105             Votum im EU—PARLAMENT: Grüne wollen Nachhaltigkeitseinstufung für Atomkraft verhindern
20220105             —BERICHTET, Nach Ausschlussforderungen aus der CDU: Maaßen, von eigenen Impfschäden
20220105             Sonderzahlung für Pflegekräfte: Lauterbach will Bonus nur für wenige
20220105             —PROVOZIERT, FRANKREICH: Macron, mit Aussagen über Ungeimpfte
20220105             Krebsspezialist warnt vor "stiller Triage" wegen CORONA: "Die Folgen werden wir in den Todesstatistiken sehen"
20220105             ZYPERN: Polizei treibt Geflüchtete mit Warnschüssen auseinander
20220105             Defekt an Kühlmittelpumpe: MERCEDES—BENZ ruft weltweit mehr als 800.000—FAHRZEUGE zurück
20220105             Unruhen in KASACHSTAN: Demonstranten stürmen Stadtverwaltung in ALMATY — Feuer in Residenz des Präsidenten
20220105             Medienbericht: Internes Dokument soll Benedikt XVI. in Missbrauchsskandal belasten
20220105             Neue Befugnisse: Kartellamt will stärker bei Google durchgreifen
20220105             —KRITISIERT, Oberhaupt der katholischen Kirche: FRANZISKUS—PAPA, kinderlose Paare
20220105             USA—FAKTENCHECKER widerlegen Falschbehauptung: Nein, Betty White wurde kurz vor ihrem Tod nicht geboostert
20220105             CHRISTIAN—DROSTEN in Satirevideo: "Ich hab' die Pandemie ja erfunden"
20220105             Äußerungen des EX—VERFASSUNGSSCHUTZPRÄSIDENTEN: Thüringens CDU zitiert Maaßen zu Gespräch
20220105             Steigende Infektionszahlen: ISRAELISCHE—STUDIENLEITERIN zweifelt an Notwendigkeit von 2. Boosterdosis für alle
20220105             Megastau in den USA: 90—KILOMETER Stillstand
20220105             1. Jahrestag von KAPITOL—ERSTÜRMUNG: Trump sagt kurzfristig PRESSEKONFERENZ ab
20220105             Späte Bronzezeit: Archäologen finden 1. OPFER—DER—SUPERERUPTION—VON—SANTORIN
20220105             Der Vulkanausbruch auf der Ägäisinsel Thera vor mehr als 3500—JAHREN ist für Wissenschaftler aus den unterschiedlichsten Fachbereichen von großem Interesse.
20220105             —BEGLEITET, Der größte Knall der Bronzezeit, von Erdbeben, Ascheregen und Tsunamis, gehörte zu den heftigsten Eruptionen der letzten Jahrtausende.
20220105             Die zahlreichen Spuren, die er weltweit hinterlassen hat, fasziniert Geowissenschaftler genauso wie Vulkanologen.
20220105             Die Ascheschichten im Boden, die der Vulkan hinterlassen hat, finden sich auf zahlreichen Ausgrabungen im östlichen Mittelmeerraum.
20220105             Sie sind 1—FIXPUNKT—DER—ARCHÄOLOGIE, von dem sich leicht Datierungen ableiten lassen.
20220105             Denn wenn man genau weiß, wann der Vulkan ausbrach, dann hat man in der Stratigrafie, der Abfolge der Erdschichten im Boden, an vielen Orten einen allgemein gültigen Zeitmarker.
20220105             Die meisten Experten vermuten die Megaexplosion irgendwann im 16. oder 16010101—17001231    —CENTURY vor Christus.
20220105             Nachweisen lässt sich der Ausbruch beispielsweise anhand von Baumringen sowie im Eis der beiden Pole.
20220105             Frühere Studien haben sich vor allem auf Ablagerungen von Bimsstein, Asche und lockeren Lavafragmenten konzentriert.
20220105             TSUNAMI—ABLAGERUNGEN in der Stadt CESME—BAGLARARASI.
20220105             —GELEGEN, Der Ort an der TÜRKISCHEN—WESTKÜSTE, auf einer Landzunge westlich von IZMIR, galt einst als regionales Zentrum.
20220105             Er ist rund 230—KILOMETER von dem Vulkan entfernt.
20220105             —NACH—DEN Ausgrabungen dort haben die Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler aus der TÜRKEI—ISRAEL und ÖSTERREICH die Katastrophe neu datiert,
20220105             Nach der Analyse von Erdschichten, die Rückstände von Meeresbewohnern wie LAGUNEN—HERZMUSCHELN (Cerastoderma glaucum) und Napfschnecken (Patella) enthalten, geht das Team davon aus, dass der Ort damals von mehreren TSUNAMI—WELLEN überrollt wurde.
20220105             RADIOKARBON—DATIERUNGEN der Schichten kommen zu unterschiedlichen Jahreszahlen, von denen jedoch keine älter ist als 16120000             vor Christus.
20220105             Das würde die bislang ältesten Datierungen ausschließen.
20220105             Bei der Ausgrabung fand das Team auch die 1. dokumentierten mutmaßlichen OPFER—DER—FLUT—KATASTROPHE — 2—SKELETTE, von einem jungen Mann und einem Hund.
20220105             die CESME—BAGLARARASI: Die Tsunamis und der Ascheregen hätten Bauwerke und Wasserleitungen beschädigt und Ernten vernichtet, so das Team.
20220105             Die einst blühende Stadt sei danach mindestens —1—JAHRHUNDERT lang nicht mehr bewohnt worden.
20220105             Lange Zeit ging die Forschung davon aus, dass durch den Vulkanausbruch der Untergang der Minoer, der frühesten Hochkultur Europas, auf dem weiter südlich gelegenen Kreta ausgelöst wurde.
20220105             —VERALTET, Inzwischen gilt diese These aber als.
20220105             Bericht von AUSTRALISCHER—FLUGLINIE: QANTAS—PILOTEN unterlaufen durch Pandemiepause mitunter fatale Fehler
20220105             Proteste in KASACHSTAN: "Weg mit dem alten Mann"
20220105             Nach AUSSAGEN—VON—MACRON: FRANZÖSISCHER—REGIERUNGSSPRECHER legt mit weiterer Kritik an Ungeimpften nach
20220105             Coronakrise in BRASILIEN: RIO—DE—JANEIRO sagt erneut Karneval ab — trotz hoher Impfquote
20220105             BERLIN: Polizei darf Dutzende Hunde wegen neuer Tierschutzverordnung nicht mehr einsetzen
20220105             Nach Dauerregen und Sturm: Hochwasser in mehreren Flüssen — Schifffahrt auf Mosel und Rhein eingeschränkt
20220105             Coronapandemie: Gesundheitsminister empfehlen kürzere Quarantäne bei wichtigen Berufen
20220105             Technologiemesse in LAS—VEGAS: Cybertraktor soll Landwirten das Leben leichter machen
20220105             Ein landwirtschaftlicher Großbetrieb, der mitten in der Erntesaison steckt, dürfte für Kriminelle, die mit Erpressersoftware arbeiten, ein attraktives Ziel sein.
20220105             Unruhen in KASACHSTAN: Demonstranten besetzen Flughafen in ALMATY
20220105             Hamburger Studie: Sogar ein milder COVID—VERLAUF kann sich auf die Organe auswirken
20220105             Hamburger Forscher empfehlen 1—ABKLÄRUNG 6—BIS—9—MONATE nach der Infektion.
20220105             "Wir sehen geringfügige Schäden, ich würde von Spuren sprechen",
20220105             "Es besteht absolut kein Grund zur Panik oder allgemeinen Verunsicherung.
20220105             Wir empfehlen basierend auf den neuen Erkenntnissen vielmehr ein besonnenes, aber systematisches Vorgehen, idealerweise 6—BIS—9—MONATE nach einer SARS—COV—2 Infektion, zum Beispiel im Rahmen der nächsten Jahreskontrolle",
20220105             Preços das casas para arrendar no Algarve subiram 7,6% em 2021
20220105             Internados: 83  | Em UCI: 16  | Ventilados: 10—INCIDÊNCIA 100—MIL / hab.: 1.358 (+)
20220105             674_DGS_boletim_20220105
20220105             INCIDÊNCIA Nacional: 2104,7 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20220105             Continente: 2114,3 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20220105             R(t) Nacional: 1,41 Continente: 1,41
20220105             SK—KÖLN—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—2.755—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—254,3—FÄLLE—GESAMT—99.955—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—9.225,2—TODESFÄLLE—GESAMT—890—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.083.498
20220105             Total Cases 296.374.195  Total Deaths 5.462.426  Total Vaccine Doses Administered 9.277.570.948
20220105             MELCHIOR—INCHOFER - Zur Navigation springen
20220105             Zur Suche springen - Tractatus syllepticus, 1633
20220105             † MELCHIOR—INCHOFER (15840000             * in WIEN;, 16480928             in Mailand) war 1—JESUIT und katholischer Theologe.
20220105             —ERSCHIEN, Unter dem Pseudonym LUCIUS—CORNELIUS, 16460000             1—UTOPISCH—SATIRISCHE Schrift mit dem Titel LVCII CORNELII EVROPAEI MONARCHIA SOLIPSORUM.
20220105             Ziel der Satire war der Orden der Jesuiten, mit deren lateinischem Namen Societas Iesu —SCHON im Titel gespielt wurde, indem das Ordenskürzel SI (—HEUTE SJ) zu Monarchia Solipsorum aufgelöst wurde, was sich mit Königreich der SELBST—SONNEN übersetzen lässt.
20220105             Das Werk fand so großen Anklang, das es —SCHON—KURZ—NACH Erscheinen u. a. ins Französische, Italienische und Deutsche übersetzt wurde.
20220105             —GERIET, Inchofer, —SCHON bald in Verdacht der Verfasser der Satire zu sein und wurde daraufhin entführt.
20220105             Auf Intervention des Papstes URBAN—VIII. beim Jesuitengeneral wurde Inchofer wieder in das DEUTSCHE—KOLLEG in Rom zurückgebracht.
20220105             Die Autorenschaft Inchofers war immer wieder umstritten, als möglicher Verfasser galt auch der Exjesuit JULIUS—CLEMENS—SCOTTI.
20220105             [Allgemeine Bemerkung]
20220105             || VI-220| Sämtliche Ökonomen teilen den Fehler, dass sie den Mehrwert nicht rein als solchen betrachten, sondern in den besonderen FORMEN—VON—PROFIT und Rente.
20220105             Welche notwendigen theoretischen Irrtümer hieraus entspringen mussten, wird sich weiter zeigen im Kapitel III1, wo die sehr verwandelte Form, die der Mehrwert als Profit annimmt, analysiert wird.
20220105             BLACK—LIVES—MATTER—PROTESTE in BRISTOL: Gericht spricht Demonstranten nach STURZ—VON—SKLAVENHALTERSTATUE frei
20220105             Rekord am Teilchenbeschleuniger Cern: Herr Ulmer, warum gibt es nicht nichts?
20220105             Zahlen des KRAFTFAHRT—BUNDESAMTS: Automarkt bricht 20210000             weiter ein
20220105             Ukrainekonflikt: Baerbock und Blinken warnen RUSSLAND
20220105             Kampf gegen "Terroristische Banden": Militär schreitet nach Unruhen in KASACHSTAN ein
20220105             Baerbocks Antrittsreise in die USA: Im Turbogang
20220105             —VERPFLICHTET, Missbrauchsskandal: KANADA, sich zu MILLIARDEN—ENTSCHÄDIGUNGEN für Indigene
20220105             Kurz vor dem Jahrestag: —BEREITS mehr als 700—ANKLAGEN nach Sturm auf USA—KAPITOL
20220105             COVID—19: Internamentos nos intensivos descem no país em dia sem óbitos no Algarve
20220105—16330000    —J—IM, Er erstellte für den Prozess gegen Galileo Galilei das Gutachten Tractatus syllepticus, das den Vorwurf untermauern sollte, der Heliozentrismus des Astronomen stehe im Gegensatz zu Schriftaussagen.
20220105—20181100    —IM, Mehr als 13.000—HÄUSER brannten dort ab.
20220105—20211000    —BIS, Von —MITTE—JULI wütete eines der größten Feuer in der GESCHICHTE—DES—USA—BUNDESSTAATS Kalifornien.
202203101050         RUSSIA did not attack UKRAINE, SOURCE  Lavrov
202203101057         West acting dangerously by supplying weapons to UKRAINE, SOURCE  Lavrov
202203201054         —SUPPORTED, RUSSIA—WAR: direct talks between ZELENSKYY and Putin, by 74—PERCENT—OF—UKRAINIANS
202203301055         FINLAND restoring freight rail service with RUSSIA as of 20220330
202206010532         Gazprom halts gas deliveries to DENMARK, UK—SHELL
202206010553         Over 7,500—PEOPLE undergo reconciliation procedure in Syria in 2022
20221119             ROBERT—CHARLWOOD—RICHARDSON—III (19180105—20110102    ) was 1—AMERICA—MILITARY—OFFICER—OF—THE—USA—ARMY—AIR—CORPS, and subsequently THE—USA—AIR—FORCE, eventually attaining the rank of BRIGADIER general.
20230105             Der emeritierte BENEDIKT—XVI—PAPA wird in Rom im Petersdom beigesetzt, an der Begräbnisfeier nehmen rund 50.000—MENSCHEN teil.
20230105             —DONNERSTAG, 20230105
20240105             —FREITAG, 20240105
20240105             FACEBOOK—GRÜNDER: Zuckerberg verkauft META—AKTIEN im Wert von einer halben Milliarde Dollar
20240105             Verteidigung gegen RUSSLAND: DEUTSCHLAND liefert SKYNEX—FLUGABWEHRSYSTEM, Panzer und Munition an die UKRAINE
20240105             Zahlen des Filmtheaterverbands: DEUTSCHE—KINOS freuen sich über 23,5 Prozent Umsatzplus
20240105             REGIERUNGSSITZUNG,: ISRAELISCHE—MINISTER—UND—ARMEECHEF sollen heftig aneinander geraten sein
20240105             Minus 43,5 Grad: NORWEGEN erlebt kälteste —NACHT—SEIT—25—JAHREN
20240105             —KRIEG—IN—NAHOST: Ärzte berichten von entsetzlichen Zuständen in Krankenhäusern in GAZA
20240105             —GEDACHT, Farben der Eisriesen: Neptun ist viel blasser als
20240105             DEUTSCHLAND Die wahre Krise steht uns —ERST noch bevor
20240105             Vorwahlkampf der Republikaner: USA würden weitere Amtszeit Trumps laut Haley "nicht überleben"
20240105             Betrugsprozess gegen ehemaligen USA—PRÄSIDENTEN: Trump soll 370—MILLIONEN Dollar Strafe zahlen
20240105             Hochwasser: Mehr als 1000—GRUNDSTÜCKE in ENGLAND überflutet
20240105             Vor Korruptionsprozess: VORSITZENDER—DES—MÄCHTIGEN—USA—WAFFENVERBANDS—NRA tritt zurück
20240105             Fri 20240105
20240105             [l] In LONG—COVID—PATIENTEN wurde —JETZT ein physischer Grund für das Gefühl von Müdigkeit und Mattheit gefunden: Die Mitochondrien produzieren weniger Energie als bei Gesunden.
20240105             [l] Kurze Durchsage von Berlins Generalstaatsanwältin Koppers:
20240105             Berlins Generalstaatsanwältin MARGARETE—KOPPERS hat die Abschaffung des Weisungsrechts durch Justizminister von Bund und Ländern gefordert.
20240105             Der Europäische Gerichtshof mahne dies —SCHON länger an - Oooooh!
20240105             Es ist jemandem aufgefallen, dass unser Land sich da —SEIT—JAHRZEHNTEN auf dem internationalen Parkett zum Klops macht.
20240105             Mir hat ja sogar jemand erzählt, dass DEUTSCHLAND deshalb keinen EU—HAFTBEFEHL ausstellen darf.
20240105             Weil die Staatsanwaltschaft offensichtlich durch ihre Weisungsbindung nicht unabhängig ist und hier Willkür Tür und Tor geöffnet wären.
20240105             Wir befinden uns da glaube ich sogar noch hinter UNGARN in der Zivilisationsskala.
20240105             Aber wartet, geht noch weiter:
20240105             "DEUTSCHLAND ist in diesem Punkt nicht vorbildlich aufgestellt",
20240105             sagte Koppers der DEUTSCHEN—PRESSE—AGENTUR (dpa).
20240105             [l] Die Letzte Generation sind aber auch Idioten, ey.
20240105             Was kleben die sich auch auf der Straße fest?!
20240105             Mit Mistgabeln MINISTER angreifen ist offensichtlich die bessere Protestform!1!!
20240105             Wieso besser?
20240105             Deshalb: Die Koalition will auf die Abschaffung der KFZ—STEUERBEFREIUNG für die Landwirtschaft verzichten.
20240105             Das ist halt der Unterschied.
20240105             Die Bauern haben eine starke Lobby hinter sich, die Letzte Generation hat eine starke Lobby gegen sich.
20240105             —VERURTEILT, Ist ja klar, wer da am Ende, wird und wer nicht.
20240105             Wenn ihr mal gucken wollt, was sonst für GENOZID—VORWÜRFE die Mindeststandards an Argumentation und Beweisführung sind, könnt ihr ja mal den Vortrag Südafrikas gegen Israels Verhalten im Gazastreifen vor dem Internationalen Strafgerichtshof einsehen.
20240105             Ab Seite 59 (Anhang D) geht es los.
20240105             [l] Noch so 1—STERNSTUNDE der modernen Wissenschaft:
20240105             According to 1—WIDESPREAD—BELIEF, the average IQ—OF—UNIVERSITY—STUDENTS is 115 to 130—IQ points, that is, substantially higher than the average IQ—OF—THE—GENERAL—POPULATION (M = 100, SD =15).
20240105             —TRACED, We, the origin of this belief to obsolete intelligence data collected in 1940s and 1950s —WHEN university education was the privilege of 1—FEW.
20240105             Examination of more recent IQ data indicate that IQ—OF—UNIVERSITY—STUDENTS and university graduates dropped to THE—AVERAGE—OF—THE—GENERAL—POPULATION.